
Sample records for se miden continuamente


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    Olga Umaña Corrales


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la descripción y explicación del diseño de cuatro instrumentos que miden la competencia terminológica (Cabré, 1998 y las subcompetencias de la competencia traductora (PACTE, 2000. Nuestro objetivo es explicar en detalle cada uno de los instrumentos: (1 textos etiquetados con problemas de traducción; (2 instrumento de valoración de los textos etiquetados; (3 cuestionario sobre el proceso traductor – entrevista semi-estructurada; (4 instrumento de operacionalización de categorías–entrevista estructurada. Para llevar a cabo la selección de los textos especializados se tuvieron en cuenta algunos criterios: nivel de especialidad, densidad terminológica, diversidad en los problemas de traducción y de terminología. Para el etiquetaje de dichos textos, se tuvieron en cuenta los aportes de Nord (1991 y Orozco (2000, en cuanto a la definición y clasificación de los problemas de traducción. Los instrumentos diseñados constituyen una propuesta para llenar un vacío identificado en los ámbitos de la traducción y la terminología, así como un insumo para el desarrollo de herramientas de traducción.

  2. Chequeos de Referencias, Habilidad Mental General y Experiencia: Un Estudio de Validez de Constructo

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    Mario Lado


    Full Text Available El término "referencias" hace alusión a la información sobre ciertas características personales relacionadas con el comportamiento laboral de una persona y que otra persona (normalmente un jefe directo aporta sobre la primera. Las referencias se basan en el supuesto de que "el mejor modo de averiguar algo sobre alguien es preguntándole a alguien que lo conozca" y son un método ampliamente utilizado y potencialmente eficaz para la selección de personal. El objetivo general de este artículo es responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué miden realmente las referencias? Para ello se han recogido los estudios primarios existentes en la literatura sobre esta materia y se han aplicado diversas técnicas meta-analíticas. Los resultados indican que las referencias miden principalmente Habilidad Mental General y Experiencia. Asimismo, se hacen sugerencias de estudio para averiguar otros constructos que pudieran estar integrados en las referencias.

  3. intelectual

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    Yolanda Funes Cataño


    Full Text Available En este estudio entenderemos por capital intelectual el conocimiento aplicado al trabajo para crear activos de valor presente o futuro de la empresa; es decir, este capital debe manifestarse en una forma que pueda ser identificable, de la que se puedan obtener beneficios económicos futuros fundadamente esperados con cierto control sobre los mismos. Al respecto el problema que se aborda es: ¿cuáles son los modelos qué pueden medir el valor del capital intelectual? El objetivo es estudiar los diferentes modelos que miden el capital intelectual para identificar si son válidos y confiables; es decir, si miden lo que se pretende y si cada vez que lo hacen se obtienen los mismos resultados. El supuesto principal de este trabajo es que los modelos que actualmente miden el capital intelectual no son válidos o no son confiables. Con el propósito de dar respuesta al problema procedimos a analizar los trabajos de Leif Edvinsson y Michael S. Malone, Thomas A. Stewart, Robert S. Kaplan y David P. Norton, Annie Brooking y Sweby. Cada uno de estos autores ha desarrollado un modelo diferente para medir el capital intelectual o ha adaptado algún modelo financiero como la Q de Tobin. Sin embargo, no han logrado medirlo en forma confiable porque tales modelos son difíciles de comparar en el tiempo; no toman en cuenta las variables que afectan en forma directa al factor humano (salud y medio ambiente; no son objetivos al cuantificar el valor de algunos factores que integran el modelo; o la variabilidad de los activos inmateriales es tan grande que no hay uno que los contemple a todos

  4. Mobile city apps: a powerful tool for citizens and tourism development in Quito, Ecuador


    Loyola Constante, Santiago Enrique


    La innovación en tecnología y la rápida evolución de los dispositivos móviles, ha llevado a las aplicaciones móviles a convertirse en una de las herramientas más utilizadas de hoy en día. Aplicaciones orientadas a mejorar la experiencia del turismo, se desarrollan e implementan continuamente, ya sea como aplicaciones oficiales de la administración pública o como iniciativas de terceros. Quito, capital de Ecuador, está continuamente impulsando su imagen como uno de los principales destinos tur...

  5. Detección de impactos con frutos electrónicos


    Jaren Ceballos, Carmen; Anderson, George; Ruiz-Altisent, Margarita; Muir, Andrew


    Cada vez que los frutos y hortalizas se manipulan, se producen daños y, por tanto, pérdidas de calidad y pérdidas económicas. Los productos Electrónicos Simulados SEP miden y registran las fuerzas que intervienen en estos procesos. Por ello, se pueden utilizare para localizar los puntos que causan daños en las cosechadoras y en las líneas de manipulación. De esta manera, se pueden hacer las modificaciones oportunas para eliminar los daños por impactos en frutas y hortalizas. En este artículo ...

  6. Revisión estructurada de los cuestionarios y escalas que miden la actividad física en los adultos mayores y ancianos Structured review of physical activity measurement with questionnaires and scales in older adults and the elderly

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    Josep Adolf Guirao-Goris


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Conocer los diferentes cuestionarios y escalas que miden la actividad física, atendiendo a sus diferentes aspectos conceptuales, propiedades psicométricas y normas de aplicación. Método: La revisión incluyó artículos originales que utilizaban algún cuestionario para valorar la actividad física en los adultos mayores y ancianos. Se consultaron las bases de datos CINAHL y MEDLINE de 1993 a 2007. Los estudios seleccionados debían aportar información sobre uso, desarrollo o propiedades psicométricas de la medida. Se seleccionaron instrumentos utilizados en población mayor de 45 años. Se excluyeron los que evaluaban actividad física mediante estimación directa, métodos complejos o medidas de desempeño físico. Resultados: La búsqueda produjo 166 referencias y se identificaron 36 instrumentos. La mayoría cuantificaba la actividad física, y minoritariamente la autoeficacia y el estado de cambio de conducta. Los instrumentos son autoadministrados en la mitad de los casos. La fiabilidad más evaluada fue test-retest. En 14 instrumentos se estudió la validez de criterio, 11 con al menos dos métodos alternativos de medición. La validez de constructo fue evaluada en 26 instrumentos. Sólo tres instrumentos muestran sensibilidad al cambio (YPAS, CHAMPS y Exercise Stage of Change además de fiabilidad y validez. Conclusiones: El cuestionario Exercise Stage of Change, que mide la disposición al cambio, muestra sensibilidad al cambio y un índice de fiabilidad que permite su uso individual. Los cuestionarios 7Day PAR y la versión española del Modified Baecke Questionnaire, que estiman la actividad física, pueden usarse con fines individuales aunque no se estudió la sensibilidad al cambio en ninguno. En general, los instrumentos analizados no valoran las actividades de intensidad ligera.Objective: To characterize the distinct questionnaires and scales used to measure physical activity, their conceptual frameworks

  7. Celos y violencia en alumnos de enseñanza secundaria. Influencia de los estilos educativos familiares


    Aymerich Navarro, Mª del Milagro


    El objetivo de la tesis consiste en establecer la relación entre los celos en la adolescencia y la influencia de los estilos educativos familiares a la hora de explicar la violencia entre iguales, las reacciones emocionales y las conductas desajustadas de los adolescentes. Las reacciones emocionales se miden con las variables: celos, ansiedad y hostilidad. En cuanto a las reacciones conductuales se maneja como variable el bullying o victimización entre iguales. Con respecto a la variable e...

  8. Detección de Malware a partir del comportamiento del navegador


    Ferrer Navarro, Santiago


    Castellano: El volumen de malware o software malicioso, se ha expandido, surgiendo continuamente numerosas versiones distintas y mucho más perfeccionadas, incluyendo un nuevo tipo de ataque que afecta al comportamiento del navegador. Se pretende observar si, únicamente mediante el comportamiento del navegador, y utilizando herramientas como Honeypots e Instrumentación Binaria, es posible determinar si dicho navegador se encuentra en estado de infección.

  9. Morfohistología testicular de Ceratophrys ornata (Bell (Amphibia, Anura, Ceratophryidae

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    Fernando Carezzano


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describen las características morfohistológicas del testículo de individuos adultos (n=5 de Ceratophrys ornata (Bell, 1843 provenientes de humedales del centro de Argentina. Los mismos se procesaron mediante técnicas histológicas de rutina, se cortaron a 8 µm y las láminas obtenidas se tiñeron con hematoxilina-eosina y tricrómico de Masson. Las gónadas son órganos pares, amarillentos, alargados y contorneados de 18,58 ± 0,23 mm de largo por 1,51 ± 0,13 mm de ancho. Histológicamente se observa una delgada túnica albugínea (6,29 ± 0,83 µm rodeando a los testículos. En su interior se hallan lóculos seminíferos que miden 240,64 ± 38,52 µm de diámetro, en ellos se distinguen cistos con células espermatogénicas en distintas etapas de desarrollo. El tejido intersticial es escaso y en él se destacan las células de Leydig y vasos sanguíneos. Las espermatogonias I son las células más grandes de la serie germinal (20,03 ± 2,27 µm; poseen la cromatina granular y de aspecto multilobular, hallándose comúnmente una por cisto, estas originan a las espermatogonias II, más pequeñas (12,06 ± 1,14 µm. Los espermatocitos I presentan la cromatina levemente condensada y son un poco más chicos que sus precedentes (11,64 ± 0,36 µm. Los espermatocitos II miden 8,85 ± 0,54 µm. Las espermátidas I son esféricas, miden 5,95 ± 0,42 µm y se agrupan en cistos redondeados. Las espermátidas II, en cambio son alargadas y no se hallan dentro de cistos, pero siguen organizadas en paquetes asociadas a células de Sertoli. Los espermatozoides son células libres hacia el centro del lóculo, alargadas, flageladas y con una notable compactación nuclear. La morfohistología de los testículos analizados muestran características macroscópicas e histológicas similares a las observadas en otras especies de anfibios anuros neotropicales, presentando todas las células del linaje espermatogénico en un mismo l

  10. Publicación de los contaminantes atmosféricos de la estación de monitoreo en tiempo real de la ciudad de Cuenca, utilizando servicios estándares OGC


    Sellers Walden, Chester Andrew


    La contaminación del aire ambiente es una constante amenaza para la salud humana y el ambiente per se, por lo que se requiere de la definición de políticas y de la toma de decisiones respecto a la prevención, control y mitigación de los impactos de la contaminación. Para tal fin se implementan y despliegan redes de sensores que miden el estado del entorno en el que vivimos. El GAD Municipal del cantón Cuenca, y en particular la Empresa Municipal de Movilidad Transito y Trasporte (EMOV-E...

  11. Expectativas previas y satisfacción del usuario en un programa de tratamiento de mantenimiento con metadona


    Forcada Chapa, Rafael; Santos Díez, F. J.; González Monte, Carmen


    Los indicadores de satisfacción miden el grado de conformidad con la atención recibida y se construyen en base a las apreciaciones subjetivas de los pacientes. Los factores que influyen en la percepción de los tratamientos con metadona son: la utilización del fármaco, las listas de espera y la influencia sobre aspectos laborales. Se plantea este estudio con los objetivos de conocer las expectativas de los pacientes, previas al inicio de un programa de tratamiento con metadona y estudiar el gr...

  12. Inteligencia fluida y cristalizada en el autismo de alto funcionamiento y el síndrome de Asperger


    Pérez, P.F.


    La inteligencia en los trastornos del espectro autista, especialmente en el autismo de alto funcionamiento y el síndrome de Asperger, ha sido tema de numerosas investigaciones que pretenden establecer la capacidad intelectual que se observa en estos sujetos. Algunos de los resultados más sobresalientes señalan que la inteligencia fluida es uno de los aspectos de desempeño superior en esta población, en comparación con el desempeño en las pruebas que miden inteligencia cristalizada como la esc...

  13. Brain-Computer Interfaces: Desarrollo de un sistema de identificación de estados mentales alfa


    Iglesias López, Pablo


    En el mundo actual las aplicaciones basadas en sistemas biométricos, es decir, aquellas que miden las señales eléctricas de nuestro organismo, están creciendo a un gran ritmo. Todos estos sistemas incorporan sensores biomédicos, que ayudan a los usuarios a controlar mejor diferentes aspectos de la rutina diaria, como podría ser llevar un seguimiento detallado de una rutina deportiva, o de la calidad de los alimentos que ingerimos. Entre estos sistemas biométricos, los que se basan en la in...

  14. A Educação Física em face do projeto de modernização do Brasil (1900 - 1930: as histórias que se contam

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    Full Text Available Ao realizar uma breve discussão sobre a historiografia da Educação Física, pretendo apresentar os referenciais que lhe deram suporte, bem como os avanços, limites e contradições inerentes aos estudos. Dessa maneira, desejo apreender os sentidos e significados da produção de conhecimento em História da Educação Física e estimular outras pesquisas para que se empenhem no trabalho de reescrever continuamente a história. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: História e historiografia da Educação Física. This paper discusses the physical education historiography, presenting its sources, as well as its progress, limits and contradictions. The aim is to catch the senses and meanings of the production of knowledge in the field of physical education history and also to estimulate the researches about the subject. KEYWORDS: Physical education history and historiography.

  15. Definición de indicadores para actividad portuaria, oceanografía, hidrología y geomorfología en zonas portuarias.


    Osorio Arias, Andrés Fernando; Ortega Arango, Santiago; Agudelo Restrepo, Pablo


    Los planes de monitoreo para puertos deben integrar continuamente las amenazas naturales a los que están expuestos, con el principal objetivo de minimizar los impactos am bientales que se pueden generar debido a contingencias, así como m onitorear permanentemente los movimientos de carga en el puerto que se constituyen en amenazas para los ecosistemas en casos de eventualidad. Es así como se llega a proponer variables de medición climática y atmosférica con el fin de que se asegure la operaci...

  16. Inteligencia fluida y cristalizada en el autismo de alto funcionamiento y el síndrome de Asperger


    Pérez Rivero, Paula Fernanda; Martínez Garrido, Lía Margarita


    La inteligencia en los trastornos del espectro autista, especialmente en el autismo de alto funcionamiento y el síndrome de Asperger, ha sido tema de numerosas investigaciones que pretenden establecer la capacidad intelectual que se observa en estos sujetos. Algunos de los resultados más sobresalientes señalan que la inteligencia fluida es uno de los aspectos de desempeño superior en esta población, en comparación con el desempeño en las pruebas que miden inteligencia cristalizada como la esc...

  17. Más no siempre es mejor: procesamiento de estímulos visuales y límites de capacidad

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    Ana Torralbo


    Full Text Available Gran parte de nuestra interacción con el entorno se desencadena a partir del procesamiento visual de los estímulos que nos rodean. Pero, ¿cómo puede nuestro cerebro manejar la gran cantidad de estimulación a la que estamos sometidos continuamente? Estudios recientes indican que la respuesta neuronal a los estímulos visuales se ve afectada por las limitaciones de procesamiento del cerebro.

  18. Arquitectura de microservicios con RESTful


    Cols Fermín, Alberto; Salcedo Real, Mariana


    Desarrollar un sistema de software es un trabajo arduo desde su concepción hasta su despliegue. Durante todo este proceso se toman en consideración factores como los requerimientos del negocio, la afluencia de usuarios esperada, la escalabilidad del sistema, la forma en que se desplegará el sistema, entre otros tantos factores. Sin embargo, a pesar de que a lo largo del proceso de desarrollo del sistema se toman en cuenta continuamente estos factores, existe una parte del proceso que resulta ...

  19. Procedimiento para el equilibrado continuo de obras y construcciones


    Ereño Belaustegui, Iñaki; Sáiz de Omeñaca, Jesús


    Se describe un nuevo procedimiento, que permite tanto equilibrar continuamente la parte construida de una obra a medida que se ejecuta como hacerlo posteriormente, aun cuando haya sido entregada y se encuentre en plena utilización. Este procedimiento consiste básicamente en pretensar el cimiento que va a soportar la carga de la estructura y en mantener a la carga de cálculo las que reciba cada apoyo, independientemente de los cambios que sufran el terreno o el reparto de cargas en el edifi...

  20. Variables e Índices de Competitividad de las Empresas Exportadoras, utilizando el PLS

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    Joel Bonales Valencia


    Full Text Available El ambiente competitivo entre las empresas exportadoras ha generado la necesidad de crear estrategias competitivas para seguir teniendo presencia en los mercados internacionales. De esto se desglosa, que las compañías requieren mejor entendimiento sobre la competitividad, los factores que la determinan, y los índices que la miden. Sin embargo, los factores e índices de competitividad por sí solos no proveen suficiente información útil para los directivos, por lo que es necesario validar un modelo que interrelacione los factores e índicesde la competitividad de las empresas exportadoras. En este artículo se muestra una revisión de las variables importantes para comprender la competitividad y se extraen del marco teórico los factores que determinan la misma para el caso de las empresas exportadoras y los índices que la miden. A partir de las variables (calidad, precio, capacitación, tecnologíay canales de distribución se desarrolló una clasificación estructurada de factores e índices y se aplicó una encuesta a los directivos de veinticinco empresas exportadoras del estado de Michoacán. A partir de los factores e índices relevantes encontrados, se propone un modelo que describe cómo esas variables están interrelacionadas, basándose en la técnica estadística de modelación de Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales (Partial Least Squares, en inglés conocido también como PLS. Los resultados finales mostraron que la variable tecnología tiene el mayor impacto sobre los índices de competitividad, lo que implica que las empresas exportadoras deben poner especial atención en esta variable.

  1. “Tipificación molecular y diversidad genética de Mycobacterium spp”


    Marín Hernández, David


    La Tuberculosis sigue siendo la enfermedad infecciosa con mayor prevalencia en el mundo con un tercio de la población infectada por algún miembro del complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis. La enfermedad se ha expandido en los países en desarrollo y para el 2005 en México la incidencia fue de 15,249 nuevos casos pulmonares confirmados en el laboratorio. Aunque Mycobacterium tuberculosis es el agente causal principal de la tuberculosis humana, se han reportado continuamente caso...

  2. La competencia desleal en el supuesto de AIRBNB


    Gutiérrez Gallego, María


    El avance que se está dando en las nuevas tecnologías lleva aparejado cambios en los mercados y en la economía que le exigen al cuerpo legislativo español que esté a la altura de regular estas nuevas situaciones, bien modernizando la regulación vigente o creando una nueva que se adapte a las nuevas realidades. La dilación que se está viviendo en esta cuestión ha provocado que la pregunta principal de este trabajo esté presente continuamente tanto en diferentes mesas de debate en las que se tr...

  3. Definición de factores homogéneos y heterogéneos para la medición de la calidad de los servicios hospitalaríos por nivel socioeconómico en la ciudad de Guayaquil


    Matute Swanton, Patricio; Toledo Idrovo, Monica; Correa Calderon, Ivan


    La calidad en los servicios es un elemento indispensable para lograr la competitividad en las organizaciones. En el campo de la salud, los hospitales se ven obligados a ser más eficientes debido a los crecientes costos y las limitaciones en recursos para servir apropiadamente a la comunidad. La optimización es una necesidad, no obstante, los factores que miden esta calidad no siempre están claros ni debidamente identificados. Como cada consumidor es distinto, tienen diferentes necesidad...

  4. Resiliencia y engagement en el sector hotelero en la ciudad de Mar del Plata


    Redondo, Ana Isabel; Arraigada, Mariana Cecilia


    Desde el marco de la psicología de la salud ocupacional positiva, nos proponemos realizar un estudio descriptivo sobre las variables resiliencia y engagement en el sector hotelero de la ciudad de Mar del Plata. Para tal fin, se utilizaran dos instrumentos con formato de cuestionario auto-administrado, a saber: RSA (Escala de Resiliencia en Adultos) y UWES (Utrech Work Engagement Scale) que miden dichas variables a aplicar en una muestra compuesta por 80 personas, todas ellas empleados de dos ...

  5. Mejora en el interfaz de un dispositivo móvil para personas con discapacidad visual mediante el diseño de iconos hápticos


    Galdón Conejo, Pedro María


    La mayoría de los interfaces de los actuales dispositivos móviles se basan en la visión para comunicar la información al usuario. Sin embargo, debido a que el usuario no se encuentra continuamente mirando la pantalla del dispositivo, y al reducido tamaño de las mismas, la interacción visual con dichos dispositivos suele complementarse con el uso de sonidos. No obstante, si el entorno es ruidoso el uso de sonidos resulta ineficaz, como también resulta ineficaz su uso si se requiere estar en si...

  6. El uso del Sincronario Maya como estrategia facilitadora del aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura y su influencia en el rendimiento de los estudiantes del primer año de Ciencias de Educación Media Diversificada de la Unidad Educativa San Martín de Porres


    Márquez López, Yanet del Valle


    La noción de calendario es una invención que se le atribuye a la raza humana y se caracteriza por tener como objetivo principal la organización y estructuración del tiempo y su transcurrir. Los calendarios son formas visuales de hacer concreto el paso del tiempo y, además de servir para transformarlo en algo específico y visible, el calendario sirve principalmente para permitir la mejor organización de las horas, días y meses que se suceden continuamente. De esta forma, es preciso indicar que...

  7. Refinamiento probabilístico del ataque de revelación de identidades


    Silva Trujillo, Alejandra Guadalupe; Portela García-Miguel, Javier; García Villalba, Luis Javier


    En la actualidad muy pocas empresas reconocen que se encuentran continuamente en riesgo al estar expuestos a ataques informáticos tanto internos como externos. Más allá de simplemente instalar herramientas de protección contra hackers y células del crimen organizado tales como antivirus y firewalls, deben incluir mecanismos adecuados de seguridad en TI que brinden protección a los ataques que son cada vez más complejos. Existen diversos estudios que muestran que aun cuando se aplique el cifra...

  8. Comparativa de software libre para tratamiento de archivos DICOM


    Rioja Calvo, Álvaro


    El campo de la cirugía está en constante crecimiento. Continuamente se investiga sobre nuevos avances que puedan facilitar y prever las situaciones de riesgo en las intervenciones quirúrgicas. La impresión de huesos en tres dimensiones es uno de estos avances, ya que ayuda a simular una posterior intervención, programar todos los pasos a seguir y prevenir posibles complicaciones. Este estudio es una comparativa de los diferentes softwares libres que se pueden utilizar para la exportación de a...

  9. Enseñanza de la primera ley de la termodinámica aplicando la metodología de problema resuelto y estrategias de resolución de problemas para mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes


    Espol; Cano Bravo, Rosa Alexandra


    El principal problema que enfrentamos los profesores en el aula de clases, sin duda alguna es el nivel de rendimiento de los estudiantes, por lo que continuamente se utilizan diferentes técnicas, con el fin de que nuestros alumnos asimilen los conocimientos que se imparten; sin embargo es conocido que en el rendimiento de los alumnos, no solo influye el profesor, parte importante de la ecuación son los individuos, y como ellos receptan y asimilan la información. Guayaquil MAGISTER...

  10. La integración del valor de cambio de los servicios ambientales en las cuentas verdes de las áreas naturales


    Campos Palacín, Pablo; Caparrós Gass, Alejandro


    Los bienes y servicios de mercado se miden en la contabilidad nacional por sus valores de cambio (precio por cantidad), mientras que los métodos de valoración ambiental de los servicios ambientales estiman el excedente del consumidor o las variaciones hicksianas. Esto impide una agregación directa de los valores ambientales en la contabilidad nacional. Este artículo propone una metodología que permite la agregación en condiciones homogéneas. Para el libre acceso de los visitantes re...


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    Myriam Arroyave


    Full Text Available Dado que una transferencia de pensamiento entre geometría y música marca el origen de la escritura musical, en la partitura se consolida un "mundo-música" cuyos objetos se piensan, se miden, son organizados y jerarquizados. Música y matemáticas tienen en común que ambas se escriben y sus escrituras tienen un carácter diagramático; ambas piensan y calculan con letras, números, figuras y gestos. La actividad musical está marcada por el gesto de distanciamiento característico de la relación con el escrito, necesario para el desarrollo de la reflexividad. Por esta relación, en la actividad musical sobresalen dos condiciones lógicas, una ligada a la proporción y el ordenamiento, y otra relacionada con la simbolización y el discurso.

  12. El sistema gráfico de la música de la tradición occidental: un lugar para el desarrollo del pensamiento musical

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    Myriam Arroyave


    Full Text Available Dado que una transferencia de pensamiento entre geometría y música marca el origen de la escritura musical, en la partitura se consolida un “mundo-música” cuyos objetos se piensan, se miden, son organizados y jerarquizados. Música y matemáticas tienen en común que ambas se escriben y sus escrituras tienen un carácter diagramático; ambas piensan y calculan con letras, números, figuras y gestos. La actividad musical está marcada por el gesto de distanciamiento característico de la relación con el escrito, necesario para el desarrollo de la reflexividad. Por esta relación, en la actividad musical sobresalen dos condiciones lógicas, una ligada a la proporción y el ordenamiento, y otra relacionada con la simbolización y el discurso.

  13. ¿Podemos predecir en algoritmos paralelos no deterministas?


    Fritzsche, Paula Cecilia


    ¿Podemos predecir en algoritmos paralelos no deterministas? Sí, es posible. A lo largo de este documento se demostrará esta afirmación. La evaluación científica de algoritmos para solucionar todo tipo de problemas es uno de los puntos clave en ciencias de la computación. En el terreno de ciencia computacional (una disciplina emergente) continuamente surgen nuevos desafíos.

  14. Calidad de los servicios universitarios: Una percepción desde sus actores en una escuela de negocios (Quality of services university: A perception from their actors in a business school

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    Araiza, Maria


    Full Text Available Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the quality of university services in business school at a public university of Mexico from the perspective of its actors (students and teachers. To get to their results, a SERVQUAL scale was used with some adjustments, which is an instrument of multiple items that were originally developed to measure customer insights regarding the quality of service. The instrument consists of 22 phrases that measure customer expectations and 22 similar phrases that measure customer perception and service quality is established by the difference of scores that the customer assigns to their expectations and perceptions. Questions that serve to other aspects of the university service were incorporated to this instrument, they are related with the conciliation of programs, learning assessment and the effectiveness of administrative processes. The scale of 42 variables that measure the quality of services and conditions of the institution to offer them, was applied to a sample of 446 students and 64 teachers, they reflect the efforts and resources invested by the faculty in teacher training and equipment offered in learning practices are highly valued by students. Besides, on differences in perceptions between students and teachers, it is shown that the students are claimant protagonists of quality in services and the raison d’etre of any educational institution. Resumen: Este estudio apuntó hacia la evaluación de la calidad de los servicios universitarios en una escuela de negocios de una universidad pública de México desde la óptica de sus actores (estudiantes y docentes. Para llegar a sus resultados se utilizó escala de SERVQUAL con adecuaciones, el cual es un instrumento de ítems múltiples que se elaboró originalmente para medir las apreciaciones del cliente en relación a la calidad del servicio. El instrumento se compone de 22 frases que miden las expectativas del cliente y 22 frases similares que miden la

  15. La comunicación en el aula como base de la educación intercultural. Una experiencia en Formación Profesional


    Gallardo Fernández, Isabel María; Fabregat Pitarch, Antonio


    Partimos de la base que la cultura se construye por la interacción de los seres humanos, pero al mismo tiempo jamás esta definitivamente construida, porque continuamente por la propia interacción, esta en proceso de construcción. Asumimos que no hay culturas mejores ni peores. Evidentemente cada cultura puede tener formas de pensar, sentir y actuar en las que determinados grupos se encuentren en una situación de discriminación. Pero si aceptamos que no hay una jerarquía entre las culturas est...

  16. La gestión de la información y el conocimiento: Una oportunidad para las instituciones de educación superior


    Almuiñas Rivero, José Luis; Galarza López, Judith


    El contexto internacional actual se caracteriza por el desarrollo acelerado de la ciencia y la tecnología, lo cual impone desafiantes retos a las Instituciones de Educación Superior, las que deben velar continuamente por responder a las altas exigencias sociales en torno a la formación de profesionales. El artículo que se presenta tiene como objetivo resaltar la importancia y necesidad de potenciar la gestión de la información y el conocimiento en las universidades, como una vía favorecedora ...

  17. La debilidad de la gestión del riesgo en los centros urbanos: El caso del Área Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile


    Sánchez, Rafael


    Las transformaciones experimentadas en las últimas décadas por la ciudad de Santiago de Chile favorece la ocurrencia de peligros de origen antrópico que se agregan a las amenazas de origen natural que continuamente afectan a la urbe. Ante este complejo escenario resulta oportuno realizar un análisis de las normas y referencias legales que estructuran el Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil en los diferentes niveles político-administrativos del país, especialmente los que se refieren al Área M...

  18. Aspectos de seguridad en internet de las cosas


    Castro, Alicia; Casanovas, Eduardo; Gil Costa, Graciela Verónica


    Actualmente, los ataques contra la ciberseguridad han producido efectos económicos adversos, afectando no sólo a compañías privadas, sino también a estados gubernamentales y a las personas en sus hogares. La diversidad de ataques que se producen continuamente alrededor del mundo y la diversidad de dispositivos - en la mayoría dispositivos de IoT - con las que se utilizan, hace casi imposible generar un único protocolo o framework de seguridad que sea aplicable en todos los casos. Más aún, est...

  19. Interferencia de ondas acústicas en la calibración primaria de micrófonos por reciprocidad en campo libre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barrera Figueroa, Salvador; Rasmussen, Knud; Jacobsen, Finn


    La calibración primaria de micrófonos se realiza empleando el método de reciprocidad, que implica el uso de tres micrófonos que se miden de dos en dos. Uno de los micrófonos en cada pareja actúa como emisor de ondas acústicas y otro como receptor. Se trata de transductores recíprocos. Este método...... se puede aplicar utilizando un acoplador donde se introducen los micrófonos (calibración en presión) o en un ambiente acústico anecoico (calibración en campo libre). En este último caso, el que nos ocupa, la suposición de que los micrófonos actúan como fuentes sonoras puntuales implica que el efecto...... eliminación de estas reflexiones por filtrado de los resultados de medición en el dominio del tiempo. Adicionalmente se presentan algunas simulaciones numéricas que ilustran el fenómeno....

  20. Diferencias individuales en la frecuencia del recuerdo de sueños exóticos

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    Alejandro Parra


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es, por una parte, determinar las características de personalidad entre individuos que recuerdan sueños y, por otra, comparar las puntuaciones obtenidas en la alteración dormital, el neuroticismo y la extroversión, y los indicadores de propensión a la esquizotipia en individuos que no recuerdan sueños. Para este fin, se examinó la frecuencia del recuerdo del sueño con contenido extraño, inusual, y anómalo-paranormal. Vale la pena resaltar que pocos estudios han explorado las diferencias individuales en relación con tales sueños. En este estudio se reagrupó una muestra de 231 individuos de ambos sexos que puntuaron su calidad en el recuerdo del sueño entre alta (n = 57 y baja (n = 174. Se emplearon tres instrumentos que miden la etapa dormital y dos que miden el neuroticismo, la extroversión y la esquizotipia. Los sueños exóticos más frecuentes son los auditivos, los lúcidos, los recurrentes, los psíquicos y los asociados al recuerdo de personas fallecidas. Las puntuaciones altas en la alteración del sueño, las experiencias esquizotípicas y las experiencias hipnagógicas e hipnopómpicas caracterizan a los soñadores en comparación con los no soñadores. Este estudio sostiene la idea de que ciertos indicadores de propensión a la esquizotipia están asociados a la frecuencia del recuerdo de sueños exóticos.

  1. Análisis multicriterio SIG basado en momentos de orden superior normalizados para el cálculo de superficies de viabilidad ambiental


    Oscar Alberto Gómez Colorado; Daniel Horfan Álvarez; Libardo Antonio Londoño Ciro


    El presente estudio plantea una metodología para generar áreas de criticidad y niveles de susceptibilidad ambiental aptas para el trazado o localización de proyectos de infraestructura, con un alto grado de certidumbre comparado con los métodos convencionales basados en las funciones de máximos, media aritmética y promedio ponderado. La metodología se basa en la superposición espacial de variables físicas, ambientales y socioeconómicas que miden el impacto en el territorio ante el paso o u...

  2. Felicidad y optimismo en el trabajo. Hallazgos de investigaciones científicas


    Sanín Posada, John Alejandro


    Se presentan siete trabajos para revelar los antecedentes y consecuencias de la felicidad y el optimismo en el trabajo y validar estrategias para incrementarlos. El primero es una revisión teórica de los conceptos; el segundo y tercero muestran los resultados de un proceso de verificación psicométrica de instrumentos que los miden; el cuatro examina la mediación de la satisfacción laboral entre el crecimiento psicológico y el desempeñó laboral; el quinto explora el efecto indirecto del optimi...

  3. Definición de indicadores para actividad portuaria, oceanografía, hidrología y geomorfología en zonas portuarias

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    Osorio Arias Andrés F.


    Full Text Available Los planes de monitoreo para puertos deben integrar continuamente las amenazas naturales a los que están expuestos, con el principal objetivo de minimizar los impactos am bientales que se pueden generar debido a contingencias, así como m onitorear permanentemente los movimientos de carga en el puerto que se constituyen en amenazas para los ecosistemas en casos de eventualidad. Es así como se llega a proponer variables de medición climática y atmosférica con el fin de que se asegure la operación de los puertos, en este sentido se plantearon monitoreos de la actividad portuaria, oceanografía, hidrología y geomorfología de la actividad portuaria.

  4. La ecoinformática en la ecoadministración


    Jaramillo A., Alejandro


    El mundo empresarial se ha venido desarrollando en los últimos años en torno a diferentes paradigmas. Continuamente nos hemos venido acostumbrando a escuchar nuevos marcos contextuales, como calidad total, el arte de las alianzas, mejoramiento continuo, competitividad, justo a tiempo, benchmarketing, reingeniería, planeación estratégica, prospectiva, mercadeo global, desarrollo sostenible, ecoeficiencia, ecoliderazgo, y me atrevo a proponer la ecoinformátic...

  5. Escribiendo a una máquina: la evaluación automática de textos a debate

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    Ruiz Herrero, Juan


    Full Text Available Los sistemas de evaluación automática de textos, programas diseñados para puntuar ejercicios de producción escrita en exámenes en L1 o L2, se han generalizado en las últimas décadas en el panorama académico estadounidense. La presente contribución se propone plantear el estado de la cuestión, describiendo el funcionamiento de dichas aplicaciones y analizando el constructo que miden. Se presentan, así, las ventajas que supone su introducción en el contexto de exámenes de certificación y del trabajo de aula, contrapuestas a los argumentos que hacen valer sus detractores, con el objetivo de acercar la temática al ámbito hispanoparlante y apuntar una reflexión desde la perspectiva del docente de lenguas extranjeras.

  6. La Bolsa de Valores de México durante el porfiriato y la revolución, 1885-1934

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    Javier Moreno-Lázaro


    Full Text Available En este artículo se sostiene que la Bolsa de México sólo contribuyó a la financiación empresarial desde su fundación hasta el inicio de la revolución. Allí encontraron fuentes de financiación empresarios mineros, banqueros e industriales. Pero desde entonces, particularmente desde la aplicación de la doctrina de Carranza en 1916, la Bolsa se convirtió en un mero instrumento financiero del Estado y sirvió entonces casi exclusivamente para la suscripción de deuda. Para demostrar esta hipótesis se presentan series cuantitativas inéditas que miden los efectos de la actividad bursátil en el desarrollo económico del país, al margen de los aspectos específicamente financieros.

  7. Optical studies of CdSe/HgSe and CdSe/Ag2Se core/shell nanoparticles embedded in gelatin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azhniuk, Yu M; Dzhagan, V M; Valakh, M Ya; Raevskaya, A E; Stroyuk, A L; Kuchmiy, S Ya; Zahn, D R T


    CdSe/HgSe and CdSe/Ag 2 Se core-shell nanoparticles are obtained by colloidal synthesis from aqueous solutions in the presence of gelatin. Optical absorption, luminescence, and Raman spectra of the nanoparticles obtained are measured. The variation of the optical spectra of CdSe/HgSe and CdSe/Ag 2 Se core-shell nanoparticles with the shell thickness is discussed. Sharp non-monotonous variation of the photoluminescence spectra at low shell coverage is observed.


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    Matías E. García


    Full Text Available Se estudian alambr ones de bajo carbono SAE 1008 laminados y procesad o s en el cabezal formador de espiras a dos temperaturas diferentes , para optimizar la cascarilla . E s fundamental , co nocer el impacto de la s variaciones de las condiciones durante el conformado para predecir las propiedades del producto final . Se evalúa la estructura del alambrón y de la cascarilla generada. E n e l estudio estructural se aplica microscop í a óptica y electrónica de barrido (SEM , se determina el tamaño de grano y los porcentajes de fases presentes . S e identifican las fases y se miden los espesores de las capas de la cascarilla . Mediante perfiles de microdureza se establece el efecto de las condiciones de procesamiento sobre el producto . La variación de 8% en la temperatura de formación de espiras no produjo cambios estructurales ni de comportamiento en el producto de acero. Se ha generado una cascarilla constituida principalmente por wüstita , apta para decapado químico.

  9. Contaminação microbiana de hemodialisadores processados pelo método automatizado e manual após o número máximo de reusos


    Alexandra do Rosario Toniolo


    Introdução: A hemodiálise é um procedimento invasivo, para pacientes em falência renal onde se realiza a filtração do sangue continuamente, utilizando-se circulação extracorpórea em um filtro hemodialisador. No Brasil, a prática do reuso de hemodialisadores atinge quase 100% nos serviços de diálise. Uma das justificativas para o reuso são os limitados recursos para a assistência à saúde. No entanto, esta prática, causa questionamentos relacionados à segurança. Erros técnicos no reprocessament...

  10. Links


    Alessandra Russo


    La lista de enlaces ofrecida a continuación tiene como objetivo la creación de una base de datos sobre los principales sitios de interés para el estudio de la imagen (en America Latina y más allá). Se ha tratado de incluir una vasta gama de instituciones (museos, colecciones, institutos), representando sin embargo también a revistas, proyectos de investigación, y catálogos en línea. Sin tener la pretensión de ser exhaustiva, esta selección es evolutiva y se pone al día continuamente. MuseosI...

  11. República Dominicana: a construção do pueblo criollo - doi:10.5102/uri.v6i1.822

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    Renata de Melo Rosa


    Full Text Available Este artigo explora os limites do nacionalismo dominicano que, ao se opor binariamente ao nacionalismo haitiano, se constitui em uma alteridade perfeita que, mesmo assim, não consegue ocultar o princípio de transitabilidade existente na constituição de identidades opostas. Dessa forma, é a partir do trânsito contínuo pela identidade haitiana que o nacionalismo dominicano irá construir seus principais pilares, parecendo perder o seu significado caso esta oposição não seja continuamente reproduzida pelo pensamento social e pela historiografia dominicana.

  12. Inmigración e incorporación laboral

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    Yolanda Herranz


    Full Text Available La perspectiva histórico-estructural neomarxista analiza los asentamientos inmigrantes en su variedad y en relación a coyunturas continuamente cambiantes en las sociedades receptores. La adaptación económica de los inmigrantes en la sociedad de acogida presenta una pluralidad de resultados que se muestran en formas de incorporación laboral diferenciadas. Desde esta perspectiva teórica se analizan las variables contextuales y relativas al propio grupo inmigrante que interactúan en la formación de tal diversidad en los modos de inserción laboral.

  13. Comparación de tres métodos de medición de hemoglobina en cirugía cardiaca


    Cegarra Sanmartin, Virginia


    Durante la cirugía cardiaca con circulación extracorpórea (CEC) el umbral transfusional hemático está basado en el valor de las cifras de hemoglobina y/o hematocrito. Estos valores se obtienen mediante las máquinas tipo “point-of-care testing” (POCT) que están presentes en quirófano y en las unidades de reanimación. En nuestro centro hay distintos tipos de máquinas POCT. Todas miden la cantidad de hemoglobina y/o el porcentaje de hematocrito pero cada una de ellas utiliza una metodología dife...

  14. ZnSe/ZnSeTe Superlattice Nanotips

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    Young SJ


    Full Text Available Abstract The authors report the growth of ZnSe/ZnSeTe superlattice nanotips on oxidized Si(100 substrate. It was found the nanotips exhibit mixture of cubic zinc-blende and hexagonal wurtzite structures. It was also found that photoluminescence intensities observed from the ZnSe/ZnSeTe superlattice nanotips were much larger than that observed from the homogeneous ZnSeTe nanotips. Furthermore, it was found that activation energies for the ZnSe/ZnSeTe superlattice nanotips with well widths of 16, 20, and 24 nm were 76, 46, and 19 meV, respectively.

  15. ¿Cómo están modificando los análisis de secuencias de genes la taxonomía bacteriana?: El caso de Klebsiella


    Martínez, Julio; Martínez, Lucía; Rosenblueth, Mónica; Silva, Jesús; Martínez-Romero, Esperanza


    Continuamente se cambian los nombres de las bacterias para describir más adecuadamente los grupos naturales (unidades de diversidad microbiana) y sus relaciones. Los problemas en la taxonomía de Klebsiella son ilustrativos y comunes a otros géneros bacterianos. Al igual que otras bacterias, las especies de Klebsiella fueron descritas hace mucho tiempo, cuando los métodos para identificar y clasificar bacterias eran limitados. Diferentes enfoques moleculares, desarrollados sólo recientemente, ...

  16. Multi-dimensional classification using Bayesian networks for stationary and evolving streaming data


    Borchani, Hanen


    Hoy en día, con la evolución continua y rápida de las tecnologías de la información y los dispositivos de computación, se recogen y almacenan continuamente grandes volúmenes de datos en distintos dominios y a través de diversas aplicaciones del mundo real. La extracción de conocimiento útil de una cantidad tan enorme de datos no se puede realizar habitualmente de forma manual, y requiere el uso de técnicas adecuadas de aprendizaje automático y de minería de datos. La clasificación es una de l...

  17. Links

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    Alessandra Russo


    Full Text Available La lista de enlaces ofrecida a continuación tiene como objetivo la creación de una base de datos sobre los principales sitios de interés para el estudio de la imagen (en America Latina y más allá. Se ha tratado de incluir una vasta gama de instituciones (museos, colecciones, institutos, representando sin embargo también a revistas, proyectos de investigación, y catálogos en línea. Sin tener la pretensión de ser exhaustiva, esta selección es evolutiva y se pone al día continuamente. MuseosI...



    Cerquera Escobar, Flor Ángela


    En la investigación y estudio del Transporte, el contexto de la configuración geográfica es esencial y en muy poco o en nada se toma en cuenta para el análisis, esta es continuamente olvidada; ¿será por ello que los problemas del transporte día a día son mayores?; pues es básico observar y entender dentro del proceso analítico las relaciones espaciales que se producen en los sistemas de transporte, lo que ha dado lugar a varias falacias sobre el transporte. Una mejor comprensión de las relaci...

  19. The Arabic Aristotle In The 10 Century Bagdãd: the case of yahyã ibn 'adî`s commentary on metaph. alpha elatton

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    Bonadeo, Cecilia Martini


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, procura-se mostrar, através de um autor cristão do século 10, como comentários às obras de Aristóteles foram continuamente feitos, desde os gregos até Averróis. Por meio de alguns textos da metafísica, é possível percebere que, mesmo sem ter contato direto com o original grego, foram cotejadas pelo autor diversas traduções, tanto do grego como do siríaco. Nesses casos, tratava-se não apenas de traduçõ, mas também de comentário ao texto de Aristóteles


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    Juan Manuel Santiago Pulido


    Full Text Available En los contratos de préstamo grupal, propios de las microfinanzas, usualmente se aduce que la cohesión social (o capital social es un factor positivo para el repago, pero en diversos estudios, se ha constatado que la relación real entre Cohesión Social y tasa de repago no es claramente positiva. En el presente artículo, se hace una revisión crítica de la evidencia relevante sobre el particular. Se concluye que no hay consenso con respecto a la definición de cohesión social (muchas veces entendida como capital social o conexidad social, a las variables que la miden, y a si se habla de la cohesión social existente o emergente en el grupo. Por lo tanto, la cohesión social puede permitir o no la implementación de los contratos de préstamo grupal, y en caso de estar presente, puede evolucionar para sostenerlos o no.

  1. Interaction of Se and GaSe with Si(111)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meng, Shuang; Schroeder, B. R.; Olmstead, Marjorie A.


    Deposition of Se and GaSe on Si(111)7x7 surfaces was studied with low-energy electron diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and x-ray photoelectron diffraction to probe initial nucleation and interface structure for GaSe/Si(111) heteroepitaxy. Room-temperature deposition of Se on Si(111)7x7 results in an amorphous film. Subsequent annealing leads to Se evaporation without ordering or interdiffusion. Se deposition at 450 degree sign C saturates at submonolayer coverage with no diffusion of Se into the substrate. There is no clear evidence of ordered sites for the Se. Growth of GaSe on Si(111)7x7 above 500 degree sign C results in a pseudomorphic bilayer, with Si-Ga-Se bonding. Additional GaSe does not stick to the bilayer above 525 degree sign C. The resulting Se lone pair at the surface leads to an ideally passivated surface similar to As/Si(111). This stable surface is similar to the layer termination in bulk GaSe. The single domain bilayer is oriented with the Ga-Se bond parallel to the substrate Si-Si bond. (c) 2000 The American Physical Society


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    Philipp Nagel


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar las estrategias de alimentación existentes y las principales fuentes de alimentación utilizadas en dos diferentes sistemas de producción caprina en el altiplano mexicano durante la temporada de seca. Se recolectaron plantas forrajeras importantes en los pastizales, éstas fueron analizadas para conocer su contenido de nutrientes. En encuestas y talleres participativos, los granjeros proporcionaron información sobres sus sistemas de producción. Se recopilaron análisis químicos de 43 plantas forrajeras durante la temporada de seca, estos análisis en su mayoría mostraron escasos contenidos de nutrientes. Algunas leguminosas y compuestas tuvieron un valor razonable de alimentación, pero podrían contener mecanismos de defensa los cuales limitan su uso potencial. Mejorar o incluso mantener la productividad del sistema de producción actual depende fuertemente del mejoramiento de la base nutricional, sobre todo durante la temporada de seca que es cuando las plantas forrajeras escasean. Enfoques recientes, como el cultivo de ciertas plantas forrajeras, las cuales también contribuyen a la reducción de la erosión y la pérdida del suelo, deberían ser desarrollados e implementados. La información proporcionada por los granjeros muestra que los dos sistemas de producción estudiados en el presente artículo difieren: Por una parte, los granjeros se basan principalmente en los métodos agrícolas tradicionales, y por la otra, los granjeros están continuamente en busca de nuevas opciones agrícolas con fuerte apoyo técnico de un proyecto externo.

  3. Feeling powerless: a feeling expressed by caregivers of sexual violence victims Sentirse impotente: un sentimiento expresado por cuidadores de víctimas de violencia sexual Sentir-se impotente: um sentimento expresso por cuidadores de vítimas de violência sexual

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    Maria Eduarda Cavadinha Correa


    Full Text Available This phenomenological study aimed to reveal the meaning of providing care to victims of sexual violence. The study was carried out from December 2006 to March 2007 with 12 health professionals. Data were collected through tape-recorded semi-structured interviews, whose analysis followed the phenomenological trajectory. The following theme emerged: Feeling powerless, a feeling expressed by caregivers of sexual violence victims. The feeling of powerlessness is continuously fed by health professionals' daily routines, given the impossibility of solving situations of violence, of problems that emerge from the other's subjectivity, as well as social issues, because these professionals were not trained for that. Thus, it is essential to address the issue both in undergraduate and graduate programs in health and human areas. Institutions should promote continuing education so that these professionals can act properly.Se trata de una investigación fenomenológica que tuvo como objetivo desvelar el significado de la vivencia de cuidar de víctimas de violencia sexual; fue realizada de diciembre de 2006 a marzo de 2007, con 12 profesionales de la salud. La recolección de los discursos ocurrió mediante entrevista semiestructurada grabada, y el análisis se realizó por la descripción, reducción y comprensión del fenómeno; de este, emergió el tema: sentirse impotente, un sentimiento expresado por el cuerpo de las cuidadoras de víctimas de violencia sexual. El sentimiento de impotencia es alimentado continuamente en lo cotidiano de los profesionales - delante de la imposibilidad de resolver la situación de la violencia, de solucionar problemas que emergen de la subjetividad del otro y de cuestiones sociales - porque no fueron preparados para esas situaciones. Así, es imprescindible que el tema sea abordado tanto en la graduación como en la posgraduación de los cursos de las áreas de la salud y humanas, a fin de que esos profesionales puedan

  4. El reflejo de la lectura de Monterroso en El Hombre Duplicado

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    Raquel López Ruano


    Full Text Available En la novela El hombre duplicado , Saramago intertextualiza el brevísimo relato de El dinosaurio de Augusto Monterroso y hace una peculiar interpretación del mismo. La genialidad de Saramago consiste en desplegar una doble complicidad, hacia Monterroso y hacia el lector. El hombre duplic ado admite varios niveles de lectura y puede llegar a distintos tipos de lectores porque en esta obra se entrecruzan continuamente lo culto y lo popular del pensamiento y del lenguaje.

  5. Anisotropy of the porosity in a silty loam soil under continuous no tillage management


    Soracco, Carlos Germán; Lozano, Luis A.; Gelati, Pablo R.; Sarli, Guillermo O.; Filgueira, Roberto R.


    La superficie bajo siembra directa (SD) se incrementa continuamente en la Republica Argentina. Existen trabajos que muestran una orientación preferencial de los poros en sentido horizontal cerca de la superficie de suelos bajo SD. El objetivo específico de este trabajo fue evaluar la conductividad hidráulica saturada del horizonte superficial en sentido vertical y horizontal en SD continua con descompactación (SDCD) respecto de un testigo de SD sin descompactacion (SDSD) para determinar la ex...

  6. Efecto del estrés social agudo sobre impulsividad, toma de riesgos y sesgos atencionales en jóvenes con y sin historia familiar de abuso de alcohol

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    Angelina Pilatti


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analizó el efecto del estrés social —inducido experimentalmente— en jóvenes con historia familiar positiva (HFP o negativa (HFN de abuso de alcohol. Se midieron los niveles de cortisol en saliva, la percepción subjetiva del estado emocional y el desempeño en pruebas que miden atención hacia estímulos que señalizan al alcohol, impulsividad y conductas de riesgo. Los participantes expuestos al estrés tuvieron niveles más altos de cortisol en saliva y una percepción subjetiva de mayor malestar y de menor bienestar comparados con los controles. Los HFP reportaron un nivel significativamente menor de bienestar y de mayor malestar que sus pares HFN. No se encontraron efectos significativos de tratamiento, ni interacciones significativas entre tratamiento e historia familiar, en las pruebas de medir impulsividad, conductas riesgosas y sesgos atencionales.

  7. Extended analyses of Se VII and Se VIII

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vankleef, Th.A.M.; Joshi, Y.N.


    Joshi et al. (1984) have conducted an analysis of the 3d8 4s-3d8 4p transitions in As VII. The present investigation is concerned with an analysis of similar transitions in Se VIII. The selenium spectrum was photographed in the 400-1200-A wavelength region on a variety of normal-incidence spectrographs. Attention is given to least-squares-fit (LSF) and Hartree-Fock (HF) parameter values for the 3d9 4d configuration of Se VII, LSF and HF parameter values for the 3d8 4s and 3d8 4p configurations of Se VIII, the energy and composition of the levels of the 3d9 4d configuration of Se VII, classified lines in Se VII, energy levels and composition of the 3d8 4s configuration and the revised and newly determined levels of the 3d8 4p configuration of Se VIII, and newly classified lines of Se VIII. 15 references

  8. The Ag2Se-HgSe-GeSe2 system and crystal structures of the compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parasyuk, O.V.; Gulay, L.D.; Romanyuk, Ya.E.; Olekseyuk, I.D.; Piskach, L.V.


    The phase diagram of the quasi-ternary Ag 2 Se-HgSe-GeSe 2 system at 298 K was investigated using X-ray phase analysis and metallography. The formation of five intermediate quaternary phases β (Ag ∼7.12-∼6.32 Hg ∼0.44-∼0.82 GeSe 6 ), γ (Ag ∼6.08-∼4.00 Hg ∼0.96-∼2.00 GeSe 6 ), δ (Ag 3.4 Hg 2.3 GeSe 6 ), ε (Ag ∼2.24-∼2.00 Hg ∼2.88-∼3.00 GeSe 6 ) and ∼Ag 1.4 Hg 1.3 GeSe 6 was established. The crystal structure of the β-phase (for the Ag 6.504 Hg 0.912 GeSe 6 composition) was determined using X-ray single crystal diffraction. It crystallizes in a cubic structure (space group F4-bar 3m) with the lattice parameter a=1.09026(4) nm. The crystal structure of the δ-phase (Ag 3.4 Hg 2.3 GeSe 6 ) was determined using X-ray powder diffraction (space group F4-bar 3m, a=1.07767(8) nm). The crystal structure determination of the γ-phase (space group Pmn2 1 ) was performed for the compositions Ag 5.6 Hg 1.2 GeSe 6 , Ag 4.8 Hg 1.6 GeSe 6 and Ag 4 Hg 2 GeSe 6 using X-ray powder diffraction. The crystal structure of the LT-Hg 2 GeSe 4 compound (space group I4-bar , a=0.56786(2), c=1.12579(5) nm) was confirmed by powder diffraction also.

  9. Ação de herbicidas sobre mecanismos de defesa das plantas aos patógenos


    Rizzardi Mauro Antônio; Fleck Nilson Gilberto; Agostinetto Dirceu; Balbinot Jr. Alvadi Antônio


    As plantas necessitam defender-se continuamente do ataque de agentes biológicos e de estresses do ambiente. A imobilidade e a falta de sistema imunológico, como ocorre em animais, fizeram com que as plantas desenvolvessem mecanismos de defesa, em que cada célula possui tanto capacidade de defesa induzida quanto pré-formada. No entanto, esses mecanismos podem ser influenciados pelo uso de herbicidas. A presente revisão objetivou apresentar os efeitos de herbicidas em mecanismos de defesa das p...

  10. A cibersegurança e as estruturas críticas: A GNR: Ciberguarda, o futuro


    Fernandes, Filipe


    Nas últimas duas décadas, a Internet e o ciberespaço tiveram um impacto enorme em todos os sectores da sociedade, relacionando-se com todos os aspectos da vivência na era da Informação. Fazendo uma análise abrangente, neste momento, a nossa sociedade e o Ciberespaço são duas realidades indissociáveis. A nossa vida diária, os direitos fundamentais, as interacções sociais e as economias dependem continuamente do funcionamento das tecnologias...

  11. Hábitos alimentares e envelhecimento : monografia : efeitos de uma restrição calórica na saúde e longevidade


    Silva, Joel Filipe Moreira Alves da


    Resumo da tese: O “elixir da longa vida” era um dos principais sonhos dos alquimistas, no caminho em direcção à Medicina moderna. Hoje, porque esse sonho nunca acabou, continuamos essa busca por algo capaz de retardar o nosso envelhecimento e nos fazer viver mais tempo. Com a percentagem de população mundial envelhecida a crescer continuamente, torna-se cada vez mais importante conhecer o nublado processo que nos torna mais velhos, para assim tentar descobrir formas de interferir. Nos anos 30...





    El turismo en las áreas naturales protegidas (AP) se desarrolla continuamente como consecuencia de diversos factores relacionados con la necesidad de explotar el capital natural (en especial en países en desarrollo) y la creciente demanda del sector turístico. Esta actividad supone una oportunidad y una amenaza para las AP y aumenta notablemente la exigencia a sus sistemas de gestión. Para conseguir una explotación turística sostenible, compatible con los objetivos de conservación de las AP, ...

  13. Asociación del dolor podal con variables podométricas, de la práctica deportiva e índice de masa corporal en niños de 12 a 14 años de escuelas de formación deportiva de fútbol de la ciudad de Neiva, 2014


    Ramirez Galvis, Anderson; Utria Tirado, Lorena


    El pie es la base de sustentación del ser humano, extremidad utilizada para diferentes actividades de locomoción, capaz de soportar todo el peso corporal incluso en acciones deportivas que implican mantenerla en buenas condiciones. La investigación en el área deportiva continuamente está tomando fuerza con miras en el mejoramiento del rendimiento y la obtención de la forma deportiva incluyendo el buen estado de todos los segmentos corporales implicados, de esta manera se realiza esta investig...

  14. aspectos clínico-cirúrgicos e cuidados nutricionais inerentes


    Sousa, André Filipe Martins de


    Trabalho Complementar apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciado em Ciências da Nutrição A obesidade é na actualidade considerada uma epidemia global. A sua prevalência tem aumentado continuamente até taxas alarmantes, quer nos países desenvolvidos quer nos países em vias de desenvolvimento. A cirurgia bariátrica é considerada a forma de tratamento mais eficaz no que se refere à morbilidade dos pacientes obesos. Este...

  15. Dinámica exportadora de las empresas born global en Colombia

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    Diana Marcela Escandón Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende analizar las condiciones principales del mercado exportador de las empresas born global en el caso colombiano, teniendo en cuenta los principales factores del entorno que determinan su dinámica exportadora. Se utiliza la base de datos GEM Colombia del año 2011, para analizar 297 empresas born global colombianas, mediante un análisis descriptivo y la estimación de un modelo de conglomerados bietápico. Los resultados muestran que los cambios tecnológicos, las características sectoriales y la intensidad competitiva son factores determinantes de la dinámica exportadora de las empresas born global en Colombia, y se concluye que los empresarios se adaptan al mercado internacional mejorando continuamente sus productos y procesos.

  16. La información en la disciplina administrativa

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    Celso Martínez Musiño


    Full Text Available Investigación descriptiva cuyo objetivo principal es investigar los sustentos teóricos de la información en la disciplina administrativa. Como resultados de la investigación se encuentra que, la administración, es una disciplina que se desarrolla y conceptualiza continuamente, y se enfoca en el estudio de procesos (planeación, organización, dirección y control. Algunas conclusiones del estudio son: a la información en la administración tiene como origen los datos, ayuda a la toma de decisiones y los directivos la han adoptado para el cumplimiento de ciertos roles; b la información es un elemento de reciente inclusión en el concepto administración y es componente clave para las organizaciones.

  17. Cultura material, oralidade e simbologia. Existe uma filosofia em África?

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    Vicente Geraldo Amâncio Diniz Oliveira


    Full Text Available Considerando-se o modus vivendi africano, não há dúvida de que há uma visão de mundo que poderia se configurar como “Filosofia”. A valorização, tanto da cultura material como da riqueza espiritual e princípios éticos dos diversos grupos que compõem o mosaico cultural africano, evidencia o legado de gerações passadas às novas gerações. Mesmo não havendo uma sistematização do conhecimento, haveria, pois, uma filosofia de vida em que a herança cultural recebida é continuamente reelaborada e confrontada com a dinamicidade da realidade circundante, que se mostra em contínuo vir-a-ser.

  18. Phase diagram of Se-CaIn4Se7 system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musaeva, R.I.; Aliev, I.I; Ismailova, F.I; Aliev, A.A


    Full text: The Se-CaIn 4 Se 7 system has been studied using methods of differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, micro structural analysis, density measurements and its phase diagram has been constructed. It has been established that the section Se-CaIn 4 Se 7 is a quasibinary section of the ternary system Ca-In-Se. At room temperature, on the basis of CaIn 2 Se 4 and Se no solid solution has been found

  19. On Some Physical Properties of GeSe3-Sb2Se3-ZnSe Thin Films and Their Radiation Response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosni, H.M.M.A.


    Thin films of the chalcogenides GeSe 3 , Sb 2 Se 3 , ZnSe, (GeSe 3 )80(Sb 2 Se 3 )20 and (GeSe 3 )70(Sb 2 Se 3 )10(ZnSe)20, are prepared by thermal evaporation onto glass substrates. The effect of ZnSe incorporation with both GeSe 3 , Sb 2 Se 3 results in amorphous (GeSe 3 )70(Sb 2 Se 3 )10(ZnSe)20 composition as obtained from the X-ray analysis. Electrical measurements reveal a decrease in dc activation energy, ΔEdc, and an increase in ac activation energy, ΔEac, for (GeSe 3 )70(Sb 2 Se 3 )10(ZnSe)20 as compared with (GeSe 3 )80(Sb 2 Se 3 )20. Optical energy gap, Eg, and band tail width, Ee, are estimated in UV/VIS spectral region for fresh and γ-irradiated films, revealing a decrease in Eg and an increase in Ee for ZnSe and (GeSe 3 )70(Sb 2 Se 3 )10(ZnSe)20 compositions, with irradiation dose.

  20. Semiconductor-metal transition of Se in Ru-Se Catalyst Nanoparticles (United States)

    Babu, P. K.; Lewera, Adam; Oldfield, Eric; Wieckowski, Andrzej


    Ru-Se composite nanoparticles are promising catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in fuel cells. Though the role of Se in enhancing the chemical stability of Ru nanoparticles is well established, the microscopic nature of Ru-Se interaction was not clearly understood. We carried out a combined investigation of ^77Se NMR and XPS on Ru-Se nanoparticles and our results indicate that Se, a semiconductor in elemental form, becomes metallic when interacting with Ru. ^77Se spin-lattice relaxation rates are found to be proportional to T, the well-known Korringa behavior characteristic of metals. The NMR results are supported by the XPS binding energy shifts which suggest that a possible Ru->Se charge transfer could be responsible for the semiconductor->metal transition of Se which also makes Ru less susceptible to oxidation during ORR.

  1. Bio-fortification and isotopic labelling of Se metabolites in onions and carrots following foliar application of Se and 77Se

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kápolna, Emese; Laursen, Kristian H.; Husted, Søren


    Se. The 77Se- labelled metabolites in onions were predominantly γ-glutamyl-77Se-selenomethyl-selenocysteine (γ-glu-Me77SeCys), 77Se-methylselenocysteine (Me77SeCys) and 77Se-selenomethionine (77SeMet). Furthermore, we report here for the first time the finding in carrots of the bioactive Me77SeCys...


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    Massimo Ragnedda


    Full Text Available Gran hermano y rizoma son metáforas cada vez más utilizadas cuando se habla de Internet. En la red estamos continuamente monitorizados: se recogen y catalogan datos e información como si se tratase de un cyberpanopticón: de ahí la metáfora del gran hermano electrónico. La red siente la necesidad de imponer un control cuyo objetivo es uniformar el comportamiento de los usuarios. Pero Internet es, además, una estructura rizomática difícilmente encajable en modelos rígidos. Internet rechaza, por su propia naturaleza, la centralización del poder en beneficio de la autogestión. ¿Cómo pueden coexistir un sistema de vigilancia tipo gran hermano con las características rizomáticas de la red? Estas este artículo se analizan ambas metáforas y se busca una síntesis de ambos conceptos.

  3. Heat transfer coefficients obtainment by means of naphthalene sublimation in air; Obtencion de coeficientes de transferencia de calor por medio de la tecnica de sublimacion de naftalina en aire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez Galindo, Jose Arturo; Garcia Gutierrez, Alonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This work describes the experimental technique for the sublimation of naphthalene in air which measures heat transfer coefficients through the use of the analogy between the transference phenomena of heat and mass. The technique used to substitute the experimental measurements of heat transfer, in which it is difficult to control the border thermal conditions, when they are dimmed by the omnipresent problem of heat conduction through the walls of the transference surfaces. Two examples are included of the application technique and its potential is outlined. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe la tecnica experimental de la sublimacion de naftalina en aire mediante la que se miden coeficientes de transferencia de masa. Los datos asi obtenidos pueden convertirse en coeficientes de transferencia de calor a traves del uso de la analogia entre los fenomenos de transferencia de calor y masa. La tecnica se utiliza para substituir las mediciones experimentales de transferencia de calor, en las que es dificil controlar las condiciones termicas de frontera, cuando las empana el problema omnipresente de la conduccion de calor a traves de las paredes de las superficies de transferencia. Se incluyen dos ejemplos de la aplicacion de la tecnica y se destaca su potencial.

  4. Heat transfer coefficients obtainment by means of naphthalene sublimation in air; Obtencion de coeficientes de transferencia de calor por medio de la tecnica de sublimacion de naftalina en aire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez Galindo, Jose Arturo; Garcia Gutierrez, Alonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This work describes the experimental technique for the sublimation of naphthalene in air which measures heat transfer coefficients through the use of the analogy between the transference phenomena of heat and mass. The technique used to substitute the experimental measurements of heat transfer, in which it is difficult to control the border thermal conditions, when they are dimmed by the omnipresent problem of heat conduction through the walls of the transference surfaces. Two examples are included of the application technique and its potential is outlined. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe la tecnica experimental de la sublimacion de naftalina en aire mediante la que se miden coeficientes de transferencia de masa. Los datos asi obtenidos pueden convertirse en coeficientes de transferencia de calor a traves del uso de la analogia entre los fenomenos de transferencia de calor y masa. La tecnica se utiliza para substituir las mediciones experimentales de transferencia de calor, en las que es dificil controlar las condiciones termicas de frontera, cuando las empana el problema omnipresente de la conduccion de calor a traves de las paredes de las superficies de transferencia. Se incluyen dos ejemplos de la aplicacion de la tecnica y se destaca su potencial.

