
Sample records for reserves actions territoriales

  1. L'organisation territoriale en Colombie et les compétences des collectivités territoriales. Une action internationale est-elle possible depuis le contexte local?

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    Angel Tuirán Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Para entender con mayor claridad la forma como está construido el edificio de la organización territorial y las facultades de que gozan los entes territoriales en Colombia se hace necesario definir de antemano los conceptos de República unitaria, descentralización y autonomía. La autonomía otorgada por la descentralización a las colectividades territoriales ha traído consigo un aumento significativo en las competencias y facultades de los gobiernos locales, que están siendo confrontados a nuevas responsabilidades, viéndose en la necesidad de reforzar su capacidad de respuesta frente a las demandas y necesidades locales. Por tal motivo, las colectividades territoriales colombianas han trascendido sus fronteras en búsqueda de herramientas que posibiliten una mejor gestión de los asuntos locales; es así como las colectividades territoriales vienen interactuando en el escenario internacional con otros gobiernos locales, aprovechando la autonomía otorgada por el proceso de descentralización y las ventajas estratégicas que ofrece hoy día la globalización.

  2. Fruizioni immateriali per la promozione territoriale

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    Mauro Francini


    Full Text Available Al fine di consentire ad un contesto territoriale di diventare competitivo è necessario che lo stesso promuova altresì la propria immagine con una presenza intelligente sul web (fruizione immateriale; l’obiettivo principale è quello di favorire la virtualizzazione del patrimonio territoriale restituendolo in rete come “bene comune” per i cittadini e per i visitatori, permettendo alle amministrazioni di internazionalizzare la conoscenza dello stesso bene e dell’intero territorio, nonché migliorando lo stato dell’arte sia in termini di ricaduta scientifica che di prodotto territoriale. Tale obiettivo di ricerca necessita l’adozione di tecniche avanzate, modelli condivisi di indicizzazione e identificazione univoca, utili a produrre anche percorsi e “mappature” tematiche in grado di rendere facilmente fruibile e di promuovere un’offerta territoriale coordinata ed intelligente, a garanzia di un facile accesso alla rete dei servizi in linea con le esigenze dei residenti e dei turisti, permettendo, contestualmente, agli stessi di interagire e di integrare direttamente le informazioni. Particolare riguardo, inoltre, deve essere riservato ai rapporti intercorrenti tra città-campagna e tra aree interne-costa, anche al fine di ottimizzare delle connessioni tra il miglioramento dei bilanci energetici e ambientali dei territori e la gestione delle risorse naturalistiche e socio-culturali, secondo principi di equità e sostenibilità.

  3. Comment analyser la gouvernance territoriale ? Mise à l'épreuve d'une grille de lecture


    Chia, Eduardo; Mathé, Syndhia; Rey-Valette, Hélène; Michel, Laura; Soulard, Christophe-Toussaint; Nougaredes, Brigitte; Jarrige, Françoise; Clement, Camille; Barbe, Eric; Martinand, Pierre; Maurel, Pierre; Guiheneuf, Pierre-Yves


    Dans cet article nous présentons une grille d'analyse de la gouvernance territoriale que nous avons construite dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire à partir d'une définition commune de la gouvernance territoriale. La gouvernance territoriale est devenue une question centrale dans le développement territorial et un enjeu pour l'élaboration des politiques publiques. Elaborer une grille d'analyse sur la gouvernance territoriale ne va pas de soi ; nous illustrerons son opérat...

  4. Les recompositions territoriales de l’action publique à l’aune de la proximité

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    Catherine Carré


    Full Text Available La gestion de l’assainissement urbain est aujourd’hui un champ d’analyse privilégié du rôle de la proximité dans les recompositions territoriales. Depuis les années 1970, les collectivités territoriales ne peuvent plus compter sur leurs seuls réseaux techniques pour assurer la préservation et la valorisation de leur ressource en eau. Des solutions (reterritorialisées progressent. Fondées sur la notion de contrôle à la source, ces solutions se sont traduites par l’expérimentation et la relative généralisation de techniques alternatives aux réseaux dans de nombreuses villes nord-américaines et européennes. Il existe, dans ces cas, une volonté d’inverser les logiques traditionnelles, de passer d’une compétence essentiellement technique, développée et mise en œuvre au sein d’un service sectorisé fonctionnant de manière technocratique, à des savoir-faire non seulement techniques mais aussi organisationnels, impliquant un fonctionnement transversal des services urbains, dans le cadre d’un projet territorial partagé. La proximité est d’abord utilisée ici comme catégorie d’analyse de ces transformations, puis comme principe d’évaluation de ces nouvelles pratiques d’assainissement et enfin comme facteur de généralisation du contrôle à la source. Si la gestion décentralisée de l’assainissement suscite des formes d’action publique originales, elle continue de buter sur des segmentations institutionnelles et professionnelles. L’existence de techniques plus ou moins standardisées ne suffit pas à construire un référentiel de politiques d’assainissement pluvial qui s’impose aux acteurs de la ville et la réussite d’un projet dépend au final de l’engagement du maître d’ouvrage. Pourtant, un nombre croissant de réseaux de chercheurs et de praticiens de l’assainissement contribuent à construire des cultures locales privilégiant une hydrologie urbaine centrée sur le contr


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    Cruz María Ochoa Paredes


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analiza la evolución de las divisiones territoriales del estado de Tlaxcala, desde la época prehispánica hasta la actualidad. Se ofrece una reconstrucción cartográfica de los cambios territoriales que ha tenido. Así como, también, se tratan los problemas que por cuestiones de límites se han suscitado entre Tlaxcala y las áreas circunvecinas, en estos cuatro siglos. En el estudio de las divisiones territoriales de Tlaxcala se observa la persistencia de las antiguas delimitaciones, la resistencia al cambio y la superposición y conflicto de jurisdicciones que ha existido.

  6. Entre plan national et initiative locale, l'émergence d'une gouvernance territoriale des risques professionnels ?


    Verdier, Eric; Kornig, Cathel; Mossé, Philippe; Setbon, Michel


    A partir du cas des « Réseaux de Veille et de Prévention » des risques professionnels (RVP) mis en place en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur au début des années 2000 dans le cadre du Contrat de Plan Etat-Région 2000-2006, cette recherche s'est efforcé de comprendre comment s'organisait et innovait l'action publique en matière de prévention des risques professionnels. 1. La difficile marche vers une gouvernance territoriale des risques du travail Reprenant les RVP et adopté dès 2005, le Plan régiona...

  7. Retour d'expérience sur la co-construction d'un guide sur la gouvernance territoriale


    Maurel, P.; Barbe, E.; Rey-Valette, H.; Chia, E.; Soulard, C.; Michel, L.; Pinto, M.


    / La gouvernance territoriale est devenue un enjeu majeur et une question centrale pour la mise en oeuvre des politiques publiques. Dans le cadre du programme de recherche en partenariat PSDR, un collectif hybride composé de chercheurs, de professionnels du développement territorial et d'acteurs locaux s'est réuni au sein du projet Gouv.Innov. En s'appuyant sur plusieurs terrains d'étude, ce collectif a progressivement construit une définition de la gouvernance territoriale ainsi qu'une grill...

  8. De opdeling van Centraal-Afrika, 1875-1885 : een analyse van twee territoriale conflicten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Foeken, D.W.J.


    Deze studie beschrijft een politiek-historisch proces en vormt een bijdrage aan de systematische studie van internationale territoriale conflicten vanuit het gezichtspunt van de politieke geografie. Tevens worden aspecten van het Europese imperialisme van de late 19e eeuw nader verklaard. De

  9. L’exercice fédéré des compétences locales. À propos de la fonction de «chef de file» en droit des collectivités territoriales français

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    Cédric Groulier


    Full Text Available La révision constitutionnelle du 28 mars 2003 a introduit dans le droit des collectivités territoriales un dispositif que l’on pourrait qualifier d’exercice fédéré des compétences locales. Selon l’article 72 alinéa 5 de la Constitution, lorsque l’exercice d’une compétence nécessite le concours de plusieurs collectivités territoriales, la loi peut autoriser l’une d’entre elles ou un de leurs groupements à organiser les modalités de leur action commune, autrement dit à exercer les fonctions de chef de file. À travers cette figure du chef de file, la Constitution semble admettre un principe de superposition entre collectivités territoriales, dérogeant à la règle de l’interdiction des tutelles entre collectivités, liée à leur liberté d’administration. Toutefois, la portée effective de ce nouveau dispositif repose sur sa mise en œuvre législative : or, le législateur fait montre d’une grande réserve, sans doute injustifiée, qui maintient l’idée de superposition entre collectivités à l’état de virtualité.

  10. Redes de colaboración científica en los estudios territoriales

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    Yuritzi Becerril-Tinoco


    Full Text Available Se presenta una investigación sobre la colaboración científica en el área de los estudios territoriales. Se retoma el enfoque de la teoría de redes sociales y de sistemas complejos, ampliamente desarrollado por Loet Leydesdorff. A través de un análisis estadístico basado en fuentes como Redalyc, Scopus, Web of Science y Scielo, se muestran las pautas de colaboración en el campo de estudios territoriales y se señala que existe relación entre el incremento de la literatura de este campo y la publicación en colaboración. Finalmente se presentan los indicadores generales de producción científica de una revista de esta área temática, Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, y se contrastan los resultados con la tendencia general en América Latina. La investigación muestra que los estudios urbano-regionales constituyen un campo altamente colaborativo.

  11. Ventajas, inconvenientes e impactos territoriales del comercio electrónico

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    Fernando Moliní Fernández


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza las ventajas e inconvenientes de Internet para las empresas y reflexiona sobre sus implicaciones territoriales. Se comentan algunos casos particularmente relevantes de tiendas de comercio electrónico, se desarrollan los principales elementos positivos que representa Internet, se señalan los aspectos negativos, se hace una reflexión sobre el modelo de empresa más competitivo y se comenta el impacto geográfico de las empresas que venden en la Web

  12. Internet et la recomposition territoriale des relations dans l'agriculture suisse


    Gigon, Nathalie; Crevoisier, Olivier


    L'agriculture et l'industrie agro-alimentaire suisses se transformed très rapidement. À un monde industrial fonctionnant à l'échelle nationale et basé sur des normes techniques succède un monde domestique basé sur l'identité régionale et les relations interpersonnelles. L'utilisation d'Internet devrait participer à la recomposition des relations entre producteurs et consommateurs et refléter les transformations territoriales qu'elles impliquent. Or les sites Internet de promotion des produits...



    Arias Hurtado, Carolina


    El artículo presenta los resultados de la investigación realizada durante los dos últimos años: "¿Neo-extractivismo o desarrollo local? Conflictos territoriales y patrimoniales en el pueblo minero de Marmato (Colombia)"³, que tuvo como objetivo analizar los conflictos en torno al manejo del territorio y el patrimonio entre la visión de desarrollo neo-extractivista promovida por agentes transnacionales-gubernamentales frente a la visión de desarrollo local de los agentes comunitarios. Para tal...

  14. Dinámicas territoriales de la industria automotriz argentina (1990-2012

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    Matías Donato Laborde


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo propone contribuir al análisis de las dinámicas territoriales vinculadas al funcionamiento de la industria automotriz argentina en los periodos de la convertibilidad y post convertibilidad. En este marco, se analizarán las principales características de la industria automotriz teniendo en cuenta las políticas públicas, las diferentes estrategias desplegadas por las empresas y los intercambios comerciales, asimismo se utilizan fuentes estadísticas del INDEC, la AFAC (Asociación de Fábricas Argentinas de Componentes y ADEFA (Asociación de Fábricas de Automotores.

  15. Reducing Teenage Binge Drinking and Drunk Driving on the Reservation: The Pikanii Action Team (United States)

    Still Smoking, Dorothy; Bull Shoe, Debbie Whitegrass


    The Pikanii Action Team project addressed the issues of teenage drinking and drunk driving on the Blackfeet Reservation. Basing their actions on locally-generated research, the Pikanii Action Team conducted a series of activities and initiatives to promote public awareness and action related to high-risk activities related to drinking. The team's…

  16. El modelo socioproductivo impulsado por el Estado venezolano, 2007-2013: algunos impactos territoriales


    María Andreina Salas-Bourgoin; Gloria Yulier Cadena Montero; Delfina Trinca Fighera; Nubis Miriam Pulido


    Para aproximarse a algunos de los impactos territoriales del modelo socioproductivo venezolano es necesario conocer algunos antecedentes de la organización del espacio, así como identificar los motivos y las premisas bajos las cuales, el Estado venezolano impulsa un ‘nuevo modelo económico productivo’. En la implementación de este nuevo modelo, el Estado se sustenta en un conjunto de leyes, planes y programas que proponen cambios en las relaciones sociales de producción, lo que no excluye...

  17. La dimension territoriale et politique des circuits courts alimentaires : représentations et enjeux dans le débat européen sur la politique agricole commune

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    JOUEN, Marjorie


    Full Text Available En Europe, les circuits courts alimentaires sont devenus des maillons-clés des stratégies de valorisation territoriale. Les nombreuses initiatives déjà recensées montrent à quel point ils reflètent des choix d’organisation et de gouvernance au niveau local, régional et national. Dans le contexte du débat européen sur la politique agricole commune, cet article s’intéresse ici au rôle joué par les pouvoirs publics pour stimuler, accompagner ou encadrer ce mode de commercialisation, et s’interroge sur les présupposés politiques pouvant influencer ces actions.

  18. Las marcas territoriales como alternativa para la diferenciación de productos rurales

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    Aranda Yesid


    Full Text Available

    La globalización conduce a que el mercadeo de bienes y servicios agrarios se enfrente a una mayor competencia, toda vez que las fronteras desaparecen. Por esto, los mercados deben ser analizados cada vez más en términos desde lo local hacia lo global; en tal sentido es necesario que los productos vinculados con los territorios desarrollen estrategias de diferenciación susceptibles de ser usadas en términos comerciales en los mercados. En los últimos años, numerosas experiencias alrededor del mundo han mostrado cómo los territorios enfrentan la globalización mediante la construcción colectiva y desarrollo de denominaciones de origen y marcas compartidas que pueden ser vistas como marcas territoriales, las cuales son usadas como agregaciones de valor que poseen los productos para su comercio. Este artículo reflexiona acerca de los principales aspectos a tener en cuenta en la construcción y desarrollo de marcas territoriales, como son las normas y valores, innovación e identidad territorial; a su vez realiza un breve recuento de las experiencias y casos exitosos que han usado la identidad como aspecto diferenciador de productos de origen rural. Se plantean algunas reflexiones y retos para el desarrollo de políticas públicas que faciliten la construcción colectiva de imagen territorial en Colombia.

  19. Dynamiques Territoriales et Proximité Environnementale : le cas du Risque d'Inondation

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    Christophe Beaurain


    Full Text Available Si l'approche par la proximité a préférentiellement été appliquée aux formes productives localisées, elle n'en demeure pas moins féconde pour analyser les modes de coordination entre acteurs se situant en marge du monde de la production. Tel est l'objet de cet article qui explore les formes de construction territoriale entre différentes collectivités confrontées à une préoccupation commune : le risque d'inondation. Outre cet aspect analytique, cette contribution tente de montrer en quoi l'élargissement de l'examen des formes de proximité à des acteurs et objets nouveaux (environnement, risques, collectivités territoriales et ménages suscite une nouvelle actualité concernant les formes de proximité géographique.Despite the dominance of localised productive forms concerns, a growing number of contributions tend to apply the proximity approach to multiple fields. This is particularly the case when territorial construction is concerned, that involves consumers, municipalities or local governments. This paper explores forms of local co-ordination between different municipalities confronted with a common preoccupation: the flood hazard. Besides this analytic aspect, our second objective is to demonstrate that the integration of new actors and objects within the proximity field (environment, hazards, municipalities and households arouses a topical enlightenment as regards the importance of forms of geographical proximity from a co-ordination perspective.

  20. La Carta Geomorfologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 Un fondamentale strumento per la pianificazione territoriale

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    Roberto Graciotti


    Full Text Available Con l’avvio del Progetto CARG (Cartografia geologica e geotematica alla fine degli anni Ottanta ad opera del Servizio Geologico Nazionale (SGN, la cartografia geomorfologica assume per il nostro Paese una particolare importanza per la sua rilevanza scientifica, soprattutto nel campo della conoscenza fisica del territorio applicata alla pianificazione territoriale.

  1. Note sulla pianificazione territoriale e la tutela del paesaggio in Italia

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    Paolo Ventura


    Full Text Available Il testo, basato sulla rielaborazione di un intervento al convegno Seminar COST 356 – EST, il 20.1. 2008, TOI, Oslo, si propone di contribuire al dialogo con la cultura politecnica, che richiede indicatori e parametri per la valutazione paesistica finalizzata alla misurazione dell’impatto di una nuova infrastruttura. Il tema è affrontato dal punto di vista del pianificatore sulla base della ricca e multiforme esperienza italiana. Sono rammentate alcune definizioni fondamentali di paesaggio, quale concetto olistico, flessibile e carico di ambiguità.  Il testo tenta una sintetica descrizione delle interrelazioni tra pianificazione paesistica, metodologie di classificazione e valutazione del paesaggio a diverse scale della pianificazione territoriale italiana nell’attualità.

  2. Valutazione multicriteriale nella pianificazione territoriale: un approccio metodologico partecipato

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    Anastasia Stratigea


    Full Text Available Il coinvolgimento del pubblico e degli stakeholder nelle moderne attività di pianificazione territoriale richiede l’utilizzo di strumenti e metodologie adeguati che supportino i planner nell’acquisizione e nella gestione di informazioni e conoscenze locali (opinioni, valori, inclinazioni, interessi locali, ecc., aumentando così l’efficacia sia del processo che dell’esito finale degli sforzi di pianificazione. Il presente studio mira a sviluppare un quadro metodologico che possa accogliere strumenti partecipativi durante la fase di valutazione nell’ambito del processo di pianificazione. Un simile quadro può supportare i planner e i decision maker nel: valutare scenari alternativi, includere molteplici prospettive e considerare possibili “alleanze” o “conflitti” tra diversi gruppi di interesse, migliorando così le opzioni strategiche. Tale approccio è applicato a una particolare regione greca in cui sono stati valutati scenari alternativi per il suo sviluppo futuro, mediante un contesto di pianificazione partecipata.

  3. Transformaciones territoriales en el periurbano de Mar del Plata

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    Laura Zulaica


    Full Text Available El estudio de las transformaciones territoriales de las áreas periurbanas demanda el conocimiento de la evolución de las actividades que allí se desarrollan. El presente trabajo analiza las transformaciones del periurbano de Mar del Plata entre los noventa y la actualidad, enfatizando en los cambios de las actividades. Para ello, se realiza una clasificación supervisada de usos sobre imágenes satelitales de 1989 y 2009, que es ajustada a partir de una base de datos del área. Posteriormente, se analizan las transformaciones considerando distintas fases de estructuración de las ciudades y se establece una periodización siguiendo las nociones de régimen y ruptura. El estudio realizado constituye una base para generar estrategias de ocupación y desarrollo del área y la metodología aplicada puede extenderse a otros territorios

  4. Affirmative Action: Reservation Seats untuk Perempuan di Parlemen India

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    Evi Yunita Kurniaty


    Full Text Available The study aims to help us understand and analyze women's efforts in the policy-making process to increase their political participation in the constitutional and electoral processes. We can also see the extent to which the values rooted in the patriarchal culture in a society and what can be done and reduce them. Affirmative action is carried out in India by applying the system of reservation seats for women in the Indian Parliament. This is done in India is proven to increase the number of women in the Indian Parliament. By the way there are quotas for women as a strategy for accessing the political arena has growing support among MPs. In this study, Indonesia could get a reservation seats of learning about the system is done. To increase the representation in the "area" is very difficult to be touched by a quota system which is run now, it can be done with reservation seats quota to ensure women's representation in parliament.

  5. Trayectoria de las reservas territoriales en México: irregularidad, desarrollo urbano y administración municipal tras la reforma constitucional de 1992

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    Guillermo Olivera


    Full Text Available Se discuten los cambios que la reforma de 1992 al artículo 27 constitucional, introdujo en las modalidades de conformación de reservas territoriales para el desarrollo urbano. Después de constatar que los nuevos procedimientos para incorporar suelo de propiedad social al crecimiento ordenado de las ciudades no han sido suficientemente exitosos para disminuir su ocupación irregular, se concluye que ello se debe a dos razones principales: en primer lugar, se mantiene una sobrerregulación del Estado sobre los propietarios de las tierras ejidales y comunales, que es necesario eliminar; y en segundo término, la capacidad de los gobiernos municipales para ordenar y planificar el desarrollo urbano es todavía muy limitada, debido a que los avances reales de la reforma municipal de 1983 han sido insuficientes. Para finalizar, se sugiere plantear en nuevos términos la noción de reservas territoriales, y se apuntan las grandes áreas de la administración municipal en las que es necesario centrar esfuerzosIt is discussed how the legislative reform of the Article 27 in 1992 in Mexico affected the urban land management, particularly, the forms of creating urban reserves from ejido land. As it is shown, the new mechanisms under which ejido land may be disestablished in order to prevent irregular urban growth, mainly by informal alienation proccess, have been unsuccessfully. Two main aspects explain these results. Firstly, ejidatarios still not have the complete autonomy to control their own land by themselves; instead, federal and states govenments still maintain several options to modify the ejidatarios decisions. Secondly, planning agencies and municipal governments frequently have a low administrative and financial capacity, to exercise effective authority over land development processes. To finalize, it is suggested to think in new terms the notion of urban land reserves, and there are pointed out some areas where the municipal administration

  6. Affirmative Action: Reservation Seats untuk Perempuan di Parlemen India


    Evi Yunita Kurniaty


    The study aims to help us understand and analyze women's efforts in the policy-making process to increase their political participation in the constitutional and electoral processes. We can also see the extent to which the values rooted in the patriarchal culture in a society and what can be done and reduce them. Affirmative action is carried out in India by applying the system of reservation seats for women in the Indian Parliament. This is done in India is proven to increase the number of w...

  7. La geografía de los recursos naturales en Cuba: potencial natural y combinaciones territoriales


    Ana María Luna


    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo elaborar una imagen geográfica sintetizada de la distribución regional de los recursos naturales en Cuba- Para ello, fue necesario transitar las posturas teórico-metodológicas que abordan este tema de manera unificada. En tal sentido, el cálculo del "potencial natural" y la clasificación de las "combinaciones territoriales de los recursos naturales", posiciones que emergen en la escuela rusa de Geografía, representan los soportes cognoscitivos esenciales de es...

  8. Conflictos socio-ambientales/territoriales y el surgimiento de identidades post neoliberales (Valparaíso-Chile)


    Bolados García, Paola


    Resumen: En este artículo analizamos los conflictos socio-ambientales/territoriales asociados a la expansión de las fronteras minera y agroexportadora en la zona central de Chile. Nos centramos en el conflicto por la usurpación del agua en la precordillera de la Provincia de Petorca, así como los conflictos asociados a la contaminación producida por el Complejo Industrial Ventanas en los límites de las comunas de Puchuncaví y Quintero. Desde una perspectiva crítica que se nutre de la ecología...

  9. Action Research in Landscape Ecology (Šumava Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic Case Study

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    Kušová Drahomíra


    Full Text Available Current landscape ecological research applies trans-disciplinarity as a principle when considering the study of landscape as a multifunctional entity. The principle can be practically applied by use of participatory action research. The paper reports on the use of participatory action research in the process of step-by-step institutionalization of the Šumava Biosphere Reserve, as a complement to the state-conducted nature conservation, which took place in the period 1991−2016. To briefly summarize the main findings, we can suggest that the present institutional model of the Šumava Biosphere Reserve emerged primarily thanks to the ‘permanent jointly conducted experiment’ that followed the spiral scheme of action research, in which outputs of one implementation project served as a starting point to formulate, and subsequently realize the follow-up projects(s. The local community was engaged in the whole process, hence lessons learned became a part of local social and cultural capital, which since can be considered important endogenous developmental potential of the region.

  10. Creación de una empresa de consultoría en gestión y formulación de proyectos, especializada en entidades territoriales



    Conformar una empresa de consultoría en gestión, estructuración y formulación de proyectos, especializada en entidades territoriales, con el fin de acceder a recursos provenientes del Sistema General de Regalías.

  11. Autonomía, competencias y recursos de las entidades territoriales en la Constitución. Historia del acto legislativo No.1 (30 de Julio de 2001

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    Francisco Piedrahíta Plata


    Full Text Available La gran innovación de la Constitución Colombiana de 1991 en el campo de la Organización Territorial fue la introducción del concepto de autonomía para las Entidades Territoriales. Y no lo hizo de cualquier manera: el artículo primero definió a Colombia como "...República unitaria, descentralizada, con autonomíade sus entidades territoriales...". Además, el art. 287 aclaró el significado de esa autonomía: "Las entidades territoriales gozan de autonomía para la gestión de sus intereses y dentro de los límites de la Constitución y la Ley. En tal virtud tendrán los iguientes derechos: 1. Gobernarse por autoridades propias. 2. Ejercer las competencias que les correspondan. 3. Administrar los recursos y establecer los tributos necesarios para el cumplimiento de sus funciones. 4. Participar en las rentas nacionales". Varios artículos del Título XI, sobre Organización Territorial, inician el desarrollo de los tres primeros de estos derechos. En el Título XII, sobre el régimen económico y de la hacienda pública, el art. 338 consagra el derecho de Asambleas y Concejos para imponer tributos; y los arts. 356, 357, 358, 360 y 361 dan cuerpo al cuarto derecho, el de participar en las rentasnacionales.

  12. El discurso como ejercicio de la territorialidad. Disputas y discursos territoriales en la costa marítima de Buenos Aires (Argentina

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    Facundo Martín Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la tensión entre actores suscitada en la dialéctica de territorialización en determinados espacios marítimos-costeros bonaerenses (Argentina desde una perspectiva geográfica y discursiva. Se parte del supuesto de que la creación de territorios no siempre implica conflictividad, aunque siempre que existe disputa sobre el carácter de un determinado espacio se están ejerciendo formas antagónicas o divergentes de territorialidad. En los casos donde se producen pugnas por el territorio se activa un tipo discursivo que denominamos territorial, por lo tanto, el primer objetivo del trabajo es proponer una definición del mismo. Como caso de estudio se seleccionaron las disputas territoriales gestadas en torno al desarrollo de infraestructura turística en la costa bonaerense, respondiendo al modelo más simple de enfrentamiento: la oposición de un sujeto colectivo a un particular proceso de territorialización. Una cualidad común de los casos seleccionados es la asimetría en las relaciones de fuerza, lo que lleva al actor que se opone a tal o cual intervención en el territorio a desarrollar su estrategia de territorialidad mediante acciones innovadoras y creativas, entre ellas, la puesta en práctica de discursos territoriales. El segundo objetivo es el análisis de estos discursos elaborados por aquellos actores que protagonizan disputas en escenarios turísticos de la costa bonaerense. Para los objetivos propuestos se efectuó un análisis interpretativo de los discursos territoriales en tres movimientos regionales con proyección social, capacidad organizativa y continuidad, extrayendo el material de las diversas formas de comunicación y difusión con el que cuentan.

  13. Trayectoria urbana y sistemas productivos territoriales en la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina

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    Jorge Hernandez


    Full Text Available Partiendo de concebir el territorio como un espacio social construido, dinámico y conflictivo, donde coexisten pulsiones modernizantes y herencias del pasado, el artículo intenta comprender la ocupación poblacional del territorio de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina, las condiciones en que viven y trabajan sus habitantes y las relaciones que se establecen con sus entornos productivos, denominados aquí Sistemas Productivos Territoriales. Se recoge una notable dinámica en el uso poblacional del territorio adaptándose a las diferentes estrategias de desarrollo -conforme a los cambios en la división internacional del trabajo - y a las potencialidades y los límites que imponen las dotaciones de recursos materiales e inmateriales de cada territorio.

  14. Transformaciones territoriales en el norte de Marruecos

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    Jesús Gabriel Moreno-Navarro


    Full Text Available Los miembros del equipo de cooperación internacional "Territorio Andaluz, Desarrollo e Innovación" se han implicado durante más de una década en proyectos de desarrollo sobre zonas colindantes con el Estrecho de Gibraltar. En este artículo se resume el perfil y las conclusiones obtenidas en los proyectos de cooperación desarrollados por el grupo, así como otros hechos relacionados con las transformaciones territoriales del Norte de Marruecos. En la actualidad, las acciones se basan en la construcción de grandes puertos y carreteras cercanas a los nuevos centros turísticos de la costa. Los impactos son evidentes en el medio ambiente y en el contexto social. La transformación radical ha aumentado el atractivo en las zonas urbanas, incrementando el éxodo rural que ya era de por sí considerable. Por otra, la pérdida de calidad de vida la asociamos a la merma de suelo cultivable y el deterioro del medio al poner en cultivo tierras forestales. La agricultura es de subsistencia y como tal está sometida a la supervivencia de las familias en un medio cada vez más desfavorable. Las intervenciones en este medio podrían tomar como ejemplo los patrones que se han aplicado en el entorno rural español en el pasado, cuyo deterioro siguió pautas similares en un período de tiempo más largo.


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    Alicia Laurín


    Full Text Available Una posible vía de análisis para la comprensión de las transformaciones territoriales que se están produciendo en los ámbitos fronterizos, inmersos en precesos de integración fisica, lo constituiiria la siguiente propuesta metodologíca. Primeramente diremos que estos subespacios son los más dinámicos y susceptibles a las transformaciones derivadas de los procesos de integración, porque la particularidad de contener una frontera.

  16. Cambiamenti nell’organizzazione territoriale in seguito alle migrazioni: La periferia del parco “W” – Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger


    Ghisalberti, Alessandra


    La periferia del Parco Regionale “W” (Benin, Burkina Faso e Niger) è caratterizzata da una molteplicità etnica, oltre che da flussi migratori che generano mutazioni nell’organizzazione territoriale. L’obiettivo dell’articolo è di mostrare i cambiamenti determinati da tali processi migratori, in un contesto sprovvisto di dati diretti sulle migrazioni. La metodologia utilizzata si basa su una banca-dati di terreno, raccolti nel corso di una pluriannuale ricerca, e le analisi vengono presentate ...

  17. Transformaciones socio-territoriales del Área Metropolitana de Montevideo

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    Alicia Artigas


    Full Text Available Asumiendo como contexto el avance de los procesos de globalización, reestructuración económica y reforma del Estado, el presente artículo desarrolla una breve caracterización y análisis de las principales transformaciones socio-territoriales del Área Metropolitana de Montevideo. Éstas se relacionan con el comportamiento de la población; los cambios en la estructura y morfología del territorio; las modificaciones en la base económica; el avance en los procesos de segregación social; y las modalidades de gestión institucional. A su vez, se generan algunas reflexiones en torno a estas variables relevantes que permiten identificar ciertas singularidades del proceso metropolitano de MontevideoIn the context of globalization processes, economic restructuring and state reform, the article describes and analyses the main social and territorial transformations that have been taking place in Montevideo Metropolitan Area. This transformations mainly refer to population dynamics, changes in the structure and morphology of the territory and changes in the economic base, as well as the advance in social segregation processes and new arrangements for institutional management. Finally, some reflections around these issues are proposed, leading to the identification of singularities in the Montevideo metropolitan process



    Güiza, Leonardo; Rodríguez, Cristhian


    El desarrollo de la actividad minera genera tensiones entre los intereses del nivel central del Estado y las entidades territoriales locales sobre las que recaen las consecuencias ambientales, sociales y culturales de la extracción. Esto ha traído un debate jurídico sobre la prevalencia entre los principios del Estado unitario y la utilidad pública e interés social de la industria minera de una parte y, de otra, la autonomía territorial y la utilidad pública e interés social del medio ambient...

  19. Lógicas territoriales y discursos inmobiliarios en ámbitos rurales patagónicos semiáridos. Confusión social e incertidumbres geográficas

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    Alberto Daniel Vazquez


    Full Text Available En un contexto de transformaciones de alcance global y contando con las singularidades regionales, los ámbitos rurales de la Patagonia esteparia se enfrentan tanto al declive del sector ganadero en sus modalidades tradicionales como a nuevas valoraciones perceptivas de sus espacios. En este cuadro de indefinición funciona de forma activa un mercado de tierras que alterna entre las lógicas productivas, contemplativas y la especulación. El análisis de los discursos inmobiliarios nos aproxima a la (idea de Patagonia ante el cruce de lógicas territoriales y ofrece elementos en relación a los recursos que se ponen en valor, a los atributos medulares de ese valor y a las características de oferentes y demandantes. Los avances que aquí se presentan forman parte de una investigación que se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto “Implicancias territoriales por nuevas formas de ausentismo dominial. “Casos rurales patagónicos como referentes”.

  20. A dual potassium channel activator improves repolarization reserve and normalizes ventricular action potentials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Calloe, Kirstine; Di Diego, José M; Hansen, Rie Schultz


    in cultured canine cardiac myocytes and determined whether a dual K(+) current activator can normalize K(+) currents and restore action potential (AP) configuration. METHODS AND RESULTS: Ventricular myocytes were isolated and cultured for up to 48h. Current and voltage clamp recordings were made using patch...... of EADs. Our results suggest a potential benefit of K(+) current activators under conditions of reduced repolarization reserve including heart failure....

  1. Transformaciones territoriales en áreas de riesgo de inundación. El caso del Arroyo El Gato. Partido de La Plata. Período 1980-2004

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    Mirela Benítez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar el estudio de los cambios territoriales a partir de la evolución en los usos de suelo, la estructura morfológica urbana y aspectos socio-económicos de la población en uno de los asentamientos poblacionales situados en las márgenes del Arroyo El Gato. El mismo se llevará a cabo a partir de la implementación de la teledetección, análisis de datos estadísticos y encuestas. El estudio de las transformaciones territoriales nos ayudará a abordar en una primera aproximación las dimensiones de peligrosidad y exposición enmarcadas en la teoría social del riesgo. Este análisis servirá como insumo para la determinación de áreas de riesgo de inundación que se está desarrollando dentro del proyecto "Inundaciones en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Factores naturales y antrópicos desde la Teoría Social del Riesgo. Cuenca Parano-Platense. 1980-2000".

  2. Amphetamine Elicits Opposing Actions on Readily Releasable and Reserve Pools for Dopamine (United States)

    Covey, Dan P.; Juliano, Steven A.; Garris, Paul A.


    Amphetamine, a highly addictive drug with therapeutic efficacy, exerts paradoxical effects on the fundamental communication modes employed by dopamine neurons in modulating behavior. While amphetamine elevates tonic dopamine signaling by depleting vesicular stores and driving non-exocytotic release through reverse transport, this psychostimulant also activates phasic dopamine signaling by up-regulating vesicular dopamine release. We hypothesized that these seemingly incongruent effects arise from amphetamine depleting the reserve pool and enhancing the readily releasable pool. This novel hypothesis was tested using in vivo voltammetry and stimulus trains of varying duration to access different vesicular stores. We show that amphetamine actions are stimulus dependent in the dorsal striatum. Specifically, amphetamine up-regulated vesicular dopamine release elicited by a short-duration train, which interrogates the readily releasable pool, but depleted release elicited by a long-duration train, which interrogates the reserve pool. These opposing actions of vesicular dopamine release were associated with concurrent increases in tonic and phasic dopamine responses. A link between vesicular depletion and tonic signaling was supported by results obtained for amphetamine in the ventral striatum and cocaine in both striatal sub-regions, which demonstrated augmented vesicular release and phasic signals only. We submit that amphetamine differentially targeting dopamine stores reconciles the paradoxical activation of tonic and phasic dopamine signaling. Overall, these results further highlight the unique and region-distinct cellular mechanisms of amphetamine and may have important implications for its addictive and therapeutic properties. PMID:23671560

  3. Le projet de développement au service de la sécurité alimentaire des consommateurs : pour une approche territoriale


    Brégeot, Ghislain; Chéneau-Loquay, Annie


    6 pages; International audience; Aujourd'hui, une grande partie des interventions réalisées par les acteurs étrangers (ONG et autres acteurs associatifs, Organisations internationales, Coopérations bilatérales, collectivités territoriales) dans les pays en développement est réalisée sous forme d'aide à projet. Or, la mise en place de ces projets ne prend pas toujours en compte les objectifs "annexes" de lutte contre la pauvreté ou la sécurité alimentaire.

  4. Activity budget patterns in family-group and solitary territorial male guanacos Patrones de presupuesto de actividad de guanacos machos territoriales en grupos familiares y solitarios

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    Full Text Available We observed behavioral patterns of territorial male guanacos (Lama guanicoe in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. Both solo territorial males and family-group territorial males were observed to compare the activity time budgets of males (n = 23 in different social groups and habitats. We found no difference in the activity time budgets of males based on social group type, total number of females or all guanacos present, or age of territorial males. Males, in all categories, spent most of their time foraging (65 % of overall time budget. There was a significant difference in time spent in aggressive and in miscellaneous (defecation, alertness to observer, scratching activities based on habitat type; most aggressive encounters and miscellaneous activity occurred on hilltops of areas dominated by mata barrosa shrubs (Mulinum spinosum. It is likely that territorial male guanaco behaviors are related to the resources defended rather than to any direct ability to attract potential mates.Observamos patrones de comportamiento de guanacos machos territoriales (Lama guanicoe en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Chile. Comparamos el presupuesto de actividad de machos solos y en grupos familiares (n = 23 en diferentes hábitat. No encontramos diferencias en los presupuestos de actividad de machos basados en el tipo de grupo social, número total de hembras o número total de guanacos presentes, o la edad de los machos territoriales. Guanacos macho en todas las categorías asignaron alrededor de 65 % de su actividad a forrajeo. Por otra parte, detectamos una influencia del tipo de hábitat sobre el tiempo asignado a interacciones agresivas y misceláneas (defecación, vigilancia al observador, rasguñando; las interacciones agresivas y conductas misceláneas fueron más frecuentes en cimas de colinas de áreas dominadas por el arbusto mata barrosa (Mulinum spinosum. Es probable que el comportamiento de los machos territoriales del guanaco est

  5. 77 FR 21846 - Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions: Reserves Simplification (United States)


    ... Requirements of Depository Institutions: Reserves Simplification AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Board is amending Regulation D, Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions, to simplify the administration of reserve requirements. The final rule creates a...

  6. Desequilibrios territoriales en Cartagena de Indias, análisis desde la distribución de los equipamentos.

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    Israel Cabeza Morales


    Full Text Available El análisis de los equipamientos puede aportar al tratamiento de las problemáticas del desarrollo más allá de una perspectiva de sostenibilidad, por lo cual se toma el concepto de cohesión territorial como sinónimo de equilibrio, y se constituye en referente para pensar en el desarrollo de los territorios en función de sus gentes. Este tipo de ejercicios muestra, a partir de la relación entre la distribución de los equipamientos y la funcionalidad económica de algunas zonas en Cartagena de Indias, los desequilibrios territoriales que pueden ser reducidos al insertar la cohesión como herramienta para los procesos de ordenamiento territorial.

  7. Fragmentación de las redes de innovación y dinámica de los sistemas territoriales de producción y de innovación en sectores tradicionales

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    Juan R. Gallego-Bono


    Full Text Available Para competir en la globalización, los sistemas territoriales de producción en sectores tradicionales deben convertirse en sistemas territoriales de producción y de innovación. Esto supone urdir redes de innovación más complejas entre actores heterogéneos (empresas, universidades, centros tecnológicos, etc., lo que genera una tensión política de integración/fragmentación de dichas redes. Para contrastar esta hipótesis se combinan los enfoques evolucionista y del actor-red con el enfoque de la proximidad. La construcción de redes de innovación más amplias exige desarrollar nuevas comunidades de práctica. Este proceso puede generar una dinámica de fragmentación por medio del establecimiento de relaciones estables y selectivas entre diferentes conjuntos de actores, formando coaliciones entre comunidades de práctica y grupos organizados. Pero esta misma interrelación entre comunidades de práctica y grupos organizados abre posibilidades de cooperación que pueden favorecer una dinámica integradora a través del enrolamiento de nuevos actores y competencias. La pertinencia de este marco se evidencia con el estudio longitudinal de los sistemas territoriales citrícola y cerámico de la Comunitat Valenciana (España. Si las redes de innovación presentan una cierta fragmentación en el primer caso, en el segundo predomina su integración. Pero la mayor variedad investigadora del primero contrasta con los riesgos de lock-in del segundo situado en una trayectoria tecnológica única aunque de creciente complejidad.

  8. Conoscere la distribuzione territoriale delle proprietà di manager e azionisti: un approccio guidato dai dati

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    Stefano Pozzati


    Full Text Available L’analisi e una migliore comprensione della distribuzione della ricchezza degli individui all’interno delle città possono rivelarsi un prezioso strumento specialmente al fine di supportare la stima del valore degli immobili. Tali analisi possono inoltre essere utilizzate per facilitare il percorso decisionale in diversi settori: dalla pubblica amministrazione al mercato immobiliare. In questo lavoro, attraverso l’uso di dati pubblici e di dati di proprietà della società Cerved, è possibile osservare la distribuzione territoriale delle proprietà di manager e azionisti - categorie di persone solitamente collegate ad un elevato benessere economico – e tramite questo identificare le zone delle città in cui il valore degli immobili risulta presumibilmente più elevato. Nello specifico, viene introdotto il Manager and Shareholder Concentration (MSHC score la cui accuratezza ed efficacia viene verificata in tre diverse città di Italia (Torino, Roma e Milano.

  9. Responsabilidad de las entidades territoriales en la gestión del riesgo como política pública

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    Mónica Sofía Safar Díaz


    Full Text Available Es importante tener en cuenta que uno de los componentes esenciales de todo proceso de planificación en el marco de un verdadero sistema de gobierno corporativo consiste en el manejo y tratamiento de aquellas situaciones que siendo inciertas en cuanto a su ocurrencia y/o impacto, tienen un efecto en el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados por la organización, que en este caso concreto se traduce en las entidades territoriales. Esto se conoce como la gestión del riesgo, y su ausencia constituye una fuente de ineficiencia en la administración pública, que deriva en la configuración de una responsabilidad por la eventual causación de daños antijurídicos generada en la omisión de los órganos directamente llamados a su realización.

  10. Responsabilidad de las entidades territoriales en la gestión del riesgo como política pública

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    Mónica Sofía Safar Díaz


    Full Text Available Es importante tener en cuenta que uno de los componentes esenciales de todo proceso de planificación en el marco de un verdadero sistema de gobierno corporativo consiste en el manejo y tratamiento de aquellas situaciones que siendo inciertas en cuanto a su ocurrencia y/o impacto, tienen un efecto en el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados por la organización, que en este caso concreto se traduce en las entidades territoriales. Esto se conoce como la gestión del riesgo, y su ausencia constituye una fuente de ineficiencia en la administración pública, que deriva en la configuración de una responsabilidad por la eventual causación de daños antijurídicos generada en la omisión de los órganos directamente llamados a su realización.


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    Alicia Laurín


    Full Text Available Las transformaciones de los espacios fronterizos que demandan los procesos de integración con propósitos económicos tienen su propia particularidad. Ella deviene de la condición de contener una frontera y son precisamente esos procesos de integración los que ponen en evidencia las contradicciones que emergen cuando el Estado cambia su estrategia sobre la frontera al variar su concepción fronteriza. En Argentina se ha transitado desde una noción de frontera concebida como una divisoria rígida y cerrada hacia otra que la concibe como deseable y necesariamente flexible para el logro de la integración. Una y otra racionalidad determinaron un uso territorial fronterizo diferente por parte del Estado. En el caso de la concepción de frontera cerrada, las acciones estatales sobre la misma se limitaron al control de la circulación en general, por cuestiones de seguridad y soberanía. La idea de integración asociada a esa postura estaba dirigida hacia adentro del país, es decir integrar las áreas periféricas con los centros urbanos más importantes o más próximos. Ello explicaría -en gran parte- la escasa infraestructura vial, de comunicaciones y edilicias en los pasos fronterizos, comparada -por ejemplo- con la modernización actual de los mismos pasos, como aconteció en el sector cordillerano neuquino-chileno en el marco del proceso de integración entre Argentina y Chile. Hasta mediados de la década del ’80 predominó la idea de frontera de tensión por ello las políticas territoriales fronterizas adoptaron la forma espacial de áreas de frontera y/o zonas de seguridad, en los bordes de los límites fronterizos. A partir de ese año se sucedieron una serie de acontecimientos que obligaron a considerarla frontera abierta para favorecer el proceso de integración física que dará lugar a la complementación económica. En este caso la región fronteriza sustituye –como estrategia territorial del Estado- a las áreas de frontera

  12. El Enfoque SIAL como catalizador de la acción colectiva: casos territoriales en América Latina

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    François Boucher


    Full Text Available Se presenta un marco teórico y práctico, la Activación Territorial con Enfoque en Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados ( AT-SIAL , desarrollado a partir de experiencias en territorios latinoamericanos donde se generaron procesos de activación de recursos específicos, mediante la articulación, reforzamiento y potenciación de sinergias entre actores locales. La AT-SIAL permitió involucrar distintos sectores, innovando en la revalorización de activos territoriales y del saber-hacer tradicional. La metodología se enfocó en las concentraciones de Agroindus- trias Rurales pero integró al proceso actividades relacionados con el componente ambiental de los territorios: turismo y artesanías. Esta propuesta de apoyo a la gestión territorial está basada en: la acción colectiva con empoderamiento de actores locales, el anclaje territorial y la gobernanza territorial.

  13. El laberinto de la autonomía indígena en el Ecuador: las circunscripciones territoriales indígenas en la Amazonía Central, 2010-2012


    Ortiz-T., Pablo


    ¿Cuáles son los avatares y desencuentros presentes en el proceso de constitución de las Circunscripciones Territoriales Indígenas (CTIs) en relación a la vigencia del derecho a la autodeterminación y autogestión territorial de las nacionalidades indígenas en el Ecuador? Para responder a dicha interrogante, el artículo considera el reconocimiento al derecho a la autonomía y autodeterminación de las nacionalidades y pueblos indígenas en Ecuador. Posteriormente, analiza el alcance...


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    Carlos Javier Baños Castiñeira


    Full Text Available El grado de madurez alcanzado por los destinos turísticos clásicos adscritos al mode- lo de sol y playa masivo, aconseja el desarrollo de medidas de política turística que permitan la redefinición de los productos turísticos litorales. En este sentido, se plantea el aspecto de la introducción de elementos de la denominada oferta turística complementa- ria como un argumento adecuado en pro de la diversificación de los mismos. Asimismo, la importancia otorgada por la demanda turística a nuevas fórmulas de ocio, señala al turismo como una actividad susceptible de incorporar políticas territoriales orientadas al reequilibrio socioeconómico de espacios regionales, en una dialéctica litoral-interior basada en la complementariedad de las ofertas turísticas desarroll adas a partir de las potencialidades endógenas locales.

  15. Building a community of practice for sustainability: strengthening learning and collective action of Canadian biosphere reserves through a national partnership. (United States)

    Reed, Maureen G; Godmaire, Hélène; Abernethy, Paivi; Guertin, Marc-André


    Deliberation, dialogue and systematic learning are now considered attributes of good practice for organizations seeking to advance sustainability. Yet we do not know whether organizations that span spatial scales and governance responsibilities can establish effective communities of practice to facilitate learning and action. The purpose of this paper is to generate a framework that specifies actions and processes of a community of practice designed to instill collective learning and action strategies across a multi-level, multi-partner network. The framework is then used to describe and analyze a partnership among practitioners of Canada's 16 UNESCO biosphere reserves, and additional researchers and government representatives from across Canada. The framework is a cycle of seven action steps, beginning and ending with reflecting on and evaluating present practice. It is supported by seven characteristics of collaborative environmental management that are used to gauge the success of the partnership. Our results show that the partnership successfully built trust, established shared norms and common interest, created incentives to participate, generated value in information sharing and willingness to engage, demonstrated effective flow of information, and provided leadership and facilitation. Key to success was the presence of a multi-lingual facilitator who could bridge cultural differences across regions and academia-practitioner expectations. The project succeeded in establishing common goals, setting mutual expectations and building relations of trust and respect, and co-creating knowledge. It is too soon to determine whether changes in practices that support sustainability will be maintained over the long term and without the help of an outside facilitator. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Configuraciones territoriales múltiples: reflexiones a partir de El Anti-Edipo: capitalismo y esquizofrenia de Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari

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    Zanotelli Claudio Luiz


    Full Text Available códigos de las sociedades llamadas “salvajes” y realiza las promesas de poder de las sociedades despóticas, o “bárbaras”, actualizando parcialmente los delirios autárquicos de grandeza de los Estados modernos. Simultáneamente, el capitalismo genera una multiplicación de las fracturas territoriales y de globalizaciones de toda índole. En esta decodificación total de valores, los flujos (sociales, económicos y políticos liberados por el capitalismo titubean entre una decodificación que conduciría, por un lado, a una “desterritorialización” radical de los procesos y, por otro, a una reaparición y reactualización conservadora de esos flujos producidos por el proceso mismo de “creación destructiva”.

  17. Meanings of a Territorial Infrastructure: the Airports Significati di una infrastruttura territoriale: gli aeroporti

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    Giuseppe Mazzeo


    lacking of physical and spatial integration with their urban context; for this the airports have evolved into semi-autonomous spaces. For their dimensional characteristics and for the incidence of pollutants factors, must be placed outside the city, often at significant distances from the same: their fundamental role in the urban structure is expressed, therefore, in external spaces from the city. As defined above, the airport is an urban infrastructure. But it is other things also: it is an ordered place, because its management requires defined actions and sequences of activities that are the true opposite of the urban disorder. Both the structures are complexes but the airport is a side where the hierarchical roles are well defined, more than in other sides, and it is the side where the authority is recognized and well accepted. The building of new airports, or the modernization of existing structures are a sign of the sectors’ vitality and of the necessity to offer better services to an expanding custom. But the airports have created a lot of imagines around their presence and use.

    mplessi, ma il primo è uno spazio in cui i ruoli gerarchici sono ben definiti e dove è l'autorità è riconosciuta e ben accettata.


    La costruzione di nuovi aeroporti, o l'ammodernamento delle strutture esistenti, è un segno della vitalità del settore e della necessità di offrire migliori servizi ad una utenza in espansione.

    L’articolo vuole esplorare i significati principali di una infrastruttura come l’aeroporto. Essa è una infrastruttura territoriale che aumenta l'accessibilità spaziale e il potenziale economico di un territorio; in questo senso, è una porta per incrementare gli scambi turistici e culturali. È anche una infrastruttura che porta con sé gli investimenti in altre aree della mobilità. A partire dagli anni Sessanta, inoltre, è diventato una icona e un luogo simbolico dove sperimentare nuove soluzioni architettoniche. Sono fattori limitativi

  18. Mercados de Trabajo y Prestaciones Asistenciales Agrarias en las Regiones Españolas de Andalucía y Extremadura: diferencias territoriales y perfiles demográficos de sus beneficiarios

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    Eugenio Cejudo García

    Full Text Available Resumen: Los trabajadores eventuales agrarios de Andalucía y Extremadura tienen un tratamiento especial en las prestaciones por desempleo respecto a los otros territorios españoles. Son el Subsidio de Desempleo Agrario y la Renta Agraria. El objetivo planteado es conocer los cambios sociodemográficos que sufre este colectivo pasados 30 años de su implantación así como su distribución a escala provincial y municipal. Las fuentes utilizadas proceden de Instituciones Oficiales que ofrecen información municipalizada, entre otras variables, de parados, afiliados y beneficiarios de estas prestaciones. Cuando los datos lo permiten los análisis demográficos y territoriales se hacen a nivel de municipio y, en su defecto, provincial. Se concluye que el perceptor del Subsidio Agrario es decreciente en su número, cada vez más envejecido y feminizado y mayoritariamente desligado del mercado de trabajo agrario. El de la Renta Agraria es un colectivo creciente, más joven e igualmente feminizado aunque irrumpe, a partir de 2009, el varón joven y muy joven a consecuencia de la crisis económica. Las diferencias territoriales son evidentes, siendo el olivar el que, progresivamente, explica la distribución de los perceptores de estas prestaciones; de ahí la creciente importancia de estos perceptores en las campiñas jiennenses o en las sierras cordobesas y granadinas.

