
Sample records for safaniya moyen orient

  1. Programmation religieuse au Moyen-Orient : analyse du contenu de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Depuis dix ans, la télévision contribue beaucoup au façonnement des attitudes au Moyen-Orient. Dans un contexte de gouvernements autoritaires, d'instabilité politique, de guerre et d'interventions militaires étrangères récurrentes, la télévision a permis la diffusion d'opinions et de points de vue qui, autrement, auraient ...

  2. Réseautage d'entreprises au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les réseaux sociaux sont d'importantes sources de conseils pour les entrepreneurs du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord (région MOAN) et ils contribuent à leur réussite. Un nouveau projet de recherche a pour but de favoriser la collaboration entre des chercheurs du Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) et la ...

  3. Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Depuis les soulèvements de 2011, la région connaît des changements sans précédent. Cela a entraîné une croissance inégale, une vulnérabilité économique, une démocratie fragile et un taux de chômage élevé, en particulier chez les femmes et les jeunes. Au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, les économies ...

  4. La population du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord contribue ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 avr. 2016 ... Le degré d'apport au contenu varie grandement d'une population à l'autre. Si les habitants du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord (région MENA) utilisent Wikipédia, ils y contribuent cependant moins que les populations d'autres régions du monde. Le contenu au sujet de la région MENA est, le plus ...

  5. Karst et ressources en eau au moyen Atlas nord-oriental


    Taous, Ali; Tribak, Abdellatif; Obda, Khalid; Baena Escudero, Rafael; López Lara, Enrique Javier; Miranda Bonilla, Jose


    Le Moyen Atlas nord-oriental se caractérise par des paysages kartisques hérités et actuels très diversifiés. En fait, les roches carbonatées du Jurassique, bien représentées dans cette région montagneuse, ont subi une karstification ancienne, depuis la fin du Tertiaire et au cours du Quaternaire. Actuallement, la karstogenèse est encore active en raison des conditions géologiques, morphostructurales et bioclimatiques favorables: couches de roches carbonatées inclinées et plissées, climat médi...

  6. Thermal stability of the aromatic fraction of Safaniya crude oil (Middle East): experimental study, kinetic scheme by molecular classes and geochemical implications; Stabilite thermique de la fraction aromatique de l'huile brute safaniya (Moyen-Orient): etude experimentale, schema cinetique par classes moleculaires et implications geochimiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Al Darouich, T.


    The thermal evolution of reservoir oils is controlled by the kinetics of cracking reactions. The present work is concerned with the study of the thermal stability of the light aromatic components (C{sub 6}-C{sub 14}) of crude oils under geological conditions. The aim is to predict this stability through a mode l derived from laboratory pyrolyses. The light cut < 250 deg. C of Safaniya crude oil, corresponding to the C{sub 15} components, was obtained by fractionated distillation; pure aromatic fraction was then separated by liquid chromatography. Detailed molecular characterisation of the aromatic fraction was acquired using HPLC, GC and GC/MS. Then, quantified individual aromatic compounds were lumped into six molecular classes: BTXN, methyl-aromatics, alkyl-aromatics, naphthenic-aromatics, indene and sulphur - containing aromatics. Pyrolyses of the aromatic fraction were performed in gold tubes at 100 bars and different temperature/time conditions in a wide range (1 to 93%) of global conversion. Pyrolysis effluents were analysed and lumped into classes. The pyrolysis data were used to elaborate a semi - empirical kinetic scheme of 13 stoichiometric reactions for the primary and secondary cracking of the unstable classes. The scheme kinetic parameters were first estimated, and then numerically optimised, with the constraints of mass balance and hydrogen conservation. A set of pyrolysis experiments was performed at 375 deg.C under high pressures: 400, 800 and 1200 bars. Increasing slowing down in conversion rate with increasing pressure was thus observed compared to experiments at 100 bars. A slight selective effect of pressure on the different aromatic classes of the charge and on the product distribution was evidenced. The extrapolation of the kinetic model to the conditions of Elgin Field (North Sea) showed that pressure effect should shift the thermal cracking of light aromatics to higher temperatures by almost 8 deg. C. (author)

  7. Mise sur pied d'un institut mondial de la santé au Moyen-Orient et en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord (MOAN) se trouve à ... la nature et la magnitude des besoins en matière de santé et la fourniture de services connexes. ... Le CRDI félicite la première cohorte de chercheuses en science des ...

  8. Projet pilote sur la stimulation du commerce des services au Moyen ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Projet pilote sur la stimulation du commerce des services au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Si certaines régions en développement ont réussi à s'intégrer aux chaînes de production mondiales, la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord ne participe encore à l'économie mondiale que par des activités simples et ...

  9. Consolidation du journalisme scientifique en Afrique et au Moyen ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet vise à promouvoir la santé et le développement durable en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient en rendant les médias plus aptes à informer le public et à contribuer à l'élaboration de politiques fondées sur des données probantes. Le projet prévoit la formation de 60 journalistes en reportage scientifique. Cette formation ...

  10. Les déterminants internes qui évaluent la performance des banques islamiques : cas de la zone de Moyen Orient et Afrique du Nord

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hayet Dami


    Full Text Available Le but de cette recherche est d’étudier les déterminants internes qui évaluent la performance des 22 banques islamiques cotées en Bourse et ils ont appliqué la même norme comptable internationale dans la zone de Moyen Orient et Afrique du Nord en utilisant une analyse des indicateurs financiers tels que la rentabilité, la liquidité, la solvabilité et le risque de crédit, l’adéquation du capital, l’efficacité opérationnelle et l’efficacité d’allocation des ressources. Nous avons utilisé un modèle MCO avec une régression linéaire multiple comprenant de la variable dépendante (ROA ou ROE et de nombreuses variables indépendantes selon les données du panel. Les résultats empiriques indiquent que la liquidité, l’adéquation du capital, l’efficacité opérationnelle et l’efficacité d’allocation des ressources sont des déterminants significatifs dans notre étude. Par contre, les indicateurs de risque du crédit et la solvabilité ne sont pas significatifs pour évaluer la performance des banques islamiques au Moyen Orient et Afrique du Nord. Notre résultat est robust.

  11. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Course d'orientation La reprise des courses d’orientation était attendue dans la région puisque près de 150 coureurs ont participé à la première épreuve automnale organisée par le club d’orientation du CERN sur le site de La Faucille. Les circuits ont été remportés par Yann Locatelli du club d’Orientation Coeur de Savoie avec 56 secondes d’avance sur Damien Berguerre du club SOS Sallanches pour le parcours technique long, Marie Vuitton du club CO CERN (membre également de l’Equipe de France Jeune) pour le parcours technique moyen avec presque 4 minutes d’avance sur Jeremy Wichoud du club Lausanne-Jorat, Victor Dannecker pour le circuit technique court devant Alina Niggli, Elliot Dannecker pour le facile moyen et Alice Merat sur le facile court, tous membres du club O’Jura. Les résultats comp...

  12. Renforcement des capacités de recherche sur les TIC-D au Moyen ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche sur les incidences et les impacts des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) sur le développement social et humain est embryonnaire au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (région MOAN). Ce projet vise à encourager les chercheurs de la région MOAN à entreprendre des recherches ...

  13. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Courses d’orientation ce printemps Le Club d’orientation du CERN vous invite à venir découvrir la course d’orientation et vous propose, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, une dizaine de courses populaires. Celles-ci ont lieu les samedis après-midi, elles sont ouvertes à tous, quel que soit le niveau, du débutant au sportif confirmé, en famille ou en individuel, en promenade ou en course. Si vous êtes débutant vous pouvez profiter d’une petite initiation offerte par l’organisateur avant de vous lancer sur un parcours. Divers types de parcours sont à votre choix lors de chaque épreuve : facile court (2-3 km), facile moyen (3-5 km), technique court (3-4 km), technique moyen (4-5 km) et technique long (5-7 km). Les dates à retenir sont les suivantes : Samedi 23 mars: Pully (Vd) Samedi 13 avril: Pougny...

  14. Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...

  15. Projet pilote sur la stimulation du commerce des services au Moyen ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Si certaines régions en développement ont réussi à s'intégrer aux chaînes de production mondiales, la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord ne participe encore à l'économie mondiale que par des activités simples et fondées sur l'exploitation des ressources : pétrole, minéraux, tourisme et migration de la ...

  16. Club d'orientation

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Courses d’orientation ce printemps Le Club d’orientation du CERN vous invite à venir découvrir la course d’orientation et vous propose, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, une dizaine de courses populaires. Celles-ci ont lieu les samedis après-midi, elles sont ouvertes à tous, quel que soit le niveau, du débutant au sportif confirmé, en famille ou en individuel, en promenade ou en course. Si vous êtes débutant vous pouvez profiter d’une petite initiation offerte par l’organisateur avant de vous lancer sur un parcours. Divers types de parcours sont à votre choix lors de chaque épreuve: facile court (2-3 km), facile moyen (3-5 km), technique court (3-4 km), technique moyen (4-5 km) et technique long (5-7 km). Les dates à retenir sont les suivantes pour la coupe genevoise de printemps: Samedi 22 mars: Apples (...

  17. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Course d'orientation Le coup d’envoi de la coupe genevoise a été donné samedi 31 août dans les bois de Combe Froide à Prémanon. Plus de 150 coureurs avaient fait le déplacement. Les parcours facile court, facile moyen et technique court ont été remportés par des coureurs du club O’Jura - Ulysse Dannecker, Léo Lonchampt, Franck Lonchampt, le technique moyen par Pekka Marti du club Ol Biel Seeland et le technique long par Térence Risse du CA Rosé – également membre de l’équipe nationale suisse des moins de 20 ans. Pour le club du CERN, les meilleures résultats ont été obtenus pas Emese Szunyog sur technique court et Marie Vuitton sur technique moyen avec une 4e place. La prochaine course aura lieu samedi 14 septembre à La Faucille. Le club propose aussi...

  18. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Le Club d’orientation du CERN


    COURSE ORIENTATION Finale de la coupe d’automne Le club d’orientation du CERN (COC Genève) a organisé sa dernière course populaire de la saison samedi 4 novembre au lieu-dit Les Terrasses de Genève (74). Cette 9e épreuve qui se courait sous la forme d’un One-Man-Relay, clôturait ainsi la coupe genevoise d’automne dont les lauréats sont : Circuit technique long : 1. Julien Vuitton (COC Genève), 2. Berni Wehrle (COC Genève), 3. Christophe Vuitton (COC Genève). Circuit technique moyen : 1. Vladimir Kuznetsov (Lausanne-Jorat), 2. J.-Bernard Zosso (COC Genève), 3. Laurent Merat (O’Jura). Circuit technique court : 1. Thibault Rouiller (COC Genève), 2. exæquo Lennart Jirden (COC Genève) et Katya Kuznetsova (Lausanne-Jorat). Circuit facile moyen : 1. Tituan Barge ...

  19. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Le Club d’orientation du CERN


    COURSE ORIENTATION Finale de la coupe d’automne Le club d’orientation du CERN (COC Genève) a organisé sa dernière course populaire de la saison samedi 4 novembre au lieu-dit Les Terrasses de Genève (74). Cette 9e épreuve qui se courait sous la forme d’un One-Man-Relay, clôturait ainsi la coupe genevoise d’automne dont les lauréats sont : Circuit technique long : 1. Julien Vuitton (COC Genève), 2. Berni Wehrle (COC Genève), 3. Christophe Vuitton (COC Genève). Circuit technique moyen : 1. Vladimir Kuznetsov (Lausanne-Jorat), 2. J.-Bernard Zosso (COC Genève), 3. Laurent Merat (O’Jura). Circuit technique court : 1. Thibault Rouiller (COC Genève), 2. exæquo Lennart Jirden (COC Genève) et Katya Kuznetsova (Lausanne-Jorat). Circuit facile moyen : 1. Tituan Barge...

  20. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    COURSE D’ORIENTATION La finale de la coupe de printemps Après avoir remporté le challenge club, samedi 29 juin lors du relais inter-club à Lausanne, le Club d’orientation du CERN organisait la dernière étape de la coupe genevoise de printemps samedi 5 juin à Saint-Cergue dans les bois de Monteret (Canton de Vaud). Plus de 100 participants se sont déplacés pour venir participer à la finale et découvrir une toute nouvelle carte dans une forêt vallonnée. Les résultats pour chaque circuit de cette étape sont : Technique long : 1. Jurg Niggli du club O’Jura, 2. Clément Poncet, 3. Oystein Midttun. Technique moyen : 1. Zoltan Trocsanyi CO CERN, 2. Christophe Ingold, 3. Christina Falga. Technique court : 1. Pierre-Andre Baum, CARE Vevey, 2. Emese Szunyog, 3. Solène Balay. Facile moyen : 1. Elisa P...

  1. Club d'orientation

    CERN Multimedia

    Le Club d’Orientation du CERN


    La première course d’orientation comptant pour la Coupe Genevoise de printemps a eu lieu près de Cossonay samedi 19 mars ; une bonne soixantaine de coureurs avaient fait le déplacement. Les vainqueurs sont : technique long, Domenico Lepori (Care Vevey) s’imposant d’une minute devant Yannick Gagneret (O’Jura) ; technique moyen, Jean-Rodolphe Knuchel (CO Lausanne-Jorat) devant Cédric Wehrle (CO CERN) ; technique court, Marie Droz (ANCO) ; facile moyen, Elia Martarelli devant Konstantinos Haider (CO CERN); facile court, Sarah Stuber (CO Lausanne-Jorat). Prochain rendez-vous à noter : samedi 26 mars dans la forêt d’Attalens (Canton de Vaud), parking au terrain de foot. Les inscriptions et départs de la course populaire se feront entre 13h et 15h. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas l’orientation, c’est l&am...

  2. Club Orientation

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


      COURSE ORIENTATION   Pas moins de 100 concurrents sont venus s’affronter sur les parcours proposés par le club d’orientation du CERN ce samedi 26 avril lors de la 4e étape de la coupe genevoise de printemps. Les podiums ont été attribués à :  Technique long avec 19 postes : 1er Yvan Balliot, ASO Annecy en 1:01:39 ; 2e Dominique Fleurent, ASO Annecy, en 1:05:12 ; 3e Rémi Fournier, SOS Sallanches, en 1:05:40. Technique moyen avec 14 postes : 1er Jean-Bernard Zosso, CO CERN, en 46:42 ; 2e Céline Zosso, CO CERN, en 50:51 ; 3e Clément Poncet, O’Jura Prémanon, en 51:27. Technique court avec 13 postes : 1er Jaakko Murtomaki, YKV Seinaejoki, en 36:04 ; 2e Marc Baumgartner en 41:27 ; 3e Natalia Niggli, O’Jura Prémanon, en 52:43. Sur les parcours facile moyen et facile court, victoire respectivement de Stéphanie...


    CERN Multimedia



    COURSE D’ORIENTATION    Automne 2010 : Quel programme!   Après une pause de deux mois, le Club d’orientation du CERN, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, vous propose une nouvelle série de courses d’orientation pour cet automne. Ces courses ont lieu généralement le samedi entre 13h00 et 17h00. 5 circuits sont disponibles, ceci va du facile court (2 km) adapté aux débutants et aux enfants jusqu’au parcours technique long de 6 km pour les chevronnés en passant par les parcours facile moyen (4 km), technique court (3,5 km) ou technique moyen (4,5 km). Il y aura donc toujours un parcours à votre niveau. Un classement général est effectué pour vous motiver à persévérer ! Ces courses (ou promena...

  4. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    COURSE D’ORIENTATION  De La Rippe à Sauvabellin, la coupe genevoise continue ! Le rendez-vous était donné samedi 8 mai aux amateurs de course d’orientation dans les bois de La Rippe (Canton de Vaud). Cette 6e épreuve était organisée par le Club Satus Grutli de Genève. Il est dommage que les participants n’aient pas été aussi nombreux que lors des dernières courses, les Championnats de France des clubs à Dijon ayant certainement retenus plus d’un compétiteur. La première place est revenue à : – Technique long : Berni Wehrle – Technique moyen : Jean-Bernard Zosso – Technique court : Berni Wehrle – Facile moyen : Peter Troscanyi – Facile court : Claire Droz. Il ne restera plus que deux épreuves ...

  5. Mid-Infrared Fiber Lasers (Les fibres laser infrarouge moyen) (United States)


    Marcel Poulain, Université de Rennes / Le Verre Fluoré, France Fluoride Fiber Sources: Problems and Prospects Prof. Marcel Poulain from Rennes...currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES...Les fibres laser infrarouge moyen (RTO-MP-SET-171) Synthèse Les sources laser en infrarouge moyen sont nécessaires aux systèmes actifs de

  6. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'Orientation


     Finale de la coupe de printemps   La dernière course d’orientation comptant pour la Coupe de printemps a eu lieu samedi dernier dans le village des Rousses et vers le Fort. Il s’agissait d’un sprint organisé par le club O’Jura. Les temps de course ont avoisiné les 20 minutes que ce soit pour le parcours technique moyen ou technique long. Tous les habitués étaient au rendez-vous pour venir consolider ou améliorer leur place au classement. A l’issue de cette course, le classement général de la Coupe de printemps prenant en compte les 6 meilleurs résultats des 9 courses était établi et les lauréats de chaque catégorie sont les suivants: Circuit technique long : 1er Berni Wehrle, 2e Bruno Barge, 3e Edvins Reisons. Circuit technique moyen : 1er Jean-Bernard Zosso, 2e Cédric Wehrl&...

  7. Orienteering Club

    CERN Document Server

    Club d'orientation


    De jour comme de nuit Les amateurs de course d’orientation ont pu s’en donner à cœur joie ce week-end puisqu’ils avaient la possibilité de courir sur deux épreuves en moins de 24 heures. En effet, le club du CERN organisait une course de nuit aux Evaux et la 7e étape de la coupe genevoise se tenait samedi après-midi dans les bois du Grand Jorat à Savigny. Les vainqueurs pour chaque course sont : Technique long CO de nuit: Julien Charlemagne, SOS Sallanches CO samedi: Philipp Khlebnikov, ANCO   Technique moyen CO de nuit: Céline Zosso, CO CERN CO samedi: Pavel Khlebnikov, ANCO Technique court CO de nuit: Colas Ginztburger, SOS Sallanches CO samedi: Victor Kuznetsov, COLJ Lausannne Facile moyen CO de nuit: Gaëtan Rickenbacher, CO CERN CO samedi: Tamas Szoke   Facile court CO de nuit:Oriane Rickenbacher, CO CERN CO samedi: Katya Kuznetsov...


    CERN Multimedia



    Coupe d’automne Samedi 25 septembre, certains courageux ont osé affronter le temps pluvieux et frais et se sont rendus aux Pléiades pour participer à la quatrième étape de la coupe Genevoise d’automne. Le Club du CARE-Vevey avait préparé 5 jolis circuits : 3 techniques et 2 faciles. Félicitations à tous les concurrents et plus particulièrement aux vainqueurs de chaque parcours. Les résultats complets sont sur le site du club Technique long : 1. Samy Vaehaenen (CO CERN), 2. Clément Poncet (O’Jura), 3. Bernhard Wehrle (CO CERN). Technique moyen : 1. Sampo Vallotton (RTB), 2. Guillaume Ladine (RTB), 3. Anne Godel (CA Rosé). Technique court : 1. Miles Marston (Gimel), 2. Alison High (CARE Vevey), 3. Emese Szwuyog (CO CERN). Facile moyen : 1. Nicolas M&u...

  9. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Courses d’orientation Samedi 20 avril, les organisateurs du Club de CO du CERN ont accueilli au Mont Mourex 70 participants qui n’ont pas hésité à venir malgré la forte bise. Berni Wehrle du CO CERN s’est octroyé la première place en 1:04:49 sur le parcours technique long devant Pyry Kettunen du Saynso Juankoski en 1:06:52, la 3e place revenant à Bruno Barge, CO CERN, à 7 secondes. Les autres parcours ont été remportés par : Technique moyen : 1er Jacques Moisset, Chamonix (47:44), 2e Yves Rousselot, Balise 25 Besançon (57:16), 3e Jean-Bernard Zosso, CO CERN (59:28). Technique court : 1er Victor Kuznetsov, COLJ (51:53), 2e Pierrick Collet, CO CERN (1:12:52), 3e Dominique Balay, CO CERN (1:16:04). Pour les parcours facile moyen et facile court, Ralf Nardini et Léa Nicolas, tous deux du CO CERN, terminaient respectivement premier. Voi...

  10. Comment les moyens actuels en mathématiques sont-ils abordés par les enseignants vaudois ?


    Vagneux, Loïc; Bünzli, Luc-Olivier


    Les moyens en mathématiques COROME sont en place dans le canton de Vaud depuis une dizaine d’années. Ces moyens, basés une conception socio-constructiviste de l’apprentissage, tranchent avec les anciens moyens officiels. Cette recherche, qui s’appuie sur des entretiens menés au cycle primaire et au cycle de transition, a pour objectif de comprendre dans quelle mesure les enseignants en poste appréhendent ces moyens. Nous avons cherché à savoir si ces professionnels de l’éducation conna...

  11. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Course d'orientation C’est sous un beau soleil samedi 4 octobre que s’est déroulée la 6e étape de la Coupe genevoise d’automne organisée par le club. Plus d’une centaine de concurrents provenant de 7 clubs de CO avaient fait le déplacement pour courir sur un des cinq parcours proposés dans les bois de Trélex-Génolier (VD). Le podium est le suivant : Technique long (5,9 km, 19 postes) : 1er Jurg Niggli, O’Jura (1:00:02); 2e Berni Wehrle, CO CERN (1:06:44); 3e Konrad Ehrbar, COLJ (1:07:08) Technique moyen (4,8 km, 18 postes) : 1er Christophe Vuitton, CO CERN (54:25); 2e J.B. Zosso, CO CERN (1:01:19); 3e Jeremy Wichoud, COLJ (1:06:21) Technique court (3,8 km, 14 postes) : 1er Julien Vuitton, CO CERN (36:19); 2e Vladimir Kuznetsov, COLJ (48:47); 3e Natalia Niggli, O’Jura (50:38) Facile moyen (3,2 km, 11 postes) : 1ère Alina Niggli, O&...

  12. Orientation Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    COURSE ORIENTATION Résultats de samedi 10 mai    C’est sur une carte entièrement réactualisée dans les bois de Versoix, que plus de 100 coureurs sont venus participer à la course d’orientation, type longue distance, préparée par des membres du club du CERN. Le terrain plutôt plat nécessitait une orientation à grande vitesse, ce qui a donné les podiums suivants :  Technique long avec 17 postes : 1er Jurg Niggli, O’Jura en 52:48, 2e Beat Muller, COLJ Lausanne-Jorat en 58:02, 3e Christophe Vuitton, CO CERN en 58:19 Technique moyen avec 13 postes : 1er Jean-Bernard Zosso, CO CERN, en 46:05 ; 2e Yves Rousselot, Balise 25 Besançon, en 55:11 ; 3e Laurent Merat, O'Jura, en 55:13 Technique court avec 13 postes : 1er Julien Vuitton, CO CERN en 40:59, 2e Marc Baumgartner, CO CERN en 43:18, 3e Yaelle Mathieu en 51:42 Su...

  13. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Orienteering Club


    Course d'orientation Calendrier des courses d’orientation Coupe genevoise d’automne 2016 Samedi 3 septembre : La Faucille (01) Samedi 10 septembre : Prémanon (39) Samedi 17 septembre : Saint-Cergue (VD) Samedi 24 septembre : Jorat / Corcelles (VD) Samedi 1 octobre: Bière - Ballens (VD) -relais Vendredi 14 octobre : Parc Mon Repos (GE) - nocturne Samedi 15 octobre : Terrasse de Genève (74) Samedi 29 octobre : Bonmont (VD) Samedi 5 novembre : Pomier (74) – one-man-relay - Finale   Courses ouvertes à toutes et à tous, sportifs, familles, débutants ou confirmés, du CERN ou d’ailleurs. Cinq circuits disponibles, ceci va du facile court (2 km) adapté aux débutants et aux enfants jusqu’au parcours technique long de 6 km pour les chevronnés en passant par les parcours facile moyen (4&am...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'examen clinique montrait un cornet moyen élargi obstruant la totalité de la fosse nasale gauche. ... Introduction : A mucocele is an epithelium-lined cavity that contains mucus that fills the sinus and is capable of .... rétention intramucocélique.

  15. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Le Club d’orientation du CERN


    Course orientation Les courses d’orientation comptant pour la coupe genevoise de printemps s’enchainent dans la région franco-suisse. Samedi dernier, une bonne centaine de coureurs se sont retrouvés au Mont Mourex où le club du CERN avait préparé la sixième épreuve. A l’issue de la course, les participants confirmaient l’exigence des circuits, à savoir la condition physique et le côté technique du traçage. Le parcours technique long comportant 20 postes a été remporté par Darrell High du Care Vevey en 1:22:38 devançant Beat Muller du COLJ Lausanne-Jorat en 1:25:25 et Alison High également du Care Vevey en 1:28:51. Le circuit technique moyen a été remporté par Christophe Vuitton du CO CERN et le circuit technique court par Claire-Lise Rouiller, CO CERN. Les trois pr...

  16. Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des petits producteurs de tabac du sud de la province de Nyanza, au Kenya - phase II. Au cours de la première phase du projet (projet no 103765), les chercheurs ont effectué une analyse de marché pour le bambou et les produits du bambou, comparé les ...


    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation du CERN


      Les coureurs d’orientation de la région se sont donné rendez-vous samedi dernier dans les bois de Pougny/Challex lors de l’épreuve organisée par le club d’orientation du CERN. La carte proposée pour les 5 circuits offrait aussi bien un coté très technique avec un relief pentu qu’un coté avec de grandes zones plates à forêt claire. Le parcours technique long comportant 20 postes a été remporté par Beat Muller du COLJ Lausanne en 56:26 devançant Denis Komarov, CO CERN en 57:30 et Yvan Balliot, ASO Annecy en 57:46. Pour les autres circuits les résultats sont les suivants: Technique moyen (13 postes): 1er Joël Mathieu en 52:32 à une seconde du 2e Vladimir Kuznetsov, COLJ Lausanne-Jorat, 3e Jean-Bernard Zosso, CO CERN, en 54:01 Technique court (12 postes): 1er Lennart Jirden, ...

  18. Leguay Jean-Pierre, 1999, La pollution au Moyen-Âge, Edition Jean-Paul Gisserot, Paris

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    Sandrine Rousseau


    Full Text Available Si vous aviez du Moyen-Âge la vision qu’en donnent certaines gravures : une belle princesse au bras d’un preux chevalier, Jean-Pierre Leguay, professeur d’histoire médiévale à l’université de Haute-Normandie, risque de vous surprendre. En effet, son ouvrage, La pollution au Moyen-Âge modifiera sans doute cette vision idyllique. Pour commencer, sachez que la princesse et son preux chevalier ont les pieds dans la boue, une boue composée de la fange, d’excréments humains, de déchets des bouchers...

  19. Leguay Jean-Pierre, 1999, La pollution au Moyen-Âge, Edition Jean-Paul Gisserot, Paris


    Rousseau, Sandrine


    Si vous aviez du Moyen-Âge la vision qu’en donnent certaines gravures : une belle princesse au bras d’un preux chevalier, Jean-Pierre Leguay, professeur d’histoire médiévale à l’université de Haute-Normandie, risque de vous surprendre. En effet, son ouvrage, La pollution au Moyen-Âge modifiera sans doute cette vision idyllique. Pour commencer, sachez que la princesse et son preux chevalier ont les pieds dans la boue, une boue composée de la fange, d’excréments humains, de déchets des bouchers...

  20. World Gas Prospects: Which Role for the Middle East? Perspectives mondiales du gaz naturel : quel rôle pourrait jouer le Moyen-Orient ?

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    Chabrelie M. F.


    vingt dernières années, le gaz naturel a enregistré le taux de croissance le plus élevé parmi les énergies fossiles, et sa part de marché est progressivement passée de 18,9 % en 1975 à 23 % en 1997. Aujourd'hui, des facteurs d'ordres économiques et environnementaux font du gaz naturel l'énergie de choix sur de nombreux marchés. Le gaz jouit en effet d'un certain nombre d'atouts (réserves importantes, flexibilité, utilisations performantes qui lui confèrent une place majeure dans tous les scénarios de prévision de demande énergétique. Le développement le plus spectaculaire se fera sans conteste dans le secteur électrique. Doté de réserves gazières considérables, le Moyen-Orient représentera une source d'approvisionnement essentielle pour bon nombre de pays industrialisés et plusieurs projets d'exportation de gaz par méthaniers ou par gazoducs sont déjà à l'étude. Par ailleurs, au cours des dix dernières années, la contribution du gaz naturel dans le bilan énergétique a augmenté de façon significative dans la plupart des pays du Moyen-Orient. La croissance de l'utilisation du gaz devrait se poursuivre à un rythme soutenu, en particulier sous l'influence du secteur électrique, de la pétrochimie et de l'autoconsommation de l'industrie pétrolière. Ces perspectives prometteuses de demande de gaz sur la plupart des marchés de la région pourraient conduire au développement d'un réseau de transport intrarégional. Toutefois, bien que des opportunités existent, elles ne doivent pas masquer les nombreux défis que cette région devra relever pour contribuer plus largement au bilan gazier mondial dans les années à venir.

  1. Avoir un impact à grande échelle au moyen des services de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Avoir un impact à grande échelle au moyen des services de vulgarisation reposant sur les TIC au Ghana (FCRSAI, phase II). En Afrique, les services de vulgarisation agricoles peuvent contribuer à développer les marchés et à renforcer la sécurité alimentaire des petits exploitants agricoles. La vulgarisation agricole se sert ...

  2. Amélioration de la nutrition au Cambodge au moyen de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Amélioration de la nutrition au Cambodge au moyen de l'aquaculture et des jardins potagers domestiques (FCRSAI). Si l'on produit au Cambodge suffisamment de riz pour nourrir la population, la sous-alimentation maternelle et infantile y demeure quand même élevée en raison de la faible diversification des cultures et du ...

  3. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Orienteering club


    Finale de la coupe de printemps - résultats Le site de La Faucille a accueilli la dernière étape de la coupe genevoise de printemps samedi 18 juin. Les vainqueurs du jour sont: Alexandre Lafarge (EMHM Chamonix) sur le technique long (en 49:49, 5,5 km, 18 postes), Gaëtan Vuitton (CO CERN) sur le technique moyen (en 50:34, 4,8 km, 14 postes), Marie Vuitton (CO CERN) sur le technique court (en 57:07, 3,8 km, 14 postes), Carlos Vidal sur le facile moyen (en 41:32, 2,1 km, 9 postes) et Natalja Niggli (O’Jura) pour circuit facile court (en 13:18, 1,6 km, 8 postes). A l’issue de cette course, le moment était venu de procéder au classement général de la coupe de printemps en prenant en compte les 6 meilleurs résultats de la saison. Les lauréats de chaque catégorie sont ainsi : Circuit technique long: Berni Wehrle, Lennart Jirden, Edvins Reisons. Circuit technique moyen:...

  4. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'Orientation


    Finale de la coupe genevoise d’automne Le club de CO du CERN a organisé samedi dernier la 10e et dernière étape de la saison. Cette course de type sprint a été remportée par Ville Keskisaari, COLJ, Gaëtan Vuitton, CO CERN, Franck Lonchampt, O’Jura respectivement sur les parcours technique long, moyen, et court. Victor Kuznetsov, COLJ a gagné sur le facile court, tout comme Nicolas Mueller, COLJ sur le facile moyen. Cette dernière course a permis aux participants de consolider ou d’améliorer leur place au classement général, et le podium, tenant compte des 6 meilleurs résultats de la saison, est le suivant : Technique long : 1er Jürg Niggli, O’Jura, 2e Christophe Vuitton, 3e Berni Wehrle. Technique moyen : 1er Gaëtan Vuitton, CO CERN, 2e Jean-Bernard Zosso, 3e Jean-Pierre Poncet. Technique court : 1er Fra...

  5. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Course d'orientation Finale de la coupe d’automne La dernière épreuve de la coupe d’automne organisée par le club s’est déroulée ce samedi 1er novembre avec une course type «one-man-relay» dans la forêt de Trelex (Vd). Les concurrents des circuits techniques devaient parcourir trois boucles et ceux des circuits «faciles» deux boucles, avec changements de carte. Le parcours technique long a été remporté par un membre du club, Berni Wehrle. A l’issue de cette course, le Président du club, L. Jirden annonçait le classement général de la coupe d’automne, basé sur les 6 meilleurs résultats de la saison : Circuit technique long : 1er Juerg Niggli (O’Jura), 2e Berni Wehrle, 3e Beat Mueller. Circuit technique moyen : 1er Laurent Merat (O&r...

  6. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Course d'orientation Finale de la coupe genevoise Rapide et méthodique, voilà les qualités dont il fallait faire preuve pour remporter la dernière étape de la coupe organisée par le club du CERN dans les bois de Monteret. Il s’agissait d’une course au score où chaque concurrent disposait d’un temps imparti pour poinçonner le maximum de balises. Le parcours technique a été remporté par Tomas Shellman et le parcours facile par Victor Dannecker. Cette dernière étape était aussi décisive pour la désignation des lauréats de la coupe genevoise de printemps. Les résultats officiels étaient donnés par le président du club, L. Jirden : Circuit Technique Long : Berni Wehrle, Bruno Barge, Edvins Reisons Circuit Technique Moyen : J.-Bernard Zosso, ...

  7. Synthèse de la recherche sur les moyens de subsistance pouvant ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Synthèse de la recherche sur les moyens de subsistance pouvant remplacer la culture du tabac. Dans l'espoir de faire obstacle aux politiques visant à réduire la demande de produits du tabac, les compagnies de tabac font valoir que ces politiques auront des répercussions négatives sur l'emploi et l'économie des pays ...


    CERN Multimedia

    Course d'Orientation


    Du Mont Mussy à Lamoura C’est au Mont Mussy près de Divonne que s’est déroulée la deuxième course comptant pour la coupe d’automne. Une bonne centaine de participants n’ont pas hésité à venir découvrir, sous un magnifique soleil, les 5 parcours proposés par la famille Williams/Hatzifotiadou. La plupart des participants ont couru en individuel, certains ont choisi de chercher les balises en famille. C’est un effet une possibilité qu’offrent nos courses d’orientation du samedi, à savoir que l’on peut pratiquer individuellement, en famille ou entre amis. Les résultats sur les 5 parcours sont les suivants : Technique long : Yannick Gagneret en 1.08:09, suivi par F. Janod en 1.09:41 et de Bruno Barge en 1.11:23. Technique moyen : Victoire pour Rémi...

  9. Orienteering club

    CERN Document Server

    Club d'orientation


    Après Chancy, rendez-vous à Lamoura La 7e étape de la Coupe Genevoise de printemps organisée dans la forêt de Chancy/Valleiry s’est déroulée sous la pluie tant attendue par Dame Nature mais moins par les coureurs. Le parcours technique long a été remporté par Berni Wehrle. Sur le parcours technique moyen, Jean-Bernard Zosso prend la première place. Emmanuel Morin remporte le technique court, Pieric Matera le facile moyen et Julien Vuitton, comme d’habitude, gagne le facile court. Exceptionnellement la prochaine étape de la Coupe Genevoise de printemps aura lieu dimanche 22 mai. Le rendez-vous de cette 8e étape sera à Lamoura. Les inscriptions se feront à partir de 9h et les départs entre 9h30 et 11h. Retenez également que la 9e étape est prévue le 28 mai au Semnoz. Les inscriptions ...

  10. Surmonter les défis liés à la cybersanté au moyen d'innovations ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Surmonter les défis liés à la cybersanté au moyen d'innovations sociales et techniques. 29 janvier 2018. Des mères qui attendent pour vacciner leurs bébés. Photo : Dominic Chavez / Banque mondiale. Les pays en développement se tournent de plus en plus vers les téléphones mobiles et d'autres technologies ...

  11. Résultats de recherche | Page 11 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... Moyen-Orient 9 Apply Moyen-Orient filter · Irak 6 Apply Irak filter · Maroc 5 Apply Maroc filter · Antilles 4 Apply Antilles filter · Jordanie 4 Apply Jordanie filter · Liban 4 Apply Liban filter · Inde 3 Apply Inde filter · Mali 3 Apply Mali filter · Territoires palestiniens 3 Apply Territoires palestiniens filter · Yémen 3 Apply Yémen filter ...

  12. L’impact de la production du sucre sur les campagnes méditerranéennes à la fin du Moyen Âge

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    Mohamed Ouerfelli


    Full Text Available Le développement de la production du sucre en Méditerranée à la fin du Moyen Âge a engendré des répercussions tant sur le paysage urbain que sur celui des campagnes. Notre enquête se limitera à ce dernier point pour montrer comment le paysage agraire s’est remodelé. Là où la canne à sucre s’installe avec ses moyens de transformation, elle accapare l’eau et la terre. Son expansion se réalise parfois aux dépens des cultures vivrières, base de l’alimentation des paysans. Elle entame aussi les forêts environnantes. Les exemples étudiés révèlent une consommation impressionnante de bois et de formes de terre cuite pour le raffinage et le conditionnement du sucre. Les effets de cette industrie ne sont pas seulement négatifs ; cette activité a attiré une main d’œuvre nombreuse, venue parfois de loin pour chercher des salaires élevés. Elle a pu constituer le noyau d’un habitat rural. De même, elle a contribué au développement des systèmes d’irrigation, à l’amélioration de l’équipement des régions où elle s’est établie, en les intégrant dans les circuits commerciaux, les rendant ainsi plus accessibles aux moyens de transport.

  13. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Coupe de printemps - les épreuves s’enchainent Le Club du CERN organisait la 4e étape de la coupe Genevoise de printemps samedi 9 avril. Tout était au rendez-vous pour une belle épreuve : soleil et nouvelle carte dans la forêt de Pougny-Challex. Les podiums des 5 parcours sont les suivants :   Facile court (2 km – 8 postes) : 1er Lucine Gintzburger en 29:01 - 2e Maria & Adèle Rapseviciute en 41:34 - 3e Emanuelle Alves en 41 :40. Facile moyen (2,9 km – 9 postes) : 1ere Konstantinos Haider (CO CERN) en 26:01 - 2e Joho en 34:41 - 3e Odysseas Willians/Jan Bleesz en 38:43. Technique court (3,2 km – 8 postes) : 1er Elisabeth Geneux en 32:08 - 2e Dominique Balay (CO CERN) en 33:59 - 3e Yves Meynet en 35:18. Technique moyen (4,9 km – 10 postes) : 1er Pierre-Yves Meyer en 47:04 - 2e Julien Nicolet en 50:06 - 3e Jean-Pierre Poncet en 50:42. Technique long (6,6 km &a...

  14. Tritium means of detection and of protection; Le tritium moyens de detection et de protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sutra-Fourcade, Y [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The report is an attempt to correlate present data concerning tritium, especially from the health physics points of view. The various detection and measurement methods are reviewed in turn: measurement of tritium in the atmosphere, in liquids and on surfaces. The operation of various types of apparatus is analyzed and the sensitivity limits deduced from laboratory tests are given. Otter sections are devoted to the means of protection which can be used against inhalation of tritium (ventilation, protective clothing) and to calculations of the changes in atmospheric pollution in a given place and of the time spent in a contaminated zone. The last part deals with the decontamination of equipment contaminated with tritium. (author) [French] Le rapport represente un essai de synthese des connaissances actuelles sur le tritium, essentiellement du point de vue de la radioprotection. Les differents moyens de detection et de mesure sont successivement passes en revue: mesure du tritium dans l'atmosphere, dans les liquides, sur les surfaces. Le fonctionnement de differents types d'appareils est analyse et les limites de sensibilite sont donnees d'apres les essais effectues en laboratoire. D'autres paragraphes sont consacres aux moyens de protection contre l'inhalation du tritium (ventilation, vetements de protection), a des calculs d'evolution de pollution atmospherique dans les locaux et de temps de presence en atmosphere contaminee. La derniere partie se rapporte a la de contamination de materiel contamine par du tritium. (auteur)

  15. La téléphonie intelligente : un moyen d'améliorer la santé animale et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    5 mai 2016 ... L'application prototype est maintenant offerte en anglais et en lao. La mise en commun d'information au moyen de photos s'est avérée d'un intérêt particulier pour les prestataires de soins de santé animale primaires. La prochaine phase de recherche fera fond sur ce projet pilote et mettra l'accent sur ...

  16. La cuisine et la table dans la France de la fin du Moyen Âge. Colloque et exposition

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    Fabienne Ravoire


    Full Text Available Les 8, 9 et 10 janvier 2004, un colloque interdisciplinaire s’est tenu à Sens, au Centre de Recherche et d'Étude du Patrimoine (umr 5594 et musées de Sens. Organisé par Fabienne Ravoire (inrap, umr 5594 et Anne Dietrich (inrap, umr 7041, il avait pour objectif de présenter, par le biais d’une approche pluridisciplinaire, un état des lieux de la recherche sur l’alimentation et les manières de la table au tournant du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance. Avec le renouvellement des données archéolo...

  17. "Les savoirs alimentaires dans le Paris de la fin du Moyen Âge : entre pratique culinaire et hygiène alimentaire"


    Rambourg , Patrick


    International audience; Comment se diffusent les savoirs alimentaires dans le Paris de la fin du Moyen Âge ? Tel est le propos de cet article. A cette époque, Paris est déjà une grande ville où affluent des denrées de toutes sortes. Trois pôles diffusent et organisent les savoirs alimentaires : les pouvoirs publics qui légifèrent sur l'approvisionnement et la sécurité du consommateur ; les professionnels de bouche qui codifient les normes de fabrication ; et les Parisiens qui transmettent la ...

  18. Dialogue avec les groupes islamistes au Moyen-Orient | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Par exemple, les groupes islamistes en Égypte, en Jordanie, au Koweït, au Maroc et au Yémen rejettent la violence politique, appuient la primauté du droit et acceptent le pluralisme politique. Il n'en demeure pas moins que certaines politiques des groupes islamistes, même les plus modérés, continuent à poser problème ...

  19. L'eau quelle perspective pour le Moyen-Orient Arabe


    Mutin , Georges


    Au cours du dernier demi-siècle écoulé, le contrôle des eaux, leur maîtrise a été un objectif essentiel poursuivi par tous les Etats de la région. La mobilisation complète des eaux disponibles est techniquement réalisée partout et pourtant les résultats obtenus sont bien loin des objectifs fixés. Plus que jamais l'utilisation des eaux, leur partage est source de tensions et de très vives préoccupations pour l'avenir.

  20. Dialogue avec les groupes islamistes au Moyen-Orient | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... violence politique, appuient la primauté du droit et acceptent le pluralisme politique. ... La présente subvention permettra à l'Institute for Public Policy Research ... International Water Resources Association, in close collaboration with IDRC, ...

  1. Maroc : tous les projets | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: WATER SHORTAGE, CLIMATE CHANGE, ADAPTATION TO CHANGE, DISASTER ... Sujet: Internet, AUTOMATION, PUBLIC SERVICES ... Projet pilote sur la stimulation du commerce des services au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord.

  2. Jordan : tous les projets | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... Asia, South Asia, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Réunion ... plan dans les structures sociales au Moyen-Orient, en particulier au Yémen, ... Sujet: POLITICAL PARTIES, POLITICAL REFORM, ISLAM, HUMAN RIGHTS, ...

  3. Zakharia Katia et Cheiban Ali (dir., Savoirs et Pouvoirs : genèse des traditions, traditions réinventées, coordonnée par, Maisonneuve et Larose, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2008, 275 p.

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    Thomas Brisson


    Full Text Available Issues d’un séminaire organisé au GREMMO (Groupe de recherches et d’études sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient, les onze contributions rassemblées par K. Zahharia et A. Cheiban font dialoguer des chercheurs issus de disciplines différentes (historiens, sociologues, politologues, anthropologues, etc. autour d’un thème aussi riche que complexe : celui de la liaison entre savoirs et pouvoirs. L’intérêt de cette étude, ce qui en constitue parfois aussi les limites, tient en grande partie dan...

  4. Far East Asia | Page 68 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Far East Asia. Extrême-Orient. Read more about Connaissances, attitudes et perceptions de la population à l'égard des OGM en Inde. Language French. Read more about Pauvreté, qualité des emplois et dynamique des marchés du travail au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Language French. Read more about ...

  5. Analyse des kérosènes et des gas oils moyens par spectrométrie de masse à moyenne résolution Analysis of Kerosenes and Middle Distillates by Medium-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    Castex H.


    Full Text Available Une méthode d'analyse par spectrométrie de masse des kérosènes et des distillats moyens dérivée de la norme ASTM D2425, a été développée. Elle utilise le même principe de calcul du carbone moyen pour déterminer le choix des matrices appropriées. Mais elle opère à moyenne résolution, effectuant ainsi le tri des différentes masses exactes d'hydrocarbures, composés soufrés et oxygénés et évitant de ce fait toute séparation préalable par chromatographie liquide (ASTM D2 549 . Les valeurs des matrices ont été modifiées en conséquence et le calcul du carbone moyen adapté à l'étude des coupes étroites et larges. A mass-spectrometry analysis method derived from the ASTM D2425 standard has been developed for kerosenes and middle distillates (185-345°C. It uses the same principle for calculating the mean carbon value to determine the appropriate matrices. But it works with medium reso-lution so as to sort out the different exact masses of hydrocarbons, sulfur and oxygenated compounds, thus avoiding any prior separation by liquid chromatography (ASTM D2549. Therefore, the matrix values have been modified, and the calculation of the mean carbon value has been adapted for analyzing narrow and wide distillation cuts.

  6. Malaisie : tous les projets | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... médias sociaux et à la multiplication des applications commerciales en ligne offrent ... social et économique du Moyen-Orient, notamment en Jordanie, au Liban, ... South Asia, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Réunion.

  7. Western Dilemma

    CERN Multimedia



    L'association du personnel présente Anthony Sampson, écrivain connu dans le monde entier par ses nombreux ouvrages et publications (International Harold Tribune, Observer, News Week). Il nous parle du commerce des armes et du Moyen Orient.

