
Sample records for rep argentina depositos

  1. ¿Por qué no la Segunda República Argentina?

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El autor analiza en este artículo el proceso de Reforma Constitucional que se está desarrollando en Argentina. Teniendo en cuenta la coyuntura actual del régimen político, el desarollo de este proceso de reforma y los cambios previstos que van a resultar de esta «Refundación de la República» el autor apunta las posibilidades y problemas que estos datos permiten vislumbrar.ABSTRACT: In this article, the author analyzes the present process of Constitutional Reform in Argentina. Studying the current moment of argentinian political regime, the development of this reform process and possible changes of this «Republic Refoundation» the author points out the possibilities and problems that this information indicates.

  2. Desain Premi dan Manfaat Asuransi Deposito

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    Said Kelana Asnawi


    Full Text Available Paper ini memuat desain penentuan premi asuransi deposito dengan mempertimbangkan pinalti bagi perilaku moral hazard dan memberikan sanggahan teoritis terhadap pendapat yang meragukan kebaikan asuransi deposito. Sanggahan ini didasarkan pada desain premi jika mempertimbangkan pinalti bagi perilaku moral hazard. Sanggahan ini merujuk pada manfaat asuransi berupa penurunan penarikan serta laba bank yang positip dan manfaat sosial yang diperoleh pemerintah. Key Word: asuransi deposito, incentive compatible plan, moral hazard, camel rating, Option Theory-Jump Process, Benefit Sosial Pemerintah

  3. Leptospirosis porcina: prevalencia serológica en establecimientos productores de la República Argentina


    Petrakovsky M, Jessica; Tinao, Julio; Esteves M, Jorge


    RESUMENObjetivo. Detectar la presencia de anticuerpos contra Leptospira sp en cerdos que no presentaban sintomatología clínica, pertenecientes a establecimientos de producción porcina ubicados en todo el territorio de la República Argentina. Materiales y métodos. La asignación de predios y muestras se realizó en forma proporcional a los registrados en cada provincia a lo largo de todo el país. En total se estudiaron 1.524 predios, de los cuales se tomaron 19.872 muestras de suero y en la prim...

  4. Perilaku Konsumsi Upaya Meningkatkan Potensi Produk Deposito di Bank Syariah

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    Tri Mulanto


    Full Text Available Perbankan syari’ah saat ini telah memiliki payung hukum yang kuat dengan hadirnya undang-undang nomor 21 tahun 2008 tentang perbankan syari’ah. Hal ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap eksistensi dari perbankan syari’ah yang semakin diminati oleh banyak kalangan.Bank syari’ah membutuhkan dana dalam menjalankan produk pembiayaannya. Deposito merupakan salah satu produk penghimpunan di bank syariah. Deposito di bank syariah terus mengalami pertumbuhan. Walaupun demikian bank syariah tetap harus meningkatkan produk deposito, untuk mencapai market share 5 persen. Untuk meningkatkan volume deposito bank syariah perlu memahami bentuk perilaku konsumsi masyarakat. Dari data yang ada kontribusi dana pihak ketiga bank syariah diberikan oleh produk deposito sebesar 71,15 persen.Penulisan ini menggunakan jenis deskriptif kualitatif, Batasan dalam tulisan ini difokuskan pada produk deposito di bank syari’ah perilaku konsumen.Tulisan ini menggunakan studi pustaka kajian dari berbagai sumber. Hasil dari tulisan ini bahwa deposito di bank syariah terus mengalami perkembangan, pada tahun 2015 pertumbuhan deposito di bank syariah mencapai 4,12 persen. Perilaku konsumsi memiliki banyak faktor dan bisa memberi pengaruh terhadap peningkatan produk deposito di bank syariah. Sehingga bank syariah perlu memahami perilaku konsumsi masyarakat dalam upaya meningkatkan potensi pengembangan produk deposito di bank syariah.potensi pengembangan produk pembiayaan mudharabah di bank syari’ah masih sangat besar.Potensi pengembangan produk deposito masih sangat besar dan sangat luas. Bank of Shariah now has a solid legal with the presence of the law number 21 in 2008 about Bank of Shariah.  This adversely affects the existence of the Shari'ah Bank that increasingly catches interest many people. Bank of Shari'ah requires funds in running financing products. Deposits are ones’ product accumulation in Islamic banks. Deposits in Islamic banks continued to grow

  5. El montaje de la transición argentina. Un análisis de los films La República perdida, La República perdida II y Evita, quien quiera oír que oiga

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    Paola Judith Margulis


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se propone reconstruir una zona de la historia del documental argentino a partir del abordaje de tres films que tuvieron un alto impacto en Argentina hacia la transición democrática: La República perdida (Miguel Pérez, 1983, su secuela La República perdida II (Miguel Pérez, 1986 y Evita, quien quiera oír que oiga (Eduardo Mignogna, 1984. Dada la importancia de estos films -tanto en términos políticos como de impacto en el público-, intentaremos situarlos en contexto y analizar algunos aspectos inherentes a su lógica fílmica.

  6. Alejandro Bunge y el problema de la vivienda obrera en la República Argentina (1910-1915

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    Jorge A. Núñez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende indagar, a partir del estudio de la figura del economista Alejandro Bunge, en la problemática de la vivienda obrera en la República Argentina en las primeras décadas de la pasada centuria. Aquí se argumentará que los estudios realizados porAlejandro Bunge como director de la División Estadísticas del Departamento Nacional de Trabajo en el período 1910-1915 contribuyeron de manera notable a la elaboración del proyectoy posterior sanción de la Ley de Casas Baratas para Obreros (n°9677.

  7. Mapa educativo nacional. Una experiencia en la República Argentina

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    Horacio Rodolfo Bozzano


    Full Text Available El Proyecto Mapa Educativo Nacional (MEN es un SIG generado a partir del desarrollo e integración de 24 Mapas Educativos Provinciales sobre la base de un modelo conceptual general, con una visión dinámica de los 49.000 establecimientos educativos, así como de su contexto territorial. Los objetivos del trabajo son: a sistematizar los aportes al Proyecto MEN desde la teoría cartográfica, reconociendo instancias de concepción, construcción y comunicación de los mapas que lo integran, así como vinculaciones entre territorio, espacio y espacialidades emergentes de la concreción de la tarea; y b identificar en qué medida la concreción del Proyecto MEN en la República Argentina contribuye a fortalecer un enfoque dialéctico conocimiento-realidad sobre el territorio y la gestión aplicado a un objeto de estudio e intervención concreto de desarrollo institucional, con el propósito de promover un círculo virtuoso de transformación entre sujetos de cambio y agentes de desarrollo.

  8. UNA virus: first report of human infection in Argentina Virus UNA: primeiro registro de infecção em humanos na República Argentina

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    Luis Adrián Diaz


    Full Text Available Una virus (UNAV, Togaviridae family, is widely distributed in South America, where infections have been detected in mosquitoes and vertebrate hosts (humans, birds and horses. We analyzed human sera from Córdoba inhabitants aged 44 to 89 years and using a neutralization test, we found a prevalence of UNAV antibodies of 3.8% (3/79. The low titers detected suggest past infections probably acquired in rural areas of the Province of Córdoba (central Argentina. None sera were found positive for MAYV neutralizing antibodies. This is the first report of human infections by UNAV in Argentina.O virus Una (Togaviridae tem ampla distribuição na América do Sul, detectando-se infecções até hoje em mosquitos e hospedeiros vertebrados (humanos, aves e cavalos. Mediante a realização do teste de neutralização em soros humanos provenientes de indivíduos entre 44 e 89 anos, da cidade de Córdoba, foi detectada uma prevalência de 3,8% (3/79 de anticorpos para o vírus UNA. Nenhum soro apresentou anticorpos para o vírus Mayaro. Os títulos foram baixos demonstrando-se a presença de infecção passada. Dados epidemiológicos indicam que a infecção ocorreu em áreas rurais da província de Córdoba (centro da Argentina. Os dados aqui expostos representam o primeiro registro de infecção de humanos por vírus Una na República Argentina.

  9. Nuevos registros de hongos entomopatógenos en acridios (Orthoptera: Acridoidea de la República Argentina

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    Sebastian A. PELIZZA


    Full Text Available Los acridios (tucuras y langostas continúan ocasionando pérdidas económicas en la agricultura a nivel mundial. En Argentina, la importancia de estos insectos ha sido reconocida desde mediados del siglo XIX, dependiendo de la región considerada y en relación al progresivo desarrollo agropecuario en el país. Los hongos son los microorganismos parásitos de insectos más frecuentemente encontrados en la naturaleza y la mayoría de las investigaciones con hongos entomopatógenos se ha centrado en su desarrollo como bioplaguicidas. En el presente trabajo se dan a conocer cinco registros nuevos de Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv. Vuill., y dos de Entomophaga grylli (Fresen. A. Batko que se encontraron afectando distintas especies de acridios; se amplía así la distribución geográfica y el espectro hospedador para estas especies fúngicas. Cabe destacar que con el aporte de estos siete registros nuevos, el número total de hongos entomopatógenos de acridios citados para la República Argentina se eleva de 22 a 29.

  10. Categorización del estado de conservación de las lagartijas y anfisbenas de la República Argentina

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    Quinteros, Andrés Sebastián


    Full Text Available Luego de la elaboración de la primera lista roja de la herpetofauna de la República Argentina, realizada en el año 2000, son numerosos los cambios y estudios efectuados en los diferentesgrupos de saurios de la Argentina. Si bien hay avances realizados en todas las ramas de la biología relacionadas a las lagartijas, los progresos taxonómicos y ecológicos son los más evidentes. Debido a estos progresos, y a la implementación de sustanciales modificaciones conrespecto a la metodología que se utilizara en el año 2000, un grupo de veintisiete especialistas de diferentes instituciones académicas de la Argentina aportaron información biológica, ecológica, geográfica y taxonómica en un taller que permitió reevaluar el estado de conservación de las 256 especies de lagartijas y anfisbenas de la Argentina. Los resultados obtenidos indicanque setenta y ocho especies se encuentran incluidas en la lista roja (una En Peligro, nueve Amenazadas y 68 Vulnerables, 31 Insuficientemente Conocidas y 147 No Amenazadas. Con respecto a la categorización anterior de la AHA, se agregaron 94 especies, de las cuales 87 son nuevos taxa, cuatro revalidadas, y otras tres especies fueron incorporadas a la fauna argentina. Asimismo cinco especies fueron extraídas del listado de la fauna de la República Argentina. En comparación con los resultados obtenidas en la categorización del año 2000, observamos que el número de especies Amenazadas se incrementó de cinco a nueve especies y de siete a 68 especies como Vulnerable, incluyendo a los géneros Phymaturus y Anisolepis. Asimismo, se categorizó como Insuficientemente Conocida a 31 especies contra 108 del año 2000. Estos resultados son en parte debido al incremento en el conocimiento sistemático, biológico, ecológico y biogeográficos de las lagartijas y anfisbenas de la Argentina, por el cambio radical de la metodología utilizada y también por los efectos de la presión antrópica sobre las especies

  11. provincia de Buenos Aires (República Argentina

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    Rubén Alberto Cervini


    Full Text Available En el estudio que se informa se investigaron las relaciones entre progreso de aprendizaje (valor agregado, motivación y autoconcepto académico del alumno en Matemática, en el marco de los efectos de las características socioeconómicas y académicas del alumno y de su escuela. Para la medición del valor agregado se utilizaron los resultados de dos pruebas estandarizadas de Matemática aplicadas a una cohorte de alumnos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (República Argentina en dos momentos diferentes (séptimo y noveno años de Educación General Bási ca - EGB. Las mediciones de motivación y de autoconcepto se basaron en respuestas a ítemes binarios de actitudes con respecto a Ma temática y fueron definidas utilizando el análisis de la componente prin - cipal, a partir de la matriz de correlación tetracórica (método heurístico. Para el análisis de las correlaciones se utilizó la téc nica estadística de modelos multinivel. El presente estudio relaciona los resultados empíricos con la teoría del habitus de Bourdieu. Inicialmente, el autoconcepto resulta significativa y positivamente asociado con el puntaje en la prueba y con el progreso de aprendizaje posterior. Este efecto continúa siendo significati vo aun cuando se controlan los efectos del nivel socioeconómi - co y del género del alumno. Sin embargo, su capacidad ex plicativa es muy tenue desde el punto de vista práctico. Si bien este resultado confirmaría la hipótesis central de la teoría de la reproducción, indica un sendero a través del cual podrían producirse transformaciones. Uno de los desafíos del sistema educativo es promover el habitus escolar cultivado (autoconcepto más allá de las determinaciones sociales, culturales y económicas.

  12. Analisis Pengaruh Monetary Policy Shock Terhadap Jumlah Deposito Perbankan Islam Dalam Sistem Perbankan Ganda: Studi Kasus Indonesia Dan Malaysia

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    Ade Mutiah


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin menguji secara empiris, apakah perilaku nasabah perbankan Islam di Indonesia dan di Malaysia terpengaruh oleh kebijakan moneter yang dikeluarkan oleh bank sentral pada masingmasing negara. Selain itu, apakah negara dengan karakteristik ekonomi dan kebijakan yang hampir sama – Indonesia dan Malaysia -, akan menghasilkan perilaku nasabah terhadap deposito perbankan Islam yang sama atau tidak. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yang pertama , metode ekonometrika VAR (Vector Auto Regression yang bila terjadi kointegrasi pada data yang stasioner di 1st difference akan dilanjutkan pada VECM (Vector Error Correction Models dan yang kedua, analisis elastisitas permintaan deposito perbankan Islam terhadap variabel-variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini pada periode Januari 2005 sampai dengan Desember 2009. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa dalam jangka panjang variabel moneter di Indonesia berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap deposito perbankan Islam. Berbeda dengan di Malaysia di mana variable moneter tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap deposito perbankan Islam. Begitupun hasil analisis elastisitas permintaan deposito perbankan Islam di kedua negara. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa deposito perbankan Islam di Indonesia lebih sensitif terhadap perubahan kebijakan moneter, dibandingkan dengan yang ada di Malaysia.JEL Classifications : E41, E52, G21.Keywords : Kebijakan Moneter; Deposito; Perbankan Islam; VECM; Elastisitas.

  13. Homonota fasciata Duméril y Bibron, 1839 (Reptilia, Squamata, Phyllodactylidae. Primer registro para la provincia de Corrientes (República Argentina

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    Falcione, Camila


    Full Text Available Homonota fasciata Duméril & Bibron, 1839. República Argentina, Provincia de Corrientes, Departamento Bella Vista, Cuarta Sección, Colonia Progreso, Loma Sur, Toropí (28°35'55" S; 59°03'38" W (Figura 1. Colectores: Eduardo Etchepare, María del Rosario Ingaramo, Camila Falcione y Roberto Aguirre. 05 de abril de 2011. Se colectaron 4 ejemplares adultos (2 machos y 2 hembras y 1 juvenil, depositados en la Colección Herpetológica de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNEC-11212, UNNEC-11213, UNNEC- 11214, UNNEC-11215 y UNNEC-11216.

  14. Nuevos registros de hongos entomopatógenos en acridios (Orthoptera: Acridoidea de la República Argentina New records of entomopathogenic fungi from grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acridoidea in Argentina

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    Sebastian A. Pelizza


    Full Text Available Los acridios (tucuras y langostas continúan ocasionando pérdidas económicas en la agricultura a nivel mundial. En Argentina, la importancia de estos insectos ha sido reconocida desde mediados del siglo XIX, dependiendo de la región considerada y en relación al progresivo desarrollo agropecuario en el país. Los hongos son los microorganismos parásitos de insectos más frecuentemente encontrados en la naturaleza y la mayoría de las investigaciones con hongos entomopatógenos se ha centrado en su desarrollo como bioplaguicidas. En el presente trabajo se dan a conocer cinco registros nuevos de Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv. Vuill., y dos de Entomophaga grylli (Fresen. A. Batko que se encontraron afectando distintas especies de acridios; se amplía así la distribución geográfica y el espectro hospedador para estas especies fúngicas. Cabe destacar que con el aporte de estos siete registros nuevos, el número total de hongos entomopatógenos de acridios citados para la República Argentina se eleva de 22 a 29.Grasshoppers and locusts continue causing serious economic losses in agriculture worldwide. In Argentina, the importance of these insects has been recognized since the mid-nineteenth century, depending on the region considered and in relation to the progressive development of agriculture. Fungi are the most frequently found microorganisms parasitizing insects in nature, and most of the entomopathogenic fungi investigations have been focused on their development as biopesticides. In this study five new records of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv. Vuill., and two new records of Entomophaga grylli (Fresen. A. Batko, are presented, extending the geographical distribution and the host range for these fungal species. With these seven new records, the total number of grasshopper entomopathogenic fungi cited for Argentina is raised from 22 to 29.

  15. Recursos administrativos en materia de propiedad industrial en la República Argentina, 2001 - 2012 : análisis estadístico, encuadre legal y criterios de resolución


    Siniscalchi, Mariana


    La presente tesis por objetivo analizar las particularidades de los recursos administrativos interpuestos entre los años 2001 y 2012 contra actos dictados por el Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI) de la República Argentina en solicitudes de derechos de propiedad industrial: marcas, patentes de invención, modelos de utilidad, modelos y diseños industriales; y en solicitudes de registro de contratos de transferencia de tecnología.

  16. RepA and RepB exert plasmid incompatibility repressing the transcription of the repABC operon. (United States)

    Pérez-Oseguera, Angeles; Cevallos, Miguel A


    Rhizobium etli CFN42 has a multipartite genome composed of one chromosome and six large plasmids with low copy numbers, all belonging to the repABC plasmid family. All elements essential for replication and segregation of these plasmids are encoded within the repABC operon. RepA and RepB direct plasmid segregation and are involved in the transcriptional regulation of the operon, and RepC is the initiator protein of the plasmid. Here we show that in addition to RepA (repressor) and RepB (corepressor), full transcriptional repression of the operon located in the symbiotic plasmid (pRetCFN42d) of this strain requires parS, the centromere-like sequence, and the operator sequence. However, the co-expression of RepA and RepB is sufficient to induce the displacement of the parental plasmid. RepA is a Walker-type ATPase that self associates in vivo and in vitro and binds specifically to the operator region in its RepA-ADP form. In contrast, RepA-ATP is capable of binding to non-specific DNA. RepA and RepB form high molecular weight DNA-protein complexes in the presence of ATP and ADP. RepA carrying ATP-pocket motif mutations induce full repression of the repABC operon without the participation of RepB and parS. These mutants specifically bind the operator sequence in their ATP or ADP bound forms. In addition, their expression in trans exerts plasmid incompatibility against the parental plasmid. RepA and RepB expressed in trans induce plasmid incompatibility because of their ability to repress the repABC operon and not only by their capacity to distort the plasmid segregation process. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Measurements of atmospheric fallout in Argentina; Determinacion del fallout atmosferico en la Republica Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canoba, A C; Lopez, F O; Bruno, H A


    With the purpose of studying the radioactive fallout present in Argentina from atmospheric nuclear explosions tests that have been conducted recently, an environmental monitoring program, outside the influence of nuclear facilities of Argentina, was undertaken during 1996 and 1997. The levels of Cs-137 and Sr-90 were analysed in samples of air, deposited material (rainwater), milk, an average meal of a standard man and food. During this period, a total of 630 radiochemical analysis were performed on 325 samples of the different matrices described. The concentration levels of the radionuclides analysed in the different environmental matrices are presented and are compared with the values obtained in the environmental monitoring program done during the period 1960-1981. (author) 3 refs., 9 tabs. [Espanol] Con el proposito de estudiar la precipitacion radiactiva presente en la Republica Argentina, debido al ensayo de armas nucleares en la atmosfera realizadas en el pasado, se implemento el muestreo ambiental fuera de la zona de influencia de las instalaciones nucleares de la Argentina durante los anios 1996 y 1997. Se determinaron las concentraciones de cesio 137 y estroncio 90 en muestras de aire, deposito de material radiactivo (agua de lluvia), leche, dieta promedio de un individuo estandar y en alimentos varios. Se realizaron, durante el periodo mencionado, un total de 630 determinaciones radioquimicas sobre 325 muestras de las diferentes matrices mencionadas. Se presentan los niveles de concentracion de los radionucleidos analizados en las distintas matrices ambientales y se comparan los valores obtenidos en los monitoreos realizados durante el periodo 1960-1981. (autor)

  18. La "república posible" y sus problemas en Argentina: Normalistas e industriales debaten el plan educativo alberdiano de las dos gestiones presidenciales de Julio Argentino Roca (1880-1886 y 1898-1901 The "Possible Republic" and its Problems in Argentina: Student Teachers and Industrialists Debate the Alberdian Educational Plan of the Two Administrations of President Julio Argentino Roca (1880-1886 and 1898-1901

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    Alejandro Herrero


    Full Text Available Julio Argentino Roca, en sus dos presidencias a fines del siglo XIX, se adhiere al programa alberdiano de la república posible en Argentina. Intenta cambiar el sistema educativo que se opone a la república de habitantes productores de riqueza y, finalmente, se encuentra con algo peor: no sólo fracasa en este intento, sino que advierte en la misma contienda verbal que el mismo programa de la república posible es cuestionado por diferentes actores. En este artículo se estudia, como una primera aproximación al tema, a los normalistas y a los industriales, ya que parte del normalismo y de la corporación industrial apoyan decididamente la propuesta educativa alberdiana de Roca, sin embargo, cuestionan la república posible y manifiestan que se debe avanzar hacia una república de ciudadanos.During his two administrations in the late 19th century, Julio Argentino Roca adhered to Alberdi's program of the possible republic in Argentina. He attempted to change the education system that opposed the republic of inhabitants that created wealth and eventually discovered something worse: not only did he fail in this attempt, but he noticed, during the same verbal competition, that the program of the possible republic was questioned by different actors. As an initial approach to the topic, this article examines student teachers and industrialists, since a section of student teachers and the industrial Corporation determinedly supported Rocas Alberdian educational proposal. Nevertheless, they questioned the possible republic, adding that it should advance towards a republic of citizens.

  19. Vigilancia tecnológica e inteligencia estratégica: creación e implementación del primer programa gubernamental en la temática en la República Argentina en los últimos 4 años


    Pérez, Nancy Verónica


    Este artículo analiza la puesta en marcha de políticas de gestión de Vigilancia e Inteligencia, a partir de la creación del primer Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la República Argentina (MINCYT). En principio, se describe el diseño e implementación, en los últimos 4 años, del Primer Programa Gubernamental de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia en Argentina, llamado Programa Nacional de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva (VINTEC) del Mini...

  20. Nuevas citas de Coleoptera acuáticos y Megaloptera para la provincia de Chubut (Argentina New records of aquatic Coleoptera and Megaloptera from Chubut province (Argentina

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    Miguel Archangelsky


    Full Text Available Se informa acerca de nuevos hallazgos de coleópteros acuáticos, de Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae y Elmidae para la provincia de Chubut (Argentina. También se cita por primera vez a las Sialidae (Megaloptera, género Protosialis Weele, para la República Argentina.New records of aquatic Coleoptera, in the families Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae and Elmidae, are reported for the Chubut province (Argentina. The Sialidae (Megaloptera, genus Protosialis Weele, is reported for the first time in Argentina.

  1. Leptospirosis porcina: prevalencia serológica en establecimientos productores de la República Argentina

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    Jessica Petrakovsky M.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Detectar la presencia de anticuerpos contra Leptospira sp en cerdos que no presentaban sintomatología clínica, pertenecientes a establecimientos de producción porcina ubicados en todo el territorio de la República Argentina. Materiales y métodos. La asignación de predios y muestras se realizó en forma proporcional a los registrados en cada provincia a lo largo de todo el país. En total se estudiaron 1.524 predios, de los cuales se tomaron 19.872 muestras de suero y en la primera etapa se procesaron 3.631 de los mismos. Este estudio toma en consideración zonas identificadas por provincia, municipio y predios. Los sueros fueron analizados por la técnica de MAT (prueba de microaglutinación. Resultados. El 30% de las muestras resultaron positivas a la prueba tamiz empleada (primera etapa del MAT. La mayoría presentó coaglutininas a dos o a tres serovariedades. Al realizar la titulación de los sueros (segunda etapa del MAT, el porcentaje de positividad se mantuvo, siendo los serovares de mayor prevalencia Castellonis e Icterohaemorrhagiae. El 90% de las muestras presentó un título final de 1:200. Conclusiones. La existencia de sueros positivos en todas las provincias indica el contacto de los animales con la leptospira a lo largo de todo el país.

  2. Políticas comunicacionales, representaciones mediáticas y legitimidad judicial. Un estudio de caso sobre la Corte Suprema de la República Argentina

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    Valentín Thury Cornejo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza el complejo rol que los medios de comunicación asumen en la conformación dela imagen de los tribunales de justicia y, mediatamente, en su legitimidad. A partir de un estudio de caso sobre la Corte Suprema de la República Argentina, se intentan identificar los mecanismos culturales que entran en juego en la construcción de los imaginarios sociales respecto de la actuación de la Justicia. Para ello, se analiza el discurso de los tres principales diarios y se reconstruye la lógica periodística que lo informa, confrontándola con la lógica jurídica que guía la actuación del tribunal.

  3. La república conservadora

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    Matías Muraca


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar e analisar como aparece a discussão sobre República ao longo dos anos de redemocratização na Argentina, articulando com outra categoria da teoria política: o populismo. Os conteúdos e sentidos da demanda republicana que se conjuga com populismo são analisados nas edições de um dos mais importantes jornais argentinos durante o segundo governo de Carlos Saúl Menem (1995-1999 e o governo de Aliança (1999-2001. Especificamente, é revisado nas Colunas de Opinião do Diário “La Nación” a primeira etapa das críticas republicanas centradas em um dos seus componentes principais: a questão da corrupção associada a problemática da moral.

  4. Escribirlo al fin: Visto al pasar. República, guerra y exilio de María del Carmen García Antón. Memoria desde el destierro en Argentina

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    Adriana Virginia Bonatto


    Full Text Available Visto al pasar. República, guerra y exilio is the autobiographical story of a woman from the Republican faction who was driven to permanent exile in Argentina after the Spanish Civil War. The documentary value of her book resides not only in its detailed reconstruction of life and habits during the years of the war, but also in the experiences of Carmen García Antón with world-wide known writers and artists. Moreover, the book invites a reflection on the strategies to legitimize and construct the subject's identity in contemporary Autobiography.

  5. Morfometría fluvial aplicada a una cuenca urbana en Ingeniero White, República Argentina

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    Alicia María Campo


    Full Text Available La morfometría fluvial estudia diversas variables que caracterizan la forma de una cuenca de drenaje. El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar el método morfométrico de cuencas naturales a una cuenca urbana. El área en estudio (6 km2 drena sus aguas al frente costero y comprende la localidad de Ingeniero White, República Argentina. Se realizó la jerarquización de la red de drenaje. Se identificaron tres subcuencas con escasa pendiente que presentan eventos de inundación, con mayor peligrosidad con precipitaciones extremas. Los valores de relación de longitud indicaron mayor concentración de energía en eventos de grandes avenidas. Los valores de relación de elongación demostraron que una de las subcuencas es de forma circular y presenta mayor velocidad en las avenidas de la escorrentía. Las dos cuencas más elongadas tienen mayor retardo en las avenidas. El mayor caudal del área en estudio fluye por la cuenca que posee el mayor número de orden y la mayor superficie. Las otras dos cuencas están sujetas a crecientes instantáneas y de respuesta inmediata. Los valores de pendiente y de área aplicados a modelos hidrológicos e hidraúlico determinaron la sección de los conductos y canales. El caudal calculado para el área drenada fue de 22.41 m3/s.

  6. La República de los historiadores del Paraguay posbélico


    Telesca, Ignacio


    En ocasión del bicentenario de la adopción de la República como sistema de gobierno, e independiente tanto de España como de Buenos Aires, este artículo reflexiona sobre como los historiadores paraguayos de fines de siglo XIX reflexionaron sobre el tema, relacionándolo con la adopción de un nuevo sistema de gobierno con la constitución de 1870 (calco de la argentina). Fil: Telesca, Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET ...


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    Raúl Martínez Crovetto


    Full Text Available El autor estudia las especies del género Sicyos que viven dentro del territorio de la República Argentina; señalando que hasta el presente se han hallado seis. Luego de una diagnosis del género, suministra una clave, descripciones y figuras de cada una de ellas, a fin de facilitar su reconocimiento. Las especies estudiadas son S. malvifolius Griseb., S. polyacanthus Cogn., S. Odanellii Mart.-Crov., S. Kunthii Cogn. (nuevo habitante para la flora argentina, S. Warmingii Cogn, S. Warmingii Cogn. var. longispina Mart.-Crov. (nueva variedad y S. ignarus Mart.-Crov. (especie nueva para la ciencia.

  8. Sviluppo e utilizzo di un sistema per l’archiviazione, la revisione e il deposito di tesi elettroniche e dissertazioni destinato alle Università

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    David Edelman


    Full Text Available La North Carolina State University ha sviluppato un sistema completamente automatizzato per il deposito, la revisione e l’archiviazione digitale delle tesi di laurea e delle dissertazioni, chiamato ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation. Il sistema ETD migliora l’accessibilità e sostanzialmente riduce i tempi richiesti per sottoporre i lavori, se paragonato ai metodi di deposito cartacei, da parte dei gruppi coinvolti nella valutazione e nel processo di approvazione delle tesi / dissertazioni: studenti, membri del comitato di valutazione, diplomati, curatori di tesi, archivisti (per esempio bibliotecari universitari e ricercatori.

  9. Realidad de la cirugía cardíaca en la República Argentina. Registro CONAREC XVI

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    Diego M. Lowenstein Haber


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónLos dos grandes registros multicéntricos de cirugía cardíaca realizados en la Argentina,CONAREC y ESMUCICA, datan de más de 10 años. Considerando los avances médicosy quirúrgicos de la última década, surgió la necesidad de realizar un nuevo registronacional, prospectivo y multicéntrico para conocer las características, la evolución, lascomplicaciones y los predictores de mortalidad de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardíaca.ObjetivosConocer el perfil epidemiológico, la modalidad quirúrgica y la evolución posoperatoria de lospacientes sometidos a cirugía cardíaca en la Argentina.Material y métodosRegistro prospectivo, consecutivo y multicéntrico realizado en 49 centros cardioquirúrgicosde la República Argentina por residentes de cardiología. Se analizaron las características yla evolución de 2.553 pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardíaca entre septiembre de 2007 yoctubre de 2008: 1.465 (57,4% a cirugía coronaria, 359 (14,1% a reemplazo valvular aórtico,169 (6,6% a cirugía valvular mitral, 312 (12,2% a cirugía combinada coronariovalvular y248 (9,7% a otros procedimientos.ResultadosHubo predominio de hombres (74,9%; la edad promedio fue de 63 ± 11 años. La prevalenciade diabetes fue del 24,9%, la de hipertensión del 76,3% y la de insuficiencia cardíaca del17%. La disfunción ventricular moderada a grave prequirúrgica fue del 23,8% y el 19,8% delas cirugías fueron no programadas.En las cirugías coronarias, el 41,9% de ellas se realizaron sin circulación extracorpórea y seempleó puente mamario en el 89%.El 81,7% de las cirugías mitrales se indicaron por insuficiencia y el 62,6% de las aórticas,por estenosis. En estas cirugías se emplearon válvulas mecánicas en el 58% de los casos.La mediana de internación fue de 6 días. Se presentaron complicaciones mayores en el31,7% (del 25% en coronarios al 49,36% en combinados y la mortalidad global fue del 7,7%(del 4,3% en coronarios al 13

  10. Analysis of the subcellular localization of the proteins Rep, Rep' and Cap of porcine circovirus type 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finsterbusch, T.; Steinfeldt, T.; Caliskan, R.; Mankertz, A.


    Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) encodes two major ORFs. The cap gene comprises the major structural protein of PCV, the rep gene specifies Rep and Rep', which are both essential for initiating the replication of the viral DNA. Rep corresponds to the full-length protein, whereas Rep' is a truncated splice product that is frame-shifted in its C-terminal sequence. In this study, the cellular localization of PCV1-encoded proteins was investigated by immune fluorescence techniques using antibodies against Rep, Rep' and Cap and by expression of viral proteins fused to green and red fluorescence proteins. Rep and Rep' protein co-localized in the nucleus of infected cells as well as in cells transfected with plasmids expressing Rep and Rep' fused to fluorescence proteins, but no signal was seen in the nucleoli. Rep and Rep' carry three potential nuclear localization signals in their identical N-termini, and the contribution of these motifs to nuclear import was experimentally dissected. In contrast to the rep gene products, the localization of the Cap protein varied. While the Cap protein was restricted to the nucleoli in plasmid-transfected cells and was also localized in the nucleoli at an early stage of PCV1 infection, it was seen in the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm later in infection, suggesting that a shuttling between distinct cellular compartments occurs

  11. La Política Turística como Alternativa Económica en la Argentina

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    Erica Schenkel


    Full Text Available En el marco de las nuevas relaciones publico‑privadas que se imponen a finales del siglo XX, emerge la formulación del turismo como asunto publico en la República Argentina, a partir de nuevos fundamentos de tipo económicos. Desde el enfoque de análisis de políticas publicas, la investigación que se presenta a continuación pretende analizar la política turística implementada en la República Argentina en el periodo 1976‑2014, partiendo de la observación y análisis de documentos en sus aspectos empíricos. Este abordaje permite arribar a nuevas categorías de análisis vinculadas a las fuentes de poder inter vinientes, los intereses en juego y los resultados y efectos de la política.


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    Donni Juni Priansa


    Full Text Available Abstract - Banks are business entities that raise funds from the public and channel them to the public in the form of credit or other forms. Associated with the function of the banking, deposit and ATM services are two important things that are often considered by consumers. This study aims to analyze the influence of deposits interest rates and ATM services to brand equity, as well as the influence of deposits interest rates, ATM services, and brand equity on consumer's decision to become a customer. This study uses descriptive and explanatory survey, with primary data obtained from questionnaires. The population of this research is consumers that’s become customers at PT Bank Jabar Banten Tbk Branch Office and utilizing deposits and ATM services. The unit of analysis in the study were 40 samples were obtained by using the formula Slovin, while sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using path analysis with SPSS 20.00. The results showed that the deposits interest rates and ATM services has positive dan significant effect on brand equity. The study also found that deposits interest rates, ATM services, and brand equity has a positive and significant effect on the consumer's decision to become a customer at PT Bank Jabar Banten Tbk Main Branches.   Keyword: Deposits Interest Rates, ATM Services, and Consumer's Decision     Abstrak - Bank adalah badan usaha yang menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dan menyalurkannya kembali dalam bentuk kredit dan atau bentuk-bentuk lainnya. Terkait dengan fungsi perbankan tersebut, suku bunga deposito dan layanan ATM merupakan dua hal penting yang sering dipertimbangkan oleh konsumen untuk menjadi nasabah bank. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh suku bunga deposito dan layanan ATM terhadap ekuitas merek, juga pengaruh suku bunga deposito, layanan ATM, dan ekuitas merek terhadap keputusan konsumen untuk menjadi nasabah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode

  13. Infección diseminada por Penicillium marneffei en un paciente HIV-positivo: Primera observación en la República Argentina Disseminated infection due to Penicillium marneffei related to HIV infection: First observation in Argentina

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    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer caso humano de peniciliosis por Penicillium marneffei observado en la República Argentina. El paciente era un joven de 16 años, HIV-positivo, procedente de un área rural del sur de China. El paciente fue internado en el Hospital "F. J. Muñiz" por padecer una neumonía grave con insufciencia respiratoria aguda. El agente causal fue aislado de un lavado broncoalveolar y se lo observó en un citodiagnóstico de piel. La identifcación de P. marneffei fue confrmada por las características fenotípicas del aislamiento y la amplifcación del ADNr. El enfermo padecía una infección muy avanzada por HIV que condujo a la aparición simultánea de infecciones por citomegalovirus, Pneumocystis jirovecii y procesos bacterianos nosocomiales. Este complejo cuadro derivó en una evolución fatal.The frst case observed in Argentina of AIDS-related human penicillosis is herein presented. The patient was a six- teen year-old young man coming from a rural area of southern China. He was admitted at the F. J. Muñiz Hospital of Buenos Aires city with severe pneumonia and adult respiratory distress. Penicillium marneffei was isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage fuid and was microscopically observed in a skin cytodiagnosis. P. marneffei identifcation was confrmed by rRNA amplifcation and its phenotypic characteristics. The patient suffered an advanced HIV infection and also presented several AIDS-related diseases due to CMV, nosocomial bacterial infections and Pneumocystis jirovecii which led to a fatal outcome.

  14. Implementación de la Estrategia y Plan de Acción de eSalud en la República Argentina, 2011 - 2013

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    Myrna Marti


    Full Text Available Como resultado de la aprobación de la Estrategia y Plan de Acción Regional de eSalud de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS en 2011, en la República Argentina se desarrolló un proyecto de cooperación técnica entre la Representación de la OPS, la OMS y el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación que tiene como objetivo incorporar la estrategia a nivel nacional. Para ello, se desarrollaron una serie de reuniones, documentos y actividades entre las cuales se destacan la realización de un mapeo de iniciativas de eSalud en el país que incorporan tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC en salud, identificación y selección de experiencias exitosas en eSalud, fomento de la cooperación horizontal, programa de colaboración virtual, programa de alfabetización digital y taller de eSalud. Los resultados obtenidos en este proceso se relacionan con el cumplimiento de los cuatro objetivos estratégicos de la Estrategia y Plan de Acción de eSalud de la OPS/OMS.

  15. Confirmación de Amphisbaena angustifrons plumbea (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae) en la provincia de San Juan, Argentina


    Acosta, Juan Carlos; Murúa, Fernando; Ortiz, Graciela


    Amphisbaena angustifrons plumbea (Gray). República Argentina, provincia de San Juan, Valle del Tulum, departamento Chimbas, Villa Sarmiento (31º 29' S, 69º 30' W) 12 de noviembre de 1995. Un ejemplar adulto, IMCN - UNSJ 102 (Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan).

  16. Adeno-associated virus rep protein synthesis during productive infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redemann, B.E.; Mendelson, E.; Carter, B.J.


    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) Rep proteins mediate viral DNA replication and can regulate expression from AAV genes. The authors studied the kinetics of synthesis of the four Rep proteins, Rep78, Rep68, Rep52, and Rep40, during infection of human 293 or KB cells with AAV and helper adenovirus by in vivo labeling with [ 35 S]methionine, immunoprecipitation, and immunoblotting analyses. Rep78 and Rep52 were readily detected concomitantly with detection of viral monomer duplex DNA replicating about 10 to 12 h after infection, and Rep68 and Rep40 were detected 2 h later. Rep78 and Rep52 were more abundant than Rep68 and Rep40 owing to a higher synthesis rate throughout the infectious cycle. In some experiments, very low levels of Rep78 could be detected as early as 4 h after infection. The synthesis rates of Rep proteins were maximal between 14 and 24 h and then decreased later after infection. Isotopic pulse-chase experiments showed that each of the Rep proteins was synthesized independently and was stable for at least 15 h. A slower-migrating, modified form of Rep78 was identified late after infection. AAV capsid protein synthesis was detected at 10 to 12 h after infection and also exhibited synthesis kinetics similar to those of the Rep proteins. AAV DNA replication showed at least two clearly defined stages. Bulk duplex replicating DNA accumulation began around 10 to 12 h and reached a maximum level at about 20 h when Rep and capsid protein synthesis was maximal. Progeny single-stranded DNA accumulation began about 12 to 13 h, but most of this DNA accumulated after 24 h when Rep and capsid protein synthesis had decreased

  17. Ampliación de la distribución de Phrynops hilarii (Pleurodira: Chelidae en Argentina

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    Derocco, Natacha N.


    Full Text Available Phrynops hilarii presenta una amplia distribución en la región noreste de la República Argentina, en las provincias de Buenos Aires, Chaco, Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Misiones, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero (Cabrera, 1998, incluyendo poblaciones establecidas por antropocoria en Mendoza (Richard, 1999.

  18. Gestión de riesgos para la adopción de la computación en nube en entidades financieras de la República Argentina

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    María de los Ángeles López


    Full Text Available Las infraestructuras tecnológicas dinámicas, entre ellas la computación en nube, representan una nueva alternativa de tecnología de información disponible para administrar las ac- tividades de las organizaciones, en particular en aquellas que hacen un uso intensivo de la información, como las entidades financieras. Al analizar la utilización de estas arquitecturas es fundamental considerar los nuevos riesgos a los que se expo- nen los entes; esto permite desarrollar estrategias de gestión destinadas a identificarlos, evaluarlos y buscar el modo de minimizar sus efectos. En este sentido son útiles herramientas como la risk breakdown structure (RBS, una estructura de je- rarquización de fuentes de riesgos que simplifica y sistematiza el análisis. En este trabajo se pretende diseñar una RBS para la identificación y descripción jerárquica de las fuentes de ries- gos vinculados a la implementación de la computación en nube en entidades financieras, basándose en la normativa del Banco Central de la República Argentina.


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    Leandro M. González


    Full Text Available En este artículo se indaga acerca de la evolución social de la República Argentina con posterioridad a la crisis socioeconómica de fines del año 2001 y considerar la persistencia de los riesgos en los años posteriores. Se analizan los principales rasgos sociales (pobreza y empleo y demográficos (fecundidad y mortalidad, para el total nacional y seis provincias de diversas regiones geográficas. La crisis socioeconómica produjo un inédito grado de empobrecimiento (55% en 2002. Las diferencias regionales se mantuvieron a lo largo del período de análisis, debido al carácter estructural que revisten. La reactivación económica del período 2003- 2007 mejoró los niveles de ingresos y empleo, aunque se registra el estancamiento en la esperanza de vida, aumentos de las tasas de mortalidad infantil y materna, e incremento continuo de la fecundidad adolescente. Se propone la hipótesis de que en la República Argentina la vulnerabilidad social es de carácter estructural y permanente, a pesar de las reducciones en las tasas de pobreza y desempleo.

  20. Specific functions of the Rep and Rep׳ proteins of porcine circovirus during copy-release and rolling-circle DNA replication. (United States)

    Cheung, Andrew K


    The roles of two porcine circovirus replication initiator proteins, Rep and Rep׳, in generating copy-release and rolling-circle DNA replication intermediates were determined. Rep uses the supercoiled closed-circular genome (ccc) to initiate leading-strand synthesis (identical to copy-release replication) and generates the single-stranded circular (ssc) genome from the displaced DNA strand. In the process, a minus-genome primer (MGP) necessary for complementary-strand synthesis, from ssc to ccc, is synthesized. Rep׳ cleaves the growing nascent-strand to regenerate the parent ccc molecule. In the process, a Rep׳-DNA hybrid containing the right palindromic sequence (at the origin of DNA replication) is generated. Analysis of the virus particle showed that it is composed of four components: ssc, MGP, capsid protein and a novel Rep-related protein (designated Protein-3). Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  1. Specific functions of the Rep and Rep' proteins of porcine circovirus during copy-release and rolling-circle DNA replication (United States)

    The roles of two porcine circovirus replication initiator proteins, Rep and Rep', in generating copy-release and rolling-circle DNA replication intermediates were determined. Rep uses the supercoiled closed-circular genome (ccc) to initiate leading-strand synthesis (identical to copy-release replica...

  2. La resurrección retórica de la República en 1890: Un análisis sobre las relaciones entre elocuencia, oratoria y política en la Argentina a fines del siglo XIX

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    Leonardo D. Hirsch

    Full Text Available El trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer un análisis de las relaciones entre retórica, oratoria y política en la Argentina, a lo largo del siglo XIX, en general, y durante la crisis de 1890, en particular. En este sentido creemos que en la particular coyuntura de 1890 se temió sobre todo por la desintegración del cuerpo político de la República como consecuencia de la creciente indiferencia de los ciudadanos por la cosa pública. Los Cívicos, en consecuencia, decidieron emprender una "campaña de regeneración", fundada sobre la creencia en el "poder soberano de la palabra", y en la legitimidad que otorgaba la elocuencia de sus oradores, para transformar los hábitos políticos.

  3. Investigación sobre la vivienda rural en el nordeste de la República Argentina y propuesta para el déficit actual

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    Sartorio, Roberto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES — Generation of a prototype Rural House in the northeastern region of the Argentine Republic. — An attempt will be made for the house to be of a progressive nature» that is to say» that it may be built using the system of private endeavor and have sufficient flexibility to enable it to keep pace with the developmental needs of the family. — To achieve maximum development of the house with a minimum of resources (more with less. — Improvement in the standard of living enabling the rural exodus to be reverted. — To generate conditions for new settlements in regions close to the border.OBJETIVOS Generación de una Vivienda Rural prototípica en la región nordeste de la República Argentina. — Se buscará que la vivienda tenga un carácter progresivo» o sea, que pueda ser construida por el sistema de esfuerzo propio y tenga la flexibilidad suficiente que permita acompañar las necesidades de desarrollo de la familia. — Lograr el máximo desarrollo de la vivienda con el mínimo de los recursos (más con menos. — Mejoramiento de la calidad de vida que permita revertir el éxodo rural. — Generar condiciones para nuevos asentamientos en zonas de fronteras.

  4. Nueva localidad para Tupinambis rufescens (Günther, 1871 en la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina

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    Haro, J. G.


    Full Text Available REP. ARGENTINA. PROVINCIA DE CÓRDOBA. 29 Jun. 1997. 08:30 hs. Depto. Río Primero, Piquillín, 31° 22' S, 63° 35' W. 1 individuo adulto. Longitud total 1220 mm. Longitud hocico - cloaca 460 mm. Cátedra de Diversidad Animal II (CDA: 0319. Colectores: J. G. Haro, J. D. Sferco y U. Arcando.

  5. Stenocercus doellojuradoi (Iguanidae, Tropidurinae): una nueva especie para la provincia de San Juan, Argentina


    Laspiur, Alejandro; Acosta, Juan Carlos


    República Argentina, Provincia de San Juan, Depto. Valle Fértil, 3 km al norte de la localidad de Las Tumanas sobre la Ruta Provincial 510 (30°52’ S, 67°20’ W). COLECTOR: Alejandro Laspiur. FECHA: 25 /02/ 2006. MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA: Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan: IMCNUNSJ 3000. Un ejemplar macho (LHC: 54 mm.).

  6. Micromorfología de nidos de termitas de la República Argentina


    Cosarinsky, Marcela Irene


    La presente contribución representa el primer estudio micromorfológico de nidos de termitas neotropicales. Incluye un análisis comparativo de la micromorfología de termiteros de diferentes especies, del nido y suelo circundante, y de los diferentes sectores del nido. Asimismo, se comparan rasgos micromorfológicos que han sido descriptos en nidos de especies de África y Australia con los observados en especies de Argentina, y se describen rasgos nuevos. Las descripciones micromorfológicas incl...

  7. El ensayo de «escuela serena» realizado por las hermanas Cossettini en la República Argentina

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    Menin Ovide


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es describir y analizar los el trabajo de las hermanas Cossettini en Argentina, pensandolo en terminos del Movimiento de la Escuela Nueva. El articulo hace un pequeño recogido acerca de los aportes de la Escuela Nueva en Argentina, presenta la experiencia de la "escuela serena" y discute la importancia de las "missiones culturales" que la misma escuela hacia en las comunidades barriales

  8. Inclusión de Physalaemus riograndensis Milstead, 1960 en la batracofauna de Misiones, Argentina, y otros aportes para el conocimiento de su distribución (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae

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    Chebez, Juan C.


    Full Text Available Physalaemus riograndensis Milstead, 1960. Rep. ARGENTINA, PROV.DE MISIONES, Dpto. Candelaria, Campo San Juan, 27° 25' S, 55° 40' W. 1 ejemplar. MACN número 34.646. Colector: E. Krauczuck.

  9. Stenocercus doellojuradoi (Iguanidae, Tropidurinae: una nueva especie para la provincia de San Juan, Argentina

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    Laspiur, Alejandro


    Full Text Available República Argentina, Provincia de San Juan, Depto. Valle Fértil, 3 km al norte de la localidad de Las Tumanas sobre la Ruta Provincial 510 (30°52’ S, 67°20’ W. COLECTOR: Alejandro Laspiur. FECHA: 25 /02/ 2006. MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA: Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan: IMCNUNSJ 3000. Un ejemplar macho (LHC: 54 mm..

  10. Presencia de Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) en nidos de golondrina (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae) en Argentina Presence of Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in nests of swallows and martins (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae) in Argentina


    Diego L. Carpintero; Rosana M. Aramburú


    Se examinaron nidos de cuatro especies de golondrinas que nidifican en la República Argentina, en búsqueda de Cimicidae. Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero & Vogelsang), chinche conocida como ectoparásita de Furnarius rufus (Gmelin) (Furnaridae) («hornero») y de Passer domesticus (L.) (Ploceidae) («gorrión»), fue encontrada en nidos de tres especies de golondrinas: Progne chalybea (Gmelin) («golondrina doméstica»), Progne elegans Baird («golondrina negra») e Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert ...

  11. Ni República parlamentaria ni presidencialista


    Álvarez Tardío, Manuel


    Revista de Estudios Políticos (Nueva Época), Núm. 123. Enero-Marzo 2004 Este trabajo está dedicado al estudio de un aspecto básico del sistema político de la II República española (1931-1936): el modelo de presidencia de la República y de relaciones de la misma con el parlamento y el gobierno. Aquí se sostiene que la Segunda República, de acuerdo con su Constitución, no fue un régimen parlamentario ni presidencial. Combinó de forma extraña y ambigua elementos de ambos modelos. Probablement...

  12. Stenocercus doellojuradoi (Iguanidae, Liolaeminae): una nueva especie para la provincia de San Juan, Argentina


    Laspiur, Alejandro; Acosta, Juan Carlos


    República Argentina, Provincia de San Juan, Depto. Valle Fértil, 3 km al norte de la localidad de Las Tumanas sobre la Ruta Provincial 510 (30°52’ S, 67°20’ W). COLECTOR: Alejandro Laspiur. FECHA: 25 /02/ 2006. MATERIAL DE REFERENCIA: Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan: IMCNUNSJ 3000. Un ejemplar macho (LHC: 54 mm.).

  13. Chlorococcales nuevas para el embalse Paso de las Piedras (Buenos Aires, Argentina New Chlorococcales for Paso de las Piedras Reservoir (Buenos Aires, Argentine

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    Carolina Fernández


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se citan e ilustran 22 especies pertenecientes al orden Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta halladas en el embalse Paso de las Piedras que representan nuevas citas para este ambiente. Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Tetraedron hemisphaericum y Scenedesmus semipulcher constituyen nuevas citas para la República Argentina.In this paper, we record and illustrate 22 species of Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta found in Paso de las Piedras Reservoir, which are new records for this area. Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Tetraedron hemisphaericum and Scenedesmus semipulcher are new for Argentina.

  14. Radiological emergency preparedness (REP) program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwiatkowski, D.H.


    This talk focuses on the accomplishments of Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program. Major topics include the following: strengthening the partnership between FEMA, the States, and the Industry; the Standard Exercise Report Format (SERF); Multi-year performance partnership agreement (MYPPA); new REP Program guidance; comprehensive exercise program; federal radiological emergency response plan (FRERP); international interest; REP user fee; implementation EPA PAGs and Dose Limits; Contamination monitoring standard for portal monitors; guidance documents and training

  15. Non cardiopatic and cardiopatic beta thalassaemic patients: quantitative and qualitative cardiac iron deposition evaluation with MRI; Pazienti {beta} talassemici non cardiopatici e cardiopatici: valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa del deposito di ferro cardiaco con RM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macarini, Luca; Marini, Stefania; Scardapane, Arnaldo [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). DIMIMP-Sezione di Diagnostica per Immagini; Pietrapertosa, Anna [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). MIDIM-Cattedra di Ematologia II; Ettore, Giovanni Carlo [Foggia Univ., Foggia (Italy). Cattedra di Radiologia


    thalassaemic groups, with more widespread distribution in cardiopatic patients. Conclusions: We found cardiac iron deposition also in non-cardiopatic {beta} thalassaemic patients and a qualitative difference in cardiac iron distribution between non-cardiopatic and cardiopatic patients. The qualitative evaluation of cardiac iron deposition was useful for an easier classification of the disease, bypassing the SI quantitative value which is affected by the extremely uneven distribution of iron deposition and by the sampling technique used. MR evaluation of non-cardiopatic thalassaemic patients may be useful to evaluate early iron deposition and to establish the most suitable chelation therapy. [Italian] Scopo: La cardiomiopatia e' una delle maggiori complicanze della {beta} talassemia major ed e' legata al sovraccarico di ferro conseguente alla necessaria terapia trasfusionale. Scopo del nostro studio e' quello di valutare con la RM se esistono differenze di intensita' di segnale o di distribuzione del deposito di ferro cardiaco tra pazienti affetti da {beta} talassemia non cardiopatici e pazienti con {beta} talassemia cardiopatici, per verificare se esiste un rapporto tra cardiopatia e deposito di ferro. Materiale e metodi: Abbiamo studiato 20 pazienti affetti da {beta} talassemia major, di cui 10 non cardiopatici e 10 cardiopatici, e 10 soggetti volontari sani, che hanno rappresentato il gruppo controllo. Nei pazienti talassemici sono stati considerati i valori di ferritina sierica e, con esame ecocardiografico, la frazione di eiezione del ventricolo sinistro. Tutti i pazienti sono stati studiati con apparecchiatura RM da 1,5 Tesla con sequenze cardio-sincronizzate GE cine-RM pesate in T2*, SE pesate in T1 e GE pesate in T2*. In tutti i casi, utilizzando una ROI di dimensioni adeguate, sono stete calcolate l'intensita' di segnale (SI) del miocardio e del muscolo scheletrico, il rapporto d'intensita' di segnale (SIR) miocardio

  16. Estacionamiento subterráneo en Buenos Aires República Argentina

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available The 370 car-stall, 4-level longitudinal type car park was a promotion of the Buenos Aires City Council and was built under Avenida de Córdoba in the Argentinean Capital. The facility is provided with the most sophisticated fire prevention systems, automatic sign systems, vehicle counting equipment to know at any one moment how many are present, public restrooms, locker rooms for the staff, forced ventilation, etc. The structure is formed by a peripheral retention wall, rolled steel columns, and ribbed reinforced concrete slabs in floors and ramps.

    Promovido por la Municipalidad de la ciudad de Buenos Aires se ha construido, en la Avenida de Córdoba de la capital argentina, un estacionamiento de tipo longitudinal con capacidad para 370 plazas, distribuidas en cuatro plantas, dotado de todos los modernos sistemas contra incendios, sistemas automáticos de señalización y contabilización de vehículos en cada momento, aseos públicos, vestuarios para personal, ventilación, etc. La estructura está constituida por muros pantalla perimetrales, pilares de acero laminado y losas aligeradas de hormigón armado en rampas y forjados.

  17. The other immigration to Argentina: the case of Adolf Eichmann

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    Christian Cwik


    Full Text Available Adolf Eichmann llegó a la Argentina como otros 500 Nazis forajidos a través de una red de traficantes ilegales de migrantes entre 1945 y 1955. Esta red fue el resuldado del interés de la República de Argentina, la Cruz Roja, la Caritas y el Vaticano por un lado y por el otro los delincuentes. Eichmann la cara de la ‘banalidad del mal’, como Hannah Arendt escribió en su libro “Eichmann en Jerusalén: un estudio sobre la banalidad del mal”(2ª. edición, traducción de Carlos Ribalta, Barcelona, Lumen, 1999 tuvo bastantes problemas para integrarse en la sociedad argentina y por ende, fracasó. Adolf Eichmann nacido en 1906 en Solingen/Alemania personificó un caractér típico de la sociedad en la posguerra austriaca-alemana, lo que hizo que fracasara en su vida laboral varias veces durante los veintes y los inicios de los treinta del siglo XX.Palabras Clave: Adolf Eichmann;  Holocausto; Tráfico Ilegal de Migrantes; Inmigración en Argentina; Peronismo; Tribunales Internacionales. La otra inmigración a Argentina: El caso de Adolf EichmannAbstractAdolf Eichmann arrived to Argentina along with other 500 runaway Nazis thorugh a smuggling network between 1945 and 1955. This network was the result of the interest shown by the The Republic of Argentina, the Red Cross, Caritas and the Vatican in one hand; in the other, the criminals of war. Eichmann, the face of Hanna Arendt’s t “Banality of Evil” had numerous troubles to integrate to argentinian society, failing as a result.Adolf Eichmann, born in 1906 in Solingen, Germany, personified a typical Austrian-german postwar character, a fact that conduced to his laboral failure in the twentys and early thirties of the twentieth century.Keywords:Adolf Eichmann; Holocaust; Nazi Criminals; Trafficking of migrants; Post War Period; Immigration to Argentina; Peronism; Mossad; International Tribunal. 

  18. Study of the Generation of Intense Pulsed Electron Beams Using Glow Discharges (United States)


    de Investigaciones Opticas, Rep. Argentina. (2) On leave from PROFET (UNCPBA) Programa de Fisica Experimental Tandil, Rep. Argentina. (3) Edwards... de Investigaciones Opticas, (CIC-BA) Rep. Argentina. Section III-D. Measurements of the plasma density andB. T. Szapiro is on leave from Programa de ...discussed. The radial profiles Szapiro was supported by a fellowship from the Universidad Nacional de show the presence of a high-current-density

  19. Categorización del estado de conservación de las Serpientes de la República Argentina

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    Scrocchi, Gustavo J.