  5. Identidade narrativa e identidade pessoal. Uma abordagem da filosofia de Paul Ricoeur


    Fernandes, Sara Margarida de Matos Roma


    O presente artigo tem o objectivo duplo de reflectir sobre o conceito de identidade narrativa no pensamento de Paul Ricœur e o de avaliar a sua contribuição para a resolução do problema filosófico da identidade pessoal. Para o concretizar, o artigo procurará desenvolver as teses seguintes: 1) a identidade narrativa resulta da permanente dialéctica entre o carácter (mesmidade, idem) e a ipseidade (constância, ipse), ou seja, entre a capacidade do sujeito se referir continuamente a si durante a...

  6. Modelo de implementação de um sistema de gestão integrada em qualidade, meio ambiente, saúde e segurança ocupacional - QMASSO


    Melo, Fábio Marin


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção Esta dissertação visa disponibilizar um modelo de sistema de gestão integrada que possibilite que uma determinada organização identifique e entenda seus passivos em qualidade, meio ambiente, saúde e segurança ocupacional gerenciando-os de forma a melhorar o desempenho da organização continuamente. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se uma Pesquisa Aplicada q...

  7. Propuesta de mejora continua para la mesa de ayuda de la UGPP



    El propósito del Mejoramiento Continuo del Servicio (MCS) es alinear y realinear continuamente los servicios de TI con las necesidades cambiantes del negocio por medio de la identificación e implementación de mejoras a los servicios de TI que respaldan los Procesos del Negocio. Para esta Organización en particular se cumplieron tres etapas: La primera un diagnóstico del estado actual de proceso de mesa de ayuda, de la herramienta de apoyo a la gestión de incidentes y al equipo humano de sopo...

  8. De cómo comencé, seguí y me quedé con las TIC : afectos y efectos de género


    Gil Juárez, Adriana


    En este trabajo intento hacer visibles las intersecciones entre el acercamiento, apropiación y consumo de las TIC tanto en la trayectoria privada como en la pública. Misma que ha recorrido dos continentes, varios entornos afectivos y diversos institucionales. En dichas intersecciones comentaré, cómo a pesar de haber tenido un fácil acceso al uso y apropiación de las TIC, éste se ha visto continuamente obstaculizado por motivos de género o migración, motivos de igual resistencia tanto en el ám...

  9. Globalização e implicação nas estruturas do trabalho


    Moniz, António Brandão


    De acordo com Radice, a globalização é geralmente definida como “um processo através do qual uma proporção crescente de transacções económicas, sociais e culturais, ocorre directamente ou indirectamente, entre parceiros de diferentes países” (Radice, 2004: 154). Mas outra definição, mais clássica, deriva do postulado de Rosa Luxemburg que, já em 1913, referia que o capitalismo necessita de continuamente se expandir territorialmente para dispor de um mercado “exterior”. Desse modo, este sistem...

  10. The investigation of illicit drugs and their metabolites in water by liquid chromatography coupled to low and high resolution mass spectrometry


    Bijlsma, Lubertus


    La investigación de drogas ilícitas (IDs) en aguas se ha convertido en tema de actualidad en los últimos años. Las IDs pueden entrar en las aguas residuales, inalteradas o como metabolitos, después de su consumo y excreción. Los procesos de depuración, comúnmente aplicados en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales (WWTPs), son a menudo insuficientes y algunas IDs y/o sus productos de transformación (TPs) pueden ser transferidos continuamente a aguas medioambientales. La determinación ...

  11. ¿El público perjudica a la publicidad?

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    Esteban Perroni


    Full Text Available Las mediciones de audiencia aplicadas a los estudios de impactos publicitarios, gozan de un estado de hiperlegitimación que las posiciona más como un fenómeno de "religiosidad alternativa" que como uno de investigación y desarrollo de la comunicación. Cabe preguntarse ¿qué hace el público con la publicidad?, ¿qué miden las mediciones cuando indagan por los canales encendidos y concluyen que se ha observado la tanda publicitaria? Estamos frente a un problema pocas veces atendido, que pasa por aclarar en qué consiste cotidianamente "mirar televisión" y comprender la unidad fenomenológica de comunicación y cultura.

  12. El Lado Socialmente Deseable de las Respuestas a Medidas de Burnout y Engagement: un Estudio Preliminar/The Socially Desirable Side of the Responses to Measures of Burnout and Engagement: A Preliminary Study/O Lado Socialmente Desejável das Respostas a Medidas de Burnout e Engagement: um Estudo Preliminar

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    Manuel Fernández-Arata


    Full Text Available El presente estudio reporta la asociación divergente entre la deseabilidad social y las respuestas al mbi-gs y uwes, dos instrumentos que miden constructos considerados opuestos: burnout y engagement. Esta relación ha sido muy pocas veces explorada, y menos aun en sujetos hispanos. Los participantes fueron trabajadores de tiendas comerciales en la zona central de Lima Metropolitana. Se halló que la deseabilidad social comparte varianza con los puntajes de agotamiento emocional e indiferencia, pero esta relación estuvo influenciada por el instrumento de medición de la deseabilidad social. Las correlaciones parciales entre los puntajes del mbi no fueron prácticamente diferentes de sus correlaciones de orden cero. El uwes no covarió con deseabilidad social. Se concluye que la deseabilidad social tiene poca influencia sobre los puntajes orientados hacia el burnout en el mbi.

  13. El Lado Socialmente Deseable de las Respuestas a Medidas de Burnout y Engagement: un Estudio Preliminar

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    Manuel Fernández-Arata


    Full Text Available El presente estudio reporta la asociación divergente entre la deseabilidad social y las respuestas al MBI-GS y UWES, dos instrumentos que miden constructos considerados opuestos: burnout y engagement. Esta relación ha sido muy pocas veces explorada, y menos aun en sujetos hispanos. Los participantes fueron trabajadores de tiendas comerciales en la zona central de Lima Metropolitana. Se halló que la deseabilidad social comparte varianza con los puntajes de agotamiento emocional e indiferencia, pero esta relación estuvo influenciada por el instrumento de medición de la deseabilidad social. Las correlaciones parciales entre los puntajes del MBI no fueron prácticamente diferentes de sus correlaciones de orden cero. El UWES no covarió con deseabilidad social. Se concluye que la deseabilidad social tiene poca influencia sobre los puntajes orientados hacia el burnout en el MBI.

  14. One-step synthesis of PbSe-ZnSe composite thin film

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    Abe Seishi


    Full Text Available Abstract This study investigates the preparation of PbSe-ZnSe composite thin films by simultaneous hot-wall deposition (HWD from multiple resources. The XRD result reveals that the solubility limit of Pb in ZnSe is quite narrow, less than 1 mol%, with obvious phase-separation in the composite thin films. A nanoscale elemental mapping of the film containing 5 mol% PbSe indicates that isolated PbSe nanocrystals are dispersed in the ZnSe matrix. The optical absorption edge of the composite thin films shifts toward the low-photon-energy region as the PbSe content increases. The use of a phase-separating PbSe-ZnSe system and HWD techniques enables simple production of the composite package.

  15. A interdisciplinaridade entre legislação e aplicação: a “efetiva” materialidade na aplicação das cotas

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    Mayron Morais Damasceno


    Full Text Available O ponto primordial do presente artigo é o de deflagrar se a política de cotas respeita a igualdade jurídica e consegue condensar a efetiva materialidade almejada em sua aplicabilidade frente à sociedade brasileira. Em um primeiro momento é preciso expor como as cotas passaram a ser parte dos programas universitários brasileiro, momento oportuno para abordar sua aplicação, criação, execução, fundamentos e discussões. Continuamente se abordará a colocação dos Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal quando da aplicação de tais políticas. Possibilitando, ao final, esclarecer se a aplicação da política específica de ações afirmativas, as cotas, recrudesce a igualdade ou apenas serve para estruturar a exorbitante desigualdade.

  16. Validación de la Escala CISNEROS de Medida de Mobbing al Gallego

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    M.ª Ángeles López-Cabarcos


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es la validación de la escala CISNEROS de medida de mobbing en gallego, formada por 43 ítems que miden la frecuencia de mobbing a través de una escala de 7 puntos, al tiempo que permite identificar a los posibles responsables del mismo. Para ello se llevó a cabo un análisis factorial exploratorio y un análisis factorial confirmatorio en una muestra multisectorial representativa de la población activa de Galicia. Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio indican la existencia de cinco factores principales que explican el 60,31% de la varianza total y muestran una elevada fiabilidad de la escala (alfa=.96. Posteriormente, se compara el ajuste de tres modelos mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio. Los resultados indican que el modelo de cinco factores correlacionados es el que mejor se ajusta a los datos, dando así apoyo empírico a la estructura de cinco factores obtenida en el análisis factorial exploratorio.


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    Pedro Fuentes Durá


    Full Text Available

    La costa este de España sufre periódicamente episodios de proliferación masiva de algas, que provocan graves perjuicios para los sectores turístico y pesquero, e incluso suponen un riesgo sanitario para la población. Este trabajo muestra un método que permite la detección de variaciones significativas en el estado del ecosistema, como cambios en las concentraciones de nutrientes y densidad de fitoplancton. Se expone el uso de gráficos de control estadístico de procesos basados en componentes principales (PC de las variables que se miden regularmente en estas playas. Los PC encontrados facilitan la interpretación de las razones por las que se producen estos episodios. Por otra parte, los gráficos de control propuestos tienen la capacidad de detectar situaciones anómalas que favorecen las proliferaciones masivas, permitiendo un eficaz control medioambiental en estas playas.

  18. Structure and optical properties of GaSe-CdSe composites driven by Cd intercalation in GaSe lamellar crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caraman, Iuliana; Kantser, Valeriu; Evtodiev, Igor; Untila, Dumitru; Dmitroglo, Liliana; Leontie, Liviu; Arzumanyan, Grigory


    A new composite material composed of GaSe and CdSe has been obtained by treatment of GaSe single-crystal lamellas in Cd vapors at temperatures of 773-853 K and intercalation of Cd interlayers. The structure and optical properties of the GaSe-CdSe composite material have been studied. The content of CdSe crystallites was found to grow with increasing treatment temperature or with increasing duration of treatment at a constant temperature. Analysis of XRD, PL, XPS, AFM, and Raman patterns has shown that the heterogeneous composite composed of micro and nanocrystallites of CdSe in GaSe can be obtained by Cd intercalation in a temperature range of 753-853 K. On the basis of Raman spectrum, the vibrational modes of the composite have been identified. The PL of these materials contains emission bands of free and bound excitons, donor-acceptor bands, and bands of recombination via impurity levels. The PL emission spectra measured at a temperature of 78 and 300 K for the composites result from the overlapping of the emission bands of the components of GaSe doped with Cd and the CdSe crystallites. (authors)


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    Frank Casas Sulca


    Full Text Available El subdesarrollo institucional y la precariedad organizacional del Perú obligan que se piense continuamente en políticas de desarrollo que ejerzan, de una u otra forma, cambios esenciales que logren la sostenibilidad de un crecimiento continuo. Desde una perspectiva mass-mediática se ha avanzado considerablemente sobre políticas de comunicación que implican la democracia informacional y la libertad de los medios de comunicación, sin embargo se necesita también incluir concepciones de comunicación interpersonal que se encuentran dentro de los escenarios políticos, sociales y culturales de una sociedad. El alcance teórico y práctico de este ensayo nos permitirá mostrar hasta qué grado la comunicación interpersonal es una herramienta potencial muy poco utilizada en el ambiente gubernamental, y cuánto podría favorecer su uso en la construcción de una gobernabilidad eficaz.

  20. Stable and metastable phases in reciprocal systems PbSe + Ag2I2 Ag2Se + PbI2 and PbSe + CdI2 = CdSe + PbI2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Odin, I.N.; Grin'ko, V.V.; Kozlovskij, V.F.; Safronov, E.V.


    Mutual system PbSe + Ag 2 I 2 = Ag 2 Se + PbI 2 is investigated. It is shown that diagonal Ag 2 Se-PbI 2 is stable. Liquidus surface and isothermal section at 633 K of phase diagram of PbSe-Ag 2 Se-PbI 2 system are built. Transformations directing to crystallization metastable ternary compound forming in PbSe-PbI 2 system and metastable polytype modifications of lead iodide in PbSe-Ag 2 Se-PbI 2 system at 620-685 K are studied. By hardening from molten state (1150-1220 K) new interstitial metastable phases crystallizing in CdCl 2 structural type are obtained in PbSe-Ag 2 Se-PbI 2 and PbSe + CdI 2 = CdSe + PbI 2 systems [ru

  1. Synthesis and characterization of ZnSe:Fe/ZnSe core/shell nanocrystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Lin; Zhu, Jianguo, E-mail:; Xiao, Dingquan


    High-quality ZnSe:Fe/ZnSe core/shell nanocrystals were prepared via a hydrothermal microemulsion technique. Effective surface passivation of monodisperse ZnSe:Fe nanocrystals is achieved by overcoating them with a ZnSe shell. The samples were characterized by means of XRD, EDX, TEM, PSD, XPS, photoluminescence, and Raman spectrum. The results show that the as-synthesized nanocrystals are cubic zinc blende ZnSe structure with high purity and the average particle size of ZnSe:Fe/ZnSe core/shell nanocrystal is larger than that of ZnSe:Fe core. The growth of ZnSe shell causes a small red shift in PL spectra, and then the PL quantum yield (QY) increases from 16% before shell growth to the maximum of 37% after increasing shell thickness up to 1.2 monolayers (ML). Moreover, both transverse optic (TO) and longitudinal optic (LO) phonon modes of ZnSe are shifted toward lower frequency as compared with the reported ones. -- Highlights: • ZnSe:Fe/ZnSe core/shell QDs were prepared by a hydrothermal microemulsion method. • ZnSe shell efficiently passivates surface defects by serving as a physical barrier. • The particle size and PL properties can be turned with the growth of ZnSe shell. • The luminescence efficiency and stability of QDs could be improved in this manner.

  2. Los padres del niño con autismo: una guía de intervención

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hannia Cabezas Pizarro


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudian las diferentes etapas por las que pasan los padres ante la llegada de un niño con autismo. Se presenta una definición de autismo, las principales características y los signos de alerta que podrían indicar que algo no marcha bien en el proceso de desarrollo de sus hijos. Por otro lado, se definen algunos principios de la terapia conductual aplicada y se expone un diseño de un programa educativo para ayudar a los padres en el manejo de los niños con autismo. Partiendo del hecho de que los padres pueden ser coterapeutas de sus hijos, se les lleva a través de un proceso graduado en el que pueden elegir la conducta a trabajar y se les enseña cómo ordenar esas conductas de manera que se facilite la intervención. Con este fin, se definen las conductas que presenta el niño autista y se indica cómo seleccionar los reforzadores o las consecuencias que éste recibirá, de modo que le permitan aumentar, mantener, o disminuir las conductas que se quieren cambiar; por lo que se ilustra cómo se miden éstas y se representan gráficamente, de forma que los padres puedan visualizar de manera sencilla los avances de sus hijos.

  3. Los padres del niño con autismo: Una guía de intervención

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    Cabezas Pizarro, Hannia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudian las diferentes etapas por las que pasan los padres ante la llegada de un niño con autismo. Se presenta una definición de autismo, las principales características y los signos de alerta que podrían indicar que algo no marcha bien en el proceso de desarrollo de sus hijos. Por otro lado, se definen algunos principios de la terapia conductual aplicada y se expone un diseño de un programa educativo para ayudar a los padres en el manejo de los niños con autismo. Partiendo del hecho de que los padres pueden ser coterapeutas de sus hijos, se les lleva a través de un proceso graduado en el que pueden elegir la conducta a trabajar y se les enseña cómo ordenar esas conductas de manera que se facilite la intervención. Con este fin, se definen las conductas que presenta el niño autista y se indica cómo seleccionar los reforzadores o las consecuencias que éste recibirá, de modo que le permitan aumentar, mantener, o disminuir las conductas que se quieren cambiar; por lo que se ilustra cómo se miden éstas y se representan gráficamente, de forma que los padres puedan visualizar de manera sencilla los avances de sus hijos.

  4. Measurement of 76Se and 78Se (γ, n) cross sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitatani, Fumito; Harada, Hideo; Goko, Shinji; Utsunomiya, Hiroaki; Akimune, Hidetoshi; Toyokawa, Hiroyuki; Yamada, Kawakatsu


    The (γ, n) cross sections of Se isotopes ( 76 Se, 78 Se) were measured to supply fundamental data for estimating the inverse reaction cross section, i.e., the 79 Se(n, γ) 80 Se cross section. The enriched samples and a reference 197 Au sample were irradiated with laser-Compton scattering (LCS) γ-rays. The excitation function of each (γ, n) cross section was determined for the energy range from each near neutron separation energy to the threshold energy of (γ, 2n) reaction. The energy point corresponding to each cross section was deduced using the accurately determined energy distribution of LCS γ-rays. Systematic (γ, n) cross sections for Se isotopes including 80 Se were compared with those calculated by using a statistical model calculation code TALYS. (author)

  5. Thermoelectric prospects of chemically deposited PbSe and SnSe thin films (United States)

    Nair, P. K.; Martínez, Ana Karen; Rosa García Angelmo, Ana; Barrios Salgado, Enue; Nair, M. T. S.


    Thin films of PbSe of 400-600 nm in thickness, were obtained via chemical deposition from a solution containing lead nitrate, thiourea and selenosufate. SnSe thin films of 90-180 nm in thickness, were also obtained by chemical deposition from a solution containing selenosulfate. Optical and electrical properties of these thin films were significantly altered by heating them in selenium vapor at 300 °C. Thin film PbSe has a bandgap (Eg) of 1.17 eV (direct gap, forbidden transitions), which decreases to 0.77 eV when it has been heated. Its electrical conductivity (σ) is p-type: 0.18 Ω-1 cm-1 (as-prepared), and 6.4 Ω-1 cm-1 when heated. Thin film SnSe is of orthorhombic crystalline structure which remains stable when heated at 300 °C, but its Eg increases from 1.12 eV (indirect) in as-prepared film to 1.5 eV (direct, forbidden transitions) upon heating. Its electrical conductivity is p-type, which increases from 0.3 Ω-1 cm-1 (as-prepared) to 1 Ω-1 cm-1 when heated (without Se-vapor). When SnSe film is heated at 300 °C in the presence of Se-vapor, they transform to SnSe2, with Eg of 1.5 eV (direct, forbidden) with n-type electrical conductivity, 11 Ω-1 cm-1. The Seebeck coefficient for the PbSe films is: +0.55 mV K-1 (as prepared) and +0.275 mV K-1 (heated); for SnSe films it is: +0.3 mV K-1 (as prepared) and +0.20 mV K-1 (heated); and for SnSe2 film, - 0.35 mV K-1. A five-element PbSe-SnSe2-PbSe-SnSe2-PbSe thermoelectric device demonstrated 50 mV for a temperature difference ΔT = 20 °C (2.5 mV K-1). For SnSe-SnSe2-SnSe-SnSe2-SnSe device, the value is 15 mV for ΔT = 20 °C (0.75 mV K-1). Prospect of these thin films in thermoelectric devices of hybrid materials, in which the coatings may be applied on distinct substrate and geometries is attractive.

  6. reciente y retos futuros

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    Pablo Mejía Reyes


    Full Text Available Este documento analiza la evolución reciente de la IED en México y en sus distintos estados. Específicamente se estudia la correlación estadística entre los flujos de IED a los estados del país y variables que miden el potencial del mercado, la calidad de los factores de la producción, las políticas gubernamentales y su efectividad, y la estabilidad política o laboral y la seguridad pública. Los resultados sugieren que el potencial de mercado ha sido un factor importante en la atracción de IED, en tanto que los demás factores han tenido un papel modesto en el mejor de los casos.

  7. Expression and crystallization of SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarrott, R.; Shouldice, S. R.; Gunčar, G.; Totsika, M.; Schembri, M. A.; Heras, B.


    The cloning, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of three DsbA-like proteins present in S. enterica serovar Typhimurium, SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA, are reported. Pathogens require protein-folding enzymes to produce functional virulence determinants. These foldases include the Dsb family of proteins, which catalyze oxidative folding in bacteria. Bacterial disulfide catalytic processes have been well characterized in Escherichia coli K-12 and these mechanisms have been extrapolated to other organisms. However, recent research indicates that the K-12 complement of Dsb proteins is not common to all bacteria. Importantly, many pathogenic bacteria have an extended arsenal of Dsb catalysts that is linked to their virulence. To help to elucidate the process of oxidative folding in pathogens containing a wide repertoire of Dsb proteins, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium has been focused on. This Gram-negative bacterium contains three DsbA proteins: SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA. Here, the expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of these three proteins are reported. SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA crystals diffracted to resolution limits of 1.55, 1.57 and 2.6 Å and belonged to space groups P2 1 , P2 1 2 1 2 and C2, respectively


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    Wilson Alves de Paiva


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Embora a obra de Rousseau tenha sido objeto de uma farta produção intelectual ao l1ongo dos quase dois séculos e meio de sua existência, continuamente sofre por interpretações distorcidas e leituras parciais. Com o objetivo de contribuir com essa discussão, sobretudo no que diz respeito à formação do homem, este trabalho procura discutir o processo no qual o homem natural se torna o homem civil, defendendo o ponto de vista de que se trata de um empreendimento da razão devidamente guiado pelos princípios da natureza e voltado para uma autêntica formação humana na qual o homem se realiza plenamente apenas em sua dupla condição, ou melhor, em sua condição composta de homem natural e homem civil.

  9. Ordem de nascimento e decisões de carreira: um diálogo entre a psicologia individual e as carreiras contemporâneas


    Graziela Martins Pedro Dias


    Nas últimas décadas, transformações políticas, sociais e econômicas alteraram as configurações do mundo do trabalho. A carreira, antes baseada em modelos organizacionais hierárquicos, começou a ser compreendida em termos da percepção individual sobre a sequência de experiências de trabalho no decorrer da vida. Se antes era possível estudá-la a partir de grandes escolhas iniciais, o foco passou a incidir sobre as decisões tomadas continuamente, ao longo de toda a carreira. Frente a esse cenári...

  10. Identificação fenotípica e genotípica de fungos filamentosos isolados de talcos comerciais cosméticos


    Luiz, Flávia Cristina Jastale Pinto Fernandes


    Resumo: O mercado cosmético investe continuamente em novas formulações adequando a velocidade dos lançamentos às exigências de qualidade e segurança. Neste sentido nota-se o interesse em formulações que utilizem uma quantidade menor de conservantes dada à relação destes com a ocorrência de reações adversas. A diminuição da atividade de água pode vir a contribuir para a segurança microbiológica de um produto que utilize menos conservantes. No entanto, fungos filamentosos apresentam resistência...

  11. Análisis de redacción de referencias y citas bibliográficas en literatura científica, a través del estudio de la normalización bibliográfica.


    Borgoñós Martínez, Mª Dolores


    El trabajo presenta un acercamiento a la utilización de la normalización bibliográfica para efectuar referencias y citas bibliográficas en trabajos de investigación de Libros (Monografías) y Artículos de revista, tanto en soporte papel como electrónico. Se parte de la existencia de una gran variedad en las formas de citar y referenciar autores en la literatura científica, lo que provoca en los investigadores incertidumbre, y les obliga a variar continuamente la forma de presentación de sus tr...

  12. CuInSe2 nano-crystallite reaction kinetics using solid state reaction from Cu2Se and In2Se3 powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsiang, Hsing-I; Lu, Li-Hsin; Chang, Yu-Lun; Ray, Dahtong; Yen, Fu-Su


    Highlights: → CuInSe 2 phase increased gradually accompanied with a decrease in γ-In 2 Se 3 and no intermediate phase during calcination. → CuInSe 2 formation from Cu 2 Se and In 2 Se 3 powders follows a one-dimensional diffusion-controlled reaction with apparent activation energy of about 122.5 kJ/mol. → The solid reaction kinetics may be dominated by the diffusion of In 3+ ions. - Abstract: The reaction mechanism and CuInSe 2 formation kinetics using a solid state reaction from Cu 2 Se and In 2 Se 3 powders synthesized using a heating up process were investigated using X-ray diffractomy (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was observed that the CuInSe 2 phase increased gradually, accompanied with a decrease in γ-In 2 Se 3 with no intermediate phase as the calcination temperature and soaking time were increased. The reaction kinetics was analyzed using the Avrami and polynomial kinetic model, suggesting that CuInSe 2 formation from Cu 2 Se and In 2 Se 3 powders follows a diffusion-controlled reaction with an apparent activation energy of about 122.5-182.3 kJ/mol. Cu 2 Se and In 2 Se 3 phases react and directly transform into CIS without the occurrence of any intermediate phase and the size of the newly formed CuInSe 2 crystallites was close to that of the Cu 2 Se reactant particle based on the TEM results, which indicated that the solid reaction kinetics may be dominated by the diffusion of In 3+ ions.

  13. Controllable size reduction of CdSe nanowires through the intermediate formation of Se-coated CdSe nanowires using acid and thermal treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lam, N S [Department of Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Wong, K W [Department of Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Li, Q [Department of Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Zheng, Z [Department of Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Lau, W M [Surface Science Western, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, N6A 5B7 (Canada)


    Thinning of CdSe nanowires (NWs) with controllable size was achieved by a simple acid treatment and subsequent annealing on thick CdSe NWs synthesized from vapour phase growth. During acid treatment, not only the undesired impurities such as native oxides of Cd and Se could be etched, but surface reactions of CdSe NWs were also observed, resulting in the formation of a layer of elemental Se around a thinner CdSe core. As a result, a heterostructure of Se - CdSe nanostructure formed after acid treatment of CdSe NWs. Upon thermal annealing, the Se shell was effectively removed and thinned stoichiometric single-crystalline CdSe NWs could be obtained. It was observed that NWs could be thinned by up to {approx}60% in diameter by acid treatment and subsequent Se thermal desorption. The degree of thinning was controllable by adjusting the duration of acid treatment. The success of the thinning of CdSe NWs by simple acid treatment and the annealing process reported here opens a new processing route for obtaining stoichiometric CdSe NWs with controllable size reduction and improved aspect ratio. This can undoubtedly broadly improve the range of applications of 1D CdSe nanostructures and allow more exploration of their uni-directional properties. A correction was made to the last paragraph of section 3 on 18 September 2007. The corrected electronic version is identical to the print version.

  14. Controllable size reduction of CdSe nanowires through the intermediate formation of Se-coated CdSe nanowires using acid and thermal treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lam, N S; Wong, K W; Li, Q; Zheng, Z; Lau, W M


    Thinning of CdSe nanowires (NWs) with controllable size was achieved by a simple acid treatment and subsequent annealing on thick CdSe NWs synthesized from vapour phase growth. During acid treatment, not only the undesired impurities such as native oxides of Cd and Se could be etched, but surface reactions of CdSe NWs were also observed, resulting in the formation of a layer of elemental Se around a thinner CdSe core. As a result, a heterostructure of Se - CdSe nanostructure formed after acid treatment of CdSe NWs. Upon thermal annealing, the Se shell was effectively removed and thinned stoichiometric single-crystalline CdSe NWs could be obtained. It was observed that NWs could be thinned by up to ∼60% in diameter by acid treatment and subsequent Se thermal desorption. The degree of thinning was controllable by adjusting the duration of acid treatment. The success of the thinning of CdSe NWs by simple acid treatment and the annealing process reported here opens a new processing route for obtaining stoichiometric CdSe NWs with controllable size reduction and improved aspect ratio. This can undoubtedly broadly improve the range of applications of 1D CdSe nanostructures and allow more exploration of their uni-directional properties. A correction was made to the last paragraph of section 3 on 18 September 2007. The corrected electronic version is identical to the print version

  15. Benefits of oxygen in CuInSe{sub 2} and CuGaSe{sub 2} containing Se-rich grain boundaries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feng, Chunbao, E-mail: [Department of Mathematics and Physics, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, 400065 (China); Luo, Min; Li, Bolin; Li, Dengfeng [Department of Mathematics and Physics, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, 400065 (China); Nie, Jinlan [Department of Applied Physics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 610054 (China); Dong, Huining [Department of Mathematics and Physics, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, 400065 (China)


    Using density functional theory calculation, we show that oxygen (O) exhibits an interesting effect in CuInSe{sub 2} and CuGaSe{sub 2}. The Se atoms with dangling bonds in a Se-rich Σ3 (114) grain boundary (GB) create deep gap states due to strong interaction between Se atoms. However, when such a Se atom is substituted by an O atom, the deep gap states can be shifted into valence band, making the site no longer a harmful non-radiative recombination center. We find that O atoms prefer energetically to substitute these Se atoms and induce significant lattice relaxation due to their smaller atomic size and stronger electronegativity, which effectively reduces the anion–anion interaction. Consequently, the deep gap states are shifted to lower energy regions close or even below the top of the valence band.

  16. Alternative syntheses of [73,75Se]selenoethers exemplified for homocysteine[73,75Se]selenolactone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ermert, J.; Blum, T.; Hamacher, K.; Coenen, H.H.


    The present work describes two radiosynthetic pathways to prepare homocysteine[ 75 Se]selenolactone 1 starting from n.c.a. [ 75 Se]selenite 2. It was achieved either by alkylation reaction of n.c.a. methyl[ 75 Se]selenide 4 or by hydrolysis of alkylated 1,3-dicyclohexyl[ 75 Se]selenourea 11. N.c.a. methyl[ 75 Se]selenide 4 is available using sulfur as non-isotopic carrier. However, the radiochemical yield of the substitution of 2-tert.-butoxycarbonylamino-4-bromobutyric acid ethylester 5 with n.c.a. methyl-[ 75 Se]selenide is only in the range of 15%-20%. Birch reduction of protected n.c.a. [ 75 Se]selenomethionine 6 formed leads to a RCY of 5%-10% homocysteine[ 75 Se]selenolactone 1. Alternatively, the synthesis of homocysteine[ 75 Se]selenolactone 1 is possible by hydrolysis of the corresponding [ 75 Se]selenouronium salt 11 available by addition of 2-tert.-butoxycarbonylamino-4-bromobutyric acid ethylester 5 to 1,3-dicyclohexyl[ 75 Se]selenourea 10. A method was developed for the synthesis of 1,3-dicyclohexyl[ 75 Se]selenourea 10 by addition of c.a. [ 75 Se]SeH 2 to 1,3-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, which leads to 20%-30% RCY of c.a. homocysteine[ 75 Se]selenolactone 1. (orig.)

  17. The determination of Se content in Se egg by NAA in MNSR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Ke; Hou Xiaolin


    The selenium contents in the yolk, albumin and shell of the egg which was laid by layer hen fed with various Se concentrations are determined by thermal neutron activation analysis with a nuclear reaction 78 Se(n, γ) 77 Se m on the miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR). The results show that the more the selenium added to the feed, the higher the Se content in the egg and that in the egg constituents, the highest Se content is in the egg yolk and the lowest in the egg albumin

  18. Luminescence spectra of CdSe/ZnSe double layers of quantum dots

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reznitsky, Alexander; Permogorov, Sergei; Korenev, Vladimir V.; Sedova, Irina; Sorokin, Sergey; Sitnikova, Alla; Ivanov, Sergei [A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Polytekhnicheskaya 26, 194021 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation); Klochikhin, Albert [B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation)


    We have studied the emission spectra and structural properties of double CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot (QD) sheet structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy in order to elucidate the mechanisms of the electronic and strain field interaction between the QD planes. The thickness of the ZnSe barrier separating the CdSe sheets was in the range of 10-60 monolayers (ML) in the set of samples studied. We have found that coupling between dots in adjacent layers becomes relatively strong in CdSe/ZnSe double layers structures with 25-27 ML barrier, while it is rather weak when the barrier thickness exceeds 30 ML. (copyright 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  19. Hopping conduction in gamma-irradiated InSe and InSe:Sn single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Full text : The semiconductive InSe layer compound is characterized by a strong covalent bond inside the layers and a weak Van der Waals bonding between them. It was shown that across the layers of InSe single crystals at low temperatures (T ≤ 200 K) at direct current (dc) hopping conduction through localized states near the Fermi level takes place. The results of dc-conductivity of gamma-irradiated p-InSe and n-InSe : Sn layer single crystals have been presented in this work. ρ-InSe single crystal specimens grown by the Bridgman method were used in the experiments. Plates of the crystals under study were obtained by cleaving along the layers of single crystal ingots. The single-crystal InSe samples for electric measurements had the form of planar capacitors normal to the C axis of the crystals, with silver-paste electrodes. The thickness of the InSe samples was 300 mkm. Co 60 serves as the source of irradiation with energy of gamma-quantum equal to 1.3 MeV. The electric properties of non-irradiated and gamma-irradiated InSe crystals were measured under the same conditions. It is revealed that InSe and InSe : Sn (0.2 and 0.4 mole percent Sn) single crystals exhibit a variable range hopping conduction along a normal to their natural layers at temperatures T≤200 K in a dc electric field. From experimental data the parameters of localized states of p-InSe and n-InSe : Sn were calculated before and after gamma-irradiation. It is revealed that gamma-irradiation of p-InSe and n-InSe : Sn (0.2 and 0.4 mole percent Sn) single crystals leads to significant change of localized states parameters. After gamma-irradiation the density of states near the Fermi level increased, but their energy spread and the average jump distance decreased. The concentrations of radiated defects were estimated in p-InSe (5.18*10 1 7 sm - 3) and n-InSe : Sn (2.5*10 1 7 - 2.7*10 1 8 sm - 3) single crystals. The present results demonstrate that gamma-irradiation offers the possibility of tuning

  20. Structure of Se-rich As-Se glasses by high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golovchak, R.; Kovalskiy, A.; Miller, A. C.; Jain, H.; Shpotyuk, O.


    To establish the validity of various proposed structural models, we have investigated the structure of the binary As x Se 100-x chalcogenide glass family (x≤40) by high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. From the composition dependence of the valence band, the contributions to the density of states from the 4p lone pair electrons of Se and the 4p bonding states and 4s electrons of Se and As are identified in the top part of the band. The analysis of Se 3d and As 3d core-level spectra supports the so-called chain crossing model for the atomic structure of Se-rich As x Se 100-x bulk glasses. The results also indicate small deviations (∼3-8%) from this model, especially for glass compositions with short Se chains (25 40 Se 60 and of Se-Se-Se fragments in a glass with composition x=30 is established

  1. Phase diagram of SnTe-CdSe cross-section of SnTe+CdSe reversible SnSe+CdTe ternary reciprocal system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubrovin, I.V.; Budennaya, L.D.; Mizetskaya, I.B.; Sharkina, Eh.V.


    Phase equilibrium diagram of SnTe-CdSe cross-section of Sn, Cd long Te, Se ternary reciprocal system is investigated using the methods of differential thermal, X-ray phase, and microstructural analyses. Maximum length of solid solutions on the base of SnTe corresponds to approximately 14 mol.% at 1050 K and approximately 3 mol.% of CdSe at 670 K. Region of solid solutions on the base of CdSe corresponds to less than 1 mol.% of SnTe at room temperature. SnTe-CdSe cross-section is not a quasibinar one. Equilibrium is shifted to the left in the SnTe+CdSe reversible SnSe+CdTe reciprocal system

  2. Expresión de la sexualidad e inteligencia emocional: una experiencia educativa para reflexionar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Carballo-Vargas


    Full Text Available Esta experiencia trata sobre un curso taller de educación de la expresión de la sexualidad y de la inteligencia emocional, que se vivió en la Escuela Corazón de María, ubicada dentro del centro Penitenciario que alberga a jóvenes privados de libertad. El reto de liberar el poder constructivo que existe dentro de cada persona es posible sólo mediante la educación que permita admitir la verdad que hay en las concepciones ajenas, elaborar las propias y tener criterio independiente para construir y reconstruir posiciones y actuar con congruencia. El proceso educativo no ha concluido, pero se tiene esperanzas en estos adolescentes, que aunque son como los de nuestras familias, son tan únicos en su personalidad y en las oportunidades que les ha brindado la vida, que no se parecen a ninguno de los y las adolescentes quienes continuamente nos rodean.

  3. El periodismo digital y sus retos en la sociedad global y del conocimiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Oliva Marañón


    Full Text Available El periodismo del siglo XXI se está adaptando a la Sociedad de la Información y, especialmente, a través del fenómeno Internet, ha nacido un medio de comunicación digital, interactivo y multimedia que supone una nueva forma de elaborar, estructurar y difundir las noticias. La era digital ha afectado al ámbito de los medios de comunicación, los cuales están presentes en la Red y se reinventan y crecen continuamente con nuevas herramientas y servicios para aprovechar al máximo las ventajas, los atractivos y los valores añadidos que proporcionan las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación. Este artículo revisa las reflexiones que, desde la propia profesión periodística, se están realizando para afrontar los retos que conllevan estos cambios tecnológicos y sociales.

  4. La lectura en el aula. Qué se hace, qué se debe hacer y qué se puede hacer


    Pablo Lorente Muñoz


    Emilio Sánchez Miguel (Coord.). La lectura en el aula. Qué se hace, qué se debe hacer y qué se puede hacer. Graó, col. Crítica y Fundamentos, 27. Barcelona, 2010. 382 págs. ISBN: 978-84-7827-892-3

  5. SE-VYZ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    On this CD compact disc 6 video-films (A-1 NPP; Bituminization; Cementation; Pressing; The Interim spent fuel storage facility; Transport into the National radioactive waste repository Mochovce; Ignition; and Vitrification). In these films process of radioactive waste treatment in the Bohunice Radioactive Waste Processing Center (SE-VYZ) is presented. 2 presentations about radioactive wastes treatment in the SE-VYZ are included

  6. Speciation of Se and DOC in soil solution and their relation to Se bioavailability. (United States)

    Weng, Liping; Vega, Flora Alonso; Supriatin, Supriatin; Bussink, Wim; Van Riemsdijk, Willem H


    A 0.01 M CaCl(2) extraction is often used to asses the bioavailability of plant nutrients in soils. However, almost no correlation was found between selenium (Se) in the soil extraction and Se content in grass. The recently developed anion Donnan membrane technique was used to analyze chemical speciation of Se in the 0.01 M CaCl(2) extractions of grassland soils and fractionation of DOC (dissolved organic carbon). The results show that most of Se (67-86%) in the extractions (15 samples) are colloidal-sized Se. Only 13-34% of extractable Se are selenate, selenite and small organic Se (<1 nm). Colloidal Se is, most likely, Se bound to or incorporated in colloidal-sized organic matter. The dominant form of small Se compounds (selenate, selenite/small organic compounds) depends on soil. A total of 47-85% of DOC is colloidal-sized and 15-53% are small organic molecules (<1 nm). In combination with soluble S (sulfur) and/or P (phosphor), concentration of small DOC can explain most of the variability of Se content in grass. The results indicate that mineralization of organic Se is the most important factor that controls Se availability in soils. Competition with sulfate and phosphate needs to be taken into account. Further research is needed to verify if concentration of small DOC is a good indicator of mineralization of soil organic matter.

  7. One-pot synthesis of hollow NiSe-CoSe nanoparticles with improved performance for hybrid supercapacitors (United States)

    Chen, Haichao; Fan, Meiqiang; Li, Chao; Tian, Guanglei; Lv, Chunju; Chen, Da; Shu, Kangying; Jiang, Jianjun


    Hollow NiSe-CoSe samples have been synthesized for the first time via a one-pot solvothermal approach. The strategy is robust enough to synthesize NiSe-CoSe nanoparticles with different NiSe to CoSe ratios but with a similar hollow structure. Co ions in the NiSe-CoSe nanoparticles play decisive role for formation of the hollow structure; otherwise, the nanoparticles become solid for the NiSe sample. When used as the positive electroactive materials for energy storage, the NiSe-CoSe samples show excellent electrochemical activity in alkaline electrolyte. Using the synergistic effect between NiSe and CoSe, the electrochemical performance of NiSe-CoSe can be tuned by varying the NiSe to CoSe ratios. The NiSe-CoSe sample with a NiSe to CoSe ratio of 4:2 shows the best electrochemical performance in terms of superior specific capacity, improved rate capability and excellent cycling stability. In addition, the electrochemical performance of NiSe-CoSe sample with a NiSe to CoSe ratio of 4:2 is also evaluated via assembling hybrid supercapacitors with RGO, and the hybrid supercapacitor delivers both high power and energy densities (41.8 Wh kg-1 at 750 W kg-1 and 20.3 Wh kg-1 at 30 kW kg-1).

  8. Excitons, biexcitons, and phonons in ultrathin CdSe/ZnSe quantum structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gindele, F.; Woggon, Ulrike; Langbein, Wolfgang Werner


    The optical properties of CdSe nanostructures grown by migration-enhanced epitaxy of CdSe on ZnSe are studied by time-, energy-, and temperature-dependent photoluminescence and excitation spectroscopy, as well as by polarization-dependent four-wave mixing and two-photon absorption experiments...

  9. La Geografía profesional en Argentina


    Reboratti, Carlos


    La geografía argentina, entendida como profesión independiente, ha conocido tres etapas: la de conformación académica formal, la de definición metodológica y técnica de la geografía como profesión y la de ampliación de esta profesión hacia fuera de los ámbitos académicos. En esta última etapa, los mercados de trabajo se amplían continuamente, aunque plantean a los geógrafos (y sobre todo a las universidades) el dilema de las formas de adaptación a las nuevas tecnologías, sobre todo las comput...

  10. La tierra andaluza: Ethos y relación con el concepto de poder

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    Rosalía Martínez


    Full Text Available La riqueza agraria de Andalucía contrasta desde el Antiguo Régimen con la pobreza, y en muchas ocasiones situación de subsistencia, del pueblo, que continuamente se revela contra las estructuras agrarias béticas desde el siglo XVII hasta las agi­taciones campesinas de finales del XIX y principios del XX, pasando por las quejas de Olavide en el XVIII, hasta los agraristas de preguerra ocupados en el problema del latifundismo y a la actualidad con los tres problemas andaluces del momento , que serían la debilidad relativa de la renta per capita, el paro y la emigración.

  11. SUMISA Y SEXY. La publicidad como trasmisor de roles de género femenino y cosificación de las mujeres


    Santa Eugenia Mercado, Beatriz


    El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es ver cómo la publicidad a través de los años ha reproducido roles de género, en especial los estereotipos que atañen al género femenino, que son en los que me voy a centrar. Además, voy a tratar de exponer como en los anuncios se cosifica continuamente a las mujeres relegándolas a simples objetos de consumo. También, intentaré ver cómo fomentan los distintos tipos de violencias hacia las mujeres mediante el machismo y la situación de inferioridad en la q...

  12. El silencio en la Casa de la Reina

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    María del Carmen Simón Palmer


    Full Text Available Durante el reinado de los Austrias se impusieron duras reglas de etiqueta en la Casa de la Reina. La llegada de éstas supuso la sumisión tanto de la reina como de sus meninas.Sin embargo, muchos de los escritos de esta época dan una falsa imagen de felicidad, de mujeres que asisten continuamente a fiestas y banquetes, aunque una lectura más atenta demuestra que lo hacen sólo como adorno. Un sentimiento de sumisión, de vida en cautiverio, de miedo a la maternidad, y de agobio por unas normas que regulan la conversación con los hombres, y cualquier gesto de las habitantes de la Casa de la Reina, incluido el matrimonio por conveniencia, se convierten en artífices del continuo silencio femenino.

  13. Improved photoluminescence quantum yield and stability of CdSe-TOP, CdSe-ODA-TOPO, CdSe/CdS and CdSe/EP nanocomposites (United States)

    Wei, Shutian; Zhu, Zhilin; Wang, Zhixiao; Wei, Gugangfen; Wang, Pingjian; Li, Hai; Hua, Zhen; Lin, Zhonghai


    Size-controllable monodisperse CdSe nanocrystals with different organic capping were prepared based on the hot-injection method. The effective separation of nucleation and growth was achieved by rapidly mixing two highly reactive precursors. As a contrast, we prepared CdSe/CdS nanocrystals (NCs) successfully based on the selective ion layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) technique. This inorganic capping obtained higher photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of 59.3% compared with organic capping of 40.8%. Furthermore, the CdSe-epoxy resin (EP) composites were prepared by adopting a flexible ex situ method, and showed excellent stability in the ambient environment for one year. So the composites with both high PLQY of nanocrystals and excellent stability are very promising to device application.

  14. Thermoelectric transport of Se-rich Ag2Se in normal phases and phase transitions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mi, Wenlong; Lv, Yanhong; Qiu, Pengfei; Shi, Xun; Chen, Lidong; Zhang, Tiansong


    Small amount of Se atoms are used to tune the carrier concentrations (n H ) and electrical transport in Ag 2 Se. Significant enhancements in power factor and thermoelectric figure of merit (zT) are observed in the compositions of Ag 2 Se 1.06 and Ag 2 Se 1.08 . The excessive Se atoms do not change the intrinsically electron-conducting character in Ag 2 Se. The detailed analysis reveals the experiment optimum carrier concentration in Ag 2 Se is around 5 × 10 18  cm −3 . We also investigate the temperature of maximum zT and the thermoelectric transport during the first order phase transitions using the recently developed measurement system

  15. Contenha-se, se for capaz

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    Mirna Feitoza Pereira


    Full Text Available Em O Instinto da Linguagem, Steven Pinker discorre sobre sua célebre tese: a linguagem não é a mais prodigiosa invenção cultural humana. Ela é uma peça da constituição biológica do cérebro. A linguagem é uma habilidade complexa e especializada, que se desenvolve espontaneamente na criança, sem qualquer esforço consciente ou instrução formal, que se manifesta sem que se perceba sua lógica subjacente, que é qualitativamente a mesma em todo indiví­duo, e que difere de capacidades mais gerais de processamento de informações ou de comportamento inteligente. Para Pinker, a concepção de linguagem como um tipo de instinto transmite a idéia de que as pessoas sabem falar mais ou menos da mesma maneira que as aranhas sabem tecer suas teias. Ele apóia suas idéias em Darwin e Chomsky. Palavras-chave linguagem, gramática universal, evolução Abstract In Language Instinct, Steven Pinker argues about his famous thesis: language is not the most prodigious human cultural invention. It is a distinct piece of the biological constitution of the brain. Language is a complex, specialized skill, which develops spontaneously in the child, without conscious effort or formal instruction. It reveals itself without awareness of its underlying logic, which is qualitatively the same in every individual, and which is distinct from more general abilities of information processing of intelligent behavior. According to Pinker, the conception of language as a kind of instinct conveys the idea that people know how to talk in more or less the same way as spiders know how to spin webs. His thesis is founded in Darwin and Chomsky-s theories. Keywords language, universal grammar, evolution

  16. EPR of SeO2- and SeO3- radicals in alkaline borate glasses with 77Se isotope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galimov, D.G.; Tarzimanov, K.D.


    Alkaline borate glasses with 77 Se were investigated in order to establish the nature of selenium compounds and radicals in glasses. The relationship between alkali ions and the oxygen radical of selenium was determined by decoding the hyperfine structure of the alkaline borate glass EPR spectra obtained before and after γ-irradiation. The irradiated and non-irradiated glasses were characterized by hyperfine splitting of the EPR lines from the α- and β centres. Moreover, the irradiated samples were noted to have a line doublet (signal phi). With intenser reduction conditions of glass fusion, the intensities of α, β, and phi signals were noted to decline. This confirmes the suggestion that these centres were caused by oxygen compouds. The authors concluded that α and β signals were due to the paramagnetic centres of SeO 2 - and [SeO 2 - ]R + , and phi signal to the SeO 3 - radicals

  17. Situación laboral de la mujer profesional en Pasto, 2010: Un análisis de modelación micro-econométrica

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    Julio Cesar Riascos


    Full Text Available En el artículo se examina la situación laboral de la mujer profesional y su relación con la educación superior en San Juan de Pasto durante el año 2010. Para tal efecto, se describen las características generales de una profesional y se miden los principales indicadores asociados al mercado de trabajo bajo los parámetros proferidos por la metodología de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares del DANE versión 2009. En el documento también se cuantifican los retornos en educación por área de conocimiento y se identifican las principales variables que explican los niveles de ingreso y la probabilidad de empleo formal y estable de la mujer profesional, lo anterior después de inspeccionar 412 factores educativos y laborales y cerca de 172.000 correlaciones estadísticas. La investigación sugiere que los tres principales problemas que enfrenta la mujer profesional en el mercado laboral de la Ciudad son el elevado subempleo, en especial por insuficiencia de horas, el desempleo, y la discriminación salarial, factores que, a su turno, pueden reducirse con el acceso a niveles de postgrado permitiendo mejorar el nivel de ingresos y estabilidad ocupacional.

  18. Ingresos fiscales y elasticidades tributarias: estimación de las elasticidades tributarias de corto y largo plazo para los principales impuestos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Conejo Fernández


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo proporcionar una medición de las elasticidades de los principales impuestos del sistema tributario costarricense, de manera que permita dar señales sobre los efectos que se pueden percibir conforme sucedan los cambios en la economía y que contribuya al análisis de las situación fiscal del país.  Las estimaciones de las elasticidades se obtienen por medio de la aplicación de un modelo de regresión y se estiman las elasticidades de corto y largo plazo. Las elasticidades tributarias miden el cambio que experimentan los ingresos tributarios ante cambios en el ingreso o producción nacional. Si la recaudación depende de varios factores, lo fundamental es determinar para cuál factor es útil calcular la elasticidad, a la vez, debe tenerse presente que el valor de la elasticidad depende básicamente de la estructura impositiva y de la progresividad del sistema. La elasticidad de la recaudación tributaria es una variable de gran importancia en los análisis de la evolución fiscal y para las proyecciones de ingresos tributarios. Los resultados muestran que la elasticidad de largo plazo de los ingresos presenta un comportamiento elástico con respecto a las bases que se especificaron para cada impuesto.

  19. Se-Se isoelectronic centers in high purity CdTe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Najjar, Rita; Andre, Regis; Mariette, Henri [CEA-CNRS, Nanophysique et Semiconducteurs, Institut Neel, 25 rue des martyrs, 38042 Grenoble (France); Golnik, Andrzej; Kossacki, Piotr; Gaj, Jan A. [Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw, Hoza 69, 00-681 Warsaw (Poland)


    We evidence zero-dimensional exciton states trapped on isoelectronic Se centers in CdTe quantum wells, {delta}-doped with Se. Thanks to special precautions taken to have very high purity CdTe heterostructures, it is possible to observe, in photoluminescence spectra, sharp discrete lines arising from individual centers related to the Se doping. These emission lines appear at about 40 meV below the CdTe band gap energy. The most prominent lines are attributed to the recombination of excitons bound to nearest-neighbor selenium pairs in a tetrahedral CdTe environment. This assignment is confirmed by a common linear polarization direction of the emitted light, parallel to <110>. These excitons localized on individual isoelectronic traps are good candidates as single photon emitters (copyright 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  20. Sample Set (SE): SE30 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE30 Comparison of seed metabolites among soybean varieties Investigation of Glycine max. green seed metabol...ites. 3 varieties (Kamogawashichiri, Koitozairai, Tanbakuro) data are examined. Tak

  1. Sample Set (SE): SE13 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE13 Comparison of leaf metabolites among spinach varieties Investigation of Spinacia oleracea leaf metaboli...tes. 4 cultivers (Nihon, Kanaji, Kurohaminstarland and Wasesaradaakari) and 3 repli

  2. Influence of CdSe layer air-baking on physical properties of CdSe-As2Se3 heterostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schauer, F.; Heza, S.; Kosek, F.; Cimpl, Z.


    An investigation is made of the influence of the air-baking time on the physical properties of a CdSe layer, which is a part of the heterogeneous structure CdSe-As 2 Se 3 used as a camera tube target. The I-U characteristics, C-U characteristics, the dependence of both the real and imaginary part admittance on frequency, and the photoconductance characteristics are measured. All measurements are carried out on heterostructures prepared with variable air-baking time of the CdSe layer: t =0, 5, 15, 40, and 120 min. The results of measurements contribute to the finding of the optimal production procedure with a minimum baking time of tsub(min) = 15 min. The heterostructures exhibit satisfactory properties. The dark current Isub(d)(U =1 V, T = 300 K) = 10 -10 Acm -2 with a rectification factor g(U = 10 V) = 10 6 and a capacitance C (2 kHz) = 2900 pFcm -2 . (author)

  3. ZnSe MSM photodetectors prepared on GaAs and ZnSe substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, T.K.; Chang, S.J.; Su, Y.K.; Chiou, Y.Z.; Wang, C.K.; Chang, S.P.; Chang, C.M.; Tang, J.J.; Huang, B.R.


    Homoepitaxial and heteroepitaxial ZnSe metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetectors were both fabricated and characterized. It was found that homoepitaxial ZnSe MSM photodetector could provide us smaller dark current and large photocurrent. With an incident wavelength of 448 nm, it was found that the maximum responsivities for the homoepitaxial and heteroepitaxial ZnSe photodetectors were 0.128 and 0.045 A/W, which corresponds to a quantum efficiency of 36 and 12%, respectively. Furthermore, it was found that we achieved the minimum noise equivalent power (NEP) of 7.6 x 10 -13 W and the maximum normalized detectivity (D *) of 9.3 x 10 11 cm Hz 0.5 W -1 from our homoepitaxial ZnSe photodetector. In contrast, NEP and D * of the heteroepitaxial ZnSe photodetector were 2.9 x 10 -12 W and 2.44 x 10 11 cm Hz 0.5 W -1 , respectively


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    Ana Débora Assis Moura


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar el comportamiento de las prostitutas en relación a la prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida-SIDA, así como investigar cómo se previenen de esas enfermedades. Se trata de una investigación exploratoria, con enfoque cualitativo, llevada a cabo en la Asociación de las Prostitutas en Ceará, Brazil, en septiembre de 2008, a través de una encuesta con 25 prostitutas. El análisis de los datos se hizo según el análisis de contenido, después de ser agrupados en cuatro categorías: conocimiento sobre las enfermedades de transmisión sexual/SIDA; convivencia con la(s enfermedad(es; prevención de la enfermedad de transmisión sexual/SIDA; y el uso de drogas. Se concluyó que las prostitutas no usan preservativos en todas las relaciones sexuales, por lo tanto, las enfermedades de transmisión sexual representan una realidad; la desinformación sobre la(s enfermedad(es es notable; el consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas es frecuente entre ellas, factor que las expone a situaciones más vulnerables con relación al VIH/SIDA.

  5. Hot exciton relaxation in multiple layers CdSe/ZnSe self-assembled quantum dots separated by thick ZnSe barriers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eremenko, M; Budkin, G; Reznitsky, A


    We have studied PL and PLE spectra of two samples (A and B) of MBE grown CdSe/ZnSe asymmetric double quantum wells with different amount of deposited CdSe layers separated by 14 nm ZnSe barrier. It has been found that PLE spectra of the states forming short wavelength side of the PL spectra of both deep and shallow QWs of the sample A as well as that of deep QW of the sample B demonstrate oscillating structure in the spectral ranges corresponding to exciton states of self-assembled quantum dots only. Meanwhile PLE spectra of the short wavelength states of shallow QW the sample B revealed pronounced oscillating structure with energy period of ZnSe LO phonon under excitation with photons in a wide energy range both in the regions of quantum-dot states and in that of free states in the ZnSe barrier. In these spectra creating of excitons with kinetic energies more than 0.3 eV was observed which considerably exceed the exciton binding energy as well as LO phonon energy (both appr. 0.03 eV). It has been concluded that oscillating structure of the PLE spectra arises due to cascade relaxation of hot excitons. We discuss the model which explains these experimental findings. (paper)

  6. Hot exciton relaxation in multiple layers CdSe/ZnSe self-assembled quantum dots separated by thick ZnSe barriers (United States)

    Eremenko, M.; Budkin, G.; Reznitsky, A.


    We have studied PL and PLE spectra of two samples (A and B) of MBE grown CdSe/ZnSe asymmetric double quantum wells with different amount of deposited CdSe layers separated by 14 nm ZnSe barrier. It has been found that PLE spectra of the states forming short wavelength side of the PL spectra of both deep and shallow QWs of the sample A as well as that of deep QW of the sample B demonstrate oscillating structure in the spectral ranges corresponding to exciton states of self-assembled quantum dots only. Meanwhile PLE spectra of the short wavelength states of shallow QW the sample B revealed pronounced oscillating structure with energy period of ZnSe LO phonon under excitation with photons in a wide energy range both in the regions of quantum-dot states and in that of free states in the ZnSe barrier. In these spectra creating of excitons with kinetic energies more than 0.3 eV was observed which considerably exceed the exciton binding energy as well as LO phonon energy (both appr. 0.03 eV). It has been concluded that oscillating structure of the PLE spectra arises due to cascade relaxation of hot excitons. We discuss the model which explains these experimental findings.

  7. Sample Set (SE): SE53 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE53 Covering chemical diversity of genetically-modified tomatoes using metabolomics...signature. We conclude that multi-platform metabolomics is an approach that is both sensitive and robust and

  8. Sample Set (SE): SE10 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE10 Effect of phosphorus nutrition for cabbage metabolites Investigation of oleracea var. capitata Hatukoi leaf metabolites. 3 growth conditions (high, low and no phosphorus nutrition

  9. Sample Set (SE): SE31 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE31 Comparison of seed metabolites among eggplant fruit tissues Investigation of S...olanum melongena Senryounigou metabolites. 3 tissues (flesh, fruit, peel) data are examined. Takeshi Ara 1,

  10. Sample Set (SE): SE28 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE28 Comparison of leaf metabolites among developmental stages of Hevea brasiliensi...s Investigation of Hevea brasiliensis leaf metabolites. 4 developmental stages and 6 replicates data are exa

  11. Superconductivity in the ferecrystals (PbSe){sub 1.14}(NbSe{sub 2}){sub n}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grosse, Corinna; Chiatti, Olivio; Fischer, Saskia F. [Novel Materials Group, Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin (Germany); Alemayehu, Matti B.; Falmbigl, Matthias; Johnson, David C. [Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (United States)


    The ferecrystals (PbSe){sub 1.14}(NbSe{sub 2}){sub n} are artificially layered materials consisting of n NbSe{sub 2} single-layers stacked alternately with atomic double layers of PbSe. NbSe{sub 2} is a transition metal dichalcogenide with interesting electrical properties such as superconductivity and charge density waves. The influence of turbostratic disorder, a random rotation between the NbSe{sub 2} and PbSe layers, on the superconducting transition temperature has been unknown so far. We investigate the structural and temperature-dependent electrical properties of the ferecrystals (PbSe){sub 1.14}(NbSe{sub 2}){sub n} by means of scanning transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, in-plane resistivity and Hall measurements and compare them to those of analogous non-disordered misfit layer compound (MLC) polymorphs. We observe a superconducting transition in the resistivity of the ferecrystals. The transition temperatures are reduced by up to 55 % with respect to the analogous MLC polymorphs. This indicates that turbostratic disorder substantially weakens the electron-phonon coupling in (PbSe){sub 1.14}(NbSe{sub 2}){sub n}. We discuss the results of the structural and electrical properties of the ferecrystals with respect to their MLC analogues and also with respect to ultra-thin NbSe{sub 2} layers.


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    Full Text Available Muchos procesos industriales son de naturaleza multivariada dado que la calidad de un producto depende de más de una variable. El control multivariado de procesos captura la relación en las variables asociadas al proceso, si se ignora esta correlación y se utilizan gráficos de control univariados para cada variable por separado se puede concluir erróneamente acerca del estado del proceso. En variables continuas correlacionadas se han realizado muchas investigaciones, sin embargo se encuentran pocos trabajos que traten sobre atributos correlacionados. En este trabajo se comparan tres cartas de control para variables aleatorias binomiales bivariadas, correlacionadas entre sí, las cuales miden atributos. Las cartas son: La carta de Hotelling basada en la aproximación de la distribución binomial multivariada a la distribución normal multivariada. La carta MNP la cual es una extensión de las cartas univariadas, y la carta que es una metodología no paramétrica basada en el índice de profundidad de Mahalanobis. La comparación se hace vía simulación utilizando como medida de comparación, la longitud promedio de racha (ARL. Dentro del trabajo se presenta un ejemplo aplicado de las metodologías para construir cartas de control para variables binomiales bivariadas en una empresa de telecomunicaciones. De los resultados se aprecia, en términos generales, que la carta MNP es la mejor tanto en control como fuera de control.

  13. Synthesis and optical study of green light emitting polymer coated CdSe/ZnSe core/shell nanocrystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tripathi, S.K., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Center of Advanced Study in Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160 014 (India); Sharma, Mamta [Department of Physics, Center of Advanced Study in Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160 014 (India)


    Highlights: ► Synthesis of Polymer coated core CdSe and CdSe/ZnSe core/shell NCs. ► From TEM image, the spherical nature of CdSe and CdSe/ZnSe is obtained. ► Exhibiting green band photoemission peak at 541 nm and 549 nm for CdSe core and CdSe/ZnSe core/shell NCs. ► The shell thickness has been calculated by using superposition of quantum confinement energy model. - Abstract: CdSe/ZnSe Core/Shell NCs dispersed in PVA are synthesized by chemical method at room temperature. This is characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV/Vis spectra and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). TEM image shows the spherical nature of CdSe/ZnSe core/shell NCs. The red shift of absorption and emission peak of CdSe/ZnSe core/shell NCs as compared to CdSe core confirmed the formation of core/shell. The superposition of quantum confinement energy model is used for calculation of thickness of ZnSe shell.

  14. Sample Set (SE): SE20 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE20 Arabidopsis thaliana leaf metabolite analysis for a software test that were investigated to optimize the parameters of PowerGet software for better metabolite annotation i

  15. Sample Set (SE): SE18 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available in by Orbitrap MS and automated search engine Lipid Search A comprehensive and precise identification of pho...SE18 Global identification of phospholipid molecular species in mouse liver and bra

  16. Electrochemical synthesis of nanostructured Se-doped SnS: Effect of Se-dopant on surface characterizations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kafashan, Hosein; Azizieh, Mahdi; Balak, Zohre


    Highlights: • Nanostructured SnS_1_-_xSe_x thin films were prepared by using electrodeposition method. • The XRD patterns obviously showed that the synthesized films were polycrystalline. • The PL spectra of SnS_1_-_xSe_x thin films showed four emission peaks. • The UV–vis spectra shows a variation in the optical band gap energy of SnS_1_-_xSe_x thin films from 1.22 to 1.65 eV. • SnS_1_-_xSe_x thin films would be suitable for use as absorber layers. - Abstract: SnS_1_-_xSe_x nanostructures with different Se-dopant concentrations were deposited on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate through cathodic electrodeposition technique. The pH, temperature, applied potential (E), and deposition time remained were 2.1, 60 °C, −1 V, and 30 min, respectively. SnS_1_-_xSe_x nanostructures were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microcopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), room temperature photoluminescence (PL), and UV–vis spectroscopy. The XRD patterns revealed that the SnS_1_-_xSe_x nanostructures were polycrystalline with orthorhombic structure. FESEM showed various kinds of morphologies in SnS_1_-_xSe_x nanostructures due to Se-doping. PL and UV–vis spectroscopy were used to evaluate the optical properties of SnS_1_-_xSe_x thin films. The PL spectra of SnS_1_-_xSe_x nanostructures displayed four emission peaks, those are a blue, a green, an orange, and a red emission. UV–vis spectra showed that the optical band gap energy (E_g) of SnS_1_-_xSe_x nanostructures varied between 1.22–1.65 eV, due to Se-doping.