  8. Gender | Page 226 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Language French ... In India's remote mountainous Nagaland region, food security was boosted and the health of ... Partout en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient, les réserves d'eau potable pour la culture et la transformation des aliments, les ...

  9. Faible taux de succes du sevrage tabagique a court et moyen termes au decours d�un infarctus aigu du myocarde dans un service de cardiologie de Dakar au Senegal

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    Alassane Mbaye


    Full Text Available e le tabac pendant l�hospitalisation. Apres un suivi de 3 mois, 45% des patients ont repris le tabac, 65% a 6 mois et 85% a 12 mois. CONCLUSION: Le tabagisme est assez frequent chez les patients senegalais presentant un infarctus du myocarde. Le taux de sevrage tabagique a court et moyen termes est faible. Le sevrage tabagique devrait alors constituer un objectif privilegie dans la prevention des maladies cardio-vasculaires.

  10. Extrême-Orient | Page 39 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Read more about Toward Inclusive Biofuel Innovation in Indonesia. Langue English. Read more about Promotion de la santé, des moyens de subsistance et des systèmes de production animale durables dans les écosystèmes périurbains de l'Inde. Langue French. Read more about How can Small Countries in South Asia ...

  11. Integration of the nuclear energy among the production facilities of energy in France; Integration de l'energie nucleaire parmi les moyens de production de l'energie en france

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ailleret, P [Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France). Direction des Etudes et Recherches; Taranger, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The present report gives an overview of the present facilities of energy productions in France and their perspectives. the electric production comes for half about power stations hydraulics and for half of thermal power stations. However due to the increase of the energy consumption, France is particularly interested by the atomic energy that appears to bring a supply in due time to the hydraulics and to limit a development of the thermal power stations to which the natural resources of France in classic fuel would not permit to cope presumably. The integration of the nuclear plants to the other production facilities will make itself gradually according to the evolution of the energy needs. (M.B.) [French] Le present rapport donne un apercu des moyens actuels de productions energetiques en France et de ses perspectives. la production electrique provient pour moitie environ de centrales hydraulique et pour moitie de centrales thermiques. Cependant face a l'augmentation de la consommation energetique, la France est tres particulierement interessee par l'energie atomique qui parait devoir apporter en temps utile la releve a l'hydraulique et limiter un developpement des centrales thermiques auxquels les ressources naturelles de la France en combustible classique ne permettraient vraisemblablement pas de faire face. L'integration des centrales nucleaires aux autres moyens de production se fera graduellment en fonction de l'evolution des besoins energetiques. (M.B.)

  12. : tous les projets | Page 536 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    économie, la religion et la société au Moyen-Orient, mettant à rude épreuve les familles et la jeunesse arabes. Date de début : 30 juin 2007. End Date: 29 mars 2012. Sujet: CONFLICTS, DISPLACED PERSONS, REFUGEES, FAMILY ...

  13. : tous les projets | Page 537 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    économie, la religion et la société au Moyen-Orient, mettant à rude épreuve les familles et la jeunesse arabes. Date de début : 30 juin 2007. End Date: 29 mars 2012. Sujet: CONFLICTS, DISPLACED PERSONS, REFUGEES, FAMILY ...

  14. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'Orientation


    Coupe genevoise de printemps, les dernières étapes approchent Nouvelle victoire sur le parcours technique long pour Berni Wehrle du CO CERN samedi 19 mai à Sauvabelin. Sur le parcours technique moyen, c’est JB Zosso, également du CO CERN, qui remporte la course. Tous les résultats sont disponibles sur le site du club. Il ne reste plus que deux étapes pour terminer cette Coupe de printemps. Il s’agira de deux longues distances, l’une au col de la Faucille le 2 juin et l’autre, la dernière, à Bonmont, La Rippe le 9 juin. Ces dernières étapes permettront de départager les prétendants au titre dans les cinq catégories. Certains vont avoir à cœur de concrétiser leurs bons résultats de cette saison, mais rien n’est gagné à l’avance ! Pour plus ...

  15. Dépollution des gaz d'échappement des moteurs diesel au moyen de pots catalytiques Depolluting Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engines by Catalytic Mufflers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Goldenberg E.


    Full Text Available On présente dans cet article les résultats d'une première série de recherches sur la dépollution des gaz d'échappement des moteurs diesel au moyen de pots catalytiques. L'efficacité des catalyseurs à base de platine pour l'oxydation du monoxyde de carbone et des hydrocarbures imbrûlés a pu être établie par des essais sur banc moteur et sur véhicule. L'emploi de certaines phases actives à base de métaux non nobles permet d'autre part d'abaisser la température de début d'oxydation des particules de suie de 380 à 250 °C environ, avec, entre 250 et 350 °C, élimination de 15 à 20 % des produits piégés. L'essai de divers media filtrants a mis en évidence l'importance des phénomènes d'adsorption des revêtements en alumine et a orienté la recherche vers de nouveaux supports pour filtres catalytiques. This article describes the results of a first series of research on the depollution of exhaust gases from diesel engines by catalytic mufflers. The effectiveness of platinum-base catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons was determined by test on an engine test bed and on vehicles on the road. The use of some active non-noble metal phases reduced on the other hand the starting oxidation temperature of soot particulates from 380°C to about 250°C, eliminating 15 to 20% of the trapped products between 250 and 350° C. Tests of different filtering media revealed the importance of adsorption phenomena on alumina coatings and directed research toward new supports for catalytic filters.

  16. malaysia : tous les projets | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... de la capacité de stockage des données conjuguée à l'essor des médias sociaux et ... social et économique du Moyen-Orient, notamment en Jordanie, au Liban, ... South Asia, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Réunion.

  17. South Asia | Page 98 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Language French. Read more about Food Security and Climate Change in Cambodia. Language English. Read more about Diaspora Impact on the Capacity for Recovery from Conflict and Crisis. Language English. Read more about Consolidation du journalisme scientifique en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient - SCOOP II.

  18. Far East Asia | Page 91 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Language French. Read more about Food Security and Climate Change in Cambodia. Language English. Read more about Diaspora Impact on the Capacity for Recovery from Conflict and Crisis. Language English. Read more about Consolidation du journalisme scientifique en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient - SCOOP II.

  19. Questions et réponses sur la GDE | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    accentuent elles ? La région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord (MOAN) est la région la plus pauvre en eau dans le monde. Les ressources d'eau renouvelables per capita sont actuellement de 1100 m3 par personne par ...

  20. Résultats de recherche | Page 23 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Filtrer par type. (-) Remove .... Ils font, par conséquent, face au vieillissement, voire, dans certains cas, au déclin de la population. Projet ... Au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (région MOAN), cependant, l'une et l'autre se font rares. Projet.

  1. Boutiques d'alimentation turques et chypriotes dans le quartier Hackney de Londres


    Rigoni , Isabelle


    Sur la gauche, une épicerie turque vendant des produits du Moyen-Orient ; sur la droite, une patisserie chypriote (le mot patisserie est écrit à la fois en turc et en grec). Un véhicule utilitaire garé mentionne un restaurant de tapas espagnol.

  2. Disponibilité en poissons et pouvoir d'achat de la population dans la région du moyen Comoé (Côte-d'lvoire

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    Vanga, AF.


    Full Text Available Fish Availability and Buying-power of the Local Population in the Central Comoe Region (Ivory Coast. The origin of commercial fish found on local markets in the "Moyen Comoe" area is diverse : imported frozen fish, fish coming from Abidjan and smoked in Akoupe (South Ivory Coast, locally caught fish and fish caught in neighbouring countries (Ghana and Mali. The atlantic horse mackerel and the round sardinella (frozen fish are the most important commercial fish species found on the markets. These fish, sold at 350 francs CFA, can be afforded by the majority of the households, 82 % of which spend less than 1000 francs CFA for buying fish and/or meat (beaf.

  3. Orientation de la contrainte tectonique pans l'Europe de l'Ouest à partir des ovalisations de trous de forages Orientation of Tectonic Stress in Western Europe from Borehole Breakouts

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    Janot P.


    Full Text Available La recherche de l'orientation de la contrainte majeure horizontale actuelle à partir de l'ovalisation des trous de forages (Synthèse exposée dans le numéro mai-juin 1988 de la Revue de l'institut Français du Pétrole, permet de déceler la direction des systèmes de fractures ouvertes en condition de fond. L'ovalisation des trous de forages, détectée par la Pendagemétrie 4 patins en relation avec l'écaillage d'un secteur des parois du sondage, conduit, après tri de l'information, à la connaissance de la direction de la contrainte majeure horizontale actuelle, localement, au voisinage du puits. L'établissement d'une carte de ces orientations pour l'Europe de l'Ouest, de l'Italie à la Norvège, montre une grande cohérence dans les directions obtenues par cette méthode. Cette cohérence s'explique par l'orientation générale des forces nées de la collision actuelle des plaques Afrique (à laquelle appartient l'Italie et Europe (Aquitaine, Bassin Parisien, mer du Nord. Cependant, cette carte met en évidence un certain nombre d'anomalies (Fossé Rhénan, ouest du bassin de Paris, Grabens de mer du Nord par rapport à l'orientation générale de la contrainte actuelle. Ces anomalies (déviation plus ou moins importante de la contrainte s'expliquent, du fait de leur localisation, par l'influence d'accidents tectoniques profonds liés aux anciennes directions de phases orogéniques : calédonienne hercynienne et laramienne. La recherche de ces anomalies pourrait être un moyen de détection de la proximité de ces grands traits structuraux majeurs du socle. Research on the orientation of current major horizontal stress from borehole breakouts (cf. synthesis report in the May-June 1988 issue of the Revue de l'Institut Français du Pétrole reveals the direction of open fracture systems under downhole conditions. Borehole breakout, detected by 4-pad dipmetering in relation to the scaling of one sector of borehole walls leads, after the

  4. Ce que nous faisons | Page 48 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

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    L'émergence de l'agriculture sous contrat en Algérie. Au cours des dernières décennies, différents types d'ententes contractuelles entre les agriculteurs et les fabricants de produits alimentaires ont gagné en popularité. Moyen-Orient, Algérie. PROJECT ...

  5. Résultats de recherche | Page 40 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Mise sur pied d'un institut mondial de la santé au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord ... la nature et la magnitude des besoins en matière de santé et la fourniture de ... Appuyer le leadership des femmes dans les sciences, la technologie et ...

  6. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Coupe de printemps – 2e étape à Attalens Les cinq parcours répartis dans les bois d’Attalens ont attiré plus d’une centaine de concurrents samedi 26 mars. Les coureurs ont évolué sur un terrain alternant zones rapides et techniques. Les plus habiles dans chaque catégorie ont été les suivants : Facile court (2,4 km – dénivelé de 60 m – 7 postes) : 1er Julien Vuitton (CO CERN) en 19:17 2e Natalja Niggli (O’Jura) en 23:49 3e Victor Dannecker (O’Jura) en 27:12 Facile moyen (3,8 km – dénivelé de 90 m – 12 postes) : 1ere Caroline Mathys (Epalinges) en 40:28 2e Philippe Seixas (Epalinges) en 42:12 3e Sylvie Guex (CO Lausanne-Jorat) en 43:59 Technique court (4,4 km – dénivelé de160 m – 15 postes) : 1er Gaëtan Vuitton (CO CERN) en 38:...

  7. Course d'orientation

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Après Vulbens, rendez-vous à La Rippe Un vrai premier mai pour accueillir la cinquième manche de la coupe genevoise dans les bois de Vulbens (Haute Savoie)! Temps humide et plus frais, bois verdoyant, muguet à profusion. Voilà pour le décor de cette course organisée pour le club du CERN. Côté parcours, les organisateurs avaient préparé, sur une nouvelle zone, cinq circuits relativement techniques. Il faut dire que le relief bien découpé s’y prêtait. Les concurrents - environ 120 – ont ainsi pu découvrir cette carte et rallié au plus vite la balise arrivée. Le plus rapide sur le technique long a été Yann Locatelli (EMHM Chamonix) membre de l’équipe de France militaire, sur le technique moyen, il s’agit de Jurg Niggli (O’Jura), un habitu&ea...

  8. GDE, pauvreté et équité

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Initiative régionale concernant la demande en eau au Moyen-Orient et en ..... fluctuations climatiques, aux conditions météorologiques extrêmes ainsi qu'à la ..... points d'eau partagés dans le voisinage ou des cartes prépayées donnant accès ...

  9. South Asia | Page 63 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Asie du sud. Read more about Arab Reform Initiative. Language English. Read more about Governance, Reform and Islamism in the Middle East and North Africa. Language English. Read more about Gouvernance, réformes et islamisme au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Language French. Read more about ...

  10. : tous les projets | Page 430 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région: Middle East, North of Sahara, South of Sahara, Central Asia, Far East Asia, South Asia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Israel. Programme: Fondements pour l'innovation. Financement total : CA$ 500,000.00. Gouvernance, réformes et islamisme au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord.

  11. : tous les projets | Page 431 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région: Middle East, North of Sahara, South of Sahara, Central Asia, Far East Asia, South Asia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Israel. Programme: Fondements pour l'innovation. Financement total : CA$ 500,000.00. Gouvernance, réformes et islamisme au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord.

  12. Comment éviter la crise de l'eau | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 déc. 2010 ... Une crise mondiale de l'eau aux répercussions aussi tragiques que celles ... région aride ne modifie en profondeur ses pratiques de gestion de l'eau. ... Au Moyen-Orient, le traitement et la réutilisation de l'eau provenant des ...

  13. Résultats de recherche | Page 27 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord (MOAN) se trouve à l'épicentre de nombreuses crises humanitaires de grande envergure qui modifient la nature et la magnitude des besoins en matière de santé et la fourniture de services connexes. Projet ...

  14. Résultats de recherche | Page 8 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord (MOAN) se trouve à l'épicentre de nombreuses crises humanitaires de grande envergure qui modifient la nature et la magnitude des besoins en matière de santé et la fourniture de services connexes. Projet ...

  15. Etude des propriétés rhéologiques des coupes lourdes à haute température et pression Study of the Rheological Properties of Heavy Cuts At High Temperature and Pressure

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    Cohen A.


    Full Text Available Les procédés rencontrés dans la valorisation des résidus et des huiles lourdes font appel à des équipements dont le dimensionnement optimal exige la connaissance précise des propriétés rhéologiques de la phase hydrocarbonée impliquée et ce, dans un large domaine de température et de pression. En conséquence, le Laboratoire de Thermodynamique du Centre Réacteurs et Processus de l'École Nationale Supérieure des Mines (ENSM de Paris s'est attaché au développement d'un viscosimètre approprié à ces mesures. Il est basé sur la détermination du couple résistant provoqué par le fluide à étudier, cisaillé entre deux cylindres coaxiaux en rotation relative. Le domaine de viscosité balayé s'étend de 10 à 40 000 cP, les température et pression maximales d'utilisation étant respectivement de 500°C et 30 MPa. La qualité des résultats fournis par cet appareillage a été testée, à des températures et dilution variables, sur quelques coupes lourdes issues des bruts Safaniya et Boscan après désasphaltage ou hydroviscoréduction. On obtient ainsi des valeurs fiables, reproductibles et précises de la viscosité des coupes lourdes hydrocarbonées sur un large domaine de température. Au-delà de 430-440°C toutefois, la pression opératoire de la cellule, fixée par la quantité du gaz admis, augmente brusquement, révélant un craquage thermique important des échantillons et offrant ainsi un moyen d'étude et de simulation des procédés industriels de viscoréduction. Processes used for the upgrading of residues and heavy oils makes use of equipment for which the optimal sizing requires the exact understanding of the rheological properties of the hydrocarbon phase involved over a wide temperature and pressure range. Therefore, the thermodynamics laboratory of the ENSM Center for Reactors and Processes has carried out the development of a viscosimeter suited for such measurements. It is based on determining the

  16. Les familles arabes et les jeunes : un siècle de guerres, de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    économie, la religion et la société au Moyen-Orient, mettant à rude épreuve les familles et la jeunesse arabes. Pourtant, malgré l'importance que la société arabe accorde à la famille et à la jeunesse, on trouve très peu de recherches ...

  17. : tous les projets | Page 538 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Région: Middle East, Central Asia, Far East Asia, South Asia, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Réunion ... et de la communication (TIC) pour le développement humain, social et économique du Moyen-Orient, notamment en Jordanie, au Liban, en Palestine (Cisjordanie et Gaza), en Syrie et au Yémen.

  18. Climate Change | Page 20 | IDRC - International Development ...

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    Read more about De la terre à la table : renforcer les compétences des agriculteurs urbains en organisation et en mise en marché (Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord). Language French. Read more about From Seed to Table : Strengthening Urban Farmers' Organizational and Marketing Skills (Middle East and North Africa).

  19. Entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and competitive environment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Hans Eibe; Cadogan, John W.

    This study sheds light on the role that the competitive environment plays in determining how elements of market orientation and elements of entrepreneurial orientation interact to influence business success. We develop a model in which we postulate that market orientation, entrepreneurial...... orientation, and competitive environment shape business performance via a three-way interaction. We test the model using primary data from the CEOs of 270 CEO of manufacturing firms, together with secondary data on these firms' profit performance. An assessment of the results indicates that customer...... orientation moderates the positive relationships between the competitiveness element of entrepreneurial orientation and market share and return on assets (ROA): the positive relationships between competitiveness and market share and competitiveness and ROA become stronger the greater the firms' customer...

  20. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'Orientation


    C’est reparti pour une nouvelle coupe d’automne Samedi 27 août, plus de soixante coureurs sont venus au rendez-vous de la première étape de la coupe dans la forêt de Grange Malval. Certains rentraient juste de la grande semaine O’Festival de Chambéry, courses en parallèle des championnats du monde de CO, et ne manquaient pas d’entrainement. Les 6 parcours proposés par les organisateurs du club de CO du CERN ont été remportés par: Facile court (1,7 km, dénivelé 50 m, 10 postes) 1er Melissa Assfalo (19:23), 2e Elliot Dannecker (26:44), 3e Ulysse Dannecker (26:51) Facile moyen (2,7 km, dénivelé 80 m, 13 postes) 1er Julien Vuitton (22:28), 2e Carlos Vidal (49:04), 3e Clément Genot (1:03:20) Facile long (3,9 km, dénivelé 100 m, 10 postes) 1er Tony/Joan Cass/Brooks (1:23:30), 2e Anna Lip...

  1. Greywater Use in the Middle East : Technical, Social, Economic and ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 mars 2011 ... Dans les zones du Moyen-Orient où l'eau est rare, les eaux grises (les eaux ménagères à l'exclusion des eaux usées des toilettes) sont ... Il se penche sur les techniques de traitement et d'utilisation des eaux grises à des fins ...

  2. : tous les projets | Page 597 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    La religion, l'action sociale et la politique - étude de l'influence des organisations confessionnelles sur les politiques publiques au Liban. Projet. Au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, les organisations confessionnelles représentent l'une des principales forces de changement politique et social. Date de début : 30 avril ...

  3. : tous les projets | Page 436 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Tout -, Développement, Économie, Environnement, Évaluation, Alimentation et agriculture ... Les auteurs du Rapport arabe sur le développement humain 2005 mettent en évidence un ... à savoir l'abondance de capital humain féminin qualifié dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de ... Programme: Emploi et croissance.

  4. L'avis d'ouverture de chantier informatisé un moyen de prévention et de management

    CERN Document Server

    Jacot, C; Symons, L; CERN. Geneva. ST Division


    L’instruction de sécurité IS 39 stipule que les travaux exécutés par des entreprises sur le domaine du CERN doivent faire l’objet d’un Avis d’Ouverture de Chantier (AOC) rédigé par le superviseur des travaux avant le démarrage de ceux-ci, dans le but d’attirer l’attention sur les risques et les nuisances qu’ils peuvent engendrer pour les usagers dans la zone de travaux. A cet effet, un groupe de travail a spécifié une version informatisée du document AOC sur EDH afin d’en faciliter la saisie, la visualisation ainsi que la gestion et l’archivage ; à cela s’ajoutent la description des risques et mesures préventives possibles, la consultation des différentes bases de données CFU (Contract Follow Up), du patrimoine immobilier et finalement toutes les commodités liées à EDH pour le routage du document selon la liste des rôles des personnes concernées (approbation, distribution pour information). Dès lors, l’AOC devient un moyen d’analyse et de gestion (détection et tra�...

  5. : tous les projets | Page 500 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, le chômage est l'un des principaux problèmes économique, social et politique auxquels sont confrontés les gouvernements. Date de début : 25 août 2007. End Date: 1 décembre 2009. Sujet: EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS, EMPLOYMENT POLICY, YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT. Région: ...

  6. Changements climatiques | Page 39 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord connaissent une urbanisation effrénée qui entraîne un grave stress hydrique et nuit à la production alimentaire. Mais la recherche montre comment l'expansion urbaine et la croissance agricole peuvent aller de pair. Axe de recherche. Examiner en quoi les changements climatiques et ...

  7. lebanon : tous les projets | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

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    Programme: Alimentation, environnement et santé. Financement total : CA$ 347,250.00. Évolution des partis politiques dans le monde arabe. Projet. Les cinquante dernières années ont vu les partis politiques arabes au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord subir diverses mutations. Date de début : 1 avril 2006. End Date: 31 ...

  8. Les eaux grises et la culture en serre augmentent la production ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    26 mai 2011 ... Le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord connaissent une urbanisation effrénée qui entraîne un grave stress hydrique et nuit à la production alimentaire. Mais la recherche montre comment l'expansion urbaine et la croissance agricole peuvent aller de pair.Axe de recherche Examiner en quoi les changements ...

  9. De la terre à la table : renforcer les compétences des agriculteurs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    De la terre à la table : renforcer les compétences des agriculteurs urbains en organisation et en mise en marché (Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord). Le réseau ... Stichting International Network of Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Security. Pays d' institution. Pays-Bas. Site internet. ...

  10. La maîtrise des sciences de l'environnement au Moyen-Orient ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 janv. 2011 ... En outre, Peter Johnson, ancien professeur de géographie à l'Université Carleton, aujourd'hui retraité, a consulté plusieurs personnes qui connaissent bien et la Jordanie et le Canada afin de tracer les grandes lignes du programme de maîtrise destiné à l'Université du Yarmouk. Ouvrir les portes aux ...

  11. Les nouveaux horizons de l’ecclésiologie médiévale. Ecclésiologie et hérésiologie (Moyen Âge, Temps modernes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dominique Iogna-Prat


    Full Text Available Le Père Yves Congar, auquel l’une des journées du cycle les «Nouveaux horizons de l’ecclésiologie» a été consacrée l’an passé, a en bonne partie fondé son histoire de l’ecclésiologie sur le couple ecclésiologie/hérésiologie, notant le fait avéré que les grands tournants ecclésiologiques sont, au Moyen Âge, le plus souvent concomitants de graves crises internes – par exemple le Grand Schisme – ou de remises en cause venues de milieux «dissidents» – ou dénoncés et poursuivis comme tels. Les réf...

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 164 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Encore aujourd'hui, la tribu continue de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans les structures sociales au Moyen-Orient, en particulier au Yémen, en Iraq et en Jordanie. Il existe en effet un lien étroit entre le politique et l'organisation tribale. Projet. Cybergouvernement à Fès, au Maroc. Dans la phase pilote du projet (no ...

  13. Liban : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les États arabes enregistrent certains des niveaux les plus élevés de conflit armé et de dépenses militaires au monde. Région: Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia. Programme: Governance and Justice. Financement total : CA$ 1,114,700.00. Mise sur pied d'un institut mondial de la santé au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord.

  14. : tous les projets | Page 38 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les soulèvements dans les pays du Moyen-Orient pendant le « Printemps arabe » et l'instabilité continue dans la région mettent au centre de l'attention publique les difficultés que rencontrent les jeunes, dont un taux de chômage élevé. Sujet: PUBLICATIONS, MOTIVATION. Région: Lebanon, Tunisia. Programme: ...

  15. Gender | Page 14 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cet ouvrage important et bien documenté examine les difficultés de la croissance du secteur privé dans 12 pays du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord en évaluant leur performance comparative en regard d'un certain nombre d'indicateurs et en se concentrant sur le rôle particulier que tiennent les petites et moyennes ...

  16. La figure héroïque d’Alexandre le Grand en Espagne à la fin du Moyen Âge comme modèle du rapport à l’étranger. El Libro Ultramarino et El Libro de las maravillas de Jean de Mandeville (XIVe et XVe siècles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julia Roumier


    Full Text Available Déjà riche d’une longue tradition scripturaire, le cycle d’Alexandre jouit d’un regain d’intérêt à la fin du Moyen Âge qui lui apporte de nouveaux éclairages. En témoignent deux traductions hispaniques : le récit de voyages de Jean de Mandeville, traduit en aragonais vers 1380 et en castillan à la fin du XVe siècle, et la description de l’Orient de Jacques de Vitry, traduite en castillan vers 1360. Elles contiennent quelques épisodes-clefs de l’aventure orientale d’Alexandre qui offrent une représentation symbolique des rapports conflictuels de l’Orient et de l’Occident, mais aussi la possibilité d’interroger les valeurs morales de l’Occident chrétien. L’enfermement de Gog et Magog, assimilés aux dix tribus perdues d’Israël à partir du XIIe siècle, intègre Alexandre à l’eschatologie chrétienne. Sa correspondance fictive avec les Brahmanes offre la description d’une société utopique qui remplit une fonction critique face aux mœurs corrompues des Chrétiens.Tras una larga tradición textual, el interés renovado por el ciclo de Alejandro a finales de la Edad Media conlleva nuevas interpretaciones. Lo ilustran dos traducciones hispánicas de finales del siglo XIV. El relato de viajes de Juan de Mandevilla, traducido al aragonés hacia 1380 y al castellano a finales del siglo XV, y la descripción de Oriente por Jacobo de Vitry, traducida al castellano hacia 1360, presentan unos episodios claves de la aventura oriental de Alejandro. Ofrecen la representación simbólica de las relaciones conflictivas entre Oriente y Occidente así como la posibilidad de cuestionar los valores morales del Occidente cristiano. El encierro de Gog y Magog, pueblos asimilados a las diez tribus perdidas de Israel a partir del siglo XII, convierte a Alejandro en actor de la escatología cristiana. Su correspondencia ficticia con los Brahmanes presenta la descripción de una sociedad utópica que desempeña una

  17. Understanding voter orientation in the context of political market orientation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ormrod, Robert P.; Henneberg, Stephan C.


    This article develops a conceptual framework and measurement model of political market orientation. The relationships between different behavioural aspects of political market orientation and the attitudinal influences of such behaviour are analysed, and the study includes structural equation...... modelling to test several hypotheses. While the results show that political parties focus on several different aspects of market-oriented behaviour, especially using an internal and societal orientation as cultural antecedents, a more surprising result is the inconclusive effect of a voter orientation...... on political market orientation. This lends support to the argument of 'looking beyond the customer' in political marketing research and practice. The article discusses the findings in the context of the existing literature on political marketing and commercial market orientation....

  18. Communiquez avec nous | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Communiquez avec nous. Le siège social du CRDI est situé à Ottawa, au Canada. Nos quatre bureaux régionaux nous permettent de rester proches de nos chercheurs et des projets que nous finançons en Asie, en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, ainsi qu'en Afrique ...

  19. Résultats de recherche | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...

  20. Ce que nous faisons | Page 71 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. La province d'Aceh et l'État maintenant indépendant du Timor-Leste (auparavant le Timor oriental) ont vécu des décennies de conflit et des violations massives des droits de la personne sous la ...

  1. Résultats de recherche | Page 16 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Systèmes d'information sanitaire ou santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Les appels à propositions de recherche sur la mise en œuvre s'inscrivent dans le cadre des objectifs du programme Santé des mères et des enfants du CRDI, qui contribue à améliorer la vie des ...

  2. Résultats de recherche | Page 70 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet vise à promouvoir la santé et le développement durable en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient en rendant les médias plus aptes à informer le public et à contribuer à l'élaboration ... Sécurité alimentaire, soins adéquats et environnement (Tanzanie et Malawi). L'insécurité alimentaire est une question cruciale en Afrique.

  3. revue bibliographique des représentations analytiques de coefficients d'activité ioniques moyens dans les solutions binaires électrolytiques Bibliographic Review of Analytic Equations of Mean Lonic Activity Coefficients in Electrolytic Binary Solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cruz J. -L.


    Full Text Available Le calcul de certaines propriétés à l'équilibre, de systèmes électrolytiques, nécessite la connaissance des coefficients d'activité en phase liquide des constituants de ces systèmes. L'estimation du coefficient d'activité ionique moyen de l'électrolyte permet, pour des systèmes binaires, de calculer ces coefficients d'activité. Dans cette revue bibliographique sont présentées les principales expressions analytiques, de coefficients d'activité ioniques moyens, fournies par la littérature. II est possible de classer ces expressions en plusieurs grandes catégories en fonction des modèles dont elles dérivent. Des critères de choix, de l'une ou l'autre de ces équations, sont proposés suivant le type de système électrolytique et le domaine de concentration étudiés. Liquid-phase activity coefficients must be known in order to calculate various equilibrium properties of electrolytic systems. For binary systems, these coefficients can be calculated by estimating the mean ionic activity coefficient of the electrolyte. This bibliographic review describes the principal analytic equations for mean ionic activity coefficients found in the literature. These equations can be classified in several major categories according to the theoretical model from which they are derived. Some criteria are proposed for choosing one or another of these equations on the basis of the type of electrolytic system and the concentration range studied.

  4. [Action-oriented versus state-oriented reactions to experimenter-induced failures]. (United States)

    Brunstein, J C


    The present study assessed different effects of action-oriented versus state-oriented styles of coping with failure on achievement-related performance and cognition. In a learned helplessness experiment, students were exposed to an academic failure situation and were then tested on a series of problem-solving tasks, either immediately after the pretreatment or after a delay of 24 hours. Performance and cognitive concomitants were measured during both experimental periods. Results demonstrated that action orientation was associated with self-immunizing cognitions during helplessness training. Action-oriented participants improved their performance level even after repeated failure feedbacks. Moreover, action-oriented students assigned to the delayed test condition responded with increased striving for success and showed performance increments, even in comparison with control subjects. In contrast, state-oriented participants developed symptoms of helplessness and showed impaired performance during failure inductions. In later tests on problem-solving tasks, state-oriented groups responded with increased fear of failure. Independent of immediate or delayed test conditions, they soon lapsed into new performance decrements.

  5. Market Orientation Capabilities: A Study of Learning Processes in Market-Oriented Companies


    Silkoset, Ragnhild


    The literature operates with three perspectives on market orientation. These include market orientation as behavior (Kohli and Jaworski 1990; Narver and Slater 1990), market orientation as a unique resource (Hunt and Morgan 1995) and market orientation as a dynamic learning capability (Sinkula 1994; Day 1994b). A company's level of market orientation will vary with regard to the perspectives, including factors affecting a company’s degree of market orientation and the effect...

  6. Sexual Orientation (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Sexual Orientation KidsHealth / For Parents / Sexual Orientation What's in this ... orientation is part of that process. What Is Sexual Orientation? The term sexual orientation refers to the gender ( ...

  7. Subcortical orientation biases explain orientation selectivity of visual cortical cells. (United States)

    Vidyasagar, Trichur R; Jayakumar, Jaikishan; Lloyd, Errol; Levichkina, Ekaterina V


    The primary visual cortex of carnivores and primates shows an orderly progression of domains of neurons that are selective to a particular orientation of visual stimuli such as bars and gratings. We recorded from single-thalamic afferent fibers that terminate in these domains to address the issue whether the orientation sensitivity of these fibers could form the basis of the remarkable orientation selectivity exhibited by most cortical cells. We first performed optical imaging of intrinsic signals to obtain a map of orientation domains on the dorsal aspect of the anaesthetized cat's area 17. After confirming using electrophysiological recordings the orientation preferences of single neurons within one or two domains in each animal, we pharmacologically silenced the cortex to leave only the afferent terminals active. The inactivation of cortical neurons was achieved by the superfusion of either kainic acid or muscimol. Responses of single geniculate afferents were then recorded by the use of high impedance electrodes. We found that the orientation preferences of the afferents matched closely with those of the cells in the orientation domains that they terminated in (Pearson's r = 0.633, n = 22, P = 0.002). This suggests a possible subcortical origin for cortical orientation selectivity. © 2015 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American Physiological Society and The Physiological Society.

  8. The relationships between market orientation and alternative strategic orientations : A meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grinstein, A.


    Purpose - One of the strongest convictions in marketing is that market orientation contributes to firms' performance substantially more than alternative strategic orientations such as innovation and entrepreneurial orientations. Still, some studies show that alternative orientations can also

  9. Strong orientational coordinates and orientational order parameters for symmetric objects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haji-Akbari, Amir; Glotzer, Sharon C


    Recent advancements in the synthesis of anisotropic macromolecules and nanoparticles have spurred an immense interest in theoretical and computational studies of self-assembly. The cornerstone of such studies is the role of shape in self-assembly and in inducing complex order. The problem of identifying different types of order that can emerge in such systems can, however, be challenging. Here, we revisit the problem of quantifying orientational order in systems of building blocks with non-trivial rotational symmetries. We first propose a systematic way of constructing orientational coordinates for such symmetric building blocks. We call the arising tensorial coordinates strong orientational coordinates (SOCs) as they fully and exclusively specify the orientation of a symmetric object. We then use SOCs to describe and quantify local and global orientational order, and spatiotemporal orientational correlations in systems of symmetric building blocks. The SOCs and the orientational order parameters developed in this work are not only useful in performing and analyzing computer simulations of symmetric molecules or particles, but can also be utilized for the efficient storage of rotational information in long trajectories of evolving many-body systems. (paper)

  10. Entrepreneurs could hold key to job creation in the Middle East ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 juin 2016 ... Edgard Rodriguez. En dépit des réformes, les marchés du travail des pays de la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord (MOAN) n'ont pas été en mesure d'absorber la hausse du nombre de chercheurs d'emploi. Les femmes et les jeunes instruits sont particulièrement vulnérables au taux de ...

  11. Area Handbook Series: Lebanon: A Country Study (United States)


    government surveys most Lebanese were adequately sheltered and fed. Known for their ingenuity and resourcefulness in trading and in entrepreneurship ...proceedings in 1985. In 1985 Bank Al Mashrek also bough’ two branches of the Brit- ish Standard Chartered Bank. Banque Libano- Franchise bought the...closed their Beirut operations, the former handing over its business to Banque Sabbag et Franchise pour le Moyen Orient. By the end of 1986, only

  12. : tous les projets | Page 406 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet veut permettre de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui influent sur le degré d'activité entrepreneuriale au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (MOAN) et de comparer le rendement des pays et de la région à celui d'autres économies développées et en développement. Date de début : 8 mars 2009. End Date: 11 ...

  13. Résultats de recherche | Page 12 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Difficultés à surmonter pour les mouvements laïques au Moyen-Orient : les acteurs islamistes ... ils n'ont joué qu'un rôle très mineur dans le mouvement de démocratisation. ... Au moment où se poursuit le conflit en Syrie, ce projet examinera les ... pour améliorer la conformité aux lois contre la corruption en Amérique latine.

  14. The Service Orientation and Employee’s Customer Orientation in Public Services Organizations


    Andrada Iacob


    This paper explores the relationships between service orientation and employees’ customer orientation in public services organizations. First, we will review the relevant literature on service orientation and employee’s customer orientation. Based on this theory, the research hypothesis is formulated. The research results will be followed by conclusions, limitations and future directions. At the construct level, we found positive direct relationships between service orientation and employees’...

  15. German Orientalism


    Margaret Olin


    Review of: Suzanne L. Marchand, German Orientalism in the Age of Empire: Religion, Race and Scholarship, Cambridge and Washington, D.C.: Cambridge University Press, 2009. This analysis of Suzanne L. Marchand’s German Orientalism in the Age of Empire: Religion, Race and Scholarship reads her contribution in part against the background of Edward Said’s path breaking book Orientalism. Differences lie in her more expansive understanding of the term ‘Oriental’ to include the Far East and her conce...

  16. Applications of the rotating orientation XRD method to oriented materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Zhenqi; Li Fei; Jin Li; Bai Yu


    The rotating orientation x-ray diffraction (RO-XRD) method, based on conventional XRD instruments by a modification of the sample stage, was introduced to investigate the orientation-related issues of such materials. In this paper, we show its applications including the determination of single crystal orientation, assistance in crystal cutting and evaluation of crystal quality. The interpretation of scanning patterns by RO-XRD on polycrystals with large grains, bulk material with several grains and oriented thin film is also presented. These results will hopefully expand the applications of the RO-XRD method and also benefit the conventional XRD techniques. (fast track communication)

  17. Understanding political market orientation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ormrod, Robert P.; Henneberg, Stephan C.

    influences of such behavior. The study includes structural equation modeling to investigate several propositions. While the results show that political parties need to focus on several different aspects of market-oriented behavior, especially using an internal and external orientation as cultural antecedents......This article develops a conceptual framework and measurement model of political market orientation that consists of attitudinal and behavioural constructs. The article reports on perceived relationships among different behavioral aspects of political market orientation and the attitudinal......, a more surprising result is the inconclusive effect of a voter orientation on market-oriented behaviours. The article discusses the findings in the context of the existing literature in political marketing and commercial market orientation....

  18. Rôle politique des tribus : une analyse du tribalisme, de l'islamisme ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Encore aujourd'hui, la tribu continue de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans les structures sociales au Moyen-Orient, en particulier au Yémen, en Iraq et en Jordanie. Il existe en effet un lien étroit entre le politique et l'organisation tribale. Au Yémen, par exemple, la tribu pose tout un défi à l'État, et il semble même parfois lui ...

  19. : tous les projets | Page 548 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Si certaines régions en développement ont réussi à s'intégrer aux chaînes de production mondiales, la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord ne participe encore à l'économie mondiale que par des activités simples et fondées sur l'exploitation des ressources : pétrole, minéraux, tourisme et migration de la ...

  20. Orienteering injuries


    Folan, Jean M.


    At the Irish National Orienteering Championships in 1981 a survey of the injuries occurring over the two days of competition was carried out. Of 285 individual competitors there was a percentage injury rate of 5.26%. The article discusses the injuries and aspects of safety in orienteering.

  1. Transformation Strategies between Block-Oriented and Graph-Oriented Process Modelling Languages

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mendling, Jan; Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard; Zdun, Uwe


    Much recent research work discusses the transformation between different process modelling languages. This work, however, is mainly focussed on specific process modelling languages, and thus the general reusability of the applied transformation concepts is rather limited. In this paper, we aim...... to abstract from concrete transformation strategies by distinguishing two major paradigms for representing control flow in process modelling languages: block-oriented languages (such as BPEL and BPML) and graph-oriented languages (such as EPCs and YAWL). The contribution of this paper are generic strategies...... for transforming from block-oriented process languages to graph-oriented languages, and vice versa....

  2. Transformation Strategies between Block-Oriented and Graph-Oriented Process Modelling Languages

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mendling, Jan; Lassen, Kristian Bisgaard; Zdun, Uwe

    to abstract from concrete transformationstrategies by distinguishing two major paradigms for process modelling languages:block-oriented languages (such as BPEL and BPML) and graph-oriented languages(such as EPCs and YAWL). The contribution of this paper are generic strategiesfor transforming from block......Much recent research work discusses the transformation between differentprocess modelling languages. This work, however, is mainly focussed on specific processmodelling languages, and thus the general reusability of the applied transformationconcepts is rather limited. In this paper, we aim......-oriented process languages to graph-oriented languages,and vice versa. We also present two case studies of applying our strategies....

  3. Oriented Poly(dialkylstannane)s

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Choffat, Fabien; Fornera, Sara; Smith, Paul


    The inorganic (or 'organometallic') polymers poly(dibutylstannane), poly(dioctylstannane), and poly(didodecylstannane) have been oriented by shear forces, the tensile drawing of blends with polyethylene, and deposition from solution onto glass slides coated with all oriented, friction-deposited p......The inorganic (or 'organometallic') polymers poly(dibutylstannane), poly(dioctylstannane), and poly(didodecylstannane) have been oriented by shear forces, the tensile drawing of blends with polyethylene, and deposition from solution onto glass slides coated with all oriented, friction......-deposited poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) layer. Orientation of the polystannanes has been examined by polarization microscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy with polarized light, and X-ray diffraction and their direction is found to depend on the length of the alkyl side groups and the method of orientation. Remarkably...

  4. Orientalism/Occidentalism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Minca, C.; Ong, C.E.


    Orientalism and Occidentalism are interrelated concepts. Orientalism is defined in three keys ways: (i) as a study of “the Orient”; (ii) as a cultural and aesthetic concern with “the Orient”; and (iii) as a critical approach to understanding the construction of “the Orient” by European and American

  5. Activité antérieure – Leadership en évaluation au Moyen-Orient et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 avr. 2016 ... Le réseau d'évaluation de la région MOAN (EvalMENA) a tenu son assemblée générale au Caire du 23 au 26 février 2015 soulignant ainsi le début de l'Année internationale de l'évaluation. Fondé en 2011 grâce à du financement du CRDI, EvalMENA favorise la pratique professionnelle de suivi et ...

  6. L'avenir du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord passe par la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 janv. 2013 ... Centre de recherches pour le développement international Gouvernement du Canada ... du Nord passe par la croissance partagée et l'économie de marché ... vivant en région éloignée aient un accès égal aux possibilités économiques. ... visant à trouver de nouveaux modes d'action pouvant contribuer au ...

  7. ÉTUDE DE CAS — L'Afrique du Nord et le Moyen-Orient : L ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 janv. 2011 ... Tous les travaux d'adaptation -- l'amélioration des plantes -- ont été faits ... en collaboration avec eux à l'amélioration d'autres cultures. ... l'importance de déterminer dans quelles conditions et pour quelles raisons ils diffèrent.

  8. ÉTUDE DE CAS — L'Afrique du Nord et le Moyen-Orient : L ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 janv. 2011 ... Le problème est le suivant : en règle générale, la sélection faite dans des stations expérimentales bien gérées produit des cultivars supérieurs aux cultivars .... Il est vite apparu que les critères de sélection des agriculteurs, en grande partie fondés sur des facteurs écologiques, sont fort différents de ceux ...

  9. Object-orientated DBMS techniques for time-oriented medical record. (United States)

    Pinciroli, F; Combi, C; Pozzi, G


    In implementing time-orientated medical record (TOMR) management systems, use of a relational model played a big role. Many applications have been developed to extend query and data manipulation languages to temporal aspects of information. Our experience in developing TOMR revealed some deficiencies inside the relational model, such as: (a) abstract data type definition; (b) unified view of data, at a programming level; (c) management of temporal data; (d) management of signals and images. We identified some first topics to face by an object-orientated approach to database design. This paper describes the first steps in designing and implementing a TOMR by an object-orientated DBMS.

  10. Liban | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nous avons également appuyé la lutte antitabac afin de réduire les risques, entre autres, de cancer, de diabète et d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Une étude menée auprès des utilisateurs du narguilé, ou pipe à eau, qui sont très nombreux au Moyen-Orient, a donné lieu à des résultats inédits. Des chercheurs de ...

  11. Who takes more sustainability-oriented entrepreneurial actions? The role of entrepreneurs' values, beliefs and orientations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jahanshahi, Asghar Afshar; Brem, Alexander; Bhattacharjee, Amitab


    We examine the relationships between entrepreneurs' values, beliefs and orientations with their firms' engagement in sustainability-oriented entrepreneurial actions, using a sample of 352 newly established businesses from two Asian countries (Bangladesh and Iran). Our results reveal a dual role o...... of sustainable entrepreneurship, by providing answers for recent calls for better understanding which entrepreneurial ventures engage more in sustainability-oriented actions.......We examine the relationships between entrepreneurs' values, beliefs and orientations with their firms' engagement in sustainability-oriented entrepreneurial actions, using a sample of 352 newly established businesses from two Asian countries (Bangladesh and Iran). Our results reveal a dual role...... of entrepreneurs' values, beliefs and orientations when taking sustainability-oriented actions. We confirm that individual differences in the set of values, beliefs and orientations can foster or hinder the sustainability-oriented actions across organizations. Our paper contributes to the growing literature...

  12. Sustainability Orientation and Entrepreneurship Orientation: Is There a Tradeoff Relationship between Them?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chang Soo Sung


    Full Text Available Sustainability and entrepreneurship are often regarded as binary concepts that have a tradeoff relationship, meaning that the higher the social and environmental consideration, the lower the private and economic benefits. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of individual sustainability orientation on opportunity recognition and sustainable entrepreneurship intention, and examine whether it has a tradeoff relationship with entrepreneurship orientation. The result of this study shows that sustainability orientation has a positive relationship with opportunity recognition and entrepreneurship intention related to sustainability. Analysis of the moderating effects of entrepreneurship orientation reveals the positive effect with sustainability orientation but negative effect with opportunity recognition on sustainable entrepreneurship intention. This study would suggest implications to entrepreneurs on how to balance sustainability and entrepreneurship and promote sustainability entrepreneurship.