  19. Cadenas agroalimentarias territoriales. Tensiones y aprendizajes desde el sector lácteo de la Amazonía ecuatoriana

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    Sandra Ríos


    Full Text Available desarrollo de su actividad: débil poder de negociación, estructuras de costos por encima del precio, significativa dependencia del mercado y bajo valor agregado representan importantes retos de gestión pública. En este sentido, la Agenda de Transformación Productiva Amazónica, nuevo paradigma de política en este territorio, tiene un gran desafío. Este trabajo realiza una investigación inédita en este territorio con el fin de analizar las condiciones que posibilitarían a los productores locales, en tanto actores de la cadena agroalimentaria láctea, fortalecer su posición frente a los demás eslabones. Para ello, se utiliza el enfoque metodológico de Montpellier y de cadenas agroalimentarias territoriales, el cual ha permitido configurar el bajo poder de negociación de los actores locales, explicado por una deficiente acción colectiva que limita la puesta en valor de recursos endógenos del territorio.

  20. Distribución espacial de la miseria en hogares de Santiago del Estero y procesos territoriales en Argentina, 1991-2001

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    Fernando LONGHI


    Full Text Available El campesinado santiagueño conforma uno de los núcleos argentinos donde la miseria alcanzó las mayores proporciones a fines del siglo XX. En este trabajo se analizaron los principales procesos territoriales ocurridos durante la década de 1990, asociados al comportamiento de la miseria. Dentro de tales procesos se indagó sobre los cambios en las grandes masas de cultivo, la ganadería, la cantidad y superficie de las explotaciones agropecuarias y la dinámica de la población. Como fuentes de información se utilizaron los Censos Nacionales de Población, Hogares y Viviendas de 1991 y 2001, los Censos Nacionales Agropecuarios de 1988 y 2002 y las estadísticas vitales del periodo intercensal. Los principales resultados se relacionaron con la desarticulación entre el crecimiento de la superficie cultivada con soja y la economía campesina, en un contexto de fuerte deforestación.

  1. Reviewing Biosphere Reserves globally: effective conservation action or bureaucratic label? (United States)

    Coetzer, Kaera L; Witkowski, Edward T F; Erasmus, Barend F N


    The Biosphere Reserve (BR) model of UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme reflects a shift towards more accountable conservation. Biosphere Reserves attempt to reconcile environmental protection with sustainable development; they explicitly acknowledge humans, and human interests in the conservation landscape while still maintaining the ecological values of existing protected areas. Conceptually, this model is attractive, with 610 sites currently designated globally. Yet the practical reality of implementing dual 'conservation' and 'development' goals is challenging, with few examples successfully conforming to the model's full criteria. Here, we review the history of Biosphere Reserves from first inception in 1974 to the current status quo, and examine the suitability of the designation as an effective conservation model. We track the spatial expansion of Biosphere Reserves globally, assessing the influence of the Statutory Framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves and Seville strategy in 1995, when the BR concept refocused its core objectives on sustainable development. We use a comprehensive range of case studies to discuss conformity to the Programme, the social and ecological consequences associated with implementation of the designation, and challenges in aligning conservation and development. Given that the 'Biosphere Reserve' label is a relatively unknown designation in the public arena, this review also provides details on popularising the Biosphere Reserve brand, as well as prospects for further research, currently unexploited, but implicit in the designation. © 2013 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2013 Cambridge Philosophical Society.

  2. Biosphere reserves in action: Case studies of the American experience

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For nearly 20 years, biosphere reserves have offered a unique framework for building the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems. The 12 case studies in this volume chronicle many of the cooperative efforts to implement the biosphere reserve concept in the United States. Considered together, these efforts involve more than 20 types of protected areas, and the participation of all levels of government, and many private organizations, academic institutions, citizens groups, and individuals. Biosphere reserves are multi-purpose areas that are nominated by the national committee of the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) and designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to serve as demonstration areas for cooperation in building harmonious relationships between human activities and the conservation of ecosystems and biological diversity. Each biosphere reserve exemplifies the characteristic ecosystems of one of the worlds biogeographical regions. It is a land or coas%arine area involving human communities as integral components and including resources managed for objectives ranging from complete protection to intensive, yet sustainable development. A biosphere reserve is envisioned as a regional ''landscape for learning'' in which monitoring, research, education, and training are encouraged to support sustainable conservation of natural and managed ecosystems. It is a framework for regional cooperation involving government decisionmakers, scientists, resource managers, private organizations and local people (i.e., the biosphere reserve ''stakeholders''). Finally, each biosphere reserve is part of a global network for sharing information and experience to help address complex problems of conservation and development. The 12 case studies presented in this report represent only a few of the possible evolutions of a biosphere reserve in

  3. Walmart en áreas periurbanas de la ciudad de Toluca, México: efectos sociales, económicos y territoriales

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    María Estela Orozco-Hernández


    Full Text Available Este estudio, a través de entrevistas aplicadas a los residentes, gerentes, clientes e interpretación cartográfica, caracteriza los efectos sociales, económicos y territoriales que dos tiendas de Walmart (Adolfo López Mateos y Alfredo del Mazo generan en áreas periurbanas de la ciudad de Toluca. La penetración comercial determina la reducción de los costos de localización periférica, la formación de un mercado de lugar de alcance regional, y la organización y uso de la tecnología que mantiene las ventajas competitivas. En esta lógica, la intensidad de uso del territorio muestra la multiplicidad de agentes productivos, actividades económicas, asentamientos humanos y elementos culturales, que identifican la aglomeración comercial como determinante del hecho urbano. No obstante que las externalidades fortalecen las ventajas comparativas del lugar, y los entrevistados las califican positivamente, los efectos negativos plantean el incremento de la vulnerabilidad social y económica local, y la degradación urbana.

  4. 78 FR 50038 - National Estuarine Research Reserve System (United States)


    ....33(c), the revised plan meets the reserve's requirements for compliance. The Wells Reserve Management... Reserve System AGENCY: Estuarine Reserves Division, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.... ACTION: Notice of Public Comment Period for the Wells, Maine National Estuarine Research Reserve...

  5. 76 FR 68064 - Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions (United States)


    ... Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Board is amending Regulation D, Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions, to reflect the annual indexing of the reserve requirement exemption amount and the low reserve...

  6. Cadenas agroalimentarias territoriales. Tensiones y aprendizajes desde el sector lácteo de la Amazonía ecuatoriana

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    Sandra Ríos Núñez


    Full Text Available Los ganaderos de la provincia de Pastaza, Amazonía ecuatoriana, enfrentan sustanciales dificultades en el desarrollo de su actividad: débil poder de negociación, estructuras de costos por encima del precio, significativa dependencia del mercado y bajo valor agregado representan importantes retos de gestión pública. En este sentido, la Agenda de Transformación Productiva Amazónica, nuevo paradigma de política en este territorio, tiene un gran desafío. Este trabajo realiza una investigación inédita en este territorio con el fin de analizar las condiciones que posibilitarían a los productores locales, en tanto actores de la cadena agroalimentaria láctea, fortalecer su posición frente a los demás eslabones. Para ello, se utiliza el enfoque metodológico de Montpellier y de cadenas agroalimentarias territoriales, el cual ha permitido configurar el bajo poder de negociación de los actores locales, explicado por una deficiente acción colectiva que limita la puesta en valor de recursos endógenos del territorio.

  7. Enfoque Espacial y Visiones Territoriales del Desarrollo Regional en el Ecuador (1952-1982. Estudios, programas y planes.

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    Anna Vincenza Nufrio


    Full Text Available Los cambios de escala de los procesos políticos-económicos impuestos por la globalización orientan cada vez más, en Europa, Asia y América Latina, las prácticas de la planificación territorial hacia la implementación de estrategias de desarrollo regional y sub-regional. La “regionalización” es un tema pendiente en la agenda política del Ecuador, y no obstante la actual Constitución establece que el país se organiza territorialmente en regiones, provincias, cantones y parroquias rurales, el desarrollo equitativo, la autonomía y la descentralización de los distintos niveles de gobierno siguen siendo objetivos a alcanzar. Este artículo respalda este debate indagando sobre el enfoque espacial y las visiones territoriales que entre 1952 y 1982 orientaron las propuestas de regionalización en el Ecuador. A tal propósito se analizan valiosos documentos inéditos (estudios, planes y proyectos realizados por la JUNAPLA y el CREA: únicos ensayos de Planificación Regional realizados en el país, de manera particular en la Región Centro-Sur.

  8. 75 FR 65563 - Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions (United States)


    ... Requirements of Depository Institutions AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Board is amending Regulation D, Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions, to reflect the annual indexing of the reserve requirement exemption amount and the low reserve tranche for...

  9. 78 FR 66249 - Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions (United States)


    ... Requirements of Depository Institutions AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Board is amending Regulation D, Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions, to reflect the annual indexing of the reserve requirement exemption amount and the low reserve tranche for...

  10. 77 FR 65773 - Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions (United States)


    ... Requirements of Depository Institutions AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Board is amending Regulation D, Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions, to reflect the annual indexing of the reserve requirement exemption amount and the low reserve tranche for...

  11. 76 FR 40338 - National Estuarine Research Reserve System (United States)


    ... coastal issues of the reserve related to water quality (non-point source pollution), invasive species... Reserve System AGENCY: Estuarine Reserves Division, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.... ACTION: Notice of Approval and Availability for Revised Management Plans for ACE Basin, SC National...

  12. Reconversión industrial, gran empresa y efectos territoriales: El caso del sector automotriz en México

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    José Antonio Vieyra Medrano


    Full Text Available El proceso de reconversión industrial que se desarrolla en México manifiesta un impacto diferencial, al incorporar sólo ciertos territorios y determinados sectores económicos a la "nueva lógica de producción global". Esto hace que los patrones territoriales, imperantes hasta los años setenta, se vean modificados. El estudio parte del análisis de la industria manufacturera y reconoce a las empresas de gran tamaño como las de mayor capacidad para asumir dicha reestructuración. Finalmente, se estudia al sector automotriz, asumiéndolo como uno de los más importantes dentro del fenómeno de la globalización, ya que liga realidades nacionales y regionales con el actual funcionamiento de una economía mundial.In Mexico it is developing a process of rationalization of industry. It is expressed by a diferential impact, since it incorporates only some regions and certain economic sectors to the "new global production logic". This makes changes in the land patterns prevailing until the 1970 decade. The analysis leaves from manufacturing industry, identifying the big firms as the more qualified to assume that reestructuration. At last, the automobile sector is studied taking it as a more important ones into globalization phenomenon. So, it links national and regional realities with the actual world economy function.

  13. Los efectos territoriales de las dinámicas globales en unas islas turísticas mediterráneas: las Baleares

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    Onofre Rullan


    Full Text Available El trabajo repasa la evolución económica y territorial de la islas Baleares a partir de su inserción en la órbita económica de Europa occidental que se da después del final de la II Guerra Mundial. Se analizan los principales procesos de transformación observados en la región en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Entre los procesos analizados se hace especial referencia a las transformaciones territoriales y urbanísticas así como al cambio de signo de los procesos demográficos y a los efectos inducidos sobre el sector inmobiliario. Se concluye que, como consecuencia de todo el proceso, las Islas Baleares han pasado de ser un muy periférico enclave turístico de uso vacacional por parte de la población europea a una extensión residencial de uso mucho más frecuente mucho más frecuente, incrementando así la conexión con la gran megalópolis europea vez más conectada a la gran megalópolis europea.

  14. Climate mission: territory action and climatic change; Mission climat: action territoriale et changement climatique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perthuis, Ch. de


    The France will reach with difficulties the Kyoto objectives concerning the greenhouse gases emission reduction, if only the emissions from the industry are concerned. Thus the local collectivities have a great role to play. The author explains the importance of the local communities initiatives, details the example of the United States where the federal structure leaves many rooms for manoeuvre, points out the importance of the transportation sector in the greenhouse gases emission and discusses the local collectivities policy facing the renewable energies development, the energy conservation and the energy efficiency of the buildings. (A.L.B.)

  15. Geographical information system for radon gas from soil measurement; Il sistema informativo territoriale per la valutazione del potenziale di esalazione di radon dal suolo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orlando, P.; Amici, M.; Altieri, A.; Massari, P.; Miccadei, E.; Onofri, A.; Orlando, C.; Paolelli, C.; Paron, P.; Perticaroli, P.; Piacentini, T.; Silvestri, C. [Milan Univ. Sacro Cuore, Milan (Italy). Servizio Centralizzato Radioisotopi; Belli, M.; Marchetti, A.; Petrocchi, A.; Rosamilia, S.; Serva, L.; Singh, G.; Tommasino, L. [Agenzia Nazionale per la Protezione dell' Ambiente, Rome (Italy); Minach, L.; Verdi, L. [Agenzia Provinciale per la Protezione dell' Ambiente, Bolzano (Italy); Bertolo, A.; Trotti, F. [Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell' Ambiente, Regione Veneto (Italy)


    The working program foresees the realization of an geographical information system for the check in field of the geological parameters and determination of uranium and radium contents in various type of rocks. It is here also pointed out a measuring method for radon concentration in soil. [Italian] In questo documento viene presentato il lavoro svolto fino ad oggi: dalla definizione dei parametri geologici ritenuti piu' significativi per la presenza di radon nel suolo e dalle misure in campo e in laboratorio, fino alla realizzazione del Sistema Informativo Territoriale (SIT) per la gestione dei suddetti parametri. Nel primo capitolo sono descritte le caratteristiche del radon, dal punto di vista chimico-fisico e geologico, per introdurre i criteri adottati nella scelta dei paramentri geologici e del loro peso per la valutazione del PERS (Potenziale di Esalazione Radon dal Suolo). Il secondo capitolo descrive il progetto in generale, mentre i successivi capitoli descrivono piu' in dettaglio la parte informatica e quella delle indagini sperimentali.

  16. Differentiated mono and multimaterial waste collection methods; Sistemi di raccolta differenziata di rifiuti solidi urbani: metodologie tecnico-economiche applicate ad un ambito territoriale calabrese

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reitano, A [Calabria Univ., Arcavata di Rende, CS (Italy). Dipt. di Organizzazione Aziendale e Amministrazione Pubblica; Giacchino, P P


    The technical, economical and financial estimate of differentiated mono and multimaterial waste collection methods is the subject of this research. This is referred to a Calabrian (Italy) territorial ambit and it is divided in two stages: the first one is based on the evaluation of the possible technical achievement of the two alternatives; the second one lies in the formulation of foreseeing economic and capital accounts to which operative and financial methods are applied for the evaluation of investments. [Italian] La ricerca ha come oggetto la valutazione tecnica ed economico-finanziaria dei sistemi per la raccolta differenziata mono e multi-materiale dei rifiuti solidi urbani. Specificatamente riferita ad un ambito territoriale calabrese, si articola in due fasi: la prima e' focalizzata sulla realizzabilita' tecnica delle due alternative; la seconda consiste nella formulazione dei conti previsionali economico e di capitale, cui vengono, quindi, applicati i metodi operativi e finanziari per la valutazione degli investimenti.

  17. Transformaciones urbano–territoriales y sustentabilidad del desarrollo en la ciudad de Córdoba 1910–2010.

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    Mg. Arq. Edgardo J. Venturini


    Full Text Available A partir de la primera década del siglo XX, el crecimiento urbano de la ciudad de Córdoba comienza claramente a superar los límites de las potencialidades de urbanización del territorio local. Las nuevas tecnologías de urbanización posibilitan responder a las demandas del crecimiento demográfco y económico que experimenta la ciudad. Este proceso se acentúa a partir de la década de 1940, con el desarrollo industrial de la ciudad y la expansión periférica respecto a los núcleos tradicionales de la ciudad fundacional y sus primeras extensiones (Nueva Córdoba y los llamados «Barrios pueblo». Los años 60 consolidan estos procesos de extensión periférica. Pero a partir de los '70 se asiste al surgimiento del fenómeno de metropolización de Córdoba, con las consiguientes rupturas de los procesos de producción de lo urbano y la aparición de nuevas lógicas urbano–territoriales (descentralización, fragmentación, dispersión, difusión, segregación buscada–segregación obligada, grandes proyectos en «áreas especiales», nuevas conectividades, cuyas características, condiciones y défcits de sustentabilidad evidencian que los nuevos modos de producción de lo urbano son fuentes de mayores y más complejos problemas ambientales en la escala local–territorial.

  18. Transferencia de recursos económico financieros e impactos territoriales en Venezuela. Caso de estudio: Región Zuliana vs. Región Capital

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    Belén García


    Full Text Available El análisis de los efectos territoriales de la generación, captación y, sobre todo, asignación de los recursos económico-financieros en dos regiones venezolanas, Zulia y Capital, constituyen el objeto de análisis de este artículo. Los recursos económico-financieros constituyen el punto a partir del cual se analizan los desequilibrios interregionales, dado que son ellos, por una parte, los que soportan, impulsan, promueven o en su defecto limitan y detienen el proceso de desarrollo regional, reforzado por la ausencia o débil presencia de un verdadero liderazgo sociopolítico regional, así como una anacrónica y obsoleta gerencia públicaThis paper achieves an analysis of the unbalances between different regions, starting with the analysis of some variables of the financial system, viewed as the sector through which the transfer of the economic surplus produced by one region to another represents the benefits for some regions and the sacrifice the of other. In this analysis, two regions are analysed, one is the exporter region and the other one is the importer of economics and financial resources: the first one is the Zulia region, and the other is the Capital region. These unbalanced conditions are revealed in different ways. Thereby, we find that the "importer" region has higher rates of growth, higher levels of income, lower rates of unemployment, and higher rates of capital/product, etc. On the other hand we find that the "exporter" region has higher levels of stalemate. The first point to be analyzed are the unbalanced conditions in the analysis of the economical and financial resources, because we begin with the premise that resources support, promote or the other hand, limit and stop the process of development of the region. The importance of the analysis is to know and define the causes that originate unbalanced conditions in order to design corrective actions in order to find a more balanced regional structure and with higher

  19. Impulsive action and motivation. (United States)

    Frijda, Nico H


    This paper explores the way in which emotions are causal determinants of action. It argues that emotional events, as appraised by the individual, elicit changes in motive states (called states of action readiness), which in turn may (or may not) cause action. Actions can be elicited automatically, without prior intention (called impulsive actions), or intentionally. Impulsive actions reflect the simplest and biologically most general form in which emotions can cause action, since they require no reflection, no foresight, and no planning. Impulsive actions are determined conjointly by the nature of action readiness, the affordances perceived in the eliciting event as appraised, and the individual's action repertoire. Those actions from one's repertoire are performed that both match the perceived affordances and the aim of the state of action readiness. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Les politiques territoriales de verdissement des métropoles françaises. Méthode comparative et critique des politiques de «Trame verte et bleue» sur les berges des fleuves de la métropole lilloise et lyonnaise

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    Laurène Wiesztort


    Full Text Available Las ciudades son actualmente el principal biotopo del Hombre, consumen espacios cada vez másimportantes, son muy artificiales y dejan poco espacio para la naturaleza. Por una preocupaciónambiental y la necesidad experimentada por los ciudadanos, los actores territoriales implementannuevas políticas, estrategias para reintegrar a la naturaleza en las ciudades. El interés es doble: ambiental (calentamiento global, la lucha contra la contaminación y social (ciudades minerales,la fuerte demanda de espacios de ocio. ¿Cómo conciliar estas puestas, la presión de los actores yde la población? En este estudio, vamos a estudiar dos políticas territoriales de grandes metrópolisfrancesas, vamos a analizar y criticar: las metrópolis de Lille y Lyon. Estas dos metrópolis handesarrollado políticas de trama verde y azul (en el sentido del Grenelle del Medio Ambiente yvamos a poner de realce las realizaciones concretas en el terreno muy diversas de estas políticas(parques urbanos, espacios de ocio y de descanso, corredores ecológicos. Nuestro estudio decaso pone en evidencia los resultados matizados. Para la metrópoli de Lille, los objetivos padecenpero las operaciones han sido realizadas en periferia. Para la metrópoli de Lyon, la trama verde yazul es bien en el centro denso de la ciudad pero el aspecto medioambiental ha sido borrado, enprovecho de la demanda social de espacios recreativos.

  1. Superfund Record of Decision (EPA Rregion 4): Oak Ridge Reservation (USDOE), (Operable Unit 3), Anderson County, Oak Ridge, TN. (Second remedial action), September 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) (USDOE) (Operable Unit 3) site is an active nuclear weapons component manufacturing facility located in Oak Ridge, Anderson County, Tennessee. The Y-12 plant, which is addressed as Operable Unit 3, is one of several hundred waste disposal sites or areas of contamination at the ORR site requiring Superfund remedial action. The site occupies the upper reaches of East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) in Bear Creek Valley. From 1940 to the present, the Y-12 plant has been used to produce nuclear weapons components. From 1955 to 1963, mercury was used in a column-exchange process to separate lithium isotopes. Testing of the three concrete tanks showed that the tank sediment contained mercury, and that contaminated waste is still being discharged into two of the three tanks. The Record of Decision (ROD) focuses on the contaminated sediment in the sedimentation tanks as an interim action. The primary contaminants of concern affecting the sediment are mercury, a metal and radioactive materials. The selected interim remedial action for the site is included

  2. Morphodynamic evolution of Laida beach (Oka estuary, Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, southeastern Bay of Biscay) in response to supratidal beach nourishment actions (United States)

    Monge-Ganuzas, M.; Gainza, J.; Liria, P.; Epelde, I.; Uriarte, A.; Garnier, R.; González, M.; Nuñez, P.; Jaramillo, C.; Medina, R.


    Laida beach, located at the Oka estuary mouth (Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve) in the southeastern region of the Bay of Biscay, suffered the impact of a severe succession of storms during the first months of 2014. As a result of the erosion induced by these events, the beach lost its supratidal zone almost completely. The absence of a supratidal beach generated an impact on the recreational use of the beach during the summer 2014, and represented a potential impact for the coming summer 2015. Furthermore, it resulted in an overexposure and damage of adjacent infrastructures due to impinging strong waves. Therefore, the competent authorities, in coordination, decided to take action in order to nourish the supratidal zone of this beach. The solution adopted combined two different actions. The first one accomplished in spring of 2015, consisted in the mobilization of 44,800 m3 of sand from an area of 35,200 m2 equal to the 7% of the intertidal zone of Laida beach interpreted as the existing surface between the average low and high tidal limits, to the zone next to the eastern rocky beach contour. This action successfully resulted in an increase of the supratidal beach for the entire summer 2015 without negatively perturbing the morphological system. The second action was somewhat experimental and consisted in the mechanical plough of the previously existing intertidal low-amplitude ridges with the aim of increasing the sand transport toward the supratidal beach. Although this action did not lead to the increase of the supratidal beach, it seems to have resulted in an acceleration of the natural onshore migration of the bars. The objective of this contribution is to describe the morphodynamical response of the estuarine mouth after the performed actions with special emphasis on the evolution of extracted sites and the supratidal Laida beach area. The information here presented represents an innovative step in the understanding of the complex mechanisms driving the

  3. geografías de la civilidad prácticas y discursos territoriales en escenarios de postconflicto en colombia

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    Beatriz Nates Cruz


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este artículo es tratar el concepto de geografías de la civilidad como propuesta para analizar las tramas y estrategias situadas, sobre cómo en ciertos lugares de Colombia se enfrentan y sortean las consecuencias del conflicto armado con prácticas y posturas discursivas, bajo actos concretos de civilidad. Para ello, se recurre a la etnografía de escenarios, estrategias, tramas y escalas. Se hace un cotejo entre dos medios para buscar la civilidad: uno, basado en el sistema proxémico, las modalidades del conocimiento y la repre- sentación cultural y, el otro, basado en la perspectiva política. Se hicieron entrevistas abiertas, observaciones directas, fotografías, filmaciones, cartografías conceptuales y cartografías tipo SIG. Para analizar la información se utilizó los software Nvivo y Hyper RESEARCH . En los estudios realizados se encontró una diferencia importante entre “resistir en el lugar” (“fren - teamiento” y resistir desde afuera (“resistencia” con materialidades tanto en la palabra como en las acciones localizadas. Concluimos con que las experiencias cognitivas, emocionales y políticas como el conocimiento, los rituales, la música, las alianzas políticas, los recorridos territoriales y los distintos dispositivos espaciales, operan como medios de discernimiento para enfrentar el miedo y lograr reapropiarse del entorno.

  4. 12 CFR 272.4 - Committee actions. (United States)


    ... and Banking FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (CONTINUED) FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE RULES OF PROCEDURE § 272... System Open Market Account. All communications of recommended actions and votes under this paragraph... execution of any operations pursuant to the action, the action is null and void unless it is ratified and...

  5. Consumo de Suelo y Colapso de las Políticas Territoriales

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    Paola Bonora


    Full Text Available Resumen La transformación de las ciudades compactas hacia la lógica difusa, ha sido un camino caracterizado por la controversia social, que llevó a la huida de población en un pasado aglomerada, fundamentalmente por razones económicas, transformando a la urbanización en un sector pujante de la economía neoliberal. La ciudad actual, es el producto de la transición postfordista, del pasaje de la concentración a la dilatación; de los sistemas urbanos jerárquicamente ordenados, a la difusión reticular; de los paradigmas areales, a los de naturaleza rizomática. Un proceso que empezó en los ‘70, amplificado a partir de los ‘80 y que llevó a esa aluvión de asentamientos, de la que hace tiempo se estudian los efectos territoriales (Bonora, 2009a; Bonora, Cervellati 2009b Este artículo recorre las etapas del proceso de urbanización postfordista, que llevó a la reconfiguración, ontológica y epistémica de los espacios. La ciudad es espejo de las transformaciones, se produce desde el fulcro cultural y al mismo tiempo es el campo en el que la valorización transfiere sus propias energías, en una unión entre renta financiera y renta inmobiliaria de resultados devastadores para la vertiente del patrimonio territorial, un bien colectivo que la especulación saqueó. Los datos hacia el final del estudio, documentan la fase más reciente de la devaluación del patrimonio territorial, la que culminó en la explosión de la burbuja inmobiliaria. No se trata de cartografías ornamentales, sino esenciales al discurso. Abstract The present city is the product of the post-Fordist transition, the passage of the concentration to dilatation of the hierarchically ordered the lattice diffusion urban systems, the areal to rhizomatic nature of paradigms. A process that began in the 70s, amplified from the ‘80s and that led to this barrage of settlement of longstanding territorial effects (Bonora, 2009a; Bonora, Cervellati 2009b This article goes

  6. Pratiques résidentielles des ménages et consommation d'électricité : une approche territoriale de la transition énergétique en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

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    Chabrol Maximin


    Full Text Available La consommation d'électricité liée à l'habitat en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur représente un tiers de la facture énergétique régionale. La maîtrise des consommations énergétiques, en particulier des consommations d'électricité, est l'un des piliers évoqués par les pouvoirs publics pour une mise en œuvre de la transition énergétique. Une approche infrarégionale permet de caractériser les comportements des territoires face à cette consommation, d'en rechercher les déterminants et de s'interroger sur les types d'actions à mettre en œuvre. Il est possible de mettre en évidence les contingences locales qui confèrent aux espaces de la région Paca un caractère énergivore du point de vue des consommations d'électricité du secteur résidentiel. La méthodologie développée repose sur une analyse en composantes principales et une classification ascendante hiérarchique pour l'élaboration d'une typologie d'espaces énergivores qualifiés autant par leurs fonctions (résidentielle, activités économiques, tourisme…, que par le type d'habitat qui les caractérise (maisons individuelles, appartements. La cartographie des résultats obtenus permet de territorialiser les types et d'engager une réflexion sur la dimension territoriale de la mise en œuvre de la transition énergétique.

  7. 77 FR 42326 - Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Indian Reservation Roads (United States)


    ... Indian Reservation Roads AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior. ACTION: Notice of submission to OMB... information for Indian Reservation Roads. The information collection is currently authorized by OMB Control... recognized Tribal governments to participate in the Indian Reservation Roads (IRR) program as defined in 25 U...

  8. Action representation: crosstalk between semantics and pragmatics. (United States)

    Prinz, Wolfgang


    Marc Jeannerod pioneered a representational approach to movement and action. In his approach, motor representations provide both, declarative knowledge about action and procedural knowledge for action (action semantics and action pragmatics, respectively). Recent evidence from language comprehension and action simulation supports the claim that action pragmatics and action semantics draw on common representational resources, thus challenging the traditional divide between declarative and procedural action knowledge. To account for these observations, three kinds of theoretical frameworks are discussed: (i) semantics is grounded in pragmatics, (ii) pragmatics is anchored in semantics, and (iii) pragmatics is part and parcel of semantics. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Fases y variables vinculadas a la desindustrialización: un análisis en dos escalas territoriales

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    Jaime Sobrino


    Full Text Available En los estudios sobre economía espacial y economía industrial suele afirmarse que la desindustrialización consiste en la pérdida de importancia de la industria manufacturera en el mercado de trabajo y en la estructura económica. Los factores asociados a dicha pérdida se dividen entre los vinculados con la integración vertical de los servicios de orden superior al proceso productivo, y los relacionados con la falta de competitividad para la producción de bienes. El propósito de este artículo consiste en aportar elementos conceptuales y evidencia empírica para caracterizar la desindustrialización como un proceso que atraviesa por diversas fases, que van desde el crecimiento industrial hasta la pérdida absoluta de empleo y producción; asimismo busca explorar variables asociadas a tal proceso. Para ello se utilizan los instrumentos estadísticos de análisis de correspondencias, los modelos log-lineales y las funciones de regresión logística. En una primera etapa el estudio incluye 88 países, y en la segunda se cambia la escala geográfica para enfocarse en las 90 áreas urbanas y metropolitanas más pobladas de México. Se concluye que la desindustrialización en ambas escalas territoriales (país y ciudad comparte elementos comunes relacionados con un menor crecimiento económico y un mayor peso de los servicios al productor. Pero también se observan especificidades, como la mayor velocidad y variabilidad del proceso en las ciudades respecto a los países. La desindustrialización debe ser vista como un proceso, aunque no siempre lineal ni tampoco circunscrito a las naciones más desarrolladas o a las ciudades de mayor tamaño.

  10. Habits as action sequences: hierarchical action control and changes in outcome value. (United States)

    Dezfouli, Amir; Lingawi, Nura W; Balleine, Bernard W


    Goal-directed action involves making high-level choices that are implemented using previously acquired action sequences to attain desired goals. Such a hierarchical schema is necessary for goal-directed actions to be scalable to real-life situations, but results in decision-making that is less flexible than when action sequences are unfolded and the decision-maker deliberates step-by-step over the outcome of each individual action. In particular, from this perspective, the offline revaluation of any outcomes that fall within action sequence boundaries will be invisible to the high-level planner resulting in decisions that are insensitive to such changes. Here, within the context of a two-stage decision-making task, we demonstrate that this property can explain the emergence of habits. Next, we show how this hierarchical account explains the insensitivity of over-trained actions to changes in outcome value. Finally, we provide new data that show that, under extended extinction conditions, habitual behaviour can revert to goal-directed control, presumably as a consequence of decomposing action sequences into single actions. This hierarchical view suggests that the development of action sequences and the insensitivity of actions to changes in outcome value are essentially two sides of the same coin, explaining why these two aspects of automatic behaviour involve a shared neural structure. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  11. Juntas de Vecinos: Características y alcances de la participación social en organizaciones comunitarias territoriales.

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    Ignacio José Rojas Dunlop


    Full Text Available El presente artículo consiste en la exposición de los resultados de una investigación etnográfica acerca de las características y alcances de la participación social que se da a partir de la membresía en organizaciones comunitarias territoriales: las juntas de vecinos. Previa exposición de los resultados propiamente tales, cabe señalar, se presenta una problematización, a modo de introducción, de los temas a tratar, una discusión conceptual y una breve referencia metodológica. Se sostiene que existen dos objetivos que tendrían las juntas de vecinos: uno explícito, relativo a la solución de problemas que aquejen al territorio que representan, y sus habitantes, y otro implícito, relacionado a un rol integrador que cumplirían en él. Para darles cumplimiento realizan distintos modos de participación ciudadana y comunitaria. En el primer caso, se da, mayormente, una participación instrumental, y en el segundo una participación pasiva, no precisamente comunitaria. Aun así, no se cree que exista modo unívoco de caracterizar la participación en juntas de vecinos, ya que esta adquiere diversas formas y alcances según diversos factores, tales como las actividades que realicen, las voluntades, capacidades, etc., de sus dirigentes, de las autoridades comunales, de sus socios, etc. Lo cierto es que dadas las condiciones estructurales actuales existen pocas posibilidades de que sea una participación empoderada y convocante.

  12. Re-construction of action awareness depends on an internal model of action-outcome timing. (United States)

    Stenner, Max-Philipp; Bauer, Markus; Machts, Judith; Heinze, Hans-Jochen; Haggard, Patrick; Dolan, Raymond J


    The subjective time of an instrumental action is shifted towards its outcome. This temporal binding effect is partially retrospective, i.e., occurs upon outcome perception. Retrospective binding is thought to reflect post-hoc inference on agency based on sensory evidence of the action - outcome association. However, many previous binding paradigms cannot exclude the possibility that retrospective binding results from bottom-up interference of sensory outcome processing with action awareness and is functionally unrelated to the processing of the action - outcome association. Here, we keep bottom-up interference constant and use a contextual manipulation instead. We demonstrate a shift of subjective action time by its outcome in a context of variable outcome timing. Crucially, this shift is absent when there is no such variability. Thus, retrospective action binding reflects a context-dependent, model-based phenomenon. Such top-down re-construction of action awareness seems to bias agency attribution when outcome predictability is low. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Comparative Cognition: Action Imitation Using Episodic Memory. (United States)

    Crystal, Jonathon D


    Humans encounter a myriad of actions or events and later recall some of these events using episodic memory. New research suggests that dogs can imitate recently encountered actions using episodic memory. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) for Remedial Action at the Oak Ridge Reservation: A compendium of major environmental laws

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Etnier, E.L.; McDonald, E.P.; Houlberg, L.M.


    Section 121 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980 specifies that remedial actions for cleanup of hazardous substances must comply with applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARS) or standards under federal and state environmental laws. The US Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) was placed on the National Priorities List by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on November 21, 1989, effective December 21, 1989. As a result of this listing, DOE, EPA, and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation have signed a Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) for the environmental restoration of the ORR. Section XXI(F) of the FFA calls for the preparation of a draft listing of all ARARs as mandated by CERCLA section 121. This report supplies a preliminary list of available federal and state ARARs that might be considered for remedial response at the ORR. A description of the terms ''applicable'' and ''relevant and appropriate'' is provided, as well as definitions of chemical-, location-, and action-specific ARARS. ARARs promulgated by the federal government and by the state of Tennessee are listed in tables. In addition, the major provisions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air and other acts, as they apply to hazardous waste cleanup, are discussed. In the absence of ARARS, CERCLA section 121 provides for the use of nonpromulgated federal criteria, guidelines, and advisories in evaluating the human risk associated with remedial action alternatives. Such nonpromulgated standards are classified as ''to-be-considered'' (TBC) guidance. A ion of available guidance is given; summary tables fist the available federal standards and guidance information. In addition, the substantive contents of the DOE orders as they apply to remediation of radioactively contaminated sites are discussed as TBC guidance

  15. Close-out report Fitzner-Eberhardt Arid Lands Ecology Reserve remedial action, Hanford, Washington

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Fitzner-Eberhardt Arid Lands Ecology (ALE) Reserve consists of 312 km 2 (120 mi 2 ) of shrub-steppe land on the western edge of the Hanford Site. It is located south of Highway 240 and east of the point where the Yakima River borders the site. The land was set aside as a natural research area in 1967 by the Atomic Energy Commission. Historically tribal land, the area was homesteaded by pioneers before it was taken by the federal government in 1943 as a security buffer to protect the Hanford Site defense production facilities. One antiaircraft artillery battery (latter converted to a Nike missile site) was located on this land; plutonium production plants or storage facilities were never built there. A more complete account can be found in the Preliminary Assessment Screening (PAS) Report for the Arid Lands Ecology Reserve, Hanford. With the recent change in mission at the Hanford Site from plutonium production to environmental cleanup, much attention has been given to releasing clean tracts of land for other uses. The ALE Reserve is one such tract of land. The existing areas of contamination in the ALE Reserve were considered to be small. In March 1993, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) signed and Agreement in Principle in which they agreed to expedite cleanup of the ALE Reserve. Cleanup activities and a draft close-out report were to be completed by October 1994. Additionally, DOE proposed to mitigate hazards that may pose a physical threat to wildlife or humans

  16. On Two Competing Affirmative Actions under Deferred Acceptance Algorithm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Yun

    In this paper, we study two kinds of affirmative action policies, quota-based and reserve-based, under the Gale-Shapley student-optimal stable mechanism (SOSM). We first try to reveal the source of perverse affirmative action policies, especially on the purported beneficiaries. We show...... that a variant of Ergin-acyclicity structure, type-specific acyclicity, is crucial for effective affirmative action policies. This result may provide a simple criterion to decide whether affirmative action is appropriate to implement under certain market structure. We next include college's incentive...... into consideration, and indicate that for all markets without type-specific cycles and with sufficient competition for each unfilled seat, the reserve-based affirmative action is more vulnerable to manipulation compare to its quota-based counterpart. This argument implies that the efficiency gain from the more...

  17. 75 FR 20397 - Work Reserved for Performance by Federal Government Employees; Correction (United States)


    ... OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Work Reserved for Performance by Federal Government Employees; Correction AGENCY: Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget. ACTION: Notice... comments on the Proposed Policy Letter ``Work Reserved for Performance by Federal Government Employees...

  18. Material flow evaluation procedure for an integrated system in an optimal territorial range; Procedura per la valutazione dei flussi di materia di un sistema integrato in un ambito territoriale ottimale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Florio, G.; Giordano, R.; Greco, G.; Prete, C. [Arcavacata di Rende Univ. della Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, CS (Italy). Dipt. di Meccanica


    The procedure illustrated in this paper defines the parameters to be considered for a credible temporal estimate Solid Urban Waste, the object of disposal in a generic Integrated System. Application to an Optima Territorial Range of the Calabria region allowed the attainable results that make up the starting datum to plan the main subsystems involved to be pointed out. Moreover, the strategic role of the objectives of Differentiated Collection and their temporal trend is confirmed. [Italian] La procedura illustrata nel presente lavoro definisce i parametri da considerare per una stima attendibile nel tempo dei RSU (Rifiuti Solidi Urbani) oggetto di smaltimento in un generico Sistema Integrato. L'applicazione ad un Ambito Territoriale Ottimale della Regione Calabria ha permesso di evidenziare i risultati ottenibili che costituiscono il dato di partenza per il dimensionamento dei principali sottosistemi coinvolti. E' inoltre confermato il ruolo strategico degli obiettivi di Raccolta Differenziata e dal loro andamento temporale.

  19. Tierras indígenas, demarcaciones territoriales y gubernamentalización: El caso Huarpe, Pcia de Mendoza

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    Leticia Katzer


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, a través del acercamiento a una etnografía de los procesos administrativos, la trama de dispositivos estatales que han operado en la asignación de tierras a los indígenas adscriptos como Huarpes y que operan contemporáneamente en la definición de sus derechos territoriales. Se trata de explicitar las representaciones, intereses y saberes que han guiado las propuestas de intervención, recuperándolos como componentes constitutivos de un proceso social e histórico. A diferencia de las narrativas administrativas -que mediante la adopción de un lenguaje tecnicista y de nociones como la de hábitat, terminan por naturalizar, neutralizar y deshistorizar los conflictos políticos implícitos en la construcción de territorios étnicos- enfocamos los mecanismos de intervención sobre los indígenas como una forma de territorialización, revisando críticamente la pretendida mirada neutra y objetiva del aparato administrativo-judicial, apoyada en representaciones atemporales.The objective of this work is to analyze, through approach to one ethnography of the administrative processes, the plot of state devices that have operated in the allocation of earth to the adscript indigenous like Huarpes and that operate contemporarily in the definition of their territorial rights. It is tried to specify the representations, interests and learnings that they have guided the intervention proposals, recovering them like constituent components of a social and historical process. Unlike the administrative narratives - that by means of the adoption of a technicist language and slight knowledge like the one of habitat, they finish naturalizing, neutralizing and unhistoring the conflicts implicit politicians in the construction of ethnic territories we focused the intervention mechanisms on the natives like one territorialization form, reviewing critically the tried neutral and objective glance of the administrative

  20. “Seríamos el espejo de lo que es Villa Pehuenia”: Análisis comparativo-regional de los conflictos territoriales del pueblo mapuche en áreas turísticas de la provincia de Neuquén

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    Sebastián Valverde


    Full Text Available En la región cordillerana de Norpatagonia (en la provincia de Neuquén se vienen dando crecientes conflictos territoriales protagonizados por el pueblo indígena mapuche, como resultado de la expansión turística, que posee una importancia central en esta zona. En el presente trabajo nos proponemos como objetivo analizar desde la óptica de la Antropología Social estas dinámicas, atendiendo a los diversos factores causales y a la vez, a la gran diversidad de situaciones dentro de este fenómeno. Se busca sistematizar estos procesos a partir de una perspectiva comparativa que reúne la experiencia de nuestro trabajo en los departamentos de Aluminé, Huiliches, Lácar y Los Lagos.

  1. Subliminal action priming modulates the perceived intensity of sensory action consequences. (United States)

    Stenner, Max-Philipp; Bauer, Markus; Sidarus, Nura; Heinze, Hans-Jochen; Haggard, Patrick; Dolan, Raymond J


    The sense of control over the consequences of one's actions depends on predictions about these consequences. According to an influential computational model, consistency between predicted and observed action consequences attenuates perceived stimulus intensity, which might provide a marker of agentic control. An important assumption of this model is that these predictions are generated within the motor system. However, previous studies of sensory attenuation have typically confounded motor-specific perceptual modulation with perceptual effects of stimulus predictability that are not specific to motor action. As a result, these studies cannot unambiguously attribute sensory attenuation to a motor locus. We present a psychophysical experiment on auditory attenuation that avoids this pitfall. Subliminal masked priming of motor actions with compatible prime-target pairs has previously been shown to modulate both reaction times and the explicit feeling of control over action consequences. Here, we demonstrate reduced perceived loudness of tones caused by compatibly primed actions. Importantly, this modulation results from a manipulation of motor processing and is not confounded by stimulus predictability. We discuss our results with respect to theoretical models of the mechanisms underlying sensory attenuation and subliminal motor priming. Copyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Marine biosphere reserves - Need of the 21st century

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Dhargalkar, V.K.; Untawale, A.G.

    been declared in India and a few more are under consideration. The present article gives in brief the status of Marine Biosphere Reserves in India and a few other potential areas for the same reason, along the Indian coast. An action plan has been...

  3. Understanding action language modulates oscillatory mu and beta rhythms in the same way as observing actions. (United States)

    Moreno, Iván; de Vega, Manuel; León, Inmaculada


    The mu rhythms (8-13 Hz) and the beta rhythms (15 up to 30 Hz) of the EEG are observed in the central electrodes (C3, Cz and C4) in resting states, and become suppressed when participants perform a manual action or when they observe another's action. This has led researchers to consider that these rhythms are electrophysiological markers of the motor neuron activity in humans. This study tested whether the comprehension of action language, unlike abstract language, modulates mu and low beta rhythms (15-20 Hz) in a similar way as the observation of real actions. The log-ratios were calculated for each oscillatory band between each condition and baseline resting periods. The results indicated that both action language and action videos caused mu and beta suppression (negative log-ratios), whereas abstract language did not, confirming the hypothesis that understanding action language activates motor networks in the brain. In other words, the resonance of motor areas associated with action language is compatible with the embodiment approach to linguistic meaning. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Mitigation Action Plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) focuses on mitigation commitments stated in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1). Specific commitments and mitigation implementation actions are listed in Appendix A-Mitigation Actions, and form the central focus of this MAP. They will be updated as needed to allow for organizational, regulatory, or policy changes. It is the intent of DOE to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental, safety, and health laws and regulations. Eighty-six specific commitments were identified in the SEIS and associated ROD which pertain to continued operation of NPR-1 with petroleum production at the Maximum Efficient Rate (MER). The mitigation measures proposed are expected to reduce impacts as much as feasible, however, as experience is gained in actual implementation of these measures, some changes may be warranted.

  5. Desigualdades territoriales en México derivadas del tratado de libre comercio de América del Norte

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    Javier Delgadillo Maclas


    Full Text Available La instrumentación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN a partir del año 1994 consolidó una etapa de libe ral ización económica iniciada en México a partir de 1982. La sistemática operación del TLCAN en los distintos sectores de la economía (incorporados a este acuerdo comercial se vio al mismo tiempo acompañada de efectos territoriales favorables en algunos casos, y de dimensiones críticas para un número importante de regiones y estados que componen la federación mexicana. Después de 14 años de su inicio, en este trabajo se analizan los procesos de reestructuración espacial desde entonces generados, las disparidades regionales asociadas al nuevo escenario internacional, y se da cuenta de las relaciones económicas que contraponen a la etapa actual del modelo neoliberal imperante con aquellas otras formas tradicionales de organización excluidas y que aún mantienen en México buena proporción de espacios socialmente marginadosThe coming into force of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA from 1994 consolidated a phase of Mexican economic liberalization that had begun in 1982. The systematic operationalization of the NAFTA in different sectors of the economy (incorporated into this commercial agreement was also accompanied by favorable spatial impacts in some cases, and unfavorable impacts for a significant number of regions and states of the Mexican federation. Fourteen years on, this article analyzes the processes of spatial restructuring that have been generated, the regional disparities associated with the new international scenario, and explains the economic relations that run in opposition to the current stage of the dominant neoliberal model, which has excluded other traditional forms of organization and has kept many areas of Mexico in a condition of social marginalization

  6. La construcción del estado a partir de los conflictos territoriales en el bajo atrato

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    Jessica Corredor Villamil


    Full Text Available Resumen: La región del Bajo Atrato, en el departamento del Chocó en Colombia, es una región codiciada por actores económicos políticos y militares. Esto ha conllevado a la articulación de diferentes movilizaciones en torno a la tierra y sus recursos por parte de la población local. La promulgación de la ley 70 de 1993, que otorgó derechos colectivos sobre la propiedad de la tierra a las “comunidades negras”, es un eslabón en el proceso de movilización que se ha llevado a cabo en la región. Este proceso fue interrumpido por la violencia del conflicto armado y el desplazamiento forzoso masivo luego de las operaciones militares de carácter contrasubversivo en 1997. A raíz de esta situación, una parte de los habitantes de las cuencas de los ríos Jiguamiandó y Curvaradó decide organizarse para retornar sobre sus tierras. Las Zonas Humanitarias y de Biodiversidad son el resultado de este proceso. A partir de estos espacios de movilización, los habitantes intentan resistir a los intereses de los diferentes actores sobre sus tierras y proponer una alternativa al modelo que se está desarrollando en la región del Bajo Atrato. Este artículo se propone explorar la manera en que, a través de las reconfiguraciones territoriales en la cuenca del Curvaradó en la región del Bajo Atrato, considerada como una región periférica del país, olvidada por el Estado y sus instituciones, está siendo renegociada una nueva manera de concebir el Estado y la ciudadanía. Palabras clave: Bajo Atrato, Zonas Humanitarias y de Biodiversidad, Estado, Ciudadanía, Reconfiguraciones territoriales.  *** Abstract: The Lower Atrato region, located in the department of Chocó in Colombia, is a region coveted by economic political and military actors. This has led to the articulation of different mobilizations over the land and its resources by the local inhabitants. The enactment of Law 70 of 1993, which granted collective rights over the land to the

  7. El panorama territorial colombiano

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    Paula Robledo Silva


    Full Text Available i. Antecedentes constitucionales. ii. Bases constitucionales del ordenamiento territorial colombiano a partir de 1991. La convivencia de dos principios. A. Principio unitario. B. Principio de autonomía de los entes territoriales. iii. Las piezas del “rompecabezas territorial”. A. Las entidades territoriales de rango constitucional. B. Las entidades territoriales de rango legal. C. Otras formas de organización territorial. iv. Balance y perspectivas

  8. 77 FR 24975 - Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Indian Reservation Roads; Request for Comments (United States)


    ... Indian Reservation Roads; Request for Comments AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior. ACTION: Notice...) approval for the collection of information for Indian Reservation Roads. The information collection is... recognized Tribal governments to participate in the Indian Reservation Roads (IRR) program as defined in 25 U...


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    Ramón Martínez Coria


    Full Text Available El planteamiento enfoca la situación que enfrentan los pueblos indígenas de México en relación con los procesos de despojo territorial y desplazamiento forzado de poblaciones por los intereses privados, así como el impacto de estos procesos en la supervivencia de sus comunidades y la continuidad de sus patrimonios bioculturales. Buscamos hacer un recuento de los avances y limitaciones de nuestra legislación en el reconocimiento de sus derechos colectivos territoriales específicos, de acuerdo con los estándares internacionales signados por el Estado mexicano, así como su contraste con la aprobación de reformas neoliberales que atentan contra sus territorios y formas culturales, describiendo la emergencia de movimientos de lucha por la justiciabilidad de sus derechos políticos colectivos y de resistencia contra la corrupción generalizada de funcionarios y la privatización de tierras y recursos naturales. TERRITORIAL RIGHTS AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN MEXICO: A STRUGGLE FOR SOVEREIGNTY AND NATIONHOOD This article focuses on the situation faced by indigenous peoples in Mexico with regard to processes of territorial dispossession and forced displacement of populations in response to private interests, as well as the impact these processes have on the survival of indigenous communities and the continuity of their biocultural heritage. This article aims to report on the advances and limitations of Mexican law in recognizing specific collective territorial rights following the international standards signed by the Mexican State. These rights are also contrasted with the approved neoliberal reforms, which are an attempt against indigenous territories and cultural forms. It describes the emergence of movements that struggle for the justiciability of their collective political rights and the resistance to generalized corruption among public officials and the privatization of land and natural resources.

  10. El planteamiento teórico multiobjetivo/multicriterio y su aplicación a la resolución de problemas medioambientales y territoriales, mediante los S.I.G. raster

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    José Miguel Santos Preciado


    Full Text Available La complejidad del medio natural, evidenciada por la intervención de múltiples variables de carácter interactivo, y su respuesta a la acción humana, ha encontrado en la metodología de la «Evaluación Multicriterio» (EMC un modelo teórico de gran operatividad. El tratamiento masivo de la información geográfica, implícito a un planteamiento de esta naturaleza, ha obligado a la utilización de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG, como herramienta informática capaz de organizar los datos de forma georreferenciada y evaluar los resultados alcanzados, de manera eficaz, en un tiempo récord. Esta perfecta conjunción entre los SIG y la metodología EMC ha resultado altamente fructífera en el tratamiento y resolución de algunos problemas medioambientales y territoriales. Su aplicación a la valoración de la aptitud medioambiental de un territorio, en el establecimiento de la función industrial, nos ha servido de base para ofrecer un panorama de las posibilidades prácticas de esta interesante metodología.The complexity of the natural environment, shown by the intervention of múltiple variables of Interactive character and its response to human action, have found in the «Multicriteria Evaluation» methodology (EMC, a theoretical model of great effectivity. The huge dealing with geographical Information, which is inherent to an approach of this nature, has torced to the use of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS, as a computer tool able to organize data in a geo-referentiated way and to efficiently evaluate achieved results in record time. This perfect combination of the GIS and the EMC methodology has been highiy fruitful in the treatment and solution of some environmental and territorial problems. Its application to the evaluation of a territory's environmental aptitudes, to the establishing of an industrial function, has made it possible for us to offer a general view of the practical possibilities of this interesting

  11. Mejorando la planificación de sistemas territoriales con optimización metaheurística

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    Roger Z. Ríos Mercado


    industriales pueden ser apoyados mediante modelos y técnicas de Investigación de Operaciones, resultando en planes territoriales de mejor calidad.

  12. Recursos territoriales y procesos geográficos: el ejemplo de los recursos turísticos

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    Barrado Timón, Diego A.


    Full Text Available The concept of resource, with a long geographical tradition, and essential to understand society-space relations, has lost presence when explaining the processes of functionalization, occupancy and transformation of the territory. The idea here is to remark the explicative potential of the concept but also its complexity and the need of including it in a wider framework that considers cultural, social, economical and technical processes, as well as the agents involved and their interests and capabilities. Bringing the existence up of a main geographical subject in the degree of Tourism called Territorial Tourist Resources, at the end of this text the conceptual approaching is specifically illustrated with geographical resources for tourism.

