
Sample records for republik reistrto augu

  1. Corispermum intermedium, C. hyssopifolium un C. leptopterum augu sabiedrības, to ietekmējošie faktori un taksonu radniecība


    Peipiņa, Ieva


    Latvijas endēmam Corispermum intermedium un svešzemju sugām C. hyssopifolium ar C. leptopterum ir ļoti līdzīga gan morfoloģija, gan ekoloģiskie apstākļi. Literatūrā trūkst datu par Corispermum augu sabiedrībām un to sastopamības noteicošajiem ekoloģiskajiem faktoriem. Maģistra darba mērķis – noteikt jūras piekrastes smiltājos sastopamo kamieļzāļu augu sabiedrību piederību un to ietekmējošos faktorus, kā arī C. intermedium, C. hyssopifolium un C. leptopterum radniecību. Corispermum augu ...

  2. Amber Particles as Living Plant Cell Markers in Flow Cytometry / Dzintara Daļiņas Kā Dzīvu Augu Šūnu Marķieri Plūsmas Citometrijā

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    Grauda Dace


    Full Text Available Labi zināma ir dzintara labvēlīgā ietekme uz dažādiem organismiem, tomēr ir ļoti maz pētījumu par dzintara ietekmi uz augu šūnām. Tādēļ šī pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot nano un mikro lieluma (5 nm-3 μm dzintara daļiņu un dzintara komponentu (spirtā šķīstošā dzintara frakcija un sukcināta ietekmi uz augu somatiskajām un gametiskajām šūnām, un noskaidrot dzintara daļiņu piemērotību dzīvu augu šūnu iezīmēšanai urbānās vides pētījumiem, izmantojot plūsmas citometriju. Relatīvā fluorescence, izmantojot BD FACSJazz® šūnu šķirotāju ar plūsmas citometra funkciju, tika noteikta èetru dažādu ģinšu sugu (Argyranthemum frutescens, Cyclamen persicum, Hordeum vulgare, Linum usitatissimum augu šūnām pēc 2 un 24 stundu kultivācijas barotnēs ar un bez dzintara daļiņām vai dzintara komponentiem. Konstatēts, ka dzintara daļiņu klātbūtne visām pētīto augu šūnām ievērojami palielināja relatīvo fluorescenci. Dzintara komponentu ietekme uz šūnu relatīvās fluorescences izmaiņām nebija būtiska, salīdzinot ar dzintara daļiņu ietekmi. Dzintara daļiņas nesamazināja dzīvo šūnu daudzumu paraugos. Konstatēts, ka dzintara daļiņas (5 nm-3 μm var izmantot kā marķierus dzīvo šūnu iezīmēšanai plūsmas citometrijas pētījumos.


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    Asda Rasida


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan partai politik lokal Aceh dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, secara objektif bagaimana peran partai politik local Aceh dalam mewujudkan demokrasi dan hambatan-hambatan yang timbul dan bagaimana penyelesaiannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode empiris yaitu mengumpulkan data primer. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan mewawancarai responden dan informan yang menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedudukan partai politik local Aceh di dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia tidak bertentangan dengan perundang-undangan. Hal tersebut diperkuat dengan pasal 18B UUD 1945 yang menjadi dasar pembentukan partai politik lokal di Aceh dan juga berlaku asas di dalam ilmu hukum yaitu Lex Specialis Derogate Lex General yang maksudnya hukum yang bersifat khusus dapat menyampingkan hukum yang bersifat umum, demikian di Aceh juga menerapkan UU yang bersifat khusus.

  4. Vanjski pojas Republike Hrvatske

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    Marina Vokić Žužul


    Full Text Available U radu se analizira međunarodnopravno uređenje vanjskog pojasa i njegova primjena u praksi država, kroz prizmu interesa Republike Hrvatske koja taj pojas još nije proglasila. Do 2010. godine vanjski pojas uspostavilo je osamdeset i pet država u svijetu, među kojima i četrnaest država članica Europske unije. U skladu s člancima 33. i 303. Konvencije UN-a o pravu mora iz 1982., Hrvatska bi u granicama svoga budućeg vanjskog pojasa, koji bi mogao obuhvaćati 14 272 četvorna kilometra u nastavku njezinoga teritorijalnog mora, mogla obavljati nadzor potreban radi sprječavanja i kažnjavanja kršenja njezinih carinskih, fiskalnih i zdravstvenih propisa kao i propisa o useljavanju, počinjenih na njezinome kopnenom području te u njezinim unutarnjim morskim vodama i u teritorijalnome moru. Hrvatska bi u tom prostoru stekla i prava vezana uz zaštitu predmeta arheološke i povijesne naravi koji su nađeni u moru, uključujući i kažnjavanje počinitelja njihovoga neovlaštenog vađenja s dna njezinih unutarnjih morskih voda, teritorijalnoga mora i vanjskoga pojasa. U prilog proglašenja vanjskog pojasa ispred hrvatskih obala ističu se i odredbe Konvencije UNESCO-a o zaštiti podvodne kulturne baštine iz 2001., kojom se naša država obvezala među prvima u svijetu. U skladu s člankom 8. te konvencije, države stranke mogu regulirati i odobriti aktivnosti usmjerene na podvodnu kulturnu baštinu unutar svoga vanjskog pojasa. Zbog zaštite vrijednih arheoloških lokaliteta koji se nalaze u podmorju izvan našega teritorijalnog mora, kao i bolje zaštite hrvatskih interesa iz sva četiri područja predviđena člankom 33(1. Konvencije iz 1982., predlaže se što skorije proglašenje vanjskog pojasa Republike Hrvatske.

  5. Datorprogrammas kā autortiesību aizsardzības objekti Latvijas Republikā


    Cers, Gatis


    Bakalaura darbā autors analizē datorprogrammu aizsardzību ar autortiesībām Latvijas Republikā. Tiek aplūkota datorprogrammas legālās definīcijas nepieciešamība, kā arī datorprogrammu autoru iespējas aizsargāt savas tiesības gan vēršoties tiesā, gan ārpus tās. Autors Latvijas Republikas tiesisko regulējumu salīdzina ar citās valstīs pastāvošajiem regulējumiem un sniedz priekšlikumus Latvijas Republikā spēkā esošo normatīvo aktu piemērošanā, kā arī piedāvā veikt labojumus atsevišķos normatīvajo...

  6. Evro-integracije Republike Srbije: semiotička analiza

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    Marija Krstić


    Full Text Available U radu se pristupa tekućem procesu evro-integracija Republike Srbije iz semiotičke perspektive. S tim u vezi, na osnovu dostupnih podataka iz medija, evro-integracije se prvo uobličavaju u narativ, a zatim se dati narativ analizira iz semiotičke perspektive koristeći se postavkama, pre svega, Alžirdasa Žilijena Gremasa. U radu se semiotički analiziraju dva nivoa značenja: semio-narativni (površinski, sintagmatski i konkretni nivo se istražuje putem transformacijskog i aktancijalnog modela, i dubinski, apstraktni, paradigmatski i atemporalni nivo putem semiotičkog kvadrata. Cilj rada je razumevanje kako se proizvode znanje i značenja evro-integracija.

  7. Paradise in the dark: Dominican Republic, holiday island; Paradies im Dunkeln: Ferieninsel Dominikanische Republik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beck, J.


    The contribution describes travels through the Dominican Republic, where electric power is often failing and renewables are hard to spot. (orig.) [German] 'All inclusive' ist das Motto der Ferieninsel Dominikanische Republik. Nicht immer inklusive ist allerdings Strom und schon gar nicht aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen. Tagebuch einer Reise durch ein Land, in dem es an Energie fehlt. (orig.)

  8. Ein Märtyrer auf der Zugspitze? Glühbirnenkreuze, Bildpropaganda und andere Medialisierungen des Totenkults um Albert Leo Schlageter in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus


    Fuhrmeister, Christian


    Der Beitrag vergleicht die Grundzüge des Totenkults um Albert Leo Schlageter in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus. Der Fokus der Untersuchung liegt auf dem Medieneinsatz, der den nationalsozialistischen Märtyrerkult vom Totengedenken in der Weimarer Republik unterscheidet. Die verschiedenen Ebenen der Medialisierung werden abschließend an einem konkreten Fallbeispiel, dem Schlageter-Gedenken auf der Zugspitze, demonstriert.


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    Dalida Rittossa


    Full Text Available Nachdem man im Bereich psychischer Gesundheit zu zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen gekommen ist, ist es heutzutage völlig klar, dass die Achtung der Rechte psychiatrischer Patienten und die Bedingungen derer Unterbringung in psychiatrischen Anstalten einerseits und der Erfolg in der Behandlung, Deinstitutionalisierung und Destigmatisierung von Patienten andererseits direkt miteinander verbunden sind. In den letzten Jahren aber weisen die Berichte der Bürgerbeauftragten und der Beauftragten für Behinderte sowie auch zahlreiche Urteile des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte hinsichtlich der Beschwerden von Personen mit seelischen Störungen auf schlechte Bedingungen der Unterbringung und Behandlung von Patienten in psychiatrischen Anstalten der Republik Kroatien hin. Deshalb stellte sich als rechtfertigend heraus, das Ausmaß der Verwirklichung der Rechte psychiatrischer Patienten sowie auch die Bedingungen derer Behandlung zu erforschen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die Forschung in der Klinik für Psychiatrie „Vrapče“, im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus Rab, im Neuropsychiatrischem Krankenhaus „Dr. Ivan Barbot“ Popovača und im Psychiatrischen Krankenhaus Ugljan durchgeführt, den einzigen psychiatrischen Krankenhäusern in der Republik Kroatien mit Abteilungen für schuldunfähige Personen, welchen nach der Entscheidung des Strafgerichts eine Verwahrung angeordnet wurde. Dabei wurden zwei Fragebögen benutzt: der Basisfragebogen für die Leiter von psychiatrischen Anstalten und der anonyme Fragebogen für eine Patientengruppe von 80 Patienten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die durch Fragebogen aufgezeigten Ergebnisse zu analysieren.

  10. Pravice iz invalidskega zavarovanja - neskladnost 2. in 3. odstavka 66. člena ZPIZ-1 z Ustavo Republike Slovenije


    Bele, Primož


    Republika Slovenija je socialna država, kar je navedeno v drugem členu Ustave Republike Slovenije1. Upoštevajoč navedeno, prvi odstavek 50. člena Ustave RS zagotavlja državljanom pravico do socialne varnosti, pod pogoji, ki jih določa zakon. Naveden člen Ustave RS obvezuje državo, da z zakonom uredi obvezna socialna zavarovanja, torej tudi invalidsko zavarovanje. Država je dolžna zagotoviti delovanje invalidskega zavarovanja, kar je storila z zakonom o pokojninskem in invalidsk...

  11. [Accident cause masculinity?--Gender-related issues of accident victims between prevention and coping in Kaiserreich and Weimarer Republik]. (United States)

    Knoll-Jung, Sebastian


    Occupational accidents in industrial workplaces are a specific health problem for man. Therefore it seems adequate to use masculinities as a category of research in this field. For the Kaiserreich and the Weimarer Republik it shows that male workers relating to their danger awareness and behavior, prevention, accident causes and coping strategies are settled in an area of conflict between a hard workplace environment and the family. On the basis of health practices of the accident victims it appears that there are different forms of labor masculinities. They have an important influence on all levels of an occupational accident from the endangerment to the success of the treatment. Through a critical use of the category academic void can be shown and alternative explanatory models can be offered.

  12. Problem Pengesahan Bendera Aceh dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (Pemetaan Permasalahan

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    Endra Wijaya


    Full Text Available Bendera merupakan objek yang dapat dilekatkan beragam pesan dan makna terhadapnya. Keberadaan bendera bisa juga terkait dengan aspek simbol kedaulatan, sehingga wajar apabila kemudian sebagian pihak menganggap adanya bendera Aceh yang sama dengan bendera Gerakan Aceh Merdeka sebenarnya sudah membiarkan separatisme hidup di dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Saat ini, di Aceh telah disahkan Qanun Aceh Nomor 3 Tahun 2013 tentang Bendera dan Lambang Aceh yang memberlakukan bendera berwarna merah dengan garis putih serta hitam dan gambar bulan sabit serta bintang sebagai bendera Aceh yang memiliki kesamaan dengan bendera GAM. Sejak masa konflik masih berlangsung hingga ke masa setelah ditandatanganinya Memorandum of Understanding antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan GAM, keberadaan bendera Aceh selalu menuai kontroversi dan menjadi isu hangat dalam praktik ketatanegaraan di NKRI. Keadaan ini mendorong pencarian penjelasan dan solusi khususnya dari sisi hukum. Abstract Flag is an object in which many massages and meanings could be attached to. The existence of flag could also relate with sovereignty aspect and for that reason, some parties consider that the existence of Aceh's flag, which is same with Free Aceh Movement's (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka or GAM flag, is conveying separatism in Republic of Indonesia. At present, in Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam, Aceh's Qanun Number 3 Year 2013 on Aceh's Flag and Symbol has been passed and its existence has always rises controversies and has become a problematic issue even after the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Indonesia and GAM. It is thus an importance to discuss and try to find a solution for Aceh's flag problem especially from the law perspective.


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    Enrico Simanjuntak


    Full Text Available Posisi dan fungsi Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara (PERATUN masih belum optimal sebagaimana ditandai banyaknya putusan yang diabaikan. Mengacu kepada pendekatan sistem hukum, di mana antara PERATUN dan Ombudsman Republik Indonesia (ORI sama-sama bertujuan untuk mendorong terwujudnya good governance serta menjamin perlindungan hukum bagi masyarakat dari tindakan hukum publik administrasi pemerintahan, maka ORI sangat memungkinkan untuk diserahkan tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai eksekutor independen putusan PERATUN. Dalam pada itu, ORI perlu diberi kewenangan untuk mendorong, mengawasi dan menjatuhkan sanksi terhadap pihak Tergugat yang tidak bersedia melaksanakan putusan PERATUN maupun terhadap pihak lain yang menghalang-halangi pelaksanaan putusan PERATUN.   The position and function of Administrative Court so weak that the verdict is much neglected. Referring to the approach of the legal system, where the Administrative Court and Ombudsmen of Republic of Indonesia (ORI equally aims to promote good governance and ensure the legal protection of the public from the actions of public administration law, the ORI is possible to be handed the duties and responsibilities as independent executor PERATUN decision. In the meantime, the Ombudsmen should be given the authority to promote, supervise and impose sanctions against the defendant who is not willing to implement the decision PERATUN or against other parties who obstruct the implementation of the decision PERATUN.

  14. Kurikulum Fikih dalam Bingkai Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia: Upaya Membangun Peradaban Islam berbasis NKRI

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    Full Text Available Despite having a population that is predominantly Muslim, Indonesia is not an Islamic state; instead, it is a unitary state with different ethnic, tribal, cultural and religious views. Therefore, the awareness of Indonesian people toward the concept of plurality is instrumental in social life. This article attempts to discuss the need for a method in learning Islamic law that leads to the cognizance of the importance of plurality. By using content analysis method, this study focuses on finding learning methods of Islamic law within the framework of the Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI, Unitary Republic of Indonesia. It finds that all textbooks on Islamic law taught at secondary schools have deficiencies in addressing Indonesian diversity in an inclusive manner. Hence, more reading materials that touches on issues of plurality in the interest of the state and nation are badly needed. The results of this study confirm that the plurality-sensitive Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh can be implemented in two ways: first, through education; and second through reforming the body of fiqh itself. When the concept of fiqh is unresponsive toward the phenomenon of pluralism and human rights, then its manifestations by Muslims may also envisage this very own fiqh concept.

  15. Titanic, Estonia ja Eesti / Lauri Vahtre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vahtre, Lauri, 1960-


    Signaliseerides venekeelse gümnaasiumihariduse allesjäämist on Keskerakonna ja Reformierakonna võimuliit löönud rahvusriigi pardasse suure augu, mis on vaja iga hinna eest kinni panna. Autor: Isamaaliit. Parlamendisaadik

  16. Determinan Stres pada Pegawai Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia

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    Besral Besral


    Full Text Available Kejadian stres pada pelbagai kelompok di Indonesia cukup tinggi dan belum banyak diketahui determinannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan stres pada pegawai Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (Kemenkes RI. Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan pada tahun 2013 terhadap 230 pegawai sekretariat jenderal yang dipilih secara acak. Analisis statistik menggunakan regresi logistik ganda. Responden dikatakan stres jika memiliki skor 28 atau lebih dengan menggunakan 17 pertanyaan terkait personal stress inventory. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi stres sebesar 79% dan determinan stres adalah obesitas, usia, jabatan, suku, pendidikan, dan aktivitas fisik. Risiko stres lebih tinggi pada pegawai yang obesitas (ORadj = 1,9, pegawai berusia di bawah 40 tahun (ORadj = 2,1, suku Sunda (ORadj = 3,1, menduduki jabatan struktural (ORadj = 2,3, pegawai yang berpendidikan SMA atau D3 (ORadj = 2,8, dan pegawai perempuan yang kurang aktivitas fisik (ORadj = 8,2. Disimpulkan bahwa determinan stres sangat bergantung pada beban kerja dan karakteristik individu, risiko stres sangat tinggi terdapat pada pegawai perempuan yang kurang aktivitas fisik. Disarankan agar Kemenkes melakukan promosi kesehatan tentang hidup sehat dan pencegahan stres kepada seluruh pegawai, melakukan rekreasi bersama secara berkala, melaksanakan olahraga rutin setiap hari Jumat pagi di pusat kebugaran Kemenkes untuk menurunkan obesitas dan stres. Determinants of Stress among Civil Servants at Health Ministry of Indonesia The prevalence of stress on various groups in Indonesia is quite high and has not been known their determinants. This study aimed to find out determinants of stress among civil servants at the Health Ministry of Republic of Indonesia. This cross sectional study was conducted in 2013 toward 230 secretariat general civil servants selected randomly. Analysis of statistic used multiple logistic regression. Respondents were considered stress if they

  17. D:\\African Health Sciences\\Augu

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    system lesions and pleuropulmonary infiltrates 2,4. .... Other drugs that may be used are ... and intra-articular steroid injection. 2,3,6. Long term ... delivery. She gave birth to a female baby whose. Apgar score 8 and weighed 2800grammes. The.

  18. D:\\African Health Sciences\\Augu

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , 2. ... Humanitarian agencies must consider the provision of mental health services for populations .... study of the effect of post migration residential .... Poisoning / “witchcraft”. 38.9 ... Sudanese refugees reported lower mean daily food intakes.


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    Tri Yuni Sulistyowati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelayanan, kinerja pengurus koperasi, dan motivasi berkoperasi terhadap partisipasi anggota Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KPRI Eka Karya Kabupaten Kendal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, dengan populasi berjumlah 496 anggota dengan sampel 83 anggota. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, regresi linier berganda dan uji asumsi klasik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan terdapat pengaruh pelayanan, kinerja pengurus koperasi, dan motivasi berkoperasi terhadap partisipasi anggota sebesar 58,2%. Secara parsial pelayanan berpengaruh sebesar 7,1%, kinerja pengurus koperasi berpengaruh sebesar 3,3% dan motivasi berkoperasi berpengaruh sebesar 27%. Dengan pelayanan, kinerja pengurus koperasi, dan motivasi berkoperasi yang baik maka akan meningkatkan partisipasi anggota. The results showed the service, the performance of cooperative management and cooperative motivation affect the participation of members simultaneously by 58.2% while the rest is influenced by other variables not examined. Furthermore, the effect of partial services to the participation of members was 7.1%, the effect of partial performance of the cooperative board member participation was 3.3% and the effect of partial motivation for the participation of members of cooperatives was 27%. Suggestions for KPRI Eka Karya Kendal is to be improving as more responsive services tehadap complaints, better hygiene as well as expanding the cooperative store stores that optimal participation of more members.

  20. Developing Systems Engineering Graduate Programs Aligned to the Body of Knowledge and Curriculum to Advance Systems Engineering (BKCASE (trademark)) Guidelines (United States)


    2011 6 Topic 2 (Article Title) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[1], consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore ...consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor [2] in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolor eu feugiat nulla facilisis at...vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem

  1. Die Entwicklung des Eigentums- und Gesellschaftsrechts in Estland / Ilmar Selge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Selge, Ilmar, 1954-


    Õigusaktide tõlked: ROW nr. 6, lk. 181-190 (tlk. Ilmar Selge) - Gesetz der Republik Estland über die Grundlagen der Eigentumsreform ; Beschluss des Obersten Rates der Republik Estland über die Anwendung des Gesetzes über die Grundlagen der Eigentumsreform ; Bodenreformgesetz der Republik Estland ; Beschluss des Obersten Rates der Republik Estland über das Inkrafttreten des Bodenreformgesetz der Republik Estland. ROW nr. 10, lk. 307-310 (tlk. Ilmar Selge) - Gesetz der Republik Estland über ausländische Investitionen ; Unternehmenseinkommensteuergesetz (Auszug)

  2. The Ethiopian Second Republic and the Fragile “Social Contract” Die 2. Republik in Äthiopien und der “fragile Gesellschaftsvertrag“

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    Jon Abbink


    Full Text Available Eighteen years after the change of power and the ushering in of the second Ethiopian republic in 1991, the political process in Ethiopia has, according to most observers, rigidified and largely closed the space for representative democracy. This paper will look at the main organizing political ideas or ideology of the current Ethiopian republic and to the nature of its governance techniques in the face of domestic and international challenges with reference to the debate on “failing” or “fragile” states. The new “social contract” defined after 1991 and codified in the 1994 Constitution is precarious. Dissent and ethno-regional resistance to federal policies are dealt with mainly by coercion and discursive isolation. Oppositional forces voice the need for a rethinking of the organizing ideas and institutions of the second republic in order to enhance political consensus and a shared political arena, but get little response. The paper will sketch an interpretation of governance in Ethiopia, focusing on the dilemma of reconciling local and modernist political practices, and will discuss the status of “republican” ideas, in name important in Ethiopia but mostly absent in practice. Explicit debate of these ideas is usually sidelined – also in academic commentaries – in favour of a focus on the ethno-federal ideology of the Ethiopian state. Das Jahr 1991 sah die Inauguration der 2. Republik in Äthiopien, diesmal als föderal-demokratische statt wie bisher als Volksrepublik. Achtzehn Jahre nach dem Machtwechsel besteht bei den meisten Beobachtern Konsens über die Probleme im politischen Prozess des Landes. Konstatiert wird die Rückkehr zu einem stark autoritären Regime, das eine repräsentative parlamentarische Demokratie so gut wie unmöglich macht. Der Artikel präsentiert eine Analyse der wichtigsten allgemeinen ideologischen Grundsätze der heutigen äthiopischen Republik und ihrer führenden Partei. Unter Einbeziehung der

  3. Facilitating the use of alternative capsid control methods towards sustainable production of organic cocoa in Ghana


    Ayenor, G.K.; Huis, van, A.; Obeng-Ofori, D.; Padi, B.; Röling, N.G.


    Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is an important foreign exchange earner for Ghana. However, production is constrained by a high incidence of pests and diseases. Based on farmers' needs, this study focused on the control of capsids, mainly Sahlbergella singularis Haglund and Distantiella theobroma (Distant) (both Hemiptera: Miridae). Annual crop loss caused by capsids is estimated at 25¿30%. To control capsids, formal research recommends application of synthetic insecticides four times between Augu...

  4. The Case for a Second-Class Navy: Military Reform and Reagan’s Maritime Strategy (United States)


    Glaeser, USH, E-JA (F~ WACE ;): ~n Untapped Mar itime Suppor~ Resource," U.S. Naval Insti±ute Proceedings, Augu-.t IS7~, pps. I~_8-II@. 3@. C-.rdesma...u r i t y " Unpubl ished Paper , BrooKings I n s t i ± u ± e , 1983. "NRTO’s S inK ing F e e l i n g " The Economis t , S June Ig81, p. 51


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    Ridho Mubarak


    , Hubungan Industrial Sebuah Pengantar, BPFE, YogyakartaWidjaya, I.G.R, 2003, Merancang Suatu Kontrak (Contract Drafting, Kesaint Blanc, JakartaUndang-undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1951 tentang Pernyataan Berlakunya Undang-undang Pengawasan Perburuhan Tahun 1948 Nomor 23 dari Republik Indonesia untuk Indonesia (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1951 Nomor 4, 2011, Nuansa Aulia BandungUndang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 39, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4279, 2003, Fokus Media, BandungUndang-undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2000 tentang Serikat Kerja/Serikat Buruh (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2000 Nomor 131, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 3889,2003, Fokus Media, BandungUndang-undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2003 tentang Pengesahan ILO Convention No. 81 Concerning Labour Inspection In Industry and Commerce (Konvensi ILO No. 81 mengenai Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan dalam Industri dan Perdagangan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 91, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4309, 2011, Nuansa Aulia, BandungUndang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004 Nomor 125, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4437, sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan Undang-undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2008 Nomor 59, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4844,2011, Nuansa Aulia, BandungPeraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 Tahun 2008 tentang Dekonsentrasi dan Tugas Pembantuan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2008 Nomor 20, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4816,2011, Nuansa Aulia, BandungPeraturan Pemerintah Nomor 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2001 Nomor 31, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 388,2003, Fokus Media, BandungPeraturan Pemerintah

  6. Strategi Komunikasi Program Internet Sehat Dan Aman Kementerian Komunikasi Dan Informatika Republik Indonesia (Studi Kasus Evaluasi Program Incakap Tahun 2015

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    Sucianty Dyah Astuti


    2008 to 2015 as a result of the evaluation of the program conducted by KemKominfo, namely: (i the change in INSAN name since 2003 into INCAKAP, (ii the change of INSAN logo , (iii the change of INSAN mascot. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi internet dan penggunaannya dalam kehidupan dan pergaulan, internet telah menjadi sebuah gaya hidup (life style di masyarakat. Tingginya jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia memunculkan berbagai dampak di masyarakat baik positif maupun negatif. Untuk membuat pemahaman di masyarakat terhadap penggunaan internet pemerintah melalui Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia membuat suatu program, yaitu Internet Sehat dan Aman dengan tujuan untuk mensosialisasikan penggunaan internet secara sehat dan aman melalui pembelajaran etika berinternet sehat dengan melibatkan seluruh komponen masyarakat. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus pada evaluasi program internet sehat dan aman yang dilakukan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia tahun 2015. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah melihat strategi komunikasi dan pencapaian tujuan dari program internet sehat dan aman yang dilakukan KemKominfo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan riset studi kasus deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi pustaka, sedangkan informan pada penelitian ini adalah staf KemKominfo pada bagaian Direktorat Jenderal Aplikasi Infomatika sub direktotar pemberdayaan informatika sebanyak tiga orang. Dari seluruh rangkaian proses penelitian diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa: (1 Pencapaian Program Internet Sehat dan Aman hingga tahun 2015 telah mencapai target namum belum 100%. (2 Dalam pelaksanaan program INSAN terdapat beberapa hambatan yang dihadapi KemKominfo, yaitu: (i Keterbatasan Anggaran Pemberian dan Belanja Negara (APBN, (ii keterbatasan daya jangkau akibat letak geografis indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan.(3 perlu dilakukan evaluasi menganai penggunaan media online dalam startegi komunikasi

  7. Evaluasi Kinerja KKIP Dalam Kerjasama Republik Indonesia-Korea Selatan Pada Pembangunan Kapal Selam Untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut

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    Tunggul Prasetyo


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study was aimed to knew and analyzed the implementation of the cooperation between Republik Indonesia and South Korea in the construction of submarines ,to the Navy defense equipment resilience. The method used by the researchers in this study was a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used three techniques, in-depth interviews, observation, library and documentation. Objects in this study that the parties involved in the cooperation Indonesia South Korea in the construction of submarines, especially the executive team officials Defence Industry Policy Committee (KKIP. The results showed that in the implementation of cooperation Indonesia South Korea in the construction of the submarine still lacks the strength of its bargaining Indonesian government, especially KKIP and Defense industry involved in this cooperation program. This was indicated by the presence of the technology transfer process was still below of 85 % as a basis for accelerating the revitalization of the defense industry in achieving the navy defense resilience ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pelaksanaan kerjasama yang dilaksanakan indonesia-Korea Selatan dalam Pembangunan Kapal Selam dan mengevaluasi kerjasama Indonesia Korea selatan dalam pembangunan kapal selam terhadap ketahanan alutsista TNI AL. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tiga teknik, yaitu wawancara mendalam, observasi, kepustakaan, serta studi dokumentasi. Objek dalam penelitian ini yaitu para pihak yang terlibat dalam kerjasama Indonesia Korea selatan dalam pembangunan kapal selam, khususnya para pejabat tim pelaksana Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan kerjasama indonesia Korea selatan dalam pembangunan kapal selam memiliki kekurangan berupa kekuatan tawar menawar pemerintahan Indonesia, khususnya KKIP

  8. Penentuan Batas Pengelolaan Wilayah Laut Antara Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014

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    Rainhard Sumarto Simatupang


    Full Text Available Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah merupakan pembaharuan dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 dikarenakan beberapa hal yang sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan keadaan pada saat ini[1]. Beberapa perubahan peraturan dalam hal penentuan batas wilayah pengelolaan laut daerah yang terkandung dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu mengenai penentuan garis pantai, batas wilayah bagi hasil kabupaten/kota, serta kewenangan setiap daerah baik provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota. Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 ditetapkan bahwa batas maksimal wilayah laut provinsi sejauh 12 mil laut, sedangkan batas bagi hasil kelautan kabupaten/kota maksimal sejauh 4 mil laut. Apabila wilayah laut antar provinsi tidak mencapai batas maksimal masing-masing, maka batas akan dibagi sama jarak dengan prinsip garis tengah (median line. Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk pengaplikasian Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dalam memperbaharui penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah. Dalam penelitian ini  dibahas bagaimana menentukan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah serta dilakukan analisa dari hasil penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut. Lokasi Penelitian ini adalah Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali tepatnya perbatasan pada Kabupaten Banyuwangi (Jawa Timur dan Kabupaten Buleleng (Bali sampai Kabupaten Jembrana (Bali. Penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut dilakukan dengan metode kartometrik menggunakan data Citra Satelit SPOT 7 2015 dan data Peta Lingkungan Pantai Indonesia (LPI 2002. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan median line sepanjang 40,3 km yang dibentuk oleh 41 titik, serta diperoleh luas wilayah pengelolaan laut Provinsi Jawa Timur sebesar 233,37 km2 dan Provinsi Bali sebesar 233,77 km2 (sesuai batasan lokasi dengan selisih sebesar 0,4 km2 serta batas wilayah bagi hasil kelautan untuk kabupaten/kota. Dihasilkan juga peta batas

  9. Status and outlook of heat supply in the Czech Republic with the city Brno as example; Stand und Aussichten der Fernwaermeversorgung in der Tschechischen Republik am Beispiel der Stadt Bruenn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kohout, V.; Ochrana, L.


    At present much emphasis is placed on adapting the existing plants to modern environmental requirements. The last coalfired heat plant of the Brno district heating system, the heat plant `Cerveny mlyn` (`red mill`), will be replaced by a combined cycle gas turbine that will come into operation before the end of 1998. Another example of the technical modernization programme are the environmental protective measures at the Brno waste incineration plant that was connected to the city`s district heating system in 1992. These technical measures and the integration of the various heat and CHP plants into the overall district heating system have already resulted in a marked reduction of environmentally harmful emissions and thus made an important contribution towards improving the city`s quality of life. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Autoren berichten ueber die bisherige Entwicklung und den Stand der Waermeversorgung in der Tschechischen Republik unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Fernwaerme. Die vielerorts eingeleitete Erneuerung und Modernisierung der Fernwaermeanlagen wird am Beispiel der Stadt Bruenn dargestellt. Die Anpassung der Waermeproduktionsanlagen an die Erfordernisse des Umweltschutzes entsprechend dem Stand der Technik macht betraechtliche Investitionen noetig, wobei in Bruenn der Ersatz alter Kohlekessel durch Gaskessel und Gas-Kombianlagen im Vordergrund steht. (orig.)

  10. Prikaz knjige: Budislav Vukas, ml., Hrvatska državnost – pravnopovijesne prosudbe: uz 25. godišnjicu prijama Republike Hrvatske u Ujedinjene narode, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2017.

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    Mirela Krešić


    Full Text Available Godina 2017. u svjetskim je razmjerima bila iznimno dinamična godina. Obilježila su je različita zbivanja koja u našem globalnom selu imaju posvemašnji utjecaj bilo da je riječ o prirodnim katastrofama (uragani, požari, poplave i potresi ili onima na koje je znatno više utjecaja imala ljudska ruka, od terorističkih samoubilačkih napada, nuklearnog mahnitanja sjevernokorejskog vođe Kim Jong Una, neobičnog predsjednikovanja Donalda Trumpa ili, ako pogledamo bliže našem dvorištu, migrantskih valova, pokretanja postupka britanskog izlaska iz Europske unije te pokušaja katalonske vlade da izbori neovisnost od Španjolske. Istodobno tu su godinu u Hrvatskoj obilježile duboke društvene podjele, ideološke svađe te iseljavanje znatnog broja građana. Nezadovoljstvo koje hrvatski građani osjećaju i izražavaju prema stanju u državi, funkcioniranju njezinih institucija i pravcu u kojem zemlja ide daje nam pravo, ali nas i obvezuje, svakog pojedinačno i društvo u cjelini, upitati se što smo učinili u proteklih nemalih dva i pol desetljeća, odnosno jesmo li učinili dovoljno kako bismo opravdali stečenu neovisnost o kojoj su brojne generacije prije nas sanjale. Upravo je protek čak četvrt stoljeća od stjecanja neovisnosti bio poticaj prof. Budislavu Vukasu, mlađem da se u godini obilježavanja 25. godišnjice prijama Republike Hrvatske u Ujedinjene narode (22. svibnja, ali i obljetnice njezina međunarodnog priznanja (15. siječnja, pozabavi pitanjem hrvatske državnosti u prošlosti i njezinu kontinuitetu/diskontinuitetu kroz stoljeća. Rezultat njegova istraživanja je monografija Hrvatska državnost – pravnopovijesne prosudbe u izdanju Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Na 240 stranica teksta monografija daje autorovo viđenje “fenomena kontinuiteta hrvatske državnosti” (str. 9, pri čemu se na događanja s početka devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća može gledati kao na svojevrsnu kulminaciju spomenutog


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    Masumi Ananingati Rahayu


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh secara parsial maupun simultan struktur modal dan volume penjualan terhadap profitabilitas pada Primer Koperasi Purnawirawan Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia(PRIMKOPPABRI di Kabupaten Kendal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan motede statistik dan bersifat kausalitas yang mengacu pada laporan keuangan (neraca dan rugi laba dalam bentuk bulanan periode Januari sampai Desember selama tahun 2010-2012. Berdasarkan hasil uji secara parsial untuk struktur modal dan volume penjualan terhadap profitabilitas berpengaruh secara signifikan dengan kontribusi sebesar 14,5% untuk struktur modal sedangkan volume penjualan sebesar 7,07%. Secara simultan ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara struktur modal dan volume penjualan terhadap profitabilitas pada PRIMKOPPABRI Kab.Kendal dengan kontribusi sebesar 18,5%. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh persamaan regresi berganda sebagai berikut: Y= -0,005 + 0,029 X1+ 0,019 X 2 + e. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the effect of partially and simultaneously the capital structure on profitability and sales volume in the Primary Cooperative Retired Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (PRIMKOPPABRI in Kendal. This study used a quantitative approach and descriptive research using statistical motede and causality are referring to the financial statements (balance sheet and income statement in the form of a monthly period of January to December during the years 2010-2012. Based on the test results for the partial capital structure on profitability and sales volume of significant influence with a contribution of 14,5 % to the capital structure while sales volume amounted to 7,07%. Simultaneously there is a significant influence of capital structure on profitability and sales volume in PRIMKOPPABRI Kab.Kendal with a contribution of 18,5 %. From the calculations


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    yusnani hasjimzoem


    Full Text Available Republic of Indonesia is a rule of law under Article 1 (3 of the 1945 Constitution and should uphold respect for the rights of individuals and communities in implementing the country. The rights strengthened by the basic norms that become the main spirit of the people of Indonesia, Pancasila. Basic norms that the political objectives in developing the Indonesian nation and enact any bill. Thus the state agency that was created by a special law should work in line with the basic norms of the nation and work together to create prosperity. In 2003 the Ombudsman created by a special law has the duty and function to oversee public services effectively, efficiently, and in spite of the practice of (corruption, collusion, and nepotism. Ombudsman based its duties and functions that have the same vision as mandated in the fourth paragraph of the preamble of the Constitution of 1945. The Ombudsman is thus expected to make a good bureaucratic reform so that it can be a model and public services watchdog whose presence is really felt by the people of Indonesia. Keywords: Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia

  13. Načini promjene Ustava Republike Hrvatske i Ustava Republike Slovenije - komparativni prikaz

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    Vedran Ceranic


    Full Text Available Revision of the most significant political and legal document of particular state ordinarily represents first-rate scientific, professional and general social question. Regarding the fact that new constitutions are introduced in “the moment of time” their revision is also outcome of general political, legal and social development. Method by which is possible to intervene in constitutional text is in general constitutional matter and understands fulfillment of strong constitutional requirements regarding authorized persons, revision procedure as well as technique of constitutional revision. Subject of this paper is comparative overview of constitutional solutions regarding revision of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia.

  14. Razmerje med državnim zborom in vlado v Republiki Sloveniji


    Holobar, Andreja


    V diplomskem delu je bilo obravnavano razmerje med državnim zborom in vlado Republike Slovenije. Državni zbor v Republiki Sloveniji predstavlja nosilca zakonodajne oblasti, vlada Republike Slovenije pa je eden izmed nosilcev izvršne oblasti. Na podlagi delitve oblasti, ki je opredeljena tudi v Ustavi Republike Slovenije, naj bi bili omenjeni veji oblasti ločeni, njuno razmerje pa uravnavajo mehanizmi ravnovesij in zavor, ki so prav tako opredeljeni v Ustavi. Uporabljeni mehanizmi naj bi zagot...

  15. Penerapan Asas Lex Specialis Derogat Legi Generalis dan Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi dalam Undang-Undang Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    Fikri La Hafi


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini mengkaji Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Bank Indonesia, yang berlaku umum. Sedangkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah, berlaku khusus. Penerapan asas lex specialis derogat legi generali menegaskan bahwa Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 memiliki kedudukan lebih kuat dibandingkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 yang berlaku umum. Keberlakuan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 mengokohkan eksistensi perbankan syariah untuk leluasa menjalankan aktivitas dan produk-produknya. Di samping itu, apabila merujuk kepada Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 30 Tahun 1999, maka penyelesaian sengketa perbankan syariah dapat ditempuh melalui dua cara yaitu, pengadilan negeri dan badan arbitrase. Namun setelah berlakunya Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 Pasal 55, dengan jelas disebutkan bahwa pengadilan yang berwenang melaksanakan putusan Badan Arbitrase Syariah Nasional (Basyarnas dan menyelesaikan sengketa perbankan syariah adalah pengadilan agama.(This paper reviews the Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23/2004 regarding Amendment to the Act Number 10/1998 concerning Indonesia Bank, which is in effect generally. On the other hand, the Act number 21/2008 regarding sharia banking applies more specifically. The application of lex specialis derogat legi generali principle confirms that the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21/2008 has a stronger position than the Law Number 23/2004, which is generally in effect. The enforcement of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21/2008 affirms the existence of sharia banking to freely run its activities and products. In addition, when referring to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30/1999, the resolution of Islamic banking disputes can be done through

  16. Politisches „Milieu“, Familienwirklichkeit und Rechtsreform. Katholische und sozialdemokratische Positionen in der Weimarer Republik Political “Milieu,” Family Reality, and Legal Reform: Catholic and Social Democratic Positions in the Weimar Republic

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    Arne Duncker


    Full Text Available Bei der verdienstvollen und materialreichen Arbeit Heinemanns handelt es sich um die gekürzte und überarbeitete Fassung einer an der Universität Augsburg 2002 abgeschlossenen Dissertation. Literatur ist bis einschließlich 2002 eingearbeitet. Mit Katholizismus und Sozialdemokratie hat die Arbeit zwei der bedeutendsten politischen und kulturellen Bewegungen – und auch “Milieus“ (S. 13 f. – Deutschlands in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik zum Gegenstand. In der Arbeit werden Fragen der historischen Familienforschung, Sozialgeschichte und Parteiengeschichte behandelt. Sie enthält darüber hinaus – ausbaufähige – rechtshistorische, frauengeschichtliche, parlamentsgeschichtliche und ehephilosophische Abschnitte sowie ein Schwerpunktkapitel (S. 213–292 zur Bevölkerungspolitik.Heinemann’s work, deserving and rich in material, is a shortened and revised version of a dissertation submitted to the University of Augsburg in 2002. Literature published up to the year 2002 is included in the text. The work has made as its focus two of the most important political and cultural movements—as well as “Milieus” (page 13 and following—of Germany during the time of the Weimar Republic: Catholicism and social democracy. Questions relating to historical family research, social history, and party history are dealt with in the work. It also includes sections, which could be expanded upon, on legal history, the history of women, parliamentary history, and the philosophy of marriage, as well as a central chapter focusing on the politics of demographics (213–292.

  17. Stolzgefuhle auf die Tschechische Republik

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Laštovková, Jitka


    Roč. 3, č. 2 (2005), s. 12 ISSN 1214-7559 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS7028301 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z70280505 Keywords : pride in the Czech republic * opinion poll * cultural aspects Subject RIV: AO - Sociology, Demography

  18. Pristupanje Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji


    Krmpotić, Željka


    Europska unija je nadnacionalna institucija koja je utemeljena na četiri slobode, a to su sloboda kretanja ljudi, kapitala, robe i usluga unutar unutarnjih granica Unije. Sloboda kretanja roba, ljudi, usluga i kapitala unutar granica Europske unije povećava konkurentnost među pojedinim državama članicama, ali ujedno i znatno povećava tržište na kojem europski poslovni subjekti mogu poslovati. Mir i stabilnost prirodna je želja većine sadašnjih i budućih državljana Europske unije. Gospodarski ...



    Krmpotić, Željka


    Europska unija je nadnacionalna institucija koja je utemeljena na četiri slobode, a to su sloboda kretanja ljudi, kapitala, robe i usluga unutar unutarnjih granica Unije. Sloboda kretanja roba, ljudi, usluga i kapitala unutar granica Europske unije povećava konkurentnost među pojedinim državama članicama, ali ujedno i znatno povećava tržište na kojem europski poslovni subjekti mogu poslovati. Mir i stabilnost prirodna je želja većine sadašnjih i budućih državljana Europske...


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    Umi Mar’atun


    Full Text Available Based on the 1945 Constitution, original or ammended, the form of  Indonesian countyr is a unitary state, while its form of government is republican. Meanwhile, the government system, based on the original 1945 Constitution is not a pure presidential system of government or quasi-presidential system. This is because the Assembly’ role is large enough in managing state life. The President is the mandatory of the Assembly, so his position is highly dependent on the votes of the legislative (DPR and the Assembly (MPR. In the post-reform era, after going through four amendments, Indonesian system is no longer a impure presidential administration, but was moving away as a pure presidential system. This is based on the following indicators. First, the President is no longer be mandatory of the Assembly, so it does not depend on it. Secondly, the position of the Assembly and the President are equally high as the state agency. Third, the president is elected directly by the people, no longer elected by the Assembly. Key words: state structure, form of government, systems of government.

  1. Die Verfassung der Berliner Republik

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    Julian Krüper


    Full Text Available Contemporary constitutional history faces a methodological dilemma: Historiography traditionally calls for scientific dissociation, both temporal and individual, from its objects of research. Yet, changes in constitutional normativity are typically of an incremental nature and can best be studied through a close approach of the contemporaries. Given such a dilemma, this essay undertakes to analyze key features of constitutional law and science of the »Berlin Republic«. Its main thesis is that contemporary constitutional history in Germany can be seen as a »farewell to the interim«, which the »Bonn Republic« can be construed to have been. Several leitmotifs can be identified: The concept of constitutional identity gains attention and influences the discourses implicitly and explicitly. Among them are debates about the scope of constitutional rights (human dignity, freedom of speech as well as about the structure of the democratic and federal polity. Simultaneously, social change gives rise to fundamental constitutional questions such as religious pluralism or same-sex marriage. At the same time, the science of German public law, both within the dimensions of constitutional and administrative law, undergoes a profound process of self-ascertainment. This process brings about a renaissance of fundamental research in the fields of constitutionalism and theory of state.

  2. All Eyes on Iran

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elling, Rasmus Christian


    Review Article. I artiklen anmeldes fem nye bøger om Irans præsident Ahmadinejad og om den Islamiske Republiks atomprogram. Udgivelsesdato: 1/10......Review Article. I artiklen anmeldes fem nye bøger om Irans præsident Ahmadinejad og om den Islamiske Republiks atomprogram. Udgivelsesdato: 1/10...

  3. Parandada püksipõlve augu väljalõikamise teel / Jaak Tomberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tomberg, Jaak, 1980-


    Arvustus: Saar, Anti. Kuidas sa ära läksid ja mina maha jäin : [jutud]. Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2006 ; Saar, Anti. Nemad kaks : [lühiromaan]. Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2008 ; Tekste siledast ruumist : [jutud]. Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2009

  4. Reform in Defence of Sovereignty: South Africa in the UN Security Council, 2007-2008 Reformen zur Verteidigung von Souveränität: Die Republik Südafrika im UN-Sicherheitsrat 2007-2008

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    Paul-Henri Bischoff


    Full Text Available After 1994, South Africa became the sine qua non of an interna¬tionalist state, willing to promote cooperation amongst a plurality of actors, believing common interests to be more important than their differences. This raised the hopes of constitutionalists, and those who believed in the expansion of a liberal democratic peace. South Africa has acted out two seemingly contradictory roles: those of a reformer and those of a conserver. By 2007-2008 she had shifted towards the latter, conservative-reformist position. Thus, South Africa’s voting record at the General Assembly expressed her overriding concern to regionalise African issues and minimise the US and the West shaping political events. This brought her foreign policy into sharper relief. But while in some sense successful, it came at a price: a controversy about her surrendering her internationalism and principles on human rights for African unity and traditional sovereignty. But it also marked the arrival of South Africa in the world of international Realpolitik. Nach 1994 profilierte sich das neue Südafrika zunächst als internationalistischer Staat, gewillt, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den unterschiedlichen internationalen Akteuren zu fördern – im Glauben, wichtiger als alle Differenzen seien die gemeinsamen Interessen. In der Folgezeit übernahm der Staat in der internationalen politischen Arena zwei gegensätzliche Rollen und zeigte sich zwar reformorientiert, vertrat aber auch konservativere Positionen. Seit den Jahren 2007-2008 überwog zunehmend die konservative Rolle. Bei Abstimmungen in der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen erwies sich deutlich, dass die Republik Südafrika überragendes Interesse an einer Regionalisierung afrikanischer Problembereiche hatte und an einer Minimierung der politischen Gestaltungsmacht der USA beziehungsweise des Westens. Damit erhielt die südafrikanische Außenpolitik ein klares Profil und konnte gewisse Erfolge erzielen

  5. Diktatura a republikánská tradice


    Ivančenko, Georgij


    The aim of this thesis is to formulate the concept of republican dictatorship in counterposition to other forms of autocracy, which are usually described as dictatorships. The concept of the republican dictatorship is formulated in regards to the notion of commissary dictatorship, which is presented in Die Diktatur, a book by Carl Schmitt, which is a central source for this thesis. Will shall also focus on an exposition of the theoretical basis of the republican dictatorship, which we conside...

  6. Delimitacija i demarkacija vanjskih granica Republike Hrvatske

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    Vladimir-Đuro Degan


    Full Text Available Daje se sumaran prikaz delimitacije i demarkacije granica Hrvatske sa svim njezinim susjedima s preporukom da se taj odgovoran posao ne zanemari. Postignuti privremeni ili nerealizirani sporazumi ocjenjuju se temeljem pravilâ kodificiranih u Bečkoj konvenciji o pravu ugovora iz 1969. godine. Ali valja voditi računa i o drugim međunarodnim obvezama poput one iz Beogradske dunavske konvencije iz 1948. i prava fizičkih i pravnih osoba na uživanje njihovih nekretnina koje se nađu na drugoj strani granice.



    Janežič, Tine


    Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti fiskalno pravilo, ki je zapisano v slovenski ustavi. Vpis fiskalnega pravila na ustavno raven je v strokovni in splošni javnosti sprožil veliko polemik o potrebi in nujnosti vpisa, politična večina in konsenz pa sta omogočili, da je bilo 24. maja 2013, s spremembo 148. člena Ustave RS, fiskalno pravilo vpisano v Ustavo RS. Diplomsko delo na osnovi pridobljenih teoretičnih znanj predstavlja fiskalno pravilo, potrebo po njegovem vpisu, pravne podlage vpi...

  8. Komparácia systému platenia za komunálne odpady v Slovenskej republike a Českej republike


    Švajková, Michaela


    The Bachelor's thesis is focused on the area of municipal waste. It describes and compares the actual legislation of municipal waste (mainly methods of payments for municipal waste according to the present acts and codes) in Slovak and Czech Republic. The second part of the thesis is an application of the theory, described in the first part, to examples of communities from these two countries. The aim of the analysis of payments for municipal waste in two communities is to appraise and compar...

  9. Augsnes un zemes kvalitātes novērtējuma karšu digitizēšana


    Stalīdzāns, Didzis


    Maģistra darba mērķis ir nodrošināt augšņu agroķīmiskās izpētes izstrādes procesa kartogrāfiskā materiāla lietošanas efektivitātes pieaugumu. Maģistra darbā tiek aprakstīts līdzšinējais augšņu agroķīmiskās izstrādes process Valsts augu aizsardzības dienestā un digitālo augšņu karšu izmantošanas iespējas. Pamatojoties uz darbā veiktās izpētes rezultātiem ir definēta problēma: augšņu agroķīmiskās kartes nav pieejamas telpisko datu formātā. Problēmas risinājumam tiek piedāvātas projekta alternat...

  10. Results of the 1982 intercomparison (collaborative test) on J 131 in milk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiechen, A.; Bundesanstalt fuer Milchforschung, Kiel


    The quality control of J 131 measurements in milk in the Federal Republik of Germany by an intercomparison performed in March 1982 showed a reasonable result. About two thirds of the laboratories engaged in this intercomparison had no trouble with their analytical tools. To improve the standard of J 131 determinations, laboratories with deviations from the true value were pointed to possible systematic errors. In the Federal Republik of Germany those methods for the determination of J 131 in milk have been successfully used which concentrate the iodine of the milk on an anion exchanger column and measure the J 131 directly by gammaspectrometry. (orig.) [de


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    Janpatar Simamora


    Full Text Available One of the fundamental points of the amended of Indonesian Constitution of 1945 is the removal of the Outlines of State Policy (Guidelines in the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia. As a consequence, the goals and objectives of national development seemed to lack of focus, unfocused and difficult to measure the success rate. While the existence of the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN intended to replace the Guidelines, until now there has not been able to serve as a guide to national development. To that end, efforts to revive the guidelines are extremely vital in order to realize a fair society and a prosperous Indonesia as aspired to in the preamble of the Constitution of 1945. Returning NRI existence of the guidelines will also have a positive impact on maintaining and guarding the existence of the Assembly as one of the state institutions. Keywords: Guidelines, 1945, the authority, the national development, MPR.

