
Sample records for rey don jaime

  1. Genio y figura de don Alfonso Reyes

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    Eduardo Carranza


    Full Text Available Entre varias, escojo esta: por sobria y conmovida a un tiempo. La escribió Juan Fernández Figueroa para su revista " Indice", de Madrid. Nos parece ver a don Alfonso en el rellano de la escalera -al fondo, sus libros; más allá, toda su vida, noble y pura- nos parece verle por última vez, inclinado ya sobre la baranda de la muerte. Tiene la calidad y el dinamismo de unos cuantos dibujos rápidos, nerviosos, esta imagen última de don Alfonso Reyes.

  2. In hora mortis. Devoción, espiritualidad y actitudes de los reyes ante la muerte

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    Andrea Martignoni


    Full Text Available ¿Cómo se prepara, se vive y se pone en escena el último trance de los reyes del siglo XII entre Francia y España? Para contestar a ese interrogante se privilegian en especial modo las fuentes relacionadas a la historia de dos guras reales importantes: Luís IX y Jaime I. Se analizan entonces los comportamientos, los gestos, las palabras, los lugares y los protagonistas que participaron a la ritualización de los últimos instantes de vida buscando de llevar a la luz las singularidades atinentes al cuerpo y al destino postmortem de un rey.

  3. Dos libros sobre Alfonso Reyes

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    Helcías Martán Góngora


    Full Text Available Con retardo llegó a nosotros el nobilísimo testimonio que el Instituto Iberoamericano de Gotemburgo, dedicó a don Alfonso Reyes, el ilustre escritor mexicano, con motivo de haber cumplido cincuenta años de fecundo ejercicio literario, de ejemplar unión matrimonial con los libros.

  4. Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi Receives 2013 International Award: Citation (United States)

    Lomnitz, Cinna


    Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. His surname Urrutia means "distant" in Basque, and Fucugauchi means roughly "Good luck—come in!" in Japanese. And Jaime, of course, is "James" in Spanish. Thus, Jaime was international from birth. There could hardly have been a better candidate for the AGU International Award.

  5. ¡Viva el-Rey! Rey imaginario y revuelta en la Galicia bajomedieval

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    Carlos BARROS


    Full Text Available En el otoño de la Edad Media la representación gallega del Rey estaba condicionada por una circunstancia excepcional: Galicia era un reino sin rey propio. Desde el visigodo Leovigildo (año 585 hasta los Reyes Católicos, quitando los paréntesis altomedievales1, el Rey de los gallegos no era otro que el rey hispano occidental: Rey de Asturias, Rey de León, Rey de Castilla y León, Reyes de Castilla y Aragón.

  6. Homenagem a Jaime Dinis


    Duprat, Régis


    Resenha crítica publicada no jornal A Tarde, de Salvador, Bahia, de 21/8/1993, (p. 9-10) quando do lançamento da obra do musicólogo Jaime C. Dinis (1/5/1924-27/5/1989): Os mestres da capela da Misericórdia da Bahia, 1647-1810. Centro Editorial e Didático da UFBA, Salvador, 1993.

  7. JAIME CAMPOS GARRIDO (1939-2010

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    Efraím Otero Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    Palabras pronunciadas durante las honras fúnebres, Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción del Chicó, Diciembre 21, 2010

    Con el desgarramiento de las calamidades imprevistas y ahogados por la sorpresa y el dolor reprimido, nos agrupamos aquí hoy para decir unas palabras de despedida al inolvidable amigo y colega Jaime Campos Garrido. Porque quienes lo vieron a su regreso de Europa, hacía apenas un mes, jamás se imaginaron que la muerte iría a incluirlo en ese terrible listado que en el último semestre se ha llevado a lo mejor de la gastroenterología clínica y quirúrgica colombianas, en un desfi le interminable de duelos sucesivos: Alvaro Caro Mendoza, Jaime De la Hoz De la Hoz y ahora Jaime, todos después de coronar las más brillantes carreras que la especialidad y la Universidad  Nacional avalaron en la última mitad del siglo XX, y todos cercados de ese nimbo de prestigio y amistad que hoy nos hace más insoportable y dolorosa su partida. 

    Nacido de cuna preclara en Popayán, Jaime terminó sus estudios de médico en la Universidad Nacional en 1964 y desde sus épocas de estudiante mostró la inclinación por la que iría a ser su especialidad definitiva. Muy recién graduado viajó a Francia, donde iría a especializarse por varios años en endoscopia digestiva; allí fue pronto acogido por sus colegas que en etapas sucesivas lo irían incorporando a la Sociedad Nacional Francesa de dicha especialidad, lo mismo que a la Francesa de Gastroenterología y al Círculo André Lambling, del que sería Fundador en 1981 y poco después su Presidente, distinción extraordinaria para un joven especialista proveniente de estas latitudes. A su regreso a Bogotá además como destacado internista, fue fundador en 1967 de la cátedra de Gastroenterología en el Hospital de San Juan de Dios, siguiendo de ahí en adelante por riguroso concurso a ocupar los cargos de Instructor Asociado

  8. Evaluación de riesgo biológico en el Hospital Rey Don Jaime

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    Salomé Benavent Nácher


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es realizar una evaluación del riesgo biológico existente para los trabajadores del Hospital con el fin de identificar los puestos de trabajo y microorganismos que suponen mayor riesgo y poder adoptar medidas preventivas. Métodos: Se aplicó la metodología BIOGAVAL de evaluación de riesgo biológico desarrollado por el Gabinete de Seguridad e Higiene de Valencia. Dicho método contempla una identificación de los microorganismos presentes mas probables, su posible daño a la salud, mecanismos de transmisión, porcentaje de población diana vacunado y el efecto protector de las medidas higiénicas. Se aplicó a los distintos puestos de trabajo que presentan riesgo biológico exceptuando cocina. Resultados: Los resultados evidencian un mayor riesgo para los microorganismos de transmisión aérea y con baja protección vacunal, así como un nivel de riesgo superior (comparado con otros trabajadores de los ATS/DUE de urgencias. Conclusiones: El método se ha revelado útil para evidenciar los puestos de trabajo más peligrosos así como los agentes microbiológicos de mayor riesgo. Igualmente aporta una orientación sobre la prioridad para la aplicación de medidas preventivas de control.Objective: The purpose of this work is to realize an evaluation of the existing biological risk for the staff at the hospital with the aim of both identifying the jobs and microorganisms which mean a higher risk and to be able to adopt preventive measures. Methods: It was applied the BIOGAVAL methodology of evaluation of biological risk developed by the Safety and Hygiene Office in Valencia. This method deals with an identification of the most probable present microorganisms, their possible hurt for health, transmission mechanisms, percentage of target population vaccinated and the protective effect of the hygienic measures. It was applied to the different jobs which show biological risk except for the kitchen ones. Results: The results show a higher risk for the microorganisms of air transmission and with low vaccine protection, as well as a superior risk level (compared to other workers of the Nursing assistants in the casualty department. Conclusions: The method has proved to be useful to show both the most dangerous jobs and the higher risk microbiologic agents. Likewise it provides a guidance about the priority for the application of control preventive measures.

  9. Reye Syndrome (United States)

    Reye syndrome is a rare illness that can affect the blood, liver, and brain of someone who has recently ... a viral illness, seek medical attention immediately. Reye syndrome can lead to a coma and brain death, ...

  10. Gracias cortesanas en El médico de su honra: más sobre la apuesta del bufón Coquín y el rey don Pedro

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    Adrián J. Sáez


    Full Text Available Muchos de los acercamientos a El médico de su honra de Calderón se han centrado en el examen de la función del gracioso Coquín en la dominante atmósfera seria y especialmente en la apuesta de los dientes con el rey don Pedro, que ha dado lugar a ciertas lecturas eróticas que conviene revisar. Tanto este chiste como el alcance y sentido general de la comicidad en el drama solo cobran sentido a la luz de la tradición bufonesca y cortesana, que se basa en un concepto del humor torpe y violento, enmarcado a la vez en la perfecta imbricación de la risa en las tragedias de Calderón.

  11. Entrevista: Jaime Breilh

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    Full Text Available Jaime Breilh é professor da Universidade Andina Simón Bolivar, no Equador. Entretanto, para a saúde coletiva, o nome desse pesquisador equatoriano se conecta diretamente com o pensamento crítico em epidemiologia, que não se resume a afirmar a saúde como uma produção social, mas investiga e adverte quanto aos modos pelos quais a sociedade capitalista consolida desigualdades profundamente vinculadas a uma ‘economia da morte’. Nesta entrevista,1,2 concedida em março, quando ele esteve no Brasil para participar do V Seminário da Frente Nacional contra a Privatização da Saúde, Breilh faz uma análise crítica dos caminhos que a epidemiologia tem trilhado e propõe reposicioná-la como uma área de conhecimento comprometida com uma ‘economia da vida’. Para tanto, discute as relações que se estabelecem entre opções teóricas e uma ação política e ética direcionada ao enfrentamento das iniquidades sociais.

  12. Reye's Syndrome (United States)

    ... that contain aspirin. Some hospitals and medical facilities conduct newborn screenings for fatty acid oxidation disorders to determine which children are at greater risk of developing Reye's syndrome. ...

  13. CT image in Reye syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murayama, Takashi; Sakuma, Nobuko; Ishikawa, Akashi; Saito, Yoko; Takebayashi, Takeyasu; Kuwashima, Shigeru


    In a male infant with infantile spasms which had been observed, Reye's syndrome occurred at the age of 1 year and 6 months. CT findings, before the onset of Reye's syndrome, in the acute stage of the disease, and in the recovering stage, were obtained. The features of the disease were shown as low-absorption areas in the frontal and fronto-temporal areas of the head, and also strongly degenerative findings in the same areas, even in the recovery stage. This seemed to be characteristic to Reye's syndrome, and the basis of the suggestion was discussed. (Ueda, J.)

  14. Don Quijote y Hamlet

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    Lúdovik B. Osterc


    Hamlet está loco, es un alucinado que duda de sus propios sentidos. Para él existe sólo un lado negro de la existencia, su único objeto es llegar más pronto al descubrimiento del crimen. Es egocentrico, ne cree en nada, eternamente mira en su interior, se alimenta en su desprecio de sí mismo y su sufrimiento es mucho más doloroso.que aquel de Don Quijote. Don Quijote, al contrario, cree en el hombre y su futuro. Su ideal es implantar por la fuerza, la verdad, el bien y la justicia en la tierra. Para servir a su ideal, está dispuesto a sufrir todas las posibles privaciones. Representa la fe en la verdad. Es ridículo y quizás el más cómico tipo disenado jamás por un literato. Hamlet es el hijo del rey muerte, mientras que Don Quijote está pobre. Se hace los enemigos imaginarios y lucha contra ellos, mientras que Hamlet no cree en las ilusiones (siempre duda, y tampoco no combatiría si supiera que son sinónimos de opresores. Continua con la examinación de la actitud del pueblo o sus representantes hacia Don Quijote y Hamlet y viceversa. Polonia es el representante de las multitudes populares ante Hamlet, Sancho lo es ante su senor. El primero es de sano pensamiento y al mismo tiempo un viejo charalatán. Para él Hamlet no es tanto un loco como un nino y le parece inútil para la sociedad. Sancho Pansa está persuadido de que su senor está loco, pero le está leal hasta la muerte. Don Quijote simpatiza profundamente con el pueblo, pero la única persona con la que se entiende verdaderamente es Sancho Pansa (uno no puede vivir sin otro. La actitud de Hamlet es completamente diferente, él desprecia las multitudes populares, porque también desprecia a sí mismo. social: el tedio, el hastío, el descontento de la vida, desorientación espiritual y la eclipse de la fe, miéntras que Don Quijote encarna el mundo libre, bien estar y la felicidad de los seres humanos. Por eso y porque es un ideal el más humano, generoso, noble y elevado, el autor del

  15. Victoria Ocampo and Alfonso Reyes: Ulysses's Malady

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    Doris Meyer


    Full Text Available Ocampo (Argentina, 1890-1979 and Reyes (Mexico, 1889-1959 were arguably Latin America's most influential writers and cultural catalysts in the first half of the twentieth century. They met in Argentina in 1927 and their friendship and correspondence lasted until Reyes's death. Over three decades of private and public discourse, they articulated a similar vision of Latin American identity and its future potential. Because they were both internationally known—Ocampo as founder and director of the literary review SUR, and Reyes as a diplomat and intellectual leader—their ideas found resonance in the Americas and Europe. Two dramatic works they wrote before meeting, Ifigenia cruel (Reyes and La laguna de los nenúfares (Ocampo, prefigure their approach to the Latin American condition through the themes of displacement and self-renovation. Ocampo and Reyes believed that it would be the task of an educated elite to lead Latin America toward a transnational cultural synthesis and renewal. Ulysses's malady was their metaphor for the postcolonial condition that enabled Latin American minds to be open to exploration and dialogue in search of an authentic identity.

  16. Alfonso Reyes y el cine del porvenir

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    Betina Keizman


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone situar la reflexión de Alfonso Reyes sobre el cine en el marco de las recepciones del primer cine, considerando también cómo esta reflexión se articula en relación con el pensamiento crítico del escritor mexicano. En particular, se analiza el modo en que, por vía de la especulación, Reyes ensaya posibles redefiniciones para una nueva distribución de lo sensible y de las artes, de los valores cognitivos y expresivos de la luz y de los vínculos arte-ciencia. Lo que se lee en Reyes es un esfuerzo por pensar nuevas formas de inventiva que se desprenden (o podrían desprenderse del arte cinematográfico.

  17. An atypical case of Reye's syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maehara, Fumiaki; Goto, Katsuya; Okudera, Toshio; Mitsudome, Akihisa; Hara, Kunio; Shiraishi, Masayuki


    An atypical case of Reye's syndrome was reported with emphasis on usefulness of CT for the diagnosis and follow-up study of this disease. The patient was a 13-month-old girl who had been transferred to our hospital because of status epilepticus, a comatous state and a high temperature. She was diagnosed as having Reye's syndrome according to data of liver function tests, findings in CSF and body CT which revealed swelling of the liver with diminished attenuation value suggesting fatty infiltration. However, there were atypical features in this patient: epileptic seizures since age 5 months, no vomiting at the time of onset and no evidence of brain swelling on CT in acute phase. She was discharged 2 months later with impaired neuropsychological functions of marked degree. When she was 2 year-old, she again went into status epilepticus, was comatous and had a high temperature. She was dead when she arrived at emergency room of our hospital. Autopsy findings revealed features of Reye's syndrome as follows: abundant accumulation of small fat droplets without nuclear displacement in the liver, fatty infiltration in the kidney and myocardium, and mild swelling in the cerebral cortex with marked ventricular dilatation. The possibility of recurrence of Reye's syndrome was discussed based on the clinical and autopsy findings. The value of CT in the diagnosis and the follow-up study of this disease was emphasized. (author)

  18. Literatura consolatoria en torno a la muerte del príncipe don Juán

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    Full Text Available Se lamentaba Juan del Encina haciéndose eco del dolor que asoló a España tras la muerte del príncipe don Juan, primogénito de los Reyes Católicos: «Fortuna nos traxo tal pena penosa/ que ágenos nos hizo de toda holganca./ Secóse la flor de nuestra esperanca,/ gran fruto esperando de planta graciosa:/ nacieron espinas; secóse la rosa;/ secóse la flor; nacieron abrojos;/ nacieron fatigas, nacieron enojos./ Murió nuestro Príncipe, joya preciosa».

  19. Data_files_Reyes_EHP_phthalates (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The file contains three files in comma separated values (.csv) format. “Reyes_EHP_Phthalates_US_metabolites.csv” contains information about the National Health and...

  20. La palabra humanizada en la madurez poética de Jaime Siles

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    Cecilia Castro Lee


    Full Text Available Este análisis de la poesía de Jaime Siles (Valencia 1951 se concentra en los poemarios, Himnos tardíos (1999 y Pasos en la nieve (2004, considerados por el autor mismo como su madurez poética. Su poesía temprana, de alta calidad estética, culta e intelectual, se orienta hacia la búsqueda de esencias y absolutos de la poesía pura. Los poemarios de su madurez revelan a un nuevo yo poético que toma conciencia de su humanidad. Su nueva poesía, intensamente lírica y rica en recursos estilísticos, ahonda en el misterio del tiempo, el ayer perdido y recobrado por la memoria, la nostalgia y la incertidumbre del ser en el mundo.The focal point of this essay on the poetry of Jaime Siles (Valencia 1951 is the analysis of two books of poetry, Himnos tardios (1999 and Pasos en la Nieve (2004, which the author himself considers his mature work. In his early poetry, Siles seeks purity of form through a learned and intellectual poetic expression of high aesthetic quality and originality. His mature work reveals a new poetic identity concerned with his own human condition. His new poetic voice becomes a lyrical meditation on the perils of humankind, the mystery of time, nostalgia and uncertainty, the loss of the past, death and the beyond.

  1. Pensando o sujeito: um diálogo entre Castoriadis e González Rey Piensando el sujeto: un diálogo entre Castoriadis y González Rey On subject: a dialogue between Castoriadis and González Rey

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    Maria Alice Alves da Motta


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar algumas categorias importantes do pensamento de Cornelius Castoriadis a fim de estabelecer um diálogo com as ideias desenvolvidas pelo psicólogo cubano Fernando González Rey. Trata-se de um estudo teórico que pressupõe existirem pontos de encontro entre os dois autores. Considera-se que algumas concepções apresentadas por Castoriadis, como, por exemplo, a questão da criatividade e, principalmente, a subjetividade como peça-chave da formação da sociedade, fornecem substrato filosófico para os estudos de González Rey sobre a subjetividade e a constituição do sujeito, uma vez que, para esse autor, toda subjetividade é social.El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar algunas categorías importantes del pensamiento de Cornelius Castoriadis para establecer un diálogo con las ideas desarolladas por el psicólogo cubano Fernando González Rey. Se trata de un estudio teórico que presupone la existencia de puntos de encuentro entre los dos autores. Se considera que algunas concepciones describidas por Castoriadis, como la cuestión de la creatividad y, principalmente, la subjetividad como punto central para la formación de la sociedad fornecen substracto filosófico para los estudios de González Rey sobre la subjectividad y la constitución del sujeto pues, para él, toda subjectividad es social.The aim of this essay is to introduce some important thoughts of Cornelius Castoriadis in order to dialogue with the ideas developed by the Cuban psychologist Fernando González Rey. It is a theoretic study that considers the relations between both. The writing regards some Castoriadis ideas like the creativity and, above all, the subjectivity as the point to create a society and how it provides the philosophical basis to González Rey studies on subjectivity and subject constitution. To González Rey every subjectivity is society based.

  2. GINZBURG, Jaime. Literatura, violência e melancolia. Campinas, São Paulo: Autores Associados, 2012.


    Zandoná, Andiara; Stacke, Ana Alice Pires da Silva


    Jaime Ginzburg, em Literatura, violência e melancolia, publicado em 2012,discute temas centrais em suas pesquisas, a saber: as relações entre literatura, contextos sociais de violência e melancolia. A obra estimula a pesquisa acadêmica sobre violência e cultura, ou violência, melancolia e literatura, tendo em vista um passado recente que motiva debater a presença da violência na sociedade contemporânea.

  3. Fire effects on the Point Reyes Mountain Beaver at Point Reyes National Seashore, California (United States)

    Fellers, Gary M.; Pratt, David; Griffin, Jennifer L.


    In October 1995, a wildlands fire burned 5,000 ha on the Point Reyes peninsula, California, USA. In most of the nonforested areas, the fire effectively cleared the ground of litter and vegetation and revealed thousands of Point Reyes mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa phaea) burrow openings. In the first 6 months after the fire, we surveyed burned coastal scrub and riparian habitat to (1) count the number of burrow openings that existed at the time of the fire, and (2) evaluate whether signs of post-fire mountain beaver activity were evident. We estimated that only 0.4–1.7% of mountain beavers within the burn area survived the fire and immediate post-fire period. We monitored mountain beaver activity for 5 years at 8 sites where mountain beavers survived, and found little or no recovery. We estimate that the mountain beaver population will take 15–20 years post-fire to recover.

  4. Periodontal disease diagnosis in a group of captive native carnivores at Jaime Duque Zoo

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    Viviana Vásquez C.


    Full Text Available A diagnose of periodontal diseases was performed in 12 species of carnivores at Jaime Duque Zoo. 23 animals were sampled under different general anesthesia protocols. A protocol of the oral cavity examination was designed and implemented, making emphasis in the periodontal anomalies. 16 of the 23 individuals presented periodontal disease. A microbiological culture was performed from the oral cavity of 9 individuals, this results indicated mostly normal bacterial flora.

  5. Effects of orientation on Rey complex figure performance. (United States)

    Ferraro, F Richard; Grossman, Jennifer; Bren, Amy; Hoverson, Allysa


    An experiment was performed that examined the impact of stimulus orientation on performance on the Rey complex figure. A total of 48 undergraduates (24 men, 24 women) were randomly assigned to one of four Rey figure orientation groups (0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees ). Participants followed standard procedures for the Rey figure, initially copying it in whatever orientation group they were assigned to. Next, all participants performed a 15-20 min lexical decision experiment, used as a filler task. Finally, and unbeknownest to them, participants were asked to recall as much of the figure as they could. As expected, results revealed a main effect of Task (F = 83.92, p orientation was not significant, nor did orientation interact with task (Fs .57). The results are important from an applied setting, especially if testing conditions are less than optimal and a fixed stimulus position is not possible (e.g., testing at the bedside).

  6. Reye's syndrome: salicylate and mitochondrial monoamine oxidase function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faraj, B.A.; Caplan, D.; Lolies, P.


    It has been suggested that aspirin is somehow linked with the onset of Reye's syndrome (RS). A general feature of Reye's syndrome is severe impairment of mitochondrial monoamine oxidase (MAO) function. The main objective of this investigation was to study the effect of salicylate on platelet mitochondrial MAO activity in three groups: group A (healthy children, n = 21) and group C (healthy adults, n = 10). Platelet MAO was measured by radio-enzymatic technique with 14 C-tyramine as a substrate. The results showed that salicyclate (10 mM) had a 20 to 60 percent inhibitory effect on platelet MAO function in only 1, 3 and 2 of the subjects in group A, B and C. Furthermore, there was an association between low enzyme activity and salicylate MAO inhibitory effect in these subjects. These preliminary findings suggest that salicylate may induce deterioration in mitochondrial function in susceptible individuals and that the assessment of salicylate MAO inhibitory effect may identify those who may be at risk to develop aspirin poisoning and Reye's syndrome

  7. Adult Reye-like syndrome associated with serologic evidence of acute parvovirus B19 infection

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    Paulo Sérgio Gonçalves da Costa

    Full Text Available Reye's syndrome is an infrequently diagnosed medical condition affecting mainly children. The etiology, epidemiology and natural history of Reye's syndrome have been cloudily written in footnotes of medical books and exotic papers since the initial description in early 1950s. We report here a case of adult Reye's syndrome associated with serologic evidence of parvovirus B19 infection.

  8. 76 FR 59423 - Drakes Bay Oyster Company Special-Use Permit, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Point Reyes... (United States)


    ... commercial production, harvesting, processing, and sale of shellfish at Point Reyes National Seashore. The... Bay Oyster Company Special-Use Permit, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Point Reyes National... Drakes Bay Oyster Company Special-use permit in Drakes Estero, Point Reyes National Seashore, California...

  9. Golden Gate and Pt. Reyes Acoustic Detections (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains detections of acoustic tagged fish from two general locations: Golden Gate (east and west line) and Pt. Reyes. Several Vemco 69khz acoustic...

  10. Glucuronidation of deoxynivalenol (DON) by different animal species: identification of iso-DON glucuronides and iso-deepoxy-DON glucuronides as novel DON metabolites in pigs, rats, mice, and cows. (United States)

    Schwartz-Zimmermann, Heidi E; Hametner, Christian; Nagl, Veronika; Fiby, Iris; Macheiner, Lukas; Winkler, Janine; Dänicke, Sven; Clark, Erica; Pestka, James J; Berthiller, Franz


    The Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) is a frequent contaminant of cereal-based food and feed. Mammals metabolize DON by conjugation to glucuronic acid (GlcAc), the extent and regioselectivity of which is species-dependent. So far, only DON-3-glucuronide (DON-3-GlcAc) and DON-15-GlcAc have been unequivocally identified as mammalian DON glucuronides, and DON-7-GlcAc has been proposed as further DON metabolite. In the present work, qualitative HPLC-MS/MS analysis of urine samples of animals treated with DON (rats: 2 mg/kg bw, single bolus, gavage; mice: 1 mg/kg bw, single i.p. injection; pigs: 74 µg/kg bw, single bolus, gavage; cows: 5.2 mg DON/kg dry mass, oral for 13 weeks) revealed additional DON and deepoxy-DON (DOM) glucuronides. To elucidate their structures, DON and DOM were incubated with human (HLM) and rat liver microsomes (RLM). Besides the expected DON/DOM-3- and 15-GlcAc, minor amounts of four DON- and four DOM glucuronides were formed. Isolation and enzymatic hydrolysis of four of these compounds yielded iso-DON and iso-DOM, the identities of which were eventually confirmed by NMR. Incubation of iso-DON and iso-DOM with RLM and HLM yielded two main glucuronides for each parent compound, which were isolated and identified as iso-DON/DOM-3-GlcAc and iso-DON/DOM-8-GlcAc by NMR. Iso-DON-3-GlcAc, most likely misidentified as DON-7-GlcAc in the literature, proved to be a major DON metabolite in rats and a minor metabolite in pigs. In addition, iso-DON-8-GlcAc turned out to be one of the major DON metabolites in mice. DOM-3-GlcAc was the dominant DON metabolite in urine of cows and an important DON metabolite in rat urine. Iso-DOM-3-GlcAc was detected in urine of DON-treated rats and cows. Finally, DON-8,15-hemiketal-8-glucuronide, a previously described by-product of DON-3-GlcAc production by RLM, was identified in urine of DON-exposed mice and rats. The discovery of several novel DON-derived glucuronides in animal urine requires adaptation of

  11. Effect of hydrothermal modification on the structure of REY zeolite studied by PAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Jun; Wang Shaojie


    The effect of temperature of the hydrothermal modification on the structure of Rare-earth Y zeolite (REY) was studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy. We measured the positron lifetime spectrum as a function of the temperature (300-800 degree C) of one hour hydrothermal modification for the REY zeolite after through pre-heated dehydration at 150 degree C. All lifetime spectra could be resolved into five components. The fifth lifetime component and its intensity were found to be related to the size and number of the secondary pores. The experimental results showed that the secondary pore in REY zeolite was produced by hydrothermal modification in some temperature range, and the largest size and the greatest quantity of the secondary pores were observed in the sample treated at 500 degree C for 1 hour. The effect of hydrothermal modification on REY zeolite without pre-heated dehydration was also discussed

  12. Alfonso Reyes

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    Jorge Enrique Leal G.


    Full Text Available Nos hallábamos en Méjico en 1953 cuando, con oportunidad de unas circunstanciales estrofas nuestras, se suscitó una animada controversia que encontró eco en los periódicos de Colombia, acerca del correcto uso de una expresión utilizada en alguno de los versos; fue grande nuestra preocupación y, si bien a la luz de la más exigente ortodoxia sintáctica, nos parecía que la verdad nos acompañaba, no nos dimos tregua en el afán de convicción y fue así como en amenas e instructivas conversaciones con Laura Victoria, con Julián Motta Salas y con Alfonso Reyes, comprobamos hasta la saciedad que la razón estaba de nuestra parte.

  13. Arquitectura modernista en Palma de Mallorca : el edificio Forteza Rey

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    María José Galván Mostazo


    Full Text Available El edificio Forteza Rey es un fiel exponente de la arquitectura urbana burguesa de comienzos de siglo. Por su dinámica espacial y por su sintaxis decorativa puede englobarse bajo el denominado «modernismo». Tanto la riqueza iconográfica que presenta como su peculiar proceso de construcción, donde aparecen las figuras de artista aún sin estudiar (José Forteza Rey, su hijo Luis, José Alomar otorgan a este edificio un interés especial. Ubicada en el centro urbano de Palma de Mallorca, la Casa Rey está construida sobre un área aproximada de 130 m^ con un desarrollo a partir del nivel de calle de seis plantas más dos secciones subterráneas. Cada planta tiene una distribución espacial similar, acorde con las necesidades de sus ocupantes, aunque en todos los pisos coinciden la disposición de servicios (cocina, baños, despensas, cuarto de servicio, etcétera.

  14. Validity of the rey visual design test in primary and secondary school children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilhelm, P.; van Klink, M.; van Klink, M.


    The Rey Visual Design Learning Test (Rey, 1964, cited in Spreen & Strauss, 1991, Wilhelm, 2004) assesses immediate memory span, new learning, delayed recall and recognition for nonverbal material. Two studies are presented that focused on the construct validity of the RVDLT in primary and secondary

  15. Presentación. Jaime Balmes y las Ciencias Sociales

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    Full Text Available El sacerdote Jaime Balmes (1810-1848 fue un prolífico autor sobre temas de moral, religión y sociología , y tuvo una importante posición en la historia del pensamiento de España y la ciencia social. La conexión de Balmes con la fé católica impregna todo su trabajo. Tuvo una mentalidad burguesa en el medio industrial de su nativa Catalonia, compatible con sus conservadores principios en otras partes en Europa y fue un sonado crítico del socialismo. En el trabajo presentado aquí, Balmes adoptó un riguroso método científico-social, incluyendo observación, experimento y el reconocimiento de las relaciones causa-efecto en el estudio de la realidad social. Uno de sus principales puntos es que lo científico-social necesita ser objetivo, controlar su pasión y evitar arbitrariedades. Las influencias metodológicas y conceptuales de Rene Descartes y Auguste Comte y el positivismo eran evidentes.

  16. Contenido

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista



  17. Reliability and validity of the rey visual design learning test in primary school children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilhelm, P.


    The Rey Visual Design Learning Test (Rey, 1964, in Spreen & Strauss, 1991) assesses immediate memory span, new learning and recognition for non-verbal material. Three studies are presented that focused on the reliability and validity of the RVDLT in primary school children. Test-retest reliability

  18. The Cuatrocientos milagros de la cruz of Jaime Bleda: a bedside book for Calderón?

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    Adrián J. Sáez


    Full Text Available Abstract:This paper explores the possible knowledge that some authors of the Golden Age may have about certain treatises of historical, philosophical and political nature, besides the well-known relations with other literary works, like the critics frequently have pointed out. So, this investigation compares the series of miracles that appear in La devoción de la cruz of Calderón with the book Cuatrocientos milagros de la cruz of Jaime Bleda, a religious treaty that Calderón might recalled in order to write some passages of this comedy. Overall, this paper reveals data about the prodigious miscellany that may serve to other studies about this matter. Resumen:Este trabajo explora el posible conocimiento que algunos autores del Siglo de Oro pudieron tener de ciertos tratados de tema histórico, filosófico, político, etc., al margen de las relaciones con otras obras literarias, frecuentemente estudiadas por la crítica. Así, se pone en diálogo la serie de milagros que aparecen en La devoción de la cruz de Calderón con los Cuatrocientos milagros de la cruz de Jaime Bleda, un repertorio de milagros que Calderón pudo recordar a la hora de escribir algunos pasajes de esta comedia. Conjuntamente se da noticia de esta miscelánea de prodigios, que puede resultar de gran utilidad para otros estudios.

  19. Point Reyes, California Tsunami Forecast Grids for MOST Model (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Point Reyes, California Forecast Model Grids provides bathymetric data strictly for tsunami inundation modeling with the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST)...

  20. Do You Know the Facts about Reye's Syndrome? (United States)

    PTA Today, 1993


    Presents information on Reye's syndrome, which affects all ages, both sexes, and every race, generally following viral illnesses (with or without a fever). Aspirin products increase the risk but are not a necessary element. Symptoms include persistent vomiting, listlessness, disorientation, personality changes, combativeness, and delirium. Early…

  1. Literatura y sociedad. Algunos ejemplos de la presencia de Jaime I en la Región de Murcia, a través de diversos contextos escritos. Siglos XIX y XX

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    Ramón Doménech Villa


    Full Text Available Cada lugar se caracteriza por tener su héroe particular. Sería muy difícil encontrar dos héroes compartidos en diferentes espacios físicos, mucho más si estos se encuentran limitando entre sí. En la actualidad podría ser comparable a las rivalidades existentes en ciertas competiciones deportivas, incluso podríamos plantearnos la existencia de ciertos paralelismos entre estos y aquellas situaciones bélicas producidas en siglos anteriores. La Región de Murcia, Andalucía y el País Valencià, compitieron en un particular duelo de protagonismo monárquico, con claros parentescos familiares, durante el siglo XIII. Ante el predominio de uno u otro monarca, y sin contar con su protagonismo destacado podríamos hacernos multitud de preguntas: ¿Desaparecieron todas las referencias al rey Jaime I, dentro del marco de la sociedad murciana, una vez pasados los siglos con otro rey como protagonista? ¿Sería posible encontrar referencias a él, en contextos relacionados sociales de la Región de Murcia? ¿Jugó la literatura de la época algún papel en este sentido? ¿El ciudadano de la Región podía crear un contexto no formal de aprendizaje histórico? Each site is characterized by its particular hero. It would be very difficult to find two different heroes in shared physical spaces, even if they are border regions. In this days and age, this fact could be comparable to existing rivalries in certain sport competitions; besides, we may even look on the existence of certain parallelisms between these latter ones and those warfare situations produced in earlier centuries. The Region of Murcia, Andalusia and the Valencian Country competed each other in a particular feud for a monarchic prominence with clear family relationships during the XIII century. Given the predominance of one or another monarch, and regardless of their leading role we might ask ourselves many questions: Did all references to King James I disappeared, in the context of

  2. Clinical Presentation, Treatment and Prognosis in Children with Reye-like Syndrome

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    Sukru Arslan


    Full Text Available We performed a retrospective study to explore the mortality rates and prognosis of the Reye like syndrome in patients treated at Konya Research and Education Hospital. Twenty two children with ages between 5 months and 7 years old were included in this study. All patients were treated with intensive supportive methods to manage body fluid, blood circulation, respiration, body temperature, and intracranial pressure. The main presenting features were history of fever (72.7%, profuse vomiting (63.6%, abnormal behavior and agitation (77.2%, and sudden onset of unconsciousness (100%. The etiologies of patients included viral illness, gastroenteritis, metabolic disorders, intoxication and hypoxia due to foreign body aspiration. No neurological deficit was seen in the children who survived the disease. In our patients the mortality rate was 31.8%. In conclusion, Reye like syndrome occurs only rarely but should be a part of the differential diagnosis of any encephalopathy of unknown origin and above all if there is a history of ingestion of drugs, previous viral infection and vomiting. Our treatment protocol is safe and effective in children with Reye like syndrome.

  3. Central Coherence in Eating Disorders: A Synthesis of Studies Using the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure Test.

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    Katie Lang

    Full Text Available Large variability in tests and differences in scoring systems used to study central coherence in eating disorders may lead to different interpretations, inconsistent findings and between study discrepancies. This study aimed to address inconsistencies by collating data from several studies from the same research group that used the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (Rey Figure in order to produce norms to provide benchmark data for future studies.Data was collated from 984 participants in total. Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, recovered Anorexia Nervosa, unaffected family members and healthy controls were compared using the Rey Figure.Poor global processing was observed across all current eating disorder sub-groups and in unaffected relatives. There was no difference in performance between recovered AN and HC groups.This is the largest dataset reported in the literature and supports previous studies implicating poor global processing across eating disorders using the Rey Figure. It provides robust normative data useful for future studies.

  4. In Conversation: Celia Reyes on the importance of timely economic ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Feb 3, 2011 ... In Conversation: Celia Reyes on the importance of timely economic ... in particular, assessing the impact of policies and programs on poverty and equity. .... Tourism is an important driver of economic growth throughout ...

  5. CT findings in Reye syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kil Woo; Lim, Hyo Keun; Choo, In Wook; Bae, Sang Hoon


    We present here the CT findings in 10 patients with Reye syndrome. Acute findings is diffuse cerebral swelling with or without parenchymal low density. The cerebral swelling gradually changed to atrophy. The parenchymal low density predisposes in Lt temporoparietal area. Contrast enhanced CT scan showed no additional finding, except 1 case. The hemorrhagic infarction which has not been reported previously was seen in 1 case and resulted in the most prominent sequela. The sequelae were developed in all atrophic cases. So, the brain CT may be useful in monitoring cerebral swelling, determining treatment plan in acute stage, and in presenting prognosis and sequelae on fellow up CT

  6. “Pajaritas de papel” by Jaime Campmany: a contribution to Spanish literary journalism

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    Antonio Fernández Jiménez


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to give the reader an overview of Jaime Campmany’s early career as a columnist who wrote literary articles he called ‘Pajaritas de papel’ (folded papers birds, which were published daily in the newspaper Arriba from 1966 to 1970. Due to the excellent quality of his literary writings within the framework of a new type of journalism being developed at the time, ‘Pajaritas de papel’ made a clear contribution to the study of literary journalism near the end of the post-war period in Spain due to his ability to reveal information in his articles at a time when the press was still suffering the impediment of censorship. For that reason and more, we consider his articles to have set a valuable precedent for the exalted status that opinion columns achieved in the decades that followed.

  7. Atypical case of Reye's syndrome. Usefulness of CT for diagnosis and follow-up study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maehara, Fumiaki; Goto, Katsuya; Okudera, Toshio; Mitsudome, Akihisa; Hara, Kunio; Shiraishi, Masayuki [Fukuoka Univ. (Japan)


    An atypical case of Reye's syndrome was reported with emphasis on usefulness of CT for the diagnosis and follow-up study of this disease. The patient was a 13-month-old girl who had been transferred to our hospital because of status epilepticus, a comatous state and a high temperature. She was diagnosed as having Reye's syndrome according to data of liver function tests, findings in CSF and body CT which revealed swelling of the liver with diminished attenuation value suggesting fatty infiltration. However, there were atypical features in this patient: epileptic seizures since age 5 months, no vomiting at the time of onset and no evidence of brain swelling on CT in acute phase. She was discharged 2 months later with impaired neuropsychological functions of marked degree. When she was 2 year-old, she again went into status epilepticus, was comatous and had a high temperature. She was dead when she arrived at emergency room of our hospital. Autopsy findings revealed features of Reye's syndrome as follows: abundant accumulation of small fat droplets without nuclear displacement in the liver, fatty infiltration in the kidney and myocardium, and mild swelling in the cerebral cortex with marked ventricular dilatation. The possibility of recurrence of Reye's syndrome was discussed based on the clinical and autopsy findings. The value of CT in the diagnosis and the follow-up study of this disease was emphasized.

  8. Correlation Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Carlito Peña Reyes Hospital

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    Full Text Available - This study evaluated the patient satisfaction and present evidences for quality services and identified the level of satisfaction of patients to hospital services in different hospital areas such as the front liners, ward/ICU, support businesses and business office: The study also determined the loyalty of patients; and established the extent of relationship of patient satisfaction and loyalty. The descriptive research design was utilized in conducting the study. The researcher used a survey questionnaire as the data gathering instrument supported by interviews and observation. Results showed that the patients at CP Reyes Hospital were very satisfied to the quality medical services they received. Complaints were also identified at CP Reyes Hospital. The researcher proposed an action plan that medical service providers must focus on how to create attractive elements that increase customer satisfaction levels and gain customer. The overall recommendation is that CP Reyes Hospital should strive to maintain the high standard in order to keep patients satisfied with the services they received.

  9. De la campaña electoral al despacho presidencial. Las causas y las consecuencias del giro programático realizado por Jaime Paz Zamora en Bolivia / From the Electoral Campaign to the President’s Office. Causes and Consequences of Jaime Paz Zamora’s policy shift in Bolivia

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    Claire Wright


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es revisar un aspecto clave de las teorías de la democracia representativa: los giros programáticos, en términos tanto de sus causas como de sus efectos. Para este fin, se realiza un estudio de caso del presidente Jaime Paz Zamora, en Bolivia, revisando las hipótesis de algunos autores, sobre todo de Stokes (2001 y Maravall (2003. Las principales contribuciones del estudio a la literatura son las siguientes: las coaliciones gubernamentales basadas más en cuestiones estratégicas que programáticas constituyen terreno fértil para giros programáticos, y es posible que los efectos secundarios de los giros programáticos se perciban más a largo que a corto plazo. / This article reviews a key aspect of the theories of representative democracy: policy switches, in terms both of their causes and their effects. The author carries out a case study of President Jaime Paz Zamora in Bolivia, reviewing the hypotheses of several authors, including Stokes (2001 and Maravall (2003. The study’s main contributions to the literature are that government coalitions based more on strategic issues than on programmatic ones are fertile ground for policy switches, and it is possible that their secondary effects will be perceived more in the long run than in the short term

  10. Alfonso Reyes, crítico humanista


    Restrepo David, Felipe


    Uno de los conceptos más divulgados por el Ateneo de la Juventud de México en 1910 fue ''La Cultura de las Humanidades'', y dos de sus mayores exponentes fueron Pedro Henríquez Ureña y Alfonso Reyes. Este último, justamente desde las Humanidades, fundamentó su crítica literaria haciendo de ella una de las expresiones más altas de su producción escrita. Una ''crítica humanista'' que tiene como centro, a su vez, la ''concordia'': pensar la obra de los ''otros'' desde la sensibilidad y la buena ...

  11. Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 2


    ESTÉVEZ MONTERO, RAÚL; Lloret Mauri, Jaime


    Es una pieza audiovisual creada con el objeto de atraer la atención de los niños de muy corta edad con el ajedrez y familiarizarlos con todas sus piezas y movimientos. Es una animación dirigida a un público infantil presentada por dibujos animados en 2D, en la que se ha intentado respetar en todo momento el argot de la comunidad ajedredística. En este video se presenta la segunda parte. Estévez Montero, R.; Lloret Mauri, J. (2016). Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 2.

  12. Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 1


    ESTÉVEZ MONTERO, RAÚL; Lloret Mauri, Jaime


    Es una pieza audiovisual creada con el objeto de atraer la atención de los niños de muy corta edad con el ajedrez y familiarizarlos con todas sus piezas y movimientos. Es una animación dirigida a un público infantil presentada por dibujos animados en 2D, en la que se ha intentado respetar en todo momento el argot de la comunidad ajedredística. En este video se presenta la primera parte. Estévez Montero, R.; Lloret Mauri, J. (2016). Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 1.

  13. Evaluadores de artículos Caldasia Vol. 16 Nros. 76-79

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    Revista Caldasia


    Full Text Available Acero, Arturo / Acosta Alfredo / Aguirre, C. Jaime / Álvarez, Humberto / Andrade, Gonzalo / Arévalo, Isabel / Barrera, Eduardo / Barriga, Ernesto / Bernal, Amanda / Bernal, Rodrigo / Bulla, / M. Germán / Cadena, Albert  / Cala, Plutarco / Campos Martha / Cogollo, Álvaro / Cuadros, Tomas Chamorro, Clara / Churchill, Steven Díaz, Santiago / Duarte, Martha / Dueñas;Hernando / Duque, Santiago / Fernandez, Jose L. / Forero, Eduardo / Franco, Esperanza / Franco, Pilar / Fuertes, Javier / Galeano, Gloria / Galvis, Germán / Gaviria, Elizabeth / Gaviria, Santiago / Gómez, Marcela / González, Favio  / Hernández, C. Jorge / Idrobo, Jesús / La Marca, Enrique / Linares, Mauricio / Londoño, Concha / Lynch,John / Lozano, Gustavo / Lozano, Nubia / Mora, O. Luis E. / Muñoz, Paulina / Murillo, María T. / Orozco, Clara I. / Palacio, Pablo / Pineda, Fabio / Pinto, N. María / Rangel, Orlando / Restrepo, Rubén / Reyes, Carmen / Rueda, Vicente / Ruiz, Pedro M. / Samper, Cristian / Smith, Ernesto / Stiles, Gary / Tchecliakova, Nadya / Turbay, Luisa F. / Uribe, Jaime / Zenner, Ingerborg / Zuluaga,  Silvio

  14. Stability of DON and DON-3-glucoside during baking as affected by the presence of food additives. (United States)

    Vidal, Arnau; Sanchis, Vicente; Ramos, Antonio J; Marín, Sonia


    The mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the most common mycotoxins of cereals worldwide, and its occurrence has been widely reported in raw wheat. The free mycotoxin form is not the only route of exposure; modified forms can also be present in cereal products. Deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside (DON-3-glucoside) is a common DON plant conjugate. The mycotoxin concentration could be affected by food processing; here, we studied the stability of DON and DON-3-glucoside during baking of small doughs made from white wheat flour and other ingredients. A range of common food additives and ingredients were added to assess possible interference: ascorbic acid (E300), citric acid (E330), sorbic acid (E200), calcium propionate (E282), lecithin (E322), diacetyltartaric acid esters of fatty acid mono- and diglycerides (E472a), calcium phosphate (E341), disodium diphosphate (E450i), xanthan gum (E415), polydextrose (E1200), sorbitol (E420i), sodium bicarbonate (E500i), wheat gluten and malt flour. The DON content was reduced by 40%, and the DON-3-glucoside concentration increased by >100%, after baking for 20 min at 180°C. This confirmed that DON and DON-3-glucoside concentrations can vary during heating, and DON-3-glucoside could even increase after baking. However, DON and DON-3-glucoside are not affected significantly by the presence of the food additives tested.

  15. Origen del Palacio de Pedro I en el Alcázar de Sevilla: el mirador hoy llamado de los Reyes Católicos

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    Fernández Aguilera, Sebastián


    Full Text Available This study originated with the search for the possible initial site of the main door of the Old Chapel, which, following its restoration and study, turned out to be older than the rest of the Mudéjar palace of King Pedro I (Seville, 1365. During this investigation, and based on recent studies carried out as the result of several previous restorations, the author realized that this door was not relocated from another place. It had formed part of the earlier Gothic palace to which the construction of Pedro I’s palace was attached at this juncture, with several rooms from basement to upper balcony predating the Mudéjar building, thereby concluding that it must have been the work of his father, King Alfonso XI.El presente trabajo, se inicia con la búsqueda del emplazamiento que pudo tener la gran puerta de la Antigua Capilla, de la que, tras su restauración y estudio, sabemos que existía con anterioridad a la obra mudéjar del palacio de Pedro I en Sevilla en 1365. En esa búsqueda, y apoyándonos en los distintos estudios que se vienen realizando con motivo de restauraciones recientes, hemos llegado a la conclusión de que no se trata de carpintería reutilizada, sino que es toda la construcción de esa parte del palacio, adosada al anterior palacio gótico, y con distintas estancias desde el sótano hasta el Mirador, la que ya existía con anterioridad al rey Don Pedro, y con toda probabilidad obra de su padre el rey Alfonso XI, como se concluye en este artículo.

  16. Pascua Militar: las órdenes del Rey a las Fuerzas Armadas

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    Miguel Ballenilla y García de Gamarra


    Full Text Available La Pascua Militar constituye un so-lemne acto castrense presidido por S.M. el Rey al que asisten la Familia Real y las primeras autoridades del Estado. Por su carácter marca-damente institucional, el discurso del Rey es el más relevante de los que se dirigen a las Fuer-zas Armadas. En este trabajo se analiza la evo-lución del citado discurso en las últimas cuatro décadas, los elementos que centran su conteni-do, su relación con el papel que ejerce el Rey como Jefe Supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas, y los acontecimientos que afectan a los Ejércitos y la Defensa Nacional.Palabras clave: Discurso, Análisis, Pascua Mili-tar, Rey, Fuerzas Armadas, Constitución, Transi-ción, Terrorismo._______________ 800x600 Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";} The “Pascua Militar” is a solemn mili-tary ceremony presided by HM The King at-tended by the Royal Family and the highest authorities of the state. The importance of this institutional event becomes the King’s speech as the most relevant of which are addressed to the Armed Forces. In this paper we analyse the evolution of that discourse in the last four dec-ades, we identify the elements that focus their content, it relationship to the role played by the King as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and the events affecting them and Na-tional Defence.Keywords: Speech, Analysis, King, Armed Forc-es, Constitution, Political change, Terrorism. Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

  17. Reye's syndrome with cortical laminar necrosis: MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinoshita, T.; Takahashi, S.; Ishii, K.; Higano, S.; Matsumoto, K.; Sakamoto, K.; Haginoya, K.; Iinuma, K.


    Serial MRI findings are described in two patients with Reye's syndrome, demonstrating diffuse cortical and white matter changes. In the acute stage, T2-weighted images showed subtle but definite laminar high signal and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images laminar enhancement, along the entire cerebral cortex bilaterally. In the chronic stage, unenhanced T1-weighted images showed diffuse cortical laminar high signal. These characteristic MRI features seemed very similar to those of laminar cortical necrosis in hypoxic brain damage. MRI also displayed delayed white matter changes with cerebral atrophy. (orig.)

  18. “Is that right?” – Don Favareau, Don Corleone & the semiotics of friendship

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Emmeche, Claus


    A chapter commenting specifically on John Poinsot's "Tractatus de Signis", John Deely's interpretation of Poinsot's mentioning of "friendship" as an example of a triadic relation, Don Favareau's contribution to the biosemiotic community, and Don Corleone as a symbol of a different kind of "friend......A chapter commenting specifically on John Poinsot's "Tractatus de Signis", John Deely's interpretation of Poinsot's mentioning of "friendship" as an example of a triadic relation, Don Favareau's contribution to the biosemiotic community, and Don Corleone as a symbol of a different kind...... of "friendship", and generally on the philosophy of friendship....

  19. La construcción de la identidad del rey y los orígenes de su identificación con Osiris

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    María Martha Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Para la sociedad del Antiguo Egipto el mito era la forma de legitimación y la explicación de porqué el mundo adquiría determinada forma y orden. El paso de una economía cazadora- recolectora a una propiamente agrícola provoca un cambio de mentalidad en donde la figura del rey aparece como garante del orden dado. En este trabajo analizaremos la construcción de la identidad del rey en el Antiguo Egipto en base a dos interrogantes: los orígenes topográficos del culto a Osiris y cómo a través del mito se produce la identificación de Osiris el rey-padre muerto con su sucesor Horus-rey-hijo-vivo, todo esto vinculado a la formación del Estado

  20. Para un canon de marginales, malos y malditos: Jaime Rest en CEAL y Ediciones Librerías Fausto

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    Maximiliano Crespi


    Full Text Available This paper seeks to account for the link between the last period in Jaime Rest's criticism and his work both on the editorial project of Centro Editor de América Latina and on the design of the 'Novel and Short Story' catalog of Ediciones Librerías Fausto. Rest's critical production between the mid 60s and the late 70s is examined, and a detailed description of his work as editor during the same period is presented. The purpose of such comparison is to establish relationships of contiguity and interference between the two areas of work in the context of a cultural and intellectual field marked by repression and censorship

  1. JST Thesaurus Headwords and Synonyms: Reye-Johnson症候群 [MeCab user dictionary for science technology term[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available MeCab user dictionary for science technology term Reye-Johnson症候群 名詞 一般 * * * * Rey...e症候群 Reyeショウコウグン アールイーワイイーショーコウグン Thesaurus2015 200906016663424203 C LS51 UNKNOWN_2 Reye - Johnson 症候群

  2. Diseño de un Modelo 3D del Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid con Realidad Virtual


    Mateus, Sandra P; Giraldo, Jorge E


    Este trabajo muestra el desarrollo de un Entorno Virtual de la Sede Poblado del Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, utilizando técnicas de realidad virtual. Esto con el fin de obtener un modelo de la planta física de la Institución que proyecte su imagen, a través de una interfaz gráfica amigable basada en tecnología 3D. El trabajo fue realizado en las siguientes etapas: i) caracterización de la planta física y diseño del modelo virtual, par lo que se seleccionaron 3DMax y Maya de Aut...

  3. Un paso de América: Alfonso Reyes, Victoria Ocampo y el cosmopolitismo en la década de 1930 / Un paso de América: Alfonso Reyes, Victoria Ocampo and the Cosmopolitanism in the 1930’s

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    Gorica Majstorovic


    Full Text Available El artículo trata de las construcciones americanistas del cosmopolitismo (entendido en relación a la geopolítica imperial en los textos de Victoria Ocampo y Alfonso Reyes de los años treinta. Al analizar su relación con los movimientos de inmigración y la subsiguiente revalorización de la nación, el artículo postula que en Alfonso Reyes la mediación cosmopolita es «des-jerarquizada», ubicada casi siempre en una «periferia», a diferencia de Victoria Ocampo cuyas visiones cosmopolitas son mediadas desde un «centro» —ya sea París o Buenos Aires— y relacionadas con una jerarquía de valores estéticos y políticos.The article deals with Americanist constructions of cosmopolitanism (understood in relation to the imperial geopolitics in the texts of Victoria Ocampo and Alfonso Reyes in the 1930’s. Upon analyzing its relationship with immigration movements and the subsequent revaluation of the nation, the article suggests that in Alfonso Reyes cosmopolitan mediation is «dis-hierarchized», almost always located in a periphery, unlike Victoria Ocampo whose cosmopolitan visions are mediated from a «center» —either Paris or Buenos Aires— and related to a hierarchy of aesthetic and political values.

  4. Heroes of Civilization. The Amazon Region as Agricultural Export Cosmopolis in the Work of General Rafael Reyes

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    Felipe Martínez Pinzón


    the isthmus led the Colombian elites to rethink other border spaces. The article analyzes the discourse of appropriation of the Amazon territory set forth by President, General, and entrepreneur Rafael Reyes (1849-1921 in speeches lectures, travel diaries, and autobiographical memoirs. On the basis of those materials, the article argues that instead of nationalizing the Amazonian territory, Reyes suggesting incorporating it into the dynamics of global capitalism through the contradictory proposal of an “agricultural export cosmopolis” aimed at exploiting the region’s wealth. The contradictions of a segregationist cosmopolis, as a narrative of globalization in the early 20th century, also led General Reyes to represent the entrepreneurs of the agricultural frontier as “heroes of civilization”, a phrase that betrays the anachronism and irrationalism inherent in the allegedly indestructible rational discourse of civilization in the tropics.

  5. Don\\'t Ask, Don\\'t Tell: Ethical Issues Concerning Learning and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Informed consent procedures and requirements must be clearly established and communicated. The learning and proficiency practices should be restricted to the staff that can truly benefit from the experience. The practice of 'don't ask, don't tell' is not an option. South African Journal of Family Practice Vol. 50 (4) 2008: pp.

  6. The rise of repeal: policy entrepreneurship and Don't Ask, Don't Tell. (United States)

    Neff, Christopher L; Edgell, Luke R


    We report on policy entrepreneurship by Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) and how its legislative strategies used mini-windows of opportunity to shift Capitol Hill perspectives of Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) from political plutonium to an emerging issue requiring a second look. Four phases in the legislative history of DADT are identified: radioactive, contested, emerging, and viable. In all, this article argues that SLDN's entrepreneurship focused on contesting congressional sensibilities to wait or defer on repeal, maintained that every discharge was damaging and transitioned toward a post-repeal mind set. Finally, we illustrate the importance of these transitions by comparing SLDN's 2004 estimated vote count for the introduction of the Military Readiness Enhancement Act with the final 2010 voting results on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act.

  7. Guidelines: the do's, don'ts and don't knows of feedback for clinical education. (United States)

    Lefroy, Janet; Watling, Chris; Teunissen, Pim W; Brand, Paul


    The guidelines offered in this paper aim to amalgamate the literature on formative feedback into practical Do's, Don'ts and Don't Knows for individual clinical supervisors and for the institutions that support clinical learning. The authors built consensus by an iterative process. Do's and Don'ts were proposed based on authors' individual teaching experience and awareness of the literature, and the amalgamated set of guidelines were then refined by all authors and the evidence was summarized for each guideline. Don't Knows were identified as being important questions to this international group of educators which if answered would change practice. The criteria for inclusion of evidence for these guidelines were not those of a systematic review, so indicators of strength of these recommendations were developed which combine the evidence with the authors' consensus. A set of 32 Do and Don't guidelines with the important Don't Knows was compiled along with a summary of the evidence for each. These are divided into guidelines for the individual clinical supervisor giving feedback to their trainee (recommendations about both the process and the content of feedback) and guidelines for the learning culture (what elements of learning culture support the exchange of meaningful feedback, and what elements constrain it?) Feedback is not easy to get right, but it is essential to learning in medicine, and there is a wealth of evidence supporting the Do's and warning against the Don'ts. Further research into the critical Don't Knows of feedback is required. A new definition is offered: Helpful feedback is a supportive conversation that clarifies the trainee's awareness of their developing competencies, enhances their self-efficacy for making progress, challenges them to set objectives for improvement, and facilitates their development of strategies to enable that improvement to occur.