  13. Classical polymorphisms in Berbers from Moyen Atlas (Morocco): genetics, geography, and historical evidence in the Mediterranean peoples. (United States)

    Harich, N; Esteban, E; Chafik, A; López-Alomar, A; Vona, G; Moral, P


    Mediterranean population relationships have recently been reviewed through the analysis of classical and DNA markers. The differentiation between Berbers and Arabic-speakers to the south, and the genetic impact of the seven centuries of Muslim domination in the Iberian Peninsula have been among the most interesting questions posed in these studies. The present study seeks to assess the degree of genetic affinity between the two main population groups of Morocco: Berbers and Arabic-speakers. Data from the Berber study population were also compared with published information on 20 circum-Mediterranean groups. A Berber sample of 140 individuals from Moyen Atlas (Morocco) has been characterized using 15 classical markers (ABO, Duffy, MNSs, Rh, ACPl, AKl, ESD, GLOI, 6-PGD, PGMl, GC, HP, PI, PLG and TF). Allele frequencies in the Berbers fit well into the general southern Mediterranean ranges, albeit with some peculiarities, such as the high FY*A, ACPl*C, and PI*S values. The general pattern of relationships among Mediterranean peoples tested by genetic variance analysis was compatible with a north-south geographical differentiation. Spatial auto-correlation analysis in the different geographical regions of the Mediterranean reveals that the highest degree of association between allele frequencies and geographical distances corresponds to the western (41% of significant correlograms) and northern Mediterranean populations (33%). When only southern Mediterranean groups were considered, the degree of geographical structure considerably decreases (11% of significant correlograms). The different loci studied revealed close similarity between the Berbers and other north African groups, mainly with Moroccan Arabic-speakers, which is in accord with the hypothesis that the current Moroccan population has a strong Berber background. Differences in the spatial pattern of allele frequencies also are compatible with specific population histories in distinct Mediterranean areas

  14. Customer Orientation vs. Customer Orientation Perception : Case J & J Lakkapää Oy Tornio


    Angeria, Heli


    Heli, Angeria 2011. Customer Orientation vs. Customer Orientation Perception. Case: J & J Lakkapää Oy Tornio. Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences. Business and Culture. Pages 51. Appendices 5. The objective of this thesis is to study customer orientation with the help of a widely adapted Selling-Orientation-Customer Orientation (SOCO) scale, in order to find out what is the extent to which J & J Lakkapää Oy Tornio and its consumer customers agree or disagree about the company’s cus...

  15. Low-temperature nuclear orientation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stone, N.J.; Postma, H.


    This book comprehensively surveys the many aspects of the low temperature nuclear orientation method. The angular distribution of radioactive emissions from nuclei oriented by hyperfine interactions in solids, is treated experimentally and theoretically. A general introductory chapter is followed by formal development of the theory of the orientation process and the anisotropic emission of decay products from oriented nuclei, applied to radioactive decay and to reactions. Five chapters on applications to nuclear physics cover experimental studies of alpha, beta and gamma emission, nuclear moment measurement and level structure information. Nuclear orientation studies of parity non-conservation and time reversal asymmetry are fully described. Seven chapters cover aspects of hyperfine interactions, magnetic and electric, in metals, alloys and insulating crystals, including ordered systems. Relaxation phenomena and the combined technique of NMR detection using oriented nuclei are treated at length. Chapters on the major recent development of on-line facilities, giving access to short lived nuclei far from stability, on the use of nuclear orientation for thermometry below 1 Kelvin and on technical aspects of the method complete the main text. Extensive appendices, table of relevant parameters and over 1000 references are included to assist the design of future experiments. (Auth.)

  16. Evaluation of trauma service orientation. (United States)

    Schott, Eric


    Orientation of residents to clinical services may be criticized as cumbersome, dull, and simplytoo much information. With the mandated resident-hour restrictions, the question arose: Do residents perceive the orientation to our trauma service as worthwhile? Residents attend a standardized orientation lecture on the first day of the rotation. Three weeks later, an eight-item, five-point Likert-scale survey is distributed to assess the residents' perceptions of the value of the orientation. Responses to each item were examined. Fifty-four (92%) of the residents completed the questionnaire between September 2005 and August 2006. Most indicated that orientation was helpful (85%), the Trauma Resuscitation DVD was informative (82%), the review of procedures was helpful (82%), and the instructor's knowledge was adequate (94%). Most (92%) disagreed with the statement that orientation should not be offered. Careful attention to orientation content and format is important to the perception that the orientation is worthwhile.

  17. Etude géologique de la Serrania del Interior Oriental (Venezuela sur le transect Cariaco-Maturin Geological Survey of the Serrania Del Interior Oriental in Venezuela on the Cariaco-Maturin Transect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernandez G.


    Full Text Available La Serrania del Interior Oriental, située au nord-est du Venezuela, constitue l'avant-pays plissé de la chaîne Caraïbes qui appartient à la zone frontière entre plaques Caraïbes et Amérique du Sud. Elle est limitée au Nord par le décrochement dextre est-ouest de El Pilar et s'ennoie au Sud sous les séries post-tectoniques du bassin de Maturin. L'étude stratigraphique et structurale, réalisée sur un transect nord-sud normal aux structures, s'appuie sur des données de terrain et de sub-surface; elle a permis de définir deux grandes périodes : - Du Néocomien(?-Barrémien au Miocène inférieur basal, le secteur correspond à une vaste plate-forme continentale, marquée par la concurrence des faciès marins au Nord et des sédiments terrigènes issus du craton guyanais au Sud. La sédimentation enregistre les variations eustatiques (en particulier la grande transgression du Crétace supérieur et la régression de l'Eocène superieur-Oligocène ainsi que des mouvements épirogéniques (Aptien supérieur, Sénonien supérieur, Eocène inférieur et moyen, mais aucun bouleversement paléogéographique. - A partir du Miocène inférieur terminal, le soulèvement de la bordure septentrionale de la région (début de tectonisation de la Serrania del Interior Oriental limite la sédimentation marine à un sillon méridional très subsident (foreland basin : le futur bassin de Maturin. Jusqu'au Miocène moyen terminal, son flanc nord sera progressivement incorporé à l'édifice structural au cours de trois pulsations tectoniques rapprochées; parallèlement, seront repoussés vers le Sud les dépocentres successifs du bassin toujours très subsident. Ce dernier sera ensuite comblé (et repoussé vers l'Est par des sédiments marins peu profonds puis continentaux. L'organisation structurale de la Serrania est caractérisée par un système de plis de direction N 70, souvent coffrés, disposés en échelon par rapport à la faille

  18. Entrepreneurial Orientation and Internationalisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Decker, Arnim; Rollnik-Sadowska, Ewa; Servais, Per

    Entrepreneurial orientation is a multidimensional construct that determines the strategic posture of a firm. In this study we investigate a sample of six manufacturing firms which are located both in a remote area and in a transition economy. Through interpreting the construct of entrepreneurial...... orientation as an attitude held by principals we investigate how entrepreneurial orientation affected the behaviour of these firms, specifically in terms of their internationalisation. Despite the fact that all firms have identical roots we find that entrepreneurial orientation held by their principals affect...

  19. Orientation-crowding within contours. (United States)

    Glen, James C; Dakin, Steven C


    We examined how crowding (the breakdown of object recognition in the periphery caused by interference from "clutter") depends on the global arrangement of target and distracting flanker elements. Specifically we probed orientation discrimination using a near-vertical target Gabor flanked by two vertical distractor Gabors (one above and one below the target). By applying variable (opposite-sign) horizontal offsets to the positions of the two flankers we arranged the elements so that on some trials they formed contours with the target and on others they did not. While the presence of flankers generally elevated orientation discrimination thresholds for the target we observe maximal crowding not when flanker and targets were co-aligned but when a small spatial offset was applied to flanker location, so that contours formed between flanker and targets only when the target orientation was cued. We also report that observers' orientation judgments are biased, with target orientation appearing either attracted or repulsed by the global/contour orientation. A second experiment reveals that the sign of this effect is dependent both on observer and on eccentricity. In general, the magnitude of repulsion is reduced with eccentricity but whether this becomes attraction (of element orientation to contour orientation) is dependent on observer. We note however that across observers and eccentricities, the magnitude of repulsion correlates positively with the amount of release from crowding observed with co-aligned targets and flankers, supporting the notion of fluctuating bias as the basis for elevated crowding within contours.

  20. Developing Agent-Oriented Video Surveillance System through Agent-Oriented Methodology (AOM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheah Wai Shiang


    Full Text Available Agent-oriented methodology (AOM is a comprehensive and unified agent methodology for agent-oriented software development. Although AOM is claimed to be able to cope with a complex system development, it is still not yet determined up to what extent this may be true. Therefore, it is vital to conduct an investigation to validate this methodology. This paper presents the adoption of AOM in developing an agent-oriented video surveillance system (VSS. An intruder handling scenario is designed and implemented through AOM. AOM provides an alternative method to engineer a distributed security system in a systematic manner. It presents the security system at a holistic view; provides a better conceptualization of agent-oriented security system and supports rapid prototyping as well as simulation of video surveillance system.

  1. Customizable Time-Oriented Visualizations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kuhail, Mohammad Amin; Pantazos, Kostas; Lauesen, Søren


    Most commercial visualization tools support an easy and quick creation of conventional time-oriented visualizations such as line charts, but customization is limited. In contrast, some academic visualization tools and programming languages support the creation of some customizable time......-oriented visualizations but it is time consuming and hard. To combine efficiency, the effort required to develop a visualization, and customizability, the ability to tailor a visualization, we developed time-oriented building blocks that address the specifics of time (e.g. linear vs. cyclic or point-based vs. interval......-based) and consist of inner customizable parts (e.g. ticks). A combination of the time-oriented and other primitive graphical building blocks allowed the creation of several customizable advanced time-oriented visualizations. The appearance and behavior of the blocks are specified using spreadsheet-like formulas. We...

  2. Highly oriented poly(di-n-alkylsilylene) films on oriented PTFE substrates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frey, H.H.; Frey, Holger; Sheiko, Sergej; Sheiko, S.; Moller, M.; Möller, Martin; Wittmann, Jean-Claude; Lot, Bernard


    Highly oriented polysilylene layers have potential applications in electrophotography, nonlinear optics, display fabrication, and microlithography. The preparation of such layers by crystallization on a highly oriented PTFE substrate is reported, and their assessment by optical birefringence,

  3. Postdictive modulation of visual orientation. (United States)

    Kawabe, Takahiro


    The present study investigated how visual orientation is modulated by subsequent orientation inputs. Observers were presented a near-vertical Gabor patch as a target, followed by a left- or right-tilted second Gabor patch as a distracter in the spatial vicinity of the target. The task of the observers was to judge whether the target was right- or left-tilted (Experiment 1) or whether the target was vertical or not (Supplementary experiment). The judgment was biased toward the orientation of the distracter (the postdictive modulation of visual orientation). The judgment bias peaked when the target and distracter were temporally separated by 100 ms, indicating a specific temporal mechanism for this phenomenon. However, when the visibility of the distracter was reduced via backward masking, the judgment bias disappeared. On the other hand, the low-visibility distracter could still cause a simultaneous orientation contrast, indicating that the distracter orientation is still processed in the visual system (Experiment 2). Our results suggest that the postdictive modulation of visual orientation stems from spatiotemporal integration of visual orientation on the basis of a slow feature matching process.

  4. Crystal orientation dependent thermoelectric properties of highly oriented aluminum-doped zinc oxide thin films

    KAUST Repository

    Abutaha, Anas I.; Sarath Kumar, S. R.; Alshareef, Husam N.


    We demonstrate that the thermoelectric properties of highly oriented Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films can be improved by controlling their crystal orientation. The crystal orientation of the AZO films was changed by changing the temperature

  5. Column-oriented database management systems


    Možina, David


    In the following thesis I will present column-oriented database. Among other things, I will answer on a question why there is a need for a column-oriented database. In recent years there have been a lot of attention regarding a column-oriented database, even if the existence of a columnar database management systems dates back in the early seventies of the last century. I will compare both systems for a database management – a colum-oriented database system and a row-oriented database system ...

  6. Organic Photovoltaic Devices Based on Oriented n-Type Molecular Films Deposited on Oriented Polythiophene Films. (United States)

    Mizokuro, Toshiko; Tanigaki, Nobutaka; Miyadera, Tetsuhiko; Shibata, Yousei; Koganezawa, Tomoyuki


    The molecular orientation of π-conjugated molecules has been reported to significantly affect the performance of organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) based on molecular films. Hence, the control of molecular orientation is a key issue toward the improvement of OPV performance. In this research, oriented thin films of an n-type molecule, 3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Bisbenzimida-zole (PTCBI), were formed by deposition on in-plane oriented polythiophene (PT) films. Orientation of the PTCBI films was evaluated by polarized UV-vis spectroscopy and 2D-Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. Results indicated that PTCBI molecules on PT film exhibit nearly edge-on and in-plane orientation (with molecular long axis along the substrate), whereas PTCBI molecules without PT film exhibit neither. OPVs composed of PTCBI molecular film with and without PT were fabricated and evaluated for correlation of orientation with performance. The OPVs composed of PTCBI film with PT showed higher power conversion efficiency (PCE) than that of film without PT. The experiment indicated that in-plane orientation of PTCBI molecules absorbs incident light more efficiently, leading to increase in PCE.

  7. Wildlife value orientations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gamborg, Christian; Jensen, Frank Søndergaard


    This article examined value orientations toward wildlife among the adult general Danish public in relation to age, sex, past and present residence, education, and income, using a U.S. survey instrument on Wildlife Value Orientations (WVO). The study used an Internet-based questionnaire sent...

  8. Machine Learning and Infrared Thermography for Fiber Orientation Assessment on Randomly-Oriented Strands Parts. (United States)

    Fernandes, Henrique; Zhang, Hai; Figueiredo, Alisson; Malheiros, Fernando; Ignacio, Luis Henrique; Sfarra, Stefano; Ibarra-Castanedo, Clemente; Guimaraes, Gilmar; Maldague, Xavier


    The use of fiber reinforced materials such as randomly-oriented strands has grown in recent years, especially for manufacturing of aerospace composite structures. This growth is mainly due to their advantageous properties: they are lighter and more resistant to corrosion when compared to metals and are more easily shaped than continuous fiber composites. The resistance and stiffness of these materials are directly related to their fiber orientation. Thus, efficient approaches to assess their fiber orientation are in demand. In this paper, a non-destructive evaluation method is applied to assess the fiber orientation on laminates reinforced with randomly-oriented strands. More specifically, a method called pulsed thermal ellipsometry combined with an artificial neural network, a machine learning technique, is used in order to estimate the fiber orientation on the surface of inspected parts. Results showed that the method can be potentially used to inspect large areas with good accuracy and speed.

  9. Postdictive modulation of visual orientation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takahiro Kawabe

    Full Text Available The present study investigated how visual orientation is modulated by subsequent orientation inputs. Observers were presented a near-vertical Gabor patch as a target, followed by a left- or right-tilted second Gabor patch as a distracter in the spatial vicinity of the target. The task of the observers was to judge whether the target was right- or left-tilted (Experiment 1 or whether the target was vertical or not (Supplementary experiment. The judgment was biased toward the orientation of the distracter (the postdictive modulation of visual orientation. The judgment bias peaked when the target and distracter were temporally separated by 100 ms, indicating a specific temporal mechanism for this phenomenon. However, when the visibility of the distracter was reduced via backward masking, the judgment bias disappeared. On the other hand, the low-visibility distracter could still cause a simultaneous orientation contrast, indicating that the distracter orientation is still processed in the visual system (Experiment 2. Our results suggest that the postdictive modulation of visual orientation stems from spatiotemporal integration of visual orientation on the basis of a slow feature matching process.

  10. The individual-oriented and social-oriented Chinese bicultural self: testing the theory. (United States)

    Lu, Luo


    The author proposes a bicultural self theory for contemporary Chinese individuals, encompassing 2 main components: the individual-oriented self and the social-oriented self. The social orientation is rooted in traditional Chinese conceptualization of the self, whereas the individual orientation has evolved and developed under Western influences along with recent societal modernization. The author conducted a series of 5 studies to test the theory and relate the model to important issues in current personality and social psychological research, such as cultural individualism-collectivism, self-construals, motivation, cognition, emotion, and well-being. A total of 977 university students in Taiwan participated. The author found that contrasting self-aspects were differentially associated with the aforementioned constructs, as theoretically predicted. This evidence thus generally supported the bicultural self model.

  11. Orientation decoding: Sense in spirals? (United States)

    Clifford, Colin W G; Mannion, Damien J


    The orientation of a visual stimulus can be successfully decoded from the multivariate pattern of fMRI activity in human visual cortex. Whether this capacity requires coarse-scale orientation biases is controversial. We and others have advocated the use of spiral stimuli to eliminate a potential coarse-scale bias-the radial bias toward local orientations that are collinear with the centre of gaze-and hence narrow down the potential coarse-scale biases that could contribute to orientation decoding. The usefulness of this strategy is challenged by the computational simulations of Carlson (2014), who reported the ability to successfully decode spirals of opposite sense (opening clockwise or counter-clockwise) from the pooled output of purportedly unbiased orientation filters. Here, we elaborate the mathematical relationship between spirals of opposite sense to confirm that they cannot be discriminated on the basis of the pooled output of unbiased or radially biased orientation filters. We then demonstrate that Carlson's (2014) reported decoding ability is consistent with the presence of inadvertent biases in the set of orientation filters; biases introduced by their digital implementation and unrelated to the brain's processing of orientation. These analyses demonstrate that spirals must be processed with an orientation bias other than the radial bias for successful decoding of spiral sense. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Crystal orientation dependent thermoelectric properties of highly oriented aluminum-doped zinc oxide thin films

    KAUST Repository

    Abutaha, Anas I.


    We demonstrate that the thermoelectric properties of highly oriented Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films can be improved by controlling their crystal orientation. The crystal orientation of the AZO films was changed by changing the temperature of the laser deposition process on LaAlO3 (100) substrates. The change in surface termination of the LaAlO3 substrate with temperature induces a change in AZO film orientation. The anisotropic nature of electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient of the AZO films showed a favored thermoelectric performance in c-axis oriented films. These films gave the highest power factor of 0.26 W m−1 K−1 at 740 K.

  13. Why competitors matter for market orientation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Hans Eibe


      Purpose - This paper investigates whether it is meaningful to decompose market orientation into customer orientation and competitor orientation and what possible implications this decomposition may have for researchers and business practitioners.   Design - Through a review of existing market...... orientation research, two of its salient dimensions, customer orientation and competitor orientation, are theoretically investigated. Then, two symmetric component measures are developed and tested on 308 manufacturing firms in a cross-sectional questionnaire survey, supplemented with census data.   Findings...... - Empirical evidence reveals that, while competitor orientation is positively related to a firm's market share, a customer orientation is detrimental to a firm's return on assets for firms in less competitive environments.   Research implications and limitations - The study advocates moving beyond ‘global...

  14. Why competitors matter for market orientation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Hans Eibe


    and empirically tests two novel symmetric component measures of customer orientation and competitor orientation. Academicians are provided with insights with respect to the content and symmetry of component measures of the market orientation construct and their relation to firm performance. Furthermore, business......  Purpose - This paper investigates whether it is meaningful to decompose market orientation into customer orientation and competitor orientation and what possible implications this decomposition may have for researchers and business practitioners.   Design - Through a review of existing market...... - Empirical evidence reveals that, while competitor orientation is positively related to a firm's market share, a customer orientation is detrimental to a firm's return on assets for firms in less competitive environments.   Research implications and limitations - The study advocates moving beyond ‘global...

  15. Aspect-Oriented Programming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergmans, Lodewijk; Videira Lopes, Cristina; Moreira, Ana; Demeyer, Serge


    Aspect-oriented programming is a promising idea that can improve the quality of software by reduce the problem of code tangling and improving the separation of concerns. At ECOOP'97, the first AOP workshop brought together a number of researchers interested in aspect-orientation. At ECOOP'98, during

  16. Machine Learning and Infrared Thermography for Fiber Orientation Assessment on Randomly-Oriented Strands Parts (United States)

    Maldague, Xavier


    The use of fiber reinforced materials such as randomly-oriented strands has grown in recent years, especially for manufacturing of aerospace composite structures. This growth is mainly due to their advantageous properties: they are lighter and more resistant to corrosion when compared to metals and are more easily shaped than continuous fiber composites. The resistance and stiffness of these materials are directly related to their fiber orientation. Thus, efficient approaches to assess their fiber orientation are in demand. In this paper, a non-destructive evaluation method is applied to assess the fiber orientation on laminates reinforced with randomly-oriented strands. More specifically, a method called pulsed thermal ellipsometry combined with an artificial neural network, a machine learning technique, is used in order to estimate the fiber orientation on the surface of inspected parts. Results showed that the method can be potentially used to inspect large areas with good accuracy and speed. PMID:29351240

  17. OOAspectZ and aspect-oriented UML class diagrams for Aspect-oriented software modelling (AOSM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristian Vidal Silva


    Full Text Available Regarding modularised software development, Aspect-oriented programming (AOP identifies and represents individually crosscutting concerns during the software development cycle’s programming stage. This article proposes and applies OOAspectZ to formal Aspect-oriented requirement specifications for prior stages of the software development cycle. It particularly concerns requirement specification and the structural design of data and behaviour, along with describing and applying Aspect-oriented UML class diagrams to designing classes, aspects and associations among classes and aspects during Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD.OOAspectZ is a language integrating both Object-Z and AspectZ formal languages whereas Aspect-oriented UML class diagrams represent AOP code, object class and crosscutting concern class structure by means of stereotypes. This article shows and applies the main OOAspectZ and AO UML class diagram characteristics to Aspect-oriented software modelling (AOSM using a classic example of AOP. Ideas for future work concerning an actual AOP version are also indicated.

  18. Améliorer les moyens de subsistance des jeunes en Côte d'Ivoire ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 déc. 2015 ... Après plus d'une décennie de lutte politique et militaire, la création d'emplois, surtout en faveur des jeunes, figure au premier plan des préoccupations du gouvernement ivoirien. Un document d'orientation commandé par le Centre de recherches pour le développement international du Canada, organisme ...

  19. fMRI orientation decoding in V1 does not require global maps or globally coherent orientation stimuli. (United States)

    Alink, Arjen; Krugliak, Alexandra; Walther, Alexander; Kriegeskorte, Nikolaus


    The orientation of a large grating can be decoded from V1 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data, even at low resolution (3-mm isotropic voxels). This finding has suggested that columnar-level neuronal information might be accessible to fMRI at 3T. However, orientation decodability might alternatively arise from global orientation-preference maps. Such global maps across V1 could result from bottom-up processing, if the preferences of V1 neurons were biased toward particular orientations (e.g., radial from fixation, or cardinal, i.e., vertical or horizontal). Global maps could also arise from local recurrent or top-down processing, reflecting pre-attentive perceptual grouping, attention spreading, or predictive coding of global form. Here we investigate whether fMRI orientation decoding with 2-mm voxels requires (a) globally coherent orientation stimuli and/or (b) global-scale patterns of V1 activity. We used opposite-orientation gratings (balanced about the cardinal orientations) and spirals (balanced about the radial orientation), along with novel patch-swapped variants of these stimuli. The two stimuli of a patch-swapped pair have opposite orientations everywhere (like their globally coherent parent stimuli). However, the two stimuli appear globally similar, a patchwork of opposite orientations. We find that all stimulus pairs are robustly decodable, demonstrating that fMRI orientation decoding does not require globally coherent orientation stimuli. Furthermore, decoding remained robust after spatial high-pass filtering for all stimuli, showing that fine-grained components of the fMRI patterns reflect visual orientations. Consistent with previous studies, we found evidence for global radial and vertical preference maps in V1. However, these were weak or absent for patch-swapped stimuli, suggesting that global preference maps depend on globally coherent orientations and might arise through recurrent or top-down processes related to the perception of

  20. Deconstructing sexual orientation: understanding the phenomena of sexual orientation. (United States)

    Stein, T S


    The very terms of a debate about whether or not sexual orientation is primarily a biological phenomenon fail to consider the complex origins of the phenomenon. Deconstruction of the term "homosexuality" shows that it refers to multiple factors which cannot be studied as or subsumed under a unitary concept. Adequate understanding of sexual orientation must consider the developmental, interpersonal, experiential, and cultural dimensions of sexuality, as well as any biological contributions to sexual attraction, behavior, and identity.

  1. The effects of market orientation


    Sandvik, Kåre


    This research is designed to accomplish three goals. The first goal is to revisit the market orientation construct in order to define the different facets of it. A review of the market orientation literature is made to assess and synthesize the stock of accumulated knowledge regarding the market orientation construct. The second goal of the research is to develop a theory of the effects ofmarket orientation. Using the literature concerning resource-based theory and organization...

  2. Kinetics of oriented crystallization of polymers in the linear stress-orientation range in the series expansion approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Jarecki


    Full Text Available An analytical formula is derived for the oriented crystallization coefficient governing kinetics of oriented crystallization under uniaxial amorphous orientation in the entire temperature range. A series expansion approach is applied to the free energy of crystallization in the Hoffman-Lauritzen kinetic model of crystallization at accounting for the entropy of orientation of the amorphous chains. The series expansion coefficients are calculated for systems of Gaussian chains in linear stress-orientation range. Oriented crystallization rate functions are determined basing on the ‘proportional expansion’ approach proposed by Ziabicki in the steady-state limit. Crystallization kinetics controlled by separate predetermined and sporadic primary nucleation is considered, as well as the kinetics involving both nucleation mechanisms potentially present in oriented systems. The involvement of sporadic nucleation in the transformation kinetics is predicted to increase with increasing amorphous orientation. Example computations illustrate the dependence of the calculated functions on temperature and amorphous orientation, as well as qualitative agreement of the calculations with experimental results.

  3. Personality Patterns of Physicians in Person-Oriented and Technique-Oriented Specialties (United States)

    Borges, Nicole J.; Gibson, Denise D.


    This study investigated differences in personality patterns between person-oriented and technique-oriented physicians. It tested an integrative framework by converting the scores on the Personality Research Form (PRF) to the Big-Five factors and built a predictive model of group membership in clinical specialty area. PRF scores from 238 physicians…

  4. Characterization of the crystal orientation in mono-oriented films of HDPE/LLDPE blends by IR dichroism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canevarolo, Sebastião V., E-mail:; Ravazzi, Camila; Silva, Jorge, E-mail: [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos Rod. Washington Luiz Km 235, 13565-905, SãoCarlos, SP - Brazil (Brazil); Elias, Marcelo [Motechfilm Produtos Plásticos, Estrada Municipal do Bonfim, 100, Pinhal, Cabreúva, SP - Brazil (Brazil)


    Polyethylene films are a common packaging material. The level and type of chain orientation in these films are a very important property which is of great care and concern of the converter personnel during the conformation process. Usually bi-orientation is the conventional procedure but when easy tear in one direction is needed mono-orientation is sought. This paper deal with the characterization of the crystalline orientation in films of polyethylene blends (HDPE/LLDPE) which have being oriented in two steps: initially the polymer was bi-oriented via extrusion-blown, cooled, and then in a second process hot stretched along the machine direction in order to produce mono-oriented films. In order to evaluate the orientation of the film, the polarization of the FT-IR beam was rotated 360° in steps of 5° by rotating the polarizer. In each step the absorbance spectrum was recorded and the corresponding dichroic ratio (DR) calculated after subtracting the baseline. With differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was possible to infer about the changes in the morphology caused by the stretching.

  5. Community Orientation and Media Use. (United States)

    Neuwirth, Kurt; And Others


    Examines the relationship among media use, participation in local shopping and leisure activities, and orientation toward the local community. Reexamines Robert Merton's Cosmopolitan scale, finding it to have both localite (exclusively local orientation) and cosmopolite (orientation to events outside the local community) dimensions. (MM)

  6. Recherches dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    14 déc. 2010 ... ... oeuvre efficace des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans ... djellaba à capuche, passer côte à côte devant un McDonald's. C'est grâce à ce mélange subtilement entretenu d'ancien et de nouveau ...

  7. Recherches dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La recherche pluridisciplinaire et participative a connu un tel succès que le groupe a décidé d'institutionnaliser son approche. ... plein : un directeur, un responsable des communications et du renforcement des capacités, un responsable des finances et un responsable de l'information et de la diffusion de l'information.

  8. Recherches dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    14 déc. 2010 ... New Wireless Network for Uganda's Healthcare Workers. The introduction of cellular telephony has revolutionized Uganda's communication industry, increasing national teledensity by 350% since the first. View moreNew Wireless Network for Uganda's Healthcare Workers ...

  9. Object oriented programming

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunz, P.F.


    This paper is an introduction to object oriented programming techniques. It tries to explain the concepts by using analogies with traditional programming. The object oriented approach not inherently difficult, but most programmers find a relatively high threshold in learning it. Thus, this paper will attempt to convey the concepts with examples rather than explain the formal theory

  10. Organizing for Customer and Competitor Orientation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Hans Eibe; Slater, Stanley F.


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of structural liaison devices, specialization, the presence of a marketing function, and competitive intensity as antecedents to firms' customer and competitor orientation. Results based on a sample of 99 medium-sized (50-250 employees......) manufacturing firms indicate, that while specialization and liaison devices facilitate customer orientation only liaison devices facilitate competitor orientation. Competitive intensity has no effects on customer orientation but influence competitor orientation. The results also indicate that the presence...... of a marketing function has no influence on the level of firms' customer and competitor orientation....

  11. Red orientalism: Mikhail Pavlovich and Marxist Oriental studies in early Soviet Russia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kemper, M.


    Marxist Oriental Studies in early Soviet Russia emerged in opposition to the 'bourgeois' Russian tradition of classical Oriental scholarship; rather than studying texts and history, Bolshevik Orientalists saw their task in providing the Soviet government with the necessary political and

  12. Adrien Dubois, La violence des femmes en Normandie à la fin du Moyen Âge, Société parisienne d’histoire et d’archéologie normandes, coll. Cahiers Léopole Delisle, 2005-2006, Paris, 2010, 400 p.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernard Dauven


    Full Text Available Le but premier de l’ouvrage d’Adrien Dubois, spécialiste de l’histoire de la justice, est de montrer la réalité de violences féminines au Moyen Âge. L’auteur y parvient sans difficulté, ce qui fait de son livre une réussite. Ces violences peuvent dans certains cas être perçues comme légitimes et ne sont pas nécessairement considérées comme « anormales » par les hommes qui rédigent les sources mobilisées par l’auteur. Des femmes, présentes dans l’espace public, frappent, insultent et menacent ...

  13. Object-Oriented Type Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Palsberg, Jens

    a type system that generalizes and explains them. The theory is based on an idealized object-oriented language called BOPL (Basic Object Programming Language), containing common features of the above languages. A type system, type inference algorithm, and typings of inheritance and genericity......Object-Oriented Type Systems Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach Aarhus University, Denmark Type systems are required to ensure reliability and efficiency of software. For object-oriented languages, typing is an especially challenging problem because of inheritance, assignment, and late...... are provided for BOPL. Throughout, the results are related to the languages on which BOPL is based. This text offers advanced undergraduates and professional software developers a sound understanding of the key aspects of object-oriented type systems. All algorithms are implemented in a freely available...

  14. Development of symptoms-oriented operating procedures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colquhoun, R.


    Until recently, the formal treatment of control room procedures for upset conditions in nuclear power plants has been event-oriented. This orientation was not so much a reflection of power plant operating practice as it was a reflection of design-oriented thinking - design-basis events, therefore event-oriented procedures. Event orientation is not common in other professions. In the medical profession, for example, the stabilization of vital functions through a symptoms-oriented approach has priority over diagnosis and prognosis. The American nuclear power industry has initiated programs for the development and application of a symptoms-oriented approach for handling upset conditions. Canadian programs have independently paralleled the US programs. This article describes the rationale and current applications of the Canadian programs and identifies the relevance of a generic symptoms-based emergency procedure to current operating practices

  15. Theories of Sexual Orientation. (United States)

    Storms, Michael D.


    Results indicated homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexuals did not differ within each sex on measures of masculinity and femininity. Strong support was obtained for the hypothesis that sexual orientation relates primarily to erotic fantasy orientation. (Author/DB)

  16. Orientation masking and cross-orientation suppression (XOS): implications for estimates of filter bandwidth. (United States)

    Meese, Tim S; Holmes, David J


    Most contemporary models of spatial vision include a cross-oriented route to suppression (masking from a broadly tuned inhibitory pool), which is most potent at low spatial and high temporal frequencies (T. S. Meese & D. J. Holmes, 2007). The influence of this pathway can elevate orientation-masking functions without exciting the target mechanism, and because early psychophysical estimates of filter bandwidth did not accommodate this, it is likely that they have been overestimated for this corner of stimulus space. Here we show that a transient 40% contrast mask causes substantial binocular threshold elevation for a transient vertical target, and this declines from a mask orientation of 0° to about 40° (indicating tuning), and then more gently to 90°, where it remains at a factor of ∼4. We also confirm that cross-orientation masking is diminished or abolished at high spatial frequencies and for sustained temporal modulation. We fitted a simple model of pedestal masking and cross-orientation suppression (XOS) to our data and those of G. C. Phillips and H. R. Wilson (1984) and found the dependency of orientation bandwidth on spatial frequency to be much less than previously supposed. An extension of our linear spatial pooling model of contrast gain control and dilution masking (T. S. Meese & R. J. Summers, 2007) is also shown to be consistent with our results using filter bandwidths of ±20°. Both models include tightly and broadly tuned components of divisive suppression. More generally, because XOS and/or dilution masking can affect the shape of orientation-masking curves, we caution that variations in bandwidth estimates might reflect variations in processes that have nothing to do with filter bandwidth.

  17. Moral Orientation, Gender, and Salary. (United States)

    Manning, Roger W.

    A study examined the relationship among gender, moral orientation, and pay. Although the participants were about equal in terms of gender, 48 males and 53 females, males tended to hold higher degrees. The researcher hypothesized that salaries would be differentiated based on gender and moral orientation. Assumptions were that care-oriented males…

  18. Different facets of market orientation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ormrod, Robert P.; Henneberg, Stephan C.


    the UK parties generally exhibited similar levels of market orientation on each of the relevant construct dimensions, the German parties had more distinct profiles; thus the applied dimensions of political market orientation show discriminatory power within and across electoral systems. In the UK......In this study we employ the concept of political market orientation to better understand how the main political parties in the UK and Germany relate to other stakeholders in the political sphere through an exploratory content analysis of their core election offering, the manifesto. This study has...... two aims: firstly, we will discuss the different facets of the market orientation of the main UK and German parties in their respective 2005 General Elections through an exploratory content analysis, and secondly, we will compare characteristics of market orientation between the two countries. Whilst...

  19. New measurements in plutonium L X ray emission spectrum using an electron probe micro-analyser; Nouvelles mesures dans le spectre d'emission L du plutonium au moyen d'un micro analyseur a sonde electronique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bobin, J L; Despres, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Further studies by means of an electron-probe micro-analyser, allowed report CEA-R--1798 authors to set up a larger plutonium X ray spectrum table. Measurements of plutonium L{sub II} and L{sub III} levels excitation potentials have also been achieved. Some remarks about apparatus performance data (such as spectrograph sensibility, resolving power and accuracy) will be found in the appendix. (authors) [French] Poursuivant les etudes exposees dans le rapport CEA-R--1798, les auteurs ont pu dresser un tableau plus etendu du spectre L du plutonium, au moyen du micro-analyseur a sonde electronique. Ils ont egalement effectue des mesures de potentiel d'excitation des niveaux L{sub II} et L{sub III} du plutonium. On trouvera en annexe quelques notes sur les constantes d'appareillage (sensibilite, pouvoir de resolution et precision des spectrographes). (auteurs)

  20. Integrating traditional nursing service orientation content with electronic medical record orientation. (United States)

    Harton, Brenda B; Borrelli, Larry; Knupp, Ann; Rogers, Necolen; West, Vickie R


    Traditional nursing service orientation classes at an acute care hospital were integrated with orientation to the electronic medical record to blend the two components in a user-friendly format so that the learner is introduced to the culture, processes, and documentation methods of the organization, with an opportunity to document online in a practice domain while lecture and discussion information is fresh.

  1. Problem-Oriented Project Work

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Poul Bitsch; Pedersen, Nils Kaare

    This book is meant to support problem-oriented learning activities. Problem-orientation concerns the reasoning about lack of knowledge, while project work includes the ethnomethods that are practiced when collectives produce scientific knowledge. This book reflects particular methods related...

  2. Western Image of the Orient and Oriental in Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile: A Postcolonial Reading

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mevlüde ZENGİN


    Full Text Available This paper attempts to read Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile (1937, a Hercule Poirot detective novel from a postcolonial stand in general but in particular it seeks traces of Orientalism in it. Expertly plotted and set in Egypt, an exotic background, Death on the Nile is analyzed in this study, through Edward W. Said’s critique of Orientalism, to detect the novel’s projection of the Orient and oriental. Orientalism is defined by Edward Said in his groundbreaking book Orientalism (1978 as a scholarly discipline involving the negative portrayal of the East and eastern people, values and culture by westerners and as western construction of the Orient in occidental discourse through western perspective. Composed of two sections the essay begins with a brief introduction to postcolonial criticism and the critique of Orientalism. Next Death on the Nile is analyzed in the light of the criticism of Orientalism in the second section. The projection of the Orient and oriental people, places, values, concepts and so forth detected in the novel are presented in two subsections of this part. The study concludes that Death on the Nilebeing a detective novel has an orientalist quality when it comes to the reflection of the Orient and oriental though Christie does not foreground this quality of the novel. Another conclusion reached at the end of this study is that for Christie, the Queen of detective fiction has been considered to be a best-selling novelist of all time, her novel, Death on the Nile with its orientalist attitude to the East and easterner, must have contributed to the construction of a negative and false image of the Orient in western mind and discourse

  3. Improving Orientation Outcomes: Implementation of Phased Orientation Process in an Intermediate Special Care Nursery. (United States)

    Rivera, Emily K; Shedenhelm, Heidi J; Gibbs, Ardyce L


    In response to changing needs of registered nurse orientees, the staff education committee in the Intermediate Special Care Nursery has implemented a phased orientation process. This phased process includes a mentoring experience postorientation to support a new nurse through the first year of employment. Since implementing the phased orientation process in the Intermediate Special Care Nursery, orientee satisfaction and preparation to practice have increased, and length of orientation has decreased.

  4. Report of the Orientation Workshop

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nunez, Heilyn Camacho; Buus, Lillian; Ogange, Betty


    This Orientation Workshops is part of MAAGART project. The workshop is divided in three parts: 1) pre-Orientation Workshop stage, 2) Face-to-Face stage and 3) post-Orientation stage. Pre and post stages will be developed online. All the activities will take place in a virtual learning environment...... created for this purpose. Participants will receive all the information about how to access the virtual learning environment (Moodle) prior to the pre-orientation workshop. In this report we cover only the two first stages. Jørgen Bang, as a part of the Community of Practice activity, will be facilitating...





    ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this article is to verify the mediating effect of a proactive market orientation capability in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and service innovation in micro and small companies in the food-away from home sector. We analyzed the mediating effect of a marketing capability (proactive market capability) because, according to Morgan et al. (2009), a capability is an ability developed from a strategic orientation, and capabilities and or...

  6. Market Orientation and Innovators’ Success: an Exploration of the Influence of Customer and Competitor Orientation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Lewrick


    Full Text Available The concepts of market orientation and innovation and their interrelationship with business success have been explored from a number of perspectives. However, research in this area has not explored the differences between start-up and mature companies. The research study acquired data from over two hundred Chief Operating Officers (CEO’s and Managing Directors from both start-up and mature companies. The results illustrate the differences in both types of company and reveals new insights with regard to market orientation and its constituent elements and its relationship with both incremental and radical innovations. Key research results are that strong competitor orientation, a key ingredient of market orientation, has positive relationship to incremental innovation for start-up companies but it is contra productive for mature companies. In mature organizations a strong customer orientation is associated with radical innovation.

  7. Future-Oriented LCA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Stig Irving; Borup, Mads; Andersen, Per Dannemand


    LCA is often applied for decision-making that concerns actions reaching near or far into the future. However, traditional life cycle assessment methodology must be adjusted for the prospective and change-oriented purposes, but no standardised way of doing this has emerged yet. In this chapter some...... challenges are described and some learnings are derived. Many of the future-oriented LCAs published so far perform relatively short-term prediction of simple comparisons. But for more long-term time horizons foresight methods can be of help. Scenarios established by qualified experts about future...... technological and economic developments are indispensable in future technology assessments. The uncertainties in future-oriented LCAs are to a large extent qualitative and it is important to emphasise that LCA of future technologies will provide a set of answers and not ‘the’ answer....

  8. The theory of experience orientation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jesper Legaard


    This paper describes the theory of experience orientation, which builds on the division of experiences in two categories: Goal-oriented and Omni-oriented. The theory comes from preliminary studies of userexperiences in a work-context, where I have found this distinction to be beneficial....... In this paper I explain the theory behind it and the practical application of such a distinction when designing for an experience....

  9. The Impact of Alternative Market Orientation Strategies on Firm Performance: Customer versus Competitor Orientation


    Micheels, Eric T.; Gow, Hamish R.


    Research studies have differed over the importance of the relative emphasis of a customer versus competitor orientation in the development of a market orientation (Slater and Narver, 1994; Tajeddini, 2010). In this study, we assess whether the emphasis of one component over another of a market orientation is an important determinant of firm performance within the Illinois beef industry, specifically the cow-calf sector. Using a series of OLS regressions, we examine the importance of a market ...

  10. EDITORIAL: Optical orientation Optical orientation (United States)

    SAME ADDRESS *, Yuri; Landwehr, Gottfried


    priority of the discovery in the literature, which was partly caused by the existence of the Iron Curtain. I had already enjoyed contact with Boris in the 1980s when the two volumes of Landau Level Spectroscopy were being prepared [2]. He was one of the pioneers of magneto-optics in semiconductors. In the 1950s the band structure of germanium and silicon was investigated by magneto-optical methods, mainly in the United States. No excitonic effects were observed and the band structure parameters were determined without taking account of excitons. However, working with cuprous oxide, which is a direct semiconductor with a relative large energy gap, Zakharchenya and his co-worker Seysan showed that in order to obtain correct band structure parameters, it is necessary to take excitons into account [3]. About 1970 Boris started work on optical orientation. Early work by Hanle in Germany in the 1920s on the depolarization of luminescence in mercury vapour by a transverse magnetic field was not appreciated for a long time. Only in the late 1940s did Kastler and co-workers in Paris begin a systematic study of optical pumping, which led to the award of a Nobel prize. The ideas of optical pumping were first applied by Georges Lampel to solid state physics in 1968. He demonstrated optical orientation of free carriers in silicon. The detection method was nuclear magnetic resonance; optically oriented free electrons dynamically polarized the 29Si nuclei of the host lattice. The first optical detection of spin orientation was demonstrated by with the III-V semiconductor GaSb by Parsons. Due to the various interaction mechanisms of spins with their environment, the effects occurring in semiconductors are naturally more complex than those in atoms. Optical detection is now the preferred method to detect spin alignment in semiconductors. The orientation of spins in crystals pumped with circularly polarized light is deduced from the degree of circular polarization of the recombination

  11. Pro-Social Goals in Achievement Situations: Amity Goal Orientation Enhances the Positive Effects of Mastery Goal Orientation. (United States)

    Levontin, Liat; Bardi, Anat


    Research has neglected the utility of pro-social goals within achievement situations. In this article, four studies demonstrate that amity goal orientation, promoting mutual success of oneself together with others, enhances the utility of mastery goal orientation. We demonstrate this in longitudinally predicting performance (Studies 1 and 2) and in maintaining motivation after a disappointing performance (Studies 3 and 4). The studies demonstrate the same interaction effect in academic and in work achievement contexts. Specifically, whereas amity goal orientation did not predict achievement on its own, it enhanced the positive effect of mastery goal orientation. Together, these studies establish the importance of amity goal orientation while also advancing our understanding of the effects of other achievement goal orientations. We suggest future directions in examining the utility of amity goals in other contexts.

  12. Orientation aspects of growth during recrystallization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juul Jensen, D.


    Recrystallization of heavily cold rolled aluminium and copper is studied with the aim of achieving information about effects of crystallography orientation on the growth process. The potentials of several experimental techniques are analysed, and a method well suited for characterizing growth rates of grains with different orientations is developed. This method, which is referred to as the extended Cahn-Hagel method, is used for growth rate determinations in aluminium and copper deformed and annealed under five different conditions. In all the investigated cases, preferential growth of cube oriented grains is observed. Recrystallization models, which simulates the orientational as well as microstructural development, are described. selected models are applied for studies of recrystallization in aluminium and copper under specific deformation and annealing conditions as well as for more general studies of the effects of orientation dependent growth rates on the recrystallization microstructure and texture. Finally, reasons for the observed orientation dependent growth rates are discussed. A new mechanism, orientation pinning, is suggested and it is shown that this mechanism is necessary for the understanding of experimental results. (au) 4 tabs., 41 ills., 153 refs

  13. Orientation aspects of growth during recrystallization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juul Jensen, D.


    Recrystallization of heavily cold rolled aluminium and copper is studied with the aim of achieving information about effects of crystallography orientation on the growth process. The potentials of several experimental techniques are analysed, and a method well suited for characterizing growth rates of grains with different orientations is developed. This method, which is referred to as the extended Cahn-Hagel method, is used for growth rate determinations in aluminium and copper deformed and annealed under five different conditions. In all the investigated cases, preferential growth of cube oriented grains is observed. Recrystallization models, which simulates the orientational as well as microstructural development, are described. selected models are applied for studies of recrystallization in aluminium and copper under specific deformation and annealing conditions as well as for more general studies of the effects of orientation dependent growth rates on the recrystallization microstructure and texture. Finally, reasons for the observed orientation dependent growth rates are discussed. A new mechanism, orientation pinning, is suggested and it is shown that this mechanism is necessary for the understanding of experimental results. (au) 4 tabs., 41 ills., 153 refs.

  14. Factors associated with students' orientations to nursing. (United States)

    Vanhanen, L; Janhonen, S


    Factors associated with students' orientations to nursing This paper presents the results of a study focusing on the factors associated with orientations to nursing. Students' orientations to nursing have not as yet been a focus of nursing research. In some other professions, however, professional orientation has been associated with learning motivation and study performance, and has been seen as a predictor of work satisfaction. In this study, students' orientations to nursing were defined in terms of caring, nursing expertise and life orientation. The hypothesis of whether students' pre-educational experiences of nursing, gender, choice of nursing specialty, problems with nursing studies and intention to stay in nursing were associated with different orientations was tested. The extent to which students were orientated to caring, nursing expertise and their own life was also examined. The orientation to nursing measurement tool, which has been developed on the basis of a qualitative study, was used to collect the data. Nurse teachers collected the data from nursing students (n=184) who were studying in three different nursing programmes in Finland. Non-parametric assessments (Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test) of the differences between the students' orientations were carried out. A majority of the students were highly life-orientated, and two-thirds had average nursing expertise or caring orientation scores. The results supported the study hypothesis of an association between students' orientations and their gender, choice of nursing speciality, problems with nursing studies and intention to stay in nursing. However, the hypothesis of an association between students' pre-educational nursing experiences and orientation to nursing was not supported. The contradictions between students' orientation to nursing and the philosophy of nursing underlying the study programme may be a source of motivational problems and dissatisfaction with nursing education


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, M.; Kicker, D.C.; Sellers, M.D.


