
Sample records for region metropolitana chile


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    Paulo Romano Reschilian


    Full Text Available Maringá, município localizado no Norte do Paraná, diferencia-se de outros municípios brasileiros por seu planejamento urbano-regional caracterizar-se em sua organização espacial pelo modelo de cidade-jardim de inspiração inglesa. O artigo pretende abordar como constituíram as regiões metropolitanas brasileiras (instituição federal a estadual, partindo de um breve histórico da instituição da Região Metropolitana de Maringá e análises do processo de constituição dessa configuração regional. Verifica-se assim, que a cidade planejada reflete o “urbanismo à brasileira” e a urbanização desigual da maioria das cidades brasileiras, apresentando a realidade e os desafios quanto à questão metropolitana.

  2. [Fertility Survey, Metropolitana region, Chile 1989]. (United States)


    A fertility study was carried out by the Chilean Association for Protection of the Family (APROFA) in metropolitan Chile in 1989 to update data from the most recent fertility study in 1974. A random and self-weighted sample of 600 women aged 15-44 in 32 urban communes of the metropolitan region were interviewed in November 1989. 55% were married or in stable consensual unions, 39.1% were single, and 5.9% were separated, divorced, or widowed. 24.1% had primary educations, 15.5% had some form of higher education, and .2% were illiterate. 64.2% of the women had children, of whom 63.8% had 1 or 2. Only 2.1% had 6 or more children. 46.2% felt that the ideal family size was 1-2 children and 30.7% that it was 3 children. 40.4% of women with children wanted another child and 59.6% did not. 25.1% of the sample had never had sexual relations, 7.3% had not had sexual relations in the 12 months prior to the interview, and the remaining 67.6% were sexually active. At the time of the survey 6.1% were pregnant and 11.1% had had a birth in the preceding 12 months. 28.3% of these pregnancies were considered unwanted, usually for economic reasons or because the family was considered complete. 55.6% of the sample reported using contraceptives. 48.6% used IUDs, 26.0% used oral contraceptives, 6.9% periodic abstinence methods, and 1.8% barrier methods. Only 7.5% of women aged 15-19 used contraception. Rates of use stabilized after age 25 at about 72%. 80.9% of women married or in union used a method, as did 20.2% of single and 59.3% of separated or divorced women. The data for the survey are still under analysis and all statistics are provisional.


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    Andrés Sagner T


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza econométricamente los factores que determinaron la dinámi-ca de precios del sector residencial en la región metropolitana de Chile durante elperiodo 1990-2007. Los resultados muestran que la antigüedad y superficie son de-terminantes estadísticamente significativos en la formación del precio; el acceso aestaciones del Metro tiende a capitalizarse de forma no lineal, y tanto el ingreso delhogar como el agregado son variables económicamente significativas. La descompo-sición de precios revela que entre 68 a 71% del monto es explicado por determinantesrelacionados con los atributos de la propiedad, mientras que cerca de 68% del creci-miento observado entre 1990 y 2007 es consecuencia de determinantes macrofinan-cieros. Durante el periodo 2006-2007 la evolución de precios inmobiliarios no difierede manera significativa de la predicha por el modelo. Los resultados encontrados sonrobustos a estimaciones por tipo de vivienda y subperiodos muestrales.

  4. Diferencias étnicas y de aculturación en el consumo de alimentos en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile


    Schnettler, Berta; Huaiquiñir, Valeska; Mora, Marcos; Miranda, Horacio; Sepúlveda, José; Denegri, Marianela


    Con el objetivo de detectar diferencias en los hábitos de consumo y gasto en alimentos según la etnia del consumidor y grado de aculturación en personas mapuche, se aplicó una encuesta personal a una muestra de 400 personas, estratificada por etnia con afijación simple, en cuatro comunas de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile. En los resultados empíricos fue posible evidenciar que los hábitos de consumo de los grupos de alimentos que contemplan las Encuestas de Presupuestos Familiares ...

  5. Santiago de Chile, globalización y expansión metropolitana: lo que existía sigue existiendo

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    Carlos A. de Mattos


    Full Text Available A mediados de los años 70 se inició en Chile un nuevo período de modernización y desarrollo capitalista, impulsado por la aplicación de una estrategia macroeconómica de liberalización económica. La profunda reestructuración que entonces se inició, culminó en una etapa de sostenido crecimiento económico, reindustrialización y terciarización del aparato productivo. Al mismo tiempo se produjo una progresiva recuperación de la tendencia a la concentración metropolitana, en la que tanto el comando del nuevo poder económico, como las principales actividades industriales y terciarias mostraron una clara preferencia por localizarse en el Area Metropolitana de Santiago (AMS, dando impulso a una intensificación de la suburbanización tanto de las actividades productivas como de la población. Tres tipos de transformaciones merecen destacarse. Primero, la emergencia de una ciudad de cobertura regional, suburbanizada y policéntrica, de límites imprecisos, configurada como archipiélago, cuya dinámica expansiva ha ido incorporando a diversos centros urbanos aledaños y áreas rurales, que han pasado a formar parte de un extenso periurbano. Segundo, el hecho de que si bien persiste una distribución del ingreso altamente regresiva que ha contribuido a mantener una ciudad extremadamente segregada y fragmentada, también se produjo una importante reducción de los niveles relativos de pobreza e indigencia. Y, tercero, la irrupción y afirmación de un conjunto de nuevos artefactos urbanos (shopping malls, grandes superficies comerciales, condominios y barrios cerrados, centros empresariales descentralizados, multiplex y nuevos espacios para el esparcimiento, etc. que comienzan a tener una fuerte incidencia en la estructuración y articulación del nuevo espacio metropolitanoIn the mid seventies, a new stage of modernization and development of capitalism begun in Chile, impulsed by a strategy of economic liberalization. The profound

  6. Regiones-commodities: Crisis y contagio en Chile

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    Antonio Daher


    Full Text Available La hipótesis de un nuevo dualismo entre una capital subglobal y sus "regiones-commodities" subyace en el estudio del impacto diferencial de las tres últimas crisis internacionales en las regiones de Chile, cuantificado a través de cuatro indicadores: el producto, el empleo, la inversión externa y las exportaciones, cuya variación permite verificar la disímil vulnerabilidad de cada región y su desigual exposición al riesgo de contagio de crisis. Fundamentado en un marco conceptual que sostiene que las crisis siguen siendo más regionales que globales, y que existe una verdadera geografía del contagio, el estudio muestra evidencia empírica que permite constatar: 1 la reproducción de un desbalance norte-sur al interior de Chile; 2 la doble paradoja de Santiago, cuya economía es la más diversificada y la más vulnerable, la más recesiva y la de mayor crecimiento; 3 la emergencia de Antofagasta como segunda economía regional de Chile, desplazando a Valparaíso y Concepción; 4 el paralelismo de Santiago y Antofagasta como regiones con el mayor producto, la mayor inversión extranjera y mayores exportaciones; y 5 la "mercosurización" de Santiago, capital subglobal, y la globalización de sus "regiones-commodities".The hypothesis of a new dualism between a sub-global capital city and its "commodities regions" underlies the study of the differential impact of the three last international crises on the regions of Chile. This impact is quantified through four indicators: product, employment, foreign investment and exports, and their variability allow the verification of the dissimilar vulnerability of each region and its dissimilar exposure to the risk of crisis contamination. The study is based on a conceptual frame that states that crisis continue to be more regional-like than global, and that there is a real geography of contamination. On the other hand, this study shows empirical evidence which makes it possible to verify: 1 the


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    Nataly O\\u2019Leary


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión taxonómica y nomenclatural del género Glandularia para Chile. El género está representado por 12 especies y una variedad, ocho de estos taxones son endémicos de Chile. Las especies se distribuyen desde la zona más septentrional del territorio, región de Arica y Parinacota, hasta la región de Los Lagos, al sur. Sin embargo la mayor diversidad específica se encuentra en las regiones centrales, de Coquimbo, Valparaíso y Metropolitana. Se describen e ilustran cada una de las 12 especies de Glandularia. A su vez, se proponen 14 nuevos sinónimos y tres nuevas combinaciones: Glandularia landbecki, G. multiglandulosa y G. ribifolia; se designan 15 lectotipos para: Erinus laciniatus, Verbena bella, V. berteroi, V. corymbosa, V. foetida, V. gynobasis, V. gynobasis var. strigosa, V. landbeckii, V. lipozygioides, V. multiglandulosa, V. porrigens, V. ribifolia, V. sulphurea var. fuscorubra, V. sulphurea var. pedunculata, y V. trachea; y se postula un neotipo para Verbena paulseni.

  8. Estructura urbana y policentrismo en el Área Metropolitana de Concepción

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    Full Text Available Desde la perspectiva del modelo funcional se analiza la estructura urbana del Área Metropolitana de Concepción (Chile. Principalmente se identifican y caracterizan los centros urbanos que la conforman en función la población y la movilidad metropolitana; específicamente se aplican indicadores de empleo y funciones de densidad. Los resultados permitieron una aproximación al entendimiento de la organización jerárquica de los asentamientos y las centralidades; aclarando algunas tendencias de la estructura del modelo, ya sea del tipo mo-nocéntrico o policéntrico, tema en discusión si se refiere al análisis de las estructuras urbanas metropolitanas. Los aportes de la investigación apuntan a reflexionar sobre cómo se puede describir y caracterizar el comportamiento de la estructura funcional del modelo metropolitano por excelencia del sur del país.From the perspective of the functional model, the urban structure of the Metropolitan Area of Concepción (Chile is analyzed. The main objective is to identify and characterize the urban centers that comprise it as a result of the changes in the metropolitan population and its mobility, specifically with the use of employment indicators and density functions. The results approximate to an understanding of the hierarchical organization of the settlements and their centralities. This clarifies some of the patterns in the structure of the model, both monocentric andpolycentric, which is a point of debate in discussions of metropolitan urban structures. The contributions of the research point to ways of describing and characterizing the behavior of the functional structure of the leading example of a metropolitan model in the south of the country.

  9. Regiones metropolitanas binacionales en el Mercosur

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    Antonio Daher


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza el intercambio de bienes a través del corredor internacional de comercio del Mercosur que relaciona a São Paulo, Buenos Aires y Santiago/Valparaíso. Se demuestra, en el contexto de los megamercados sustentados en microrregiones de mayor competitividad, y de sus tendencias a un creciente comercio al interior del bloque económico junto a las nuevas corrientes intrarregionales de inversión externa, que el comercio registra un fuerte sesgo industrial y denota una importante complementación productiva a través del predominio de bienes intermedios y de capital en las importaciones recíprocas. Esta situación concuerda con la alta urbanización del corredor y, más aún, con su estructuración a partir de las metrópolis referidas. Se concluye perfilando la emergencia de tres regiones metropolitanas binacionales: la Paulista, brasileño-paraguaya; la Rioplatense, argentino-uruguaya; y la Interandina, chileno-argentina. Estas regiones transfronterizas, requieren de una gestión regional a la vez subnacional y supranacional, articulando la descentralización con la globalizaciónThis article analyzes trade along the international commercial corridor linking São Paulo, Buenos Aires, and Santiago-Valparaíso. In the context of the megamarkets supported the most competitiveness microregions and their tendency toward growing trade within the economic bloc along with new intra-regional currents of external investment, the article demonstrates the marked industrial profile of that trade. The dominance of intermediate and capital goods among these reciprocal imports shows that the economies within Mercosur complement each other in production. This situation is in line with the corridor’s high urbanization, and even more so with the key role of the metropolises in shaping the corridor. In conclusion, the article outlines the emergence of three binational metropolitan regions: that of São Paulo, Brasilian-Paraguayan; that of the

  10. Nueva localidad para Alsodes tumultuosus Veloso, Iturra & Galleguillos, 1979 (Amphibia, Alsodidae en la Cordillera de los Andes, Region de O’Higgins, Chile

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    Diego Ramírez Álvarez


    Full Text Available Alsodes tumultuosus Veloso, Iturra & Galleguillos, 1979 es un anfibio endémico de Chile, descrito y hasta hace poco conocido únicamente en su localidad tipo, los arroyos cordilleranos del Sector La Parva, en la región Metropolitana. En este artículo se detalla el hallazgo de una nueva localidad para esta especie, en la región de O’Higgins, aproximadamente a 100 kilómetros al sur de La Parva. Este hallazgo, sugiere la ampliación del rango de distribución de esta especie al cordón cordillerano Andino de la región de O’Higgins, y señala la necesidad de efectuar mayores prospecciones e investigación de la especie, que permitan definir claramente su estado de conservación en Chile.

  11. Anti-inflammatory activity and phenolic profile of propolis from two locations in Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile. (United States)

    Valenzuela-Barra, Gabriela; Castro, Consuelo; Figueroa, Catalina; Barriga, Andrés; Silva, Ximena; de Las Heras, Beatriz; Hortelano, Sonsoles; Delporte, Carla


    Propolis has long been used as a popular folk medicine due to its wide spectrum of alleged biological and pharmaceutical properties. In Chile, propolis is widely used by folklore medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent; however, this property has not been demonstrated by scientific methods. The objective of this study was to determine the anti-inflammatory activity in vivo and in vitro and to establish the phenolic profile of propolis collected in two localities in Región Metropolitana de Santiago (RM), Chile. Propolis was collected in the areas of Caleu and Buin, RM Chile. Following that, the samples were unwaxed to obtain the global ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEPs) and, from these, the serial extracts of dichloromethane (EEP-DCMs) and ethanol (EEP-EtOHs). The topic anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated through mice ear edema induced by arachidonic acid (AA) and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) at a dose of 3 mg/ear. Nitric oxide (NO) measurements were determined spectrophotometrically (Greiss reagent) by the accumulation of nitrite in the medium of macrophages RAW 264.7 stimulated with the lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1 μg/mL) for 20 h at different concentrations of the EEPs, EEP-DCMs and EEP-EtOHs (6.25-50.00 μg/mL). The content of total phenols and flavonoids were determined through the methods of Folin-Ciocalteau and AlCl3, respectively. The profile of phenolic compounds was determined by HPLC-UV-ESI-MS/MS. The EEP-EtOH (64%) and EEP (59%) of Buin were the most active in the inflammation induced by TPA and AA respectively, being the anti-inflammatory effect stronger than the same Caleu extracts. Regarding the release of NO, all the extracts from the Buin propolis inhibited significantly its release in a concentration-dependent manner, this inhibition was stronger than the extracts from Caleu propolis. Our research shows for the first time a comparative study of the topical in vivo activity of two Chilean propolis. Both propolis showed in vivo

  12. Federalismo y políticas ambientales en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Ricardo A Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La articulación entre la escala metropolitana de los problemas y la multiplicidad de jurisdicciones gubernamentales constituye un desafío para cualquier política ambiental. Centrado en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, este trabajo aborda la coordinación de políticas ambientales metropolitanas en un contexto federal. La primera parte describe la región metropolitana, el modo en que el federalismo argentino distribuye competencias ambientales entre niveles de gobierno, los mecanismos institucionales para la gestión metropolitana y las características y principales deficiencias de las organizaciones interjurisdiccionales que operan en la región metropolitana. La segunda parte discute los factores que explican esas deficiencias. Se argumenta que las fallas de coordinación metropolitana de políticas ambientales se explican por la interacción entre las instituciones federales y otras variables del sistema político, como la lógica de acumulación partidaria, la configuración de las agendas de gobierno, el papel de las burocracias estatales y el impacto del activismo ambiental.In any metropolitan region, the articulation between metropolitan scale of issues and the multiplicity of government jurisdictions poses a challenge for the implementation of environmental policies. Focused on the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region, this article examines the coordination of metropolitan environmental policies in a federal context. The first part describes the metropolitan region and its main environmental problems, the way in which Argentine federalism assigns environmental competences to the different government levels and the mechanisms it sets for metropolitan governance, and the characteristics and flaws of the inter-jurisdictional organizations at work in the metropolitan region. The second part discusses the factors explaining those flaws. It argues that the shortcomings of the metropolitan coordination of environmental policies are

  13. Metropolizaciones Colombia-Chile: Experiencias de Bogotá, Medellín, Santiago y Concepción

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    Luz Ángela Silva Álvarez


    Full Text Available El libro Metropolizaciones Colombia-Chile: Experiencias de Bogotá, Medellín, Santiago y Concepción surge en el marco de la alianza entre dos grupos de investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia: el Grupo de Estudios sobre la Problemática Urbano-Regional en Colombia (Geourbe del Departamento de Geografía, sede Bogotá; y el de Dinámicas Urbano-Regionales de la Facultad de Arquitectura, sede Medellín. Posteriormente, la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile se sumó a la alianza con la organización del seminario Dinámicas Metropolitanas Colombia-Chile, diálogo entre Bogotá, Medellín, Santiago y Concepción, en noviembre de 2012 en la ciudad de Santiago. Los trabajos allí presentados fueron la base para la edición y materialización de esta interesante obra que contiene diecisiete textos, en los que se examina el proceso de metropolización en cuatro ciudades de Colombia y Chile desde diferentes perspectivas, donde el término ‘metropolizaciones’, en plural, sugiere la riqueza de aportes y enfoques tanto teóricos como metodológicos, expuestos para estudiar las metrópolis en cuanto a sus particularidades, formas y dinámicas resultantes.

  14. Análisis de eficiencia hospitalaria en Chile

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    Planck Barahona-Urbina


    Full Text Available Introducción: La importancia del análisis envolvente de datos (AED radica en poder determinar cuáles de los hospitales regionales presentan un mejor desempeño relativo y cuáles podrían mejorar el uso de los recursos. Objetivos: Analizar, haciendo uso de la técnica no paramétrica de análisis envolvente de datos, la eficiencia técnica hospitalaria en Chile. Diseño: Análisis de tipo no paramétrico. Lugar: Hospitales públicos regionales de Chile. Intervenciones: Aplicación del AED para la evaluación de la eficiencia de los establecimientos de la salud. Materiales: Se utilizó datos para el período comprendido entre 1997 y 2006 de las doce regiones del país más la región Metropolitana (RM, de 190 hospitales públicos de distintos grados de especialización. Se identificó datos de actividad hospitalaria y personal facultativo, esto es, como inputs a médicos, enfermeras, matronas, camas disponibles, y como variable output el egreso hospitalario. Principales medidas de resultados: Eficiencia hospitalaria. Resultados: En el año 1997, las regiones IV, VII, VIII, y IX fueron calificadas como técnicamente eficientes, lo que ha significado que han hecho un adecuado uso de sus recursos. Conclusiones: En diez años de estudio, 1997 a 2006, únicamente en el año 1997 cuatro regiones de Chile fueron eficientes. Los hospitales regionales deberían reducir sus inputs en promedio un 10% para situarse sobre la frontera eficiente. El análisis DEA es una buena herramienta para llevar a cabo mediciones de eficiencia y evaluar resultados de gestión, pues permite conocer aquellas unidades que realizan la mejor asignación de sus recursos en comparación al resto de la muestra.

  15. Regiones ganadoras y regiones perdedoras en el retorno de la democracia en Chile: poderes locales y desequilibrios territoriales

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    Anne-Laure Szary


    Full Text Available Abstract The author discusses the regional policies implemented in Chile since the 1960's, emphasizing the practices of the last governments, where an important process of transition has occurred in regional matters (Aylwin, 1990-1994; Frei, 1994- . The analysis is centered on political and economical dimensions, allowing the author to propose a new definition on the fonctionning of the region in Chile, in the frame of globalization processes, introducing a critical question on the traditional territorial equilibrium which is practiced today

  16. Regiones-commodities: Crisis y contagio en Chile


    Antonio Daher


    La hipótesis de un nuevo dualismo entre una capital subglobal y sus "regiones-commodities" subyace en el estudio del impacto diferencial de las tres últimas crisis internacionales en las regiones de Chile, cuantificado a través de cuatro indicadores: el producto, el empleo, la inversión externa y las exportaciones, cuya variación permite verificar la disímil vulnerabilidad de cada región y su desigual exposición al riesgo de contagio de crisis. Fundamentado en un marco conceptual que sostiene...

  17. Vulnerabilidad frente al cambio climático en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile: posiciones teóricas versus evidencias empíricas

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    Juliane Welz


    Full Text Available Para la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile (RMS, el cambio climático implica diferentes impactos que se suman a la continua expansión urbana y a cambios en los patrones de uso del suelo, los cuales a su vez acrecientan las amenazas hidroclimáticas, como las inundaciones y el calor extremo. En general, estos cambios tendrán notables consecuencias para la vulnerabilidad residencial. Especialmente las familias de bajos recursos y los asentamientos ilegales en grandes ciudades con crecimiento acelerado suelen ser los más vulnerables, debido a una mayor exposición y a una limitada capacidad de respuesta. Este artículo contrasta posiciones teóricas sobre las dimensiones socioeconómicas, físico-constructivas y urbano-rurales de la vulnerabilidad con evidencias empíricas, para entender quiénes son los más afectados por las inundaciones y el calor extremo en la Rms. Como muestran los resultados del estudio, las posiciones teóricas no se reflejan en los análisis cuantitativos. La vulnerabilidad depende de cada contexto y requiere políticas adecuadas para distintos territorios.

  18. A typology of female sex work in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. (United States)

    Belmar, Julieta; Stuardo, Valeria; Folch, Cinta; Carvajal, Bielka; Clunes, Maria José; Montoliu, Alexandra; Casabona, Jordi


    In Chile, sex work takes place covertly in a variety of venues and locations. Formative research using time-location sampling methods is important in order to understand the nature of this diversity. This study used qualitative methods to develop a typology of female sex work in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, using semi-structured interviews, focus groups and ethnographic fieldwork during visits to sex work venues. The study identified seven types of venue, which reflect the context and regulatory framework of the country and the structural vulnerabilities that affect female sex workers in Chile. These venues and locations include: cafés con piernas (coffee with legs); nightclubs, topless bars and cabarets; brothels; hotels; street and highway soliciting; massage parlours; and private residences. Formative research methods were helpful in identifying and characterising the venues and locations in which sex work occurred. Barriers to accessing and mapping specific locations were also identified. Recommendations for addressing these barriers include working with non-governmental organisations to map venues and initiate contact with the populations of interest. A comprehensive typology of sex work in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, is an essential element for future time-location sampling and bio-behavioural research in the context of second-generation surveillance for HIV and sexually transmitted infections in Chile.

  19. Factores asociados al inicio sexual en adolescentes de ambos sexos de nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo de la Región Metropolitana


    González A, Electra; Molina G, Temístocles; Montero V, Adela; Martínez, Vania


    Antecedentes: Escasa evidencia está disponible en Chile acerca del inicio de la actividad sexual adolescente. Objetivo: Examinar cuales variables identificadas previamente están asociadas al inicio de la actividad sexual en una población adolescente de nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo de la Región Metropolitana. Método: Los datos corresponden a adolescentes consultantes en CEMERA. Se compararon con adolescentes que habían iniciado actividad sexual y aquellos que no. La información fue recolect...

  20. Promotion and regional development. Implementation of regional productive development agencies. The case of Maule region, Chile

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    Enrique Yamil Alul González


    Full Text Available The Regional Productive Development Agencies implemented in Chile in 2006, were developed as a way to answer the longing desire to territorially decentralize, and that the own Regions be whom define their future. The Agencies have the responsibility to develop innovation and productive development Agendas in participative processes, which means with public, academic and private actors. Also, the Agencies have the mission to implement Competitive Improvement Plans-PMC (clusters in prioritized economic sectors by the own region. These PMC are leaded by private actors in each sector.

  1. Vialidad, Transporte y Planeamiento urbano-regional en Santiago de Chile, 1950-1979

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    María Isabel Pávez Reyes


    The thesis describes and interprets the work of Road Network and Transport 1950–1979 - in the frame of 50 years of the Planning State (1929-1979- in its capacity to contribute both to order the territory of the Inter communal and the region of Santiago, as well as the Interregion formed by Valparaíso-Santiago (Chile, and Mendoza (Argentina with a time horizon to the year 2000, contributing in this way to the discussion about the value of this experience of the Planning State of Chile. The hypothesis state: • That the preparation of the modern concepts of Roar Network and Transport had arisen from the group of Chilean architects devoted to Urban and Regional planning, which were thoughtful and critical with respect to part of the doctrines of the Modern Movement, and considered the road networks as the starting point for the territorial ordering relating the technical possibilities with the service of the Chilean urban regions. • That the work 1950-1979 in Road Network and Transport had been coherent with the coordinated growing forms proposed for the metropolis of Santiago in the inter-commune and in the region by the Urban and Regional Vialidad y Transporte en la Metrópolis de Santiago - nº 51 - marzo / abril 2007 5 Planning 1950-1979, becoming a structuring system properly connected to the national territory, and that would allow the access to the new human settlements metropolitan equipment prepared in the urban and regional territory, contributing to configure a modern urban region since it considered all its aspects as an “interior” from the point of view of sustainability and duration as a whole. • That the concept behind the work 1950-1979, had foreseen its projection on a central macro region of Chile, for being immersed in a bi national economy of three nucleuses, that considered Santiago, Valparaíso and Mendoza, the later in Argentina, which has the Corredor Transandino Central Valparaíso-Buenos Aires as the fundamental axle. • And that

  2. Santiago de Chile de cara a la globalización: ?(spanishotra ciudad?

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    Mattos Carlos A. de


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõe-se a identificar e caracterizar a "outra cidade" resultante das transformações que afetaram a área metropolitana de Santiago do Chile em função da assunção, a partir de meados de 1975, de uma nova estratégia macroeconômica, onde tanto uma crescente liberalização econômica, como uma ampla abertura externa, favoreceram a progressiva globalização da economia nacional. Nesse contexto, observa-se como junto a importantes modificações na base econômica metropolitana começou a processar-se na grande Santiago uma radical reestruturação de seu mercado de trabalho e uma maior dispersão territorial das atividades produtivas e da população. Nesse novo cenário, analisa-se como as transformações que afetaram a cidade emergente incidiram na afirmação, de um lado, de uma morfologia social donde persiste a polarização social e a segregação residencial e, de outra, de uma morfologia territorial onde impera a periurbanização e a policentralidade, transformações essas que correspondem às tendências que atualmente se observam nas grandes áreas metropolitanas tanto dos países centrais como das economias emergentes.

  3. The 2010-2015 megadrought in central Chile: impacts on regional hydroclimate and vegetation (United States)

    Garreaud, René D.; Alvarez-Garreton, Camila; Barichivich, Jonathan; Boisier, Juan Pablo; Christie, Duncan; Galleguillos, Mauricio; LeQuesne, Carlos; McPhee, James; Zambrano-Bigiarini, Mauricio


    Since 2010 an uninterrupted sequence of dry years, with annual rainfall deficits ranging from 25 to 45 %, has prevailed in central Chile (western South America, 30-38° S). Although intense 1- or 2-year droughts are recurrent in this Mediterranean-like region, the ongoing event stands out because of its longevity and large extent. The extraordinary character of the so-called central Chile megadrought (MD) was established against century long historical records and a millennial tree-ring reconstruction of regional precipitation. The largest MD-averaged rainfall relative anomalies occurred in the northern, semi-arid sector of central Chile, but the event was unprecedented to the south of 35° S. ENSO-neutral conditions have prevailed since 2011 (except for the strong El Niño in 2015), contrasting with La Niña conditions that often accompanied past droughts. The precipitation deficit diminished the Andean snowpack and resulted in amplified declines (up to 90 %) of river flow, reservoir volumes and groundwater levels along central Chile and westernmost Argentina. In some semi-arid basins we found a decrease in the runoff-to-rainfall coefficient. A substantial decrease in vegetation productivity occurred in the shrubland-dominated, northern sector, but a mix of greening and browning patches occurred farther south, where irrigated croplands and exotic forest plantations dominate. The ongoing warming in central Chile, making the MD one of the warmest 6-year periods on record, may have also contributed to such complex vegetation changes by increasing potential evapotranspiration. We also report some of the measures taken by the central government to relieve the MD effects and the public perception of this event. The understanding of the nature and biophysical impacts of the MD helps as a foundation for preparedness efforts to confront a dry, warm future regional climate scenario.

  4. As regiões metropolitanas no contexto da sustentabilidade regional

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    Miguel Etinger de Araújo Júnior


    Full Text Available A formação de grandes metrópoles temgerado interesses que deixam de ser locais, alcançandocaráter regional. Como forma de gestão dessesinteresses existem no Brasil as denominadasRegiões Metropolitanas, com previsão constitucionalpara integrar a organização, o planejamentoe a execução de funções públicas de interesse comum,constituindo-se num importante mecanismode gestão do espaço metropolitano, buscandoconciliar os interesses diversos que se apresentampor vezes conflitantes neste espaço, área geográficacuja população é eminentemente urbanae não acompanha os limites geopolíticos presentes.Esta gestão é fundamental para o alcance dasustentabilidade, gerando um desenvolvimento emque seja possível proporcionar uma qualidade devida digna para as presentes e futuras gerações.Abstract: The formation of large cities hasgenerated interests no longer locals, reaching a regionalcharacter. As a way to manage thoseinterests, exist in Brazil the “MetropolitanRegions” with a constitutional forecast to join theorganization, the planning and execution of publicfunctions of common interest and constitute itselfas an important mechanism for managing themetropolitan area, seeking to reconcile the differentinterests who are sometimes conflicting at this area,geographic space whose population ispredominantly urban and don’t accompanying thegeo-political boundaries present. This managementis essential for achieving the sustainability,generating a development that is possible to providea decent quality of life for present and futuregenerations.

  5. Triassic volcanic units in coastal region of Antofagasta, northern Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basso, M.; Cortes, J.A.; Marinovic, N


    U-Pb geochronological evidence of a Middle to Late Triassic volcanic event was found in the coastal region of Antofagasta, northern Chile (23 o -23 o 30 ). Two new ages were obtained from rhyolitic tuffs and an associated dome, which have classically been attributed to the Jurassic La Negra Formation (au)

  6. The 2010–2015 megadrought in central Chile: impacts on regional hydroclimate and vegetation

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    R. D. Garreaud


    Full Text Available Since 2010 an uninterrupted sequence of dry years, with annual rainfall deficits ranging from 25 to 45 %, has prevailed in central Chile (western South America, 30–38° S. Although intense 1- or 2-year droughts are recurrent in this Mediterranean-like region, the ongoing event stands out because of its longevity and large extent. The extraordinary character of the so-called central Chile megadrought (MD was established against century long historical records and a millennial tree-ring reconstruction of regional precipitation. The largest MD-averaged rainfall relative anomalies occurred in the northern, semi-arid sector of central Chile, but the event was unprecedented to the south of 35° S. ENSO-neutral conditions have prevailed since 2011 (except for the strong El Niño in 2015, contrasting with La Niña conditions that often accompanied past droughts. The precipitation deficit diminished the Andean snowpack and resulted in amplified declines (up to 90 % of river flow, reservoir volumes and groundwater levels along central Chile and westernmost Argentina. In some semi-arid basins we found a decrease in the runoff-to-rainfall coefficient. A substantial decrease in vegetation productivity occurred in the shrubland-dominated, northern sector, but a mix of greening and browning patches occurred farther south, where irrigated croplands and exotic forest plantations dominate. The ongoing warming in central Chile, making the MD one of the warmest 6-year periods on record, may have also contributed to such complex vegetation changes by increasing potential evapotranspiration. We also report some of the measures taken by the central government to relieve the MD effects and the public perception of this event. The understanding of the nature and biophysical impacts of the MD helps as a foundation for preparedness efforts to confront a dry, warm future regional climate scenario.

  7. Hantavirus en roedores de la Octava Región de Chile Hantavirus in rodents of the VIII Region of Chile

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    Full Text Available La Octava Región de Chile corresponde a la segunda región con el mayor número de casos de Síndrome Cardiopulmonar por Hantavirus (SCPH. Por tal motivo se realizó un estudio para detectar la presencia de anticuerpos contra hantavirus en roedores y su distribución local en la Octava Región. El estudio comprendió las cuatro provincias de la región y consideró once sitios de muestreo. Se capturaron siete especies de roedores, Abrothrix olivaceus fue la más abundante seguida de Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. De los 300 roedores analizados, cinco ejemplares (1,66 % resultaron ser positivos a hantavirus y correspondieron a tres especies de sigmodontinos: a saber, Loxodontomys micropus, que corresponde al único registro de este tipo para la especie en Chile, Abrotrix longipilis y Oligoryzomys longicaudatusThe Eight Region has the second highest number of cases of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome (HCPS in humans for Chile. A study was performed to identify the number of rodents serologically positive to hantavirus and their local distribution in this region. To achieve this goal, we sampled eleven sites in the four provinces of the region. Seven rodents species were collected, with Abrothrix olivaceus presenting the largest number of captures followed by Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. Of the 300 rodents analyzed, five (1.66 % were sero-positives to hantavirus and belonged to three different sigmodontine species: Abrothrix longipilis, O. longicaudatus, and Loxodontomys micropus. No previous records of seropositive L. micropus existed.

  8. El territorio de las nuevas economías metropolitanas

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    Ricardo Méndez


    Full Text Available Las transformaciones económicas recientes ocurridas en las regiones metropolitanas suponen importantes cambios en las pautas de localizado n de las empresas, el dinamismo y la organización espacial de las diferentes actividades, empleos y funciones, con evidentes efectos sobre la forma urbana. Un diagnóstico sobre la nueva geografía económica de las ciudades mundiales y sus regiones metropolitanas es un factor clave para orientar las nuevas políticas de promoción económica y planeamiento urbanístico. El artículo propone una revisión crítica de diferentes conceptos y teorías sobre la actual relación entre economías y territorios metropolitanos, analiza las tendencias recientes en la organización espacial de las actividades y destaca la importancia de las respuestas locales en la construcción de ciudades competitivas e innovadorasThe recent economic changes in metropolitan regions have given rise to significant shifis in the locational strategies of firms, the spatial organisation of different activities, functions and jobs, with direct consequences for urban form. A diagnosis of the new economic geography of world cities and metropolitan regions is a key factor in shaping new economic promotion policies and urban planning. This paper offers a critical review of diverse concepts and theories relating to the recent territorial evolution of metropolitan economies, it analyses the recent trends in spatial organisation of activities, and it emphasises the strategic value of local responses in the construction of competitive and innovative cities

  9. As Regiões Metropolitanas no Brasil e o problema institucional de cooperação: a trajetória das Regiões Metropolitanas de Natal e Aracaju

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    Diego Fiel Santos

    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa a evolução do processo de institucionalização das Regiões Metropolitanas brasileiras, tendo como objeto empírico os casos de Natal-RN e Aracaju-SE. Por meio da análise institucional histórica e comparada sobre a constituição dos arranjos normativos das Regiões Metropolitanas de Aracaju e Natal, busca-se compreender como se deu o processo de formação, cooperação na gestão das áreas metropolitanas analisadas. Apesar dos diferentes contextos específicos respectivos de cada Região Metropolitana, observa-se como característica comum em ambas que não existem mecanismos institucionais e de cooperação tanto Federativos quanto intrametropolitanos que incentivem o interesse por parte dos entes federados para a cooperação. Ainda que exista uma frágil motivação política nos dois casos analisados, estes mostram uma baixa institucionalização, o que caracteriza estas duas regiões metropolitanas como um quadro de cooperação incipiente tornando inviável avançar em termos de gestão metropolitana.

  10. Ciudad Metropolitana: la experiencia italiana

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    Giuseppe Franco Ferrari


    Full Text Available Debido a que las definiciones y la organización territorial actual no son suficientes, surge el concepto de áreas metropolitanas con el fin de dar solución a ese déficit. Este estudio muestra el inicio de la figura en Italia y los problemas de identificación y delimitación que se crean debido a la abstracción de las normas, lo que conlleva a una difícil implementación de las ciudades metropolitanas. Una vez señalados los obstáculos que se han presentado, se concluye con el análisis del futuro cercano en el que se observa el posible cumplimiento de esa nueva realidad.

  11. Chile. (United States)


    Chile is a long (2650 miles), narrow (250 miles at widest point) country sandwiched between the Andes mountains and the Pacific. The northern desert is rich in copper and nitrates; the temperate middle region is agricultural and supports the major cities, including Santiago, the capital, and the port of Valparaiso; and the southern region is a cold and damp area of forests, grasslands, lakes, and fjords. The country is divided into 12 administrative regions. Chile's population of 12.5 million are mainly of Spanish or Indian descent or mestizos. Literacy is 92.3%, and the national language is Spanish. Infant mortality is 18.1/1000, and life expectancy is 68.2 years. 82% of the people are urban, and most are Roman Catholics. Chile was settled by the Spanish in 1541 and attached to the Viceroyalty of Peru. Independence was won in 1818 under the leadership of Bernardo O'Higgins. In the 1880s Chile extended its sovereignty over the Strait of Magellan in the south and areas of southern Peru and Bolivia in the north. An officially parliamentary government, elected by universal suffrage, drifted into oligarchy and finally into a military dictatorship under Carlos Ibanez in 1924. Constitutional government was restored in 1932. The Christian Democratic government of Eduardo Frei (1964-70) inaugurated major reforms, including land redistribution, education, and far-reaching social and economic policies. A Marxist government under Salvador Allende lasted from 1970 to 1973 when the present military government of General Pinochet Ugarte took power, overthrew Allende, abolished the Congress, and banned political parties. It has moved the country in the direction of a free market economy but at the cost of systematic violations of human rights. A new constitution was promulgated in 1981, and congressional elections have been scheduled for October, 1989. A "National Accord for Transition to Full Democracy" was mediated by the Catholic Church in 1985. The social reforms of the

  12. A Área Metropolitana e seu significado – Conceituação em Geografia Urbana

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    Carlos A. Azevedo Oliveira


    Full Text Available Busca realizar uma definição conceitual para a área metropolitana. Divide-se em: A nova definição do urbano nos Estados Unidos; Áreas urbanizadas; Áreas estatísticas metropolitanas tipo; Área metropolitana e cidade central; Conurbação; Cidades vizinhas e conurbações; Evolução de uma conurbação; Inurbações e suburbações; As interurbações; Os satélites; Área metropolitana e suas diferentes zonas; A megalópole; Área metropolitana, conurbação e megalópole.