    Full Text Available A más de una década de la primera Lista Roja de herpetofauna amenazada propuesta por la Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA 2000, se recategorizaron las serpientes a partir de nueva información taxonómica, biogeográfica y bio-ecológica, además de modificaciones metodológicas respecto a la evaluación anterior. Mediante la participación de 18 especialistas de toda la Argentina se reevaluaron 136 taxones de serpientes (130 en la anterior incluyendo varios cambios taxonómicos (8 taxones nuevos para Argentina y 2 sinonimizados, obteniéndose como resultado la inclusión de 49 especies en la lista roja (5 En Peligro, 17 Amenazadas, 27 Vulnerables, 15 Insuficientemente Conocidas y 72 No Amenazadas. En relación con la categorización anterior de la AHA: un taxón descendió de Vulnerable a No Amenazado, 11 No amenazados y 4 Insuficientemente Conocidos fueron elevados a distintas categorías de amenaza, 7 taxones Vulnerables fueron elevados a Amenazados, un taxón fue elevado de Amenazado a En Peligro. De 8 taxones no evaluados en 2000, uno categorizó No Amenazado, 4 Insuficientemente Conocidos, uno Vulnerable y 2 Amenazados. Estas modificaciones son el resultado de: (1 Mayor información sistemática, biogeográfica y bio-ecológica disponible para la evaluación; (2 Cambios en cuanto a las presiones antrópicas sobre las especies o sus hábitats; (3 Modificaciones metodológicas que incluyeron instructivos para aplicar los conceptos, la discusión y consenso entre especialistas y el análisis de las incertidumbres. After more than a decade from the first red list of threatened herpetofauna proposal by the Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (2000, we re-categorized snakes from new taxonomic, biogeographical and bio-ecological information as well as methodological changes in the former evaluation. Through the participation of 18 specialists from all over Argentina, 136 taxa of snakes (130 in the previous were re-evaluated including

  20. Overview of RepLab 2012: Evaluating Online Reputation Management Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amigó, E.; Corujo, A.; Gonzalo, J.; Meij, E.; de Rijke, M.


    This paper summarizes the goals, organization and results of the first RepLab competitive evaluation campaign for Online Reputation Management Systems (RepLab 2012). RepLab focused on the reputation of companies, and asked participant systems to annotate different types of information on tweets

  1. Categorización del estado de conservación de los anfibios de la República Argentina

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    Natale, Guillermo S.


    Full Text Available A más de una década de la primera Lista Roja de herpetofauna propuesta por la Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (Lavilla et al., 2000, se recategorizaron los anfibios a partir de nueva información taxonómica, biogeográfica, bio-ecológica y de modificaciones metodológicas respecto a la evaluación anterior. Mediante la participación de 35 especialistas de toda la Argentina se reevaluaron 175 taxones de anfibios (171 en la anterior incluyendo 23 taxones nuevos para Argentina y obteniéndose como resultado la inclusión de 51 especies en la Lista Roja (8 En Peligro, 11 Amenazadas, 32 Vulnerables, 21 Insuficientemente Conocidas y 103 No Amenazadas. En relación con la categorización anterior de la AHA, los cambios de categorías han sido: un taxón descendió de las categorías En Peligro a Amenazado, siete taxones descendieron de Amenazados o Vulnerables a Insuficientemente Conocidos y nueve de Insuficientemente Conocidos a No Amenazados. Tres No Amenazados y 10 Insuficientemente Conocidos fueron elevados a distintas categorías de amenaza, nueve taxones Vulnerables fueron elevados a Amenazados, cinco de Vulnerables a En Peligro, y un taxón fue elevado de Amenazado a En Peligro. De 23 taxones no evaluados en el 2000, 16 se ubican en la categoría No Amenazados, tres en Insuficientemente Conocidos y cuatro en Vulnerables. Estas modificaciones son el resultado de: (1 mayor información sistemática, biogeográfica y bio-ecológica disponible para la evaluación, (2 cambios en cuanto a las presiones antrópicas sobre las especies o sus hábitats, (3 modificaciones metodológicas que incluyeron instructivos para aplicar los conceptos, la discusión y consenso entre especialistas y el análisis de las incertidumbres. More than a decade after the first red list of herpetofauna proposed by the Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (Lavilla et al., 2000, we recategorized amphibians based on new taxonomic, biogeographical, bio

  2. A methodology for extending domain coverage in SemRep. (United States)

    Rosemblat, Graciela; Shin, Dongwook; Kilicoglu, Halil; Sneiderman, Charles; Rindflesch, Thomas C


    We describe a domain-independent methodology to extend SemRep coverage beyond the biomedical domain. SemRep, a natural language processing application originally designed for biomedical texts, uses the knowledge sources provided by the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS©). Ontological and terminological extensions to the system are needed in order to support other areas of knowledge. We extended SemRep's application by developing a semantic representation of a previously unsupported domain. This was achieved by adapting well-known ontology engineering phases and integrating them with the UMLS knowledge sources on which SemRep crucially depends. While the process to extend SemRep coverage has been successfully applied in earlier projects, this paper presents in detail the step-wise approach we followed and the mechanisms implemented. A case study in the field of medical informatics illustrates how the ontology engineering phases have been adapted for optimal integration with the UMLS. We provide qualitative and quantitative results, which indicate the validity and usefulness of our methodology. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  3. Ampliación de la distribución de Physalaemus biligonigerus (Cope, 1860 (Anura: Leiuperidae en la provincia de San Luis, Argentina

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    Moreno, Liliana


    Full Text Available República Argentina, San Luis, Departamento Gral. Pedernera, Villa Mercedes (33º42'18,71" S 66º26'27,98" W. Fecha de colección: 29/XII/ 2006. Col: R. Gutierrez y L. Moreno. Los ejemplares están depositados en la Colección Herpetológica de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis (CH-UNSL 0389 – CH-UNSL 0390.

  4. Inmunodiagnóstico de micosis endémicas y aspergilosis broncopulmonar: Estudio multicéntrico en la República Argentina Immunodiagnosis of endemic mycoses and bronchopulmonary aspergilosis: A multicenter study in Argentina

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    C.E. Canteros


    Full Text Available Se realizó entre 01-04-2000 y 30-03-2001, un estudio de corte transversal, para conocer la frecuencia relativa de las enfermedades por hongos dimorfos y Aspergillus spp. en la República Argentina y evaluar la certeza en el diagnóstico de los laboratorios de diferentes áreas geográficas. Participaron 25 centros de salud provenientes de 12 provincias y de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Fueron analizados en el laboratorio de origen 965 sueros de pacientes con sospecha clínica de histoplasmosis (HP, paracoccidioidomicosis (PCM, coccidioidomicosis (CM y aspergilosis. Todos los sueros positivos y el 35% de los negativos fueron reevaluados en el laboratorio de referencia por inmunodifusión doble en agar. La concordancia entre los resultados obtenidos en los centros de origen y el de referencia fue de 98,8%. Se detectaron anticuerpos específicos en 120 sueros correspondientes a 98 pacientes. El 71,4% (70 casos de los diagnósticos correspondió a micosis endémicas (HP, PCM y CM y el resto a aspergilosis. PCM fue diagnosticada en 47,9% (47 casos, aspergilosis en 28,6% (28 casos, HP en13,3% (13 casos y CM en 10,2% (10 casos. La participación en este estudio fue voluntaria y no todos los centros del país estaban representados, sin embargo, las frecuencias de enfermedades fúngicas fueron las esperadas y coincidentes con estudios previos realizados a nivel nacional.In order to contribute to the knowledge of the relative frequency of chronic fungal diseases and assess the performance of diagnostic laboratories in Argentina, a multicenter study was performed with the participation of 25 medical centers located in 12 different provinces and Buenos Aires City. Between 04-01-2000 and 03-30-2001, 965 serum specimens from patients clinically suspected of having histoplasmosis (HP, paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM, coccidioidomycosis (CM or aspergilosis were analyzed. Agar immunodiffusion tests (IDD were done locally. All positive and 35% of negative

  5. La otra Alemania: las relaciones de Argentina con la República Democrática Alemana (1955-1964

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    Andrés Musacchio


    This paper proposes to analyze the relations between Argentina and the DRG between 1955 and 1964. It focuses on the activities of the trade delegation of the DRG in Buenos Aires, as well as on the negotiations with the Argentinian government and its response, concerning the internal political conjuncture, the cold war and its relations with the FRG.

  6. República, nación y democracia ante el desafío de la diversidad Republic, nation and democracy against the challenge of diversity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susana Villavicencio


    Full Text Available La República no es sólo el nombre de una nación estado y su régimen. Es también un modelo nacional de integración basado en la concepción universalista de la ciudadanía que afirma la figura abstracta de la persona jurídica, portadora de iguales derechos y obligaciones, y valores de civismo y civilidad. Este trabajo analiza cómo la emergencia de la diversidad cultural en Argentina pone en cuestión los conceptos modernos de república, nación y democracia. Examina asimismo cómo los legados de la república, que supone una visión homogeneizada de la diversidad, implican una ambivalencia entre la adhesión a principios universalistas de progreso de la humanidad y la realidad de una democracia excluyente que valorizaba una cultura por sobre otras. Se estudian las narrativas de la identidad nacional, mostrando cómo la oposición civilización -barbarie afecta la visión de los desafíos del futuro de la democracia en América Latina.Republic is not only the name of a nation and its regime. It is also a national model of integration based on a universalist conception of citizenship that sustains the abstract figure of the legal person, endowed with equal rights and obligations, and values of civism and civility, the foundation stones of a society that arises from a contract. This paper analyses how the emergency of the cultural diversity in Argentina calls into question modern political concepts like republic, nation and democracy. It is also evaluated how the republic's inheritance, which supposes an homogenized sight of diversity, gives rise to an ambivalence among the adherence to universalist principles of the progress of humanity and the reality of an excluding democracy that gave value to one culture above others. The narratives of national identity are studied describing how the opposition between civilization and barbariy affects the way Latin Americans see the great challenges presented by the future of democracy, and by the

  7. DNA structure modulates the oligomerization properties of the AAV initiator protein Rep68.

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    Jorge Mansilla-Soto


    Full Text Available Rep68 is a multifunctional protein of the adeno-associated virus (AAV, a parvovirus that is mostly known for its promise as a gene therapy vector. In addition to its role as initiator in viral DNA replication, Rep68 is essential for site-specific integration of the AAV genome into human chromosome 19. Rep68 is a member of the superfamily 3 (SF3 helicases, along with the well-studied initiator proteins simian virus 40 large T antigen (SV40-LTag and bovine papillomavirus (BPV E1. Structurally, SF3 helicases share two domains, a DNA origin interaction domain (OID and an AAA(+ motor domain. The AAA(+ motor domain is also a structural feature of cellular initiators and it functions as a platform for initiator oligomerization. Here, we studied Rep68 oligomerization in vitro in the presence of different DNA substrates using a variety of biophysical techniques and cryo-EM. We found that a dsDNA region of the AAV origin promotes the formation of a complex containing five Rep68 subunits. Interestingly, non-specific ssDNA promotes the formation of a double-ring Rep68, a known structure formed by the LTag and E1 initiator proteins. The Rep68 ring symmetry is 8-fold, thus differing from the hexameric rings formed by the other SF3 helicases. However, similiar to LTag and E1, Rep68 rings are oriented head-to-head, suggesting that DNA unwinding by the complex proceeds bidirectionally. This novel Rep68 quaternary structure requires both the DNA binding and AAA(+ domains, indicating cooperativity between these regions during oligomerization in vitro. Our study clearly demonstrates that Rep68 can oligomerize through two distinct oligomerization pathways, which depend on both the DNA structure and cooperativity of Rep68 domains. These findings provide insight into the dynamics and oligomeric adaptability of Rep68 and serve as a step towards understanding the role of this multifunctional protein during AAV DNA replication and site-specific integration.

  8. Panorama de la familia Asteraceae (= Compositae en la Republica Argentina An overview of the plant family Asteraceae ( = Compositae in Argentina

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    Liliana Katinas


    Full Text Available Se presenta un panorama de la familia Asteraceae en la República Argentina , que incluye una breve historia taxonómica, datos numéricos de tribus, géneros y especies, ejemplos de endemismos y daptaciones ecológicas y una reseña sobre la hipótesis del origen de la familia en Patagonia. En la Argentina, las asteráceas representan la familia más numerosa con 227 géneros (cinco son endémicos y ca. 1400 especies (92 son adventicias y 382 son endémicas. En términos de taxones nativos, se hallan representadas en nuestro país todas las tribus de Asteraceae excepto Inuleae (sensu Bremer. Las tribus Arctoteae y Calenduleae están representadas por taxones adventicios exclusivamente y Cardueae posee sólo una especie nativa. Barnadesieae y Mutisieae son las únicas tribus con géneros endémicos de Argentina y también presentan el porcentaje más alto de géneros y especies en el país en comparación con el resto de las tribus. El mayor número de especies nativas, endémicas y no endémicas, se da en las provincias fitogeográficas Altoandina y Patagónica. La tribu más representada en número de géneros es Heliantheae, y en número de especies nativas es Senecioneae.An overview of the family Asteraceae in Argentina that includes a brief taxonomic history, numerical data of tribes, genera and species, examples of endemisms and ecological adaptations, and a discussion on the hypothesis on the origin of the family in Patagonia is given. Asteraceae is the most numerous family in Argentina , with 227 genera (five are endemic and ca. 1400 species (92 are adventitious and 382 are endemic. In relation to the native taxa, all tribes of Asteraceae occur in Argentina excepting Inuleae (sensu Bremer. Tribes Arctoteae and Calenduleae are represented exclusively by adventitious taxa, and Cardueae has only one native species. Barnadesieae and Mutisieae are the only tribes with endemic genera in Argentina and they also present the highest percentage of

  9. Utshitsja drug u druga / Mailis Reps

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reps, Mailis, 1975-


    Haridus- ja teadusminister Mailis Reps uuendustest koolide õppekavades, õpetajate täienduskoolituse tähtsusest, kutsehariduse arengust, tasuta toitlustamisest põhi- ja kutsekoolides, õpetajate palkadest

  10. La mortalidad por armas de fuego en Argentina entre 1990 y 2008 Firearm mortality in Argentina, 1990-2008

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    Marina Gabriela Zunino


    Full Text Available Este es un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo de la mortalidad por armas de fuego en Argentina, 1990-2008. Se analizaron los porcentajes y las tasas de mortalidad por armas de fuego entre las jurisdicciones del país. Los datos provienen de la Dirección de Estadística e Información en Salud, Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente, República Argentina. Entre 1990-2008 se produjeron 358.484 muertes por causas externas de las cuales el 16,6% (59.339 correspondieron a armas de fuego. La Provincia de Buenos Aires presentó el porcentaje y tasas cruda y ajustada superiores. Las jurisdicciones de la Región Pampeana (incluye Provincia de Buenos Aires presentaron un perfil más homogéneo y similar al del país: aumento de las tasas en 1999-2002 y disminución en 2003-2006. Estos hallazgos se explicarían en parte por el deterioro socioeconómico vivido en Argentina a fines del siglo XX, que habría tenido mayor impacto en Provincia de Buenos Aires, por ser ésta una de las provincias con mayor desarrollo y dinamismo económico de Argentina. La situación de Provincia de Buenos Aires habría estado agravada por el hecho de tener una de las fuerzas policiales más represivas del país.This is a descriptive epidemiological study of firearm mortality in Argentina, 1990-2008. The study compared the firearm mortality percentages and rates between the country's jurisdictions. The data are from the Office of Health Statistics and Information, Ministry of Health. From 1990 to 2008 there were 358,484 deaths from external causes, of which 16.6% (59,339 were caused by firearms. The Province of Buenos Aires showed the highest percentage and crude and adjusted rates. The jurisdictions in the Pampeana region (including the Province of Buenos Aires showed a more homogeneous profile, similar to that of the country as a whole, with an increase in the rates from 1999 to 2002 and a decrease from 2003 to 2006. These findings are partially explained by the country

  11. Characterization of the adenoassociated virus Rep protein complex formed on the viral origin of DNA replication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Zengi; Brister, J. Rodney; Im, Dong-Soo; Muzyczka, Nicholas


    Interaction between the adenoassociated virus (AAV) replication proteins, Rep68 and 78, and the viral terminal repeats (TRs) is mediated by a DNA sequence termed the Rep-binding element (RBE). This element is necessary for Rep-mediated unwinding of duplex DNA substrates, directs Rep catalyzed cleavage of the AAV origin of DNA replication, and is required for viral transcription and proviral integration. Six discrete Rep complexes with the AAV TR substrates have been observed in vitro, and cross-linking studies suggest these complexes contain one to six molecules of Rep. However, the functional relationship between Rep oligomerization and biochemical activity is unclear. Here we have characterized Rep complexes that form on the AAV TR. Both Rep68 and Rep78 appear to form the same six complexes with the AAV TR, and ATP seems to stimulate formation of specific, higher order complexes. When the sizes of these Rep complexes were estimated on native polyacrylamide gels, the four slower migrating complexes were larger than predicted by an amount equivalent to one or two TRs. To resolve this discrepancy, the molar ratio of protein and DNA was calculated for the three largest complexes. Data from these experiments indicated that the larger complexes included multiple TRs in addition to multiple Rep molecules and that the Rep-to-TR ratio was approximately 2. The two largest complexes were also associated with increased Rep-mediated, origin cleavage activity. Finally, we characterized a second, Rep-mediated cleavage event that occurs adjacent to the normal nicking site, but on the opposite strand. This second site nicking event effectively results in double-stranded DNA cleavage at the normal nicking site

  12. Identification and Characterization of the Novel p97 co-factors, Rep8 and ASPL

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Louise Kjær

    to the ER membrane with the UBX domain situated in the cytosol. Mouse Rep8 is highly tissue-specific and abundant in gonads. In tests, Rep8 is expressed in post-meiotic round spermatids, whereas in ovaries Rep8 is expressed in granulosa cells. Additional precipitation experiments revealed that Rep8......The highly conserved and ubiquitin-specific AAA ATPase p97 acts on ubiquitylated substrates in diverse cellular mechanisms such as chromatin-associated degradation, fusion of homotypic membranes and ER-associated degradation. Different p97 cofactors associate with the ATPase, thereby constituting...... that ASPL localizes to the ER membrane and in vitro ASPL leads to disassembly of the p97 hexameric ATPase. Rep8 was found to interact with p97 both in vitro and in vivo, and the binding was mediated through the N-domain of p97 and the UBX domain of Rep8. Localization studies showed that Rep8 localizes...

  13. 3D printing with RepRap cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Salinas, Richard


    A systematic guide consisting of over 100 recipes which focus on helping you understand the process of 3D printing using RepRap machines. The book aims at providing professionals with a series of working recipes to help make their fuzzy notions into real, saleable projects/objects using 3D printing technology. This book is for novice designers and artists who own a RepRap-based 3D printer, have fundamental knowledge of its working, and who desire to gain better mastery of the printing process. For the more experienced user, it will provide a handy visual resource, with side-by-side comparisons

  14. Regulation and drive system for high rep-rate magnetic-pulse compressors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birx, D.L.; Cook, E.G.; Hawkins, S.; Meyers, A.; Reginato, L.L.; Schmidt, J.A.; Smith, M.W.


    The essentially unlimited rep-rate capability of non-linear magnetic systems has imposed strict requirements on the drive system which initiates the pulse compression. An order of magnitude increase in the rep-rates achieved by the Advanced Test Accelerator (ATA) gas blown system is not difficult to achieve in the magnetic compressor. The added requirement of having a high degree of regulation at the higher rep-rates places strict requirements on the triggerable switch for charging and de-Queing. A novel feedback technique which applies the proper bias to a magnetic core by comparing a reference voltage to the charging voltage eases considerably the regulation required to achieve low jitter in magnetic compression. The performance of the high rep-rate charging and regulation systems will be described in the following pages

  15. Material tipo de la Colección de Herpetología del Museo de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Ferraro, Daiana Paola


    Full Text Available El Museo de la Plata (Buenos Aires, República Argentina se fundó en 1889, y la colección herpetológica comenzó a funcionar poco tiempo después, bajo la responsabilidad deJulio G. Koslowsky. En esta contribución se listan los ejemplares tipo de Anfibios y Reptiles depositados en la colección herpetológica del Museo de La Plata. El material tipo depositado corresponde a 32 especies descriptas desde 1895 hasta la actualidad, incluyendo: 14 holotipos, 115 paratipos, 4 lectotipos, 22 paralectotipos, 1 neotipo y 12 sintipos (sin incluir los ejemplares extraviados. Se proporciona, para cada taxón, la información completa referida a estatus de cada ejemplar tipo, sexo, datos de recolección y modificaciones taxonómicas posteriores. The La Plata Museum (Buenos Aires, República Argentina was founded on 1889, and after a little time, the herpetological collection started under the responsibility of Julio G. Koslowsky. In this paper the type specimens of Amphibia and Reptilia housed in the collection of the Herpetology Section at the La Plata Museum are listed. These type materials correspondto 32 species described since 1895 until nowadays, and include: 14 holotypes, 115 paratypes, 4 lectotypes, 22 paralectotypes, 1 neotype and 12 sintypes (this list does not include lost specimens. Complete data about taxonomic status, sex, collection data, and subsequent taxonomic changes are given for each taxon.

  16. Deformable M-Reps for 3D Medical Image Segmentation (United States)

    Pizer, Stephen M.; Fletcher, P. Thomas; Joshi, Sarang; Thall, Andrew; Chen, James Z.; Fridman, Yonatan; Fritsch, Daniel S.; Gash, Graham; Glotzer, John M.; Jiroutek, Michael R.; Lu, Conglin; Muller, Keith E.; Tracton, Gregg; Yushkevich, Paul; Chaney, Edward L.


    M-reps (formerly called DSLs) are a multiscale medial means for modeling and rendering 3D solid geometry. They are particularly well suited to model anatomic objects and in particular to capture prior geometric information effectively in deformable models segmentation approaches. The representation is based on figural models, which define objects at coarse scale by a hierarchy of figures – each figure generally a slab representing a solid region and its boundary simultaneously. This paper focuses on the use of single figure models to segment objects of relatively simple structure. A single figure is a sheet of medial atoms, which is interpolated from the model formed by a net, i.e., a mesh or chain, of medial atoms (hence the name m-reps), each atom modeling a solid region via not only a position and a width but also a local figural frame giving figural directions and an object angle between opposing, corresponding positions on the boundary implied by the m-rep. The special capability of an m-rep is to provide spatial and orientational correspondence between an object in two different states of deformation. This ability is central to effective measurement of both geometric typicality and geometry to image match, the two terms of the objective function optimized in segmentation by deformable models. The other ability of m-reps central to effective segmentation is their ability to support segmentation at multiple levels of scale, with successively finer precision. Objects modeled by single figures are segmented first by a similarity transform augmented by object elongation, then by adjustment of each medial atom, and finally by displacing a dense sampling of the m-rep implied boundary. While these models and approaches also exist in 2D, we focus on 3D objects. The segmentation of the kidney from CT and the hippocampus from MRI serve as the major examples in this paper. The accuracy of segmentation as compared to manual, slice-by-slice segmentation is reported. PMID

  17. Molecular characterization of Salmonella isolates by REP-PCR and RAPD analysis. (United States)

    Albufera, U; Bhugaloo-Vial, P; Issack, M I; Jaufeerally-Fakim, Y


    Eighteen Salmonella isolates from both human and food (non-human) sources (fish, meat, and poultry) were characterized using conventional culture methods, biochemical, serological, and molecular analyses. REP-PCR and RAPD produced DNA profiles for differentiation purposes. Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC), repetitive extragenic palindronic (REP) and BOXAIR primers were selected for REP-PCR and two arbitrary primers, namely OPP-16 and OPS-11 were used for RAPD to generate DNA fingerprints from the Salmonella isolates. REP-PCR method showed greater discriminatory power in differentiating closely related strains of the related strains of Salmonella and produced more complex banding patterns as compared with RAPD. A dendogram was constructed with both sets of profiles using SPSS Version 13.0 computer software and showed that most human isolates were separately clustered from the non-human isolates. Two of the human isolates were closely related to some of the non-human isolates. A good correlation was also observed between the serogrouping of the O antigen and the molecular profiles obtained from REP-PCR and RAPD data of the Salmonella isolates. The results of a principal coordinate analysis (PCA) corresponded to the clustering in the dendrogram.


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    Mario Fabián Marini


    Full Text Available Se determinó el incremento de la superficie agrícola en el área adyacente al Sistema Sierras de la Ventana (Buenos Aires, Argentina. Para ello se emplearon imágenes satelitales Landsat 5 TM de diversas fechas, realizándose una comparación entre la campaña agrícola 1998/ 1999 con respecto a la 2006/ 2007. El análisis llevado a cabo demuestra que existe un incremento en la superficie dedicada a la actividad agrícola que asciende a 55572 has, lo que representa en un aumento del 27,97 %. El mismo es originado principalmente por la propagación de los cultivos de verano, principalmente de la soja, de significativa expansión en la República Argentina en las últimas dos décadas.

  19. Expression, purification, characterization and subcellular localization of the goose parvovirus rep1 protein. (United States)

    Chen, Zongyan; Li, Chuanfeng; Peng, Gaojing; Liu, Guangqing


    The goose parvovirus (GPV) Rep1 protein is both essential for viral replication and a potential target for GPV diagnosis, but its protein characterization and intracellular localization is not clear. We constructed a recombinant plasmid, pET28a/GPV-Rep1, and expressed the Rep1 gene in BL21 (DE3) Escherichia coli. A protein approximately 75 kDa in size was obtained from lysates of E. coli cells expressing the recombinant plasmid. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that after induction with 0.6 mM isopropyl β-D-thiogalactosidase (IPTG) at 30°C for 5 h, the Rep1 protein was highly overexpressed. Two methods used to purify proteins, a salinity-gradient elution and Ni-NTA affinity chromatography, were performed. The amount of Rep1 protein obtained by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography was 41.23 mg, while 119.9 mg of Rep1 protein was obtained by a salinity-gradient elution from a 1 L E. coli BL21 (DE3) culture. An immunogenicity analysis showed that the protein could significantly elicit a specific antibody response in immunized goslings compared to control groups. Antibody titers peaked to 1:5120 (optical density (OD) 450 = 3.9) on day 28 after immunization but had mean titers of 1:10,240 (OD450 = 4.2) in gosling groups immunized with a commercially available GPV-attenuated vaccine strain. Experiments examining subcellular localization showed that the Rep1 protein appeared to associate predominantly with the nuclear membrane, especially during later times of infection. This work provides a basis for biochemical and structural studies on the GPV Rep1 protein.

  20. O ethos do repórter de TV da Rede Globo

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    Marcia Benetti


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa os elementos instituintes das imagens de si de repórteres de televisão da Rede Globo, maior emissora do Brasil. A partir do conceito de ethos discursivo, discutimos como o discurso autorreferente afirma a identidade do jornalista e certos efeitos de verdade a respeito da reportagem. Por meio da análise do discurso de cinco entrevistas de repórteres da Rede Globo concedidas à também jornalista Fátima Bernardes, propomos que o ethos do repórter constrói-se em três dimensões: os atributos do “bom jornalista”, as características do “bom repórter” e as particularidades de pertencimento ao campo jornalístico. Como articuladores do ethos, os valores morais e os aspectos relacionados às rotinas profissionais convocam a audiência a se conectar com certas definições sobre o jornalismo.

  1. Políticas de información al amparo de la legislación argentina

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    Verónica Gauchi


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de caracterizar la tutela que reciben las políticas de información en la legislación argentina, se expone la forma como se conciben en la cultura del país, así como el marco conceptual que establece sus características, el origen y las particularidades del derecho de acceso a la información y las principales acciones que se han llevado a cabo en el país durante las últimas décadas en este sentido. Se anexa una compilación sistemática de las disposiciones fundamentales aplicables jurídicamente al ámbito de lo que podría denominarse derecho a la información, que conjuga las normas relativas a las unidades de información y los medios de comunicación, así como los derechos que podrían considerarse conexos, dentro del territorio de la República Argentina, como el de la propiedad intelectual.

  2. Hacia los 25 años de los saqueos de la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina.

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    Gabriela Silvina Dalla-Corte Caballero


    Full Text Available A punto de cumplirse los 25 años de los saqueos producidos en Rosario de la República Argentina, este artículo se centra en el debate historiográfico y antropológico acerca del uso de esa categoría para describir el impacto producido entre los supermercados más afectados de la ciudad. Se relaciona este caso con sucesos acontecidos en el país, y en especial se reproducen y analizan los dibujos que elaboraron niños y niñas de tercer grado de escuela primaria durante el primer día en que la escuela reabrió sus puertas. El ámbito educativo forma parte de este análisis sobre el significado del saqueo y sobre su uso para garantizar la alimentación infantil.Palabras clave: Rosario, Argentina, saqueos, mayo de 1989, escuela primaria, dibujos.______________Abstract: On the brink of the 25th anniversary of the looting in Rosario in Argentina, this article focuses on historiographical and anthropological debate about the use of that category to describe the impact occurred between supermarkets in the city most affected. This case is related to events that occurred in the country, especially reproduce and analyze the drawings produced children third grade elementary school for the first day the school reopened. The education is part of this analysis, on the significance of the looting and its use to ensure infant feeding.Keywords: Rosario, Argentina, looting, May 1989, primary school, drawings.

  3. Images en mouvement stockage, repérage, indexation

    CERN Document Server

    Turner, James


    L'avènement puis la fusion des nouveaux modes de communication que sont l'informatique, les télécommunications et l'audiovisuel ont mis à la portée de tous une grande quantité d'images fixes et en mouvement dont la conservation et le repérage risquent de prendre des proportions démesurées. Le présent ouvrage veut offrir aux responsables de collection des repères pour aborder la problématique de l'indexation des images et faciliter l'accès des usagers à ces images.

  4. Intracellular route and biological activity of exogenously delivered Rep proteins from the adeno-associated virus type 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Awedikian, Rafi; Francois, Achille; Guilbaud, Mickael; Moullier, Philippe; Salvetti, Anna


    The two large Rep proteins, Rep78 and Rep68, from the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) are required for AAV-2 DNA replication, site-specific integration, and for the regulation of viral gene expression. The study of their activities is dependent on the ability to deliver these proteins to the cells in a time and dose-dependent manner. We evaluated the ability of a protein transduction domain (PTD) derived from the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) TAT protein to drive the cellular internalization of exogenously delivered PTD-fused Rep68 proteins. This analysis unexpectedly revealed that recombinant Rep68 alone, in the absence of any PTD, could be endocytosed by the cells. Rep68 as the chimeric TAT-Rep68 proteins were internalized through endocytosis in clathrin-coated vesicles and retained in late endosomes/lysosomes with no detectable nuclear localization. In the presence of adenovirus, the Rep proteins could translocate into the nucleus where they displayed a biological activity. These findings support recent reports on the mechanism of entry of TAT-fused proteins and also revealed a new property of Rep68

  5. Typing of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains by REP-PCR Tipificação de amostras aviárias patogênicas de Escherichia coli pela REP-PCR

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    Marcelo Brocchi


    Full Text Available In the present study the repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP polymerase chain reaction (PCR technique was used to establish the clonal variability of 49 avian Escherichia coli (APEC strains isolated from different outbreak cases of septicemia (n=24, swollen head syndrome (n=14 and omphalitis (n=11. Thirty commensal strains isolated from poultry with no signs of these illnesses were used as control strains. The purified DNA of these strains produced electrophoretic profiles ranging from 0 to 15 bands with molecular sizes varying from 100 bp to 6.1 kb, allowing the grouping of the 79 strains into a dendrogram containing 49 REP-types. Although REP-PCR showed good discriminating power it was not able to group the strains either into specific pathogenic classes or to differentiate between pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. On the contrary, we recently demonstrated that other techniques such as ERIC-PCR and isoenzyme profiles are appropriate to discriminate between commensal and APEC strains and also to group these strains into specific pathogenic classes. In conclusion, REP-PCR seems to be a technique neither efficient nor universal for APEC strains discrimination. However, the population clonal structure obtained with the use of REP-PCR must not be ignored particularly if one takes into account that the APEC pathogenic mechanisms are not completely understood yet.A técnica de REP (Repetitive extragenic palindrome-PCR foi utilizada para avaliar a variabilidade genética de 49 amostras de Escherichia coli patogênicas para aves (APEC, isoladas de aves de corte (frangos em diferentes surtos de septicemia (n=24, síndrome da cabeça inchada (n=14 e onfalite (n=11. Trinta amostras comensais, isoladas de frangos sem sinais de doença, foram utilizadas como controle. A análise do perfil eletroforético obtido por reação de REP-PCR utilizando DNA purificado das amostras evidenciou a amplificação de 0 a 15 bandas de DNA com pesos moleculares

  6. Mailis Reips : Prezhde vsego neobhodimo natshat / Mailis Reps

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reps, Mailis, 1975-


    Haridusminister Mailis Reps kakskeelse hariduse vajalikkusest vene õppekeelega koolides, noorte keeleoskusest, eesti keele õpetamise kvaliteedist, õpetajate eesti keele oskusest, õppetöö kvaliteedist

  7. Helosis (Balanophoraceae en Argentina Helosis (Balanophoraceae in Argentina

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    José Luis Fontana


    Full Text Available Se cita por primera vez para Argentina Helosis cayennensis (Swartz Sprengel var. cayennensis en base a colecciones hechas por los autores en la Isla argentina de Apipé Grande, Ituzaingó, provincia de Corrientes. Se describe e ilustra la especie, el desarrollo de la planta y su estado de conservación. Esta cita de Helosis corresponde a un género nuevo para la flora argentina.Helosis cayennensis var. cayennensis is reported for the first time for Argentina. The species is described and ilustrated. Developement and ecology are also given. Helosis is also a new generic record for Argentina.

  8. Development of low-cost open source 3D gel printer "RepRap SWIM-ER" (United States)

    Sato, Kei; Basher, Samiul; Ota, Takafumi; Tase, Taishi; Takamatsu, Kyuichiro; Saito, Azusa; Khosla, Ajit; Kawakami, Masaru; Furuawa, Hidemitsu


    Gels are soft and wet materials having low friction, good biocompatibility, and material permeability. It is expected that gel materials will be used as new kinds of industrial materials in the engineering and medical applications. But it cannot build a complicated shape. Soft & Wet Matter Engineering Laboratory developed a 3D gel Printer "SWIM-ER", has enabled modeling of complex shapes of the gel. However, this is expensive. Therefore not all of the gel researchers and the companies have such a device. To solve this problem, we manufacture a low-cost open-source 3D gel printer "RepRap SWIM-ER" from the RepRap. We made the components required to manufacture the "RepRap SWIM-ER" from the 3D printer and chose a light source. In addition, we produced the P-DN gel for RepRap SWIM-ER and conducted the molding test to confirm whether RepRap SWIM-ER can used it.

  9. Elementos para la contabilización de proyectos MDL en países no-anexo I, caso: Argentina

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    Perossa, Mario Luis


    Full Text Available El objeto del presente trabajo tiene por finalidad presentar propuestas para el debate y la reflexión sobre ciertos temas relacionados con la contabilización de algunos instrumentos surgidos a partir de la puesta en marcha del Protocolo de Kyoto, mas precisamente sobre el Mecanismo para un Desarrollo Limpio (MDL, que es el instrumento aplicable a aquellos países (que como en el caso de la República Argentina, firmaron y ratificaron el mismo en vías de desarrollo no se encuentra sujeto a regulación sobre reducción de emisiones pero pueden ser objeto de planes de MDL.

  10. Argentina. (United States)


    This discussion of Argentina covers geography, the people, history and political conditions, government, economy, foreign relations, and relations between the US and Argentina. In 1985, the population of Argentina was estimated to be 30.6 million with an estimated annual growth rate of 1.5%. The infant mortality rate is 34.1/1000, and life expectancy is 70.2 years. Argentina, which shares land borders with Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, is bounded by the Atlantic and the Antarctic Oceans. Descendants of Italian and Spanish immigrants predominate in Argentina, but many trace their origins to British and West and East European ancestors. In recent years, there has been a substantial influx of immigrants from neighboring Latin American countries. The native Indian population, estimated to be 50,000, is concentrated in the peripheral provinces of the north, northwest, and south. What is now Argentina was discovered in 1516 by the Spanish navigator Juan de Solia. The formal declaration of independence from Spain was made on July 9, 1816. In the late 19th century, 2 forces worked to create the modern Argentine nation: the introduction of modern agricultural techniques and the integration of Argentina into the world economy. Argentina has impressive human and natural resources, but political conflict and uneven economic performance since World War II have impeded full realization of its considerable potential. Yet, it is one of the wealthiest countries in Latin America. Among the reasons for the military coup of March 1976 was the deteriorating economy, caused by declining production and rampant inflation. Under the leadership of the Minister of the Economy, the military government focused attention on those immediate problems, and, in 1978, embarked on a new development strategy focusing on the establishment of a free market economy. There was little improvement in the economy, and a new economic plan was introduced in 1985 which has capped inflation by

  11. Geología forense: Métodos aplicados en la búsqueda de desaparecidos en la región central de Argentina


    Guillermo Sagripanti; Diego Villalba; David Aguilera; Aldo Giaccardi


    La geología forense es una disciplina dentro de las Ciencias de la Tierra que, a través de la recolección y análisis de minerales, suelo, agua, etc., puede aportar valiosas pruebas para la resolución de problemas planteados por la justicia. Los objetivos de esta contribución son documentar las actividades de geología forense realizadas en la exploración de sitios potenciales de enterramientos clandestinos de personas en la región central de la República Argentina, poner al alcance de geólogos...

  12. Democracia y República


    Toledo, Víctor Fabio


    p. 33-34 En la actualidad se ha reavivado el debate en torno a los conceptos de Democracia y República. Desde el triunfo sobre el nazismo a mediados del siglo XX la democracia se ha constituido en un imperativo occidental y, a partir del derrumbe soviético, en uno cuasi universal. Sin embargo, en algunos casos —y no pocos por cierto— en el reclamo por la democratización se encontraron razones ideales para consagrar la concentración de los poderes del Estado, por paradójico que parezca. Es ...

  13. Amenazas, declinaciones poblacionales y extinciones en anfibios argentinos


    Lavilla, Esteban O.


    ¿Cuál es la situación actual de los anfibios de la República Argentina? La herramienta más valiosa con que contamos en este momento es el libro Categorización de los anfibios y reptiles de la República Argentina, publicado por la Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (Lavailla et al., 2000b), donde se vuelcan los aportes de alrededor de medio centenar de herpetólogos que trabajaron entre septiembre de 1998 y marzo de 2000 para sumar experiencias y sintetizar la información disponible sobre el es...

  14. Applications: REP-rate pulse power technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Research on the following topics is discussed: (1) REP-rate pulse power technology, (2) RTF-I, 300-J, 100-pps test facility experiments, (3) transformer development, (4) reactor system studies, (5) general conceptual design, (6) economic considerations, (7) specific reactor designs, (8) low-current density diode physics studies, and (9) plasma injected, microsecond, E-beam diodes

  15. The Filament-specific Rep1-1 Repellent of the Phytopathogen Ustilago maydis Forms Functional Surface-active Amyloid-like Fibrils

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Teertstra, Wieke R.; van der Velden, Gisela J.; de Jong, Jan F.; Kruijtzer, John A. W.; Liskamp, Rob M. J.; Kroon-Batenburg, Loes M. J.; Muller, Wally H.; Gebbink, Martijn F. B. G.; Wosten, Han A. B.


    Repellents of the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis are involved in formation of hydrophobic aerial hyphae and in cellular attachment. These peptides, called Rep1-1 to Rep1-11, are encoded by the rep1 gene and result from cleavage of the precursor protein Rep1 during passage of the secretion pathway.

  16. Argentine regulatory experience concerning radiation protection in industrial gammagraphy; Experiencia regulatoria argentina en gammagrafia industrial en materia de radioproteccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ermacora, Marcela G [Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Industrial gammagraphy has always been responsible for the highest rates of radiological incidents in almost every part of the world. This is mainly due to the high activities of the radioactive sources used, which are constantly transported in the equipment that contains them between the storage and the areas of work, and is also due to workload pressures which may induce to negligence in following the operational procedures, if a strong Safety Culture does not exist. The purpose of this paper is to present the main aspects of the Argentine Regulations relating to radiation protection to control this practice and to contribute in this way to reduce the associated risks. In addition, some incidents occurred in Argentina during the latest years, the causes that led to those events and their relation to the in observance of the regulations in force, their consequences and the measures taken to repair them are described. Finally, the importance of the role that education and training has in the strengthening of Safety Culture, key element of all undertaking, is highlighted. (author) [Spanish] La gammagrafia industrial siempre fue responsable de los mayores indices de accidentes radiologicos en casi todo el mundo. Esto se debe principalmente a las altas actividades de las fuentes radiactivas utilizadas, las cuales son transportadas constantemente en los equipos que las contienen entre el deposito y las areas de trabajo, y a presiones de carga de trabajo que pueden inducir a descuidos en el seguimiento de los procedimientos de operacion, si no existe una Cultura de la Seguridad arraigada. El proposito de este trabajo es presentar los aspectos principales de la reglamentacion argentina en materia de radioproteccion para controlar esta practica y de esta manera contribuir a reducir los riesgos asociados. Asimismo, se describen algunos incidentes ocurridos en argentina durante los ultimos anios, las causas que condujeron a dichos sucesos y su relacion con el incumplimiento

  17. Evolution of REP diversity: a comparative study

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nunvář, Jaroslav; Lichá, I.; Schneider, Bohdan


    Roč. 14, č. 385 (2013) ISSN 1471-2164 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP305/12/1801 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50520701 Keywords : REP elements * Stenotrophomonas maltophilia * Pseudomonas fluorescens Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 4.041, year: 2013

  18. ReRep: Computational detection of repetitive sequences in genome survey sequences (GSS

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    Alves-Ferreira Marcelo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Genome survey sequences (GSS offer a preliminary global view of a genome since, unlike ESTs, they cover coding as well as non-coding DNA and include repetitive regions of the genome. A more precise estimation of the nature, quantity and variability of repetitive sequences very early in a genome sequencing project is of considerable importance, as such data strongly influence the estimation of genome coverage, library quality and progress in scaffold construction. Also, the elimination of repetitive sequences from the initial assembly process is important to avoid errors and unnecessary complexity. Repetitive sequences are also of interest in a variety of other studies, for instance as molecular markers. Results We designed and implemented a straightforward pipeline called ReRep, which combines bioinformatics tools for identifying repetitive structures in a GSS dataset. In a case study, we first applied the pipeline to a set of 970 GSSs, sequenced in our laboratory from the human pathogen Leishmania braziliensis, the causative agent of leishmaniosis, an important public health problem in Brazil. We also verified the applicability of ReRep to new sequencing technologies using a set of 454-reads of an Escheria coli. The behaviour of several parameters in the algorithm is evaluated and suggestions are made for tuning of the analysis. Conclusion The ReRep approach for identification of repetitive elements in GSS datasets proved to be straightforward and efficient. Several potential repetitive sequences were found in a L. braziliensis GSS dataset generated in our laboratory, and further validated by the analysis of a more complete genomic dataset from the EMBL and Sanger Centre databases. ReRep also identified most of the E. coli K12 repeats prior to assembly in an example dataset obtained by automated sequencing using 454 technology. The parameters controlling the algorithm behaved consistently and may be tuned to the properties

  19. The tissue-specific Rep8/UBXD6 tethers p97 to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane for degradation of misfolded proteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Louise; Kriegenburg, Franziska; Lages Lino Vala, Andrea


    is a transmembrane protein that localizes to the ER membrane with its UBX domain facing the cytoplasm. Knock-down of Rep8 expression in human cells leads to a decreased association of p97 with the ER membrane and concomitantly a retarded degradation of misfolded ER-derived proteasome substrates. Thus, Rep8 tethers p......The protein known as p97 or VCP in mammals and Cdc48 in yeast is a versatile ATPase complex involved in several biological functions including membrane fusion, protein folding, and activation of membrane-bound transcription factors. In addition, p97 plays a central role in degradation of misfolded...... protein named Rep8 or Ubxd6 as a new cofactor of p97. Mouse Rep8 is highly tissue-specific and abundant in gonads. In testes, Rep8 is expressed in post-meiotic round spermatids, whereas in ovaries Rep8 is expressed in granulosa cells. Rep8 associates directly with p97 via its UBX domain. We show that Rep8...

  20. Mineralogía de arcillas y nanofósiles calcáreos de las formaciones Jagüel y Roca en el sector oriental del lago Pellegrini, Cuenca Neuquina, República Argentina Clay mineralogy and calcareous nannofossils from Jagüel and Roca formations in the eastern sector of Pellegrini Lake, Neuquen Basin, República Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Telma Musso


    Full Text Available Se presentan nuevos datos mineralógicos, sedimentológlcos, y micropaleontológlcos de las sedimentitas de las formaciones Jagüel (Maastrichtiano Tardío-Daniano temprano y Roca (Daniano, en el sector oriental del lago Pellegrini, provincia de Río Negro, República Argentina. En función de las características físicas de las sedimentitas que integran estas formaciones y su edad, se definieron dos litofacies siliciclásticas y una litofacies carbonática: litofacies de fangolitas calcáreas amarillas grisáceas maastrichtianas, litofacies de fangolitas calcáreas gris oliva claro danianas y litofacies de rocas carbonáticas danianas. Las rocas pertenecientes a las litofacies siliciclásticas, que constituyen la mayor parte de los perfiles estudiados, se clasificaron como fangolitas aloquímicas y están constituidas principalmente por argilominerales y, en menor proporción, por calcita. La asociación de minerales arcillosos se encuentra dominada por un interestratificado illita/esmectita (I/S tipo R0 (70-90% Sm acompañado por proporciones menores de illita y caolinita. La mineralogía y microfábrica de las fangolitas reflejan que los sedimentos no habrían sido modificados significativamente por diagénesis. Los minerales arcillosos serían de origen detrítico y el predominio del I/S altamente esmectítico a lo largo de todas las secciones estaría asociado al vulcanismo activo existente en el arco magmático situado al oeste de la Cuenca Neuquina, durante el Cretácico Tardío y Paleoceno. El análisis micropaleontológico de las litofacies definidas confirmó la presencia del límite Cretácico-Paleógeno (K/P en las sedimentitas de la Formación Jagüel. Los nanofósiles calcáreos hallados permitieron establecer una correspondencia entre edades y tipos de asociaciones mineralógicas. De esta manera, fue posible detectar que en posiciones estratigráficas próximas al límite K/P existe un incremento de caolinita (>10% que disminuye

  1. El concepto de República en José Martí


    Dr. Ibrahim Hidalgo


    El acercamiento a una visión martiana sobre el concepto de la república es la esencia del artículo, donde se parte del análisis de sus textos, situando el concepto de república en el centro de su pensamiento y su actuar políticos e ideológicos, que han devenido objeto de análisis y valoraciones desde diversos ángulos, perspectivas y proyecciones por autores que a lo largo del siglo XX, y en la actualidad. El elemento esencial de la concepción es el ser individualmente considerado, cuya unión ...

  2. Obliquamente, os mitos. (República, II

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    Loraine Oliveira


    Full Text Available A República é um texto repleto de mitos, que ora são condenados, ora integrados à educação na cidade. No livro II a discussão mostra quais são condenáveis e quais são úteis. E o motivo dessa posição ambivalente de Platão a respeito do mito é um só: os mitos se imprimem na alma. Sendo assim, eles são formadores do caráter. O problema é que há mitos pseûdos, ou seja, falsos, mentirosos, fictícios. E há mitos que possuem um elemento de verdade e um elemento pseûdos. Mas eles jamais são completamente verdadeiros. Ora, qual a função do pseûdos, considerando que os mitos formam o caráter? Um discurso, seja ficcional, ou mítico, pode ser filosófico? Se isso for possível, o texto da República não é ele mesmo uma ficção? Um mito? Por breves apontamentos, este estudo segue essas questões.

  3. Lipofection of purified adeno-associated virus Rep68 protein: toward a chromosome-targeting nonviral particle. (United States)

    Lamartina, S; Roscilli, G; Rinaudo, D; Delmastro, P; Toniatti, C


    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) integrates very efficiently into a specific site (AAVS1) of human chromosome 19. Two elements of the AAV genome are sufficient: the inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and the Rep78 or Rep68 protein. The incorporation of the AAV integration machinery in nonviral delivery systems is of great interest for gene therapy. We demonstrate that purified recombinant Rep68 protein is functionally active when directly delivered into human cells by using the polycationic liposome Lipofectamine, promoting the rescue-replication of a codelivered ITR-flanked cassette in adenovirus-infected cells and its site-specific integration in noninfected cells. The sequencing of cloned virus-host DNA junctions confirmed that lipofected Rep68 protein triggers site-specific integration at the same sites in chromosome 19 already characterized in cells latently infected with AAV.

  4. Biogeografía de los anfibios anuros de la región central de la República Argentina

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    Bridarolli, María E.


    Full Text Available The distribution of sixty anuran taxa in central Argentina (28°- 36°S, 60°-68°W is analyzed, as well as its correspondence with natural environments, taking into account phytogeographic formations, geomorphology, climatologic zones and zoogeographic regions. An isoline map of anurans diversity was constructed. High diversity occurs in the central-east zone of the study area, coincidently with plain environments and heterogenous phytogeographic formations; low values are found in homogenous phytogeographic formations. A dendrogram was obtained following UPGMA procedure, distinguishing 6 groups of phytogeographic associations based on amphibian distributions. A correspondence between natural environments and anurans presence is reported.

  5. Hariduspoliitikas ilmnevad üksmeele märgid / Mailis Reps

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reps, Mailis, 1975-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 7. juuni lk. 2, Nädaline 10. juuni lk. 2. Haridusminister Mailis Reps Res Publica ja Isamaaliidu ühisest haridusprogrammist ning juba teostumas hariduspoliitilistest eesmärkidest

  6. Procesos identitarios, “minorías” étnicas y etnicidad: los mapuches de la República Argentina

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    Héctor Vázquez


    Full Text Available En prenant l’exemple des Mapuches d’Argentine, l’auteur de l’article établit une réflexion sur certains concepts clés de l’anthropologie socioculturelle contemporaine tels que: processus identitaires, ethnie, ethnicité, minorités ethniques, résistance ethnique, autonomie et autodétermination.In this paper the author considers several key concepts concerning socio-cultural anthropology such as the identity process, ethnic minorities, autonomy and self-determination. The author focuses on the Argentine Mapuches.El autor establece una reflexión crítica sobre algunos conceptos claves de la antropología sociocultural contemporánea tales como: procesos identitarios, etnia, etnicidad, minorías étnicas, resistencia étnica, autonomía y autodeterminación. Encarnándolos en un caso concreto: Los Mapuches de la Argentina.

  7. Estudio multicéntrico de fungemias por levaduras en la República Argentina Multicenter study of bloodstream infections due to yeasts in Argentina

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    L. Rodero


    Full Text Available La incidencia de candidemias aumentó aproximadamente en un 500% en hospitales de alta complejidad y se observó un cambio en la distribución de especies del género Candida, con un incremento de las levaduras no Candida albicans. Con el objeto de conocer la distribución de especies asociadas a fungemias por levaduras en Argentina y determinar su sensibilidad a los antifúngicos de uso convencional, se realizó un estudio multicéntrico durante el período abril 1999 a abril 2000. Participaron 36 instituciones del país. Se colectaron 265 aislamientos de levaduras provenientes de hemocultivos, que se identificaron utilizando pruebas morfológicas, fisiológicas y bioquímicas y la determinación de la concentración inhibitoria mínima se realizó en base al estándar del NCCLS. La distribución de especies fue: Candida albicans (40,75%, Candida parapsilosis (28,67%, Candida tropicalis (15,84%, Candida famata (3,77%, Cryptococcus neoformans (3,77%, Candida glabrata (2,64% y otras (4,53%. La mayoría de los aislamientos fueron sensibles a anfotericina B, fluconazol e itraconazol. La mortalidad asociada a las fungemias por levaduras estudiadas (n=265 fue del 30%, siendo más baja a lo descrito (33-54% y fue menor en los pacientes que recibieron tratamiento antifúngico (26,3%, que en los no tratados (47%.The incidence of candidemia has increased approximately 500% in high-complexity hospitals. A change in the spectrum of Candida infections due to species other than Candida albicans has also been detected. Between April 1999 and April 2000 a multicenter study was performed in order to determine the species distribution associated to candidemias in Argentina and the susceptibility profile of the isolates to the current antifungal drugs. Thirty six institutions have participated. All the 265 yeast strains isolated from blood cultures were identified by morphological, physiological, and biochemical tests. The antifungal susceptibility testing of

  8. The adeno-associated virus major regulatory protein Rep78-c-Jun-DNA motif complex modulates AP-1 activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasad, C. Krishna; Meyers, Craig; Zhan Dejin; You Hong; Chiriva-Internati, Maurizio; Mehta, Jawahar L.; Liu Yong; Hermonat, Paul L.


    Multiple epidemiologic studies show that adeno-associated virus (AAV) is negatively associated with cervical cancer (CX CA), a cancer which is positively associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Mechanisms for this correlation may be by Rep78's (AAV's major regulatory protein) ability to bind the HPV-16 p97 promoter DNA and inhibit transcription, to bind and interfere with the functions of the E7 oncoprotein of HPV-16, and to bind a variety of HPV-important cellular transcription factors such as Sp1 and TBP. c-Jun is another important cellular factor intimately linked to the HPV life cycle, as well as keratinocyte differentiation and skin development. Skin is the natural host tissue for both HPV and AAV. In this article it is demonstrated that Rep78 directly interacts with c-Jun, both in vitro and in vivo, as analyzed by Western blot, yeast two-hybrid cDNA, and electrophoretic mobility shift-supershift assay (EMSA supershift). Addition of anti-Rep78 antibodies inhibited the EMSA supershift. Investigating the biological implications of this interaction, Rep78 inhibited the c-Jun-dependent c-jun promoter in transient and stable chloramphenicol acetyl-transferase (CAT) assays. Rep78 also inhibited c-Jun-augmented c-jun promoter as well as the HPV-16 p97 promoter activity (also c-Jun regulated) in in vitro transcription assays in T47D nuclear extracts. Finally, the Rep78-c-Jun interaction mapped to the amino-half of Rep78. The ability of Rep78 to interact with c-Jun and down-regulate AP-1-dependent transcription suggests one more mechanism by which AAV may modulate the HPV life cycle and the carcinogenesis process

  9. Estado sistemático y distribución geográfica de Argenteohyla siemersi (Mertens, 1937 en la República Argentina (Anura: Hylidae

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    Williams, Jorge Daniel


    Full Text Available Argenteohyla siemersi pederseni n. subsp. is described from the province of Corrientes, Argentina. The new subspecies is differentiated from Argenteohyla siemersi siemersi by the coloration pattern and the presence of two longitudinal black lines in the dorsum. Comments on the habitat and biogeography are added.

  10. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación turística : El caso de las agencias de viajes en Argentina


    Alza, Mario Eduardo


    La tesis está centrada en el estudio del impacto que las nuevas tecnologías de la Comunicación e Información tienen sobre el sector de las Agencias de Viajes en la República Argentina. En este estudio se distinguen el análisis del entorno y luego, el del propio sector. En el primero de ellos, se examinan cuáles son las acciones y estrategias que los distintos actores de la cadena de valor del turismo llevan adelante a partir del uso de las nuevas tecnologías, y el modo en que las mismas im...

  11. RepSox improves viability and regulates gene expression in rhesus monkey-pig interspecies cloned embryos. (United States)

    Zhu, Hai-Ying; Jin, Long; Guo, Qing; Luo, Zhao-Bo; Li, Xiao-Chen; Zhang, Yu-Chen; Xing, Xiao-Xu; Xuan, Mei-Fu; Zhang, Guang-Lei; Luo, Qi-Rong; Wang, Jun-Xia; Cui, Cheng-Du; Li, Wen-Xue; Cui, Zheng-Yun; Yin, Xi-Jun; Kang, Jin-Dan


    To investigate the effect of the small molecule, RepSox, on the expression of developmentally important genes and the pre-implantation development of rhesus monkey-pig interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) embryos. Rhesus monkey cells expressing the monomeric red fluorescent protein 1 which have a normal (42) chromosome complement, were used as donor cells to generate iSCNT embryos. RepSox increased the expression levels of the pluripotency-related genes, Oct4 and Nanog (p  0.05), this was not significant. RepSox can improve the developmental potential of rhesus monkey-pig iSCNT embryos by regulating the expression of pluripotency-related genes.

  12. Analysis of the clonal relationship among clinical isolates of Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis by different typing methods Análisis de la relación clonal entre aislamientos clínicos de Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis mediante diferentes métodos de tipificación

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    Luis A. Merino


    Full Text Available Salmonella Infantis has been the second most common serovar in Argentina in the last two years, being isolated mostly from paediatric hospitalised patients. In order to determine the clonal relationship among Salmonella Infantis strains, we examined 15 isolates from paediatric patient faeces in Argentina (12 geographically related and 3 geographically non-related by using antimicrobial susceptibility, plasmid profiling, repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP PCR, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC PCR, and low-frequency restriction analysis of chromosomal DNA by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE. Four Spanish strains were included as controls of clonal diversity in molecular techniques. Antibiotype and plasmid profile was not useful as epidemiological tools. PFGE and REP-PCR were able to discriminate between Argentinean and Spanish isolates of Salmonella Infantis allowing to detect genetically related strains in three different cities. This finding indicates that a possible spread of a clone of this serovar in the North-eastern Region of Argentina has taken place in 1998.Salmonella Infantis ha sido el segundo serovar más común en la Argentina en los últimos dos años, siendo aislada principalmente, a partir de pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados. La relación clonal entre 15 aislamientos de Salmonella Infantis obtenidos de heces de pacientes pediátricos en Argentina se estudió mediante la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana, el perfil plasmídico, amplificación por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR de las secuencias repetitivas REP y ERIC, y electroforesis de ADN total en campo pulsátil (PFGE. Cuatro cepas españolas fueron incluidas como control de diversidad clonal. El antibiotipo y el perfil plasmídico no fueron herramientas útiles en la tipificación. PFGE y REP-PCR fueron capaces de discriminar entre las cepas argentinas y españolas de Salmonella Infantis, permitiendo detectar cepas gen

  13. The tissue-specific Rep8/UBXD6 tethers p97 to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane for degradation of misfolded proteins.