  12. Lossist lossiks ehk ajaloo paradoks = From a palace into a palace, or a historical paradox / Harry Liivrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivrand, Harry, 1961-


    Berliinis ülesehitatavast kuningalossist, mille ametlikuks nimeks saab Berliini loss/Humboldt-Foorum (rekonstruktsiooniprojekti autor Francesco Stella). Lammutati Vabariigi Palee (Palast der Republik), mis ehitati aastail 1973-1976, peaarhitekt Heinz Graffunder

  13. [Die Gründung...] / Anders Henriksson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Henriksson, Anders


    Rets.: Karsten Brüggemann. Die Gründung der Republik Estland und das Ende des "Einen und unteilbaren Russland" : die Petrograder Front des Russischen Bürgerkrieges, 1918-1920. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2002


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    I Made ari Permadi


    Pembangunan ekonomi nasional sebagaimana diamanatkan oleh Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 diselenggarakan berdasarkan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan dan berwawasan lingkungan. Kegiatan pembangunan dengan berbagai aktivitas manusia mempunyai pengaruh langsung terhadap daya dukung lingkungan, sehingga terjadi pergeseran keseimbangan lingkungan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang tidak proporsional dan tidak efisien, kurangnya kesadaran perusahaan sebagai sektor swasta dalam program pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, menimbulkan permasalahan lingkungan hidup. Lingkungan merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam siklus kehidupan manusia. Lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat merupakan hak asasi manusia sesuai yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD 1945, dalam Pasal 28H ayat (1 UUD 1945 merumuskan setiap orang berhak hidup sejahtera lahir dan batin, bertempat tinggal, dan mendapatkan lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat serta berhak memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan. Semangat otonomi daerah dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia telah membawa perubahan hubungan dan kewenangan antara Pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah, termasuk di bidang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Bahwa kualitas lingkungan hidup yang semakin menurun telah mengancam kelangsungan perikehidupan manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya sehingga perlu dilakukan perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup yang sungguh-sungguh dan konsisten oleh semua pemangku kepentingan. Pencemaran merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang timbul akibat perkembangan teknologi tersebut. Untuk menjaga kelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup, sanksi administrasi dan sanksi pidana merupakan salah satu efek jera guna menjaga kelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup.

  15. Topology of the elliptical billiard with the Hooke's potential

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    Radnović Milena


    Full Text Available Using Fomenko graphs, we present a topological description of the elliptical billiard with Hooke's potential. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 174020: Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Integrable Dynamical Systems

  16. Synteserapport & 1. Indenrigspolitiske forhold i Den Islamiske Republik Iran

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Claus Valling

    Rapport til Udenrigsministeriet om de indenrigspolitiske forhold i Iran samt et syntese af hele rapporten: Iran som regional og international medspiller i den globale verdensorden samt Irans indenrigspolitik......Rapport til Udenrigsministeriet om de indenrigspolitiske forhold i Iran samt et syntese af hele rapporten: Iran som regional og international medspiller i den globale verdensorden samt Irans indenrigspolitik...

  17. Kedudukan Musyawarah dan Demokrasi di Indonesia

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    Muhammad Hanafi


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Kedudukan Musyawarah dan Demokrasi di Indonesia. Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI berdasarkan lintasan sejarah perjuangan, memiliki konstruksi kenegaraan satu-satunya di dunia yang bangsa terlahir dahulu, kemudian baru membentuk negara. Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia Ir. Soekarno menegaskan, bahwa Negara Kesatuan ialah Negara Kebangsaan. Tujuan Bangsa Indonesia terlahir, merdeka, dan membentuk negara memiliki satu cita-cita, Kehendak Untuk Mengangkat Harkat dan Martabat Hidup Rakyat Indonesia (Kedaulatan Rakyat Indonesia. Melalui analisis atas realitas kehidupan saat ini, Bangsa Indonesia telah hidup pada kondisi tatanan kehidupan seolah-olah sama dengan Negara Demokrasi, ialah negara dulu terbentuk baru bangsanya dilahirkan kemudian. Sehingga kedaulatan rakyat Indonesia yang berdasarkan prinsip musyawara-mufakat dan perwakilan belum mampu terealisasi. Sementara pelaksanaan demokrasi voting yang memiliki dasar liberalisme terus bergulir, sehingga kehidupan bangsa Indonesia semakin jauh dari cita-cita awal. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v1i2.2657

  18. JPRS Report, Science & Technology, Europe & Latin America (United States)


    Musik u) Die wichtigsten Thomson-Gesellschaften und die interne Organisationsstruktur des Bereiches Untertialtungselektronik (2) Republik Frankreich 1...Makes the Music . The main Thomson companies and the internal organizational structure of the entertainment electronics division*—2. French Republic—3



    Krmek, Ana


    Facebook je najbolj priljubljeno družbeno omrežje, katerega uporablja veliko ljudi širom sveta. Najobčutljivejša skupina, ki uporablja to družbeno omrežje, so otroci, mlajši od trinajst let, katerim ga zakon prepoveduje uporabljati. Kljub prepovedi, ga uporabljajo, vzroki za to pa so sledeči: velika priljubljenost, želja po druženju v zelo razširjeni spletni skupnosti in želja po posnemanju starejših bratov in sester ali kolegov iz šole, ki uporabljajo Facebook, in s tem ustvarjajo intenzivno...

  20. На Модной улице Baltika можно купить новинки эстонских брендов / Ксения Репсон

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Репсон, Ксения


    Kontsern Baltika Grupp avas vanas tehasehoones Veerenni tänaval kaupluse Moetänav, kus müüakse firma kõigi kaubamärkide tooteid ja on avatud ka ReUse Republik kauplus. Tutvustatakse kaubamärkide Monton, Mosaic, Ivo Nikkolo ja Baltman uudistoodangut

  1. Vil USA angribe Iran?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elling, Rasmus Christian


    Sammen med Mogens Lykketoft, Søren Espersen og Herbert Pundik stilles Rasmus Chr. Elling en række spørgsmål om hvordan Vesten bør handle ift. Irans atomenergiprogram og om faren for et amerikansk angreb på den islamiske republik....



    Kretič, Alenka


    Dohodnina je davek, ki obdavčuje dohodke fizičnih oseb. Najpomembnejši vir dohodnine so dohodki iz zaposlitve rezidentov RS, ki praviloma že med letom plačujejo akontacijo dohodnine kot odbitek davka pri plači. Na začetku vsakega leta (praviloma v mesecu marcu) se naredi obračun dohodnine za preteklo leto. Obračun nam pokaže, kolikšen znesek dohodnine je od vseh svojih dohodkov zavezan rezident RS plačati ter koliko je med letom že plačal. V primeru, da je med letom plačana akontacija dohodni...



    Gračan, Daniela; Zadel, Zrinka; Rudančić Lugarić, Andreja


    Potaknuti situacijom na tržištu charter-djelatnosti, autorice su nastojale istaknuti važnost sastanka u organizaciji Yachtpoola, gdje je bila namjera uvesti standard kvalitete charter-djelatnosti i izdvojiti renomirane charter-tvrtke koje posao obavljaju profesionalno, štiteći tako ugled nautičkoga turizma, ali i svih s njim povezanih partnera. Sve renomirane takve tvrtke nisu ujedno i partneri Yachtpoola, no Yachtpool je imao viziju u sklopu svoje Four Stars kvalitete stvoriti brand i pečat ...

  4. Nacionalna sigurnost iz perspektive geoekonomije: slučaj Republike Hrvatske


    Grubić, Aleksandra


    U današnjem su svijetu nacionalna i međunarodna sigurnost uvelike pod utjecajem ekonomske domene. Kako bi se pružio analitički pregled ovih procesa, rad je podijeljen u tri dijela. Prvi dio obuhvaća teorijsku pozadinu procesa unutar kojeg geoekonomija ne zamjenjuje, već nadopunjuje geopolitičke kalkulacije. Drugi dio stavlja naglasak na proširenje i preračunavanje koncepta nacionalne sigurnosti u kontekstu kretanja od geopolitike prema geoekonomiji, proširujući tradicionalno promatranu pol...

  5. Uued juristide leksikonid Euroopas / Peeter Järvelaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Järvelaid, Peeter, 1957-


    Arvustus: Deutsche Juristen aus fünf Jahrhundert. Heidelberg, 1989 ; Juristen in Österreich 1200-1980. Wien, 1987 ; Deutsche Juristen jüdischer Herkunft. München, 1933 ; Juristen an der Universität Frankfurt am Main. Baden-Baden, 1989 ; Rechtswissenschaft in der Bonner Republik. Frankfurt am Main, 1994

  6. Introduction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heuven, Vincent J. van; Quené, Hugo

    "Siebout Govaert Nooteboom (Sieb, [sip]) was born 65 years ago (19 April, 1939) in Makassar on the isle of Celebes (now Sulawesi), in the former Dutch East Indies, which is now part of the Republik Indonesia. Nooteboom obtained obtained a BA degree (kandidaats-examen, in 1963) in Dutch Language

  7. Keterwakilan Etnis di Politik Nasional: Kasus Etnis Sunda di Republik Indonesia

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    Iwan Gardono Sujatmiko


    Full Text Available Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah model analisis untuk menjelaskan mengapa kehadiran tokoh politik Sunda di tingkat nasional relatif rendah walaupunmereka merupakan kelompok mayoritas terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Model analisis ini difokuskan pada faktor sejarah, jaringan sosial, budaya, dan peran Pemda sertamasyarakat. Faktor sejarah berguna untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pentingnya posisi orang Sunda dan Bandung sebagai pusatnya dalam hubungan sosial politiknya denganJakarta. Faktor jaringan sosial dapat menganalisis keterkaitan antara jaringan Sunda dengan jaringan nasional. Sementara itu faktor budaya berguna untuk melihat pengaruhnilai dan perilaku orang Sunda dalam berpolitik. Model ini juga mencakup peran Pemda dan masyarakat Sunda dalam mendukung orang Sunda untuk meningkatkan kehadiran tokoh politik mereka ditingkat nasional.

  8. Das Sachverständigenwesen und die Liegenschaftsbewertung in der Tschechischen Republik

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kratěna, Jindřich


    Roč. 1, č. 3 (2005), s. 163-170 ISSN 1613-0596 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20710524 Keywords : forensic expert * rights and obligations * valuation of buildings Subject RIV: JN - Civil Engineering

  9. UNMISET - prvo angažovanje Savezne Republike Jugoslavije u multinacionalnim operacijama

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    Igor Šćepanović


    Full Text Available United Nations engagement in East Timor is one of very few examples of comprehensive actions of the international community, starting from establishment of the statehood to resolving internal conflicts. The article gives a short history of conflict in East Timor which led to the establishment of one of the UN missions in East Timor-UNMISET.32 Article briefly displays the mission’s work, its results, but also points to the weaknesses and unsolved issues. Beside that, as this UN mission has some significance for Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and State Union of Serbia and Montenegro33 having its first peacekeeping military engagement after break up of Socialistic Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the article briefly displays engagement of its military capacities in UNMISET.


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    R. Bagus Irawan, S.Sos., M.H.


    Full Text Available In the concept of the law state, idealized that should be the commander in the dynamic life of the state is law. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 is said to embrace the presidential system. Article 14 paragraph (1 The Constitution of the Republic Indonesia NRI 1945 which states that “The President gives of clemency and rehabilitation by taking into consideration MA (Supreme Court”. Granting clemency by the head of state has long been known in history. Granting clemency as “a statement from the highest authority stating that the consequences under criminal law of an offense it being dispensed, either entirely or partially”. View of current law, the agency can no longer be used as the generosity of the head of state, but it should be used as a tool to eliminate the injustice that is if the applicable law in the enforcement could lead to an injustice. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the president's of clemency power is connected with the perspective of constitutional law in Indonesia and how the implementation of clemency is connected with the interests of the state. This research is analytical descriptive with normative juridical approach. In this case also said that granting clemency is not related to the legal assessment of the court, because of clemency is not the president's interference in judicial matters, but rather a constitutional right to grant a clemency.

  11. Iran : Præstestyret - under udvikling eller afvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rahigh-Aghsan, Ali


    Man hører ikke længere om gadeprotester i Teheran. Efter de voldsomme kampe i Teheran først på året, er det tilsyneladende lykkedes den Islamiske Republik at tvinge oppositionen til tavshed. Ifølge lederen af 'den grønne bevægelse' og tidligere præsidentkandidat, Mousavi, er det islamiske regimes...

  12. Kemungkinan Penerapan Preliminary Ruling Procedure sebagai Media Constitutional Complaint di Mahkamah Konstitusi


    Arundhati, Gautama Budi


    Preliminary ruling procedure seperti yang diterapkan di Uni Eropa dapat menjadi metode alternatif dalam pelaksanaan constitutional complaint di Indonesia. Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai hukum tertinggi di Indonesia dikawal oleh lembaga yang bernama Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia, dan dalam preliminary ruling procedure untuk pemberlakuan constitutional complaint maka dibutuhkan Peran Pengadilan Negeri dimana melalui preliminary ruling procedure tersebut dapat melakukan constitutional...

  13. Kajian Panjang Jalan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perkembangan Wilayah


    Lubis, Indra Husein


    Dengan terbitnya Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 12 tahun 1998 dan disahkan pada tanggal 23 Nopember 1998 tentang pembentukan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal maka Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan dimekarkan menjadi 2 Kabupaten, yaitu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal (Ibukota Panyabungan) dengan jumlah daerah Administrasi 8 Kecamatan dan Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan (Ibukotanya Padangsidimpuan) dengan jumlah daerah administrasi 16 Kecamatan. Perkembangan pembangunan kabupaten Mandailing Natal selama ± 11 ...


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    Heri Sudiono


    Full Text Available Upaya untuk meningkatkan sistem layanan dan pengurusan paspor yang dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, seperti pelayanan dan pengurusan  paspor agar lebih efisien, cepat dan akurat dapat uga dikatakan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pelayanan, meghindari terjadinya penerbitan ganda dan pemalsuan surat perjalanan rebpublik  Indonesia ( selanjutnya disebut  disebut dengan SPRI , sehingga dapat memberikan jaminan pengamanan terhadap dokumen negara serta kenyamanan bagi pemengangnya. Dengan merubah sitem pelayanan dan pengurusan paspor yang bersifat manual kearah yang berbasis biometrik atau penerapan sistem photo terbadu berbasis biometrik ( selanjutnya diebut dengan SPTBB berdasarkan peraturan menteri hukum dan hak Azasi Manusia republik Indonesia Nomor : M.02,-12.0310 Tahun 2006 yang bersifat ‘’on-line’’ diseluruh wilayah republik Indonesia. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah bagi semua pihak. Oleh karena itu, maka hal –hal yang perlu dikaji adalah bagaimanakah proses membuat sampai menerbitkan dalam pelaksanaan birokrasi pengurusan paspor berbasis biometrik di kantor imigrasi polonia medan, hambatan – hambatan apa sajahkah yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan birokrasi pengurusan paspor bebasis biometrik di kantor imigrasi polonia medan dan bagaimanakah akibat hukum terhadap pelaksanaan birokrasi pengurusan, memberikan sanksi dn melakukan pendeportasikan terhadap pemilik paspor Indonesia dan asing.

  15. Der vergeschlechtlichte Staat: zum Verhältnis von Freiheit, Geschlecht und Staat bei Jean-Jacques Rousseau


    Nagy, Nicola


    "Im Beitrag werden die strategischen und systematischen Funktionen sowie die Bedeutung der von Jean-Jacques Rousseau beschriebenen Geschlechtscharaktere und der darauf bauenden Ordnung des Geschlechterverhältnisses im Rahmen der konkreten Ausgestaltung und Umsetzung seines Modells des Staates sichtbar gemacht. Bemerkenswert ist die Tatsache, dass die Möglichkeitsbedingungen (Gemeinwohlorientierung) von Rousseaus Republik, mit deren Hilfe die Herstellung und der Erhalt der bürgerlichen Freihei...

  16. Kuznets curve and urban transport the scope of I+M programs

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    Jovanović Miomir


    Full Text Available In this article possibilities of application of Kuznets Curve in the domain of urban development and urban transport are tested. Comparative analysis of GRP per capita, local air pollutant and CO2 emission levels, and different urban and transport development strategies of world metropolises, clearly shows that EKC concept and I+M programs are highly overrated. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 37010


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    Muhammad Fauzan


    Full Text Available The authority of the Constitutional Court to adjudicate and decide upon the opinion of the House of Representatives that the President and/or vice president has violated the law of treason to the state, corruption, bribery, other felonies, or moral turpitude, and/or that the President and /or Vice President no longer meets the conditions as President and/or Vice President are normative efforts to avoid a repeat of dismisal that are soley based on slander and suspicion which are only to satisfy the political interests of political elites.

  18. Rozvoj malého a stredného podnikania v Slovenskej republike

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    Irina Bondareva


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: Slovakia's accession to the EU caused an increased role for small and medium entrepreneurship in the economy and simultaneously increased the requirements for this sector of the economy in view of the high competition in the European market. At the same time small and medium-sized enterprises SR face major difficulties which adversely affect their development. In this context, it is necessary to continuously monitor the business environment for the purpose of removing obstacles to business. Methodology/methods: The method of research is time series analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises SR, analysis of the structure of economic activity, synthesis of information provided by various institutions dealing with the rating business. Scientific aim: The article is to examine trends in the development of small and medium enterprises in Slovakia during the year 2004 - 2009 and evaluate the current business environment of the SR. Findings: The analysis shows that the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in the years 2004-2009 in Slovakia has an increasing trend. During this period, major barriers have been removed in the normative and legal acts, particularly the creation of new firms, has made tax reform introduced a flat tax on income, to adopt transparent rules on state aid to investors. Positive impact on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises have so stable macroeconomic and political situation in Slovakia. Conclusions (limits, implications etc However, there remains a considerable number of factors that complicate their development. In particular, it is a poor law enforcement, inadequate capacity, quality and availability of credit information for efficient and safe lending, which has restricted access to bank loans, lack of qualified entrepreneurs, large scale and long term to meet the established administrative procedures, high tax and contribution burden , fee burden on businesses, the low level of protection of investors. To improve the business environment is necessary to remove these barriers.

  19. Srovnání podmínek pro vývoj neziskového sektoru v České republice a Slovenské republice po rozpadu ČSFR. Vztah státu a NNO.


    Köstelová, Ivana


    This mastrer's thesis introduces the development of the non-profit sector in the Czech Repulbic and the Slovak Republik after the breakup of the ČSFR, comparing the conditions for NGOs operating in both states, in particular the legal framework, the tax policy and their financial support from state. It aims to study which of these two states provides more advantageous environment for the non-profit sector development.

  20. Dying forests and environmental policy in the Federal Republic of Germany

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaertner, E.


    A survey is given on extent and causes of the dying forests in the Federal Republik of Germany and the scientific hypotheses of agents are discussed. The author focuses on the reasons of the widespread disease of forests and reviews from a historical-materialistic point of view the history of foresty and the coherences between industrial pollution and forest damages. A balance of the environmental policy since 1960 is given.

  1. Review of foreign reception of Jovan Babić’s works

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    Dobrijević Aleksandar


    Full Text Available In this paper, the author discusses foreign reception of Jovan Babić’s works, which turns out to be very much alive and diverse. More precisely, the author limits himself to a short and very partial review of reception of only two Babić’s texts that, so far, attracted the most attention. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007 i br. 179041

  2. Urgensi Integrasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Instansi Pemerintah

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    Ali Nasrun


    Full Text Available Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 17 Tahun 2003 mewajibkan Pengguna APBN (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara untuk menyusun laporan keuangan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban kepada publik. Laporan keuangan mempunyai peran penting untuk mengukur kinerja pemerintah, apakah terkendali sesuai landasan dan mencapai target-target yang telah ditetapkan dalam APBN, serta menjadi pendukung pengambilan keputusan. Diantara kualitas laporan keuangan yang harus dicapai adalah lengkap dan tepat waktu. Sistem informasi akuntansi yang berjalan pada pemerintah Republik Indonesia saat ini bersifat desentralisasi atau menyebar ke seluruh instansi dalam platform desktop application. Kondisi ini tentu menimbulkan kendala-kendala dalam mencapai kualitas laporan keuangan yang lengkap dan tepat waktu. Jumlah instansi penyelenggara akuntansi yang ribuan banyaknya dan tersebarnya lokasi geografis dengan dukungan fasilitas komunikasi yang tidak semuanya baik, telah cukup untuk menggambarkan kesulitan yang dihadapi. Integrasi sistem informasi adalah salah satu solusi yang dapat diambil. Pemerintah perlu segera membuat sistem informasi yang sebaran database dan aplikasinya sesedikit mungkin atau jika mungkin membuat single database dan aplikasi. Banyak teknologi yang bisa dijadikan pilihan, baik database engine maupun front end-nya. Diantara database engine adalah PostrgeSQL, MySQL, SQLServer, dan lain-lain.  Diantara front end yang berbasis web adalah PHP, ASP, JAVA, dan lain-lain.

  3. Current efficiency in the chlorate cell process

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    Spasojević Miroslav D.


    Full Text Available A mathematical model has been set up for current efficiency in a chlorate cell acting as an ideal electrochemical tubular reactor with a linear increase in hypochlorite concentration from the entrance to the exit. Good agreement was found between the results on current efficiency experimentally obtained under simulated industrial chlorate production conditions and the theoretical values provided by the mathematical model. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172057 i br. 172062

  4. EU-Verordnung zu "Konfliktmineralien": Ein Schritt zu höherer Rechenschaftspflicht im Rohstoffsektor?


    Küblböck, Karin; Grohs, Hannes


    "No blood in my cell phone" - Anfang der 2000er-Jahre zeigten Kampagnen von Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) Verbindungen zwischen Rohstoffen in Elektronikprodukten und der Finanzierung des Krieges in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo (DRC) auf. In diesem Zusammenhang rückte auch die Verantwortung von Unternehmen für die Gestaltung ihrer Lieferkette verstärkt ins öffentliche Bewusstsein. 2017 tritt nun eine EU-Verordnung in Kraft, die verhindern soll, dass Unternehmen durch ihre Rohstoffb...

  5. About hidden influence of predictor variables: Suppressor and mediator variables

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    Milovanović Boško


    Full Text Available In this paper procedure for researching hidden influence of predictor variables in regression models and depicting suppressor variables and mediator variables is shown. It is also shown that detection of suppressor variables and mediator variables could provide refined information about the research problem. As an example for applying this procedure, relation between Atlantic atmospheric centers and air temperature and precipitation amount in Serbia is chosen. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007

  6. Rezension: Vom Scheitern der Demokratie – Die Pfalz am Ende der Weimarer Republik

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    Yves V. Grossmann


    Full Text Available The recent study about the history of what is today the federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland- Palatinate: „Vom Scheitern der Demokratie – Die Pfalz am Ende der Weimarer Republik“ has recently been reviewed by Yves V. Grossmann. Beginning with the world economic crisis in October 1929 and ending with Hitlers rise to power in 1933, co-publisher Hannes Ziegler approaches the contemporary time in the Rhinland-Palatinate region, which was marked by political instability and economic disaster. The time of crisis during the Weimar years advantaged the political rise of the Nazis, allowing the NSDAP to become a mass-party in the Pfalz-region. This historical rise to power is approached via twelve different articles, each of them looking at the named topic from a different angle. The volume also explicitly deals with the time of French occupation, the economic-crisis and the political radicalisation. The media history and the press are also included. The political landscape, the church, the law system, and the branch of cultural life, which thrived regardless of the crisis, are also being adressed throughout the regional-historicalthemed volume. The review offers a short and comprehensive summary of the book's contents. The classification and evaluation of the volume furthermore arrive at a thoroughly positive conclusion.

  7. Financovanie vysokého školstva v Slovenskej republike a Austrálii


    Morochovičová, Miriam


    Year by year there is a growing importance of tertiary education, as high quality university system and high percentage of population with tertiary education represent the basic prerequisite for the development of the country. This bachelor thesis compares two completely different systems of financing tertiary education in Australia and Slovak republic. Slovak education system is financed by public sector subsidies in comparison to Australian education system which is based on deferred paymen...

  8. Die deutschbaltische Minderheit in der Republik Estland von 1918 bis 1940 / Kaido Laurits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laurits, Kaido


    Kultuurautonoomia seadusest ja saksa kultuurautonoomiast, baltisaksa haridus- ja kultuurielust. Maal elavatest baltisaksalastest ja nende põllumajanduslikust olukorrast. Linnades leanud baltisakslastest. Rahvustevahelistest suhetest Eestis 1930ndatel aastatel.

  9. The perils of moral enhancement

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    Dobrijević Aleksandar


    Full Text Available The idea of biotechnological enhancement of people for non-medical purposes is not unambiguous. A gap that may arise between the “cognitive” and so-called “moral” enhancement points precisely to this fact. This article shows that, contrary to the intentions of its supporters, the idea according to which moral enhancement has precedence over cognitive enhancement is essentially just a new form of undermining human freedom. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 41004

  10. Divergent location of ribosomal genes in chromosomes of fish thorny-headed worms, Pomphorhynchus laevis and Pomphorhynchus tereticollis (Acanthocephala)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bombarová, M.; Marec, František; Nguyen, Petr; Špakulová, M.


    Roč. 131, č. 2, (2007), s. 141-149 ISSN 0016-6707 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6007307; GA ČR(CZ) GA206/06/1860 Grant - others:Slovak Grant Agency VEGA(SK) 2/6191/6; Ministry od Education of the Slovak Republik(SK) MVTS programme Stefanik No. 10 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50070508 Keywords : Acanthocephala * FISH * karyotype evolution Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 1.396, year: 2007

  11. The Serbian panagiarion from Vatopedi

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    Miljković Bojan


    Full Text Available The panagiarion made out of rhinoceros horn from Vatopedi is one of the few vessels of that kind which originate from the Middle Ages. Its creation can be dated to the end of the 14th, or first half of the 15th century, at the time of very lively relations between this Athonite monastery and the Serbian despotate. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177032: Tradicija, inovacija i identitet u vizantijskom svetu, registrovanom pod brojem

  12. Micropropagation and determination of the in vitro stability of Annona cherimola Mill. and Annona muricata L.


    Bridg, Hannia


    A. cherimola und A. muricata sind als Halblaubbäume in den tropischen Hochländern Südamerikas und besonders auf den Karibischen Inseln endemisch. Beide besitzen ein großes Potential als Handelsfrüchte aufgrund ihrer wohlschmeckenden Früchte und ihrer Eigenschaften als Heilpflanzen. Die Forschung über diese Obstarten wurde in Kolumbien, Peru, Ekuador, Venezuela und in der Dominikanischen Republik vernachlässigt. Deshalb sollte die wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung, das Sammeln, die Konservieru...


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    Iwan Wahyu Pujiarto


    Peneliti mencoba menemukan masalah mengenai pengaturan dan faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan pemberi bantuan hukum, untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, bersifat deskriptif analitis, menggunakan teori keadilan, data yang digunakan data sekunder dari studi pustaka, dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Indonesia telah berupaya memberikan perlindungan terhadap orang atau kelompok orang miskin yang tersangkut perkara hukum dengan diundangkannya Undang-Undang Bantuan Hukum, Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Ham No. 3 Tahun 2013 Tentang Tata Cara Verifikasi dan Akreditasi Lembaga Bantuan Hukum atau Organisasi Kemasyarakatan yang memberikan bantuan hukum kepada orang atau kelompok orang miskin, Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 42 Tahun 2013 Tentang Syarat dan Tata Cara Pemberian Bantuan Hukum dan Penyaluran Dana Bantuan Hukum, Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2013 Tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2013 Tentang Syarat dan Tata Cara Pemberian Bantuan Hukum dan Penyaluran Dana Bantuan Hukum. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemberian bantuan hukum kepada orang miskin yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 Tentang Bantuan Hukum tidak berjalan sesuai aturan, syarat sebagai Pelaksana Pemberi Bantuan Hukum menghambat pemberian bantuan hukum, pemberian bantuan hukum tidak berjalan sesuai harapan karena masih dipengaruhi oleh aturan pelaksanaan yang kurang tepat. Kata kunci: pelaksanaan, pemberi bantuan hukum, Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum



    Baban, Mirjana; Gregić, Maja; Korabi, Nidal; Antunović, Boris


    Ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju u posljednjih nekoliko godina implementiraju se prilagodbe koje će osigurati usklađivanje konjogojstva s važećim europskim propisima. Unatoč globalnoj ekonomskoj krizi i u sektoru konjogojstva, ukupan broj konja se u Hrvatskoj kontinuirano povećava i nastavljaju se pozitivni trendovi u uzgoju. No, iako postoji uzlazni trend, posljedice recesije zasigurno će ostaviti traga i na brojnom stanju konja u Hrvatskoj. U posljednjem desetljeću broj konja pod...

  15. Ivan Landek, doktor tehničkih znanosti


    Frangeš, Stanislav


    Mr. sc. Ivan Landek obranio je 12. lipnja 2017. na Geodetskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu doktorski rad Unapređenje modela topografskih podataka Republike Hrvatske. Doktorski rad obranjen je pred povjerenstvom u čijem su sastavu bili prof. dr. sc. Damir Medak, izv. prof. dr. sc. Robert Župan i doc. dr. sc. Slobodanka Ključanin, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Građevinski fakultet, Odsjek za geodeziju. Mentor je bio prof. dr. sc. Stanislav Frangeš.

  16. Late neolithic pottery standardization: Application of statistical analyses

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    Vuković Jasna


    Full Text Available This paper defines the notion of standardization, presents the methodological approach to analysis, points to the problems and limitation arising in examination of materials from archaeological excavations, and presents the results of the analysis of coefficients of variation of metric parameters of the Late Neolithic vessels recovered at the sites of Vinča and Motel Slatina. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177012: Society, the spiritual and material culture and communications in prehistory and early history of the Balkans

  17. Prijedlog nove metodologije razvoja osnovne topografske karte temeljene na bazi podataka katastra nekretnina


    Dinar, Ilma; Ključanin, Slobodanka; Poslončec-Petrić, Vesna


    Izrada civilnih topografskih karata tradicionalno nije bila u nadležnosti institucija u Bosni i Hercegovini. Takve karte izrađivane su u Vojno geografskom institutu u Beogradu – vojnoj instituciji Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije. Međutim proizvodnja tzv. osnovnih državnih karata bila je u nadležnosti državnih geodetskih (kartografskih) instituta. Osnovne topografske karte (u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine - FBiH) nisu ažurirane više od 20 godina. Stoga je odlučeno da je umjes...

  18. The dualism of practical reason and the autonomy: Sidgwick’s pessimism and Kant’s optimism

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    Dobrijević Aleksandar


    Full Text Available The question this paper is concerned with is: what if Immanuel Kant found a solution to the problem of the dualism of practical reason before Henry Sidgwick even came to formulate it? A comparison of Sidgwick’s and Kant’s approach to the problem of the dualism of practical reason is presented only in general terms, but the author concludes that this is sufficient for grasping the advantage of Kant’s solution to the problem. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179049



    Pompe, Darja


    Energetska politika držav članic Evropske unije je v pristojnosti posamezne države. Ključne usmeritve na energetskem področju so trajnost, zanesljivost oskrbe in konkurenčnost.Energetski objekti in energetske proizvodne družbe v Sloveniji so večinoma v neposredni in posredni lasti Republike Slovenije. Družbe si večinoma same financirajo svoje investicije, lastnik pa se je pojavlja v obliki poroka ali, v primeru gradnje hidroelektrarn na spodnji Savi, kot investitor infrastrukturnega dela in...

  20. Verfassung, Vertrag, Europa: polnische und tschechische Überlegungen zur institutionellen Reform der EU und zur inhaltlichen Ausrichtung der europäischen Integration


    Lang, Kai-Olaf


    Polen und die Tschechische Republik sind die beiden einzigen EU-Mitgliedstaaten aus Ostmitteleuropa, die den Vertrag über eine Verfassung für Europa (VVE) nicht ratifiziert haben. Während in beiden Ländern lange Zeit nicht mehr über das Schicksal des VVE diskutiert wurde, belebt sich seit Januar 2007 die Aussprache über mögliche Wege aus der Verfassungskrise. Dabei haben bislang eher die Denker als die Lenker der Außen- und Europapolitik darüber nachgedacht, wie das Verfassungspatt aus Sicht ...

  1. Winklerites serbicus, a new endogean species of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini from southeastern Serbia

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    Ćurčić S.


    Full Text Available A new endogean bembidiine ground beetle species, Winklerites serbicus sp. n., from a cave in the southeastern part of Serbia is both described and diagnosed. Male and female genital structures and other taxonomically important characters are illustrated. The new species is clearly distinct from its closest congeners. Fifteen species of the genus so far known are arranged in six groups. The new species is both endemic and relict, inhabiting southeastern Serbia only. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038 i br. 47007

  2. Measurement uncertainty in broadband radiofrequency radiation level measurements

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    Vulević Branislav D.


    Full Text Available For the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in the measurement of broadband radio frequency radiation, in this paper we propose a new approach based on the experience of the authors of the paper with measurements of radiofrequency electric field levels conducted in residential areas of Belgrade and over 35 municipalities in Serbia. The main objective of the paper is to present practical solutions in the evaluation of broadband measurement uncertainty for the in-situ RF radiation levels. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III43009

  3. Analisa Data Pengujian Dan Kalibrasi Inkubator Perawatan




    Testing and calibration of INCUBATOR BABY YP-930 has been performend using incu analyzer, safety analyzer 601 and held at Balai Pengamanan Fasilitas Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, with the proviso that the INCUBATOR output energy is in the threshold of ± 10ºC temperature, and ≤ 400ºC temperature Mats, and ≤ 65 dBA Noise, ± 0,35 m / second temperature speed of setting at the time of testing. From the result of research conducted has ben know that the INCUBATOR BABY YP- 930 wic...

  4. Možnosti využitia projektového financovania v Českej republike


    Kráľová, Michaela


    The objective of the thesis is to analyze numerous project financing possibilities in the Czech Republic. The thesis introduces the framework of project finance, together with its definition and fundamental characteristics. Furthermore it aims to identify the issues of risk analysis and risk management. The final section of the thesis provides an overview of the current global project finance trends and identifies the situation in the Czech Republic. Additionally, the thesis includes a case s...

  5. Die Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft in der Weimarer Republik und während der Nazidiktatur (United States)

    Wilke, Jürgen

    Nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten durch den 1. Weltkrieg erlangte die Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft (DStatG) unter dem renommierten Statistiker und Vorsitzenden der DStatG, Friedrich Zahn, durch eine Vielzahl von Aktivitäten hohes Ansehen. Es gab Bestrebungen, Statistiker aus allen Arbeitsfeldern der Statistik in die DStatG zu integrieren, wobei die "Mathematische Statistik" nur zögerlich akzeptiert wurde (Konjunkturforschung, Zeitreihenanalyse). Nach der Machtübernahme 1933 durch Adolf Hitler geriet die DStatG in das Fahrwasser nationalsozialistischer Ideologie und Politik (Führerprinzip, Gleichschaltung des Vereinswesens). Damit war eine personelle Umstrukturierung in der DStatG verbunden. Politisch Missliebige und rassisch Verfolgte mussten die DStatG verlassen (Bernstein, Freudenberg, Gumbel u.a.). Unter den Statistikern gab es alle Abstufungen im Verhalten zum Regime von Ablehnung und zwangsweiser Anpassung über bereitwilliges Mitläufertum bis zu bewusster Täterschaft. Besonders die Bevölkerungsstatistik wurde durch die NS- Rassenpolitik auf lange Sicht diskreditiert. Im Rahmen von Wirtschaftsplanung und Aufrüstung wurden neue zukunftsträchtige statistische Modelle (Grünig, Bramstedt, Leisse) entwickelt.


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    Dražen Tripalo


    Full Text Available In der Arbeit wird die Gesetzesregulative hinsichtlich der Lage schuldunfähiger Täter aus der Perspektive des materiellen Strafrechtes und des Strafprozessrechtes sowie auch aus der Perspektive des Gesetzes über den Schutz von Personen mit seelischen Störungen dargestellt. Ebenfalls wird die Anwendung genannter Gesetzesvorschriften in der Rechtsprechung durch die Analyse von 25 rechtskräftigen Strafurteilen gegenüber schuldunfähigen Personen besprochen. Das Ziel dieser Darstellung und Analyse ist es, sowohl Best-Practice-Beispiele richterlicher Rechtsprechung als auch falsche Urteile und die Abweichungen zwischen ihnen festzustellen, um die Qualität der Urteile zu sichern und die Rechtsprechung anzugleichen. Die Urteile werden hinsichtlich der Anwendung von Gesetzesbegriffen, Vollständigkeit der Rechtsprechung, Begründung der Entscheidungen über Verhandlungen in Abwesenheit des Angeklagten, Form der Ausführung des Angeklagten und der Entscheidungen über Kosten analysiert. Besonderen Wert legt man in der Arbeit der Qualität von Entscheidungen über die Anordnung psychiatrischer Behandlung, weil diese Entscheidungen sehr oft nicht klar auf Gesetzesmerkmale hinweisen und ungenügend begründet sind.

  7. Chthonius (Chthonius heterodactylus (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae, eine neue Art für die Tschechische Republik

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    Ducháč, Václav


    Full Text Available Chthonius heterodactylus Tömösváry, 1882 is recorded for the first time from the Czech Republic (Hranická chasm. The occurence of this Carpathian species in Central Europe is discussed and the positions of the type localities are corrected.

  8. Dynamic modeling and simulation of power transformer maintenance costs

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    Ristić Olga


    Full Text Available The paper presents the dynamic model of maintenance costs of the power transformer functional components. Reliability is modeled combining the exponential and Weibull's distribution. The simulation was performed with the aim of corrective maintenance and installation of the continuous monitoring system of the most critical components. Simulation Dynamic System (SDS method and VENSIM PLE software was used to simulate the cost. In this way, significant savings in maintenance costs will be achieved with a small initial investment. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 41025 i br. OI 171007

  9. The “potato road” and biogeographic history of potato cyst nematode populations from different continents

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    Or Violeta


    Full Text Available The general opinion about the introduction of potato in Europe is the one regarding the direction from South America to Spain and subsequent distribution to other continents. Some historical data point out an alternative road. The potato spread from its place of origin to other continents in the light of parasite-host relationship, relying on nematode molecular data, is discussed in the present work. Biogeographic history of potato cyst nematode populations from different continents is in congruence with historical records. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31018 i br. III 46007

  10. Žalba u upravnom sporu


    Đerđa, Dario; Galić, Ante


    U radu se razmatra uvođenje dvostupanjskog sustava upravnog sudovanja u Hrvatskoj 2010. godine. Utvrđuje se potreba uvođenja žalbe u upravnosudski sustav te se pojedinačno analiziraju ograničenja vezana uz ovaj institut. Najprije se razmatra ograničenje izjavljivanja žalbe protiv rješenja, zatim stavljanje nekih prvostupanjskih upravnih sporova u nadležnost Visokog upravnog suda Republike Hrvatske te, konačno, ograničenja izjavljivanja žalbe na neke vrste presuda upravnih sudova. Nadalje se u...

  11. Mogućnosti zbrinjavanje vegetabilne vode nastale procesom ekstrakcije maslinovog ulja


    Palčić, Igor; Benčić, Đani; Moslavac, Tihomir


    Maslinarstvo Republike Hrvatske u snažnom je usponu. Razlog su tome prirodne blagodati koje omogućuju proizvodnju ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja visoke kakvoće. Površine pod kulturom masline rastu iz godine u godinu. Kako se većina plodova masline prerađuju u maslinovo ulje, porastom količine prerađenih plodova raste i količina dobivenih nusprodukata tijekom procesa ekstrakcije maslinovog ulja. Nusprodukti su u prvom redu komina i vegetabilna voda. U Hrvatskoj se godišnje prema gruboj pr...

  12. Aspects socio-économiques d'un compost phytosanitaire issu des ordures appliqué dans l'agriculture périurbaine en Afrique de l'Ouest


    Kessler, Angelika


    Im EU finanzierten Projekt "Die Verwendung von kompostiertem Haushaltsmüll in der vorstädtischen Landwirtschaft von Westafrika als Pflanzenschutzmittel", das in Rufisque im Senegal, Conakry und Timbi Madîna in der Republik Guinea sowie Lomé und Tsévié im Togo von 1999 bis 2002 stattfand, wurden die Daten für diese Arbeit erhoben. Diese Orte sind hauptsächlich von Wolofs, Fulfulbe, Sussus und Ewes bewohnt. Ihre Größe variert zwischen 4 000 und 1,4 Mill. Einwohner. Es wurden städtische Gemüseba...

  13. Earthquakes in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1981

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Seismic activity in the territory of the Federal Republik of Germany with marginal areas in 1981 was low on the whole; in accordance with the maximum intensity observed-category VI - no damage was recorded. As compared to the previous years only few and predominantly slight events occured in the areas known for their proneness to earthquakes: local magnitudes of M1 0 N - 55 0 N and 5 0 E - 15 0 E and corresponded to the magnitude M1 >= 2.0 or were recorded macroseismically. (orig./HP) [de

  14. Upotreba začina u proizvodnji tradicionalnih sireva


    Josipović, Renata; Markov, Ksenija; Frece, Jadranka; Stanzer, Damir; Cvitković, Ante; Mrvčić, Jasna


    Sir je visoko cijenjeni mliječni proizvod u mnogim zemljama svijeta, a posebna pažnja pridaje se tradicionalnim sirevima, koji nisu samo hrana već i dio kulture i obilježja neke zemlje. Zahvaljujući zemljopisnom položaju i klimatsko-vegetacijskoj raznolikosti Republike Hrvatske, u pojedinim regijama razvijena je proizvodnja različitih tradicionalnih sireva uz upotrebu začina. Kod proizvodnje sireva sa začinima, začini se dodaju ili u sir koji se potom oblikuje, ili se sir omata lišćem začinsk...

  15. The first record of the Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834 in Montenegro

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    Tomović Jelena


    Full Text Available Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834, Chinese pond mussel (Bivalvia: Unionoida: Unionidae is one of the most invasive aquatic macroinvertebrate species found in Europe. We report the Chinese pond mussel for the first time in Montenegro, in August 2012, in Lake Šasko (Adriatic part of the Central Mediterranean subarea. One specimen of the Chinese pond mussel was observed in a habitat with a predominantly silt-clay substrate. The main pathway of species introduction was evaluated to be via fish stocking. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 43002 i br. ON 173025

  16. Raman spectroscopy of optical properties in CdS thin films

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    Trajić J.


    Full Text Available Properties of CdS thin films were investigated applying atomic force microscopy (AFM and Raman spectroscopy. CdS thin films were prepared by using thermal evaporation technique under base pressure 2 x 10-5 torr. The quality of these films was investigated by AFM spectroscopy. We apply Raman scattering to investigate optical properties of CdS thin films, and reveal existence of surface optical phonon (SOP mode at 297 cm-1. Effective permittivity of mixture were modeled by Maxwell - Garnet approximation. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 45003

  17. Types of population dynamics in settlements of Zaplanje area

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    Martinović Marija


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to present the main directions of changes in the spatial-demographic settlements organization of Zaplanje, which, due to rapid demographic recession since the 60s of the 20th century, is the strongest depopulation area with the oldest population in Serbia. This research aims is to determine the main types of changes in demographic development of the settlements and indirectly reveals key issues of the sustainable development of Zaplanje settlements and revitalization of villages. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176017

  18. Synthesis, antimicrobial and antioxidative activity of some new isatin derivatives

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    Šekularac Gavrilo M.


    Full Text Available The isatin derivatives, Schiff bases, were synthesized by the reaction of isatin and various substituted primary amines and characterized by several spectroscopic methods. Investigation of the antimicrobial activity of the synthesized compounds was performed by the agar dilution method, against different strains of bacteria and one fungi. The antioxidative activity of the synthesized compounds was also determined. Some of the compounds have shown the significant activity against the selected strains of microorganisms and the antioxidative activity. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172013 i III 46010



    Špoljar, Luka


    Študentsko delo je občasno ali začasno delo, ki ga študent, dijak ali druga upravičena oseba opravlja preko pooblaščene organizacije (študentski servis, Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje, agencije za delo) na podlagi napotnice. Gre za poseben sistem dela preko napotnic, ki ga ne pozna nobena evropska država. Mladim omogoča pridobivanje denarnih sredstev in nabiranje dragocenih neformalnih izkušenj, ki jim pomagajo pri kasnejšem vstopu na trg dela. Študentsko delo pa ima tudi nekaj neg...

  20. A cracked mirror? - forming the ideal ruler in Epirus and Nicaea in the first half of the 13th century

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    Vukašinović Milan


    Full Text Available During the first half of the 13th century both Byzantine Empire and the image of its ideal ruler had to undergo a transformation. By applying mostly the narratological analysis to the parenetic texts written in the two successor states of the Empire, the paper sheds light on the dynamic ‘negotiations’ within the Roman elites of the place that the Emperor should have inside the symbolic order, and suggests a possible model of approach to other Byzantine texts and periods. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177015

  1. Reduction of torque ripple in DTC induction motor drive with discrete voltage vectors

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    Rosić Marko


    Full Text Available This paper presents а practical implementation of direct torque control (DTC of an induction machine on MSK2812 DSP platform, and the analysis of possibilities for reduction of torque ripple. Basic theoretical background relating the DTC was primarily set and the obtained experimental results have been given. It is shown that the torque ripple can be reduced by adjusting the intensity of voltage vectors and by modification of hysteresis comparator, while the simplicity of the basic DTC algorithm has been maintained. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR33016


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    Dani Krisnawati


    Full Text Available This study is a normative-empirical research that use secondary and primary data. In the case of a voluntary reporting to the Sleman Police Precinct investigator by the drug addicts, the case will be coordinated tothe medical and/or social rehabilitation agency, in this case is PSPP. However, after the implementationof Joint Regulation, no drug addicts voluntarily reported themselves. Whenever the suspects of thedrug addiction that were caught, the Sleman Police Precinct investigator which is the element of lawenforcement team beside the Sleman Narcotics National Agency, Sleman District Attorney, and RegionalOffice of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Yogyakarta Province, coordinate themselves as a part ofa joint assessment team, including with the Bhayangkara Hospital and Grhasia Hospital which serve asthe medical doctor team. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif empiris yang mengolah data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindakan penyidik pasca berlakunya Peraturan Bersama terhadap pecanduyang secara sukarela melaporkan diri ke penyidik Polres Sleman, akan dikoordinasikan ke lembaga medisdan/atau sosial, dalam hal ini Panti Sosial Pamardi Putra. Meskipun pasca berlakunya Peraturan Bersamabelum ada pecandu yang secara sukarela melaporkan diri, sedangkan bagi tersangka pecandu narkotikayang ditangkap, penyidik Polres Sleman saling berkoordinasi dengan tim hukum yang lain sebagai bagiandari tim assessment terpadu dan tim dokter dari Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara dan Rumah Sakit Grhasia yangmerupakan bagian dari tim dokter.


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    Dani Krisnawati


    Full Text Available This study is a normative-empirical research that use secondary and primary data. In the case of a voluntary reporting to the Sleman Police Precinct investigator by the drug addicts, the case will be coordinated tothe medical and/or social rehabilitation agency, in this case is PSPP. However, after the implementationof Joint Regulation, no drug addicts voluntarily reported themselves. Whenever the suspects of thedrug addiction that were caught, the Sleman Police Precinct investigator which is the element of lawenforcement team beside the Sleman Narcotics National Agency, Sleman District Attorney, and RegionalOffice of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Yogyakarta Province, coordinate themselves as a part ofa joint assessment team, including with the Bhayangkara Hospital and Grhasia Hospital which serve asthe medical doctor team.   Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif empiris yang mengolah data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindakan penyidik pasca berlakunya Peraturan Bersama terhadap pecanduyang secara sukarela melaporkan diri ke penyidik Polres Sleman, akan dikoordinasikan ke lembaga medisdan/atau sosial, dalam hal ini Panti Sosial Pamardi Putra. Meskipun pasca berlakunya Peraturan Bersamabelum ada pecandu yang secara sukarela melaporkan diri, sedangkan bagi tersangka pecandu narkotikayang ditangkap, penyidik Polres Sleman saling berkoordinasi dengan tim hukum yang lain sebagai bagiandari tim assessment terpadu dan tim dokter dari Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara dan Rumah Sakit Grhasia yangmerupakan bagian dari tim dokter.

  4. Einige Gesichtspunkte der Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Sozialistischer Republik Rumänien und Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1960-1990

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    Lucian Fedor


    Full Text Available After the establishment of the first transactions of import and export from machines-building industry and food industry in the late 50’s, the economic and commercial relations between Socialist Romania and West Germany had a special evolution both at institutional and financial level in the 7-th and 8-th decades. The bilateral trade relations were characterized by structural asymmetry of the trade, long-term inequity interchange, Romanian exports dominated by products of light-industry and West-German exports dominated by heavy-industry products. The Federal Republic of Germany was for Romania the most important West European economic partner, with a decisive role in the industrialization and economic growth of our country in the 60’s and 70’s.


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    I Dewa Ayu Hendrawathy Putri


    Full Text Available RRI sebagai salah satu unit pelayanan teknis pemerintah di bidang jasa penyiaran, sejalan dengan tingkat perkembangan dan kemajuan pelayanan, perlu memiliki landasan kerja guna meningkatkan dan menjamin mutu pelayanan jasa penyiarannya. Public Relations yang merangkap bagian divisi Pemasaran dan Pembangunan Usaha secara struktural berada di bawah pimpinan perusahaan. Pada bagian divisi Pemasaran dan Pembangunan Usaha hanya terdiri dari sepuluh orang dan semuanya berperan penting menjadi seorang PR yang mampu mempromosikan RRI. PR diberi wewenang untuk menjalankan tugas sebaik-baiknya khususnya dalam menjalin hubungan dengan pemasang iklan agar dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat untuk memasangkan iklan khususnya bagi masyarakat pendengar. Team kerja PR dituntut untuk berkreativitas dalam mempromosikan dan memasangkan produk perusahaan sesuai dengan tugasnya masing-masing. Dengan cara demikian PR dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar sehingga dapat tercapainya tujuan perusahaan. Kegiatan PR juga berupaya untuk mewujudkan hubungan yang harmonis antara badan usaha atau organisasi dengan publiknya. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menarik perhatian pemasang iklan untuk memasangkan iklannya, usaha untuk menanamkan kesan yang menyenangkan, sehingga timbul opini publik yang menguntungkan bagi kelangsungan hidup perusahaan. Sikap yang simpatik, ramah dan sopan yang menunjukkan perhatian terhadap publik akan menciptakan suatu kerja sama yang baik antara Public Relations dengan para pemasang iklan sehingga dapat menghasilkan kerja sama yang profesional.


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    Nada Alifia


    The final result of this research is to find locations that have the potential as a green open space based on the needs of the community. The chosen location of which is distantly related to public facilities (eg religious facilities, near or on the river bank, located around the main street and in public facilities land. The quality of green open space is needed is to provide a sense of comfort, beauty, sustainability and public health. Functions and types of green open space which is expected by the public are parks and sports fields as a means of social activities for children, adolescents, adults and the elderly REFERENCES Budi Santoso, R. H. (2012. Pola Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbuka Hijau pada Kawasan Perkampungan Plemburan Tegal, Ngaglik Sleman. INERSIA , Vol. VIII No. 1. Departemen Dalam Negeri. (2007. Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 1 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kawasan Perkotaan. Jakarta: Departemen Dalam Negeri. Departemen Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia. (1988. Instruksi Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 14 Tahun 1988 Tentang: Penataan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Di Wilayah Perkotaan . Jakarta: Departemen Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia. Direktorat Jenderal Penataan Ruang. (2008. Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum nomor: 05/PRT/M/2008 tentang Pedoman Penyediaan dan Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kawasan Perkotaan. Jakarta: Departemen Pekerjaan Umum. Ida Bagos Mantra, K. d. (2012. Penentuan Sampel. Jakarta: LP3ES. Rushayati, dkk. (2011. Pengembangan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Berdasarkan Distribusi Suhu Permukaan di Kabupaten Bandung. Jurnal Forum Geografi No.25/I/Juli ISSN 0852-2682 . Singarimbun, M. (2012. Metode dan Proses Penelitian. Jakarta: LP3ES

  7. Astragal und eiförmige motive auf Stuckdekor der Wandmalerei Sirmiums

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    Rogić Dragana


    Full Text Available Im Laufe archäologischer Ausgrabungen 1977 kamen in Sremska Mitrovica, auf der Fundstelle Nr. 56, in einem Gebäude, dessen Grundriss und Typ nicht festgestellt werden konnten, neben anderen Funden auch mehrere Fragmente an Stuckdekoration zutage. In dieser Studie werden ihre Elemente parallel zu ähnlichen Motiven, die auf anderen in Sirmium gefundenen Wandmalereien auftreten, betrachtet. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47018: Viminacium, die römische Stadt und Militärlager - Forschung der materialen und geistigen Hinterlassenschaft mit der Verwendung moderner Technologien: Ferndetektion, Geophysik, GIS Digitalisation und 3D Visualisation

  8. Recreational football in Belgrade: Masculinity of middle-aged men

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    Žikić Bojan


    Full Text Available The construction of masculinity in 40 to 50 year old men is examined on the example of playing recreational football at the Belgrade indoor soccer fields from the second half of the first decade of this century onwards. Playing football is seen as a particular form of male body use in organizing individual leisure time and its symbolical use in establishing notions of masculinity. The theoretical concept of hegemonic masculinity is problematized and it is shown that it does not reflect the empirically determined state in our surroundings. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177018

  9. Seasonal variations of bisphenol A in the Danube River by the municipality of Novi Sad, Serbia

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    Milanović Maja


    Full Text Available Seasonal variations of bisphenol A (BPA were investigated in the Danube along the Novi Sad bank, Serbia using solid-phase extraction followed by gas chromatographic mass spectrometric method. The obtained results confirmed the presence of BPA above the limit of quantification (6 ng/L in 22 out of 32 water samples at all eight sampling sites. Тhe BPA concentration varied from 1 for autumn, spring and summer. The high potential risk which is attributed to the elevated summer concentrations is probably the result of the increased human activates and weather conditions. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46009

  10. Transition metal complexes with thiosemicarbazide-based ligands. Part 60. Reactions of copper(II bromide with pyridoxal S-methylisothiosemicarbazone (PLITSC. Crystal structure of [Cu(PLITSC−HH2O]Br•H2O

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    Leovac Vukadin M.