    El concepto de recurso, de larga tradición geográfica y esencial para entender las relaciones sociedad-medio, ha ido perdiendo presencia a la hora de explicar los procesos de funcionalización, ocupación y transformación del territorio. Se trata aquí de resaltar su potencialidad explicativa pero también su complejidad, y la necesidad de incluirlo en un marco más amplio que atienda también a los procesos culturales, sociales, económicos y tecnológicos, así como a los agentes intervinientes, sus intereses y sus capacidades. Aprovechando la existencia de una asignatura troncal de Geografía en la Diplomatura en Turismo que lleva por título Recursos territoriales turísticos, al final del texto se ejemplifican los planteamientos conceptuales con el caso de los recursos geográficos para el turismo. [fr] Le concept de ressource, avec une longue tradition géographique et essentiel pour comprendre les relations société-milieu, a perdu importance au moment d’expliquer les processus de fonctionnalisation, occupation et transformation du territoire. Il s’agit ici de souligner sa potentialité explicative, mais aussi sa complexité et la nécessité de l’inclure dans un cadre plus vaste ce

  13. Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) for Remedial Action at the Oak Ridge Reservation: A compendium of major environmental laws. Environmental Restoration Program

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Etnier, E.L.; McDonald, E.P.; Houlberg, L.M.


    Section 121 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980 specifies that remedial actions for cleanup of hazardous substances must comply with applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARS) or standards under federal and state environmental laws. The US Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) was placed on the National Priorities List by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on November 21, 1989, effective December 21, 1989. As a result of this listing, DOE, EPA, and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation have signed a Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) for the environmental restoration of the ORR. Section XXI(F) of the FFA calls for the preparation of a draft listing of all ARARs as mandated by CERCLA {section}121. This report supplies a preliminary list of available federal and state ARARs that might be considered for remedial response at the ORR. A description of the terms ``applicable`` and ``relevant and appropriate`` is provided, as well as definitions of chemical-, location-, and action-specific ARARS. ARARs promulgated by the federal government and by the state of Tennessee are listed in tables. In addition, the major provisions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air and other acts, as they apply to hazardous waste cleanup, are discussed. In the absence of ARARS, CERCLA {section}121 provides for the use of nonpromulgated federal criteria, guidelines, and advisories in evaluating the human risk associated with remedial action alternatives. Such nonpromulgated standards are classified as ``to-be-considered`` (TBC) guidance. A ion of available guidance is given; summary tables fist the available federal standards and guidance information. In addition, the substantive contents of the DOE orders as they apply to remediation of radioactively contaminated sites are discussed as TBC guidance.

  14. La brecha entre el reconocimiento y la implementación de los derechos territoriales de los pueblos indígenas: análisis sobre su configuración en las normas, las políticas y los jueces, tras la aprobación de la Constitución Política de 1991


    Muñoz Onofre, Juan Pablo


    La del acceso a la tierra y su distribución, ha sido una problemática transversal a la historia de los conflictos sociales en el país. En el caso de los pueblos indígenas, la existencia de todo un marco jurídico nacional e internacional que reconoce sus derechos territoriales, así como de importantes avances que a este punto se han producido en cuanto a titulación de tierras de resguardo en nuestro país, fueron dos factores que invitaron a preguntarnos en este trabajo por las dinámicas que, a...

  15. Recompositions territoriales et gouvernance des régions de montagne

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    Gilles Rudaz


    Full Text Available La revendication d’une spécificité montagnarde est au cœur de nombreuses actions collectives contemporaines. Ce processus de distinction d’un territoire redéfinit le statut de la montagne, reformule les problématiques et les contenus des projets territoriaux, redéfinit les acteurs et les relations qu’ils entretiennent. L’ensemble de ces recompositions a des implications sur la gouvernance des territoires. L’article, qui discute des positions des acteurs et de la légitimation des entités montagnardes, ne porte pas sur une étude de cas particulière mais recourt à des exemples pris dans diverses régions de montagne du monde pour illustrer les processus en cours.The claim of a mountain specificity is at the heart of a number of contemporary collective actions. This process of territorial distinction redefines the status of mountains, reformulates the content of territorial projects, and redefines the actors and the relations they foster. This set of recompositions has implications on the governance of territories. The article, which discusses the actors’ positions and the legitimization of mountain entities, does not examine a particular case study but refers to a variety of examples taken in various areas of mountain of the world to illustrate the processes in progress.

  16. I contratti a contenuto patrimoniale nel diritto canonico

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    Emiliano Nicolini


    Full Text Available Il contributo è stato segnalato dal Prof. Vittorio Parlato, già ordinario di Diritto ecclesiastico nella Facoltà di Scienze politiche dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”. SOMMARIO: 1. Il tema - 2. Il contratto di alienazione e la canonizzazione del diritto civile territoriale – 2.1. Gli atti di alienazione come atti di straordinaria amministrazione – 2.2. Tipi di rinvio al diritto civile territoriale, in specie italiano, e limiti - 2.3. I contratti in genere - 2.3.1. Criteri di collegamento con il diritto civile territoriale - 2.4. – I criteri di collegamento con il diritto civile territoriale nei contratti ‘in specie’ - 3. Le condizioni di validità e liceità della fattispecie alienatoria – 3.1. L’alienazione  canonicamente invalida - 3.2. L’applicazione del limite del diritto divino - 4. La prescrizione.

  17. Desigualdades territoriales en España e Italia : nuevas evidencias a partir de la evaluación PISA-2009

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    Luisa Donato


    Full Text Available El artículo investiga los factores de desarrollo territorial y de gestión del sistema educativo que explican las desigualdades educativas de los estudiantes entre las regiones italianas y entre las comunidades autónomas españolas. A partir de la base de datos OCDE PISA 2009 y de la imputación de indicadores agregados a nivel regional, se han elaborado modelos de regresión multinivel para estimar los efectos. Los resultados muestran como ambos países comparten un patrón similar en términos de diferenciación territorial en materia de eficacia educativa. No obstante, las diferencias se explican por motivos distintos. Mientras que en Italia las regiones que más riqueza agregada tienen son las que obtienen mejores resultados, en España el margen para gestionar regionalmente las competencias permite a algunas comunidades con un menor nivel de riqueza focalizar sus políticas para compensar los desajustes debidos a la composición socioeconómica del territorio. Entre otros factores, cabe destacar la importancia de la inversión pública en educación y de los niveles de segregación social de los centros educativos como factores que explican las diferencias territorialesThis paper investigates regional factors of economic development and education system management, which explain educational inequalities between Italian regions, and between Spanish autonomous communities. Using the OECD PISA 2009 database and imputed regional indicators, multilevel regression models have been developed to estimate the effects. Results show that both countries share a similar pattern of territorial differentiation on educational effectiveness. Yet, differences are explained by different reasons. While in Italy wealthiest regions perform better, in Spain the margin given to regions to manage local education system enables certain communities with lower levels of wealth to compensate for mismatches due to socioeconomic composition of the region. Among others

  18. Russian biosphere reserves at the youth MAB-2017 Forum in Italy

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    Elena A. Shuyskaya


    Full Text Available Russia was represented by 9 participants from Biosphere Reserves at the MAB Youth Forum in Italy. The main question of the Forum was «How to involve the young in the work of biosphere reserves?» The debate resulted in a Declaration, elaborated by participants from around the world (282 delegates from 85 countries. Measures to improve scientific cooperation, data exchange in the sphere of educational tourism and administrative management, development of joint projects in environmental education were formulated. The article contains a number of recommendations for the network of biosphere reserves in Russia, based on Seville strategy and Lima Action Plan.

  19. The processing of actions and action-words in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. (United States)

    Papeo, Liuba; Cecchetto, Cinzia; Mazzon, Giulia; Granello, Giulia; Cattaruzza, Tatiana; Verriello, Lorenzo; Eleopra, Roberto; Rumiati, Raffaella I


    (frontal) motor centers and the executive-control machinery housed in the frontal brain, and the implications of executive dysfunctions in tasks such as action processing. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Improving multi-tasking ability through action videogames. (United States)

    Chiappe, Dan; Conger, Mark; Liao, Janet; Caldwell, J Lynn; Vu, Kim-Phuong L


    The present study examined whether action videogames can improve multi-tasking in high workload environments. Two groups with no action videogame experience were pre-tested using the Multi-Attribute Task Battery (MATB). It consists of two primary tasks; tracking and fuel management, and two secondary tasks; systems monitoring and communication. One group served as a control group, while a second played action videogames a minimum of 5 h a week for 10 weeks. Both groups returned for a post-assessment on the MATB. We found the videogame treatment enhanced performance on secondary tasks, without interfering with the primary tasks. Our results demonstrate action videogames can increase people's ability to take on additional tasks by increasing attentional capacity. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

  1. Federal reservation of geothermal resources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silver, R.M.


    Union Oil had developed or was seeking to develop wells on the land in Sonoma County, California in order to produce geothermal steam for generating electricity. The US Attorney General brought a quiet title action pursuant to 21(b) of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 to determine whether geothermal resources are included in the mineral reservation under the Homestead Act. The US District Court granted Union Oil's motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. On appeal, the Ninth Circuit reversed and remanded. In summary, the court concluded on the basis of the legislative history of the Stock-Raising Homestead Act that sources of energy are intended to remain in the government's possession, and the purposes of the Act will be best served by including geothermal resources in the reservation of mineral interests. Noting the strictly agricultural purpose of the Act, the subsurface estate reservation was broadly interpreted, even though title passed to all rights that were not expressly reserved. The court left open on remand the question of estoppel of the government from interfering with private lessees by developing subsurface resources compensation.This is a unique and intriguing decision, as it opens wide the definition of ''mineral interest,'' construing it in the timely terms of a valuable natural resource that may be in great demand for future energy needs. The decision is being appealed to the United States Supreme Court, and it will be interesting to observe whether this liberal interpretation of mineral interests will be upheld.

  2. Work plan for the Oak Ridge Reservation ecological monitoring and assessment program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashwood, T.L.; Sample, B.E.; Suter, G.W. II; Turner, M.G.; Loar, J.M.; Barnthouse, L.W.


    This plan describes an approach for developing an ecological monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) for the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR). Such a program is required to assess existing ecological risks, to predict changes in those ecological risks from proposed remedial actions, and to monitor the effectiveness of remedial actions in reducing ecological risks. Ecological risk assessments must be based on Reservation-level data for those widespread or wide-ranging plant and animal species that occupy the entire ORR. In recognition of this need, Region 4 of the US Environmental Protection Agency has specifically requested that DOE develop a Reservation-wide monitoring and assessment program. The current strategy distinguishes four types of potentially contaminated areas: (1) source operable units (OUs), which may contain waste disposal areas, (2) groundwater aquifers that are potentially contaminated by source OUs, (3) aquatic integrator OUs which are streams and associated floodplains that drain source OUs, and (4) the terrestrial integrator, which encompasses the Reservation. Source OUs may contain sources of contamination that potentially impact local plant and animal population and communities that are restricted to the areal extent of the OU. Such local impacts must be assessed for each OU. However, these source OUs also contribute to risks within the aquatic OUs and within the Reservation-wide terrestrial ecosystem. Therefore, remedial investigations at source OUs must provide data necessary to support ecological risk assessments at the larger scales

  3. Diclofenac Prolongs Repolarization in Ventricular Muscle with Impaired Repolarization Reserve (United States)

    Kristóf, Attila; Husti, Zoltán; Koncz, István; Kohajda, Zsófia; Szél, Tamás; Juhász, Viktor; Biliczki, Péter; Jost, Norbert; Baczkó, István; Papp, Julius Gy; Varró, András; Virág, László


    Background The aim of the present work was to characterize the electrophysiological effects of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac and to study the possible proarrhythmic potency of the drug in ventricular muscle. Methods Ion currents were recorded using voltage clamp technique in canine single ventricular cells and action potentials were obtained from canine ventricular preparations using microelectrodes. The proarrhythmic potency of the drug was investigated in an anaesthetized rabbit proarrhythmia model. Results Action potentials were slightly lengthened in ventricular muscle but were shortened in Purkinje fibers by diclofenac (20 µM). The maximum upstroke velocity was decreased in both preparations. Larger repolarization prolongation was observed when repolarization reserve was impaired by previous BaCl2 application. Diclofenac (3 mg/kg) did not prolong while dofetilide (25 µg/kg) significantly lengthened the QTc interval in anaesthetized rabbits. The addition of diclofenac following reduction of repolarization reserve by dofetilide further prolonged QTc. Diclofenac alone did not induce Torsades de Pointes ventricular tachycardia (TdP) while TdP incidence following dofetilide was 20%. However, the combination of diclofenac and dofetilide significantly increased TdP incidence (62%). In single ventricular cells diclofenac (30 µM) decreased the amplitude of rapid (IKr) and slow (IKs) delayed rectifier currents thereby attenuating repolarization reserve. L-type calcium current (ICa) was slightly diminished, but the transient outward (Ito) and inward rectifier (IK1) potassium currents were not influenced. Conclusions Diclofenac at therapeutic concentrations and even at high dose does not prolong repolarization markedly and does not increase the risk of arrhythmia in normal heart. However, high dose diclofenac treatment may lengthen repolarization and enhance proarrhythmic risk in hearts with reduced repolarization reserve. PMID:23300901

  4. Macroeconomic Activity and Monetary Policy Actions: Some Preliminary Evidence.


    Haslag, Joseph H; Hein, Scott E


    Monetary policy is conducted through open market operations, loans at the discount window, and changes in the reserve requirement structure. The purpose of this paper is to formally investigate the notion that the effect of changes in reserve requirement ratios is different from the effect of other policy tools. This is accomplished by decomposing the monetary base into those changes caused by changes in reserve requirement ratios and those caused by other monetary policy actions. Some prelim...

  5. Action recognition is sensitive to the identity of the actor. (United States)

    Ferstl, Ylva; Bülthoff, Heinrich; de la Rosa, Stephan


    Recognizing who is carrying out an action is essential for successful human interaction. The cognitive mechanisms underlying this ability are little understood and have been subject of discussions in embodied approaches to action recognition. Here we examine one solution, that visual action recognition processes are at least partly sensitive to the actor's identity. We investigated the dependency between identity information and action related processes by testing the sensitivity of neural action recognition processes to clothing and facial identity information with a behavioral adaptation paradigm. Our results show that action adaptation effects are in fact modulated by both clothing information and the actor's facial identity. The finding demonstrates that neural processes underlying action recognition are sensitive to identity information (including facial identity) and thereby not exclusively tuned to actions. We suggest that such response properties are useful to help humans in knowing who carried out an action. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Leadership development through action learning sets: an evaluation study. (United States)

    Walia, Surinder; Marks-Maran, Di


    This article examines the use of action learning sets in a leadership module delivered by a university in south east England. An evaluation research study was undertaking using survey method to evaluate student engagement with action learning sets, and their value, impact and sustainability. Data were collected through a questionnaire with a mix of Likert-style and open-ended questions and qualitative and quantitative data analysis was undertaken. Findings show that engagement in the action learning sets was very high. Action learning sets also had a positive impact on the development of leadership knowledge and skills and are highly valued by participants. It is likely that they would be sustainable as the majority would recommend action learning to colleagues and would consider taking another module that used action learning sets. When compared to existing literature on action learning, this study offers new insights as there is little empirical literature on student engagement with action learning sets and even less on value and sustainability. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Action-angle variables and a KAM theorem for b-Poisson manifolds


    Kiesenhofer, Anna; Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Scott, Geoffrey


    In this article we prove an action-angle theorem for b-integrable systems on b-Poisson manifolds improving the action-angle theorem contained in [14] for general Poisson manifolds in this setting. As an application, we prove a KAM-type theorem for b-Poisson manifolds. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. Cognitive framing in action. (United States)

    Huhn, John M; Potts, Cory Adam; Rosenbaum, David A


    Cognitive framing effects have been widely reported in higher-level decision-making and have been ascribed to rules of thumb for quick thinking. No such demonstrations have been reported for physical action, as far as we know, but they would be expected if cognition for physical action is fundamentally similar to cognition for higher-level decision-making. To test for such effects, we asked participants to reach for a horizontally-oriented pipe to move it from one height to another while turning the pipe 180° to bring one end (the "business end") to a target on the left or right. From a physical perspective, participants could have always rotated the pipe in the same angular direction no matter which end was the business end; a given participant could have always turned the pipe clockwise or counter-clockwise. Instead, our participants turned the business end counter-clockwise for left targets and clockwise for right targets. Thus, the way the identical physical task was framed altered the way it was performed. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that cognition for physical action is fundamentally similar to cognition for higher-level decision-making. A tantalizing possibility is that higher-level decision heuristics have roots in the control of physical action, a hypothesis that accords with embodied views of cognition. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. The role of objects and effects in action imitation: Comparing the imitation of object-related actions vs. gestures in 18-month-old infants. (United States)

    Kim, Ziyon; Óturai, Gabriella; Király, Ildikó; Knopf, Monika


    This study aimed to systematically investigate 18-month-old infants' imitation of object-related actions compared to motorically similar gestures. An additional goal of the study was to examine the role of action effects on infants' imitation of target actions. One group of infants (n=17) observed object-related actions and gestures leading to salient effects (sounds or visual resp. social effects), and the other group (n=16) watched the same actions without effects. Furthermore, this study examined whether infants show a consistent imitation ability for object-related actions and gestures. First, the present study showed that 18-month-old infants imitated object-related actions more frequently than gestures. Second, the presence of an effect significantly increased the imitation rate of object-related actions; however, this difference was not found for gestures. Third, indications for a general imitation ability were found as results on an individual level showed that object-related action imitation significantly correlated with gesture imitation. Implications of the results for theory and future studies are discussed with a focus on the role of objects and effects in 18-month-old infants' action imitation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Diclofenac prolongs repolarization in ventricular muscle with impaired repolarization reserve.

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    Attila Kristóf

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The aim of the present work was to characterize the electrophysiological effects of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac and to study the possible proarrhythmic potency of the drug in ventricular muscle. METHODS: Ion currents were recorded using voltage clamp technique in canine single ventricular cells and action potentials were obtained from canine ventricular preparations using microelectrodes. The proarrhythmic potency of the drug was investigated in an anaesthetized rabbit proarrhythmia model. RESULTS: Action potentials were slightly lengthened in ventricular muscle but were shortened in Purkinje fibers by diclofenac (20 µM. The maximum upstroke velocity was decreased in both preparations. Larger repolarization prolongation was observed when repolarization reserve was impaired by previous BaCl(2 application. Diclofenac (3 mg/kg did not prolong while dofetilide (25 µg/kg significantly lengthened the QT(c interval in anaesthetized rabbits. The addition of diclofenac following reduction of repolarization reserve by dofetilide further prolonged QT(c. Diclofenac alone did not induce Torsades de Pointes ventricular tachycardia (TdP while TdP incidence following dofetilide was 20%. However, the combination of diclofenac and dofetilide significantly increased TdP incidence (62%. In single ventricular cells diclofenac (30 µM decreased the amplitude of rapid (I(Kr and slow (I(Ks delayed rectifier currents thereby attenuating repolarization reserve. L-type calcium current (I(Ca was slightly diminished, but the transient outward (I(to and inward rectifier (I(K1 potassium currents were not influenced. CONCLUSIONS: Diclofenac at therapeutic concentrations and even at high dose does not prolong repolarization markedly and does not increase the risk of arrhythmia in normal heart. However, high dose diclofenac treatment may lengthen repolarization and enhance proarrhythmic risk in hearts with reduced repolarization reserve.

  11. Over-imitation is not automatic: context sensitivity in children's overimitation and action interpretation of causally irrelevant actions. (United States)

    Keupp, Stefanie; Behne, Tanya; Zachow, Joanna; Kasbohm, Alina; Rakoczy, Hannes


    Recent research has documented the robust tendency of children to "over-imitate," that is, to copy causally irrelevant action elements in goal-directed action sequences. Different explanations for over-imitation have been proposed. Causal accounts claim that children mistakenly perceive such action elements as causally relevant and, therefore, imitate them. Affiliation accounts claim that children over-imitate to affiliate with the model. Normative accounts claim that children conceive of causally irrelevant actions as essential parts of an overarching conventional activity. These different accounts generally hold the same predictions regarding children's imitative response. However, it is possible to distinguish between them when one considers additional parameters. The normative account predicts wide-ranging flexibility with regard to action interpretation and the occurrence of over-imitation. First, it predicts spontaneous protest against norm violators who omit the causally irrelevant actions. Second, children should perform the causally irrelevant actions less frequently, and criticize others less frequently for omitting them, when the actions take place in a different context from the one of the initial demonstration. Such flexibility is not predicted by causal accounts and is predicted for only a limited range of contexts by affiliation accounts. Study 1 investigated children's own imitative response and found less over-imitation when children acted in a different context from when they acted in the same context as the initial demonstration. In Study 2, children criticized a puppet less frequently for omitting irrelevant actions when the puppet acted in a different context. The results support the notion that over-imitation is not an automatic and inflexible phenomenon. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Globalización, sistemas productivos locales y dinámicas territoriales: miradas cruzadas en Québec, Canadá, y en sud-oeste francés. / Globalization, local production systems and territorial dynamics: Perspectives in Quebec, Canada, and south-west of France.

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    Guillaume, Régis


    Full Text Available Este artículo es un extracto de una investigación mayor (citada que trata de esclarecer, a partir del análisis de casos concretos comparables en Québec y en el Sud-Oeste francés, el impacto territorial de mutaciones económicas que se expresan en un contexto de competencia exacerbada y (re activan un juego de actores locales cuya ambición es doble. Se trata, en el marco de una acción pública renovada, de reforzar la dimensión relacional interna a esas configuraciones territoriales y de suscitar una mejor conectividad con las redes productivas que se desarrollan a escala planetaria./This is an extract of a larger investigation that seeks to clarify the impact on the territory that economic mutations might generate in two specific cases: Quebec and south western France.

  13. Draft interim close-out report Fitzner-Eberhardt Arid Lands Ecology Reserve remedial action, Hanford, Washington. Draft A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Fitzner-Eberhardt Arid Lands Ecology (ALE) Reserve consists of 120 square miles of shrub-steppe land on the western edge of the Hanford Site. It is located south of Highway 240 and east of the point where the Yakima River borders the site. The land was set aside as a natural research area in 1967 by the Atomic Energy Commission. With the recent change in mission at Hanford from plutonium production to environmental cleanup, much attention has been given to releasing clean tracts of land for other uses. The ALE Reserve is one such tract of land. Consistent with the Record of Decision (ROD) and Preliminary Assessment Screening (PAS), sites identified as having the potential for contamination on the ALE Reserve have been investigated, characterized, and remediated where necessary to comply with MTCA cleanup levels. Hazardous substances released to the environment have either been removed from the site or, in one case when removal was not practical, capped in place. Removal of all of the contaminated soil is supported by the confirmatory sampling results. The existing areas of contamination in the ALE Reserve were considered to be small. In March of 1993, Department of Energy (DOE), the Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington State Department of Ecology signed an Agreement in Principle in which they agreed to expedite cleanup of the ALE Reserve. Cleanup activities and a draft closeout report were to be completed by October 1994. Additionally, DOE proposed to mitigate hazards which may pose a physical threat to wildlife or humans

  14. Precursor processes of human self-initiated action. (United States)

    Khalighinejad, Nima; Schurger, Aaron; Desantis, Andrea; Zmigrod, Leor; Haggard, Patrick


    A gradual buildup of electrical potential over motor areas precedes self-initiated movements. Recently, such "readiness potentials" (RPs) were attributed to stochastic fluctuations in neural activity. We developed a new experimental paradigm that operationalized self-initiated actions as endogenous 'skip' responses while waiting for target stimuli in a perceptual decision task. We compared these to a block of trials where participants could not choose when to skip, but were instead instructed to skip. Frequency and timing of motor action were therefore balanced across blocks, so that conditions differed only in how the timing of skip decisions was generated. We reasoned that across-trial variability of EEG could carry as much information about the source of skip decisions as the mean RP. EEG variability decreased more markedly prior to self-initiated compared to externally-triggered skip actions. This convergence suggests a consistent preparatory process prior to self-initiated action. A leaky stochastic accumulator model could reproduce this convergence given the additional assumption of a systematic decrease in input noise prior to self-initiated actions. Our results may provide a novel neurophysiological perspective on the topical debate regarding whether self-initiated actions arise from a deterministic neurocognitive process, or from neural stochasticity. We suggest that the key precursor of self-initiated action may manifest as a reduction in neural noise. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Simulation of action potential propagation in plants. (United States)

    Sukhov, Vladimir; Nerush, Vladimir; Orlova, Lyubov; Vodeneev, Vladimir


    Action potential is considered to be one of the primary responses of a plant to action of various environmental factors. Understanding plant action potential propagation mechanisms requires experimental investigation and simulation; however, a detailed mathematical model of plant electrical signal transmission is absent. Here, the mathematical model of action potential propagation in plants has been worked out. The model is a two-dimensional system of excitable cells; each of them is electrically coupled with four neighboring ones. Ion diffusion between excitable cell apoplast areas is also taken into account. The action potential generation in a single cell has been described on the basis of our previous model. The model simulates active and passive signal transmission well enough. It has been used to analyze theoretically the influence of cell to cell electrical conductivity and H(+)-ATPase activity on the signal transmission in plants. An increase in cell to cell electrical conductivity has been shown to stimulate an increase in the length constant, the action potential propagation velocity and the temperature threshold, while the membrane potential threshold being weakly changed. The growth of H(+)-ATPase activity has been found to induce the increase of temperature and membrane potential thresholds and the reduction of the length constant and the action potential propagation velocity. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Reconversion(s territoriale(s sur l’avenue de Kurtuluş

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cilia Martin


    Full Text Available Le quartier de Kurtuluş à Istanbul, héritier de l’ancien village de Tatavla, se forme et se développe jusqu’au milieu du XXe siècle. A partir des années 1950, le départ des minoritaires rum, jusque là quasi majoritaires, et l’arrivée des migrants anatoliens provoquent des ruptures démographiques considérables. Ces mobilités suscitent une diversité de modes territoriaux et produisent de nouvelles centralités, observables aussi par le bais du commerce et récemment à travers les stratégies mémorielles qui réédifient le passé rum du quartier. Enfin, ces territorialités participent à la recomposition du quartier et seront analysées à l’échelle d’une avenue phare, l’avenue de Kurtuluş.The neighborhood of Kurtuluş, heritage of the ancient village of Tatavla, was formed and developed till the mid of the 20th century. From 1950, along with the departure of the Rum minorities, which were considered till that time as quasi majorities, and with the arrival of Anatolian migrants, considerable demographical ruptures were provoked. Thoses mobilities create a diversity of territorial modes and give birth to new centralities, seen also throughout the commerce and recently from within the memorial strategies which rebuild the rum past of the neighborhood. Finally, those territorialities participate to the recomposition of the neigborhood and will be analysed through the scale of a headlight avenue, the avenue of Kurtuluş.

  17. Probing links between action perception and action production in Parkinson's disease using Fitts' law. (United States)

    Sakurada, Takeshi; Knoblich, Guenther; Sebanz, Natalie; Muramatsu, Shin-Ichi; Hirai, Masahiro


    Information on how the subcortical brain encodes information required to execute actions or to evaluate others' actions remains scanty. To clarify this link, Fitts'-law tasks for perception and execution were tested in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). For the perception task, participants were shown apparent motion displays of a person moving their arm between two identical targets and reported whether they judged that the person could realistically move at the perceived speed without missing the targets. For the motor task, participants were required to touch the two targets as quickly and accurately as possible, similarly to the person observed in the perception task. In both tasks, the PD group exhibited, or imputed to others, significantly slower performances than those of the control group. However, in both groups, the relationships of perception and execution with task difficulty were exactly those predicted by Fitts' law. This suggests that despite dysfunction of the subcortical region, motor simulation abilities reflected mechanisms of compensation in the PD group. Moreover, we found that patients with PD had difficulty in switching their strategy for estimating others' actions when asked to do so. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Neurophysiology of action anticipation in athletes: A systematic review. (United States)

    Smith, Daniel M


    The purpose of this study was to provide a systematic review of action anticipation studies using functional neuroimaging or brain stimulation during a sport-specific anticipation task. A total of 15 studies from 2008 to 2014 were evaluated and are reported in four sections: expert-novice samples, action anticipation tasks, neuroimaging and stimulation techniques, and key findings. Investigators examined a wide range of action anticipation scenarios specific to eight different sports and utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalogram (EEG), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Expert-novice comparisons were commonly used to investigate differences in action anticipation performance and neurophysiology. Experts tended to outperform novices, and an extensive array of brain structures were reported to be involved differently for experts and novices during action anticipation. However, these neurophysiological findings were generally inconsistent across the studies reviewed. The discussion focuses on strengths and four key limitations. The conclusion posits remaining questions and recommendations for future research. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Building a Lego wall: Sequential action selection. (United States)

    Arnold, Amy; Wing, Alan M; Rotshtein, Pia


    The present study draws together two distinct lines of enquiry into the selection and control of sequential action: motor sequence production and action selection in everyday tasks. Participants were asked to build 2 different Lego walls. The walls were designed to have hierarchical structures with shared and dissociated colors and spatial components. Participants built 1 wall at a time, under low and high load cognitive states. Selection times for correctly completed trials were measured using 3-dimensional motion tracking. The paradigm enabled precise measurement of the timing of actions, while using real objects to create an end product. The experiment demonstrated that action selection was slowed at decision boundary points, relative to boundaries where no between-wall decision was required. Decision points also affected selection time prior to the actual selection window. Dual-task conditions increased selection errors. Errors mostly occurred at boundaries between chunks and especially when these required decisions. The data support hierarchical control of sequenced behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).


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    Full Text Available Tras diversos estudios sobre las divergencias territoriales en materia de impacto fiscal que produce la aplicación de la legislación fiscal (ley 20/90 en las cooperativas españolas al conjugarse con una legislación sustantiva autonómica diversa, nos hemos planteado solo investigar en los requisitos para su aplicación. Estos requisitos, planteados en los artículos 6 y 13, remiten a la ley sustantiva, con importantes turbulencias y algunas diferencias importantes en la tributación, que permiten plantearse una mayor homogeneización futura en aras a una equidad legislativa. Incluso para la aplicación del régimen especial, los requisitos planteados en los artículos 8 al 12, aunque son independientes de la legislación sustantiva, son claramente obsoletos. Se analizan las enormes diferencias legislativas, cuantificando la presión fiscal de las mismas, en lo posible, y se destacan las similitudes, concordancias e incongruencias entre las diferentes legislaciones con resultados sorprendentes en algunos casos / Following several studies on regional differences in fiscal impact produced by the application of tax law (Law 20/90 in Spanish cooperatives because of the existence of very different substantive regional law, we have considered to investigate only the requirements for the application of the special tax regime. These requirements, as set forth in Articles 6 and 13, refer to the substantive law, with significant turbulence and some important differences in taxation. So it would be convenient to consider to improve greater homogenization in future legislative for equity’s sake. Even for the more special scheme, the requirements set out in Articles 8 to 12, that are in a greater degree independent of the substantive law, are clearly outdated. The paper discusses the huge differences in legislation, quantifying the tax burden of it, when possible, and highlights the similarities, commonalities and inconsistencies between different laws

  1. Transformación urbana y procesos territoriales recientes en Zaragoza y su espacio metropolitano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    de Miguel González, Rafael


    territoriales del espacio metropolitano zaragozano. [fr] Dans les deux dernières décennies, la zone urbaine de Saragosse a connu une croissance urbaine, résidentielle et démographique élevé, à la fois dans la périphérie métropolitaine, mais surtout dans le centre-ville, jusqu’à la crise économique et immobilier actuel. Ainsi, alors que l’ensemble de la zone urbaine de la population a augmenté de 19%, les sols artificiels ont connu une augmentation de 71%. Le développement récent de Saragosse a suivi la tendance générale des grandes villes espagnoles, mais dans la capitale d’Aragon les transformations urbaines ont été particulièrement intenses en raison de la prise en charge de projets stratégiques (résidentiel et commercial dans le nouveau Plan Local d’Urbanisme, des effets sur le tissu urbain de l’arrivée de la grande vitesse ferroviaire, et la nomination de Saragosse pour accueillir l’Exposition Internationale de 2008. Cela a eu des effets indéniables à modifier la forme de la ville, mais aussi dans l’organisation, les relations et les processus territoriaux de l’espace métropolitain de Saragosse.

  2. Probing folk-psychology: Do Libet-style experiments reflect folk intuitions about free action? (United States)

    Deutschländer, Robert; Pauen, Michael; Haynes, John-Dylan


    There is an ongoing debate in philosophy and psychology about when one should consider an action to be free. Several aspects are frequently suggested as relevant: (a) a prior intention, (b) a conscious action-related thought, (c) prior deliberation, (d) a meaningful choice, (e) different consequences of the action, and (f) the duration between intention and action. Here we investigated which criteria laypeople adopt and thus probed their intuitions about free actions in three surveys based on daily life scenarios. First, our results indicate that laypeople consider a conscious intention important for an action to be free. Second, laypeople consider spontaneous actions without consequences to be freer than actions with prior deliberation. Third, laypeople consider proximal rather than distal intentions relevant when it comes to judging actions as free. Taken together, these results suggest that simple laboratory experiments on action choices reflect laypeople's intuitions of free actions to a considerable degree. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Action observation and robotic agents: learning and anthropomorphism. (United States)

    Press, Clare


    The 'action observation network' (AON), which is thought to translate observed actions into motor codes required for their execution, is biologically tuned: it responds more to observation of human, than non-human, movement. This biological specificity has been taken to support the hypothesis that the AON underlies various social functions, such as theory of mind and action understanding, and that, when it is active during observation of non-human agents like humanoid robots, it is a sign of ascription of human mental states to these agents. This review will outline evidence for biological tuning in the AON, examining the features which generate it, and concluding that there is evidence for tuning to both the form and kinematic profile of observed movements, and little evidence for tuning to belief about stimulus identity. It will propose that a likely reason for biological tuning is that human actions, relative to non-biological movements, have been observed more frequently while executing corresponding actions. If the associative hypothesis of the AON is correct, and the network indeed supports social functioning, sensorimotor experience with non-human agents may help us to predict, and therefore interpret, their movements. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Stockpile stewardship and management programmatic environmental impact statement data for the no action and phase-out alternatives at the Oak Ridge Reservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Alternatives for the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant are being considered under the Stockpile Stewardship and Management Program (SSM). The three alternatives under consideration include: continuing the secondary manufacturing operations in a down-sized footprint; no action; and phasing out the secondary manufacturing operations at Y-12. This report provides specific environmental data requested for the Y-12 Plant alternatives of no action and phase out

  5. Action Learning: Avoiding Conflict or Enabling Action (United States)

    Corley, Aileen; Thorne, Ann


    Action learning is based on the premise that action and learning are inextricably entwined and it is this potential, to enable action, which has contributed to the growth of action learning within education and management development programmes. However has this growth in action learning lead to an evolution or a dilution of Revan's classical…

  6. Integration of industrial risk in regional policy management. Possibilities of evaluation; L'integration du risque industriel dans les politiques de gestion territoriales. Possibilites d'evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hubert, Philippe; Pages, Pierre


    Since the responsibility for risk management depends more and more on regional factors, evaluation methods and management regulations are not developed enough. This study start from the fact that an important methods exist for evaluation transport of dangerous materials in cities, risk analysis and emergency plans related to classified installations, management of quality of water, 'chronic' industrial risks at local and regional level, probabilistic estimation for industrial plants. The objective is in fact to show what risk analysis could bring to the municipality, the city or the region. [French] Alors que la responsabilite de la maitrise du risque repose de plus en plus sur les collectivites territoriales, soit dans la mouvance naturelle de la decentralisation, soit par des textes specifiques, les moyens d'evaluation et les regles de gestion sont encore tres peu developpes. Cette etude part du fait qu'un materiel important existe cependant: evaluations sur le transport des matieres dangereuses dans les villes, etudes de danger et plans d'intervention associes a la legislation sur les installations classees, gestion de la qualite de l'eau par les agences de bassin, bilans des risques industriels 'chroniques' a l'echelle locale ou regionale, evaluations probabilistes sur des objets industriels. L'objet est donc de montrer ce que peuvent apporter ces analyses dans l'evaluation du risque accidentel dans la collectivite, la ville ou, a cause des implications des strategies de prevention, le departement ou la region. L'heterogeneite de la qualite et de la quantite des resultats que l'on peut attendre en fonction des divers types de risques et de consequences est d'abord mise en valeur. Malgre leurs incertitudes, des modeles existent qui permettent de calculer les victimes d'accidents industriels 'types'. Pour les installations classees et les transports de matieres dangereuses, le calcul du risque est loin d'etre systematique, mais il est pratique. Un second domaine

  7. 78 FR 40545 - Notice of Intent to Release Certain Properties from All Terms, Conditions, Reservations and... (United States)


    ... the City of Orlando and the Federal Aviation Administration for the Orlando International Airport, Orlando, FL AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Request for Public Comment... Orlando International Airport, Orlando, FL from the conditions, reservations, and restrictions as...

  8. Barriers to women engaging in collective action to overcome sexism. (United States)

    Radke, Helena R M; Hornsey, Matthew J; Barlow, Fiona Kate


    Over centuries women have fought hard to obtain increasing gender equality, but despite these successes absolute equality remains an elusive goal. Theoretically, women's numerical strength makes them well-placed to take effective collective action, and millions of women engage in feminist collective action every day. In this article, however, we argue that women also face barriers to engaging in feminist collective action; barriers that are associated with the social construction and experience of what it means to be a woman. Our review synthesizes sexism research under a contemporary collective action framework to clarify our current understanding of the literature and to offer novel theoretical explanations for why women might be discouraged from engaging in feminist collective action. Using the antecedents of collective action identified by van Zomeren, Postmes, and Spears' (2008) meta-analysis, we critically review the sexism literature to argue that women face challenges when it comes to (a) identifying with other women and feminists, (b) perceiving sexism and expressing group-based anger, and (c) recognizing the efficacy of collective action. We then outline a research agenda with a view to investigating ways of overcoming these barriers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. El fenómeno de la inmigración en España y en las políticas educativas territoriales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lourdes Belén Espejo Villar


    Full Text Available Conscientes de los cambios que se han venido produciendo en la organización y planificación del sistema educativo español y, del consiguiente poder político que, en educación, han asumido las entidades territoriales en los últimos años, es objeto de este trabajo analizar el estado actual de las políticas públicas en materia de diversidad cultural en el marco de un modelo político descentralizado, como es el español. De esta manera, pretendemos estudiar algunas de las cuestiones que están sustentando las decisiones políticas en materia de inmigración. Lo que supone, de un lado, analizar las implicaciones que el reparto competencial está teniendo en la configuración de modelos diferenciados en el tratamiento de la diversidad cultural y, derivado de este hecho, acreditar si la ampliación de responsabilidades de las administraciones regionales, que contempla la Constitución de 1978, ha permitido en algunos casos el desarrollo y la aplicación de políticas educativas más eficaces por su legitimidad social.he changes that have been taking place in the organization and planning of the Spanish educational system and of the resulting political power which, in education, has been handed over to the regional communities in recent years, the aim of this work is to analyze the current state of public policy in matters of cultural diversity within the framework of a decentralized political model like the Spanish one. We th us study some of the issues sustaining policy decision in immigration. This entails analyzing, on the one hand, the implications that the distribution of competences is having on the shaping of differentiated models in the treatment of cultural diversity and, deriving from this,finding out whether the increase in the responsibilities of the regional administrations, provided for in the Constitution of 1978,has in some cases permitted the development and application of more effective educational policies because of its

  10. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (January--March 1990) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. Also included are a number of enforcement actions that had been previously resolved but not published in this NUREG. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  11. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (January--March 1989) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. Also included are a number of enforcement actions that had been previously resolved but not published in this NUREG. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  12. Territorial actions for the environment and the energy efficiency in the countries, the towns and the regional natural reserves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The ATENEE contract (Territorial Actions for the Environment and the Energy Efficiency) favors the environment and the energy efficiency in territories, offers a partnership framework and proposes an organizational and financial help. The possibilities of this contract and some examples are presented. (A.L.B.)

  13. Comment on: "Recent revisions of phosphate rock reserves and resources: a critique" by Edixhoven et al. (2014) - Phosphate reserves and resources: what conceptions and data do stakeholders need for sustainable action? (United States)

    Scholz, R. W.; Wellmer, F.-W.


    Several recent papers predict a scarcity of phosphate reserves in the near future. The paper by Edixhoven et al. (2014), for instance, expresses the doubts about whether the upward estimate of reserves by the IFDC (2010) and the USGS (2010) provide an accurate, reliable, and comparable picture, as they are based on reports that do not clearly differentiate between phosphate ore and phosphate products (i.e., marketable phosphate rock concentrate). Further the indistinct use of the terms reserves and resources is criticized. Edixhoven et al. ask for a differentiated inventory of world phosphate reserves including "guidelines which determine the appropriate drill hole distances." The claim that humanity is on the safe side with respect to future phosphate is supply is doubted as the validity of the IFDC's upgrading of the Moroccan data to 50 Gt phosphate is questioned. The present paper identifies and discusses basic conceptual errors of the paper by Edixhoven et al. and related papers that predict a short or mid-term phosphorus scarcity. These include the non-acknowledgment of the dynamic nature of reserves (which depends on price, technology, and innovation for exploiting low-grade deposits, etc.), the mixing of finiteness and staticness of the ultimate recoverable resources (i.e., phosphorus that may be mined economically in the long-term future), the improper use of the Hubbert analysis (which, e.g., simply uses the USGS estimates of reserves as a substitute of an estimate of ultimate recoverable resources) and the geostatistical naive/unprofessional demand for fixed drilling plans to assess reserves. We reconstruct the IFDC and USGS estimates and conclude that there is no evidence for considering the 50 Gt phosphate concentrate as an unreasonable estimate for Moroccan reserves. However, the partial mixing of different units (e.g., phosphate ore and phosphate concentrate or marketable product) in the USGS data may be avoided by improving the data base and using

  14. Understanding intentional actions from observers' viewpoints: A social neuroscience perspective. (United States)

    Isoda, Masaki


    When we see others, we also try to 'see' their unobservable states of minds, such as beliefs, desires, and intentions. We carefully monitor others' actions, as we assume that those actions are outward manifestations of their internal states. Actors and observers can have divergent views on the cause of the same actions. Critically, it is often the observers' view that affects important decisions in social life, from deciding the optimal level of cooperation to judging moral responsibility and court's decisions. Thus, the judgment about intentionality and agency in others' actions determines the way in which the observer deals with the actor. The primate brain has two separate neural systems that function in understanding others' actions and intentions. The mirror system is activated by others' visible actions and predicts their physical consequences in goal terms, whereas the mentalizing system is primarily involved in the prediction of others' intentions and upcoming actions regardless of whether others' actions are directly observable or not. The functional roles of the two systems have sometimes been described as mutually independent or even oppositional. I propose a hypothesis that the two systems may collaborate closely for judging the sense of other-agency. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.

  15. Environmental Assessment for decommissioning the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Weeks Island Facility, Iberia Parish, Louisiana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) Weeks Island site is one of five underground salt dome crude oils storage facilities operated by the Department of Energy (DOE). It is located in Iberia Parish, Louisiana. The purpose of the proposed action is to decommission the Weeks Island crude oil storage after the oil inventory has been transferred to other SPR facilities. Water intrusion into the salt dome storage chambers and the development of two sinkholes located near the aboveground facilities has created uncertain geophysical conditions. This Environmental Assessment describes the proposed decommissioning operation, its alternatives, and potential environmental impacts. Based on this analyses, DOE has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and has issued the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

  16. Environmental Assessment for decommissioning the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Weeks Island Facility, Iberia Parish, Louisiana

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) Weeks Island site is one of five underground salt dome crude oils storage facilities operated by the Department of Energy (DOE). It is located in Iberia Parish, Louisiana. The purpose of the proposed action is to decommission the Weeks Island crude oil storage after the oil inventory has been transferred to other SPR facilities. Water intrusion into the salt dome storage chambers and the development of two sinkholes located near the aboveground facilities has created uncertain geophysical conditions. This Environmental Assessment describes the proposed decommissioning operation, its alternatives, and potential environmental impacts. Based on this analyses, DOE has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and has issued the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

  17. A continuous-time neural model for sequential action. (United States)

    Kachergis, George; Wyatte, Dean; O'Reilly, Randall C; de Kleijn, Roy; Hommel, Bernhard


    Action selection, planning and execution are continuous processes that evolve over time, responding to perceptual feedback as well as evolving top-down constraints. Existing models of routine sequential action (e.g. coffee- or pancake-making) generally fall into one of two classes: hierarchical models that include hand-built task representations, or heterarchical models that must learn to represent hierarchy via temporal context, but thus far lack goal-orientedness. We present a biologically motivated model of the latter class that, because it is situated in the Leabra neural architecture, affords an opportunity to include both unsupervised and goal-directed learning mechanisms. Moreover, we embed this neurocomputational model in the theoretical framework of the theory of event coding (TEC), which posits that actions and perceptions share a common representation with bidirectional associations between the two. Thus, in this view, not only does perception select actions (along with task context), but actions are also used to generate perceptions (i.e. intended effects). We propose a neural model that implements TEC to carry out sequential action control in hierarchically structured tasks such as coffee-making. Unlike traditional feedforward discrete-time neural network models, which use static percepts to generate static outputs, our biological model accepts continuous-time inputs and likewise generates non-stationary outputs, making short-timescale dynamic predictions. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  18. Endangered Species Program, Naval Petroleum Reserves in California

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1) is operated by the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Chevron USA (CUSA). Four federally-listed endangered animal species and one federally-threatened plant species are known to occur on the Naval Petroleum Reserves in California (NPRC): the San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes velox macrotis), blunt-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia silus), giant kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ingens), Tipton kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides), and Hoover's wooly-star (Eriastrum hooveri). All five are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (as amended) (Public Law 93-205), which declaresthat it is the policy of Congress that all Federal departments and agencies shall seek to conserve endangered and threatened species and shall utilize their authorities in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. DOE is also obliged to determine whether actions taken by their lessees on Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 (NPR-2) will have any effects on endangered species or their habitats. The major objective of the EG ampersand G Energy Measurements, Inc. Endangered Species Program on NPR-1 and NPR-2 is to provide DOE with the scientific expertise and continuity of programs necessary for continued compliance with the Endangered SpeciesAct. The specific objective of this report is to summarize progress and results of the Endangered Species Program made during Fiscal Year 1992 (FY92)

  19. Catenary Action in Rebars Crossing a Casting Joint Loaded in Shear

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Jesper Harrild; Hoang, Linh Cao; Olesen, John Forbes


    Reinforcement crossing a casting joint loaded in shear exhibits catenary action as the shear displacement increases. The load carrying capacity of such a joint is in practice often calculated by use of empirical methods to account for shear friction effects or by a first order plastic analysis...... if dowel action is included. The strength increase/reserve due to catenary action in the rebars is often neglected; however in some cases it may be necessary to utilize the effect in order to ensure overall structural robustness. This paper presents results of a study, where the increased shear capacity...... and theory is found when reasonable material properties are assumed....

  20. Neural foundations of overt and covert actions. (United States)

    Simos, Panagiotis G; Kavroulakis, Eleftherios; Maris, Thomas; Papadaki, Efrosini; Boursianis, Themistoklis; Kalaitzakis, Giorgos; Savaki, Helen E


    We used fMRI to assess the human brain areas activated for execution, observation and 1st person motor imagery of a visually guided tracing task with the index finger. Voxel-level conjunction analysis revealed several cortical areas activated in common across all three motor conditions, namely, the upper limb representation of the primary motor and somatosensory cortices, the dorsal and ventral premotor, the superior and inferior parietal cortices as well as the posterior part of the superior and middle temporal gyrus including the temporo-parietal junction (TPj) and the extrastriate body area (EBA). Functional connectivity analyses corroborated the notion that a common sensory-motor fronto-parieto-temporal cortical network is engaged for execution, observation, and imagination of the very same action. Taken together these findings are consistent with the more parsimonious account of motor cognition provided by the mental simulation theory rather than the recently revised mirror neuron view Action imagination and observation were each associated with several additional functional connections, which may serve the distinction between overt action and its covert counterparts, and the attribution of action to the correct agent. For example, the central position of the right middle and inferior frontal gyrus in functional connectivity during motor imagery may reflect the suppression of movements during mere imagination of action, and may contribute to the distinction between 'imagined' and 'real' action. Also, the central role of the right EBA in observation, assessed by functional connectivity analysis, may be related to the attribution of action to the 'external agent' as opposed to the 'self'. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Virtual morality: emotion and action in a simulated three-dimensional "trolley problem". (United States)

    Navarrete, C David; McDonald, Melissa M; Mott, Michael L; Asher, Benjamin


    Experimentally investigating the relationship between moral judgment and action is difficult when the action of interest entails harming others. We adopt a new approach to this problem by placing subjects in an immersive, virtual reality environment that simulates the classic "trolley problem." In this moral dilemma, the majority of research participants behaved as "moral utilitarians," either (a) acting to cause the death of one individual in order to save the lives of five others, or (b) abstaining from action, when that action would have caused five deaths versus one. Confirming the emotional distinction between moral actions and omissions, autonomic arousal was greater when the utilitarian outcome required action, and increased arousal was associated with a decreased likelihood of utilitarian-biased behavior. This pattern of results held across individuals of different gender, age, and race. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. A test of motor skill-specific action embodiment in ice-hockey players. (United States)

    Ong, Nicole T; Lohse, Keith R; Chua, Romeo; Sinnett, Scott; Hodges, Nicola J


    To further our understanding of the role of the motor system in comprehending action-related sentences, we compared action experts (athletes) to visual experts (fans) and novices when responding with an action-specific effector (either hand or foot). These conditions allowed inferences about the degree and specificity of embodiment in language comprehension. Ice hockey players, fans and novices made speeded judgments regarding the congruence between an auditorily presented sentence and a subsequently presented picture. Picture stimuli consisted of either hockey or everyday items. Half of these pictures 'matched' the action implied in the preceding sentence. Further, the action in these images involved either primarily the hand or the foot. For everyday items, action-matched items were responded to faster than action-mismatched items. However, only the players and fans showed the action-match effect for hockey items. There were no consistent effector-stimuli compatibility effects, nor skill-based interactions with compatibility, suggesting that the action-match effect was not based on motor ability per se, but rather a construction of the action based on knowledge or visual experience with the hockey related sentences. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Controlling Attention through Action: Observing Actions Primes Action-Related Stimulus Dimensions (United States)

    Fagioli, Sabrina; Ferlazzo, Fabio; Hommel, Bernhard


    Previous findings suggest that planning an action "backward-primes" perceptual dimension related to this action: planning a grasp facilitates the processing of visual size information, while planning a reach facilitates the processing of location information. Here we show that dimensional priming of perception through action occurs even in the…

  4. L'eau et le développement durable : un couple en rupture sans gouvernance sociétale et coopération décentralisée

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernard Guesnier


    Full Text Available Le cycle hydrologique doit être appréhendé dans sa globalité par une gouvernance sociétale qui, seule, peut garantir la pérennité du couple eau-développement durable, en impliquant gouvernements et citoyens. Si l'enjeu est global, les actions pertinentes sont locales et souvent très éloignées des grands projets coûteux à effets limités voire négatifs. L'application du principe de subsidiarité met les collectivités territoriales en mesure d'intervenir, avec les populations locales, pour résoudre des problèmes de proximité de la gestion de l'eau.La coopération décentralisée entre collectivités territoriales de différentes nations peut non seulement apporter une aide matérielle et financière, mais encore faciliter la transmission de bonnes pratiques de savoir-faire et d'innovations organisationnelles dans la production et la protection de l'eauHydrological cycle should be treated as a whole by societal governance, probably the only way which could guarantee the future of the couple water-sustainable development, with the participation of governments and citizens. If challenge is global, pertinent actions are local and far from expensive operations. The application of subsidiary principle permits intervention of local communities with participation of populations next to resolve problems of local management.Decentralized cooperation between a number of territorial participants is an opportunity for transfer of financial or material assistance, but also to facilitate transfer know-how, organizational innovation to produce and protect water

  5. 12 CFR 265.3 - Board review of delegated actions. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Board review of delegated actions. 265.3 Section 265.3 Banks and Banking FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (CONTINUED) BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL... for determination if the delegee considers it appropriate because of the importance or complexity of...