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    Louise Madsen

    Full Text Available The protein known as p97 or VCP in mammals and Cdc48 in yeast is a versatile ATPase complex involved in several biological functions including membrane fusion, protein folding, and activation of membrane-bound transcription factors. In addition, p97 plays a central role in degradation of misfolded secretory proteins via the ER-associated degradation pathway. This functional diversity of p97 depends on its association with various cofactors, and to further our understanding of p97 function it is important that these cofactors are identified and analyzed. Here, we isolate and characterize the human protein named Rep8 or Ubxd6 as a new cofactor of p97. Mouse Rep8 is highly tissue-specific and abundant in gonads. In testes, Rep8 is expressed in post-meiotic round spermatids, whereas in ovaries Rep8 is expressed in granulosa cells. Rep8 associates directly with p97 via its UBX domain. We show that Rep8 is a transmembrane protein that localizes to the ER membrane with its UBX domain facing the cytoplasm. Knock-down of Rep8 expression in human cells leads to a decreased association of p97 with the ER membrane and concomitantly a retarded degradation of misfolded ER-derived proteasome substrates. Thus, Rep8 tethers p97 to the ER membrane for efficient ER-associated degradation.

  14. El Estado argentino ante el reto de las migraciones internacionales: reflexiones del reciente cambio de rumbo en la política migratoria argentina

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    Julieta Nicolao


    Full Text Available En un contexto en el cual la restricción a las migraciones internacionales se recrudece a escala global y los criterios de seguridad impregnan la formulación de las políticas migratorias en todo el mundo, en la República Argentina se observa, desde 2003, una forma distinta de hacer frente a este fenómeno que, a su vez, deja atrás tres décadas de políticas migratorias irracionales en el país. Este análisis sobre el cambio de rumbo de la política migratoria argentina se ha confeccionado atendiendo especialmente a la nueva dinámica migratoria nacional, definida por la predominancia de la inmigración procedente de países limítrofes, y también a la evolución de dicho fenómeno a escala global y a la orientación generalizada en la cual se sustentan las políticas de los principales Estados receptores del mundo.

  15. Interlaboratory reproducibility of DiversiLab rep-PCR typing and clustering of Acinetobacter baumannii isolates. (United States)

    Higgins, Paul G; Hujer, Andrea M; Hujer, Kristine M; Bonomo, Robert A; Seifert, Harald


    We have investigated the reproducibility of DiversiLab rep-PCR fingerprints between two laboratories with the aim of determining if the fingerprints and clustering are laboratory-specific or portable. One-hundred non-duplicate Acinetobacter baumannii isolates were used in this study. DNA isolation and rep-PCR were each performed separately in two laboratories and rep-PCR patterns generated in laboratory A were compared with those from laboratory B. Twelve A. baumannii isolates processed in laboratory A showed ≥98 % pattern similarity with the corresponding 12 isolates tested in laboratory B and were considered identical. Sixty-four isolates showed 95-97.9 % similarity with their corresponding isolates. Twenty-three isolates showed 90-94 % similarity with the corresponding isolates, while one isolate showed only 87.4 % similarity. However, intra-laboratory clustering was conserved: isolates that clustered in laboratory A also clustered in laboratory B. While clustering was conserved and reproducible at two different laboratories, demonstrating the robustness of rep-PCR, interlaboratory comparison of individual isolate fingerprints showed more variability. This comparison allows conclusions regarding clonality to be reached independent of the laboratory where the analysis is performed.

  16. El concepto de República en José Martí

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    Dr. Ibrahim Hidalgo


    Full Text Available El acercamiento a una visión martiana sobre el concepto de la república es la esencia del artículo, donde se parte del análisis de sus textos, situando el concepto de república en el centro de su pensamiento y su actuar políticos e ideológicos, que han devenido objeto de análisis y valoraciones desde diversos ángulos, perspectivas y proyecciones por autores que a lo largo del siglo XX, y en la actualidad. El elemento esencial de la concepción es el ser individualmente considerado, cuya unión constituye el pueblo, que deviene así no un ente abstracto y amorfo, sino un conglomerado de personas

  17. CENTROS HISTÓRICOS NO CONSOLIDADOS: un desafío para la gestión patrimonial. El caso de Bahía Blanca (Argentina

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    Carlos Andrés Pinassi


    Full Text Available Este trabajo incluye una serie de reflexiones relativas a diferentes investigaciones realizadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Rep. Argentina, concernientes al patrimonio cultural y su gestión. El área de estudio la configura el centro histórico de la localidad, definido en el año 1986 en uno de los primeros instrumentos de planificación a escala local, y luego legitimado por el Inventario de Patrimonio Urbano Municipal, llevado a cabo en 1992. Los caracteres propios del espacio determinan la convivencia de sitios patrimoniales con aquellos derivados del proceso de crecimiento de la aglomeración, articulando usos y actividades dispares en un mismo lugar. En este contexto, se identifica un “centro histórico no consolidado” estructurado sobre criterios rígidos, en el que se superponen funcionalidades y se visualizan disímiles unidades de paisaje urbano que carecen de integración.   CENTROS HISTÓRICOS NÃO CONSOLIDADOS: Um desafio para a gestão do patrimônio. O caso de Bahía Blanca (Argentina Resumo Este trabalho inclui uma série de reflexões relacionadas a diferentes investigações realizadas na cidade de Bahía Blanca (Rep. Argentina, concernentes ao patrimônio cultural e à sua gestão. A área de estudo é configurada pelo centro histórico da cidade, definido em 1986, em um dos primeiros instrumentos de planejamento em escala local, e legitimada pelo Inventário do Patrimônio, realizado em 1992. As características específicas do setor mostram a convivência de espaços patrimoniais com aqueles derivados do processo de crescimento da aglomeração, articulando usos e atividades díspares num mesmo sítio. Neste contexto, se identifica um “centro histórico não consolidado” estruturado a partir de parâmetros rígidos, em que se superpõem funcionalidades e se visualizam diferentes unidades de paisagem urbana que carecem de integração.

  18. Applications of the rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting technique to study microbial diversity, ecology and evolution. (United States)

    Ishii, Satoshi; Sadowsky, Michael J


    A large number of repetitive DNA sequences are found in multiple sites in the genomes of numerous bacteria, archaea and eukarya. While the functions of many of these repetitive sequence elements are unknown, they have proven to be useful as the basis of several powerful tools for use in molecular diagnostics, medical microbiology, epidemiological analyses and environmental microbiology. The repetitive sequence-based PCR or rep-PCR DNA fingerprint technique uses primers targeting several of these repetitive elements and PCR to generate unique DNA profiles or 'fingerprints' of individual microbial strains. Although this technique has been extensively used to examine diversity among variety of prokaryotic microorganisms, rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting can also be applied to microbial ecology and microbial evolution studies since it has the power to distinguish microbes at the strain or isolate level. Recent advancement in rep-PCR methodology has resulted in increased accuracy, reproducibility and throughput. In this minireview, we summarize recent improvements in rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting methodology, and discuss its applications to address fundamentally important questions in microbial ecology and evolution.

  19. Safety and efficacy of REP 2139 and pegylated interferon alfa-2a for treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis B virus and hepatitis D virus co-infection (REP 301 and REP 301-LTF): a non-randomised, open-label, phase 2 trial. (United States)

    Bazinet, Michel; Pântea, Victor; Cebotarescu, Valentin; Cojuhari, Lilia; Jimbei, Pavlina; Albrecht, Jeffrey; Schmid, Peter; Le Gal, Frédéric; Gordien, Emmanuel; Krawczyk, Adalbert; Mijočević, Hrvoje; Karimzadeh, Hadi; Roggendorf, Michael; Vaillant, Andrew


    REP 2139 clears circulating hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg), enhancing the restoration of functional control of HBV infection by immunotherapy. We assessed the safety and efficacy of REP 2139 and pegylated interferon alfa-2a in patients with chronic HBV and hepatitis D virus (HDV) co-infection. In this open-label, non-randomised, phase 2 trial, patients aged 18-55 years, who were treatment naive, hepatitis B e antigen [HBeAg] negative, anti-hepatitis D antigen [HDAg] positive, and HDV RNA positive, with serum HBsAg concentrations of more than 1000 IU/mL, and a history of HDV infection for 6 months or more before treatment, were recruited at Toma Ciorbă Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Chișinău, Moldova. Patients were excluded if they had HDV superinfection, liver infections other than HBV and HDV, or liver cirrhosis. Patients received 500 mg intravenous REP 2139 once per week for 15 weeks, followed by combined therapy with 250 mg intravenous REP 2139 and 180 μg subcutaneous pegylated interferon alfa-2a once per week for 15 weeks, then monotherapy with 180 μg pegylated interferon alfa-2a once per week for 33 weeks. The primary endpoints assessed at the end of treatment were the safety and tolerability of the treatment regimen, analysed in the intention-to-treat population. Secondary outcomes included the proportion of patients with serum HBsAg less than 50 IU/mL, the proportion of patients with suppressed HBV DNA, and the proportion of patients who maintained these responses through follow-up. The REP 301 trial is registered with, number NCT02233075. We also did an additional follow-up at 1 year after the end of treatment, as an interim analysis of the REP 301-LTF trial (planned duration 3 years), registered with, number NCT02876419, which is ongoing but not recruiting patients. Between Sept 8, 2014, and Jan 27, 2015, we enrolled 12 patients into the REP 301 study. All 12 patients experienced at least one

  20. A Comparison of Molecular Typing Methods Applied to Enterobacter cloacae complex: hsp60 Sequencing, Rep-PCR, and MLST

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    Roberto Viau


    Full Text Available Molecular typing using repetitive sequenced-based PCR (rep-PCR and hsp60 sequencing were applied to a collection of diverse Enterobacter cloacae complex isolates. To determine the most practical method for reference laboratories, we analyzed 71 E. cloacae complex isolates from sporadic and outbreak occurrences originating from 4 geographic areas. While rep-PCR was more discriminating, hsp60 sequencing provided a broader and a more objective geographical tracking method similar to multilocus sequence typing (MLST. In addition, we suggest that MLST may have higher discriminative power compared to hsp60 sequencing, although rep-PCR remains the most discriminative method for local outbreak investigations. In addition, rep-PCR can be an effective and inexpensive method for local outbreak investigation.

  1. Identification of Tilletia species using rep-PCR fingerprinting technique

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    Župunski Vesna


    Full Text Available Analyzing 167 non-processed seed samples of wheat, it was found that 145 samples (86.8 % were contaminated with Tilletia species, while 22 (13.2 % samples were not contaminated. By using rep-PCR fingerprinting technique, it was found that DNA isolates of T. tritici originated from Serbian wheat samples had 80 % similarity with positive control for T. tritici. One isolate shared similarity of 60% with T. tritici, T. controversa and T. laevis. It was supposed that this isolate belongs to T. bromi. Isolate of T. laevis shared a similarity of 70 % with isolates of T. tritici and T. controversa, while T. walkeri was more than 10 % similar with T. tritici, T. controversa and T. laevis. Although T. controversa and T. tritici had high percent of genetic similarity, they were clustered separately. Our results suggest that rep-PCR fingerprinting could be a useful tool for monitoring presence of morphologically similar Tilletia species in wheat production areas.

  2. Presencia de Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae en nidos de golondrina (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae en Argentina

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    Full Text Available Se examinaron nidos de cuatro especies de golondrinas que nidifican en la República Argentina, en búsqueda de Cimicidae. Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero & Vogelsang, chinche conocida como ectoparásita de Furnarius rufus (Gmelin (Furnaridae («hornero» y de Passer domesticus (L. (Ploceidae («gorrión», fue encontrada en nidos de tres especies de golondrinas: Progne chalybea (Gmelin («golondrina doméstica», Progne elegans Baird («golondrina negra» e Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert («golondrina tijerita». El parásito no fue hallado en cajas-nido de Tachycineta leucorrhoa Vieillot («golondrina de ceja blanca». Nuestros resultados constituyen la primera cita de Caminicimex furnarii para golondrinas. La interacción poblacional entre estas aves, asociada al hábito de usar nidos ajenos, explicaría la presencia de la misma especie de chinche en sus nidos. En función de esta idea, se sugieren otros posibles huéspedes para C. furnarii.

  3. Genetic Diversity and Evidence for Transmission of Streptococcus mutans by DiversiLab rep-PCR. (United States)

    Momeni, Stephanie S; Whiddon, Jennifer; Cheon, Kyounga; Ghazal, Tariq; Moser, Stephen A; Childers, Noel K


    This two-part study investigated the genetic diversity and transmission of Streptococcus mutans using the DiversiLab repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR (rep-PCR) approach. For children with S. mutans and participating household members, analysis for evidence of unrelated child-to-child as well as intra-familial transmission was evaluated based on commonality of genotypes. A total of 169 index children and 425 household family members from Uniontown, Alabama were evaluated for genetic diversity using rep-PCR. Thirty-four unique rep-PCR genotypes were observed for 13,906 S. mutans isolates. For transmission, 117 child and household isolates were evaluated for shared genotype (by child and by genotype cases, multiple matches possible for each child). Overall, children had 1-9 genotypes and those with multiple genotypes were 2.3 times more likely to have caries experience (decayed, missing and filled teeth/surfaces>0). Only 28% of children shared all genotypes within the household, while 72% had at least 1 genotype not shared with anyone in the household. Children had genotype(s) not shared with any household members in 157 cases. In 158 cases children and household members shared a genotype in which 55% (87/158 cases) were shared with more than one family member. Children most frequently shared genotypes with their mothers (54%; 85/158), siblings (46%; 72/158) and cousins (23%; 37/158). A reference library for S. mutans for epidemiological surveillance using the DiversiLab rep-PCR approach is detailed. The genetic diversity of S. mutans in this population demonstrated frequent commonality of genotypes. Evidence for both child-to-child and intra-familial transmission of S. mutans was observed by rep-PCR. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Yeast identification by sequencing, biochemical kits, MALDI-TOF MS and rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting. (United States)

    Zhao, Ying; Tsang, Chi-Ching; Xiao, Meng; Chan, Jasper F W; Lau, Susanna K P; Kong, Fanrong; Xu, Yingchun; Woo, Patrick C Y


    No study has comprehensively evaluated the performance of 28S nrDNA and ITS sequencing, commercial biochemical test kits, MALDI-TOF MS platforms, and the emerging rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting technology using a cohort of yeast strains collected from a clinical microbiology laboratory. In this study, using 71 clinically important yeast isolates (excluding Candida albicans) collected from a single centre, we determined the concordance of 28S nrDNA and ITS sequencing and evaluated the performance of two commercial test kits, two MALDI-TOF MS platforms, and rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting. 28S nrDNA and ITS sequencing showed complete agreement on the identities of the 71 isolates. Using sequencing results as the standard, 78.9% and 71.8% isolates were correctly identified using the API 20C AUX and Vitek 2 YST ID Card systems, respectively; and 90.1% and 80.3% isolates were correctly identified using the Bruker and Vitek MALDI-TOF MS platforms, respectively. Of the 18 strains belonging to the Candida parapsilosis species complex tested by DiversiLab automated rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting, all were identified only as Candida parapsilosis with similarities ≥93.2%, indicating the misidentification of Candida metapsilosis and Candida orthopsilosis. However, hierarchical cluster analysis of the rep-PCR DNA fingerprints of these three species within this species complex formed three different discrete clusters, indicating that this technology can potentially differentiate the three species. To achieve higher accuracies of identification, the databases of commercial biochemical test kits, MALDI-TOF MS platforms, and DiversiLab automated rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting needs further enrichment, particularly for uncommonly encountered yeast species. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  5. Escafocefalia en aborígenes de la República Argentina: dos casos de estudio.

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    Drube, Hilton


    Full Text Available La escafocefalia constituye la manifestación más frecuente en el grupo de anomalías óseas denominadas craneostenosis, condición patológica que involucra el cierre prematuro de las suturas en el cráneo. La escafocefalia consiste en la obliteración temprana de la sutura sagital, limitando por lo tanto el desarrollo en dirección transversa del cráneo. El presente trabajo da cuenta de la manifestación de esta patología congénita en dos casos correspondientes a individuos de poblaciones aborígenes prehispánicas de Argentina. El primero de ellos procede de un sitio arqueológico del Período Tardío localizado en la cuenca del río Dulce en la provincia de Santiago del Estero. Caracteriza el sitio la presencia de numerosos montículos y alfarería del complejo Sunchituyoj. Los restos corresponden a un individuo adulto con atributos morfológicos masculinos. El calvarium se caracteriza por su extrema longitud y estrechez, constituyendo un típico caso de escafocefalia al no observarse rastro alguno de la sutura sagital, la que presenta fusión completa interna y externamente. El segundo caso, un individuo juvenil de sexo indeterminado, pertenece también a la provincia de Santiago del Estero, si bien su procedencia corresponde en este caso a la cuenca del río Salado. De la misma manera que el caso anterior, el cráneo presenta una longitud marcada en sentido ánteroposterior y un índice cefálico inferior a 70. La sutura sagital presenta fusión completa endocranealmente, en tanto que la sinostosis ectocraneal es parcial al apreciarse rastros de la sutura en la región bregmática.

  6. Open-Source Wax RepRap 3-D Printer for Rapid Prototyping Paper-Based Microfluidics. (United States)

    Pearce, J M; Anzalone, N C; Heldt, C L


    The open-source release of self-replicating rapid prototypers (RepRaps) has created a rich opportunity for low-cost distributed digital fabrication of complex 3-D objects such as scientific equipment. For example, 3-D printable reactionware devices offer the opportunity to combine open hardware microfluidic handling with lab-on-a-chip reactionware to radically reduce costs and increase the number and complexity of microfluidic applications. To further drive down the cost while improving the performance of lab-on-a-chip paper-based microfluidic prototyping, this study reports on the development of a RepRap upgrade capable of converting a Prusa Mendel RepRap into a wax 3-D printer for paper-based microfluidic applications. An open-source hardware approach is used to demonstrate a 3-D printable upgrade for the 3-D printer, which combines a heated syringe pump with the RepRap/Arduino 3-D control. The bill of materials, designs, basic assembly, and use instructions are provided, along with a completely free and open-source software tool chain. The open-source hardware device described here accelerates the potential of the nascent field of electrochemical detection combined with paper-based microfluidics by dropping the marginal cost of prototyping to nearly zero while accelerating the turnover between paper-based microfluidic designs. © 2016 Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening.

  7. La soledad del humor gráfico: Acerca de Bellas Artes de Rep


    Petris, José Luis


    Fil: Petris, José Luis. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina Fil: Petris, Jose Luis. Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Área Transdepartamental de Crítica de Artes; Argentina Fil: Steimberg, Oscar. Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Área Transdepartamental de Crítica de Artes; Argentina Fil: Steimberg, Oscar. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina Fil: Traversa, Oscar. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias...

  8. Hidroquímica de la cuenca del río Calera, provincia de Tucumán, República Argentina

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    Rodríguez, M.


    Full Text Available The Calera river basin is located at the north of Tucumán Province, northwest of Argentina. In this region, there is a population dedicated almost exclusively to cattle and agricultural exploitations. The aim of the present work is to carry out the hydrochemical study of the Calera river basin evaluating their physical-chemical parameters, in order to determine water quality for human supply and its aptitude for irrigation. The obtained results were plotted in hydrochemical diagrams and maps to classify the type of water and to know its evolutionary state. Different types of waters were detected. Sulphated calcic waters prevail over sodium sulphated and bicarbonated ones in all superficial waters, phreatic and semi-confined aquifers. The chemical parameters obtained in the water samples are inside the potability range established by the World Health Organization.La cuenca del río Calera se ubica al norte de la provincia de Tucumán, en el noroeste de Argentina. En esta región existe un asentamiento poblacional dedicado casi exclusivamente a la explotación agrícola- ganadera. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar el estudio hidroquímico de la cuenca del río Calera, mediante la evaluación de sus parámetros físico-químicos, con el fin de determinar la calidad del agua para el abastecimiento humano y su aptitud para riego. Los resultados obtenidos fueron volcados en diagramas y mapas hidroquímicos para clasificar el tipo de agua y conocer su estado evolutivo. De esta manera, se detectaron diferentes tipos de aguas, donde las sulfatadas-cálcicas predominan sobre las sulfatadas-sódicas y bicarbonatadas, tanto en las aguas superficiales, como en los acuíferos libres y semiconfinados. Los valores de los parámetros químicos obtenidos se encuentran dentro del rango de potabilidad establecido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud.

  9. Urbanismo colonial temprano en la República Argentina: Aportes desde la arqueología Early Colonial Urbanism in Republica Argentina: Archaeological Contributions

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    Ana Igareta


    Full Text Available Tradicionalmente, la arqueología argentina ha centrado su interés en el análisis de problemáticas relativas a las sociedades que habitaron el territorio en tiempos prehispánicos; solo en menor medida y más tardíamente, sitios y problemáticas históricas atrajeron la atención de los investigadores. Un tema en particular, el del surgimiento y estructuración de ciudades durante el período colonial, resultó poco abordado por los arqueólogos, pese al intensivo análisis y construcción de modelos interpretativos desarrollados desde otras disciplinas históricas. Investigaciones arqueológicas recientes han dado cuenta del gran potencial informativo de un conjunto de centros urbanos hasta ahora dejados de lado: las ciudades creadas y destruidas durante el siglo XVI, cuya morfología claramente se alejó del modelo clásico de regularidad propuesto pero que influyó en la posterior estructuración del sistema urbano.Argentine archaeology traditionally has been focused on the analysis of prehistoric societies; just recently and in a smaller proportion historical problems and sites captured their attention. Urban development during the colonial period was a subject little boarded by the archaeologists, despite the intensive analysis other historical disciplines dedicated to the theme. Recent archaeological investigations evidenced the great informative potential of cities created and destroyed during the century XVI, whose morphology clearly diverged from the classic regular model and had significant influence in the later structuring of the urban system.

  10. A república e o sonho The republic and its dream

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    Maria Tereza Chaves de Mello


    Full Text Available O desencanto com a República brasileira tem sido tema de reflexões desde os seus momentos iniciais. Buscando os conteúdos concretos dos sonhos republicanos na década de 1880 e na Primeira República vamos achar uma importante defasagem entre eles não exatamente em função do marco cronológico, mas do grupo social que, respectivamente, os acalentou.The disillusion with the Brazilian Republic since its first days has been a topic of academician reflexions. Examinating the concrete contents of the 1880`s and the First Republic republican dreams we will find a substantive difference between them. To be exact, this difference must not be related to the chronological demarcation but to the social group that embraced each of them.

  11. Análisis del stock del capital humano para los grandes aglomerados de la Argentina

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    Gabriel Amós Fridrij


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir el cambio en el stock de capital humano, entre los años 1995 y 2006, medido por los niveles de educación formal alcanzados por la población económicamente activa (PEA, para los grandes aglomerados de Rosario, Tucumán, Mendoza, Córdoba y GBA de la República Argentina y también para Salta. Luego comparar el desempeño relativo de la provincia de Tucumán con las mismas. También se analizan los ingresos de los diferentes niveles de capital humano acumulado por año y por provincia. Además se realizará el planteo teórico de un modelo econométrico con el objeto de explicar cuales son los factores que determinan las diferencias en la performance de cada provincia. Por último se presentan las conclusiones que surgen del análisis.

  12. Almacenamiento y distribución de producciones audiovisuales argentinas en Internet: los casos de Contenidos Digitales Abiertos y Cinema Argentino

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    Nayla Berenice Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available En los últimos diez años hemos presenciado importantes cambios tecnológicos marcados por el desarrollo de Internet y otras tecnologías. En ese contexto además, hay que ubicar a la República Argentina y las políticas públicas que se desarrollaron teniendo en cuenta estas tecnologías –que por lo demás no se están plateando desde un punto de vista instrumental sino como espacios en relación con flujos, usos sociales, entes que las regulan- y sus potencialidades transformadoras para la construcción (y en algunos casos preservación de una memoria social nacional apreciable a través del arte. En concreto, este trabajo pone el foco sobre el vínculo existente entre la producción audiovisual argentina, los repositorios digitales que la democratizan por Internet y las políticas públicas que los crearon y reglamentaron, teniendo en cuenta a modo comparativo experiencias autogestivas que persiguen el mismo fin. En el artículo se describen tres casos: Contenidos Digitales Abiertos (CDA, Cinema Argentino y una breve introducción al recientemente creado Odeón, popularmente conocido como el “Netflix argentino”.

  13. Production of recombinant AAV vectors encoding insulin-like growth factor I is enhanced by interaction among AAV rep regulatory sequences

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    Dilley Robert


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Adeno-associated virus (AAV vectors are promising tools for gene therapy. Currently, their potential is limited by difficulties in producing high vector yields with which to generate transgene protein product. AAV vector production depends in part upon the replication (Rep proteins required for viral replication. We tested the hypothesis that mutations in the start codon and upstream regulatory elements of Rep78/68 in AAV helper plasmids can regulate recombinant AAV (rAAV vector production. We further tested whether the resulting rAAV vector preparation augments the production of the potentially therapeutic transgene, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I. Results We constructed a series of AAV helper plasmids containing different Rep78/68 start codon in combination with different gene regulatory sequences. rAAV vectors carrying the human IGF-I gene were prepared with these vectors and the vector preparations used to transduce HT1080 target cells. We found that the substitution of ATG by ACG in the Rep78/68 start codon in an AAV helper plasmid (pAAV-RC eliminated Rep78/68 translation, rAAV and IGF-I production. Replacement of the heterologous sequence upstream of Rep78/68 in pAAV-RC with the AAV2 endogenous p5 promoter restored translational activity to the ACG mutant, and restored rAAV and IGF-I production. Insertion of the AAV2 p19 promoter sequence into pAAV-RC in front of the heterologous sequence also enabled ACG to function as a start codon for Rep78/68 translation. The data further indicate that the function of the AAV helper construct (pAAV-RC, that is in current widespread use for rAAV production, may be improved by replacement of its AAV2 unrelated heterologous sequence with the native AAV2 p5 promoter. Conclusion Taken together, the data demonstrate an interplay between the start codon and upstream regulatory sequences in the regulation of Rep78/68 and indicate that selective mutations in Rep78/68 regulatory elements

  14. Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanis, S.; Ramberg, B.


    Argentina has embarked on an ambitious domestic nuclear research and energy program. The venture promises to provide the nation with the infrastructure to play an important role in the nuclear export market in the years ahead. Buenos Aires built its program on a foundation of international support and assistance that overlay an emerging sophisticated industrial and scientific establishment. The foreign contribution sensitized Argentina to opportunities in the global market. This paper reports that Argentina operates two heavy-water/natural uranium reactors, Atucha I and Embalse. Producing, respectively, 320 MW(e) and 600 MW(e), they supply roughly 10 percent of the country's electricity. With a capacity factor of 84 percent, Atucha I is among the best operated plants in the world. Plans call for a third, 745 MW(e) power plant, Atucha II, to go on line in the early 1990s. During this period, construction also may begin on three 300 MW(e) plants, although the country's foreign indebtedness plus cost overruns in earlier construction will place a heavy burden on these plans

  15. High-rep-rate Thomson scattering for LHD (United States)

    den Hartog, D. J.; Borchardt, M. T.; Holly, D. J.; Schmitz, O.; Yasuhara, R.; Yamada, I.; Funaba, H.; Osakabe, M.; Morisaki, T.


    A high-rep-rate pulse-burst laser system is being built for the LHD Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostic. This laser will have two operating scenarios, a fast-burst sequence of 15 kHz rep rate for at least 15 ms, and a slow-burst sequence of 1 kHz for at least 50 ms. There will be substantial flexibility in burst sequences for tailoring to experimental requirements. This new laser system will operate alongside the existing lasers in the LHD TS diagnostic, and will use the same beamline. This increase in temporal resolution capability complements the high spatial resolution (144 points) of the LHD TS diagnostic, providing unique measurement capability unmatched on any other fusion experiment. The new pulse-burst laser is a straightforward application of technology developed at UW-Madison, consisting of a Nd:YAG laser head with modular flashlamp drive units and a customized control system. Variable pulse-width drive of the flashlamps is accomplished by IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) switching of electrolytic capacitor banks. Direct control of the laser Pockels cell drive enables optimal pulse energy extraction, producing >1.5 J q-switched pulses with 20 ns FWHM. Burst operation of this laser system will be used to capture fast time evolution of the electron temperature and density profiles during events such as ELMs, RMP perturbations, and various MHD modes. This work is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy and the National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan).

  16. El Ecoturismo en los Humedales: Análisis de las Potencialidades de República Dominicana

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    Francisco Orgaz Agüera


    Full Text Available El turismo se configura como uno de los principales motores económicos de República Dominicana. En este sentido, el turismo de sol y playa es la principal tipología turística en el país. Aunque, República Dominicana cuenta con numerosas potencialidades turísticas para poner en marchas nuevas formas de turismo: Turismo gastronómico, turismo ornitológico, turismo cultural, ecoturismo, etc. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las potencialidades existentes en República Dominicana para desarrollar el ecoturismo en las zonas de humedales. La metodología ha consistido en un trabajo de campo, a través de las entrevistas, los grupos de discusión y la observación participante. Los resultados muestran las grandes potencialidades que tiene el país para desarrollar el ecoturismo en los humedales, y contribuir así, al desarrollo socioeconómico de las comunidades locales. 

  17. Identification of new isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis using rep-PCR products and delta-endotoxin electron microscopy

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    A.S.G. Lima


    Full Text Available PCR has been used to analyze the distribution of REP (Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic and ERIC (Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus sequences (rep-PCR found within the genome of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, with the purpose to analyze the genetic similarities among 56 subspecies samples and 95 field isolates. The PCR products were analyzed by EB-AGE (ethidium bromide-agarose electrophoresis and then submitted to banding comparisons, based on the Phyllip software algorithm. When the banding similarities were considered for comparison purposes among all the strains, the phylogenic tree patterns varied according to the rep-PCR primers considered, but, from a broader point of view, the ERIC sequences produced better results, which, together with electron microscopy analysis of the released parasporal bodies and colony morphology characteristics, allowed to detect two possible new subspecies of B. thuringiensis.

  18. REP Executive Education focuses on Midwest plant off-site emergency preparedness


    Center for Homeland Defense and Security


    Center for Homeland Defense and Security News and Stories, PRESS RELEASES The Center for Homeland Defense and Security burgeoning Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Executive Education Program convened June 8-12 with a special focus on emergency preparedness policy and strategic issues for...

  19. Therapeutic Antiviral Effect of the Nucleic Acid Polymer REP 2055 against Persistent Duck Hepatitis B Virus Infection (United States)

    Noordeen, Faseeha; Scougall, Catherine A.; Grosse, Arend; Qiao, Qiao; Ajilian, Behzad B.; Reaiche-Miller, Georget; Finnie, John; Werner, Melanie; Broering, Ruth; Schlaak, Joerg F.; Vaillant, Andrew; Jilbert, Allison R.


    Previous studies have demonstrated that nucleic acid polymers (NAPs) have both entry and post-entry inhibitory activity against duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) infection. The inhibitory activity exhibited by NAPs prevented DHBV infection of primary duck hepatocytes in vitro and protected ducks from DHBV infection in vivo and did not result from direct activation of the immune response. In the current study treatment of primary human hepatocytes with NAP REP 2055 did not induce expression of the TNF, IL6, IL10, IFNA4 or IFNB1 genes, confirming the lack of direct immunostimulation by REP 2055. Ducks with persistent DHBV infection were treated with NAP 2055 to determine if the post-entry inhibitory activity exhibited by NAPs could provide a therapeutic effect against established DHBV infection in vivo. In all REP 2055-treated ducks, 28 days of treatment lead to initial rapid reductions in serum DHBsAg and DHBV DNA and increases in anti-DHBs antibodies. After treatment, 6/11 ducks experienced a sustained virologic response: DHBsAg and DHBV DNA remained at low or undetectable levels in the serum and no DHBsAg or DHBV core antigen positive hepatocytes and only trace amounts of DHBV total and covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) were detected in the liver at 9 or 16 weeks of follow-up. In the remaining 5/11 REP 2055-treated ducks, all markers of DHBV infection rapidly rebounded after treatment withdrawal: At 9 and 16 weeks of follow-up, levels of DHBsAg and DHBcAg and DHBV total and cccDNA in the liver had rebounded and matched levels observed in the control ducks treated with normal saline which remained persistently infected with DHBV. These data demonstrate that treatment with the NAP REP 2055 can lead to sustained control of persistent DHBV infection. These effects may be related to the unique ability of REP 2055 to block release of DHBsAg from infected hepatocytes. PMID:26560490

  20. La Guerra Civil Española y la polarización ideológica y política: la Argentina 1936-1946

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    Luis Alberto Romero


    Full Text Available En la Argentina, la Guerra Civil Española conmovió fuertemente a la colectividad española y a la sociedad toda, que se movilizó en ayuda de uno u otro bando. La mayoría, de tradición liberal, democrática y reformista, adhirió a la República, pero los partidarios del franquismo constituyeron una minoría importante, reclutada principalmente en el pujante antiliberalismo católico y nacionalista. En este artículo se analizan sus repercusiones en la política, su traducción y adaptación a las circunstancias locales. En particular se siguen las alternativas del frente antifascista. Este fue muy fuerte en el campo cultural e intelectual, donde los emigrados republicanos españoles tuvieron una fuerte presencia. En ese proceso hubo dos momentos de quiebre importante: el golpe militar de junio de 1943, que fue interpretado como el triunfo del fascismo en la Argentina, y la elección de Perón en 1946, un heredero del golpe militar que sin embargo reclutó apoyos en los sindicatos obreros, que hasta entonces habían apoyado el antifascismo. Explicar este final paradójico es la intención de este artículo.

  1. El régimen de campañas electorales en medios audiovisuales en Argentina

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    Alejandro Tullio


    Full Text Available En el año 2009 la presidencia de la república encomienda al Ministerio del Interior y a la vicejefatura de Gabinete de Ministros iniciar una ronda de diálogo con agrupaciones políticas con vistas a modificar el régimen electoral y de partidos políticos en Argentina. En el marco de este proceso de diálogo político se elaboró un proyecto de ley que, tras su debate en las comisiones legislativas, se sancionó como la Ley N.º 26.571 de Democratización de la Representación Política, la Transparencia y la Equidad Electoral. Una de las modificaciones que implantó fue el establecimiento de franjas electorales en lo que se refiera a la campaña política, con el fin de que las agrupaciones políticas puedan difundir sus propuestas mediante anuncios televisivos y radiales en espacios gratuitos que les asigna, para a ese único efecto, la Dirección Nacional Electoral, tema analizado en el presente artículo

  2. RiskREP: Risk-Based Security Requirements Elicitation and Prioritization (extended version)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herrmann, Andrea; Morali, A.


    Today, companies are required to be in control of the security of their IT assets. This is especially challenging in the presence of limited budgets and conflicting requirements. Here, we present Risk-Based Requirements Elicitation and Prioritization (RiskREP), a method for managing IT security

  3. Averróis e a República de Platão

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    Pereira, Rosalie Helena de Souza


    Full Text Available Sobre República é o único comentário de uma obra de Platão deixado por Averróis, o comentador por antonomásia, diga-se de Aristóteles. Embora se tenha perdido o original árabe, a teles. Embora se tenha perdido o original árabe, a posteridade recebeu uma versão hebraíca e duas latinas. O comentário (ou paráfrase a República de Platão pode ser considerado uma obra original - divida em três livros - já que apenas um terço dela corresponde ao texto platônico. Além de apresentar conceitos aristotélicos retirados da Ética Nicomaquéia e de obras políticas de Al-Farabi, Averróis apresenta reflexões próprias e faz críticas à sociedade em que vive

  4. CoolRep H22: Synthesis report on R and D results on geological disposal up to 2009

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Umeki, Hiroyuki; Hioki, Kazumasa; Osawa, Hideaki; Fujita, Tomoo; Shibata, Masahiro; Makino, Hitoshi; Takeuchi, Shinji; Ishimaru, Tsuneari


    The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been performing research and development on geological disposal technology of high level radioactive waste. At the end of fiscal year 2009, the Geological Isolation Research and Development Directorate of JAEA made publicly available the 'CoolRep H22', which is a web-based report that summarizes the R and D results, on its website. This document reports the contents of CoolRep H22. (author)


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    Virgínia Grosso


    Full Text Available Mendoza, província árida do centro-oeste da República Argentina, viveu nos últimos tempos o aprofundamento do debate sobre a problemática da escassez de água. Este trabalho tem por objetivo aproximar-se das respostas às seguintes perguntas: quais fatores construíram e contróem a denominada escassez hídrica na província? Eles se apresentam de maneira homogênea em todo o território de Mendonça? Para abordá-las, inicialmente se analisam e correlacionam os aportes teóricos da nova economia e cultura da água e da teoria população-recursos em torno da noção de escassez. Em segundo lugar, se identificaram as problemáticas hídricas (de apropriação, gestão e uso que se observam ao longo da bacia do rio Mendoza.

  6. Iberia : capital federal de la IIª República Española (Un proyecto de Rubio i Tuduri

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    Carlos Sambricio


    Full Text Available A los pocos meses de proclamarse, en 1931, la II República Española, Nicolás Rubio i Tuduri presentaba —en el marco de la Exposición organizada por la Asociación de Arquitectos de Cataluña, celebrada en la barcelonesa Galería Maragall— una propuesta un tanto sorprendente: el proyecto de una nueva Capital Federal de la República Española que él denominaba Iberia.

  7. Argentina: Background and U.S. Relations (United States)


    Comercio Internacional, Y Culto, Comunicado de la Cancillería Argentina, September 11, 2008. 43 A. Rebossio, "Fernández Acusa al FBI de Desestablizar...Argentina," El País (Madrid), September 13, 2008. 44 “Argentina Slams Witness in Cash Suitcase Scandal,” Associated Press Newswires, November 4, 2008

  8. Presencia de Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae en nidos de golondrina (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae en Argentina Presence of Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae in nests of swallows and martins (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae in Argentina

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    Diego L. Carpintero


    Full Text Available Se examinaron nidos de cuatro especies de golondrinas que nidifican en la República Argentina, en búsqueda de Cimicidae. Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero & Vogelsang, chinche conocida como ectoparásita de Furnarius rufus (Gmelin (Furnaridae («hornero» y de Passer domesticus (L. (Ploceidae («gorrión», fue encontrada en nidos de tres especies de golondrinas: Progne chalybea (Gmelin («golondrina doméstica», Progne elegans Baird («golondrina negra» e Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert («golondrina tijerita». El parásito no fue hallado en cajas-nido de Tachycineta leucorrhoa Vieillot («golondrina de ceja blanca». Nuestros resultados constituyen la primera cita de Caminicimex furnarii para golondrinas. La interacción poblacional entre estas aves, asociada al hábito de usar nidos ajenos, explicaría la presencia de la misma especie de chinche en sus nidos. En función de esta idea, se sugieren otros posibles huéspedes para C. furnarii.Nests of four species of Hirundinidae that nest in Argentina were prospected for Cimicidae. Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero & Vogelsang, a parasite of Furnarius rufus (Gmelin (Furnaridae («oven bird» and Passer domesticus (L. (Ploceidae («house sparrow» was found in nests of three species of Hirundinidae: Progne chalybea (Gmelin («gray-breasted martin», Progne elegans Baird («southern martin» and Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert («barn swallow». The parasite was not found in nest boxes of Tachycineta leucorrhoa Vieillot («white-rumped swallow». Caminicimex furnarii is recorded for first time parasitizing swallows and martins. Interaction among these bird populations, associated with usurpation nests behavior, may explain the presence of the same cimicid species at the nests. According this idea, other possible C. furnarii hosts are suggested.

  9. Climatology of hail in Argentina (United States)

    Mezher, Romina N.; Doyle, Moira; Barros, Vicente


    The annual cycle, annual and seasonal frequency and geographical distribution of hail in Argentina during the 1960-2008 period are examined. Eight regions covering the whole territory were defined based on the correlation of the mean annual hail frequency between all weather stations. Regions lying between 30° and 40°S as well as those dominated by mountains present the highest hail frequencies in Argentina. The eastern and coastal areas of the country experience hail events mainly during springtime but they may start in late winter and continue through the beginning of summer. Events in western and central Argentina also predominate in spring but the maximum frequencies are observed during summer months. Trends in the annual number of hail events calculated for each region indicate that events in northwestern and northeastern Argentina have been increasing as well as in southern Patagonia. On the other hand, in central Argentina, southern Buenos Aires-La Pampa, northern Buenos Aires-Litoral and northern Patagonia trends are negative and statistically significant in the first two regions, basically by the decrease of events during spring and summer.

  10. The RXL motif of the African cassava mosaic virus Rep protein is necessary for rereplication of yeast DNA and viral infection in plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hipp, Katharina; Rau, Peter; Schäfer, Benjamin [Institut für Biomaterialien und biomolekulare Systeme, Abteilung für Molekularbiologie und Virologie der Pflanzen, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70550 Stuttgart (Germany); Gronenborn, Bruno [Institut des Sciences du Végétal, CNRS, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Jeske, Holger, E-mail: [Institut für Biomaterialien und biomolekulare Systeme, Abteilung für Molekularbiologie und Virologie der Pflanzen, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70550 Stuttgart (Germany)


    Geminiviruses, single-stranded DNA plant viruses, encode a replication-initiator protein (Rep) that is indispensable for virus replication. A potential cyclin interaction motif (RXL) in the sequence of African cassava mosaic virus Rep may be an alternative link to cell cycle controls to the known interaction with plant homologs of retinoblastoma protein (pRBR). Mutation of this motif abrogated rereplication in fission yeast induced by expression of wildtype Rep suggesting that Rep interacts via its RXL motif with one or several yeast proteins. The RXL motif is essential for viral infection of Nicotiana benthamiana plants, since mutation of this motif in infectious clones prevented any symptomatic infection. The cell-cycle link (Clink) protein of a nanovirus (faba bean necrotic yellows virus) was investigated that activates the cell cycle by binding via its LXCXE motif to pRBR. Expression of wildtype Clink and a Clink mutant deficient in pRBR-binding did not trigger rereplication in fission yeast. - Highlights: • A potential cyclin interaction motif is conserved in geminivirus Rep proteins. • In ACMV Rep, this motif (RXL) is essential for rereplication of fission yeast DNA. • Mutating RXL abrogated viral infection completely in Nicotiana benthamiana. • Expression of a nanovirus Clink protein in yeast did not induce rereplication. • Plant viruses may have evolved multiple routes to exploit host DNA synthesis.

  11. The RXL motif of the African cassava mosaic virus Rep protein is necessary for rereplication of yeast DNA and viral infection in plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hipp, Katharina; Rau, Peter; Schäfer, Benjamin; Gronenborn, Bruno; Jeske, Holger


    Geminiviruses, single-stranded DNA plant viruses, encode a replication-initiator protein (Rep) that is indispensable for virus replication. A potential cyclin interaction motif (RXL) in the sequence of African cassava mosaic virus Rep may be an alternative link to cell cycle controls to the known interaction with plant homologs of retinoblastoma protein (pRBR). Mutation of this motif abrogated rereplication in fission yeast induced by expression of wildtype Rep suggesting that Rep interacts via its RXL motif with one or several yeast proteins. The RXL motif is essential for viral infection of Nicotiana benthamiana plants, since mutation of this motif in infectious clones prevented any symptomatic infection. The cell-cycle link (Clink) protein of a nanovirus (faba bean necrotic yellows virus) was investigated that activates the cell cycle by binding via its LXCXE motif to pRBR. Expression of wildtype Clink and a Clink mutant deficient in pRBR-binding did not trigger rereplication in fission yeast. - Highlights: • A potential cyclin interaction motif is conserved in geminivirus Rep proteins. • In ACMV Rep, this motif (RXL) is essential for rereplication of fission yeast DNA. • Mutating RXL abrogated viral infection completely in Nicotiana benthamiana. • Expression of a nanovirus Clink protein in yeast did not induce rereplication. • Plant viruses may have evolved multiple routes to exploit host DNA synthesis

  12. Operating practical experience at Argentina; Experiencia practica operativa en la Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quihillalt, Oscar [Nucleoelectria Argentina S.A., Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Operating experiences of Atucha-1 and Embalse Nuclear Power Plants were discussed in this work. The technical and economic aspects, such as reliability, availability, personnel training, operating costs, prices and market, which exercise influence upon Argentina nuclear energy policy, mainly on the power electric generation by nuclear power plants were considered. Finally the current status of the nucleoelectric sector in Argentina and forecasting were analysed. 3 figs., 5 tabs.

  13. RiskREP: Risk-Based Security Requirements Elicitation and Prioritization


    Herrmann, Andrea; Morali, A.; Etalle, Sandro; Wieringa, Roelf J.; Niedrite, Laila; Strazdina, Renate; Wangler, Benkt


    Companies are under pressure to be in control of their assets but at the same time they must operate as efficiently as possible. This means that they aim to implement “good-enough security‿ but need to be able to justify their security investment plans. In this paper, we present a Risk-Based Requirements Prioritization method (RiskREP) that extends misuse case-based methods with IT architecture based risk assessment and countermeasure definition and prioritization. Countermeasure prioritizati...

  14. Situación de las micosis en la República Argentina Epidemiological status of mycoses in the Argentine Republic

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    G. Davel


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de una encuesta nacional sobre micosis diagnosticadas entre enero y diciembre de 2004, con datos provistos por 72 laboratorios de 19 provincias y la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. De las 801.805 muestras microbiológicas procesadas ese año, sólo 62.681 (8% fueron sometidas a estudios micológicos. Se diagnosticaron 23.600 casos de micosis: 11.107 (47% superficiales, 10.830 (46% candidiasis de las mucosas y 1.663 (7% profundas. La frecuencia de agentes de micosis superficiales no sufrió cambios significativos (p>0,05 cuando se comparó con un estudio realizado en población de Provincia y Ciudad de Buenos Aires y dos estudios realizados en 1999 y 2002 por la Red Nacional de Laboratorios y el Programa Nacional de Control de Calidad en Micología (RNLM y PNCCM. Del total de micosis profundas, las más frecuentes fueron fungemia por levaduras (34%, criptococosis (20%, aspergilosis broncopulmonar (13%, histoplasmosis (11%, paracoccidioidomicosis (7% y neumocistosis (5%. En contraste con los resultados de cuatro estudios previos sobre micosis broncopulmonares, incluyendo el realizado por RNLM y PNCCM en 2002, la histoplasmosis aumentó ubicándose como la micosis endémica más frecuente en Argentina, superando a la paracoccidioidomicosis.We herein report the results of a retrospective nationwide survey on mycoses diagnosed between January and December, 2004. The study included data provided by 72 laboratories located in 19 provinces and in Buenos Aires City. Out of 801,805 microbiological specimens processed that year, only 62,681 (8% were submitted to mycological studies. A total of 23,600 mycoses cases were diagnosed: 11,107 (47% superficial mycoses, 10,830 (46% mucosal candidiasis and 1,663 (7% deep mycoses. Relative frequencies of superficial mycoses did not differ significantly (p>0.05 from frequencies observed in a previous study covering Buenos Aires City and Province (1993, and from two countrywide surveys

  15. Revolución versus reforma educativa en la segunda república española. Elementos de ruptura

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Están fuera de toda duda las conexiones existentes entre la República de 1931-35 y la de 1936-39. En este sentido estamos de acuerdo con quienes afirman que el estallido de la guerra del 36 es el resultado de un proceso que arranca del mismo año en que se proclama la II República, iniciándose ya entonces —como sostiene Andrés M. Kramer— la «mecánica de guerra civil». La educación republicana en tiempo de guerra no puede quedar fuera de esta consideración, porque aquélla sumerge sus cimientos más profundos en la política educativa de 1931-35. Efectivamente, muchas de las acciones educativas y culturales llevadas a cabo durante la guerra no tendrían fácil explicación si no se examina previamente la tarea de la República del 31 en estos mismos aspectos.

  16. Discriminação de sorovares de Salmonella spp. isolados de carcaças de frango por REP e ERIC-PCR e fagotipagem do sorovar Enteriditis Discrimination of Salmonella serovars isolated from chicken meat by REP and ERIC-PCR and phagotyping of Enteriditis sorovar

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    Iliana Alcocer


    Full Text Available Salmonelose é a infecção bacteriana de origem alimentar mais freqüente no Paraná, Brasil, e os surtos estão associados, principalmente, ao consumo de ovos, carne de aves e derivados. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar os sorovares de Salmonella isolados de carcaças de frango e caracterizá-los molecularmente por REP e ERIC-PCR, assim como identificar os fagotipos de Salmonella Enteriditis. Dos 25 isolados de Salmonella spp. analisados, 18 foram identificados como Enteriditis, 4 como Braenderup, 2 como Worthington e 1 como infantis. Dos 18 isolados de Enteriditis, 14 foram PT4, 2 PT4a, 1 PT7 e 1 RDNC, por se tratar de colônia rugosa. REP-PCR forneceu padrão eletroforético distinto de 10 a 13 bandas distribuídas entre 120 e 2072 pb para cada sorovar diferente testado. A ERIC-PCR mostrou um padrão de 4 a 5 bandas entre 180 e 1000 pb e foi menos discriminativa quando comparada à REP-PCR. Os resultados encontrados confirmaram que a fagotipagem é uma ferramenta útil e discriminativa para o sorovar Enteriditis. Apesar do pequeno número de sorovares testados, os resultados sugerem que a REP-PCR parece ser um método atrativo a ser utilizado no futuro para a discriminação preliminar de sorovares de Salmonella.Salmonellosis is the most prevalent bacterial food-borne disease in the State of Paraná, Brazil, and the outbreaks are often associated with consumption of poultry products. The aim of this study was to serotype Salmonella strains isolated from chicken carcasses and characterize them molecularly using REP and ERIC-PCR. The phage types of Salmonella Enteriditis were also identified. Of the 25 Salmonella strains analysed, 18 were identified as Enteriditis, 4 as Braenderup, 2 as Worthington and 1 as infantis. Of the 18 Enteriditis isolates, 14 were PT4, 2 PT4a, 1 PT7 and 1 "reacted, but did not conform" - RDNC. Distinct REP-PCR profiles with 10 to 13 fragments distributed between 120 and 2072 pb were easily obtained for

  17. A repA-based ELISA for discriminating cattle vaccinated with Brucella suis 2 from those naturally infected with Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis. (United States)

    Wang, Jing-Yu; Wu, Ning; Liu, Wan-Hua; Ren, Juan-Juan; Tang, Pan; Qiu, Yuan-Hao; Wang, Chi-Young; Chang, Ching-Dong; Liu, Hung-Jen


    The commonest ways of diagnosing brucellosis in animals include the Rose-Bengal plate agglutination test, the buffered plate agglutination test (BPA), the slide agglutination test, the complement fixation test, and the indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (I-ELISA). However, these methods cannot discriminate the Brucella vaccine strain (Brucella suis strain 2; B. suis S2) from naturally acquired virulent strains. Of the six common Brucella species, Brucella melitensis, Brucella abortus, and B. suis are the commonest species occurring in China. To develop an ELISA assay that can differentiate between cows inoculated with B. suis S2 and naturally infected with B. abortus and B. melitensis, genomic sequences from six Brucella spp. (B. melitensis, B. abortus, B. suis, Brucella canis, Brucella neotomae and Brucella ovis) were compared using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool software. One particular gene, the repA-related gene, was found to be a marker that can differentiate B. suis from B. abortus and B. melitensis. The repA-related gene of B. suis was PCR amplified and subcloned into the pET-32a vector. Expressed repA-related protein was purified and used as an antigen. The repA-based ELISA was optimized and used as specific tests. In the present study, serum from animals inoculated with the B. suis S2 vaccine strain had positive repA-based ELISA results. In contrast, the test-positive reference sera against B. abortus and B. melitensis had negative repA-based ELISA results. The concordance rate between B. abortus antibody-negative (based on the repA-based ELISA) and the Brucella gene-positive (based on the 'Bruce ladder' multiplex PCR) was 100%. Therefore, the findings suggest that the repA-based ELISA is a useful tool for differentiating cows vaccinated with the B. suis S2 and naturally infected with B. abortus and B. melitensis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Casa Pruss. Buenos Aires - República Argentina

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    Álvarez, M. Roberto


    Full Text Available The building ¡s situated on a 910 m2 Lshaped site. It consists of three storeys and terrace: — in the basement are located: a garage with space for two cars, W.C., storage rooms and boiler room; — the ground floor comprises: hall-drawing room, dining-room and W.Cs. as well as the terraces; — the first floor contains: the family bedrooms, the staff bedrooms, the bathrooms and the laundry-and ironing room. A spiral staircase connects the three storeys and the terrace; another main staircase leads from the reception floor to the first. In front of as well as behind the house there is a garden. The structure is of metal with side walls and foundation of concrete. The remaining materials, interior as well as exterior, are of highest quality and easy to maintain.Está emplazada en una parcela de unos 910 m2, con forma de L. Consta de tres plantas y terraza: — el sótano comprende: un garaje para dos automóviles, aseo, almacenes y cuarto de calderas-máquinas; — en la baja se distribuyen: vestíbulo-salón, comedor de diario y servicios, además de las terrazas; — la planta primera agrupa: los dormitorios familiares, los de servicio, los baños y el cuarto de lavado y plancha. Una escalera curva comunica las tres plantas y la terraza; otra escalera, más aparente, enlaza la planta noble con la primera. Jardín delante y detrás de la casa. La estructura es metálica, con muros laterales y de fondo de hormigón. El resto de los materiales, en interiores y exteriores, son nobles y de fácil entretenimiento.

  19. Progressive Conversion from B-rep to BSP for Streaming Geometric Modeling. (United States)

    Bajaj, Chandrajit; Paoluzzi, Alberto; Scorzelli, Giorgio


    We introduce a novel progressive approach to generate a Binary Space Partition (BSP) tree and a convex cell decomposition for any input triangles boundary representation (B-rep), by utilizing a fast calculation of the surface inertia. We also generate a solid model at progressive levels of detail. This approach relies on a variation of standard BSP tree generation, allowing for labeling cells as in, out and fuzzy, and which permits a comprehensive representation of a solid as the Hasse diagram of a cell complex. Our new algorithm is embedded in a streaming computational framework, using four types of dataflow processes that continuously produce, transform, combine or consume subsets of cells depending on their number or input/output stream. A varied collection of geometric modeling techniques are integrated in this streaming framework, including polygonal, spline, solid and heterogeneous modeling with boundary and decompositive representations, Boolean set operations, Cartesian products and adaptive refinement. The real-time B-rep to BSP streaming results we report in this paper are a large step forward in the ultimate unification of rapid conceptual and detailed shape design methodologies.

  20. Análisis de la relación comercial entre la República de Colombia y la República de Costa Rica


    Romero Escobar, Juán Sebastián; Bermudez Monroy, María Gabriela


    Dadas las relaciones de cooperación internacional que presentan las Repúblicas de Colombia y Costa Rica, que se evidencia en los fuertes vínculos comerciales existentes entre las dos naciones, Proexport por medio de su oficina comercial en Costa Rica, ha mantenido al tanto la situación en la que se desenvuelve la alianza comercial entre Colombia y Costa Rica. Él último de estos informes, demuestra la potencialidad de Costa Rica como un mercado para los bienes colombianos y una posibilidad par...

  1. Rezagos transicionales y vulnerabilidad social en la dinámica poblacional contemporánea. Argentina, 2001-2013

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    Leandro M. González


    Full Text Available Este artículo explora la dinámica demográfica desde comienzos de siglo en Argentina para considerar las consecuencias sociales que produjo la crisis económica de 2001-2002. Se utiliza la noción de rezago transicional (persistencia de elevados niveles de fecundidad y mortalidad junto con una estructura etaria juvenil para contrastar los diferentes perfiles poblacionales con diversas posiciones en la estratificación social, desde la perspectiva de la vulnerabilidad sociodemográfica. Se calculan los principales indicadores demográficos para los años censales 2001 y 2010, y para el último año en que se disponen de estadísticas vitales publicadas (2013 mediante una proyección. Esto se lleva a cabo para el área geográfica es la República Argentina en su totalidad y para una provincia seleccionada por cada región. Los resultados muestran una evolución positiva de los indicadores demográficos en todo el país aunque con persistencia de las diferencias estructurales entre regiones. El noreste es la región con mayor rezago transicional, mientras que las restantes regiones del interior se concentran alrededor de los valores nacionales y la capital registra un perfil mucho más avanzado. La esperanza de vida al nacimiento ha crecido en todas las jurisdicciones, con más intensidad en el sexo masculino que en el femenino, y con más rapidez en el período 2001-10. La fecundidad general registra un suave descenso, mientras que la fecundidad adolescente se muestra renuente al descenso. La población argentina experimentó un avance en la transición demográfica que coexiste con situaciones de rezago transicional: heterogeneidad regional, incremento de la fecundidad adolescente y retrocesos transitorios en la mortalidad general e infantil.