  8. [3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric aciduria and recurrent Reye-like syndrome]. (United States)

    Eirís, J; Ribes, A; Fernández-Prieto, R; Rodríguez-García, J; Rodríguez-Segade, S; Castro-Gago, M


    3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A lyase deficiency (HMG-CoA lyase) is an inborn error of ketogenesis and Leucine catabolism. HMG-CoA lyase catalyses the final step in leucine degradation, converting HMG-CoA to acetyl-CoA and acetoacetic acid. Clinical manifestations include hepatomegaly, lethargy or coma and apnoea. Biochemically there is a characteristic absence of ketosis with hypoglycemia, acidosis, hipertransaminasemia and variable hyperammoniemia. The urinary organic acid profile includes elevated concentrations of 3-hydroxy-3-isovaleric, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric, 3-methylglutaconic and 3-methylglutaric acids. Here, we report the case of a 17-year-old girl who presented in both ten months and five years of age a clinical picture characterized by lethargy leading to apnea and coma, hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, hyperammoniemia, elevated serum transaminases and absence of ketonuria. Diagnostic of Reye syndrome was suggested by hystopathologic finding of hepatic steatosis and clinical and biochemical data. As of 11 years old, laboratory investigations revealed carnitine deficiency and characteristic aciduria. Confirmatory enzyme diagnosis revealing deficiency of HMG-CoA lyase was made in cultured fibroblasts. Our report constitutes an example of the presentation of HMG-CoA lyase deficiency as recurrent Reye-like syndrome.

  9. La columna en verso: recuerdo y presencia de poetas y versificadores

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    Juan Cantavella Blasco


    Full Text Available A veces, entre la uniformidad de las columnas periodísticas, surgen formas singulares que tienen sus cultivadores y sus seguidores. Ocurre con la columna en verso, de la que encontramos muestras en el siglo XIX(Eduardo Marquina, José del Río Sáinz, Salvador M. Granés, Manuel del Palacio… y en el XX (Luis de Tapia,Raimundo de los Reyes, Félix Antonio González, Jaime Campmany, Alfonso Ussía…. Aquí repasamos la historia de esta modalidad opinativa y las peculiaridades que estos autores aporta (sátira, humor y amenidad.

  10. Enlightenment and education: Baltasar de los Reyes Marrero and the Modern Philosophy program at the Universidad de Caracas, 1788

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    Reinaldo Rojas


    of their study programs and the reform of academic structures in in their professorship. The clergyman Baltasar de los Reyes Marrero (1752-1809, recognized as the founder of the Modern Philosophy program at the Real y Pontiicia Universidad de Caracas, is one of these outstanding educators. Thus, this paper focuses on the general biographical features, intellectual formation and pedagogical efforts carried out in the Venezuelan university by Baltasar de los Reyes.


    Ghonghadze, M; Antelava, N; Liluashvili, K; Okujava, M; Pachkoria, K


    Administration of Aacetylsalicylic acid in children with viral infections (influence B, chickenpox) can be related with development of Reye syndrome - severe encephalopathy and liver insufficiency with mortality in 50% of cases. During Reye syndrome most important is deficiency of carnitine and hepatocyte damage. Decreased amount of carnitine impairs the energy function of mitochondria and gluconeogenesis as well as production of urea. As a result develops toxic encephalopathy and liver insufficiency. The goal of the research was assessment of efficacy of L-Carnitine, Corvitin and their combination on functional state of liver in experimental model of Reye Syndrome in rats. The study was performed on mature white male Wistar rates with body mass 150-180g. 50 rats were randomly divided into 5 groups (10 rats in each group). The model of Reye syndrome was induced in accordance with A.Vengersky's method. Intraperitoneal administration of 4-pentenoic acid was performed once daily during seven days, the used dosage was 20mg/kg. The treatment of toxic hepatitis was carried with intraperitoneal administration of L-Carnitine 300mg/kg, Corvitine 100mg/kg and concurrent administration of these drugs. Monotherapy with Corvitin and L-Carnitin successfully improved liver function and equally decreased indicators of hepatocyte's cytolyses and increased levels of glucose and urea. The markers of cholestasis was slightly more improved during use of L-Carnitine. Simultaneous use of both drugs was effective in rats with Reye syndrome, indicators of liver damage normalized and herewith, no mortality outcome was observed. The most pronounced hepatoprotective effect of concurrent administration of L-Carnitine and Corvitin may be due to synergic action of these drugs and such regime can be recommended for correction of liver function during Reye syndrome.

  12. Deciphering the diagenetic alteration degree in thrombolites across the Permian-Triassic boundary and the evaluation of REY as a proxy of palaeoseawater (United States)

    Li, Rong


    The thrombolites across the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) are widely distributed in South China. In order to examine the utility of rare earth element and yttrium (REY) in the thrombolites as a proxy of palaeoseawater, the petrographic and geochemical (Sr, Mn, Fe, REY, δ13C, δ18O) features of thrombolites from Cili and Taiping sections are comparatively studied to determine the diagenetic alteration degrees of the thrombolites and the impact of diagenesis on REY concentrations and distribution patterns. The thrombolites from Cili section, digitate in mesoscopic morphology, are latest Permian in age. In contrast, most of the thrombolites in Taiping section are mottled and formed in the earliest Triassic. The variation in thrombolite morphology across the PTB is probably related to increasing amount of metazoan and increasing intensity of bioturbation after the end-Permian mass extinction. Compared to the thrombolites from Taiping section, those from Cili section underwent more extensive diagenetic alteration, which are characterized by more dolomitic content, lower Sr concentrations, more negative δ18O values, and higher Mn/Sr ratios. The REY concentrations are higher in the thrombolites from Taiping section (5-303 ppm, average 48 ppm) than in the thrombolites from Cili section (17-34 ppm, average 25 ppm). Shale-normalized REY distribution patterns of the thrombolites from both sites are similar to those of oxygenated seawater, which are characterized by positive La anomalies (Pr/Pr∗ = 1.1-1.5), negative Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce∗ = 0.2-0.9), and light rare earth element (LREE) depletion. The preserved seawater like REY distribution pattern indicates that diagenesis did not alter the REY distribution patterns. The thrombolite samples from Cili section, compared to the counterparts from Taiping, have less positive La anomaly and less negative Ce anomaly. For the thrombolites from Cili section, a positive correlation exists between Ce anomaly and siliciclastic

  13. Microbial biotransformation of DON: molecular basis for reduced toxicity (United States)

    Pierron, Alix; Mimoun, Sabria; Murate, Leticia S.; Loiseau, Nicolas; Lippi, Yannick; Bracarense, Ana-Paula F. L.; Schatzmayr, Gerd; He, Jian Wei; Zhou, Ting; Moll, Wulf-Dieter; Oswald, Isabelle P.


    Bacteria are able to de-epoxidize or epimerize deoxynivalenol (DON), a mycotoxin, to deepoxy-deoxynivalenol (deepoxy-DON or DOM-1) or 3-epi-deoxynivalenol (3-epi-DON), respectively. Using different approaches, the intestinal toxicity of 3 molecules was compared and the molecular basis for the reduced toxicity investigated. In human intestinal epithelial cells, deepoxy-DON and 3-epi-DON were not cytotoxic, did not change the oxygen consumption or impair the barrier function. In intestinal explants, exposure for 4 hours to 10 μM DON induced intestinal lesions not seen in explants treated with deepoxy-DON and 3-epi-DON. A pan-genomic transcriptomic analysis was performed on intestinal explants. 747 probes, representing 323 genes, were differentially expressed, between DON-treated and control explants. By contrast, no differentially expressed genes were observed between control, deepoxy-DON and 3-epi-DON treated explants. Both DON and its biotransformation products were able to fit into the pockets of the A-site of the ribosome peptidyl transferase center. DON forms three hydrogen bonds with the A site and activates MAPKinases (mitogen-activated protein kinases). By contrast deepoxy-DON and 3-epi-DON only form two hydrogen bonds and do not activate MAPKinases. Our data demonstrate that bacterial de-epoxidation or epimerization of DON altered their interaction with the ribosome, leading to an absence of MAPKinase activation and a reduced toxicity.

  14. Is Reye's syndrome still a valid diagnosis? | du Toit-Prinsloo | South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The exact aetiology of the syndrome is unknown, but there is an association with viral infections and the use of aspirin. There has been a sharp decline in the incidence of Reye's syndrome; the reasons for this are unclear, but may be due, in part, to the declining use of aspirin in children and to improvements in the diagnosis ...

  15. Die dood van Genraal De la Rey | Smith | Scientia Militaria: South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Road-blocks were set up to intercept the bandits' car. Already one tragedy had occurred when a certain Dr Grace had ignored a summons to halt at a road-block and had been shot dead. Unaware of the Foster-hunt, and evidently believing that the police were under orders to arrest them, Beyers and De la Rey failed to halt ...

  16. The Metabolic Fate of Deoxynivalenol and Its Acetylated Derivatives in a Wheat Suspension Culture: Identification and Detection of DON-15-O-Glucoside, 15-Acetyl-DON-3-O-Glucoside and 15-Acetyl-DON-3-Sulfate

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    Clemens Schmeitzl


    Full Text Available Deoxynivalenol (DON is a protein synthesis inhibitor produced by the Fusarium species, which frequently contaminates grains used for human or animal consumption. We treated a wheat suspension culture with DON or one of its acetylated derivatives, 3-acetyl-DON (3-ADON, 15-acetyl-DON (15-ADON and 3,15-diacetyl-DON (3,15-diADON, and monitored the metabolization over a course of 96 h. Supernatant and cell extract samples were analyzed using a tailored LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of DON metabolites. We report the formation of tentatively identified DON-15-O-β-D-glucoside (D15G and of 15-acetyl-DON-3-sulfate (15-ADON3S as novel deoxynivalenol metabolites in wheat. Furthermore, we found that the recently identified 15-acetyl-DON-3-O-β-D-glucoside (15-ADON3G is the major metabolite produced after 15-ADON challenge. 3-ADON treatment led to a higher intracellular content of toxic metabolites after six hours compared to all other treatments. 3-ADON was exclusively metabolized into DON before phase II reactions occurred. In contrast, we found that 15-ADON was directly converted into 15-ADON3G and 15-ADON3S in addition to metabolization into deoxynivalenol-3-O-β-D-glucoside (D3G. This study highlights significant differences in the metabolization of DON and its acetylated derivatives.

  17. Guidelines : the do's, don'ts and don't knows of feedback for clinical education

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lefroy, Janet; Watling, Chris; Teunissen, Pim W; Brand, Paul


    INTRODUCTION: The guidelines offered in this paper aim to amalgamate the literature on formative feedback into practical Do's, Don'ts and Don't Knows for individual clinical supervisors and for the institutions that support clinical learning. METHODS: The authors built consensus by an iterative

  18. Homenaje a Don Gregorio Marañon en el Centenario de su Nacimiento

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    Fernando Serpa Florez


    Colombiana de Historia de la Medicina, doctor Guillermo Lozano, hacer el estudio pormenorizado de la bibliografía y el cronológico de los fastos en la vida de
    don Gregario Marañón, con la autoridad y el privilegio que le dan sus largos años de estudio en España y su cercanía al maestro, como discípulo que fue del gran médico.

    Otros colombianos, Max Olaya Restrepo -cuyo ensayo sobre Marañón fue el brillante trabajo que le abrió las puertas de nuestra Academia y que es buena fuente para adentrarnos en la poliédrica personalidad del sabio-o Luis Ardila Gómez, su contemporáneo, quien trajo a nuestra patria quizás las más tempranas informaciones y su admiración por el famoso científico. Francisco
    Gnecco Mozo, internista y endocrinólogo. Juan Zapata Olivella, diplomático y escritor cartagenero, a más de médico. Rafael Gómez-Cuevas, notable endocrinólogo también y novelista. Guillermo López Escobar y Jaime Rengifo Pardo, ilustres ginecólogos. Para citar unos pocos de los innumerables médicos que hasta el Servicio de Patología del Hospital Provincial de Madrid concurrieron en épocas diversas desde Colombia para escuchar de labios del diserto profesor las enseñanzas que por sus publicaciones, artículos científicos y libros llegaron también a nuestro país y fueron leídos y estudiados con admiración unánime. (“Manual de Diagnóstico Etiológico”, “Introducción al estudio de la endocrinología”, “Tres ensayos sobre la vida sexual”, “Amor, conveniencia y eugenesia”, “Las enfermedades de Addison”, “Patología de la Hipófisis” -escrito en asocio con Richet-, “Insuficiencia Suprarrenal” -en el Tratado de Endocrinología Clínica-, “El crecimiento y sus trastornos”, los estudios psicosexuales sobre “Don Juan” y sobre “Amiel”, así como sus obras sobre historia y arte...

  19. De la campaña electoral al despacho presidencial. Las causas y las consecuencias del giro programático realizado por Jaime Paz Zamora en Bolivia

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    Claire Wright


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es revisar un aspecto clave de las teorías de la democracia representativa: los giros programáticos, en términos tanto de sus causas como de sus efectos. Para este fin, se realiza un estudio de caso del presidente Jaime Paz Zamora, en Bolivia, revisando las hipótesis de algunos autores, sobre todo de Stokes (2001 y Maravall (2003. Las principales contribuciones del estudio a la literatura son las siguientes: las coaliciones gubernamentales basadas más en cuestiones estratégicas que programáticas constituyen terreno fértil para giros programáticos, y es posible que los efectos secundarios de los giros programáticos se perciban más a largo que a corto plazo. / This article reviews a key aspect of the theories of representative democracy: policy switches, in terms both of their causes and their effects. The author carries out a case study of President Jaime Paz Zamora in Bolivia, reviewing the hypotheses of several authors, including Stokes (2001 and Maravall (2003. The study’s main contributions to the literature are that government coalitions based more on strategic issues than on programmatic ones are fertile ground for policy switches, and it is possible that their secondary effects will be perceived more in the long run than in the short term.

  20. El Quinquenio de Rafael Reyes y la transformación del mapa político-administrativo colombiano

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    Carlos Andrés Quinche Castaño


    Full Text Available Tras la expedición de la Constitución de 1886, la división políticoadministrativa del territorio colombiano permaneció invariable durante 18 años, hasta la creación del Departamento de Nariño, de acuerdo con los parámetros establecidos en la ley. Sin embargo, durante el primer año del gobierno de Rafael Reyes en 1905, fueron instituidos seis nuevos departamentos, para luego, ya en 1908, subdividir el territorio nacional en 34 secciones. El movimiento contrarreformista que siguió a la administración de Reyes en 1909 restableció la división territorial existente antes del Quinquenio, pero ciertas resistencias locales permitieron que algunos de los nuevos departamentos creados recientemente lograran subsistir. El presente artículo constituye una revisión histórica de las transformaciones que sufrió el ordenamiento territorial colombiano durante el gobierno de Reyes, todo con el fin de dar cuenta del papel que cumple el Quinquenio en la definición del mapa político administrativo del país.

  1. Palabras y gestos de compromiso: los reyes castellanos y sus juramentos (siglo XV

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    Full Text Available Parmi les paroles prononcées par les rois au cours de leur règne, il y a celles qui expriment l’engagement : serment, promesses, vœux et hommages… Ces engagements verbaux, en tant qu’actes de paroles, se chargent d’une importante signification politique lorsqu’un roi en est l’émetteur. En raison des conditions dans lesquelles elles sont prononcées, dans un contexte public et toujours politique, et de leur efficacité rituelle, ces paroles constituent un champ privilégié pour étudier les fonctions de la parole royale. Le présent article se veut être une première approche des « paroles d’engagement » prononcées par les rois castillans au cours du XVe siècle à partir de leur mention dans les chroniques, de leur rôle dans la construction d’une image royale, des contextes qui donnent lieu à l’expression de ce type de parole royale (serments institutionnels, promesses liées à la lutte politique…, du sens de la gamme linguistique sur laquelle joue un roi pour exprimer son engagement et de la place de cette dernière dans la construction de l’autorité royale.Entre las palabras pronunciadas por los reyes a lo largo de su reinado se encuentran las que expresan compromiso: juramentos, promesas, votos, homenajes… Estos compromisos verbales, como actos de habla, se hallan plagados de sentido político cuando es el rey el emisor. Por sus condiciones de su pronunciación, en un contexto público y siempre político y por su eficacia ritual suponen un ámbito privilegiado para el estudio de las funciones del habla regia. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una aproximación a las “palabras de compromiso” expresadas por los reyes castellanos en el siglo XV, tratando de valorar su presencia en el discurso cronístico; su relación con la construcción de la imagen del monarca; los contextos que suelen dar lugar a expresiones de este tipo de palabra regia (juramentos institucionales; promesas ligadas a la

  2. Las culpas del Rey y de su Favorito. El proceso a Alonso Ramírez de Prado (1607-1608

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    Full Text Available El enorme poder alcanzado por el letrado Alonso Ramírez de Prado en los primeros ocho años (1598-1606 del reinado de Felipe III fue resultado directodel dominio que su patrón, el duque de Lerma, ejerció sobre la corte y el joven rey. El 26 diciembre de 1606, su repentina detención puso fin a una rutilante carrera política y empezó un proceso, descuidado por mucho tiempo por los historiadores, junto al conde de Villalonga, don Pedro Franqueza. A través del análisis de la documentación oficial relativa a la causa de Ramírez de Prado, el presente trabajo pretende ilustrar las diferentes razones de la acusación y,sobre todo, los argumentos de la defensa, encargada al hijo del acusado, don Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado. El veredicto de culpabilidad emitido al final del proceso parecía anular cualquier argumento de la defensa. Sin embargo, el debate sobre la responsabilidad del soberano con respecto al poder de susfavoritos continuó a lo largo de las décadas siguientes.The huge power achieved by the jurist Alonso Ramírez de Prado in the firsteight years (1598-1606 of the reign of Philip III was a direct result of the supremacy of his patron, the Duke of Lerma, over the whole court and theyoung king. On December 26, 1606, his sudden arrest brought his brilliantcareer in politics to an end and started a trial, overlooked for a long time by historians in favor of the concurrent one against the Earl of Villalonga, PedroFranqueza. Through the analysis of the official documentation about the case of Ramírez de Prado, the article aims to illustrate the many reasons of the prosecution and, above all, the arguments of the defence, entrusted to his son, Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado. The verdict of guilty returned at the end of the process seemed to erase any argument of the defence. However, the debateabout the responsibilities of the sovereign in relation to the power of his favourites was destined to continue in the following decades

  3. Para un canon de marginales, malos y malditos: Jaime Rest en CEAL y Ediciones Librerías Fausto

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    Maximiliano Crespi


    Full Text Available El presente artículo busca dar cuenta de la articulación entre la última etapa del trabajo crítico de Jaime Rest y su labor en el proyecto editorial de Centro Editor de América Latina y en el diseño del catálogo 'Novela y Cuento' de Ediciones Librerías Fausto. Se examina la producción crítica de Rest entre mediados de la década del 60 y fines de los 70 y se presenta una descripción pormenorizada de su trabajo como editor en el periodo delimitado por esas fechas. El objeto de dicho cotejo apunta a establecer relaciones de contigüidad e interferencias entre ambas esferas laborales en el contexto de un campo cultural e intelectual signado por la represión y la censura

  4. Utopía humanista de Alfonso Reyes en Monterrey

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    Jaime Villarreal


    Full Text Available Este texto discute y enmarca el proyecto humanista pensado por Alfonso Reyes para Monterrey, explora algunos ensayos donde el escritor acuña arquetipos sobre la historia, vocación y carácter de la región y de sus habitantes. La discusión se centra en su "Voto por la Universidad del Norte" (1933 en el que plantea la necesidad de renovar la tradición humanista. Esta investigación sirve también para reconstruir parte del diálogo y polémicas que han caracterizado el campo cultural regiomontano en el siglo XX.

  5. "De Genes y Gentes". Libro del Académico Jaime Eduardo Bernál Villegas

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    Francisco Núñez


    Full Text Available

    La amistad con Jaime Eduardo Bernal es, además de un permanente disfrute de sus ocurrencias y de su fino humor, un activo ejercicio intelectual. Todavía me asombra su inagotable capacidad de sorprender.

    Es hombre emprendedor, que con tesón ha culminado exitosamente cada uno de los numerosos proyectos que se ha impuesto.

    Así como lo vemos gozar con cada nueva idea, he sido testigo del entusiasmo con que las desarrolla y de su satisfacción cuando las hace realidad.

    Es un médico profundamente compasivo que busca transmitir la armonía que debe existir entre la aplicación del conocimiento, los hallazgos de la ciencia y un ejercicio médico con hondo sentido humanitario.

    Desde que lo conozco (y ello data de los claustros universitarios, ha trabajado infatigablemente por la humanización de la medicina: no es el investigador frío, que se yergue sobre la neutralidad moral de la ciencia o la invoca para apartarse de su compromiso hipocrático. Tiene muy claros los límites que le impone la moral natural y por consiguiente la ética médica Iniciando el año de 1980, recién llegado de Newcastle, Inglaterra, donde acababa de recibir su PhD en Genética Humana después de largos años de especialización, ingresó a la sala de profesores del departamento de Pediatría de la Universidad Javeriana, donde solíamos reunirnos a debatir los casos clínicos de nuestros pacientes. Jaime Eduardo entró calmadamente, en su mano un maletín y en él una libreta que llamaba “el libro de las Ideas” y así estaba rotulada; se hallaban consignados allí muchos de los que habrían de convertirse en proyectos de investigación y más tarde en exitosas investigaciones y publicaciones.

    Ocupó un escritorio y me dijo “vamos a ver qué se puede hacer, vengo a pensar…“. No había transcurrido mucho tiempo cuando sus ideas y alrededor de ellas un pequeño grupo de investigadores ya nos habían desalojado de nuestra sala de

  6. Initial and follow-up MRI in a case of early diagnosed Reye's syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozdoba, C.; Pfenninger, J.; Schroth, G.


    Early MRI in a case of clinically established Reye's syndrome confirmed CT findings of compressed ventricles and additionally demonstrated signal alterations in the thalamus, mesencephalon and pons. On follow-up MRI the pontine lesion had vanished by 1 week later, while the thalamic lesion persisted for more than 2 months. The patient, however, recovered without neurological sequelae. (orig.). With 3 figs

  7. La “Carta abierta a Alfonso Reyes sobre Goethe” de María Zambrano: ¿un caso de irracionalismo poético?

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    Andreas Kurz


    This article shows that the 1954 dispute between María Zambrano and Alfonso Reyes about Goethe has to be seen as a consequence of the studies of the Spanish philosopher in the field of the interrelation between poetry and philosophy. In the dispute, Reyes seems to represent a rational position, while Zambrano appears to follow an irrational aesthetics originated by German and English romanticism. When applying Karl Popper’s ideas about rationalism and irrationalism, the result is a different constellation: Zambrano as representative of rational and open thinking, Reyes the promoter of a poetic system based solely on the concept of “great man”, developed in literary criticism by Paul Bénichou, which enabled him to see Goethe as a personality that fuses life and work. This interpretation of Goethe is, by the way, predominant in Spanish-speaking cultures, as Udo Rukser showed in his classical study.

  8. Don Quixote og romangenren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kluge, Sofie

    Through the centuries Cervantes' Don Quixote (1605/1615) has delighted readers, inspired artists, and helped form our perception of early modern Spain. Moreover, it has played a major part in the development and theoretisation of one of the modern world's most central artistic forms: the novel. Don...

  9. conmemoración del Rey Leopoldo de Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha

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    Jeffrey Tyssens


    Full Text Available Si el lazo del rey Leopoldo I de Bélgica con la masonería fue en el mejor de los casos lejano –fue aceptado por« comunicación » bajo los auspicios de una logia suiza aunque muy probablemente no haya puesto nunca un pieen una logia- no impidió que fuera saludado como hermano por los masones belgas. Leopoldo aceptó serprotector de la orden cuando un nuevo gran orientese estableció en el joven país en 1832-1833. No obstante,pronto Leopoldo desarrolló una hostilidad contra lapostura liberal de las logias belgas, actitud quemantuvohasta su muerte en diciembre de 1865. En febrero de1866, el Gran Oriente organizó una tenida fúnebreen honoral fallecido monarca. El ritual reflejaba el espiritualismo masónico que todavía estaba muy extendidopor aquellaépoca. El rey masón muerto fue de forma simbólica integrado en el panteón de los héroes nacionales,reinventado con cualidades míticas, instrumentalizado como un icono que probara cuán los masones no eranviles ateos. La opinión católica reaccionó de formaviolenta contra aquella recuperación del monarca.Asimismo,el ritual de 1866 trajo también una primera significativa protesta de masones que mostraban una actitud radicalcontra el espiritualismo impuesto. Estas polémicasanticipaban la secularización gradual de los ritualesmasónicos belgas de los años 1870

  10. Estudio vulcanológico y qeoquímico del maar de la Caldera del Rey. Tenerife (Canarias

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    Paradas Herrero, A.


    Full Text Available In this study a cartographic, morphological, geochemical and petrographic study is made of the ''Caldera del Rey". The "Caldera del Rey" is a volcanic structure formed by two overlapping maars, The second one (maar that was formed is of greaten dimensions and destroyed part of the first one, Both maars erupted throught a possible fracture N 35 E, which is one of the directions with regional importance in the Archipelago. The eruption, which was very explosive, has been thought to be due in part to the great importance of the gaseous phase of the salic magma and also to the steam produced during the interaction of the magma with underground water. This explosivity can be clearly seen in the cleaf resalte cul out in the "Serie Basáltica Antigua" to some extent penetrated and fragmented by the eruption, The phreatomagmatic character of the eruption is evident because of the existence of accretionary lapilli. The materials emitted are exc1usively of aerial projection: agglomerates, tuffs cinerites. There was no flow of lava. ' Some of the fragments of tuffs as cinerites and pumice are comagmatic. These correspond to salic trachytic phonolitic rocks, which represent one of the last stages of differentiation of the alkaline oceanic magmas. The geochemical character of the materials of the "Caldera del Rey" is characteristic and can be easily distinguished from other nearly salic deposits formed in different cycles.

    En este trabajo se hace el estudio cartográfico, morfológico, petrográfico y geoquímico de la Caldera del Rey. La Caldera del Reyes un edificio volcánico formado por dos maars imbricados. El que se formó en segundo lugar es de mayores dimensiones y destruyó en parte el primero. Ambos aprovecharon para hacer erupción una posible fractura de dirección N 35'"E, de importancia regional en el Archipiélago. La erupción fue de una gran explosividad, que se supone debida, en parte, a la gran importancia de la fase gaseosa del

  11. Revisión de registros y notas de Pingüino Rey (Aptenodytes patagonicus) y el Pingüino Penacho Amarillo (Eudyptes chrysocome) en Brasil


    Barquete, Viviane; Bugoni, Leandro; Silva-Filho, Rodolfo P.; Adornes, Andrea C.


    En este estudio se presenta una revisión de hallazgos previos y nuevos registros del Pingüino Rey (Aptenodytes patagonicus) y del Pingüino Penacho Amarillo (Eudyptes chrysocome) en la costa de Brasil. En total se registraron seis individuos de Pingüino Rey y diez de Pingüino de Penacho Amarillo. Tanto juveniles como adultos de las dos especies fueron encontrados en las playas, especialmente en Rio Grande do Sul, sur de Brasil. Los registros de Pingüino Rey están restringidos al verano, mientr...

  12. The copy of the Essays of Jean Rey, used by Bayen and Gobet, at the BIU Sante, pole Pharmacie. (United States)

    Lafont, Olivier


    The copy of the innovative book written by Jean Rey in 1630, entitied : The Essays on the reasons why the weight of stain and lead increased when they were burnt, which is nowadays kept in the BIU Sante, pole Pharmacie, proved to be the authentic copy which had been used by Pierre Bayer when he rediscovered Jean Rey's Works. It was also the same copy that Gobey used when he real- ized his new edition of the Essays in 1777. This copy first belonged to M. de Villars from La Rochelle, and then was acquired by M. de Villiers, who accepted to lend it to Bayen. The probes for this identification were detailed in the article.

  13. Directional wave and temperature data from seven buoys at Point Reyes, CA, 1996-2002 (NODC Accession 0000760) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Wave data were collected from 7 buoys in Point Reyes, California, from 06 December 1996 to 25 July 2002. Data were collected as part of the Coastal Data Information...

  14. Estratégias mercadológicas do jornalismo regional: as mudanças empreendidas pelo Grupo Jaime Câmara

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    Ângela Teixeira de Moraes

    Full Text Available Resumo Esta pesquisa descreve as principais mudanças nas práticas jornalísticas do principal empreendimento privado de comunicação no Centro-Oeste brasileiro – o Grupo Jaime Câmara (GJC. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que analisou três produtos dessa organização: o telejornal Anhanguera 1ª Edição, o jornal tabloide Daqui e o jornal de referência O Popular; realizado entre agosto de 2016 e abril de 2017. A pesquisa apoiou-se em dados coletados de entrevistas com jornalistas e editores da empresa, além da análise de conteúdo de matérias publicadas e veiculadas pelo GJC. Os resultados confirmam o impacto da Internet na reconfiguração do trabalho jornalístico e do sistema de concorrência que se instalou diante de tantas ofertas informacionais à sociedade, mas apontam singluraridades quanto aos efeitos de certas estratégias mercadológicas.

  15. Programa de bailoterapia para reducir el riesgo de caídas en adultos mayores del centro geriátrico "Cristo Rey"


    Durán Quituisaca, Herminio Mateo; Marín Matute, Karen Katyuzka


    El proyecto fue ejecutado en el Centro Geriátrico "Cristo Rey", con el quisimos mejorar la estabilidad del adulto mayor a través de un programa de bailoterapia para reducir el riesgo de caídas. Se aplicó el test de Tinneti Modificado a 15 adultos mayores entre 65 y 96 años de edad, obteniendo resultados positivos con una mejoría del (5,6 ± 1,2%). The project was carried out at the "Cristo Rey" Geriatric Center, with which we wanted to help improve the stability of the elderly through a dan...

  16. DON-induced changes in bone homeostasis in mink dams

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    Tomaszewska Ewa


    Full Text Available Introduction: The aim of the study was to investigate the mechanical and geometric properties as well as bone tissue and mineral density of long bones in mink dams exposed to deoxynivalenol (DON since one day after mating, throughout gestation (ca. 46 d and lactation to pelt harvesting. Material and Methods: Thirty clinically healthy multiparous minks (Neovison vison of the standard dark brown type were used. After the mating, the minks were randomly assigned into two equal groups: nontreated control group and DON group fed wheat contaminated naturally with DON at a concentration of 1.1 mg·kg-1 of feed. Results: The final body weight and weight and length of the femur did not differ between the groups. However, DON contamination decreased mechanical endurance of the femur. Furthermore, DON reduced the mean relative wall thickness and vertical wall thickness of the femur, while vertical cortical index, midshaft volume, and cross-sectional moment of inertia increased. Finally, DON contamination did not alter bone tissue density, bone mineral density, or bone mineral content, but decreased the values of all investigated structural and material properties. Conclusion: DON at applied concentration probably intensified the process of endosteal resorption, which was the main reason for bone wall thinning and the weakening of the whole bone.

  17. Violence, Oppression, and Double Standards in Three Colombian Films

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    Melissa R. Meade


    Full Text Available This article compares three Colombian films that tell distinct stories of violence, personal and political oppression, and double standards. The films Confesión a Laura (Confessing to Laura, Jaime Osorio, 1991, La Primera Noche (The First Night, Luis Alberto Restrepo, 2003 and El Rey (The King, José Antonio Dorado, 2004 each highlight the characters’ struggles in the Colombian socio-political landscape. Each  film’s content and themes do not merely offer representations of national culture, but also provide a way in which to discuss the political and social struggles of Colombia. The directors explore these stories of violence and socio-political struggle through the use of mis-en-scène, cinematography, sound, and editing.

  18. Fitness for Kids Who Don't Like Sports (United States)

    ... Español Fitness for Kids Who Don't Like Sports KidsHealth / For Parents / Fitness for Kids Who Don' ... look for something new. Still Shopping for a Sport Some kids haven't found the right sport. ...

  19. Use of deuterium and oxygen-18 in hydrological problems at Villa de Reyes, S.L.P. Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morales, P.; Castillo C, R.


    A survey of an initial study in order to understand the general behaviour of ground water at Villa de Reyes, S.L.P. Mexico is presented. Deuterium and oxygen results are discussed and two geothermometers were used in order to search for a geothermal area. (author)

  20. Quando rey perdemos nunq[u]a bien nos fallamos. La muerte del rey en la Castilla del siglo XIII

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    Pérez Monzón, Olga


    Full Text Available This article deals with the funeral spaces of the Castilian kings during the 13th century, and the iconography of their tombs as the reflection of a political ideational system tending toward the sanctification of the monarchy. This elevation of royalty provoked an open conflict with certain members of the nobility and the royal family, as well as a political and artistic response.

    El presente artículo trata sobre los ámbitos fúnebres de los reyes castellanos durante el siglo XIII y la particularidad iconográfica de sus monumentos tumulares como reflejo de un ideario político tendente a la sacralización de la monarquía. El encumbramiento de la realeza provocó un abierto conflicto con determinados miembros de la realeza y la familia real y una respuesta política y artística.

  1. Don Quichotte, un don quichotte ? Déprogrammation d’un stéréotype

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    Marta Cuenca-Godbert


    Full Text Available En réaction à la publication de la suite apocryphe de Don Quichotte de la Manche, Cervantès utilise dans sa seconde partie les ressorts narratifs de la stéréotypie littéraire pour montrer à quel point son personnage diffère de ce qu'en a fait Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda, continuateur peu respectueux de sa personne et de son personnage. Le refus de voir en don Quichotte un simple stéréotype du chevalier errant chimérique est particulièrement manifeste dans la série d'aventures se déroulant au château des ducs, où don Quichotte, par sa renommée littéraire littéralement reconnue, est traité en chevalier par des personnages manipulateurs de situations, qui visent à produire chez lui des réactions programmées pour s’en amuser. Il apparaît alors que le simple agrégat d'ingrédients propres au stéréotype littéraire chevaleresque finit par ne pas produire l'issue escomptée.En la Segunda parte del Quijote, Cervantes reacciona ante la publicación de la de Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda, continuador poco respetuoso con la persona del autor primigenio y su personaje. Recurriendo a los procedimientos narrativos de la estereotipia literaria deja bien claro qué diferente resulta ser el personaje original respecto al del continuador. La negativa de ver a don Quijote como un mero estereotipo del caballero andante loco se pone particularmente de manifiesto en la serie de aventuras que transcurren en el palacio de los duques. Allí, los personajes reconocen literalmente la fama literaria de don Quijote. Generan, desde situaciones ficticias, tipos de tratamiento que se dispensarían a un verdadero caballero andante. Como resultado, se desencadena una serie de reacciones programadas con las que pretenden divertirse. Sin embargo, queda claro que la mera acumulación de ingredientes propios del estereotipo literario caballeresco no produce el resultado esperado.

  2. Microbial Detoxification of Deoxynivalenol (DON), Assessed via a Lemna minor L. Bioassay, through Biotransformation to 3-epi-DON and 3-epi-DOM-1. (United States)

    Vanhoutte, Ilse; De Mets, Laura; De Boevre, Marthe; Uka, Valdet; Di Mavungu, José Diana; De Saeger, Sarah; De Gelder, Leen; Audenaert, Kris


    Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by fungi. To mitigate mycotoxins in food or feed, biotransformation is an emerging technology in which microorganisms degrade toxins into non-toxic metabolites. To monitor deoxynivalenol (DON) biotransformation, analytical tools such as ELISA and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) are typically used. However, these techniques do not give a decisive answer about the remaining toxicity of possible biotransformation products. Hence, a bioassay using Lemna minor L. was developed. A dose-response analysis revealed significant inhibition in the growth of L. minor exposed to DON concentrations of 0.25 mg/L and higher. Concentrations above 1 mg/L were lethal for the plant. This bioassay is far more sensitive than previously described systems. The bioassay was implemented to screen microbial enrichment cultures, originating from rumen fluid, soil, digestate and activated sludge, on their biotransformation and detoxification capability of DON. The enrichment cultures originating from soil and activated sludge were capable of detoxifying and degrading 5 and 50 mg/L DON. In addition, the metabolites 3-epi-DON and the epimer of de-epoxy-DON (3-epi-DOM-1) were found as biotransformation products of both consortia. Our work provides a new valuable tool to screen microbial cultures for their detoxification capacity.

  3. Microbial Detoxification of Deoxynivalenol (DON, Assessed via a Lemna minor L. Bioassay, through Biotransformation to 3-epi-DON and 3-epi-DOM-1

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    Ilse Vanhoutte


    Full Text Available Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by fungi. To mitigate mycotoxins in food or feed, biotransformation is an emerging technology in which microorganisms degrade toxins into non-toxic metabolites. To monitor deoxynivalenol (DON biotransformation, analytical tools such as ELISA and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS are typically used. However, these techniques do not give a decisive answer about the remaining toxicity of possible biotransformation products. Hence, a bioassay using Lemna minor L. was developed. A dose–response analysis revealed significant inhibition in the growth of L. minor exposed to DON concentrations of 0.25 mg/L and higher. Concentrations above 1 mg/L were lethal for the plant. This bioassay is far more sensitive than previously described systems. The bioassay was implemented to screen microbial enrichment cultures, originating from rumen fluid, soil, digestate and activated sludge, on their biotransformation and detoxification capability of DON. The enrichment cultures originating from soil and activated sludge were capable of detoxifying and degrading 5 and 50 mg/L DON. In addition, the metabolites 3-epi-DON and the epimer of de-epoxy-DON (3-epi-DOM-1 were found as biotransformation products of both consortia. Our work provides a new valuable tool to screen microbial cultures for their detoxification capacity.

  4. Blood Pressure Medicines Don’t Work If People Don’t Take Them PSA (:60)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    This 60 second public service announcement is based on the September 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Blood pressure medicines don’t work if people don’t take them. Learn how health care systems can work with patients to make taking medicines easier.

  5. La sacralización del rey. Fernando VII, la insurgencia novohispana y el derecho divino de los reyes

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    Landavazo, Marco Antonio


    Full Text Available This article analyzes what the author called the «process of sacralization» of King Ferdinand VII’s image in New Spain, and its political and ideological consequences in the Mexican Independence War. The people’s believes, values and attitudes towards the Monarchy were an essential part of the local political culture. These played a decisive role in the course of political and social events of the period.

    En este artículo se describe y analiza lo que he llamado el proceso de sacralización de la figura del rey Fernando VII en Nueva España y las implicaciones políticas e ideológicas que ello tuvo en el curso de la guerra de independencia mexicana, como una forma de mostrar que las creencias, los valores y las actitudes que los novohispanos poseían en torno a la institución monárquica jugaban un papel fundamental en la definición de la cultura política de la época, y condicionaron de hecho, en buena medida, el curso de los acontecimientos más relevantes del periodo.

  6. Proyecto de recuperación del valor de pertenencia positivo a través de la construcción de identidades sociales en grupos de culturas urbanas del barrio Jaime Roldós Aguilera.


    Ortiz Mena, Adriana Cristina


    This psychosocial intervention, focusing on a communitarian health promotion, was based on recovering the value of the positive ownership sense in teenagers from Jaime Roldós Aguilera neighborhood, through activities related to urban culture and art, in order to their insertion to the community; using elements of urban art such as graffiti, murals, music and break dance. The objective was to share the work that teenagers made and raise consciousness about art and urban culture reality in o...

  7. Case of clinical Reye syndrome presenting characteristic CT changes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hino, Tamaki; Sai, Hoshun; Morikawa, Yuji; Mizuta, Ryuzo [Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital (Japan); Okuno, Takehiko


    A 9-month-old male infant was admitted to our hospital on the second day of cold like syndrome because of high fever, convulsion, coma, and decerebrate rigidity. Serum GOT, GPT, LDH, and CPK were markedly elevated. Serum ammonia was slightly increased, and hypoglycemia was present. The cerebrospinal fluid showed no pleocytosis, normal sugar content, but increased protein. Thus we made a diagnosis of clinical Reye syndrome according to the criteria by Yamashita, et al. A CT on the day of admission showed symmetrical low-density areas in the posterior fossa and the regions of thalamus. Ringed enhancements were seen around the areas of low density in the thalamus on the twenty-second hospital day. We consider that these lesions may represent the infarction due to obstruction of the thalamoperforant arteries caused by cerebral edema in the early stage of the disease.

  8. La ley del rey es la ley de dios: el deber ser de la institucion matrimonial durante la colonia

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    Tatiana Gonzalaez


    Full Text Available "La ley del rey es la ley de Dios" aborda el problema aborda el problema del deber ser de la institucion matrimonial que regia las millones de parejas en el Nuevo Mundo hasta mediados del siglo XVIII.


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    Ika Trisharyanti Dian Kusumowati


    Full Text Available Melastoma affine D. Don had some activities such as anthelmintic, antibacteria, antiinfiammation, antifungal, and antitumor. The aims of this research was determine antibacteria activity of ethanolic extract of Melastoma affine D. Don. The antimicrobial activity was tested by solid dilution method to get Minimum Inhibition Concentration (MIC. The compounds in Melastoma affine D. Don was analyzed by tube test method and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC with chloroform : methanol : formic acid (8,5:1,5:0,5 as mobile phase and silica gel GF254 as stationary phase. The result showed ethanolic extract of Melastoma affine D. Don contains alkaloid, polyphenol, fiavonoid, saponin, and essential oil. The MIC of Senggani against Staphylococcus aureus was 2% and 3% against Escherichia coli and the extract could not inhibit Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli multiresistant until concentration 7% extract ethanol. Keywords: Melastoma affine D. Don, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli

  10. Não contar a ninguém ou contar a todo mundo?: colapsos da masculinidade em No se lo digas a nadie Not to tell anybody or to tell everybody?: collapses of masculinity in no se lo digas a nadie

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    Anselmo Peres Alós


    Full Text Available Tomando-se como pressupostos teóricos a narratologia e os queer studies, realiza-se aqui uma leitura crítica de No se lo digas a nadie (Não conte a ninguém, romance do peruano Jaime Bayly, publicado pela primeira vez em 1994, no qual se questiona o regime heteronormativo sob o qual opera a sociedade peruana. Investe-se, para tanto, no potencial subversivo de um lugar de enunciação literária marcado pela diferença e pela resistência aos dispositivos de regulação das identidades sexuais.Taking narratology and queer studies as theoretical assumptions, what is made here is a critical reading of No se lo digas a nadie [Don't Tell Anyone], Peruvian novel written by Jaime Bayly (first published in 1994 in which is questioned the heteronormative that rules the Peruvian society. For that, we emphasize the subversive potential of a place of literary utterance marked by difference and resistance to the disposals of sexual identities regulation.

  11. El derecho procesal durante el reinado de los Reyes Católicos y su reflejo en "Fuenteovejuna"

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    Marino de la Llana Vicente


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo versa sobre los aspectos jurídicos y procesales que figuran en la obra «Fuenteovejuna», vistos desde el sistema normativo vigente bajo el reinado de los Reyes Católicos, periodo en el cual se desarrollan los acontecimientos, y en el que nos encontramos con una Administración de Justicia en cuya cúspide figura la Justicia del Rey, y en el plano inferior conviven la Jurisdicción Ordinaria con sus distintos órganos y las Jurisdicciones Especiales, destacando entre ellas la que ejercen las Ordenes Militares y más concretamente la Orden de Calatrava y su Maestre. En los hechos relatados en dicha obra puede observarse la particularidad con la que las normas jurídicas eran entendidas y burladas, y como la sociedad de la época reaccionaba contra determinados abusos, tomando primero la justicia por su propia mano y apelando después para la solución del proceso a la Justicia del Rey.This report deals with the juñdical and procedural aspects contained in the theatre play «Fuenteovejuna», considering the legality in forcé during the Catholics Kings kingdom, the period in which the action took place, and where we find a Judicial Administration organized with the King's Justice on the top and, in a less important level, the General Jurisdiction with its different organs and the Special Jurisdictions, giving importance among them, the practico of the Military Orders, in particular, the Order of Calatrava and his Grand Master. It can be observed in this play the peculiarities of how the law was understood and finally non fulfilied; and how people reacted against certain abuses, taking first the law into one's own hands and after appealing the King's Justice.

  12. The President's pleasant surprise: how LGBT advocates ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell. (United States)

    Frank, Nathaniel


    This study assesses the role of LGBT advocates in repealing the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy in the U.S. Congress. It draws on the author's direct involvement with that effort as well as personal interviews and media evidence to consider the contributions of the Obama Administration, members of Congress, the media, and individuals and pressure groups in the repeal process. It argues that repeal succeeded not because of the effective implementation of a White House plan but because the pressure of LGBT advocates ultimately shattered several key obstacles including inadequate messaging and dysfunction and inertia among both politicians and interest groups in Washington. The article offers insight into the role of public pressure in forwarding social change.

  13. Organizational strategy use in children aged 5-7: standardization and validity of the Rey Complex Figure Organizational Strategy Score (RCF-OSS). (United States)

    Martens, R; Hurks, P P M; Jolles, J


    This study investigated psychometric properties (standardization and validity) of the Rey Complex Figure Organizational Strategy Score (RCF-OSS) in a sample of 217 healthy children aged 5-7 years. Our results showed that RCF-OSS performance changes significantly between 5 and 7 years of age. While most 5-year-olds used a local approach when copying the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF), 7-year-olds increasingly adopted a global approach. RCF-OSS performance correlated significantly, but moderately with measures of ROCF accuracy, executive functioning (fluency, working memory, reasoning), and non-executive functioning (visual-motor integration, visual attention, processing speed, numeracy). These findings seem to indicate that RCF-OSS performance reflects a range of cognitive skills at 5 to 7 years of age, including aspects of executive and non-executive functioning.

  14. On Both Sides of the Atlantic: Re-Visioning Don Juan and Don Quixote in Modern Literature and Film


    Perez, Karen Patricia


    The study analyzes contemporary literature and film based on two of the most universal characters in Spanish literature, Don Juan and Don Quixote, in both Spain and Hispanic America. Although both characters have undergone re-visioning from work to work through the centuries, it is the aim of this work to present the most salient characteristics of both archetypes in modern times only. The focus of this study is on works by well-known writers from Hispanic America and contemporary writers in ...

  15. Bioavailability of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in wastewaters from animal feedlots and storage lagoons (United States)

    Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) transport from animal agriculture to surface waters can lead to eutrophication and dissolved oxygen depletion. Biodegradable DON (BDON) is a portion of DON that is mineralized by bacteria while bioavailable DON (ABDON) is utilized by bacteria and/or algae. This stu...

  16. Sei così bella quando piangi. Lana Del Rey, voce e fenomeno della fragilità che è in noi

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    Federico Zannoni


    Full Text Available Frailty is an ontological part of human experience and characterizes our times. Instability, insecurity, addictions, loneliness, difficulty in finding meaning and perspectives, desire to escape and nostalgia for an unknown and unreal past are predominant in the life of many young people and teenagers. In this context it is possible to consider the global success of the singer Lana Del Rey and of her melancholy and languid lyrics, but also of her videos and photographs, that are expression and celebration of an alleged existential frailty that allows her supporters, especially if adolescents or young women, to identify with her. The study of the phenomenon Lana Del Rey allow to move closer to those feelings of weakness and discomfort that are often hidden, unspoken, confined in the shadows for lack of courage or for shame, but that are, at the same time,  full of grace and of vital energy.  This is one of the tasks of pedagogy.

  17. Mimesis in Don Quixote

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    Giselle von der Walde


    Full Text Available Resumen:Frente a argumentos tomados de las poéticas neoaristotélicas que esgrime el canónigo para condenar los libros de caballerías, don Quijote pretende mostrar con su propio ejemplo, que ese tipo de lecturas no llevan a la locura ni al abandono de sí mismo, sino que, por el contrario, sacan lo mejor de la naturaleza de un individuo y lo hacen mejor persona. Este es el único tipo de imitación que Platón acepta en la República, pues más que un remedo o una suplantación, implica emulación. Este escrito se propone mirar, a partir del diálogo con el canónigo de Toledo (I, 49-50, cómo en sus conductas miméticas desde el comienzo de la obra, don Quijote entiende la imitación como emulación; en consecuencia se intenta demostrar que el efecto de la literatura en el caballero manchego parece ser el tipo de mimesis que Platón acepta en el libro III de la República.Abstract:Don Quijote demonstrates with the example of his own life the error made by the Canon of Toledo when the latter uses the arguments of the neo-Aristotelian poets to condemn the novels of chivalric romance. Quijote tries to show that reading the chivalric romances leads to neither madness nor the abandonment of the self, but, on the contrary, brings out the best in a person’s nature, and makes one a better person. This is the only type of imitation that Plato accepts in the Republic, because, unlike the mere copying of a person, or the substitution of one person for another, it implies a type of emulation. Starting with the dialogue of the Canon of Toledo (I, 49-50, this paper shows how, in his mimetic behavior, Don Quijote understands imitation as emulation. As a result, the paper shows that the effect of literature on the gentleman from La Mancha is the type of mimesis of which Plato approves in book III of the Republic.

  18. Will 3552 Don Quixote escape from the Solar System?

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    Suryadi Siregar


    Full Text Available Asteroid 1983 SA, well known as 3552 Don Quixote, is one of Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs which is the most probable candidate for the cometary origin, or otherwise as Jupiter-Family-Comets (JFCs. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of 3552 Don Quixote to be ejected from the Solar System. This paper presents an orbital evolution of 100 hypothetical asteroids generated by cloning 3552 Don Quixote. Investigation of its orbital evolution is conducted by using the SWIFT subroutine package, where the gravitational perturbations of eight major planets in the Solar System are considered. Over very short time scales (220 kyr relative to the Solar System life time (10 Gyr, the asteroid 3552 Don Quixote gave an example of chaotic motion that can cause asteroid to move outward and may be followed by escaping from the Solar System. Probability of ejection within the 220 kyr time scale is 50%.

  19. 78 FR 37791 - In the Matter of: Jose Guadalupe Reyes-Martinez, Inmate Number #85993-279, CI Adams County... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of Industry and Security In the Matter of: Jose Guadalupe Reyes... the Internal Security Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 783(b)), or section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act (22... 750.8 of the Regulations states that the Bureau of Industry and Security's Office of Exporter Services...

  20. Don Quixote Pond: A Small Scale Model of Weathering and Salt Accumulation (United States)

    Englert, P.; Bishop, J. L.; Patel, S. N.; Gibson, E. K.; Koeberl, C.


    The formation of Don Quixote Pond in the North Fork of Wright Valley, Antarctica, is a model for unique terrestrial calcium, chlorine, and sulfate weathering, accumulation, and distribution processes. The formation of Don Quixote Pond by simple shallow and deep groundwater contrasts more complex models for Don Juan Pond in the South Fork of Wright Valley. Our study intends to understand the formation of Don Quixote Pond as unique terrestrial processes and as a model for Ca, C1, and S weathering and distribution on Mars.

  1. A case of clinical Reye syndrome presenting characteristic CT changes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hino, Tamaki; Sai, Hoshun; Morikawa, Yuji; Mizuta, Ryuzo; Okuno, Takehiko.


    A 9-month-old male infant was admitted to our hospital on the second day of cold like syndrome because of high fever, convulsion, coma, and decerebrate rigidity. Serum GOT, GPT, LDH, and CPK were markedly elevated. Serum ammonia was slightly increased, and hypoglycemia was present. The cerebrospinal fluid showed no pleocytosis, normal sugar content, but increased protein. Thus we made a diagnosis of clinical Reye syndrome according to the criteria by Yamashita, et al. A CT on the day of admission showed symmetrical low-density areas in the posterior fossa and the regions of thalamus. Ringed enhancements were seen around the areas of low density in the thalamus on the twenty-second hospital day. We consider that these lesions may represent the infarction due to obstruction of the thalamoperforant arteries caused by cerebral edema in the early stage of the disease. (author)

  2. Brazilian children performance on Rey’s auditory verbal learning paradigm Desempenho de crianças brasileiras no paradigma de aprendizagem auditivo-verbal de Rey

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    Rosinda Martins Oliveira


    Full Text Available The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning paradigm is worldwide used in clinical and research settings. There is consensus about its psychometric robustessness and that its various scores provide relevant information about different aspects of memory and learning. However, there are only a few studies in Brazil employing this paradigm and none of them with children. This paper describes the performance of 119 Brazilian children in a version of Rey´s paradigm. The correlations between scores showed the internal consistency of this version. Also, the pattern of results observed was very similar to that observed in foreign studies with adults and children. There was correlation between age in months and recall scores, showing that age affects the rhythm of learning. These results were discussed based on the information processing theory.O paradigma de aprendizagem auditivo-verbal de Rey é utilizado em todo o mundo, tanto em pesquisa quanto na clínica. Há consenso sobre sua robustez psicométrica e de que seus vários escores fornecem informações relevantes sobre diferentes aspectos da memória e da aprendizagem. No entanto, existem apenas alguns poucos estudos no Brasil envolvendo este paradigma e nenhum deles com crianças. Este artigo descreve o desempenho de 119 crianças brasileiras em uma versão do paradigma de Rey. As correlações entre escores mostraram a consistência interna desta versão. Além disso, o padrão de resultados encontrado foi muito similar àquele observado em estudos estrangeiros com adultos e crianças. Verificou-se correlação entre idade em meses e os escores de evocação, mostrando que a idade afeta o ritmo de aprendizagem. Estes resultados foram discutidos a partir da teoria do processamento da informação.

  3. A case of Reye's syndrome developing subsequently to influenze B which was suspected of having Leigh disease on CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, Masakazu; Sato, Kunihiko; Nomura, Toyoki; Kojima, Masamitu; Sakurai, Nakao.


    This paper presents an autopsied three-year-old girl with Reye's syndrome. The disease developed subsequently to influenza B, and CT scanning revealed low density areas corresponding to the diencephalon and brain stem. Pathological study revealed cerebral edema and hemorrhage extending to the pallidum, especially in the bilateral thalami. (Namekawa, K.)

  4. Blood Pressure Medicines Don’t Work If People Don’t Take Them PSA (:60)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This 60 second public service announcement is based on the September 2016 CDC Vital Signs report. Blood pressure medicines don’t work if people don’t take them. Learn how health care systems can work with patients to make taking medicines easier.  Created: 9/13/2016 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 9/13/2016.

  5. California State Waters Map Series-Offshore of Point Reyes, California (United States)

    Watt, Janet T.; Dartnell, Peter; Golden, Nadine E.; Greene, H. Gary; Erdey, Mercedes D.; Cochrane, Guy R.; Johnson, Samuel Y.; Hartwell, Stephen R.; Kvitek, Rikk G.; Manson, Michael W.; Endris, Charles A.; Dieter, Bryan E.; Sliter, Ray W.; Krigsman, Lisa M.; Lowe, Erik; Chinn, John L.; Watt, Janet T.; Cochran, Susan A.