    Full Text Available The synthesis and structural characterization of a square-planar copper(II complex with pyridoxal S-methylisothiosemicarbazone (PLITSC of the formula [Cu(PLITSC−HH2O]Br•H2O (1 as the first Cu(II complex with monoanionic form of this ligand were described. Complex 1 together with two previously synthesized complexes [Cu(PLITSCBr2] (2 and [Cu(PLITSCBr(MeOH]Br (3 were characterized by elemental analysis, IR and electronic spectra and also by the methods of thermal analysis, conductometry and magnetochemistry. [Projekat Pokrajisnkog sekretarijata za nauku i tehnoloski razvoj Vojvodine i Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172014

  11. Randomly oriented twin domains in electrodeposited silver dendrites

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    Ivanović Evica R.


    Full Text Available Silver dendrites were prepared by electrochemical deposition. The structures of Ag dendrites, the type of twins and their distribution were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Z-contrast high angle annular dark field transmission electron microscopy (HAADF, and crystallografically sensitive orientation imaging microscopy (OIM. The results revealed that silver dendrites are characterized by the presence of randomly distributed 180° rotational twin domains. The broad surface of dendrites was of the {111} type. Growth directions of the main dendrite stem and all branches were of type. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172054

  12. Marketing mode u industriji tekstila i odjeće


    Grilec Kaurić, Alica


    Marketing mode istražuje povezanost modnog dizajna i marketinga uključujući razvoj, promociju, prodajne i cjenovne aspekte u industriji mode. Uspješni marketinški menadžeri svjesni su da su ključni elementi marketinga mode prepoznavanje potrošačkih trendova, izgradnja jakih marki i stvaranje pozitivnog imidža proizvođača. Kako bi se projicirao budući razvoj marketinga u industriji tekstila i odjeće Republike Hrvatske, provedeno je izviđajno istraživanje putem osobnih intervjua sa stručnjacima...

  13. The case of scurvy from Singidunum

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    Miladinović-Radmilović Nataša


    Full Text Available In 2014, at the Belgrade Fortress, the bones of a female individual, aged 3-4 years were discovered in Grave no. 1, in sondage 2/2014. Dental and paleopathological analysis revealed traces of enamel hypoplasia on the teeth, while the bones of the cranial and postcranial skeleton showed traces of scurvy and tuberculosis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177007: The text results from the projects Romanization, urbanization and transformation of urban centres of civil, military and residential character in Roman provinces in the territory of Serbia i br. 177021: Urbanization processes and development of medieval society

  14. Optical observations of the nearby galaxy IC342 with narrow band [SII] and Hα filters. I

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    Vučetić M.M.


    Full Text Available We present observations of a portion of the nearby spiral galaxy IC342 using narrow band [SII] and Hα filters. These observations were carried out in November 2011 with the 2m RCC telescope at Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory in Bulgaria. In this paper we report coordinates, diameters, Hα and [SII] fluxes for 203 HII regions detected in two fields of view in IC342 galaxy. The number of detected HII regions is 5 times higher than previously known in these two parts of the galaxy. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176005: Emission nebulae: structure and evolution

  15. Polyploidy and b chromosomes in Alium flavum from Serbia

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    Vujošević M.


    Full Text Available The most intriguing karyological features of the genus Allium are polyploidy and the frequent appearance of supernumerary or B chromosomes (Bs. Specimens of Allium flavum from natural populations at the Gornjačka Gorge in the vicinity of Gornjak Monastery, Serbia, were analyzed karyologically. All studied plants were tetraploid (2n = 32. One submetacentric B chromosome representing 1% of the genome, smaller than the smallest chromosomes of the standard set, was present in some plants. This is the first finding of Bs in tetraploid A. flavum. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173003

  16. Investigations of the changes in the bentonite structure caused by the different treatments

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    Stojiljković S.


    Full Text Available The bentonite was treated in different ways and the changes in structure were monitored. Acid activation with sulphuric acid of investigated bentonite caused the increase in specific volume of micropore-mesopore. It was shown that activation by acid obtained at a constant temperature and constant period of time provides the possibility to obtain samples of bentonite of searched porosity only by changing the concentration of sulphuric and hydrochloric acid. By thermal activation of bentonite clay in the temperature range 100-1100 0C, samples of desired porosity were acquired. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 174007i br. TR 34020

  17. On portraits in Ravanica

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    Starodubcev Tatjana


    Full Text Available This research examines a badly washed-out portrait composition of Prince Lazar, Princess Milica and their sons, Stefan and Vuk, in the Ravanica church. The opinion is that it was not painted later, over the original layer of the frescoes, but that it was made simultaneously with the other wall paintings of the lowest zones of the church. Considering the age of Stefan represented in the portrait composition, it is assumed that the decoration of the church was completed around 1385. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177036: Srpska srednjovekovna umetnosti njen evropski kontekst

  18. Proverbs as ethnolinguistic heritage

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    Pejović Anđelka


    Full Text Available In this paper we have based our analysis on proverbs of Serbian and Spanish language in order to demonstrate the role of these linguistic and cultural constructions in the ethnolinguistic investigation. Relativism observed in them, often reflected as contradictions, is of a huge significance for the ethnolinguistic analysis, since it shows or it might show the ways in which certain society adjust or opposes to the changes, how it reacts, whether it changes only on the surface, or its deep and inside values change as well. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 178014: Dinamika struktura savremenog srpskog jezika

  19. Prediction of annual precipitation on the territory of south Serbia using Markov chains

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    Lukić Predrag


    Full Text Available Prediction of precipitation is one of the important factors that affect the sectors such as industry, agriculture, environmental protection, and their related fields. The stochastic method based on a Markov chain model is used in the paper to predict the annual precipitation in the territory of South Serbia for the period 2009-2013. For this purpose, the precipitation data rainfall recorded on the four synoptic stations were used for the period 1980-2010. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 37003: Razvoj hidroinformacionog sistema za praćenje i ranu najavu suša

  20. Osmotic dehydration of fish: principal component analysis

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    Lončar Biljana Lj.


    Full Text Available Osmotic treatment of the fish Carassius gibelio was studied in two osmotic solutions: ternary aqueous solution - S1, and sugar beet molasses - S2, at three solution temperatures of 10, 20 and 30oC, at atmospheric pressure. The aim was to examine the influence of type and concentration of the used hypertonic agent, temperature and immersion time on the water loss, solid gain, dry mater content, aw and content of minerals (Na, K, Ca and Mg. S2 solution has proven to be the best option according to all output variables.[ Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31055


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    Karto Wijaya


    Hadi, S. P. (2001. Manusia dan Lingkungan. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Jaya, I. (2007. Pengelolaan Lingkungan Kawasan Wisata Danau Lebo Kecamatan Taliwang Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. Universitas Diponegoro. Sudjarto, D. (1985. Diktat Kuliah Perencanaan Kota Baru. Bandung: ITB. Sugandhy, A. (1999. Penataan Ruang dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan hidup. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Undang-undang No. 9 tahun 1990. (1990. Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomo 9 tahun 1990. Wijaya, K., Setioko, B., & Murtini, T. W. (2015. Pengaruh Perubahan Fungsi Lingkungan Binaan terhadap Citra Kawasan Wisata Tekstil Cigondewah Kota Bandung. Jurnal Arsitektur Komposisi, 11(2, 67–75. Retrieved from

  2. Les peintures murales du catholicon du monastère de Gradac: Répertoire des fresques et observations sur les particularités de certaines représentations

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    Pavlović Dragana


    Full Text Available This paper presents the iconographic program of frescoes in the Church of the Annunciation in the monastery of Gradac, in which there were a number of hitherto unrecognized sections that have now been identified. It publishes the pre served inscriptions on the frescoes, as well as the texts on the scrolls of the hierarchs in the altar space. Finally, it presents observations about the typical program features of the wall painting in the Gradac church, which have not been previously considered in research. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177036: Srpska srednjovekovna umetnost i njen evropski kontekst



    Rokavec, Andreja


    Davčni sistem Republike Slovenije je dokaj zapleten in ima več različnih interpretacij, kar večkrat pomeni oteženo delo. V Sloveniji področje obdavčitve pravnih oseb obravnava Zakon o davku od dohodka pravnih oseb, ki je prišel v veljavo leta 2007,in ima vsako leto spremembe posameznih členov in razne dopolnitve, za čim boljši davčni sistem, s katerim Slovenija ureja obveznosti plačevanja davka od dohodka pravnih oseb. ZDDPO-2 ali Zakon o davku od dohodka pravnih oseb ureja in določa t...

  4. The comparison of gamma-radiation and electrical stress influences on oxide and interface defects in power VDMOSFET

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    Đorić-Veljković Snežana M.


    Full Text Available The behaviour of oxide and interface defects in n-channel power vertical double-diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors, firstly degraded by the gamma-irradiation and electric field and subsequently recovered and annealed, is presented. By analyzing the transfer characteristic shifts, the changes of threshold voltage and underlying changes of gate oxide and interface trap densities during the stress (recovery, annealing of investigated devices, it is shown that these two types of stress influence differently on the gate oxide and the SiO2-Si interface. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI171026

  5. Checklist of non-indigenous fish species of the River Danube

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    Zorić Katarina


    Full Text Available Twenty non-indigenous fish species were recorded in the Danube River. The manner of their introduction, vectors, pathways, as well as invasive status are discussed. The major modes of introduction and translocation were found to be aquaculture and fish stocking. The main environmental consequences of the spread of alien fish are related to changes in the structure and functioning of the fish community and to the introduction of non-indigenous parasites. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON 173025, TR 37009 and III 43002 and European Commission 6th Framework Program: Integrated Project ALARM (contract GOCE-CT-2003-506675

  6. The contribution of bioethanol to sustainable development in Serbia

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    Popov Stevan D.


    Full Text Available The pollution caused by the use of fossil fuels for the production of mechanical or electrical energy is one of the most important environmental issues nowa­days. In this respect, biofuels represent a viable source of energy. Bioethanol as a renewable energy source is derived from organic material of plant origin, so-called biomass, thus reducing environmental pollution. The aim of this study was to analyze the potential of bioethanol in meeting future energy demands in the Republic of Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike SRbije, br. TR31002: The improvement of bioethanol production from sugar beet processing products

  7. Planning logistics network for recyclables collection

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    Ratković Branislava


    Full Text Available Rapid urbanization, intensified industrialization, rise of income, and a more sophisticated form of consumerism are leading to an increase in the amount and toxicity of waste all over the world. Whether reused, recycled, incinerated or put into landfill sites, the management of household and industrial waste yield financial and environmental costs. This paper presents a modeling approach that can be used for designing one part of recycling logistics network through defining optimal locations of collection points, and possible optimal scheduling of vehicles for collecting recyclables. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR36005

  8. Lički i sjevernodalmatinski prostor u kontekstu suvremene regionalizacije Hrvatske

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    Damir Magaš


    Full Text Available Suvremeni županijski ustroj Republike Hrvatske kao i strateško autocestovno povezivanje hrvatskih regija, posebice srednjeg i južnog dijela jadranskog priobalja kroz lički prostor, određuju nove funkcionalne poveznice središnjeg dijela Jadranske Hrvatske. Nasuprot recidivima nekadašnjih podjela i razgraničenja hrvatskoga prostora od Osmanskog Carstva, Habsburške Monarhije i Mletačke Republike, kraj 20. i početak 21. stoljeća označili su obnovljene procese prometnog, gospodarskog i funkcionalnog povezivanja suvremenoga ličkog i sjevernodalmatinskog prostora, slične nekadašnjim procesima u antici i u razdobljima afirmacije prvotne hrvatske državne jezgre. Izgradnja autoceste unutar Jadransko jonskog koridora, usmjerenost na najbliže priobalno pročelje sa zračnom i pomorskim lukama, povezivanje turističkih kompleksa na potezu Novalja / Karlobag – Nin – Zadar – Biograd – Vodice – Šibenik – Primošten – Rogoznica s plitvičkim turističkim kompleksom, veći broj nacionalnih parkova i parkova prirode, potiču kroz neposredne i lako uočljive društvenogeografske procese novo, pojačano povezivanje. Tome pridonosi i razmjerno jednostavno i spontano prožimanje u sferi trgovine, prometa, bankarstva, uprave, školstva, sudstva, sigurnosti itd., što omogućuje, unatoč pojedinim, politički usmjeravanim ili naslijeđenim rješenjima te lokalnim prijeporima uvjetovanim razlikama i preklapanjima interesnih grupa, svrsishodno i učinkovito suvremeno životno povezivanje u gravitacijski jedinstveni i funkcionalan regionalni kompleks. Značenje postojećih i afirmiranih gravitacijskih središta, među kojima se Zadar kao staro razvojno žarište i čvorište na jadranskom hrvatskom pročelju ističe, od prvorazrednog je značenja, posebice u razdoblju demografske recesije ne samo manjih i ruralnih, nego i većih gradskih središta i ovoga regionalnog kompleksa, ali i čitave Hrvatske. Znanstveno i multidisciplinarno

  9. Uso de la ceniza volante de lignitos (c.v.l. como materia secundaria. Un resumen considerando especialmente la situación en la República Democrática Alemana (RDA

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    Beyer, Lothar


    Full Text Available Not available.

    La presente publicación es un resumen sobre los trabajos ejecutados para el aprovechamiento de las cenizas volantes de lignito (c.v.l. en la República Democrática Alemana. Se consideran especialmente los resultados encontrados en patentes de invención y se involucran algunas veces trabajos de otros países con fines de comparación. Los aspectos claves cubren las investigaciones aplicativas para el uso de c.v.l. en la construcción civil, protección del ambiente y transformaciones químicas para obtener productos útiles. Se presentan conclusiones sobre perspectivas y se refleja el importante papel de los análisis físico-químicos para superar el empirismo en relación con el uso de c.v.l. [de] Nutzung von Braunkohlenfilterasche (BFA ais Sekundärrohstoff eine Übersicht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Situation in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung ist eine Zusammenfassung der in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik durchgeführten Arbeiten zur Anwendung der Braunkohlenfilterasche (BFA. Besonders werden die in Patenten beschriebenen Ergebnisse berücksichtigt, und zum Vergleich werden einige Arbeiten aus anderen Ländern einbezogen. Die Hauptaspekte beziehen sich auf angewandte Forschungsarbeiten zur Nutzung der BFA im Bauwesen, zum Umweltschutz und zur chemischen Umwandlung für die Herstellung nützlicher Stoffe. Es werden perspektivische Schluβfolgerungen gezogen, und es wird die bedeutende Rolle der physikalisch-chemischen Analytik zur Überwindung einer gewissen Empirie im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung der BFA herausgestellt.


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    Muhammad Fauzan


    Full Text Available Existence of Judicial Commission in system of Republic of Indonesia is a long process in searching format of civic specially related to execution of judicial power. The chaos of execution of judicial power which influence of government and other power's have pushed the importance of a institute that able to " guarantee" the judicial power in order to according with the justice . the judicial Commission althought arranged in Chapter of IX UUD 1945 concerning Judicial Power, but judicial Commission is not executor of judicial power, Therefore Judicial Commission is not as institute enforcer of law of code, but as institute enforcer of ethic norm (ethics of code. Judicial Commission is expected can support the creation execution of judicial power which independence and free from other power.

  11. Thermische Klärschlammbehandlung in der Tschechischen Republik und experimentelle Bestimmung der Emissionen aus der Verbrennung

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Elsasser, T.; Pohořelý, Michael; Jecha, D.; Punčochář, Miroslav; Stehlík, P.


    Roč. 85, č. 12 (2013), s. 1-7 ISSN 0009-286X R&D Projects: GA MŠk 2B08048 Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : limestone * sewage plant * sludge incineration Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Impact factor: 0.661, year: 2013

  12. Degradation of anionic surfactants using the reactor based on dielectric barrier discharge

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    Aonyas Munera Mustafa


    Full Text Available Two anionic surfactants (sodium lauryl sulfate - SDS and sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate - SDBS were treated with dielectric barrier discharge. Loss of surfactant activity, decrease of chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon as well as lower toxicity of degradation products were determined. Effects of catalysts - hydrogen peroxide and iron (II, on parameters mentioned above, were determined. Catalysts affect the degradation of SDBS and in the case of SDS catalysts have no effect on degradation. Both catalysts induce the decrease of COD and TOC values. Toxicity of solutions after the plasma treatment is lower in all the systems tested. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI 172030

  13. Diversity of Chrysophyceae (Heterocontophyta in the Zasavica River (Serbia

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    Predojević Dragana


    Full Text Available Detailed studies of the Chrysophyceae class of algae have not been undertaken in Serbia thus far. The golden algae usually occur during the winter and spring months. Chrysophyceae of the Zasavica River in Serbia were studied at two localities from December 2012 to Jun 2013. In our research, 26 taxa were recorded and the genus with the highest diversity was Mallomonas (15 species. The most abundant species during the whole study period were Synura uvella, Dinobryon divergens and Dinobryon sociale. At the beginning of summer, Chrysophyceae disappeared from the phytoplankton community. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176020 i br. III 43004

  14. Diatoms from a peat bog on the Pešter plateau (southwestern Serbia: New records for diatom flora of Serbia

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    Vidaković Danijela


    Full Text Available The distribution of diatoms was studied in three types of diatom communities (epiphytes, benthos and plankton of a peat bog on the Pešter plateau. The observed diatom flora inhabited all investigated communities, comprising in total 250 taxa in 53 genera. Among them, 45 taxa were new records for the Serbian diatom flora. Identified taxa belonged to different groups of algae, however alkaliphile diatoms were dominant. New ecological data for Encyonopsis minuta, Pinnularia isostauron and P. marchica are presented here. All the diatoms were documented by light micrographs, and brief notes on their morphology, distribution and ecology are provided. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 037009



    Prosen, Nina


    Diplomsko delo, ki je pred Vami, obravnava vprašanje, če so otroci, ko so postavljeni v vlogo potrošnika, resnično tako zavarovani, kot to določa Ustava Republike Slovenije v 56. členu. Otrokove želje in mnenja so postali pomemben dejavnik pri sooblikovanju potrošniških odločitev v družinah. Otroci postanejo potrošniki že v rosni mladosti. Zato je neprecenljivega pomena, kakšne vzgoje so otroci in mladostniki deležni v okviru družine in kasneje v šoli. Na otrokove želje vplivajo potrošniška s...

  16. Structural characterization of the nickel thin film deposited by glad technique

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    Potočnik J.


    Full Text Available In this work, a columnar structure of nickel thin film has been obtained using an advanced deposition technique known as Glancing Angle Deposition. Nickel thin film was deposited on glass sample at the constant emission current of 100 mA. Glass sample was positioned 15 degrees with respect to the nickel vapor flux. The obtained nickel thin film was characterized by Force Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy and by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Analysis indicated that the formation of the columnar structure occurred at the film thickness of 1 μm, which was achieved for the deposition time of 3 hours. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45005

  17. Historical basis of the Miracula of Saint Symeon in Stefan the First-Crowned’s life of Symeon

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    Komatina Ivana


    Full Text Available The paper is devoted to the research of the so-called Catalog of Miracles in the Life of Saint Symeon by Stefan the First-Crowned. Because the miracles are divided in the Life into those in which Symeon-Nemanja is revealed as a Saint, and those in which his heir Stefan the First-Crowned conquers the enemies of the Serbian State with his help, the attention is paid on research of their historical basis and chronological frame, as well as their religious essence. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177029: Srednjovekovne srpske zemlje (13-15. vek: politički, privredni, društveni i pravni procesi

  18. New approach to far field analysis for radiation pattern estimation using FDTD method

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    Nikolić Bojana


    Full Text Available In this paper an approach to efficient computation of radiation pattern in FDTD simulation environment is presented. A necessary large distance from the radiating object is achieved by multigrid space discretization with unilaterally connected subdomains. A numerical dispersion is reduced using more general complex-envelope finite difference time domain (CE-FDTD formulation and high order accuracy FDTD schemes where possible. In order to examine how much the introduced algorithm complexity and increased demands concerning computational power and memory are justified by the gain in accuracy, several different scenarios were considered. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-32051 i br. TR-33008

  19. Review and protection possibilities of some trans-border (East Serbia-West Bulgaria stratigraphic/palaeontological geosites

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    Jovanović Velimir


    Full Text Available Stratigraphic/palaeontological geosites of Stara Planina Mountain in east Serbia are well developed in the area of Serbian/Bulgarian state border, where with this occassion, three sections of exeptional geological and scientific interest are selected: Jelovica, Rosomač and Senokos. These geosites represent the important localities for study of Triassic and Jurassic terrigene-carbonate deposits, for which the scientific value from the domains of palaeontology, stratigraphy and sedimentology is widely known. The aim of this work is to represent the main scientific arguments for inventory and protection of detached transborder geological sites that are unique according to their composition and content.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008

  20. Antifungal activity of Helichrysum italicum (Roth G. Don (Asteraceae essential oil against fungi isolated from cultural heritage objects

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    Stupar Miloš


    Full Text Available There is considerable interest in the use of essential oils as alternative methods to control micromycetes from cultural heritage objects. We investigated the chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum. The main components of the oil were γ-curcumene (22.45%, α-pinene (15.91 % and neryl acetate (7.85 %. H. italicum essential oil showed moderate antifungal activity against fungi isolated from cultural heritage objects. The most susceptible fungi to oil treatment were Epicoccum nigrum and Penicillium sp., while the most resistant was Trichoderma viride. The H. italicum essential oil showed demelanizing activity against Aspergillus niger. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173032

  1. Twenty years later: The war did (not begin at Maksimir an anthropological analysis of the media narratives about a never ended football game

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    Đorđević Ivan


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is an analysis of the media narratives about the never ended football match between Dynamo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade on May 13 1990. The article focuses on the media coverage twenty years after the incident in the context of the game's acquired mythic status, symbolically marking the beginning of the war in former Yugoslavia. The object of the analysis are Serbian and Croatian media with the aim of revealing the strategies of representing this event in the period of the normalization of the relations in the region. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177026: Cultural Heritage and Identity

  2. Ab initio study of vibronic transitions between x2π and 12Σ+ electronic states of HCP+ ion

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    Stojanović Ljiljana


    Full Text Available The ground and low-lying excited doublet electronic states of the HCP+ ion were studied by means of multireference configuration interaction method. Vibronic energy levels of the X2Π state of Σ, Π, Δ, and Φ symmetry, up to the 2500 cm-1, have been calculated variationally, employing previously developed ab initio methods which take into account vibronic and spin-orbit interactions. Obtained vibronic wave functions were used to estimate transition moments between vibronic energy levels of the X2Π and 12Σ+ electronic states. Results were compared to available experimental and theoretical data. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172040

  3. Brief implicit association test: Validity and utility in prediction of voting behavior

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    Pavlović Maša D.


    Full Text Available We employed the Brief Implicit Association Test (a recently developed short version of IAT to measure implicit political attitudes toward four political parties running for Serbian parliament. To test its criterion validity, we measured voting intention and actual voting behavior. In addition, we introduced political involvement as a potential moderator of the BIAT’s predictive and incremental validity. The BIAT demonstrated good internal and predictive validity, but lacked incremental validity over self-report measures. Predictive power of the BIAT was moderated by political involvement - the BIAT scores were stronger predictors of voting intention and behavior among voters highly involved in politics. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

  4. Information analysis of iris biometrics for the needs of cryptology key extraction

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    Adamović Saša


    Full Text Available The paper presents a rigorous analysis of iris biometric information for the synthesis of an optimized system for the extraction of a high quality cryptology key. Estimations of local entropy and mutual information were identified as segments of the iris most suitable for this purpose. In order to optimize parameters, corresponding wavelets were transformed, in order to obtain the highest possible entropy and mutual information lower in the transformation domain, which set frameworks for the synthesis of systems for the extraction of truly random sequences of iris biometrics, without compromising authentication properties. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR32054 i br. III44006

  5. Cross sections and transport properties for Na+ in (DXE gas

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    Nikitović Željka D.


    Full Text Available In this work we select most probable reactions of alkali metal ion Na+ with dimethoxyethane (DXE molecule. Appropriate gas phase enthalpies of formation for the products were used to calculate scattering cross section as a function of kinetic energy with Denpoh-Nanbu theory. Calculated cross sections were compared with existing experimental results obtained by guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometry. Three body association reactions of ions with DXE is studied and compared to experimental results. Calculated cross sections were used to obtain transport parameters for alkali metal ion in DXE gas. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON 171037 i br. III 410011

  6. Spolia from the Church of St. Nicholas in Nikoljac

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    Pejić Svetlana


    Full Text Available Two, so far unknown, spolia with carved interlace ornaments, built into the wall of the Church of St. Nicholas in Nikoljac are analyzed. These spolia are a part of the collection of fragments discovered earlier in the Church of St. Peter in Bijelo Polje. A comparative analysis was performed on a multitude of pre-Romanic material, in order to determine the time when they were made and whether they originated from any specific circle of stonemasons, and also to identify the initial position of the fragments in the liturgical church furniture for which they had been carved. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177036

  7. Obveznopravni odnosi u prijevozu živih životinja morem

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    Ivo Grabovac


    Full Text Available Prijevoz živih životinja morem spada u tzv. posebne prijevoze. Žive životinje su tijekom prijevoza izložene posebnim, samo njima kao živim bićima svojstvenim rizicima. Mjerodavne međunarodne konvencije i domaći propisi imaju neka posebna rješenja u prijevozu ove vrste robe, kojima je zapravo svrha omogućiti pogodniji pravni položaj prijevoznika. Autor u ovom radu ističe određene osobitosti u sadržaju prava i obveza ugovaratelja iz prijevoza živih životinja morem, a na temelju međunarodnih konvencija i nacionalnih propisa, osobito Pomorskog zakonika Republike Hrvatske.

  8. Structural adaptation of Salsola soda L. (Chenopodiaceae from inland and maritime saline area

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    Milić Dubravka M.


    Full Text Available The microscopic analysis of leaf and stem in two populations of Salsola soda was carried out in order to examine mechanism of anatomical adaptations to environmental condition on saline habitats and to determine if there exists a morpho-anatomical differentiation between populations from maritime and inland saline area. Analysis included 26 quantitative characters of leaf and stem. The results showed that both populations exhibited halomorphic and xeromorphic adaptations, which refered to ecological plasticity and adaptations of plants to their habitats. Our research also showed that S. soda had quite a stable morphoanatomical structure, since only quantitative changes were recorded. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173002

  9. Young’s modulus evaluation and thermal shock behavior of a porous SiC/cordierite composite material

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    Pošarac-Marković M.


    Full Text Available Porous SiC/Cordierite Composite Material with graphite content (10% was synthesized. Evaluation of Young modulus of elasticity and thermal shock behavior of these samples was presented. Thermal shock behavior was monitored using water quench test, and non destructive methods such are UPVT and image analysis were also used for accompaniment the level of destruction of the samples during water quench test. Based on the level of destruction graphical modeling of critical number of cycles was given. This approach was implemented on discussion of the influence of the graphite content on thermal stability behavior of the samples. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45012

  10. Zaštita pomorskog dobra u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Vinko Hlača


    Full Text Available Pomorsko dobro oduvijek je bio prostor koji je kao najinteresantniji dio teritorija svake države, pa i Republike Hrvatske, bio izložen najrazličitijim nasrtajima (primjerice izgradnja marina, apartmanskih naselja, nasipanja mora i sl.. Granica pomorskog dobra počela je biti jako važna onoga časa kada su se na morskoj obali masovnije počeli graditi raznorazni objekti (vikendice, luke, plaže, turistički objekti i sl.. U Republici Hrvatskoj pomorsko dobro je opće dobro na kojem vlast ima država te ona za njega brine, održava ga i odgovara za njega. Prema mnijenju autora do sada se postupak određivanja granice pomorskog dobra te njezino evidentiranje u katastar i zemljišnu knjigu ne može ocijeniti zadovoljavajućom ocjenom. Ako se ima na umu da je prostor koji danas zauzima Republika Hrvatska često kroz povijest mijenjao državnu pripadnost onda i ne čudi anarhija na pomorskom dobru koja traje do danas. Stoga, sve do danas nije (razriješen problem stečenih prava na pomorskom dobru. Autori daju prikaz stvarnih prava za koja su mnijenja da se mogu smatrati stečenim na pravno valjan način. Nadalje, prikazuje se pravorijek Trgovačkog suda u Rijeci koji je razriješio (nevlasničke odnose u luci posebne namjene – brodogradilištu kao i pravorijek Visokog trgovačkog suda Republike Hrvatske koji je razmatrao razlučna prava na narečenoj luci posebne namjene. Na kraju rada autori iznose svoj stav na razmatranoj problematici te moguća rješenja de lege ferenda.

  11. Das Archiv der Familie Szwojnicki aus Borkłojnie

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    Andrzej Mycio


    Full Text Available 2004 erwarb die Universitätsbibliothek in Thorn einen kleinen Bestand, das Privatarchiv der Familie Szwojnicki, die bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg ihre Landgüter in Borkłojnie in der Republik Litauen inne hatte. Die von den nacheinander folgenden Familienvertretern gesammelten Materialien, die sich bis zum heutigen Tag bewährten, erlauben die wichtigsten Schicksale dieser Familie wiederherzustellen. Die Szwojnickis waren eine Familie der Landesbeamten. Im 19. Jahrhundert waren ihre Landgüter in Borkłojnie ein Hort, wo die polnischen Truppen während des Januaraufstandes unterstützt, geschützt und versorgt wurden. Die Landgüter wurden von 1897 bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges von Zygmunt Szwojnicki verwaltet. In der Zwischenkriegszeit bemühte er sich aktiv um die Bewahrung der nationalen Identität der in der Republik Litauen lebenden Polen. 1946 wurde er zusammen mit anderen Polen in den polnischen Staat umgesiedelt. Das ganze Familienarchiv Szwojnickis ist einer der kleineren Archivbestände, die in der Universitätsbibliothek in Thorn aufbewahrt werden. Dazu gehörten insgesamt 12 Inventareinheiten. Das älteste Dokument in diesem Bestand stammt aus dem Jahr 1531, das jüngste aus dem Jahr 1946. Die erhaltenen Archivalien entstanden also innerhalb von über 400 Jahren. Sie schildern die Schicksale der Familie Szwojnicki und ihrer Landgüter in Borkłojnie. Der Archivbestand der Familie Szwojnicki ist ein typisches Beispiel von Familienakten des nicht so wohlhabenden polnischen Adels, der die Gebiete Litauens bewohnte. Es bewährten sich vor allem die Urkunden, die von den Ansprüchen der Familie auf den Adelstitel sowie auf die Landgüter zeugen, darüber hinaus: Matrikelakten, Testamente, Finanzurkunden sowie biografische Materialien in Bezug auf den letzten Eigentümer Zygmunt Szwojnicki.

  12. Fractures of the humerus during arm wrestling

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    Bumbaširević Marko Ž.


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Humeral shaft fractures may occur as a result of arm wrestling. The aim of this study was to present our treatment of humerus fracture sustained during arm wrestling. Methods. A total of six patients, aged 22 to 48, were treated at our department form January 2008 to January 2010 with open reduction and internal fixation and with hanging arm casts. A review of all the relevant literature on the subject was also presented. Results. In all the cases, the fractures healed and function returned to normal. No patient had any neural or vascular compromise. Conclusion. Closed and operative treatments were equally successful in all reported cases. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175-095

  13. „Pseudo-yat“ in Dalmato-Romance and Balkan Latin (On Balkan Latin VIII

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    Ligorio Orsat L.


    Full Text Available Article discusses the origins and the development of the so-called pseudo-yat in Dalmatian Romance and Balkan Latin. (E.g. SCr. mrčela-murtila-murtela from Lat. *MYRTICELLA or tovijerna-tovirna-toverna from TABERNA. Pseudo-yat is derived from -ECC-, in short syllables, and in long syllables from -ERR-, -ERC-. This suggestion is tried on 58 Dalmatian loans in Serbo-Croatian. The fact that pseudo-yat is found only in a part of these is of particular significance for the stratification of Dalmatian loans in Serbo-Croatian since loans with pseudo-yat are ostensibly older than the ones without it. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 178007

  14. Book Reviews

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    T.S. Poonen


    Full Text Available - F.D.K. Bosch, J.G. de Casparis, Prasasti Indonesia diterbitkan oleh Djawatan Purbakala Republik Indonesia I. - J.G. de Casparis: Inscripties uit de Cailendra-Tijd, A.C. Nix & Co. Bandung, 1950, 204 blz. - C. Tj. Bertling, P.J. Zoetmulder, Cultuur oost en west, 183 blz. Uitg. C.P.J. van der Peet, Amsterdam 1951. - K.A.H. Hidding, G.J. Held, Magie, Hekserij en Toverij. J.B. Wolters, Groningen 1950. - W. Ph. Coolhaas, T.S. Poonen, A survey of the rise of the Dutch power in Malabar (1603-1678. University of Travancore, Trichinopoly, 1948. 303 blz. - E.M. Uhlenbeck, D.W.N. de Boer, Beknopte Indonesische Grammatica, van Klassiek naar modern Maleis. Brill, Leiden 1951.

  15. Fuzzy optimization in hydrodynamic analysis of groundwater control systems: Case study of the pumping station "Bezdan 1", Serbia

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    Bajić Dragoljub


    Full Text Available A groundwater control system was designed to lower the water table and allow the pumping station “Bezdan 1” to be built. Based on a hydrodynamic analysis that suggested three alternative solutions, multicriteria optimization was applied to select the best alternative. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method was used, based on triangular fuzzy numbers. An assessment of the various factors that influenced the selection of the best alternative, as well as fuzzy optimization calculations, yielded the “weights” of the alternatives and the best alternative was selected for groundwater control at the site of the pumping station “Bezdan 1”. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI-176022, TR-33039 i br. III-43004

  16. The use of in vitro culture in dianthus propagation

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    Marković Marija


    Full Text Available Today, in vitro culture is of the great importance in both scientific investigation of under-researched plant species and plant production. In this paper, a review of development and methods of in vitro culture is presented. The main principles are given and the most commonly used methods are described. Special attention was paid to the propagation of Dianthus spp. Tissue culture of commercially important taxa is described in detail, and the review of propagation of other decorative Dianthus spp. that can be used as ornamental plants is also given. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007: Istraživanje klimatskih promena na životnu sredinu - praćenje uticaja, adaptacija i ublažavanje


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    Habi Kusno


    Abstrak perlindungan hukum hak cipta terhadap pencipta lagu yang diunduh melalui internet dilakukan dengan cara yaitu secara administrasi, melalui instrumen hukum pidana dan gugatan perdata. Upaya hukum yang dilakukan dalam melindungi hak cipta pencipta lagu yang diunduh melalui internet dilakukan beberapa cara yaitu Kementerian Informasi dan Teknologi untuk berperan aktif dalam melakukan pemblokiran terhadap situs-situs yang menyediakan fasilitas download lagu gratis dan menyiapkan sumber daya manusia di bidang penyidikan seperti dari Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia serta Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan lainnya seperti jaksa dan hakim yang memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan di bidang HKI serta peran Dewan Hak Cipta untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai arti penting HKI.   Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Hak Cipta, Lagu, Internet

  18. Viscosities and refractive indices of binary systems acetone+1-propanol, acetone+1,2-propanediol and acetone+1,3-propanediol

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    Živković Emila M.


    Full Text Available Viscosities and refractive indices of three binary systems, acetone+1-propanol, acetone+1,2-propanediol and acetone+1,3-propanediol, were measured at eight temperatures (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15, 323.15K and at atmospheric pressure. From these data viscosity deviations and deviations in refractive index were calculated and fitted to the Redlich-Kister equation. The viscosity modelling was done by two types of models: predictive UNIFAC-VISCO and ASOG VISCO and correlative Teja-Rice and McAlister equations. The refractive indices of binary mixtures were predicted by various mixing rules and compared with experimental data. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172063

  19. Three-dimensional simulations of the surface topography evolution of niobium superconducting radio frequency cavities

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    Rađenović Branislav M.


    Full Text Available This paper contains results of the three-dimensional simulations of the surface topography evolution of the niobium superconducting radio frequency cavities during isotropic and anisotropic etching modes. The initial rough surface is determined from the experimental power spectral density. The simulation results based on the level set method reveal that the time dependence of the root mean square roughness obeys Family-Viscek scaling law. The growth exponential factors b are determined for both etching modes. Exponential factor for the isotropic etching is 100 times lower than that for the anisotropic etching mode reviling that the isotropic etching is very useful mechanism of the smoothing. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. O171037 i br. III45006

  20. Physical and textural characteristics of fermented milk products obtained by kombucha inoculums with herbal teas

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    Malbaša Radomir V.


    Full Text Available In this investigation, kombucha fermented milk products were produced from milk with 1.6% milk fat using 10% (v/v kombucha inoculums cultivated on the extracts of peppermint and stinging nettle. The fermentation process was conducted at temperatures of 37, 40 and 43°C. Fermentation was stopped when the pH value of 4.5 was reached. The fermentation process was shortened with an increase of temperature. Physical characteristics of the fermented products were determined by using standard methods of analysis. Textural characteristics were determined by texture profile analysis. The obtained products showed good physical and textural characteristics, typical for the yoghurt-like products. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III-46009

  1. Bioleaching of pollymetallic sulphide concentrate using thermophilic bacteria

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    Vuković Milovan


    Full Text Available An extreme thermophilic, iron-sulphur oxidising bacterial culture was isolated and adapted to tolerate high metal and solids concentrations at 70°C. Following isolation and adaptation, the culture was used in a batch bioleach test employing a 5-l glass standard magnetic agitated and aerated reactor, for the bioleaching of a copper-lead-zinc collective concentrate. The culture exhibited stable leach performance over the period of leach operation and overall copper and zinc extractions higher than 97%. Lead sulphide is transformed into lead sulphate remaining in the bioleach residue due to the low solubility in sulphate media. Brine leaching of bioleach residue yields 95% lead extraction. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 34023

  2. Valorization of crude glycerol from biodiesel production

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    Konstantinović Sandra S.


    Full Text Available The increased production of biodiesel as an alternative fuel involves the simultaneous growth in production of crude glycerol as its main by-product. Therefore, the feasibility and sustainability of biodiesel production requires the effective utilization of crude glycerol. This review describes various uses of crude glycerol as a potential green solvent for chemical reactions, a starting raw material for chemical and biochemical conversions into value-added chemicals, a substrate or co-substrate in microbial fermentations for synthesis of valuable chemicals and production of biogas and biohydrogen as well as a feedstuff for animal feed. A special attention is paid to various uses of crude glycerol in biodiesel production. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45001

  3. “Queer inclusion” in schools: Concept and controversy

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    Antonić Slobodan


    Full Text Available Recently, there have arisen some requirements for “queer inclusion” in schools in Serbia. This article defines the term “queer inclusion”, presents some experiences in this field in the United States and Britain, and considers the reasons commonly given as “pros and cons” of queer inclusion. The concluding part argues that effects of queer inclusion in schools are not only positive, that there are many conceptual problems with it, and that perhaps we ought to be much more careful with the campaign for introduction of queer inclusion in the school system in Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179035: Izazovi nove društvene integracije u Srbiji - koncepti i akteri

  4. The Slavs and Vlachs in the Byzantine system of provincial organization in the Southern Balkans until the XI century: Similarities and differencies

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    Cvetković Miloš


    Full Text Available The paper is devoted to establishing the circumstances and manner under which the Slav tribes and Vlachs in the southern Balkans were being integrated into the Byzantine system of provincial administration. Constantinople militarily imposed sovereignty on the settled Slavs, which was the first step towards their integration into the Byzantine state and society. When it comes to Vlachs, there was no use of military force. Special methods were applied to fit their autonomous organization into the frames oh the empire. In this regard, the paper compares the patterns of the integration processes of the two mentioned ethnic groups. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177032: Tradicija, inovacija i identitet u vizantijskom svetu

  5. Active RC filter based implementation analysis part of two channel hybrid filter bank

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    Stojanović Vidosav


    Full Text Available In the present paper, a new design method for continuous-time powersymmetric active RC filters for Hybrid Filter Bank (HFB is proposed. Some theoretical properties of continious-time power-symmetric filters bank in a more general perspective are studied. This includes the derivation of a new general analytical form, and a study of poles and zeros locations in s-plane. In the proposed design method the analytic solution of filter coefficients is solved in sdomain using only one nonlinear equation Finally, the proposed approximation is compared to standard approximations. It was shown that attenuation and group delay characteristic of the proposed filter lie between Butterworth and elliptic characteristics. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 32009TR

  6. Observations on the oldest known icons of the Monastery of King Marko (I: The issue of the patronage of Helena Dragaš and the inscription on the shield of St Demetrios

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    Marković Miodrag


    Full Text Available The paper refutes the assumption of Petar Miljković-Pepek that the oldest icons in the treasury of Monastery of King Marko were painted between 1395 and 1405, as a gift the Byzantine empress Helena Dragaš made to the monastery so as to ensure a yearly memorial service for her tragically killed father Constantine. The part of the inscription on the icon of St Demetrios, on which the assumption was based, has been differently interpreted here: it is not actually related to empress Helena but to the military title of Thessalonian megalomartyr, like the rest of the inscription. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177036: Srpska srednjovekovna umetnost i njen evropski kontekst

  7. Copper tolerance of Trichoderma species

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    Jovičić-Petrović Jelena


    Full Text Available Some Trichoderma strains can persist in ecosystems with high concentrations of heavy metals. The aim of this research was to examine the variability of Trichoderma strains isolated from different ecosystems, based on their morphological properties and restriction analysis of ITS fragments. The fungal growth was tested on potato dextrose agar, amended with Cu(II concentrations ranging from 0.25 to 10 mmol/l, in order to identify copper-resistant strains. The results indicate that some isolated strains of Trichoderma sp. show tolerance to higher copper concentrations. Further research to examine the ability of copper bioaccumulation by tolerant Trichoderma strains is needed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31080 i br. III 43010

  8. The first Cohort of Cretans, a roman military unit at Timacum Maius

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    Petrović Vladimir P.


    Full Text Available Archaeological investigations on the site of Niševac (Timacum Maius have been conducted over a period of eight successive years by the Institute for Balkan Studies in collaboration with the Centre for Tourism, Culture and Sports of Svrljig and the French Bordeaux-based Ausonius Institute. The 2014 campaign came up with nine Roman bricks stamped with inscriptions of the First Cohort of Cretans (Cohors I Cretum built into the walls of a Roman bath. The inscriptions provide evi­dence for the character, chronology and history of the Roman settlement. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177012: Society, spiritual and material culture and communications in prehistory and early history of the Balkans

  9. Regional characteristics of individual housing units in Serbia from the aspect of applied building technologies

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    Jovanović-Popović Milica


    Full Text Available Individual housing units in Serbia have been studied from the aspect of applied technical solutions. Analyzed data have been collected during a field research in accordance with the current administrative regional division, and they represent a basis for definition of regional typology of individual housing units. Characteristic types of objects of each region’s typology have been further analyzed. Upon these analyses regional characteristics of individual housing units regarding applied construction types, building technologies and materials have been defined and presented. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 36034: Investigation and Systematization of Serbian Housing in Context of Globalization and European Integration in the Framework of Quality and Living-Standard Improvement

  10. The influence of drought on the occurrence of aflatoxins in maize

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    Kos Jovana J.


    Full Text Available In this study, a total of 78 maize samples harvested during September and October 2012 in Vojvodina were analyzed. Presence of aflatoxins (AFs was deter­mined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA method. Among the 78 analyzed maize samples, even 44 (56.4% samples were contaminated with AFs. Concentration interval between 1-10 μg/kg, 10-50 μg/kg and 50-80 μg/kg were found in 23.1%, 17.9% and 15.4% of analyzed maize samples, respectively. It was supposed that prolonged drought during spring and summer of 2012 had a great influence on high contamination frequency and concentration of AFs. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46001

  11. Water-Soluble and ExchangeableAluminum in Some Forest Soils off the CzechRepublik Affected by Acid Precipitation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Tolpeshta, I.; Sokolova, T.; Bonifacio, E.; Cudlín, Pavel; Kiryushin, A.V.


    Roč. 38, - (2007), s. 159-169 ISSN 0010-3624 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) OK 355 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60870520 Keywords : Aluminium species * aluminium toxicity * water extract Subject RIV: DF - Soil Science Impact factor: 0.462, year: 2007

  12. Analýza platobných systémov v Českej a Slovenskej republike


    Molnárová, Lucia


    This thesis analyses the interbank payment systems in the Czech republic and Slovak republic. First chapter includes the definitions and basic characteristics of payment system and payment services. Both analysed countries are members of the European Union, next chapter so defines its payment systems and their legislation background, with the focus on TARGET2 system. Chapter 3 and 4 concentrate on characteristics of Czech and Slovak payment systems from different points of view. In Slovakia, ...


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    Research was conducted on KPRI Setia Kawan which is a financial institution with a function as a cog in the SME segment. Based on the research that has been done, the recognition and measurement of income in accordance with IAS 23 that interest income on loans are recognized when cash is received (cash basis. As for the measurement of income measured at fair value received or to be received.

  14. Rozpor a biomoc. Diskurzívna regulácuia zahaľovania moslimiek v Českej republike


    Balážová, Lucia


    The diploma thesis combines the theoretical concepts of postmodernism and biopower, that are subsequently applied to the particular issue of covering Muslim women living in the Czech Republic. This problem includes the religious, gender, media, social and philosophical level. Each of them is supported by key authors who are experts in this issue. Michel Foucault's concept of biopower, that covers both social and individual bodies through power discourse, interferes with the clothing, that gen...

  15. Wir haben ja alle Deutschland nicht gekannt: Das Deutschlandbild der Deutschen in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik


    Kemp, Wolfgang


    After 1918 Germany had to find a new definition for its identity on a political and social level as well as to rediscover itself as a unity in terms of geography and culture. This process can be described as „Inner colonisation“. Scientists and artists began to compensate the many losses by tapping into the dimension of the „inner“ Germany - its unique cultural density - which in France would be called „la France profonde“. The pressure to be economical was converted into an economy of abunda...

  16. Series pid pitch controller of large wind turbines generator

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    Micić Aleksandar D.


    Full Text Available For this stable process with oscillatory dynamics, characterized with small damping ratio and dominant transport delay, design of the series PID pitch controller is based on the model obtained from the open-loop process step response, filtered with the second-order Butterworth filter Fbw. Performance of the series PID pitch controller, with the filter Fbw, is analyzed by simulations of the set-point and input/output disturbance responses, including simulations with a colored noise added to the control variable. Excellent performance/robustness tradeoff is obtained, compared to the recently proposed PI pitch controllers and to the modified internal model pitch controller, developed here, which has a natural mechanism to compensate effect of dominant transport delay. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 47016

  17. Radio-continuum observations of small, radially polarised Supernova Remnant J0519-6902 in the large Magellanic cloud

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    Bozzetto L.M.


    Full Text Available We report on new Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA observations of SNR J0519-6902. The Supernova Remnant (SNR is small in size (~8 pc and exhibits a typical SNR spectrum with α = -0.53±0.07, with steeper spectral indices towards the northern limb of the remnant. SNR J0519-6902 contains a low level of radially orientated polarisation at wavelengths of 3 and 6 cm, which is typical of younger SNRs. A fairly strong magnetic field was estimated to ~171µG. The remnant appears to be the result of a typical Type Ia supernova, sharing many properties with another small and young Type Ia LMC SNR, J0509-6731. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176005

  18. Pemanfaatan Multimedia sebagai Media Penyuluhan Kesehatan Gigi

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    Hestieyonini Hadnyawati


    Full Text Available The effort of suppression promotion and preventive as practice principles of "paradigma sehat" are concept which announcement by Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia in framework reach Indonesia Sehat 2010. This effort as well as possible to get done by everyone Indonesia peoples, with the holistic through way dental education. For this application dental education needed medium. Multimedia are application various medium which different for associate and serve information in form text, audio, chart, animation, and video. Multimedia find occupy somebody for keep 90% what he read, hear, se, mention and done. Using multimedia as dental education medium can be used CD/VCD multimedia module, multimedia presentation, and multimedia web. With this reminder, so using multimedia technology find service as alternative medium for public dental education.

  19. Arhai’s Balkan folktronica: Serbian ethno music reimagined for British market

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    Medić Ivana


    Full Text Available This article focuses on Serbian composer Jovana Backović and her band/project Arhai, founded in Belgrade in 1998. The central argument is that Arhai made a transition from being regarded a part of the Serbian ethno music scene (which flourished during the 1990s and 2000s to becoming a part of the global world music scene, after Jovana Backović moved from her native Serbia to the United Kingdom to pursue an international career. This move did not imply a fundamental change of her musical style, but a change of cultural context and market conditions that, in turn, affected her cultural identity. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177004: Serbian Musical Identities within Local and Global Frameworks: Traditions, Changes, Challenges

  20. Hybrid soft computing control strategies for improving the energy capture of a wind farm

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    Živković Predrag M.


    Full Text Available In this paper, a fuzzy controller is proposed for wind turbine control. A model is analyzed and combined with a stochastic wind model for simulation purposes. Based on the model, a fuzzy control of wind turbine is developed. Wind turbine control loop provides the reference inputs for the electric generator control loop in order to make the system run with maximum power. Since the wind speed involved in the aerodynamic equations is a stochastic variable, whose effective value cannot be measured directly, a wind speed estimator is also proposed.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR33036/2011: Development of new meteorological mast for turbulence parameters characterization and br. TR35005/2011: Research and development of new generation wind turbines of high-energy efficiency

  1. Effect of sugar alcohol sorbitol on in vitro shoot development of Dianthus serotinus Waldst. et Kit.

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    Marković Marija


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different concentrations of sorbitol on the development of the in vitro culture of D. serotinus in the multiplication phase. The obtained results showed that sorbitol generally had a positive effect, depending on its concentration and explant type. In addition, the presence of sorbitol affected the change of pH value of the media after autoclaving and after 25 days of in vitro culture, which could affect the availability of certain ions to plants. Therefore, the obtained results indicate that sorbitol can be used as an energy source for the in vitro culture of D. serotinus, but this should be further investigated. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007

  2. Potential improvement of Lymantria dispar L. management by quercetin

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    Perić-Mataruga Vesna


    Full Text Available Lymantria dispar, a polyphagous insect pest, copes with a wide variety of host-specific allelochemicals. Glutathione S-transferases (GST are important for catalyzing detoxification in L. dispar. Larval mortality, GST activity in midgut tissue and mass of L. dispar with different trophic adaptations (originating from two forests with a suitable host, Quercus robur, and an unsuitable host, Robinia pseudoacacia, differed after feeding on quercetin supplemented diets (2% or 5% w/w. Quercetin inhibited GST most potently in oak forest larvae that were less adapted to flavonoids in their diet. The larvicidal effect of quercetin on L. dispar larvae depended on the host-use history. We believe this is important in strategies for sustainable control of insect pests. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173027

  3. Fifty years of discovery of alpha-fetoprotein as the first tumor marker

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    Nikulina Dina


    Full Text Available Alpha-fetoprotein represents the most prominent oncobiomarker, widely used in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma for monitoring of tumor progression, presence of metastasis, assessment of cancer prognosis and successful antitumor therapeutic measures. Yuri Semenovich Tatarinov is a Russian scientist who first published antigen specific for human hepatocellular carcinoma in 1963. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of alpha-fetoprotein, 9th International Scientific- Practical Conference entitled “Achievements of fundamental science and translational medicine capabilities in solving actual problems of practical public health”, was held from May 6-8th, 2013 in Astrakhan, Russia. The conference was held in memory of historical scientific work of Yuri Semenovich Tatarinov. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175056

  4. Digital analyses of cartometric Fruska Gora guidelines

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    Živković Dragica


    Full Text Available Modern geo morphological topography research have been using quantity statistic and cartographic methods for topographic relief features, mutual relief features, mutual connection analyses on the grounds of good quality numeric parameters etc. Topographic features are important for topographic activities are important for important natural activities. Important morphological characteristics are precisely at the angle of topography, hypsometry, and topography exposition and so on. Small yet unknown relief slants can deeply affect land configuration, hypsometry, topographic exposition etc. Expositions modify the light and heat of interconnected phenomena: soil and air temperature, soil disintegration, the length of vegetation period, the complexity of photosynthesis, the fruitfulness of agricultural crops, the height of snow limit etc. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008 i br. III44006

  5. Optimization of the Ocimum basilicum L. extraction process regarding the antioxidant activity

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    Vidović Senka S.