  17. Sample Set (SE): SE14 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE14 Effect of agricultural films for tomato fruit metabolites Investigation of Sol...anum lycopersicum fruit metabolites. 3 growth conditions (covered with normal or UV cut agricultural film or no agricultura

  18. Properties of the CuGaSe2 and CuInSe2 (001) surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deniozou, T.


    The main task of this work was to investigate the (001) CuGaSe 2 and CuInSe 2 surface in dependence of preparation and stoichiometry. The knowledge of the atomic structure as well as other surface properties is important in respect to optimization of novel thin film solar cells. For the characterization of the layers mainly Auger electron Spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction and photoelectron spectroscopy were implemented. The development of an appropriate procedure with Ar + sputtering and annealing combined with decapping enabled the preparation of clean and well-ordered surfaces. Different surface structures were observed in dependence of the layer preparation and composition. A (4 x 1) reconstruction was observed for the first time on CuGaSe 2 layers grown with a moderate Cu-excess after preparation by sputtering and annealing. Similarly a (4 x 2) reconstruction was detected on CuInSe2 surfaces of Cu-poor layers. A reconstruction could be also observed on Cu-poorer layers, however the facets/steps could not be completely removed. Cu-richer layers were facet-free, however the observed reconstruction was also weaker. Thus it was shown that in contrary to recent expectations, according to which only the (112) surface is stable, also the (001) can be stable under particular conditions. The appearance of facets or steps is correlated with the presence of CuIn 3 Se 5 or CuGa 3 Se 5 phases. This information is furthermore important for the understanding of grain boundaries in polycrystalline CuGaSe 2 and CuInSe 2 . Binding energy shifts were observed for the first time on all Se3d, In4d, Ga3d, Cu3d core levels of the reconstructed surfaces. By comparison with results from the literature from the similar ZnSe (100) surface a modell for the (4 x 2) reconstruction was proposed. The surface components in the Se3d, In4d and Cu3d emission were attributed to Se dimers or In and Cu adatoms respectively. The x 1 periodicity of the (4 x 1) reconstruction of CuGaSe 2 is

  19. Sample Set (SE): SE16 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE16 Effect of agricultural films for spinach leaf metabolites 2 Investigation of S...pinacia oleracea leaf metabolites. 3 growth conditions (covered with normal or UV cut agricultural film or no agricultura

  20. Sample Set (SE): SE26 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE26 Effect of compost for cabbage metabolites Investigation of Brassica oleracea capitata YR Seisyun leaf metabolites. 2 growth conditions (with or without 6t compost treatment) and 3 r

  1. Stable and metastable equilibria in PbSe + SnI2=SnSe + PbI2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Odin, I.N.; Grin'ko, V.V.; Kozlovskij, V.F.; Demidova, E.D.


    T-x-y phase diagrams of the PbSe + SnI 2 =SnSe + PbI 2 mutual system (stable states) are plotted for the first time. It is shown that melt, solid solutions on the base of components of the mutual system and phase on the base of Sn 2 SeI 4 take part in phase equilibria. Transformations in the PbSe + SnI 2 =SnSe + PbI 2 mutual system leading to crystallization of metastable polytype modifications of lead iodides and metastable ternary compound forming in PbSe-PbI 2 system are investigated for the first time [ru

  2. Copper Selenidophosphates Cu4P2Se6, Cu4P3Se4, Cu4P4Se3, and CuP2Se, Featuring Zero-, One-, and Two-Dimensional Anions. (United States)

    Kuhn, Alexander; Schoop, Leslie M; Eger, Roland; Moudrakovski, Igor; Schwarzmüller, Stefan; Duppel, Viola; Kremer, Reinhard K; Oeckler, Oliver; Lotsch, Bettina V


    Five new compounds in the Cu/P/Se phase diagram have been synthesized, and their crystal structures have been determined. The crystal structures of these compounds comprise four previously unreported zero-, one-, and two-dimensional selenidophosphate anions containing low-valent phosphorus. In addition to two new modifications of Cu4P2Se6 featuring the well-known hexaselenidohypodiphosphate(IV) ion, there are three copper selenidophosphates with low-valent P: Cu4P3Se4 contains two different new anions, (i) a monomeric (zero-dimensional) selenidophosphate anion [P2Se4](4-) and (ii) a one-dimensional selenidophosphate anion [Formula: see text], which is related to the well-known gray-Se-like [Formula: see text] Zintl anion. Cu4P4Se3 contains one-dimensional [Formula: see text] polyanions, whereas CuP2Se contains the 2D selenidophosphate [Formula: see text] polyanion. It consists of charge-neutral CuP2Se layers separated by a van der Waals gap which is very rare for a Zintl-type phase. Hence, besides black P, CuP2Se constitutes a new possible source of 2D oxidized phosphorus containing layers for intercalation or exfoliation experiments. Additionally, the electronic structures and some fundamental physical properties of the new compounds are reported. All compounds are semiconducting with indirect band gaps of the orders of around 1 eV. The phases reported here add to the structural diversity of chalcogenido phosphates. The structural variety of this family of compounds may translate into a variety of tunable physical properties.

  3. Exciton dephasing and biexciton binding in CdSe/ZnSe islands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wagner, Hans Peter; Tranitz, H.-P.; Preis, H


    The dephasing of excitons and the formation of biexcitons in self-organized CdSe/ZnSe islands grown by molecular-beam epitaxy is investigated using spectrally resolved four-wave mixing. A distribution of exciton-exciton scattering efficiencies and dephasing times in the range of 0.5-10 ps...

  4. Simultaneous tracing of 76Se-selenite and 77Se-selenomethionine by absolute labeling and speciation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Kazuo T.; Somekawa, Layla; Kurasaki, Kazuki; Suzuki, Noriyuki


    Nutritional selenocompounds are transformed into the assumed common intermediate selenide, which is utilized for the synthesis of selenoenzymes or transformed into methylated metabolites for excretion. Hence, selenocompound metabolites can be traced only with labeled selenium. Here we applied a new tracer method for the metallomics of biometals using simultaneous speciation of each metallome labeled with different homo-elemental isotopes to metabolism and availability of selenium. Rats were depleted of endogenous natural abundance selenium by feeding a single selenium stable isotope ( 82 Se-selenite) and then administered 76 Se-selenite and 77 Se-selenomethionine ( 77 Se-SeMet)simultaneously. Biological samples were subjected to quantification and speciation analysis by HPLC-ICPMS. Metabolites of the labeled 76 Se and 77 Se and interaction with endogenous selenium were traced and examined without interference from the corresponding endogenous natural abundance isotopes. Differences in the distribution and metabolism among organs and between the two nutritional selenocompounds were compared under exactly identical biological and analytical conditions: (1) selenite was distributed more efficiently than SeMet in organs and body fluids except the pancreas. (2) SeMet was taken up by organs in its intact form. (3) Selenium of SeMet origin was distributed selectively in the pancreas and mostly bound to a protein together with intact SeMet. (4) Selenosugars A and B but not trimethylselenonium (TMSe) were detected in the liver. (5) Selenosugar B and TMSe were detected in the kidneys

  5. Electrochemical synthesis of nanostructured Se-doped SnS: Effect of Se-dopant on surface characterizations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kafashan, Hosein, E-mail:; Azizieh, Mahdi; Balak, Zohre


    Highlights: • Nanostructured SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} thin films were prepared by using electrodeposition method. • The XRD patterns obviously showed that the synthesized films were polycrystalline. • The PL spectra of SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} thin films showed four emission peaks. • The UV–vis spectra shows a variation in the optical band gap energy of SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} thin films from 1.22 to 1.65 eV. • SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} thin films would be suitable for use as absorber layers. - Abstract: SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} nanostructures with different Se-dopant concentrations were deposited on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate through cathodic electrodeposition technique. The pH, temperature, applied potential (E), and deposition time remained were 2.1, 60 °C, −1 V, and 30 min, respectively. SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} nanostructures were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microcopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), room temperature photoluminescence (PL), and UV–vis spectroscopy. The XRD patterns revealed that the SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} nanostructures were polycrystalline with orthorhombic structure. FESEM showed various kinds of morphologies in SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} nanostructures due to Se-doping. PL and UV–vis spectroscopy were used to evaluate the optical properties of SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} thin films. The PL spectra of SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} nanostructures displayed four emission peaks, those are a blue, a green, an orange, and a red emission. UV–vis spectra showed that the optical band gap energy (E{sub g}) of SnS{sub 1-x}Se{sub x} nanostructures varied between 1.22–1.65 eV, due to Se-doping.

  6. Adaptación Universitaria y Su Relación con la Salud Percibida en Una Muestra de Jóvenes de Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la salud percibida y la adaptación a la vida universitaria de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes de Lima, Perú. Para ello, se aplicó el Cuestionario de Adaptación Universitaria ( Q va -R y una medida de salud percibida, a una muestra de 281 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados mostraron una relación positiva entre la salud percibida y las cinco áreas que miden la adaptación universitaria. El área Personal presentó la mayor relación con la salud percibida. Esto evidenció la importancia de la relación que existe entre la habilidad para adaptarse a la vida universitaria y la percepción de salud de los alumnos.

  7. Adaptación Universitaria y Su Relación con la Salud Percibida en Una Muestra de Jóvenes de Perú/Adaptation to College and Its Relation to Perceived Health in A Sample of Peruvian Students/Adaptação Universitária e Sua Relação com a Saúde Percebida Numa Amostra de Jovens do Peru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la salud percibida y la adaptación a la vida universitaria de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes de Lima, Perú. Para ello, se aplicó el Cuestionario de Adaptación Universitaria (QVA -R y una medida de salud percibida, a una muestra de 281 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados mostraron una relación positiva entre la salud percibida y las cinco áreas que miden la adaptación universitaria. El área Personal presentó la mayor relación con la salud percibida. Esto evidenció la importancia de la relación que existe entre la habilidad para adaptarse a la vida universitaria y la percepción de salud de los alumnos.

  8. Los mitos griegos y la Hispania antigua : consideraciones metodológicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Carlos Bermejo Barrera


    Full Text Available El estudio de la difusión de la mitología griega a lo largo de la historia de la Hispania antigua debe llevarse a cabo con suma precaución, puesto que es muy fácil caer en alguna de las múltiples trampas que un devenir histórico muy complejo suele ir poniendo continuamente a nuestro paso. El problema no se reduce solamente a la escasez de las fuentes, que no nos permiten seguir las cronologías y las trayectorias de la difusión de estos mitos, sino que también se debe a la confusión metodológica que a veces reina en la mente de algunos historiadores. Por ello, con el fin de evitar este tipo de confusión, será necesario establecer de forma preliminar algunas consideraciones de método.

  9. Determinación y análisis de las competencias por fortalecer para la gestión en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonor Cabeza


    Full Text Available El estudio de las competencias ha sido pródigo en modelos, pero su valuación empírica, bastante limitada. Esta investigación propone, con base en el proyecto Tuning-Europa, replicado en América Latina y aplicado en Colombia, determinar empíricamente las competencias para la gestión que deben ser fortalecidas en el país. Soportado en una encuesta que valora percepciones de grupos de interés (escogiendo a académicos que imparten teoría y empleadores que la aplican, se miden importancia y desarrollo de las competencias de los profesionales. De las competencias valoradas, se identifican las relacionadas con la gestión, se clasifican en inherentes y coadyuvantes, se determinan las que deben ser desarrolladas y se diferencian las percepciones entre empleadores y académicos. Como resultado, se deben desarrollar las inherentes relacionadas con la tecnología, información y comunicaciones. Además, tienen bajo desarrollo la capacidad crítica y autocrítica (inherente, que se ayuda de la capacidad de abstracción, análisis y síntesis (coadyuvante. Se tiene que inherentes relacionadas con riesgo y manejo de tiempo, y coadyuvantes, como marco jurídico, confrontación de nuevas situaciones, compromiso con el ambiente y los contextos internacionales, deben ser fortalecidas. Empleadores y académicos concuerdan mayoritariamente en las competencias por desarrollar, lo que podría ayudar a facilitar consensos para estrategias y políticas.

  10. A transferable force field for CdS-CdSe-PbS-PbSe solid systems (United States)

    Fan, Zhaochuan; Koster, Rik S.; Wang, Shuaiwei; Fang, Changming; Yalcin, Anil O.; Tichelaar, Frans D.; Zandbergen, Henny W.; van Huis, Marijn A.; Vlugt, Thijs J. H.


    A transferable force field for the PbSe-CdSe solid system using the partially charged rigid ion model has been successfully developed and was used to study the cation exchange in PbSe-CdSe heteronanocrystals [A. O. Yalcin et al., "Atomic resolution monitoring of cation exchange in CdSe-PbSe heteronanocrystals during epitaxial solid-solid-vapor growth," Nano Lett. 14, 3661-3667 (2014)]. In this work, we extend this force field by including another two important binary semiconductors, PbS and CdS, and provide detailed information on the validation of this force field. The parameterization combines Bader charge analysis, empirical fitting, and ab initio energy surface fitting. When compared with experimental data and density functional theory calculations, it is shown that a wide range of physical properties of bulk PbS, PbSe, CdS, CdSe, and their mixed phases can be accurately reproduced using this force field. The choice of functional forms and parameterization strategy is demonstrated to be rational and effective. This transferable force field can be used in various studies on II-VI and IV-VI semiconductor materials consisting of CdS, CdSe, PbS, and PbSe. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of the force field model by molecular dynamics simulations whereby transformations are initiated by cation exchange.

  11. A transferable force field for CdS-CdSe-PbS-PbSe solid systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fan, Zhaochuan; Vlugt, Thijs J. H., E-mail: [Process and Energy Department, Delft University of Technology, Leeghwaterstraat 39, 2628 CB Delft,The Netherlands (Netherlands); Koster, Rik S.; Fang, Changming; Huis, Marijn A. van [Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science and Center for Extreme Matter and Emergent Phenomena, Utrecht University, Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht (Netherlands); Wang, Shuaiwei [Institute of Nanostructured Functional Materials, Huanghe Science and Technology College, Zhengzhou, Henan 450006 (China); Yalcin, Anil O.; Tichelaar, Frans D.; Zandbergen, Henny W. [Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft (Netherlands)


    A transferable force field for the PbSe-CdSe solid system using the partially charged rigid ion model has been successfully developed and was used to study the cation exchange in PbSe-CdSe heteronanocrystals [A. O. Yalcin et al., “Atomic resolution monitoring of cation exchange in CdSe-PbSe heteronanocrystals during epitaxial solid-solid-vapor growth,” Nano Lett. 14, 3661–3667 (2014)]. In this work, we extend this force field by including another two important binary semiconductors, PbS and CdS, and provide detailed information on the validation of this force field. The parameterization combines Bader charge analysis, empirical fitting, and ab initio energy surface fitting. When compared with experimental data and density functional theory calculations, it is shown that a wide range of physical properties of bulk PbS, PbSe, CdS, CdSe, and their mixed phases can be accurately reproduced using this force field. The choice of functional forms and parameterization strategy is demonstrated to be rational and effective. This transferable force field can be used in various studies on II-VI and IV-VI semiconductor materials consisting of CdS, CdSe, PbS, and PbSe. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of the force field model by molecular dynamics simulations whereby transformations are initiated by cation exchange.

  12. Determination of K shell fluorescence cross-section and Kβ/Kα intensity ratios for Fe, Se, Te, FeSe, FeTe and TeSe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saydam, M.; Aksoy, C.; Cengiz, E.; Alaşalvar, C.; Tıraşoğlu, E.; Apaydın, G.


    The fluorescence cross-sections (σ Ki ) and the intensity ratios K β /K α for pure Fe, Se, Te elements and FeSe, FeTe, TeSe complexes have been investigated. The samples were excited by 59.5 keV γ-rays from 241 Am annular radioactive source and emitted X-rays. They were counted by an Ultra-LEGe detector with resolution of 150 eV at 5.9 keV. For pure elements results have been compared with the theoretical calculated values. According to our results band length and mutual interaction of atoms affected the results. We claimed that these effects would help researchers who study on superconductors, especially determining which compound can be show the superconductor properties. - Highlights: ► TeSe, FeSe and FeTe complexes have affected each other in terms of charge transfer. ► Fe excitement and enhancement have been made by Se and Te. ► Attractive interactions between electrons can help to becoming superconductivity.

  13. AgSbSe2 and AgSb(S,Se)2 thin films for photovoltaic applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garza, J.G.; Shaji, S.; Rodriguez, A.C.; Das Roy, T.K.; Krishnan, B.


    Silver antimony selenide (AgSbSe 2 ) thin films were prepared by heating sequentially deposited multilayers of antimony sulphide (Sb 2 S 3 ), silver selenide (Ag 2 Se), selenium (Se) and silver (Ag). Sb 2 S 3 thin film was prepared from a chemical bath containing SbCl 3 and Na 2 S 2 O 3 , Ag 2 Se from a solution containing AgNO 3 and Na 2 SeSO 3 and Se thin films from an acidified solution of Na 2 SeSO 3 , at room temperature on glass substrates. Ag thin film was deposited by thermal evaporation. The annealing temperature was 350 deg. C in vacuum (10 -3 Torr) for 1 h. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the thin films formed were polycrystalline AgSbSe 2 or AgSb(S,Se) 2 depending on selenium content in the precursor films. Morphology and elemental analysis of these films were done using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Optical band gap was evaluated from the UV-visible absorption spectra of these films. Electrical characterizations were done using Hall effect and photocurrent measurements. A photovoltaic structure: glass/ITO/CdS/AgSbSe 2 /Al was formed, in which CdS was deposited by chemical bath deposition. J-V characteristics of this structure showed V oc = 435 mV and J sc = 0.08 mA/cm 2 under illumination using a tungsten halogen lamp. Preparation of a photovoltaic structure using AgSbSe 2 as an absorber material by a non-toxic selenization process is achieved.

  14. Highly luminescent CdSe/ZnSe core-shell quantum dots of one-pot preparation in octadecene

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zeng, Q.; Kong, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H.


    CdSe/ZnSe core-shell quantum dots were synthesized using a new one-pot procedure where the core was prepared in octadecene. A ZnSe shell around a CdSe nanoparticle was formed by the reaction of selenium-richness on the surfaces of CdSe nanoparticles with Zn2+ from the injected zinc stearate

  15. Identificação, avaliação e espacialização das relações entre indicadores de saúde, saneamento, ambiente e socioconomia no Estado de São Paulo


    Luis Eduardo Gregolin Grisotto


    Introdução - A promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde são metas sociais e coletivas a serem continuamente perseguidas. O conceito de saúde e bem-estar pode ser melhor compreendido se consideradas as causas das doenças, as condições do meio físico ou biológico e os aspectos sanitários, ambientais, sociais e econômicos envolvidos. Ainda que o Estado de São Paulo registre uma das menores taxas de morbimortalidade do País, há preocupações quanto à situação da cobertura dos serviços de saneamen...

  16. Study of the 76788082Se(d,p)77798183Se reactions using polarized deuterons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montestruque, L.A.


    Differential cross sections and vector analyzing powers were measured at an incident deuteron energy of 12.5 MeV for the 76 78 80 82 Se(d,p) 77 79 81 83 Se reactions. The data are compared with the predictions of the DWBA theory to determine the l-value, spin, parity and spectroscopic factor of the resolved states. High resolution measurements were made with a 100 cm broad-range magnetic spectrograph to determine the excitation energies of the states studied, and the possible existence of contaminants in the targets. Definitive spin and parity assignments are made to 16 states in 77 Se, 22 states in 79 Se, 17 states in 81 Se, and 18 states in 83 Se, fifteen of which were previously assigned. In addition, tentative spin assignments were made to one state in 83 Se. The spectrograph measurements allowed the determination of the excitation energies of anumber of additional states in each isotope. Among the 76 states studied in this work, ther are 8 2P/sub 3/2/ states, 4 1F/sub 5/2/ states 6 2P/sub 1/2/ states 4 1G/sub 9/2/ states, 31 2D/sub 5/2/ states, 10 3S/sub 1/2/ states, and 13 2D/sub 3/2 states. A sum-rule analysis was made and the results compared to previous work and to the predictions of the simple pairing theory

  17. Etch Pit Studies of II-VI-Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials ZnSe, ZnCdSe, and ZnCdMgSe Grown on InP

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Semendy, Fred


    Etch pit density (EPD) determination studies have been conducted on II-VI semiconductor materials ZnSe, ZnCdSe, and ZnCdMgSe grown on InP surfaces for the first time by using various etching solutions under different...

  18. Synthesis of ZnSe and ZnSe:Cu quantum dots by a room temperature photochemical (UV-assisted) approach using Na2 SeO3 as Se source and investigating optical properties. (United States)

    Khafajeh, R; Molaei, M; Karimipour, M


    In this study, ZnSe and ZnSe:Cu quantum dots (QDs) were synthesized using Na 2 SeO 3 as the Se source by a rapid and room temperature photochemical (UV-assisted) approach. Thioglycolic acid (TGA) was employed as the capping agent and UV illumination activated the chemical reactions. Synthesized QDs were successfully characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photoluminescence (PL) and UV-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy, Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). XRD analysis demonstrated the cubic zinc blend phase QDs. TEM images indicated that round-shaped particles were formed, most of which had a diameter of about 4 nm. The band gap of the ZnSe QDs was higher than that for ZnSe in bulk. PL spectra indicated an emission with three peaks related to the excitonic, surface trap states and deep level (DL) states. The band gap and QD emission were tunable only by UV illumination time during synthesis. ZnSe:Cu showed green emission due to transition of electrons from the Conduction band (CB) or surface trap states to the 2 T 2 acceptor levels of Cu 2 + . The emission was increased by increasing the Cu 2 + ion concentration, such that the optimal value of PL intensity was obtained for the nominal mole ratio of Cu:Zn 1.5%. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. Theoretical and experimental studies of the ZnSe/CuInSe2 heterojunction band offset

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, A.J.; Schwerdtfeger, C.R.; Wei, S.; Zunger, A.; Rioux, D.; Patel, R.; Hoechst, H.


    We report first-principles band structure calculations that show that ZnSe/CuInSe 2 has a significant valence band offset (VBO, ΔE v ): 0.70±0.05 eV for the relaxed interface and 0.60±0.05 eV for the coherent interface. These large values demonstrate the failure of the common anion rule. This is traced to a stronger Cu,d-Se,p level repulsion in CuInSe 2 than the Zn,d-Se,p repulsion in ZnSe. The VBO was then studied by synchrotron radiation soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. ZnSe overlayers were sequentially grown in steps on n-type CuInSe 2 (112) single crystals at 200 degree C. In situ photoemission measurements were acquired after each growth in order to observe changes in the valence band electronic structure as well as changes in the In 4d and Zn 3d core lines. Results of these measurements reveal that the VBO is ΔE v =0.70±0.15 eV, in good agreement with the first-principles prediction

  20. Que se vea lo que se oye: a vueltas con los fonemas y las letras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gómez del Estal Villarino, Mario


    Full Text Available Partiendo de lo que el refrán “La letra con sangre entra” viene a decir a quien se deje escucharlo, se abre una descripción de las diferencias radicales que se dan entre aprender a hablar y aprender a escribir. La relación entre ambas actividades no se puede entender sin analizar la tan extendida perversión que supone hablar lo que se escribe en vez de escribir lo que se habla. A continuación, se detallan algunos de los síntomas más frecuentes de dicha perversión, caracterizados todos por la intromisión de la conciencia en terrenos donde lo único que hace es estorbar, en especial la pronunciación pedantesca de ciertos finales silábicos o de palabra, como en traNSporte, aBStraKción, óPtico, oBjeto, fúTbol, libertaD, diGno o fraK, así como las distintas deformaciones que sufren las palabras que la ortografía académica prescribe que se escriban con la letra equis.

  1. Synthesis and properties of new CdSe-AgI-As2Se3 chalcogenide glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kassem, M.; Le Coq, D.; Fourmentin, M.; Hindle, F.; Bokova, M.; Cuisset, A.; Masselin, P.; Bychkov, E.


    Research highlights: → Determination of the glass-forming region in the pseudo-ternary CdSe-AgI-As 2 Se 3 system. → Characterization of macroscopic properties of the new CdSe-AgI-As 2 Se 3 glasses. → Far infrared transmission of chalcogenide glasses. → Characterization of the total conductivity of CdSe-AgI-As 2 Se 3 glasses. -- Abstract: The glass-forming region in the pseudo-ternary CdSe-AgI-As 2 Se 3 system was determined. Measurements including differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), density, and X-ray diffraction were performed. The effect resulting from the addition of CdSe or AgI has been highlighted by examining three series of different base glasses. The characteristic temperatures of the glass samples, including glass transition (T g ), crystallisation (T x ), and melting (T m ) temperatures are reported and used to calculate their ΔT = T x - T g and their Hruby, H r = (T x - T g )/(T m - T x ), criteria. Evolution of the total electrical conductivity σ and the room temperature conductivity σ 298 was also studied. The terahertz transparency domain in the 50-600 cm -1 region was pointed for different chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) and the potential of the THz spectroscopy was suggested to obtain structural information on ChGs.

  2. SeP, ApoER2 and megalin as necessary factors to maintain Se homeostasis in mammals. (United States)

    Krol, Magdalena Beata; Gromadzinska, Jolanta; Wasowicz, Wojciech


    Selenoprotein P (SeP) is an extracellular protein containing ten selenium atoms in the form of selenocysteine, secreted mainly from the liver. About 60% of the whole plasma selenium level is present in SeP, which makes it a useful biomarker of selenium nutritional status. The main functions of SeP are transport and storage of selenium in plasma. It is especially an important protein for the brain, testes and kidneys where the supplementation of the proper amount of Se ensures the synthesis of selenoenzymes with antioxidant properties.Recently, it has been found that SeP uptake in kidneys, testes and brain depends on the apolipoprotein receptor 2 (ApoER2) and lipoprotein megalin receptor (Lrp2). Megalin receptor represents a physiological SeP receptor in kidneys, mediating the re-uptake of secreted SeP from the primary urine. The absence of a functional megalin receptor causes a significant reduction of plasma selenium and the SeP levels as a result of Se excretion. ApoER2 is a SeP receptor in the brain and testes which uptakes Se from the extracellular fluid. Deletion of ApoER2 in mice leads to a lowered selenium level in the brain and testes, neurological dysfunction, production of abnormal spermatozoa, infertility and even death when the subjects are fed a low-selenium diet. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  3. ¡Nuevos aportes! para estimar el valor del impacto ambiental a nivel de cuenca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nora Pouey M


    Full Text Available Hoy en día, en el que el mundo continuamente sufre transformaciones, el hombre se ha preocupado por conocer y hacer de su entorno ambiental un lugar vivible, pero al mismo tiempo, él mismo se ha encargado de mantenerlo y llevarlo a situaciones que generan un verdadero caos. Ese caos, conocido como impacto ambiental es necesario medirlo, para lo cual se ha empleado la metodologia de la Evaluación del Impacto Ambiental EIA, sin contar hasta hoy con un modelo sistematico para hacerlo cuantitativamente a nivel de una cuenca hidrografica, generando así un problema en terminos de la evaluación para la gestión ambiental. La aplicación del modelo desarrollado en este trabajo denominado IVAFIC, Responde al problema presentado, evaluando a través de un modelo matematico y con la ayuda de herramientas computacionales de programación estructurada y de sistemas de información geografica, el impacto ambiental en una cuenca de forma cuantitativa definido como factor de impacto F1 y factor de impacto corregido FIC.

  4. Dynamical properties and their strain-dependence of ZnSe(ZnSe:N: Zinc-blende and wurtzite

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    Dandan Wang


    Full Text Available The lattice dynamical properties of ZnSe and ZnSe with substitutional N incorporation(ZnSe:N are investigated in both the zinc-blend(ZB and wurtzite(WZ structures using first-principles calculations. The optical phonon modes of ZB-ZnSe at the Γ-point locate at 250 cm−1 for LO and 213 cm−1 for TO. The characteristic E2 phonon modes at about 50 cm−1 and the E1 and another E2 phonon modes around 200 cm−1 of WZ-ZnSe are suggested to be the fingerprint for distinguishing the two polytypes of ZnSe. For substitutional N incorporated ZnSe, the N incorporation introduces three new high energy modes above 500 cm−1, and the splitting of them is much larger in the WZ phase than that in ZB phase. The strain dependence of phonon frequency which could be useful for corresponding spectroscopic strain characterization are also studied. The simple linear dependence is determined for ZB-ZnSe, while the situation for WZ-ZnSe looks more complicated.

  5. Sample Set (SE): SE50 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available oids We report that flavonoids with radical scavenging activity mitigate against ox...ress. These data confirm the usefulness of flavonoids for enhancing both biotic and abiotic stress tolerance...SE50 Enhancement of oxidative and drought tolerance in arabidopsis by overaccumulation of antioxidant flavon

  6. Sample Set (SE): SE52 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE52 Mass spectra-based framework for automated structural elucidation of metabolom...e data to explore phytochemical diversity A novel framework for automated elucidation of metabolite structur...te ontology system was also introduced to attain putative characterization of the metabolite signals.The automate

  7. Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of CuInSe2/In2Se3 compound (United States)

    Wang, Kang; Feng, Jing; Ge, Zhen-Hua; Qin, Peng; Yu, Jie


    CuInSe2 powders were synthesized by solvothermal method, and then the CuInSe2/In2Se3 bulk samples were fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique. To investigate the phase composition, the powders were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The microstructures of the powders and bulk samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The transportation of the electronic properties and thermal conductivity were measured at room temperature to 700 K. According to the results, the CuInSe2 powders appeared in flower-like patterns which ranged from 3 μm to 6 μm. CuInSe2 powders were synthesized at 180∘C with a chalcopyrite structure. The Seebeck coefficient increased significantly in composite thermoelectric materials up to 200μVṡK-1 at 623 K. The thermal conductivity of the sample significantly decreases from the room temperature to 700 K. The CuInSe2 bulk composite by solvothermal method achieves the highest ZT value of 0.187 at 700 K.

  8. Diseño, Construcción y Calibración de un calorímetro de solución de precisión media

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    Alfredo Gómez O.


    Full Text Available Se descriten los criterios de diseño, la construcción y la calibración de un calorímetro isoperit> ólico de solución de precisión media y de bajo costo. Se miden los cambios térmicos mediante un termistor de 15.000 otimios a 293 K, cuya calibración permite encontrar la expresión AT = -52,495 log,o (Rf/Ri para el cambio de temperatura en función de la resistencia, en el rango de trabajo, 297 a 299 K, La sensibilidad termométríca es 0,00158 K/otimio. El error relativo máximo en las medidas calorimétricas con el sistema de calibración benceno-cíclotiexano es de 3%. el de la capacidad calorífica es de 2,74% y el correspondiente a la diferencia de temperatura es de 1,66%, Se encuentran problemas por la gran pendiente de pérdidas de calor, 0,048 K/mln. (valor máximo observado. El coeficiente de transferencia de calor de las paredes del vaso calorimétrico resultó elevado aunque cumple las especificaciones exigidas.

  9. Des prisons médiatiques et des prisonniers: l´institution carcérale et la pénalité face aux évolutions de l´espace public = Sobre prisões midiáticas e prisioneiros: a instituição carcerária e a punição diante das evoluções do espaço público

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    Ricordeau, Gwenola


    Full Text Available O artigo enfoca as relações entre o espaço público, os prisioneiros e a instituição carcerária, onde se negocia continuamente as fronteiras do público/privado. A qualificação da prisão como uma "instituição total" é cada vez mais discutido, uma vez que sua crescente abertura ao exterior e processo de democratização permite aos prisioneiros o acesso à informação global e até mesmo a sua liberdade de expressão. Mas os encarcerados, assim como seus familiares, estão excluídos dos debates recorrentes sobre a necessária reforma prisional. A normalização das condições de detenção faz as sentenças se parecerem jogos (tipo "reality-show", em que o dentro é cada vez mais difícil de se distinguir do fora, invadido pelo monitoramento de vídeo e fenômenos virtuais. As evoluções das penas se traduzem por uma revolução do e no espaço privado do condenado

  10. Propriedades discriminativas e reforçadoras do choque elétrico

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    Silvio Morato de Carvalho

    Full Text Available Ratos treinados na resposta de pressão à barra reforçada continuamente com água foram submetidos a treino de discriminação usando-se como estimulo discriminativo um breve choque elétrico. A seguir, usando-se o choque elétrico como reforçador condicionado, modelou-se a resposta de pressão ao trapézio por aproximações sucessivas, resultando em um encadeamento trapézio-choque-barra-àgua. Os resultados mostraram que quando se exige maior número de choques, para que uma resposta na barra seja reforçada, a resposta de pressão ao trapézio diminui em freqüência, o que pode ser explicado pela interação entre as propriedades aversiva e de reforço condicionado adquirida pelo choque elétrico. Os dados obtidos confirmam resultados anteriores que demonstram a aquisição de propriedades discriminativas por eventos aversivos e ampliam outros resultados da literatura mostrando que o comportamento pode ser mantido por estímulos aversivos dependendo do programa de sua apresentação.

  11. Turismo y estética formativa

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    Clara Inés Sánchez Arciniegas


    Full Text Available ¿Existe alguna armonía entre el conocimiento y la estética? Sin duda alguna el hombre con conocimiento y sin virtud de la estética es un autómata; este necesita de las diferentes manifestaciones en las que se encuentra plasmada y necesita recordarlas continuamente. La estética como doctrina de conocimiento no es reciente, en el siglo xviii cuando por primera vez se define teóricamente hasta nuestros días en la Universidad actual. Esta última aparentemente menos evidente debido a las nuevas formas de aprendizaje con herramientas tecnológicas muy avanzadas y contraria a la imagen del universitario que hace dos siglos como complemento a su educación se distraía a través del Gran Tour, partida que tiene el turismo para fomentar el goce estético. ¿Cuál es entonces la relación entre distracción y formación? Se debe entonces reflexionar y comprender que el conocimiento interdisciplinario y la metodología debe procurar en los hombres actitudes adecuadas frente a la cultura y el arte a través del conocimiento.

  12. Identificación de competencias laborales de asesores comerciales en una compañía de aseguramiento y prestación en servicios de salud

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    Walter Smith Casallas Osorio


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue identifi car las competencias críticas de éxito del asesor comercial en una empresa de aseguramiento y prestación de servicios en salud. Se tomó una muestra de treinta y cuatro asesores comerciales divididos en cuatro grupos (dos por producto y dos por criterio de éxito, a los cuales se les realizó observaciones sistemáticas de campo, entrevistas de incidentes críticos, pruebas psicotécnicas y talleres de ventas para evaluar las competencias diferenciales que mostraban los asesores exitosos con relación a los asesores defi nidos como promedio. El criterio de éxito se basó en el desempeño en comisiones generadas durante diez meses. Se encontró que existen diferencias signifi cativas entre el grupo “exitosos” frente a “promedios” y se observan competencias que correlacionan positivamente con un rendimiento superior en ventas; orientación al logro, planifi cación y gestión, búsqueda de información, agresividad comercial y visión estratégica, son las competencias que se consideraron claves en el rendimiento superior de un agente de ventas. Adicionalmente, se analizó el resultado de las pruebas psicotécnicas tradicionales que miden constructos psicológicos y actitudes específi cas en los cuatro grupos de estudio, sin observar diferencias signifi cativas entre ellos, apoyando el marco teórico del presente estudio

  13. Phase diagram of the Sb-Se-I system and thermodynamic properties of SbSeI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aliev, Z.S.; Musaeva, S.S.; Babanly, D.M.; Shevelkov, A.V.; Babanly, M.B.


    The Sb-Se-I system was investigated by using the DTA and XRD analyses and EMF measurements with an antimony electrode. The T-x diagram of the binary Sb-I system was accurately redefined. A number of polythermal sections and the projection of the liquidus surface were constructed. The fields of the primary crystallization, as well as the types and coordinates of non- and monovariant equilibria were determined. It is shown that the quasi-binary sections Sb 2 Se 3 -SbI 3 , Sb-SbSeI, SbI 3 -Se, and SbSeI-Se triangulate the Sb-Se-I system, leading to five independent subsystems. A broad area of immiscibility, that overlaps a certain part of the antimony primary crystallization field, was found. From the EMF measurements, the partial molar functions of antimony (ΔG-bar, ΔH-bar, ΔS-bar) as well as standard integral thermodynamic functions of SbSeI were calculated. The latter were found to have the following values: ΔG f,298 0 =-80.12±1.81kJ/mol; ΔH f,298 0 =-77.3±1.8kJ/mol; S 298 0 =155.2±9.5J/(molK).

  14. Phase diagram of the Sb-Se-I system and thermodynamic properties of SbSeI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aliev, Z S; Musaeva, S S; Babanly, D M [Baku State University, General and Inorganic Chemistry Department (Azerbaijan); Shevelkov, A.V., E-mail: shev@inorg.chem.msu.r [Moscow Lomonosov State University, Chemistry Department (Russian Federation); Babanly, M.B., E-mail: Babanly_mb@rambler.r [Baku State University, General and Inorganic Chemistry Department (Azerbaijan)


    The Sb-Se-I system was investigated by using the DTA and XRD analyses and EMF measurements with an antimony electrode. The T-x diagram of the binary Sb-I system was accurately redefined. A number of polythermal sections and the projection of the liquidus surface were constructed. The fields of the primary crystallization, as well as the types and coordinates of non- and monovariant equilibria were determined. It is shown that the quasi-binary sections Sb{sub 2}Se{sub 3}-SbI{sub 3}, Sb-SbSeI, SbI{sub 3}-Se, and SbSeI-Se triangulate the Sb-Se-I system, leading to five independent subsystems. A broad area of immiscibility, that overlaps a certain part of the antimony primary crystallization field, was found. From the EMF measurements, the partial molar functions of antimony ({Delta}G-bar, {Delta}H-bar, {Delta}S-bar) as well as standard integral thermodynamic functions of SbSeI were calculated. The latter were found to have the following values: {Delta}G{sub f,298}{sup 0}=-80.12{+-}1.81kJ/mol; {Delta}H{sub f,298}{sup 0}=-77.3{+-}1.8kJ/mol; S{sub 298}{sup 0}=155.2{+-}9.5J/(molK).

  15. Influence of CdTe sub-monolayer stressor on CdSe quantum dot self-assembling in ZnSe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sedova, I.V.; Lyublinskaya, O.G.; Sorokin, S.V.; Sitnikova, A.A.; Solnyshkov, D.D.; Rykhova, O.V.; Toropov, A.A.; Ivanov, S.V.


    This paper reports on the attempt to apply the stressor-controlled quantum dot (QD) fabrication technique to the conventional CdSe/ZnSe nanostructures. Super-strained CdTe fractional monolayer (Δa/a∝14% for CdTe/ZnSe) grown on top of the Te-stabilized ZnSe surface prior to deposition of the QD material (CdSe) has been used as a stressor which is expected to affect size, composition and density of CdSe QDs. The grown structures are studied by X-ray diffraction, transmission-electron microscopy, photoluminescence (PL) and PL excitation in comparison with conventional CdSe/ZnSe QDs obtained by a modified migration enhanced epitaxy technique. (copyright 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  16. Structural and optical properties of nanocrystalline CdSe and Al:CdSe thin films for photoelectrochemical application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gawali, Sanjay A. [Electrochemical Materials Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416 004 (India); Bhosale, C.H., E-mail: [Electrochemical Materials Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416 004 (India)


    Highlights: {yields} The CdSe and Al:CdSe thin films have been successfully deposited by SPT. {yields} Hexagonal cubic structured CdSe and Al: CdSe thin films are observed. {yields} Large number of fine grains, Uniform and compact growth morphology. {yields} Hydrophilic surface nature. {yields} Al:CdSe have better PEC performance than CdSe. - Abstract: Nanocrystalline CdSe and Al:CdSe semiconductor thin films have been successfully synthesized onto amorphous and FTO glass substrates by spray pyrolysis technique. Aqueous solutions containing precursors of Cd and Se have been used to obtain good quality films. The optimized films have been characterized for their structural, morphological, wettability and optical properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies show that the films are polycrystalline in nature with hexagonal crystal structure. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies show that the film surface is smooth, uniform and compact in nature. Water wettability study reveals that the films are hydrophilic behavior. The formation of CdSe and Al:CdSe thin film were confirmed with the help of FTIR spectroscopy. UV-vis spectrophotometric measurement showed a direct allowed band gap lying in the range 1.673-1.87 eV. Output characteristics were studied by using cell configuration n- CdSe/Al:CdSe |1 M (NaOH + Na{sub 2} + S)|C. An efficient solar cell having a power conversion efficiency of 0.38% at illumination 25 mW cm{sup -2} was fabricated.

  17. Señas Mexicano

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    Juan F. García Mejía


    Full Text Available En este artículo se muestra un sistema que permite el estudio y práctica del Lenguaje de Señas Mexicano (LMS, el cual es el método de comunicación de las personas que padecen un trastorno de procesamiento auditivo. El sistema propuesto en este artículo consta de un guante de tela instrumentado con sensores de flexión, una etapa de acondicionamiento de señales y una tarjeta de adquisición de datos; que en su conjunto constituyen el Hardware. El software esta formado por un programa de adquisición de datos y una interfaz de usuario, ambos codificados en Visual Basic Net. El sistema propuesto se modela por medio del lenguaje de modelado unificado (UML, ya que Visual Basic es un lenguaje orientado a eventos.

  18. Sample Set (SE): SE27 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE27 Effect of agricultural films for cabbage leaf metabolites Investigation of Bra...ssica oleracea var. capitata YR Tenkuu leaf metabolites. 3 growth conditions (covered with normal or UV cut agricultura...l film or no agricultural film), 3 replicates data are examined. Takeshi Ara 1, Naoki Yamamoto 1,

  19. Antiphase Boundaries in the Turbostratically Disordered Misfit Compound (BiSe)(1+δ)NbSe2. (United States)

    Mitchson, Gavin; Falmbigl, Matthias; Ditto, Jeffrey; Johnson, David C


    (BiSe)(1+δ)NbSe2 ferecrystals were synthesized in order to determine whether structural modulation in BiSe layers, characterized by periodic antiphase boundaries and Bi-Bi bonding, occurs. Specular X-ray diffraction revealed the formation of the desired compound with a c-axis lattice parameter of 1.21 nm from precursors with a range of initial compositions and initial periodicities. In-plane X-ray diffraction scans could be indexed as hk0 reflections of the constituents, with a rectangular basal BiSe lattice and a trigonal basal NbSe2 lattice. Electron micrographs showed extensive turbostratic disorder in the samples and the presence of periodic antiphase boundaries (approximately 1.5 nm periodicity) in BiSe layers oriented with the [110] direction parallel to the zone axis of the microscope. This indicates that the structural modulation in the BiSe layers is not due to coherency strain resulting from commensurate in-plane lattices. Electrical transport measurements indicate that holes are the dominant charge carrying species, that there is a weak decrease in resistivity as temperature decreases, and that minimal charge transfer occurs from the BiSe to NbSe2 layers. This is consistent with the lack of charge transfer from the BiX to the TX2 layers reported in misfit layer compounds where antiphase boundaries were observed. This suggests that electronic considerations, i.e., localization of electrons in the Bi-Bi pairs at the antiphase boundaries, play a dominant role in stabilizing the structural modulation.

  20. Heterojunctions formed by annealing of GaSe and InSe layered crystals in zinc vapor

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    Kudrynskyi Z. R.


    Full Text Available The article presents a method of creating heterojunc¬tions based on semiconductors with different lattice types. Substrates manufactured from GaSe and InSe layered crystals were annealed in Zn vapor. This way, n-ZnSe–p-GaSe and n-ZnSe–p-InSe heterojunctions were obtained. The obtained heterojunctions are photo¬sensitive in near and infrared spectral regions. This method opens up greate possibilities of producing heterostructures with a desired sensitivity band.

  1. Thermoelectric study of Ag doped SnSe-Sb2Se3 based alloy (United States)

    Das, Anish; Talukdar, M.; Kumar, Aparabal; Sarkar, Kalyan Jyoti; Dhama, P.; Banerji, P.


    In this article we have synthesized p-type alloy of SnSe and Sb2Se3 (10 atomic %) to study the thermoelectric transport properties. The alloy was prepared by melt grown technique followed by spark plasma sintering and latter doped with 2 atomic % Ag to compensate the carrier density in order to achieve higher electrical conductivity (σ). Out of these, the doped sample resulted in the maximum figure of merit, ZT˜0.7 at 773 K due to the existence of the secondary phase AgSbSe2 and reduced lattice thermal conductivity (0.61 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K). The fitted lattice thermal conductivity shows that point defect and Umklapp scattering are the primary process of phonon scattering for all the samples whereas the fitted mobility data confirms acoustic phonon scattering along with point defect and grain boundary scattering to be the main carrier scattering mechanism. More over room temperature carrier density and electrical conductivity are found to increase for the doped sample which further corroborate (90%)SnSe-(10%)Sb2Se3:2%Ag to be a potential candidate for highly efficient thermoelectric materials.

  2. Optical properties of thermally annealed CdZnSe/ZnSe quantum dots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Margapoti, Emanuela


    To analyse the diffusion characteristics, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy has been carried out in extensive detail on single, as well as, ensembles of thermally annealed (TA) CdSe/ZnSe QDs. For a series of QD-ensembles, each annealed for t A = 30 s at temperatures from T A = 300-550 C, the change in the QD-composition has been calculated from the blue-shift of the exciton ground-state PL-emission, using a concentration function based on Fick's laws of diffusion. The diffusion length (L D ) and the activation energy (E A ) have been determined thereof. For the studied QDs, E A has been evaluated to be 2.2 eV. Additionally, TA results also in an enhancement of the PL-intensity and reduction of the full-width-at-half maximum (FWHM) of the spectra. This point towards an increased homogeneity of the QD-size and composition, and decrease in the concentration of defects around the QDs. For single CdSe/ZnSe QDs, TA has been varied from 100-240 C, in steps for 20 C, with t A kept fixed at 30 s. Finally, the evolution of the magneto-optic response with post-growth thermal annealing has been studied for both individual QDs and QD-ensembles. An external magnetic field, applied perpendicular to the plane of the QDs (Faraday configuration), results in Zeeman spin splitting of the ground exciton state. The emissions from the Zeeman-split states are left and right circularly polarized and from the degree of circular polarization (DCP), as well as, the spectral separation of the PL-peaks, the g-factor can be estimated. For CdSe/ZnSe QD-ensembles, the g-factor has been observed to change sign with TA. (orig.).

  3. Optical properties of thermally annealed CdZnSe/ZnSe quantum dots

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Margapoti, Emanuela


    To analyse the diffusion characteristics, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy has been carried out in extensive detail on single, as well as, ensembles of thermally annealed (TA) CdSe/ZnSe QDs. For a series of QD-ensembles, each annealed for t{sub A} = 30 s at temperatures from T{sub A} = 300-550 C, the change in the QD-composition has been calculated from the blue-shift of the exciton ground-state PL-emission, using a concentration function based on Fick's laws of diffusion. The diffusion length (L{sub D}) and the activation energy (E{sub A}) have been determined thereof. For the studied QDs, E{sub A} has been evaluated to be 2.2 eV. Additionally, TA results also in an enhancement of the PL-intensity and reduction of the full-width-at-half maximum (FWHM) of the spectra. This point towards an increased homogeneity of the QD-size and composition, and decrease in the concentration of defects around the QDs. For single CdSe/ZnSe QDs, TA has been varied from 100-240 C, in steps for 20 C, with t{sub A} kept fixed at 30 s. Finally, the evolution of the magneto-optic response with post-growth thermal annealing has been studied for both individual QDs and QD-ensembles. An external magnetic field, applied perpendicular to the plane of the QDs (Faraday configuration), results in Zeeman spin splitting of the ground exciton state. The emissions from the Zeeman-split states are left and right circularly polarized and from the degree of circular polarization (DCP), as well as, the spectral separation of the PL-peaks, the g-factor can be estimated. For CdSe/ZnSe QD-ensembles, the g-factor has been observed to change sign with TA. (orig.).

  4. Thermally stimulated properties in ZnSe:Tb and ZnSe:(Mn, Tb) phosphors (United States)

    Mishra, A. K.; Mishra, S. K.; Pandey, S. P.; Lakshmi Mishra, Kshama


    Thermoluminescence studies were performed of ZnSe:Tb and ZnSe:(Mn, Tb) phosphors. A method of preparation for ZnSe phosphors doped with Tb and (Mn, Tb) has been discussed. The thermoluminescence (TL) properties of these phosphors have been studied from 100 to 370 K temperature after exciting by UV radiation (365 nm) at three uniform heating rates 0.4, 0.6 and 0.9 K/s. The trapping parameters like trap depth, lifetime of electrons and capture cross-section have also been determined using various methods.

  5. Fecundidad y actividad femenina

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    Full Text Available La relación inversa entre fecundidad y actividad femenina ha constituido uno de los postulados de la teoría de la transición demográfica y de las formulaciones corrientes. La participación de la mujer en la población activa en España no ha sido continuamente creciente, sino que depende de la coyuntura económica y de contextos sociales específicos. Frente a esta situación fluctuante, el descenso de la fecundidad en la ultima década ha sido significativo. En esta medida, no se puede establecer una correlación entre actividad femenina remunerada y fecundidad, en plazos relativamente cortos. Las sociedades europeas no tienen la misma evolución. En este trabajo se analiza la situación de la actividad femenina y de la fecundidad en España, Francia, Italia y la RFA.

  6. Ab initio phonon thermal transport in monolayer InSe, GaSe, GaS, and alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pandey, Tribhuwan; Parker, David S.; Lindsay, Lucas


    We compare vibrational properties and phonon thermal conductivities (κ) of monolayer InSe, GaSe and GaS systems using density functional theory and Peierls-Boltzmann transport methods. In going from InSe to GaSe to GaS, system mass decreases giving both increasing acoustic phonon velocities and decreasing scattering of these heat-carrying modes with optic phonons, ultimately giving κInSe< κGaSe< κGaS. This behavior is demonstrated by correlating the scattering phase space limited by fundamental conservation conditions with mode scattering rates and phonon dispersions for each material. We also show that, unlike flat monolayer systems such as graphene, thermal transport is governed by in-plane vibrations in InSe, GaSe and GaS, similar to buckled monolayer materials such as silicene. Alloying of InSe, GaSe and GaS systems provides an effective method for modulating their κ through intrinsic vibrational modifications and phonon scattering from mass disorder giving reductions ~2-3.5 times. This disorder also suppresses phonon mean free paths in the alloy systems compared to those in their crystalline counterparts. This work provides fundamental insights of lattice thermal transport from basic vibrational properties for an interesting set of two-dimensional materials.

  7. Sample Set (SE): SE59 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available idopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). However, the behavior of flavonoids during drough...t stress is still not well documented. Herein we investigated the time-series alternation of flavonoids in t...vonoids, a class of specialized metabolites, including flavonols and anthocyanins w...SE59 Alternation of flavonoid accumulation under drought stress in Arabidopsis thaliana We reported that fla

  8. Intercalation compounds of NbSe2 und SnSe2. Model systems for low-dimensional superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herzinger, Michael


    Quasi-two-dimensional (2D) metal dichalcogenides have received considerable research interest since their complex anisotropic electronic properties can be controlled by the intercalation of donor species. Although layered dichalcogenides have been studied by many aspects of chemical and physical properties, their two-dimensional character is only poorly understood. The present work deals with the layer-shaped dichalcogenides SnSe 2 and NbSe 2 . The host-material SnSe 2 was synthesized by chemical transport with Iodine as transport agent in sealed quartz ampoules. The intercalation of the semiconducting layered single crystals SnSe 2 with the organometallic compound cobaltocene (CoCp 2 ) leads to superconductivity up to T = 8 K. Ex-situ intercalation studies show an intercalation-mechanism outgoing from the host material 2H-SnSe 2 in a stage-2 phase which goes over in a stage-1 phase for higher intercalation degrees. In addition, SnSe 2 {CoCp 2 } x show remarkable low-temperature properties e.g. the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism in dependence of the staging and cobaltocene-content of the material. Starting from an intercalation degree of 17% CoCp 2 long range ordered magnetism (with increasing saturation magnetization) was observed in 18R-SnSe 2 {CoCp 2 } x . Furthermore SnSe 2 {CoCp 2 } x show an extremely sensitive superconducting pinning behavior in very small magnetic fields partially below B 2 -content. A phase diagram was developed in dependence of the degree of intercalation over the whole range of intercalation between 0 % and 33 %. For comparison of the low-temperature character of SnSe 2 {CoCp 2 } x , another layer-shaped superconductor NbSe 2 was intercalated with CoCp 2 . The layered high-k s-wave superconductor 2H-NbSe 2 belongs to the most prominent low-dimensional materials studied during the past fifty years. After the discovery of the high temperature superconductor MgB 2 , a benchmark system for multi-band superconductivity, NbSe 2

  9. IR and Raman spectra of LaH(SeO3)2 and FeH(SeO3)2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ratheesh, R.; Suresh, G.; Nayar, V.U.; Morris, R.E.


    The infrared and Raman spectra of LaH(SeO 3 ) 2 and FeH(SeO 3 ) 2 crystals are recorded and analysed. Bands confirm the coexistence of HSeO 3 - and SeO 3 2- ions in both LaH(SeO 3 ) 2 and FeH(SeO 3 ) 2 crystals. The Se-OH stretching vibrations are observed to be at lower wavenumbers in LaH(SeO 3 ) 2 than that in the iron compound in agreement with the short O-O distance in the former. Observed bands indicate that the SeO 3 2- ions are more angularly distorted in FeH(SeO 3 ) 2 crystal. ABC bands, characteristic of strong hydrogen bonded systems are observed in the infrared spectra of both the crystals. (author). 15 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

  10. Simultaneous speciation of arsenic (As(III), MMA, DMA, and As(V)) and selenium (Se(IV), Se(VI), and SeCN{sup -}) in petroleum refinery aqueous streams

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tonietto, Gisele B.; Godoy, Jose M.; Oliveira, Ana Cristina [Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Souza, Marcia V. de [Petrobras/Cenpes, Research and Development Center, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


    High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to an ICP-MS with an octapole reaction system (ORS) has been used to carry out quantitative speciation of selenium (Se) and arsenic (As) in the stream waters of a refining process. The argon dimers interfering with the {sup 78}Se and {sup 80}Se isotopes were suppressed by pressurizing the octapole chamber with 3.1 mL min{sup -1} H{sub 2} and 0.5 mL min{sup -1} He. Four arsenic species arsenite - As(III), arsenate (As(V)), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) - and three inorganic Se species - selenite Se(IV), selenate Se(VI), and selenocyanate (SeCN{sup -}) - were separated in a single run by ion chromatography (IC) using gradient elution with 100 mmol L{sup -1} NH{sub 4}NO{sub 3}, pH 8.5, adjusted by addition of NH{sub 3}, as eluent. Repeatabilities of peak position and of peak area evaluation were better than 1% and about 3%, respectively. Detection limits (as 3{sigma} of the baseline noise) were 81, 56, and 75 ng L{sup -1} for Se(IV), Se(VI), and SeCN{sup -}, respectively, and 22, 19, 25, and 16 ng L{sup -1} for As(III), As(V), MMA, and DMA, respectively. Calibration curve R {sup 2} values ranged between 0.996 and 0.999 for the arsenic and selenium species. Column recovery for ion chromatography was calculated to be 97 {+-} 6% for combined arsenic species and 98 {+-} 3% for combined selenium species. Because certified reference materials for As and Se speciation studies are still not commercially available, in order to check accuracy and precision the method was applied to certified reference materials, BCR 714, BCR 1714, and BCR 715 and to two different refinery samples - inlet and outlet wastewater. The method was successfully used to study the quantitative speciation of selenium and arsenic in petroleum refinery wastewaters. (orig.)

  11. Third-order nonlinear optical properties of GeSe2-Ga2Se3-PbI2 glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Gao; Liu Cunming; Luo Lan; Chen Wei


    The third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of new selenium-based GeSe 2 -Ga 2 Se 3 -PbI 2 glasses have been measured using the optical Kerr effect (OKE) technique, with picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses. The 0.70GeSe 2 -0.15Ga 2 Se 3 -0.15PbI 2 glass has the largest third-order optical nonlinear susceptibility in GeSe 2 -Ga 2 Se 3 -PbI 2 glass system with χ (3) of 5.28x10 12 esu. In addition, the response time of glasses is sub-picosecond, which is predominantly associated with electron cloud. Local structure of the glasses has been identified by using Raman studies, while the origins of the observed nonlinear optical response are discussed. The [Ge(Ga)Se 4 ] tetrahedral and lone-pair electrons from highly polarizable Pb atom in glasses play an important role in enhanced NLO response. These results as well as their good chemical stability indicate that GeSe 2 -Ga 2 Se 3 -PbI 2 glasses are promising materials for photonic applications of third-order nonlinear optical signal processing.

  12. Desarrollo y características psicométricas del instrumento para evaluar los factores que influyen en la adherencia a tratamientos farmacológicos y no farmacológicos en personas con factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Patricia Bonilla Ibáñez


    Full Text Available El diseño de instrumentos validados en enfermería es de gran relevancia en la medida en que estas escalas miden y determinan fenómenos o conceptos propios de la disciplina, convirtiéndose en elementos de trabajo importantes en aquellos aspectos de la investigación sobre el cuidado de la salud humana, objeto de la enfermería. Este artículo trata de los procesos que ha seguido el desarrollo psicométrico de un instrumento que se concibió para evaluar los factores que influyen en la adherencia a tratamientos farmacológicos y no farmacológicos en personas con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2005 y 2011. Se describe la forma como se diseñó el instrumento original incluyendo las bases teóricas de su construcción y la validez facial y de contenido que se realizó; la evolución en cuanto a mediciones o pruebas psicométricas realizadas con diferentes poblaciones y diferentes contextos a nivel nacional; y la aplicación del instrumento a poblaciones diversas. Se reseñan los estudios realizados para evidenciar la validez facial, de contenido, la consistencia interna y la confiabilidad y validez de constructo, realizados por investigadores estudiantes de la Maestría con Énfasis en Cuidado para la Salud Cardiovascular de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con los cuales se ha procesado el desarrollo psicométrico.

  13. Item response times in computerized adaptive testing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lutz F. Hornke


    Full Text Available Tiempos de respuesta al ítem en tests adaptativos informatizados. Los tests adaptativos informatizados (TAI proporcionan puntuaciones y a la vez tiempos de respuesta a los ítems. La investigación sobre el significado adicional que se puede obtener de la información contenida en los tiempos de respuesta es de especial interés. Se dispuso de los datos de 5912 jóvenes en un test adaptativo informatizado. Estudios anteriores indican mayores tiempos de respuesta cuando las respuestas son incorrectas. Este resultado fue replicado en este estudio más amplio. No obstante, los tiempos promedios de respuesta al ítem para las respuestas erróneas y correctas no muestran una interpretación diferencial de la obtenida con los niveles de rasgo, y tampoco correlacionan de manera diferente con unos cuantos tests de capacidad. Se discute si los tiempos de respuesta deben ser interpretados en la misma dimensión que mide el TAI o en otras dimensiones. Desde los primeros años 30 los tiempos de respuesta han sido considerados indicadores de rasgos de personalidad que deben ser diferenciados de los rasgos que miden las puntuaciones del test. Esta idea es discutida y se ofrecen argumentos a favor y en contra. Los acercamientos mas recientes basados en modelos también se muestran. Permanece abierta la pregunta de si se obtiene o no información diagnóstica adicional de un TAI que tenga una toma de datos detallada y programada.

  14. La opción de las microfinanzas para salir de la pobreza, en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cruz Ramirez, Dorie


    Full Text Available En México como en otros países del mundo, la pobreza es un tema de gran importancia. En nuestro país se han realizado estudios que miden el grado de pobreza existente y tristemente refleja que cada vez somos más pobres, se estima  en el año 2012  en México existen 53.3 millones de personas pobres, donde hace falta alimentación, vivienda, servicios de salud, y sobre todo dinero. Este último, que permita a una persona subsistir, abrirse paso ante las condiciones sociales y económicas, donde cada vez es más difícil.El presente documento, es un breve análisis de especialistas financieros, que  han establecido  estrategias para el uso de los micro financiamientos, con el fin de  superar la pobreza y  hacer crecer la economía, para garantizar el autoempleo y empleo de 3ros, pero sobre todo la educación financiera, que permita el uso adecuado de dinero, el uso de microcréditos,  y el adecuado manejo de las micro finanzas personales.

  15. La Opción de las microfinanzas para salir de la pobreza, en México.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mg. Dorie Cruz Ramirez


    Full Text Available En México como en otros países del mundo, la pobreza es un tema de gran importancia. En nuestro país se han realizado estudios que miden el grado de pobreza existente y tristemente refleja que cada vez somos más pobres, se estima  en el año 2012  en México existen 53.3 millones de personas pobres, donde hace falta alimentación, vivienda, servicios de salud, y sobre todo dinero. Este último, que permita a una persona subsistir, abrirse paso ante las condiciones sociales y económicas, donde cada vez es más difícil.El presente documento, es un breve análisis de especialistas financieros, que  han establecido  estrategias para el uso de los micro financiamientos, con el fin de  superar la pobreza y  hacer crecer la economía, para garantizar el autoempleo y empleo de 3ros, pero sobre todo la educación financiera, que permita el uso adecuado de dinero, el uso de microcréditos,  y el adecuado manejo de las micro finanzas personales.

  16. Satisfacción de las madres gracias al personal de enfermería en pediatría

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miriam Ivonne Fernández Nieto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los grados de satisfacción de las madres con respecto a la calidad de atención del personal de Enfermería en los pacientes hospitalizados del servicio de pediatría en el Hospital Provincial Docente Latacunga. Método y materiales: El estudio es no experimental con un diseño descriptivo de corte transversal, se relacionan con las variables involucradas, además es de corta duración en un periodo corto de tiempo, el instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta a 123 madres que acudieron al servicio de pediatría del Hospital general Latacunga. Resultados: Se menciona que la necesidad de realizar una planificación estratégica es para mejorar la calidad de atención hacia los pacientes. Conclusiones: La prestación del cuidado de enfermería y la satisfacción del usuario, son indicadores que miden la calidad de atención en las diferentes instituciones hospitalarias y que pueden ser afectados por diversos factores como: trato al paciente, ausencia de recursos humanos y materiales, la falta de trabajo en equipo, etc.

  17. Enhancement of hole mobility in InSe monolayer via an InSe and black phosphorus heterostructure. (United States)

    Ding, Yi-Min; Shi, Jun-Jie; Xia, Congxin; Zhang, Min; Du, Juan; Huang, Pu; Wu, Meng; Wang, Hui; Cen, Yu-Lang; Pan, Shu-Hang


    To enhance the low hole mobility (∼40 cm 2 V -1 s -1 ) of InSe monolayer, a novel two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals heterostructure made of InSe and black phosphorus (BP) monolayers with high hole mobility (∼10 3 cm 2 V -1 s -1 ) has been constructed and its structural and electronic properties are investigated using first-principles calculations. We find that the InSe/BP heterostructure exhibits a direct band gap of 1.39 eV and type-II band alignment with electrons (holes) located in the InSe (BP) layer. The band offsets of InSe and BP are 0.78 eV for the conduction band minimum and 0.86 eV for the valence band maximum, respectively. Surprisingly, the hole mobility in the InSe/BP heterostructure exceeds 10 4 cm 2 V -1 s -1 , which is one order of magnitude larger than the hole mobility of BP and three orders larger than that of the InSe monolayer. The electron mobility is also increased to 3 × 10 3 cm 2 V -1 s -1 . The physical reason has been analyzed deeply, and a universal method is proposed to improve the carrier mobility of 2D materials by forming heterostructures with them and other 2D materials with complementary properties. The InSe/BP heterostructure can thus be widely used in nanoscale InSe-based field-effect transistors, photodetectors and photovoltaic devices due to its type-II band alignment and high carrier mobility.

  18. Complexing in (NH4)2SeO4-UO2SeO4 H2O system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serezhkina, L.B.


    Isotherm of solubility in the (NH 4 ) 2 SeO 4 -UO 2 SeO 4 -H 2 O system has been constructed at 25 deg C. (NH 4 ) 2 (UO 2 ) 2 (SeO 4 ) 3 x6H 2 O formation is established for the first time and certain its physicochemical properties are determined. Regularities of complexing in the R 2 Se) 4 -UO 2 SeO 4 -H 2 O systems, where R-univalent cation are under discussion. 6 refs.; 3 tabs

  19. Flexible one-dimensional carbon-selenium composite nanofibers with superior electrochemical performance for Li-Se/Na-Se batteries (United States)

    Zeng, Linchao; Wei, Xiang; Wang, Jiaqing; Jiang, Yu; Li, Weihan; Yu, Yan


    A facile strategy is developed to synthesis selenium/carbon composites (Se@CNFs-CNT) by co-heating Se powder and electrospun Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-CNT nanofibers at 600°Cin a sealed vessel. The Se molecules are chemically bonded and physical encapsulated by carbonized PAN-CNT composite (CNFs-CNT), which leads to prevent the dissolution of polyselenide intermediates in carbonate based electrolyte. When directly used as flexible free-standing cathode material for Li-Se batteries in low cost carbonate-based electrolyte, the Se@CNFs-CNT electrode exhibits improved cyclability (517 mAh g-1 after 500 cycles at 0.5 A g-1) and rate capability (485 mAh g-1 at 1 A g-1). Moreover, when tested as sodium batteries, it maintains a reversible capacity of 410 mAh g-1 after 240 cycles at 0.5 A g-1. The superior electrochemical performance (especially at high rates) of Se@CNFs-CNT is attributed to synergistic effect of the additive of CNT, the well confine of Se in the CNFs-CNT matrix through chemical bonding and the 3D interconnected carbon nanofibers (CNFs). This simple yet efficient process thus provides a promising route towards fabrication of a variety of high performance flexible Li-Se and Na-Se batteries.