  13. El agua y los territorios hídricos en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile. Casos de estudio: Tiltil, Valle de Mallarauco y San Pedro de Melipilla

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    Tesser Obregón, Claudio Ernesto Esteban


    Full Text Available The rural area of the Santiago Metropolitan Region is a combination of natural, social, economic and technical factors that give origin to several territories. If we consider those in which water resources play a significant role in carrying out agricultural activity, several different «water territories» can be identified in the Tiltil, Valle de Mallarauco and San Pedro de Melipilla areas. In these cases the study allowed us to shed light upon and discuss several important points regarding the territorial approach to water resources and water management in a model that favors the actions of private parties, such as: the extension of the agricultural use of the water resources, the conflicts and problems over its control and the resulting water territories that have come about as a result of the various assessments of a liberal management system. This has been done with the intention of contributing, from a Geographical point of view, thoughts geared towards achieving a comprehensive and sustainable management of the water resources in Chile.El espacio rural de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile es una combinación de factores naturales, sociales, económicos y técnicos que dan origen a diversos territorios. Si consideramos aquellos donde el recurso hídrico tiene un papel predominante en el desarrollo de las actividades agrícolas, se pueden identificar distintos «territorios hídricos» en las áreas de Tiltil, Valle de Mallarauco y San Pedro de Melipilla. El estudio de estos casos permitió poner en evidencia y discutir un cierto número de puntos importantes concernientes al enfoque territorial de los recursos hídricos y de la gestión del agua en un modelo que privilegia la acción de los privados, tales como: la dimensión espacial del uso agrícola de los recursos hídricos, los conflictos y problemas por su control y los consecuentes territorios hídricos que han surgido como resultado de diversas valorizaciones de un





    La inmigración es un fenómeno complejo, que involucra múltiples aspectos, y por tanto debe ser estudiado desde todas sus perspectivas. El propósito de este caso de estudio, es analizar el comportamiento del colectivo inmigrante en las comunas de Santiago, Independencia y Recoleta de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, en lo relativo al uso del sistema de salud público, en condiciones de pre y post programa de regularización migratoria, acontecida en el país en el año 2007. A fin ...

  15. Acordos bilaterais de comércio como estratégia de inserção regional e internacional do Chile Bilateral trade agreements as Chile's strategy for regional and international insertion

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    Renata Rossetto Lopes


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa a mudança na estratégia de inserção regional e internacional do Chile no começo dos anos 1990, com ênfase em acordos comerciais bilaterais, depois de ter praticado a abertura comercial generalizada desde meados da década de 1970. A opção por acordos bilaterais foi adotada pelo primeiro governo democrático, como parte da orientação de manter e aprofundar a abertura externa empreendida pela ditadura, e conseguiu ampliar as vendas externas e diversificar produtos e destinos. As exportações têm papel decisivo na economia chilena, aberta e pequena, e os 24 acordos bilaterais de comércio com diferentes países e regiões, além de outros em negociação, podem ser explicados pelo esgotamento das possibilidades de ampliar o comércio por meio de reduções adicionais da tarifa externa unilateral, hoje em 6% para quase todos os produtos. A formação de uma rede de acordos bilaterais ampla e diversificada, contudo, tem também interesses políticos, estratégicos e de segurança em relação a vizinhos e a países próximos, além de evitar que o Chile precise se integrar, como membro pleno, a blocos regionais para garantir seus interesses, o que amplia as possibilidades de lidar com diferentes e importantes parceiros no âmbito internacional.The paper analysis the change of Chile's regional and international strategy of insertion through bilateral trade agreements in the beginning of the 90s, after a generalized trade opening since the middle of the 70s. The bilateral trade agreements strategy was set up by the democratic governments as part of the direction of maintaining and deepening the unilateral trade liberalization undertaken by the dictatorship, enlarging exports and diversifying products and markets. Exports have a decisive role in Chile's economy, open and small. The 24 bilateral trade agreements already signed with different countries and regions (besides others under negotiation can be explained by the



    Lucrecia Brutti; Valentina Vallejos


    Se evalúan distintas especies herbáceas como estabilizadoras de taludes sobre una mezcla de suelo con biosólidos en el Relleno Sanitario Santiago Poniente en Santiago, Región Metropolitana (Chile), con el fin de recuperar el suelo. Se determina el comportamiento de cuatro tratamientos, tres corresponden a diferentes mezclas herbáceas más uno que actuó como testigo, la mezcla de suelo utilizada contenía un 15% de biosólido. Se utilizó un diseño estadístico de Cuadrado Latino, con cuatro repeti...

  17. Buenos Aires: ciudad metropolitana y gobernabilidad

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    Pedro Pírez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se refiere a la ausencia de respuesta institucional en Argentina, como consecuencia de la falta de reconocimiento de la ciudad como objeto real de gobierno. Se entiende que lo metropolitano es el resultado de la intersección de una dimensión urbano territorial (crecimiento y expansión de la ciudad y otra político territorial (la organización territorial del estado. La configuración metropolitana, desde que se iniciaron los procesos de expansión propios de la industrialización sustitutiva de importaciones hasta que se resintió el impacto de la reestructuración y la globalización, ha transformado el territorio acentuando las diferencias y las desigualdades, las fragmentaciones y las zonas excluyentes que pese a todo se complementan. Esas desigualdades se concretan en tres contradicciones fundamentales; la primera entre el ámbito territorial de los problemas y el relativo al gobierno y a la gestión local; la segunda entre el ámbito territorial de las necesidades y el de la representación política; y la última entre el ámbito territorial de las necesidades y el de los recursos. Tales contradicciones en tanto no son resueltas tienden a configurar desigualdades que se polarizan territorialmente. La cuestión metropolitana se convierte en un asunto de gobernabilidad como falta de orientación o conducción gubernamental, que deriva en problemas metropolitanos como la “ilimitada” expansión urbana, las desiguales condiciones de la calidad de vida urbana y de la seguridad ciudadana, la distribución no equitativa de los recursos financieros, la mala gestión de los servicios, las dificultades para la gestión ambiental, y la falta de un ejercicio democrático que legitime las decisiones que afectan el ámbito metropolitano. Frente a esos problemas existen alternativas institucionales que, desde la fragmentación hasta la consolidación, intentan una gobernabilidad metropolitana. No todas esas formas tienen conexi

  18. Registro nuevo de Amphipyrinae en Chile A new record of Amphipyrinae from Chile

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    Tania S. Olivares


    Full Text Available Se registra por primera vez en Chile la especie Agrotisia subhyalina Hampson, entre las latitudes 18° 29' S 70° 20' O hasta 29° 54' S 71° 16' O (I-IV regiones en Chile. Se redescriben los genitales del macho y de la hembra y se presentan algunos aspectos taxonómicos de la especie.The species Agrotisia subhyalina Hampson is recorded for the first time from Chile (18° 29' S 70° 20' W to 29° 54' S 71° 16' W, I to IV Chilean regions. Redescriptions of male and female are presented, along with some taxonomic aspects of the species.

  19. Analysis of the dynamic of underground water in Agua Verde, Quebrada de Taltal, region of Antofagasta, Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojas, Luis; Lillo, Adrian; Salazar, Carlos; Aguirre, Evelyn


    The extreme aridity and geological situation in northern. Chile requires an exhaustive investigation on water resources for supporting rational usage. The Direccion General de Aguas and Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear have performed studies in arid zones in northern Chile using isotopic and hydrochemical tools. In Quebrada de Taltal's basin, located in one of the must arid arid zones of Chile (Segunda Region de Antofagasta), was studies groundwater dynamics and recharge process from a geochemical approach in terms of water quality, temperature and isotopic composition ( 2 H, 18 O, 3 H, 14 C). The recharge generated above 3000 m a.s.t has a slow dynamics and involve little flow (author)

  20. Reseña de Libro: Inmigrantes internacionales: Emprendimientos en barrios comerciales de Iquique, Gran Valparaíso y Santiago de Chile (2014 Camilo Arriagada L. (ed. Ceibo Ediciones, Santiago de Chile.

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    Félix González


    Full Text Available El libro es el resultado de la investigación elaborada bajo el proyecto FONDECYT Regular 1120914, donde se aborda el fenómeno de la inmigración internacional en Chile. La ciudad global, ya sea desde la exportación, centros financieros o de servicios se transforma en un sector atractivo para nuevos habitantes urbanos en los que se integra el inmigrante. Las estrategias de movilidad de los inmigrantes internacionales urbanos permiten introducirnos a los diversos problemas de la integración social y económica de los migrantes internacionales en grandes ciudades chilenas. El objetivo de este libro es a partir de un análisis estadístico, cartográfico y de entrevistas conocer el fenómeno de la inmigración internacional en ciudades metropolitanas de chile, aportando nuevas miradas desde el enfoque urbano de la segregación y gentrificación, así como el de la vulnerabilidad social, la exclusión y el paradigma de sociedad intercultural.

  1. Topoclimatic modeling for minimum temperature prediction at a regional scale in the Central Valley of Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santibáñez, F.; Morales, L.; Fuente, J. de la; Cellier, P.; Huete, A.


    Spring frost may strongly affect fruit production in the Central Valley of Chile. Minimum temperatures are spatially variable owing to topography and soil conditions. A methodology for forecasting minimum temperature at a regional scale in the Central Valley of Chile, integrating spatial variability of temperature under radiative frost conditions, has been developed. It uses simultaneously a model for forecasting minimum temperatures at a reference station using air temperature and humidity measured at 6 pm, and topoclimatic models, based on satellite infra-red imagery (NOAA/AVHRR) and a digital elevation model, to extend the prediction at a regional scale. The methodological developments were integrated in a geographic information system for geo referencing of a meteorological station with satellite imagery and modeled output. This approach proved to be a useful tool for short range (12 h) minimum temperature prediction by generating thermal images over the Central Valley of Chile. It may also be used as a tool for frost risk assessment, in order to adapt production to local climatological conditions. (author)

  2. Autonomia e cooperação: os desafios da gestão metropolitana


    Maria Filgueira Ramalho, Ana


    Diante dos complexos desafios que envolvem a gestão das Regiões Metropolitanas no Brasil, e da autonomia municipal fortalecida com o novo federalismo advindo da Constituição brasileira de 1988, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo central analisar a articulação entre autonomia e interdependência nos arranjos de cooperação intergovernamentais na gestão metropolitana, utilizando como objeto empírico o Consórcio de Transportes da Região Metropolitana do Recife CTM. Os objetivos espe...

  3. Mudança institucional e gestão metropolitana no Brasil: o municipalismo autárquico e as finanças municipais metropolitanas

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    Antônio Sérgio Araújo Fernandes


    Full Text Available O problema que este trabalho busca compreender possui o seguinte paradoxo: o federalismo municipalista, oriundo da Constituição de 1988, que, a princípio, traria como efeito perverso a crise da gestão metropolitana, devido aos problemas que enfrentou, sobretudo, de natureza fiscal e financeira nos municípios, terminou por se mostrar um jogo de soma zero para o conjunto da federação e representou um fator de estímulo ao reaparecimento da agregação intermunicipal do país. Isso se demonstra pela observação da retomada da gestão metropolitana no Brasil, a partir do final dos anos 1990 e na primeira década do século XXI. O procedimento de análise adotado para demonstrar este problema será histórico-institucional, tendo por base de explicação os processos de mudanças incrementais observados na gestão metropolitana brasileira.

  4. El Chile de las regiones: una historia inconclusa

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    Arenas, Federico


    Full Text Available The Chilean regions have a history that dates back several decades since the first attempts to establish regionalization in the fifties, until the Regional Governments were installed in 1993. Nevertheless, the critical reading of the regionalization process and decentralization show that beyond many advances, we are still far from representing a country with a unitary decentralized state model. In this work, the most important milestones of the Chilean institutional development are revised at a regional scale, in order to establish the level of advance and the overdue challenges on this subject in the country.

    Las regiones chilenas tienen una historia que se remonta a varias décadas, desde los primeros intentos de establecer una regionalización en Chile en los años cincuenta, hasta la instalación de los denominados Gobiernos Regionales el año 1993. Sin embargo, la lectura crítica del proceso de regionalización y sobre todo de la descentralización, muestra que más allá de los innumerables avances, todavía estamos lejos de representar como país, un modelo de estado unitario desconcentrado. En este trabajo se revisan los hitos más importantes del desarrollo institucional chileno a la escala regional, con el fin de establecer el nivel de avance y los desafíos pendientes del país en esta materia.

  5. Critical pathways of change in fruit export regions at desert margin (Chile)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Peter

    The purpose is to elucidate how critical pathways function in a fruit export region at the desert margin in Chile. The region was investigated at the system level as an open land system with managed fruit plantations in a geographically complex valley. Data collection procedures included total...... change changed pathways. Pathways resulted from a combination of global value chains, the adoption of innovations, past climate change, and regional conditions at different scales. Main pathways of change were upgrade and downgrade of the fruit export region and irrigation systems, whereas the breaking...... areas and not in others. The probable future is expected to be increased separation of intraregional pathways and a more imbalanced region. The conclusion is that openness is the main property responsible for critical pathways of change in the region....

  6. Propensity of University Students in the Region of Antofagasta, Chile to Create Enterprise (United States)

    Romani, Gianni; Didonet, Simone; Contuliano, Sue-Hellen; Portilla, Rodrigo


    The authors aim to discuss the propensity or intention to create enterprise among university students in the region of Antofagasta, Chile, and to analyze the factors that influence the step from desire to intention. 681 students were surveyed. The data were analyzed by binary logistical regression. The results show that curriculum is among the…

  7. The shallow-water chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora of Caldera, Region of Atacama, northern Chile

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    Juan Francisco Araya


    Full Text Available The Molluscan species of the northern littoral of Chile have been sparsely studied. This work reviews for the first time the diversity of polyplacophoran molluscs around the port of Caldera, in the Region of Atacama (26°45’49”S; 70°45’17”W to 27°20’23”S; 70°56’46”W, northern Chile. Eleven species were found in this study: Acanthopleura echinata (Barnes, 1824; Callistochiton pulchellus (Gray, 1828; Calloplax vivipara (Plate, 1899, Chaetopleura peruviana (Lamarck, 1819; Chiton cumingsii Frembly, 1827; Chiton granosus Frembly, 1827; Chiton magnificus Deshayes, 1827; Enoplochiton niger (Barnes, 1824, Radsia barnesii (Gray, 1828, Tonicia atrata (G. B. Sowerby II, 1840 and Tonicia chilensis (Frembly, 1827. All of the species occurring in the area have distributions in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, from Ecuador to central Chile, and three of them are species endemic to the Chilean coasts (Calloplax vivipara, Radsia barnesii, and Tonicia atrata. This diversity of species is comparable to that of better surveyed faunas of central and southern Chile or Patagonia. Of the eleven species recorded, the geographic distribution records for Callistochiton pulchellus, Radsia barnesii and Tonicia atrata are extended, and Calloplax vivipara is found alive again after 40 years, filling a gap in its known distribution. Illustrations of living specimens in their habitat, distribution records and a taxonomic key for all the studied taxa are also provided.

  8. El efecto de la distancia al mercado sobre la pobreza rural en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago

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    Rodrigo Pérez


    Full Text Available La pobreza en Chile ha disminuido notablemente desde 1990. En el año 2006, la incidencia de la pobreza rural cayó bajo la de áreas urbanas, debido en parte a la movilidad poblacional. No obstante, los pobres rurales mantienen niveles educacionales y de ingresos bajos, lo que se explica, en parte, por el mayor aislamiento y el menor acceso que tienen a los mercados. Teniendo eso en consideración, este estudio sostiene que la distancia a áreas urbanas (en tiempo de viaje se encuentra correlacionada con la pobreza, una vez que se controla por otros factores. Usando un modelo econométrico que relaciona información geográfica y socioeconómica de la Región Metropolitana, se concluye que el nivel de pobreza en un sector censal aumenta con la distancia, y que para una determinada distancia, la tasa de pobreza es menor si aumenta el acceso a medios de movilización, al mitigar el efecto de distancia.The national poverty headcount in Chile has declined considerably since 1990. In 2006, rural poverty ratefell below that of urban areas, due in part to population mobility. Rural areas, however, are still characterized by low educational levels and incomes, explained, in part, by low population density, remoteness to services, and limited access to markets for rural-produced products. This study finds that distance (measured as travel time of rural populations to urban areas is associated with the incidence of poverty in rural communities after controlling for other factors. Using an econometric model based on geographical and socioeconomic information of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, the studyfinds that poverty levels in census tracts increase with distance to Santiago, and, for a given distance, access to transportation reduces poverty, through a mitigation of the distance effect.

  9. Use of high-resolution satellite images for characterization of geothermal reservoirs in the Tarapaca Region, Chile (United States)

    Arellano-Baeza, A. A.; Montenegro A., C.


    The use of renewable and clean sources of energy is becoming crucial for sustainable development of all countries, including Chile. Chilean Government plays special attention to the exploration and exploitation of geothermal energy, total electrical power capacity of which could reach 16.000 MW. In Chile the main geothermal fields are located in the Central Andean Volcanic Chain in the North, between the Central valley and the border with Argentina in the center, and in the fault system Liquiñe-Ofqui in the South of the country. High resolution images from the Lansat satellite have been used to characterize the geothermal field in the region of the Puchuldiza geysers, Colchane, Region of Tarapaca, North of Chile, located at the altitude of 4000 m. Structure of lineaments associated to the geothermal field have been extracted from the images using the lineament detection technique developed by authors. These structures have been compared with the distribution of main geological structures obtained in the field. It was found that the lineament analysis is a power tool for the detection of faults and joint zones associated to the geothermal fields.

  10. ¿Hacia el no-plan de la no-ciudad? / Towards the non-plan non-city?

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    Pavez R. María Isabel


    Full Text Available Los proyectos de Planes Reguladores de las comunas de Pirque y Peñaflor, en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago -correspondientes a prestaciones de servicios profesionales de los autores, arquitectos del Departamento de Urbanismo de la F.A.U. de la Universidad de Chile- y los cambios estructurales en la Micro-Región de Santiago, sugieren reflexiones sobre la actuación en Urbanismo en Chile en la primera mitad de los años 1990s./ Regulators Plan projects in the communes of Pirque and Peñaflor, in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile and structural changes in the Micro-Region of Santiago, suggest reflections on the role in town planning in Chile in the first half of the 1990s.

  11. Estado, iglesia y sistema educativo durante la república en Chile

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    Jaime Caiceo Escudero


    Full Text Available Las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos 28 años, tanto en la Universidad Católica deChile (1979 -1994 como en la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación(desde 1996 a la fecha, en el ámbito de la Historia de la Educación Chilena, le hanentregado al autor de este trabajo una visión bastante acotada de las relaciones que tanto laIglesia Católica como el estado han tenido respecto a la educación en el país. Por lomismo, el objetivo de esta exposición consiste en describir los diferentes aportes queambos agentes educativos han realizado en Chile desde el siglo XIX a la fecha, analizandoy comparando las diferentes posiciones que esas instituciones encarnan. La metodologíautilizada es la propia de los estudios históricos, recurriendo a fuentes primarias ysecundarias; se han analizado textos originales de diferentes autores y se han realizadoentrevistas a testigos presenciales de los últimos cincuenta años. Durante estos años se hanefectuado diferentes investigaciones sobre aspectos puntuales, se han dirigido tesis depostgrado y, especialmente, se ha analizado la presencia de Dewey en Chile y la vida y elpensamiento de los diferentes Premios Nacionales de Educación. Las conclusiones másimportantes apuntan a que la Iglesia y el Estado han sido actores relevantes de la educaciónen Chile durante los dos últimos siglos y que, a pesar que a veces ha habidoenfrentamientos en cuanto a posiciones ideológicas diferentes, siempre ha primado el biencomún del país, el cual se ha beneficiado con las miles de escuelas, liceos y universidadesque tanto la Iglesia como el Estado han creado durante estos 200 años.

  12. Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre: uma abordagem a partir do espaço rural

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    Osmar Tomaz de Souza


    A gestão do meio ambiente em regiões metropolitanas representa um grande desafio à política ambiental, pois a elevada aglomeração de pessoas e atividades nas metrópoles cria um cenário propício ao aprofundamento dos problemas ambientais. Em especial, as áreas rurais das áreas metropolitanas que tem sido relegado ao plano secundário, embora representem a maior parte da área física dessas regiões e possuam grande diversidade de funções. O objetivo neste trabalho é refletir sobre estes temas com base na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, RS. Para tanto, são analisados: (a a dinâmica e as funções do seu rural; (b as principais políticas de desenvolvimento e ambientais que nele incidem; c os embates sobre as políticas de desenvolvimento regional neste contexto.

  13. El corredor fluvial del Mapocho como recurso multifacético de Santiago: avances y retrocesos en las concepciones y acciones de un siglo./ The corridor of the Mapocho River as a Opportunity to Santiago: a century of progress and setbacks in its projects.

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    María Isabel Pávez Reyes


    Full Text Available Se revisa en términos generales los avances y retrocesos en las concepciones y acciones sobre el río Mapocho, durante el siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI, en la perspectiva de considerar el corredor fluvial como un recurso estructurante mayor y multifacético de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile./ This article reviews the history of the plans for the Mapocho river in the last century. The process varies between making of it a structural element in the planning of the Region Metropolitana or don't.


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    Estela Arcos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: estimar la magnitud de la percepción de la in-visibilidad de la vulnerabilidad social y sus consecuencias en el acceso a servicios universales y específicos del Sistema de Protección Integral de la Infancia en Chile. Método: estudio transversal en 50 díadas vulnerables, registradas en un centro de salud familiar (Región Metropolitana, Chile; 2012. Después de la firma de consentimiento informado, las madres fueran entrevistadas usando un cuestionario estructurado. Se aplicó un modelo de análisis de correspondencias. Resultados: la in-visibilidad de la vulnerabilidad social fue estimada para madres (92.0% y hijos (86.0%, observándose un mejor acceso a los servicios universales a los infantes y específicos a las madres. Conclusión: la in-visibilidad de la vulnerabilidad limita las oportunidades de protección social a grupos desventajados. Como consecuencia, la política pública no corrige las desigualdades sociales, que merecen atención de los gestores de la salud pública chilena.

  15. La negociación centro-región en Chile: realidad o mito - el caso de la región de Los Lagos Central-regional negotiation in Chile: reality or myth - the case of the Los Lagos region

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    Pablo Aurelio Monje Reyes


    Full Text Available A partir de la década de los 1990, la descentralización política-administrativa de Chile se ha profundizado en forma gradual. Ello se ha expresado, entre otros aspectos, en la creación de gobiernos regionales y en la disposición política del gobierno central de dejar en manos de estas instancias el manejo de recursos para la inversión regional. No obstante, la reconfiguración de la actual división de las regiones no se ha tomado como un tema prioritario dentro de la política descentralizadora en cuestión. Sin embargo, ello no ha implicado que se esté obviando el tema por completo; ya que a nivel extraoficial, y de parte tanto del gobierno central como regional, se plantea la necesidad de hacer una propuesta de reestructuración de la división política-administrativa del país. Este estudio de caso fija su atención en las demandas de reestructuración recién mencionadas, haciendo especial hincapié en la observación del fenómeno de demanda por la regionalización de la provincia de Valdivia, en la décima región de Los Lagos, Chile, durante los años 1995/96. Dicho trabajo se realizó bajo la óptica de la negociación centro-región, con los objetivos de describir los componentes del proceso y de reconocer las condicionantes de las acciones de los actores en el mismo. Los resultados del estudio están vinculados al rol que ejercen los actores en el conflicto y negociación centro-región. Se consiguió realizar una caracterización de ellos, además de constatar la relación de clientela política que se produce entre la elite nacional y regional, como factor determinante en el resultado de la negociación. De la misma manera, se comprobó que el diseño institucional del sistema político induce este tipo de vínculo entre las elites mencionadas. Finalmente, el estudio presenta una serie de recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento de la política pública de descentralización de Chile, que están en marco de aminorar los

  16. Mobilidade e transporte público na região metropolitana de Londrina-PR: Entre a institucionalidade e a espacialidade

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    Vinícius Polzin Druciaki


    Full Text Available A mobilidade urbano-regional tem merecido destaque nos espaços em processo de metropolização. Na Região Metropolitana de Londrina-RML, o único modo vigente de transporte público que atende a essa mobilidade é o Transporte Rodoviário Metropolitano do Interior-TRM. Fatores como a falta de efetivação da região metropolitana, e a ausência de planejamento nessa escala, comprometem a mobilidade pelo transporte público, distoando daquilo que foi preconizado na criação do recorte espacial institucional. Diante disso, problemas pontuais vivenciados pelos usuários do sistema são reflexos de questões estruturais de ordem política, técnica e econômica.

  17. Chile. (United States)


    The background notes on Chile provide a statistical summary of the population, geography, government, and the economy, and more descriptive text on the history, population, government, economy, defense, and foreign relations. In brief, Chile has 13.3 million Spanish Indian (Mestizos), European, and Indian inhabitants and an annual growth rate of 1.6%. 96% are literate. Infant mortality is 18/1000. 34% of the population are involved in industry and commerce, 30% in services, 19% in agriculture and forestry and fishing, 7% in construction, and 2% in mining. The major city is Santiago. The government, which gained independence in 1810, is a republic with executive, legislative, and judicial branches. There are 12 regions. There are 6 major political parties. Suffrage is universal at 18 years. Gross domestic product (GDP) is $29.2 billion. The annual growth rate is 5% and inflation is 19%. Copper, timber, fish, iron ore, nitrates, precious metals, and molybdenum are its natural resources. Agricultural products are 9% of GDP and include wheat, potatoes, corn, sugar beets, onions, beans, fruits, and livestock. Industry is 21% of GDP and includes mineral refining, metal manufacturing, food and fish processing, paper and wood products, and finished textiles. $8.3 billion is the value of exports and $7 billion of imports. Export markets are in Japan, the US, Germany, Brazil, and the United Kingdom. Chile received $3.5 billion in economic aid between 1949-85, but little in recent years. 83% live in urban centers, principally around Santiago. Congressional representation is made on the basis of elections by a unique binomial majority system. Principal government officials are identified. Chile has a diversified free market economy and is almost self-sufficient in food production. The US is a primary trading partner. 49% of Chile's exports are minerals. Chile maintains diplomatic relations with 70 countries, however, relations are strained with Argentina and Bolivia. Relations

  18. Seasonal climatology of hydrographic conditions in the upwelling region off northern Chile (United States)

    Blanco, J. L.; Thomas, A. C.; Carr, M.-E.; Strub, P. T.


    Over 30 years of hydrographic data from the northern Chile (18°S-24°S) upwelling region are used to calculate the surface and subsurface seasonal climatology extending 400 km offshore. The data are interpolated to a grid with sufficient spatial resolution to preserve cross-shelf gradients and then presented as means within four seasons: austral winter (July-September), spring (October-December), summer (January-March), and fall (April-June). Climatological monthly wind forcing, surface temperature, and sea level from three coastal stations indicate equatorward (upwelling favorable) winds throughout the year, weakest in the north. Seasonal maximum alongshore wind stress is in late spring and summer (December-March). Major water masses of the region are identified in climatological T-S plots and their sources and implied circulation discussed. Surface fields and vertical transects of temperature and salinity confirm that upwelling occurs year-round, strongest in summer and weakest in winter, bringing relatively fresh water to the surface nearshore. Surface geostrophic flow nearshore is equatorward throughout the year. During summer, an anticyclonic circulation feature in the north which extends to at least 200 m depth is evident in geopotential anomaly and in both temperature and geopotential variance fields. Subsurface fields indicate generally poleward flow throughout the year, strongest in an undercurrent near the coast. This undercurrent is strongest in summer and most persistent and organized in the south (south of 21°S). A subsurface oxygen minimum, centered at ˜250 m, is strongest at lower latitudes. Low-salinity subsurface water intrudes into the study area near 100 m, predominantly in offshore regions, strongest during summer and fall and in the southernmost portion of the region. The climatological fields are compared to features off Baja within the somewhat analogous California Current and to measurements from higher latitudes within the Chile

  19. El desarrollo urbano del área metropolitana Lima-Callao 1983- 2002


    Castillo García, Rodolfo Francisco; Castillo García, Rodolfo Francisco


    El Área Metropolitana Lima Callao es el producto físico espacial de un proceso histórico social específico, marcado por el centralismo político administrativo de la Sociedad y el Estado peruano; y de los Modelos de Desarrollo Económico que se han aplicado en el país, propiciando el crecimiento macrocefálico de la ciudad, y configurando una irracional y desequilibrada ocupación del Territorio Nacional. El Área Metropolitana se originó históricamente a partir de dos centros poblados diferenc...

  20. Áreas metropolitanas:¿qué ha cambiado?: La experiencia de la Caracas Metropolitana

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    Sonia Barrios


    Full Text Available La nueva economía de la información y del conocimiento ha tenido tres decisivas implicaciones de orden territorial. Primero, ha acelerado el proceso de aglomeración urbana a escala planetaria. Segundo, ha provocado fuertes alteraciones en las redes urbanas de ámbito mundial, regional y nacional. Y tercero, ha impulsado la reestructuración interna de las áreas metropolitanas que se habían conformado durante la era industrial. Todo parece anticipar, por lo tanto, polarizaciones y fragmentaciones territoriales todavía más acentuadas que las conocidas en un pasado cercano. Tomando como referencia el caso de Caracas, se trata de averiguar en qué medida el desarrollo reciente de esta metrópoli sigue las grandes tendencias territoriales antes anotadas; y qué esfuerzos se están haciendo para ajustar sus instancias locales a las nuevas realidades urbanas. Como un recurso adicional, en distintos momentos se establecen comparaciones con Barcelona (España, considerada un ejemplo emblemático de las metrópolis de la era de la información

  1. Áreas metropolitanas, reflexión, evolución y casos de estudio (2ª parte

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    Esteban Valenzuela Van Treek


    Claramente, el término área metropolitana, surgió cuando el concepto de ciudad dejó de ser equivalente a urbano y fue necesario encontrar otro que diera cuenta de las áreas urbanizadas en tono de la ciudad central. Y aunque los criterios con los cuales las ciudades para definirlas como áreas metropolitanas no han sido siempre los mismos, en este artículo se intenta dar una mirada a la evolución y consolidación de esas áreas metropolitanas en el contexto global y particularmente para el caso de América Latina.

  2. Surto de sarampo na regiao metropolitana de Campinas, SP

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    Eder Gatti Fernandes


    Full Text Available O Brasil não apresenta circulação endêmica do vírus do sarampo desde o ano 2000. Entre maio e junho de 2011, a Região Metropolitana de Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, registrou três casos de sarampo. Foram descritos casos, as medidas de controle, a busca de possível fonte e de casos secundários. A caracterização genotípica do vírus identificou o genótipo D4, circulante no continente europeu. Não foram encontrados casos índice ou secundários. As medidas de controle efetuadas, aliadas à cobertura vacinal adequada da Região Metropolitana de Campinas contribuíram para que a transmissão da doença fosse interrompida.

  3. All projects related to chile | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Strengthen the use of scientific evidence to inform climate policy, negotiations ... Evaluating the impact of digital tools to teach math and science in Chile ... Business Cooperation and Regional Productive Development in Chile, El Salvador, ...

  4. Identificacion de la agricultura familiar en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires


    Palacios, Diego Alberto


    El presente trabajo abordó la caracterización y problemática de la agricultura familiar en la Argentina en especial en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Desde una perspectiva histórica se analizó desde el siglo pasado hasta la actualidad las políticas que favorecieron o perjudicaron al subsector en el nivel nacional y regional. Se estudiaron en detalle las definiciones conceptuales y operativas más utilizadas para su conceptualización e identificación. Se hizo un análisis crítico de indi...

  5. Characterization of the epidemiology of bat-borne rabies in Chile between 2003 and 2013. (United States)

    Alegria-Moran, Raul; Miranda, Daniela; Barnard, Matt; Parra, Alonso; Lapierre, Lisette


    Rabies is a zoonotic disease of great impact to public health. According to the World Health Organization, the country of Chile is currently declared free from human rabies transmitted by dogs. An epidemiological characterization and description was conducted using rabies data from 2003 to 2013 held by the National Program for Prevention and Control of Rabies from the Ministry of Health, consisting of bats samples reported as suspect and samples taken by active surveillance (bats brain tissue). Spatial autocorrelation analysis was performed using Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) statistics, particularly Moran's I index, for the detection of spatial clusters. Temporal descriptive analysis was also carried out. Nine hundred and twenty-seven positive cases were reported, presenting an average of 84 cases per year, mainly originated from passive surveillance (98.5%), whilst only 1.5% of cases were reported by active surveillance. Global positivity for the study period was 7.02% and 0.1% in passive and active surveillance respectively. Most of the cases were reported in the central zone of Chile (88.1%), followed by south zone (9.1%) and north zone (2.8%). At a regional level, Metropolitana (40.6%), Valparaíso (19.1%) and Maule (11.8%) regions reported the majority of the cases. Tadarida brasiliensis (92%) presented the majority of the cases reported, with viral variant 4 (82%) being most commonly diagnosed. Only two cases were detected in companion animals. The central zone presented a positive spatial autocorrelation (Moran's I index=0.1537, 95% CI=0.1141-0.1933; p-value=0.02); north and south zones returned non-significant results (Moran's I index=0.0517 and -0.0117, 95% CI=-0.0358-0.1392 and -0.0780-0.0546, and p-values=0.21 and 0.34 respectively). The number of rabies cases decreased between May and August (late fall and winter) and tended to increase during the hot season (December to March), confirmed with the evidence from Autocorrelation analysis

  6. Oil and Gas Emergency Policy: Chile 2012 update

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Chile has experienced several serious energy supply incidents over the last decade, including major droughts, a sustained gas supply cut from Argentina (since 2004), and a major earthquake in early 2010 which affected electricity networks and refineries, and caused several black-outs. Due to Chile's unique and sinuous geography - it runs 4 300 kilometres from North to South and only 175 kms from East to West- the country's energy markets are regionally disjointed, particularly as the regional gas and electricity grids are not connected. In the arid North, energy demand is dominated by the mining industry, and operates based on a separate thermal-based Sistema Interconectado Norte Grande (SING) electricity grid. The more densely-populated central region (including Santiago) operates on the more hydro-dependent Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) electricity grid. The southernmost, hydro-rich regions of the country are not connected to the rest of Chile in terms of electricity and gas. The following report is based on an IEA Emergency Response Assessment carried out in 2010 and 2011 which looked specifically at Chile's capacity to respond to short-term emergencies in oil, gas and electricity.

  7. Oil and Gas Emergency Policy: Chile 2012 update

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Chile has experienced several serious energy supply incidents over the last decade, including major droughts, a sustained gas supply cut from Argentina (since 2004), and a major earthquake in early 2010 which affected electricity networks and refineries, and caused several black-outs. Due to Chile's unique and sinuous geography - it runs 4 300 kilometres from North to South and only 175 kms from East to West- the country's energy markets are regionally disjointed, particularly as the regional gas and electricity grids are not connected. In the arid North, energy demand is dominated by the mining industry, and operates based on a separate thermal-based Sistema Interconectado Norte Grande (SING) electricity grid. The more densely-populated central region (including Santiago) operates on the more hydro-dependent Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) electricity grid. The southernmost, hydro-rich regions of the country are not connected to the rest of Chile in terms of electricity and gas. The following report is based on an IEA Emergency Response Assessment carried out in 2010 and 2011 which looked specifically at Chile's capacity to respond to short-term emergencies in oil, gas and electricity.

  8. Efectos de las políticas sanitarias sobre la contención del gasto sanitario en Chile

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    Planck Barahona-Urbina


    Full Text Available Introducción: La literatura económica propone diversos mecanismos de pago a proveedores, con el objetivo de conseguir incentivos en la contención del gasto sanitario. Objetivos: Analizar los fundamentos teóricos y efectividad de los instrumentos de pago, pago asociado a diagnóstico (PAD y pago por prestaciones valoras (PPV, en la contención de costos implementados en Chile a lo largo de los últimas dos décadas, y evaluar cuantitativamente los efectos que han tenido dichos mecanismos de pago prospectivos recientemente creados sobre la utilización de los servicios hospitalarios de la Región Metropolitana (RM y demás regiones del país. Diseño: Análisis econométrico y no paramétrico. Lugar: Chile. Materiales: Se utilizó datos del Ministerio de Salud de Chile (MINSAL y del Fondo Nacional de salud (FONASA. Intervenciones: Aplicación de la metodología de series temporales, análisis envolvente de datos y modelo lógit multinomial para detectar si los mecanismos de pago han tenido el efecto deseado en la contención de costos. Principales medidas de resultados: Efectos de los mecanismos de pago a hospitales. Resultados: Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que el segundo mecanismo de pago introducido, además de no generar incentivos en la reducción de las estancias promedio a nivel nacional tampoco ha generado niveles de eficiencia mas altos. Conclusiones: El primer mecanismo de pago PAD tiene un efecto positivo en la contención del uso de recurso. Por otro parte, en el segundo mecanismo de pago PPV no solo se utiliza más recursos, sino que además es posible que el sistema esté actuando de forma perversa dificultando la adopción de medidas que favorezcan la eficiencia.

  9. Vivienda social periurbana en Santiago de Chile: la exclusión a escala regional del trasurbanita de Santiago de Chile

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    César Cáceres-Seguel


    Full Text Available La localización periurbana de vivienda social en Santiago de Chile ha sido am-pliamente estudiada desde sus implicancias territoriales y políticas, sin embargo,poco sabemos del impacto de estas urbanizaciones en la calidad de vida delhabitante. Mediante entrevistas con residentes de proyectos localizados en Lampase sugiere el surgimiento detrasurbanitas, para ellos, el acceso a un bienestarbásico depende de habitar cotidianamente territorios fragmentados entre lavivienda periurbana y comunas centrales que albergan servicios urbanos elemen-tales. El subsidio de vivienda desencadena la exclusión a escala regional congrupos habitando bordes periurbanos carentes de transporte público eficiente yservicios básicos.

  10. La cuenca hidrográfica como unidad de planificación ecológica en regiones metropolitanas : el caso de la región metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá


    Gil Agudelo, Jorge Alberto


    El trabajo estuvo enfocado a revisar la utilidad del concepto de la cuenca hidrográfica como una unidad de planificación de entornos urbanizados. Partiendo del análisis de las proble-máticas generadas en las cuencas hidrográficas por efecto de los asentamientos urbanos, en este caso de la zona metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, se hizo una evaluación del aporte que realiza la base natural actual de la cuenca del río Aburrá a la solución de las necesida-des impuestas por el funcionamiento de l...