    This publication about the Offshore of Point Reyes map area includes ten map sheets that contain explanatory text, in addition to this descriptive pamphlet and a data catalog of geographic information system (GIS) files. Sheets 1, 2, and 3 combine data from four different sonar surveys to generate comprehensive high-resolution bathymetry and acoustic-backscatter coverage of the map area. These data reveal a range of physiographic features (highlighted in the perspective views on sheet 4) such as the flat, sediment-covered seafloor in Drakes Bay, as well as abundant “scour depressions” on the Bodega Head–Tomales Point shelf (see sheet 9) and local, tectonically controlled bedrock uplifts. To validate geological and biological interpretations of the sonar data shown in sheets 1, 2, and 3, the U.S. Geological Survey towed a camera sled over specific offshore locations, collecting both video and photographic imagery; these “ground-truth” surveying data are summarized on sheet 6. Sheet 5 is a “seafloor character” map, which classifies the seafloor on the basis of depth, slope, rugosity (ruggedness), and backscatter intensity and which is further informed by the ground-truth-survey imagery. Sheet 7 is a map of “potential habitats,” which are delineated on the basis of substrate type, geomorphology, seafloor process, or other attributes that may provide a habitat for a specific species or assemblage of organisms. Sheet 8 compiles representative seismic-reflection profiles from the map area, providing information on the subsurface stratigraphy and structure of the map area. Sheet 9 shows the distribution and thickness of young sediment (deposited over the last about 21,000 years, during the most recent sea-level rise) in both the map area and the larger Salt Point to Drakes Bay region, interpreted on the basis of the seismic-reflection data, and it identifies the Offshore of Point Reyes map area as lying within the Bodega Head–Tomales Point shelf, Point

  6. Guerra y estado, un binomio indisoluble en la España de los Reyes Católicos


    Velasco de Castro, Rocío


    Reseña de: Martínez Peñas, Leandro y Manuela Fernández Rodríguez, La guerra y el nacimiento del Estado Moderno. Consecuencias jurídicas e institucionales de los conflictos bélicos en el reinado de los Reyes Católicos, Valladolid, Asociación Veritas para el estudio de la Historia, el Derecho y las Instituciones, 2014, 485 pp

  7. The Authors of the Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha

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    Branka Kalenić Ramšak


    Full Text Available Even today literary criticism still considers the novel Don Quixote the first modern European novel because it fundamentally changes both the concept of literary creation and the findings regarding literary reception. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra published the first part of his chivalric novel in 1605 in Madrid with the title El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. He published the second part, titled El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, ten years later (i.e., in 1615, again in Madrid. Why did Cervantes change the title in the second part of his novel and thus transform Don Quixote the hidalgo ‘nobleman’ into Don Quixote the caballero ‘knight, nobleman, horseman’? In Spanish literature of Cervantes’ time, writers often borrowed texts from one another, wrote sequels to them, and reworked them into humorous poems, jocular one-act plays, or unusual parodies. The Baroque concept of imitation was not understood as plagiarism, but rather as a positive approach to creativity. One of Cervantes’ most enthusiastic imitators was Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda. He hated Cervantes, but loved Don Quixote so much that he wrote a sequel to it in the form of a chivalric novel. In 1614, Avellaneda published his novel titled Segundo tomo del ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (The Second Part of the Ingenious Hidalgo of La Mancha in Tarragona. Who is hidden behind the name Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda? To date, literary history has not been able to establish with certainty who the author of this “second part” was; this work represents the greatest literary mystery of all time in Spanish literature. In the 1960s a theory developed among Cervantes experts that for now seems to be the most convincing in determining Avellaneda’s true identity. In his article “ El Quijote y los libros” (Don Quixote and Books of 1969, Martín de Riquer presented the first well-founded hypothesis claiming that the writer Alonso Fern

  8. Viajando con Don Quijote en el siglo XXI

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    Odilíe Rojas-López


    Full Text Available Don Quixote has ridden with us for a long time now, and as if his fight against windmills were not enough, Don Quixote still has many more difficult situations to combat in the present times. Will the Knight of the Sad Figure accomplish this new deed? It is our challenge to find an answer to this inquiry. For this purpose, the author of this essay inserts the Knight of the Sad Figure in XXI century society. The author transforms the values, costumes and points of view of the times of the literary piece and establishes a series of relationships between the literary text, the main character and several current daily life situations. Don Quixote will certainly continue his fight against all the conditions we encounter nowadays. There is no doubt, then, that this knight still lives among us.

  9. La sombra del arcediano. El linaje oculto de don Lorenzo Galíndez de Carvajal

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    Baltasar CUART MONER


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: D. Lorenzo Galíndez de Carvajal fue un personaje destacado en la Corte de los Reyes Católicos y Carlos V, además de cronista real. Sin embargo, para alcanzar esta posición tuvo que manipular sus orígenes familiares, siendo como era hijo de un arcediano de Coria y de una moza de servicio en una posada. Las manipulaciones de don Lorenzo tuvieron el éxito apetecido, sin embargo, treinta años después de su muerte, las informaciones realizadas sobre un nieto suyo que quería ingresar en el Colegio Mayor de Oviedo, en Salamanca, sacaron a la luz toda la estrategia familiar que tuvo que poner en marcha su ilustre abuelo para alcanzar la posición a la que llegó.ABSTRACT: D. Lorenzo Galíndez de Carvajal was one of the most influential courtiers at the Catholic King's court. He, too, was one of their chroniclers, but he had to forge his familiar origins in order to hold his job. He was an illegitimate son; his father was an archdeacon in Coria and his mother a maidservant. D. Lorenzo Galíndez de Carvajal succeeded in hiding his origins and his descendants became related to nobility by marriage. Howeyer all his grandfather's impostures and the ways followed by aristocracy to manipulate its origins were discovered when one of his grandsons tried to be admitted to the Oviedo College about the middle of the XVIth century.

  10. ¡Viva nuestro Rey Fernando! Teatro, poder y fiesta en la ciudad colonial de Cartago, Provincia de Costa Rica (1809. Un Aporte Documental

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    Guillermo Brenes Tencio


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se transcribe el texto de la obra de teatro escrita para ser representada en la Plaza Mayor de la ciudad colonial de Cartago, con motivo de la jura y proclamación de Fernando VII como rey de España y de las Indias, en la noche del lunes 23 de enero de 1809. Esta actividad respondía a las festividades en honor del monarca y fueron registradas en el libro de actas del ayuntamiento. A pesar de que allí no apareció por ningún lugar la figura o efigie del rey cautivo en Francia, el objeto central de la puesta en escena era memorar su nombre en detrimento del de Napoleón Bonaparte.

  11. Distribution and abundance of Least Bell’s Vireos (Vireo bellii pusillus) and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax traillii extimus) on the Middle San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, southern California—2017 data summary (United States)

    Allen, Lisa D.; Howell, Scarlett L.; Kus, Barbara E.


    We surveyed for Least Bell’s Vireos (LBVI) (Vireo bellii pusillus) and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers (SWFL) (Empidonax traillii extimus) along the San Luis Rey River, between College Boulevard in Oceanside and Interstate 15 in Fallbrook, California (middle San Luis Rey River), in 2017. Surveys were conducted from April 13 to July 11 (LBVI) and from May 16 to July 28 (SWFL). We found 146 LBVI territories, at least 107 of which were occupied by pairs. Five additional transient LBVIs were detected. LBVIs used five different habitat types in the survey area: mixed willow, willow-cottonwood, willow-sycamore, riparian scrub, and upland scrub. Forty-four percent of the LBVIs occurred in habitat characterized as mixed willow and 89 percent of the LBVI territories occurred in areas with greater than 50 percent native plant cover. Of 16 banded LBVIs detected in the survey area, 8 had been given full color-band combinations prior to 2017. Four other LBVIs with single (natal) federal bands were recaptured and banded in 2017. Three LBVIs with single dark blue federal bands indicating that they were banded as nestlings on the lower San Luis Rey River and one LBVI with a single gold federal band indicating that it was banded as a nestling on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (MCBCP) could not be recaptured for identification. One banded LBVI emigrated from the middle San Luis Rey River to the lower San Luis Rey River in 2017.One resident SWFL territory and one transient Willow Flycatcher of unknown subspecies (WIFL) were observed in the survey area in 2017. The resident SWFL territory, which was comprised of mixed willow habitat (5–50 percent native plant cover), was occupied by a single male from May 22 to June 21, 2017. No evidence of pairing or nesting activity was observed. The SWFL male was banded with a full color-combination indicating that he was originally banded as a nestling on the middle San Luis Rey River in 2014 and successfully bred in the survey area in 2016

  12. Don Quijote in Nineteenth-Century English Theatre

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    J. A. Garrido Ardila


    Full Text Available This article brings to light a group of Cervantine English literary works hitherto unknown to present-day Cervantes studies: seven theatrical adaptations of Don Quixote (two anonymous ones in addition to those by Charles Dibdin, Joseph Moser, G. A. Macfarren, C. A. Maltby and P. Milton, a comedy with a Quixotic title (by George Dance, and five Quixotic fictions (two anonymous, in addition to those by Lily Spender, Maurice Hewlett and A. T. Quiller-Couch. Three of these plays, had been noted by Leopoldo Rius in 1899 (Moser, Macfarren, Maltby; the other four are presented for the first time here. In order to chart a fuller and more complete history of Don Quixote on the English stage, this article provides relevant information on those seven plays. An examination of these works reinforces the previous theses that underscore the essentially comical nature of Quixotic plays in nineteenth-century England, a fact of relevance in the study of the English reception of Don Quixote in the course of that century.

  13. Distributed Observer Network (DON), Version 3.0, User's Guide (United States)

    Mazzone, Rebecca A.; Conroy, Michael P.


    The Distributed Observer Network (DON) is a data presentation tool developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to distribute and publish simulation results. Leveraging the display capabilities inherent in modern gaming technology, DON places users in a fully navigable 3-D environment containing graphical models and allows the users to observe how those models evolve and interact over time in a given scenario. Each scenario is driven with data that has been generated by authoritative NASA simulation tools and exported in accordance with a published data interface specification. This decoupling of the data from the source tool enables DON to faithfully display a simulator's results and ensure that every simulation stakeholder will view the exact same information every time.

  14. Reading "Las Meninas": An Ekphrastic Approach to Teaching "Don Quijote" (United States)

    Ortuno, Marian


    Reading and teaching "Don Quijote" present multiple challenges to twenty-first century students and instructors who are culturally and historically distanced from the seventeenth century. With "Las Meninas" serving as a visual lexicon for cuing correlative themes and events in "Don Quijote", the instructor, through an ekphrastic, interdisciplinary…

  15. Dostoyevski and Don Quijote: Poetics and Aesthetics of a Delusion

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    Tamara Djermanovic


    Full Text Available In Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s body of work (1821-1881 one can find more than thirty references to Don Quixote; while some of them allude to the novel of Don Quixote itself, other ones refer to Cervantes’ hero as an archetypal figure. Since decades ago, the Russian literary criticism has been interested in the Russian quixotism – including Dostoevsky’s work – and important studies on this subject have been published recently. This study follows Dostoevsky’s references on La Mancha’s Knight as an independent figure of Cervantes’ novel, and the different symbolism Don Quixote’s figure has had in both Russian people and Russian intelligentsia.

  16. Fungal flora and deoxynivalenol (DON) level in wheat from Jeddah ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study aimed to explore the fungal flora along with the DON concentration in the collected wheat samples from Jeddah market to correlate between this flora and the detected DON. Whole grain wheat samples were collected from Jeddah market and this represents imported and locally produced wheat. The results ...

  17. Effect of test exercises and mask donning on measured respirator fit. (United States)

    Crutchfield, C D; Fairbank, E O; Greenstein, S L


    Quantitative respirator fit test protocols are typically defined by a series of fit test exercises. A rationale for the protocols that have been developed is generally not available. There also is little information available that describes the effect or effectiveness of the fit test exercises currently specified in respiratory protection standards. This study was designed to assess the relative impact of fit test exercises and mask donning on respirator fit as measured by a controlled negative pressure and an ambient aerosol fit test system. Multiple donnings of two different sizes of identical respirator models by each of 14 test subjects showed that donning affects respirator fit to a greater degree than fit test exercises. Currently specified fit test protocols emphasize test exercises, and the determination of fit is based on a single mask donning. A rationale for a modified fit test protocol based on fewer, more targeted test exercises and multiple mask donnings is presented. The modified protocol identified inadequately fitting respirators as effectively as the currently specified Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) quantitative fit test protocol. The controlled negative pressure system measured significantly (p < 0.0001) more respirator leakage than the ambient aerosol fit test system. The bend over fit test exercise was found to be predictive of poor respirator fit by both fit test systems. For the better fitting respirators, only the talking exercise generated aerosol fit factors that were significantly lower (p < 0.0001) than corresponding donning fit factors.

  18. [The possible causes of the tragedy of "Port Famine" in the Strait of Magellan]. (United States)

    Espinoza G, Juan Pablo; Espinoza G, Ricardo


    The attempts to colonize the Strait of Magellan soon followed the discovery of this route. PeDro Sarmiento de Gamboa, a Spanish sailor, established human settlements to fortify those lands and control the transit of vessels, especially those of English corsairs, which devastated Chilean and Peruvian coasts. During the summer of 1584, approximately 500 soldiers, artisans, priests, women and children established two villages called "Nombre de Jesús" and "Rey Don Felipe". From the beginning, these settlers had leadership and communication problems and difficulties to obtain food. After three winters only 17 to 18 people survived according to the testimony of one of the survivors, that was rescued by an English sailor named Cavendish, which renamed the village "Rey Don Felipe" as "Port Famine". When he observed the scenes of abandonment and death, he supposed that the settlers died due to lack of food. Other factors that facilitated the desolation were hypothermia, execution, anthropophagy and lesions caused by natives. There is also a possibility that intoxication by red tide (harmful algal bloom) could explain in part the finding of unburied corpses in the strait beaches.

  19. CDC Vital Signs–Blood Pressure Medicines Don’t Work If People Don’t Take Them

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Blood pressure medicines don’t work if people don’t take them. Learn how health care systems can work with patients to make taking medicines easier.  Created: 9/13/2016 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 9/13/2016.

  20. El miedo como arma de dominación: admiración, pavor y victoria en la imagen del rey guerrero en el helenismo inicial

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    Molina Marín, Antonio Ignacio


    Full Text Available The King was the most important figure of all the Hellenistic period. He was an invincible warrior, wise ruler, god, general and medicine man. All these aspects of Hellenistic kingship are well known, however there is one subject that has not been studied by scholars, namely the capacity of Hellenistic kings to scare their enemies with their mere presence. In this paper we analyze stories attaching to Perdiccas, Olympias, Pyrrhus and Alexander the Great. Our opinion is that all these stories are based on the same model, the fight between Achilles and Trojans in the Iliad (XVIII 203-23. The aegis is studied as the mythical justification of the invincibility and terribleness of the kings. Furthermore, we consider the possibility that this phenomenon was associated with the Macedonian kings prior to Alexander.El rey fue la figura más importante de todo el período helenístico. Fue un guerrero invencible, un gobernante sabio, dios, general y curador. Todos estos aspectos sobre la monarquía helenística son bien conocidos, sin embargo hay una cuestión que no ha sido estudiada por los investigadores, es decir, la capacidad de los reyes helenísticos para hacer huir a sus enemigos conmoviéndolos por el miedo con su mera presencia. En este artículo analizamos historias relacionadas con Pérdicas, Olimpíade, Pirro y Alejandro Magno. Nuestra opinión es que todas estas historias están basadas en el mismo modelo, la lucha entre Aquiles y los troyanos en la Ilíada (XVIII 203-23. La égida es estudiada como la justificación mítica de la invencibilidad y terribilidad de los reyes. Además, contemplamos la posibilidad de que este fenómeno estuviese asociado con los reyes de Macedonia antes de Alejandro.

  1. Trouble Don't Last (United States)

    Pearsall, Shelley


    Even as a child, Pearsall questioned social injustice and prejudice. In her own community in Ohio and, as she grew, all over the world, she saw social inequities she could neither understand nor accept. Her novel "Trouble Don't Last," takes place during the era of the Underground Railroad. The chapter included here pulls us in…

  2. Don Quijote en Canadá

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    Cristina Botella González


    Full Text Available Conocer a Cervantes y su obra.- Descubrir otros países y artistas.- Conocer al personaje de Don Quijote.- Familiarizarse con los personajes principales.- Relacionar la pintura y la literatura.- Desarrollar habilidades manuales y artísticas.- Potenciar la creatividad.

  3. Jaime Herrera Pontón (Junio 15 de 1931 – Noviembre 5 de 2003

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    Alberto Hernández Sáenz


    Full Text Available

    Era el lunes dos de febrero de 1948, el primer día de clase del curso cuarto de bachillerato del Colegio de San Bartolomé La Merced.

    La distribución de puestos en los pupitres era de acuerdo con la letra inicial del apellido, es decir, la letra H. Mi vecino entonces, fue Herrera Pontón Jaime, desde ese primer día, iniciamos una enriquecedora y sincera amistad, que abarcaría el discurrir de nuestras vidas. Fue un estudiante brillante, sobresaliente en literatura, historia y biología.

    Luego de tres años, otro lunes, el cuatro de diciembre de 1950, nos graduamos de bachilleres en ceremonia solemne en el entonces Teatro Colombia, hoy Jorge Eliécer Gaitán.

    Al año siguiente, el 5 de febrero de 1951, por coincidencia otro lunes, ingresamos a estudiar medicina, en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, siendo el Decano de la Facultad de Medicina el Jesuita Alberto Duque. Seguíamos cultivando nuestra amistad y los intereses comunes de aprender ávidamente, las enseñanzas de nuestros profesores: Juan Di Doménico Di Rugiero, Hernando Groot Liévano, Guillermo Fisher Cárdenas, Juan Pablo Llinas Olarte, Ramón Atalaya Varela y una miriada de docentes doctos y sabios, del saber médico con una vida pulcra y honesta, denominador común de nuestros docentes.

    Luego de seis años de estudio, un día del mes de octubre de 1956, enrumbamos nuestras inquietudes hacia los estudios de pregrado.

    En 1958, Jaime se graduó como médico de la Universidad Javeriana, con una Tesis comentada muy favorablemente, denominada “Nódulos solitarios del Pulmón”. Hizo su especialización de Anestesiología en el Hospital Universitario de Cali (Valle. Practicó su especialización en el Hospital de La Samaritana, en la Clínica del Country y en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, donde creó la Clínica del dolor, trabajó además en Cirulaser y la Asociación Medica de los Andes. Creador en 1973 de la Revista Colombiana de Anestesia

  4. Fire effects on the Point Reyes Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa phaea) at Point Reyes National Seashore, 10 years after the Vision Fire (United States)

    Fellers, Gary M.; Osbourn, Michael


    The 1995 Vision Fire burned 5000 ha and destroyed 40% of the habitat of the Point Reyes Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa phaea). Surveys immediately post-fire and in 2000 showed that only 0.4 to 1.7% of Mountain Beavers within the burn area survived. In 2000, dense, ground-hugging Blue-blossom Ceanothus (Ceanothus thrysiflorus) appeared to make coastal scrub thickets much less suitable for Mountain Beavers even though the number of burrows at our 11 study sites had returned to 88% of pre-fire numbers. In 2005 (10 y post-fire), the habitat appeared to be better for Mountain Beavers; Blue-blossom Ceanothus had diminished and vegetation more typical of northern coastal scrub, such as Coyote Brush (Baccharis pilularis) overstory with a lower layer of herbaceous vegetation, had greatly increased; but the number of Mountain Beaver burrows had declined to 52% of pre-fire numbers and there was little change in the number of sites occupied between our 2000 and 2005 surveys. With the expected successional changes in thicket structure, Mountain Beaver populations are likely to recover further, but there will probably be considerable variation in how each population stabilizes.

  5. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) profile during backwashing cycle of drinking water biofiltration. (United States)

    Liu, Bing; Gu, Li; Yu, Xin; Yu, Guozhong; Zhang, Huining; Xu, Jinli


    A comprehensive investigation was made in this study on the variation of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) during a whole backwashing cycle of the biofiltration for drinking water treatment. In such a cycle, the normalized DON concentration (C(effluent)/C(influent)) was decreased from 0.98 to 0.90 in the first 1.5h, and then gradually increased to about 1.5 in the following 8h. Finally, it remained stable until the end of this 24-hour cycle. This clearly 3-stage profile of DON could be explained by three aspects as follows: (1) the impact of the backwashing on the biomass and the microbial activity; (2) the release of soluble microbial products (SMPs) during the biofiltration; (3) the competition between heterotrophic bacteria and nitrifying bacteria. All the facts supported that more DON was generated during later part of the backwashing cycle. The significance of the conclusion is that the shorter backwashing intervals between backwashing for the drinking water biofilter should further decrease the DON concentration in effluent of biofilter. Crown Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Organizational Strategy Use in Children Aged 5–7: Standardization and Validity of the Rey Complex Figure Organizational Strategy Score (RCF-OSS)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martens, R.; Hurks, P.P.M.; Jolles, J.


    This study investigated psychometric properties (standardization and validity) of the Rey Complex Figure Organizational Strategy Score (RCF-OSS) in a sample of 217 healthy children aged 5-7 years. Our results showed that RCF-OSS performance changes significantly between 5 and 7 years of age. While

  7. Performance of normal adults on Rey Auditory Learning Test: a pilot study Desempenho de indivíduos saudáveis no Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT: estudo piloto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila Cardoso Teruya


    Full Text Available The present study aimed to assess the performance of healthy Brazilian adults on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT, a test devised for assessing memory, and to investigate the influence of the variables age, sex and education on the performance obtained, and finally to suggest scores which may be adopted for assessing memory with this instrument. The performance of 130 individuals, subdivided into groups according to age and education, was assessed. Overall performance decreased with age. Schooling presented a strong and positive relationship with scores on all subitems analyzed except learning, for which no influence was found. Mean scores of subitems analyzed did not differ significantly between men and women, except for the delayed recall subitem. This manuscript describes RAVLT scores according to age and education. In summary, this is a pilot study that presents a profile of Brazilian adults on A1, A7, recognition and LOT subitem.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de adultos normais brasileiros no Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT, um teste destinado à avaliação da memória, e investigar a influência das variáveis idade, sexo e escolaridade no desempenho obtido, além de sugerir escores que possam ser utilizados na avaliação da memória segundo este instrumento. Foi avaliado o desempenho de 130 indivíduos, subdivididos em grupos de acordo com a idade e escolaridade. O desempenho geral no teste diminuiu com o aumento da idade. A escolaridade apresentou relação forte e positiva com os escores em todos os subitens analisados, exceto no aprendizado, no qual não foi verificada influência. As médias dos escores dos subitens analisados não foram estatisticamente diferentes entre homens e mulheres, exceto no subitem recordação tardia. Descrevemos os escores no RAVLT de acordo com faixa etária e escolaridade neste manuscrito.

  8. Pia Petersen sous le signe de don Quichotte

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    Esther Bautista Naranjo


    Full Text Available This interview has been motivated by the Cervantean intertextuality of Pia Petersen’s (a French-speaking Danish author last novel, Le Chien de don Quichotte (2012. Departing from the values that the writer attributes to Cervantes’ work, I try to establish a connection with a specific critical trend in order to test, later on, to which extent this approach is used by the author to create a series of characters placed under the sign of don Quixote. Finally, I evaluate her novel’s relation with contemporary reality.

  9. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Service Members: Life After Don't Ask, Don't Tell. (United States)

    Goldbach, Jeremy T; Castro, Carl Andrew


    Lesbian, gay, and bisexual service members can serve openly in the military with the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. The fate of transgender service members remains uncertain as the policy preventing them from serving in the military remains under review. The health care needs of these populations remain for the most part unknown, with total acceptance and integration in the military yet to be achieved. In this paper, we review the literature on the health care needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) service members, relying heavily on what is known about LGBT civilian and veteran populations. Significant research gaps about the health care needs of LGBT service members are identified, along with recommendations for closing those gaps. In addition, recommendations for improving LGBT acceptance and integration within the military are provided.

  10. MFS Transporters and GABA Metabolism Are Involved in the Self-Defense Against DON in Fusarium graminearum

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    Qinhu Wang


    Full Text Available Trichothecene mycotoxins, such as deoxynivalenol (DON produced by the fungal pathogen, Fusarium graminearum, are not only important for plant infection but are also harmful to human and animal health. Trichothecene targets the ribosomal protein Rpl3 that is conserved in eukaryotes. Hence, a self-defense mechanism must exist in DON-producing fungi. It is reported that TRI (trichothecene biosynthesis 101 and TRI12 are two genes responsible for self-defense against trichothecene toxins in Fusarium. In this study, however, we found that simultaneous disruption of TRI101 and TRI12 has no obvious influence on DON resistance upon exogenous DON treatment in F. graminearum, suggesting that other mechanisms may be involved in self-defense. By using RNA-seq, we identified 253 genes specifically induced in DON-treated cultures compared with samples from cultures treated or untreated with cycloheximide, a commonly used inhibitor of eukaryotic protein synthesis. We found that transporter genes are significantly enriched in this group of DON-induced genes. Of those genes, 15 encode major facilitator superfamily transporters likely involved in mycotoxin efflux. Significantly, we found that genes involved in the metabolism of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA, a known inducer of DON production in F. graminearum, are significantly enriched among the DON-induced genes. The GABA biosynthesis gene PROLINE UTILIZATION 2-2 (PUT2-2 is downregulated, while GABA degradation genes are upregulated at least twofold upon treatment with DON, resulting in decreased levels of GABA. Taken together, our results suggest that transporters influencing DON efflux are important for self-defense and that GABA mediates the balance of DON production and self-defense in F. graminearum.

  11. Fuel elements assembling for the DON project exponential experience; Montaje de los elementos combustibles para la experiencia exponencial del proyecto DON

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anca Abati, R de


    It is described the fuel unit used in the DON exponential experience, the manufacturing installments and tools as well as the stages in the fabrication.These 74 elements contain each 19 cartridges loaded with synterized urania, uranium carbide and indium, gold, and manganese probes. They were arranged in calandria-like tubes and the process-tube. This last one containing a cooling liquid simulating the reactor organic. Besides being used in the DON reactor exponential experience they were used in critic essays by the substitution method in the French reactor AQUILON II. (Author) 6 refs.

  12. Espectáculo y construcción espacial en los autos de Pedro Calderón de la Barca: «La cena del rey Baltasar»

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    Antonio Sánchez Jiménez


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la construcción espectacular y espacial de un auto temprano de Calderón de la Barca, «La cena del rey Baltasar». Para ello, examina cómo funcionaban en este auto los elementos escénicos (carros, tramoya y atrezzo, así como la música, el vestuario y los espacios escénico y dramático. This article analyzes the spectacular and spacial construction of an early auto sacramental by Calderón de la Barca, «La cena del rey Baltasar». In order to do so, we examine the meaning of the different scenic elements (carros, theatrical machinery, and atrezzo, as well as the music, clothing, and scenic and dramatic spaces.

  13. Don Zhuanu otdajutsja tolko po ljubvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eestisse tuleb külla Roman Viktjuki Teater, 1. nov. mängitakse Vene Kultuurikeskuses Jean Genet' "Toatüdrukuid" (lavastaja Roman Viktjuk), 23. nov. etendatakse Eric-Emmanuel Scmitti "Don Juani viimast armastust" (lavastaja Roman Viktjuk)

  14. Don't Take This with That!

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Tobacco Products Drugs Home Drugs Resources for You Special Features Don't take this with that! Share ... Drug Interactions: What You Should Know More in Special Features Page Last Updated: 12/17/2015 Note: ...

  15. Guías de abordaje de problemas de conducta de los niños y niñas del Primer Año de Educación General Básica Jaime Burbano Alomía.


    Dávila Tena, Hiparía Magdalena


    Diseñar guías de orientación metodológica para paliar los problemas de conducta que afectan a los niños /as, del Primer Año de Educación General Básica ‘’Jaime Burbano Alomía ‘’ En el presente año lectivo 2110-2011 Los problemas de conducta existentes en el entorno educativo de la ciudad de Otavalo, constituyen el motivo más elocuente para el desarrollo del presente trabajo, ello nos da la oportunidad idónea para emprender cambios sustanciales en las formas de diagnóstico para enfrenta...

  16. Kulturel liminalitet i Don Quixote

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fastrup, Anne


    Med udgangspunkt i og i kontrast til nogle af hovedlinierne i den nyere litteratur om Don Quixote søger artiklen tilbage til de mere specifikke og lokale historiske forhold, som er romanens baggrund, bl.a. til Cervantes' »algierske erfaring« med tyrkisk fangenskab. Artiklen forsøger at kombinere ...

  17. Una ciudad de los vascones en el yacimiento de Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico-Sangüesa

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    Andreu Pintado, Javier


    Full Text Available The following paper deals with the detailed and preliminary study of the archaeological site of Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico/Sangüesa, between today Zaragoza and Navarra provinces specially focusing in its Roman period. The paper exposes a review of the archeological and epigraphical material from the site, proposes an urban condition for it and raises some hypothesis on its identification with one of the cities that ancient sources tribued to Vascones.El presente trabajo aborda el estudio detallado y preliminar del yacimiento arqueológico de Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico/Sangüesa, en el límite entre las actuales provincias de Zaragoza y Navarra con especial atención a su etapa romana. Se procede a la revisión del material arqueológico y epigráfico procedente del lugar, se defiende la condición de enclave urbano del yacimiento y se plantea una hipótesis respecto de su identificación con las ciudades que las fuentes antiguas atribuyen a los Vascones.

  18. Romanización y sincretismo religioso en el Santuario de Las Atalayuelas (Fuerte del Rey - Torre del Campo, Jaén

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    Rueda Galán, Carmen


    Full Text Available In the year 2000, the Iberian-Roman sanctuary near the settlement of Atalayuelas (Fuerte del Rey-Torredelcampo, Jaén was discovered by accident. This sanctuary has done necessary the revision of the theories about the cult in the countryside of Jaén and Cordoba. It is characteized by two areas, one of them would be a offering place containing vessels, limestone sculptures, iron ex votes and some personal ornaments.El hallazgo fortuito de un santuario ibero-romano en el entorno del asentamiento de Las Atalayuelas en (Fuerte del Rey-Torredelcampo, Jaén ha puesto de manifiesto la existencia de un modelo de culto vinculado al proceso de romanización, presente en las campiñas jiennense y cordobesa. El santuario se caracteriza por la identificación de dos espacios, uno de los cuales funcionaría como lugar de depósito de un gran conjunto de ofrendas, entre las que destacan pequeños vasos, esculturas en piedra caliza, exvotos de hierro y un pequeño conjunto de elementos de adorno personal.

  19. Don't Take This with That!

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Drugs Home Drugs Resources for You Special Features Don't take ... worth the squeeze…especially when combining grapefruit with medicines. While it can be part of a balanced ...

  20. Don't Take This with That!

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Español Search FDA Submit search Popular Content Home Food Drugs Medical Devices Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Drugs Home Drugs Resources for You Special Features Don't ...

  1. Don't Take This with That!

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Drugs Home Drugs Resources for You Special Features Don't take ... more than fifty prescription and over-the-counter drugs known to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...


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    Kristina Stankevičiūtė


    Full Text Available The figure of Don Juan that emerged in Spanish baroque synthesised several important cultural issues related to the phenomenon of seduction, a subject of great social controversy since the very beginning of the Christian era. The present article analyses one of the fundamental parts of the universal appeal of the Don Juan figure – the discourse of seduction, considering it from the social and cultural point of view. The traditional discussion of the subject focuses on the contents of the discourse whereas the present article emphasises the implications rather than the contents, grounding its arguments on Jean Baudrillard’s theory of seduction, which claims that it is the signs and the play of signs that are important in seduction, not their meanings. The seduction discourse is seen as a means to exercise power on the women that Don Juan deals with as well as on the audience who gets involved into the discourse creation process. The article concludes with a claim that Don Juan is a figure of social domination, and his discourse is a means to achieve it.

  3. Entre Confucianismo y Derechos Humanos: Individuo y Rey

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    Aurelio De Prada García


    Full Text Available RESUMEN En este artículo se aborda la cuestión de China y los derechos humanos  desde la perspectiva que, según opinión común, constituye la base de esa cultura: el confucianismo. Una perspectiva que es analizada tanto desde su marco contextual como en sí misma, cotejándola con el concepto de derechos humanos. El resultado de todo ello lleva a la conclusión de que los derechos humanos son ajenos al confucianismo y por ello a la cultura china. Sin embargo, no son necesariamente incompatibles con tal perspectiva hasta el punto de que cabria imaginar una síntesis basada en lo que aquí se llamará: el individuo y rey. ABSTRACT In this article we focus on the question of China and human rights from the point of view that, according to common opinion, is at the very basis of Chinese culture: Confucianism. This point of view is analyzed in its contextual frame as well as in itself and related to the human right’s concept. The conclusion is that human rights are foreign to Confucianism and, by extension, to the Chinese culture. Ultimately, however, human rights are not necessarily incompatible with that perspective. It is possible to imagine a kind of synthesis between them, what we’ll call here: the individual and king

  4. Embryotoxicity Caused by DON-Induced Oxidative Stress Mediated by Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway

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    Miao Yu


    Full Text Available Deoxynivalenol (DON belongs to the type B group of trichothecenes family, which is composed of sesquiterpenoid metabolites produced by Fusarium and other fungi in grain. DON may cause various toxicities, such as cytotoxicity, immunotoxicity, genotoxicity as well as teratogenicity and carcinogenicity. In the present study, we focus on a hypothesis that DON alters the expressions of Nrf2/HO-1 pathway by inducing embryotoxicity in C57BL/6 mouse (5.0, 2.5, 1.0, and 0 mg/kg/day and BeWo cell lines (0 and 50 nM; 3 h, 12 h and 24 h. Our results indicate that DON treatment in mice during pregnancy leads to ROS accumulation in the placenta, which results in embryotoxicity. At the same time Nrf2/HO-1 pathway is up-regulated by ROS to protect placenta cells from oxidative damage. In DON-treated BeWo cells, the level of ROS has time–effect and dose–effect relationships with HO-1 expression. Moderate increase in HO-1 protects the cell from oxidative damage, while excessive increase in HO-1 aggravates the oxidative damage, which is called in some studies the “threshold effect”. Therefore, oxidative stress may be the critical molecular mechanism for DON-induced embryotoxicity. Besides, Nrf2/HO-1 pathway accompanied by the “threshold effect” also plays an important role against DON-induced oxidative damage in this process.

  5. Don't Take This with That!

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Submit search Popular Content Home Food Drugs Medical Devices Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products Drugs Home Drugs Resources for You Special Features Don't take this with that! Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it ...

  6. 77 FR 64973 - Don W. Gilbert Hydro Power, LLC; Notice of Application Accepted for Filing With the Commission... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 14367-001] Don W. Gilbert...: Original Minor License. b. Project No.: 14367-001. c. Date filed: May 30, 2012. d. Applicant: Don W...(a)-825(r). (2006). h. Applicant Contact: Don W. Gilbert and DeAnn G. Somonich, Don W. Gilbert Hydro...

  7. Mixing regime as a key factor to determine DON formation in drinking water biological treatment. (United States)

    Lu, Changqing; Li, Shuai; Gong, Song; Yuan, Shoujun; Yu, Xin


    Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) can act as precursor of nitrogenous disinfection by-products formed during chlorination disinfection. The performances of biological fluidized bed (continuous stirred tank reactor, CSTR) and bio-ceramic filters (plug flow reactor, PFR) were compared in this study to investigate the influence of mixing regime on DON formation in drinking water treatment. In the shared influent, DON ranged from 0.71mgL(-1) to 1.20mgL(-1). The two biological fluidized bed reactors, named BFB1 (mechanical stirring) and BFB2 (air agitation), contained 0.12 and 0.19mgL(-1) DON in their effluents, respectively. Meanwhile, the bio-ceramic reactors, labeled as BCF1 (no aeration) and BCF2 (with aeration), had 1.02 and 0.81mgL(-1) DON in their effluents, respectively. Comparative results showed that the CSTR mixing regime significantly reduced DON formation. This particular reduction was further investigated in this study. The viable/total microbial biomass was determined with propidium monoazide quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PMA-qPCR) and qPCR, respectively. The results of the investigation demonstrated that the microbes in BFB2 had higher viability than those in BCF2. The viable bacteria decreased more sharply than the total bacteria along the media depth in BCF2, and DON in BCF2 accumulated in the deeper media. These phenomena suggested that mixing regime determined DON formation by influencing the distribution of viable, total biomass, and ratio of viable biomass to total biomass. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Organ Damage and Hepatic Lipid Accumulation in Carp (Cyprinus carpio L. after Feed-Borne Exposure to the Mycotoxin, Deoxynivalenol (DON

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Constanze Pietsch


    Full Text Available Deoxynivalenol (DON frequently contaminates animal feed, including fish feed used in aquaculture. This study intends to further investigate the effects of DON on carp (Cyprinus carpio L. at concentrations representative for commercial fish feeds. Experimental feeding with 352, 619 or 953 μg DON kg−1 feed resulted in unaltered growth performance of fish during six weeks of experimentation, but increased lipid peroxidation was observed in liver, head kidney and spleen after feeding of fish with the highest DON concentration. These effects of DON were mostly reversible by two weeks of feeding the uncontaminated control diet. Histopathological scoring revealed increased liver damage in DON-treated fish, which persisted even after the recovery phase. At the highest DON concentration, significantly more fat, and consequently, increased energy content, was found in whole fish body homogenates. This suggests that DON affects nutrient metabolism in carp. Changes of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH activity in kidneys and muscle and high lactate levels in serum indicate an effect of DON on anaerobic metabolism. Serum albumin was reduced by feeding the medium and a high dosage of DON, probably due to the ribotoxic action of DON. Thus, the present study provides evidence of the effects of DON on liver function and metabolism.

  9. Organ Damage and Hepatic Lipid Accumulation in Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) after Feed-Borne Exposure to the Mycotoxin, Deoxynivalenol (DON) (United States)

    Pietsch, Constanze; Schulz, Carsten; Rovira, Pere; Kloas, Werner; Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia


    Deoxynivalenol (DON) frequently contaminates animal feed, including fish feed used in aquaculture. This study intends to further investigate the effects of DON on carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) at concentrations representative for commercial fish feeds. Experimental feeding with 352, 619 or 953 μg DON kg−1 feed resulted in unaltered growth performance of fish during six weeks of experimentation, but increased lipid peroxidation was observed in liver, head kidney and spleen after feeding of fish with the highest DON concentration. These effects of DON were mostly reversible by two weeks of feeding the uncontaminated control diet. Histopathological scoring revealed increased liver damage in DON-treated fish, which persisted even after the recovery phase. At the highest DON concentration, significantly more fat, and consequently, increased energy content, was found in whole fish body homogenates. This suggests that DON affects nutrient metabolism in carp. Changes of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in kidneys and muscle and high lactate levels in serum indicate an effect of DON on anaerobic metabolism. Serum albumin was reduced by feeding the medium and a high dosage of DON, probably due to the ribotoxic action of DON. Thus, the present study provides evidence of the effects of DON on liver function and metabolism. PMID:24566729

  10. Hernández Socorro, María de los Reyes: Construcciones de Eva

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    José Javier Azanza López


    Full Text Available Resulta difícil resistirse a morder la apetitosa manzana que nos ofrece la inocente a la vez que seductora Eva (1914, Colección Montesdeoca García-Sáenz, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del pintor tarraconense Julio Moisés y Fernández de Villasante, imagen icónica de la no menos tentadora propuesta concebida por María de los Reyes Hernández Socorro, catedrática de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, que plantea las diversas interpretaciones de algo más de medio centenar de artistas (veinticinco creadoras femeninas y veintisiete creadores masculinos del ámbito canario sobre sus respectivas madres, en el marco cronológico comprendido entre 1846 y 2013.

  11. Fuel elements assembling for the DON project exponential experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anca Abati, R. de


    It is described the fuel unit used in the DON exponential experience, the manufacturing installments and tools as well as the stages in the fabrication.These 74 elements contain each 19 cartridges loaded with synterized urania, uranium carbide and indium, gold, and manganese probes. They were arranged in calandria-like tubes and the process-tube. This last one containing a cooling liquid simulating the reactor organic. Besides being used in the DON reactor exponential experience they were used in critic essays by the substitution method in the French reactor AQUILON II. (Author) 6 refs

  12. Science 101: Why Don't Spiders Stick to Their Own Webs? (United States)

    Robertson, Bill


    This article explains why spiders don't stick to their webs. Spiders don't get stuck in their own webs (and they aren't immune to their own glue) because they use a combination of sticky and nonsticky threads (different glands for producing those), and the glue is in droplets that the spider can avoid but the prey can't. The spider's nervous…

  13. Don Quijote: de la prosa cervantina al teatro contemporáneo

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    Orazi, Veronica


    Full Text Available Study of six of the most recent and outstanding dramatisations (1999-2015 of Cervantes’s Don Quijote, such as Aventuras de Don Quijote, DQ. Don Quijote en Barcelona, El caballero de la triste figura, En un lugar de Manhattan, Elogio de la locura and En un lugar del Quijote. The analysis covers the main features of such adaptations: metanarration, metadrama, doubling of the narrative structure using other artistic languages (music, plastic arts, dance, etc., new technologies, genre hybridisation, transmediality, etc. The original text message, actualised and re-expressed by these modernisations, stands out as an atemporal one: the plays examined demonstrate its effectiveness in contemporary society and, according to the perspective of social theater, stimulate the reflection on them.

  14. Evaluation of genetic toxicity of 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine (DON). (United States)

    Kulkarni, Rohan M; Dakoulas, Emily W; Miller, Ken E; Terse, Pramod S


    DON (6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine), a glutamine antagonist, was demonstrated to exhibit analgesic, antibacterial, antiviral and anticancer properties. The study was performed to characterize its in vitro and in vivo genetic toxicity potential. DON was tested in the bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames test) using Salmonella typhimurium tester strains (TA98, TA100, TA1535 and TA1537) and Escherichia coli tester strain (WP2 uvrA) with and without S9 and also with reductive S9. In addition, DON was tested for the chromosome aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with or without S9 to evaluate the clastogenic potential. Furthermore, DON was also evaluated for its in vivo clastogenic activity by detecting micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocyte (PCE) cells in bone marrow collected from the male mice dosed intravenously with 500, 100, 10, 1 and 0.1 mg/kg at 24 and 48-h post-dose. The Ames mutagenicity assay showed no positive mutagenic responses. However, the in vitro chromosome aberration assay demonstrated dose dependent statistically positive increase in structural aberrations at 4 and 20-h exposure without S9 and also at 4-h exposure with S9. The in vivo micronucleus assay also revealed a statistically positive response for micronucleus formation at 500, 100 and 10 mg/kg at 24 and 48-h post-dose. Thus, DON appears to be negative in the Ames test but positive in the in vitro chromosome aberration assay and in the in vivo micronucleus assay. In conclusion, the results indicate DON is a genotoxic compound with a plausible epigenetic mechanism.

  15. “Antonio Vargas Reyes y la Medicina del Siglo XIX”. Del Académico Roberto de Zubiría

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    Efraim Otero Ruiz



    En esa narración intercala la de las primeras grandes intervenciones quirúrgicas practicadas en nuestro medio, que al final detallará más al hablar del total de las cirugías practicadas por Vargas Reyes.

    Los capítulos IV a VIII están dedicados a la infancia y adolescencia de su biografiado, comenzando por la estrecha pobreza y la falta de una educación formal hasta sus 12 años, seguida por los primeros estudios con don Julián Torres y luego los realizados en el Rosario y en San Bartolomé, culminados por los estudios médicos entre 1834 y 1838, año en que se gradúa como Bachiller en Medicina del Colegio del Rosario. Todos estos capítulos los adereza el autor con una amena descripción del entorno bogotano de la época (pues su vida en el Charalá natal y en Suaita es mencionada apenas muy de paso mostrando cómo se desarrollaba la vida en la aldea capitalina de 30 o 40 mil habitantes, tal cual era la Bogotá de entonces. Para ello se apoya en las descripciones de escritores decimonónicos como Camacho Roldán, Carrasquilla o Cordovez Moure.

    Mención especial se hace de los pénsumes de estudios en el Rosario y en San Bartolomé, con las pullas entre estudiantes rosaristas y bartolinos y la mención de algunos de sus contemporáneos, que intervinieron también en sus primeras actuaciones literarias y teatrales. Todo ello prepararía espléndidamente al joven Vargas Reyes para iniciar sus estudios de medicina en 1834.

    La narración de estos últimos, así como la de los primeros años de ejercicio profesional, ocupa los capítulos VIII y IX, y tiene especial interés para quienes quieran informarse en detalle sobre cómo se estudiaba y se practicaba medicina en esa primera mitad del siglo. Comienza por lo que debió ser el atuendo de un estudiante de modestas entradas y sigue con el contenido de los diversos cursos o materias, señalando que el interés por la anatomía descriptiva –que alcanzaría su máximo un siglo después- se inicia

  16. Representaciones mentales de creatividad de los maestros de básica primaria del Colegio General Rafael Reyes


    Mesa Mejía, Alba Liliana


    Tesis (Maestría en Educación y Desarrollo Humano). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. CINDE, 2005 La pregunta central de esta investigación es: ¿Cuáles son las representaciones mentales de creatividad de los maestros de básica primaria del Colegio General Rafael Reyes? Solamente indagando sobre las representaciones mentales de creatividad de los maestros se podrá conocer y entender cuál es la posición y el lugar que cada uno de ellos le de a la m...

  17. Specificity and false positive rates of the Test of Memory Malingering, Rey 15-item Test, and Rey Word Recognition Test among forensic inpatients with intellectual disabilities. (United States)

    Love, Christopher M; Glassmire, David M; Zanolini, Shanna Jordan; Wolf, Amanda


    This study evaluated the specificity and false positive (FP) rates of the Rey 15-Item Test (FIT), Word Recognition Test (WRT), and Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) in a sample of 21 forensic inpatients with mild intellectual disability (ID). The FIT demonstrated an FP rate of 23.8% with the standard quantitative cutoff score. Certain qualitative error types on the FIT showed promise and had low FP rates. The WRT obtained an FP rate of 0.0% with previously reported cutoff scores. Finally, the TOMM demonstrated low FP rates of 4.8% and 0.0% on Trial 2 and the Retention Trial, respectively, when applying the standard cutoff score. FP rates are reported for a range of cutoff scores and compared with published research on individuals diagnosed with ID. Results indicated that although the quantitative variables on the FIT had unacceptably high FP rates, the TOMM and WRT had low FP rates, increasing the confidence clinicians can place in scores reflecting poor effort on these measures during ID evaluations. © The Author(s) 2014.

  18. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Don't Be Misled (United States)

    ... on Minorities Don't Be Fooled By Health Fraud Scams Beware of Illegally Marketed Diabetes Treatments Products ... feeds Follow FDA on Twitter Follow FDA on Facebook View FDA videos on YouTube View FDA photos ...

  19. Don Germán


    Juan Luis Mejía


    El veranillo de San Juan hace soportable el mediodía. Los "chorros d'oro" inundan de amarillo los antejardines del Prado. Las golondrinas veraneras invaden, al atardecer, los alrededores de la Biblioteca Departamental. Los voceadores de la suerte del paseo Bolívar claman a los cuatro vientos el número que cambiará su destino . Pero algo falta definitivamente en esta Barranquilla. De alguna manera la ciudad ya no es la misma. Falta Don Germán.

  20. The myth of the warrior: martial masculinity and the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. (United States)

    Allsep, L Michael


    The image of the male warrior still dominates military culture, to the exclusion of women and homosexuals. Complicating the picture is a technological revolution that promises to widen the current gap between the myth and reality of the modern warrior even further. Nonetheless, despite long arguing that homosexuals were a direct threat to military culture and effectiveness, the Pentagon has largely treated the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell as a policy matter. The difficulties still experienced by women in the armed services 40 years after they were first incorporated in significant numbers indicates that this response will be insufficient to address the deeper cultural issues. Gender issues implicate deeply held beliefs and values that persist even in the face of years of official admonishment and denial. Unless the military begins to transparently bridge the gap between the myth and reality of the modern warrior, military service without discrimination based on sexual orientation will remain an unachieved goal.

  1. Un curioso coleccionista del siglo XVII: don Manuel de Porras

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    Agulló y Cobo, Mercedes


    Full Text Available Art collecting - an avocation almost exclusive to royalty in Spain - has not had representatives among those who did not belong to the high nobility, not even among artists themselves. In many cases, the word "collection" has been applied to what in reality were mere lists of patrimonial properties. For all of the above, it is especially noteworthy to encounter someone who neither belonged to an elevated class nor was a painter, but who managed to unite, at great personal sacrifice, an important art collection. Manuel de Porras owned interesting and a relatively large number of paintings, sculptures and prints, some of them extremely valuable. As a good collector, in order to avoid the dispersion of these works, he donated them to the Shod Trinitarians in Madrid and the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in Alcalá, but unfortunately, in spite of his good intentions, nothing has survived.

    El coleccionismo —afición casi exclusiva de Reyes en España— no ha tenido representantes entre personas que no pertenecieran a la alta nobleza, ni entre los propios artistas. En muchos casos lo que se ha venido llamando colecciones son sólo relación de bienes patrimoniales. Por ello, resulta más llamativo encontrar alguien que, sin pertenecer a una clase elevada ni ser artista, lograra reunir —aun a costa de grandes sacrificios que le llevaron al extremo de ser enterrado de limosna— una tan importante colección de obras de arte como el personaje objeto de este artículo: Manuel de Porras, quien contaba con un interesante y elevado (para un particular sin títulos número de pinturas y esculturas, y un importantísimo número de dibujos y estampas, algunas valiosísimas y de alto precio. Desgraciadamente, aunque lo donó —como buen coleccionista, para evitar su dispersión— a los Trinitarios calzados de Madrid y al Oratorio de San Felipe Neri de Alcalá, nada de ello ha llegado a nuestros días.

  2. Science and Fiction. On Don Quijote’s Epistemological Skepticism

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    Félix Schmelzer


    Full Text Available The present work seeks to analyze the representation of scientific knowledge in Cervantes’ Quixote, focusing on various passages that underline the scientific expertise of don Quixote himself. It is shown that the novel contains a subtle critique of science, based on an epistemological skepticism with regard to the arbitrariness of our world concepts. The characterization of don Quixote as a man of science even permits deducting that he suffers from a ‘double mental damage’, caused by the lecture of both books of cavalry and science. Cervantes thus would consider science to be fiction, a very modern point of view.

  3. Formações do argumento autoritário e ditatorial do século XIX ao XX: da teologia política de Donoso Cortés e Jaime Balmes a Carl Schmitt

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    Roberto Bueno


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa alguns dos compromissos teóricos do conservadorismo no século XIX espanhol cujo marcado enraizamento teológico católico (Donoso Cortés e Jaime Balmes sugerimos manter forte ligação com o autoritarismo. Este artigo analisa os primeiros passos conceituais realizados por Donoso e Balmes e como este pode ter sido uma das bases de apoio para a construção teórica que permitiu que o século XX desenvolvesse sólidas teorias autoritárias, especialmente por intermédio da reinterpretação de Donoso realizada por Carl Schmitt que promoveu a reconstrução da teoria da ditadura.

  4. Los usos políticos del cuerpo: los dos cuerpos del rey en la filosofía política de Francis Bacon

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    Silvia Manzo


    Full Text Available Como figure destacada en el complejo escenario político de la transición entre la dinastía Tudor y la dinastía Estuardo de Inglaterra, Francis Bacon (1561-1626 adoptó la teoría de los dos cuerpos del rey en sus textos políticos y jurídicos. Su uso de esta teoría tiene una estrecha conexión con conceptos centrales de su filosofía natural que testimonia la profunda conexión que Bacon encuentra entre la política y la naturaleza. En este trabajo, analizaré su utilización de la teoría medieval de los dos cuerpos del rey y la vinculación que esta tiene con el resto de la filosofía baconiana. Tomaré como eje para el análisis su discurso sobre la naturalización de los escoceses nacidos después de la subida al trono de James I, donde Bacon trata el concepto de los dos cuerpos del rey con más profundidad.As a prominent intellectual figure in the complex political arena of England, during the transition from Tudor to Stuart dinasties, Francis Bacon (1561-1626 assumes the medieval King's two bodies theory in his political and juridical writings. His use of this theory is extremely linked to central concepts of his natural philosphy, which testifies to the deep connection that Bacon finds between politics and nature. This paper addresses Bacon's use of the King's two bodies theory and its link to the rest of the Baconian philosophy. The focus of this study will be his discourse on the naturalization of Scots born after James I assumption of power, where Bacon deals more deeply with the King's two bodies theory.

  5. de "subirnos al tiempo". La economía del "don"

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    Raúl García Durán


    Full Text Available Este trabajo resume las ideas contenidas en el libro -aún inédito- De la miseria de la economía a la plenitud de la fraternidad; o la economía del "don" como alternativa al capitalismo y la economía de mercado. En él se plantean alternativas radicales al capitalismo; particularmente, se ubica al "don" como camino de pensamiento y acción. Se documentan las proposiciones teóricas y aportes de la economía política, la antropología, la historia, para construir la manera en que el don podría contribuir a una reorganización social basada en nuevos-viejos principios. Se interrogan diversas experiencias histórico-antropológicas y su prefiguración actual en un nuevo modelo ético-político-ecológico que abarca las dimensiones local y global.

  6. Le Don De Corps En Cote D\\'ivoire | Broalet | African Journal of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction Le don de corps qui permet de se procurer le matériel anatomique de dissection que constitue le cadavre humain n\\'existe pas en Afrique noire et notamment en Cote d\\' Ivoire. Objectif Recueillir des informations sur le don de corps à Abidjan. Méthode Les auteurs rapportent les informations recueillies au cours ...

  7. Don Germán

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    Juan Luis Mejía


    Full Text Available El veranillo de San Juan hace soportable el mediodía. Los "chorros d'oro" inundan de amarillo los antejardines del Prado. Las golondrinas veraneras invaden, al atardecer, los alrededores de la Biblioteca Departamental. Los voceadores de la suerte del paseo Bolívar claman a los cuatro vientos el número que cambiará su destino . Pero algo falta definitivamente en esta Barranquilla. De alguna manera la ciudad ya no es la misma. Falta Don Germán.

  8. Don Isidoro Laverde Amaya

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    Carlos López Narváez


    Full Text Available A la calidad sustantiva de los polígrafos, -estirpe de los Vergara, Eduardo Posada, Gustavo Arboleda, Otero Muñoz, Samper Ortega, Gómez Restrepo para nombrar solo algunos de los que "nos han precedido con la señal de la fe", como dice el sacro ritual, y en el servicio de las Letras patrias- pertenece con mérito eximio el prócer de la bibliografía colombiana, don Isidoro Laverde Amaya.

  9. Sleep and sleep disorders in Don Quixote. (United States)

    Iranzo, Alex; Santamaria, Joan; de Riquer, Martín


    In Don Quijote de la Mancha, Miguel de Cervantes presents Don Quixote as an amazing character of the 17th century who suffers from delusions and illusions, believing himself to be a medieval knight errant. Besides this neuropsychiatric condition, Cervantes included masterful descriptions of several sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep deprivation, disruptive loud snoring and rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder. In addition, he described the occurrence of physiological, vivid dreams and habitual, post-prandial sleepiness--the siesta. Cervantes' concept of sleep as a passive state where all cerebral activities are almost absent is in conflict with his description of abnormal behaviours during sleep and vivid, fantastic dreams. His concept of sleep was shared by his contemporary, Shakespeare, and could have been influenced by the reading of the classical Spanish book of psychiatry Examen de Ingenios (1575).

  10. La dimensión estremecida

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    Edgar O'Hara


    Full Text Available Llanto de la espada. Eduardo García Aguilar. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 1992. 16 textos / Falso diario. Santiago Mutis Durán. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca", Cali, 1993, 72 págs. En alabanza del tiempo. Álvaro Rodríguez Torres. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca", Cali, 1993, 51 págs. El rey de los espantos. Víctor Manuel Gaviria. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca", Cali, 1993, 69 págs. La luna del dragón. William Ospina. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca" , Cali, 1993, 107 págs. En la posada del mundo. Fernando Herrera Gómez. Universidad del Valle, Colección "La Cierva Blanca", Cali, 1993, 81 págs. Piezas para la mano izquierda. Jaime Alberto Vélez. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, 1992.

  11. Dr. S. Donald (Don) Stookey (1915-2014): Pioneering Researcher and Adventurer (United States)

    Beall, George H.