  6. Children's understanding of the costs and rewards underlying rational action. (United States)

    Jara-Ettinger, Julian; Gweon, Hyowon; Tenenbaum, Joshua B; Schulz, Laura E


    Humans explain and predict other agents' behavior using mental state concepts, such as beliefs and desires. Computational and developmental evidence suggest that such inferences are enabled by a principle of rational action: the expectation that agents act efficiently, within situational constraints, to achieve their goals. Here we propose that the expectation of rational action is instantiated by a naïve utility calculus sensitive to both agent-constant and agent-specific aspects of costs and rewards associated with actions. In four experiments, we show that, given an agent's choices, children (range: 5-6 year olds; N=96) can infer unobservable aspects of costs (differences in agents' competence) from information about subjective differences in rewards (differences in agents' preferences) and vice versa. Moreover, children can design informative experiments on both objects and agents to infer unobservable constraints on agents' actions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Molecular substrates of action control in cortico-striatal circuits. (United States)

    Shiflett, Michael W; Balleine, Bernard W


    The purpose of this review is to describe the molecular mechanisms in the striatum that mediate reward-based learning and action control during instrumental conditioning. Experiments assessing the neural bases of instrumental conditioning have uncovered functional circuits in the striatum, including dorsal and ventral striatal sub-regions, involved in action-outcome learning, stimulus-response learning, and the motivational control of action by reward-associated cues. Integration of dopamine (DA) and glutamate neurotransmission within these striatal sub-regions is hypothesized to enable learning and action control through its role in shaping synaptic plasticity and cellular excitability. The extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) appears to be particularly important for reward-based learning and action control due to its sensitivity to combined DA and glutamate receptor activation and its involvement in a range of cellular functions. ERK activation in striatal neurons is proposed to have a dual role in both the learning and performance factors that contribute to instrumental conditioning through its regulation of plasticity-related transcription factors and its modulation of intrinsic cellular excitability. Furthermore, perturbation of ERK activation by drugs of abuse may give rise to behavioral disorders such as addiction. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. 20 CFR 404.902 - Administrative actions that are initial determinations. (United States)


    ... under a workmen's compensation law; (f) A deduction from your benefits on account of work; (g) [Reserved... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Administrative actions that are initial determinations. 404.902 Section 404.902 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL OLD-AGE...

  9. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (April--June 1990) and includes copies of letters, notices, and orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  10. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (October - December 1993) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  11. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (January--March 1991) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  12. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (April--June 1993) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  13. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (July--September 1990) and includes copies of letters, notices, and orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  14. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (April--June 1992) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  15. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (October--December 1990) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  16. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (January--March 1993) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  17. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (October--December 1989) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  18. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (April-June 1991) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  19. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (January--March 1992) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  20. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (July--September 1993) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  1. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (October--December 1992) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  2. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (July--September 1991) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  3. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (October--December 1991) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  4. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (July - September 1992) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  5. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (July--September 1989) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  6. Management of spent nuclear fuel on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee: Environmental assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On June 1, 1995, DOE issued a Record of Decision [60 Federal Register 28680] for the Department-wide management of spent nuclear fuel (SNF); regionalized storage of SNF by fuel type was selected as the preferred alternative. The proposed action evaluated in this environmental assessment is the management of SNF on the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) to implement this preferred alternative of regional storage. SNF would be retrieved from storage, transferred to a hot cell if segregation by fuel type and/or repackaging is required, loaded into casks, and shipped to off-site storage. The proposed action would also include construction and operation of a dry cask SNF storage facility on ORR, in case of inadequate SNF storage. Action is needed to enable DOE to continue operation of the High Flux Isotope Reactor, which generates SNF. This report addresses environmental impacts

  7. Action preferences and the anticipation of action outcomes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mann, D.L.; Schaefers, T.; Canal Bruland, R.


    Skilled performers of time-constrained motor actions acquire information about the action preferences of their opponents in an effort to better anticipate the outcome of that opponent's actions. However, there is reason to doubt that knowledge of an opponent's action preferences would unequivocally

  8. Actionable findings and the role of IT support: report of the ACR Actionable Reporting Work Group. (United States)

    Larson, Paul A; Berland, Lincoln L; Griffith, Brent; Kahn, Charles E; Liebscher, Lawrence A


    The ACR formed the Actionable Reporting Work Group to address the potential role of IT in the communication of imaging findings, especially in cases that require nonroutine communication because of the urgency of the findings or their unexpected nature. These findings that require special communication with referring clinicians are classified as "actionable findings." The work group defines 3 categories of actionable findings that require, respectively, communication and clinical decision within minutes (category 1), hours (category 2), or days (category 3). Although the work group does not believe that there can be definitive lists of such findings, it developed lists in each category that would apply in most general hospital settings. For each category, the work group discusses ways in which IT can assist interpreting radiologists in successfully communicating to the relevant clinicians to ensure optimal patient care. IT systems can also help document the communication and facilitate auditing of the documentation. The work group recommends that vendors develop platforms that can be customized on the basis of local preferences and needs. Whatever system is used, it should be highly reliable and fit seamlessly into radiologists' workflow. Copyright © 2014 American College of Radiology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Decisions in licensing and plan approval procedures, investigated from the viewpoint of legal reservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boerger, M.


    Starting from the basic idea that also in the field of environmental law, (constitutional) system immanent problem solution is possible only after basic constitutional questions have been clarified, this study in hand is an attempt towards defining the constitutional approach for an adequate use of the various types of action of the executive in the procedures for approval and licensing of privately owned plant or equipment. The study goes into the problems encountered with the legal reservation with regard to licensing and plan approval decisions. The basic types of action of the executive are subdivided according to intent, i.e. assigned to the supervisory or the planning intents, and are examined for a possible scope of discretion opened up for the administration. The decisive question in this context is the scope of action that may be given to the administration by the legislation, and to what extent such 'freedom' will stand the acceptance test by the courts. (orig./HSCH) [de

  10. Status of fossil fuel reserves; Etat des reserves des combustibles fossiles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laherrere, J


    Reserves represent the sum of past and future productions up to the end of production. In most countries the reserve data of fields are confidential. Therefore, fossil fuel reserves are badly known because the published data are more political than technical and many countries make a confusion between resources and reserves. The cumulated production of fossil fuels represents only between a third and a fifth of the ultimate reserves. The production peak will take place between 2020 and 2050. In the ultimate reserves, which extrapolate the past, the fossil fuels represent three thirds of the overall energy. This document analyses the uncertainties linked with fossil fuel reserves: reliability of published data, modeling of future production, comparison with other energy sources, energy consumption forecasts, reserves/production ratio, exploitation of non-conventional hydrocarbons (tar sands, extra-heavy oils, bituminous shales, coal gas, gas shales, methane in overpressure aquifers, methane hydrates), technology impacts, prices impact, and reserves growth. (J.S.)

  11. Action video games make dyslexic children read better. (United States)

    Franceschini, Sandro; Gori, Simone; Ruffino, Milena; Viola, Simona; Molteni, Massimo; Facoetti, Andrea


    Learning to read is extremely difficult for about 10% of children; they are affected by a neurodevelopmental disorder called dyslexia [1, 2]. The neurocognitive causes of dyslexia are still hotly debated [3-12]. Dyslexia remediation is far from being fully achieved [13], and the current treatments demand high levels of resources [1]. Here, we demonstrate that only 12 hr of playing action video games-not involving any direct phonological or orthographic training-drastically improve the reading abilities of children with dyslexia. We tested reading, phonological, and attentional skills in two matched groups of children with dyslexia before and after they played action or nonaction video games for nine sessions of 80 min per day. We found that only playing action video games improved children's reading speed, without any cost in accuracy, more so than 1 year of spontaneous reading development and more than or equal to highly demanding traditional reading treatments. Attentional skills also improved during action video game training. It has been demonstrated that action video games efficiently improve attention abilities [14, 15]; our results showed that this attention improvement can directly translate into better reading abilities, providing a new, fast, fun remediation of dyslexia that has theoretical relevance in unveiling the causal role of attention in reading acquisition. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Beyond rational imitation: learning arbitrary means actions from communicative demonstrations. (United States)

    Király, Ildikó; Csibra, Gergely; Gergely, György


    The principle of rationality has been invoked to explain that infants expect agents to perform the most efficient means action to attain a goal. It has also been demonstrated that infants take into account the efficiency of observed actions to achieve a goal outcome when deciding whether to reenact a specific behavior or not. It is puzzling, however, that they also tend to imitate an apparently suboptimal unfamiliar action even when they can bring about the same outcome more efficiently by applying a more rational action alternative available to them. We propose that this apparently paradoxical behavior is explained by infants' interpretation of action demonstrations as communicative manifestations of novel and culturally relevant means actions to be acquired, and we present empirical evidence supporting this proposal. In Experiment 1, we found that 14-month-olds reenacted novel arbitrary means actions only following a communicative demonstration. Experiment 2 showed that infants' inclination to reproduce communicatively manifested novel actions is restricted to behaviors they can construe as goal-directed instrumental acts. The study also provides evidence that infants' reenactment of the demonstrated novel actions reflects epistemic motives rather than purely social motives. We argue that ostensive communication enables infants to represent the teleological structure of novel actions even when the causal relations between means and end are cognitively opaque and apparently violate the efficiency expectation derived from the principle of rationality. This new account of imitative learning of novel means shows how the teleological stance and natural pedagogy--two separate cognitive adaptations to interpret instrumental versus communicative actions--are integrated as a system for learning socially constituted instrumental knowledge in humans. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. La coopération culturelle dans l’eurorégion Nord-Transmanche : une institutionnalisation sans institution ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Perrin


    Full Text Available Cet article porte sur l’action culturelle transfrontalière dans l’eurorégion Nord-Transmanche. Cette organisation de coopération territoriale a associé, de 1991 à 2004, la région française du Nord-Pas-de-Calais au Comté anglais du Kent et aux trois régions belges : Région wallonne, Région flamande et Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. La dimension pionnière et historique de cette eurorégion, mais également le fait qu’elle n’a pas perduré, permettent d’illustrer à la fois les potentialités, limites et paradoxes de la mobilisation de la culture dans le contexte des organisations de coopération territoriale. Si le processus d’institutionnalisation de l’eurorégion en tant que telle est resté inachevé, l’espace Nord-Transmanche reste un espace de coopération dynamique, en particulier dans le domaine culturel et la référence eurorégionale reste significative pour de nombreux acteurs. Cet exemple interroge ainsi les enjeux et la réalité de la construction d’une Europe des territoires et de la culture, notamment par rapport aux discours institutionnels dont ces questions font généralement l’objet.

  14. Revista turística: identidad cultural del cantón Paltas, provincia de Loja


    Saraguro Eras, Manuel Vicente


    Considerando que las identidades fuertes permiten la expresión de intereses que son comunes en las diferentes instancias espaciales, territoriales, nacionales e internacionales. La formación de la identidad cultural comunitaria es un proceso histórico social que da sentido a las expresiones políticas. Estas identidades siempre encuentran los vehículos de expresión en las diferentes unidades espaciales territoriales en unidades locales, regionales, nacionales e internacionales. La identidad ét...

  15. DAPs: Deep Action Proposals for Action Understanding

    KAUST Repository

    Escorcia, Victor


    Object proposals have contributed significantly to recent advances in object understanding in images. Inspired by the success of this approach, we introduce Deep Action Proposals (DAPs), an effective and efficient algorithm for generating temporal action proposals from long videos. We show how to take advantage of the vast capacity of deep learning models and memory cells to retrieve from untrimmed videos temporal segments, which are likely to contain actions. A comprehensive evaluation indicates that our approach outperforms previous work on a large scale action benchmark, runs at 134 FPS making it practical for large-scale scenarios, and exhibits an appealing ability to generalize, i.e. to retrieve good quality temporal proposals of actions unseen in training.

  16. Dynamic evocation of hand action representations during sentence comprehension. (United States)

    Masson, Michael E J; Bub, Daniel N; Lavelle, Hillary


    When listening to a sentence describing an interaction with a manipulable object, understanding the actor's intentions is shown to have a striking influence on action representations evoked during comprehension. Subjects performed a cued reach and grasp response while listening to a context sentence. Responses were primed when they were consistent with the proximal intention of an actor ("John lifted the cell phone..."), but this effect was evanescent and appeared only when sentences mentioned the proximal intention first. When the sentence structure was changed to mention the distal intention first ("To clear the shelf..."), priming effects were no longer context specific and actions pertaining to the function of an object were clearly favored. These results are not compatible with a straightforward mental-simulation account of sentence comprehension but instead reflect a hierarchy of intentions distinguishing how and why actions are performed. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  17. Spatio-temporal dynamics of action-effect associations in oculomotor control. (United States)

    Riechelmann, Eva; Pieczykolan, Aleksandra; Horstmann, Gernot; Herwig, Arvid; Huestegge, Lynn


    While there is ample evidence that actions are guided by anticipating their effects (ideomotor control) in the manual domain, much less is known about the underlying characteristics and dynamics of effect-based oculomotor control. Here, we address three open issues. 1) Is action-effect anticipation in oculomotor control reflected in corresponding spatial saccade characteristics in inanimate environments? 2) Does the previously reported dependency of action latency on the temporal effect delay (action-effect interval) also occur in the oculomotor domain? 3) Which temporal effect delay is optimally suited to develop strong action-effect associations over time in the oculomotor domain? Participants executed left or right free-choice saccades to peripheral traffic lights, causing an (immediate or delayed) action-contingent light switch in the upper vs. lower part of the traffic light. Results indicated that saccades were spatially shifted toward the location of the upcoming change, indicating anticipation of the effect (location). Saccade latency was affected by effect delay, suggesting that corresponding time information is integrated into event representations. Finally, delayed (vs. immediate) effects were more effective in strengthening action-effect associations over the course of the experiment, likely due to greater saliency of perceptual changes occurring during target fixation as opposed to changes during saccades (saccadic suppression). Overall, basic principles underlying ideomotor control appear to generalize to the oculomotor domain. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. 78 FR 14820 - Proclaiming Certain Lands as Reservation for the Tohono O'odham Nation of Arizona (United States)


    ... the Tohono O'odham Nation of Arizona AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior. ACTION: Notice of... Affairs proclaimed approximately 642.27 acres, more or less, as the Tohono O'odham Nation Indian Reservation for the Tohono O'odham Nation Tribe of Indians of Arizona on February 28, 2013. DATE: The...

  19. 77 FR 66361 - Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions: Reserves Simplification (United States)


    ... Requirements of Depository Institutions: Reserves Simplification AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal... (Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions) published in the Federal Register on April 12, 2012. The... simplifications related to the administration of reserve requirements: 1. Create a common two-week maintenance...

  20. Foreign Exchange Reserves and the Reserve Bank’s Balance Sheet


    Christian Vallence


    The Reserve Bank of Australia holds and manages the nation’s foreign exchange reserve assets in order to meet its policy objectives. While Australia’s foreign exchange reserves are relatively modest by international standards, they nonetheless constitute a sizeable portion of the Bank’s balance sheet, and variations in the Australian dollar value of these reserves are usually the most volatile component of the Bank’s profit and loss statement. This article discusses some of the key decisions ...

  1. Givental action and trivialisation of circle action

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dotsenko, V.; Shadrin, S.; Vallette, B.


    In this paper, we show that the Givental group action on genus zero cohomological field theories, also known as formal Frobenius manifolds or hypercommutative algebras, naturally arises in the deformation theory of Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras. We prove that the Givental action is equal to an action

  2. Neurocognitive mechanisms of perception-action coordination: a review and theoretical integration. (United States)

    Ridderinkhof, K Richard


    The present analysis aims at a theoretical integration of, and a systems-neuroscience perspective on, a variety of historical and contemporary views on perception-action coordination (PAC). We set out to determine the common principles or lawful linkages between sensory and motor systems that explain how perception is action-oriented and how action is perceptually guided. To this end, we analyze the key ingredients to such an integrated framework, examine the architecture of dual-system conjectures of PAC, and endeavor in an historical analysis of the key characteristics, mechanisms, and phenomena of PACs. This analysis will reveal that dual-systems views are in need of fundamental re-thinking, and its elements will be amalgamated with current views on action-oriented predictive processing into a novel integrative theoretical framework (IMPPACT: Impetus, Motivation, and Prediction in Perception-Action Coordination theory). From this framework and its neurocognitive architecture we derive a number of non-trivial predictions regarding conative, motive-driven PAC. We end by presenting a brief outlook on how IMPPACT might present novel insights into certain pathologies and into action expertise. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Is credit for early action credible early action?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rolfe, C.; Michaelowa, A.; Dutschke, M.


    Credit for early action as a tool for greenhouse gas emissions reduction is compared with various market instruments as a means of narrowing the gap between projected emissions and those of the Kyoto Protocol. Market instruments work by creating a market price for emissions and use the market to encourage reductions at the lowest price, which is done by placing limits on greenhouse gas emissions and allowing the market to decide where reductions occur, or by imposing a carbon tax or emissions charge. While they can be applied within a sector, they are usually used to encourage reductions throughout the economy or across large sectors. Credit for early action also creates an incentive for emissions reductions throughout the economy or at least across many sectors. Credit for early action tools do not work by either imposing a carbon tax or emissions charge or placing limits on emissions, rather they promise that entities that take action against greenhouse gases prior to the imposition of a carbon tax or emissions limits will receive a credit against future taxes or limits. An overview is provided of the Kyoto Protocol and the rationale for taking early action, and a review is included of the theory and specific proposals for market instruments and credit for early action. A comparative analysis is provided of these approaches by examining their relative efficiency, environmental effectiveness, and impacts on the redistribution of wealth. Credit for early action is viewed as problematic on a number of counts and is seen as an interim strategy for imposition while political support for market instruments develop. The environmental effectiveness of credit for early action is very difficult to predict, and credit for early action programs do not yield the lowest cost emissions reductions. Credit for early action programs will not achieve compliance with the Kyoto Protocol at the lowest cost, and credits for early action will increase the compliance costs for those who

  4. Linking perception and action by structure or process? Toward an integrative perspective. (United States)

    Herwig, Arvid


    Over the past decades cognitive neuroscience's renewed interest in action has intensified the search of principles explaining how the cognitive system links perception to action and vice versa. To date, at least two seemingly alternative approaches can be distinguished. Perception and action might be linked either by common representational structures, as assumed by the ideomotor approach, or by common attentional processes, as assumed by the attention approach. This article first reviews the evidence from different paradigms supporting each approach. It becomes clear that most studies selectively focus either on actions directed at goals outside the actors' perceptual range (supporting the ideomotor approach) or on actions directed at targets within the actors' perceptual range (supporting the attention approach). In a second step, I will try to reconcile both approaches by reviewing recent eye movement studies that abolish the classical combination of approach and goals under study. Demonstrating that both approaches cover target- as well as goal-directed actions, it is proposed that operations addressed in both conceptual frameworks interact with each other. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Replacing reserve requirements


    Edward J. Stevens


    An examination of the fading significance of the Federal Reserve System's reserve requirements and the recent flowering of required clearing balances, a rapidly growing feature of Reserve Bank operations.

  6. 76 FR 2085 - National Estuarine Research Reserve System; North Inlet-Winyah Bay, SC and San Francisco Bay, CA... (United States)


    ... integration based on priority issues defined by the reserve. The objectives described in this plan address the... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Estuarine Research..., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of final...

  7. Action-based flood forecasting for triggering humanitarian action (United States)

    Coughlan de Perez, Erin; van den Hurk, Bart; van Aalst, Maarten K.; Amuron, Irene; Bamanya, Deus; Hauser, Tristan; Jongma, Brenden; Lopez, Ana; Mason, Simon; Mendler de Suarez, Janot; Pappenberger, Florian; Rueth, Alexandra; Stephens, Elisabeth; Suarez, Pablo; Wagemaker, Jurjen; Zsoter, Ervin


    Too often, credible scientific early warning information of increased disaster risk does not result in humanitarian action. With financial resources tilted heavily towards response after a disaster, disaster managers have limited incentive and ability to process complex scientific data, including uncertainties. These incentives are beginning to change, with the advent of several new forecast-based financing systems that provide funding based on a forecast of an extreme event. Given the changing landscape, here we demonstrate a method to select and use appropriate forecasts for specific humanitarian disaster prevention actions, even in a data-scarce location. This action-based forecasting methodology takes into account the parameters of each action, such as action lifetime, when verifying a forecast. Forecasts are linked with action based on an understanding of (1) the magnitude of previous flooding events and (2) the willingness to act "in vain" for specific actions. This is applied in the context of the Uganda Red Cross Society forecast-based financing pilot project, with forecasts from the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS). Using this method, we define the "danger level" of flooding, and we select the probabilistic forecast triggers that are appropriate for specific actions. Results from this methodology can be applied globally across hazards and fed into a financing system that ensures that automatic, pre-funded early action will be triggered by forecasts.

  8. Fondo de infraestructura social municipal y de aportaciones para el fortalecimiento municipal. Toma de decisiones de los gobiernos municipales del Estado de México 2008-2014


    Fernández Pilar, María Dolores


    El trabajo de investigación que a continuación se presenta, tiene por objetivo conocer y analizar los factores que influyen en la toma de decisiones de los gobiernos municipales para la selección de obras y acciones que se ejecutan con los fondos federales de Aportaciones para el Fortalecimiento de los Municipios y de las Demarcaciones Territoriales del Distrito Federal (FORTAMUNDF) así como el de Aportaciones para la Infraestructura Social Municipal y de las Demarcaciones Territoriales del ...

  9. Everyday robotic action: Lessons from human action control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roy eDe Kleijn


    Full Text Available Robots are increasingly capable of performing everyday human activities such as cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry. This requires the real-time planning and execution of complex, temporally-extended sequential actions under high degrees of uncertainty, which provides many challenges to traditional approaches to robot action control. We argue that important lessons in this respect can be learned from research on human action control. We provide a brief overview of available psychological insights into this issue and focus on four principles that we think could be particularly beneficial for robot control: the integration of symbolic and subsymbolic planning of action sequences, the integration of feedforward and feedback control, the clustering of complex actions into subcomponents, and the contextualization of action-control structures through goal representations.

  10. Intrinsically motivated action-outcome learning and goal-based action recall: a system-level bio-constrained computational model. (United States)

    Baldassarre, Gianluca; Mannella, Francesco; Fiore, Vincenzo G; Redgrave, Peter; Gurney, Kevin; Mirolli, Marco


    Reinforcement (trial-and-error) learning in animals is driven by a multitude of processes. Most animals have evolved several sophisticated systems of 'extrinsic motivations' (EMs) that guide them to acquire behaviours allowing them to maintain their bodies, defend against threat, and reproduce. Animals have also evolved various systems of 'intrinsic motivations' (IMs) that allow them to acquire actions in the absence of extrinsic rewards. These actions are used later to pursue such rewards when they become available. Intrinsic motivations have been studied in Psychology for many decades and their biological substrates are now being elucidated by neuroscientists. In the last two decades, investigators in computational modelling, robotics and machine learning have proposed various mechanisms that capture certain aspects of IMs. However, we still lack models of IMs that attempt to integrate all key aspects of intrinsically motivated learning and behaviour while taking into account the relevant neurobiological constraints. This paper proposes a bio-constrained system-level model that contributes a major step towards this integration. The model focusses on three processes related to IMs and on the neural mechanisms underlying them: (a) the acquisition of action-outcome associations (internal models of the agent-environment interaction) driven by phasic dopamine signals caused by sudden, unexpected changes in the environment; (b) the transient focussing of visual gaze and actions on salient portions of the environment; (c) the subsequent recall of actions to pursue extrinsic rewards based on goal-directed reactivation of the representations of their outcomes. The tests of the model, including a series of selective lesions, show how the focussing processes lead to a faster learning of action-outcome associations, and how these associations can be recruited for accomplishing goal-directed behaviours. The model, together with the background knowledge reviewed in the paper

  11. Power effects on cognitive control: Turning conflict into action. (United States)

    Schmid, Petra C; Kleiman, Tali; Amodio, David M


    Power is known to promote effective goal pursuit, especially when it requires one to overcome distractions or bias. We proposed that this effect involves the ability to engage and implement cognitive control. In Study 1, we demonstrated that power enhances behavioral performance on a response conflict task and that it does so by enhancing controlled processing rather than by reducing automatic processing. In Study 2, we used an event-related potential index of anterior cingulate activity to test whether power effects on control were due to enhanced conflict sensitivity or action implementation. Power did not significantly affect neural sensitivity to conflict; rather, high power was associated with a stronger link between conflict processing and intended action, relative to low power. These findings suggest a new perspective on how social factors can affect controlled processing and offer new evidence regarding the transition between conflict detection and the implementation of action control. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Hanani


    Full Text Available The low participation and involvement of women in politics has seen some discrimination and injustice against women, because they do not attention development policies are gender oriented. It is well recognized by women in Indonesia, so the post-New Order government women's advocacy movement that gave birth to affirmative action that essentially encourages and guarantees against women to be involved in politics. Significant impact of affirmative action is the birth of a minimal system of representation of women in parliament 30%. This representation system, reinforced in 2009 with the implementation zipper election system, where from 1-3 candidates proposed must be female. But somehow affirmative action, can not be denied as a form be balanced with minimizing the lack of women and men. Keywords : Affirmative action, politics and participation of womenCopyright © 2012 by Kafa`ah All right reservedDOI : 10.15548/jk.v2i1.45

  13. Hearing sounds, understanding actions: action representation in mirror neurons. (United States)

    Kohler, Evelyne; Keysers, Christian; Umiltà, M Alessandra; Fogassi, Leonardo; Gallese, Vittorio; Rizzolatti, Giacomo


    Many object-related actions can be recognized by their sound. We found neurons in monkey premotor cortex that discharge when the animal performs a specific action and when it hears the related sound. Most of the neurons also discharge when the monkey observes the same action. These audiovisual mirror neurons code actions independently of whether these actions are performed, heard, or seen. This discovery in the monkey homolog of Broca's area might shed light on the origin of language: audiovisual mirror neurons code abstract contents-the meaning of actions-and have the auditory access typical of human language to these contents.

  14. Endangered Species Program Naval Petroleum Reserves in California

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Naval Petroleum Reserves in California (NPRC) are operated by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and Chevron USA. (CUSA). Four federally-listed endangered animal species and one threatened plant species are known to occur on NPRC: the San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica), blunt-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia), giant kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ingens), Tipton kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides) and Hoover's Wooly-star (Eriastrum hooveri). All five are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (as amended) (Public Law 93-205), which declares that it is the policy of Congress that all Federal departments and agencies shall seek to conserve endangered and threatened species and shall utilize their authorities in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. DOE is also obliged to determine whether actions taken by their lessees on Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 (NPR-2) will have any effects on endangered species or their habitats. The major objective of the Endangered Species Program on NPR-1 and NPR-2 is to provide DOE with the scientific expertise and continuity of programs necessary for the continued compliance with the Endangered Species Act. The specific objective of this report is to summarize progress and results of the Endangered Species Program made during Fiscal Year 1991 (FY91)

  15. Language for action: Motor resonance during the processing of human and robotic voices. (United States)

    Di Cesare, G; Errante, A; Marchi, M; Cuccio, V


    In this fMRI study we evaluated whether the auditory processing of action verbs pronounced by a human or a robotic voice in the imperative mood differently modulates the activation of the mirror neuron system (MNs). The study produced three results. First, the activation pattern found during listening to action verbs was very similar in both the robot and human conditions. Second, the processing of action verbs compared to abstract verbs determined the activation of the fronto-parietal circuit classically involved during the action goal understanding. Third, and most importantly, listening to action verbs compared to abstract verbs produced activation of the anterior part of the supramarginal gyrus (aSMG) regardless of the condition (human and robot) and in the absence of any object name. The supramarginal gyrus is a region considered to underpin hand-object interaction and associated to the processing of affordances. These results suggest that listening to action verbs may trigger the recruitment of motor representations characterizing affordances and action execution, coherently with the predictive nature of motor simulation that not only allows us to re-enact motor knowledge to understand others' actions but also prepares us for the actions we might need to carry out. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Pricing the Ramping Reserve and Capacity Reserve in Real Time Markets


    Ye, Hongxing; Li, Zuyi


    The increasing penetration of renewable energy in recent years has led to more uncertainties in power systems. In order to maintain system reliability and security, electricity market operators need to keep certain reserves in the Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) problems. A new concept, deliverable generation ramping reserve, is proposed in this paper. The prices of generation ramping reserves and generation capacity reserves are derived in the Affine Adjustable Robust Optimizat...

  17. Intersectoral action on SDH and equity in Australian health policy. (United States)

    Fisher, Matthew; Baum, Frances E; MacDougall, Colin; Newman, Lareen; McDermott, Dennis; Phillips, Clare


    Intersectoral action between public agencies across policy sectors, and between levels of government, is seen as essential for effective action by governments to address social determinants of health (SDH) and to reduce health inequities. The health sector has been identified as having a crucial stewardship role, to engage other policy sectors in action to address the impacts of their policies on health. This article reports on research to investigate intersectoral action on SDH and health inequities in Australian health policy. We gathered and individually analysed 266 policy documents, being all of the published, strategic health policies of the national Australian government and eight State/Territory governments, current at the time of sampling in late 2012-early 2013. Our analysis showed that strategies for intersectoral action were common in Australian health policy, but predominantly concerned with extending access to individualized medical or behavioural interventions to client groups in other policy sectors. Where intersectoral strategies did propose action on SDH (other than access to health-care), they were mostly limited to addressing proximal factors, rather than policy settings affecting the distribution of socioeconomic resources. There was little evidence of engagement between the health sector and those policy sectors most able to influence systemic socioeconomic inequalities in Australia. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  18. Finding minimal action sequences with a simple evaluation of actions (United States)

    Shah, Ashvin; Gurney, Kevin N.


    Animals are able to discover the minimal number of actions that achieves an outcome (the minimal action sequence). In most accounts of this, actions are associated with a measure of behavior that is higher for actions that lead to the outcome with a shorter action sequence, and learning mechanisms find the actions associated with the highest measure. In this sense, previous accounts focus on more than the simple binary signal of “was the outcome achieved?”; they focus on “how well was the outcome achieved?” However, such mechanisms may not govern all types of behavioral development. In particular, in the process of action discovery (Redgrave and Gurney, 2006), actions are reinforced if they simply lead to a salient outcome because biological reinforcement signals occur too quickly to evaluate the consequences of an action beyond an indication of the outcome's occurrence. Thus, action discovery mechanisms focus on the simple evaluation of “was the outcome achieved?” and not “how well was the outcome achieved?” Notwithstanding this impoverishment of information, can the process of action discovery find the minimal action sequence? We address this question by implementing computational mechanisms, referred to in this paper as no-cost learning rules, in which each action that leads to the outcome is associated with the same measure of behavior. No-cost rules focus on “was the outcome achieved?” and are consistent with action discovery. No-cost rules discover the minimal action sequence in simulated tasks and execute it for a substantial amount of time. Extensive training, however, results in extraneous actions, suggesting that a separate process (which has been proposed in action discovery) must attenuate learning if no-cost rules participate in behavioral development. We describe how no-cost rules develop behavior, what happens when attenuation is disrupted, and relate the new mechanisms to wider computational and biological context. PMID:25506326

  19. Hybrid Action Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rönnkö, M.; Ravn, Anders Peter; Sere, K.


    In this paper we investigate the use of action systems with differential actions in the specifcation of hybrid systems. As the main contribution we generalize the definition of a differential action, allowing the use of arbitrary relations over model variables and their time......-derivatives in modelling continuous-time dynamics. The generalized differential action has an intuitively appealing predicate transformer semantics, which we show to be both conjunctive and monotonic. In addition, we show that differential actions blend smoothly with conventional actions in action systems, even under...... parallel composition. Moreover, as the strength of the action system formalism is the support for stepwise development by refinement, we investigate refinement involving a differential action. We show that, due to the predicate transformer semantics, standard action refinement techniques apply also...

  20. An fMRI study of perception and action in deaf signers. (United States)

    Okada, Kayoko; Rogalsky, Corianne; O'Grady, Lucinda; Hanaumi, Leila; Bellugi, Ursula; Corina, David; Hickok, Gregory


    Since the discovery of mirror neurons, there has been a great deal of interest in understanding the relationship between perception and action, and the role of the human mirror system in language comprehension and production. Two questions have dominated research. One concerns the role of Broca's area in speech perception. The other concerns the role of the motor system more broadly in understanding action-related language. The current study investigates both of these questions in a way that bridges research on language with research on manual actions. We studied the neural basis of observing and executing American Sign Language (ASL) object and action signs. In an fMRI experiment, deaf signers produced signs depicting actions and objects as well as observed/comprehended signs of actions and objects. Different patterns of activation were found for observation and execution although with overlap in Broca's area, providing prima facie support for the claim that the motor system participates in language perception. In contrast, we found no evidence that action related signs differentially involved the motor system compared to object related signs. These findings are discussed in the context of lesion studies of sign language execution and observation. In this broader context, we conclude that the activation in Broca's area during ASL observation is not causally related to sign language understanding. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Abnormal Brain Responses to Action Observation in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. (United States)

    Hotta, Jaakko; Saari, Jukka; Koskinen, Miika; Hlushchuk, Yevhen; Forss, Nina; Hari, Riitta


    Patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) display various abnormalities in central motor function, and their pain is intensified when they perform or just observe motor actions. In this study, we examined the abnormalities of brain responses to action observation in CRPS. We analyzed 3-T functional magnetic resonance images from 13 upper limb CRPS patients (all female, ages 31-58 years) and 13 healthy, age- and sex-matched control subjects. The functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired while the subjects viewed brief videos of hand actions shown in the first-person perspective. A pattern-classification analysis was applied to characterize brain areas where the activation pattern differed between CRPS patients and healthy subjects. Brain areas with statistically significant group differences (q frontal gyrus, secondary somatosensory cortex, inferior parietal lobule, orbitofrontal cortex, and thalamus. Our findings indicate that CRPS impairs action observation by affecting brain areas related to pain processing and motor control. This article shows that in CRPS, the observation of others' motor actions induces abnormal neural activity in brain areas essential for sensorimotor functions and pain. These results build the cerebral basis for action-observation impairments in CRPS. Copyright © 2016 American Pain Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Outcome producing potential influences twelve-month-olds' interpretation of a novel action as goal-directed. (United States)

    Biro, Szilvia; Verschoor, Stephan; Coalter, Esther; Leslie, Alan M


    Learning about a novel, goal-directed action is a complex process. It requires identifying the outcome of the action and linking the action to its outcome for later use in new situations to predict the action or to anticipate its outcome. We investigated the hypothesis that linking a novel action to a salient change in the environment is critical for infants to assign a goal to the novel action. We report a study in which we show that 12-month-old infants, who were provided with prior experience with a novel action accompanied with a salient visible outcome in one context, can interpret the same action as goal-directed even in the absence of the outcome in another context. Our control condition shows that prior experience with the action, but without the salient effect, does not lead to goal-directed interpretation of the novel action. We also found that, for the case of 9-month-olds infants, prior experience with the outcome producing potential of the novel action does not facilitate a goal-directed interpretation of the action. However, this failure was possibly due to difficulties with generalizing the learnt association to another context rather than with linking the action to its outcome. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Postacuerdo y gestión territorial en Colombia


    Rojas -Naranjo, Jorge Eliecer


    Las dinámicas territoriales pueden ser entendidas como una relación dialéctica entre los modelos de ocupación y desarrollo, integrados en el proceso institucional de Gestión Territorial. En Colombia, este proceso está caracterizado por una presencia diferenciada del Estado y por las acciones de grupos con intereses, estrategias y fuerzas heterogéneas que configuran un escenario de asimetría de poderes, lo cual ha llevado a la permanencia de conflictos territoriales, ambientales, sociales y ec...

  4. Is prospective memory enhanced by cue-action semantic relatedness and enactment at encoding? (United States)

    Pereira, Antonina; Ellis, Judi; Freeman, Jayne


    Benefits and costs on prospective memory performance, of enactment at encoding and a semantic association between a cue-action word pair, were investigated in two experiments. Findings revealed superior performance for both younger and older adults following enactment, in contrast to verbal encoding, and when cue-action semantic relatedness was high. Although younger adults outperformed older adults, age did not moderate benefits of cue-action relatedness or enactment. Findings from a second experiment revealed that the inclusion of an instruction to perform a prospective memory task led to increments in response latency to items from the ongoing activity in which that task was embedded, relative to latencies when the ongoing task only was performed. However, this task interference 'cost' did not differ as a function of either cue-action relatedness or enactment. We argue that the high number of cue-action pairs employed here influenced meta-cognitive consciousness, hence determining attention allocation, in all experimental conditions. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Evaluating pharmacy leader development through the seven action logics. (United States)

    Philip, Achsah; Desai, Avani; Nguyen, Phouc Anne; Birney, Patrick; Colavecchia, Anthony; Karralli, Rusol; Smith, Lindsey; Lorimer, Dirk; Burgess, Gwen; Munch, Kyle; Daniel, Nelvin; Lionetti, Jason; Garey, Kevin W


    Pharmacy leader development over time was analyzed using the seven action logics. As part of an ongoing leadership seminar series, students were required to select a visionary pharmacy leader and conduct a structured interview to evaluate pharmacy leaders' action logics. A standardized questionnaire comprising 13 questions was created by the class. Questions addressed leadership qualities during the leaders' early years, education years, and work years. Transcripts were then coded by two separate trained investigators based on the leader's stage of life to provide a score for each action logic individually over time. Kappa coefficient was used to evaluate interrater agreement. A total of 14 leaders were interviewed. All leaders were currently employed and had won national awards for their contributions to pharmacy practice. Overall, there was 82% agreement between the two evaluators' scores for the various characteristics. Action logics changed based on the leaders' life stage. Using aggregate data from all leader interviews, a progression from lower-order action logics (opportunist, diplomat, expert) to higher-order action logics (strategist, alchemist) was found. Ten leaders (71%) were diplomats during their early years. Six leaders (43%) were experts during their education years, and 4 (29%) were strategists or alchemists. During the third life stage analyzed (the work years), 6 leaders (43%) were strategists, and 2 were alchemists. During their work years, all leaders had a percentage of their answers coded as alchemist (range, 5-22%). Throughout their professional careers, pharmacy leaders continually develop skills through formal education and mentorship that follow action logics. Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Automatic imitation effects are influenced by experience of synchronous action in children. (United States)

    O'Sullivan, Eoin P; Bijvoet-van den Berg, Simone; Caldwell, Christine A


    By their fourth year of life, children are expert imitators, but it is unclear how this ability develops. One approach suggests that certain types of experience might forge associations between the sensory and motor representations of an action that may facilitate imitation at a later time. Sensorimotor experience of this sort may occur when an infant's action is imitated by a caregiver or when socially synchronous action occurs. This learning approach, therefore, predicts that the strength of sensory-motor associations should depend on the frequency and quality of previous experience. Here, we tested this prediction by examining automatic imitation, that is, the tendency of an action stimulus to facilitate the performance of that action and interfere with the performance of an incompatible action. We required children (aged between 3 years 8 months and 7 years 11 months) to respond to actions performed by an experimenter (e.g., two hands clapping) with both compatible actions (i.e., two hands clapping) and incompatible actions (i.e., two hands waving) at different stages in the experimental procedure. As predicted by a learning account, actions thought to be performed in synchrony (i.e., clapping/waving) produced stronger automatic imitation effects when compared with actions where previous sensorimotor experience is likely to be more limited (e.g., pointing/hand closing). Furthermore, these automatic imitation effects were not found to vary with age, with both compatible and incompatible responses quickening with age. These findings suggest a role for sensorimotor experience in the development of imitative ability. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Calibration is action specific but perturbation of perceptual units is not. (United States)

    Pan, Jing S; Coats, Rachel O; Bingham, Geoffrey P


    tested in Experiment 3 and confirmed. The action-specific and general purpose perception approaches each fail to predict the alternative results predicted by the other. Both sets of results were predicted by the mapping among embodied units theory of calibration. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  8. Body-part specific interactions of action verb processing with motor behaviour. (United States)

    Klepp, Anne; Niccolai, Valentina; Sieksmeyer, Jan; Arnzen, Stephanie; Indefrey, Peter; Schnitzler, Alfons; Biermann-Ruben, Katja


    The interaction of action-related language processing with actual movement is an indicator of the functional role of motor cortical involvement in language understanding. This paper describes two experiments using single action verb stimuli. Motor responses were performed with the hand or the foot. To test the double dissociation of language-motor facilitation effects within subjects, Experiments 1 and 2 used a priming procedure where both hand and foot reactions had to be performed in response to different geometrical shapes, which were preceded by action verbs. In Experiment 1, the semantics of the verbs could be ignored whereas Experiment 2 included semantic decisions. Only Experiment 2 revealed a clear double dissociation in reaction times: reactions were facilitated when preceded by verbs describing actions with the matching effector. In Experiment 1, by contrast, there was an interaction between verb-response congruence and a semantic variable related to motor features of the verbs. Thus, the double dissociation paradigm of semantic motor priming was effective, corroborating the role of the motor system in action-related language processing. Importantly, this effect was body part specific. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Valorizzazione e promozione cineturistica delle destinazioni: opportunità e rischi del marketing territoriale / Enhancement and cine-touristic promotion of destinations: opportunities and risks of territorial marketing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosy Scarlata


    Full Text Available Lo scopo principale di questo contributo consiste nel proporre uno spunto di riflessione circa le relazioni che intercorrono fra la proiezione di un film o di una serie televisiva, il cineturismo e la creazione dell’identità di un luogo. La disamina della letteratura esistente ha confermato l’esistenza di numerosi studi focalizzati sui forti impatti prodotti dal cineturismo, con il rischio di compromettere la capacità di carico dei territori e la sostenibilità delle attività turistiche. Minore interesse, invece, è stato rivolto a casi di studio che riguardano le ripercussioni di paesaggi non attrattivi, di trame negative e screditanti, con il risultato di veicolare un’immagine avversa alla destinazione, anche indipendentemente dal fenomeno cineturistico che potrebbe prodursi. Il presente contributo è il tentativo iniziale di approfondire questo aspetto, citando alcune esperienze italiane, e prendendo in considerazione il ruolo delle Film Commission nella creazione di immagini che siano confacenti alla identità territoriale che si intende promuovere all’esterno. The main focus of this article is to provide an opportunity to reflect upon the relationship between the production of a movie (or a tv series, the film-induced tourism and the creation of the identity of a place. A review of the existing literature revealed that many studies focused on the strongest impacts of film-induced tourism, with the risk of endangering the carrying capacity of territories and the  sustainability of tourist activities. Less attention has been paid to case-studies showing the effects of unattractive landscapes or negative and discrediting storylines portraying an image which is adverse to the destination. This paper is an initial attempt to discuss this issue and to fill this gap, by showing some recent Italian experiences and by taking into consideration the role of the Film Commissions in order to govern the creation of images which are fitting

  10. Our actions in my mind: Motor imagery of joint action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vesper, Cordula; Knoblich, Günther; Sebanz, Natalie


    How do people imagine performing actions together? The present study investigated motor imagery of joint actions that requires integrating one's own and another's part of an action. In two experiments, individual participants imagined jumping alone or jointly next to an imagined partner. The joint...... condition required coordinating one's own imagined actions with an imagined partner's actions to synchronize landing times. We investigated whether the timing of participants' own imagined jumps would reflect the difference in jump distance to their imagined partner's jumps. The results showed...... of joint jumping. These findings link research on motor imagery and joint action, demonstrating that individuals are able to integrate simulations of different parts of a joint action....

  11. Building ties: social capital network analysis of a forest community in a biosphere reserve in Chiapas, Mexico

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    Luis Rico García-Amado


    Full Text Available Governance of the commons depends on the capacity to generate collective action. Networks and rules that foster that collective action have been defined as social capital. However, their causal link is still not fully understood. We use social network analysis to assess social capital, decision-making, and collective action in a forest-based common pool resource management in La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve (Chiapas, Mexico. Our research analyzes the productive networks and the evolution of coffee groups in one community. The network shows some centrality, with richer landholders tending to occupy core positions and poorer landless peasants occupying peripheral ones. This has fostered the community's environmentally oriented development but has also caused internal conflicts. Market requirements have shaped different but complementary productive networks, where organic coffee commercialization is the main source of bridging ties, which has resulted in more connectivity and resilience. Conservation attitudes, along with the institutional setting of the community, have promoted collective action. The unresolved conflicts, however, still leave some concerns about governance in the future.

  12. Chicle harvesting and extractive reserves in the Maya Biosphere b: Reserve

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dugelby, B.L.


    Chicle latex has been extracted from the forests of northern Guatemala for over 100 years and is a key element in the extractive reserve component of the Maya Biosphere Reserve. The carrying capacity of the reserve for chicle extraction can be estimated from a model incorporating ecological data (such as latex yields per tree and population structure of chicle trees, Manilkara zapota, Sapot.) with socio-ecological and political information concerning camp and chicle resource availability, harvester tapping behavior, and historical and present-day institutional organization. I estimate that chicle harvestors currently utilize and area larger than the multiple use zone of the reserve in a unsustainable manner. Simple reduction of harvestors numbers will not ensure sustainability; institutional reforms are also in order. Extractive reserves can play an important role in preserving tropical forests. However, their effectiveness is highly dependent on prevailing ecological, socio-economic, and political conditions. Wise planning and management of extractive reserves demands an understanding of the system`s carrying capacity. In addition, a strong institutional foundation is necessary to assure effective monitoring and enforcement of harvesting regulations.

  13. Masculinidades en movimiento. Transformación territorial y sistemas de género. Buenos Aires: Teseo.

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    Patric Hollenstein


    Full Text Available Son pocos los territorios rurales en América Latina que combinan crecimiento económico con inclusión social. El objetivo del programa Dinámicas Territoriales Rurales1 (DTR fue estudiar las dinámicas económicas de estos territorios “exitosos”. En el marco del programa DTR, el libro “Masculinidades en movimiento”, Susan Paulson y sus coautoras/es preguntan de qué manera las relaciones de género influyen en las dinámicas territoriales rurales estudiadas.

  14. Cognition-Action Trade-Offs Reflect Organization of Attention in Infancy. (United States)

    Berger, Sarah E; Harbourne, Regina T; Horger, Melissa N


    This chapter discusses what cognition-action trade-offs in infancy reveal about the organization and developmental trajectory of attention. We focus on internal attention because this aspect is most relevant to the immediate concerns of infancy, such as fluctuating levels of expertise, balancing multiple taxing skills simultaneously, learning how to control attention under variable conditions, and coordinating distinct psychological domains. Cognition-action trade-offs observed across the life span include perseveration during skill emergence, errors and inefficient strategies during decision making, and the allocation of resources when attention is taxed. An embodied cognitive-load account interprets these behavioral patterns as a result of limited attentional resources allocated across simultaneous, taxing task demands. For populations where motor errors could be costly, like infants and the elderly, attention is typically devoted to motor demands with errors occurring in the cognitive domain. In contrast, healthy young adults tend to preserve their cognitive performance by modifying their actions. © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Long-term and short-term action-effect links and their impact on effect monitoring. (United States)

    Wirth, Robert; Steinhauser, Robert; Janczyk, Markus; Steinhauser, Marco; Kunde, Wilfried


    People aim to produce effects in the environment, and according to ideomotor theory, actions are selected and executed via anticipations of their effects. Further, to ensure that an action has been successful and an effect has been realized, we must be able to monitor the consequences of our actions. However, action-effect links might vary between situations, some might apply for a majority of situations, while others might only apply to special occasions. With a combination of behavioral and electrophysiological markers, we show that monitoring of self-produced action effects interferes with other tasks, and that the length of effect monitoring is determined by both, long-term action-effect links that hold for most situations, and short-term action-effect links that emerge from a current setting. Effect monitoring is fast and frugal when these action-effect links allow for valid anticipation of action effects, but otherwise effect monitoring takes longer and delays a subsequent task. Specific influences of long-term and short-term links on the P1/N1 and P3a further allow to dissect the temporal dynamics of when these links interact for the purpose of effect monitoring. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  16. Dissociable intrinsic functional networks support noun-object and verb-action processing. (United States)

    Yang, Huichao; Lin, Qixiang; Han, Zaizhu; Li, Hongyu; Song, Luping; Chen, Lingjuan; He, Yong; Bi, Yanchao


    The processing mechanism of verbs-actions and nouns-objects is a central topic of language research, with robust evidence for behavioral dissociation. The neural basis for these two major word and/or conceptual classes, however, remains controversial. Two experiments were conducted to study this question from the network perspective. Experiment 1 found that nodes of the same class, obtained through task-evoked brain imaging meta-analyses, were more strongly connected with each other than nodes of different classes during resting-state, forming segregated network modules. Experiment 2 examined the behavioral relevance of these intrinsic networks using data from 88 brain-damaged patients, finding that across patients the relative strength of functional connectivity of the two networks significantly correlated with the noun-object vs. verb-action relative behavioral performances. In summary, we found that verbs-actions and nouns-objects are supported by separable intrinsic functional networks and that the integrity of such networks accounts for the relative noun-object- and verb-action-selective deficits. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Uncovering effects of self-control and stimulus-driven action selection on the sense of agency. (United States)

    Wang, Yuru; Damen, Tom G E; Aarts, Henk


    The sense of agency refers to feelings of causing one's own action and resulting effect. Previous research indicates that voluntary action selection is an important factor in shaping the sense of agency. Whereas the volitional nature of the sense of agency is well documented, the present study examined whether agency is modulated when action selection shifts from self-control to a more automatic stimulus-driven process. Seventy-two participants performed an auditory Simon task including congruent and incongruent trials to generate automatic stimulus-driven vs. more self-control driven action, respectively. Responses in the Simon task produced a tone and agency was assessed with the intentional binding task - an implicit measure of agency. Results showed a Simon effect and temporal binding effect. However, temporal binding was independent of congruency. These findings suggest that temporal binding, a window to the sense of agency, emerges for both automatic stimulus-driven actions and self-controlled actions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Stimulation over primary motor cortex during action observation impairs effector recognition. (United States)

    Naish, Katherine R; Barnes, Brittany; Obhi, Sukhvinder S


    Recent work suggests that motor cortical processing during action observation plays a role in later recognition of the object involved in the action. Here, we investigated whether recognition of the effector making an action is also impaired when transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) - thought to interfere with normal cortical activity - is applied over the primary motor cortex (M1) during action observation. In two experiments, single-pulse TMS was delivered over the hand area of M1 while participants watched short clips of hand actions. Participants were then asked whether an image (experiment 1) or a video (experiment 2) of a hand presented later in the trial was the same or different to the hand in the preceding video. In Experiment 1, we found that participants' ability to recognise static images of hands was significantly impaired when TMS was delivered over M1 during action observation, compared to when no TMS was delivered, or when stimulation was applied over the vertex. Conversely, stimulation over M1 did not affect recognition of dot configurations, or recognition of hands that were previously presented as static images (rather than action movie clips) with no object. In Experiment 2, we found that effector recognition was impaired when stimulation was applied part way through (300ms) and at the end (500ms) of the action observation period, indicating that 200ms of action-viewing following stimulation was not long enough to form a new representation that could be used for later recognition. The findings of both experiments suggest that interfering with cortical motor activity during action observation impairs subsequent recognition of the effector involved in the action, which complements previous findings of motor system involvement in object memory. This work provides some of the first evidence that motor processing during action observation is involved in forming representations of the effector that are useful beyond the action observation period

  19. Pricing of reserves. Valuing system reserve capacity against spot prices in electricity markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Just, Sebastian; Weber, Christoph


    This paper models the interdependencies between markets for secondary reserve capacity and spot electricity to derive the pricing of reserves under equilibrium conditions. Starting with the indifference condition between offering in both markets, the reservation price is derived from the opportunity cost consideration and the unit commitment conditions in a fundamental interrelated market framework. The reserve market examined compares widely to the German market for secondary reserves, but the general approach may also be used to investigate other reserve markets. The approach explores and formalizes the influence of reserve capacity on the spot market supply function. A numerical solution procedure is provided to this non-trivial case of market interaction. The model is used to estimate the expected reservation price development over the last years in Germany. (author)

  20. Neural evidence for the intrinsic value of action as motivation for behavior. (United States)

    Miura, Naoki; Tanabe, Hiroki C; Sasaki, Akihiro T; Harada, Tokiko; Sadato, Norihiro


    The intrinsic value of an action refers to the inherent sense that experiencing a behavior is enjoyable even if it has no explicit outcome. Previous research has suggested that a common valuation mechanism within the reward network may be responsible for processing the intrinsic value of achieving both the outcome and external rewards. However, how the intrinsic value of action is neurally represented remains unknown. We hypothesized that the intrinsic value of action is determined by an action-outcome contingency indicating the behavior is controllable and that the outcome of the action can be evaluated by this feedback. Consequently, the reward network should be activated, reflecting the generation of the intrinsic value of action. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigation of a stopwatch game in which the action-outcome contingency was manipulated. This experiment involved 36 healthy volunteers and four versions of a stopwatch game that manipulated controllability (the feeling that participants were controlling the stopwatch themselves) and outcome (a signal allowing participants to see the result of their action). A free-choice experiment was administered after the fMRI to explore preference levels for each game. The results showed that the stopwatch game with the action-outcome contingency evoked a greater degree of enjoyment because the participants chose this condition over those that lacked such a contingency. The ventral striatum and midbrain were activated only when action-outcome contingency was present. Thus, the intrinsic value of action was represented by an increase in ventral striatal and midbrain activation. Copyright © 2017 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. ELIXIR pilot action: Marine metagenomics – towards a domain specific set of sustainable services [version 1; referees: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Espen Mikal Robertsen


    Full Text Available Metagenomics, the study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples, has the potential to provide insight into the structure and function of heterogeneous microbial communities.  There has been an increased use of metagenomics to discover and understand the diverse biosynthetic capacities of marine microbes, thereby allowing them to be exploited for industrial, food, and health care products. This ELIXIR pilot action was motivated by the need to establish dedicated data resources and harmonized metagenomics pipelines for the marine domain, in order to enhance the exploration and exploitation of marine genetic resources. In this paper, we summarize some of the results from the ELIXIR pilot action “Marine metagenomics – towards user centric services”.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilberto Martín Teixé


    Full Text Available RESUMEN:El estudio y debate sobre el ordenamientojurídico de las aguas territoriales en las Islas Canarias es tema de permanente actualidad. En el problema inciden la situación geográfica de las islas, el status político administrativo por el que se rigen y la legislación del Derecho Internacional del Mar que se le aplica. La soluciones que se aportan son diversas y comúnmente supeditadas a la visión política que las inspiran. PALABRAS CLAVE:Geopolítica, Islas Canarias, archipiélago, aguas territoriales, aguas interiores, mar territorial, zona económica exclusiva, La Convención del Mar de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar. ABSTRACT:The research and debate on the Canary Islands territorial waters legal code is always a current affair. Many aspects such as the geographic situation of the islands, the political administrative status and the intemational legislation of the sea to be applied are involved in this problem. The solutions that are offered are numerous and generally subordinated to the political vision that inspire them. KEY WORDS:Geopolitics, Canary Islands, archipelago, territorial waters, internal waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS RÉSUMÉ:"L'étude et le débat de l'ordonnance juridique des eaux territoriales aux iles Canaries est un sujet de permanente actualité. Dans le problkme coincident la situation géograp- hique, le status politique-administratif par lequel elles sont régies et la Législation du Droit Intemational de la Mer que l'on lui applique. Les solutions apportées sont différentes et norma- lement soumises a la vision politique qui les inspirent". MOTS CLÉ:Géographie politique, Iles Canaries, archipel, eaux territoriale, eaux intérieures, mer territoriales, zone économique exclusive, La Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la Mer. 