  11. [Gene geography of Chile: regional distribution of American, European and African genetic contributions]. (United States)

    Fuentes, Macarena; Pulgar, Iván; Gallo, Carla; Bortolini, María-Cátira; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Bedoya, Gabriel; González-José, Rolando; Ruiz-Linares, Andrés; Rothhammer, Francisco


    The geographical distribution of genes plays a key role in genetic epidemiology. The Chilean population has three major stem groups (Native American, European and African). To estimate the regional rate of American, European and African admixture of the Chilean population. Forty single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP´s) which exhibit substantially different frequencies between Amerindian populations (ancestry-informative markers or AIM´s), were genotyped in a sample of 923 Chilean participants to estimate individual genetic ancestry. The American, European and African individual average admixture estimates for the 15 Chilean Regions were relatively homogeneous and not statistically different. However, higher American components were found in northern and southern Chile and higher European components were found in central Chile. A negative correlation between African admixture and latitude was observed. On the average, American and European genetic contributions were similar and significantly higher than the African contribution. Weighted mean American, European and African genetic contributions of 44.34% ± 3 9%, 51.85% ± 5.44% and 3.81% ± 0.45%, were estimated. Fifty two percent of subjects harbor African genes. Individuals with Aymara and Mapuche surnames have an American admixture of 58.64% and 68.33%, respectively. Half of the Chilean population harbors African genes. Participants with Aymara and Mapuche surnames had a higher American genetic contribution than the general Chilean population. These results confirm the usefulness of surnames as a first approximation to determine genetic ancestry.

  12. The mosses (Bryophyta) of Capitán Prat Province, Aisén Region, southern Chile. (United States)

    Larraín, Juan


    The bryophytes of Capitán Prat province have remained one of the least explored in Chile. The eventual construction of several dams on the rivers Baker and Pascua required prospection of all groups of organisms including bryophytes, work that was facilitated by the recent construction of vehicular roads that now offer easy access to previously almost unaccessible locations. The results of intense bryophyte collecting during the austral summer of 2007 are here presented. A total of 260 moss taxa are reported for the province, corresponding to 256 species and four infraspecific taxa, of which 211 are new records for the province, 54 are new for Aisén Region, and two are new records for continental Chile ( Pohlia longicollis (Hedw.) Lindb. and Rigodium toxarion var. robustum (Broth.) Zomlefer). Twelve species extend their known distribution ranges to the north, whereas 49 extend them to the south.

  13. The agropecuarian sector in Los Lagos region, and the paradigm "Chile power food": challenges for a national agrarian policy

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    Sandra Ríos Núñez


    Full Text Available The restructuring of the economic model in Chile in the mid- seventies hit all productive fields and the agropecuarian sector was no exception. Thus started the beginning of the "Agricultural export Age" that fostered productive guidelines with clear competitive advantages in international markets. The Chilean agricultural paradigm has been characterized by functioning on the basis of low wages, availability of labor and favorable exchange rate. In 2006, under this scenario, the public policy called "Chile Power Food 2020" was implemented, which seeks to reinforce the above formula. This initiative considers growth strategies which make bimodal agrarian structure, present in the country, invisible. To the above an added aggravating factor is that territories (such as Los Lagos Region in southern Chile with traditional productive orientations (specifically cattle have clearly vulnerable positions, especially in those producer groups which are characterized by different rationales to run business

  14. Sustainability Assessment in Development Planning in Sub-National Territories: Regional Development Strategies in Chile

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    Iván Franchi-Arzola


    Full Text Available In Chile, the increasing occurrence of socio-environmental conflicts demonstrates that Regional Development Strategies—Estrategia Regional de Desarrollo (ERD—as the main development policy of subnational territories (Regions, must consider sustainability as a central objective. The Taxonomy of Sustainability constitutes an assessment method that allows us to determine the correlation between the definitions of these public policies and the strategies for transition to sustainable development. The ERD of the Antofagasta and Aysén regions are the ones presenting the highest Taxonomic Index; this indicates a higher strategic content for the promotion of sustainability. It is also noted that the political will that conditions the principles and values on which the ERD are based is strongly determined by investment projects and socio-environmental conflicts, which represent the tension between environmental protection and the capacity and interests of regional society in the development project.

  15. Characteristics of commuters in Chile: an insight into the future creation of a new region

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    Gary Concha Murua


    Full Text Available The study analyzes information found in the New National Employment Survey (NENE about the main dimensions and characteristics of inter-regional residence-work mobility in Ñuble, Chile, for the 2014 period. Using an autonomy model of supply and demand, a hypothetical scenario was created that characterizes the future Ñuble region according to its status as a provider or net claimant, incorporating an analysis of the main socio-economic characteristics of the region´s population such as gender, educational level, occupational field and economic activity. It should be highlighted as a main result that more than 80% of commuters are men with a low level of education who work in low-level technical improvement.

  16. Viabilidad económica de la producción de espárrago en la Región del Maule, Chile Economic viability of asparagus production in the Maule Region, Chile

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    Germán L Andrade


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se estimaron indicadores de viabilidad y de eficiencia económica de la producción de espárrago (Asparagus officinalis L. en Chile. Los coeficientes técnicos fueron tomados de los registros históricos de un predio localizado en la zona de Linares, Región del Maule, Chile. Los indicadores de viabilidad calculados fueron el valor actual neto (VAN, tasa interna de retorno (TIR, índice de valor actual neto (IVAN, razón beneficio-costo (RBC, y período de recuperación del capital (PRC. Los indicadores de eficiencia económica fueron el costo medio total (CMET, margen unitario ponderado (MUP y la rentabilidad sobre capital (RSC. Como unidad de análisis se consideró una hectárea. Para productores con tierra, los resultados obtenidos en la situación estándar fueron: Ch$1,52 millones (VAN, 12,1% (TIR, 0,3 (IVAN, 1,1 (RBC y 10 años (PRC. Para la etapa de producción se proyectó un CMET mínimo de Ch $317,8 kg-1, un MUP máximo de Ch$407 kg-1 y una RSC de 20,3%. La principal conclusión es que el cultivo de espárrago en la región del Maule, en Chile, es viable para los productores con tierra.Viability and economic efficiency indicators for asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L. production in Chile were evaluated. Technical parameters were obtained from an historical farm located in Linares area, Maule Region, Chile. Viability was assessed by means of net present value (VAN, internal rate of return (TIR, net present value index (IVAN, cost-benefit ratio (RBC, and investment recovery period (PRC. Economic efficiency was assessed through production average cost (CMET, weighted unit margin (MUP, and return on equity (RSC. The analysis was based upon one hectare. Results for producers who own their land were US$ 2,529 ha-1 (VAN, 12.14% (TIR, 0.25 (IVAN, and 1.1 (RBC. The minimum CMET was estimated at US$ 0.53 kg-1 the maximum MUP at US$ 0.68 kg-1, and RSC until 20.3%. The main conclusion is that asparagus production in the

  17. Variability of 14C reservoir age and air-sea flux of CO2 in the Peru-Chile upwelling region during the past 12,000 years (United States)

    Carré, Matthieu; Jackson, Donald; Maldonado, Antonio; Chase, Brian M.; Sachs, Julian P.


    The variability of radiocarbon marine reservoir age through time and space limits the accuracy of chronologies in marine paleo-environmental archives. We report here new radiocarbon reservoir ages (ΔR) from the central coast of Chile ( 32°S) for the Holocene period and compare these values to existing reservoir age reconstructions from southern Peru and northern Chile. Late Holocene ΔR values show little variability from central Chile to Peru. Prior to 6000 cal yr BP, however, ΔR values were markedly increased in southern Peru and northern Chile, while similar or slightly lower-than-modern ΔR values were observed in central Chile. This extended dataset suggests that the early Holocene was characterized by a substantial increase in the latitudinal gradient of marine reservoir age between central and northern Chile. This change in the marine reservoir ages indicates that the early Holocene air-sea flux of CO2 could have been up to five times more intense than in the late Holocene in the Peruvian upwelling, while slightly reduced in central Chile. Our results show that oceanic circulation changes in the Humboldt system during the Holocene have substantially modified the air-sea carbon flux in this region.

  18. Innovative potential of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Antofagasta-Chile region: an exploratory study

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    Gianni A. Romani Chocce


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is to analyze the innovative potential of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs in the Region of Antofagasta - Chile. The paper makes a detailed bibliographic revision on regional innovation processes and presents the results of a questionnaire applied to SMEs, considered as innovative according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCDE criteria. Although these results have to be carefully considered, due to the size of the sample it is possible to observe that there is an increasing awareness of the importance of innovation in the region while, at the same time, many obstacles to innovate are recognized.

  19. All projects related to Chile | Page 2 | IDRC - International ...

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    ... living in poverty in the rural-urban territories of Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. ... Region: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, India ... Enhancing Women's Economic Empowerment Through Better Policies in Latin America ... Program: Employment and Growth ... Understanding Think Tank-University Relationships in Latin America.



    Gómez, Persy; Belov, Michail; San Martín, José


    This note reports the finding of a population of Berberis negeriana Tischler (Berberidaceae), in the province of Arauco, Bío-Bío Region (37°42'17" S y 73°19'43" W) in the center south of Chile. The population was found between Nothofagus obliqua and species of the Valdiviano Forest.

  1. Participación de los gobiernos regionales en la definición de políticas públicas en Chile: el caso del gobierno regional de Los Lagos y la política nacional de acuicultura Participation of regional governments in the definition of public policy in Chile: the case of Los Lagos regional government and the National Policy of Hydroponics

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    Alejandro Santibáñez Handschuh


    Full Text Available El artículo aporta evidencia respecto de la participación de los gobiernos regionales en la definición de políticas públicas en Chile a través del caso del gobierno regional de Los Lagos. Se evalúa la participación de los principales actores regionales en la definición de políticas públicas como indicador del grado de centralización en el diseño político institucional en Chile. La metodología utilizada fue el análisis documental relacionado con el caso presentado, el conocimiento del estado del arte respecto del análisis de políticas públicas como disciplina y la descentralización, posteriormente se contrastaron las hipótesis que guiaron el estudio a través del análisis de discurso aplicado a las entrevistas de los actores que estuvieron involucrados en la definición de la Política Nacional de Acuicultura.The article treats the participation of regional governments in the definition of public policy in Chile through the case of Los Lagos Regional Government. It evaluates the participation of the principal regional actors in the definition of public policy as indicators of the degree of centralization in the political institutional design of Chile. The methodology used was the documentary analysis related to the illustrated case, the knowledge of the state refering to the analysis of public policy as a discipline, and the decentralization. Later it was shown the hypotheses that guided the study through the analysis of discourse applied to the interviews of the actors who were involved in the definition of National Policy of Hydroponics.

  2. Application of PIXE to the characterization of vitreous dacites from archaeolgical sites in the Atacama region in northern Chile

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    Morales, J.R.; Cancino, S. [Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Las Palmeras 3425, Nunoa, Santiago 1 (Chile); Miranda, P. [Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Las Palmeras 3425, Nunoa, Santiago 1 (Chile)], E-mail:; Dinator, M.I. [Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Las Palmeras 3425, Nunoa, Santiago 1 (Chile); Seelenfreund, A. [Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Condell 343, Providencia, Santiago (Chile)


    Geochemical characterization studies using PIXE were carried out on 21 vitreous dacite artifacts from early formative archaeological sites in the Atacama region, in northern Chile, and on 13 samples taken from two potential volcanic sources located within the region. Performing statistical analyses it was possible to obtain elemental concentration patterns for the archaeological samples of this material and match some of these artifacts with the geological source samples.

  3. The improbable metropolis: decentralization, local democracy and metropolitan areas in the western world A metrópole improvável: Descentralização, democracia local e áreas metropolitanas no mundo ocidental

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    Christian Lefèvre


    Full Text Available Metropolitan areas have become the new spatial fix of globalised capitalism. However, their economic strength is not matched by their political strength because metropolitan areas remain politically weak. This article reflects upon the process of building metropolitan areas as political spaces. Considering this process as a conflicting one because it challenges the power of existing players, it seeks to expose the general failure of metropolitan institution building - including most of the south European urban areas - focusing on two elements: on one hand, decentralisation as a process favouring other territorial scales than the metropolitan one, notably the regional and municipal levels; on the other hand, local democracy favouring the municipal and neighbourhood levels but forgetting the metropolitan scale.As áreas metropolitanas tornaram-se o novo padrão espacial do capitalismo globalizado. No entanto, as suas capacidades económicas não são acompanhadas por uma correspondente capacidade política, mantendo-se politicamente débeis. Neste artigo reflecte-se sobre o processo de construção das áreas metropolitanas como espaços políticos. Considerando tal processo como conflituoso - pois desafia o poder dos actuais agentes -, o texto procura expor a incapacidade global na consolidação de instituições metropolitanas - incluindo na maioria dos territórios urbanos do Sul da Europa - focando duas tendências: por um lado, a descentralização como um processo que tem favorecido outras escalas territoriais que não as metropolitanas, nomeadamente os níveis regional e municipal; e por outro a democracia local, que tem favorecido os níveis municipal e intra-municipal, mas tem igualmente menosprezado a escala metropolitana.

  4. Parasites of the Green-backed Firecrown (Sephanoides sephaniodes in Chile Parásitos del picaflor chico (Sephanoides sephaniodes en Chile

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    Daniel González-Acuña


    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal and external parasites from 12 Green-backed Firecrown (Sephanoides sephaniodes were collected between January 2004 and December 2008 from the Biobío Region south-central Chile and Santiago (central Chile. Helminths collected included 1 trematode species (Mosesia sp. and 1 cestode species (Hymenolepis trinidadensis. The mite Proctophyllodes huitzilopchtlii was the only ectoparasite species found. All these parasites represent new records for Chile and the first parasites reported for this host species.Se recolectaron parásitos internos (gastrointestinales y externos de 12 picaflores (Sephanoides sephaniodes entre enero del 2004 y diciembre del 2008, de la región del Biobío en el centro-sur de Chile y en Santiago, en la región central de Chile. Los helmintos recolectados incluyeron 1 especie de trematodo (Mosesia sp. y 1 de cestodo (Hymenolepis trinidadensis. Únicamente se encontró 1 especie de ectoparásito, el ácaro Proctophyllodes huitzilopchtlii. Todos los parásitos mencionados representan nuevos registros para Chile y se registran por primera vez para este hospedero.

  5. Virtual Borders Between Chile and Its Neighbors: Argentina, Peru and Bolivia (United States)


    Estadísticas, “ Inmigrantes en Chile ”, Santiago Census, 2002 20 ...Studies and Research Center, 1998), 13 22 Military Studies and Research Center, Chile en la Region. CESIM. 2001; available from <http...Estatuto de Inversiones Extranjeras en Chile ”, ( Santiago: 1974), Capitulo I,19 35 The International Center for Adjustment of Disputes of Investment

  6. [Early child development inequalities and associated factors between public and private providers at metropolitan region in Chile]. (United States)

    Bedregal, Paula; Hernández, Viviana; Mingo, M Verónica; Castañón, Carla; Valenzuela, Patricia; Moore, Rosario; de la Cruz, Rolando; Castro, Daniela

    Early child development is a population determinant of physical, mental and social health. To know the base line situation prior to the implementation of "Chile grows with you" (Chile Crece Contigo) is key to its evaluation. To compare early child development and associated factors at baseline in pre-school children from public and private health sectors. The sample consisted of 1045 children aged 30-58 months, 52% male, and 671 from the public and 380 from the private sector of the metropolitan region in Chile were evaluated using Battelle Developmental Inventory-1 and a household interview of primary carer. Abnormal child development was found in 14.4% of children in the private sector compared to 30.4% in the public sector. There were no differences in adaptive area (26.3% vs 29.2%), but there were statistically significant differents in cognitive (8.8% vs 12.1%), social-personal (13.2% vs 32.5%), motor (19.2% vs 35.3%), and communication (19% vs 36.8%) development. The logistic regression showed that, independent of socioeconomic level, the risk factors are: Apgarsocial policy. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. Diversidad de la familia Carabidae (Coleoptera en Chile Diversity of the family Carabidae (Coleoptera in Chile

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    that of the Neotropics and other South American countries. There are 21 tribes of Carabidae represented in Chile (38.8 % of the total found in Neotropics, with 95 genera (28.2 % of the Neotropical fauna, and 365 species (7.9 % of the total from the Neotropics. Chile has a low number of tribes compared with other countries, but it is an important area because six relictual tribes occur within it, being mostly gondwanan or pangeic. At the generic level, 18 genera are endemic (18.5 % of Chilean genera, 28 genera are restricted to Chile and Argentina, and six to Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. The number of carabid species in Chile is low compared with other South American countries, but the number of endemic species is high, 204, which is 55.8 % of the total carabid fauna of the country. This high endemicity in Chile might be due to Chile´s isolated situation in South America. The Andean mountains and the Northern Desert region, separate Chile from most of the neotropical fauna, as is shown by the absence of important tribes such as the Galeritini, Scaritini, and Brachinini. Keys for all genera present in Chile are provided, with a brief description of habitat and species richness of each

  8. Adapting to climate variability and change in Chile's Maipo basin ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Apr 9, 2014 ... Given the region's role in Chile's national economy, a strategy for adapting to ... to Chile's economy, and may be threatened by future water stress. ... for the project, with the goal of bringing together government, business, and ...

  9. El sistema entrópico de movilidad cotidiana en la zona metropolitana de Bogotá

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    Óscar A. Alfonso R.


    Full Text Available La deseconomía fundamental de las grandes aglomeraciones metropolitanas es el incremento sostenido y significativo en los tiempos de viaje en que a diario incurren sus habitantes. Puesto que una porción de la energía consumida en la movilidad cotidiana no se traduce necesariamente en riqueza individual ni colectiva, los sistemas presentan rasgos entrópicos que, tal como se analiza para el caso de Bogotá, no cuentan con una institucionalidad metropolitana con la capacidad para reorientarlo.

  10. Migrantes indígenas en la zona metropolitana de monterrey y los procesos de adaptación - INDIGENOUS MIGRANTS IN MONTERREY METROPOLITAN REGION AND THEIR PROCESS OF ADAPTION

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    Arun Kumar Acharya


    Full Text Available En México, un fenómeno notable es la migración del campo a la ciudad. En los últimos años se ha dado un crecimiento en el número de migrantes indígenas hacia las ciudades del norte del país, específicamente a la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey (ZMM en busca de empleo. Al llegar a esta metrópoli, los migrantes tienen problemas para adaptarse e integrarse en el ámbito urbano de esta sociedad, fundamentalmente por la oculta discriminación existente hacia los indígenas, por lo cual, muchos de ellos llegan a sufrir problemas sociales, psicológicos y personales, que provocan el retorno de algunos a sus lugares de origen o el cambio de residencia. En este sentido, en el presente artículo se ha investigado la importancia de la migración indígena hacia la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey y sus procesos de integración y adaptación. El análisis se basó en los resultados de una encuesta aplicada a estos migrantes en los primeros meses del 2008 en esta zona urbana. Palabra claves: Migración Indígena, Proceso de adaptación, Discriminación, y Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey.

  11. El área metropolitana de Buenos Aires

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    Cristina Malfa del Grosso


    Full Text Available Buenos Aires. metropolitana, es cabecera del sistema urbano nacional y en correspondencia con el proceso significativo de desconcentración y centralización-una tipología interna bimodal-, ha ido acrecentando su configuración primática, siendo hoy su jerarquía, dentro de la red nacional de ciudades, de un posicionamiento desproporcionadamente mayor respecto de las dos urbes que le siguen en importancia, Córdoba y Rosario.

  12. Latencia y banco de semillas en plantas de la región mediterránea de Chile central Seed bank and dormancy in plants of the Mediterranean region of central Chile

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    Full Text Available Los bancos de semillas en las regiones mediterráneas presentan rasgos particulares que los distinguen de bancos de otras regiones del mundo. El banco de semillas es concentración de propágulos viables enterrados en el suelo por períodos variables de tiempo. Los bancos de semillas del matorral de Chile central son principalmente transitorios y funcionalmente semejantes a los bancos presentes en otros ecosistemas mediterráneos no perturbados por fuego, a excepción de Australia. El banco transitorio es aquel formado por semillas que permanecen viables en los horizontes superiores del suelo por no más de 1 año después de la dispersión. En el matorral de Chile central, en los horizontes superiores del suelo, se encuentra una de las densidades de semillas de hierbas más altas de las regiones mediterráneas. Una gran proporción de esta reserva está constituida por semillas sin latencia, fácilmente germinables, especialmente pastos anuales que germinan en otoño. Con respecto a los mecanismos de latencia de las semillas del banco transitorio responsables del almacenamiento de las semillas en el suelo, nuestra revisión bibliográfica reveló los siguientes principales síndromes de germinación: (1 especies con semillas que deben ser estratificadas en frío debido a la presencia de latencia fisiológica (principalmente hierbas introducidas; (2 especies con semillas que deben ser escarificadas con ácidos o procedimientos mecánicos debido a la presencia de latencia física (principalmente especies leñosas nativas; (3 especies con latencia fisiológica que necesitan de estratificación cálida para activar la germinación (hierbas nativas e introducidas. Estos síndromes provocan que la época de germinación en Chile central esté situada entre otoño e inicio de la primavera. Además, no hay referencias sobre la presencia de algún síndrome esporádico de germinación para los componentes de un banco de semillas permanente. Proponemos



    Díaz Sánchez, Jorge Eduardo


    Las malezas parásitas del género Orobanche constituyen un grave problema para la agricultura a nivel mundial. Chile no está ajeno a esta situación, ya que O. ramosa y O. minor están invadiendo y estableciéndose en importantes zonas agrícolas. Es así como O. ramosa parásita a diversos cultivos (tomate, tabaco y papa) entre la Región Metropolitana y la Araucania (35° a 38° Lat. S) y O. minor a especies forrajeras (trébol, alfalfa y serradella) entre la Región del Maule a la Araucania (35° a 39°...

  14. Helminths of Milvago chimango temucoensis (Aves: Falconiformes from Los Ríos Region, Chile: New Records for Neotropical Raptors

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    Oyarzún-Ruiz P.


    Full Text Available The goal of the present survey was to improve the scarce knowledge regard the endoparasites of raptors in Chile and South America. Thus, necropsy was performed on 14 chimango caracara Milvago chimango temucoensis from Los Ríos Region, Chile. From all examined birds, 78.6% were positive to helminths. The species identified were Capillaria tenuissima, Pterothominx sp., Baruscapillaria falconis, Cosmocephalus obvelatus, Skrjabinoclava sp., Synhimantus (Dispharynx nasuta, Synhimantus (D. sp., Synhimantus (Synhimantus sp., Paracuaria adunca, Procyrnea spinosa, Porrocaecum depressum, Contracaecum rudolphii sensu lato, Stephanoprora sp. and Polymorphus mutabilis. All species listed, with the exception of C. tenuissima, P. spinosa and P. depressum, are new records for the chimango caracara. Furthermore C. obvelatus, Skrjabinoclava sp., S. (D. nasuta, S. (D. sp., P. adunca, C. rudolphii s. l., Stephanoprora sp. and P. mutabilis all are new records for Neotropical raptors.

  15. The 1985 central chile earthquake: a repeat of previous great earthquakes in the region? (United States)

    Comte, D; Eisenberg, A; Lorca, E; Pardo, M; Ponce, L; Saragoni, R; Singh, S K; Suárez, G


    A great earthquake (surface-wave magnitude, 7.8) occurred along the coast of central Chile on 3 March 1985, causing heavy damage to coastal towns. Intense foreshock activity near the epicenter of the main shock occurred for 11 days before the earthquake. The aftershocks of the 1985 earthquake define a rupture area of 170 by 110 square kilometers. The earthquake was forecast on the basis of the nearly constant repeat time (83 +/- 9 years) of great earthquakes in this region. An analysis of previous earthquakes suggests that the rupture lengths of great shocks in the region vary by a factor of about 3. The nearly constant repeat time and variable rupture lengths cannot be reconciled with time- or slip-predictable models of earthquake recurrence. The great earthquakes in the region seem to involve a variable rupture mode and yet, for unknown reasons, remain periodic. Historical data suggest that the region south of the 1985 rupture zone should now be considered a gap of high seismic potential that may rupture in a great earthquake in the next few tens of years.

  16. Coupling of microbial nitrogen transformations and climate in sclerophyll forest soils from the Mediterranean Region of central Chile. (United States)

    Pérez, Cecilia A; Armesto, Juan J


    The Mediterranean region of central Chile is experiencing extensive "mega-droughts" with detrimental effects for the environment and economy of the region. In the northern hemisphere, nitrogen (N) limitation of Mediterranean ecosystems has been explained by the decoupling between N inputs and plant uptake during the dormant season. In central Chile, soils have often been considered N-rich in comparison to other Mediterranean ecosystems of the world, yet the impacts of expected intensification of seasonal drought remain unknown. In this work, we seek to disentangle patterns of microbial N transformations and their seasonal coupling with climate in the Chilean sclerophyll forest-type. We aim to assess how water limitation affects microbial N transformations, thus addressing the impact of ongoing regional climate trends on soil N status. We studied four stands of the sclerophyll forest-type in Chile. Field measurements in surface soils showed a 67% decline of free-living diazotrophic activity (DA) and 59% decrease of net N mineralization rates during the summer rainless and dormant season, accompanied by a stimulation of in-situ denitrification rates to values 70% higher than in wetter winter. Higher rates of both free-living DA and net N mineralization found during spring, provided evidence for strong coupling of these two processes during the growing season. Overall, the experimental addition of water in the field to litter samples almost doubled DA but had no effect on denitrification rates. We conclude that coupling of microbial mediated soil N transformations during the wetter growing season explains the N enrichment of sclerophyll forest soils. Expected increases in the length and intensity of the dry period, according to climate change models, reflected in the current mega-droughts may drastically reduce biological N fixation and net N mineralization, increasing at the same time denitrification rates, thereby potentially reducing long-term soil N capital

  17. Behavioral problems and tobacco use among adolescents in Chile

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    Caris Luis


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between behavioral problems and tobacco smoking among adolescent students in Chile. METHODS: Data were drawn from a study that included questionnaire surveys of 46 907 school-attending adolescents in all 13 of the administrative regions of Chile. Assessments were based on an adapted, Spanish-language version of the Drug Use Screening Inventory. The conditional form of the logistic regression model was used for analysis, with matching of students on individual schools, and with further statistical adjustments for sex, age, and selected risk factors. RESULTS: The prevalence of tobacco smoking among the adolescents was very high across all of Chile, with a level between 56% and 65% in each of the 13 regions. The estimated odds of tobacco use in youths at the highest level of behavioral problems was about twice that for youths at the lowest levels, both before and after controlling for sex, age, lack of participation in recreational activities, level of irritability, and levels of problems with school, family attention, and mental health. CONCLUSIONS: These findings help to complement and complete the evidence of prior studies on tobacco smoking among adolescents with behavior problems, including recent research on Central American youths. Although the magnitude of observed associations in Chile was not as great as that for the associations found in Central America, both the strength of these associations and their statistical significance were observed throughout Chile. This is the first study in Chile on potentially causal relationships such as these.

  18. Desigualdades en la provisión de asistencia médica en el sector público de salud en Chile

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    Oscar Arteaga

    Full Text Available Entre los años 1997 y 1999, el Ministerio de Salud de Chile impulsó la realización de estudios de la red asistencial en cada una de las 13 regiones del país, con el fin de poder orientar en ellas el desarrollo del sector salud y la cartera de inversiones. En este artículo se analizan algunos resultados de estos estudios. La cobertura del aseguramiento presenta variaciones geográficas, de edad y género. La atención médica ambulatoria y de hospitalización en el sector público presenta importantes variaciones geográficas. Sólo alrededor de un 20% de la capacidad total de producción de egresos de los hospitales de referencia nacional estaría siendo ofrecido al 60% de la población chilena que vive en regiones distintas de la Región Metropolitana. La asignación de recursos financieros para el nivel primario de atención muestra que las comunas que destinan mayores aportes per capita a salud no serían aquellas con mayor necesidad. La complementariedad de los sectores público y privado, así como el fortalecimiento de la autoridad sanitaria del Ministerio de Salud son ejes de desarrollo futuro del sector para mejorar la respuesta global del sistema de salud a las necesidades de la población.



    Ipinza-Regla, Joaquín; Jara, Pamela; Araya, Jaime E.


    ABSTRACT The distribution of formicids Brachymyrmex giardii (Emery), Camponotus chilensis (Spinola), and Nothidris bicolor (Snelling) was registered with the minimum area method in two sectors of Río Clarillo National Reserve (33° 41-51' S and 70° 24-29' W), Pirque Commune, Metropolitan Region, Chile. One sector corresponded to an area with human presence, while the other corresponded to an area with less human intervention. The nests presented a group distribution, and the presence of people...

  20. Checklist, diversity and distribution of testate amoebae in Chile. (United States)

    Fernández, Leonardo D; Lara, Enrique; Mitchell, Edward A D


    Bringing together more than 170 years of data, this study represents the first attempt to construct a species checklist and analyze the diversity and distribution of testate amoebae in Chile, a country that encompasses the southwestern region of South America, countless islands and part of the Antarctic. In Chile, known diversity includes 416 testate amoeba taxa (64 genera, 352 infrageneric taxa), 24 of which are here reported for the first time. Species-accumulation plots show that in Chile, the number of testate amoeba species reported has been continually increasing since the mid-19th century without leveling off. Testate amoebae have been recorded in 37 different habitats, though they are more diverse in peatlands and rainforest soils. Only 11% of species are widespread in continental Chile, while the remaining 89% of the species exhibit medium or short latitudinal distribution ranges. Also, species composition of insular Chile and the Chilean Antarctic territory is a depauperated subset of that found in continental Chile. Nearly, the 10% of the species reported here are endemic to Chile and many of them are distributed only within the so-called Chilean biodiversity hotspot (ca. 25° S-47° S). These findings are here thoroughly discussed in a biogeographical and evolutionary context. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  1. Áreas metropolitanas:¿qué ha cambiado?: La experiencia de la Caracas Metropolitana

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    Sonia Barrios


    Full Text Available La nueva economía de la información y del conocimiento ha tenido tres decisivas implicaciones de orden territorial. Primero, ha acelerado el proceso de aglomeración urbana a escala planetaria. Segundo, ha provocado fuertes alteraciones en las redes urbanas de ámbito mundial, regional y nacional. Y tercero, ha impulsado la reestructuración interna de las áreas metropolitanas que se habían conformado durante la era industrial. Todo parece anticipar, por lo tanto, polarizaciones y fragmentaciones territoriales todavía más acentuadas que las conocidas en un pasado cercano. Tomando como referencia el caso de Caracas, se trata de averiguar en qué medida el desarrollo reciente de esta metrópoli sigue las grandes tendencias territoriales antes anotadas; y qué esfuerzos se están haciendo para ajustar sus instancias locales a las nuevas realidades urbanas. Como un recurso adicional, en distintos momentos se establecen comparaciones con Barcelona (España, considerada un ejemplo emblemático de las metrópolis de la era de la informaciónThe developments of new informational and knowledge-based economies have had three decisive implications at the territorial level. First, it has accelerated the urban agglomeration processes worldwide. Second, it has brought about substantial alterations in the existing global, regional and national urban networks. Finally, it has triggered the internal restructuring of former industrial-based metropolitan areas. All this seems to anticipate that territorial polarization and fragmentation will reach higher levels than those we have observed in the recent past. Taking the case of Caracas as a reference point, the intention is to find out to what extent the recent development of this metropolis follows the main territorial trends mentioned above. Interest is also placed in finding what steps are being taken in order to adjust its local levels of government to the new urban realities. In addition, comparisons are

  2. [Food satisfaction in Mapuche persons in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile]. (United States)

    Schnettler, Berta; Miranda, Horacio; Sepúlveda, José; Denegri, Marianela; Mora, Marcos; Lobos, Germán


    Although the study and measurement of satisfaction with life has generated great interest in the last 15 years, there are few works which address satisfaction with food-related life. In order to identify variables which have an influence on satisfaction with food-related life among Mapuche persons, a survey was applied to 400 Mapuche subjects in the Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile. The scales evaluated in the questionnaire included: SWFL (Satisfaction with Food-related Life), lifestyles, food, and Mapuche acculturation. It was found that 41.0% were extremely satisfied, 40.5% satisfied, 17.2% somewhat satisfied and 1.2% dissatisfied with their food-related life. To identify variables which have an influence on satisfaction with food, an ordinal multinomial logit model was proposed, which was significant (p Mapuche foods, is aged 55 or more, consumes red meat in moderation, consumes foods without additives, try to balance work and private life, does not read the labels of products, and if he/she had Mapuche friends at school. Thus satisfaction with food-related life in Mapuche persons in the Metropolitan Region is related to demographic variables, expenditure on food, consumption of Mapuche foods and life-style.

  3. Gestión y percepción de marcas de las universidades de Lima Metropolitana 2014


    Orellana Guzmán, Edmundo Miguel


    Abarca la relación entre la gestión de marcas que desarrollan las universidades de Lima metropolitana y la percepción de marcas de las universidades por parte de la población de Lima metropolitana. La gestión de marcas de las universidades es el proceso de crear, diseñar construir, difundir y dar valor a su nombre, símbolo o marca mediante la publicidad en los diferentes medios de comunicación social y otras formas de comunicación; con el fin de llamar la atención, hacerla conocida, genera...

  4. Orientación empática de los estudiantes de dos escuelas de kinesiología de Chile Empathetic orientation of the physical therapist's students from two schools of Chile

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    A.M. Rojas-Serey


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer la orientación empática de los alumnos de la carrera de kinesiología de dos escuelas de la región metropolitana. Sujetos y métodos. Este trabajo corresponde a una investigación analítica de corte transversal realizada entre los meses de marzo y noviembre del año 2006. Participaron 274 alumnos de un universo de 351 correspondientes a los niveles I, III y V de la carrera de kinesiología de la Universidad de Chile y la Universidad Mayor. Se aplicó la escala de empatía médica de Jefferson (EEMJ. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó la prueba U no paramétrica de Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney y la prueba no paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados. Se obtuvieron mayores puntuaciones en la EEMJ con significación estadística en el tercer y quinto nivel de la carrera con relación al primero (p Aim. To know the empathetic orientation of the physical therapist's students in two schools of the metropolitan region. Subjects and methods. This work is an analytical cross-sectional research, carried out between the months on March and November, 2006. 274 out of 351 students participated, who belonged to the levels I, III and V of the Universidad de Chile and Universidad Mayor Physical Therapy Programs. The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSPE was applied. For data analysis, the non-parametrical Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and the non-parametrical Kruskal-Wallis test were used. Results. Higher scores in the JSPE with statistical significance were obtained in the third and fifth level of the program compared with the first one (p < 0.05. No significant differences were found in the scores related to gender. Conclusions. There exists higher scores obtained in the JSPE in students who are in more advanced levels of the Physical Therapy Program, being this difference significant in both universities. The scores obtained in the JSPE do not have statistical significance in relation to the variable gender in both universities.

  5. ¿Policentrismo o ampliación de la centralidad histórica en el Área Metropolitana del Gran Santiago?: Evidencia novedosa proveniente de la encuesta Casen 2009

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    Jorge Rodríguez V


    Full Text Available Se usan los módulos de "movilidad cotidiana para trabajar" del censo de población de 2002 y de la Encuesta de Caracterización Socioeconómica Nacional (Casen de 2009, de Chile, para verificar las hipótesis del avance del policentrismo y de la "difusión del empleo" en el Área Metropolitana del Gran Santiago (AMGS, Chile, planteadas por estudios recientes. Ambas hipótesis se ajustan tanto a las predicciones de las teorías del cambio metropolitano predominantes, como a la experiencia de numerosas ciudades de los países desarrollados y de América Latina. Sin embargo, en ellas se tiende a desconocer el efecto que la segregación residencial socioeconómica a gran escala del AMGS tiene sobre la localización del empleo. La evidencia sistematizada en este trabajo sugiere un proceso mixto en el AMGS: nuevas sub-centralidades aparecen, pero no contrapesan aún el predominio económico de la centralidad histórica ampliada.Questions on commuting from the 2002 Population Census and the 2009 Casen (National Socioeconomic Characterization survey of Chile are used for assessing two hypotheses raised in some recent articles about the Metropolitan Area of Greater Santiago (MAGS: i the advancement of polycentrism, and ii territorial diffusion of employment across the MAGS. Both hypotheses are based on mainstream theories of metropolitan change, and have been supported by evidence from several cities, mostly in developed countries. However, these hypotheses do not take the effects of Santiago's high levels of residential segregation into account. According to results obtained in this study, the MAGS is experiencing a mixed process: new centralities indeed are arising but they do not overshadow yet the concentration of employment in the wider historic centrality.

  6. Governança democrática dos recursos hídricos na região metropolitana de São Paulo : propostas a partir da experiência da região metropolitana de Buenos Aires


    Fantin, Adriana Aghinoni; Zanoni, Luciana Ortiz Tavares Costa; Santos, Marcus Vinicius Monteiro dos


    A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo está vivendo uma profunda crise de seus recursos hídricos, que expõe as fragilidades da atual governança, e nos convida a uma reflexão dos nós críticos que impedem um serviço mais eficiente. O presente trabalho aprofunda a governança, a gestão e a situação atual do saneamento, com base na experiência da Região Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, que vivenciou forte crise na cobertura de água e esgoto, além da contaminação das bacias. Em um processo de privatizaç...

  7. Biogenic volatile organic compounds from the urban forest of the Metropolitan Region, Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Préndez, Margarita; Carvajal, Virginia; Corada, Karina; Morales, Johanna; Alarcón, Francis; Peralta, Hugo


    Tropospheric ozone is a secondary pollutant whose primary sources are volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides. The national standard is exceeded on a third of summer days in some areas of the Chilean Metropolitan Region (MR). This study reports normalized springtime experimental emissions factors (EF) for biogenic volatile organic compounds from tree species corresponding to approximately 31% of urban trees in the MR. A Photochemical Ozone Creation Index (POCI) was calculated using Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential of quantified terpenes. Ten species, natives and exotics, were analysed using static enclosure technique. Terpene quantification was performed using GC-FID, thermal desorption, cryogenic concentration and automatic injection. Observed EF and POCI values for terpenes from exotic species were 78 times greater than native values; within the same family, exotic EF and POCI values were 28 and 26 times greater than natives. These results support reforestation with native species for improved urban pollution management. -- First experimental determination of the emission factors of biogenic volatile organic compounds in the urban forest of the Metropolitan Region, Chile

  8. Protection of Existing and Potential Astronomical Sites in Chile - an Update. (United States)

    Smith, M. G.; Sanhueza, P.; Norman, D.; Schwarz, H.; Orellana, D.