    The purpose of this To Be Verified/To Be Determined (TBX) resolution analysis is to release ''To Be Verified'' (TBV)-361 related to the emplacement drift orientation. The system design criterion in ''Subsurface Facility System Description Document'' (CRWMS M andO 1998a, p.9) specifies that the emplacement drift orientation relative to the dominant joint orientations should be at least 30 degrees. The specific objectives for this analysis include the following: (1) Collect and evaluate key block data developed for the repository host horizon rock mass. (2) Assess the dominant joint orientations based on available fracture data. (3) Document the maximum block size as a function of drift orientation. (4) Assess the applicability of the drift orientation/joint orientation offset criterion in the ''Subsurface Facility System Description Document'' (CRWMS M andO 1998a, p.9). (5) Consider the effects of seepage on drift orientation. (6) Verify that the viability assessment (VA) drift orientation complies with the drift orientation/joint orientation offset criterion, or provide justifications and make recommendations for modifying the VA emplacement drift layout. In addition to providing direct support to the System Description Document (SDD), the release of TBV-361 will provide support to the Repository Subsurface Design Department. The results from this activity may also provide data and information needs to support the MGR Requirements Department, the MGR Safety Assurance Department, and the Performance Assessment Organization

  16. La fonction logistique, un outil performant d'analyse et de prévision à moyen terme. Application à la production de pétrole et de gaz aux Etats-Unis, en URSS et dans d'autres pays The Logistic Function, an Efficient Medium-Range Analysis and Forecasting Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seguret J.


    Full Text Available A partir de la similitude observée entre l'évolution de la production pétrolière d'un pays et celle de la pénétration d'un produit dans un marché (fonction logistique, l'auteur expose le principe d'une méthode originale qui permet, sous certaines conditions, de prévoir quelle sera la production annuelle probable d'un pays producteur à un horizon de 10 à 15 ans. La validité de cette méthode est d'abord démontrée sur l'exemple de la production pétrolière aux Etats-Unis. Elle est ensuite illustrée par les résultats obtenus pour un certain nombre de pays : production future de gaz aux Etats-Unis, production pétrolière future du Canada, de l'URSS, du Venezuela et de l'ensemble du monde hors Moyen-Orient. On the basis of the similarity observed between the variation in the petroleum production of a country and that of the penetration of a product into the market (logistic function, this article describes the principle of an original method that can be used, under certain conditions, to forecast the probable annual production of a producing country in 10 to 15 years. The validity of this method is first demonstrated for the example of oil production in the United States. It is then illustrated by results obtained for various other countries, i. e. future gas production in the United States, future oil production of Canada, the Soviet Union, Venezuela and the world as a whole outside of the Middle East.

  17. The Management of the Citizen Oriented Applications


    Ion IVAN; Bogdan VINTILĂ


    The context of the knowledge based society is presented. The new user requirements in the context of the new society are analyzed. Basic concepts regarding the citizen oriented applications are presented. Issues specific to the citizen oriented applications are presented. The development cycle of the citizen oriented applications is analyzed. The particular elements for developing citizen oriented applications are described. The quality concept for the citizen oriented applications is defined...

  18. When Does Salespeople’s Customer Orientation Lead to Customer Loyalty? : The Differential Effects of Relational and Functional Customer Orientation


    Homburg, Christian; Müller, Michael; Klarmann, Martin


    Is a customer orientation universally effective for salespeople? Or does its effectiveness depend on the selling situation? While previous research has largely neglected this question, this study investigates contextual influences on the link between customer-oriented behaviors and customer loyalty. To do so, it takes a role theory perspective on salesperson customer orientation by distinguishing functional customer orientation and relational customer orientation. It then investigates which t...

  19. Characteristics of leadership-oriented women


    Htun, Tin Tin; Yamamoto, Mariko


    The present study explores within-gender differences between high leadership-oriented women and low leadership-oriented women regarding their characteristics and attitudes. One hundred and ninety-two Japanese ...

  20. Monetary rewards influence retrieval orientations. (United States)

    Halsband, Teresa M; Ferdinand, Nicola K; Bridger, Emma K; Mecklinger, Axel


    Reward anticipation during learning is known to support memory formation, but its role in retrieval processes is so far unclear. Retrieval orientations, as a reflection of controlled retrieval processing, are one aspect of retrieval that might be modulated by reward. These processes can be measured using the event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by retrieval cues from tasks with different retrieval requirements, such as via changes in the class of targeted memory information. To determine whether retrieval orientations of this kind are modulated by reward during learning, we investigated the effects of high and low reward expectancy on the ERP correlates of retrieval orientation in two separate experiments. The reward manipulation at study in Experiment 1 was associated with later memory performance, whereas in Experiment 2, reward was directly linked to accuracy in the study task. In both studies, the participants encoded mixed lists of pictures and words preceded by high- or low-reward cues. After 24 h, they performed a recognition memory exclusion task, with words as the test items. In addition to a previously reported material-specific effect of retrieval orientation, a frontally distributed, reward-associated retrieval orientation effect was found in both experiments. These findings suggest that reward motivation during learning leads to the adoption of a reward-associated retrieval orientation to support the retrieval of highly motivational information. Thus, ERP retrieval orientation effects not only reflect retrieval processes related to the sought-for materials, but also relate to the reward conditions with which items were combined during encoding.

  1. How can a tour guide robot’s orientation influence visitors’ orientation and formations?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karreman, Daphne Eleonora; Ludden, Geke Dina Simone; van Dijk, Elisabeth M.A.G.; Evers, Vanessa


    In this paper, we describe a field study with a tour guide robot that guided visitors through a historical site. Our focus was to determine how a robot’s orientation behaviour influenced visitors’ orientation and the formations groups of visitors formed around the robot. During the study a

  2. Measuring the Recovery Orientation of ACT (United States)

    Salyers, Michelle P.; Stull, Laura G.; Rollins, Angela L.; McGrew, John H.; Hicks, Lia J.; Thomas, Dave; Strieter, Doug


    Background Approaches to measuring recovery orientation are needed, particularly for programs that may struggle with implementing recovery-oriented treatment. Objective A mixed methods comparative study was conducted to explore effective approaches to measuring recovery orientation of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams. Design Two ACT teams exhibiting high and low recovery orientation were compared using surveys, treatment plan ratings, diaries of treatment visits, and team-leader-reported treatment control mechanisms. Results The recovery-oriented team differed on one survey measure (higher expectations for consumer recovery), treatment planning (greater consumer involvement and goal-directed content), and use of control mechanisms (less use of representative payee, agency-held lease, daily medication delivery, and family involvement). Staff and consumer diaries showed the most consistent differences (e.g., conveying hope and choice) and were the least susceptible to observer bias, but had the lowest response rates. Conclusions Several practices differentiate recovery orientation on ACT teams, and a mixed-methods assessment approach is feasible. PMID:23690285

  3. Aesthetic Judgement of Orientation in Modern Art

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    George Mather


    Full Text Available When creating an artwork, the artist makes a decision regarding the orientation at which the work is to be hung based on their aesthetic judgement and the message conveyed by the piece. Is the impact or aesthetic appeal of a work diminished when it is hung at an incorrect orientation? To investigate this question, Experiment 1 asked whether naïve observers can appreciate the correct orientation (as defined by the artist of 40 modern artworks, some of which are entirely abstract. Eighteen participants were shown 40 paintings in a series of trials. Each trial presented all four cardinal orientations on a computer screen, and the participant was asked to select the orientation that was most attractive or meaningful. Results showed that the correct orientation was selected in 48% of trials on average, significantly above the 25% chance level, but well below perfect performance. A second experiment investigated the extent to which the 40 paintings contained recognisable content, which may have mediated orientation judgements. Recognition rates varied from 0% for seven of the paintings to 100% for five paintings. Orientation judgements in Experiment 1 correlated significantly with “meaningful” content judgements in Experiment 2: 42% of the variance in orientation judgements in Experiment 1 was shared with recognition of meaningful content in Experiment 2. For the seven paintings in which no meaningful content at all was detected, 41% of the variance in orientation judgements was shared with variance in a physical measure of image content, Fourier amplitude spectrum slope. For some paintings, orientation judgements were quite consistent, despite a lack of meaningful content. The origin of these orientation judgements remains to be identified.

  4. Age and Value Orientations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Asya Kh. Kukubayeva


    Full Text Available The present article deals with value orientations and their role in men’s lives, particularly, in young people’s lives. This notion was introduced by the American theoretical sociologist T. Parsons, one of the creators of modern theoretical sociology. The scientist made an attempt to construct the structural and analytical theory of social action, combining personal interests (needs and aims and situation, it takes place in. The issue of value orientations remains acute for psychology. Herein we have considered several most important works, relating to the considered issue. Age aspects of young people’s value orientations are of peculiar interest to us. When analyzing this phenomenon, one should take into consideration the psychological formations, inhere for a certain age. In fact every age has its unique structure, which may change when passing from one development stage to another. Basing on this fact, we’ve considered the values, depending on the age features of the youth, relying upon the works of the scientists, working with different categories of the youth, such as: teenagers, students, children of different nationalities. It is not surprising that most scientists have come to the conclusion that the chief role in value orientation belongs to a family, originates in relations with parents and teachers. The positive reinforcement to the future develops throughout life in accordance with a lifestyle of a family, society and political situation in a state.Life orientations as a type of value orientations show different types of young people’s preferences. Value structure of its consciousness has its own specific character, depending on the age peculiarities. The dynamics of the transition from one age to another is accompanied with the reappraisal of values, eventually, influencing the life strategy of the future generation

  5. Edward Said and "Orientalism" (United States)

    Chronicle of Higher Education, 2007


    In the nearly 30 years since Edward Said published the hugely influential Orientalism, his indictment of racism and imperialism in Western scholarship on the Orient has had its share of plaudits and condemnations. Now Robert Irwin, the Middle East editor of The Times Literary Supplement, has reignited the controversy with his broadside against the…

  6. Oriental upper blepharoplasty. (United States)

    Weng, Chau-Jin


    Aesthetic surgery of the upper eyelids is a very common procedure performed in cosmetic practices around the world. The word blepharoplasty, however, has a different meaning in Asia than it does elsewhere. Orientals have different periorbital anatomic characteristics, their motivations for seeking eyelid treatment are different, and operative techniques have been adapted consequently. There are also many eyelid shapes among Orientals, mostly with regard to the presence and location of the supratarsal fold and/or presence of an epicanthal fold. The surgeon must therefore master a range of surgical procedures to treat these variations adequately. It is critical to know the indications for each blepharoplasty technique as well as their complications to select the right surgery and avoid unfavorable results. Epicanthoplasty performed on the right patient can greatly improve aesthetic results while retaining ethnic characteristics. This article will discuss Oriental eyelid characteristics, preoperative patient assessment, commonly used corrective techniques for the "double-eyelid" creation, and complications and how to avoid them.

  7. Barriers to increased market-oriented activity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisp, Søren


    and related activities still seem to attract relatively few resources is not answered by supplying another checklist or package of facilitators. Based on published conceptual writings and empirical studies this article makes an account of what the intra-organizational barriers may be to increased market......Most research on market orientation has dealt with assessing how market orientation behaviour is related to business performance. This work has established an intense market-oriented activity as significantly and positively related to business performance under most circumstances. In a maturing......-oriented activity. A framework of six generic domains is suggested: Organizational structure, human resource management, market-oriented activity competence, psychological climate, managers' personality characteristics, and individually held beliefs. A model is suggested inter-relating the domains....

  8. The Management of the Citizen Oriented Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ion IVAN


    Full Text Available The context of the knowledge based society is presented. The new user requirements in the context of the new society are analyzed. Basic concepts regarding the citizen oriented applications are presented. Issues specific to the citizen oriented applications are presented. The development cycle of the citizen oriented applications is analyzed. The particular elements for developing citizen oriented applications are described. The quality concept for the citizen oriented applications is defined. Quality characteristics and the costs of quality are defined and analyzed. A system of indicators for the quantification of the quality of the citizen oriented applications is developed. Ways of increasing the quality of the applications are analyzed. Issues as improving the users’ training level, implementing new development techniques, advanced testing techniques and the requirement of audit are approached. The concept of optimization is defined. Optimum criteria are defined and analyzed. Ways of optimizing applications are described. Security requirements are enumerated and described. The particularities of the security requirements for the citizen oriented applications are analyzed. Measures for ensuring the security of the citizen oriented applications are described. A citizen oriented application for the analysis of the structured entities is developed. The application collects data regarding the behavior of the users. The collected data are used for verifying the hypotheses regarding the quality characteristics if the citizen oriented informatics applications.

  9. Variations on agent-oriented programming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dalia Baziukė


    Full Text Available Occurrence of the agent paradigm and its further applications have stimulated the emergence of new concepts and methodologies in computer science. Today terms like multi-agent system, agent-oriented methodology, and agent-oriented programming (AOP are widely used. The aim of this paper is to clarify the validity of usage of the terms AOP and AOP language. This is disclosed in two phases of an analysis process. Determining to which concepts, terms like agent, programming, object-oriented analysis and design, object-oriented programming, and agent-oriented analysis and design correspond is accomplished in the first phase. Analysis of several known agent system engineering methodologies in terms of key concepts used, final resulting artifacts, and their relationship with known programming paradigms and modern tools for agent system development is performed in the second phase. The research shows that in most cases in the final phase of agent system design and in the coding stage, the main artifact is an object, defined according to the rules of the object-oriented paradigm. Hence, we say that the computing society still does not have AOP owing to the lack of an AOP language. Thus, the term AOP is very often incorrectly assigned to agent system development frameworks that in most cases, transform agents into objects.DOI: 10.15181/csat.v5i1.1361

  10. Open Issues in Object-Oriented Programming

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Ole Lehrmann


    We discuss a number of open issues within object-oriented programming. The central mechanisms of object-oriented programming appeared with Simula, developed more than 30 years ago; these include class, subclass, virtual function, active object and the first application framework, Class Simulation....... The core parts of object-oriented programming should be well understood, but there are still a large number of issues where there is no consensus. The term object-orientation has been applied to many subjects, such as analysis, design implementation, data modeling in databases, and distribution...

  11. Programming in an object-oriented environment

    CERN Document Server

    Ege, Raimund K


    Programming in an Object-Oriented Environment provides an in-depth look at the concepts behind the technology of object-oriented programming.This book explains why object-oriented programming has the potential to vastly improve the productivity of programmers and how to apply this technology in a practical environment. Many programming examples are included, focusing on how different programming languages support the core of object-oriented concepts. C++ is used as the main sample language throughout this text.This monograph consists of two major parts. Part I provides an introduction to objec

  12. Physiological and biomechanical aspects of orienteering. (United States)

    Creagh, U; Reilly, T


    Orienteering is an endurance running event which differs from other running sports both in its cognitive element and in the type of terrain encountered. The demands of overcoming this terrain are not manifest in significant differences between orienteers and road runners in somatotype, though elite female orienteers have consistently been shown to have higher levels of adiposity (> 19%) than elite road runners. High aerobic power in orienteers (up to 63 and 76 ml/kg/min in women and men, respectively) is coupled with lower anaerobic performance. While leg strength is generally not high when compared with other athletic specialties, female orienteers have relatively good leg flexion strength. The energy cost of running is greatly increased in rough terrain. Oxygen cost was 26% higher while running in a forest when compared with road running. Biomechanical differences in stride pattern contribute towards this increased demand. Despite the high energy demands during competition, orienteers pace themselves such that their mean heart rate remains within the range of 167 to 172 beats/min, despite large fluctuations. The rough terrain encountered in orienteering results not only in a high energy cost but also in a higher incidence of sport-specific injuries, particularly to the ankle. Minor injuries such as cuts and bruises are common during competition.

  13. The Development of Citizen Oriented Informatics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ion IVAN


    Full Text Available We define the concept of citizen-oriented computer application. Quality characteristics are set for computer applications developed in the conditions of citizen-oriented computing and outline the development cycle for these applications. It defines the conditions of existence for citizen-oriented applications. Average and long-term strategies are elaborated.

  14. Dynamics of market orientation in Croatian economy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivana First


    Full Text Available It was the goal of this research to examine the dynamics of Croatian transformation to market orientation and test whether the market orientation model changes with time as the business environment changes. Based on the literature analysis, we proposed a hypothetical model which relies on behavioural approach in understanding market orientation. To empirically test the hypothetical model, we used data previously collected for 2001, and by replicating the same questionnaire now collected data for 2011. Data was analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis on the two sets of data. Our findings reveal that Croatian organizations reached the level of moderate market orientation leaving space for improvement. Findings also reveal that higher level of market orientation correlates with higher business performance. Furthermore, with development of ICT, the model of market orientation modified in time in a way that in predicting successful market oriented reaction, specific information on consumer satisfaction gains importance, while general information from competitor and consumer databases lose importance. Despite the changes in the relationships among the elements of market orientation, the model itself similarly predicts performance today as it did ten years ago. Managers are advised to increase implementation of market orientation especially focusing on market responsiveness as such behaviour will lead to better performance.

  15. Anisotropy model for modern grain oriented electrical steel based on orientation distribution function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fan Jiang


    Full Text Available Accurately modeling the anisotropic behavior of electrical steel is mandatory in order to perform good end simulations. Several approaches can be found in the literature for that purpose but the more often those methods are not able to deal with grain oriented electrical steel. In this paper, a method based on orientation distribution function is applied to modern grain oriented laminations. In particular, two solutions are proposed in order to increase the results accuracy. The first one consists in increasing the decomposition number of the cosine series on which the method is based. The second one consists in modifying the determination method of the terms belonging to this cosine series.

  16. Freely oriented portable superconducting magnet (United States)

    Schmierer, Eric N [Los Alamos, NM; Prenger, F Coyne [Los Alamos, NM; Hill, Dallas D [Los Alamos, NM


    A freely oriented portable superconducting magnet is disclosed. Coolant is supplied to the superconducting magnet from a repository separate from the magnet, enabling portability of the magnet. A plurality of support assemblies structurally anchor and thermally isolate the magnet within a thermal shield. A plurality of support assemblies structurally anchor and thermally isolate the thermal shield within a vacuum vessel. The support assemblies restrain movement of the magnet resulting from energizing and cooldown, as well as from changes in orientation, enabling the magnet to be freely orientable.

  17. Oriented Shape Index Histograms for Cell Classification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Anders Boesen Lindbo; Dahl, Anders Bjorholm; Larsen, Rasmus


    We propose a novel extension to the shape index histogram feature descriptor where the orientation of the second-order curvature is included in the histograms. The orientation of the shape index is reminiscent but not equal to gradient orientation which is widely used for feature description. We...... evaluate our new feature descriptor using a public dataset consisting of HEp-2 cell images from indirect immunoflourescence lighting. Our results show that we can improve classification performance significantly when including the shape index orientation. Notably, we show that shape index orientation...

  18. Experimental Object-Oriented Modelling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Klaus Marius

    through, e.g., technical prototyping and active user involvement. We introduce and examine “experimental object-oriented modelling” as the intersection of these practices. The contributions of this thesis are expected to be within three perspectives on models and modelling in experimental system...... development: Grounding We develop an empirically based conceptualization of modelling and use of models in system development projects characterized by a high degree of uncertainty in requirements and point to implications for tools and techniques for modelling in such a setting. Techniques We introduce......This thesis examines object-oriented modelling in experimental system development. Object-oriented modelling aims at representing concepts and phenomena of a problem domain in terms of classes and objects. Experimental system development seeks active experimentation in a system development project...

  19. Cultural Orientation and Interdisciplinarity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sofie Søndergaard


    I begin the article with an account of the background to the German debate on ‘Literaturwissenschaft als Kulturwissenschaft’, including the introduction of the concept of ’cultural orientation’ as a strategy for achieving interdisciplinarity. This is followed by a consideration of the discussion ...... of the object of literary studies as a way of defining the disciplinarity or identity of literary studies. Finally I summarize some of the characteristics of culturally orientated literary studies.......I begin the article with an account of the background to the German debate on ‘Literaturwissenschaft als Kulturwissenschaft’, including the introduction of the concept of ’cultural orientation’ as a strategy for achieving interdisciplinarity. This is followed by a consideration of the discussion...

  20. Perceived Sexual Orientation Based on Vocal and Facial Stimuli Is Linked to Self-Rated Sexual Orientation in Czech Men (United States)

    Valentova, Jaroslava Varella; Havlíček, Jan


    Previous research has shown that lay people can accurately assess male sexual orientation based on limited information, such as face, voice, or behavioral display. Gender-atypical traits are thought to serve as cues to sexual orientation. We investigated the presumed mechanisms of sexual orientation attribution using a standardized set of facial and vocal stimuli of Czech men. Both types of stimuli were rated for sexual orientation and masculinity-femininity by non-student heterosexual women and homosexual men. Our data showed that by evaluating vocal stimuli both women and homosexual men can judge sexual orientation of the target men in agreement with their self-reported sexual orientation. Nevertheless, only homosexual men accurately attributed sexual orientation of the two groups from facial images. Interestingly, facial images of homosexual targets were rated as more masculine than heterosexual targets. This indicates that attributions of sexual orientation are affected by stereotyped association between femininity and male homosexuality; however, reliance on such cues can lead to frequent misjudgments as was the case with the female raters. Although our study is based on a community sample recruited in a non-English speaking country, the results are generally consistent with the previous research and thus corroborate the validity of sexual orientation attributions. PMID:24358180

  1. Perceived sexual orientation based on vocal and facial stimuli is linked to self-rated sexual orientation in Czech men.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaroslava Varella Valentova

    Full Text Available Previous research has shown that lay people can accurately assess male sexual orientation based on limited information, such as face, voice, or behavioral display. Gender-atypical traits are thought to serve as cues to sexual orientation. We investigated the presumed mechanisms of sexual orientation attribution using a standardized set of facial and vocal stimuli of Czech men. Both types of stimuli were rated for sexual orientation and masculinity-femininity by non-student heterosexual women and homosexual men. Our data showed that by evaluating vocal stimuli both women and homosexual men can judge sexual orientation of the target men in agreement with their self-reported sexual orientation. Nevertheless, only homosexual men accurately attributed sexual orientation of the two groups from facial images. Interestingly, facial images of homosexual targets were rated as more masculine than heterosexual targets. This indicates that attributions of sexual orientation are affected by stereotyped association between femininity and male homosexuality; however, reliance on such cues can lead to frequent misjudgments as was the case with the female raters. Although our study is based on a community sample recruited in a non-English speaking country, the results are generally consistent with the previous research and thus corroborate the validity of sexual orientation attributions.

  2. CERN Multimedia


    Samedi 5 avril, les organisateurs du Club d’orientation du CERN ont accueilli au Mont Mourex une petite centaine de participants qui ont pu découvrir de beaux parcours techniques, assez physiques sur un terrain sec. Les podiums pour les divers circuits sont les suivants : Technique long avec 17 postes : 1er Andreas Grote, (Fribourg) en 50:26, 2e Christophe Vuitton en 51:47 et 3e Berni Wehrle en 59:37. Technique moyen avec 14 postes : 1er Sverre Berg Lutnaes, CO CERN en 46:05, 2e Bruno Barge en 46:44, et 3e exequo Marie Vuitton / Patrick Rousseau en 46:55 (A noter que ces 4 concurrents sont tous sous la même minute). Technique court avec 10 postes : 1er Julien Vuitton, CO CERN en 22:27 devançant haut la main ces adversaires, 2e Amandine Marion en 42:03, 3e Dominique Balay en 47:49. Facile moyen avec 13 postes : 1er Konstantinos Haider, CO CERN en 44:30, 2e Céline Zosso en 46:04, 3e Tessa, Ralf Nardini en 47:51. Facile cout avec 10 postes : 1er C&ea...

  3. Market orientation vs. inovativeness of SMEs of Podlaskie province

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joanna Ejdys


    Full Text Available This research aims to examine the impact of marketing orientation on the innovation level among Small and Medium Size (SMEs from Podlaskie Province. A survey utilizing a questionnaire was conducted among 137 companies in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Altogether 3 hypotheses concerning marketing orientation and innovativeness level have been examined with the use of the hierarchical regression techniques. The relation between three types of marketing orientation and innovativeness has been analysed: customer orientation, competitor orientation and interfunctional coordination. The research results show that marketing orientation has a positive total effect on improving innovativeness. The conclusions suggest, contrary to the marketing orientation sources, that customer orientation hinder marketing innovation. A positive interrelation between customer orientation and competitor orientation, as a component of marketing orientation and innovation was supported. The positive interrelationships between inter-functional orientation and innovativeness was rejected. The study explores the relationship between marketing orientation and innovativeness, thus theoretically contributing to marketing orientation literature. Moreover, relevant ramifications are provided for management, concerning the ways to boost the level of innovativeness.

  4. Orienteering World Cup hosted by CERN Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Katarina Anthony


    Elite runners took to the streets of Geneva for the last leg of the Orienteering World Cup, from 8-10 October. The Geneva finals were hosted by the CERN Orienteering Club and concluded months of competitions held across 5 countries.   Women's World-Cup winner, Simone Niggli (centre).  © Ilknur Colak The final events of the Orienteering World Cup took place in the Old Town of Geneva and Saint-Cergue, with runners following routes prepared by the CERN Orienteering Club. Orienteering is a sport of navigation, using only a compass, map and your sense of direction. The objective is to get to all the points on the map as quickly as possible, choosing your own paths as you run. This was the CERN club’s first successful participation in the World Cup, cementing its reputation as a fixture in the international orienteering world. Orienteering is not your typical Swiss pastime. Developed in Scandinavia, the sport has been gaining popularity internationally. “...

  5. Laser Controlled Molecular Orientation Dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atabek, O.


    Molecular orientation is a challenging control issue covering a wide range of applications from reactive collisions, high order harmonic generation, surface processing and catalysis, to nanotechnologies. The laser control scenario rests on the following three steps: (i) depict some basic mechanisms producing dynamical orientation; (ii) use them both as computational and interpretative tools in optimal control schemes involving genetic algorithms; (iii) apply what is learnt from optimal control to improve the basic mechanisms. The existence of a target molecular rotational state combining the advantages of efficient and post-pulse long duration orientation is shown. A strategy is developed for reaching such a target in terms of a train of successive short laser pulses applied at predicted time intervals. Each individual pulse imparts a kick to the molecule which orients. Transposition of such strategies to generic systems is now under investigation

  6. Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in R

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mailund, Thomas


    Learn how to write object-oriented programs in R and how to construct classes and class hierarchies in the three object-oriented systems available in R. This book gives an introduction to object-oriented programming in the R programming language and shows you how to use and apply R in an object......-oriented manner. You will then be able to use this powerful programming style in your own statistical programming projects to write flexible and extendable software. After reading Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in R, you'll come away with a practical project that you can reuse in your own analytics coding...... of data being manipulated. You will: Define and use classes and generic functions using R Work with the R class hierarchies Benefit from implementation reuse Handle operator overloading Apply the S4 and R6 classes...

  7. Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in R

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mailund, Thomas

    Learn how to write object-oriented programs in R and how to construct classes and class hierarchies in the three object-oriented systems available in R. This book gives an introduction to object-oriented programming in the R programming language and shows you how to use and apply R in an object......-oriented manner. You will then be able to use this powerful programming style in your own statistical programming projects to write flexible and extendable software. After reading Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in R, you'll come away with a practical project that you can reuse in your own analytics coding...... of data being manipulated. You will: Define and use classes and generic functions using R Work with the R class hierarchies Benefit from implementation reuse Handle operator overloading Apply the S4 and R6 classes...

  8. Parallel object-oriented specification language

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Florescu, O.; Voeten, J.P.M.; Theelen, B.D.; Geilen, M.C.W.; Corporaal, H.; Burns, Alan


    The Parallel Object-Oriented Specification Language (POOSL) is an expressive modelling language for hardware/software systems [10]. It was originally defined in [7] as an object-oriented extension of process algebra CCS [6], supporting (conditional) synchronous message passing between

  9. Market Orientation Practices and Effects on Organizational Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haim Hilman


    Full Text Available Today’s organizations need market orientation practices to strive and generate superior performance and competitive advantage in the modern turbulent marketplace. Thus, this research inspects the respective links between the dimensions of (a competitor orientation and (b customer orientation and performance in the context of hotels in Malaysia. Data were gathered through self-administrated mail questionnaires directed to the top- and middle-level managers of three- to five-star-rated hotels in Malaysia. The findings indicated that hotels in Malaysia practiced competitor orientation and customer orientation as their core marketing strategy. Specifically, both competitor orientation and customer orientation positively linked to organizational performance. Few studies have investigated the practices and effects of market orientation on performance in the Malaysian hotel setting. Therefore, this study provided new insights into the understanding of market orientation practices in the hotel industry, particularly in Malaysia. In addition, the significance of this study, potential limitations, and future examination directions are highlighted.

  10. Object-Oriented Econometrics with Ox


    Kulaksizoglu, Tamer


    This article reviews the object-oriented features of the Ox matrix programming language. We discuss object-oriented programming in general and give econometric examples coded in Ox. We also discuss some useful built-in classes that come with the Ox distribution.

  11. Molecule-oriented programming in Java

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergstra, J.A.


    Molecule-oriented programming is introduced as a programming style carrying some perspective for Java. A sequence of examples is provided. Supporting the development of the molecule-oriented programming style several matters are introduced and developed: profile classes allowing the representation

  12. Object-Oriented Type Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Palsberg, Jens

    binding. Existing languages employ different type systems, and it can be difficult to compare, evaluate and improve them, since there is currently no uniform theory for such languages. This book provides such a theory. The authors review the type systems of Simula, Smalltalk, C++ and Eiffel and present......Object-Oriented Type Systems Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach Aarhus University, Denmark Type systems are required to ensure reliability and efficiency of software. For object-oriented languages, typing is an especially challenging problem because of inheritance, assignment, and late...... a type system that generalizes and explains them. The theory is based on an idealized object-oriented language called BOPL (Basic Object Programming Language), containing common features of the above languages. A type system, type inference algorithm, and typings of inheritance and genericity...

  13. Les migrantes de retour dans la Corne de l’Afrique


    Chiré, Amina Saïd; Tamru, Bezunesh


    La demande croissante en personnel domestique dans la République de Djibouti et dans les pays du Moyen-Orient encourage la migration de femmes originaires d’Éthiopie et de la Somalie. Pendant leurs périodes d’expatriation, les migrantes mettent en œuvre plusieurs stratégies pour réussir un retour synonyme d’ascension sociale. Notre étude interroge ces retours en termes de modes d’installation et de réinsertion socio-spatiales en Éthiopie. En effet, l’étude montre qu’un « retour » pour être un...

  14. Position and orientation tracking system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burks, B.L.; DePiero, F.W.; Armstrong, G.A.; Jansen, J.F.; Muller, R.C.; Gee, T.F.


    A position and orientation tracking system presents a laser scanning apparatus having two measurement pods, a control station, and a detector array. The measurement pods can be mounted in the dome of a radioactive waste storage silo. Each measurement pod includes dual orthogonal laser scanner subsystems. The first laser scanner subsystem is oriented to emit a first line laser in the pan direction. The second laser scanner is oriented to emit a second line laser in the tilt direction. Both emitted line lasers scan planes across the radioactive waste surface to encounter the detector array mounted on a target robotic vehicle. The angles of incidence of the planes with the detector array are recorded by the control station. Combining measurements describing each of the four planes provides data for a closed form solution of the algebraic transform describing the position and orientation of the target robotic vehicle. 14 figs

  15. Object-oriented communications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chapman, L.J.


    OOC is a high-level communications protocol based on the object-oriented paradigm. OOC's syntax, semantics, and pragmatics balance simplicity and expressivity for controls environments. While natural languages are too complex, computer protocols are often insufficiently expressive. An object-oriented communications philosophy provides a base for building the necessary high-level communications primitives like I don't understand and the current value of X is K. OOC is sufficiently flexible to express data acquisition, control requests, alarm messages, and error messages in a straightforward generic way. It can be used in networks, for inter-task communication, and even for intra-task communication

  16. Service orientation of the restaurant employees


    Gagić, Snježana; Vuković-Jovičić, Ana; Petrović, Marko D.


    The service orientation program developed for restaurant employees can be a competitive advantage for a restaurant operation. Service orientation has been characterized as the disposition of employees to be helpful, thoughtful, considerate, and co-operative towards customers. Customer-oriented behaviors include: helping customers; helping customers to assess their needs; offering service that will satisfy those needs; describing services accurately; avoiding deceptive manipulations; and avoid...

  17. The axiological orientation of students’ personalities


    Sergey I. Kudinov; Stanislav S. Kudinov; Irina B. Kudinova; Sofia S. Belousova


    Background. Our empirical research and analysis revealed characteristics of the axiological orientation of students’ personalities. Objective.We identified the principal types of orientation, dominant values, and attitudes of the personality in the motivational-needs sphere through a variety of validated and reliable techniques and methods. Design We understand the axiological orientation of the personality as a relatively stable set of values, motivations, needs, and moral structure...

  18. From service-oriented architecture to service-oriented enterprise

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Sinderen, Marten J.; Cordeiro, J.; Ivanov, I.; Shishkov, Boris


    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) was originally motivated by enterprise demands for better business-technology alignment and higher flexibility and reuse. SOA evolved from an initial set of ideas and principles to Web services (WS) standards now widely accepted by industry. The next phase of SOA

  19. How does firm performance influence market orientation?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Hans Eibe; Stieglitz, Nils

    This paper contributes by investigating how firm performance influences its market orientation. We draw on the aspiration-level model from the behavioral theory of the firm to develop testable propositions that substantiate and extend prior market orientation research. Specifically, we address how...... performance influences firms' market-oriented search behavior (responsive or proactive) and the allocation of attention (customer and competitor orientation) as well as the formation of aspiration levels. Research and managerial implications are discussed....

  20. Beginning C# Object-Oriented Programming

    CERN Document Server

    Clark, Dan


    Beginning C# Object-Oriented Programming brings you into the modern world of development as you master the fundamentals of programming with C# and learn to develop efficient, reusable, elegant code through the object-oriented programming (OOP) methodology. Take your skills out of the 20th century and into this one with Dan Clark's accessible, quick-paced guide to C# and object-oriented programming, completely updated for .NET 4.0 and C# 4.0. As you develop techniques and best practices for coding in C#, one of the world's most popular contemporary languages, you'll experience modeling a "real

  1. The Consequences of Market Orientation on Business Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luminiţa Ştefania Bodea


    Full Text Available The present research aims to develop a conceptual model to test the market orientation dimensions: customer orientation, competitor orientation, interfunctional coordination, and their effects on organizational performance. The most common question found in marketing studies refers to the role assigned to the marketing concept to achieve performance. Often, companies are forced to undertake different strategic approaches to be competitive, but few companies manage to become market oriented and meet difficulties in implementing the marketing concept, because the environment in which they operate are extremely dynamic. The present empirical study utilized the results obtained by processing 121 completed questionnaires containing data from large firms that operate in Romanian. The presence of the following market orientation dimensions: customer orientation, competitor orientation and interfunctional coordination, and their consequences on organizational performance were tested using simple linear regression. The results show that the surveyed firms are market oriented and the positive consequences of this orientation dimensions on performance. The major contribution of the study is that it provides empirical proof of the effect of marketing on firm performance.

  2. Broader visual orientation tuning in patients with schizophrenia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ariel eRokem


    Full Text Available Reduced gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA levels in cerebral cortex are thought to contribute to information processing deficits in patients with schizophrenia (SZ, and we have previously reported lower in vivo GABA levels in the visual cortex of patients with SZ. GABA-mediated inhibition plays a role in sharpening orientation tuning of visual cortical neurons. Therefore, we predicted that tuning for visual stimulus orientation would be wider in SZ. We measured orientation tuning with a psychophysical procedure in which subjects performed a target detection task of a low-contrast oriented grating, following adaptation to a high-contrast grating. Contrast detection thresholds were determined for a range of adapter-target orientation offsets. For both SZ and healthy controls, contrast thresholds decreased as orientation offset increased, suggesting that this tuning curve reflects the selectivity of visual cortical neurons for stimulus orientation. After accounting for generalized deficits in task performance in SZ, there was no difference between patients and controls for detection of target stimuli having either the same orientation as the adapter or orientations far from the adapter. However, patients’ thresholds were significantly higher for intermediate adapter-target offsets. In addition, the mean width parameter of a Gaussian fit to the psychophysical orientation tuning curves was significantly larger for the patient group. We also present preliminary data relating visual cortical GABA levels, as measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and orientation tuning width. These results suggest that our finding of broader orientation tuning in SZ may be due to diminished visual cortical GABA levels.

  3. Towards "Bildung"-Oriented Chemistry Education (United States)

    Sjöström, Jesper


    This paper concerns "Bildung"-oriented chemistry education, based on a reflective and critical discourse of chemistry. It is contrasted with the dominant type of chemistry education, based on the mainstream discourse of chemistry. "Bildung"-oriented chemistry education includes not only content knowledge in chemistry, but also…

  4. Social Dominance Orientation, Language Orientation, and Deaf Identity (United States)

    Marschark, Marc; Zettler, Ingo; Dammeyer, Jesper


    The notion of the Deaf community as a linguistic-cultural minority has been increasingly recognized and studied over the last two decades. However, significant differences of opinion and perspective within that population typically have been neglected in the literature. Social dominance orientation (SDO), a theoretical construct, typically…

  5. Dermatoglyphics, handedness, sex, and sexual orientation. (United States)

    Mustanski, Brian S; Bailey, J Michael; Kaspar, Sarah


    Both handedness and dermatoglyphic asymmetry reflect early, prenatal influences and both have been reported to be associated with male sexual orientation; handedness has been related to female sexual orientation as well. Neurohormonal and developmental perturbation are two competing hypothesis that attempt to explain these connections. We attempted to replicate these associations and to extend dermatoglyphic asymmetry findings to women. Dermatoglyphic directional asymmetry and fluctuating asymmetry were unrelated to sexual orientation. Homosexual women, but not homosexual men, had highly significant increases in non-right-handedness compared with same-sex heterosexual controls. Although this pattern of results does not allow resolution of the two competing models, it does lend additional support to a biological basis of sexual orientation.

  6. Aspect-Oriented Change Realizations and Their Interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vranić, Valentino; Menkyna, Radoslav; Bebjak, Michal


    With aspect-oriented programming, changes can be treated explicitly and directly at the programming language level. An approach to aspect-oriented change realization based on a two-level change type model is presented in this paper. In this approach, aspect-oriented change realizations are mainly...

  7. An object-oriented approach to energy-economic modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wise, M.A.; Fox, J.A.; Sands, R.D.


    In this paper, the authors discuss the experiences in creating an object-oriented economic model of the U.S. energy and agriculture markets. After a discussion of some central concepts, they provide an overview of the model, focusing on the methodology of designing an object-oriented class hierarchy specification based on standard microeconomic production functions. The evolution of the model from the class definition stage to programming it in C++, a standard object-oriented programming language, will be detailed. The authors then discuss the main differences between writing the object-oriented program versus a procedure-oriented program of the same model. Finally, they conclude with a discussion of the advantages and limitations of the object-oriented approach based on the experience in building energy-economic models with procedure-oriented approaches and languages.

  8. Electroluminescence from completely horizontally oriented dye molecules

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Komino, Takeshi [Education Center for Global Leaders in Molecular System for Devices, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Japan Science and Technology Agency, ERATO, Adachi Molecular Exciton Engineering Project, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Sagara, Yuta [Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Tanaka, Hiroyuki [Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 (Japan); Oki, Yuji [Japan Science and Technology Agency, ERATO, Adachi Molecular Exciton Engineering Project, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Department of Electronics, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Nakamura, Nozomi [Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Fujimoto, Hiroshi [Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Fukuoka i" 3-Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research (i3-OPERA), Fukuoka 819-0388 (Japan); and others


    A complete horizontal molecular orientation of a linear-shaped thermally activated delayed fluorescent guest emitter 2,6-bis(4-(10Hphenoxazin-10-yl)phenyl)benzo[1,2-d:5,4-d′] bis(oxazole) (cis-BOX2) was obtained in a glassy host matrix by vapor deposition. The orientational order of cis-BOX2 depended on the combination of deposition temperature and the type of host matrix. Complete horizontal orientation was obtained when a thin film with cis-BOX2 doped in a 4,4′-bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1′-biphenyl (CBP) host matrix was fabricated at 200 K. The ultimate orientation of guest molecules originates from not only the kinetic relaxation but also the kinetic stability of the deposited guest molecules on the film surface during film growth. Utilizing the ultimate orientation, a highly efficient organic light-emitting diode with the external quantum efficiency of 33.4 ± 2.0% was realized. The thermal stability of the horizontal orientation of cis-BOX2 was governed by the glass transition temperature (T{sub g}) of the CBP host matrix; the horizontal orientation was stable unless the film was annealed above T{sub g}.

  9. The market orientation: competitive organizational strategy


    Rivera Camino, Jaime


    This article reports a definition of Market Orientation whieh supported from a perspeetive of strategy implementation. It is different from the studies that eonsider the identity of Market Orientation as the adoption of the marketing eoncept or the implementation of a business culture. The results obtained from two eountries provide empirical support to our definition of Market Orientation as competitive strategy. This is reported independent from the marketing department and is capable of be...

  10. Perceptions of Sexual Orientation From Minimal Cues. (United States)

    Rule, Nicholas O


    People derive considerable amounts of information about each other from minimal nonverbal cues. Apart from characteristics typically regarded as obvious when encountering another person (e.g., age, race, and sex), perceivers can identify many other qualities about a person that are typically rather subtle. One such feature is sexual orientation. Here, I review the literature documenting the accurate perception of sexual orientation from nonverbal cues related to one's adornment, acoustics, actions, and appearance. In addition to chronicling studies that have demonstrated how people express and extract sexual orientation in each of these domains, I discuss some of the basic cognitive and perceptual processes that support these judgments, including how cues to sexual orientation manifest in behavioral (e.g., clothing choices) and structural (e.g., facial morphology) signals. Finally, I attend to boundary conditions in the accurate perception of sexual orientation, such as the states, traits, and group memberships that moderate individuals' ability to reliably decipher others' sexual orientation.

  11. Object orientation affects spatial language comprehension. (United States)

    Burigo, Michele; Sacchi, Simona


    Typical spatial descriptions, such as "The car is in front of the house," describe the position of a located object (LO; e.g., the car) in space relative to a reference object (RO) whose location is known (e.g., the house). The orientation of the RO affects spatial language comprehension via the reference frame selection process. However, the effects of the LO's orientation on spatial language have not received great attention. This study explores whether the pure geometric information of the LO (e.g., its orientation) affects spatial language comprehension using placing and production tasks. Our results suggest that the orientation of the LO influences spatial language comprehension even in the absence of functional relationships. Copyright © 2013 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.

  12. Thermal, intermediate and fast neutron flux measurements using activation detectors; Mesure des flux de neutrons thermiques, intermediaires et rapides au moyen de detecteurs par activation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brisbois, J; Lott, M; Manent, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The problem of neutron flux measurements using activation detectors is studied in the particular case of protection research. It is shown how it possible, it is possible, using a known thermal flux, to organise a coherent calibration system for all the detectors. The rapid neutron detectors are calibrated with respect to a reference detector (phosphorus) in a natural uranium converter; the intermediate neutron detectors with respect to gold in the axial channel of ZOE. This method makes it possible to minimise the errors due to the activation cross-sections. A brief description is given of the counting room of the Pile Safety Study Service, as well of the practical utilisation characteristics of the counters employed. (authors) [French] Le probleme de la mesure des flux de neutrons au moyen de detecteurs par activation est etudie dans le cas particulier des etudes de protections. On montre comment, a partir d'un flux thermique connu, on peut organiser un systeme coherent d'etalonnage de tous les detecteurs. Les detecteurs de neutrons rapides sont etalonnes par rapport a un detecteur de reference (phosphore) dans un convertisseur en uranium naturel; les detecteurs de neutrons intermediaires, par rapport a l'or dans le canal axial de ZOE, Cette methode permet de minimiser les erreurs dues aux sections efficaces d'activation. On decrit sommairement la salle de comptage du Service d'Etudes de Protections de Piles et on indique les caracteristiques d'emploi pratique des detecteurs utilises. (auteurs)

  13. Self-Employment, Earnings, and Sexual Orientation


    Jepsen, Christopher; Jepsen, Lisa K.


    Although many studies document differences by sexual orientation in earnings and other labor-market outcomes, little is known about differences in self-employment. Our study contributes to both the self-employment literature and sexual-orientation literature by analyzing differences in self-employment rates and earnings by sexual orientation. Gay men are less likely to be self-employed than married men, whereas lesbians are equally likely to be self-employed as married women. We find that gay...

  14. Modelling and analysing oriented fibrous structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rantala, M; Lassas, M; Siltanen, S; Sampo, J; Takalo, J; Timonen, J


    A mathematical model for fibrous structures using a direction dependent scaling law is presented. The orientation of fibrous nets (e.g. paper) is analysed with a method based on the curvelet transform. The curvelet-based orientation analysis has been tested successfully on real data from paper samples: the major directions of fibrefibre orientation can apparently be recovered. Similar results are achieved in tests on data simulated by the new model, allowing a comparison with ground truth

  15. Assessing New Employee Orientation Programs (United States)

    Acevedo, Jose M.; Yancey, George B.