  3. Campania: territorio e città di fronte alla sfida della logistica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giuseppe Mazzeo


    Full Text Available All’interno del sistema territoriale meridionale la Regione Campania si presenta come un polo importante nel settore del trasporto e dello smistamento delle merci. Questo ruolo si è venuto rinforzando in seguito alla realizzazione di infrastrutture dedicate alla logistica, connesse ad infrastrutture di supporto. Il sistema campano presenta punte di eccellenza di livello nazionale che possono incentivare il ruolo della Regione in questo settore, ma presenta anche fattori negativi che possono rallentare il decollo del settore. Si fa riferimento alle strozzature infrastrutturali e gestionali che ne inceppano l’efficienza, ma anche alla debolezza del sistema produttivo regionale che non garantisce una massa critica locale alla logistica campana. Un terzo aspetto è la mancanza di un chiaro disegno di programmazione degli investimenti e una maggiore chiarezza dei ruoli da assegnare alle diverse iniziative, nate soprattutto sulla base di spinte localistiche non coordinate. Il paper analizza la situazione della logistica territoriale in Campania e delle sue interrelazioni territoriali individuando punti di forza e di debolezza e potenziali fattori evolutivi. Gli aspetti della logistica che vengono affrontati sono di tipo territoriale e si differenziano da quelli della logistica urbana per la quantità di merci movimentate e per la concentrazione in pochi poli strategici, in quanto queste piattaforme logistiche richiedono attrezzature specializzate e ampi spazi per la movimentazione e il deposito. L’analisi del rapporto tra territorio e logistica individua quelli che sono i principali elementi di interconnessione e, spesso, di crisi, nell’uso dello spazio fisico, in ragione degli obiettivi a volte divergenti tra il governo del territorio ed i soggetti economici. Si passa successivamente ad analizzare lo stato del movimento merci in relazione alla portualità mediterranea e lo stato del sistema logistico campano (non ancora definito in tutte le

  4. Understanding communicative actions: a repetitive TMS study. (United States)

    Stolk, Arjen; Noordzij, Matthijs L; Volman, Inge; Verhagen, Lennart; Overeem, Sebastiaan; van Elswijk, Gijs; Bloem, Bas; Hagoort, Peter; Toni, Ivan


    Despite the ambiguity inherent in human communication, people are remarkably efficient in establishing mutual understanding. Studying how people communicate in novel settings provides a window into the mechanisms supporting the human competence to rapidly generate and understand novel shared symbols, a fundamental property of human communication. Previous work indicates that the right posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) is involved when people understand the intended meaning of novel communicative actions. Here, we set out to test whether normal functioning of this cerebral structure is required for understanding novel communicative actions using inhibitory low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). A factorial experimental design contrasted two tightly matched stimulation sites (right pSTS vs left MT+, i.e., a contiguous homotopic task-relevant region) and tasks (a communicative task vs a visual tracking task that used the same sequences of stimuli). Overall task performance was not affected by rTMS, whereas changes in task performance over time were disrupted according to TMS site and task combinations. Namely, rTMS over pSTS led to a diminished ability to improve action understanding on the basis of recent communicative history, while rTMS over MT+ perturbed improvement in visual tracking over trials. These findings qualify the contributions of the right pSTS to human communicative abilities, showing that this region might be necessary for incorporating previous knowledge, accumulated during interactions with a communicative partner, to constrain the inferential process that leads to action understanding. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Explaining radical group behavior: Developing emotion and efficacy routes to normative and nonnormative collective action. (United States)

    Tausch, Nicole; Becker, Julia C; Spears, Russell; Christ, Oliver; Saab, Rim; Singh, Purnima; Siddiqui, Roomana N


    A recent model of collective action distinguishes 2 distinct pathways: an emotional pathway whereby anger in response to injustice motivates action and an efficacy pathway where the belief that issues can be solved collectively increases the likelihood that group members take action (van Zomeren, Spears, Fischer, & Leach, 2004). Research supporting this model has, however, focused entirely on relatively normative actions such as participating in demonstrations. We argue that the relations between emotions, efficacy, and action differ for more extreme, nonnormative actions and propose (a) that nonnormative actions are often driven by a sense of low efficacy and (b) that contempt, which, unlike anger, entails psychological distancing and a lack of reconciliatory intentions, predicts nonnormative action. These ideas were tested in 3 survey studies examining student protests against tuition fees in Germany (N = 332), Indian Muslims' action support in relation to ingroup disadvantage (N = 156), and British Muslims' responses to British foreign policy (N = 466). Results were generally supportive of predictions and indicated that (a) anger was strongly related to normative action but overall unrelated or less strongly related to nonnormative action, (b) contempt was either unrelated or negatively related to normative action but significantly positively predicted nonnormative action, and (c) efficacy was positively related to normative action and negatively related to nonnormative action. The implications of these findings for understanding and dealing with extreme intergroup phenomena such as terrorism are discussed. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved

  6. The time between intention and action affect the experience of action

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mikkel C. Vinding


    Full Text Available We present a study investigating how the delay between the intention to act and the following action, influenced the experience of action. In experiments investigating sense of agency and experience of action, the contrast is most often between voluntary and involuntary actions. It is rarely asked whether different types of intentions influence the experience of action differently. To investigate this we distinguished between proximal intentions (i.e. intentions for immediate actions and delayed intentions (i.e. intentions with a temporal delay between intention and action. The distinction was implemented in an intentional binding paradigm, by varying the delay between the time where participants formed the intention to act and the time at which they performed the action. The results showed that delayed intentions were followed by a stronger binding effect for the tone following the action compared to proximal intentions. The actions were reported to have occurred earlier for delayed intentions than for proximal intentions. This effect was independent of the binding effect usually found in intentional binding experiments. This suggests that two perceptual shifts occurred in the contrast between delayed intentions and proximal intentions: The first being the binding effect, the second a general shift in the perceived time of action. Neither the stronger binding effect for tone, nor the earlier reports of action, differed across delays for delayed intentions. The results imply that delayed intentions and proximal intentions have a different impact on the experience of action.

  7. 40 CFR 73.83 - Secretary of Energy's action on net income neutrality applications. (United States)


    ... Renewable Energy Reserve § 73.83 Secretary of Energy's action on net income neutrality applications. (a) First come, first served. The Secretary of Energy will process and certify net income neutrality... of Energy determines that the net income neutrality certification application does not meet the...

  8. DAPs: Deep Action Proposals for Action Understanding

    KAUST Repository

    Escorcia, Victor; Caba Heilbron, Fabian; Niebles, Juan Carlos; Ghanem, Bernard


    action proposals from long videos. We show how to take advantage of the vast capacity of deep learning models and memory cells to retrieve from untrimmed videos temporal segments, which are likely to contain actions. A comprehensive evaluation indicates

  9. The functional organization of preschool-age children's emotion expressions and actions in challenging situations. (United States)

    Dennis, Tracy A; Cole, Pamela M; Wiggins, Crystal N; Cohen, Laura H; Zalewski, Maureen


    Although functional links between emotion and action are implied in emotion regulation research, there is limited evidence that specific adaptive actions for coping with a challenge are more probable when certain negative emotions are expressed. The current study examined this question among 3- and 4-year-olds (N = 113; M age = 47.84 months, SD = 6.19). Emotion expressions and actions were observed during 2 challenging tasks: children waited for a gift while the mother worked, and children worked alone to retrieve a prize from a locked box with the wrong key. Angry and happy expressions, compared with sad expressions, were associated with more actions. These actions varied with the nature of the task, reflecting appreciation of situational appropriateness. In addition, when waiting with the mother, happiness was associated with the broadest range of actions, whereas when working alone on the locked box, anger was associated with the broadest range of actions. Results are discussed in terms of the adaptive function of negative emotions and in terms of functional and dimensional models of emotion. Findings have implications for the development of emotion regulation and social-emotional competence. 2009 APA, all rights reserved.

  10. Sensitivity to structure in action sequences: An infant event-related potential study. (United States)

    Monroy, Claire D; Gerson, Sarah A; Domínguez-Martínez, Estefanía; Kaduk, Katharina; Hunnius, Sabine; Reid, Vincent


    Infants are sensitive to structure and patterns within continuous streams of sensory input. This sensitivity relies on statistical learning, the ability to detect predictable regularities in spatial and temporal sequences. Recent evidence has shown that infants can detect statistical regularities in action sequences they observe, but little is known about the neural process that give rise to this ability. In the current experiment, we combined electroencephalography (EEG) with eye-tracking to identify electrophysiological markers that indicate whether 8-11-month-old infants detect violations to learned regularities in action sequences, and to relate these markers to behavioral measures of anticipation during learning. In a learning phase, infants observed an actor performing a sequence featuring two deterministic pairs embedded within an otherwise random sequence. Thus, the first action of each pair was predictive of what would occur next. One of the pairs caused an action-effect, whereas the second did not. In a subsequent test phase, infants observed another sequence that included deviant pairs, violating the previously observed action pairs. Event-related potential (ERP) responses were analyzed and compared between the deviant and the original action pairs. Findings reveal that infants demonstrated a greater Negative central (Nc) ERP response to the deviant actions for the pair that caused the action-effect, which was consistent with their visual anticipations during the learning phase. Findings are discussed in terms of the neural and behavioral processes underlying perception and learning of structured action sequences. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Participatory action research: involving students in parent education. (United States)

    Fowler, Cathrine; Wu, Cynthia; Lam, Winsome


    Competition for scarce clinical placements has increased requiring new and innovative models to be developed to meet the growing need. A participatory action research project was used to provide a community nursing clinical experience of involvement in parent education. Nine Hong Kong nursing students self-selected to participate in the project to implement a parenting program called Parenting Young Children in a Digital World. Three project cycles were used: needs identification, skills development and program implementation. Students were fully involved in each cycle's planning, action and reflection phase. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected to inform the project. The overall outcome of the project was the provision of a rich and viable clinical placement experience that created significant learning opportunities for the students and researchers. This paper will explore the student's participation in this PAR project as an innovative clinical practice opportunity. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Update of assessment of geotechnical risks, strategic petroleum reserve, Weeks Island site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, S.J. [ed.


    This report is a critical reassessment of the geotechnical risks of continuing oil storage at the Weeks Island Strategic Petroleum Reserve site. It reviews all previous risk abatement recommendations, subsequent mitigative actions, and new information. Of increased concern, due to the discovery of a surface levels, is the long term maintainability of the mine as an oil storage repository. Mine operational changes are supported in order to facilitate monitoring of water entry diagnostics. These changes are also intended to minimize the volume in the mine available for water entry. Specific recommendations are made to implement the mine changes.

  13. Quadratic adaptive algorithm for solving cardiac action potential models. (United States)

    Chen, Min-Hung; Chen, Po-Yuan; Luo, Ching-Hsing


    An adaptive integration method is proposed for computing cardiac action potential models accurately and efficiently. Time steps are adaptively chosen by solving a quadratic formula involving the first and second derivatives of the membrane action potential. To improve the numerical accuracy, we devise an extremum-locator (el) function to predict the local extremum when approaching the peak amplitude of the action potential. In addition, the time step restriction (tsr) technique is designed to limit the increase in time steps, and thus prevent the membrane potential from changing abruptly. The performance of the proposed method is tested using the Luo-Rudy phase 1 (LR1), dynamic (LR2), and human O'Hara-Rudy dynamic (ORd) ventricular action potential models, and the Courtemanche atrial model incorporating a Markov sodium channel model. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the action potential generated using the proposed method is more accurate than that using the traditional Hybrid method, especially near the peak region. The traditional Hybrid method may choose large time steps near to the peak region, and sometimes causes the action potential to become distorted. In contrast, the proposed new method chooses very fine time steps in the peak region, but large time steps in the smooth region, and the profiles are smoother and closer to the reference solution. In the test on the stiff Markov ionic channel model, the Hybrid blows up if the allowable time step is set to be greater than 0.1ms. In contrast, our method can adjust the time step size automatically, and is stable. Overall, the proposed method is more accurate than and as efficient as the traditional Hybrid method, especially for the human ORd model. The proposed method shows improvement for action potentials with a non-smooth morphology, and it needs further investigation to determine whether the method is helpful during propagation of the action potential. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights

  14. Hybrid Action Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ronkko, Mauno; Ravn, Anders P.


    a differential action, which allows differential equations as primitive actions. The extension allows us to model hybrid systems with both continuous and discrete behaviour. The main result of this paper is an extension of such a hybrid action system with parallel composition. The extension does not change...... the original meaning of the parallel composition, and therefore also the ordinary action systems can be composed in parallel with the hybrid action systems....

  15. Action-outcome learning and prediction shape the window of simultaneity of audiovisual outcomes. (United States)

    Desantis, Andrea; Haggard, Patrick


    To form a coherent representation of the objects around us, the brain must group the different sensory features composing these objects. Here, we investigated whether actions contribute in this grouping process. In particular, we assessed whether action-outcome learning and prediction contribute to audiovisual temporal binding. Participants were presented with two audiovisual pairs: one pair was triggered by a left action, and the other by a right action. In a later test phase, the audio and visual components of these pairs were presented at different onset times. Participants judged whether they were simultaneous or not. To assess the role of action-outcome prediction on audiovisual simultaneity, each action triggered either the same audiovisual pair as in the learning phase ('predicted' pair), or the pair that had previously been associated with the other action ('unpredicted' pair). We found the time window within which auditory and visual events appeared simultaneous increased for predicted compared to unpredicted pairs. However, no change in audiovisual simultaneity was observed when audiovisual pairs followed visual cues, rather than voluntary actions. This suggests that only action-outcome learning promotes temporal grouping of audio and visual effects. In a second experiment we observed that changes in audiovisual simultaneity do not only depend on our ability to predict what outcomes our actions generate, but also on learning the delay between the action and the multisensory outcome. When participants learned that the delay between action and audiovisual pair was variable, the window of audiovisual simultaneity for predicted pairs increased, relative to a fixed action-outcome pair delay. This suggests that participants learn action-based predictions of audiovisual outcome, and adapt their temporal perception of outcome events based on such predictions. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Climate Action Team (United States)

    Science Partnerships Contact Us Climate Action Team & Climate Action Initiative The Climate Action programs and the state's Climate Adaptation Strategy. The CAT members are state agency secretaries and the . See CAT reports Climate Action Team Pages CAT Home Members Working Groups Reports Back to Top

  17. Energy reserves of Artibeus lituratus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae in two areas with different degrees of conservation in Minas Gerais, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    BES Melo

    Full Text Available Forest fragmentation associated with the expansion of human development is a phenomenon that occurs worldwide. Studies reveal that there have been both a decline in species diversity and a decrease in Neotropical bat population size because of habitat loss. The aim of this study was to investigate whether human action has been affecting the food availability to wildlife species, which could impact the storage of body energy reserves. For this purpose, fruit-eating bats (Artibeus lituratus were collected in two areas in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The concentrations of plasma glucose, as well as glycogen, lipids and protein in liver in muscles were performed, in addition to adipose tissue weight and carcass fatty acids. Our results indicate that fat reserves were significantly lower in most tested tissues (muscle of the hindlimbs, breast muscles, adipose tissue and carcass in animals collected in the region with a higher degree of human disturbance. The other parameters showed no significant differences in the groups collected at different locations. In conclusion, we suggest that human action on the environment may be affecting the storage of body fat energy reserves of this species during the autumn, particularly in metropolitan region areas of Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil, requiring special attention to the species conservation.

  18. Action Rules Mining

    CERN Document Server

    Dardzinska, Agnieszka


    We are surrounded by data, numerical, categorical and otherwise, which must to be analyzed and processed to convert it into information that instructs, answers or aids understanding and decision making. Data analysts in many disciplines such as business, education or medicine, are frequently asked to analyze new data sets which are often composed of numerous tables possessing different properties. They try to find completely new correlations between attributes and show new possibilities for users.   Action rules mining discusses some of data mining and knowledge discovery principles and then describe representative concepts, methods and algorithms connected with action. The author introduces the formal definition of action rule, notion of a simple association action rule and a representative action rule, the cost of association action rule, and gives a strategy how to construct simple association action rules of a lowest cost. A new approach for generating action rules from datasets with numerical attributes...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez Cruz, D.J.


    Venezuela is an important player in the energy world, because of its hydrocarbons reserves. The process for calculating oil and associated gas reserves is described bearing in mind that 90% of the gas reserves of Venezuela are associated to oil. Likewise, an analysis is made of the oil reserves figures from 1975 to 2003. Reference is also made to inconsistencies found by international experts and the explanations offered in this respect by the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum (MENPET) and Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) regarding the changes that took place in the 1980s. In turn, Hubbert's Law is explained to determine peak production of conventional oil that a reservoir or field will reach, as well as its relationship with remaining reserves. Emphasis is placed on the interest of the United Nations on this topic. The reserves of associated gas are presented along with their relationship with the different crude oils that are produced and with injected gas, as well as with respect to the possible changes that would take place in the latter if oil reserves are revised. Some recommendations are submitted so that the MENPET starts preparing the pertinent policies ruling reserves. (auth)

  20. Neural and Computational Mechanisms of Action Processing: Interaction between Visual and Motor Representations. (United States)

    Giese, Martin A; Rizzolatti, Giacomo


    Action recognition has received enormous interest in the field of neuroscience over the last two decades. In spite of this interest, the knowledge in terms of fundamental neural mechanisms that provide constraints for underlying computations remains rather limited. This fact stands in contrast with a wide variety of speculative theories about how action recognition might work. This review focuses on new fundamental electrophysiological results in monkeys, which provide constraints for the detailed underlying computations. In addition, we review models for action recognition and processing that have concrete mathematical implementations, as opposed to conceptual models. We think that only such implemented models can be meaningfully linked quantitatively to physiological data and have a potential to narrow down the many possible computational explanations for action recognition. In addition, only concrete implementations allow judging whether postulated computational concepts have a feasible implementation in terms of realistic neural circuits. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. US uranium reserves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansen, M.V.


    The current low level of demand, compounded by rapidly rising costs and low prices, has caused a significant reduction in drilling for uranium in the United States, and the trend is likely to continue for a few more years. The effect on uranium reserves will be fewer additions to reserves because less exploration is being done. Further reductions will occur, especially in low-cost reserves, because of increasing costs, continuing depletion through production, and erosion through the high grading of deposits to fulfill previous contractual commitments. During the past several years, it has been necessary to increase the upper reserve cost level twice to compensate for rising costs. Rising costs are reducing the $15 reserves, the cost category corresponding most closely to the present market price, to an insignificant level. An encouraging factor related to US uranium reserves is that the US position internationally, as far as quantity is concerned, is not bad for the longer term. Also, there is a general opinion that US consumers would rather contract for domestic uranium than for foreign because of greater assurance of supply. Still another factor, nearly impossible to assess, is what effect rising costs in other countries will have on their uranium reserves. The annual conferences between the Grand Junction Area Office staff and major uranium companies provide a broad overview of the industry's perception of the future. It is not optimistic for the short term. Many companies are reducing their exploration and mining programs; some are switching to other more marketable mineral commodities, and a few are investing more heavily in foreign ventures. However, there is general optimism for the long term, and many predict a growth in demand in the mid-1980s. If the industry can survive the few lean years ahead, rising prices may restore its viability to former levels

  2. Freedom and enforcement in action a study in formal action theory

    CERN Document Server

    Czelakowski, Janusz


    Action theory is the object of growing attention in a variety of scientific disciplines, and this is the first volume to offer a synthetic view of the range of approaches possible in the topic. The volume focuses on the nexus of formal action theory with a startlingly diverse set of subjects, which range from logic, linguistics, artificial intelligence, and automata theory to jurisprudence, deontology, and economics. It covers semantic, mathematical and logical aspects of action, showing how the problem of action breaks the boundaries of traditional branches of logic located in syntactics and semantics and now lies on lies on the borderline between logical pragmatics and praxeology.   The chapters here focus on specialized tasks in formal action theory, beginning with a thorough description and formalization of the language of action, and moving through material on the differing models of action theory to focus on probabilistic models, the relations of formal action theory to deontic logic, and its key appl...

  3. A social identity model of pro-environmental action (SIMPEA). (United States)

    Fritsche, Immo; Barth, Markus; Jugert, Philipp; Masson, Torsten; Reese, Gerhard


    Large-scale environmental crises are genuinely collective phenomena: they usually result from collective, rather than personal, behavior and how they are cognitively represented and appraised is determined by collectively shared interpretations (e.g., differing across ideological groups) and based on concern for collectives (e.g., humankind, future generations) rather than for individuals. Nevertheless, pro-environmental action has been primarily investigated as a personal decision-making process. We complement this research with a social identity perspective on pro-environmental action. Social identity is the human capacity to define the self in terms of "We" instead of "I," enabling people to think and act as collectives, which should be crucial given personal insufficiency to appraise and effectively respond to environmental crises. We propose a Social Identity Model of Pro-Environmental Action (SIMPEA) of how social identity processes affect both appraisal of and behavioral responses to large-scale environmental crises. We review related and pertinent research providing initial evidence for the role of 4 social identity processes hypothesized in SIMPEA. Specifically, we propose that ingroup identification, ingroup norms and goals, and collective efficacy determine environmental appraisals as well as both private and public sphere environmental action. These processes are driven by personal and collective emotions and motivations that arise from environmental appraisal and operate on both a deliberate and automatic processing level. Finally, we discuss SIMPEA's implications for the research agenda in environmental and social psychology and for interventions fostering pro-environmental action. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  4. Learning about goals : development of action perception and action control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verschoor, Stephan Alexander


    By using innovative paradigms, the present thesis provides convincing evidence that action-effect learning, and sensorimotor processes in general play a crucial role in the development of action- perception and production in infancy. This finding was further generalized to sequential action.

  5. Neural bases of selective attention in action video game players. (United States)

    Bavelier, D; Achtman, R L; Mani, M; Föcker, J


    Over the past few years, the very act of playing action video games has been shown to enhance several different aspects of visual selective attention, yet little is known about the neural mechanisms that mediate such attentional benefits. A review of the aspects of attention enhanced in action game players suggests there are changes in the mechanisms that control attention allocation and its efficiency (Hubert-Wallander, Green, & Bavelier, 2010). The present study used brain imaging to test this hypothesis by comparing attentional network recruitment and distractor processing in action gamers versus non-gamers as attentional demands increased. Moving distractors were found to elicit lesser activation of the visual motion-sensitive area (MT/MST) in gamers as compared to non-gamers, suggestive of a better early filtering of irrelevant information in gamers. As expected, a fronto-parietal network of areas showed greater recruitment as attentional demands increased in non-gamers. In contrast, gamers barely engaged this network as attentional demands increased. This reduced activity in the fronto-parietal network that is hypothesized to control the flexible allocation of top-down attention is compatible with the proposal that action game players may allocate attentional resources more automatically, possibly allowing more efficient early filtering of irrelevant information. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Vers une réappropriation citoyenne du développement territorial Le cas de l'industrie de la chaussure à Romans-sur-Isère


    Perret, Cécile; Gagnon, Christiane


    Cette recherche s'intéresse à la dynamique territoriale permise par les récentes créations d'entreprise dans la ville de Romans-sur-Isère grâce, notamment, à la création du Pôle Territorial de Coopération Économique PTCE Sud Archer, nouvelle configuration territoriale qui allie création de liens et solidarités, ainsi qu'au développement de la finance solidaire. Nous concluons sur la possibilité d'un certain renouveau industriel de la ville, permis par des initiatives relevant, en partie, de l...

  7. Lease of Parcel ED-1 of the Oak Ridge Reservation by the East Tennessee Economic Council

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The US Department of Energy (DOE) has completed an environmental assessment (DOE/EA-1113) for the proposed lease of 957.16 acres of the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) to the East Tennessee Economic Council (ETEC), a non-profit community organization, for a period of 10 years, with an option for renewal. ETEC proposes to develop an industrial park on the leased site to provide employment opportunities for DOE and contractor employees affected by decreased federal funding. Based on the results of the analysis reported in the EA and implementation of mitigation measures defined in this Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), DOE has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action that would significantly affect the quality of the human environment within the context of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). Therefore, preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS) is not necessary, and DOE is issuing this mitigated FONSI. DOE will implement a Mitigation Action Plan for this project and provide annual reports on mitigation and monitoring.

  8. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved individual actions. Semiannual progress report, January 1996--June 1996

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during the period of January-June 1996. The report includes copies of Orders and Notices of Violations sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to individuals with respect to the enforcement actions.

  9. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved individual actions. Semiannual progress report, January 1996--June 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during the period of January-June 1996. The report includes copies of Orders and Notices of Violations sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to individuals with respect to the enforcement actions

  10. Creativity as action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glaveanu, Vlad Petre; Lubart, Todd; Bonnardel, Nathalie


    The present paper outlines an action theory of creativity and substantiates this approach by investigating creative expression in five different domains. We propose an action framework for the analysis of creative acts built on the assumption that creativity is a relational, inter......, science, scriptwriting, and music. Results point to complex models of action and inter-action specific for each domain and also to interesting patterns of similarity and differences between domains. These findings highlight the fact that creative action takes place not “inside” individual creators but “in...

  11. Petroleum production at Maximum Efficient Rate Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (Elk Hills), Kern County, California

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document provides an analysis of the potential impacts associated with the proposed action, which is continued operation of Naval Petroleum Reserve No. I (NPR-1) at the Maximum Efficient Rate (MER) as authorized by Public law 94-258, the Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act of 1976 (Act). The document also provides a similar analysis of alternatives to the proposed action, which also involve continued operations, but under lower development scenarios and lower rates of production. NPR-1 is a large oil and gas field jointly owned and operated by the federal government and Chevron U.SA Inc. (CUSA) pursuant to a Unit Plan Contract that became effective in 1944; the government's interest is approximately 78% and CUSA's interest is approximately 22%. The government's interest is under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Energy (DOE). The facility is approximately 17,409 acres (74 square miles), and it is located in Kern County, California, about 25 miles southwest of Bakersfield and 100 miles north of Los Angeles in the south central portion of the state. The environmental analysis presented herein is a supplement to the NPR-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement of that was issued by DOE in 1979 (1979 EIS). As such, this document is a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)

  12. The effective action

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeWitt, B.


    The concept of the effective action in quantum field theory was introduced into physics by Julian Schwinger in 1954. The effective action summarizes, in a single functional, all the quantum properties of the fields under consideration. The functional derivative of the effective action yields the effective field equations, which replace the classical field equations as descriptors of the dynamical behavior of quantized fields. Solutions of these equations are 'in-out' matrix elements of the field operators and, when substituted back into the effective action itself, yield logarithms of the corresponding 'in-out' amplitudes. The classical field equations are gauge covariant, a fact that derives from the gauge invariance of the classical action. One has learned how to construct effective actions that are similarly gauge invariant (in each order of perturbation theory) and that yield effective field equations having the covariance properties of their classical analogs. Despite this advance, problems remain, stemming from the fact that there is not one but an infinite number of gauge invariant effective actions, one for every background-covariant choice of supplementary conditions and ghost fields. Vilkovisky (1984) has argued persuasively that by requiring additionally that the effective action be invariant under local invertible changes in the choice of basic field variables, one can construct a natural unique gauge invariant effective action. This lecture will examine Vilkovisky's ideas. 3 refs

  13. Prospective territoriale en terre de développement durable : une application à la région Guadeloupe Territorial prospective in land of sustainable development : an application to the region Guadeloupe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yvette Lazzeri


    Full Text Available La région durable doit se positionner dans un contexte d'ouverture et de concurrence territoriale. À défaut de pouvoir influencer notablement les paramètres du changement global, les acteurs sont appelés à les anticiper et à les prendre en compte dans leurs stratégies. Ils sont invités à élaborer une vision prospective qui renouvelle leurs rapports au territoire dans la perspective du développement durable. C’est dans cet esprit que l’exercice de prospective a été développé. La méthode, présentée ici pour la région Guadeloupe, intègre à la fois les tendances lourdes liées à l’environnement contextuel et les tendances lourdes spécifiques au territoire. Au-delà d’un scénario au fil de l’eau qui peut conduire à une marginalisation de la région, deux visions du devenir guadeloupéen sont analysées vers une inacceptable et une souhaitable.Sustainable Region should position itself in a context of openness and territorial competition. Without the ability to significantly influence the parameters of global change, the actors are called upon to anticipate and take them into account in their strategies. They are encouraged to develop a future vision that renews their relationship to the territory in the context of sustainable development. It is in this spirit that Territorial Prospective exercise was developed. The method presented here for the Guadeloupe region, integrates both trends related to the contextual environment and trends specific to the territory. Beyond a scenario over water which can lead to a marginalization of the region, two visions of the future are analyzed Guadeloupe ... towards one unacceptable and one desirable.

  14. Experiencing Action Evaluation's Cyclic Process: Partnering Conflict, Reflection, and Action (United States)

    Burrows, Andrea C.; Harkness, Shelly Sheats


    In this article, the authors describe experiences in and offer suggestions from a course entitled "Educational Innovation for Excellence Through Action Research, Conflict Resolution, and Organizational Learning"--an action evaluation (AE). The class was taught using the principles of action research and AE. The authors explore the impact…

  15. Inducing repetitive action potential firing in neurons via synthesized photoresponsive nanoscale cellular prostheses. (United States)

    Lu, Siyuan; Madhukar, Anupam


    Recently we reported an analysis that examined the potential of synthesized photovoltaic functional abiotic nanosystems (PVFANs) to modulate membrane potential and activate action potential firing in neurons. Here we extend the analysis to delineate the requirements on the electronic energy levels and the attendant photophysical properties of the PVFANs to induce repetitive action potential under continuous light, a capability essential for the proposed potential application of PVFANs as retinal cellular prostheses to compensate for loss of photoreceptors. We find that repetitive action potential firing demands two basic characteristics in the electronic response of the PVFANs: an exponential dependence of the PVFAN excited state decay rate on the membrane potential and a three-state system such that, following photon absorption, the electron decay from the excited state to the ground state is via intermediate state(s) whose lifetime is comparable to the refractory time following an action potential. In this study, the potential of synthetic photovoltaic functional abiotic nanosystems (PVFANs) is examined under continuous light to modulate membrane potential and activate action potential firing in neurons with the proposed potential application of PVFANs as retinal cellular prostheses. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Benchmarking government action for obesity prevention--an innovative advocacy strategy. (United States)

    Martin, J; Peeters, A; Honisett, S; Mavoa, H; Swinburn, B; de Silva-Sanigorski, A


    Successful obesity prevention will require a leading role for governments, but internationally they have been slow to act. League tables of benchmark indicators of action can be a valuable advocacy and evaluation tool. To develop a benchmarking tool for government action on obesity prevention, implement it across Australian jurisdictions and to publicly award the best and worst performers. A framework was developed which encompassed nine domains, reflecting best practice government action on obesity prevention: whole-of-government approaches; marketing restrictions; access to affordable, healthy food; school food and physical activity; food in public facilities; urban design and transport; leisure and local environments; health services, and; social marketing. A scoring system was used by non-government key informants to rate the performance of their government. National rankings were generated and the results were communicated to all Premiers/Chief Ministers, the media and the national obesity research and practice community. Evaluation of the initial tool in 2010 showed it to be feasible to implement and able to discriminate the better and worse performing governments. Evaluation of the rubric in 2011 confirmed this to be a robust and useful method. In relation to government action, the best performing governments were those with whole-of-government approaches, had extended common initiatives and demonstrated innovation and strong political will. This new benchmarking tool, the Obesity Action Award, has enabled identification of leading government action on obesity prevention and the key characteristics associated with their success. We recommend this tool for other multi-state/country comparisons. Copyright © 2013 Asian Oceanian Association for the Study of Obesity. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Action simulation plays a critical role in deceptive action recognition. (United States)

    Tidoni, Emmanuele; Borgomaneri, Sara; di Pellegrino, Giuseppe; Avenanti, Alessio


    The ability to infer deceptive intents from nonverbal behavior is critical for social interactions. By combining single-pulse and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in healthy humans, we provide both correlational and causative evidence that action simulation is actively involved in the ability to recognize deceptive body movements. We recorded motor-evoked potentials during a faked-action discrimination (FAD) task: participants watched videos of actors lifting a cube and judged whether the actors were trying to deceive them concerning the real weight of the cube. Seeing faked actions facilitated the observers' motor system more than truthful actions in a body-part-specific manner, suggesting that motor resonance was sensitive to deceptive movements. Furthermore, we found that TMS virtual lesion to the anterior node of the action observation network, namely the left inferior frontal cortex (IFC), reduced perceptual sensitivity in the FAD task. In contrast, no change in FAD task performance was found after virtual lesions to the left temporoparietal junction (control site). Moreover, virtual lesion to the IFC failed to affect performance in a difficulty-matched spatial-control task that did not require processing of spatiotemporal (acceleration) and configurational (limb displacement) features of seen actions, which are critical to detecting deceptive intent in the actions of others. These findings indicate that the human IFC is critical for recognizing deceptive body movements and suggest that FAD relies on the simulation of subtle changes in action kinematics within the motor system.

  18. A cross-talk between brain-damage patients and infants on action and language. (United States)

    Papeo, Liuba; Hochmann, Jean-Remy


    Sensorimotor representations in the brain encode the sensory and motor aspects of one's own bodily activity. It is highly debated whether sensorimotor representations are the core basis for the representation of action-related knowledge and, in particular, action words, such as verbs. In this review, we will address this question by bringing to bear insights from the study of brain-damaged patients exhibiting language disorders and from the study of the mechanisms for language acquisition in infants. Cognitive neuropsychology studies have assessed how damage to representations supporting action production impacts patients' ability to process action-related words. While correlations between verbal and nonverbal (motor) impairments are very common in patients, damage to the representations for action production can leave the ability to understand action-words unaffected; likewise, actions can still be produced successfully in cases of impaired action-word understanding. Studies with infants have evaluated the relevance of sensorimotor information when infants learn to map a novel word onto an action that they are performing or perceiving. These results demonstrate that sensorimotor information is insufficient to fully account for the complexity of verb learning: in this process, infants seem to privilege abstract constructs such as goal, intentionality and causality, as well as syntactic constraints, over the perceptual and motor dimensions of an action. Altogether, the empirical data suggest that, while not crucial for verb learning and understanding, sensorimotor processes can contribute to solving the problem of symbol grounding and/or serve as a primary mechanism in social cognition, to learn about others' goals and intentions. By assessing the relevance of sensorimotor representations in the way action-related words are acquired and represented, we aim to provide a useful set of criteria for testing specific predictions made by different theories of concepts

  19. Multimodal responsive action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oshima, Sae

    ; Raymond 2003; Schegloff and Lerner 2009), including those with multimodal actions (e.g. Olsher 2004; Fasulo & Monzoni 2009). Some responsive actions can also be completed with bodily behavior alone, such as: when an agreement display is achieved by using only nonvocal actions (Jarmon 1996), when...... the recipient’s gaze shift becomes a significant part of the speaker’s turn construction (Goodwin 1980), and when head nods show the recipient’s affiliation with the speaker’s stance (Stivers 2008). Still, much room remains for extending our current understanding of responding actions that necessarily involve...... a hairstylist and a client negotiate the quality of the service that has been provided. Here, the first action is usually the stylist’s question and/or explanation of the new cut that invites the client’s assessment/(dis)agreement, accompanied with embodied actions that project an imminent self...

  20. Development of a path forward for special-case wastes at the Oak Ridge Reservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osborne-Lee, I.W.; Lotts, A.L.; Robinette, R.J.


    This report addresses the management of the inventory of existing and potential surplus equipment and materials at the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) that are candidates for various waste or surplus material categories, including special case waste (SCW). This inventory is called candidate equipment and materials (CEM). This report presents a logical method for disposition of this and future CEM, summarizes the inventory, and suggests preliminary dispositions for the CEM. Also, recommendations are offered for an improved CEM management strategy and actions in this and future years to implement that strategy

  1. Inferring Action Structure and Causal Relationships in Continuous Sequences of Human Action (United States)


    and MySQL . However, all participants participated from in-lab computers. Results Figure 6 shows the distribution of participants’ raw key presses... Java program to present video of action sequences and collect ratings. The program presented all 12 actions, non-actions, and part-actions

  2. RCRA corrective action determination of no further action

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On July 27, 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a regulatory framework (55 FR 30798) for responding to releases of hazardous waste and hazardous constituents from solid waste management units (SWMUs) at facilities seeking permits or permitted under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The proposed rule, 'Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units at Hazardous Waste Facilities', would create a new Subpart S under the 40 CFR 264 regulations, and outlines requirements for conducting RCRA Facility Investigations, evaluating potential remedies, and selecting and implementing remedies (i.e., corrective measures) at RCRA facilities. EPA anticipates instances where releases or suspected releases of hazardous wastes or constituents from SWMUs identified in a RCRA Facility Assessment, and subsequently addressed as part of required RCRA Facility Investigations, will be found to be non-existent or non-threatening to human health or the environment. Such releases may require no further action. For such situations, EPA proposed a mechanism for making a determination that no further corrective action is needed. This mechanism is known as a Determination of No Further Action (DNFA) (55 FR 30875). This information Brief describes what a DNFA is and discusses the mechanism for making a DNFA. This is one of a series of Information Briefs on RCRA corrective action

  3. Status of fossil fuel reserves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laherrere, J.


    Reserves represent the sum of past and future productions up to the end of production. In most countries the reserve data of fields are confidential. Therefore, fossil fuel reserves are badly known because the published data are more political than technical and many countries make a confusion between resources and reserves. The cumulated production of fossil fuels represents only between a third and a fifth of the ultimate reserves. The production peak will take place between 2020 and 2050. In the ultimate reserves, which extrapolate the past, the fossil fuels represent three thirds of the overall energy. This document analyses the uncertainties linked with fossil fuel reserves: reliability of published data, modeling of future production, comparison with other energy sources, energy consumption forecasts, reserves/production ratio, exploitation of non-conventional hydrocarbons (tar sands, extra-heavy oils, bituminous shales, coal gas, gas shales, methane in overpressure aquifers, methane hydrates), technology impacts, prices impact, and reserves growth. (J.S.)

  4. Biosphere reserves: Attributes for success. (United States)

    Van Cuong, Chu; Dart, Peter; Hockings, Marc


    Biosphere reserves established under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program aim to harmonise biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Concerns over the extent to which the reserve network was living up to this ideal led to the development of a new strategy in 1995 (the Seville Strategy) to enhance the operation of the network of reserves. An evaluation of effectiveness of management of the biosphere reserve network was called for as part of this strategy. Expert opinion was assembled through a Delphi Process to identify successful and less successful reserves and investigate common factors influencing success or failure. Ninety biosphere reserves including sixty successful and thirty less successful reserves in 42 countries across all five Man and the Biosphere Program regions were identified. Most successful sites are the post-Seville generation while the majority of unsuccessful sites are pre-Seville that are managed as national parks and have not been amended to conform to the characteristics that are meant to define a biosphere reserve. Stakeholder participation and collaboration, governance, finance and resources, management, and awareness and communication are the most influential factors in the success or failure of the biosphere reserves. For success, the biosphere reserve concept needs to be clearly understood and applied through landscape zoning. Designated reserves then need a management system with inclusive good governance, strong participation and collaboration, adequate finance and human resource allocation and stable and responsible management and implementation. All rather obvious but it is difficult to achieve without commitment to the biosphere reserve concept by the governance authorities. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Sensory predictions during action support perception of imitative reactions across suprasecond delays. (United States)

    Yon, Daniel; Press, Clare


    Perception during action is optimized by sensory predictions about the likely consequences of our movements. Influential theories in social cognition propose that we use the same predictions during interaction, supporting perception of similar reactions in our social partners. However, while our own action outcomes typically occur at short, predictable delays after movement execution, the reactions of others occur at longer, variable delays in the order of seconds. To examine whether we use sensorimotor predictions to support perception of imitative reactions, we therefore investigated the temporal profile of sensory prediction during action in two psychophysical experiments. We took advantage of an influence of prediction on apparent intensity, whereby predicted visual stimuli appear brighter (more intense). Participants performed actions (e.g., index finger lift) and rated the brightness of observed outcomes congruent (index finger lift) or incongruent (middle finger lift) with their movements. Observed action outcomes could occur immediately after execution, or at longer delays likely reflective of those in natural social interaction (1800 or 3600 ms). Consistent with the previous literature, Experiment 1 revealed that congruent action outcomes were rated as brighter than incongruent outcomes. Importantly, this facilitatory perceptual effect was found irrespective of whether outcomes occurred immediately or at delay. Experiment 2 replicated this finding and demonstrated that it was not the result of response bias. These findings therefore suggest that visual predictions generated during action are sufficiently general across time to support our perception of imitative reactions in others, likely generating a range of benefits during social interaction. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Egocentric Temporal Action Proposals. (United States)

    Shao Huang; Weiqiang Wang; Shengfeng He; Lau, Rynson W H


    We present an approach to localize generic actions in egocentric videos, called temporal action proposals (TAPs), for accelerating the action recognition step. An egocentric TAP refers to a sequence of frames that may contain a generic action performed by the wearer of a head-mounted camera, e.g., taking a knife, spreading jam, pouring milk, or cutting carrots. Inspired by object proposals, this paper aims at generating a small number of TAPs, thereby replacing the popular sliding window strategy, for localizing all action events in the input video. To this end, we first propose to temporally segment the input video into action atoms, which are the smallest units that may contain an action. We then apply a hierarchical clustering algorithm with several egocentric cues to generate TAPs. Finally, we propose two actionness networks to score the likelihood of each TAP containing an action. The top ranked candidates are returned as output TAPs. Experimental results show that the proposed TAP detection framework performs significantly better than relevant approaches for egocentric action detection.

  7. Normative Action Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baboroglu, Oguz; Ravn, Ib


    This paper presents an argument for an enrichment of action research methodology. To the current state of action research, we add a constructivist epistemological argument, as well as a crucial inspiration from some futures-oriented planning approaches. Within the domain of social....... They are generated jointly by the stakeholders of a system and the involved action researchers and are tested every time that the prescriptions for action contained in them are followed by a system's stakeholders....

  8. Experience of action depends on intention, not body movement: an experiment on memory for mens rea. (United States)

    Jensen, Mads; Vagnoni, Eleonora; Overgaard, Morten; Haggard, Patrick


    How do we know whether our own actions were voluntary or involuntary? Intentional theories of sense of agency suggest that we consciously perceive the intentions that accompany our actions, but reconstructive theories suggest that we perceive our actions only through the body movements and other effects that they produce. Intentions would then be mere confabulations, and not bona fide experiences. Previous work on voluntary action has focused on immediate experiences of authorship, and few studies have considered memory for voluntary actions. We devised an experiment in which both voluntary action and involuntary movement always occurred at the same time, but could either involve the same hand (congruent condition), or different hands (incongruent condition). When signals from the voluntary and involuntary movements involved different hands, they could therefore potentially interfere in memory. We found that recall of a voluntary action was unaffected by an incongruent involuntary movement. In contrast, recall of an involuntary movement was strongly influenced by an incongruent voluntary action. Our results demonstrate an "intentional capture" of body movement by voluntary actions, in support of intentional theories of agency, but contrary to reconstructive theories. When asked to recall both actions and movements, people's responses are shaped by memory of what they intended to do, rather than by how their body moved. Copyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  9. Action on Pre-eclampsia: Crisis and recovery. (United States)

    Milne, Fiona


    This is a review of the antenatal guidelines developed under the auspices of the charity Action on Preeclampsia since 2001. They are evidence-based and cover the screening and diagnosis of preeclampsia. They include a risk assessment early in pregnancy, referral for specialist input, a two tier schedule of assessment based on risk, signs and symptoms, referral for step-up care and confirmation of diagnosis, including blood tests. They describe methods for improving reliability of proteinuria testing, and reducing errors in the measurement of blood pressure. Management flowcharts are provided. Copyright © 2010 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Application of ecological criteria in selecting marine reserves and developing reserve networks (United States)

    Roberts, Callum M.; Branch, George; Bustamante, Rodrigo H.; Castilla, Juan Carlos; Dugan, Jenifer; Halpern, Benjamin S.; Lafferty, Kevin D.; Leslie, Heather; McArdle, Deborah; Ruckelshaus, Mary; Warner, Robert R.


    Marine reserves are being established worldwide in response to a growing recognition of the conservation crisis that is building in the oceans. However, designation of reserves has been largely opportunistic, or protective measures have been implemented (often overlapping and sometimes in conflict) by different entities seeking to achieve different ends. This has created confusion among both users and enforcers, and the proliferation of different measures provides a false sense of protection where little is offered. This paper sets out a procedure grounded in current understanding of ecological processes, that allows the evaluation and selection of reserve sites in order to develop functional, interconnected networks of fully protected reserves that will fulfill multiple objectives. By fully protected we mean permanently closed to fishing and other resource extraction. We provide a framework that unifies the central aims of conservation and fishery management, while also meeting other human needs such as the provision of ecosystem services (e.g., maintenance of coastal water quality, shoreline protection, and recreational opportunities). In our scheme, candidate sites for reserves are evaluated against 12 criteria focused toward sustaining the biological integrity and productivity of marine systems at both local and regional scales. While a limited number of sites will be indispensable in a network, many will be of similar value as reserves, allowing the design of numerous alternative, biologically adequate networks. Devising multiple network designs will help ensure that ecological functionality is preserved throughout the socioeconomic evaluation process. Too often, socioeconomic criteria have dominated the process of reserve selection, potentially undermining their efficacy. We argue that application of biological criteria must precede and inform socioeconomic evaluation, since maintenance of ecosystem functioning is essential for meeting all of the goals for

  11. Where and how to manage: Optimal selection of conservation actions for multiple species.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Astrid van Teeffelen


    Full Text Available Multiple alternative options are frequently available for the protection, maintenance or restoration of conservation areas. The choice of a particular management action can have large effects on the species occurring in the area, because different actions have different effects on different species. Together with the fact that conservation funds are limited and particular management actions are costly, it would be desirable to be able to identify where, and what kind of management should be applied to maximize conservation benefits. Currently available site-selection algorithms can identify the optimal set of sites for a reserve network. However, these algorithms have not been designed to answer what kind of action would be most beneficial at these sites when multiple alternative actions are available. We describe an algorithm capable of solving multi-species planning problems with multiple management options per site. The algorithm is based on benefit functions, which translate the effect of a management action on species representation levels into a value, in order to identify the most beneficial option. We test the performance of this algorithm with simulated data for different types of benefit functions and show that the algorithm’s solutions are optimal, or very near globally optimal, partially depending on the type of benefit function used. The good performance of the proposed algorithm suggests that it could be profitably used for large multi-action multi-species conservation planning problems.

  12. Action video game players' visual search advantage extends to biologically relevant stimuli. (United States)

    Chisholm, Joseph D; Kingstone, Alan


    Research investigating the effects of action video game experience on cognition has demonstrated a host of performance improvements on a variety of basic tasks. Given the prevailing evidence that these benefits result from efficient control of attentional processes, there has been growing interest in using action video games as a general tool to enhance everyday attentional control. However, to date, there is little evidence indicating that the benefits of action video game playing scale up to complex settings with socially meaningful stimuli - one of the fundamental components of our natural environment. The present experiment compared action video game player (AVGP) and non-video game player (NVGP) performance on an oculomotor capture task that presented participants with face stimuli. In addition, the expression of a distractor face was manipulated to assess if action video game experience modulated the effect of emotion. Results indicate that AVGPs experience less oculomotor capture than NVGPs; an effect that was not influenced by the emotional content depicted by distractor faces. It is noteworthy that this AVGP advantage emerged despite participants being unaware that the investigation had to do with video game playing, and participants being equivalent in their motivation and treatment of the task as a game. The results align with the notion that action video game experience is associated with superior attentional and oculomotor control, and provides evidence that these benefits can generalize to more complex and biologically relevant stimuli. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Emotions and action

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frijda, N.H.; Manstead, A.S.R.; Frijda, N.H.; Fischer, A.H.