    The IAU's Working Group on Controlling Light Pollution (iauwg) has declared Mauna Kea and a wide strip of Northern Chile between Antofagasta and Chajnanator as top priorities for its efforts to protect existing and potential sites in the Northern and Southern hemispheres respectively. This report provides an update on the iauwg's co-ordinated efforts to protect areas around the major international optical observatories in Chile, as well as the "Chilean Special Zone" (CSZ) mentioned above. This zone is of current and potential interest for the installation of extremely large optical telescopes and includes the ALMA radio-astronomy site. The CSZ is potentially vulnerable to adverse effects of mining in the region. Progess has been made in demonstrating to local mining interests within the CSZ the economic advantages of quality lighting. Educational and outreach activities to a variety of target audiences are building on legislation covering dark skies - itself part of work by the Chilean government to protect the natural heritage of Chile. Substantial good will was generated by an international, bilingual conference held last March in Chile. Just in the region around AURA's Observatory in Chile (Gemini South, CTIO and SOAR), a portable planetarium has been used to reach out to over 600 teachers and 65,000 pupils in the RedLaSer schools network within the last three years. This has attracted the direct interest of Chile's Ministry of Education. Videoconferencing over Internet2 is being used for educational purposes between Chile and various sites in the US. The NSF- initiated Mamalluca municipal observatory now receives more visitors than all the international observatories in Chile combined and is the focus of an expanding local industry of astronomical eco-tourism. Most of this work was supported by funding from, or via, the US NSF through CTIO and Gemini, and from ESO, OCIW, CONAMA and the IDA.


    Moreno-Beas, Eduardo; Abalos, Pedro; Hidalgo-Hermoso, Ezequiel


    Serum samples from 130 individuals representing 42 species of carnivores, ungulates, and primates from a population of captive mammals in Metropolitan Region in Chile were tested for antibodies against nine serovars of Leptospira interrogans using the microscopic agglutination test. Ten percent of the animals were seropositive to one or more serovars. Seroprevalence was significantly higher in ungulates (20.4%) compared to carnivores (3.8%) and primates (3.4%). There were no significant differences in seroprevalence among sex and age ranges. The most frequent serovar detected was Autumnalis, present in 53.4% of antibody-positive animals. Most positive animals had titers of ≤1 : 200, except for a maned wolf ( Chrysocyon brachyurus ) with titers of 1 : 400 against serovar Hardjo. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of Leptospira exposure detected in native endangered pudu ( Pudu puda ) and the first confirmation of exposure to L. interrogans in captive wild mammals in Chile. Leptospirosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis in future disease presentation for hepatitis or abortions in captive mammals in Chile.

  10. Incidencia de neoplasias hematológicas en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, 2000-2004

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    Claudia Janeth Uribe Pérez


    Full Text Available Resumen SummaryAntecedentes: Las lesiones hematooncológicas son un grupo de neoplasias generadas por alteraciones células progenitoras hematopoyéticas. Este tipo de lesiones afectan a la población en general, con un porcentaje importante de ocurrencia en la población infantil. En el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga (AMB estos trastornos se ubican dentro de las lesiones malignas más frecuentes region (2000 - 2004. Metodología: El Registro Poblacional del AMB realiza un proceso de búsqueda y verificación IACR, activa de los casos de cáncer en la población residente AMB desde el 2000. Luego de los procesos de validación, los casos son codificados y digitados en CanReg-4 con el cual se estiman frecuencias y tasas de software. Este informe tiene datos verificados y actualizados que incluyen los obtenidos en el proceso de validación de egreso hospitalario y registros de mortalidad. Resultados: Entre 2000 y 2004 se captaron 620 casos de neoplasias hematolinfoides ubicándose en los primeros lugares tanto en hombres como en mujeres, con un mayor número de casos en los hombres especialmente por casos de leucemia linfoide. Se encuentra tasa cruda de 10.9 casos Conclusión: Comparando con las cifras del proyecto , el comportamiento de las neoplasias hematológicas en esta región es similar a lo estimado para el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga

  11. A solar radiation database for Chile. (United States)

    Molina, Alejandra; Falvey, Mark; Rondanelli, Roberto


    Chile hosts some of the sunniest places on earth, which has led to a growing solar energy industry in recent years. However, the lack of high resolution measurements of solar irradiance becomes a critical obstacle for both financing and design of solar installations. Besides the Atacama Desert, Chile displays a large array of "solar climates" due to large latitude and altitude variations, and so provides a useful testbed for the development of solar irradiance maps. Here a new public database for surface solar irradiance over Chile is presented. This database includes hourly irradiance from 2004 to 2016 at 90 m horizontal resolution over continental Chile. Our results are based on global reanalysis data to force a radiative transfer model for clear sky solar irradiance and an empirical model based on geostationary satellite data for cloudy conditions. The results have been validated using 140 surface solar irradiance stations throughout the country. Model mean percentage error in hourly time series of global horizontal irradiance is only 0.73%, considering both clear and cloudy days. The simplicity and accuracy of the model over a wide range of solar conditions provides confidence that the model can be easily generalized to other regions of the world.

  12. Tourism in Chile | CTIO (United States)

    Program PIA Program GO-FAAR Program Other Opportunities Tourism Visits to Tololo Astro tourism in Chile Tourism in Chile Information for travelers Visit Tololo Media Relations News Press Release Publications ‹› You are here CTIO Home » Outreach » Tourism » Tourism in Chile Tourism in Chile Map of

  13. Distribution and habitat ecology of the sorediate species of Menegazzia (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota in Chile Distribución y ecología de las especies sorediosas de Menegazzia (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota liquenizado en Chile

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The taxonomy and ecology of the sorediate species of Menegazzia from the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina and the South Atlantic Islands was recently published, only with sporadic reports from the more northern regions. In the present work the distribution patterns and habitat ecology of the sorediate species are discussed, with emphasis on the area north of 48º S. Eleven species are treated. Menegazzia subpertusa, an epiphyte of sclerophyll scrubs, is recorded from South America for the first time (Chile and Argentina. Menegazzia neozelandica has a disjunct distribution in Chile, with occurrences in Fray Jorge (Fourth Region of Chile and on Islas Juan Fernández, and along the coast south of latitude 38º S. Menegazzia kawesqarica and M. tenuis are most common in the southernmost part of Chile, but are also found at high altitudes at lower latitudes. Additional treated species are M. chrysogaster, M. fumarprotocetrarica, M. globulifera, M. magellanica, M. norsorediata, M. sanguinascens and M. wandae. Several of the sorediate species are early colonisers of newly developed substrates. They show variable occurrences along light and humidity gradients. Distribution maps and a revised key are presented.Recientemente se han publicado datos sobre la taxonomía y ecología de las especies sorediosas de Menegazzia representadas en las regiones más australes de Chile y Argentina e islas del Atlántico Sur, además de registros esporádicos en zonas ubicadas más al norte en Chile. En este trabajo se discuten los patrones de distribución y la ecología del hábitat de 11 especies sorediosas, con especial enfásis en aquellas que se desarrollan al norte de los 48º S. Menegazzia subpertusa, un epífito de arbustos esclerófilos, se registra por primera vez en América (Chile y Argentina. Menegazzia neozelandica tiene una distribución discontinua en Chile; ha sido recolectada en Fray Jorge (Cuarta Región de Chile, Islas Juan Fern

  14. Síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus en población infantil. Chile: Regiones IX y X. 1998-2000




    El síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus (SPH) ha estado presente en Chile desde 1993 y ha sido detectado desde 1997 en la IX Región. Es una grave zoonosis con alta mortalidad, que afecta a gente joven incluyendo niños. Se ha estimado oportuno dar a conocer nuestra experiencia en la atención de 6 pacientes pediátricos, atendidos en las unidades de Cuidados Intensivos y Aislamiento en el Hospital Regional de Temuco, entre enero de 1998 y enero de 2000 mediante un estudio descriptivo de la experienc...

  15. Viability of Green Roofs as a Flood Mitigation Element in the Central Region of Chile

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    Daniel Mora-Melià


    Full Text Available Population increase and urban development over the last 20 years in Chile have outgrown most rainwater drainage and evacuation systems. Many cities located in the central region suffer from frequent floods in some of their sectors during winter rainfall events. In addition, the lack of green spaces in these cities leads to biodiversity loss, increasing temperatures, greater energy demands, etc. Green roofs offer a solution that can mitigate climate change by reducing the runoff in cities with extensive, highly impermeable areas. This work analyses the installation of green roofs as a potential solution to the sectorial floods suffered by many cities in central Chile. The methodology includes the identification of conflictive sectors in the city of Curicó, hydrological modelling with the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM software, the consideration of different distributions and types of green roof surfaces, and computational simulations to determine the feasibility of green roofs for preventing floods. The results show that, for moderate rainfall events, all studied sectors could avoid flooding if at least 50% of the surrounding area had green roofs (irrespective of the type of green roof. In contrast, in the presence of strong rainfall events, only some semi-extensive and extensive green roofs covering 60% to 95% of the surrounding area, respectively, could prevent flooding.

  16. Field survey of the 16 September 2015 Chile tsunami (United States)

    Lagos, Marcelo; Fritz, Hermann M.


    On the evening of 16 September, 2015 a magnitude Mw 8.3 earthquake occurred off the coast of central Chile's Coquimbo region. The ensuing tsunami caused significant inundation and damage in the Coquimbo or 4th region and mostly minor effects in neighbouring 3rd and 5th regions. Fortunately, ancestral knowledge from the past 1922 and 1943 tsunamis in the region along with the catastrophic 2010 Maule and recent 2014 tsunamis, as well as tsunami education and evacuation exercises prompted most coastal residents to spontaneously evacuate to high ground after the earthquake. There were a few tsunami victims; while a handful of fatalities were associated to earthquake induced building collapses and the physical stress of tsunami evacuation. The international scientist joined the local effort from September 20 to 26, 2015. The international tsunami survey team (ITST) interviewed numerous eyewitnesses and documented flow depths, runup heights, inundation distances, sediment deposition, damage patterns, performance of the navigation infrastructure and impact on the natural environment. The ITST covered a 500 km stretch of coastline from Caleta Chañaral de Aceituno (28.8° S) south of Huasco down to Llolleo near San Antonio (33.6° S). We surveyed more than 40 locations and recorded more than 100 tsunami and runup heights with differential GPS and integrated laser range finders. The tsunami impact peaked at Caleta Totoral near Punta Aldea with both tsunami and runup heights exceeding 10 m as surveyed on September 22 and broadcasted nationwide that evening. Runup exceeded 10 m at a second uninhabited location some 15 km south of Caleta Totoral. A significant variation in tsunami impact was observed along the coastlines of central Chile at local and regional scales. The tsunami occurred in the evening hours limiting the availability of eyewitness video footages. Observations from the 2015 Chile tsunami are compared against the 1922, 1943, 2010 and 2014 Chile tsunamis. The

  17. Regionalização, mobilidade pendular e os desafios metropolitanos: o caso da Região Metropolitana de Campinas

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    Ednelson Mariano Dota


    Full Text Available Na atual conjuntura de nossa sociedade, velocidade e movimento são dois imperativos e a mobilidade pendular, enquanto fenômeno das grandes aglomerações pode ser indicativo de novas formas de organização das metrópoles e suas respectivas regiões metropolitanas. Portanto, o presente artigo parte da premissa de que a mobilidade pendular e o processo de regionalização da urbanização possuem estreitas relações e a análise conjunta desses dois fatores pode elucidar o entendimento dos complexos processos atuantes na forma urbana recente. Desse modo, o trabalho discute o processo metodológico de criação das regiões metropolitanas no Brasil e propõe a utilização de indicadores relacionados a migração e mobilidade pendular como possibilidade analítica para compreensão dos nexos territoriais da Região Metropolitana de Campinas.

  18. Vertical transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Province of Choapa, IV Region, Chile: Preliminary Report (2005-2008

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    Werner Apt


    Full Text Available Congenital Chagas disease acquired special importance in Chile after the certification of the control of Triatoma infestans and transmission by blood donors affected with Trypanosoma cruzi. In order to establish adequate protocols for intervention and control in infected mother-neonate pairs in endemic zones of Chagas disease, we present partial results (2005-2008 of a pilot project which is being carried out in the Province of Choapa, IV Region, Chile, whose objectives are: determine the current prevalence of the disease in pregnant women, estimate the incidence of vertical transmission of T. cruzi to newborns, determine the lineages of the parasite present in mothers who do and do not transmit the disease, determine the prevalence of Chagas disease in maternal grandmothers of neonates and study placental histopathology. Preliminary results indicated that in this study period, 3.7% of the women who gave birth in the Province have Chagas disease and 2.5% of their newborns were infected. The most frequent T. cruzi genotypes found in mothers studied during pregnancy were TCI and TCIId, either alone or in mixed infections. A high percentage (74.3% of the grandmothers studied was infected with the parasite. In 29 placentas from mothers with Chagas disease we observed edema, necrosis, fibrinoid deposits and slight lymphoplasmocyte infiltration. In three placentas we found erythroblastosis and in one of them amastigote forms of T. cruzi; this was one of the cases of congenital infection. The evaluation of the diagnostic and control protocols generated will allow us to determine if it has been possible to modify the natural history of vertical transmission of T. cruzi in Chile.


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    Marcos Medina Tapia


    Full Text Available El trabajo analiza los principios y estructuras de modelación de localización óptima de actividades indeseables (obnoxious location models, revisando criterios de "eficiencia espacial" en la localización, y "justicia espacial" en la distribución de externalidades. La eficiencia se logra con modelos de localización-asignación optimizando el costo total (plant location. Para la justicia se calibran curvas de rechazo con métodos econométricos. Finalmente todo se optimiza en una estructura multiobjetivo ponderada. Este modelo mixto se aplica a la localización de estaciones de transferencia y rellenos sanitarios en la Región Metropolitana, obteniendo localizaciones óptimas (económica y socialmente, y asignaciones óptimas de residuos sólidos comunales.This work analyses the principles and structures of optimal location models of obnoxious activities, by studying criterion of spatial efficiency in the location, and spatial justice in the distribution of externalities. The efficiency is obtained through the Plant Location model (a location-allocation model. For the justice, opposition curves are fitted using econometrics models. Finally, everything is optimised in a weighted multi-objective structure. This mixed model is applied to the location of transfer stations and landfill operations in the Metropolitan Area in Santiago-Chile. The results give optimal locations (economic and social, and optimal allocation of municipal solid waste.

  20. Segregación residencial socioeconómica en la Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica. Niveles y patrones entre 1984 y 2000

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    Wendy Molina Varela


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se analizan los Índices de Segregación Residencial Socioeconómica en tres escalas, y se analizan los niveles y patrones de la segregación y su tendencia en el tiempo por comparación de los índices de 1984 y 2000. Entre los hallazgos más destacables, se encuentra la correspondencia con las tendencias de la segregación residencial en otras ciudades latinoamericanas: una mayor segregación a escala menor y una disminución en el tiempo de los niveles de la segregación. Asimismo, la Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM en general presenta menores índices de segregación que varias ciudades latinoamericanas, particularmente Santiago de Chile, diferencia que se explica por el origen y la estructuración histórica de la ciudad, pues la GAM se caracteriza por ser un espacio urbano menos polarizado, más heterogéneo, con una concentración de las élites en áreas pequeñas distribuidas por toda la ciudad y una distribución más bien dispersa de una amplia clase media.

  1. Características biológicas y sociales de los menores de un año muertos por neumonía en la Región Metropolitana de Chile, 1995 Biological and social characteristics of infants who died from pneumonia in the Santiago Metropolitan Region of Chile, 1995

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    Teresa Millán


    Full Text Available Para determinar las características biológicas, socioculturales y de la atención de salud asociadas con las muertes por neumonía en menores de un año, se realizó un estudio de casos y controles para obtener información cuantitativa mediante un cuestionario semiestructurado a las madres y a 28 médicos jefes de servicios hospitalarios (n = 15 o ambulatorios (n = 13. Los casos se definieron como los menores de un año fallecidos por neumonía en 1995 en la Región Metropolitana de Chile (Santiago. Como controles se seleccionaron 118 niños que sobrevivieron a un ingreso por neumonía en el mismo período y en la misma región, apareados con los casos por edad, mes de hospitalización y comuna de residencia. Además se realizó un estudio cualitativo, consistente en entrevistas en profundidad con las madres de 20 casos y de 5 controles y con 12 informantes clave de los equipos de salud ligados a la atención primaria. De los 149 casos identificados, se estudiaron 113 (75,8% que fueron divididos en dos grandes grupos: fallecidos en el hospital (69% y fallecidos en el domicilio (31%. Cerca de dos tercios de las muertes (63,7% ocurrieron en el primer trimestre. Tanto los casos como los controles tuvieron más riesgo biológico y social que la población chilena en general, aunque hubo diferencias significativas entre ellos. La incidencia de bajo (In order to determine the biological, sociocultural, and health-care characteristics associated with deaths from pneumonia among infants, this study used cases and controls to obtain quantitative information from a semistructured questionnaire given to those infants’ mothers and to 28 doctors (15 who headed inpatient services and 13 who directed outpatient services. The cases were defined as children under 1 year of age who had died from pneumonia in 1995 in the Metropolitan Region of Chile (Greater Santiago. The controls were 118 children who survived after being hospitalized with pneumonia during

  2. Chile a jeho místo v integračních procesech Latinské Ameriky


    Netuka, Petr


    Thesis briefly mentions history of Chile and introduces three efforts for regional integration - Free Trade Area of the Americas, Andean Community of Nations and Mercosur. In next chapters, bilateral relations of Chile to four other countries are described, namely relations to its neighbours (Argentina, Bolivia and Peru) and to Brazil as a largest economy of the Latin America. The goal of the work is to analyse an effort of Chile for regional integration.

  3. Impactos del desarrollo inmobiliario en localidades costeras del Área Metropolitana de Valparaíso, Chile./ Impact of real estate development of four coastal villages of Valparaiso Metropolitan Area.

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    Camilo Arriagada Luco


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un extracto de la investigación “Impacto del Desarrollo inmobiliario y turístico de pequeñas localidades balneario del litoral central chileno: localización de departamentos y resort, gentrificación urbano costera y nuevas demografías residenciales”,cuyo objetivo fue “estudiar el impacto que tiene el crecimiento del sector turístico-inmobiliario, sus efectos en la valorización del suelo urbano y recambio socio demográfico o inmigración queoperan en dos zonas de expansión del área metropolitana de Valparaíso, su eje Norte conformado por la intercomuna desde Concón hasta Maitencillo y Zapallar y su eje sur conformado por la región de Algarrobo Norte-Mirasol. La metodología aplicada combino elprocesamiento de datos cuantitativos secundarios de CASEN, Censo y otros con el levantamiento de entrevistas a expertos urbanistas como asimismo a vecinos de las zonas observadas y el registro en terreno de efectos visibles en áreas de influencia de una serie demegaproyectos ubicados dentro de las cuatro pequeñas ciudades o casos elegidos. En este artículo se hace revisión en particular si los casos analizados muestran indicios de recambio socio económico de la población residente con base en datos del Censo y CASEN, y se elabora un análisis agregado de entrevistas a urbanistas chilenos sobre desafíos del proceso a la planificación urbana y de entrevistas a vecinos residentes y comerciantes antiguos de las localidades respecto a los impactos positivos y negativos percibidos del desarrollo inmobiliario observado./This article is part of the project results 2012 "Impact of real estate and tourism developmentof small towns Chilean central coastal resort: location of departments and resort, coastal urban gentrification and new residential demographics" awarded by the University of Chile to theProject postulated by Professor Camilo Arriagada Luco. The objective was "to study the impact of the growth in tourism

  4. [Teenage fecundity rates in Chile: a serious public health problem]. (United States)

    Molina C, Ramiro; Molina G, Temístocles; González A, Electra


    Teenage fecundity rates are an indicator of epidemiological discrimination in developing countries. To study fertility rates of girls under 14 years of age in Chile from 1993 to 2003. Information of children born alive from mothers aged 10 to 15 years, was obtained from the Chilean National Institute of Statistics. Age segmented population data was obtained from the Ministry of Health. Trends were analyzed by regions and single ages. The rates in communities of the Metropolitan Region were compared. Between 1993 and 2003, there was an increasing trend in fecundity rates, ratios and crude numbers. These rates duplicate from 14 to 15 years of age. In the Metropolitan Region, the fecundity ratios of communities with lower economical incomes is seven times greater than those with higher incomes. During 2003, the fecundity rates in Chile were 100 and 10 higher than those of Holland and Sweden in 1981. In developing countries with very low infant mortality rates such as Chile, the high fecundity rates of young girls is an indicator of a deficient human and social development. Sexual Education and Health Services for adolescents are essential to prevent this public health problem.

  5. University Support in the Development of Regional Entrepreneurial Activity: An Exploratory Study from Chile

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    Carlos Poblete


    Full Text Available The theoretical literature has explored the potential benefits of the interaction between universities and entrepreneurs and there is some empirical evidence that supports the positive impact of entrepreneurship education in the subsequent propensity to become an entrepreneur. The purpose of this paper is study if higher education for entrepreneurship is reflected in entrepreneurship activities at the regional level. Replicating the methodology used by Coduras, Urban, Rojas and Martínez (2008 in Spain, we compare, in an exploratory way, the experience in Chile using data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM. The main results indicate that there is low interaction between entrepreneurs and universities and there is not enough impact to significantly affect entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, entrepreneurship education does not increase intentions to be an entrepreneur.

  6. All projects related to Chile | Page 4 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... complex knowledge economy demands economic, social and environmental data ... Region: Brazil, South America, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, North and Central ... Labour Market Regulations, Outcomes and Income Distribution in Colombia ...

  7. Ciudad, transporte y energía: una nueva propuesta desde la problemática de la movilidad metropolitana


    Casellas, Antònia; Poli, Corrado


    A partir del análisis del problema de la movilidad y la creciente dependencia de las energías fósiles en un periodo de expansión de la demanda por parte de países emergentes, el presente artículo cuestiona el consolidado debate en torno a la necesidad e importancia de las áreas metropolitanas. Cuestionada la tendencia general, se argumenta que a nivel de escala metropolitana se debe actuar para reducir la movilidad en lugar de incentivarla. Para ello se apunta a la necesidad de un cambio de p...

  8. Solidarity, territory and coercion. Explaining absence of conflict in the precarious agroindustrial workers, Region of Maule, Chile

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    Fernando Baeza Rivas


    Full Text Available Based on 53 interviews of agribusiness workers in four companies in the region of Maule (Chile, we try to understand the reasons for the "split " between the objective indicators of precarious work and low levels of conflict in agriculture, from the analysis of subjective dissatisfaction of salaried with their employment. This could be explained by territorial factors, traditionalism of labor relations and the fear of sanctions for companies to conflict. The results emphasize the need to further deepen the subjective precariousness from conceptual and methodological frameworks that emphasize biographical and professional life of workers

  9. Deuterium content on surface waters VI to X Chile regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aravena C, R; Pollastri J, A.; Suzuki S, O.


    One important parameter on any sitting study for a heavy water plant installation is the deuterium content of the feed water. Deuterium data on surface waters from differents areas located in the south of Chile, are presented. These results allow to idently some potential areas for a future heavy water plant. One of these areas, Lago Llanquihue, was sampled more in detail to study the vertical distribution and spatial variations. (Author)

  10. Desigualdades en la provisión de asistencia médica en el sector público de salud en Chile Inequalities in public health care provision in Chile

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    Oscar Arteaga


    Full Text Available Entre los años 1997 y 1999, el Ministerio de Salud de Chile impulsó la realización de estudios de la red asistencial en cada una de las 13 regiones del país, con el fin de poder orientar en ellas el desarrollo del sector salud y la cartera de inversiones. En este artículo se analizan algunos resultados de estos estudios. La cobertura del aseguramiento presenta variaciones geográficas, de edad y género. La atención médica ambulatoria y de hospitalización en el sector público presenta importantes variaciones geográficas. Sólo alrededor de un 20% de la capacidad total de producción de egresos de los hospitales de referencia nacional estaría siendo ofrecido al 60% de la población chilena que vive en regiones distintas de la Región Metropolitana. La asignación de recursos financieros para el nivel primario de atención muestra que las comunas que destinan mayores aportes per capita a salud no serían aquellas con mayor necesidad. La complementariedad de los sectores público y privado, así como el fortalecimiento de la autoridad sanitaria del Ministerio de Salud son ejes de desarrollo futuro del sector para mejorar la respuesta global del sistema de salud a las necesidades de la población.From 1997 to 1999, the Chilean Ministry of Health conducted studies on the health care networks in each of the country's 13 regions in order to help plan regional health sector development and define investment projects. Health insurance coverage displayed major geographic, age, and gender variations. Out-patient and in-patient medical care in the public sector showed substantial geographic variations. According to patient discharge records from national referral hospitals, only some 20% of total health care capability is used to treat 60% of the Chilean population living in regions outside the Greater Metropolitan area. Analysis of primary care funding shows that municipalities allocating the highest per capita funds are not the ones with the

  11. The subduction erosion and mantle source region contamination model of Andean arc magmatism: Isotopic evidence from igneous rocks of central Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stern, Charles R


    Continental crust may be incorporated in mantle-derived Andean magmas as these magmas rise through the crust (Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988), or alternatively, crust may be tectonically transported into the mantle by subduction of trench sediments and subduction erosion of the continental margin, and then added into the mantle source region of Andean magmas (Stern, 1991). Since the mantle has relatively low Sr, Nd, and Pb concentrations compared to continental crust, differences in the isotopic compositions of magmas erupted in different region of the Andes may be produced by relatively small differences in the amount of subducted crust added to the mantle source region of these magmas. By comparison, significantly larger amounts of crust must be assimilated by mantle-derived magmas to produce isotopic differences of similar magnitude. Therefore, constraining the process by which continental crust is incorporated in Andean magmas has important implications for understanding the chemical cycling that takes place in the Andean subduction-related magma factory. Isotopic data suggest the incorporation of a greater proportion of crust in Andean magmas erupted at the northern portion of the Southern Volcanic Zone of central Chile compared to those erupted in the southern portion of the Southern Volcanic Zone of south central Chile (SSVZ) (Stern et al., 1984; Futa and Stern, 1988; Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988). The NSVZ occurs just south of the current locus of the subduction of the Juan Fernandez Ridge. The southward migration of the locus of subduction of this ridge has resulted in decreasing subduction angle below the NSVZ, the eastward migration of the volcanic front of the Andean arc, and an increase in the crustal thickness below the arc. These factors together have caused changes, since the middle Miocene, in the isotopic composition of Andean igneous rocks of central Chile. The data indicate a close chronologic relation between the southward migrations of the locus

  12. Descentralización metropolitana y desarrollo local El caso de Castilla y León en el hinterland madrileño


    Doval Abad, Manuel


    La presente investigación sobre Descentralización Metropolitana y Desarrollo Local, enmarcada dentro de la problemática que se integra en las disciplinas académicas de Ordenación del Territorio, Geografía de la Localización Industrial y la Economía Regional, trata de los desequilibrios espaciales presentes en gran parte de los países desarrollados y en desarrollo, derivados de la lógica acumulativa y competitiva de los mercados en el modo de producción y distribución vigente, generalizado a e...

  13. Using Information and Communication Technologies to Prevent Suicide Among Secondary School Students in Two Regions of Chile: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Franco Mascayano


    Full Text Available Background: There is an increasing concern for addressing suicide among adolescents in Latin America. Recent mental health policies encourage the development and implementation of preventive interventions for suicide. Such initiatives, however, have been scarcely developed, even in countries with solid mental health services such as Chile. The use of information and communications technology (ICT might contribute to create accessible, engaging, and innovative platforms to promote well-being and support for adolescents with mental health needs and suicide risk.Objective: To evaluate a program based on ICT to prevent suicide and enhance mental health among adolescents in Chile. Method: A cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT will be conducted including 428 high-school students aged 18–14 years in two regions of Chile. Study procedures will take place as follows: (1 design of the intervention model and creation of prototype; (2 selection and randomization of the participating public schools; (3 implementation of the 3-month intervention and evaluation at baseline, post-intervention period, and a 2-month follow-up. Suicidal ideation at the 2-month follow up is the primary outcome in this study. Secondary outcomes include negative psychological outcomes (e.g., stigma, depression, anxiety as well as a number of protective psychological and social factors. Indicators regarding the study implementation will be also gathered. Discussion: Here we describe a novel program based on technological devices and aimed to target youth suicide in Chile. This is the first clinical trial of such a program in Latin America, and to our knowledge, the first of its kind in any middle income country.Trial Registration: gov Identifier: NCT03514004

  14. Statistical downscaling of sea-surface wind over the Peru-Chile upwelling region: diagnosing the impact of climate change from the IPSL-CM4 model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goubanova, K. [CNES/CNRS/IRD/UPS, Laboratoire d' Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiale, Toulouse (France); Instituto del Mar del Peru, Callao (Peru); Echevin, V.; Terray, P. [IPSL/UPMC/IRD, Laboratoire d' Oceanographie et de Climatologie, Experimentation et Approches Numeriques, Paris (France); Dewitte, B. [CNES/CNRS/IRD/UPS, Laboratoire d' Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiale, Toulouse (France); Instituto del Mar del Peru, Callao (Peru); Instituto Geofisico del Peru, Lima (Peru); Codron, F. [UPMC/CNRS, Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, Paris (France); Takahashi, K. [Instituto Geofisico del Peru, Lima (Peru); Vrac, M. [IPSL/CNRS/CEA/UVSQ, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l' Environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    The key aspect of the ocean circulation off Peru-Chile is the wind-driven upwelling of deep, cold, nutrient-rich waters that promote a rich marine ecosystem. It has been suggested that global warming may be associated with an intensification of upwelling-favorable winds. However, the lack of high-resolution long-term observations has been a limitation for a quantitative analysis of this process. In this study, we use a statistical downscaling method to assess the regional impact of climate change on the sea-surface wind over the Peru-Chile upwelling region as simulated by the global coupled general circulation model IPSL-CM4. Taking advantage of the high-resolution QuikSCAT wind product and of the NCEP reanalysis data, a statistical model based on multiple linear regressions is built for the daily mean meridional and zonal wind at 10 m for the period 2000-2008. The large-scale 10 m wind components and sea level pressure are used as regional circulation predictors. The skill of the downscaling method is assessed by comparing with the surface wind derived from the ERS satellite measurements, with in situ wind observations collected by ICOADS and through cross-validation. It is then applied to the outputs of the IPSL-CM4 model over stabilized periods of the pre-industrial, 2 x CO{sub 2} and 4 x CO{sub 2} IPCC climate scenarios. The results indicate that surface along-shore winds off central Chile (off central Peru) experience a significant intensification (weakening) during Austral winter (summer) in warmer climates. This is associated with a general decrease in intra-seasonal variability. (orig.)

  15. Per una política metropolitana d'espais lliures


    Simon, Àngel


    Las instituciones del Área Metropolitana de Barcelona tienen una larga y sólida tradición en el campo del medio ambiente, en el que han intervenido desde el planeamiento urbanístico, la inversión en obra pública y la gestión de servicios (ciclo del agua, tratamiento de residuos, control de la contaminación atmosférica y transporte público. Estas intervenciones tienen implicaciones directas en el mantenimiento y la mejora del sistema metropolitano de espacios libres, sistema que tiene como fun...

  16. La duración del desempleo en Lima Metropolitana


    Belapatiño, Vanessa; Céspedes, Nikita; Gutierrez, Ana Paola


    En este documento se estima la duración del desempleo en Lima Metropolitana y se estudian sus principales determinantes. Se encuentra que la duración del desempleo es aproximadamente 3 meses, indicador que reporta una tendencia decreciente consistente con la mayor generación de empleo y el crecimiento económico registrados en el Perú en el periodo en consideración. Se sugiere que la informalidad laboral, el autoempleo y la inactividad son los principales elementos detrás de la reducida duraci...

  17. Família, pobreza e acesso a programas de transferência de renda nas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras Familia, pobreza y acceso a programas de transferencia de renta en las regiones metropolitanas brasileñas Family, poverty and access to income transfer programs in the metropolitan regions of

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    Lilia Montali


    ças de rendimento per capita.El objetivo del artículo es evidenciar en las regiones metropolitanas brasileñas los asentamientos familiares más vulnerables al empobrecimiento e investigar el acceso de éstos a los programas de transferencia de renta, así como algunos efectos de estos programas sobre los ingresos de las familias. Los asentamientos domiciliarios más vulnerables al empobrecimiento son así identificados por poseer los más bajos ingresos familiares per cápita y concentración en las camadas inferiores de renta. Presentan estructuración y composiciones distintas, así como experimentan diferentes momentos del ciclo de vida familiar, pero son los más frágiles ante el cambio en el padrón de empleo, por presentar una composición familiar desfavorable para la inserción de sus componentes en el mercado de trabajo. En las regiones metropolitanas brasileñas, el empobrecimiento de los hogares ocurrido en los años 90 e inicios de los 2000 refleja la caída de los ingresos del trabajo proveniente de la precarización del mercado, bajo la reestructuración productiva y el bajo crecimiento económico hasta 2004. Hasta 2006, bajo la recuperación económica, tales ingresos no volvieron a los niveles de la mitad de los años 90. Entre las políticas de lucha contra la pobreza emergen aquéllas de transferencia de renta, que, al inicio de los años 2000, presentaban un alcance incipiente. Se intensifican en el transcurso de la década, posibilitando el aumento del acceso de los hogares con ingresos más bajos. En un análisis comparativo entre los datos de la PNAD 2004 y 2006, se procura identificar el acceso a los programas de transferencia de renta por los hogares caracterizados por diferentes tipos de asentamientos familiares, considerando su estructuración y momento del ciclo de vida familiar. Uno de los impactos a ser investigados dentro de éstos es la reducción de los hogares sin ingresos. Se investiga también la disminución de la desigualdad de

  18. Comparison of Public Perception in Desert and Rainy Regions of Chile Regarding the Reuse of Treated Sewage Water

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    Daniela Segura


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to compare the public perception in desert and rainy regions of Chile regarding the reuse of treated sewage water. The methodology of this study consisted of applying a survey to the communities of San Pedro de Atacama (desert region and Hualqui (rainy region to identify attitudes about the reuse of sewage water. The survey was applied directly to men and women, 18 to 90 years old, who were living in the studied communities. The results indicate that inhabitants of San Pedro de Atacama (desert region were aware of the state of their water resources, with 86% being aware that there are water shortages during some part of the year. In contrast, only 55% of residents in Hualqui (rainy region were aware of water shortages. With respect of the reuse of treated sewage water, 47% of respondents in San Pedro de Atacama understood the concept, as compared to 27% in Hualqui. There was more acceptance of using treated sewage water for non-potable purposes than as drinking water.

  19. Cáncer infantil en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2003-2007. Childhood cancer on Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2003-2007.

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    Claudia Janeth Uribe Pérez, MD*


    Full Text Available Introducción: El cáncer infantil es una enfermedad relativamente rara comparado con los el de adultos, siendo la segunda causa de muerte entre los 0-14 años de edad. Los tumores más frecuentes en los niños son los de origen hematopoyético, SNC y tejido mesenquimal. No hay en la región un Registro de Tumores específico de niños, pero el Registro Poblacional de Cáncer del Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga (RPC-AMB, recopila la información de los casos obtenidos en múltiples fuentes de información. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de cáncer en niños menores de 15 años en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Metodología: Los datos incluyen tumores malignos de pacientes menores de 15 años del RPC-AMB. Los casos fueron agrupados de acuerdo con la Clasificación Internacional de Cáncer Infantil (ICCC. Las tasas se calcularon usando el software CanReg4 de la IARC. Resultados: 207 casos fueron diagnosticados en niños menores de 15 años de edad. En los niños la TEE fue 159.2 casos por millón de habitantes. En las niñas la TEE fue de 118.6 casos por millón de habitantes. La distribución por tipos de cáncer agrupada según la clasificación de ICCC fue muy similar para el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga y otras regiones del mundo. Conclusiones: Los datos epidemiológicos obtenidos son similares con otras regiones como Cali. [Uribe CJ, Amado AM, Ramírez G, Alarcón IC. Cáncer infantil en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2003-2007. Colombia, 2003-2007. MedUNAB 2011; 14:86-93]._________________________Background: Childhood cancer is relatively uncommon disease compared whith adults and is the second cause of death among 0-14 years old. The most common cancers in children are leukemia, central nervous system and mesenchyme tumors. There is not a Childhood Cancer Registry in this Geographical region, however The Population Based Cancer of the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga

  20. Parents willingness to pay for a human papillomavirus vaccine to protect their adolescent daughters. Maule Region, Chile.

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    Arcadio A Cerda


    Full Text Available Objective. To determine the willingness to pay of parents of teenage daughters for a vaccine against human papillomavirus in the Maule Region, Chile. Materials and methods. A sample of 386 parents with daughters between 12 and 18 years old, representing the five largest cities of the Region of Maule, socioeconomically stratified. WTP was obtained using the contingent valuation method in double bounded format. Results. Parents are willing to pay an average of US$ 252.71 to vaccinate their daughters against virus, where the price and number of daughters negatively affects the probability of willingness to pay, and family income positively affects the probability. Conclusion. There is a possibility of using shared funding between the government and the parents of potential daughter to be affected by the human papillomavirus to reduce cervical cancer events.

  1. Capacitación y gestión empresarial de las micro y pequeñas empresas de Lima metropolitana.


    Asenjo Castro, Víctor Manuel.


    La presente investigación ha tenido como problema: ¿Qué relación existe entre la capacitación y gestión empresarial de las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPES) textiles en el centro comercial Gamarra Lima metropolitana, actualmente? Su objetivo general ha sido: Determinar la relación que existe entre la capacitación y la gestión empresarial. Se ha tenido como hipótesis general: Existe relación positiva entre la capacitación y la gestión empresarial de las MYPES en Lima metropolitana: Centro come...

  2. Migración y selectividad : estudio comparativo de zonas metropolitanas de gran atracción migratoria : Puerto Vallarta y Tijuana


    Serna Enciso, Teresita de Jesús


    La localización de ciertos asentamientos humanos en lugares geográficos especiales como las fronteras territoriales y las costas marítimas, ha convertido a diversos poblados en grandes polos de atracción económica y migratoria. En este trabajo de investigación se muestra un estudio descriptivo y comparativo de la migración reciente hacia dos polos de gran atracción: la zona metropolitana de Puerto Vallarta y la zona metropolitana de Tijuana. De manera muy particular, se presenta el análisis d...

  3. Estilos de liderazgo de las mujeres emprendedoras de Lima Metropolitana


    Toledo Coral, Carina; Quintana Sánchez, César; Napa Zender, Dick; Terzano Napuri, Jesús


    En la presente investigación se identifica el estilo de liderazgo predominante en las mujeres emprendedoras de Lima Metropolitana en el Perú mediante la descripción cualitativa de sus características demográficas; sus antecedentes educativos, familiares y laborales; sus tipos de empresas; sus habilidades administrativas; motivaciones a convertirse en empresarias y relaciones interpersonales. En el diseño del estudio se utiliza el enfoque cualitativo que se basa en la entrevista de 18 mujeres ...