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    Fabián Galvis


    Full Text Available Bacillus thuringiensis es una bacteria Gram-positiva formadora de esporas, que produ - ce cristales parasporales de naturaleza proteica, tóxicos contra diferentes órdenes de insectos y biodegradables e inocuos para otras especies. Esta investigación empleó el modelo experimen - tal, que mediante técnicas de observación permi - tió, la identificación microbiológica y bioquímica de B. thuringiensis a partir de muestras de suelo de los municipios de Cúcuta, El Zulia, Los Patios, San Cayetano y Villa del Rosario, Norte de Santander, Colombia, y su posterior caracteri - zación con los marcadores moleculares Bc-Rep y MB1. Se identificaron microbiológica y bioquí - micamente 10 aislados como B. thuringiensis ; los resultados del análisis filogenético mostraron diferencias significativas en los agrupamientos obtenidos con los marcadores Bc-Rep y MB1. Con Bc-Rep se registró un índice de similaridad bajo (18%, mientras que con el marcador MB1 se obtuvo un índice mayor de similitud, 58%. En este trabajo se evidenció una gran variabilidad genética entre los aislados, que mostraron a los marcadores Bc-Rep y MB1 como altamente efectivos para diferenciar cepas estrechamente relacionadas, convirtiéndose en una herramienta genética de gran valor para estudios de identifi-cación y diversidad en B. thuringiensis.

  3. Medical revolution in Argentina. (United States)

    Ballarin, V L; Isoardi, R A


    The paper discusses the major Argentineans contributors, medical physicists and scientists, in medical imaging and the development of medical imaging in Argentina. The following are presented: history of medical imaging in Argentina: the pioneers; medical imaging and medical revolution; nuclear medicine imaging; ultrasound imaging; and mathematics, physics, and electronics in medical image research: a multidisciplinary endeavor.

  4. Ultra Fast, High Rep Rate, High Voltage Spark Gap Pulser (United States)


    current rise time. The spark gap was designed to have a coaxial geometry reducing its inductance. Provisions were made to pass flowing gas between the...ULTRA FAST, HIGH REP RATE, HIGH VOLTAGE SPARK GAP PULSER Robert A. Pastore Jr., Lawrence E. Kingsley, Kevin Fonda, Erik Lenzing Electrophysics and...Modeling Branch AMSRL-PS-EA Tel.: (908)-532-0271 FAX: (908)-542-3348 U.S. Army Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Directorate Ft. Monmouth

  5. Variation in a surface-exposed region of the Mycoplasma pneumoniae P40 protein as a consequence of homologous DNA recombination between RepMP5 elements. (United States)

    Spuesens, Emiel B M; van de Kreeke, Nick; Estevão, Silvia; Hoogenboezem, Theo; Sluijter, Marcel; Hartwig, Nico G; van Rossum, Annemarie M C; Vink, Cornelis


    Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a human pathogen that causes a range of respiratory tract infections. The first step in infection is adherence of the bacteria to the respiratory epithelium. This step is mediated by a specialized organelle, which contains several proteins (cytadhesins) that have an important function in adherence. Two of these cytadhesins, P40 and P90, represent the proteolytic products from a single 130 kDa protein precursor, which is encoded by the MPN142 gene. Interestingly, MPN142 contains a repetitive DNA element, termed RepMP5, of which homologues are found at seven other loci within the M. pneumoniae genome. It has been hypothesized that these RepMP5 elements, which are similar but not identical in sequence, recombine with their counterpart within MPN142 and thereby provide a source of sequence variation for this gene. As this variation may give rise to amino acid changes within P40 and P90, the recombination between RepMP5 elements may constitute the basis of antigenic variation and, possibly, immune evasion by M. pneumoniae. To investigate the sequence variation of MPN142 in relation to inter-RepMP5 recombination, we determined the sequences of all RepMP5 elements in a collection of 25 strains. The results indicate that: (i) inter-RepMP5 recombination events have occurred in seven of the strains, and (ii) putative RepMP5 recombination events involving MPN142 have induced amino acid changes in a surface-exposed part of the P40 protein in two of the strains. We conclude that recombination between RepMP5 elements is a common phenomenon that may lead to sequence variation of MPN142-encoded proteins.

  6. How Often Is p[subscript rep] Close to the True Replication Probability? (United States)

    Trafimow, David; MacDonald, Justin A.; Rice, Stephen; Clason, Dennis L.


    Largely due to dissatisfaction with the standard null hypothesis significance testing procedure, researchers have begun to consider alternatives. For example, Killeen (2005a) has argued that researchers should calculate p[subscript rep] that is purported to indicate the probability that, if the experiment in question were replicated, the obtained…

  7. Malacología Latinoamericana: Moluscos de agua dulce de Argentina

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    Alejandra Rumi


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estado de situación y una lista actualizada y comentada sobre las especies de moluscos de agua dulce de la República Argentina. Se aborda en Gastropoda y Bivalvia la distribución a nivel de familias; las entidades endémicas, exóticas, invasoras y de importancia sanitaria. Los moluscos relacionados a la cuenca del Plata presentan la mayor riqueza específica. Base de datos: 4 500 registros relevados de las tres colecciones más importantes de la Argentina: MLP, MACN y FML. Además, se incluye información de recolecciones actuales y localidades citadas por otros autores. Hasta el presente han sido descritas 166 especies. De ellas 101 pertenecen a 10 familias de Gastropoda y 65 a 7 de Bivalvia. Las familias que presentan mayor riqueza específica son Lithoglyphidae (22 y Sphaeriidae (25, respectivamente. Sphaeriidae, Cochliopidae, Chilinidae y Lymnaeidae se distribuyen prácticamente en todo el país. Erodonidae y Solecurtidae se registran en ambientes mixohalinos de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Thiaridae y Glacidorbiidae presentan una distribución muy restringida. Especies endémicas de la Argentina: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae (1, Cochliopidae (10, Lithoglyphidae (11, Thiariidae (3, Chilinidae (11, Lymnaeidae (2 y Physidae (2?; Bivalvia: Hyriidae (1?; Etheriidae (1? y Sphaeriidae (10. Especies de interés sanitario: propagadoras de: Esquistosomiasis, Biomphalaria peregrina, B. straminea y B. tenagophila (Planorbidae; Fasciolasis, Lymnaea viatrix y L. columnella (Lymnaeidae; y dermatitis esquistosómicas, Chilina gibbosa y C. fluminea (Chilinidae. Especies de origen asiático: Corbicula fluminea (Corbiculidae y Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae. Es prioritaria la formación de áreas protegidas para la conservación de especies endémicas, especialmente de la Mesopotamia Argentina.Latin American Malacology. Freshwater Mollusks from Argentina. A report and an updated list with comments on the species of freshwater molluscs of

  8. Birmingham Rep, Youth and Community, and the Products and Possibilities of Precarity (United States)

    Cochrane, Claire


    Birmingham Rep, a leading producing theatre based in the UK's "second city", has historically had a complex relationship with the cultural priorities of its home city. In recent years, Birmingham City Council has faced multiple challenges represented by debt burden, government-imposed cuts in public funding, scandals linked to failing…

  9. Argentina's nuclear red herring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perera, J.


    The article deals with Argentina's nuclear power programme over the last 30 years, including the country's efforts to be nuclear independent of the United States, as well as its aspirations to be a nuclear supplier to latin America. The latter policy on economic, rather than military grounds for nuclear weapons, has led to Argentina's decision to build a uranian enrichment plant. (U.K.)

  10. History of radiobiology in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mayo, Jose


    Radiobiology is a multidisciplinary science dealing with ionising radiation effects on biological material. The history of Radiobiology begins in Germany and France around 1886. Radiobiology was introduced in Argentina in 1926 at the Institute of Oncology Angel H. Roffo as a biomedical research branch. Later on in 1957 was incorporated at the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) of Argentina as a result of the newly started nuclear activities in Argentina. Prior that time no Radiobiology research existed in Argentina. To fill this need a Project to create new laboratories was elaborated by the CNEA. New laboratories in Radiobiodosimetry, Cellular Radiobiology, Radiopathology, Radiomicrobiology, Genetics and Somatic Effects were created. Human resources on different areas of Radiobiology were formed with the assistance of IAEA. With professional and technical personnel specialized in Radiobiology at the beginning of the 1970 decade, the transference of fundamental and applied research to others laboratories started. (author)

  11. Crisis de la prensa Argentina

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    Federico Rey Lennon


    Full Text Available La magnitud de la crisis económica Argentina es enorme y difícil saber hasta cuando se extenderá, agravada por una situación política frágil. La actual recesión ha hecho caer la inversión publicitaria a los niveles más bajos de los últimos años. De 1997 al 2001 la circulación de la prensa Argentina cayó en el 36 por ciento. El riesgo en Argentina es la eventual extranjerización de casi todos los medios de comunicación.

  12. Control conception for REP 1300 MW units of the Electricite de France

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanc, P.; Guesnier, G.


    The paper describes the control equipment for the REP 1300 MW units including the reactor protection system, the control rods drive system and nuclear instrumentation, the control of the auxiliaries in the systems important for the reactor safety and the safety survey computer. Finally, the digital connections between different control systems are presented

  13. Coccocypselum pulchellum (Rubiaceae, nuevo registro para Argentina

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    Elsa L. Cabral


    Full Text Available Se cita Coccocypselum pulchellum por primera vez para Argentina, en Predio Guaraní, Misiones. Esta es la tercera especie de Coccocypselum registrada para la flora de Argentina junto con C. hasslerianum y C. lanceolatum. Se incluyen descripciones, ilustraciones y una clave para reconocer las tres especies argentinas de Coccocypselum.

  14. Análisis de los Mecanismos de Transferencia Tecnológica entre los Sectores Científico-tecnológico y Productivo de Argentina

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    Ana Inés Malizia


    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el comportamiento de las estructuras de gestión que, en la Argentina, actúan como interfaz en la relación entre los sectores científico-tecnológicos y los productivos. Estas estructuras son denominadas “Oficinas de Vinculación Tecnológica y Transferencia”. En ese sentido, se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis cuantitativo de los distintos mecanismos de gestión de la interacción entre ambos sectores. A partir del procesamiento estadístico de información de base, se obtuvieron resultados que permitieron definir y categorizar distintas variables relacionadas con las características de estas oficinas y de los sectores de la demanda. El análisis de la relación entre estas variables, permitió obtener información de base a partir de la cual se realizan inferencias acerca del comportamiento general sobre la generación y gestión de los mecanismos que regulan su relación con los sectores científico-tecnológicos y los productivos en la República Argentina. Palabras clave: mecanismos de transferencia de conocimiento, sistema nacional de innovación, estructuras de interfaz, oficinas de vinculación tecnológica y transferencia

  15. SEATURTLE: Sustained Engagement Autonomous Tracking of Underwater RepTiLEs


    Budd, Johnathan


    While oceans cover the majority of our planet, these vast expanses remain relatively unexplored. Among the most interesting parts of the ocean are the shallow reef systems, which contain a huge amount of the planet’s biodiversity. The Sustained Engagement Autonomous Tracking of Underwater RepTiLEs or SEATURTLE is a low cost Autonomous Underwater Vehicle designed to carry out missions in these shallow environments. Its small displacement and precise movement make it ideal for navigating tight ...

  16. Nuclear Activities in Argentina, 2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreri, J.C.; Ferreri, J.C.; Clausse, A.; Clausse, A.; Clausse, A.; Ordonez, J.P.; Mazzantini, O.A.


    Nuclear activities in Argentina are restarted. After almost two decades of near stagnation, the governments political decision of August 2006 regarding electrical energy production, considered the nuclear option as a valid one to solve the problems of the growing demand of electrical energy. This decision triggered again the activities related to the finalization of the third nuclear power reactor (Atucha-II), now actively progressing, the construction of a prototype of the CAREM integral advanced reactor, the life extension of the Embalse CANDU nuclear power plant (NPP) and the studies for the emplacement of a fourth NPP in an appropriate site. In all those years of near stagnation, there were notable exceptions related to the design and construction of experimental and radioisotope production reactors, led by INVAP, a state-owned industry, which exported its production. The accompanying industries of nuclear fuel elements production also remained active, given the demand of the two active NPPs. Meanwhile, the National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina continued the efforts on research and development that were at the base of the technological achievements of the nuclear activities in Argentina. Nuclear safety studies associated with Atucha II and Embalse NPPs and radiological safety were also a substantive part of the continued efforts by Nucleo-Electrica de Argentina SA and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina

  17. Argentina [Country report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreyra, R.


    The airborne geophysical surveys developed in Argentina are described. They have got more than 500.000 km 2 acquiring data for U, Th, K and total background activity. Other types of published data are also mentioned (satellite imagery, seismic hazard, climate, soil distributions, etc.). The availability of maps with the abundances of elements analyzed at the country and also at laboratories from Canada is described, as well as data of analysis of several elements at two study areas proposed at the outset of the project. The availability of process rate data and epidemiological data is also explained. Argentina intended fully to participate in the CRP at the outset of the project. Due, however, to external resource constraints imposed on the participating organization (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, CNEA), the level of participation had to be significantly reduced. Nonetheless, in the first period of the CRP, Argentina undertook to collate existing geological and geochemical information within the country, and began to define potential areas for site specific natural systems safety indicator studies. (author)

  18. Ensayos de semillas en Argentina: normativas para su acreditación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Gally


    Full Text Available Debido a las exigencias del país o por las pautas requeridas en comercialización, en la República Argentina, en los últimos años se ha incrementado el número de laboratorios de diagnóstico acreditados en el sector agrícola. Asimismo, éstos tienen –en su mayoría– relación directa con la calidad de alimentos y, generalmente, evalúan residuos de plaguicidas. La norma IRAM 301: “Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayos y de calibración” (equivalente a ISO/ IEC 17025: 2005, es la norma empleada para acreditar ensayos a través del ente de acreditación correspondiente y asegurar, de este modo, la competencia técnica del laboratorio. Se puede también optar por aplicar los lineamientos de las reglas ISTA, que tienen como objetivo verificar si el laboratorio de ensayos es técnicamente competente para llevar a cabo los procedimientos declarados en el alcance. En esta investigación se realizará una descripción de la norma ISO 17025 y de las reglas ISTA aplicada a semillas, destacando fortalezas, limitaciones y dificultades en su implementación. Se concluye que la acreditación es conveniente y necesaria para agregar valor y confiabilidad a los resultados.

  19. La familia Cyatheaceae (Pteridophyta en Argentina The family Cyatheaceae (Pteridophyta in Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gonzalo J Marquez


    Full Text Available La familia Cyatheaceae comprende alrededor de 500 especies de helechos arborescentes. Su distribución es pantropical y en Argentina se encuentra representada por 4 especies, reunidas en los géneros Alsophila y Cyathea: A. setosa, A. odonelliana, C. atrovirens y C. delgadii. En este trabajo se presenta una actualización de la información disponible hasta el momento referente a estas especies. Se exponen microfotografías de las esporas, que presentan la superficie con lomos en Alsophila y con cordones en Cyathea. Se ilustran los indusios y escamas de la base de los pecíolos, que son de importancia fundamental para la diferenciación de las especies estudiadas. Asimismo se presenta un mapa de distribución y una clave de las especies que crecen en Argentina.The family Cyatheaceae comprises about 500 species of tree ferns. Their distribution is pantropical and in Argentina is represented by four species, grouped in genera Alsophila y Cyathea: A. setosa, A. odonelliana, C. atrovirens and C. delgadii. In this paper, an update of the available information of the mentioned species is presented. A key to diferentiate the species growing in Argentina, their descriptions and a distribution map are also given. Spores are ridged in Alsophila and with rodlets in Cyathea. Indusia and scales of petiole basis are also illustrated.

  20. Sequías Hidrológicas en la República Argentina y su relación con Variables Macroclimáticas (United States)

    Díaz, Erica Betiana


    Una adecuada planificación y gestión requiere un conocimiento de la distribución temporal y espacial de los recursos hídricos. Una amenaza que afecta al desarrollo y aprovechamiento de los recursos hídricos, y para las cuales la ingeniería debe dar soluciones, son las situaciones de extremos hidrológicos como inundaciones o sequías. Siendo estas últimas un fenómeno hidrológico extremo de gran complejidad del cual aún se conoce poco. Con el objetivo de identificar y caracterizar temporal y espacialmente las sequías hidrológicas en Argentina, esta tesis abordó en primera instancia, la identificación y caracterización de sequías desde el punto de vista hidrológico, abarcando el mayor período de tiempo y espacio, en función de los datos de caudales disponibles. Con el fin de predecir eventos plurianuales de sequías hidrológicas en el mediano y largo plazo se generaron, a través del análisis espectral y armónico de las series históricas de caudales observados, series sintéticas que reproducen las componentes periódicas plurianuales más significativas de las series observadas. Además, para lograr un avance en el conocimiento de los fenómenos climáticos que conducen a las sequías hidrológicas, se identificaron las variables macroclimáticas que tienen una mayor correlación con los caudales escurridos en las distintas cuencas. Esta tesis comprende el estudio de 14 cuencas hidrográficas argentinas, pertenecientes a los ríos Colorado, Mendoza, San Juan, Atuel, Ctalamochita, Anizacate, Xanaes, Suquía, Dulce, Juramento, Salado, Paraná, Bermejo y Pilcomayo. Los resultados a los que se abordaron en esta tesis son de relevancia para la gestión de los recursos hídricos ya que usos tales como el abastecimiento humano, el riego y la producción energética, entre otros, pueden ser seriamente afectados por la ocurrencia de manera simultánea de sequías severas en cuencas que aportan a una región y zonas vecinas.

  1. Overview of RepLab 2014: Author Profiling and Reputation Dimensions for Online Reputation Management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amigó, E.; Carrillo-de-Albornoz, J.; Chugur, I.; Corujo, A.; Gonzalo, J.; Meij, E.; de Rijke, M.; Spina, D.; Kanoulas, E.; Lupu, M.; Clough, P.; Sanderson, M.; Hall, M.; Hanbury, A.; Toms, E.


    This paper describes the organisation and results of RepLab 2014, the third competitive evaluation campaign for Online Reputation Management systems. This year the focus lied on two new tasks: reputation dimensions classification and author profiling, which complement the aspects of reputation

  2. Mida õpetab Argentina finantskriis? / Karsten Staehr

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Staehr, Karsten, 1962-


    Norra majandusanalüütik kirjeldab Argentina majanduspoliitikat, analüüsib tehtud vigu ning hoiatab avatud majandusega Eestit võimalike tulevaste välisshokkide eest. Diagramm: SKP kasv ja üleüldine riigieelarve tasakaal 1991-2001 Argentinas

  3. Automated Production of High Rep Rate Foam Targets (United States)

    Hall, F.; Spindloe, C.; Haddock, D.; Tolley, M.; Nazarov, W.


    Manufacturing low density targets in the numbers needed for high rep rate experiments is highly challenging. This report summarises advances from manual production to semiautomated and the improvements that follow both in terms of production time and target uniformity. The production process is described and shown to be improved by the integration of an xyz robot with dispensing capabilities. Results are obtained from manual and semiautomated production runs and compared. The variance in the foam thickness is reduced significantly which should decrease experimental variation due to target parameters and could allow for whole batches to be characterised by the measurement of a few samples. The work applies to both foil backed and free standing foam targets.

  4. Communications received from Argentina and Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document reproduces the Joint Statement on Nuclear Policy signed by the President of Argentina and the President of Brazil on 29 November 1988 at Ezeiza, Argentina, concerning the decision of the two countries to undertake a joint fast breeder reactor project

  5. Investigation of Genetic Diversity of Wilsonomyces carpophilus in Khorasan Razavi Using rep-PCR Marker

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Barazandeh Aq Kariz


    Full Text Available Introduction: Shot hole disease of stone fruit trees resulted from Wilsonomyces carpophilus can weaken the trees and reduce the quantity and quality of the crops worldwide particularly in semi-arid regions. Coryneum blight or shot hole disease infects all the stone fruit trees including peach, nectarine, apricot, sour cherry, plum, cherry, and almond. One of the most important strategies to manage any plant disease is to use resistant cultivars. In this way, it is very important to have knowledge about the status of genetic diversity and to determine the relationship between isolates of the causal agent fungus. The main objective of the present research was to study the genetic diversity of W. carpophilus in Khorasan Razavi province using the rep-PCR molecular fingerprinting method. Materials and Methods: Sampling was performed from peach, nectarine, plum, apricot and cherry orchards of Quchan, Torqabeh, Shandiz, Chenaran, Neishabur, Kalat, Torbat Heidarieh and Mashhad during spring and summer of 2012 and 2013. Mono-conidial isolates were recovered from infected leaves, fruits, and twigs of different parts of orchards. Infected collected leaves, twigs, and fruits were transferred to the laboratory. By using techniques of Klimesova and Prasil (1989 and Mehta (1998 from the cut parts between infected and healthy tissues of each isolate, cuts of 2-3 mm from leaf, fruit and twig were prepared by the scalpel. These pieces were surface sterilized with 1% sodium hypochlorite liquid about 1 to 3 minutes based on the thickness of tissue. Then, the samples were cultured on PDA, MEA, and WA media and incubated at 18, 20, and 25 °C. The isolated fungi were purified and identified. The research was performed on 20 fungal isolates collected from different stone fruit trees. Genomic DNA was amplified using BOX A1R, ERIC2, ERIC1R, REP2-I, and REP1R-I primers. Thirty-eight of 39 fragments amplified were polymorphic for 100 to 5000 base pairs. Similarity matrix

  6. Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This economical study summarizes the energy situation of Argentina: energy institutions and policy, energy companies (oil, electricity, gas, coal), energy supplies (resources, power production, petroleum, natural gas), prices and tariffs, consumption, economical stakes and perspectives (investments, agreements, projects). Energy data for the 1971-1999 period are summarized in graphs and tables. (J.S.)

  7. [Agrobacterium rubi strains from blueberry plants are highly diverse]. (United States)

    Abrahamovich, Eliana; López, Ana C; Alippi, Adriana M


    The diversity of a collection of Agrobacterium rubi strains isolated from blueberries from different regions of Argentina was studied by conventional microbiological tests and molecular techniques. Results from biochemical and physiological reactions, as well as from rep-PCR and RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified 23S rDNA showed high phenotypic and genotypic intraspecific variation. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Argentina de Microbiología. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  8. Regionalización de los días secos en Argentina: Un enfoque metodológico Regionalization of dry days in Argentina: A methodological approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María L Bettolli


    Full Text Available La regionalización de diferentes variables climáticas ha sido llevada a cabo en diversas zonas del mundo, dado que para distintos propósitos es conveniente dividir espacialmente la climatología de una variable en un número de áreas cuasi-homogéneas. El objetivo de este trabajo es la obtención de una regionalización objetiva de las distintas variabilidades temporales de las cantidades de días secos en la República Argentina durante el trimestre de verano. Con el fin de lograr regiones con similar variabilidad temporal en las cantidades de días secos se exploraron dos métodos: Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP y el algoritmo de agrupamiento no-jerárquico de k-means. En base a una evaluación de los patrones espaciales, la regionalización obtenida mediante el método de k-means aplicado sobre las componentes principales rotadas más importantes, es más apropiada en comparación con la determinada por el método de ACP rotadas. Mediante este método, el territorio nacional presenta seis regiones principales: las regiones Centro- Este; Noreste; Centro y Sur Bonaerense; Noroeste; Centro-Oeste y Patagónica, las cuales son climáticamente coherentes.Objective regionalizations of different climatic variables have been performed in many regions of the World. For different purposes is convenient to make a spatial regionalization to find quasi-homogeneous climatic regions. The main objective of this work is to identify spatially homogeneous regions of dry days in Argentina with different temporal variabilities during summer season. In order to achieve regions with similar temporal variability in the amount of dry days, two methods are explored: principal component analysis (PCA and k-means nonhierarchical cluster method. By means of a spatial patterns examination, the regionalization derived by k-means on the most important rotated principal components extracted is more adequate in comparison with the proposed by PCA method. Through

  9. Argentina: a mature urbanization pattern. (United States)

    Rofman, A B


    "This article describes the historical development of Argentina's cities, pointing out the traditional dominance of the 'centre-litoral' region and...[of] Buenos Aires. Recent trends such as the population increase in the southern region are described and demographic trends are related to economic developments. The article concludes by examining Argentina's contemporary urban patterns, including the current low rate of urbanization." excerpt

  10. Argentina's radioactive waste disposal policy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palacios, E.


    The Argentina policy for radioactive waste disposal from nuclear facilities is presented. The radioactive wastes are treated and disposed in confinement systems which ensure the isolation of the radionucles for an appropriate period. The safety criteria adopted by Argentina Authorities in case of the release of radioactive materials under normal conditions and in case of accidents are analysed. (M.C.K.) [pt

  11. LDC nuclear power: Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tweedale, D.L.


    Argentina's 31-year-old nuclear research and power program makes it a Third World leader and the preeminent Latin American country. Easily accessible uranium fuels the heavy water reactor, Atucha I, which provides 10% of the country's electric power. Atucha II and III are under construction. Several domestic and international factors combined to make Argentina's program succeed, but achieving fuel-cycle independence and the capacity to divert fissionable material to military uses is a cause for some concern. 60 references

  12. RepExplore: addressing technical replicate variance in proteomics and metabolomics data analysis. (United States)

    Glaab, Enrico; Schneider, Reinhard


    High-throughput omics datasets often contain technical replicates included to account for technical sources of noise in the measurement process. Although summarizing these replicate measurements by using robust averages may help to reduce the influence of noise on downstream data analysis, the information on the variance across the replicate measurements is lost in the averaging process and therefore typically disregarded in subsequent statistical analyses.We introduce RepExplore, a web-service dedicated to exploit the information captured in the technical replicate variance to provide more reliable and informative differential expression and abundance statistics for omics datasets. The software builds on previously published statistical methods, which have been applied successfully to biomedical omics data but are difficult to use without prior experience in programming or scripting. RepExplore facilitates the analysis by providing a fully automated data processing and interactive ranking tables, whisker plot, heat map and principal component analysis visualizations to interpret omics data and derived statistics. Freely available at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press.

  13. Operating practical experience at Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quihillalt, Oscar


    Operating experiences of Atucha-1 and Embalse Nuclear Power Plants were discussed in this work. The technical and economic aspects, such as reliability, availability, personnel training, operating costs, prices and market, which exercise influence upon Argentina nuclear energy policy, mainly on the power electric generation by nuclear power plants were considered. Finally the current status of the nucleoelectric sector in Argentina and forecasting were analysed

  14. Repérage d’Images Ordinaires : Analyse des Requêtes des Chercheurs d’Images

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elaine Ménard


    also emphasizes the pressing necessity to optimize the methods used for image processing, in order to facilitate image retrieval and dissemination in multilingual environments. Résumé Depuis quelques années, le web est devenu un média incontournable pour la diffusion de ressources multilingues. Cependant, les différences linguistiques constituent souvent un obstacle majeur aux échanges de documents scientifiques, culturels, pédagogiques et commerciaux. En plus de cette diversité linguistique, on constate le développement croissant de bases de données et de collections composées de différents types de documents textuels ou multimédias, ce qui complexifie également le processus de repérage documentaire. Par exemple, les collections d’images numériques sont aussi nombreuses que diversifiées. Le besoin de repérer une image spécifique dans diverses collections est devenu une préoccupation partagée par plusieurs communautés. La croissance du web a mis en relief le besoin pressant de se doter d’outils propres à la description des images dans le but de faciliter leur repérage, puisque l’on retrouve celles-ci dans la plupart des ressources disponibles. Cette recherche compare le repérage d’images dans deux contextes linguistiques différents : un contexte monolingue, c’est-à-dire que la langue de la requête (français est la même que la langue d’indexation (français; et un contexte multilingue où la langue de la requête (français est différente de la langue d’indexation (anglais. Cet article présente les résultats de l’analyse des requêtes formulées par les participants pour repérer un ensemble d’images ordinaires représentant des objets de la vie quotidienne, en contexte de repérage multilingue. L’examen des termes contenus dans les requêtes des chercheurs d’images révèle les tendances observées sur le plan terminologique, perceptuel et structurel. Les participants emploient généralement des requêtes simples

  15. Brechas de equidad: análisis de la información sociodemográfica de la población indígena


    Stella Maris-Orzuza


    Objetivo: caracterizar socio-demográficamente a la población indígena residente en la provincia de Santa Fe de Argentina. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo de las variables investigadas en la población indígena residente en la provincia de Santa Fe en Argentina, con base en la información recopilada en los Censos Nacionales de Población, Hogares y Viviendas 2001 y 2010 en la República Argentina. La población fue indagada a través de encuestas domiciliarias. ...

  16. Boll weevil invasion process in Argentina (United States)

    The boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, is the most destructive cotton pest in the Western Hemisphere. In 1993, the pest was reported in Argentina, and in 1994 boll weevils were captured in cotton fields in the Formosa Province on the border between Argentina and Paraguay. The pest ha...

  17. Use of a rep-PCR system to predict species in the Aspergillus section Nigri (United States)

    The Aspergillus niger aggregate within the A. section Nigri, is a group of black-spored aspergilli which taxonomy has been elusive. REP-PCR has become a rapid and cost-effective method for genotyping fungi and bacteria. In the present study, we evaluated the discriminatory power of a semi-automate...

  18. Identification of rep-associated factors in herpes simplex virus type 1-induced adeno-associated virus type 2 replication compartments. (United States)

    Nicolas, Armel; Alazard-Dany, Nathalie; Biollay, Coline; Arata, Loredana; Jolinon, Nelly; Kuhn, Lauriane; Ferro, Myriam; Weller, Sandra K; Epstein, Alberto L; Salvetti, Anna; Greco, Anna


    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a human parvovirus that replicates only in cells coinfected with a helper virus, such as adenovirus or herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). We previously showed that nine HSV-1 factors are able to support AAV rep gene expression and genome replication. To elucidate the strategy of AAV replication in the presence of HSV-1, we undertook a proteomic analysis of cellular and HSV-1 factors associated with Rep proteins and thus potentially recruited within AAV replication compartments (AAV RCs). This study resulted in the identification of approximately 60 cellular proteins, among which factors involved in DNA and RNA metabolism represented the largest functional categories. Validation analyses indicated that the cellular DNA replication enzymes RPA, RFC, and PCNA were recruited within HSV-1-induced AAV RCs. Polymerase delta was not identified but subsequently was shown to colocalize with Rep within AAV RCs even in the presence of the HSV-1 polymerase complex. In addition, we found that AAV replication is associated with the recruitment of components of the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex, Ku70 and -86, and the mismatch repair proteins MSH2, -3, and -6. Finally, several HSV-1 factors were also found to be associated with Rep, including UL12. We demonstrated for the first time that this protein plays a role during AAV replication by enhancing the resolution of AAV replicative forms and AAV particle production. Altogether, these analyses provide the basis to understand how AAV adapts its replication strategy to the nuclear environment induced by the helper virus.

  19. Utilisation of Rep-PCR to track microbes in aerosols collected adjacent to their source, a saline lake in Victoria, Australia. (United States)

    Munday, Chris I; O'Loingsigh, Tadhg; Tapper, Nigel J; De Deckker, Patrick; Allison, Gwen E


    Dust storms are a major source of aerosolized bacteria, especially in the drought conditions experienced in Australia in the decade to 2009. The major aims of this project were to identify the culturable bacteria in environmental samples and to genetically fingerprint all isolates using repetitive element PCR (Rep-PCR) to investigate the possibility of tracking isolates from their source into the atmosphere. Four field trips were conducted to a dry lake in western Victoria, Australia to sample aerosols and sediments. Aerosols were collected at heights up to 150 m using vacuum pumps with filters attached to a tethered helium balloon, while corresponding sediments were collected in sterile polypropylene tubes. Isolates were cultivated on Tryptic Soy Agar, R2 Agar and Marine Agar, and grown in dark conditions at ambient temperature. By sequencing the 16S rRNA gene of 270 isolates, fifteen different bacterial families were identified, with both the aerosols and sediments dominated by the Bacillaceae family. Four sets of Rep-PCR primers were tested, with the ERIC and (GTG)5 primers proving to be the most suitable for fingerprinting the cultured taxa. Rep-PCR revealed very high strain diversity in the samples collected, however some strains were still able to be tracked from sediments up to 150 m in height. This shows the potential of Rep-PCR, however very large reference databases would be required for the technique to be more useful. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masters, R.


    This article provides information on the energy resources, government, electricity supply, nuclear industry and fuel cycle of Argentina. About 12% of electric power produced is generated from nuclear power plants. The operating capacity, history and partial privatisation of the nuclear industry are covered, and fuel cycle facilities described. These include uranium mining and processing, enrichment, fuel fabrication and heavy water production. (UK)

  1. «Resistir la imposición»: Revolución, ciudadanía y República en la Argentina de 1880

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sábato, Hilda


    Full Text Available The revolution of 1880 in Buenos Aires was a key episode in Argentine history. This work focuses upon one aspect of that conflict: the controversy that surrounded the use of the term «revolution» in the context of the prevailing political languages. In order to explore this dimension of the dispute, the article analyzes the main arguments displayed by the revolutionaries to justify their action, as well as those used by their opponents to repress the movement.

    La revolución que tuvo lugar en 1880 en Buenos Aires fue un acontecimiento decisivo en la historia de la Argentina. Este trabajo aborda una dimensión de ese conflicto, la que se refiere a la disputa por el sentido que los contemporáneos dieron al término «revolución» en el contexto de los lenguajes políticos vigentes. Para dar cuenta de ella, indaga en los argumentos que pautaron la retórica de los revolucionarios, así como en los que estuvieron en la base de la impugnación a sus acciones.

  2. Diccionario del español de Argentina


    Haensch, Günther


    Diccionario del español de Argentina : español de Argentina - español de España / Günther Haensch ; Reinhold Werner. Madrid : Gredos, 2000. - LI, 729 S. - (Diccionarios contrastivos del español de América)

  3. Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that like so many other countries, Argentina is in the throes of privatization and restructuring of its economic programs. This has had a direct effect on the LPG industry. Argentina is a country with many natural resources. However, natural gas and crude, while present, are not in abundance. Imports of these and their associated products are needed to satisfy the growing need of the population from time to time. This is especially true with LPGs. Production of the fuel averages about 1 million tons, not enough to satisfy internal needs in the winter but enough to permit some exports in the summer to nearby Brazil. The Country's Congress approved a plan to sell-off or lease parts of the natural gas distribution network and other businesses of Gas del Estado. Subsequent new legislation has called for ten new natural gas distribution zones. Included in the sell-off is the company's propane distribution division. What is left of Gas del Estado and YPF will become a corporation in the true sense of the word. Stocks in YPF are to be sold to the public

  4. Rep-PCR typing of Staphylococcus spp. strains in meat paste production line and identification of their origin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Manga


    Full Text Available A meat paste production line and its microbial parameters have been evaluated in single Czech company. The raw meat paste samples before heat treatment were tested positively for the presence of three staphylococci species: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Subsequent microbial analysis of meat paste components and ingredients (fresh meat, water, spices, equipment identified only the spices used as positive for S. aureus (coriander, cinnamon, badian, mustard – (10 - 40 cfu/g and S. haemolyticus strains (juniper, ginger. The collection of sixteen collected strains (S. aureus (n = 4, S. haemolyticus (n = 4, S. epidermidis (n = 8 has been typed with the rep-PCR method utilising (GTG5 primer. Analysis of the fingerprints using the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA clustering method revealed presence of eleven strain clusters with similarity lower than 90%: two fingerprint clusters of S. aureus, three individual clusters characteristic for S. haemolyticus and six different S. epidermidis specific clusters. The S. aureus strains from different types of spice were identical, resp. very similar. Molecular tracking composed from the rep-PCR analysis of acquired isolates and comparison among all collected fingerprints confirmed the spices to be the source of both S. aureus and S. haemolyticus strains identified in raw meat paste. The additional rep-PCR analysis of the S. epidermidis collection confirmed usability and performance of this method. The antibiotic susceptibility to fourteen individual antibiotics has been examined among the collected staphylococci strains. The predominant erythromycin resistance (68.8% was followed with the resistance to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (56.2%. Other resistances observed were less frequent (clindamycin – 12.5%, oxacillin – 6.3%, tetracycline – 6.3%, sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim – 6.3%, chloramphenicol – 6.3%, novobiocin – 6

  5. La arquitectura moderna en Iberoamérica: una seña de identidad


    González Capitel, Antón


    6. La arquitectura moderna en Iberoamérica: una seña de identidad 6. 1. Antes de la arquitectura moderna 6. 2. El Art Déco y los primeros estadios de la arquitectura moderna 6. 2. l. El florecimiento de una primera modernidad en la República del Uruguay 6. 2. 2. Los inicios de la modernidad en la República Argentina 6. 2. 3. Los inicios de la arquitectura moderna en los demás países 6. 3. El desairnllo de la modernidad corbuseriana en Brasil. Brasilia: Costa y Niemeyer ...

  6. MetaRep, an extended CMAS 3D program to visualize mafic (CMAS, ACF-S, ACF-N) and pelitic (AFM-K, AFM-S, AKF-S) projections (United States)

    France, Lydéric; Nicollet, Christian


    MetaRep is a program based on our earlier program CMAS 3D. It is developed in MATLAB ® script. MetaRep objectives are to visualize and project major element compositions of mafic and pelitic rocks and their minerals in the pseudo-quaternary projections of the ACF-S, ACF-N, CMAS, AFM-K, AFM-S and AKF-S systems. These six systems are commonly used to describe metamorphic mineral assemblages and magmatic evolutions. Each system, made of four apices, can be represented in a tetrahedron that can be visualized in three dimensions with MetaRep; the four tetrahedron apices represent oxides or combination of oxides that define the composition of the projected rock or mineral. The three-dimensional representation allows one to obtain a better understanding of the topology of the relationships between the rocks and minerals and relations. From these systems, MetaRep can also project data in ternary plots (for example, the ACF, AFM and AKF ternary projections can be generated). A functional interface makes it easy to use and does not require any knowledge of MATLAB ® programming. To facilitate the use, MetaRep loads, from the main interface, data compiled in a Microsoft Excel ™ spreadsheet. Although useful for scientific research, the program is also a powerful tool for teaching. We propose an application example that, by using two combined systems (ACF-S and ACF-N), provides strong confirmation in the petrological interpretation.

  7. Impacto de la inmigración haitiana sobre el mercado laboral y las finanzas públicas de la República Dominicana


    Aristy-Escuder, Jaime


    La pobreza del pueblo haitiano influye de forma determinante sobre los flujos migratorios hacia la República Dominicana. Este artículo se propone estimar el impacto de la inmigración haitiana sobre el mercado laboral dominicano, así como sobre sus finanzas públicas. Luego de un exhaustivo análisis teórico y aplicado, el artículo concluye que la mano de obra haitiana es complementaria al capital y a la mano de obra calificada de la República Dominicana. En cambio, es sustituta d...

  8. The health crisis in Argentina. (United States)

    Escudero, José Carlos


    The health crisis in Argentina is part of the larger crisis that has resulted from a collapse in the country's economic and political systems. After a brief review of the country's history over the last century, from international success story to economic failure, the author explains the health crisis in particular and the social crisis in general in terms of failed neoliberal policies imposed on Argentina by the United States and International Monetary Fund through the mediation of the country's political class.

  9. Novedades en la Distribución de las Cyatheaceae (Pteridophyta en Argentina Novelties in the distribution of Cyatheaceae (Pteridophyta of Argentina

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    Gonzalo J. Marquez


    Full Text Available Cyathea atrovirens (Langsd. & Fisch. Domin se cita por primera vez para la provincia de Corrientes (Argentina. De esta manera se extiende su área de distribución hacia el sudoeste. Además se confirma la presencia de Alsophila odonelliana (Alston M. Lehnert en la provincia de Jujuy (Argentina. En este estudio los caracteres de las esporas resultaron diagnósticos para la determinación genérica de los taxa.Cyathea atrovirens (Langsd. & Fisch. Domin is reported for the first time for Corrientes province (Argentina. Thus, its area of distribution is extended southwest. The presence of Alsophila odonelliana (Alston M. Lehnert is confirmed for Jujuy province (Argentina. In this study the spore features were diagnostic in order to determine these taxa.

  10. Relación entre condiciones habitacionales y mortalidad infantil en la provincia del Chaco (argentina. Determinación de diferentes escenarios posibles

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    Blanca Elizabeth Ponce


    Full Text Available Las condiciones de la vivienda han sido reconocidas como una de las principales determinantes sociales de la salud humana. Las deficiencias en la vivienda y el saneamiento constituyen un determinante reiterado del exceso de mortalidad y una característica sistemáticamente vinculada a los niveles de pobreza, el rezago socioeconómico y la inequidad territorial en América Latina y el Caribe. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo obtener una clasificación de las áreas programáticas de la provincia del Chaco en función de sus características habitacionales y niveles de mortalidad infantil; mediante el análisis de componentes principales y el análisis de cluster. La provincia del Chaco, se sitúa en el nordeste de la República Argentina e integra la región del Norte Grande Argentino. Geopolíticamente pertenece a un área periférica, con una débil y estacionaria economía, ubicándose entre las provincias más deficitarias.

  11. The blue land planarian Caenoplana coerulea, an invader in Argentina La planaria terrestre azul Caenoplana coerulea, un invasor en Argentina

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    Lisandro Héctor Luis-Negrete


    Full Text Available The blue land planarian Caenoplana coerulea is reported from Argentina (Buenos Aires province. We found C. coerulea in the east central region of Argentina in anthropic environments. The specimens that we found have the characteristic of the species found in others regions; that is, a bluish dorsal surface with a yellow mid-dorsal stripe and eyes forming a single row around the anterior tip, clustered laterally. This is the first record of this species from the Neotropical Region, and together with Bipalium kewense are the only 2 species of exotic terrestrial planarians so far recorded in Argentina.La planaria terrestre azul Caenoplana coerulea se registra para el centro este de Argentina (provincia de Buenos Aires, en ambientes antropizados. Los ejemplares encontrados presentan las características de la especie registrada en otras regiones, con una superficie dorsal azulada y una hilera medio dorsal amarilla, y ojos formando una hilera alrededor del extremo anterior, agrupados lateralmente. Es la primera vez que se cita dicha especie en la Región Neotropical, y junto a Bipalium kewense son las únicas planarias terrestres exóticas registradas en Argentina.

  12. de la sociedad argentina

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    Diego Galeano


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata sobre un período de la historia argentina en el cual la "mirada médica", a través de un grupo de prestigiosos intelectuales, se convirtió en una clave de interpretación de la sociedad argentina. El análisis gira en torno a la obra de uno de los médicos higienistas más influyentes, José María Ramos Mejía, deteniéndose especialmente en su libro más famoso: Las multitudes argentinas (1899. La hipótesis principal que recorre el texto es la siguiente: la medicalización de la sociedad, acentuada luego de las epidemias de cólera y fiebre amarilla de mediados del siglo XIX, ofreció a las elites públicas la posibilidad de construir dominios legítimos de intervención estatal. Intromisiones del Estado en la vida privada que, además de ser algo resistidas por la población, entraban en tensión con los principios teóricos del liberalismo que los propios miembros de la elite defendían.

  13. Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report presents a brief overview of the socio-economic, energy and environmental context in which climate change mitigation actions in Argentina shall be inserted. To that end, the dynamic of the Argentine economic development, its influence on the energy system and environmental impacts is summarised. From the environmental standpoint, emphasis shall only be made on the impact of economic development patterns and energy policies on GHG emission. (au) 73 refs.

  14. Crisis cambiaria en Argentina


    Féliz, Mariano


    El análisis de la articulación entre el proceso de valorización exitosa de capital y la tendencia a la desvalorización de las mercancías se aplica a una de las manifestaciones de la crisis argentina: la devaluación del peso. Se estudia la relación entre la determinación del tipo de cambio y la valorización del capital. Se discuten las tendencias concretas de la economía argentina en la década de 1990 y se muestra cómo la devaluación de 2001-2002 fue producto necesario del propio proceso de va...

  15. Control of nuclear materials and materials in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arbor G, A.; Fernandes M, S.


    A general view about the safeguards activities in Argentina is presented. The national system of accounting for and control of nuclear materials is described. The safeguards agreement signed by Argentina are presented. (E.G.) [pt

  16. Argentina to fully privatize state owned YPF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Argentina's Congress has voted to fully privatize state petroleum company Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF), a move the government expects to net at least $8 billion. Despite some political opposition, the vote was 119-10 in favor, with one abstention and opposition party members refusing to participate in the vote. Argentina's President Carlos Menem had threatened to authorize YPF privatization by decree if there was no quorum for a vote. YPF is responsible for 40% of Argentina's oil production. The country h as been self-sufficient in crude since 1982. Current production is 563,472 b/d, and proved reserves of oil and gas are valued at $7 billion

  17. Protección contra la violencia sexual en la República Democrática del Congo


    Mosely, Sarah; Cetinoglu, Talita; Glad, Marit


    Si bien la prestación de servicios a los supervivientes de la violencia sexual es la principal prioridad en la República Democrática del Congo, la protección para las mujeres y niñas también puede mejorarse.


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    Diego Santiago Buttigliero


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una experiencia de alteración de las configuraciones de gobierno de un hospital en el marco de la crisis político - social argentina del año 2001. A partir de una metodología de investigación basada en “producciones narrativas” de un grupo de médicos residentes del Hospital Provincial de la República, el texto muestra el trabajo de los agentes de salud en conte xtos de extrema precariedad y da cuenta de la emergencia de nuevas éticas, prácticas y formas de organización a partir de la conexión con formas de poder que proliferaron desde la base social en el contexto de esa crisis. Estas formas de organización y prá cticas permiten la articulación de nuevas éticas como un mecanismo económico clave sobre el cual emerge el marco para pensar nuevas formas de organización y de gobierno del hospital. Se utiliza el concepto de “ eticopolítica ” con el fin de enfocar la cualid ad activa de los sujetos, el grado de reflexión en torno a su acción y la conexión de estos dos factores con la política y las relaciones de poder.

  19. Argentina; Argentine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This economical study summarizes the energy situation of Argentina: energy institutions and policy, energy companies (oil, electricity, gas, coal), energy supplies (resources, power production, petroleum, natural gas), prices and tariffs, consumption, economical stakes and perspectives (investments, agreements, projects). Energy data for the 1971-1999 period are summarized in graphs and tables. (J.S.)

  20. 75 FR 78694 - Proposed Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement Proceeding (REP-12); Public Hearing... (United States)


    ..., 2010, on BPA's Web site at . Hard copies of these.... Bonneville Power Admin., 928 F.2d 905 (9th Cir. 1991). Due to the burdensome, expensive and contentious... Electric v. Bonneville Power Admin., 501 F.3d 1009 (9th Cir. 2007) (PGE), the Court found that BPA had...

  1. El Museo de Arte del Banco de la República

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    Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available El Banco de la República desde sus comienzos, en los años veinte y treinta del siglo pasado, ha apoyado la cultura. De esas épocas datan los inicios de las colecciones de numismática y orfebrería, creadas con la intención de preservar y defender el patrimonio artístico y cultural colombiano. A ese atesoramiento se une el desarrollo de otras colecciones que son referencia obligada para el conocimiento de la historia de Colombia: la colección documental (bibliográfica, hemerográfica, audiovisual, la de arte, a partir de 1957 y la de filatelia.

  2. Liberalismo, iluminismo y romanticismo: el problema de la libertad en dos novelas de la República Restaurada

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    Verónica Hernández Landa Valencia


    Full Text Available El artículo propone una reflexión en torno a la forma como influyen tres corrientes de pensamiento, el liberalismo, el iluminismo y el romanticismo, en la representación del problema de la libertad en dos novelas históricas publicadas en la República Restaurada: Monja y casada, virgen y mártir, de Vicente Riva Palacio, y El pecado del siglo, de José Tomás de Cuéllar. Se busca mostrar que dichas corrientes se entrecruzan en un solo texto, que ello contribuye a la conformación de un concepto de libertad restringida y que la forma específica que adquiere ese concepto se explica a partir de la postura ideológica y política de los autores en el contexto de la República Restaurada.

  3. Variation in extragenic repetitive DNA sequences in Pseudomonas syringae and potential use of modified REP primers in the identification of closely related isolates

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    Elif Çepni


    Full Text Available In this study, Pseudomonas syringe pathovars isolated from olive, tomato and bean were identified by species-specific PCR and their genetic diversity was assessed by repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP-PCR. Reverse universal primers for REP-PCR were designed by using the bases of A, T, G or C at the positions of 1, 4 and 11 to identify additional polymorphism in the banding patterns. Binding of the primers to different annealing sites in the genome revealed additional fingerprint patterns in eight isolates of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi and two isolates of P. syringae pv. tomato. The use of four different bases in the primer sequences did not affect the PCR reproducibility and was very efficient in revealing intra-pathovar diversity, particularly in P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi. At the pathovar level, the primer BOX1AR yielded shared fragments, in addition to five bands that discriminated among the pathovars P. syringae pv. phaseolicola, P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi and P. syringae pv. tomato. REP-PCR with a modified primer containing C produced identical bands among the isolates in a pathovar but separated three pathovars more distinctly than four other primers. Although REP-and BOX-PCRs have been successfully used in the molecular identification of Pseudomonas isolates from Turkish flora, a PCR based on inter-enterobacterial repetitive intergenic concensus (ERIC sequences failed to produce clear banding patterns in this study.

  4. The regulatory control of radioactive sources in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojkind, Roberto Hector


    Argentina has been conducting nuclear activities for more than forty years, and as early as in 1956 established a Regulatory Authority. Procedures for compliance monitoring and enforcement have been in use in the regulatory control of radioactive sources, and regulatory standards and regulations had been set in Argentina, before the accident in Goiania. The conclusions drawn from that accident encouraged in Argentina the improvement of some regulatory procedures and helped to enhance the quality of the regulatory process. Therefore, the effectiveness of the control of spent radioactive sources has gradually increased, and enforcement actions to prevent radioactive sources ending up in the public domain improved. Some lessons learned in Argentina from the accident in Goiania and the main characteristics of an effective enforcement program helpful to prevent radiological accidents in industrial, medical, research and teaching uses of radioactive sources are presented. (author)

  5. Comparison of semi-automated commercial rep-PCR fingerprinting, spoligotyping, 12-locus MIRU-VNTR typing and single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of the embB gene as molecular typing tools for Mycobacterium bovis. (United States)

    Armas, Federica; Camperio, Cristina; Coltella, Luana; Selvaggini, Serena; Boniotti, Maria Beatrice; Pacciarini, Maria Lodovica; Di Marco Lo Presti, Vincenzo; Marianelli, Cinzia


    Highly discriminatory genotyping strategies are essential in molecular epidemiological studies of tuberculosis. In this study we evaluated, for the first time, the efficacy of the repetitive sequence-based PCR (rep-PCR) DiversiLab Mycobacterium typing kit over spoligotyping, 12-locus mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typing and embB single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis for Mycobacterium bovis typing. A total of 49 M. bovis animal isolates were used. DNA was extracted and genomic DNA was amplified using the DiversiLab Mycobacterium typing kit. The amplified fragments were separated and detected using a microfluidics chip with Agilent 2100. The resulting rep-PCR-based DNA fingerprints were uploaded to and analysed using web-based DiversiLab software through Pearson's correlation coefficient. Rep-PCR DiversiLab grouped M. bovis isolates into ten different clusters. Most isolates sharing identical spoligotype, MIRU-VNTR profile or embB gene polymorphism were grouped into different rep-PCR clusters. Rep-PCR DiversiLab displayed greater discriminatory power than spoligotyping and embB SNP analysis but a lower resolution power than the 12-locus MIRU-VNTR analysis. MIRU-VNTR confirmed that it is superior to the other PCR-based methods tested here. In combination with spoligotyping and 12-locus MIRU-VNTR analysis, rep-PCR improved the discriminatory power for M. bovis typing.

  6. Measurements and Clinical Findings on Thorotrast Deposits in the Kidney; Mesures et Observations Cliniques Faites sur des Depots de Thorotrast dans le Rein; 0418 0417 041c 0414 ; Determinaciones y Datos Clinicos Relativos a los Depositos Renales de Torotrasto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oberhausen, E.; Muth, H.; Grillmaier, R. [Institut Fuer Biophysik der Universitaet des Saarlandes, Homburg (Saar), Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    thorotrast dans le rein. Il n'en faut pas moins s'attendre a trouver de nombreux malades dont les reins contiennent des depots de thorotrast car le thorotrast a ete utilise tres souvent comme substance opaque dans les pyelographies retrogrades. Dans les conditions normales, tout le thorotrast aurait du etre emporte par l'urine. Cependant, si l'application a ete faite sous forte pression ou qu'il y eut a l'epoque une infection renale, il se peut qu'une partie du thorotrast se soit deposee dans les tissus. Il est possible qu'un nombre important de ces depots ne puisse etre identifie sur les radiographies, car ils ressemblent beaucoup a des depots de calcium dans le rein et il faut une certaine experience pour distinguer les depots de calcium des depots de thorotrast. Au cours des dernieres annees, les auteurs, en collaboration avec des urologues, ont pu reperer sept cas de ce genre. Lorsqu'il n'y avait de depot que dans un seul'rein, ce qui etait le- cas chez six sujets, on a procede a l'ablation de l'organe. L'examen histol ogique a'revele cinq carcinomes ainsi'qu'une degenerescence tres poussee d'un rein. D'apres les observations des auteurs, il faut entre 20 et 25 annees pour qu'un carcinome se developpe. Dans deux cas, il a ete possible d'examiner le sujet dans l'anthropogamraametre et de doser les{sup r}adionucleides contenus dans l'urine et le thoron contenu dans l'air exhale. Ces dosages ont ete effectues avant et apres la nephrectomie. On a egalement mesure les rayons gamma emis par l'organe isole. Ces diverses mesures ont permis de proceder a une evaluation de la dose de rayonnements. (author) [Spanish] Los trabajos publicados acerca de los depositos de torotrasto en el sistema reticuloendotelial y de los datos clinicos obtenidos son bastante abundantes. En cambio, son contados los casos de depositos renales de toro- trasto descritos en la bibliografia. Sin embargo, es de suponer que hay muchos pacientes con estos ultimos depositos, ya que el torotrasto se utilizo con

  7. Topology reconstruction for B-Rep modeling from 3D mesh in reverse engineering applications (United States)

    Bénière, Roseline; Subsol, Gérard; Gesquière, Gilles; Le Breton, François; Puech, William


    Nowadays, most of the manufactured objects are designed using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. Nevertheless, for visualization, data exchange or manufacturing applications, the geometric model has to be discretized into a 3D mesh composed of a finite number of vertices and edges. But, in some cases, the initial model may be lost or unavailable. In other cases, the 3D discrete representation may be modified, for example after a numerical simulation, and does not correspond anymore to the initial model. A reverse engineering method is then required to reconstruct a 3D continuous representation from the discrete one. In previous work, we have presented a new approach for 3D geometric primitive extraction. In this paper, to complete our automatic and comprehensive reverse engineering process, we propose a method to construct the topology of the retrieved object. To reconstruct a B-Rep model, a new formalism is now introduced to define the adjacency relations. Then a new process is used to construct the boundaries of the object. The whole process is tested on 3D industrial meshes and bring a solution to recover B-Rep models.

  8. Primer registro de Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae en la Argentina First record of Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae in Argentina

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    Maité Masciocchi


    Full Text Available Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus es un véspido social nativo de la región Holártica. En este trabajo reportamos la primera detección de esta especie en Argentina. Obreras de esta avispa fueron capturadas cerca de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina en Febrero de 2010, mientras se tomaban muestras de otra avispa invasora, Vespula germanica (Fabricius o chaqueta amarilla, de morfología externa y hábitos similares a la anteriormente mencionada. Además, detallamos algunos caracteres de identificación y características biológicas.Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus is a social vespid native to the Holarctic region. The first detection of this species in Argentina is here reported. Workers were captured close to San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina during February 2010, while sampling for another successful invader, the German wasp or Yellowjacket, Vespula germanica (Fabricius. Both these wasp species are very similar morphologically and share a number of common habits. Also, some identification features and biological characters are here explained.

  9. Unemployment Assistance and Transition to Employment in Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. Iturriza (Ana); A.S. Bedi (Arjun Singh); R.A. Sparrow (Robert)


    textabstractIn 2001-02, Argentina experienced a wrenching economic crisis. Plan Jefes, implemented in May 2002, was Argentina's institutional response to the increases in unemployment and poverty triggered by the crisis. The program provided a social safety net and appears to have successfully

  10. Tabaquismo durante el embarazo en Argentina y Uruguay Smoking during pregnancy in Argentina and Uruguay

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    Fernando Althabe


    Full Text Available Argentina y Uruguay están entre los países con mayor proporción de mujeres jóvenes fumadoras. Se desconoce cuál es la proporción exacta de ellas que fuman durante el embarazo así como las características de las que dejan de fumar y las que continúan fumando durante el embarazo. Realizamos una encuesta administrada por un/a entrevistador/a a 1512 mujeres embarazadas de 18 años o mayores (796 en Argentina; 716 en Uruguay, que concurrían a control prenatal en hospitales públicos de grandes conglomerados urbanos. 44% de las mujeres en Argentina y 53% en Uruguay habían sido o eran fumadoras. Durante el embarazo, 11% de las mujeres en Argentina y 18% en Uruguay continuaron fumando. En ambos países, la proporción de mujeres que vive con fumadores, permite fumar en el hogar y regularmente o siempre se encuentra en lugares cerrados con personas que estén fumando fue 49%, 46% y 20% entre las mujeres que nunca fumaron, 67%, 60% y 32% entre las que dejaron, y 78%, 75% y 52% entre las que continuaron fumando respectivamente. El estudio confirma un importante problema de salud pública y documenta que la exposición ambiental persiste en subgrupos de mujeres, aun en aquéllas que dejaron de fumar. Es importante que el sector de salud pública provea acceso a programas efectivos para dejar de fumar durante el embarazo. Cualquier nueva intervención a desarrollar que intente tener un éxito al menos moderado y sostenible, debiera incluir componentes que actúen sobre el entorno fumador de la mujer embarazada que fuma.Argentina and Uruguay are among the countries in which a large proportion of young women smoke. The rate of smokers during pregnancy in both countries is not well known, and data on the characteristics of women who quit smoking during pregnancy compared to those who continue smoking are not available. We conducted a survey including 1512 pregnant women >18 years old (796 in Argentina; 716 in Uruguay, during antenatal visits in

  11. The bloodsucking biting midges of Argentina (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae

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    Gustavo R Spinelli


    Full Text Available A key is presented for the identification of the adults of 54 species of bloodsucking ceratopogonids, 51 of which are known inhabitants of Argentina, and Culicoides uruguayensis Ronderos, C. pifanoi Ortiz, and C. trilineatus Fox, which are known to occur in bordering Uruguay and Paraguay. Wing photographs are provided of females of the 45 species of Culicoides. Three new species of Culicoides Latreille from Northeastern Argentina are described and illustrated: C. austroparaensis Spinelli, C. bachmanni Spinelli, and C. williamsi Spinelli. The following six species are recorded for the first time from Argentina and/or bordering localities in Paraguay: Leptoconops brasiliensis (Lutz, C. gabaldoni Ortiz, C. ginesi Ortiz, C. pifanoi Ortiz, C. pseudocrescentis Tavares and Luna Dias, and C. trilineatus; and C. estevezae Ronderos and Spinelli is newly recorded from Misiones province of Argentina. C. lopesi Barretto is excluded from the Argentinean ceratopogonid fauna.