    This chapter discusses the relationships between emotion and action. Emotion, by its very nature, is change in action readiness to maintain or change one's relationship to an object or event. Motivation, or motivational change, is one of the key aspects of emotions. Even so, action follows only

  14. Event-related potential effects of superior action anticipation in professional badminton players. (United States)

    Jin, Hua; Xu, Guiping; Zhang, John X; Gao, Hongwei; Ye, Zuoer; Wang, Pin; Lin, Huiyan; Mo, Lei; Lin, Chong-De


    The ability to predict the trajectory of a ball based on the opponent's body kinematics has been shown to be critical to high-performing athletes in many sports. However, little is known about the neural correlates underlying such superior ability in action anticipation. The present event-related potential study compared brain responses from professional badminton players and non-player controls when they watched video clips of badminton games and predicted a ball's landing position. Replicating literature findings, the players made significantly more accurate judgments than the controls and showed better action anticipation. Correspondingly, they showed enlarged amplitudes of two ERP components, a P300 peaking around 350ms post-stimulus with a parietal scalp distribution and a P2 peaking around 250ms with a posterior-occipital distribution. The P300 effect was interpreted to reflect primed access and/or directing of attention to game-related memory representations in the players facilitating their online judgment of related actions. The P2 effect was suggested to reflect some generic learning effects. The results identify clear neural responses that differentiate between different levels of action anticipation associated with sports expertise. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Environmental assessment of remedial action at the Mexican Hat uranium mill tailings site, Mexican Hat, Utah

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document assesses the environmental impacts of the proposed remedial action at the Mexican Hat uranium mill tailings site located on the Navajo Reservation in southern Utah. The site covers 235 acres and contains 69 acres of tailings and several of the original mill structures. Remedial action must be performed in accordance with standards and with the concurrence of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Navajo Nation. The proposed action is to stabilize the tailings within the present tailings site by consolidating the tailings and associated contaminated soils into a recontoured pile. A radon barrier of compacted earth would be constructed over the pile, and various erosion control measures would be taken to assure the long-term stability of the pile. The no action alternative is also assessed in this document. 240 refs., 12 figs., 20 tabs

  16. Additive Routes to Action Learning: Layering Experience Shapes Engagement of the Action Observation Network. (United States)

    Kirsch, Louise P; Cross, Emily S


    The way in which we perceive others in action is biased by one's prior experience with an observed action. For example, we can have auditory, visual, or motor experience with actions we observe others perform. How action experience via 1, 2, or all 3 of these modalities shapes action perception remains unclear. Here, we combine pre- and post-training functional magnetic resonance imaging measures with a dance training manipulation to address how building experience (from auditory to audiovisual to audiovisual plus motor) with a complex action shapes subsequent action perception. Results indicate that layering experience across these 3 modalities activates a number of sensorimotor cortical regions associated with the action observation network (AON) in such a way that the more modalities through which one experiences an action, the greater the response is within these AON regions during action perception. Moreover, a correlation between left premotor activity and participants' scores for reproducing an action suggests that the better an observer can perform an observed action, the stronger the neural response is. The findings suggest that the number of modalities through which an observer experiences an action impacts AON activity additively, and that premotor cortical activity might serve as an index of embodiment during action observation. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press.

  17. Conflictos territoriales en la comunidad de Wasakín, municipio de Rosita, Región Autónoma Atlántico Norte (RAAN

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pío Alejandro García


    Full Text Available  Este estudio de caso sobre conflictos territoriales en la comunidad de Wasakín, municipio de Rosita Región Autónoma Atlántico Norte (RAAN, fue descriptivo, en el análisis y valoración a dichos problemas hasta el año 2006, se han descrito las consecuencias y propuestas  para darle salida al conflicto. Es un estudio de caso de Antropología Cultural, con el  auxilio de las ciencias de la Etnografía, Historia, y Geografía para estudiar conflictos ocasionados por el recurso  tierra.Los resultados revelan que el principal factor de los conflictos lo han constituido los mestizos procedentes del Pacífico y Centro de Nicaragua, que llegaron  entre 1916, 1957,  en busca de mejores condiciones de vida. A partir de entonces, se han generado otras olas migratorias (1990, que han provocado conflictos socio-ambientales por la competencia de los recursos, la tierra, bosques, ríos y en contextos de relaciones sociales asimétricas. En lo político, los conflictos han tenido sus raíces en el Estado Nacional por el irrespeto e incumplimiento a los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, al ceder la explotación de los recursos naturales por extranjeros, principalmente por la ausencia de delimitación y titulación formal de sus territorios.SummaryThis study of territorial conflicts in Wasakin community, municipality of Rosita, North Autonomous Atlantic Region (RAAN, was mainly descriptive; the analysis and assessment of such problems until 2006, have described the consequences and proposals to be able to find a solution to the conflict. It is a case study of Cultural Anthropology, with the assistance of the sciences of Ethnography, History, and Geography to study conflicts that are caused by land resource.The results reveal that the main factor of conflicts have been the Mestizos from the Pacific of Nicaragua, who arrived between 1916 and 1957, seeking for better living conditions. Since then, other waves of immigration have been created (1990

  18. Broflanilide: A meta-diamide insecticide with a novel mode of action. (United States)

    Nakao, Toshifumi; Banba, Shinichi


    Broflanilide is a meta-diamide [3-benzamido-N-(4-(perfluoropropan-2-yl)phenyl)benzamide] that exhibits high larvicidal activity against Spodoptera litura. It has been suggested that broflanilide is metabolized to desmethyl-broflanilide and that it acts as a noncompetitive resistant-to-dieldrin (RDL) γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor antagonist. The binding site of desmethyl-broflanilide was demonstrated to be distinct from that of conventional noncompetitive antagonists such as fipronil. It has been proposed that the site of action for desmethyl-broflanilide is close to G336 in the M3 region of the Drosophila RDL GABA receptor. However, although the site of action for desmethyl-broflanilide appears to overlap with that of macrocyclic lactones, different modes of actions have been demonstrated for desmethyl-broflanilide and the macrocyclic lactones. The mechanisms underlying the high selectivity of meta-diamides are also discussed in this review. Broflanilide is expected to become a prominent insecticide because it is effective against pests with resistance to cyclodienes and fipronil. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Disaggregating reserve-to-production ratios: An algorithm for United States oil and gas reserve development (United States)

    Williams, Charles William

    Reserve-to-production ratios for oil and gas development are utilized by oil and gas producing states to monitor oil and gas reserve and production dynamics. These ratios are used to determine production levels for the manipulation of oil and gas prices while maintaining adequate reserves for future development. These aggregate reserve-to-production ratios do not provide information concerning development cost and the best time necessary to develop newly discovered reserves. Oil and gas reserves are a semi-finished inventory because development of the reserves must take place in order to implement production. These reserves are considered semi-finished in that they are not counted unless it is economically profitable to produce them. The development of these reserves is encouraged by profit maximization economic variables which must consider the legal, political, and geological aspects of a project. This development is comprised of a myriad of incremental operational decisions, each of which influences profit maximization. The primary purpose of this study was to provide a model for characterizing a single product multi-period inventory/production optimization problem from an unconstrained quantity of raw material which was produced and stored as inventory reserve. This optimization was determined by evaluating dynamic changes in new additions to reserves and the subsequent depletion of these reserves with the maximization of production. A secondary purpose was to determine an equation for exponential depletion of proved reserves which presented a more comprehensive representation of reserve-to-production ratio values than an inadequate and frequently used aggregate historical method. The final purpose of this study was to determine the most accurate delay time for a proved reserve to achieve maximum production. This calculated time provided a measure of the discounted cost and calculation of net present value for developing new reserves. This study concluded that

  20. Bhérer Laurence, Collin Jean-Pierre, Kerrouche Éric, Palard Jacques, Dir., Jeux d’échelle et transformation de l’État : le gouvernement des territoires au Qué­bec et en France

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabienne Leloup


    Full Text Available L’ouvrage s’est élaboré en prolongement d’un colloque international tenu à Bor­deaux en 2004, intitulé “Les transformations territoriales au Québec et en France”. D’emblée il est précisé que les articles rassemblés ont comme point commun de traiter des effets induits sur les configurations sociales, économiques et institutionnelles des recompositions territoriales, en d’autres mots le changement d’échelle du politique, en se basant sur des expériences récemment vécues au Québec et en France. ...

  1. Lifelong learning of human actions with deep neural network self-organization. (United States)

    Parisi, German I; Tani, Jun; Weber, Cornelius; Wermter, Stefan


    Lifelong learning is fundamental in autonomous robotics for the acquisition and fine-tuning of knowledge through experience. However, conventional deep neural models for action recognition from videos do not account for lifelong learning but rather learn a batch of training data with a predefined number of action classes and samples. Thus, there is the need to develop learning systems with the ability to incrementally process available perceptual cues and to adapt their responses over time. We propose a self-organizing neural architecture for incrementally learning to classify human actions from video sequences. The architecture comprises growing self-organizing networks equipped with recurrent neurons for processing time-varying patterns. We use a set of hierarchically arranged recurrent networks for the unsupervised learning of action representations with increasingly large spatiotemporal receptive fields. Lifelong learning is achieved in terms of prediction-driven neural dynamics in which the growth and the adaptation of the recurrent networks are driven by their capability to reconstruct temporally ordered input sequences. Experimental results on a classification task using two action benchmark datasets show that our model is competitive with state-of-the-art methods for batch learning also when a significant number of sample labels are missing or corrupted during training sessions. Additional experiments show the ability of our model to adapt to non-stationary input avoiding catastrophic interference. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos José Cordeiro


    Full Text Available It is aimed to show our position on the (no need of the civil action filing the record in property, subject of the registration of the demand that is intended to be obliged to institute legal nature reserve area, making use, therefore, of the adoption of hypothetical deductive method, combined with the execution of theoretical and documentary research. Legal Nature Reserve is understood as the area of rural land that can not suffer human intervention by deforestation and exploitation of its resources. Its institution and subsequent registration with the Rural Environmental Registry is an propter rem obligation, given the tracking of it and the attachment to the holder of real right. It must be obeyed even that forests or other type of vegetation no longer exist in the property, which thus externalizes its institution being a mandatory requirement for regular registration of the property, making it impossible to any claim of its ignorance, because it clings to the ownership of the property, passing to new owners, they being able to be charged regardless of their proceeding.

  3. Impulsive action and motivation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frijda, N.H.


    This paper explores the way in which emotions are causal determinants of action. It argues that emotional events, as appraised by the individual, elicit changes in motive states (called states of action readiness), which in turn may (or may not) cause action. Actions can be elicited automatically,

  4. From entrepreneurial intentions to actions: Self-control and action-related doubt, fear, and aversion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gelderen, van Marco; Kautonen, Teemu; Fink, Matthias


    This study draws on the Rubicon model of action phases to study the actions or lack of actions that follow the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. Concurrently, it examines the roles of selfcontrol and action-related emotions in explaining the intention–action gap using longitudinal

  5. Negotiating action (United States)


    After years of working towards a climate accord, the Paris Agreement of 2015 marked the shift from negotiating to reach consensus on climate action to implementation of such action. The challenge now is to ensure transparency in the processes and identify the details of what is required.

  6. Land Use Manager Application Ensures Protectiveness Following Remediation on the Oak Ridge Reservation - 13355

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garland, Sid; Brown, Sally; Sims, Lynn [Restoration Services, Inc., P.O. Box 4699, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 (United States); Darby, Jason [U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management, Oak Ridge Site (United States)


    Long-term stewardship is the set of activities necessary to return contaminated land to safe and beneficial use. The activities include physical and legal controls to prevent inappropriate exposure to contamination left in place at a site. It is the longest phase of the Department of Energy's Environmental Management Program and ensures the protection of human health and the environment for varied end uses. At the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Reservation an automated program has been developed and implemented that tracks the multitude of long-term stewardship activities. The Oak Ridge Reservation is a large site that currently has over 50 actions requiring long-term stewardship activities. The Oak Ridge Reservation consists primarily of three plant sites, and long-term stewardship will enable these sites to be leased to private entities (East Tennessee Technology Park), modernized for an evolving national security mission (Y-12 National Security Complex), and revitalized to continue multi-disciplinary research (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). The varied site end uses of the individual plant sites coupled with the multitude of controls required by leaving waste in place presents challenges. A single remedial action may include surveillance and maintenance activities, media monitoring, property record notices as well as physical controls such as fences and signs. Thus, the array of long-term stewardship activities is complex and intermingled (over 200 inspections each year at various frequencies are required currently) and requires an effective tracking program, termed the Land Use Manager. The Land Use Manager is a web-based data management application for use by personnel responsible for implementing, maintaining, and verifying engineering and land use controls on the Oak Ridge Reservation. The program is a data entry and tracking tool, as well as a notification tool. The status and performance of engineering and land use controls are checked annually

  7. Land Use Manager Application Ensures Protectiveness Following Remediation on the Oak Ridge Reservation - 13355

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garland, Sid; Brown, Sally; Sims, Lynn; Darby, Jason


    Long-term stewardship is the set of activities necessary to return contaminated land to safe and beneficial use. The activities include physical and legal controls to prevent inappropriate exposure to contamination left in place at a site. It is the longest phase of the Department of Energy's Environmental Management Program and ensures the protection of human health and the environment for varied end uses. At the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Reservation an automated program has been developed and implemented that tracks the multitude of long-term stewardship activities. The Oak Ridge Reservation is a large site that currently has over 50 actions requiring long-term stewardship activities. The Oak Ridge Reservation consists primarily of three plant sites, and long-term stewardship will enable these sites to be leased to private entities (East Tennessee Technology Park), modernized for an evolving national security mission (Y-12 National Security Complex), and revitalized to continue multi-disciplinary research (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). The varied site end uses of the individual plant sites coupled with the multitude of controls required by leaving waste in place presents challenges. A single remedial action may include surveillance and maintenance activities, media monitoring, property record notices as well as physical controls such as fences and signs. Thus, the array of long-term stewardship activities is complex and intermingled (over 200 inspections each year at various frequencies are required currently) and requires an effective tracking program, termed the Land Use Manager. The Land Use Manager is a web-based data management application for use by personnel responsible for implementing, maintaining, and verifying engineering and land use controls on the Oak Ridge Reservation. The program is a data entry and tracking tool, as well as a notification tool. The status and performance of engineering and land use controls are checked annually for

  8. Action observation and motor imagery for rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and an integrative hypothesis. (United States)

    Caligiore, Daniele; Mustile, Magda; Spalletta, Gianfranco; Baldassarre, Gianluca


    This article discusses recent evidence supporting the use of action observation therapy and motor imagery practice for rehabilitation of Parkinson's disease. A main question that emerges from the review regards the different effectiveness of these approaches and the possibility of integrating them into a single method to enhance motor behaviour in subjects with Parkinson's disease. In particular, the reviewed studies suggest that action observation therapy can have a positive effect on motor facilitation of patients and that a long-term rehabilitation program based on action observation therapy or motor imagery practice can bring some benefit on their motor recovery. Moreover, the paper discusses how the research on the combined use of action observation and motor imagery for motor improvements in healthy subjects may encourage the combined use of action observation therapy and motor imagery practice for therapeutic aims in Parkinson's disease. To date, this hypothesis has never been experimented. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  9. Actions and Decisions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Monthoux, Pierre Guillet de


    as Aristotelian syllogistic reasoning. Her constant analytical care to defend a philosophy of action against metaphysical assumptions and taken-for-granted “psychologisms” shows that an action-perspective is as analytic as ever one of decision-making. What differs is that the latter seems constantly attracted......How management philosophy is conceived depends on if pragmatism is acknowledged or not! After having been under the main domination of management science both research and education has until recently widened its scope from a decision-making to an action-perspective. It seems to be a recent...... reconnection to pragmatism that makes the 2011 Carnegie report propose to rethink management in liberal arts terms, whilst the vastly influential 1959 Carnegie Pierson report distanced itself from American pragmatism thus focusing on decisions and forgetting actions. Actions may contain decisions and choices...

  10. The Action Observation System when Observing Hand Actions in Autism and Typical Development. (United States)

    Pokorny, Jennifer J; Hatt, Naomi V; Colombi, Costanza; Vivanti, Giacomo; Rogers, Sally J; Rivera, Susan M


    Social impairments in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may be in part due to difficulty perceiving and recognizing the actions of others. Evidence from imitation studies, which involves both observation and execution of an action, suggests differences, in individuals with ASD, between the ability to imitate goal-directed actions involving objects (transitive actions) and the ability to imitate actions that do not involve objects (intransitive actions). In the present study, we examined whether there were differences in how ASD adolescents encoded transitive and intransitive actions compared to typically developing (TD) adolescents, by having participants view videos of a hand reaching across a screen toward an object or to where an object would be while functional magnetic resonance images were collected. Analyses focused on areas within the action observation network (AON), which is activated during the observation of actions performed by others. We hypothesized that the AON would differentiate transitive from intransitive actions only in the ASD group. However, results revealed that object presence modulated activity in the right inferior frontal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus of the TD group, a differentiation that was not seen in the ASD group. Furthermore, there were no significant group differences between the TD and ASD groups in any of the conditions. This suggests that there is not a global deficit of the AON in individuals with ASD while observing transitive and intransitive actions. © 2015 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Rational over-imitation: Preschoolers consider material costs and copy causally irrelevant actions selectively. (United States)

    Keupp, Stefanie; Bancken, Christin; Schillmöller, Jelka; Rakoczy, Hannes; Behne, Tanya


    Children's strong tendency to over-imitate - i.e., to reproduce causally irrelevant actions - presents a well-documented, yet puzzling, phenomenon. On first sight this instrumentally inefficient behavior seems maladaptive and different accounts have been put forward to explain it. Causal accounts claim that children are misled by an adult's demonstration, mistake the superfluous actions as causally necessary, and therefore imitate them. Other accounts emphasize cognitive-motivational aspects underlying over-imitation, e.g. social motivations to affiliate with the model, or to adhere to normative conventions. Since all accounts predict the occurrence of over-imitation under typical conditions, different parameters and circumstances have to be considered to distinguish between them. Thus, we investigated children's over-imitation and their spontaneous verbal reactions to a puppet's behavior, in contexts in which a causally irrelevant action either led to the destruction of a valuable object belonging to the experimenter, or not. In addition, children saw the full action sequence being demonstrated either with an instrumental or a conventional focus. Causal accounts predict no flexibility across these contexts, because over-imitation is said to occur automatically. Normative accounts claim that different normative considerations affect children's behavior and action parsing, and therefore predict different response patterns across conditions. We found that over-imitation was less frequent in costly and instrumental conditions. Children criticized the puppet for omitting irrelevant actions more often in the non-costly condition, but criticized her more often for performing irrelevant actions in the costly condition, often expressing their moral concern. The results support the rational normative action interpretation account of over-imitation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Habitual action video game playing is associated with caudate nucleus-dependent navigational strategies. (United States)

    West, Greg L; Drisdelle, Brandi Lee; Konishi, Kyoko; Jackson, Jonathan; Jolicoeur, Pierre; Bohbot, Veronique D


    The habitual playing of video games is associated with increased grey matter and activity in the striatum. Studies in humans and rodents have shown an inverse relationship between grey matter in the striatum and hippocampus. We investigated whether action video game playing is also associated with increased use of response learning strategies during navigation, known to be dependent on the caudate nucleus of the striatum, when presented in a dual solution task. We tested 26 action video game players (actionVGPs) and 33 non-action video game players (nonVGPs) on the 4-on-8 virtual maze and a visual attention event-related potential (ERP) task, which elicits a robust N-2-posterior-controlateral (N2pc) component. We found that actionVGPs had a significantly higher likelihood of using a response learning strategy (80.76%) compared to nonVGPs (42.42%). Consistent with previous evidence, actionVGPs and nonVGPs differed in the way they deployed visual attention to central and peripheral targets as observed in the elicited N2pc component during an ERP visual attention task. Increased use of the response strategy in actionVGPs is consistent with previously observed increases in striatal volume in video game players (VGPs). Using response strategies is associated with decreased grey matter in the hippocampus. Previous studies have shown that decreased volume in the hippocampus precedes the onset of many neurological and psychiatric disorders. If actionVGPs have lower grey matter in the hippocampus, as response learners normally do, then these individuals could be at increased risk of developing neurological and psychiatric disorders during their lifetime. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  13. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved individuals actions. Semiannual progress report, July--December 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during the period (July - December 1996) and includes copies of Orders and Notices of Violation sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to individuals with respect to-these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC. The Commission believes this information may be useful to licensees in making employment decisions

  14. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved individuals actions. Semiannual progress report, July--December 1996

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during the period (July - December 1996) and includes copies of Orders and Notices of Violation sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to individuals with respect to-these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC. The Commission believes this information may be useful to licensees in making employment decisions.

  15. Body posture modulates action perception. (United States)

    Zimmermann, Marius; Toni, Ivan; de Lange, Floris P


    Recent studies have highlighted cognitive and neural similarities between planning and perceiving actions. Given that action planning involves a simulation of potential action plans that depends on the actor's body posture, we reasoned that perceiving actions may also be influenced by one's body posture. Here, we test whether and how this influence occurs by measuring behavioral and cerebral (fMRI) responses in human participants predicting goals of observed actions, while manipulating postural congruency between their own body posture and postures of the observed agents. Behaviorally, predicting action goals is facilitated when the body posture of the observer matches the posture achieved by the observed agent at the end of his action (action's goal posture). Cerebrally, this perceptual postural congruency effect modulates activity in a portion of the left intraparietal sulcus that has previously been shown to be involved in updating neural representations of one's own limb posture during action planning. This intraparietal area showed stronger responses when the goal posture of the observed action did not match the current body posture of the observer. These results add two novel elements to the notion that perceiving actions relies on the same predictive mechanism as planning actions. First, the predictions implemented by this mechanism are based on the current physical configuration of the body. Second, during both action planning and action observation, these predictions pertain to the goal state of the action.

  16. Learning, attentional control, and action video games. (United States)

    Green, C S; Bavelier, D


    While humans have an incredible capacity to acquire new skills and alter their behavior as a result of experience, enhancements in performance are typically narrowly restricted to the parameters of the training environment, with little evidence of generalization to different, even seemingly highly related, tasks. Such specificity is a major obstacle for the development of many real-world training or rehabilitation paradigms, which necessarily seek to promote more general learning. In contrast to these typical findings, research over the past decade has shown that training on 'action video games' produces learning that transfers well beyond the training task. This has led to substantial interest among those interested in rehabilitation, for instance, after stroke or to treat amblyopia, or training for various precision-demanding jobs, for instance, endoscopic surgery or piloting unmanned aerial drones. Although the predominant focus of the field has been on outlining the breadth of possible action-game-related enhancements, recent work has concentrated on uncovering the mechanisms that underlie these changes, an important first step towards the goal of designing and using video games for more definite purposes. Game playing may not convey an immediate advantage on new tasks (increased performance from the very first trial), but rather the true effect of action video game playing may be to enhance the ability to learn new tasks. Such a mechanism may serve as a signature of training regimens that are likely to produce transfer of learning. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Historiografia wobec Action Francaise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marek Kornat


    Full Text Available Action Franęaise in HistoriographyFrench radical right movement, Action Franęaise belongs to those political phe- nomenon in history which are differently interpreted by historiography. Principally we have eight interpretations. First ofthem is Action Franęaise own image and identity as royalist and anti-liberal "party of order”. One of the most important historical interpretation of this movement is French historian Rene Remond’s one. In his Les Droites aujourdhui Remond argued that Action Franęaise was model example of anti-liberal Right in France and in Europe of the first half of the XX century. The most popular interpretation of Action Franęaise are two: (1 Action Franęaise as an incarnation of conservative revolution (Carl Schmitt and (2 as the ideology of "integral nationalism” (Hans Konh, Carlton Hayes. Very original concept was developed by well known German historian Ernst Nolte, who considered Action Franęaise as pro- to-fascistmovement. British thinker Isaiah Berlin and Israeli historian Zeev Sternhell interpreted Action Franęaise as revolution of "anti-Enlightment” (les anti-Lumieres. Polish philosopher Stanisław Brzozowski argued that Action Franęaise was a con- seąuence of conflict between romanticism and positivism and was sure that Action Franęaise inherited much from positivistphilosophy. Non less controversial problem is forthehistorians the excommunication of Action Franęaise by Pope Pius XI in 1926. To our days there are many opposite attempts to reconstruct of this event and its origins. For many historians Pius XI tried to defend the doctrine of the Church which seemed to him intoxicated by the "nationalist and racialist heresy”. For some other writers the Vatican policy was under German influence and this caused papai action. In 1939 another Pope Pius XII decided to abolish the condemnation from 1926.

  18. Nurses in action: An introduction to action research in nursing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. C. McKibbin


    Full Text Available Action Research is one of the new generation of qualitative research methods in the social sciences which has special significance for nurses in South Africa. The collaborative, participative and reflective qualities of Action Research appeal to practitioners, and lend themselves to joint problem solving activities in local contexts. This paper sets out a rationale for Action Research, then describes its features, strengths, and limitations. Ways of overcoming the latter are suggested. The paper concludes that Action Research has potential application in the field of nursing, not only for the purposes of practical problem solving, but also for improving the personal and professional practice of nurses, and for emancipating nurses from their subordinate position in the hierarchy of health science.

  19. Action Intentions: Action Influences Both On-Line Perception and Off-Line Representation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C Kirtley


    Full Text Available Given that one role of vision is to gather information for upcoming tasks, previous studies have investigated whether the preparation for action affects visual behaviour. The current studies aimed to determine if such influences on visual selection would also influence the formation of subsequent memory representations. Two experiments were conducted- in the first, participants' action intentions towards a scene were manipulated by the performance of different grasping postures as they observed the scene. This was followed by a memory test for the objects presented. Participants' eye movements were affected by their action intention, so that performing a power grip led to significantly longer fixation durations on power grip compatible objects. In contrast, memory for the objects and their properties was not affected by the action. Our second study required participants to make the action posture during the recall phase. No effect on eye movements was found, but recall was affected, with a particular advantage for recall of the position of grip-compatible objects. Previous studies have shown that action intentions can affect the on-line perception of objects. The current study suggests this may not extend to off-line representations if they are accessed after the action has been completed or abandoned. However, the recall of information may be affected if gestures are formed during retrieval. Memory representations may not be tailored specifically to an action, but actions can still affect the recall of information.

  20. Recall of Others' Actions after Incidental Encoding Reveals Episodic-like Memory in Dogs. (United States)

    Fugazza, Claudia; Pogány, Ákos; Miklósi, Ádám


    The existence of episodic memory in non-human animals is a debated topic that has been investigated using different methodologies that reflect diverse theoretical approaches to its definition. A fundamental feature of episodic memory is recalling after incidental encoding, which can be assessed if the recall test is unexpected [1]. We used a modified version of the "Do as I Do" method [2], relying on dogs' ability to imitate human actions, to test whether dogs can rely on episodic memory when recalling others' actions from the past. Dogs were first trained to imitate human actions on command. Next, they were trained to perform a simple training exercise (lying down), irrespective of the previously demonstrated action. This way, we substituted their expectation to be required to imitate with the expectation to be required to lie down. We then tested whether dogs recalled the demonstrated actions by unexpectedly giving them the command to imitate, instead of lying down. Dogs were tested with a short (1 min) and a long (1 hr) retention interval. They were able to recall the demonstrated actions after both intervals; however, their performance declined more with time compared to conditions in which imitation was expected. These findings show that dogs recall past events as complex as human actions even if they do not expect the memory test, providing evidence for episodic-like memory. Dogs offer an ideal model to study episodic memory in non-human species, and this methodological approach allows investigating memory of complex, context-rich events. VIDEO ABSTRACT. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. The Prose of Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Ulrik; Thrane, Sof


    risks changes over time in response to a lack of action on reported risks. In these processes Frontline Managers take on new responsibilities to make General Managers take action on reported risk. The reporting practice changes from the mere identification of risk to risk assessment and, finally......, to incorporating the possible response into the risk report. These findings add to extant literature by illustrating that actions do not automatically flow from the identification of risk. Rather, risk and action are dynamically interrelated in the sense that the prose in the risk report is a variable input...... to generate action and that a lack of action encourages managers to change their approach to reporting....

  2. Action research: Scandinavian Experiences

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Lauge Baungaard


    The article focus on paradigms, methods and ethics of action research in the Scandinavian countries. The special features of the action research paradigm is identified. A historical overview follows of some main action research projects in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The tendency towards upsclae...... action research projects from organisational or small community projects yo large-scale, regional based network apporaches are also outlined and discussed. Finally, a synthesised approach of the classical, socio-technical action research approach and the large-scale network and holistic approaches...

  3. Joint action modulates motor system involvement during action observation in 3-year-olds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meyer, M.; Hunnius, S.; Elk, M. van; Ede, F.L. van; Bekkering, H.


    When we are engaged in a joint action, we need to integrate our partner's actions with our own actions. Previous research has shown that in adults the involvement of one's own motor system is enhanced during observation of an action partner as compared to during observation of an individual actor.

  4. Stereoscopically Observing Manipulative Actions. (United States)

    Ferri, S; Pauwels, K; Rizzolatti, G; Orban, G A


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of stereopsis to the processing of observed manipulative actions. To this end, we first combined the factors "stimulus type" (action, static control, and dynamic control), "stereopsis" (present, absent) and "viewpoint" (frontal, lateral) into a single design. Four sites in premotor, retro-insular (2) and parietal cortex operated specifically when actions were viewed stereoscopically and frontally. A second experiment clarified that the stereo-action-specific regions were driven by actions moving out of the frontoparallel plane, an effect amplified by frontal viewing in premotor cortex. Analysis of single voxels and their discriminatory power showed that the representation of action in the stereo-action-specific areas was more accurate when stereopsis was active. Further analyses showed that the 4 stereo-action-specific sites form a closed network converging onto the premotor node, which connects to parietal and occipitotemporal regions outside the network. Several of the specific sites are known to process vestibular signals, suggesting that the network combines observed actions in peripersonal space with gravitational signals. These findings have wider implications for the function of premotor cortex and the role of stereopsis in human behavior. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  5. PTTSA Action Plan Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Pre-Tiger Team Self-Assessment (PTTSA) Report identified findings with respect to the way Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, (including Tonopah Test Range (TTR) and Kauai Test Facility (KTF)) conducts its environment, safety, and health (ES ampersand H) activities. It presented Action Plan Requirements (APR) addressing these findings. The purpose of this PTTSA Action Plan Report is to assist in managing these action plan requirements by collecting, prioritizing, and estimating required resources. The specific objectives addressed by this report include: collection of requirements for the resolution of the findings presented in the PTTSA Report; consolidation of proposed Action Plan Requirements into logical Action Plan groupings for efficiency of resolution; categorization of Action Plans according to severity of the hazards represented by the findings; provision of a basis for long-range planning and issues management; documentation of the status of the proposed corrective actions; establishment of traceability of the corrective action to the original problem or issue; and integration of these plans into the existing ES ampersand H structure. The Action Plans in this report are an intermediate step between the identification of a problem or a finding in the PTTSA Report and the execution of the solution. They consist of requirements for solution, proposed actions, and an estimate of the time and (where applicable) resources required to develop the solution. This report is an input to the process of planning, resource commitment, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance of problem resolution. 2 figs

  6. Distinct spatio-temporal profiles of beta-oscillations within visual and sensorimotor areas during action recognition as revealed by MEG. (United States)

    Pavlidou, Anastasia; Schnitzler, Alfons; Lange, Joachim


    The neural correlates of action recognition have been widely studied in visual and sensorimotor areas of the human brain. However, the role of neuronal oscillations involved during the process of action recognition remains unclear. Here, we were interested in how the plausibility of an action modulates neuronal oscillations in visual and sensorimotor areas. Subjects viewed point-light displays (PLDs) of biomechanically plausible and implausible versions of the same actions. Using magnetoencephalography (MEG), we examined dynamic changes of oscillatory activity during these action recognition processes. While both actions elicited oscillatory activity in visual and sensorimotor areas in several frequency bands, a significant difference was confined to the beta-band (∼20 Hz). An increase of power for plausible actions was observed in left temporal, parieto-occipital and sensorimotor areas of the brain, in the beta-band in successive order between 1650 and 2650 msec. These distinct spatio-temporal beta-band profiles suggest that the action recognition process is modulated by the degree of biomechanical plausibility of the action, and that spectral power in the beta-band may provide a functional interaction between visual and sensorimotor areas in humans. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Differential Equations as Actions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ronkko, Mauno; Ravn, Anders P.


    We extend a conventional action system with a primitive action consisting of a differential equation and an evolution invariant. The semantics is given by a predicate transformer. The weakest liberal precondition is chosen, because it is not always desirable that steps corresponding to differential...... actions shall terminate. It is shown that the proposed differential action has a semantics which corresponds to a discrete approximation when the discrete step size goes to zero. The extension gives action systems the power to model real-time clocks and continuous evolutions within hybrid systems....

  8. Prolactin Alters the Mammary Epithelial Hierarchy, Increasing Progenitors and Facilitating Ovarian Steroid Action. (United States)

    O'Leary, Kathleen A; Shea, Michael P; Salituro, Stephanie; Blohm, Courtney E; Schuler, Linda A


    Hormones drive mammary development and function and play critical roles in breast cancer. Epidemiologic studies link prolactin (PRL) to increased risk for aggressive cancers that express estrogen receptor α (ERα). However, in contrast to ovarian steroids, PRL actions on the mammary gland outside of pregnancy are poorly understood. We employed the transgenic NRL-PRL model to examine the effects of PRL alone and with defined estrogen/progesterone exposure on stem/progenitor activity and regulatory networks that drive epithelial differentiation. PRL increased progenitors and modulated transcriptional programs, even without ovarian steroids, and with steroids further raised stem cell activity associated with elevated canonical Wnt signaling. However, despite facilitating some steroid actions, PRL opposed steroid-driven luminal maturation and increased CD61 + luminal cells. Our findings demonstrate that PRL can powerfully influence the epithelial hierarchy alone and temper the actions of ovarian steroids, which may underlie its role in the development of breast cancer. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. TRH regulates action potential shape in cerebral cortex pyramidal neurons. (United States)

    Rodríguez-Molina, Víctor; Patiño, Javier; Vargas, Yamili; Sánchez-Jaramillo, Edith; Joseph-Bravo, Patricia; Charli, Jean-Louis


    Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) is a neuropeptide with a wide neural distribution and a variety of functions. It modulates neuronal electrophysiological properties, including resting membrane potential, as well as excitatory postsynaptic potential and spike frequencies. We explored, with whole-cell patch clamp, TRH effect on action potential shape in pyramidal neurons of the sensorimotor cortex. TRH reduced spike and after hyperpolarization amplitudes, and increased spike half-width. The effect varied with dose, time and cortical layer. In layer V, 0.5µM of TRH induced a small increase in spike half-width, while 1 and 5µM induced a strong but transient change in spike half-width, and amplitude; after hyperpolarization amplitude was modified at 5µM of TRH. Cortical layers III and VI neurons responded intensely to 0.5µM TRH; layer II neurons response was small. The effect of 1µM TRH on action potential shape in layer V neurons was blocked by G-protein inhibition. Inhibition of the activity of the TRH-degrading enzyme pyroglutamyl peptidase II (PPII) reproduced the effect of TRH, with enhanced spike half-width. Many cortical PPII mRNA+ cells were VGLUT1 mRNA+, and some GAD mRNA+. These data show that TRH regulates action potential shape in pyramidal cortical neurons, and are consistent with the hypothesis that PPII controls its action in this region. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Los desequilibrios territoriales en Colombia


    Alfonso Roa, Óscar A.; A. Alfonso R., Óscar; Revéiz Roldán, Édgar


    Colombia es un país de regiones metropolitanas. Si a cada región que es habitada por una población le es inmanente un gobierno, las formas de ocupación territorial por la población y las actividades humanas deberían contar con la forma de gobierno más pertinente. Por tanto, un nuevo modelo territorial de Estado tendrá que organizarse en torno a gobiernos metropolitanos cuyas funciones de alcance supralocal se construirían con base en las que ya poseen las jurisdicciones involucradas en el pol...

  11. Towards a common framework of grounded action cognition: Relating motor control, perception and cognition. (United States)

    Gentsch, Antje; Weber, Arne; Synofzik, Matthis; Vosgerau, Gottfried; Schütz-Bosbach, Simone


    The relation between motor control and action cognition - including action-related thoughts and action-related perception - has been subject to controversial discussions in the last three decades. During these decades, cognitive neuroscience has been increasingly confronted with a huge variety of different accounts trying to understand and explain the relation between these systems, their interdependencies and the mediating mechanisms by establishing notions such as "internal models", "simulation" or "shared representation". These accounts, however, include a large array of partly overlapping, partly contradictory theories using similar terms for different mechanisms and different terms for similar mechanisms. In the absence of a systematic work-up and comparison, this array of accounts and theories leads to confusion in the field, duplication of experimental work, and unconnected parallelism of theory formation within and between different disciplines. Here we provide a systematic comparison of current models and prospective theories that deal with the relation between cognition, perception and motor control mechanisms. In a second step, we propose "grounded action cognition" as a comprehensive metatheoretical framework which defines different hypothetical possibilities of the relations between these domains, offers systematic insights into current models and theories and last but not least may help to increase comparability of empirical research in the domain of action and action cognition. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Albertans and Climate Change, taking action : key actions to date

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In October 2002, Alberta Environment released Canada's first government action plan that addresses climate change and reduces greenhouse gases. This document outlines the progress that Alberta has made since the launch of the action plan entitled Albertans and Climate Change, taking action. The document highlights 32 key actions involving government leadership, technology and innovation, carbon management, energy conservation, renewable and alternative energy, carbon storage in agricultural and forestry sinks, and adaptation to climate change. Among the initiatives is a green power contract signed by the Government of Alberta which states that by 2005, 90 per cent of the electricity used in provincial government operations will come from green power sources. Investment into clean coal technology, fuel cell technology and combined greenhouse heat and power technology was also highlighted

  13. Brazilian uranium reserves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marques, J.P.M.


    Due to a growing demand of electric power to support Brasil's development, the use of nuclear energy will be indispensable. The nuclear fuel cycle for the production of energy, starts with the uranium exploration. The work performed in this field led to the discovery of several deposits in the country, which to-date totalize a reserve of 236,300t of U 308 , ranking Brazil in the 6th place among the nations of the western world holding uranium reserves. (Author) [pt

  14. Oak Ridge Reservation site management plan for the environmental restoration program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report describes the overall approach for addressing environmental contamination on the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) National Priorities List site located in east Tennessee. The cleanup strategy reflected in this site management plan (SMP) has been developed to accelerate the transition of areas of concern (AOCs) from characterization to remediation by making decisions at the watershed scale based on recommended land uses. Project scoping involves the use of defined remedial action objectives, which are based in part on the land uses selected for the project sites. To provide a consistent land use approach that accommodates the needs of all stakeholders responsible for the remediation and reutilization of the ORR, a reservation-wide strategy has been developed. The Common Ground process is a stakeholder-driven process to determine preferred land use options for the ORR so that clean-up operations will be based on the most likely and acceptable land uses. DOE utilized the information gathered in the Common Ground process to recommend desired land uses for the ORR. The land uses recommended by DOE as a result of the Common Ground process are being used for planning land and facility use/reuse for the next 25 years. Land uses recommended for the ORR in conducting CERCLA remedial activities are conservation, industrial use, and waste management

  15. 'Action 2016': AREVA's strategic action plan to improve performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marie, Patricia; Floquet-Daubigeon, Fleur; Michaut, Maxime; De Scorbiac, Marie; Du Repaire, Philippine


    On December 12, 2011, Luc Oursel, Executive Officer of AREVA, and Pierre Aubouin, Chief Financial Executive Officer, presented the group's 'Action 2016' strategic action plan based on an in-depth analysis of the market's outlook. This document makes, first, a Detailed presentation of the 'Action 2016' plan and then presents the group's financial outlook: - Full-year 2011 immediate accounting consequences of the new market environment: operating losses expected in 2011; - 2012-2013 transition period Objective: self-finance capex in cumulative terms; - 2014-2016: safe growth and cash generation, free operating cash flow at break-even beginning in 2013, above euro 1 bn per year beginning in 2015

  16. RCRA corrective action ampersand CERCLA remedial action reference guide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This reference guide provides a side-by-side comparison of RCRA corrective action and CERCLA Remedial Action, focusing on the statutory and regulatory requirements under each program, criterial and other factors that govern a site's progress, and the ways in which authorities or requirements under each program overlap and/or differ. Topics include the following: Intent of regulation; administration; types of sites and/or facilities; definition of site and/or facility; constituents of concern; exclusions; provisions for short-term remedies; triggers for initial site investigation; short term response actions; site investigations; remedial investigations; remedial alternatives; clean up criterial; final remedy; implementing remedy; on-site waste management; completion of remedial process

  17. Endangered Species Program, Naval Petroleum Reserves in California. Annual report FY93

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Naval Petroleum Reserves in California (NPRC) are operated by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and Chevron USA. Production Company (CPDN). Four federally-listed endangered animal species and one federally-threatened plant species are known to occur on NPRC: San Joaquin kit fox, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, giant kangaroo rat, Tipton kangaroo rat, and Hoover`s wooly-star. All five are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, which declares that it is ``...the policy of Congress that all Federal departments and agencies shall seek to conserve endangered species and threatened species and shall utilize their authorities in furtherance of the purposes of the Act.`` DOE is also obliged to determine whether actions taken by their lessees on Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 will have any effects on endangered species or their habitats. The major objective of the EG&G Energy Measurements, Inc. Endangered Species Program on NPRC is to provide DOE with the scientific expertise necessary for compliance with the Endangered Species Act. The specific objective of this report is to summarize progress and results of the Endangered Species Program made during fiscal year 1993.

  18. Subliminal action priming modulates the perceived intensity of sensory action consequences☆ (United States)

    Stenner, Max-Philipp; Bauer, Markus; Sidarus, Nura; Heinze, Hans-Jochen; Haggard, Patrick; Dolan, Raymond J.


    The sense of control over the consequences of one’s actions depends on predictions about these consequences. According to an influential computational model, consistency between predicted and observed action consequences attenuates perceived stimulus intensity, which might provide a marker of agentic control. An important assumption of this model is that these predictions are generated within the motor system. However, previous studies of sensory attenuation have typically confounded motor-specific perceptual modulation with perceptual effects of stimulus predictability that are not specific to motor action. As a result, these studies cannot unambiguously attribute sensory attenuation to a motor locus. We present a psychophysical experiment on auditory attenuation that avoids this pitfall. Subliminal masked priming of motor actions with compatible prime–target pairs has previously been shown to modulate both reaction times and the explicit feeling of control over action consequences. Here, we demonstrate reduced perceived loudness of tones caused by compatibly primed actions. Importantly, this modulation results from a manipulation of motor processing and is not confounded by stimulus predictability. We discuss our results with respect to theoretical models of the mechanisms underlying sensory attenuation and subliminal motor priming. PMID:24333539

  19. Minireview: Mode of action of meta-diamide insecticides. (United States)

    Nakao, Toshifumi; Banba, Shinichi


    Meta-diamides [3-benzamido-N-(4-(perfluoropropan-2-yl)phenyl)benzamides] are a distinct class of RDL GABA receptor noncompetitive antagonists showing high insecticidal activity against Spodoptera litura. The mode of action of the meta-diamides was demonstrated to be distinct from that of conventional noncompetitive antagonists (NCAs) such as fipronil, picrotoxin, lindane, dieldrin, and α-endosulfan. It was suggested that meta-diamides act at or near G336 in the M3 region of the Drosophila RDL GABA receptor. Although the site of action of the meta-diamides appears to overlap with that of macrocyclic lactones including avermectins and milbemycins, differential effects of mutations on the actions of the meta-diamides and the macrocyclic lactones were observed. Molecular modeling studies revealed that the meta-diamides may bind to an inter-subunit pocket near G336 in the Drosophila RDL GABA receptor better when in the closed state, which is distinct from the NCA-binding site, which is in a channel formed by M2s. In contrast, the macrocyclic lactones were suggested to bind to an inter-subunit pocket near G336 in the Drosophila RDL GABA receptor when in the open state. Furthermore, mechanisms underlying the high selectivity of meta-diamides are discussed. This minireview highlights the unique features of novel meta-diamide insecticides and demonstrates why meta-diamides are anticipated to become prominent insecticides that are effective against pests resistant to cyclodienes and fipronil. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Motor mapping of implied actions during perception of emotional body language. (United States)

    Borgomaneri, Sara; Gazzola, Valeria; Avenanti, Alessio


    Perceiving and understanding emotional cues is critical for survival. Using the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) previous TMS studies have found that watching humans in emotional pictures increases motor excitability relative to seeing landscapes or household objects, suggesting that emotional cues may prime the body for action. Here we tested whether motor facilitation to emotional pictures may reflect the simulation of the human motor behavior implied in the pictures occurring independently of its emotional valence. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) to single-pulse TMS of the left motor cortex were recorded from hand muscles during observation and categorization of emotional and neutral pictures. In experiment 1 participants watched neutral, positive and negative IAPS stimuli, while in experiment 2, they watched pictures depicting human emotional (joyful, fearful), neutral body movements and neutral static postures. Experiment 1 confirms the increase in excitability for emotional IAPS stimuli found in previous research and shows, however, that more implied motion is perceived in emotional relative to neutral scenes. Experiment 2 shows that motor excitability and implied motion scores for emotional and neutral body actions were comparable and greater than for static body postures. In keeping with embodied simulation theories, motor response to emotional pictures may reflect the simulation of the action implied in the emotional scenes. Action simulation may occur independently of whether the observed implied action carries emotional or neutral meanings. Our study suggests the need of controlling implied motion when exploring motor response to emotional pictures of humans. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Mayan Children's Creation of Learning Ecologies by Initiative and Cooperative Action. (United States)

    de León, Lourdes


    This chapter examines Mayan children's initiatives in creating their own learning environments in collaboration with others as they engage in culturally relevant endeavors of family and community life. To this end, I carry out a fine-grained ethnographic and linguistic analysis of the interactional emergence of learning ecologies. Erickson defines learning ecology as a socioecological system where participants mutually influence one another through verbal and nonverbal actions, as well as through other forms of semiotic communication (2010, 254). In analyzing learning ecologies, I adopt a "theory of action" approach, taking into account multimodal communication (e.g., talk, gesture, gaze, body positioning), participants' sociospatial organization, embodied action, objects, tools, and other culturally relevant materials brought together to build action (Goodwin, 2000, 2013; Hutchins, 1995). I use microethnographic analysis (Erickson, 1992) to bring to the surface central aspects of children's agentive roles in learning through "cooperative actions" (Goodwin, 2013) and "hands-on" experience (Ingold, 2007) the skills of competent members of their community. I examine three distinct Learning Ecologies created by children's initiatives among the Mayan children that I observed: (i) children requesting guidance to collaborate in a task, (ii) older children working on their own initiative with subsequent monitoring and correction from competent members, and (iii) children with near competence in a task with occasional monitoring and no guidance. I argue that these findings enrich and add power to models of family- and community-based learning such as Learning by Observing and Pitching In (Rogoff, 2014). © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Mechanisms of action underlying the antiandrogenic effects of the fungicide prochloraz

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laier, Peter; Metzdorff, Stine Broeng; Boberg, Julie


    The fungicide prochloraz has got multiple mechanisms of action that may influence the demasculinizing and reproductive toxic effects of the compound. In the present study, Wistar rats were dosed perinatally with prochloraz (50 and 150 mg/kg/day) from gestational day (GD) 7 to postnatal day (PND) ...... acts directly on the fetal testis to inhibit steroidogenesis and that this effect is exhibited at protein, and not at genomic, level. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved....

  3. Examining intention in simulated actions: are children and young adults different? (United States)

    Gabbard, Carl; Caçola, Priscila


    Previous work with adults provides evidence that 'intention' used in processing simulated actions is similar to that used in planning and processing overt movements. The present study compared young adults and children on their ability to estimate distance reachability using a NOGO/GO paradigm in conditions of imagery only (IO) and imagery with actual execution (IE). Our initial thoughts were that whereas intention is associated with motivation and commitment to act, age-related differences could impact planning. Results indicated no difference in overall accuracy by condition within groups, and as expected adults were more accurate. These findings support an increasing body of evidence suggesting that the neurocognitive processes (in this case, intention) driving motor imagery and overt actions are similar, and as evidenced here, functioning by age 7. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. ParticipACTION: Overview and introduction of baseline research on the "new" ParticipACTION

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Craig Cora L


    Full Text Available Abstract Background This paper provides a brief overview of the Canadian physical activity communications and social marketing organization "ParticipACTION"; introduces the "new" ParticipACTION; describes the research process leading to the collection of baseline data on the new ParticipACTION; and outlines the accompanying series of papers in the supplement presenting the detailed baseline data. Methods Information on ParticipACTION was gathered from close personal involvement with the organization, from interviews and meetings with key leaders of the organization, from published literature and from ParticipACTION archives. In 2001, after nearly 30 years of operation, ParticipACTION ceased operations because of inadequate funding. In February 2007 the organization was officially resurrected and the launch of the first mass media campaign of the "new" ParticipACTION occurred in October 2007. The six-year absence of ParticipACTION, or any equivalent substitute, provided a unique opportunity to examine the impact of a national physical activity social marketing organization on important individual and organizational level indicators of success. A rapid response research team was established in January 2007 to exploit this natural intervention research opportunity. Results The research team was successful in obtaining funding through the new Canadian Institutes of Health Research Intervention Research (Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention Funding Program. Data were collected on individuals and organizations prior to the complete implementation of the first mass media campaign of the new ParticipACTION. Conclusion Rapid response research and funding mechanisms facilitated the collection of baseline information on the new ParticipACTION. These data will allow for comprehensive assessments of future initiatives of ParticipACTION.

  5. Action Research for Democracy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    , to innovation policies combining Action Research with gender science. In the second part of the book epistemological and ontological dimensions of Action Research are discussed addressing questions of validity criteria related to Action Research, the transformation of knowledge institutions and the specific......Contemporary society encounters profound economical, socio-ecological and political crises challenging the democratic foundation of our societies. This book addresses the potentials and challenges for Action Research supporting democratic alternatives. It offers a broad spectrum of examples from...... Scandinavian Action Research showing different openings towards democratic development. The book’s first part contributes with a wide range of examples such as Action Research in relation to the Triple Helix/Mode II contexts, to design as a democratic process, to renewal of welfare work and public institutions...

  6. Grasp it loudly! Supporting actions with semantically congruent spoken action words.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raphaël Fargier

    Full Text Available Evidence for cross-talk between motor and language brain structures has accumulated over the past several years. However, while a significant amount of research has focused on the interaction between language perception and action, little attention has been paid to the potential impact of language production on overt motor behaviour. The aim of the present study was to test whether verbalizing during a grasp-to-displace action would affect motor behaviour and, if so, whether this effect would depend on the semantic content of the pronounced word (Experiment I. Furthermore, we sought to test the stability of such effects in a different group of participants and investigate at which stage of the motor act language intervenes (Experiment II. For this, participants were asked to reach, grasp and displace an object while overtly pronouncing verbal descriptions of the action ("grasp" and "put down" or unrelated words (e.g. "butterfly" and "pigeon". Fine-grained analyses of several kinematic parameters such as velocity peaks revealed that when participants produced action-related words their movements became faster compared to conditions in which they did not verbalize or in which they produced words that were not related to the action. These effects likely result from the functional interaction between semantic retrieval of the words and the planning and programming of the action. Therefore, links between (action language and motor structures are significant to the point that language can refine overt motor behaviour.

  7. Neurohormones, Brain, and Behavior: A Comparative Approach to Understanding Rapid Neuroendocrine Action. (United States)

    Calisi, Rebecca M; Saldanha, Colin J


    The definition of a hormone has been in part delineated by its journey to distant receptor targets. Following activation of a receptor, a subsequent reaction facilitates the regulation of physiology and, ultimately, behavior. However, a growing number of studies report that hormones can influence these events at a previously underappreciated high speed. With the potential to act as neurotransmitters, the definition of a hormone and its mechanisms of action are evolving. In this symposium, we united scientists who use contemporary molecular, electrophysiological, and biochemical approaches to study aspects of rapid hormone action in a broad array of systems across different levels of biological organization. What emerged was an overwhelming consensus that the use of integrative and comparative approaches fuels discovery and increases our understanding of de novo hormone synthesis, local actions of neurohormones, and subsequent effects on neuroplasticity and behavior. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions please email:

  8. Environmental Assessment on the leasing of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, St. James Terminal, St. James Parish, Louisiana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The US Department of Energy (DOE) proposes to lease the Strategic Petroleum Reserve`s (SPR) St. James Terminal to private industry. The St. James Terminal consists of six storage tanks, a pumping station, two maine docks and ancillary facilities. DOE believes that the St. James Terminal presents an opportunity to establish a government- industry arrangement that could more effectively use this asset to serve the nations`s oil distribution needs, reduce the operational cost of the SPR, and provide a source of revenue for the Government. DOE solicited interest in leasing its distribution facilities in a notice published March 16, 1994. In response, industry has expressed interest in leasing the St. James Terminal, as well as several DOE pipelines, to enhance the operation of its own facilities or to avoid having to construct new ones. Under such a lease, industry use would be subordinate to DOE use in the event of a national energy emergency. This Environmental Assessment describes the proposed leasing operation, its alternatives, and potential environmental impacts. Based on this analyses, DOE has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) OF 1969 and has issued the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

  9. Fractional Reserve in Banking System


    Valkonen, Maria


    This thesis is aimed to provide understanding of the role of the fractional reserve in the mod-ern banking system worldwide and particularly in Finland. The fractional reserve banking is used worldwide, but the benefits of this system are very disputable. On the one hand, experts say that the fractional reserve is a necessary instrument for the normal business and profit making. On the other hand, sceptics openly criticize the fractional reserve system and blame it for fiat money (money n...