    Don Stookey, the father of glass-ceramics, was a pioneer in inducing and understanding internal nucleation phenomena in glass. His early work on dense opal glasses and photosensitive precipitation of gold and silver in glass led to an amazing series of inventions: Fotalite, a photosensitive opal, chemically machined Fotoform and Fotoceram, and TiO2-nucleated Pyroceram products including missile nosecones and oven-proof cookware. He received a basic patent on glass-ceramics, which was contested and affirmed in court. Don was able to demonstrate a clear photochromic glass that showed reversible darkening for thousands of cycles. This material became a fixture in the ophthalmic industry. He went on to invent a full-color polychromatic glass, capable of yielding a permanent patterned and monolithic stained glass. In his life outside science, Don chaired an interfaith group that founded a home for the elderly in Corning. He was also a wilderness enthusiast, surviving a plane crash in the Arctic and two boat capsizings. Even in his later years, he continued fishing off the coast of Florida and on Lake Ontario and went solo on a trip to the Patagonian Andes. Don Stookey was a special person by any measure: an unassuming optimist, eminent scientist and inventor, adventurer, and a beloved family man. Introduction

  12. To the Spanish Young People: Don Quixote Dreyfussard

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    Virginia Ramírez Martín


    Full Text Available In 1898, Spanish press take up part of its pages with a relevant international issue: the Dreyfus affair. The case was widely covered by Spanish newspapers, in special by Don Quijote, a Madrilenian satiric press, whose Director promoted a campaign in favour of Zola collecting signatures in order to the French litterateur was aware that Spain was close to him. This initiative is completed with a call to Spanish young people who is illustrated with a quixotic caricature. Cervantine character personifies the idea of justice getting to transmit during the Spanish crisis at the end of the nineteenth century the image of the nobleman forged by Spanish stereotypical, like a crusader fighting for a noble cause, thus turning Don Quixote into another dreyfussard.

  13. Don't Panic! | NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine (United States)

    ... of this page please turn Javascript on. Feature: Phobias and Anxiety Disorders Don't Panic! Past Issues / Fall 2010 Table of Contents Phobias and other anxiety disorders affect millions of Americans. ...

  14. Cernuda in Current Spanish Poetry

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    Salvador J. Fajardo


    Full Text Available The poet Luis Cernuda (Spain, 1902-Mexico, 1963 has left his mark on much of the poetry written in Spain since the sixties. First rediscovered in the Peninsula in the late fifties and early sixties by, among others, Francisco Brines, José Angel Valente, and Jaime Gil de Biedma, his influence became pervasive both through the work of these poets, and, through the reading of Cernuda’s poetry itself, available since 1975 in Harris and Maristany edition. Referring in particular to Biedma, whose impact on younger poets has been significant, this paper examines the presence of Cernuda in certain approaches to language and reality in the poetry of several “poetas de la experiencia” ‘poets of experience,’ such as Jesús García Montero, Felipe Benítez Reyes, and Álvaro García. Centering mainly on the simplification of language and the search for a non-rhetorical rhythm, developing in Cernuda from Invocaciones ‘Invocations,’ to Desolación de la Quimera ‘The Disconsolate Chimera,’ this article examines the same traits in Biedma. Thereafter it traces their incorporation in the poetry of García Montero, Benítez Reyes, and García. These readings offer an occasion to reflect on some of the strengths of the “poesía de la experiencia” that underlie its apparent straightforwardness and simplicity.

  15. Dewey or Don't We? (United States)

    Pendergrass, Devona J.


    "Dewey or don't we?" is the question that hundreds, if not thousands, of school librarians across the country are currently asking themselves. Do they throw out what is old but trusted for new organizational systems, or do they continue using the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system and make changes and adjustments to the…

  16. Transient identification system with noising data and 'don't know' response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mol, Antonio C. de A.; Martinez, Aquilino S.; Schirru, Roberto


    In the last years, many different approaches based on neural network (NN) has been proposed for transient identification in nuclear power plants (NPP). Some of them focus the dynamic identification using recurrent neural networks however, they are not able to deal with unrecognized transients. Other kind of solution uses competitive learning in order to allow the 'don't know' response. In this case dynamic, dynamic features are not well represented. This work presents a new approach for neural network based transient identification which allows either dynamic identification and 'don't know'response. Such approach uses two multilayer neural networks trained with backpropagation algorithm. The first one is responsible for the dynamic identification. This NN uses, a short set (in a movable time window) of recent measurements of each variable avoiding the necessity of using starting events. The other one is used to validate the instantaneous identification (from the first net) through the validation of each variable. This net is responsible for allowing the system to provide 'don't know' response. In order to validate the method a NPP transient identification problem comprising 15 postulated accidents, simulated for a pressurized water reactor, was proposed in the validation process it has been considered noising data in other to evaluate the method robustness. Obtained results reveal the ability of the method in dealing with both dynamic identification of transients and correct 'don't know' response. In order to validate the method, a NPP transient identification problem comprising 15 postulated accidents simulated for a pressurized water reactor, was proposed in the validation process it has been considered noising data in order to evaluate the method robustness. Obtained results reveal the ability of the method in dealing with both dynamic identification of transients and correct 'don't know' response. (author)

  17. Efecto de los impuestos en la competencia de redes moviles: una ampliacion del modelo de Laffont, Rey y Tirole


    Christiam M. Gonzales Chavez


    The present document has for aim analyze the impact of the introduction of taxes in the industry of mobile telephony. A common tax in this sector is the canon received to finance the activities of taxation and supervision of the use of the radio spectrum. With such an end, the competition model between mobile networks proposed by Laffont, Rey and Tirole (1998), was modified introducing three different tax structures: a tax I specify in every minute of mobile telephony (Tax Type I), a tax depe...

  18. Why Don't All Professors Use Computers? (United States)

    Drew, David Eli


    Discusses the adoption of computer technology at universities and examines reasons why some professors don't use computers. Topics discussed include computer applications, including artificial intelligence, social science research, statistical analysis, and cooperative research; appropriateness of the technology for the task; the Computer Aptitude…

  19. Dr. S. Donald (Don Stookey: (1915-2014: Pioneering Researcher and Adventurer

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    George Halsey Beall


    Full Text Available Don Stookey was a special person by any measure: an unassuming optimist, eminent scientist and inventor, adventurer, and a beloved family man. Don Stookey, the father of glass-ceramics, was a pioneer in inducing and understanding internal nucleation phenomena in glass. His early work on dense opal glasses and photosensitive precipitation of gold and silver in glass led to an amazing series of inventions: Fotalite®, a photosensitive opal, chemically machined Fotoform® and Fotoceram®, and TiO2-nucleated Pyroceram™ products including missile nosecones and oven-proof cookware. He received a basic patent on glass-ceramics which was contested and affirmed in court.Don was able to demonstrate a clear photochromic glass that showed reversible darkening for thousands of cycles. This material became a fixture in the ophthalmic industry. He went on to invent a full-color polychromatic glass capable of yielding a permanent patterned and monolithic stained glass.In his life outside science, Don chaired an interfaith group that founded a home for the elderly in Corning. He was also a wilderness enthusiast, surviving a plane crash in the Arctic and two boat capsizings. Even In his later years, he continued fishing off the coast of Florida and on Lake Ontario, and went solo on a trip to the Patagonian Andes.

  20. Buy, don't build -- What does that mean for a software developer?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Little, T.; Rahi, M.A.; Sinclair, C.


    The buzz phrase of the 1990's for the petroleum software industry has become ''buy, don't build.'' For an end user in an oil company, this generally means acquiring application software rather than developing it internally. The concept of buy, don't build can also apply for a software developer. Purchasing software toolkit components can expedite the development of an application as well as reduce future support requirements

  1. Controls on the composition and extraction of rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in deep sea polymetallic nodules and sediments


    Menendez Gamella, Amaya


    Rising demand for metals is driving a search for new mineral resources and mining of seafloor deposits is likely to commence in the next few years. These include polymetallic nodules and crusts that are highly enriched in Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Mo, Li and Te, and deep-sea clays that can contain high concentrations of the rare earth elements and yttrium (REY). The potential environmental impacts of mining these deposits are, however, poorly constrained and a better understanding of the processes that...

  2. 77 FR 37031 - Don W. Gilbert Hydro Power, LLC; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 14367-001] Don W. Gilbert... No.: 14367-001. c. Date filed: May 30, 2012. d. Applicant: Don W. Gilbert Hydro Power, LLC. e. Name... Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, 16 U.S.C. 2705, 2708.] h. Applicant Contact: Don W. Gilbert and...

  3. Cervantes and the Lirical Poetry: Don Quixote

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    Fernando Romo Feito


    Full Text Available This essay examines the lyrical poems included in the first and the second part of Don Quixote. The different classes of poems are studied attending to its narrative context. But the poetry is also studied by relating it with metrical and aesthetical categories: Realism, Parody, Manierism…

  4. Successful treatment of Reye's syndrome in a child (сase report

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    Tsymbalista O.L.


    Full Text Available A 6-year-old child with Reye's syndrome was successfully treated in the Department of Pediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital. At admission to the hospital the child's condition was critical due to cerebral vascular insufficiency (semicoma, psychomotor agitation, endogenous intoxication syndrome, severe anemic syndrome (Hb — 78g/l, and coagulopathy. Due to the progression of type II respiratory failure, hepatic failure, hemorrhagic and anemic syndromes, and cerebral deficit tracheal intubation for the purpose of controlled ventilation was performed. In order to correct anemia, hypoproteinemia and hemorrhagic syndrome washed erythrocytes, a 10% albumin solution and fresh frozen plasma were transfused. Therapeutic bronchoscopy was performed due to the progression of the expectorant component secondary to ventilator!associated pneumonia. Nonspecific detoxification therapy with discrete plasmapheresis was used. On the 3rd day of treatment tracheal extubation was performed, on the 10th day the child was transferred to the gastroenterology department. On the 13th day of hospital stay in the gastroenterology department and on the 24th day of admission the child was discharged home in satisfactory condition.

  5. The voice of Cervantes «creator» in Don Quixote

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    Florencio Sevilla Arroyo


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is identifying the genuine voice of the Cervantes creator in the multiple choir of fictitious intermediaries involved in the authorship and the story of Don Quijote (reporter, editor, translator, Cide Hamete, supernarrator, readers, etc. trying, at the same time, to gauging the sense and the scope of their interventions. It happens that Miguel de Cervantes keeps to himself a novelistic role radically different depending on whether it is about the «story of story» or the «story itself»: refering to the first one, the author is out of the cast, delegating the reconstruction of Don Quixote’s legend in multiple fictional masks always comically manipulated; on the other hand, when it is the turn to the novelistic design of the chivalrous adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho, the voice of Cervantes creator comes to the forefront in order to take on, —as the «final author»— all narrative responsibility with absolute omniscience and solemnity. The resulting Quijote can only be explained from the intersection of both attitudes: the risible story of the most solemn/serious and magnificent novelistic bet never tried out..

  6. Bioanalysis of 6-Diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON) in plasma and brain by ultra-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (United States)

    Alt, Jesse; Potter, Michelle C.; Rojas, Camilo; Slusher, Barbara S.


    Glutamine is an abundant amino acid that plays pivotal roles in cell growth, cell metabolism and neurotransmission. Dysregulation of glutamine-utilizing pathways has been associated with pathological conditions such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. 6-Diazo-5-Oxo-L-Norleucine (DON) is a reactive glutamine analog that inhibits enzymes affecting glutamine metabolism such as glutaminase, 2-N-amidotransferase, L-asparaginase and several enzymes involved in pyrimidine and purine de novo synthesis. As a result, DON is actively used in preclinical models of cancer and neurodegenerative disease. Moreover, there have been several clinical trials using DON to treat a variety of cancers. Considerations of dose and exposure are especially important with DON treatment due to its narrow therapeutic window and significant side effects. Consequently, a robust quantification bioassay is of interest. DON is a polar unstable molecule which has made quantification challenging. Here we report on the characterization of a bioanalytical method to quantify DON in tissue samples involving DON derivatization with 3N HCl in butanol. The derivatized product is lipophilic and stable. Detection of this analyte by mass spectrometry is fast, specific and can be used to quantify DON in plasma and brain tissue with a limit of detection in the low nanomolar level. PMID:25584882

  7. Don Quixote and Roque Guinart against the way of life of the influential people

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    Isabel M. Roger


    Full Text Available The apocryphal Second part of don Quixote altered many of the purposes of Cervantes. He changed the destination of his hero. As observed by don Quixote when visiting a printinghouse, its publication took place in Barcelona. The author gave prominence to a town as in picaresque novels. However, he did not modify his attitude towards the behaviour of the influential people, in keeping with Erasmus’ concept of stupidity. Surely, Cervantes reaffirmed his approach to the golden age through the presence of Roque Guinart, the only historical character who appears in the novel. This paper examines how the influential people behave in front of don Quixote, and how his performance is similar to that of Roque Guinart.

  8. A comparison of serial MRI with X-ray CT in a patient with Reye-like syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujii, Yasushi; Kuriyama, Masanori; Yoshimoto, Masahiro; Konishi, Yukuo; Fujisawa, Shinichi; Sudo, Masakatsu; Hayakawa, Katsumi


    Serial MRI and X-ray CT scans were performed on a one-year 7-month old girl with Reye-like syndrome. X-ray CT scan revealed marked hemispheric brain edema in the acute stage and moderate ventricular dilatation with diffuse low density area and cortical atrophy in the chronic stage. MRI performed in the chronic stage showed marked progressive changes. Linear high intensity areas were demonstrated on T 2 weighted MRI performed 21 days after the onset. These high intensity areas increased gradually and 60 days after the onset these high intensity areas spread to the grey matter. These high intensity changes seemed to be correspond to cortical necrosis, and those in the white matter to gliosis or degeneration of myelin. (author)

  9. The Generation of 1898 and Cervantes : The invention of Don Quixote as a national symbol

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Storm, H.J.; Achiri, N.; Baraibar, A.; Schmelzer, F.K.E.


    Don Quixote became a Spanish national symbol thanks to the authors the Generation of 1898, such as Miguel de Unamuno, Azorín and Francisco Navarra Ledesma, who published their new interpretations during the 1905 commemoration of the publication of Cervantes', The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of

  10. A Novel Source of DOC and DON to Watershed Soils (United States)

    Aitkenhead-Peterson, J. A.


    A source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) to soils and groundwater is that emanating from decomposing mammals. Although there is an increase in human donor facilities (body farms) in the USA and in mass mortality events (MME) worldwide, this injection of DOC and DON into watershed soils has received little attention. Studies at two human donor facilities in Texas, USA have revealed that the purge fluid associated with decomposition is extremely high in DOC and DON and migrates down the soil profile. Two studies were carried out 1) The southeast Texas Applied Forensic Science (STAFS) facility on an Alfisol with a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 331 mm hr-1 and 83% sand and 2) the Forensic Anthropology Research Facility (FARF) on Mollisols with a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 3.6-9.7 mm hr-1 and 28-33% sand. The numbers of days since donors were laid in the environment ranged from 219-680 d at STAFS and 306-960 d at FACTS. Purge can occur between 5 and 30 d dependent on the time of year the body is placed and the resultant phenomenon is termed cadaver decomposition island (CDI). Soil cores were taken at 5 cm increments to a depth of 30 cm in the sandy soil and 15 cm in the clayey/rocky soil. In the sandy soils, DOC concentrations were significantly higher in all the CDI soils when compared to control soils at depths of 15, 20, 25 and 30 cm and ranged from 121.7 µg g-1 (30 cm) to 167.6 µg g-1 (15 cm) in control soils and 461.9 µg g-1 (30 cm) to 660.4 µg g-1 (15 cm) in CDI soils, representing a three- to four-fold increase in DOC relative to control soils. DON in all CDI soils was not significantly higher than control soils until 30 cm depth and ranged from 9.9-32.3 µg g-1 in CDI soils and 121.7 µg g-1 in control soil, representing a two- to seven-fold increase in DON relative to control soils. DOC concentrations in control soils at the FARF site at 15 cm ranged 215-365 µg g-1 while in the CDI soils DOC was higher (range: 270

  11. El Rey Costales, personaje de la narrativa oral de Zumpahuacán

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Urdapilleta Muñoz, Marco


    Full Text Available This paper studies the King of Sacks (Rey Costales, a mythical character in Zumpahuacan’s oral narrative. This so difficult to grasp character, and its protean condition, oriented the research into determining its identity. According the stories, King of Sacks is kind of a «spirit» or «Banshee », but its behavior is that of an «Air”, a Mesoamerican supernatural being. However, its high degree of individualization —as manifested in the consciousness of its pagan status as well as in the lack of links with the atmospheric phenomena affecting crops— required some clarifications. As expected, there is a conflict or symbolic-religious adjustment between Christian beliefs and vernacular beliefs, but above all, a larger cultural realignment revealing the process of looking for balance in collective imagination as a result of a community’s new circumstances, no longer mainly agrarian and indigenous. Beyond this adjustment, the narrative shows the creativity of Zumpahuacan’s inhabitants, projecting their ability to shape their experiences anchored in pre- Hispanic past, but in the light of present experiences and circumstances.

    El propósito de este artículo es el estudio del Rey Costales, un personaje mítico de la narrativa oral de Zumpahuacán. Su identidad múltiple, proteica, difícil de asir, orientó la investigación hacia el establecimiento de la identidad del personaje. En los relatos se le refiere como un «espíritu» o «alma en pena», pero su conducta permitió tipificarlo como «aire», un género de seres sobrenaturales mesoamericanos Sin embargo, su alto grado de individualización, manifiesto en la conciencia de su condición pagana, así como la falta de vínculos con los fenómenos atmosféricos que inciden en el cultivo hicieron necesarias algunas precisiones. Éstas mostraron que hay un conflicto o ajuste simbólico-religioso entre las creencias cristianas y las vernáculas, y ante todo un reacomodo

  12. Cronotopos y autobiografía epistolar como mecanismos de autorreflexión en Memoria por correspondencia, de Emma Reyes


    Trujillo Henao, Isabel Cristina


    En el libro Memoria por correspondencia (2012), la artista plástica Emma Reyes, cuenta una historia que inicia en sus primeros recuerdos y que va hasta sus 20 años, usando el género de la autobiografía epistolar -- Este análisis busca, tomando como base la teoría de cronotopos de Mijail Bajtin y del mismo género literario, encontrar y describir los diversos elementos que ayudan a dar cuenta del proceso de autorreflexión experimentado por la autora -- Así, se hallarán y describirán las herrami...

  13. Distribution and abundance of Least Bell’s Vireos (Vireo bellii pusillus) and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax traillii extimus) on the Middle San Luis Rey River, San Diego, southern California—2016 data summary (United States)

    Allen, Lisa D.; Howell, Scarlett L.; Kus, Barbara E.


    Executive SummaryWe surveyed for Least Bell’s Vireos (LBVI) (Vireo bellii pusillus) and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers (SWFL) (Empidonax traillii extimus) along the San Luis Rey River, between College Boulevard in Oceanside and Interstate 15 in Fallbrook, California (middle San Luis Rey River), in 2016. Surveys were done from March 30 to July 11 (LBVI) and from May 18 to July 30 (SWFL). We found 142 LBVI territories, at least 106 of which were occupied by pairs. Six additional transient LBVIs were detected. Of 20 banded LBVIs detected in the survey area, 9 had been given full color-band combinations prior to 2016, although we were unable to determine the exact color combination of 1 female LBVI. Seven other LBVIs with single (natal) federal bands were recaptured and banded in 2016. Four vireos with single dark blue federal bands indicating that they were banded as nestlings on the lower San Luis Rey River could not be recaptured for identification.Three SFWL territories were observed in the survey area in 2016. Two territories were occupied by pairs and one by a male of unknown breeding status. Both pairs attempted to nest at least once, and both pairs were successful, fledging three young each. Nesting began in early June and continued into July. Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) eggs were not observed in either nest. An additional 12 transient Willow Flycatchers of unknown subspecies were detected in 2016.Two of the five resident SWFLs were originally banded as nestlings on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. One male and one female were banded as nestlings on Camp Pendleton in 2009 and 2011, respectively. One natal male of unknown breeding status, originally banded as a nestling on the middle San Luis Rey River in 2015, was recaptured and given a unique color combination in 2016. This male was later detected on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.

  14. Modelos bíblicos para reyes visigodos: un estudio a partir de las Sentencias de Isidoro de Sevilla = Biblical Models for Visigothic Kings: a Study on the Sententiae of Isidore of Seville

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    Dolores Castro


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda una de las principales funciones del texto bíblico en la Edad Media, al analizar el uso de modelos bíblicos en las Sentencias (c. 633 de Isidoro de Sevilla. En rigor, un estudio de las referencias explícitas a los reyes hebreos Saúl, David y Salomón permitirán advertir cómo Isidoro, gran conocedor de las Sagradas Escrituras, apela a las personalidades bíblicas para enseñar y transmitir a las elites visigodas su propia definición de monarquía. En un contexto signado por el recuerdo de la rebelión que convirtió a Sisenando en el nuevo rey de los visigodos en 631 y la reunión, dos años más tarde, del IV concilio de Toledo, el obispo de Sevilla acentuaba a través de los ejemplos bíblicos la condición humana de todo rey, al indicar las virtudes necesarias pero también los vicios a los que debía hacer frente, con éxito, un verdadero rey.This article focuses on one of the main functions of the Biblical text in the Middle Ages, by analysing the use of biblical models in Isidore of Seville’s Sententiae (c. 633. A study of the explicit references to the Hebrew kings Saul, David and Solomon will allow us to observe how Isidore, an expert in the Sacred Scriptures, uses these biblical figures to teach and communicate to the Visigothic elites his own definition of monarchy. In a context defined by the recent memory of the rebellion that concluded in Sisenand’s rise to the throne in 631 and the Fourth Council of Toledo convened two years later, the Bishop underlines the human condition of every king by discussing the required virtues as well as the vices that a king must confront in order to be considered a true king.

  15. Enfoque de género y políticas públicas. Una propuesta para el turismo en el destino Jardines del Rey - Cuba

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    Sahyly Cotelo Armenteros


    Full Text Available El turismo es un sector importante dentro de la economía cubana por los ingresos que aporta a esta, de ahí que se realizan investigaciones en diferentes temas. Uno de estos temas es el enfoque de género, a lo que responde este trabajo, cuyo objetivo es caracterizar el enfoque de género en la actividad turística que se desarrolla en el destino Jardines del Rey. Para su realización, se parte de referentes teóricos y prácticos, con el diagnóstico de la problemática en un caso de estudio seleccionado, el empleo de métodos y técnicas de la investigación cualitativa como el diario, la entrevista, la encuesta, la historia de vida, el análisis documental, entre otros, que permiten arribar a la siguiente conclusión: la situación actual sobre el tema indica que se deben definir políticas específicas que ayuden a superar las barreras culturales de género en la selección y contratación del capital humano en el destino turístico Jardines del Rey.

  16. The creator of the term 'anancasm' was Hungarian: Guyla Donáth (1849-1944). (United States)

    Steinberg, Holger


    There is considerable confusion in the field of research on the history of psychiatry as to who created the term anancasm. This article seeks to clarify that the term was coined by the Hungarian psychiatrist Gyula Donáth, who was born in Baja, on the Danube, and worked mainly in Budapest. Donáth's publications reveal that his predominant sphere of interest and research was neurology and psychiatry. A number of his publications deal with epilepsy and obsessive-compulsive disorders. After a period of intensive research, during which he spent some time in Berlin at the clinic of neuroscientist Carl Westphal, Donáth proposed the term 'anancasm' in 1895 to describe compulsive mental processes. © The Author(s) 2015.

  17. On the effects of the Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol (DON) administered per os or intraperitoneal infusion to sows during days 63 to 70 of gestation. (United States)

    Goyarts, Tanja; Brüssow, Klaus-Peter; Valenta, Hana; Tiemann, Ute; Jäger, Kathrin; Dänicke, Sven


    Six pregnant sows of 180.6 ± 5.6 kg were fed either a Fusarium-contaminated (4.42 mg DON and 48.3 µg ZON per kg, DON per os, n = 3) or a control diet (0.15 mg DON and 5 µg ZON/kg) in the period of days 63 and 70 of gestation. On day 63 of gestation, sows fed the control diet were implanted with an intraperitoneal osmotic minipump (delivery rate of 10 µL/h, for 7 days) containing 50 mg pure (98%) DON in 2 ml 50% DMSO (DON ip, n = 3). Frequent plasma samples were taken to estimate the kinetics after oral and ip DON exposure. The intended continuous delivery of DON by the intraperitoneal minipump could not be shown, as there was a plasma peak (Cmax) of 4.2-6.4 ng DON/mL either immediately (sow IP-2+3) or 2.5 h (sow IP-1) after implantation of the pump followed by a one-exponential decline with a mean half-time (t1/2) of 1.75-4.0 h and only negligible DON plasma concentrations after 12 h. Therefore, the DON ip exposure has to be regarded as one single dose 1 week before termination of experiment. The DON per os sows showed a mean basis level (after achieving a steady state) of DON plasma concentration of about 6-8 ng/mL, as also indicated by the plasma DON concentration at the termination of the experiment. On day 70, caesarean section was carried out, the fetuses were killed immediately after birth, and samples of plasma, urine, and bile were taken to analyze the concentration of DON and its metabolite de-epoxy-DON. At necropsy there were no macroscopic lesions observed in any organ of either sows or piglets. Histopathological evaluation of sows liver and spleen revealed no alterations. The proliferation rate of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with or without stimulation was not affected by the kind of DON treatment. The exposure of pregnant sows at mid-gestation (days 63-70, period of organogenesis) to a Fusarium toxin-contaminated diet (4.42 mg DON and 0.048 mg ZON per kg) or pure DON via intraperitoneal osmotic minipump

  18. The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test forced-choice recognition task: Base-rate data and norms. (United States)

    Poreh, Amir; Bezdicek, Ondrej; Korobkova, Irina; Levin, Jennifer B; Dines, Philipp


    The present study describes a novel Forced-Choice Response (FCR) index for detecting poor effort on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). This retrospective study analyzes the performance of 4 groups on the new index: clinically referred patients with suspected dementia, forensic patients identified as not exhibiting adequate effort on other measures of response bias, students who simulated poor effort, and a large normative sample collected in the Gulf State of Oman. Using sensitivity and specificity analyses, the study shows that much like the California Verbal Learning Test-Second Edition FCR index, the RAVLT FCR index misses a proportion of individuals with inadequate effort (low sensitivity), but those who fail this measure are highly likely to be exhibiting poor effort (high specificity). The limitations and benefits of utilizing the RAVLT FCR index in clinical practice are discussed.

  19. Mineral characterisation of Don Pao rare earth deposit in Vietnam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    XuanBen, T.


    Full text: The Don Pao Rare Earth Deposit was discovered in 1959 in Phon Tho district, about 450km North-West of Hanoi capital. Geological work was conducted between 1959-95, resulting in 60 ore bodies of various sizes being identified. The ore bodies are irregularly shaped nests, lenses and veins hosted in the shear zone, at the margin of a Paeleogene aged syenite massif. The mineral composition of Don Pao Deposit is very complex, consisting of more than 50 minerals. Among them, basnaesite, parisite, fluorite and barite are the main constituent minerals of the ore. All the minerals were identified by the modern methods of mineralogical studies. Based on the constituent mineral ratios, four ore types have been distinguished in the deposit: 1. Rare earth ore containing over 5 percent of RE 2 O 3 . 2. Rare Earth-Barite ore containing 0.5 to 30 percent of RE 2 O 3 . 3. Rare Earth-Barite-Fluorite ore containing 1 to 5 percent of RE 2 O 3 . 4. Rare Earth bearing Fluorite ore containing 1 to 5 percent of RE 2 O 3 . According to the benefication test, the ores in Don Pao can be enriched to a concentrate of 60 percent of RE 2 O 3 with a recover of 75 percent

  20. Los Reyes Católicos en la pintura española del siglo XIX

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    Rincón García, Wifredo


    Full Text Available A lo largo del siglo XIX, uno de los temas históricos más recurrentes de la pintura española será el reinado de los Reyes Católicos y los artistas se sucederán a lo largo del siglo plasmando los más diversos momentos de la vida y el gobierno de Isabel I de Castilla y Fernando II de Aragón que, tras unir sus vidas y sus coronas, unificaron también los reinos hispánicos y juntos culminaron en 1492 la larga tarea de la reconquista iniciada muchos siglos antes. Durante su reinado tuvo lugar también el Descubrimiento de América, sin lugar a dudas, otro de los hitos históricos más importantes de la pintura española y en cuya iconografía estos monarcas juegan también un papel importante.…

  1. "Don Kihotõ" nazõvajut lutshshih / Boris Tuch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuch, Boris, 1946-


    Lõppenud festivali FIPRESCI auhinna sai türgi film "Kauge" ("Uzak") : režissöör Nuri Bilge Ceylan. Rahvusvaheline filmiklubide föderatsioon (FICC) andis oma auhinna Don Quijote Andrei Zvjagintsevi filmile "Tagasitulek" ("Vozvrashtshenije") ja eriauhinna hiinlase Chen Kaige filmile "Üheskoos" ("Han ni zai ylki")

  2. Deoxynivalenol (DON Contamination of Feed and Grinding Fineness: Are There Interactive Implications on Stomach Integrity and Health of Piglets?

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    Sven Dänicke


    Full Text Available The common feed contaminant deoxynivalenol (DON was reported to influence the morphology of the pars nonglandularis (PN of porcine stomach. Moreover, finely ground feed is known to trigger the development of ulcers and other pathologies of PN while coarsely ground feed protects from such lesions. The interactions between grinding fineness and DON contamination of feed were not examined so far. Therefore, both finely and coarsely ground feeds were tested either in the absence or presence of a DON contaminated wheat on growth performance and health of rearing piglets, including stomach integrity. DON contamination significantly reduced feed intake and serum albumin concentration with this effect being more pronounced after feeding the coarsely ground feed. Albeit at a higher level, albumin concentration was also reduced after feeding the finely ground and uncontaminated feed. Finely ground and DON-contaminated feed caused a significantly more pronounced lymphoplasmacytic infiltration both of PN and pars glandularis, partly paralleled by lymph follicle formation and detritus filled foveolae and tubes suggesting a local immune response probably triggered by epithelial lesions. It is concluded that DON contamination of feed exacerbates the adverse effects of finely ground feed on stomach mucosal integrity.

  3. Deoxynivalenol (DON) Contamination of Feed and Grinding Fineness: Are There Interactive Implications on Stomach Integrity and Health of Piglets? (United States)

    Dänicke, Sven; Beineke, Andreas; Berk, Andreas; Kersten, Susanne


    The common feed contaminant deoxynivalenol (DON) was reported to influence the morphology of the pars nonglandularis (PN) of porcine stomach. Moreover, finely ground feed is known to trigger the development of ulcers and other pathologies of PN while coarsely ground feed protects from such lesions. The interactions between grinding fineness and DON contamination of feed were not examined so far. Therefore, both finely and coarsely ground feeds were tested either in the absence or presence of a DON contaminated wheat on growth performance and health of rearing piglets, including stomach integrity. DON contamination significantly reduced feed intake and serum albumin concentration with this effect being more pronounced after feeding the coarsely ground feed. Albeit at a higher level, albumin concentration was also reduced after feeding the finely ground and uncontaminated feed. Finely ground and DON-contaminated feed caused a significantly more pronounced lymphoplasmacytic infiltration both of PN and pars glandularis, partly paralleled by lymph follicle formation and detritus filled foveolae and tubes suggesting a local immune response probably triggered by epithelial lesions. It is concluded that DON contamination of feed exacerbates the adverse effects of finely ground feed on stomach mucosal integrity. PMID:28045426


    Castagna, Maura; Giuffra, Valentina; Fattori, Silvia; Vitiello, Angelica; Caramella, Davide; Giustini, Davide; Fornaciari, Gino


    Among the children found in the crypt of the Grand Duke Giangastone in S. Lorenzo Basilica (Florence), the skeletal remains of a 5-year-old child still wearing his fine high social status clothing were recovered. This child of the Medici family was identified as Don Filippino (1577-1582), son of the Grand Duke Francesco I (1541-1587) and Giovanna from Austria (1547 - 1578). The prince showed several pathological deformities of the cranial and post-cranial skeleton, including enlargement of the cranium, thinning of the cranial vault bones (craniotabes), platybasia and marked bending of femora, tibiae and fibulae. Differential diagnosis suggests that Don Filippino was affected by rickets. The occurrence of this metabolic disease related to vitamin D deficiency in a Renaissance high social class individual can be explained by the practice of very prolonged breast-feeding, up until two years of age. Maternal milk contains insufficient vitamin D ratios and retarded weaning severely exposes children to a higher risk of developing rickets, especially if dietary habits are combined with inadequate exposure to sunlight. Historical sources describe Don Filippino as frail and sickly, with frequent illnesses and persistent slight fevers, and it can be supposed that the child was frequently confined indoors, especially in the cold season. Integration of osteoarchaeological evidence with historical documentation suggests that bone lesions observed in the skeletal remains of Don Filippino are compatible with a diagnosis of rickets, caused by the custom of prolonged breast-feeding associated with inadequate sunlight exposure to sunlight. Historical sources describe Don Filippino as frail and sickly, with frequent illnesses and persistent slight fevers, and it can be supposed that the child was frequently confined indoors, especially in the cold season. Integration of osteoarchaeological evidence with historical documentation suggests that bone lesions observed in the skeletal

  5. Transcriptome changes in STSV2-infected Sulfolobus islandicus REY15A undergoing continuous CRISPR spacer acquisition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    León-Sobrino, Carlos; Kot, Witold P; Garrett, Roger A


    A transcriptome study was performed on Sulfolobus islandicus REY15A actively undergoing CRISPR spacer acquisition from the crenarchaeal monocaudavirus STSV2 in rich and basal media over a 6 day period. Spacer acquisition preceded strong host growth retardation, altered transcriptional activity...... of four different CRISPR-Cas modules and changes in viral copy numbers, and with significant differences in the two media. Transcript levels of proteins involved in the cell cycle were reduced, while those of DNA replication, DNA repair, transcriptional regulation, and some antitoxin-toxin pairs...... and transposases were unchanged or enhanced. Antisense RNAs were implicated in the transcriptional regulation of adaptation and interference modules of the type I-A CRISPR-Cas system and evidence was found for the occurrence of functional coordination between the single CRISPR-Cas adaptation module...

  6. Memory factors in Rey AVLT: Implications for early staging of cognitive decline. (United States)

    Fernaeus, Sven-Erik; Ostberg, Per; Wahlund, Lars-Olof; Hellström, Ake


    Supraspan verbal list learning is widely used to assess dementia and related cognitive disorders where declarative memory deficits are a major clinical sign. While the overall learning rate is important for diagnosis, serial position patterns may give insight into more specific memory processes in patients with cognitive impairment. This study explored these patterns in a memory clinic clientele. One hundred eighty three participants took the Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). The major groups were patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), Vascular Dementia (VD), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and Subjective Cognitive Impairment (SCI) as well as healthy controls (HC). Raw scores for the five trials and five serial partitions were factor analysed. Three memory factors were found and interpreted as Primacy, Recency, and Resistance to Interference. AD and MCI patients had impaired scores in all factors. SCI patients were significantly impaired in the Resistance to Interference factor, and in the Recency factor at the first trial. The main conclusion is that serial position data from word list testing reflect specific memory capacities which vary with levels of cognitive impairment. © 2014 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Don Carlos: Variations of Tragic from Schiller to Verdi

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    Fabio Vittorini


    Full Text Available In 1867 Giuseppe Verdi makes a grand opéra out of the dramatic poem Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien (1787 by Friedrich von Schiller. The workshop of Don Carlos lasts twenty years, from 1866 to 1886, when Verdi (reopens and closes several other workshops (Simon Boccanegra, La forza del destino, Aida, Requiem, Otello, creating a porous work in progress, whose analysis keeps giving us surprises. The libretto by Joseph Méry et Camille Du Locle, under the supervision of the composer, is a palimpsest where, under the official text referable to the common historical nucleus and its best known literary versions, some hidden or deleted heterogeneous texts appear, in a supranational, multilinguistic, intercultural and intertextual dimension, not always stirring along the road of a locatable derivation, of a voluntary imitation, but sometimes taking the shape of an unpredictable dissemination.

  8. Transcriptome analysis of the human T lymphocyte cell line Jurkat and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells exposed to deoxynivalenol (DON): New mechanistic insights

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katika, Madhumohan R. [RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen (Netherlands); Department of Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology, Maastricht University (Netherlands); Netherlands Toxicogenomics Centre (Netherlands); Hendriksen, Peter J.M. [RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen (Netherlands); Netherlands Toxicogenomics Centre (Netherlands); Shao, Jia [RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen (Netherlands); Department of Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology, Maastricht University (Netherlands); Netherlands Toxicogenomics Centre (Netherlands); Loveren, Henk van [Department of Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology, Maastricht University (Netherlands); National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven (Netherlands); Netherlands Toxicogenomics Centre (Netherlands); Peijnenburg, Ad, E-mail: [RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen (Netherlands); Netherlands Toxicogenomics Centre (Netherlands)


    Deoxynivalenol (DON) or vomitoxin is a commonly encountered type-B trichothecene mycotoxin, produced by Fusarium species predominantly found in cereals and grains. DON is known to exert toxic effects on the gastrointestinal, reproductive and neuroendocrine systems, and particularly on the immune system. Depending on dose and exposure time, it can either stimulate or suppress immune function. The main objective of this study was to obtain a deeper insight into DON-induced effects on lymphoid cells. For this, we exposed the human T-lymphocyte cell line Jurkat and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to various concentrations of DON for various times and examined gene expression changes by DNA microarray analysis. Jurkat cells were exposed to 0.25 and 0.5 μM DON for 3, 6 and 24 h. Biological interpretation of the microarray data indicated that DON affects various processes in these cells: It upregulates genes involved in ribosome structure and function, RNA/protein synthesis and processing, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, calcium-mediated signaling, mitochondrial function, oxidative stress, the NFAT and NF-κB/TNF-α pathways, T cell activation and apoptosis. The effects of DON on the expression of genes involved in ER stress, NFAT activation and apoptosis were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Other biochemical experiments confirmed that DON activates calcium-dependent proteins such as calcineurin and M-calpain that are known to be involved in T cell activation and apoptosis. Induction of T cell activation was also confirmed by demonstrating that DON activates NFATC1 and induces its translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. For the gene expression profiling of PBMCs, cells were exposed to 2 and 4 μM DON for 6 and 24 h. Comparison of the Jurkat microarray data with those obtained with PBMCs showed that most of the processes affected by DON in the Jurkat cell line were also affected in the PBMCs. -- Highlights: ► The human T cell line Jurkat and human

  9. El don: entre las prácticas intersticiales y el solidarismo

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    Full Text Available El presente trabajo busca hacer evidente al solidarismo como la "pérdida del don", conforme expuesto por Mauss, en el contexto de la situación colonial, de los procesos de expansión capitalista en la actualidad. Como objeto de análisis y mediación hermenéutica, hemos seleccionado a la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE como una forma del solidarismo cuyas prácticas llevan a un conjunto de situaciones que pueden describirse como pornográficas. Para lograr el objetivo explicitado, hemos seguido la siguiente estrategia argumentativa: a se sintetizan algunas pocas coordenadas de carácter teóricos que permitan entender la centralidad del don y se explicita nuestra idea de solidarismo, b se realiza un triple análisis: de la conceptualización de la RSE y de las experiencias de RSE de algunas corporaciones internacionales en Argentina; y c se exponen nuestras ideas sobre prácticas intersticiales en tanto hiatos que quiebran a la economía política de la moral como una totalidad que demanda la "pérdida" de todo tipo de don.


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    Concepcion López Rodriguez


    Full Text Available As agitadas águas do mar retornam na tragédia Édipo Rei para configurar um cenário de doença, destruição e morte. O mar no Édipo em Colono, juntamente com os mananciais e a terra, configura um ‘espaço sagrado’ intemporal, localizado no santuário de Posídon em Colono (Atenas, temenos onde descansará Édipo

  11. Registros de zopilote rey (Sarcoramphus papa en el área de Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México

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    Mircea Hidalgo-Mihart


    Full Text Available Reportamos la presencia de dos individuos juveniles de zopilote rey, Sarcoramphus papa, en la Selva La Montaña localizada al suroeste del Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Silvestre Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México. Realizamos el registro por medio de fotografías utilizando cámaras trampa. La presencia de esta especie protegida en el área evidencia la importancia que tiene la región de la Selva La Montaña para la conservación de la biodiversidad, especialmente para especies en peligro de extinción.

  12. Registros de zopilote rey (Sarcoramphus papa) en el área de Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México


    Mircea Hidalgo-Mihart; Fernando M. Contreras-Moreno; Luz A. Pérez-Solano


    Reportamos la presencia de dos individuos juveniles de zopilote rey, Sarcoramphus papa, en la Selva La Montaña localizada al suroeste del Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Silvestre Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México. Realizamos el registro por medio de fotografías utilizando cámaras trampa. La presencia de esta especie protegida en el área evidencia la importancia que tiene la región de la Selva La Montaña para la conservación de la biodiversidad, especialmente para especies en peligro d...

  13. The Rhetoric of Madness in Kathy Acker’s Don Quixote

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    Claudia Cao


    Full Text Available This essay examines the rhetorical experimentation of Don Quixote by Kathy Acker, starting from a theoretical concept central in the author’s thought: her search for a “language of the body”. A brief introduction to Kathy Acker’s plagiaristic poetics frames her narrative strategies between postmodern rewriting and pastiche. It shows the way in which her Don Quixote transposes the representative scheme of the chivalric quest into the contemporary value system with the aim of questioning Cervantes’ text as one of the canonical works of the Western literary tradition. The following section deepens three focal concepts of Acker’s theoretical works – body, madness, and norm – illuminating the connections between her rhetorical experimentation and the works by Luce Irigaray and Judith Butler. Finally, the paper will demonstrate how these concepts in Acker's rewriting of Don Quixote are strictly related to paradox, which she uses in order to actualize a “language of the body”: in the passage from the former novel to the postmodern work, madness has become the device which, from the semantic level to the rhetorical one, expresses Acker’s idea of language of the body, as an alternative and in contrast to the canonical language of the logos.

  14. Co-Contamination of DON and NIV in Domestic Flour in Japan: Survey, Intake, Reduction and Rapid Assay (United States)

    Nivalenol (NIV) and Deoxynivalenol (DON) are trichothecene mycotoxins produced by Fusarium spp. that contaminate mainly cereal crops, such as wheat, barley, and maize. These mycotoxins are serious health hazards to humans and domestic animals. In Japan, there have been many reports of DON and NIV ...

  15. Don Quixote an Celia: the desire to live other lives

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    María Jesús Fraga Fernández-Cuevas


    Full Text Available The present study explores the parallelisms between Don Quixote and Elena Fortun’s novels Celia. First, it enumerates the various activities that prove the author’s interest in Cervantes and his work, as well as the possible intervention of her mentor, Maria Martinez Sierra, in the genesis of the child’s character. Both novels, of dialogical nature, share an episodic structure articulated by a weak storyline. Its protagonists are animated by the desire to live the lives of the characters of their favorite readings. They confuse fantasy and reality causing situations whose results are almost always adverse. If Don Quixote dies back to the reason, so will Celia, the girl, with her entry into adulthood by resigning her fantasies, which will be taken up by new generations of children.

  16. IDEA: An Interdisciplinary Unit Comparing "Don Quixote" to "Hamlet." (United States)

    Harris, Mary J. G.


    Describes an idea for teaching language through content-based instruction in which a high school Spanish class studying a shortened abridged version of Cervantes'"Don Quixote" and an English class reading Shakespeare's "Hamlet," did a simple comparative analysis of the two texts. (Author/VWL)

  17. Don Yllán and the Egyptian Sorcerer: Vernacular commonality and literary diversity in medieval Castile

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    Wacks, David A.


    Full Text Available In this article the author compares the exemplo of Don Yllán and the Deán de Santiago -no. 11 in Don Juan Manuel's Conde Lucanor (ca. 1335- with an earlier Hebrew analogue found in the Hebrew Mešal Haqadmonī (ca. 1285 of fellow Castilian author Isaac ibn Sahula. A thorough analysis of the rhetorical and narrative style of both versions reveals that the two tales shared a common source in Castilian oral tradition. The appearance of the tale in an earlier Hebrew text from Castile (the only other known version in any language calls into question the originality of Don Juan Manuel's most famous exemplo, suggesting a productive interplay between a common oral tradition in Castilian and coexisting literary traditions in Hebrew and Castilian.

    En este artículo, el autor compara el exemplo de Don Yllán y el Deán de Santiago -n.° 11 en el Conde Lucanor (ca. 1335 de Don Juan Manuel- con una versión anterior en la obra hebrea, Mešal Haqadmonī (ca. 1285 de otro autor castellano, Isaac ibn Sahula. Un análisis cuidadoso del estilo narrativo y retórico de ambas versiones revela que las dos comparten una fuente común en la tradición oral castellana. La aparición del cuento en un texto hebreo anterior de Castilla (la única versión conocida en cualquier otra lengua cuestiona la originalidad literaria del más famoso exemplo de Don Juan Manuel, y sugiere un intercambio productivo entre una tradición oral común castellana y tradiciones literarias hebreas y castellanas coexistentes.

  18. Population dynamics of tule elk at point Reyes National Seashore, California (United States)

    Howell, J.A.; Brooks, G.C.; Semenoff-Irving, M.; Greene, C.


    The presence of locally abundant wildlife raises questions about natural regulation and ecological consequences of overpopulation. We sought to establish precise information about population size, structure, and productivity to examine the role of natural regulation in a closed tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes) population at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA. We estimated an instantaneous exponential growth rate of 0.19 with an adjusted R2 = 0.98 during 1998, 20 years after the elk were introduced. We estimated annual survival for adult cows of nearly 0.95. Calf survival from birth through the rut ending during October-November was 0.85. Male calves exhibited higher mortality than female calves. Cow mortality was associated with the calving season. We measured a 42% increase in cow:calf density from 0.733 ha-1 to 1.043 ha-1 during 1996-1998. We observed a density-correlated reduction in the rate of increase and in the cow:calf ratios prior to high precipitation El Nin??o Southern Oscillation years, 1993, 1996, and 1997, precipitation >1.23 m year-1. Given the high population growth rate and model evaluation of management scenarios, park managers will need to use a suite of approaches, such as contraception and removal, to maintain the elk population at levels at or near the closed-range carrying capacity for years between El Nin??o events.

  19. Ventura Reyes Prósper (1863-1922 y la introducción de la nueva lógica en España

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    Vega Reñón, Luis


    Full Text Available With a view to an unnoticed paper by Reyes Prósper (1891, «La lógica simbólica», I examine the first and unsuccessful introduction of modern logic in mathematical circles in Spain, in the end of the 19th century and beginnings of 20th. Such reception failures are usually attributed to external and/or general circumstances, ranging from personal vicissitudes to institutional and cultural conditions of Spanish learning. But here we should also pay attention at the very working of the so-called «sowers», i.e. introducing people. Some consequences concerning the study of reception are incidentally suggested.

    En atención al inadvertido artículo de Reyes Prósper (1891, «La lógica simbólica», examino la fallida introducción inicial de la lógica moderna en medios matemáticos, en España, a finales del s. XIX y principios del XX. La falta de recepción de este tipo suele atribuirse a circunstancias externas o genéricas, desde avatares personales hasta condicionamientos institucionales y culturales de nuestra España académica. Pero, en este caso, también merece atención el trabajo mismo de los llamados «sembradores», i.e. introductores. De paso, apunto algunas consecuencias para el estudio de los fenómenos de recepción.

  20. Pemodelan Enterprise Architecture Sistem Informasi Akademik SMA PL Don Bosko Semarang Dengan Framework Zachman

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    Maria Alfonsa Chintia Dea Prananingrum


    Full Text Available Abstrak SMA PL Don Bosko Semarang belum dapat memanfaatkan teknologi komputer secara optimal karena masih menggunakan cara manual dalam pengelolaan berbagai macam data akademik sehingga memberikan masalah seperti lambatnya dalam pembuatan laporan yang menyulitkan kepala sekolah dalam pengambilan keputusan. Oleh sebab itu, SMA PL Don Bosko Semarang membutuhkan Sistem Informasi Akademik untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam mengelola berbagai macam data akademik secara terintegrasi serta memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada siswanya. Sebuah model architecture enterprise Sistem Informasi Akademik dibutuhkan agar meminimalisir kegagalan ketika menerapkan sistem tersebut sekaligus dapat berjalan sesuai kebutuhan di SMA PL Don Bosko Semarang. Metode analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Framework Zachman yang memberikan pondasi dalam membantu menyediakan struktur dasar organisasi sehingga dapat mendukung perancangan dan pengembangan sistem informasi suatu organisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa blueprint (cetak biru pemodelan Sistem Informasi Akademik. Kata kunci— sistem informasi akademik, architecture enterprise, framework zachman, bluprint

  1. Vivisection au ralenti: Don DeLillo’s Point Omega

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    Ruxanda BONTILĂ


    Full Text Available Reading a Don DeLillo is like walking on glass, that is, you need hold your breath so that nothing could deter you from focusing on the mission, if you want to keep safe and mostly sound. The writer’s latest novel, Point Omega (2010, is no exception in that its author engages once more in the exercise of stripping away all surfaces so as to let us see into the terror of what he calls “makeshift reality”—his characters’ and ours. The claims I advance and substantiate in the essay, refer to (1 how a fluid chronology sustained by framing devices adds to the understanding of the construct of a novel/film in progress; (2 how the shifting narrative perspective ensures a vivisectionist’s look into the body of life/death/world. Don DeLillo’s novel is another terrifying X-ray of war/life/death as agonizing nothingness which literature in its ‘late-phase’ is meant to cure.

  2. The occurrence of Fusarium toxins (zearalenone, DON, fumonisin, and T2) in some food commodities and feedstuffs in Syria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ghanem, I; Al-Arfe, M [Atomic Energy Commission, Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic). Dept. of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology


    The presence of four Fusarium toxins (namely, zearalenone, Don, fuminosin, and T2) was studied in 129 food commodities and feedstuff samples using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results showed that the percentages of wheat samples contaminated with T2, fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone were : 33%, 31%, 11.6% and 12.5% for each toxin, respectively. Concentrations of these toxins in the contaminated samples fell in the range of 81 - 350, 330 - 1330, 270 - 420 and 42-67 {mu}g kg-1 for each toxin respectively. Barely samples showed higher percentages of contamination with those toxins amounting to 75.9%, 83.3%, 75% and 83.3% with concentrations ranging between 89-145, 270 - 1230, 650 - 3450 and 42-102 {mu}g kg-1 for T2, , fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone, respectively. Percentages of contaminated bran samples were 80% for T2 and 100% for each of fumonisin, Don and zearalenone. Concentrations of T2, fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone in bran samples ranged between 81-322 , 510 - 1670 , 280 - 750 and 42-81 {mu}g kg-1, respectively. All four tested toxins were present in corn samples. Levels of T2, , fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone in corn samples were in the range of 112-426 , 730 - 1820, 590 - 1080 and 63-112 {mu}g kg-1, respectively. Similarly, 100% of examined soya seed cake samples were found contaminated with various levels of the four assayed toxins, with levels of contamination ranging between 98-142 , 1340 - 2220 , 330 - 800 and 93-114 {mu}g kg-1, for T2, , fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone, respectively. All cotton seed cake samples were contaminated with the four tested toxins with contamination levels ranging between 94 - 142, 1120 - 1920, 280 - 1340 and 56 - 132 {mu}g kg-1 for T2, , fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone, respectively. Only 87% of the composite pelletted feed samples were contaminated with zearalenone, but all of theme were contaminated with various levels of the other three tested toxins. (author)

  3. The occurrence of Fusarium toxins (zearalenone, DON, fumonisin, and T2) in some food commodities and feedstuffs in Syria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghanem, I.; Al-Arfe, M.


    The presence of four Fusarium toxins (namely, zearalenone, Don, fuminosin, and T2) was studied in 129 food commodities and feedstuff samples using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results showed that the percentages of wheat samples contaminated with T2, fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone were : 33%, 31%, 11.6% and 12.5% for each toxin, respectively. Concentrations of these toxins in the contaminated samples fell in the range of 81 - 350, 330 - 1330, 270 - 420 and 42-67 μg kg-1 for each toxin respectively. Barely samples showed higher percentages of contamination with those toxins amounting to 75.9%, 83.3%, 75% and 83.3% with concentrations ranging between 89-145, 270 - 1230, 650 - 3450 and 42-102 μg kg-1 for T2, , fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone, respectively. Percentages of contaminated bran samples were 80% for T2 and 100% for each of fumonisin, Don and zearalenone. Concentrations of T2, fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone in bran samples ranged between 81-322 , 510 - 1670 , 280 - 750 and 42-81 μg kg-1, respectively. All four tested toxins were present in corn samples. Levels of T2, , fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone in corn samples were in the range of 112-426 , 730 - 1820, 590 - 1080 and 63-112 μg kg-1, respectively. Similarly, 100% of examined soya seed cake samples were found contaminated with various levels of the four assayed toxins, with levels of contamination ranging between 98-142 , 1340 - 2220 , 330 - 800 and 93-114 μg kg-1, for T2, , fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone, respectively. All cotton seed cake samples were contaminated with the four tested toxins with contamination levels ranging between 94 - 142, 1120 - 1920, 280 - 1340 and 56 - 132 μg kg-1 for T2, , fuminosin, Don and Zearalenone, respectively. Only 87% of the composite pelletted feed samples were contaminated with zearalenone, but all of theme were contaminated with various levels of the other three tested toxins. (author)

  4. Re-introduction of tule elk to Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA (United States)

    Gogan, Peter J.; McCrea A. Cobb,; Gates, Natalie B.; Barrett, Reginald H.; Soorae, Pritpal S.


    Tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes), a subspecies endemic to California, was historically found in large herds throughout much of central and coastal California. Market hunting during the California Gold Rush decimated these herds, and by 1895, only two to 10 elk remained. This remnant group was protected and served as the source for early relocation efforts (McCullough, 1971). Early efforts were generally unsuccessful but did establish a herd in California’s Owens Valley, outside their historical range, in 1933. The herd grew rapidly and supported six controversial hunts between 1943 and 1969. In an effort to limit hunting, concerned preservationists formed the Committee for the Preservation of Tule Elk in 1960. Public pressure resulted in the California State Legislature passing a law in 1971 that halted hunting until either state-wide numbers reached 2,000, or no further unoccupied elk habitat existed. This law prompted the California Department of Fish and Game to begin reintroducing tule elk throughout their former range. In 1976, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution that concurred with state law and directed federal agencies to make lands available for reintroductions within the subspecies’ historical range. Point Reyes National Seashore was identified as a potential translocation site.

  5. [Don Quijote, a lucid mad]. (United States)

    Alonso Fernández, Francisco


    The case of a 50-year-old hidalgo who believed to be transformed into a knight-errant named Don Quijote is a megalomaniac systematized delusion of transformation of the self, a delusion of metamorphosis in reference to the patient's own identity. The outward projection of this syndrome produces some delusional misidentifications of others, things and animals and include elements of a persecutory delusion which increase the grandiosity of the self. At the same time the hidalgo was maniac with a pathway of bipolar disorder. The phenomenon of donquijotismo is described as the defence of wasted causes and Sancho Panza as an illiterate Sócrates.

  6. Why I don't kill myself : [poems] / Paul-Eerik Rummo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rummo, Paul-Eerik, 1942-


    Autori lühitutvustus lk. 262. Sisu: Why I don't kill myself ; The sky stoops over the earth ; Clinging ; Crooning. Orig.: Miks ma end ära ei tapa ; "Taevas on kummargil üle maa..." ; Kinni hoidmas ; Poolüminal

  7. De la risa a carcajadas al mal ejemplo quijotesco en la novela del XVIII. Don Quijote de la Manchuela

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    Agapita Jurado Santos


    Full Text Available Don Quixote rapidly became a huge success. It was translated into several languages and reworked into genres with a festive and theatrical nature. In Spain, during the seventeenth century, its comic side was exploited, which provoked liberating laughter that, in France, led to its association with the satire genre. In the eighteenth century, the novel was considered a minor genre, of no educational value. The century began with a fierce controversy over the meaning of Cervantes’ work, since according to Rapin, some readers would have seen a mockery of the Spanish nobility in the insane gentleman. However, during the eighteenth century the first steps were taken to reappraise Don Quixote due to its acceptance as a classic by the Spanish Royal Academy in 1780. The Academy considered Don Quixote a mocking and didactic hero, a bad example to be avoided. Yet, the work was an important step in the construction of a new genre, the novel. Don Quijote de la Manchuela, by Donato de Arenzana (1767, reflects an attentive reading of Cervantes’ Don Quixote, and special attention to the neoclassical cannon. Therefore it can provide useful information about writers’ interests, in the preromantic eighteenth century.