  20. Achieving tunable doping of MoSe2 based devices using GO@MoSe2 heterostructure (United States)

    Maji, Tuhin Kumar; Tiwary, Krishna Kanhaiya; Karmakar, Debjani


    Doping nature of MoSe2, one of the promising Graphene analogous device material, can be tuned by controlling the concentration of functional groups in Graphene oxide (GO)@MoSe2 heterostructure. In this study, by first-principles simulation, we have observed that GO can be used as a carrier injection layer for MoSe2, where n or p type carriers are introduced within MoSe2 layer depending on the type and concentration of functional moieties in it. Both n and p-type Schottky barrier height modulations are investigated for different modeled configurations of the heterostructure. This combinatorial heterostructure can be a promising material for future electronic device application.

  1. Formation of a Colloidal CdSe and ZnSe Quantum Dots via a Gamma Radiolytic Technique

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    Aeshah Salem


    Full Text Available Colloidal cadmium selenide (CdSe and zinc selenide (ZnSe quantum dots with a hexagonal structure were synthesized by irradiating an aqueous solution containing metal precursors, poly (vinyl pyrrolidone, isopropyl alcohol, and organic solvents with 1.25-MeV gamma rays at a dose of 120 kGy. The radiolytic processes occurring in water result in the nucleation of particles, which leads to the growth of the quantum dots. The physical properties of the CdSe and ZnSe nanoparticles were measured by various characterization techniques. X-ray diffraction (XRD was used to confirm the nanocrystalline structure, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX was used to estimate the material composition of the samples, transmission electron microscopy (TEM was used to determine the morphologies and average particle size distribution, and UV-visible spectroscopy was used to measure the optical absorption spectra, from which the band gap of the CdSe and ZnSe nanoparticles could be deduced.

  2. Dipole strength in 80Se below the neutron-separation energy for the nuclear transmutation of 79Se

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    Makinaga Ayano


    Full Text Available The γ-ray strength function (γSF in 80Se is an important parameter to estimate the neutron-capture cross section of 79Se which is one of the long-lived fission products (LLFPs. Until now, the γSF method was applied for 80Se only above the neutron-separation energy (Sn and the evaluated 79Se(n,γ cross section has an instability caused by the GSF below Sn. We studied the dipole-strength distribution of 80Se in a photon-scattering experiment using bremsstrahlung produced by an electron beam of an energy of 11.5 MeV at the linear accelerator ELBE at HZDR. The present photoabsorption cross section of 80Se was combined with results of (γ,n experiments and are compared with predictions usinmg the TALYS code. We also estimated the 79Se(n,γ cross sections and compare them with TALYS predictionms and earlier work by other groups.

  3. Dipole strength in 80Se below the neutron-separation energy for the nuclear transmutation of 79Se (United States)

    Makinaga, Ayano; Massarczyk, Ralph; Beard, Mary; Schwengner, Ronald; Otsu, Hideaki; Müller, Stefan; Röder, Marko; Schmidt, Konrad; Wagner, Andreas


    The γ-ray strength function (γSF) in 80Se is an important parameter to estimate the neutron-capture cross section of 79Se which is one of the long-lived fission products (LLFPs). Until now, the γSF method was applied for 80Se only above the neutron-separation energy (Sn) and the evaluated 79Se(n,γ) cross section has an instability caused by the GSF below Sn. We studied the dipole-strength distribution of 80Se in a photon-scattering experiment using bremsstrahlung produced by an electron beam of an energy of 11.5 MeV at the linear accelerator ELBE at HZDR. The present photoabsorption cross section of 80Se was combined with results of (γ,n) experiments and are compared with predictions usinmg the TALYS code. We also estimated the 79Se(n,γ) cross sections and compare them with TALYS predictionms and earlier work by other groups.

  4. Fundamental absorption edge in CuIn5Se8 and CuGa3Se5 single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leon, M.; Merino, J.M.; Levcenko, S.; Nateprov, A.; Tezlevan, V.; Arushanov, E.; Syrbu, N.N.


    Optical absorption spectra of CuIn 5 Se 8 and CuGa 3 Se 5 single crystals have been investigated. The energy gap E g for CuIn 5 Se 8 (CuGa 3 Se 5 ) was found to be varied from 1.27(1.79) to 1.21(1.71) eV in the temperature range between 10 and 300 K. The temperature dependence of E g was studied by means of the Einstein model and the Paessler model. The Einstein temperature {222(267)K}, the Debye temperature {310(380)K}, a dimensionless constant related to the electron-phonon coupling {1.62(2.65)} as well as an effective energy {20 (24) meV} and a cut-off phonon energy {35(39) meV} have been estimated for CuIn 5 Se 8 (CuGa 3 Se 5 ). It was also found that the major contribution of phonons to the shift of E g versus temperature in CuIn 5 Se 8 (CuGa 3 Se 5 ) is mainly from optical phonons. (copyright 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (Abstract Copyright [2006], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  5. Charge confinements in CdSe-ZnSe symmetric double quantum wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tit, Nacir; Obaidat, Ihab M


    The bound states in the (CdSe) N w (ZnSe) N b (CdSe) N w -ZnSe(001) symmetric double quantum wells are investigated versus the well width (N w ) and the barrier thickness (N b ). A calculation based on the sp 3 s * tight-binding method which includes the spin-orbit interactions is employed to calculate the bandgap energy, quantum-confinement energy, and band structures. The studied systems possess a vanishing valence-band offset (VBO = 0) in consistency with the well known common-anion rule, and a large conduction-band offset (CBO ≅ 1 eV), which plays an essential role in the confinement of electrons within the CdSe wells. The biaxial strain, on the other hand, plays another role in confining the holes at the interfaces (within the well regions) and thus enhancing the radiative efficiency. The induced-strain energy is estimated to be ∼35 meV. More importantly, the results show that, for a fixed barrier thickness, the double wells are able to confine a pair of bound states when they are very thin. By increasing the wells' width (N w ), further, a new pair of states from the conduction-band continuum falls into the wells every time N w hits a multiple of four monolayers (more specifically, for 4n w ≤4(n+1), the number of bound states is 2(n+1), where n is an integer). On the other hand, the barrier thickness (N b ) is shown to have no effect on the number of bound states, but it solely controls their well-to-well interactions. A critical barrier thickness to switch off these latter interactions is estimated to occur at about N crit b ≅ 9 (L crit b ≅ 25∼AA. Rules governing the variation of the quantum-confinement energy versus both barrier thickness (N b ) and well width (N w ) have been derived. Our theoretical results are also shown to have excellent agreement with the available experimental photoluminescence data

  6. AgSbSe{sub 2} and AgSb(S,Se){sub 2} thin films for photovoltaic applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garza, J.G. [Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon (Mexico); Shaji, S. [Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon (Mexico); Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, CIIDIT - Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Apodaca, Nuevo Leon (Mexico); Rodriguez, A.C.; Das Roy, T.K. [Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon (Mexico); Krishnan, B., E-mail: [Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon (Mexico); Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, CIIDIT - Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Apodaca, Nuevo Leon (Mexico)


    Silver antimony selenide (AgSbSe{sub 2}) thin films were prepared by heating sequentially deposited multilayers of antimony sulphide (Sb{sub 2}S{sub 3}), silver selenide (Ag{sub 2}Se), selenium (Se) and silver (Ag). Sb{sub 2}S{sub 3} thin film was prepared from a chemical bath containing SbCl{sub 3} and Na{sub 2}S{sub 2}O{sub 3}, Ag{sub 2}Se from a solution containing AgNO{sub 3} and Na{sub 2}SeSO{sub 3} and Se thin films from an acidified solution of Na{sub 2}SeSO{sub 3}, at room temperature on glass substrates. Ag thin film was deposited by thermal evaporation. The annealing temperature was 350 deg. C in vacuum (10{sup -3} Torr) for 1 h. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the thin films formed were polycrystalline AgSbSe{sub 2} or AgSb(S,Se){sub 2} depending on selenium content in the precursor films. Morphology and elemental analysis of these films were done using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Optical band gap was evaluated from the UV-visible absorption spectra of these films. Electrical characterizations were done using Hall effect and photocurrent measurements. A photovoltaic structure: glass/ITO/CdS/AgSbSe{sub 2}/Al was formed, in which CdS was deposited by chemical bath deposition. J-V characteristics of this structure showed V{sub oc} = 435 mV and J{sub sc} = 0.08 mA/cm{sup 2} under illumination using a tungsten halogen lamp. Preparation of a photovoltaic structure using AgSbSe{sub 2} as an absorber material by a non-toxic selenization process is achieved.

  7. Porøse materialer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Dette undervisningsnotat er en samling af noter, der refererer til den indledende del af kurset Materialmekanik og Porøse materailer på Insitut for Bærende Konstruktiner og Materialer (BKM).......Dette undervisningsnotat er en samling af noter, der refererer til den indledende del af kurset Materialmekanik og Porøse materailer på Insitut for Bærende Konstruktiner og Materialer (BKM)....

  8. Synthesis and properties of new CdSe-AgI-As{sub 2}Se{sub 3} chalcogenide glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kassem, M. [Univ Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); ULCO, LPCA, EAC CNRS 4493 F-59140 Dunkerque (France); Le Coq, D., E-mail: [Univ Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); ULCO, LPCA, EAC CNRS 4493 F-59140 Dunkerque (France); Fourmentin, M.; Hindle, F.; Bokova, M.; Cuisset, A.; Masselin, P.; Bychkov, E. [Univ Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille (France); ULCO, LPCA, EAC CNRS 4493 F-59140 Dunkerque (France)


    Research highlights: {yields} Determination of the glass-forming region in the pseudo-ternary CdSe-AgI-As{sub 2}Se{sub 3} system. {yields} Characterization of macroscopic properties of the new CdSe-AgI-As{sub 2}Se{sub 3} glasses. {yields} Far infrared transmission of chalcogenide glasses. {yields} Characterization of the total conductivity of CdSe-AgI-As{sub 2}Se{sub 3} glasses. -- Abstract: The glass-forming region in the pseudo-ternary CdSe-AgI-As{sub 2}Se{sub 3} system was determined. Measurements including differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), density, and X-ray diffraction were performed. The effect resulting from the addition of CdSe or AgI has been highlighted by examining three series of different base glasses. The characteristic temperatures of the glass samples, including glass transition (T{sub g}), crystallisation (T{sub x}), and melting (T{sub m}) temperatures are reported and used to calculate their {Delta}T = T{sub x} - T{sub g} and their Hruby, H{sub r} = (T{sub x} - T{sub g})/(T{sub m} - T{sub x}), criteria. Evolution of the total electrical conductivity {sigma} and the room temperature conductivity {sigma}{sub 298} was also studied. The terahertz transparency domain in the 50-600 cm{sup -1} region was pointed for different chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) and the potential of the THz spectroscopy was suggested to obtain structural information on ChGs.

  9. Effect of dietary sodium selenite, Se-enriched yeast and Se-enriched Chlorella on egg Se concentration, physical parameters of eggs and laying hen production

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Skřivan, M.; Šimáně, J.; Dlouhá, G.; Doucha, Jiří


    Roč. 51, č. 4 (2006), s. 163-167 ISSN 1212-1819 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50200510 Keywords : sodium selenite * se-yeast * se-chlorella Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology Impact factor: 0.421, year: 2006

  10. Effect of the ITO substrate on the growth of Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2}, CuGa{sub 3}Se{sub 5}, CuGa{sub 5}Se{sub 8} and CuIn{sub 3}Se{sub 5} thin films by flash evaporation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Friedrich, E J; Merino, J M; Leon, M [Department of Applied Physics, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM), Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Trigo, J F; Guillen, C [Department of Energy, CIEMAT, Avda Complutense, 22, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Ramiro, J, E-mail: josue.friedrich@uam.e [Department of Theory of Signal and Communications, URJC, Campus Fuenlabrada, 122, 28943 Madrid (Spain)


    Structural, compositional, electrical and morphological properties of CuIn{sub 1-x}Ga{sub x}Se{sub 2} (x = 0.15, 0.30) and ordered defect compounds (ODC) CuGa{sub 3}Se{sub 5}, CuGa{sub 5}Se{sub 8}, CuIn{sub 3}Se{sub 5} thin films grown by flash evaporation onto soda lime glass substrates (SLG) and ITO/SLG have been studied. Polycrystalline thin films with accentuated preferential orientation in the (1 1 2) plane of the tetragonal structure have been obtained. Annealing in Se atmosphere improves the structural, morphological, electrical and optical properties of the evaporated films, but provokes the formation of a CuIn{sub x}Se{sub y} phase on the surface of the films. Band gap values ranging between 1.01 and 1.21 eV have been obtained for the as-grown CuIn{sub 1-x}Ga{sub x}Se{sub 2} thin films and between 1.09 and 2.01 eV for the CuGa{sub 3}Se{sub 5}, CuGa{sub 5}Se{sub 8} and CuIn{sub 3}Se{sub 5} thin films.

  11. Cu(InGa)Se{sub 2} absorber formation by in-situ, low-temperature annealing of co-evaporated bilayer (InGa){sub 2}Se{sub 3}/CuSe precursors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moon, Kyeongchan; Kim, Woo Kyoung, E-mail:


    Chalcopyrite Cu(InGa)Se{sub 2} (CIGS) absorbers were fabricated by the formation of bilayer stacked glass/Mo/(InGa){sub 2}Se{sub 3}/CuSe precursors followed by in-situ thermal annealing at 450 °C for approximately 10 min in a vacuum evaporator. The material properties (e.g., crystal orientation, compositional depth profile, and overall composition) and device performance of the resulting CIGS absorbers were compared with those of the CIGS absorbers formed by conventional 1-stage and 3-stage CIGS formation processes at a similar temperature. X-ray diffraction confirmed that the 1-stage co-evaporation and in-situ annealing of the bilayer precursor produced a polycrystalline CIGS absorber without a specific texture, whereas the CIGS absorber formed by the 3-stage process showed a highly (220) preferred orientation. Secondary ion mass spectrometry revealed Ga accumulation at the bottom of CIGS formed by in-situ annealing of the bilayer precursors. The cell efficiency of the device with the CIGS absorber formed by the in-situ, low-temperature (450 °C) annealing of bilayer stacked glass/Mo/(InGa){sub 2}Se{sub 3}/CuSe precursors was comparable to that produced by the conventional 3-stage process at a similar temperature. - Highlights: • Annealing of (InGa){sub 2}Se{sub 3}/CuSe precursors was compared with coevaporation process. • In-situ annealing of (InGa){sub 2}Se{sub 3}/CuSe precursors at 450 °C produced about 9% solar cell. • Ga profile within Cu(InGa)Se{sub 2} depended on process profile during co-evaporation.

  12. Short and medium range structures of 80GeSe2–20Ga2Se3 chalcogenide glasses (United States)

    Petracovschi, Elena; Calvez, Laurent; Cormier, Laurent; Le Coq, David; Du, Jincheng


    The short and medium range structures of 80GeSe2–20Ga2Se3 (or Ge23.5Ga11.8Se64.7) chalcogenide glasses have been studied by combining ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations and experimental neutron diffraction studies. The structure factor and total correlation function were calculated from glass structures generated from AIMD simulations and compared with neutron diffraction experiments showing reasonable agreement. The atomic structures of ternary chalcogenide glasses were analyzed in detail, and it was found that gallium atoms are four-fold coordinated by selenium (Se) and form [GaSe4] tetrahedra. Germanium atoms on average also have four-fold coordination, among which Se is 3.5 with the remaining being Ge–Ge homo-nuclear bonds. Ga and Ge tetrahedra link together mainly through corner-sharing and some edge-sharing of Se. No homo-nuclear bonds were observed among Ga atoms or between Ge and Ga. In addition, Se–Se homo-nuclear bonds and Se chains with various lengths were observed. A small fraction of Se atom triclusters that bond to three cations of Ge and Ga were also observed, confirming earlier proposals from 77Se solid state nuclear magnetic resonance studies. Furthermore, the electronic structures of ternary chalcogenide glasses were studied in terms of atomic charge and electronic density of states in order to gain insights into the chemical bonding and electronic properties, as well as to provide an explanation of the observed atomic structures in these ternary chalcogenide glasses.

  13. Absorption Spectra of CuGaSe2 and CuInSe2 Semiconducting Nanoclusters

    KAUST Repository

    Mokkath, Junais Habeeb; Singh, Nirpendra; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo


    The structural and optical properties of the chalcopyrite CunGanSe2n and CunInnSe2n nanoclusters (n = 2, 4, 6, and 8) are investigated as a function of the size using a combination of basin-hopping global optimization and time-dependent density


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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretende contrastar la hipótesis de que la participación activa de la comunidad mejora la gestión de los recursos locales. En este sentido, explora si la participación política de los individuos en un ente territorial está relacionada con la calidad de los servicios educativos prestados por dichos entes. Con este objetivo, se ajusta un modelo donde se intenta explicar el auto reporte de satisfacción de los individuos con los servicios educativos prestados por los entes territoriales a partir de la disponibilidad de recursos e índices de participación política local. Se diseñaron dos índices que miden el nivel y la concentración de la participación política por departamentos que se encuentran explicados por variables, que indican el nivel de cultura política y democracia en los individuos, además de variables relacionadas con la disponibilidad de recursos. Los resultados muestran que, además de la disponibilidad de recursos, la concentración de la participación política tiene influencia en la calidad de los servicios educativos prestados por los entes territoriales. Esto apoya la hipótesis de la existencia de una relación sinérgica y no lineal entre la disponibilidad de recursos, las estructuras políticas y la calidad institucional.

  15. Agresividad de las precipitaciones en la subcuenca del río San Marcos, Puebla, México

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    Rosalía Castelan Vega


    Full Text Available La falta de información de la erosividad de la lluvia en la Sierra Norte de Puebla, ha impedido una evaluación objetiva de su contribución al proceso de erosión. El presente trabajo se planteó como objetivo determinar el potencial erosivo y la variabilidad temporal de las precipitaciones en la Subcuenca del río San Marcos, a partir de diferentes índices que miden el grado de agresividad de las precipitaciones, así como establecer relaciones entre los mismos. Se utilizaron los registros pluviométricos de diez años de siete estaciones meteorológicas. Se calcularon los Índices de Fournier Anual (IFA, Modificado de Fournier (IMF, Concentración de Precipitaciones (ICP y Erosividad Total (IET. El estudio permite concluir que los riesgos de erosión son mayores en la zona de influencia de las estaciones climáticas de Xicotepec, Venustiano Carranza y Progreso, ubicadas en altitudes comprendidas entre 1279 y 886 msnm. Las precipitaciones según el ICP se concentran de manera estacional moderada de julio a octubre, y el IET evidencia que las precipitaciones presentan alta potencialidad erosiva. Los resultados fundamentarían el desarrollo de una estrategia agroecológica de conservación de suelos en función de la agresividad climática que presenta la zona de estudio


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    Morasso, Ana María


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar y evaluar el diseño organizacional y los modelos de desinstitucionalización de países desarrollados en Occidente y su impacto en los operados en Argentina. Se describió la estructura, configuración, descentralización y posiciones de enlace de las organizaciones de Salud Mental. Se observó redes de servicios con diferentes grados de autonomía y descentralización regional. En Argentina se describió una multiplicidad de abordajes y tratamientos implementados de manera irregular y discontinua. Los proyectos existentes plantean una dicotomía entre dos sistemas sanitarios: el trabajo hospitalario y el trabajo en la comunidad, que impidieron un trabajo común, que potenciara las acciones entre las instituciones hospitalarias y las conducidas en la sociedad. No se miden los resultados en términos del producto real del trabajo profesional realizado (estado de salud de los pacientes sino en términos del producto nominal (servicios prestados. Una característica común observada en los modelos analizados fue la puntualidad de las diferentes experiencias sometidas a vicisitudes políticas, bajas asignaciones presupuestarias para la subvención de los programas, insuficiencia en los sistemas de evaluación ex-post, así como la competencia desventajosa con otros grupos para la asignación de vivienda, empleo y seguridad social.

  17. Assessment of the anticancer compounds Se-methylselenocysteine and glucosinolates in Se-biofortified broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) sprouts and florets. (United States)

    Ávila, Fabricio William; Faquin, Valdemar; Yang, Yong; Ramos, Silvio Junio; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto G; Thannhauser, Theodore W; Li, Li


    Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) is a rich source of chemopreventive compounds. Here, we evaluated and compared the effect of selenium (Se) treatment on the accumulation of anticancer compounds Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMSCys) and glucosinolates in broccoli sprouts and florets. Total Se and SeMSCys content in sprouts increased concomitantly with increasing Se doses. Selenate was superior to selenite in inducing total Se accumulation, but selenite is equally effective as selenate in promoting SeMSCys synthesis in sprouts. Increasing sulfur doses reduced total Se and SeMSCys content in sprouts treated with selenate, but not in those with selenite. Examination of five broccoli cultivars reveals that sprouts generally have better fractional ability than florets to convert inorganic Se into SeMSCys. Distinctive glucosinolate profiles between sprouts and florets were observed, and sprouts contained approximately 6-fold more glucoraphanin than florets. In contrast to florets, glucosinolate content was not affected by Se treatment in sprouts. Thus, Se-enriched broccoli sprouts are excellent for simultaneous accumulation of chemopreventive compounds SeMSCys and glucoraphanin.

  18. Enhanced thermoelectric properties of N-type polycrystalline In4Se3-x compounds via thermally induced Se deficiency (United States)

    Zhao, Ran; Shu, Yu-Tian; Guo, Fu


    In4Se3-x compound is considered as a potential thermoelectric material due to its comparably low thermal conductivity among all existing ones. While most studies investigated In4Se3-x thermoelectric properties by controlling selennium or other dopants concentrations, in the current study, it was found that even for a fixed initial In/Se ratio, the resulting In/Se ratio varied significantly with different thermal processing histories (i.e., melting and annealing), which also resulted in varied thermoelectric properties as well as fracture surface morphologies of In4Se3-x polycrystalline specimens. Single phase polycrystalline In4Se3-x compounds were synthesized by combining a sequence of melting, annealing, pulverizing, and spark plasma sintering. The extension of previous thermal history was observed to significantly improve the electrical conductivity (about 121%) and figure of merit (about 53%) of In4Se3-x polycrystalline compounds. The extended thermal history resulted in the increase of Se deficiency (x) from 0.39 to 0.53. This thermally induced Se deficiency was observed to associate with increasing carrier mobility but decreasing concentration, which differs from the general trend observed for the initially adjusted Se deficiency at room temperature. Unusually large dispersed grains with nanosize layers were observed in specimens with the longest thermal history. The mechanism(s) by which previous thermal processing enhances carrier mobility and affect microstructural evolution are briefly discussed.

  19. Effect of Silver Doping on Transport Properties of Bi2Se3: AgxBi2Se3 and Bi2-xAgxSe3 (United States)

    Zhang, Min; Wei, Zhan-Tao


    Ag-doped Bi2Se3 with the formula AgxBi2Se3 and Bi2-xAgxSe3 were prepared and their electrical and magnetic transport properties have been investigated to study the influence of silver doping on transport properties of Bi2Se3 with different Ag-doped method. All samples exhibited metallic resistivity and the resistivity increased with increasing Ag concentration. The lattice parameter c of Ag-substituted and Ag-intercalated samples displays a contrary change as the Ag concentration increased. For the Ag-intercalated samples, both the resistance upturn were observed in the curves of temperature dependent of resistivity and temperature dependent of magnetoresistance, respectively, indicating that the enhanced surface effect was obtained in those samples. Monotonously, field-induced MR peaks around 200 K were also observed in those samples. Similar behaviors were not observed in the Ag-substituted samples.

  20. Effect of Silver Doping on Transport Properties of Bi2Se3: AgxBi2Se3 and Bi2-xAgxSe3 (United States)

    Zhang, Min; Wei, Zhan-Tao


    Ag-doped Bi2Se3 with the formula AgxBi2Se3 and Bi2-xAgxSe3 were prepared and their electrical and magnetic transport properties have been investigated to study the influence of silver doping on transport properties of Bi2Se3 with different Ag-doped method. All samples exhibited metallic resistivity and the resistivity increased with increasing Ag concentration. The lattice parameter c of Ag-substituted and Ag-intercalated samples displays a contrary change as the Ag concentration increased. For the Ag-intercalated samples, both the resistance upturn were observed in the curves of temperature dependent of resistivity and temperature dependent of magnetoresistance, respectively, indicating that the enhanced surface effect was obtained in those samples. Monotonously, field-induced MR peaks around 200 K were also observed in those samples. Similar behaviors were not observed in the Ag-substituted samples.

  1. Formation of ZnSe/Bi2Se3 QDs by surface cation exchange and high photothermal conversion

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    Guozhi Jia


    Full Text Available Water-dispersed core/shell structure ZnSe/Bi2Se3 quantum dots were synthesized by ultrasonicwave-assisted cation exchange reaction. Only surface Zn ion can be replaced by Bi ion in ZnSe quantum dots, which lead to the ultrathin Bi2Se3 shell layer formed. It is significance to find to change the crystal of QDs due to the acting of ultrasonicwave. Cation exchange mechanism and excellent photothermal conversion properties are discussed in detail.

  2. Variaciones de la enzima fosfatasa alcalina en la pulpa dental Variations of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in the dental pulp

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    Zoraida Pons Pinillos


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas, numerosas investigaciones se han dedicado al estudio de los mecanismos potenciales implicados en el desarrollo de la caries dental y su prevención, sin embargo, a pesar de haber disminuido gradualmente el índice de caries en la población, son muchos los pacientes que necesitan tratarse la caries dental, tal es así que continuamente se están utilizando diferentes materiales en la búsqueda de aquel que ante una agresión a la pulpa, ayude a una respuesta biológica de la misma, conservando de esta forma su integridad. De ahí la importancia de la actividad de la fosfatasa alcalina de la pulpa en el proceso carioso, como una reacción ante el hidróxido de calcio que continuamente se está usando en toda la red docente-asistencial del país. Se seleccionaron 50 dientes monorradiculares, con pulpa viva y con caries de segundo, tercer y cuarto grado y 50 dientes sanos de pacientes de diferentes edades. Se extrajo la pulpa de cada diente y se realizaron improntas (3 por cada muestra, una de las cuales se procesó para obtener orientación morfológica, y las otras 2 para valorar la actividad de la fosfatasa alcalina. Para esto se utilizaron 2 métodos: el de calcio cobalto y el de alpha naftol fosfato de Gomori. Como resultado, se obtuvo que la pulpa tiene más actividad enzimática en caries profunda y que la edad del paciente no determina el aumento o disminución de dicha actividad.In the last decades, numerous investigations have been made on the study of potential mechanisms involved in the development of dental caries and their prevention. However, in spite of the gradual reduction of dental caries in the population, a lot of patients need to have their dental caries treated and different materials are continuously used searching for one that before the aggression to the pulp helps it to give a biological response, conserving this way its integrity. That's why the activity of the alkaline phosphatase of the pulp

  3. Absorption Spectra of CuGaSe2 and CuInSe2 Semiconducting Nanoclusters

    KAUST Repository

    Mokkath, Junais Habeeb


    The structural and optical properties of the chalcopyrite CunGanSe2n and CunInnSe2n nanoclusters (n = 2, 4, 6, and 8) are investigated as a function of the size using a combination of basin-hopping global optimization and time-dependent density functional theory. Although the lowest energy structures are found to show almost random geometries, the band gaps and absorption spectra still are subject to systematic blue shifts for decreasing cluster size in the case of CunGanSe2n, indicating strong electron confinement. The applicability of the nanoclusters in photovoltaics is discussed. © 2015 American Chemical Society.

  4. O processo ensino-aprendizagem na verificação da pressão arterial

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    Thereza Maria Magalhães Moreira


    Full Text Available A enfermeira é considerada a profissional que obtém dados mais fidedignos nas medidas indiretas de pressão arterial (PA por induzir menos reações de alerta no cliente, geradoras de valores falsamente elevados. Porém, muitas vezes, ela apresenta lacunas no conhecimento do assunto, tanto nos aspectos técnicos, como nos anátomo-fisiológicos. Isso prioriza o desenvolvimento de estratégias de ensino, visando minimizar falhas e tornar o processo de aprendizagem efetivo. Objetivando promover o conhecimento da técnica de aferição da PA junto a um grupo de pesquisa, realizou-se uma reciclagem e aplicou-se questionário avaliativo do conhecimento do grupo antes e após a mesma. Evidenciou-se a eficácia desse método, pois 100% da amostra (nove referiu contribuição para aprimoramento da fundamentação teórico-prática, diminuindo dificuldades oriundas da verificação da PA. Conclui-se que, sendo as ações de educação em saúde extremamente válidas e necessárias, o enfermeiro, como educador que é, necessita reciclar seu conhecimento e aprimorar suas técnicas continuamente.

  5. Usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles

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    Juan Gabriel Enriquez


    Full Text Available La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes dentro de la calidad de un producto de software. Debido a esto es de interés poder contar con metodologías para medir la usabilidad de las aplicaciones. Los métodos de análisis de usabilidad que actualmente se utilizan, métodos clásicos, fueron desarrollados para aplicaciones de escritorio. Con la aparición, el uso masivo y el crecimiento de los dispositivos móviles, especialmente los Smartphones, la medición de usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles se tornó un tema de investigación. Los métodos y métricas actualmente utilizados para medir usabilidad pueden no ser directamente aplicables a este tipo de productos. Los estudios de usabilidad se han efectuado sobre diferentes contextos, recientemente se empezó a considerar la usabilidad en un contexto móvil. Este trabajo examina los métodos y las métricas utilizados para medir usabilidad y pretende analizar que desafíos existen al momento de realizar pruebas de usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles, donde el contexto que cambia continuamente pasa a tener un rol preponderante.

  6. Impacto de la generación eólica en el despacho hidrotérmico de mediano plazo

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    Sandro Ramos


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo describe un modelo de programación lineal y simulación de Monte Carlo para solucionar un problema de despacho hidrotérmico de mediano plazo, a nodo único, con tres distintos escenarios de penetración de generación eólica. Se considera costo del combustible variable en cada período, teniendo en cuenta dos tecnologías: plantas de carbón y de gas con ciclo combinado. Se utiliza un sistema de prueba con dos plantas térmicas, tres hidráulicas y un parque eólico que pueden operar continuamente en el horizonte de planeamiento de 12 meses. La generación eólica se modela mediante funciones de distribución de probabilidad tipo Weibull, particulares para el sistema colombiano, mientras que la generación hidráulica se modela mediante funciones de probabilidad normal. Los resultados muestran una reducción de los costos de operación de acuerdo a tres escenarios de penetración eólica. El principal aporte de este artículo consiste en introducir simultáneamente el efecto estocástico tanto del viento como de la hidrología en el despacho hidrotérmico.

  7. Aplicaciones ergonomicas para la mejoria del rendimiento de los brigadistas de incendios forestales

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    Felipe Esteban Meyer Cohen


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se generó como parte de un proyecto financiado por una agencia estatal denominada FONDEF, con el apoyo de cinco grandes empresas forestales. Su objetivo principal fue conocer la respuesta humana en el combate de incendios forestales, con el fin de contribuir a la organización de  programas de combate del fuego seguros y eficientes. Para cumplir con los objetivos específicos, fue necesario efectuar estudios en incendios y en  construcción de líneas de fuego. En los incendios se midió la respuesta fisiológica impuesta por la exposición a calor y el trabajo físico, registrándose continuamente la frecuencia cardíaca de los brigadistas. Se midieron también las temperaturas de bulbo seco, húmedo y de globo, la pendiente del terreno, las características del combustible, el estado del incendio y la calidad y el rendimiento,  obtenidos en brigadistas combatiendo el fuego en 605 ocasiones. Por su parte,  los ensayos de construcción de línea se llevaron a cabo  para establecer, bajo condiciones controladas, el efecto de las pausas y relevos.  


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    Aida G. Rodríguez Hernández


    Full Text Available

    El Instituto Finlay en la última década ha impulsado el desarrollo y comercialización de nuevas vacunas para uso humano, entre las que se destaca la vacuna contra la meningitis meningocóccica BC, la cual constituye el único producto de su tipo en el mundo. Entre sus metas se halla introducir en su sistema de calidad elementos que permitan perfeccionar la función de control brindando vías más eficaces para el mejoramiento de la calidad de sus procesos. En este trabajo se diseña un Sistema de Control de la Calidad para los resultados de los ensayos que se llevan a cabo en la Dirección de Calidad de dicho instituto. Los elementos que forman parte del sistema de control han sido concebidos de modo tal que este cumpla con los objetivos enunciados en la ISO 9001:2000 para los sistemas de medición: demostrar la conformidad de los resultados de ensayo, seguir el desempeño de los procesos de ensayo, determinar el nivel de satisfacción del cliente y mejorar continuamente la eficacia del sistema de gestión de la calidad.


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    David Ewing Archibald Macintyre


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as dificuldades que as empresas brasileiras encontram, no processo de internacionalização, para identificar, analisar, entender e se adaptar às mutações dos seus diversos ambientes. Segundo Kotabe e Helsen (1998, “uma organização que quer se internacionalizar deve ter bem definidas algumas estratégias: o mercado/produto-alvo; os objetivos do mercado-alvo; as estratégias de entrada em novos mercados; a hora de entrar; o plano de marketing mix e o sistema de controle a ser utilizado para monitorar a performance nos novos mercados”. Muitas empresas brasileiras adentram o mercado internacional sem realmente conhecer o que vão encontrar pela frente, daí o insucesso de inúmeras tentativas de internacionalização. De acordo com Kotler (2000, p.158, "as empresas bem-sucedidas têm visões do ambiente interno e externo de seus negócios. Elas reconhecem que o ambiente de marketing está constantemente apresentando novas oportunidades e ameaças e compreendem a importância de continuamente monitorar e se adaptar ao ambiente".

  10. Die tema van God se spraak in Hebreërs se inleidingsformules

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    Albert J. Coetsee


    Full Text Available Alhoewel die voorkoms en gebruik van die Ou Testament in die meeste navorsing oor Hebreërs besonder baie aandag geniet, is dit nie die geval met die Hebreërskrywer se gebruik van inleidingsformules vir sy Ou-Testamentiese aanhalings nie. Die gevolg is dat daar tot op hede betreklik min selfstandige navorsing oor die Hebreërskrywer se tema van God se spraak by sy inleidingsformules gedoen is. In hierdie artikel word Hebreërs se inleidingsformules in besonderhede nagegaan om te bepaal wat die aard en inhoud van die Hebreërskrywer se verwysings na die tema van God se spraak in sy inleidingsformules is. Daar word onder andere bepaal dat Hebreërs 38 direkte aanhalings vanuit die Ou Testament bevat, dat die Hebreërskrywer, met slegs een uitsondering, elke inleidingsformule met ’n werkwoord van sêinlei, dat ’n Persoon van die Drie-eenheid in 34 van die 38 direkte aanhalings (± 89% die onderwerp en gevolglike Spreker van die Ou-Testamentiese woorde is, dat die Hebreërskrywer al drie Persone van die Drie-eenheid as God beskou, en dat die Hebreërskrywer oortuig is dat die Ou Testament geïnspireer is en God se geldige en relevante openbaring bly. The theme of God’s speech in Hebrews’ introduction formulae. Whilst the occurance and function of the Old Testament in research on Hebrews enjoys a lot of attention, this is not the case for the writer of Hebrews’ use of introduction formulae for his Old Testament quotations. The result is that up to date relatively few independent studies have been made on the writer of Hebrews’ theme of God’s speech in his introduction formulae. In this article the introduction formulae in Hebrews are researched in detail to determine the nature and content of the writer of Hebrews’ reference to the theme of God’s speech in his introduction formulae. Amongst other things it is determined that Hebrews has 38 direct quotations from the Old Testament, that with the exception of one

  11. SE debt restructuring plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janoska, J.


    Slovenske elektrarne, a.s. (SE) plans to restructure one's own debts in 2003-2005. Debt restructuring plan is following: 2003: Collection of pre-payment on electricity - 60 million Euro (2.5 billion Slovak crowns), consumer unknown. Own promissory notes in total value of 100 million US$ (3.5 billion Slovak crowns) - in process. Sale of claims worth 2.4 billion Slovak crowns (57.21 million Euro) - negotiations in process. 2003/2004: Restructuring of loans payable IV. quarter 2003 and at the beginning of 2004 in value of 200 million Euro (8.3 billion Slovak crowns). Aim of SE is a new credit payable within 7 years, with instalments payable in the last two to three without any state subsidies. 2005: Loans worth 460 million Euro (189 billion Slovak crowns) will still remain. SE want to negotiate them with banks without state support

  12. Moral y posconflicto, o la reconstrucción del tejido social moderno colombiano

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    Gil C., Mario Germán Gil C.


    Full Text Available El presente escrito gira en torno al problema de la moral y el posconflicto, y del papel de la escuela en la construcción de un sujeto que rompa dos herencias, que han impedido la modernidad en nuestro presente colombiano: una moral pastoral-escolástica y el fracaso de la moral formal moderna liberal. Ante los cuales se propone desde la educación una ética de sí mismo, en la consolidación de unas subjetividades radicalmente distintas hasta ahora. Por ello dicho ejercicio del desarrollo humano que rescate las autonomías comunitarias con el acompañamiento de lo pedagógico, puestas de cara al momento del proceso de paz y particularmente al posconflicto hace un llamado del retorno a lo comunitario, como aquellos procesos singulares de tejer propuestas venidas de lo cotidiano, de lo local, que generadas desde lógicas del sentir, restituyan comunidades constructoras de sus propios destinos, donde no tengan cabida lógicas racionales que sólo miden el impacto del avance tecnológico científico, donde se olvida el sentido de tener una existencia en libertad y convivencia mutua de lo humano con la naturaleza, lo cual quizás obligue a reconstruir formas de pensar donde la palabra este en coherencia con lo que se dice y de hace.

  13. Las dimensiones de la calidad del servicio en el proceso de distribución y comercialización de energía eléctrica

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    Manuel Enrique Dávila Bustamante


    Full Text Available En este artículo se revisa las dimensiones de la calidad del servicio percibida por los clientes del sistema eléctrico para una investigación a través de un modelo, integrando las teorías de SERVQUAL, calidad de salida y servicio en campo. Así, se aplicó un análisis factorial para evaluar la composición de las dimensiones y el método de ecuaciones estructurales para validar el modelo teórico del caso. La muestra es de 3 803 usuarios de los estados de Sonora y Sinaloa de la República Mexicana, la cual se operó por medio de una encuesta telefónica. Los resultados en el análisis factorial mostraron que la composición de las dimensiones de la calidad del servicio funcional o de proceso no coincide con la composición y dimensiones del modelo SERVQUAL; asimismo, el constructo de la calidad funcional en base es diferente al constructo de la calidad funcional de campo y, por último, el análisis de ecuaciones estructurales confirma que el constructo de la calidad de salida no es una dimensión diferente separada de la calidad funcional, por lo que ambas miden la calidad del servicio.

  14. Sample Set (SE): SE47 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SE47 Metabolomic correlation-network modules in Arabidopsis based on a a system. Typical metabolomics data show a few but significant correlations among metabolite levels when ...itions. Although several studies have assessed topologies in metabolomic correlation networks, it remains un... (mto1), and transparent testa4 (tt4) to compare systematically the metabolomic correlation...s in samples of roots and aerial parts. We then applied graph clustering to the constructed correlation

  15. Radionuclides in sediments and biota of the south shore the estuary and the initial stretch of the river Tejo (is. Tajo); Radionucleidos en sedimentos y biota de la orilla sur del estuario y del tramo inicial del rio Tajo (es. Tajo)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Corisco, J. A. G.; Portugal, L. M.; Almeida, S.M.


    Preliminary data show a trend for which the concentrations of natural radionuclides in sediments surface near the village of Samouco, on the South Bank of the estuarine Bay of yew, is less than that is miden waters above, on a stretch of the River near the village of Valada. (Author)

  16. Polytypism and band alignment in ZnSe nanowires revealed by photoluminescence spectroscopy of embedded (Zn,Cd)Se quantum dots (United States)

    Bieker, S.; Pfeuffer, R.; Kiessling, T.; Tarakina, N.; Schumacher, C.; Ossau, W.; Molenkamp, L. W.; Karczewski, G.


    We report on the optical characterization of single (Zn,Cd)Se quantum dots (QDs) embedded in vapor-liquid-solid-grown ZnSe nanowires (NWs). The temperature dependent quenching of the QD luminescence demonstrates that their electronic structure is comparable to that of self-assembled (Zn,Cd)Se QDs in ZnSe matrices. The photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectrum of single nanowire QDs reveals the presence of both zinc blende (ZB) and wurtzite (WZ) crystal modifications of ZnSe in the NW shafts. PLE provides, therefore, a complementary technique to transmission electron microscopy imaging to reveal polytypism in ZnSe NWs. A transient quenching of the PL emission suggests a type II staggered band alignment at the ZB/WZ interface in our ZnSe NWs.

  17. CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy with a CdTe submonolayer stressor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sedova, I. V.; Lyublinskaya, O. G.; Sorokin, S. V.; Sitnikova, A. A.; Toropov, A. A.; Donatini, F.; Dang, Si Le; Ivanov, S. V.


    A procedure for formation of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) in a ZnSe matrix is suggested. The procedure is based on the introduction of a CdTe submonolayer stressor deposited on the matrix surface just before deposition of the material of the QDs. (For CdTe/ZnSe structure, the relative lattice mismatch is Δa/a ∼ 14%.) The stressor forms small strained islands at the ZnSe surface, thus producing local fields of high elastic stresses controlling the process of the self-assembling of the QDs. According to the data of transmission electron microscopy, this procedure allows a considerable increase in the surface density of QDs, with a certain decrease in their lateral dimensions (down to 4.5 ± 1.5 nm). In the photoluminescence spectra, a noticeable (∼150 meV) shift of the peak to longer wavelengths from the position of the reference CdSe/ZnSe QD structure is observed. The shift is due to some transformation of the morphology of the QDs and an increase in the Cd content in the QDs. Comprehensive studies of the nanostructures by recording and analyzing the excitation spectra of photoluminescence, the time-resolved photoluminescence spectra, and the cathodoluminescence spectra show that the emission spectra involve two types of optical transitions, namely, the type-I transitions in the CdSeTe/ZnSe QDs and the type-II transitions caused mainly by the low cadmium content (Zn,Cd)(Se,Te)/ZnSe layer formed between the QDs

  18. Effective mRNA Inhibition in PANC-1 Cells in Vitro Mediated via an mPEG-SeSe-PEI Delivery System. (United States)

    Zhang, Yuefeng; Yang, Bin; Liu, Yajie; Qin, Wenjie; Li, Chao; Wang, Lantian; Zheng, Wen; Wu, Yulian


    RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated gene therapy is a promising approach to cure various diseases. However, developing an effective, safe, specific RNAi delivery system remains a major challenge. In this study, a novel redox-responsive polyetherimide (PEI)-based nanovector, mPEG-SeSe-PEI, was developed and its efficacy evaluated. We prepared three mPEG-SeSe-PEI vector candidates for small interfering glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (siGADPH) and determined their physiochemical properties and transfection efficiency using flow cytometry and PEG11.6-SeSe-PEI polymer. We investigated the silencing efficacy of GADPH mRNA expression in PANC-1 cells and observed that PEG11.6-SeSe-PEI/siGADPH (N/P ratio=10) polyplexes possessed the appropriate size and zeta-potential and exhibited excellent in vitro gene silencing effects with the least cytotoxicity in PANC-1 cells. In conclusion, we present PEG11.6-SeSe-PEI as a potential therapeutic gene delivery system for small interfering RNA (siRNA).

  19. Análisis de las Herramientas de Medición de Percepción de la Calidad en los Servicios Deportivos: Revisión de la Literatura

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    Javier Alonso Serrano


    Full Text Available La experiencia del consumidor con el servicio ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como una de las variables más relevantes que influyen sobre las actitudes hacia el mismo. Estas actitudes del consumidor son una parte primordial de la investigación en marketing. En el contexto de los servicios deportivos, la calidad percibida y su relación con la satisfacción son las variables más utilizadas. El objetivo de este trabajo es recopilar y analizar mediante una revisión bibliográfica diferentes herramientas de medición de calidad del servicio deportivo desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad. Se han seleccionado 21 herramientas que miden la calidad del servicio deportivo con diferentes enfoques metodológicos y muestras, valorándose la tendencia de modelado que han tenido en función de las escalas SERVQUAL y SERVPERF, así como la fiabilidad y validez de las escalas diseñadas.

  20. Validación de la versión española de la escala multidimensional de orientaciones a la deportividad

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    Jos\\u00E9 Mart\\u00EDn-Albo Lucas


    Scale (MSOS. Esta escala desarrollada en inglés y validada por Vallerand et al., (1997 está formada por cinco subescalas que miden el compromiso en el deporte, el respeto a las convenciones sociales, el respeto por las reglas y árbitros, el respeto e interés por el adversario, y el enfoque negativo ante la deportividad. La versión española de la escala muestra niveles aceptables de consistencia interna y estabilidad temporal después de un periodo de cuatro semanas. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio ratifican la estructura de cinco factores de la MSOS. Las correlaciones entre las subescalas confirman la validez de constructo de la escala. Finalmente, se obtienen diferencias de género. Estas conclusiones apoyan la utilización de la versión española de la MSOS para la evaluación de diferencias individuales en las orientaciones hacia la deportividad.

  1. Negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy of SeO-

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coe, J.V.; Snodgrass, J.T.; Freidhoff, C.B.; McHugh, K.M.; Bowen, K.H.


    Negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy (NIPES) involves a kinetic energy analysis of electrons which are photodetached when a mass selected beam of negative ions is crossed with a fixed frequency laser beam. The photodetachment spectra of SeO - displays transitions from the X 2 PI state of SeO - to both the X 3 Σ - and a 1 Δ states of SeO. The singlet-triplet splitting of SeO is readily observable since selection rules regarding spin do not apply in the bound to free state process of photodetachment. The electron affinity of SeO and the negative ion potential parameters of SeO - have been determined

  2. Syntheses, structures, and properties of Ag4(Mo2O5)(SeO4)2(SeO3) and Ag2(MoO3)3SeO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ling Jie; Albrecht-Schmitt, Thomas E.


    Ag 4 (Mo 2 O 5 )(SeO 4 ) 2 (SeO 3 ) has been synthesized by reacting AgNO 3 , MoO 3 , and selenic acid under mild hydrothermal conditions. The structure of this compound consists of cis-MoO 2 2+ molybdenyl units that are bridged to neighboring molybdenyl moieties by selenate anions and by a bridging oxo anion. These dimeric units are joined by selenite anions to yield zigzag one-dimensional chains that extended down the c-axis. Individual chains are polar with the C 2 distortion of the Mo(VI) octahedra aligning on one side of each chain. However, the overall structure is centrosymmetric because neighboring chains have opposite alignment of the C 2 distortion. Upon heating Ag 4 (Mo 2 O 5 )(SeO 4 ) 2 (SeO 3 ) looses SeO 2 in two distinct steps to yield Ag 2 MoO 4 . Crystallographic data: (193 K; MoKα, λ=0.71073 A): orthorhombic, space group Pbcm, a=5.6557(3), b=15.8904(7), c=15.7938(7) A, V=1419.41(12), Z=4, R(F)=2.72% for 121 parameters with 1829 reflections with I>2σ(I). Ag 2 (MoO 3 ) 3 SeO 3 was synthesized by reacting AgNO 3 with MoO 3 , SeO 2 , and HF under hydrothermal conditions. The structure of Ag 2 (MoO 3 ) 3 SeO 3 consists of three crystallographically unique Mo(VI) centers that are in 2+2+2 coordination environments with two long, two intermediate, and two short bonds. These MoO 6 units are connected to form a molybdenyl ribbon that extends along the c-axis. These ribbons are further connected together through tridentate selenite anions to form two-dimensional layers in the [bc] plane. Crystallographic data: (193 K; MoKα, λ=0.71073 A): monoclinic, space group P2 1 /n, a=7.7034(5), b=11.1485(8), c=12.7500(9) A, β=105.018(1) V=1002.7(2), Z=4, R(F)=3.45% for 164 parameters with 2454 reflections with I>2σ(I). Ag 2 (MoO 3 ) 3 SeO 3 decomposes to Ag 2 Mo 3 O 10 on heating above 550 deg. C. - Graphical abstract: A view of the one-dimensional [(Mo 2 O 5 )(SeO 4 ) 2 (SeO 3 )] 4- chains that extend down the c-axis in the structure of Ag 4 (Mo 2 O 5 )(SeO 4

  3. Pulsed laser deposited heterogeneous mixture of Li2Se-Sb2Se3 nanocomposite as a new storage lithium material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Le; Chen Jie; Fu Zhengwen


    Li 2 Se-Sb 2 Se 3 nanocomposites with a highly heterogeneous mixture have been fabricated by reactive pulsed laser deposition method. The electrochemical properties of the as-deposited Li 2 Se-Sb 2 Se 3 thin film during the first charging and discharging have been investigated by the galvanostatic cycling and cyclic voltammetry measurements for the first time. By using ex situ X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) measurements, the decomposition of Li 2 Se driven by Sb 2 Se 3 under the electrochemical potential is revealed. In the first cycle, the oxidation peaks at 2.5 V and 3.2 V and the reduction peaks at 2.0 V can be attributed to the decomposition and formation of Li 2 Se with the conversion reaction of Sb 2 Se 3 into Sb 2 Se 5 . Our findings demonstrate that nanocomposite Li 2 Se-Sb 2 Se 3 can possess very high electrochemical activity. These results present a special case of solid-state heterogeneous electrochemistry with both nanostructured binary materials.

  4. El lobo de fresa y el bosque de chocolate. Senel Paz y sus variaciones cinematográficas

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    Seguin, Jean Claude


    Full Text Available From his very first tale “Ne lui dis pas que je l’aime” to his latest work “Dans le ciel avec des diamands”, Senel Paz has never stopped going round a world peopled with characters who, from a tale to a film and from a film to a novel are forever in the making. David, Miguel, Diego etc. keep on resurfacing, in “Une fiancée pour David” as well as in the tale “le loup ......” which is the origin of Fraise et Chocolat. These “figuras en ‘constant’ evolucion” fit both written and filmed narratives. The frontiers between tale and film disintegrate and give way to a space where mixed types of characters can evolve: sometimes disembodied ink figures on paper, other times ghostlike silhouettes typical of the cinematographic screen. These progressively and constantly overlapping desires are forever keeping the boundaries between these different unfinished territories permeable and open.

    Desde su breve cuento “No le digas que la quieres” hasta su última obra En el cielo con diamantes (2007, Senel Paz no ha dejado de recorrer un mundo poblado de personajes que de un cuento a una película y de un film a una novela siempre están en devenir. David, Miguel, Diego, Vivian, Nancy, Ismael, etc. no dejan de resurgir tanto en Una novia para David, como en el cuento El Lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo que dio origen a Fresa y chocolate. Esas figuras constantemente en evolución se van amoldando a los relatos tanto escritos como filmados. Las fronteras entre cuento y película tienden así a borrarse dejando un lugar para formas mixtas de personajes, a veces sin cuerpo –las figuras de papel y tinta– a veces fantasmas –las siluetas de la pantalla cinematográfica. Estos deslices progresivos e incesantes de los deseos se abren continuamente hacia territorios inconclusos, porosos y continuamente abiertos.

  5. Surface Passivation of CdSe Quantum Dots in All Inorganic Amorphous Solid by Forming Cd1-xZnxSe Shell. (United States)

    Xia, Mengling; Liu, Chao; Zhao, Zhiyong; Wang, Jing; Lin, Changgui; Xu, Yinsheng; Heo, Jong; Dai, Shixun; Han, Jianjun; Zhao, Xiujian


    CdSe quantum dots (QDs) doped glasses have been widely investigated for optical filters, LED color converter and other optical emitters. Unlike CdSe QDs in solution, it is difficult to passivate the surface defects of CdSe QDs in glass matrix, which strongly suppress its intrinsic emission. In this study, surface passivation of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) by Cd 1-x Zn x Se shell in silicate glass was reported. An increase in the Se/Cd ratio can lead to the partial passivation of the surface states and appearance of the intrinsic emission of CdSe QDs. Optimizing the heat-treatment condition promotes the incorporation of Zn into CdSe QDs and results in the quenching of the defect emission. Formation of CdSe/Cd 1-x Zn x Se core/graded shell QDs is evidenced by the experimental results of TEM and Raman spectroscopy. Realization of the surface passivation and intrinsic emission of II-VI QDs may facilitate the wide applications of QDs doped all inorganic amorphous materials.

  6. Estrategias flexibilizadoras aplicadas por las empresas del sector avícola del estado Zulia

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    María Bonomie


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo, analizar las estrategias flexibilizadoras aplicadas en el proceso productivo por las empresas del sector avícola, específicamente las empresas productoras de pollo del estado Zulia. Para tal fin, se describe el proceso productivo de estas empresas y además se identifican las estrategias aplicadas considerando los acontecimientos económicos influenciados por cambios políticos que en los últimos años han incidido en las empresas productoras de pollo. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para determinar los criterios de clasificación de las estrategias, asumiendo la establecida por Gamboa y col. (2001. Se diseñó un instrumento semiestructurado, el cual fue administrado a los gerentes y trabajadores de las empresas analizadas. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan, que las empresas utilizan las estrategias con la finalidad de reestructurar y modernizar sus procesos productivos, mejorar continuamente sus productos e introducir nueva tecnología. Se concluye que estas empresas logran incrementar la productividad, aumentando la cantidad de productos ante la utilización óptima de los recursos humanos y tecnológicos, optimización que implica una reducción de costos de producción para poder expandirse y ofrecer precios competitivos en el mercado.

  7. Phase diagrams of novel Tl{sub 4}SnSe{sub 4}–TlSbSe{sub 2}–Tl{sub 2}SnSe{sub 3} quasi-ternary system following DTA and X-ray diffraction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barchiy, I.E.; Tatzkar, A.R. [Department of Chemistry, Uzhgorod National University, Pidgirna St., 46, Uzhgorod 88000 (Ukraine); Fedorchuk, A.O. [Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Pekarska St., 50, Lviv 79010 (Ukraine); Plucinski, K., E-mail: [Electronics Department, Military University Technology, Warsaw, Kaliskiego 2, Warsaw 00-908 (Poland)


    Phase relation in the Tl{sub 4}SnSe{sub 4}–TlSbSe{sub 2}–Tl{sub 2}SnSe{sub 3} quasiternary system were studied by the DTA and X-ray diffraction in combination with mathematical modeling. The phase diagrams of the Tl{sub 4}SnSe{sub 4}–TlSbSe{sub 2} and Tl{sub 2}SnSe{sub 3}–TlSbSe{sub 2} systems, the perspective views of the phase interaction in the ternary system, the liquidus surface projection, the isothermal section at 423 K were built for the first time. The Tl{sub 4}SnSe{sub 4}–TlSbSe{sub 2}–Tl{sub 2}SnSe{sub 3} system is of the invariant eutectic type and is characterized by the formation of limited solid solutions following initial ternary compounds. New complex compounds are not formed. - Highlights: • Two Tl{sub 4}SnSe{sub 4}–TlSbSe{sub 2},Tl{sub 2}SnSe{sub 3}–TlSbSe{sub 2} systems were explored. • Invariant processes in the ternary system were determined. • New complex compounds were not observed in ternary system.

  8. Two anionically derivatized scandium oxoselenates(IV): ScF[SeO3] and Sc2O2[SeO3 (United States)

    Greiner, Stefan; Chou, Sheng-Chun; Schleid, Thomas


    Scandium fluoride oxoselenate(IV) ScF[SeO3] and scandium oxide oxoselenate(IV) Sc2O2[SeO3] could be synthesized through solid-state reactions. ScF[SeO3] was obtained phase-pure, by reacting mixtures of Sc2O3, ScF3 and SeO2 (molar ratio: 1:1:3) together with CsBr as fluxing agent in corundum crucibles embedded into evacuated glassy silica ampoules after firing at 700 °C for seven days. Sc2O2[SeO3] first emerged as by-product during the attempts to synthesize ScCl[SeO3] following aforementioned synthesis route and could later be reproduced from appropriate Sc2O3/SeO3 mixtures. ScF[SeO3] crystallizes monoclinically in space group P21/m with a=406.43(2), b =661.09(4), c=632.35(4) pm, β=93.298(3)° and Z=2. Sc2O2[SeO3] also crystallizes in the monoclinic system, but in space group P21/n with a=786.02(6), b=527.98(4), c=1086.11(8) pm, β=108.672(3)° for Z=4. The crystal structures of both compounds are strongly influenced by the stereochemically active lone pairs of the ψ1-tetrahedral [SeO3]2- anions. They also show partial structures, where the derivatizing F- or O2- anions play an important role. For ScF[SeO3] chains of the composition 2+∞ 1[FS c 2 / 2 ] form from connected [FSc2]5+ dumbbells, while [OSc3]7+ pyramids and [OSc4]10+ tetrahedra units are condensed to layers according to 2+ ∞ 2[O2Sc2 ] in Sc2O2[SeO3].

  9. Possibility of using BeMgZnSe as a new cladding material for ZnSe-based blue laser diodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, D. C.; Choi, J. H.; Yoo, K. H.; Kim, T. W.; Yao, T.


    We calculated the gain and the radiative recombination current density of ZnSe/Be x Mg y Zn 1-x-y Se/Be x Mg y Zn 1-x - y Se separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) laser diodes and compared the results with those for the more popular ZnSe/Zn 1-x Mg x S y Se 1-y /Zn 1-x Mg x S y Se 1-y system. For five different values of the cladding-layer energy gap (E g,c ), we sought the optimum SCH structure that had a minimum threshold current density for both quaternaries, and we compared the corresponding current densities. For the same E g,c , ZnMgSSe was found to have a smaller threshold current density. The threshold current density decreased rapidly with increasing. E g,c in both materials. Therefore, if the available energy gap of the BeMgZnSe cladding is larger than that of ZnMGZnSSe, BeMgZnSe may be the better choice

  10. Cs2UPd3Se6

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    George N. Oh


    Full Text Available Dicaesium uranium(IV tripalladium(II hexaselenide, Cs2UPd3Se6, crystallizes in the space group Fmmm in the Ba2NaCu3O6 structure type. The asymmetric unit comprises the following atoms with site symmetries as shown: U1 (mm2, Cs1 (222, Cs2 (m2m, Pd1 (.m., Pd2 (2mm, Se1 (m.., and Se2 (1. This layered structure contains six edge-sharing square-planar [PdSe4] units that form a hexagon. These, in turn, edge-share with [USe6] trigonal–prismatic units, forming an extended layer parallel to (010. The layers are stacked along [010]. They are staggered, and are separated by the Cs atoms. The Cs atoms are either coordinated in a square antiprism of Se atoms or are ten-coordinate, with one square face and the opposite face hexagonal.

  11. C-type Nd2Se3

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    Full Text Available The title compound, neodymium sesquiselenide, is isotypic with the other known rare-earth metal(III selenides M2Se3 (M = La–Pr and Sm–Lu with the cubic C-type structure. It adopts a cation-defective Th3P4-type arrangement with close to 8/9 of the unique neodymium-cation site occupied, leading to the composition Nd2.667Se4 (Z = 4 or Nd2Se3 (Z = 5.333, respectively. The Nd3+ cations are thus surrounded by eight selenide anions, forming trigonal [NdSe8]13− dodecahedra, whereas the Se2− anions exhibit a sixfold coordination, but due to the under-occupation of neodymium, each one is statistically surrounded by only 5.333 cations. The crystal studied was a merohedral twin with a 0.31 (6:0.69 (6 domain ratio.

  12. Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy policy in SE Europe: SE European Energy Community Treaty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mihajlov, Andjelka


    Energy demand continues to increase in turn raising concerns about energy supply. In this paper, the author has tried to systematize the role of the energy sector in South Eastern (SE) Europe in the context of the European energy policy process. This should make the energy sector in SE Europe more visible and open to substantial activities and appropriate funding. This is important to assure its full alignment with the European energy policy process, and in so doing, make it less fragile. According to the SE European Energy Community Treaty, parties to the Treaty are obliged to implement reforms in the energy and environmental sector in accordance with the European Union's respective policy. This paper raises awareness of the environmental requirements that have been set, of renewable energy and its implementation, at the same time pointing out that the response in SE Europe has been at a low level. It is believed that this paper could draw attention to the existing problems and could contribute to the establishment of a common integrated energy market in SE Europe and the EU. (author)

  13. E-beam irradiation effect on CdSe/ZnSe QD formation by MBE: deep level transient spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozlovsky, V I; Litvinov, V G; Sadofyev, Yu G


    CdSe/ZnSe structures containing 1 or 15 thin (3-5 monolayers) CdSe layers were studied by cathodoluminescence (CL) and deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The DLTS spectra consisted of peaks from deep levels (DLs) and an additional intense peak due to electron emission from the ground quantized level in the CdSe layers. Activation energy of this additional peak correlated with an energy of the CdSe-layer emission line in the CL spectra. Electron-beam irradiation of the structure during the growth process was found to influence the DLTS and CL spectra of the CdSe layers, shifting the CdSe-layer emission line to the long-wave side. The obtained results are explained using the assumption that e-beam irradiation stimulates the formation of quantum dots of various sizes in the CdSe layers

  14. ¿ Como se hace una Telenovela ?

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    Iván Gavaldón


    Full Text Available La autora relata la historia de las Relaciones Públicas y dice que surgieron y se desarrollaron para legitimar ante el público los intereses económicos y políticos de quienes detentan el poder. Se cuestiona sobre el por qué no aplicar las relaciones públicas, en organizaciones populares, para que mejoren su publicación y orienten sus propósitos de desarrollo. El tema que aborda las Políticas culturales en América Latina acopia un extracto de lo más trascendente de los ensayos del libro editado por Néstor García Canclini. Sobre la telenovela se afirma que esta ha llegado a ser uno de los instrumentos más importantes de la comunicación popular: por ella desfilan las identidades de las más variadas culturas brasileñas. Y en cuanto a la caricatura se relata lo que ocurrió en el Seminario taller " Caricatura y Periodismo", realizado el(9-11 de Nov.- 1987 en el CIESPAL. El estudio sobre el mercado del vídeo se ve dificultado por la imprecisión de los datos obtenidos. Los datos oficiales no siempre se aproximan a la realidad, pues el mercado de vídeo se instauró en América Latina partiendo de una lógica totalmente diversa de los equipos de sonido e imagen.

  15. Facile fabrication of CNTs@C@MoSe2@Se hybrids with amorphous structure for high performance anode in lithium-ion batteries. (United States)

    Jin, Rencheng; Cui, Yuming; Wang, Qingyao; Li, Guihua


    Amorphous MoSe 2 and Se anchored on amorphous carbon coated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs@C@MoSe 2 @Se) have been synthesized by a facile solvothermal strategy. The one dimensional CNTs@C@MoSe 2 @Se can effectively buffer the volume variation, prohibit the aggregation and facilitate electron and ion transport throughout the electrode. Furthermore, the combination of MoSe 2 and Se also provides buffer spaces for the volumetric change during cycling. Thus, the obtained CNTs@C@MoSe 2 @Se hybrids display the enhanced cycle stability and excellent high rate capacity. The reversible capacity of 1010mAhg -1 can be achieved after 100 cycles at the current density of 0.1Ag -1 . Even after 500 cycles, a reversible capacity of 508mAhg -1 is still retained at 5Ag -1 . Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. PbSe Quantum Well VECSEL on Si (United States)

    Fill, M.; Khiar, A.; Rahim, M.; Felder, F.; Zogg, H.


    Vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers in the wavelength region from 3-5 μm are presented. They are based on PbSe quantum wells grown on Si substrates. As host material Pb1-xEuxSe and Pb1-xSrxSe are used. With Pb1-xSrxSe as host material maximum operation temperatures of 325 K are achieved, while with Pb1-xEuxSe an operation temperature of 245 K could not be overcome. This may be explained by a band alignment transition from type I to type II with increasing temperature.

  17. Investigation of short and ballistic coupling in vertical NbSe2 - graphene - NbSe2 Josephson junctions (United States)

    Kim, Minsoo; Park, Geon-Hyoung; Yi, Jongyoon; Lee, Jae Hyeong; Park, Jinho; Lee, Hu-Jong

    2H-NbSe2 is a layered two-dimensional superconducting material, which can be constructed into a van der Waals heterostructure with versatile functionality. Here we fabricated a vertically stacked NbSe2 - graphene - NbSe2 heterostructure by the dry transfer technique, where defect-free contact via van der Waals force provides the high interfacial transparency. Insertion of an atomically thin graphene layer between two NbSe2 flakes ensures the formation of highly coherent proximity Josephson coupling. Observed temperature dependence of the junction critical current (Ic) and large value of IcRn product (as large as 2.3ΔNbSe 2) reveal the short and ballistic Josephson coupling characteristics. Large junction critical current density of 104 A/cm2, multiple Andreev reflection in the subgap structure of the differential conductance, and magnetic field modulation of Ic also suggest the strong Josephson coupling via the graphene layer.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    sigself maak tog nie Chomsky se teorie oor n aangebore taalaanleg en die konsekwensie daarvan nl. dat elke taal opgebou moet wees volgens dieselfde grondprinsipes, ongeldig nie? Taalpolitieke oortuigingskrag het hierdie argument nog minder. Sal jy in alle erns vir mense kan se: "Ons moet aanhou om die taal te praat ...