  4. Poverty determinants of acute respiratory infections among Mapuche indigenous peoples in Chile's Ninth Region of Araucania, using GIS and spatial statistics to identify health disparities. (United States)

    Rojas, Flavio


    This research concerns Araucanía, often called the Ninth Region, the poorest region of Chile where inequalities are most extreme. Araucanía hasn't enjoyed the economic success Chile achieved when the country returned to democracy in 1990. The Ninth Region also has the largest ethnic Mapuche population, located in rural areas and attached to small agricultural properties. Written and oral histories of diseases have been the most frequently used methods to explore the links between an ancestral population's perception of health conditions and their deprived environments. With census data and hospital records, it is now possible to incorporate statistical data about the links between poverty and disease among ethnic communities and compare results with non-Mapuche population. Hospital discharge records from Health Services North N = 24,126 patients, year 2003, and 7 hospitals), Health Services South (N = 81,780 patients and 25 hospitals); CAS-2/Family records (N = 527,539 individuals, 439 neighborhoods, 32 Comunas). Given the over-dispersion of data and the clustered nature of observations, we used the global Moran's I and General G Gettis-Ord procedures to test spatial dependence. These tests confirmed the clusters of disease and the need to use spatial regression within a General Linear Mixed Model perspective. Health outcomes indicate significantly higher morbidity rates for the Mapuche compared to non-Mapuche in both age groups Mapuches than non-Mapuches for the entire Ninth Region and for all age groups. Mortality caused by respiratory infections is higher among Mapuches than non-Mapuches in all age-groups. A major finding is the link between poverty and respiratory infections. Poverty is significantly associated with respiratory infections in the population of Chile's Ninth Region. High deprivation areas are associated with poverty, and poverty is a predictor of respiratory infections. Mapuches are at higher risk of deaths caused by respiratory infections in

  5. Bacterial Diversity within the Extreme Arid Atacama Desert Soils of the Yungay Region, Chile (United States)

    Connon, S. A.; Lester, E. D.; Shafaat, H. S.; Obenhuber, D. C.; Ponce, A.


    Surface and subsurface soil samples analyzed for this study were collected from the hyper-arid Yungay region of the Atacama Desert, Chile. This is the first report of microbial diversity from DNA extracted directly from these extremely desiccated soils. Our data shows that 94% of the 16S rRNA genes cloned from these soils belong to the Actinobacteria phylum. A 24-hour time course series showed a diurnal water activity (aw) cycle that peaked at 0.52 in the early predawn hours, and ranged from 0.08 0.01 during the day. All measured water activity values were below the level required for microbial growth or enzyme activity. Total organic carbon (TOC) levels in this region were just above the limits of detection and ranged from 220 660 μg/g of soil. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) levels indicated cellular biomass ranging from 2 ×105 to 7 ×106 cell equivalents per gram of soil. The culturable counts were low with most samples showing no growth on standard plates of R2A medium; the highest single count was 47 colony forming units (CFU) per gram.

  6. Immigrant health workers in Chile: is there a Latin American "brain drain"?

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    Baltica Cabieses


    Full Text Available Most research on the phenomenon of "brain drain" (one-way flow of highly skilled/educated individuals has focused on movement between the least developed and most highly developed countries. Therefore, the significance of patterns of migration to middle-income countries such as those in Latin America is less clear. The aim of this study was to outline key features of international health worker "brain drain" to Chile to promote discussion and further research on this phenomenon as it pertains to the Latin American region. The study compared immigrant health workers living in Chile to both Chilean-born health workers and other immigrants living in Chile using a qualitative nationwide dataset (the results of Chile's 2009 National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey. Demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related variables were included in the analyses, which were weighted by population to obtain nationally representative estimates. In 2009, immigrant health workers represented 2.2% of all health personnel and 2.6% of all resident immigrants in the country. While most immigrant health workers had a universitylevel education, about 25% had only a high school-level education or less. There was no statistically significant difference between the distribution of immigrant health workers' household income and that of Chilean-born health workers. A significantly higher proportion of the immigrant group reported no entitlement to health care provision. While the results of this study do not indicate a significant international health worker "brain drain" to Chile, they do suggest distinctive patterns of migration within the Latin American region. Future studies in Chile could confirm the validity of these results, using a larger sample of immigrant health workers.

  7. Immigrant health workers in Chile: is there a Latin American "brain drain"? (United States)

    Cabieses, Baltica; Tunstall, Helena


    Most research on the phenomenon of "brain drain" (one-way flow of highly skilled/educated individuals) has focused on movement between the least developed and most highly developed countries. Therefore, the significance of patterns of migration to middle-income countries such as those in Latin America is less clear. The aim of this study was to outline key features of international health worker "brain drain" to Chile to promote discussion and further research on this phenomenon as it pertains to the Latin American region. The study compared immigrant health workers living in Chile to both Chilean-born health workers and other immigrants living in Chile using a qualitative nationwide dataset (the results of Chile's 2009 National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey). Demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related variables were included in the analyses, which were weighted by population to obtain nationally representative estimates. In 2009, immigrant health workers represented 2.2% of all health personnel and 2.6% of all resident immigrants in the country. While most immigrant health workers had a universitylevel education, about 25% had only a high school-level education or less. There was no statistically significant difference between the distribution of immigrant health workers' household income and that of Chilean-born health workers. A significantly higher proportion of the immigrant group reported no entitlement to health care provision. While the results of this study do not indicate a significant international health worker "brain drain" to Chile, they do suggest distinctive patterns of migration within the Latin American region. Future studies in Chile could confirm the validity of these results, using a larger sample of immigrant health workers.

  8. Exotic plant invasions to the mediterranean region of Chile: causes, history and impacts Invasión de plantas exóticas en la región mediterránea de Chile: causas, historia e impactos

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    Full Text Available We review the literature on patterns, causes, processes and impacts of exotic plants, primarily in the mediterranean region of Chile, considering three major non-independent drivers of the invasion process: (a Availability of exotic species propagules, (b attributes of the local communities in which exotic species establish and through which they will eventually spread out, and (c attributes of exotic species that either facilitate or constraint their spread into new sites. Regarding availability of propagules, central Chile matorral presents the communities with the greatest incidence of naturalized herbs, followed by the sclerophyllous forest and the espinal scrubland in the coastal range. In contrast, north-central communities have lower numbers and proportions of naturalized species of herbs in their seed banks. Availability and persistence of naturalized herbs do not differ between aboveground vegetation and seed bank. Regarding attributes of local communities associated with the establishment and the spread of exotics, grazing regime and land use emerge as the most prominent causes that render them more prone to invasion by exotics. Evidence on the effect of the fire regime is contradictory and native species richness does not seem to be an important factor. Regarding attributes of exotic species, results suggest that naturalized annuals germinate within a wide temperature range, are highly resistant to cold and dry conditions, and show some degree of physiological dormancy. Additionally, naturalized annuals are highly tolerant to poor soils, but are generally intolerant to shade. These general attributes have largely determined the invasion process in the mediterranean region of Chile. Historical data indicate that an important number of exotic species were intentionally introduced, and that the spread of exotic is uncontrolled. It has been demonstrated that arrival time of exotics is of great relevance to understand present day spread of

  9. Testing the Latino paradox in Latin America: a population-based study of Intra-regional immigrants in Chile. (United States)

    Cabieses, Baltica; Tunstall, Helena; Pickett, Kate


    Several studies in high-income countries report better health status of immigrants compared to the local population ("healthy migrant" effect), regardless of their socioeconomic deprivation. This is known as the Latino paradox. To test the Latino paradox within Latin America by assessing the health of international immigrants to Chile, most of them from Latin American countries, and comparing them to the Chilean-born. Secondary data analysis of the population-based CASEN survey-2006. Three health outcomes were included: disability, illness/accident, and cancer/chronic condition (dichotomous). Demographics (age, sex, marital status, urban/rural, ethnicity), socioeconomic-status (SES: educational level, employment status and household income per-capita), and material standards (overcrowding, sanitation, housing quality). Crude and adjusted weighted regression models were performed. One percent of Chile's population were immigrants, mainly from other Latin American countries. A "healthy migrant" effect appeared within the total immigrant population: this group had a significantly lower crude prevalence of almost all health indicators than the Chilean-born, which remained after adjusting for various demographic characteristics. However, this effect lost significance when adjusting by SES for most outcomes. The Latino paradox was not observed for international immigrants compared to the local population in Chile. Also, health of immigrants with the longest time of residency showed similar health rates to the Chilean-born. The Latino paradox was not observed in Chile. Protecting low SES immigrants in Chile could have large positive effects in their health at arrival and over time.

  10. Aerosols Observations with a new lidar station in Punta Arenas, Chile (United States)

    Barja, Boris; Zamorano, Felix; Ristori, Pablo; Otero, Lidia; Quel, Eduardo; Sugimoto, Nobuo; Shimizu, Atsushi; Santana, Jorge


    A tropospheric lidar system was installed in Punta Arenas, Chile (53.13°S, 70.88°W) in September 2016 under the collaboration project SAVERNET (Chile, Japan and Argentina) to monitor the atmosphere. Statistical analyses of the clouds and aerosols behavior and some cases of dust detected with lidar, at these high southern latitude and cold environment regions during three months (austral spring) are discussed using information from satellite, modelling and solar radiation ground measurements.

  11. Diversity patterns and composition of native and exotic floras in central Chile (United States)

    Figueroa, Javier A.; Teillier, Sebastián; Castro, Sergio A.


    Floristic changes in the Mediterranean region of central Chile brought about by human impact appear to be shared with other climatic regions, although there is a notable absence of empirical studies and available quantitative evidence for the central Chile region. This study examines the cover, richness and composition of native and exotic plant species in a representative area of central Chile. Through floristic characterization of 33 sites sampled using 40 × 40 m plots distributed along transect on which the two farthest sites were separated by 50 km, the floristic richness and cover patterns, as well as the general land use characteristics were evaluated (native matorral, espinal, abandoned farming field, forest plantations, periurban sites, road sites, river bank, and burnt site). We recorded 327 species of plants; 213 species were native and 114 were exotic. The average number of species was heterogeneous in all sites, showing a greater relative native frequency in those sites with a lower level of anthropic intervention. Except for the matorral, the cover of exotic species was greater than that of native species. No relation was found between richness and cover in relation to the different types of land use. The relationship between cover of native and exotic was negative, although for richness did not show relationship. Results show that the exotic species are limited by resources, although they have not completely displaced the native species. The native and exotic floras respond to different spatial distribution patterns, so their presence makes it possible to establish two facts rarely quantified in central Chile: first, that the exotic flora replaces (but does not necessarily displace) the native flora, and second, that at the same time, because of its greater geographic ubiquity and the abundance levels that it achieves, it contributes to the taxonomic and physiognomic homogenization of central Chile.

  12. Chile rural electrification cooperation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flowers, L. [National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO (United States)


    The author describes a joint program to use renewables for rural electrification projects in Chile. The initial focus was in a limited part of the country, involving wind mapping, pilot project planning, training, and development of methodologies for comparative evaluations of resources. To this point three wind hybrid systems have been installed in one region, as a part of the regional private utility, and three additional projects are being designed. Additional resource assessment and training is ongoing. The author points out the difficulties in working with utilities, the importance of signed documentation, and the need to look at these programs as long term because of the time involved in introducing such new technologies.

  13. Initial results from the operation of village hybrid systems in Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holz, R.; Baring-Gould, E.I.; Corbus, D. [and others


    The government of Chile has undertaken a rural electrification program to electrify 75% of the population by the year 2000. Renewable energy is considered within this program, and its application facilitated through a technical cooperation agreement between Chile`s national energy commission (CNE) and the U.S. Department of Energy. In order to introduce isolated mini-grid hybrid wind-energy systems into Chile, three pilot projects were implemented in Region IX. The goal of the pilot systems is to establish renewables as a viable option for rural electrification in the Chilean context. In this paper we report on the first six months of three pilot projects. Presented as background information are brief descriptions of the power systems, data acquisition systems, and the operation and maintenance (O&M) protocols. Analyses of loads, component performance, system operation, and balance of payments for O&M are the primary points presented. Important lessons learned and future plans are also discussed.

  14. Primer "Entrenamiento en Metodologías de Investigación Clínica en Chile" (EMIC-Chile: Fundamentos psicoeducativos First "Training in Clinical Research Methodologies in Chile" (EMIC-Chile: Psychoeducational foundations

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    B. Cabieses


    Full Text Available EMIC-Chile ("Entrenamiento en Metodologías para la Investigación Clínica en Chile" es un proyecto académico desarrollado durante el año 2008 en Chile para entrenar a profesionales de la salud y disciplinas afines en metodología de investigación clínica, con el objetivo de aumentar la calidad de los proyectos de investigación con fines concursables en nuestro país. El propósito de este artículo es dar a conocer el programa y sus fundamentos teóricos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que estuvieron en la base de la estructura, metodología, evaluación y sistematización del conocimiento entregado. Para ello, primero se describe el programa, la metodología, la evaluación y el seguimiento. Posteriormente se detallan los aspectos psicoeducativos considerados, con especial énfasis en el aprendizaje social y la educación de adultos. Finalmente, se discute en torno a las posibles consideraciones de este programa para futuras intervenciones educativas en investigación en salud en Chile. Se espera que esta experiencia y sus fundamentos educativos sirvan de motor para futuras iniciativas en el área, a favor de la investigación en salud en Chile.EMIC-Chile ("Entrenamiento en Metodologías para la Investigación Clínica en Chile" is an academic project developed in Chile during 2008 to train health professionals in clinical research. The purpose of this initiative was to improve the quality of research projects that are submitted to apply for public funding. The aim of this article is to describe the psycho-educative theories that supported this training program, its structure, methods and evaluation. Firstly, the program is described in detail. Secondly, psycho-educative theories are described, with special emphasis of social learning theory and education for adults. Finally, implications of EMIC-Chile are stated, in order to improve future research training experiences in Chile. It is expected that this article enhance other research experts

  15. Development of methods for evaluating options for improving air quality in Santiago, Chile and its environs. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Williams, M.D.; Brown, M.J.


    Santiago, Chile has a serious air pollution problem. Aerosols reach very high levels and ozone exceeds US ambient standards on over 100 days a year. Chileans are very concerned about the poor air quality of Santiago and the effect of emissions from their copper smelters both near Santiago and at other sites. Officials from both the Santiago metropolitan air quality commission (La Comision Especial de Descontaminacion de le Region Metropolitana) and a government owned copper development company (La Empress Nacional de Mineria (ENAMI)) have asked for assistance to deal with the air quality problems in the city and associated with smelter emissions. This report describes the first steps in that effort. Santiago lies in a valley between a small coastal range to the west and the towering Andes to the cast. Air motion is greatly affected by the major topographical features which include the Pacific Ocean, the coastal range, and the Andes. In this first year of work the authors concentrated on gathering information on the meteorology, topography, and air quality of the metropolitan region. They examined two smelter sites and applied models to them to help their understanding and to provide assistance to ENAMI. One smelter, Ventanas, was located on the Pacific coast to the northwest of Santiago, while the other, Paipote, was located several hundred kilometers to the north. The Ventanas emissions may potentially affect Santiago air quality. Several advantages of working with the smelters in the first phase of the project are: (1) there is more monitoring in the vicinity of the smelters, (2) the development of a useful emission inventory is easier, (3) they pose a simpler problem of immediate interest whose resolution will provide an early benefit to the Chilean colleagues, and (4) the authors gain important experience as they prepare to delve deeper into Santiago`s air pollution problems.

  16. Indicator based sustainability analysis of future energy situation of Santiago de Chile


    Stelzer, Volker; Quintero, Adriana; Vargas, Luis; Paredes, Gonzalo; Simon, Sonja; Nienhaus, Kristina; Kopfmüller, Jürgen


    Up to now, the Chilean Energy system has fulfilled the energy needs of Santiago de Chile considerably well. However, development trends of the current system impose significant future risks on the energy system. A detailed sustainability analysis of the energy sector of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile was conducted, using selected energy indicators and a distance-to-target approach. Risks for the sustainable development of the energy sector are detected, such...

  17. Protecting Dark Skies in Chile (United States)

    Smith, R. Chris; Sanhueza, Pedro; Phillips, Mark


    Current projections indicate that Chile will host approximately 70% of the astronomical collecting area on Earth by 2030, augmenting the enormous area of ALMA with that of three next-generation optical telescopes: LSST, GMTO, and E-ELT. These cutting-edge facilities represent billions of dollars of investment in the astronomical facilities hosted in Chile. The Chilean government, Chilean astronomical community, and the international observatories in Chile have recognized that these investments are threatened by light pollution, and have formed a strong collaboration to work at managing the threats. We will provide an update on the work being done in Chile, ranging from training municipalities about new lighting regulations to exploring international recognition of the dark sky sites of Northern Chile.

  18. Study of air pollution in Chile using biomonitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortes, E.; Gras, N.; Guzman, G.; Pereira, I.


    A project has been undertaken within the framework of a Co-ordinated Research Programme (CRP) supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to carry out a long term study on atmospheric air pollution in Chile using biomonitors. The present project aims at the selection of appropriate plants and other indicators for monitoring of air pollution in several cities and rural areas in Chile. Nuclear analytical techniques, in particular neutron activation analysis (NAA) will be used complemented by AAS for the analysis of selected elements and to determine the sources of pollutants and the applicability of biomonitors to study air pollution in large areas, using indicators either naturally grown or artificially introduced to the region under examination. (author)

  19. Análisis exploratorio de los determinantes del ingreso de la ocupación principal a nivel nacional y regional en Chile

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    Gabriel Leonardo Fuentes Pincheira


    Full Text Available Las enormes diferencias en el nivel de ingreso en Chile son una preocupación latente tanto de las autoridades públicas como de los trabajadores de la nación. Identificar los determinantes que producen la variación del ingreso de la ocupación principal entre un trabajador y otro, resulta atractivo para acercarse al estudio de la problemática de la desigualdad. Con el fin de analizar estos determinantes, se apeló al modelo de regresión de Mincer (1974 y a modo de ajustarlo a la realidad Chilena, se creó una ecuación ampliada integrando las variables género, edad y educación de los padres del individuo. Este trabajo utiliza datos de corte transversal por lo tanto reporta una mirada particular de la realidad nacional, siendo aplicado, además, en regiones. Se obtuvo como resultado que los determinantes con mayor relevancia en Chile son: género, años de escolaridad, experiencia laboral y edad. Income inequality in Chile is a main concern of both, government and workers. To identify the key factors that determine income variation in the main job between workers is appealing in order to approach the inequality problem. Mincer Earning Function (1974 was used to study the key factors of income inequality in Chile. An extended equation including gender, age, and level of education of the worker’s parent’s variables was built up in order to adapt data to Chilean reality. Cross sectional data analysis was conducted to tackle the country’s reality. The results showed that the key factors to income inequality are: genre, level of education, work experience and age.

  20. Desigualdad regional en el centro de México. Una exploración espacial de la productividad en el nivel municipal durante el período 1988-2003

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    Marcos Valdivia López


    polarización económica entre regiones ricas (zona metropolitana de la ciudad de México y pobres (sur del Puebla, pero también ha experimentado el surgimiento de nuevas regiones, como la del corredor Puebla-Tlaxcala-Apizaco y el valle de Toluca. Otros estudios han detectado una reorganización territorial de la Región Centro a partir de la apertura comercial, a la que se le asocia un proceso de "desindustrialización" de la zona metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, así como una dinámica de consolidación de nuevas subregiones metropolitanas en la Región Centro. Con base en los resultados de este trabajo, se concluye que la reorganización territorial que ha experimentado la Región Centro, independientemente de sus causas, mantiene un importante componente de dependencia espacial y desigualdad regional de la productividad laboral de los municipios que forman la región.

  1. ESO and Chile: 10 Years of Productive Scientific Collaboration (United States)


    ceremony, along with ambassadors in Chile of ESO members States, and representatives of the Chilean government and the scientific community. To review the impact of the numerous projects financed over the last decade, ESO presented the book "10 Years Exploring the Universe", based on the reports of the beneficiaries of the ESO-Chile fund. Since the beginning, the ESO-Chile fund has granted over 2.5 million euros to finance post-doc and astronomy professors for main Chilean universities, development of research infrastructure, organisation of scientific congresses, workshops for science teachers, and astronomy outreach programmes for the public. In addition to the 400,000 euros given annually by ESO to the ESO-Chile Joint Committee, around 550,000 euros are granted every year to finance regional collaboration programmes, fellowships for students in Chilean universities, and the development of radio astronomy through the ALMA-Chile Committee. In total, apart form the 10 percent of the observing time at all ESO telescopes, ESO contributes annually with 950,000 euros for the promotion of astronomy and scientific culture in Chile. The growth of astronomy and related sciences in Chile in the last years has been outstanding. According to a study by the Chilean Academy of Science in 2005, the number of astronomers has doubled over the last 20 years and there has been an 8-fold increase in the number of scientific publications. It is gratifying to see that 100 percent of the observing time granted by international observatories in Chile is actually used by the national community. The same study stated that astronomy could be the first scientific discipline in Chile with the standards of a developed country, with additional benefits in terms of technological improvement and growth of human resources. The English edition of the book "10 Years Exploring the Universe" is available here. The Spanish edition can be downloaded here.

  2. U-Pb and K-Ar geochronology from the Cerro Empexa Formation, 1st and 2nd Regions, Precordillera, northern Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomlinson, A.J; Martin, M.W; Blanco, N.; Perez de Arce, C


    The Cerro Empexa Formation (Galli, 1957) is a regionally distributed andesitic volcanic and continental sedimentary unit exposed in the Precordillera of the 1st and 2nd Regions of northern Chile. The formation has generally been considered to lie within the Lower or 'mid' Cretaceous, however, this assignment is based on scant, unreliable geochronologic data. Furthermore, there are conflicting interpretations as to whether the unit predates or postdates the first major Mesozoic shortening event affecting northern Chile. Because of the formation's presumed mid-Cretaceous age and its stratigraphic position over older back-arc sedimentary successions, the unit has been interpreted to represent products of the first eastward jump in the Andean magmatic arc from the arc's initial position in the Cordillera de la Costa (Scheuber and Reutter, 1992). In this paper we present the results of mapping and field observations that indicate exposures previously assigned to the Cerro Empexa Formation include two andesitic volcanic units separated by a major unconformity. The Cerro Empexa Formation proper lies above this unconformity. We also present U-Pb zircon and K-Ar geochronology that indicate the Cerro Empexa Formation is latest Cretaceous in its lower levels, and integrate our data with previously reported 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and fission-track data in the Cerros de Montecristo area (Maksaev, 1990; Maksaev and Zentilli, 1999) to show that 1800±600 m of rocks were deposited within ca. 2.5 m.y (au)

  3. Chile's pipelines - who's out in the cold?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellhouse, G.


    There is a battle on in Northern Chile to supply the region with gas and electricity. Two pipelines and a transmission line are being built, but there is insufficient demand to merit the construction of all of these projects. It is widely believed that the first pipeline to be finished will be the overall winner, but the situation is not that simple. A more sensible conclusion could be the merger of the two pipeline projects, rationalising supply of gas to the region. (Author)

  4. La vertebración territorial en regiones de alta especialización: Valle Central de Chile. Alcances para el desarrollo de zonas rezagadas en torno a los recursos naturales

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    Full Text Available Los procesos de reestructuración económica y la apertura de los mercados han generado múltiples y variadas consecuencias sobre nuestros territorios. Quizás para Chile, como para otros países latinoamericanos, uno de los más importantes procesos a nivel regional es el desarrollo de espacios altamente especializados o regiones-commodities. Distintos trabajos académicos señalan que interiormente, en conjunto con áreas de gran competitividad, se están generando áreas rezagadas o alejadas de los dinamismos económicos. Por lo tanto: ¿ En qué ha derivado su modelo de vertebración territorial y su sistema de centros poblados ? ¿Cuáles son las características de estas áreas rezagadas ? Y por ende, ¿cuáles son los desafíos a los cuales se enfrentan? El Valle Central de Chile es una de estas áreas donde se evidencia dicha especialización. Por tanto, analizaremos la estructura física territorial en las que han derivado estas regiones y el papel que cumplen sus centros poblados en los nuevos escenarios. A partir de la caracterización de su vertebración territorial avanzaremos hacia la definición de sus zonas menos favorecidas, e intentaremos generar algunas hipótesis que respondan a sus desafíos y requerimientos futuros.Economic restructuring processes and market opening have generated multiple and varied consequences in our territories. Perhaps for Chile, as with other Latin American countries, one of the most important processes at the regional level is the development of highly specialized spaces or commodity-regions. Different academic work indicates that within these spaces, as well as areas of high competitiveness, there are also backward areas with limited economic dynamism. Consequently: What has happened to the model of a territorial spine and system of population center? What are the characteristics of these backward areas? In addition, what are the challenges to be faced? Chile's Central Valley is one of the areas

  5. Multidrug-Resistant Outbreak-Associated Salmonella Strains in Irrigation Water from the Metropolitan Region, Chile. (United States)

    Martínez, M C; Retamal, P; Rojas-Aedo, J F; Fernández, J; Fernández, A; Lapierre, L


    Salmonella enterica (S. enterica) is the main cause of foodborne diseases in the Chilean population. With the aim of characterizing the presence of S. enterica in bodies of water, samples from 40 sources were obtained, including rivers and irrigation canals used by agricultural farms in the most populated regions of Chile. As result, 35 S. enterica isolates belonging to several serotypes were detected, with the highest frequency represented by Typhimurium and Enteritidis. All strains showed phenotypic antimicrobial resistance, and most of them were multiresistant to critically important antimicrobials. In addition, the pulse-field gel electrophoresis analysis using XbaI and BlnI endonucleases showed that seven Salmonella isolates belonging to serotypes Typhimurium, Enteritidis and Infantis had identical pulsotypes to outbreak-associated clinical isolates detected in the Chilean population, suggesting a public health risk of water pollution in this region. Among sampling sites, the higher detection rates were observed in rural than urban and peri-urban areas, suggesting that the animal husbandry might contribute for environmental dispersion of this pathogen. Future efforts should address the characterization of cause-and-effect relationship between water contamination and foodborne disease, including the implementation of surveillance programmes to tackle potential risks for both human and animal populations. © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  6. Automedicación en un distrito de Lima Metropolitana, Perú


    Hermoza-Moquillaza, Rocío; Loza-Munarriz, César; Rodríguez-Hurtado, Diana; Arellano-Sacramento, César; Hermoza-Moquillaza, Víctor


    La automedicación es una práctica de riesgo cuyas consecuencias incluyen el enmascaramiento de la enfermedad, las reacciones adversas, interacciones de medicamentos, el aumento de la resistencia a ciertos tipos de drogas y las drogodependencias. Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de automedicación en los consumidores de medicamentos que acuden a los establecimientos farmacéuticos de un distrito de Lima Metropolitana y las variaciones de las tasas según edad, sexo y grado de instrucción. Mate...

  7. Gobernabilidad y ciudadanía política en las áreas metropolitanas

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    Juan Manuel Ramírez Sáiz


    Full Text Available En sentido estricto, en México no existe gobierno metropolitano ni derechos políticos específicos para los habitantes de esos espacios. Pero este tema tiene una importancia de primer orden por el rol político que las grandes ciudades están desempeñando en la transición y la alternancia. Para medir la eficacia y legitimidad con que cuentan los niveles de gobierno y las administraciones implicados en las grandes ciudades, se plantea el significado del concepto de gobernabilidad y las implicaciones que tiene en las áreas metropolitanas. Sobre el trasfondo de experiencias internacionales se analiza el modelo mexicano y se efectúa un balance de las situaciones predominantes en este campo. Se realiza una operación semejante respecto de la ciudadanía política, de su relación con el espacio metropolitano, así como acerca de los componentes de dicha ciudadanía. El ensayo finaliza con la propuesta de un modelo republicano de relaciones entre “ciudadanía política metropolitana” y gobernabilidad.

  8. Ecology, genetic diversity, and phylogeographic structure of andes virus in humans and rodents in Chile. (United States)

    Medina, Rafael A; Torres-Perez, Fernando; Galeno, Hector; Navarrete, Maritza; Vial, Pablo A; Palma, R Eduardo; Ferres, Marcela; Cook, Joseph A; Hjelle, Brian


    Andes virus (ANDV) is the predominant etiologic agent of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) in southern South America. In Chile, serologically confirmed human hantavirus infections have occurred throughout a wide latitudinal distribution extending from the regions of Valparaíso (32 to 33 degrees S) to Aysén (46 degrees S) in southern Patagonia. In this study, we found seropositive rodents further north in the Coquimbo region (30 degrees S) in Chile. Rodent seroprevalence was 1.4%, with Oligoryzomys longicaudatus displaying the highest seroprevalence (5.9%), followed by Abrothrix longipilis (1.9%) and other species exhibiting Chile. Phylogenetic analyses showed two major ANDV South (ANDV Sout) clades, congruent with two major Chilean ecoregions, Mediterranean (Chilean matorral [shrubland]) and Valdivian temperate forest. Human and rodent samples grouped according to geographic location. Phylogenetic comparative analyses of portions of S and medium segments (encoding glycoproteins Gn and Gc) from a subset of rodent specimens exhibited similar topologies, corroborating two major ANDV Sout clades in Chile and suggesting that yet unknown factors influence viral gene flow and persistence throughout the two Chilean ecoregions. Genetic algorithms for recombination detection identified recombination events within the S segment. Molecular demographic analyses showed that the virus is undergoing purifying selection and demonstrated a recent exponential growth in the effective number of ANDV Sout infections in Chile that correlates with the increased number of human cases reported. Although we determined virus sequences from four rodent species, our results confirmed O. longicaudatus as the primary ANDV Sout reservoir in Chile. While evidence of geographic differentiation exists, a single cosmopolitan lineage of ANDV Sout remains the sole etiologic agent for HCPS in Chile.

  9. Astro Tourism in Chile | CTIO (United States)

    Program PIA Program GO-FAAR Program Other Opportunities Tourism Visits to Tololo Astro tourism in Chile Tourism in Chile Information for travelers Visit Tololo Media Relations News Press Release Publications ‹› You are here CTIO Home » Outreach » Tourism » Astro Tourism in Chile Astro Tourism in

  10. Human leukocyte antigens in indigenous (mapuche) people in a regional renal transplantation program in chile. (United States)

    Droguett, M A; Oyarzún, M J; Alruiz, P; Jerez, V; Mezzano, S; Ardiles, L


    An active regional transplantation program established in the southern region of Chile has allowed the incorporation of ethnic minorities particularly Mapuche living in this geographic area in the development of a histocompatibility database. To identify possible differences in the human leukocyte (HLA) antigen distribution in Chilean Mapuche compared with non-Mapuche, we reviewed 442 HLA tissue-typing studies. Seventy-eight of 309 recipients (25%) and 18 of 133 donors (13%) were Mapuche. Among recipients, Mapuche people showed a significantly higher frequency of the HLA antigens, A28, B16, DR4, and DR8, and a lower one for A19, B15, and DR1 (P Mapuche individuals. A particularly higher frequency of the haplotype A28, -B16, -DR4 was also evidenced in Mapuche. Besides, these recipients showed a higher frequency of the allele -DR4 when compared with Mapuche donors. A greater frequency of some histocompatibility antigens in patients with chronic renal disease might be attributed to allelic concentration due to a high index of endogamy, but a possible association with the development of progressive renal disease cannot be ignored, especially when a higher prevalence of DR4 was observed among Mapuche recipients.

  11. Field Survey of the 2015 Ilapel Tsunami in North Central Chile (United States)

    Lagos, M.; Fritz, H. M.


    The magnitude Mw 8.3 earthquake in north-central Chile on September 16, 2015 generated a tsunami that rapidly flooded coastal areas. The tsunami impact was concentrated in Coquimbo region, while the regions of Valparaiso and Atacama were also affected. Fortunately, ancestral knowledge from the past tsunamis in the region, as well as tsunami education and evacuation exercises prompted most coastal residents to spontaneously evacuate to high ground after the earthquake. The event caused 11 fatalities: 8 were associated with the tsunami, while 3 were attributed to building collapses caused by the earthquake. The international scientist joined the local effort from September 20 to 26, 2015. The international tsunami survey team (ITST) interviewed numerous eyewitnesses and documented flow depths, runup heights, inundation distances, sediment deposition, damage patterns, performance of the navigation infrastructure and impact on the natural environment. The ITST covered a 500 km stretch of coastline from Caleta Chañaral de Aceituno (28.8° S) south of Huasco down to Llolleo near San Antonio (33.6° S). We surveyed more than 40 locations and recorded more than 100 tsunami and runup heights with differential GPS and integrated laser range finders. The tsunami impact peaked at Caleta Totoral near Punta Aldea with both tsunami and runup heights exceeding 10 m as surveyed on September 22. Runup exceeded 10 m at a second uninhabited location some 15 km south of Caleta Totoral. A significant variation in tsunami impact was observed along the coastlines of central Chile at local and regional scales. The tsunami occurred in the evening hours limiting the availability of eyewitness video footages. Observations from the 2015 Chile tsunami are compared with recent Chilean tsunamis. The tsunami was characterized by rapid arrival within minutes in the nearfield requiring spontaneous self-evacuation as warning messages did not reach some of the hardest hit fishing villages prior to

  12. Poverty determinants of acute respiratory infections among Mapuche indigenous peoples in Chile's Ninth Region of Araucania, using GIS and spatial statistics to identify health disparities

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    Rojas Flavio


    Full Text Available Abstract Background This research concerns Araucanía, often called the Ninth Region, the poorest region of Chile where inequalities are most extreme. Araucanía hasn't enjoyed the economic success Chile achieved when the country returned to democracy in 1990. The Ninth Region also has the largest ethnic Mapuche population, located in rural areas and attached to small agricultural properties. Written and oral histories of diseases have been the most frequently used methods to explore the links between an ancestral population's perception of health conditions and their deprived environments. With census data and hospital records, it is now possible to incorporate statistical data about the links between poverty and disease among ethnic communities and compare results with non-Mapuche population. Data sources Hospital discharge records from Health Services North N = 24,126 patients, year 2003, and 7 hospitals, Health Services South (N = 81,780 patients and 25 hospitals; CAS-2/Family records (N = 527,539 individuals, 439 neighborhoods, 32 Comunas. Methods Given the over-dispersion of data and the clustered nature of observations, we used the global Moran's I and General G Gettis-Ord procedures to test spatial dependence. These tests confirmed the clusters of disease and the need to use spatial regression within a General Linear Mixed Model perspective. Results Health outcomes indicate significantly higher morbidity rates for the Mapuche compared to non-Mapuche in both age groups Mapuches than non-Mapuches for the entire Ninth Region and for all age groups. Mortality caused by respiratory infections is higher among Mapuches than non-Mapuches in all age-groups. A major finding is the link between poverty and respiratory infections. Conclusion Poverty is significantly associated with respiratory infections in the population of Chile's Ninth Region. High deprivation areas are associated with poverty, and poverty is a predictor of respiratory infections

  13. Biomass size-spectra of macrobenthic communities in the oxygen minimum zone off Chile (United States)

    Quiroga, Eduardo; Quiñones, Renato; Palma, Maritza; Sellanes, Javier; Gallardo, Víctor A.; Gerdes, Dieter; Rowe, Gilbert


    Estimates of macrofaunal secondary production and normalized biomass size-spectra (NBSS) were constructed for macrobenthic communities associated with the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in four areas of the continental margin off Chile. The presence of low oxygen conditions in the Humboldt Current System (HCS) off Chile was shown to have important effects on the size structure and secondary production of the benthic communities living in this ecosystem. The distribution of normalized biomass by size was linear (log 2-log 2 scale) at all stations. The slope of the NBSS ranged from -0.481 to -0.908. There were significant differences between the slopes of the NBS-spectra from the stations located in the OMZ (slope = -0.837) and those located outside the OMZ (slope = -0.463) ( p oxygen conditions (Chile (6.8 g C m -2 y -1) than off northern Chile (2.02 g C m -2 y -1) and off southern Chile (0.83 g C m -2 y -1). A comparison with other studies suggests that secondary production in terms of carbon equivalents was higher than in other upwelling regions.

  14. Crisis, descentralización y gobernabilidad urbana en el área metropolitana de Caracas

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El proceso de reforma política y descentralización venezolano fueron interpretados como elementos necesarios para profundizar la democracia en este país. Sin embargo, la crisis econónica y lo incompleto del proceso de descentralización han significado a la larga un descenso en el nivel de gobernabilidad general. En este contexto, la autora analiza el caso del área metropolitana de Caracas y explica las peculiaridades de la gobernabilidad urbana en situaciones de aguda crisis económica.ABSTRACT: The Venezuelan process of political reform and transference of competentes to the regional and local levels were considered as constituent elements to deep democracy in this country. However, the economic crisis and the unfinished devolution have meant at the long run a decline in the level of general governability. In this context, the author analyzes the metroplitan area of Caracas, trying to explain the urban governability in contexts of grave economic crisis.

  15. A natureza da urbanizacão na Amazonia e sua expressão metropolitana

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    Saint-Clair Cordeiro da Trindade Junior


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a organização interna do espaçometropolitano de Belém (PA como uma expressãodas condições de desenvolvimento impostas à Amazônia e ao seu processo interno de regionalização.Diferentemente de outras regiões, em que a desconcentração metropolitana acompanha de perto ummovimento ligado a um certo dinamismo econômico, o processo de metropolização de Belém reflete,acima de tudo, as condições de pobreza que caracterizam a mão-de-obra disponível no espaço amazô-nico. Com base nessa reflexão, discute-se, então, deque maneira o processo de produção do espaço regional traz implicações decisivas para a organizaçãointra-urbana da metrópole belenense.