    Full Text Available The levels of input variables (temperature and extraction solvent that optimize a particular response (total phenols content, total flavonoids content and antioxidant activity of the Ocimum basilicum L. extraction process were determined by the response surface methodology (RSM. The influence of theextraction temperature on extraction process was investigated in the range from 33.8ºC to 76.2ºC, as well as of extraction solvent ethanol, in the range of concentrations from 21.7% to 78.3%. For the preparation of basil dry extract, characterized with minimal IC50 value, the calculated optimal values of temperature and ethanol concentration were: 75.33ºC and 73.66% (w/w. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31013

  6. Icon of the Holy Mandylion and representation of multi-layered visual identity of Božidar Vuković

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    Borozan Igor


    Full Text Available It was in the monastery of Saint Francis in Venice in the year 1520 when Božidar Vuković purchased the icon of the Holy Mandylion. By that particular acquisition, this prominent publisher originating from Zeta has visualized his new position in the sixteenth century Venice. The multi-layered identity of Božidar Vuković was manifested by the subsequent inclusion of the noble coat of arms of the House of Vuković on the back of the icon. By the use of verbal and visual language the artificial initiation of Božidar Vuković within the distinguished members of Venetian society has been confirmed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177001: Predstave identiteta u verbalno-vizuelnoj kulturi novog doba

  7. The effect of processing parameters on the structure of fermented milk products with transglutaminase addition

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    Iličić Mirela D.


    Full Text Available This study is concerned with the effect of concentration of transglutaminase (TG, content of milk fat and starter culture type (probiotic and kombucha on the structure of fermented milk products. The application of TG significantly improved textural characteristics of the fermented milk products. The firmness of the samples produced from milk with 0.1g100g-1 and 0.9g100g-1 fat content with probiotic starter were by 33% and 17.6% higher, respectively, compared to the control samples. During ten days of storage, the value of the hysteresis loop area of all samples produced from milk with 0.9g100g-1 fat content with TG addition, decreased by 14%. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46009

  8. In vitro propagation of endangered Dianthus taxa

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    Marković Marija


    Full Text Available The review of recent researches regarding the in vitro culture of 30 endangered Dianthus taxa is presented in this paper. Various in vitro protocols developed for selected rare and threatened Dianthus taxa are analysed in order to provide a useful synthesis of the data obtained with the main principles, techniques and recommendations for futher research and practice. The recapitulated data presented in this review can be used as a tool for the micropropagation of other endangered Dianthus taxa, enabling their propagation and obtaining a sufficient amount of plants for reintroduction. In addition, the obtained results represent the basis for ex situ conservation of the investigated taxa, especially for medium-term and long-term conservation (cryopreservation. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007

  9. Anisotropy analysis of low cement concrete by ultrasonic measurements and image analysis

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    Martinović Sanja P.


    Full Text Available The analized material was high alumina low cement castable sintered at three different temperatures. Influence of initial material anisotropy on the thermal shock resistance as well as changes of anisotropy level during the thermal shock were studied. Water quench test was used as an experimental method for the thermal stability testing. Surface anisotropy was analysed by image analysis and structural anisotropy using ultrasonic measurements. The results pointed out that the highest homogeinity and the lowest surface and structural anisotropy was for the samples sintered at 1600ºC. Surface anistoropy had prevailing infuence on behavior of material during the thermal shock, but the structural anisotropy should not be neglected. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 33007

  10. Stability of electric characteristics of solar cells for continuous power supply

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    Stojanović Nebojša M.


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the output characteristics of photovoltaic solar cells working in hostile working conditions. Examined cells, produced by different innovative procedures, are available in the market. The goal was to investigate stability of electric characteristics of solar cells, which are used today in photovoltaic solar modules for charging rechargeable batteries which, coupled with batteries, supply various electronic systems such as radio repeaters on mountains tops, airplanes, mobile communication stations and other remote facilities. Charging of rechargeable batteries requires up to 25 % higher voltage compared to nominal output voltage of the battery. This paper presents results of research of solar cells, which also apply to cases in which continuous power supply is required. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 171007

  11. Qualitative analysis of hexane flour extract of spelt

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    Vujić Đura N.


    Full Text Available Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS was used for performing a qualitative analysis of the hexane flour extract of three samples of spelt. All the three samples were first treated with hexane and the obtained extracts were used for the analysis of the fatty acid lipid components. The transesterification reaction was performed using TMSH (trimethylsulfonium hydroxide, 0.2M in methanol, and the fatty acids were esterified from acylglycerol to methyl-esters. In all analyzed extracts, the predominant component was methyl linoleate, followed by methyl oleate and methyl palmitate. The subsequent tests, performed by cluster analysis, were used to compare the hexane flour extracts of different types of spelt. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46005 i br. TR 31066

  12. Analisa Pengaruh Ekonomi Kerakyatan sesuai Amanat UUD 1945 terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia

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    Hendri Hartono


    Full Text Available Cooperatives are one ideological concept of Indonesian economy and stated firmly in constitutional of Republik Indonesia. The growth of cooperatives in Indonesia has complex problems so they are pushed by capitalism power from private companies. Whereas, cooperatives were built as economical blocks in mediating Indonesian people to be more welfare economically. Data from Cooperatives Department, there are significant growth of cooperatives from 2006 to 2010: the active cooperatives are 98.944 up to 124.855. Meanwhile, the unactive cooperatives are 42.382 (2006 to 52.627 (2010, in total amount of 177.482 in 2010. The cooperatives growth is interesting to be research in the future to identify wealth of cooperatives and which area has the most rapid growing of cooperatives. 

  13. Analysis of axially symmetric wire antennas by the use of exact kernel of electric field integral equation

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    Krneta Aleksandra J.


    Full Text Available The paper presents a new method for the analysis of wire antennas with axial symmetry. Truncated cones have been applied to precisely model antenna geometry, while the exact kernel of the electric field integral equation has been used for computation. Accuracy and efficiency of the method has been further increased by the use of higher order basis functions for current expansion, and by selecting integration methods based on singularity cancelation techniques for the calculation of potential and impedance integrals. The method has been applied to the analysis of a typical dipole antenna, thick dipole antenna and a coaxial line. The obtained results verify the high accuracy of the method. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-32005

  14. Facile synthesis of water-soluble curcumin nanocrystals

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    Marković Zoran M.


    Full Text Available In this paper, facile synthesis of water soluble curcumin nanocrystals is reported. Solvent exchange method was applied to synthesize curcumin nanocrystals. Different techniques were used to characterize the structural and photophysical properties of curcumin nanocrystals. We found that nanocurcumin prepared by this method had good chemical and physical stability, could be stored in the powder form at room temperature, and was freely dispersible in water. It was established that the size of curcumin nanocrystals was varied in the range of 20-500 nm. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and UV-Vis analyses showed the presence of tetrahydrofuran inside the curcumin nanocrystals. Also, it was found that nanocurcumin emitted photoluminescencewith yellow-green colour. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172003

  15. Wine and the vine in Upper Moesia archaeological and epigraphic evidence

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    Pilipović Sanja


    Full Text Available Vine-growing and winemaking in the area of the Roman province of Upper Moesia are looked at based on the information supplied by the ancient sources, and the archaeological and epigraphic evidence (inscriptions, artistic depictions, vinedressing and winemaking implements, drinking and transport vessels. Viniculture is associated with the Greco-Roman cultural orbit, while the native central-Balkan tribes typically consumed alcoholic beverages made from cereals. Therefore the goal of the research is to shed as much light as currently possible on the significance of vine-growing and wine in the life of the inhabitants of Upper Moesia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177012: Society, spiritual and material culture and communications in prehistory and early history of the Balkans

  16. Vinča-Belo Brdo, a late neolithic site in Serbia consideration of the macro-botanical remains as indicators of dietary habits

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    Filipović Dragana


    Full Text Available The analysis of macro-botanical remains from the late Neolithic site of Vinča-Belo Brdo has provided first information on the range of crops and wild plants present at the site, and revealed their potential role as foodstuffs. The abundance and distribution of certain plant taxa across different archaeological deposits suggests to what extent they were used within the settlement. The analyzed plant remains also offer insight into the types of food consumed by Vinča residents and serve as a basis for inferring the seasonality and method of food provision/production and activities related to plant use. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177012: Society, spiritual and material culture and communications in prehistory and early history of the Balkans

  17. Testing methods for antimicrobial activity of TiO2 photocatalyst

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    Markov Siniša L.


    Full Text Available In recent years, a lot of commercial TiO2 photocatalyst products have been developed and extensively studied for prospective and safe antimicrobial application in daily life, medicine, laboratories, food and pharmaceutical industry, waste water treatments and in development of new self-cleaning and antimicrobial materials, surfaces and paints. This paper reviews the studies published worldwide on killing microorganisms, methods for testing the antimicrobial activity, light sources and intensities, as well as calculation methods usually used when evaluating the antimicrobial properties of the TiO2-based products. Additionally, some strengths and weaknesses of the available methods for testing the antimicrobial activity of TiO2 photocatalyst products have been pointed out.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45008

  18. Influences of hydrodynamic conditions, nozzle geometry on appearance of high submerged cavitating jets

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    Hutli Ezddin


    Full Text Available Based on visualization results of highly-submerged cavitating water jet obtained with digital camera, the influences of related parameters such as: injection pressure, nozzle diameter and geometry, nozzle mounting (for convergent / divergent flow, cavitation number and exit jet velocity, were investigated. In addition, the influence of visualization system position was also studied. All the parameters have been found to be of strong influence on the jet appearance and performance. Both hydro-dynamical and geometrical parameters are playing the main role in behavior and intensity of cavitation phenomenon produced by cavitating jet generator. Based on our considerable previous experience in working with cavitating jet generator, the working conditions were chosen in order to obtain measurable phenomenon. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR35046

  19. Purim: Transformation of the role of the holiday in the life of Belgrade Jewish community

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    Blagojević Gordana


    Full Text Available The focus of this research is on the function of the holiday Purim in the life of Belgrade Jewish community. In diachronic perspective we are looking at general and local characteristics of the holiday, and different levels of its celebration (private, public sphere. In the studied community this holiday has undergone a transformation from a religious to a secular feast followed by revitalization of its religious context. This paper analyzes the mechanisms of various levels of recovery and conceptualization of this holiday, on the institutionalized level and in the form of spontaneous personal initiatives. We are looking at different functions of this holiday in broad social context and their diachronic changes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177027: Multietnicitet, multukulturalizam, migracije savremeni procesi

  20. Political ecology of Bruno Latour

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    Birešev Ana


    Full Text Available The paper explores Latour’s conception of political ecology and its theoretical and political implications. The first part of the paper shows Latour’s critique of theoretical frameworks of scientific and political practices, which, in his opinion, constrain a true discussion on ecological crises by simplifying them and putting them into readymade interpretative models. The second part of the paper examines the notions - the collective, representation, propositions, articulation, and parliament of things - central to understanding Latour’s idea of involvement of humans and non-humans in politics. Finally, the paper explores the potentials and constraints of Latour’s idea of political community of new political subjects (hybrid entities, which is constituted in controversies and through controversies. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007


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    Heni Hendrawati


    Full Text Available Penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh munculnya isu-isu negatif terkait penegakkan kode etik hakim dalam mewujudkan kekuasaan kehakiman yang bermartabat dan berintegritas. Isu-isu negatif itu antara lain terdapat fenomena tentang korupsi peradilan (judicial corruption dalam bentuk berbagai perilaku tercela (permainan kotor seperti penyuapan, transaksi perkara, calo perkara, makelar kasus (markus, pemerasan, jual beli putusan, dan sebagainya.  Padahal untuk menegakkan supremasi hukum adalah dengan menegakkan etika, profesionalisme serta disiplin terutama oleh profesi hakim. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku terhadap permasalahan yang dibahas. Jenis penelitian dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah kepustakaan (library research yang menggunakan bahan hukum primer yaitu  Undang-Undang Nomor 48 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman , Surat Keputusan Bersama Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia dan Ketua Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia Nomor: 047/KMA/SKB/IV/2009 -02/SKB/P.KY/IV/2009 Tentang Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim, serta Peraturan Bersama Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Dan Ketua Komisi Yudisial Republik Indonesia Nomor : 02/PB/MA/IX/2012- 02/PB/P.KY/09/2012 Tentang Panduan Penegakan Kode Etik Dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim. Adapun bahan hukum sekunder berupa jurnal hukum, buku-buku, artikel hukum ilmiah  yang terkait dengan rumusan permasalahan penelitian. Sifat penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif yaitu memberikan gambaran bagaimana implementasi peraturan perundang-undangan tentang kode etik hakim untuk mewujudkan hakim yang bermartabat dan berintegritas. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah  pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach pendekatan sejarah (historical approach, pendekatan kasus (case approach.  Pendekatan perundang-undangan  terkait dengan upaya untuk mewujudkan hakim

  2. Faktory kvality v službách vinárskej turistiky v Českej republike


    Jánošová, Simona


    Jánošová, S. Factors of quality in wine tourism services in Czech Republic. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2015. Thesis deals with investigation of the factors of quality in the service of wine tourism. Aim of this study is to compare the factors affecting the level of service quality wine tourism from an visitor point of view and from companies doing business in this area point of view. I implement the proposals for improving the quality of services for companies of wine t...

  3. General aspects of anxiety manifestations in persons with musculoskeletal disorders

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    Vitaliy Bezsheiko


    pharetra augue at tortor finibus, quis auctor purus sagittis. Aliquam quam arcu, dictum feugiat faucibus sit amet, commodo et lorem. Integer ut ligula accumsan, luctus sapien ac, fringilla dui.

  4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

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    Vitaliy Bezsheiko


    pharetra augue at tortor finibus, quis auctor purus sagittis. Aliquam quam arcu, dictum feugiat faucibus sit amet, commodo et lorem. Integer ut ligula accumsan, luctus sapien ac, fringilla dui.


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    M. Sahid


    Full Text Available Abstract Authority to conduct criminal investigations of narcotic regulated under Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics, namely article 81 of the law. Dibeikan investigative authority to the national drug agencies and the police of the republic of Indonesia. With the division of the investigative authority of overlap and multiple interpretations of article 81 of Law No 35 of 2009 on Narcotics. This paper aims to analyze the rules of authority narcotics investigation of criminal offenses. This paper is based on research using the normative approach to law (statute approach and the conceptual approach (conceptual approach. The results showed that the regulation of narcotic crime investigation authority should be clarified and given limit, so in practice the rule of law is not a clash of authority between the National Narcotics Agency to police the Republic of Indonesia. As well as law enforcement agencies in carrying out their duties effectively and goes in accordance with the criminal justice system. Key words: authority investigation, crime, narcotics   Abstrak Kewenangan melakukan penyidikan tindak pidana narkotika diatur didalam Undang-undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika yaitu Pasal 81 Undang-undang tersebut. Kewenangan penyidikan diberikan kepada Badan Narkotika Nasional dan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia. Dengan adanya pembagian kewenangan penyidikan tersebut terjadi tumpang tindih dan multi tafsir terhadap Pasal 81 Undang-undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009tentang Narkotika. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aturan tentang kewenangan penyidikan terhadap tindak pidana narkotika. Tulisan ini dibuat berdasarkan penelitian normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach dan pendekatan konsep (Conceptual Approach. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan mengenai kewenangan penyidikan tindak pidana narkotika harus diperjelas dan diberi batasan, sehingga dalam praktek penegakan hukum tidak terjadi benturan

  6. Perforated coins from graves at the Viminacium necropolis of Više Grobalja

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    Vojvoda Mirjana D.


    Full Text Available A common problem that occurs when interpreting finds of perforated Roman coins is whether they had been perforated in Roman times or later. Hence, the specimens that originate from an undisturbed archaeological context, as is the case with finds from the Viminacium necropolis of Više Grobalja, are indispensable. A total of 47 perforated coins were discovered: 31 with a single and 16 with three perforations. The analysis of the context of the finds, in some specimens, allows the confident assertion that they had constituted a part of jewellery. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47018: IRS - Viminacium, Roman city and military legion camp - research of the material and non-material culture of inhabitants using the latest technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation

  7. The actual relevance of ecological corridors in nature conservation

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    Ćurčić Nina B.


    Full Text Available The paper considers theoretical and applied foundations of the concept of the ecological corridors in nature conservation. Their relevance comes from recent ecological phenomenon of habitat fragmentation which is rapidly increasing during last decades. Habitat fragmentation is one of the main threats to richness and diversity of wildlife. Ecological corridors can mitigate the loss and fragmentation of habitat. Corridors perform as “bridges” between habitats for species and they provide a flow of the natural or even anthropogenic caused disturbances. In this paper we will present the meaning and significance of ecological corridors in nature conservation, as well as types of ecological corridors and their ecological benefits. Methodological and practical approaches in nature protection system in Serbia are included. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007 i br. 176008

  8. On music and art in the journal Danica (1860-1872

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    Marjanović Nataša


    Full Text Available This paper deals with features and articles on music and art published in the journal Danica, in the period 1860-1872. Selected articles contain significant testimonies on the place of musical practice in the everyday life of Serbs and other Slavic people living in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the nineteenth century. The feature articles abound with details on the artistic activities of respected individuals and singing societies, popular cultural-artistic events (besedas, balls, dances, new publications on music and other news. Several articles were dedicated to aesthetic and philosophical views on art. In a separate section of this paper, I analyze the narrative style of these articles. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON 177004: Serbian Musical Identities within Local and Global Frameworks: Traditions, Changes, Challenges

  9. Enzymatic spectrophotometric reaction rate determination of aspartame

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    Trifković Kata T.


    Full Text Available Aspartame is an artificial sweetener of low caloric value (approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose. Aspartame is currently permitted for use in food and beverage production in more than 90 countries. The application of aspartame in food products requires development of rapid, inexpensive and accurate method for its determination. The new assay for determination of aspartame was based on set of reactions that are catalyzed by three different enzymes: α-chymotrypsin, alcohol oxidase and horseradish peroxidase. Optimization of the proposed method was carried out for: (i α-chymotrypsin activity; (ii time allowed for α-chymotrypsin action, (iii temperature. Evaluation of the developed method was done by determining aspartame content in “diet” drinks, as well as in artificial sweetener pills. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46010

  10. On the integrated continuum radio spectrum of supernova remnant W44 (G34.7-0.4: New insights from Planck

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    Onić D.


    Full Text Available In this paper, the integrated continuum radio spectrum of supernova remnant (SNR W44 was analyzed up to 70 GHz, testing the different emission models that can be responsible for its particular shape. The observations by the Planck space telescope made it possible to analyze the high frequency part of radio emission from SNRs. Although the quality of radio continuum spectrum (a high scatter of data points at same frequencies prevents us to make definite conclusions, the possibility of spinning dust emission detection towards this remnant is emphasized. In addition, a concave-down feature, due to synchrotron losses, can not be definitely dismissed by the present knowledge of the integrated radio continuum spectrum of this SNR. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176005: Emission Nebulae: Structure and Evolution

  11. Transport properties of binary liquid mixtures - candidate solvents for optimized flue gas cleaning processes

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    Stanimirović Andrej M.


    Full Text Available Thermal conductivities and viscosities of three pure chemicals, monoethanol amine (MEA, tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TEGDME and polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG 200 and two binary mixtures (MEA + + TEGDME and MEA + PEG 200 were measured at six temperatures: 298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15 and 323.15 K and atmospheric pressure. Measurement of thermal conductivities was based on a transient hot wire measurement setup, while viscosities were measured with a digital Stabinger SVM 3000/G2 viscometer. From these data, deviations in thermal conductivity and viscosity were calculated and fitted to the Redlich-Kister equation. Thermal conductivities of mixtures were correlated using Filippov, Jamieson, Baroncini and Rowley models, while viscosity data were correlated with the Eyring-UNIQUAC, Eyring-NRTL and McAlistermodels. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172063

  12. Speed-sensorless control strategy for multi-phase induction generator in wind energy conversion systems

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    Dumnić Boris P.


    Full Text Available Renewable energy sources, especially wind energy conversion systems (WECS, exhibit constant growth. Increase in power and installed capacity led to advances in WECS topologies. Multi-phase approach presents a new development direction, with several key advantages over three-phase systems. Paired with a sensorless control strategy, multi-phase machines are expected to take primacy over standard solutions. This paper presents speed sensorless vector control of an asymmetrical six-phase induction generator based on a model reference adaptive system (MRAS. Suggested topology and developed control algorithm show that sensorless control can yield appropriate dynamic characteristics for the use in WECS with increase in reliability and robustness. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 042004: Smart Electricity Distribution Grids Based on Distribution Management System and Distributed Generation

  13. Euthanasia: The conceptualization of the problem and important distinctions

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    Đerić Milijana


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is twofold. On the one hand, the intention is to provide analysis of the issue of euthanasia. On the other hand, this approach necessarily leads to a discussion toward the provision of an adequate definition of euthanasia. Therefore the article, first of all, refers to the multi­layered aspect of the term euthanasia. To avoid ambiguity and other uncer­tainties while providing the definition of euthanasia, the authors carefully perform a conceptual analysis. This leads to the establishment of a clear distinction between actions which, due to their motives or their method of execution, cast a shadow on the meaning of this medical procedure. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179041: Dinamički sistemi u prirodi i društvu: filozofski i empirijski aspekti

  14. The founder of the church of Saint George at Pološko

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    Pavlović Dragana


    Full Text Available The paper seeks to establish who was the founder of the church of Saint George at Pološko and revise the conclusions of previous researchers regarding this issue. According to the opinion commonly adopted in the scholarly literature, Jovan Dragušin, a cousin of King Dušan, had merely undertaken the construction of church at Pološko, whereas his mother was responsible for the completion of construction and painting of frescoes in the church. Through an analysis of written and visual sources the conclusion is reached that the sole person responsible for the construction and painting of the church at Pološko was the nun Maria, the mother of Jovan Dragušin. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177036: Srpska srednjovekovna umetnost i njen evropski kontekst

  15. Pore geometry of ceramic device: The key factor of drug release kinetics

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    Čolović B.


    Full Text Available Release kinetics of tigecycline, a potential antibiotic in treatment of osteomyelitis, from calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA, as one of the most important ceramic materials in bone tissue engineering, was investigated in this study. Tigecycline, in solid state, was mixed with CHA powder and the obtained mixture was compressed into tablets using two different pressures. These tablets were immersed in a phosphate-buffered saline solution and tigecycline release was measured by a UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The total release time was 5 or 28 days, depending on the pressure applied during compression. It was shown that there is a close relationship between pore sizes and drug release rate. The drug release kinetics was interpreted on the base of pore sizes and pore size distribution. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172026

  16. Diatom species composition in the Raška river (Southwestern Serbia

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    Vidaković Danijela P.


    Full Text Available The paper presents data on the composition of epilithic diatoms in the Raška River. Samples were collected by scraping stone surfaces with a brush from 5 localities along the Raška River in April, June, August and November 2011 and March and May 2012. Diatom frustules were cleaned using cold acid method, and mounted on permanent slides. An investigation of the Raška River resulted in description of 106 diatom taxa. The most species rich genera are Navicula (10, Gomphonema (10 and Nitzschia (9, while other genera are presented with one or more species. Detailed floristic analysis of the benthic diatom flora in this river has not been conducted before. Therefore, this paper provides a groundwork for future researches. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 037009

  17. 657del5 mutation of the NBS1 gene in myelodysplastic syndrome

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    Bunjevacki Vera


    Full Text Available Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS are clonal hematologic stem cell disorders with an as yet unknown molecular pathology. Genetic instability has been proposed as a cause of MDS. Mutations in the NBS1 gene, whose product nibrin (p95 is involved in DNA damage repair and cell-cycle control, might be associated with an elevated predisposition to the development of MDS. The aim of the study was to examine truncating 5 bp deletion (657del5, the most frequent NBS1 gene mutation in Slavic populations, in MDS patients. Among 71 MDS patients, we found one case that was heterozygous for the NBS1 657del5 mutation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a NBS1 mutation in MDS. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175091

  18. Nadležnost upravnih sudova u zaštiti tržišnog natjecanja

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    Lidija Rostaš-Beroš


    Full Text Available U radu se razmatra nadležnost upravnih sudova kroz do sada donesene zakone o zaštiti tržišnog natjecanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kako su se mijenjali propisi kojima je uređivana zaštita tržišnog natjecanja, hrvatsko pravo tržišnog natjecanja sve se više usklađivalo s europskim pravom, što je bila i namjera s obzirom na pripreme, a zatim i ulazak Republike Hrvatske u članstvo Europske unije. Međutim, iz istog razloga je provedena i reorganizacija upravnog sudovanja pa su se mijenjali i upravni sudovi nadležni za ocjenjivanje zakonitosti akata donesenih u postupcima kontrole poštovanja pravila o tržišnom natjecanju.

  19. The numerical method of inverse Laplace transform for calculation of overvoltages in power transformers and test results

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    Mikulović Jovan Č.


    Full Text Available A methodology for calculation of overvoltages in transformer windings, based on a numerical method of inverse Laplace transform, is presented. Mathematical model of transformer windings is described by partial differential equations corresponding to distributed parameters electrical circuits. The procedure of calculating overvoltages is applied to windings having either isolated neutral point, or grounded neutral point, or neutral point grounded through impedance. A comparative analysis of the calculation results obtained by the proposed numerical method and by analytical method of calculation of overvoltages in transformer windings is presented. The results computed by the proposed method and measured voltage distributions, when a voltage surge is applied to a three-phase 30 kVA power transformer, are compared. [Projekat Ministartsva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-33037 i br. TR-33020

  20. Measurement of event-related potentials and placebo

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    Sovilj Platon


    Full Text Available ERP is common abbreviation for event-related brain potentials, which are measured and used in clinical practice as well as in research practice. Contemporary studies of placebo effect are often based on functional neuromagnetic resonance (fMRI, positron emission tomography (PET, and event related potentials (ERP. This paper considers an ERP instrumentation system used in experimental researches of placebo effect. This instrumentation system can be divided into four modules: electrodes and cables, conditioning module, digital measurement module, and PC module for stimulations, presentations, acquisition and data processing. The experimental oddball paradigm is supported by the software of the instrumentation. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR32019 and Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia under research grant No. 114-451-2723

  1. Duvalius (Paraduvalius petrovici sp.n. and D.(P. sotirovi sp.n. (Carabidae: Trechinae: Trechini: Two new troglobitic ground beetles from eastern and southeastern Serbia

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    Ćurčić S.


    Full Text Available The following two new troglobitic trechine ground beetle species are described from two caves in eastern and southeastern Serbia: Duvalius (Paraduvalius petrovici sp. n., from the Resavska Pećina Cave, village of Jelovac, near Despotovac, Kučajske Planine Mts., and D. (P. sotirovi sp. n., from the Ogorelička Pećina Cave, village of Sićevo, near Niš, Svrljiške Planine Mts. The new species considerably differ from the related taxa. All important morphological characteristics of the species, along with the diagnoses and images of the taxa are presented. These represent relicts and endemics of eastern and southeastern parts of Serbia and are of great age (probably Tertiary or even before. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038

  2. Correlation of the microstructure with viscosity and textural properties during milk fermentation by kombucha inoculum

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    Vukić Vladimir R.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to examine the changes in the microstructure, textural properties and viscosity of the gel formed during milk fermentation with kombucha inoculum and to establish a relationship between the microstructure and these properties. The values of the analyzed characteristics were measured during the gelation at 42°C at the following pHs: 5.4, 5.1, 4.8 and 4.6. The microstructure analysis revealed disappearance of coarse cluster structure and appearance of finer casein micelles network during fermentation. The obtained results showed significant differences in them viscosity and textural properties during fermentation, which is in accordance with their microstructure. The correlation of the examined properties and microstructure of the gel was established. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46009

  3. طُرق ترجمة القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة الإندونيسية دراسة مقارنة

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    Muhammad Husnan Lubis


    Full Text Available The Qur’an Translation Method into Indonesian Language: A Comparative Study. The importance of the translation of the Qur’an is undeniable in order that its message can be properly conveyed to its audience faced. The development of Qur’anic translation in Indonesia has its distinct style and method. Amongst the most important ones are such works as Mahmud Yunus, HAMKA, and Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia (Department of Religious Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia. The translations of these works have accommodated Arabic expression both in verbal and meaning. This essay tries to compare the method of translation employed in those three works of translation. The author maintains that vocabularies that are related to religious matters have tremendous effect on translation process in Indonesia.

  4. Monitoring the progressive increase of the longest episode of spontaneous movements in Guinea pig fetus

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    Sekulić S.


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to determine the changes in the duration of spontaneous movements in the guinea pig fetus after the appearance of its first movements. Every day from the 25th to the 35th gestation day, one fetus from each of twenty pregnant animals was examined by ultrasound. Fetal movements were observed for 5 min. The episode with the longest period of movement was taken into consideration and was recorded as: 3 s. Days 25 and 26 were characterized by episodes lasting 3 s (χ2 = 140.51 p <0.05. Tracking the dynamics of progressive increases in the longest episode of spontaneous movement could be a useful factor in estimating the maturity and condition of a fetus. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175006/2011

  5. Effect of plant extracts Kitaibelia vitifolia on antioxidant activity, chemical characteristics, microbiological status and sensory properties of Pirotski kachkaval cheese

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    Kurćubić Vladimir S.


    Full Text Available The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of cheese (Pirotski kachkaval fortification by polyphenols attributed to Kitaibelia vitifolia ethanol herb extract, applied in two different manners (added to the cheese curd after texturizing or sprayed on surface of cheese. Investigation of the used antioxidant effects of polyphenols, physic-chemical composition, microbiological quality and sensory properties of Pirotski kachkaval was undertaken. Antioxidant activity of conventional and fortified cheese was evaluated by five contemporary and compatible methods, and revealed a slight emphasis on phenol-linked antioxidant activity of fortified samples of cheese in comparison to samples of the control group. Fortified Pirotski kachkaval had higher sensory evaluation scores than the controls. Statistically significant (P 0.05. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46009 i br. OI 172016

  6. The use of artificial neural networks for mathematical modeling of the effect of composition and production conditions on the properties of PVC floor coverings

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    Radovanović Rajko M.


    Full Text Available The application of PVC floor coverings is strongly connected with their end-use properties, which depend on the composition and processing conditions. It is very difficult to estimate the proper influence of the production parameters on the characteristics of PVC floor coverings due to their complex composition and various preparation procedures. The effect of different processing variables (such as time of bowling, temperature of bowling and composition of PVC plastisol on the mechanical properties of PVC floor coverings was investigated. The influence of different input parameters on the mechanical properties was successfully determined using an artificial neural network with an optimized number of hidden neurons. The Garson and Yoon models were applied to calculate and describe the variable contributions in the artificial neural networks. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45022

  7. Investigation on antibacterial synergism of Origanum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris essential oils

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    Stojković D.


    Full Text Available Essential oils are well known as strong antimicrobial agents of plant origin. In spite of this, the antimicrobial synergism of essential oils isolated from different plant species is poorly investigated. The following study examines the synergism of the essential oils of Origanum vulgare L. and Thymus vulgaris L against pathogenic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium. First, the antibacterial effect of the oils was tested, and the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC of both oils were determined using the microdilution method. To test whether the oils act synergistically, every possible combination of essential oil concentrations was used in a dynamic checkerboard method. The results indicated that the oils indeed acted synergistically with fractional inhibitory concentration indexes of 0.45 and 0.50. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173032

  8. Pembagian Kewenangan Dalam Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelanggaran Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Di Perairan Indonesia

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    Abdul Muthalib Tahar


    Full Text Available Sesuai dengan UU No. 6 Tahun 2006 Indonesia merupakan Negara Kepulauan. Berdasarkan Undang-undang tersebut, perairan Indonesia meliputi laut teritorial Indonesia, perairan kepulauan Indonesia, dan perairan pedalaman Indonesia. Perairan ini tunduk dan berada di bawah kedaulatan negara Indonesia. Di samping itu Negara Indonesia juga memiliki hak berdaulat atas Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Indonesia (ZEEI yang diatur dalam UU No. 5 Tahun 1983, dan memiliki hak berdaulat atas zona tambahan, dan landas kontinen. Perairan Indonesia merupakan sumber daya hayati (perikanan, dan daerah dasar laut dan tanah di bawahnya merupakan sumber daya non-hayati bagi bangsa Indonesia. Perairan Indonesia juga dimanfaatkan oleh kapal-kapal Indonesia dan asing untuk navigasi antar pulau maupun antar Negara. Begitu besar manfaat dan pentingnya perairan Indonesia, di perairan Indonesia seringkali terjadi pelanggaran perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan perairan Indonesia, seperti pencurian ikan yang dilakukan oleh kapal-kapal penangkap ikan asing (illegal fishing, usaha penyelundupan barang-barang, keimigrasian, pembuangan limbah minyak dari kapal-kapal, dan lalu-lintas kapal yang tidak damai. Terhadap pelanggaran perundang-undangan ini perlu dilakukan penindakan; akan tetapi dalam upaya penindakan ini sering kali terjadi tumpang tindih kewenangan di antara berbagai instansi yang memiliki kewenangan penegakan hukum di perairan Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan ketentuan UU No. 5 Tahun 1983 tentang ZEEI, bahwa satu-satunya aparatur penegak hukum di bidang penyidikan di Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Indonesia adalah Perwira Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut yang ditunjuk oleh Panglima Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia. Wilayah pengelolaan perikanan Republik Indonesia untuk penangkapan ikan dan/atau pembudidayaan meliputi laut teritorial Indonesia, perairan kepulauan, dan perairan pedalaman Indonesia, serta ZEEI. Berdasarkan ketentuan UU No. 31

  9. Possibilities of the natural gas supply in the Republic of Croatia; Osvrt na mogucnosti opskrbe Republike Hrvatske prirodnim plinom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mavrovic, S; Matic, D [Energetski institut Hrvoje Pozar, Zagreb (Croatia)


    Europe and Croatia meet 70% of their total natural gas demand from indigenous production and import other 30% (20% from the Russian Federation and 10% from Algeria). Croatia imports gas only from Russia. Forecasts and analysis of energy sector development point out that natural gas consumption will be doubled till 2010 when it will reach approximately 555-651 bcm. Natural gas consumption is expected to rise significantly in Croatia. Estimations of required import made by INA and PROHES - preliminary results, are similar. It has been expected that future import in 2010 will be between 2 and 3 bcm depending on considered scenario. Due to expectations of rising gas demand, Europe is turning on to new projects aiming to better connections by pipelines and LNG chains. New projects are considering constructions of new Russian transmission lines, additional lines from North Sea, increasing capacity of lines from Algeria, UK interconnection with Continent, and new pipelines and LNG routes from Middle East and Central Asia. Involvement in some the above mentioned projects is of importance for Croatia because it enables additional natural gas quantities and diversification of sources. (author). 9 tabs., 3 figs.

  10. Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada Direktorat Umum Lembaga Pelayanan Publik Televisi Republik Indonesia


    I Ketut R Sudiarditha; Agung AWS Waspodo; Nesia Ayu Triani


    This study aims to: (1) To determine the effect of the work environment on employee job satisfaction at the General Directorate of Public Services TVRI. (2) To determine the effect of work motivation on employee job satisfaction at the General Directorate of Public Services TVRI. (3) To determine the effect of the working environment and motivation to work together on employee job satisfaction at the General Directorate of Public Services TVRI. The analysis technique used in this study is a s...

  11. Europski sustav osposobljavanja osoba za vozače vozila na motorni pogon i mjesto Republike Hrvatske u tom sustavu

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    Nenad Zuber


    Full Text Available The analytical data on the status of road traffic safety inthe Republic ofCroatia in 1995 as compared to the year1994indicates a slight decrease in the number of injuries and fatalinjuries sustained in road traffic accidents, in the incidence ofaccidents with injuries and incidence of accidents in general,despite the reported increase in motor fuel sales and active integrationof a substantial segment of the road system in the Republicof Croatia.Regardless of the causes of road traffic accidents, relevantfactors of influence, types of road traffic accidents, locations,vehicle structure and technical functioning status, and circumstancesof accidents, it is indisputable that the years of servicei.e. experience (or better, non-experience of drivers appear tobe of major impact upon the number of accidents. Of 62,120road traffic accidents in 1994, 44.4% of accidents resultingfrom driver error were caused by drivers having up to threeyears of driving experience, making 42.9% of all accidents.This fact is both logical and notorious, applying not only tothe Republic of Croatia but to most European countries. Themethods and activities taken to change these figures (effecttheir decrease differ.

  12. Eine aus der Resistenza geborene Republik? Die Kultur des Gedenkens an den italienischen Widerstand am Beispiel der Provinz Ancona

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    Venturelli, Flavio


    Full Text Available In Italy, the commemorative culture regarding World War II has a rather multi-faceted appearance. This seems to be the consequence of the variety of military and civil groups involved in the Italian front as well as in the political post-war scene. The case of the fallen combatants (partigiani who belonged to the Resistance is emblematic. Despite any historical truth, their commemoration has been considered as a left-wing issue. Following the dynamics of the political debate, fallen partisans were remembered in a strongly familiar dimension (1950s, as heroic rebels (1960s-1980s or as epic founders of the Italian Republic (partially up the 1990s. This case study of the Central Italian province of Ancona shows how both the sepulchral and the commemorative culture of the members of the Resistenza is closely linked to this general development.

  13. Application of factor analysis in identification of dominant hydrogeochemical processes of some nitrogenous groundwater of Serbia

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    Stojković Jana


    Full Text Available Multivariate statistical analyses are used for reducing large datasets to a smaller number of variables, which explain main hydrogeochemical processes that control water geochemistry. Factor analysis (FA allows discovering intercorrelations inside the data matrix and grouping of similar variables, i.e. chemical parameters. In this way new variables are extracted, which are called factors, and each factor is explained by some hydrogeochemical process. Applying FA to a dataset that consists of 15 chemical parameters measured on 40 groundwater samples from Serbia, four factors were extracted, which explain 73.9% of total variance in the analyzed dataset. Interpretation of obtained factors indicated several hydrogeochemical processes: the impact of sea water intrusions and volatiles in previous geological periods, solutes diffusion from the marine clay, cation exchange and dissolution of carbonate and silicate minerals. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43004

  14. Career cycle of general and special school teachers in Serbia

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    Marušić Milica


    Full Text Available The specificities of general and special school teachers’ work might influence their career differently. The aim of the study was to examine the career cycle of these teachers. A survey was conducted on a sample of 120 teachers from general and 95 from special schools. Five stages of career cycle were discovered: induction, competency building and enthusiasm, career frustration, stagnation, career wind-down. Results indicate that age, gender, intrinsic, and extrinsic factors of career choice can influence teachers’ career cycle. When these factors are controlled, special school teachers experience less enthusiasm and more willingness to retire than general school teachers. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47008: Improving the quality and accessibility of education in modernization processes in Serbia i br. 179034: From encouraging initiative, cooperation and creativity in education to new roles and identities in society

  15. Microelements and heavy metals in raw cow milk from various regions in Serbia

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    Živkov-Baloš Milica


    Full Text Available In this study, the investigation results of raw milk and animal feed samples from farms located around industrial areas and from rural areas in Serbia are presented. Various microelements and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Fe, Pb and Cd were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS. Mean concentration of Zn, Cu, Fe and Cd in raw milk were 5.94, 0.239, 2.034 and below 0.005 mg/kg, respectively. The mean lead concentration found in milk from a farm located near industrial area was 0.242±0.166 mg/kg (mean Pb concentrations for other four investigated farms were below 0.05 mg/kg. The obtained results indicate that particular attention should be paid to control of Pb residues in food, water and environment. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31084

  16. Optimization of the flux values in multichannel ceramic membrane microfiltration of Baker`s yeast suspension

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    Milović Nemanja R.


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to estimate the effects of the operating parameters on the baker's yeast microfiltration through multichannel ceramic membrane. The selected parameters were transmembrane pressure, suspension feed flow, and initial suspension concentration. In order to investigate the influence and interaction effects of these parameters on the microfiltration operation, two responses have been chosen: average permeate flux and flux decline. The Box-Behnken experimental design and response surface methodology was used for result processing and process optimization. According to the obtained results, the most important parameter influencing permeate flux during microfiltration is the initial suspension concentration. The maximum average flux value was achieved at an initial concentration of 0.1 g/L, pressure around 1.25 bars and a flow rate at 16 L/h. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31002

  17. The impact of the manufacturing process on the hardness and sensory properties of milk chocolate

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    Zarić Danica B.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper was to examine the impact of the manufacturing process on the textural characteristics and sensory properties of milk chocolate. The research was conducted on the samples of chocolate produced in a ball mill during 30, 60 and 90 minutes of refining, each of them being pre-crystallized at 26, 28 and 30°C. A chocolate mass of identical ingredient composition was also produced using a standard manufacturing process at the same pre-crystallization temperatures. Chocolate hardness was examined using a piece of equipment called Texture Analyser, measuring the stress intensity which leads to chocolate crushing. Sensory analysis was performed using the point scoring method. The new manufacturing process, i.e. the manufacturing of chocolate in a ball mill improves sensory properties and hardness of milk chocolate. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31014

  18. Zeolites as possible biofortifiers in Maitake cultivation

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    Vunduk Jovana


    Full Text Available The levels of Ni, Cu and Mg in Grifola frondosa (also known as Maitake mushroom fruit body produced on zeolite Minazel Plus (MG-supplemented substrate were measured with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES. Two different concentrations of MG were added to the substrate for mushroom cultivation. Levels of selected metals were measured in cultivated dry carpophores. The content of Ni increased in fruit bodies produced on supplemented substrate, while in case of Cu, a pronounced decrease was observed. When two different concentrations of MG were implemented, the Mg level showed both positive and negative trend, depending on the applied concentration of zeolite. MG in a concentration of 1% showed the strongest influence on the observed elements in the cultivated fruiting body of Maitake mushroom. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46010

  19. Antimicrobial potential of triticale stillage after lactic acid fermentation with Lactobacillus fermentum PL-1

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    Kujundžić Žužana


    Full Text Available This study is concerned with the testing of antimicrobial activity of triticale stillage obtained after lactic fermentation by Lactobacillus fermentum PL-1. The antimicrobial tests were performed using the disc-diffusion and agar well diffusion methods. It was found that fermented triticale stillage after lactic acid fermentation exhibited an inhibitory effect towards tested Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria: Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus faecalis. The triticale stillage without addition of CaCO3 before fermentation showed a stronger antimicrobial effect in comparison with the triticale stillage with added CaCO3. Triticale stillage after lactic acid fermentation did not show any antifungal effect on the growth of tested moulds (Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus versicolor, Penicillium brevicompactum, and Fusarium subglutinans. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31017

  20. Man trägt jetzt Gesundheit Fashion and Images of Gender in the Weimar Republic

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    Anne Fleig


    Full Text Available Die Dissertation untersucht die Wechselwirkungen von emanzipatorischen Einstellungen und modischem Erscheinungsbild der „Neuen Frau“ in der Weimarer Republik. Sie zeigt, inwiefern die Bilder dieses neuen Frauentyps dem historischen Konzept einer „Neuen Frau“ zum Durchbruch verhelfen. Deutlich wird aber auch, dass die rasche Popularität dieses Frauenbildes seinen ursprünglich auf gesellschaftliche Veränderung zielenden Gehalt veräußerlicht.Kessemeier’s dissertation deals with the complicated relations between early feminist ideas and images of the “new woman” in the German twenties. Kesselmeier shows the role which visual images played in making the historical concept of a “new woman” popular. She documents that the immediate popularity of this image was related to contemporary societal changes but that the final product, the “new woman,” focused on form (physical appearance rather than content.

  1. Different heating systems for single family house: Energy and economic analysis

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    Turanjanin Valentina M.


    Full Text Available The existing building stock energy consumption accounts for about 38% of final energy consumption in Republic of Serbia. 70% of that energy is consumed by residential sector, mostly for space heating. This research is addressed to the single family house building placed in the Belgrade city. The house has ground and first floor with total heating area of 130 m2 and pellet as space heating source. The aim of this paper is to evaluate energy and economic analysis for different heating systems. Several homeheating were compared: Option 1 (biomass combustion boiler using pellet as a fuel, Option 2 (gas combustion boiler and Option 3 (heat pump. The building performance was evaluated by TRNSYS 17 simulation code. Results show estimated savings using renewable energy sources. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III42008

  2. The role of rules in the evolution of the market system: Hayek’s concept of evolutionary epistemology

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    Krstić Miloš


    Full Text Available Starting from the concept of the Darwinian paradigm that, by using Darwin’s principles of variation, selection, and retention, all domains from biology to economic systems can be explained, the advocates of modern evolutionary epistemology have analyzed the role of thoughtful institutional design in the process of cultural evolution. In light of the issue of how human intention and evolutionary forces interact in socioeconomic processes, this paper examines the views of F. A. Hayek, the most famous follower of evolutionary epistemology, on the evolution of the market economy system. In this paper special attention will be devoted to Hayek’s concept of rational liberalism and his evolutionary epistemology. [Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179066: Improving the Competitiveness of the Public and Private Sectors by Networking Competences in the European Integration Process of Serbia

  3. Deformation behavior of two continuously cooled vanadium microalloyed steels at liquid nitrogen temperature

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    Glišić Dragomir M.


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to establish deformation behaviour of two vanadium microalloyed medium carbon steels with different contents of carbon and titanium by tensile testing at 77 K. Samples were reheated at 1250°C/30 min and continuously cooled at still air. Beside acicular ferrite as dominant morphology in both microstructures, the steel with lower content of carbon and negligible amount of titanium contains considerable fraction of grain boundary ferrite and pearlite. It was found that Ti-free steel exhibits higher strain hardening rate and significantly lower elongation at 77 K than the fully acicular ferrite steel. The difference in tensile behavior at 77 K of the two steels has been associated with the influence of the pearlite, together with higher dislocation density of acicular ferrite. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI174004

  4. Characteristic groundwater level regimes in the capture zones of radial collector wells and importance of identification (Case study of Belgrade Groundwater Source

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    Božović Đorđije


    Full Text Available Assessment of the operating modes of radial collector wells reveals that the pumping levels in the well caissons are very low relative to the depth/elevation of the laterals, which is a common occurrence at Belgrade Groundwater Source. As a result, well discharge capacities vary over a broad range and groundwater levels in the capture zones differ even when the rate of discharge is the same. Five characteristic groundwater level regimes are identified and their origin is analyzed using representative wells as examples. The scope and type of background information needed to identify the groundwater level regime are presented and an interpretation approach is proposed for preliminary assessment of the aquifer potential at the well site for providing the needed amount of groundwater. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI176022, br. TR33039 i br. III43004

  5. On strategic spatial planning

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    Tošić Branka


    Full Text Available The goal of this paper is to explain the origin and development of strategic spatial planning, to show complex features and highlight the differences and/or advantages over traditional, physical spatial planning. Strategic spatial planning is seen as one of approaches in legally defined planning documents, and throughout the display of properties of sectoral national strategies, as well as issues of strategic planning at the local level in Serbia. The strategic approach is clearly recognized at the national and sub-national level of spatial planning in European countries and in our country. It has been confirmed by the goals outlined in documents of the European Union and Serbia that promote the grounds of territorial cohesion and strategic integrated planning, emphasizing cooperation and the principles of sustainable spatial development. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176017

  6. Prospects of implicit measures in assessment of defensive function of explicit homophobia in heterosexuals

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    Lazarević Ljiljana B.


    Full Text Available Some authors state that one of the functions of explicit homophobia is defensive, and that it has roots in latent attraction towards same sex. Large body of evidence suggests that implicit techniques enable assessment of those cognitions hidden from conscious awareness. Sample of 277 heterosexuals completed several implicit (Implicit Association Test-IAT and Affective Priming-AP and explicit measures of attitude (Test of homophobia and Connotative differential. Multi-group SEM analysis was done to investigate cross-sample stability of the model postulating influence of IAT and AP factors on latent explicit factor. Analyses suggest that both in males and females IAT latent factor predicts negative explicit attitude. Results revealed that explicit homophobia is related to implicit, negative attitude toward homosexuals and not to implicit attraction towards same sex. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018 i br. 179033

  7. On some new cave-dwelling ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini from eastern Serbia

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    Vrbica Maja


    Full Text Available The following new cavernicolous ground beetle taxa are described from three caves in eastern Serbia: Duvalius (Paraduvalius trifunovici sp. n., from the Mandina Pećina Cave, village of Zlot, near Bor, Kučajske Planine Mts., D. (P. rtanjensis sp. n., from the Golema Porica Pit, Mt. Rtanj, and Glabroduvalius gen. n., G. tupiznicensis sp. n., from the Gornja Lenovačka Pećina Cave, village of Lenovac, near Zaječar, Mt. Tupižnica. The new taxa are easily distinguished from related organisms. All important morphological features have been listed, along with the diagnoses and illustrations of the taxa. The new taxa are relicts and endemics of eastern Serbia and probably belong to old phyletic lineages of Tertiary or even pre-Tertiary origin. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038, br. 43001 i br. 43002

  8. Three new cave-dwelling trechine ground beetles from eastern and southeastern Serbia (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae

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    Ćurčić S.B.