  10. Central leptin action on euglycemia restoration in type 1 diabetes: Restraining responses normally induced by fasting? (United States)

    Xu, Yuanzhong; Tong, Qingchun


    Leptin monotherapy is sufficient to restore euglycemia in insulinopenic type 1 diabetes (T1D), yet the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that the brain mediates the leptin action on euglycemia restoration. Here, we first review evidence supporting that symptoms in T1D resemble an uncontrolled response to fasting. Then, we discuss recent research progress on brain neurons and their neurotransmitters that potentially mediate the leptin action. Finally, peripheral effective pathways, which are normally involved in fasting responses and associated with leptin action on euglycemia restoration in T1D, will also be discussed. This summary complements several previous excellent reviews on this topic (Meek and Morton, 2016; Perry et al., 2016; Fujikawa and Coppari, 2015). A deep understanding of neurocircuitry and the peripheral effective pathways that mediate the leptin action on euglycemia restoration will likely lead to novel targets for an insulin-independent therapeutics against T1D. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Micro-level stochastic loss reserving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Antonio, K.; Plat, R.


    To meet future liabilities general insurance companies will set-up reserves. Predicting future cash-flows is essential in this process. Actuarial loss reserving methods will help them to do this in a sound way. The last decennium a vast literature about stochastic loss reserving for the general

  12. Minocycline inhibits D-amphetamine-elicited action potential bursts in a central snail neuron. (United States)

    Chen, Y-H; Lin, P-L; Wong, R-W; Wu, Y-T; Hsu, H-Y; Tsai, M-C; Lin, M-J; Hsu, Y-C; Lin, C-H


    the inhibitory effects of minocycline upon AMPH-elicited action potential bursts. Copyright © 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Dissociating action-effect activation and effect-based response selection. (United States)

    Schwarz, Katharina A; Pfister, Roland; Wirth, Robert; Kunde, Wilfried


    Anticipated action effects have been shown to govern action selection and initiation, as described in ideomotor theory, and they have also been demonstrated to determine crosstalk between different tasks in multitasking studies. Such effect-based crosstalk was observed not only in a forward manner (with a first task influencing performance in a following second task) but also in a backward manner (the second task influencing the preceding first task), suggesting that action effect codes can become activated prior to a capacity-limited processing stage often denoted as response selection. The process of effect-based response production, by contrast, has been proposed to be capacity-limited. These observations jointly suggest that effect code activation can occur independently of effect-based response production, though this theoretical implication has not been tested directly at present. We tested this hypothesis by employing a dual-task set-up in which we manipulated the ease of effect-based response production (via response-effect compatibility) in an experimental design that allows for observing forward and backward crosstalk. We observed robust crosstalk effects and response-effect compatibility effects alike, but no interaction between both effects. These results indicate that effect activation can occur in parallel for several tasks, independently of effect-based response production, which is confined to one task at a time. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Corrective Action Decision Document for Corrective Action Unit 204: Storage Bunkers, Nevada Test Site, Nevada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boehlecke, Robert


    The six bunkers included in CAU 204 were primarily used to monitor atmospheric testing or store munitions. The 'Corrective Action Investigation Plan (CAIP) for Corrective Action Unit 204: Storage Bunkers, Nevada Test Site, Nevada' (NNSA/NV, 2002a) provides information relating to the history, planning, and scope of the investigation; therefore, it will not be repeated in this CADD. This CADD identifies potential corrective action alternatives and provides a rationale for the selection of a recommended corrective action alternative for each CAS within CAU 204. The evaluation of corrective action alternatives is based on process knowledge and the results of investigative activities conducted in accordance with the CAIP (NNSA/NV, 2002a) that was approved prior to the start of the Corrective Action Investigation (CAI). Record of Technical Change (ROTC) No. 1 to the CAIP (approval pending) documents changes to the preliminary action levels (PALs) agreed to by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) and DOE, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office (NNSA/NSO). This ROTC specifically discusses the radiological PALs and their application to the findings of the CAU 204 corrective action investigation. The scope of this CADD consists of the following: (1) Develop corrective action objectives; (2) Identify corrective action alternative screening criteria; (3) Develop corrective action alternatives; (4) Perform detailed and comparative evaluations of corrective action alternatives in relation to corrective action objectives and screening criteria; and (5) Recommend and justify a preferred corrective action alternative for each CAS within CAU 204

  15. Individual differences in impulsive action and dopamine transporter function in rat orbitofrontal cortex. (United States)

    Yates, J R; Darna, M; Beckmann, J S; Dwoskin, L P; Bardo, M T


    Impulsivity, which can be subdivided into impulsive action and impulsive choice, is implicated as a factor underlying drug abuse vulnerability. Although previous research has shown that dopamine (DA) systems in prefrontal cortex are involved in impulsivity and substance abuse, it is not known if inherent variation in DA transporter (DAT) function contributes to impulsivity. The current study determined if individual differences in either impulsive action or impulsive choice are related to DAT function in orbitofrontal (OFC) and/or medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Rats were first tested both for impulsive action in a cued go/no-go task and for impulsive choice in a delay-discounting task. Following behavioral evaluation, in vitro [(3)H]DA uptake assays were performed in OFC and mPFC isolated from individual rats. Vmax in OFC, but not mPFC, was correlated with performance in the cued go/no-go task, with decreased OFC DAT function being associated with high impulsive action. In contrast, Vmax in OFC and mPFC was not correlated with performance in the delay-discounting task. The current results demonstrate that impulsive behavior in cued go/no-go performance is associated with decreased DAT function in OFC, suggesting that hyperdopaminergic tone in this prefrontal subregion mediates, at least in part, increased impulsive action. Copyright © 2015 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Brain-to-brain hyperclassification reveals action-specific motor mapping of observed actions in humans. (United States)

    Smirnov, Dmitry; Lachat, Fanny; Peltola, Tomi; Lahnakoski, Juha M; Koistinen, Olli-Pekka; Glerean, Enrico; Vehtari, Aki; Hari, Riitta; Sams, Mikko; Nummenmaa, Lauri


    Seeing an action may activate the corresponding action motor code in the observer. It remains unresolved whether seeing and performing an action activates similar action-specific motor codes in the observer and the actor. We used novel hyperclassification approach to reveal shared brain activation signatures of action execution and observation in interacting human subjects. In the first experiment, two "actors" performed four types of hand actions while their haemodynamic brain activations were measured with 3-T functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The actions were videotaped and shown to 15 "observers" during a second fMRI experiment. Eleven observers saw the videos of one actor, and the remaining four observers saw the videos of the other actor. In a control fMRI experiment, one of the actors performed actions with closed eyes, and five new observers viewed these actions. Bayesian canonical correlation analysis was applied to functionally realign observers' and actors' fMRI data. Hyperclassification of the seen actions was performed with Bayesian logistic regression trained on actors' data and tested with observers' data. Without the functional realignment, between-subjects accuracy was at chance level. With the realignment, the accuracy increased on average by 15 percentage points, exceeding both the chance level and the accuracy without functional realignment. The highest accuracies were observed in occipital, parietal and premotor cortices. Hyperclassification exceeded chance level also when the actor did not see her own actions. We conclude that the functional brain activation signatures underlying action execution and observation are partly shared, yet these activation signatures may be anatomically misaligned across individuals.

  17. The minimalist grammar of action (United States)

    Pastra, Katerina; Aloimonos, Yiannis


    Language and action have been found to share a common neural basis and in particular a common ‘syntax’, an analogous hierarchical and compositional organization. While language structure analysis has led to the formulation of different grammatical formalisms and associated discriminative or generative computational models, the structure of action is still elusive and so are the related computational models. However, structuring action has important implications on action learning and generalization, in both human cognition research and computation. In this study, we present a biologically inspired generative grammar of action, which employs the structure-building operations and principles of Chomsky's Minimalist Programme as a reference model. In this grammar, action terminals combine hierarchically into temporal sequences of actions of increasing complexity; the actions are bound with the involved tools and affected objects and are governed by certain goals. We show, how the tool role and the affected-object role of an entity within an action drives the derivation of the action syntax in this grammar and controls recursion, merge and move, the latter being mechanisms that manifest themselves not only in human language, but in human action too. PMID:22106430

  18. Person-centred Leadership: a relational approach to leadership derived through action research. (United States)

    Cardiff, Shaun; McCormack, Brendan; McCance, Tanya


    How does person-centred leadership manifest in clinical nursing. Person-centred practice fosters healthful relationships and is gaining increasing attention in nursing and healthcare, but nothing is known about the influence of a person-centred approach to leadership practice. Most leadership models used in nursing were originally developed outside of nursing. A three year participatory action research study where participant leaders planned, researched and learned from their practice development. After an orientation phase, four action spirals focused on: critical and creative reflective inquiries into leadership practice change; leading the implementation and evaluation of a new nursing system; facilitating storytelling sessions with staff and annually reflecting on personal leadership change. Multiple data gathering methods offered insight into leadership development from several perspectives. Critical and creative thematic data analysis revealed a set of attributes, relational processes and contextual factors that influenced the being and becoming of a person-centred leader. Comparing the findings with nursing leadership literature supports a conceptual framework for person-centred leadership. Person-centred leadership is a complex, dynamic, relational and contextualised practice that aims to enable associates and leaders achieve self-actualisation, empowerment and wellbeing. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  19. The conservation status of the Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrinus Bennett, 1833 (Carnivora: Felidae In Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iain Rothie Taylor


    Full Text Available The status of the Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrinus in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal was assessed by camera trapping and pugmark searches from 2011 to 2014.  The reserve is a highly dynamic and unstable snow-fed braided river system with many anabranches and islands.  Evidence of Fishing Cats was found throughout most of the reserve.  They were probably more abundant on the eastern side, among the islands of the main river channel, and in the adjacent buffer zone where there was a chain of fishponds and marsh areas fed by seepage from the main river channel.  Evidence of Fishing Cats was found up to 6km north of the reserve on the Koshi River but not beyond this.  The population is probably small and may be isolated but given the endangered status of the species, is significant.  The main likely threats identified are wetland and riparian habitat deterioration caused by over exploitation and illegal grazing by villagers, overfishing of wetlands and rivers within the reserve, and direct persecution arising from perceived conflicts with fish farming and poultry husbandry.  Required conservation actions are discussed. 

  20. Calculation program development for spinning reserve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This study is about optimal holding of spinning reserve and optimal operation for it. It deals with the purpose and contents of the study, introduction of the spinning reserve electricity, speciality of the spinning reserve power, the result of calculation, analysis for limited method of optimum load, calculation of requirement for spinning reserve, analysis on measurement of system stability with summary, purpose of the analysis, cause of impact of the accident, basics on measurement of spinning reserve and conclusion. It has the reference on explanation for design of spinning reserve power program and using and trend about spinning reserve power in Korea.

  1. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved individual actions. Semiannual progress report, January 1997--June 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during the period (January - June 1997) and includes copies of Orders and Notices of Violation sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to individuals with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC. The Commission believes this information may be useful to licensees in making employment decisions.

  2. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved individual actions. Semiannual progress report, January 1997--June 1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during the period (January - June 1997) and includes copies of Orders and Notices of Violation sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to individuals with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC. The Commission believes this information may be useful to licensees in making employment decisions

  3. What good are actions? Accelerating learning using learned action priors

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Rosman, Benjamin S


    Full Text Available The computational complexity of learning in sequential decision problems grows exponentially with the number of actions available to the agent at each state. We present a method for accelerating this process by learning action priors that express...

  4. Mirroring "meaningful" actions: sensorimotor learning modulates imitation of goal-directed actions. (United States)

    Catmur, Caroline; Heyes, Cecilia


    Imitation is important in the development of social and technological skills throughout the lifespan. Experiments investigating the acquisition and modulation of imitation (and of its proposed neural substrate, the mirror neuron system) have produced evidence that the capacity for imitation depends on associative learning in which connections are formed between sensory and motor representations of actions. However, evidence that the development of imitation depends on associative learning has been found only for non-goal-directed actions. One reason for the lack of research on goal-directed actions is that imitation of such actions is commonly confounded with the tendency to respond in a spatially compatible manner. However, since the most prominent account of mirror neuron function, and hence of imitation, suggests that these cells encode goal-directed actions, it is important to establish whether sensorimotor learning can also modulate imitation of goal-directed actions. Experiment 1 demonstrated that imitation of goal-directed grasping can be measured while controlling for spatial compatibility, and Experiment 2 showed that this imitation effect can be modulated by sensorimotor training. Together these data support the hypothesis that the capacity for behavioural imitation, and the properties of the mirror neuron system, are constructed in the course of development through associative learning.

  5. Assessing reserve-building pursuits and person characteristics: psychometric validation of the Reserve-Building Measure. (United States)

    Schwartz, Carolyn E; Michael, Wesley; Zhang, Jie; Rapkin, Bruce D; Sprangers, Mirjam A G


    A growing body of research suggests that regularly engaging in stimulating activities across multiple domains-physical, cultural, intellectual, communal, and spiritual-builds resilience. This project investigated the psychometric characteristics of the DeltaQuest Reserve-Building Measure for use in prospective research. The study included Rare Patient Voice panel participants. The web-based survey included the Reserve-Building Measure with one-week re-test, measures of quality of life (QOL) and well-being (PROMIS General Health; NeuroQOL Cognitive Function and Positive Affect & Well-Being short-forms; Ryff Environmental Mastery subscale); and the Big Five Inventory-10 personality measure. Classical test theory and item response theory (IRT) analyses investigated psychometric characteristics of the Reserve-Building Measure. This North American sample (n = 592) included both patients and caregivers [mean age = 44, SD 19)]. Psychometric analyses revealed distinct subscales measuring current reserve-building activities (Active in the World, Games, Outdoors, Creative, Religious/Spiritual, Exercise, Inner Life, Shopping/Cooking, Passive Media Consumption,), past reserve-building activities (Childhood Activities, Achievement), and reserve-related person-factors (Perseverance, Current and Past Social Support, and Work Value). Test-retest stability (n = 101) was moderately high for 11 of 15 subscales (ICC range 0.78-0.99); four were below 0.59 indicating a need for further refinement. IRT analyses supported the item functioning of all subscales. Correlational analyses suggest the measure's subscales tap distinct constructs (range r = 0.11-0.46) which are not redundant with QOL, well-being, or personality (range r = 0.11-0.48). The Reserve-Building Measure provides a measure of activities and person-factors related to reserve that may potentially be useful in prospective research.

  6. Efectos territoriales de la implantación de infraestructuras con accesos controlados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Fariña Tojo


    This paper is a summary of a previous work conducted in order to propose a scientific and methodological ground for the evaluation of the spatial effects of those transport infrastructures having controlled access (e.g. highways, TGV. The proposal included both a literature review and two case studies, the first one referred to a highway in the north of Spain and a second one studying a section of the Spanish high speed railway (AVE. Demographical, planning regulations, building permissions and new activities analysis were carried out, while other aspects as land values, economic activities and traffics were also considered. The contrast between both types of analysis succeded at identifying the common spatial effects of these infrastructures. Main findings were: even in the project stage, these infrastructures use to raise land values; however, actual development for the area (demography, new economic activity is normally long termed or sometimes simply it is not. For development to happen a set of political, economical and social actions have to be implemented synchronically to infrastructure construction. Usually changes on the hierarchical structure of the city system are detected, generally accounting for a bigger development of those cities placed higher in the ranking. New territorial axes cannot be described trough the studied cases, but a rise in relations and dependences among cities was obvious. Clear improvements in citizens quality of life, (at least in the current meaning of this concept, are also detected although they have not been considered here as development, since they are difficult to quantify.

  7. Introducing optional reserve ratios in Hungary


    Lóránt Varga


    As of the reserve maintenance period commencing in November 2010, Hungarian credit institutions will be free to decide whether to apply the previously valid 2% reserve ratio, or to apply a higher mandatory reserve ratio. Credit institutions required to hold reserves may select from reserve ratios of 2, 3, 4 and 5%, and may change their decision on a semi-annual basis. In line with the international best practice, the purpose of the MNB’s reserve requirement system is to support credit institu...

  8. Changes in fish assemblages following the establishment of a network of no-take marine reserves and partially-protected areas.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brendan P Kelaher

    Full Text Available Networks of no-take marine reserves and partially-protected areas (with limited fishing are being increasingly promoted as a means of conserving biodiversity. We examined changes in fish assemblages across a network of marine reserves and two different types of partially-protected areas within a marine park over the first 5 years of its establishment. We used Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV to quantify fish communities on rocky reefs at 20-40 m depth between 2008-2011. Each year, we sampled 12 sites in 6 no-take marine reserves and 12 sites in two types of partially-protected areas with contrasting levels of protection (n = 4 BRUV stations per site. Fish abundances were 38% greater across the network of marine reserves compared to the partially-protected areas, although not all individual reserves performed equally. Compliance actions were positively associated with marine reserve responses, while reserve size had no apparent relationship with reserve performance after 5 years. The richness and abundance of fishes did not consistently differ between the two types of partially-protected areas. There was, therefore, no evidence that the more regulated partially-protected areas had additional conservation benefits for reef fish assemblages. Overall, our results demonstrate conservation benefits to fish assemblages from a newly established network of temperate marine reserves. They also show that ecological monitoring can contribute to adaptive management of newly established marine reserve networks, but the extent of this contribution is limited by the rate of change in marine communities in response to protection.

  9. Les Territoires de l’eau et la décentralisation. La gouvernance de bassin versant ou les limites d’une évidence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stéphane Ghiotti


    Full Text Available La mise en place progressive en France d’une politique territoriale de l’eau, propulse la gestion de la ressource au cœur des enjeux liés à l’aménagement et au développement du territoire. Le vaste mouvement de recomposition organisationnelle et politique en cours favorise cette approche fonctionnaliste par bassin. Cependant, il contribue également à asseoir la légitimité d’autres constructions territoriales – dont les logiques relèvent davantage de l'opportunisme stratégique des collectivités territoriales que de la dimension géographique et environnementale de l'eau. A côté DU territoire de l’eau (ré ? émergent ou se constituent DES territoires de l’eau.The progressive implementation of territorial water policy in France, raises the stakes for water management in land planning and territorial development. The current vast movements in organisational and political reshuffling, support an operational approach by basin. However, it also contributes to establish the legitimacy of other territorial constructions - whose logic derives more from the strategic opportunism of local authorities than from the geographical and environmental dimensions of water. By side of “a” water territory, sits in fact, “many” water territories.

  10. Staying mindful in action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svalgaard, Lotte


    Action Learning is a well-proven method to integrate ‘task’ and ‘process’, as learning about team and self (process) takes place while delivering on a task or business challenge of real importance (task). An Action Lab® is an intensive Action Learning programme lasting for 5 days, which aims...... at balancing and integrating individual challenges and business challenges, as well as the ‘Action’ and the ‘Learning’ of Action Learning. However, in spite of the aspiration to balance and integrate ‘task’ and ‘process’, a tendency and a challenge is experienced: When deeply involved in delivering...... this tendency by sharing a study looking into what hinders and promotes mindful awareness on the process, while dealing with a business challenge in an Action Lab®. Drawing on the findings, the account of practice will share some recommendations for the Action Learning facilitator to take up the challenge...

  11. Partial Actions and Power Sets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Ávila


    Full Text Available We consider a partial action (X,α with enveloping action (T,β. In this work we extend α to a partial action on the ring (P(X,Δ,∩ and find its enveloping action (E,β. Finally, we introduce the concept of partial action of finite type to investigate the relationship between (E,β and (P(T,β.

  12. A Century in Reserve and Beyond

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Monagle, James P


    ... Reserve, this Strategy Research Project (SRP) describes the role of the Army Reserve from its beginning as a reserve corps of medical doctors to that of a strategic reserve force, and then to its current operational role...

  13. Efectos Territoriales y Urbanísticos de la transformación de la Ruta Chile-5 en Vía Concesionada de Acceso Controlado: El caso del Corredor de la Ruta 5. / Territorial and urban effects of transforming Chile-Route-5 through concessions with controlled access: The case of the Route-5 Corridor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henríquez Orellana, Patricia


    Full Text Available Se trata de identificar los efectos territoriales y urbanísticos verificados con la transformación de la antigua Ruta 5 en una vía de peaje y accesos controlados y contrastarlos con la previsión y objetivos asignados comúnmente a un proyecto de esta naturaleza. Interesa destacar efectos producidos en: la movilidad local, identificando cambios de hábitos de los habitantes; la planeación urbana; generación de proyectos de infraestructura de transporte u otros asociados al mejoramiento de la Ruta CH-5./In this article the author identifies the effects on the land and the urban planning caused by the changes that occurred in the former Ruta CH-5 Highway that now has toll booths and controlled entrances and exits. The author compares this situation to the objective and results of a traditional project of this kind. Some of the important effects are: mobility in a local level, change in the habits oh the inhabitants, urban planning, the birth of new transportation infrastructure projects and other projects that may improve Ruta CH-5 Highway.

  14. Environmental assessment of the brine pipeline replacement for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Bryan Mound Facility in Brazoria County, Texas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Department of Energy (DOE) has prepared an environmental assessment (EA), DOE/EA-0804, for the proposed replacement of a deteriorated brine disposal pipeline from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) Bryan Mound storage facility in Brazoria County, Texas, into the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, the ocean discharge outfall would be moved shoreward by locating the brine diffuser at the end of the pipeline 3.5 miles offshore at a minimum depth of 30 feet. The action would occur in a floodplain and wetlands; therefore, a floodplain/wetlands assessment has been prepared in conjunction with this EA. Based on the analyses in the EA, DOE has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 USC. 4321, et seg.). Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required, and the Department is issuing this Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). This FONSI also includes a Floodplain Statement of Findings in accordance with 10 CFR Part 1022.

  15. Environmental assessment of the brine pipeline replacement for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Bryan Mound Facility in Brazoria County, Texas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Energy (DOE) has prepared an environmental assessment (EA), DOE/EA-0804, for the proposed replacement of a deteriorated brine disposal pipeline from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) Bryan Mound storage facility in Brazoria County, Texas, into the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, the ocean discharge outfall would be moved shoreward by locating the brine diffuser at the end of the pipeline 3.5 miles offshore at a minimum depth of 30 feet. The action would occur in a floodplain and wetlands; therefore, a floodplain/wetlands assessment has been prepared in conjunction with this EA. Based on the analyses in the EA, DOE has determined that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 USC. 4321, et seg.). Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required, and the Department is issuing this Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). This FONSI also includes a Floodplain Statement of Findings in accordance with 10 CFR Part 1022

  16. What's an Asthma Action Plan? (United States)

    ... Educators Search English Español What's an Asthma Action Plan? KidsHealth / For Parents / What's an Asthma Action Plan? ... acción contra el asma? What's an Asthma Action Plan? An asthma action plan (or management plan) is ...

  17. Reserve selection with land market feedbacks. (United States)

    Butsic, Van; Lewis, David J; Radeloff, Volker C


    How to best site reserves is a leading question for conservation biologists. Recently, reserve selection has emphasized efficient conservation: maximizing conservation goals given the reality of limited conservation budgets, and this work indicates that land market can potentially undermine the conservation benefits of reserves by increasing property values and development probabilities near reserves. Here we propose a reserve selection methodology which optimizes conservation given both a budget constraint and land market feedbacks by using a combination of econometric models along with stochastic dynamic programming. We show that amenity based feedbacks can be accounted for in optimal reserve selection by choosing property price and land development models which exogenously estimate the effects of reserve establishment. In our empirical example, we use previously estimated models of land development and property prices to select parcels to maximize coarse woody debris along 16 lakes in Vilas County, WI, USA. Using each lake as an independent experiment, we find that including land market feedbacks in the reserve selection algorithm has only small effects on conservation efficacy. Likewise, we find that in our setting heuristic (minloss and maxgain) algorithms perform nearly as well as the optimal selection strategy. We emphasize that land market feedbacks can be included in optimal reserve selection; the extent to which this improves reserve placement will likely vary across landscapes. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Lithium reserves and resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, R.K.


    As a result of accelerating research efforts in the fields of secondary batteries and thermonuclear power generation, concern has been expressed in certain quarters regarding the availability, in sufficient quantities, of lithium. As part of a recent study by the National Research Council on behalf of the Energy Research and Development Administration, a subpanel was formed to consider the outlook for lithium. Principal areas of concern were reserves, resources and the 'surplus' available for energy applications after allowing for the growth in current lithium applications. Reserves and resources were categorized into four classes ranging from fully proved reserves to resources which are probably dependent upon the marketing of co-products to become economically attractive. Because of the proprietary nature of data on beneficiation and processing recoveries, the tonnages of available lithium are expressed in terms of plant feed. However, highly conservative assumptions have been made concerning mining recoveries and these go a considerable way to accounting for total losses. Western World reserves and resources of all classes are estimated at 10.6 million tonnes Li of which 3.5 million tonnes Li are located in the United States. Current United States capacity, virtually equivalent to Western World capacity, is 4700 tonnes Li and production in 1976 approximated to 3500 tonnes Li. Production for current applications is expected to grow to approx. 10,000 tonnes in year 2000 and 13,000 tonnes a decade later. The massive excess of reserves and resources over that necessary to support conventional requirements has limited the amount of justifiable exploration expenditures; on the last occasion, there was a a major increase in demand (by the USAEA) reserves and capacity were increased rapidly. There are no foreseeable reasons why this shouldn't happen again when the need is clear. (author)

  19. Action control processes in autism spectrum disorder--insights from a neurobiological and neuroanatomical perspective. (United States)

    Chmielewski, Witold X; Beste, Christian


    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) encompass a range of syndromes that are characterized by social interaction impairments, verbal and nonverbal communication difficulties, and stereotypic or repetitive behaviours. Although there has been considerable progress in understanding the mechanisms underlying the changes in the 'social' and 'communicative' aspects of ASD, the neurofunctional architecture of repetitive and stereotypic behaviours, as well as other cognitive domains related to response and action control, remain poorly understood. Based on the findings of neurobiological and neuroanatomical alterations in ASD and the functional neuroanatomy and neurobiology of different action control functions, we emphasize that changes in action control processes, including response inhibition, conflict and response monitoring, task switching, dual-tasking, motor timing, and error monitoring, are important facets of ASD. These processes must be examined further to understand the executive control deficits in ASD that are related to stereotypic or repetitive behaviours as a major facet of ASD. The review shows that not all domains of action control are strongly affected in ASD. Several factors seem to determine the consistency with which alterations in cognitive control are reported. These factors relate to the relevance of neurobiological changes in ASD for the cognitive domains examined and in how far action control relies upon the adjustment of prior experience. Future directions and hypotheses are outlined that may guide basic and clinical research on action control in ASD. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Social representations and directing to the environmental education in the Perobas Biological Reserve, State of Paraná, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior


    Full Text Available The Perobas Biological Reserve is situated in the Brazilian municipalities of Tuneiras do Oeste and Cianorte, State of Paraná. Prior to the foundation, the local and state communities’ representatives manifested different standpoints, favorable and unfavorable, concerning the establishment of this environmental protection area. Considering the importance of comprehending social representations that students from the City of Tuneiras do Oeste have concerning the Perobas Biological Reserve, the present study aimed at investigating Basic Education students, as well as indicating ways for an environmental education development. We used the Free Evocation of Words technique and the analysis of composition contents. We identified that representations of the analyzed group are based on the Nature components present in the Reserve and on the role of the local inhabitants for their conservation, however such knowledge is not well-founded. We understand that educative actions must be initiated in order to proportionate the construction of knowledge concerning the Reserve´s Nature components and the mutual interactions involved. This knowledge can, subsequently, lead students to comprehend that a role is ascribed to them in the protection and the co-responsibility for the preservation of the protected area.

  1. Learning Actions Models: Qualitative Approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bolander, Thomas; Gierasimczuk, Nina


    In dynamic epistemic logic, actions are described using action models. In this paper we introduce a framework for studying learnability of action models from observations. We present first results concerning propositional action models. First we check two basic learnability criteria: finite ident...

  2. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved: Quarterly progress report, July--September 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (July--September 1988) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  3. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved: Quarterly progress report, October--December 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (October--December 1988) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  4. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved: Quarterly progress report, April-June 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (April-June 1987) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  5. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved: Quarterly progress report, April--June 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (April--June 1988) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  6. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved: Quarterly progress report, July-September 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (July-September 1987) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  7. Enforcement actions: Significant actions resolved: Quarterly progress report, January-March 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (January-March 1988) and includes copies of letters, Notices, and Orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to licensees with respect to these enforcement actions. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, so that actions can be taken to improve safety by avoiding future violations similar to those described in this publication

  8. Using guitar learning to probe the Action Observation Network's response to visuomotor familiarity. (United States)

    Gardner, Tom; Aglinskas, Aidas; Cross, Emily S


    AON engagement during action observation and execution that also takes into account effects of changes in neural efficiency. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. 24 CFR 891.605 - Replacement reserve. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Replacement reserve. 891.605... 8 Assistance § 891.605 Replacement reserve. (a) Establishment of reserve. The Borrower shall establish and maintain a replacement reserve to aid in funding extraordinary maintenance, and repair and...

  10. 24 CFR 891.405 - Replacement reserve. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Replacement reserve. 891.405....405 Replacement reserve. (a) Establishment of reserve. The Owner shall establish and maintain a replacement reserve to aid in funding extraordinary maintenance and repair and replacement of capital items...

  11. Corrective Action Decision Document/Corrective Action Plan for Corrective Action Unit 97: Yucca Flat/Climax Mine Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, Revision 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farnham, Irene [Navarro, Las Vegas, NV (United States)


    This corrective action decision document (CADD)/corrective action plan (CAP) has been prepared for Corrective Action Unit (CAU) 97, Yucca Flat/Climax Mine, Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), Nevada. The Yucca Flat/Climax Mine CAU is located in the northeastern portion of the NNSS and comprises 720 corrective action sites. A total of 747 underground nuclear detonations took place within this CAU between 1957 and 1992 and resulted in the release of radionuclides (RNs) in the subsurface in the vicinity of the test cavities. The CADD portion describes the Yucca Flat/Climax Mine CAU data-collection and modeling activities completed during the corrective action investigation (CAI) stage, presents the corrective action objectives, and describes the actions recommended to meet the objectives. The CAP portion describes the corrective action implementation plan. The CAP presents CAU regulatory boundary objectives and initial use-restriction boundaries identified and negotiated by DOE and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP). The CAP also presents the model evaluation process designed to build confidence that the groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling results can be used for the regulatory decisions required for CAU closure. The UGTA strategy assumes that active remediation of subsurface RN contamination is not feasible with current technology. As a result, the corrective action is based on a combination of characterization and modeling studies, monitoring, and institutional controls. The strategy is implemented through a four-stage approach that comprises the following: (1) corrective action investigation plan (CAIP), (2) CAI, (3) CADD/CAP, and (4) closure report (CR) stages.

  12. Pathological prolongation of action potential duration as a cause of the reduced alpha-adrenoceptor-mediated negative inotropy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice myocardium. (United States)

    Kanae, Haruna; Hamaguchi, Shogo; Wakasugi, Yumi; Kusakabe, Taichi; Kato, Keisuke; Namekata, Iyuki; Tanaka, Hikaru


    Effect of pathological prolongation of action potential duration on the α-adrenoceptor-mediated negative inotropy was studied in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice myocardium. In streptozotocin-treated mouse ventricular myocardium, which had longer duration of action potential than that in control mice, the negative inotropic response induced by phenylephrine was smaller than that in control mice. 4-Aminopyridine prolonged the action potential duration and decreased the negative inotropy in control mice. Cromakalim shortened the action potential duration and increased the negative inotropy in streptozotocin-treated mice. These results suggest that the reduced α-adrenoceptor-mediated inotropy in the diabetic mouse myocardium is partly due to its prolonged action potential. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Reserves Represented by Random Walks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filipe, J A; Ferreira, M A M; Andrade, M


    The reserves problem is studied through models based on Random Walks. Random walks are a classical particular case in the analysis of stochastic processes. They do not appear only to study reserves evolution models. They are also used to build more complex systems and as analysis instruments, in a theoretical feature, of other kind of systems. In this work by studying the reserves, the main objective is to see and guarantee that pensions funds get sustainable. Being the use of these models considering this goal a classical approach in the study of pensions funds, this work concluded about the problematic of reserves. A concrete example is presented.

  14. Spatio-Temporal Layout of Human Actions for Improved Bag-of-Words Action Detection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burghouts, G.J.; Schutte, K.


    We investigate how human action recognition can be improved by considering spatio-temporal layout of actions. From literature, we adopt a pipeline consisting of STIP features, a random forest to quantize the features into histograms, and an SVM classifier. Our goal is to detect 48 human actions,

  15. From social talk to social action: shaping the social triad with emotion sharing. (United States)

    Peters, Kim; Kashima, Yoshihisa


    Seemingly trivial social talk provides fertile ground for emotion sharing (a narrator and audience's realization that they experience the same emotional response toward a target), which in turn creates a coalition between the narrator and the audience, configures the narrator and audience's relationship with the target, and coordinates their target-directed action. In this article, the authors use 4 studies to investigate this thesis. In Studies 1 and 2--where participants rated scenarios in which narrators told them anecdotes--the authors found that when there was emotion sharing (a) participants were more bonded with narrators, (b) the narrator and audience's relationship with the target (as reflected in action tendencies) was determined by the emotionality of the anecdotes, and (c) they coordinated their target-directed actions. Study 3 demonstrated that this effect was indeed due to emotion sharing. Study 4 provided behavioral evidence for the effects of emotion sharing using a 2-person trust game. Together, these studies reveal that the everyday act of social talk is a powerful act that is able to shape the social triad of the narrator, the audience, and the social target, with powerful consequences for social structure and group action. (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved.

  16. How artefacts influence our actions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pols, A.J.K.


    Artefacts can influence our actions in several ways. They can be instruments, enabling and facilitating actions, where their presence affects the number and quality of the options for action available to us. They can also influence our actions in a morally more salient way, where their presence

  17. Action Type Deontic Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bentzen, Martin Mose


    A new deontic logic, Action Type Deontic Logic, is presented. To motivate this logic, a number of benchmark cases are shown, representing inferences a deontic logic should validate. Some of the benchmark cases are singled out for further comments and some formal approaches to deontic reasoning...... are evaluated with respect to the benchmark cases. After that follows an informal introduction to the ideas behind the formal semantics, focussing on the distinction between action types and action tokens. Then the syntax and semantics of Action Type Deontic Logic is presented and it is shown to meet...

  18. Improved probabilistic inference as a general learning mechanism with action video games. (United States)

    Green, C Shawn; Pouget, Alexandre; Bavelier, Daphne


    Action video game play benefits performance in an array of sensory, perceptual, and attentional tasks that go well beyond the specifics of game play [1-9]. That a training regimen may induce improvements in so many different skills is notable because the majority of studies on training-induced learning report improvements on the trained task but limited transfer to other, even closely related, tasks ([10], but see also [11-13]). Here we ask whether improved probabilistic inference may explain such broad transfer. By using a visual perceptual decision making task [14, 15], the present study shows for the first time that action video game experience does indeed improve probabilistic inference. A neural model of this task [16] establishes how changing a single parameter, namely the strength of the connections between the neural layer providing the momentary evidence and the layer integrating the evidence over time, captures improvements in action-gamers behavior. These results were established in a visual, but also in a novel auditory, task, indicating generalization across modalities. Thus, improved probabilistic inference provides a general mechanism for why action video game playing enhances performance in a wide variety of tasks. In addition, this mechanism may serve as a signature of training regimens that are likely to produce transfer of learning. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Perception and action de-coupling in congenital amusia: sensitivity to task demands. (United States)

    Williamson, Victoria J; Liu, Fang; Peryer, Guy; Grierson, Mick; Stewart, Lauren


    Theories that purport the existence of a distinct auditory action stream have received support from the finding that individuals with congenital amusia, a disorder of pitch perception, are able to reproduce the direction of a pitch change that they are unable to identify (Loui, Guenther, Mathys, & Schlaug, 2008). Although this finding has proved influential in theorizing about the existence of an auditory action-stream, aspects of the original study warrant further investigation. The present report attempts to replicate the original study's findings across a sizeable cohort of individuals with amusia (n=14), obtaining action (production) and perception thresholds for pitch direction. In contrast to the original study, we find evidence of a double dissociation: while a minority of amusics had lower (better) thresholds for production compared to perception of pitch, more than half showed the reverse pattern. To explore the impact of task demands, perception thresholds were also measured using a two alternative, criterion-free, forced choice task that avoided labeling demands. Controls' thresholds were task-invariant while amusics' thresholds were significantly task-dependent. We argue that the direction and extent of a perception/production dissociation in this population reflects individual differences in the mapping of pitch representations to labels ("up"; "down") and to the vocal apparatus, as opposed to anything intrinsically yoked to perception or action per se. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Action and Interactiv research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kurt Aagaard; Svensson, Lennart

    The text is written as a first version of editors introduction to a book about action research/interactive research in Nordic countries. You can read abouttrends and contradictions in the history of action research.The authors question the trends and demands a more explicit critical approach...... to actual action research/interactive research....

  1. Massage therapy: understanding the mechanisms of action on blood pressure. A scoping review. (United States)

    Nelson, Nicole L


    Massage therapy (MT) has shown potential in reducing blood pressure (BP); however, the psychophysiological pathways and structures involved in this outcome are unclear. The aims of this scoping review were twofold. (1) To summarize the current knowledge of the mechanisms of action of MT on BP. (2) To highlight the research gaps and challenges that researchers must overcome to further elucidate how MT attenuates BP. A scoping review was conducted to examine the evidence regarding the mechanisms of action of MT on BP. This review included the thematic analysis of 27 publications that considered the influence of MT on BP. Based on this analysis, six potential BP mediating pathways were identified Current theories suggest that MT exerts sympatholytic effects through physiologic and psychological mechanisms, improves hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical axis function, and increases in blood flow, which, in turn, may improve endothelial function. Future study is needed, using more scientifically rigorous methodology, to fully elucidate the mechanism of action of MT. Copyright © 2015 American Society of Hypertension. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Improved Effectiveness of Reserve Forces During Reserve Duty Training. (United States)

    Treadaway, Harry H.

    The problem areas of motivation, job enrichment, recruiting, and retention are addressed from the viewpoint of the behavioral scientist. Special attention is given to relating job enrichment and motivation techniques, as successfully demonstrated in industry, to the United State Army Reserve. Research method utilized was a literature review…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatyana P. Lomakina


    Full Text Available During the past two years (2016–2017, the mass media was engaged in tense discussion about the status and flow of funds within the two reserves – the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation and the National Welfare Fund. The Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation aroused especial worries among the experts. Its funds rapidly declined and by December 2017 they were fully used to cover the deficit of the domestic budget. In accordance with the law “On Amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation in the Use of Oil and Gas Revenues of the Federal Budget,” from February 1, 2018, the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation will cease to exist. For financial theory, this fact can serve as an illustration of the process of forming the foundations of budgetary financial security, their change over time, circumstances and options the government can take to modify them. At the same time, there are other types of financial resources within the federal budget. Their diversity necessitates their classification in order to identify groups and types with similar characteristics. However, in financial theory, many types of reserves are not described in detail, and some are not described at all. This article introduces the concepts of “perfect” and “imperfect” reserves, for their characterization as part of the federal budget. The Russian Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund (Sovereign Funds are the examples of perfect financial reserves. Imperfect reserves comprise a large group of reserve funds that are included in the federal budget, for example, the Reserve Fund of the President of the Russian Federation and the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian Federation for the prevention and control of emergencies and impact of natural disasters. The introduction of new typological features largely clarifies the situation with increased attention to one type of reserves

  4. Reproductive effects assessment of fish in streams on the Oak Ridge Reservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCracken, M.K.; Ivey, L.J.; Niemela, S.L.; Greeley, M.S. Jr.


    The Department of Energy has three large facilities located on the Oak Ridge Reservation Site, the Y-12 Plant, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Several Biological Monitoring and Abatement Programs (BMAP) monitor and assess the effects of these facilities on the aquatic and terrestrial resources of the reservation. One BMAP task concerns the potential role of contaminant-related reproductive dysfunction in shaping the composition of fish communities in creeks draining the facilities. This task addresses specific questions concerning (1) the reproductive competence of adult fish in the streams, and (2) the capacity of fish embryos and fry to survive and develop sequent reproductive cohorts. Evidence for current or potential reproductive impacts in several of the streams include abnormal fecundity at some sites, increased incidences of oocyte atresia, and a marked toxicity of surface water samples from several stream reaches to fish embryos in periodic embryo-larval tests. Recovery of certain of the monitored streams in response to ongoing remedial actions is documented by positive changes over time in many these indicators of reproductive dysfunction. These results suggest that the monitoring of reproductive indicators can be a sensitive tool for assessing the effects of both industrial discharges and remedial activities on the fish resources of receiving streams

  5. Reserve valuation in electric power systems (United States)

    Ruiz, Pablo Ariel

    Operational reliability is provided in part by scheduling capacity in excess of the load forecast. This reserve capacity balances the uncertain power demand with the supply in real time and provides for equipment outages. Traditionally, reserve scheduling has been ensured by enforcing reserve requirements in the operations planning. An alternate approach is to employ a stochastic formulation, which allows the explicit modeling of the sources of uncertainty. This thesis compares stochastic and reserve methods and evaluates the benefits of a combined approach for the efficient management of uncertainty in the unit commitment problem. Numerical studies show that the unit commitment solutions obtained for the combined approach are robust and superior with respect to the traditional approach. These robust solutions are especially valuable in areas with a high proportion of wind power, as their built-in flexibility allows the dispatch of practically all the available wind power while minimizing the costs of operation. The scheduled reserve has an economic value since it reduces the outage costs. In several electricity markets, reserve demand functions have been implemented to take into account the value of reserve in the market clearing process. These often take the form of a step-down function at the reserve requirement level, and as such they may not appropriately represent the reserve value. The value of reserve is impacted by the reliability, dynamic and stochastic characteristics of system components, the system operation policies, and the economic aspects such as the risk preferences of the demand. In this thesis, these aspects are taken into account to approximate the reserve value and construct reserve demand functions. Illustrative examples show that the demand functions constructed have similarities with those implemented in some markets.

  6. Impaired action self-monitoring and cognitive confidence among ultra-high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis patients. (United States)

    Gawęda, Ł; Li, E; Lavoie, S; Whitford, T J; Moritz, S; Nelson, B


    Self-monitoring biases and overconfidence in incorrect judgments have been suggested as playing a role in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Little is known about whether self-monitoring biases may contribute to early risk factors for psychosis. In this study, action self-monitoring (i.e., discrimination between imagined and performed actions) was investigated, along with confidence in judgments among ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis individuals and first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. Thirty-six UHR for psychosis individuals, 25 FEP patients and 33 healthy controls (CON) participated in the study. Participants were assessed with the Action memory task. Simple actions were presented to participants verbally or non-verbally. Some actions were required to be physically performed and others were imagined. Participants were asked whether the action was presented verbally or non-verbally (action presentation type discrimination), and whether the action was performed or imagined (self-monitoring). Confidence self-ratings related to self-monitoring responses were obtained. The analysis of self-monitoring revealed that both UHR and FEP groups misattributed imagined actions as being performed (i.e., self-monitoring errors) significantly more often than the CON group. There were no differences regarding performed actions as being imagined. UHR and FEP groups made their false responses with higher confidence in their judgments than the CON group. There were no group differences regarding discrimination between the types of actions presented (verbal vs non-verbal). A specific type of self-monitoring bias (i.e., misattributing imagined actions with performed actions), accompanied by high confidence in this judgment, may be a risk factor for the subsequent development of a psychotic disorder. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. Action of neuro-hypophysis hormones on sodium exchanges of Carassius auratus L; Action des hormones neurohypophysaires sur les echanges de sodium de Carassius auratus L.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Julien, Monique


    flux osmotique d'eau et antidiurese). Chez le Poisson d'eau douce etudie ici, l'effet des hormones neurohypophysaires est pratiquement limite au controle de l'absorption de sodium au niveau de la branchie, l'action sur le metabolisme hydrique restant fort discrete. C'est donc chez ce poisson d'eau douce, plus que chez les amphibiens, que le terme de 'Natriferine' reserve par Maetz, Morel et Lahlouh (1959) aux hormones neurohypophysaires agissant sur le transport de sodium chez les vertebres inferieurs, se justifie pleinement. (auteur)

  8. Transforming Welfare Institutions through Action Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, John; Bilfeldt, Annette

    Abstract til ALARA 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress, South Africa from 4 – 7 November 2015 Pretoria, Sydafrika......Abstract til ALARA 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress, South Africa from 4 – 7 November 2015 Pretoria, Sydafrika...

  9. Do no-take reserves benefit Florida's corals? 14 years of change and stasis in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (United States)

    Toth, L. T.; van Woesik, R.; Murdoch, T. J. T.; Smith, S. R.; Ogden, J. C.; Precht, W. F.; Aronson, R. B.


    With coral populations in decline globally, it is critical that we tease apart the relative impacts of ecological and physical perturbations on reef ecosystems to determine the most appropriate management actions. This study compared the trajectories of benthic assemblages from 1998 to 2011 in three no-take reserves and three sites open to fishing, at 7-9 and 15-18 m depth in the Florida Keys. We evaluated temporal changes in the benthic assemblage to infer whether fisheries bans in no-take reserves could have cascading effects on the benthos in this region. Coral cover declined significantly over time at our sites and that trend was driven almost exclusively by decline of the Orbicella (formerly Montastraea) annularis species complex. Other coral taxa showed remarkable stasis and resistance to a variety of environmental perturbations. Protection status did not influence coral or macroalgal cover. The dynamics of corals and macroalgae in the 15 years since the reserves were established in 1997 suggest that although the reserves protected fish, they were of no perceptible benefit to Florida's corals.

  10. Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    During fiscal year 1992, the reserves generated $473 million in revenues, a $181 million decrease from the fiscal year 1991 revenues, primarily due to significant decreases in oil and natural gas prices. Total costs were $200 million, resulting in net cash flow of $273 million, compared with $454 million in fiscal year 1991. From 1976 through fiscal year 1992, the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves generated more than $15 billion in revenues and a net operating income after costs of $12.5 billion. In fiscal year 1992, production at the Naval Petroleum Reserves at maximum efficient rates yielded 26 million barrels of crude oil, 119 billion cubic feet of natural gas, and 164 million gallons of natural gas liquids. From April to November 1992, senior managers from the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves held a series of three workshops in Boulder, Colorado, in order to build a comprehensive Strategic Plan as required by Secretary of Energy Notice 25A-91. Other highlights are presented for the following: Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1--production achievements, crude oil shipments to the strategic petroleum reserve, horizontal drilling, shallow oil zone gas injection project, environment and safety, and vanpool program; Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2--new management and operating contractor and exploration drilling; Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3--steamflood; Naval Oil Shale Reserves--protection program; and Tiger Team environmental assessment of the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming

  11. Talk and Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Lars Thøger; Morsing, Mette; Thyssen, Ole

    of organizational talk and their associated activities, the paper discusses the different ways time shape the relationship between talk and action. Acknowledging that talk gives rise to different expectations over time, we put forward ideal types of organizational strategies for possible talk-action relationships...

  12. Preferential Affirmative Action. (United States)

    Bell, Derrick A., Jr.


    Discusses the philosophical rationale for preferential affirmative action presented by Daniel C. Maguire in "A New American Justice." Maintains that self-interest bars present society's acceptance of Maguire's theories of justice, as demonstrated in negative reactions to the Harvard Law Review's affirmative action plan. (MJL)

  13. Action and reaction in the theories of direct interparticle action

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narlikar, J.V.


    Newton's third law of motion is examined in the context of the theories of direct interpaticle action. In such theories, interactions between particles travel backward and forward in time at speeds not exceeding the speed of light. It is shown that while in the flat spacetime the equality of action and reaction can be clearly demonstrated, the situation is considerably more complicated in the curved spacetime. The phenomenon of gravitational scattering intervenes to destroy the equality of action and reaction. Nevertheless, when gravitation is taken into account, there is no violation of the conservation law of energy and momentum. These results are discussed in the framework of general relativity for the case of the electromagnetic interaction

  14. The role of reserves and anthropogenic habitats for functional connectivity and resilience of ephemeral wetlands. (United States)

    Uden, Daniel R; Hellman, Michelle L; Angeler, David G; Allen, Craig R

    Ecological reserves provide important wildlife habitat in many landscapes, and the functional connectivity of reserves and other suitable habitat patches is crucial for the persistence and resilience of spatially structured populations. To maintain or increase connectivity at spatial scales larger than individual patches, conservation actions may focus on creating and maintaining reserves and/or influencing management on non-reserves. Using a graph-theoretic approach, we assessed the functional connectivity and spatial distribution of wetlands in the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska, USA, an intensively cultivated agricultural matrix, at four assumed, but ecologically realistic, anuran dispersal distances. We compared connectivity in the current landscape to the historical landscape and putative future landscapes, and evaluated the importance of individual and aggregated reserve and non-reserve wetlands for maintaining connectivity. Connectivity was greatest in the historical landscape, where wetlands were also the most densely distributed. The construction of irrigation reuse pits for water storage has maintained connectivity in the current landscape by replacing destroyed wetlands, but these pits likely provide suboptimal habitat. Also, because there are fewer total wetlands (i.e., wetlands and irrigation reuse pits) in the current landscape than the historical landscape, and because the distribution of current wetlands is less clustered than that of historical wetlands, larger and longer dispersing, sometimes nonnative species may be favored over smaller, shorter dispersing species of conservation concern. Because of their relatively low number, wetland reserves do not affect connectivity as greatly as non-reserve wetlands or irrigation reuse pits; however, they likely provide the highest quality anuran habitat. To improve future levels of resilience in this wetland habitat network, management could focus on continuing to improve the conservation status of non-reserve

  15. The importance of a Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest for the conservation of stream fauna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CE. Yoshida

    Full Text Available Preservation of terrestrial fauna and flora has been the main reason for the settlement of most protected areas in the past 30 years, but although those areas may include water bodies, this does not necessarily mean that the biodiversity of freshwater environments are also protected. In the present study, the fauna inventory of eight streams (1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th orders of three microbasins of Japi Mountain, a Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest recognised by UNESCO since 1994, located in São Paulo state, southeast of Brazil, was conducted. The hypothesis of this study is that the conservation of this area is important for the maintenance of the aquatic biodiversity of this biome, and so, this world hotspot deserves priority conservation actions. From 2005 to 2007, benthic macroinvertebrates, fishes and, eventually, anuran amphibians were sampled in these streams. The results showed that Japi Mountain contributes to the conservation of 138 taxonomic units of the aquatic biota and covers a rich and representative biodiversity of freshwater fauna of the world (0.2%, Neotropical region (0.9%, Brazil (2.4% and São Paulo state (17.9%. The studied streams in the Environmental Protection Area help protect endangered taxa like the fishes Neoplecostomus paranensis and Pareiorhina cf rudolphi, and shelter freshwater invertebrates and fishes whose distribution is restricted to the Brazilian territory. Japi Mountain is also an important haven of species that was missing there like the frog species Vitreorana eurygnatha. Thus, this species inventory emphasises the importance of conservation actions of the freshwater environments of this Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest.

  16. The importance of a Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest for the conservation of stream fauna. (United States)

    Yoshida, C E; Uieda, V S


    Preservation of terrestrial fauna and flora has been the main reason for the settlement of most protected areas in the past 30 years, but although those areas may include water bodies, this does not necessarily mean that the biodiversity of freshwater environments are also protected. In the present study, the fauna inventory of eight streams (1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th orders) of three microbasins of Japi Mountain, a Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest recognised by UNESCO since 1994, located in São Paulo state, southeast of Brazil, was conducted. The hypothesis of this study is that the conservation of this area is important for the maintenance of the aquatic biodiversity of this biome, and so, this world hotspot deserves priority conservation actions. From 2005 to 2007, benthic macroinvertebrates, fishes and, eventually, anuran amphibians were sampled in these streams. The results showed that Japi Mountain contributes to the conservation of 138 taxonomic units of the aquatic biota and covers a rich and representative biodiversity of freshwater fauna of the world (0.2%), Neotropical region (0.9%), Brazil (2.4%) and São Paulo state (17.9%). The studied streams in the Environmental Protection Area help protect endangered taxa like the fishes Neoplecostomus paranensis and Pareiorhina cf rudolphi, and shelter freshwater invertebrates and fishes whose distribution is restricted to the Brazilian territory. Japi Mountain is also an important haven of species that was missing there like the frog species Vitreorana eurygnatha. Thus, this species inventory emphasises the importance of conservation actions of the freshwater environments of this Biosphere Reserve of Atlantic Forest.