    Purpose: This paper aims to examine the importance of new employee orientation (NEO) programs, the quality of typical NEOs, and how to improve NEOs. Design/methodology/approach: The paper provides a viewpoint of the importance of new employee orientation programs, the quality of typical NEOs, and how to improve NEOs. Findings: Although western…

  16. Measuring Filament Orientation: A New Quantitative, Local Approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Green, C.-E.; Cunningham, M. R.; Jones, P. A. [School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, 2052 (Australia); Dawson, J. R. [CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science, Australia Telescope National Facility, P.O. Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710 (Australia); Novak, G. [Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 (United States); Fissel, L. M. [National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22903 (United States)


    The relative orientation between filamentary structures in molecular clouds and the ambient magnetic field provides insight into filament formation and stability. To calculate the relative orientation, a measurement of filament orientation is first required. We propose a new method to calculate the orientation of the one-pixel-wide filament skeleton that is output by filament identification algorithms such as filfinder. We derive the local filament orientation from the direction of the intensity gradient in the skeleton image using the Sobel filter and a few simple post-processing steps. We call this the “Sobel-gradient method.” The resulting filament orientation map can be compared quantitatively on a local scale with the magnetic field orientation map to then find the relative orientation of the filament with respect to the magnetic field at each point along the filament. It can also be used for constructing radial profiles for filament width fitting. The proposed method facilitates automation in analyses of filament skeletons, which is imperative in this era of “big data.”.

  17. Measuring Filament Orientation: A New Quantitative, Local Approach (United States)

    Green, C.-E.; Dawson, J. R.; Cunningham, M. R.; Jones, P. A.; Novak, G.; Fissel, L. M.


    The relative orientation between filamentary structures in molecular clouds and the ambient magnetic field provides insight into filament formation and stability. To calculate the relative orientation, a measurement of filament orientation is first required. We propose a new method to calculate the orientation of the one-pixel-wide filament skeleton that is output by filament identification algorithms such as filfinder. We derive the local filament orientation from the direction of the intensity gradient in the skeleton image using the Sobel filter and a few simple post-processing steps. We call this the “Sobel-gradient method.” The resulting filament orientation map can be compared quantitatively on a local scale with the magnetic field orientation map to then find the relative orientation of the filament with respect to the magnetic field at each point along the filament. It can also be used for constructing radial profiles for filament width fitting. The proposed method facilitates automation in analyses of filament skeletons, which is imperative in this era of “big data.”

  18. Measuring Filament Orientation: A New Quantitative, Local Approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, C.-E.; Cunningham, M. R.; Jones, P. A.; Dawson, J. R.; Novak, G.; Fissel, L. M.


    The relative orientation between filamentary structures in molecular clouds and the ambient magnetic field provides insight into filament formation and stability. To calculate the relative orientation, a measurement of filament orientation is first required. We propose a new method to calculate the orientation of the one-pixel-wide filament skeleton that is output by filament identification algorithms such as filfinder. We derive the local filament orientation from the direction of the intensity gradient in the skeleton image using the Sobel filter and a few simple post-processing steps. We call this the “Sobel-gradient method.” The resulting filament orientation map can be compared quantitatively on a local scale with the magnetic field orientation map to then find the relative orientation of the filament with respect to the magnetic field at each point along the filament. It can also be used for constructing radial profiles for filament width fitting. The proposed method facilitates automation in analyses of filament skeletons, which is imperative in this era of “big data.”

  19. Orientation-Selective Retinal Circuits in Vertebrates. (United States)

    Antinucci, Paride; Hindges, Robert


    Visual information is already processed in the retina before it is transmitted to higher visual centers in the brain. This includes the extraction of salient features from visual scenes, such as motion directionality or contrast, through neurons belonging to distinct neural circuits. Some retinal neurons are tuned to the orientation of elongated visual stimuli. Such 'orientation-selective' neurons are present in the retinae of most, if not all, vertebrate species analyzed to date, with species-specific differences in frequency and degree of tuning. In some cases, orientation-selective neurons have very stereotyped functional and morphological properties suggesting that they represent distinct cell types. In this review, we describe the retinal cell types underlying orientation selectivity found in various vertebrate species, and highlight their commonalities and differences. In addition, we discuss recent studies that revealed the cellular, synaptic and circuit mechanisms at the basis of retinal orientation selectivity. Finally, we outline the significance of these findings in shaping our current understanding of how this fundamental neural computation is implemented in the visual systems of vertebrates.

  20. Performance implications of waste package emplacement orientation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilder, D.G.


    Emplacement borehole orientation directly impacts many aspects of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) and interactions with the near field environment. This paper considers the impacts of orientation on the hydrologic portion of the environment and its interactions with the EBS. The hydrologic environment is considered from a conceptual standpoint, the numerical analyses are left for subsequent work. As reported in this paper, several aspects of the hydrological environment are more favorable for long term performance of vertically oriented rather than horizontally oriented Waste Packages. 19 refs., 15 figs

  1. Orientation Strategies for Aerial Oblique Images (United States)

    Wiedemann, A.; Moré, J.


    Oblique aerial images become more and more distributed to fill the gap between vertical aerial images and mobile mapping systems. Different systems are on the market. For some applications, like texture mapping, precise orientation data are required. One point is the stable interior orientation, which can be achieved by stable camera systems, the other a precise exterior orientation. A sufficient exterior orientation can be achieved by a large effort in direct sensor orientation, whereas minor errors in the angles have a larger effect than in vertical imagery. The more appropriate approach is by determine the precise orientation parameters by photogrammetric methods using an adapted aerial triangulation. Due to the different points of view towards the object the traditional aerotriangulation matching tools fail, as they produce a bunch of blunders and require a lot of manual work to achieve a sufficient solution. In this paper some approaches are discussed and results are presented for the most promising approaches. We describe a single step approach with an aerotriangulation using all available images; a two step approach with an aerotriangulation only of the vertical images plus a mathematical transformation of the oblique images using the oblique cameras excentricity; and finally the extended functional model for a bundle block adjustment considering the mechanical connection between vertical and oblique images. Beside accuracy also other aspects like efficiency and required manual work have to be considered.

  2. Archives: Orient Journal of Medicine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 26 of 26 ... Archives: Orient Journal of Medicine. Journal Home > Archives: Orient Journal of Medicine. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register · Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives. 1 - 26 of 26 Items ...

  3. Patterns of Wildlife Value Orientations (United States)

    Harry C. Zinn; Michael J. Manfredo; Susan C. Barro


    Public value orientations toward wildlife may be growing less utilitarian and more protectionist. To better understand one aspect of this trend, we investigated patterns of wildlife value orientations within families. Using a mail survey, we sampled Pennsylvania and Colorado hunting license holders 50 or older; obtaining a 54% response rate (n = 599). Males (94% of...

  4. Gender role, sexual orientation and suicide risk. (United States)

    Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Kara; Euton, Stephanie J; Jones, Jamie N; Schmidt, Norman B


    There has been interest in the relationship between homosexuality, gender role and suicide risk. Though homosexuals are more likely to identify as cross-gender, research has not simultaneously examined sexual orientation and gender role in assessing suicide risk. In the current study, the unique and interactive effects of sexual orientation and gender role were assessed in regard to suicidal ideation, related psychopathology and measures of coping. 77 participants were recruited from an undergraduate psychology subject pool (n=47) or from gay, lesbian and transgender student organizations (n=30) and assessed on measures of gender role, homosexuality, and psychopathology. Consistent with expectations, cross-gender role (i.e., personality traits associated with the opposite sex) is a unique predictor of suicidal symptoms. Moreover, gender role accounted for more of the overall variance in suicidal symptoms, positive problem orientation, peer acceptance and support, than sexual orientation. After accounting for gender role, sexual orientation contributed little to the variance in suicidal symptoms, associated pathology and problem-solving deficits. There was no support for gender role by sexual orientation interaction effects. The cross-sectional nature of the data limits statements regarding causality. Cross-gendered individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, appear to have higher risk for suicidal symptoms. Researchers and clinicians should assess gender role in evaluations of youth samples.

  5. The orientation distribution of tunneling-related quantities (United States)

    Seif, W. M.; Refaie, A. I.; Botros, M. M.


    In the nuclear tunneling processes involving deformed nuclei, most of the tunneling-related quantities depend on the relative orientations of the participating nuclei. In the presence of different multipole deformations, we study the variation of a few relevant quantities for the α-decay and the sub-barrier fusion processes, in an orientation degree of freedom. The knocking frequency and the penetration probability are evaluated within the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation. The interaction potential is calculated with Skyrme-type nucleon-nucleon interaction. We found that the width of the potential pocket, the Coulomb barrier radius, the penetration probability, the α-decay width, and the fusion cross-section follow consistently the orientation-angle variation of the radius of the deformed nucleus. The orientation distribution patterns of the pocket width, the barrier radius, the logarithms of the penetrability, the decay width, and the fusion cross-section are found to be highly analogous to pattern of the deformed-nucleus radius. The curve patterns of the orientation angle distributions of the internal pocket depth, the Coulomb barrier height and width, as well as the knocking frequency simulate inversely the variation of the deformed nucleus radius. The predicted orientation behaviors will be of a special interest in predicting the optimum orientations for the tunneling processes.

  6. The axiological orientation of students’ personalities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergey I. Kudinov


    Full Text Available Background. Our empirical research and analysis revealed characteristics of the axiological orientation of students’ personalities. Objective.We identified the principal types of orientation, dominant values, and attitudes of the personality in the motivational-needs sphere through a variety of validated and reliable techniques and methods. Design We understand the axiological orientation of the personality as a relatively stable set of values, motivations, needs, and moral structures produced through the lens of actions, in and through various spheres of social life, which describes complex system of a person’s perception of him-/herself, his or her perceptions of others, and his or her attitude towards work and other activities. Results. The results of the empirical research demonstrate that a set of axiological, motivational, and need characteristics form pragmatic-professional, social-communicative, or individual-egoistic types of axiological orientation of the personality, which in turn describe the subject’s attitude to the surrounding external reality and to him/herself. The pragmatic-professional type of person is dominated by values such as work, results, money, and process. The least attractive value to this type appears to be power. Respondents with a social-communicative type of axiological orientation have altruism, result and money as their main personal values. Values such as egocentrism, power, money, and freedom are a distinguishing mark of those with the individual-egoistic axiological orientation. Conclusion. This study also addresses how and through what patterns and mechanisms the axiological orientation of students’ personalities is expressed, which could enable professionals to develop educational programs aimed at harmonizing and aligning societal values and the individual’s attitudes.

  7. Competing strategically through market orientation. (United States)

    Rapert, M I; Yarbrough, L


    As organizations seek to better understand their customers, competitors, and environments, the marketing function effectively serves as the support mechanism for these activities in many industries. Accordingly, in many organizations the marketing concept has been elevated to the stature of a strategic weapon, manifested in the form of market orientation. Market-oriented firms emphasize the collection, organization, and dissemination of information regarding both customers and competitors. This strategy is especially well-suited for the health care industry where customer knowledge is of paramount importance, customer interaction is instantaneous, and customer satisfaction is essential. Results of a national study of general service hospitals suggest that firms which embrace a market orientation benefit through enhanced customer satisfaction and quality.

  8. Completely oriented anatase TiO2 nanoarrays: topotactic growth and orientation-related efficient photocatalysis (United States)

    Yang, Jingling; Wu, Qili; He, Shiman; Yan, Jing; Shi, Jianying; Chen, Jian; Wu, Mingmei; Yang, Xianfeng


    A TiO2 film has been facilely grown on a Ti foil via a general and simple acid vapor oxidation (AVO) strategy. Based on detailed characterization by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we found that the TiO2 film was composed of anatase nanoarrays highly oriented along their direction, resulting in a large exposed {001} top surface on the film. The growth mechanism based on a topotactic transformation was proposed according to a careful study of time-dependent experimental results. Resulting from the evaluation of photocatalytic performance compared with a commercial TiO2 photocatalyst (Degussa P25), the as-prepared oriented anatase TiO2 film showed higher efficiency for degradation of atrazine and acid orange II (AOII). The performance of photocatalysis is highly relevant to the preferential orientation. The efficient photocatalysis could be attributed to the highly reactive {001} facets on the anatase nanoarrays with super-hydrophilicity.A TiO2 film has been facilely grown on a Ti foil via a general and simple acid vapor oxidation (AVO) strategy. Based on detailed characterization by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we found that the TiO2 film was composed of anatase nanoarrays highly oriented along their direction, resulting in a large exposed {001} top surface on the film. The growth mechanism based on a topotactic transformation was proposed according to a careful study of time-dependent experimental results. Resulting from the evaluation of photocatalytic performance compared with a commercial TiO2 photocatalyst (Degussa P25), the as-prepared oriented anatase TiO2 film showed higher efficiency for degradation of atrazine and acid orange II (AOII). The performance of photocatalysis is highly relevant to the preferential orientation. The efficient photocatalysis could be attributed to the highly reactive {001

  9. Limit to the measurement of feeble activities using ionization chambers; Limite des possibilites de mesure de faibles activites au moyen de chambres d'ionisation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Briere, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The present account based on experience acquired in the Biology Service, in measuring feeble activities of tritium and carbon-14 has been prepared for the benefit hose who have to carry out measurements of feeble activities using ionization chambers. Precision are given on the behaviour and actual performance of vibrating condenser electrometers, based on approximately two years operating experience. It is shown that the possibilities of utilisation are not limited as is generally believed by insufficient sensitivity and stability of the electronic equipment, but by the existence of various parasitic phenomena coming from the ionization chamber itself, which make very difficult the measurement of ionization currents which are less than 10{sup -14} A. (author)Fren. [French] Le present compte rendu, base sur l'experience acquise au Service de Biologie dans la mesure de faibles activites de tritium et de carbone-14, est redige a l'intention des personnes ayant a effectuer des mesures de tres faibles activites au moyen de chambres d'ionisation. Il donne des precisions sur le comportement et les performances reelles des electrometres a condensateur vibrant, basees sur environ deux ans d'utilisation, et demontre que les possibilites de mesure ne sont pas limitees - comme on le croit generalement - par l'insuffisance de sensibilite et de stabilite de l'appareillage electronique, mais par l'existence de divers phenomenes parasites dont la chambre d'ionisation est le siege et qui rendent tres difficiles la mesure de courants d'ionisation inferieurs a 10{sup -14} A. (auteur)

  10. Steiner trees for fixed orientation metrics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brazil, Marcus; Zachariasen, Martin


    We consider the problem of constructing Steiner minimum trees for a metric defined by a polygonal unit circle (corresponding to s = 2 weighted legal orientations in the plane). A linear-time algorithm to enumerate all angle configurations for degree three Steiner points is given. We provide...... a simple proof that the angle configuration for a Steiner point extends to all Steiner points in a full Steiner minimum tree, such that at most six orientations suffice for edges in a full Steiner minimum tree. We show that the concept of canonical forms originally introduced for the uniform orientation...... metric generalises to the fixed orientation metric. Finally, we give an O(s n) time algorithm to compute a Steiner minimum tree for a given full Steiner topology with n terminal leaves....

  11. Object-oriented programming with mixins in Ada (United States)

    Seidewitz, ED


    Recently, I wrote a paper discussing the lack of 'true' object-oriented programming language features in Ada 83, why one might desire them in Ada, and how they might be added in Ada 9X. The approach I took in this paper was to build the new object-oriented features of Ada 9X as much as possible on the basic constructs and philosophy of Ada 83. The object-oriented features proposed for Ada 9X, while different in detail, are based on the same kind of approach. Further consideration of this approach led me on a long reflection on the nature of object-oriented programming and its application to Ada. The results of this reflection, presented in this paper, show how a fairly natural object-oriented style can indeed be developed even in Ada 83. The exercise of developing this style is useful for at least three reasons: (1) it provides a useful style for programming object-oriented applications in Ada 83 until new features become available with Ada 9X; (2) it demystifies many of the mechanisms that seem to be 'magic' in most object-oriented programming languages by making them explicit; and (3) it points out areas that are and are not in need of change in Ada 83 to make object-oriented programming more natural in Ada 9X. In the next four sections I will address in turn the issues of object-oriented classes, mixins, self-reference and supertyping. The presentation is through a sequence of examples. This results in some overlap with that paper, but all the examples in the present paper are written entirely in Ada 83. I will return to considerations for Ada 9X in the last section of the paper.

  12. Getting started with OrientDB

    CERN Document Server

    Tesoriero, Claudio


    A standard tutorial aimed at making you an OrientDB expert, through the use of practical examples, explained in a step-by-step format.Getting Started with OrientDB 1.3.0 is great for database designers, developers, and systems engineers. It is assumed that you are familiar with NoSQL concepts, Java, and networking principles.

  13. Determinants, Moderators and Consequences of Organizational Interaction Orientation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Hoops


    Full Text Available Interaction orientation reflects the ability of a company to interact with the individual customer and to gather information from successful interactions. Four dimensions of interaction orientation are identified in the literature: customer concept, interaction response capacity, customer empowerment and customer value management (Ramani and Kumar, 2008. This study shows that indeed a fifth dimension of interaction orientation exists and investigates the determinants, moderators and consequences of this construct. The first notable finding is that B2B companies exhibit a greater degree of interaction orientation than B2C firms. Ramani and Kumar hypothesized that in their study. We show that there are B2C industries such as financial services, whose companies also have a greater interaction orientation. This could be the reason why the authors could not prove their hypothesis. Furthermore, we examine the influence of strategic orientations on organizational performances and compare various orientations with each other.

  14. Dynamics of molecular stereochemistry via oriented molecule scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parker, D.H.; Jalink, H.; Stolte, S.


    Crossed-beam reactive scattering experiments employing electrostatic hexapole fields to control the initial collision geometry of chemical reactions are described. New results are presented on the reactions of oriented NO with ozone and oriented N 2 O with Ba. Preliminary results are also given for the oriented CH 3 F + Ca* → CaF* + CH 3 reaction. Recent technical advances in state selection and product detection are detailed. They discuss the effects of rotational coupling and nonzero impact parameters in changing the molecular precollisions orientation selected by the hexapole fields to a different in-collision orientation at the moment of impact with the reaction partner. Uncoupling of l doubling in N 2 O at strong orientation fields is demonstrated via the observed reactive anisotropy. Steric effects are found to govern many aspects of the reactions investigated thus far. Strong correlations are observed of the reactivity, product recoil, and rotational angular momentum distributions with the collisional orientation. These correlations ultimately provide information on the anisotropic part of the reaction potential energy surface. They conclude with a brief outline of possible future directions in oriented molecule scattering

  15. Orientation effects on indexing of electron backscatter diffraction patterns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nowell, Matthew M.; Wright, Stuart I.


    Automated Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) has become a well-accepted technique for characterizing the crystallographic orientation aspects of polycrystalline microstructures. At the advent of this technique, it was observed that patterns obtained from grains in certain crystallographic orientations were more difficult for the automated indexing algorithms to accurately identify than patterns from other orientations. The origin of this problem is often similarities between the EBSD pattern of the correct orientation and patterns from other orientations or phases. While practical solutions have been found and implemented, the identification of these problem orientations generally occurs only after running an automated scan, as problem orientations are often readily apparent in the resulting orientation maps. However, such an approach only finds those problem orientations that are present in the scan area. It would be advantageous to identify all regions of orientation space that may present problems for automated indexing prior to initiating an automated scan, and to minimize this space through the optimization of acquisition and indexing parameters. This work presents new methods for identifying regions in orientation space where the reliability of the automated indexing is suspect prior to performing a scan. This methodology is used to characterize the impact of various parameters on the indexing algorithm

  16. Orientational diffusion of n-alkyl cyanides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Xiang; Farrer, Richard A; Zhong Qin; Fourkas, John T


    Ultrafast optical Kerr effect spectroscopy has been used to study the temperature-dependent orientational dynamics of a series of nitriles with n-alkyl chains ranging from one to 11 carbons in length. In all cases the orientational diffusion is found to be described by a single-exponential decay. Analysis of the orientational correlation times using the Debye-Stokes-Einstein equation suggests that the molecules adopt extended configurations and reorient as rigid rods. The liquids with shorter alkyl chains undergo an apparent ordering transition as they are cooled

  17. Three Object-Oriented enhancement for EPICS (United States)

    Osberg, E. A.; Dohan, D. A.; Richter, R.; Biggs, R.; Chillara, K.; Wade, D.; Bossom, J.


    In line with our group's intention of producing software using, where possible, Object-Oriented methodologies and techniques in the development of RF control systems, we have undertaken three projects to enhance the EPICS software environment. Two of the projects involve interfaces to EPICs Channel Access from Object-Oriented languages. The third is an enhancement to the EPICS State Notation Language to better support the Shlaer-Mellor Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology. This paper discusses the motivation, approaches, results and future directions of these three projects.

  18. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'orientation


    Courses d’orientation Le soleil enfin de retour a incité nombre de sportifs et promeneurs à nous rejoindre dans la belle forêt de Challex /Pougny pour la deuxième étape de notre coupe de printemps 2013. Certains sont revenus crottés et fourbus alors que d’autres avaient les joues bien roses après un grand bol d’air frais. Mais tous avaient passé un agréable moment dans la nature. Nous rappelons que nos activités sont ouvertes à tous, jeunes, moins jeunes, sportifs, familles, du CERN ou d’ailleurs, et que le seul inconvénient est que si vous goûtez à la course d’orientation, il vous sera difficile de ne pas y revenir ! Samedi 20 avril 2013, nous serons sur le Mont Mourex (entre Gex et Divonne) pour notre prochaine épreuve et vous y serez les bienvenus. Les inscriptions et les départ...

  19. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'Orientation


    Course d’orientation Face aux Championnats de France des Clubs à Poitiers, et à une météo hivernale (vent glaciale et pluie), il ne restait qu’une cinquantaine d’orienteurs pour participer à l’épreuve organisée le samedi 25 mai à Grange-Malval. Les participants ont tout de même bien apprécié les 5 circuits proposés par le Satus Genève. Les résultats sont disponibles sur notre site En plus des résultats, vous pourrez noter des informations sur la nouvelle école de CO encadrée par B. Barge, Prof. EPS à Ferney-Voltaire pour les jeunes à partir de 6 ans. La prochaine étape de la coupe genevoise se déroulera samedi 1er juin à Morez (39). Epreuve organisée par le club O’Jura&nb...

  20. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d'Orientation


    Course orientation C’est au pied du Salève, proche du Golf de Bosset, que le club d’orientation du CERN (CO CERN) a organisé samedi 19 septembre une nouvelle épreuve comptant pour la Coupe Genevoise d’automne. La zone « des Terrasses de Genève » avait été cartographiée et mise en service l’année dernière. Les participants ont pu apprécier un terrain ludique avec beaucoup de microreliefs, de points d’eau et de gros rochers, le tout au milieu d’une forêt assez claire et agréable à courir. Sur le parcours technique long, le résultat a été très serré puisque Pierrick Merino du club d’Annecy a gagné avec seulement 9 secondes d’avance sur Gaëtan Vuitton (CO CERN) qui confiait avoir perdu beaucoup du te...

  1. Orienteering club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club d’Orientation du CERN


    Courses d’orientation Nouvelle saison nouveau programme Le Club d’orientation du CERN, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, vous propose une dizaine de courses populaires comptant pour la coupe Genevoise de printemps: samedi 28 mars: Vernand Dessus samedi 18 avril: Pougny/Challex samedi 25 avril: Chancy/Valleiry samedi 2 mai: Mauvernay samedi 9 mai: Longchaumois samedi 16 mai: Genolier samedi 30 mai: Prevondavaux samedi 6 juin: Biere-Ballens samedi 13 juin: Haut-Jura samedi 20 juin: Bonmont - Finale Ces courses sont ouvertes à tous, quel que soit le niveau, du débutant au sportif confirmé, en famille ou en individuel, en promenade ou en course. Les inscriptions se font sur place le jour de l’épreuve. Si vous êtes débutant, vous pouvez profiter d’une initiation offerte par l’organisateur avant de vous lancer sur un parcours. Le club propose aussi...

  2. Orienteering Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Le Club d’orientation du CERN


    Calendrier des courses de la Coupe Genevoise – printemps 2017 Club d'orientation - Julien,  jeune membre du club. Le Club d’orientation du CERN, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, vous propose une série de courses populaires, qui se dérouleront des deux côtés de la frontière franco-suisse, à savoir : Samedi 1 avril : Pougny/Challex (01) Samedi 8 avril: Ballens (VD) Samedi 22 avril: Apples (VD) Samedi 29 avril: Mont Mussy (01) Samedi 6 mai: Prémanon (39) Samedi 13 mai: Mont Mourex (01) Samedi 20 mai: Prévondavaux (VD) Samedi 10 juin: Chancy/Valleiry (74) Samedi 17 juin: Trélex - Finale (VD) Ces courses sont ouvertes à tous, quel que soit le niveau, du débutant au sportif confirmé, en famille ou en individuel. Les inscriptions sur un des 5 parcours proposés se font sur place le jour de l...

  3. Strategies for Establishing Service Oriented Design in Organizations


    Aier, Stephan


    Service orientation is a broadly discussed design paradigm for information systems engineering. Only recently there have been several contributions to individual dimensions of service orientation like service definition, service modeling, service management or service governance. However, a combination of useful solutions for partial problems might not constitute an effective overall approach to service orientation. We argue that the establishment of service orientation is a wicked [design] p...

  4. The development of symptoms-oriented operating procedures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colquhoun, R.


    Until recently the formal treatment of control room procedures for nuclear power plant upset conditions has been event-oriented. The demise of Three Mile Island, Unit 2, caused the American industry to recognize the pitfalls inherent in relying totally on event-oriented procedures, and led to the initiation of a program for the development of a symptoms-oriented approach for handling upset conditions. The U.S. program has been independently paralleled by a Canadian program. This paper describes the development of the Canadian symptoms-oriented philosophy and identifies the relevance of a generic symptoms based emergency procedure to current operating practices

  5. Black Curriculum Orientations: A Preliminary Inquiry. (United States)

    Watkins, William H.


    Six curriculum orientations predominate in African-American educational experience: functionalism, accommodation, liberalism, Black Nationalism, Afrocentrism, and social reconstruction. Tied to the history of slavery and oppression, these orientations will continue to develop separate from the mainstream. (SK)

  6. Hails from the crypt: a terror management health model investigation of the effectiveness of health-oriented versus celebrity-oriented endorsements. (United States)

    McCabe, Simon; Vail, Kenneth E; Arndt, Jamie; Goldenberg, Jamie L


    Interfacing the terror management health model with the meaning transfer model, we offer novel hypotheses concerning the effectiveness of celebrity and medical endorsements for consumer products and health behavior decisions. Studies 1 and 2 revealed that, compared with control topic primes, death thoughts in focal attention increased the effectiveness of health-oriented (doctor) endorsers but not culture-oriented (celebrity) endorsers, whereas death thoughts outside of focal attention increased the effectiveness of culture-oriented endorsers but not health-oriented endorsers. Studies 3 and 4 then focus more specifically on the valence and specificity of culture-oriented endorsements, revealing that death thoughts outside focal attention increase the effectiveness of culture-oriented endorsers only on the behaviors specifically endorsed and only when the endorser is characterized as possessing cultural value. Discussion focuses on everyday management of existential concerns and implications for persuasive communications in the health domain.

  7. Are larks future-oriented and owls present-oriented? Age- and sex-related shifts in chronotype-time perspective associations. (United States)

    Nowack, Kati; van der Meer, Elke


    The chronotype (morningness/eveningness) relates to individual differences in circadian preferences. Time perspective (past, present, future) refers to the preference to rely on a particular temporal frame for decision-making processes and behavior. First evidence suggests that future time perspective is associated with greater morningness and present time perspective with greater eveningness. However, little is known about how chronotype-time perspective relationships may alter over the life span. This present study investigated links between chronotype and time perspective more thoroughly by taking age and sex into account as well. Seven hundred six participants aged between 17 and 74 completed German adaptations of the Morningness--Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) and Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI). Controlling for age and sex, relationships between morningness and future time perspective as well as between eveningness and present time perspective were replicated. These findings were supported by significant associations between time perspective and midpoint of sleep. Future time perspective was linked to earlier midpoints of sleep, indicating an early chronotype. Present time perspective was associated with later midpoints of sleep, indicating a late chronotype. However, age and sex had an impact on the chronotype-time perspective relationships. In all age groups, male larks were more future-oriented and less present-oriented, male owls more present-oriented and less future-oriented. The same conclusion could be drawn for female adolescents and young adults. For female adults above 30, there was no interrelationship between morningness and future time perspective but between eveningness and past time perspective. Female adult owls were more present-oriented as well as more past-oriented. Female adult larks were less present-oriented and less past-oriented. Findings are discussed in the light of neuroendocrine and serotonergic functioning.

  8. Effects of Cold Rolling Reduction and Initial Goss Grains Orientation on Texture Evolution and Magnetic Performance of Ultra-thin Grain-oriented Silicon Steel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LIANG Rui-yang


    Full Text Available The ultra-thin grain-oriented silicon steel strips with a thickness of 0.06-0.12mm were produced by one-step-rolling methods with different Goss-orientation of grain-oriented silicon steel sheets. The effect of cold rolling reduction and initial Goss-orientation of samples on texture evolution and magnetic performance of ultra-thin grain-oriented silicon steel strips was studied by EBSD. The result shows that with the increase of cold rolling reduction and decrease of strips thickness, the recrystallization texture is enhanced after annealing.When the cold rolling reduction is 70%,RD//〈001〉 recrystallization texture is the sharpest, and the magnetic performance is the best. The higher degree of Goss orientation in initial sample is, the better magnetic performance of ultra-thin grain-oriented silicon steel.Therefore, for producing an ultra-thin grain-oriented silicon steel with high performance, a material with a concentrated orientation of Goss grains can be used.

  9. Effets de la couverture des cages flottantes et de la période de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    final (g), Pmi = poids moyen initial, et t = durée de l'élevage en jours,. Cv (%) = 100 x (écart-type / poids moyen). 2.3. Analyses statistiques. Les données de croissance et de survie sont présentées sous forme de moyennes avec leurs écarts types. Le poids moyen final, le coefficient de variation du poids final et le taux de ...

  10. Optical orientation of atoms in plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhitnikov, R


    The results are summed up of experimental work on the optical orientation of atoms in a plasma conducted by the Atomic Radiospectroscopy Group at the AN SSSR Physical Technology Institute. The main methods of forming and observing the optical orientation of atoms in a helium plasma and an alkali metal plasma are described in detail. A quantum mechanical explanation is given of all observed phenomena. The most significant results include the discovery of the effect of the optical orientation of atoms in a plasma on the plasma optical and electrical properties, such as electric conductivity, emitted light intensity, ionization degree, and electron density. The phenomenon applies generally and is inherent to plasmas of different chemical compositions, at the optical orientation of atoms of different elements. The methods are indicated of the practical application of the phenomenon in designing principally new precision quantum magnetometers.

  11. Moessbauer effects on oriented nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sayouti, E.H.


    Standard nuclear orientation methods (not sensitive to the polarization) do not give information on the sign of the magnetic moment. Mossbauer effect separates right-hand and left-hand circularly polarized components, thus its detection on oriented nuclei (T approximately 10 mK) gives the sign of the magnetic moment of oriented state. In this thesis we applied this method to study the 3/2 - ground states of 191 Pt and 193 Os, which are in the prolate-oblate transition region, where assignement of experimental levels to theoretical states is often umbiguous. We show that for those nuclei the sign of the magnetic moment is the signature of the configuration, and its determination establishes the correspondance between experimental and theoretical levels [fr

  12. Radiographic film orientation in radiotherapy dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suchowerska, N.; Davison, A.; Drew, J.; Metcalfe, P.


    Since the discovery of x-rays, film has been used as a detection medium for radiation. More recently radiographic film has become established as a practical tool for the measurement of dose distribution in radiotherapy. The accuracy and reproducibility of film dosimetry depends on photon energy, processing conditions and film plane orientation. The relationship between photon energy, processing conditions and film dosimetry accuracy has been studied. The role of film plane orientation is still controversial. The current work aims to clarify the effects film plane orientation has on film dosimetry. Poster 205. (author)

  13. Using goal orientations to understand motivation in strength training. (United States)

    Gilson, Todd A; Chow, Graig M; Ewing, Martha E


    Despite the importance that today's athletics place on strength training, research exploring the motivation of athletes in this arena is sparse. It is known that not all athletes will use the same motivational cognitions as inspiration, and these differences can be explored through achievement goal orientations. Through questionnaire data and semistructured interviews, the present study investigated how collegiate athletes maintain high levels of motivation over a period of time during strength training and explored relationships among five goal orientations: task-orientation, self-enhancing ego-orientation, self-defeating ego-orientation, social-approval orientation, and work-avoidance orientation. Subjects (N = 133), comprising 90 men and 43 women, were current varsity collegiate athletes from 15 different sports at a major Midwestern university. In addition, using a screener survey to assess achievement goal orientations, 15 subjects from the sample group who demonstrated a stronger inclination to only one achievement goal orientation were interviewed to gain a more in-depth understanding of their motivation cognitions in strength training. Results showed that the strongest achievement goal orientations reported from all athletes were task-orientation and social-approval. Additionally, five higher-order themes (significant others, improvement, competitive demands, being stronger than others, and miscellaneous) were consistent among the interviewed athletes when describing how they stay motivated during strength training. Whereas all athletes were able to describe at least one motivational strategy they employed during strength training, the dominant achievement goal orientation of some athletes influenced their motivational strategy. By employing the T.A.R.G.E.T. model (), strength coaches can foster adaptive achievement goal orientations and thereby enhance intrinsic motivation for athletes engaging in strength training.

  14. A memory advantage for past-oriented over future-oriented performance feedback. (United States)

    Nash, Robert A; Winstone, Naomi E; Gregory, Samantha E A; Papps, Emily


    People frequently receive performance feedback that describes how well they achieved in the past, and how they could improve in future. In educational contexts, future-oriented (directive) feedback is often argued to be more valuable to learners than past-oriented (evaluative) feedback; critically, prior research led us to predict that it should also be better remembered. We tested this prediction in six experiments. Subjects read written feedback containing evaluative and directive comments, which supposedly related to essays they had previously written (Experiments 1-2), or to essays another person had written (Experiments 3-6). Subjects then tried to reproduce the feedback from memory after a short delay. In all six experiments, the data strongly revealed the opposite effect to the one we predicted: despite only small differences in wording, evaluative feedback was in fact recalled consistently better than directive feedback. Furthermore, even when adult subjects did recall directive feedback, they frequently misremembered it in an evaluative style. These findings appear at odds with the position that being oriented toward the future is advantageous to memory. They also raise important questions about the possible behavioral effects and generalizability of such biases, in terms of students' academic performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  15. Pattern recognition in bees : orientation discrimination

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hateren, J.H. van; Srinivasan, M.V.; Wait, P.B.


    Honey bees (Apis mellifera, worker) were trained to discriminate between two random gratings oriented perpendicularly to each other. This task was quickly learned with vertical, horizontal, and oblique gratings. After being trained on perpendicularly-oriented random gratings, bees could discriminate

  16. Aspect-oriented programming evaluated

    CERN Document Server

    Kleinschmager, Sebastian


    Hauptbeschreibung Aspect-oriented-programming is a relatively new technique that has evolved on top of the already well-established approach of object-oriented programming. When it is used correctly, it promises to remove many redundant parts of a code that appear repeatedly in an application, essentially untangling the original code. Thus, it can lead to a cleaner, more separated software design, to greater modularity and maintainability. Time-savings in software engineering can also be huge cost-savings, and anything that increases software quality is a welcome sight in an industr

  17. Selective enhancement of orientation tuning before saccades. (United States)

    Ohl, Sven; Kuper, Clara; Rolfs, Martin


    Saccadic eye movements cause a rapid sweep of the visual image across the retina and bring the saccade's target into high-acuity foveal vision. Even before saccade onset, visual processing is selectively prioritized at the saccade target. To determine how this presaccadic attention shift exerts its influence on visual selection, we compare the dynamics of perceptual tuning curves before movement onset at the saccade target and in the opposite hemifield. Participants monitored a 30-Hz sequence of randomly oriented gratings for a target orientation. Combining a reverse correlation technique previously used to study orientation tuning in neurons and general additive mixed modeling, we found that perceptual reports were tuned to the target orientation. The gain of orientation tuning increased markedly within the last 100 ms before saccade onset. In addition, we observed finer orientation tuning right before saccade onset. This increase in gain and tuning occurred at the saccade target location and was not observed at the incongruent location in the opposite hemifield. The present findings suggest, therefore, that presaccadic attention exerts its influence on vision in a spatially and feature-selective manner, enhancing performance and sharpening feature tuning at the future gaze location before the eyes start moving.

  18. Orienting task effects on text recall in adulthood. (United States)

    Simon, E W; Dixon, R A; Nowak, C A; Hultsch, D F


    This investigation examined the effects of orienting task-controlled processing on the text recall of younger (18 to 32 years), middle-aged (39 to 51 years), and older (59 to 76 years) adults. The participants were presented with a 500-word narrative text. Three groups performed orienting tasks (syntactic, stylistic, advice) within an incidental memory paradigm. A fourth group was asked for intentional recall. Analysis indicated a significant age by orienting task interaction. Younger adults recalled more propositions when recall was intentional or when it was preceded by a deep-orienting task than when it was preceded by a shallow-orienting task. Middle-aged and older adults recalled more propositions when recall was intentional than when it was incidental, regardless of the depth of the orienting task. There were no significant differences in intentional recall. In addition, a significant age x orienting task x propositional level interaction indicated that younger adults recalled more of the main ideas of the text following deep processing, whereas the middle-aged and older adults recalled more of these ideas following intentional processing.

  19. Field-free molecular orientation of nonadiabatically aligned OCS (United States)

    Sonoda, Kotaro; Iwasaki, Atsushi; Yamanouchi, Kaoru; Hasegawa, Hirokazu


    We investigate an enhancement of the orientation of OCS molecules by irradiating them with a near IR (ω) ultrashort laser pulse for alignment followed by another ultrashort laser pulse for orientation, which is synthesized by a phase-locked coherent superposition of the near IR laser pulse and its second harmonic (2ω). On the basis of the asymmetry in the ejection direction of S3+ fragment ions generated by the Coulomb explosion of multiply charged OCS, we show that the extent of the orientation of OCS is significantly enhanced when the delay between the alignment pulse and the orientation pulse is a quarter or three quarters of the rotational period. The recorded enhanced orientation was interpreted well by a numerical simulation of the temporal evolution of a rotational wave packet prepared by the alignment and orientation pulses.

  20. Nuclear orientation experiments concerning odd-A gold isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ligthart, H.J.


    This thesis describes nuclear spectroscopy aspects of nuclear orientation in the odd-A gold isotopes 191 Au, 193 Au, 195 Au and 197 Au. These isotopes lie in a transitional region between the spherical nuclei in the lead region and the strongly deformed rare earth isotopes. Following a general introduction to nuclear orientation, the experimental arrangement is described. A new technique is presented that applies in-beam recoil implantation inside the refrigerator itself and this was applied to the case of 191 Au. The three other gold isotopes were oriented using a conventional dilution refrigerator. The nuclear orientation experiments concerning 11/2 - isomers of the isotopes are described. The long-lived isomeric states were oriented using the large hyperfine field of gold in iron. Higher lying levels were studied by nuclear orientation of the Hg parent states. (Auth./C.F.)

  1. Asymmetries in perception of 3D orientation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Allan C Dobbins


    Full Text Available Visual scene interpretation depends on assumptions based on the statistical regularities of the world. People have some preference for seeing ambiguously oriented objects (Necker cubes as if tilted down or viewed from above. This bias is a near certainty in the first instant (approximately 1 s of viewing and declines over the course of many seconds. In addition, we found that there is modulation of perceived orientation that varies with position--for example objects on the left are more likely to be interpreted as viewed from the right. Therefore there is both a viewed-from-above prior and a scene position-dependent modulation of perceived 3-D orientation. These results are consistent with the idea that ambiguously oriented objects are initially assigned an orientation consistent with our experience of an asymmetric world in which objects most probably sit on surfaces below eye level.

  2. A Research Agenda for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented Systems (United States)


    service consumers, and infrastructure. Techniques from any iterative and incremental software development methodology followed by the organiza- tion... Service -Oriented Architecture Environment (CMU/SEI-2008-TN-008). Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2008. Legacy Software into a Service Oriented Architecture.” Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Software Maintenance (CSMR 2006). Bari

  3. Performance Monitoring Framework for Service Oriented System Lifecycle


    Masood , Tehreem; Cherifi , Chantal; Moalla , Néjib


    International audience; Service oriented systems are highly dynamic systems composed of several web services. One of the most important challenges in service oriented systems is to deliver acceptable quality of service. For this purpose, it is required to monitor quality of service along different activities of service oriented system. Existing research focuses on specific activities but do not take into account all the activities of service oriented system together at the infrastructure leve...

  4. Advances in oriental document analysis and recognition techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Lee, Seong-Whan


    In recent years, rapid progress has been made in computer processing of oriental languages, and the research developments in this area have resulted in tremendous changes in handwriting processing, printed oriental character recognition, document analysis and recognition, automatic input methodologies for oriental languages, etc. Advances in computer processing of oriental languages can also be seen in multimedia computing and the World Wide Web. Many of the results in those domains are presented in this book.

  5. Injective Labeled Oriented Trees are Aspherical


    Harlander, Jens; Rosebrock, Stephan


    A labeled oriented tree is called injective if each generator occurs at most once as an edge label. We show that injective labeled oriented trees are aspherical. The proof relies on a new relative asphericity test based on a lemma of Stallings.

  6. Access control and service-oriented architectures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leune, C.J.


    Access Control and Service-Oriented Architectures" investigates in which way logical access control can be achieved effectively, in particular in highly dynamic environments such as service-oriented architectures (SOA's). The author combines state-of-the-art best-practice and projects these onto the

  7. Service-oriented innovation in R&D

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fisscher, O.A.M.; Wognum, P.M.


    In this article, the concept of service orientation in R&D is explored. Three forms of service-orientation are discussed integrated products, service offering, and service competence. The first form, integrated products, addresses the development of complex integrated products in which service

  8. Transgender transitioning and change of self-reported sexual orientation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthias K Auer

    Full Text Available Sexual orientation is usually considered to be determined in early life and stable in the course of adulthood. In contrast, some transgender individuals report a change in sexual orientation. A common reason for this phenomenon is not known.We included 115 transsexual persons (70 male-to-female "MtF" and 45 female-to-male "FtM" patients from our endocrine outpatient clinic, who completed a questionnaire, retrospectively evaluating the history of their gender transition phase. The questionnaire focused on sexual orientation and recalled time points of changes in sexual orientation in the context of transition. Participants were further asked to provide a personal concept for a potential change in sexual orientation.In total, 32.9% (n = 23 MtF reported a change in sexual orientation in contrast to 22.2% (n = 10 FtM transsexual persons (p = 0.132. Out of these patients, 39.1% (MtF and 60% (FtM reported a change in sexual orientation before having undergone any sex reassignment surgery. FtM that had initially been sexually oriented towards males ( = androphilic, were significantly more likely to report on a change in sexual orientation than gynephilic, analloerotic or bisexual FtM (p = 0.012. Similarly, gynephilic MtF reported a change in sexual orientation more frequently than androphilic, analloerotic or bisexual MtF transsexual persons (p =0.05.In line with earlier reports, we reveal that a change in self-reported sexual orientation is frequent and does not solely occur in the context of particular transition events. Transsexual persons that are attracted by individuals of the opposite biological sex are more likely to change sexual orientation. Qualitative reports suggest that the individual's biography, autogynephilic and autoandrophilic sexual arousal, confusion before and after transitioning, social and self-acceptance, as well as concept of sexual orientation itself may explain this phenomenon.

  9. Transgender transitioning and change of self-reported sexual orientation. (United States)

    Auer, Matthias K; Fuss, Johannes; Höhne, Nina; Stalla, Günter K; Sievers, Caroline


    Sexual orientation is usually considered to be determined in early life and stable in the course of adulthood. In contrast, some transgender individuals report a change in sexual orientation. A common reason for this phenomenon is not known. We included 115 transsexual persons (70 male-to-female "MtF" and 45 female-to-male "FtM") patients from our endocrine outpatient clinic, who completed a questionnaire, retrospectively evaluating the history of their gender transition phase. The questionnaire focused on sexual orientation and recalled time points of changes in sexual orientation in the context of transition. Participants were further asked to provide a personal concept for a potential change in sexual orientation. In total, 32.9% (n = 23) MtF reported a change in sexual orientation in contrast to 22.2% (n = 10) FtM transsexual persons (p = 0.132). Out of these patients, 39.1% (MtF) and 60% (FtM) reported a change in sexual orientation before having undergone any sex reassignment surgery. FtM that had initially been sexually oriented towards males ( = androphilic), were significantly more likely to report on a change in sexual orientation than gynephilic, analloerotic or bisexual FtM (p = 0.012). Similarly, gynephilic MtF reported a change in sexual orientation more frequently than androphilic, analloerotic or bisexual MtF transsexual persons (p =0.05). In line with earlier reports, we reveal that a change in self-reported sexual orientation is frequent and does not solely occur in the context of particular transition events. Transsexual persons that are attracted by individuals of the opposite biological sex are more likely to change sexual orientation. Qualitative reports suggest that the individual's biography, autogynephilic and autoandrophilic sexual arousal, confusion before and after transitioning, social and self-acceptance, as well as concept of sexual orientation itself may explain this phenomenon.

  10. Optical orientation of atoms in plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhitnikov, R.


    The results are summed up of experimental work on the optical orientation of atoms in a plasma conducted by the Atomic Radiospectroscopy Group at the AN SSSR Physical Technology Institute. The main methods of forming and observing the optical orientation of atoms in a helium plasma and an alkali metal plasma are described in detail. A quantum mechanical explanation is given of all observed phenomena. The most significant results include the discovery of the effect of the optical orientation of atoms in a plasma on the plasma optical and electrical properties, such as electric conductivity, emitted light intensity, ionization degree, and electron density. The phenomenon applies generally and is inherent to plasmas of different chemical compositions, at the optical orientation of atoms of different elements. The methods are indicated of the practical application of the phenomenon in designing principally new precision quantum magnetometers. (J.U.)

  11. Performance-oriented: toward a successful strategy. (United States)

    Kumar, K; Subramanian, R; Yauger, C


    Changes in the health care industry have profoundly affected hospital management and have caused severe declines in hospital profitability. In 1993, Health Care Management Review reported that the average operating profit margin, around 2% in 1984, had declined to a 0.2% loss by 1990. In the past, hospitals were buffered by entry regulations and cost reimbursement; thus, they rarely dealt with traditional market pressures. But the changed terrain means that competitive factors now underscore all strategic decisions. This study examines the strategic significance of market orientation in the health care industry. The authors identified forms of market orientation by emphasizing different components, and discovered that hospitals fell into four distinct clusters or groups. They also found a critical relationship between market orientation and performance scores on a number of criteria. Finally, the authors suggest that different forms of market orientation should be employed to target specific performance measures.