    Full Text Available Three new troglobitic trechine ground beetle species are described from three caves in eastern and southeastern Serbia: Duvalius (Paraduvalius bogovinae sp. n., from the Bogovinska Pećina Cave, village of Bogovina, Kučajske Planine Mts., near Boljevac, eastern Serbia; D. (P. milutini sp. n., from the Samar cave system, village of Kopajkošara, Mt. Kalafat, near Svrljig, southeastern Serbia, and D. (P. beljanicae sp. n., from the Velika Atula Cave, village of Strmosten, Mt. Beljanica, near Despotovac, eastern Serbia. The new species are easily distinguished from relatives. All important morphological features, along with the diagnoses and illustrations of the new taxa are presented. The new species are relicts and endemics of eastern and southeastern Serbia. They probably belong to old phyletic lineages of Tertiary or even pre-Tertiary origin. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038

  9. Microstructure and properties of gravity sintered 316l stainless steel powder with nickel boride addition

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    Božić Dušan


    Full Text Available The present work demonstrates a procedure for synthesis of stainless steel powder by gravity sintering method. As an additive to the basic powder, NiB powder was added in the amount of 0.2 - 1.0 wt.%. Gravity sintering was done in vacuum, at the temperatures of 1100°C-1250°C, in the course of 3 - 60 min, using ceramic mould. Structural characterization was conducted by XRD, and microstructural analysis by optical and scanning electron microscope (SEM. Mechanical properties were investigated by tensile tests with steel rings. Density and permeability were determined by standard techniques for porous samples. Gravity sintered stainless steel with NiB addition had more superior mechanical and physico-chemical properties compared to stainless steel obtained by standard powder metallurgy procedures - pressing and sintering. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172005

  10. Trends of forest area and population and the impact of population on forest area per hectare in Serbia without APS

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    Ranković Nenad


    Full Text Available Socio-economic changes throughout history have shaped the attitude towards the forest and most significant ones are changes in terms of population. Over the centuries population and population density have had a significant impact on deforestation and the reduction of forest areas. Therefore, it is important to check what kind of trends are concerned and how population growth affects forest areas, forest cover and forest area per capita. These elements are important for assessing the direction, intensity of activity and the degree of success in the implementation of all forest policy measures in Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007: Istraživanja klimatskih promena i njihovog uticaja na životnu sredinu - praćenje uticaja, adaptacija i ublažavanje, podprojekat, br. 43007/16-III: Socio-ekonomski razvoj, ublažavanje i adaptacija na klimatske promene

  11. Development of geoportal for landslide monitoring

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    Sladić Dubravka


    Full Text Available The paper presents the implementation of geoportal for landslide monitoring which which includes two subsystems: a system for acquisition, storage and distribution of data on landslides and real time alert system. System for acquisition, storage and distribution of data on landslides include raster and vector spatial data on landslides affected areas, as well as metadata. Alert system in real time is associated with a sensor for detecting displacement, which performs constant measurements and signals in case of exceeding the reference value. The system was developed in accordance with the standards in the field of GIS: ISO 19100 series of standards and OpenGIS Consortium and is based on service-oriented architecture and principles of spatial data infrastructures. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR37017: Modeliranje stanja i strukture padinskih procesa primenom GNSS i tehnologija skeniranja laserom i georadarom

  12. New evidence for prehistoric copper metallurgy in the vicinity of Bor

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    Kapuran Aleksandar


    Full Text Available The last three years of archaeological investigations at the site Ru`ana in Banjsko Polje, in the immediate vicinity of Bor, have provided new evidence regarding the role of non-ferrous metallurgy in the economy of the prehistoric communities of north-eastern Serbia. The remains of metallurgical furnaces and a large amount of metallic slags at two neighbouring sites in the mentioned settlement reveal that locations with many installations for the thermal processing of copper ore existed in the Bronze Age. We believe, judging by the finds of material culture, that metallurgical activities in this area also continued into the Iron Age and, possibly, into the 4th century AD. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177020: Archaeology of Serbia: Cultural identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the central Balkans in the development of European prehistory

  13. Energy loss distributions of 7 TeV protons channeled in a bent silicon crystals

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    Stojanov Nace


    Full Text Available The energy loss distributions of relativistic protons axially channeled through the bent Si crystals, with the constant curvature radius, R = 50 m, are studied here. The proton energy is 7 TeV and the thickness of the crystal is varied from 1 mm to 5 mm, which corresponds to the reduced crystal thickness, L, from 2.1 to 10.6, respectively. The proton energy was chosen in accordance with the large hadron collider project, at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Geneva, Switzerland. The energy loss distributions of the channeled protons were generated by the computer simulation method using the numerical solution of the proton equations of motion in the transverse plane. Dispersion of the proton scattering angle caused by its collisions with the crystal’s electrons was taken into account. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45006

  14. Population genetic characteristics of horse chestnut in Serbia

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    Ocokoljić Mirjana


    Full Text Available The general population genetic characteristics of cultivated horse chestnut trees excelling in growth, phenotype characteristics, type of inflorescence, productivity and resistance to the leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimić were analyzed in Serbia. The analyzed population genetic parameters point to fundamental differences in the genetic structure among the cultivated populations in Serbia. The study shows the variability in all properties among the populations and inter-individual variability within the populations. The variability and differential characteristics were assessed using statistical parameters, taking into account the satisfactory reflection of the hereditary potential. The assessed differences in the vitality and evolution potential of different populations can determine the methods of horse chestnut gene pool collection, reconstruction and improvement. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31041: Establishment of Wood Plantations Intended for a forestation of Serbia

  15. Defectoscopy of direct laser sintered metals by low transmission ultrasonic frequencies

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    Ebersold Zoran


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the improvement of ultrasonic defectoscopy used for machine elements produced by direct laser metal sintering. The direct laser metal sintering process introduces the mixed metal powder and performs its subsequent laser consolidation in a single production step. Mechanical elements manufactured by laser sintering often contain many hollow cells due to weight reduction. The popular pulse echo defectoscopy method employing very high frequencies of several GHz is not successful on these samples. The aim of this paper is to present quadraphonic transmission ultrasound defectoscopy which uses low range frequencies of few tens of kHz. Therefore, the advantage of this method is that it enables defectoscopy for honeycombed materials manufactured by direct laser sintering. This paper presents the results of testing performed on AlSi12 sample. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI 172057

  16. Viesnīcnieka glabājuma tiesiskais statuss Latvijā


    Šteinberga, Zane


    Darba mērķis ir izpētīt esošo viesnīcnieka glabājuma tiesisko statusu Latvijas Republikā, tā atbilstību mūsdienu sabiedrības un uzņēmējdarbības vides prasībām. Darbā tiek analizēti Latvijas Republikas Civillikumā ietvertie termini un definīcijas attiecībā uz viesnīcnieka glabājumu, pētīti ārvalstu un starptautiskie tiesību akti un to projekti attiecībā uz viesnīcnieka glabājumu, kā arī uz viesnīcnieka atbildības jautājumiem kopumā. Darba noslēgumā tika apskatīti iespējamie varianti viesnīcnie...

  17. Keterbukaan Keuangan Partai Politik Terhadap Praktik Pencucian Uang Dari Hasil Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Laurensius Arliman S


    Full Text Available Abstract: Elections means implementation of the sovereignty of the people held in directly, general, free, confidential, honest, and fair in the Republic of Indonesia under Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. The implementation of the election has a lot of dynamics, among others political boat fees are expensive, expensive campaign funds to political imagery, the cost of consultations and surveys are expensive as well as winning money politics. Financial disclosure is very important political party in an election, because a lot of the flow of the corruption that is used in the election. As a result, people do not believe in political parties, or some communities in Indonesia began to no longer sympathetic to the political party. The idea of political party financial disclosure regulations should be initiated carefully in Indonesian election codification plan. Forward Indonesia must have arrangements campaign funds or political funds transparent, accountable, and has strict sanctions and binding on the parties involved, so that people come back believing again to political parties, and assured political parties place to channel their aspirations in granting the right in elections  Abtrak: Pemilu adalah sarana pelaksanaan kedaulatan rakyat yang diselenggarakan secara lansung, umum, bebas, rahasia, jujur, dan adil didalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Pelaksanaan pemilu memiliki banyak dinamika, antara lain biaya perahu politik yang mahal, dana kampanye yang mahal untuk politik pencitraan, ongkos konsultasi dan survei pemenangan yang mahal serta politik uang. Keterbukaan keuangan partai politik sangat penting didalam pelaksanaan pemilu, karena banyak aliran hasil korupsi yang dipakai dalam pemilu. Akibatnya masyarakat tidak percaya kepada partai politik, atau sebagaian masyarakat Indonesia mulai tidak lagi simpatik pada


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    Vesna Šendula Jengić


    Full Text Available In der Arbeit wird über die Phänomene der Aggressivität und Gewalt bei Menschen diskutiert, wobei man besonderen Wert auf die Personen mit seelischen Störungen legt. Krisenzustände und Gewaltverhalten gibt es nicht nur in der Psychiatrie. Es kann immer zu einem solchem Zustand und Verhalten kommen und jeder kann unter bestimmten Umständen sowohl Opfer als auch Täter sein. Multikausalität und Komplexität sowie auch individuelle Umstände und situationsbezogene Faktoren, welche zum Gewaltverhalten führen können, haben nur geringen Prognosekraft. Statistische Indikatoren andererseits können falsch positive und falsch negative Ergebnisse verbergen, wobei ein Fehler in der Einschätzung das Risiko zum Erscheinen eines Verhaltens drastisch erhöhen oder zum unrechtfertigten Entziehung der Freiheit führen kann. Zwangsmaβnahmen in der Psychiatrie sind nur ausnahmsweise anzuwenden, und zwar, wenn ein gefährliches Verhalten direkt das Leben und die Gesundheit einer Person oder einer Umgebung gefährdet. Darüber hinaus ist die Dauer von Zwangsmaβnahmen auch beschränkt. Die Gesetzesregulative, insbesondere das Gesetz über den Schutz von Personen mit seelischen Störungen (Amtsblatt der Republik Kroatien Nr. 76/2014 und die Ordnung über die Arten und die Weise der Anwendung von Zwangsmaβnahmen gegenüber den Personen mit schwierigen seelischen Störungen (Amtsblatt der Republik Kroatien Nr. 16/2015, dient als zusätzlicher Schutz der Rechte dieser Patientengruppe und schreibt die Arten und die Weise der Anwendung von Zwangsmaβnahmen sowie auch die Vorgehensweise. Zusätzliche Richtlinien und Vorgehensstrategien wurden auch von den Gesellschaften für Psychiatrie gegeben. In der Arbeit wird betont, dass bessere Bedingungen, Infrastruktur und Arbeitskräfte sowie auch ständige Entwicklung und Bewertung der Arbeitsqualität in der Psychiatrie erforderlich sind. Abschlieβend werden Standards und ethische Fragen in Betracht gezogen, wie

  19. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für eine Rekonstruktion der "Ersten" Brücke von Mikulčice (Tschechische Republik)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Poláček, Lumír; Wilke, G.


    Roč. 55, č. 2 (2014), s. 37-59 ISSN 1211-7250 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP405/11/2258 Keywords : Mikulčice * river distributaries * bridge * bridge construction * bay configuration * reconstruction of bridges * archaeology * dendrochronology Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  20. Energy strategy of the Republic of Croatia by the year 2020 (Proposal); Energetska strategija Republike Hrvatske do 2020. godine (Prijedlog)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kramberger, V [Ministry of Economy, Zagreb (Croatia); Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Croatia, Project PROHES


    In this paper a proposal on the `Energy strategy of the Republic of Croatia by the year 2020` has been presented. The proposal has been worked out on the basis of the preliminary results of the project `Croatian energy sector development and organization` - PROHES printed in July 1995. The discussion on the strategy has been carried out in the bodies of the PROHES (Board of Directors and Experts Council) and supplemented with suggestions on the discussion. (author). 11 figs., 5 tabs.


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    Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku


    Full Text Available The immunities and privileges owned by a diplomatic representative is based on providing greater opportunities to the diplomatic representatives in performing their duties perfectly. This is a form of protection to the diplomatic mission and its facilities-related facilities including the building of foreign diplomatic representative. Responsibility of the state of birth if the state committed acts contrary to law because of mistakes or negligence resulting in violations of international legal obligations. In case of violation of diplomatic immunities and privileges of the vice, then the recipient country can not be said to provide protection and comfort against the run function and diplomatic missions. Settlement of international disputes between Indonesia and Myanmar in diplomatic buildings wiretapping case can be achieved in various ways such as through a political settlement procedures, legal (juridical and within the framework of ASEAN cooperation. But use diplomatic channels or channels of negotiation that is based on good faith from both countries who are the best first step in dispute resolution. When the deal failed to be taken in diplomacy, it can be done in ways legal dispute resolution and bring it to the International Court of Justice.

  2. Heritage is also about demolition and disinheritance : power, ideology and popular identification in decisions about the Palast der Republik, Berlin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ashworth, G.J.; Amoeda, R; Lira, S; Pinheiro, C


    The creation of heritage is a contemporary decision in response to perceived contemporary needs. Governments have taken an increasing role in the selection, management and interpretation of heritage sites. Inevitably therefore official heritage will implicitly or explicitly be both a reflection of

  3. Comparison of body conformation of Moravian warm-blooded horse and Sarvar horse

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    Jana Šamková


    Full Text Available Measurements of 7 body measures and 6 indices of body conformation on 34 breeding individuals of Moravian warm-blooded horse and 19 of Sarvar horse (Leutstettener were used to analyse the effect of country of origin (Czech Republik, Germany, sire lines or breed (Furioso, Przedswit, English thoroughbred, Sarvar, Others and age (4 classes. All horses were measured by one person. Measures and indexes were analysed by GLM procedure. Significant differences were found between both Czech and German population only in index of body frame. Sarvar horses are longer to their height than Moravian warm-blooded horses. The shorter body frame have the horses by English thoroughbred, the longer by Furioso. The younger horses are higher than the older. According to results of Linear Description of Body Conformation we found out, that population of Sarvar horse is more balanced than population of Moravian warm-blooded horse.

  4. Tritrophic associations and taxonomic notes on Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae, a keystone aphid parasitoid in Iran

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    Rakhshani Ehsan


    Full Text Available An investigation of host associations, distribution and types of reproduction (sexual, asexual of Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall across 20 provinces of Iran during 2006-2011 was undertaken. The parasitoid was reared from three groups of host aphids belonging to genera Aphis and Brachycaudus, and occasional host aphid genera. Aphis craccivora Koch was the most frequent host aphid for L. fabarum on various host plants, including economically important crops. The field sex ratio generally favored females, but in some cases, only thelytokous (uniparental populations were found. In those cases, the host was always an Aphis species. Specimens reared from Brachycaudus aphids were all biparental, indicating the presence of a sibling biological species. Overall analysis of diagnostic morphological characters in the forewing indicated intra-specific variability in forewing marginal setae as well as variations in length of the R1 vein. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43001

  5. Analysis of correlation structure in Lymantria dispar L. larvae from locally adapted populations

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    Mrdaković Marija


    Full Text Available The influence of allelochemical stress and population origin on the patterns of phenotypic and genetic correlations among life history traits and digestive enzyme activities were investigated in larvae of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae. Thirty-two full-sib families from oak (suitable host plant, Quercus population, and twenty-six full-sib families from locust-tree (unsuitable host plant, Robinia population forests were reared on an artificial diet, with or without a 5% tannic acid supplement. Comparison of correlation matrices revealed significant similarity between the two populations in the structure of phenotypic and genetic correlations of life history traits and of digestive enzyme activities. The patterns of correlations of the examined traits, within each of the two locally adapted populations and in the presence of allelochemical stress, remained stabile despite the different selection pressures that mold these traits. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173027

  6. The importance of cross-reactivity in grass pollen allergy

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    Aleksić Ivana


    Full Text Available According to the data obtained from in vivo and in vitro testing in Serbia, a significant number of patients have allergic symptoms caused by grass pollen. We examined the protein composition of grass pollens (Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne and Phleum pratense and cross-reactivity in patients allergic to grass pollen from our region. The grass pollen allergen extract was characterized by SDS-PAGE, while cross-reactivity of single grass pollens was revealed by immunoblot analysis. A high degree of cross-reactivity was demonstrated for all three single pollens in the sera of allergic patients compared to the grass pollen extract mixture. Confirmation of the existence of cross-reactivity between different antigenic sources facilitates the use of monovalent vaccines, which are easier to standardize and at the same time prevent further sensitization of patients and reduces adverse reactions. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172049 i br. 172024

  7. Synthesis and characterization of thermosensitive hydrogels and the investigation of modified release of ibuprofen

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    Ilić-Stojanović Snežana S.


    Full Text Available The method of the synthesis of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate hydrogels obtained by radical polymerization is described. Their characterization was carried out by the determination of the quantity of residual monomers and by investigating their structure using the FTIR. Three glass transitions were detected by DSC method. The porous surfaces of hydrogels with incorporated ibuprofen were shown in SEM micrographs. The swelling ratio of hydrogels decreased with the temperature increase and the swelling transport mechanism was changed from non-Fickian to Fickian. Ibuprofen was incorporated in hydrogel as a drug carrier and released quantity was monitored by HPLC method depending on the temperature. Hydrogel with the lower cross-linker content had the highest swelling degree (α = 34.72 at 10°C and released the largest amount of ibuprofen (64.21 mg/gxerogel at 40°C. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-34012

  8. Micropropagation of Dianthus deltoides L. through shoot tip and nodal cuttings culture

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    Marković Marija


    Full Text Available Micropropagation (shoot tip and nodal cuttings culture was used for the rapid propagation of the non-invasive, decorative, native plants of maiden pink (Dianthus deltoides L. in order to preserve their genetic diversity. In vitro culture was successfully established on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS using seeds as the initial material. In the shoot multiplication phase, the explants were cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA. The highest multiplication rate was achieved on a medium containing 0.1 mgL-1 of BAP and 0.1 mgL-1 of NAA. The rooting was successful on a hormone-free medium (100%, and the highest percentage of microplant acclimatization (97% was recorded in a 4: 1 mixture of peat and sand. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31041: Establishment of wood plantations intended for a forestation of Serbia

  9. The better human, the better than human: Limits of enhancement

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    Krstić Predrag


    Full Text Available Using the representations of science, fiction and science fiction, this article attempts to sketch out a certain line of development in the history of representation of the enhanced human. First it was thought that chemicals could temporarily or permanently improve his natural abilities, then artificial substitutes, inserts and accessories dominated the vision of his improvement. The most recent possibility announced is the fundamental morphological transformation of his biological composition into a completely unrecognizable, amorphous “entity” capable of taking any form. This trajectory of “improvement” of human capacities could be regarded as a gradual advancement in the realization of the pledge of traditional humanism: that man is special precisely for being able to become anything he chooses. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 41004: Retke bolesti: molekularna patofiziologija, dijagnostički i terapijski modaliteti i socijalni, etički i pravni aspekti

  10. The role of psychiatry in family violence treatment

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    Nastasić Petar


    Full Text Available The aim of the paper is reassessment of the role of psychiatry in the treatment of family violence within the context of contemporary approaches and researches. There are prejudices in the general and professional public that perpetrators of family violence are usually persons with mental disorders and that psychiatry is primarily in charge of their treatment; it has been shown that severe mental disorders do not increase the risk of violence. Application of classical psychiatrics approach to family violence treatment is discussed, as well as the roles of psychiatry in current theoretical and therapeutic approaches to this issue, including systemic family therapy, social psychiatry primarily concerned with their treatment. Studies have shown that severe mental disorders do not increase ecology, unwillingness therapy and model of protection of family violence victims that is developed in Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47021

  11. GIS technology in regional recognition of the distribution pattern of multifloral honey: The chemical traits in Serbia

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    Radović D.I.


    Full Text Available GIS is a computer-based system to input, store, manipulate, analyze and output spatially referenced data. There is a huge range application of GIS that generally sets out to fulfill: mapping, measurement, monitoring, modeling and management. In this study, GIS technology was used for the regional recognition of origin and distribution patterns of multifloral honey chemical traits in Serbia. This included organizing and analyzing the spatial and attributive data of 164 honey samples collected from different regions of Serbia during the harvesting season of 2009. Multifloral honey was characterized in regards to mineral composition, sugar content and basic physicochemical properties. The kriging method of Geostatistical Analyst was used for interpolation to predict values of a sampled variable over the whole territory of Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46002, OI 172017 and 451-03-2372-IP Type 1/107

  12. High performance of solvothermally prepared VO2(B as anode for aqueous rechargeable lithium batteries

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    Milošević Sanja


    Full Text Available The VO2 (B was synthesized via a simple solvothermal route at 160oC in ethanol. The initial discharge capacity of VO2 (B anode, in saturated aqueous solution of LiNO3, was 177 mAh g-1 at a current rate of 50 mA g-1. After 50 cycles capacity fade was 4%, but from 20th-50th cycle no capacity drop was observed. The VO2 (B has shown very good cyclability at current rate of even 1000 mA g-1 with initial discharge capacity of 92 mAh g-1. The excellent electrochemical performance of VO2 (B was attributed to the stability of micro-nano structures to repeated intercalation /deintercalation process, very good electronic conductivity as well as the very low charge transfer resistance in the aqueous electrolyte. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45014

  13. Europe’s future - the relevance of Keynes’s economic consequences of the peace

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    Vujačić Ivan


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to use the analysis and recommendations of The Economic Consequences of the Peace in order to illustrate how Keynes’s approach could be used for an inquiry into the nature of the current euro crisis. The euro crisis should not be separated from the crisis of the European Union itself, since it is almost impossible to assume that the effects of the demise of the euro area would not a be a direct cause of the unraveling of the European Union, the most vast, complex, and tenacious effort of economic and political integration in modern history. Certainly, the conclusions and remedies proposed by Keynes should not be overlooked and it is possible to draw some broad conclusions on how his approach would affect the considerations regarding possible remedies for the current crisis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179065

  14. Efficiency Analysis of Solar Facilities for Building Heating and Household Water Heating Under Conditions in the Czech Republic / Analýza Efektivity Solárnych Zariadení Pre Ohrev Úžitkovej Vody A Vykurovanie Budov V Podmienkach Českej Republiky

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    Pivko Michal


    Full Text Available Štúdia v tomto článku sa zaoberá efektivitou solárnych zariadení pre ohrev úžitkovej vody a vykurovanie budov v Českej republike. Česká republika je situovaná v miernom podnebnom pásme, to by malo byť brané do úvahy pri inštalácii solárnych zariadení. Efektivita solárnych zariadení je hodnotená podľa energetických a ekonomických bilancií. Analyzované sú solárne zariadenia pre ohrev úžitkovej vody a vykurovanie budov. Hlavný problém súvisí s implementáciou solárnych zariadení a ich prevádzka v miernom podnebnom pásme so striedajúcimi sa horúcimi letami a chladnými zimami.

  15. The philosopher in Plato’s state

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    Nikitović Aleksandar


    Full Text Available Plato’s political theory rests on metaphysical principles that are understandable to only a few. It is assumed that only a narrow group of philosophers is able to put this theory into practice, and using repressive measures. The fewer the initiated the greater the repression. It is assumed that those who do not know the truth can neither predict their destiny nor do anything to make it better because they are unable to understand the goal and purpose of the repression. It is demonstrated that, in the imagined use of force, the sophists, who do acknowledge it, resort to repression to a much lesser extent than Plato’s philosopher. At first, Plato’s philosopher rejects the use of force as virtue, but it turns out to be indispensible, and in incomparably more aspects than it was in the sophists’ case. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179049

  16. Myrtus comunis and Eucalyptus camaldulensis cytotoxicity on breast cancer cells

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    Hrubik Jelena D.


    Full Text Available In vitro cytotoxicity of methanol, ethyl acetate, n-buthanol, and water extracts of Myrtus communis L. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. was examined against two human breast cancer cell lines (MCF 7 and MDA-MB-231 using MTT and SRB assays. The results showed significant cytotoxic potential of examined extracts, with IC50 values ranging from 7 to 138 μg/ml for M. communis and 3-250 μg/ml for E. camaldulensis. The two plants generally expressed similar activity, and no significant difference in cell line’s sensitivity towards extracts was observed. The results indicate to M. communis and E. camaldulensis as candidates for thorough chemical analyses for identification of active compounds, and eventually for attention in the process of discovery of new natural products in the control of cancer. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173037 i br. 172058

  17. Stability of zirconia sol in the presence of various inorganic electrolytes

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    Marković Jelena P.


    Full Text Available Zirconia sol was prepared from zirconium oxychloride solutions by forced hydrolysis at 102ºC. The prepared sol consisted of almost spherical, monoclinic, hydrated zirconia particles 61 nm in diameter. The stability of zirconia sol in the presence of various inorganic electrolytes (LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CsCl, KBr, KI, KNO3, and K2SO4 was studied by potentiometric titration method. Dependence of the critical concentration of coagulation (CCC on the dispersion pH was determined for all studied electrolytes. The critical coagulation concentration values, for all investigated electrolytes, are lower at higher pH. These values for all 1:1 electrolytes are equal in the range of experimental error. For a given pH value, CCCs of K2SO4 are 3-4 orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding values for 1:1 electrolytes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke republike Srbije, br. III 45012

  18. Characterization and utilization of the permeate and retentate obtained after “dead-end” ultrafiltration

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    Vasić Vesna M.


    Full Text Available In the recent years, with the increase in bioethanol production, the increasing amounts of distillery wastewater are generated. Such wastewater (stillage is one of the most polluted waste product of the food and beverage industries. The present study evaluates the treatment of distillery wastewater by ultrafiltration (UF, in order to reduce its pollution and evaluate the composition of the permeate and retentate. Polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membrane with molecular weight cut-off (MWCO 30000 Da, was used for the experiments. The UF was carried out in dead-end mode. The results of the analyses of the permeate and retentate obtained after ultrafiltration were considered as well as different ways for their further utilization. The pollutant level in the permeate was decreased significantly in comparison to the raw stillage, and suspended solids were completely removed from the stillage. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31002

  19. On the idiom ne gine (gibi mi (ti etc.: Syntactic structure, semantics, and lexicographic status

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    Vučković Marija D.


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the idiom ne gine mi (ti etc. and its variant ne gibi mi (ti etc.. The research is based on the historical and contemporary corpus that also comprises the dialectological material. After pointing out chronological and areal characteristics of the two idiom variants, their syntactic structure as well as semantics are discussed. In the domain of semantics the special attention is paid to the change of the axiological component of the idiomatic meaning. It is argued that there might be the interrelation between this change and the syntactic structure of the idiom. The final segment of the paper is concerned with the status of the analysed idiomatic phrases in the most important monolingual general and phraseological dictionaries. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 178007: Etimološka istraživanja srpskog jezika i izrada Etimološkog rečnika srpskog jezika

  20. Bread in the folk culture of the Serbs in its pan-Slavic context

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    Radenković Ljubinko


    Full Text Available The Slavs do not consider bread to be a common foodstuff, but a sacred object, a symbol of wealth and happiness. Almost all significant rituals (holidays, rites from the life cycle of a person, occasional magical activities use bread. In some of them, such as marriages or the Serbian holiday krsna slava, it is the main ritual object, which has great symbolic value. This paper addresses the use of bread in the ritual behavior of the Serbs and related peoples, where bread has the characteristics of a symbol and therefore gains a communicative function (it is used to convey or to receive information. It is also points out that the symbolic function of bread changes depending on the grain used to make it, whether it is leavened or unleavened, and the shape of it. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177022: Serbian Folk Culture Between East and West

  1. Acidity of selected industrial wood species in Serbia

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    Popović Mlađan


    Full Text Available The acidity of wood has an important role in many areas of wood applications. Hence, this paper presents a study on the acidity of beech, fir and poplar, as the representatives of the most industrially utilized wood species in Serbia. The contents of both the soluble and insoluble acids were determined through the extraction methods with cold distilled water and sodium acetate solution, respectively, followed by the titration with sodium hydroxide solution. The acidity strongly differs among the three wood species used in this research. The amount of insoluble acids was the highest in fir, almost twice as much than in poplar, and about 68 % higher than in fir wood species. Such differences also showed a strong correlation with the gel times of UF adhesive mixes with hot water extracts. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TP 31041: Establishment of Wood Plantations Intended for Afforestation of Serbia

  2. Odhad možných následků při úniku hořlavé látky


    Miček, Michal


    Táto bakalárska práca bola zameraná na odhad možných následkov pri úniku horľavej látky. Práca je rozdelená do troch hlavných časti. V prvej časti sú obsiahnuté vybrané závažné priemyselné havárie vo svete aj v Českej Republike a niektoré pojmy spojené s následkami pri úniku horľavej látky. Druhá časť obsahuje stručný popis použitého programu (ALOHA 5.4.3) spolu s charakteristikou niektorých vstupných parametrov pre modelované typové havárie – požiar typu Jet Fire zo zariadení používaných pre...

  3. Recoiling black holes in static and evolving dark matter halo potential

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    Smole M.


    Full Text Available We follow trajectories of kicked black holes in static and evolving dark matter halo potential. We explore both NFW and Einasto dark matter density distributions. Considered dark matter halos represent hosts of massive spiral and elliptical field galaxies. We study critical amplitude of kick velocity necessary for complete black hole ejection at various redshifts and find that ~40% lower kick velocities can remove black holes from their host haloes at z = 7 compared to z = 1. The greatest difference between static and evolving potential occurs near the critical velocity for black hole ejection and at high redshifts. When NFW and Einasto density distributions are compared ~30% higher kick velocities are needed for complete removal of BHs from dark matter halo described by NFW profile. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176021: Visible and invisible matter in nearby galaxies: Theory and observations

  4. Chemometric approach to evaluate heavy metals’ content in Daucus Carota from different localities in Serbia

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    Mitic Violeta D.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate heavy metal content in carrots (Daucus carota from the different localities in Serbia and assess by the cluster analysis (CA and principal components analysis (PCA the heavy metal contamination of carrots from these areas. Carrot was collected at 13 locations in five districts. Chemometric methods (CA and PCA were applied to classify localities according to heavy metal content in carrots. CA separated localities into two statistical significant clusters. PCA permitted the reduction of 12 variables to four principal components explaining 79.94% of the total variance. The first most important principal component was strongly associated with the value of Cu, Sb, Pb and Tl. This study revealed that CA and PCA appear useful tools for differentiation of localities in different districts using the profile of heavy metal in carrot samples. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172051

  5. Natural diatomite (Rudovci, Serbia as adsorbent for removal Cs from radioactive waste liquids

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    Nenadović S.


    Full Text Available The removal of Cs (I ions from aqueous solution was studied using natural diatomite as adsorption materials originated from Rudovci, Serbia. The microstructure of natural diatomite has been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM while the degree of Cs adsorption was evaluated by atomic emission spectroscopy. The cation exchange capacity (CEC values for natural diatomite was 50 meq/100g. Depending on whether the Cs adsorption occurred in the acidic and alkaline media at a temperature of 298.15 K in acidic media ΔG0 values was -12.674 kJ/mol, while in alkaline media ΔG0 was - 13.142 kJ/mol and a change of ΔS0 to 42.51 J/molK in acidic media and 44.08 J/molK in alkaline medium. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 45012

  6. Appearance of high submerged cavitating jet: The cavitation phenomenon and sono luminescence

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    Hutli Ezddin


    Full Text Available In order to study jet structure and behaviour of cloud cavitation within time and space, visualization of highly submerged cavitating water jet has been done using Stanford Optics 4 Quick 05 equipment, through endoscopes and other lenses with Drello3244 and Strobex Flash Chadwick as flashlight stroboscope. This included obligatory synchronization with several types of techniques and lenses. Images of the flow regime have been taken, allowing calculation of the non-dimensional cavitation cloud length under working conditions. Consequently a certain correlation has been proposed. The influencing parameters, such as; injection pressure, downstream pressure and cavitation number were experimentally proved to be very significant. The recordings of sono-luminescence phenomenon proved the collapsing of bubbles everywhere along the jet trajectory. In addition, the effect of temperature on sono-luminescence recordings was also a point of investigation. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR35046

  7. Size distribution of fullerenol nanoparticles in cell culture medium and their influence on antioxidative enzymes in Chinese hamster ovary cells

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    Srđenović Branislava U.


    Full Text Available Fullerenol (C60(OH24 nanoparticles (FNP have a significant role in biomedical research due to their numerous biological activities, some of which are cytoprotective and antioxidative properties. The aim of this study was to measure distribution of fullerenol nanoparticles and zeta potential in cell medium RPMI 1640 with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS and to investigate the influence of FNP on Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1 survival, as well as to determine the activity of three antioxidative enzymes: superoxide-dismutase, glutathione-reductase and glutathione-S-transferase in mitomycin C-treated cell line. Our investigation implies that FNP, as a strong antioxidant, influence the cellular redox state and enzyme activities and thus may reduce cell proliferation, which confirms that FNP could be exploited for its use as a cytoprotective agent.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45005 i Pokrajinski Sekretarijat za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Vojvodine, grant number 114-451-2056/2011-01

  8. Antioxidant, antifungal and anticancer activities of se-enriched Pleurotus spp. mycelium extracts

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    Milovanović Ivan


    Full Text Available The goal of this study was the evaluation of antifungal, antioxidant and anticancer potentials of Pleurotus eryngii, P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius mycelial extracts, and the influence of mycelium enrichment with selenium on these activities. Both Se-amended and non-amended extracts showed the same or similar minimal inhibitory concentration for 14 studied micromycetes, while a fungicidal effect was not noted, contrary to ketoconazole, which had inhibitory and fungicidal effects at very low concentrations. Se-non-amended extracts exhibited antioxidant activity, especially at higher concentrations. Selenium enrichment influenced activity, its effects decreasing in P. eryngii and P. pulmonarius, while in P. ostreatus no effect was noted. The DPPH• radical scavenging capacity of the extracts was in direct correlation with their phenol and flavonoid contents. Cytotoxic activity against both HeLa and LS174 cell lines was very low compared with cis-DDP. These features suggest that mycelium should be an object of intensive studies. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173032

  9. Dynamic temperature field in the ferromagnetic plate induced by moving high frequency inductor

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    Milošević-Mitić Vesna


    Full Text Available The subject of the paper is the temperature distribution in the thin metallic ferromagnetic plate influenced by moving linear high frequency induction heater. As a result of high frequency electromagnetic field, conducting currents appear in the part of the plate. Distribution of the eddy-current power across the plate thickness is obtained by use of complex analysis. The influences of the heater frequency, magnetic field intensity and plate thickness on the heat power density were discussed. By treating this power as a moving heat source, differential equations governing distribution of the temperature field are formulated. Temperature across the plate thickness is assumed to be in linear form. Differential equations are analytically solved by using integral-transform technique, Fourier finite-sine and finite-cosine transform and Laplace transform. The influence of the heater velocity to the plate temperature is presented on numerical examples based on theoretically obtained results. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 35040 i br. TR 35011

  10. Impact of crushed mineral aggregate on the pumpability of concrete during transport and placement

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    Topličić-Ćurčić Gordana


    Full Text Available In the spirit of the sustainable buildings, and with the goal of protection of river courses, in the near future an already announced directive ordering closing down of a large number of river aggregate dredging operations will be adopted. For that reason, usage of crushed mineral aggregate in concrete mixes is increasing. Irrespective of downsides of the fined crushed mineral aggregate, such as the presence of fine particles bordering the upper permissible limit and the unfavorable shape of the grain of the course aggregate for obtaining liquid consistency required for the pumpable concrete, the demanded pumpability of concrete during transport and placement has been achieved. By adding admixtures to concrete, the required concrete properties, such as: frost resistance, simultaneous frost and salt resistance and water tightness have been achieved. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 36017: Utilization of by - products and recycled waste materials in concrete composites in the scope of sustainable construction development in Serbia: investigation and environmental assessment of possible applications

  11. Novel methylene bridged ethylenediamine-type ligands: Synthesis and spectral characterization

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    Mihajlović-Lalić Ljiljana E.


    Full Text Available Herein we report the synthesis of two new organic compounds, diisobutyl- and diisopentyl N,N′-methylene-(S,S-ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-2-(3-cyclohexylpropanoate. A one-pot procedure was carried out by adding the reducing agent and carbonyl compound into the methanol solution of the parent compounds (iso-butyl and iso-pentyl esters of (S,S-ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-2-(3-cyclohexylpropanoic acid in appropriate stoichiometric ratios. The compounds were fully characterized by infrared, ESI-MS, 1D (1H, 13C and 2D (COSY, HSQC, HMBC NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The spectral data confirm the presence of -CH2- group introduced between nitrogen atoms of the ethylenediamine moiety revealing neutral form of potential bidentate ligand. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172035. The authors also acknowledge the support of the FP7 RegPot project FCUB ERA GA No. 256716. The EC does not share responsibility for the content of the article

  12. I hear you have a noble horse - Manuel II Palaiologos’ letter no. 43 addressed to Demetrios Chrysoloras

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    Nikolić Maja


    Full Text Available The letter of Manuel II Palaiologos no. 43 addressed to Demetrios Chrysoloras, as their correspondence in whole, is a vivid testimony, not only on the friendship between these two great intellectuals, but also on some social rules and customs of the court of the last Palaiologan emperors and habits of the Byzantine social and intellectual elite in the first half of the XV century. Through the paradigm of noble horse, used as a symbol of public office, in this case the one of mesazon in the service of John VII, the emperor showed that he was not indifferent and suggested to his friend to give up something which doesn’t suit him and continue to occupy himself with intellectual work. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177032: Tradicija, inovacija i identitetu vizantijskom svetu i br. 177015: Hrišćanska kultura na Balkanu u srednjem veku: Vizantijsko carstvo, Srbi i Bugari od 9. do 15. veka

  13. The quality analyses of olive cake fuel pellets - mathematical approach

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    Brlek Tea I.


    Full Text Available This article investigates the effect of processing parameters (conditioning temperature and binder content, on final quality of produced agro-pellets for heat energy generation, obtained from four different olive cultivars using different technological parameters. Technological, physical and chemical properties of pellets (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur content, particle density, abrasion length, moisture, ash content, higher and lower heating values, fixed carbon and volatile matter content have been determined to assess their quality. The performance of Artificial Neural Network (ANN was compared with the performance of second order polynomial (SOP model, as well as with the obtained experimental data in order to develop rapid and accurate mathematical model for prediction of final quality parameters of agro-pellets. SOP model showed high coefficients of determination (r2, between 0.692 and 0.955, while ANN model showed high prediction accuracy with r2 between 0.544 and 0.994. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46005 i br. TR-31055

  14. Ex situ integration of iron oxide nanoparticles onto the exfoliated expanded graphite flakes in water suspension

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    Jović Nataša


    Full Text Available Hybrid structures composed of exfoliated expanded graphite (EG and iron oxide nanocrystals have been produced by an ex situ process. The iron oxide nanoparticles coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA, or poly(acrylic acid (PAA were integrated onto the exfoliated EG flakes by mixing their aqueous suspensions at room temperature under support of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropylcarbodiimide (EDC and N-hydroxysuccin-nimide (NHS. EG flakes have been used both, naked and functionalized with branched polyethylenimine (PEI. Complete integration of two constituents has been achieved and mainteined stable for more than 12 months. No preferential spatial distribution of anchoring sites for attachement of iron oxide nanoparticles has been observed, regardless EG flakes have been used naked or functionalized with PEI molecules. The structural and physico-chemical characteristics of the exfoliated expanded graphite and its hybrids nanostructures has been investigated by SEM, TEM, FTIR and Raman techniques. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 45015

  15. Comparative study of drought and salt stress effects on germination and seedling growth of pea

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    Petrović Gordana


    Full Text Available Seed germination is first critical and the most sensitive stage in the life cycle of plants compromise the seedlings establishment. Salt and drought tolerance testing in initial stages of plant development is of vital importance, because the seed with more rapid germination under salt or water deficit conditions may be expected to achieve a rapid seedling establishment, resulting in higher yields. The aim of this study was to determine whether the pea seed germination and seedling growth were inhibited by the salt toxicity and osmotic effect during the seedling development, and also identification of the sensitive seedling growth parameters in response to those stresses. Based on the obtained results, pea has been presented to be more tolerant to salt than water stress during germination and early embryo growth. Investigated cultivars showed greater susceptibility to both abiotic stresses when it comes growth parameters compared to seed germination. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31024 i br. TR-31022

  16. Self-employment and enterpreneurship as a choice: An example of Serbia

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    Zakić Nebojša


    Full Text Available The transition to a market economy in Serbia still hasn’t created a good enough environment for enterpreneurship to flourish. Enterpreneurship is more commonly manifested as a result of the push effect- the need for work and survival, and it’s success is the result of the pull effect- recognizing business possibilities and market chances. The economic crisis has further increased unwanted demographic movements, especially inside migration of younger and more educated population from rural areas to bigger cities. The only way to battle the high unemployment rate of women and the young in Serbia is to create more attractive conditions for the development of enterpreneurship. That can be acomplished by bettering the macroeconomic ambience of business as well as by funding the need for start-up capital. The first priority is to create the conditions necessary for safe and long term business development. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007/III

  17. Validation of the Serbian adaptation of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Child Form (TEIQue-CF

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    Banjac Sonja


    Full Text Available This study investigated trait EI in childhood in a Serbian population by validating a Serbian adaptation of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire - Child Form (TEIQue-CF. All 606 participants (Mage = 10.33, SD = 1.55 completed the TEIQue-CF, the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (revised version, and the Guess Who peer assessment. Data on academic achievement and truancy were also obtained. The Serbian TEIQue-CF demonstrated robust psychometric properties with satisfactory internal consistencies and extensive evidence of validity in relation to criteria such as emotion recognition, academic grades, truancy rates, and peer ratings. Factor analyses suggested a two-factor solution for the total sample, but a unifactorial structure for the two groups of younger children aged 8 to 9 and 10 to 11. Overall, the results corroborate the validity of the Serbian adaptation and the theoretical and practical importance of the construct of trait EI in children. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

  18. Fuzzy model for determination and assessment of groundwater quality in the city of Zrenjanin, Serbia

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    Kiurski-Milosević Jelena Ž.


    Full Text Available The application of the fuzzy logic for determination and assessment of the chemical quality of groundwater for drinking purposes in the city of Zrenjanin is presented. The degree of certainty and uncertainties are one of the problems in the most commonly used methods for assessing the water quality. Fuzzy logic can successfully handle these problems. Evaluation of fuzzy model was carried out on the samples from two representative wells that are located at depths of two aquifers from which water is taken to supply the population as drinking water. The samples were analyzed on 8 different chemical water quality parameters. In the research arsenic concentration (As3+, As5+ is considered as the dominant parameter due to its suspecting carcinogenic effects on human health. This type of research is for the first time conducted in the city of Zrenjanin, middle Banat region. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. MNTR174009 i br. TR34014

  19. Fungi in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia

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    Ivančević Boris N.


    Full Text Available Conservation and protection of fungi have lately been considered as extremely important elements of the environmental conservation, and numerous environmental, scientific, medical, economic, cultural, ethical, and other reasons for such attitude exist today. This paper presents an overview of official regulations on the protection of fungi in the Republic of Serbia from the Act of Protection of 1991 until today. The paper lists and analyses the good and bad provisions of individual legal regulations. It registers the effects of the adopted regulations on the actual efficiency of protection of endangered species of fungi (macrofungi, mushrooms, and considers the impact of chronological development of legislation on the population of fungi in nature, and presents general measures to improve protection of mushrooms in the future. These measures primarily include reliable information and study of fungi as a basis for their effective protection based on scientific knowledge. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI-179079

  20. Simple one-pot synthesis of thioureas from amine, carbon disulfide and oxidants in water

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    Milosavljević Milutin M.


    Full Text Available The present study reports the new facile methodology for synthesis of symmetrical and asymmetrical thioureas by an one-pot reaction of amine, carbon disulfide and oxidants: hydrogen peroxide, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA/sodium percarbonate system or air. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR, 1H and 13C NMR and MS methods. Reaction mechanism has been proposed on the basis of reaction intermediate isolation and their structure determination. The synthetic benefits of the presented methods is reflected in the operational simplicity, mild reaction conditions, short reaction times, recycling of solvent, high purity and yield of products, absence of dangerous by-products and technological applicability at industrial scale. Considering commercial importance of the thioureas, it can be emphasized that implementation of the optimal synthesis of thiourea, based on presented methods, at industrial level of production would provide concurrent alternative to existing technologies in use. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172013

  1. Input data preprocessing method for exchange rate forecasting via neural network

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    Antić Dragan S.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to present a method for neural network input parameters selection and preprocessing. The purpose of this network is to forecast foreign exchange rates using artificial intelligence. Two data sets are formed for two different economic systems. Each system is represented by six categories with 70 economic parameters which are used in the analysis. Reduction of these parameters within each category was performed by using the principal component analysis method. Component interdependencies are established and relations between them are formed. Newly formed relations were used to create input vectors of a neural network. The multilayer feed forward neural network is formed and trained using batch training. Finally, simulation results are presented and it is concluded that input data preparation method is an effective way for preprocessing neural network data. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br.TR 35005, br. III 43007 i br. III 44006

  2. Hydro- and solvothermally-prepared ZnO and its catalytic effect on photodegradation of reactive orange 16 dye

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    Simović Bojana


    Full Text Available In this work, zinc oxide powders were obtained by two different techniques: hydro- and solvothermal synthesis starting from Zn(NO32 and Zn(CH3COO2, respectively. The influence of synthetic procedure on the structural, microstructural, thermal and photocatalytic properties of the prepared ZnO powders was investigated. Both ZnO samples were further annealed at moderate conditions (300°C to avoid grain growth and to remove traces of impurities. In all four cases a single-phase hexagonal ZnO was confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction. The morphology of prepared ZnO powders was different and it varied from rounded nanograins to microrods. All prepared samples showed higher photocatalytic efficiency in degradation of textile azo-dye Reactive Orange 16(RO16 than the commercial ZnO. In addition, the non-annealed samples had better photocatalytic properties than the commercial Degussa P25 TiO2 powder. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45007, br. ON171032 i br. ON172013

  3. Identification of Agrobacterium vitis as a causal agent of grapevine crown gall in Serbia

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    Kuzmanović N.


    Full Text Available In 2010, a serious outbreak of crown gall disease was observed on grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon in several commercial vineyards located in the Vojvodina province, Serbia. Bacteria were isolated from the young tumor tissue on nonselective YMA medium and five representative strains were selected for further identification. Tumorigenic (Ti plasmid was detected in all strains by PCR using primers designed to amplify the virC pathogenicity gene, producing a 414-bp PCR product. The strains were identified as Agrobacterium vitis using differential physiological and biochemical tests, and a multiplex PCR assay targeting 23S rRNA gene sequences. In the pathogenicity assay, all strains induced characteristic symptoms on inoculated tomato and grapevine plants. They were less virulent on tomato plants in comparison to the reference strains of A. tumefaciens and A. vitis. [Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46008: Development of integrated management of harmful organisms in plant production in order to overcome resistance and to improve food quality and safety

  4. Low dark matter content of the nearby early-type galaxy NGC 821

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    Samurović S.


    Full Text Available In this paper we analyze the kinematics and dynamics of the nearby early-type galaxy NGC 821 based on its globular clusters (GCs and planetary nebulae (PNe. We use PNe and GCs to extract the kinematics of NGC 821 which is then used for the dynamical modelling based on the Jeans equation. We apply the Jeans equation using the Newtonian mass-follows-light approach assuming constant mass-to-light ratio and find that using such an approach we can successfully fit the kinematic data. The inferred constant mass-to-light ratio, 4:2 < M=LB < 12:4 present throughout the whole galaxy, implies the lack of significant amount of dark matter. We also used three different MOND approaches and found that we can fit the kinematic data without the need for additional, dark, component. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176021: Visible and invisible matter in nearby galaxies: theory and observations

  5. The fungistatic activity of organic selenium and its application to the production of cultivated mushrooms Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus spp.

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    Savic Milena


    Full Text Available The activity of organic selenium against pathogenic molds and its use as a potential selenium source in the production of enriched mushrooms were examined. The effect of commercial selenized yeast on mycelia growth was examined using a method with mycelia disks and a well diffusion method. For mushroom enrichment, different concentrations of selenium were added to a growth substrate. The results presented in this paper suggest that the most suitable concentration of selenized yeast that inhibits the growth of the mycopathogenic molds is 70-100 mg/kg of selenium. With the addition of this concentration to the substrate, mushroom fruit bodies will uptake a high level of selenium, about 100 μg/g for Pleurotus spp., and 200 μg/g for Agaricus bisporus in dry weight of the mushroom. Thereby a double effect in the cultivation of mushrooms is achieved. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46010 and br. III46001

  6. Adsorption of cellulases onto sugar beet shreds and modeling of the experimental data

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    Ivetić Darjana Ž.


    Full Text Available This study investigated the adsorption of cellulases onto sugar beet shreds. The experiments were carried out using untreated, as well as dried and not dried dilute acid and steam pretreated sugar beet shreds at different initial enzyme loads. Both dilute acid and steam pretreatment were beneficial in respect of cellulases adsorption providing 8 and 9 times higher amounts of adsorbed proteins, respectively, in comparison to the results obtained with the untreated substrate. Although the use of higher solids load enabled by drying of pretreated substrates, could be beneficial for process productivity, at the same time it decreases the adsorption of enzymes. The obtained experimental data were fitted to five adsorption models, and the Langmuir model having the lowest residual sum of squares was used for the determination of adsorption parameters which were used to calculate the strength of cellulases binding to the substrates.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31002

  7. Charisma and authority: Toward a hagiographic portrait of St. Sava

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    Marjanović-Dušanić Smilja


    Full Text Available The paper analyses hagiographical strategies used by the writers of St. Sava’s vitae, the purpose of which was to delineate clearly the principal features of the saint’s portrait. Their main concern was to confirm Sava’s personal charisma and to convey a sense of his saintly authority. The focus of the paper is on the hagiographical techniques of imitation such as comparing the hero to biblical models and telling stories of his miracles that repeat the miracles of Christ himself and the most important saints. The paper devotes particular attention to those sections of the vitae that describe Sava’s wielding institutional authority, and it is precisely here that there are notable similarities between Teodosije’s vita and his hagiographical model, the vita of St. Sava of Jerusalem by Cyril of Skythopolis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177003: Srednjovekovno nasleđe Balkana - institucije i kultura

  8. Influence of the type of electrolyte on the morphological and crystallographic characteristics of lead powder particles

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    Nikolić Nebojša D.


    Full Text Available Lead electrodeposition processes from the basic (nitrate and complex (acetate electrolytes were mutually compared by the scanning electron microscopic and the X-ray diffraction analysis of the produced powder particles. The shape of dendritic particles strongly depended on the type of electrolyte. The dendrites composed of stalk and weakly developed primary branches (the primary type were predominantly formed from the basic electrolyte. The ramified dendrites composed of stalk and of both primary and secondary branches (the secondary type were mainly formed from the complex electrolyte. In the both type of powder particles Pb crystallites were predominantly oriented in the (111 plane. Formation of powder particles of the different shape with the strong (111 preferred orientation was discussed and explained by the consideration of the general characteristics of the growth of a crystal in the electrocrystallization processes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172046: Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of nanostructured functional materials for application in new technologies

  9. New possibilities for the ethnogenetic study of the population of Serbia

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    Todorović Ivica


    Full Text Available The paper points to new possibilities of inquiry into the ethnogenesis of the population of Serbia, with an accent on the Serbian ethnos. Over the last years, within a global framework, genetic research of origin, genealogies, ethnogenetic and migrational processes have pointed to a wide array of new aspects, by pointing us towards previously unknown ways of viewing the past of different peoples and ethnic groups. The text presents an introductory overview of research that was begun, with basic pointers as to relevant conclusions. Based on our preliminary research and insights, it can be argued that Serbian ethnology gained a new, powerful weapon in the struggle to bring ethnogenetic and migrational processes to light - or rather - in the analysis of the notions about origins and the past (within the context of testing their veracity. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47016: Interdisciplinarno istraživanje kulturnog i jezičkog nasleđa Srbije. Izrada multimedijalnog internet-portala "Pojmovnik srpske kulture"

  10. Challenges in bioethanol production: Utilization of cotton fabrics as a feedstock

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    Nikolić Svetlana


    Full Text Available Bioethanol, as a clean and renewable fuel with its major environmental benefits, represents a promising biofuel today which is mostly used in combination with gasoline. It can be produced from different kinds of renewable feedstocks. Whereas the first generation of processes (saccharide-based have been well documented and are largely applied, the second and third generation of bioethanol processes (cellulose- or algae-based need further research and development since bioethanol yields are still too low to be economically viable. In this study, the possibilities of bioethanol production from cotton fabrics as valuable cellulosic raw material were investigated and presented. Potential lignocellulosic biomass for bioethanol production and their characteristics, especially cotton-based materials, were analyzed. Available lignocellulosic biomass, the production of textile and clothing and potential for sustainable bioethanol production in Serbia is presented. The progress possibilities are discussed in the domain of different pretreatment methods, optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis and different ethanol fermentation process modes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31017

  11. Perfect and imperfect states

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    Nikitović Aleksandar


    Full Text Available Early Greek ethics embodied in Cretan and Spartan mores, served as a model for Plato`s political theory. Plato theorized the contents of early Greek ethics, aspiring to justify and revitalize the fundamental principles of a traditional view of the world. However, according to Plato`s new insight, deed is further from the truth than a thought i.e. theory. The dorian model had to renounce its position to the perfect prototype of a righteous state, which is a result of the inner logic of philosophical theorizing in early Greek ethics. Prototype and model of philosophical reflection, in comparison to philosophical theory, becomes minor and deficient. Philosophical theorizing of early Greek ethics philosophically formatted Greek heritage, initiating substantial changes to the content of traditional ethics. Replacement of the myth with ontology, as a new foundation of politics, transformed early Greek ethics in various relevant ways. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179049

  12. Intragranular ferrite morphologies in medium carbon vanadium-microalloyed steel

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    Fadel A.