  12. Caracterización de las principales pesquerías del golfo San Jorge Patagonia, Argentina Characterization of the main fisheries in San Jorge Gulf, Patagonia, Argentina

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    María Eva Góngora


    Full Text Available En el golfo San Jorge se desarrollan varias actividades económicas de relevancia, entre ellas dos pesquerías industriales: la pesquería de merluza común (Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933 y la pesquería de langostino patagónico (Pleoticus muelleri Bate, 1888, ambas se solapan espacial y temporalmente. En la pesquería de merluza del golfo San Jorge opera una flota fresquera de altura, compuesta por unas 20 embarcaciones, y una flota costera, compuesta por unas 30 embarcaciones. En esta pesquería se pesca alrededor del 10% de lo capturado en el stock sur de merluza. En la pesquería de langostino del golfo San Jorge opera una flota congeladora tangonera compuesta por 80 embarcaciones, responsable de más del 75% de los desembarques de langostino realizados en la República Argentina. Ambas pesquerías tienen como principal problema la captura incidental de merluza, en una de sus principales áreas de cría. En el presente trabajo se describe el manejo actual en las pesquerías del golfo San Jorge, el cual consiste principalmente en cierres espaciales y temporales para la pesca de langostino, y zonificaciones por estrato de flota para la merluza. En ninguna de las dos pesquerías descriptas se han tomado medidas que reduzcan eficazmente la captura incidental.In San Jorge Gulf, several important economic activities are developed, including two industrial fisheries: hake (Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933 and Argentine red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri Bate, 1888. Both overlap spatially and temporally. The San Jorge Gulf hake fishery consists of a high-seas ice trawler fleet (n = 20 fishing vessels and a coastal fleet (n = 30 fishing vessels. These fisheries capture about 10% of the catch of the southern hake stock. The Argentine red shrimp fishery consists of a double-beam trawler fleet with 80 freezer vessels, responsible for more than 75% of shrimp landings in Argentina. The main problem of both fisheries is the bycatch of hake in one of its

  13. Repérer des sites similaires à une recherche par Google


    Ginouvès, Véronique


    Repérer des sites similaires à une recherche par Google Afficher graphiquement les liens d’un site avec d’autres sites similaires TouchGraph GoogleBrowser crée des agrégations de sites à partir de l’interrogation de Google. Vous visualisez ainsi des nébuleuses de sites à l’intérieur desquelles vous pouvez naviguer facilement, en sautant d'un groupe à l'autre afin de voir les nuages autour de sujets ou de communautés de sujets. Cet outil a été développé par Alex Shapiro, à partir de la version...

  14. Educación en derechos humanos en Argentina. Notas sobre el proceso de incorporación de los derechos humanos en los contextos educativos

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    Mónica Fernández


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se efectúa una caracterización sintética de los diversos contextos políticos y económicos que fueron habilitando la incorporación de los derechos humanos en diversas instituciones de la República Argentina, pasando por zonas educativas formales y no formales; es decir, comunitarias y jurídicas, hasta llegar a formar parte de las currículas de todos los niveles educativos. El propósito es visualizar cómo se fue desarrollando y desde cuáles esferas de la cultura se fue impulsando y demandando la necesidad de educar en y para los derechos humanos. Dado que uno de los fines de la educación es la necesidad de formar a la ciudadanía, este artículo pretende hacer visible que los derechos humanos son un modo de ejercerla y que la esfera educativa es el contexto propiamente dicho para que los derechos humanos se respeten en las diversas prácticas culturales.

  15. Estrategias corporativas frente a la primera crisis de sobreproducción azucarera en Tucumán (Argentina: de la regulación de la comercialización a la regulación de la producción, 1895-1904

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    María Lenis


    Full Text Available El propósito central de este artículo es explorar y analizar las medidas impulsadas por el Centro Azucarero Argentino, asociación que agrupaba a los propietarios de ingenios de la república argentina, entre 1895 y 1904, en el marco de la crisis de la sobreproducción. Este abordaje nos permitirá examinar el impacto que el descenso del precio del azúcar tuvo hacia el interior del sector azucarero, las estrategias implementadas por la corporación, la relación con los poderes públicos, nacionales y provinciales, y las distintas concepciones existentes sobre la fisonomía que debía adoptar el complejo agroindustrial tucumano.The central intention of this article is to explore and to analyze the measures stimulated by the Centro Azucarero Argentino, corporate association that integrated the sugar manufacturers of Argentina, in the frame of the crisis of overproduction. This boarding will allow us to examine the impact that the decrease of the price of the sugar had towards the interior of the sugar sector, the strategies implemented by the corporation, the relation with the State agencies, nationals and provincials, and the different existing conceptions on the physiognomy that the agroindustrial complex should adopt.

  16. Horizontalidad, autogestión y protagonismo en Argentina

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    Marina Sitrin


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata los movimientos sociales autónomos que surgieron después de la crisis económica y la posterior rebelión popular en Argentina en diciembre de 2001. Los movimientos autónomos en la Argentina, como tantos movimientos en el mundo de hoy, son movimientos basados en la creación de nuevas relaciones sociales y comunidades ahora, al mismo tiempo que proyectan nuevas sociedadesy las relaciones en y para el futuro. Son movimientos con una concepción diferente del tiempo y el espacio. Son movimientos queentienden lo individual y lo colectivo como vinculados entre sí. Hay mucho en común entre la experiencia en la Argentina y las prácticas eideas anarquistas. Eso no significa que los que están creando nuevas relaciones y comunidades en la Argentina sean anarquistas. Lo que este artículo intenta hacer es basarse en las experiencias de los movimientos sociales argentinos para iniciar una reflexión sobre lasprácticas e ideas que los anarquistas pueden prestar a los distintos movimientos y comunidades autónomas; y, a su vez, sobre lo que los movimientos autónomos en la Argentina puede dar a las ideas y prácticas anarquistas.

  17. The regulatory control of radioactive sources in Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rojkind, Roberto Hector [Autoridade Regulatoria Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Argentina has been conducting nuclear activities for more than forty years, and as early as in 1956 established a Regulatory Authority. Procedures for compliance monitoring and enforcement have been in use in the regulatory control of radioactive sources, and regulatory standards and regulations had been set in Argentina, before the accident in Goiania. The conclusions drawn from that accident encouraged in Argentina the improvement of some regulatory procedures and helped to enhance the quality of the regulatory process. Therefore, the effectiveness of the control of spent radioactive sources has gradually increased, and enforcement actions to prevent radioactive sources ending up in the public domain improved. Some lessons learned in Argentina from the accident in Goiania and the main characteristics of an effective enforcement program helpful to prevent radiological accidents in industrial, medical, research and teaching uses of radioactive sources are presented. (author) 9 refs; e-mail: rrojkind at

  18. Control of gaseous emissions in central Costanera S.A. of Argentina; Control de emisiones gaseosas en central Costanera S. A. de Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brabenec, Edgardo [Unidad de Negocios Central Costanera, S. A., (Argentina)


    A description is presented of the equipment utilized at the Central Costanera, S.A. of Argentina, the requirements and the Environmental Management established for this Power Station, and the Standards and the resolutions and law instruments on Environmental issues. Also it is presented the Environmental Management plan of the Ente Nacional Regulador de Electricidad of Argentina as well as the controls and environmental corrective actions implemented at the Central Costanera, S.A. [Espanol] Se presenta una descripcion del equipo utilizado en la Central Costanera S.A. de Argentina, los requerimientos de gestion ambiental establecidos para esta central y las normas, resoluciones e instrumentos juridicos en materia ambiental. Se presenta ademas el plan de gestion ambiental del Ente Nacional Regulador de la Electricidad de Argentina asi como los controles y acciones correctivas ambientales implantadas en la Central Costanera S. A.

  19. Control of gaseous emissions in central Costanera S.A. of Argentina; Control de emisiones gaseosas en central Costanera S. A. de Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brabenec, Edgardo [Unidad de Negocios Central Costanera, S. A., (Argentina)


    A description is presented of the equipment utilized at the Central Costanera, S.A. of Argentina, the requirements and the Environmental Management established for this Power Station, and the Standards and the resolutions and law instruments on Environmental issues. Also it is presented the Environmental Management plan of the Ente Nacional Regulador de Electricidad of Argentina as well as the controls and environmental corrective actions implemented at the Central Costanera, S.A. [Espanol] Se presenta una descripcion del equipo utilizado en la Central Costanera S.A. de Argentina, los requerimientos de gestion ambiental establecidos para esta central y las normas, resoluciones e instrumentos juridicos en materia ambiental. Se presenta ademas el plan de gestion ambiental del Ente Nacional Regulador de la Electricidad de Argentina asi como los controles y acciones correctivas ambientales implantadas en la Central Costanera S. A.

  20. Prospect for Development of Open Access in Argentina (United States)

    Miguel, Sandra; Bongiovani, Paola C.; Gomez, Nancy D.; Bueno-de-la-Fuente, Gema


    This perspective article presents an overview of the Open Access movement in Argentina, from a global and regional (Latin American) context. The article describes the evolution and current state of initiatives by examining two principal approaches to Open Access in Argentina: "golden" and "green roads". The article will then…

  1. Tensiones entre decisiones de los órganos del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos y el derecho interno de los Estados en materia de derechos políticos


    Amaya, Jorge Alejandro


    El autor plantea en este trabajo dos tensiones o posiciones encontradas que emanan de la doctrina de los órganos del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (la Comisión y la Corte Interamericana) y el derecho interno de algunos Estados, como la República Argentina. Primero, la interpretación que la Justicia Electoral Argentina ha hecho respecto del sufragio pasivo del concepto de “condena de juez competente en proceso penal” que exige con exclusividad el numeral 2 del artículo 23 de la Co...

  2. Tantilla melanocephala (Linnaeus, 1758 - (Serpentes: Colubridae. Primeros registros para la Provincia de Jujuy y confirmación de su presencia en el noroeste argentino

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    Burgos Gallardo, Freddy


    Full Text Available República Argentina, provincia de Jujuy, Departamento Ledesma, Parque Nacional Calilegua, Camino de acceso a Yacimiento Caimancito (23°39’24.55”S; 64°34’49.78”O; 440 m s.n.m. Coordenadas calculadas mediante Google Earth. Colectores: Baltazar Ramos y Francisco Gallardo. 12 de abril de 2011. (SVL: 270 mm; LT: 370 mm depositado en la Colección del Laboratorio de Genética Evolutiva, Instituto de Biología Subtropical (UNaM-CONICET, Posadas, Misiones, Argentina (LGE 02577, Fig. 1.

  3. Economy-wide impacts of biofuels in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Timilsina, Govinda R.; Chisari, Omar O.; Romero, Carlos A.


    Argentina is one of the world's largest biodiesel producers and the largest exporter, using soybeans as feedstock. Using a computable general equilibrium model that explicitly represents the biofuel industry, this study carries out several simulations on two sets of issues: (i) international markets for biofuel and feedstock, such as an increase in prices of soybean, soybean oil, and biodiesel, and (ii) domestic policies related to biofuels, such as an introduction of biofuel mandates. Both sets of issues can have important consequences to the Argentinean economy. The simulations indicate that increases in international prices of biofuels and feedstocks would increase Argentina's gross domestic product and social welfare. Increases in international prices of ethanol and corn also can benefit Argentina, but to a lesser extent. The domestic mandates for biofuels, however, would cause small losses in economic output and social welfare because they divert part of biodiesel and feedstock from exports to lower-return domestic consumption. An increase in the export tax on either feedstock or biodiesel also would lead to a reduction in gross domestic product and social welfare, although government revenue would rise. - Highlights: ► Argentina is one of the largest biodiesel producer and exporter using soybeans. ► Economy-wide impacts are assessed using a CGE model for Argentina. ► Policies simulated are feedstock and biodiesel price change, and domestic mandates. ► Increases in international prices of biofuels and feedstock benefit the country. ► Domestic mandates for biofuels cause small losses in economic output

  4. Tareas que realizan los bibliotecarios universitarios en Argentina

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    Werner Agazzi


    Full Text Available El presente estudio es una investigación descriptiva que pretende conocer las tareas que realizan los bibliotecarios en las bibliotecas universitarias argentinas, abordando el tema desde la perspectiva de las competencias laborales y el actual perfil del bibliotecario universitario. Mediante la utilización de un cuestionario enviado a las direcciones de e-mail de bibliotecas universitarias argentinas se compilaron datos sobre las tareas que realizan los bibliotecarios en esas instituciones. A través de este proceso también se compilaron datos relacionados con las tareas de comunicación vía e-mail por parte de las bibliotecas universitarias argentinas.

  5. Computing and Education in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. (United States)

    Sadowsky, Manuel

    Although the report is specifically about Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, the considerations presented are valid for all of Latin America. In September, 1969, Argentina had approximately 200 electronic computers. The annual growth is estimated at 15-20% and the implementation of teleprocessing and time-sharing systems have made evident the…

  6. Cerezo: desarrollo de un cultivo no tradicional en Argentina

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    Scarpati, Olga


    Full Text Available The incorporation of non-traditional crops for Argentine Republic became notable in the late XX century and early XXI by technological innovations that allow very significant yields, the opportunity represented by the exportation of agricultural products, as is the case of cherry, favoured by the exchange rate, and against seasonality of production for consumer markets in the Northern Hemisphere. The main cherry-growing areas are three: the Uco Valley in Mendoza province, the Los Antiguos Valley in the province of Santa Cruz and the Lower Valley of the Chubut River (VIRCH in the province of same name, which met the requirements for achieving good crop yields. The main destination of this nectarine is in addition to domestic consumption, exports to the US and the European Union (EU, representing an important trade surplus for producing areas.

    La incorporación de cultivos que no son tradicionales para la República Argentina se hizo notable a fines del siglo XX y principios del XXI por las innovaciones tecnológicas que permiten rindes muy significativos, la oportunidad que representa la exportación de algunos productos agropecuarios como es el caso de la cereza favorecidos por el tipo de cambio, y la contraestacionalidad de la producción, respecto de los mercados consumidores del hemisferio norte. Las principales zonas de cultivo de cerezo son tres: el Valle de Uco en la provincia de Mendoza, el Valle Los Antiguos en la provincia de Santa Cruz y el Valle inferior del río Chubut (VIRCH, en la provincia homónima; las cuales cumplen con los requisitos para lograr buenas producciones del cultivo. El principal destino de esta fruta es además del consumo interno, la exportación a EEUU y la Unión Europea (UE, representando un saldo comercial importante para las zonas productoras.

  7. Repše: välislaenuabi katkedes on aasta lõpuks raha läbi / Mikk Salu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Mikk, 1975-


    Läti rahandusminister Einars Repše hoiatas, et kui Lätil ei õnnestu täita oma kohustusi rahvusvaheliste kreeditoride ees ja vähendada 2010. a. eelarvedefitsiiti poole miljardi lati võrra, võib riigikassa rahast tühjaks joosta juba enne aasta lõppu

  8. The nuclear research centre at Bariloche, Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abriata, J.P.


    The nuclear research centre at Bariloche (CAB) is one of the four centres under the Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina (CNEA). The research programme of CAB addresses various issues like nuclear reactor development, nuclear fuel and fuel cycle, applications of radioisotopes and radiation, and waste management. There is also a basic nuclear science component. The human resource development in the areas of physics and nuclear engineering is done in an associated Balseiro Institute which has undergraduate and graduate programmes as well as doctoral and postdoctoral research. The Centre interacts well with the society and provides services in the nuclear area. It has a close interaction with the nuclear sector of Argentina as also with many international organisations. Regulatory control over the Centre is carried out by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina. (author)

  9. The energy sector in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This article first outlines that Argentina produces an important part of its hydrocarbon consumption and comment various aspects of this production: hydrocarbons are at the heart of the Argentinian energetic model; conventional hydrocarbon reserves are however decreasing; the public operator remains the main actor even though the market is opened to multinational companies. The article then describes the crisis faced by this energetic model: the energy balance is now a burden; the increasing unbalance between production and consumption can be explained by supply-related as well as demand-related factors; authorities must intervene on hydrocarbon prices and subsidize the oil price on the domestic market. It appears that the future for hydrocarbons in Argentina relies on non-conventional hydrocarbons. Bio-fuels, a key sector of the Argentinian economy, are a matter of trade dispute with the EU and the USA. Apart from hydroelectricity (some new projects are planned), renewable energies are very few developed in Argentina. Appendices propose a graph of the distribution of energy consumption among the different sources, a map indicating locations of the main exploited hydrocarbon deposits, a presentation of mechanisms implemented to subsidize hydrocarbon production

  10. Nuclear safeguards in Brazil and Argentina: 25 years of ABACC (United States)

    Kassenova, Togzhan


    As possessors of advanced nuclear technology, Brazil and Argentina bear special responsibility for helping the international community and neighbors in their region feel confident that their nuclear programs are peaceful, secure, and safe. Over the past 25 years, the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) has played an indispensable role in strengthening such confidence by implementing nuclear safeguards in the two countries. Today, ABACC carries out safeguards inspections at a total of 76 nuclear facilities in Brazil and Argentina. This article describes how Brazil and Argentina view trends in the global nonproliferation regime and international nuclear safeguards, and explains how these trends relate to unique challenges and opportunities facing Brazil, Argentina, and ABACC.

  11. Hacia una república conservadora : el programa político del Partido Agrario Español

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Teófilo Gil Cuadrado


    Full Text Available El Partido Agrario Español (PAE, fundado en enero de 1934 y presidido por José Martínez de Velasco, representó, dentro de la II República española, una alternativa conservadora y, al tiempo, leal al régimen. El programa político del PAE aceptaba la República —a diferencia de otros partidos derechistas del momento, como la CEDA y los monárquicos— y defendía la unidad nacional, el establecimiento de una segunda Cámara legislativa, la protección de la agricultura y la industria mediante aranceles, el libre comercio dentro de las fronteras nacionales y la revisión de algunas leyes del primer bienio como la Reforma Agraria de 1932. El objetivo era la configuración de una República conservadora distinta, en aspectos fundamentales, a la diseñada por la Constitución de 1931 y la legislación del bienio social-republicano.The Spanish Agrarian Party (Partido Agrario Español, PAE, founded in january of 1934 and presided by José Martínez de Velasco, was, in the political life of the Spanish Second Republic, a conservative and republican option. The agrarian program accepted the republican regime —in opposition to other conservative parties, like the CEDA or the monarchists— and defended the national union, the establishment of a Senate, the protection of the national agriculture and industry trough tariffs, the free trade in the Spanish market and the revision of some laws voted in the first biennium like the Agrarian Reform, promulgated in 1932. The idea was to establish a conservative Republic, different, in some fundamental aspects, of the regime designed by the Constitution of 1931 and the legislation approved during the socialist-republican biennium.

  12. Communications received from Argentina and Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document reproduces the Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy signed by the Presidents of Argentina and Brazil on 30 November 1985, the Protocol on Nuclear Co-operation between Argentina and Brazil signed on 10 December 1986, the Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy signed by the two Presidents on 10 December 1986, the Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy signed by the two Presidents on 17 July 1987 and the Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy (IPERO Declaration) signed by the two Presidents on 8 April 1988

  13. Cubiertas colgantes de hormigón República Argentina

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    Magaldi, Jorge W.


    Full Text Available These hanging trusses are the result of a considerable number of studies on how to cover great surfaces in a suitable as well as economical manner. The supporting structure is made up of reinforced concrete portals which rest upon foundations of the same material. These portals can be prefabricated though in each particular case they have to be adapted to the special project in question. The thus built structure is finished by means of two hanging sheets: ene metal sheet and one of reinforced concrete. Both of them combine different shapes and complementary materials whereby advantages are being obtained with regard to watertightnes, a minimum of maintenance, easy placing of the thermal insulation and suspended ceiling, in addition to the possibility of maintaining an almost uniform inner free height throughout a great surface, and to allow for an architectural design of very bold lines.Estas cubiertas colgantes han surgido como resultado de los innumerables estudios realizados para cubrir grandes espacios de forma adecuada y económica. La estructura portante de estas láminas se constituye con pórticos de hormigón armado, que apoyan sobre cimentaciones del mismo material. Dichos pórticos pueden ser prefabricados, pero en todo momento se adaptarán al proyecto que previamente se haya realizado para cada caso particular. La estructura así construida se puede rematar mediante dos soluciones de láminas colgantes: una, metálica, y la otra, de hormigón armado. Ambas combinan diferentes formas y materiales complementarios, con los que presentan ventajas de estanquidad, mínimo mantenimiento, facilidad para la colocación de aislamiento térmico y cielorraso, junto a la propiedad de mantener una altura libre interior casi uniforme cubriendo grandes espacios y permitir un diseño arquitectónico de líneas muy avanzadas.

  14. Recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 replication and packaging is entirely supported by a herpes simplex virus type 1 amplicon expressing Rep and Cap. (United States)

    Conway, J E; Zolotukhin, S; Muzyczka, N; Hayward, G S; Byrne, B J


    Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 (rAAV) vectors have recently been shown to have great utility as gene transfer agents both in vitro and in vivo. One of the problems associated with the use of rAAV vectors has been the difficulty of large-scale vector production. Low-efficiency plasmid transfection of the rAAV vector and complementing AAV type 2 (AAV-2) functions (rep and cap) followed by superinfection with adenovirus has been the standard approach to rAAV production. The objectives of this study were to demonstrate the ability of a recombinant herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) amplicon expressing AAV-2 Rep and Cap to support replication and packaging of rAAV vectors. HSV-1 amplicon vectors were constructed which contain the AAV-2 rep and cap genes under control of their native promoters (p5, p19, and p40). An HSV-1 amplicon vector, HSV-RC/KOS or HSV-RC/d27, was generated by supplying helper functions with either wild-type HSV-1 (KOS strain) or the ICP27-deleted mutant of HSV-1, d27-1, respectively. Replication of the amplicon stocks is not inhibited by the presence of AAV-2 Rep proteins, which highlights important differences between HSV-1 and adenovirus replication and the mechanism of providing helper function for productive AAV infection. Coinfection of rAAV and HSV-RC/KOS resulted in the replication and amplification of rAAV genomes. Similarly, rescue and replication of rAAV genomes occurred when rAAV vector plasmids were transfected into cells followed by HSV-RC/KOS infection and when two rAAV proviral cell lines were infected with HSV-RC/KOS or HSV-RC/d27. Production of infectious rAAV by rescue from two rAAV proviral cell lines has also been achieved with HSV-RC/KOS and HSV-RC/d27. The particle titer of rAAV produced with HSV-RC/d27 is equal to that achieved by supplying rep and cap by transfection followed by adenovirus superinfection. Importantly, no detectable wild-type AAV-2 is generated with this approach. These results demonstrate

  15. Brasil, Argentina e América do Sul

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    Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr.


    Full Text Available ESTE trabalho discute alguns aspectos da evolução econômica recente do Brasil, da Argentina e de outros países da América do Sul. Tendências econômicas e intelectuais perigosas, tais como a "globalização", o chamado Consenso de Washington, a dolarização e as negociações da Alca (Área de Livre Comércio das Américas, perderam ímpeto e a América do Sul está se movendo gradualmente na direção de um posicionamento mais independente na condução das suas política econômicas e internacionais. As mudanças foram muito mais significativas na Argentina do que no Brasil e isso se tornou fonte de alguma tensão entre os dois principais países sul-americanos. Não obstante, uma aliança estratégica entre Argentina e Brasil continua sendo a pedra angular da integração da América do Sul.THIS PAPER discusses some aspects of the recent economic evolution of Brazil, Argentina and other South American countries. Dangerous economic and intellectual trends, such as "globalization", the so-called Washington Consensus, dollarization, and FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas negotiations, have lost momentum and South America is moving gradually towards a more independent stance in the conduct of its economic and foreign policies. Changes have been much more significant in Argentina than in Brazil and this has become a source of some tension between the two major South American countries. Nevertheless, a strategic alliance between Argentina and Brazil remains the corner stone of South American integration.

  16. Direct Application of Rep-PCR on Type I Sourdough Matrix to Monitor the Dominance and Persistence of a Lactobacillus plantarum Starter Throughout Back-Slopping. (United States)

    Dolci, Paola; Cocolin, Luca


    This study describes the optimization and application of repetitive element-PCR (rep-PCR) technique directly on microbial DNA extracted from type I sourdoughs for fast monitoring of a Lb. plantarum starter strain (P1FMC) throughout daily back-slopping. The challenge was to follow and study the performance of a starter culture directly in sourdoughs without cultivation on selective media. The extraction of good quality microbial DNA suitable for amplification from a complex matrix such as dough was the first target. In addition, the objective to obtain a clear rep-PCR profile referable to a specific starter strain among a microbial community was pursued. Co-inoculum trials, in flour matrix, with Lb. plantarum P1FMC and L. lactis LC71 strains and, subsequently, type I sourdough back-slopping trials were performed. The rep-PCR amplification profiles obtained were clearly referable to that of Lb. plantarum P1FMC starter in both co-inoculum trials (also when it was present with one order of magnitude less with respect to L. lactis LC71) and back-slopping trials where it dominated the fermentation process with loads of 10 8 cfu g -1 and prevailed on the autochthonous microbiota. Thus, the approach proposed in this paper could be considered a methodological advancement, based on a culture-independent one-step rep-PCR, suitable for fast monitoring of starter performance. © 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®.


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    Peterson Paul


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio taxonómico de las especies nativas argentinas del géneroMuhlenbergia, basado en el análisis de los especímenes depositados en 48 herbarios.Se analizan diversos aspectos relativos a la clasifi cación, la nomenclatura y lavariación morfológica de los caracteres. Muhlenbergia está representado enArgentina por 18 especies nativas. Se proporcionan claves para reconocer lasespecies presentes en el país, así como también descripciones de éstas, sinónimos,ilustraciones, distribución geográfica y algunos comentarios morfológicos yecológicos. Muhlenbergia breviaristata (Hack. Parodi y Muhlenbergia holwayorumHitchc., se reducen como sinónimos del híbrido Muhlenbergia angustata (J. PreslKunth × M. rigida (Kunth Kunth. Muhlenbergia diversiglumis Trin. se cita porprimera vez para la Argentina. Por otra parte, las especies Muhlenbergia tenella(Kunth Trin. y Muhlenbergia tenuissima (J. Presl Kunth se excluyen de la fl orade Argentina.

  18. Brote de histoplasmosis en la Escuela de Cadetes de la Base Aérea de Morón, Provincia de Buenos Aires, República Argentina Histoplasmosis outbreak in Morón, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Negroni


    Full Text Available Se describe un brote de histoplasmosis que afectó a 6 cadetes de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina, sin antecedentes patológicos previos. Todos consultaron por problemas respiratorios después de haber limpiado un hangar. En ese recinto se encontraron abundantes deyecciones de animales, presuntamente de palomas y murciélagos. Los pacientes sufrieron fiebre, mialgias, taquipnea y tos no productiva. Las radiografías y tomografías de tórax mostraron imágenes pulmonares micronodulares, engrosamiento de los tabiques interalveolares y adenopatías hiliares. Todos tuvieron una evolución favorable y no requirieron tratamiento antifúngico. Las pruebas de inmunodifusión y contrainmunoelectroforesis con antígenos de Histoplasma capsulatum fueron positivas, al igual que las intradermorreacciones con histoplasmina. Se recogieron 5 muestras de tierra del lugar, las que fueron inoculadas por vía intraperitoneal a 20 hámsteres. De los cultivos de hígado y bazo de dichos animales se consiguió aislar la fase micelial de H. capsulatum. La cepa aislada se comparó con las obtenidas de 12 pacientes argentinos utilizando perfiles genéticos y se observó un clado único con más de 96% de similitud, lo que confirma la homogeneidad de las cepas argentinas. Si bien la histoplasmosis es endémica en la Pampa húmeda, este es el primer brote totalmente documentado al sur del paralelo 34°.An histoplasmosis outbreak affecting 6 previously healthy Air Force cadets is herein presented. The patients suffered from fever and respiratory symptoms after having cleaned an abandoned hangar soiled with pigeons and bat droppings. They all presented fever, myalgia, tachypnea, and nonproductive cough. Chest X-ray and CT scan studies showed disseminated reticulonodular images affecting both lungs. Hiliar adenomegalies were also observed. All patients achieved a favourable outcome without antifungal treatment. Both serologic tests searching for specificic antibodies

  19. La Segunda República, una coyuntura para las mujeres españolas: Cambios y permanencias en las relaciones de género.


    Merino Hernández, Rosa María


    [ES] En España, no será hasta el período de la Segunda República (1931-1939), cuando las mujeres conseguirán el reconocimiento de ciudadanas de pleno derecho en igualdad con los hombres, respaldadas por la Constitución de 1931. La Segunda República española da voz y derechos a más de la otra mitad de la población del país, por lo que la convierte en una época única, en una etapa nueva donde convivirán el cambio y la permanencia, el avance hacia una nueva sociedad y, dentro de ésta, la emer...

  20. Biodiversity information system of the national parks administration of Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonidas Lizarraga


    Full Text Available Introduction The Biodiversity Information System (BIS of the National Parks Administration of Argentina (NPA was launched in 2002, with the support of the Global Environmental Fund (GEF through the Biodiversity Conservation Project in Argentina. The BIS consists of a set of thematic databases and Geographic Information System (GIS set to support management decisions, and to provide information to the general public on the national protected areas of Argentina. Currently, the BIS-NPA progr...

  1. Update on women in physics in Argentina (United States)

    Brudny, Vera; Lagorio, Cecilia; Frechero, Marisa; Tamarit, Francisco


    Data collected 10 years ago in Argentina concluded that women in physics were underrepresented in many instances and that a "crystal ceiling" was firmly in place. We have collected updated data for several indicators and compared them with those obtained 10 years ago. Although there is not a clear conclusion to be drawn from this comparison, we try to explain the results within the framework of the changes in scientific policies in Argentina.

  2. Transnational Crime Fictions and Argentina's Criminal State


    Caballero, Juan


    My dissertation, titled "Transnational Crime Fictions and Argentina's Criminal State," proposes a new understanding of the dictatorship novels of Ricardo Piglia, Juan José Saer, and Manuel Puig grounded in their shared appropriation from popular crime fiction. Across the 1940's, 50's, and 60's, a wide range of popular crime fiction was translated, written, theorized, printed and reprinted in Argentina, and these popular genres grew steadily in readership, visibility, and cultural legitimacy....

  3. China, Argentina agree to further strategic ties

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    According to Xinhua,China and Argentina have agreed to further enhance mutual trust and their strategic partnership as the two emerging economies are playing an increasingly important role in the world arena.“China will work with Argentina to strengthen strategic mutual trust,expand cooperation and coordination within multilateral frameworks in order to promote bilateral ties and benefit the two peoples,” Vice President Xi Jinping told Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman on September 9.

  4. All projects related to Argentina | Page 7 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Region: Americas, Argentina, South America. Program: Climate Change. Total Funding: CA$ 995,000.00. Youth Smoking in Stressed Environments : Determinants and Resiliency (Argentina, Colombia, Palestine). Project. Numerous studies have shown that the earlier an individual starts smoking, the harder it is to give it up.

  5. Nuclear Energy Stakeholders in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gadano, Julian


    Mr Gadano, Undersecretary for Nuclear Energy, Argentina spoke from the perspective of a country looking forward to becoming a member of the NEA. He reviewed the place of nuclear energy in his country's energy mix and called attention to its role in positively addressing the global challenges of climate change and energy security. Mr Gadano also described the federal system which governs Argentina. Drawing on his expertise as a lawmaker and nuclear regulator but also as an academic sociologist, he stressed that reaching agreement on siting initiatives for example requires a sustainable relation with stakeholders, including regional governments. This is important because in the end, 'the best project is the one you can finish'

  6. Argentina set for privatization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chynoweth, E.


    Buyers are lining up for Argentina's two big state-controlled petrochemical groups, Buenos Aires-based Petroquimica General Mosconi (PGM) and Petroquimica Bahia Blance (PBB). However, feedstock supply contracts with government-owned oil group Yacientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPG) and gas group Gas del Estado hold the key to both sales. Shell Compania Argentina Petroleo SA (CAPSA), Perez Companc, and Global Petroleum have already bought PGM tender documentation. Shell says it will bid for PGM if the feedstock contract with YPF is acceptable. In addition to price and volume, Shell says the length is critical; it wants a 15-year deal, but would settle for 11. YPF initially sought a five-year contract. PGM, which produces 300,000 m.t./year of aromatics, plus oxo alcohols, methanol, and methyl tert-butyl ether, has sales of $150 million/year

  7. Evolución y relevancia del turismo en la República Dominicana


    Real Aquino, Héctor Julio


    República Dominicana es un país que durante las últimas décadas ha sufrido grandes transformaciones socioeconómicas, anteriormente su economía dependía casi exclusivamente de la elaboración y exportación de productos agrícolas como: la caña de azúcar, cacao, tabaco, y en menor medida, la industria textil. Ese panorama se ha modificado, debido en gran parte al turismo, dado que este subsector de la economía se ha convertido en la principal actividad económica del país. La evolución y relevanci...

  8. A method and software for segmentation of anatomic object ensembles by deformable m-reps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pizer, Stephen M.; Fletcher, P. Thomas; Joshi, Sarang; Gash, A. Graham; Stough, Joshua; Thall, Andrew; Tracton, Gregg; Chaney, Edward L.


    Deformable shape models (DSMs) comprise a general approach that shows great promise for automatic image segmentation. Published studies by others and our own research results strongly suggest that segmentation of a normal or near-normal object from 3D medical images will be most successful when the DSM approach uses (1) knowledge of the geometry of not only the target anatomic object but also the ensemble of objects providing context for the target object and (2) knowledge of the image intensities to be expected relative to the geometry of the target and contextual objects. The segmentation will be most efficient when the deformation operates at multiple object-related scales and uses deformations that include not just local translations but the biologically important transformations of bending and twisting, i.e., local rotation, and local magnification. In computer vision an important class of DSM methods uses explicit geometric models in a Bayesian statistical framework to provide a priori information used in posterior optimization to match the DSM against a target image. In this approach a DSM of the object to be segmented is placed in the target image data and undergoes a series of rigid and nonrigid transformations that deform the model to closely match the target object. The deformation process is driven by optimizing an objective function that has terms for the geometric typicality and model-to-image match for each instance of the deformed model. The success of this approach depends strongly on the object representation, i.e., the structural details and parameter set for the DSM, which in turn determines the analytic form of the objective function. This paper describes a form of DSM called m-reps that has or allows these properties, and a method of segmentation consisting of large to small scale posterior optimization of m-reps. Segmentation by deformable m-reps, together with the appropriate data representations, visualizations, and user interface, has been

  9. Euclides da Cunha e a República

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    Roberto Ventura


    Full Text Available A revisão da República é central na obra de Euclides da Cunha, presente em seus artigos de jornal e na maior parte de seus livros. Analisou o regime republicano não só em Os sertões (1902, em que tratou da guerra de Canudos, como em Contrastes e confrontos (1907 e em Á margem da história (1909. Foi testemunha e intérprete dos rumos do novo regime, que ajudara a fundar com artigos de propaganda política no jornal A Província de S. Paulo.The revision of the Republic is a central concern in the works of Euclides da Cunha. It appears in his newspaper articles and in most of his books. He analysed the republican regime not only in Os sertões (Rebellion in the backlands, 1902, in which he deals with the Canudos War, but also in Contrastes e confrontos (1907 and in À margem da história (1909. He both witnessed and interpreted the trends of the new regime which he had helped to set up with his political articles in the newspaper A Província de S. Paulo.

  10. Realidades de la independencia del Banco de la República Realities of the independence of the Banco de la República

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    Kalmanovitz Salomón


    Full Text Available La autonomía del banco central Colombiano es parte del proceso político que buscaba reducir el exagerado centralismo colombiano. Sin embargo el poder central no fue limitado en grado suficiente por la Constitución del 1991, como muestra el hecho de que el Ministro de Hacienda es el Presidente de la Junta Directiva del Banco de la República. Esto no sucede en ningun banco independiente del mundo por que los objetivos del gobierno son distintos a los del Banco Central y el Ministerio de Finanzas podría desviar al Banco de sus objetivos antiinflacionarios fundamentales. En Colombia, el gobierno no sólo participa en la Junta para acomodar sus múltiples objetivos sino también hace opocisión pública a la política monetaria y así la desacredita. El articulo plantea que el principio de no reelección hace que el horizonte de tiempo sea muy corto para que el gobierno coseche los frutos de una política de estabilización. El gobierno tiende a gastar en exceso para mejorar su imagen pública y el desajuste lo tiene que enfrentar el gobierno siguiente. De modo que la coordinación entre el Banco Central y el gobierno se torna muy conflictiva.The autonomy of the Central Bank of Colombia is part of a political process which seeks to reduce Colombia' s exaggerated centralismo However, central power was not limited to a sufficient degree by the Constitution of 1991, as demonstrated by the fact that the Minister of Finance is the President of the Board of Directors of the Banco de la República. This does not happen in any independent bank in the world, because the objectives of the government are different from those of the central bank, and the Minister of Finance could divert the Bank away from its fundamental anti-inflationary objectives. This article proposes that the principle of no reelection makes the time horizon very short for the government to reap the fruits of a stabilization policy. The government tends to spend in excess in order to

  11. Analysis of a new strain of Euphorbia mosaic virus with distinct replication specificity unveils a lineage of begomoviruses with short Rep sequences in the DNA-B intergenic region

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    Argüello-Astorga Gerardo R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Euphorbia mosaic virus (EuMV is a member of the SLCV clade, a lineage of New World begomoviruses that display distinctive features in their replication-associated protein (Rep and virion-strand replication origin. The first entirely characterized EuMV isolate is native from Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico; subsequently, EuMV was detected in weeds and pepper plants from another region of Mexico, and partial DNA-A sequences revealed significant differences in their putative replication specificity determinants with respect to EuMV-YP. This study was aimed to investigate the replication compatibility between two EuMV isolates from the same country. Results A new isolate of EuMV was obtained from pepper plants collected at Jalisco, Mexico. Full-length clones of both genomic components of EuMV-Jal were biolistically inoculated into plants of three different species, which developed symptoms indistinguishable from those induced by EuMV-YP. Pseudorecombination experiments with EuMV-Jal and EuMV-YP genomic components demonstrated that these viruses do not form infectious reassortants in Nicotiana benthamiana, presumably because of Rep-iteron incompatibility. Sequence analysis of the EuMV-Jal DNA-B intergenic region (IR led to the unexpected discovery of a 35-nt-long sequence that is identical to a segment of the rep gene in the cognate viral DNA-A. Similar short rep sequences ranging from 35- to 51-nt in length were identified in all EuMV isolates and in three distinct viruses from South America related to EuMV. These short rep sequences in the DNA-B IR are positioned downstream to a ~160-nt non-coding domain highly similar to the CP promoter of begomoviruses belonging to the SLCV clade. Conclusions EuMV strains are not compatible in replication, indicating that this begomovirus species probably is not a replicating lineage in nature. The genomic analysis of EuMV-Jal led to the discovery of a subgroup of SLCV clade viruses that contain in

  12. El IDRC en Argentina

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    comercio capaces de sostener el crecimiento y reducir la pobreza. ... Rosario, en Argentina, se ha convertido en un ejemplo internacional para la agricultura urbana gracias a la ... para evaluar los riesgos y beneficios de esta tecnología para ...

  13. Activities with Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1989, the US Department of Energy (DOE) responded to the need to redirect resources from weapons production to environmental restoration and waste management by establishing the Office of Environmental Management (EM) and delegated to this office the responsibility of cleaning up the US nuclear weapons complex. Now in its eight year, EM's mission has three central facets: (1) to assess, remediate, and monitor contaminated sites and facilities; (2) to store, treat, and dispose of waste from past and current operations; and (3) to develop and implement innovative technologies for environmental cleanup. To this end, EM has established domestic and international cooperative technology development programs, including one with the Republic of Argentina. Cooperating with Argentine scientific institutes and industries meets US cleanup objectives by: (1) identifying and accessing Argentine EM-related technologies, thereby leveraging investments and providing cost-savings; (2) improving access to technical information, scientific expertise, and technologies applicable to EM needs; and (3) fostering the development of innovative environmental technologies by increasing US private sector opportunities in Argentina in EM-related areas


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    Full Text Available Entre 1830 y 1835 algunos dirigentes de Mendoza y San Juan, provincias vitivinícolas, trataron de separarse de la República Argentina y regresar a Chile, tal como en la época colonial. Durante más de dos siglos, Mendoza y San Juan fueron parte del Corregimiento de Cuyo del Reino de Chile. Esta situación cambió desde 1776 con la creación del Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Después de la Revolución de 1810, Mendoza y San Juan formaron parte de la República Argentina. Pero algunos años después de la independencia, un grupo descontento con la acción y decisiones del gobierno de Buenos Aires, inició acciones orientadas a la secesión. Este artículo investiga las razones y motivaciones socioeconómicas de este grupoBetween 1830 and 1835 some leaders of Mendoza and San Juan, wine industry oriented provinces, attempted to withdrawal from Argentina Republic, and come back to Chile such as in colonial times. During more than two centuries, Mendoza and San Juan were members of Cuyo Province in Chile's Kingdom. This situation changed since 1776 because the creation of the River Plate Viceroyalty. After Revolution of 1810, Mendoza and San Juan took part of Argentina Republic. But some years after the independence, a group discontented with de action and decision of Buenos Aires government begun the action oriented to secession. This paper explores the socioeconomic reasons and motivation of this group

  15. repDNA: a Python package to generate various modes of feature vectors for DNA sequences by incorporating user-defined physicochemical properties and sequence-order effects. (United States)

    Liu, Bin; Liu, Fule; Fang, Longyun; Wang, Xiaolong; Chou, Kuo-Chen


    In order to develop powerful computational predictors for identifying the biological features or attributes of DNAs, one of the most challenging problems is to find a suitable approach to effectively represent the DNA sequences. To facilitate the studies of DNAs and nucleotides, we developed a Python package called representations of DNAs (repDNA) for generating the widely used features reflecting the physicochemical properties and sequence-order effects of DNAs and nucleotides. There are three feature groups composed of 15 features. The first group calculates three nucleic acid composition features describing the local sequence information by means of kmers; the second group calculates six autocorrelation features describing the level of correlation between two oligonucleotides along a DNA sequence in terms of their specific physicochemical properties; the third group calculates six pseudo nucleotide composition features, which can be used to represent a DNA sequence with a discrete model or vector yet still keep considerable sequence-order information via the physicochemical properties of its constituent oligonucleotides. In addition, these features can be easily calculated based on both the built-in and user-defined properties via using repDNA. The repDNA Python package is freely accessible to the public at or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  16. [Independent ethics committees for clinical research in Argentina. An evaluation and a system to guarantee their independence]. (United States)

    Gonorazky, Sergio E


    The Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica de la República Argentina (ANMAT) requires that an independent ethics committee of sponsors and/or researchers must previously evaluate and approve all the new pharmacological research protocols carried out on human beings. However, due to the lucrative nature of the evaluation, and because the selection of the Independent Ethics Committee is carried out by the sponsors and/or researchers, the assumed autonomy of the former can be reduced to merely a relationship of "service provider-customer". The Institutional Review Board of the Mar del Plata s Community Hospital has evaluated, between 2005 and 2006, thirty three research protocols (with their corresponding information sheets for patients and informed consent forms) previously approved by a non-institutional Independent Ethics Committee. The median number of objections made by the Institutional Review Board, which prompted the previously mentioned protocols to be modified in order to be approved, was of three per protocol. In other words, the accreditation of an Independent Ethics Committee requires a system that guarantees actual independence from the sponsors and/or researchers, as well as management control mechanisms that may lead them into an eventual loss of accreditation. Several measures are proposed in order to correct the deficiencies of the present system.

  17. La función administrativa ejercida por el Congreso de la República


    Ortiz, Maribel


    La función administrativa en Colombia, no sólo es desarrollada por la Rama Ejecutiva del poder público, sino que también es ejercida por la Rama Legislativa para el cumplimiento de sus fines. Es a partir de la Constitución de 1991, cuando en desarrollo del mandato Constitucional y de las facultades que tiene el Congreso de la República, se expidieron dos normativas: la ley 3ª de 1992 (por la cual se expiden normas sobre las Comisiones del Congreso de Colombia y se dictan otras disposici...

  18. La radio en la segunda república española: sociedad y publicidad


    Sebastián Morillas, Sebastián


    El artículo versa sobre la evolución del medio radio durante la II República Española a la vez que analiza la publicidad radiofónica de la época y sus efectos en una sociedad a punto de dividirse en dos bandos enfrentados en armas. This article is about the evolution of the radio broadcast during the Second Spanish Republic. It also analyses the radio commercials in that time, and how this commercials had a great influence on Spanish society, which was close to a civil war.

  19. Vacuna contra la fiebre hemorrágica argentina Candid#1 producida en la Argentina: Inmunogenicidad y seguridad

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    Delia A. Enria


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio clínico en 946 voluntarios humanos sanos, donde se comparó la vacuna Candid#1 producida en Argentina con la elaborada en EE.UU., que había sido utilizada en estudios previos. Como objetivo primario se evaluó la equivalencia en la eficacia utilizando como marcador subrogante a la inmunogenicidad medida por detección de anticuerpos neutralizantes. Como objetivo secundario se evaluó la equivalencia en inocuidad comparando las tasas de reacciones adversas. Ambas vacunas mostraron una tasa equivalente de inmunogenicidad ligeramente superior al 95.5%, que es la eficacia estimada para Candid #1 en estudios previos. No se observaron eventos adversos graves relacionados con la vacuna. Los eventos adversos generales considerados relacionados fueron de escasa significación clínica y de resolución espontánea o con tratamiento sintomático; se presentaron en los receptores de ambas vacunas en tasas equivalentes (29.9% para la vacuna fabricada en la Argentina y 35.0% para la fabricada en EE.UU., e incluyeron: cefalea, decaimiento, mialgias, plaquetopenia leve (< 150 000 plaquetas/mm³, náuseas y/o vómitos, leucopenia leve (< 4 000 blancos/mm³, fiebre, dolor retroocular, mareos, microhematuria, lumbalgia y exantema. Estos resultados indican que la vacuna Candid #1 elaborada en la Argentina es equivalente a la elaborada en los EE.UU. Este estudio permitió el registro del biológico producido en la Argentina ante la autoridad regulatoria del país (ANMAT.

  20. A Argentina depois da conversibilidade: um caso de novo-desenvolvimentismo?

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    André Moreira Cunha


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the economic recovery in post-Convertibility Argentina. We try to identify if there are evidences to support the suggestion that Argentina could be an example of the so-called "new developmentalism".

  1. Overview and perspectives for Open Access development in Argentina

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    Sandra Miguel


    Full Text Available This paper provides an overview and perspectives for development of the Open Access movement in Argentina, within the global and regional (Latin American context. It outlines the evolution and current state of initiatives around the two main approaches to Open Access, the golden and green roads. The main Open Access policies and support of OA movement by governments in Latin American region, and particularly in Argentina, are highlighted, while recent studies on publishing practices and authors’ positions regarding Open Access are presented. The paper concludes that the prospects for development of OA in Argentina, both through golden and green roads are favorable, with their strengths and shortcomings

  2. Radiation vulcanization in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferenaz, Guillermo W.; Smolko, Eduardo E.


    The possibilities of using in Argentina the radiation process to vulcanize natural latex are analyzed. Experimental studies to define the irradiation conditions have been carried out and the preliminary elaboration of an irradiation device that includes the chemical reactor has been started. (author)

  3. 78 FR 46610 - Lemon Juice From Argentina and Mexico (United States)


    ... Argentina and Mexico Determination On the basis of the record \\1\\ developed in the subject five-year reviews... determines that termination of the suspended antidumping duty investigation on lemon juice from Mexico would...), entitled Lemon Juice from Argentina and Mexico: Investigation Nos. 731-TA-1105-1106 (Review). By order of...

  4. 78 FR 47006 - Lemon Juice From Argentina and Mexico (United States)


    ... Argentina and Mexico Determination On the basis of the record \\1\\ developed in the subject five-year reviews... determines that termination of the suspended antidumping duty investigation on lemon juice from Mexico would...), entitled Lemon Juice from Argentina and Mexico: Investigation Nos. 731-TA-1105-1106 (Review). By order of...

  5. Update on women in physics in Argentina


    Brudny, Vera Leonor; Lagorio, Cecilia; Frechero, Marisa Alejandra; Tamarit, Francisco


    Data collected 10 years ago in Argentina concluded that women in physics were underrepresented in many instances and that a “crystal ceiling” was firmly in place. We have collected updated data for several indicators and compared them with those obtained 10 years ago. Although there is not a clear conclusion to be drawn from this comparison, we try to explain the results within the framework of the changes in scientific policies in Argentina. Fil: Brudny, Vera Leonor. Universidad de Buenos...

  6. Education and Dictatorship in Argentina 1976-1983


    Kaufmann, Carolina


    Este artículo señala aspectos generales del autodenominado “Proceso” acaecido en Argentina (1976-1983). Se ofrecen evidencias de censura e imposición autoritaria en el sistema educativo. Asimismo, se explicitan elementos constitutivos de la educación personalizada perennialista y de la pedagogía de los valores que fue adoptada durante aquellos años. This article indicates general aspects of the self-styled "Process" occurred in Argentina (1976-1983). Evidence of censorship and authoritar...

  7. Feature selection and data sampling methods for learning reputation dimensions: The University of Amsterdam at RepLab 2014

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gârbacea, C.; Tsagkias, M.; de Rijke, M.


    We report on our participation in the reputation dimension task of the CLEF RepLab 2014 evaluation initiative, i.e., to classify social media updates into eight predefined categories. We address the task by using corpus-based methods to extract textual features from the labeled training data to

  8. Bolivia's gas heads for Brazil as Argentina waits - and watches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knight, P.


    The first 1,800 km stretch of a 3,400 km natural gas pipeline from Bolivia to Brazil will start operating in December. First planned 50 years ago, the pipeline has long been expected to result in an immediate surge of gas use in Brazil. However, impending deep recession in Brazil makes this prospect less likely despite the power shortages which indicate the need for considerable gas imports. Initially, most Bolivian gas will flow through Brazil to Argentina. But gas production is expanding rapidly in Argentina and the supply contract with Bolivia ends in 1999. Plans are well advanced to build two gas lines into the south of the Brazil from Argentina. Ultimately, it is anticipated that Argentina, which has abundant reserves and a virtually saturated domestic market, will become the principal source of natural gas for Brazil. (UK)

  9. La República Holandesa y su posición en el contexto colonial americano después de 1713

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    Crespo Solana, Ana


    Full Text Available During the War of Spanish Succession, the Dutch Republic fought alongside the Austrians and their allies against the Bourbon party. Still, and in spite of its alliance with England, the treaties of Utrecht did not leave the Dutch Republic in a good position. In this article, these treaties’ consequences for the commercial and colonial Dutch expansion in the Atlantic world are analyzed.Durante la guerra de Sucesión española, la República Holandesa luchó junto al bloque aliado austracista contra la opción borbónica. Sin embargo, y a pesar de su alianza con Inglaterra, la República Holandesa no salió bien restablecida de los tratados de Utrecht. En este artículo se analizarán las consecuencias que estos tratados tuvieron para la expansión comercial y colonial de Holanda en el Atlántico.

  10. 1 Estudio Sectorial Sector lácteo de Argentina

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Resumen: La producción de leche y productos lácteos conforma en Argentina un importante complejo productivo, de larga trayectoria histórica y gran impacto económico y social. En Argentina, esta industria conforma un oligopolio diferenciado en el que coexisten unas pocas grandes empresas nacionales y ...

  11. Engineered bacterial hydrophobic oligopeptide repeats in a synthetic yeast prion, [REP-PSI+

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    Fátima eGasset-Rosa


    Full Text Available The yeast translation termination factor Sup35p, by aggregating as the [PSI+] prion, enables ribosomes to read-through stop codons, thus expanding the diversity of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome. Yeast prions are functional amyloids that replicate by templating their conformation on native protein molecules, then assembling as large aggregates and fibers. Prions propagate epigenetically from mother to daughter cells by fragmentation of such assemblies. In the N-terminal prion-forming domain, Sup35p has glutamine/asparagine-rich oligopeptide repeats (OPRs, which enable propagation through chaperone-elicited shearing. We have engineered chimeras by replacing the polar OPRs in Sup35p by up to five repeats of a hydrophobic amyloidogenic sequence from the synthetic bacterial prionoid RepA-WH1. The resulting hybrid, [REP-PSI+], i was functional in a stop codon read-through assay in S. cerevisiae; ii generates weak phenotypic variants upon both its expression or transformation into [psi-] cells; iii these variants correlated with high molecular weight aggregates resistant to SDS during electrophoresis; and iv according to fluorescence microscopy, the fusion of the prion domains from the engineered chimeras to the reporter protein mCherry generated perivacuolar aggregate foci in yeast cells. All these are signatures of bona fide yeast prions. As assessed through biophysical approaches, the chimeras assembled as oligomers rather than as the fibers characteristic of [PSI+]. These results suggest that it is the balance between polar and hydrophobic residues in OPRs what determines prion conformational dynamics. In addition, our findings illustrate the feasibility of enabling new propagation traits in yeast prions by engineering OPRs with heterologous amyloidogenic sequence repeats.


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    Sara G. Tressens


    Full Text Available Calyptranthes tricona D. Legrand (Myrtaceae es reportada por primera vez para la Argentina.  Se incluyen una descripción y una ilustración. Se presenta un clave para la identificación de las especies argentinas de Calyptranthes se da. Se discuten algunas observaciones sobre la nomenclatura C.concinna DC.

  13. The text of the agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with a co-operation agreement between Argentina and Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Agreement between the Republic of Argentina, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards came into force on 4 March 1994. As a result of the coming into force of the aforesaid Agreement for Argentina, the application of safeguards under the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the IAEA for the application of safeguards in connection with a co-operation agreement between Argentina and Canada has been suspended

  14. La europeización de la República de Moldova: un camino sinuoso e incierto hacia la integración europea

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    Aurelia Dercaci


    Full Text Available Después de la proclamación de la independencia en 1991, la República de Moldova (RM ha declarado su firme determinación de emprender su camino hacia Europa, a la que se siente identificada culturalmente. Aunque en las declaraciones y documentos adoptados el Estado nunca ha renunciado a este objetivo, ciertas acciones de sus líderes políticos parecen contradecir dicho compromiso. El trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de evolución de la República de Moldova a la Unión Europea (UE, los compromisos asumidos por ambos y su cumplimiento. Además, voy a comparar los progresos realizados por Ucrania y RM hacia el acercamiento a la Unión Europea en los últimos años. Hace algunos años, Ucrania fue el país oriental con la perspectiva fundamental de la futura integración en la UE debido a sus cambios democráticos, hoy República de Moldova ha demostrado ser capaz de hacer más progresos en la promoción de la democracia y la aplicación de las reformas de gobernanza que Ucrania. Por otro lado, la relación entre la RM y la UE sigue siendo influenciada por las medidas adoptadas por la Federación de Rusia en la región donde todavía tiene influencia significativa, y tratar de mantener su presencia. Una de las herramientas fuertes de la influencia es la dependencia del suministro de energía y su falta de diversificación. El conflicto sin resolver de Transnistria es otro factor determinante de la falta de certeza en el proceso de europeización de la RM. El trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la eficiencia de la europeización de la República de Moldova a través de la Política de Vecindad Europea, utilizando un método combinado constructivista y racionalista.

  15. Argentina's YPF hones in on privatization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports on Argentina's push to privatize and attract more foreign investment to its petroleum sector which continues to gather momentum. The Argentine government plans by year end 1992 to sell unprofitable assets of Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales, then sell as much as 50% of the state oil company through an international stock offering. If privatization proceeds as expected, YPF Pres. Jose Estenssoro the, the company's stock will be offered to private investors early in 1993. The company was founded in 1922. By March 1992, Argentina also will begin selling all assets of state owned Gas del Estado (GDE) through an international bidding process expected to take about 18 months

  16. Argentina v globalizačních procesech


    Chervets, Tamara


    The process of globalization is a very important issue these days. This work will describe the process of globalization in Argentina, especially its economic aspect (foreign direct investments, export and import of goods and services, migration of labor force). I will also mention the history of its development and Argentina's membership in most important international and regional organizations.