  8. Vestimentas compartidas y otros cuidados: Las formas de la generosidad en el Ms. K-III-4 [Libro de Apolonio, Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, Libre dels tres reys d'Orient

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    Carina Zubillaga


    Full Text Available The article undertakes a revisión of the generosity forms in the three poems of MS K-III-4 of the Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial [Libro de Apolonio, Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, Libre dels tres reys d'Orient] to explain the unitary codicological organization, by means of the analysis of shared references, common motives and similar thematic configurationsEl artículo lleva a cabo una revisión de las formas de la generosidad presentes en los tres poemas que componen el Ms. K-III-4 de la Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial [Libro de Apolonio, Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, Libre dels tres reys d'Orient], para dar cuenta -a través de las referencias compartidas, los motivos comunes y las configuraciones similares- de la organización unitaria del códice y de su singularidad

  9. ???????????? ? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???????????? ? ?????? ???????-??-???? // Advantages and disadvantages of franchise business opportunities in Rostov-on-don


    Bugayan, S.A.; Filimonenko, I.


    ? ?????? ??????????? ???????? ???????????? ? ?????????? ??????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ???????????? ? ?????? ???????-??-???? ?? ??????? ????????? ????, ????????????? ??????? ???? ????? ??????? ? ?? ?????????? ??????????? ????????. In this article are considered main cons and pros of franchise business opportunities in Rostov-on-Don, using different businesses as an example,efficiency of this type of business and its future possibilities.

  10. "Don't know" responses to risk perception measures: implications for underserved populations. (United States)

    Waters, Erika A; Hay, Jennifer L; Orom, Heather; Kiviniemi, Marc T; Drake, Bettina F


    Risk perceptions are legitimate targets for behavioral interventions because they can motivate medical decisions and health behaviors. However, some survey respondents may not know (or may not indicate) their risk perceptions. The scope of "don't know" (DK) responding is unknown. Examine the prevalence and correlates of responding DK to items assessing perceived risk of colorectal cancer. Two nationally representative, population-based, cross-sectional surveys (2005 National Health Interview Survey [NHIS]; 2005 Health Information National Trends Survey [HINTS]), and one primary care clinic-based survey comprised of individuals from low-income communities. Analyses included 31,202 (NHIS), 1,937 (HINTS), and 769 (clinic) individuals. Five items assessed perceived risk of colorectal cancer. Four of the items differed in format and/or response scale: comparative risk (NHIS, HINTS); absolute risk (HINTS, clinic), and "likelihood" and "chance" response scales (clinic). Only the clinic-based survey included an explicit DK response option. "Don't know" responding was 6.9% (NHIS), 7.5% (HINTS-comparative), and 8.7% (HINTS-absolute). "Don't know" responding was 49.1% and 69.3% for the "chance" and "likely" response options (clinic). Correlates of DK responding were characteristics generally associated with disparities (e.g., low education), but the pattern of results varied among samples, question formats, and response scales. The surveys were developed independently and employed different methodologies and items. Consequently, the results were not directly comparable. There may be multiple explanations for differences in the magnitude and characteristics of DK responding. "Don't know" responding is more prevalent in populations affected by health disparities. Either not assessing or not analyzing DK responses could further disenfranchise these populations and negatively affect the validity of research and the efficacy of interventions seeking to eliminate health disparities.

  11. Don Quijote y los eruditos: Sobre una polémica crítica y sus implicaciones metacríticas


    Pardo García, Pedro Javier


    [ES]Este trabajo trata sobre Don Quijote y los eruditos: una polémica crítica y sus implicaciones metacríticas. [EN]This paper deals with Don Quixote and scholars: a critical controversy and its implications metacritica.

  12. Autenticidad y utopía: el reparto de lo sensible en Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Alfonso Reyes y Mariano Picón Salas

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    Ioannis Antzus Ramos


    Full Text Available En este trabajo abordo el pensamiento cultural y estético de Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Alfonso Reyes y Mariano Picón Salas. Para ello me centro principalmente en los ensayos que los tres escritores publicaron en los años veinte y treinta del siglo pasado y destaco las afinidades entre sus planteamientos. Al analizar sus ideas sobre la cultura y la estética del continente concluyo que los tres intelectuales propusieron una misma ordenación del mundo. La utopía occidentalista que ellos anhelaban está marcada por las nociones de consenso y autenticidad y tiene implicaciones políticas. In this article, I study the cultural and aesthetic thought of Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Alfonso Reyes, and Mariano Picón Salas. In order to do this, I take into consideration the essays that the three writers published in the 1920s and 1930s, and I underline the similarities among their ideas. The analysis of their cultural and aesthetic thought shows that the three intellectuals proposed a similar order of the world. The pro-Western utopia that they longed for is marked by the notions of consensus and authenticity and has political implications.

  13. ["Is it an animal inside? "Melanie Klein's unpublished Don Juan Paper (1939)]. (United States)

    Frank, Claudia


    Klein had been asked to contribute an article to the birthday number of the International Journal for Jones. The author outlines how she hurriedly wrote a text about Don Juan which, however, was rejected by the editor. Essential parts of it are presented in German translation. The manuscript is discussed in the context of Klein's published work as well as of the relevant contemporary literature. In Klein's view, Don Juan's genitality is determined by oral impulses and fears. By his manic acting out he attempts to ward off a depressive break-down. The paper ends with some reflections about why Klein--ontrary to her intention--failed to revise her manuscript for later publication.

  14. Efecto de los impuestos en la competencia de redes móviles: una ampliación del modelo de Laffont, Rey y Tirole


    Gonzales Chávez, Christiam M.


    El presente documento tiene por objetivo analizar el impacto de la introducción de impuestos en la industria de telefonía móvil. Un impuesto común en este sector es el canon cobrado para financiar las actividades de fiscalización y supervisión del uso del espectro radioeléctrico. Con tal fin, se modificó el modelo de competencia entre redes móviles propuesto por Laffont, Rey yTirole (1998), para lo que se introdujo tres diferentes estructuras impositivas: un impuesto específico por cada minut...

  15. Efecto de los impuestos en la competencia de redes móviles: una ampliación del modelo de Laffont, Rey y Tirole


    Christiam M. Gonzales Chávez


    El presente documento tiene por objetivo analizar el impacto de la introducción de impuestos en la industria de telefonía móvil. Un impuesto común en este sector es el canon cobrado para financiar las actividades de fiscalización y supervisión del uso del espectro radioeléctrico. Con tal fin, se modificó el modelo de competencia entre redes móviles propuesto por Laffont, Rey yTirole (1998), para lo que se introdujo tres diferentes estructuras impositivas: un impuesto específico por cada minut...

  16. Estudio de la contaminación con hidrocarburos de un ecosistema de manglar en cayo Santa María, Jardines del Rey, Cuba.


    Bermúdez Acosta, Jelvys; González Delgado, Alejandro; Castro Hernández, Yoelvis; Ortiz Guilarte, Eudalys; Núñez Moreira, Roberto; Oramas García, Julio; García García, Yaliany


    El propósito de esta investigación fue estudiar la contaminación de un ecosistema de manglar impactado con hidrocarburos en el sector centro sur de Cayo Santa María, Jardines del Rey, Cuba. Para el estudio de los indicadores microbiológicos y fisicoquímicos fue diseñado un muestreo estratificado, donde se seleccionaron dos estratos y diez estaciones de muestreo, considerando los patrones de flujos de marea en pleamar y bajamar, así como el impacto perceptible de la contaminación. La determina...

  17. Adrenalectomy for Cushing's syndrome: do's and don'ts. (United States)

    Paduraru, D N; Nica, A; Carsote, M; Valea, A


    Aim. To present specific aspects of adrenalectomy for Cushing's syndrome (CS) by introducing well established aspects ("do's") and less known aspects ("don'ts"). Material and Method. This is a narrative review. Results. The "do's" for laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) are the following: it represents the "gold standard" for secretor and non-secretor adrenal tumors and the first line therapy for CS with an improvement of cardio-metabolic co-morbidities; the success rate depending on the adequate patients' selection and the surgeon's skills. The "don'ts" are large (>6-8 centimeters), locally invasive, malignant tumors requiring open adrenalectomy (OA). Robotic adrenalectomy is a new alternative for LA, with similar safety and conversion rate and lower pain drugs use. The "don'ts" are the following: lack of randomized controlled studies including oncologic outcome, different availability at surgical centers. Related to the sub-types of CS, the "do's" are the following: adrenal adenomas which are cured by LA, while adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) requires adrenalectomy as first line therapy and adjuvant mitotane therapy; synchronous bilateral adrenalectomy (SBA) is useful for Cushing's disease (only cases refractory to pituitary targeted therapy), for ectopic Cushing's syndrome (cases with unknown or inoperable primary site), and for bilateral cortisol producing adenomas. The less established aspects are the following: criteria of skilled surgeon to approach ACC; the timing of surgery in subclinical CS; the need for adrenal vein catheterization (which is not available in many centers) to avoid unnecessary SBA. Conclusion. Adrenalectomy for CS is a dynamic domain; LA overstepped the former OA area. The future will improve the knowledge related to RA while the cutting edge is represented by a specific frame of intervention in SCS, children and pregnant women. Abbreviations: ACC = adrenocortical carcinoma, ACTH = Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, CD = Cushing's disease, CS

  18. Estudio osteoarqueológico de la cremación romana de Sos del Rey Católico (Zaragoza

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    M.ª Paz de MIGUEL IBÁÑEZ


    Full Text Available Presentamos el estudio osteoarqueológico de los restos humanos procedentes del enterramiento romano recuperado en Sos del Rey Católico (Zaragoza. Se ha procedido a la identificación y descripción de las diferentes partes anatómicas, según la metodología descrita para las incineraciones. Hemos tenido en consideración la coloración de los huesos, su estado de fragmentación, su representación dentro del conjunto, etc., como elementos informadores sobre el proceso ritual. Las características antropológicas nos indican que se trata de un individuo adulto, sometido a alta temperatura, bastante bien conservado, con artropatía en la columna vertebral, cuyo sexo, sin embargo, no ha podido ser identificado.

  19. Cervantes, Lizardi, and the Literary Construction of The Mexican Rogue in Don Catrín de la fachenda

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    Vilches Patricia


    Full Text Available This study explores the socio-economic legacies and critique of nation-building found in the work of Jose Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi (1776-1827. In the nineteenth century, the Latin American elite struggled to disassociate itself from a suffocating colonial machine; they sought their own identity, and writing became a way to express their frustration. As in other parts of Latin America, Mexican intellectuals protested fossilisation via Cervantes’s Don Quijote. Using the Spanish author’s text as a blueprint, Lizardi’s Don Catrín de la fachenda depicted a turbulent society that was in the process of abandoning a decaying colonial order. Don Quijote’s characters engaged in power struggles and were involved in a variety of forms of social antagonism. Lizardi juxtaposed and superimposed these on an American geographical and socio-economic space where there was much dissension around the nation’s direction. The social and economic rules of Mexico (and Latin America today can be said to be already present in the social exchanges in Don Catrín. It was in this context that Don Quijote was “Mexicanised” by Lizardi and thereby made to participate in local reflections on liberty, patriotism, capitalism, and citizenship. Cervantes’s text thus took on a socio-political meaning in the narrative of Latin America’s past and present.

  20. Restauración ecológica y paisajística del Arroyo de los Quiñones. San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid

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    Peinado Albendea, Pedro


    Full Text Available The restoration of the Arroyo (stream de los Quiñones (San Sebastián de los Reyes poses a problem whose solution consists in neutralizing the principal sources of its degradation. These sources are: waste water discharges, an urban solid waste dump, situated in the very bed of the stream, and the intensive aggregate extraction which made the stream itself disappear at various points. This article also deals with the recuperation of the surrounding wood in a natural and landscape-friendly way, which would facilitate the access and the walk along the sides of the stream. This would lead to the clearing of other areas of a high ecological value within this municipality.

    La restauración del Arroyo de los Quiñones (San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid plantea como problema resolver sus principales fuentes de degradación. Estas son los vertidos de aguas residuales, un vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos ubicado en el cauce, y la intensiva extracción de áridos que ha llegado a hacer desaparecer el arroyo en diversas zonas. Posteriormente se plantea la recuperación del bosque ripario de una forma lo más natural paisajísticamente, facilitando el acceso y el paseo para des congestionar otras zonas de alto valor ecológico del término municipal.

  1. La parodia como marco estructural en Don Quijote y Los viajes de Gulliver

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    Alfonso Muñoz Corcuera


    Full Text Available Los viajes de Gulliver, de Jonathan Swift, es una de las obras más conocidas de la literatura universal. Sin embargo, su recepción actual, al menos en España, se produce sobre todo por medio de adaptaciones en las que no se puede apreciar el calado de la obra literaria original. En este estudio se pretende profundizar en el análisis de Los viajes de Gulliver a través de una comparación con Don Quijote, enfocándose en los recursos paródicos: mientras Don Quijote parodia los libros de caballerías, Los viajes de Gulliver parodia los libros de viajes. El principal objetivo de esta comparación no será tanto demostrar una influencia de la obra de Cervantes sobre la de Swift, sino, más bien, iluminar algunos aspectos de Los viajes de Gulliver. Gulliver´s Travels, of Jonathan Swift, is one of the most well-known works in world literature. However, its actual reception, at least in Spain, it´s produced mostly through adaptations in which it´s impossible to appreciate the profundity of the original literary work. In this article, I intend to dig deeply into the analysis of Gulliver´s Travels through a comparison with Don Quixote, focusing on the parodic resources: while Don Quixote parodies the books of chivalry, Gulliver´s Travels parodies travel books. The main goal of this comparison will not be to prove some influence of Cervantes´ work in Swift´s work, but to illuminate some aspects of Gulliver´s Travels.

  2. Hubungan antara Aktivitas Fisik Terhadap Memori Kerja Murid SMA Don Bosco III Bekasi

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    Michelle Clarissa Junaidi


    Full Text Available Latar belakang. Memori kerja merupakan bagian dari memori jangka pendek yang berperan penting dalam membantu proses pembelajaran dan dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas fisik, memori kerja yang rendah akan menimbulkan kesulitan untuk menerima informasi baru serta penurunan prestasi belajar. Tujuan. Mengetahui pengaruh aktivitas fisik terhadap kapasitas memori kerja murid SMA Don Bosco III. Metode. Penelitian metode analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang pada 113 murid SMA Don Bosco III, Bekasi, pada 18 – 20 Juli 2016. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner demografi, kuesioner skrining gangguan mental dan penyakit kronis, Physical Acitivity Questionnaire of Adolescent (PAQ-A dan Operation Span (O-SPAN. Analisis data dengan univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil. Terdapat 113 murid SMA Don Bosco III dengan kisaran usia 14 – 17 tahun, usia terbanyak 15 tahun (47.8%, laki-laki 61,1%, murid kelas X 44.2%. Mayoritas responden memiliki aktivitas fisik “kurang baik” dan rerata memori kerja 6,16. Analisis Spearman menunjukkan terdapat hubungan bermakna (p<0,05 antara aktivitas fisik terhadap memori kerja dengan korelasi positif lemah (r=0,384. Kesimpulan. Terdapat korelasi positif antara aktivitas fisik dan memori kerja, aktivitas fisik yang semakin tinggi cenderung akan meningkatkan memori kerja.

  3. L’utilité de la théorie du don The utility of gift theory Utilidad de la teoría del don

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    Norbert Alter


    Full Text Available Norbert Alter explique l’utilité et l’actualité de la théorie de Marcel Mauss pour penser la coopération en entreprise et l’engagement au travail. Il revient sur ses qualités heuristiques et sa portée critique nécessaires à mobiliser pour donner des clefs de compréhension et d’action au monde du travail. À cette contribution répond celle d’Alain Caillé, « Le paradigme du don face aux nouvelles réalités du monde du travail. Quelques remarques »Norbert Alter explains here the utility and topicality of Marcel Mauss’ theory in an analysis touching both on cooperation within a business structure and on people’s commitment to work. He reviews the heuristic qualities and critical scope that must be mobilised to create ways of understanding and acting within the work world. Alain Caillé responds to this contribution with his own article entitled, “ The gift paradigm facing new realities in the work world. Comments” (Le paradigme du don face aux nouvelles réalités du monde du travail. Quelques remarques.Norbert Alter explica la utilidad y la actualidad de la teoría de Marcel Mauss para pensar la cooperación en la empresa y el compromiso en el trabajo. Desde una nueva perspectiva, aborda las cualidades heurísticas de esa teoría y su alcance crítico, que es necesario movilizar para contar con claves de comprensión y de acción en el mundo laboral. A su contribución, Alain Caillé responde con el artículo “El paradigma del don frente a las nuevas realidades del mundo laboral. Algunas observaciones”.

  4. Don't pay taxes, save your money!


    Bradáč, Michal


    Bachelor thesis "Don't Pay Taxes, Save Your Money!" focuses on the impact of the existence of tax havens on private and public sector. On the theoretical level, it shows the attractivity of tax havens for sufficiently large firms that can afford to pay costs of tax planning and profit manipulations. On the empirical level, it shows that tax havens are really the most successful jurisdictions in attracting foreign investors. In the end, two models of tax competition are introduced in order to ...

  5. Don Quijote, doña Rodríguez y los duques

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    Stanislav Zimic


    Full Text Available Al llegar Don Quijote al palacio de los duques y "viéndose tratar del mesmo modo que él había leído se trataban Ios tales caballeros en Ios pasados siglos ... , aquél fue el primer día que de todo en todo conoció y creyó ser caballero andante verdadero y no fantastíco" (1378. Comprensiblemente, esta afirmacion ha causado gran perplejidad entre los lectores de todas las épocas: "Luego, antes ¿no lo había creído?" . La cuestión se complica mucho más, poco después de estos eufóricos momentos, al confesar Don Quijote a la duquesa: "Dios sabe si hay Dulcinea o no en el mundo, o si es fantástica ono es fantástica ...

  6. Académico de Número JAIME WIESNER DURAN (Septiembre 4, 1932 - Enero 16, 2015

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


    estudiantes universitarios, médicos y personas afines a la medicina que quieran conocer algo más sobre sus propias capacidades mentales y sobre cómo funciona la inteligencia, tanto en las capacidades como en las discapacidades mentales. El doctor Jaime Wiesner deja con este enjundioso, metódico y profundo trabajo una constancia de su prolongada experiencia en el estudio de la capacidad y la discapacidad inte- lectual, las cuales tienen ahora menos incógnitas gracias a este concienzudo y exhaustivo texto”.

  7. Experiments in rooting bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don) cuttings (United States)

    Constance I. Millar


    Presented here are results of rooting studies using hedges established from juvenile seedlings of "blue" and "green" foliaged bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don) from Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, California. Rootability, averaged over all clones and all setting dates, was 88%. The average time for 50% of the...

  8. Rey: a computer code for the determination of the radionuclides activities from the gamma-ray spectrum data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palomares, J.; Perez, A.; Travesi, A.


    The Fortran IV computer Code, REY (REsolution and Identification), has been developed for the automatic resolution of the gamma-ray spectra from high resolution Ge-Li detectors. The Code searches the full energy peaks in the spectra background as the base line under the peak and calculates the energy of the statistically significant peaks. Also the Code assigns each peak to the most probable isotope and makes a selection of all the possible radioisotopes of the spectra, according the relative intensities of all the peaks in the whole spectra. Finally, it obtains the activities, in microcuries of each isotope, according the geometry used in the measurement. Although the Code is a general purpose one, their actual library of nuclear data is adapted for the analysis of liquid effluents from nuclear power plants. A computer with a 16 core memory and a hard disk are sufficient for this code.(author)

  9. Survey of fishes and environmental conditions in Abbotts Lagoon, Point Reyes National Seashore, California (United States)

    Saiki, M.K.; Martin, B.A.


    This study was conducted to gain a better understanding of fishery resources in Abbotts Lagoon, Point Reyes National Seashore. During February/March, May, August, and November 1999, fish were sampled with floating variable-mesh gill nets and small minnow traps from as many as 14 sites in the lagoon. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, total ammonia(NH3 + NH4+), salinity, turbidity, water depth, and bottom substrate composition were also measured at each site. A total of 2,656 fish represented by eight species was captured during the study. Gill nets captured Sacramento perch, Archoplites interruptus; largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides; Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi; prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, silver surfperch, Hyperprosopon ellipticum; longfin smelt, Spirinchus thaleichthys; and striped bass, Morone saxatilis; whereas minnow traps captured Sacramento perch; prickly sculpin; and threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Cluster analysis (Ward's minimum variance method of fish catch statistics identified two major species assemblages-the first dominated by Sacramento perch and, to a lesser extent, by largemouth bass, and the second dominated by Pacific herring and threespine stickleback. Simple discriminant analysis of environmental variables indicated that salinity contributed the most towards separating the two assemblages.

  10. Maps of the Bonsall area of the San Luis Rey River valley, San Diego County, California, showing geology, hydrology, and ground-water quality (United States)

    Izbicki, John A.


    In November 1984, 84 wells and 1 spring in the Bonsall area of the San Luis Rey River valley were inventoried by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. Depth to water in 38 wells ranged from 1.3 to 38 ft and 23 wells had depths to water less than 10 feet. Dissolved solids concentration of water from 29 wells and 1 spring sampled in autumn 1983 and spring 1984 ranged from 574 to 2,370 mgs/L. Groundwater with a dissolved solids concentration less than 1,000 mgs/L was generally restricted to the eastern part of the aquifer. The total volume of alluvial fill in the Bonsall area is 113,000 acre-feet; the amount of groundwater storage available in the alluvial aquifer is 18,000 acre-feet. The alluvial aquifer is, in part, surrounded and underlain by colluvium and weathered crystalline rock that add some additional groundwater storage capacity to the system. Data in this report are presented on five maps showing well locations , thickness of alluvial fill, water level contours in November 1983 and hydrographs of selected wells, groundwater quality in spring 1960 and graphs showing changes in dissolved solids concentrations of water from selected wells with time, and groundwater quality in spring 1984. This report is part of a larger cooperative project between the Rainbow Municipal Irrigation District and the U.S. Geological Survey. The purpose of the larger project is to develop an appropriate groundwater management plan for the Bonsall area of the San Luis Rey River valley. (USGS)

  11. Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. ex Torr.: Apache-plume (United States)

    Susan E. Meyer


    The genus Fallugia contains a single species - Apache-plume, F. paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. ex Torr. - found throughout the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It occurs mostly on coarse soils on benches and especially along washes and canyons in both warm and cool desert shrub communities and up into the pinyon-juniper vegetation type. It is a sprawling, much-...

  12. Don Bates: the medical historian as educator, activist, and historian of science. (United States)

    Weisz, George


    The author outlines the academic and extra-academic career of Don Bates as a physician-historian, political activist, and creator of the interdisciplinary Department of Social Studies of Medicine at McGill University.

  13. Inventories of musical sources. Methodology for the identifi cation of compositions and the establishment of concordances: the case of the inventories of the music chapel of Malaga cathedral (1800-1836 and the works in Spanish by Jaime Balius

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    María José de la Torre Molina


    Full Text Available In the course of the first third of the nineteenth century, members of the Capilla de Música of Málaga Cathedral compiled twelve inventories of their possessions. These mostly contain musical compositions to be performed in the so-called “funciones contratadas”, ceremonies organized by patrons other than the Cabildo Catedralicio. The repertoire of the inventories is very varied, including works by composers such as Haydn and Mozart together with many of the foremost Spanish maestros de capilla of the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. However, the identification of both composers and compositions is not always easy, nor is the correspondence between the entries in different inventories. The aim of this article is to present some strategies which can be implemented in order to overcome these difficulties. Many of the examples are related to the particular case of works to Spanish texts by Jaime Balius (1750-1822.

  14. New data on the epigraphy of Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico-Sangüesa

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    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to present the conclusions of two new epigraphic autopsies over two latin inscriptions –unpublished the first one, the second already known but here for the first time reviewed– found in the archaeological site of Campo Real/Fillera (Sos del Rey Católico-Sangüesa, in the northeast part of ancient Vascones’ territory. Some new archaeological materials related with the history of the monumentalization process of this ancient ciuitas are also presented: specially an spectacular funerary osteotheca made of stone with glass case, an unicum in the archeology of the death in the North-East part of the Iberian Peninsula. The paper is completed with a paleoanthropological and geological characterization of some of the most important evidences presented (including two pieces of green “campán” and turkish marble.

  15. We don't need another hero. (United States)

    Badaracco, J L


    Everybody loves the stories of heroes like Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, and Gandhi. But the heroic model of moral leadership usually doesn't work in the corporate world. Modesty and restraint are largely responsible for the achievements of the most effective moral leaders in business. The author, a specialist in business ethics, says the quiet leaders he has studied follow four basic rules in meeting ethical challenges and making decisions. The rules constitute an important resource for executives who want to encourage the development of such leaders among their middle managers. The first rule is "Put things off till tomorrow." The passage of time allows turbulent waters to calm and lets leaders' moral instincts emerge. "Pick your battles" means that quiet leaders don't waste political capital on fights they can't win; they save it for occasions when they really want to fight. "Bend the rules, don't break them" sounds easier than it is--bending the rules in order to resolve a complicated situation requires imagination, discipline, restraint, flexibility, and entrepreneurship. The fourth rule, "Find a compromise," reflects the author's finding that quiet leaders try not to see situations as polarized tests of ethical principles. These individuals work hard to craft compromises that are "good enough"--responsible and workable enough--to satisfy themselves, their companies, and their customers. The vast majority of difficult problems are solved through the consistent striving of people working far from the limelight. Their quiet approach to leadership doesn't inspire, thrill, or provide story lines for uplifting TV shows. But the unglamorous efforts of quiet leaders make a tremendous difference every day in the corporate world.

  16. Nobleza y expansión militar de la Corona de Aragón: La nobleza valenciana en las guerras del rey (1420-1448

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    Sáiz, Jorge


    Full Text Available This article studies the role of the nobility in the XV century military expansion of the Crown of Aragon, through the particular case of the valencian nobility and the Alphonse V the Magnanimous's war cycle betwen the years 1420 and 1448. If s first analyzed the development of the royal campaigns. Then, the Valencian lineages are identified, also precising their particular degree of involvement in the royal wars. The study is based upon the registers of the Royal Treasury and Cancillery, supplemented by notarial and judicial records, and the chronicles. The militarization of the nobility was unequal. The majority of the noblemen were involved occasionally in the royal wars, more as an social obligation than a professional committment. The professionalization only attained a minority of lineages, attached to the royal household: they constituted the military king´s affinity, most of them coming from the low urban nobility —most of them also being youngers sons, bastards or belonging to secondary branches.

    El articulo estudia la vinculación de la nobleza a la expansión militar de la Corona de Aragón en el Cuatrocientos a partir de la participación de los linajes valencianos en las guerras del rey entre 1420 y 1448, en el ciclo de campañas de Alfonso el Magnánimo (en el que destaca la conquista de Nápoles y los conflictos posteriores en Italia que son objeto de una síntesis inicial. Se identifican los linajes de la nobleza valenciana en ese periodo y se documentan sus grados de participación en la guerra. Todo ello a partir de registros financieros del rey (sobre todo la Tesorería General, de la Cancillería (convocatorias militares y a Cortes, fondos notariales y judiciales y las fuentes cronísticas. La militarización nobiliaria era muy desigual. La mayor parte de la nobleza participó de forma intermitente en las campañas, más como una obligada etapa de su socialización que como una profesión. La práctica profesional

  17. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is toxic to human colonic, lung and monocytic cell lines, but does not increase the IgE response in a mouse model for allergy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Instanes, Christine; Hetland, Geir


    We examined whether the common crop mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) from Fusarium species is toxic to human colonic (Caco-2), lung (A549) and monocytic (U937) cell lines. Moreover, since DON reportedly induces increased levels of Th2 cytokines and total IgE, and we have observed that mould extracts adjuvated allergy development in mice, possible adjuvant effect of DON on allergy was studied in a mouse model. For all the cells, exposure to DON for 24 h reduced cellular protein synthesis, proliferation and survival rate dose-dependently. In addition, production of IL-8 in the U937 cell line increased up to eight-fold at levels of DON just lower than the most toxic one, suggesting that IL-8 can be used as an additional index for cytotoxicity in mononuclear phagocytes. However, DON did not increase levels of allergen-specific IgE or IgG1 in the mouse model for allergy. These results suggest that DON, when inhaled or ingested, may have toxic effect on human alveolar macrophages and epithelial cells in lungs and colon, but does not increase the allergic response to allergens

  18. Effects of temperature and time on deoxynivalenol (DON and zearalenone (ZON content in corn

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    Jauković Marko


    Full Text Available Fumonisins are Fusarium mycotoxins that occur in corn and corn-based foods and they have been implicated in several animal and human diseases. Their effect on human health is unclear, however, fumonisins are considered to be risk factors for cancer. Baking, frying, and extrusion cooking of corn at high temperatures (190°C reduce fumonisin concentrations in foods, with the amount of reduction achieved depending on cooking time, temperature, recipe, and other factors. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of temperature (200 and 220 °C and time (15 and 20 min on the detoxification of corn flour deliberately contaminated with DON and ZON. After processing at 200°C for 15 min, an average of 12% and after 20 min an average of 15% of DON was lost. At 200°C ZON content was reduced by 22% (after 15 min and by 27% (after 20 min. Higher temperature (220°C did not significantly affect further reduction of DON or ZON content. The process was only partially effective in both cases. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31023 i br. TR-31053

  19. Don't make me think: a common sense approach to Web usability

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Krug, Steve


    .... To ensure that your sites provide that experience, this guide from usability guru Krug distills his years of on-the-job experience into a practical primer on the do's and don'ts of good Web design...

  20. What We Don't Understand, We Explain to Each Other (United States)

    Pines, David


    "What we don't understand, we explain to each other" was Robert Oppenheimer's 1948 description of theoretical physics as a profession. Because the phrase connects research, teaching, and learning, it seemed the right approach for the talk I gave to the AAPT [American Association of Physics Teachers] on receiving the 2013 J.D. Jackson…

  1. When Rey-Osterrieth’s Complex Figure Becomes a Church: Prevalence and Correlates of Graphic Confabulations in Dementia

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    Oriana Pelati


    Full Text Available Verbal confabulation (VC has been described in several pathological conditions characterized by amnesia and has been defined as ‘statements that involve distortion of memories’. Here we describe another kind of confabulation (graphic confabulation, GC, evident at the recall of the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure (ROCF. In a retrospective study of 267 patients with mild-to-moderate dementia, 14 patients (4.9 % recalled the abstract ROCF as drawings with recognizable semantic meaning. VC was evident at the story recall test in 19.8% of the study participants. VC and GC were homogeneously distributed among the different types of dementia. VC has been proposed to originate from complex interactions of amnesia, motivational deficit and dysfunction of monitoring systems. On the contrary, GC seems to be the result of a deficit in visual memory replaced by the semantic translation of isolated parts of the ROCF along with a source monitoring deficit.

  2. 'Don't play the butter notes': jazz in medical education. (United States)

    Bradner, Melissa; Harper, Darryl V; Ryan, Mark H; Vanderbilt, Allison A


    Jazz has influenced world music and culture globally - attesting to its universal truths of surviving, enduring, and triumphing over tragedy. This begs the question, what can we glean in medical education from this philosophy of jazz mentoring? Despite our training to understand disease and illness in branching logic diagrams, the human experience of illness is still best understood when told as a story. Stories like music have tempos, pauses, and silences. Often they are not linear but wrap around the past, future, and back to the present, frustrating the novice and the experienced clinician in documenting the history of present illness. The first mentoring lesson Hancock discusses is from a time he felt stuck with his playing - his sound was routine. Miles Davis told him in a low husky murmur, 'Don't play the butter notes'. In medical education, 'don't play the butter notes' suggests not undervaluing the metacognition and reflective aspects of medical training that need to be fostered during the early years of clinical teaching years.

  3. The first theatrical adaptations of the Don Quixote and the beginning of Cervantes

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    Carmen Rivero Iglesias


    Full Text Available The present study analyzes the first appearances of Don Quixote on German stages. The goal is to illustrate how these theatrical performances determine the reception of Cervantes’ work in 17th century Germany. The first performances in Heidelberg (1613 and Dessau (1614 display an interpretation of Don Quixote, which intensifies the grotesque dimension of Cervantes’ original. Its satire is transformed into a satire of Spain in a context determined by political and religious animosity between Catholics and Protestants. The first German translation inherited this conception of Cervantes’ work. This conception would acquire new shades until middle of the 18th century, when the alteration of historical coordinates and the rise of individuality and genius thoroughly transformed its interpretation.

  4. Gender differences in national assessment of educational progress science items: What does i don't know really mean? (United States)

    Linn, Marcia C.; de Benedictis, Tina; Delucchi, Kevin; Harris, Abigail; Stage, Elizabeth

    The National Assessment of Educational Progress Science Assessment has consistently revealed small gender differences on science content items but not on science inquiry items. This assessment differs from others in that respondents can choose I don't know rather than guessing. This paper examines explanations for the gender differences including (a) differential prior instruction, (b) differential response to uncertainty and use of the I don't know response, (c) differential response to figurally presented items, and (d) different attitudes towards science. Of these possible explanations, the first two received support. Females are more likely to use the I don't know response, especially for items with physical science content or masculine themes such as football. To ameliorate this situation we need more effective science instruction and more gender-neutral assessment items.

  5. Reseña de Reyes, Graciela (2002. Metapragmática, lenguaje sobre lenguaje, ficciones y figuras

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    M. Belén Alvarado Ortega


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Se trata de una reseña de Reyes, Graciela (2002. Metapragmática, lenguaje sobre lenguaje, ficciones y figuras.

  6. Diet of lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) in El Rey National Park, Salta, Argentina. (United States)

    Chalukian, Silvia C; de Bustos, M Soledad; Lizárraga, R Leonidas


    Lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) is the largest herbivore in the Neotropics and, in Argentina, it inhabits a variety of habitats from 100 to 2100 m asl. Lowland tapirs importantly influence their habitat structure because they are selective browsers, seed predators and long-distance seed dispersers. However, increased knowledge of tapir ecology is necessary to support the conservation and management of the species in natural and human-modified environments. Between Jun 2002 and Dec 2008 we assessed the tapir's diet in El Rey National Park, Salta, northwestern Argentina. We collected fresh feces and recorded browsing signs, and we recorded direct observations of tapirs while they were feeding. We analyzed 88 feces samples that had been dried and subsequently weighed. Feces were dominated by fibers and leaves (84.09%), while fruit parts represented a small proportion of the weight (15.91%). During the dry months, a greater percentage of seeds were found in the feces, mainly due to the availability of 3 species of Fabaceae fruits. We recorded a total of 57 plant species from 26 families. Tapirs are adapted to extreme habitats, switching their diet from frugivory to herbivory when fruits are scarce. Considering this, forest remnants and even secondary growth fields should be protected from deforestation. © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, ISZS and IOZ/CAS.

  7. Libros adquiridos por don Pedro Fermín de Vargas en sus viajes por las Antillas

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    Sergio Elías Ortíz


    Full Text Available Entre los papeles relacionados con la vida de Don Pedro Fermín de Vargas, que pueden consultarse en el Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, hay una carta de él y una lista de libros que envía al Administrador de Correos de la Habana, Don José Fuertes, antiguo amigo suyo, luego su corresponsal y a la  vez espía de sus pasos para aprisionarlo, con el objeto de que se los guardase “en algún rincón de sus casa”.

  8. Rehearsal significantly improves immediate and delayed recall on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. (United States)

    Hessen, Erik


    A repeated observation during memory assessment with the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is that patients who spontaneously employ a memory rehearsal strategy by repeating the word list more than once achieve better scores than patients who only repeat the word list once. This observation led to concern about the ability of the standard test procedure of RAVLT and similar tests in eliciting the best possible recall scores. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that a rehearsal recall strategy of repeating the word list more than once would result in improved scores of recall on the RAVLT. We report on differences in outcome after standard administration and after experimental administration on Immediate and Delayed Recall measures from the RAVLT of 50 patients. The experimental administration resulted in significantly improved scores for all the variables employed. Additionally, it was found that patients who failed effort screening showed significantly poorer improvement on Delayed Recall compared with those who passed the effort screening. The general clear improvement both in raw scores and T-scores demonstrates that recall performance can be significantly influenced by the strategy of the patient or by small variations in instructions by the examiner.

  9. Techniques for the Diagnosis of the Structural Behaviour of Historic Buildings. Analysis of the Dome of San Miguel de los Reyes in Valencia

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    Arturo Martínez Boquera


    Full Text Available A profound study of historic masonry with today’s knowledge and without jumping to conclusions or applying modern criteria to ancient heritage is the basis of a restoration project. The case of the dome of San Miguel de los Reyes in Valencia provides the authors with an excuse to explain their approach to the problem and describe their analysis and calculation procedures. The computerised mapping of the results developed by these authors affords an immediate view of the behaviour and defects of the dome, a necessary step before seeking a solution for its structural reinforcement.

  10. Los linajes paralelos: legitimación de la milicia funcionarial en las crónicas nobiliarias castellanas del siglo XV

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    Full Text Available Ce travail présente une analyse de l’émergence en Castille au xve siècle de biographies particulières. La confrontation des chroniques biographiques de Pero Niño, don Álvaro de Luna, don Rodrigo Ponce de León et don Alonso de Monrroy permet de mettre en évidence les diverses stratégies de légitimation de la noblesse trastamariste. En cette période de redéfinition de la noblesse, ces textes doivent être lus comme de véritables traités nobiliaires dont les héros viennent illustrer les différentes thèses défendues: primauté ou non de la noblesse issue de lignages anciens, parfois opposés à la couronne, face à une milice fonctionnarisée entièrement dévouée au service du souverain et qui en retire des bénéfices.Este trabajo presenta un análisis de la emergencia en la Castilla del siglo xv de biografías particulares. La confrontación de las crónicas biográficas de Pero Niño, don Álvaro de Luna, don Rodrigo Ponce de León y don Alonso de Monrroy permite destacar las diversas estrategias de legitimación de la nobleza trastamarista. En un periodo de redefinición de la nobleza, estos textos aparecen como verdaderos tratados nobiliarios cuyos héroes ilustran las diversas tesis al respecto: primacía o no de la antigua nobleza de linaje, a veces opuesta al rey, frente a una milicia funcionarial entregada al servicio del soberano, y que recibe beneficios por ello.

  11. The E-learning Cabaret: do's and don'ts in E-Learning Design

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Westera, Wim


    Westera, W. (2006). The E-Learning Cabaret: do's and don'ts in E-Learning Design. Book of Abstracts, 12th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Teaching, Online Educa Berlin (pp. 169-171). November, 29-December, 1, 2006, Berlin, Germany: ICWE-GmbH.

  12. Don Quijote y los eruditos: Sobre la sátira quijotesca de la pedantería en la literatura francesa del siglo XVIII


    Pardo García, Pedro Javier


    [ES]Este texto trata Don Quijote y los eruditos, una polémica crítica y sus implicaciones metacríticas. [EN]This text is Don Quixote and scholars, a critical controversy and its implications metacritical.

  13. The Influence of Processing by Impulse Pressure on the Productivity of the Don Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.

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    Pavlova Violetta Aleksandrovna


    Full Text Available Plant productivity is the important indicator, which determines the amount of yield. The productivity of plants depends on the number of bruchids per plant and on the weight of 1000 bruchids. The article studies the influence of impulse pressure of various magnitudes on plant productivity of Don barley (Hordeum vulgare L.. It was found that the pressure of 17 MPa was the most effective for increasing the productivity. Impulse pressure of other magnitudes also had influence on the productivity of Don barley.

  14. Diseño del código de convivencia para el Colegio Técnico Salesiano Don Bosco - Kennedy


    Aguilar Acosta, Andrea Anabel; Puga Reyes, Denis Gicela


    The Coexistence’s Code delivered to The Don Bosco Technical Salesian High School, is an instrument that is going to work as moral and ethical framework to govern and regulate relationships between each member of the educational community so that they can achieved institutional objectives presents in Institutional Educational Project. El presente Código de Convivencia entregado al Colegio Técnico Salesiano “Don Bosco” – Kennedy; es un instrumento que funcionara como marco referencial, moral...

  15. La visión fantasiosa/caballeresca de Don Quijote poco representada en la iconografía


    Calabrese, Martín Ezequiel


    En el presente trabajo se analizará un aspecto un tanto curioso de la representación iconográfica del Quijote. En casi la totalidad de las ediciones de la obra se omite representar la “realidad” percibida por don Quijote, optando por graficar la representación realista de los hechos narrados. En los diferentes modelos iconográficos de las ediciones de la obra este aspecto es común, ya que ante el texto, la decisión habitual de los editores e ilustradores es mostrar a don Quijote como “es” den...

  16. Don Joaquin García Monge

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available Los conocimos personalmente y tratamos de cerca en su amada ciudad de San José de Costa Rica. Casi diariamente íbamos por su casa. Una mansión grande, de vastos y sonoros corredores, arcones antiguos, libros apilados por doquier. Don Joaquín mantenía el timón de El Repertorio Americano, una de las más nobles publicaciones intelectuales del Continente. Dialogábamos con él sobre temas de mucha entidad, mientras la noche caía lentamente sobre este dulce país de porcelana tan grato a las veladas antiguas, aquellas donde se puede oír el latido del corazón como en el poema chino.

  17. Don Favareau and the Road to Biosemiotic Transdisciplinarity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brier, Søren


    Don Favareau has been a dynamic contributor to the development of biosemiotics its organization, not only with his seminal book: Essential Readings in Biosemiotic: Anthology and Commentary from 2010, where he edited all his colleagues’ writings creating the history of biosemiotics. He has assumed...... the role of the modest and benevolent interdisciplinary integrator through his pervasive kindness and openness to all serious initiatives. Always he is considering where a specific contribution could fit in to the overall development of biosemiotics and pondering how a change in the foundation of science...

  18. Tectono-volcanic control of fissure type vents for the 28 Ma Panalillo ignimbrite in the Villa de Reyes Graben, San Luis PotosI, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tristan-Gonzalez, Margarito; Labarthe-Hernandez, Guillermo; Aguillon-Robles, Alfredo; Aguirre-DIaz, Gerardo J


    The volcano-tectonic events at the Villa de Reyes Graben (VRG), in the southern Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico, include 1) a regional NNE fault system developed before 32 Ma, 2) this pre-32 Ma faulting controlled the emplacement of 31.5 Ma dacitic domes, 3) NE faulting at 28 Ma that displaced the 31.5 Ma dacitic domes and formed the VRG, as well as the oblique grabens of Bledos and Enramadas oriented NW, 4) emplacement of Panalillo ignimbrite at 28 Ma filling the VRG and erupting from fissures related to the oblique grabens, and eruption of Placa basalt apparently also from fault-controlled vents.

  19. Tectono-volcanic control of fissure type vents for the 28 Ma Panalillo ignimbrite in the Villa de Reyes Graben, San Luis PotosI, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tristan-Gonzalez, Margarito; Labarthe-Hernandez, Guillermo; Aguillon-Robles, Alfredo [Instituto de Geologia/DES IngenierIa, UASLP, Av. Dr. Manuel Nava 5, Zona Universitaria, C.P. 78240, San Luis PotosI, S.L.P. (Mexico); Aguirre-DIaz, Gerardo J [Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Campus Juriquilla, Queretaro, 76230 (Mexico)], E-mail:, E-mail:


    The volcano-tectonic events at the Villa de Reyes Graben (VRG), in the southern Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico, include 1) a regional NNE fault system developed before 32 Ma, 2) this pre-32 Ma faulting controlled the emplacement of 31.5 Ma dacitic domes, 3) NE faulting at 28 Ma that displaced the 31.5 Ma dacitic domes and formed the VRG, as well as the oblique grabens of Bledos and Enramadas oriented NW, 4) emplacement of Panalillo ignimbrite at 28 Ma filling the VRG and erupting from fissures related to the oblique grabens, and eruption of Placa basalt apparently also from fault-controlled vents.

  20. Digitaalisen markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelu Facebookissa: Ravintola Don Corleone


    Dondych, Fanny


    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kehittää viestintäsuunnitelma ravintolalle Don Corleone digi-taalisesta markkinointiviestinnästä Facebookissa. Työn tarkoituksena oli tehostaa ravintolan mark-kinointiviestintää Facebookissa, mikä johtaisi asiakkaiden lisääntymiseen ja sitä kautta liiketoimin-nan kasvuun. Sosiaalisen median palveluista viestintäkanavaksi valittiin Facebook toimeksiantajan toiveesta sekä Facebookin suuren suosion ja soveltuvuuden vuoksi. Facebookissa on valmiiksi pal-jon eri...

  1. For the Amusement of the Merry Little Subjects: How British Children Met Don Quixote in the Long Eighteenth Century

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    Miriam Borham Puyal


    Full Text Available As a masterpiece, Don Quixote has become an easily recognizable myth, sometimes reduced to well-known episodes such as the tilting at windmills or the blanket-tossing of Sancho. These elements are emphasised in editions of this classic for children, highlighting the importance these versions have for the understanding of the widespread popularity of Cervantes’ novel, in general, and of certain scenes, in particular. The present article explores the relationship of the child reader to Don Quixote and provides an overview of how English children might have encountered it in the long eighteenth century (1660-1832. It connects chapbooks, abridgments and children’s books to suggest that children might have been among its earliest readers and to emphasise the intertextual continuum and the richness in the reception of Don Quixote in England, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.

  2. Humboldt, un prusiano en la Corte del Rey Carlos IV

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    Puig-Samper, Miguel Ángel


    Full Text Available The study of Alejandro de Humboldt's transit through Spain and particularly Madrid, has been one of the forgotten aspects of his historiography. The reasons that would explain the approval by king Charles IV of his trip, involving the minister Mariano de Urquijo and the embassador of Sajonia, baron of Forell, are not sufficiently documented due to the scarce data that Humboldt himself offered in his work and to the absence of any other supporting documents. This work studies the preparation of his American trip and its approval by the Spanish court. It incorporates the Memorandum presented —which was «lost» until now—, the autobiography submitted to the authorities and the references given by Philippe de Forrell. Furthermore, it analyses his relationships with the Spanish scientific community in Madrid and the profile of the team that supported him to achieve his targets.

    El estudio del paso de Alejandro de Humboldt por España y especialmente por Madrid ha sido tradicionalmente uno de los aspectos más olvidados en la historiografía humboldtiana. La repetición de los pocos datos que él mismo ofreció en su obra y la falta de documentos ha hecho insuficiente la explicación de cómo fue aprobado su viaje por el rey Carlos IV, con la intervención del ministro Mariano Luis de Urquijo y del embajador de Sajonia, barón de Forell. En el presente trabajo se estudia la preparación de su viaje americano y su aprobación en la Corte española, aportando la Memoria presentada —abasta ahora «perdida»—, la autobiografía que elevó a las autoridades y el aval de Philippe de Forell. Asimismo se analizan sus relaciones con los científicos españoles en Madrid y el perfil del grupo que le ayudó a conseguir sus objetivos.

  3. Inheritance of allozyme variants in bishop pine (Pinus muricata D.Don) (United States)

    Constance I. Millar


    Isozyme phenotypes are described for 45 structural loci and I modifier locus in bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don,) and segregation data are presented for a subset of 31 polymorphic loci from 19 enzyme systems. All polymorphic loci had alleles that segregated within single-focus Mendelian expectations, although one pair of alleles at each of three...

  4. Change and persistence in land surface phenologies of the Don and Dnieper river basins

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovalskyy, V; Henebry, G M, E-mail: geoffrey.henebry@sdstate.ed [Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence (GIScCE), South Dakota State University, 1021 Medary Avenue, Wecota Hall 506B, Brookings, SD 57007-3510 (United States)


    The formal collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 produced major socio-economic and institutional dislocations across the agricultural sector. The picture of broad scale patterns produced by these transformations continues to be discovered. We examine here the patterns of land surface phenology (LSP) within two key river basins-Don and Dnieper-using AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) data from 1982 to 2000 and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data from 2001 to 2007. We report on the temporal persistence and change of LSPs as summarized by seasonal integration of NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) time series using accumulated growing degree-days (GDDI NDVI). Three land cover super-classes-forest lands, agricultural lands, and shrub lands-constitute 96% of the land area within the basins. All three in both basins exhibit unidirectional increases in AVHRR GDDI NDVI between the Soviet and post-Soviet epochs. During the MODIS era (2001-2007), different socio-economic trajectories in Ukraine and Russia appear to have led to divergences in the LSPs of the agricultural lands in the two basins. Interannual variation in the shrub lands of the Don river basin has increased since 2000. This is due in part to the better signal-to-noise ratio of the MODIS sensor, but may also be due to a regional drought affecting the Don basin more than the Dnieper basin.

  5. Change and persistence in land surface phenologies of the Don and Dnieper river basins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovalskyy, V; Henebry, G M


    The formal collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 produced major socio-economic and institutional dislocations across the agricultural sector. The picture of broad scale patterns produced by these transformations continues to be discovered. We examine here the patterns of land surface phenology (LSP) within two key river basins-Don and Dnieper-using AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) data from 1982 to 2000 and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data from 2001 to 2007. We report on the temporal persistence and change of LSPs as summarized by seasonal integration of NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) time series using accumulated growing degree-days (GDDI NDVI). Three land cover super-classes-forest lands, agricultural lands, and shrub lands-constitute 96% of the land area within the basins. All three in both basins exhibit unidirectional increases in AVHRR GDDI NDVI between the Soviet and post-Soviet epochs. During the MODIS era (2001-2007), different socio-economic trajectories in Ukraine and Russia appear to have led to divergences in the LSPs of the agricultural lands in the two basins. Interannual variation in the shrub lands of the Don river basin has increased since 2000. This is due in part to the better signal-to-noise ratio of the MODIS sensor, but may also be due to a regional drought affecting the Don basin more than the Dnieper basin.

  6. Reseña de Reyes, Graciela (2002. Metapragmática, lenguaje sobre lenguaje, ficciones y figuras.

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    M. Belen Alvarado Ortega


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Se trata de una reseña de Reyes, Graciela (2002. Metapragmática, lenguaje sobre lenguaje, ficciones y figuras, Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial Universidad de Valladolid.

  7. The silent Don Juan. The concepts of love and art in the works of Max Frisch

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    Špela Virant


    Full Text Available In the novel Stiller and in the play Don Juan, both published in the early 1950s, Frisch already focuses on the problem of identity as one of his major themes, but it is not yet situated in a political context as, for example, in the play Andorra. In these works, the identity-problem is situated in the domain of intimate relationships and artistic creativity, offering the possibility to discuss Frisch’s concepts of art and love, which unfold through Frisch’s treatment of the traditional literary figure of Don Juan and his hubris. Frisch’s Stiller and Don Juan do not believe in God; but their frame of mind stays the same, while the position of God and his attributes are assigned to love, art and geometry. Although both literary figures in the course of events realize that this substitution is a mistake, they are unable to alter their concepts of love and art. Instead of altering the concepts, they rather resign in silence, while Max Frisch continues to search for alternatives in reflecting on the process of fictionalization and in developing innovative narrative and dramatic structures.

  8. Birds of a Feather Don't Always Flock Together : User Problems in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Birds of a Feather Don't Always Flock Together : User Problems in Identifying ... for Advanced Learners and Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary) revealed a lack ... This paper is based on 14 of these phrasemes, which appear in one or more of ... Five strategies are presented to help learners with their dictionary searches.

  9. Have a Baby or Young Child With a Cold? Most Don't Need Medicines (United States)

    ... Products For Consumers Home For Consumers Consumer Updates Most Young Children With a Cough or Cold Don' ... cold? It depends on the child’s age. Although most colds in children don’t have serious complications, ...

  10. Le don après un décès d'origine cardiocirculatoire au Canada (United States)

    Shemie, Sam D.; Baker, Andrew J.; Knoll, Greg; Wall, William; Rocker, Graeme; Howes, Daniel; Davidson, Janet; Pagliarello, Joe; Chambers-Evans, Jane; Cockfield, Sandra; Farrell, Catherine; Glannon, Walter; Gourlay, William; Grant, David; Langevin, Stéphan; Wheelock, Brian; Young, Kimberly; Dossetor, John


    Résumé Ces recommandations sont le fruit d'un processus multidisciplinaire national ayant duré un an et visant à déterminer si et comment l'on pourrait procéder au don d'organes après un décès d'origine cardiocirculatoire («don après le décès cardiocirculatoire», ou DDC) au Canada. Le forum national organisé en février 2005 a permis aux participants de discuter et d'élaborer des recommandations sur les principes, interventions et pratiques se rapportant au DDC. Les aspects éthiques et juridiques ont été abordés dans les discussions. À la fin du Forum, la majorité des participants ont été favorables à l'implantation de programmes de DDC au Canada. Les participants du Forum ont également convenu qu'il fallait formuler et prôner des valeurs fondamentales pour orienter l'élaboration de programmes et de protocoles basés sur le cadre médical, éthique et juridique établi lors de cette réunion. Même si la possibilité d'un don d'organes et de tissus doit faire partie intégrante des soins de fin de vie, il faut insister sur le fait que le devoir de diligence envers les patients mourants et leurs familles doit demeurer la priorité des équipes soignantes. La complexité et les répercussions profondes du décès sont reconnues et doivent être respectées, de même que les différences personnelles, ethnoculturelles et religieuses face à la mort et au don d'organes. Les décisions d'arrêter le traitement de maintien des fonctions vitales, la prise en charge des derniers moments de la vie et le diagnostic de décès selon des critères cardiocirculatoires doivent être distincts et indépendants des processus de don et transplantation. Ce rapport contient des recommandations destinées aux gestionnaires de program, aux autorités sanitaires régionales et aux instances appelés à élaborer les protocoles de DDC. Les programmes doivent être conçus en fonction des éléments suivants : direction et planification locales, éducation et

  11. The I Don't Know Option in the Vocabulary Size Test (United States)

    Zhang, Xian


    The current study evaluates guessing behaviors in a vocabulary size test (VST) and examines whether including an "I don't know" in a VST may have an impact on the results of the test. One-hundred-fifty first-year students at a university in China took part in the study. They were randomly assigned to three groups. Each group took a…

  12. Los centenarios: El bibliotecario don Manuel del Socorro Rodríguez

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    Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available Se cumplió en este mes de abril el segundo centenario del nacimiento de don Manuel del Socorro Rodríguez. Con tal motivo, su memoria fue honrada con la celebración del Día del Bibliotecario, una magnífica iniciativa que, como dijo alguien, debe convertirse en una tradición cultural de Colombia.

  13. Fungsi Bangunan Dokwi Vam dan Kembu Vam Bagi Suku Yali dalam Novel Penguasa-penguasa Bumi Karya Don Richardson

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    Ummu Fatimah Ria Lestari


    Full Text Available This study discusses the function of the building of Dokwi Vam and Kembu Vam contained in the novel-Sovereign Ruler of the Earth works Don Richardson. In general, this novel tells the story of the life of Stan Dale and Yali tribe. Stan Dale is a missionary who served in Papua. He struggled to introduce Christianity to the Yali tribe. This study uses the description of the technical literature. This research resulted in a description of the function of the building of Dokwi Vam and Kembu Vam contained in the novel Lord of-Ruler of the Earth works Don Richardson. Dokwi Vam used as a museum (where the old stuff to worship as they still follow animism, while the Kembu Vam serves as a temple / animism worship in Yali tribe. Penelitian ini membahas tentang fungsi bangunan Dokwi Vam dan Kembu Vam yang terdapat dalam novel Penguasa-Penguasa Bumi karya Don Richardson. Secara umum, novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan Stan Dale dan suku Yali. Stan Dale adalah seorang missionaris yang melayani di Tanah Papua. Ia berjuang untuk memperkenalkan agama Nasrani kepada suku Yali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi dengan teknik studi pustaka. Penelitian ini menghasilkan deskripsi tentang fungsi bangunan Dokwi Vam dan Kembu Vam yang terdapat dalam novel Penguasa-Penguasa Bumi karya Don Richardson. Dokwi Vam digunakan sebagai museum (tempat barang-barang kuno untuk penyembahan karena mereka masih menganut kepercayaan animisme, sedangkan Kembu Vam berfungsi sebagai rumah peribadatan/penyembahan dalam kepercayaan animisme suku Yali.