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to determine TTT diagram of medium carbon V-N micro-alloyed steel with emphasis on the development of intragranular ferrite morphologies. The isothermal treatment was carried out at 350, 400, 450, 500, 550 and 600°C. These treatments were interrupted at different times in order to analyze the evolution of the microstructure. Metallographic evaluation was done using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM. The results show that at high temperatures (≥ 500°C polygonal intragranulary nucleated ferrite idiomorphs, combined with grain boundary ferrite and pearlite were produced and followed by an incomplete transformation phenomenon. At intermediate temperatures (450, 500°C an interloced acicular ferrite (AF microstructure is produced, and at low temperatures (400, 350°C the sheave of parallel acicular ferrite plates, similar to bainitic sheaves but intragranularly nucleated were observed. In addition to sheaf type acicular ferrite, the grain boundary nucleated bainitic sheaves are observed. [Projekat Ministartsva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI174004

  13. Resistance to antimicrobials drugs and control measures of Salmonella spp in the poultry industry

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    Velhner Maja


    Full Text Available The worldwide prevalence of multiple resistant Salmonella spp is described. Clonally distributed Salmonella Enteritidis PT4 and Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 are among the most pathogenic strains for humans. Recently there have been reports on the prevalence of ST “like” monophasic 4(5,12:i strains in some countries. Vaccination strategy and antimicorbial agent therapy is also briefly discussed. Products of animal origin must be safe and without the risk of antimicrobial resistance. Subsequently, the good management practice at farm level and HACCP in feed factories are required to cope with salmonella infections. Poultry producers in developed countries have been motivated to participate in salmonella control programs, because of public awareness on safe food and risks in the food chain. Export of poultry and poultry products is more successful in the regions where Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium have been eradicated. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31071

  14. Stress corrosion cracking resistance of aluminum alloy 7000 series after two-step aging

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    Jegdić Bore V.


    Full Text Available The effect of one step-and a new (short two-step aging on the resistance to stress corrosion cracking of an aluminum alloy 7000 series was investigated, using slow strain rate test and fracture mechanics method. Aging level in the tested alloy was evaluated by means of scanning electron microscopy and measurements of electrical resistivity. It was shown that the alloy after the new two-step aging is significantly more resistant to stress corrosion cracking. Values of tensile properties and fracture toughness are similar for both thermal states. Processes that take place at the crack tip have been considered. The effect of the testing solution temperature on the crack growth rate on the plateau was determined. Two values of the apparent activation energy were obtained. These values correspond to different processes that control crack growth rate on the plateau at higher and lower temperatures. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 34028 i br. TR 34016

  15. Influence of friction stir welding parameters on properties of 2024 T3 aluminium alloy joints

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    Eramah Abdsalam M.


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to analyse the process of friction stir welding (FSW of 3mm thick aluminium plates made of high strength aluminium alloy - 2024 T3, as well as to assess the mechanical properties of the produced joints. FSW is a modern procedure which enables joining of similar and dissimilar materials in the solid state, by the combined action of heat and mechanical work. This paper presents an analysis of the experimental results obtained by testing the butt welded joints. Tensile strength of the produced joints is assessed, as well as the distribution of hardness, micro-and macrostructure through the joints (in the base material, nugget, heat affected zone and thermo-mechanically affected zone. Different combinations of the tool rotation speed and the welding speed are used, and the dependence of the properties of the joints on these parameters of welding technology is determined. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 34018 i br. TR 35006

  16. A fuzzy Bi-linear management model in reverse logistic chains

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    Tadić Danijela


    Full Text Available The management of the electrical and electronic waste (WEEE problem in the uncertain environment has a critical effect on the economy and environmental protection of each region. The considered problem can be stated as a fuzzy non-convex optimization problem with linear objective function and a set of linear and non-linear constraints. The original problem is reformulated by using linear relaxation into a fuzzy linear programming problem. The fuzzy rating of collecting point capacities and fix costs of recycling centers are modeled by triangular fuzzy numbers. The optimal solution of the reformulation model is found by using optimality concept. The proposed model is verified through an illustrative example with real-life data. The obtained results represent an input for future research which should include a good benchmark base for tested reverse logistic chains and their continuous improvement. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 035033: Sustainable development technology and equipment for the recycling of motor vehicles

  17. Geografski aspekti ekološkog uzgoja ljekovitog bilja u Hrvatskoj

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    Željka Šiljković


    Full Text Available U Hrvatskoj se prikuplja i uzgaja između 160 i 170 autohtonih, ljekovitih i aromatičnih biljnih vrsta. Prirodno geografski uvjeti, posebice klimatski, pedološki i hidrografski, iznimno su povoljni za ekološki uzgoj ljekovitog bilja u svim dijelovima Republike Hrvatske. U radu je posebno opisan uzgoj kamilice (Matricaria chamomilae i lavande (Lavandula anustifolia kao dviju biljaka koje su do prije Domovinskog rata činile najveći udio uzgoja ljekovitog bilja u Hrvatskoj koja je bila jedna od vodećih svjetskih proizvođača kamilice i lavande. U članku je analizirano trenutno stanje uzgoja ljekovitog bilja u Hrvatskoj te mogućnosti koje nudi taj dosad neiskorišten gospodarski sektor. Glavni je cilj istaknuti prirodno-geografske uvjete koji utječu na ekološku proizvodnju ljekovitog bilja koja, ukoliko se provede sustavno, može pridonijeti revitalizaciji ruralnih prostora te usporiti procese deagrarizacije i deruralizacije.

  18. Growth temperature of different local isolates of Bacillus sp. in the solid state affects production of raw starch digesting amylases

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    Šokarda-Slavić Marinela


    Full Text Available Natural amylase producers, wild type strains of Bacillus sp., were isolated from different regions of Serbia. Strains with the highest amylase activity based on the starch-agar plate test were grown on solid-state fermentation (SSF on triticale. The influence of the substrate and different cultivation temperature (28 and 37°C on the production of amylase was examined. The tested strains produced α-amylases when grown on triticale grains both at 28 and at 37°C, but the activity of amylases and the number and intensity of the produced isoforms were different. Significant hydrolysis of raw cornstarch was obtained with the Bacillus sp. strains 2B, 5B, 18 and 24B. The produced α-amylases hydrolyzed raw cornstarch at a temperature below the temperature of gelatinization, but the ability for hydrolysis was not directly related to the total enzyme activity, suggesting that only certain isoforms are involved in the hydrolysis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172048

  19. Development and validation of LC-MS/MS method with multiple reactions monitoring mode for quantification of vanillin and syringaldehyde in plum brandies

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    Tešević Vele


    Full Text Available An ultra-performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-QqQ-MS/MS method with multiple reactions monitoring mode (MRM has been developed and validated for quantification of vanillin and syringaldehyde in plum brandy. The method showed good linearity (0.05 to 10 mgL−1 and low limits of detection and quantification (LOD and LOQ were 11.6 µgL−1 and 38.2 µgL−1 for vanillin, and 12.7 µgL−1 and 42.0 µgL−1 for syringaldehyde, respectively. The overall intra-day and inter-day variations were less than 4.21%, and the overall recovery over 93.0%. The correlation coefficients (R2 of the calibration curves were higher than 0.9999. In order to evaluate if the method is suitable for use as a routine analytical tool, in 31 Serbian plum brandy samples vanillin and syringaldehide were determined. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172053

  20. Reliability, construct and criterion-related validity of the Serbian adaptation of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (TEIQue

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    Jolić-Marjanović Zorana


    Full Text Available This paper presents evidence on the reliability and validity of the Serbian adaptation of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue, an instrument designed to comprehensively assess emotional intelligence conceived as a constellation of emotionrelated self-perceptions. Study participants were 254 adults, who completed the Serbian TEIQue, NEO-FFI, MSCEIT, EQ-short, and RSPWB. The results indicate that the adapted TEIQue is a psychometrically sound assessment tool: internal consistencies were mostly acceptable at facet, generally good at factor, and excellent at whole-scale level; the fourfactor structure was confirmed by means of CFA; convergent-discriminant validity was established through meaningful associations with related constructs, indicating that trait EI is closely aligned with affect and self-efficacy related constructs from the realm of personality (i.e., E, N, C, and Empathy, but shows only moderate overlap with ability EI; finally, incremental validity was demonstrated in the prediction of psychological wellbeing, over and above the Big Five. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

  1. Аn example of different AHP structuring in a forest management problem

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    Lakićević Milena D.


    Full Text Available The paper investigates how different hierarchy structuring in analytic hierarchy process (AHP may affect the final results in the decision-making process. This problem is analyzed in a case study of the Rila monastery forest stands in Bulgaria. There were three similar and mutually overlapped hierarchies defined. A decision maker evaluated all of them and after analyzing final results and consistency performance, he selected and revised the most appropriate hierarchy structure. Consistency check assisted in detecting the judgments which have strongly violated evaluation procedure. These mistakes are interpreted as a consequence of a large number of required pair-wise comparisons. The paper emphases the importance of properly defining hierarchy structure and recommends using consistency analysis as a guide and not as a directive for the revision of judgments. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 174003: Theory and application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP in multi-criteria decision making under conditions of risk and uncertainty (individual and group context

  2. Synthesis of anatase nanopowders by sol-gel method and influence of temperatures of calcination to their photocatalitic properties

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    Golubović A.


    Full Text Available The titanium dioxide (TiO2 nanopowders were produced by sol-gel technique from tetrabutyl titanate as a precursor, varying the temperature оf calcination (from 500 to 550°C with the step of 10 °C. XRPD results have shown that all synthesized nanopowders are dominantly in anatase phase. The analysis of the shift and linewidth of the most intensive anatase Eg Raman mode confirmed the XRPD results and added the presence of small amount of highly disordered brookite phase in all samples. The analysis of pore structure from nitrogen sorption experimental data described all samples as mesoporous, with mean pore diameters in the range of 1.5 and 4.5 nm. Nanopowder properties have been related to the photocatalytic activity, tested in degradation of the textile dye (C.I. Reactive Orange 16. The sample calcined at temperature of 510°C showed the best photocatalytic performance. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45018 i br. OI171032

  3. Political theology: Possibility of comparison of the usage of death in theology and politics

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    Kuljić Todor


    Full Text Available This paper considers the epistemological value of the concept of political theology in thanatopolitics. The concept can be useful if one wants to interpret political usage of death. In addition to blurred boundaries between politics and theology, there is a more general and deeper socially integrative affinity between the two. In addition, there have been various politicizations of salvation in the past and in the present. Every political theology accentuates obedience as an immanent condition of salvation, although interpretation of death in political theology has a different function than in secular ideologies. In the centre of politically theological ideas one can find crosscutting of the divisions between public friend and public enemy from political world with similar divisions from religious world. Finally, beside the theological influence on politics, this paper considers some analogies between theology and the secular judiciary. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 149005: Društveni akteri i društvene promene u Srbiji 1990-2010

  4. Analysis of mechano-sorptive effect in oscillatory drying of beech timber

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    Milić Goran


    Full Text Available The paper shows results of analysis of influences of oscillating parameters of drying on measuring wood moisture content in the kiln, rate and quality of drying. For this analysis, we used a conventional drying cycle, a cycle with oscillating equilibrium moisture content (EMC, and a cycle with oscillating temperatures. A special software tool was created for managing the oscillations. It was shown that oscillations of EMC and temperatures result in cyclic changes in wood MC, but also in the additional inaccuracies of MC measurements in the kiln. The drying process of the cycle with oscillating EMC lasted somewhat shorter than the other two cycles. Drying quality was the same or better in the cycles with oscillations as compared to the conventionally dried cycle, and the smaller tensions in the wood confirmed the activation of the additional mechano-sorptive effect during cyclic changes of MC in surface layers. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31041 i br. TR 37008

  5. The availability of a lactose medium for tea fungus culture and Kombucha fermentation

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    Markov S.L.


    Full Text Available Kombucha is a traditional beverage that is prepared by fermenting sucrose-sweetened black tea. A medium is inoculated with a cellulose pellicle (popularly known as a “tea fungus” or fermentation brought from previous cultivation process. Our aim was to test the possibility of obtaining a Kombucha beverage using different concentration of lactose as an alternative source of C-atoms. A traditional medium sweetened with sucrose or without sugar was used as control. Without lactose-fermenting yeast strains in tea fungus, lactose is not an adequate alternative source of the C-atom for Kombucha fermentation because it is not possible to obtain Kombucha with an appropriate acidity during a seven-day fermentation. Compared with the traditional medium, fermentation is significantly slower with high differences in acid content. In unsweetened tea inoculated with the beverage obtained from a previous traditional process, Kombucha fermentation processes and produces a beverage without sugar and alcohol. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31044

  6. Application of multi-criteria analysis and GIS in ecotourism development (Case study: Serbian Danube region

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    Stojković Sanja


    Full Text Available Ecotourism can be defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and cultural heritage and improves the well-being of local people. Sustainable planning and management of ecotourism development are important and necessary for increasing positive and decreasing negative effects on the complex environment. This paper analyses the suitability of selected protected natural areas in the Serbian Danube region for the purposes of ecotourism development. The multi-criteria analysis includes several natural and socio-economic factors and criteria which influence ecotourism development. The integration of Geographic Information System (GIS and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP greatly facilitates the decision-making process in the ecotourism destination planning. A suitability map of the analysed protected natural areas for ecotourism development as one of the sustainable tourism types is highlighted as a result of this paper. Such analysis assists in the objective promotion of ecotourism destinations and thus contributes to the improvement of Serbian tourism development. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008

  7. The Dagger and The Shield: The Ballistic Missile Defence and Sino-US Strategic Relationship

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    Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto


    Full Text Available Menghadapi potensi ancaman serangan senjata rudal pemusnah massal dari rogue states, seperti Iran and Korea Utara, Amerika Serikat (AS merespon dengan mendirikan program Pertahanan Rudal Balistik (BMD untuk menembak jatuh rudal-rudal tersebut di angkasa. Akan tetapi, Republik Rakyat Cina (RRC menganggap program BMD AS itu tidak hanya bertujuan untuk menghadapi rogue states, namun juga RRC. RRC menilai rudal dan senjata nuklir sebagai "belati" yang telah berhasil menjamin stabilitas internasional melalui penciptaan hubungan saling gentar (mutual deterrence di antara kekuatan-kekuatan nuklir dunia. Sementara program BMD yang diibaratkan sebagai "perisai" dianggap hanya akan mendestabilisasi hubungan tersebut. Guna mengimbangi BMD AS, RRC akan meningkatkan jumlah dan kualitas rudal serta senjata nuklirnya hingga tetap kredibel dalam menjaga hubungan saling gentar dengan AS. Kondisi ini justru akan menciptakan lingkungan strategis internasional yang makin tidak stabil dan bahkan berpotensi memicu perlombaan senjata nuklir antara RRC dengan AS. Untuk mencegah kondisi tersebut, AS harus meyakinkan RRC bahwa program BMD hanya digunakan untuk menghadapi rogue states.

  8. Basic dimensions of experience of architectural objects’ expressiveness: Effect of expertise

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    Marković Slobodan


    Full Text Available The purpose of the present study was to compare the structure of experience of architectural expressiveness of architects and non-architects. Twenty architects and twenty non-architects rated twenty photographs of architectural objects on thirty expressiveness scales. Principal components analysis revealed four factors for both groups of participants: Aggressiveness, Regularity, Color and Aesthetics. In a cluster analysis two clusters of architectural objects were obtained: Choleric (high Aggressiveness and Color and Phlegmatic (low Aggressiveness and Color, and high Regularity. All objects were highly rated on Aesthetics. Analysis of variance has shown that architects rated both clusters as less aggressive than non-architects. Also, experts rated the Phlegmatic cluster as more aesthetic, while nonexperts rated the Choleric cluster as more aesthetic. These results supported the Processing Fluency model: compared to non-architects, architects processed the expressive information of minimalistic objects (Phlegmatic cluster with ease, which led towards positive hedonic reactions and higher. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179033

  9. Diversity of Cyanobacteria in the Zasavica river, Serbia

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    Predojević Dragana


    Full Text Available Cyanobacteria are ancient organisms that are capable of colonizing different habitats in various climatic zones due to their plasticity and rapid accommodation. They are a widely studied group of microorganisms due to the presence of many potentially toxic and invasive species. The aim of this research was a diversity exploration of the freshwater Cyanobacteria in the Zasavica River, which is part of the Special Nature Reserve “Zasavica” in Serbia. Organisms were sampled once a month at two study sites during one year. Phytoplankton and metaphyton analysis showed the presence of 50 freshwater cyanobacterial taxa, of which 12 are new taxa for Serbia. Three invasive and potentially toxic species (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Sphaerospermopsis aphanizomenoides and Raphidiopsis mediterranea were recorded only in metaphyton in April at one site. It can be expected that, if conditions change, this species can migrate and form phytoplankton blooms. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON 176020

  10. Gaussian variable neighborhood search for the file transfer scheduling problem

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    Dražić Zorica


    Full Text Available This paper presents new modifications of Variable Neighborhood Search approach for solving the file transfer scheduling problem. To obtain better solutions in a small neighborhood of a current solution, we implement two new local search procedures. As Gaussian Variable Neighborhood Search showed promising results when solving continuous optimization problems, its implementation in solving the discrete file transfer scheduling problem is also presented. In order to apply this continuous optimization method to solve the discrete problem, mapping of uncountable set of feasible solutions into a finite set is performed. Both local search modifications gave better results for the large size instances, as well as better average performance for medium and large size instances. One local search modification achieved significant acceleration of the algorithm. The numerical experiments showed that the results obtained by Gaussian modifications are comparable with the results obtained by standard VNS based algorithms, developed for combinatorial optimization. In some cases Gaussian modifications gave even better results. [Projekat Ministarstava nauke Republike Srbije, br. 174010

  11. Financing tourist activity

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    Vujović Slavoljub


    Full Text Available This paper researches which of the possible financing models (self-financing, loan, mutual fund, issuing securities and leasing is the most convenient for tourism financing on the grounds of opinions and views of student population. Taking into account that future social and economic development depends on student population, that in every society intellectual endeavor (science and art exists ever since man exists, that the overall progress of mankind is based on the great intellectual endeavor of former civilizations, as well as the fact that Western Serbia has remarkable natural and anthropogenic characteristics suitable for valorization for the purpose of tourism development, the research questions were formulated and the research was performed. The methods used were: analysis, correlation, deduction and induction. Field research has been of the primary importance and it was based on questionnaires, interviews and in-depth interview. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46001 i br. 47007

  12. Parasitoid complex of Zygaena filipendulae L. (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae

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    Žikić V.


    Full Text Available Caterpillars of Zygaena filipendulae Linnaeus were sampled during May and June in the Sićevo Gorge in southern Serbia. All parasitized larvae were found on grey elm trees (Ulmus canescens. During the short period before metamorphosis of Z. filipendulae, we found the whole specter of parasitoid wasps: Cotesia zygaenarum Marshall (Braconidae, Gelis agilis (Fabricius and Mesochorus velox Holmgren (Ichneumonidae, Elasmus platyedrae Ferrière and Pediobius sp. (Eulophidae, Eupelmus vesicularis (Retzius (Eupelmidae and Brachymeria tibialis (Walker (Chalcididae. Beside hymenopteran parasitoids, we found parasitoid flies from the family Tachinidae, Phryxe nemea (Meigen (Diptera. All 46 observed Z. filipendulae larvae found on grey elm trees were parasitized, but three pupae were found directly on Lotus corniculatus. Two species are newly reported as parasitoids of Z. filipendulae: E. platyedrae and Eupelmus vesicularis and three species (G. agilis, M. velox and E. platyedrae are new to the fauna of Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43001

  13. The isles of great silence monastic life on Lake Scutari under the patronage of the Balšićs

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    Tomić-Đurić Marka


    Full Text Available At the time Zeta was ruled by the local lords of the Balšić family, in the late fourteenth and the first half of the fifteenth century, the islets in Lake Scutari (Skadarsko jezero in Zeta were lively centres of monastic life. The paper looks at the forms of monastic life as suggested by the spatial organization and architecture of the monastic complexes founded by the Balšićs, and by the surviving written sources. The most important documentary source is the correspondence between Jelena Balšić and her spiritual father, Nikon, preserved in the manuscript known as Gorički zbornik (Gorica Collection. The letters show that Lake Scutari was a centre of monasticism touched by hesychast-inspired spirituality where both the eremitic and coenobitic ways of life were practised. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177003: Medieval heritage of the Balkans: Institutions and culture

  14. Estimation of similarity between functions extracted from x86 executable files

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    Berta Katarina


    Full Text Available Comparison of functions is required in various domains of software engineering. In most domains, comparison is done using source code, but in some domains, such as license violation or malware analysis, only binary code is available. The goal of this paper is to evaluate whether the existing solution meant for ARM architecture can be applied to x86 architecture. The existing solution encompasses multiple approaches, but for the purpose of this paper three representative approaches are implemented; two are based on machine learning, and the third does not require previous knowledge. Results show that the best recalls obtained for the first ten positions on both architectures are comparable and do not differ significantly. The results confirm that adaptation of all approaches of the existing solution is not only possible but also promising and represent adequate basis for future research. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III44009 i br. TR32047

  15. Theoretical and experimental analysis of dynamic processes of pipe branch for supply water to the Pelton turbine

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    Jovanović Miomir Lj.


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of the analysis of pipe branch A6 to feed the Hydropower Plant ”Perućica” with integrated action Pelton turbines. The analysis was conducted experimentally (tensometric and numerically. The basis of the experimental research is the numerical finite element analysis of pipe branch A6 in pipeline C3. Pipe branch research was conducted in order to set the experiment and to determine extreme stress states. The analysis was used to perform the determination of the stress state of a geometrically complex assembly. This was done in detail as it had never been done before, even in the design phase. The actual states of the body pipe branch were established, along with the possible occurrence of water hammer accompanied by the appearance of hydraulic oscillation. This provides better energetic efficiency of the turbine devices. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR35049 and br. TR 33040

  16. Possibilities for the development of ecotourism in protected areas of Western Serbia

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    Miljković Olgica


    Full Text Available Sustainable tourism is an important element of modern tourism, which are strictly controlled by the impact of tourism on the environment. Balanced ecological, economic and sociocultural components of tourism are therefore more frequently mentioned in the programs and strategies of tourism development. Sustainable tourism is particularly applicable to the development of tourism in the category of protected natural areas. These natural systems (national parks, nature parks, nature reserves and natural monuments are all interesting areas for various segments of the tourist. Typically, this is ecotourism - a modern form of tourism in which through education, volunteering, learning about nature, we help protect and preserve nature. Tourism development in protected natural areas is particularly sensitive, and as such it involves the determination of carrying capacity, limits of acceptable changes, environmental impact assessment, tourism zoning and designing codes of ethics that would help tourists to coordinate their activities with the values of the environment. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008

  17. Breaking of Judas tree seed dormancy by plant hormone treatments

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    Grbić Mihailo


    Full Text Available The study deals with the influence of growth regulators on the germination of Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum L. seed which is double dormant. We simultaneously tested seeds prepared in the conventional procedure: scarification + stratification and scarified seeds treated with phytohormones from the groups of gibberellins, auxin and cytokinins. The results indicate a positive effect of gibberellic acid (GA, as well as some combinations of this phytohormone with others. Recommendations for practice are to combine the conventional procedure with GA. The procedure may shorten the duration of stratification; the application of GA should follow stratification because the temperature of 4°C does not provide growth regulators activity. The study results can serve as the base for easier generative reproduction of this valuable woody ornamental species which could have a wide use in changed climate conditions. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007: Studying climate change and its influence on the environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation

  18. Sepiolite functionalized with N-[3-(trimethoxysilylpropyl]-ethylenediamine triacetic acid trisodium salt. Part II: Sorption of Ni2+ from aqueous solutions

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    Lazarević Slavica S.


    Full Text Available sorption of Ni2+ on the sepiolite functionalized by covalent grafting of N-[3-(trimethoxysilylpropyl]ethylenediamine triacetic acid trisodium salt, MSEAS, was studied in batch experiments as a function of the initial metal concentration, the equilibration time, pH value, and temperature. The modification of sepiolite resulted in an enhanced Ni2+ retention with a capacity of 0.261 mmol/g at 298 K. The retention of Ni2+ ions occurred dominantly by specific sorption and exchange of Mg2+ ions from the sepiolite structure. The sorption process followed pseudo-second-order kinetics. The sorption equilibrium results were best described by the non-linear form of the Langmuir Sorption Equation. The values of the thermodynamic parameters (enthalpy, free energy and entropy were calculated from temperature dependent sorption isotherms and these values showed that the sorption of Ni2+ onto modified sepiolite was endothermic. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45019 i FP7 NANOTECH FTM No. 245916

  19. Improvement of the mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered hap bioceramics by decreasing the grain size and by adding multi-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Veljović Đ.


    Full Text Available Composites based on HAP and oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (o-MWCNT and monophase HAP materials were processed by spark plasma sintering. Starting from stoichiometric nano-sized HAP powder, monophase bioceramics were obtained with a density close to the theoretical one and with an average grain size of several hundred nanometers to micron dimensions. It was shown that decreasing the sintering temperature resulted in a decrease of the grain size, which affected an increase in the fracture toughness and hardness. The fracture toughness of an HAP/ o-MWCNT bioceramic processed at 900°C for only 5 min was 30 % higher than that of monophase HAP materials obtained under the same conditions. The addition of MWCNT during SPS processing of HAP materials caused a decrease in the grain size to the nano-dimension, which was one of the reasons for the improved mechanical properties. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45019 i FP7-REGPOT-2009-1 NANOTECH FTM, Grant Agreement Number: 245916

  20. Social distance towards female sex workers and its relations to authoritarianism, social dominance orientation and self-respect

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    Karić Tijana


    Full Text Available In this paper, we explored the in-group and outer-group social distance towards sex workers and its relations to authoritarianism, social dominance orientation and self-respect. The sample consisted of 92 participants from the general population and 45 female sex workers (age 18-50. The instruments used were the Bogardus social distance scale, the Authoritarianism scale UPA-S, the Social dominance orientation scale and the Rosenberg self-respect scale. The results indicate a rather high social distance towards sex workers, including the distance by the general population being higher than the distance of the sex workers towards their own group. The correlation of authoritarianism and social distance was significant, as was the correlation between authoritarian aggressiveness and stoicism and social distance. The relationship between social dominance orientation and self-respect and social distance in our research has been statistically insignificant, however it demonstrates the expected trends. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON179002: Efekti egzistencijalne nesigurnosti na pojedinca i porodicu u Srbiji

  1. Relativistic length agony continued

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    Redžić D.V.


    Full Text Available We made an attempt to remedy recent confusing treatments of some basic relativistic concepts and results. Following the argument presented in an earlier paper (Redžić 2008b, we discussed the misconceptions that are recurrent points in the literature devoted to teaching relativity such as: there is no change in the object in Special Relativity, illusory character of relativistic length contraction, stresses and strains induced by Lorentz contraction, and related issues. We gave several examples of the traps of everyday language that lurk in Special Relativity. To remove a possible conceptual and terminological muddle, we made a distinction between the relativistic length reduction and relativistic FitzGerald-Lorentz contraction, corresponding to a passive and an active aspect of length contraction, respectively; we pointed out that both aspects have fundamental dynamical contents. As an illustration of our considerations, we discussed briefly the Dewan-Beran-Bell spaceship paradox and the ‘pole in a barn’ paradox. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 171028

  2. Vascular flora of the Prometanj site (Mokra Gora, northern Prokletije Mt.

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    Radak Boris Đ.


    Full Text Available Floristic research of the Prometanj site, located in the northwestern part of Mokra Gora Mt. along the right bank of the Ibar River, was conducted during 2011. A total of 340 species and five subspecies of vascular plant taxa were registered. Families with the largest number of species were Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, Ranunculaceae, while the most numerous genera were Trifolium, Acer, Campanula, Geranium, Veronica, Ranunculus and Vicia. Floral elements of analyzed plant taxa were grouped into ten areal types, with domination of Central European and Eurasian and significant participation of Mediterranean-Submediterranean. The biological spectrum was characterized by the dominance of hemicryptophytes. Five strictly protected and 43 protected species were registered. Prometanj is the only remaining locality in Serbia for tertiary species Adenophora liliifolia. Floristic research of Prometanj should be extended to entire area of Mokra Gora Mt. together with the Ibar River gorge, in order to explore the whole botanical richness of this area. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173030

  3. Development and validation of an RP-HPLC method for quantification of trans-resveratrol in the plant extracts

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    Cvetković Žika S.


    Full Text Available New, simple, cost effective, accurate and reproducible RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for the quantification of trans-resveratrol in the extracts of grape exocarp and seeds. The method has proved to be simpler and faster than available methods. Methanol was used as a mobile phase with a flow rate of 1.0 cm3 min-1, while the quantification was effected at 306 nm. The separation was performed at 35°C using a C18 column. The results showed that the peak area response was linear in the concentration range of 1-40 μg cm-3. The values of LOD and LOQ were found to be 0.125 and 0.413 μg cm-3, respectively. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was determined using DPPH assay. The ability of DPPH radicals inhibition decreases in the following order: the extract of grape exocarp > trans-resveratrol standard > the extract of grape seeds. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TRp-34012

  4. Final flotation waste kinetics of sintering at different heating regimes

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    Cocić Mira


    Full Text Available In the copper extraction, especially during the process of flotation enrichment and the pyrometallurgical processing, the waste materials that represent huge polluters of environment are being generated. In order to examine the application of Final flotation waste (FFW in the manufacturing of new materials from the glass-ceramic group phase and mineral composition were examined as well as thermal properties. FFW kinetics of sintering has been tested at different dyamics (1°C/min, 29°C/min and 43°C/min, in order to find the optimum conditions for sintering with a minimum amount of energy and time consumption. The samples were examined using: X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence analysis, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy and thermal microscopy. The best results for the production of glass ceramic materials were obtained during the sintering at heating regime of 29°C/min. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176010

  5. A survey of short-term and long-term stability of tube parameters in a mammography unit

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    Praskalo Jovica Ž.


    Full Text Available In order to set up a successful mammography screening program in the Republic of Srpska, a Siemens Mammomat 1000 X-ray machine was selected for analysis as the said mammography system is widely used in clinical practice. The variations in tube parameters (specific air kerma, high-voltage accuracy and reproducibility, linearity between exposure and dose exposure time were monitored over a five-year period, from 2008 to 2012. In addition, due to observed daily fluctuations for chosen parameters, a series of measurements were performed three times a day within a single-month period (mainly October 2012. The goal of such an experimental set up is to assess short-term and long-term stability of tube parameters in the given mammography unit and to make a comparison between them. The present paper shows how an early detection of significant parameter fluctuations can help eliminate irregularities and optimize the performance of mammography systems. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 171007

  6. Assessing terpene content variability of whitebark pine in order to estimate representative sample size

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    Stefanović Milena


    Full Text Available In studies of population variability, particular attention has to be paid to the selection of a representative sample. The aim of this study was to assess the size of the new representative sample on the basis of the variability of chemical content of the initial sample on the example of a whitebark pine population. Statistical analysis included the content of 19 characteristics (terpene hydrocarbons and their derivates of the initial sample of 10 elements (trees. It was determined that the new sample should contain 20 trees so that the mean value calculated from it represents a basic set with a probability higher than 95 %. Determination of the lower limit of the representative sample size that guarantees a satisfactory reliability of generalization proved to be very important in order to achieve cost efficiency of the research. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI-173011, br. TR-37002 i br. III-43007

  7. The influence of the addition of polymers on the physico-chemical properties of bentonite suspensions

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    Stojiljkovic S.


    Full Text Available Bentonite clays have many applications in industries ranging from construction to cosmetics. Addition of polymers can profoundly influence the properties of bentonite suspensions and we now describe the influence of a range of different polymers. Whereas polyvinyl pyrolidone and soy isolate only slightly influenced the pH and the electrical conductivity of bentonite polymers in suspension, Carbopol solution caused decreases in both pH and electrical conductivity. As expected, strong electrolytes like sodium chloride caused big changes in the electrical conductivity of the suspensions. When the temperature of the bentonite suspensions was increased, the pH was almost unchanged, but the electrical conductivity increased. Bentonite treated with polymer suspensions can be used in purifying polluted water; for example, our results suggest that high pH caused by phosphorous salts can be addressed using bentonite modified with Carbopol. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije: Stanisa Stojiljkovic, Vojkan Miljkovic, Goran Nikolic, Ivana Savic and Ivan Savic, TR 34020, Danijela Kostic 172047 and Biljana Arsic 174007

  8. Optimization of frozen wild blueberry vacuum drying process

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    Šumić Zdravko M.


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to optimize the vacuum drying of frozen blueberries in order to preserve health benefits phytochemicals using response surface methodology. The drying was performed in a new design of vacuum dryer equipment. Investigated range of temperature was 46-74°C and of pressure 38-464 mbar. Total solids, total phenolics, vitamin C, anthocyanin content and total color change were used as quality indicators of dried blueberries. Within the experimental range of studied variables, the optimum conditions of 60 °C and 100 mbar were established for vacuum drying of blueberries. Separate validation experiments were conducted at optimum conditions to verify predictions and adequacy of the second-order polynomial models. Under these optimal conditions, the predicted amount of total phenolics was 3.70 mgCAE/100dw, vitamin C 59.79 mg/100gdw, anthocyanin content 2746.33 mg/100gdw, total solids 89.50% and total color change 88.83. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31044

  9. Planning and land policy tools for limiting urban sprawl: The example of Belgrade

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    Zeković Slavka


    Full Text Available Both the characteristics of Serbia’s urban land policy, the delay in reforms and land development management of the Belgrade Metropolitan Area (BMA illustrate the complexities following the reshaping of institutional framework under the conditions of economic and other uncertainties of societal transition. The negative implications of the prolonged crisis on the new urban development policy and urban land tools can postpone the establishment and application of guidelines for limiting the urban sprawl. This paper presents a brief literature review, as well as the current urban land policy and land-use efficiency in the BMA. Traditional urban land tools will be shortly described, followed by recommendations for limiting sprawl. There is a need for readjusting the current planning and urban policy regarding the urban sprawl, from an urban “command-and-control” approach to a “learn-and-adapt” approach. We suggest the introduction of more innovative and flexible urban land policy tools. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III47014

  10. Effects of pedunculate oak tree vitality on gypsy moth preference and performance

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    Milanović Slobodan


    Full Text Available Gypsy moths and powdery mildew play a significant role in oak decline processes. However, information is lacking on the effects on the gypsy moth of impaired tree vitality caused by defoliation or parasite infection. We assessed how pedunculate oak leaves collected from vigorous, declining, and infected trees influenced gypsy moth preference and performance (growth and nutritional indices. We found a negative effect of powdery mildew-infected leaves on gypsy moth performance, while declining trees had positive effects on gypsy moth performance and preference. All examined parameters of larvae fed declining oak leaves were higher than those of larvae fed vigorous oak leaves. Increased growth on declining oak leaves was caused by both higher consumption and more efficient food utilization. The results of this research could help us to better understand multitrophic interactions in complex communities such as oak forests. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007: Studying climate change and its influence on the environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation

  11. Pedagogy of boys Dictionary of Technology as phenomenology of cycles without a history

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    Stojanović-Đorđević Tamara


    Full Text Available The author examines the pedagogical interpretation and contribution of the Dictionary of Technology (published in 1981 and critical revolutionary pedagogy of Paulo Freire and his followers, Henry Giroux and Peter McLaren. A comparative ref lection on the Dictionary of Technology and Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire most renowned book, is possible due to the clear effort of both works directed against the dehumanization and conversion of the pedagogical process into technology. Freire educational process sees as a simulacrum of the banking system while the Dictionary of Technology very closely, but more generally sees it as the predominance of illusion, no matter who is oppressed by whom. The illusion would exist even in a world without a relationship of dominance, because the dismissal of oppression will not liberate us from the history. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 178018: Društvene krize i savremena srpska književnost i kultura: nacionalni, regionalni, evropski i globalni okvir

  12. Some issues of shaping thanatology as a discipline: Ethnological and anthropological perspectives

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    Pavićević Aleksandra


    Full Text Available Development of death studies, choice of topics and aspects of their interpretations were influenced by many factors, both global and local. The former were related to universal processes of medicalization, bureaucratization and professionalization of death and dying, as well as to processes of general secularization of society and culture. The latter were connected with specific and dominant local social and cultural praxes, politics and academic traditions. In this paper we will point out specificities of death studies development in different academic communities. We will also open the question and offer some answers on disciplinary identity of thanatology and, at the end, we will consider possibilities and needs for introducing the discipline in curriculum at different education levels. The aim of the paper is to settle preliminary frames for future investigation; the emphasis is placed on ethnological and anthropological perspective and on English and Serbian language bibliography. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177028

  13. A portrait oil lamp from Pontes: Possible interpretations and meanings within early Byzantine visual culture

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    Petković Sofija


    Full Text Available The subject of this paper is a fragmented oil-lamp, discovered at Pontes (east Serbia dated to the 6th century, whose handle ending is shaped as a woman’s head. The question posed in this paper is whether the image of this woman could be identified as a portrait of some particular person or if it is just as a pictorial sign with some complicated symbolic meaning. The suggested identification alludes to the image of some of the empresses from the second half of the 6th century. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177007: Romanisation, urbanisation and transformation of urban centres of civil, military and residential character in Roman provinces in the territory of Serbia i br. 47018: Viminacium, Roman city and military camp - research of the material and non material culture of inhabitants by using the modern technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digitalization and3D visualization

  14. A study of the barrier properties of polyethylene coated with a nanocellulose/magnetite composite film

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    Đorđević Nenad


    Full Text Available The morphological, thermal and barrier properties of low-density polyethylene/polycaprolactone-modified nanocellulose hybrid materials were investigated in this paper. Nanonocelulose/magnetite (NC-Fe3O4 nanocomposite and maleic acid functionalized NC/magnetite (NCMA-Fe3O4 nanocomposite were prepared and used as filler at various concentrations (5, 10 and 15 wt. % in polycaprolactone (PCL layer. PE was coated with PCL/NC/magnetite layer. The addition of the filler did not unfavorably affect the inherent properties of the polymer, especially its barrier properties. Oxygen permeation measurements show that the oxygen barrier properties of magnetite enriched PCL film were improved due to chemical activity of added material. The highest level of barrier capacity was observed for PE samples coated with PCL based composite with NCMA-Fe3O4 micro/-nanofiller, which implies the significant contribution of nanocellulose surface modification with maleic anhydride residue to improved barrier properties. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45019 i br. OI172013

  15. Extragenital malignant mixed Mullerian tumor in the incisional hernia - primary carcinosarcoma in the abdominal wall: Case report

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    Žuvela Marinko


    Full Text Available Introduction. This report presents a primary Mullerian carcinosarcoma localized in the incisional hernia i.e. anterior abdominal wall. There is no data in the literature about this localization of extragenital Mullerian carcinosarcoma. Case Outline. The patient had previous medical history of right-sided ovarian cystadenocarcinoma managed by hysterectomy, bilateral ovariectomy and chemotherapy. An incisional hernia occurred 1 year after the operation and Mullerian carcinosarcoma at the right border of the incisional hernia 16 years later. There was no tumor spreading into the abdominal cavity and pelvis. Full thickness of the abdominal wall resection and coexisting incisional hernia resulted in a large 25x20 cm abdominal wall defect managed by the modified components separation technique and implanting meshes. Conclusion. Major abdominal wall resection and abdominal wall reconstruction using the modified components separation technique reinforced with meshes could be one of possible solutions in the surgical treatment of primary malignant mixed Mullerian tumor localized in the abdominal wall. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 41030

  16. Fault ride-through capability of wind turbine connected to the grid in case of unbalanced voltages

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    Ivanović Zoran R.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with control of wind turbine connected to the grid through the back-to-back converter in case of unbalanced grid voltages. The motivation for this research has been found in recent transmission and distribution grid code, which demand modern wind turbines to stay connected to the grid and supply the highest possible apparent power during the grid disturbances. In order to comply with these requirements we proposed improved dual vector current controller to deal with the unbalance imposed by the electrical grid. Controller provides injection of active and reactive power to the grid, even if the voltages are lower than the nominal one. The results are validated using low power prototype and contemporary hardware-in-the-loop emulation platform. In both cases the controller is based on TMS320F2812 DSP. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 042004 and by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of AP Vojvodina under contract No. 114-451-3508/2013-04

  17. Family planning among women in urban and rural areas in Serbia

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    Antić Ljiljana


    Full Text Available Introduction. Family planning is an important aspect of population policy at the state level, because the demographic trends in Serbia are very unfavorable. Objective. The objective of this study was to examine the differences in family planning between the women in rural and urban areas of Serbia. Methods. This study represents the secondary analysis of the National Health Survey of the population in Serbia from 2006, which was conducted as a cross sectional study, on a representative sample of the population. Results. The respondents who used condoms as a method of contraception, were often younger, better educated, had better financial status, lived in Vojvodina, and had no children. Conclusion. Our study showed that there were differences in terms of family planning between the women of urban and rural areas, however, these differences could be explained by differences in age and education. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175025: National Health Survey of the Population of Serbia

  18. Correlation between morphology and magnetic properties of electrochemically produced cobalt powder particles

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    Maksimović Vesna M.


    Full Text Available Cobalt 3D powder particles were successfully prepared by the galvanostatic electrodeposition. Electrodeposited cobalt powder were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, scanning electron microscope (SEM, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS analysis and SQUID magnetometry. It has been shown that morphology, structure and magnetic properties of cobalt particles are closely associated and can be easily controlled by adjusting process parameters of electrodeposition. Morphology of cobalt powder particles is strongly affected by hydrogen evolution reaction as a parallel reaction to cobalt electrodeposition. Depending on the applied current density, the two types of powder particles were formed: dendrites at lower and spongy-like particles at higher current densities. Morphologies and structures of powder particles are correlated with their magnetic properties, and compared with those of the bulk cobalt. In comparison with the properties of bulk cobalt, the obtained 3D structures exhibited a decreased saturation magnetization (MS, but an enhanced coercivity (HC which is explained by their peculiar morphology. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45012

  19. Direct determination of calcium, sodium and potassium in fermented milk products

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    Kravić Snežana Ž.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was the investigation of the possibilities of direct determination of calcium, sodium and potassium in the commercial and kombucha-based fermented milk products by flame photometry. Two procedures were used for sample preparation: simple dilution with water (direct method and extraction with mineral acid. Calcium, sodium and potassium levels determined after mentioned sample preparation methods were compared. The results showed that the differences between the values obtained for the different sample treatment were within the experimental error at the 95% confidence level. Compared to the method based on extraction with mineral acid, the direct method is efficient, faster, simpler, cheaper, and operates according to the principles of Green Chemistry. Consequently, the proposed method for the direct determination of calcium, sodium and potassium could be applied for the rapid routine analysis of the mineral content in the fermented dairy products. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46009

  20. Basil (Ocimum basilicum L. essential oil and extracts obtained by supercritical fluid extraction

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    Zeković Zoran P.


    Full Text Available The extracts obtained from sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L. by hydrodistillation and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE were qualitative and quantitative analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Essential oil (EO content of basil sample, determined by an official method, was 0.565% (V/w. The yields of basil obtained by SFE were from 0.719 to 1.483% (w/w, depending on the supercritical fluid (carbon dioxide density (from 0.378 to 0.929 g mL-1. The dominant compounds detected in all investigated samples (EO obtained by hydrodistillation and different SFE extracts were: linalool, as the major compound of basil EO (content from 10.14 to 49.79%, w/w, eugenol (from 3.74 to 9.78% and ä-cardinene (from 3.94 to 8.07%. The quantitative results of GC-MS from peak areas and by GC-FID using external standard method involving main standards, were compared and discussed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31013

  1. Roles in violent interactions in early adolescence: Relations with personality traits, friendship and gender

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    Čolović Petar


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to examine the relations between roles in violent interactions and personality traits (congruent to dimensions of Big Seven lexical model, number of friends, and gender. The study was conducted on a sample of 1095 elementary school students from Serbia (51.4% female, aged 11-14. The results revealed that membership in the victims group corresponds to smaller number of friends, low Extraversion, high Neuroticism and Conscientiousness and male gender, while higher Aggressiveness, Negative and Positive Valence, lower Neuroticism, and male gender increase the odds of membership in the bullies group. The role of bully-victims corresponds to smaller number of friends, higher Negative Valence and Neuroticism, and male gender. The results point to differences between roles in violent interaction with regard to patterns of personality traits and social behavior. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON179006: Psychological foundations of mental health: hereditary and environmental factors

  2. Compliant behaviour of redundant robot arm - experiments with null-space

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    Petrović Petar B.


    Full Text Available This paper presents theoretical and experimental aspects of Jacobian nullspace use in kinematically redundant robots for achieving kinetostatically consistent control of their compliant behavior. When the stiffness of the robot endpoint is dominantly influenced by the compliance of the robot joints, generalized stiffness matrix can be mapped into joint space using appropriate congruent transformation. Actuation stiffness matrix achieved by this transformation is generally nondiagonal. Off-diagonal elements of the actuation matrix can be generated by redundant actuation only (polyarticular actuators, but such kind of actuation is very difficult to realize practically in technical systems. The approach of solving this problem which is proposed in this paper is based on the use of kinematic redundancy and nullspace of the Jacobian matrix. Evaluation of the developed analytical model was done numerically by a minimal redundant robot with one redundant d.o.f. and experimentally by a 7 d.o.f. Yaskawa SIA 10F robot arm. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR35007

  3. An investigation of chitosan and sodium dodecyl sulfate interactions in acetic media

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    Petrović Lidija B.


    Full Text Available Polymer/surfactant association is a cooperative phenomenon where surfactant binds to the polymer in the form of aggregates, usually through electrostatic or hydrophobic forces. As already known, polyelectrolytes may interact with oppositely charged surfactants through electrostatic attraction that results in polymer/surfactant complex formation. This behavior could be desirable in wide range of application of polymer/surfactant mixtures, such as improving colloid stability, gelling, emulsification and microencapsulation. In the present study surface tension, turbidity, viscosity and electrophoretic mobility measurements were used to investigate interactions of cationic polyelectrolyte chitosan (Ch and oppositely charged anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, in buffered water. Obtained results show the presence of interactions that lead to Ch/SDS complexes formation at all investigated pH and for all investigated polymer concentrations. Mechanisms of interaction, as well as characteristics of formed Ch/SDS complexes, are highly dependent on their mass ratio in the mixtures, while pH has no significant influence. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. II46010

  4. HIL evaluation of control unit in grid-tied coverters

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    Porobić Vlado B.


    Full Text Available Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL emulation is poised to become unsurpassed design tool for development, testing, and optimization of real-time control algorithms for grid connected power electronics converters for distributed generation, active filters and smart grid applications. It is strongly important to examine and test how grid connected converters perform under different operating conditions including grid disturbances and faults. In that sense, converter’s controller is a key component responsible for ensuring safe and high-performance operation. This paper demonstrates an example how ultra-low latency and high fidelity HIL emulator is used to easily, rapidly and exhaustively test and validate standard control strategy for grid connected power electronics converters, without need for expensive hardware prototyping and laboratory test equipment. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 042004 and by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of AP Vojvodina under contract No. 114-451-3508/2013-04

  5. Naudas plūsmas pārskata izmantošana uzņēmumu finansiālā stāvokļa novērtēšanā


    Šteinberga, Džeina


    Katra uzņēmuma veiksmīgas darbības pamatā ir rūpīga tā uzraudzība, kas balstās uz precīzas informācijas bāzes. Lai pierādītu naudas plūsmas nozīmību uzņēmumu finansiālā stāvokļa novērtēšanā, tika nosprausts mērķis: izmantojot piecpadsmit Latvijas Republikā likvidētu un stabilu uzņēmumu finanšu pārskatu datus, izvērtēt naudas plūsmas pārskata nozīmīgumu un izstrādāt priekšlikumus uzņēmumu darbības efektivitātes paaugstināšanai, izmantojot naudas plūsmas pārskata sniegto informāciju. Darba gait...

  6. Map as a tool for independent learning in geography teaching

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    Živković Ljiljana


    Full Text Available There are different views on self-regulation in the learning process, how it has to be monitored, controlled, which are the circumstances and external factors that affect independent learning. Dominant are the opinions in which the self-regulation is treated as interaction of processes related to the personality, behavioural and contextual processes. Special attention has been given to motivational strategies and students’ desire to focus on goals. By enabling students to make decisions, set their own goals, make a choice, plan and organize activities, the development of self-learning and student autonomy is being encouraged. If students are given the opportunity of independent activities, effect of self-control in the process of learning and self-regulation becomes more pronounced. The paper will explain the factors that influence the process of self-learning that takes place in regular teaching with the help of map as the basic geographic media. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 17008

  7. Design automation of ΔΣ switched capacitor modulators using spice and MATLAB

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    Mirković Dejan


    Full Text Available Concerning the fact that the design of contemporary integrated circuits (IC is practically impossible without using sophisticated Electronic Design Automation (EDA software, this paper gives some interesting thoughts and considerations about that issue. As technology processes advances on year basis consequently EDA industry is forced to follow this trend as well. This, on the other hand, requires IC designer to frequently and efficiently accommodate to new working environments. Authors of this paper suggest a method for high level circuit analysis that is based on using common (open source or low cost circuit simulators but precise and fast enough to meet requirements imposed by demanding mixed-signal blocks. The paper demonstrates the proposed EDA procedure on an example of second order ΔΣ modulator design. It illustrates considerable simulation time saving which is more than welcome in a world of analogue and mixed-signal design. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR32004: Advanced technologies for measurement, control, and communication on the electric grid

  8. Corruption in health care: Victims of white coat crime in Serbia

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    Vasiljević-Prodanović Danica


    Full Text Available The subject of this paper is corruption in health care, with particular focus on some forms of corruption that occur in direct interaction between doctor and patient. These forms of corruption, conditionally called minor corruption, are usually included within the criminal offenses of bribery and abuse of official duty. The law stipulates that both offering and accepting a bribe are criminal offenses. The question that arises is who are the victims and who the perpetrators of “white coat” crime? The aim of this paper is to consider the phenomenological characteristics and mechanisms of minor corruption in health care. This paper presents the results of the exploratory study conducted in five medical institutions in Belgrade, during July 2014, on a convenient sample of health workers who were willing to speak about this sensitive topic. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179044: Razvoj metodologije evidentiranja kriminaliteta kao osnova efikasnih mera za njegovo suzbijanje i prevenciju

  9. The role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in obesity-associated type 2 diabetes in mice

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    Saksida Tamara


    Full Text Available Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF is implicated in the pathogenesis of several inflammationrelated diseases, including obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D. However, MIF deficiency itself promotes obesity and glucose intolerance in mice. Here we show that the introduction of a high-fat diet (HFD further aggravates the parameters of obesity-associated T2D: weight gain and glucose intolerance. Furthermore, in contrast to MIF-KO mice on standard chow, HFD-fed MIF-KO mice develop insulin resistance. Although the clinical signs of obesity-associated T2D are upgraded, inflammation in MIF-deficient mice on HFD is significantly lower. These results imply that MIF possesses a complex role in glucose metabolism and the development of obesity-related T2D. However, the downregulation of inflammation upon MIF inhibition could be a useful tool in short-term T2D therapy for preventing pancreatic islet deterioration. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173013

  10. Dynamics based modeling of wheeled platform for humanoid robot torso

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    Petrović Vladimir M.