  17. Pro-Market Educational Governance: Is Argentina a Black Swan? (United States)

    Beech, Jason; Barrenechea, Ignacio


    In this article we explore ways in which pro-market discourses have been interpreted in policy initiatives in Argentina since the 1970s. Our argument is that even though pro-market discourses have guided reforms in many aspects of public policies in Argentina, the arena of education has overall been resistant to taking them up. The first part of…

  18. Scenarios for wind power in Brazil, Argentina and Chile; Cenarios para a energia eolio eletrica no Brasil, Argentina e Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dedecca, Joao Gorestein; Nogueira, Larissa Goncalves; Jannuzzi, Gilberto de Martino [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Fac. de Engenharia Mecanica. Dept. de Energia], emails:,,; Gomes, Rodolfo Dourado [International Energy Initiative-Latin America (IEI-LA), Campinas, SP (Brazil)], email:


    The Chilean, Argentinean and Brazilian power matrixes presented in the last two decades a growth of the non-renewable energy sources share, especially fossil sources, mainly in installed capacity and in a lesser degree in energy production. Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council have elaborated a reference energy scenario together with a scenario analyzing the institution of ample measures for the promotion of renewable energy sources. Feed-in tariffs and auction or bidding mechanisms implemented in Brazil and Argentina and the renewable portfolio standard implemented in Chile allied with the wind industry state in these countries indicate that Chile and Argentina will fulfill the 2020 wind power installed capacity predicted in the reference scenarios, while Brazil will reach the energy revolution scenario prediction. Important energy policy changes are required if the Chile and Argentina energy revolution scenarios wind power installed capacity are to become a reality in 2020. (author)

  19. A short history of the beginnings of hospital information systems in Argentina. (United States)

    Yácubsohn, V


    To describe the development of early health information systems in Argentina and their impact on the development of professional societies in the discipline The first hospital information systems and health surveillance systems in Argentina are described and related to the rise of professional organizations for health informatics. The early health information systems in Argentina are related to precursor developments in medical informatics. Argentina saw a number of hospital information systems developed starting in 1977, which had an important influence on the practice and experience in medical informatics in the country, and the participation of Argentine professionals in national, regional, and international activities in the field.

  20. Comités de ética independientes para la investigación clínica en la Argentina: Evaluación y sistema para garantizar su independencia Independent ethics committees for clinical research in Argentina: An evaluation and a system to guarantee their independence

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    Sergio E. Gonorazky


    Full Text Available La Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica de la República Argentina (ANMAT exige para la ejecución de protocolos de investigación de nuevos fármacos en seres humanos, que éstos sean previamente evaluados y aprobados por un denominado comité de ética independiente de los patrocinadores e investigadores. Sin embargo, esta evaluación es lucrativa y la elección del comité de ética independiente es realizada por el patrocinador y/o investigador, lo que convierte la supuesta independencia en una relación del tipo "prestador de servicio - cliente". El Consejo de Revisión Institucional de Estudios de Investigación del Hospital Privado de Comunidad de Mar del Plata evaluó, entre los años 2005 y 2006, treinta y tres protocolos (con sus correspondientes hojas de información al paciente y consentimientos informados aprobados previamente por un comité de ética independiente no institucional. La mediana de objeciones relevantes realizadas por este Consejo de Revisión a los mencionados protocolos, que obligaron a que sean modificados para luego ser aprobados, fue de tres por protocolo. La acreditación de los Comités de Ética Independiente exige un sistema que garantice la real independencia de éstos de los patrocinadores y/o investigadores a la vez que mecanismos de control de gestión que incluyan una eventual pérdida de la acreditación. Este trabajo propone algunas medidas concretas para corregir las deficiencias del sistema actual.The Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica de la República Argentina (ANMAT requires that an independent ethics committee of sponsors and/or researchers must previously evaluate and approve all the new pharmacological research protocols carried out on human beings. However, due to the lucrative nature of the evaluation, and because the selection of the Independent Ethics Committee is carried out by the sponsors and/or researchers, the

  1. Biotechnology in Argentina: New products, new multilateral challenges

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    Luciano M. Donadio Linares


    Full Text Available Since 20 years ago, a public-private alliance has transformed Argentina into a remarkable global actor in developing biotechnological products for food and renewable energies. This strategic alliance resulted in the boosting of scientific knowledge, the extension of the production boundary, the expansion of international trade and the creation of the conditions for an integral development. Furthermore, given the characteristics of biotechnology as a new phenomenon, wto has become the field within where a number of disputes take place, disputes which not only controvert trade issues, but also the State’s limits to design and apply public policies on the matter at issue. As a consequence, the present article seeks to, on the one hand, describe how Argentina built its public policy on Biotechnology and, on the other hand, analyze the challenges that Argentina faces within the multilateral trade system

  2. Hongos patógenos de insectos en Argentina (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales

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    C.C López Lastra


    Full Text Available Se informa de tres especies de hongos Entomophthorales en insectos encontrados en cultivos agrícolas en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Zoophthora radicans Batko (Brefeld; Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu y Pandora gammae (Weiser Humber. Se incluyen las medidas de las estructuras fúngicas.Pathogenic fungi of insects from Argentina (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales. Three species of Entomophthorales entomopathogenic fungi (Zygomycotina: Zygomycetes have been identified from insects in agricultural crops (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina: Zoophthora radicans Batko (Brefeld; Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu and Pandora gammae (Weiser Humber. Fungal structure measurements are reported. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(2: 311-315. Epub 2006 Jun 01.

  3. Genotipificación de aislamientos de Bartonella bacilliformis por amplificación de elementos repetitivos mediante el uso de REP-PCR y ERIC-PCR

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    Carlos Padilla R


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Genotipificar los aislamientos de Bartonella bacilliformis a través de la amplificación de elementos repetitivos mediante el uso de ERIC-PCR y REP-PCR, y determinar si existe variabilidad genética entre aislamientos de varias zonas endémicas. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron mediante el uso del ERIC-PCR y REP-PCR 17 aislamientos de B. bacilliformis de Lima, Cusco y Ancash. Los aislamientos fueron realizados durante los años 1998 y 1999. Para el análisis de los patrones de bandas se usó el software GelCompar 4,0. Resultados: Fueron identificados en los 17 aislamientos 10 genotipos. Los genotipos D, E y H fueron detectados en Cusco; mientras que los genotipos B, C, G, J e I en Lima; y el genotipo F en Ancash. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que REP-PCR y ERIC-PCR son métodos útiles para genotipificar aislamientos de B. bacilliformis. La variabilidad genética debe ser tomada en cuenta en estudios epidemiológicos y clínicos de Bartonelosis; así como el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas diagnósticas y de vacunas.

  4. Alojamientos turísticos y problemáticas ambientales. El caso de los complejos de cabañas en Tandil, Argentina

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    Guillermina Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo, presentar un diagnóstico sobre el comportamiento ambiental del sector de alojamientos turísticos de una localidad del sureste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en la República Argentina. Precisamente se evalúa el sector de cabañas en el área serrana de la localidad mencionada por tener en los últimos tiempos un crecimiento superior al resto del sector y localizarse en un área que resulta sensible al impacto. En el trabajo se aplicó una metodología cualitativa, a través de entrevistas personalizadas aplicadas al 75% de los establecimientos. La entrevista se basa en las variables del Cuestionario para la Certificación de la Sostenibilidad Turística del Instituto Costarricense de Turismo, la que se agrupa en cuatro áreas; cliente externo, planta de servicios, entorno físico- biológico y entorno socioeconómico. El análisis de la situación ambiental de los establecimientos, demuestra que existe un claro desconocimiento del entorno y del impacto, que si bien puede ser reducido de forma individual, es importante de manera grupal, por lo cual es necesario considerarlo dentro de una planificación del desarrollo turístico.

  5. Argentina's experience with parallel exchange markets: 1981-1990


    Steven B. Kamin


    This paper surveys the development and operation of the parallel exchange market in Argentina during the 1980s, and evaluates its impact upon macroeconomic performance and policy. The historical evolution of Argentina's exchange market policies is reviewed in order to understand the government's motives for imposing exchange controls. The parallel exchange market engendered by these controls is then analyzed, and econometric methods are used to evaluate the behavior of the parallel exchange r...

  6. Elecciones 2016 en República Dominicana: Características, desafíos y retos desde la perspectiva electoral

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    Roberto Rosario Márquez


    Full Text Available Expone la reforma electoral del año 2010, los aspectos importantes que se presentaron en las elecciones de 2012 y los retos que la Junta Central Electoral de la República Dominicana enfrenta en la organización y administración del proceso electoral del año 2016

  7. Las Dactylopiidae y Diaspididae (Hemiptera, Coccoidea de la Colección Kenneth Hayward, Tucumán, Argentina The Dactylopiidae and Diaspididae (Hemiptera, Coccoidea of the Kenneth Hayward Collection, Tucumán, Argentina

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    Lucía E. Claps


    Full Text Available Se estudió la colección Kenneth Hayward depositada parte en el Instituto Miguel Lillo (IMLA y parte en la Estación Experimental Agroindustrial "Obispo Colombres" (EEAOC de Tucumán, Argentina. Se citan cuatro especies de Dactylopiidae y 32 de Diaspididae con sus respectivas plantas huéspedes. Se redescribe e ilustra a Duplaspidiotus koehleri Lizer y Trelles y Pallulaspis lantanae Green & Laing, descriptas originalmente para la Argentina. Se cita por primera vez al género Rugaspidiotus Mc Gillivary para la Argentina.The Kenneth Hayward collection housed at the Instituto Miguel Lillo (IMLA and at Estación Experimental Agroindustrial "Obispo Colombres" (EEAOC both in Tucumán, Argentina, was studied. Four Dactylopiidae and 32 Diaspididae species with their host plants are listed. Duplaspidiotus koehleri Lizer y Trelles and Pallulaspis lantanae Green & Laing, are redescribed and illustrated; the two species were originally described from Argentina. The genus Rugaspidiotus Mc Gillivary is recorded for the first time from Argentina.

  8. Floods, Droughts and Farming on the Plains of Argentina and ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Floods, Droughts and Farming on the Plains of Argentina and Paraguay, Pampas and Chaco Regions ... End Date. April 1, 2015 ... Argentina, South America, Paraguay, North and Central America ... IDRC is now accepting applications for this year's IDRC Doctoral Research Awards (IDRA). ... Careers · Contact Us · Site map.

  9. The regulatory control of radioactive sources in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojkind, R.H.


    Argentina has been conducting nuclear activities for more than forty years, and had established a Regulatory Authority as early as in 1956. Procedures for compliance monitoring and enforcement have been in use in the regulatory control of radioactive sources, and regulatory standards and regulations were in force in Argentina before the accident in Goiania. The conclusions drawn from the Goiania accident encouraged the Argentine authorities to improve some regulatory procedures and helped to enhance the quality of the regulatory process. As a result, the effectiveness of the control of spent radioactive sources has gradually increased, and enforcement actions to prevent radioactive sources ending up in the public domain have improved. Lessons learned in Argentina from the accident in Goiania are presented as well as the main characteristics of an effective enforcement programme to prevent radiological accidents when radioactive sources are used for industrial, medical, research and teaching purposes. (author)

  10. Measurements of atmospheric fallout in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canoba, A.C.; Lopez, F.O.; Bruno, H.A.


    With the purpose of studying the radioactive fallout present in Argentina from atmospheric nuclear explosions tests that have been conducted recently, an environmental monitoring program, outside the influence of nuclear facilities of Argentina, was undertaken during 1996 and 1997. The levels of Cs-137 and Sr-90 were analysed in samples of air, deposited material (rainwater), milk, an average meal of a standard man and food. During this period, a total of 630 radiochemical analysis were performed on 325 samples of the different matrices described. The concentration levels of the radionuclides analysed in the different environmental matrices are presented and are compared with the values obtained in the environmental monitoring program done during the period 1960-1981. (author) [es

  11. RePS: a sequence assembler that masks exact repeats identified from the shotgun data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Jun; Wong, Gane Ka-Shu; Ni, Peixiang


    We describe a sequence assembler, RePS (repeat-masked Phrap with scaffolding), that explicitly identifies exact 20mer repeats from the shotgun data and removes them prior to the assembly. The established software is used to compute meaningful error probabilities for each base. Clone......-end-pairing information is used to construct scaffolds that order and orient the contigs. We show with real data for human and rice that reasonable assemblies are possible even at coverages of only 4x to 6x, despite having up to 42.2% in exact repeats. Udgivelsesdato: 2002-May...

  12. El Gobierno de la República en el exilio : crónica de un imposible retorno

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    Xavier Flores


    Full Text Available El triunfo de los aliados en la Segunda Guena Mundial hizo que los republicanos españoles exiliados en 1939 concibiesen esperanzas de un inmediato retomo de la República a su país con el apoyo aliado. Con esta idea se reconstituyeron las instituciones de la República Española en el exilio en México D. R, en agosto de 1945. En este artículo se analiza el proceso de esa reconstitución y los sucesivos gobiernos que se sucedieron hasta la disolución de las instituciones en junio de 1977, después de un imposible retorno.The victory of the salles in the Second World war did that the Spanish republicans exiled in 1939 were conceiving hopes ofan immediate return ofthe Republic to his(its country with the allied support. With this idea there were re-constituted the institutions of the Spanish Republic in the exile in México D.F., in August, 1945. In this article there are analyzed the process of this reconstitution and the successive governments that happened up to the dissolution of the institutions in June, 1977, afíer impossible I come back.

  13. Prevalence of molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) in children seeking dental care at the Schools of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and University of la Republica (Uruguay). (United States)

    Biondi, Ana M; López Jordi, María del C; Cortese, Silvina G; Alvarez, Licet; Salveraglio, Inés; Ortolani, Andrea M


    The objectives of this study are to compare the prevalence of MIH in children seeking dental care spontaneously at the Department of Comprehensive Children's Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the University of La República (UdelaR) and to analyze the distribution according to year of birth, sex, age, number of affected teeth and maximum degree of severity in molars and incisors. During 2010, nine pediatric dentists from both schools (Kappa = 0.94) assessed all children born between 1993 and 2003 whose 4 first molars and 8 permanent incisors had erupted. Specially designed charts were used to record sex, year of birth, institution, presence of MIH, number of affected incisors and molars and maximum degree of severity for each tooth. Two groups were formed: UBA: A (n = 512) and UdelaR: B (n = 463). 975 children (11.6 +/- 2.67 years) were evaluated. The prevalence of MIH in the total sample was 6.56%, without significant differences between A and B (p = 0.76). There was no significant difference between groups regarding age (p = 0. 95) or sex (p = 0.30). A significant increase was found in both institutions according to year of birth during the study period. (A: p = 0.0017) B: p = 0. 0058). The results of this study show a similar prevalence of MIH among patients seeking dental care at the Schools of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and University of la República (Uruguay). No significant difference was found comparing the distribution by sex, affected teeth or severity of each tooth. A highly significant positive correlation was found regarding the year of birth. The relevance of MIH as an emerging pathology requires studies on larger samples covering the entire countries.

  14. Burden of Serious Fungal Infections in Argentina

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    Fernando O. Riera


    Full Text Available The number of fungal infections at any given time in Argentina is not known. Here we estimate the burden of serious fungal infections in Argentina for the first time. Specific population statistics were searched from multiple sources, local literature was identified, and estimates made. Some additional data were sourced from the Ministry of Health, the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA program, and national haematology and transplant societies. Argentina has a population of 43.8 million, with 25% of this total being children under 15 years. The predicted candidemia annual incidence is 2193 cases, with 50% occurring in the ICU. At a 6% prevalence rate, an estimated 593,695 women suffer from recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. Invasive aspergillosis is relatively common because of high smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD rates, with 268 cases in immunocompromised patients and another 1938 in the 168,000 COPD patients admitted to hospital. Asthma is also common, affecting 14% of adults, and so allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA and severe asthma with fungal sensitization (SAFS are major problems. An estimated 432 cases of cryptococcal meningitis (CM—90% of them in AIDS patients—and 1177 cases of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP occur each year. The estimated annual case number of disseminated histoplasmosis is 404 in AIDS patients, almost as frequent as CM. Paracoccidioidomycosis annual incidence is estimated at 219, and coccidioidomycosis at 16 cases. At least 881,023 people (>2.01% in Argentina are affected by a serious fungal disease annually, with considerable morbidity and mortality.

  15. La letteratura italiana tradotta in Argentina

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    Silvia Cattoni


    Full Text Available In due secoli di storia della letteratura argentina, lo sviluppo della letteratura italiana tradotta è in stretto rapporto con i propositi pedagogici o estetici determinati dal contesto culturale dei diversi momenti storici. In linea di massima, è possibile affermare che, dalla conformazione dello Stato nazionale e durante i primi decenni del XX secolo, la traduzione letteraria mirava ad ampliare l’orizzonte culturale di un lettore che si consolidava al ritmo della fiammante nazione. Nelle fasi successive e in stretto rapporto con la politica culturale portata avanti da Victoria Ocampo a partire dal 1931 tramite la rivista Sur e il suo posteriore progetto editoriale, la traduzione è stata soprattutto una pratica di scrittura che ebbe un’influenza decisiva nell’ordito della letteratura nazionale favorendo il suo rinnovo e incentivando le versioni di traduttori argentini. Fu questa un’apertura che favorì, durante la seconda metà del secolo, nel contesto della ricezione della letteratura universale, l’ingresso della letteratura italiana in Argentina. Il presente lavoro tratta in maniera sistematica, ma provvisoria, il panorama della letteratura italiana tradotta in Argentina. Lo scopo principale comporta il registro dei momenti più fecondi e l’interpretazione degli esiti ottenuti nei confronti della traduzione nel sistema letterario nazionale.

  16. Reseña Comunicación Política en Latinoamérica, de Larrea, J.J. / Book review Political Communication in Latin America, by Larrea, J.J.

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    Sandra P. Orjuela Córdoba


    Full Text Available “Comunicación Política en Latinoamérica: Gestión, Campañas y TICs”, constituye la segunda apuesta a nivel de libros del Grupo DIRCOM, que desde la República Argentina ha emprendido un proyecto editorial que se aproxima al centenar de Revista DIRCOM, con presencia en varios países de Latinoamérica.

  17. Legislation and Organization of Radiological Protection in the Republic of Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, A.; Carrea, A.; Nowotny, G.


    The history of legislation and organization of radiological protection goes hack to 1950 in Argentina. The terms of references of the National Commission of Atomic Energy in Argentina are outlined and the actual organization of the authority is also presented. (author)

  18. Aporte a la caracterización etnográfica de los procesos de salud-enfermedad en las primeras etapas del ciclo vital, en comunidades Mbya-Guaraní de Misiones, República Argentina


    Remorini, Carolina


    En este trabajo de tesis presentamos los resultados de una investigación etnográfica centrada en la descripción y análisis de las representaciones y prácticas acerca de las primeras etapas del ciclo vital en dos comunidades Mbya-Guarani de la provincia de Misiones, Argentina. El propósito central de este estudio fue la caracterización de las primeras etapas del ciclo de vida desde la perspectiva Mbya: en este contexto, se buscó identificar y analizar los factores y procesos sociocul...

  19. Migration trends in Argentina: immigration and exile Dinámica migratoria Argentina: inmigración y exilios

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    Fernando Osvaldo ESTEBAN


    Full Text Available Through the development of a typology of migration flows, the paper reviews the most important trends in the history of Argentina: the massive European immigration, internal migrations, and immigration from neighbouring countries. The paper then discuss the current process of emigration from Argentina, and the return of old immigrants. The paper assess the economic factors involved through an analysis of unemployment, poverty and income distribution indicators in recent years. Finally, the paper examines the possibility of diminishing the recent emigration trend due to economic reasons. A partir de una tipología de flujos migratorios se realiza un repaso de aquellos más importantes en la historia de Argentina: la masiva inmigración europea, las migraciones internas y aquellas provenientes de países limítrofes. Posteriormente describe el actual proceso de emigración de argentinos y retorno de antiguos inmigrantes. Se abordan luego las causas económicas que lo produjeron a través del estudio de la evolución de los indicadores de desempleo, pobreza y distribución del ingreso en el país durante los últimos años. Finalmente, plantea la posibilidad de aprehender este flujo emigratorio como un exilio económico.

  20. 76 FR 80870 - Notice of Determination of Pest-Free Areas in Mendoza Province, Argentina (United States)


    ... ;D=APHIS-2010-0032. The first commenter acknowledged Argentina's history of successful Medfly control...] Notice of Determination of Pest-Free Areas in Mendoza Province, Argentina AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health... Southern and Central Oases in the southern half of Mendoza Province in Argentina as pest-free areas for...

  1. Estudo de práticas midiáticas a partir do produto: o jogo de espelhos de Profissão Repórter

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    Mirian Meliani


    Full Text Available Analisar todas as nuances do discurso e das práticas adotadas pelo programa jornalístico Profissão Repórter, produzido pela Rede Globo, foi a tarefa realizada por jornalistas, pro- fessores e pós-graduandos ligados ao grupo de pesquisa MidiAto – Grupo de Estudos de Linguagem: Práticas Midiáticas, da Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA/USP. O resultado é uma exposição, bastante ampla, dos limites, das contradições e do papel desempenhado pelo programa na grade da emissora líder de audiência no Brasil, transcrita no livro Profissão Repórter em diálogo por meio de dezessete artigos.

  2. Crisis y perspectivas de la industria automotriz argentina

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    Damián Andrés Bil


    Full Text Available Con la conformación del Mercosur, la automotriz argentina se expandió. Durante los últimos años alcanzó récords de producción, exportaciones y ventas; al punto que se la señala como ejemplo de una nueva etapa productiva. No obstante, desde finales de 2013 el complejo experimenta una crisis que provocó una considerable caída de los indicadores, con suspensiones e incluso despidos en las empresas de autopartes. En este artículo, proponemos revisar los indicadores de la actividad (escala y mercado, productividad, costo laboral, saldo comercial en perspectiva histórica y en el contexto de la competencia internacional. El objetivo es determinar si la situación actual corresponde a un inconveniente coyuntural, o si por el contrario expresa límites históricos que la automotriz argentina no ha superado; y sus perspectivas. *Palabras clave: Argentina, automotriz, crisis, competitividad, Mercosur

  3. Argentina: Brief Overview of Argentina’s INIS Activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bavio, Mercedes


    Argentina works in close collaboration with the IAEA on its technical cooperation program, both on national projects within their national program plan, including its thematic areas, as well as on regional projects through the ARCAL agreement. In the field of horizontal cooperation, Argentina engages in technology transfer, training fellows and receiving scientific visits. Argentina has been a member of the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) since 1970, and was among the first IAEA Member States to agree to participate in the system. As a member, we have been involved in the various activities carried out by the IAEA, disseminating the research and development of our researchers and scientists in nuclear and related subjects and promoting INIS activities. The National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) is the INIS National Center. Contributions to the INIS database nationwide are made through the CNEA's Information Centers: Eduardo Savino Information Center (CIES, Constituyentes Atomic Center), Leo Falicov Library (Bariloche Atomic Center) and the Library of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN)

  4. A Primeira República Portuguesa (1910-1926: partidos e sistema político

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    Baiôa, Manuel


    Full Text Available For historical, organisational, clientelist, violent and constitutional reasons the Portuguese Republican Party became the dominant party in the political system of the Portuguese First Republic (1910-1926. The opposition felt alternation via elections would be difficult to achieve so resorted to violent and unconstitutional practices to reach government. The Portuguese political parties modernised themselves in this period, but failed to turn into mass parties. In major cities they acted as a cadre party and in the rural area as a party of notables. The First Republic failed to take solid steps to democratise the political system were And Portugal remained tied to the liberal and elitist tradition of the nineteenth century, although in a republican version.El Partido Republicano Portugués se convirtió en el partido dominante del sistema político de la Primera República Portuguesa (1910-1926 debido a causas históricas, organizacionales, clientelistas, violentas y constitucionales. La oposición sentía que difícilmente conseguiría la alternancia política a través de elecciones, y por lo tanto, recurre a prácticas violentas e inconstitucionales para llegar al gobierno. Los partidos políticos portugueses se modernizaron en este período, pero no se convirtieron en partidos de masas. En las principales ciudades actuaban como partidos de cuadros y en las zonas rurales como partidos de notables. Durante la Primera República no se dieron pasos consistentes para democratizar el sistema político. Portugal se mantuvo ancorado a la tradición liberal y elitista del siglo XIX, aunque en una versión republicana.

  5. Argentina: Social Sectors in Crisis. A World Bank Country Study. (United States)

    World Bank, Washington, DC.

    Based on the findings of a two month visit to Argentina by a World Bank Mission in November/December of 1988, this report summarizes current economic, education, and social policies in Argentina. The four major areas targeted are the social sectors, education, health care, and housing. The analysis identifies critical problems in the organization…

  6. O leitor e as ‘fronteiras’ do universo fantástico na obra A República 3000, de Menotti del Picchia = The reader and the ‘borders’ of the fantastic universe in the book A República 3000, from Menotti del Picchia

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    Cristiano Mello de Oliveira


    Full Text Available No presente artigo pretendemos descortinar as relações entre os elementos fantásticos na obra A República 3000, do escritor Menotti del Picchia. Primeiramente iremos realizar uma breve recapitulação de alguns aspectos da literatura fantástica no Brasil. Posteriormente faremos recortes textuais, objetivando assim discutir aqueles que aproximem a linguagem com o universo fantástico. Tomaremos como referencial teórico os estudos de autores como Todorov e Carvalho. Também teceremos considerações sobre o comportamento do leitor diante dessa obra ímpar.This article aims to scrutinize the relationship of the fantastic elements in Menotti del Picchia’s work A República 3000. Firstly, we will briefly look at some aspects inherent to the Fantastic Literature in Brazil. Then we will select some excerpts whose language are closely related to the fantastic world. The theoretical framework draws on Todorov and Carvalho. We will also consider the possible reader’s degree of behavior in relation to the aforementioned masterpiece.

  7. maternidad

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    Diana María Gómez Hoyos


    Full Text Available Este texto trata sobre el informe final del trabajo de investigación titulado “Legislación laboral referente a la protección de la maternidad en países de Centro y Suramérica (Derecho comparado”, que consiste en la exposición de motivos y el proyecto de ley que se presentará al congreso de la República de Colombia para modificar algunas de las instituciones jurídicas que consagra nuestra legislación sobre protección a la maternidad. La legislación foránea estudiada (Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, República Bolivariana de Venezuela, República Dominicana y Uruguay, así como los convenios y las recomendaciones de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT, han servido, entre otros, como fundamento para la propuesta que se presenta.

  8. Argentina e Irán entre 1989 y 1999: Entre las sobras de los atentados terroristas y el cambio de política exterior argentina

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    Paulo Botta


    Full Text Available Las relaciones argentino-iraníes se encuentran, a nivel político, en el punto más bajo de su historia. Suele afirmarse que tal situación es la relación directa de los atentados terroristas ocurridos en Buenos Aires en 1992 y 1994 donde las autoridades judiciales argentinas han presentado indicios que relacionarían a funcionarios iraníes. En este trabajo se afirma que aunque tales hechos han tenido influencia las relaciones argentino iraníes constituyen una variable dependiente de los modelos de inserción internacional de Argentina. En tal sentido, la década del gobierno de Carlos Menem (1989-1999 es estudiada como modelo para analizar tales cambios en la política exterior argentina y su impacto en las relaciones argentino-iraníes. Por otra parte, se ha incluido en el análisis el papel de lobbies comunitarios como grupos con incidencia en el proceso de toma de decisiones además de considerar las influencias externas como condicionantes de la política exterior argentina.

  9. Gender, age, social disadvantage and quitting smoking in Argentina and Uruguay. (United States)

    Niedzin, Mirosław; Gaszyńska, Ewelina; Krakowiak, Jan; Saran, Tomasz; Szatko, Franciszek; Kaleta, Dorota


    Cessation of tobacco use has the potential to provide the greatest immediate benefits for tobacco control. Understanding the social determinants of smoking cessation is an essential requirement for increasing smoking cessation at the population level. The purpose of this study was to analyze the socio-economic dimensions associated with cessation success among adults in Argentina and Uruguay. Data from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), a cross-sectional, population-based, nationally representative survey conducted in Argentina (n=5,383) and Uruguay (n=4,833) was utilized. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses with results being presented as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals were applied to study differences among those respondents who sustained smoking abstinence (≥1 year) and those who continued smoking. The GATS study revealed that social gradients in tobacco quitting exist in Argentina and Uruguay. Being aged 25-34, particularly men in Uruguay, women in Argentina, low educated men in Argentina and having a lower asset index were associated with reduced odds for quitting. Factors that are driving differences in smoking cessation between diverse social groups in Latin America countries need to be considered when implementing relevant interventions to ensure tobacco control strategies work effectively for all population segments.

  10. Economy Profile of Argentina


    World Bank Group


    Doing Business 2018 is the 15th in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Argentina. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulation and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 190 economies; for 2018 Arge...

  11. International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) national favourability studies: Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Argentina is a predominantly lowland area of 2,789,240 square kilometers. The capital is Buenos Aires. The entire length of Argentina is bordered on the west by the Andes Mountains. Tile Northwest Andes-Piedmont region consists of deep valleys containing salt basins and volcanoes, and is an earthquake zone. Patagonia, in the south, is essentially an arid region of windy plateaus and valleys. The southern Andes are narrower and lower than the northern Andes and in the extreme south contain glaciers and ice fields. The east-central plain (Pampa) of Argentina has dry and humid sectors and contains most of the population. The largest rivers are chiefly in the northeast, many having only seasonal flow. There has been extensive surface and subsurface exploration for uranium in Argentina for over 20 years. Although most of the work has been performed by the CNEA, advisors from the U.S. and from the IAEA have also taken part. Private industry has been involved, but apparently only on a small scale. In the OECD report of 1970, it was stated that 400,000 square kilometers of Argentina appear very favorable for uranium while an additional 900,000 square kilometers offer fair possibilities. Uranium exploration to date suggests that sandstones of Permian and Cretaceous ages exposed in Western Argentina in the Cordillera are very promising for discovery of new deposits. Past CNEA estimates have indicated that there is considerable hope for new discoveries in those areas where reserves are now known. In addition to the known uraniferous provinces which are indeed favorable for further exploration, there are several other large areas that warrant attention. There are, for example, in the Santa Cruz area of about 15,500 square kilometers Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments with favorable facies for uranium deposition. In the Patagonia Cordillera, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary sediments are of interest for prospecting, These rocks contain carbonaceous material and have been

  12. Regional safeguards arrangements: The Argentina-Brazil experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marzo, M.; Gonzales, H.L.; Iskin, M.C.L.; Vicens, H.


    A Common System of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material (SCCC) was established by Argentina and Brazil in July 1992. It is a full scope safeguard's system in both countries. The Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) was created to apply the SCCC. The main elements of the SCCC are presented. The main safeguards' procedures are described. A brief discussion of the inspection methodology and its impact for facility operators is performed. The safeguard's implementation from the operator's point of view is commented, taking as example a fuel fabrication plant in Argentina and a uranium enrichment plant in Brazil. (author)

  13. La globalización y la enseñanza de la psicología en Argentina Globalization and education in psychology in Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Klappenbach


    Full Text Available El trabajo aborda tres cuestiones. En primer lugar, analiza brevemente a la historia de la enseñanza de la psicología en Argentina, subrayando la importancia adquirida por el psicoanálisis en la tradición universitaria psicológica. En segundo lugar, desarrolla algunos de los estudios y algunas de las líneas de debate contemporáneo sobre formación universitaria del psicólogo, comenzando por algunos estudios clásicos en los Estados Unidos y concluyendo en la propuesta de diplomatura en psicología, actualmente en debate en los países miembros de la Unión Europea. En tercer lugar, analiza el impacto generado por la globalización en los procesos de formación del psicólogo en Argentina, especialmente a partir del impacto del llamado Mercosur educativo. En ese marco, se analiza críticamente la situación de los programas de psicología en las universidades argentinas.This paper approaches three subjects. Firstly, it briefly analyzes the history of psychology undergraduate programs of in Argentina, in which psychoanalytical bias is emphasized. Secondly, it reviews some important studies and reports concerning undergraduate programs and professional training in Psychology, beginning with some classical reports in USA, finishing with the proposal of an European Diploma in Psychology, which is now under evaluation in European countries. Thirdly, globalization effects, specially those from educational Mercosur, on teaching of psychology at undergradute programs and professional training in psychology in Argentina are analyzed. In such context, a critical report on psychology undergraduate programs in the country is reviewed.

  14. Allamanda schottii (Apocynaceae: nueva cita para la Flora Argentina

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    Julio A. Hurrell


    Full Text Available En este trabajo Allamanda schottii Pohl (Apocynaceae es documentada como nueva cita genérica y específica para la Flora Argentina. La especie fue hallada en la ribera del Paraná, en el norte de la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina. Se incluye su sinonimia, descripción, comentarios sobre su distribución, hábitat, fenología, biología reproductiva, nombres vulgares, usos y observaciones.

  15. Nota sobre el género Imperata (Poaceae, Panicoideae, Sacchareae) en Argentina


    Peichoto, Myriam Carolina


    En este trabajo se confirma la presencia de Imperata tenuis en Argentina. Se presenta una ilustración, material de referencia y un mapa de su distribución geográfica en el sur de Sudamérica. Se incluye una clave para identificar las especies del género Imperata presentes en la Argentina. This work confirms the presence of Imperata tenuis in Argentina, and includes an illustration, reference material, a map showing its geographic distribution in southern South America, and a key to identi...

  16. Horizontalidad, autogestión y protagonismo en Argentina


    Marina Sitrin


    Este artículo trata los movimientos sociales autónomos que surgieron después de la crisis económica y la posterior rebelión popular en Argentina en diciembre de 2001. Los movimientos autónomos en la Argentina, como tantos movimientos en el mundo de hoy, son movimientos basados en la creación de nuevas relaciones sociales y comunidades ahora, al mismo tiempo que proyectan nuevas sociedades y las relaciones en y para el futuro. Son movimientos con una concepción diferente del tiempo y el espaci...

  17. Rediseño y fabricación de una impresora 3D RepRap.


    Huertas González, Joan


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es conseguir las habilidades necesarias para fabricar una impresora 3D del tipo Rep Rap, una tipología de impresoras Open source. Una vez conseguido este objetivo se rediseñan piezas de la propia impresora con el objetivo de mejorar el diseño actual. Se plantea el proyecto como iniciación al mundo de la impresión 3D y de los materiales plásticos con los que se puede trabajar, PLA, HDPE, ABS o NYLON. Se instruye al lector para que tambié...

  18. Macau no Contexto da Estratégia de Integração da República Popular da China no Mercado Mundial


    Murteira, Mário


    Série II Especulação sobre o futuro de Macau perante a forte estratégia de intergração da República Popular da China no mercado mundial (com o desempenho de um papel influente por parte de Macau e Taiwan).

  19. Aphanes arvensis (Rosaceae) en el extremo nordeste de la Argentina


    Gustavo Hildt; Héctor A. Keller


    Se menciona por primera vez para el nordeste argentino a una hierba adventicia en el nuevomundo. La especie es ilustrada mediante fotografías Fil: Hildt, Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; Argentina Fil: Keller, Hector Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (i); Argentina

  20. Capturing latecomer advantages in the adoption of biofuels: The case of Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathews, John A.; Goldsztein, Hugo


    Although Argentina came late to the biofuels revolution, a series of measures taken recently at federal and provincial government level have created new opportunities. New federal laws on biofuels promotion have sparked an investment boom. The main activity has been in the biodiesel sector-partly because diesel is the dominant fuel sector in Argentina, and partly because the country had already engineered a soy revolution over the past 15 years, becoming the world's largest exporter of soy oil and soy meal. Biodiesel allows this revolution to be extended-from soy as foodstuff to soy as fuelstock. The biodiesel revolution now underway promises to extend Argentina's latecomer advantages by combining greater scale and lower costs with introduced technical innovations such as genetically modified crops and no-till farming. In this way, Argentina can be seen to be demonstrating the superiority of biofuel production in countries of the South over the conditions obtaining in countries of the North-including superior resources availability, superior energetics and lower costs. Whereas Brazil has demonstrated its superiority in sugarcane-based ethanol, Argentina is about to demonstrate its superiority in soy-based biodiesel

  1. Ordem e Progresso: Augusto Comte e as influências do Positivismo na educação das mulheres na Primeira República brasileira

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    Loraine Lopes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma reflexão acerca da influência do Positivismo na educação das mulheres no contexto da Primeira República brasileira (1889-1930, também chamada de República Velha. Faz-se uma breve abordagem inicial a respeito de Augusto Comte e o surgimento da filosofia positivista e posteriormente se discorre sobre a influência do Positivismo na educação das mulheres, a qual era vista como um elemento chave para a concretização da nova sociedade que se projetava, para o progresso e a modernização. A pesquisa tem caráter bibliográfico e fundamenta-se nos pressupostos teóricos do materialismo histórico-dialético, que busca compreender os fenômenos sociais e históricos a partir da existência material dos homens. A discussão prioriza a relação da educação com os fatores econômicos, políticos e sociais, já que se compreende que o objeto de pesquisa não pode ser entendido como uma situação isolada de seu contexto histórico. Palavras-chave: Positivismo. Primeira República Brasileira. Educação das mulheres.   Order and Progress: Augusto Comte and the influences of Positivism in the education of women in the First Brazilian Republic ABSTRACT The present article aims to present a reflection on the influence of positivism in the education of women in the context of the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930, also called the Old Republic. A brief initial approach is given to Augusto Comte and the emergence of the positivist philosophy and later it talks about the influence of positivism in the education of women, a qualitative perspective as a key element for a concretization of the new society which was projected, for progress and modernization. The research has a bibliographic character and is based on the theoretical assumptions of historical-dialectical materialism, which seeks social and historical phenomena from the material reality of men. The discussion prioritizes the relationship

  2. First record in Argentina of Drepanosiphum oregonense Granovsky (Hemiptera: Aphididae) found on maples (Sapindaceae)


    Ortego, Jaime; Olave, Anabel; Mier Durante, Milagros Pilar


    Se informa del hallazgo del áfido Drepanosiphum oregonense Granovsky (Hemiptera: Aphididae) sobre árboles de Acer pseudoplatanus y A. campestre (Sapindaceae) en Argentina lo que constituye el primer registro de la especie y del género Drepanosiphum Koch en Argentina y el segundo en Sudamérica. The finding in Argentina of the aphid Drepanosiphum oregonense on "maple tree" Acer pseudoplatanus ...

  3. Potential of exchange of electric power between the electric systems of Brazil and Argentina; Potencial de intercambio de energia eletrica entre os sistemas eletricos do Brasil e da Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zanette, Andre Luiz [Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (PETROBRAS), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Integration of power generation and transmission systems can provide a better utilization of energy resources and increase systems reliability. Given that Brazilian interconnection with Argentina, which represents the major Brazilian interconnection with neighboring countries, is used basically in winter months or in situations of unfavorable hydrology, this paper aims to demonstrate that power exchange between these two countries can be much higher than currently observed, resulting in greater benefits for producers and consumers of electricity in both countries, and that these benefits can also be obtained through better use of existing and planned interconnections between South American countries. To estimate the potential for power exchange between the electrical systems of Brazil and Argentina, three sets of simulations using the Brazilian Energy Plan (PDE 2010-2019) deck for Newave model, available from EPE, were made. These simulations consider the possibility that: (i) electricity is exported from Brazil to Argentina (II) electricity is imported from Argentina and (III) electricity is exchanged in both directions. The simulation results indicate that, despite rising operational marginal costs, significant amounts of electricity can be exported to Argentina at relatively low prices, depending on hydrological conditions. Moreover, the possibility of electricity imports from Argentina can reduce the operational costs of Brazilian system, as well as minimizing the risk of shortages. This work shows that the interconnections between Brazil and Argentina may be better used to benefit producers and consumers in both countries. Therefore, it is necessary to define an effective contractual and operational model for power trading and electricity transfer between these countries with the objective of promoting stability and mutual trust. Finally, studies to evaluate the potential for electricity exchange between South American countries are specially important

  4. Potential of exchange of electric power between the electric systems of Brazil and Argentina; Potencial de intercambio de energia eletrica entre os sistemas eletricos do Brasil e da Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zanette, Andre Luiz [Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (PETROBRAS), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Integration of power generation and transmission systems can provide a better utilization of energy resources and increase systems reliability. Given that Brazilian interconnection with Argentina, which represents the major Brazilian interconnection with neighboring countries, is used basically in winter months or in situations of unfavorable hydrology, this paper aims to demonstrate that power exchange between these two countries can be much higher than currently observed, resulting in greater benefits for producers and consumers of electricity in both countries, and that these benefits can also be obtained through better use of existing and planned interconnections between South American countries. To estimate the potential for power exchange between the electrical systems of Brazil and Argentina, three sets of simulations using the Brazilian Energy Plan (PDE 2010-2019) deck for Newave model, available from EPE, were made. These simulations consider the possibility that: (i) electricity is exported from Brazil to Argentina (II) electricity is imported from Argentina and (III) electricity is exchanged in both directions. The simulation results indicate that, despite rising operational marginal costs, significant amounts of electricity can be exported to Argentina at relatively low prices, depending on hydrological conditions. Moreover, the possibility of electricity imports from Argentina can reduce the operational costs of Brazilian system, as well as minimizing the risk of shortages. This work shows that the interconnections between Brazil and Argentina may be better used to benefit producers and consumers in both countries. Therefore, it is necessary to define an effective contractual and operational model for power trading and electricity transfer between these countries with the objective of promoting stability and mutual trust. Finally, studies to evaluate the potential for electricity exchange between South American countries are specially important

  5. 76 FR 51934 - Determination of Pest-Free Areas in Mendoza Province, Argentina; Request for Comments (United States)


    ... acknowledged Argentina's history of successful Medfly control efforts, but stated that APHIS should not relax...] Determination of Pest-Free Areas in Mendoza Province, Argentina; Request for Comments AGENCY: Animal and Plant... received a request from the Government of Argentina to recognize additional areas as pest- free areas for...

  6. An evolutionary approach to mania studying Sardinian immigrants to Argentina. (United States)

    Carta, Mauro G; Perra, Alessandra; Atzeni, Michela; D'Oca, Silvia; Moro, Maria F; Kurotschka, Peter K; Moro, Daniela; Sancassiani, Federica; Minerba, Luigi; Brasesco, Maria V; Mausel, Gustavo; Nardi, Antonio E; Tondo, Leonardo


    To ascertain lifetime prevalence of positivity to a screening questionnaire for bipolar disorders (BD) in Sardinian immigrants to Argentina and residents of Sardinia and assess whether such positivity affects quality of life (QoL) in either group. Our hypothesis is that screen positivity for BD may be more frequent in immigrants. Observational study. Subjects were randomly selected from the membership lists of associations of Sardinian immigrants in Argentina. A study carried out in Sardinia using the same methodology was used for comparison. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire was used to screen for mania/hypomania and the Short-Form Health Survey-12 to measure QoL. A higher prevalence of manic/hypomanic episodes was found in Sardinian immigrants to Argentina (p immigrants to Argentina and in residents of Sardinia. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to show a higher lifetime prevalence of manic/hypomanic episodes in a general-population sample of individuals who migrated to a foreign country. Our results are in agreement with the hypothesis that hyperactive/novelty-seeking features may represent an adaptive substrate in certain conditions of social change.

  7. Progress of Grid technology in Argentina: Lessons learned from EELA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dova, M. T.; Grunfeld, C.; Monticelli, F.; Tripiana, M.; Veiga, A.; Ambrosi, V.; Barbieri, A.; Diaz, J.; Luengo, M.; Macia, M.; Molinari, L.; Veonosa, P.; Zabaljauregui, M.


    The EELA project aimed to create a collaboration network between Europe and Latin American for training in Grid technologies and the deployment of a pilot Grid infrastructure for e-science applications. Grid computing has emerged as an important new field, and its development in Argentina is particularly important for a number of reasons, such as that Argentina has recently joined the ATLAS collaboration at CERN and the increasing interest in future biomedical applications. The potential of GRID technology is well known, however, its adoption is not a trivial task as it requires significant investment in several areas. In this paper, the achievements and progress in Argentina through close collaboration with EELA are presented. Among these are the deployment of a Grid Certification Authority infrastructure that is a crucial component in the activities of the e-Science community in the country; the deployment, integration and validation of a small local EELA node; installation and running of an analysis ATLAS application on the EELA infrastructure. The experience gained in participating in EELA dissemination events also allowed us to actively promote the GRID and training for its use different target audiences in Argentina and in LA. (Author)

  8. Nuclear Data in Argentina (1992 -1993)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ricabarra, G. H.


    A progress report of nuclear data research in Argentina is given for the years 1992/1993, including the WIMS nuclear data library update project, and measurements and evaluations of selected neutron induced nuclear reactions. (author)

  9. Nuevas citas de monocotiledóneas adventicias para la Argentina New records of adventitious monocots for Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio A. Hurrell


    Full Text Available Este trabajo incluye cinco nuevos registros de monocotiledóneas adventicias para la Argentina: Aloe ciliaris Haw. (Asphodelaceae, Aspidistra elatior Blume (Convallariaceae, Sansevieria trifasciata Prain (Dracaenaceae, Phormium tenax J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Hemerocallidaceae y Ornithogalum arabicum L. (Hyacinthaceae, pertenecientes al orden Asparagales. También incluye una evaluación del estado actual de estas especies, en relación al proceso de naturalización: escapadas de cultivo ocasionales, naturalizadas.This paper includes five new records of adventitious monocots for Argentina: Aloe ciliaris Haw. (Asphodelaceae, Aspidistra elatior Blume (Convallariaceae, Sansevieria trifasciata Prain (Dracaenaceae, Phormium tenax J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Hemerocallidaceae and Ornithogalum arabicum L. (Hyacinthaceae, belonging to order Asparagales. Also includes an evaluation of its status in the naturalization process: casual alien, naturalized.

  10. QUBIC in Argentina (United States)

    García, B.; Harari, D.; Etchegoyen, A.; Medina, M. C.; Romero, G. E.; Qubic Collaboration


    QUBIC (QU Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology) is an experimental cosmology project to measure the modes in the polarization of the cosmic background radiation (CBR), the fossil relic that reveals the properties at the Universe 380,000 years after the Planck Era. Discovery of the CBR in 1964 and measurement of tiny temperature anisotropies in 1992 were major breakthroughs in our understanding of the Universe. The next challenge is to measure the polarization of the CBR accurately enough to detect modes that would reveal the existence of primordial gravitational waves produced in the first stages of the Planck Era and probe inflation theory, that assumes an accelerated expansion during the first seconds. The mode signal is however extremely weak and its measurement requires complex instruments. The QUBIC collaboration has developed the concept of interferometric bolometry, that brings together the sensitivity of bolometric detectors with the control of systematic effects provided by interferometry. QUBIC is an international collaboration involving several universities and laboratories in France, Italy, United Kingdom and USA. Recently, Argentina has suggested Alto Chorrillo (Salta), as candidate site for the installation of the experiment, next to the LLAMA site. Here we describe the scientific objectives and the main features of the experiment and we detail the process through which the international collaboration decided to install in Argentina its first module as well as the challenges for our country in this project.

  11. The Influence of Positivism in the Nineteenth Century Astronomy in Argentina (United States)

    Santilli, Haydee; Cornejo, Jorge Norberto


    In this paper we analyze the influence of positivism in Argentina astronomical culture in the nineteenth century. We did the analysis from two dimensions, scientific knowledge development and science teaching. Because Argentina was a very young country at that time, it was of singular importance, not only the development of scientific knowledge…

  12. Horticulture in Argentina: a productive alternative with great potential

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    Ana Maria Castagnino


    Full Text Available Horticulture in Argentina is an activity with great potential whose history has mainly been driven by Italian immigrants who arrived during the last two centuries. It is a valuable complement for traditional primary productions on which the country is focused with more than 30 millions of cultivated hectares and different agro-climatic conditions that characterize the different horticultural regions distributed throughout the country. The aim of this article is to give a panorama of the history, reality and perspectives in Argentina of an activity that is an opportunity for producers and entrepreneurs interested in it. Due to its characteristics, horticulture generates and dynamizes employment with great importance for regional economies. The proportion between vegetables and fruit produced and commercialized in Argentina is 63 and 34% respectively. Horticultural products for exportation largely are garlic, onion and beans. Concerning the most commercialized vegetables in Argentina, potato, tomato, onion, squash, lettuce, pepper, marrow and sweet potato stand out, whereas orange, tangerine, apple, banana, lemon, pear, grape and grapefruit may be highlighted among fruit. At present, the main challenge of the Argentinian horticultural sector is given not only by the possibilities of productive diversification and the expansion of the productive area but also of the technological level optimization, the application of quality norms and the agro-industry growth.

  13. Sistema de salud de Argentina The health system of Argentina

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    Mariana Belló


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describe el sistema de salud de Argentina, que está compuesto por tres sectores: público, de seguridad social y privado. El sector público está integrado por los ministerios nacional y provincial, y la red de hospitales y centros de salud públicos que prestan atención gratuita a toda persona que lo demande, fundamentalmente a personas sin seguridad social y sin capacidad de pago. Se financia con recursos fiscales y recibe pagos ocasionales de parte del sistema de seguridad social cuando atiende a sus afiliados. El sector del seguro social obligatorio está organizado en torno a las Obras Sociales (OS, que aseguran y prestan servicios a los trabajadores y sus familias. La mayoría de las OS operan a través de contratos con prestadores privados y se financian con contribuciones de los trabajadores y patronales. El sector privado está conformado por profesionales de la salud y establecimientos que atienden a demandantes individuales, a los beneficiarios de las OS y de los seguros privados. Este sector también incluye entidades de seguro voluntario llamadas Empresas de Medicina Prepaga que se financian sobre todo con primas que pagan las familias y/o las empresas. En este trabajo también se describen las innovaciones recientes en el sistema de salud, incluyendo el Programa Remediar.This paper describes the health system of Argentina.This system has three sectors: public, social security and private.The public sector includes the national and provincial ministries as well as the network of public hospitals and primary health care units which provide care to the poor and uninsured population. This sector is financed with taxes and payments made by social security beneficiaries that use public health care facilities. The social security sector or Obras Sociales (OS covers all workers of the formal economy and their families. Most OS operate through contracts with private providers and are financed with payroll

  14. La migracion internacional en Argentina hacia 2010

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    Laura Calvelo

    Full Text Available El artículo presenta los principales lineamientos de la migración internacional en Argentina hacia el año 2010, con detenimiento en el período 2000-2010. En el caso de la inmigración no nativa se basa en información de los censos nacionales de población 2001 y 2010. En el caso de la migración internacional de la población nativa de Argentina el análisis se sustenta en información de censos extranjeros hasta la ronda 2000 y en otras fuentes de datos de los principales países de destino hasta 2010 (Estados Unidos y España.

  15. [Valitsusliidus olevad Reformierakond ning Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit on kavandatava koolireformi suhtes eri meelt] / Mailis Reps, Tiiu Kuurme, Karin Kütt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reps, Mailis, 1975-


    Reformierakonna ettepaneku kohta jätta omavalitsustele õiguse otsustada, kas gümnaasium ja põhikool lahutatakse või jätkatakse ühendkooliga avaldavad arvamust riigikogu liige Mailis Reps, Tallinna Ülikooli dotsent Tiiu Kuurme ja Rannu keskkooli direktor Karin Kütt

  16. The genera Boiruna and Clelia (serpentes: pseudoboini in Paraguay and Argentina

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    Norman J. Scott Jr.


    Full Text Available Snakes of the pseudoboine genera Clelia, which is probably polyphyletic, and Boiruna are distributed from southern Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay northwards into central México. Six members occur in Paraguay and Argentina: B. maculata, Clelia bicolor, C. clelia, C. plumbea, C. quimi, and C. rustica. Historically, there has been taxonomic confusion among the larger species (B. maculata, C. clelia, C. plumbea, and C. rustica and between the small species (C. bicolor and C. quimi. All of the species except C. rustica have distinct ontogenetic color changes. Species can be distinguished on the bases of size, color, hemipenial spines, and loreal, supralabial, and ventral scale counts. Much of the morphological evolutionary differentiation in Boiruna and Clelia seems to have taken place in the snout region, as evidenced by the differing proportions of the scales of the loreal region. Boiruna maculata has the widest ecological amplitude. It is broadly distributed in most vegetation types north of the 38th parallel in central Argentina, being absent only from the deltaic sediments of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina and the broad valleys and rolling hills of eastern Paraguay. Clelia bicolor is most common in the Paraguay and Paraná river valleys, with a few records from the Andean foothills in northern Argentina. Clelia clelia is distributed along the Río Paraguay and the lower Paraná, and is also found throughout much of eastern Paraguay. Clelia plumbea is apparently parapatric with C. clelia along the Río Paraná in southeastern Paraguay and Misiones Province, Argentina. The ranges of C. quimi to the east and C. bicolor in the west about in this same region without apparent overlap. There are no vouchered records of Clelia rustica from Paraguay. In Argentina, it is a species of temperate climates; north of the 30th parallel, it occurs in the Andean foothills and the wet forests of Misiones Province. Southwards, it is widely distributed

  17. La Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría Cultural y la crisis migratoria

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    Sergio Javier Villaseñor Bayardo


    Participaron personalidades académicas provenientes de todos los continentes, lo que resalta la representatividad de las distintas zonas geográficas y problemáticas sentidas en ellas; los 50 países participantes fueron Alemania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, China, Colombia, Corea, Dinamarca, República Dominicana, Ecuador, Egipto, España, Estados Unidos de América, Francia, Guatemala, Hawái, Honduras, India, Irán, Irlanda, Israel, Italia, Jamaica, Japón, Kenia, Kazajistán, México, Nueva Zelanda, Noruega, Paquistán, Países Bajos, Perú, Qtar, Reino Unido, República Checa, Rusia, Eslovenia, Sudáfrica, Suiza, Suecia, Turquía, Uganda, Uruguay y Venezuela.

  18. WTO: US and Argentina settle dispute over patents and data protection. (United States)

    Elliott, Richard


    In May 2000, supplementing an earlier complaint filed in May 1999, the US filed a complaint against Argentina, alleging that its patent laws violate the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (the TRIPS Agreement). The gist of the US complaint was that Argentina's law failed to provide: (1) adequate protection against "unfair" commercial use of undisclosed test data submitted in order to get market approval of pharmaceutical products; (2) certain safeguards for compulsory licences on an invention granted on the basis of inadequate working by the patent holder; and (3) adequate measures to prevent infringements of patent rights. The US also alleged that Argentina denies certain exclusive rights of patent holders, such as the exclusive right to import the patented product into the country. At the end of May 2002, the US and Argentina notified the WTO that they had reached a "mutually agreed solution," without prejudice to their respective rights and obligations under WTO agreements, and the US has withdrawn its complaint.

  19. Breve historia de los refugiados en Argentina durante el siglo XX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Paula Cicogna


    Full Text Available Argentina ha sostenido, desde la letra escrita de la Constitución Nacional, ser un país receptor de inmigración, aunque en los hechos ha demostrado lo contrario. A pesar de ello, durante el siglo XX se instalaron grupos de exiliados, solicitantes de refugio y refugiados de las más diversas nacionalidades. Este artículo mostrará los contingentes que conformaron el mapa multicultural de la Argentina a partir del desarrollo de una cronología creada a en base a los trabajos de investigación que analizaron el establecimiento de las diversas comunidades._________________ABSTRACT:According to National Constitution Argentina has been an open doors country to immigration, although it has demonstrated the opposite. In spite of it, during XX century groups of exiles, asylum seekers and refugees of different nationalities settled in the country. Based in a chronology created from varied researches which analyzed the establishment of the diverse communities this article will show the groups that shape the multicultural map of Argentina.

  20. Effective removal of a range of Ti/Ri plasmids using a pBBR1-type vector having a repABC operon and a lux reporter system. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Shinji; Sakai, Ayako; Agustina, Vita; Moriguchi, Kazuki; Suzuki, Katsunori


    Ti and Ri plasmids of pathogenic Agrobacterium strains are stably maintained by the function of a repABC operon and have been classified into four incompatibility groups, namely, incRh1, incRh2, incRh3, and incRh4. Removal of these plasmids from their bacterial cells is an important step in determining strain-specific virulence characteristics and to construct strains useful for transformation. Here, we developed two powerful tools to improve this process. We first established a reporter system to detect the presence and absence of Ti/Ri plasmids in cells by using an acetosyringone (AS)-inducible promoter of the Ti2 small RNA and luxAB from Vibrio harveyi. This system distinguished a Ti/Ri plasmid-free cell colony among plasmid-harboring cell colonies by causing the latter colonies to emit light in response to AS. We then constructed new "Ti/Ri eviction plasmids," each of which carries a repABC from one of four Ti/Ri plasmids that belonged to incRh1, incRh2, incRh3, and incRh4 groups in the suicidal plasmid pK18mobsacB and in a broad-host-range pBBR1 vector. Introduction of the new eviction plasmids into Agrobacterium cells harboring the corresponding Ti/Ri plasmids led to Ti/Ri plasmid-free cells in every incRh group. The Ti/Ri eviction was more effective by plasmids with the pBBR1 backbone than by those with the pK18mobsacB backbone. Furthermore, the highly stable cryptic plasmid pAtC58 in A. tumefaciens C58 was effectively evicted by the introduction of a pBBR1 vector containing the repABC of pAtC58. These results indicate that the set of pBBR1-repABC plasmids is a powerful tool for the removal of stable rhizobial plasmids.

  1. 78 FR 53774 - Guide for the Evaluation of Alert and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants, FEMA-REP-10... (United States)


    ... available when FEMA REP-10 was first developed, such as smartphones and social media. Removes technical... proposed policy does not have the force or effect of law. FEMA seeks comment on the proposed policy, which... the force or effect of law. Authority: 6 U.S.C. 313-314a; Sec. 109, Pub. L. 96-295; E.O. 12148; 44 CFR...