  19. Assessing the anticancer compounds Se-methylselenocysteine and glucosinolates in Se-biofortified broccoli (brassica oleracea L. var. italica) sprouts and florets (United States)

    Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) is a rich source of chemopreventive compounds. Here, we evaluated and compared the effect of selenium (Se) treatment on the accumulation of anticancer compound Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMSCys) and glucosinolates in broccoli sprouts and florets. Total Se ...

  20. The effects of staggered bandgap in the InP/CdSe and CdSe/InP core/shell quantum dots. (United States)

    Kim, Sunghoon; Park, Jaehyun; Kim, Sungwoo; Jung, Won; Sung, Jaeyoung; Kim, Sang-Wook


    New type-II structures of CdSe/InP and InP/CdSe core-shell nanocrystals which have staggered bandgap alignment were fabricated. Using a simple model for the wave function for electrons and holes in InP/CdSe and CdSe/InP core/shell nanocrystals showed the wave function of the electron and hole spread into the shell, respectively. The probability density of the InP/CdSe and CdSe/InP core/shell QDs also showed a similar tendency. As a result, the structure exhibits increased delocalization of electrons and holes, leading to a red-shift in absorption and emission. Quantum yield increased in the InP/CdSe, however decreased in the CdSe/InP. The reason may be due to the surface trap and high activation barrier for de-trapping in the InP shell. 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Glass forming tendencies of chalcogenides of the system (As2Se3)sub(1-x):(T12Se)sub(x)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majid, C.A.


    In this paper glass forming capabilities of chalcogenide glasses based on As 2 Se 3 with T1 2 Se concentrations are discussed. The studies were made using the differential thermal analysis (DTA) technique. These studies show that the glass forming tendency of As 2 Se 3 decreases as the concentrations of T1 2 Se molecules are increased. Also these studies show that with addition of T1 2 Se, the glass transition temperature Tsub(g) of As 2 Se 3 decreases, suggesting a tendency for weaker bonding and hence less stability of T1-rich compositions. (author)

  2. Synthesis of dextran/Se nanocomposites for nanomedicine application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen Yuhua; Wang Xiufang; Xie Anjian; Huang Lachun; Zhu Jinmiao; Chen Long


    In this study, spherical Se nanoparticles were prepared by the reduction of aqueous selenious acid with ice bath through a simple, conventional, and one-step method without the aid of any surfactant, or template. The nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), Zeta potential, respectively. The results show the Se nanoparticles have good particle dispersion with the average diameters of 36 nm and are amorphous (α-Se). Tablets A and B containing dextran and Se nanoparticles were synthesized with different preparation methods. Se nanoparticles studded equably in the interior and the surface of the tablets, and there are strong interactions between Se and dextran. The release of Se from tablets is investigated in the simulated gastric and intestinal conditions. It is found that the pH environment and different synthetical methods have significant influence on the release rate of Se. The release mechanism of Se nanoparticles is also discussed. The nanocomposites can be applied in controlled releasing of Se nanomedicine

  3. Molecular structure of virgin and Tg cycled (Ag2Se)x (AsSe)1-x bulk glasses (United States)

    Wachtman, Jacob; Chen, Ping; Boochand, P.


    AsSe, the base glass (x = 0) in the titled ternary, is an interesting example of a chalcogenide that is partially de-mixed into As4Se4 molecules segregated from a connected AsSe network, with the latter determining glass network properties. Raman scattering reveals sharp modes of the Realgar molecules that are superimposed on broad modes coming from of the backbone. Upon Tg cycling virgin samples (as quenched melts), the concentration of de-mixed As4Se4 molecules decreases, suggesting that thermally induced polymerization occurs; molecules break up to form part of the connective tissue. Modulated DSC experiments reveal a broad exotherm near 140 ^oC in virgin samples, which becomes nearly extinct in Tg cycled samples. The exotherm may represent Realgar molecules nano-crystallizing as the temperature approaches Tg. Compositional trends in thermal parameters such as Tg(x), δCp(x), and the δHnr(x) as a function of Ag2Se content `x' of the glasses will be reported.

  4. Autismos que se 'curan'


    Artigas, Josep, 1948-; Paula Pérez, Isabel, 1970-


    Introducción. La investigación sobre el autismo, basada principalmente en el modelo categórico del Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales, se ha centrado de forma preferente en la epidemiología, las manifestaciones clínicas, los mecanismos cognitivos y los determinantes biológicos y ambientales; sin embargo, se ha prestado escaso interés a las trayectorias evolutivas, las cuales son decisivas de cara al pronóstico a medio y largo plazo. Objetivo. Revisar el curso evolutiv...

  5. Cs[FeSe{sub 2}], Cs{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2}, and Cs{sub 7}[Fe{sub 4}Se{sub 8}]. Missing links of known chalcogenido ferrate series

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stueble, Pirmin; Roehr, Caroline [Institut fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Universitaet Freiburg (Germany)


    The three cesium selenido ferrate title compounds with an Se:Fe ratio of 2:1 were synthesized from stoichiometric samples reacting elemental Cs either (A) with Fe and Se in a double-crucible setup (Cs[FeSe{sub 2}], Cs{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2}) or (B) with previously prepared FeSe{sub 2} (Cs{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2}, Cs{sub 7}[Fe{sub 4}S{sub 8}]) (T{sub max} = 800-1000 C). The pure Fe{sup III} ferrate Cs[FeSe{sub 2}] crystallizes in the Tl[FeSe{sub 2}] type [monoclinic, space group C2/m, a = 1392.95(10), b = 564.43(3), c = 737.44(6) pm, β = 119.163(5) , Z = 4, R{sub 1} = 0.0550]. It is thus not isotypic to all other alkali ferrates(III) A[FeS{sub 2}] and A[FeSe{sub 2}] containing chains of edge-sharing tetrahedra, but crystallizes in a t2 subgroup of the Immm structure of Cs[FeS{sub 2}]. The mixed-valent chain compound Cs{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2} is isotypic to its sulfido analogue [orthorhombic, space group Pnma, a = 777.88(6), b = 1151.02(6), c = 1341.61(7) pm, Z = 4, R{sub 1} = 0.0470]. In contrast to the isopunctal Na{sub 3}[FeSe{sub 2}]{sub 2} type K/Rb compounds the chains are only slightly corrugated. The monoclinic, likewise mixed-valent Fe{sup II/III} selenido ferrate Cs{sub 7}[Fe{sub 4}Se{sub 8}] [monoclinic, space group C2/c, a = 1953.79(10), b = 879.71(5), c = 1717.03(10) pm, β = 117.890(2) , Z = 4, R{sub 1} = 0.0816] is isostructural both to the cesium sulfido and tellurido compound. The structure contains oligomeric moieties of four edge sharing [FeSe{sub 4}] tetrahedra forming slightly distorted tetrahedral clusters [Fe{sub 4}Se{sub 8}]{sup 7-}, which are surrounded by a cube of 26 Cs cations. Based on a structure map, the crystal chemistry of the three title compounds is discussed together with all chain/cluster ferrates of the general series A{sub 1+x}[Fe{sup III}{sub 1-x}Fe{sup II}{sub x}Q{sub 2}] (x = 0-1; A = Na, K, Rb, Cs; Q = S, Se, Te). (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  6. A simple and facile synthesis of MPA capped CdSe and CdSe/CdS core/shell nanoparticles (United States)

    Sukanya, D.; Sagayaraj, P.


    II-VI semiconductor nanostructures, in particular, CdSe quantum dots have drawn a lot of attention because of their promising potential applications in biological tagging, photovoltaic, display devices etc. due to their excellent optical properties, high emission quantum yield, size dependent emission wavelength and high photostability. In this paper, we describe the synthesis and properties of mercaptopropionic acid capped CdSe and CdSe/CdS nanoparticles through a simple and efficient co-precipitation method followed by hydrothermal treatment. The growth process, characterization and the optical absorption as a function of wavelength for the synthesized MPA capped CdSe and CdSe/CdS nanoparticles have been determined using X-ray diffraction study (XRD), Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM).

  7. A simple and facile synthesis of MPA capped CdSe and CdSe/CdS core/shell nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sukanya, D.; Sagayaraj, P.


    II-VI semiconductor nanostructures, in particular, CdSe quantum dots have drawn a lot of attention because of their promising potential applications in biological tagging, photovoltaic, display devices etc. due to their excellent optical properties, high emission quantum yield, size dependent emission wavelength and high photostability. In this paper, we describe the synthesis and properties of mercaptopropionic acid capped CdSe and CdSe/CdS nanoparticles through a simple and efficient co-precipitation method followed by hydrothermal treatment. The growth process, characterization and the optical absorption as a function of wavelength for the synthesized MPA capped CdSe and CdSe/CdS nanoparticles have been determined using X-ray diffraction study (XRD), Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM)

  8. Como Perseu se defendeu de Medusa?

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    Rose Lumertz de Freitas


    Full Text Available Na psicanálise francesa, principalmente com Lacan, o conceito de falta passou a ser de grande importância. Ao que, então, perguntamos: o que é a falta? E quando esta falta? O que acontece? O que acontece quando o não especularizável não está excluído, se fazendo, assim, especular? Quando Perseu vai ao encontro de Medusa, guiando-se por sua imagem refletida em um espelho de bronze polido, segurado por Atena, como pôde este herói defender-se de Medusa? Qual foi a forma encontrada por ele para se defender da presença do objeto que introduz a dimensão do real nu?

  9. O constitucionalismo popular em uma leitura Rawlsiana

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    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento da atividade política do Judiciário ao longo do século XX despertou posicionamentos críticos na teoria constitucional, podendo se destacar o Constitucionalismo Popular. Entre seus apontamentos, o Legislativo possuiria legitimidade para atuar com base em uma Constituição popular diariamente construída. Perante algumas imperfeições deixadas por esta vertente, utiliza-se a obra de John Rawls para indicar (I que questões políticas são enfrentadas pelas instituições democráticas que compõem a estrutura básica de uma sociedade bem-ordenada; e (II o papel desta Constituição popular pode ser exercido por elementos da teoria rawlsiana, quando os princípios de justiça identificam um parâmetro legitimador das deliberações democráticas e a razão pública permite que a atuação destas instituições seja acompanhada continuamente pelos cidadãos em nome das gerações futuras.

  10. Comparing the influence of selenite (Se4+) and selenate (Se6+) on the inhibition of the mercury (Hg) phytotoxicity to pak choi. (United States)

    Tran, Thi Anh Thu; Dinh, Quang Toan; Cui, Zeiwei; Huang, Jie; Wang, Dan; Wei, Tianjiao; Liang, Dongli; Sun, Xin; Ning, Ping


    Selenite (Se (IV)) and selenate (Se (IV)) have recently been demonstrated to be equally effective in inhibiting mercury (Hg) phytotoxicity to plants. This assertion is still unclear. In this study, we aimed to explore the potential effects of Se species (Se 4+ and Se 6+ ) on the inhibition of the mercury (Hg) bioavailability to pak choi in dry land. Pot experiments with exposure to different dosages of mercuric chloride (HgCl 2 ) and selenite (Na 2 SeO 3 ) or selenate (Na 2 SeO 4 ) were treated. To compare the influence of Se (IV) and Se (VI) on the bioaccumulation and bioavailability of Hg, the levels of total Hg in different pak choi (Brassica chinensis L.) tissues (roots and shoots) and the distribution changes of Hg fractions in soil before planting and after harvest were determined as well as the Hg I R values in soils (relative binding intensity) were analyzed. Results showed that application Se (IV) reduced the concentrations of Hg in pak choi roots more than Se (VI). Hg concentrations were also decreased in pak choi shoots in Se (IV) treatments, while which notably increased in Se (VI) treatments. Thus, Se (IV) plays a more important role than Se (VI) in limiting the absorption and bioaccumulation of Hg in pak choi. Moreover, this inhibition may only significantly occur when Se (IV) is at an appropriate level (2.5mg/kg). In addition, the good correlations between the proportions of mobile Hg fractions (soluble and exchangeable fractions), I R values with the Hg concentrations in plants were observed. This affirmed the importance of the Hg fractions transformation and the I R indicator of Hg in the assessment of their bioavailability. Our findings regarding the importance of Se (IV) influence in reducing Hg bioaccumulation not only provided the correct appraisal about the effect of Se species on the inhibition of the Hg phytotoxicity to pak choi in dry land, but also be a good reference for selecting Se fertilizer forms (Se 4+ or Se 6+ ). Copyright © 2017

  11. De la fórmula de sumación de Poisson a los teoremas de muestreo y reconstrucción

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    William J. Ugalde G


    Full Text Available Los radioastrónomos miden la visibilidad de una fuente luminosa para determinar la cantidad de luz emitida y su distribución, bajo el principio que esta es la transformada de Fourier de la visibilidad. En la teoría de la información se reconstruyen señales continuas a partir de mediciones uniformemente espaciadas. En la Tomografía Computada se pretende la reconstrucción de un “objeto” conociendo sus integrales de línea. Estas ideas se apoyan en los teoremas de muestreo, en los cuales se estudian funciones de tipo banda limitada, esto es, funciones cuya transformada de Fourier tiene soporte compacto. La idea es expresar una función en su expansión de Fourier, a partir de allí deducir una fórmula de sumación para relacionar f con \\hat{f}, y de ella, obtener un teorema de muestreo, en el cual se recupera f mediante una sumatoria de valores de la función original y una función reconstructora. Si la función estudiada no es de banda limitada pero su transformada de Fourier es pequeña en algún sentido fuera de un compacto, es posible acotar la diferencia entre la función y su posible aproximación. En este trabajo se pretende explorar las técnicas que permiten concluir los teoremas de muestreo a partir de las fórmulas de sumación, presentar los diferentes tipos de “series reconstructoras” (llamadas aquí series cardenales y dar un aporte sobre la aproximación de estas series por sus sumas parciales en el caso n-dimensional.

  12. Surface half-metallicity of half-Heusler compound FeCrSe and interface half-metallicity of FeCrSe/GaP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khalaf Al-zyadi, Jabbar M., E-mail: [Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Basrah (Iraq); Jolan, Mudhahir H. [Department of Physics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Basrah (Iraq); Yao, Kai-Lun, E-mail: [School of Physics and Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 (China); International Center of Materials Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110015 (China)


    Recent studies showed that half-Heusler FeCrSe exhibits half-metallic ferromagnetism (Huang et al. [20]). In this paper, we investigate extensively the electronic, magnetic, and half-metallic properties of the half-Heusler alloy FeCrSe (111) and (001) surfaces and the interface with GaP (111) substrate by using the first-principles calculations within the density functional theory. The atomic density of states demonstrates that the half-me tallicity verified in the bulk FeCrSe is maintained at the CrSe-terminated (001) and Se-terminated (111) surfaces, but lost at both Cr- and Fe-terminated (111) surfaces and the Fe-terminated (001) surface. Alternatively, for the interface of FeCrSe/GaP (111), the bulk half-metallicity is destroyed at Se–P configuration while Se–Ga interface and subinterface show nearly 100% spin polarization. Moreover, the calculated interfacial adhesion energies exhibit that Se–Ga shape is more stable than the Se–P one. The calculated magnetic moments of Se, Ga at the Se–Ga (111) interface and P at the Se–P (111) interface increase with respect to the corresponding bulk values while the atomic magnetic moment of Se atom at the Se–P (111) interface decreases. We also notice that the magnetic moments of subinterface Fe at both Se–Ga and Se–P (111) interfaces decrease compared to the bulk values. - Highlights: • The half-metallicity verified in the bulk FeCrSe is kept at the CrSe-terminated (001) and Se-terminated (111) surfaces. • The calculated interfacial adhesion energies exhibit that Se–Ga shape is more stable than Se–P. • The magnetic moments of Se, Ga and P atoms at the interface increase. • The Se–Ga interface shows nearly 100% spin polarization.

  13. Transport Properties of ZnSe- ITO Hetero Junction (United States)

    Ichibakase, Tsuyoshi

    In this report, ITO(Indium Tin Oxide) was used on the glass substrates as the transparent electrode, and ZnSe layer was prepared by the vacuum deposition on this ITO. Then, the electrical characteristics of this sample were investigated by mans of the electric current transport analysis. The sample that ZnSe was prepared as 3.4 μm in case of ITO-ZnSe sample, has high density level at the junction surface. The ITO-ZnSe junction has two type of diffusion current. However, the ITO-ZnSe sample that ZnSe layer was prepared as 0.1 μm can be assumed as the ohmic contact, and ITO-ZnSe(0.1μm) -CdTe sample shows the avalanche breakdown, and it is considered that the avalanche breakdown occurs in CdTe layer. It is difficult to occur the avalanche breakdown, if ZnSe-CdTe junction has high-density level and CdTe layer has high-density defect. Hence, the ZnSe-CdTe sample that CdTe layer was prepared on ITO-ZnSe(0.1μm) substrate has not high-density level at the junction surface, and the CdTe layer with little lattice imperfection can be prepared. It found that ITO-ZnSe(0.1μm) substrate is available for the II-VI compounds semiconductor device through above analysis result.

  14. Li diffusion in NbSe/sub 2/ and Ag/sub 0.25/NbSe/sub 2/ single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Folinsbee, J.T.; Simpson, A.M.; Jericho, M.H.


    Measurements are reported of the diffusion of Lithium into NbSe/sub 2/ and into NbSe/sub 2/ preintercalated with silver. Diffusion parallel to the layers is found to be at least 2 orders of magnitude greater than perpendicular to the layers, but not to be greatly affected by the presence of intercalated silver. The activation energy for Li hopping in NbSe/sub 2/ is estimated to be 520 meV. The staging structure of Ag/sub x/NbSe/sub 2/ is also reported. These results have implications for the characterization of cathode materials in intercalation batteries

  15. Luminescence of nanocrystalline ZnSe:Mn2+

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Suyver, J.F.; Wuister, S.F.; Kelly, J.J.; Meijerink, A.


    The luminescence properties of nanocrystalline ZnSe:Mn^(2+) prepared via an inorganic chemical synthesis are described. Photoluminescence spectra show distinct ZnSe and Mn^(2+) related emissions, both of which are excited via the ZnSe host lattice. The Mn^(2+) emission wavelength and the

  16. The Influence of Interfaces on Properties of Thin-Film Inorganic Structural Isomers Containing SnSe-NbSe2 Subunits. (United States)

    Alemayehu, Matti B; Falmbigl, Matthias; Ta, Kim; Johnson, David C


    Inorganic isomers ([SnSe]1+δ)m(NbSe2)n([SnSe]1+δ)p(NbSe2)q([SnSe]1+δ)r(NbSe2)s where m, n, p, q, r, and s are integers and m + p + r = n + q + s = 4 were prepared using the modulated elemental reactant technique. This series of all six possible isomers provides an opportunity to study the influence of interface density on properties while maintaining the same unit cell size and composition. As expected, all six compounds were observed to have the same atomic compositions and an almost constant c-axis lattice parameter of ≈4.90(5) nm, with a slight trend in the c-axis lattice parameter correlated with the different number of interfaces in the isomers: two, four and six. The structures of the constituents in the ab-plane were independent of one another, confirming the nonepitaxial relationship between them. The temperature dependent electrical resistivities revealed metallic behavior for all the six compounds. Surprisingly, the electrical resistivity at room temperature decreases with increasing number of interfaces. Hall measurements suggest this results from changes in carrier concentration, which increases with increasing thickness of the thickest SnSe block in the isomer. Carrier mobility scales with the thickness of the thickest NbSe2 block due to increased interfacial scattering as the NbSe2 blocks become thinner. The observed behavior suggests that the two constituents serve different purposes with respect to electrical transport. SnSe acts as a charge donor and NbSe2 acts as the charge transport layer. This separation of function suggests that such heterostructures can be designed to optimize performance through choice of constituent, layer thickness, and layer sequence. A simplistic model, which predicts the properties of the complex isomers from a weighted sum of the properties of building blocks, was developed. A theoretical model is needed to predict the optimal compound for specific properties among the many potential compounds that can be prepared.

  17. Removal of selenite by zero-valent iron combined with ultrasound: Se(IV) concentration changes, Se(VI) generation, and reaction mechanism. (United States)

    Fu, Fenglian; Lu, Jianwei; Cheng, Zihang; Tang, Bing


    In this paper, the performance and application of zero-valent iron (ZVI) assisted by ultrasonic irradiation for the removal of selenite (Se(IV)) in wastewater was evaluated and reaction mechanism of Se(IV) with ZVI in such systems was investigated. A series of batch experiments were conducted to determine the effects of ultrasound power, pH, ZVI concentration, N2 and air on Se(IV) removal. ZVI before and after reaction with Se(IV) was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results indicated that ultrasound can lead to a significant synergy in the removal of Se(IV) by ZVI because ultrasound can promote the generation of OH and accelerate the advanced Fenton process. The primary reaction products of ZVI and Se(IV) were Se(0), ferrihydrite, and Fe2O3. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Semiconductor laser with longitudinal electron-beam pumping and based on a quantum-well ZnCdSe/ZnSe structure grown on a ZnSe substrate by molecular beam epitaxy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozlovskii, Vladimir I; Korostelin, Yurii V; Skasyrsky, Yan K; Shapkin, P V; Trubenko, P A; Dianov, Evgenii M


    The method of molecular beam epitaxy on a ZnSe substrate was used to grow a ZnCdSe/ZnSe structure with 115 quantum wells. This structure was made up into a cavity which included part of the substrate. Lasing was excited by longitudinal pumping with a scanning electron beam of E e = 40 - 70 keV energy. At T = 80 K for E e = 65 keV the threshold current density was 60 A cm -2 and the output power was 0.15 W at the 465 nm wavelength. At T= 300 K the lasing (λ= 474 nm) occurred in the ZnSe substrate. (lasers)

  19. Indicadores cualitativos de la sociedad de la información

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    Javier Echeverría


    Full Text Available La sociedad de la información (SI requiere un espacio para desarrollarse: el espacio electrónico, generado por las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones (TIC. Si concebimos ese espacio sólo como un mercado informacional (acceso y contenidos, los indicadores que miden el desarrollo de la SI serán cuantitativos y tendrán un claro sesgo mercantilista. En cambio, si promovemos una sociedad civil de la información, tendremos que usar indicadores cualitativos que midan el desarrollo de la vida civil en el espacio electrónico y las capacidades de la ciudadanía por ser activa en él. Como ejemplo, se analiza críticamente el plan europeo e-Learning y los indicadores utilizados por la Unión Europea, centrados en la conexión a internet y el uso de las tecnologías multimedia. Partiendo de que la educación debe desarrollar ante todo las capacidades de acción en el espacio electrónico, se proponen indicadores cualitativos para la educación asistida por las TIC. Estos planteamientos pueden generalizarse a otras actividades sociales en el espacio electrónico.

  20. SE-72/AS-72 generator system based on Se extraction/ As reextraction (United States)

    Fassbender, Michael Ernst; Ballard, Beau D


    The preparation of a .sup.72Se/.sup.72As radioisotope generator involves forming an acidic aqueous solution of an irradiated alkali bromide target such as a NaBr target, oxidizing soluble bromide in the solution to elemental bromine, removing the elemental bromine, evaporating the resulting solution to a residue, removing hydrogen chloride from the residue, forming an acidic aqueous solution of the residue, adding a chelator that selectively forms a chelation complex with selenium, and extracting the chelation complex from the acidic aqueous solution into an organic phase. As the .sup.72Se generates .sup.72As in the organic phase, the .sup.72As may be extracted repeatedly from the organic phase with an aqueous acid solution.

  1. ¿Como se hace publicidad por internet?

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    Franz Del Pozo


    Full Text Available Internet es el medio de comunicación y venta con el mayor potencial de crecimiento y efectividad al más bajo precio. Para vender se usan tarjetas de crédito, depósitos bancarios, franqueo, comercio electrónico. Explica qué y cómo se hace publicidad por Internet. La Red se usa para difundir y para vender y hay la posibilidad de hacer algo diferente a más de llegar directamente al público objetivo se interactúa con él.

  2. Different effect of quenching temperature on Fe1+σTe0.5Se0.5 and β-FeSe

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    Zhongnan Guo


    Full Text Available In this work, we have demonstrated a different effect on Fe1+σTe0.5Se0.5 and β-FeSe by changing the quenching temperature. Tc is clearly reduced in Fe1+σTe0.5Se0.5 after increasing the quenching temperature from 300 °C to 500 °C, while that of β-FeSe is almost unchanged. Structure refinement indicates that after quenched at 500 °C, FeTe4 tetrahedron exhibits an expansion with the stretched Fe-Te bond, together with the increased amount of interstitial iron. These particular changes on structure are believed to be responsible for the suppression of superconductivity in Fe1+σTe0.5Se0.5.

  3. Structure and properties of ZnSxSe1-x thin films deposited by thermal evaporation of ZnS and ZnSe powder mixtures (United States)

    Valeev, R. G.; Romanov, E. A.; Vorobiev, V. L.; Mukhgalin, V. V.; Kriventsov, V. V.; Chukavin, A. I.; Robouch, B. V.


    Interest to ZnSxSe1-x alloys is due to their band-gap tunability varying S and Se content. Films of ZnSxSe1-x were grown evaporating ZnS and ZnSe powder mixtures onto SiO2, NaCl, Si and ITO substrates using an original low-cost method. X-ray diffraction patterns and Raman spectroscopy, show that the lattice structure of these films is cubic ZnSe-like, as S atoms replace Se and film compositions have their initial S/Se ratio. Optical absorption spectra show that band gap values increase from 2.25 to 3 eV as x increases, in agreement with the literature. Because S atomic radii are smaller than Se, EXAFS spectra confirm that bond distances and Se coordination numbers decrease as the Se content decreases. The strong deviation from linearity of ZnSe coordination numbers in the ZnSxSe1-x indicate that within this ordered crystal structure strong site occupation preferences occur in the distribution of Se and S ions. The behavior is quantitatively confirmed by the strong deviation from the random Bernoulli distribution of the three sight occupation preference coefficients of the strained tetrahedron model. Actually, the ternary ZnSxSe1-x system is a bi-binary (ZnS+ZnSe) alloy with evanescent formation of ternary configurations throughout the x-range.

  4. Uso de videojuegos, agresión, sintomatología depresiva y violencia intrafamiliar en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes

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    Patricia Martínez Lanz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar las diferencias en sintomatología depresiva, violencia intrafamiliar y agresión en 801 adolescentes y jóvenes con diferentes niveles de exposición a videojuegos con y sin contenidos violentos. La media de edad de los participantes fue de 17.5 años, el 55.4% eran hombres y 44.6% mujeres. Para evaluar la sintomatología depresiva se utilizó la cédula del centro de estudios epidemiológicos, para la violencia intrafamiliar, se diseñó una escala de 16 reactivos que miden: agresión verbal, agresión física, humillación y respeto; en cuanto a la agresión, se diseñó una escala tipo likert de 13 reactivos con cuatro opciones de respuesta: nunca a siempre. Respecto al uso de videojuegos, se preguntó si los utilizan o no, motivo por el cual los juegan, el tiempo aproximado a la semana que pasan jugándolos, si los videojuegos que utilizan tienen contenido violento y de qué tipo. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en las variables evaluadas respecto al nivel de exposición de videojuegos con contenido violento, donde de manera general los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes que reportaron una mayor exposición (de 11 horas o más por semana presentaron mayor sintomatología depresiva, agresión y violencia intrafamiliar que aquellos con un menor nivel de exposición.

  5. Laser-induced luminescence of multilayer structures based on polyimides and CdSe and CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chistyakov, A A; Dayneko, S V; Zakharchenko, K V; Kolesnikov, V A; Tedoradze, M G; Mochalov, K E; Oleinikov, V A


    Laser-induced luminescence of multilayer structures based on the solids of CdSe and CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals, different organic semiconductors and on the layers of organic semiconductors with embedded nanocrystals has been investigated. Drastic decrease of luminescence quantum yield is observed in the films of CdSe nanocrystals on organic semiconductors compared to those on optical glasses. The luminescence of the nanocrystals in the matrices of organic semiconductors and in multilayer structures is shown to be suppressed. The effects observed are explained by the transfer of photogenerated carriers from the nanocrystals to the molecules of organic semiconductors. The presence of the charge transfer is confirmed by a drastic increase in the conductivity (by 2 – 4 orders of magnitude) and in photovoltaic effect at the presence of CdSe and CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals in the structures under investigation. The prospects of using the multilayer structures for development new materials for solar cells are discussed

  6. The MgSeO4-UO2SeO4-H2O system at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serezhkina, L.B.; Serezhkin, V.N.


    The method of isothermal solubility at 25 deg C has been used to study MgSeO 4 -UO 2 SeO 4 -H 2 O system. Formation of the new compound Mg 2 (UO 2 ) 3 (SeO 4 ) 5 X32H 2 O, congruently soluble in water is stated. Thermographic and X-ray diffraction investigations of the prepared magnesium selenato-uranylate and products of its dehydration are conducted

  7. Local structure and defect chemistry of [(SnSe)1.15]m(TaSe2) ferecrystals – A new type of layered intergrowth compound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grosse, Corinna; Atkins, Ryan; Kirmse, Holm; Mogilatenko, Anna; Neumann, Wolfgang; Johnson, David C.


    Highlights: •The crystal structure of [(SnSe) 1.15 ] m (TaSe 2 ) ferecrystals was analyzed by TEM. •The layers exhibit turbostratic disorder, but we also observed a local ordering. •The structures of the SnSe and TaSe 2 layers are similar to binary SnSe and 2H-TaSe 2 . •An increasing in-plane SnSe grain size with increasing m was observed. •Defect areas with missing, substituted or additional layers were found. -- Abstract: The atomic structure of the family of ferecrystals [(SnSe) 1.15 ] m (TaSe 2 ) (m = 1, 3, and 6) was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. The tantalum in the TaSe 2 layers was observed to have trigonal prismatic coordination similar to that found in the 2H polytype of bulk TaSe 2 . The structure of the SnSe constituent was found to be similar to that of orthorhombic α-SnSe. In the compounds with m = 1 and m = 3, regions with a local ordering of the layers along a commensurate axis, similar to the ordering in conventional misfit layer compounds, were observed. However, on a longer range the ferecrystals were found to exhibit a turbostratically disordered structure. Stacking defects were occasionally found in the samples in which a layer is interrupted and the surrounding layers are bent around these defects, while maintaining abrupt interfaces instead of interdiffusing. Volume defects were found in one sample of [(SnSe) 1.15 ] 1 (TaSe 2 ) 1 in which a SnSe layer locally substitutes a part of a TaSe 2 layer without interrupting the surrounding layers


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    Andrés Fernando Herrera Guzmán


    Full Text Available Con el fin de dar a conocer la megadiversidad del territorio nacional y local en la comunidad educativa y promover su conservación, se implementan dos proyectos pedagógicos durante los años: 2011, 2012 y 2013; aplicando modelos didácticos como la indagación, la enseñanza para la comprensión, el cambio conceptual y el aprendizaje por descubrimiento, con el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y salidas ecológicas.  Se miden los aprendizajes de los educandos de grado octavo por medio de un test anual de entrada y salida, y la comparación de los resultados de pruebas de finales de periodo, en los que ha variado la intensidad del proyecto de aula (PA.  Se presenta un aumento del 10 % en los aprendizajes de los estudiantes por periodo, cuando hay una mayor intensidad académica del PA; de manera similar, se avanza en la adquisición de las competencias de conocimiento e interpretación de las jerarquías ecológicas de la biodiversidad desde un 11 % hasta un 24 % anual.  Adicionalmente, hay una gestión más efectiva de los recursos educativos.  Se concluye que la articulación de recursos naturales e institucionales es posible, por medio del desarrollo de propuestas didácticas; que mejoran los ambientes de aprendizaje y facilitan la formación ambiental para la valoración y uso sustentable de la diversidad biológica.

  9. Sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior: consideraciones sobre la acreditación en Colombia.

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    Víctor Manuel Gómez Campos


    Full Text Available Un tema de creciente importancia social y económica es el referido a los criterios, indicadores e instrumentos de medición y evaluación de la calidad de la educación superior. ¿Se mide ésta por la calidad de los egresados?, ¿por la calidad de la relación pedagógica?, ¿por el grado de homogeneización de condiciones de funcionamiento de las instituciones, según los criterios de acreditación vigentes en Colombia?, ¿por la productividad de los docentes?, ¿por el lugar alcanzado en los ranking internacionales de las mejores universidades? Tales temas se analizan con base en un estudio realizado sobre los dos sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior en Colombia: registro calificado y acreditación. Dicho estudio señala el alto grado de redundancia existente y la carencia de mediciones directas de la calidad de la educación. Los indicadores de calidad, en ambos sistemas, son “indirectos”, se fundamentan en indicadores que no miden la calidad del aprendizaje realizado por el estudiante. Son sistemas centrados en procesos e insumos y con un fuerte énfasis en la homogeneización y estandarización de estos, mediante el cumplimiento de determinadas condiciones y factores comunes a todos los programas e instituciones. Como alternativa a estos indicadores indirectos de calidad de la educación superior se presentan diversos criterios y estrategias de promoción y medición de los logros y competencias adquiridos por los estudiantes.

  10. Composition-controlled optical properties of colloidal CdSe quantum dots

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ayele, Delele Worku [Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan (China); Department of Chemistry, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar (Ethiopia); Su, Wei-Nien, E-mail: [Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan (China); Chou, Hung-Lung [Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan (China); Pan, Chun-Jern [Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan (China); Hwang, Bing-Joe, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan (China); National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan (China)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • The surface of CdSe QDs are modified with cadmium followed by selenium. • The optical properties of CdSe QDs can be controlled by manipulating the composition. • Surface compositional change affects the surface defects or traps and recombination. • The surface trapping state can be controlled by tuning the surface composition. • A change in composition shows a change in the carrier life time. - Abstract: A strategy with respect to band gap engineering by controlling the composition of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) is reported. After the CdSe QDs are prepared, their compositions can be effectively manipulated from 1:1 (Cd:Se) CdSe QDs to Cd-rich and then to Se-rich QDs. To obtain Cd-rich CdSe QDs, Cd was deposited on equimolar CdSe QDs. Further deposition of Se on Cd-rich CdSe QDs produced Se-rich CdSe QDs. The compositions (Cd:Se) of the as-prepared CdSe quantum dots were acquired by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). By changing the composition, the overall optical properties of the CdSe QDs can be manipulated. It was found that as the composition of the QDs changes from 1:1 (Cd:Se) CdSe to Cd-rich and then Se-rich CdSe, the band gap decreases along with a red shift of UV–vis absorption edges and photoluminescence (PL) peaks. The quantum yield also decreases with surface composition from 1:1 (Cd:Se) CdSe QDs to Cd-rich and then to Se-rich, largely due to the changes in the surface state. Because of the involvement of the surface defect or trapping state, the carrier life time increased from the 1:1 (Cd:Se) CdSe QDs to the Cd-rich to the Se-rich CdSe QDs. We have shown that the optical properties of CdSe QDs can be controlled by manipulating the composition of the surface atoms. This strategy can potentially be extended to other semiconductor nanocrystals to modify their properties.

  11. Composition-controlled optical properties of colloidal CdSe quantum dots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayele, Delele Worku; Su, Wei-Nien; Chou, Hung-Lung; Pan, Chun-Jern; Hwang, Bing-Joe


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • The surface of CdSe QDs are modified with cadmium followed by selenium. • The optical properties of CdSe QDs can be controlled by manipulating the composition. • Surface compositional change affects the surface defects or traps and recombination. • The surface trapping state can be controlled by tuning the surface composition. • A change in composition shows a change in the carrier life time. - Abstract: A strategy with respect to band gap engineering by controlling the composition of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) is reported. After the CdSe QDs are prepared, their compositions can be effectively manipulated from 1:1 (Cd:Se) CdSe QDs to Cd-rich and then to Se-rich QDs. To obtain Cd-rich CdSe QDs, Cd was deposited on equimolar CdSe QDs. Further deposition of Se on Cd-rich CdSe QDs produced Se-rich CdSe QDs. The compositions (Cd:Se) of the as-prepared CdSe quantum dots were acquired by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). By changing the composition, the overall optical properties of the CdSe QDs can be manipulated. It was found that as the composition of the QDs changes from 1:1 (Cd:Se) CdSe to Cd-rich and then Se-rich CdSe, the band gap decreases along with a red shift of UV–vis absorption edges and photoluminescence (PL) peaks. The quantum yield also decreases with surface composition from 1:1 (Cd:Se) CdSe QDs to Cd-rich and then to Se-rich, largely due to the changes in the surface state. Because of the involvement of the surface defect or trapping state, the carrier life time increased from the 1:1 (Cd:Se) CdSe QDs to the Cd-rich to the Se-rich CdSe QDs. We have shown that the optical properties of CdSe QDs can be controlled by manipulating the composition of the surface atoms. This strategy can potentially be extended to other semiconductor nanocrystals to modify their properties

  12. PbSe Nanocrystal Excitonic Solar Cells

    KAUST Repository

    Choi, Joshua J.


    We report the design, fabrication, and characterization of colloidal PbSe nanocrystal (NC)-based photovoltaic test structures that exhibit an excitonic solar cell mechanism. Charge extraction from the NC active layer is driven by a photoinduced chemical potential energy gradient at the nanostructured heterojunction. By minimizing perturbation to PbSe NC energy levels and thereby gaining insight into the "intrinsic" photovoltaic properties and charge transfer mechanism of PbSe NC, we show a direct correlation between interfacial energy level offsets and photovoltaic device performance. Size dependent PbSe NC energy levels were determined by cyclic voltammetry and optical spectroscopy and correlated to photovoltaic measurements. Photovoltaic test structures were fabricated from PbSe NC films sandwiched between layers of ZnO nanoparticles and PEDOT:PSS as electron and hole transporting elements, respectively. The device current-voltage characteristics suggest a charge separation mechanism that Is distinct from previously reported Schottky devices and consistent with signatures of excitonic solar cells. Remarkably, despite the limitation of planar junction structure, and without film thickness optimization, the best performing device shows a 1-sun power conversion efficiency of 3.4%, ranking among the highest performing NC-based solar cells reported to date. © 2009 American Chemical Society.

  13. Rol de los docentes de ciencias de la salud y el desarrollo de sus competencias = Role of health science teachers and the development of their competences

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    Jara Gutiérrez, Nancy Patricia


    Full Text Available La educación incide en el desarrollo social y cultural de las naciones, por lo que de su perfeccionamiento se esperan logros significativos en el avance integral de la sociedad. En el campo de la educación en ciencias de la salud es crucial la formación de docentes que puedan afrontar los retos que se plantean en el ámbito mundial y mantener altos estándares de calidad. En el presente artículo se analizan los diversos parámetros establecidos para definir las competencias de los docentes en ciencias de la salud, sus funciones y las actividades necesarias para su cumplimiento involucrando a los diversos actores del proceso educativo. Este modelo busca generar procesos formativos de mayor calidad, con base en las necesidades de la sociedad, del desarrollo de la profesión y del trabajo académico. Asumir esta responsabilidad implica que las facultades de ciencias de la salud redefinan sus proyectos educativos y promuevan de manera congruente acciones pedagógicas que se traduzcan en modificaciones reales de las prácticas docentes. Por ello es importante que los docentes participen continuamente en acciones de formación y capacitación para desarrollar competencias similares a las que buscan formar en los estudiantes.

  14. El fenómeno 2.0 en el sector turístico. El caso de Madrid 2.0

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    Trinidad Domínguez Vila


    Full Text Available Hoy en día, en la mayoría de los ámbitos, Internet es un elemento clave para cualquier actividad, que cambia continuamente y que requiere una actualización constante. Una de las últimas evoluciones ha dado como resultado la web 2.0, que permite la interacción directa y la retroalimentación con el usuario, siendo su principal eje la publicación de opiniones e intercambio de informaciones. El sector turístico, al igual que toda la sociedad, también se ha visto envuelto en dichos cambios, presentándosele una oportunidad y una ventaja competitiva al poder trabajar con herramientas que posibilitan la comunicación directa. Una de las grandes apuestas ha sido la realizada por la Comunidad de Madrid a través de su web En este trabajo se busca analizar el papel actual que Internet, la Web 2.0 y principalmente las redes sociales, están jugando en relación al turismo, para posteriormente poder comprobar a través de una comparativa con las webs turísticas de otras comunidades, si el caso de Madrid se muestra como el principal modelo de estrategia proactiva, tal como se recoge en sus objetivos iniciales.

  15. Ultra-thin ZnSe: Anisotropic and flexible crystal structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bacaksiz, C., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430 Izmir (Turkey); Senger, R.T. [Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430 Izmir (Turkey); Sahin, H. [Department of Photonics, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430 Izmir (Turkey)


    Highlights: • Ultra-thin ZnSe is dynamically stable. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is electronically direct-gap semiconductor. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is ultra-flexible. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is mechanically in-plane anisotropic. - Abstract: By performing density functional theory-based calculations, we investigate the structural, electronic, and mechanical properties of the thinnest ever ZnSe crystal . The vibrational spectrum analysis reveals that the monolayer ZnSe is dynamically stable and has flexible nature with its soft phonon modes. In addition, a direct electronic band gap is found at the gamma point for the monolayer structure of ZnSe. We also elucidate that the monolayer ZnSe has angle dependent in-plane elastic parameters. In particular, the in-plane stiffness values are found to be 2.07 and 6.89 N/m for the arm-chair and zig-zag directions, respectively. The angle dependency is also valid for the Poisson ratio of the monolayer ZnSe. More significantly, the in-plane stiffness of the monolayer ZnSe is the one-tenth of Young modulus of bulk zb-ZnSe which indicates that the monolayer ZnSe is a quite flexible single layer crystal. With its flexible nature and in-plane anisotropic mechanical properties, the monolayer ZnSe is a good candidate for nanoscale mechanical applications.

  16. Ultra-thin ZnSe: Anisotropic and flexible crystal structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bacaksiz, C.; Senger, R.T.; Sahin, H.


    Highlights: • Ultra-thin ZnSe is dynamically stable. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is electronically direct-gap semiconductor. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is ultra-flexible. • Ultra-thin ZnSe is mechanically in-plane anisotropic. - Abstract: By performing density functional theory-based calculations, we investigate the structural, electronic, and mechanical properties of the thinnest ever ZnSe crystal . The vibrational spectrum analysis reveals that the monolayer ZnSe is dynamically stable and has flexible nature with its soft phonon modes. In addition, a direct electronic band gap is found at the gamma point for the monolayer structure of ZnSe. We also elucidate that the monolayer ZnSe has angle dependent in-plane elastic parameters. In particular, the in-plane stiffness values are found to be 2.07 and 6.89 N/m for the arm-chair and zig-zag directions, respectively. The angle dependency is also valid for the Poisson ratio of the monolayer ZnSe. More significantly, the in-plane stiffness of the monolayer ZnSe is the one-tenth of Young modulus of bulk zb-ZnSe which indicates that the monolayer ZnSe is a quite flexible single layer crystal. With its flexible nature and in-plane anisotropic mechanical properties, the monolayer ZnSe is a good candidate for nanoscale mechanical applications.

  17. Wide emission-tunable CdTeSe/ZnSe/ZnS core–shell quantum dots and their conjugation with E. coli O-157

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Haifeng [State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100 (China); Zhou, Guangjun, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100 (China); Zhou, Juan [Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Jinan Military Command, Jinan 250014 (China); Xu, Dong; Zhang, Xingshuang; Kong, Peng; Yang, Zhongsen [State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100 (China)


    Highlights: • QDs with variety morphology were obtained via an injection controlled process. • 3-D PL spectra of core–shell QDs show different excitation wavelength dependence. • The PL intensity of QDs with ZnSe transition layer increases dramatically. • Core–shell QDs were processed into aqueous phase and conjugated with E. coli O-157. - Abstract: Wide emission-tunable and different morphological alloyed CdTeSe quantum dots (QDs), CdTeSe/ZnS and CdTeSe/ZnSe/ZnS core–shell QDs were successfully synthesized via an injection controlled process. The effect of injection procedure and reaction temperature were systematically discussed and the growth mechanism was proposed. Most efficient PL wavelength was correlated with reaction time and temperature. The 3-D PL spectra of spherical bare CdTeSe and core–shell QDs with different passivation showed different excitation wavelength dependency. The PL intensity of CdTeSe/ZnSe/ZnS core–shell QDs increased greatly in comparison with that of CdTeSe and CdTeSe/ZnSe QDs. ZnSe transition layer played an important role in improving the PL intensity by providing a smoothened interface and gradient band offsets. The core–shell QDs were transferred into aqueous phase and successfully conjugated with Escherichia coli O-157. The proposed phase-transfer and bio-labeling strategy may be applicable to various QDs with different compositions.

  18. Complexation in the system K2SeO4-UO2SeO4-H2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serezhkina, L.B.; Kuchumova, N.V.; Serezhkin, V.N.


    Complexation in the system K 2 SeO 4 -UO 2 SeO 4 -H 2 O at 25 degrees C is studied by isothermal solubility. Congruently soluble K 2 UO 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 ·4H 2 O (I) and incongruently soluble K 2 (UO 2 ) 2 (SeO 4 ) 3 ·6H 2 O (II) are observed. The unit-cell constants of I and II are determined from an X-ray diffraction investigation. For I, a = 12,969, b = 11.588, c = 8.533 angstrom, Z = 4, space group Pmmb. For II, a = 23.36, b = 6.784, c = 13.699 angstrom, β = 104.42 degrees, Z = 4, space group P2/m, P2, or Pm. Complexes I and II are representatives of the crystal-chemical groups AB 2 2 M 1 and A 2 T 3 3 M 1 , respectively, of uranyl complexes

  19. Origin of low thermal conductivity in SnSe (United States)

    Xiao, Yu; Chang, Cheng; Pei, Yanling; Wu, Di; Peng, Kunling; Zhou, Xiaoyuan; Gong, Shengkai; He, Jiaqing; Zhang, Yongsheng; Zeng, Zhi; Zhao, Li-Dong


    We provide direct evidence to understand the origin of low thermal conductivity of SnSe using elastic measurements. Compared to state-of-the-art lead chalcogenides Pb Q (Q =Te , Se, S), SnSe exhibits low values of sound velocity (˜1420 m /s ) , Young's modulus (E ˜27.7 GPa ) , and shear modulus (G ˜9.6 GPa ) , which are ascribed to the extremely weak Sn-Se atomic interactions (or bonds between layers); meanwhile, the deduced average Grüneisen parameter γ of SnSe is as large as ˜3.13, originating from the strong anharmonicity of the bonding arrangement. The calculated phonon mean free path (l ˜ 0.84 nm) at 300 K is comparable to the lattice parameters of SnSe, indicating little room is left for further reduction of the thermal conductivity through introducing nanoscale microstructures and microscale grain boundaries. The low elastic properties indicate that the weak chemical bonding stiffness of SnSe generally causes phonon modes softening which eventually slows down phonon propagation. This work provides insightful data to understand the low lattice thermal conductivity of SnSe.

  20. Attempting to realize n-type BiCuSeO (United States)

    Zhang, Xiaoxuan; Feng, Dan; He, Jiaqing; Zhao, Li-Dong


    As an intrinsic p-type semiconductor, BiCuSeO has been widely researched in the thermoelectric community, however, n-type BiCuSeO has not been reported so far. In this work, we successfully realized n-type BiCuSeO through carrying out several successive efforts. Seebeck coefficient of BiCuSeO was increased through introducing extra Bi/Cu to fill the Bi/Cu vacancies that may produce holes, and the maximum Seebeck coefficient was increase from +447 μVK-1 for undoped BiCuSeO to +638 μVK-1 for Bi1.04Cu1.05SeO. The Seebeck coefficient of Bi1.04Cu1.05SeO was changed from p-type to n-type through electron doping through introducing Br/I in Se sites, the maximum negative Seebeck coefficient can reach ∼ -465 μVK-1 and -543 μVK-1 for Bi1.04Cu1.05Se1-xIxO and Bi1.04Cu1.05Se1-xBrxO, respectively. Then, after compositing Bi1.04Cu1.05Se0.99Br0.01O with Ag, n-type BiCuSeO can be absolutely obtained in the whole temperature range of 300-873 K, the maximum ZT 0.05 was achieved at 475 K in the Bi1.04Cu1.05Se0.99Br0.01O+15% Ag. Our report indicates that it is possible to realize n-type conducting behaviors in BiCuSeO system.

  1. Immobilization of Se and U by iron sulfides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang Mingliang; Ma Bin; Yang Zhuanwei; Liu Chunli; Chen Fanrong


    Both uranium and selenium are redox-sensitive, and can occur in several oxidation states. In reducing environments, they exist as insoluble forms. Therefore, reductive precipitation is the most effective way to immobilize U and Se. The interaction of aqueous Se (IV) and uranylwithiron sulfidesweresystematically investigated in light of thermodynamic calculations, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The results from the speciation study revealed that the reduction product was Se (O) when natural pyrite and pyrrhotitereacted with Se (IV), although FeSe 2 is the thermodynamically predicted product from nearly neural to alkaline conditions. This discrepancy is attributed to the oxidizing ability of Se (IV) towards FeSe 2 , of which produce the insoluble Se (0) as the stable product in short-term experiments. In contrast to the thermodynamic calculations, with a reaction product of mixed U (IV) and U (VI) (e.g., U 3 O 8 ), redox reaction was observed only at pH ∼ 8.5 and ∼ 4.5 for U (VI) reduction by nanosized pyrite and natural pyrite, respectively. We proposed that oxidation of pyrite needs an intermediate (e.g., Fe 2+ ), and the reaction between the uranyl and the intermediate is thermodynamically or kinetically limited. Moreover, trace elements generally held within pyrite structure can also greatly influence its reactivity. This study demonstrated that reaction kinetics play a significant role on the reaction product. From a geological time scale, Se and U are likely to be immobilized by iron sulfides via the form of FeSe 2 and UO 2 . (authors)

  2. Morteros Reforzados con Fibras de Bambú

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    Arbeláez Arce Anacilia


    Full Text Available El término fibras de bambú, hace referencia al material de desecho (aserrín, seleccionado por diferencia de peso, en inmersión en agua. Se atiene a la definición de fibras que presentan la Norma ASTM C-JI16-89 "Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete ". Se estudian las propiedades físico-mecánicas del mortero 1.3, reforzado con 15, 50 y 100 kg de fibras de bambú, por metro cúbico de mortero, con el objeto de determinar la factibilidad de uso de este material, como matriz para muros estructurales. En el caso de matrices de mortero reforzados para paneles, además de determinar el porcentaje de refuerzo, que permita mantener la resistencia mecánica dentro de los límites establecidos,éste debe lograr un control en el agrietamiento. De hecho en condiciones normales bajo carga, el agrietamiento es inevitable, sea cual fuere la cantidad y calidad de refuerzo usado: Sinembargo, las fibras tienen la propiedad de controlar la propagación del agrietamiento ypor ende transformaruna matrizfrágil, en un material con cierto grado de ductilidad. Los compuestos son probados a compresión axial, flexión e impacto. Las propiedades físicas de absorción de humedad ycontracciones por secado se miden en probetas con dosificación deporcentaje de refuerzo seleccionado de las pruebas mecánicas.

  3. Afrontamiento y adaptación en pacientes egresados de unidades de cuidado intensivo

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    Inna Elida Flórez-Torres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir la capacidad de afrontamiento y adaptación en pacientes egresados de unidades de cuidado intensivo de la ciudad de Cartagena, Colombia. Método: estudio descriptivo, realizado en 171 pacientes egresados de unidades de cuidados intensivos durante el segundo semestre de 2009. Se empleó la Escala de medición del proceso de afrontamiento y adaptación de Callista Roy. Para valorar los factores que miden las estrategias y los recursos de afrontamiento para la adaptación se utilizaron medidas de tendencia central y coeficiente de variación. Resultados: el 50,3 % de los participantes fueron mujeres y 49,7 % hombres. La capacidad de afrontamiento y adaptación fue del 63,2 %, el 19,9 % presentó mediana capacidad. La baja capacidad reportó 1,2 %. Por factores, el proceso de alerta presentó una mayor puntuación, con 46,2 %, en alta capacidad en las estrategias de afrontamiento, y en el procesamiento sistemático, el 45,0% se ubicó en muy alta capacidad en cuanto a los recursos utilizados para la adaptación. Conclusión: los pacientes reflejaron un estilo de afrontamiento activo con estrategias centradas en el problema tanto cognitivas como comportamentales, percibiendo la situación como controlable. El Modelo de Roy permite a las enfermeras identificar en los pacientes estrategias adecuadas o inefectivas y orientar el cuidado.

  4. Development of the family needs assessment tool for caregivers of individuals with neurological conditions in Latin America

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Rivera


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento de evaluación de necesidades familiares (FNAT en un grupo de 308 cuidadores de personas con alteraciones neurológicas en Latinoa- mérica. El FNAT consta de 27 ítems que miden algunas de las principales necesidades que experimentan los cuidadores de estas personas. Con el objetivo de determinar la estructura factorial del instrumento se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio. Los resultados muestran que de los 27 ítems iniciales del instrumento se obtuvieron 5 factores (Necesidades de ayuda en tareas domésticas, necesidades de recibir información, ne- cesidades apoyo financiero, necesidades de ayuda para mejorar la salud y necesidades de apoyo social que estarían conformados por 14 ítems. Mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio, se evaluó el nivel de ajuste de estos cinco factores cuyo resultado final muestra un ajuste adecuado del modelo y un nivel aceptable de consistencia interna tanto para la escala completa como para las subescalas. En conclusión, esta nueva versión del FNAT de 14 ítems posee buenas características psicométri- cas que lo hacen ser un instrumento confiable en la evaluación de las necesidades de cuidadores de personas con alteraciones neurológicas tanto en contextos clínicos como de investigación.

  5. Chemical and structural evolution in the Th-SeO3(2-)/SeO4(2-) system: from simple selenites to cluster-based selenate compounds. (United States)

    Xiao, Bin; Langer, Eike; Dellen, Jakob; Schlenz, Hartmut; Bosbach, Dirk; Suleimanov, Evgeny V; Alekseev, Evgeny V


    While extensive success has been gained in the structural chemistry of the U-Se system, the synthesis and characterization of Th-based Se structures are widely unexplored. Here, four new Th-Se compounds, α-Th(SeO3)2, β-Th(SeO3)2, Th(Se2O5)2, and Th3O2(OH)2(SeO4)3, have been obtained from mild hydrothermal or low-temperature (180-220 °C) flux conditions and were subsequently structurally and spectroscopically characterized. The crystal structures of α-Th(SeO3)2 and β-Th(SeO3)2 are based on ThO8 and SeO3 polyhedra, respectively, featuring a three-dimensional (3D) network with selenite anions filling in the Th channels along the a axis. Th(Se2O5)2 is a 3D framework composed of isolated ThO8 polyhedra interconnected by [Se2O5](2-) dimers. Th3O2(OH)2(SeO4)3 is also a 3D framework constructed by octahedral hexathorium clusters [Th6(μ3-O)4(μ3-OH)4](12+), which are interlinked by selenate groups SeO4(2-). The positions of the vibrational modes associated with both Se(IV)O3(2-) and Se(VI)O4(2-) units, respectively, were determined for four compounds, and the Raman spectra of α- and β-Th(SeO3)2 are compared and discussed in detail.

  6. 79Se: geochemical and crystallo-chemical retardation mechanisms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, F.; Ewing, R.C.


    79 Se is a long-lived (1.1 x 10 6 yrs) fission product which is chemically and radiologically toxic. Under Eh-pH conditions typical of oxidative alteration of spent nuclear fuel, selenite, SeO 3 2- or HSeO 3 - or selenate, SeO 4 2- , are the dominant aqueous species of selenium. Because of the high solubility of metal-selenites and metal-selenates and the low adsorption of selenite and selenate aqueous species by geological materials under alkaline conditions, selenium may be highly mobile. However, 79 Se released from altered fuel may become immobilized by incorporation into secondary uranyl phases as low concentration impurities, and this may significantly reduce the mobility of selenium. Analysis and comparison of the known structures of uranyl phases indicate that (SeO 3 ) may substitute for (SiO 3 OH) in structures of α-uranophane and boltwoodite that are expected to be the dominant alteration products of UO 2 in Si-rich groundwater. The substitutions (SeO 3 ) (SiO 3 OH) in sklodowskite, Mg[(UO 2 )(SiO 3 OH)] 2 (H 2 O) 6 and (SeO 3 ) (PO 4 ) in phurcalite, Ca 2 [(UO 2 ) 3 (PO 4 ) 2 O 2 ](H 2 O) 7 , may occur with the eliminated apical anion being substituted for by an H 2 O group, but experimental investigation is required. The close similarity between the sheets in the structures of rutherfordine, [(UO 2 )(CO 3 )] and [(UO 2 )(SeO 3 )] implies that the substitution (SeO 3 ) (CO 3 ) can occur in rutherfordine, and possibly other uranyl carbonates. However, the substitutions: (SeO 3 ) (SiO 4 ) in soddyite and (SeO 3 ) (PO 4 ) in phosphuranylite may disrupt their structural connectivity and are, therefore, unlikely. (orig.)

  7. Exotic topological insulator states and topological phase transitions in Sb2Se3-Bi2Se3 heterostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Qianfan


    Topological insulator is a new state of matter attracting tremendous interest due to its gapless linear dispersion and spin momentum locking topological states located near the surface. Heterostructures, which have traditionally been powerful in controlling the electronic properties of semiconductor devices, are interesting for topological insulators. Here, we studied the spatial distribution of the topological state in Sb 2Se 3-Bi 2Se 3 heterostructures by first-principle simulation and discovered that an exotic topological state exists. Surprisingly, the state migrates from the nontrivial Bi 2Se 3 into the trivial Sb 2Se 3 region and spreads across the entire Sb 2Se 3 slab, extending beyond the concept of "surface" state while preserving all of the topological surface state characteristics. This unusual topological state arises from the coupling between different materials and the modification of electronic structure near Fermi energy. Our study demonstrates that heterostructures can open up opportunities for controlling the real-space distribution of the topological state and inducing quantum phase transitions between topologically trivial and nontrivial states. © 2012 American Chemical Society.

  8. Formation and properties of epitaxial CdSe, ZnSe quantum dots. Conventional molecular beam epitaxy and related techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahapatra, Suddhasatta


    This thesis systematically investigates three such alternative approaches, along with conventional MBE, with emphasis on the formation-mechanism of QDs, and optimization of their morphological and optical attributes. it is shown here that no distinct 3D islands are formed in MBE growth of CdSe on ZnSe. While CdSe heteroepitaxy occurs in the multilayer-mode at T{sub G}=300 C, a reentrant recovery of the layer-by-layer mode is reported in this thesis, for growth at T{sub G}<{proportional_to}240 C. In the second variant technique, formation of large and distinct islands is demonstrated by deposition of amorphous selenium (a-Se) onto a 2D CdSe epilayer at room temperature and its subsequent desorption at a higher temperature (T{sub D}=230 C). The process steps of the third variant technique, developed in course of this work, are very similar to those of the previous one-the only alteration being the substitution of selenium with tellurium as the cap-forming-material. (orig.)

  9. Estratégias de Promoção para o Comércio Exterior Brasileiro: O Caso do Setor Têxtil

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    Claudia Raphaeta Borges


    Full Text Available O comércio exterior brasileiro vem crescendo continuamente. Sua participação no comércio mundial, no entanto, não ultrapassa 1,1 %. Barreiras internas de ordem estrutural, política, econômica e cultural por um lado, associadas à baixa cultura exportadora por outro, explicam parte de tal desempenho. Este trabalho procurou identificar as principais estratégias de promoção aplicadas ao comércio exterior e, em especial ao setor têxtil. Observou-se que o setor têxtil, embora tenha participação expressiva no grupo de manufaturados da pauta exportadora brasileira, atinge mercados restritos, como conseqüência das estratégias adotadas que têm como foco a comercialização e verticalização, em vez da tecnologia.

  10. Fuentes de información, indicadores y herramientas más usadas por gerentes de Mipyme en Cali, Colombia

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    Patricia González González


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación de carácter descriptivo que pretende identificar las fuentes de información, los indicadores y las herramientas gerenciales más utilizadas por gerentes de Mipyme1 en Cali, Colombia. Para tal fin se realizó una encuesta a 270 gerentes de Mipyme, cuyas empresas se encuentran inscritas en la Cámara de Comercio de ese país. Los criterios utilizados para clasificarlas como micro, pequeñas o medianas empresas fueron los que establece la Ley 590 de 2000. Se observó que los gerentes de las Mipyme principalmente se apoyan para la toma de decisiones en indicadores financieros, los cuales surgen de la combinación de indicadores tanto de rentabilidad como de liquidez y endeudamiento. Las principales fuentes de información son el Balance General, el Estado de Resultados y el Flujo de Efectivo. Se constató que en muy bajo porcentaje los gerentes encuestados consideran el Valor Económico Agregado para la toma de decisiones. En cuanto a indicadores no financieros, prevalecen los relacionados con clientes y mercado, mientras que los que miden capacitación de funcionarios, uso de tecnologías e innovación en los procesos se emplean en porcentajes muy bajos. Con relación al conocimiento y aplicación de herramientas gerenciales, un alto porcentaje de los gerentes encuestados afirmaron desconocerlas, por lo que no las implementan; sin embargo, el bajo porcentaje de gerentes que contestaron conocerlas mencionó el balanced scorecard (cuadro de mando integral y costos ABC; en cambio la teoría de restricciones es desconocida por ellos.

  11. Riesgo percibido en la construcción en España y Perú: un estudio exploratorio

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    Ignacio Rodríguez Garzón


    Full Text Available Introducción: El sector de la construcción es uno de los más peligrosos. Se midió la percepción del riesgo que poseen los trabajadores de la construcción. La cultura puede afectar la percepción del riesgo. Objetivos: Dar a conocer el riesgo que perciben los trabajadores de la construcción en España y Perú, comparar y discutir las similitudes y diferencias entre países. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de carácter exploratorio transversal. Se utilizaron dos muestras de trabajadores: Españoles (N=204 y Peruanos (N=210 obtenidas en obras de edificación, obras civiles y centros de formación. El método de cuantificación es el paradigma psicométrico y su adaptación a la seguridad ocupacional de Portell & Solé en la NTP 578 del INSHT de España. Se utilizaron 9 atributos cualitativos del riesgo y un atributo cuantitativo global. Estos atributos se miden mediante escalas Likert de 1 a 7 puntos, mientras que el atributo cuantitativo global se mide mediante una escala de 1 a 100. Resultados: Los trabajadores de ambientes con riesgos potenciales o con maquinaria pesada tienen una percepción alta del riesgo. Los trabajadores de ambos países consideran que poseen suficiente conocimiento sobre la seguridad en el trabajo. Los trabajadores españoles consideran que sus responsables de seguridad y salud no poseen suficiente conocimiento, siendo mejor puntuados en Perú. La probabilidad de ocurrencia obtuvo baja puntuación. La medida cuantitativa global del riesgo no obtuvo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambos países. Conclusiones: se debe estudiar el riesgo percibido en la construcción para mejorar las condiciones de salud de sus trabajadores.