  17. Hydrocarbon Reserves: Abundance or Scarcity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    IFP and the OAPEC jointly organize a regular international seminar dealing with world oil-related problems appearing in the news. For the first time, this seminar has been opened to oil and gas company specialists, service companies, research centers and independents. This year's theme concerns oil and gas reserves: are they abundant or are we headed towards the shortages announced by some experts? This theme is especially topical in that: oil and gas currently meet two thirds of world energy needs and almost completely dominate the transport sector; the reserves declared by the OAPEC countries account for nearly half of world reserves; the price of a barrel of oil went through the roof in 2004; world energy demand is growing fast and alternative sources of energy are far from ready to take over from oil and gas in the next few decades. Since the reserves correspond to the volume it is technically and economically viable to produce, the seminar has, of course, dealt with the technical and economic questions that arise in connection with exploration and production, but it has also considered changes in the geopolitical context. Presentations by the leading companies of the OAPEC countries and by the IFP group were completed by presentation from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the IHS Energy Group, Total and Gaz de France. This document gathers the transparencies of the following presentations: Hydrocarbon reserves in OAPEC members countries: current and future (M. Al-Lababidi); Non OAPEC liquid reserves and production forecasts (Y. Mathieu); World oil and gas resources and production outlook (K. Chew); Global investments in the upstream (F. Birol); Total's policy in the oil and gas sector (C. de Margerie); Gaz de France's policy in the oil and gas sector (J. Abiteboul); NOC/IOC's opportunities in OPEC countries (I. Sandrea); Relationships between companies, countries and investors: How they may impact on the growth

  18. Hydrocarbon Reserves: Abundance or Scarcity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    IFP and the OAPEC jointly organize a regular international seminar dealing with world oil-related problems appearing in the news. For the first time, this seminar has been opened to oil and gas company specialists, service companies, research centers and independents. This year's theme concerns oil and gas reserves: are they abundant or are we headed towards the shortages announced by some experts? This theme is especially topical in that: oil and gas currently meet two thirds of world energy needs and almost completely dominate the transport sector; the reserves declared by the OAPEC countries account for nearly half of world reserves; the price of a barrel of oil went through the roof in 2004; world energy demand is growing fast and alternative sources of energy are far from ready to take over from oil and gas in the next few decades. Since the reserves correspond to the volume it is technically and economically viable to produce, the seminar has, of course, dealt with the technical and economic questions that arise in connection with exploration and production, but it has also considered changes in the geopolitical context. Presentations by the leading companies of the OAPEC countries and by the IFP group were completed by presentation from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the IHS Energy Group, Total and Gaz de France. This document gathers the transparencies of the following presentations: Hydrocarbon reserves in OAPEC members countries: current and future (M. Al-Lababidi); Non OAPEC liquid reserves and production forecasts (Y. Mathieu); World oil and gas resources and production outlook (K. Chew); Global investments in the upstream (F. Birol); Total's policy in the oil and gas sector (C. de Margerie); Gaz de France's policy in the oil and gas sector (J. Abiteboul); NOC/IOC's opportunities in OPEC countries (I. Sandrea); Relationships between companies, countries and investors: How they may impact on the growth

  19. Marins, terriens et touristes sur la côte d’Albâtre: «renoncer, moi? jamais!»

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara Evrard


    Full Text Available L’objectif de cet article est de montrer et de questionner la territorialisation de la Côte d’Albâtre à partir des expériences corporelles qui s’y déploient. Ce littoral, à première vue peu propice au développement des loisirs, sert pourtant de «terrain de jeu» à quelques pratiquants d’activités de nature. Nous cherchons à mieux comprendre dans quelle mesure les activités de nature participent de la production d’usages et d’images constitutifs de médiation(s territoriale(s et d’identité maritime spécifique à la Haute-Normandie et dans le même temps distincte de celle des non pratiquants.

  20. Vitamin D and the brain: Genomic and non-genomic actions. (United States)

    Cui, Xiaoying; Gooch, Helen; Petty, Alice; McGrath, John J; Eyles, Darryl


    1,25(OH) 2 D 3 (vitamin D) is well-recognized as a neurosteroid that modulates multiple brain functions. A growing body of evidence indicates that vitamin D plays a pivotal role in brain development, neurotransmission, neuroprotection and immunomodulation. However, the precise molecular mechanisms by which vitamin D exerts these functions in the brain are still unclear. Vitamin D signalling occurs via the vitamin D receptor (VDR), a zinc-finger protein in the nuclear receptor superfamily. Like other nuclear steroids, vitamin D has both genomic and non-genomic actions. The transcriptional activity of vitamin D occurs via the nuclear VDR. Its faster, non-genomic actions can occur when the VDR is distributed outside the nucleus. The VDR is present in the developing and adult brain where it mediates the effects of vitamin D on brain development and function. The purpose of this review is to summarise the in vitro and in vivo work that has been conducted to characterise the genomic and non-genomic actions of vitamin D in the brain. Additionally we link these processes to functional neurochemical and behavioural outcomes. Elucidation of the precise molecular mechanisms underpinning vitamin D signalling in the brain may prove useful in understanding the role this steroid plays in brain ontogeny and function. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. 47 CFR 80.146 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... MARITIME SERVICES Operating Requirements and Procedures Shipboard General Purpose Watches § 80.146 [Reserved] ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false [Reserved] 80.146 Section 80.146...

  2. Talk and Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Lars Thøger; Morsing, Mette; Thyssen, Ole

    The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between organizational talk and action. Focusing in particular on the temporal dimension of this relationship, that is, the potential for talk to become action over time, we put forward ideal types of organizational strategies for possible talk...

  3. Renormalized action improvements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zachos, C.


    Finite lattice spacing artifacts are suppressed on the renormalized actions. The renormalized action trajectories of SU(N) lattice gauge theories are considered from the standpoint of the Migdal-Kadanoff approximation. The minor renormalized trajectories which involve representations invariant under the center are discussed and quantified. 17 references

  4. Mathematics in Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    December 2004-November 2007 Denmark, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and Spain have cooperated in the project Mathematics in Action (MiA). The MiA project is supported by the Grundtvig action in the Socrates program of the European Commission. The aim of the project...

  5. Viewpoint Manifolds for Action Recognition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Souvenir Richard


    Full Text Available Abstract Action recognition from video is a problem that has many important applications to human motion analysis. In real-world settings, the viewpoint of the camera cannot always be fixed relative to the subject, so view-invariant action recognition methods are needed. Previous view-invariant methods use multiple cameras in both the training and testing phases of action recognition or require storing many examples of a single action from multiple viewpoints. In this paper, we present a framework for learning a compact representation of primitive actions (e.g., walk, punch, kick, sit that can be used for video obtained from a single camera for simultaneous action recognition and viewpoint estimation. Using our method, which models the low-dimensional structure of these actions relative to viewpoint, we show recognition rates on a publicly available dataset previously only achieved using multiple simultaneous views.

  6. Unsupervised Learning of Action Primitives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baby, Sanmohan; Krüger, Volker; Kragic, Danica


    and scale, the use of the object can provide a strong invariant for the detection of motion primitives. In this paper we propose an unsupervised learning approach for action primitives that makes use of the human movements as well as the object state changes. We group actions according to the changes......Action representation is a key issue in imitation learning for humanoids. With the recent finding of mirror neurons there has been a growing interest in expressing actions as a combination meaningful subparts called primitives. Primitives could be thought of as an alphabet for the human actions....... In this paper we observe that human actions and objects can be seen as being intertwined: we can interpret actions from the way the body parts are moving, but as well from how their effect on the involved object. While human movements can look vastly different even under minor changes in location, orientation...

  7. Changing educational inequalities in India in the context of affirmative action. (United States)

    Desai, Sonalde; Kulkarni, Veena


    Indian society suffers from substantial inequalities in education, employment, and income based on caste and ethnicity. Compensatory or positive discrimination policies reserve 15% of the seats in institutions of higher education and state and central government jobs for people of the lowest caste, the Scheduled Caste; 7.5% of the seats are reserved for the Scheduled Tribe. These programs have been strengthened by improved enforcement and increased funding in the 1990s. This positive discrimination has also generated popular backlash and on-the-ground sabotage of the programs. This paper examines the changes in educational attainment between various social groups for a period of nearly 20 years to see whether educational inequalities have declined over time. We use data from a large national sample survey of over 100,000 households for each of the four survey years--1983, 1987-1988, 1993-1994, and 1999-2000--and focus on the educational attainment of children and young adults aged 6-29. Our results show a declining gap between dalits, adivasis, and others in the odds of completing primary school. Such improvement is not seen for Muslims, a minority group that does not benefit from affirmative action. We find little improvement in inequality at the college level. Further, we do not find evidence that upper-income groups, the so-called creamy layer of dalits and adivasis, disproportionately benefit from the affirmative action programs at the expense of their lower-income counterparts.

  8. A database of whole-body action videos for the study of action, emotion, and untrustworthiness. (United States)

    Keefe, Bruce D; Villing, Matthias; Racey, Chris; Strong, Samantha L; Wincenciak, Joanna; Barraclough, Nick E


    We present a database of high-definition (HD) videos for the study of traits inferred from whole-body actions. Twenty-nine actors (19 female) were filmed performing different actions-walking, picking up a box, putting down a box, jumping, sitting down, and standing and acting-while conveying different traits, including four emotions (anger, fear, happiness, sadness), untrustworthiness, and neutral, where no specific trait was conveyed. For the actions conveying the four emotions and untrustworthiness, the actions were filmed multiple times, with the actor conveying the traits with different levels of intensity. In total, we made 2,783 action videos (in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional format), each lasting 7 s with a frame rate of 50 fps. All videos were filmed in a green-screen studio in order to isolate the action information from all contextual detail and to provide a flexible stimulus set for future use. In order to validate the traits conveyed by each action, we asked participants to rate each of the actions corresponding to the trait that the actor portrayed in the two-dimensional videos. To provide a useful database of stimuli of multiple actions conveying multiple traits, each video name contains information on the gender of the actor, the action executed, the trait conveyed, and the rating of its perceived intensity. All videos can be downloaded free at the following address: We discuss potential uses for the database in the analysis of the perception of whole-body actions.

  9. Impulsive action and impulsive choice across substance and behavioral addictions: cause or consequence? (United States)

    Grant, Jon E; Chamberlain, Samuel R


    Substance use disorders are prevalent and debilitating. Certain behavioral syndromes ('behavioral addictions') characterized by repetitive habits, such as gambling disorder, stealing, shopping, and compulsive internet use, may share clinical, co-morbid, and neurobiological parallels with substance addictions. This review considers overlap between substance and behavioral addictions with a particular focus on impulsive action (inability to inhibit motor responses), and impulsive choice (preference for immediate smaller rewards to the detriment of long-term outcomes). We find that acute consumption of drugs with abuse potential is capable of modulating impulsive choice and action, although magnitude and direction of effect appear contingent on baseline function. Many lines of evidence, including findings from meta-analyses, show an association between chronic drug use and elevated impulsive choice and action. In some instances, elevated impulsive choice and action have been found to predate the development of substance use disorders, perhaps signifying their candidacy as objective vulnerability markers. Research in behavioral addictions is preliminary, and has mostly focused on impulsive action, finding this to be elevated versus controls, similar to that seen in chronic substance use disorders. Only a handful of imaging studies has explored the neural correlates of impulsive action and choice across these disorders. Key areas for future research are highlighted along with potential implications in terms of neurobiological models and treatment. In particular, future work should further explore whether the cognitive deficits identified are state or trait in nature: i.e. are evident before addiction perhaps signaling risk; or are a consequence of repetitive engagement in habitual behavior; and effects of novel agents known to modulate these cognitive abilities on various addictive disorders. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. 47 CFR 25.219 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false [Reserved] 25.219 Section 25.219 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Technical Standards § 25.219 [Reserved] ...

  11. Enforcement actions: significant actions resolved. Quarterly progress report, July-September 1982

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during one quarterly period (July to September 1982) and includes copies of letters, notices, and orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the licensee with respect to the enforcement action. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, in the interest of promoting public health and safety as well as common defense and security. This publication is issued on a quarterly basis to include significant enforcement actions resolved during the preceding quarter

  12. Freedom in Action

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miltenburg, N. van


    Free will is the capacity to select and execute one really possible action alternative. In recent years this simple libertarian picture of our capacity to freely act has drawn much criticism. Many neuroscientists claim that we do not have a capacity to select alternative courses of action since our

  13. A minimal architecture for joint action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vesper, Cordula; Butterfill, Stephen; Knoblich, Günther


    What kinds of processes and representations make joint action possible? In this paper we suggest a minimal architecture for joint action that focuses on representations, action monitoring and action prediction processes, as well as ways of simplifying coordination. The architecture spells out...... minimal requirements for an individual agent to engage in a joint action. We discuss existing evidence in support of the architecture as well as open questions that remain to be empirically addressed. In addition, we suggest possible interfaces between the minimal architecture and other approaches...... to joint action. The minimal architecture has implications for theorizing about the emergence of joint action, for human-machine interaction, and for understanding how coordination can be facilitated by exploiting relations between multiple agents’ actions and between actions and the environment....

  14. Botanical compounds and their regulation of nuclear receptor action: the case of traditional Chinese medicine. (United States)

    Li, Ling; Bonneton, François; Chen, Xiao Yong; Laudet, Vincent


    Nuclear receptors (NRs) are major pharmacological targets that allow an access to the mechanisms controlling gene regulation. As such, some NRs were identified as biological targets of active compounds contained in herbal remedies found in traditional medicines. We aim here to review this expanding literature by focusing on the informative articles regarding the mechanisms of action of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs). We exemplified well-characterized TCM action mediated by NR such as steroid receptors (ER, GR, AR), metabolic receptors (PPAR, LXR, FXR, PXR, CAR) and RXR. We also provided, when possible, examples from other traditional medicines. From these, we draw a parallel between TCMs and phytoestrogens or endocrine disrupting chemicals also acting via NR. We define common principle of action and highlight the potential and limits of those compounds. TCMs, by finely tuning physiological reactions in positive and negative manners, could act, in a subtle but efficient way, on NR sensors and their transcriptional network. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Ionic channels underlying the ventricular action potential in zebrafish embryo. (United States)

    Alday, Aintzane; Alonso, Hiart; Gallego, Monica; Urrutia, Janire; Letamendia, Ainhoa; Callol, Carles; Casis, Oscar


    Over the last years zebrafish has become a popular model in the study of cardiac physiology, pathology and pharmacology. Recently, the application of the 3Rs regulation and the characteristics of the embryo have reduced the use of adult zebrafish use in many studies. However, the zebrafish embryo cardiac physiology is poorly characterized since most works have used indirect techniques and direct recordings of cardiac action potential and ionic currents are scarce. In order to optimize the zebrafish embryo model, we used electrophysiological, pharmacological and immunofluorescence tools to identify the characteristics and the ionic channels involved in the ventricular action potentials of zebrafish embryos. The application of Na(+) or T-type Ca(+2) channel blockers eliminated the cardiac electrical activity, indicating that the action potential upstroke depends on Na(+) and T-type Ca(+2) currents. The plateau phase depends on L-type Ca(+2) channels since it is abolished by specific blockade. The direct channel blockade indicates that the action potential repolarization and diastolic potential depends on ERG K(+) channels. The presence in the embryonic heart of the Nav1.5, Cav1.2, Cav3.2 and ERG channels was also confirmed by immunofluorescence, while the absence of effect of specific blockers and immunostaining indicate that two K(+) repolarizing currents present in human heart, Ito and IKs, are absent in the embryonic zebrafish heart. Our results describe the ionic channels present and its role in the zebrafish embryo heart and support the use of zebrafish embryos to study human diseases and their use for drug testing. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. 47 CFR 80.145 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... MARITIME SERVICES Operating Requirements and Procedures Special Procedures-Ship Stations § 80.145 [Reserved] Shipboard General Purpose Watches ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false [Reserved] 80.145 Section 80.145...

  17. 5 CFR 330.610 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] 330.610 Section 330.610 Administrative Personnel OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CIVIL SERVICE REGULATIONS RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND... Employees § 330.610 [Reserved] ...

  18. 5 CFR 330.603 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] 330.603 Section 330.603 Administrative Personnel OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CIVIL SERVICE REGULATIONS RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND... Employees § 330.603 [Reserved] ...

  19. 40 CFR 405.73 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 28 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true [Reserved] 405.73 Section 405.73 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) EFFLUENT GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS DAIRY... § 405.73 [Reserved] ...

  20. Shell trips over its reserves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jemain, A.


    Some mistakes in the evaluation of the proven reserves of Royal Dutch Shell group, the second world petroleum leader, will oblige the other oil and gas companies to be more transparent and vigilant in the future. The proven reserves ('P90' in petroleum professionals' language) are the most important indicators of the mining patrimony of companies. These strategic data are reported each year in the annual reports of the companies and are examined by the security exchange commission. The evaluation of reserves is perfectly codified by the US energy policy and conservation act and its accountable translation using the FAS 69 standard allows to establish long-term cash-flow forecasts. The revision announced by Shell on January 9 leads to a 20% reduction of its proven reserves. Short paper. (J.S.)

  1. Observed Human Actions, and Not Mechanical Actions, Induce Searching Errors in Infants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yusuke Moriguchi


    Full Text Available Recent neurophysiological studies have shown that several human brain regions involved in executing actions are activated by merely observing such actions via a human, and not by a mechanical hand. At a behavioral level, observing a human’s movements, but not those of a robot, significantly interferes with ongoing executed movements. However, it is unclear whether the biological tuning in the observation/execution matching system are functional during infancy. The present study examines whether a human’s actions, and not a mechanical action, influence infants’ execution of the same actions due to the observation/execution matching system. Twelve-month-old infants were given a searching task. In the tasks, infants observed an object hidden at location A, after which either a human hand (human condition or a mechanical one (mechanical condition searched the object correctly. Next, the object was hidden at location B and infants were allowed to search the object. We examined whether infants searched the object at location B correctly. The results revealed that infants in the human condition were more likely to search location A than those in the mechanical condition. Moreover, the results suggested that infants’ searching behaviors were affected by their observations of the same actions by a human, but not a mechanical hand. Thus, it may be concluded that the observation/execution matching system may be biologically tuned during infancy.

  2. Hydrocarbon Reserves: Abundance or Scarcity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    IFP and the OAPEC jointly organize a regular international seminar dealing with world oil-related problems appearing in the news. For the first time, this seminar has been opened to oil and gas company specialists, service companies, research centers and independents. This year's theme concerns oil and gas reserves: are they abundant or are we headed towards the shortages announced by some experts? This theme is especially topical in that: oil and gas currently meet two thirds of world energy needs and almost completely dominate the transport sector; the reserves declared by the OAPEC countries account for nearly half of world reserves; the price of a barrel of oil went through the roof in 2004; world energy demand is growing fast and alternative sources of energy are far from ready to take over from oil and gas in the next few decades. Since the reserves correspond to the volume it is technically and economically viable to produce, the seminar has, of course, dealt with the technical and economic questions that arise in connection with exploration and production, but it has also considered changes in the geopolitical context. Presentations by the leading companies of the OAPEC countries and by the IFP group were completed by presentation from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the IHS Energy Group, Total and Gaz de France. This document gathers the transparencies of the following presentations: Hydrocarbon reserves in OAPEC members countries: current and future (M. Al-Lababidi); Non OAPEC liquid reserves and production forecasts (Y. Mathieu); World oil and gas resources and production outlook (K. Chew); Global investments in the upstream (F. Birol); Total's policy in the oil and gas sector (C. de Margerie); Gaz de France's policy in the oil and gas sector (J. Abiteboul); NOC/IOC's opportunities in OPEC countries (I. Sandrea); Relationships between companies, countries and investors: How they may

  3. Estrategias territoriales participativas como instrumentos de diagnóstico y prospectiva, en el contexto europeo de los fondos de cohesión 2014–2020: el caso de Villena (Alicante = Territorial participatory strategies as instruments of diagnosis and ...

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Martínez Puche


    Full Text Available Las Estrategias Territoriales de carácter participado, se han convertido en el instrumento válido para diagnosticar las necesidades de un territorio. La Unión Europea obliga la aplicación de esta herramienta en el nuevo contexto del periodo 2014–2020. En el municipio de Villena (Alicante, se realizó una estrategia territorial integrada, desde hace dos años que ha derivado en un foro económico social, a través del proceso de abajo-arriba. El estudio de caso avala que la ciudadanía sí que es importante y ha participado activamente en una planificación estratégica ya que los nuevos tiempos, en el contexto del desarrollo local, así lo determinan. Se establecen las fases de aplicación, la metodología utilizada y también los resultados obtenidos.The participated Territorial Strategies, they have transformed into the valid instrument to diagnose the necessities of a territory. European Union forces the application of this tool in the new context of the period 2014–2020. In the municipality of Villena (Alicante, she was carried out a territorial integrated strategy, for two years that it has derived in an economic Social Forum, through the process bottom-up. The citizenship is important and it has participated actively since in a strategic planning the new times, in the context of the local development, they determine this way it. The application phases settle down, the used methodology and also the obtained results.

  4. 47 CFR 25.402 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false [Reserved] 25.402 Section 25.402 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) COMMON CARRIER SERVICES SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Competitive Bidding Procedures for DARS § 25.402 [Reserved] ...

  5. 40 CFR 408.73 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 28 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true [Reserved] 408.73 Section 408.73 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) EFFLUENT GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS... Processing Subcategory § 408.73 [Reserved] ...

  6. 40 CFR 407.73 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 28 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true [Reserved] 407.73 Section 407.73 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) EFFLUENT GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS... Vegetables Subcategory § 407.73 [Reserved] ...

  7. Sense of agency in continuous action: Assistance-induced performance improvement is self-attributed even with knowledge of assistance. (United States)

    Inoue, Kazuya; Takeda, Yuji; Kimura, Motohiro


    In a task involving continuous action to achieve a goal, the sense of agency increases with an improvement in task performance that is induced by unnoticed computer assistance. This study investigated how explicit instruction about the existence of computer assistance affects the increase of sense of agency that accompanies performance improvement. Participants performed a continuous action task in which they controlled the direction of motion of a dot to a goal by pressing keys. When instructions indicated the absence of assistance, the sense of agency increased with performance improvement induced by computer assistance, replicating previous findings. Interestingly, this increase of sense of agency was also observed even when instructions indicated the presence of assistance. These results suggest that even when a plausible cause of performance improvement other than one's own action exists, the improvement can be misattributed to one's own control of action, resulting in an increased sense of agency. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Thin and sexy vs. muscular and dominant: Prevalence of gendered body ideals in popular dolls and action figures. (United States)

    Boyd, Hope; Murnen, Sarah K


    We examined the extent to which popular dolls and action figures were portrayed with gendered body proportions, and the extent to which these gendered ideals were associated with heterosexual "success." We coded internet depictions of 72 popular female dolls and 71 popular male action figures from the websites of three national stores in the United States. Sixty-two percent of dolls had a noticeably thin body, while 42.3% of action figures had noticeably muscular bodies. Further, more thin dolls were portrayed with more sex object features than less thin dolls, including revealing, tight clothing and high-heeled shoes; bodies positioned with a curved spine, bent knee, and head cant; and with a sexually appealing facial expression. More muscular male action figures were more likely than less muscular ones to be shown with hands in fists and with an angry, emotional expression, suggesting male dominance. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Action Research and Interactive Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svensson, lennart; Nielsen, Kurt Aagaard


    The authors present trends in Nordic action research. They ask critical questions in the development towards mode 2 and points out alternative roads for a scientific consolidation of action research and interactive research.......The authors present trends in Nordic action research. They ask critical questions in the development towards mode 2 and points out alternative roads for a scientific consolidation of action research and interactive research....

  10. 46 CFR 308.301 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false [Reserved] 308.301 Section 308.301 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE Second Seamen's War Risk Insurance § 308.301 [Reserved] ...

  11. 46 CFR 308.305 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false [Reserved] 308.305 Section 308.305 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE Second Seamen's War Risk Insurance § 308.305 [Reserved] ...

  12. 48 CFR 4.501 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false [Reserved] 4.501 Section 4.501 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Electronic Commerce in Contracting 4.501 [Reserved] ...

  13. 49 CFR 17.4 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false [Reserved] 17.4 Section 17.4 Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES § 17.4 [Reserved] ...

  14. How and why actions are selected: action selection and the dark room problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Venter Elmarie


    Full Text Available In this paper, I examine an evolutionary approach to the action selection problem and illustrate how it helps raise an objection to the predictive processing account. Clark examines the predictive processing account as a theory of brain function that aims to unify perception, action, and cognition, but - despite this aim - fails to consider action selection overtly. He off ers an account of action control with the implication that minimizing prediction error is an imperative of living organisms because, according to the predictive processing account, action is employed to fulfill expectations and reduce prediction error. One way in which this can be achieved is by seeking out the least stimulating environment and staying there (Friston et al. 2012: 2. Bayesian, neuroscientific, and machine learning approaches into a single framework whose overarching principle is the minimization of surprise (or, equivalently, the maximization of expectation. But, most living organisms do not find, and stay in, surprise free environments. This paper explores this objection, also called the “dark room problem”, and examines Clark’s response to the problem. Finally, I recommend that if supplemented with an account of action selection, Clark’s account will avoid the dark room problem.

  15. Relations between 18-month-olds' gaze pattern and target action performance: a deferred imitation study with eye tracking. (United States)

    Óturai, Gabriella; Kolling, Thorsten; Knopf, Monika


    of both functional and arbitrary target actions. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. 39 CFR 111.5 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 39 Postal Service 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false [Reserved] 111.5 Section 111.5 Postal Service UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE POST OFFICE SERVICES [DOMESTIC MAIL] GENERAL INFORMATION ON POSTAL SERVICE § 111.5 [Reserved] ...

  17. 7 CFR 801.10 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] 801.10 Section 801.10 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION, PACKERS AND STOCKYARD... FOR GRAIN INSPECTION EQUIPMENT § 801.10 [Reserved] ...

  18. 40 CFR 26.1124 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false [Reserved] 26.1124 Section 26.1124 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GENERAL PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS Basic Ethical...-nursing Adults § 26.1124 [Reserved] ...

  19. Cisplatin in cancer therapy: molecular mechanisms of action. (United States)

    Dasari, Shaloam; Tchounwou, Paul Bernard


    Cisplatin, cisplatinum, or cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II), is a well-known chemotherapeutic drug. It has been used for treatment of numerous human cancers including bladder, head and neck, lung, ovarian, and testicular cancers. It is effective against various types of cancers, including carcinomas, germ cell tumors, lymphomas, and sarcomas. Its mode of action has been linked to its ability to crosslink with the purine bases on the DNA; interfering with DNA repair mechanisms, causing DNA damage, and subsequently inducing apoptosis in cancer cells. However, because of drug resistance and numerous undesirable side effects such as severe kidney problems, allergic reactions, decrease immunity to infections, gastrointestinal disorders, hemorrhage, and hearing loss especially in younger patients, other platinum-containing anti-cancer drugs such as carboplatin, oxaliplatin and others, have also been used. Furthermore, combination therapies of cisplatin with other drugs have been highly considered to overcome drug-resistance and reduce toxicity. This comprehensive review highlights the physicochemical properties of cisplatin and related platinum-based drugs, and discusses its uses (either alone or in combination with other drugs) for the treatment of various human cancers. A special attention is paid to its molecular mechanisms of action, and its undesirable side effects. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. 40 CFR 73.51 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 16 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false [Reserved] 73.51 Section 73.51 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) SULFUR DIOXIDE ALLOWANCE SYSTEM Allowance Transfers § 73.51 [Reserved] ...

  1. 40 CFR 73.11 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 16 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false [Reserved] 73.11 Section 73.11 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) SULFUR DIOXIDE ALLOWANCE SYSTEM Allowance Allocations § 73.11 [Reserved] ...

  2. Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Korsgaard, Steffen T.; Anderson, Alistair

    Abstract Objectives - This paper explores how entrepreneurial action can lead to environmental sustainability. It builds on the assumption that the creation of sustainble practices is one of the most important challenges facing the global society, and that entrepreneurial action is a vital......: resource oriented sustainable entrepreneurial action.  Approach - The paper uses a case study approach to build deeper theoretical knowledge of environmentally sustainable entrepreneurship.  Results - The paper identifies and analyses a distinct form of sustainable entrepreneurship -  resource oriented...... entrepreneurship - which uses bricolage in various ways to create sustainable solutions. Implications and value - The concept of resource oriented sustainable entrepreneurship contributes to the theoretical understanding of how entrepreneurial action can support sustainability, Furthermore the case study has...

  3. Enforcement actions: significant actions resolved. Quarterly progress report, January-June 1982

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation summarizes significant enforcement actions that have been resolved during two quarterly periods (January to June 1982) and includes copies of letters, notices, and orders sent by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the licensee with respect to the enforcement action. It is anticipated that the information in this publication will be widely disseminated to managers and employees engaged in activities licensed by the NRC, in the interest of promoting public health and safety as well as common defense and security. The intention is that this publication will be issued on a quarterly basis to include significant enforcement actions resolved during the preceding quarter

  4. Significant NRC Enforcement Actions (United States)

    Nuclear Regulatory Commission — This dataset provides a list of Nuclear Regulartory Commission (NRC) issued significant enforcement actions. These actions, referred to as "escalated", are issued by...

  5. Securities issues in reserves reporting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Legg, M.B.


    Securities issues in oil and gas reserves reporting were discussed. Alberta requires specific information regarding important oil and gas properties, plants, facilities and installations. When preparing the reserves report, the following elements are important to consider: (1) the author of the report must be a registered professional engineer or registered professional geologist, (2) the report itself must be an engineering document, (3) the content of the report must be extensive, (4) it should be prepared in accordance with petroleum engineering and evaluation practices, and must include a summary of estimated net reserves

  6. 19 CFR 210.22 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false [Reserved] 210.22 Section 210.22 Customs Duties UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION INVESTIGATIONS OF UNFAIR PRACTICES IN IMPORT TRADE ADJUDICATION AND ENFORCEMENT Motions § 210.22 [Reserved] ...

  7. 40 CFR 73.32 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 16 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false [Reserved] 73.32 Section 73.32 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) SULFUR DIOXIDE ALLOWANCE SYSTEM Allowance Tracking System § 73.32 [Reserved] ...

  8. Translating visual information into action predictions: Statistical learning in action and nonaction contexts. (United States)

    Monroy, Claire D; Gerson, Sarah A; Hunnius, Sabine


    Humans are sensitive to the statistical regularities in action sequences carried out by others. In the present eyetracking study, we investigated whether this sensitivity can support the prediction of upcoming actions when observing unfamiliar action sequences. In two between-subjects conditions, we examined whether observers would be more sensitive to statistical regularities in sequences performed by a human agent versus self-propelled 'ghost' events. Secondly, we investigated whether regularities are learned better when they are associated with contingent effects. Both implicit and explicit measures of learning were compared between agent and ghost conditions. Implicit learning was measured via predictive eye movements to upcoming actions or events, and explicit learning was measured via both uninstructed reproduction of the action sequences and verbal reports of the regularities. The findings revealed that participants, regardless of condition, readily learned the regularities and made correct predictive eye movements to upcoming events during online observation. However, different patterns of explicit-learning outcomes emerged following observation: Participants were most likely to re-create the sequence regularities and to verbally report them when they had observed an actor create a contingent effect. These results suggest that the shift from implicit predictions to explicit knowledge of what has been learned is facilitated when observers perceive another agent's actions and when these actions cause effects. These findings are discussed with respect to the potential role of the motor system in modulating how statistical regularities are learned and used to modify behavior.

  9. In and out of control: brain mechanisms linking fluency of action selection to self-agency in patients with schizophrenia. (United States)

    Voss, Martin; Chambon, Valérian; Wenke, Dorit; Kühn, Simone; Haggard, Patrick


    Sense of agency refers to the feeling of control over one's actions, and their consequences. It involves both predictive processes linked to action control, and retrospective 'sense-making' causal inferences. Schizophrenia has been associated with impaired predictive processing, but the underlying mechanisms that impair patients' sense of agency remain unclear. We introduce a new 'prospective' aspect of agency and show that subliminally priming an action not only influences response times, but also influences reported sense of agency over subsequent action outcomes. This effect of priming was associated with altered connectivity between frontal areas and the angular gyrus. The effects on response times and on frontal action selection mechanisms were similar in patients with schizophrenia and in healthy volunteers. However, patients showed no effects of priming on sense of agency, no priming-related activation of angular gyrus, and no priming-related changes in fronto-parietal connectivity. We suggest angular gyrus activation reflects the experiences of agency, or non-agency, in part by processing action selection signals generated in the frontal lobes. The altered action awareness that characterizes schizophrenia may be due to impaired communication between these areas. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  10. Poverty and corruption compromise tropical forest reserves. (United States)

    Wright, S Joseph; Sanchez-Azofeifa, G Arturo; Portillo-Quintero, Carlos; Davies, Diane


    We used the global fire detection record provided by the satellite-based Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to determine the number of fires detected inside 823 tropical and subtropical moist forest reserves and for contiguous buffer areas 5, 10, and 15 km wide. The ratio of fire detection densities (detections per square kilometer) inside reserves to their contiguous buffer areas provided an index of reserve effectiveness. Fire detection density was significantly lower inside reserves than in paired, contiguous buffer areas but varied by five orders of magnitude among reserves. The buffer: reserve detection ratio varied by up to four orders of magnitude among reserves within a single country, and median values varied by three orders of magnitude among countries. Reserves tended to be least effective at reducing fire frequency in many poorer countries and in countries beset by corruption. Countries with the most successful reserves include Costa Rica, Jamaica, Malaysia, and Taiwan and the Indonesian island of Java. Countries with the most problematic reserves include Cambodia, Guatemala, Paraguay, and Sierra Leone and the Indonesian portion of Borneo. We provide fire detection density for 3964 tropical and subtropical reserves and their buffer areas in the hope that these data will expedite further analyses that might lead to improved management of tropical reserves.

  11. Teaching about Tort Law--My Actions, My Actions, Somebody Got Hurt! (United States)

    Rose, Stephen A.


    Presents a lesson plan that uses cases to teach students about three types of torts: intentional wrongs, negligence, and strict liability. Torts are wrongful actions (not involving a breech of contract) that may result in a civic action. Includes lesson procedures, objectives, and student handouts on torts and negligence cases. (MJP)

  12. An Action Environment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van den Brand, Mark; Iversen, Jørgen; Mosses, Peter David


    constructs underlying Core ML. The paper also describes the Action Environment, a new environment supporting use and validation of ASDF descriptions. The Action Environment has been implemented on top of the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment, exploiting recent advances in techniques for integration of different...... formalisms, and inheriting all the main features of the Meta-Environment....

  13. Skyline Reservation System (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — Flight reservation application used for in-country flights by USAID and DoS staff in Afghanistan. The application is managed and maintained by the vendor and USAID...

  14. 7 CFR 1900.57 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 12 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] 1900.57 Section 1900.57 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) RURAL HOUSING SERVICE, RURAL BUSINESS-COOPERATIVE... GENERAL Adverse Decisions and Administrative Appeals § 1900.57 [Reserved] ...

  15. 22 CFR 99.3 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false [Reserved] 99.3 Section 99.3 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE LEGAL AND RELATED SERVICES REPORTING ON CONVENTION AND NON-CONVENTION ADOPTIONS OF EMIGRATING CHILDREN § 99.3 [Reserved] ...

  16. 29 CFR 579.4 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false [Reserved] 579.4 Section 579.4 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGULATIONS CHILD LABOR VIOLATIONS-CIVIL MONEY PENALTIES § 579.4 [Reserved] ...

  17. 18 CFR 284.125 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false [Reserved] 284.125 Section 284.125 Conservation of Power and Water Resources FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT... Certain Transportation by Intrastate Pipelines § 284.125 [Reserved] ...

  18. Role of medial premotor areas in action language processing in relation to motor skills. (United States)

    Courson, Melody; Macoir, Joël; Tremblay, Pascale


    The literature reports that the supplementary motor area (SMA) and pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA) are involved in motor planning and execution, and in motor-related cognitive functions such as motor imagery. However, their specific role in action language processing remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated the impact of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over SMA and pre-SMA during an action semantic analogy task (SAT) in relation with fine motor skills (i.e., manual dexterity) and motor imagery abilities in healthy non-expert adults. The impact of rTMS over SMA (but not pre-SMA) on reaction times (RT) during SAT was correlated with manual dexterity. Specifically, results show that rTMS over SMA modulated RT for those with lower dexterity skills. Our results therefore demonstrate a causal involvement of SMA in action language processing, as well as the existence of inter-individual differences in this involvement. We discuss these findings in light of neurolinguistic theories of language processing. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Meta-analysis of action video game impact on perceptual, attentional, and cognitive skills. (United States)

    Bediou, Benoit; Adams, Deanne M; Mayer, Richard E; Tipton, Elizabeth; Green, C Shawn; Bavelier, Daphne


    The ubiquity of video games in today's society has led to significant interest in their impact on the brain and behavior and in the possibility of harnessing games for good. The present meta-analyses focus on one specific game genre that has been of particular interest to the scientific community-action video games, and cover the period 2000-2015. To assess the long-lasting impact of action video game play on various domains of cognition, we first consider cross-sectional studies that inform us about the cognitive profile of habitual action video game players, and document a positive average effect of about half a standard deviation (g = 0.55). We then turn to long-term intervention studies that inform us about the possibility of causally inducing changes in cognition via playing action video games, and show a smaller average effect of a third of a standard deviation (g = 0.34). Because only intervention studies using other commercially available video game genres as controls were included, this latter result highlights the fact that not all games equally impact cognition. Moderator analyses indicated that action video game play robustly enhances the domains of top-down attention and spatial cognition, with encouraging signs for perception. Publication bias remains, however, a threat with average effects in the published literature estimated to be 30% larger than in the full literature. As a result, we encourage the field to conduct larger cohort studies and more intervention studies, especially those with more than 30 hours of training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  20. Facilitating Dissident Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thydal, Signe; Svensson, Christian Franklin

    2018-01-01 crowdfunds and provides resources for direct action movements. The organisation positions itself within a political struggle to create a global solidarity network.’s challenges and possibilities are analysed in relation to juridical issues and issues of control and crowdfunds and provides resources for direct action movements. The organisation positions itself within a political struggle to create a global solidarity network.’s challenges and possibilities are analysed in relation to juridical issues and issues of control...... to support radical initiatives without breaking the law: some activists sympathise with movements in a juridical grey zone. Both issues are relevant to social movements and current direct action....

  1. Revisiting progesterone receptor (PR) actions in breast cancer: Insights into PR repressive functions. (United States)

    Proietti, Cecilia J; Cenciarini, Mauro E; Elizalde, Patricia V


    Progesterone receptor (PR) is a master regulator in female reproductive tissues that controls developmental processes and proliferation and differentiation during the reproductive cycle and pregnancy. PR also plays a role in progression of endocrine-dependent breast cancer. As a member of the nuclear receptor family of ligand-dependent transcription factors, the main action of PR is to regulate networks of target gene expression in response to binding its cognate steroid hormone, progesterone. Liganded-PR transcriptional activation has been thoroughly studied and associated mechanisms have been described while progesterone-mediated repression has remained less explored. The present work summarizes recent advances in the understanding of how PR-mediated repression is accomplished in breast cancer cells and highlights the significance of fully understanding the determinants of context-dependent PR action. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Training Of Manual Actions Improves Language Understanding of Semantically-Related Action Sentences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matteo eLocatelli


    Full Text Available Conceptual knowledge accessed by language may involve the re-activation of the associated primary sensory-motor processes. Whether these embodied representations are indeed constitutive to conceptual knowledge is hotly debated, particularly since direct evidence that sensory-motor expertise can improve conceptual processing is scarce.In this study, we sought for this crucial piece of evidence, by training naive healthy subjects to perform complex manual actions and by measuring, before and after training, their performance in a semantic language task. 19 participants engaged in 3 weeks of motor training. Each participant was trained in 3 complex manual actions (e.g. origami. Before and after the training period, each subject underwent a series of manual dexterity tests and a semantic language task. The latter consisted of a sentence-picture semantic congruency judgment task, with 6 target congruent sentence-picture pairs (semantically related to the trained manual actions, 6 non-target congruent pairs (semantically unrelated, and 12 filler incongruent pairs.Manual action training induced a significant improvement in all manual dexterity tests, demonstrating the successful acquisition of sensory-motor expertise. In the semantic language task, the reaction times to both target and non-target congruent sentence-image pairs decreased after action training, indicating a more efficient conceptual-semantic processing. Noteworthy, the reaction times for target pairs decreased more than those for non-target pairs, as indicated by the 2x2 interaction. These results were confirmed when controlling for the potential bias of increased frequency of use of target lexical items during manual training.The results of the present study suggest that sensory-motor expertise gained by training of specific manual actions can lead to an improvement of cognitive-linguistic skills related to the specific conceptual-semantic domain associated to the trained actions.

  3. Selective activation of heteromeric SK channels contributes to action potential repolarization in mouse atrial myocytes. (United States)

    Hancock, Jane M; Weatherall, Kate L; Choisy, Stéphanie C; James, Andrew F; Hancox, Jules C; Marrion, Neil V


    Activation of small conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channels is proposed to contribute to repolarization of the action potential in atrial myocytes. This role is controversial, as these cardiac SK channels appear to exhibit an uncharacteristic pharmacology. The objectives of this study were to resolve whether activation of SK channels contributes to atrial action potential repolarization and to determine the likely subunit composition of the channel. The effect of 2 SK channel inhibitors was assessed on outward current evoked in voltage clamp and on action potential duration in perforated patch and whole-cell current clamp recording from acutely isolated mouse atrial myocytes. The presence of SK channel subunits was assessed using immunocytochemistry. A significant component of outward current was reduced by the SK channel blockers apamin and UCL1684. Block by apamin displayed a sensitivity indicating that this current was carried by homomeric SK2 channels. Action potential duration was significantly prolonged by UCL1684, but not by apamin. This effect was accompanied by an increase in beat-to-beat variability and action potential triangulation. This pharmacology was matched by that of expressed heteromeric SK2-SK3 channels in HEK293 cells. Immunocytochemistry showed that atrial myocytes express both SK2 and SK3 channels with an overlapping expression pattern. Only proposed heteromeric SK2-SK3 channels are physiologically activated to contribute to action potential repolarization, which is indicated by the difference in pharmacology of evoked outward current and prolongation of atrial action potential duration. The effect of blocking this channel on the action potential suggests that SK channel inhibition during cardiac function has the potential to be proarrhythmic. Copyright © 2015 Heart Rhythm Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Effective action and brane running

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brevik, Iver; Ghoroku, Kazuo; Yahiro, Masanobu


    We address the renormalized effective action for a Randall-Sundrum brane running in 5D bulk space. The running behavior of the brane action is obtained by shifting the brane position without changing the background and fluctuations. After an appropriate renormalization, we obtain an effective, low energy brane world action, in which the effective 4D Planck mass is independent of the running position. We address some implications for this effective action

  5. Action principles for the Vlasov equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye, H.; Morrison, P.J.


    Five action principles for the Vlasov--Poisson and Vlasov--Maxwell equations, which differ by the variables incorporated to describe the distribution of particles in phase space, are presented. Three action principles previously known for the Vlasov--Maxwell equations are altered so as to produce the Vlasov--Poisson equation upon variation with respect to only the particle variables, and one action principle previously known for the Vlasov--Poisson equation is altered to produce the Vlasov--Maxwell equations upon variations with respect to particle and field variables independently. Also, a new action principle for both systems, which is called the leaf action, is presented. This new action has the desirable features of using only a single generating function as the dynamical variable for describing the particle distribution, and manifestly preserving invariants of the system known as Casimir invariants. The relationships between the various actions are described, and it is shown that the leaf action is a link between actions written in terms of Lagrangian and Eulerian variables

  6. 40 CFR 406.43 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 28 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true [Reserved] 406.43 Section 406.43 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) EFFLUENT GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS GRAIN MILLS POINT SOURCE CATEGORY Bulgur Wheat Flour Milling Subcategory § 406.43 [Reserved] ...

  7. 40 CFR 406.23 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 28 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true [Reserved] 406.23 Section 406.23 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) EFFLUENT GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS GRAIN MILLS POINT SOURCE CATEGORY Corn Dry Milling Subcategory § 406.23 [Reserved] ...

  8. 40 CFR 406.13 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 28 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true [Reserved] 406.13 Section 406.13 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) EFFLUENT GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS GRAIN MILLS POINT SOURCE CATEGORY Corn Wet Milling Subcategory § 406.13 [Reserved] ...

  9. 12 CFR 996.1 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] 996.1 Section 996.1 Banks and Banking FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE BOARD NON-BANK SYSTEM ENTITIES AUTHORITY FOR BANK ASSISTANCE OF THE RESOLUTION FUNDING CORPORATION § 996.1 [Reserved] ...

  10. 5 CFR 9901.513 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] 9901.513 Section 9901.513 Administrative Personnel DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND LABOR RELATIONS SYSTEMS (DEPARTMENT... (NSPS) Staffing and Employment External Recruitment and Internal Placement § 9901.513 [Reserved] ...

  11. 7 CFR 1776.4 - [Reserved (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 12 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false [Reserved] 1776.4 Section 1776.4 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) HOUSEHOLD WATER WELL SYSTEM GRANT PROGRAM General § 1776.4 [Reserved] ...

  12. 24 CFR 880.602 - Replacement reserve. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Replacement reserve. 880.602... Replacement reserve. (a) A replacement reserve must be established and maintained in an interest-bearing account to aid in funding extraordinary maintenance and repair and replacement of capital items. (1) Part...

  13. 24 CFR 572.125 - Replacement reserves. (United States)


    ...) Homeownership Program Requirements-Implementation Grants § 572.125 Replacement reserves. (a) Purpose. A single replacement reserve may be established for the homeownership program only if HUD determines it is necessary to... 24 Housing and Urban Development 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Replacement reserves. 572.125...

  14. Understanding what helps or hinders asthma action plan use: a systematic review and synthesis of the qualitative literature. (United States)

    Ring, Nicola; Jepson, Ruth; Hoskins, Gaylor; Wilson, Caroline; Pinnock, Hilary; Sheikh, Aziz; Wyke, Sally


    To understand better what helps and/or hinders asthma action plan use from the professionals and patients/carers perspective. Systematic review and qualitative synthesis (using meta-ethnography). Nineteen studies (20 papers) were included in an analysis of patients/carers' and professionals' views. Seven main influences on action plan implementation were identified including perceived un-helpfulness and irrelevance of the plans. Translation and synthesis of the original authors' interpretations suggested that action plan promotion and use was influenced by professional and patient/carers' asthma beliefs and attitudes and patient/carer experiences of managing asthma. Action plan use is hindered because professionals and patients/carers have different explanatory models of asthma, its management and their respective roles in the management process. Patients/carers, based on their experiential knowledge of their condition, perceive themselves as capable, effective in managing their asthma, but health professionals do not always share this view. Professionally provided medically focused action plans that do not 'fit' with and incorporate the patients'/carers' views of asthma, and their management strategies, will continue to be under-utilised. Professionals need to develop a more patient-centred, partnership-based, approach to the joint development and review of action plans, recognising the experiential asthma knowledge of patients/carers. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Cactus Nurseries and Conservation in a Biosphere Reserve in Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María T. Pulido


    Full Text Available Documenting how socio-ecosystem conservation knowledge and practice arise and are modified are issues of ethnobiological interest. In the Barranca de Metztitlán Biosphere Reserve (RBBM, plant nurseries, some of which were created as Environmental Management Units (UMAs, have been established to grow and conserve cacti. This paper describes these nurseries, their role in cactus conservation, and the benefits and limitations for the people managing them. The nurseries have helped decrease illegal traffic in cacti and have enabled ex situ conservation of 22 cacti species. Cactus management has changed from extraction to cultivation, as a result of the knowledge and actions of multiple actors. The main limitation is marketing, a recurring problem for non-timber forest products (NTFP. Greater coordination among stakeholders is recommended, such as involvement by non-governmental organizations to improve their probability of success, as well as learning from the experience of other cactus UMAs. Improving the market for cacti is an issue that needs an immediate solution; otherwise conservation efforts could relapse.

  16. Perception, Action, and Consciousness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    What is the relationship between perception and action, between an organism and its environment, in explaining consciousness? These are issues at the heart of philosophy of mind and the cognitive sciences. This book explores the relationship between perception and action from a variety of interdi......What is the relationship between perception and action, between an organism and its environment, in explaining consciousness? These are issues at the heart of philosophy of mind and the cognitive sciences. This book explores the relationship between perception and action from a variety...... of interdisciplinary perspectives, ranging from theoretical discussion of concepts to findings from recent scientific studies. It incorporates contributions from leading philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, and an artificial intelligence theorist. The contributions take a range of positions with respect...

  17. Reserve Component Members: A Report from the 1992 Reserve Components Survey

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Perry, Shelley


    ...: amount of compensation and benefits, impact of service on civilian jobs and family life, quality of unit leadership, downsizing of Reserves, and perceptions about skill development and its relationship to civilian jobs...

  18. Handbook on loss reserving

    CERN Document Server

    Schmidt, Klaus; Schnaus, Anja


    This handbook presents the basic aspects of actuarial loss reserving. Besides the traditional methods, it also includes a description of more recent ones and a discussion of certain problems occurring in actuarial practice, like inflation, scarce data, large claims, slow loss development, the use of market statistics, the need for simulation techniques and the task of calculating best estimates and ranges of future losses. In property and casualty insurance the provisions for payment obligations from losses that have occurred but have not yet been settled usually constitute the largest item on the liabilities side of an insurer's balance sheet. For this reason, the determination and evaluation of these loss reserves is of considerable economic importance for every property and casualty insurer. Actuarial students, academics as well as practicing actuaries will benefit from this overview of the most important actuarial methods of loss reserving by developing an understanding of the underlying stochastic models...

  19. Modeling intentional inhibition of actions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thilakarathne, D.J.; Treur, J.


    Inspired by cognitive and neurological literature on action ownership and action awareness, in this paper a computational cognitive model for intentional inhibition (i.e.; the capacity to voluntarily suspend or inhibit an action) is introduced. The interplay between (positive) potential selection of

  20. Bodily action penetrates affective perception (United States)

    Rigutti, Sara; Gerbino, Walter


    Fantoni & Gerbino (2014) showed that subtle postural shifts associated with reaching can have a strong hedonic impact and affect how actors experience facial expressions of emotion. Using a novel Motor Action Mood Induction Procedure (MAMIP), they found consistent congruency effects in participants who performed a facial emotion identification task after a sequence of visually-guided reaches: a face perceived as neutral in a baseline condition appeared slightly happy after comfortable actions and slightly angry after uncomfortable actions. However, skeptics about the penetrability of perception (Zeimbekis & Raftopoulos, 2015) would consider such evidence insufficient to demonstrate that observer’s internal states induced by action comfort/discomfort affect perception in a top-down fashion. The action-modulated mood might have produced a back-end memory effect capable of affecting post-perceptual and decision processing, but not front-end perception. Here, we present evidence that performing a facial emotion detection (not identification) task after MAMIP exhibits systematic mood-congruent sensitivity changes, rather than response bias changes attributable to cognitive set shifts; i.e., we show that observer’s internal states induced by bodily action can modulate affective perception. The detection threshold for happiness was lower after fifty comfortable than uncomfortable reaches; while the detection threshold for anger was lower after fifty uncomfortable than comfortable reaches. Action valence induced an overall sensitivity improvement in detecting subtle variations of congruent facial expressions (happiness after positive comfortable actions, anger after negative uncomfortable actions), in the absence of significant response bias shifts. Notably, both comfortable and uncomfortable reaches impact sensitivity in an approximately symmetric way relative to a baseline inaction condition. All of these constitute compelling evidence of a genuine top-down effect on