  2. NREL technical assistance to Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lilienthal, P. [National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO (United States)


    This paper describes assistance to Argentina from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory which has touched on four programs: tariff analysis for rural concessions programs; wind/diesel hybrid retrofits in Patagonia; small hybrid systems designs for rural schools; an assessment of wind resources. The paper expands briefly on the first two points.

  3. RERTR activities in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adelfang, P.; Alvarez, L.; Pasqualini, E.


    The Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina has been an active participant of the RERTR program since 1978. An important milestone of the Argentinean RERTR program was the development and manufacturing at industrial scale of U 3 O 8 dispersed fuel and its subsequent application to the conversion of the RA-3 reactor core to LEU fuel. More recently, our activities were focused on the development of U 3 Si 2 fuel with a density of 4.8 gU/cm 3 and the improvement of the manufacturing process of this type of fuel. The program to qualify CNEA as a supplier U 3 Si 2 dispersed fuels is scheduled to finalize by mid 2003. To hasten this program the main research reactor of Argentina, the RA3, raised its power from 5 MW to 8 Mw in October this year. This is an intermediate step in the program to increase RA-3 power to 10 MW Currently, one of the main objectives is to develop and qualify the technology for the production of high-density LEU fuel elements using U-Mo alloy. An original way to produce U-Mo powder (the HMD process) was developed and its being upgraded to plant scale production. Another significant progress was the development of LEU targets for the production of 99 Mo, in the form of miniplates prepared with dispersed LEU U-Al x . The shipment to USA of 207 MTR spent fuels containing US origin highly enriched uranium, successfully carried out in the end of 2000, is another remarkable achievement of the Argentinean RERTR program. This activity was carried out in the framework of the United States Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Acceptance Program. The fuels were fabricated in Argentina and used in the RA-3 reactor from 1968 to 1987. The inventory of the shipped HEU spent fuel consisted in 166 standard assemblies and 41 control assemblies. (author)

  4. Relative Militarization and Its Impact on Public Policy Budgetary Shifts in Argentina, 1963-1982 (United States)


    Until such a time, the reader is advised to consult the extensive literature on the subject (e.g. Cavarozzi, 1983; Historia Politica Argentina , 1985...34 Desarrollo Econ6mico, V.19. (1981), "Teoria y practica del liberalismo. Politica antiinfla- cionaria y apertura economica en la Argentina 1976-1981...American Political Economy. Boulder: Westview Press. Historia Politica Argentina , 1942-1982. (1985) Buenos Aires: Editorial del Belgrano. 48 Hughes, S.W

  5. Research on English Language Teaching and Learning in Argentina (2007-2013) (United States)

    Porto, Melina; Montemayor-Borsinger, Ann; López-Barrios, Mario


    In this article we review research on English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching and learning published in Argentina between 2007 and 2013. This is the first review of a Latin American country in this series. Argentina has a century-long tradition of training EFL teachers but a comparatively shorter though fruitful history of foreign language…

  6. A new species of Tullbergia (Collembola, Tullbergiidae) from Buenos Aires, Argentina (United States)

    Palacios-Vargas, José G.; Martínez, Ana E. Salazar


    Abstract A new species of Tullbergia from Argentina is described and illustrated; it is differentiated from Tullbergia paranensis by the number of vesicles of postantennal organ, pseudocelli shape and its formulae and the number of dorsal sensilla on Ant. IV. In addition a key for the identification of the members of the family from Argentina is included. PMID:25061344

  7. Nota sobre EL GÉNERO Imperata (Poaceae, Panicoideae, Sacchareae en Argentina

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    Myriam C. Peichoto


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se confirma la presencia de Imperata tenuis en Argentina. Se presenta una ilustración, material de referencia y un mapa de su distribución geográfica en el sur de Sudamérica. Se incluye una clave para identificar las especies del género Imperata presentes en la Argentina.

  8. State of the art of municipal solid wastes and hazard wastes disposal in Argentina; Diagnostico de la situacion del manejo de los residuos solidos municipales y peligrosos en Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Savino, A.A.


    The author analyzes the up to date situation of Argentina related to Municipal solid Waste management after the political and economic challenges suffered by Argentina. The author concludes that this country needs more waste treatment plants and more investments for environmental management. (Author) 15 refs.

  9. Forensic population data for 20 STR loci in Argentina


    Borosky, Alicia; Toscanini, Ulises; Gómez, Andrea; Parolin, María Laura; Basso, Nestor Guillermo; Vullo, Carlos


    In order to provide useful information of forensic interest for the new markers included in the PowerPlex1 21 System (Promega Corp, USA), namely D1S1656, D6S1043 and D12S391, a population study was conducted in a sample of 907 unrelated healthy individuals from Argentina. Samples were randomly chosen from routine paternity testing. Blood samples or buccal swabs were collected after informed consent, taken from individuals of different urban populations from 7 provinces of Argentina: 464 indiv...

  10. A new genus of Platynini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Argentina


    ROIG-JUÑENT, Sergio


    Los Platynini constituyen un grupo de carábidos distribuidos ampliamente en América del Sur, existiendo la mayor diversidad de especies en las regiones tropicales de altura de Los Andes. En la Argentina y Chile, la mayoría de las especies de Platynini se hallan distribuidas en áreas extracordilleranas, conociéndose pocos datos para la región Andina. A partir de recolecciones realizadas en la Precordillera y Cordillera de los Andes en Mendoza (Argentina), se hallaron ejemplares pertenecientes ...

  11. Tribulations and achievements: the early history of Olympism in Argentina. (United States)

    Torres, C R


    By the end of the nineteenth century, modern sport had enchanted the people of Argentina. At that time the nation enjoyed a remarkable degree of economic prosperity and embarked on increasing political democratization. These circumstances, along with the fact that the nation was represented from the beginning, in 1894, on the International Olympic Committee seemed to favour Argentina as the spearhead of the diffusion of Olympism throughout South America. However, the country only enjoyed its first official Olympic participation in the Paris Games of 1924 - a few months after the establishment of the Argentine Olympic Committee. This essay explores the reception and diffusion of Olympism in Argentina. It reveals a process of gradual adoption including conflicting views on the relationship between the state and sport, several attempts at institutionalization, international misunderstandings and the role of politics and class.

  12. Distribución geográfica de Scinax nasica (Cope, 1862 (Anura: Hylidae

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    Rozzi Giménez, Cristina


    Full Text Available República Argentina, Provincia de Córdoba, Dpto. Unión, Alto Alegre (32º 22' S- 62º 53' W, 14 ejemplares colectados por Cristina Rozzi Giménez y Fernando Gallego entre abril de 1998 y abril de 2000. Depositados en la Colección de Zoología de Vertebrados, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Río Cuarto, Argentina, números ZVUNRC: 4353, 4354, 4356, 4390, 4411, 4655, 4756, 5123, 6136, 6216, 6217, 6466, 6762, 7118. Dpto. General San Martín, Villa María (32º 25' S y 63º 15' W, un ejemplar, número ZVUNRC: 4329 de la misma especie.

  13. Firmino Costa, un intelectual de la República y sus propósitos educativos (1907-1937

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    Juliana Cesário Hamdan


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende analizar la actu - ación del educador Firmino Costa, nacido en Minas Gerais, al retomar sus antecedentes his - tóricos que se localizan en la base de las formas de su actuación política e intelectual. Para este análisis, recurrimos al trabajo de Alonso (2008, 1 Oliveira (1999 2 y Carvalho (2003, 3 considera - mos las expresivas contribuciones para su com - prensión en relación con la historia e ideas que circularon en este periodo, comprendido entre los años que antecedieron a las primeras déca - das de la Proclamación de la República en Brasil (I889. Las tres obras, pese a que se escribieron a partir de objetos y objetivos distintos, refuta - ron interpretaciones que, por un lado, tratan el escenario intelectual de la República por medio de tipologías de intelectuales, que estarían ab - sorbiendo pasivamente las teorías europeas y norteamericanas. Y, por otro lado, las que son marcadas por estudios que enfatizan las acciones individuales, empeñadas en llevar adelante sus banderas ideológicas. Al contrario, los autores entienden que los sujetos están inmersos en de - terminado entorno cultural, constituido por las redes de sociabilidad y por el repertorio de ideas en circulación y, por eso mismo, tienen formas distintas de actuación política e intelectual. Y ese escenario condiciona, en gran medida, las posi - bilidades de actuación. Así, este artículo busca establecer conexiones entre algunos elementos del escenario cultural, presentes en los años que antecedieron y en los que sucedieron a la República, relacionándolos a las formas de actuación política e intelectual que informan la acción educacional del educador minero. Ese movimiento analítico, por su vez, exigió que recorriésemos a algunas de las formu - laciones teóricas de Antonio Gramsci, en lo que se refiere a los sentidos de actuación de los inte - lectuales, como forma de comprenderlos a partir del contexto y de las

  14. Summary Record of the First Meeting of the Radioactive Waste Repository Metadata Management (RepMet) Initiative

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    National radioactive waste repository programmes are collecting large amounts of data to support the long-term management of their nations' radioactive wastes. The data and related records increase in number, type and quality as programmes proceed through the successive stages of repository development: pre-siting, siting, characterisation, construction, operation and finally closure. Regulatory and societal approvals are included in this sequence. Some programmes are also documenting past repository projects and facing a challenge in allowing both current and future generations to understand actions carried out in the past. Metadata allows context to be stored with data and information so that it can be located, used, updated and maintained. Metadata helps waste management organisations better utilise their data in carrying out their statutory tasks and can also help verify and demonstrate that their programmes are appropriately driven. The NEA Radioactive Waste Repository Metadata Management (RepMet) initiative aims to bring about a better understanding of the identification and administration of metadata - a key aspect of data management - to support national programmes in managing their radioactive waste repository data, information and records in a way that is both harmonised internationally and suitable for long-term management and use. This is a summary record of the 1. meeting of the RepMet initiative. The actions and decisions from this meeting were sent separately to the group after the meeting, but are also included in this document (Annex A). The list of participants is attached as well (Annex B)

  15. Increasing Capacity for Environmental Engineering in Salta, Argentina (United States)

    Rajal, Verónica B.; Cid, Alicia G.; Cruz, Mercedes C.; Poma, Hugo R.; Cacciabue, Dolores Gutierrez; Romano, Neli; Moraga, Norma B.; Last, Jerold A.


    Background The Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the United States National Institutes of Health includes the International Training and Research in Environmental and Occupational Health (ITREOH) Program. The “International Training Program in Environmental Toxicology and Public Health” Center, funded in 2002 is based at the University of California, Davis, and is part of the ITREOH group of Centers. It has major efforts focused at the public universities in Montevideo, Uruguay, and Salta, Argentina. Results Training and research efforts in Salta begun in 2005 in the College of Engineering. A donated used real-time PCR machine was the starting point and the initial FIC support was instrumental to face other problems including physical space, research projects and grants, trainees, training, networking, and distractions/opportunities in order to develop local capacities in Environmental Engineering using modern methodology. After six years of successful work, the Salta center has become a reference Center in the field, and is still growing and consolidating. Conclusions This program has had a significant impact locally and regionally. The model used in Argentina could be easily adapted to other fields or types of projects in Argentina and in other developing countries. PMID:22467330

  16. Increasing capacity for environmental engineering in Salta, Argentina. (United States)

    Rajal, Verónica B; Cid, Alicia G; Cruz, Mercedes C; Poma, Hugo R; Cacciabue, Dolores Gutierrez; Romano, Neli; Moraga, Norma B; Last, Jerold A


    The Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the United States National Institutes of Health includes the International Training and Research in Environmental and Occupational Health (ITREOH) Program. The "International Training Program in Environmental Toxicology and Public Health" Center, funded in 2002 is based at the University of California, Davis, and is part of the ITREOH group of Centers. It has major efforts focused at the public universities in Montevideo, Uruguay, and Salta, Argentina. Training and research efforts in Salta begun in 2005 in the College of Engineering. A donated used real-time PCR machine was the starting point and the initial FIC support was instrumental to face other problems including physical space, research projects and grants, trainees, training, networking, and distractions/opportunities in order to develop local capacities in Environmental Engineering using modern methodology. After 6 years of successful work, the Salta center has become a reference Center in the field, and is still growing and consolidating. This program has had a significant impact locally and regionally. The model used in Argentina could be easily adapted to other fields or types of projects in Argentina and in other developing countries. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Greenstone: uso actual en Argentina

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    Marcela Fushimi


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta las características e historia del software para crear y gestionar bibliotecas digitales Greenstone, desarrollado inicialmente por la Universidad de Waikato, Nueva Zelandia en 1997. En primer lugar, se describe la comunidad de usuarios a nivel global, focalizando en el uso actual que el software ha alcanzado en Argentina: la cantidad de implementaciones disponibles, su evolución, el tipo, tamaño y variedad de los desarrollos existentes, así como su aplicación a la gestión de repositorios digitales de ciencia y tecnología en el ámbito de las instituciones científicas, tecnológicas y de educación superior en Argentina. En segundo lugar, se detallan las acciones llevadas a cabo a partir de la creación del Centro Nacional de Promoción de Greenstone en Argentina en 2009. Datos recabados en encuestas realizadas permitieron observar que las razones predominantes para elegir esta plataforma fueron, entre otras, su facilidad de instalación y configuración, su bajo nivel de requerimiento tecnológico, la generalizada escasez de recursos humanos dedicados a esta actividad, y la complejidad que presentaban los softwares alternativos existentes en ese momento. A lo largo de estos 8 años, tanto los repositorios digitales como los sistemas que los soportan evolucionaron drásticamente, modificando el escenario actual. Paralelamente, en 2016 la nueva versión mayor de Greenstone implementó una reingeniería completa del software para su adaptación a las tecnologías en uso: XML, XSLT, Web-services y Java. Como consecuencia de esto, la comunidad de desarrollo local se plantea nuevos desafíos para la migración de las bibliotecas digitales y repositorios implementados con versiones anteriores.

  18. Adeno-associated virus Rep-mediated targeting of integrase-defective retroviral vector DNA circles into human chromosome 19

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Shuohao; Kawabe, Yoshinori; Ito, Akira; Kamihira, Masamichi


    Highlights: ► Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is capable of targeted integration in human cells. ► Integrase-defective retroviral vector (IDRV) enables a circular DNA delivery. ► A targeted integration system of IDRV DNA using the AAV integration mechanism. ► Targeted IDRV integration ameliorates the safety concerns for retroviral vectors. -- Abstract: Retroviral vectors have been employed in clinical trials for gene therapy owing to their relative large packaging capacity, alterable cell tropism, and chromosomal integration for stable transgene expression. However, uncontrollable integrations of transgenes are likely to cause safety issues, such as insertional mutagenesis. A targeted transgene integration system for retroviral vectors, therefore, is a straightforward way to address the insertional mutagenesis issue. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is the only known virus capable of targeted integration in human cells. In the presence of AAV Rep proteins, plasmids possessing the p5 integration efficiency element (p5IEE) can be integrated into the AAV integration site (AAVS1) in the human genome. In this report, we describe a system that can target the circular DNA derived from non-integrating retroviral vectors to the AAVS1 site by utilizing the Rep/p5IEE integration mechanism. Our results showed that after G418 selection 30% of collected clones had retroviral DNA targeted at the AAVS1 site.

  19. Visitantes florales diurnos del girasol (Helianthus annuus, Asterales: Asteraceae en la Argentina Diurnal floral visitors of sunflower (Helianthus annuus, Asterales: Asteraceae in Argentina

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    Juan P. Torretta


    Full Text Available El girasol (Helianthus annuus L. es un importante cultivo oleaginoso en la Argentina. Durante tres campañas agrícolas, se determinaron la diversidad y la abundancia del elenco de los visitantes florales diurnos de capítulos de girasol, en ocho sitios que cubren gran parte del área cultivada en Argentina. Setenta y seis morfo-especies de visitantes florales, pertenecientes a ocho órdenes, fueron capturados sobre capítulos de este cultivo. El principal orden fue Hymenoptera, con 37 especies o morfoespecies, de las cuales 32 fueron abejas (Apoidea. Las familias de abejas más representadas fueron Apidae (13, Megachilidae (11 y Halictidae (7. La abeja doméstica (Apis mellifera L. realizó el 93% de las visitas. La composición del elenco de visitantes no mostró un patrón de variación identificable a lo largo del día, ni con respecto a la distancia al borde del cultivo, pero varió entre sitios de muestreo. Se concluye que la abeja doméstica es el principal polinizador del girasol en la Argentina, aunque varias especies nativas de abejas (Melissodes tintinnans (Holmberg, M. rufithorax Brèthes, Melissoptila tandilensis Holmberg, y Megachile spp. podrían ser consideradas como potenciales polinizadores del cultivo.Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. is an important oilseed crop in Argentina. During three agricultural years, the diversity and abundance of diurnal floral visitors of sunflower heads were determined in eight sites spanning much of this crop's cultivation area in Argentina. Seventysix morpho-species of floral visitors, belonging to eight orders, were captured on sunflower. The principal order was Hymenoptera, with 37 species or morpho-species, of which 32 were bees (Apoidea. The most represented bee families were Apidae (13, Megachilidae (11 and Halictidae (7. The domestic bee (Apis mellifera L. accounted for 93% of the visits. Floral visitor composition did not show an identifiable variation pattern either throughout the day or

  20. Cooperation on Water management issues, Argentina : Project in the framework of Bilateral Cooperation between Argentina and the Netherlands : Case studies on water management issues in Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Querner, E.P.; Morabito, J.A.; Rebori, G.


    In Argentina parts of the country have problems encountered from too much water or suffer serious water shortages. The Humid Pampas encounter an increased rainfall since the 1970’s. In Mendoza Province water resources are limited and all the water from the rivers is used for agriculture, drinking

  1. Redefining the public sphere: self-managed schools in Argentina


    Feldfeber, Myriam


    El Proyecto de las Escuelas Experimentales o Autogestionadas de la Provincia de San Luis adquiere sentido en el marco de la denominada Transformación Educativa y de las políticas desarrolladas en las últimas décadas en Argentina, que, al igual que en gran parte de los países latinoamericanos, han estado orientadas por discursos y prácticas tendientes a legitimar un nuevo modelo económico, social, político, cultural y educativo. La reforma educativa argentina de la década del '90 puede analiza...

  2. First record of Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Argentina


    Masciocchi, Maité; Beggs, Jacqueline R.; Carpenter, James M.; Corley, Juan Carlos


    Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus) es un véspido social nativo de la región Holártica. En este trabajo reportamos la primera detección de esta especie en Argentina. Obreras de esta avispa fueron capturadas cerca de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina) en Febrero de 2010, mientras se tomaban muestras de otra avispa invasora, Vespula germanica (Fabricius) o chaqueta amarilla, de morfología externa y hábitos similares a la anteriormente mencionada. Además, detallamos algunos caracteres de i...

  3. Cultivos transgénicos en Argentina : mitos y realidades


    Cantamutto, Miguel; Poverene, Mónica


    Cantamutto, M., Poverene, M. (2003). Cultivos transgénicos en Argentina: mitos y realidades. Redes, 10(20), 171-181. La producción creciente de cultivos transgénicos en la Argentina es observada con preocupación por la población debido a que aparecen cada vez más voces planteando dudas y amenazas acerca de las consecuencias del uso de esta tecnología, que incluso se atribuye a oscuras manipulaciones políticas. ¿Tienen fundamento esos conceptos? ¿A qué aspectos del uso de organismos genétic...

  4. Identidad y distribución geográfica de Stemodia durantifolia (Plantaginaceae en la Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María de las Mercedes Sosa


    Full Text Available Stemodia durantifolia es una especie con dos variedades que crece desde California hasta Chile. La variedad típica se ha citado en trabajos previos para la Argentina y la otra variedad, chilensis fue mencionada hasta el momento para Chile. En este trabajo se descarta la presencia de la variedad típica en el país, se da a conocer su área de distribución y se cita por primera vez a la variedad chilensis para la Argentina. Se describen e ilustran las dos variedades, se incluye un mapa de distribución y una clave para separarla de las restantes especies que crecen en Argentina.Identity and geographical distribution of Stemodia durantifolia (Plantaginaceae in Argentina. The typical variety has been cited in previous studies for Argentina, and the other variety, chilensis, was mentioned so far in Chile. This work rules out the typical variety in the country, describes its geographical distribution and cites for the first time the var. chilensis for Argentina. A description, illustration and a map of distribution of the species with these two varieties are provided, as well as a key to distinguish the other Argentinean species.


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    Juan Cruz Esquive


    Full Text Available La educación sexual, junto con la distribución gratuita de anticonceptivos y de la píldora del ‘día después’, el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, la fecundación asistida, la autodeterminación de la identidad sexual, la eutanasia y la despenalización del aborto, conforman uno de los ‘núcleos sensibles’ que cristalizan pujas y negociaciones entre el Estado, la dirigencia política y las instituciones religiosas a la hora de definir los fundamentos regulatorios de las políticas públicas en esos tópicos. El trabajo focaliza la mirada en las controversias semánticas entabladas por el Ministerio de Educación de la República Argentina y la Conferencia Episcopal, una vez aprobada la Ley Nacional de Educación Sexual Integral en 2006. El análisis de contenido de las principales publicaciones sobre educación sexual divulgadas por ambas instituciones, permitirá identificar los elementos de continuidad y de ruptura entre las tramas discursivas políticas y religiosas, así como las disputas por la construcción del discurso social legitimado. El abordaje propuesto habilita una entrada privilegiada para comprender las lógicas que se activan en la definición de determinadas políticas públicas y legislaciones, contemplando tanto las estrategias de influencia de las instituciones religiosas en el diseño e implementación de las mismas, como los niveles de receptividad de las demandas de contenido religioso por parte de los ‘decisores’ políticos.

  6. La disputa por la república en el siglo XIX y la prensa en México


    Toussaint, Florence


    A partir de la consumación de la independencia, se inicia la disputa por definir el tipo de gobierno que había de asumir el país. Esta oscila entre la República federal y la centralista durante casi todo el tiempo, aunque hay dos momentos en los cuales la forma monárquica aparece como opción. Se conoce a estos periodos como el Primer Imperio y el Segundo Imperio. No duran muchos años. Sin embargo, dan lugar a enconadas luchas internas, sobre todo durante la presencia de...

  7. Política externa do vizinho distante : estudo de caso da República Cooperativa da Guiana


    Lima, Erick Cavalcanti Linhares


    Esta tese trata das relações externas da República Cooperativa da Guiana, num recorte temporal de quarenta e quatro anos, que vão desde a independência, em 1966 até 2010, período no qual se desenvolveram importantes transformações mundiais, bem como no relacionamento político-diplomático. Remontam a essa época, a formação do marco institucional de representação dos interesses sociais e produtivos, tanto na economia guianense, quanto no âmbito internacional. O objetivo foi traç...

  8. The multiple applications of the nuclear techniques in Argentina; Las multiples aplicaciones de la tecnologia nuclear en Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manzini, Alberto C [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Programa de Radioisotopos y Aplicaciones


    A review is given of the use of nuclear technology in Argentina, especially in the field of the production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, nuclear medicine, and industrial applications. The applications of ionizing radiation are also reviewed.

  9. Acute intermittent porphyria in Argentina: an update. (United States)

    Cerbino, Gabriela Nora; Gerez, Esther Noemí; Varela, Laura Sabina; Melito, Viviana Alicia; Parera, Victoria Estela; Batlle, Alcira; Rossetti, María Victoria


    Porphyrias are a group of metabolic diseases that arise from deficiencies in the heme biosynthetic pathway. A partial deficiency in hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) produces a hepatic disorder named Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP); the acute porphyria is more frequent in Argentina. In this paper we review the results obtained for 101 Argentinean AIP families and 6 AIP families from foreign neighbour countries studied at molecular level at Centro de Investigaciones sobre Porfirinas y Porfirias (CIPYP). Thirty-five different mutations were found, of which 14 were described for the first time in our population. The most prevalent type of mutations was the missense mutations (43%) followed by splice defects (26%) and small deletions (20%). An odd case of a double heterozygous presentation of AIP in a foreign family from Paraguay is discussed. Moreover, it can be noted that 38 new families were found carrying the most frequent mutation in Argentina (p.G111R), increasing to 55.66% the prevalence of this genetic change in our population and adding further support to our previous hypothesis of a founder effect for this mutation in Argentina. Identification of patients with an overt AIP is important because treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis, but more critical is the identification of asymptomatic relatives to avoid acute attacks which may progress to death.

  10. Population structure in Argentina.

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    Marina Muzzio

    Full Text Available We analyzed 391 samples from 12 Argentinian populations from the Center-West, East and North-West regions with the Illumina Human Exome Beadchip v1.0 (HumanExome-12v1-A. We did Principal Components analysis to infer patterns of populational divergence and migrations. We identified proportions and patterns of European, African and Native American ancestry and found a correlation between distance to Buenos Aires and proportion of Native American ancestry, where the highest proportion corresponds to the Northernmost populations, which is also the furthest from the Argentinian capital. Most of the European sources are from a South European origin, matching historical records, and we see two different Native American components, one that spreads all over Argentina and another specifically Andean. The highest percentages of African ancestry were in the Center West of Argentina, where the old trade routes took the slaves from Buenos Aires to Chile and Peru. Subcontinentaly, sources of this African component are represented by both West Africa and groups influenced by the Bantu expansion, the second slightly higher than the first, unlike North America and the Caribbean, where the main source is West Africa. This is reasonable, considering that a large proportion of the ships arriving at the Southern Hemisphere came from Mozambique, Loango and Angola.

  11. Case study - Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz, E.


    Antecedents and experience of nuclear activities in Argentina; the Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). First development and research activities. Research reactors and radioisotopes plants. Health physics and safety regulations. - Feasibility studies for the first nuclear power plant. Awarding the first plant CNA I (Atucha I). Relevant data related to the different project stages. Plant performance. - Feasibility study for the second nuclear power plant. Awarding the second plant CNE (Central Nuclear Embalse). Relevant data related to established targets. Differences compared with the first station targets. Local participation. Plant performance. (orig./GL)

  12. [The demographic and occupational characteristics of Italian migrants to Argentina, 1880-1930]. (United States)

    Cacopardo, M C; Moreno, J L


    "This essay studies...the demographic and socio-professional characteristics of the Italian emigrants in Argentina during the period 1880-1930. Besides a reconstruction of the demographic variables (age, sex, mortality, and fertility) in the historical series, the essay also depicts the professional profile of the Italians in Argentina...." (summary in ENG, FRE) excerpt

  13. Psychotherapy in Argentina: a clinical case from an integrative perspective. (United States)

    Gómez, Beatriz


    The article describes psychotherapy practice in Argentina. It outlines the main features of training and regulation of clinical psychologists. A brief description of the main treatment approaches and the major current challenges is presented. Subsequently it delineates the probable treatment locations and options for a 30-year-old woman, Mrs. A, seeking psychological help in Argentina. The case is then considered from an integrative perspective starting with the intake process, which includes a comprehensive pretreatment assessment followed by the treatment plan. Its course is described as composed of four stages: (1) psychoeducational initial intervention, (2) psychotherapy for symptom alleviation, (3) marital treatment, and (4) psychoeducational final intervention. Posttreatment evaluation and possible outcome and prognosis are presented, as well as factors that might prevent improvement. The article ends with a hopeful view of the future role of psychotherapy in Argentina. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Peronism and the origin of workers in Argentina Peronismo e oriegem dos operários na Argentina

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    Carlos R. Etulain


    Full Text Available This article analyses the way the workers and popular fronts inserted themselves in the Peronism when it appeared in the 40’s, in Argentina. Showing the adhesion of the different sectors of Argentinean workers, it presents the researchers opinion on the subject. The historical period focuses the first and the second period of Peron as president (1946-1955. Keywords: Peronism. Left. Workers. Unionism. Populism. New Workers. O trabalho analisa a forma como os trabalhadores e os setores populares se inseriram no peronismo uma vez do seu surgimento, nos anos 40, na Argentina. Apontando para a adesão dos diferentes setores de trabalhadores argentinos, o artigo apresenta as posições dos investigadores do assunto. O período histórico se centra na primeira e segunda presidência de Perón (1946-1955. Palavras-chave: Peronismo. Esquerda. Trabalhadores. Sindicalismo. Populismo. Trabalhadores Novos.

  15. La Argentina y el Plan Marshall: promesas y realidades Argentina and the Marshall Plan: promises and realities

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    Mario Rapoport


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza los intereses y prioridades de la política económica externa de los Estados Unidos y las complejas relaciones entre Washington y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en relación a la puesta en marcha del Plan Marshall de reconstrucción de Europa Occidental. La no participación de la Argentina en él dificultó su proceso de industrialización al restringir su comercio con el viejo continente e impedirle obtener las divisas necesarias para comprar en los EEUU, proveedor fundamental de los bienes que necesitaba.The article analyze both the interests and priorities of the foreign economic policy of the United States and the complex relationship between Washington and the peronist government when President Truman impose the Marshall Plan in Europe making more difficult the industrialisation of Argentina.

  16. Ricardo Dyrgalla (1910-1970), pioneer of rocket development in Argentina (United States)

    de León, Pablo


    One of the most important developers of liquid propellant rocket engines in Argentina was Polish-born Ricardo Dyrgalla. Dyrgalla immigrated to Argentina from the United Kingdom in 1946, where he had been studying German weapons development at the end of the Second World War. A trained pilot and aeronautical engineer, he understood the intricacies of rocket propulsion and was eager to find practical applications to his recently gained knowledge. Dyrgalla arrived in Argentina during Juan Perón's first presidency, a time when technicians from all over Europe were being recruited to work in various projects for the recently created Argentine Air Force. Shortly after immigrating, Dyrgalla proposed to develop an advanced air-launched weapon, the Tábano, based on a rocket engine of his design, the AN-1. After a successful development program, the Tábano was tested between 1949 and 1951; however, the project was canceled by the government shortly after. Today, the AN-1 rocket engine is recognized as the first liquid propellant rocket to be developed in South America. Besides the AN-1, Dyrgalla also developed several other rockets systems in Argentina, including the PROSON, a solid-propellant rocket launcher developed by the Argentine Institute of Science and Technology for the Armed Forces (CITEFA). In the late 1960s, Dyrgalla and his family relocated to Brazil due mostly to the lack of continuation of rocket development in Argentina. There, he worked for the Institute of Aerospace Technology (ITA) until his untimely death in 1970. Ricardo Dyrgalla deserves to be recognized among the world's rocket pioneers and his contribution to the science and engineering of rocketry deserves a special place in the history of South America's rocketry and space flight advocacy programs.

  17. Coleópteros acuáticos de lagunas situadas en el noroeste de la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina Aquatic Coleoptera from ponds in the northwest of Corrientes Province, Argentina

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    María C. Gomez Lutz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es contribuir al conocimiento de la biodiversidad de coleópteros acuáticos del NE argentino. Los sitios de muestreo corresponden a dos lagunas permanentes ubicadas en el departamento Capital de la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina. Los muestreos fueron realizados desde octubre de 2010 a marzo de 2011. En total, 107 especies de coleópteros, incluidas en 40 géneros y ocho familias fueron registradas: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Dryopidae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae, Limnichidae y Scirtidae. La especie Berosus hamatus Knisch es un nuevo registro para la Argentina. Dos familias (Haliplidae y Dryopidae, cuatro géneros (Haliplus Latreille; Pelonomus Erichson, Onopelmus Spangler, Phaenonotum Sharp y 14 especies son citados por primera vez para la provincia de Corrientes.This study aims to improve the knowledge of aquatic Coleoptera biodiversity in northeastern Argentina. The sampling sites correspond to two permanent ponds located in the department Capital of Corrientes Province, Argentina. The samples were collected between October 2010 and March 2011. A total of 107 species of beetles, including 40 genera and 8 families were recorded: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Dryopidae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae, Limnichidae and Scirtidae. Berosus hamatus Knisch is a new record for Argentina. Two families (Haliplidae and Dryopidae, four genera (Haliplus Latreille; Pelonomus Erichson, Onopelmus Spangler, Phaenonotum Sharp and 14 species are cited for the first time for Corrientes Province.

  18. Las negociaciones para el acuerdo cinematográfico de 1948 entre Argentina y España (1939-1948 / The Film Agreement Negotiations: Argentina and Spain (1939-1948

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    Emeterio Díez Puertas


    Full Text Available La política expansionista del cine argentino y, desde 1942, razones de supervivencia ante el acoso de Hollywood empujan a la Asociación de Productores de Películas Argentinas (APPA a presionar al gobierno español para que firme un acuerdo cinematográfico. Este se rubrica en1948, tras casi diez años de tensas negociaciones. Pero los artículos del acuerdo, más que responder a los deseos de la APPA, reflejan los intereses y la hermandad alcanzada por el franquismo y el peronismo.Palabras clave: España, Argentina, comercio cinematográfico, Asociación de Productores de Películas Argentinas.AbstractThe expansionist policy of Argentine cinema and the power of Hollywood's entertainment industry since 1942, push the Argentinean Film Producers Association (APPA to put pressure on the Spanish government to sign a film agreement. This was signed in 1948, after almost ten years of tense negotiations. However, the articles of the agreement, rather than responding to the wishes of the APPA, reflect the treaty of friendship between the Franco regime and the Peronism.Keywords: Spain, Argentina, Movie Trade, Argentinean Film Producers Association.

  19. La llegada de Gramsci a la Argentina: una relectura sobre Héctor P. Agosti-Gramsci’s Influence in Argentina: a New Reading of the Work of Héctor P. Agosti

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    Alexia Massholder


    Full Text Available With few exceptions, the impact of the work of Antonio Gramsci in Argentina is generally associated with the so called “Argentinian gramscians”, many of whom met around the journal Pasado y Presente, headed by José Aricó, without considering Gramsci’s earlier influence. However, it is often forgotten that the first introduction of Gramsci to Argentina was by the hand of Héctor P. Agosti. Agosti influenced many young intellectuals who subsequently congregated around Aricó. Beyond the observations made in this article regarding Agosti’s detractors, the aim here is to contribute to the diffusion, and presentation to the public of the thought of one of the most remarkable intellectuals that have arisen in the Communist Party of Argentina. This article also delves into relatively unexamined connections between the works of Agosti and Grasmci, highlighting the role played by the former in introducing the works of this Italian intellectual into Argentina during that period.

  20. Un género nuevo de Platynini (Coleoptera: Carabidae de la Argentina A new genus of Platynini (Coleoptera: Carabidae from Argentina

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    Sergio ROIG-JUÑENT


    Full Text Available Los Platynini constituyen un grupo de carábidos distribuidos ampliamente en América del Sur, existiendo la mayor diversidad de especies en las regiones tropicales de altura de Los Andes. En la Argentina y Chile, la mayoría de las especies de Platynini se hallan distribuidas en áreas extracordilleranas, conociéndose pocos datos para la región Andina. A partir de recolecciones realizadas en la Precordillera y Cordillera de los Andes en Mendoza (Argentina, se hallaron ejemplares pertenecientes a dos especies de dicha tribu de carábidos. El estudio de este material ha permitido establecer dos nuevas especies cuyos caracteres justifican su agrupación en un nuevo género, Austroglyptolenus nov. gen. La presencia de una carena dorsal en la protibia y el poseer la base del lóbulo medio esclerotizado agruparían a Austroglyptolenus nov. gen. con los géneros Glyptolenus Bates y Glyptolenoides Perrault. De ellos se diferencia por la forma de los metatarsitos, ausencia de diente en el saco interno y la presencia de un anillo de espículas en la bursa copulatriz. Por ello las especies de Austroglyptolenus nov. gen., A. mendozensis sp. nov. y A. precordillerae sp. nov. están más relacionadas con las especies de América del Sur tropical que con los Platynini australes extramontanos de la Argentina y Chile. En este aporte se proveen las descripciones e ilustraciones del género y de las nuevas especies, así como también claves para identificar los nuevos taxones.Platynini is a widespread tribe of carabids in South America, having the largest diversity of species in the tropical highlands of Andes. In Argentina and Chile, most of the platinine species are distributed in extra-Andean regions. Several specimens of platynine have been found in samples from the Precordillera and the Andes in Mendoza (Argentina. The study of these materials revealed two new species, whose characters justify the creation of a new genus, Austroglyptolenus gen. nov. The

  1. A journey through the skill of healing at the Historical Museum of the "Hospital Nacional de Clínicas de Córdoba - Argentina". (United States)

    Cremades, Norma Acerbi


    The Museum of History "Hospital Nacional de Clínicas", from the National University of Cordoba, República Argentina, it's charged with the knowledge continuity of the Health Science, in time and space. Its guiding motto says: "I'll be a shield to stop the wind that wants to erase the imprint of men that shaped the history of the School of Medical Sciences by their work." To accomplish the tasks, general and particular objectives were settled. The Museum has a Library divided in three sections: Classical, Contemporary and Virtual. It counts with a specialized Information and Documentation Centre. Courses about different topics are given as well as the course of History of Medicine for Grade and post grade careers, completing with humanistic contents, the students education exclusively scientific and technical. For high school and Bachelor students there is a program called: "Education - Apprenticeship strategies at the Museum". These strategies are arranged to fit the programmes and levels of formal education for educational institutions. The heritage of the Museum consists of more than a thousand apparatus and tools that served the research and instruction at the different professorships of the School of Medical Sciences. Many of them obsolete they allow us to understand the evolution of science and technique, within the broad field of Health Science, since the creation of the School of Medical Sciences in 1877.


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    Ana Carolina Hecht


    Full Text Available Process of language shift is explained by many researchers since linguistic and anthropological perspectives. This area focuses on the correlations between social processes and changes in systems of use of a language. This article aims to address these issues. In particular, we analyze the links between educational-linguistic policy and the maintenance of the languages spoken in Argentina. In doing so, we explore this field taking into account the linguistic and educational policies implemented about indigenous languages in Argentina.

  3. La crisis Argentina y los medios de comunicación

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    Federico Rey Lennon


    Full Text Available La crisis económica en Argentina ha sido difícil: revueltas, saqueos, renuncias cacerolazos, angustias, escepticismo, corridas bancarias. Los medios de comunicación transformados en actores sociales desempeñando papeles claves de control político, en un medio de escepticismo e inutilidad de la clase dirigente Argentina y de los políticos. El artículo intenta explicar el papel que le cupo a los medios en la construcción de esta realidad.

  4. Rocky Mountain spotted fever in Argentina. (United States)

    Paddock, Christopher D; Fernandez, Susana; Echenique, Gustavo A; Sumner, John W; Reeves, Will K; Zaki, Sherif R; Remondegui, Carlos E


    We describe the first molecular confirmation of Rickettsia rickettsii, the cause of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), from a tick vector, Amblyomma cajennense, and from a cluster of fatal spotted fever cases in Argentina. Questing A. cajennense ticks were collected at or near sites of presumed or confirmed cases of spotted fever rickettsiosis in Jujuy Province and evaluated by polymerase chain reaction assays for spotted fever group rickettsiae. DNA of R. rickettsii was amplified from a pool of A. cajennense ticks and from tissues of one of four patients who died during 2003-2004 after illnesses characterized by high fever, severe headache, myalgias, and petechial rash. The diagnosis of spotted fever rickettsiosis was confirmed in the other patients by indirect immunofluorescence antibody and immunohistochemical staining techniques. These findings show the existence of RMSF in Argentina and emphasize the need for clinicians throughout the Americas to consider RMSF in patients with febrile rash illnesses.

  5. The Tribe Anisoscelini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Coreidae) in Argentina. (United States)

    Coscarón, María Del Carmen; Pall, José Luis


    Eight genera and 21 species of the tribe Anisoscelini (Coreidae, Coreinae) are recorded in Argentina: Anisoscelis foliaceus (Fabricius); Coribergia declivicollis (Berg); Dalmatomammurius vandoesburgi (Brailovsky); Holymenia hystrio (Fabricius); Leptoglossus chilensis (Spinola); L. cinctus (Herrich-Schaeffer); L. concolor Walker; L. crassicornis (Dallas); L. dentatus Berg; L. fasciatus (Westwood); L. gonagra (Fabricius); L. impictus (Stål); L. ingens (Mayr); L. neovexillatus Allen; L. quadricollis (Westwood); L. stigma (Herbst); L. vexillatus (Stål); L. zonatus (Dallas); Phthia lunata (Fabricius); Phthiacnemia picta (Drury) and Ugnius kermesinus (Linnaeus). A key to genera belonging to the tribe is provided. L. stigma is recorded for the first time in Argentina with new locality records for La Rioja, Salta and San Juan.

  6. Dictadura y relaciones internacionales: Argentina y Chile entre 1829 y 1852


    Lacoste, Pablo


    The study analizes the relationaship between Argentina and Chile during Rosas’ dictatorship in Buenos Aires (1829-1852) in comparison with the previous period (1810-1829) and the later (1852-1881). Three parameters are considered: the treaties signature, the existence of diplomatic representations and the comercial policies. The study of the mentioned parameters showes the bilateral relationship deterioration during the dictatorship. The study analizes the relationaship between Argentina a...


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    Silvina Aveni


    Full Text Available Los avatares económicos por los que ha pasado Argentina desde los años noventa del siglo XX, han desembocado en la resignificación del concepto Trabajo como proceso social, con la proliferación de formas de empleo asalariado de carácter precario, la disminución de los ingresos y, con ellos, la profundización del deterioro social de gran parte de los hogares. Desde la perspectiva de género, estos fenómenos tuvieron un impacto diferencial en la Calidad de Vida de los hogares en función del rol social asignado a las mujeres con respecto a los varones, y redundaron en otra forma de fragmentación del territorio. La Calidad de Vida de la población se entiende como una construcción social que está condicionada por el grado y las modalidades de participación en el mundo laboral. El propósito de esta investigación es analizar la segregación territorial producida por la dimensión Trabajo en relación a la Calidad de Vida, según género de los jefes de hogar, en los Departamentos y Partidos de la República Argentina. La metodología es de tipo cuantitativa, basada en la aplicación de las medidas de segregación espacial a partir de los datos del Censo de Población, Hogares y Vivienda 2001 y su posterior representación cartográfica mediante sistemas de información geográfica. El uso de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica permite la elaboración de cartografía a partir de datos georreferenciados, para obtener así un producto que exhiba las diferenciaciones territoriales de las variables seleccionadas.

  8. Argentina. (United States)


    Background notes on Argentina provide a profile of the geography, selected demographic features, government and economic conditions. Descriptive text includes a discussion of the people, their history and political conditions, the government and officials, the state of the economy, their defense, foreign relations, and relations with the US. The 1992 estimated population was about 33 million of whom 97% are European (mostly Spanish and Italian). Religions represented are Roman Catholic (92%), Protestant (2%), Jewish (2%), and other (4%). Adult literacy is 95%. 36% are engaged in industry and commerce, 20% in services, 19% in agriculture, 6% in transport and communications, and 19% other. Per capita gross domestic product was $4,500. There are only 50,000 native Indians remaining in peripheral provinces. The population enjoys a high standard of living and a low growth rate. The country was shaped by dominant forces: modern agricultural techniques and the integration of the country into the world economy. Foreign investment aided the economic revolution. Conservative and radical rule has swung the country back and forth politically since 1916. Colonel Juan Domingo Peron led a successful military coup in 1943 and was elected in 1946. Policies were instituted to give a greater voice to the working class, and with the influences of his wife, women's groups. In 1955, he was ousted by the military, which failed to revive the economy and quiet increasing terrorism. After a number of difficult elections, Peron was reinstated as president in 1973. Extremists on the left and right threatened public order; the military as a consequence imprisoned persons indefinitely. Peron's wife succeeded him after his death, but was removed from office in the military coup of 1976. Basic human rights were violated during this period. By 1983, a fair election was held and support increased for a democratic system. In 1989, Carlos Saul Menem, a Peronist candidate, won and established

  9. Research reactors in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlos Ruben Calabrese


    Argentine Nuclear Development started in early fifties. In 1957, it was decided to built the first a research reactor. RA-1 reactor (120 kw, today licensed to work at 40 kW) started operation in January 1958. Originally RA-1 was an Argonaut (American design) reactor. In early sixties, the RA-1 core was changed. Fuel rods (20% enrichment) was introduced instead the old Argonaut core design. For that reason, a critical facility named RA-0 was built. After that, the RA-3 project started, to build a multipurpose 5 MW nuclear reactor MTR pool type, to produce radioisotopes and research. For that reason and to define the characteristics of the RA-3 core, another critical facility was built, RA-2. Initially RA-3 was a 90 % enriched fuel reactor, and started operation in 1967. When Atucha I NPP project started, a German design Power Reactor, a small homogeneous reactor was donated by the German Government to Argentina (1969). This was RA-4 reactor (20% enrichment, 1W). In 1982, RA-6 pool reactor achieved criticality. This is a 500 kW reactor with 90% enriched MTR fuel elements. In 1990, RA-3 started to operate fueled by 20% enriched fuel. In 1997, the RA-8 (multipurpose critical facility located at Pilcaniyeu) started to operate. RA-3 reactor is the most important CNEA reactor for Argentine Research Reactors development. It is the first in a succession of Argentine MTR reactors built by CNEA (and INVAP SE ) in Argentina and other countries: RA-6 (500 kW, Bariloche-Argentina), RP-10 (10MW, Peru), NUR (500 kW, Algeria), MPR (22 MW, Egypt). The experience of Argentinian industry permits to compete with foreign developed countries as supplier of research reactors. Today, CNEA has six research reactors whose activities have a range from education and promotion of nuclear activity, to radioisotope production. For more than forty years, Argentine Research Reactors are working. The experience of Argentine is important, and argentine firms are able to compete in the design and

  10. Payenia volcanic province, southern Mendoza, Argentina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søager, Nina; Holm, Paul Martin; Llambias, Eduardo Jorge


    The Pleistocene to Holocene Payenia volcanic province is a backarc region of 60,000 km2 in Mendoza, Argentina, which is dominated by transitional to alkaline basalts and trachybasalts. We present major and trace element compositions of 139 rocks from this area of which the majority are basaltic...

  11. Argentina and Brazil's competition over Bolivian's resources, needs and means half a century later

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Behrens, A.


    For fifty years Bolivia has managed to achieve an unstable balance of power between its most powerful neighbours, while still keeping together an ethnically diverse and poorly integrated country. However, prospects are grim. Bolivia's most important trade able goods face receding markets and natural gas exports to Argentina are likely to dwindle as that country develops its own domestic fields. Brazil, could substitute for Argentina but it needs to overcome a bitter legacy of commercial frustration with Bolivia and the opposition of Brazil's national oil company to natural gas imports. Moreover, Argentina may soon be a net exporter of natural gas as well. However, neither Brazil nor Argentina, both of whom share a sizeable frontier with Bolivia should not want to see her under too much distress. Pooling the natural gas resources of Argentina and Bolivia could cater for more orderly and reliable regional trade than in the past. The combined resources could be managed by a private enterprise (Gas del Plata) with all three countries as major shareholders. Reliable natural gas supplies may even help Brazil to revert its autarchic developmental trends. (author)

  12. Acerca De La Identidad Boliviana En Argentina. Un Análisis De Tres Casos De Estudio En La Provincia De Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Mercedes Mariano


    Full Text Available This paper is about the representations, practices and cultural expressions carried out by groups of Bolivian immigrants and their descendants in the cities of Olavarria, Tandil and Azul in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. For this purpose, the three case studies presented are analyzed based on the theoretical notions of identities and ethnic groups proper to the field of social anthropology. It thus seeks to contribute to knowledge about the construction of the identities of Bolivian immigrants in Argentina and, especially, to the discussion of those perspectives that propose the cultural assimilation of these groups into the host society.

  13. Tobacco industry targeting youth in Argentina (United States)

    Braun, S; Mejia, R; Ling, P M; Pérez-Stable, E J


    Background/aim Argentina has one of the highest cigarette smoking rates among both men and women in the Americas and no legislated restrictions on tobacco industry advertising. The tobacco industry has traditionally expanded markets by targeting adolescents and young adults. The objective of this study was to determine whether and how the tobacco industry promotes cigarettes to adolescents in Argentina. Methods We conducted a systematic search of tobacco industry documents available through the internet dated between 1995 and 2004 using standard search terms to identify marketing strategies in Argentina. A selected review of the four leading newspapers and nine magazines with reported high readership among adolescents was completed. The selected print media were searched for tobacco images and these were classified as advertisements if associated with a commercial product or as a story if not. Results The tobacco industry used market segmentation as a strategy to target Argentinean consumers. British American Tobacco (BAT) undertook a young adult psychographic study and classified them as “progressives”, “Jurassics” or “conservatives” and “crudos” or “spoiled brats”. BAT marketed Lucky Strike to the “progressives” using Hollywood movies as a vehicle. The tobacco industry also targeted their national brands to the conservatives and linked these brands with “nationalistic values” in advertising campaigns. Philip Morris promoted Marlboro by sponsoring activities directed at young people and they launched the 10 cigarettes packet as a starter vehicle. Conclusions The tobacco industry used psychographic segmentation of the population and developed advertising strategies focused on youth. Tobacco control researchers and advocates must be able to address these strategies in counter-marketing interventions. PMID:18299308

  14. Maquiavel Versus Rousseau: as Divisões Sociais e Seu Papel em uma República Bem-Ordenada

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    Renato Moscateli


    Full Text Available RESUMO:As relações de conflito entre os grupos sociais constituem um tópico relevante para a filosofia política, e as maneiras distintas como elas são interpretadas dependem de uma visão mais ampla sobre as condições apropriadas a um Estado bem-ordenado. Maquiavel, por exemplo, ao refletir sobre o caso da Roma Antiga, procurou refutar aqueles que condenavam os tumultos entre os nobres e a plebe da cidade, como se eles tivessem provocado apenas males à república. Para o autor, tais tumultos estavam entre as principais causas da liberdade romana, visto que a diferença nos “humores” dos grandes e do povo resultou em embates que deram origem às leis favoráveis à liberdade. Rousseau, por sua vez, descreveu a existência de “associações particulares” dentro da sociedade civil como algo potencialmente nocivo à harmonia da república, pois cada uma delas contém um interesse particular passível de se sobrepor ao bem comum, nas deliberações públicas, prejudicando o prevalecimento da vontade geral. Ainda para o genebrino, a ocorrência de longos debates e de tumultos nas assembleias populares poderia ser um sinal de divisões internas capazes de ocasionar a ruína do Estado. Frente a essas duas maneiras de conceber o papel político dos conflitos sociais, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma análise comparativa das ideias de Maquiavel e de Rousseau.

  15. Las enseñanzas de sordomudos durante la II República Española. Una perspectiva histórica

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    Full Text Available Las enseñanzas de sordomudos en el periodo de la II República española es un tema poco estudiado e inédito en determinados aspectos. Se puede decir que participa de las características de la educación general de dicha etapa: esfuerzo económico y presupuestario de los gobiernos, renovación metodológica, modernización del sistema, ampliación de la red escolar, formación del magisterio, etc., si bien presenta una idiosincrasia muy marcada e incluso contradictoria, no solo por la conocida contraposición de los gobiernos de un bienio y otro (31/33 y 34/35, sino también por las decisiones de política educativa que se toman por los mismos gobiernos de la coalición republicano-socialista. El legado de la aportación republicana es más documental que de realizaciones concretas, y tendrá mayor aplicación en el régimen político que aniquila y sucede a la República que en ella misma. La consideración de fuentes primarias (legales y documentales fundamentan principalmente las conclusiones de esta exposición.

  16. Two new species of Psectrascelis (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae from western Argentina

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    Gustavo E. FLORES


    Full Text Available Se describen dos nuevas especies del género Psectrascelis Solier (Pimeliinae: Nycteliini del oeste de Argentina, P. argentina sp. nov. a gran altitud en la Precordillera de San Juan y P. telteca sp. nov. en la llanura de Mendoza, y se las incluye en la clave mas reciente del género. Se proveen datos sobre la distribución y el hábitat, así como fotografías de los adultos y pronotos y dibujos de los genitalia masculinos.

  17. El poder local en la provincia de Albacete durante la II República y el intervencionismo del gobierno, 1931-1936

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    Manuel REQUENA


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia los diversos procesos electorales de carácter municipal durante la II República en la provincia de Albacete, las constantes interferencias del Gobierno de turno sustituyendo los consistorios democráticamente elegidos por gubernamentales, la lucha por el control del poder local y las medidas adoptadas para resolver los problemas locales y la conflictividad generada.

  18. Measured radon inside housings the Republic Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canoba, A.; Arnaud, M.; Lopez, F.; Oliveira, A.A.


    They have been measured the radon concentration in houses in different city's in Argentina Republic. For they were used it as method mensuration detectors appearances nuclear detecting electrets and detectors based on the adsorption radon in activated carbon

  19. Groundwater Assessment Study for 50 Communities in Southeastern New Hampshire. Appendixes (United States)


    warlso dePosito : ’ i" rim ’" "% .g~ iowf J.IA APe1o1013 : MW......................... .5. 17.8 : ortsimo xx^ mae aesesClay &IA slit, Crw...3.3 3.3 CE131 10. X164. Alt 83 Mt 23 M Usbvtwntk. gin................9 7 ~ * ~3~~~ 9.2 90omeolidtad deposito , I JAd1Sd 𔃺, n15-4. Alt. XIP -%. 2 w se...YIELD - Amount of groundwater that can be withdirawn from an aquifer on a sustained basis econc-nically and legally , without impairing the native

  20. Cultural Diversity: "Reports from Brazil and Argentina"

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    Célia Regina Rossi


    Full Text Available This article tells two experiences of projects carried through in schools of basic education whose thematic it was the work with the cultural diversity, the valuation of other cultures and reflections on the proper culture The work was carried through in two schools: one in the state of São Paulo, the city of Rio Claro where as the thematic one worked was the Hip-Hop and cultural manifestations local Brazilians the second in the capital of a Argentina province, in the city of Paraná where it worked the contact and the relation enter the cultural manifestations of Brazil and Argentina The central objective of this work was to think ways that could lead to the construction of a school that it considered the differences and the learning that happens when these (the differences they are in relation.

  1. Nuevos registros del género Cissampelos (Menispermaceae para la flora Argentina

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    María Peña-Chocarro


    Full Text Available Cissampelos andromorpha DC. y C. arenicolaM. Nee & R. Ortiz se citan por primera vez para la flora Argentina. Se presentan descripciones e imágenes de pliegos de herbario de las especies mencionadas y se actualizan sus distribuciones geográficas. Se incluye una clave para la identificación de las cuatro especies de Cissampelospresentes en Argentina

  2. Conflicto socioambiental y agronegocio: análisis histórico del conflicto en Malvinas Argentinas, Córdoba, Argentina.

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    Leandro Carlos Barros


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre las formas de resistencia surgidas debido a los complejos procesos socioeconómicos y políticos vinculados a la expansión de los agronegocios, en el marco de la consolidación de un capitalismo extractivo en  gran parte de los países de América Latina.  Analizaremos en perspectiva sociohistórica el conflicto socioambiental en la localidad de Malvinas Argentinas, provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, en torno a la pretensión de la empresa Monsanto de radicar allí una planta de procesamiento de maíz transgénico. Para esto, pondremos el foco en la organización en asambleas de los actores sociales movilizados contra la instalación, en las acciones desplegadas y en el carácter multiescalar del conflicto.

  3. La República peregrina: hombres de armas y letras en América Andina, 1810-1884


    Thibaud, Clément


    Del 18 al 20 de mayo de 2005 se realizó en el Instituto de Estudios Peruanos el coloquio internacional «La República peregrina: Hombres de armas y letras en América Andina, 1810-1884». El evento, co-organizado por el Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos y el IEP, reunió durante tres días a una veintena de historiadores especialistas en el siglo XIX, provenientes de todos los países andinos —de Chile hasta Venezuela, pasando por Argentina—, pero también de Inglaterra, Francia y Estados Unidos...

  4. A Grande Guerra e as relações internacionais de Portugal: Da Monarquia à República


    Castaño, David


    Neste artigo procuramos recuperar algumas das ideias que ajudam a explicar a participação portuguesa na Grande Guerra e a opção do Partido Democrático pelo envolvimento do País na frente europeia. Um pleno entendimento da participação portuguesa na Grande Guerra exige não apenas um recuo temporal, mas uma visão abrangente entre dinâmicas internas e externas. Nas primeiras, importa ter em consideração o binómio monarquia/república, e também as profundas divergências que rapidamente dividiram o...

  5. Argentina 1967-70. Un tentativo fallito di stabilizzazione.

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    Full Text Available Between 1950 and 1966 prices in Argentina rose at an average annual rate exceeding 25 percent. There have been several attempts to stabilise the situation, notably in 1966 when the military government took command. This attempt appeared to have considerable initial success, however, by 1970 the inflation rate began to accelerate again. This article describes the nature and characteristics of the stabilisation policy pursued in 1967-69. The author explains why, despite its initial success, in the end it broke down. Implications for the structuralist-monetarist controversy are then drawn. Finally, some conclusions that can be drawn for long-run development strategy and short-run stabilisation policy in Argentina are suggested.JEL: E31, E52, E60

  6. Fruit fly eradication: Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Fruit exports account for 9% of Argentina's total agricultural exports and generate annually close to $450 million. This could be increased but for fruit flies that cause damage equivalent to 15% to 20% of present production value of fruit and also deny export access to countries imposing quarantine barriers. The Department of Technical Co-operation is sponsoring a programme, with technical support from the Joint FAO/IAEA Division, to eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly using the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). (IAEA)

  7. Primer registro de Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) en la Argentina


    Maité MASCIOCCHI; Jacqueline R. BEGGS; James M. CARPENTER; Juan C. CORLEY


    Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus) es un véspido social nativo de la región Holártica. En este trabajo reportamos la primera detección de esta especie en Argentina. Obreras de esta avispa fueron capturadas cerca de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina) en Febrero de 2010, mientras se tomaban muestras de otra avispa invasora, Vespula germanica (Fabricius) o chaqueta amarilla, de morfología externa y hábitos similares a la anteriormente mencionada. Además, detallamos algunos caracteres de i...