  12. The Relationship between Fashion and Style Orientation and Well-being

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gwozdz, Wencke; Nielsen, Kristian S.; Gupta, Shipra

    The present paper unfolds the conceptual distinction between style and fashion orientation – two trait-like orientations of clothing consumption. We relate both concepts with subjective well-being and assume a higher subjective well-being for consumers with a higher style orientation than a higher...... fashion orientation. These assumptions were tested using survey data from four countries - Germany, Poland, Sweden, and the United States - with approximately 1,000 respondents per country. Employing structural equation modelling, we found that style orientation was stronger related to subjective well......-being than fashion orientation. We further found that materialism mediated the relationship between fashion and style orientation and subjective well-being and that fashion orientation was statistically significantly stronger related to materialism than style orientation. When including materialism...

  13. Under the Microscope: Looking at Libraries and Online Orientations (United States)

    Cannady, Rachel E.


    Orientations ease students' transition into institutions of higher learning. Most published literature focuses on orientations that occur on the physical campus, but online orientations are equally, if not more, important in engaging a geographically diverse student body. Via online orientations, academic libraries have an excellent opportunity to…

  14. Measuring Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Social Context

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafał Kusa


    Full Text Available Objective: The objective of this paper is to identify differences between measurement of organisational entrepreneurship in for-profit and non-profit context and to propose the measures aligned to non-profit organisations. The main research question is whether the scales designed to measure entrepreneurial orientation can be used in non-profit organisations and under which conditions. Research Design & Methods: Research methodology is based on review of research tools and measurement scales related to organisational entrepreneurship and comparison of for-profit and non-profit organisations, as well as their characteristics in the context of entrepreneurial orientation. Findings: Entrepreneurial orientation can be measured in non-profit organisations using existing scales that have been designed for business organisations, however they have to be modified, mostly in the dimension of competitive aggressiveness and autonomy. Additionally, the scale should be enriched with items related to cooperation with other organisations. Implications & Recommendations: It is necessary to develop methods and tools that enable the measurement of entrepreneurial orientation in non-profit organisation as well as comparative research on entrepreneurial orientation in for-profit and non-profit organisations. Contribution & Value Added: The originality of this work lies in studying some aspects of entrepreneurial orientation, that apply to the social context. Some suggestions were formulated relating to the utilisation of entrepreneurial orientation scales (originally designed for business enterprises in non-profit organisations.

  15. Molecular orientation and electronic structure at organic heterojunction interfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhong, Shu [Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 3, 117543 Singapore (Singapore); Zhong, Jian Qiang; Wee, Andrew T.S. [Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Drive 3, 117542 Singapore (Singapore); Chen, Wei, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 3, 117543 Singapore (Singapore); Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Drive 3, 117542 Singapore (Singapore); National University of Singapore (Suzhou) Research Institute, Suzhou (China)


    Highlights: • Molecular orientation at the organic heterojunction interfaces. • Energy level alignments at the organic heterojunction interfaces. • Gap-states mediated interfacial energy level alignment. - Abstract: Due to the highly anisotropic nature of π-conjugated molecules, the molecular orientation in organic thin films can significantly affect light absorption, charge transport, energy level alignment (ELA) and hence device performance. Synchrotron-based near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy represents a powerful technique for probing molecular orientation. The aim of this review paper is to provide a balanced assessment on the investigation of molecular orientation at the organic–organic heterojunction (OOH) interface by NEXAFS, as well as the gap-states mediated orientation dependent energy level alignment at OOH interfaces. We highlight recent progress in elucidating molecular orientation at OOH interfaces dominated by various interfacial interactions, gap-states controlled orientation dependent energy level alignments at OOH interfaces, and the manipulations of molecular orientation and ELA in OOH.

  16. Towards 3D crystal orientation reconstruction using automated crystal orientation mapping transmission electron microscopy (ACOM-TEM). (United States)

    Kobler, Aaron; Kübel, Christian


    To relate the internal structure of a volume (crystallite and phase boundaries) to properties (electrical, magnetic, mechanical, thermal), a full 3D reconstruction in combination with in situ testing is desirable. In situ testing allows the crystallographic changes in a material to be followed by tracking and comparing the individual crystals and phases. Standard transmission electron microscopy (TEM) delivers a projection image through the 3D volume of an electron-transparent TEM sample lamella. Only with the help of a dedicated TEM tomography sample holder is an accurate 3D reconstruction of the TEM lamella currently possible. 2D crystal orientation mapping has become a standard method for crystal orientation and phase determination while 3D crystal orientation mapping have been reported only a few times. The combination of in situ testing with 3D crystal orientation mapping remains a challenge in terms of stability and accuracy. Here, we outline a method to 3D reconstruct the crystal orientation from a superimposed diffraction pattern of overlapping crystals without sample tilt. Avoiding the typically required tilt series for 3D reconstruction enables not only faster in situ tests but also opens the possibility for more stable and more accurate in situ mechanical testing. The approach laid out here should serve as an inspiration for further research and does not make a claim to be complete.

  17. Starting up a programme of atomic piles using compressed gas; Le demarrage d'un programme de piles atomiques a gaz comprime

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horowitz, J; Yvon, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    1) An examination of the intellectual and material resources which have directed the French programme towards: a) the natural uranium and plutonium system, b) the use of compressed gas as heat transfer fluid (primary fluid). 2) The parts played in exploring the field by the pile EL2 and G1, EL2 a natural uranium, heavy water and compressed gas pile, G1 a natural uranium, graphite and atmospheric air pile. 3) Development of the neutronics of graphite piles: physical study of G1. 4) The examination of certain problem posed by centres equipped with natural uranium, graphite and compressed carbon dioxide piles: structure, special materials, fluid circuits, maximum efficiency. Economic aspects. 5) Aids to progress: a) piles for testing materials and for tests on canned fuel elements, b) laboratory and calculation facilities. 6) Possible new orientations of compressed gas piles: a) raising of the pressure, b) enriched fuel, c) higher temperatures, d) use of heavy water. (author) [French] 1) Examen des ressources - intellectuelles et materielles - qui ont oriente le programme fran is vers: a) la voie de l'uranium naturel et du plutonium; b) l'emploi comme fluide pour le transfert de la chaleur (fluide primaire) d'un gaz comprime. 2) Le role d'exploration des piles EL2 et G1, EL2 pile a uranium naturel, eau lourde et gaz comprime, G1 pile a uranium naturel, graphite et air atmospherique. 3) Developpement de la neutronique des piles a graphite: l'etude physique de G1. 4) Examen de certains problemes poses par les centrales equipees de piles a uranium naturel, graphite et gaz carbonique comprime: structure, materiaux speciaux, circuits de fluides, optimisation. Aspects economiques. 5) Les auxiliaires du progres: a) piles pour essai de materiaux et pour essais de cartouches, b) moyens de laboratoire et moyens de calcul. 6) Orientations nouvelles possibles des piles a gaz comprime: a) elevation de la pression, b) combustible enrichi, c) temperatures elevees, d) emploi de l

  18. What is the Predictive Power of Market Orientation?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F. Langerak (Fred)


    textabstractThe majority of studies on market orientation claim that compelling evidence exists that market orientation has a positive effect on business performance. This study takes a closer look at forty studies that have addressed the relationship between market orientation and business

  19. Human Resource Orientation and Corporate Performance. (United States)

    Lam, Long W.; White, Louis P.


    A study of 14 manufacturing firms found significantly better financial performance among those that strongly emphasized recruitment, compensation, and training and development (a human resource orientation). Human resource development that helped sustain competence combined with that orientation to form a valuable competitive advantage. (SK)

  20. An outline of object-oriented philosophy. (United States)

    Harman, Graham


    This article summarises the principles of object-oriented philosophy and explains its similarities with, and differences from, the outlook of the natural sciences. Like science, the object-oriented position avoids the notion (quite common in philosophy) that the human-world relation is the ground of all others, such that scientific statements about the world would only be statements about the world as it is for humans. But unlike science, object-oriented metaphysics treats artificial, social, and fictional entities in the same way as natural ones, and also holds that the world can only be known allusively rather than directly.

  1. Laser method of free atom nuclei orientation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barabanov, A.L.


    Orientation process of free atom (atoms in beams) nuclei, scattering quanta of circularly polarized laser radiation is considered. A method for the evaluation of nuclei orientation parameters is developed. It is shown that in the process of pumping between the ground and first excited atomic states with electron shell spins J 1 and J 2 , so that J 2 = J 1 + 1, a complete orientation of nuclei can be attained

  2. Phenomenology of future-oriented mind-wandering episodes


    David eStawarczyk; Helena eCassol; Arnaud eD'Argembeau


    Recent research suggests that prospective and non-prospective forms of mind-wandering possess distinct properties, yet little is known about what exactly differentiates between future-oriented and non-future-oriented mind-wandering episodes. In the present study, we used multilevel exploratory factor analyses to examine the factorial structure of various phenomenological dimensions of mind-wandering, and we then investigated whether future-oriented mind-wandering episodes differ from other cl...

  3. Navigations: The Road to a Better Orientation. (United States)

    Rizzo, Leah Heather


    A team of nursing professional development specialists from a large Magnet® healthcare network transformed new employee orientation using a themed, interdisciplinary, learner-centered approach. Guided by project management principles, the nursing professional development team created an engaging program that serves as an interactive guide for new hires' orientation journey. This unique approach differs from traditional orientation programs through its incorporation of gaming, video clips, and group discussions.

  4. Entrepreneurial orientation in a franchised home entertainment system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Maritz


    Full Text Available This paper fills the gap in the research undertaken into the entrepreneurial orientation of franchisees. The study identifies entrepreneurial orientation within a defined franchise system, using the entrepreneurial character theme matrix developed by Thompson (2002. Research methodology comprises the survey approach, using electronic media and Surveypro analysis (Dillman, 2000. Hypothesis tests highlight the absence of statistically significant entrepreneurial orientation in the franchise system, despite a significant orientation in a multiple-outlet proposition analysis. Conclusions and recommendations include mobilising and communicating the action factors associated with entrepreneurial orientation, involving all franchisees within the system. Managerial implications include the motivation of developing multiple-outlet franchise systems. Future research involves broadening the data set across industries and borders.

  5. Quality-guided orientation unwrapping for fringe direction estimation. (United States)

    Wang, Haixia; Kemao, Qian


    Fringe patterns produced by various optical interferometric techniques encode information such as shape, deformation, and refractive index. Denoising and demodulation are two important procedures to retrieve information from a single closed fringe pattern. Various existing denoising and demodulation techniques require fringe direction/orientation during the processing. Fringe orientation is often easier to obtain but fringe direction is needed in some demodulation techniques. A quality-guided orientation unwrapping scheme is proposed to estimate direction from orientation. Two techniques, one based on windowed Fourier ridges and the other based on fringe gradient, are proposed for the quality-guided orientation unwrapping scheme. The direction qualities are compared for both simulated and experimental fringe patterns. Their application to demodulation technique is also given.

  6. Introduction au dossier « L’Asie centrale »

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain Cariou


    Full Text Available Avec les bouleversements géopolitiques qui affectent le continent asiatique depuis deux décennies l’Asie centrale n’est plus tout à fait cet espace géographique incertain écarté de la communauté internationale, voire même oublié des atlas dont les cartes étaient généralement centrées sur les territoires voisins plus lisibles et médiatiques du Moyen-Orient, de l’Inde, de la Chine ou de la Russie. Constituée par les cinq ex-républiques socialistes soviétiques du Kazakhstan, du Kirghizstan, de l...

  7. Traditions matrimoniales dans la région de Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer au Maroc


    Hami, H.; Soulaymani, A.; Mokhtari, A.


    La pratique des mariages consanguins est très répandue au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique du Nord et dans le Sud-Ouest Asiatique où 20 à plus de 50 % de mariages sont consanguins. L’analyse d’un échantillon de 270 femmes mariées, pris au hasard dans le service de Maternité de l’Hôpital Souissi à Rabat (2004-2005), a fait l’objet d’une étude prospective visant à déterminer la fréquence des mariages consanguins dans la région de Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer au Maroc. Les résultats obtenus montrent que 20...

  8. Beyrouth-Dubaï


    Brones, Sophie; Moghadam, Amin


    Depuis le milieu des années 2000, l’émergence d’un marché de l’art contemporain au Moyen-Orient a généré une recomposition des polarités cultu­relles à l’échelle régionale. Cet article met en perspective deux villes, Dubaï et Beyrouth, dont les développements récents, du point de vue de la structuration des institutions culturelles et de l’urbanisation de zones marginales, témoignent de façons distinctes mais non moins comparables de l’émergence de nouvelles formes d’urbanité. Leur cohérence ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mini M.G.


    Full Text Available Ridge orientation field is an important feature for fingerprint matching and fingerprint reconstruction. Matching of the altered fingerprint against its unaltered mates can be done by extracting the available features in the altered fingerprint and using it along with approximated ridge orientation. This paper presents a method for approximating ridge orientation field of altered fingerprints. In the proposed method, sine and cosine of doubled orientation of the fingerprint is decomposed using orthogonal wavelets and reconstructed back using only the approximation coefficients. No prior information about the singular points is needed for orientation approximation. The method is found suitable for orientation estimation of low quality fingerprint images also.

  10. Aspect oriented implementation of design patterns using metadata ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Computer programming paradigms aim to provide better separation of concerns. Aspect oriented programming extends object oriented programming by managing crosscutting concerns using aspects. Two of the most important critics of aspect oriented programming are the “tyranny of the dominant signature” and lack of ...

  11. Strong oriented chromatic number of planar graphs without short cycles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mickaël Montassier


    Full Text Available Let M be an additive abelian group. A strong oriented coloringof an oriented graph G is a mapping φ from V(G to M such that (1 φ(u ≠ φ(v whenever uv is an arc in G and (2 φ(v - φ(u ≠ -(φ(t - φ(z whenever uv and zt are two arcs in G. We say that G has a M-strong-oriented coloring. The strong oriented chromatic number of an oriented graph, denoted by χ s (G, is the minimal order of a group M, such that G has M-strong-oriented coloring. This notion was introduced by Nešetřil and Raspaud. In this paper, we pose the following problem: Let i ≥ 4 be an integer. Let G be an oriented planar graph without cycles of lengths 4 to i. Which is the strong oriented chromatic number of G ? Our aim is to determine the impact of triangles on the strong oriented coloring. We give some hints of answers to this problem by proving that: (1 the strong oriented chromatic number of any oriented planar graph without cycles of lengths 4 to 12 is at most 7, and (2 the strong oriented chromatic number of any oriented planar graph without cycles of length 4 or 6 is at most 19.

  12. Test anxiety, perfectionism, goal orientation, and academic performance. (United States)

    Eum, KoUn; Rice, Kenneth G


    Dimensions of perfectionism and goal orientation have been reported to have differential relationships with test anxiety. However, the degree of inter-relationship between different dimensions of perfectionism, the 2 × 2 model of goal orientations proposed by Elliot and McGregor, cognitive test anxiety, and academic performance indicators is not known. Based on data from 134 university students, we conducted correlation and regression analyses to test associations between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism, four types of goal orientations, cognitive test anxiety, and two indicators of academic performance: proximal cognitive performance on a word list recall test and distal academic performance in terms of grade point average. Cognitive test anxiety was inversely associated with both performance indicators, and positively associated with maladaptive perfectionism and avoidance goal orientations. Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism accounted for significant variance in cognitive test anxiety after controlling for approach and avoidance goal orientations. Overall, nearly 50% of the variance in cognitive test anxiety could be attributed to gender, goal orientations, and perfectionism. Results suggested that students who are highly test anxious are likely to be women who endorse avoidance goal orientations and are maladaptively perfectionistic.


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    Stegerean Roxana


    Full Text Available This paper seeks to relate a strategy of diversification to inovativeness and to the performance of a hotel. Due to the more increased competition within the area of tourism e.g. hotel sector, the need of analyzing the variables mentioned in the title of the paper has become more and more obvious. The first part of the article regards the literature review for the three variables and thus, like an outcome four hypotheses are stated. The second part consists of developing findings for the studied region of Cluj County based on the presented research methodology. The results show that hotel performance is influenced by customer orientation and hotel innovativeness, while the latest one is associated in a positive manner with learning orientation. The three chosen variables could be considered real driven forces for competitiveness in the hotel sector. Thus, any management team should be aware of the results of this study and should create an appropriate environment within the organization able to sustain an expected performance level by focusing on the mentioned variables. Making a deeper analysis about the performance indicators, the results demonstrate the actual development stage of the hotel sector for Cluj County: above the national average, but with potential of growing, mainly from the perspective of efficiency. At this point, management should be aware about how significant could be innovativeness and learning orientation for creating or improving services and delivering processes. In the hotel sector it is very obvious that due to the increased role of employee the awareness is more valuable than in other sectors. Due to the most relevant market segment e.g. business tourism, the studied county is customer oriented and has a good mean value for sales goal achievement, also. In order to improve the profit goal achievement value, innovativeness and learning orientation have to be considered powerful instruments for management team. Taking

  14. Rigorous theory of molecular orientational nonlinear optics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwak, Chong Hoon; Kim, Gun Yeup


    Classical statistical mechanics of the molecular optics theory proposed by Buckingham [A. D. Buckingham and J. A. Pople, Proc. Phys. Soc. A 68, 905 (1955)] has been extended to describe the field induced molecular orientational polarization effects on nonlinear optics. In this paper, we present the generalized molecular orientational nonlinear optical processes (MONLO) through the calculation of the classical orientational averaging using the Boltzmann type time-averaged orientational interaction energy in the randomly oriented molecular system under the influence of applied electric fields. The focal points of the calculation are (1) the derivation of rigorous tensorial components of the effective molecular hyperpolarizabilities, (2) the molecular orientational polarizations and the electronic polarizations including the well-known third-order dc polarization, dc electric field induced Kerr effect (dc Kerr effect), optical Kerr effect (OKE), dc electric field induced second harmonic generation (EFISH), degenerate four wave mixing (DFWM) and third harmonic generation (THG). We also present some of the new predictive MONLO processes. For second-order MONLO, second-order optical rectification (SOR), Pockels effect and difference frequency generation (DFG) are described in terms of the anisotropic coefficients of first hyperpolarizability. And, for third-order MONLO, third-order optical rectification (TOR), dc electric field induced difference frequency generation (EFIDFG) and pump-probe transmission are presented

  15. Future Time Orientation and Student Expectations: An Empirical Investigation (United States)

    Amyx, Douglas; Bristow, Dennis


    Navajo and Anglo college students' time orientation scores from the Future Time Orientation (FTO) Scale (Bristol & Amyx, 1996) were analyzed and compared. Anglo students were found to be significantly more future time oriented in two of the three dimensions: temporal distance and involvement with time. Future time orientation was used to explain…

  16. An Object-Oriented Approach to C++ Compiler Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sminchisescu, Cristian; Telea, Alexandru


    This paper focuses on the use of object-oriented approaches to syntactical and semantical analysis for complex object-oriented languages like C++. We are interested in these issues both from a design and implementation point of view. We implement a semantic analyzer in an object-oriented manner,

  17. Sexual Orientation Discordance and Young Adult Mental Health. (United States)

    Lourie, Michael A; Needham, Belinda L


    During the course of sexual development, many people experience dissonance between dimensions of sexual orientation, including attraction, behavior, and identity. This study assesses the relationship between sexual orientation discordance and mental health. Data were obtained from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (n = 8,915; female = 54.62 %; non-Hispanic black = 18.83 %, Hispanic = 14.91 %, other race (non-white) = 10.79 %). Multivariable linear regression evaluated the correlation between sexual orientation discordance and perceived stress and depressive symptomatology. Models were stratified by sex and sexual identity. Among self-identified heterosexual females and mostly heterosexual males, sexual orientation discordance predicted significantly increased depressive symptomatology. No other subpopulation demonstrated a significant correlation between sexual orientation discordance and depressive symptomatology or perceived stress. The association between sexual orientation discordance and depressive symptomatology suggests a link between sexuality, self-concept, and mental health.

  18. Aspect-Oriented Programming Using Composition Filters, in Object-Oriented Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aksit, Mehmet; Demeyer, S.; Bosch, H.G.P.; Tekinerdogan, B.

    Software engineers may experience problems in modeling certain aspects while applying object-oriented techniques [4, 10, 11]. Composition-Filters are capable of expressing various different kinds of aspects in a uniform manner. These aspects are, for example, inheritance and delegation [1] and

  19. 20 CFR 638.500 - Orientation program. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Orientation program. 638.500 Section 638.500 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JOB CORPS PROGRAM UNDER TITLE IV-B OF THE JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT Center Operations § 638.500 Orientation program. The...

  20. The Effects of Strategic Orientations on Innovation and Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonyel OFLAZOĞLU


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the effects of strategic orientations (market, entrepreneurial, and technology orientations of firms on innovation and performance. A model is developed under the assumption that, with the help of innovations, strategic orientations have positive effects both on creating customer value and financial success. The study was limited with and questionnaires were completed by 845 industrial firms. The data was analyzed using a structural equation model. According to the results, strategic orientations have positive effect on innovation and performance. Although a positive relationship exist between innovation and performance and proactive market orientation, no significant and positive relationship was found between innovation and performance and reactive market orientation.

  1. Oriental cholangiohepatitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheible, F.W.; Davis, G.B.


    The recent influx of immigrants from Southeast Asia into the United States has increased the likelihood of encountering unusual diseases heretofore rarely seen in this country. Among these disorders is Oriental cholangiohepatitis, a potentially life-threatening process whose early diagnosis is facilitated by roentgenographic findings. Ultrasonography can also provide useful information, although potential pitfalls in diagnosis should be recognized.

  2. Implementing Strategic Orientation (United States)

    Fischer, Arthur K.; Brownback, Sarah


    An HRM case dealing with problems and issues of setting up orientation programs which align with corporate strategy. Discussion concerns how such a case can be used to exhibit the alignment between HRM and business strategy.

  3. Measuring the purpose of firms' customer and competitor-oriented activities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Hans Eibe

    Traditional empirical market orientation research predominantly focuses on the presence of firms' market-oriented activities. This paper empirically explores a novel structure of four multi-indicator measures assessing the purpose of firms' customer and competitor-oriented activities. The operati......Traditional empirical market orientation research predominantly focuses on the presence of firms' market-oriented activities. This paper empirically explores a novel structure of four multi-indicator measures assessing the purpose of firms' customer and competitor-oriented activities...

  4. Patient-centered care requires a patient-oriented workflow model. (United States)

    Ozkaynak, Mustafa; Brennan, Patricia Flatley; Hanauer, David A; Johnson, Sharon; Aarts, Jos; Zheng, Kai; Haque, Saira N


    Effective design of health information technology (HIT) for patient-centered care requires consideration of workflow from the patient's perspective, termed 'patient-oriented workflow.' This approach organizes the building blocks of work around the patients who are moving through the care system. Patient-oriented workflow complements the more familiar clinician-oriented workflow approaches, and offers several advantages, including the ability to capture simultaneous, cooperative work, which is essential in care delivery. Patient-oriented workflow models can also provide an understanding of healthcare work taking place in various formal and informal health settings in an integrated manner. We present two cases demonstrating the potential value of patient-oriented workflow models. Significant theoretical, methodological, and practical challenges must be met to ensure adoption of patient-oriented workflow models. Patient-oriented workflow models define meaningful system boundaries and can lead to HIT implementations that are more consistent with cooperative work and its emergent features.

  5. Market-oriented search in differentiated industries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Hans Eibe; Stieglitz, Nils


      How is the success of a firm's market-oriented activities influenced by the marketing mix? This paper contributes to existing marketing research by advancing our understanding of the process by which market orientation transforms into superior performance. This process is investigated...... on the basis of appropriate organizational search models drawn from the behavioral theory of the firm. Specifically, we draw on the NK model to develop testable propositions that substantiate and extend prior theoretical market orientation research. Our results provide new insight into organizational...... characteristics and consequences of responsive and proactive marketing behaviors, as well as the allocation of attention towards customers and competitors....

  6. 36 CFR 13.1236 - Bear orientation. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Bear orientation. 13.1236 Section 13.1236 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR... Developed Area § 13.1236 Bear orientation. All persons visiting the BCDA must receive an NPS-approved Bear...

  7. Radiology image orientation processing for workstation display (United States)

    Chang, Chung-Fu; Hu, Kermit; Wilson, Dennis L.


    Radiology images are acquired electronically using phosphor plates that are read in Computed Radiology (CR) readers. An automated radiology image orientation processor (RIOP) for determining the orientation for chest images and for abdomen images has been devised. In addition, the chest images are differentiated as front (AP or PA) or side (Lateral). Using the processing scheme outlined, hospitals will improve the efficiency of quality assurance (QA) technicians who orient images and prepare the images for presentation to the radiologists.

  8. Market orientation seen in a value chain perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sonne, Anne-Mette; Stacey, Julia; Grunert, Klaus G.


    Market orientation is regarded as a prerequisite for a company's ability to create customer value and higher profits. Market orientation is usually regarded as something, which characterises a company. However, companies are part of value chains, and a lot of competition taking place...... in international markets is between the different value chains rather than between the individual companies. This is the reason why it makes more sense to look at the degree of market orientation in a complete value chain rather than the degree of market orientation of a single company....

  9. An object-oriented description method of EPMM process (United States)

    Jiang, Zuo; Yang, Fan


    In order to use the object-oriented mature tools and language in software process model, make the software process model more accord with the industrial standard, it’s necessary to study the object-oriented modelling of software process. Based on the formal process definition in EPMM, considering the characteristics that Petri net is mainly formal modelling tool and combining the Petri net modelling with the object-oriented modelling idea, this paper provides this implementation method to convert EPMM based on Petri net into object models based on object-oriented description.

  10. Long range position and orientation tracking system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armstrong, G.A.; Jansen, J.F.; Burks, B.L.; Bernacki, B.E.; Nypaver, D.J.


    The long range position and orientation tracking system (LRPOTS) will consist of two measurement pods, a VME-based computer system, and a detector array. The system is used to measure the position and orientation of a target that may be attached to a robotic arm, teleoperated manipulator, or autonomous vehicle. The pods have been designed to be mounted in the man-ways of the domes of the Fernald K-65 waste silos. Each pod has two laser scanner subsystems as well as lights and camera systems. One of the laser scanners will be oriented to scan in the pan direction, the other in the tilt direction. As the lasers scan across the detector array, the angles of incidence with each detector are recorded. Combining measurements from each of the four lasers yields sufficient data for a closed-form solution of the transform describing the location and orientation of the Content Mobilization System (CMS). Redundant detectors will be placed on the CMS to accommodate occlusions, to provide improved measurement accuracy, and to determine the CMS orientation

  11. Long-range position and orientation tracking system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armstrong, G.A.; Jansen, J.F.; Burks, B.L.


    The long-range position and orientation tracking system will consist of two measurement pods, a VME-based computer system, and a detector array. The system is used to measure the position and orientation of a target that may be attached to a robotic arm, teleoperated manipulator, or autonomous vehicle. The pods have been designed to be mounted in the manways of the domes of the Fernald K-65 waste silos. Each pod has two laser scanner subsystems as well as lights and camera systems. One of the laser scanners will be oriented to scan in the pan direction, the other in the tilt direction. As the lasers scan across the detector array, the angles of incidence with each detector are recorded. Combining measurements from each of the four lasers yields sufficient data for a closed-form solution of the transform describing the location and orientation of the content mobilization system (CMS). Redundant detectors will be placed on the CMS to accommodate occlusions, to provide improved measurement accuracy, and to determine the CMS orientation

  12. Nuclear orientation of on-line separated isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanneste, L.; Vandeplassche, D.; Walle, E. van; Geenen, J.; Nuytten, C.; Marshak, H.


    The purpose of nuclear orientation in the study of nuclei far from stability is explained. Various methods of nuclear orientation are compared. The Leuven setup and its initial performance are described. (orig.)

  13. Understanding the Association Between School Climate and Future Orientation. (United States)

    Lindstrom Johnson, Sarah; Pas, Elise; Bradshaw, Catherine P


    Promoting students' future orientation is inherently a goal of the educational system. Recently, it has received more explicit attention given the increased focus on career readiness. This study aimed to examine the association between school climate and adolescents' report of future orientation using data from youth (N = 27,698; 49.4 % female) across 58 high schools. Three-level hierarchical linear models indicated that perceptions of available emotional and service supports, rules and consequences, and parent engagement were positively related to adolescents' future orientation. Additionally, the school-level average future orientation was significantly related to individuals' future orientation, indicating a potential influence of contextual effects on this construct. Taken together, these findings suggest that interventions targeting school climate may hold promise for promoting future orientation.

  14. The democratic role orientation by journalists

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svith, Flemming

    This paper investigates the democratic role orientation in news media and the perception and preference in the population towards the democratic practice of these news media.......This paper investigates the democratic role orientation in news media and the perception and preference in the population towards the democratic practice of these news media....

  15. Market-oriented research and competence development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grunert, Klaus G.


    At MAPP, we are convinced that market orientation is a good thing. We know that it contributes to better company performance, in the food sector and elsewhere. We also believe in market orientation in our work. Among other things, this implies that our research has to be topical and relevant in t...

  16. Sun-Compass Orientation in Mediterranean Fish Larvae. (United States)

    Faillettaz, Robin; Blandin, Agathe; Paris, Claire B; Koubbi, Philippe; Irisson, Jean-Olivier


    Mortality is very high during the pelagic larval phase of fishes but the factors that determine recruitment success remain unclear and hard to predict. Because of their bipartite life history, larvae of coastal species have to head back to the shore at the end of their pelagic episode, to settle. These settlement-stage larvae are known to display strong sensory and motile abilities, but most work has been focused on tropical, insular environments and on the influence of coast-related cues on orientation. In this study we quantified the in situ orientation behavior of settlement-stage larvae in a temperate region, with a continuous coast and a dominant along-shore current, and inspected both coast-dependent and independent cues. We tested six species: one Pomacentridae, Chromis chromis, and five Sparidae, Boops boops, Diplodus annularis, Oblada melanura, Spicara smaris and Spondyliosoma cantharus. Over 85% of larvae were highly capable of keeping a bearing, which is comparable to the orientation abilities of tropical species. Sun-related cues influenced the precision of bearing-keeping at individual level. Three species, out of the four tested in sufficient numbers, oriented significantly relative to the sun position. These are the first in situ observations demonstrating the use of a sun compass for orientation by wild-caught settlement-stage larvae. This mechanism has potential for large-scale orientation of fish larvae globally.

  17. Sun-Compass Orientation in Mediterranean Fish Larvae.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robin Faillettaz

    Full Text Available Mortality is very high during the pelagic larval phase of fishes but the factors that determine recruitment success remain unclear and hard to predict. Because of their bipartite life history, larvae of coastal species have to head back to the shore at the end of their pelagic episode, to settle. These settlement-stage larvae are known to display strong sensory and motile abilities, but most work has been focused on tropical, insular environments and on the influence of coast-related cues on orientation. In this study we quantified the in situ orientation behavior of settlement-stage larvae in a temperate region, with a continuous coast and a dominant along-shore current, and inspected both coast-dependent and independent cues. We tested six species: one Pomacentridae, Chromis chromis, and five Sparidae, Boops boops, Diplodus annularis, Oblada melanura, Spicara smaris and Spondyliosoma cantharus. Over 85% of larvae were highly capable of keeping a bearing, which is comparable to the orientation abilities of tropical species. Sun-related cues influenced the precision of bearing-keeping at individual level. Three species, out of the four tested in sufficient numbers, oriented significantly relative to the sun position. These are the first in situ observations demonstrating the use of a sun compass for orientation by wild-caught settlement-stage larvae. This mechanism has potential for large-scale orientation of fish larvae globally.

  18. [Vocational orientation in medical rehabilitation: development of a practice handbook and a homepage as user-oriented media for rehabilitative practice]. (United States)

    Lukasczik, M; Löffler, S; Gerlich, C; Wolf, H-D; Neuderth, S


    Vocational orientation in medical rehabilitation has become an important issue in rehabilitation science and practice in Germany. Although a variety of vocationally oriented interventions has been developed in recent years, there is still a lack of consensus with regard to the definition of specific types of interventions as well as relevant criteria (e. g., methods; instruments; duration/frequency; patient groups). Building on preliminary definitions, basic types of vocationally oriented measures/interventions were conceptually modified and refined in the context of a consensual process. 39 experts of various professions were contacted during a 2-stage Delphi survey to evaluate existing definitions of vocationally oriented interventions using key questions. Standardized descriptions of 5 vocationally oriented basic interventions were specified in cooperation with an interdisciplinary panel of experts. Descriptions were published in a workbook and a homepage for researchers and clinicians, which also contain information on the implementation of measures into rehabilitative care as well as good practice examples. The media developed in this project may contribute to the transfer of research results on vocationally oriented rehabilitation into health care practice. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  19. Synthesised model of market orientation-business performance relationship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Nwokah


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of market orientation on the performance of the organisation. While much empirical works have centered on market orientation, the generalisability of its impact on performance of the Food and Beverages organisations in the Nigeria context has been under-researched. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study adopted a triangulation methodology (quantitative and qualitative approach. Data was collected from key informants using a research instrument. Returned instruments were analyzed using nonparametric correlation through the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 10. Findings: The study validated the earlier instruments but did not find any strong association between market orientation and business performance in the Nigerian context using the food and beverages organisations for the study. The reasons underlying the weak relationship between market orientation and business performance of the Food and Beverages organisations is government policies, new product development, diversification, innovation and devaluation of the Nigerian currency. One important finding of this study is that market orientation leads to business performance through some moderating variables. Implications: The study recommends that Nigerian Government should ensure a stable economy and make economic policies that will enhance existing business development in the country. Also, organisations should have performance measurement systems to detect the impact of investment on market orientation with the aim of knowing how the organisation works. Originality/Value: This study significantly refines the body of knowledge concerning the impact of market orientation on the performance of the organisation, and thereby offers a model of market orientation and business performance in the Nigerian context for marketing scholars and practitioners. This model will, no doubt, contribute to the body of

  20. Oriented matroids—combinatorial structures underlying loop quantum gravity (United States)

    Brunnemann, Johannes; Rideout, David


    We analyze combinatorial structures which play a central role in determining spectral properties of the volume operator (Ashtekar A and Lewandowski J 1998 Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 1 388) in loop quantum gravity (LQG). These structures encode geometrical information of the embedding of arbitrary valence vertices of a graph in three-dimensional Riemannian space and can be represented by sign strings containing relative orientations of embedded edges. We demonstrate that these signature factors are a special representation of the general mathematical concept of an oriented matroid (Ziegler G M 1998 Electron. J. Comb.; Björner A et al 1999 Oriented Matroids (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)). Moreover, we show that oriented matroids can also be used to describe the topology (connectedness) of directed graphs. Hence, the mathematical methods developed for oriented matroids can be applied to the difficult combinatorics of embedded graphs underlying the construction of LQG. As a first application we revisit the analysis of Brunnemann and Rideout (2008 Class. Quantum Grav. 25 065001 and 065002), and find that enumeration of all possible sign configurations used there is equivalent to enumerating all realizable oriented matroids of rank 3 (Ziegler G M 1998 Electron. J. Comb.; Björner A et al 1999 Oriented Matroids (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)), and thus can be greatly simplified. We find that for 7-valent vertices having no coplanar triples of edge tangents, the smallest non-zero eigenvalue of the volume spectrum does not grow as one increases the maximum spin jmax at the vertex, for any orientation of the edge tangents. This indicates that, in contrast to the area operator, considering large jmax does not necessarily imply large volume eigenvalues. In addition we give an outlook to possible starting points for rewriting the combinatorics of LQG in terms of oriented matroids.

  1. Market-Orientation and Corporate Performance


    Jean-Jacques Lambin; Ruben Chumpitaz


    Market-orientation is generally referred to the basic orientation that governs the relationship of a firm with its market and, more particularly, with its customers. Now, in many firms, MO is treated like the marketing concept. This traditional view of MO has two main drawbacks: first of all it overlooks market actors other than customer (i.e. distributors, competitors and prescribers). Then, this functional perspective leads to confine the concept of MO to the activities generally conducted ...

  2. Orientation estimation algorithm applied to high-spin projectiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Long, D F; Lin, J; Zhang, X M; Li, J


    High-spin projectiles are low cost military weapons. Accurate orientation information is critical to the performance of the high-spin projectiles control system. However, orientation estimators have not been well translated from flight vehicles since they are too expensive, lack launch robustness, do not fit within the allotted space, or are too application specific. This paper presents an orientation estimation algorithm specific for these projectiles. The orientation estimator uses an integrated filter to combine feedback from a three-axis magnetometer, two single-axis gyros and a GPS receiver. As a new feature of this algorithm, the magnetometer feedback estimates roll angular rate of projectile. The algorithm also incorporates online sensor error parameter estimation performed simultaneously with the projectile attitude estimation. The second part of the paper deals with the verification of the proposed orientation algorithm through numerical simulation and experimental tests. Simulations and experiments demonstrate that the orientation estimator can effectively estimate the attitude of high-spin projectiles. Moreover, online sensor calibration significantly enhances the estimation performance of the algorithm. (paper)

  3. Orientation estimation algorithm applied to high-spin projectiles (United States)

    Long, D. F.; Lin, J.; Zhang, X. M.; Li, J.


    High-spin projectiles are low cost military weapons. Accurate orientation information is critical to the performance of the high-spin projectiles control system. However, orientation estimators have not been well translated from flight vehicles since they are too expensive, lack launch robustness, do not fit within the allotted space, or are too application specific. This paper presents an orientation estimation algorithm specific for these projectiles. The orientation estimator uses an integrated filter to combine feedback from a three-axis magnetometer, two single-axis gyros and a GPS receiver. As a new feature of this algorithm, the magnetometer feedback estimates roll angular rate of projectile. The algorithm also incorporates online sensor error parameter estimation performed simultaneously with the projectile attitude estimation. The second part of the paper deals with the verification of the proposed orientation algorithm through numerical simulation and experimental tests. Simulations and experiments demonstrate that the orientation estimator can effectively estimate the attitude of high-spin projectiles. Moreover, online sensor calibration significantly enhances the estimation performance of the algorithm.

  4. Research oriented projects on design themese

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tollestrup, Christian; Eriksen, Kaare; Ovesen, Nis


    How can design students do research-oriented projects about design themes? At the 3rd semester at the Industrial Design Master Program at Aalborg University this is done by taking research oriented learning objectives on design theories and methods and combining them with experimental case studie...... and professional self-reflection amongst students are improved....

  5. Oriental cholangiohepatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheible, F.W.; Davis, G.B.; California Univ., San Diego, La Jolla


    The recent influx of immigrants from Southeast Asia into the United States has increased the likelihood of encountering unusual diseases heretofore rarely seen in this country. Among these disorders is Oriental cholangiohepatitis, a potentially life-threatening process whose early diagnosis is facilitated by roentgenographic findings. Ultrasonography can also provide useful information, although potential pitfalls in diagnosis should be recognized. (orig.)

  6. Market Orientation Practices and Effects on Organizational Performance


    Haim Hilman; Narentheren Kaliappen


    Today’s organizations need market orientation practices to strive and generate superior performance and competitive advantage in the modern turbulent marketplace. Thus, this research inspects the respective links between the dimensions of (a) competitor orientation and (b) customer orientation and performance in the context of hotels in Malaysia. Data were gathered through self-administrated mail questionnaires directe...

  7. Thermoregulatory behavior and orientation preference in bearded dragons. (United States)

    Black, Ian R G; Tattersall, Glenn J


    The regulation of body temperature is a critical function for animals. Although reliant on ambient temperature as a heat source, reptiles, and especially lizards, make use of multiple voluntary and involuntary behaviors to thermoregulate, including postural changes in body orientation, either toward or away from solar sources of heat. This thermal orientation may also result from a thermoregulatory drive to maintain precise control over cranial temperatures or a rostrally-driven sensory bias. The purpose of this work was to examine thermal orientation behavior in adult and neonatal bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps), to ascertain its prevalence across different life stages within a laboratory situation and its interaction with behavioral thermoregulation. Both adult and neonatal bearded dragons were placed in a thermal gradient and allowed to voluntarily select temperatures for up to 8h to observe the presence and development of a thermoregulatory orientation preference. Both adult and neonatal dragons displayed a non-random orientation, preferring to face toward a heat source while achieving mean thermal preferences of ~ 33-34°C. Specifically, adult dragons were more likely to face a heat source when at cooler ambient temperatures and less likely at warmer temperatures, suggesting that orientation behavior counter-balances local selected temperatures but contributes to their thermoregulatory response. Neonates were also more likely to select cooler temperatures when facing a heat source, but required more experience before this orientation behavior emerged. Combined, these results demonstrate the importance of orientation to behavioral thermoregulation in multiple life stages of bearded dragons. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Does Androgen Hormone Influences Sexual Orientation?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taufiqurrahman Nasihun


    Full Text Available Now days lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender are abbreviated as LGBT is the most popular word and being sensible in the world, especially in Indonesia. Based on human right principles, any person in the world including in Indonesia is free to express their gender identity and sexual orientation, even the same sex marriage, freely from unlawful discrimination and violations (Office of Personnel Management, 2015; Yogyakarta Principles, 2006. However, because of the culture and religion differences backgrounds, Indonesians have given this issue various responses. In general, Indonesian public opinion on LGBT are split into two different groups, one minority group is proponent to present of LGBT and any things related to it, and another majority groups are opponent. Objective of this editorial is to discuss how sexual orientation develop from prenatal until emerging of clinical manifestation in adulthood, by no mean to support either group. Otherwise, to give more insight about how male and female get their appropriate sexual orientations and why some of them get inappropriate sexual orientations.

  9. Ideological Challenges to Changing Strategic Orientation in Commodity Agriculture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Press, Melea; Arnould, Eric; Murray, Jeff


    orientations may be thought of as ideologies; and second, that such ideologies are likely to contend with each other. Taking such a perspective may be helpful in thinking about why transitioning to more sustainable strategic orientations is challenging even in the presence of financial incentives to make......Why do some firms not change their strategic orientation despite economic incentives to do so? Most current literature on changing strategic orientations focuses on an antecedents and outcomes approach to business orientations. Intimated, but rarely addressed is, first, the idea that strategic...... such changes. In assessing the transition to organic production and marketing in a commodity agriculture context we find that contending ideologies restrict its adoption. In addition, we suggest that strategic orientations are not adopted or contested solely within firms but also among them. We find...

  10. An orientation theorem with parity conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frank, András; Jordan, Tibor; Szigeti, Zoltán


    Given a graph G=(V,E) and a set , an orientation of G is called T-odd if precisely the vertices of T get odd in-degree. We give a good characterization for the existence of a T-odd orientation for which there exist k edge-disjoint spanning arborescences rooted at a prespecified set of k roots. Ou...

  11. Interdisciplinary Problem Oriented Project Work

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blomhøj, Morten; Kjeldsen, Tinne Hoff


    In this chapter, we analyze the problem oriented project work practiced at the Bachelor Study Program in Natural Science (Nat Bach) at Roskilde University (RU) as a learning environment for developing students’ mathematical modelling competence. The projects are conducted in a rather sophisticated...... and radical learning environment grounded on the four pedagogical key principles of, problem orientation, participant directed group work, interdisciplinarity and exemplarity. We illustrate and discuss the interplay between the aim of developing the students’ modelling competence on the one hand...

  12. Security for service oriented architectures

    CERN Document Server

    Williams, Walter


    Although integrating security into the design of applications has proven to deliver resilient products, there are few books available that provide guidance on how to incorporate security into the design of an application. Filling this need, Security for Service Oriented Architectures examines both application and security architectures and illustrates the relationship between the two. Supplying authoritative guidance on how to design distributed and resilient applications, the book provides an overview of the various standards that service oriented and distributed applications leverage, includ

  13. Minireview: Hormones and human sexual orientation. (United States)

    Balthazart, Jacques


    Many people believe that sexual orientation (homosexuality vs. heterosexuality) is determined by education and social constraints. There are, however, a large number of studies indicating that prenatal factors have an important influence on this critical feature of human sexuality. Sexual orientation is a sexually differentiated trait (over 90% of men are attracted to women and vice versa). In animals and men, many sexually differentiated characteristics are organized during early life by sex steroids, and one can wonder whether the same mechanism also affects human sexual orientation. Two types of evidence support this notion. First, multiple sexually differentiated behavioral, physiological, or even morphological traits are significantly different in homosexual and heterosexual populations. Because some of these traits are known to be organized by prenatal steroids, including testosterone, these differences suggest that homosexual subjects were, on average, exposed to atypical endocrine conditions during development. Second, clinical conditions associated with significant endocrine changes during embryonic life often result in an increased incidence of homosexuality. It seems therefore that the prenatal endocrine environment has a significant influence on human sexual orientation but a large fraction of the variance in this behavioral characteristic remains unexplained to date. Genetic differences affecting behavior either in a direct manner or by changing embryonic hormone secretion or action may also be involved. How these biological prenatal factors interact with postnatal social factors to determine life-long sexual orientation remains to be determined.

  14. Read/write properties of oriented longitudinal recording media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uesaka, Y.; Nakatani, Y.; Hayashi, N.; Fukushima, H.