  16. Source apportionment of PM₁₀ and PM₂.₅ in a desert region in northern Chile. (United States)

    Jorquera, Héctor; Barraza, Francisco


    Estimating contributions of anthropogenic sources to ambient particulate matter (PM) in desert regions is a challenging issue because wind erosion contributions are ubiquitous, significant and difficult to quantify by using source-oriented, dispersion models. A receptor modeling analysis has been applied to ambient PM(10) and PM(2.5) measured in an industrial zone ~20 km SE of Antofagasta (23.63°S, 70.39°W), a midsize coastal city in northern Chile; the monitoring site is within a desert region that extends from northern Chile to southern Perú. Integrated 24-hour ambient samples of PM(10) and PM(2.5) were taken with Harvard Impactors; samples were analyzed by X Ray Fluorescence, ionic chromatography (NO(3)(-) and SO(4)(=)), atomic absorption (Na(+), K(+)) and thermal optical transmission for elemental and organic carbon determination. Receptor modeling was carried out using Positive Matrix Factorization (US EPA Version 3.0); sources were identified by looking at specific tracers, tracer ratios, local winds and wind trajectories computed from NOAA's HYSPLIT model. For the PM(2.5) fraction, six contributions were found - cement plant, 33.7 ± 1.3%; soil dust, 22.4 ± 1.6%; sulfates, 17.8 ± 1.7%; mineral stockpiles and brine plant, 12.4 ± 1.2%; Antofagasta, 8.5 ± 1.3% and copper smelter, 5.3 ± 0.8%. For the PM(10) fraction five sources were identified - cement plant, 38.2 ± 1.5%; soil dust, 31.2 ± 2.3%; mineral stockpiles and brine plant, 12.7 ± 1.7%; copper smelter, 11.5 ± 1.6% and marine aerosol, 6.5 ± 2.4%. Therefore local sources contribute to ambient PM concentrations more than distant sources (Antofagasta, marine aerosol) do. Soil dust is enriched with deposition of marine aerosol and calcium, sulfates and heavy metals from surrounding industrial activities. The mean contribution of suspended soil dust to PM(10) is 50 μg/m(3) and the peak daily value is 104 μg/m(3). For the PM(2.5) fraction, suspended soil dust contributes with an average of 9.3

  17. Estado de la investigacion en enfermería IX región de la Araucania, Temuco, Chile 2002 State of the research in nursing IX th region of the Araucania, Temuco, Chile 2002

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    Edith Elina Rivas Riveros


    , situation that should be based in the evidence. The purpose of the investigation was to identify through a descriptive, exploratory study, correlation the state of the investigation in Infirmary in the IX Region of the Araucania, Chile. The specific objectives were: to analyze the conditions in that you development the improvement of the nurses in the IX Region and to contribute to identify the investigation lines. The study picks up the characteristics in that the improvement of the nurses is developed in the IX Region, Chile: Degree, Magíster and Doctorates until the year 2002 One concludes that as for approaches the positivist prevails, the motivation of the Nurses to there be perfecting in programs of postdegree this one given fundamentally by personal development and to help to improve the profession; those who realize studies of postdegrees get out of a jam themselves in teaching in institutes and / or universities and the subject matter of the investigations is fundamentally orientated towards the education of nursing.

  18. [Food-related lifestyles and eating habits inside and outside the home in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile]. (United States)

    Schnettler, Berta; Peña, Juan Pablo; Mora, Marcos; Miranda, Horacio; Sepúlveda, José; Denegri, Marianela; Lobos, Germán


    To distinguish consumer typologies on the basis of their food-related lifestyle in the principal municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, and to characterize these according to their food consumption habits inside and outside the home, sociodemographic characteristics and their level of satisfaction with food-related life. A structured questionnaire was administered to a sample of 951 people in the principal municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago (more than 100,000 inhabitants). The instrument for collecting data included an adaptation of the food-related life (FRL) questionnaire and the satisfaction with food-related life (SWFL) scale. The food consumption habits inside and outside the home were asked about as well as sociodemographic classification variables of those surveyed. Using a cluster analysis, five typologies were distinguished with significant differences in the five components obtained from the FRL with a factorial analysis of the principal components. The typologies presented a different gender, age and socioeconomic level profile and differed in the scores obtained on the SWFL. They differed in the frequency with which the person has lunch, tea ("once" in Chile) and dinner at home. With respect to the meals outside the home, the typologies were distinguished according to the frequency of meals in restaurants, fast food outlets and in the purchase of prepared food. A lifestyle where eating is related to low involvement and enjoyment of food is associated with a person's higher socioeconomic level and lower age. Additionally, a greater frequency of meals in restaurants and the purchase of prepared food combined with a lower frequency of meals at home is associated with unhealthy eating habits of little benefit to the person, which might have a bearing on a lower level of food-related life satisfaction. Copyright © AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2013. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.


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    Danilo Veiga (Coord.


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Este artículo resume las principales  características sociales del Área  Metropolitana de Montevideo (AM, según  una investigación reciente.[1] Para eso se  combinan dos estrategias metodológicas,  una estadística, basada en las principales  fuentes disponibles (como los censos y las   encuestas de hogares del Instituto Nacional  de Estadística, y otra cualitativa que  recoge, a partir de entrevistas a  informantes calificados, la visión de los  protagonistas de distintas comunidades o  sociedades locales del AM. Ambas  perspectivas son necesarias para configurar  un mapa socio-territorial, que oriente la  definición e implementación de políticas y  programas públicos en el marco de la Agenda Metropolitana y la estrategia de  descentralización promovida por el actual  gobierno desde la administración central y  los municipios. En la primera parte, se presentan las  principales características y tendencias del  AM. Concretamente, se describen a nivel de as subáreas, sus características  sociodemográficas y socioeconómicas, la  desigualdad social y la segregación territorial que caracteriza al AM, y la fragmentación y  polarización socioeconómica que  actualmente imprime un sello particular al  área. En segundo término, se examina cómo  viven sus protagonistas en las condiciones  sociales presentadas. Se describe cual es la percepción de los problemas que estas personas tienen; cuáles son sus demandas y hacia quiénes se dirigen; cuáles son las iniciativas de política y de sociedad civil en curso y cuál es su visión del futuro. La tercera parte presenta una síntesis de las principales implicaciones, en particular en materia de políticas públicas. [1]  “Sociedades locales y estructura social en el Area Metropolitana de Montevideo”. Depto. Sociología FCS UDELAR 2006-2007 Equipo de Investigación Danilo Veiga (Coord. y Ana Laura Rivoir

  20. La debilidad de la gestión del riesgo en los centros urbanos: El caso del Área Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile


    Sánchez, Rafael


    Las transformaciones experimentadas en las últimas décadas por la ciudad de Santiago de Chile favorece la ocurrencia de peligros de origen antrópico que se agregan a las amenazas de origen natural que continuamente afectan a la urbe. Ante este complejo escenario resulta oportuno realizar un análisis de las normas y referencias legales que estructuran el Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil en los diferentes niveles político-administrativos del país, especialmente los que se refieren al Área M...

  1. Ansiedad ante exámenes y estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes de secundaria de Lima Metropolitana

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    Alberto A. Alegre


    Full Text Available El estudio buscó determinar la relación entre la ansiedad ante exámenes y las estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes de cuarto y quinto grados de educación secundaria de colegios estatales de Lima Metropolitana. La muestra se obtuvo por un procedimiento intencional, evaluándose a 469 estudiantes, siendo el 45.6% de sexo masculino y el 54.4% femenino, pertenecientes a cuatro colegios estatales de Lima Metropolitana. Se evaluó a los estudiantes con el Cuestionario de Ansiedad y Rendimiento – CAR y la Escala de Estrategias de Aprendizaje – ACRA. Se encontró que la ansiedad ante exámenes (puntuaciones en sus tres dimensiones: preocupación, emocionalidad y facilitación y las estrategias de aprendizaje (puntuaciones en sus cuatro dimensiones: adquisición, codificación, recuperación y apoyo al procesamiento de la información presentaron correlaciones bajas y en algunos casos negativas; siendo todas estas significativas.

  2. Modernitet og forbrugskultur i Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cristoffanini, Pablo Rolando


    I de sidste årtier er Chile blevet et egentligt forbrugersamfund. Udbredelsen af forbrugskulturen og forbrugerismen er centrale fænomener i chilenernes dagligliv og har nået et omfang, som har konsekvenser for de borgere, der ikke kan deltage fuldt ud heri, noget som er typisk for et samfund med en...... ujævn økonomisk udvikling og med store sociale forskelle. Denne proces er ikke et produkt af en stille, fredelig og naturlig samfundsudvikling, således som magteliten og de toneangivende intellektuelle i Chile har fremstillet det. Som jeg vil vise, er skabelsen af et egentlig forbrugssamfund knyttet til...... til i dag. Ifølge disse er Chile blevet et moderne samfund netop i kraft af, at Chile er et ægte forbrugersamfund med alt, hvad dette indebærer, såvel materielt som symbolsk. For det tredje er billedet af Chile som en ”supermoderne” nation i den latinamerikanske kontekst en udbredt forestilling hos...

  3. conelchilenoresistentearte, Solidaridad: Chile Vive, una Exposición en España contra el Chile Dictatorial withthechileanresistantart, Solidarity: Chile Vive, an Exposition in Spain against the Dictatorial Chile

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    Francisco Godoy


    Full Text Available En 1987 se realiza en Madrid Chile Vive, megaexposición que incluye diferentes manifestaciones artísticas para dar cuenta de la vitalidad cultural de Chile en dictadura. El ensayo, partiendo de una discusión conceptual sobre el problema de la exposición de arte latinoamericano en el extranjero, analiza la configuración de esta exposición, centrándose en las artes visuales como alineación unitaria de un discurso político de país, además de examinar su repercusión en la prensa española de la época. Por otro lado, reflexiona sobre las inclusiones y exclusiones de artistas y las proyecciones de Chile Vive en el problema de la exposición del arte chileno en el extranjero, particularmente el de un periodo tan complejo como el producido durante la dictadura militar.In 1987, Chile Vive, a mega-exhibition that included different artistic expressions, was performed in Madrid to inform people about the cultural vitality of Chile during their dictatorship. This essay will focus on a conceptual discussion about the problem of Latin American art exhibitions abroad. It will analyze the configuration of the mentioned exhibition, focusing on visual arts as a unitary alignment of a political discourse of nation. The text will also examine the repercussion in the Media of Spain in that period of time. On the other hand, the article will develop some thoughts on the artists incorporations, exclusions and projections of Chile Vive, focusing on why the exhibition of Chilean art abroad might be problematic, particularly the ones that belongs to this complex period of time; the military dictatorship.

  4. Conflitos Socioambientais Urbanos: Um Estudo Prospectivo na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo

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    Mauro Silva Ruiz


    Full Text Available Regiões metropolitanas em nível mundial vêm enfrentando mudanças significativas em seus processos de uso e ocupação do solo tornando-as palco de conflitos socioambientais crescentes. Considerando que esses embates vêm ganhando expressão em regiões densamente ocupadas em nosso país, se delineou como objetivo desse estudo verificar as suas origens e formas de manifestação na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP com vistas a entendê-los, classificá-los e analisá-los. A questão norteadora da pesquisa foi: quais as origens dos principais conflitos socioambientais que se manifestam na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e como eles podem ser classificados e analisados à luz da literatura existente? Como metodologia, este trabalho baseou-se em revisão bibliográfica e análise documental. Como resultado, constatou-se cinco origens ou formas de manifestação mais comuns, por vezes sobrepostas, relacionadas a: (i urbanização periférica e desigual; (ii operação urbana; (iii ocupação irregular em áreas protegidas; (iv danos e passivos ambientais; e (v degradação de recursos hídricos. Observou-se que, não raro, suas origens e manifestações relacionam-se a deficiências na aplicação e gestão de políticas públicas. Além disso, constatou-se também uma diversidade considerável de abordagem desses conflitos, o que impõe desafios para organizar esta temática de acordo com um ou mais princípios teóricos.

  5. First parasitological study of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis, Amphibia in Chile

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    Cristóbal Castillo

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduced species can arrive into new territories with parasites; however, these species are expected to face lower parasite richness than in their original regions. Both introduced hosts and parasites can affect native fauna. Since their release into the wild in Chile following laboratory use, Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 has widely spread throughout central Chile. The only pathogen described on the host is the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Longcore, Pessier, Nichols, 1999; thus, this is the first parasitological study of this species in Chile. In 10 localities in central Chile, 179 specimens of X. laevis were captured and examined for parasites in the gastrointestinal tube, cavities, lungs, liver, and skin. Only nine specimens of the genus Contracaecum Railliet, Henry, 1912 were found in six specimens of X. laevis from a private dam in La Patagua. It is likely that these parasites originated from species of native birds. This is the first record of Contracaecum sp. in Chilean amphibians.

  6. Intense Seismic Activity at Chiles and Cerro Negro Volcanoes on the Colombia-Ecuador Border (United States)

    Torres, R. A.; Cadena, O.; Gomez, D.; Ruiz, M. C.; Prejean, S. G.; Lyons, J. J.; White, R. A.


    The region of Chiles and Cerro Negro volcanoes, located on the Colombian-Ecuadorian border, has experienced an ongoing seismic swarm beginning in Aug. 2013. Based on concern for local residents and authorities, a cooperative broadband monitoring network was installed by the Servicio Geológico Colombiano in Colombia and the Instituto Geofísico of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional in Ecuador. Since November 2013 more than 538,000 earthquakes were recorded; although since May 2015 the seismicity has decreased significantly to an average of 70 events per day. Three large earthquake swarms with increasing energy occurred in Aug.-Oct. 2013, March-May 2014, and Sept.-Dec. 2014. By the end of 2014, roughly 400 earthquakes greater than M 3 had occurred with a maximum rate of 8000 earthquakes per day. The largest earthquake was a 5.6 ML on Oct. 20, 2014. This event produced an InSAR coseismic deformation of ~23 cm (S. Ebmeier, personal communication). Most events are typical brittle failure volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes that are located in a cluster beneath the southern flank of Chiles volcano, with depths between 1.5 and 10 km. Although the great majority of earthquakes are VT, some low-frequency (LF, ~0.5 Hz) and very-low-frequency (VLF) events have occurred. Particle motion analysis suggests that the VLF source migrated with time. While a VLF on Oct. 15, 2014 was located south of Chiles volcano, near the InSAR source, the VLF registered on Feb. 14, 2015 was likely located very close to Chiles Volcano. We infer that magma intrusion and resulting fluid exsolution at depths greater than 5 km are driving seismicity in the Chiles-Cerro Negro region. However earthquakes are failing in a manner consistent with regional tectonics. Relative relocations reveal a structure consistent with mapped regional faults. Thus seismicity is likely controlled by an interaction of magmatic and tectonic processes. Because the regional stress field is highly compressional and the volcanoes

  7. Detection and phylogenetic analysis of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in Chile. (United States)

    Tapia, D; Eissler, Y; Torres, P; Jorquera, E; Espinoza, J C; Kuznar, J


    Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) is the etiological agent of a highly contagious disease that is endemic to salmon farming in Chile and causes great economic losses to the industry. Here we compared different diagnostic methods to detect IPNV in field samples, including 3 real-time reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) assays, cell culture isolation, and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Additionally, we performed a phylogenetic analysis to investigate the genogroups prevailing in Chile, as well as their geographic distribution and virulence. The 3 qRT-PCR assays used primers that targeted regions of the VP2 and VP1 genes of the virus and were tested in 46 samples, presenting a fair agreement within their results. All samples were positive for at least 2 of the qRT-PCR assays, 29 were positive for cell culture, and 23 for IFAT, showing less sensitivity for these latter 2 methods. For the phylogenetic analysis, portions of 1180 and 523 bp of the VP2 region of segment A were amplified by RT-PCR, sequenced and compared with sequences from reference strains and from isolates reported by previous studies carried out in Chile. Most of the sequenced isolates belonged to genogroup 5 (European origin), and 5 were classified within genogroup 1 (American origin). Chilean isolates formed clusters within each of the genogroups found, evidencing a clear differentiation from the reference strains. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive study completed for IPNV in Chile, covering isolates from sea- and freshwater salmon farms and showing a high prevalence of this virus in the country.


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    Ana Lucy Oliveira Freire


    Full Text Available O processo de urbanização brasileira revela que são muitas as mudanças, as quais resultam em uma nova configuração sócio-espacial, desta vez, atendendo diferentes interesses e novos agentes que vislumbram a inserção na economia globalizada. No âmbito das novas tendências e mutações, verifica-se uma metropolização que acirra exclusão social, provoca uma maior mobilidade sócio-espacial seletiva, orienta investimentos públicos e privados excluindo lugares da metrópole, acirra a violência urbana e provoca maior degradação ambiental, dentre outros ditos problemas urbanos, constituindo-se numa problemática metropolitana. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho objetiva entender e analisar a reorganização do espaço urbano da cidade de Vitória-ES, e em especial a nova fase do processo de urbanização, expressando-se por uma metropolização de caráter desigual. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: dinâmica urbana, área  metropolitana, globalização.


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    Lucrecia Brutti


    Full Text Available Se evalúan distintas especies herbáceas como estabilizadoras de taludes sobre una mezcla de suelo con biosólidos en el Relleno Sanitario Santiago Poniente en Santiago, Región Metropolitana (Chile, con el fin de recuperar el suelo. Se determina el comportamiento de cuatro tratamientos, tres corresponden a diferentes mezclas herbáceas más uno que actuó como testigo, la mezcla de suelo utilizada contenía un 15% de biosólido. Se utilizó un diseño estadístico de Cuadrado Latino, con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron: temperatura del suelo del ensayo, producción de materia verde y seca de raíces, nodulación de raíces de leguminosas y cuantificación de malezas. Los resultados fueron sometidos a un análisis de varianza (ANDEVA, donde la significancia de las diferencias entre tratamientos fueron determinadas a través de un test de rango múltiple de Duncan (P<0,05. La incorporación de 15% de biosólidos a un suelo pobre produce efectos positivos para el establecimiento del prado.

  10. [Brucellosis in Chile: Description of a series of 13 cases]. (United States)

    Olivares, Roberto; Vidal, Pamela; Sotomayor, Camila; Norambuena, Mackarenna; Luppi, Mario; Silva, Francisco; Cifuentes, Marcela


    Brucellosis is a zoonosis caused by Brucella spp. It may be acquired by consuming unpasteurized dairy products. Brucellosis has a low incidence in Chile, thus, we have a scarce data. To report and to characterize the first series of clinical cases of adult patients diagnosed with brucellosis in Chile. We describe a series of 13 clinical cases in patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2016 in three different centers in the Metropolitan Region, Chile. A retrospective analysis was performed on clinical presentation, laboratory, antibiotic treatment, morbidity and mortality. The mean age was 50 years old. Eight cases had a record of consumption of unpasteurized dairy products. The most frequently reported complaints were fever. The most frequent focal point involved was the spine. Only one patient had a positive blood culture, while the diagnosis was made using serological techniques in the other part of the group. The most indicated antibiotic regimens were doxycycline-rifampicin and doxycycline-gentamicin. The hospital stay was 20 days approximately as an average. Clinical cure was achieved in all cases. Brucellosis is an infrequent zoonosis in Chile, and it produces a nonspecific clinical picture, so it is necessary to have high suspicion to make the diagnosis based in the antecedent of consumption of unpasteurized dairy or raw meat.

  11. Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure? (United States)

    German, C. R.; Shank, T. M.; Lilley, M. D.; Lupton, J. E.; Blackman, D. K.; Brown, K. M.; Baumberger, T.; Früh-Green, G.; Greene, R.; Saito, M. A.; Sylva, S.; Nakamura, K.; Stanway, J.; Yoerger, D. R.; Levin, L. A.; Thurber, A. R.; Sellanes, J.; Mella, M.; Muñoz, J.; Diaz-Naveas, J. L.; Inspire Science Team


    In February and March 2010 we conducted preliminary exploration for hydrothermal plume signals along the East Chile Rise where it intersects the continental margin at the Chile Triple Junction (CTJ). This work was conducted as one component of our larger NOAA-OE funded INSPIRE project (Investigation of South Pacific Reducing Environments) aboard RV Melville cruise MV 1003 (PI: Andrew Thurber, Scripps) with all shiptime funded through an award of the State of California to Andrew Thurber and his co-PI's. Additional support came from the Census of Marine Life (ChEss and CoMarge projects). At sea, we conducted a series of CTD-rosette and ABE autonomous underwater vehicle operations to prospect for and determine the nature of any seafloor venting at, or adjacent to, the point where the the East Chile Rise subducts beneath the continental margin. Evidence from in situ sensing (optical backscatter, Eh) and water column analyses of dissolved CH4, δ3He and TDFe/TDMn concentrations document the presence of two discrete sites of venting, one right at the triple junction and the other a further 10km along axis, north of the Triple Junction, but still within the southernmost segment of the East Chile Rise. From an intercomparison of the abundance of different chemical signals we can intercompare likely characteristics of these differet source sites and also differentiate between them and the high methane concentrations released from cold seep sites further north along the Chile Margin, both with the CTJ region and also at the Concepcion Methane Seep Area (CMSA). This multi-disciplinary and international collaboration - involving scientists from Chile, the USA, Europe and Japan - can serve as an excellent and exciting launchpoint for wide-ranging future investigations of the Chile Triple Junction area - the only place on Earth where an oceanic spreading center is being actively subducted beneath a continent and also the only place on Earth where all known forms of deep

  12. Oropharyngeal cancer mortality according to the human development index in the Metropolitan Region of Chile, 2002-2014.

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    Vicente Livacic


    Full Text Available To determine mortality rates for oropharyngeal cancer according to the Human Development Index (HDI per district in the Metropolitan Region (RM, Santiago, Chile, between 2002 and 2014. Materials and Methods: An ecological study was carried out. The sample corresponded to individuals over 45 years, from the Metropolitan Region, with oropharyngeal cancer as cause of death, as registered in the Chilean National Institute of Statistics (INE. The HDI was classified into three categories: “medium” (8 districts, “high” (18 districts and “very high” (25 districts. The crude and adjusted mortality rates were calculated for each year and period. Results: The oropharyngeal cancer adjusted mortality rate for the chosen period was 3.98 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. The specific mortality rate from oropharyngeal cancer in the “medium” HDI category was 4.01; in the “high” DHI category, 4.42; and in the “very high” HDI category, 3.79. Conclusion: Mortality from oropharyngeal cancer was higher in the “medium” HDI category between 2002 and 2014.

  13. Hallazgo del mosquito Haemagogus equinus (Theobald, 1903 en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Santander

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    Víctor A. Olano


    Full Text Available Utilizando un sistema de vigilancia entomológica, se registra por primera vez en Colombia el hallazgo del mosquito Haemagogus equinus, eficiente vector del virus de la fiebre amarilla selvática, en criaderos artificiales (llantas. Se recolectaron 181 larvas de H. equinus en cuatro ovilarvitrampas encontradas positivas, localizadas en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga.

  14. The Bulimulidae (Mollusca: Pulmonata) from the Región de Atacama, northern Chile. (United States)

    Araya, Juan Francisco


    The bulimulid genus Bostryx Troschel, 1847 is the most species-rich genus of land snails found in Chile, with the majority of its species found only in the northern part of the country, usually in arid coastal zones. This genus has been sparsely studied in Chile and there is little information on their distribution, diversity or ecology. Here, for the first time, a formal analysis of the diversity of bulimulids in the Región de Atacama, northern Chile, is reported. Of the seventeen species recorded for the area, most of them were efectively found in the field collections and one record was based on literature. Five taxa are described as new: Bostryx ancavilorum sp. nov., Bostryx breurei sp. nov., Bostryx calderaensis sp. nov., Bostryx ireneae sp. nov. and Bostryx valdovinosi sp. nov., and the known geographic distribution of seven species is extended. Results reveal that the Región de Atacama is the richest region in terrestrial snails in Chile, after the Juan Fernández Archipelago. All of the terrestrial molluscan species occurring in the area are endemic to Chile, most of them with restricted geographic distributions along the coastal zones, and none of them are currently protected by law. Further sampling in northern Chile will probably reveal more snail species to be discovered and described.

  15. University Support in the Development of Regional Entrepreneurial Activity: An Exploratory Study from Chile

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    Carlos Poblete


    Full Text Available La literatura teórica ha estudiado los potenciales beneficios de la interacción entre universidades y emprendedores y existe cierta evidencia empírica que soporta la influencia positiva de la educación para el emprendimiento en la posterior propensión a emprender. El propósito de este artículo es estudiar si la educación específica para la creación de empresas brindada por las universidades se refleja en la actividad emprendedora a nivel regional. Replicando la metodología utilizada por Coduras, Urban, Rojas y Martínez (2008 en España, comparamos de forma exploratoria el caso en Chile usando la base de datos del Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM. Los principales resultados indican que hay baja interacción entre emprendedores y universidades, y no hay impacto suficiente para afectar significativamente la actividad emprendedora. Así como contar con educación para el emprendimiento en la universidad no aumentaría la probabilidad de tener intenciones de emprender.

  16. Retrospective study of histological types of esophageal cancer prevalent in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile

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    Andrés Torrealba Bustos


    Full Text Available This study tries to determine the statistical relation between the most frequent histological types of oesophageal carcinoma in the Metropolitan region of Santiago, Chile. For it there were obtained clinical samples of different laboratories of Pathological Anatomy of the Metropolitan region corresponding to the south and east sector of Santiago, gathering a total of 348 cases, which were diagnosed by means of endoscopic biopsy, using as parameters the morphologic characteristics of neoplastic tissue evaluated by light microscopy with hematoxylin-eosin dye. The obtained information was submitted to a model of logistic multiple regression, in order to determine the associations between the most frequent histological types of oesophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma, topographic location compromised to the moment of the diagnosis, age and sex of the patients in study. The proportion between the histological types of cancer of esophagus did not present significant differences, which contrasts with the results of international publications. The analyses demonstrated that the low third is the only parameter that is subject to variation, which relates to the metaplasia of Barrett and the development of oesophageal adenocarcinoma.

  17. [Motivation perception measurement of intermediate directors in three complex hospitals of the Region of the Maule, Chile]. (United States)

    Bustamante-Ubilla, Miguel Alejandro; del Río-Rivero, María Carolina; Lobos-Andrade, Germán Enrique; Villarreal-Navarrete, Patricia Isabel


    In this work, a questionnaire was designed and perceptions of motivation and demotivation of middle managers in three hospitals in the Region del Maule, Chile were measured. The fieldwork was carried out between September and October, 2006. A questionnaire that included 57 statements to measure attitude was administered and qualified according to a five-point Likert-type scale. The population studied included l25 professionals that supervise roughly 3 800 employees. Ten variables were identified, 5 motivational and 5 demotivational. Notable among the motivational variables are vocation and service-oriented spirit; among the demotivational variables are lack of recognition and commitment. It is affirmed that both motivational variables as well as demotivational variables are essentially qualitative and that economic and salary variables are less relevant and less hierarchical.

  18. Gestión de residuos y segregación urbana: Villa estaciones ferroviarias de Puente Alto, Santiago de Chile (1985-2015.

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    Valentina Fernanda Saavedra Meléndez


    Full Text Available El desarrollo urbano en Chile y Latinoamérica desde fines del siglo XX ha producido ciudades segregadas según el nivel de ingresos de sus habitantes, profundizando las condiciones de desigualdad de la población, al generar paños homogéneos de sectores pobres. Esta desigualdad no sólo se limita a los ingresos de la población, sino a la distribución de oportunidades y costos urbanos a los que se somete a dicha población. Uno de estos costos es la localización de depósitos de residuos, ubicados en las comunas que han concentrado la pobreza, donde a la vez se emplaza la vivienda social entregada por el sistema de subsidios y gestionada por el sector empresarial de la construcción. Se produce, por tanto, una relación entre comunas productoras de basuras y comunas receptoras, cuestión que va en aumento debido al sistema de gestión de basura tradicional que se mantiene en Chile. En ese contexto, este artículo propone analizar las consecuencias del sistema de gestión no sustentable de basura y su relación con el sistema de vivienda social subsidiario que se aplica en Chile, específicamente en la Región Metropolitana. Para lo anterior, se abordará el caso de la Villa Estaciones Ferroviaria de Puente Alto, construida a principios de la década de 1990, entregada por programas de subsidios habitacionales y emplazada sobre un ex vertedero. Mediante esta investigación, se busca replantear el enfoque reactivo de la gestión de residuos domiciliaros en aras de volverlo uno preventivo, de modo que la dedicación mayoritaria del sistema a la eliminación de residuos -con problemas de espacio, terreno y enfermedades–, se transforme en planes de reducción, reutilización, reciclaje y eliminación sustentable de basura.

  19. Patrones y flujos de la migración interna en la gran área metropolitana de Costa Rica, en el período 1995-2000

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    Molina-Varela, Wendy


    Full Text Available Los más recientes cambios en los patrones de migración interna en varios países de Latinoamérica, apuntan a los crecientes flujos de migración intrametropolitana desde los centros urbanos hacia la periferia, asociados a procesos de urbanización residencial de zonas rurales cercanas a la zona metropolitana. Este artículo analiza este fenómeno para Costa Rica, estimando los patrones de migración interna dentro del Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM, y tratando de determinar algunos factores de atracción y expulsión que posiblemente explican estos patrones, utilizando un modelo de Poisson para discriminar entre algunas variables seleccionadas en un modelo de regresión multivariable. Los resultados confirman algunas tendencias observadas para otras áreas metropolitanas de América Latina, y da algunas explicaciones al caso específico de la GAM.

  20. Hábitos de consumo de embutidos en el cantón de San Carlos y el área metropolitana de Costa Rica

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    Yorleny Araya-Quesada


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de mercado en dos áreas geográficas de Costa Rica: San Carlos y la Gran Área Metropolitana, con el fin de comparar los hábitos de consumo de embutidos. En San Carlos se hizo un minigrupo con cinco participantes y un grupo focal con nueve. En el Área Metropolitana se hicieron dos grupos focales con seis personas. Los resultados de las sesiones se analizaron por análisis temático. Se diseñó un cuestionario basado en la investigación cualitativa que se aplicó por teléfono y en el que participaron 193 personas. Los datos se analizaron utilizando estadística descriptiva. Se determinaron las relaciones utilizando una prueba chi-cuadrado (X2, con significancia del 5%. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los hábitos entre los consumidores, excepto para el embutido de preferencia, pues en el Área Metropolitana es el jamón, mientras que en San Carlos es el salchichón. Los embutidos se consumen por su buen sabor y por ser convenientes; se suelen acompañar con diversos alimentos.

  1. Evaluation of the hydrogeological interconnection between the Salar de Maricunga and the Piedra Pomez basins, Atacama Region, Chile; An isotope and geochemical approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iriarte, S.; Santibanez, I; Aravena, R


    Groundwater is the main water source for the mining industry in the Altiplano of northern Chile. Groundwater also plays a significant role as a water source for lagoons, wetlands and salares, which are important ecosystems for animal life and vegetation communities that exist in this arid region. The rational use and protection of the groundwater resource requires a good understanding of the aquifer systems. One of the key components in the assessment of water resources in Northern Chile, is the hydrogeological interconnection between basins. During the last three years, as part of a major hydrogeological project, Sernageomin has been working in the Altiplano of the Atacama region (Iriarte et al., 1998; Iriarte, 1999; Venegas et al., 2000; Santibanez, in prep.). This study included the evaluation of the geometry and groundwater potential of the aquifers and the chemical characterization of the surface and groundwater. Part of this study has focused on the Salar de Maricunga and the Campo de Piedra Pomez basins, due to an increasing demand for groundwater resources in this area by the mining industry. This paper discusses the use of isotope and geochemical tools that were used to evaluate the hydrogeological interconnection between the Salar de Maricunga and the Piedra Pomez basins. The geological and hydrogeological framework of this work is discussed in detail by Iriarte (1999) (au)

  2. Range expansion of Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae in Patagonian Chile, and first record of Hantavirus in the region Ampliación del rango de distribución de Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae en la Patagonia de Chile y primer registro de Hantavirus en la región

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    Full Text Available At present, 20 species of Oligoryzomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae are recognized in the Neotropical region, most of them distinguished by their karyotypes, which fluctuates between 46-70 chromosomes. Two species are currently recognized in Chile, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Bennet, 1832; "colilargo" or the long-tailed pygmy rice rat; 2n = 56, which ranges from 27° to approximately 51° S, and O. magellanicus (Bennet, 1836; Magellanic pygmy rice rat; 2n = 54, south of 51° S in the Patagonian region of Chile and Argentina. As part of an ongoing research on the southern Patagonia of Chile, we report the results of small mammal samplings in six localities. We karyotyped 28 specimens and we also sequenced the hypervariable mtDNA region I in 22 individuals, aligning these sequences with an under development phylogeny of O. longicaudatus. We also evaluated the serology and viral charge in all captured specimens to detect the presence of antibodies to Andes virus (ANDV through Strip Immunoblot Assay (SIA, and of viral genome by RT-PCR. The results consistently showed that the karyotype of southern Patagonia specimens was 2n = 56, equal to that of O. longicaudatus, and that individuals from this area do not differentiate phylogenetically from those of the northern range of distribution. In addition, the serology showed the presence of antibodies IgG anti-ANDV and of viral genome in heart, kidney, spleen, and lungs of a single specimen of Oligoryzomys from the locality of Fuerte Bulnes in the Magallanes region. We conclude that all specimens trapped south of 51° S correspond to Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, thus expanding the distribution of this specie! from 51° to at least 55° S. The results also extended the disiribution of the Andes strain of Hantavirus to southernmost Patagonia.Actualmente se reconocen 20 especies de Oligoryzomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae en la región Neotropical, la mayoría de ellas distinguidas por sus cariotipos, los que fluct

  3. Disque denúncia como fonte de informações para análises criminais na Região Metropolitana de Salvador 2006-2011


    Portella, Daniel Deivson Alves


    Introdução: O tráfico de drogas pode ser considerado como um dos fatores determinantes para o aumento de homicídios nas metrópoles e nas regiões metropolitanas. A grande frequência de crimes contribuiu para que a população passasse a fazer denúncias anônimas sobre os fatos criminosos através do programa Disque Denúncia,implantado na Bahia desde 2005. Objetivos: Analisar o Disque Denúncia como fonte de informações para análises criminais na Região Metropolitana de Salvador (RMS) de 2006-2011 e...

  4. Current Discussions Between ESO and Chile (United States)


    [Joint Press Release by the Government of the Republic of Chile and the European Southern Observatory. The text is issued simultaneously in Santiago de Chile (in Spanish) and at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (in English).] Today, Tuesday, 18 April 1995, at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (Germany), Mr. Roberto Cifuentes, Plenipotentiary Ambassador representing the Government of the Republic of Chile, and the Director General of the European Southern Observatory, Professor Riccardo Giacconi, have signed a Supplementary, Interpretative and Amending Agreement to the Convention of 6 November 1963 which governs the relations between Chile and this International Organisation. This Agreement which in practice signifies a widening and strengthening of the cooperative relations between the Organisation and the Chilean scientific community will hereafter be submitted for ratification by the National Congress of the Republic of Chile (the Parliament) and by the ESO Council. According to the Agreement signed today, Chilean astronomers will have privileged access within up to 10 percent observing time on all present and future ESO telescopes in Chile. Moreover, ESO accepts to incorporate into its labour regulations for Chilean personnel concepts like freedom of association and collective bargaining. This signing of the Supplementary, Interpretative and Amending Agreement to the original Convention of 1963 follows after months of constructive dialogue between the parties. It constitutes an important step towards a solution of some of the pending points on the current agenda for discussions between the Government of Chile and ESO. Among the issues still pending, ESO has informed the Government of Chile that respect for its immunities by the Chilean State is of vital importance for the continuation of the construction of the world's largest telescope at Paranal, as well as the continued presence of the Organisation in Chile. The Chilean Government, on its side, and concerning

  5. International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) national favourability studies: Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Chile has an area of 740,760 square kilometers. The capital is Santiago. The country is 4,183 km. long and ranges from 22.5 to about 354 km. in width. Its chief topographic features para]lei each other - the Coastal Range, Andes Mountains and Central Valley. The Coastal Range rises to 2,130 meters in the north, but averages from 610 to 700 meters high generally. The range plunges into the Pacific Ocean far south of Valparaiso and reappears in the southern archipelagic islands. The Andes extend along nearly the entire length of Chile and contain 100 volcanoes. Andean peaks range mostly from 3,000 to 6,700 meters in elevation. In southern Chile the Andes are lower, and contain about a dozen major lakes. The mountains disappear in Chilean Patagonia, but reappear at Cape Horn. The Central Valley lies between the Coastal Range and the Andes, being best defined in the midland region as a 64 to 72 km sloping plain. It is the Chilean heartland with three-quarters of the country's population. Salt basins are found over much of northern Chile in the very arid desert, while the region south of the Gulf of Reloncavi consists of unpopulated islands, fjords, channels and heavily forested mountains. The Strait of Magellan, the Tierra del Fuego archipelago and a flat grassland area make up the extreme southern end of the country. Much of Chile is subject to flash floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and avalanches. In September 1976 the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear (CCEN) was given exclusive rights to negotiate contracts with private companies for the exploration, development and mining of uranium and other radioactive minerals. The new law provides the CCEN with considerable flexibility in the terms of the contracts. Pre-964 owners of uranium deposits may reach agreements with foreign companies to mine the uranium, but since 1964 all uranium has belonged to the state. Uranium produced in the country can only be exported after Chile's needs have been met. The

  6. La gobernabilidad metropolitana de Santiago: la dispar relación de poder de los municipios

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    Full Text Available En ausencia de un gobierno metropolitano, las grandes ciudades que sostienen la problemática de una gestión multinivel, es decir, donde se sobrepone la acción del gobierno central, regional y de un conjunto significativo de municipios, generan un escenario complejo para la gobernabilidad en pro de un desarrollo urbano y territorial equilibrado. Desde esta perspectiva, la gran disparidad en la configuración socioterritorial que muestra el Área Metropolitana de Santiago constituye un reflejo de la estructura de poder sobre el espacio metropolitano, donde las comunas del cono oriente muestran un mejor posicionamiento para orientar las acciones públicas y privadas a favor del interés público de su población residenteIn the absence of metropolitan level government, large cities retain the problems associated with multilevel management whereby the activities of central government, regional government and numerous municipal governments overlap, generating in turn a complex scenario for governance in favour of balanced urban and regional development. From this perspective, the significant disparity in socio-spatial configuration within the Santiago Metropolitan Area reflects the structure of power within this metropolitan space, whereby municipalities in the eastern cone are better able to shape public and private actions in support of the public interests of their resident populations.

  7. Current situation of women in the workplace in Chile


    Cábová, Helena


    This diploma thesis examines the problem of the situation of women in the workplace in Chile. The thesis is divided into three parts, while each parts gradually analyses the problem of gender inequalities. Firstly, the thesis presents the overall information about the general problem of gender inequalities. It introduces the basic fragments of the issue together with the basic terminology. Secondly, a major focus is put on the Chilean regions, as it analyses gender differences of the regions ...