  12. Robot Biocooperativo con Modulación Háptica para Tareas de Neurorehabilitación de los Miembros Superiores

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    C. Rodríguez-Guerrero


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los robots biocooperativos pueden mejorar las terapias tradicionales de rehabilitación proporcionando al paciente la asistencia adecuada en el instante adecuado. Distintos pacientes necesitan diferentes niveles de asistencia por parte del robot. Por ello, es muy interesante poder analizar el estado del paciente para, a partir de este análisis, determinar el grado de asistencia que el robot de rehabilitación debe proporcionarle.En este artículo se presenta un novedoso método de rehabilitación para pacientes con discapacidad en los miembros superiores, que incluye las señales fisiológicas del paciente en el lazo de realimentación del control del robot de rehabilitación. Esto permite que el robot se “adapte” a las necesidades de cada paciente, regulando dinámicamente la cantidad de asistencia/resistencia de cada terapia, en función de los valores de las señales fisiológicas del paciente, que se miden y procesan “on-line”, mientras el paciente ejecuta las actividades de rehabilitación asistido por el robot. De esta forma, se conjuga la intensidad de la terapia con el estado de salud del paciente, pudiendo detectar y corregir (variando la intensidad de la actividad realizada, situaciones de estrés y ansiedad en el paciente, que podrían comprometer el resultado del programa de rehabilitación planificado. Palabras clave: Robot, control biocooperativo, psicofisiología, rehabilitación, háptico

  13. Estrategias de innovación en el sector hortofrutícola español y en las empresas encargadas de la logística y transporte de estos productos perecederos

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    José Ma. Gómez Espín


    Full Text Available Las condiciones ambientales de una parte del territorio español favorables a la producción hortofrutícola y, la amplia experiencia empresarial en distribución y comercialización de frutas y hortalizas, han situado a este sector a la cabeza, por su valor, de la agricultura española. Ha creado toda una serie de paisajes culturales, fruto de esa simbiosis entre agricultura-industria-comercio que caracteriza este proceso en algunas localidades y regiones españolas. También es responsable de buena parte del desarrollo que ha tenido la logística y las flotas de transporte por carretera, especialmente en vehículos frigoríficos a temperatura controlada. El propio carácter abierto del sector, ya que se produce para la venta y buena parte se destina a otros países, obliga continuamente a innovar en la producción, comercialización y transporte de los productos hortofrutícolas. En los últimos años se ha intensificado la innovación debido a la globalización de la economía y a la ampliación de su principal mercado, la Unión Europea.

  14. In-situ XRD study of alloyed Cu2ZnSnSe4-CuInSe2 thin films for solar cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartnauer, Stefan; Wägele, Leonard A.; Jarzembowski, Enrico; Scheer, Roland


    We investigate the growth of Cu 2 ZnSnSe 4 -CuInSe 2 (CZTISe) thin films using a 2-stage (Cu-rich/Cu-free) co-evaporation process under simultaneous application of in-situ angle dispersive X-ray diffraction (XRD). In-situ XRD allows monitoring the phase formation during preparation. A variation of the content of indium in CZTISe leads to a change in the lattice constant. Single phase CZTISe is formed in a wide range, while at high In contents a phase separation is detected. Because of different thermal expansion coefficients, the X-ray diffraction peaks of ZnSe and CZTISe can be distinguished at elevated substrate temperatures. The formation of ZnSe appears to be inhibited even for low indium content. In-situ XRD shows no detectable sign for the formation of ZnSe. First solar cells of CZTISe have been prepared and show comparable performance to CZTSe. - Highlights: • In-situ XRD study of two-stage co-evaporated Cu 2 ZnSnSe 4 -CuInSe 2 alloyed thin films. • No detection of ZnSe with in-situ XRD due to Indium incorporation • Comparable efficiency of alloyed solar cells

  15. Desarrollo investigativo en salud sexual de mujeres con cáncer de mama: una revisión integrativa

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    Luz Stella Bueno Robles


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica relacionada con la salud sexual en mujeres con cáncer de mama. Metodología: Revisión integrativa. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Scopus, Medline, LILACS y SciELO, así como búsquedas secundarias en revistas científicas. Se encontraron 85 artículos organizados y caracterizados por año, idioma y continente; edad promedio y tipos de tratamiento; metodología, perspectiva, enfoque, diseño, perspectiva disciplinar y tendencia temática. Resultados: La temática reportó mayor producción de conocimiento en los últimos 10 años. La tendencia de investigación se orienta hacia tres categorías: Salud sexual y cáncer de mama; Salud sexual en la mujer y tratamientos del cáncer de mama; y Salud sexual y relaciones de pareja. Conclusiones: La salud sexual en mujeres con cáncer de mama es un aspecto importante en la calidad de vida, que continuamente se ve alterada como resultado de la enfermedad y los efectos adversos de los tratamientos. Esta condición no sólo aqueja a la persona enferma, sino también a su pareja, por lo que se requiere del desarrollo de líneas de acción que permitan dar una atención integral a las mujeres con esta enfermedad.

  16. Lattice thermal conductivity of LaSe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Wei, E-mail: [School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, South China Normal University, 510006 Guangzhou (China); Pan, Zhong-liang; Chen, Jun-fang; He, Qin-yu [School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, South China Normal University, 510006 Guangzhou (China); Wang, Teng [School of Computer, South China Normal University, 510631 Guangzhou (China)


    The phonon dispersions and phonon density of states of LaSe are obtained, based on density functional perturbation theory and the norm-conserving pseudo-potential method. An anomaly in calculated phonon dispersion curves is presented and interpreted as a Kohn anomaly. The heat capacity of LaSe is calculated then. For the three-phonon process scattering, the lowest non-harmonic cubic terms of the interatomic potential are considered to obtain single-phonon relaxation rate by applying the Fermi's golden rule. For the boundary scattering, the average phonon relaxation time was obtained. Considering two kinds of phonon scattering mechanisms, we obtain the lattice thermal conductivity of LaSe.

  17. In situ observation of the formation of FeSe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grivel, Jean-Claude; Wulff, Anders Christian; Yue, Zhao


    The formation of the FeSe compound from a mixture of Fe and Se powders encased in a composite Cu/Nb sheath was studied in situ by means of high-energy synchrotron x-ray diffraction. Tetragonal beta-FeSe does not seem to form directly from the starting elements. Instead, a sequence of FeSe2, Fe3Se...

  18. Histotopography of the radiopharmaceuticals 75Se-selenomethionine and 75Se-selenite in critical organs of adult and embryonic mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khant, S.E.; Norets, T.A.


    Adult male and pregnant mice received 75 Se-labelled methionine and selenite, resp. The critical organs and the embryos were examined histoautoradiographically at different time intervals as to the organ distribution of the radiopharmaceuticals. All organs revealed a heterogeneity of the 75 Se distribution with an intensity being unequally organo-specific and depending on the type of the radiopharmaceutical. 75 Se-selenomethionine was deposited mainly in functional areas of kidneys, liver, bone marrow and testes thus causing a long-term retention and an intensive irradiation of these organs. In the embryos 75 Se-seleno-methionine was distributed unequally preferring liver, hematopoietic areas of the bone marrow and the lens

  19. Influence of defect structure on magnetic and electronic properties of Hg1-x Crx Se and Hg1-x Cox Se

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prozorovskij, V.D.; Reshidova, I.Yu.; Puzynya, A.I.; Paranchich, Yu.S.


    The results of experimental investigations of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations at superhigh frequencies, electron spin resonance, magnetic susceptibility, relaxation dielectric losses, and galvanomagnetic measurements in the Hg 1-x Cr x Se and Hg 1-x Co x Se single crystal samples are presented. Analysis of the results Hg 1-x Cr x Se and Hg 1-x Co x Se depend on the defect structure of the substance and the type of defects making this structure. The manifestation of critical phenomena in Hg 1-x Cr x Se also depends on the defect structure

  20. Solving the shape conundrum in $^{70}$Se

    CERN Multimedia

    We propose a multi-step Coulomb-excitation study of $^{70}$Se at HIE-ISOLDE using the $^{208}$Pb( $^{70}$Se, $^{70}$Se*)$^{208}$Pb* reaction at a safe energy of 5.0 MeV/u. We aim at a precise measurement of the $\\left \\langle 2^{+}_{1} \\hspace{0.1cm} || \\hspace{0.1cm}\\hat{E}2 \\hspace{0.1cm} || \\hspace{0.1cm}2^{+}_{ 1} \\right \\rangle$ diagonal matrix element as well as gaining information on additional matrix elements. Such information will shed light onto the shape conundrum of the 2$^{+}_{1}$ state in $^{70}$Se as well as foreseeing the opportunity for a more detailed understanding of the shape-coexistence phenomenon in this region.

  1. Novel red-emission of ternary ZnCdSe semiconductor nanocrystals (United States)

    Chung, Shu-Ru; Wang, Kuan-Wen; Chen, Hong-Shuo; Chen, Hong-Hong


    The effect of chain lengths of fatty acids on the physical properties of CdSe and ZnCdSe semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) synthesized by the colloidal chemistry procedure is investigated. The fatty acids, lauric acid (LA), and stearic acid (SA), with different lengths of carbon chains, are used to prepare CdSe and ZnCdSe NCs when hexyldecylamine (HDA) is applied as the sole surfactant. For CdSe-SA and ZnCdSe-SA, they have the same emission wavelength at 592 nm and the same particle size of 3.3 nm; however, their quantum yield (QY) is 75 and 16 %, respectively. In contrast, the emission wavelength of CdSe-LA and ZnCdSe-LA NCs is 609 and 615 nm, the particle size is about 3.5 and 4 nm under the same reaction time, and the QY of them are 33 and 59 %, respectively. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that ZnCdSe NCs all have the wurtzite structure, and their main peaks are located between those of pure CdSe and ZnSe materials. The main phase of ZnCdSe-SA and ZnCdSe-LA is ZnSe and CdSe, respectively, implying that alloyed ZnCdSe NC can be prepared and ZnSe and CdSe phase can be promoted by SA and LA, respectively. Moreover, the QY of red-emission ZnCdSe-LA is higher than 50 %. These results suggest that the growth rate of CdSe as well as ZnCdSe NC can be enhanced by using LA as complex reagent and HDA as sole surfactant. It is expected that the reported effective synthetic strategy can be developed as a very practical, easy and not time-consuming approach to prepare red emissive NCs with high QY and high reproducibility.

  2. Liquidus Projection and Isothermal Section of the Sb-Se-Sn System (United States)

    Chang, Jui-shen; Chen, Sinn-wen


    Sb-Se-Sn ternary alloys are promising chalcogenide materials. The liquidus projection and 673.2 K (400 °C) isothermal section of the Sb-Se-Sn ternary system are determined. Numerous Sb-Se-Sn alloys are prepared, and their primary solidification phases are examined. In addition to the three terminal phases, (Sb), (Se) and (Sn), there are Sb2Sn3, SbSn, SnSe, SnSe2, Sb2Se3, Sn2Sb9Se9, and SnSb2Se4 phases. In addition, there are two miscibility gaps along the Sb-Se and Se-Sn and sides. There are ten invariant reactions in the Sb-Se-Sn ternary system, and seven of them are experimentally determined in this study. The lowest reaction temperature of determined invariant reaction is L + SbSn = (Sn) + SnSe at 515.4 K ± 5 K (242.2 °C ± 5 °C). There are nine tie-triangles, which are Liquid + SbSn + SnSe, SbSn + SnSe + (Sb), SnSe + (Sb) + Sn2Sb9Se9, (Sb) + Sb2Se3 + Sn2Sb9Se9, SnSe + Sn2Sb9Se9 + SnSb2Se4, Sb2Se3 + Sn2Sb9Se9 + SnSb2Se4, SnSe + SnSe2 + SnSb2Se4, SnSe2 + SnSb2Se4 + Sb2Se3, and SnSe2 + Sb2Se3 + Liquid in the 673.2 K (400 °C) isothermal section of the Sb-Se-Sn ternary system.

  3. Synthesis, crystal structure, optical, and electronic study of the new ternary thorium selenide Ba{sub 3}ThSe{sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prakash, Jai [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); Mesbah, Adel [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); ICSM, UMR 5257 CEA/CNRS/UM2/ENSCM, Site de Marcoule-Bât. 426, BP 17171, 30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze cedex (France); Beard, Jessica [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); Lebègue, Sébastien [Laboratoire de Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique et Modélisations (CRM2, UMR CNRS 7036), Institut Jean Barriol, Université de Lorraine, BP 239, Boulevard des Aiguillettes, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy (France); Malliakas, Christos D. [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States); Ibers, James A., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 (United States)


    The compound Ba{sub 3}ThSe{sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2} has been synthesized by solid-state methods at 1173 K. Its crystal structure features one-dimensional chains of {sup 1}{sub ∞}[Th(Se){sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2}{sup 6−}] separated by Ba{sup 2+} cations. Each Th atom in these chains is coordinated to two Se–Se single-bonded pairs and four Se atoms to give rise to a pseudooctahedral geometry around Th. The Th–Se distances are consistent with Th{sup 4+} and hence charge balance of Ba{sub 3}ThSe{sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2} is achieved as 3×Ba{sup 2+}, 1×Th{sup 4+}, 3×Se{sup 2−}, and 2×Se{sub 2}{sup 2−}. From optical measurements the band gap of Ba{sub 3}ThSe{sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2} is 1.96(2) eV. DFT calculations indicate that the compound is a semiconductor. - Graphical abstract: Local coordination environment of Th atoms in the Ba{sub 3}ThSe{sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2} structure. - Highlights: • Ba{sub 3}ThSe{sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2} has been synthesized by solid-state methods at 1173 K. • The structure features chains of {sup 1}{sub ∞}[Th(Se){sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2}{sup 6−}] separated by Ba{sup 2+} cations. • Ba{sub 3}ThSe{sub 3}(Se{sub 2}){sub 2} is a semiconductor with a band gap of 1.96(2) eV.

  4. Por uma cidade que se move e se comunica: corpo, rua e improviso

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    Julia Saldanha Vieira de Aguiar


    Full Text Available Este trabalho trata da relação de um lugar com suas pessoas. A reflexão acontece a partir de um estudo de caso: o Camelódromo da Praça XV. O Camelódromo foi uma grande feira, que durante 40 anos ocupou um espaço importante no centro de Porto Alegre/RS. (Auto organizado e vivido principalmente pelo povo, o fenômeno se configurava em um lugar onde improviso e estética constituiam o modo de ser e agir no cotidiano da rua. Ironicamente, no início de 2009, o Camelódromo foi transferido para dentro de um prédio. Hoje, onde se desenrolava o espetáculo do imprevisível, encontra-se um estacionamento para carros. Este trabalho foi produzido nos últimos meses do Camelódromo; em um espírito de elogio à estética do improviso e à auto-organização. Buscamos articular idéias da teoria da complexidade, do urbanismo, das artes e da comunicação, para tentar compreender um pouco essa manifestação espontânea, tão característica da urbe no século XXI.

  5. Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dots Using Fusarium oxysporum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takaaki Yamaguchi


    Full Text Available CdSe quantum dots are often used in industry as fluorescent materials. In this study, CdSe quantum dots were synthesized using Fusarium oxysporum. The cadmium and selenium concentration, pH, and temperature for the culture of F. oxysporum (Fusarium oxysporum were optimized for the synthesis, and the CdSe quantum dots obtained from the mycelial cells of F. oxysporum were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Ultra-thin sections of F. oxysporum showed that the CdSe quantum dots were precipitated in the intracellular space, indicating that cadmium and selenium ions were incorporated into the cell and that the quantum dots were synthesized with intracellular metabolites. To reveal differences in F. oxysporum metabolism, cell extracts of F. oxysporum, before and after CdSe synthesis, were compared using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE. The results suggested that the amount of superoxide dismutase (SOD decreased after CdSe synthesis. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that cytoplasmic superoxide increased significantly after CdSe synthesis. The accumulation of superoxide may increase the expression of various metabolites that play a role in reducing Se4+ to Se2− and inhibit the aggregation of CdSe to make nanoparticles.

  6. Mechanical and magneto-electronic properties of half-metallic ferromagnetism in Ti-doped ZnSe and CdSe alloys: Ab initio study (United States)

    El Amine Monir, Mohammed; Ullah, Hayat; Baltach, Hadj; Gulbahar Ashiq, M.; Khenata, R.


    In this article we have studied the structural, elastic, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn1-xTixSe and Cd1-xTixSe alloys at (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) using first principles density functional theory calculations with local spin density approximation (LSDA) and generalized gradient approximation plus Hubbard parameter (GGA+U) as exchange-correlation potential. The physical properties of both alloys were investigated in the zinc-blend phase. The structural parameters at equilibrium are consistent with experimental and earlier theoretical predictions. The elastic constants are also computed and compared with the literature. The DOS curves of Zn1-xTixSe and Cd1-xTixSe alloys for all the concentrations show the existence of hybridization among Ti (3d) and Se (4p) states. The calculated exchange constants N0α(s-d) and N0β (p-d) are useful to determine the contribution in the valence band and conduction band and are also shows the magnetic character of these alloys. In addition, the p-d hybridization in the PDOS reduces local magnetic moment of Ti from its free space charge of 2 μB and results small magnetic moments on the nonmagnetic Zn, Cd and Se sites. The calculated negative values of formation energy (Ef) reveal that all the Zn1-xTixSe and Cd1-xTixSe alloys are thermodynamically stables. A larger/Smaller value of Curie temperature (TC) for all the Zn1-xTixSe and Cd1-xTixSe alloys shows the strong/low interaction among the magnetic atoms respectively.

  7. Microbial Precipitation of Cr(III)-Hydroxide and Se(0) Nanoparticles During Anoxic Bioreduction of Cr(VI)- and Se(VI)-Contaminated Water. (United States)

    Kim, Yumi; Oh, Jong-Min; Roh, Yul


    This study examined the microbial precipitations of Cr(III)-hydroxide and Se(0) nanoparticles during anoxic bioreductions of Cr(VI) and Se(VI) using metal-reducing bacteria enriched from groundwater. Metal-reducing bacteria enriched from groundwater at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Underground Research Tunnel (KURT), Daejeon, S. Korea were used. Metal reduction and precipitation experiments with the metal-reducing bacteria were conducted using Cr(VI)- and Se(VI)-contaminated water and glucose as a carbon source under an anaerobic environment at room temperature. XRD, SEM-EDX, and TEM-EDX analyses were used to characterize the mineralogy, crystal structure, chemistry, shape, and size distribution of the precipitates. The metal-reducing bacteria reduced Cr(VI) of potassium chromate (K₂CrO₄) to Cr(III) of chromium hydroxide [Cr(OH)3], and Se(VI) of sodium selenate (Na₂SeO₄) to selenium Se(0), with changes of color and turbidity. XRD, SEM-EDX, and TEM-EDX analyses revealed that the chromium hydroxide [Cr(OH)₃] was formed extracellularly with nanoparticles of 20–30 nm in size, and elemental selenium Se(0) nanoparticles had a sphere shape of 50–250 nm in size. These results show that metal-reducing bacteria in groundwater can aid or accelerate precipitation of heavy metals such as Cr(VI) and Se(VI) via bioreduction processes under anoxic environments. These results may also be useful for the recovery of Cr and Se nanoparticles in natural environments.

  8. Ud at se med Erasmus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Pernille


    Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus.......Få lidt luft under vingerne, kom ud at møde udenlandske kolleger og se, hvordan man også kan lave uddannelsesbibliotek. Med begejstring fortæller tre bibliotekarer om deres oplevelser i det store udland – alt sammen finansieret af Erasmus....

  9. Effects of hydrostatic pressure on the thermoelectric properties of the ɛ-polytype of InSe, GaSe, and InGaSe2 semiconductor compounds: an ab initio study (United States)

    Elsayed, H.; Olguín, D.; Cantarero, A.


    This work presents an ab initio study of the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the Seebeck coefficients and thermoelectric power factors of the ɛ-polytype of InSe, GaSe, and InGaSe2 semiconductor compounds. Our study is performed using the semi-classical Boltzmann theory and the rigid band approach. The electronic band structures of these materials are calculated using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave method. The obtained thermoelectric properties are discussed in terms of the results of the electronic structure calculations. As we will show, our calculated Seebeck coefficient values indicate that these materials are good alternatives to other well-studied thermoelectric systems.

  10. VerSeDa: vertebrate secretome database. (United States)

    Cortazar, Ana R; Oguiza, José A; Aransay, Ana M; Lavín, José L


    Based on the current tools, de novo secretome (full set of proteins secreted by an organism) prediction is a time consuming bioinformatic task that requires a multifactorial analysis in order to obtain reliable in silico predictions. Hence, to accelerate this process and offer researchers a reliable repository where secretome information can be obtained for vertebrates and model organisms, we have developed VerSeDa (Vertebrate Secretome Database). This freely available database stores information about proteins that are predicted to be secreted through the classical and non-classical mechanisms, for the wide range of vertebrate species deposited at the NCBI, UCSC and ENSEMBL sites. To our knowledge, VerSeDa is the only state-of-the-art database designed to store secretome data from multiple vertebrate genomes, thus, saving an important amount of time spent in the prediction of protein features that can be retrieved from this repository directly. VerSeDa is freely available at © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  11. Raman scattering and structural analysis of electrodeposited CuInSe2 and S-rich quaternary CuIn(S,Se)2 semiconductors for solar cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Izquierdo-Roca, Victor; Fontane, Xavier; Morante, Joan Ramon; Saucedo, Edgardo; Ruiz, Carmen M.; Grand, Pierre-Philippe; Jaime-Ferrer, Jesus Salvador; Bermudez, Veronica; Calvo-Barrio, Lorenzo; Alvarez-Garcia, Jacobo; Perez-Rodriguez, Alejandro


    This work reports the Raman scattering characterisation of CuInSe 2 precursors grown by single step electrodeposition and the corresponding layers recrystallised under sulphurising conditions for solar cell devices. The analysis of the spectra measured on the as-grown precursors has allowed identifying the main secondary phases in these layers with elemental Se, Cu-Se phases and chalcopyrite Cu-poor ordered vacancy domains. To deepen in the identification of the Cu-Se phases, these measurements have been correlated with the analysis of binary Cu-Se layers. The experimental data indicate that formation of both Se and Cu-Se phases is likely controlled by the Se content in the layers. For values of stoichiometry below 1.15, excess Cu in the layers is accommodated in a phase with very low Raman efficiency (as Cu 2 Se). Increasing the content of Se leads to an increase in the spectral contribution from both Se and Cu 2-x Se, being the formation of these phases likely favoured under high excess Se conditions. The characterisation of the corresponding recrystallised layers has allowed analysing the impact of the presence of the secondary phases in the as-grown absorbers on the performance of the final solar cells. (copyright 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  12. Determination of the optimal conditions for simultaneous production of 73SE and 75SE radioisotopes in a 30 MeV cyclotron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pejman Rowshanfazad; Amirreza Jalilian; Mahsheed Sabet


    Purpose: 73 Se and 75 Se radioisotopes are widely used in medicine, industry and agriculture. 75 Se is used in high activity brachytherapy (1), assessment of pancreatic exocrine function (2, 3), study of bile acids and evaluation of illeal function (4, 5, 6), industrial radiography (7, 8) and as a tracer in the assessment of chemical, biochemical, biophysical processes, metabolic research and agricultural studies. 73 Se is used in pancreas scanning (9), hyperthyroidism diagnosis(10), adrenal scanning (11), tumor detection (12, 13, 14), detection of brain dopamine receptors (15), parathyroid tumor detection (10) and detection of brain blood flow (16). These radioisotopes were selected to be produced in the country according to their wide range of applications. The idea of simultaneous production of 73 Se and 75 Se arouse after the completion of primary studies. Important physical characteristics of these radioisotopes are shown in table l. Methods: 1 Selection of the Best Reaction. Various nuclear reactions which may be used for the production of 73 Se and 75 Se are shown in table 2 (17, 18, 19). Among the above reactions, those which use α and 3 He as the projectile particles were discarded since high energy and high intensity beams of α and 3 He are not available in the country at present. Those reactions which used 74 Se and 76 Se as the target material could not be used, since these isotopes have low isotopic values (0.87% and 9.02% respectively), and their chemical separation processes are difficult, expensive and time-taking, due to the equal chemical properties of the product and the target material (20). Thus 75 As(p, n) 75 Se seemed to be the most appropriate reaction for the production of 75 Se. The 75 As(d, 4n) 73 Se reaction is not as suitable as 75 As(p, 3n) 73 Se, because of the lower radionuclidic purity of the product (18). Thus the best reaction for the production of 73 Se was determined to be 75 As(p, 3n) 73 Se. There was no need for an isotopic

  13. Seed-mediated direct growth of CdSe nanoclusters on substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Shangke; Ebrahim, Shaker; Soliman, Moataz; Qiao Qiquan


    Different shapes of CdSe nanostructures were obtained by hydrothermal method with varied Se sources and buffer layers. Hexagonal nanoparticles of CdSe with Wurtzite structure were synthesized from Se powder resource, while CdSe nanoclusters with Wurtzite structure were grown from Na 2 SeO 3 aqueous solution resources at 165 °C using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as surfactant. Using ZnO nanoparticles as a seed layer, CdSe nanostructures only partially covered the indium tin oxide (ITO) substrates. With ZnO/CdSe quantum dots composite seed layer, CdSe nanostructures fully covered the ITO substrates.

  14. Exotic topological insulator states and topological phase transitions in Sb2Se3-Bi2Se3 heterostructures

    KAUST Repository

    Zhang, Qianfan; Zhang, Zhiyong; Zhu, Zhiyong; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo; Cui, Yi


    in controlling the electronic properties of semiconductor devices, are interesting for topological insulators. Here, we studied the spatial distribution of the topological state in Sb 2Se 3-Bi 2Se 3 heterostructures by first-principle simulation and discovered

  15. The synthesis and photocatalytic activity of ZnSe microspheres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Huaqiang; Xiao Yujiang; Zhang Sichun


    This paper reports the synthesis of semiconductor ZnSe microspheres composed of nanoparticles via a solvothermal route between the organic molecule selenophene (C 4 H 4 Se) and ZnCl 2 without adding any surfactant. The ZnSe microspheres were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), specific surface area measurement, and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. A strong and broad blue PL emission at 443 nm in wavelength (∼2.79 eV in photon energy) is attributed to the near-band-edge (NBE) emission of ZnSe, while the 530 nm peak is a defect-related (DL) emission. The photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared ZnSe microspheres was evaluated by photodegradation of methyl orange (MO) dye under ultraviolet (UV) light and visible light irradiation. The degradations of MO reach 94% or 95.1%, close to 100%, in the presence of the as-synthesized ZnSe microspheres or commercial ZnSe powder after 7 or 10 h under UV irradiation, respectively. Meanwhile the degradations of MO reach 94.3% or 60.6% in the presence of the as-synthesized ZnSe microspheres or commercial ZnSe powder after 12 h, respectively. The degradation rate of ZnSe microspheres is twice that of ZnSe commercial powder under UV light irradiation, and three times under visible light irradiation. The degradation process of MO dye on ZnSe microspheres under UV or visible light is also discussed.

  16. ¿Y, cómo se hacen?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Ruiz


    Full Text Available El mundo de los dibujos animados es producto de la imaginación, de la fantasía que vuela en los sueños de los hombres de cualquier edad. El artículo relata la forma en cómo estos simpáticos personajes, que vemos a diario en el cine o la televisión, pueden moverse tan libremente y con tanto desenfado. Se parte de la idea o argumento, el guionista narra la historia de lo que será el animado. Luego el director con un dibujante trazan las escenas principales de la historia (storyboard o guión dibujado se discute con los artistas y realizadores del filme; una vez aprobado este se perfila el diseño de los personajes, se realiza la escenografía (maquetas de ser necesario. Se hacen los parlamentos o diálogos de los personajes para que actores(as pongan las voces y sigue el proceso más fino y técnico.

  17. The influence of CdSe and ZnSe nanoparticles on the optical properties of Sm"3"+ ions in lead borate glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mallur, Saisudha B.; Heidorn, William D.; Fatokun, Stephen O.; Joshi, Krishna D.; Bista, Sandip S.; Babu, Panakkattu K.


    The effect of glass composition and the presence of CdSe/ZnSe nanoparticles (NPs) on the optical absorption and fluorescence of Sm-doped lead borate glasses are studied. Three sets of glass samples xPbO:(99.5-x) B_2O_3:0.5Sm_2O_3, x = 29.5–69.5 mol%, xPbO:(96.5-x) B_2O_3:0.5Sm_2O_3: 3CdSe/ZnSe, x = 36.5, and 56.5 mol% are prepared. NPs are grown by annealing these glasses just below the glass transition temperature. Average size of both types of NPs increases with annealing time; however, CdSe NPs grew to a larger size range (2 to 20 nm) compared to ZnSe NPs (1 to 16 nm). We analyzed the hypersensitive transition, intensity parameters, radiative transition probability, stimulated emission cross section (σ_p), and the area ratio of the electric dipole/magnetic dipole transitions of Sm"3"+. The intensity parameters show a minimum at 11 h annealing for 36.5 mol% and a maximum for the same annealing duration in 56.5 mol% PbO containing CdSe NPs. The σ_p for 56.5 mol% of PbO with CdSe NPs is found to be a maximum when the average NP size is around 14 nm. ZnSe NPs containing glasses also show significant changes in σ_p when the average particle size is ~16 nm, for 36.5 mol% PbO. Our results suggest that the optical properties of Sm"3"+ in lead borate glasses are sensitive to its electronic environment which can be modified by varying the base glass composition and/or incorporating large NPs of CdSe/ZnSe. The large σ_p values that we observe for some of the glass compositions make them attractive materials for photonic devices and photovoltaic applications.

  18. Variation of Se, Zn, Co, Fe and Rb distribution in rats upon sequence of injection with SeO2 and glutathione

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Czauderna, M.; Samochocka, K.; Kwiathkowska, J.


    The contents of Se, Zn, Co, Fe and Rb in several organs of Wistar rats were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) after injections of SeO 2 and glutathione (GSH). Se was incorporated in all the examined organs, and the efficiency of incorporation does not depend upon the sequence of injection with SeO 2 and GSH. The sequence of these injections affects the contents of the other elements in all the examined organs. (author)

  19. Instantaneous preparation of CuInSe2 films from elemental In, Cu, Se particles precursor films in a non-vacuum process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaigawa, R.; Uesugi, T.; Yoshida, T.; Merdes, S.; Klenk, R.


    CuInSe 2 (CIS) films are successfully prepared by means of non-vacuum, instantaneous, direct synthesis from elemental In, Cu, Se particles precursor films without prior synthesis of CIS nanoparticle precursors and without selenization with H 2 Se or Se vapor. Our precursor films were prepared on metal substrates by spraying the solvent with added elemental In, Cu, and Se particles. Precursor films were instantaneously sintered using a spot welding machine. When the electric power was fixed to 0.6 kVA, elemental In, Cu, or Se peaks were not observed and only peaks of CIS are observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) on the film sintered for 7/8 s. We can observe XRD peaks indicative of the chalcopyrite-type structure, such as (101), (103) and (211) diffraction peaks. We conclude that the synthesized CIS crystals have chalcopyrite-type structure with high crystallinity

  20. Constraining the cross section of 82Se(n, γ)83Se to validate the β-Oslo method (United States)

    Childers, K.; Liddick, S. N.; Crider, B. P.; Dombos, A. C.; Lewis, R.; Spyrou, A.; Couture, A.; Mosby, S.; Prokop, C. J.; Naqvi, F.; Larsen, A. C.; Guttormsen, M.; Campo, L. C.; Renstrom, T.; Siem, S.; Bleuel, D. L.; Perdikakis, G.; Quinn, S.


    Neutron capture cross sections of short-lived nuclei are important for a variety of basic and applied nuclear science problems. However, because of the short half-lives of the nuclei involved and the nonexistence of a neutron target, indirect measurement methods are required. One such method is the β-Oslo method. The nuclear level density and γ strength function of a nucleus are extracted after β-decay and used in a statistical reaction model to constrain the neutron capture cross section. This method has been used previously, but must be validated against a directly measured neutron capture cross section. The neutron capture cross section of 82Se has been measured previously, and 83Se can be accessed by the β-decay of 83As. The β-decay of 83As to 83Se was studied using the SuN detector at the NSCL and the β-Oslo method was utilized to constrain the neutron capture cross section of 82Se, which is compared to the directly measured value.

  1. Layer structured bismuth selenides Bi2Se3 and Bi3Se4 for high energy and flexible all-solid-state micro-supercapacitors (United States)

    Hao, Chunxue; Wang, Lidan; Wen, Fusheng; Xiang, Jianyong; Li, Lei; Hu, Wentao; Liu, Zhongyuan


    In this work, bismuth selenides (Bi2Se3 and Bi3Se4), both of which have a layered rhombohedral crystal structure, have been found to be useful as electrode materials for supercapacitor applications. In a liquid electrolyte system (6M KOH), Bi2Se3 nanoplates exhibit much better performance as an electrode material than Bi3Se4 nanoparticles do, delivering a higher specific capacitance (272.9 F g-1) than that of Bi3Se4 (193.6 F g-1) at 5 mV s-1. This result may be attributed to the fact that Bi2Se3 nanoplates possess more active electrochemical surfaces for the reversible surface redox reactions owing to their planar quintuple stacked layers (septuple layers for Bi3Se4). To meet the demands of electronic skin, we used a novel flexible annular interdigital structure electrode to support the all-solid-state micro-supercapacitors (AMSCs). The Bi2Se3 AMSC device delivers a much better supercapacitor performance, exhibits a large stack capacitance of 89.5 F cm-3 at 20 mV s-1 (Bi3Se4: 79.1 F cm-3), a high energy density of 17.9 mWh cm-3 and a high power density of 18.9 W cm-3. The bismuth selenides also exhibit good cycle stability, with 95.5% retention after 1000 c for Bi2Se3 (Bi3Se4:90.3%). Clearly, Bi2Se3 nanoplates can be promising electrode materials for flexible annular interdigital AMSCs.

  2. Production of Se-methylselenocysteine in transgenic plants expressing selenocysteine methyltransferase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harris Hugh


    Full Text Available Abstract Background It has become increasingly evident that dietary Se plays a significant role in reducing the incidence of lung, colorectal and prostate cancer in humans. Different forms of Se vary in their chemopreventative efficacy, with Se-methylselenocysteine being one of the most potent. Interestingly, the Se accumulating plant Astragalus bisulcatus (Two-grooved poison vetch contains up to 0.6% of its shoot dry weight as Se-methylselenocysteine. The ability of this Se accumulator to biosynthesize Se-methylselenocysteine provides a critical metabolic shunt that prevents selenocysteine and selenomethionine from entering the protein biosynthetic machinery. Such a metabolic shunt has been proposed to be vital for Se tolerance in A. bisulcatus. Utilization of this mechanism in other plants may provide a possible avenue for the genetic engineering of Se tolerance in plants ideally suited for the phytoremediation of Se contaminated land. Here, we describe the overexpression of a selenocysteine methyltransferase from A. bisulcatus to engineer Se-methylselenocysteine metabolism in the Se non-accumulator Arabidopsis thaliana (Thale cress. Results By over producing the A. bisulcatus enzyme selenocysteine methyltransferase in A. thaliana, we have introduced a novel biosynthetic ability that allows the non-accumulator to accumulate Se-methylselenocysteine and γ-glutamylmethylselenocysteine in shoots. The biosynthesis of Se-methylselenocysteine in A. thaliana also confers significantly increased selenite tolerance and foliar Se accumulation. Conclusion These results demonstrate the feasibility of developing transgenic plant-based production of Se-methylselenocysteine, as well as bioengineering selenite resistance in plants. Selenite resistance is the first step in engineering plants that are resistant to selenate, the predominant form of Se in the environment.

  3. Optical band gap study of a-Se and Se-Sb thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaur, Ramandeep; Singh, Palwinder; Thakur, Anup


    Amorphous selenium (a-Se) and a-Se_9_5Sb_5 alloy were prepared using melt quenching technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern confirmed the amorphous nature of the prepared samples. Composition of the prepared samples has been determined using Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technique. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) confirmed the glassy nature of the prepared samples. Thin films of the prepared samples were deposited on glass substrate using thermal evaporation method. Amorphous nature of the deposited films was confirmed using XRD. Optical properties of these films were obtained from the UV-VIS transmission spectra, at normal incidence, over 200-1100 nm spectral range. The optical absorption edge was described by using the model given by the Tauc. Optical band gap of the deposited films was calculated using Tauc plot. Optical characterization showed that average transmission and optical band gap decreased with the addition of antinomy.

  4. Green synthesis of ZnSe and core–shell ZnSe@ZnS nanocrystals (NCs) using a new, rapid and room temperature photochemical approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molaei, M.; Bahador, A.R.; Karimipour, M.


    In this work, ZnSe and core–shell ZnSe@ZnS nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized using a one-pot, rapid and room temperature photochemical method. UV illumination provided the required energy for the chemical reactions. Synthesized NCs were characterized using X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV–vis and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. XRD pattern indicated cubic zinc blende structure for ZnSe NCs and the TEM image indicated round-shaped particles, most of which had a diameter of about 3 nm. Band gap of ZnSe NCs was obtained as about 3.6 eV, which was decreased by increasing the illumination time. Synthesized NCs indicated intensive and narrow emission in the UV-blue area (370 nm) related to the excitonic recombination and a broad band emission with a peak located at about 490 nm originated from the DAP (donor–acceptor pairs) recombination. ZnS shell was grown on ZnSe cores using a reaction based on the photo-sensitivity of Na 2 S 2 O 3 . For ZnSe@ZnS core–shell NCs, XRD diffraction peaks shifted to higher angles. TEM image indicated a shell around cores and most of the ZnSe@ZnS NCs have a diameter of about 5 nm. After the ZnS growth, ZnSe excitonic emission shifted to the longer wavelength and PL intensity was increased considerably. PL QY was obtained about 11% and 17% for ZnSe and ZnSe@ZnS core–shell QDs respectively. - Highlights: • A green photochemical approach was reported for synthesis of ZnSe NCs. • ZnS shell was grown around ZnSe using a new method. • Synthesis method was rapid, simple and at room temperature. • ZnSe NCs indicated a narrow UV-blue and a broad DAP emissions. • PL intensity was increased considerably by ZnS shell growth

  5. de drogas que se consumen en su medio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José F. Enríquez Bielma


    Full Text Available Las adicciones son un problema de salud pública. Se estima que en México 3.5 millones de personas entre 12 a los 65 años han consumido algún tipo de drogas. A pesar de los avances en los estudios, se ha dejado de lado el carácter cultural que tiene la adicción. Con este estudio, se deseba conocer qué saben los estudiantes de segundo de secundaria sobre cuáles son las drogas que se consumen en su medio. Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional con un muestreo aleatorio, con múltiples etapas y proporcional al tamaño en escuelas públicas y privadas. En total se estudiaron 42 escuelas del municipio de León, Gto., México de las cuales el 76.2% lo conformaron las escuelas públicas y el resto las escuelas privadas. Refirieron que conocen que se consumen, en su medio, 11 tipos de drogas. El 88% mencionó a la cocaína en primer lugar, en segundo lugar con un 85% la marihuana, siguiendo las tachas en un 62% y el pegamento en un 49%. En cuanto a los nombres que los estudiantes le dan a las drogas, estos van desde 23 hasta los 4 nombres, siendo la marihuana a la que se le da el mayor número de nombres, seguidos de la cocaína y el éxtasis.

  6. Future strategy of SE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arcelli, M.


    In this presentation author (General Director of Slovenske elektrarne, a. s.) presents structure and investment plans of SE. The feasibility study of construction of the blocks 3 and 4 of the Mochovce NPP is presented

  7. Necesidades y sobrecarga en cuidadores primarios informales de pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dulce María Díaz Sosa


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la relación entre la so - brecarga y las necesidades de los cuidadores primarios informales de pacientes que sufrieron traumatismo craneoencefálico. En una mues - tra no probabilística se aplicaron dos instrumentos a 64 cuidadores primarios que miden las necesidades (cuestionario de necesidades familiares y sobrecarga (entrevista de sobrecarga del cuidador de Zarit, bajo un diseño transversal correlacional. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas entre las categorías de las varia - bles sociodemográficas, pero sí presentaron relevancia práctica en las variables de sobrecarga, importancia de necesidades y satisfacción de necesidades. Estos resultados parecen sugerir la posibilidad de guiar estrategias de intervención hacia la satisfacción de necesidades de soporte emocional e instrumental con el objetivo de disminuir la sobrecarga en el cuidador primario informal y favorecer la calidad de vida; no obstante, es importante validar estos resultados en muestras de mayor tamaño que permitan generalizar los hallazgos.

  8. Magnetic excitation and local magnetic susceptibility of the excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5 investigated by 77Se NMR (United States)

    Li, Shang; Kawai, Shunsuke; Kobayashi, Yoshiaki; Itoh, Masayuki


    77Se NMR measurements were made on polycrystalline and single-crystalline samples to elucidate local magnetic susceptibility and magnetic excitation of Ta2NiSe5 , which is proposed to undergo an exciton condensation accompanied by a structural transition at Tc=328 K . We determine the 77Se Knight shift tensors for the three Se sites and analyze their anisotropy based on the site symmetry. The temperature dependence of the Knight shift is discussed on the basis of spin and orbital susceptibilities calculated for two-chain and two-dimensional three-band models. The large fraction of the Se 4 p orbital polarization due to the mixing between Ni 3 d and Se 4 p orbitals is estimated from the analysis of the transferred hyperfine coupling constant. Also the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1 /T1 is found not to show a coherent peak just below Tc and to obey the thermally activated temperature dependence with a spin gap energy of 1770 ±40 K . This behavior of 1 /T1 monitors the exciton condensation as proposed by the theoretical study of 1 /T1 based on the three-chain Hubbard model for the excitonic insulator.

  9. Thermoelectric and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered Cu3SbSe3 and Cu3SbSe4: Promising thermoelectric materials (United States)

    Tyagi, Kriti; Gahtori, Bhasker; Bathula, Sivaiah; Toutam, Vijaykumar; Sharma, Sakshi; Singh, Niraj Kumar; Dhar, Ajay


    We report the synthesis of thermoelectric compounds, Cu3SbSe3 and Cu3SbSe4, employing the conventional fusion method followed by spark plasma sintering. Their thermoelectric properties indicated that despite its higher thermal conductivity, Cu3SbSe4 exhibited a much larger value of thermoelectric figure-of-merit as compared to Cu3SbSe3, which is primarily due to its higher electrical conductivity. The thermoelectric compatibility factor of Cu3SbSe4 was found to be ˜1.2 as compared to 0.2 V-1 for Cu3SbSe3 at 550 K. The results of the mechanical properties of these two compounds indicated that their microhardness and fracture toughness values were far superior to the other competing state-of-the-art thermoelectric materials.

  10. Determination of total, and bound Se in sera by INAA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spate, V.L.; Mason, M.M.; Reams, C.L.; Baskett, C.K.; Morris, J.S.; Mills, D.S.


    The comparison between the total selenium in serum ('total Se') with that which is apparently bound to high molecular weight (> 12.000 D) species, presumably proteins ('bound Se') was reported. Nine hundred seventy seven (977) serum samples arising out of a population-based epidemiological study were prepared in duplicate for the determination of 'total Se' by pipeting directly into irradiation vials; and separate duplicate aliquots were dialyzed against DI water for the determination of 'bound Se'. All samples were analyzed by neutron activation analysis via 77m Se (17.4s) A small dialyzable Se component (∼ 6%) ('free Se'), defined as the difference between the 'total Se' minus the 'bound Se', was identified. (author) 2 refs.; 3 figs.; 5 tabs

  11. Structural and optical properties of CdSe nanosheets (United States)

    Solanki, Rekha Garg; Rajaram, P.; Arora, Aman


    Nanosheets of CdSe have been synthesized using a solvothermal route using citric acid as an additive. It is found that the citric acid effectively controls the structural and optical properties of CdSe nanostructures. XRD studies confirm the formation of hexagonal wurtzite phase of CdSe. The FESEM micrographs show that the obtained CdSe nanocrystals are in the form of very thin sheets (nanosheets). Optical absorption studies as well as Photoluminescence spectra show that the optical gap is around 1.76 eV which is close to the reported bulk value of 1.74 eV. The prepared CdSe nanosheets because of large surface area may be useful for catalytic activities in medicine, biotechnology and environmental chemistry and in biomedical imaging for in vitro detection of a breast cancer cells.

  12. PySE: Software for extracting sources from radio images (United States)

    Carbone, D.; Garsden, H.; Spreeuw, H.; Swinbank, J. D.; van der Horst, A. J.; Rowlinson, A.; Broderick, J. W.; Rol, E.; Law, C.; Molenaar, G.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.


    PySE is a Python software package for finding and measuring sources in radio telescope images. The software was designed to detect sources in the LOFAR telescope images, but can be used with images from other radio telescopes as well. We introduce the LOFAR Telescope, the context within which PySE was developed, the design of PySE, and describe how it is used. Detailed experiments on the validation and testing of PySE are then presented, along with results of performance testing. We discuss some of the current issues with the algorithms implemented in PySE and their interaction with LOFAR images, concluding with the current status of PySE and its future development.

  13. Synthesis and biodistribution of 75Se-dinonyl-diselenide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Y.F.; Qian, H.Q.; Zhang, Q.X.; Wang, X.Y.; Sun, J.G.; Li, B.Z.; Zhang, W.J.


    Selenium-75-labelled dinonyl-diselenide, C 9 H 19 75 SeSeC 9 H 19 , was synthesized and identified. It was injected into white rats in order to observe the selenium distribution in the tissues using inorganic 75 SeO 2 as the control agent. The sequence order of the 75 Se-dinonyl-diselenide uptake by tissues was: pancreas, muscles, stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, blood, lungs, heart, brain, eyes. A very high accumulation of 75 Se-dinonyl-diselenide in the pancreas was observed, similar to that of the pancreatic imaging agent 75 Se-methionine. Furthermore, the enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase in the case of organic diselenide injection was higher than that measured for selenite. Selenium of dinonyl-diselenide was more effective and retainable in the process of converting itself to selenium-containing enzyme via the metabolic reactions. It may be advisable to replace inorganic sodium selenite by organic selenium compounds. Sodium selenite has been widely used in the prevention of the Keshan disease in China. (author)

  14. PbSe nanocubes obtained by high-energy milling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rojas-Chavez, H., E-mail: [Centro de Investigacion en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada - IPN (Mexico); Reyes-Carmona, F. [Facultad de Quimica - UNAM (Mexico); Achimovicova, M. [Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geotechnics (Slovakia); Daneu, N. [Jozef Stefan Institute, Department for Nanostructured Materials (Slovenia); Jaramillo-Vigueras, D. [Centro de Investigacion e Innovacion Tecnologica - IPN (Mexico)


    In this study, PbSe nanocubes were obtained by high-energy milling, and their optical properties were investigated by measuring the UV-VIS-IR spectra in the range of 200-2,000 nm. The optical absorption of all samples showed a strong UV emission band at 1.45 eV. Previously, to obtain only PbSe nanocubes, an intermediate phase was identified, PbSeO{sub 3}. Although both PbSeO{sub 3} and PbSe were traced through this study, a major effort is devoted to characterize the latter. To trace how chemical transitions evolve from precursors to PbSe, X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement were carried out. Therefore, the following parameters were evaluated as a function of milling time: phase percentages, area-to-volume ratio, average crystallite dimensions, specific surface area, and morphology changes. To corroborate previous findings, nitrogen adsorption and transmission electron microscopy techniques were used. All the set experimental results unambiguously confirm that crystallites show a cubic morphology, with its average crystallite size distribution being around 24 nm.

  15. Selective Cytotoxic Activity of Se-Methyl-Seleno-L-Cysteine- and Se-Polysaccharide-Containing Extracts from Shiitake Medicinal Mushroom, Lentinus edodes (Agaricomycetes). (United States)

    Klimaszewska, Marzenna; Górska, Sandra; Dawidowski, Maciej; Podsadni, Piotr; Szczepanska, Agnieszka; Orzechowska, Emilia; Kurpios-Piec, Dagmara; Grosicka-Maciag, Emilia; Rahden-Staroń, Iwonna; Turło, Jadwiga


    Numerous formulations derived from the shiitake medicinal mushroom, Lentinus edodes, demonstrate anticancer activities. We hypothesized that isolates from selenium (Se)-enriched mycelia of L. edodes would possess stronger cancer-preventive properties than current preparations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the presence of Se-methyl-seleno-L-cysteine in mycelial extracts of L. edodes affects their cytotoxic activity (makes them stronger) or whether they are as effective as Se-containing polysaccharides. Extracts were prepared from Se-containing mycelia under various conditions and assayed for cytotoxic activity in cancer (PC3 and HeLa) and normal (HMEC-1) cell lines. The chemical composition of the extracts was examined; specifically, the amounts of potentially cytotoxic Se compounds (methylselenocysteine, selenomethionine, and Se-containing polysaccharides) were measured. The relationship between extract composition and biological activity was characterized. Mycelial cultures were cultivated in a 10-L bioreactor in medium enriched with sodium selenite. Mycelial extracts were prepared either at 100°C or at 4°C in acidic solution. Total Se content was determined using the atomic absorption spectrometry method, and methylselenocysteine and selenomethionine contents were measured using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Protein, carbohydrate, and polyphenolic contents were determined with spectrophotometric methods, and Se-containing polysaccharides were measured with the use of precipitation. Anticancer activity of mycelial extracts was examined using the MTT cell viability assay. Extracts containing Se-methyl-seleno-L-cysteine or Se-polysaccharides prepared at 4°C and 100°C, respectively, display moderate, time-dependent, specific cytotoxic activity in HeLa and PC3 cell lines. The effect in HeLa cells is more pronounced in the extract prepared at 4°C than at 100°C. The effect is almost equal for the PC3 cell line. However

  16. Development of conductive nanotemplates on ZnSe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monaico, Eduard; Tiginyanu, Ion; Colibaba, Gleb; Nedeoglo, D.D.; Cojocaru, Ala; Foell, Helmut


    We demonstrate the possibility to fabricate arrays of pores oriented perpendicular and parallel to the top surface of the ZnSe nanotemplate. The control of material conductivity allows one to produce porous ZnSe samples with the mean pore diameter and characteristic skeleton wall thickness from several hundreds of nanometers to about 15 nm. In addition, electrochemical treatment of ZnSe single crystals using photoresist masks allows one to prepare buried porous structures with pores directed parallel to the top template surface, which is especially important for photonic applications.

  17. Thermoelectric Performance of Na-Doped GeSe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Shaabani, Laaya; Aminorroaya-Yamini, Sima; Byrnes, Jacob; Akbar Nezhad, Ali; Blake, Graeme R


    Recently, hole-doped GeSe materials have been predicted to exhibit extraordinary thermoelectric performance owing largely to extremely low thermal conductivity. However, experimental research on the thermoelectric properties of GeSe has received less attention. Here, we have synthesized

  18. Estudios adicionales sobre los Crocodylia y Testudinata del Alto Caquetá y Río Caguán Estudios adicionales sobre los Crocodylia y Testudinata del Alto Caquetá y Río Caguán

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Medem Federico


    Full Text Available Se llevaron a cabo estudios adicionales sobre problemas de reproducción de la babilla (Caiman sclerops y tres especies de tortugas (Podocnemis expansa, Podocnemis unifilis y Phrynops geoffroanus tuberosus.  Los resultados principales son los siguientes:  1 Caiman sclerops. Los huevos miden de 67.0 : 41.5 mm. a 73.5 : 41.0 mm.  La longitud total de los recién nacidos comprende de 239.5 mm. a 255.5 mm.; pesan entre 32 g, 250 mg. y 47 g.  2 Podocnemis expansa. No es nativa del Alto Caquetá, sino ha sido introducida de su curso bajo y del Putumayo en 1940, 1943 y 1955.  Actualmente está establecida y se reproduce. Los huevos miden de 44.5 : 36.5 mm, a 48.5 : 45.5 mm., y pesan de 34 g, 350 mg. a 44 g, 300 mg. La Iongitud del Carapax de los recién nacidos varía entre 39.5 mm. y 45.0 mm.; pesan de 17 g, 300 mg. a 20 g.  3 Podocnemis unifilis. Los huevos miden de 41.0 : 28.5 mm. a 51.0 33.5 mm., y pesan entre 15 g. y 31 g.; los recién nacidos de 34.0 a 48.0 mm., pesan de 8 g, 750 mg. a 21 g, 100 mg. Evidentemente, la luz constituye el factor más decisivo en relación con la orientación de la cría recién salida del nido, pero indudablemente existen también otros factores todavía desconocidos. Desarrollan una velocidad considerable para llegar al agua, así, por ejemplo, necesitan unos 25 minutos para recorrer una distancia de 96 metros; no permanecen en las aguas poco profundas cerca de la orilla, sino buscan en seguida las partes hondas donde encuentran mejor protección. En cambio, las babillas recién salidas si permanecen cerca de las orillas, ya que están protegidas por la hembra.  4 Phrynops geoffroanus tuberosus. Los huevos miden entre 32.5 31.5 mm, y 35.0 : 34.0 mm.; pesan de 13 g, 550 mg. a 22 g.; los recién nacidos entre 38.5 mm, y 48.0 mm., .y pesan de 7 g, 700 mg. a 14 g, 750 mg.  5 La Matamata (Chelus fimbriatus es, en realidad, nativa en el Alto Caquetá, y no ocasionalmente traída de otros ríos, como se

  19. Formation and reconstruction of Se nanoislands at the surface of thin epitaxial ZnSe layers grown on GaAs substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozlovskiy, V. I.; Krivobok, V. S., E-mail: [Russian Academy of Sciences, Lebedev Physical Institute (Russian Federation); Kuznetsov, P. I.; Nikolaev, S. N.; Onistchenko, E. E.; Pruchkina, A. A.; Temiryazev, A. G. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio-Engineering and Electronics (Russian Federation)


    Strained epitaxial ZnSe layers are grown on GaAs substrates by the method of vapor-phase epitaxy from metal-organic compounds. It is found that Se nanoislands with a density of 10{sup 8} to 10{sup 9} cm{sup –2} are formed at the surface of such layers. It is established that an increase in the size of Se islands and a decrease in their density take place after completion of growth. Annealing in a H{sub 2} atmosphere at a temperature higher than 260°C leads to the disappearance of Se islands and to a decrease in the surface roughness. It is shown that annealing does not lead to deterioration of the structural perfection of the epitaxial ZnSe films; rather, annealing gives rise to a decrease in the intensity of impurity–defect luminescence and to an increase in the intensity of intrinsic radiation near the bottom of the exciton band.

  20. Chemical synthesis of Cu2Se nanoparticles at room temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rong, Fengxia; Bai, Yan; Chen, Tianfeng; Zheng, Wenjie


    Graphical abstract: The Cu 2 Se nanoparticles were synthesized by a simple and rapid method at room temperature. The TEM and SEM images show that the Cu 2 Se nanoparticles were spherical. Highlights: ► Cu 2 Se nanoparticles were synthesized by the reaction of nanoSe 0 sol with Cu + ions. ► The Cu 2 Se nanoparticles were spherical with cubic structure and well crystallized. ► Optical and electrochemical properties of Cu 2 Se nanoparticles were observed. ► The formation mechanism of Cu 2 Se nanoparticles was proposed. -- Abstract: A simple and rapid method has been developed to synthesize cuprous selenide (Cu 2 Se) nanoparticles by the reaction of selenium nanoparticles sol with copper sulfate solution containing ascorbic acid at room temperature. Cu 2 Se nanoparticles were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The results indicated that Cu 2 Se nanoparticles were cubic crystal structure and spherical with the diameter about 75 nm. The ultraviolet–visible absorption spectrum (UV–vis) and cyclic voltammetry of Cu 2 Se nanoparticles were also investigated. The optical band gap energy of Cu 2 Se nanoparticles was 1.94 eV. On the basis of a series of experiments and characterizations, the formation mechanism of Cu 2 Se nanoparticles was discussed.

  1. Electronic structure and superconductivity of FeSe-related superconductors. (United States)

    Liu, Xu; Zhao, Lin; He, Shaolong; He, Junfeng; Liu, Defa; Mou, Daixiang; Shen, Bing; Hu, Yong; Huang, Jianwei; Zhou, X J


    FeSe superconductors and their related systems have attracted much attention in the study of iron-based superconductors owing to their simple crystal structure and peculiar electronic and physical properties. The bulk FeSe superconductor has a superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of ~8 K and it can be dramatically enhanced to 37 K at high pressure. On the other hand, its cousin system, FeTe, possesses a unique antiferromagnetic ground state but is non-superconducting. Substitution of Se with Te in the FeSe superconductor results in an enhancement of Tc up to 14.5 K and superconductivity can persist over a large composition range in the Fe(Se,Te) system. Intercalation of the FeSe superconductor leads to the discovery of the AxFe2-ySe2 (A = K, Cs and Tl) system that exhibits a Tc higher than 30 K and a unique electronic structure of the superconducting phase. A recent report of possible high temperature superconductivity in single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3 films with a Tc above 65 K has generated much excitement in the community. This pioneering work opens a door for interface superconductivity to explore for high Tc superconductors. The distinct electronic structure and superconducting gap, layer-dependent behavior and insulator-superconductor transition of the FeSe/SrTiO3 films provide critical information in understanding the superconductivity mechanism of iron-based superconductors. In this paper, we present a brief review of the investigation of the electronic structure and superconductivity of the FeSe superconductor and related systems, with a particular focus on the FeSe films.

  2. Exploration work function and optical properties of monolayer SnSe allotropes (United States)

    Cui, Zhen; Wang, Xia; Ding, Yingchun; Li, Meiqin


    The work function and optical properties are investigated with density functional theory for three monolayer SnSe allotropes. The calculated results indicate that the α-SnSe, δ-SnSe, ε-SnSe are semiconductor with the band gaps of 0.90, 1.25, and 1.50 eV, respectively. Meanwhile, the work function of δ-SnSe is lower than α-SnSe and ε-SnSe, which indicates that the δ-SnSe can be prepared of photoemission and field emission nanodevices. More importantly, the α-SnSe, δ-SnSe, ε-SnSe with the large static dielectric constants are 4.22, 5.48, and 3.61, which demonstrate that the three monolayer SnSe allotropes can be fabricated the capacitor. In addition, the static refractive index of δ-SnSe is larger than α-SnSe and ε-SnSe. The different optical properties with three monolayer SnSe allotropes reveal that the allotropes can regulate the properties of the materials. Moreover, our researched results show that the three monolayer SnSe allotropes are sufficient for fabrication of optoelectronic nanodevices.

  3. Green synthesis of ZnSe and core–shell ZnSe@ZnS nanocrystals (NCs) using a new, rapid and room temperature photochemical approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Molaei, M., E-mail:; Bahador, A.R.; Karimipour, M.


    In this work, ZnSe and core–shell ZnSe@ZnS nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized using a one-pot, rapid and room temperature photochemical method. UV illumination provided the required energy for the chemical reactions. Synthesized NCs were characterized using X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV–vis and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. XRD pattern indicated cubic zinc blende structure for ZnSe NCs and the TEM image indicated round-shaped particles, most of which had a diameter of about 3 nm. Band gap of ZnSe NCs was obtained as about 3.6 eV, which was decreased by increasing the illumination time. Synthesized NCs indicated intensive and narrow emission in the UV-blue area (370 nm) related to the excitonic recombination and a broad band emission with a peak located at about 490 nm originated from the DAP (donor–acceptor pairs) recombination. ZnS shell was grown on ZnSe cores using a reaction based on the photo-sensitivity of Na{sub 2}S{sub 2}O{sub 3}. For ZnSe@ZnS core–shell NCs, XRD diffraction peaks shifted to higher angles. TEM image indicated a shell around cores and most of the ZnSe@ZnS NCs have a diameter of about 5 nm. After the ZnS growth, ZnSe excitonic emission shifted to the longer wavelength and PL intensity was increased considerably. PL QY was obtained about 11% and 17% for ZnSe and ZnSe@ZnS core–shell QDs respectively. - Highlights: • A green photochemical approach was reported for synthesis of ZnSe NCs. • ZnS shell was grown around ZnSe using a new method. • Synthesis method was rapid, simple and at room temperature. • ZnSe NCs indicated a narrow UV-blue and a broad DAP emissions. • PL intensity was increased considerably by ZnS shell growth.

  4. Shell Thickness Dependence of Interparticle Energy Transfer in Core-Shell ZnSe/ZnSe Quantum Dots Doping with Europium (United States)

    Liu, Ni; Li, Shuxin; Wang, Caifeng; Li, Jie


    Low-toxic core-shell ZnSe:Eu/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) were prepared through two steps in water solution: nucleation doping and epitaxial shell grown. The structural and morphological characteristics of ZnSe/ZnS:Eu QDs with different shell thickness were explored by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) results. The characteristic photoluminescence (PL) intensity of Eu ions was enhanced whereas that of band-edge luminescence and defect-related luminescence of ZnSe QDs was decreased with increasing shell thickness. The transformation of PL intensity revealed an efficient energy transfer process between ZnSe and Eu. The PL intensity ratio of Eu ions ( I 613) to ZnSe QDs ( I B ) under different shell thickness was systemically analyzed by PL spectra and time-resolved PL spectra. The obtained results were in agreement with the theory analysis results by the kinetic theory of energy transfer, revealing that energy was transmitted in the form of dipole-electric dipole interaction. This particular method of adjusting luminous via changing the shell thickness can provide valuable insights towards the fundamental understanding and application of QDs in the field of optoelectronics.

  5. Novel mechanical behaviors of wurtzite CdSe nanowires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fu, Bing [Shanghai Normal University, Department of Physics (China); Chen, Li [MCPHS University, School of Arts and Sciences (United States); Xie, Yiqun; Feng, Jie; Ye, Xiang, E-mail: [Shanghai Normal University, Department of Physics (China)


    As an important semiconducting nanomaterial, CdSe nanowires have attracted much attention. Although many studies have been conducted in the electronic and optical properties of CdSe NWs, the mechanical properties of Wurtzite (WZ) CdSe nanowires remain unclear. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we have studied the tensile mechanical properties and behaviors of [0001]-oriented Wurtzite CdSe nanowires. By monitoring the stretching processes of CdSe nanowires, three distinct structures are found: the WZ wire, a body-centered tetragonal structure with four-atom rings (denoted as BCT-4), and a structure that consists of ten-atom rings with two four-atom rings (denoted as TAR-4) which is observed for the first time. Not only the elastic tensile characteristics are highly reversible under unloading, but a reverse transition between TAR-4 and BCT-4 is also observed. The stretching processes also have a strong dependence on temperature. A tubular structure similar to carbon nanotubes is observed at 150 K, a single-atom chain is formed at 300, 350 and 450 K, and a double-atom chain is found at 600 K. Our findings on tensile mechanical properties of WZ CdSe nanowires does not only provide inspiration to future study on other properties of CdSe nanomaterials but also help design and build efficient nanoscale devices.

  6. Los jóvenes se incomunican

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarita Ferro


    Full Text Available Hace años los jóvenes se comunicaban y relacionaban con sus amigos del barrio o de la escuela por lo que desde pequeños desarrollaban una comunicación interpersonal fluida. Hoy los video-juegos han sustituido la amistad y se han transformado en elementos de la comunicación. La autora analiza el mundo del nintendo y su influencia en las personas

  7. SeRLoc: Robust Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lazos, Loukas; Poovendran, Radha


    .... We show that SeRLoc is robust against known attacks on WSNs such as the wormhole attack, the Sybil attack, and compromise of network entities and analytically compute the probability of success for each attack. We also compare the performance of SeRLoc with state-of-the-art range-independent localization schemes and show that SeRLoc has better performance.

  8. Nematicity, magnetism and superconductivity in FeSe. (United States)

    Böhmer, Anna E; Kreisel, Andreas


    Iron-based superconductors are well known for their complex interplay between structure, magnetism and superconductivity. FeSe offers a particularly fascinating example. This material has been intensely discussed because of its extended nematic phase, whose relationship with magnetism is not obvious. Superconductivity in FeSe is highly tunable, with the superconducting transition temperature, T c , ranging from 8 K in bulk single crystals at ambient pressure to almost 40 K under pressure or in intercalated systems, and to even higher temperatures in thin films. In this topical review, we present an overview of nematicity, magnetism and superconductivity, and discuss the interplay of these phases in FeSe. We focus on bulk FeSe and the effects of physical pressure and chemical substitutions as tuning parameters. The experimental results are discussed in the context of the well-studied iron-pnictide superconductors and interpretations from theoretical approaches are presented.

  9. Lateral structure of (TiSe2)n(NbSe2)m superlattices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noh, M.; Shin, H.; Jeong, K.; Spear, J.; Johnson, D.C.; Kevan, S.D.; Warwick, T.


    The structures of a series of (TiSe 2 ) n (NbSe 2 ) m superlattices grown through controlled crystallization of designed multilayer reactants have been studied. X-ray diffraction of the data of the superlattices after crystallization show considerable preferred orientation, with the basal plane of the dichalcogenide structure parallel to the substrate to within 0.1 degree. Lattice refinement using the observed (00scr(l)) diffraction maxima yields lattice parameters along the c axis that are consistent with those expected based on the target superlattices and lattice parameters of the binary constituents. These (00scr(l)) diffraction data, however, contain no information about the crystalline structure in the ab plane of the superlattice associated with the preferred c-axis orientation. Off-specular x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, and scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) were used to explore the structure and homogeneity of the superlattices in the ab plane. XRD results rule out preferred long-range orientational order of the ab plane. Between grains, both the backscattered electron images and STXM images show grain domain structure in the ab plane with a characteristic grain domain size of approximately 50 μm. X-ray absorption microscopy in the STXM mode obtained at the Ti L 2,3 edge shows that the titanium in the superlattices is present as both octahedral Ti consistent with the TiSe 2 structure and metallic Ti. A comparison of the data obtained from these techniques highlights chemical information, which can be deduced on a submicrometer range from the space resolved spectra obtained using STXM. copyright 1997 American Institute of Physics

  10. Unusually large chemical potential shift in a degenerate semiconductor: Angle-resolved photoemission study of SnSe and Na-doped SnSe (United States)

    Maeda, M.; Yamamoto, K.; Mizokawa, T.; Saini, N. L.; Arita, M.; Namatame, H.; Taniguchi, M.; Tan, G.; Zhao, L. D.; Kanatzidis, M. G.