    Full Text Available From the ancient mythology till the modern times, people were trying to build an artificial mechanical replica of themselves. Inspired by this long tradition of various engineering projects, we will hereby describe a partly humanoid robotic structure. Our robotic configuration is composed out of an anthropomimetic upper body, but instead of legs it uses a wheeled cart for the motion. In our research, this so-called semi-anthropomimetic structure has a four-wheeled cart. This work is aiming to analyze the behaviour of the robot that is exposed to different kind of external disturbances. Disturbances coming from the outside in the form of external forces (impulse and long term simulate the interactions of the robot and its ambience. Necessary simulations were thoroughly executed (in that way analyzing robotic balance and proper size of the cart is evaluated following the ZMP theoretical background. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-35003 i br. III-44008

  11. Variants of „Third Serbia“

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    Spasić Ivana


    Full Text Available This paper examines different forms in which “Third Serbia” is being discursively constructed. This concept has recently been offered within the public arena as the alternative to the former division into “First” and “Second” Serbia. Although the name is the same, “Third Serbia” is not one but many. They all share an explicit call for overcoming cleavages and extremes, which are perceived as overdrawn, artificial, and/or removed from genuine concerns and interests of Serbian society. There is also a moral claim contained in this, since what is offered is presented as better and more correct than the previous dichotomy. The various facets of “Third Serbia”, their similarities and divergences, will be explored based on the analysis of a corpus of texts from daily and weekly press in which this signifier is found. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179049: Politike društvenog pamćenja i nacionalnog identiteta

  12. Analysis of human exhaled breath in a population of young volunteers

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    Zarić Božidarka


    Full Text Available Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs in human breath can provide information about the current physiological state of an individual, such as clinical conditions and exposure to exogenous pollutants. The blood-borne VOCs present in exhaled breath offer the possibility of exploring physiological and pathological processes in a noninvasive way. However, the field of exhaled breath analysis is still in its infancy. We undertook this study in order to define interindividual variation and common compounds in breath VOCs of 48 young human volunteers. Alveolar breath samples were analyzed by automated thermal desorption, gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (FID and electron capture detector (ECD using SUPELCO standards with 66 compounds. Predominant compounds in the alveolar breath of analyzed subjects are ethylbenzene, 1-ethyl-4-methylbenzene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (over 50% of the subjects. Isopropyl alcohol, propylene, acetone, ethanol were found as well. We detected substituted compounds in exhaled breath. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172001



    Hodáková, Ľubica


    The aim of the work was to analyze franchising from economic point of view. The content of theoretical part of the work is basic franchising terminology, historical analysis of franchising as the distribution model and entrepreneur method and subsequently the work is focused on micro economical and macro economical analysis of franchising. One of the theoretical aims of the work was to clarify relationship of franchising and others distribution models. Franchising is interesting issue from le...

  14. Bildung und bildungstheoretische Ueberlegungen zur Grundung der Republik (Education and the Republic--Educational Theorists Reflections on the Foundation of the Republic). (United States)

    Hellekamps, Stephanie


    Draws on Wilhelm von Humboldt's typology of the active human being to debate the questions whether and how individuals can produce their social and political world. Discusses, with reference to Marie Condorcet and Immanuel Kant, procedures of the public that are necessary prerequisites for actions aimed at forming the world. (DSK)

  15. Wirtschaftliche Hindernisse für den Beitritt der Tschechischen Republik zur Eurozone. Economic barriers of the Czech Republic’s euro-area accession

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    Mojmir Helisek


    Full Text Available The date of introduction of the euro in the Czech Republic has not been set. The Czech economy fulfils the inflation and interest rate convergence criteria, as well as the government debt criterion. The exchange rate stability criterion will be most likely fulfilled. The Czech economy possesses a high level of real convergence in respect of the euro area. Due to the economic recession, the government deficit criterion will probably not be fulfilled by 2012. The date of introduction of the euro in the Czech Republic is therefore postponed to 2015 at the earliest. The main reason for adopting the single currency is the growing interconnection between the Czech and the euro area economies. The exchange rate of the Czech crown to the euro has a higher stability than the exchange rate of the euro to the dollar, however, a long-term appreciation of the crown’s exchange rate weakens the competitiveness of the Czech exporters. The financial crisis and the recession have only complicated and postponed the adoption of the euro, but they have revealed no reasons to refuse the adoption.

  16. Vpliv albanske manjšine na notranjo varnost Republike Makedonije : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo


    Mladkovič, Karl


    Z razpadom SFRJ leta 1991 so na njenem območju nastale nove, samostojne in neodvisne države. Ena najmanj pripravljenih za samostojno pot je bila Republika Makedonija. Zaradi zgodovinskih dejstev in okoliščin je bila in je še vedno, ne tako vojaško, kot politično in ekonomsko ogrožena s strani svojih sosed Bolgarije, ki ne priznava Makedoncev kot narod in Makedonščine kot samostojnega jezika, Srbije, ki prav tako ne priznavala Makedonije kot samostojnega naroda in njene avtokefalne pravoslavne...

  17. Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Materi Usaha Mempertahankan Republik Indonesia Melalui Model Pembelajaran Snowball Throwing Pada Kelas IX.2 SMP Negeri Muara Beliti

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    Holili Holili


    Full Text Available This study aims to improve student learning outcomes of class IX.2 State Junior High School Muara Beliti on the material business to defend the Republic of Indonesia by using the Snowball throwing learning. The research method used is Classroom Action Research. The study was conducted in two cycles with each model cycle following the procedure: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The action of two cycles resulted in improving the quality of learning and improving the learning outcomes, the average completeness of students' learning cycle one 68.55% completeness 61.29%. Cycle two averages 80.1% completeness 90%. The end result of the two cycle action succeeded in improving the IPS learning outcomes. Keywords: Learning Outcome, Snowball throwing

  18. Hydrogeochemical approach to estimate the quality of bottled waters in Serbia

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    Ćuk Marina D.


    Full Text Available Bottled waters were analyzed for different chemical parameters and activity concentrations of radionuclides. The hydrocarbonate ion was dominant in all samples, while the major cation composition was a combination of Ca-Mg-Na ions. Physicochemical properties of bottled water samples are influenced by underlying geology. The sum of trace element concentrations varied from 79.7 to 9349.7 μg/l. The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI system was applied and contributions of some essential elements were calculated according to age group and gender. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA grouped bottled water samples into four clusters based on the similarities of the groundwater quality and essential elements concentrations. The origin of radioactivity is natural and could be traced to minerals in felsic igneous rocks. Two brands exhibited elevated beta activity (1.087±0.134 Bq/l; 1.242±0.146 Bq/l. Effective doses were found to be below the reference level of 0.1 mSv/yr. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 43004

  19. Physicochemical characterisation of pottery from the Vinča culture, Serbia, regarding the firing temperature and decoration techniques

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    Perišić Nebojša


    Full Text Available A study of decorated Neolithic pottery samples from excavation site Pločnik, Serbia, was performed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR and X-ray fluorescence (XRF spectroscopy. Investigated samples belong to the era of the Vinča culture which existed at the central Balkan region from mid VI until the first half of V millennium BCE. The mineralogical composition of pottery samples and comparison of investigated pottery with thermally treated local clay indicated firing temperature in the range from 600 to 800°C. Two different types of white pigments have been identified in white incrusted decorations: calcium carbonate and Bone White (composed of crushed bones. This is the first evidence of use of bones for decorations in Vinča culture pottery from excavation site Pločnik. In addition to this, it was revealed that the potters used the iron reduction technique for obtaining the black decorations. [Projekat Ministartsva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177021 I br. 177012

  20. A preliminary study of local administration of dexamethasone after tooth extraction: Better preservation of residual alveolar ridge?

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    Poštić Srđan D.


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. It is important that the height of the edentulous alveolar ridge after tooth extraction remains at a reasonable acceptable level for as long as possible. The aim of this study was to report preliminary results of the clinical effect of local oral submucous administration of dexamethasone after tooth extractions in order to prepare alveolar supporting tissues for acceptance of removable dentures. Methods. In a total of 15 patients (11 partially and 4 completely edentulous the quantity of 0.25 mL to 0.5 mL of dexamethasone was injected bucally and orally in the region of the tooth socket after complicated extractions. Results. Healing of extraction wounds was uneventful in all the patients, without pain or local inflammation. Conclusion. Dexamethasone can be locally applied to oral tissues to prevent post-extraction inflammation and extensive resorption of the residual alveolar ridge. The obtained results are promising for patients undergoing classic prosthodontic rehabilitation soon after tooth extraction, demonstrating that there are no adverse effects after local oral corticosteroids administration. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175021

  1. Depression in CADASIL patients

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    Lačković Maja


    Full Text Available Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL is a hereditary neurological disease accompanied by recurrent ischemic events, characterized by the presence of psychiatric disorders. The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of depression and its severity among patients with CADASIL. Sixteen patients with diffuse white matter changes on MRI and clinical signs suggesting CADASIL were included in the study. Definitive diagnosis of CADASIL was obtained by electron microscopic analysis of skin biopsies. Testing of the patients’ affective status was primarily devoted to detecting depression. Electron microscopic examinations of all skin biopsies revealed numerous granular osmiophilic material (GOM deposits embedded into the basal lamina around altered or degenerated vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs. Clinical symptoms of depression were present in a great number of examined CADASIL patients. The frequency of depression was higher than previously reported. Psychiatric disturbances might also represent the onset of CADASIL, especially in young patients, and should be evaluated by differential diagnosis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 41002

  2. Measuring vulnerability to depression: The Serbian scrambled sentences test - SSST

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    Novović Zdenka


    Full Text Available The goal of this study was to establish whether the SSST, a Serbian language scrambled sentences instrument, is a reliable measure of depressive cognitive bias, and whether it captures the suppression tendency as participants exert the additional cognitive effort of memorizing a six-digit number while completing the task. The sample consisted of 1071 students, randomly assigned into two groups. They completed the SSST divided into two blocks of 28 sentences, together with additional cognitive task during either the first or second block, and after that a number of instruments to establish validity of the SSST. The test was shown to be a reliable instrument of depressive cognitive bias. As a measure of suppression the SSST performed partly as expected, only when load was applied in the second half of the test, and fatigue and cognitive effort enhanced suppression. The advantages of the test versus self-description measures were discussed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179006: Hereditary, environmental, and psychological factors of mental health

  3. Usefulness of ANN-based model for copper removal from aqueous solutions using agro industrial waste materials

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    Petrović Marija S.


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate the adsorption properties of locally available lignocelluloses biomaterials as biosorbents for the removal of copper ions from aqueous solution. Materials are generated from juice production (apricot stones and from the corn milling process (corn cob. Such solid wastes have little or no economic value and very often present a disposal problem. Using batch adsorption techniques the effects of initial Cu(II ions concentration (Ci, amount of biomass (m and volume of metal solution (V, on biosorption efficiency and capacity were studied for both materials, without any pre-treatments. The optimal parameters for both biosorbents were selected depending on a highest sorption capability of biosorbent, in removal of Cu(II. Experimental data were compared with second order polynomial regression models (SOPs and artificial neural networks (ANNs. SOPs showed acceptable coefficients of determination (0.842 - 0.997, while ANNs performed high prediction accuracy (0.980-0.986 in comparison to experimental results. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31003, TR 31055

  4. Dynamics of tachyon fields and inflation - comparison of analytical and numerical results with observation

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    Milošević M.


    Full Text Available The role tachyon fields may play in evolution of early universe is discussed in this paper. We consider the evolution of a flat and homogeneous universe governed by a tachyon scalar field with the DBI-type action and calculate the slow-roll parameters of inflation, scalar spectral index (n, and tensor-scalar ratio (r for the given potentials. We pay special attention to the inverse power potential, first of all to V (x ~ x−4, and compare the available results obtained by analytical and numerical methods with those obtained by observation. It is shown that the computed values of the observational parameters and the observed ones are in a good agreement for the high values of the constant X0. The possibility that influence of the radion field can extend a range of the acceptable values of the constant X0 to the string theory motivated sector of its values is briefly considered. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176021, br. 174020 i br. 43011

  5. Modeling of methane emissions using artificial neural network approach

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    Stamenković Lidija J.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to develop a model for forecasting CH4 emissions at the national level, using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN with broadly available sustainability, economical and industrial indicators as their inputs. ANN modeling was performed using two different types of architecture; a Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN and a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN. A conventional multiple linear regression (MLR model was also developed in order to compare model performance and assess which model provides the best results. ANN and MLR models were developed and tested using the same annual data for 20 European countries. The ANN model demonstrated very good performance, significantly better than the MLR model. It was shown that a forecast of CH4 emissions at the national level using the ANN model can be made successfully and accurately for a future period of up to two years, thereby opening the possibility to apply such a modeling technique which can be used to support the implementation of sustainable development strategies and environmental management policies. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172007

  6. In vitro dissolution profile study of mucolytic drug ambroxol hydrochloride from solid oral dosage form by UHPLC-MS/MS

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    Vujović Maja M.


    Full Text Available In this paper a simplified dissolution test was performed for the release of ambroxol from tablets according to the European Pharmacopoeia. In vitro, three different dissolution media; 0.1 M HCl pH 1.2, acetate buffer (ABS pH 4.5 and phosphate buffer (PBS pH 6.8 were used for the simulation of the gastrointestinal conditions at temperature of 37.0±0.5°C. The drug release was evaluated by a new ultra - high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC - tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS method. The method was validated to meet requirements as per ICH guidelines which include linearity, specificity, precision, accuracy and robustness. The corresponding dissolution profiles showed more than 80% drug release within 30 minutes without significant differences. Further, the developed and validated UHPLC-MS/MS method could find a useful application in the process of production, quality control and bioavailability/bioequivalence studies of new pharmaceutical formulations of drugs in order to achieve a safe therapeutic efficacy. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175045

  7. Chronic mastitis in cows caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae: Case report

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    Cojkić Aleksandar


    Full Text Available Mastitis in dairy cows is an economically important disease because it makes up 38% of all diseases that occur in intensive cattle breeding. Mastitis affects milk production, either temporarily or permanently, depending on the course of infection and type of pathogen agent. Regular and timely therapy of mastitis based on the application antimicrobials, apart from prophylaxis, is very important for good health of breeding stock. This paper presents the case of repeated mastitis in a cow, Holstein-Friesian breed, 5 years old, which did not respond to antibiotic therapy. Milk samples from each separate quarter of the udder were collected under aseptic conditions and sent to the laboratory for further bacteriological tests, for isolation and identification of pathogens, as well as to test pathogen resistance to some antibiotics. On the basis of bacteriological examinations, there was confirmed the presence of Streptococcus dysgalactiae, which showed sensitivity to ampicillin, cloxacillin and augmentin, intermediate resistance to tetracycline and resistance to kotrimeksazol.(cotrimoxazole-proveriti [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31085

  8. The influence of valence and arousal on reasoning: Affective priming in the semantic verification task

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    Orlić Ana


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of affective valence and arousal on the reasoning process. Reasoning was measured using a semantic verification task and the influence of valence and arousal was tracked using the affective priming paradigm. Primes were photographs varied on two dimensions - emotional valence (positive, neutral, negative and arousal (high, low. Forty-nine psychology students participated in the experiment. Results showed that reaction time needed for semantic verification was significantly faster for positive-high arousing in comparison to positive-low arousing condition and for neutral high arousing in comparison to neutral-low arousing condition, but there were no significant differences in negative low and high arousing conditions. Also, significant differences were found among all three valences in high arousing conditions and there were no such differences in low arousing conditions. These results reveal the importance of both arousal and valence in the research on the influence of emotions on the reasoning process. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179033

  9. Enzymatic synthesis of vitamin B6 precursor

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    Prlainović Nevena Ž.


    Full Text Available 3-Cyano-4-ethoxymethyl-6-methyl-2-pyridone is an important precursor in the synthesis of vitamin B6, obtained in the addition reaction between 2-cyanoacetamide and 1-ethoxy-2,4-pentanedione catalyzed by lipase from Candida rugosa (triacylglycerol ester hydrolases, EC This work shows new experimental data and mathematical modeling of lipase catalyzed synthesis of 3-cyano-4-ethoxymethyl-6-methyl-2-pyridone, starting from 1-ethoxy-2,4-pentanedione and 2-cyanoacetamide. Kinetic measurements were done at 50 oC with enzyme concentration of 1.2 % w/v. Experimental results were fitted with two kinetic models: the ordered bi-ter and ping-pong bi-ter model, and the initial rates of the reaction were found to correlate best with a ping-pong bi-ter mechanism with inhibition by 2-cyanoacetamide. Obtained specificity constants indicated that lipase from C. rugosa had higher affinity towards 1-ethoxy-2,4-pentanedione and less bulky substrates. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172013, br. III 46010 and br. 172049

  10. Secondary venous aneurysm following intravenous drug abuse: A case report

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    Marković Miroslav


    Full Text Available Introduction. Venous aneurysm (VA is a rare condition that can be presented in both superficial and deep venous system. Secondary VAs as well as pseudoaneurysms are usually caused by external spontaneous or iatrogenic trauma. They are often misdiagnosed and inadequately treated. Complications include thrombosis, phlebitis, eventual pulmonary embolism and rupture. Case report. We presented a case of secondary VA of the great saphenous vein developed in a young addict following chronic intravenous drug application in the groin region. Aneurysm required urgent surgical treatment due to bleeding complication as it was previously misdiagnosed for hematoma (or abscess and punctuated by a general surgeon. Complete resection of VA with successful preservation of continuity of the great saphenous vein was performed. Postoperative course was uneventful. Regular venous flow through the great saphenous vein was confirmed on control ultrasound examination. Conclusion. VAs are uncommon, among them secondary VA being extremely rare. In cases with a significant diameter or threatening complications surgical treatment is recommended. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON175008 i br. III41007

  11. Can there be an immoral morality? Dark personality traits as predictors of moral foundations

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    Međedović Janko


    Full Text Available Previous researches have shown that some aspects of Moral foundations do not correlate with indicators of immoral behavior, or even have positive correlations with them. The aim of this study was to explore the relations of Moral foundations with general (HEXACO personality model and “dark” personality traits (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, narcissism and sadism. Data was gathered via on-line survey (N=402; 70% females. The results have shown that Openness is the best predictor from the set of basic personality traits: It has positive relations with Harm/Care and Fairness/Reciprocity and negative with the other three moral foundations. Psychopathy was negatively associated with Harm/Care and positively with Ingroup/Loyalty foundation. Machiavellianism was a positive predictor of Ingroup/Loyalty and Authority/ Respect. Results confirmed the existence of fundamental differences between moral foundations. Ingroup/Loyalty and Authority/Respect are partly based on immoral personal dispositions, which bring into question their conceptual status as human moral foundations. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47011: Crime in Serbia: phenomenology, risks and the possibilities of social intervention

  12. Primary energy savings using heat storage for biomass heating systems

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    Mitrović Dejan M.


    Full Text Available District heating is an efficient way to provide heat to residential, tertiary and industrial users. The heat storage unit is an insulated water tank that absorbs surplus heat from the boiler. The stored heat in the heat storage unit makes it possible to heat even when the boiler is not working, thus increasing the heating efficiency. In order to save primary energy (fuel, the boiler operates on nominal load every time it is in operation (for the purpose of this research. The aim of this paper is to analyze the water temperature variation in the heat storage, depending on the heat load and the heat storage volume. Heat load is calculated for three reference days, with average daily temperatures from -5 to 5°C. The primary energy savings are also calculated for those days in the case of using heat storage in district heating.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 33051: The concept of sustainable energy supply of settlements with energy efficient buildings

  13. Assessment of heavy metal pollution of topsoils and plants in the City of Belgrade

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    Andrejić Gordana


    Full Text Available In order to assess heavy metal pollution in the city of Belgrade (Serbia concentrations of V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were measured on 18 topsoil samples collected in the proximity to central urban boulevards and in urban parks. In addition, concentrations of specified elements were determined in leaves of three evergreen plant species Buxus sempervirens L., Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh Nutt. and Prunus laurocerasus L. so as to estimate their sensitivity to heavy metal pollution. Even though various types of soils from different quarts of Belgrade were sampled, their heavy metal contents were very similar, with somewhat higher concentrations of almost all elements detected in the proximity to high traffic roads. Generally, concentrations of heavy metals in leaves of investigated plant species paralleled the heavy metal concentrations found in their respective soils and were higher in plants sampled from boulevards then from urban parks. Since investigated plant show no visible injuries induced by detected heavy metal pollution these species are suitable for the successful urban landscaping. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173030

  14. Green infrastructure planning for cooling urban communities: Overview of the contemporary approaches with special reference to Serbian experiences

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    Marić Igor


    Full Text Available This paper investigates contemporary approaches defined by the policies, programs or standards that favor green infrastructure in urban planning for cooling urban environments with special reference to Serbian experiences. The research results reveal an increasing emphasis on the multifunctionality of green infrastructure as well the determination to the development of policies, guidelines and standards with the support of the overall community. Further, special importance is given to policies that promote ‘cool communities’ strategies resulting in the increase of vegetation-covered areas, what has contributed in adapting urban environments to the impacts of climate change. In addition, this research indicates the important role of local authorities and planners in Serbia in promoting planning policies and programs that take into consideration the role of green infrastructure in terms of improving climatic conditions, quality of life and reducing energy needed for cooling and heating. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 36035: Spatial, ecological, energy, and social aspects of developing settlements and climate change - mutual impacts i br. 43007: The investigation of climate change and its impacts, climate change adaptation and mitigation

  15. Biodiesel from rapeseed variety "Banaćanka" using KOH catalyst

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    Mićić Radoslav D.


    Full Text Available This paper presents a complete characterization of rapeseed oil, of Banaćanka variety, as well as the potential use of oil generated after filtering, in order to obtain biodiesel. Researches are based on the fact that Banaćanka is the oldest domestic rapeseed variety, the so-called double zero "00" (low in erucic acid, below 5%, and glucosinolates below than 30 mmol g-1, suitable for use in the region, since it is low temperatures tolerant, posseses high genetic potential for seed yield of about 5.2 t/ha, and high oil content of around 45%. Transesterification was carried out in batch reactor Parr 4520, with KOH as a catalyst. Cold pressed oil without prior treatment was used as feedstock for transesterificataion. The paper analyses the effects of temperature, reaction duration, catalyst amount and rate of agitation on the synthesis of biodiesel at constant pressure and molar methanol/oil ratio.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31046: Improvement of the quality of tractors and mobile systems with the aim of increasing competitiveness and preserving soil and environment

  16. Pressure drop and stability of flow in Archimedean spiral tube with transverse corrugations

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    Đorđević Milan


    Full Text Available Isothermal pressure drop experiments were carried out for the steady Newtonian fluid flow in Archimedean spiral tube with transverse corrugations. Pressure drop correlations and stability criteria for distinguishing the flow regimes have been obtained in a continuous Reynolds number range from 150 to 15 000. The characterizing geometrical groups which take into account all the geometrical parameters of Archimedean spiral and corrugated pipe has been acquired. Before performing experiments over the Archimedean spiral, the corrugated straight pipe having high relative roughness e/d = 0.129 of approximately sinusoidal type was tested in order to obtain correlations for the Darcy friction factor. Insight into the magnitude of pressure loss in the proposed geometry of spiral solar receiver for different flow rates is important because of its effect upon the efficiency of the receiver. Although flow in spiral and corrugated geometries has the advantages of compactness and high heat transfer rates, the disadvantage of greater pressure drops makes hydrodynamic studies relevant. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 42006 i br. TR 33015

  17. eNOS Glu298Asp polymorphism is associated with development of complicated plaques in patients from Serbia with advanced carotid atherosclerosis

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    Đurić Tamara


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide inhibits adhesion of thrombocytes, proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells and restricts oxidation of atherogenic low-density lipoproteins. Therefore, decreased production or activity of NO may play a role in the initiation, progression or complications of atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of Glu298Asp eNOS gene polymorphism on the individual risk for development of complicated carotid atherosclerotic plaque in patients from Serbia with advanced carotid atherosclerosis (CA who had undergone endarterectomy. The study population included 233 patients. eNOS G894T gene polymorphism was identified by PCR and RFLP methods. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that Asp298Asp is an independent risk factor for the presence of complicated plaques in CA patients. Patients who were homozygous for the Asp298 allele had an adjusted OR of 4.36 for the development of complicated plaques compared to those that carry the Glu298 allele. Further validation and replication studies are needed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI175085

  18. "Taking the human out of human rights" human rights or group rights?

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    Bojanić Petar


    Full Text Available What interest me are the reasons why “human” or “human rights” could be important or possibly most important in constituting a group (hence the introduction of the complicated word “group” and “group right(s” in the subtitle. If I had to justify the existence of the latest debates on nature, justification and universality of human rights, on their distinction from other normative standards, on the philosophy and (legal foundation of human rights, on “Human Rights without (or with Foundations” (Raz, Tasioulas, Besson, then I would immediately conclude that this “process of grandiose concretization” of a complete fabrication is far from over. Despite the innumerable pacts and international conventions established after World War II, the slew of obligations to which states have agreed in the last few decades, the establishment of rights to secession or humanitarian intervention it is as if the constitution of classification of basic human rights and their universality is far from over. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007

  19. The effects of mineral adsorbents added to broilers diet on breast meat quality

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    Okanović Đorđe G.


    Full Text Available The aim of these investigations was to determine the influence of mineral adsorbents “Minazel” and “Minazel Plus” added into broiler diet, on the carcass quality and nutritional, technological and sensory properties of breast meat. The examination was done on Cobb 500 provenience divided into 4 groups: control group C (fed without addition of mineral adsorbent, experimental group E I (0.5% of Minazel, experimental group E II (0.2% of Minazel Plus, experimental group E III (0.3% of Minazel Plus. The results showed that the broilers fed with the addition of mineral adsorbents, had a higher (P < 0.01 mass of chilled carcass “ready to grill“ and breast mass, than the broilers of the control group. Based on the parameters and criteria for defining the quality of chicken breast meat (pHu and L* it can be concluded that meat of all groups had in average "normal" quality. According to the results of sensory analyzed roasted breast meat, meat of experimental groups had preferable smell and tenderness. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46012

  20. Real options methodology in public-private partnership projects valuation

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    Rakić Biljana


    Full Text Available PPP offers numerous benefits to both public and private partners in delivery of infrastructure projects. However this partnership also involves great risks which have to be adequately managed and mitigated. Private partners are especially sensitive to revenue risk, since they are mostly interested in the financial viability of the project. Thus they often expect public partners to provide some kind of risk-sharing mechanism in the form of Minimum Revenue Guarantees or abandonment options. The objective of this paper is to investigate whether the real option of abandoning the project increases its value. Therefore the binominal option pricing model and risk-neutral probability approach have been implemented to price the European and American abandonment options for the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT toll road investment. The obtained results suggest that the project value with the American abandonment option is greater than with the European abandonment option, hence implying that American options offer greater flexibility and are more valuable for private partners. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179066 and III 42006

  1. Immobilization of β-glucosidase onto mesoporous silica support: Physical adsorption and covalent binding of enzyme

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    Ivetić Darjana Ž.


    Full Text Available This paper investigates β-glucosidase immobilization onto mesoporous silica support by physical adsorption and covalent binding. The immobilization was carried out onto micro-size silica aggregates with the average pore size of 29 nm. During physical adsorption the highest yield of immobilized β-glucosidase was obtained at initial protein concentration of 0.9 mg ml-1. Addition of NaCl increased 1.7-fold, while Triton X-100 addition decreased 6-fold yield of adsorption in comparison to the one obtained without any addition. Covalently bonded β-glucosidase, via glutaraldehyde previously bonded to silanized silica, had higher yield of immobilized enzyme as well as higher activity and substrate affinity in comparison to the one physically adsorbed. Covalent binding did not considerably changed pH and temperature stability of obtained biocatalyst in range of values that are commonly used in reactions in comparison to unbounded enzyme. Furthermore, covalent binding provided biocatalyst which retained over 70% of its activity after 10 cycles of reuse. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45021

  2. Lipid oxidative changes in traditional dry fermented sausage Petrovská klobása during storage

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    Šojić Branislav V.


    Full Text Available The influence of drying and ripeninig conditions (traditional and industrial in the production of dry fermented sausage Petrovská klobása, on fatty-acid composition and oxidative changes in lipids, during 7 months of storage, was investigated. During the storage period, the sum of unsaturated fatty acids and the content of free fatty acids were significantly higher (p<0.05, while the content of malondialdehyde was significantly lower in the sausage subjected to traditional conditions of drying and ripening. At the end of the storage period, contents of pentanal and hexanal in the sausage subjected to traditional conditions of drying and ripening (4.03 μg/g and 1.67 μg/g, respectively were significantly lower (p<0.05 in comparison with these contents in the sausage subjected to industrial conditions of drying and ripening. Traditional conditions of drying and ripening at lower temperatures have led to lower oxidative changes in lipids in traditional dry fermented sausage Petrovská klobása during storage period. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31032

  3. Krasnodar Krai - agro-industrial giant and tourist jewel of the Russian Federation

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    Bukvić Rajko M.


    Full Text Available This article provides a geographic and socio-economic description of Krasnodar Krai, one of the federal subjects of the complexly organized Russian Federation. Its size and population are comparable to the ones of smaller European countries, such as Austria, Czech Republic, Republic of Ireland or Denmark, Finland and Slovakia. In comparison to Serbia, this region is somewhat smaller and less densely populated. Its landscape and climate diversity, as well as an abundance of natural resources make a good starting point for a further economic and social development of the region. The agro-industrial complex and tourism are especially developed in this region and are considered its strong points both within Russia and outside its borders. The level of industrial cooperation between Serbia and Russia is considerably lower than in the times of SFRY and USSR. However, it will certainly increase in the future, leading to an intensification of cooperation with Krasnodar region which will not only be based on trade relations. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007

  4. Direct chronopotentiometric analysis of riboflavin using a glassy carbon vessel as the working electrode

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    Brezo Tanja Ž.


    Full Text Available A new method for the determination of riboflavin (vitamin B2 was developed based on chronopotentiometry with a glassy carbon process vessel macroelectrode. The method optimisation included investigation of the most important experimental parameters: type and concentration of the supporting electrolyte, initial potential, reduction current, and the working electrode surface area. The reduction signal of riboflavin appeared at about -0.12 V vs. Ag/AgCl (3.5 mol/dm3 KCl electrode in 0.025 mol/dm3 HCl as the supporting electrolyte. A linear response was obtained in the the range of 0.05-4 mg/dm3. The limit of detection and limit of quantitation were 0.018 mg/dm3 and 0.054 mg/dm3, respectively. Due to the use of specific working electrode, a significant enhancement of the method relative sensitivity of about 10 times was achieved. The accuracy of the defined method was confirmed by HPLC analyses. The developed method was successfully applied for the quantitation of riboflavin in various pharmaceutical multivitamin preparations. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46009

  5. Patrilineal traditional family: Examples of Serbia and Bulgaria

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    Rajković Ljubica


    Full Text Available The paper aims to investigate from comparative and sociological perspective the similarities between the roles of family and household in social development of Bulgaria and Serbia. The focus of the study is placed on the similarities and differences between the traditional phase of development and the industrial, modern one. Modern society as a whole is defined as untransformed and subject to re-traditionalization. The investigation rests on the assumption that within East European model, the traditional family/household is a phenomenon linked to the 19th and 20th centuries, but not to the 21st one. However, the Balkan extended family/household retains the influence it had in the traditional phase of development. In the traditional phase, the extended family commune (zadruga, characteristic of the Balkans, played an essential role for survival. In modern societies, it regains its importance for survival during social and economic crises; however, it also poses traditionally experienced risks concerning substantial deterioration of the position of women. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179035: The New Challenges Of Social Integration In Serbia - Challenges And Actors

  6. Perkembangan Fisik-Motorik Anak 4-5 Tahun Pada Permendikbud no. 137 Tahun 2014 (Kajian Konsep Perkembangan Anak

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    Full Text Available Early childhood education is essentially organized education with the aim of facilitating the growth and development of children as a whole or emphasizing the development of all aspects of the child's personality. Child development is viewed from certain aspects of age or age, including physical-motor development, social-emotional, religious morals, and cognitive development. The physical-motor development of children aged 4-5 years consists of physical development, gross motor, and fine motor. This has been regulated in Permendikbud Republik Indonesia No. 137 of 2014 on the National Standard for Early Childhood Education. In Chapter III, the "Standards for Achievement of Child Development" and Chapter IV regarding "Content Standards" in paragraphs (1 and (3. In this study conducted an analysis of the policy, reviewed based on the theory of growth and development of children. There is a fairly specific difference to the development of children aged 4 and 5 years, so there should be a more detailed description of child development each year, not only at intervals

  7. Levels of macroelements and toxic elements in herbal teas

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    Mihaljev Željko A.


    Full Text Available A total of 14 diverse herbal teas were examined, including: yarrow, basil, St.John’s wort, peppermint, horsetail, nettle, thyme, corn silk, hibiscus, marshmallow, chamomile, rosehip, heather and wild mint. The samples were prepared using the method of microwave digestion, and measurements were performed by the use of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Cd, Hg, Pb, As, Sb; atomic absorption spectrometry (Mg; emission flame photometry (Ca, K, Na and spectrophotometry (P. Intervals of variation (mg/kg for macroelements were: Ca (2738-35399; P (1545-6264; Mg (1647-7816; Na (293-10629 and K (9683-33985, and for toxic elements: Cd (0.014-0.645; Hg (<0.001- 0.017; Pb (0.064-1.340; As (0.030-0.544 and Sb (0.004-0.068. In the three samples (yarrow and two St.John’s wort samples measured cadmium concentration was higher than the maximum level for dried herbs, recommended by WHO. Ward's hierarchical clustering method was performed with the aim of grouping herbal teas by the amount of toxic elements. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31071

  8. The significance of the tourist destination of Zlatibor spatial planning

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    Jovičić Ana


    Full Text Available The territory of Zlatibor is known as a region of exquisite beauty, rich in natural and anthropogenic values, and as such it is a significant tourist destination. The tourism on Zlatibor started developing a long time ago, however, recently there has formed a type of settlement with tourism as its basic function, with no adequate planned development and control, which deviates from the natural and aesthetic environment, disturbing the rare and autochthonous quality of the territory. Zlatibor’s beauty has been disturbed with unplanned construction and the development of tourism which is not sustainable in the long-term. The aim of this paper is to point out to the significance of spatial planning for further development of tourism on this mountain and give suggestions on further development which would neutralise, revitalise and improve the already degraded territory. Only by managing the territory of Zlatibor properly, as a resource for tourism, will its economic, ecologic and aesthetic value increase, which will ensure a long term benefit on a local, regional and national level. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007

  9. Morphological characteristics of the interspecies hybrid between Sorghum and Sudan grass under intensive nitrogen nutrition

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    Ikanović Jela


    Full Text Available The object of this study was a two-year trial (2009 and 2010 regarding variability of morphological characteristics of species belonging to Sorghum genus, more specifically interspecies hybrid between sorghum and Sudan grass Siloking as affected by different applications of nitrogen. The following morphological characteristics were analysed: plant height, number of leaves, leaf ratio, stem ratio, and number of shoots. Samples were taken from the first cut when the effect of the applied nitrogen doses was the strongest. The results showed that increasing nitrogen quantities significantly affected the tested morphological characteristics, especially the intensity of tillering (increased number of secondary stems, number of the formed leaves, and ratio of leaf weight in the total above-ground biomass. The effect of applied nitrogen depended on the weather conditions, i.e. distribution of precipitation, so that plants reached maximum height when 105 kg N ha-1 was applied in the dry year and 180 kg N ha-1 in the wet year. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31078 i br. TR 31022

  10. Davorin Jenko and Stevan st. Mokranjac. Biographical fragments. A contribution to cultural remembrance

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    Tomašević Katarina


    Full Text Available This paper contributes to the marking of the centenary of the death of two significant composers and conductors - Davorin Jenko (1835-1914 and Stevan St. Mokranjac (1856-1914. Although belonging to different generations, Jenko and Mokranjac were simultaneously active in Serbian culture over the course of almost four decades. This was a very dynamic and fruitful period, marked by historical and political unrests and by the intense processes of searching for Serbian national/ cultural identity. Divided into several fragments, the article identifies the points of intersection in their biographies, examining the delicate nature of their relationship in the context of the discourses of nationalism. Special attention is paid to the facts from the history of the Belgrade Singing Society and the National Theatre, but also to the manifestations by means of which a tradition of cultural remembrance of these two artists is maintained in Serbia in 2014. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON 177004: Identiteti srpske muzike od lokalnih do globalnih okvira: tradicije, promene, izazovi

  11. Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase onto kaolin by glutaraldehyde method and its application in decolorization of anthraquinone dye

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    Šekuljica Nataša Ž.


    Full Text Available The problem of environmental pollution day by day becomes more worrisome, primarily due to the large amounts of wastewater contaminated with various harmful organic compounds, discharged into the environment untreated or partially clean. Feasibility of use of horseradish peroxidase (Amoracia rusticana in the synthetic dyes decolorization was approved by many researchers. Among a number of supports used for the immobilization, it was found that natural clay, kaolin has excellent features which are a precondition for obtaining biocatalysts with the excellent performances. For this reason, a horseradish peroxidase was immobilized onto kaolin using glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent. Obtained biocatalyst was applied in the decolorization of anthraquinone dye C. I. Acid Violet 109. Under determined optimal conditions (pH 4.0, hydrogen peroxide concentration 0.6 mM, dye concentration 30 mg L-1, temperature 24ºC around 76 % of dye decolorization was achieved. Reusability study showed that resulting biocatalyst was possible to apply four times in the desired reaction with relatively high decolorization percentage. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III-46010 i br. 172013

  12. Workplace bullying in Serbia: The relation of self-labeling and behavioral experience with job-related behaviors

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    Petrović Ivana B.


    Full Text Available Workplace bullying has been identified as a widespread problem in contemporary organizational research. The aim of the paper was to acquire theoretically based and comparable findings about workplace bullying in Serbia: to explore the behavioral experience and self-labeling approaches (applying the Negative Acts Questionnaire - Revised, NAQ-R and their relationship with job-related behaviors. The sample comprised 1,998 employees. Prevalence rates of workplace bullying based on self-labeling and behavior experience approaches overlap significantly (70% of employees operationally identified as bullied had also labeled themselves as bullied. Both the self-labeling and behavioral experience approach showed significant correlations with job-related behaviors (perceived threat to a total job, absenteeism, intention to leave, and perceived productivity. Previously bullied, presently bullied and non-bullied employees differed significantly on all four job-related behaviors, with large effect size for the intention to leave and medium effect size for the perceived threat to a total job. The findings support combining self-labeling and behavioral experience approaches in workplace bullying research. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

  13. Sustainable tourism in National Park "Đerdap", Serbia - attitudes of local population

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    Brankov Jovana


    Full Text Available In the context of the broader controversy about sustainable development, tourism literature highlights the importance of the support of the local population to tourism development. The active support of the community is essential for the local government, the future development policies and all entities that participate in the creation of sustainable tourism development. The specific dimension of this influence exists in protected areas, given the pronounced strong environmental component and a bond that is created among tourism - protected area - locals. The paper analyzes the attitudes and opinions of the local population residing in the National Park “Đerdap” or its protection zone about the effects and control of tourism development, as well as the availability of information on sustainable tourism and the impact this activity has on the community. The method applied is survey research on a sample of 227 respondents. During the preparation of the survey, the methodological procedure for the analysis of sustainable tourism indicators ware used proposed by the World Tourism Organization. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007 III

  14. Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of [Cu2(LH2]•(ClO42. Influence of the weak Cu•••O(perchlorate interaction on the structure of Cu2N2O2 metallocycle

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    Mirković Marija


    Full Text Available The diimine-dioxime ligand, 4,9-diaza-3,10-diethyl-3,9-dodecadiene-2,11-dione bisoxime (LH2, containing a N4 donor set was prepared by Schiff base condensation of 2-hydroxyimino-3-pentanone and 1,4-diaminobutane in two ways: in protic and in aprotic solvent. Higher yield of (LH2 imine was obtained when the synthesis was carried out using protic solvent (C2H5OH instead of aprotic benzene (78% and 30%, respectively. Cu(II metal complex of diimine-dioxime was synthesized in CH3OH from metal salt and LH2 in mole ratio 1:1. The isolated complex was characterized by the elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. The structure of [Cu2(LH2]•(ClO42 was determined by the single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Comparison with the structurally related diimine-dioxime Cu(II complexes revealed the influence of the weak Cu•••O(perchlorate interaction on the geometry of the metallocycle. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 45015, br. 172013, br. 172065 i br. 172014

  15. Phenolic compounds and carotenoids in pumpkin fruit and related traditional products

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    Zdunić Gordana M.


    Full Text Available Pumpkin fruit is used in a diet since ancient times especially in rural communities. The major contributory factors of nutritional and medicinal value of pumpkins are carotenoids, polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals, and phenolic compounds. Due to a very large fruit that it is not easy to consume a whole as well as short shelf-life of fresh-cut pumpkin, different ways of conserving and processing are performed. In our study, total carotenoids, total phenolics and individual phenolics in fresh pumpkin and pumpkin traditional products such as sweet in wine, jam and juice, which are typical for northern parts of Serbia, were studied. Total carotenoids ranged from 27.6 μg/g of pumpkin sweet in wine to 86.3 μg/g of fresh fruit, while the amount of total phenolics varied between 93.0 μg GAE/g of pumpkin juice and 905.9 μg GAE/g of fresh fruit. Eight phenolic compounds were identified in the investigated samples and among them phenolic acids dominated. Among flavonoids, flavanon glycoside hesperidin was detected. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46013

  16. Influence of vineyard peach selections on vigour and initial yield in peach and nectarine

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    Zec Gordan


    Full Text Available Seedlings (progenies of eight selected vineyard peach genotypes obtained by self and open pollination were examined in this study during three consecutive years. Two progenies from unselected vineyard peach genotypes with different geographic origin were used as a standard. Peach cv. Autumn Glo and nectarine cv. Stark Red Gold were grafted on F1 generation of eight vineyard peach selections and two standard progenies. Analysis of variance indicated statistically significant differences in vigour and fruit productivity between fruit trees grafted on different progenies of vineyard peach selections. A high correlation was found between rootstock vigour and fruit production of grafted cultivars. In addition, the principal component analysis made it possible to establish similar groups of rootstocks, depending on its influence to vigour, productivity and indexes of efficiency of grafted peach and nectarine cultivar. The most promising rootstocks for those two cultivars were PSK and 7S because grafted AG and SRG have high fruit weight, initial yields and very satisfactory rootstock, scion and canopy efficiency. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31063

  17. The probability of flooding wave occurrence and the vulnerability of the Kosovo territory settlements

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    Valjarević Aleksandar


    Full Text Available The work displays the presumed laws of flooding waves which would occur if the 1976 situation when the great floods in Kosovo happened reoccurred again. On a 1:300000 multilayer map of Kosovo and Metohia, there are areas which would have been flooded in case of a maximum flooding wave, and what is also shown is the areas which were covered in water as the average was measured, including the areas used as projects of minimal flooding wave value. There is a layer showing the points with regular flood defense, including the places where protection needs to establish. The map includes the ratio of 1:300000, whilst the areas are calculated with the help of processing their dynamic static’s, as well as using the formulae Gumbel Distribution and Weibull Formula. The data have been calculated with their maximum value, including the average and the minimum of flooding period embracing the time of 40 years. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III44006 i br. 176019

  18. Endodontic therapy as a method in sanation of disturbed occlusion polytraumatized upper and lower jaw of a cat

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    Prokić Branislav


    Full Text Available Concomitant injuries of bone and soft tissues of the upper and lower jaws are classified as multiple trauma symptoms associated with early complications, such as shock, disordered breathing, bleeding, pain, deformity and facial asymmetry, abnormal jaw movement, crepitation, palsy-paralysis of traumatized soft tissue regions and languages. The goal of this work is to present polytraumatised rehabilitation of upper and lower jaws by the system of endodontic treatment of upper canines in cats. Primary approach to stabilization polytraumatised cats is highlighted, also as procedures to be undertaken in animal in shock, injury of the maxilla and mandible, and the order of diagnostic procedures. Mandibular prognation and incorrect occlusion with consequent demage of mandibular gingiva with maxilla kaninus are complications wich were resolved in our case with endodontic treatment of upper canines of the cat. This paper presents a detailed approach to the reduction of dental caninus maxilla and establishing proper bite in the molar region of the maxila and mandible. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45006

  19. Visual, instrumental, mycological and mycotoxicological characterization of wheat inoculated with and protected against Alternaria spp.

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    Janić-Hajnal Elizabet P.


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to characterize visual properties, instrumentally measured colour properties, field fungi presence and Alternaria toxins levels in wheat samples grown under conditions aimed at inhibition and stimulation of wheat infection with fungi from the Alternaria genus. Experiment was carried out on the wheat treated by fungicide and wheat inoculated by Alternaria spp., while non treated wheat was used as a control. Statistically significant difference was observed between all three treatments using visual scale. Protected wheat samples were significantly different from other samples in terms of all measured colour parameters while inoculated and control wheat samples were significantly different in terms of lightness and dominant wavelength. Identification of field fungi in the all examined wheat samples showed that the dominant mycotoxigenic fungus was Alternaria spp., followed by Fusarium spp. The content of Alternaria toxins in samples of wheat hulls and dehulled kernels point out at higher concentrations of Alternaria toxins in hulls than in dehulled kernels. [Projekat Ministarstvo nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46001 i br. III 46005

  20. Influence of steaming on drying quality and colour of beech timber

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    Milić Goran


    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of an analysis of influence of the “light” steaming process on conventional drying and colour of beech timber. A stack consisting of steamed and unsteamed boards was dried. Moisture content and moisture content profiles were recorded, and at the end of drying final moisture content, moisture content difference across thickness, case-hardening and colour were determinated. No statistically significant difference between steamed and unsteamed timber was established in any of the examined parameters (MC, ΔMC, gap. The results indicate that equal (or even better drying quality can be expected with steamed beech timber than with unsteamed timber, given the same drying schedule. Dry steamed timber was darker and more reddish than the unsteamed one. An imprecision of measurement by probes in the kiln was noticed in measuring steamed and unsteamed beech timber having a moisture content of between 7% and 15%, and a solution for overcoming this problem was given. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31041

  1. Improvement of physicochemical and rheological properties of kombucha fermented milk products by addition of transglutaminase and whey protein concentrate

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    Iličić Mirela D.


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of addition of transglutaminase (TG-0.02%, w/w and whey protein concentrate (WPC-0.03%, w/w, on quality of kombucha fermented milk product. Samples were prepared from pasteurized semi-skim milk (0.9%, w/w fat and kombucha inoculum (10%, v/v. The pH values were measured during the fermentation of milk (lasted until reached 4.5. Syneresis, water holding capacity and the product texture (firmness and consistency, were assessed after production. Rheological properties of kombucha fermented milk samples were measured during ten days of storage. The sample containing TG had the lowest syneresis (21 ml, the highest water holding capacity (62% and the highest textural characteristics (firmness - 23.99g, consistency - 626.54gs after production. The addition of WPC to milk improved the rheological properties, while the addition of TG improved it even to a significantly greater extent after the production and during 10 days of the storage. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46009

  2. Leachability and physical stability of solidified and stabilized pyrite cinder sludge from dye effluent treatment

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    Kerkez Đurđa V.


    Full Text Available This work is concerned with exploring the possibilities of using solidification/stabilization (S/S treatment for toxic sludge generated in dye effluent treatment, when pyrite cinder is used as catalytic iron source in the modified heterogeneous Fenton process. S/S treatment was performed by using different clay materials (kaolin, bentonite and native clay from the territory of Vojvodina and fly ash in order to immobilize toxic metals and arsenic presented in sludge. For the evaluation of the extraction potential of toxic metals and the effectiveness of the S/S treatment applied, four single-step leaching tests were performed. Leaching test results indicated that all applied S/S treatments were effective in immobilizing toxic metals and arsenic presented in sludge. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the formation of pozzolanic products, and compressive strength measurement proved the treatment efficacy. It can be concluded that the S/S technique has significant potential for solving the problem of hazardous industrial waste and its safe disposal. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III43005 i br. TR37004

  3. Hydrophobic silica nanoparticles as reinforcing filler for poly (lactic acid polymer matrix

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    Pilić Branka M.


    Full Text Available Properties of poly (lactic acid (PLA and its nanocomposites, with silica nanoparticles (SiO2, as filler were investigated. Neat PLA films and PLA films with different percentage of hydrophobic fumed silica nanoparticles (0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 wt. % were prepared by solution casting method. Several tools were used to characterize the influence of different silica content on crystalline behavior, and thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of PLA/SiO2 nanocomposites. Results from scanning electron microscope (SEM showed that the nanocomposite preparation and selection of specific hydrophobic spherical nano filler provide a good dispersion of the silica nanoparticles in the PLA matrix. Addition of silica nanoparticles improved mechanical properties, the most significant improvement being observed for lowest silica content (0.2wt.%. Barrier properties were improved for all measured gases at all loadings of silica nanoparticles. The degree of crystallinity for PLA slightly increased by adding 0.2 and 0.5 wt. % of nano filler. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46001

  4. Recent advances in research on non-auditory effects of community noise

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    Belojević Goran


    Full Text Available Non-auditory effects of noise on humans have been intensively studied in the last four decades. The International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise has been following scientific advances in this field by organizing international congresses from the first one in 1968 in Washington, DC, to the 11th congress in Nara, Japan, in 2014. There is already a large scientific body of evidence on the effects of noise on annoyance, communication, performance and behavior, mental health, sleep, and cardiovascular functions including relationship with hypertension and ischemic heart disease. In the last five years new issues in this field have been tackled. Large epidemiological studies on community noise have reported its relationship with breast cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It seems that noise-induced sleep disturbance may be one of the mediating factors in these effects. Given a large public health importance of the above-mentioned diseases, future studies should more thoroughly address the mechanisms underlying the reported association with community noise exposure. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175078

  5. Characterization of several milk proteins in Domestic Balkan donkey breed during lactation, using lab-on-a-chip capillary electrophoresis

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    Gubić Jasmina


    Full Text Available Domestic Balkan donkey (Equus asinus asinus is a native donkey breed, primarily found in the northern and eastern regions of Serbia. The objective of the study was to analyze proteins of Domestic Balkan donkey milk during the lactation period (from the 45th to the 280th day by applying Lab-on-a-Chip electrophoresis. The chip-based separations were performed on the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer in combination with the Protein 80 Plus Lab Chip kit. The protein content of Domestic Balkan donkey milk during the lactation period of 280 days ranged from 1.40 % to 1.92 % and the content of αs1-casein, αs2-casein, b-casein, α-, β- lactoglobulin, lysozyme, lactoferrin and serum albumin was relatively quantified. Lysozyme (1040-2970 mg/L, α-lactalbumin 12 kDa (1990-2730 mg/L and α-lactalbumin 17.7 kDa (2240-3090 mg/L were found to be the proteins with the highest relative concentrations. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46012

  6. Conscientious students: More successful at school, none the happier for it

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    Jovanović Veljko


    Full Text Available The results of numerous studies indicate that besides intellectual abilities, personality features figure as the strongest predictors of academic achievement. This research is aimed at exploring the relationship between personality features and academic achievement in secondary school students, as well as at testing whether academic achievement is one of the mechanisms suitable for explaining the relationship between personality features and the subjective well-being of students. The research included 408 students, with the average age of 16 years and 6 months. The results indicate that in both girls and boys a significant predictor of academic achievement is only the feature of conscientiousness. However, in conscientious students, higher academic achievement does not yield higher satisfaction with school and life, nor more frequent experiencing of pleasant emotions. Academic achievement is neither connected with openness towards experience nor with curiosity. The paper discusses practical implications of these findings and offers suggestions for future research. [Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179006: Nasledni, sredinski i psihološki činioci mentalnog zdravlja i br. 179022: Efekti egzistencijalne nesigurnosti na pojedinca i porodicu u Srbiji

  7. JAK2V617F mutation in a patient with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and prefibrotic primary myelofibrosis

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    Ristić Slobodan


    Full Text Available Introduction. Secondary malignancies, particularly solid tumors, are common in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL, but association of myeloproliferative neoplasms and chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the same patient is very rare. Case Outline. We report of a 67-year-old man with B-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia (B-CLL who developed primary myelofibrosis (PMF nine years after initial diagnosis. Patient received alkylation agents and purine analogue, which can be a predisposing factor for the development of myeloproliferative neoplasms. JAK2V617F mutation was not present initially at the time of CLL diagnosis, but was found after nine years when PMF occurred, which indicates that B-CLL and PMF represent two separate clonal origin neoplasms. Conclusion. Pathogenic mechanisms for the development of myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative neoplasms in the same patient are unknown. Further research is needed to determine whether these malignancies originate from two different cell clones or arise from the same pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 41004

  8. The effect of quantity of added eggs on whole meal pasta quality

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    Filipović Jelena S.