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    Marcos Adelino ALMEIDA FILHO


    Full Text Available As enteroparasitoses são problemas de saúde pública associadas às condições socioeconômicas, principalmente pela falta de conhecimento de bons hábitos sanitários da população. Nesse ínterim, o presente trabalho objetivou a analisar prevalência de enteroparasitas em amostras fecais provenientes de pacientes da rede pública e privada da Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza – CE. A pesquisa se caracteriza em um estudo transversal, conduzido no período de abril/2014 a novembro/2016, com indivíduos provenientes da área metropolitana de Fortaleza, de ambos os sexos e diferentes faixas etárias. Do total de 6.596 amostras fecais analisadas de pacientes, 840 (12,73% apresentaram-se positivas para diversas formas parasitárias, prevalecendo os protozoários, as espécies Endolimax nana (55,14%, Entamoeba coli (21,33% e Giardia lamblia (13,95% foram as mais frequentes. Seguido de nematelmintos como Ascaris lumbricoides (1,32%, Trichocephalus trichiurus (0,66%, Enterobius vermiculares (0,33% e os platelmintos foram Hymenolepis nana (0,66%, Fasciola hepatica (0,11% e Taenia sp. (0,11%. O número de casos positivos analisados nesta pesquisa, induz à necessidade da elaboração de políticas públicas, além de programas de educação e conscientização, principalmente para as populações carentes, com o intuito de amenizar a incidência e os impactos causados por enteroparasitoses. 

  9. [Microbiologic and molecular diagnostic of cariogenic bacteria in pregnant women from the Araucania Region of Chile]. (United States)

    Herrera G, Christian L; Pantoja F, Patricio; De la M, Tomás de La Maza; Sanhueza C, Antonio; Salazar N, Luis A


    Dental caries is a transmissible infectious disease in which Streptococcus mutans is a principal protagonist. Although it is widely believed that pregnancy is harmful to teeth, the effect of pregnancy on the development of caries is not clear. Considering this situation, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the levels of infection and to differentiate bacterial species with cariogenic potential in pregnant women from the Araucania region in Chile, by bacteriological and molecular analysis. In this work, we evaluated 51 pregnant women aged 15 to 40 years. The results show that 100% of women are infected by mutans streptococci Group, and 70.6% exhibited high levels of infection (> 500.000 cfu/mL). The molecular analysis shows that Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus frequencies were 92.1% and 1.9%, respectively. In conclusion, our data suggest that pregnant women are a high risk group for caries development.

  10. Internationalization of SMES: business opportunities in Chile


    Correia, João Filipe Amado


    The main goal of this study is to identify the main business opportunities in Chile, legal advantages in the business perspective and entry strategies for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The methodology used was qualitative, by conducting several interviews with chamber of commerce representative from Portugal in Chile and Chile in Portugal, several young entrepreneurs from different nations operating in Chile, the CEO of a Spanish company that decided to not internationalize to...

  11. Psychosocial Trauma Transmission and Appropriation in Grandchildren of Former Political Prisoners of the Civic – Military Dictatorship in Chile (1973-1990

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    Ximena Faúndez


    Full Text Available This article introduces and discusses a research which sought to comprehend, through the analysis of the narratives of the grandchildren of victims of the Civic-Military Dictatorship in Chile, the phenomena of transgenerational psychosocial trauma. The research involved 14 grandchildren of former political prisoners (FPP, between 18 and 25 years old, both from the Metropolitan Region of Chile and from the Araucanía Region. It considered life story as the productive technique, and applied a narrative analysis to the sample collected. The results of this study allow us to state that the life story of the grandchildren of FPP is included in a logic of transgenerational transmission and appropriation of the psychosocial trauma. Which implies that inside the families of FPP still persists the avoidance and silence dynamic around the torture’s experience, determining the relationship of the grandchildren with the traumatic experience. Also, the results show that there are important gendered features to take into consideration while listening to the narratives of transgenerational transmission.   Este artículo presenta y discute una investigación que buscó, a partir del relato de los nietos de víctimas de la dictadura cívico-militar chilena, comprender el fenómeno de la transgeneracionalidad del trauma psicosocial. En el estudio participaron 14 nietos de ex presos/as políticos/as, de entre 18 y 25 años de edad, procedentes de las regiones Metropolitana y de La Araucanía. Se usó el relato de vida como técnica de producción de información y se realizó un análisis narrativo. Los resultados de este estudio permiten plantear que la historia de vida de los nietos de FPP de la dictadura cívico-militar chilena se inscribe en una lógica de transmisión y apropiación transgeneracional del trauma psicosocial. En las familias de FPP persiste una dinámica de evitación y silencio en torno a la experiencia de tortura, la que determina la

  12. Genetic diversity and structure in semiwild and domesticated chiles (Capsicum annuum; Solanaceae) from Mexico. (United States)

    Aguilar-Meléndez, Araceli; Morrell, Peter L; Roose, Mikeal L; Kim, Seung-Chul


    The chile of Mesoamerica, Capsicum annuum, is one of five domesticated chiles in the Americas. Among the chiles, it varies the most in size, form, and color of its fruits. Together with maize, C. annuum is one of the principal elements of the neotropical diets of Mesoamerican civilizations. Despite the great economic and cultural importance of C. annuum both worldwide and in Mexico, however, very little is known about its geographic origin and number of domestications. Here we sampled a total of 80 accessions from Mexico (58 semiwild and 22 domesticated) and examined nucleotide sequence diversity at three single- or low-copy nuclear loci, Dhn, G3pdh, and Waxy. Across the three loci, we found an average reduction of ca. 10% in the diversity of domesticates relative to semiwild chiles and geographic structure within Mexican populations. The Yucatan Peninsula contained a large number of haplotypes, many of which were unique, suggesting an important region of chile domestication and center of diversity. The present sampling of loci did not conclusively resolve the number and location of domestications, but several lines of evidence suggest multiple independent domestications from widely distributed progenitor populations.

  13. [Vaginal infections in a Family Health Clinic in the Metropolitan Region, Chile]. (United States)

    Villaseca, Rodrigo; Ovalle, Alfredo; Amaya, Fernando; Labra, Bayron; Escalona, Natalia; Lizana, Paola; Montoya, M José; Lillo, Eduardo; Martínez, M Angélica


    Vaginal infections are a frequent cause for consultation, but their prevalence and etiology vary in different populations. To determine the prevalence and etiologies of vaginal infection in women attending a family health center in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. The microbiological diagnosis was made by wet mount and Gram stain. Diagnosis of trichomoniasis was performed by wet mount, culture and polymerase chain reaction. 101 women aged 15-54, not selected by signs or symptoms of vaginal infection, 46 of them pregnant were included. In 47 women (46.5%), vaginal infections were diagnosed. An association was observed between age and frequency of vaginal infection. The proportion of infections among pregnant and non-pregnant women was similar. The most frequent infections were bacterial vaginosis (16.8%), vulvovaginal candidiasis (11.9%) and co-infections (6.9%). We found 5.9% of intermediate microbiota cases, 3% of trichomoniasis and 2% of aerobic vaginitis. Symptoms of vaginal infection had poor agreement with microbiological findings. Otherwise physical signs had good agreement with the presence of infection, but low to moderate concordance with a specific etiology. We found a high prevalence of vaginal infections in the study population. It is necessary to improve the definitions and criteria of microbiological diagnosis of co-infections and intermediate microbiota, for them to be diagnosed in the clinical practice. More descriptive questionnaires are recommended to enhance the usefulness of clinical examination.

  14. Challenges for psychiatric recruitment and training in Chile. (United States)

    Vicente, Benjamín; Rosel, Leonardo


    This paper aims to describe the current challenges to recruitment of psychiatrists in Chile, and investigate factors related to interest in psychiatry from medical students of the Chilean Biobío Region. An online survey was completed by 39 medical students currently performing the internship. This survey included questions regarding socio-demographic aspects, probability of choosing a medical speciality, influencing factors on the choice of the medical speciality, and personal features. Students were separated in two groups for the analysis based on their likelihood of choosing psychiatry as a career. A total of 35.9% of the respondents showed some degree of interest in psychiatry. Factors considered important by the respondents were academic opportunities, training vacancies, and balance between job and personal life. The low participation in the study does not allow the extrapolation of data to the national situation, and may represent response bias to those already interested in psychiatry as a career. However, Chile has an average psychiatrist rate per number of inhabitants for the region, but an uneven distribution of this resource. National policies must be focused on this issue in order to reduce the gap in mental healthcare.

  15. Patrones y flujos de la migración interna en la Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica, en el período 1995-2000


    Wendy Molina-Varela


    Los más recientes cambios en los patrones de migración interna en varios países de Latinoamérica, apuntan a los crecientes flujos de migración intrametropolitana desde los centros urbanos hacia la periferia, asociados a procesos de urbanización residencial de zonas rurales cercanas a la zona metropolitana. Este artículo analiza este fenómeno para Costa Rica, estimando los patrones de migración interna dentro del Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM), y tratando de determinar algunos factores de atr...

  16. Climate change impacts on municipal, mining, and agricultural water supplies in Chile (United States)

    Daniel G. Neary; Pablo Garcia-Chevesich


    Agricultural and municipal water supply interests in Chile rely heavily on streams which flow from the Andes Mountains. The highly productive Copiapo agricultural region, on the southern edge of the Atacama Desert, is a major supplier of fruit and other crops for the Northern American market during winter. This region relies entirely on snow and icemelt streams to...

  17. Territorio estratégico y segregación: la región noreste del Área Metropolitana de Montevideo

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    Mauricio Ceroni


    Full Text Available Las áreas metropolitanas de América Latina transitan por diversos cambios territoriales que se han profundizado durante las últimas décadas. En este estudio se analizan las dinámicas territoriales que han ocurrido en la región noreste del Área Metropolitana de Montevideo, se considera a la segregación territorial y a los territorios estratégicos como conceptos claves para entender dichas transformaciones. En este sentido se emplean técnicas de Geoprocesamiento y se elabora un índice de estratificación socioeconómica. Los resultados indican un crecimiento sostenido de los procesos de urbanización sobre el uso rural y se evidencia un desarrollo acelerado de cambios en las distintas clases sociales donde el Estado es un actor clave para favorecer los procesos de segregación territorial.

  18. Diferencia salarial por género en ejecutivos peruanos en Lima Metropolitana


    Gómez Flores, Robert Efrain; Huapaya Ames, Milagros del Carmen; Rojas Zegarra, Jhon Alexander; Salinas Valencia, Eder Velver


    vii, 106 h. : il. ; 30 cm En la presente investigación se describen cuáles son los factores que determinan la diferencia salarial por género en ejecutivos peruanos en Lima Metropolitana y su impacto en cada factor. Dicho estudio se realizó considerando los siguientes factores: (a) estereotipos por género, (b) prejuicios por género, (c) cultura organizacional y (d) educación. Asimismo, esta investigación se basó en un estudio cualitativo, con propósito descriptivo y explicativo,...

  19. La zonificación de áreas metropolitanas en la contemporaneidad latinoamericana

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    Eduardo Souza González


    Full Text Available La expansión de las áreas metropolitanas y su delimitación espacial pareciera que en la sobremodernidad ha rebasado la capacidad de los encargados de dirigir el desarrollo urbano, de ahí la importancia de la generación de instrumentos pragmáticos que puedan contribuir a operativizar las políticas públicas. Una de esas herramientas de planeación, sería aquella que pueda delimitar las zonas internas y las de crecimiento periférico de la metrópoli.

  20. Desarrollo económico y migración interna en las zonas metropolitanas de México 1990-2010

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    José Antonio SOBERÓN-MORA


    Full Text Available Este trabajo evalúa si el crecimiento económico se relaciona con el incremento de la migración de personas, como lo establece la teoría neoclásica de fines de los años sesenta y posterior. Para lograrlo, se toma un periodo que abarca veinte años, de 1990 a 2010. Se divide al país en cuatro regiones y cada una de ellas en tres sectores, en donde se consideran las 59 zonas metropolitanas definidas en el año 2012. Los resultados indican que sí existe asociación entre estas dos variables y que la relación se presenta con mayor intensidad en aquellas zonas donde se detecta un mayor crecimiento en el sector servicios, perteneciente al sureste del país.

  1. Rule of Repression in Chile. (United States)

    American Indian Journal, 1979


    This report on the current condition of the Mapuche Indians of Chile is edited from a document on the "Situation of Human Rights in Chile" and details the repressive and inhumane treatment of the largest indigenous ethnic minority in the country. (Author/RTS)

  2. Landscape connectivity among remnant populations of guanaco (Lama guanicoe Müller, 1776) in an arid region of Chile impacted by global change. (United States)

    Espinosa, Mara I; Gouin, Nicolas; Squeo, Francisco A; López, David; Bertin, Angéline


    Connectivity between populations plays a key role in the long-term persistence of species in fragmented habitats. This is of particular concern for biodiversity preservation in drylands, since water limited landscapes are typically characterized by little suitable habitat cover, high habitat fragmentation, harsh matrices, and are being rapidly degraded at a global scale. In this study, we modelled landscape connectivity between 11 guanaco Lama guanicoe populations in Chile's arid Norte Chico, a region that supports the last remnant coastal populations of this emblematic herbivore indigenous to South America. We produced a habitat suitability model to derive a regional surface resistance map, and used circuit theory to map functional connectivity, investigate the relative isolation between populations, and identify those that contribute most to the patch connectivity network. Predicted suitable habitat for L. guanicoe represented about 25% of the study region (i.e., 29,173 km 2 ) and was heterogeneously distributed along a continuous stretch along the Andes, and discontinuous patches along the coast. As a result, we found that high connectivity current flows in the mid and high Andes formed a wide, continuous connectivity corridor, enabling connectivity between all high Andean populations. Coastal populations, in contrast, were more isolated. These groups demonstrate no inter-population connectivity between themselves, only with higher altitude populations, and for two of them, animal movement was linked to the effectiveness of wildlife crossings along the Pan-American highway. Our results indicate that functional connectivity is an issue of concern for L. guanicoe in Chile's Norte Chico, implying that future conservation and management plans should emphasize strategies aimed at conserving functional connectivity between coastal and Andean populations, as well as the protection of habitat patches likely to act as stepping stones within the connectivity network.

  3. Curva de estimativa das internações hospitalares nas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras: um estudo de série histórica

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    Graziella Denúbila Gomes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as variações temporais na distribuição das internações hospitalares realizadas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS em todas as Regiões Metropolitanas brasileiras entre os anos de 1995 e 2006. Trata-se de estudo ecológico de série histórica com dados secundários referentes às 36 regiões metropolitanas brasileiras. Realizou-se a análise descritiva dos dados, correlação de Spearman e curva de estimativa. Os resultados indicam que o Teste F foi significativo em ordem decrescente para os modelos linear (p=0,001, quadrático (p=0,002 e cúbico (p=0,004. Por outro lado, os valores de R2 apresentaram ordem crescente de valores – 0,277; 0,307 e 0,338, respectivamente. O modelo cúbico mostrou que o percentual médio de internações hospitalares em 2006 apresentou tendência de queda quando comparado ao percentual médio de internações no ano de 1995. Conclui-se que o percentual de internações hospitalares realizadas no SUS nas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras decresceu durante o período analisado.

  4. Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile


    Raimundo Soto; Felipe Morandé


    Una Nota sobre la Construcción de Series de Precios de Activos Reales: Tierra y Casas en Chile This note presents previously unpublished data on prices of agricultural land in Chile's central region and houses (both rental and purchasing prices) in Santiago, with the corresponding methodology. As such, it is a follow-up to an Appendix in Morande (1992).

  5. Immigrant health workers in Chile: is there a Latin American "brain drain"? Inmigración de personal sanitario hacia Chile: ¿hay una "fuga de cerebros" hacia América Latina?

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    Baltica Cabieses


    Full Text Available Most research on the phenomenon of "brain drain" (one-way flow of highly skilled/educated individuals has focused on movement between the least developed and most highly developed countries. Therefore, the significance of patterns of migration to middle-income countries such as those in Latin America is less clear. The aim of this study was to outline key features of international health worker "brain drain" to Chile to promote discussion and further research on this phenomenon as it pertains to the Latin American region. The study compared immigrant health workers living in Chile to both Chilean-born health workers and other immigrants living in Chile using a qualitative nationwide dataset (the results of Chile's 2009 National Socioeconomic Characterization Survey. Demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related variables were included in the analyses, which were weighted by population to obtain nationally representative estimates. In 2009, immigrant health workers represented 2.2% of all health personnel and 2.6% of all resident immigrants in the country. While most immigrant health workers had a universitylevel education, about 25% had only a high school-level education or less. There was no statistically significant difference between the distribution of immigrant health workers' household income and that of Chilean-born health workers. A significantly higher proportion of the immigrant group reported no entitlement to health care provision. While the results of this study do not indicate a significant international health worker "brain drain" to Chile, they do suggest distinctive patterns of migration within the Latin American region. Future studies in Chile could confirm the validity of these results, using a larger sample of immigrant health workers.La mayoría de las investigaciones sobre el fenómeno de la "fuga de cerebros" (migración unidireccional de individuos sumamente capacitados y educados se ha centrado en la migración desde pa

  6. Glacial Hazards in Chile: Processes, Assessment, Mitigation and Risk Management Strategies (United States)

    Glasser, N. F.; Wilson, R.; Casassa, G., Sr.; Reynolds, J.; Harrison, S.; Shannon, S. R.; Schaefer, M.; Iribarran, P.


    Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) are capable of travelling considerable distances from their source and they represent one of the most important glacial hazards. In line with observations in other parts of the world, the frequency of GLOF events in Chile has increased in recent decades highlighting the need to quantify the flood risk posed to downstream areas. This poster presents the work of the `Glacial Hazards in Chile' project which aims to (1) better understand the processes that govern the development of GLOFs in Chile, (2) estimate the socio-economic effects of GLOFs in Chile, and (3) provide a GLOF risk assessment framework that can be applied to Chile and other lower income countries globally. As an initial step towards the completion of these aims, we have recently compiled the first glacial lake inventory for the central and Patagonian Andes, which details the temporal development of glacial lakes in this region over the past three decades. This analysis was used to identify two lakes of interest that were visited during a fieldwork expedition in February 2017. The first of these, Lago Chileno in Patagonia, has recently produced a large GLOF causing significant damage to the downstream floodplain, whilst the second was identified as one of the fastest growing lakes in the central Andes. Both these lakes were surveyed using aerial imagery acquired with a drone and a custom-built bathymetry boat, data from which will help to improve our understanding of the physical processes associated with glacial lake development and failure within the Chilean Andes.

  7. Evaluación del primer "Entrenamiento en Metodología de Investigación Clínica en Chile" Evaluation of the first training on clinical research methodology in Chile

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    Manuel Espinoza


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe la evaluación del primer "Entrenamiento en Metodología de Investigación Clínica en Chile (EMIC-Chile tras 12 meses de haber finalizado. Se aplicó una encuesta online para alumnos y el método Delphi para el equipo docente. Entre los estudiantes, la mayoría informó que el programa apoyó su desarrollo profesional y que transmitieron los conocimientos en su lugar de trabajo. El 41% presentó un proyecto a fondos concursables de investigación una vez finalizado el curso. Entre los profesores, las áreas de mayor interés fueron la estrategia comunicacional, la metodología educativa, las características del equipo docente y las posibles estrategias de permanencia de EMIC-Chile a futuro. Esta experincia podría servir a futuras iniciativas de formación en investigación para profesionales de la salud. Se reconocen como desafíos la incorporación de profesiones no médicas en la investigación clínica, complejidades asociadas a la metodología semi-presencial y permanencia duradera de iniciativas de esta envergadura a nivel nacional y regional.This paper describes the evaluation of the first training on clinical research methodology in Chile (EMIC-Chile 12 months after its completion. An online survey was conducted for students and the Delphi method was used for the teaching team. Among the students, the majority reported that the program had contributed to their professional development and that they had shared some of the knowledge acquired with colleagues in their workplace. Forty-one percent submitted a project to obtain research funding through a competitive grants process once they had completed the course. Among the teachers, the areas of greatest interest were the communication strategy, teaching methods, the characteristics of the teaching team, and potential strategies for making the EMIC-Chile permanent in the future. This experience could contribute to future research training initiatives for health

  8. Socioeconomic and regional differences in active transportation in Brazil. (United States)

    Sá, Thiago Hérick de; Pereira, Rafael Henrique Moraes; Duran, Ana Clara; Monteiro, Carlos Augusto


    To present national estimates regarding walking or cycling for commuting in Brazil and in 10 metropolitan regions. By using data from the Health section of 2008's Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílio (Brazil's National Household Sample Survey), we estimated how often employed people walk or cycle to work, disaggregating our results by sex, age range, education level, household monthly income per capita, urban or rural address, metropolitan regions, and macro-regions in Brazil. Furthermore, we estimated the distribution of this same frequency according to quintiles of household monthly income per capita in each metropolitan region of the country. A third of the employed men and women walk or cycle from home to work in Brazil. For both sexes, this share decreases as income and education levels rise, and it is higher among younger individuals, especially among those living in rural areas and in the Northeast region of the country. Depending on the metropolitan region, the practice of active transportation is two to five times more frequent among low-income individuals than among high-income individuals. Walking or cycling to work in Brazil is most frequent among low-income individuals and the ones living in less economically developed areas. Active transportation evaluation in Brazil provides important information for public health and urban mobility policy-making. Apresentar estimativas nacionais sobre o deslocamento a pé ou de bicicleta no trajeto casa-trabalho no Brasil e em 10 de suas regiões metropolitanas. Utilizando dados do Suplemento sobre Saúde da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios de 2008, estimamos a frequência de pessoas empregadas que se deslocam a pé ou de bicicleta no trajeto casa-trabalho estratificada por sexo, e segundo faixa etária, escolaridade, renda domiciliar per capita, residência em área urbana ou rural, regiões metropolitanas e macrorregiões do país. Adicionalmente, estimamos a distribuição da mesma frequ

  9. Protecting the Local Dark-Sky Areas around the International Observatories in Chile. (United States)

    Smith, M. G.


    This report covers efforts by IAU Commission 50's new Working Group on Light Pollution to slow or halt the spread of incipient light pollution near the VLT, the Magellan 6.5m telescopes, Gemini South, SOAR, Blanco and many smaller telescopes in Chile. An effort has just begun to protect the ALMA site in Northern Chile from RFI. Such work includes extensive outreach programs to the local population, schools and industry as well as to local, regional and national levels of government in Chile. The group is working internationally with such organizations as the IDA; one member has recently led the production of "The first world atlas of the artificial night-sky brightness". These efforts have resulted in the first national-level environmental legislation covering dark skies as part of a government effort to protect the environment. Chilean manufacturers are now producing competitive, full-cut-off, street lighting designed specifically to comply with the new legislation. The Chilean national tourism agency is supporting "Astronomical Tourism" based on the dark, clear skies of Chile. An international conference on Controlling Light Pollution and RFI will be held in La Serena, Chile on 5-7 March, 2002, backed up by a parallel meeting of Chilean amateur astronomers. Much work remains to be done. Most of this work is supported by funding from the US National Science Foundation through CTIO, and from ESO, OCIW and CONAMA.


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    Pablo Camus


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza las relaciones entre los seres humanos y su ambiente, a partir de la historia de la aclimatación y posterior invasión de conejos en Chile, constatando que, en el largo plazo, las acciones humanas tienen efectos e impactos insospechados sobre el medio natural. En efecto, si bien inicialmente los conejos fueron vistos como una oportunidad de desarrollo económico a partir del aprovechamiento de su piel y su carne, pronto esta especie se convirtió en una plaga difícil de controlar en diversas regiones del país, como Chile central, Tierra del Fuego e islas Juan Fernández. Así, con el paso del tiempo, el conejo se ha terminado por transformar en nuestro país en un verdadero "convidado de piedra".This work analyses the relationship between human beings and their environment taking into consideration the adjustment and eventual invasión of rabbits in Chile. It argües that in the long run, human actions have unsuspected effects upon the environment. In fact rabbits were seen initially as an opportunity for economic development because of the exploitation of their meat and skin. Later, rabbits became a plague in different áreas of Central Chile, Tierra del Fuego and Juan Fernández islands, which was difficult to control. Over the years rabbits became unwelcome guests in Chile.

  11. Hantavirus Public Health outreach effectiveness in three populations: an overview of northwestern New Mexico, Los Santos Panama, and Region IX Chile. (United States)

    McConnell, Marjorie S


    This research compared the effectiveness of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) outreach programs in New Mexico, Panama, and Chile. Understanding the role of human demographics, disease ecology, and human behavior in the disease process is critical to the examination of community responses in terms of behavior changes. Attitudes, knowledge, and behavior across three populations were measured through the implementation of a self-administered questionnaire (N = 601). Surveys implemented in Chile and Panama in 2004, followed by northwestern New Mexico in 2008, attempted to assess knowledge and behavior change with respect to hantavirus in high- and lower-risk prevalence areas during endemic periods. While levels of concern over contracting hantavirus were lowest in New Mexico, they were highest in Panama. Respondents in Chile showed mid-level concern and exhibited a tendency to practice proper cleaning methods more than in New Mexico and Panama. This indicates that public health messages appear to be more effective in Chile. However, since negative behavior changes, such as sweeping and vacuuming, occur at some level in all three populations, improved messages should help decrease risk of exposure to HPS.

  12. Linfomas no Hodgkin: Área metropolitana de Bucaramanga Non-Hodgkin lymphomas from Bucaramanga metropolitan area

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    Carlos Alberto García Ramírez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Ninguna neoplasia ha generado tanta confusión en sus sistemas de clasificación como los linfomas no Hodgkin (LNH. Una correcta tipificación es necesaria para el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento. Objetivos: clasificar los LNH del registro poblacional de cáncer del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Pacientes y métodos: SSe realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal, utilizando como población los pacientes con LNH del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga de enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2006. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas y de inmunohistoquímica en bloques de parafina. Se utilizo la clasificación de linfomas de la OMS. Resultados: Se estudiaron 320 pacientes y se encontró predominio de la enfermedad en la 6ª y 7ª década. La distribución por género fue mayor en hombres con 61,26% y mujeres 45,6%. El sitio anatómico de compromiso más frecuente fue ganglios cervicales con 25,6%. La mayoría expresaron antígenos B, 86,8%, y T, 1,8%. El subtipo más frecuente fue difuso de célula grande en el 29,6%. Conclusiones: La mayoría los LNH del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga son de linajes B, nodales y de célula grande difuso. Fue evidente el uso limitado de otras técnicas para la clasificación de estas neoplasias en nuestra región. Salud UIS 2011; 43(1: 39-47Introduction: There is not a neoplasm that has generated such confusion on its classification system such as the Non- Hodgkin's lymphoma. An adequate classification is necessary for diagnosis, prognostic and treatment. Objectives: To classify the NHL from the Bucaramanga metropolitan area poblational cancer registry. Patients and methods: An observational cross-sectional study was made, using as population the patients with NHL from the Bucaramanga metropolitan area from January 2000 until December 2006. The information was obtained from the clinical records and inmunohistochemistry in paraffin blocks. The WHO lymphoma

  13. Wildfires in Chile: A review (United States)

    Úbeda, Xavier; Sarricolea, Pablo


    This paper reviews the literature examining the wildfire phenomenon in Chile. Since ancient times, Chile's wildfires have shaped the country's landscape, but today, as in many other parts of the world, the fire regime - pattern, frequency and intensity - has grown at an alarming rate. In 2014, > 8000 fires were responsible for burning c. 130,000 ha, making it the worst year in Chile's recent history. The reasons for this increase appear to be the increment in the area planted with flammable species; the rejection of these landscape modifications on the part of local communities that target these plantations in arson attacks; and, the adoption of intensive forest management practices resulting in the accumulation of a high fuel load. These trends have left many native species in a precarious situation and forest plantation companies under considerable financial pressure. An additional problem is posed by fires at the wildland urban interface (WUI), threatening those inhabitants that live in Chile's most heavily populated cities. The prevalence of natural fires in Chile; the relationship between certain plant species and fire in terms of seed germination strategies and plant adaptation; the relationship between fire and invasive species; and, the need for fire prevention systems and territorial plans that include fire risk assessments are some of the key aspects discussed in this article. Several of the questions raised will require further research, including just how fire-dependent the ecosystems in Chile are, how the forest at the WUI can be better managed to prevent human and material damage, and how best to address the social controversy that pits the Mapuche population against the timber companies.

  14. Productivity and Persistence of Yellow Serradela (Ornithopus compressus L. and Biserrula (Biserrula pelecinus L. in the Mediterranean Climate Region of Central Chile Productividad y Persistencia de Serradela Amarilla (Ornithopus compressus L. y Biserrula (Biserrula pelecinus L. en la Región Climática Mediterránea de Chile Central

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    Alejandro del Pozo


    Full Text Available The production and sustainability of non-irrigated pastures in the Mediterranean climate region of central Chile is currently limited by the low diversity of valuable species and cultivars of annual forage legumes, able to persist in zones with highly variable annual rainfall, and low fertility or poorly drained soils. In this work, DM production, seed yield, hardseededness and pasture persistence were evaluated for cultivars of yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus L. and biserrula (Biserrula pelecinus L., in field experiments conducted in the subhumid portion of the Mediterranean climate region of Chile. Burr medic (Medicago polymorpha L. and sub clover (Trifolium subterraneum L. were used as a reference plants. A remarkable DM production and seed yield were observed in biserrula (cvs. Mor96 and Casbah, and in some cultivars of yellow serradella (e.g. Madeira, Santorini; biserrula produced by far the largest number of seeds per m². As was expected for species that produce very high levels of hard-seeds, the regeneration of biserrula and serradella was low in second growing season, but plant density and productivity were high in the third growing season. The use of biserrula and serradela in monoculture or in mixture with other annual legumes, either in pasture-crop rotation or permanent pasture, would contribute to the improvement of the prevailing productive systems in the Mediterranean climate region of central Chile.La producción y la sostenibilidad de las praderas de secano en la región de clima mediterráneo de Chile central están actualmente limitadas por la baja diversidad de especies valiosas y cultivares de leguminosas forrajeras anuales, capaces de persistir en zonas con precipitaciones anuales sumamente variables, y suelos de baja fertilidad o de mal drenaje. En este trabajo se evaluó la producción de fitomasa, producción de semilla, dureza seminal y la persistencia de cultivares de serradela amarilla (Ornithopus

  15. Ciudad e industria en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara: un caos que consume la cuenca del río Santiago

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    Lizette Santana Belmont


    Full Text Available Uno de los imperativos para el desarrollo económico ha sido la industrialización y la urbanización, en el presente texto se relatan ambos procesos históricamente para un mismo territorio: la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara (ZMG, Jalisco, México. Se pone énfasis en los impactos ecológicos de éstos, especialmente sobre la cuenca del río Santiago, y la conflictividad social que ello ha representado. El texto trata con detalle el tema de las emisiones contaminantes ocasionadas por la industria y la disposición final de residuos sólidos urbanos, factores clave en las pugnas y la resistencia de los pueblos afectados, donde resalta el poder de la organización regional y la identidad territorial.

  16. Testing and Contrasting Road Safety Education, Deterrence, and Social Capital Theories: A Sociological Approach to the Understanding of Male Drink-Driving in Chile's Metropolitan Region. (United States)

    Nazif, José Ignacio


    Three theories offer different explanations to the understanding of male drink-driving. In order to test road safety education, deterrence, and social capital theories, logistic regression analysis was applied to predict respondents' statements of having or not having engaged in actual drink-driving (DD). Variable for road safety education theory was whether a driver had graduated from a professional driving school or not. Deterrence theory was operationalized with a variable of whether a driver had been issued a traffic ticket or not. Social capital theory was operationalized with two variables, having children or not and having religion identification or not. Since both variables 'years of formal education' and 'years of driving experience' have been reported to be correlated to alcohol consumption and DD respectively, these were introduced as controls. In order to assess the significance of each variable statistically, Wald tests were applied in seven models. Results indicate on the one hand that road safety education variable is not statistically significant; and on the other, deterrence theory variable and social capital theory variable 'having children' were both statistically significant at the level of .01. Findings are discussed in reference to Chile's context. Data were taken from the "Road Users Attitudes and Behaviors towards Traffic Safety" survey from the National Commission of Road Safety of the Government of Chile (2005). The sample size was reported to be 2,118 (N of male drivers was 396). This survey was representative of Chile's Metropolitan Region road users' population.

  17. Síndrome de desgaste profesional en enfermeras/os del área metropolitana de Barranquilla


    Rafael Tuesca-Molina; María Iguarán Urdaneta; Melissa Suárez Lafaurie; Glenda Vargas Torres; Deisy Vergara Serpa


    Objetivo: Analizar el grado de desgaste profesional de las/os enfermeras/os que laboran en los área metropolitana de Barranquilla (Colombia). Material y Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo exploratorio con participación voluntaria de 103 enfermeras/os, a quienes se los administró el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), en el que se valoran el cansancio emocional, la despersonalización, los logros personales, variables sociodemográficas y laborales. Resultados: La edad medi...

  18. Circulações atmosféricas clássicas e não-clássicas na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS


    Flávio Wiegand


    O Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), versão 3b, foi utilizado para simular o escoamento na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA) para explicar a influência de circulações clássicas e não clássicas devido as proximidades do oceano e da Lagoa dos Patos, e da ilha de calor formada pelas cidades. O RAMS foi utilizado em um domínio tridimensional com duas grades sendo utilizadas, a grade mais grossa com resolução horizontal de 8 Km, e a grade mais fina com resolução horizontal de 2...

  19. Impact of Intrathermocline eddies on seamount and oceanic island off Central Chile: Observation and modeling (United States)

    Hormazabal, Samuel; Morales, Carmen; Cornejo, Marcela; Bento, Joaquim; Valencia, Luis; Auger, Pierre; Rodriguez, Angel; Correa, Marco; Anabalón, Valeria; Silva, Nelson


    In the Southeast Pacific, oceanographic processes that sustain the biological production necessary to maintain the ecosystems associated to seamounts and oceanic islands are still poorly understood. Recent studies suggest that the interaction of mesoscale and submesoescale eddies with oceanic islands and seamounts could be playing an important role in the time-space variability of primary production. In this work, research cruises, satellite data and Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) results have been used to describe the main characteristics of intrathermocline eddies (ITE) and their impact on the Juan Fernández archipelago (JFA), off central Chile. The JFA is located off the coast of central Chile (33°S), and is composed of three main islands: Robinson Crusoe (RC), Alejandro Selkirk (AS) and Santa Clara (SC). Between the RC and AS are located the westernmost seamounts (JF6 and JF5) of the Juan Fernández archipelago. Satellite altimetry data (sea surface height from AVISO) were used to detect and track mesoscale eddies through eddy-tracking algorithm. Physical, chemical and biological parameters as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and fluorescence were measured in the water column at JF5 and JF6, and along the coast off central Chile (30-40°S). Results from the research cruise exhibit the interaction between an ITE and the seamount JF6. Eddy-tracking results showed that the ITE observed at the JF6 was formed at the coast off central-southern Chile, traveled ~900 km seaward and after ~9 months reached the JF5 and JF6 region. Observations along the Chilean coast confirmed that the coast corresponds to the formation area of the observed ITE. In this region, ITEs are represented by subsurface lenses (~100 km diameter; 400 m thickness) of homogeneous salinity, nutrient rich and oxygen-poor equatorial subsurface water mass (ESSW) which is transported poleward by the Peru-Chile undercurrent in the coastal band and seaward by ITEs. The effect of ITEs on the

  20. Activities of photovoltaic systems in the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana- Ixtapalapa; Actividades sobre sistemas fotovoltaicos en la Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Ixtapalapa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ambriz Garcia, Juan Jose; Ruiz Mireya; Romero Paredes, Hernando [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    This presentation shows the projects of photovoltaic systems currently carried out by the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Ixtapalapa (UAM). In the first part, it is shown an outline of the most important events of this University; besides, there are succinctly described the areas linked to the energy and which are in charge of: giving student academic preparation, giving diploma courses (agreement between the UAM and the Mexican Electric Research Institute (IIE)), doing researches about different aspects related to the energy resources. Next, there are explained the goals, which are wanted to achieve, related to the photovoltaic systems. In addition, there are described those projects the University is working on, among there are found: the design of a photovoltaic system connected to the University's mains, autonomous isolated system consulting, installation of photovoltaic systems in the Telesecundarias of the Mexican State of Chiapas, installation of solar cooling systems -project of Pizotlan, Morelos-. Next, it is explained the Green Peace's proposal for the community that has some limitations in order to do its labour activity. Such project is being carried out by the company Ecologia y Nuevas Tecnologias (EyNT) and in which the UAM acts as a consultant. [Spanish] Esta presentacion nos muestra los proyectos sobre sistemas fotovoltaicos que actualmente esta realizando la Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM). En la primera parte, se muestra una cronologia de la Universidad acerca de los acontecimientos mas importantes; ademas, se describe de manera escueta las areas, que estan relacionadas de una o de otra manera con la energia, encargadas de: preparar academicamente a estudiantes, impartir diplomados (convenio de la UAMI en conjunto con el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE)), e investigar diversos aspectos de los recursos energeticos. Se presentan los proyectos en los que se encuentran trabajando, entre los que se encuentran: diseno

  1. Chile Energy Policy Review 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Since 1990, Chile has been the fastest growing economy in Latin America thanks to sound economic management and integration into the global economy. Chile can also be proud of its energy policy achievements. The pioneering privatisation and liberalisation of its electricity sector in the 1980s was the foundation for a competitive energy sector, which has sustained the rapid growth of the Chilean economy over the past two decades. Nonetheless, Chile faces the continuing challenge of finding additional energy supplies to fuel economic growth. Chile has limited fossil energy resources and depends on imports to meet three-quarters of its energy needs. The country's electricity sector has faced three periods of significant stress over the past decade. The last episode took place in 2007/2008, when the loss of natural gas imports from Argentina was further exacerbated by a drought in the central system, where hydropower normally accounts for over half of electricity generation. Drawing on the experience of IEA member countries, the Review assesses Chile's major energy challenges and provides recommendations. Six main themes emerge: the successful liberalisation of the power sector in the 1980s; the essential role played by the state in ensuring energy security; the re-formulation of Chile's long-term energy policy; the proposed reorganisation of the institutional framework; greater independence for the system operators; and the need for a clear framework of regulation so that long-term investment decisions integrate social and environmental costs. This publication is essential reading for all who are interested in Chilean energy issues and in learning about the important role sound energy policy can play in developing a nation's economic and social welfare.

  2. Vnější ekonomické vztahy Chile


    Horáková, Anna


    Práce se zabývá vnějšími ekonomickými vztahy Chile. V první části je charakterizována ekonomika Chile. V druhé části je zmapován vývoj obchodní politiky Chile a zapojování Chile do ekonomické integrace. Poslední kapitola nejprve analyzuje vývoj obchodu Chile, ilustruje problém jednostranného zaměření chilského exportu a analyzuje obchodní vztahy s EU, USA a Čínou. Následně jsou naznačeny nové ?role? Chile ve vztahu ke světovému obchodu.