    We have studied the electronic structure of SnSe and Na-doped SnSe by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The valence-band top reaches the Fermi level by the Na doping, indicating that Na-doped SnSe can be viewed as a degenerate semiconductor. However, in the Na-doped system, the chemical potential shift with temperature is unexpectedly large and is apparently inconsistent with the degenerate semiconductor picture. The large chemical potential shift and anomalous spectral shape are key ingredients for an understanding of the novel metallic state with the large thermoelectric performance in Na-doped SnSe.

  11. NaviSE: superenhancer navigator integrating epigenomics signal algebra. (United States)

    Ascensión, Alex M; Arrospide-Elgarresta, Mikel; Izeta, Ander; Araúzo-Bravo, Marcos J


    Superenhancers are crucial structural genomic elements determining cell fate, and they are also involved in the determination of several diseases, such as cancer or neurodegeneration. Although there are pipelines which use independent pieces of software to predict the presence of superenhancers from genome-wide chromatin marks or DNA-interaction protein binding sites, there is not yet an integrated software tool that processes automatically algebra combinations of raw data sequencing into a comprehensive final annotated report of predicted superenhancers. We have developed NaviSE, a user-friendly streamlined tool which performs a fully-automated parallel processing of genome-wide epigenomics data from sequencing files into a final report, built with a comprehensive set of annotated files that are navigated through a graphic user interface dynamically generated by NaviSE. NaviSE also implements an 'epigenomics signal algebra' that allows the combination of multiple activation and repression epigenomics signals. NaviSE provides an interactive chromosomal landscaping of the locations of superenhancers, which can be navigated to obtain annotated information about superenhancer signal profile, associated genes, gene ontology enrichment analysis, motifs of transcription factor binding sites enriched in superenhancers, graphs of the metrics evaluating the superenhancers quality, protein-protein interaction networks and enriched metabolic pathways among other features. We have parallelised the most time-consuming tasks achieving a reduction up to 30% for a 15 CPUs machine. We have optimized the default parameters of NaviSE to facilitate its use. NaviSE allows different entry levels of data processing, from sra-fastq files to bed files; and unifies the processing of multiple replicates. NaviSE outperforms the more time-consuming processes required in a non-integrated pipeline. Alongside its high performance, NaviSE is able to provide biological insights, predicting cell

  12. Caracterización de las células T reguladoras por citometría de flujo: estado del arte y controversias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos J. Montoya


    Full Text Available La habilidad para mantener el equilibrio entre la activación y la inhibición de la respuesta inmune es un requisito necesario para evitar el desarrollo de procesos inmunopatológicos. Esto se logra gracias a la existencia de mecanismos efectores que permiten la eliminación de agentes extraños al organismo y a la presencia de un sistema regulador que limita las respuestas efectoras y mantiene la tolerancia de los antígenos propios.Entre los mecanismos reguladores se destaca la función ejercida por los linfocitos T (LT CD4+, en particular, por la subpoblación de LT reguladores naturales (nTreg. La caracterización fenotípica y funcional de estas células es compleja, por la ausencia de un marcador que permita su identificación específica por citometría de flujo, herramienta que ha hecho posible la caracterización de la gran mayoría de células del sistema inmune.Actualmente, se propone que el uso combinado de anticuerpos monoclonales que permitan la identificación de LT CD4+/CD25alto/Foxp3+/CD127bajo/- es la alternativa más específica para determinar la frecuencia de estas células. Para estudios funcionales se requiere eliminar, de la combinación anterior; la detección de FoxP3 por ser una molécula intracelular cuya detección requiere la permeabilización celular. Una vez están purificadas las nTreg, la actividad funcional se evalúa por diferentes métodos que, en su mayoría, miden el efecto que tienen sobre la función de los LT efectores.

  13. Balanced scorecard en las empresas mixtas petroleras del municipio Maracaibo del estado Zulia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro Finali


    Full Text Available La presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo identificar las perspectivas basadas en el enfoque del Balanced Scorecard en las empresas mixtas petroleras del municipio Maracaibo del estado Zulia. El sustento teórico utilizado para el estudio, se enmarcó en los aportes realizados por Caycho (2010, Kaplan y Norton, (2004, López (2001, Muñiz y Monfort (2005, Niven (2003, Pérez (2003, Rampersad (2005, Solano et al (2002, entre otros. El presente estudio es de tipo descriptivo, de campo, no experimental, transaccional. La población estuvo conformada en total por cuarenta (40 sujetos entre gerentes y supervisores. Se utilizó como técnica la encuesta, la cual sirvió como mecanismo para evaluar la opinión de la población, a través de un cuestionario estructurado elaborado especialmente para la variable Balanced Scorecard, constituido por cincuenta items, bajo la escala de respuestas tipo Likert, validado por cinco expertos, con un coeficiente Alpha Cronbach que arrojó una confiabilidad de (0,99. Se evidencia cómo en las empresas mixtas petroleras del municipio Maracaibo del estado Zulia, se miden a través de las perspectivas del Balanced Scorecard (BSC algunas veces con el indicador financiera y casi siempre evalúan las del cliente, proceso interno, aprendizaje y crecimiento en la organización, mostrando una tendencia positiva en busca de mejorar su sistema de gestión, para lo cual se recomendó cuidar que todas las perspectivas (financiera, clientes, procesos internos y aprendizaje organizacional, con el fin de que el Sistema Balanceado de Indicadores (SBI produzca la serie de resultados favorables en la administración de la empresas objetos de estudio, ya que para lograrlo es necesario implementar la metodología, monitoreo y análisis constante de los indicadores obtenidos.


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    Full Text Available Las personas que viven situaciones muy adversas, pueden sufrir consecuencias muy serias en su desarrollo psicológico. Sin embargo, se ha podido constatar que algunos individuos logran no solo superar la adversidad, sino incluso salir fortalecidos de ella. A estas personas se las llama resilientes. La resiliencia no es unidimensional o un atributo dicotómico que las personas tienen o no tienen; implica la posesión de múltiples habilidades en varios grados que ayudan a los individuos a afrontar (Reivich & Shatté, 2002. El objetivo del trabajo que se informa fue desarrollar un instrumento con población mexicana (Esca la de Resiliencia Mexi cana, RESI-M, tomando como base dos escalas que miden la re si liencia en adultos: The Connor - Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC de Connor y Davidson (1999 y The Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA de Friborg, Hjemdal, Rosenvinge y Martinussen (2001 para lo cual participaron 217 sujetos de 18 a 25 años, de ambos sexos. Los resultados muestran que 43 ítemes cargaron en cinco factores: (1 Fortaleza y confianza en sí mismo, (2 Competencia social, (3 Apoyo familiar, (4 Apoyo social y (5 Estructura. Asimismo, se observó que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los factores de la resiliencia, de acuerdo con el sexo, la edad y el estado civil, observándose que las mujeres obtienen puntajes más altos en apoyo social, el grupo de más edad tiene un mayor promedio en competencia social y apoyo familiar y finalmente las personas casadas se sienten más fuertes y con más confianza en sí mismas y los solteros perciben un mayor apoyo social en comparación con los casados.

  15. Layer Structured Bismuth Selenides of Bi2Se3 and Bi3Se4 for High Energy and Flexible All-Solid-State Micro-Supercapacitors. (United States)

    Hao, Chunxue; Wang, Lidan; Wen, Fusheng; Xiang, Jianyong; Li, Lei; Hu, Wentao; Liu, Zhongyuan


    Bismuth selenides (Bi2Se3 and Bi3Se4), both of which have the layered rhombohedral crystal structure, and found to be useful as electrode materials for supercapacitor application in this work. Bi2Se3 nanoplates as electrode material exhibit much better performance than that of Bi3Se4 nanoparticles in liquid electrolyte system (6 M KOH), which delivers a higher specific capacitance (272.9 F/g) than that of Bi3Se4 (193.6 F/g) at 5 mV/s. This result would may be attributed to that Bi2Se3 nanoplates possess more active electrochemical surfaces for the reversible surface redox reactions owing to its planar quintuple stacked layers (septuple layers for Bi3Se4). For the demand of electronic skin, we used a novel flexible annular interdigital structure electrode applying for all-solid-state micro-supercapacitors (AMSCs). Bi2Se3 AMSCs device delivers a much more excellent supercapacitor performance, exhibits a large stack capacitance 89.5 F/cm3 (Bi3Se4: 79.1 F/cm3) at 20 mV/s, a high energy density 17.9 mWh/cm3 and high power density 18.9 W/cm3. The bismuth selenides also exhibit good cycle stability, retention 95.5% (90.3%) after 1000 c for Bi2Se3 (Bi3Se4). Obviously, Bi2Se3 nanoplates can be promising electrode materials for flexible annular interdigital all-solid-sate supercapacitor. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd.

  16. Absorbed dose to man from the Se-75 labeled conjugated bile salt SeHCAT: concise communication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soundy, R.G.; Simpson, J.D.; Ross, H.M.; Merrick, M.V.


    The absorbed radiation dose that would result from the oral or intravenous administration of SeHCAT (23-[ 75 Se]selena-25-homotaurocholate) has been calculated using the MIRD tables and formulas and data from measurements of whole-body distribution and from long-term whole-body counting in rats, mice, and man. When SeHCAT is administered to normal subjects, the gallbladder is the critical organ, receiving 12 mrad (oral dose) or 22 mrad (i.v.) per microcurie. The whole-body dose is 1 mrad/μCi, whatever the route of administration. In severe hepatic failure the liver might receive 200 mrad/μCi. The activity likely to be used in routine clinical practice is 10 μCi. Where a whole-body counter is used, an activity of 1 μCi has proved adequate. Even at an administered activity of 25 μCi, the absorbed dose is small compared with established techniques of investigating the gastrointestinal tract

  17. Absorbed dose to man from the Se-75 labeled conjugated bile salt SeHCAT: concise communication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soundy, R.G.; Simpson, J.D.; Ross, H.M.; Merrick, M.V.


    The absorbed radiation dose that would result from the oral or intravenous administration of SeHCAT (23-[75Se]selena-25-homotaurocholate) has been calculated using the MIRD tables and formulas and data from measurements of whole-body distribution and from long-term whole-body counting in rats, mice, and man. When SeHCAT is administered to normal subjects, the gallbladder is the critical organ, receiving 12 mrad (oral dose) or 22 mrad (i.v.) per microcurie. The whole-body dose is 1 mrad/microCi, whatever the route of administration. In severe hepatic failure the liver might receive 200 mrad/microCi. The activity likely to be used in routine clinical practice is 10 microCi. Where a whole-body counter is used, an activity of 1 microCi has proved adequate. Even at an administered activity of 25 microCi, the absorbed dose is small compared with established techniques of investigating the gastrointestinal tract

  18. Structural manifestations of aging in Se-rich glasses (United States)

    Dash, S.; Ravindren, S.; Chen, P.; Boolchand, P.


    We examine weakly cross-linked GexSe100-x (0%modulated DSC and Raman scattering experiments. Homogeneity of melts was carefully verified using FT-Raman line profiling. Upon aging at RT for 4 months, we find the width of the glass transition W(x) steadily decreasing from 10C at 7% Ge to 2C for pure Se. The 5-fold reduction of W(x) with a decrease of Ge content is accompanied by a 2-fold increase in the non-reversing enthalpy. Rejuvenation of the aged glasses changes W(x) from 15C at 7% Ge to 7C for pure Se. Tg is found to decrease upon rejuvenation with the difference (Tg(aged)-Tg(rejuv)) showing a maximum near 3% Ge and vanishing for pure Se and 6% of Ge, which are topological thresholds. These results in Se-rich glasses are consistent with aging induced decoupling of Se8 crowns and growth of extended range structural correlations between polymeric Sen chains due to lone pair interactions. At higher x, near 8-10% of Ge, eutectic effects are manifested. Work supported by NSF Grant DMR 08-53957.

  19. Los ciclos de generación de competencias y su aplicación en las organizaciones

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    Iván Montoya Restrepo


    Full Text Available Los nuevos desafíos que enfrentan las empresas y las organizaciones hacen que éstas deban adaptarse y desarrollarse continuamente para alcanzar un éxito sostenido en un entorno en el que la tecnología y el conocimiento se configuran como ejes de la evolución y el desarrollo. Según Hamel (2000. se ha pasado de la era del progreso, a la era de la revolución, del cambio discontinuo, de la reevaluación de conceptos empresariales, del reconocimiento de un mundo no lineal y. al mismo tiempo, de la solución de los problemas desde esquemas no lineales. En este contexto aparecen nuevos patrones como resultado de evoluciones de la empresa moderna, fundamentadas en la gerencia del conocimiento. El presente documento recoge, la noción de ciclos de generación de competencias y algunas aproximaciones para su aplicación a las organizaciones. Para ello, expone brevemente algunos elementos de la teoría de sistemas y acercamientos a las necesidades en las organizaciones para proponer el desarrollo de la idea central.

  20. Currículo integrado no ensino de Odontologia: novos sentidos para a formação na área da saúde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti Toassi


    Full Text Available Apresentam-se os resultados de pesquisa que analisou o processo de mudança curricular no curso de Odontologia em uma instituição de Ensino Superior no Sul do Brasil. A abordagem metodológica foi qualitativa e, para manter coerência com o objeto de estudo, utilizou-se a estratégia do estudo de caso. Foram entrevistados 46 estudantes, 12 professores e 3 representantes da equipe diretiva da universidade estudada. Na interpretação dos dados, quatro categorias emergiram: 1 O processo de reforma curricular: a proposta possível de mudança na formação; 2 As tensões do processo: a diferença entre a teoria pensada e a realidade percebida; 3 O caminhar do processo e seus avanços; 4 A vivência do currículo integrado: um processo contínuo de aprendizagem e superação. Há necessidade de repensar o processo de reforma curricular, reconstruindo continuamente esse currículo. É fundamental tratar, especificamente, da mudança no projeto pedagógico e nas práticas curriculares.

  1. A Comparative approach of dealing with diversity: The managing of immigration and education in spain and immigration and health in USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonia Olmos Alcaraz


    Full Text Available El articulo muestra cómo se realiza la gestión de la diversidad cultural y cómo –derivado de ello– se produce la construcción de la diferencia en dos contextos diferentes, España y Estados Unidos; en dos áreas de intervención distintas, educación y salud. Siendo así, a través del abordaje de dos casos distintos y una misma unidad de análisis –la gestión de la diversidad–, mostramos cómo ciertas dinámicas están creando y reproduciendo diferencias a partir de fronteras culturales y étnicas, y cómo dichas lógicas generan desigualdades entre grupos de personas que están siendo continuamente esencializadas. El análisis comparativo ofrecido, en tanto multisituado y resultado de investigaciones etnográficas en ambos contextos, evidencia que las políticas públicas observadas en los distintos contextos mencionados vehiculan una gestión de la diversidad cultural en estos términos, identificando a la misma en tanto que “interculturalidad”.

  2. Social Set Visualizer (SoSeVi) II

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flesch, Benjamin; Vatrapu, Ravi


    This paper reports the second iteration of the Social Set Visualizer (SoSeVi), a set theoretical visual analytics dashboard of big social data. In order to further demonstrate its usefulness in large-scale visual analytics tasks of individual and collective behavior of actors in social networks......, the current iteration of the Social Set Visualizer (SoSeVi) in version II builds on recent advancements in visualizing set intersections. The development of the SoSeVi dashboard involved cutting-edge open source visual analytics libraries (D3.js) and creation of new visualizations such as of actor mobility...

  3. Reversible ultrafast melting in bulk CdSe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Wenzhi; He, Feng; Wang, Yaguo


    In this work, transient reflectivity changes in bulk CdSe have been measured with two-color femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy under a wide range of pump fluences. Three regions of reflectivity change with pump fluences have been consistently revealed for excited carrier density, coherent phonon amplitude, and lattice temperature. For laser fluences from 13 to 19.3 mJ/cm 2 , ultrafast melting happens in first several picoseconds. This melting process is purely thermal and reversible. A complete phase transformation in bulk CdSe may be reached when the absorbed laser energy is localized long enough, as observed in nanocrystalline CdSe

  4. Transition probabilities in neutron-rich Se,8684 (United States)

    Litzinger, J.; Blazhev, A.; Dewald, A.; Didierjean, F.; Duchêne, G.; Fransen, C.; Lozeva, R.; Sieja, K.; Verney, D.; de Angelis, G.; Bazzacco, D.; Birkenbach, B.; Bottoni, S.; Bracco, A.; Braunroth, T.; Cederwall, B.; Corradi, L.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Désesquelles, P.; Eberth, J.; Ellinger, E.; Farnea, E.; Fioretto, E.; Gernhäuser, R.; Goasduff, A.; Görgen, A.; Gottardo, A.; Grebosz, J.; Hackstein, M.; Hess, H.; Ibrahim, F.; Jolie, J.; Jungclaus, A.; Kolos, K.; Korten, W.; Leoni, S.; Lunardi, S.; Maj, A.; Menegazzo, R.; Mengoni, D.; Michelagnoli, C.; Mijatovic, T.; Million, B.; Möller, O.; Modamio, V.; Montagnoli, G.; Montanari, D.; Morales, A. I.; Napoli, D. R.; Niikura, M.; Pollarolo, G.; Pullia, A.; Quintana, B.; Recchia, F.; Reiter, P.; Rosso, D.; Sahin, E.; Salsac, M. D.; Scarlassara, F.; Söderström, P.-A.; Stefanini, A. M.; Stezowski, O.; Szilner, S.; Theisen, Ch.; Valiente Dobón, J. J.; Vandone, V.; Vogt, A.


    Reduced quadrupole transition probabilities for low-lying transitions in neutron-rich Se,8684 are investigated with a recoil distance Doppler shift (RDDS) experiment. The experiment was performed at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro using the Cologne Plunger device for the RDDS technique and the AGATA Demonstrator array for the γ -ray detection coupled to the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer for an event-by-event particle identification. In 86Se the level lifetime of the yrast 21+ state and an upper limit for the lifetime of the 41+ state are determined for the first time. The results of 86Se are in agreement with previously reported predictions of large-scale shell-model calculations using Ni78-I and Ni78-II effective interactions. In addition, intrinsic shape parameters of lowest yrast states in 86Se are calculated. In semimagic 84Se level lifetimes of the yrast 41+ and 61+ states are determined for the first time. Large-scale shell-model calculations using effective interactions Ni78-II, JUN45, jj4b, and jj4pna are performed. The calculations describe B (E 2 ;21+→01+) and B (E 2 ;61+→41+) fairly well and point out problems in reproducing the experimental B (E 2 ;41+→21+) .

  5. Extraction, characterization and antioxidant activities of Se-enriched tea polysaccharides. (United States)

    Wang, Yuanfeng; Li, Yongfu; Liu, Yangyang; Chen, Xueqing; Wei, Xinlin


    Se-polysaccharides from Se-enriched tea leaves were purified by DEAE-sepharose fast flow gel column (2.5×60cm) and three polysaccharide fractions (Se-TPS1, Se-TPS2, and Se-TPS3) were isolated and purified with yields of 6.5, 37.14, and 8.57%, respectively. The average sizes of Se-TPS1 and Se-TPS2 were determined by HPGPC system, with molecular weights of 1.1×10(5) and 2.4×10(5)Da, respectively. Se-TPS3 was a polysaccharide polymer with two peaks with molecular weights of 9.2×10(5) and 2.5×10(5)Da. Monosaccharide components analysis by ion chromatography revealed Se-polysaccharides were acidic polysaccharoses and different from each other in monosaccharide kinds and molar ratio. Elements of Se, C, H, N, S, and 14 kinds of mineral elements were analyzed by AFS, EA, and ICP-AES, respectively. Spectral analysis (IR and UV) indicated Se-polysaccharides were typical glycoproteins. Morphological analyses of the samples were determined by SEM and AFM. In addition, the DPPH and superoxide radicals scavenging activities were also discussed to assess antioxidant activities of the samples, and Se-polysaccharides showed higher antioxidant activities compared to the ordinary polysaccharides. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Atomic Defects and Doping of Monolayer NbSe2. (United States)

    Nguyen, Lan; Komsa, Hannu-Pekka; Khestanova, Ekaterina; Kashtiban, Reza J; Peters, Jonathan J P; Lawlor, Sean; Sanchez, Ana M; Sloan, Jeremy; Gorbachev, Roman V; Grigorieva, Irina V; Krasheninnikov, Arkady V; Haigh, Sarah J


    We have investigated the structure of atomic defects within monolayer NbSe 2 encapsulated in graphene by combining atomic resolution transmission electron microscope imaging, density functional theory (DFT) calculations, and strain mapping using geometric phase analysis. We demonstrate the presence of stable Nb and Se monovacancies in monolayer material and reveal that Se monovacancies are the most frequently observed defects, consistent with DFT calculations of their formation energy. We reveal that adventitious impurities of C, N, and O can substitute into the NbSe 2 lattice stabilizing Se divacancies. We further observe evidence of Pt substitution into both Se and Nb vacancy sites. This knowledge of the character and relative frequency of different atomic defects provides the potential to better understand and control the unusual electronic and magnetic properties of this exciting two-dimensional material.

  7. Thermal analysis of chalcogenide glasses of the system (As/sub/2Se/sub/3)/sub/(1-x):(Tl/sub/2Se)/sub/x

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majid, C.A.


    In this paper differential thermal analysis (DTA) measurements of chalcogenide glasses of the system (As/sub/2Se/sub/3)/sub/(1-x): (Tl/sub/2Se)/sub/x, with x=0, 0.125, 0.25 and 0.50 are reported. The glass-forming tendencies of these materials have been calculated. The glass-forming tendency of As/sub/2Se/sub/3 has been found to be the highest among the member glasses of this family of chalcogenides. It was found that the glass-forming tendency of As/sub/2Se/sub/3 decreasing gradually at the Tl/sub/2/Se concentration increases. Tl/sub/2Se additions lower the glass transition temperature T/sub/q and the area under the endothermic peak for glass transition temperature, suggesting a tendency for relatively weaker bonding and hence less stability of Tl-rich glass compositions. These studies show that Tl/sub/2Se concentrations result in glasses with progressively higher crystallization tendencies. (author)

  8. Tests for the absorption of /sup 75/Se-labelled homocholic acid conjugated with taurine (/sup 75/Se-HCAT)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schroth, H.J.; Berberich, R.; Mueller, K.P.; Feifel, G.; Ecker, K.W.


    The absorption of selenomethionine Se 75-labelled homocholic acid conjugated with taurine (/sup 75/-SE-HCAT) was tested in 46 patients. Retention measurements using (1) an uncollimated gamma camera and (2) a measuring arrangement similar to a human-body counter were compared in order to obtain a quantitative assessment of the absorption capacity of the terminal ileum for bile acids. The retention curve obtained after the oral administration of the /sup 75/Se-labelled bile-acid analogue showed a monoexponential decline; in the case of unimpaired absorption, the half-life was greater than 2.5 days. When more than 30 cm of the ileum had been eliminated by inflammatory infection or resection, the measured half-life was below 0.5 days due to malabsorption. We also performed a quantitative determination of the hepatic secretion of /sup 75/-Se-HCAT into the gall bladder. If more than 80% of the activity administered is found in the gall bladder, disturbed absorption of bile acids in the terminal ileum can be excluded. Values smaller than 80%, however, do not provide proof of disturbed absorption.

  9. Symmetry effects in neutron scattering from isotopically enriched Se isotopes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lachkar, J.; Haouat, G.; McEllistrem, M. T.; Patin, Y.; Sigaud, J.; Cocu, F.


    Differential cross sections for neutron elastic and inelastic scattering from {sup 76}Se, {sup 78}Se, {sup 80}Se and {sup 82}Se, have been measured at 8-MeV incident neutron energy and from {sup 76}Se and {sup 82}Se at 6- and 10-MeV incident energies. The differences observed in the elastic scattering cross sections are interpretable as the effects of isospin term in the scattering potentials. A full analysis of the elastic scattering data are presented.

  10. Detailed Visualization of Phase Evolution during Rapid Formation of Cu(InGa)Se2 Photovoltaic Absorber from Mo/CuGa/In/Se Precursors. (United States)

    Koo, Jaseok; Kim, Sammi; Cheon, Taehoon; Kim, Soo-Hyun; Kim, Woo Kyoung


    Amongst several processes which have been developed for the production of reliable chalcopyrite Cu(InGa)Se 2 photovoltaic absorbers, the 2-step metallization-selenization process is widely accepted as being suitable for industrial-scale application. Here we visualize the detailed thermal behavior and reaction pathways of constituent elements during commercially attractive rapid thermal processing of glass/Mo/CuGa/In/Se precursors on the basis of the results of systematic characterization of samples obtained from a series of quenching experiments with set-temperatures between 25 and 550 °C. It was confirmed that the Se layer crystallized and then melted between 250 and 350 °C, completely disappearing at 500 °C. The formation of CuInSe 2 and Cu(InGa)Se 2 was initiated at around 450 °C and 550 °C, respectively. It is suggested that pre-heat treatment to control crystallization of Se layer should be designed at 250-350 °C and Cu(InGa)Se 2 formation from CuGa/In/Se precursors can be completed within a timeframe of 6 min.

  11. Investigation of CuGaSe2/CuInSe2 double heterojunction interfaces grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    Sathiabama Thiru


    Full Text Available In-situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED observation and X-ray diffraction measurements were performed on heterojunction interfaces of CuGaSe2/CnInSe2/CuGaSe2 grown on GaAs (001 using migration-enhanced epitaxy. The streaky RHEED pattern and persistent RHEED intensity oscillations caused by the alternate deposition of migration-enhanced epitaxy sequence are observed and the growths of smooth surfaces are confirmed. RHEED observation results also confirmed constituent material interdiffusion at the heterointerface. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy showed a flat and abrupt heterointerface when the substrate temperature is as low as 400 °C. These have been confirmed even by X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence measurements.

  12. Desarrollos actuales en docencia e investigación en dirección de operaciones y tecnología

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    Rafaela Alfalla-Luque


    Full Text Available Dado que la disciplina de Dirección de Operaciones y Tecnología constituye un elemento fundamental en Dirección de Empresas, y por tanto, es enseñada tanto en las Escuelas de Negocios como en las de Ingeniería, el estudio de sus mejores métodos docentes se convierte en una necesidad para alcanzar el objetivo de su enseñanza. Por otro lado, la importancia de la disciplina y su carácter científico hacen que también sea necesario mejorar continuamente la metodología de investigación aplicada. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre la docencia e investigación en Dirección de Operaciones y Tecnología en España, sirviendo de presentación a los trabajos que configuran este número especial.

  13. Effect of nonstoichiometry properties of CuInSe2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogacheva, E.I.; Tavrina, T.V.


    The homogeneity area size of the CuInSe 2 semiconductor compound is determined by the (CuIn)-Se profile of the Cu-In-Se ternary system at 350 deg C. The microhardness and thermo-electromotive force dependences on Se content are studied after various kind of thermal treatment. Interpretation of the results obtained is given with and account of defects formation character by deviations from stoichiometry [ru

  14. Transient and modulated charge separation at CuInSe{sub 2}/C{sub 60} and CuInSe{sub 2}/ZnPc hybrid interfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morzé, Natascha von, E-mail:; Dittrich, Thomas, E-mail:; Calvet, Wolfram, E-mail:; Lauermann, Iver, E-mail:; Rusu, Marin, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Surface physical properties of non- and Na-treated CuInSe{sub 2} layers studied. • Evidence of exciton dissociation and charge separation at CuInSe{sub 2}/ZnPc interface. • Strong band bending at the CuInSe{sub 2} surface in contact with C{sub 60} observed. • No evidence for exciton dissociation at the CuInSe{sub 2}/C{sub 60} interface found. • Cu-poor phase at CuInSe{sub 2}/organic interface crucial for charge separation. - Abstract: Spectral dependent charge transfer and exciton dissociation have been investigated at hybrid interfaces between inorganic polycrystalline CuInSe{sub 2} (untreated and Na-conditioned) thin films and organic C{sub 60} as well as zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) layers by transient and modulated surface photovoltage measurements. The stoichiometry and electronic properties of the bare CuInSe{sub 2} surface were characterized by photoelectron spectroscopy which revealed a Cu-poor phase with n-type features. After the deposition of the C{sub 60} layer, a strong band bending at the CuInSe{sub 2} surface was observed. Evidence for dissociation of excitons followed by charge separation was found at the CuInSe{sub 2}/ZnPc interface. The Cu-poor layer at the CuInSe{sub 2} surface was found to be crucial for transient and modulated charge separation at CuInSe{sub 2}/organic hybrid interfaces.

  15. SeO2 adsorption on CaO surface: DFT study on the adsorption of a single SeO2 molecule (United States)

    Fan, Yaming; Zhuo, Yuqun; Lou, Yu; Zhu, Zhenwu; Li, Liangliang


    Selenium is a hazardous element in coal. During coal combustion, most of the selenium will convert to SeO2 in the flue gas. Ca-based adsorbents, especially CaO, have been considered as a potential sorbent to adsorb SeO2 due to its low cost. In this paper, the adsorption mechanisms of single SeO2 on CaO surface were investigated by density functional theory (DFT) calculation. Both the physisorption and chemisorption structures were determined. It has been identified that the adsorption of SeO2 on CaO surface is primarily chemisorption, while physisorption takes effects at the initial stage of the process. Under O2 atmosphere, selenate is hard to form. Most of the adsorption products are selenite. Additionally, the electron density maps were obtained to reveal the surface active sites. The partial density of states (PDOS) was calculated for analyzing the electronic structural change of SeO2 and CaO surface during adsorption. The results provide fundamental information of the adsorption process, which could be meaningful for the development of new absorbents.

  16. Photoacoustic spectroscopy of thin films of As2S3, As2Se3 and GeSe2

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) is one of the important branches of spectroscopy, which enables one to detect light-induced heat production following the absorption of pulsed radiation by the sample. As2S3, As2Se3 and GeSe2 exhibit a wide variety of photo-induced phenomena that enable them to be used as optical ...

  17. Cs2SeO4-UO2SeO4-H2O system at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serezhkina, L.B.; Serezhkin, V.N.


    Using the method of isothermal solubility at 25 deg C the interaction of cesium and uranyl selenates in aqueous solution is studied. Formation of congruently soluble Cs 2 UO 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 x2H 2 O and Cs 2 (UO 2 ) 2 x(SeO 4 ) 3 is ascertained, their crystallographic characteristics being determined

  18. Uma questão para a educacão inclusiva: expor-se ou resguardar-se?

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    Marie Claire Sekkel

    Full Text Available Este artigo discute as relações entre os atores institucionais que participam de uma proposta de educação escolar inclusiva. Com essa finalidade, foram utilizados recortes dos dados coletados em uma pesquisa sobre a construção de ambientes inclusivos, realizada em uma escola municipal de educação infantil em São Paulo, no período de 2006 a 2008. Os dados foram organizados em torno da questão expor-se ou resguardar-se?, que dá visibilidade aos movimentos presentes nas relações institucionais. A pesquisa utilizou a etnografia como método de coleta de dados, e a análise foi feita com base no referencial da teoria crítica da sociedade. Os resultados apontam a presença do sentimento de ameaça, que gera a necessidade de resguardo, e também de situações de abertura à experiência no trabalho desenvolvido com as crianças, que pressupõem a necessidade de expor-se diante de si e do(s outro(s. Segundo autores da Escola de Frankfurt, a origem desse sentimento de ameaça é social, e o medo deve tornar-se consciente para que seus efeitos destrutivos para o indivíduo e para as relações sociais possam ser evitados. A abertura à experiência, por outro lado, é necessária para a produção de uma consciência verdadeira, que é o principal objetivo da educação segundo Theodor Adorno, e deve ser considerada elemento fundamental para os processos educacionais inclusivos.

  19. Novel red-emission of ternary ZnCdSe semiconductor nanocrystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Shu-Ru, E-mail: [National Formosa University, Graduate Institute of Materials Science and Green Energy Engineering (China); Wang, Kuan-Wen [National Central University, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (China); Chen, Hong-Shuo; Chen, Hong-Hong [National Formosa University, Graduate Institute of Materials Science and Green Energy Engineering (China)


    The effect of chain lengths of fatty acids on the physical properties of CdSe and ZnCdSe semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) synthesized by the colloidal chemistry procedure is investigated. The fatty acids, lauric acid (LA), and stearic acid (SA), with different lengths of carbon chains, are used to prepare CdSe and ZnCdSe NCs when hexyldecylamine (HDA) is applied as the sole surfactant. For CdSe–SA and ZnCdSe–SA, they have the same emission wavelength at 592 nm and the same particle size of 3.3 nm; however, their quantum yield (QY) is 75 and 16 %, respectively. In contrast, the emission wavelength of CdSe–LA and ZnCdSe–LA NCs is 609 and 615 nm, the particle size is about 3.5 and 4 nm under the same reaction time, and the QY of them are 33 and 59 %, respectively. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that ZnCdSe NCs all have the wurtzite structure, and their main peaks are located between those of pure CdSe and ZnSe materials. The main phase of ZnCdSe–SA and ZnCdSe–LA is ZnSe and CdSe, respectively, implying that alloyed ZnCdSe NC can be prepared and ZnSe and CdSe phase can be promoted by SA and LA, respectively. Moreover, the QY of red-emission ZnCdSe–LA is higher than 50 %. These results suggest that the growth rate of CdSe as well as ZnCdSe NC can be enhanced by using LA as complex reagent and HDA as sole surfactant. It is expected that the reported effective synthetic strategy can be developed as a very practical, easy and not time-consuming approach to prepare red emissive NCs with high QY and high reproducibility.

  20. Novel red-emission of ternary ZnCdSe semiconductor nanocrystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Shu-Ru; Wang, Kuan-Wen; Chen, Hong-Shuo; Chen, Hong-Hong


    The effect of chain lengths of fatty acids on the physical properties of CdSe and ZnCdSe semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) synthesized by the colloidal chemistry procedure is investigated. The fatty acids, lauric acid (LA), and stearic acid (SA), with different lengths of carbon chains, are used to prepare CdSe and ZnCdSe NCs when hexyldecylamine (HDA) is applied as the sole surfactant. For CdSe–SA and ZnCdSe–SA, they have the same emission wavelength at 592 nm and the same particle size of 3.3 nm; however, their quantum yield (QY) is 75 and 16 %, respectively. In contrast, the emission wavelength of CdSe–LA and ZnCdSe–LA NCs is 609 and 615 nm, the particle size is about 3.5 and 4 nm under the same reaction time, and the QY of them are 33 and 59 %, respectively. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that ZnCdSe NCs all have the wurtzite structure, and their main peaks are located between those of pure CdSe and ZnSe materials. The main phase of ZnCdSe–SA and ZnCdSe–LA is ZnSe and CdSe, respectively, implying that alloyed ZnCdSe NC can be prepared and ZnSe and CdSe phase can be promoted by SA and LA, respectively. Moreover, the QY of red-emission ZnCdSe–LA is higher than 50 %. These results suggest that the growth rate of CdSe as well as ZnCdSe NC can be enhanced by using LA as complex reagent and HDA as sole surfactant. It is expected that the reported effective synthetic strategy can be developed as a very practical, easy and not time-consuming approach to prepare red emissive NCs with high QY and high reproducibility

  1. Electrochemical synthesis of nanostructured Se-doped SnS: Effect of Se-dopant on surface characterizations (United States)

    Kafashan, Hosein; Azizieh, Mahdi; Balak, Zohre


    SnS1-xSex nanostructures with different Se-dopant concentrations were deposited on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate through cathodic electrodeposition technique. The pH, temperature, applied potential (E), and deposition time remained were 2.1, 60 °C, -1 V, and 30 min, respectively. SnS1-xSex nanostructures were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microcopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), room temperature photoluminescence (PL), and UV-vis spectroscopy. The XRD patterns revealed that the SnS1-xSex nanostructures were polycrystalline with orthorhombic structure. FESEM showed various kinds of morphologies in SnS1-xSex nanostructures due to Se-doping. PL and UV-vis spectroscopy were used to evaluate the optical properties of SnS1-xSex thin films. The PL spectra of SnS1-xSex nanostructures displayed four emission peaks, those are a blue, a green, an orange, and a red emission. UV-vis spectra showed that the optical band gap energy (Eg) of SnS1-xSex nanostructures varied between 1.22-1.65 eV, due to Se-doping.

  2. The influence of thermal treatment and irradiation on specific resistance of (SnSe)1-x - (PrSe)x solid solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huseynov, J.I.; Murguzov, M.I.; Ismayilov, Sh.S.; Jafarov, T.A.


    Full text: It was studied some kinetic coefficients in cluding specific resistance of (SnSe) 1 -x - (PrSe) x solid solutions as well. Special interest was caused by composetions of above mentioned system for which the influence of irradiation and thermal treatment following this irradiation was explored. By its electric characteristics praseodymium monoselenide belongs to metals because a metallic link is formed among cation atoms in PrSe, at the expense of cohich praseodymium atoms possess an oxidation degree equalling to 3+

  3. Anisotropy in CdSe quantum rods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Liang-shi [Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The size-dependent optical and electronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals have drawn much attention in the past decade, and have been very well understood for spherical ones. The advent of the synthetic methods to make rod-like CdSe nanocrystals with wurtzite structure has offered us a new opportunity to study their properties as functions of their shape. This dissertation includes three main parts: synthesis of CdSe nanorods with tightly controlled widths and lengths, their optical and dielectric properties, and their large-scale assembly, all of which are either directly or indirectly caused by the uniaxial crystallographic structure of wurtzite CdSe. The hexagonal wurtzite structure is believed to be the primary reason for the growth of CdSe nanorods. It represents itself in the kinetic stabilization of the rod-like particles over the spherical ones in the presence of phosphonic acids. By varying the composition of the surfactant mixture used for synthesis we have achieved tight control of the widths and lengths of the nanorods. The synthesis of monodisperse CdSe nanorods enables us to systematically study their size-dependent properties. For example, room temperature single particle fluorescence spectroscopy has shown that nanorods emit linearly polarized photoluminescence. Theoretical calculations have shown that it is due to the crossing between the two highest occupied electronic levels with increasing aspect ratio. We also measured the permanent electric dipole moment of the nanorods with transient electric birefringence technique. Experimental results on nanorods with different sizes show that the dipole moment is linear to the particle volume, indicating that it originates from the non-centrosymmetric hexagonal lattice. The elongation of the nanocrystals also results in the anisotropic inter-particle interaction. One of the consequences is the formation of liquid crystalline phases when the nanorods are dispersed in solvent to a high enough

  4. Electrodeposition of epitaxial CdSe on (111) gallium arsenide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cachet, H.; Cortes, R.; Froment, M. [Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France). Phys. des Liquides et Electrochimie; Etcheberry, A. [Institut Lavoisier (IREM) UMR CNRS C0173, Universite de Versailles- St Quentin en Yvelynes, 45 Avenue des Etats Unis, 78035, Versailles (France)


    Epitaxial growth of CdSe has been achieved on GaAs(111) by electrodeposition from an aqueous electrolyte. The structure of the film corresponds to the cubic modification of CdSe. The quality of epitaxy has been investigated by reflection high energy electron diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. By XPS measurements the chemistry of the CdSe/GaAs interface and the composition of CdSe are determined. (orig.)

  5. An x-ray study of InSe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagpal, K.C.; Ali, Z.


    Complete X-ray powder pattern of InSe, so far not available to literature, has been analyzed. The layer structure is based on a rhombohedral lattice cell, with space group R 3m, a sub(o) = 4.0046 +- 0.0005 A, csub(o) = 25.960 +- 0.004 A, and atomic position in 3 (a) of the space group : Zsub(In) = +-0.0555, Zsub(se) = 2/3 +- 0.106. Extreme softness and initial observe-reverse orientation of the rhombohedral cell in adjacent parts of a crystal or in thin lamellae parallel to the basal cleavage planes appear to be the main factors responsible for the characteristic sets of sharp and diffuse lines in the powder patterns normally obtained. These and Gandolfi camera powder patterns for several crystals are given. Heat treatment of powders obtained through cold work has indicated that comparatively short duration of 'annealing' at 600 deg C improves the powder pattern to some extent, but longer periods give products consisting of other phases of the In-Se system with small amount of InSe. The relative proportion of free space over the InSe powders in capsules as well as the amount of cold work seem to be the two main factors affecting the decomposition of InSe and appearance of other phases. Large platy crystals, on the other hand, withstand the heat treatment for a longer time. Even they undergo drastic changes in the sructure on prolonged heating at 600 deg C, yielding hexagonal phases with a common csub(o) = 19.26 A and a sub(o) = 4.0 and 7.11 respectively. (author)

  6. O cuidado intensivo oferecido ao paciente no ambiente de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva El cuidado intensivo ofrecido al paciente en el ambiente de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Intensive care provided to patients in the environment of Intensive Care Units

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marli Terezinha Stein Backes


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo, partiu da questão: como se dá o cuidado intensivo oferecido ao paciente no ambiente de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva? Teve como objetivo compreender o cuidado intensivo oferecido ao paciente no ambiente de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto. O método utilizado foi a Grounded Theory. Realizou-se 39 entrevistas com 47 sujeitos diferenciados (pacientes, profissionais da saúde, gestores, profissionais dos serviços de apoio, familiares de três Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Adulto, em Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS e Pelotas/RS, Brasil, entre junho de 2009 a setembro de 2010. A teoria "Sustentando a vida no ambiente complexo de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva", foi delimitada por oito categorias, das quais será focalizada neste artigo a categoria "Cuidando e monitorando o paciente continuamente". Conclui-se que o cuidado intensivo requer um cuidado integral com os pacientes, que vai além do cuidado técnico e inclui as dimensões física, emocional, espiritual e social do ser humano.Este estudio cualitativo se basó en la pregunta: ¿Cómo funciona el cuidado intensivo ofrecido al paciente en el ambiente de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos? El artículo tuvo como objetivo comprender el cuidado intensivo ofrecido al paciente en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Adultos. El método utilizado fue la Grounded Theory. Se llevó a cabo 39 entrevistas con 47 personas de tres diferentes unidades de cuidados intensivos para adultos en Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS y Pelotas/RS, desde junio 2009 a septiembre de 2010. La teoría "Sosteniendo la vida en el complejo ambiente de cuidados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos", fue delimitada por ocho categorías. En este artículo se centrará la categoría "Asistir y monitorear el paciente continuamente". Se concluye que el cuidado intensivo requiere una atención integral a los pacientes, más allá de la atención técnica e incluye la dimensión física, emocional

  7. Study of structural phase transition in KD3 (Se O3)2 and Na H3(Se O3)2 by EPR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, J.C.M. da.


    The electron paramagnetic resonance of Se O - 2 centers in KD 3 (Se O 3 ) 2 and Na H 3 (Se O 3 ) 2 was done in the temperature ranges of -170 0 C o +80 0 C and +25 0 C to -185 0 C, respectively. (A.C.A.S.)

  8. The system SnTe-InSe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gurshumov, A.P.; Alidzhanov, M.A.; Aliev, A.S.; Gadzhiev, T.G.; Mamedov, N.A.


    This paper discusses the nature of the interaction and physicochemical properties of the alloys of the system SnTe-InSe. The DTA was performed on an NTR-74 pyrometer, XPA on a Dron-2.0 diffractometer and MSA on an MIM-7 metallographic microscope. The microhardness of the samples was determined on a PMT-3 microhardness tester. The congruently melting compound SnInTeSe and solid solutions based on the starting components are formed in the system

  9. Electronic Properties of Graphene-PtSe2 Contacts. (United States)

    Sattar, Shahid; Schwingenschlögl, Udo


    In this article, we study the electronic properties of graphene in contact with monolayer and bilayer PtSe 2 using first-principles calculations. It turns out that there is no charge transfer between the components because of the weak van der Waals interaction. We calculate the work functions of monolayer and bilayer PtSe 2 and analyze the band bending at the contact with graphene. The formation of an n-type Schottky contact with monolayer PtSe 2 and a p-type Schottky contact with bilayer PtSe 2 is demonstrated. The Schottky barrier height is very low in the bilayer case and can be reduced to zero by 0.8% biaxial tensile strain.

  10. Electronic Properties of Graphene–PtSe2 Contacts

    KAUST Repository

    Sattar, Shahid


    In this article, we study the electronic properties of graphene in contact with monolayer and bilayer PtSe2 using first-principles calculations. It turns out that there is no charge transfer between the components because of the weak van der Waals interaction. We calculate the work functions of monolayer and bilayer PtSe2 and analyze the band bending at the contact with graphene. The formation of an n-type Schottky contact with monolayer PtSe2 and a p-type Schottky contact with bilayer PtSe2 is demonstrated. The Schottky barrier height is very low in the bilayer case and can be reduced to zero by 0.8% biaxial tensile strain.

  11. Electronic Properties of Graphene–PtSe2 Contacts

    KAUST Repository

    Sattar, Shahid; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo


    In this article, we study the electronic properties of graphene in contact with monolayer and bilayer PtSe2 using first-principles calculations. It turns out that there is no charge transfer between the components because of the weak van der Waals interaction. We calculate the work functions of monolayer and bilayer PtSe2 and analyze the band bending at the contact with graphene. The formation of an n-type Schottky contact with monolayer PtSe2 and a p-type Schottky contact with bilayer PtSe2 is demonstrated. The Schottky barrier height is very low in the bilayer case and can be reduced to zero by 0.8% biaxial tensile strain.

  12. The influence of CdSe and ZnSe nanoparticles on the optical properties of Sm{sup 3+} ions in lead borate glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mallur, Saisudha B.; Heidorn, William D.; Fatokun, Stephen O.; Joshi, Krishna D.; Bista, Sandip S.; Babu, Panakkattu K., E-mail: [Western Illinois University, Department of Physics (United States)


    The effect of glass composition and the presence of CdSe/ZnSe nanoparticles (NPs) on the optical absorption and fluorescence of Sm-doped lead borate glasses are studied. Three sets of glass samples xPbO:(99.5-x) B{sub 2}O{sub 3}:0.5Sm{sub 2}O{sub 3}, x = 29.5–69.5 mol%, xPbO:(96.5-x) B{sub 2}O{sub 3}:0.5Sm{sub 2}O{sub 3}: 3CdSe/ZnSe, x = 36.5, and 56.5 mol% are prepared. NPs are grown by annealing these glasses just below the glass transition temperature. Average size of both types of NPs increases with annealing time; however, CdSe NPs grew to a larger size range (2 to 20 nm) compared to ZnSe NPs (1 to 16 nm). We analyzed the hypersensitive transition, intensity parameters, radiative transition probability, stimulated emission cross section (σ{sub p}), and the area ratio of the electric dipole/magnetic dipole transitions of Sm{sup 3+}. The intensity parameters show a minimum at 11 h annealing for 36.5 mol% and a maximum for the same annealing duration in 56.5 mol% PbO containing CdSe NPs. The σ{sub p} for 56.5 mol% of PbO with CdSe NPs is found to be a maximum when the average NP size is around 14 nm. ZnSe NPs containing glasses also show significant changes in σ{sub p} when the average particle size is ~16 nm, for 36.5 mol% PbO. Our results suggest that the optical properties of Sm{sup 3+} in lead borate glasses are sensitive to its electronic environment which can be modified by varying the base glass composition and/or incorporating large NPs of CdSe/ZnSe. The large σ{sub p} values that we observe for some of the glass compositions make them attractive materials for photonic devices and photovoltaic applications.

  13. Core–shell interaction and its impact on the optical absorption of pure and doped core-shell CdSe/ZnSe nanoclusters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Xinqin; Cui, Yingqi; Zeng, Qun; Yang, Mingli, E-mail: [Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Key Laboratory of High Energy Density Physics and Technology of Ministry of Education, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 (China); Yu, Shengping [College of Chemistry and Environment Protection Engineering, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu 610041 (China)


    The structural, electronic, and optical properties of core-shell nanoclusters, (CdSe){sub x}@(CdSe){sub y} and their Zn-substituted complexes of x = 2–4 and y = 16–28, were studied with density functional theory calculations. The substitution was applied in the cores, the shells, and/or the whole clusters. All these clusters are characterized by their core-shell structures in which the core-shell interaction was found different from those in core or in shell, as reflected by their bondlengths, volumes, and binding energies. Moreover, the core and shell combine together to compose a new cluster with electronic and optical properties different from those of separated individuals, as reflected by their HOMO-LUMO gaps and optical absorptions. With the substitution of Cd by Zn, the structural, electronic, and optical properties of clusters change regularly. The binding energy increases with Zn content, attributed to the strong Zn–Se bonding. For the same core/shell, the structure with a CdSe shell/core has a narrower gap than that with a ZnSe shell/core. The optical absorption spectra also change accordingly with Zn substitution. The peaks blueshift with increasing Zn concentration, accompanying with shape variations in case large number of Cd atoms are substituted. Our calculations reveal the core-shell interaction and its influence on the electronic and optical properties of the core-shell clusters, suggesting a composition–structure–property relationship for the design of core-shell CdSe and ZnSe nanoclusters.

  14. The Antiphagocytic Activity of SeM of Streptococcus equi Requires Capsule. (United States)

    Timoney, John F; Suther, Pranav; Velineni, Sridhar; Artiushin, Sergey C


    Resistance to phagocytosis is a crucial virulence property of Streptococcus equi (Streptococcus equi subsp. equi; Se), the cause of equine strangles. The contribution and interdependence of capsule and SeM to killing in equine blood and neutrophils were investigated in naturally occurring strains of Se. Strains CF32, SF463 were capsule and SeM positive, strains Lex90, Lex93 were capsule negative and SeM positive and strains Se19, Se1-8 were capsule positive and SeM deficient. Phagocytosis and killing of Se19, Se1-8, Lex90 and Lex93 in equine blood and by neutrophils suspended in serum were significantly (P ≤ 0.02) greater compared to CF32 and SF463. The results indicate capsule and SeM are both required for resistance to phagocytosis and killing and that the anti-phagocytic property of SeM is greatly reduced in the absence of capsule.

  15. Nuevas tecnologías para la interpretación y promoción de los recursos turísticos culturales

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    José L. Caro


    Full Text Available Las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (NTIC han revolucionado la forma de promocionar e interpretar el patrimonio cultural en el mundo del turismo. Actualmente cualquier destino que pretenda ser competitivo debe actualizar continuamente toda aquella información que pueda ser de interés para el visitante. El turista cuya principal motivación es la cultura, se caracteriza por requerir gran cantidad de información y ser consumidor de TICs. Los usuarios se han transformando en usuarios 2.0, caracterizados por estar altamente conectados y por ser generadores de información y, sobre todo opinión en redes sociales, blogs, etc., siendo claves en los sistemas de reputación on-line. En este artículo se analiza y clasifica las TIC vinculadas con la interpretación, promoción y puesta en explotación turística de recursos culturales. Así, se abordarán tanto herramientas más tradicionales como tecnologías de una actualidad manifiesta en el ámbito de la promoción y puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural. Estos instrumentos además de ser vehículo para la promoción, marketing e incluso para la planificación del destino turístico, ofrecen la oportunidad para mejorar la interpretación y gestión del patrimonio cultural en dichos espacios.

  16. Influencia de la hipoxia sobre el metabolismo óseo: rol central del factor inducible por hipoxia

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    Elías Ernesto Aguirre Siancas


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de la influencia de la hipoxia sobre la fisiología humana dio un salto cualitativo cuando se descubrió al factor inducible por hipoxia (HIF. Las vías moleculares que este factor de transcripción regula son variadas y complejas, cuya comprensión continuamente se sigue profundizando. En la fisiología y en la fisiopatología del tejido óseo se desarrollan varios procesos característicos, como la osificación, la remodelación y la reparación. La disminución en la disposición de oxígeno determina la estabilización del HIF en muchos grupos celulares, entre los cuales destacan las células del linaje osteogénico. Este factor regula la expresión de múltiples genes, siendo, quizás, el más importante el que codifica al factor de crecimiento vascular del endotelio (VEGF, debido a su decisiva implicancia en el proceso de osteogénesis, directamente activando a las células osteoblásticas o indirectamente mediante su potente acción angiogénica. En este artículo, se hace una revisión actualizada sobre el rol central del HIF sobre la fisiología ósea, detallando la regulación de las principales vías moleculares dependientes de dicho factor de transcripción.

  17. Electrodeposition and Thermoelectric Properties of Cu-Se Binary Compound Films (United States)

    Yang, Mengqian; Shen, Zhengwu; Liu, Xiaoqing; Wang, Wei


    Cu-Se binary compound films have been prepared by electrodeposition from solutions containing CuSO4, H2SeO3, and H2SO4 and their composition, structure, and thermoelectric performance analyzed. Moving the depositing potential negatively increased the Cu content in the film, remarkably so for relatively low Cu2+ concentration in the solution. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the phase composition of the films varied with their Cu content. Cu-Se binary compound films electrodeposited from solutions with different concentration ratios of CuSO4 to H2SeO3 showed two different phases: α-Cu2- x Se (monoclinic) with Se content in the range of 33.3 at.% to 33.8 at.%, and β-Cu2Se (cubic) with Se content in the range of 35.3 at.% to 36.0 at.%. The highest power factor for electrodeposited Cu2- x Se film was 0.13 mW/(K2 m) with Seebeck coefficient of 56.0 μV/K.

  18. Formation and properties of epitaxial CdSe, ZnSe quantum dots. Conventional molecular beam epitaxy and related techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahapatra, Suddhasatta


    This thesis systematically investigates three such alternative approaches, along with conventional MBE, with emphasis on the formation-mechanism of QDs, and optimization of their morphological and optical attributes. it is shown here that no distinct 3D islands are formed in MBE growth of CdSe on ZnSe. While CdSe heteroepitaxy occurs in the multilayer-mode at T G =300 C, a reentrant recovery of the layer-by-layer mode is reported in this thesis, for growth at T G D =230 C). The process steps of the third variant technique, developed in course of this work, are very similar to those of the previous one-the only alteration being the substitution of selenium with tellurium as the cap-forming-material. (orig.)

  19. SeO2 adsorption on CaO surface: DFT and experimental study on the adsorption of multiple SeO2 molecules (United States)

    Fan, Yaming; Zhuo, Yuqun; Li, Liangliang


    SeO2 adsorption mechanisms on CaO surface were firstly investigated by both density functional theory (DFT) calculations and adsorption experiments. Adsorption of multiple SeO2 on the CaO (001) surface was investigated using slab model. Based on the results of adsorption energy and surface property, a double-layer adsorption mechanisms were proposed. In experiments, the SeO2 adsorption products were prepared in a U-shaped quartz reactor at 200 °C. The surface morphology was investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The superficial and total SeO2 mass fractions were measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), respectively. The surface valence state and bulk structure are determined by XPS and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The experimental results are in good agreement with the DFT results. In conclusion, the fundamental SeO2 chemisorption mechanisms on CaO surface were suggested.

  20. Electroluminescence of colloidal ZnSe quantum dots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dey, S.C.; Nath, S.S.


    The article reports a green chemical synthesis of colloidal ZnSe quantum dots at a moderate temperature. The prepared colloid sample is characterised by UV-vis absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. UV-vis spectroscopy reveals as-expected blue-shift with strong absorption edge at 400 nm and micrographs show a non-uniform size distribution of ZnSe quantum dots in the range 1-4 nm. Further, photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectroscopies are carried out to study optical emission. Each of the spectroscopies reveals two emission peaks, indicating band-to-band transition and defect related transition. From the luminescence studies, it can be inferred that the recombination of electrons and holes resulting from interband transition causes violet emission and the recombination of a photon generated hole with a charged state of Zn-vacancy gives blue emission. Meanwhile electroluminescence study suggests the application of ZnSe quantum dots as an efficient light emitting device with the advantage of colour tuning (violet-blue-violet). - Highlights: → Synthesis of ZnSe quantum dots by a green chemical route. → Characterisation: UV-vis absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. → Analysis of UV-vis absorption spectrum and transmission electron micrographs. → Study of electro-optical properties by photoluminescence and electroluminescence. → Conclusion: ZnSe quantum dots can be used as LED with dual colour emission.

  1. Crystal structure, Raman scattering and magnetic properties of CuCr2-xZrxSe4 and CuCr2-xSnxSe4 selenospinels (United States)

    Pinto, C.; Galdámez, A.; Barahona, P.; Moris, S.; Peña, O.


    Selenospinels, CuCr2-xMxSe4 (M = Zr and Sn), were synthesized via conventional solid-state reactions. The crystal structure of CuCr1.5Sn0.5Se4, CuCr1.7Sn0.3Se4, CuCr1.5Zr0.5Se4, and CuCr1.8Zr0.2Se4 were determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. All the phases crystallized in a cubic spinel-type structure. The chemical compositions of the single-crystals were examined using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS). Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of CuCr1.3Sn0.7Se4 and CuCr1.7Sn0.3Se4 were consistent with phases belonging to the Fd 3 bar m Space group. An analysis of the vibrational properties on the single-crystals was performed using Raman scattering measurements. The magnetic properties showed a spin glass behavior with increasing Sn content and ferromagnetic order for CuCr1.7Sn0.3Se4.

  2. The absolute age of SE-RF-6 (Ngamanie) and its relation to SE-RF-2 (Nenumbo) : two decorated lapita sites in the southeast Solomon Islands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, R.C.; Jones, M.


    The relative age of SE-RF-6, SE-RF-2 and SE-SZ-8, three decorative phase Lapita sites in the Reef/Santa Cruz region of the Outer Easter Islands of Solomon Islands, has been the subject of dispute. A review of the evidence recovered from SE-RF-6 (Ngamanie), in conjunction with a Bayesian calibration model, supports the notion that it postdates the nearby site of SE-RF-2 (Nenumbo). We conclude that the SE-RF-6 represents an occupation of 50 to 100 years duration (compared with 50 or less for SE-RF-2), beginning some time in the interval 2470-2910 BP. (author). 22 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs

  3. La isla de calor estival en Temuco, Chile

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    Alicia Capelli de Steffens


    Full Text Available Temuco es una ciudad localizada en el centro sur de Chile (38º 45’ S y 72º 40’ W. Morfológicamente, el sitio de la ciudad corresponde a las terrazas fluviales del río Cautín que se desarrollan en forma encajonada entre los cerros Ñielol (350 m y Conunhueno (360 m. Esta ciudad se ha desarrollado rápidamente en las últimas décadas, por lo tanto es necesario conocer el efecto antrópico en la misma. Para evaluar parte de ese efecto se analiza la isla de calor urbana estival en la ciudad de Temuco, Chile. Se efectuaron mediciones de temperatura del aire y humedad a través de la ciudad para determinar la forma y la intensidad de la isla de calor urbano. Se utilizaron estaciones móviles e información de una estación meteorológica fija. La ciudad presenta un comportamiento térmico diferente a lo largo del día. Durante el día genera una isla de calor que responde en líneas generales al modelo ideal de calentamiento urbano. La intensidad de la isla calórica (∆Tu-r fue 6.3ºC y 1.2ºC durante el día y la noche, respectivamente. La influencia de los cerros que limitan la ciudad es importante. El estudio confirma la idea que el clima urbano de una ciudad es un mosaico de microclimas que interactuan continuamente.

  4. A base de conhecimentos e a identidade de mentores participantes do Programa de Formação Online de Mentores da UFSCar-Brasil

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    Paula Grizzo Gobato


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la base de conocimientos de profesores experimentados del Programa de Formación en línea de Mentores de laUFSCar-Brasil y responder a la pregunta: qué conocimientos específicos, pedagógicos y sobre la función de mentor, que lo ayudarán a desempeñar la nueva función, pueden se aprehender en los profesores experimentados participantes del Programa de Formación en línea de los Mentores? El programa tiene una propuesta curricular flexible y enfoca el desarrollo profesional de profesores experimentados. La investigación se basó en el análisis descriptivo-interpretativo de las narrativas de cuatro participantes seleccionados y referentes a cuatro actividades realizadas durante la formación. Se analizaron conocimientos pedagógicos generales, conocimientos de contenido específico, conocimientos pedagógicos del contenido, conocimientos sobre formación y actuación docente y, por fin, conocimientos sobre la función de gestor, de mentor y de la escuela. Como resultado, se percibe que la base de conocimientos atribuida al mentor se asemeja a la de los profesionales gestores y formadores de profesores, aunque la práctica de la mentoria y en el aula es importante para que la base sea continuamente remodelada y perfeccionada para mejorar el desempeño del mentor y, posiblemente, de los profesores principiantes por él acompañados.

  5. Herramientas y recursos para la creación y consumo musical en la web 2.0. Aplicaciones y potencialidades educativas

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    Felipe Gértrudix Barrio


    Full Text Available Desde la aparición de Internet, y en especial el desarrollo de los servicios y herramientas que caracterizan a la web 2.0, la creación y el consumo musical se han expandido significativamente. En ese proceso, los nativos digitales, usuarios activos de estos nuevos medios, experimentan e innovan continuamente con nuevas formas de producir y disfrutar la música de forma colectiva en entornos distribuidos de Red. El articulo evalúa las posibilidades de integración de esta realidad como un activo educativo en las aulas de música de Enseñanza Secundaria, analizando cuales son los servicios y herramientas que ofrecen mejores posibilidades para facilitar dinámicas y estrategias didácticas innovadoras de aprendizaje musical. Para ello, se ha realizado una amplia revisión documental de fuentes de referencia publicadas en los últimos 15 anos referidas a las potencialidades didácticas musicales de la creación colaborativa en Red, se ha elaborado un corpus de servicios y aplicaciones web 2.0 de creación y consumo musical, y se ha analizado una muestra de estas para determinar sus características y aplicaciones educativas concretas. Se concluye el articulo manifestando la oportunidad que el uso de estas aplicaciones representa para mejorar la predisposición de los estudiantes hacia la materia, la incentivan de los procesos creativos musicales, el desarrollo de competencias especificas de análisis y composición y la capacidad critica y reflexiva tanto sobre el proceso creador como sobre el producto musical alcanzado.

  6. Raman scattering and structural analysis of electrodeposited CuInSe{sub 2} and S-rich quaternary CuIn(S,Se){sub 2} semiconductors for solar cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Izquierdo-Roca, Victor; Fontane, Xavier; Morante, Joan Ramon [Departament d' Electronica, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain); Saucedo, Edgardo; Ruiz, Carmen M.; Grand, Pierre-Philippe; Jaime-Ferrer, Jesus Salvador; Bermudez, Veronica [Institut de Recherche et Developement sur l' Energie Photovoltaique (IRDEP), Chatou (France); Calvo-Barrio, Lorenzo [Departament d' Electronica, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain); Lab. Analisis de Superficies, SCT, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain); Alvarez-Garcia, Jacobo [Centre de Recerca i Investigacio de Catalunya (CRIC), Barcelona (Spain); Perez-Rodriguez, Alejandro


    This work reports the Raman scattering characterisation of CuInSe{sub 2} precursors grown by single step electrodeposition and the corresponding layers recrystallised under sulphurising conditions for solar cell devices. The analysis of the spectra measured on the as-grown precursors has allowed identifying the main secondary phases in these layers with elemental Se, Cu-Se phases and chalcopyrite Cu-poor ordered vacancy domains. To deepen in the identification of the Cu-Se phases, these measurements have been correlated with the analysis of binary Cu-Se layers. The experimental data indicate that formation of both Se and Cu-Se phases is likely controlled by the Se content in the layers. For values of stoichiometry below 1.15, excess Cu in the layers is accommodated in a phase with very low Raman efficiency (as Cu{sub 2}Se). Increasing the content of Se leads to an increase in the spectral contribution from both Se and Cu{sub 2-x}Se, being the formation of these phases likely favoured under high excess Se conditions. The characterisation of the corresponding recrystallised layers has allowed analysing the impact of the presence of the secondary phases in the as-grown absorbers on the performance of the final solar cells. (copyright 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  7. Properties of different temperature annealed Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} and Cu(In,Ga){sub 2}Se{sub 3.5} films prepared by RF sputtering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu Zhou; Liu Lian; Yan Yong; Zhang Yanxia; Li Shasha; Yan Chuanpeng; Zhang Yong [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Suspension Technology and Maglev Vehicle, Ministry of Education of China, Superconductivity and New Energy R and D Center (SNERDC), Mail Stop 165, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031 (China); Zhao Yong, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Magnetic Suspension Technology and Maglev Vehicle, Ministry of Education of China, Superconductivity and New Energy R and D Center (SNERDC), Mail Stop 165, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031 (China); School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, NSW (Australia)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} and Cu(In,Ga)2Se{sub 3.5} films follow different process to form CIGS phase. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Composition loss of the annealed Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} and Cu(In,Ga){sub 2}Se{sub 3.5} films are different. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Hexagonal CuSe phase exhibits unique transport feature. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Conductivity of the CIGS films is affected by the 'variable range hopping' mechanism. - Abstract: We have investigated the effect of annealing temperature on structural, compositional, electrical properties of the one-step RF sputtered Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} and Cu(In,Ga){sub 2}Se{sub 3.5} films. After the annealing at various temperatures, loss of Se element is significant for the Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} films and meanwhile composition of the annealed Cu(In,Ga){sub 2}Se{sub 3.5} films keeps almost constant. The as-deposited Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} and Cu(In,Ga){sub 2}Se{sub 3.5} films show amorphous structure and they follow different transformation process to form chalcopyrite structure. Electrical conductivity of the annealed CIGS films related to their chemical composition. Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} films annealed at 150 Degree-Sign C show unique electron transport mechanism for the formation of hexagonal CuSe phase. Electrical conductivity of the chalcopyrite structure films are dominated by the 'variable range hopping' transport mechanism. The annealed Cu(In,Ga){sub 2}Se{sub 3.5} films present higher density of disorders than the annealed Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} films for their significant Cu deficient composition.