  14. Social and Political Activization of the Don Nobility in the Early 20th Century and “Noble Liberalism”

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    Bratolyubova Mariya Viktorovna


    Full Text Available Peculiarity of the social, economic and legal status of the Don nobility influenced its political alertness and the opposition character of activity. The liberal wing supported the creation of a new world outlook system which was expected to provide the basis for transforming the political system by means of gradual transition to people’s representatives or constitutional form of government. The liberal landowners insisted on the introduction of zemstvo (district council, the solution of the Cossack issue; they strived for liberalization of the military and bureaucratic control of the Cossack troops and demanded the withdrawal of civil government agencies from the competence of the Military department. The liberal nobility actively supported the change of conditions of service for the Cossacks and pressed for easier draft obligation and releasing the Cossack troops from police duties which clashed with the military dignity. The conservative type of liberalism prevailed within the noble class of the DHR that distanced itself from both the left and the right political forces. The liberalism of the Don nobles was also a reflection of social and cultural peculiarities of the Cossacks. The social basis of the Don liberalism differed from the common Russian analogs. As the Cossack class was rather numerous at the Don, and its representatives made up quite an important part of the regional liberal corporation, they influenced its tactics and the political programming considerably.

  15. 23rd May 2008 - CERN Director-General R. Aymar with German Federal Minister of Education and Research A. Schavan, CERN Director-General Designate R. Heuer, Swiss Federal Councillor M. Calmy-Rey and CERN Deputy Director-General and Chief Scientific Officer J. Engelen.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    23rd May 2008 - CERN Director-General R. Aymar with German Federal Minister of Education and Research A. Schavan, CERN Director-General Designate R. Heuer, Swiss Federal Councillor M. Calmy-Rey and CERN Deputy Director-General and Chief Scientific Officer J. Engelen.

  16. A neural model for transient identification in dynamic processes with 'don't know' response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mol, Antonio C. de A.; Martinez, Aquilino S.; Schirru, Roberto


    This work presents an approach for neural network based transient identification which allows either dynamic identification or a 'don't know' response. The approach uses two 'jump' multilayer neural networks (NN) trained with the backpropagation algorithm. The 'jump' network is used because it is useful to dealing with very complex patterns, which is the case of the space of the state variables during some abnormal events. The first one is responsible for the dynamic identification. This NN uses, as input, a short set (in a moving time window) of recent measurements of each variable avoiding the necessity of using starting events. The other one is used to validate the instantaneous identification (from the first net) through the validation of each variable. This net is responsible for allowing the system to provide a 'don't know' response. In order to validate the method, a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) transient identification problem comprising 15 postulated accidents, simulated for a pressurized water reactor (PWR), was proposed in the validation process it has been considered noisy data in order to evaluate the method robustness. Obtained results reveal the ability of the method in dealing with both dynamic identification of transients and correct 'don't know' response. Another important point studied in this work is that the system has shown to be independent of a trigger signal which indicates the beginning of the transient, thus making it robust in relation to this limitation

  17. Algunas gestiones de mediación del Marqués de Villalobar durante la I Guerra Mundial

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    Álvaro Lozano Cutanda


    Full Text Available En este artículo deseo recordar a una figura de primer orden de la diplomacia española: Don Rodrigo Saavedra y Vinent, Marqués de Villalobar. Se trató de un personaje clave dentro la política exterior del Rey Alfonso XIII. Su amistad y vínculos con la Corona, hicieron de él un defensor de la misma en sus puestos diplomáticos y encarnó como nadie la política exterior que quiso llevar a cabo el Rey Alfonso XIII. El gran mérito del Embajador Villalobar fue el de superar una grave incapacidad física y con una gran fuerza de voluntad haber llegado a representar a España. Esa sobrehumana superación personal, unida a su fuerte sentimiento monárquico, aristocrático y humanitario, fueron las constantes en su vida y su profesión.In this article I would like to shed light on an outstanding Spanihs diplomat: Don Rodrigo Saavedra y Vinent, Marquis of Villalobar. He was a key figure in the foreign policy of King Alfonso XIII. His friendship and links with the Spanish royalty made him a strong supporter of the Crown in his diplomatic posts and he embodied like no one else the foreign policy of his King. The greatest merit of Ambassador Villalobar, was to overeóme a big physical handicap, and through sheer will power, to become an ambassador. Without doubts, overcoming that handicap profoundly marked his personality during his entire Ufe. That immense will power and his strong monarchic, aristocratic and humanitarian feelings, were the most outstanding features of his Ufe and work.

  18. Idea de la Historia y proyecto iconográfico en la Anacephaleosis de Alonso de Cartagena

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    Fernández Gallardo, Luis


    Full Text Available Alonso of Cartagena (1385-1456 wrote “motu proprio” the Genealogía de los reyes de España. However, the writing process itself was discontinous. First, it was meant for King John II (1454- . But after his dead, it ended as dedicated to the chapter of Burgos (1456, because it was disregarded by King Henry IV. In the Preface he develops humanistic topics and justifies the double nature of his work by means of the medieval mnemotecnic theory. Don Alonso produced a rigorous iconic system. It combines clothing, attributes and gestures, to provide a picture of castilian royalty, that praises the “fortitudo”. This fundamental virtue is aimed at enhancing the war against the Moors, which is thought as the proper commitment of the Hispanic Monarchy.

    Alonso de Cartagena (1385-1456 escribió “motu proprio” la Genealogía de los reyes de España. Su composición fue discontinua. Fue dedicada primeramente a Juan II, pero al morir éste, acabó dedicada al cabildo burgalés, pues no interesó al sucesor Enrique IV. En el prólogo se introducen tópicos humanísticos y se justifica la doble naturaleza, verbal e icónica, de la obra en el marco de la teoría mnemotécnica del Medievo. Don Alonso construye un riguroso sistema icónico, que combina vestimenta, atributos y gestos, para ofrecer una imagen de la realeza castellana que exalta la “fortitudo”, la virtud axial orientada hacia la lucha contra los moros, que para él constituye la misión propia de la monarquía hispana.

  19. Enfermedad y muerte de Don Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada

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    Fernando Serpa Florez


    Full Text Available

    La lepra es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por la insidia de su presencia, su lenta evolución y la progresiva incapacidad que en sus víctimas causa.

    Esto y el temor que ha infundido desde tiempos bíblicos, han hecho que ante ella se haya mantenido una actitud ambivalente de negación hasta donde es posible y de rechazo irracional a quien la padece, por temor al contagio.

    Ejemplo de ello es el aura de sagrado misterio que envuelve la leyenda de los padecimientos del Adelantado don Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada (1509-1579, conquistador del Nuevo Reino de Granada y fundador de Santafé de Bogotá en el año de 1538, muerto a la edad, avanzada para la época, de setenta años.

    No se puede afirmar, en forma definitiva, que el conquistador fuera leproso. Se acepta, acogiendo el argumento de autoridad que tiene el primer historiador médico entre nosotros, don Pedro María Ibáñez, quien escribió en 1884, en las Memorias para la Historia de la Medicina en Santa Fe, que en “1579 falleció en la ciudad de Mariquita, y de mal de lepra o elefancía de los

    Coincide ello con lo que consigna don José María Vergara y Vergara en su Cuadro Cronológico de la Nueva Granada (hoi Estados Unidos de Colombia, desde los cipas hasta nuestros días (se ha conservado la ortografía usada a mediados del siglo XIX, preconizada por don Andrés Bello, estudio publicado en 1866, en que informa que a poco de posesionarse el tercer Presidente del Nuevo Reino, don Lope Díez Aux de Armendáriz: “ocurrió la muerte del adelantado Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada que tuvo lugar en Mariquita el 16 de febrero de 1579, a la edad de ochenta años no cumplidos (sic, i de enfermedad de lepra (…” (2.

    Estos conceptos fueron debatidos por contemporáneos de Vergara y de Ibáñez como el doctor Juan de Dios Carrasquilla aduciendo, entre otros argumentos, que la lepra no fue mencionada por los coetáneos del conquistador. Y que la sífilis, com

  20. Spendere meno, spendere meglio: una proposta panottica di J.-C. Guédon

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    Maria Chiara Pievatolo


    Full Text Available J.-C. Guédon ha commentato la nostra campagna di crowdsourcing in merito alle spese delle biblioteche sulla mailing list Nexa. Offriamo, qui di seguito, la versione italiana delle sue osservazioni – che presuppongono un mondo accademico molto diverso da quello impostoci...

  1. Operatic films: a comparative study of Don Giovanni by Joseph Losey and Juan by Kasper Holten

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    Full Text Available From an artistic point of view, the adaptation of an opera to the cinema, traditionally has been considered a complex and controversial process. Don Giovanni, of W.A. Mozart is one of the operas that more audiovisual versions has generated during the centuries XX and XXI, although very few films have finally been taken to the screen. This paper is focused on comparing the audiovisual versions Don Giovanni, by Joseph Losey (1979, and Juan by Kasper Holten (2010. Through a quantitative and qualitative methodology based on content analysis, this research reflects on the degree of intervention exercised by the language and audiovisual format used in the process of reinterpretation of the pre-existing operatic text.

  2. Don Quixote, Machiavelli, and Robin Hood: public health practice, past and present. (United States)

    Mullan, F


    Since the mid-19th century, when the first formal health departments were established in the United States, commissioners, directors, and secretaries of public health have functioned as senior members of the staffs of public executives, mayors, governors, and presidents. They have provided important political, managerial, and scientific leadership to agencies of government that have played increasingly important roles in national life, from the sanitary revolution of the 19th century to the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the control of tobacco use today. Although public health officials come from a variety of backgrounds and oversee agencies of varied size and composition, there are philosophical themes that describe and define the commonality of their work. These themes are captured metaphorically by 3 celebrated figures: Don Quixote, Machiavelli, and Robin Hood. By turns, the public health official functions as a determined idealist (Don Quixote), a cunning political strategist (Machiavelli), and an agent who redistributes resources from the wealthier sectors of society to the less well off (Robin Hood.) All 3 personae are important, but, it is argued, Robin Hood is the most endangered.

  3. Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure - copy and immediate recall: Normative data for the Latin American Spanish speaking adult population. (United States)

    Rivera, D; Perrin, P B; Morlett-Paredes, A; Galarza-Del-Angel, J; Martínez, C; Garza, M T; Saracho, C P; Rodríguez, W; Rodríguez-Agudelo, Y; Rábago, B; Aliaga, A; Schebela, S; Luna, M; Longoni, M; Ocampo-Barba, N; Fernández, E; Esenarro, L; García-Egan, P; Arango-Lasprilla, J C


    To generate normative data on the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF) across 11 countries in Latin America, with country-specific adjustments for gender, age, and education, where appropriate. The sample consisted of 3,977 healthy adults who were recruited from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and, Puerto Rico. Each subject was administered the ROCF as part of a larger neuropsychological battery. A standardized five-step statistical procedure was used to generate the norms. The final multiple linear regression models explained 7-34% of the variance in ROCF copy scores and 21-41% of the variance in immediate recall scores. Although t-tests showed significant differences between men and women on ROCF copy and immediate recall scores, none of the countries had an effect size larger than 0.3. As a result, gender-adjusted norms were not generated. The present study is the first to create norms for the ROCF in Latin America. As a result, this study will have important implications for the formation and practice of neuropsychology in this region.

  4. Aspectos literarios de la obra de don Joan de Castellanos

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    Mario Germán Romero


    Full Text Available Capítulo XIV Voces castizas que no figuran en el diccionario de la academia (I Con el título de Dos mil quinientas voces castizas y bien autorizadas que piden lugar en nuestro léxico, publicó don Francisco Rodríguez Marín un interesante libro en Madrid, 1922. El erudito comentador del Quijote estudió cuidadosamente los autores españoles de los siglos XV, XVI y XVII.

  5. Juventudes universitarias de izquierda. De la lucha ideológica a la violencia política

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    Álvaro Acevedo Tarazona


    Full Text Available Tal como sucedió en otros lugares del mundo, en Colombia du - rante las décadas de los sesenta y los setenta primó un ambien - te de lucha revolucionaria. Los líderes sindicales, los antiguos militantes del partido Comunista, algunos literatos y artistas de avanzada y los jóvenes universitarios fueron atraídos, desde puntos de vista ideológico, emocional y político por las corrien - tes discursivas que abogaban por una revolución total. Este artí - culo analiza los casos de cinco jóvenes que pasaron de la lucha ideológica a empuñar las armas. Son los casos de Jaime Arenas Reyes, Víctor Medina Morón, Fabio y Manuel Vásquez Castaño y Ricardo Lara Parada, quienes conformaron el primer núcleo de lo que se conocería después como Ejército de Liberación Nacio - nal (ELN. Un análisis prosopográfico de estos cinco casos nos permitirá ver la estrecha relación entre el ambiente universitario de las décadas de los sesenta y setenta y el surgimiento de la lu - cha armada en Colombia.

  6. Transmission and Preservation of music of the Laos Vieng Ethnics Group at Tumbol Don kha, U-thong Distric SuphanBuri province

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    Nuttapot Pocharoen


    Full Text Available Music Vieng, Laos, Vientiane, Lao ethnic group identity. And this is something that represents the cultural and traditional beliefs from the past, which is very important and plays a role in Vientiane, Lao ethnic group. Today This research aims to 1. To study the music of ethnic Lao Wiang Thong, Suphan Buri Province Don Kha 2. To study the musical heritage and preservation of ethnic groups in Laos Vieng Thong, Suphan Buri Province Don Kha. The results showed that the music of ethnic Lao Wiang Thong, Suphan Buri Province Don Kha. Originally a folk music as well as the East. Originally, Canada is the main instrument. Vientiane, Laos ethnic group influenced society. And culture outside to inside. The group of friends and was popular with the younger generation. Lack of support from local organizations People who know less. Make music, ethnic Vieng, Laos began to fade with time. ceremony, a ritual is believed the disease. Similar to the medium by a worship of ancestors. Conservation and musical heritage of ethnic groups in Laos Don Kha Vieng Thong, Suphan Buri. Are passed down from generation to generation through teaching, saying to each other in kinship. There are performances at various events Playing music in various applications And shows for visitors to watch.

  7. Signs of revision in Don Quixote, Part II

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    Gonzalo Pontón


    Full Text Available This article provides new evidences in favour of the hypothesis that Cervantes, after finishing Don Quixote, Part II, partially revised the original, introducing some significant changes and additions, mainly in the last chapters. The analysis of some narrative inconsistencies, that cannot be interpreted as mere mistakes but as significant textual traces, reveals a process of re-elaboration –a process that affects at least four sections of the novel. Most of the evidence gathered here suggests that this revision is closely linked to Avellaneda’s continuation, in the sense that Cervantes tried to challenge the apocriphal Quixote making last-time interventions in his own text.

  8. El doctor Juan Díaz de Alcocer : apuntes biográficos de un servidor de los Reyes Católicos

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    María del Pilar Rábade Obradó


    Full Text Available Uno de los pilares sobre los que se fundamenta la labor gubernativa y administrativa desarrollada por los Reyes Católicos es la acertada selección de colaboradores practicada por los soberanos, selección que les lleva a rodearse de un elenco de oficiales destacados por su eficacia y eficiencia, por su talento y aptitudes, surgiendo así un círculo áulico capaz de secundar a la perfección las iniciativas regias \\ Estos servidores de la Corona trabajan, por supuesto, en estrecha conexión con los monarcas, desempeñando tareas y labores relacionadas —en menor o mayor medida— con la administración central, participando en la construcción de uno de los períodos más apasionantes de nuestra Historia, contribuyendo en no pequeña medida a la cimentación de la España Moderna.

  9. Don Quixote, Sweded by Michel Gondry in Be Kind Rewind (2008

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    Hogan Erin K.


    Full Text Available In the spirit of poetic license from Be Kind Rewind (2008, this article argues that Michel Gondry’s film “swedes,” its playful neologism for ersatz remaking of Hollywood and classic films, Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote. The feature follows the Sanchification of Jerry (Jack Black, Gondry’s Don Quixote, and Quixotification of Mike (Mos Def, Gondry’s Sancho, as they nostalgically wrong cinematic rights through sweding and try to save their working-class neighbourhood from condemnation and gentrification through community film making. Gondry swedes the Quixote through his engagement with major themes and operations in Cervantes’s classic, including nostalgia, story-telling, conflicts between reality and fantasy, authorship, the grotesque and carnivalesque, (anti-heroes, race and gender-bending, genre, and addressees turned addressers. This article discusses Be Kind Rewind’s relationship to Hollywoodian and Cervantine classics through the theoretical frameworks of Julio Garcia Espinosa’s imperfect cinema and Foucauldian semiotics, respectively. Be Kind Rewind uses and abuses Hollywood stereotypes to re-purpose them for a critique of discriminatory practices. Where casting is concerned and where Michel’s characters diverge from Miguel’s, Be Kind Rewind advances that skin colour is not an arbitrary sign and that race has historical and contemporary meaning in intercultural interactions.

  10. Don Juan: eine Tragödie. Intertestualità faustiana e riscrittura tragica nel racconto di E. T. A. Hoffmann

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    Francesco Marola


    Full Text Available Il mito letterario di don Giovanni, sorto nella commedia, attorno al 1800 viene riformulato in direzione del tragico. La trasformazione inizia con la versione operistica di Mozart-Da Ponte e trova compimento nel racconto di Hoffmann, che proietta il nuovo tono tragico del finale mozartiano su tutto il mito. L’articolo intende porre in rilievo la presenza nel Don Juan di numerosi richiami intertestuali al Faust di Goethe, finora non pienamente rilevati dalla critica, attraverso i quali è possibile leggere tale riscrittura tragica come una dichiarata sintesi dei due miti, in cui don Giovanni assume il ruolo di Faust-Mefistofele e donna Anna quello di Gretchen. La riscrittura del mito culmina nel finale rispecchiamento del narratore in Anna-Gretchen. Ma il valore del tragico è relativizzato in Hoffmann dall’ironica autocoscienza dell’artista romantico: confinato nel mondo fantastico dell’arte, risulta privo di senso nella prosaica realtà della vita borghese.

  11. Scientific Communication for Positive Action: Do's and Don'ts (United States)

    Sanquini, A.; Wood, M. M.


    Natural hazard presentations often highlight disasters that may ensue from natural processes when mitigation or preparedness actions are not taken. Examples include images of raging fires, collapsed buildings, and flooded urban areas. Research has shown that this makes presentations more interesting and more memorable. Such images are the stock and trade of disaster reporting by the media. Unfortunately, it may also trigger avoidance and denial in the audience, resulting in preparedness reduction; the opposite effect of what may have been intended by the speaker. Recent social research has provided insight into a better approach. The theory of communicating actionable risk posits that people will take action against hazards when they know what to do, think it would work, and know someone who did it. This approach was recently applied in an intervention designed to motivate earthquake-resistant construction in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Social theory further suggests that a tendency towards action is strengthened by hearing a consistent message over time, and by providing the audience with an appropriate opportunity to seek out relevant information. This presentation shows how, by taking this transdisciplinary step, scientists can make small changes in their hazard communication, thereby acting as positive influencers of change. A summary of "do's" and "don'ts" is given for reference. 1. Show examples of what to do. 2. Show effectiveness of actions. 3. Give sense of knowing someone who did it. 4. Deliver consistent message, repeatedly. 5. Give opportunity for more information. DON'T: 1. Make the disaster the star. 2. Contradict other communications.

  12. 77 FR 21556 - Don Pedro Hydroelectric Project: Turlock Irrigation District; Modesto Irrigation District... (United States)


    .... Date and Time of Meeting: Tuesday, April 17, 2012. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. b. Place: Holiday Inn, Sacramento-Capitol Plaza, 300 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, 916-446-0100. c. FERC Contact: Stephen Bowler, Don... technical conference would be an all day meeting in Sacramento, California on April 17, 2012. The notice...

  13. Alfonso Reyes en dos tiempos. Entre el arielismo y la doble experiencia literaria: "La venganza creadora" y "La cena"

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    Pablo Aparicio Durán


    Full Text Available Es sabido que Alfonso Reyes dejó una enorme impronta intelectual y literaria no sólo en la literatura de su país, Méjico, sino en toda la literatura hispanoamericana. Pero, aparte de las dimensiones de la huella dejada por el autor, lo realmente interesante es el terreno que pisa, y ese, para nosotros, es el terreno ideológico. Así, en el presente artículo ofrecemos una panorámica general sobre la significación cultural del autor mejicano, precisamente para tratar de delimitar que una cosa son las ideologías culturales explícitas y otra cosa es el inconsciente ideológico/literario implícito. En este sentido, se ha efectuado el análisis de dos cuentos del prolífico escritor de Monterrey (La venganza creadora y La cena en relación con otros dos de Edgar Allan Poe y Ernest Hemingway (Allá en Michigan y La casa Usher, respectivamente.

  14. Don Quixote and the Auditor from México: a disagreement between a knight and a gentleman

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    María Eugenia Mayer


    Full Text Available Don Quixote’s first adventure, the combat with the Basque, and his last one, in which he meets the Auditor, both deal with a «knight»/gentleman who is leaving for the West Indies. The opposite pole of the Manchego knight is the gentleman appointed to the Audience of New Spain, ca. 1600, during Lerma’s Privacy. This lawyer/auditor hears two «cases»: the «strange humor» of the Manchegan, as told by the priest who has found an anonymous manuscript; and the «unnexpected business» of his future son-in-law, who will accompany him to Mexico, heir to a title. The Oidor’s discreet proceedings contrast with Don Quixote’s open proclaims, thus serving as key to a bicostal (Spain/Indies reading of the

  15. FUTURES with Jaime Escalante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The United States Department of Energy awarded the Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education (FASE) $826,000 as support to produce the second set of FUTURES segments consisting of 12, 15-minute programs. The programs provide motivation for students to study math by connecting math to the work place and real-life problem scenarios. The programs are broadcast in 50 states through PBS Elementary and Secondary Service (E/SS). The grant term ended on December 16, 1993 and this final report documents program and financial activity results. The 12 episodes are titled: Animal Care, Meteorology, Mass Communication, Advanced Energy, Oceanography, Graphic Design, Future Habitats, Environmental Science & Technology, Fitness & Physical Performance, Interpersonal Communications, Advanced Transportation and Product Design. Each program addresses as many as ten careers or job types within the broader field named. Minority and gender-balanced role models appear throughout the programs.

  16. Una vaca y el Popul Vuh

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    Antonio Silvera Arenas


    Full Text Available La vaca chiraca está enamorada. Lucy Amado, Diana Rodríguez (ilus.. Editora Medio Ambiente, Santafé de Bogotá, 1996, 33 págs. Los hijos de los astros. Jaime Restrepo Ch., ilustraciones de Silvia M. Duque H. Jaime Restrepo Ch., Silvia M. Duque H., editores, Manizales, 1996, 51 págs.

  17. Il don giovanni tenorio di carlo goldoni. Alle origini di un mito moderno

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    By transforming the protagonist's religious impiety into sexual incontinence, Goldoni draws a link between Molière's drama (1665) and the version set to music by Mozart in 1787. An analysis of the text with a focus on the reception and adaptation by Goldoni of the early plays reveals the centrality of his Don Giovanni in the ...

  18. Don't Let Gun Sports Backfire on You: Use Ear Protection and Hang onto Your Hearing (United States)

    ... Inside NIDCD Newsletter » Spring 2006 Don't Let Gun Sports Backfire on You: Use Ear Protection and ... in the skeet event, would never fire a gun without them. Likewise, Dave Henderson, a nationally recognized ...

  19. Juan de Dios Carrasquilla Lema

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    Zoilo Cuellar-Montoya


    Tuvo Carrasquilla por profesores a los más brillantes maestros de la medicina de la Bogotá de ese entonces. De su propia pluma, cuando realizó el panegírico de su amigo del alma y compañero inseparable en múltiples retos profesionales, el Académico Profesor José Vicente Uribe Restrepo, podemos enterarnos de algunas características de esos doctos profesores de medicina. Del médico y naturalista, Profesor Francisco Bayón y Fernández, escribió Carrasquilla: “discípulo del brillante dibujante de la Expedición Botánica, don Francisco Javier Matiz, dictaba clases de botánica en el Colegio de San Bartolomé” y él fue uno de sus alumnos más distiguidos. En química y en obstetricia tuvo Carrasquilla como maestro al ilustre Profesor Antonio Vargas Reyes, lo cual lo confirma el propio Carrasquilla al afirmar que “el Doctor Antonio Vargas Reyes dictaba, por aquellos años, una clase de química en el laboratorio del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, cátedra a la que, naturalmente, también se inscribió” él.

  20. Magnetic properties of the germanides RE3Pt4Ge6 (RE=Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd-Dy)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eustermann, Fabian; Eilers-Rethwisch, Matthias; Renner, Konstantin; Hoffmann, Rolf-Dieter; Poettgen, Rainer; Janka, Oliver; Oldenburg Univ.


    The germanides RE 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 (RE=Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd-Dy) have been synthesized by arc-melting of the elements followed by inductive annealing to improve the crystallinity and allow for structural order. The compounds have been studied by powder X-ray diffraction; additionally the structure of Y 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 has been refined from single-crystal X-ray diffractometer data. It exhibits a (3+1)D modulated structure, indicating isotypism with Ce 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 . The crystal structure can be described as an intergrowth between YIrGe 2 - and CaBe 2 Ge 2 -type slabs along [100]. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements showed Pauli paramagnetism for Y 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 and Curie-Weiss paramagnetism for Pr 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 and Nd 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 . Sm 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 exhibits van Vleck paramagnetism, while antiferromagnetic ordering at T N =8.1(1) K and T N =11.0(1) K is observed for Gd 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 and Tb 3 Pt 4 Ge 6 , respectively.

  1. DON shares a similar mode of action as the ribotoxic stress inducer anisomycin while TBTO shares ER stress patterns with the ER stress inducer Thapsigargin based on comparative gene expression profiling in Jurkat T cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schmeits, P.C.J.; Katika, M.R.; Peijnenburg, A.A.C.M.; Loveren, van H.; Hendriksen, P.J.M.


    Previously, we studied the effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) and tributyltin oxide (TBTO) on whole genome mRNA expression profiles of human T lymphocyte Jurkat cells. These studies indicated that DON induces ribotoxic stress and both DON and TBTO induced ER stress which resulted into T-cell activation

  2. “I don't use a condom (with my regular partner) because I know that I ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    I don't use a condom (with my regular partner) because I know that I'm faithful, but with everyone else I do”: The cultural and socioeconomic determinants of sexual partner concurrency in young South Africans.

  3. Mitigation-relevant science with Don Quijote - a European-led mission to a near-Earth asteroid (United States)

    Harris, A. W.; Galvez, A.; Benz, W.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Green, S. F.; Michel, P.; Valsecchi, G.; Paetzold, M.; Haeusler, B.; Carnelli, I.

    The Don Quijote concept includes a rendezvous spacecraft and an impactor vehicle The main aim of the mission is to carry out an experiment to demonstrate the modification of a near-Earth asteroid s orbit in a controlled way as a first step in establishing mitigation measures against an eventual hazardous object In particular the spacecraft would study the physical properties of the target asteroid and the effects of a kinetic impact on its dynamical state It is also expected that some spacecraft resources will be available for more general solar-system science investigations The Don Quijote mission is currently at the phase-A stage during which a number of European consortia of industrial and scientific partners will study its technical feasibility and potential scientific return The basic mission concept current scientific issues and the possibilities for international participation in the mission will be discussed

  4. URJC GB dataset: Community-based seed bank of Mediterranean high-mountain and semi-arid plant species at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain). (United States)

    Alonso, Patricia; Iriondo, José María


    The Germplasm Bank of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos was created in 2008 and currently holds 235 accessions and 96 species. This bank focuses on the conservation of wild-plant communities and aims to conserve ex situ a representative sample of the plant biodiversity present in a habitat, emphasizing priority ecosystems identified by the Habitats Directive. It is also used to store plant material for research and teaching purposes. The collection consists of three subcollections, two representative of typical habitats in the center of the Iberian Peninsula: high-mountain pastures (psicroxerophylous pastures) and semi-arid habitats (gypsophylic steppes), and a third representative of the genus Lupinus. The high-mountain subcollection currently holds 153 accessions (63 species), the semi-arid subcollection has 76 accessions (29 species,) and the Lupinus subcollection has 6 accessions (4 species). All accessions are stored in a freezer at -18 °C in Kilner jars with silica gel. The Germplasm Bank of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos follows a quality control protocol which describes the workflow performed with seeds from seed collection to storage. All collectors are members of research groups with great experience in species identification. Herbarium specimens associated with seed accessions are preserved and 63% of the records have been georreferenced with GPS and radio points. The dataset provides unique information concerning the location of populations of plant species that form part of the psicroxerophylous pastures and gypsophylic steppes of Central Spain as well as populations of genus Lupinus in the Iberian Peninsula. It also provides relevant information concerning mean seed weight and seed germination values under specific incubation conditions. This dataset has already been used by researchers of the Area of Biodiversity and Conservation of URJC as a source of information for the design and implementation of experimental designs in these plant communities. Since

  5. URJC GB dataset: Community-based seed bank of Mediterranean high-mountain and semi-arid plant species at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain

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    Patricia Alonso


    Full Text Available The Germplasm Bank of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos was created in 2008 and currently holds 235 accessions and 96 species. This bank focuses on the conservation of wild-plant communities and aims to conserve ex situ a representative sample of the plant biodiversity present in a habitat, emphasizing priority ecosystems identified by the Habitats Directive. It is also used to store plant material for research and teaching purposes. The collection consists of three subcollections, two representative of typical habitats in the center of the Iberian Peninsula: high-mountain pastures (psicroxerophylous pastures and semi-arid habitats (gypsophylic steppes, and a third representative of the genus Lupinus. The high-mountain subcollection currently holds 153 accessions (63 species, the semi-arid subcollection has 76 accessions (29 species, and the Lupinus subcollection has 6 accessions (4 species. All accessions are stored in a freezer at -18 °C in Kilner jars with silica gel. The Germplasm Bank of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos follows a quality control protocol which describes the workflow performed with seeds from seed collection to storage. All collectors are members of research groups with great experience in species identification. Herbarium specimens associated with seed accessions are preserved and 63% of the records have been georreferenced with GPS and radio points. The dataset provides unique information concerning the location of populations of plant species that form part of the psicroxerophylous pastures and gypsophylic steppes of Central Spain as well as populations of genus Lupinus in the Iberian Peninsula. It also provides relevant information concerning mean seed weight and seed germination values under specific incubation conditions. This dataset has already been used by researchers of the Area of Biodiversity and Conservation of URJC as a source of information for the design and implementation of experimental designs in these plant

  6. Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento académico en estudiantes del cuarto grado de educación primaria de la institución educativa 7077 “Los Reyes Rojos” de Chorrillos, 2015


    Salazar Rivera, María


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que hay entre la inteligencia emocional y el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de cuarto grado de educación primaria de la institución educativa No. 7077 Los Reyes Rojos de Chorrillos, 2015. La teoría que fundamentó la variable inteligencia emocional, fue de Daniel Goleman, quién considera como dimensiones el autoconocimiento, el autocontrol, automotivación, empatía, habilidad social. El método emp...

  7. Don Quijote de la Mancha: Reflexiones en torno a las relaciones cine-literatura Don Quijote de la Mancha: Reflections about the relationships between cinematography-literature

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    Felipe Ardila Rojas


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un análisis de algunos aspectos de la relación cine-literatura, a partir del Don Quijote de La Mancha literario y de algunas versiones cinematográficas y televisivas realizadas en español y en inglés. Inicialmente se presentan problemas teóricos en torno a categorías que suelen serles afines: relato, autor, narración, historia, etc., para involucrar alternativamente fenómenos que, desde el punto de vista de los autores, generan ambigüedades textuales o múltiples interpretaciones en las versiones que se analizan. De este análisis comparativo que parte de los relatos en cuestión se llega finalmente a conclusiones de carácter estético e ideológico sobre los mismos.This article presents an analysis of some aspects of the relationship between cinematography and literature. Starting from the Don Quijote de La Mancha and taking into account some film and television versions developed in Spanish and English. At the beginning, a theoretical problem based on similar types for concepts categorization: author, narration, story, relat, among others will be analyzed. In addition, a connection is made with some authors' concepts in order to avoid textual ambiguity or multiple interpretations in the versions that are analyzed. Through a comparative analysis supported in these stories, it is possible to reach some aesthetic and ideological conclusions about them.

  8. Estrategias de Reformulación en el Capítulo El Ankus del Rey de El libro de la Selva de Rudyard Kipling

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    María Carolina Zúñiga


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se identifican las estrategias de reformulación utilizadas en la adaptación del capítulo El Ankus del Rey de El libro de la Selva. Se realizó un análisis comparativo entre dos versiones del capítulo, una del año 19-- (hipotexto y otra del año 2006 (hipertexto. Se identificaron 260 estrategias de reformulación. El 56% de las modificaciones registradas correspondieron a reducciones, el 38% a variaciones y el 6% a expansiones. Los resultados muestran los cambios culturales experimentados por el texto cuando se adapta hacia una audiencia distinta y desde un contexto de producción distante y resultan de utilidad para quienes estudian estrategias traductológicas o se especializan en Literatura Infantil Juvenil.

  9. Punctuation in the text of the Golden Age and in Don Quijote

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    Ignacio Arellano


    Full Text Available This article examines the punctuation in Golden Age texts, in particular in Don Quixote. The author analyzes the discrepancies between theory and practice of the printers, the features of the punctuation in manuscripts, and the absence of a general system, due in part to the absence of a unique and precise system in Spanish. The article provides numerous examples of Golden Age text and of the Quixote.

  10. Don quijote, Christelike geloof en natuurwetenskap 1

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    H. P.P. Lötter


    Full Text Available The story about Don Qulchote and the windmills is used in this article as an analogy to typify the debates that have taken place in history between natural science and representatives of Christian religion. The analogy is tested on debates that took place around Galileo. Darwin, Newton, Cuvier and the Big Bang theory. The analogy matches these debates quite well and this Is explained by the view that scientific claims to knowledge, and claims to knowledge based on Christian faith, belong to different categories and are thus not concurrents for the same truth. Gilbert Ryle's criticism on Descartes' mind-body dualism is used here to strengthen this argument. The article is concluded by pointing out in what ways one can engage in a meaningful debate on the nature of the relationship between science and Christian religion.

  11. Hombres. Don Tomás Rueda Vargas

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    Boletin Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available Quince años hizo el 25 de julio que desapareció de entre nosotros don Tomás Rueda Vargas. Su nombre, ejemplar por muchos conceptos, viene siempre nimbado de las virtudes cardinales que conformaron su tarea y su vida. Escritor nato,  sabía manejar el idioma con singular pericia sin caer en  rebuscamientos  ni  en  gongorismos. Su  pensamiento era diáfano por  lo cual no se  perdía en  el laberinto de  las palabras.   Apenas éstas eran  el dócil  instrumento para su dialéctica, para ese  generoso razo­  namiento intelectual que constituía el  Alfa  y el Omega   de  su diario batallar.

  12. Reproduction et Diversité Génétique chez Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G. Don

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sina, S.


    Parkiabiglobosa(Jacq.)G.Don, African

  13. Mujeres españolas de la conquista en don Joan de Castellanos (I

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    Mario Germán Romero


    Full Text Available La participación de la mujer española en la conquista de América es un tema que apenas comienza a ser tratado con la profundidad que merece. A principios del siglo don Cesáreo Fernández Duro publicó una breve disertación sobre ' 'La mujer española en Indias".

  14. Chivalry, Materialism, and the Grotesque in Don Quijote and Alberto Blest Gana’s El ideal de un calavera

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    Vilches Patricia


    Full Text Available This study analyses chivalry, materialism, and the grotesque in Alberto Blest Gana’s El ideal de un calavera [The Ideal of a Rogue] (1863 under the light of Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quijote’s part II (1615. It underscores the legacy of Cervantes on the Chilean author especially in his reflections on nation building. Unlike its author, Don Quijote eluded restriction and successfully reached the colonies; once there, author and text became a massive influence on intellectuals in the burgeoning Americas. Blest Gana, for example, created protagonists who were multi-dimensional and imbued with quixotic overtones. Praised by his counterparts, he created work that was finely detailed, with a goal of portraying the nation’s cultural practices at specifics points in history. Deploying techniques inspired by Honore de Balzac (also a reader of Don Quijote, Blest Gana illustrated the colourful aspects of his society. His sharp eye depicted and interpreted nationhood and society through the course of dramatic historical events in El ideal de un calavera by shining a bright light on the political and social enemies who emerged in the historical unravelling of the nation in the 1830s. The resulting kaleidoscope of astute, idealistic and cowardly individuals conveyed subtle yet definite Cervantesque tones.

  15. Don Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada. El Fundador

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    Alvaro López Pardo


    Full Text Available

    Discurso pronunciado por el Doctor Alvaro López Pardo Presidente de la Academia de Historia de Bogotá, al Consejo de Bogotá el día 6 de agosto de 1988. Sesión especial de los 450 años.

    Por el año de 1578, caminaba lentamente por las polvorientas calles del poblado de Mariquita, un anciano, casi octogenario, que mostraba en su piel huellas de un enfermedad que se decía era la de San Lázaro.

    Las gentes lo miraban pasar con una mezcla de respeto y de piedad. En su mirada, un tanto vaga, se podían apreciar destellos de la que fuera una recia personalidad. Esta pobre figura era nadie menos que el Mariscal Don Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada.

    En esta población ardiente y lejana, cargado de deudas, sin techo propio, iba a morir el gran señor, el Gran Capitán, el Gran Aventurero que fundara ésta nuestra noble y muy leal Santa Fe de Bogotá, cuyos 450 años celebramos en este día.

    Parece increíble que en aquella época y con una agitada vida, Don Gonzalo hubiera llegado a tan avanzada edad, es muestra de la fuerza de una raza y del templo de su espíritu, que se sobreponía a todas las adversidades y contratiempos.

    ¿Qué recuerdos vendrían a la mente de este anciano cuando, sentado en una pobre silla de vaqueta, contempla el azul cielo del trópico? ¿Quizá su infancia en España, en Córdoba, donde naciera o en la imponente Granada de los moros, recuperada hacía unos años por la Reina Isabel. Viendo los jardines de la Alhambra, el Generalife y al fondo el blanco perpetuo de la Sierra Nevada. O vendría a su mente el paso del fúnebre cortejo de Felipe el Hermoso y su lunática viuda Doña Juana?

    Sería tal vez el periodo de su juventud, oyendo las aventuras de Cortés en la Conquista de México, en medio de una Europa convulsionada y con España como centro de la misma. O quizás cuando estudiaba leyes en Salamanca y se metía en pleitos que no siempre ganaba y como

  16. Don E. Detmer and the American Medical Informatics Association: An Appreciation (United States)

    Shortliffe, Edward H.; Bates, David W.; Bloomrosen, Meryl; Greenwood, Karen; Safran, Charles; Steen, Elaine B.; Tang, Paul C.; Williamson, Jeffrey J.


    Don E. Detmer has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) for the past five years, helping to set a course for the organization and demonstrating remarkable leadership as AMIA has evolved into a vibrant and influential professional association. On the occasion of Dr. Detmer's retirement, we fondly reflect on his professional life and his many contributions to biomedical informatics and, more generally, to health care in the U.S. and globally. PMID:19574463

  17. Phenotypic characterization and 16S rDNA identification of culturable non-obligate halophilic bacterial communities from a hypersaline lake, La Sal del Rey, in extreme South Texas (USA). (United States)

    Phillips, Kristen; Zaidan, Frederic; Elizondo, Omar R; Lowe, Kristine L


    La Sal del Rey ("the King's Salt") is one of several naturally-occurring salt lakes in Hidalgo County, Texas and is part of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge. The research objective was to isolate and characterize halophilic microorganisms from La Sal del Rey. Water samples were collected from the lake and a small creek that feeds into the lake. Soil samples were collected from land adjacent to the water sample locations. Sample salinity was determined using a refractometer. Samples were diluted and cultured on a synthetic saline medium to grow halophilic bacteria. The density of halophiles was estimated by viable plate counts. A collection of isolates was selected, gram-stained, tested for catalase, and characterized using API 20E® test strips. Isolates were putatively identified by sequencing the 16S rDNA. Carbon source utilization by the microbial community from each sample site was examined using EcoPlate™ assays and the carbon utilization total activity of the community was determined. Results showed that salinity ranged from 4 parts per thousand (ppt) at the lake water source to 420 ppt in water samples taken just along the lake shore. The density of halophilic bacteria in water samples ranged from 1.2 × 102 - 5.2 × 103 colony forming units per ml (cfu ml-1) whereas the density in soil samples ranged from 4.0 × 105 - 2.5 × 106 colony forming units per gram (cfu g-1). In general, as salinity increased the density of the bacterial community decreased. Microbial communities from water and soil samples were able to utilize 12 - 31 carbon substrates. The greatest number of substrates utilized was by water-borne communities compared to soil-based communities, especially at lower salinities. The majority of bacteria isolated were gram-negative, catalase-positive, rods. Biochemical profiles constructed from API 20E® test strips showed that bacterial isolates from low-salinity water samples (4 ppt) showed the greatest phenotypic diversity

  18. Bauhinia Pottsii G. Don Var Pottsii, Koleksi Dari Kalimantan Yang Ditemukan Kembali


    Astuti, Inggit Puji; Magandhi, Mahat; Suratman, Maman; Maulida, Risa


    Bauhinia is one of the largest genus in Caesalpiniaceae family and distributed in all tropical area. One among 300 species of Bauhinia is Bauhinia pottsii G. Don. This species is distributed from Southern Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Malay Peninsular, Borneo, Sumatra, Jawa, Bali and Lesser Sunda islands. It was recorded that one specimen was originated from East Kalimantan and collected in 1925. During exploration in Kampung Temula, Kecamatan Nyuatan, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, East Kalimantan,...

  19. Detsibill : Meie Mees kui ANTI. White Label : Don Erikson. Kuula / DJ Pickney Tiger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    DJ Pickney Tiger, pseud., 1970-


    Heliplaatidest: Don Erikson "Israel Mix", Congotronics 2 "Buzz'n'rumble from the urb'n'jungle", Critikal "Chapter One ehk Teine maitse", Nirvana "Silver, The best of the Box", Singer Vinger "Eesti Kullafond", Bullet Train To Vegas "We Put Scissors Where Our Mouths Are", Ludachris "Disturbing tha peace", "Soul Satisfaction 5", The Kurt Webber's Pink Band "Café Regatt", Patrizio Buanne "The Italian", Eminem "Curtain Call"

  20. "Boys Don't Cry," a Movie Review: Implications for Counseling Persons Who Are Transgendered (United States)

    Aguilar, Jinnelle Veronique


    People who fall under the umbrella of transgender belong to one of the most marginalized groups within society. Many who do not pass within the gender binary categories imposed by social norms experience discrimination and marginalization. In this article, the author discusses the film "Boys Don't Cry" and introduces the reader to the varieties of…

  1. Detection of calmodulin binding protein at 170 KDA in BALB, AKR, DON and chicken granulosa cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selinfreund, R.; Lin, P.H.; Marrone, B.; Wharton, W.


    Calmodulin (CAM) has been shown to bind to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (170 kDa) and is phosphorylated in a EGF dependent manner in the A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells. In the present study, they report 125 I-CAM binding to a 170 kDa protein detected in cell membrane vesicles of Balb/3T3, AKR, DON and chicken granulosa cells. Purified plasma membranes from these cells were resolved via electrophoresis (without heat denaturation) and electroblotted onto nictrocellulose paper. Upon hybridizing against 125 I-CAM, a distinct autoradiographic band occurred at 170 kDa for all the cells lines under study. The binding of CAM is specific and can be displaced with the addition of excess unlabeled CAM. The result suggest that 125 I-CAM may bind to the 170 kDa EGF receptor in BALB, AKR, DON and chicken granulosa cells

  2. Review of Ordering Don't Resuscitate in Iranian Dying Patients. (United States)

    Cheraghi, Mohammad Ali; Bahramnezhad, Fatemeh; Mehrdad, Neda


    Making decision on not to resuscitate is a confusing, conflicting and complex issue and depends on each country's culture and customs. Therefore, each country needs to take action in accordance with its cultural, ethical, religious and legal contexts to develop guidelines in this regard. Since the majority of Iran's people are Muslims, and in Islam, the human life is considered sacred, based on the values of the community, an Iranian Islamic agenda needs to be developed not taking measures about resuscitation of dying patients. It is necessary to develop an Iranian Islamic guidelines package in order to don't resuscitate in dying patients.

  3. Don, Betty and Jackie Kennedy: On Mad Men and Periodisation

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    Prudence Black


    Full Text Available Why is it that we watch Mad Men and think it represents a period? Flashes of patterned wallpaper, whiskey neat, babies born that are never mentioned, contact lining for kitchen drawers, Ayn Rand, polaroids, skinny ties, Hilton hotels, Walter Cronkite, and a time when Don Draper can ask ‘What do women want?’ and dry old Roger Sterling can reply ‘Who Cares?’ This essay explores the embrace of period detail in Mad Men finding it to be both loving and fetishistic, and belonging, like all period film, to the politics of the present.

  4. Views on agrarian question in the russian empire early twentieth century public don (on the example of V.I. Denisov

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    Z. V. Svyaschenko


    Full Text Available The article highlights the essence of agrarian nobility Don initiatives as an example of marshal of the nobility of the Don area V.I. Denisova, draws attention to the radical changes large landowners understand the nature of the agrarian question. Detailed analysis of vision causes aggravation and solving agricultural problems under conditions of revolution «Union supporters peaceful resolution of the agrarian question», which was organized by Don autumn 1905 Union believed that the government should immediately allow farmers free access to the community with fixing them processed before this allotment in private ownership and the right of selling. The analysis looks marshal of the nobility area of the Don V. Denisov, according to which land reform must be focused on the transition from communal farmers to homestead entities on the basis of peasant private ownership of land, increasing the size of peasant land ownership through the purchase of additional land they or their resettlement intensification individual farm. A general conclusion is that the views of V.I. Denisov and other landowners reflect the general mood and position of large landowners on agricultural issues. Their analysis shows a major fact of evolution beliefs representatives of large estates. As the patriots of their country, they offered very real steps to address not only the agricultural problems and to improve general well-being of the population, increasing the efficiency of the economy and legal equality of different layers Russian imperial society and so on. A large estates in various regions of the country were unanimous that stop the deployment of revolutionary elements in the country is possible only on one condition - the resolution of the agrarian question.

  5. High rates of energy expenditure and water flux in free-ranging Point Reyes mountain beavers Aplodontia rufa phaea (United States)

    Crocker, D.E.; Kofahl, N.; Fellers, G.D.; Gates, N.B.; Houser, D.S.


    We measured water flux and energy expenditure in free-ranging Point Reyes mountain beavers Aplodontia rufa phaea by using the doubly labeled water method. Previous laboratory investigations have suggested weak urinary concentrating ability, high rates of water flux, and low basal metabolic rates in this species. However, free-ranging measurements from hygric mammals are rare, and it is not known how these features interact in the environment. Rates of water flux (210 ?? 32 mL d-1) and field metabolic rates (1,488 ?? 486 kJ d-1) were 159% and 265%, respectively, of values predicted by allometric equations for similar-sized herbivores. Mountain beavers can likely meet their water needs through metabolic water production and preformed water in food and thus remain in water balance without access to free water. Arginine-vasopressin levels were strongly correlated with rates of water flux and plasma urea : creatinine ratios, suggesting an important role for this hormone in regulating urinary water loss in mountain beavers. High field metabolic rates may result from cool burrow temperatures that are well below lower critical temperatures measured in previous laboratory studies and suggest that thermoregulation costs may strongly influence field energetics and water flux in semifossorial mammals. ?? 2007 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.

  6. Tiffany Diamonds and Classical Music as Influences on the Performance of "Don Juan in Hell". (United States)

    Johnson, Jim

    This paper analyzes Paul Gregory's 1951 production of "Don Juan in Hell," now considered to be a seminal work in the development of professional and educational readers theatre. The paper contends that the production, which presented a nondramatic work without the usual emphasis on design and spectacle, forced a reexamination of the role…

  7. Le don en anamorphose ou la réécriture du monde. Configurations et enjeux de l’hospitalité dans le récit médiéval (XIIe-XIIIe siècles

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    Carlos Fonseca Clamote Carreto


    Full Text Available  « A la limite, le don comme don devrait ne pas apparaître comme don ni au donataire, ni au donateur […]. En ce sens, le don est l’impossible. Non pas impossible, mais la figure même de l’impossible. » J. Derrida, Donner le temps.« Biaz sire, fet il, bien vaingniez.Se o moi herbergiez daingniez,Vez l’ostel aparelliés »Chrétien de Troyes, Érec et Énide.Arthur ou la largesse infinieÀ une époque où, de Jean de Salisbury à Brunetto Latini, en passant par Jacques de Vitry ou Guillaume Le Clerc de ...

  8. Department of the Navy (DON) Additive Manufacturing (AM) Implementation Plan V2.0 (2017) (United States)


    aligned to advance AM of explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics and structures.  Makerspaces deployed throughout the warfighter and civilian conduct broad AM familiarization training and STEM activities 2. Introduce new makerspaces into DON to expand access and education of AM...technologies 3. Ensure makerspaces become a vital part of workforce training by developing communication plan to inform leadership of current and future

  9. Buscando a don Claudio Moyano

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    Juan González Ruiz


    Full Text Available (ES En el primer número de esta revista digital "Cabás", Antonio Montero Alcalde hizo un pormenorizado y útil análisis de la llamada Ley Moyano, la Ley de Instrucción Pública promulgada en 1857; la importancia de este texto legal en el desarrollo de la educación en España a lo largo de más de un siglo ha sido puesta de relieve en multitud de estudios históricos referidos a la época contemporánea. Nacido en una pequeña población zamorana el día 30 de octubre de 1809, la vida pública de don Claudio Moyano Samaniego, el firmante de la ley que lleva su nombre, se desarrolló básicamente en la corte madrileña; no obstante, rastrear en el entorno de su tierra natal algunos aspectos y circunstancias de su persona puede tener interés para completar la figura de una personalidad tan citada por su obra como desconocida por su vida. Y, al menos, sirve como curioso entretenimiento de un impenitente viajero a la búsqueda de huellas históricas de las escuelas de otros tiempos y de los hombres dedicados a ellas.

  10. A possibilistic approach for transient identification with 'don't know' response capability optimized by genetic algorithm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Almeida, Jose Carlos S. de; Schirru, Roberto; Pereira, Claudio M.N.A.; Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ


    This work describes a possibilistic approach for transient identification based on the minimum centroids set method, proposed in previous work, optimized by genetic algorithm. The idea behind this method is to split the complex classification problem into small and simple ones, so that the performance in the classification can be increased. In order to accomplish that, a genetic algorithm is used to learn, from realistic simulated data, the optimized time partitions, which the robustness and correctness in the classification are maximized. The use of a possibilistic classification approach propitiates natural and consistent classification rules, leading naturally to a good heuristic to handle the 'don't know 'response, in case of unrecognized transient, which is fairly desirable in transient classification systems where safety is critical. Application of the proposed approach to a nuclear transient indentification problem reveals good capability of the genetic algorithm in learning optimized possibilistic classification rules for efficient diagnosis including 'don't know' response. Obtained results are shown and commented. (author)

  11. Terrorist Group Profiles (United States)


    Germany. Leadership Rudolph Raabe, Sonia Suder, Christian Gauger, Rudolf Schindler, Sabine Eckle. Other Names Revolutionaere Zellen, Rote Zora...through Jaime Guillot Lara, a Colombian drug smuggler, although no further operations of this type are known to have occurred. Since 1984, there have been...Attempted to assassinate Minister of Government Jaime Castro as he drove to work. July 1986 - Stole 1.6 million pesos from a bank in Bogota, wounding

  12. You Don't Look Like a Physicist (United States)

    Santos, Antonio Carlos Fontes


    "You don't look like a physicist!" "Sorry, this bus only goes to the university, Sir." "Where are you going, sir?" "So, you are a university professor? But a substitute one, aren't you?" "OK, you're a professor, but do you do research?" As a person of color teaching physics in Brazil, those are some comments that I usually hear. They are consequences of stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination, which are related but different ideas. Stereotypes indicate expectations and beliefs about an individual or a group, prejudice denotes feelings, and discrimination expresses behaviors. People are likely to be astonished whenever a Black person says that he or she is a physicist. This paper aims to raise awareness of the underrepresentation of Black physics professors and researchers in Brazil and how the lack of quality high school physics education impacts Black and poor students in Brazil. Finally, some considerations on how physics education can assist minority students in overcoming social barriers that contribute to their underrepresentation are presented.

  13. The Knight-errant and their Itinerary. Journey and />Death of Don Quixote

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    Nieves Rodríguez Valle


    Full Text Available This article analyzes, from the perspective of the hero’s journey topic in the narrative, the wanderings of Don Quixote on the Spanish roads and in the spaces of the chivalric literature. Based on the four narrative sequences that stake out the itinerary in the journey narrative: departure, cruise, meeting, and return, the three departures and the three returns of the knight in the work are reviewed, specially the last return and the relationship that it keeps with his death.

  14. The evolution of the Muslim monarchy in El Príncipe constante

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    Ricardo Enrique Castells


    Full Text Available Abstract:Don Fernando, the main character of El príncipe constante, has received most of the attention of the specialists in the works of Calderón, but many critics had also analyzed the extraordinary transformation of the King of Fez, but with significant differences of points of views and conclusions. The Muslim monarch treats the captive prince with exquisite courtesy as long as he thinks that the prince can be exchanged for the city of Ceuta. But at the end he behaves like a tyrant as soon as he realized that don Fernando refuses the exchange. This article uses the Prospect Theory of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky to analyze the transformation of the Muslim monarch with the purpose of finding a critical approach that could explain a rather paradoxical or at least incoherent behavior. Resumen:Don Fernando, el protagonista de El príncipe constante, ha recibido la mayor parte de la atención por parte de los estudiosos de la obra de Calderón, pero muchos críticos también han analizado la extraordinaria transformación del rey de Fez, aunque con una marcada diferencia de opiniones y conclusiones. El monarca musulmán atiende al príncipe cautivo con suma cortesía mientras que cree que lo puede cambiar por la ciudad de Ceuta, pero se convierte en un tirano absoluto una vez que don Fernando rechaza el truque que ha arreglado su hermano Enrique. El presente trabajo emplea la teoría de la perspectiva de Daniel Kahneman y Amos Tversky para analizar la transformación del monarca musulmán, con el propósito de encontrar un acercamiento crítico que explique un comportamiento aparentemente paradójico o hasta incoherente.

  15. Le don gratuit. Le cas d'un établissement public


    Barel , Yvan; Frémeaux , Sandrine


    Disponible en ligne :; La logique de la réciprocité est le cadre d'analyse dominant de la relation de travail. La logique du don/contredon s'inscrit dans ce même cadre de référence, en postulant qu'aucune relation d'échange ne peut survivre à une situation d'asymétrie trop forte (MAUSS, 1924). Mais elle ajoute une idée nouvelle en mettant en exergue le " tabou du calcul " (BOURDIEU, 1980) : le désir de contredon n'est pas toujours manifesté, ni mê...

  16. The Landscape of Cervante´s Don Quixote: Orteguians Perspectives

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    Ángel Pérez Martínez


    Full Text Available Perspectival theory, related to Don Quixote by the many references in the corpus of Ortega, enables further research about the importance of the landscape and the physical description in order to understand the work of Cervantes. Similarly, it should be mentioned its relation with the development of literary theory. Such investigations give an interesting point of view under the framework called travel genre and its tangential contact with Quijote. On the other hand, and because of the publication of Obras Completas by Ortega, we find ourselves with a new order of the writings from the philosopher and an appropriate index for research.