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the convenience of different chemical and rheological methods for determining the quality of two spelt cultivars for pasta making and the influence of egg quantity on whole meal pasta quality. Post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test at 95% confidence limit has been calculated to show significant differences between different samples. Score analysis is being useful tool for accessing the effect of eggs to spelt pasta quality, and this analysis proved that though lower scores (0.270 for rheological characteristics experienced with cultivar Eco, the addition of eggs is positively contributing to the spelt pasta quality yielding the best score for pasta (0.75, contrary to the cultivar Austria attributed with superior rheology scores. Whole meal spelt is characterised by lower Ca, but higher Fe and Mn content in comparison to bread wheat. In comparison with common pasta, spelt is a suitable raw material for a new product with improved functional properties at the market.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TRI 46005 i br. TR 31055

  9. Tailoring the supercapacitive performances of noble metal oxides, porous carbons and their composites

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    Panić Vladimir V.


    Full Text Available Porous electrochemical supercapacitive materials, as an important type of new-generation energy storage devices, require a detailed analysis and knowledge of their capacitive performances upon different charging/discharging regimes. The investigation of the responses to dynamic perturbations of typical representatives, noble metal oxides, carbonaceous materials and RuO2-impregnated carbon blacks, by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS is presented. This presentation follows a brief description of supercapacitive behavior and origin of pseudocapacitive response of noble metal oxides. For all investigated materials, the electrical charging/discharging equivalent of the EIS response was found to obey the transmission line model envisaged as so-called „resistor/capacitor (RC ladder“. The ladder features are correlated to material physicochemical properties, its composition and the composition of the electrolyte. Fitting of the EIS data of different supercapacitive materials to appropriate RC ladders enables the in-depth profiling of the capacitance and pore resistance of their porous thin-layers and finally the complete revelation of capacitive energy storage issues. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172060

  10. Neural network modelling of antifungal activity of a series of oxazole derivatives based on in silico pharmacokinetic parameters

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    Kovačević Strahinja Z.


    Full Text Available In the present paper, the antifungal activity of a series of benzoxazole and oxazolo[ 4,5-b]pyridine derivatives was evaluated against Candida albicans by using quantitative structure-activity relationships chemometric methodology with artificial neural network (ANN regression approach. In vitro antifungal activity of the tested compounds was presented by minimum inhibitory concentration expressed as log(1/cMIC. In silico pharmacokinetic parameters related to absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME were calculated for all studied compounds by using PreADMET software. A feedforward back-propagation ANN with gradient descent learning algorithm was applied for modelling of the relationship between ADME descriptors (blood-brain barrier penetration, plasma protein binding, Madin-Darby cell permeability and Caco-2 cell permeability and experimental log(1/cMIC values. A 4-6-1 ANN was developed with the optimum momentum and learning rates of 0.3 and 0.05, respectively. An excellent correlation between experimental antifungal activity and values predicted by the ANN was obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.9536. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172012 i br. 172014

  11. Micropropagation of Achillea millefolium L. on half-strength ms medium and direct rooting and acclimatization of microshoots in hydroponic culture

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    Marković Marija


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of micropropagation of the medicinal plant A. millefolium on half-strength MS medium and ex vitro rooting and acclimatization of the obtained microshoots in hydroculture in order to establish an efficient production method. Two explant types were used: basal and terminal cuttings, and better results were achieved when terminal cuttings were used. The development of shoots in the multiplication phase was successful with a regeneration percentage of 100%. Ex vitro rooting in a modified Hoagland nutrient solution was successful (83%, but the percentage of in vitro rooting on half-strength MS medium without hormones was higher (95%. However, bearing in mind that mass production of A. millefolium is more efficient when the phase of in vitro rooting is excluded, this method could be recommended for commercial propagation of this medicinal plant. It is necessary to conduct additional research in order to optimize the composition, EC and pH value of the hydroponic nutrient solution. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007

  12. Sepiolite functionalized with N-[3-(trimethoxysilylpropyl]-ethylenediamine triacetic acid trisodium salt. Part I: Preparation and characterization

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    Lazarević Slavica S.


    Full Text Available Natural sepiolite from Andrici (Serbia was functionalized by covalent grafting of N-[3-(trimethoxysilylpropyl]ethylenediamine triacetic acid trisodium salt to the Si-OH sepiolite groups. The functionalized material, MSEAS, was characterized by determination of phase composition by X-ray diffraction (XRD analysis, analysis of morphological characteristics by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR spectroscopy, differential thermal analyses (DTA, determination of specific surface areas and pore size distribution using B.E.T. method and point of zero charge (pHpzc determination. The crystal structure of sepiolite does not change significantly upon surface modification. FT-IR and DTA analysis confirmed that the modified sample maintained the basic structure of sepiolite and also the presence of organic groups in functionalized sepiolite sample. The point of zero charge of MSEAS in KNO3 solutions of different concentrations determination by the batch technique from was at pH 7.0 ± 0.1. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45019, and FP7 NANOTECH FTM No. 245916

  13. Police aspects of the forensic methods of the study of percentage of water content of the determine the age of the frescoes

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    Zorić Vojkan M.


    Full Text Available The novels of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC Republic of Serbia have introduced the concept of prosecutorial investigation in relation to that of evidence, special evidentiary actions and other software for the operation of the criminal prosecution. The meaning of novels is to conduct harmonization of standards with solutions of modern criminal law practice, particularly with regard to EU standards Serbia applying for membership in the Union. Preventing the most serious forms of crime is the focus of authorized bodies Serbia and in this context combating and preventing all forms of forgery, as is the case with forgeries frescoes and selling them on the world market. In exposed paper the method determining age of the frescoes is proposed. It is based on the use of closed Markov’s graphs with three cells. The measurements of contents of water molecules in surrounding area can be done only for the space in which the frescoes is located. This means that followed exposed method is non destructive.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR34019

  14. Antioxidant activity and polyphenol profile of Vranac red wines from Balkan region

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    Mitić Milan N.


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to investigate the correlation between the radical-scavenging properties (measured by evaluating the quenching of the stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil radical of Serbian, Macedonian and Montenegran red wine Vranac of different geographical origins, and their contents of total phenolics, total flavonoids and polyphenol profile. All tested Vranac wines samples showed a high antioxidant activity ranging from 13.00 to 15.02 mmol/L, while the total polyphenolic content was between 3478.70 and 3935.19 mg/L. The predominant anthocyanin was malvidin-3-glucoside (179.04-281.31 mg/L, predominant flavonol was quercetin-3-glucoronide (5.88-11.78 mg/L, predominant flavan-3-ol was catechin (24.43 - 76.78 mg/L and predominant hydroxicinnamic acid was t-caftaric acid (13.46-38.56 mg/L. Generally, red wines Vranac produced from Balkan regions are a rich source of phenolics, which the evident antioxidant capacity showed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 174007 i br. TR31060

  15. Invasive species in ass. Trifolio-Agrostietum stoloniferae Marković 1973 in Bačka (Serbia

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    Džigurski Dejana M.


    Full Text Available In the vegetation of meadows and pastures, due to climate changes and an inadequate and intensive use of hydromeliorative measures, invasive species play a significant role in the degradation of biodiversity. Secondary development of ass. Trifolio-Agrostietum stoloniferae Marković 1973 stands was observed in Bačka, in periodically flooded pastures. Floristic composition of these stands consists of 117 plant species, of which 94 grow in the Danube riverbank region and 97 around the Tisa river. According to the floristic analysis, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Bellis perennis, Carduus nutans, Cirsium arvense, Eupatorium cannabinum, Linaria vulgaris, Lotus corniculatus, Lythrum salicaria, Rumex crispus, and Trifolium repens are characterized as invasive plants of the European region. Moreover, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Eleusine indica and Xanthium spinosum, included in the List of invasive species in AP Vojvodina, are also present. Lythrum salicaria is regarded as one of the 100 most dangerous invasive alien species in the world. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31016: Improvement of Forage Crops Production on Fields and Grasslands

  16. Biologically inspired control and modeling of (biorobotic systems and some applications of fractional calculus in mechanics

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    Lazarević Mihailo P.


    Full Text Available In this paper, the applications of biologically inspired modeling and control of (biomechanical (nonredundant mechanisms are presented, as well as newly obtained results of author in mechanics which are based on using fractional calculus. First, it is proposed to use biological analog-synergy due to existence of invariant features in the execution of functional motion. Second, the model of (biomechanical system may be obtained using another biological concept called distributed positioning (DP, which is based on the inertial properties and actuation of joints of considered mechanical system. In addition, it is proposed to use other biological principles such as: principle of minimum interaction, which takes a main role in hierarchical structure of control and self-adjusting principle (introduce local positive/negative feedback on control with great amplifying, which allows efficiently realization of control based on iterative natural learning. Also, new, recently obtained results of the author in the fields of stability, electroviscoelasticity, and control theory are presented which are based on using fractional calculus (FC. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 35006

  17. Numerical investigation on the convective heat transfer in a spiral coil with radiant heating

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    Đorđević Milan Lj.


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to numerically investigate the heat transfer in spiral coil tube in the laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow regimes. The Archimedean spiral coil was exposed to radiant heating and should represent heat absorber of parabolic dish solar concentrator. Specific boundary conditions represent the uniqueness of this study, since the heat flux upon the tube external surfaces varies not only in the circumferential direction, but also in the axial direction. The curvature ratio of spiral coil varies from 0.029 at the flow inlet to 0.234 at the flow outlet, while the heat transfer fluid is water. The 3-D steady-state transport equations were solved using the Reynolds stress turbulence model. Results showed that secondary flows strongly affect the flow and that the heat transfer is strongly asymmetric, with higher values near the outer wall of spiral. Although overall turbulence levels were lower than in a straight pipe, heat transfer rates were larger due to the curvature-induced modifications of the mean flow and temperature fields. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 42006

  18. Optimization of chemical composition in the manufacturing process of flotation balls based on intelligent soft sensing

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    Dučić Nedeljko


    Full Text Available This paper presents an application of computational intelligence in modeling and optimization of parameters of two related production processes - ore flotation and production of balls for ore flotation. It is proposed that desired chemical composition of flotation balls (Mn=0.69%; Cr=2.247%; C=3.79%; Si=0.5%, which ensures minimum wear rate (0.47 g/kg during copper milling is determined by combining artificial neural network (ANN and genetic algorithm (GA. Based on the results provided by neuro-genetic combination, a second neural network was derived as an ‘intelligent soft sensor’ in the process of white cast iron production. The proposed ANN 12-16-12-4 model demonstrated favourable prediction capacity, and can be recommended as a ‘intelligent soft sensor’ in the alloying process intended for obtaining favourable chemical composition of white cast iron for production of flotation balls. In the development of intelligent soft sensor data from the two real production processes was used. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR35037 i br. TR35015

  19. The incidence of Pyrenochaeta terrestris in root of different plant species in Serbia

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    Lević Jelena T.


    Full Text Available Root samples of cereals (oats, wheat, barley, maize and sorghum, vegetables (garlic, onion, pepper, cucumber, pumpkin, carrot and tomato, industrial plant (soya bean and weeds (Johnson grass, barnyard grass and green bristle-grass collected in different agroecological conditions in Serbia were analysed for the presence of Pyrenochaeta terrestris. The fungus was found in 42 out of 51 samples (82.4%, while the incidence varied from 2.5 to 72.5%. The highest incidence was detected in cereals (average 30.3%, and then in weeds of the Poaceae family (average 14.2%. Considering single species, maize (up to 72.5% in root and Johnson grass (up to 37.5% were mostly attacked by this fungus. The lowest incidence of the fungus was determined in vegetable crops (average 6.7%. Red to reddish discoloration of root was correlated with the incidence of the fungus. Obtained data indicate that P. terrestris is widespread in Serbia and conditions for its development are favourable. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31023

  20. Biosusceptibility of historical bricks from the Bač fortress: part I

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    Vidaković Ana M.


    Full Text Available The significance of the conservation of cultural heritage objects has led to a greater interest in the appearance of biocorrosion. The aim of this paper is to point out the correlation between the growth of fungi isolated from the fortress of Bač and the contact angle value of the bricks from the fortress in order to determine the brick susceptibility to biodegradation. Three types of bricks (red, yellow and roan and three isolates of Penicillium spp., as well as one isolate of Cladosporium sp., were used during the experiments. A suspension of fungi in soil extract solution was inflicted on the surface of the bricks and then the samples were incubated. The study showed that the red bricks with cut surface and the roan bricks with broken surface are the most susceptible to the biocorrosion process. Based on the obtained results, Cladosporium sp. can be considered as the most important biodeteriogenic factor on the bricks built in the walls of the Bač fortress. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III45008

  1. Adsorption isotherms of pear at several temperatures

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    Mitrevski Vangelče


    Full Text Available The moisture adsorption isotherms of pear were determined at 15ºC, 30ºC and 45ºC using the standard static gravimetric method over a range of water activity from 0.112 to 0.920. The experimental data were fitted with isotherm equations recommended in ASAE Standard D245.5. In order to find which equation gives the best results, large number of numerical experiments were performed. After that, several statistical criteria proposed in scientific literature for estimation and selection of the best sorption isotherm equations were used. For each equation and experimental data set, the average performance index was calculated and models were ranked afterwards. After that, some statistical rejection criteria were checked (D’Agostino-Pearson test of normality, single-sample run test and significance and precision of the model parameters. The performed statistical analysis shows that the Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB equation has the highest value of average performance index, but higher correlation between pair of parameters leads to lower precision of estimated parameters.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31058

  2. The influence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies from cows sera and cervical mucus on bull sperm motility

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    Lazarević Miodrag


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies (ASA from the sera and cervical mucus of cows on bulls sperm motility. A total of 64 cows was included in the study and samples of sera and cervical mucus were collected on the day of artificial insemination. Cows were of Busha breed or mix breed with Simmental. The presence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies was determined by indirect immunofluorescence method and according to these results, cows were divided in groups as follows: cows with high or low ASA titer in their sera and cows with high or low ASA titer in the cervical mucus. Influence of antisperm antibodies on sperm motility was further estimated by Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA. Results demonstrated a significant difference in the influence of antisperm antibodies depending on their origin and titer. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46002: Molecular genetic and ecophysiological researches on the protection of autochthonous animal resources, sustaining domestic animals’ welfare, health and reproduction, and safe food production

  3. Democratic values, emotions and emotivism

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    Vranić Bojan


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to explore the relation between democratic values and emotions. The author argues that democratic values and emotional judgments are inter-reducible: political agents use emotional judgments to reflexively evaluate normative paradigms of political life. In the first part of the paper, the author describes the state of emotions in contemporary political philosophy and identifies Charles Stevenson’s ethical conception of emotivism as the first comprehensive attempt to neutrally conceptualize emotions in moral and political thinking. The second part of the paper explores the shortcomings of emotivism and finds an adequate alternative in Martha Nussbaum’s concept of emotional judgment as the one that contains beliefs and values about social objects. In the final part of the paper, the author identifies that moral and political disagreements emerge in democracies from ranking of the importance of political objects. The evaluation criteria for this type of ranking is derived from democratic values which are reducible to agents’ emotional judgments. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179076

  4. Pecan (Carya illinoinensis/Wangenh./K. Koch: A new species of the Allochthonous dendroflora in Serbia

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    Bobinac Martin


    Full Text Available This paper presents the alien species Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh. K. Koch, carya-pecan, (Juglandaceae A. Richard ex Kunth that has not been mentioned so far in the dendroflora of Serbia. One tree was recorded within the first Serbian sugar factory in Čukarica that is now a protected cultural property in the City of Belgrade. The tree is about 35 years old and about 20 m high. The length of the trunk without branches is 6.0 m and the diameter at breast height is 57 cm. Carya-pecan is a native species of the southeastern part of North America, and is grown in Europe for edible fruits and quality wood. The recorded tree in Belgrade is fruitful and characterized by good vitality and rapid growth. Due to its special characteristics, it can have multiple practical application in the territory of Serbia for decoration in urban areas, for forest plantations and in orchards. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31041: Šumski zasadi u funkciji povećanja pošumljenosti Srbije

  5. The spatial planning, protection and management of world heritage in Serbia

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    Dobričić Milica


    Full Text Available The paper indicates the importance of spatial planning as a specific instrument for the protection and management of World Heritage sites in Serbia. The paper analyses the obligations set forth in the international and national documents and legislation relevant for spatial planning, on the one hand, and World Heritage protection, on the other hand. The notion, criteria, method of zoning, systems and approaches to the management of sites inscribed on the World Heritage List are shown through the concept of World Heritage. The paper also emphasizes the importance of adopting management plans for all World Heritage sites and their incorporation into the national legislation and planning documents, primarily into the special purpose area spatial plans. It also gives examples of special purpose spatial plans in order to consider the treatment of World Heritage in these documents, and to make proposals for improving the spatial planning and the existing protection and management of the World Heritage sites in Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR36016: Sustainable spatial development of Danubian Serbia

  6. Evaluation of the hexagonal and spherical model of vocational interests in the young people in Serbia and Bulgaria

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    Hedrih Vladimir


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to validate Holland’s hexagonal and Tracey’s spherical model of vocational interests in young adults in Serbia and Bulgaria. To this end, 1250 participants, 560 from Serbia and 690 from Bulgaria, filled in Serbian and Bulgarian versions of the Personal Globe Inventory (PGI, Tracey, 2002. Hubert and Arabie’s randomization test of hypothetical orders, multidimensional scaling with fixed coordinates, Myors test and exploratory factor analysis were used. The results showed that the hexagonal and spherical models well explained the structure of vocational interests in both samples. The level of fit of the hexagonal model to the data obtained by using the PGI was generally higher than those established in the studies that used other Holland-based instruments. Furthermore, the levels of fit of both hexagonal and spherical model were in the same range like those obtained in previous studies in other countries. The results also pointed out a remarkable similarity in the structure of vocational interests in the Bulgarian and Serbian samples. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179002

  7. Assessment of possible association between rs378854 and prostate cancer risk in the Serbian population

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    Brajušković G.


    Full Text Available Prostate cancer (PCa is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men worldwide. Despite its high incidence rate, the molecular basis of PCa onset and its progression remains little understood. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS have greatly contributed to the identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP associated with PCa risk. Several GWAS identified 8q24 as one of the most significant PCa-associated regions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of SNP rs378854 at 8q24 with PCa risk in the Serbian population. The study population included 261 individuals diagnosed with PCa, 257 individuals diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH and 106 healthy controls. Data quality analysis yielded results showing deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in groups of PCa patients and BPH patients as well as in the control group. There was no significant association between alleles and genotypes of the genetic variant rs378854 and PCa risk in the Serbian population. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173016

  8. Influenza A and B viruses in the population of Vojvodina, Serbia

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    Radovanov J.


    Full Text Available At present, two influenza A viruses, H1N1pdm09 and H3N2, along with influenza B virus co-circulate in the human population, causing endemic and seasonal epidemic acute febrile respiratory infections, sometimes with life-threatening complications. Detection of influenza viruses in nasopharyngeal swab samples was done by real-time RT-PCR. There were 60.2% (53/88 positive samples in 2010/11, 63.4% (52/82 in 2011/12, and 49.9% (184/369 in 2012/13. Among the positive patients, influenza A viruses were predominant during the first two seasons, while influenza B type was more active during 2012/13. Subtyping of influenza A positive samples revealed the presence of A (H1N1pdm09 in 2010/11, A (H3N2 in 2011/12, while in 2012/13, both subtypes were detected. The highest seroprevalence against influenza A was in the age-group 30-64, and against influenza B in adults aged 30-64 and >65. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31084

  9. Leaf structural adaptations of two Limonium miller (Plumbaginales, Plumbaginaceae taxa

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    Zorić Lana N.


    Full Text Available Limonium gmelinii (Willd. O. Kuntze 1891 subsp. hungaricum (Klokov Soó is Pannonian endemic subspecies that inhabits continental halobiomes, while Limonium anfractum (Salmon Salmon 1924 is one of the indicators of halophyte vegetation of marine rocks and its distribution is restricted to the southern parts of Mediterranean Sea coast. In this work, micromorphological and anatomical characters of leaves of these two Limonium taxa were analyzed, in order to examine their adaptations to specific environmental conditions on saline habitats. The results showed that both taxa exhibited strong xeromorphic adaptations that reflected in flat cell walls of epidermal cells, thick cuticle, high palisade/spongy tissue ratio, high index of palisade cells, the presence of sclereid idioblasts in leaf mesophyll and mechanical tissue by phloem and xylem. Both taxa are crynohalophytes and have salt glands on adaxial and abaxial epidermis for excretion of surplus salt. Relatively high dimensions of mesophyll cells, absence of non-glandular hairs and unprotected stomata slightly increased above the level of epidermal cells, are also adaptations to increased salinity. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173002

  10. Global financial reform since 2008: Achievements and shortcomings

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    Šoškić Dejan


    Full Text Available The global financial crisis that started in the U.S. had an immediate spillover to the rest of the world financial markets. Next, a decrease in real economic output throughout the developed world occurred simultaneously with high bailout costs for the salvaging of banks and other financial institutions. This vicious combination was at the core of the bank-sovereign interdependence and the sovereign debt crisis of the eurozone. As early as 2008, the G20 announced a thorough global reform agenda with an aim to tackle the root causes of the crises and to transform the system of global financial regulation. Some important reform steps have been made; still, more than six years on, the job is not finished. Where are we in terms of global financial reform, and are we close to creating a more secure global financial system significantly less prone to crisis and bailouts with taxpayers’ money? [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179005: Risks of Financial Institutions and Markets in Serbia - A Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Approach

  11. The comparative study of the structural and the electrical properties of the nano spinel ferrites prepared by the soft mehanochemical synthesis

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    Sekulić D.L.


    Full Text Available Nano spinel ferrites MFe2O4 (M=Ni, Mn, Zn were obtained by soft mechanochemical synthesis in a planetary ball mill. The appropriate mixture of oxide and hydroxide powders was used as initial compounds. All of this mixture of powders was mechanically activated, uniaxial pressed and sintered at 1100°C/2h. The phase composition of the powders and sintered samples were analyzed by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. Morphologies were examined by SEM. In this study, the AC-conductivity and DC-resistivity of sintered samples of MFe2O4 (M= Ni, Mn, Zn ferrites were measured at different frequencies and at room temperature. The values of the electrical conductivities show an increase with increasing temperature, which indicated the semiconducting behavior of the studied ferrites. The conduction phenomenon of the investigated samples could be explained on the basis of hopping model. The complex impedance spectroscopy analysis was used to study the effect of grain and grain boundary on the electrical properties of all three obtained ferrites [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45003

  12. Risk management of energy efficiency projects in the industry - sample plant for injecting pulverized coal into the blast furnaces

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    Jovanović Filip P.


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the applicability of well-known risk management methodologies in energy efficiency projects in the industry. The possibilities of application of the selected risk management methodology are demonstrated within the project of the plants for injecting pulverized coal into blast furnaces nos. 1 and 2, implemented by the company US STEEL SERBIA d.o.o. in Smederevo. The aim of the project was to increase energy efficiency through the reduction of the quantity of coke, whose production requires large amounts of energy, reduction of harmful exhaust emission and increase productivity of blast furnaces through the reduction of production costs. The project was complex and had high costs, so that it was necessary to predict risk events and plan responses to identified risks at an early stage of implementation, in the course of the project design, in order to minimise losses and implement the project in accordance with the defined time and cost limitations. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179081: Researching contemporary tendencies of strategic management using specialized management disciplines in function of competitiveness of Serbian economy

  13. Continuous improvement concepts as a link between quality assurance and implementation of cleaner production: Case study in the generic pharmaceutical industry

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    Boltić Zorana


    Full Text Available The subject and the research objective presented in this article is establishing of the relationship between quality assurance and implementation of cleaner production in the generic pharmaceutical industry through the comprehensive concept of continuous improvement. This is mostly related to application of Lean and Six Sigma tools and techniques for process improvement and their link to other known concepts used in the industrial environment, especially manufacturing of generic pharmaceutical products from which two representative case studies were selected for comparative analysis, also considering relevant regulatory requirements in the field of quality management, as well as appropriate quality standards. Although the methodology discussed in this conceptual and practice oriented article is strongly related to chemical engineering, the focus is mainly on process industry, i.e. production systems, rather than any specific technological process itself. The scope of this research is an engineering approach to evaluation of the production systems in terms of continuous improvement concepts application, considering both quality aspects and efficiency of such systems. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 34009

  14. Effect of long-term cyanide exposure on cyanide-sensitive respiration and phosphate metabolism in the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus

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    Stanić Marina


    Full Text Available The effects of long-term exposure (5 h of Phycomyces blakesleeanus mycelium to 5 mM KCN on respiration and phosphate metabolites were tested. Exposure to cyanide, antimycin A and azide lead to a decrease in the activity of cyanide-sensitive respiration (CSR, and the ratio of core polyphosphates (PPc and inorganic phosphates (Pi, which is a good indicator of the metabolic state of a cell. After 5 h of incubation, the activity of CSR returned to control values. For this, the recovery of cytochrome c oxidase (COX was required. In addition, the PPc/Pi ratio started to recover shortly after initiation of COX recovery, but never reached control values. This led us to conclude that the regulation of polyphosphate (PPn levels in the cell is tightly coupled to respiratory chain functioning. In addition, acutely applied cyanide caused two different responses, observed by 31P NMR spectroscopy, that were probably mediated through the mechanism of glycolytic oscillations, triggered by the effect of cyanide on mitochondria. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173040

  15. Analysis of pre-service and in-service views of evolution of Serbian teachers

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    Stanisavljević Jelena


    Full Text Available We analysed the potential differences between the conceptions of Serbian pre-service and in-service teachers using controlled parameters such as acceptance of the evolution theory. Our sample includes Primary School teachers as well as Secondary School teachers of Biology and of Language. We show that the ideas of pre-service (PreB and in-service biology teachers (InB are more evolutionary than those of their colleagues. In contrast, most creationist responses came from the groups of pre-service language (PreL and pre-service primary teachers (PreP. The agnostic teachers are more evolutionist than other teachers. The more a teacher believes in God and practices religion, the more creationist he or she is, but a great number of teachers who believe in God are evolutionist or simultaneously evolutionist and creationist. There is a positive correlation between evolutionist answers and the attitude that „Science and religion should be separated“, and „religion and politics should be separated“. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038 i br. III 43001

  16. Are the classical historical geography of the Byzantine world and Gis technology a contradiction? On the usage of contemporary technologies in the humanities

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    Popović St. Mihailo


    Full Text Available The article highlights the latest developments in the field of Digital Humanities. It indicates in which ways these technologies are already used in the historical and geographical science throughout the world and how they could be integrated systematically into Byzantine Studies. In the first part of the article international projects, which are based on GIS (Geographic Information Systems, and their links in the World Wide Web are presented. In the second part the author shows on the basis of his scholarly results on the historical geography of Byzantine Macedonia, how medieval written sources can be transferred into digital format in order to achieve a higher level of spatial data analysis. The neglect of this important and recent scholarly approach in the 21st century could lead to the marginalisation of Byzantine Studies in general, and of the historical geography of the Byzantine Empire in particular. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177015: Hrišćanska kultura na Balkanu u srednjem veku: Vizantijsko carstvo, Srbi i Bugari od 9. do 15. veka

  17. Challenges of torrential flood risk management in Serbia

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    Petrović Ana M.


    Full Text Available Torrential floods are the natural hydrological hazards manifesting as a consequence of extreme rainfall episodes which have a quick response from the watersheds of small areas, steep slopes and intensive soil erosion. Taking in consideration the nature of torrential flood (sudden and destructive occurrence and the fact they are the most frequent natural hazards in Serbia, torrential flood risk management is a real challenge. Instead of partial solutions for flood protection, integrated torrential flood risk management is more meaningful and effective. The key steps should be an improvement of the legal framework on national level and an expansion of technical and biological torrent control works in river basins. Consequences for society can be significantly reduced if there is an efficient forecast and timely warning, rescue and evacuation and if affected population is educated about flood risks and measures which can be undertaken in case of emergency situation. In this paper, all aspects of torrential flood risk management are analyzed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007 III

  18. On the strategy of prevention and protection against discrimination as the basic document of the state’s anti-discrimination policy

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    Mršević Zorica


    Full Text Available The article presents legal and political aspects of the Strategy of prevention of and protection against discrimination. This is a binding commitment from the state given to its citizens in relation to reaching certain goals, principally towards eliminating discrimination in social life. The main aim of the presentation is to highlight factors which are necessary to ensure the Strategy is efficient in combating a culture of intolerance; in identifying what is necessary in practice to tackle discrimination, particularly discrimination against unpopular groups; so that a culture of intolerance among state agencies and organizations of civil society would be replaced by culture of mutual respect and equal opportunities. The article considers all categories that may be protected against discrimination, such as women, LGBT persons, people with disabilities, Roma people, elderly people, children, refugees, national minorities, internally displaced persons and people whose health condition might be the ground of discrimination. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije: br. III 47010: Društvene transformacije u procesu evropskih integracija - multidisciplinarni pristup

  19. Solid and cystic pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas: A case report

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    Milošević Bojan Z.


    Full Text Available Introduction. Solid and cystic pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas is a rare tumor of the pancreas, for the first time described by Frantz et al. in 1959. The majority of patients are young females and most of them are asymptomatic. Case Outline. We report a case of 25-year old woman who was admitted to our institution with abdominal pain and a palpable mass in the left hypochondrial area. US and CT scan revealed a solid and cystic pseudopapillary tumor in the head of the pancreas. The patient was treated by Whipple procedure, modification Longmire-Traverso. There was no metastatic disease either in the liver or peritoneum. Histologically the tumor was diagnosed as a solid and cystic pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas. Conclusion. The unclear pre-operative diagnoses, together with incidence of potential malignancy as well as good outcome with resection, suggest that all suspected cystic tumors of the pancreas should be resected. The exact diagnosis is based on histological findings. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III41007 i br. III41010

  20. Storage temperature: A factor of shelf life of dairy products

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    Memiši Nurgin R.


    Full Text Available An experiment was designed to monitor the durability of certain dairy products stored at proper temperatures (8°C and elevated temperatures (14°C within their shelf life. Samples of fermented milk products were tested during 25 days, samples of cheese spread products over 80 days, while soft white cheese samples were analyzed during a storage period of 100 days. In the defined study periods, depending on the type of product, pH and aw value of the product, as well as sensory analysis (odor, taste, color and consistency, along with microbiological safety, were investigated. The investigations were performed in accordance with national legislation. The results indicate that the products stored at 14°C showed significant acidity (lower pH value, changed sensory properties, and had an increased number of aerobic bacteria. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46009: Improvement and development of hygienic and technological procedures in production of foodstuffs of animal origin with the aim of producing high-quality and safe products competitive on the global market

  1. The ability of fungus Mucor racemosus Fresenius to degrade high concentration of detergent

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    Jakovljević Violeta D.


    Full Text Available The ability of fungus Mucor racemosus Fresenius to decompose high concentration of commercial detergent (MERIX, Henkel, Serbia was investigated in this study. Fungus was cultivated in liquid growth medium by Czapek with addition of detergent at concentration 0.5% during 16 days. The biochemical changes of pH, redox potential, amount of free and total organic acids, and activity of alkaline phosphatase were evaluated by analysis of fermentation broth. Simultaneously, biodegradation percentage of anionic surfactant of tested detergent was confirmed by MBAS assay. At the same time, the influence of detergent on fungal growth and total dry weight biomass was determined. Detergent at concentration 0.5% influenced on decreasing of pH value and increasing of redox potential as well as increasing of free and total organic acids. Enzyme activity of alkaline phosphatase was reduced by detergent at concentration 0.5%. The fungus was decomposed about 62% of anionic surfactant during 16 day. Due to fungus was produced higher dry weight biomass (53% in relation to control. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 43004

  2. Spectroscopic study of an icon painted on wooden panel

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    Stojanović Sofija R.


    Full Text Available Russian icon painted on wooden panel analyzed in this work is interesting for art historians because there is no precise information in which workshops it was made or who the author was. Similar icons are often found in churches and monasteries in our region. In order to obtain information about materials used for creation of investigated icon two micro-analytical techniques were used: Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy (EDXRF and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Obtained results confirmed presence of following materials: lead-white, vermilion, minium, ultramarine, brown and green earth pigments and silver in combination with yellow organic varnish, which served to an iconographer for gilding. Ground layer was made of calcite. Blue pigment ultramarine was probably used for blue colour as well as for obtaining particulars hues in several parts of the paint layer. This can be important information for further research concerning particular workshop in which the icon was made. Identified materials are typical for Russian iconography of the 19th century. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI 177021 i OI 177012

  3. Time-related sex differences in cerebral hypoperfusion-induced brain injury

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    Stanojlović Miloš


    Full Text Available Although the model of cerebral hypoperfusion in rats has been a matter of many investigations over the years, the exact intracellular and biochemical mechanisms that lead to neuron loss and memory decline have not been clearly identified. In the current study, we examined whether cerebral hypoperfusion causes changes in hippocampal protein expression of apoptotic markers in the synaptosomal fraction and neurodegeneration in a time-dependent and sex-specific manner. Adult male and female Wistar rats were divided into two main groups, controls that underwent sham operation, and animals subjected to permanent bilateral occlusion of common carotid arteries. Both male and female rats were killed 3, 7 or 90 days following the insult. The obtained results indicate that the peak of processes that lead to apoptosis occured on postoperative day 7 and that they were more prominent in males, indicating that neuroprotective effects of certain substances (planned for future experiments, should be tested at this time point. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173044 i br. 41014

  4. Popliteal artery injury following traumatic knee joint dislocation in a 14-year-old boy: A case report and review of the literature

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    Cvetković Slobodan


    Full Text Available Introduction. Posterior knee joint dislocation associated with injury of the popliteal artery in children is an extremely rare condition. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are essential for limb salvage and function. Case report. We reported a 14-year-old boy who suffered traumatic displacement of the right knee and contusion of the popliteal artery during motorcycle accident. The diagnosis was confirmed using Doppler and duplex ultrasonography and digital substraction transfemoral arteriography. The urgent surgical procedure was performed using posterior approach to the popliteal artery. During the surgical exploration, rupture of the posterior cruciate ligament associated with thrombosed popliteal artery have been found. The damaged popliteal artery was resected and replaced with autologous saphenous vein graft. The last stage of the procedure was a transosseous femoral fixation of posterior circuate ligament. A 3-year-follow-up after the surgery demonstrated intact arterial perfusion and very good function of the knee with a minimal difference as compared with the contralateral knee. Conclusion. Combined orthopedic and vascular injuries are very rare in children. They require combined treatment. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175008

  5. Ecophysiological and biochemical traits of three herbaceous plants growing on the disposed coal combustion fly ash of different weathering stage

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    Gajić Gordana


    Full Text Available The ecophysiological and biochemical traits of Calamagrostis epigejos (Roth. Festuca rubra L. and Oenothera biennis L. growing on two fly ash lagoons of different weathering stage (L1-3 years and L2-11 years of the “Nikola Tesla- A” thermoelectric plant (Obrenovac, Serbia were studied. Species-dependent variations were observed at the L1 lagoon; the greatest vitality (Fv/Fm and Fm/Fo followed by higher photopigment and total phenolic contents were measured in O. biennis in relation to C. epigejos (p<0.001 and F. rubra (p<0.001. At the L2 site, higher vitality was found in O. biennis (p<0.001 and F. rubra (p<0.01 compared to C. epigejos. O. biennis had the highest photosynthetic capacity. The results obtained in this study indicate that all examined species maintained a level of photosynthesis that allowed them to survive and grow under the stressful conditions in ash lagoons, albeit with lower than optimal success. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173018

  6. Incompatible pollen tubes in the plum style and their impact on fertilization success

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    Đorđević Milena


    Full Text Available The pistils of plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. ‘Čačanska Lepotica’ were self- and cross-pollinated in order to investigate occurrence of incompatible pollen tubes in the style, and their impact on fertilization success. The investigation also included open pollination variant. The highest percentage of these stopped the growth in the upper third of the style. Under cross-pollination variant, 15.4% and 12.1% of pollen tubes observed in the upper part of the style in the first and the second years of study, respectively, were found incompatible. In view of the above parameters, in the self- pollination variant, 15.0% and 17.0% of pollen tubes were found incompatible by years. As for the open pollination, percentages of incompatible pollen tubes in the upper part of the style by years were 14.0% and 14.4%, respectively. The occurrence of incompatible pollen tubes did not influence the fertilization success in these pollination variants. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31064-Development and preservation of genetic potential of temperate zone fruits

  7. Temporal changes of beryllium-7 and lead-210 in ground level air in Serbia

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    Janković Marija M.


    Full Text Available 7Be, 210Pb and 137Cs activity concentrations in ground level air at five monitoring stations (MS Vinča, Zeleno Brdo, Zaječar, Vranje and Zlatibor in Serbia were determined during the period from May 2011. to September 2012., as part of the project monitoring of Serbia. Activity of the radionuclides in air was determined on an HPGe detector (Canberra, relative efficiency 20 % by standard gamma spectrometry. Concentrations of cosmogenic 7Be, ranged from 1.5 to 8.8 mBq m-3 and exhibit maxima in the spring/summer period. The maximum concentrations for 210Pb were generally obtained in the fall for all investigated locations, and concentrations were in range 3.6 - 30 × 10-4 Bq m-3. The activity concentrations of anthropogenic 137Cs in ground level air, during the observed period, were at level 0.3 - 8 μBq m-3. The variations in 7Be/210Pb activity ratio for the investigated stations are also presented. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III43009

  8. Phenotypic diversity of basic characteristics of genotypes from the Serbia onion collection

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    Gvozdanović-Varga Jelica


    Full Text Available The onion is a widely distributed vegetable crop, which takes an important place in the vegetable production in Serbia. The traditional planting method is the one from sets. Old cultivars and populations and, in recent years, foreign cultivars are grown. The large variety of genotypes, including both domestic populations and cultivars, comprises the significant gene pool of this region. The onion collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad is based on the populations and cultivars from the territory of the former Yugoslavia. This paper reviews 30 onion genotypes on the basic IPGRI descriptors (ANNEX I. Variability of the reviewed characteristics was determined by PC analysis. High variability values have been established for bulb skin color, bulb flesh color, bulb hearting and bulb skin thickness. The genotypes varied in bulb skin color as well as in bulb flesh color from white to dark violet. These two characteristics had the largest impact on clustering, with a single genotype being heterogeneous exactly for these two characteristics. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31030

  9. The identification and quantification of bioactive compounds from the aqueous extract of comfrey root by UHPLC-DAD-HESI-MS method and its microbial activity

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    Savić Vesna Lj.


    Full Text Available In this study the qualitative, quantitative and microbial determination of the aqueous extract of comfrey root was done. The qualitative and quantitative analyses were done by the UHPLC-DAD-HESI-MS method. As major bioactive compounds, allantoin, rosmarinic acid and ellagic acid were identified and their quantification was also done. The obtained results showed a high content of allantoin, ellagic acid and rosmarinic acid (8.91, 7.4 and 12.8%, respectively which indicated that the comfrey root can be used as a source for the isolation of these three compounds. The results obtained by the determination of the antimicrobial activity showed that Escherichia coli ATCC8739 and Salmonela typhimirium ATCC6538 were most sensitive to the aqueous extract of comfrey root. The results showed that allantoin did not express the antimicrobial activity on all the investigated bacteria species, and based on this it can be concluded that allantoin is not responsible for the antimicrobial activity of the aqueous extract of comfrey root. [Projekat Ministrstva nauke Republike Srbije, br TR-34012

  10. K programové a ideové orientaci republikánské strany v druhém desetiletí Československé republiky

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Harna, Josef


    Roč. 7, - (2007), s. 401-410 ISSN 1213-6271 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA409/05/2056 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80150510 Keywords : political parties * Czechoslovak history Subject RIV: AB - History

  11. Kromium, Timbal, dan Merkuri dalam Air Sumur Masyarakat di Sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah

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    Taufik Ashar


    Full Text Available Tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA sampah domestik dengan sistem penampungan terbuka sangat berisiko mencemari air tanah milik warga yang bermukim di sekitarnya melalui proses perlindian. Untuk mengetahui kandungan logam berat dalam air tanah di sekitar TPA, sebanyak 68 sampel air sumur gali (45 sumur Dusun I dan 23 sumur Dusun IV dari Desa Namobintang Kecamatan Pancurbatu Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara, telah dianalisis dengan inductively couple plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Hubungan jarak sumur dengan konsentrasi kromium, merkuri, dan timbal diuji dengan Mann-Whitney, Spearman’s Correlation dan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi kromium, timbal, dan merkuri (rerata ± deviasi standar, mg/L masing-masing 0,036 ± 0,0096; 0,0003 ± 0,00018; dan 0,005 ± 0,0041 (Dusun I; 0,0370 ± 0,0115; 0,00026 ± 0,00013; dan 0,0070 ± 0,0069 (Dusun IV. Dari 68 sumur yang dianalisis, hanya ada 8 sumur yang konsentrasi timbalnya melebihi batas menurut Peraturan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 492/Per/IV/2010. Sementara itu, tidak ada korelasi jarak sumur gali ke TPA dengan konsentrasi kromium, merkuri, dan timbal dalam air sumur gali tersebut. Disimpulkan bahwa perlindian sampah di Namobintang tidak mencemari air sumur-sumur gali yang berjarak 84 meter atau lebih dari TPA. Dumping site of domestic wastes has potential risk to contaminate groundwater of the surrounding population through leaching process. To determine heavy metals (chromium, lead, and mercury in groundwater at surrounding dumping site, a total of 68 dig well water samples (45 from Hamlet I and 23 from Hamlet IV of Namobintang Village, Pancurbatu Sub-District of Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, were analyzed using Inductively Couple Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. The relationship between the dig well distance and chromium, mercury, and lead content was tested by Mann-Whitney, Spearman’s Correlation and Simple Linier

  12. Potato Cyst Nematode in East Java: Newly Infected Areas and Identification

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    Happy Cahya Nugrahana


    Full Text Available Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN, Globodera rostochiensis has noted to be a devastated pest on potato in Indonesia. It is listed as the A2 pest by Plant Quarantine of Republik Indonesia, and it was also being a highly concerned plant parasitic nematode species worlwide. Therefore, both intensive and extensive surveys should be done to monitor the spread of PCN, especially in East Java as one of the centre of potato plantations in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to study the distribution of PCN in four potato plantations in East Java, i.e. Batu, Magetan, Probolinggo, and Pasuruan which were located between 1,205 to 2,063 m above the sea level. Extraction and isolation of cysts from soil samples was done using Baunacke method, and it was followed by identification of the nematodes using morphological and molecular approaches according to Baldwin and Mundo-Ocampo. The results showed that PCN was found on all sampling sites, i.e. Batu (Sumber Brantas, Jurang Kuali, Tunggangan, Junggo, Brakseng; Magetan (Dadi, Sarangan, Singolangu; Probolinggo (Tukul, Pandansari, Ledokombo, Sumberanom, Wonokerto, Ngadas, Pasuruan (Wonokerto, Tosari, Ledoksari, Ngadiwono. Magetan and Pasuruan were noted as new infested areas in East Java. Both morphological and molecular methods showed that the species found on all sites was Globodera rostochiensis.   Intisari Nematoda Sista Kentang (NSK, Globodera rostochiensis telah tercatat sebagai hama yang menghancurkan tanaman kentang di Indonesia. NSK terdaftar sebagai Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Karantina golongan A2 oleh Badan Karantina Pertanian Republik Indonesia, dan juga merupakan spesies nematoda parasit tanaman yang sangat merugikan di seluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu, baik survei intensif maupun ekstensif harus dilakukan untuk memantau penyebaran NSK, terutama di Jawa Timur sebagai salah satu sentra tanaman kentang di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari distribusi NSK pada empat daerah sentra

  13. Pengaruh Anggaran Waktu Audit, Kompleksitas Dokumen Audit dan Pengalaman Auditor terhadap Pertimbangan Audit Sampling pada Badan Pemeriksaan Keuangan (Bpk) Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Provinsi Aceh


    Nadirsyah, Nadirsyah; Indriani, Mirna; Usman, Iskandar


    This research is done at BPK branch office Aceh Province which aim to know the influence of time budget audit, complexsity of audit document and audit experience toward judgement audit sampling either simultaneously or partially. Responden of this research is auditors at BPK branch office Aceh Province. The objective of this research is to be able to seek the causality between the time budget audit, complexsity of audit document and audit experience toward judgement audit sampling wi...

  14. Population growth, technological development and meeting the energy need in Africa. Bevoelkerungswachstum, technologische Entwicklung und Energiebedarfsdeckung in Afrika; Fallstudien am Beispiel der Republik Kamerun

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mabe, J.E.


    To show the specific energy problems in the African countries, the author of this book starts from a global dimension. He uses political field analysis in order to emphasize the basic problems of Cameroon's energy policy. In his opinion, most of the problems of developing countries are caused by an insufficient energy supply. Due to lacking financial means and an immature technology, some of them can neither afford to import petroleum nor to utilize existing energy sources. Therefore, they depend on using wood. Cameroon has several sorts of energy resources which, however, are not being utilized sufficiently. The author tries this to find out to which degree the growth of the population and industrialisation cause the energy need of Cameroon to rise. (orig.)

  15. Drug-related problems in patients with osteoporosis

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    Ilić Darko


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Drug-related problems are especially frequent among patients suffering from non-communicable diseases, like osteoporosis, leading to suboptimal treatment response. The aim of this study was to identify drug-related problems in patients with osteoporosis. Methods. This cross-sectional prospective study was conducted in January 2014 on outpatients with osteoporosis from three health facilities in Belgrade, Serbia. The patients included in the study were older than 50 years, and they were offered an anonymous questionnaire with open-ended questions. Results. There were 355 study participants, 329 (92.7% females and 26 (7.3% males. The patients who experienced at least one osteoporotic fracture (n = 208 were significantly less adherent to the therapy, less engaged in sports and regular physical activities, and more prone to nutrition with inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D than patients without fractures (n = 147. Conclusion. The effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment is decreased by several drug-related problems encountered by both physicians and patients. However, the majority of the drug-related problems could be greatly influenced by appropriate educational programs. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175007

  16. Implementasi Kebijakan Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 di SDN Kauman 1 Malang dan SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang

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    . Mulyadin


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Implementasi Kebijakan Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 di SDN Kauman 1 Malang dan SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pembelajaran tematik terpadu yang dilihat dari perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, penilaian hasil pembelajaran, dan pengawasan pembelajaran di SDN Kauman 1 Malang dan SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan dibantu menggunakan data statistitik dengan rancangan penelitian deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari hasil kuesioner dan wawancara pada responden dan observasi pelaksanaan pembelajarannya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Kurikulum dan Guru. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian bahwa implementasi kebijakan pembelajaran tematik terpadu kurikulum 2013 di SDN Kauman 1 Malang dan SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang sudah dikategorikan baik, hal ini dilihat dari aspek penguasaan, pemahaman dan kemampuan guru dalam proses perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan penilaian hasil belajar begitupun pada proses pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah sudah berjalan maksimal sesuai dengan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya seperti yang ada pada Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Permendikbud Republik Indonesia Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu dan Kurikulum 2013

  17. Quality parameters and pattern recognition methods as a tool in tracing regional origin of multifloral honey

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    Lazarević Kristina B.


    Full Text Available The characterization of multifloral honey regarding the mineral composition, sugar content and basic physicochemical properties has been done. The total of 164 honey samples was collected from six regions of Serbia during 2009 harvesting season. Univariate data analysis (descriptive statistics and analysis of variance, geographic information system and pattern recognition methods (principal component analysis and cluster analysis have been performed in order to identify geographical origin of honey. The content of Mg, K, and Cu, electrical conductivity, and optical rotation were established as useful indicators in tracing regional differences between honey samples. Samples originated from Zlatibor region were clearly distinguished from those from the rest of Serbia showing higher K and Mg content, as well as higher values of optical rotation, electrical conductivity, and free acidity. The influence of the soil composition, and climate conditions, as well as the presence of particular flora on the honey composition is stressed out. The modeling of geographic origin of honey has been attempted by the means of linear discriminant analysis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172017 and 451-03-2372-IP i FP7 RegPot project FCUB ERA GA No. 256716

  18. Ethanol fermentation of molasses by Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells immobilized onto sugar beet pulp

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    Vučurović Vesna M.


    Full Text Available Natural adhesion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae onto sugar beet pulp (SBP is a very simple and cheap immobilization method for retaining high cells density in the ethanol fermentation system. In the present study, yeast cells were immobilized by adhesion onto SBP suspended in the synthetic culture media under different conditions such as: glucose concentration (100, 120 and 150 g/l, inoculum concentration (5, 10 and 15 g/l dry mass and temperature (25, 30, 35 and 40°C. In order to estimate the optimal immobilization conditions the yeast cells retention (R, after each immobilization experiment was analyzed. The highest R value of 0.486 g dry mass yeast /g dry mass SBP was obtained at 30°C, glucose concentration of 150 g/l, and inoculum concentration of 15 g/l. The yeast immobilized under these conditions was used for ethanol fermentation of sugar beet molasses containing 150.2 g/l of reducing sugar. Efficient ethanol fermentation (ethanol concentration of 70.57 g/l, fermentation efficiency 93.98% of sugar beet molasses was achieved using S. cerevisiae immobilized by natural adhesion on SBP. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31002

  19. Probleme mit „Modernisierung als Interpretationsrahmen von sozialer Arbeit und ‚Mütterlichkeit‘“ Problems with “Modernisierung als Interpretationsrahmen von sozialer Arbeit und ‘Mütterlichkeit’” (Modernization as Interpretive Structure for Social Work and ‘Motherliness’

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    Brita Rang


    Full Text Available Unverändert ist das bereits 1986 von Christoph Sachße vorgelegte Buch nun ein drittes Mal, allerdings in einem anderen Verlag erschienen. Gegenstand ist die Entstehung der modernen beruflichen Sozialarbeit, die – so die These –, aus einer Verbindung von bürgerlich-kommunaler Wohlfahrtspflege und bürgerlich-konservativer Frauenbewegung hervorging. Deren ethisches Konzept der ‚geistigen Mütterlichkeit‘ habe jedoch von Beginn an in einem Spannungsverhältnis zur zunehmenden Verberuflichung und Bürokratisierung der sozialen Arbeit im Ersten Weltkrieg und der Weimarer Republik gestanden.Christoph Sachße’s 1986 work has been published for the third time in an unaltered form, albeit with a different publisher. The object of study is the origin of modern occupational social work that—according to the thesis—developed from the alliance of middle-class/municipal welfare work and the middle-class/conservative women’s movement. Their ethical concept of ‘spiritual motherliness’, however, maintained a tense relationship to the increasing bureaucratization of social work and the incorporation thereof as a mode of occupation during World War I and the Weimar Republic.

  20. Determination of phenolic acids in seeds of black cumin, flax, pomegranate and pumpkin and their by-products

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    Krimer-Malešević Vera M.


    Full Text Available Ten phenolic acids, contained in the seeds of black cumin (Nigella sativa L., flax (Linum usitatissimum L., pomegranate (Punica granatum L. and pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. and their oil industry by-products, separated into the free, esterified, and insoluble-bound forms, were quantitatively analysed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector. The chromatographic data were interpreted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA. The PCA model with three principal components (PC1-PC2-PC3 fitted well with 12 examined plant samples, allowing their division into groups according to their origin. The total phenolic variables could be represented by two PCs and for the pattern recognition of the analysed samples, 13 phenolic variables are sufficient, including: free, esterified and insoluble-bound forms of gallic and syringic acids, free vanillic, insoluble bound p-coumaric, esterified p-hydroxybenzaldehide, and free and insoluble-bound forms of p-hydroxybenzoic and trans-synapic acids. This might have potential application in simplified screening of phenolic compounds in seeds and their oil industry by-products or in food component analysis or authenticity detection in such plant materials.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46010