  8. Fe-vacancy and superconductivity in FeSe-based superconductors (United States)

    Wang, C. H.; Chen, T. K.; Chang, C. C.; Lee, Y. C.; Wang, M. J.; Huang, K. C.; Wu, P. M.; Wu, M. K.


    This review summarizes recent advancements in FeSe and related systems. The FeSe and related superconductors are currently receiving considerable attention for the high Tcs observed and for many similar features to the high Tc cuprate superconductors. These similarities suggest that understanding the FeSe based compounds could potentially help our understanding of the cuprates. We shall first review the common features observed in the FeSe-based system. It was found that with a careful control of material synthesizing processes, numerous rich phases have been observed in the FeSe-based system. Detailed studies show that the Fe-vacancy ordered phases found in the FeSe based compounds, which are non-superconducting Mott insulators, are the parent compounds of the superconductors. Superconductivity emerges from the parent phases by disordering the Fe vacancy order, often by a simple annealing treatment. Recent high temperature X-ray diffraction experiments show that the degree of structural distortion associated with the disorder of Fe-vacancy is closely related to volume fraction of the superconductivity observed. These results suggest the strong lattice to spin coupling are important for the occurrence of superconductivity in FeSe based superconductors.

  9. ¿Qué se juega al jugar un juego?

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    Kalejman, Cecilia


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se considera el juego en relación a la niñez. Se indaga acerca del papel que juega el juego en la niñez intentando responder a diversas preguntas, entre ellas la más importante: ¿Qué significa jugar? A lo largo de esta etapa del desarrollo en que comienza a constituirse la subjetividad del individuo el juego constituye, sin dudas, un factor central, una herramienta fundamental en el desarrollo. Juego no es sólo el juego dramático, también consideramos para nuestro análisis aquellas modalidades de juego que se transmiten de generación en generación, juegos de construcción, los dibujos, teniendo en cuenta asimismo los objetos utilizados en los juegos, los contenidos de los mismos, los espacios en los que se desarrollan. Se piensa y se interpreta al juego, como un derecho y como un modo de expresión del niño, se finaliza este desarrollo con una conclusión acera del juego y el espacio que ocupa en la vida cotidiana.

  10. Análisis multinivel de cadenas de suministros: dos técnicas de resolución del efecto bullwhip || Supply Chain Multi-level Analysis:Two Bullwhip Dampening Approaches

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    Ciancimino, Elena


    Full Text Available El efecto bullwhip es un fenómeno causante de ineficiencias en la gestión de la cadena de suministros. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el impacto sobre el rendimiento de una cadena de suministro de dos de las técnicas más comunes de resolución del efecto bullwhip: la regla de pedido (S, R amortiguada y la adopción de prácticas de colaboración. Para ello, se adopta un sistema de métricas con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos sobre los diferentes eslabones de la cadena. Estos efectos se miden en términos de la estabilidad de la orden de pedido y de los inventarios, de la robustezdel sistema y de los beneficios para el cliente. Los resultados se analizan desde un punto de vista puramente técnico y desde el punto de vista de las implicaciones para las empresas. || The bullwhip effect is a phenomenon that causes inefficiencies in supply chains. The aim of this paper is to investigate on the different impact on theperformance of a supply chain of two bullwhip solving techniques: the (S, R smoothing replenishment policy and collaboration practices. Performance is evaluated through a comprehensive set of metrics, aimed at assessing the order rate stability, the inventory stability, the robustness of the system and the customer service level. Results are analysed both from a technical perspective and from the managerial point of view.

  11. Estructura factorial del Cuestionario de Creencias Adictivas en Fumadores (CCAF

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    Alejandro Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: las creencias adictivas constituyen un riesgo para el uso de sustancias; contribuyen a mantener el consumo y proporcionan un trasfondo para la recaída. En la actualidad existen cuestionarios que miden creencias relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias de manera global, pero ninguno está enfocado en evaluar creencias adictivas en fumadores; hacerlo apoyaría en el manejo clínico de las personas que buscan dejar de fumar. Objetivo: evaluar la estructura factorial de un cuestionario que mide creencias adictivas en fumadores. Método: mediante un muestreo intencional se obtuvo una muestra de 300 jóvenes fumadores mayores de 18 años. Todos los participantes respondieron un cuestionario de autorreporte compuesto por 60 ítems que exploran creencias relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC para determinar el modelo con un ajuste adecuado. Resultados: luego de evaluar dos modelos con AFC, se seleccionó uno de tres factores con una carga cruzada, cuyas medidas de bondad de ajuste fueron X2 S-B (22 = 38.37, p = .01, X2 S-B / gl = 1.74. CFIS = .978 RMSEAS = .050 (IC 90% .021–.076, que indican un ajuste adecuado de los datos. Discusión y conclusiones: la estructura factorial del CCAF está asociada con las creencias adictivas descritas por Beck. El CCAF es una herramienta breve que podría coadyuvar en el tratamiento de personas que buscan dejar de fumar.

  12. Low temperature magnetic structure of MnSe

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. In this paper we report low temperature neutron diffraction studies on MnSe in order to understand the anomalous behaviour of their magnetic and transport prop- erties. Our study indicates that at low temperatures MnSe has two coexisting crystal structures, high temperature NaCl and hexagonal NiAs. NiAs phase ...

  13. Thermoelectric properties of SnSe compound

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guan, Xinhong [State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.O. Box 72, Beijing 100876 (China); Lu, Pengfei, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.O. Box 72, Beijing 100876 (China); Wu, Liyuan; Han, Lihong [State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.O. Box 72, Beijing 100876 (China); Liu, Gang [School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876 (China); Song, Yuxin [State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Wang, Shumin [State Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Photonics Laboratory, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg (Sweden)


    Highlights: • The electronic and thermoelectric properties of SnSe bulk material are studied. • The ZT can reach as high as 1.87 along yy and 1.6 along zz direction at 800k. • SnSe is an indirect-band material, and SOC has little effect on the band structure. • The high ZT can be attributed to the intrinsically ultralow thermal conductivity. - Abstract: A first-principles study and Boltzmann transport theory have been performed to evaluate the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of SnSe compound. The energy band structure and density of states are studied in detail. The electronic transport coefficients are then calculated as a function of chemical potential or temperature within the assumption of the constant relaxation time. The figure of merit ZT is obtained with the use of calculated thermoelectric properties and can reach as high as 1.87 along yy and 1.6 along zz direction at 800 K. Our theoretical result agrees well with previous experimental data.

  14. Thermoelectric properties of SnSe compound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan, Xinhong; Lu, Pengfei; Wu, Liyuan; Han, Lihong; Liu, Gang; Song, Yuxin; Wang, Shumin


    Highlights: • The electronic and thermoelectric properties of SnSe bulk material are studied. • The ZT can reach as high as 1.87 along yy and 1.6 along zz direction at 800k. • SnSe is an indirect-band material, and SOC has little effect on the band structure. • The high ZT can be attributed to the intrinsically ultralow thermal conductivity. - Abstract: A first-principles study and Boltzmann transport theory have been performed to evaluate the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of SnSe compound. The energy band structure and density of states are studied in detail. The electronic transport coefficients are then calculated as a function of chemical potential or temperature within the assumption of the constant relaxation time. The figure of merit ZT is obtained with the use of calculated thermoelectric properties and can reach as high as 1.87 along yy and 1.6 along zz direction at 800 K. Our theoretical result agrees well with previous experimental data

  15. Epitaxial CdSe-Au nanocrystal heterostructures by thermal annealing. (United States)

    Figuerola, Albert; van Huis, Marijn; Zanella, Marco; Genovese, Alessandro; Marras, Sergio; Falqui, Andrea; Zandbergen, Henny W; Cingolani, Roberto; Manna, Liberato


    The thermal evolution of a collection of heterogeneous CdSe-Au nanosystems (Au-decorated CdSe nanorods, networks, vertical assemblies) prepared by wet-chemical approaches was monitored in situ in the transmission electron microscope. In contrast to interfaces that are formed during kinetically controlled wet chemical synthesis, heating under vacuum conditions results in distinct and well-defined CdSe/Au interfaces, located at the CdSe polar surfaces. The high quality of these interfaces should make the heterostructures more suitable for use in nanoscale electronic devices.


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    Consuelo Angarita Arboleda


    Full Text Available Este artículo está basado en una investigación sobre la inteligencia emocional realizada con jóvenes universitarios con alto promedio académico, bajo la dirección de las autoras con las psicólogas Joanna Durán Polo, Daisy Rodelo Quintana y Lilia Torres Cortés. Fue de carácter descriptivo. Tuvo como objetivo conocer las características de esta población en cuanto a la atención, claridad y regulación de sus emociones y comparar los resultados obtenidos entre los jóvenes de sexo masculino y femenino. La muestra seleccionada fue de 316 estudiantes con alto promedio académico, pertenecientes a los programas de Ingenierías, Psicología, Medicina, Enfermería, Administración, Derecho, Comunicación Social y Licenciatura en Educación Infantil. Para evaluar la variable de estudio se utilizó la Escala metaemotiva del carácter elaborada por Peter Salovey, John Mayer y David Caruso. Se analizaron los ítemes de manera independiente y en relación con el factor que miden. Determinadas las tendencias arrojadas por el grupo se contrastaron con lo esperado teóricamente, y se hicieron comparaciones entre sexo masculino y femenino. En general, no se observó en estos jóvenes niveles elevados en el manejo de sus emociones, ni alta integración de sus habilidades emocionales a su vida cotidiana. Se vislumbra la intervención de la cultura en el aprendizaje emocional de estos estudiantes, al igual que el peso relativo de la adolescencia y adultez temprana en las decisiones que asumen y las contradicciones que presentan. No hay diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres, y estas últimas mostraron una mayor atención a sus emociones y a las de las de otras personas, menor confusión en cuanto a cómo se sienten y cómo sienten a los demás.

  17. Significados e implicaciones de la alfabetización tecnológica en el desarrollo de niños, niñas y adolescentes

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    María López


    Full Text Available Se analizan los significados y algunas implicaciones de la alfabetización tecnológica en el desarrollo de niños, niñas y adolescentes, con base en referentes teóricos que permiten contextualizar el objeto y actores de estudio en una perspectiva humana integral, la cual combina lo cognitivo con lo psico-social. La metodología utilizada consistió en el diseño de un programa de alfabetización tecnológica, dirigido a una población de 60 niños, niñas y adolescentes pertenecientes al Sector El Marite, Parroquia Venancio Pulgar del Municipio Maracaibo, en virtud de que se asumió que dichos actores se encuentran en situación de exclusión social, con escasas posibilidades económicas para el acceder a la infraestructura tecnológica. Se aplicaron tres pruebas específicas: la subescala de Claves A-B, la subescala de Figuras Incompletas y la subescala Laberintos, pertenecientes a la prueba WISC-R de Weschler, que mide habilidades como: percepción visual y motriz, atención, coordinación y memoria. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron técnicas de dibujo proyectivo para develar la concepción que los niños, niñas y adolescentes tienen con relación a la tecnología. También se aplicó la escala Conners, contentiva de 59 items que miden 13 categorías del comportamiento. Los resultados revelan, además de la efectividad del programa en cuanto al desarrollo de competencias para la interacción tecnológica, un impacto significativo en el desarrollo intelectual y socio-emocional de la población atendida. Se concluye, que los programas de alfabetización tecnológica deben trascender la perspectiva instrumentalista para ubicarse en una dimensión más humana que entiende la tecnología como un elemento de desarrollo e inclusión social.

  18. Synthesis, field emission properties and optical properties of ZnSe nanoflowers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xue, S.L., E-mail: [Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); Wu, S.X.; Zeng, Q.Z.; Xie, P.; Gan, K.X.; Wei, J.; Bu, S.Y.; Ye, X.N.; Xie, L. [Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); Zou, R.J. [State Key Laboratory for Modification and Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620 (China); Zhang, C.M.; Zhu, P.F. [Department of Physics, School of Fundamental Studies, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620 (China)


    Graphical abstract: Unique ZnSe nanoflowers have been successfully synthesized by reaction of Se powder with Zn substrates. They are characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, XPS, EDS and Raman spectroscopy and were single crystals with cubic zinc blende (ZB) structure. They also have excellent field emission properties and optical properties. - Highlights: • Novel ZnSe nanoflowers are grown on Zn foils. • ZnSe nanoflowers are characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, XPS and Raman spectra. • ZnSe nanoflowers on Zn foils as cathodes possess good FE properties. - Abstract: ZnSe nanoflowers have been synthesized by reaction of Se powder with Zn substrates at low temperature. The as-prepared ZnSe nanoflowers were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscope (EDS) and Raman spectroscopy measurements. It was found that the morphologies of the as-prepared samples highly depended on reaction time. ZnSe nanoclusters and nanoflowers formed at 573 K when the reaction time was 20 and 60 min, respectively. The as-prepared ZnSe nanoflowers were composed of radically aligned ZnSe nanorods with smooth surfaces. The results of XRD, XPS, EDS, TEM and Raman showed that the as-prepared ZnSe nanocrystals were single crystals with cubic zinc blende (ZB) structure. The formation mechanism of the as-prepared ZnSe nanoflowers was also discussed. In addition, the as-prepared ZnSe nanoflowers had excellent electron emission properties. The turn-on field of the as-prepared ZnSe nanoflowers was 3.5 V/μm and the enhancement factor was 3499. The optical properties of the as-prepared ZnSe nanoflowers were also investigated. The results demonstrated that the as-prepared ZnSe nanoflowers were potential candidates for optoelectronic devices.

  19. Electronic structure and exchange interactions in diluted semimagnetic semiconductors (Zn,Co)Se and (Zn,Mn)Se (United States)

    Mašek, J.


    A comparative study of the electronic structure of (Zn,Co)Se and (Zn,Mn)Se is done by using a tight-binding version of the coherent potential approximation. The densities of states, relevant for a photoemission experiment, are calculated for a magnetically disordered phase. The exchange constant Jpd is obtained from the splitting of the valence band top in the ferromagnetic phase of the mixed crystal; Jdd is estimated from the energy of a spin reversal. We explain the large exchange constant in the Co-based systems as a result of efficient hybridization of the d-states with the valence band.

  20. Experiencias de desarrollo en tareas de procesamiento y gestión de datos en bioinformática

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    Alejandro Hadad


    Full Text Available En el presente documento se describen brevemente algunas experiencias de desarrollo relacionadas a tareas de procesamiento y gestión de datos para el área de bioinformática. En dicha área una de sus características es que los mismos suelen tener alta dimensionalidad, siendo esta una de las características que dificultan cualquier proceso de reconocimiento de patrones. Por otro lado en lo que respecta a tareas de gestión de datos, el profesional que trabaja en ámbitos de bioinformática usualmente necesita disponer de suficientes variantes en cuanto al manejo de diferentes formatos de almacenamiento y métodos de procesamiento, dada la naturaleza investigativa de su profesión que le requiere continuamente realizar ensayos in silico de manera no estandarizada. Este perfil de trabajo requiere herramientas con suficiente flexibilidad a fin de dar soporte a dichas tareas. Teniendo en cuenta estos dos aspectos en este trabajo se muestran en primer lugar una experiencia en relación a estrategias para la reducción dimensional. Por otro lado se muestra una experiencia en el diseño y desarrollo de un sistema flexible basado en pipeless y pipelines.


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    Luan Carlos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available O presente artigo traz para a discussão, reflexões acerca do entendimento da gestão da inovação em empresas de tecnologia da informação e comunicação (TICs que em muitas abordagens não levam em consideração a especificidade região e do mercado onde elas atuam, bem como o relacionamento direto com os processos da inovação. A pesquisa foi qualitativa e do ponto de vista por sua natureza, constitui-se como aplicada. Sendo caracterizada como uma pesquisa descritiva. O objetivo geral do artigo foi analisar o processo de gestão da inovação nas empresas de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TICs do Pólo de Informática de Ilhéus no Estado da Bahia. E finaliza-se destacando que para enfrentar os desafios no mercado, as empresas do Pólo de Informática devem inovar seus processos continuamente, e adquirindo novos conhecimentos organizacionais para terem uma postura empreendedora e inovadora junto ao mercado, a execução, manutenção e ampliação dessas ações tornam-se fundamentais para um maior fortalecimento das empresas de (TICs no Estado da Bahia.

  2. Utility of the SeHCAT test in the investigation of different types of bile acid malabsorption; SeHCAT-scanning ved galdesyremalabsorption

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hornshoej Thomsen, Lars; Arveschough, Anne Kirstine; Gustenhoff, Peter; Qvist, Peter


    Chronic diarrhoea caused by bile acid malabsorption (BAM) is usually divided into three groups. Type 1 is associated with ileal disease or ileal resection; type 2 is idiopathic, and type 3 is BAM associated with certain predisposing conditions. We evaluated the applicability of the SeHCAT test as a routine investigation of different types of suspected BAM. Detailed information about 298 patients were obtained from retrospective review of patient records. All 68 patients with ileal resections had abnormal SeHCAT retention (median 0.6%; range 0-13%). Of 42 patients with non-resected Crohn`s disease or radiation injury, BAM was found in 28 cases. A diagnosis of BAM type 2 was established in 33 of 150 patients with unexplained chronic diarrhoea. For patients tested for possible BAM type 3, the SeHCAT values were significantly lower compared to type 2 patients. For BAM type 1, the SeHCAT test is only recommended in non-resected patients. Idiopathic BAM seems to be more common than recognized. The presence of certain predisposing conditions might strenghten the indication for SeHCAT testing. (au) 20 refs.

  3. Hablando se entiende la gente

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    Mila Crespo Picó


    Full Text Available Habiendo observado que muchos cursos centrados en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa oral se limitan a ofrecer actividades inconexas que suponen un gran esfuerzo por parte de los participantes para situarse ante cada actividad y dificultan el establecimiento de relaciones profundas entre los exponentes nociofuncionales, los objetivos comunicativos y los recursos lingüísticos necesarios para realizarlas por contar con un tiempo limitado en el aula para ello, se presentó, bajo el mismo título que esta comunicación, una propuesta didáctica para un curso de conversación que pretende paliar estos aspectos en el I Foro de Profesores de E/LE en la Universitat de València.

  4. Structure of ferroelastic K3H(SeO4)2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ichikawa, M.; Sato, S.; Komukae, M.; Osaka, T.


    Tripotassium hydrogenbis(selenate), K 3 H(SeO 4 ) 2 , M r = 404.2, monoclinic, A2/a, a = 10.1291 (8), b = 5.9038 (5), c = 14.961 (1) A, β = 103.640 (8) 0 , V = 869.5 (1) A 3 , Z = 4, D x = 3.086 Mg m -3 , λ(Mo Kα) = 0.71073 A, μ = 9.86 mm -1 , F(000) = 760, T = 299 K, R(F) = 0.0294 for 1670 unique reflections. K 3 H(SeO 4 ) 2 is isomorphous with most M 3 H(XO 4 ) 2 -type crystals (M=K,Rb and Cs; Cs; X = S and Se); two SeO 4 groups are connected by a crystallographically symmetric hydrogen bond into a dimer. The bond distances and angles in the SeO 4 group are similar to those in Rb 3 H(SeO 4 ) 2 and Rb 3 D(SeO 4 ) 2 . The hydrogen-bond length, 2.524 (5) A, is the shortest among the members of the M 3 H(SeO 4 ) 2 family exhibiting the low-temperature phase transition. (orig.)

  5. Facile synthesis and characterization of hexagonal NbSe2 nanoplates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Xianghua; Zhang, Du; Tang, Hua; Ji, Xiaorui; Zhang, Yi; Tang, Guogang; Li, Changsheng


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Uniform hexagonal NbSe 2 nanoplates were prepared by a simple solid state reaction. • The possible formation mechanism of the NbSe 2 nanoplates was discussed. • The formation of NbSe 2 nanoplates undergoes a series of phase transition. - Abstract: The NbSe 2 nanoplates with hexagonal morphology have been successfully prepared by a facile, environmentally friendly reaction in closed reactor at moderate temperature. The thermal (750 °C) solid-state reaction between the ball-milled mixture of micro-sized Nb and Se yielded a high yield of NbSe 2 nanoplates. The as-prepared products were characterized by XRD, EDS, and SEM. The results showed that the as-prepared products were hexagonal phase NbSe 2 nanoplates with uniform sizes and the formation of NbSe 2 nanoplates underwent a series of phase transition. On the basis of experimental results obtained at different temperatures, a reasonable reaction process and a formation mechanism were proposed. Moreover, the ball milling time played a crucial role in acquiring the homogeneous distribution nanoplates

  6. Inovação, tecnologias de informação e comunicação e processos disruptivos Innovación, tecnologias de información y comunicación y processos disruptivos

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    Maria Jose Vicentini Jorente


    Full Text Available A Inovação e seus processos, em especial no campo tecnológico, são de interesse da Ciência da Informação como ciência do humano, pois determinam o estabelecimento de novos hábitos, indicadores socioculturais relevantes para a compreensão da história das culturas. Este artigo reflete sobre as problemáticas: se e como as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação tem impactado a vida dos nativos digitais; se o indivíduo comum está preparado para vivenciar criteriosamente o entorno tecnológico; como o sistema vigente poderá preparar gerações futuras de profissionais; e como os adultos que cresceram no século XX, em uma sociedade analógica podem preparar os jovens do século XXI para uma realidade digital, extensivamente diferente da deles. À medida que a sofisticação das tecnologias avança, a sociedade tem que continuamente revisar a maneira como se apropria da informação para se ajustar a essas mudanças. Quanto à relevância das metodologias que conduzem para ações inovadoras disruptivas em realidades hibridas como a brasileira, com nichos de pobreza e prosperidade, pode-se dizer que é em países pobres ou com diferenças sociais tão evidentes como as do Brasil onde se denota a necessidade de mudança de paradigma sócio tecnocultural e de uma ação inovadora.

  7. Experimental studies and nuclear model calculations on proton-induced reactions on $^{nat}$Se, $^{76}$Se and $^{77}$Se with particular reference to the production of the medically interesting radionuclides $^{76}$Br and $^{77}$Br

    CERN Document Server

    Hassan, H E; Coenen, H H; Morsy, M; Qaim, S M; Shubin, Yu; 10.1016/j.apradiso.2004.02.001


    Excitation functions of the reactions /sup nat/Se(p, x)/sup 75,76,77,82/Br, /sup 76/Se(p, xn)/sup 75,76/Br, /sup 76/Se(p, x)/sup 75/Se and /sup 77/Se(p, xn)/sup 76,77/Br were measured from their respective thresholds up to 40 MeV, with particular emphasis on data for the production of the medically important radionuclides /sup 76 /Br and /sup 77/Br. The conventional stacked-foil technique was used. The samples were prepared by a sedimentation process. Irradiations were performed using the compact cyclotron CV 28 and the injector of COSY, both at the Research Centre Julich. In order to validate the data, nuclear model calculations were performed using the code ALICE- IPPE which is based on the preequilibrium-evaporation model. Good agreement was found between the experimental and theoretical data, except in the high-energy region where the calculated data were somewhat higher. All the measured excitation curves were compared with the data available in the literature. From the experimental data the theoretical ...

  8. La desaceleración económica colombiana: se cosecha lo que se siembra

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    Carlos Humberto Ortiz


    Full Text Available La desaceleración económica que experimenta Colombia desde 1980 se explica por el estancamiento estructural de la economía y por la escalada de violencia relacionada con la expansión del narcotráfico. Los datos disponibles no rechazan esta hipótesis. El artículo plantea que la desindustrialización y el narcotráfico se forjaron en el mismo crisol: un modelo de desarrollo que ha integrado progresivamente la economía nacional a los mercados mundiales al tiempo que ha renunciado, también progresivamente, a la opción industrialista. Además, argumenta que la explosión del narcotráfico obedece a la profundización de la guerra contra las drogas en un contexto de demanda mundial creciente e inelástica.

  9. Det monstrøse i Ezekiels vision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kirsten


    Artiklen viser, hvordan det monstrøse introduceres i Ezekiels Bog kap. 1 i form af nogle sammensatte levende væsener, der har træk hentet fra både menneske- og dyreverdenen. Det monstrøse består i denne overskridelse af de gængse grænser og problematiserer dermed de velkendte klassifikationer. Og...

  10. Anabolizantes: conceitos segundo praticantes de musculação em Aracaju (SE Anabolizantes: conceptos según practicantes de musculación en Aracaju (SE Anabolic steroids: concepts according to muscular activity practisers in Aracaju (SE

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    André Faro Santos


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa objetivou delinear os principais conceitos acerca dos anabolizantes entre os praticantes de musculação nas academias de Aracaju (SE. Pretendeu-se, também, conhecer a prevalência da utilização destas substâncias na amostra selecionada. A amostra constituiu-se de 58 indivíduos do sexo masculino, entre 18 e 35 anos de idade, com predominância de formação de nível médio e superior. Como resultados, detectou-se que a concepção prevalente quanto aos anabolizantes e aos seus malefícios corresponde ao que é divulgado quanto à sua utilização sem a prescrição médica: o perigo do abuso. Já quanto aos benefícios observados, constatou-se que há a percepção de que estas substâncias podem gerar resultados imediatos. Percebeu-se um consumo elevado na população pesquisada, que geralmente adquire as drogas nas farmácias e utiliza doses acima do recomendado. Foi observada relação estatística significativa entre o uso dos anabolizantes na atualidade e no passado (pLa presente investigación tuvo como objetivo delinear los principales conceptos acerca de los anabolizantes entre los practicantes de musculación en los gimnasios de Aracaju (SE. Se pretendió también conocer la prevalencia de la utilización de estas sustancias en la muestra seleccionada, constituida de 58 individuos del sexo masculino, entre 18 y 35 años de edad, con predominancia de formación de nivel medio y superior. Como resultados, se detectó que la concepción prevalente en cuanto a los anabolizantes y a sus efectos negativos corresponde a lo que se divulga con relación a su divulgación sin receta médica: el peligro del abuso. Lo que se refiere a los beneficios observados, se constató que hay una percepción de que estas sustancias pueden generar resultados inmediatos. Se percibió un consumo elevado en la población investigada, que generalmente adquiere las drogas en las farmacias y utiliza dosis mayores de lo recomendado. Fue

  11. Preparation and characterization of polycrystalline n-CdSe photoelectrode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bandyopadhyay, T. K.


    Thin layers of polycrystalline p-CdSe were prepared by the simultaneous eletrodeposition of cadmium and selenium from cadmium sulfate and selenious acid in a sulfuric acid solution at pH 0-1 on a titanium substrate. The adherence of the layers to the substrate, stoichiometric ratio of Cd:Se and photovoltaic property of the film depend upon the molar ratio of CdSO/sub 4/ and H/sub 2/SeO/sub 3/ and current density as well as on the pH and temperature of the electrolysis bath. On increasing the current density or the ratio of CdSO/sub 4/:H/sub 2/SeO/sub 3/ in the electrolysis bath, the Cd:Se of the electrodeposit increased. The semiconductor films so prepared were annealed at 550/sup 0/C in a nitrogen atmosphere, followed by etching in an acid solution and then used to construct the photo-electrochemical cell, Ti/CdSe/Na/sub 2/S-Na/sub 2/S/sub x/(aq.)/Pt, and the current-voltage curves have been studied. 11 references.

  12. Nd2(SeO3)2(SeO4) . 2H2O - a mixed-valence compound containing selenium in the oxidation states +IV and +VI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berdonosov, P.S.; Dityat'yev, O.A.; Dolgikh, V.A.; Schmidt, P.; Ruck, Michael; Lightfoot, P.


    Pale pink crystals of Nd 2 (SeO 3 ) 2 (SeO 4 ) . 2H 2 O were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions from H 2 SeO 3 and Nd 2 O 3 at about 200 C. X-ray diffraction on powder and single-crystals revealed that the compound crystallizes with the monoclinic space group C 2/c (a = 12.276(1) A, b = 7.0783(5) A, c = 13.329(1) A, β = 104.276(7) ). The crystal structure of Nd 2 (SeO 3 ) 2 (SeO 4 ) . 2H 2 O is an ordered variant of the corresponding erbium compound. Eight oxygen atoms coordinate the Nd III atom in the shape of a bi-capped trigonal prism. The oxygen atoms are part of pyramidal (Se IV O 3 ) 2- groups, (Se VI O 4 ) 2- tetrahedra and water molecules. The [NdO 8 ] polyhedra share edges to form chains oriented along [010]. The selenate ions link these chains into layers parallel to (001). The layers are interconnected by the selenite ions into a three-dimensional framework. The dehydration of Nd 2 (SeO 3 ) 2 (SeO 4 ) . 2H 2 O starts at 260 C. The thermal decomposition into Nd 2 SeO 5 , SeO 2 and O 2 at 680 C is followed by further loss of SeO 2 leaving cubic Nd 2 O 3 . (Abstract Copyright [2004], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.) [de

  13. CdSe nanoparticles grown via radiolytic methods in aqueous solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Shalini; Rath, M.C.; Singh, A.K.; Mukherjee, T.; Jayakumar, O.D.; Tyagi, A.K.; Sarkar, S.K.


    Cadmium selenide, CdSe, nanoparticles have been synthesized in aqueous solution containing equimolar ammoniated CdSO 4 and Na 2 SeSO 3 as the starting materials without any capping agents, using gamma and electron beam irradiation under a reducing condition. The radiolytic processes occurring in water result in the formation of CdSe nanoparticles through the reactions mediated by hydrated electrons, e aq - . TEM measurements revealed that the CdSe nanoparticles were found to exist in agglomerates of dimension of about 100 nm, consisting of primary nanoparticles of dimensions within 5 nm. The as-grown nanoparticles were of cubic crystalline phase as supported by the XRD measurements. These bare CdSe nanoparticles exhibit room temperature ferromagnetic (RTFM) behavior. However, the RTFM behavior was found to be 30% higher in the case of CdSe nanoparticles prepared on electron beam irradiation as compared to those obtained by gamma irradiation, which was attributed to their relatively smaller size (2-3 nm) and disordered structures as compared to those obtained in the later case (3-5 nm). -- Research highlights: → CdSe nanoparticles could be synthesized in aqueous solutions containing equimolar ammoniated CdSO 4 and Na 2 SeSO 3 as the starting materials using gamma and electron beam irradiation under a reducing condition. → CdSe nanoparticles were found to exist in agglomerates of dimension of about 100 nm, consisting of primary nanoparticles of dimensions within 5 nm. → CdSe nanoparticles exhibit room temperature ferromagnetic (RTFM) behavior. → The RTFM behavior was found to be 30% higher in the case of CdSe nanoparticles prepared on electron beam irradiation as compared to those obtained by gamma irradiation.

  14. After four months new privatisation committee in SE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janoska, J.


    In spite of a delay the Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic wants to meet the schedule set by Government. In middle of September 2002 six prospect submitted their tender offers for entering Slovenske elektrarne (SE), a.s, Bratislava. Representative of privatisation advisor of SE, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Peter Mitka told TREND that he was in contact with the investors but they were waiting for a signal from official authorities about the current state of the tender. And they have been waiting for four months. Only last week a new privatisation commission started dealing with the offers. In spite of these facts Minister of Economy, Robert Nemcsics does not consider the process slow and said that the Ministry would use all its efforts to adhere to the original privatisation schedule prepared by the former government. He further added that everything would depend on the offers submitted. Investors are not interest in SE as a whole but only in its parts. Several members of the committee do not agree with the privatisation and restructuring principles set by the government including a split of SE to conventional and nuclear parts. One of the opponents is the former manager of SE Tibor Mikus (HZDS) - representative of the Parliament or Vladimir Mojs representative of Slovak Energeticists Unions. This put a brake on the tender and changes in the management of SE as well. Privatisation Agency FNM still has not decided upon calling a Extraordinary General Meeting of SE that would elect new bodies. Spokeswoman of FNM, Tatjana Lesajova claims that the Fund is still missing a legal analysis that would review the possibility of changing SE's Articles of Association so that the Board of Directors could be assigned based on a tender (proposal of the Ministry). Members of SE Privatisation Committee: Eva Simkova - Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy SR; Laszlo Pomothy - Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy SR; Henrich Herceg - Advisor to the Minister of Economy SR

  15. Growth of polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films using a radio frequency-cracked Se-radical beam source and application for photovoltaic devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishizuka, Shogo; Shibata, Hajime; Yamada, Akimasa; Fons, Paul; Sakurai, Keiichiro; Matsubara, Koji; Niki, Shigeru


    Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 (CIGS) thin films were grown using a rf-cracked Se-radical beam source. A unique combination of film properties, a highly dense and smooth surface with large grain size, is shown. These features seem to have no significant influence on the photovoltaic performance. Defect control in bulk CIGS leading to corresponding variations in the electrical and photoluminescence properties was found to be possible by regulating the Se-radical source parameters. A competitive energy conversion efficiency of 17.5%, comparable to that of a Se-evaporative source grown CIGS device, has been demonstrated from a solar cell fabricated using a Se-radical source grown CIGS absorber

  16. Electronic structure and magnetic properties of KCrSe2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fang, C.M.; Tolsma, P.R.; Groot, R.A. de; Wiegers, G.A.; Haas, C.; vanBruggen, C.F.; deGroot, R.A.


    KCrSe2 characterized by x-ray powder diffraction is a layered compound isostructural with NaCrSe2: a = 3.80 Angstrom; c = 22.19 Angstrom; space group R (3) over bar m. The magnetic properties are similar to those of NaCrSe2 but with ari even more pronounced difference between the intralayer and

  17. Two-dimensional n -InSe/p -GeSe(SnS) van der Waals heterojunctions: High carrier mobility and broadband performance (United States)

    Xia, Cong-xin; Du, Juan; Huang, Xiao-wei; Xiao, Wen-bo; Xiong, Wen-qi; Wang, Tian-xing; Wei, Zhong-ming; Jia, Yu; Shi, Jun-jie; Li, Jing-bo


    Recently, constructing van der Waals (vdW) heterojunctions by stacking different two-dimensional (2D) materials has been considered to be effective strategy to obtain the desired properties. Here, through first-principles calculations, we find theoretically that the 2D n -InSe/p -GeSe(SnS) vdW heterojunctions are the direct-band-gap semiconductor with typical type-II band alignment, facilitating the effective separation of photogenerated electron and hole pairs. Moreover, they possess the high optical absorption strength (˜105 ), broad spectrum width, and excellent carrier mobility (˜103c m2V-1s-1 ). Interestingly, under the influences of the interlayer coupling and external electric field, the characteristics of type-II band alignment is robust, while the band-gap values and band offset are tunable. These results indicate that 2D n -InSe/p -GeSe(SnS) heterojunctions possess excellent optoelectronic and transport properties, and thus can become good candidates for next-generation optoelectronic nanodevices.

  18. [Selenium uptake and transport of rice under different Se-enriched natural soils]. (United States)

    Jiang, Chao-qiang; Shen, Jia; Zu, Chao-long


    In this study, a pot experiment was conducted with "Wandao 205" as test materials to investigate Se uptake and translocation in rice under different Se concentrations (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg . kg-1). Results showed that there was no significant change in rice yield when Se concentration in soil was lower than 1.5 mg . kg-1. Significant linear correlations existed between Se concentration in soil and different rice plant tissues. Se concentration in rice plant followed the order of root > straw > grain. Se concentration in different rice grain fractions followed the order of bran > polished rice > hull. The root absorption index of Se was more than 1.86, suggest that the rice could absorpt Se from soil effectively. However, the transport and accumulation of Se in seeds from Se-enriched soil was relatively constant. The Se transport index in seeds was between 0.53 and 0.59. Soil Se concentration within the range of 0.5 to 1.0 mg . kg-1 could produce Se-enriched rice, which might be enough for human requirement of 60-80 µg . d-1 Se. However, polished rice at high-Se treatment (1.5 mg . kg-1) exceeded the maximum standard limit of Se (0.3 mg . kg-1) for cereals in China. These results suggested that we could produce Se-enriched rice under soil Se concentration in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 mg . kg-1 without spraying Se fertilizer, thus reducing the cost and avoiding soil and water pollution caused by exogenous Se.

  19. The Role of Intrinsic and Surface States on the Emission Properties of Colloidal CdSe and CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morello Giovanni


    Full Text Available AbstractTime Resolved Photoluminescence (TRPL measurements on the picosecond time scale (temporal resolution of 17 ps on colloidal CdSe and CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots (QDs were performed. Transient PL spectra reveal three emission peaks with different lifetimes (60 ps, 460 ps and 9–10 ns, from the bluest to the reddest peak. By considering the characteristic decay times and by comparing the energetic separations among the states with those theoretically expected, we attribute the two higher energy peaks to ± 1Uand ± 1L bright states of the fine structure picture of spherical CdSe QDs, and the third one to surface states emission. We show that the contribution of surface emission to the PL results to be different for the two samples studied (67% in the CdSe QDs and 32% in CdSe/ZnS QDs, confirming the decisive role of the ZnS shell in the improvement of the surface passivation.

  20. CdSe nanoparticles grown via radiolytic methods in aqueous solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Shalini [Radiation and Photochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 (India); Rath, M.C., E-mail: [Radiation and Photochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 (India); Singh, A.K. [Radiation and Photochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 (India); Mukherjee, T. [Chemistry Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 (India); Jayakumar, O.D.; Tyagi, A.K. [Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 (India); Sarkar, S.K. [Radiation and Photochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 (India)


    Cadmium selenide, CdSe, nanoparticles have been synthesized in aqueous solution containing equimolar ammoniated CdSO{sub 4} and Na{sub 2}SeSO{sub 3} as the starting materials without any capping agents, using gamma and electron beam irradiation under a reducing condition. The radiolytic processes occurring in water result in the formation of CdSe nanoparticles through the reactions mediated by hydrated electrons, e{sub aq}{sup -}. TEM measurements revealed that the CdSe nanoparticles were found to exist in agglomerates of dimension of about 100 nm, consisting of primary nanoparticles of dimensions within 5 nm. The as-grown nanoparticles were of cubic crystalline phase as supported by the XRD measurements. These bare CdSe nanoparticles exhibit room temperature ferromagnetic (RTFM) behavior. However, the RTFM behavior was found to be 30% higher in the case of CdSe nanoparticles prepared on electron beam irradiation as compared to those obtained by gamma irradiation, which was attributed to their relatively smaller size (2-3 nm) and disordered structures as compared to those obtained in the later case (3-5 nm). -- Research highlights: {yields} CdSe nanoparticles could be synthesized in aqueous solutions containing equimolar ammoniated CdSO{sub 4} and Na{sub 2}SeSO{sub 3} as the starting materials using gamma and electron beam irradiation under a reducing condition. {yields} CdSe nanoparticles were found to exist in agglomerates of dimension of about 100 nm, consisting of primary nanoparticles of dimensions within 5 nm. {yields} CdSe nanoparticles exhibit room temperature ferromagnetic (RTFM) behavior. {yields} The RTFM behavior was found to be 30% higher in the case of CdSe nanoparticles prepared on electron beam irradiation as compared to those obtained by gamma irradiation.

  1. The reductive immobilization of aqueous Se(IV) by natural pyrrhotite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, Bin; Kang, Mingliang; Zheng, Zhong; Chen, Fanrong; Xie, Jinglin; Charlet, Laurent; Liu, Chunli


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • The reduction of aqueous Se(IV) by natural pyrrhotite can be described by a pseudo-first-order equation. • Phosphate can significantly inhibit Se(IV) reduction by natural pyrrhotite. • HS − and Fe 2+ dominate Se(IV) reduction by natural pyrrhotite at low and high pH, respectively. • Se(0) is formed following Se(IV) reduction by natural pyrrhotite. - Abstract: The interaction of Se(IV) with natural pyrrhotite was investigated at pH conditions ranging from acidic to nearly neutral. The results indicate that the reduction rate can be described in terms of a pseudo-first order reaction. At pH ∼4.0 to ∼5.0, the rate decreased with increasing pH. Unexpectedly, at pH ∼5.0, the rate increased with increasing reaction time. This response was also observed at pH ∼6.0. Two different reaction mechanisms were proposed to explain pyrrhotite oxidation by Se(IV). Because pyrrhotite is acid-soluble and can be attacked by both Fe 3+ and protons, direct reduction by the released aqueous sulfide dominates the reaction at low pH, whereas the cyclic oxidation of aqueous Fe 2+ adsorbed on pyrrhotite surfaces becomes predominant at high pH. Phosphate, which can be irreversibly bound to Fe 3+ intermediates even under acidic conditions, can significantly decrease the reaction rate by an order of magnitude at pH ∼4.5. In contrast to the thermodynamic calculations and the predicted prevalence of FeSe based on previous reports of aqueous Se(IV) reduction by synthetic mackinawite or troilite, only Se(0) was observed as the reaction product in this study. This observation confirmed that a slow reaction favors the formation of Se(0) rather than iron selenides

  2. Selenization of mixed metal oxides for dense and ZnSe-free Cu{sub 2}ZnSnSe{sub 4} absorber films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deng, Yitao; Chen, Guilin; Pan, Bin; Li, JianMin; Jiang, Guoshun; Liu, Weifeng, E-mail:; Zhu, Changfei, E-mail:


    Highlights: • ZnSe-free CZTSe films with large grains was prepared from mixed oxides nanopraticles. • Appearance of Zn{sub 2}SnO{sub 4} in mixed oxides precursors leads to the absence of ZnSe secondary phrase. • To obtain pure CZTSe phase, different treating temperature was used. -- Abstract: Cu{sub 2}ZnSnSe{sub 4} (CZTSe) films were prepared by direct selenization of Cu{sub 2}O, SnO{sub 2} and Zn{sub 2}SnO{sub 4} precursors. Oxides precursors were prepared by baking hydroxides precipitation. In order to obtain ZnSe-free CZTSe films, Zn{sub 2}SnO{sub 4} was used to replace separated ZnO and SnO{sub 2} as one of the precursors. Through X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), it was found that CZTSe films, with micron-sized dense grains, were obtained in our work. From Raman spectra, it was also found that the ZnSe secondary phase was absent after the selenization. An energy bandgap about 0.86 eV was obtained in our work, which confirmed the Stannite-CZTSe structure.

  3. Removal efficiency of 75Se, 51Cr and 60Co from tidal water by mangrove sediments from Sepetiba Bay (SE Brazil)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, K.N.; Lopes, R.T.; Machado, E.C.; Machado, W.; Osso, J.A.Jr.


    Mangrove sediment cores sampled from Sepetiba Bay (SE Brazil) were covered with tidal water spiked with 75 Se, 51 Cr and 60 Co to evaluate the removal efficiency of these radiotracers by underlying sediments. Variable time-evolution trends were observed along 115 h experiments, with significant differences between removal efficiencies of all radiotracers observed only after 70 h ( 51 Cr > 60 Co > 75 Se). After an event of 60 Co release back to overlying water, there was a general trend of lower 60 Co removal than observed for other radiotracers during the period from 20 to 54 h. After this event, alternated periods of higher 60 Co and higher 75 Se removal trends were observed, attributed to behavioural differences expected for such anionic and cationic radiotracers. While 75 Se and 51 Cr showed uniform time-evolution curves, as typically found in the literature for most radiotracers, 60 Co removal rates presented oscillations, probably due to sensitivity to changes in redox conditions within underlying sediments. Results evidenced the role of mangrove sediments as trace element sinks, which have implications for coastal water quality and for possible uses of such sediments in wastewater treatment systems. (author)

  4. Se interlayer in CIGS absorption layer for solar cell devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Seung-Kyu; Sim, Jae-Kwan [Semiconductor Materials Process Laboratory, School of Advanced Materials Engineering, Research Center for Advanced Materials Development, Chonbuk National University, Deokjin-Dong 664-14, Jeonju 561-756 (Korea, Republic of); Kissinger, N.J. Suthan [Department of General Studies, Physics Group, Jubail University College, Royal Commission for Jubail, Jubail 10074 (Saudi Arabia); Song, Il-Seok; Kim, Jin-Soo; Baek, Byung-Joon [Semiconductor Materials Process Laboratory, School of Advanced Materials Engineering, Research Center for Advanced Materials Development, Chonbuk National University, Deokjin-Dong 664-14, Jeonju 561-756 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Cheul-Ro, E-mail: [Semiconductor Materials Process Laboratory, School of Advanced Materials Engineering, Research Center for Advanced Materials Development, Chonbuk National University, Deokjin-Dong 664-14, Jeonju 561-756 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • Se interlayer is deposited between the CuGa and CuIn/In/Mo/STS stacked layer. • Both CIG precursor layers were selenized at 500 °C for 1 h. • SIMS depth profile shows that Ga distribution is uniform by Se interlayer. • The efficiency was improved for the CIGS solar cell by Se interlayer. - Abstract: A CIGS absorber layer with high gallium contents in the space-charge region can reduce the carrier recombination and improve the open circuit voltage V{sub oc}. Therefore, controlling Ga grading on top of CIGS thin film solar cells is the main objective of this experiment. To reduce Selenium (Se) vacancy, it is important that the diffusion of Ga elements into Se vacancy between Mo back contact and CIGS absorption layer would be controlled. In order to reduce Se vacancy and confirm Ga inter-diffusion, two CIGS solar cells were fabricated by converting CIG precursor with and without Se interlayer. The copper-indium metallic precursors were fabricated corresponding to the sequence CuIn/In/Mo/STS on stainless steel (STS) substrates by sequential direct current magnetron sputtering while Se layer was evaporated by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) system to obtain a Se/CuIn/In/Mo/STS stack. CuGa precursor layer was also fabricated on the Se/CuIn/In/Mo/STS stack. Finally, both CuGa/Se/CuIn/In/Mo/STS and CuGa/CuIn/In/Mo/STS stacks were selenized at 500 °C for 1 h. It was clearly observed from the secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) that there was a change between the fabricated CIGS absorption layers and the amount of Ga elements. Furthermore, the Ga elements gradually decreased from the top to the bottom layer of the CIGS absorption layer. We also discussed the effect of Se interlayer in the CIGS absorption layer and its influence on the solar cell’s performance.

  5. Se interlayer in CIGS absorption layer for solar cell devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung-Kyu; Sim, Jae-Kwan; Kissinger, N.J. Suthan; Song, Il-Seok; Kim, Jin-Soo; Baek, Byung-Joon; Lee, Cheul-Ro


    Highlights: • Se interlayer is deposited between the CuGa and CuIn/In/Mo/STS stacked layer. • Both CIG precursor layers were selenized at 500 °C for 1 h. • SIMS depth profile shows that Ga distribution is uniform by Se interlayer. • The efficiency was improved for the CIGS solar cell by Se interlayer. - Abstract: A CIGS absorber layer with high gallium contents in the space-charge region can reduce the carrier recombination and improve the open circuit voltage V oc . Therefore, controlling Ga grading on top of CIGS thin film solar cells is the main objective of this experiment. To reduce Selenium (Se) vacancy, it is important that the diffusion of Ga elements into Se vacancy between Mo back contact and CIGS absorption layer would be controlled. In order to reduce Se vacancy and confirm Ga inter-diffusion, two CIGS solar cells were fabricated by converting CIG precursor with and without Se interlayer. The copper-indium metallic precursors were fabricated corresponding to the sequence CuIn/In/Mo/STS on stainless steel (STS) substrates by sequential direct current magnetron sputtering while Se layer was evaporated by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) system to obtain a Se/CuIn/In/Mo/STS stack. CuGa precursor layer was also fabricated on the Se/CuIn/In/Mo/STS stack. Finally, both CuGa/Se/CuIn/In/Mo/STS and CuGa/CuIn/In/Mo/STS stacks were selenized at 500 °C for 1 h. It was clearly observed from the secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) that there was a change between the fabricated CIGS absorption layers and the amount of Ga elements. Furthermore, the Ga elements gradually decreased from the top to the bottom layer of the CIGS absorption layer. We also discussed the effect of Se interlayer in the CIGS absorption layer and its influence on the solar cell’s performance

  6. Infoneurastenia. NBIC


    Sáez Vacas, Fernando


    Leemos "El sector TIC español" y todos entendemos qué significa, porque, de tanto repetírnoslas, llegamos a aprendernos algunas siglas, por ejemplo, TIC (ICT, en inglés). Pero para estar al día, debemos reciclarnos continuamente.

  7. Relações e interações no ambiente de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Relaciones e interacciones en el ambiente de cuidados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Relationships and interactions in the Intensive Care Unit environment of care

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marli Terezinha Stein Backes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Discutir as relações e interações do ambiente de cuidados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem qualitativa foi fundamentado na "Grounded Theory". Foram entrevistados 47 sujeitos diferenciados de três UTIs Adulto, localizadas em Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS e Pelotas/RS, entre junho de 2009 e setembro de 2010. RESULTADOS: Neste estudo, são apresentadas e discutidas duas categorias: "A rede de apoio, a ordem/desordem e perturbações no ambiente de UTI"; "Convivendo com certezas, incertezas e contradições no ambiente de UTI". CONCLUSÃO: Considera-se necessário compreender o ambiente de UTI a partir de uma visão sistêmica. E isso significa acolher a circularidade e dinamicidade de ordem-desordem-organização que continuamente (re alimentam as relações e interações humanas e profissionais nesse ambiente.OBJETIVO: Discutir las relaciones e interacciones del ambiente de cuidados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UTI. MÉTODOS: Estudio de abordaje cualitativo fundamentado en la "Grounded Theory". Entrevistamos a 47 personas en tres unidades de cuidados intensivos de adultos diferente, localizadas en Florianópolis/SC, Santa Maria/RS y Pelotas/RS, entre junio de 2009 y setiembre de 2010. RESULTADOS: En este estudio, se presentan y discuten dos categorías: "La red de apoyo, el orden/desorden y perturbaciones en el ambiente de UCI" y "Conviviendo con certezas, incertidumbres y contradicciones en el ambiente de UCI". CONCLUSIÓN: Se considera necesario comprender el ambiente de UCI a partir de una visión sistémica. Y eso significa acoger la circularidad y dinamicidad de orden-desorden-organización que continuamente (re alimentan las relaciones e interacciones humanas y profesionales en ese ambiente.OBJECTIVE: To discuss relationships and interactions in the Intensive Care Unit's (ICU environment of care. METHODS: A qualitative study that was based on grounded theory. We interviewed 47

  8. Quasi-two-dimensional thermoelectricity in SnSe (United States)

    Tayari, V.; Senkovskiy, B. V.; Rybkovskiy, D.; Ehlen, N.; Fedorov, A.; Chen, C.-Y.; Avila, J.; Asensio, M.; Perucchi, A.; di Pietro, P.; Yashina, L.; Fakih, I.; Hemsworth, N.; Petrescu, M.; Gervais, G.; Grüneis, A.; Szkopek, T.


    Stannous selenide is a layered semiconductor that is a polar analog of black phosphorus and of great interest as a thermoelectric material. Unusually, hole doped SnSe supports a large Seebeck coefficient at high conductivity, which has not been explained to date. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, optical reflection spectroscopy, and magnetotransport measurements reveal a multiple-valley valence-band structure and a quasi-two-dimensional dispersion, realizing a Hicks-Dresselhaus thermoelectric contributing to the high Seebeck coefficient at high carrier density. We further demonstrate that the hole accumulation layer in exfoliated SnSe transistors exhibits a field effect mobility of up to 250 cm2/V s at T =1.3 K . SnSe is thus found to be a high-quality quasi-two-dimensional semiconductor ideal for thermoelectric applications.

  9. 13.7%-efficient Zn(Se,OH){sub x}/Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se){sub 2} thin-film solar cell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ennaoui, A. [Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Bereich Physikalische Chemie, Berlin (Germany); Blieske, U.; Lux-Steiner, M.Ch. [Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Bereich Festkoerperphysik, Berlin (Germany)


    Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} (CIGS) and related semiconducting compounds have demonstrated their high potential for high-efficiency thin-film solar cells. The highest efficiency for CIGS based thin-film solar cells has been achieved with CdS buffer layers prepared by a solution growth method known as chemical based deposition (CBD). With the aim of developing Cd-free chalcopyrite-based thin-film solar cells, Zn(Se,OH){sub x} buffer layers were deposited by CBD on polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se){sub 2} (CIGSS). A total-area conversion efficiency of 13.7% was certified by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems. The CIGSS absorber was fabricated by Siemens Solar Industries (California). For device optimisation, the thickness and good surface coverage were controlled by XPS-UPS photoemission spectroscopy. A Zn(Se,OH){sub x} thickness below 7 nm has been found to be optimum for achieving a homogeneous and compact buffer film on CIGSS, with open-circuit photovoltage V{sub oc} = 535 mV, fill factor FF = 70.76% and a high short-circuit photocurrent density J{sub sc} 36.1 mA cm{sup -2}. (Author)

  10. Adsorção de poli(acrilamida-b-N,N-dihexilacrilamida sobre arenito: determinação das condições para se atingir o equilíbrio real Poly(acrylamide-b-N,N-dihexylacrylamide adsorption on sandstone: determination of the conditions to reach the real equilibrium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Maria S. Maia


    Full Text Available Durante as últimas décadas, o interesse em polímeros anfifílicos tem aumentado continuamente. Neste trabalho, o comportamento do copolímero hidrofílico/hidrofóbico poli(acrilamida-b-N,N-dihexilacrilamida (PADHA na interface sólido/líquido foi estudado para se quantificar a adsorção quando o equilíbrio do sistema é atingido. Na interface água/arenito, a isoterma de adsorção para a PADHA mostrou uma forma incomum, caracterizada pela ausência de uma região de patamar e um aumento contínuo na quantidade adsorvida com a concentração polimérica. Esta forma de adsorção particular poderia ser explicada pela formação de múltiplas camadas devido a associações hidrofóbicas, através das quais as camadas adsorvidas seriam formadas, em parte, por algumas cadeias que não estão diretamente em contato com a superfície sólida.During the last few decades, interest in amphiphilic polymers has increased steadily. In this work, the behavior of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic copolymer poly(acrylamide-b-N,N-dihexylacrylamide (PADHA at a solid/liquid interface has been studied to quantify adsorption at equilibrium. At the water/sandstone interface, the adsorption isotherm for PADHA show an unusual profile, characterized by the absence of a "plateau" region and a monotonic increase in the adsorbed amount with polymer concentration in the bulk. This particular adsorption profile could be explained by the formation of multiple layers caused by hydrophobic associations, the adsorbed layers being partly formed by chains that are not directly in contact with the surface.

  11. Use of enriched 74Se and 77Se in combination with isotope pattern deconvolution to differentiate and determine endogenous and supplemented selenium in lactating rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez Iglesias, H.; Fernandez Sanchez, M.L.; Garcia Alonso, J.I.; Sanz-Medel, A.


    A quantitative methodology has been developed to differentiate between endogenous and supplemented selenium in lactating rats using two enriched selenium isotopes. Lactating rats were fed for 2 weeks with formula milk containing one enriched Se isotope, 77 Se, as the metabolic tracer. The isotopic composition of selenium in serum and urine samples was then measured by collision cell ICP-MS after the addition of a solution containing another enriched isotope, 74 Se, as quantitation tracer, before analysis. Isotope pattern deconvolution allowed the transformation of measured Se isotopic abundances into concentrations of natural abundance (endogenous) selenium and enriched 77 Se (supplemented) present in the samples. The proposed methodology was validated using serum and urine reference materials spiked with both 77 Se and 74 Se. The obtained results are discussed in terms of selenium exchange and half-life in lactating rats (11-12 days) and selenium levels in serum in comparison with non-supplemented rats and control rats after maternal feeding. (orig.)

  12. Neutron Activation Resonance Integrals of 74Se, 78Se, 80Se, 81Br, 127I, 130Te, 138Ba, 140Ce, and 142Ce

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ricabarra, M. D.; Turjanskl, R.; Ricabarra, G. H.; Bigham, C.B.


    A lithium-drift germanium γ-ray spectrometer has been used to make accurate intercomparisons of the ratio of resonance-integral to thermal-activation cross section by measuring cadmium ratios or relative activation rates in two different neutron spectra. The standard, gold, or secondary standard, indium, was mixed uniformly in the samples and the activities resolved with the spectrometer. Expressed as Westcott S 0 values, the results relative to S 0 = 17.7 for gold were as follows: 74 Se = 10.3 +± 0.1, 78 Se = 12.3 ± 0.3, 80 Sc = 2.65 ± 0.02, 81 Br = 24.3 ± 0.5, 127 I = 27.8 ± 0.5, 130 Te = 2.10 ± 0.07, 138 Ba = 0.649 ± 0.004, 140 Ce = 0.476 ± 0.003, 142 Ce = 0.865 ± 0.005. (author)

  13. Atomic-scale structure of GeSe2 glass revisited: a continuous or broken network of Ge-(Se1/2)4 tetrahedra?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petkov, V; Le Messurier, D


    The atomic-scale structure of germanium diselenide (GeSe 2 ) glass has been revisited using a combination of high-energy x-ray diffraction and constrained reverse Monte Carlo simulations. The study shows that the glass structure may be very well described in terms of a continuous network of corner- and edge-sharing Ge-Se 4 tetrahedra. The result is in contrast to other recent studies asserting that the chemical order and, hence, network integrity in GeSe 2 glass are intrinsically broken. It is suggested that more elaborate studies are necessary to resolve the controversy.

  14. A Review of SnSe: Growth and Thermoelectric Properties (United States)

    Nguyen, Van Quang; Kim, Jungdae; Cho, Sunglae


    SnSe is a 2D semiconductor with an indirect energy gap of 0.86 - 1 eV; it is widely used in solar cell, optoelectronics, and electronic device applications. Recently, SnSe has been considered as a robust candidate for energy conversion applications due to its high thermoelectric performance ( ZT = 2.6 in p-type and 2.2 in n-type), which is assigned mainly to its anhamornic bonding leading to an ultralow thermal conductivity. In this review, we first discuss the crystalline and electronic structures of SnSe and the source of its p-type characteristic. Then, some typical single crystal and polycrystal growth techniques, as well as an epitaxial thin film growth technique, are outlined. The reported thermoelectric properties of SnSe grown by using each technique are also reviewed. Finally, we will describe some remaining issues concerning the use of SnSe for thermoelectric applications.

  15. Cultivation and characterization of GaInSe2 crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panakhov, T.M.; Kafarova, D.M.


    This work is the first systematic study devoted to the growth of GaInSe 2 crystals and their characterization by experimental methods such as X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy transmission with high resolution, sample electron diffraction. By the method of photoelectron roentgen spectroscopy it was studied the chemical structure of the GaInSe 2 crystals and the microprobe analysis indicated that the individual crystals have an excess of gallium. GaInSe 2 crystals were grown by the Bridgman method. Samples were prepared as single crystals by the Bridgman method. Studies showed that the GaInSe 2 crystals are hexagonal ones

  16. ZnSe thin films by chemical bath deposition method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lokhande, C.D.; Patil, P.S.; Tributsch, H. [Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Bereich Physikalische Chemie, Abt. CS, Glienicker Strasse-100, D-14109 Berlin (Germany); Ennaoui, A. [Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Bereich Physikalische Chemie, Abt. CG, Glienicker Strasse-100, D-14109 Berlin (Germany)


    The ZnSe thin films have been deposited onto glass substrates by the simple chemical bath deposition method using selenourea as a selenide ion source from an aqueous alkaline medium. The effect of Zn ion concentration, bath temperature and deposition time period on the quality and thickness of ZnSe films has been studied. The ZnSe films have been characterized by XRD, TEM, EDAX, TRMC (time-resolved microwave conductivity), optical absorbance and RBS techniques for their structural, compositional, electronic and optical properties. The as-deposited ZnSe films are found to be amorphous, Zn rich with optical band gap, Eg, equal to 2.9 eV

  17. Effects of Interaction between Cadmium (Cd) and Selenium (Se) on Grain Yield and Cd and Se Accumulation in a Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa) System. (United States)

    Huang, Baifei; Xin, Junliang; Dai, Hongwen; Zhou, Wenjing


    A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the interactive effects of cadmium (Cd) and selenium (Se) on their accumulation in three rice cultivars, which remains unclear. The results showed that Se reduced Cd-induced growth inhibition, and increased and decreased Se and Cd concentrations in brown rice, respectively. Cadmium concentrations in all tissues of the hybrid were similar to those in its male parent yet significantly lower than those in its female parent. Selenium reduced Cd accumulation in rice when Cd concentration exceeded 2.0 mg kg -1 ; however Se accumulation depended on the levels of Cd exposure. Finally, Cd had minimal effect on Se translocation within the three cultivars. We concluded that Cd concentration in brown rice is a heritable trait, making crossbreeding a feasible method for cultivating high-yield, low-Cd rice cultivars. Selenium effectively decreased the toxicity and accumulation of Cd, and Cd affected Se uptake but not translocation.

  18. The school textbook sustained as resilience for vulnerable population in Fusagasuga, 2008-2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana Paternina Soto


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta el resultado de la investigación que centró en analizar el rol del texto escolar sustentado en la resiliencia como herramienta didáctica del aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera en adolecentes de poblaciones vulnerables de Fusagasuga Colombia. Este texto escolar nace de la preocupación de la docente para entender "las voces de sus estudiantes" e interpretar y describir el sentido de vida. El problema se enmarcó en ¿Qué incidencias tiene un texto escolar, dentro de los factores de la resiliencia Grotberg (2008 y Paternina (2011, para el seguimiento en los cambios de conducta socio-cultural de estudiantes provenientes de poblaciones vulnerables de la ciudad de Fusagasugá en el período de 2008 a 2011?. El método Grounded Theory o teoría fundamentada en datos desarrollado por Charmaz (2010 y Glaser (1978 para el análisis de este estudio se sustentó en la investigación cualitativa, descriptiva e interpretativa de acuerdo al marco teórico de los enfoques, constructivista social Guba and Lincoln (1986, 1989, 1990, Smith (1991 y humanista de Roger (1962 y Maslow (1958 . La metodología se guió desdela historia de vida, historia oral y la educación comparada. Las estrategias se sustentaron en las fuentes a través de las entrevistas, el texto escolar que se elaboró, archivo del colegio. Se concluye que el texto escolar con un perfil resiliente motiva al estudiante para realizar el autoconocimiento pero este debe estar mediado continuamente por el profesor. Asimismo, se establece la relevancia de continuar la investigación con los estudiantes que han logrado ingresar a la universidad para estudiar su capacidad de integración al sistema universitario y la deserción en el mismo.

  19. Band alignment in ZnSe/Zn1-x-yCdxMnySe quantum-well structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, W.Y.; Salib, M.S.; Petrou, A.; Jonker, B.T.; Warnock, J.


    We present a magneto-optical study of ZnSe/Zn 1-x-y Cd x Mn y Se quantum-well structures in which a suitable choice of the Cd composition leads to a system that is type I at zero magnetic field. When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the layers of the structure, the band edges split in such a way as to make the upper σ - (1/2, t 3/2) exciton transition type II, while the ground state σ + (-1/2, -3/2) exciton component remains type I at all field values. This alignment reduces the probability for carrier relaxation from the higher-energy exciton component and opens the possibility of hole-spin population inversion via optical pumping. copyright 1997 The American Physical Society

  20. Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen-Ikastetxea


    García Sedano, Esther


    Este trabajo se centra en la atención a la diversidad, enfocado en aquellos alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales por dificultades de aprendizaje, por trastorno de déficit de atención, dislexia, inteligencia límite (bordeline) y síndrome de triple X. Con él también se pretende la adaptación de niños de nacionalidad china a nuestros hábitos y se les ilustra en el método silábico para que aprendan el idioma del castellano con prontitud para evitar la dislexia, entre otros problemas. ...