  17. Small ships don't shine: classification of ocean vessels from low resolution, large swath area SAR acquisitions

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Meyer, Rory GV


    Full Text Available the Understanding of Our Living Planet, 10-15 July 2016, Beijing, China Small ships don't shine: Classification of ocean vessels from low resolution, large swath area SAR acquisitions R. G. V. Meyer ; W. Kleynhans ; C. P. Schwegmann Abstract: Monitoring...

  18. La influencia espartana en el Egeo y el mar Jónico en el periodo posterior a la Paz del Rey (386-374 a. C.

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    José Pascual


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la situación en el Egeo y en el mar Jónico en el período comprendido entre la Paz del Rey (386 a.C. y la batalla de Leuctra (371 a.C., e intenta modificar la visión demasiado rígida de un imperialismo espartano excesivamente centrado en Grecia continental. Lejos de ello, Esparta se preocupó por extender su hegemonía en ambos ámbitos el Egeo y el mar Jónico.This paper analyzes the situation in the Aegean and Ionic sea during the period between the King’s Peace (386 a.C. and the battle of Leuctra (371 a.C. and intends to modify the rigid view of the Spartan imperialism excessively focused in continental Greece. Far from this consideration, Sparta tried to extend its hegemony in both regions the Aegean and Ionic Sea.

  19. Inflatable Emergency Equipment I: Evaluation of Individual Inflatable Aviation Life Preserver Donning Tests (United States)


    have to do so in the water. Shortly thereafter, the Survival Research Unit at CAMI devel- oped a prototype life preserver, with a primary goal of...calculate the various donning function times, as defined below. These were entered into IBM SPSS ® version 21 for statistical analysis. “TSO Test Time...inflation tubes, manual inflation triggering devices with pull tabs and CO2 cartridges, and designed to be reversible. The experimental life preserver

  20. Reflections on Don Juan and on the utility of the unhappy love affair. (United States)

    Bergel, Ernest


    Based on an unusual clinical experience of a teenage boy in child psychotherapy, two conclusions are proposed: (1) that the extremely unhappy, early love affairs that occur in most men's lives serve a valuable function in helping them separate from their mothers sufficiently to be able to realistically relate to appropriate marriage partners, and (2) that some Don Juans start new relationships in order to break them off, rather than the reverse.

  1. Don Giovanni Goes to Prison: Teaching Opera behind Bars

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    Pierpaolo Polzonetti


    Full Text Available Teaching opera in prison presents challenges, such as limits imposed on printed and recorded material to study it, or the audio-visual technology in the classroom space, yet, no other experience can be so inspiring and rewarding for everybody involved. This essay focuses on teaching opera, in particular Mozart’s Don Giovanni, to imprisoned students in America. It addresses pedagogical challenges on how to teach opera in prison and advocates for the need to leave the ivory tower of academia and engage in social action. If opera is still perceived as an elitist art form, it is because it is artificially kept that way by being practiced, taught, studied, and promoted only among an exclusive sector of our population.

  2. Efectos embriotóxicos de Picrosia longifolia Don (Asteraceae

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    Victor Benavides


    Full Text Available Se ha evaluado los probables efectos tóxicos del extracto acuoso de Picrosia longifolia Don “Achicoria” sobre el desarrollo de embriones preimplantacionales de ratón. Extracto acuoso de P. longifolia al 20%, 10% y 0% fue suministrado a ratonas preñadas hasta las 86 horas postcópula (hpc. Al evaluar el estadio embrionario se encontró que el extracto acuoso de P. longifolia al 10% y 20% causó retraso en el desarrollo embrionario. También se observó una disminución en la viabilidad embrionaria en los grupos tratados. Tanto la disminución de viabilidad como el retraso en el desarrollo se produjo en una forma dosis dependiente.

  3. Volatiles of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don from Croatia. (United States)

    Zeljković, Sanja Ćavar; Šolić, Marija Edita; Maksimović, Milka


    Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don is a flowering plant of the family Asteraceae. It is rich in oil that is used for different medicinal purposes and in fragrance industry. Volatile profile of four populations of H. italicum, collected from natural habitat in Dalmatia (Croatia), was analysed by capillary GC-MS. Sample from BraČ Island had α-trans-bergamotene (10.2%) and β-acoradiene (10.1%) as the majors, whereas sample collected on Biokovo Mt. was rich in neryl acetate (8.1%). β-Acoradiene was also the main constituent of sample collected near Tijarica, whereas rosifoliol (8.5%) was the most abundant constituent in sample collected near Makarska. Presented results show the influence of environmental conditions on chemical differentiation of the volatiles of H. italicum from Croatia.

  4. A neural model for transient identification in dynamic processes with 'don't know' response

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mol, Antonio C. de A. E-mail:; Martinez, Aquilino S. E-mail:; Schirru, Roberto E-mail:


    This work presents an approach for neural network based transient identification which allows either dynamic identification or a 'don't know' response. The approach uses two 'jump' multilayer neural networks (NN) trained with the backpropagation algorithm. The 'jump' network is used because it is useful to dealing with very complex patterns, which is the case of the space of the state variables during some abnormal events. The first one is responsible for the dynamic identification. This NN uses, as input, a short set (in a moving time window) of recent measurements of each variable avoiding the necessity of using starting events. The other one is used to validate the instantaneous identification (from the first net) through the validation of each variable. This net is responsible for allowing the system to provide a 'don't know' response. In order to validate the method, a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) transient identification problem comprising 15 postulated accidents, simulated for a pressurized water reactor (PWR), was proposed in the validation process it has been considered noisy data in order to evaluate the method robustness. Obtained results reveal the ability of the method in dealing with both dynamic identification of transients and correct 'don't know' response. Another important point studied in this work is that the system has shown to be independent of a trigger signal which indicates the beginning of the transient, thus making it robust in relation to this limitation.

  5. Wabgou, Maguemati; Arocha, Jaime; Salgado, Aiden; Carabalí, Juan, Movimiento Social Afrocolombiano, Negro, Raizal y Palenquero: el largo camino hacia la construcción de espacios comunes y alianzas estratégicas para la incidencia política, Bogotá D. C

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    Daniel Vargas Olarte


    Full Text Available El libro que se reseña fue escrito con el ánimo de profundizar en el conocimiento y reconocimiento de la población afrocolombiana. Sus autores, con diferente formación académica y experiencia profesional, dos de ellos de reconocida trayectoria académica: Jaime Arocha y Maguemati Wabgou (el segundo de ellos de Togo, África, y Aiden Salgado y Juan Carabalí, dedicados al activismo político, logran condensar en una obra corta el ejercicio de poder de la población afrocolombiana como sujeto colectivo estructurado. Este trabajo es pertinente y original porque hace aportes relevantes para la construcción de nuevas perspectivas de la población afro en Colombia. Además se destaca por la actualidad de la bibliografía y el uso ingente de las entrevistas, con las cuales los autores van conjugando los análisis con fuentes primarias. El orden cronológico del texto le da buen estilo, fluidez y claridad en su exposición, en la medida en que trata el tema del proceso organizativo afro de larga duración.

  6. América en la librería de don Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado, Consejero de Indias

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    Nieves Pena Sueiro


    Full Text Available El estudio de inventarios de bibliotecas del Siglo de Oro resulta de gran importancia para aquellos que se interesan por la cultura áurea, pues desvela datos sobre sus poseedores; también sobre lecturas, obras, ejemplares, etc., que de otra manera no podríamos conocer. Una de las bibliotecas más importantes del siglo XVII fue la de don Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado, erudito y bibliófilo, que reunió en su casa madrileña por lo menos unos 8.951 volúmenes. Quizás la especial relación que tuvo don Lorenzo con América a lo largo de su vida –fue ahijado del humanista Pedro de Valencia, cronista de Indias; fue Consejero de Indias desde 1626 hasta su muerte, como también lo fue su hermano Alonso; otro de sus hermanos, Marcos, fue obispo de Michoacán, etc.–, influyó en que entre los fondos de su biblioteca se encuentren las principales obras de tema americano y algunas editadas en el Nuevo Mundo. En este trabajo pretendemos, tras el examen exhaustivo del inventario, ofrecer una relación de los registros del fondo americano (tema americano y obras impresas en América que existían en la librería en el momento en que se inventarió, seguido del análisis y las conclusiones de este. The study of library inventories of the Golden Age is of great interest to those who study the culture of this period, as it reveals much about their owners, and also about readings, plays, copies, etc. about which otherwise we would not know. One of the most important libraries of the seventeenth century was that of Don Lorenzo Ramirez de Prado, erudite and bibliophile, who collected in his Madrid home at least 8,951 volumes. Don Lorenzo was godson of the humanist Pedro de Valencia, chronicler of the Indies, he was Counselor of the Indies from 1626 until his death, as was his brother Alonso; another brother, Marcos, was Bishop of Michoacan. Perhaps the special relationship that Don Lorenzo had with America throughout his life was the reason that among the

  7. The Discoveries and Achievements of Modern Historiography of the Don Cossacks in the Second Half of the XIX Century

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    Oleg E. Chuikov


    Full Text Available The article examines the current historiography of the Don Cossacks in the second half of the XIX century, there is described the traditional and the alternative concepts advanced by historians after 2000 year. The article analyses the main studies on this chronological period, their advantages and disadvantages. It is shown that many of the events and reforms are not sufficiently understood so far. The authors note that the increase in the number of specialists on Don history of 1860–1890 should be considered the major trend in the development of modern historiography of this period, and it is hoped that the range of the studied issues will only expand in the future, and the level and number of publications revealing new facts and offering new concepts will continue to grow.

  8. El personaje femenino en la novela del dictador : Un análisis de La fiesta del rey Acab y La Fiesta del Chivo con enfoque al personaje literario de la esposa


    Andersson Ramirez, Terese


    El propósito de este trabajo es investigar el personaje femenino y el papel que ocupa en dos novelas del subgénero novela del dictador. El predominio masculino es evidente tanto por lo que se refiere a los autores como a los protagonistas despóticos y el tema es poco tocado en la gran cantidad de aportes críticos sobre el subgénero. A través de un análisis de La fiesta del rey Acab (1959) de Enrique Lafourcade y La Fiesta del Chivo (2000) de Mario Vargas Llosa nos preguntamos si los personaje...

  9. Algunas hazañas de las muchas de don García Hurtado de Mendoza, comedia genealógica de nueve ingenios

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    Carlos Mata Induráin


    Full Text Available Algunas hazañas de las muchas de don García Hurtado de Mendoza, marqués de Cañete, pieza escrita en colaboración por nueve ingenios encabezados por Luis de Belmonte Bermúdez, se representó y publicó en Madrid en 1622. Se trata de una comedia genealógica de encargo, que formó parte de la campaña de propaganda emprendida por la familia de los Hurtado de Mendoza para prestigiar la figura de don García Hurtado de Mendoza, cuarto marqués de Cañete, quien como gobernador de Chile (1557-1561 había logrado notables avances en la pacificación del rebelde territorio de Arauco, pero cuyos méritos no quedaron reconocidos por Alonso de Ercilla en La Araucana. Se estudia, sobre todo, la imagen que la pieza ofrece del noble personaje en el contexto de su actuación en la guerra de Arauco, la cual generó en el Siglo de Oro un abundante corpus de obras literarias. Algunas hazañas de las muchas de don García Hurtado de Mendoza, marqués de Cañete, collaborated play by nine playwrights headed by Luis Belmonte Bermúdez, was represented and published in Madrid in 1622. It´s a genealogical comedy, which was part of the propaganda campaign launched and paid by Hurtado de Mendoza’s family, in order to give prestige to the figure of don García Hurtado de Mendoza, 4th Marquis of Cañete, who as Governor of Chile (1557-1561 had achieved remarkable progress in pacifying the rebellious territory of Arauco, but whose merits were not recognized by Alonso de Ercilla in La Araucana. The article studies the image of don García in the context of the Arauco War, which generated a rich corpus of literary works in the Spanish Golden Age. Key words: Spanish Drama of the Golden Age, genealogical comedy, theatre and patronage, García Hurtado de Mendoza, Arauco war, Luis de Belmonte Bermúdez, collaborated comedy.

  10. 23 mai 2008 - Madame Micheline Calmy-Rey Conseillère fédérale, Cheffe du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE), Confédération suisse et Dr Annette Schavan, Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany visitent le CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    23 mai 2008 - Madame Micheline Calmy-Rey Conseillère fédérale, Cheffe du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE), Confédération suisse et Dr Annette Schavan, Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany visitent le CERN

  11. Las representaciones de Don Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán, VII Marqués del Carpio: retratos, alegorías y emblemas

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    López-Fanjul y Díez del Corral, María


    Full Text Available The author studies various portraits of Don Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán, 7th Marquis of Carpio, and analyses the strong links that they had with his interest in drawing, emblems, allegories, and the search for fame through books.Este artículo está dedicado a estudiar una serie de retratos de Don Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán, VII Marqués del Carpio, especialmente importantes por su relación con el dibujo, las alegorías, los emblemas y la búsqueda de la fama a través de los libros.

  12. Application of gamma radiation to the nodes detection in Pinus Radiata (D.Don) wood pieces; Aplicacion de la radiacion gamma en la deteccion de nudos en piezas de madera de Pino Radiata (D.Don)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales, J R; Dinator, Maria I [Chile Univ., Santiago (Chile). Dept. de Fisica; Karsulovic C, Jose T; Leon G, Adolfo [Chile Univ., Santiago (Chile). Dept. de Tecnologia de la Madera


    Attenuation of 59.5 KeV photons provided by an Am-241 source, has been used to detect knots in lumber pieces from Pinus Radiata (D.Don). It is shown that the linear attenuation coefficient is a sensitive parameter to detect singularities in the structure of this material. The scanning of the piece provides profiles which define the position and extension of the singularity. (author). 7 refs.

  13. Don José Joquín Casas : un hombre una época

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    Rafael Azula Barrera


    Full Text Available Debo a las generosas instancias del reverendo padre Félix Restrepo -cuyo tránsito terrenal, concluído al finalizar el año último, se halla constelado de hazañas que reclaman ser esculpidas, como alto relieves, en el propio pedestal de la estatua que la gratitud nacional habrá de levantar a su nombre el honor inmerecido de pronunciar las palabras de rigor, al conmemorar nuestro instituto, en este día del idioma, el primer centenario del nacimiento de don José Joaquín Casas.

  14. Risk Acceptance Personality Paradigm: How We View What We Don't Know We Don't Know (United States)

    Massie, Michael J.; Morris, A. Terry


    The purpose of integrated hazard analyses, probabilistic risk assessments, failure modes and effects analyses, fault trees and many other similar tools is to give managers of a program some idea of the risks associated with their program. All risk tools establish a set of undesired events and then try to evaluate the risk to the program by assessing the severity of the undesired event and the likelihood of that event occurring. Some tools provide qualitative results, some provide quantitative results and some do both. However, in the end the program manager and his/her team must decide which risks are acceptable and which are not. Even with a wide array of analysis tools available, risk acceptance is often a controversial and difficult decision making process. And yet, today's space exploration programs are moving toward more risk based design approaches. Thus, risk identification and good risk assessment is becoming even more vital to the engineering development process. This paper explores how known and unknown information influences risk-based decisions by looking at how the various parts of our personalities are affected by what they know and what they don't know. This paper then offers some criteria for consideration when making risk-based decisions.

  15. Inventario del Archivo del conde de Bornos

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    Pedro Antonio Porras Arboledas


    Full Text Available Mi primer contacto con esta Casa se remonta a algunos años atrás, cuando me Mamó la atención un documento muy interesante, publicado a comienzos del presente siglo por el ilustre erudito ubetense don Alfredo Cazaban, por el que los Reyes Católicos hacían merced a su secretario y jefe de la artillería real durante la Guerra contra Granada, Francisco Ramírez de Madrid, personaje madrileño de origen cántabro, de una heredad en término de Jaén —el cortijo de Bornos— por sus grandes esfuerzos en la conquista de las plazas, hasta el momento inexpugnables, de Cambil y Alhabar. Posteriormente, al realizar un estudio sobre el régimen señorial en el Reino de Jaén, intenté localizar los archivos de las diferentes casas nobiliarias asentadas en esta provincia, gracias a lo cual pude saber que la documentación del Condado de Bornos se hallaba en Madrid, bien en la Biblioteca Nacional o en el Archivo Histórico, ya que el actual Conde, el Excmo. Sr. Don Ignacio Ramírez de Haro, así me lo comunicó en marzo de 1983.

  16. Beat the Odds...Why Some Schools With Latino Children Beat the Odds and Others Don't (United States)

    Waits, Mary Jo; Campbell, Heather E.; Gau, Rebecca; Jacobs, Ellen; Rex, Tom; Hess, Robert K.


    Using the methodology of Jim Collins from his book "Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...and Other's Don't," the authors of this report, under the sponsorship of the Center for the Future of Arizona and the Morrison Institute, found 12 elementary and middle schools in Arizona--schools whose students are mostly Latino and…

  17. Application of gamma radiation to the nodes detection in Pinus Radiata (D.Don) wood pieces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morales, J.R.; Dinator, Maria I; Karsulovic C, Jose T.; Leon G, Adolfo


    Attenuation of 59.5 KeV photons provided by an Am-241 source, has been used to detect knots in lumber pieces from Pinus Radiata (D.Don). It is shown that the linear attenuation coefficient is a sensitive parameter to detect singularities in the structure of this material. The scanning of the piece provides profiles which define the position and extension of the singularity. (author)

  18. Cognitive predictors of copying and drawing from memory of the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure in 7- to 10-year-old children. (United States)

    Senese, Vincenzo Paolo; De Lucia, Natascia; Conson, Massimiliano


    Cognitive models of drawing are mainly based on assessment of copying performance of adults, whereas only a few studies have verified these models in young children. Moreover, developmental investigations have only rarely performed a systematic examination of the contribution of perceptual and representational visuo-spatial processes to copying and drawing from memory. In this study we investigated the role of visual perception and mental representation in both copying and drawing from memory skills in a sample of 227 typically developing children (53% females) aged 7-10 years. Participants underwent a neuropsychological assessment and the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF). The fit and invariance of the predictive model considering visuo-spatial abilities, working memory, and executive functions were tested by means of hierarchical regressions and path analysis. Results showed that, in a gender invariant way, visual perception abilities and spatial mental representation had a direct effect on copying performance, whereas copying performance was the only specific predictor for drawing from memory. These effects were independent from age and socioeconomic status, and showed that cognitive models of drawing built up for adults could be considered for predicting copying and drawing from memory in children.

  19. Estrategias metodológicas para la interpretación y el análisis de la obra literaria El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha

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    Marlene Aguirre-Chaves


    • To propose a didactic unit to develop the multiple intelligencies in the literary study of the literary work of El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha. After analyzing the data, a series of methodological strategies to interpret and analyse the novel El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, wich contributes to improve the teaching and learning process in the Spanish subject, in particular, to change the negative perception that the students have about reading the masterpiece of Miguel de Cervantes.

  20. Peut-on penser le travail par le don ? Présentation du débat Conceptualising work as a gift. Debate presentation ¿Es posible pensar el trabajo a través del don ?

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    Lionel Jacquot


    Full Text Available Depuis la parution du traité de Georges Friedmann et Pierre Naville il y a cinquante ans, la sociologie du travail a toujours cherché à comprendre, sous leurs divers aspects, toutes les communautés humaines qui se constituent à l’occasion du travail. Elle s’y est attachée en introduisant dans son champ une très riche variété de paradigmes et en acceptant par là même les conflits théoriques. C’est dans cet esprit d’ouverture et de débat que le premier dossier Chorus de la Nouvelle Revue du Travail est consacré à la mise en œuvre du paradigme du don en matière de sociologie du travail. Alain Caillé, le principal animateur du Mouvement Anti-Utilitariste en Sciences Sociales (MAUSS et Norbert Alter, le contributeur essentiel d’inspiration maussienne pour la sociologie du travail et des organisations, reviennent dans deux textes inédits sur les vertus heuristiques de la théorie du don contre-don pour appréhender le monde du travail et ses mutations. La NRT ouvre ensuite le débat avec ces deux auteurs.Since Georges Friedmann and Pierre Naville’s seminal treatise was first published 50 years ago, the sociology of work has always tried to understand the full range of human communities that arise when work occurs, under all of their different aspects. It has tried to achieve this by introducing a very wide variety of paradigms into the field and by addressing any ancillary theoretical conflicts. It is in this spirit of openness and debate that the first Chorus file in the Nouvelle Revue du Travail (NRT looks at how the gift paradigm has been implemented in the sociology of work. Alain Caillé, one of the main drivers behind the “Anti-Utilitarian Social Sciences Movement” (Mouvement anti-utilitariste en sciences sociales, MAUSS – along with Norbert Alter, a leading Maussian figurehead in the sociology of work and organisations – use two original texts to review the heuristic virtues of the gift/counter-gift theory

  1. JPRS Report, West Europe (United States)


    with Jaime Gama by Mario Joao Avillez; time and date not given] [Text] Those who may have waited for Jaime Gama, after 8 months of a discreet...the Parliamentary Group has been highly stimulating and;he is Undeniably an outstanding personality m the new generation. EXPRESSO: And Joao Soares...c’e speranza" [As Long As There’s War There’s Hope], even though Alberto Sordi, before directing that film, spent hours with me trying to pry into

  2. Mission Analysis for the Don Quijote Phase-A Study (United States)

    Cano, Juan L.; Sanchez, Mariano; Cornara, Stefania; Carnelli, Ian


    The Don Quijote Phase-A study is a definition study funded by ESA and devoted to the analysis of the possibilities to deflect a Near Earth Object (NEO) in the range of 300-800 m diameter. DEIMOS Space S.L. and EADS Astrium have teamed up within this study to form one of the three consortia that have analyzed these aspects for ESA. Target asteroids for the mission are 1989 ML, 2002 AT4 and Apophis. This paper presents the mission analysis activities within the consortium providing: low-thrust interplanetary rendezvous Orbiter trajectories to the target asteroids, ballistic interplanetary trajectories for the Impactor, Orbiter arrival description at the asteroids, Orbiter stable orbits characterization at the asteroid, deflection determination by means of a Radio Science Experiment (RSE) as well as the mission timelines and overall mission scenarios.

  3. Studies on phytosterol content of Parkia roxburgii G. Don.

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    Full Text Available Kedawung (Parkia roxburgii G. Don. is one of plants that originally could be found in almost all parts of Java Island. Due to lack of attention, at present situation this plant could be categorized as an endangered species. This plant species distributed widely in Africa. In several African countries, this plant has an important position either as food resource or alternative medicine. In Indonesia, traditionally kedawung tree often use as medicine, especially as part of “jamu gendong” formulation. This work was focused on the study of phytosterol content and it distribution. The research result show that almost all parts of kedawung tree have a significant content of phytosterol, which is dominated by beta-sitosterol. The highest beta-sitosterol content was founded in the stem of leaf (35.24% (w/w and pod (29.67% (w/w.

  4. Colonel Don Benito Machado. A National Guards commandant on the southern frontier of Buenos Aires [1852-1880] El coronel Don Benito Machado. Un comandante de Guardias Nacionales en la frontera sur bonaerense [1852-1880

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    Leonardo Canciani


    Full Text Available In this work, we will analyze the National Guard regiments and the role played by their commandants during the process of national organization on the southern frontier of Buenos Aires, from the case study of coronel don José Benito Machado. First of all, our objective will be describe the specific characteristics that adopted the National Guards in the societies of the southern frontier of the province of Buenos Aires. And then, to analyze the mechanisms developed by Benito Machado to build the power bases in the region that enabled the consolidation of its leadershipEn el presente trabajo, analizamos los regimientos de Guardias Nacionales y las funciones que desempeñaron sus comandantes durante el proceso de organización nacional en la frontera sur bonaerense, desde el estudio de caso del coronel don José Benito Machado. En primer lugar, repasamos las características específicas que adoptaron las Guardias Nacionales en las sociedades de la frontera sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires; mientras que, en segundo lugar, analizamos los diversos mecanismos desarrollados por Benito Machado para construir las bases de poder en la región que posibilitaron el afianzamiento de su liderazgo

  5. What Catholic Educators Can Learn from the Radical Christianity and Critical Pedagogy of Don Lorenzo Milani (United States)

    Grech, Michael; Mayo, Peter


    This paper explores some of the ideas expressed in or associated with the work of Don Lorenzo Milani and the School of Barbiana and discusses them in the light of the teachings of the gospels. It draws out the implications of these ideas for a critical education in the Christian spirit. The focus throughout is on Christian education for social…

  6. CrRNA-Protospacer Recognition during CRISPR- Directed DNA Interference Sulfolobus islandicus REY 15A and Structural Studies of CRISPR Binding Proteins (CBP) of Crenarchaeon Sulfolobus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mousaei, Marzieh

    The CRISPR-Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats and associated proteins) is one of the important known immune mechanisms in archaea and bacteria. This adaptive immune system degrades invading genetic elements and protects the cell. Amongst 3 main types I, II and III...... of CRISPR system, two types (I and III) are found in archaea. However, in Sulfolobus species, subtypes IA, I-D, and III-B, III-D and rarely III-A are found. The model organism used for interference and structural studies is S. islandicus REY15A which carries subtypes I-A and III-B (α and β). Besides CRISPR...... ribonucleoprotein complex which is involved directly in defense, there are some less- known parts of the system including CPBs (CRISPR repeat-binding proteins) which are suggested to play a role in transcription. In the first part of my thesis, I provide a brief introduction to archaea and viruses that infect...

  7. Naturally occurrence of Sr and Ca in the stem of a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) using PIXE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katayama, Y.; Aoki, T.; Ko, S.; Yoshida, K.


    Distribution profiles of Sr and Ca occurring naturally in the stem of a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) were determined using PIXE. The average concentration of Sr was around 7.5 ppm and the average Ca concentration was about 540 ppm. (author)

  8. Protien expression profiling of mouse thymoma upon exposure to the tricothecene deoxynivalenol (DON) Implications for its mechanism of action

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Osman, A.M.; Pennings, J.L.A.; Blokland, M.H.; Peijnenburg, A.A.C.M.; Loveren, van H.


    The objective of this work was to investigate whether proteomic analysis of thymoma cells treated with the trichothecene deoxynivalenol (DON) as compared to non-treated (control) cells would reveal differential protein expression, and thus would contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms

  9. 77 FR 23673 - Notice of Stakeholder Meeting: Industry Roundtable-DON/USDA/DOE/DOT-FAA Advanced Drop-In Biofuels... (United States)


    ...--DON/USDA/DOE/ DOT-FAA Advanced Drop-In Biofuels Initiative AGENCY: Department of the Navy, DoD. ACTION... participants in the biofuels supply chain. The purpose of the roundtable meeting is for the federal government... Biofuels Production Project. Questions related to the Special Notices or the pending Broad Agency...

  10. Uudised : Don Juan jõuab Estonia lavale. VII Rudolf Tobiase päevad Hiiumaal. Esineb Laine Leichteri koolkond / Liina Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Liina


    3.juunil Estonias esietenduvast Mozarti ooperist "Don Giovanni". 28.-29.05 toimuvatest VII R. Tobiase päevadest, mis on pühendatud helilooja 126. sünniaastapäevale. 3.06 Mustpeade Majas toimuvast L. Leichteri juubelikontserdist

  11. The invisible teenager: Comic book materiality and the amateur films of Don Glut

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    Matt Yockey


    Full Text Available Don Glut, between the ages of 9 and 25, made 41 short amateur films inspired by horror, science fiction, and superhero movies, serials, and comic books. The tactile qualities of comic books as affect-generating objects are instrumental to how Glut confirmed his identity during a time (adolescence in which that identity is particularly unstable. Glut used the popular figure of the teen rebel and his role as a filmmaker in order to negotiate with hegemonic restrictions on his objects of affection, especially comic books.

  12. Transient identification system with noising data and 'don't know' response; Sistema de identificacao de transientes com inclusao de ruidos e indicacao de eventos desconhecidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mol, Antonio C. de A. [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Div. de Confiabilidade Humana; Martinez, Aquilino S.; Schirru, Roberto [Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-graduacao de Engenharia. Programa de Engenharia Nuclear


    In the last years, many different approaches based on neural network (NN) has been proposed for transient identification in nuclear power plants (NPP). Some of them focus the dynamic identification using recurrent neural networks however, they are not able to deal with unrecognized transients. Other kind of solution uses competitive learning in order to allow the 'don't know' response. In this case dynamic, dynamic features are not well represented. This work presents a new approach for neural network based transient identification which allows either dynamic identification and 'don't know'response. Such approach uses two multilayer neural networks trained with backpropagation algorithm. The first one is responsible for the dynamic identification. This NN uses, a short set (in a movable time window) of recent measurements of each variable avoiding the necessity of using starting events. The other one is used to validate the instantaneous identification (from the first net) through the validation of each variable. This net is responsible for allowing the system to provide 'don't know' response. In order to validate the method a NPP transient identification problem comprising 15 postulated accidents, simulated for a pressurized water reactor, was proposed in the validation process it has been considered noising data in other to evaluate the method robustness. Obtained results reveal the ability of the method in dealing with both dynamic identification of transients and correct 'don't know' response. In order to validate the method, a NPP transient identification problem comprising 15 postulated accidents simulated for a pressurized water reactor, was proposed in the validation process it has been considered noising data in order to evaluate the method robustness. Obtained results reveal the ability of the method in dealing with both dynamic identification of transients and correct 'don't know

  13. Métrica y Arquitectura del Hospital de los Reyes Católicos en Santiago de Compostela

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    Grande Nieto, Víctor


    Full Text Available The Catholic Kings protected several hospitals in different cities of the peninsula but promoted two directly: one in Santiago and one more in Granada, that present in its idea matrix the architectural corpus of the container well defined and isolated in that are included multitude of functions and of assistances. They are not simply hospitals, his representative function like Real building for public interest is so much important that the sanitary, it is not casual that are built in two cities in the that the Kings needed to have more presence. The grain attainment of the Crown was not so it awards his factories a decoration determined, else that they inserted in the space urban like symbolic monument of the new image of power. The analyses drawing corresponding show us a well tied building, in the that checks that Egas based in the true measures, the principle of the small whole numbers and the scale system, to apply the Arts Quadrivium to the Real Hospital and like this dignify, and the architectural discipline achieve the status of Greater Art.Aunque los Reyes Católicos protegieron varios hospitales en diferentes ciudades de la península, promovieron dos directamente: el de Santiago y el de Granada, que presentan en su idea matriz el corpus arquitectónico del contenedor bien definido y aislado en el que caben multitud de funciones y de asistencias. No son por lo tanto simplemente hospitales, su función representativa como edificio Real para interés público es tanto o más importante que la sanitaria, ya que no es casual que estén construidos en dos ciudades en las que los Reyes justamente necesitaban tener más presencia. El gran logro de la Corona no fue tanto el otorgar a sus fábricas una decoración determinada, sino el insertarlas en el espacio urbano como monumento simbólico de la nueva imagen de poder. Los análisis planimétricos correspondientes nos muestran un edificio bien trabado, en el cual se comprueba que Egas se bas

  14. Information Technology Portfolio Management and the Real Options Method (ROM): Managing the Risks of IT Investments in the Department of the Navy (DON)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Davis, Jeffery


    .... This research draws upon ITPM implementation strategies currently employed by the DON and provides recommendations for managing the inherent risk in IT investments, specifically the application...

  15. Caracterización de la conducta suicida en el Policlínico "René Ávila Reyes". Holguín 2007-2008

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    Eisy Mercedes Infantes Pérez


    Full Text Available Aborda un estudio descriptivo, de series de casos sobre el comportamiento de la conducta suicida en el Policlínico ¿René Ávila Reyes¿, Holguín .2007-2008. La muestra estuvo integrada por 52 pacientes con conducta suicida. Para la obtención de información se revisaron Historias Clínicas y discusiones de casos. En el intento suicida hubo un mayor predominio en los adolescentes, las mujeres y amas de casa. Las edades de 31 a 40 años, del sexo masculino y desocupados, se señalaron con mayor comportamiento en el suicidio. Los métodos más empleados para realizar el intento correspondieron a la ingestión de tabletas y el ahorcamiento para al suicidio. Los antecedentes patológicos familiares y personales de conducta suicida se señalaron como factor importante y el problema principal que desencadenó la conducta correspondió a la depresión marcada. Se recomendó el diseño de una estrategia de intervención comunitaria para lograr un impacto en el área de salud.

  16. Hedyotis pinifolia Wall. ex G. Don (Rubiaceae, a New Record to the Flora of Taiwan

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    Shih-Huei Chen


    Full Text Available Hedyotis pinifolia Wall. ex G. Don, a species of Rubiaceae, was found recently in Taiwan. It represents a new record for the flora of Taiwan, and a range extension of the species to the northeast. The present study provides the species description, illustrations, and SEM micrographs of seeds and pollen grains. Furthermore, a comparison of diagnostic characters between this species and a related species, H. tenelliflora Bl. is made.

  17. A propósito de don Andrés Bello

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    Carlos Restrepo Canal


    Full Text Available Al meditar en estos días sobre el insigne personaje de quien se conmemora el centenario de su fallecimiento -esto es de don Andrés Bello- al analizar su personalidad, estudiada y elogiada por tan autorizados y eruditos escritor es colombianos y extranjeros, al abrir de nuevo los muchos libros que contien en el variado conjunto de sus obras, se llega al convencimiento de que fue Bello como uno de aquellos grandes y brillantes varones del Renacimiento cuyas amplias facultades les hacían aptos para llegar al conocimiento de múltiples y variadas ramas del saber humano y para profundizar en ellas hasta llegar a constituirse en maestros y guías de las generaciones de su tiempo y de las que les sucedieron.

  18. Don Quijote en Brasil: de la mitología a las historietas

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    Kenia Almeida Pereira


    Full Text Available Este artículo es una pequeña reflexión sobre el libro El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes, publicada en 1605. Esta obra ha sido considerada como una de las mejores novelas de todos los tiempos. En ella podemos transitar de lo popular a lo erudito. Esta narrativa está llena de antítesis y metáforas barrocas que contienen desde los refranes populares hasta la erudición de los mitos griegos, así como de la locura y jocosidad de Don Quijote y también de la mediocridad y lucidez de Sancho Panza.

  19. El don del agua, una obligacion moral y un interes de reconocimiento

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    Ana Patricia Quintana Ramírez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una discusión teórica en torno al análisis de la naturaleza y el interés de la economía del obsequio, así como el significado que tiene la práctica de donar agua en la sociedad.   Mediante el contraste argumentos y la referenciación de algunos casos empíricos, se concluye que el don del agua es una obligación moral en la esfera interpersonal, con un interés de acceso al reconocimiento social entre grupos humanos marginados del acceso al recurso. 

  20. The Emperor Has No Clothes: Teaching about Race and Racism to People Who Don't Want to Know (United States)

    Okun, Tema Jon


    "The Emperor Has No Clothes: Teaching About Race and Racism to People Who Don't Want to Know" is designed to offer both practical and theoretical grounding for leaders and teachers interested in effectively addressing racism as well as other oppressive constructs. The dissertation offers an overview of the role of western culture in maintaining…

  1. Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test scores can be predicted from whole brain MRI in Alzheimer's disease

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    Elaheh Moradi


    Full Text Available Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT is a powerful neuropsychological tool for testing episodic memory, which is widely used for the cognitive assessment in dementia and pre-dementia conditions. Several studies have shown that an impairment in RAVLT scores reflect well the underlying pathology caused by Alzheimer's disease (AD, thus making RAVLT an effective early marker to detect AD in persons with memory complaints. We investigated the association between RAVLT scores (RAVLT Immediate and RAVLT Percent Forgetting and the structural brain atrophy caused by AD. The aim was to comprehensively study to what extent the RAVLT scores are predictable based on structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI data using machine learning approaches as well as to find the most important brain regions for the estimation of RAVLT scores. For this, we built a predictive model to estimate RAVLT scores from gray matter density via elastic net penalized linear regression model. The proposed approach provided highly significant cross-validated correlation between the estimated and observed RAVLT Immediate (R = 0.50 and RAVLT Percent Forgetting (R = 0.43 in a dataset consisting of 806 AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI or healthy subjects. In addition, the selected machine learning method provided more accurate estimates of RAVLT scores than the relevance vector regression used earlier for the estimation of RAVLT based on MRI data. The top predictors were medial temporal lobe structures and amygdala for the estimation of RAVLT Immediate and angular gyrus, hippocampus and amygdala for the estimation of RAVLT Percent Forgetting. Further, the conversion of MCI subjects to AD in 3-years could be predicted based on either observed or estimated RAVLT scores with an accuracy comparable to MRI-based biomarkers.

  2. Tsunami survivors' perspectives on vulnerability and vulnerability reduction: evidence from Koh Phi Phi Don and Khao Lak, Thailand. (United States)

    Steckley, Marylynn; Doberstein, Brent


    This paper presents the results of primary research with 40 survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in two communities: Khao Lak (n=20) and Koh Phi Phi Don (n=20), Thailand. It traces tsunami survivors' perceptions of vulnerability, determines whether residents felt that the tsunami affected different communities differently, identifies the populations and sub-community groups that survivors distinguished as being more vulnerable than others, highlights community-generated ideas about vulnerability reduction, and pinpoints a range of additional vulnerability reduction actions. Tsunami survivors most consistently identified the 'most vulnerable' community sub-populations as women, children, the elderly, foreigners, and the poor. In Khao Lak, however, respondents added 'Burmese migrants' to this list, whereas in Koh Phi Phi Don, they added 'Thai Muslims'. Results suggest that the two case study communities, both small, coastal, tourism-dominated communities no more than 100 kilometres apart, have differing vulnerable sub-groups and environmental vulnerabilities, requiring different post-disaster vulnerability reduction efforts. © 2011 The Author(s). Disasters © Overseas Development Institute, 2011.

  3. Authority as paradox: the transformations of Don Quijote. (United States)

    Priel, Beatriz


    The author's contention is that the analysand's temporary attribution of authority to the analyst is inherent in the analytic situation; this is seen as a transitional and paradoxical form of authority pertaining neither to internal nor external reality, but dwelling in the analytic third. The author proposes a conceptualization of psychoanalytic authority as a form of aesthetic authority according to Gadamer's definitions. While the scientific and hermeneutic codes for the understanding of authority in psychoanalysis assume that the main issue at stake is the delimitation of the objectivity or the subjectivity of the analyst's knowledge, this aesthetic perspective centres on the analysand's attribution of a claim of truth to analytic interpretations, and on the experience of recognition. The experience of recognition of a possible truth is particular and context-bound, as well as self-transformational. A reading of three episodes from Cervantes's The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha illuminates the transitional and paradoxical character of aesthetic authority within a transformational dialogue. These episodes are read as dramatizations of different positions vis-à-vis the paradoxical authority that characterizes transformational dialogues.

  4. Iconographic analysis of the covers of school editions of Don Quijote between the Second Republic and Francoism

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    Luis Rodrigo Martín


    Full Text Available Don Quixote is the most recognized work of Spanish and universal literature, and teaching adaptations in schools are very important for children to understand their reading. Compulsory reading of the work during the period between the Second Republic and the Franco regime caused many school adaptations to suit their classroom teaching. This study focused on the graphic elements of the work from a communicative and iconographic perspective, allows through content analysis of a cataloged and representative sample of the covers of school adaptations, verify that the hard political interventionism that suffered the work according antagonistic dominant ideologies did not influence their design, because these spaces were not ideologically charged, despite being the first element of commercial persuasion of the book and its role motivate reading. Analytical data along with historical explain the existence of a commercial image of Quixote free of ideological connotations (on the cover, from his iconographic path, which we have not found significant differences from the two dominant ideologies. However, the politicization of the work contributed to Don Quixote became the national hero of children and adults and a universal benchmark of behavior full of great ethical and moral values.

  5. Don Miguel Samper: la ética y el espíritu de empresa en el siglo XIX

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    Luis Ernesto Romero Ortíz


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El presente artículo relaciona el concepto de ética y moral con la actividad empresarial a través del análisis que se hace del pensamiento de Don Miguel Samper Agudelo, empresario exitoso y uno de los mayores ideólogos liberales de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Con una visión weberiana sobre el comportamiento empresarial, se busca destacar el papel que los valores tienen sobre la iniciativa empresarial tomado como base el conocido ensayo “La miseria en Bogotá”, escrito por don Miguel Samper, en el cual de manera implícita y explícita  las más de las veces, el autor deja expuesta su visión acerca de la moral como determinante en el desarrollo económico de una sociedad. Se indican los aspectos formadores de la ética empresarial que según Miguel Samper aportó la cultura eclesiástica, las instituciones educativas  y la cultura política imperante  en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX en  Colombia.

  6. Un apéndice ornamental a Reyes en el ms. M1 de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    de Azcárraga, M. J.


    Full Text Available The analysis of the ornamental masorah of folio 158a of Manuscript M1 allows the author to correct and improve the description made by Ch. D. Ginsburg in his introduction to the Bible. The author indeed agrees on the identification of the text as a masoretic appendix to the books of Kings. However, the beginning and the contents of the manuscript must be revised. Ginsburg describes only one of the four lists of the appendix, namely the one dealing with the differences between Eastern and Western recensions; the other three lists are the following: sedarim, peseqim, and words vocalized with patah, which are exceptional because they are pausal forms.

    El estudio detallado de la masora ornamental del folio 158a del manuscrito M1 me ha permitido corregir y puntualizar la descripción que hace de este folio Ch. D. Ginsburg en la Introducción a su Biblia. Por una parte, estamos de acuerdo en que se trata de un apéndice masorético a los libros de Reyes, pero no lo estamos en lo que se refiere al sitio donde comienza, ni al contenido total del mismo. Ginsburg sólo describe una lista de las cuatro que contiene, la de las diferencias entre los textos orientales y occidentales; las otras tres son: sedarîm, paseqîm y palabras vocalizadas con patah, que constituyen una excepción por estar en pausa.

  7. Notas para una biografía del predicador real Jerónimo de Florencia (1565-1633

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    Garau, Jaume


    Full Text Available The article summarizes my research on the royal preacher Jerónimo de Florencia, who, along with Paravicino, was the most renowned preacher during the reign of Philip III and part of that of Philip IV. This study provides information on his work, comprised fundamentally of his important funereal prayers, and the impact that it had on his epoch. The second part of the study analyzes his biography, influenced by his close ties to power, especially by his relationship with Philip III, whom he served as confident, and who has been attributed a very direct participation in crafting the clauses of the king’s last will and testament. Florencia’s privileged situation continued with the new king, Philip IV, as revealed by his being named confessor of the princes don Carlos and don Fernando, and by his inclusion as a member of the famous Reformation Council, among other honors.El artículo resume nuestras investigaciones sobre el predicador real Jerónimo de Florencia, el más destacado, juntamente con Paravicino, durante el reinado de Felipe III y parte del de Felipe IV. En él se da cuenta de su obra, constituida fundamentalmente por sus importantes oraciones fúnebres, y de la proyección que ésta tuvo en su época. La segunda parte del trabajo analiza su biografía determinada por su vinculación al poder, especialmente por su relación con Felipe III, de quien fue confidente y al que se atribuye una participación muy directa en la redacción de las mandas de su testamento. Con el nuevo rey Felipe IV, esta situación privilegiada se mantuvo como revela su nombramiento de confesor de los infantes don Carlos y don Fernando, y el formar parte de la famosa Junta de Reformación, entre otras.

  8. When Marcel Mauss's Essai sur le Don becomes The Gift: variations on the theme of solidarity. (United States)

    Bateman, Simone


    Since the early 1970s, Marcel Mauss's Essai sur le Don (1923), translated into English as The Gift in 1954, has been a standard reference in the social science and bioethical literature on the use of human body parts and substances for medical and research purposes. At that time, three social scientists-political scientist Richard Titmuss in the United Kingdom and sociologist Renée C. Fox working with historian Judith Swazey in the United States-had the idea of using this concept to highlight the fundamental structure of the biomedical practices they were studying, respectively, blood donation, and hemodialysis and organ transplantation. The fact that these first applications of Mauss's essay should emerge in English- rather than in French-speaking countries raises the question of what the translation of the essay, and notably of the word don as gift, may have to do with this fact. Reading Mauss in translation undoubtedly inspired a seminal approach to interpreting medical and research practices based on bodily giving. This article posits that something may have also been lost: a much broader concept of giving with unquestionable links to the Durkheimian concept of solidarity, which Mauss conceptualizes not only as an obligation but also as a liberty to give.

  9. An intimate understanding of place: Charles Sauriol and Toronto’s Don River Valley, 1927-1989. (United States)

    Bonnell, Jennifer


    Every summer from 1927 to 1968, Toronto conservationist Charles Sauriol and his family moved from their city home to a rustic cottage just a few kilometres away, within the urban wilderness of Toronto’s Don River Valley. In his years as a cottager, Sauriol saw the valley change from a picturesque setting of rural farms and woodlands to an increasingly threatened corridor of urban green space. His intimate familiarity with the valley led to a lifelong quest to protect it. This paper explores the history of conservation in the Don River Valley through Sauriol’s experiences. Changes in the approaches to protecting urban nature, I argue, are reflected in Sauriol’s personal experience – the strategies he employed, the language he used, and the losses he suffered as a result of urban planning policies. Over the course of Sauriol’s career as a conservationist, from the 1940s to the 1990s, the river increasingly became a symbol of urban health – specifically, the health of the relationship between urban residents and the natural environment upon which they depend. Drawing from a rich range of sources, including diary entries, published memoirs, and unpublished manuscripts and correspondence, this paper reflects upon the ways that biography can inform histories of place and better our understanding of individual responses to changing landscapes.

  10. Le roi et la parole dans quelques recueils d’exempla castillans des XIIIe et XIVe siècles

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    Olivier Biaggini


    Full Text Available Aquí se examina el hablar del rey tal como lo ponen en escena los relatos ejemplares de Calila e Dimna, Sendebar, Castigos de Sancho IV y El conde Lucanor de don Juan Manuel. Un recorrido previo por el discurso alfonsí (Espéculo y Segunda partida permite precisar los planteamientos de la cuestión mostrando que la palabra regia vale menos por su enunciado que por su enunciación, sometida a unas reglas estrictas. Ahora bien, regular la palabra sirve para definir las condiciones de su poder. De modo muy diverso, las colecciones de exempla representan el hablar del rey en situaciones que subrayan su prestigio o que indican a la inversa la necesidad de controlar sus efectos nefastos. En todo caso, contribuye directamente a la construcción de modelos políticos que, si bien se aplican ante todo a la realeza (Calila, Sendebar, Castigos, pueden en cierta medida ajustarse también a la nobleza (Conde Lucanor.On examine ici la parole du roi telle que la mettent en scène les récits exemplaires du Calila e Dimna, du Sendebar, des Castigos de Sanche IV et du Conde Lucanor de Don Juan Manuel. Un détour par le discours juridique alphonsin (Espéculo et Segunda partida permet de préciser les enjeux de cette question en montrant que la parole royale vaut moins par son énoncé que par son énonciation, soumise à des contraintes strictes. Or, réguler la parole sert à définir les conditions de son pouvoir. De façon très variée, les recueils d’exempla représentent la parole du roi dans des situations qui soulignent son prestige ou, inversement, pointent la nécessité d’en contrôler les effets néfastes. Dans tous les cas, elle contribue directement à la construction de modèles politiques qui, s’ils s’appliquent avant tout à la royauté (Calila, Sendebar, Castigos, sont aussi en partie transposables à la noblesse (Conde Lucanor.

  11. Measurement of injected Sr in the stem of a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) using PIXE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katayama, Y.; Aoki, T.; Ko, S.; Yoshida, K.


    Distribution profiles of Sr injected into the stem of a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) were determined using PIXE. The Sr injected into the middle of the sapwood of the cedar stem moved upwards easily along the grain. The Sr in the stem moved in a radial direction in the sapwood section (assumed to be through the ray) and there was almost no tangential movement. (author)

  12. Helping Teams Succeed: An Essay Review of "Groups That Work (and Those That Don't): Creating Conditions for Effective Teamwork." (United States)

    Kain, Daniel L.


    Teams are incompatible with the scientific management philosophy underlying traditional curricular and organizational theory. This article examines J. R. Hackman's book "Groups That Work (and Those That Don't): Creating Conditions for Effective Teamwork" (1990), as it illuminates the experience of teaching on a middle school…

  13. Los Reyes Católicos y la insaculación en Castila

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    Regina POLO MARTIN


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Partiendo de la reconocida importancia que el sistema insaculatorio tuvo en la Corona de Aragón como mecanismo para elegir los oficios concejiles, en este artículo se analiza su difusión en Castilla durante el reinado de los Reyes Católicos, tanto desde un punto de vista geográfico, especificando las dos principales zonas en las que se extendió, como cronológico, citando las sucesivas fechas de implantación. Posteriormente, se realiza una caracterización de la insaculación castellana, distinguiendo, por una parte, los principales aspectos del procedimiento insaculatorio -modelos de elección de los electores, necesidad de confirmación regia de los elegidos, duración, día y lugar de la elección, prestación de juramento, plazo que debe transcurrir para ejercer de nuevo oficios concejiles, provisión de vacantes y aceptación de los oficios-, y por otra, los distintos cargos municipales que se eligen conforme a este procedimiento, con especial referencia a los diputados. Las consideraciones finales acerca de la insaculación, relativas a las causas y motivos; objetivos y fines; reacción de las ciudades; y el mayor o menor intervencionismo regio, que se manifiesta en la manera de instaurarse y en la necesidad o no de confirmación regia, nos permiten conocer y comprender mejor qué supuso este mecanismo en la Castilla de fines del siglo XV.ABSTRACT: This article deals with the system called insaculación, the method used in the Crown of Aragón to assign the council's occupations, and analyses its spread throughout Castile in the reign of the Catholic Monarchs. It combines a geographical analysis of the two main areas in which it spread, and a chronological analysis, which includes the dates of implementation of the system. A description of the system of insaculación shows the main aspects of the procedure (ways of electing voters; the need of royal ratification for those voters; day, place and duration of elections; oath

  14. Dealing with Don Juan’s Legacy: Rebellion and Inheritance in Lídia Jorge’s O vale da paixão

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    Sebastian Patron Saade


    Full Text Available This article analyzes how Lídia Jorge’s nameless woman narrator in O vale da paixão reconstructs through a story of resistance the legacy of her donjuanesque father/uncle. Dealing with the father’s legacy becomes a priority for a narrator who wishes both to affirm her feminine identity and appropriate her father’s memory. However, remembrance is not devoid of perils. To rescue her father’s life from slander, the narrator must find ways to reinterpret the myth of the rebellious, globetrotter womanizer he impersonates in the traditional patriarchal unit. Using Jacques Lacan writings on drives and Alenka Zupančič’s reading of Don Juan, I will show how Lídia Jorge’s narrative rewriting of the myth of Don Juan disrupts the patriarchal system of values from which it draws its strength.This article is published under a CC-BY license

  15. The experience of strengthening subsidence of the soil under the existing building in the city of Rostov-on-Don

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    Prokopov Albert


    Full Text Available Described problem for multi-storey residential development in the city of Rostov-on-Don on collapsible soils. The analysis of the technical and technological peculiarities of solidification under conditions of maintained buildings. Examples of projects of consolidation subsidence of foundation soils of buildings in operation 50–70 years.

  16. Muusikamaailm : Praemium Imperiale kätteandmine. Vanamuusika päevad Hernes. Uus ooper Don Quijotest. Soome muusikud Münchenis / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Jaapani kunstide auhinna "Praemium Imperiale" laureaatidest. Lääne-Saksa Raadio festivalist "Herne", tänavu pealkirja all "Spiel auf, Europa!". C. Halffteri uudisooper "Don Quijote" tuleb maailmaesiettekandele Madridis 2000. a. veebruaris. Soome muusikute kontsertidest sügishooajal Baierimaal ja Münchenis

  17. On the Paleopathological Features of the Sarmatian Population of the Lower Volga and the Lower Don Regions in the 4th - 1st Centuries B.C.

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    Pererva Evgeniy Vladimirovich


    Full Text Available The paper is dedicated to the study of paleopathological features of the early Sarmatians. The bone remains which are the material to this research originate from tombs beneath burials mounds from the area of the Lower Volga and the Lower Don regions. The author applied the technique of analysis of bone remains that was introduce into scientific use by A.P. Buzhilova. As a result of the conducted research, the author found out that the early Sarmatians are most likely to have come from the Lower Volga and the Don regions being migrating population which was not uniform in its composition. Some of the Sarmatians, men, in the first place, were overweight and suffered from obesity. The early Sarmatian population in the Lower Volga region and the Don region experienced the periods of prolonged starvation that resulted in chronic diseases which were exacerbated during winters or in dry years. At the same time, the Sarmatians rarely suffered from specific infectious diseases due to the low density of population. War was an integral part of the Sarmatian that was often reflected on skull bones and post-cranial skeleton as war wounds and traumas due to ritual ceremonies.

  18. Curso básico de didáctica de las ciencias enseñanza secundaria profesorado de ciencias en formación y en activo

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    Adriana Patricia Gallego Torres


    Full Text Available Este escrito presenta una reseña del libro escrito por los investigadores: Jaime Carrascosa Alís, Josep Lluís Domenech, Joaquín Martínez Torregrosa, Luis Osuna García y Rafaela Verdú Carbonell y con ISBN: 978-84-616-9964-3. Basic course teaching science secondary education science teachers in training and active This paper presents a book review written by researchers: Jaime Carrascosa Alis, Josep Lluis Domenech, Joaquín Martínez Torregrosa, Luis Osuna García and Verdú Carbonell and Rafaela ISBN: 978-84-616-9964-3 Básico ciências curso de ensino ensino secundário professores de ciências em formação e active Este trabalho apresenta uma resenha do livro escrito por pesquisadores: Jaime Carrascosa Alis, Josep Lluis Domenech, Joaquín Martínez Torregrosa, Luis Osuna García e Verdú Carbonell e Rafaela ISBN: 978-84-616-9964-3

  19. Adult and child use of love, like, don't like and hate during family mealtimes. Subjective category assessments as food preference talk. (United States)

    Wiggins, Sally


    Food preference is now a ubiquitous concept in eating research, and closely associated with actual consumption, particularly in relation to children's food preferences. Research in this area is beginning to reveal the effects of parent-child interaction on eating practices though relatively little attention has been paid to the discursive and lexical processes involved. Food preferences are typically associated with the terms 'likes' and 'dislikes' in food preference research. By contrast, adults and children typically use the terms 'love', 'like', 'don't like' and 'hate' to construct and manage food preferences in everyday meal conversations. A corpus of 270 video- and audio-recorded English and Scottish family mealtimes, involving children aged 1-17 years, was searched and analysed for any and all occurrences of subjective category assessments (SCAs; e.g., 'I like X'), featuring the terms 'love', 'like', 'don't like' and 'hate'. Discursive psychology was used to analyse the transcripts and recordings, and illustrated the disparity between adult and child use of SCAs and food preference talk. Within the data set, parents typically made claims about what their children like, and in doing so claimed epistemic primacy over their children's food preferences. Children, by contrast, typically made claims about their own 'don't likes' and likes, and these were frequently countered by their parents or treated as inappropriate claims. Implications for how parents and researchers might reorient to the food preferences lexicon are discussed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Sinopsis sobre el Genero Masdevallia en Colombia

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    Fernández Pérez Álvaro


    Full Text Available El género Masdevallia fue establecido en el año de 1794 por los botánicos españoles Hipólito Ruíz y José Pavón en homenaje al médico, también español, don José Masdeval. La expedición de Ruíz y Pabón, establecida por el Rey de España Carlos III, salió del puerto de Cádiz en noviembre de 1777 y regresó en septiembre de 1788. Las exploraciones cubrieron gran parte de los territorios del Perú, Chile y algunas áreas del Ecuador y Bolivia. La especie tipo del género es Masdevallia uniflora que los mencionados expedicionarios encontraron por primera vez en los Andes del Perú, pero también crece en el Ecuador.