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    Julián A. Greppi


    Full Text Available Se describe e ilustra una nueva subespecie de Calibrachoa para Argentina y Brasil: C. linoides subsp. furcata. Se excluye a C. heterophylla de la flora argentina. Se consideran a C. linearis y a Petunia thymifolia f. gracilis como nuevos sinónimos de C. thymifolia y se esclarecen interpretaciones erróneas de dos especies (C. pubescens y C. humilis, previamente citadas para Argentina. Se designan lectotipos para Fabiana thymifolia, Petunia thymifolia f. gracilis y Salpiglossis linearis (= C. thymifolia.

  9. Brasil e Argentina: uma análise do comércio de produtos da Linha Branca

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    Marcelo Gregorio


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este trabalho possui como objetivo analisar o comércio bilateral entre o Brasil e a Argentina, em especial, para os produtos da linha branca. Foi contextualizado os principais acordos entre os dois países, com ênfase, após a união aduaneira oriunda do Mercado Comum do Sul – MERCOSUL, como principal mecanismo para o livre comércio. Neste contexto, utilizou-se do Índice de Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas – IVCR e o Índice de Orientação Regional – IOR, no período que compreende 2002-2011. Pode-se concluir que o Brasil possui evidente competitividade em relação a indústria argentina, em função disso, foi observado no período analisado que o setor de linha branca foi alvo de medidas protecionistas por parte da Argentina. Palavras-chave: comércio, Brasil-Argentina, produtos da linha branca. *** Resumen: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el comercio bilateral entre Brasil y Argentina, en particular para los productos de línea blanca. Fue contextualizado los principales acuerdos entre los dos países, con énfasis, después de la unión aduanera que viene del Mercado Común del Sur - MERCOSUR, como el mecanismo principal para el libre comercio. En este contexto, se utilizó el Índice de Revelado comparativo Advantage - IVCR y el Índice de Orientación regional - IOR, en el período que comprende desde 2002 hasta 2011. Se pudo concluir que Brasil tiene clara competitividad contra la industria argentina, y sobre esta base, se observó durante el período analizado el sector de productos de línea blanca era el objetivo de las medidas proteccionistas de Argentina. Palabras- clave: comercio, Brasil - Argentina, productos de linea blanca. *** Abstract: This work aims to analyze bilateral trade between Brazil and Argentina, in particular, for white goods. Major agreements between the two countries, with emphasis was contextualized, after the coming of the Customs Union Southern Common Market - MERCOSUR, as the main

  10. Políticas públicas para la fruticultura en Argentina, 1930-1943 Public Policies for the Fruit Growing in Argentina, 1930-1943

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    María Silvia Ospital


    Full Text Available El cierre de los mercados internacionales para la producción agraria argentina, consecuencia de la crisis internacional de 1929, obligó al Estado a implantar una serie de medidas alternativas regulatorias de la producción y mercado internistas. Estas prácticas políticas fueron acompañadas por campañas publicitarias que apuntaban a identificar consumo de productos nacionales con una nueva versión del patriotismo. Este artículo se propone realizar algunos aportes sobre esa cuestión, centrándose en las formas en que el Estado nacional -a través del Ministerio de Agricultura- y la dirigencia política y empresarial de la provincia de Mendoza elaboraron la imagen de la Argentina frutícola, productora de uvas de mesa, naranjas y manzanas para el consumo interno, a la vez que la promovían proyectándola como un novedoso renglón de las exportaciones argentinas.The closing of international markets for Argentine agrarian production forced the Government to implement a series of alternative measures such as production and commerce public regulations, bilateral treaties and the rediscovery of possibilities of the domestic market for national products. Those political measures were supplemented by a variety of advertising campaigns aimed at identifying the consumption of domestic products with a new way of patriotism. This paper aims to make contributions to this matter, focusing in the ways in which both the national government -through its agriculture ministry- and the political and corporate leaderships in the province of Mendoza composed the image of Argentina as an important producer of grapes, oranges and apples, while at the same time they stimulated fruit as a new source of the country international commerce.

  11. Bioprospection of marine microorganisms: potential and challenges for Argentina Bioprospección de microorganismos marinos: potencialidades y desafíos para Argentina

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    Hebe M Dionisi


    Full Text Available The marine environments of Argentina have a remarkable extension, as well as high biological productivity and biodiversity of both macro- and microorganisms. Despite having a great potential for biotechnological applications, the microorganisms inhabiting these ecosystems remain mostly unexplored and unexploited. In this review, we study the research topics and the interactions among Argentinean laboratories, by analyzing current articles published on biotechnology-related marine microbiology by researchers of this country. In addition, we identify the challenges and opportunities for Argentina to take advantage of the genetic potential of its marine microorganisms. Finally, we suggest possible actions that could improve the development of this research field, as well as the utilization of this knowledge to solve societal needs.El medio ambiente marino de la Argentina tiene una notable extensión, como así también una alta productividad biológica y biodiversidad de macro y microorganismos. A pesar de presentar un gran potencial para aplicaciones biotecnológicas, los microorganismos que habitan estos ecosistemas permanecen mayormente inexplorados y sus propiedades aún no explotadas. En este trabajo de revisión, estudiamos los temas de investigación y las interacciones entre grupos de investigación argentinos, por medio del análisis de los artículos publicados hasta el momento en temáticas relacionadas con la aplicación biotecnológica de microorganismos marinos. Además, identificamos los desafíos y las oportunidades para que la Argentina tome ventaja del potencial genético de sus microorganismos marinos. Por último, sugerimos posibles acciones que podrían mejorar el desarrollo de este campo de estudio, como así también la utilización de este conocimiento para resolver las necesidades de la sociedad.

  12. Tobacco Industry Dominating National Tobacco Policy Making in Argentina, 1966-2005


    Sebrie, Ernesto M.; Barnoya, Joaquin; Perez-Stable, Eliseo; Glantz, Stanton A.


    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Argentina accounts for 15% of total tobacco consumption in Latin America and has made the epidemiological transition to an advanced stage in the tobacco epidemic. The Southern Cone region of the Americas leads the hemisphere in tobacco attributable mortality. Argentina is a developing country with economic interests in tobacco growing and rapidly increasing tobacco use in urban areas. In 2000, smoking prevalence was 40.4% among adults- 46.8% of men and 34% of wom...

  13. Contabilidad y profesión: la evolución de la profesión de contador público y de las instituciones de enseñanza de la contabilidad en la República Argentina (1794-1960. Particularidades de la región patagónica

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    Walter Carrizo


    Full Text Available La profesión de Contador Público en Argentina ha sufrido grandes transformaciones. Desde los últimos años del siglo XVIII, cuando se advirtió que quienes fueran a desempeñarse en la administración pública o en el comercio debían tener instrucción contable, pasando por las simples prácticas contables que se acreditaban mediante exámenes específicos durante el siglo XIX, hasta la regulación del título habilitante que permitía su ejercicio, a mediados del siglo XX. Esta evolución va de la mano con los cambios económicos experimentados por el país a partir de la década de 1860 y que posibilitó la aparición de instituciones dedicadas a la enseñanza dela contabilidad. Esevidente por cierto, que para entender la evolución de la profesión contable es necesario revisar también cuál ha sido el devenir de la enseñanza de la contabilidad. Si bien internacionalmente se cuenta con material que atestigua el desarrollo de las instituciones dedicadas a la enseñanza de la contabilidad, es reconocido por los propios historiadores en Argentina, un vacío en este tema, más aún en el nivel universitario. Ha sido también escaso  el material encontrado sobre la evolución de la profesión, a pesar de tener una fuerte regulación y presencia en la sociedad argentina. Es así que a través de este  trabajo se buscar comprender cuál ha sido la evolución de la profesión contable y de los estudios de la contabilidad en Argentina entre fines del siglo XVIII y mediados del siglo XX, un período que si bien puede parecer extenso, se considera pertinente su estudio, a raíz de las lagunas investigativas observadas. Se realiza un apartado especial a las consideraciones de la profesión en la Patagonia argentina y en especial en la ciudad de Comodoro Rivadavia[1], dadas sus características de aislamiento y tardío afianzamiento poblacional.   Para la realización de este escrito, se ha recurrido a la revisión bibliográfica del material

  14. A widening gap? The political and social organization of childcare in Argentina. (United States)

    Faur, Eleonor


    This article examines how social policies and programmes implemented in Argentina shape the political and social organization of childcare. The author seeks to analyse how welfare institutions are currently responding to emerging needs, and to what extent they facilitate the defamilialization of childcare for different social classes. Because Argentina lacks a truly unified ‘care policy’, four different kinds of facilities and programmes are examined: employment-based childcare services; pre-school schemes; social assistance care services; and poverty reduction strategies. It is argued that far from offering equal rights and services with a universalist cast, these ‘caring’ institutions reflect the ethos of the current welfare model in Argentina: a fragmented set of social policies based on different assumptions for different social groups, which in turn filter down to the social organization of childcare.

  15. Estimación de la carga de las enfermedades cardiovasculares atribuible a factores de riesgo modificables en Argentina Estimate of the cardiovascular disease burden attributable to modifiable risk factors in Argentina

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    Adolfo Rubinstein


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar la carga de la enfermedad, su proporción atribuible a los principales factores de riesgo cardiovascular modificables y los costos médicos directos por hospitalización, asociados con las enfermedades coronarias y los accidentes cerebrovasculares en Argentina. MÉTODOS: Se elaboró un modelo analítico a partir de los datos de mortalidad en Argentina en 2005 y la prevalencia de los principales factores de riesgo cardiovascular (hipertensión arterial, hipercolesterolemia, sobrepeso, obesidad, hiperglucemia, tabaquismo actual y pasado, sedentarismo y consumo inadecuado de frutas y verduras. Se estimaron la carga de la enfermedad -años potenciales de vida perdidos (APVP y años de vida saludable (AVISA perdidos- y los costos de hospitalización por las enfermedades cardiovasculares analizadas. RESULTADOS: En 2005 se perdieron en Argentina más de 600 000 AVISA y se contabilizaron casi 400 000 APVP por enfermedades coronarias y accidentes cerebrovasculares; 71,1% de los AVISA perdidos, 73,9% de APVP y 76,0% de los costos asociados son atribuibles a facto-res de riesgo modificables. La hipertensión arterial fue el factor de riesgo de mayor impacto, tanto en hombres como en mujeres: 37,3% del costo total, 37,5% de los APVP y 36,6% de los AVISA perdidos. CONCLUSIONES: La mayor parte de la carga de la enfermedad en Argentina por enfermedades cardiovasculares está relacionada con factores de riesgo modificables -por lo tanto evitables- y podría reducirse mediante intervenciones poblacionales y clínicas basadas en un enfoque de riesgo, que ya han demostrado ser efectivas en función del costo, asequibles y factibles en países como Argentina.OBJETIVE: Estimate the burden of disease, the proportion attributable to the principal modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, and the direct medical cost of hospitalization associated with coronary heart disease and stroke in Argentina. METHODOLOGY: An analitical model was prepared using

  16. Catálogo de hongos gasteroides (Basidiomycota de Catamarca, Argentina Catalogue of gasteroid fungi (Basidiomycota from Catamarca, Argentina

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    María Marta Dios


    Full Text Available Se realiza un listado de los hongos gasteroides de la provincia de Catamarca (Argentina basado en la bibliografía hasta abril de 2010. En total aparecen citadas 43 especies distribuidas en 2 órdenes, 4 familias y 13 géneros. El número de especies catalogadas es relativamente baja pero este número probablemente se incremente cuando se estudien las zonas aún no muestreadas como son las regiones fitogeográfícas de la Puna y las Yungas.A compiled check list of gasteroid fungi of Catamarca Province (Argentina was made. It was based on literature records, available until April 2010. There were 43 species of fungi distributed in 2 orders, 4 families and 13 genera. The number of species recorded in this area was relatively poor but it is likely to increase with the study of unexplored areas not yet surveyed as the phytogeographical regions of the Puna and Yungas.

  17. Hombres de letras en la provincia. Producción y comercio de libros en la República de Colombia, 1821-1874

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    Rafael E. Acevedo P.


    Full Text Available Han sido pocos los estudios en la historiografía nacional sobre el proceso de producción y comercialización de libros en la República de Colombia durante el siglo xix. A partir del análisis de las actividades de los impresores, los escritores de textos, los comerciantes y las autoridades políticas en Cartagena, en este artículo se demostrará que la difusión de las letras en la sociedad republicana estuvo sujeta a la dinámica de impresión y comercialización de obras de educación impulsada por los hombres de letras desde las provincias. Esta dinámica se constituyó en la base inicial de la formación de un pequeño mercado editorial en la República y fue posible gracias a los usos de la libertad de imprenta, las demandas de la alfabetización y las negociaciones de los autores con los gobiernos locales y nacionales. Se busca así contribuir al análisis de un problema sobre el que existen escasos trabajos en el contexto regional colombiano.

  18. The heavy water production plant at Arroyito, Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ecabert, R.


    The author describes the construction of an industrial heavy water production plant (Planta Industrial de Agua Pesada, PIAP) in Argentina. The heavy water enrichment is based on a hydrogen/ammonia isotope exchange. (Auth.)

  19. All projects related to Argentina | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Program: Governance and Justice ... Region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Uruguay ... Program: Canada-Israel Health Research Program ... and Twitter are having a direct bearing on social inclusion and opportunity in many ...

  20. Nuevo hospedador de Huequenia livida (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae en Argentina New host record for Huequenia livida (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae in Argentina

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    José María Villacide


    Full Text Available La presencia de adultos de Huequenia livida (Germain, 1898 (Cerambycidae fue detectada en una plantación de Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon var. murrayana (Balf. Engelm. en la localidad de Lago Puelo (Chubut, Argentina. Este es el primer registro del desarrollo de H. livida en una especie hospedadora distinta de Araucaria spp. Esta contribución agrega una nueva especie y una nueva familia al listado de plantas hospedadoras descriptas para este Cerambycidae en Chile.Adult of Huequenia livida (Germain, 1898 (Cerambycidae were captured in a Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon var. murrayana (Balf. Engelm. plantation located in Lago Puelo ( Chubut , Argentina . This is the first mention of the development of H. livida on a host species different than Araucaria spp. This contribution also adds a new host species and family to the list of host plants described for this Cerambycidae in Chile .

  1. All projects related to argentina | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Program: Governance and Justice ... Region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Uruguay ... Program: Food, Environment, and Health ... and Twitter are having a direct bearing on social inclusion and opportunity in many spheres of ...

  2. The Politics of Human Rights in Argentina


    Brysk, Alison


    Revised edition of 1994 out-of-print Stanford University Press study of human rights protest, social change, and democratization in Argentina.  A symbolic politics analysis of the truth commission, trials, and policy reform in Latin America's most sweeping transition of the 1980's.

  3. João do Rio, Repórter da Pobreza na Cidade

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    Denise da Costa Oliveira Siqueira


    Full Text Available Tendo como modelo a Belle Époque parisiense, o Rio de Janeiro, na virada do século XIX para o XX, sofria a transição para uma ordem capitalista urbana. Nesse contexto, o escritor e repórter João Paulo Barreto - o João do Rio - vagou pela cidade, observou parcelas da sociedade que raramente figuravam nas páginas de livros e jornais. No livro A Alma Encantadora das Ruas dedicou um capítulo às várias formas de pobreza e exploração presentes na capital federal. A partir dessa temática, o objetivo deste artigo é estudar as representações da pobreza como apresentadas no livro de João do Rio e paralelamente abordar a questão do texto jornalístico como mediador simbólico - reflexo de um tempo e de uma cultura.

  4. Primera cita de Aleiodes laphygmae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae para Argentina y de su asociación con larvas de Spodoptera eridania (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae First record of Aleiodes laphygmae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae for Argentina and its association with larvae of Spodoptera eridania (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae

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    Liliana Valverde


    Full Text Available Se reporta por primera vez para Argentina Aleiodes laphygmae (Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae y como parasitoide de larvas de Spodoptera eridania (Stoll (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, en plantaciones de soja en la provincia de Tucumán (Argentina. Se provee información biológica como hábitos, hospedadores y distribución.Aleiodes laphygmae (Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, is reported for the first time for Argentina. It is also reported parasitizing larvae of Spodoptera eridania (Stoll (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae in soybeans crops in Tucumán province (Argentina. Biological information on habits, hosts and distribution is provided.

  5. The future of the history of psychology in Argentina and Brazil. (United States)

    Klappenbach, Hugo; Jacó-Vilela, Ana Maria


    This article analyzes the development of the history of psychology in Argentina and Brazil, beginning with the emergence of the history of psychology at the beginning of the 20th century. The paper analyzes that such old historical reconstructions were written by the same authors or institutions that were introducing Psychology in the two countries. That is, the older historical productions in the field of psychology were Whig biased. An analysis of the last 30 years of history of psychology is also provided. The article describes institutional developments, including archives, journals, scientific meetings, and teaching of history of psychology in academic settings. Main groups devoted to history of psychology, both in Argentina and Brazil are described. Finally, it offers some thoughts on the future of history of psychology in the 2 countries. A comparative study between Argentina and Brazil allows to understand strengths and weakness related to institutionalization of History of Psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  6. Toxigenic potential of Fusarium graminearum isolated from maize of northwest Argentina

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    D.A. Sampietro


    Full Text Available Twenty six isolates of Fusarium graminearum from grains of maize hybrids harvested in ±west Argentina were grown on autoclaved rice grain to assess their ability to produce type B trichothecenes. Chemical analysis indicated that 38% of isolates were nivalenol (NIV producers only, 31% were major NIV producers with high DON(deoxynivalenol/NIV ratios, 8% were major DON producers with minor NIV production, and 23% were DON producers only. Isolates showed a high variability in their toxigenic potential which was not related to fungal biomass. The distribution of the different chemotypes as well as the high and the low trichothecene-producing Fusarium isolates could not be associated to a geographical origin. Our results confirmed for the first time that isolates of Fusarium graminearum from maize of northwest Argentina are able to produce DON and NIV. A substancial contamination with both NIV and DON is likely in maize from northwest Argentina. Their contents should be quantified in regional surveillances for mycotoxin contamination.

  7. Primer registro de Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae en la Argentina

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    Full Text Available Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus es un véspido social nativo de la región Holártica. En este trabajo reportamos la primera detección de esta especie en Argentina. Obreras de esta avispa fueron capturadas cerca de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina en Febrero de 2010, mientras se tomaban muestras de otra avispa invasora, Vespula germanica (Fabricius o chaqueta amarilla, de morfología externa y hábitos similares a la anteriormente mencionada. Además, detallamos algunos caracteres de identificación y características biológicas.

  8. Cryptosporidium varanii infection in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) in Argentina. (United States)

    Dellarupe, A; Unzaga, J M; Moré, G; Kienast, M; Larsen, A; Stiebel, C; Rambeaud, M; Venturini, M C


    Cryptosporidiosis is observed in reptiles with high morbidity and considerable mortality. The objective of this study was to achieve the molecular identification of Cryptosporidium spp. in pet leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) from a breeder colony in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Oocysts comparable to those of Cryptosporidium spp. were detected in three geckos with a history of diarrhea, anorexia and cachexia. Molecular identification methods confirmed the presence of Cryptosporidium varanii (syn. C. saurophilum). This agent was considered to be the primary cause of the observed clinical disease. This is the first description of C. varanii infection in pet reptiles in Argentina.

  9. Cryptosporidium varanii infection in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius in Argentina

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    A. Dellarupe


    Full Text Available Cryptosporidiosis is observed in reptiles with high morbidity and considerable mortality. The objective of this study was to achieve the molecular identification of Cryptosporidium spp. in pet leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius from a breeder colony in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Oocysts comparable to those of Cryptosporidium spp. were detected in three geckos with a history of diarrhea, anorexia and cachexia. Molecular identification methods confirmed the presence of Cryptosporidium varanii (syn. C. saurophilum. This agent was considered to be the primary cause of the observed clinical disease. This is the first description of C. varanii infection in pet reptiles in Argentina.

  10. El financiamiento bancario de las PYMES en Argentina (2002 - 2009)


    Cecilia Allami; Alan Cibils


    Entre 2003 y 2007, la economía argentina experimentó una de las fases de crecimiento más intensas y extensas de las últimas décadas. En este nuevo escenario, las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) tuvieron un notable desempeño económico y recuperaron el dinamismo que habían perdido en la década anterior. No obstante, la limitación de acceso a los mercados de crédito por parte de las PYMES en Argentina es un fenómeno ampliamente reconocido, que compromete las posibilidades de crecimiento y e...

  11. El financiamiento bancario de las PYMEs en Argentina (2002-2009)


    Allami, Cecilia; Cibils, Alan


    Entre 2003 y 2007, la economía argentina experimentó una de las fases de crecimiento más intensas y extensas de las últimas décadas. En este nuevo escenario, las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs) tuvieron un notable desempeño económico y recuperaron el dinamismo que habían perdido en la década anterior. No obstante, la limitación de acceso a los mercados de crédito por parte de las PYMEs en Argentina es un fenómeno ampliamente reconocido, que compromete las posibilidades de crecimiento y e...

  12. Potestades Administrativas para Denegar Solicitudes de Derechos de Aguas Subterráneas y Retroactividad: Dictamen N° 5.215, de la Contraloría General de la República, de 31 de enero de 2006


    Vergara Blanco, Alejandro


    Comenta favorablemente el autor un dictamen de la Contraloría General de la República relativo al otorgamiento de derechos de aprovechamiento de aguas por la Dirección General de Aguas, en el cual se precisan las causales de denegación de su concesión y asimismo se aclara la limitada retroactividad de la reciente Ley Nº 20.017, de 2005, modificatoria del Código de Aguas. The autor comments favourably upon a decision from the Contraloría General de la República (the Chilean Authority whose ...

  13. RERTR activities in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adelfang, P.; Alvarez, L.; Boero, N.; Calabrese, R.; De La Fuente, M.; Echenique, P.; Markiewicz, M.; Pasqualini, E.; Perez, A.; Piazza, A.; Ruggirello, G.; Taboada, H.


    The Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina has been involved in the Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors Program since 1978. The most relevant milestones of the program, regarding fuel R and D activities, were the development and manufacturing at industrial scale of U 3 O 8 dispersed fuel assemblies and the conversion of the RA-3 reactor core to LEU fuel. More recently, the activities were focused in the development of high density U 3 Si 2 fuel with a density of 4.8 gU/cm 3 and the improvement of the manufacturing process of U 3 Si 2 powder. Currently one of the main objectives is to develop and qualify the technology for the production of high-density LEU fuel elements using U-Mo alloy. Several alternative ways to obtain U-Mo powder are under development with the aim of evaluating plant scale production and costs. To boost this program the main research reactor of Argentina, the RA-3, will be upgraded to 10 MW early in 2001 and the hot cells at the Ezeiza Atomic Center are fully operational after important investments. Significant progresses were also carried out in the development of LEU targets for the production of Mo 99 . Experimental work has demonstrated the feasibility of the manufacturing and radiochemical processing of miniplate targets prepared with dispersed UAl x , maintaining the geometry and the alkaline processing of the HEU targets used so far. (author)

  14. Education in acoustics in Argentina (United States)

    Miyara, Federico


    Over the last decades, education in acoustics (EA) in Argentina has experienced ups and downs due to economic and political issues interfering with long term projects. Unlike other countries, like Chile, where EA has reached maturity in spite of the acoustical industry having shown little development, Argentina has several well-established manufacturers of acoustic materials and equipment but no specific career with a major in acoustics. At the university level, acoustics is taught as a complementary--often elective--course for careers such as architecture, communication engineering, or music. In spite of this there are several research centers with programs covering environmental and community noise, effects of noise on man, acoustic signal processing, musical acoustics and acoustic emission, and several national and international meetings are held each year in which results are communicated and discussed. Several books on a variety of topics such as sound system, architectural acoustics, and noise control have been published as well. Another chapter in EA is technical and vocational education, ranging between secondary and postsecondary levels, with technical training on sound system operation or design. Over the last years there have been several attempts to implement master degrees in acoustics or audio engineering, with little or no success.

  15. Un ministro para la Defensa de la República desde el exilio : Juan Hernández Saravia

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    Manuela Aroca Mohedano


    Full Text Available La nueva situación internacionai surgida tras el final de la II Guerra Mundial propició la recuperación de las instituciones republicanas españolas en el exilio. Juan Hernández Saravia, un militar profesional, azañista y republicano, será el ministro de la Defensa Nacional de la República Española. Entre posibilidades reales y utopías, a caballo entre la defensa a ultranza de la legalidad y la protección de los movimientos clandestinos antifranquistas, en medio de las disensiones de los militares exiliados dispersos en varios continentes, discurrirá la actuación de un Ministerio que tendrá como objetivo principal la recuperación del ejército para la futura restaurada República y que verá truncadas sus expectativas por la aparición en el panorama mundial de los primeros.A Minister in exile for tfie Republic Defence: Juan Hernández Saravia The new International situation arisen after the end of the Second World War led to the recovery of Spanish Republic Institutions in exile. Juan Hernández Saravia, an army officer, republican and adherent to Azaña, became the National Defence Minister of Spanish Republic. Among real possibilities and utopia, halfway between a vigorous legality defence and the protection of clandestino movements against Franco's dictatorship, the main objective of this Ministery was the army recovery for the futuro restoring Republic, but the early Cold War shattered these prospects.

  16. Especies del género Tamarix (Tamaricaceae invadiendo ambientes naturales y seminaturales en Argentina Tamarix species (Tamaricaceae invading natural and seminatural habitats in Argentina

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    E. S. Natale


    Full Text Available El género Tamarix incluye especies con antecedentes como invasores agresivos en ambientes naturales de Estados Unidos, México y Australia. Su presencia en Argentina es conocida desde hace mucho tiempo, cultivado como ornamental, cortina corta-vientos o para sombra o creciendo de manera espontánea. Estudios previos citan un número variable de especies del género como cultivadas en el país, este trabajo aclara confusiones relacionadas con sinonimias, confirmando la presencia de cuatro especies en el país: T. gallica, T. ramosissima, T. chinensis y T. parviflora, las tres primeras registradas colonizando ambientes naturales o seminaturales. Se describen las especies del género citadas para Argentina y se provee una clave para su identificación. Se presenta la distribución conocida hasta el momento del género y se incluyen mapas con la ubicación de poblaciones establecidas e invasoras de cada especie a nivel nacional.The genus Tamarix includes species behaving as aggressive invaders in the USA, México and Australia. Previous studies report a variable number of species of this genus cultivated in Argentina as ornamentals, wind-break or for shadow, or growing spontaneously. This work makes clear some confusion related to synonyms and confirms the presence of four species in our country: T. gallica, T. ramosissima, T. chinensis and T. parviflora, the former three recorded colonizing natural and semi-natural habitats. A description of these species is given, together with a key for their identification, and information of their geographical distribution in Argentina, including maps showing the occurrence of established and invasive populations.

  17. A new species of Miroculis (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae from NE Argentina Una nueva especie de Miroculis (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae del NE de Argentina

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    Eduardo Domínguez


    Full Text Available The genus Miroculis Edmunds has species described from Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela and Suriname, with additional records from other countries in northern South America. In this paper, Miroculis (Ommaethus misionensis sp. nov. is described from male and female imagos from Misiones Province, NE Argentina. This constitutes the Southernmost record for the genus.El género Miroculis Edmunds tiene especies registradas en Brasil, Colombia, Perú, Venezuela y Surinam, con registros adicionales de otros países en el norte de América del Sur. En este trabajo se describe la especie Miroculis (Ommaethus misionensis sp. nov. de machos y hembras imago, de la provincia de Misiones, en el Noreste de Argentina, lo que constituye el registro más austral para el género.

  18. Status of the forensically important genus Ophyra (Diptera: Muscidae in Argentina Estado del género de importancia forense Ophyra (Diptera: Muscidae en Argentina

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    Luciano D. Patitucci


    Full Text Available The genus Ophyra Robineau-Desvoidy is a necrophagous group of Muscidae distributed in warm climates worldwide. The information here presented is based on the compilation of distributional data obtained from material of different collections and bibliography for Argentina. Ophyra albuquerquei Lopes, Ophyra capensis (Wiedemann, Ophyra chalcogaster (Wiedemann and Ophyra solitaria Albuquerque were recorded for the first time for the country. A key for the Argentinean species is presented. Biological and forensic data of species are discussed.El género Ophyra Robineau-Desvoidy es un grupo de múscidos necrófagos distribuidos en los climas cálidos de todo el mundo. La información aquí presentada se basa en la recopilación de datos de distribución, obtenida a partir del material de diferentes colecciones y bibliografía para la Argentina. Ophyra albuquerquei Lopes, Ophyra capensis (Wiedemann, Ophyra chalcogaster (Wiedemann y Ophyra solitaria Albuquerque se registraron por primera vez para el país. Se presenta una clave para las especies argentinas. Se discuten los datos biológicos y forenses de las distintas especies.

  19. How Belgium helped establish a surveillance programme for Argentina's Atucha-2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mitev, Lubomir [NucNet, Brussels (Belgium)


    Collaboration between Belgian experts and Argentina on the commissioning of Argentine reactors helped overcome problems caused by delays with construction. Marc Scibetta, deputy manager for nuclear materials science, from the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) gave an interview in which he told some facts to Lubomir Mitev of NucNet. The cooperation between SCK CEN an Argentina's Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (CNEA) started in 2002. The first project was a support for the safety evaluation of the Atucha-1 reactor pressure vessel. When Argentina resumed the construction of Atucha-2 in 2006 - originally, construction started in 1981 but was suspended in 1985 due to financial reasons -, SCK CEN was asked to develop and implement a surveillance programme for the unit.

  20. Argentina: Corrupción, dependencia y medios

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    Alicia Simeoni


    Full Text Available Señala la autora que los medios con factores de poder pero no son parte del poder mismo. Analiza la corrupción en el gobierno de Menem (1989 Argentina, el caso Swiftgate y más hechos de corrupción.

  1. Urban agriculture: Rosario, Argentina reaps the benefits | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Oct 6, 2010 ... Urban agriculture: Rosario, Argentina reaps the benefits ... Urban agriculture has become a permanent part of the city's fabric, ... The Global Roundtable of Chief Economists highlights global trends and best practices to help ...

  2. The industrial nuclear fuel cycle in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koll, J.H.; Kittl, J.E.; Parera, C.A.; Coppa, R.C.; Aguirre, E.J.


    The nuclear power program of Argentina for the period 1976-85 is described, as a basis to indicate fuel requirements and the consequent implementation of a national fuel cycle industry. Fuel cycle activities in Argentina were initiated as soon as 1951-2 in the prospection and mining activities through the country. Following this step, yellow-cake production was initiated in plants of limited capacity. National production of uranium concentrate has met requirements up to the present time, and will continue to do so until the Sierra Pintada Industrial Complex starts operation in 1979. Presently, there is a gap in local production of uranium dioxide and fuel elements for the Atucha power station, which are produced abroad using Argentine uranium concentrate. With its background, the argentine program for the installation of nuclear fuel cycle industries is described, and the techno-economical implications considered. Individual projects are reviewed, as well as the present and planned infrastructure needed to support the industrial effort [es

  3. Spent fuel management of NPPs in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alvarez, D.E.; Lee Gonzalez, H.M.


    There are two Nuclear Power Plants in operation in Argentina: 'Atucha I' (unique PHWR design) in operation since 1974, and 'Embalse' (typical Candu reactor) which started operation in 1984. Both NPPs are operated by 'Nucleoelectrica Argentina S.A' which is responsible for the management and interim storage of spent fuel till the end of the operative life of the plants. A third NPP, 'Atucha II' is under construction, with a similar design of Atucha I. The legislative framework establishes that after final shutdown of a NPP the spent fuel will be transferred to the 'National Atomic Energy Commission', which is also responsible for the decommissioning of the Plants. In Atucha I, the spent fuel is stored underwater, until another option is implemented meanwhile in Embalse the spent fuel is stored during six years in pools and then it is moved to a dry storage. A decision about the fuel cycle back-end strategy will be taken before year 2030. (authors)

  4. Argentina and Brazil: an evolving nuclear relationship

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redick, J.R.


    Argentina and Brazil have Latin America's most advanced nuclear research and power programs. Both nations reject the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and have not formally embraced the Tlatelolco Treaty creating a regional nuclear-weapon-free zone. Disturbing ambiguities persist regarding certain indigenous nuclear facilities and growing nuclear submarine and missile capabilities. For these, and other reasons, the two nations are widely considered potential nuclear weapon states. However both nations have been active supporters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and have, in recent years, assumed a generally responsible position in regard to their own nuclear export activities (requiring IAEA safeguards). Most important, however, has been the advent of bilateral nuclear cooperation. This paper considers the evolving nuclear relationship in the context of recent and dramatic political change in Argentina and Brazil. It discusses current political and nuclear developments and the prospects for maintaining and expanding present bilateral cooperation into an effective non-proliferation arrangement. (author)

  5. Public information activities in Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Espejo, Hector


    This is a presentation involving a description of the main guidelines and conditions under which nuclear activities have been performed in Argentina, both concerning the autonomous development for the peaceful use of nuclear energy and with regard to the way in which the community was informed of the attained levels. The particulars of each approach are shown as to delineate historical evolution as a function of the various stages of technological development. (author)

  6. The text of the agreement between the Agency and Argentina relating to the application of safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Agreement between the Republic of Argentina, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards came into force on 4 March 1994. As a result of the coming into force of the aforesaid Agreement for Argentina, the application of safeguards under the Agreement of 23 October 1973 between Argentina and the IAEA relating to the application of safeguards has been suspended

  7. U.S. Rep. Dave Weldon outside the U.S. Lab Destiny in the SSPF. (United States)


    In the Space Station Processing Facility, U.S. Rep Dave Weldon (at left) looks at the U.S. Lab, called Destiny. With him are Thomas R. 'Randy' Galloway, with the Space Station Hardware Integration Office, Dana Gartzke, the congressman's chief of staffm and Boeing workers. Weldon is on the House Science Committee and vice chairman of the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee. Destiny is scheduled to be launched on Space Shuttle Endeavour in early 2000. It will become the centerpiece of scientific research on the ISS, with five equipment racks aboard to provide essential functions for station systems, including high data-rate communications, and to maintain the station's orientation using control gyroscopes launched earlier. Additional equipment and research racks will be installed in the laboratory on subsequent Shuttle flights.

  8. Tributación del Sector Transporte en Argentina


    Ernesto Rezk


    El objetivo general es examinar la carga tributaria efectiva sobre los servicios y las inversiones en infraestructura en los sectores de actividad del Transporte de Carga Terrestre (por camión) y Aéreo en la Argentina.

  9. Influencia del campo magnético sobre el crecimiento de microorganismos patógenos ambientales aislados en el Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba

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    Matilde Anaya


    Conclusión. Se concluyó que el campo magnético aplicado tuvo un efecto estimulante sobre los microorganismos estudiados, lo cual potencia el riesgo para la salud del personal y los visitantes del Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba.

  10. Adding seismic broadband analysis to characterize Andean backarc seismicity in Argentina (United States)

    Alvarado, P.; Giuliano, A.; Beck, S.; Zandt, G.


    Characterization of the highly seismically active Andean backarc is crucial for assessment of earthquake hazards in western Argentina. Moderate-to-large crustal earthquakes have caused several deaths, damage and drastic economic consequences in Argentinean history. We have studied the Andean backarc crust between 30°S and 36°S using seismic broadband data available from a previous ("the CHARGE") IRIS-PASSCAL experiment. We collected more than 12 terabytes of continuous seismic data from 22 broadband instruments deployed across Chile and Argentina during 1.5 years. Using free software we modeled full regional broadband waveforms and obtained seismic moment tensor inversions of crustal earthquakes testing for the best focal depth for each event. We also mapped differences in the Andean backarc crustal structure and found a clear correlation with different types of crustal seismicity (i.e. focal depths, focal mechanisms, magnitudes and frequencies of occurrence) and previously mapped terrane boundaries. We now plan to use the same methodology to study other regions in Argentina using near-real time broadband data available from the national seismic (INPRES) network and global seismic networks operating in the region. We will re-design the national seismic network to optimize short-period and broadband seismic station coverage for different network purposes. This work is an international effort that involves researchers and students from universities and national government agencies with the goal of providing more information about earthquake hazards in western Argentina.

  11. Vacuna contra la fiebre hemorrágica argentina Candid#1 producida en la Argentina: Inmunogenicidad y seguridad Candid#1 vaccine against Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever produced in Argentina: Immunogenicity and safety

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    Delia A. Enria


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio clínico en 946 voluntarios humanos sanos, donde se comparó la vacuna Candid#1 producida en Argentina con la elaborada en EE.UU., que había sido utilizada en estudios previos. Como objetivo primario se evaluó la equivalencia en la eficacia utilizando como marcador subrogante a la inmunogenicidad medida por detección de anticuerpos neutralizantes. Como objetivo secundario se evaluó la equivalencia en inocuidad comparando las tasas de reacciones adversas. Ambas vacunas mostraron una tasa equivalente de inmunogenicidad ligeramente superior al 95.5%, que es la eficacia estimada para Candid #1 en estudios previos. No se observaron eventos adversos graves relacionados con la vacuna. Los eventos adversos generales considerados relacionados fueron de escasa significación clínica y de resolución espontánea o con tratamiento sintomático; se presentaron en los receptores de ambas vacunas en tasas equivalentes (29.9% para la vacuna fabricada en la Argentina y 35.0% para la fabricada en EE.UU., e incluyeron: cefalea, decaimiento, mialgias, plaquetopenia leve (A clinical study in 946 human volunteers was done to compare Candid #1 vaccine manufactured in Argentina with the vaccine produced in USA that had been previously used. The efficacy was evaluated using immunogenicity measured by the detection of neutralizing antibodies as a subrogate marker. Safety was evaluated comparing the rate of adverse events. Both vaccines showed a comparable rate of seroconversion, slighty higher than the efficacy estimated from previous studies (95.5%. There were no severe adverse events related to the vaccines. The general events considered related to the vaccines were not clinically relevant and disappeared either spontaneously or with symptomatic treatment. Similar rates of adverse events (29.9% for the Argentine vaccine and 35.0% for the USA vaccine were found for both vaccines. These included: headache, weakness, myalgias, mild low blood

  12. Argentina and Brazil's Relations to the EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Steen Fryba

    Analysen diskuterer Argentina og Brasiliens relationer til EU i nyere tid med udgangspunkt i forhandlingerne om en associeringsaftale mellem EU og Mercosur, der igangsattes efter underskrivelsen af en bi-regional rammeaftale i 1995. Fokus er i særlig grad på, hvordan disse relationer bedst forstås...

  13. Argentina - Women Weaving Equitable Gender Relations


    Stubbs, Josefina


    In 2001, after a long period of recession, Argentina faced the greatest economic, political, and institutional crisis in its history. Unemployment reached levels nearing 18 percent and the poverty rate reached a peak of 58 percent in 2002, increasing twofold the number of people living the poverty line and impacting in a disproportionate manner the most vulnerable and poverty stricken fami...

  14. State regulation of nuclear sector: comparative study of Argentina and Brazil models; Regulacao estatal do setor nuclear: estudo comparativo dos modelos da Argentina e do Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monteiro Filho, Joselio Silveira


    This research presents a comparative assessment of the regulation models of the nuclear sector in Argentina - under the responsibility of the Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear (ARN), and Brazil - under the responsibility of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), trying to identify which model is more adequate aiming the safe use of nuclear energy. Due to the methodology adopted, the theoretical framework resulted in criteria of analysis that corresponds to the characteristics of the Brazilian regulatory agencies created for other economic sector during the State reform staring in the middle of the nineties. Later, these criteria of analysis were used as comparison patterns between the regulation models of the nuclear sectors of Argentina and Brazil. The comparative assessment showed that the regulatory structure of the nuclear sector in Argentina seems to be more adequate, concerning the safe use of nuclear energy, than the model adopted in Brazil by CNEN, because its incorporates the criteria of functional, institutional and financial independence, competence definitions, technical excellence and transparency, indispensable to the development of its functions with autonomy, ethics, exemption and agility. (author)

  15. La incipiente formación de la identidad popular en el primer kirchnerismo en Argentina (2003-2007

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    Sebastián Barbosa


    Full Text Available This Paper analyses discursive formation realized for government in Argentina 2003-2007 for lustered the form that the Kirchnerism in Argentina presents like popular identity. The approach intent supersede macro politics investigations for include in a new analytics line, discursive, capable to light the specifically dynamics who a government form your politic identity. The hypothesis affirms discursive formations in Argentina are like populist at the Laclau theoretical model in your hegemony theory.

  16. The Politics of Access to Higher Education in Argentina and Brazil: A Comparative Analysis (United States)

    Fernandes Nogueira, Jaana Flavia


    Historically, higher education has played an important role in the development of societies. Indeed, this has been the case in both Argentina and Brazil. The overall goal of this dissertation is to examine the historical development and the current situation of higher education in Argentina and Brazil. In relation to history, it discusses the…

  17. Novidades taxonômicas em Maytenus (Celastraceae para a flora da Argentina

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    Leonardo Biral


    Full Text Available No decorrer dos estudos taxonômicos de Maytenus Molina desenvolvidos pelo autor para a América do Sul, novidades taxonômicas para a flora argentina são apresentadas. Essas novidades incluem três sinonimizações, cinco lectotipificações e um novo registro de ocorrência no país. Dessa forma objetiva-se atualizar as informações disponíveis sobre o presente táxon na Argentina.

  18. [First report of Echinococcus vogeli in a paca in Misiones province, Argentina]. (United States)

    Vizcaychipi, Katherina A; Helou, Marcia; Dematteo, Karen; Macchiaroli, Natalia; Cucher, Marcela; Rosenzvit, Mara; D'Alessandro, Antonio


    We report the first finding of Echinococcus vogeli in a paca, Cuniculus paca, in the tropical forest of Misiones, in the north of Argentina. The presence of the bush dog, Speothos venaticus, E. vogelís only natural definitive host, was also reported. The polycystic hydatids, 2 to 3 cm in diameter, were only found in the liver of an adult paca. The size range of the hooks and the relative proportion blade/handle did not show significant differences with respect to the ones reported for E. vogeli. The size of E. granulosus hooks, measured for comparison purposes, was significantly smaller (p E. vogeli in Argentina. The probability of finding neotropical echinococcosis in humans reinforces the need to expand the search for E. vogeli in Argentina. Echinococcosis due to E. vogeli is very aggressive and may cause death in about a third of the human population affected.

  19. Foreign and Domestic Investment in Argentina: The Politics of Privatized Infrastructure, By Alison E. Post

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manzetti, Luigi


    Book review of: Alison E. Post: Foreign and Domestic Investment in Argentina: The Politics of Privatized Infrastructure. Cambridge, 2014. 266 p. ISBN: 9781107048041......Book review of: Alison E. Post: Foreign and Domestic Investment in Argentina: The Politics of Privatized Infrastructure. Cambridge, 2014. 266 p. ISBN: 9781107048041...

  20. Argentina

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    G. Benedetti


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un diagnóstico ambiental de un sector de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina basado en el arbolado urbano de alineación. El arbolado constituye un componente fundamental de los paisajes artifi ciales ya que contribuye al aumento del confort y al mejoramiento de la calidad del medio. En este sentido, actúa como un factor moderador de las condiciones climáticas, la contaminación y la salud de la población. El municipio de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca tiene como proyecto la realización de inventarios del arbolado en los distintos barrios, para lograr optimizar la relación entre la cantidad de ejemplares arbóreos y la densidad poblacional. Es importante considerar la variedad de ejemplares en función del uso del suelo y de las características ambientales de cada sector. Por lo tanto, este trabajo presenta un diseño metodológico para la elaboración del plano verde de la ciudad.

  1. Rights questioned. Limitations of poverty-reduction policies in Argentina. (United States)

    Faur, Eleonor; Campos, Luis; Pautassi, Laura; Zimerman, Silvina


    This article analyses, from a human rights' approach, a group of social programmes implemented in Argentina from the year 2002, at the time of the biggest socioeconomic crisis that the country has suffered in the last decades. The main characteristics of the programmes are reviewed, and their anti-poverty strategy, along with design and implementation, are evaluated in relation to human rights. An assessment is also made of the existence of mechanisms for citizens to present claims. Finally, a set of recommendations are made to facilitate the adaptation of the programmes analysed to the duties the State of Argentina has as result of its adherence to international laws on human rights. The analytical methodology proposed by this article could be applied to other policy areas.

  2. Aliados, tránsfugas y barrilitos: las elecciones legislativas de 2010 en República Dominicana

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    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza las claves explicativas de los resultados de las elecciones legislativas y municipales de 2010 en República Dominicana así como de la reciente transformación que ha experimentado el sistema de partidos dominicano, del tripartidismo al bipartidismo plural. El liderazgo del presidente Leonel Fernández, su imagen, popularidad y pragmatismo son la clave del éxito electoral del PLD, favorecido también por el faccionalismo endémico del PRD y la descomposición progresiva del PRSC. En esta contienda, el PLD consolida su dominio electoral gracias al apoyo de los partidos minoritarios y se asegura el control del Legislativo durante los próximos seis años.

  3. El debate entre liberales y conservadores en Centroamérica : distintos medios para un objetivo connún, la construcción de una república de ciudadanos (1821-1900

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Alda Mejías


    Full Text Available La aspiración común de los liberales y los conservadores en Centroamérica en el siglo XIX fue construir una república representativa de ciudadanos instruidos y formados. La diferencia radico en cómo realizar este proceso de transformación. Este debate determinó en buena parte la evolución de la ciudadanía y los diferentes modelos de república implantados a lo largo del siglo XIX en la región. Mediante el estudio comparado de la legislación electoral y los textos constitucionales se comprueba la existencia de tres modelos de república diferentes en coherencia con la forma en que ambos grupos concibieron la forma, el ritmo y los medios para lograr un objetivo compartido por ambos.The common goal of liberals and conservatives In Centroamérica during the nineteeth century was the construction of a representative republic constituted by formed and instructed citizens. Tfie difference among them was how to perform this transformation process. The debate determined basically the evolution of citizenship and the distinctive modela of republican order implanted during the century. Through the comparative analysis of electoral legislatlon and ttie Cartas Magnas can be preved tfie existence of three different republican models according withi tlie common goal of the two already mentioned groups.

  4. Sudden death syndrome of soybean in Argentina (United States)

    Sudden death syndrome (SDS) is one of the most common and widely spread root disease affecting soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in Argentina where it is an economically important crop. This disease was first discovered in this country in 1992 in the Pampas Region, and the following year in Northwest...

  5. Inequidad social, lugar de residencia y muerte prematura por cualquier causa en la Argentina

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    Alejandro Macchia


    Full Text Available Introducción: Aunque recientemente se reportó la relación entre la muerte prematura y la condición socioeconómica en laArgentina, no existen análisis sobre el impacto que dicha condición tiene en distintas regiones del país.Objetivo: Describir el impacto que la condición socioeconómica presentó sobre la incidencia de muerte prematura en las distintasprovincias de la Argentina durante el período 2000-2010. Material y métodos: Se utilizó un modelo ecológico, que evaluó las tasas estandarizadas de muerte prematura (≤ 74 añosdurante el período 2000-2010. Asimismo, se examinó la relación entre la condición socioeconómica medida en deciles denecesidades básicas insatisfechas por departamento geográfico y la muerte prematura. La unidad de análisis fueron los 512departamentos de la Argentina y las 15 comunas de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Resultados: La condición socioeconómica estuvo significativamente asociada con la muerte prematura en la Argentina durante el período analizado. En todas las provincias y regiones se observó un gradiente lineal entre la muerte precoz y la condición socioeconómica. Sin embargo, la pendiente de desigualdad entre los componentes de la condición socioeconómica varió significativamente entre los distintos departamentos. Mientras que en toda la Argentina la diferencia absoluta en la tasa estandarizada de muerte prematura entre los componentes extremos de condición socioeconómica fue de 10 muertes (rango:7,81-12,36 por cada 10.000 personas por año, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires esa diferencia fue de 61 muertes (rango: 53-69.Las comunas del sur de la ciudad de Buenos Aires fueron las zonas con mayor desigualdad social y sanitaria de la Argentina. Conclusiones: Aunque la inequidad social tuvo un impacto significativo en la muerte prematura en todo el período en toda la Argentina, la ciudad de Buenos Aires se mostró como la región más desigual.

  6. A outra juventude radicalizada: o anticomunismo na Argentina e no Chile (1959-1973 = The other radicalised youth: anti-communism in Argentina and Chile (1959-1973

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    Bohoslavsky, Ernesto


    Full Text Available A imagem dominante sobre os anos sessenta no Cone Sul faz referência aos processos de insubordinação social desenvolvidos por setores da população rural, trabalhadores urbanos e jovens de ambos os sexos, desencantados com a política formal e desejosos de promover mudanças sociais profundas. Entretanto, é possível identificar outra série de atores que também recorreram a um repertório de ações políticas de forte impacto público, mas sediados em uma coordenada ideológica completamente diversa. Este artigo revisa algumas das práticas e discursos de grupos de jovens incorporados às organizações de direita radical na Argentina e no Chile entre 1959 e 1973. Concentra-se no Movimiento gremialista, na juventude do Partido Nacional, na Frente Nacionalista Patria y Libertad (do Chile, no Movimiento Nacionalista Tacuara e na juventude da Federación Argentina de Entidades Democráticas Anticomunistas (da Argentina. Esta pesquisa comparativa consultou distintas fontes: imprensa comercial, jornais partidários e relatórios de órgãos de inteligência policial

  7. [The psychologists in Argentina. Quantitative data]. (United States)

    Alonso, M M


    A partial report from a study dealing with Psychology's current status in Argentina is presented. Pursuant to this preliminary study 36,128 psychologists have taken their degree at both State and private universities in Argentina--between 1956, when the first Department of Psychology was created, and 1992. So, over a 32.5-million population (as per the 1991 census), there is a psychologist every 897 inhabitants, or 111 psychologists every 100,000 inhabitants. According to psychologists' geographical distribution, the highest density is to be found in the capital city of Buenos Aires (one psychologist every 246 inhabitants) while the lowest density is to be found in the Province of Chaco (one psychologist every 17,465 inhabitants). During year 1993, a total of 26,726 students have been studying Psychology at the different Argentine universities: Of these, 6,858 have taken their Psychology degree during this academic year. A great majority of psychologists work in the clinical field, being Psychoanalysis their prominent theoretical orientation. Ladies psychologists supposedly account for 85% of the overall number of psychologists. Psychological Associations have 24,878 active psychologists recorded, of which a great majority work in the clinical field.

  8. Mesa redonda: Argentina en proyectos globales de investigaciones espaciales y astronómicas. Astronomía óptica en Argentina (United States)

    Folatelli, G.


    This is a brief summary of the current status of observational astronomy in the optical range in Argentina, as seen by the author. This roundtable presentation aimed at setting off the discussion within the community about the issue of observational facilities and its posible solutions.

  9. La marca país Argentina como herramienta cultural para el desarrollo económico


    Amado Cuesta, Gisselle Catalina


    Argentina, uno de los países más visitados de América Latina deja al descubierto su marca país " Argentina Late con vos". Un mecanismo de política exterior con el cual el país ha obtenido grandes beneficios económicos.

  10. The Text of the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with a Co-operation Agreement between Argentina and Canada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Agreement of 30 January 1976 between the Governments of Argentina and Canada for co-operation in the development and application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Agreement entered into force, pursuant to Section 31, on 22 July 1977.

  11. The Text of the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with a Co-operation Agreement between Argentina and Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The text of the Agreement of 22 July 1977 between Argentina and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Agreement of 30 January 1976 between the Governments of Argentina and Canada for co-operation in the development and application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Agreement entered into force, pursuant to Section 31, on 22 July 1977.

  12. Development of solar energy education IASEE-Argentina, Arquisur and Alfa-built

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schiller, S. de; Evans, J.M.


    Three educational experiences are presented in this paper on the development of national and regional networks to incorporate renewable energy in curricular programmes. IASEE-Argentina, established in 1990 as the National Section of IASEE, the International Association for Solar Energy Education, was designated in 1993 as the Education Working Group of ASADES, the Argentine Association of Solar Energy. It holds annual meetings to coincide with the ASADES conference. Arquisur is a regional network established by Architectural Faculties of State Universities within the Mercosur Region, covering Argentina, southern Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, to promote exchange and development between the 19 faculties involved. A Working Group set up by Arquisur with members from four countries developed the programme for short post-graduate courses on bioclimatic design and rational energy use in buildings, which has been given in Argentina and Uruguay. Alfa-Built, a project supported by the European Union for promoting academic exchange in the field of energy efficient building is also introduced. This paper presents the development and initial results of these educational experiences. (author)

  13. [Detection of Chlamydia abortus in bovine reproductive losses in the province of La Pampa, Argentina]. (United States)

    Rojas, María Del C; Fort, Marcelo; Bettermann, Simone; Entrocassi, Carolina; Costamagna, Sixto R; Sachse, Konrad; Rodríguez Fermepin, Marcelo


    Reproductive losses linked to an infectious etiology in bovine cattle are a major economic concern worldwide. In Argentina, more than 50% of abortion cases have unknown causes. Species belonging to Chlamydiaceae family are frequent etiologic agents of abortion around the world; however, there is yet no information on their prevalence in Argentina. The objective of this work was to identify Chlamydia spp., and particularly C. abortus in reproductive losses from bovine cattle in La Pampa, Argentina. Real time PCR targeting Chlamydiaceae-specific DNA fragments was performed on 251 samples obtained from bovine abortions and stillborns, and ArrayTube was used for species identification on positive samples. Chlamydiaceae DNA was detected in 12 samples of aborted fetuses (4.78%), 83.33% (10/12) accounting for abortions and 16.66% (2/12) for stillborns. C. abortus was detected by ArrayTube in 5 cases (1.99% of all samples, and 41.67% of Chlamydiaceae positive samples). This study shows the first detection of Chlamydiaceae and C. abortus DNA on reproductive losses of bovine cattle in Argentina, and the described prevalence value (4.78%) should be taken as baseline value due to the type of samples analyzed. Detection of genetic material from Chlamydiaceae not matching any of the studied species could be due to intraspecies variants or local species not yet described. Further research on Chlamydia infections in bovine cattle in Argentina is imperative to describe their range, to analyze their economic and zoonotic implications and to make recommendations about prevention and control measures. Copyright © 2017 Asociación Argentina de Microbiología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Argentina: Political and Economic Conditions and U.S. Relations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sullivan, Mark P


    Argentina's restructuring of over $100 billion in defaulted bond debt in June 2005 demonstrated the country's emergence from its 2001-2002 economic crisis that had caused severe stress on the political system...

  15. Aging, care and social policy. Continuities and changes in Argentina and Mexico


    Arroyo Rueda, María Concepción


    This paper intends to show from a comparative perspective of social policy, the provision of care in old age in Argentina and Mexico. It will also show the experience of the national policy of care in Argentina. In this country we carried out interviews with coordinators, operational personnel and users of the national program of care. The participants identify in the policy a vision of rights and social inclusion of the elderly and effective support for family caregivers. Meanwhile, in the c...

  16. Argentina : tous les projets | Page 7 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


  17. Primer registro para la Argentina de una especie de chicharrita, Ctenarytaina spatulata (Hemiptera: Psyllidae, en plantaciones de eucalipto en Entre Ríos New record in Argentina of a species of jumping plant-lice, Ctenarytaina spatulata (Hemiptera: Psyllidae, in eucalypt plantations from Entre Ríos

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    Juan P. R. Bouvet


    Full Text Available Se menciona por primera vez para Argentina la especie Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor, asociada a plantaciones de eucalipto. Este nuevo registro se obtuvo en la Provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina.Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor, a species associated with eucalypt plantations, is recorded for the first time from Entre Ríos, Argentina.

  18. 75 FR 36347 - Determination of Pest-Free Areas in Mendoza Province, Argentina; Request for Comments (United States)


    ...] Determination of Pest-Free Areas in Mendoza Province, Argentina; Request for Comments AGENCY: Animal and Plant... received a request from the Government of Argentina to recognize additional areas as pest- free areas for... determined that these areas meet the criteria in our regulations for recognition as pest-free areas. We are...

  19. Patrimonio arqueológico e identidades en la República Dominicana

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    Jorge Ulloa Hung


    Full Text Available Se abordan algunos de los principales problemas que presenta el estudio y conservación del patrimonio arqueológico de la República Dominicana a la luz de los nuevos retos y problemas que ha generado la globalización, así como de otras deformaciones impuestas por determinados procesos históricos y políticos dentro de la historia del país. El análisis también intenta hacer un llamado a la conservación y estudio del patrimonio arqueológico dominicano a la luz de nuevos conceptos y categorías usadas para el estudio del tema en el campo de la arqueología y la sociología, en especial, el punto de vista que prioriza la actividad de los agentes sociales. Por último, se intentan puntualizar aspectos que se consideran esenciales para generar una visión distinta en el abordaje del patrimonio arqueológico y que, a larga, podrían redundar en el desarrollo de una percepción distinta sobre la disciplina arqueol��gica en el país.

  20. Modelo conceptual de datamart para la gestión de recursos humanos en el ámbito de la Administración Pública Nacional


    Martínez, María del Rosario


    El presente trabajo propone un modelo conceptual de un datamart, en respuesta a la necesidad de mejorar la toma de decisiones en las áreas de Recursos Humanos, correspondientes a las Instituciones Estatales de la República Argentina. En dicho contexto la utilización de los factores de la producción guían el recorrido de la literatura disponible y facilitan el aprovechamiento de la experiencia, permitiendo exponer conclusiones que puedan aportar conocimiento acerca de la tecnología disponible....