    The effect of orientation on the maximum recording density including the thermal stability effect was investigated using computer simulation. The necessary head current for a highly oriented medium is at most 10% larger than that for a 2D random medium. A recording density larger than 300 Gb/in 2 can be achieved with highly oriented media with 30 nm flying height

  15. Magnetic compass orientation in the European eel.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline M F Durif

    Full Text Available European eel migrate from freshwater or coastal habitats throughout Europe to their spawning grounds in the Sargasso Sea. However, their route (~ 6000 km and orientation mechanisms are unknown. Several attempts have been made to prove the existence of magnetoreception in Anguilla sp., but none of these studies have demonstrated magnetic compass orientation in earth-strength magnetic field intensities. We tested eels in four altered magnetic field conditions where magnetic North was set at geographic North, South, East, or West. Eels oriented in a manner that was related to the tank in which they were housed before the test. At lower temperature (under 12°C, their orientation relative to magnetic North corresponded to the direction of their displacement from the holding tank. At higher temperatures (12-17°C, eels showed bimodal orientation along an axis perpendicular to the axis of their displacement. These temperature-related shifts in orientation may be linked to the changes in behavior that occur between the warm season (during which eels are foraging and the colder fall and winter (during which eels undertake their migrations. These observations support the conclusion that 1. eels have a magnetic compass, and 2. they use this sense to orient in a direction that they have registered moments before they are displaced. The adaptive advantage of having a magnetic compass and learning the direction in which they have been displaced becomes clear when set in the context of the eel's seaward migration. For example, if their migration is halted or blocked, as it is the case when environmental conditions become unfavorable or when they encounter a barrier, eels would be able to resume their movements along their old bearing when conditions become favorable again or when they pass by the barrier.

  16. Magnetic compass orientation in the European eel. (United States)

    Durif, Caroline M F; Browman, Howard I; Phillips, John B; Skiftesvik, Anne Berit; Vøllestad, L Asbjørn; Stockhausen, Hans H


    European eel migrate from freshwater or coastal habitats throughout Europe to their spawning grounds in the Sargasso Sea. However, their route (~ 6000 km) and orientation mechanisms are unknown. Several attempts have been made to prove the existence of magnetoreception in Anguilla sp., but none of these studies have demonstrated magnetic compass orientation in earth-strength magnetic field intensities. We tested eels in four altered magnetic field conditions where magnetic North was set at geographic North, South, East, or West. Eels oriented in a manner that was related to the tank in which they were housed before the test. At lower temperature (under 12°C), their orientation relative to magnetic North corresponded to the direction of their displacement from the holding tank. At higher temperatures (12-17°C), eels showed bimodal orientation along an axis perpendicular to the axis of their displacement. These temperature-related shifts in orientation may be linked to the changes in behavior that occur between the warm season (during which eels are foraging) and the colder fall and winter (during which eels undertake their migrations). These observations support the conclusion that 1. eels have a magnetic compass, and 2. they use this sense to orient in a direction that they have registered moments before they are displaced. The adaptive advantage of having a magnetic compass and learning the direction in which they have been displaced becomes clear when set in the context of the eel's seaward migration. For example, if their migration is halted or blocked, as it is the case when environmental conditions become unfavorable or when they encounter a barrier, eels would be able to resume their movements along their old bearing when conditions become favorable again or when they pass by the barrier.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gordan Camelia


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the main issues surrounding the concept of market orientation applied in the context of higher education. Considering the important changes taking place in this sector, a strong willingness of universities to adopt marketing concepts can be noticed. The paper seeks to provide a retrospect on this process, starting with the incorporation of marketing in higher education, and moving on to its implementation, which has come to be known as market orientation. Following a stream of the most relevant literature in the field, we present definitions of the main concepts, and integrate them in the education context, with the purpose of establishing the relevance and importance of market orientation for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage and higher institutional performance. The paper does not aim at providing an exhaustive literature review, but rather at presenting the main elements that define a market orientation, and at supporting its implementation, by outlining the significant benefits that could follow. While theoretical by nature, this research contributes to the body of literature in the field, through closely examining the conceptualization and operationalization of market orientation, and also providing the fundamental components that define the concept and help its implementation. Furthermore, the paper provides practitioners with a number of suggested research directions, which could potentially help improve educational institutions’ activity, while also contributing to a better understanding of the concept, and to building richer theories in the field of marketing education. Given that the marketing literature in Romania has mostly overlooked market orientation, both this paper, and all following research in this area will prove to be significant for education managers and researchers alike, promoting the importance and significance of relevant knowledge, and encouraging a

  18. Direct encoding of orientation variance in the visual system. (United States)

    Norman, Liam J; Heywood, Charles A; Kentridge, Robert W


    Our perception of regional irregularity, an example of which is orientation variance, seems effortless when we view two patches of texture that differ in this attribute. Little is understood, however, of how the visual system encodes a regional statistic like orientation variance, but there is some evidence to suggest that it is directly encoded by populations of neurons tuned broadly to high or low levels. The present study shows that selective adaptation to low or high levels of variance results in a perceptual aftereffect that shifts the perceived level of variance of a subsequently viewed texture in the direction away from that of the adapting stimulus (Experiments 1 and 2). Importantly, the effect is durable across changes in mean orientation, suggesting that the encoding of orientation variance is independent of global first moment orientation statistics (i.e., mean orientation). In Experiment 3 it was shown that the variance-specific aftereffect did not show signs of being encoded in a spatiotopic reference frame, similar to the equivalent aftereffect of adaptation to the first moment orientation statistic (the tilt aftereffect), which is represented in the primary visual cortex and exists only in retinotopic coordinates. Experiment 4 shows that a neuropsychological patient with damage to ventral areas of the cortex but spared intact early areas retains sensitivity to orientation variance. Together these results suggest that orientation variance is encoded directly by the visual system and possibly at an early cortical stage.

  19. Health-oriented electronic oral health record: development and evaluation. (United States)

    Wongsapai, Mansuang; Suebnukarn, Siriwan; Rajchagool, Sunsanee; Beach, Daryl; Kawaguchi, Sachiko


    This study aims to develop and evaluate a new Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record that implements the health-oriented status and intervention index. The index takes the principles of holistic oral healthcare and applies them to the design and implementation of the Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record. We designed an experiment using focus groups and a consensus (Delphi process) method to develop a new health-oriented status and intervention index and graphical user interface. A comparative intervention study with qualitative and quantitative methods was used to compare an existing Electronic Oral Health Record to the Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record, focusing on dentist satisfaction, accuracy, and completeness of oral health status recording. The study was conducted by the dental staff of the Inter-country Center for Oral Health collaborative hospitals in Thailand. Overall, the user satisfaction questionnaire had a positive response to the Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record. The dentists found it easy to use and were generally satisfied with the impact on their work, oral health services, and surveillance. The dentists were significantly satisfied with the Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record compared to the existing Electronic Oral Health Record (p health information recorded using the Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record were 97.15 and 93.74 percent, respectively. This research concludes that the Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record satisfied many dentists, provided benefits to holistic oral healthcare, and facilitated the planning, managing, and evaluation of the healthcare delivery system.

  20. Promotion of students' mastery goal orientations : does TARGET work?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lüftenegger, Marko; van de Schoot, Rens; Schober, Barbara; Finsterwald, Monika; Spiel, Christiane


    Achievement goal orientations are important for students' ongoing motivation. Students with a mastery goal orientation show the most advantageous achievement and motivational patterns. Much research has been conducted to identify classroom structures which promote students' mastery goal orientation.

  1. Designing an orientation program for new faculty. (United States)

    Holyfield, Lavern J; Berry, Charles W


    The Faculty Development Committee (FDC) at Baylor College of Dentistry (BCD) is charged with providing programs and activities that facilitate the success of existing faculty in the constantly changing environment of academia. In response to concerns regarding the challenges wrought by current and projected shortages of dental faculty across the nation, the FDC was prompted to assess development opportunities available to BCD faculty. A professional development resource that we found deficient was a formal, comprehensive orientation program for newly hired faculty. To guide the efforts of the committee in developing this program, a survey was designed and administered during an annual faculty retreat. Respondents were new and junior faculty, senior faculty, and some administrators. The results of the survey to determine requirements for new faculty orientation became the basis for formalizing BCD's new faculty orientation program. This article provides an overview of the new faculty orientation process from design to program implementation and describes the development and use of a faculty survey to determine the fundamental elements of a faculty development program, identification of essential individuals for designing/implementing the program, and implementation of a new faculty orientation program at BCD.

  2. Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science. (United States)

    Bailey, J Michael; Vasey, Paul L; Diamond, Lisa M; Breedlove, S Marc; Vilain, Eric; Epprecht, Marc


    SummaryOngoing political controversies around the world exemplify a long-standing and widespread preoccupation with the acceptability of homosexuality. Nonheterosexual people have seen dramatic surges both in their rights and in positive public opinion in many Western countries. In contrast, in much of Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Oceania, and parts of Asia, homosexual behavior remains illegal and severely punishable, with some countries retaining the death penalty for it. Political controversies about sexual orientation have often overlapped with scientific controversies. That is, participants on both sides of the sociopolitical debates have tended to believe that scientific findings-and scientific truths-about sexual orientation matter a great deal in making political decisions. The most contentious scientific issues have concerned the causes of sexual orientation-that is, why are some people heterosexual, others bisexual, and others homosexual? The actual relevance of these issues to social, political, and ethical decisions is often poorly justified, however. © The Author(s) 2016.

  3. Sexual orientation and spatial memory. (United States)

    Cánovas, Ma Rosa; Cimadevilla, José Manuel


    The present study aimed at determining the influence of sexual orientation in human spatial learning and memory. Participants performed the Boxes Room, a virtual reality version of the Holeboard. In Experiment I, a reference memory task, the position of the hidden rewards remained constant during the whole experiment. In Experiment II, a working memory task, the position of rewards changed between blocks. Each block consisted of two trials: One trial for acquisition and another for retrieval. The results of Experiment I showed that heterosexual men performed better than homosexual men and heterosexual women. They found the rewarded boxes faster. Moreover, homosexual participants committed more errors than heterosexuals. Experiment II showed that working memory abilities are the same in groups of different sexual orientation. These results suggest that sexual orientation is related to spatial navigation abilities, but mostly in men, and limited to reference memory, which depends more on the function of the hippocampal system.

  4. Updating of visual orientation in a gravity-based reference frame. (United States)

    Niehof, Nynke; Tramper, Julian J; Doeller, Christian F; Medendorp, W Pieter


    The brain can use multiple reference frames to code line orientation, including head-, object-, and gravity-centered references. If these frames change orientation, their representations must be updated to keep register with actual line orientation. We tested this internal updating during head rotation in roll, exploiting the rod-and-frame effect: The illusory tilt of a vertical line surrounded by a tilted visual frame. If line orientation is stored relative to gravity, these distortions should also affect the updating process. Alternatively, if coding is head- or frame-centered, updating errors should be related to the changes in their orientation. Ten subjects were instructed to memorize the orientation of a briefly flashed line, surrounded by a tilted visual frame, then rotate their head, and subsequently judge the orientation of a second line relative to the memorized first while the frame was upright. Results showed that updating errors were mostly related to the amount of subjective distortion of gravity at both the initial and final head orientation, rather than to the amount of intervening head rotation. In some subjects, a smaller part of the updating error was also related to the change of visual frame orientation. We conclude that the brain relies primarily on a gravity-based reference to remember line orientation during head roll.

  5. Conservative orientation as a determinant of hopelessness. (United States)

    Cheung, C K; Kwok, S T


    Conservative orientation is identified with reference to authoritarianism, work ethic belief, just world belief, and endorsement of individualistic causes of social problems. This over-arching orientation is hypothesized to affect hopelessness and to be affected by self-esteem with reference to ego development theory and learned helplessness theory. Causal modeling of data obtained from 1st-year college students (N = 556) in Hong Kong supports the hypotheses, showing that a student's hopelessness relates to his or her conservative orientation, even when self-esteem is controlled. This relationship can be interpreted by ego development and learned helplessness theories and cannot be explained as a spurious effect. Through the theories, hopelessness is interpreted as a result of maladaptive development and fatalistic, alienated, and helpless outlooks. This maladaptive development and the outlooks in turn result from students' conservative and individualistic orientation.

  6. A Survey of Various Object Oriented Requirement Engineering Methods


    Anandi Mahajan; Dr. Anurag Dixit


    In current years many industries have been moving to the use of object-oriented methods for the development of large scale information systems The requirement of Object Oriented approach in the development of software systems is increasing day by day. This paper is basically a survey paper on various Object-oriented requirement engineering methods. This paper contains a summary of the available Object-oriented requirement engineering methods with their relative advantages and disadvantages...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Хамид Абдулович Гербеков


    Full Text Available In article approaches to training of student in object-oriented programming in the environment of the Windows operating system are considered. The analysis of the literature on the programming and the modern school textbook on informatics, and also theoretical material on object-oriented programming within the informative line “Algorithmization and programming” of school course of informatics is for this purpose carried out. The object-oriented approached essentially differs from structured programming in fact that the object-oriented programming paradigm is more open and scalable. It doesn’t mean that transition to the object-oriented approach to programming demands a failure from all algorithm applied in case of structural pro-applications of all earlier found and tested method and receptions. On the contrary new elements are always based on prior experience. Object approach creates a set of essential convenience which under other conditions can’t provide. Object-oriented programming in the environment of the Windows operating system to interest student from the first lesson and to do training fascinating and interesting because student can control object which the modern students face since the childhood on the personal computers, pads and phones.

  8. Orienting and Onboarding Clinical Nurse Specialists: A Process Improvement Project. (United States)

    Garcia, Mayra G; Watt, Jennifer L; Falder-Saeed, Karie; Lewis, Brennan; Patton, Lindsey

    Clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) have a unique advanced practice role. This article describes a process useful in establishing a comprehensive orientation and onboarding program for a newly hired CNS. The project team used the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists core competencies as a guide to construct a process for effectively onboarding and orienting newly hired CNSs. Standardized documents were created for the orientation process including a competency checklist, needs assessment template, and professional evaluation goals. In addition, other documents were revised to streamline the orientation process. Standardizing the onboarding and orientation process has demonstrated favorable results. As of 2016, 3 CNSs have successfully been oriented and onboarded using the new process. Unique healthcare roles require special focus when onboarding and orienting into a healthcare system. The use of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists core competencies guided the project in establishing a successful orientation and onboarding process for newly hired CNSs.

  9. Plug & Play object oriented Bayesian networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bangsø, Olav; Flores, J.; Jensen, Finn Verner


    been shown to be quite suitable for dynamic domains as well. However, processing object oriented Bayesian networks in practice does not take advantage of their modular structure. Normally the object oriented Bayesian network is transformed into a Bayesian network and, inference is performed...... dynamic domains. The communication needed between instances is achieved by means of a fill-in propagation scheme....

  10. Validation techniques for object-oriented proof outlines

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pierik, C.


    This thesis presents a proof outline logic for a simple object-oriented programming language. The language has all object-oriented features of popular programming languages like Java and C#. In particular, it supports inheritance, field shadowing, aliasing, dynamic object creation, subtype

  11. Ethnic Characteristics of Students’ Value Orientations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E Ju Chebotareva


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the ethnic features of value orientations in students from different parts of the world. It is shown that the lives of the students from Latin America and Central Asia are more holistic and meaningful than the lives of the students from China, the Middle East and Russia. Latin American students are more focused on individuality, self-regulation, and the Central Asian — on collectivism, the controllability of life events. The gender specifics of the value orientations of students are described. The connection between the students’ value orientations personality components such as a basic trust in the world, social and emotional intelligence, ethnic identity and tolerance towards the people of other ethnic groups, stress-coping strategies are analyzed.

  12. Value Orientation of the Modern Studentship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. V. Tarasevitch


    Full Text Available The study is aimed at investigating the dynamics of students’ value orientation at the pedagogic higher school. The subject of the research incorporates the value-motivation sphere as being the component of students’ cognitive interest. The research methodology is based on the system determinism principle and combines the theoretical and practical substantiation of the value orientation problem as the main component of students’ cognitive interest. The research results referred to the professional activity values, growing year after year during the undergraduate course, can be taken into account in developing the value–motivation sphere of the studentship. The research shows that the proper psychological conditions created in the educational environment make the develop- ment of the value orientation system more successful. 

  13. Photochemical dynamics of surface oriented molecules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ho, W.


    The period 8/01/91-7/31/92 is the first year of a new project titled ''Photochemical Dynamics of Surface Oriented Molecules'', initiated with DOE Support. The main objective of this project is to understand the dynamics of elementary chemical reactions by studying photochemical dynamics of surface-oriented molecules. In addition, the mechanisms of photon-surface interactions need to be elucidated. The strategy is to carry out experiments to measure the translational energy distribution, as a function of the angle from the surface normal, of the photoproducts by time-of-flight (TOF) technique by varying the photon wavelength, intensity, polarization, and pulse duration. By choosing adsorbates with different bonding configuration, the effects of adsorbate orientation on surface photochemical dynamics can be studied

  14. Spin orientation for nearby galaxies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karachentsev, I.D.


    The spatial orientations and the absolute values of angular momentum are determined for galaxies in the Local Group and the M 81/IC 342 group. For this purpose, the data on both velocity field and the dust knots configuration have been used. The spin direction has been established unambiguously for 21 objects; however, for the remaining 14 dwarf members the spin orientations are presented by pairs of alternative directions. The distribution of the spin vectors on the sky does not slow pronounced sings of anisotropy

  15. Oriented solid-state NMR spectrosocpy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bertelsen, Kresten

    This thesis is concerned with driving forward oriented solid-state NMR spectroscopy as a viable technique for studying peptides in membrane bilayers. I will show that structural heterogeneity is an intrinsic part of the peptide/lipid system and that NMR can be used to characterize static...... and dynamic structural features of the peptides and its local surroundings. In fact one need to take into account the dynamical features of the system in order to correctly predict the structure from oriented solid-state NMR spectra.      ...

  16. Partial Evaluation for Class-Based Object-Oriented Languages

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz, Ulrik Pagh


    Object-oriented programming facilitates the development of generic software, but at a significant cost in terms of performance. We apply partial evaluation to object-oriented programs, to automatically map generic software into specific implementations. In this paper we give a concise, formal...... description of a simple partial evaluator for a minimal object-oriented language, and give directions for extending this partial evaluator to handle realistic programs....

  17. Managing Entrepreneurial Orientation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    S. van Doorn (Sebastiaan)


    textabstractIn this dissertation, we evaluate the roles senior management teams and individual middle managers play in realizing the performance benefits of entrepreneurial orientations. We investigate the role of senior management teams by focusing on a sample of 9.000 firms in the Netherlands. The

  18. 7 CFR 1944.72 - Application packaging orientation and training. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 13 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Application packaging orientation and training. 1944... SERVICE, RURAL BUSINESS-COOPERATIVE SERVICE, RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE, AND FARM SERVICE AGENCY, DEPARTMENT... Grants § 1944.72 Application packaging orientation and training. Agency approval officials will orient...

  19. Self-Determination and Goal Orientation in Track and Field (United States)

    Chin, Ngien-Siong; Khoo, Selina; Low, Wah-Yun


    This study investigated gender, age group and locality differences in adolescent athletes’ self-determination motivation and goal orientations in track and field. It also examined the relationship between the self-determination theory and achievement goal theory. A total of 632 (349 boys, 283 girls) adolescent athletes (aged 13–18 years) completed the Sports Motivation Scale and Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire. Results indicated significant differences between gender on intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, amotivation (t(630) = 4.10, p motivation, extrinsic motivation, amotivation and ego orientation. A significant difference was found between age groups on task orientation (t(630) = 1.94, p motivation. Task orientation was related to intrinsic motivation (r = 0.55, p extrinsic motivation (r = 0.55, p motivation (r = 0.30, p extrinsic motivation (r = 0.36, p motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation accounted for 30.5% of the variances in task orientation. PMID:23486244

  20. Parallel object-oriented term rewriting : the booleans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rodenburg, P.H.; Vrancken, J.L.M.

    As a first case study in parallel object-oriented term rewriting, we give two implementations of term rewriting algorithms for boolean terms, using the parallel object-oriented features of the language Pool-T. The term rewriting systems are specified in the specification formalism

  1. Brain system for mental orientation in space, time, and person. (United States)

    Peer, Michael; Salomon, Roy; Goldberg, Ilan; Blanke, Olaf; Arzy, Shahar


    Orientation is a fundamental mental function that processes the relations between the behaving self to space (places), time (events), and person (people). Behavioral and neuroimaging studies have hinted at interrelations between processing of these three domains. To unravel the neurocognitive basis of orientation, we used high-resolution 7T functional MRI as 16 subjects compared their subjective distance to different places, events, or people. Analysis at the individual-subject level revealed cortical activation related to orientation in space, time, and person in a precisely localized set of structures in the precuneus, inferior parietal, and medial frontal cortex. Comparison of orientation domains revealed a consistent order of cortical activity inside the precuneus and inferior parietal lobes, with space orientation activating posterior regions, followed anteriorly by person and then time. Core regions at the precuneus and inferior parietal lobe were activated for multiple orientation domains, suggesting also common processing for orientation across domains. The medial prefrontal cortex showed a posterior activation for time and anterior for person. Finally, the default-mode network, identified in a separate resting-state scan, was active for all orientation domains and overlapped mostly with person-orientation regions. These findings suggest that mental orientation in space, time, and person is managed by a specific brain system with a highly ordered internal organization, closely related to the default-mode network.

  2. Self-determination and goal orientation in track and field. (United States)

    Chin, Ngien-Siong; Khoo, Selina; Low, Wah-Yun


    This study investigated gender, age group and locality differences in adolescent athletes' self-determination motivation and goal orientations in track and field. It also examined the relationship between the self-determination theory and achievement goal theory. A total of 632 (349 boys, 283 girls) adolescent athletes (aged 13-18 years) completed the Sports Motivation Scale and Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire. Results indicated significant differences between gender on intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, amotivation (t(630) = 4.10, p amotivation and ego orientation. A significant difference was found between age groups on task orientation (t(630) = 1.94, p amotivation (r = 0.10, p amotivation accounted for 30.5% of the variances in task orientation.

  3. Market Orientation and Organizational Performance

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    Chee-Hua Chin


    Full Text Available Orientation plays a vital role for organizations to compete to create sustainable competitive advantage. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between market orientation (MO and organizational performance (OP with service quality (SQ as a moderator in the context of the hotel industry in Malaysia. MO and OP were conceptualized as three- and two-dimensional constructs, respectively, whereas SQ, which consists of two-dimensional constructs, namely, technical quality and functional quality, was used as a moderator. Data were gathered through a survey using a structured questionnaire with a sample of 187 executive-level employees employed in hotels rated three stars and above in Malaysia. SmartPLS 2.0 (M3 with path modeling and bootstrapping was used to examine the standard error of the estimate and t-values. The findings suggest that only competitor orientation dimension of MO was significantly related to OP, whereas customer orientation and inter-functional coordination were not related. Interestingly, SQ was found to have moderated the relationship between MO and performance of the hotels in Malaysia. SQ exists to fill in the gap between customers’ expectations and their perception of the service providers’ performance that further creates differentiation and competitive advantage, which enhance MO practices and ultimately lead to improvements in the firm’s performance. Implications of the findings, potential limitations of the study, and directions for future research are highlighted.

  4. Oriented Mn-doped CuO nanowire arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Dongqiang; Wu, Zhaofeng; Wang, Zhihe; Yang, Shaoguang


    Using anodic aluminum oxide membranes as the nanoreactors and controller, oriented nanowire arrays of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Mn-doped CuO have been successfully fabricated using Mn(NO_3)_2 · 4H_2O and Cu(NO_3)_2 · 3H_2O as the starting materials. X-ray diffraction measurements showed that the as-prepared oriented nanowire arrays are of high purity. Scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope studies showed the nanowires are oriented, continuous and uniform with a diameter and length of about 170 nm and several tens of micrometers, respectively, and thus of a high aspect ratio. Low-temperature magnetic measurements showed the ferromagnetic property of the oriented Mn-doped CuO nanowire arrays with the critical temperature at around 80 K, which will endow them with great potential applications in spintronics in the future. (paper)

  5. Diversity in goal orientation, team reflexivity, and team performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pieterse, Anne Nederveen; van Knippenberg, Daan; van Ginkel, Wendy P.

    Although recent research highlights the role of team member goal orientation in team functioning, research has neglected the effects of diversity in goal orientation. In a laboratory study with groups working on a problem-solving task, we show that diversity in learning and performance orientation

  6. Theory of Radioisotope Scanning; Theorie de l'Exploration au Moyen d'un Radioisotope; Matematicheskaya osnova radioizotopnogo skennirovaniya; Teoria de la Exploracion Radioisotopica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brownell, G. L. [Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (United States)


    All scanning techniques, whether utilizing focusing collimators, positron detectors or the newer camera techniques, have certain basic problems. The success of these techniques depends in large measure upon the correct choice of various parameters of the collimating system, of which the most important is the resolution. In this paper the relationship of optimum resolution to radioisotope content and distribution are discussed. Radioisotope scanning may be considered as a process of information extraction and presentation. The primary information lies in the original radioisotope distribution. The collimator and detecting system provide the information transfer mechanism and the final scan presents the resultant information. As with all such techniques, only a small fraction of the information is retained in the final scan. It can be shown that for focusing collimator and scintillation camera systems, the number of counts per resolution area varies as the fourth power of the resolution distance. For certain radioisotope distributions it is possible to derive analytically an optimum value of resolution distance. However, for most systems the optimum resolution must be determined by trial and error. The problems here are similar to those of pattern recognition in other fields. A computer programme has been prepared to aid in determining the optimum resolution for various types of patterns. This computer is unique in having intermediate disc storage and CRT read-out. The results have general applicability to the design of many scanning systems. (author) [French] Toutes les methodes d'exploration au moyen d'un radioisotope, celles qui font appel aux collimateurs a focalisation, aux detecteurs de positons ou les techniques plus recentes utilisant des cameras a scintillation, posent certains problemes fondamentaux. Le succes de ces techniques depend beaucoup du choix des differents parametres du dispositif de collimation, dont le plus important est la resolution. L

  7. Effects of orientation on Rey complex figure performance. (United States)

    Ferraro, F Richard; Grossman, Jennifer; Bren, Amy; Hoverson, Allysa


    An experiment was performed that examined the impact of stimulus orientation on performance on the Rey complex figure. A total of 48 undergraduates (24 men, 24 women) were randomly assigned to one of four Rey figure orientation groups (0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees ). Participants followed standard procedures for the Rey figure, initially copying it in whatever orientation group they were assigned to. Next, all participants performed a 15-20 min lexical decision experiment, used as a filler task. Finally, and unbeknownest to them, participants were asked to recall as much of the figure as they could. As expected, results revealed a main effect of Task (F = 83.92, p orientation was not significant, nor did orientation interact with task (Fs .57). The results are important from an applied setting, especially if testing conditions are less than optimal and a fixed stimulus position is not possible (e.g., testing at the bedside).


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    Nurdan GÜRKAN


    Full Text Available The concept of entrepreneurship has become an increasingly important concept and attracted attention with the increase in competition between businesses. In the entrepreneurship literature firstly individual entrepreneurship is discussed and later studies on the enterprise level entrepreneurship were conducted. At the same time, with the transition to the behavioral model of entrepreneurship of the traditional entrepreneurial model of entrepreneurship, rather than personality characteristics of entrepreneurs seem to be at the forefront of behaviors. Enterprise level entrepreneurship in other words the concept of business entrepreneurship contains entrepreneurship orientation of businesses. The entrepreneurship orientation of businesses has also called in the literature as entrepreneurial orientation. The concept of entrepreneurial orientation has a very important place in terms of the ability to sustain the assets of businesses and ensure differentiation from their competitors. With this study, prominent the concept of entrepreneurial orientation in respect to competitive advantage of the businesses will be included and increased awareness related to this concept will be tried to be ensured.

  9. Does Promotion Orientation Help Explain Why Future-Orientated People Exercise and Eat Healthy? (United States)

    Milfont, Taciano L; Vilar, Roosevelt; Araujo, Rafaella C R; Stanley, Robert


    A study with United States undergraduate students showed individuals high in concern with future consequences engage in exercise and healthy eating because they adopt a promotion orientation, which represents the extent to which individuals are inclined to pursue positive gains. The present article reports a cross-cultural replication of the mediation findings with undergraduate samples from Brazil and New Zealand. Promotion orientation mediated the association between concern with future consequences and exercise attitudes in both countries, but the associations for healthy eating were not replicated-which could be explained by distinct obesity prevalence and eating habits in these socio-cultural contexts. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of the findings for promoting health behavior.

  10. Does Promotion Orientation Help Explain Why Future-Orientated People Exercise and Eat Healthy?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taciano L. Milfont


    Full Text Available A study with United States undergraduate students showed individuals high in concern with future consequences engage in exercise and healthy eating because they adopt a promotion orientation, which represents the extent to which individuals are inclined to pursue positive gains. The present article reports a cross-cultural replication of the mediation findings with undergraduate samples from Brazil and New Zealand. Promotion orientation mediated the association between concern with future consequences and exercise attitudes in both countries, but the associations for healthy eating were not replicated—which could be explained by distinct obesity prevalence and eating habits in these socio-cultural contexts. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of the findings for promoting health behavior.

  11. Nurses' hospital orientation and future research challenges: an integrative review. (United States)

    Peltokoski, J; Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K; Miettinen, M


    This study aimed to describe the research on registered nurses' orientation processes in specialized hospital settings in order to illustrate directions for future research. The complex healthcare environment and the impact of nursing shortage and turnover make the hospital orientation process imperative. There is a growing recognition regarding research interests to meet the needs for evidence-based, effective and economically sound hospital orientation strategies. An integrative literature review was performed on publications from the period 2000 to 2013 included in the CINAHL and PubMed databases. English-language studies were included. Themes guiding the analysis were definition of the hospital orientation process, research topics, data collection and instruments and research evidence. Narrative synthesis was used. Eleven papers met the inclusion criteria. The conceptualization of orientation process reflected the complexity of the phenomenon. Less attention has been paid to designs to establish correlations or relationships between selected variables and hospital orientation process. The outcomes of hospital orientation programmes were limited primarily to retention and job satisfaction. The research evidence therefore cannot be evaluated as strong. The lack of an evidence-based approach makes it difficult to develop a comprehensive orientation process. Further research should explore interventions that will enhance the quality of hospital orientation practices to improve nurses' retention and job satisfaction. To provide a comprehensive hospital orientation process, hospital administrators have to put in place human resource development strategies along with practice implications and research efforts. Comprehensive hospital orientation benefits and outcomes should be visible to policy makers. © 2016 International Council of Nurses.

  12. Ureter smooth muscle cell orientation in rat is predominantly longitudinal.

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    Bart Spronck

    Full Text Available In ureter peristalsis, the orientation of the contracting smooth muscle cells is essential, yet current descriptions of orientation and composition of the smooth muscle layer in human as well as in rat ureter are inconsistent. The present study aims to improve quantification of smooth muscle orientation in rat ureters as a basis for mechanistic understanding of peristalsis. A crucial step in our approach is to use two-photon laser scanning microscopy and image analysis providing objective, quantitative data on smooth muscle cell orientation in intact ureters, avoiding the usual sectioning artifacts. In 36 rat ureter segments, originating from a proximal, middle or distal site and from a left or right ureter, we found close to the adventitia a well-defined longitudinal smooth muscle orientation. Towards the lamina propria, the orientation gradually became slightly more disperse, yet the main orientation remained longitudinal. We conclude that smooth muscle cell orientation in rat ureter is predominantly longitudinal, though the orientation gradually becomes more disperse towards the proprial side. These findings do not support identification of separate layers. The observed longitudinal orientation suggests that smooth muscle contraction would rather cause local shortening of the ureter, than cause luminal constriction. However, the net-like connective tissue of the ureter wall may translate local longitudinal shortening into co-local luminal constriction, facilitating peristalsis. Our quantitative, minimally invasive approach is a crucial step towards more mechanistic insight into ureter peristalsis, and may also be used to study smooth muscle cell orientation in other tube-like structures like gut and blood vessels.

  13. Ureter smooth muscle cell orientation in rat is predominantly longitudinal. (United States)

    Spronck, Bart; Merken, Jort J; Reesink, Koen D; Kroon, Wilco; Delhaas, Tammo


    In ureter peristalsis, the orientation of the contracting smooth muscle cells is essential, yet current descriptions of orientation and composition of the smooth muscle layer in human as well as in rat ureter are inconsistent. The present study aims to improve quantification of smooth muscle orientation in rat ureters as a basis for mechanistic understanding of peristalsis. A crucial step in our approach is to use two-photon laser scanning microscopy and image analysis providing objective, quantitative data on smooth muscle cell orientation in intact ureters, avoiding the usual sectioning artifacts. In 36 rat ureter segments, originating from a proximal, middle or distal site and from a left or right ureter, we found close to the adventitia a well-defined longitudinal smooth muscle orientation. Towards the lamina propria, the orientation gradually became slightly more disperse, yet the main orientation remained longitudinal. We conclude that smooth muscle cell orientation in rat ureter is predominantly longitudinal, though the orientation gradually becomes more disperse towards the proprial side. These findings do not support identification of separate layers. The observed longitudinal orientation suggests that smooth muscle contraction would rather cause local shortening of the ureter, than cause luminal constriction. However, the net-like connective tissue of the ureter wall may translate local longitudinal shortening into co-local luminal constriction, facilitating peristalsis. Our quantitative, minimally invasive approach is a crucial step towards more mechanistic insight into ureter peristalsis, and may also be used to study smooth muscle cell orientation in other tube-like structures like gut and blood vessels.

  14. Neurobiology of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. (United States)

    Roselli, Charles E


    Sexual identity and sexual orientation are independent components of a person's sexual identity. These dimensions are most often in harmony with each other and with an individual's genital sex, but not always. This review discusses the relationship of sexual identity and sexual orientation to prenatal factors that act to shape the development of the brain and the expression of sexual behaviors in animals and humans. One major influence discussed relates to organizational effects that the early hormone environment exerts on both gender identity and sexual orientation. Evidence that gender identity and sexual orientation are masculinized by prenatal exposure to testosterone and feminized in it absence is drawn from basic research in animals, correlations of biometric indices of androgen exposure and studies of clinical conditions associated with disorders in sexual development. There are, however, important exceptions to this theory that have yet to be resolved. Family and twin studies indicate that genes play a role, but no specific candidate genes have been identified. Evidence that relates to the number of older brothers implicates maternal immune responses as a contributing factor for male sexual orientation. It remains speculative how these influences might relate to each other and interact with postnatal socialization. Nonetheless, despite the many challenges to research in this area, existing empirical evidence makes it clear that there is a significant biological contribution to the development of an individual's sexual identity and sexual orientation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  15. Market Orientation, Innovativeness, and Performance of Food Companies


    Johnson, Aaron J.; Dibrell, Charles Clay; Hansen, Eric


    Food processors have seen escalating levels of competition over the past three decades. An underlying objective of this research is to gain a greater understanding of how food companies thrive in the face of this increased competition. This study incorporates market orientation theory (competitor orientation, customer orientation, and interfunctional coordination) and firm innovativeness to explain differences in firm financial performance. A national survey of food processors was conducted a...



    OKUR , Prof.Dr. Mehmet C.


    Teaching object oriented programming has become a rapidly expanding preference at various educational environments. However, teachers usually experience problems when introducing object oriented concepts and programming to beginners. How to teach the fundamentals of object oriented programming at an introductory level course is still a common subject for debate. In this paper, an evaluation of these problems is presented and some possible approaches for improving the quality and success of su...

  17. Beam-orientation customization using an artificial neural network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowbottom, C.G.; Webb, S.; Oldham, M.


    A methodology for the constrained customization of coplanar beam orientations in radiotherapy treatment planning using an artificial neural network (ANN) has been developed. The geometry of the patients, with cancer of the prostate, was modelled by reducing the external contour, planning target volume (PTV) and organs at risk (OARs) to a set of cuboids. The coordinates and size of the cuboids were given to the ANN as inputs. A previously developed beam-orientation constrained-customization (BOCC) scheme employing a conventional computer algorithm was used to determine the customized beam orientations in a training set containing 45 patient datasets. Twelve patient datasets not involved in the training of the artificial neural network were used to test whether the ANN was able to map the inputs to customized beam orientations. Improvements from the customized beam orientations were compared with standard treatment plans with fixed gantry angles and plans produced from the BOCC scheme. The ANN produced customized beam orientations within 5 deg. of the BOCC scheme in 62.5% of cases. The average difference in the beam orientations produced by the ANN and the BOCC scheme was 7.7 deg. (±1.7, 1 SD). Compared with the standard treatment plans, the BOCC scheme produced plans with an increase in the average tumour control probability (TCP) of 5.7% (±1.4, 1 SD) whilst the ANN generated plans increased the average TCP by 3.9% (±1.3, 1 SD). Both figures refer to the TCP at a fixed rectal normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) of 1%. In conclusion, even using a very simple model for the geometry of the patient, an ANN was able to produce beam orientations that were similar to those produced by a conventional computer algorithm. (author)

  18. Aspect-Oriented Programming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lopes, C.; Bergmans, Lodewijk; Lopes, C.


    Aspect-oriented programming is a promising idea that can improve the quality of software by reduce the problem of code tangling and improving the separation of concerns. At ECOOP’97, the first AOP workshop brought together a number of researchers interested in aspectorientation. At ECOOP’98, during


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    environment (P);. Attitudes expressed towards the natural environment (A);. Activity, or the involvement of a person in conservation actions in the broader sense {I). Different combinations of these functions give rise to four typologies of orientation. (Newgard et al., 1986) in the following way: TYPOLOGY. CHARACTERISTICS.

  20. Component-oriented programming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bosch, J; Szyperski, C; Weck, W; Buschmann, F; Buchmann, AP; Cilia, MA


    This report covers the eighth Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP). WCOP has been affiliated with ECOOP since its inception in 1996. The report summarizes the contributions made by authors of accepted position papers as well as those made by all attendees of the workshop sessions.

  1. Fathers' Orientation to their Children's Autism Diagnosis: A Grounded Theory Study. (United States)

    Hannon, Michael D; Hannon, LaChan V


    Sixteen fathers of individuals with autism were interviewed to develop a grounded theory explaining how they learned about their children's autism diagnosis. Results suggest the orientation process entails at least two phases: orienting oneself and orienting others. The orienting oneself phase entailed fathers having suspicion of developmental differences, engaging in research and education activities, having their children formally evaluated; inquiring about their children's prognosis, and having curiosities about autism's etiology. The orienting others phase entailed orientating family members and orienting members of their broader communities. Recommendations for responsive service provision, support for fathers, and future research are offered.

  2. The Use of Fuel Gas as Stripping Medium in Atmospheric Distillation of Crude Oil L’utilisation de gaz combustible comme moyen d’extraction des fractions légères en distillation atmosphérique du pétrole brut

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    Plellis-Tsaltakis C.


    Full Text Available Stripping of petroleum fractions aims to remove the light ends that spoil some of their properties, such as the flash point. Stripping usually employs steam for that purpose. Except for steam, other substances can perform the same function, among them light hydrocarbons. In this article, we investigate the use of refinery fuel gas as stripping medium for a crude oil atmospheric distillation unit. L’extraction des fractions légères du pétrole vise à enlever les produits nuisibles à certaines propriétés comme le point d’éclair. Cette opération utilise habituellement de la vapeur d’eau. D’autres substances peuvent remplir la même fonction, comme les hydrocarbures légers. Dans cet article, on étudie l’utilisation du gaz combustible de la raffinerie comme moyen d’extraction des fractions légères dans une unité de distillation atmosphérique.

  3. Club d'orientation

    CERN Document Server

    Le Club d’Orientation du CERN


      Course d’orientation : Coupe Genevoise de printemps 2011 Nouvelle saison – nouveau programme Le Club d’Orientation du CERN, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, vous propose une dizaine de courses pour la coupe de printemps. Elles se dérouleront des deux cotés de la frontière franco-suisse, à savoir : Samedi 19 mars: Vidy/Dorigny (Vd) - Score Samedi 26 mars: Attalens (Vd) Samedi 2 avril: Vulbens (74) Samedi 9 avril: Challex (74) Samedi 16 avril: Vernand-Dessus (Vd) Samedi 7 mai: Trelex (Vd) Samedi 14 mai: Chancy/Valleiry (Ge/74) Samedi 21 mai: Prémanon (39) Samedi 28 mai : Semnoz (74) Samedi 18 juin: La Faucille (01) – Finale Ces courses populaires ont lieu le samedi après-midi, elles sont ouvertes à tous, quel que soit le niveau, du débutant au sportif confirmé...

  4. Course d'Orientation

    CERN Multimedia

    Course d'Orientation


      Coupe de printemps La deuxième étape de la coupe de printemps organisée par le club d’orientation du CERN s’est déroulée le samedi 21 avril dans la forêt de Pougny-Challex. étant donné le temps très humide qui domine depuis début avril, les coureurs ne pouvaient trouver qu’un terrain gras et trempé, mais cela fait partie des défis de la course d’orientation. Le parcours technique long a été remporté par Yvan Balliot, CO Annecy en 51:18 devant Jean-Charles Baritaux en 56:21 et Bruno Barge, CO CERN en 59:39. La prochaine CO populaire se courra à Vulbens le samedi 28 avril. Les inscriptions et les départs se feront entre 13h et 15h. A noter les courses en mai : • Samedi 5 mai : Trelex • Samedi 12 mai : Chancy / Valleiry • Samedi 19 mai : Lausan...

  5. Tailoring Software Inspections for Aspect-Oriented Programming (United States)

    Watkins, Charlette Ward


    Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a new approach that addresses limitations inherent in conventional programming, especially the principle of separation of concerns by emphasizing the encapsulation and modularization of crosscutting concerns through a new abstraction, the "aspect." Aspect-oriented programming is an emerging AOSD…

  6. Sexual Orientation as Interpretation? Sexual Desires, Concepts, and Choice

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    Díaz-León E.


    Full Text Available Are sexual orientations freely chosen? The idea that someone’s sexual orientation is not a choice is very influential in the mainstream LGBT political movement. But do we have good reasons to believe it is not a choice? Going against the orthodoxy, William Wilkerson has recently argued that sexual orientation is partly constituted by our interpretations of our own sexual desires, and we choose these interpretations, so sexual orientation is partly constituted by choice. In this paper I aim to examine the question of whether our interpretations of our own sexual desires are constitutive of our sexual orientations. I will argue that whereas Wilkerson’s argument for the claim that sexual orientations are in part constituted by our chosen interpretations of our sexual desires is not sound, there are good reasons for endorsing a weaker claim, namely, that there are different but equally apt descriptions of the same sexual desires, depending on which concepts we have.

  7. Nano-scale orientation mapping of graphite in cast irons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Theuwissen, Koenraad; Lacaze, Jacques; Véron, Muriel; Laffont, Lydia


    A diametrical section of a graphite spheroid from a ductile iron sample was prepared using the focused ion beam-lift out technique. Characterization of this section was carried out through automated crystal orientation mapping in a transmission electron microscope. This new technique automatically collects electron diffraction patterns and matches them with precalculated templates. The results of this investigation are crystal orientation and phase maps of the specimen, which bring new light to the understanding of growth mechanisms of this peculiar graphite morphology. This article shows that mapping the orientation of carbon-based materials such as graphite, which is difficult to achieve with conventional techniques, can be performed automatically and at high spatial resolution using automated crystal orientation mapping in a transmission electron microscope. - Highlights: • ACOM/TEM can be used to study the crystal orientation of carbon-based materials. • A spheroid is formed by conical sectors radiating from a central nuclei. • Misorientations exist within the conical sectors, defining various orientation domains

  8. Genre et dynamique organisationnelle au Moyen Atlas : cas du douar Maâmar dans la région de Khénifra

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    Fatima Zahid


    Full Text Available Le droit au développement semble animer tous les efforts visant à promouvoir la montagne marocaine, dans toutes ses dimensions politiques, sociales, organisationnelles à travers des projets de développement dont le plus réputé au Moyen Atlas est le projet MEDA-Khénifra. Ses actions diverses et ambitieuses ont façonné un douar de la région par de nouvelles organisations qui ont impacté les relations sociales et en particulier les relations du genre. Nous analysons à travers ce cas l’impact des projets de développement sur les relations du genre et l’empowerment des femmes dans cet espace. Les enquêtes ont été menées sous forme de questionnaires et d’entretiens collectifs. Le projet a créé deux organisations formelles : une association de développement et une coopérative pour la valorisation des plantes aromatiques et médicinales. Les femmes n’ont pas été impliquées dans ces organisations et certaines d’entre elles ont été invitées à participer à deux groupements informels. Le premier, pour la production de plantes aromatiques et médicinales, est resté sous la tutelle des organisations formelles gérées par les hommes. L’autre, dédié à l’apiculture, est plus autonome et a mieux réussi. Par ailleurs, la montée en puissance des organisations formelles a conduit à une moindre capacité d’action des femmes au niveau du village, car elles n’ont plus sur ces organisations les droits qu’elles ont traditionnellement dans le cadre de la jmâa. Cette expérience montre qu’un projet de développement peut influencer négativement les relations de genre malgré les bonnes volontés. La réflexion sur la question de genre doit alors impérativement animer l’ensemble des actions des projets de développement.

  9. EFL Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and Their Assessment Orientations

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    Ammar Abdullah Mahmoud Ismail


    Full Text Available Epistemological beliefs—beliefs about the nature of knowledge, where it resides, and how knowledge is constructed and evaluated—have been the target of increased research interest lately. Heretofore, emphasis has been directed to language teaching/learning aspects and strategies. Language assessment practices have not yet received due attention in epistemic research literature. The current study examined the relationship between pre-service EFL teachers’ epistemological beliefs and their assessment orientations. Dimensions of epistemological beliefs were assessed via a questionnaire designed and validated by the researcher based on Schommer’s work. Two assessment orientations were examined including: (a transmissive surface- processing orientation and (b constructive deep-processing orientation. The study involved 114 preservice EFL teachers enrolled in the Professional Diploma in Teaching Program in the Abu Dhabi University, the United Arab Emirates. Results of the study showed that EFL teachers’ epistemological beliefs have a direct bearing on their assessment orientations and practices. EFL teachers with naive epistemological beliefs tended more to adopt surface-level assessment orientations whereas those with sophisticated epistemological beliefs showed more tendency to adopt deeper level approaches to assessment in language settings. Results are discussed in terms of backwash effects on foreign language instruction, curriculum development, and teacher education. Suggestions for further research are also discussed.