  1. Roda (1921-2003 de Valencia (España a Bogotá (Colombia

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    Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda


    Full Text Available Nieto de un médico del rey de España y de una dama de honor de la reina, Juan Antonio Roda, nacido en 1921, fue educado como republicano. Era el quinto entre siete hermanos. Su lengua era el español, pero a partir de los nueve años de edad vive en Barcelona y aprende catalán. Lector voraz, con esta segunda lengua escribe una novela titulada Ni la paz ni el reposo. Primer dilema: literatura o pintura, debido a su innegable don para el dibujo. Tras la muerte de su padre, y su precoz orfandad, deberá trabajar en algún acomodo burocrático , en el Ministerio de Obras Públicas, aliviado, de vez en cuando, por un retrato de encargo. Una constante que mantuvo a todo lo largo de su trayectoria con acierto y penetración psicológica.

  2. Influencia de la poda en el desarrollo de masas de Pinus radiata D. Don y Pinus pinaster Aiton en Asturias


    Hevia Cabal, Andrea


    Esta tesis evaluó la influencia de diferentes intensidades de poda sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y persistencia de masas regulares jóvenes de Pinus radiata D. Don y Pinus pinaster Aiton en Asturias, dentro de una selvicultura sostenible enfocada a la producción de madera de calidad.

  3. Size, Albedo, and Taxonomy of the Don Quijote Space Mission Target (United States)

    Harris, Alan; Mueller, Michael; Fitzsimmons, Alan


    Rendezvous and lander missions are a very effective but very expensive way of investigating Solar-System bodies. The planning, optimization and success of space missions depends crucially on prior remotely-sensed knowledge of target bodies. Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), which are mainly fragments of main-belt asteroids, are seen as important goals for investigation by space missions, mainly due to the role their forebears played in planet formation and the evolution of the Solar System, but also for the pragmatic reason that these objects can collide with the Earth with potentially devastating consequences. The European Space Agency is currently planning the Don Quijote mission to a NEA, which includes a rendezvous (and perhaps a lander) spacecraft and an impactor vehicle. The aim is to study the physical properties of the target asteroid and the effects of the impact on its dynamical state, as a first step in considering realistic mitigation measures against an eventual hazardous NEA. Two potential targets have been selected for the mission, the preferred one being (10302) 1989 ML, which is energetically easier to reach and is possibly a scientifically interesting primitive asteroid. However, due to the ambiguity of available spectral data, it is currently not possible to confidently determine the taxonomic type and mineralogy of this object. Crucially, the albedo is uncertain by a factor of 10, which leads to large uncertainties in the size and mass and hence the planned near-surface operations of Don Quijote. Thermal-infrared observations are urgently required for accurate size and albedo determination. These observations, which can only be carried out by Spitzer and would require only a modest amount of observing time, would enable an accurate diameter to be derived for the first time and the resulting albedo would remove the taxonomic ambiguity. The proposed Spitzer observations are critical for effective mission planning and would greatly increase our

  4. «Red Ritualism» in the Territory of Don Oblast in 1923-1924

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    Tabunshchikova Liudmila


    Full Text Available The birth, development and extinction peculiarities of the “Red Ritualism” (new traditions and rituals of Soviet Russia in the territory of Don Oblast in 1923–1924 are considered in this article on the basis of the regional periodicals of 1920. The Soviet Government was interested in new ritualism from the first revolution years till the beginning of 1930 and in the period of the Khrushchev Thaw (the end of the 1950 — the beginning of the 1960 . The article is devoted to the investigation of theses processes at the regional level in the first half-year of the 1920. The struggle with survives of time was on of the most evident areas of the anti-religious activity of the Goverment in the fi rst half-year of the 1920 th. After the company of church values confiscation the Government stroke an ideological blow at the way of life — they created “civil funeral”, “red marriage” and “octyabriny” (a name-day, the soviet ritual as an alternative of christening. In the Don region theses rituals appeared in 1923. “The red christening” was the most popular, “the civil funeral” was the least one. These processes were mostly spread in the cities and in a less degree in the villages. While in the whole country in 1925 the interest toward the “red ritualism” reached the peak, in the Donskaya oblast it was fading away. The author in this work uses the archive materials that were not published previously. The article will be useful for the specialists and other people interested in the given subject.

  5. Haplophyllum linifolium (L. G. Don fil: EAEn arriskuan dagoen landarearen kontserbazioa.

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    Asier Jáñez


    Full Text Available Haplophyllum linifolium (L. G. Don fil. Iberiar Penintsulako endemismoa da, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko flora mehatxatuaren zerrendan galtzeko arriskuan bezala katalogatzen dena. Ikerketa honen helburuak izan dira, batetik espezie honen hozidura protokoloak lortzea eta, bestetik, espezie horren hazien bideragarritasuna ikustea Tetrazolio Testaren bitartez. Horiek egitea ezinbestekoa zen espezie honen ex situ kontserbaziorako, baita landarearen hazkuntza egiteko ere etorkizunean in situ kontserbazio ekintzak egiteko, kasurako populazio indarketak. Alde batetik, lortutako hazien bideragarritasuna %64koa izan zen. Bestalde, hozidura protokolo egokienak zehaztu ziren, emaitzen analisi estatistikoa eginez R softwarearen bitartez, erregresio binomial logistikoaren ereduan oinarrituz. Lortutako hozidurak %43 eta %45 bitartekoak izan ziren, estratifikazio hotza (4ºC, 60 egun egin ondoren, ikasitako lau baldintzetan: 15ºC, 20ºC, 20/10ºC eta 25ºC, 12/12 ordu argi/iluntasun fotoperiodoekin.

  6. Jasminum extensum Wall. ex G. Don (Oleaceace, a New Record to the Flora of Vietnam

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    Bui Hong Quang


    Full Text Available One rare, poorly known species from India, South China and Thailand - Jasminum extensum Wall. ex G. Don is recently discovered in Vietnam representing a new record to the flora of the country. The plant differs from its closely related species viz. Jasminum pierreanum in having coriaceous leaves and 5–6 primary veins in each side of the mid-rib. Detailed information on taxonomy, types, morphology, habitat, ecology, distribution and studied voucher specimens, as well as illustrations are provided here for species identification.

  7. Get Thee Away, Knight, Be Gone, Cavalier: English Translations of the Biscayan Squire Episode in "Don Quixote de la Mancha" (United States)

    Azevedo, Milton M.


    This article analyzes twelve English translations of the Biscayan squire's speech ("Don Quijote de la Mancha", Chapter Eight) published between 1612 and 2000. The solutions found fall into three categories, namely (a) using standard English and risking misrepresenting the style of the original and omitting relevant cultural connotations, (b) using…

  8. The Field Guide to ADHD: What They Don't Want You to Know. Psychiatry--Theory, Applications and Treatments (United States)

    Harding, Blake


    In "The Field Guide to ADHD: What They Don't Want You to Know," Harding confronts with unusual candor and painstaking effort one of the most alarming and perilous crises of our time: ADHD. In confronting this crisis, Harding forces us to reconsider the assumptions underlying ADHD and how we think about medical diagnoses, disability,…

  9. Magnetic properties of the germanides RE{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6} (RE=Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd-Dy)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eustermann, Fabian; Eilers-Rethwisch, Matthias; Renner, Konstantin; Hoffmann, Rolf-Dieter; Poettgen, Rainer [Muenster Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie; Janka, Oliver [Muenster Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie; Oldenburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Chemie


    The germanides RE{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6} (RE=Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd-Dy) have been synthesized by arc-melting of the elements followed by inductive annealing to improve the crystallinity and allow for structural order. The compounds have been studied by powder X-ray diffraction; additionally the structure of Y{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6} has been refined from single-crystal X-ray diffractometer data. It exhibits a (3+1)D modulated structure, indicating isotypism with Ce{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6}. The crystal structure can be described as an intergrowth between YIrGe{sub 2}- and CaBe{sub 2}Ge{sub 2}-type slabs along [100]. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements showed Pauli paramagnetism for Y{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6} and Curie-Weiss paramagnetism for Pr{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6} and Nd{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6}. Sm{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6} exhibits van Vleck paramagnetism, while antiferromagnetic ordering at T{sub N}=8.1(1) K and T{sub N}=11.0(1) K is observed for Gd{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6} and Tb{sub 3}Pt{sub 4}Ge{sub 6}, respectively.

  10. Visual-Constructional Ability in Individuals with Severe Obesity: Rey Complex Figure Test Accuracy and the Q-Score

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    Hanna L. Sargénius


    Full Text Available The aims of this study were to investigate visual-construction and organizational strategy among individuals with severe obesity, as measured by the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT, and to examine the validity of the Q-score as a measure for the quality of performance on the RCFT. Ninety-six non-demented morbidly obese (MO patients and 100 healthy controls (HC completed the RCFT. Their performance was calculated by applying the standard scoring criteria. The quality of the copying process was evaluated per the directions of the Q-score scoring system. Results revealed that the MO did not perform significantly lower than the HC on Copy accuracy (mean difference −0.302, CI −1.374 to 0.769, p = 0.579. In contrast, the groups did statistically differ from each other, with MO performing poorer than the HC on the Q-score (mean −1.784, CI −3.237 to −0.331, p = 0.016 and the Unit points (mean −1.409, CI −2.291 to −0.528, p = 0.002, but not on the Order points score (mean −0.351, CI −0.994 to 0.293, p = 0.284. Differences on the Unit score and the Q-score were slightly reduced when adjusting for gender, age, and education. This study presents evidence supporting the presence of inefficiency in visuospatial constructional ability among MO patients. We believe we have found an indication that the Q-score captures a wider range of cognitive processes that are not described by traditional scoring methods. Rather than considering accuracy and placement of the different elements only, the Q-score focuses more on how the subject has approached the task.

  11. Huerta del Rey: Edafic Characterization of a Historic Area of the Mercury Mining and Study of the Transfer of Mercury from the Soil to Plantago Major; Huerta del Rey: Caracterizacion Edafica de una Zona Historica de la Mineria del Mercurio y Estudio de la Transferencia del Mercurio a Plantago Major

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suarez, C; Manero, L; Sierra, M J; Rodriguez-Alonso, M; Millan, R


    The main objective of this scientific-technical report is to carry out a characterization of study plot called Huerta del Rey in the mercury (Hg) mining district of Almaden. For this goal, an edaphic characterization has been performed and the Hg behavior in the soil study has been evaluated. Then, total Hg concentration and easily available Hg for plants have been determined and the absorption and distribution of Hg in Plantago major L (typical specie from the study area) have been studied. The results showed that the total Hg concentrations in the soil ranged from 530 {+-} 32 mg kg{sup -}1 to 4300 {+-} 339 mg kg{sup -}1 even to 12378 {+-} 1051mg kg{sup -}1. It is in accordance with the normal values measured in a Hg mining area. Otherwise, the percentage of soluble Hg in soil with respect to the total Hg concentration is low (< 0.3 %) although if concentration instead of percentage is taking into account, the soluble Hg reached values up to 1.33 {+-}0.14 mg kg{sup -}1 that could mean a potential risk of pollution of groundwater by leaching process. Finally a brief description about different technologies for decreasing Hg concentration in the study soil, including phytoremediation, has been performed. (Author) 96 refs.

  12. An Analysis of Insults in Don Quixote from the Perspective of Social History of Language

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    Jesús M. Usunáriz


    Full Text Available Daily use of insult, slander, in the societies of the Early Modern Age, is also present in the voices of the protagonists of Don Quixote. However, the Ingenious Gentleman and his squire, do not use the insult in the same way. This will depend on the social position of insulted and offender (noble or villain, and the circumstances surrounding it. However, social reality, collected in different court cases, shows that the insult did not respect, in the same way as in the novel, the stratified social structure.

  13. Formation of post-fire water-repellent layers in Monterrey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) plantations in south-central Chile (United States)

    P. Garcia-Chevesich; R. Pizarro; C. L. Stropki; P. Ramirez de Arellano; P. F. Ffolliott; L. F. DeBano; Dan Neary; D. C. Slack


    A wildfire burned about 15,000 ha of Monterrey Pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) plantations near Yungay, Chile, in January of 2007. Post-fire water repellency (hydrophobicity) was measured using the water-drop-penetration-time (WDPT) method at depths of 0, 5, and 10 mm from the soil surface. These measurements were collected on burned sites of both young (4-years old) and...

  14. Above-ground biomass equations for Pinus radiata D. Don in Asturias

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    E. Canga


    Full Text Available Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to develop a model for above-ground biomass estimation for Pinus radiata D. Don in Asturias.Area of study: Asturias (NE of Spain.Material and methods: Different models were fitted for the different above-ground components and weighted regression was used to correct heteroscedasticity. Finally, all the models were refitted simultaneously by use of Nonlinear Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (NSUR to ensure the additivity of biomass equations.Research highlights: A system of four biomass equations (wood, bark, crown and total biomass was develop, such that the sum of the estimations of the three biomass components is equal to the estimate of total biomass. Total and stem biomass equations explained more than 92% of observed variability, while crown and bark biomass equations explained 77% and 89% respectively.Keywords: radiata pine; plantations; biomass.

  15. Plantlets from encapsulated shoot buds of Catalpa ovata G. Don

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    Halina Wysokińska


    Full Text Available Shoot buds isolated from in vitro shoot cultures of Catalpa ovata G. Don were encapsulated using 3% sodium alginate with sucrose (3% and 50 mM calcium chloride. The morphogenic response of encapsulated buds was affected by such factors, like composition of the media and the presence of growth regulators. The highest frequency of plantlet germination from encapsulated buds (70% within 4 weeks was obtained on Woody Plant medium (WP (Lloyd and McCown 1980 containing indole-3-butyric acid (IBA (1 mg/l. The process was substantially inhibited by cold-storage (4oC of encapsulated buds. In this case, the frequency response ranged from 3% to 22% dependent on storage period (28 or 42 days and the presence of the paraffin coat covering the alginate capsules. The plantlets developed from both unstored and stored encapsulated buds of C. ovata were transplanted to soil and grew in pots to phenotypically normal plants.

  16. 77 FR 24969 - National Institute on Aging; Notice of Closed Meetings (United States)


    ...; Notice of Closed Meetings Pursuant to section 10(d) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5... evaluate grant applications. Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Contact.... Place: Marina del Rey Hotel, 13534 Bali Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Contact Person: Bita Nakhai, Ph.D...

  17. Short-term and long-term effects of tannins on nitrogen mineralisation and litter decomposition in kauri (Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl.) forests

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verkaik, E.; Jongkind, A.G.; Berendse, F.


    Kauri (Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl.) occurs naturally in the warm temperate forest of northern New Zealand where it grows mixed with angiosperm tree species. Below mature kauri trees thick organic layers develop in which large amounts of nitrogen are accumulated. This nitrogen seems to be

  18. Comentario del Académico Dr. Efraím Otero Ruiz al Libro “Diabetes en Colombia. Recuento Histórico y Bibliográfico”

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    Efraím Otero Ruiz


    El otro gran pilar de la endocrinología y de la Asociación fue Jaime Cortázar, muerto a comienzos de este mes, el mismo día de Ronald Reagan y casi con los mismos años de ausencia del mundo cognoscitivo que afectaron al presidente norteamericano. Para mi formación Jaime fue más que pilar una brújula y un orientador y un apoyo en esos momentos en que uno se ve forzado a pasar de la adolescencia del pregrado a la madurez de la vida profesional. Mi amistad y mi devoción por él la he dejado consignada en varios de mis libros y en muchos de mis escritos. Mario Sánchez en su prólogo y Alfredo en su libro consagran cómo ellos dos, pero yo diría que sobre todo Jaime, se precuparon por hacer de la diabetes una preocupación nacional y para ello llevarla precozmente a los estrados políticos. Lo mismo que se está haciendo ahora, medio siglo después, pero sin la sencillez y la diafanidad que caracterizaron a nuestros pioneros. Jaime aprovechó su reciente designación como Director del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, en 1955, para visitar continuamente el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo y hacer conocer el problema y promulgar los decretos que apoyaran el Comité Nacional de Lucha contra la Diabetes, que vió su luz ese año y cuya presidencia ocupó. Su apoyo moral eran la consulta de Endocrinología del Instituto (44.8% de todos los pacientes con alteraciones endocrinas no neoplásicas en los 30 años analizados por Jácome y Mesa en su análisis de dicha consulta, publicado en Medicina el año pasado, fueron diabéticos y la Asociación Colombiana de Diabetes que, como lo dice muy bien el autor, muy pronto acogió a la naciente Sociedad Colombiana de Endocrinología. ¡La presencia estimulante de Jaime vivirá para siempre en el recuerdo de todos sus amigos!...

  19. Caracterización de la violencia intrafamiliar hacia la mujer. Consultorio No 1. Policlínico "René Ávila Reyes. Holguín. 2008

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    Eisy Mercedes Infantes Pérez


    Full Text Available Aborda un estudio descriptivo y transversal sobre el comportamiento de la violencia intrafamiliar hacia la mujer, en el consultorio 1 del Policlínico "René Ávila Reyes", en Holguín en el año 2008. La muestra quedó conformada por 101 mujeres, que luego de aplicarle una entrevista refirieron haber sido sometida a algún acto de violencia por parte de su pareja. Existió un mayor comportamiento de la violencia intrafamiliar en mujeres en edades comprendidas de 25 a 44 años, con escolaridad de preuniversitario o técnico medio y en las trabajadoras. El tipo de violencia que predominó correspondió al psicológico y con un tiempo de relación de pareja 6 a 10 años. Los factores que incidieron en la aparición del maltrato estuvieron dados por la mala comunicación en el hogar y la ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas. Se recomendó la realización de una intervención educativa comunitaria para lograr la reducción de esta problemática.

  20. Libro de un Médico del Siglo XVI

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    Fernando Serpa Florez


    Full Text Available

    Los Discursos Medicinales, obra escrita por el bachiller Juan Méndez Nieto (1530-1611 “en Cartagena Indiana. Año de 1607 y de la edad del autor 76”, es quizá el primer libro (entre biografía, relatos y comentarios profesionales de que tengamos noticia de un médico en lo que hoy es Colombia y entonces se llamaba Tierra Firme (después Nueva Granada. En realidad este volumen podría recibir el calificativo de novela biográfica o picaresca, en cierto modo, o de “cuento humorístico medieval” como lo denomina José Juan Arrom (1, por su estilo y fondo y por reflejar la vida de su autor, médico, charlatán y aventurero, aunque por lo que escribe pueden deducirse sus agudos conocimientos a la altura de los de la época, adquiridos en la Universidad de Salamanca, a donde lo llevó su inquieta vida primero a ser bachiller en artes (1556 a 58 y espigar en teología y leyes, para finalmente complementar sus lecturas de las obras de Hipócrates, Galeno y Avicena, con las prácticas de aprendiz al lado del doctor Lorenzo de Alandete.

    Por lo que dice, puede concluirse que Juan Méndez Nieto era un hombre seguro de sí mismo, pagado de sus conocimientos y cuya sagacidad y sentido común le valieron sus primeros aciertos en el campo de lo que hoy sería la salubridad pública al contener una epidemia de tabardillo (tifo exantemático en la villa de Arévalo, famosa por la gente que a la sazón estaba relacionada con ella: Santa Teresa de Jesús, entre otras, y el príncipe de Eboli, don Ruy Gómez de Silva, a quien Méndez Nieto curó unas fiebres cuartanas (paludismo y que, en reconocimiento, lo llevó en su séquito a la imperial Toledo.

    Recordemos que Eboli, fallecido en 1573, favorito del rey don Felipe II y esposo de la bella “princesa tuerta” doña Ana Mendoza de la Cerda, que perdió un ojo por jugar al florete con uno de sus pajes y que, después de viuda, languideció en una torre los últimos años de su vida por



    Diaz-vaz,J.E; Fernandez,A; Valenzuela,L; Torres,M


    Se caracterizó la madera de compresión en 10 árboles de Pinus radiata D.Don con inclinaciones menores a 10 º en dos sitios.          Los diámetros de traqueidas de los árboles del sitio Arena húmeda resultaron estadísticamente mayores que los del sitio Arcilla; pero no resultaron diferentes al comparar madera juvenil y madura o al compara madera de compresión con madera opuesta.          Diferencias significativas se determinaron en el largo de traqueida entre sitios (Arena húmeda-Arcilla), t...

  2. La Locura y el Buen Sentir de Don Quijote de la Mancha.

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    Adolfo de Francisco Zea


    La identidad de Alonso Quijano fue trazada borrosamente por Cervantes en la primera parte de su magistral novela. Tan sólo representa la imagen de uno de tantos hidalgos de una aldea española del siglo XVI: un hombre sencillo, bueno por antonomasia, “de complexión recia, seco de carnes, enjuto de rostro, gran madrugador y amigo de la caza”, y un lector fervoroso en sus horas de ocio y hastío que sólo llega a alcanzar con plenitud su identidad absoluta cuando tiene el vigor de transformarse en caballero andante de otros tiempos, en el Caballero de la Triste Figura como le llamó Sancho, en el valiente Caballero de la aventura de los leones, o simplemente en Don Quijote...

  3. War as Haiku: The Politics of Don DeLillo’s Late Style

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    Matthew Shipe


    Full Text Available In the wake of 'Underworld' (1997, Don DeLillo’s work has been cast largely in a minor key. In this essay, I will focus on 'Point Omega', the work that I believe most clearly illuminates the political implications of DeLillo’s late style as it tackles the consequences of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. More broadly, I hope to connect 'Point Omega' to the work of DeLillo’s contemporaries that have also speculated on the historical and political implications of the War on Terror. Centering on 'Point Omega', I am interested in how DeLillo has adopted a distinctive narrative form in his most recent fiction that frequently unsettles and complicates the historical narratives that he had established in his earlier work.

  4. La Seguridad Integral: España 2020


    Pardo Buendía, Mercedes


    Dirección y co-redacción principal: Óscar Jaime Jiménez, Antonio M. Díaz Fernández. Expertos que han participado en la elaboración: Rogelio Alonso Pascual, Félix Arteaga Martín, Pedro Arrojo Agudo, Rut Bermejo Casado, Julio Bordas Martínez, Lorenzo Castro Moral, Andrés García Gómez, Raúl C. Mainar-Jaime, Rafael Martínez Martínez, Miguel Ángel Muñoz Rodríguez, Mercedes Pardo Buendía, René Pita Pita, Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera, Fernando Soteras Escartín, Diego Torrente Robles, F...

  5. Juan Bautista Avalle Arce y el escrutinio de la librería de Don Quijote


    Nállim, Carlos Orlando


    En este trabajo se destacan los aportes de Avalle Arce a la crítica del Quijote que lo convierten en el "cervantista actual por antonomasia". Se señalan sus grandes aciertos: la peculiar tesis del crítico acerca de la relación que se establece entre vida y literatura; la influencia en la vida de Don Quijote no sólo de los libros de caballería sino también de muchos otros que conformaban su abundante biblioteca; la solución que aporta al trillado tema cordura/locura del personaje...

  6. Chemical Composition and Possible in Vitro Phytotoxic Activity of Helichrsyum italicum (Roth Don ssp. italicum

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    Vincenzo De Feo


    Full Text Available The chemical composition of the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum (Roth Don ssp. italicum, collected in the National Park of Cilento and Diano Valley, Southern Italy, was studied by means of GC and GC/MS. Forty four compounds of 45 constituents were identified in the oil, mainly oxygenated sesquiterpenes. The essential oil was evaluated for its potential in vitro phytotoxic activity against germination and early radicle elongation of radish and garden cress. The radicle elongation of radish was significantly inhibited at the highest doses tested, while germination of both seeds was not affected.

  7. La última curiosidad filológica de Don José Fradejas Lebrero: la voz «rera» del "Libro de vita beata" de Juan de Lucena (a modo de necrológica)


    Gómez Redondo, Fernando


    Esta nota rinde homenaje a don José Fradejas Lebrero, fallecido en diciembre de 2010, reconstruyendo desde una conversación telefónica la que pudo ser su última pesquisa filológica: averiguar el significado de la voz «rera» en el "Libro de vita beata" de Juan de Lucena. This note pays homage to don José Fradejas Lebrero, who died in December 2010, rebuilt from a telephone conversation that could be his last philological research: find the meaning of the word «rera» in the ...

  8. Tempo e percezione in The Body Artist di Don DeLillo e Ghost Trio di Samuel Beckett

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    Davide Barbuscia


    Full Text Available This essay provides a critical analysis of Don DeLillo’s novel The Body Artist and Samuel Beckett’s work for television Ghost Trio. In particular it analyses the representation of time and its perception in both these works, highlighting some shared aesthetic modalities such as their attempt to depict duration through a poetics of slow motion. The essay also foregrounds how both these works give narrative form to Merleau-Ponty’s understanding of ‘time as its perception’.

  9. ¡Deje hablar! La transferencia en "Las desdichas de Cardenio" de Don Quijote de la Mancha

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    Oswaldo Ortegón


    Full Text Available Entre los distintos estudios que relacionan la literatura de creación con el psicoanálisis clínico y su comprensión metapsicológica, se destaca el papel ilustrador del arte y la literatura en la explicación del pensamiento psicoanalítico. Este trabajo discute el concepto fundamental de la transferencia, teniendo como referente la locura de Cardenio, un personaje de Don Quijote de la Mancha. Varios elementos técnicos del quehacer psicoanalítico florecen alrededor del estudio de esta idea.

  10. Tratado de amistad, comercio y navegación entre la República de Colombia su Majestad el Rey del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña e Irlanda en el nombre de la Santísima Trinidad

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    Alvaro Acevedo Acevedo


    Full Text Available Habiéndose establecido estensas relaciones comerciales por una serie de años, entre varias provincias, ó países de América, que unidos ahora constituyen la República de Colombia, y los dominios de su Majestad el Rey del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña, é Irlanda, ha parecido conveniente, así para la seguridad y fomento de aquella correspondencia comercial, como para mantener la buena inteligencia entre su dicha Majestad, y la dicha República, que las relaciones que ahora subsisten entre ambas, sean regularmente conocidas y confirmadas por medio de un tratado de amistad, comercio y navegación.

  11. UMTRA water sampling technical (peer) review: Responses to observations, comments, and recommendations submitted by Don Messinger (Roy F. Weston, Inc.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An independent technical review (peer review) was conducted during the period of September 15--17, 1992. The review was conducted by C. Warren Ankerberg (Geraghty and Miller, Inc., Tampa, Florida) and Don Messinger (Roy F. Weston, Inc., West Chester, Pennsylvania). The review was held at Jacobs Engineering in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and at the Shiprock, New Mexico, site. The peer review included a review of written documentation [water sampling standard operating procedures (SOP)], an inspection of technical reports and other deliverables, a review of staff qualifications and training, and a field visit to evaluate the compliance of field procedures with SOPS. Upon completion of the peer review, each reviewer independently prepared a report of findings from the review. The reports listed findings and recommended actions. This document responds to the observations, comments, and recommendations submitted by Don Messinger following his review. The format of this document is to present the findings and recommendations verbatim from Mr. Messinger's report, followed by responses from the UMTRA Project staff. Included in the responses from the UMTRA Project staff are recommended changes in SOPs and strategies for implementing the charges

  12. Huerta del Rey: Edafic Characterization of a Historic Area of the Mercury Mining and Study of the Transfer of Mercury from the Soil to Plantago Major

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suarez, C.; Manero, L.; Sierra, M. J.; Rodriguez-Alonso, M.; Millan, R.


    The main objective of this scientific-technical report is to carry out a characterization of study plot called Huerta del Rey in the mercury (Hg) mining district of Almaden. For this goal, an edaphic characterization has been performed and the Hg behavior in the soil study has been evaluated. Then, total Hg concentration and easily available Hg for plants have been determined and the absorption and distribution of Hg in Plantago major L (typical specie from the study area) have been studied. The results showed that the total Hg concentrations in the soil ranged from 530 ± 32 mg kg - 1 to 4300 ± 339 mg kg - 1 even to 12378 ± 1051mg kg - 1. It is in accordance with the normal values measured in a Hg mining area. Otherwise, the percentage of soluble Hg in soil with respect to the total Hg concentration is low ( - 1 that could mean a potential risk of pollution of groundwater by leaching process. Finally a brief description about different technologies for decreasing Hg concentration in the study soil, including phytoremediation, has been performed. (Author) 96 refs.

  13. Actividad comercial de los reyes nazaríes y su implicación con los representantes del gran comercio occidental a finales de la Edad Media

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar la implicación directa de los reyes granadinos en la faceta comercial que asume la economía nazarí desde el primer momento. La presencia y actividad de la Corona y de las elites del poder nazarí en los grandes circuitos comerciales internacionales queda patente y se desarrolla gracias a la colaboración y mediación de los grandes hombres de negocios extranjeros activos en el reino, genoveses, según nuestras informaciones, cuya actuación en este sentido se podría asimilar a la de operadores comerciales de la CoronaABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to show the direct involvement of the Granadine kings in the commercial side of the Nasrid economy, which was there from the very beginning. The presence and the activity of the Crown and the elite of Nasrid power in large international commercial circuits is obvious and it was possible due to the collaboration and mediation of the important foreign businessmen active in the kingdom, the Genoese, according to our information, who acted as if they were the Crown’s commercial operators.

  14. Evaluation of the clinical maxim: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". (United States)

    Howell-Duffy, Chris; Hrynchak, Patricia K; Irving, Elizabeth L; Mouat, Graham S V; Elliott, David B


    A significant number of patients return to optometric practice dissatisfied with their spectacles. An important question is whether any of these cases are preventable. There are several different clinical maxims that are used to modify the subjective refraction when determining the refractive prescription. These maxims aim to improve patient comfort and adaptation and thereby reduce patient dissatisfaction with new spectacles. They are not based on research evidence, but rather on expert opinion gained from clinical experience. The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyze a large number of case records of dissatisfied patients to assess the possible usefulness of the prescribing maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Three hundred eighteen non-tolerance cases from a university-based Canadian optometric clinic were categorized by a focus group of optometrists. Three prescribing categories were defined and comprised cases in which application of the proposed maxim may have prevented the recheck eye examination; a more limited application of the maxim for one working distance may have been appropriate; and finally scenarios in which the maxim did not work in that the practitioner was judged to have initially followed the maxim, yet patient dissatisfaction was still reported. The remaining unallocated records comprised prescribing situations outside the scope of this study. Approximately 32% of non-tolerance cases were judged to have been preventable by use of the proposed maxim. Furthermore, an additional 10% reduction in recheck cases may have been possible by a more liberal interpretation of the maxim. Conversely, 4% of cases were deemed to comprise scenarios in which the maxim was followed yet the patient returned later to report problems with their spectacles. The prescribing maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" appears to have a role in reducing recheck eye examinations and improving patient satisfaction with new spectacles.

  15. El Quijote y el fenómeno del quijotismo (Don Quixote and Quixotism Phenomenon

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    Jesús Ruiz Fernández


    Full Text Available Resumen: Estudia el presente artículo el fenómeno del quijotismo, ingrediente de la razón, y, por tanto, del comportamiento humano. Pero distingue entre el error del quijotismo estático y el sano proceder del dinámico. Para ello se vale del concepto de razón vital de Ortega y Gasset, así como del Quijote. Con respecto al primero, amplía la utilización que de la magna obra podía haber hecho y no hizo el ilustre filósofo. Y sobre el segundo, destaca sus insuficiencias de contenido, por no haber alcanzado el quijotismo dinámico, es decir, porque, queriendo criticar el idealismo desmedido del caballero manchego, termina por proponer otro quijote. De cualquier forma, el artículo señala cómo el irónico fenómeno del quijotismo no es un juego, para lo cual discute ciertas interpretaciones recientes del Quijote.Abstract: This article studies Quixotism phenomenon, ingredient of vital reason, and, consequently, of human behaviour. However, it distinguishes between the mistake of static quixotism and the right conduct of the dynamic one. In order to do so, it makes use of Ortega y Gasset's concept of Vital Reason, and Don Quixote’s as well. Concerning the first one, it highlights the insufficiency of its content since it has not fulfilled the dynamic quixotism, that is to say, because, with the intention to criticize La Mancha’s Knight’s excessive idealism, it ends up proposing other quixotic person. Anyway, this article points out how the ironic quixotism phenomenon is not a game, for which reason it discusses certain Don Quixote’s recent interpretations.

  16. Barriers to repeated assessment of verbal learning and memory: a comparison of international shopping list task and rey auditory verbal learning test on build-up of proactive interference. (United States)

    Rahimi-Golkhandan, S; Maruff, P; Darby, D; Wilson, P


    Proactive interference (PI) that remains unidentified can confound the assessment of verbal learning, particularly when its effects vary from one population to another. The International Shopping List Task (ISLT) is a new measure that provides multiple forms that can be equated for linguistic factors across cultural groups. The aim of this study was to examine the build-up of PI on two measures of verbal learning-a traditional test of list learning (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, RAVLT) and the ISLT. The sample consisted of 61 healthy adults aged 18-40. Each test had three parallel forms, each recalled three times. Results showed that repeated administration of the ISLT did not result in significant PI effects, unlike the RAVLT. Although these PI effects, observed during short retest intervals, may not be as robust under normal clinical administrations of the tests, the results suggest that the choice of the verbal learning test should be guided by the knowledge of PI effects and the susceptibility of particular patient groups to this effect.

  17. Half a Century of Life Don Khutor: the Parish Chronicle of St. Panteleimon• s Church of Khutor Letovskiy, Stanitsa Kremenskaia, Ust`-Medveditskaya District, Troops of the Don Region (1873-1929

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    Ageev Evgenii, priest


    Full Text Available The article puts forward into scientific circulation a valuable source on the history of the parish life of the late 19th — early 20th century on the Don — the parish chronicle found in one of the investigations of the repressed clergy. This chronicle is unique high temporal coverage, from 1873 to 1929, it includes the years of revolution, Civil war on the Don and the first post-revolutionary decade. The author gives a brief overview of the history of the chronicle, the characteristics of its six authors — rural priests. The first thirty years were marked by the construction and decoration of the church and the absence of conflict. The early twentieth century was marked by the confl icts of the parishioners with the clergy. In the chronicle it was described the hardships of the lives of ordinary Cossacks, the scourge of Civil war, the famine of the early 1920s. In the postwar years there has been growing discontent of the parishioners by the activities of the Soviet government: tax policy, anti-religious propaganda and oppression of the clergy, beginning with collectivization. Narratives are rural priests, and it refl ects their own perception of the key events of the age. The author in the article examines the attitude of the parishioners to the Church, their perception of current events, participation in parish life. He concludes on a high degree of involvement of Cossacks in the Church life, the importance of the Church in their daily lives. The facts given in the article, suggest the sustainability of the parish farm, the community was able to survive in the turmoil of the Civil war. Forced destruction of parish life in the years of collectivization destroyed the community and has led to the degradation and disappearance of rural settlement. The last author of the chronicle was repressed, he and those arrested with him the clergy and parishioners were accused of preparing an armed uprising. The chronicle shows that this

  18. Density determination in Pino Radiata (D.Don) samples using 59.5 keV gamma radiation attenuation; Determinacion de densidad en muestras de Pino Radiata (D. Don) mediante atenuacion de radiacion gamma de 59.5 KeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinator, Maria I; Morales, Jose R; Aliaga, Nelson [Chile Univ., Santiago (Chile). Dept. de Fisica; Karsulovic, Jose T; Sanchez, Jaime; Leon, Adolfo [Chile Univ., Santiago (Chile). Dept. de Tecnologia de la Madera


    A non destructive method to determine wood samples density is presented. The photon mass attenuation coefficient in samples of Pino radiata (D.Don) was measured at 59.5 keV with a radioactive source of Am-241. The value of 0.192 {+-} 0.002 cm{sup 2}/g was obtained with a gamma spectroscopy system and later used on the determination of the mass density in sixteen samples of the same species. Comparison of these results with those of gravimetric method through a linear regression showed a slope of 1.001 and a correlation factor of 0.94. (author). 3 refs., 4 figs.

  19. Fernando Bouza Álvarez, «Dásele licencia y privilegio». Don Quijote y la aprobación de libros en el Siglo de Oro

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    Gonzalo Pontón


    Full Text Available Review of Fernando Bouza Álvarez, «Dásele licencia y privilegio». Don Quijote y la aprobación de libros en el Siglo de Oro, Akal, Madrid, 2012, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-84-460-3228-1.

  20. Brain delivery of the glutamine antagonist 6-Diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON) via prodrug approach: a potential treatment for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nedelcovych, M.; Kim, B. H.; Rais, R.; Jančařík, Andrej; Tenora, Lukáš; Alt, J.; Kelschenbach, J.; Majer, Pavel; Volsky, D.; Slusher, B.


    Roč. 22, Suppl 1 (2016), S57-S58 ISSN 1355-0284. [International Symposium on NeuroVirology /14./. 25.10.2016-28.10.2016, Toronto] Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : glutamate * DON * HAND treatment Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry

  1. Service quality improvement of ground staff at Don Mueang International Airport

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    Sittichai Sricharoenpramong


    Full Text Available The purposes of this research were to: 1 evaluate the service quality of the ground staff at Don Mueang International Airport (DMK, 2 compare the ground staff quality service perception of Thai passengers at DMK, and 3 provide guidelines for service quality improvement of the DMK airlines ground staff. A sample size of 400 Thai domestic passengers was accidentally selected at DMK. A questionnaire was used as a research tool for data collection. Five dimensions of service quality were evaluated: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. It was found that the service quality of ground staff was moderate. The highest dimension of service quality realization was tangibles, followed successively by reliability, assurance, empathy, and responsiveness. The passengers' perception of the ground staff's service quality varied by gender and age group. Guidelines were proposed for the improvement of ground staff service quality at DMK based on the findings. Keywords: airport, ground staff, quality of service

  2. Marine Phosphorites as Potential Resources for Heavy Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium

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    James R. Hein


    Full Text Available Marine phosphorites are known to concentrate rare earth elements and yttrium (REY during early diagenetic formation. Much of the REY data available are decades old and incomplete, and there has not been a systematic study of REY distributions in marine phosphorite deposits that formed over a range of oceanic environments. Consequently, we initiated this study to determine if marine phosphorite deposits found in the global ocean host REY concentrations of high enough grade to be of economic interest. This paper addresses continental-margin (CM and open-ocean seamount phosphorites. All 75 samples analyzed are composed predominantly of carbonate fluorapatite and minor detrital and authigenic minerals. CM phosphorites have low total REY contents (mean 161 ppm and high heavy REY (HREY complements (mean 49%, while seamount phosphorites have 4–6 times higher individual REY contents (except for Ce, which is subequal; mean ΣREY 727 ppm, and very high HREY complements (mean 60%. The predominant causes of higher concentrations and larger HREY complements in seamount phosphorites compared to CM phosphorites are age, changes in seawater REY concentrations over time, water depth of formation, changes in pH and complexing ligands, and differences in organic carbon content in the depositional environments. Potential ore deposits with high HREY complements, like the marine phosphorites analyzed here, could help supply the HREY needed for high-tech and green-tech applications without creating an oversupply of the LREY.

  3. “El asesinato del Chantre Don Ventura Ferrer. Clérigos y bandos en la Seo valentina seiscentista”

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    Callado Estela, Emilio


    Full Text Available The cathedral clergy did not remain aloof from the factions that drew together a major part of the valencian society during the XVII century. A good example is the case of the precentor Don Ventura Ferrer, who led one of the cathedral sections and who, supported by the Vallterra family, sought the control of the first church of the kingdom. On the opposite side was the group of canons represented by the admiral of Aragón, head of the opposing supporters and liable for the precentor’s murder in 1661. This event revealed the overlapping of the ecclesiastic world and the phenomenon of banditry.El clero de la Seo no fue ajeno a las bandositats que aglutinaron a buena parte de la sociedad valenciana durante el siglo XVII. Lo demuestra el caso del chantre don Ventura Ferrer, líder de una de las facciones catedralicias que, con el apoyo externo del bando de los Vallterra, luchaba por el control de la primera iglesia del reino. Frente a él, el grupo de canónigos patrocinado por el Almirante de Aragón, a la cabeza de la parcialidad contraria y responsable último del asesinato del chantre en 1661, suceso este que pondría al descubierto la imbricación entre el mundo eclesiástico y el fenómeno del bandolerismo.

  4. Review of Juan Coloma, «"Década de la pasión", "Cántico de la resurrección" de don Juan Coloma, conde de Elda y virrey de Cerdeña. Añádese en apéndice su poesía profana y el epistolario diplomátic con don Juan de Zúñiga», ed. Pedro M. Cátedra y Javier Burguillo, Salamanca, SEMYR, 2015, 532 pp. ISBN 978-84-941708-7-4

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    Martín Zulaica Lopez


    Full Text Available Review of Juan Coloma, «Década de la pasión», «Cántico de la resurrección» de don Juan Coloma, conde de Elda y virrey de Cerdeña. Añádese en apéndice su poesía profana y el epistolario diplomátic con don Juan de Zúñiga, ed. Pedro M. Cátedra y Javier Burguillo, Salamanca, SEMYR, 2015, 532 pp. ISBN 978-84-941708-7-4

  5. El arzobispado de Don Gonzalo de Aguilar en Santiago de Compostela (1348-1351

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    Sánchez Sánchez, Xosé M.


    Full Text Available In the middle of the 14th century the prelature of Santiago de Compostela is occupied by Don Gonzalo de Aguilar, archbishop transferred from Sigüenza and whose pontificate is extended between 1348 and 1351, when he is transferred to Toledo. He is a figure that remained until now in the complete darkness of the history of the Compostellan church, disappearing in fact, in many cases, of the historical considerations, that they avoided him or simply they did not have noticed of his figure, extending the bordering prelatures (Peter V and Gómez Manrique until eliminate his one. It responds to the completely absence of sources and mentions in the Compostellan archives; in order to palliate this fact, we resorted to the bibliography of other seats and, specially, to the sources of the Vatican Secret Archive, with whose aid we can form one first, new and relatively complete vision of its reign in Santiago.

    A mediados del siglo XIV ocupa el arzobispado de Santiago de Compostela Don Gonzalo de Aguilar, prelado trasladado desde Sigüenza y cuyo pontificado se extiende entre los años 1348 y 1351, momento en que es promovido a Toledo. Se trata de una figura que permanecía hasta ahora en la completa penumbra de la historia de la iglesia compostelana, hasta el punto de haber desaparecido en muchos casos de las consideraciones históricas, que obviaban o simplemente desconocían su figura, extendiendo las prelaturas limítrofes, las de Pedro V y Gómez Manrique, hasta eliminar la suya. Ello responde a la completa falta de fuentes y menciones existente en los archivos compostelanos. Para paliar este hecho, recurrimos tanto a la bibliografía de otras sedes como, especialmente, a las fuentes del Archivo Secreto Vaticano, con cuya ayuda podemos configurar una primera, novedosa y relativamente completa visión de su gobierno en Santiago.

  6. Una aproximación biográfica a don Fermín José Fuero: obispo de Chiapas

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    David Martínez Vellisca


    Full Text Available A partir de un minucioso trabajo de archivo, y con el propósito de contribuir a salvaguardar la memoria histórica de Chiapas, en este texto se explora la vida peninsular de quien fuera obispo de Chiapa y Soconusco, don Fermín José Fuero Gómez, natural de la villa de Cañizares (Cuenca, quien fue preconizado el 18 de julio de 1795 y consagrado en Guatemala el 11 de septiembre de 1796.

  7. Density determination in Pino Radiata (D.Don) samples using 59.5 keV gamma radiation attenuation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dinator, Maria I.; Morales, Jose R.; Aliaga, Nelson; Karsulovic, Jose T.; Sanchez, Jaime; Leon, Adolfo


    A non destructive method to determine wood samples density is presented. The photon mass attenuation coefficient in samples of Pino radiata (D.Don) was measured at 59.5 keV with a radioactive source of Am-241. The value of 0.192 ± 0.002 cm 2 /g was obtained with a gamma spectroscopy system and later used on the determination of the mass density in sixteen samples of the same species. Comparison of these results with those of gravimetric method through a linear regression showed a slope of 1.001 and a correlation factor of 0.94. (author)

  8. Don Fernando José López de Cárdenas, descubridor del Arte Rupestre Esquemático (1783

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    Gratiniano NIETO GALLO


    Full Text Available Fue en 1783 cuando en realidad podemos decir que comienza la Historia del Arte Rupestre esquemático peninsular con el descubrimiento que de él hizo don Fernando José López de Cárdenas, en la Peña Escrita y en La Batanera de Fuencaliente, noticia de la que dio puntual referencia al Conde de Floridablanca con quien mantenía correspondencia regular en su calidad de pensionado que era de S.M. para colaborar en la recogida de minerales para el Real Gabinete de Historia Natural.

  9. Cine, literatura y mito: Don Quijote en el cine, más allá de la adaptación

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    Pardo García, Pedro Javier


    Full Text Available This paper discusses Don Quixote’s presence in film, but in terms of the myth rather than the book, an approach which goes beyond adaptation and opens up the field of study in a significant way. In so doing it proposes a tentative but coherent description of the quixotic myth or narrative pattern as that of the inadequate and romantic imitator/reader of fiction, which is the point of departure for the elaboration of an initial corpus of quixotic movies. The protagonists of these films are frustrated imitators of cinematographic models, female Quixotes who romanticize reality and heroes who are Quixotic because they are not fit for the heroic task they have undertaken. In order to illustrate this deep penetration of the myth into the cinematic medium, a recent example in Spanish cinema will be examined, The Heart of the Warrior (El corazón del guerrero, 2000, a film directed by Daniel Monzón, where these several varieties are at work in a combined and crystal clear way. Our survey will allow us to make a series of distinctions which organise and structure the different kinds of relationship between Don Quixote and film (Cervantean, quixotic and quixotish film and, finally, to draw a series of theoretical conclusions which can be applied to the comparative study of film and literature.

    Este trabajo se ocupa de la presencia en el cine de Don Quijote, pero no del libro sino del mito, una perspectiva que va mucho más allá de la adaptación y abre considerablemente el campo de estudio. Para ello, se propone una descripción que se sabe provisional pero intenta ser rigurosa del mito o el patrón narrativo quijotesco como el del lector/imitador romántico e inadecuado de ficción, a partir de la cual se puede elaborar un primer corpus de películas quijotescas. En él se incluyen las protagonizadas por imitadores fallidos de modelos cinematográficos, por Quijotes femeninos que romantizan la realidad y por diversos tipos de héroes que son

  10. ¿Locos o simplemente excéntricos? Observaciones acerca de la figura del loco en la literatura alemana a partir de su relación con el personaje de don Quijote

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    Isabel Hernández


    Full Text Available This article intends to call attention to the close relationship which exists between the figure of Don Quixote and the marginal characters and assorted weirdoes who appear in German literature during the 18th and 19th centuries. The analysis of the concept of madness in several texts from the late Middle Ages and the Baroque will enable us, on the one hand, to see how the publication of Cervantes’ novel and the consequent changes in society transformed this concept; and, on the other hand, to determine the importance of the idea of insanity for German letters, stressing the decisive role played by Don Quixote therein.

  11. Reye Syndrome (United States)

    ... Liver Function Tests Clinical Trials Liver Transplant FAQs Medical Terminology Diseases of the Liver Alagille Syndrome Alcohol-Related ... the Liver The Progression of Liver Disease FAQs Medical Terminology HOW YOU CAN HELP Sponsorship Ways to Give ...

  12. Reye Syndrome (United States)

    ... Legacy Society Make Gifts of Stock Donate Your Car Personal Fundraising Partnership & Support Share Your Story Spread the Word Give While You Shop Contact Us Donate Now What Is Reye’s Syndrome? ...

  13. Reye syndrome (United States)

    ... will monitor the pressure in the brain, blood gases , and blood acid-base balance (pH). Treatments may ... 2018, A.D.A.M., Inc. Duplication for commercial use must be authorized in writing by ADAM ...

  14. Reye's Syndrome (United States)

    ... first manifestation of these errors may be an encephalopathy with liver dysfunction. These disorders must be considered in all ... first manifestation of these errors may be an encephalopathy with liver dysfunction. These disorders must be considered in all ...

  15. Organizational and visual memory deficits in schizophrenia and bipolar psychoses using the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure: effects of duration of illness. (United States)

    Seidman, Larry J; Lanca, Margaret; Kremen, William S; Faraone, Stephen V; Tsuang, Ming T


    Verbal declarative memory deficits in schizophrenia are well documented whereas visual declarative memory is less studied. Moreover, there are limited data on whether organizational and visual memory deficits are specific to schizophrenic psychoses. We compared visual memory and organizational function in patients with chronic schizophrenia (n=79) and chronic bipolar psychotic disorder (n=14), and in healthy controls (n=84) using the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF), testing whether organizational impairments (i.e., executive dysfunctions) account for the visual memory deficit. Groups were comparable on age, handedness and expected intellectual ability (based on single word reading). Using analyses of covariance with sex, parental SES and ethnicity as co-variates, patients with schizophrenia were significantly more impaired than controls on copy accuracy, on recall accuracy, and on percent accuracy of recall. Patients with schizophrenia used a more detail-oriented style on copy and recall and had significantly worse recognition memory. After co-varying IQ, copy organization was also significantly different between the groups. Results for accuracy of copy and recall were not significantly attenuated when controlling for copy organization. Duration of illness was associated with visual memory. Bipolar patients performed at an intermediate level between controls and patients with schizophrenia. The data suggest that in schizophrenia, patients have a visual memory disorder characterized by both organizational processing impairments and retention difficulties, and that there is a decline in visual memory functions with duration of illness. Further research is required to determine whether similar mechanisms underlie the neurocognitive deficits in these psychotic disorders.

  16. Age and education adjusted normative data and discriminative validity for Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test in the elderly Greek population. (United States)

    Messinis, Lambros; Nasios, Grigorios; Mougias, Antonios; Politis, Antonis; Zampakis, Petros; Tsiamaki, Eirini; Malefaki, Sonia; Gourzis, Phillipos; Papathanasopoulos, Panagiotis


    Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is a widely used neuropsychological test to assess episodic memory. In the present study we sought to establish normative and discriminative validity data for the RAVLT in the elderly population using previously adapted learning lists for the Greek adult population. We administered the test to 258 cognitively healthy elderly participants, aged 60-89 years, and two patient groups (192 with amnestic mild cognitive impairment, aMCI, and 65 with Alzheimer's disease, AD). From the statistical analyses, we found that age and education contributed significantly to most trials of the RAVLT, whereas the influence of gender was not significant. Younger elderly participants with higher education outperformed the older elderly with lower education levels. Moreover, both clinical groups performed significantly worse on most RAVLT trials and composite measures than matched cognitively healthy controls. Furthermore, the AD group performed more poorly than the aMCI group on most RAVLT variables. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to examine the utility of the RAVLT trials to discriminate cognitively healthy controls from aMCI and AD patients. Area under the curve (AUC), an index of effect size, showed that most of the RAVLT measures (individual and composite) included in this study adequately differentiated between the performance of healthy elders and aMCI/AD patients. We also provide cutoff scores in discriminating cognitively healthy controls from aMCI and AD patients, based on the sensitivity and specificity of the prescribed scores. Moreover, we present age- and education-specific normative data for individual and composite scores for the Greek adapted RAVLT in elderly subjects aged between 60 and 89 years for use in clinical and research settings.

  17. Muerte, despedazamiento y apoteosis de Rómulo : un estudio sobre la realidad histórica del primer rey de Roma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel Luis Casquillo Fumanal


    Full Text Available El descuartizamiento de Rómulo y su apoteosis celestial con el nombre de Quirino no son dos variantes de la muerte del primer rey de Roma, que se excluyan mutuamente, sino dos versiones que hay que armonizar. Augusto Fraschetti (2002 y Andrea Carandini (2006 y 2007 quieren reducir la historicidad del relato sobre la muerte de Rómulo sólo a su despedazamiento, que interpretan como un reparto de la soberanía de Roma entre los senadores y las curias. Pero, siguiendo la tesis de historiador antropólogo Angelo Brelich (1960, hay que recalcar que el despedazamiento del cadáver regio, lejos de tener algo que ver con el reparto de la soberanía en Roma, se remonta a un ritual de inmortalización de la función regia en la Grecia prearcaica (Dioniso y en el antiguo Egipto (Osiris.The tearing to pieces of Romulus and his apotheosis in heaven with the name Quirinus are not variants, mutually autoexcluding, of the death of the first king of Rome. Augusto Fraschetti (2002 y Andrea Carandini (2006 y 2007 reduce the historicity of the narration of the death of Romulus only to his tearing to pieces, that they interprete as an appropriation of the Rome sovereignty by the senators and the curias. But, following the thesis of the historian anthropologist Angelo Brelich (1960, it must be emphasized that the dismemberment of the royal corpse, far from being related to the distribution of the sovereignty, retroacts a ritual of immortality of the regal function in prearchaic Greece (Dionysos and Egypt (Osiris.

  18. [Spanish neuroscience in times of Don Quixote]. (United States)

    Martín-Araguz, Antonio; Mikola, Yvett; Almendral-Doncel, Raquel; Campos-Bueno, Javier


    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra published his immortal work Don Quixote of La Mancha in a time of crisis and decadence in Spain that occurred during the transition between the 16th and 17th centuries. In 2016 we commemorate the fourth centenary of the death of our distinguished man of letters, and thus in this article we analyse the status of Hispanic neuroscience, both in the Quixote itself and in other works by the most significant contemporary writers of that time. Despite the adverse historical circumstances, the shift from the Renaissance to the Baroque periods, in the Crown of Castile, was a flourishing period for literature (Spanish Golden Age) and other Hispanic arts (painting, sculpture, architecture and music), as well as bearing witness to a prodigious creativity in the field of neuroscience, including the field of natural philosophy. In his book Antoniana Margarita the physician Gomez Pereira laid the foundations for brain mechanism and the concept of conditioned reflexes several decades ahead of his time. The apothecary Miguel Sabuco also anticipated the concept of neurotransmission centuries ahead of his time in his New Philosophy. The physician Juan Huarte de San Juan was the founder of neuropsychology and experimental psychology, and his Examination of Men's Wits has been one of the most influential and widely translated scientific texts of all times. Its concepts are clearly reflected in Cervantes' Quixote. This analysis of Cervantes' work within the cultural setting of the book is intended as a homage to the immortal figure of our 'Prince of Wits' in the fourth centenary of his death.

  19. [Foods related to the novel 'don quixote de la mancha'. did they follow the healthy nutritional recommendations which are advised nowadays?]. (United States)

    Carbayo Herencia, Julio A


    It is known that Miguel de Cervantes's novel 'Don Quixote de La Mancha' has done and is still doing a great contribution to the universal literature. A book that has reached such category and grows in number of its readers, shows multiple dimensions for its study. One of them is nutrition. One of the aims of this study has been to value and expound, according to their own nutrients, the kinds of food cited in 'The Quixote' and in the times of Cervantes. This has allowed the comparison made between ways of nutrition in La Mancha and in Catalonia, as well as the regions situated at the beginning and end of the itinerary covered by its main characters Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. The evaluation of the nutrients in the middle part of the itinerary, placed mainly in Aragón, has not been considered in this study. Another purpose has been to check if these nutrients followed the current recommendations of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis and other valid agreements at the moment. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  20. Spanish normative studies in young adults (NEURONORMA young adults project): norms for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (copy and memory) and Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test. (United States)

    Palomo, R; Casals-Coll, M; Sánchez-Benavides, G; Quintana, M; Manero, R M; Rognoni, T; Calvo, L; Aranciva, F; Tamayo, F; Peña-Casanova, J


    The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) and the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT) are widely used in clinical practice. The ROCF assesses visual perception, constructional praxis, and visuo-spatial memory. The FCSRT assesses verbal learning and memory. In this study, as part of the Spanish normative studies project in young adults (NEURONORMA young adults), we present age- and education-adjusted normative data for both tests obtained by using linear regression techniques. The sample consisted of 179 healthy participants ranging in age from 18 to 49 years. We provide tables for converting raw scores to scaled scores in addition to tables with scores adjusted by socio-demographic factors. The results showed that education affects scores for some of the memory tests and the figure-copying task. Age was only found to have an effect on the performance of visuo-spatial memory tests, and the effect of sex was negligible. The normative data obtained will be extremely useful in the clinical neuropsychological evaluation of young Spanish adults. Copyright © 2011 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.