  10. Depicting the Orient in Wilkie Collins’ The Moonstone

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    Amna Matar Al-Neyadi


    Full Text Available Nineteenth century Britain witnessed an increased interest with the Orient, largely as a result of the imperial expansion that reached its peak during that time. India was one of the main Oriental interests of the Victorians because of the political, commercial, religious and scientific passion of the nineteenth century people in India. For that reason, various Victorian authors who wrote about India were mostly characterized as being orientalist and writing in a biased way. One such example of this was Joseph Rudyard Kipling. This, as Edward Said explains, was because nineteenth century writers were aware of the empire’s authority. However, I propose that Wilkie Collins tended to have a positive attitude towards the Orient in his novel The Moonstone and towards the Brahmins specifically, which is an attitude that deviates from what is currently known about him. To argue this, the paper will analyse the narrative techniques and the reflection of some of the characters’ attitudes towards the Orient that Collins adopts in his novel in order to allow Victorian readers to challenge the stereotyped beliefs of the Orient. It will also comment on Collins’s employment of the sensational sub-genre particularly to draw his own attitude of the Orient.

  11. Observation of changing crystal orientations during grain coarsening

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Hemant; Huizenga, Richard M.; Bytchkov, Aleksei; Sietsma, Jilt; Offerman, S. Erik


    Understanding the underlying mechanisms of grain coarsening is important in controlling the properties of metals, which strongly depend on the microstructure that forms during the production process or during use at high temperature. Grain coarsening of austenite at 1273 K in a binary Fe–2 wt.% Mn alloy was studied using synchrotron radiation. Evolution of the volume, average crystallographic orientation and mosaicity of more than 2000 individual austenite grains was tracked during annealing. It was found that an approximately linear relationship exists between grain size and mosaicity, which means that orientation gradients are present in the grains. The orientation gradients remain constant during coarsening and consequently the character of grain boundaries changes during coarsening, affecting the coarsening rate. Furthermore, changes in the average orientation of grains during coarsening were observed. The changes could be understood by taking the observed orientation gradients and anisotropic movement of grain boundaries into account. Five basic modes of grain coarsening were deduced from the measurements, which include: anisotropic (I) and isotropic (II) growth (or shrinkage); movement of grain boundaries resulting in no change in volume but a change in shape (III); movement of grain boundaries resulting in no change in volume and mosaicity, but a change in crystallographic orientation (IV); no movement of grain boundaries (V).

  12. Parental selection of children's sexual orientation. (United States)

    Greenberg, A S; Bailey, J M


    As we learn more about the causes of sexual orientation, the likelihood increases that parents will one day be able to select the orientation of their children. This possibility (at least that of selecting for heterosexuality) has generated a great deal of concern among supporters of homosexual rights, with such selection being widely condemned as harmful and morally repugnant. Notwithstanding this widespread condemnation, and even assuming, as we do, that homosexuality is entirely acceptable morally, allowing parents, by means morally unproblematic in themselves, to select for heterosexuality would be morally acceptable. This is because allowing parents to select their children's sexual orientation would further parent's freedom to raise the sort of children they wish to raise and because selection for heterosexuality may benefit parents and children and is unlikely to cause significant harm.

  13. Employee Orientation: A Process, Not a Program. (United States)

    Zemke, Ron


    No or poor orientation can reduce new employees' effectiveness and contribute to dissatisfaction and turnover, costing the company money. The orientation programs of large companies such as Disney, Texas Instruments, and Corning Glass are successful due to high expectations, supervisor and senior management involvement, anxiety reduction, and…

  14. Exploring object-oriented technologies

    CERN Multimedia


    Object oriented technologies are the corner stone of modern software development. A piece of software is today conceived, constructed and tested as a set of objects interacting with each other, rather than as a large sequential program. OO is present throughout the whole software life cycle allowing for maintainable code re-use, clean design and manageable complexity. OO is also the seed upon which other technologies are being built and deployed, such as distributed computing, component models, open interoperability, etc.This series of three seminars will provide a pragmatic overview on the main ideas behind OO software development and will explain the inner workings of the most outstanding technologies being built on OO, such as UML, CORBA, Component Models, Agent Oriented Computing, Business Objects, etc.

  15. Self-Orientalization: Modernity Within Ourselves or Internalized Modernization


    Bezci, Bünyamin; Çiftci, Yunus


    After Said’s concept of orientalism had been widely recognized within political literature, this term has developed its content productively to explain Eastern Societies’ relation with modernity. Rather than being used in terms of East-West dichotomy, the term has gained new meanings as self-orientalization of Eastern Societies. In this study, the first section analyzes boundaries of the term. The second section discusses world of meaning’s locational scope of self-orientalization through nat...

  16. Interlimb Transfer of Grasp Orientation is Asymmetrical

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Frak


    Full Text Available One the most fundamental aspects of the human motor system is the hemispheric asymmetry seen in behavioral specialization. Hemispheric dominance can be inferred by a contralateral hand preference in grasping. Few studies have considered grasp orientation in the context of manual lateralization and none has looked at grasp orientation with natural prehension. Thirty right-handed adults performed precision grasps of a cylinder using the thumb and index fingers, and the opposition axis (OA was defined as the line connecting these two contact points on the cylinder. Subjects made ten consecutive grasps with one hand (primary hand movements followed by ten grasps with the other hand (trailing movements. Differences between primary and trailing grasps revealed that each hemisphere is capable of programming the orientation of the OA and that primary movements with the right hand significantly influenced OA orientation of the trailing left hand. These results extend the hemispheric dominance of the left hemisphere to the final positions of fingers during prehension.

  17. Humanoid Robotics: Real-Time Object Oriented Programming (United States)

    Newton, Jason E.


    Programming of robots in today's world is often done in a procedural oriented fashion, where object oriented programming is not incorporated. In order to keep a robust architecture allowing for easy expansion of capabilities and a truly modular design, object oriented programming is required. However, concepts in object oriented programming are not typically applied to a real time environment. The Fujitsu HOAP-2 is the test bed for the development of a humanoid robot framework abstracting control of the robot into simple logical commands in a real time robotic system while allowing full access to all sensory data. In addition to interfacing between the motor and sensory systems, this paper discusses the software which operates multiple independently developed control systems simultaneously and the safety measures which keep the humanoid from damaging itself and its environment while running these systems. The use of this software decreases development time and costs and allows changes to be made while keeping results safe and predictable.

  18. How to implement process-oriented care: a case study on the implementation of process-oriented in-hospital stroke care.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, L.; Oostenbrugge, R.J. van; Limburg, M.; Merode, G.G. van; Groothuis, S.


    Dutch hospitals are in the midst of a transition towards process-oriented organisation to realise optimal and undisturbed care processes. Between 2004 and 2007, the University Hospital of Maastricht conducted a case study implementing process-oriented in-hospital stroke unit care. The case study

  19. A Conceptual Approach to Teaching Object-Orientation to C Programmers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Ole Lehrmann; Torgersen, Mads; Røn, Henrik


    This paper describes experiences from a three-day course held as part of a collaborative research project, in which object-oriented programming was taught to a group of engineers who were all proficient C programmers. Our approach to teaching object-oriented programming focuses on conceptual...... modeling, emphasizing that object-orientation is not a bag of solutions and technology; rather, object-orientation is a means to understand, describe (model) and communicate. The paper describes a general approach to teaching object-oriented programming to C-programmers and reports on the experience from...

  20. Facet orientation and tropism: associations with spondylolysis. (United States)

    Kalichman, Leonid; Guermazi, Ali; Li, Ling; Hunter, David J; Suri, Pradeep


    Cross-sectional study. To evaluate the association between lumbar spine facet joint orientation, facet joint tropism, and spondylolysis identified by multidetector computed tomography (CT) in the community-based Framingham Heart Study. The association between lumbar spondylolysis and facet orientation and tropism remains unclear. This study was an ancillary project to the Framingham Heart Study. Three thousand five hundred twenty-nine participants of the Framingham Heart Study aged 40 to 80 years underwent multidetector CT imaging to assess aortic calcification. One hundred ninety-one subjects were included in this ancillary study. Facet joint features and spondylolysis were evaluated on CT scans. The final analyzed sample included 104 men with mean age 51.90+/-11.25 years and 84 women with mean age 53.61+/-10.20 years. The association between spondylolysis and facet orientation and tropism was examined using univariate and multivariate analyses. Spondylolysis was prevalent in 11.5% of the total population. chi2 test demonstrated a significant sex difference in prevalence of spondylolysis (P=0.0154), with almost 3 times higher prevalence among men. There was no statistically significant difference in facet orientation and continuous facet tropism between individuals with and without spondylolysis at the L5 level (P=0.49 to 0.91). After adjustment for age, sex, and body mass index, no significant association between the occurrence of spondylolysis and facet orientation and tropism was found. In the studied sample the prevalence of facet joint osteoarthritis was significantly higher in individuals with spondylolysis than in those without spondylolysis at both sides of L4-L5 spinal level (P=0.044 at the right side and P=0.003 at the left side) and at left side of L5-S1 level (P=0.038). We did not find an association between facet orientation, facet tropism, and spondylolysis. One of the possible explanations for this is that the high prevalence of facet joint

  1. Object oriented approach to B reconstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katayama, N.


    The complexity of full and partial reconstruction of B mesons has led CLEO to use object oriented techniques to do physics data analyses. An object oriented language for HEP data analysis was designed, a compiler which translates the user code into C++ source code, has been written using the UNIX tools, lex and yacc. The resulting C++ code can be linked and run in the normal CLEO data analysis system

  2. Thobie Jacques, Les Intérêts culturels français dans l’Empire ottoman finissant. L’enseignement laïque et en partenariat, Peeters, Leuven, 2009, 461 p.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Piquet


    Full Text Available À l’heure où la France cherche à relancer sa politique culturelle au Moyen-Orient avec l’implantation d’universités et de lycées prestigieux, l’ouvrage de Jacques Thobie vient nourrir la réflexion sur le rôle de l’éducation dans les processus d’expansion politique et le jeu des puissances. Jacques Thobie publie ici le complément à sa thèse désormais célèbre, Intérêts et impérialisme français dans l’Empire Ottoman 1895-1914. L’ouvrage n’est que la première partie d’un travail sur l’enseignemen...

  3. Electrodeposited copper oxide films: Effect of bath pH on grain orientation and orientation-dependent interfacial behavior

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, L.C.; Tacconi, N.R. de; Chenthamarakshan, C.R.; Rajeshwar, K.; Tao, M.


    Copper (I) oxide (Cu 2 O) films were cathodically electrodeposited on Sn-doped indium oxide substrates. The influence of electrodeposition bath pH on grain orientation and crystallite shape was carefully re-examined using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. In addition to the (100) and (111) preferred orientations identified in two previous sets of studies, as the bath pH was varied in the present study from ∼ 7.5 to ∼ 12, a third preferred orientation, (110), was identified in a narrow pH range, ∼ 9.4 to ∼ 9.9. A remarkable shift in the flat-band potential (spanning ∼ 500 mV) was measured in a non-aqueous electrolyte medium for the various Cu 2 O samples obtained from baths of varying pH


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    Andrada IACOB


    Full Text Available The goal of this paper is to explore the consequences of employee’s customer orientation in public services organizations. We will start with a literature review of the theory of customer orientation measurement and the consequences of this orientation at organizational and individual level. Then, the research methodology and results are presented. Conclusions, research limitations and future directions are included at the end of the paper. We identified positive direct effects of the employee customer orientation on organizational commitment and organizational identification, but no significant direct relationship with job satisfaction.

  5. Gender nonconformity, sexual orientation, and psychological well-being. (United States)

    Rieger, Gerulf; Savin-Williams, Ritch C


    Both a same-sex sexual orientation and gender nonconformity have been linked with poorer well-being; however, sexual orientation and gender nonconformity are also correlated. It is, therefore, critical to investigate their independent contributions to well-being. Based on survey responses of 230 female and 245 male high school seniors, the present study is one of the first to provide empirical data on this topic. Both childhood and adolescent gender nonconformity were negatively related to well-being. In the same analyses, neither sexual orientation nor biological sex was a significant predictor of well-being. These results suggest that gender-atypical traits may be more relevant for psychological health than a same-sex sexual orientation. Both environmental and biological influences may account for these findings.

  6. Dynamic Stark shift and alignment-to-orientation conversion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuntz, Matthew C.; Hilborn, Robert C.; Spencer, Alison M.


    We have observed alignment-to-orientation conversion in the (5d6p) 1 P state of atomic barium due to the combined effects of a static Zeeman shift and a dynamic Stark shift associated with the electric field of a pulsed laser beam. The measurements yield a value for the frequency-dependent tensor polarizability of the state in reasonable agreement with a simple perturbation theory calculation. With a tunable laser producing the dynamic Stark shift, we can both enhance the magnitude of the effect by tuning close to a resonance and reverse the sign of the orientation by tuning above or below the resonance. This method of producing an oriented atomic state is quite general, and with easily available field strengths can produce large orientations

  7. Musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irina Belenkaya


    Full Text Available Purpose: to justify theoretically the need for musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports. Material & Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical supervision. Results: the main directions of musical training of coaches in aesthetic-orientated sports were reviewed. It was discovered that in these types of sports coaches must have specific musical and rhythmic motor skills involving the use of musical accompaniment as a methodological technique for training sessions. The means of music and rhythmic education, which facilitate effective musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports, were determined. Conclusions: the necessity of improving the teaching methods of the subject "music and rhythmic education" as part of the musical training of coaches in aesthetic-orientated sports, was theoretically justified.

  8. Service-Oriented Factors Affecting the Adoption of Smartphones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Youngmo Kang


    Full Text Available This research investigates the adoption factors of smartphones focusing on the differences of smartphone and feature phone users. We used Technology Acceptance Model (TAM which incorporates service-oriented and device-oriented functional attributes as exogenous variables for a product-service system such as smartphones. In addition, Decision Tree (DT and customer surveys were conducted. As a study results, we found that the service-oriented functional attributes - ‘wireless internet’ and ‘mobile applications’ - affect the adoption of smartphones regardless of users. However, the DT results revealed that the more important factor is 'mobile applications' to smartphone users but 'wireless internet' for feature phone users. In conclusion, we discovered that a strategy emphasis on the service-oriented attributes is needed for the adoption of smartphones.

  9. Scattering phase functions of horizontally oriented hexagonal ice crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Guang; Yang Ping; Kattawar, George W.; Mishchenko, Michael I.


    Finite-difference time domain (FDTD) solutions are first compared with the corresponding T-matrix results for light scattering by circular cylinders with specific orientations. The FDTD method is then utilized to study the scattering properties of horizontally oriented hexagonal ice plates at two wavelengths, 0.55 and 12 μm. The phase functions of horizontally oriented ice plates deviate substantially from their counterparts obtained for randomly oriented particles. Furthermore, we compute the phase functions of horizontally oriented ice crystal columns by using the FDTD method along with two schemes for averaging over the particle orientations. It is shown that the phase functions of hexagonal ice columns with horizontal orientations are not sensitive to the rotation about the principal axes of the particles. Moreover, hexagonal ice crystals and circular cylindrical ice particles have similar optical properties, particularly, at a strongly absorbing wavelength, if the two particle geometries have the same length and aspect ratio defined as the ratio of the radius or semi-width of the cross section of a particle to its length. The phase functions for the two particle geometries are slightly different in the case of weakly absorbing plates with large aspect ratios. However, the solutions for circular cylinders agree well with their counterparts for hexagonal columns

  10. Outcome evaluation of a new model of critical care orientation. (United States)

    Morris, Linda L; Pfeifer, Pamela; Catalano, Rene; Fortney, Robert; Nelson, Greta; Rabito, Robb; Harap, Rebecca


    The shortage of critical care nurses and the service expansion of 2 intensive care units provided a unique opportunity to create a new model of critical care orientation. The goal was to design a program that assessed critical thinking, validated competence, and provided learning pathways that accommodated diverse experience. To determine the effect of a new model of critical care orientation on satisfaction, retention, turnover, vacancy, preparedness to manage patient care assignment, length of orientation, and cost of orientation. A prospective, quasi-experimental design with both quantitative and qualitative methods. The new model improved satisfaction scores, retention rates, and recruitment of critical care nurses. Length of orientation was unchanged. Cost was increased, primarily because a full-time education consultant was added. A new model for nurse orientation that was focused on critical thinking and competence validation improved retention and satisfaction and serves as a template for orientation of nurses throughout the medical center.

  11. A morphological basis for orientation tuning in primary visual cortex. (United States)

    Mooser, François; Bosking, William H; Fitzpatrick, David


    Feedforward connections are thought to be important in the generation of orientation-selective responses in visual cortex by establishing a bias in the sampling of information from regions of visual space that lie along a neuron's axis of preferred orientation. It remains unclear, however, which structural elements-dendrites or axons-are ultimately responsible for conveying this sampling bias. To explore this question, we have examined the spatial arrangement of feedforward axonal connections that link non-oriented neurons in layer 4 and orientation-selective neurons in layer 2/3 of visual cortex in the tree shrew. Target sites of labeled boutons in layer 2/3 resulting from focal injections of biocytin in layer 4 show an orientation-specific axial bias that is sufficient to confer orientation tuning to layer 2/3 neurons. We conclude that the anisotropic arrangement of axon terminals is the principal source of the orientation bias contributed by feedforward connections.

  12. Assigning Main Orientation to an EOH Descriptor on Multispectral Images. (United States)

    Li, Yong; Shi, Xiang; Wei, Lijun; Zou, Junwei; Chen, Fang


    This paper proposes an approach to compute an EOH (edge-oriented histogram) descriptor with main orientation. EOH has a better matching ability than SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform) on multispectral images, but does not assign a main orientation to keypoints. Alternatively, it tends to assign the same main orientation to every keypoint, e.g., zero degrees. This limits EOH to matching keypoints between images of translation misalignment only. Observing this limitation, we propose assigning to keypoints the main orientation that is computed with PIIFD (partial intensity invariant feature descriptor). In the proposed method, SIFT keypoints are detected from images as the extrema of difference of Gaussians, and every keypoint is assigned to the main orientation computed with PIIFD. Then, EOH is computed for every keypoint with respect to its main orientation. In addition, an implementation variant is proposed for fast computation of the EOH descriptor. Experimental results show that the proposed approach performs more robustly than the original EOH on image pairs that have a rotation misalignment.

  13. Institutional Assessment of Environmentally Oriented Subsoil Use

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    Irina Gennadyevna Polyanskaya


    Full Text Available The article solves two relevant problems related to the implementation of the institutional assessment of environmentally oriented subsoil use: 1 the definition of the ‘environmental security’ and 2 the determination of the development level of institutional bases of environmentally oriented subsoil use including the institutional capacity of subsoil use and institutional capacity of environmental security. The article shows an analysis of the existing definitions of “environmental security” and offers the own one. Despite the significant national and foreign experience in the institutional capacity assessment of various processes, there are still some difficulties in defining and measuring the institutional capacity. We eliminate these difficulties by employing 1 original factors, previously identified, and the content of the “institutional capacity” term; 2 quality characteristics for the institutional capacity assessment of the process regulated at the macroeconomic level, and 3 a consistent methodological tool for the institutional assessment of environmentally oriented subsoil use. The study is based on the hypothesis of the necessity of legal and discreet state intervention in the process of subsoil use. Therefore, we identify the evaluation indicator of state regulation in the environmentally oriented subsoil use as the institutional capacity level calculated by using the fuzzy-set theory. As a result, the institutional capacity levels of the environmentally oriented subsoil use have been defined for both the transport corridor «Arctic-Central Asia» and for the countries composing it. The obtained values of the assessment of institutional capacity levels of the environmentally oriented subsoil use can serve as a basis for identifying the vector of its increase

  14. Object-Oriented Programming in High Schools the Turing Way. (United States)

    Holt, Richard C.

    This paper proposes an approach to introducing object-oriented concepts to high school computer science students using the Object-Oriented Turing (OOT) language. Students can learn about basic object-oriented (OO) principles such as classes and inheritance by using and expanding a collection of classes that draw pictures like circles and happy…

  15. Orientation control and domain structure analysis of {100}-oriented epitaxial ferroelectric orthorhombic HfO{sub 2}-based thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katayama, Kiliha [Department of Innovative and Engineered Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Shimizu, Takao [Materials Research Center for Element Strategy, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503 (Japan); Sakata, Osami [Synchrotron X-ray Station at SPring-8, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5148 (Japan); Shiraishi, Takahisa; Nakamura, Shogo; Kiguchi, Takanori; Akama, Akihiro; Konno, Toyohiko J. [Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 (Japan); Uchida, Hiroshi [Department of Materials and Life Sciences, Sophia University, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-8554 (Japan); Funakubo, Hiroshi, E-mail: [Department of Innovative and Engineered Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502 (Japan); Materials Research Center for Element Strategy, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503 (Japan)


    Orientation control of {100}-oriented epitaxial orthorhombic 0.07YO{sub 1.5}-0.93HfO{sub 2} films grown by pulsed laser deposition was investigated. To achieve in-plane lattice matching, indium tin oxide (ITO) and yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) were selected as underlying layers. We obtained (100)- and (001)/(010)-oriented films on ITO and YSZ, respectively. Ferroelastic domain formation was confirmed for both films by X-ray diffraction using the superlattice diffraction that appeared only for the orthorhombic symmetry. The formation of ferroelastic domains is believed to be induced by the tetragonal–orthorhombic phase transition upon cooling the films after deposition. The present results demonstrate that the orientation of HfO{sub 2}-based ferroelectric films can be controlled in the same manner as that of ferroelectric films composed of conventional perovskite-type material such as Pb(Zr, Ti)O{sub 3} and BiFeO{sub 3}.

  16. Development and Matching of Binocular Orientation Preference in Mouse V1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Basabi eBhaumik


    Full Text Available Eye-specific thalamic inputs converge in the primary visual cortex (V1 and form the basis of binocular vision. For normal binocular perceptions, such as depth and stereopsis, binocularly matched orientation preference between the two eyes is required. A critical period of binocular matching of orientation preference in mice during normal development is reported in literature. Using a reaction diffusion model we present the development of RF and orientation selectivity in mouse V1 and investigate the binocular orientation preference matching during the critical period. At the onset of the critical period the preferred orientations of the modeled cells are mostly mismatched in the two eyes and the mismatch decreases and reaches levels reported in juvenile mouse by the end of the critical period. At the end of critical period 39% of cells in binocular zone in our model cortex is orientation selective. In literature around 40% cortical cells are reported as orientation selective in mouse V1. The starting and the closing time for critical period determine the orientation preference alignment between the two eyes and orientation tuning in cortical cells. The absence of near neighbor interaction among cortical cells during the development of thalmo-cortical wiring causes a salt and pepper organization in the orientation preference map in mice. It also results in much lower % of orientation selective cells in mice as compared to ferrets and cats having organized orientation maps with pinwheels.

  17. Development and matching of binocular orientation preference in mouse V1. (United States)

    Bhaumik, Basabi; Shah, Nishal P


    Eye-specific thalamic inputs converge in the primary visual cortex (V1) and form the basis of binocular vision. For normal binocular perceptions, such as depth and stereopsis, binocularly matched orientation preference between the two eyes is required. A critical period of binocular matching of orientation preference in mice during normal development is reported in literature. Using a reaction diffusion model we present the development of RF and orientation selectivity in mouse V1 and investigate the binocular orientation preference matching during the critical period. At the onset of the critical period the preferred orientations of the modeled cells are mostly mismatched in the two eyes and the mismatch decreases and reaches levels reported in juvenile mouse by the end of the critical period. At the end of critical period 39% of cells in binocular zone in our model cortex is orientation selective. In literature around 40% cortical cells are reported as orientation selective in mouse V1. The starting and the closing time for critical period determine the orientation preference alignment between the two eyes and orientation tuning in cortical cells. The absence of near neighbor interaction among cortical cells during the development of thalamo-cortical wiring causes a salt and pepper organization in the orientation preference map in mice. It also results in much lower % of orientation selective cells in mice as compared to ferrets and cats having organized orientation maps with pinwheels.

  18. Gender Role Conflict and Coping Strategies of Leadership-Oriented Women


    Htun, Tin Tin; Yamamoto, Mariko


    The present study examines whether high leadership-oriented females have more gender role conflict than low leadership-oriented females. It also addresses what coping strategies high leadership-oriented females use to cop ...

  19. Fibril orientation redistribution induced by stretching of cellulose nanofibril hydrogels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Josefsson, Gabriella; Gamstedt, E. Kristofer; Ahvenainen, Patrik; Mushi, Ngesa Ezekiel


    The mechanical performance of materials reinforced by cellulose nanofibrils is highly affected by the orientation of these fibrils. This paper investigates the nanofibril orientation distribution of films of partly oriented cellulose nanofibrils. Stripes of hydrogel films were subjected to different amount of strain and, after drying, examined with X-ray diffraction to obtain the orientation of the nanofibrils in the films, caused by the stretching. The cellulose nanofibrils had initially a random in-plane orientation in the hydrogel films and the strain was applied to the films before the nanofibrils bond tightly together, which occurs during drying. The stretching resulted in a reorientation of the nanofibrils in the films, with monotonically increasing orientation towards the load direction with increasing strain. Estimation of nanofibril reorientation by X-ray diffraction enables quantitative comparison of the stretch-induced orientation ability of different cellulose nanofibril systems. The reorientation of nanofibrils as a consequence of an applied strain is also predicted by a geometrical model of deformation of nanofibril hydrogels. Conversely, in high-strain cold-drawing of wet cellulose nanofibril materials, the enhanced orientation is promoted by slipping of the effectively stiff fibrils

  20. Orientation Mapping of Extruded Polymeric Composites by Polarized Micro-Raman Spectroscopy

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    Xiaoyun Chen


    Full Text Available Molecular orientation has a strong influence on polymeric composite materials’ mechanical properties. In this paper we describe the use of polarized micro-Raman spectroscopy as a powerful tool to map out the molecular orientation of a uniaxially oriented polypropylene- (PP- based composite material. Initial samples exhibited a high degree of surface fibrillation upon cutting. Raman spectroscopy was used to characterize the degree of orientation in the skin and guide the development of the posttreatment process to optimize the skin relaxation while maintaining the high degree of orientation in the rest of the board. The PP oriented polymer composite (OPC was oriented through an extrusion process and its surface was then treated to achieve relaxation. Micro-Raman analysis at the surface region demonstrated the surface orientation relaxation, and the results provide an effective way to correlate the extent of relaxation and process conditions. Larger scale orientation mapping was also carried out over the entire cross-section (12.7 cm × 2.54 cm. The results agree well with prior expectation of the molecular orientation based on the extrusion and subsequent quenching process. The methodologies described here can be readily applied to other polymeric systems.

  1. Religious orientation and psychological well-being among Spanish undergraduates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquín García-Alandete


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the relationship between intrinsic/extrinsic/quest religious orientation and psychological well-being in a sample of 180 Spanish undergraduates, 138 women (76.7% and 42 men (23.3%, aged 18-55, M = 22.91, sD = 6.71. Spanish adaptations of the Batson and Ventis´ Religious Orientation Scaleand the Ryff´s psychological Well-Being Scales were used to this aim. The results of a multiple regression analysis showed (1 a positive relationship between the intrinsic orientation and the psychological well-being measures except for Autonomy, (2 a negative relationship between the extrinsic orientation and Autonomy, and (3 a negative relationship between the quest orientation, Self-acceptance and Purpose in life. The results are discussed in the light of previous researches.

  2. Control of liquid crystal molecular orientation using ultrasound vibration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taniguchi, Satoki [Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University, 1-3 Tataramiyakodani, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321 (Japan); Wave Electronics Research Center, Doshisha University, 1-3 Tataramiyakodani, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321 (Japan); Koyama, Daisuke; Matsukawa, Mami [Wave Electronics Research Center, Doshisha University, 1-3 Tataramiyakodani, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321 (Japan); Faculty of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University, 1-3 Tataramiyakodani, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321 (Japan); Shimizu, Yuki; Emoto, Akira [Faculty of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University, 1-3 Tataramiyakodani, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321 (Japan); Nakamura, Kentaro [Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259-R2-26, Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503 (Japan)


    We propose a technique to control the orientation of nematic liquid crystals using ultrasound and investigate the optical characteristics of the oriented samples. An ultrasonic liquid crystal cell with a thickness of 5–25 μm and two ultrasonic lead zirconate titanate transducers was fabricated. By exciting the ultrasonic transducers, the flexural vibration modes were generated on the cell. An acoustic radiation force to the liquid crystal layer was generated, changing the molecular orientation and thus the light transmission. By modulating the ultrasonic driving frequency and voltage, the spatial distribution of the molecular orientation of the liquid crystals could be controlled. The distribution of the transmitted light intensity depends on the thickness of the liquid crystal layer because the acoustic field in the liquid crystal layer is changed by the orientational film.

  3. Orientations of terminal cladodes of Platyopuntias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nobel, P.S.


    The orientations of terminal unshaded cladodes of 23 species of platyopuntias were observed in North America, South America, Australia, and Israel. When the seasonality of rainfall favored cladode development in the winter and the site was located above 27/sup 0/N, the cladodes tended to face north-south (five cases, P < .001 for each). In all other cases without topographical blockage of incoming radiation, the tendency was to face east-west. For example, terminal cladodes of Opuntia phaeacantha var. discata and O. stricta tended to face north-south in Israel but east-west in the United States (P > .001). Such dissimilar orientation patterns also occurred for cladodes of 0. chlorotica at two sites in the Sonoran Desert and for O. basilaris var. basilaris developing at different seasons at a single site. Contrary to previously published observations, cladodes of O. ficus-indica and O. compressa had a significant tendency to orient (P > .001). When topographical features affected the direction of prevailing photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), the preferred orientation of terminal cladodes was changed accordingly. The preferred direction always maximized the interception of PAR, which is often a limiting factor in the productivity of cacti, even in a putatively high radiation environment.

  4. Study of information-orientation carry-out plan in energy sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, T W [Korea Energy Economics Institute, Euiwang (Korea, Republic of)


    Carrying out an information-orientation plan in the energy sector is indispensable if Korea is to survive in this unlimited competition age and global management system. It is also for maximizing the management efficiency of national energy resources as well as increasing the development of related industries and national welfare. The management of the energy resources sector of Korea, which is becoming diversified escaping from the past simple quantitative management of supplier-orientation, requires versatile and ample high-class information management system and high-level decision support system. In order to satisfy these requests, this study investigated and analyzed overall policies of the energy sector for carrying out information-orientation, neighborhood environment, organizational chart, information transfer method, the current condition of information-orientation, problems and improvements, demand of information-orientation of the future, and also reviewed the information-orientation status of advanced countries. Based on these, an information-orientation carryout plan in the energy sector is broken into three stages of `establishment of information transfer system`, `development of database`, and `establishment of decision support system` and presented per detailed work. It advised manpower, equipment and budget implementation plan, and a development schedule plan required for carrying out information-orientation as well as overall environmental build-up, and policy recommendation for the successful implementation of information-orientation. 24 refs., 27 figs., 15 tabs.

  5. Is medical students' moral orientation changeable after preclinical medical education? (United States)

    Lin, Chaou-Shune; Tsou, Kuo-Inn; Cho, Shu-Ling; Hsieh, Ming-Shium; Wu, Hsi-Chin; Lin, Chyi-Her


    Moral orientation can affect ethical decision-making. Very few studies have focused on whether medical education can change the moral orientation of the students. The purpose of the present study was to document the types of moral orientation exhibited by medical students, and to study if their moral orientation was changed after preclinical education. From 2007 to 2009, the Mojac scale was used to measure the moral orientation of Taiwan medical students. The students included 271 first-year and 109 third-year students. They were rated as a communitarian, dual, or libertarian group and followed for 2 years to monitor the changes in their Mojac scores. In both first and third-year students, the dual group after 2 years of preclinical medical education did not show any significant change. In the libertarian group, first and third-year students showed a statistically significant increase from a score of 99.4 and 101.3 to 103.0 and 105.7, respectively. In the communitarian group, first and third-year students showed a significant decline from 122.8 and 126.1 to 116.0 and 121.5, respectively. During the preclinical medical education years, students with communitarian orientation and libertarian orientation had changed in their moral orientation to become closer to dual orientation. These findings provide valuable hints to medical educators regarding bioethics education and the selection criteria of medical students for admission.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark A. Gagnon


    Full Text Available This exploratory research examines the relationship between food entrepreneur sustainable orientation, mindset and firm sustainable practices in a mixed methods format. In particular we seek to address if entrepreneur behavior and firm practices are congruent with founding entrepreneur espoused support of sustainability. Our survey findings with thirty specialty food entrepreneurs suggest tenuous empirical support for the relationship of entrepreneur sustainable orientation, mindset and firm sustainable practices. However our qualitative results indicate positive relationships between sustainable orientation, mindset and practices. Evidence from this work highlights the critical role of founding entrepreneurs for successful implementation of sustainability along its multiple fronts including profitability.

  7. Preferred orientation of ettringite in concrete fractures

    KAUST Repository

    Wenk, Hans-Rudolf


    Sulfate attack and the accompanying crystallization of fibrous ettringite [Ca6Al2(OH)12(SO4) 3·26H2O] cause cracking and loss of strength in concrete structures. Hard synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction is used to quantify the orientation distribution of ettringite crystals. Diffraction images are analyzed using the Rietveld method to obtain information on textures. The analysis reveals that the c axes of the trigonal crystallites are preferentially oriented perpendicular to the fracture surfaces. By averaging single-crystal elastic properties over the orientation distribution, it is possible to estimate the elastic anisotropy of ettringite aggregates. © 2009 International Union of Crystallography.

  8. Off-resonant vibrational excitation: Orientational dependence and spatial control of photofragments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Machholm, Mette; Henriksen, Niels Engholm


    Off-resonant and resonant vibrational excitation with short intense infrared (IR) laser pulses creates localized oscillating wave packets, but differs by the efficiency of the excitation and surprisingly by the orientational dependence. Orientational selectivity of the vibrational excitation...... of randomly oriented heteronuclear diatomic molecules can be obtained under simultaneous irradiation by a resonant and an off-resonant intense IR laser pulse: Molecules with one initial orientation will be vibrationally excited, while those with the opposite orientation will be at rest. The orientation-dependent...... distribution. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics....

  9. Object oriented development of engineering software using CLIPS (United States)

    Yoon, C. John


    Engineering applications involve numeric complexity and manipulations of a large amount of data. Traditionally, numeric computation has been the concern in developing an engineering software. As engineering application software became larger and more complex, management of resources such as data, rather than the numeric complexity, has become the major software design problem. Object oriented design and implementation methodologies can improve the reliability, flexibility, and maintainability of the resulting software; however, some tasks are better solved with the traditional procedural paradigm. The C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS), with deffunction and defgeneric constructs, supports the procedural paradigm. The natural blending of object oriented and procedural paradigms has been cited as the reason for the popularity of the C++ language. The CLIPS Object Oriented Language's (COOL) object oriented features are more versatile than C++'s. A software design methodology based on object oriented and procedural approaches appropriate for engineering software, and to be implemented in CLIPS was outlined. A method for sensor placement for Space Station Freedom is being implemented in COOL as a sample problem.

  10. An Orientation Sensor for Mobile Robots Using Differentials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei-Chen Lee


    Full Text Available Without access to external guidance, such as landmarks or beacons, indoor mobile robots usually orientate themselves by using magnetic compasses or gyroscopes. However, compasses face interference from steel furniture, and gyroscopes suffer from zero drift errors. This paper proposes an orientation sensor that can be used on differentially driven mobile robots to resolve these issues. The sensor innovatively combines the general differentials and an optical encoder so that it can provide only the orientation information. Such a sensor has not been described in any known literature and is cost-efficient compared to the common method of using two encoders for differentially driven mobile robots. The kinematic analysis and the mechanical design of this sensor are presented in this paper. The maximum mean error of the proposed orientation sensor was about 0.7° during the component tests. The application of the sensor on a vacuum cleaning robot was also demonstrated. The use of the proposed sensor may provide less uncertain orientation data for an indoor differentially driven mobile robot.

  11. Concerted orientation induced unidirectional water transport through nanochannels. (United States)

    Wan, Rongzheng; Lu, Hangjun; Li, Jinyuan; Bao, Jingdong; Hu, Jun; Fang, Haiping


    The dynamics of water inside nanochannels is of great importance for biological activities as well as for the design of molecular sensors, devices, and machines, particularly for sea water desalination. When confined in specially sized nanochannels, water molecules form a single-file structure with concerted dipole orientations, which collectively flip between the directions along and against the nanotube axis. In this paper, by using molecular dynamics simulations, we observed a net flux along the dipole-orientation without any application of an external electric field or external pressure difference during the time period of the particular concerted dipole orientations of the molecules along or against the nanotube axis. We found that this unique special-directional water transportation resulted from the asymmetric potential of water-water interaction along the nanochannel, which originated from the concerted dipole orientation of the water molecules that breaks the symmetry of water orientation distribution along the channel within a finite time period. This finding suggests a new mechanism for achieving high-flux water transportation, which may be useful for nanotechnology and biological applications.

  12. Left ventricular orientation and position in an advanced heart failure population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonia E. Curtin


    Full Text Available Introduction: Previous canine and in silico studies indicate that left ventricular (LV orientation and position have clinically significant effects on standard ECG elements, which are particularly relevant in an advanced heart failure (HF population. Our objectives were to investigate the real-world implications of these previous results by describing for the first time the range of LV orientations and positions in HF patients, identifying clinical predictors of orientation and position, and investigating how thoracic geometry may affect orientation and position. Materials and methods: Cardiac MRIs were used to measure LV orientation angles, LV position, chest dimensions, and the ratio of LV volume to thoracic area (LVTR. Multivariate regression analyses were used to identify significant predictors of orientation and position. Results: The mean frontal plane LV orientation angle was 31 ± 11° (range, 0°–47° and fell within the ranges used in previous studies of orientation effects. Orientation in the transverse plane, the effects of which have not been simulated, averaged 48 ± 10° (range, 21°–71°. The ranges of LV positions in the frontal and transverse planes (7.9 and 5.6 cm, respectively are similar to or greater than those used in silico. Orientation and position were weakly correlated with multiple significant predictors, and the relationship between HF progression and LV orientation and position could not be determined. Conclusion: Variation in LV orientation and position in advanced HF patients is large and cannot be readily predicted using the standard clinical variables or additional thoracic geometry measures used in this study. These findings may have significant clinical implications because of the possible effects of orientation and position on key ECG features. New tools and additional studies are needed before LV orientation or position data can be incorporated into clinical ECG interpretation. Keywords: Heart

  13. Nouvelles approches en theorie du champ moyen dynamique: le cas du pouvoir thermoelectrique et celui de l'effet orbital d'un champ magnetique (United States)

    Arsenault, Louis-Francois

    Les applications reliees a la generation d'energie motivent la recherche de materiaux ayant un fort pouvoir thermoelectrique (S). De plus, S nous renseigne sur certaines proprietes fondamentales des materiaux, comme, par exemple, la transition entre l'etat coherent et incoherent des quasi-particules lorsque la temperature augmente. Empiriquement, la presence de fortes interactions electron-electron peut mener a un pouvoir thermoelectrique geant. Nous avons donc etudie le modele le plus simple qui tient compte de ces fortes interactions, le modele de Hubbard. La theorie du champ moyen dynamique (DMFT) est tout indiquee dans ce cas. Nous nous sommes concentres sur un systeme tridimensionnel (3d) cubique a face centree (fcc), et ce, pour plusieurs raisons. A) Ce type de cristal est tres commun dans la nature. B) La DMFT donne de tres bons resultats en 3d et donc ce choix sert aussi de preuve de principe de la methode. C) Finalement, a cause de la frustration electronique intrinseque au fcc, celui-ci ne presente pas de symetrie particule-trou, ce qui est tres favorable a l'apparition d'une grande valeur de S. Ce travail demontre que lorsque le materiau est un isolant a demi-remplissage a cause des fortes interactions (isolant de Mott), il est possible d'obtenir de grands pouvoirs thermoelectriques en le dopant legerement. C'est un resultat pratique important. Du point de vue methodologique, nous avons montre comment la limite de frequence infinie de S et l'approche dite de Kelvin, qui considere la limite de frequence nulle avant la limite thermodynamique pour S, donnent des estimations fiables de la vraie limite continue (DC) dans les domaines de temperature appropriee. Ces deux approches facilitent grandement les calculs en court-circuit ant la necessite de recourir a de problematiques prolongements analytiques. Nous avons trouve que la methode de calcul a frequence infinie fonctionne bien lorsque les echelles d'energie sont relativement faibles. En d'autres termes

  14. Observation of orientation- and k-dependent Zeeman spin-splitting in hole quantum wires on (100)-oriented AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, J C H; Klochan, O; Micolich, A P; Hamilton, A R; Martin, T P; Ho, L H; Zuelicke, U; Reuter, D; Wieck, A D


    In this paper, We study the Zeeman spin-splitting in hole quantum wires oriented along the [011] and [01 1-bar] crystallographic axes of a high mobility undoped (100)-oriented AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. Our data show that the spin-splitting can be switched 'on' (finite g*) or 'off' (zero g*) by rotating the field from a parallel to a perpendicular orientation with respect to the wire, and the properties of the wire are identical for the two orientations with respect to the crystallographic axes. We also find that the g-factor in the parallel orientation decreases as the wire is narrowed. This is in contrast to electron quantum wires, where the g-factor is enhanced by exchange effects as the wire is narrowed. This is evidence for a k-dependent Zeeman splitting that arises from the spin-3/2 nature of holes.

  15. The capacity limitations of orientation summary statistics (United States)

    Attarha, Mouna; Moore, Cathleen M.


    The simultaneous–sequential method was used to test the processing capacity of establishing mean orientation summaries. Four clusters of oriented Gabor patches were presented in the peripheral visual field. One of the clusters had a mean orientation that was tilted either left or right while the mean orientations of the other three clusters were roughly vertical. All four clusters were presented at the same time in the simultaneous condition whereas the clusters appeared in temporal subsets of two in the sequential condition. Performance was lower when the means of all four clusters had to be processed concurrently than when only two had to be processed in the same amount of time. The advantage for establishing fewer summaries at a given time indicates that the processing of mean orientation engages limited-capacity processes (Experiment 1). This limitation cannot be attributed to crowding, low target-distractor discriminability, or a limited-capacity comparison process (Experiments 2 and 3). In contrast to the limitations of establishing multiple summary representations, establishing a single summary representation unfolds without interference (Experiment 4). When interpreted in the context of recent work on the capacity of summary statistics, these findings encourage reevaluation of the view that early visual perception consists of summary statistic representations that unfold independently across multiple areas of the visual field. PMID:25810160

  16. Minireview: Hormones and Human Sexual Orientation


    Balthazart, Jacques


    Many people believe that sexual orientation (homosexuality vs. heterosexuality) is determined by education and social constraints. There are, however, a large number of studies indicating that prenatal factors have an important influence on this critical feature of human sexuality. Sexual orientation is a sexually differentiated trait (over 90% of men are attracted to women and vice versa). In animals and men, many sexually differentiated characteristics are organized during early life by sex...

  17. Vocational Orientation of the Deaf Pupils


    Sobolevská, Šárka


    The main goal of the bachelor thesis is to learn about vocational orientation of deaf pupils in their last years of study at selected elementary schools for the Deaf and to compare the results to results of similar studies done with pupils without hearing impairment. Based on relevant scientific sources, the paper introduces general aspects that shape vocational orientation, also describes vocational development on D. E. Super's Career Development Theory. The thesis continues with characteriz...

  18. Service-Oriented Strategies for Manufacturing Firms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tan, Adrian; McAloone, Tim C.; Matzen, Detlef


    This chapter establishes PSS (Product/Service-Systems) approaches in the context of manufacturing firms and their existing product-oriented business. PSS can be seen as a strategy for manufacturing firms to gain competitive advantage in the market, but what market conditions and organisational......, customers and partners in business planning and strategy to reap the full benefits. Finally a path to how manufacturers can make the change from product to service-orientation is traced....

  19. Mechanisms of two-color laser-induced field-free molecular orientation. (United States)

    Spanner, Michael; Patchkovskii, Serguei; Frumker, Eugene; Corkum, Paul


    Two mechanisms of two-color (ω+2ω) laser-induced field-free molecular orientation, based on the hyperpolarizability and ionization depletion, are explored and compared. The CO molecule is used as a computational example. While the hyperpolarizability mechanism generates small amounts of orientation at intensities below the ionization threshold, ionization depletion quickly becomes the dominant mechanism as soon as ionizing intensities are reached. Only the ionization mechanism leads to substantial orientation (e.g., on the order of ≳0.1). For intensities typical of laser-induced molecular alignment and orientation experiments, the two mechanisms lead to robust, characteristic timings of the field-free orientation wave-packet revivals relative to the alignment revivals and the revival time. The revival timings can be used to detect the active orientation mechanism experimentally.

  20. Thermal conductivity of polymer composites with oriented boron nitride

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Hong Jun; Eoh, Young Jun; Park, Sung Dae; Kim, Eung Soo


    Highlights: • Thermal conductivity depended on the orientation of BN in the polymer matrices. • Hexagonal boron nitride (BN) particles were treated by C 27 H 27 N 3 O 2 and C 14 H 6 O 8 . • Amphiphilic-agent-treated BN particles are more easily oriented in the composite. • BN/PVA composites with C 14 H 6 O 8 -treated BN showed the highest thermal conductivity. • Thermal conductivity of the composites was compared with several theoretical models. - Abstract: Thermal conductivity of boron nitride (BN) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and/or polyvinyl butyral (PVB) was investigated as a function of the degree of BN orientation, the numbers of hydroxyl groups in the polymer matrices and the amphiphilic agents used. The composites with in-plane orientation of BN showed a higher thermal conductivity than the composites with out-of-plane orientation of BN due to the increase of thermal pathway. For a given BN content, the composites with in-plane orientation of BN/PVA showed higher thermal conductivity than the composites with in-plane orientation of BN/PVB. This result could be attributed to the improved degree of orientation of BN, caused by a larger number of hydroxyl groups being present. Those treated with C 14 H 6 O 8 amphiphilic agent demonstrated a higher thermal conductivity than those treated by C 27 H 27 N 3 O 2 . The measured thermal conductivity of the composites was compared with that predicted by the several theoretical models