  3. [Papillomavirus and cervical cancer in Chile]. (United States)

    O'Ryan, Miguel; Valenzuela, María Teresa


    Molecular, clinical and epidemiological studies have established beyond doubt that human papiloma viruses (HPV) cause cervical cancer. The virus is also associated with genital warts and other less common cancers in oropharynx, vulva, vagina and penis. Worldwide, VPH genotypes 16 and 18 are the most common high risk genotypes, detected in near 70% of women with cervical cancer. The discovery of a cause-effect relationship between several carcinogenic microorganisms and cancer open avenues for new diagnostic, treatment and prevention strategies. In this issue of Revista Médica de Chile, two papers on HPV are presented. Guzman and colleagues demonstrate that HPV can be detected in 66% to 77% of healthy male adolescents bypolymerase chain reaction and that positivity depends on the site of the penis that is sampled. These results support the role of male to female transmission of high risk HPVs in Chile and should lead to even more active educational campaigns. The second paper provides recommendations for HPV vaccine use in Chile, generated by the Immunization Advisory Committee of the Chilean Infectious Disease Society. To issue these recommendations, the Committee analyzes the epidemiological information available on HPV infection and cervical cancer in Chile, vaccine safety and effectiveness data, and describes cost-effectiveness studies. Taking into account that universal vaccination is controversial, the Committee favors vaccine use in Chile and it's incorporation into a national program. However, there is an indication that the country requires the implementation of an integrated surveillance approach including cross matching of data obtained from HPV genotype surveillance, monitoring of vaccination coverage, and surveillance of cervical cancer. The final decision of universal vaccine use in Chile should be based on a through analysis of information.ev Mid Chile

  4. Chile: Civil-Military Relations and Democratic Consolidation (United States)


    Publishers, 1992), 41. 26 Javier Martinez and Alvaro Diaz , Chile The Great Transformation (Harrisonburg, Virginia: The Brookings Institution, 1996...the world economy, by means of technological advancements, makes it necessary to reduce 32 Javier Martinez and Alvaro Diaz , Chile the Great...disapproves the executive’s budget. There is no 60 Alicia Frohman, "Chile: External Actors and the Transition to Democracy," in Beyond Sovereignty

  5. Source apportionment of PM10 and PM2.5 in a desert region in northern Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jorquera, Héctor; Barraza, Francisco


    Estimating contributions of anthropogenic sources to ambient particulate matter (PM) in desert regions is a challenging issue because wind erosion contributions are ubiquitous, significant and difficult to quantify by using source-oriented, dispersion models. A receptor modeling analysis has been applied to ambient PM 10 and PM 2.5 measured in an industrial zone ∼ 20 km SE of Antofagasta (23.63°S, 70.39°W), a midsize coastal city in northern Chile; the monitoring site is within a desert region that extends from northern Chile to southern Perú. Integrated 24-hour ambient samples of PM 10 and PM 2.5 were taken with Harvard Impactors; samples were analyzed by X Ray Fluorescence, ionic chromatography (NO 3 − and SO 4 = ), atomic absorption (Na + , K + ) and thermal optical transmission for elemental and organic carbon determination. Receptor modeling was carried out using Positive Matrix Factorization (US EPA Version 3.0); sources were identified by looking at specific tracers, tracer ratios, local winds and wind trajectories computed from NOAA's HYSPLIT model. For the PM 2.5 fraction, six contributions were found — cement plant, 33.7 ± 1.3%; soil dust, 22.4 ± 1.6%; sulfates, 17.8 ± 1.7%; mineral stockpiles and brine plant, 12.4 ± 1.2%; Antofagasta, 8.5 ± 1.3% and copper smelter, 5.3 ± 0.8%. For the PM 10 fraction five sources were identified — cement plant, 38.2 ± 1.5%; soil dust, 31.2 ± 2.3%; mineral stockpiles and brine plant, 12.7 ± 1.7%; copper smelter, 11.5 ± 1.6% and marine aerosol, 6.5 ± 2.4%. Therefore local sources contribute to ambient PM concentrations more than distant sources (Antofagasta, marine aerosol) do. Soil dust is enriched with deposition of marine aerosol and calcium, sulfates and heavy metals from surrounding industrial activities. The mean contribution of suspended soil dust to PM 10 is 50 μg/m 3 and the peak daily value is 104 μg/m 3 . For the PM 2.5 fraction, suspended soil dust contributes with an average of 9.3

  6. Zahraničně obchodní politika Chile


    Horáková, Anna


    The Diploma thesis focuses on foreign trade policy of Chile. The first part is a brief summary of socio-economic characteristics of the country. The following section deals with the individual strategies in the approach to foreign trade policy applied in Chile since independence to the present. It exams the determinants of changes in foreign trade policy of Chile and monitors changes in territorial and commodity structure of the foreign trade of Chile. In the final section assesses the curren...

  7. Water Services in Chile : Comparing Private and Public Performance


    Bitrán, Gabriel A.; Valenzuela, Eduardo P.


    In 1988, Chile put in place a new regulatory regime for water and sanitation, allowing rates to reflect the actual cost of providing services. The government then reorganized the sector under 13 state-owned regional water companies and, in 1998, started to partially privatize some of them. Four years after the first sale, it is now possible to assess the early results of privatization. Thi...

  8. Primary Medical Care in Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scarpaci, Joseph L.

    Primary medical care in Chile: accessibility under military rule [Front Cover] [Front Matter] [Title Page] Contents Tables Figures Preface Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Restructuring of Medical Care Financing in Chile Chapter 3: Inflation and Medical Care Accessibility Chapter 4: Help......-Seeking Behavior of the Urban Poor Chapter 5: Spatial Organization and Medical Care Accessibility Chapter 6: Conclusion...

  9. Aglomerações urbanas e mobilidade populacional: o caso da Região Metropolitana de Campinas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Marcos Pinto da Cunha


    Full Text Available Esse artigo analisa, para uma grande aglomeração urbana, a complexidade da dinâmica migratória, que se revela nas diferentes modalidades de movimentos populacionais e nas características dos indivíduos envolvidos nestes deslocamentos, assim como nos elementos estruturais que os condicionam. Baseado em dados de uma pesquisa domiciliar para a Região Metropolitana de Campinas - RMC, realizada em 2007, e nos dados do Censo Demográfico de 2010, esse estudo analisa os aspectos da mobilidade residencial (e dos indivíduos envolvidos em várias de suas facetas, especialmente em termos das características e motivações dos atores envolvidos. Mesmo com a redução da migração externa na região, pode-se notar um significativo potencial endógeno de redistribuição da população em função de sua mobilidade dentro da RMC, muito embora, diferentemente de outras regiões metropolitanas, na de Campinas ainda se verifique que a migração externa, em grande medida, se direciona diretamente para a periferia. A análise de características demográficas e socioeconômicas dos que se movem (e não se movem sugere a existência de coerência entre o que se esperaria observar para uma migração condicionada pelo fator econômico e o posicionamento da RMC no cenário nacional e estadual, assim como pelo processo de produção do seu espaço habitado. A seletividade dos migrantes, em geral, e dos intrametropolitanos, em particular, sugere motivações diferenciadas, das quais, embora ainda não dominante, a questão habitacional se mostra relevante. O estudo também indica que, diferentemente do que ocorria no passado, a periferia metropolitana está se diversificando e incorporando cada vez mais indivíduos e família de mais alta renda.

  10. Copper Bioleaching in Chile


    Juan Carlos Gentina; Fernando Acevedo


    Chile has a great tradition of producing and exporting copper. Over the last several decades, it has become the first producer on an international level. Its copper reserves are also the most important on the planet. However, after years of mineral exploitation, the ease of extracting copper oxides and ore copper content has diminished. To keep the production level high, the introduction of new technologies has become necessary. One that has been successful is bioleaching. Chile had the first...

  11. The relation between Puelche wind and the occurrence of forest fires in Bio Bio region, Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inzunza, Juan Carlos


    This paper presents a study of the relation between Puelche wind and forest fires in the Bio Bio Region, Chile. To establish a relationship between Puelche wind and forest fire generation, different data analysis methods and statistics test were applied. The relation between the total number of fires in the season and the days with Puelche wind were not statistically significant. When analyzing daily averages of fires produced with and without Puelche wind for each season, the highest daily fire occurrence values were found when there is Puelche wind, indicating that this event produces a strong effect on the daily occurrence of fires since these increased by 90% in comparison to the days without Puelche wind. The results of the difference between the number of fires with and without Puelche wind with respect to the average number of total fires indicate that the days with Puelche wind surpass both the total and the average values for days without Puelche wind, confirming the strong effect that a Puelche wind day has on forest fires. The greatest number of fires produced with Puelche wind occurs in the Province of Concepcion. This Province is the most affected by Puelche wind conditions despite having the smallest surface area for the region studied. Still, it is the most populous province of the region and has the greatest surface area with forests and plantations with respect to its size. Consequently, Puelche wind is a factor that increases the occurrence of forest fires and favors their propagation.

  12. Marketing digital para el posicionamiento de los institutos superiores tecnológicos de Lima Metropolitana


    Otsuka Chong, Yoko


    El objetivo principal de la investigación fue determinar si el marketing digital se relaciona con el posicionamiento de los Institutos Superiores Tecnológicos de Lima Metropolitana. La variable independiente es el marketing digital (dimensiones: Comunicación, Promoción, Publicidad, Comercialización); la variable dependiente es el posicionamiento (dimensiones: Imagen, Productos, Servicios, Personal). La población fue conformada por los alumnos de los Institutos Superiores Tecnológicos de...

  13. Environmental evidence of fossil fuel pollution in Laguna Chica de San Pedro lake sediments (Central Chile)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chirinos, L.; Rose, N.L.; Urrutia, R.; Munoz, P.; Torrejon, F.; Torres, L.; Cruces, F.; Araneda, A.; Zaror, C.


    This paper describes lake sediment spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) profiles from Laguna Chica San Pedro, located in the Biobio Region, Chile (36 o 51' S, 73 o 05' W). The earliest presence of SCPs was found at 16 cm depth, corresponding to the 1915-1937 period, at the very onset of industrial activities in the study area. No SCPs were found at lower depths. SCP concentrations in Laguna Chica San Pedro lake sediments were directly related to local industrial activities. Moreover, no SCPs were found in Galletue lake (38 o 41' S, 71 o 17.5' W), a pristine high mountain water body used here as a reference site, suggesting that contribution from long distance atmospheric transport could be neglected, unlike published data from remote Northern Hemisphere lakes. These results are the first SCP sediment profiles from Chile, showing a direct relationship with fossil fuel consumption in the region. Cores were dated using the 21 Pb technique. - The lake sediment record of SCPs shows the record of fossil-fuel derived pollution in Central Chile

  14. Environmental evidence of fossil fuel pollution in Laguna Chica de San Pedro lake sediments (Central Chile)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chirinos, L. [Centro de Ciencias Ambientales EULA-Chile, Universidad de Concepcion, PO Box 160-C, Concepcion (Chile)]. E-mail:; Rose, N.L. [Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, 26 Bedford Way, London WG1HOAP (United Kingdom); Urrutia, R. [Centro de Ciencias Ambientales EULA-Chile, Universidad de Concepcion, PO Box 160-C, Concepcion (Chile); Munoz, P. [Departamento de Biologia Marina, Universidad Catolica del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo (Chile); Torrejon, F. [Centro de Ciencias Ambientales EULA-Chile, Universidad de Concepcion, PO Box 160-C, Concepcion (Chile); Torres, L. [Departamento de Botanica, Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion (Chile); Cruces, F. [Departamento de Botanica, Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion (Chile); Araneda, A. [Centro de Ciencias Ambientales EULA-Chile, Universidad de Concepcion, PO Box 160-C, Concepcion (Chile); Zaror, C. [Facultad de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion (Chile)


    This paper describes lake sediment spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) profiles from Laguna Chica San Pedro, located in the Biobio Region, Chile (36{sup o} 51' S, 73{sup o} 05' W). The earliest presence of SCPs was found at 16 cm depth, corresponding to the 1915-1937 period, at the very onset of industrial activities in the study area. No SCPs were found at lower depths. SCP concentrations in Laguna Chica San Pedro lake sediments were directly related to local industrial activities. Moreover, no SCPs were found in Galletue lake (38{sup o} 41' S, 71{sup o} 17.5' W), a pristine high mountain water body used here as a reference site, suggesting that contribution from long distance atmospheric transport could be neglected, unlike published data from remote Northern Hemisphere lakes. These results are the first SCP sediment profiles from Chile, showing a direct relationship with fossil fuel consumption in the region. Cores were dated using the {sup 21}Pb technique. - The lake sediment record of SCPs shows the record of fossil-fuel derived pollution in Central Chile.

  15. Hot emission model for mobile sources: application to the metropolitan region of the city of Santiago, Chile. (United States)

    Corvalán, Roberto M; Osses, Mauricio; Urrutia, Cristian M


    Depending on the final application, several methodologies for traffic emission estimation have been developed. Emission estimation based on total miles traveled or other average factors is a sufficient approach only for extended areas such as national or worldwide areas. For road emission control and strategies design, microscale analysis based on real-world emission estimations is often required. This involves actual driving behavior and emission factors of the local vehicle fleet under study. This paper reports on a microscale model for hot road emissions and its application to the metropolitan region of the city of Santiago, Chile. The methodology considers the street-by-street hot emission estimation with its temporal and spatial distribution. The input data come from experimental emission factors based on local driving patterns and traffic surveys of traffic flows for different vehicle categories. The methodology developed is able to estimate hourly hot road CO, total unburned hydrocarbons (THCs), particulate matter (PM), and NO(x) emissions for predefined day types and vehicle categories.

  16. Radiological protection in interventional cardiology in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, A.; Leyton, F.A.; Farias, E.; Silva, A.M.; Vano, E.; Oyarzun, C.; Gamarra, J.; Ortiz, P.


    In September 2000, an expert mission was assigned to Chile, under the regional project named 'International BBS in Medical Practices Radiation Protection and Quality Assurance In Interventional Radiology' (ARCAL XLIX). The objective of the mission was to evaluate the level of radiation protection (RP) and safety in interventional cardiology ( IC ) installations. A team of local cardiologists, medical physicists and technologists was created for this purpose and during one week, several cardiology laboratories were evaluated and some basic quality controls (QC) were carried out. A basic pilot training course in radiation protection was imparted at the Hospital of the University of Chile in Santiago de Chile and some of the key objectives for a future national quality assurance programme were presented during the national congress of IC. In addition, a national survey on radiation protection aspects was circulated and its results evaluated. These activities enabled the local team to become familiar with the methodology of assessment of the level of protection and the organization of a programme, which was illustrated with the examples of similar European programmes. As result of these actions, several proposals were made to both the local authorities and the IAEA. The most important were: a) to initiate a basic QC programme, b) to organize a training in RP for cardiologists in order to formalize their accreditation, c) to improve personal occupational dosimetry, d) to initiate a programme of patient dosimetry, e) to optimize the technical and clinical protocols, f) to create a national registry of incidents with skin injuries. (author)

  17. Chile; Staff Report for the 2003 Article IV Consultation


    International Monetary Fund


    Chile has successfully resisted contagion from neighboring countries difficulties. Chile's inflation targeting framework has successfully anchored inflation expectations and increased the economy's resilience to external shocks while maintaining price stability. The floating exchange rate regime is an essential part of the macroeconomic policy framework and continues to serve Chile well. The interest in recapitalizing the central bank is welcomed. Executive Directors commend Chile for the tra...

  18. Patterns of turnover and floristic similarity show a non-random distribution of naturalized flora in Chile, South America Patrones de recambio y similitud florística muestran una distribución no aleatoria de la flora naturalizada en Chile, Sudamérica

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    Full Text Available The current geographical distribution of alien species could be informative of processes involved in the biological invasions facilitated by humans. Because environmental and anthropic factors affect the geographic distribution of alien plants, we hypothesize that naturalized plants have a non-random distribution along extensive geographical ranges. On the basis of a complete and updated database of naturalized plants in Chile, we analyzed their turnover and floristic similarities among regions that encompass a wide latitudinal gradient in South America. Using Moran's index and Mantel's test we characterized the spatial auto-correlation (regional aggregation and the effect of geographical distance on the index values. Additionally, we used clustering methods and resampling procedures to detect plant assemblages at regional level. Whittaker's index displayed a positive tilt, increasing according to geographical distance and reaching a plateau; conversely, Jaccard's index was negatively associated with geographical distance. Removing the effect of distance, both Whittaker's and Jaccard's values showed no significant trends. Multivariate analysis combined with resampling procedures revealed the existence of three distinctive plant clusters: Northernmost Chile, Central-southern Chile, and Southernmost Chile. These clusters are characterized by naturalized plants that are not present in the others. Based on this evidence, we conclude that the set of naturalized plants in Chile exhibits a non-random geographical distribution, displaying an ordered geographical pattern across regions (latitude. We discuss the role of the environmental variables (climate, latitude and land use post-European colonization as factors in the distributional patterns here documentedLa distribución geográfica actual de especies exóticas puede ser informativa de los procesos involucrados en las invasiones biológicas facilitadas por humanos. Debido a que los factores

  19. Where Do Mexico and Chile Stand on Inclusive Education? Short Title: Inclusion in Mexico and Chile (United States)

    García-Cedillo, Ismael; Romero-Contreras, Silvia; Ramos-Abadie, Liliana


    This paper discusses the background, current situation and challenges of educational integration and inclusive education in Mexico and Chile. These countries obtained similar low results on the academic achievement of their students (Mexico last and Chile second last) among OECD countries; and above average scores, among Latin-American countries.…

  20. Radioactive wastes management development in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mir, S.A.; Cruz, P.F.; Rivera, J.D.; Jorquera, O.H.


    A Facility for immobilizing and conditioning of radioactive wastes generated in Chile, has recently started in operation. It is a Radioactive Wastes Treatment Plant, RWTP, whose owner is Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, CCHEN. A Storgement Building of Conditioned Wastes accomplishes the facility for medium and low level activity wastes. The Project has been carried with participation of chilean professionals at CCHEN and Technical Assistance of International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA. Processes developed are volume reduction by compaction; immobilization by cementation and conditioning. Equipment has been selected to process radioactive wastes into a 200 liters drum, in which wastes are definitively conditioned, avoiding exposition and contamination risks. The Plant has capacity to treat low and medium activity radioactive wastes produced in Chile due to Reactor Experimental No. 1 operation, and annex Laboratories in Nuclear Research Centers, as also those produced by users of nuclear techniques in Industries, Hospitals, Research Centers and Universities, in the whole country. With the infrastructure developed in Chile, a centralization of Radioactive Wastes Management activities is achieved. A data base system helps to control and register radioactive wastes arising in Chile. Generation of radioactive wastes in Chile, has found solution for the present production and that of near future

  1. The biomethane potential in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seiffert, M.; Kaltschmitt, M.; Miranda, J.A.


    Within the last decade natural gas gained considerable importance in Chile. The contribution of natural gas within the energy system will increase in the future by predicted 3.6% annually until the year 2015. Due to limited resources within its own country, the energy system of Chile depends on natural gas imports preferential from Argentina. Therefore, the aim of several stakeholders from policy and industry is to reduce the share of imported primary energy within the overall energy system. In order to reach this goal, the use of domestic resources and particularly the utilisation of biomass as one of the most important renewable sources of energy in Chile could play an important role. Against this background, the goal of this paper is the analysis of the technical potentials of biomethane as a substitute for natural gas. For the production of biomethane the anaerobic or bio-chemical (i.e. Biogas) as well as the thermo-chemical conversion pathways (i.e. Bio-SNG) are considered. The results of this analysis show that biomass converted to biomethane is a promising energy provision option for Chile and it contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

  2. Co-evolution of land use changes, water quality deterioration and social conflicts in arid Northern Chile (United States)

    Zang, Carina; Dame, Juliane


    Water scarcity concerns not only the limited availability of water but also water of inadequate quality in terms of its designated purposes. Arid regions, such as found in Northern Chile, are especially vulnerable to water contamination, owing to missing dilution. Additionally, the national government of Chile's goal to make the country a globally important food exporter has led to the widespread expansion of agricultural surfaces over the last 20 years, thereby increasing pressure on limited water resources and water quality. Mining, being one of the most important economic sectors in Chile, threatens both surface and groundwater quality. This scenario increases the potential for water use conflicts, which is further compounded by the demand for potable water provided by rivers and groundwater. In order to better understand the role of both physical and human dimensions of water quality, this research uses a socio-hydrological conceptual framework. This approach is used in order to broaden the scope of hydrology to include the anthropogenic impact on the environment. It therefore focuses on human and natural interactions and two-sided feedback loops, instead of purely hydrological cycles. Using the case study of the Rio Huasco watershed changes in water quality, which originate at the nexus of physical parameters, social conflicts and changing land use regimes in Northern Chile, are discussed. This region was chosen as an exemplary case for the development of Chile's arid regions: the valley is located at the southern edge of the Atacama Desert, where water scarcity is a major problem. At present, the watershed is predominantly used for agriculture. Many small farmers still practise strip cultivation, but are pressured to shift towards an international export-orientated future with monocultures. International companies are planning to mine the Pascua Lama Mine, one of the world's biggest gold reserves located in the headwaters of the Rio Huasco. Meanwhile, the

  3. A new species of Alsodes (Anura: Alsodidae) from Altos de Cantillana, central Chile. (United States)

    Charrier, Andrés; Correa, Claudio; Castro, Camila; Méndez, Marco A


    Based on morphological and molecular evidence (mitochondrial and nuclear sequences) we describe a new species of spiny-chest frog, Alsodes cantillanensis, from central Chile (around 34°S). The type locality, Quebrada Infiernillo, is located in the Coastal Range at approximately 65 km from Santiago (Metropolitan Region), the capital of Chile. The distribution of the new species is included entirely in that of A. nodosus (32-36°S approximately), which was identified as the sister taxon according to molecular phylogenetic analyses. Moreover, both species are sympatric in the type locality. The new species was found in a Nothofagus macrocarpa relict forest potentially threatened by gold mining activities. We identify other threats for its conservation and some biological data needed for understanding the evolution of this species. This discovery reveals the scarce knowledge about biogeography, evolution and ecology of spiny-chest frogs from central Chile

  4. Retail Bank Interest Rate Pass-Through; Is Chile Atypical?


    Alessandro Rebucci; Marco A Espinosa-Vega


    This paper investigates empirically the pass-through of money market interest rates to retail banking interest rates in Chile, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and five European countries. Overall, Chile's pass-through does not appear atypical. Based on a standard error-correction model, we find that, as in most countries considered, Chile's measured pass-through is incomplete. But Chile's pass-through is also faster than in many other countries considered and is comparable ...

  5. La movilidad residencial de los hogares con bajos ingresos y jefatura femenina en el área metropolitana de Bogotá

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernando Su00E1enz Acosta


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan algunos aspectos de la movilidad residencial de los hogares con bajos ingresos y jefatura femenina en el área metropolitana de Bogotá. Para ello, se examinan los datos producidos por la encuesta de movilidad 2009 y una serie de entrevistas realizadas en el Proyecto Metrópolis de América Latina en la globalización: reconfiguraciones territoriales, movilidad espacial, acción pública, Metal. Se presenta un contexto a partir de algunos indicadores censales y, en seguida, algunos resultados de la encuesta: en primer lugar, características de las jefas de hogar como edad, estado conyugal, ocupación, grado educativo; posteriormente, sobre las zonas donde residen, en particular, su localización en el área metropolitana y la morfología del barrio. Por último, aspectos como la tenencia, el tipo de vivienda, la localización de las redes familiares y el ciclo vital del hogar.

  6. The Agency's Technical Co-operation programme in Chile, 1981-1991. Country programme evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Agency support for nuclear activities in Chile dates back to the early 1960s. During the last ten years, the period covered by this evaluation, this support has considerably expanded. In the period 1981-1991, 62 Agency projects with allotments amounting to over $7 million were completed or are under implementation. Through this co-operation Chile has received 360 man-months of expert services, $3.4 million worth of equipment, and 105 fellowships for some 390 man-months of training. In addition, 262 Chileans attended 219 Agency regional and interregional training courses, and Chilean institutions were awarded 40 research contracts worth over $325,000. This evaluation covers ten years of Agency technical co-operation with Chile, during which 35 projects were completed and 27 are still being implemented. Eight major sectors received assistance: general atomic energy development; nuclear physics; nuclear raw materials; nuclear engineering and technology; nuclear techniques in agriculture; nuclear medicine; hydrology; and nuclear safety. The evaluation concluded that, overall, the Agency's technical co-operation activities have, in keeping with the national priorities concerning peaceful nuclear applications, contributed substantially to the establishment of Chile's nuclear scientific and technical infrastructure, and played a major role in Chile's efforts to introduce nuclear applications in a number of sectors of the economy, with many benefits for broader national development objectives. Another strength of the Agency's programme with Chile is the high level of commitment and dedication that was noted in the great majority of recipient institutions, and in particular at the Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, CChEN. Mention should also be made of the fact that bureaucracy appears to be less severe than in some other developing countries, and that constraints that frequently affect other countries, such as insufficient counterpart commitment and lack of continuity of

  7. Socioeconomic determinants of disability in Chile. (United States)

    Zitko Melo, Pedro; Cabieses Valdes, Báltica


    Disability is a worldwide public health priority. A shift from a biomedical perspective of dysfunction to a broader social understanding of disability has been proposed. Among many different social factors described in the past, socioeconomic position remains as a key multidimensional determinant of health. The study goal was to analyze the relationship between disability and different domains of socioeconomic position in Chile. Cross-sectional analysis of an anonymized population-based survey conducted in Chile in 2006. Any disability (dichotomous variable) and 6 different types of disability were analyzed on the bases of their relationship with income quintiles, occupational status, educational level, and material living standards (quality of the housing, overcrowding rate and sanitary conditions). Confounding and interaction effects were explored using R statistical program. Income, education, occupation, and material measures of socioeconomic position, along with some sociodemographic characteristics of the population, were independently associated with the chance of being disabled in Chile. Interestingly, classic measures of socioeconomic position (income, education, and occupation) were consistently associated with any disability in Chile, whereas material living conditions were partially confounded by these classic measures. In addition to this, each type of disability showed a particular pattern of related social determinants, which also varied by age group. This study contributed to the understanding of disability in Chile and how different domains of socioeconomic position might be associated with this prevalent condition. Disability remains a complex multidimensional public health problem in Chile that requires the inclusion of a wide range of risk factors, of which socioeconomic position is particularly relevant. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Legal disputes as a proxy for regional conflicts over water rights in Chile (United States)

    Rivera, Diego; Godoy-Faúndez, Alex; Lillo, Mario; Alvez, Amaya; Delgado, Verónica; Gonzalo-Martín, Consuelo; Menasalvas, Ernestina; Costumero, Roberto; García-Pedrero, Ángel


    Water demand and climate variability increases competition and tension between water users -agricultural, industrial, mining, hydropower- and local communities. Since 1981, the Water Code has regulated water allocation through private individual property rights, fostering markets as the distribution mechanism among users. When legal conflicts occur between parties, it is the responsibility of the courts to settle the conflict. The aim of this research is twofold: first, to apply a geographical approach by mapping water conflicts using legal disputes reaching the higher courts as a proxy for conflict intensity and second, to explain the diversity of water disputes and how they vary regionally. We built a representative database with a sample of 1000 legal records corresponding to decisions issued by the Supreme Court and 17 courts of appeal throughout the country from 1981 to 2014. For geo-tagging, all records were transformed to plain text and analyzed to find words matching the entries of a geographical thesaurus, allowing records to be linked to geographical locations. The geo-tagging algorithm is capable of automatically populating a searchable database. Several maps were constructed using a color scale to visualize conflict intensity. Legal disputes represent different types of conflicts among water users, such as competition between agriculture and hydropower. Processed data allowed the identification of the regional variation of conflicts. The spatial pattern for the intensity of conflicts related to specific sections of the Water Code is explained in terms of the main geographical, climatic and productive characteristics of Chile. Geo-tagging legal records shows a strong potential to understand and define regional variation of water conflicts. However, data availability would become a barrier if measures to improve data management were not taken. Regarding the institutional framework, the same regulations for water management rules are applied throughout the

  9. [Beginning of the Microbiology education in Chile: formation centers]. (United States)

    Osorio, Carlos


    The first Chair of Microbiology in Chile was created in the School of Medicine of the Cañadilla at the University of Chile in 1892. Dr. Alejandro del Río Soto Aguilar was its first Professor. For almost three decades it was the only educational center for microbiologists in Chile. Among them were the first Professors of the new School of Medicine of the Catholic University of Chile and of the University of Concepción.


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    Natalia Cardoso Marra, UNA, Brasil


    ópoles brasileiras e a exclusão social são responsáveis por uma gama de problemas enfrentados diariamente pela administração pública e de difícil solução individual por cada município. Ocorre que a simples criação de regiões metropolitanas não resolve os problemas originados a partir do crescimento das cidades, são necessários institutos e normas que regularizem a atuação e a competência dessas instâncias da administração pública. Mais importante ainda é a necessária cooperação entre as esferas do poder público, o setor privado e a sociedade. O desenvolvimento local depende de formas coletivizadas de gestão. Nas regiões metropolitanas a expansão da periferia e o abandono desta agravam a segregação socioespacial e inviabilizam a garantia da dignidade da pessoa humana. Este trabalho, a partir da análise de dados demográficos e de políticas públicas, visa a demonstrar que apenas uma administração intermunicipal, participativa e intersetorial é capaz de trabalhar todos os requisitos necessários para uma moradia de qualidade na periferia das cidades que são polo regional. O caso da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte foi o escolhido para ser tratado neste estudo em razão de a capital mineira ter sido planejada, e, ainda assim, apresentar intenso crescimento desordenado e altos índices de déficit habitacional. Palavras-chave: Moradia. Região Metropolitana. Periferia. Direito social.

  11. El proceso emprendedor en Chile


    José Miguel Benavente


    Este estudio analiza los factores que afectan en forma positiva y negativa el proceso de creación de emprendimientos dinámicos en Chile. Se basa en una encuesta a 200 empresas jóvenes, la cual es parte de una muestra de casi 2000 empresas de América Latina. El presente estudio se enfoca básicamente en el segmento de nuevos emprendimientos existentes en Chile.


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    Sandra Portella Montardo


    Full Text Available Este artigo consiste no levantamento das ações de relacionamento digital em empresas da região do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. O objetivo é analisar a utilização de blogs por empresas destas regiões como ferramenta de promoção da imagem institucional e de relacionamento com seu público-alvo. Este tema é relevante porque trará à discussão o uso dos blogs como estratégia de relacionamento digital pelas empresas da Região do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Via Marte, Firezze e Gang foram as empresas selecionadas para esta análise. Palavras-chave: Relacionamento digital. Blogs coorporativos. Interatividade.

  13. El lugar de la industria: Los parques industriales en la reestructuración productiva y territorial de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires

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    Luis Esteban Briano


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el estudio de algunos aspectos de la reestructuración territorial de la industria en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (RMBA, a través de la consideración de tres parques industriales: uno que se ha consolidado -el caso de Pilar- y dos que se desarrollaron -La Plata y La Cantábrica- durante la década del ‘90. Nuestro objetivo es caracterizar comparativamente a estos parques en relación con el proceso de reestructuración productiva y territorial por el que atraviesa la RMBA. El trabajo presenta las siguientes partes: primero se formulan algunas consideraciones teóricas sobre la organización industrial y los parques industriales; luego se describe la actividad industrial de la RMBA y su evolución reciente, en el marco de un proceso de reestructuración metropolitana; más adelante, se sintetiza la trayectoria de los parques en la Argentina y en la RMBA; luego se caracterizan los parques industriales Pilar, La Cantábrica (Morón y La Plata; por último, se formulan algunas reflexiones acerca de la relación entre los parques industriales y la organización territorial de la industria metropolitana.This paper analyses some aspects of industry’s territorial restructuring in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (RMBA, through the consideration of three industrial parks: one that has consolidated -the case of Pilar- and two that were developed -La Plata and La Cantábrica- during the nineties. Our purpose is to characterize comparatively these parks in connection with the process of productive and territorial restructuring in the RMBA. The paper is organized as follows: first some theoretical considerations involving industrial organization and industrial parks are formulated; second, RMBA’s industrial activity and its recent evolution are described, embedded in a process of metropolitan restructuring; third, parks history in Argentina and in RMBA is synthesized; fourth, Pilar, La Cantábrica (Morón and

  14. Sistemas de producción de carne bovina en el sur de Chile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toro-Mujica, P. M.; Vera, R.; Vargas-Bello-Peréz, E.


    Beef cattle production systems in a major pastoral area of Southern Chile are identified and characterized based on groups of land use combinations. The objective of this study was to identify, characterize and describe the evolution of beef cattle production systems in the Araucania region and d...

  15. The evolution of seabirds in the Humboldt Current: new clues from the Pliocene of Central Chile.

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    Martín Chávez Hoffmeister

    Full Text Available During the last decade, new Neogene fossil assemblages from South America have revealed important clues about the evolution of seabird faunas in one of the major upwelling systems of the world: the Humboldt Current. However, most of this record comes from arid Northern Chile and Southern Peru and, in consequence, our knowledge of the evolutionary history of seabirds in the temperate transitional zone is negligible. A new Late Pliocene assemblage of fossil birds from the coastal locality of Horcon in Central Chile offers a unique opportunity to fill this gap.Isolated bones of a medium-sized penguin are the most abundant bird remains. Morphological and cladistic analyses reveal that these specimens represent a new species of crested penguin, Eudyptes calauina sp. nov. Eudyptes is a penguin genus that inhabit temperate and subantarctic regions and currently absent in central Chile. Additionally, a partial skeleton of a small species of cormorant and a partial tarsometatarsus of a sooty shearwater have been identified.The Horcon fossils suggest the existence of a mixed avifauna in central Chile during the Pliocene in concordance with the latitudinal thermal gradient. This resembles the current assemblages from the transitional zone, with the presence of species shared with Northern Chile and Southern Peru and a previously unrecorded penguin currently absent from the Humboldt System but present in the Magellanic region. Comparison of Pliocene seabird diversity across the Pacific coast of South America shows that the Horcon avifauna represents a distinctive assemblage linking the living faunas with the Late Miocene ones. A comparison with the fossil record near the Benguela Current (west coast of southern Africa suggests that the thermic gradient could play an important role in the preservation of a higher diversity of cold/temperate seabirds in the Humboldt Current.

  16. Chile Confronts its Environmental Health Future After 25 Years of Accelerated Growth. (United States)

    Pino, Paulina; Iglesias, Verónica; Garreaud, René; Cortés, Sandra; Canals, Mauricio; Folch, Walter; Burgos, Soledad; Levy, Karen; Naeher, Luke P; Steenland, Kyle


    Chile has recently been reclassified by the World Bank from an upper-middle-income country to a high-income country. There has been great progress in the last 20 to 30 years in relation to air and water pollution in Chile. Yet after 25 years of unrestrained growth, there remain clear challenges posed by air and water pollution, as well as climate change. The aim of this study was to review environmental health in Chile. In late 2013, a 3-day workshop on environmental health was held in Santiago, Chile, bringing together researchers and government policymakers. As a follow-up to that workshop, here we review the progress made in environmental health in the past 20 to 30 years and discuss the challenges of the future. We focus on air and water pollution and climate change, which we believe are among the most important areas of environmental health in Chile. Air pollution in some cities remains among the highest in the continent. Potable water is generally available, but weak state supervision has led to serious outbreaks of infectious disease and ongoing issues with arsenic exposure in some regions. Climate change modeling in Chile is quite sophisticated, and a number of the impacts of climate change can be reasonably predicted in terms of which areas of the country are most likely to be affected by increased temperature and decreased availability of water, as well as expansion of vector territory. Some health effects, including changes in vector-borne diseases and excess heat mortality, can be predicted. However, there has yet to be an integration of such research with government planning. Although great progress has been made, currently there are a number of problems. We suspect that the Chilean experience in environmental health may be of some use for other Latin American countries with rapid economic development. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Using satellite images to monitor glacial-lake outburst floods: Lago Cachet Dos drainage, Chile (United States)

    Friesen, Beverly A.; Cole, Christopher J.; Nimick, David A.; Wilson, Earl M.; Fahey, Mark J.; McGrath, Daniel J.; Leidich, Jonathan


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is monitoring and analyzing glacial-lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in the Colonia valley in the Patagonia region of southern Chile. A GLOF is a type of flood that occurs when water impounded by a glacier or a glacial moraine is released catastrophically. In the Colonia valley, GLOFs originating from Lago Cachet Dos, which is dammed by the Colonia Glacier, have recurred periodically since 2008. The water discharged during these GLOFs flows under or through the Colonia Glacier, into Lago Colonia and then the Río Colonia, and finally into the Río Baker—Chile's largest river in terms of volume of water.

  18. The current situation for gastric cancer in Chile. (United States)

    Caglevic, Christian; Silva, Shirley; Mahave, Mauricio; Rolfo, Christian; Gallardo, Jorge


    Gastric cancer is a neoplasm with a high incidence and mortality rate in Chile where more than 3000 people die every year from this type of cancer. This study shows the clinical and epidemiological considerations of this disease, information about translational research on this pathology in Chile, the contribution of Chilean doctors to the development of gastric cancer management awareness and the general situation of gastric cancer in Chile.

  19. Knowledge and willingness to use telework in service organizations of the Maule Region, Chile

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    Miguel A. Bustamante


    Full Text Available The article identifies the degree of knowledge possessed by in directors and executives of medium and big companies, regarding to telework and it determines the degree of utilization of this labor modality for organizations oriented to the service sector located in a central geographic area of Chile (Region on the Maule that has a population close to one million of inhabitants. The informaiton comes from a questionnaire and focus groups. The universe of institutions was composed by 195 service entities, of medium and big size, located in the main cities of the territory. Talca, Curico and Linares, costituting a sample of 143 cases. A probability sampling procedure, random and proportionally stratified was implemented according to the criteria of annual sales, geographic location and economic activity sector. The data was statistically analyzed with significance tests. The main results show that in more than 50% of the organizations, the cultural and human variables are important for any way of work and that the lack of technologies and means of information transport and communication to telework, make it impossible. It emphasizes a high disposition to use it. In the organizations, the hierarchical levels with bigger knowledge of the topic were the superior executives. Pointing out significant differences among the organizations that apply or not the telework in these performance levels.

  20. Rising Expectations in Brazil and Chile (United States)

    Elacqua, Gregory; Alves, Fatima


    Two themes connect Brazil and Chile: one is economic success; the other is social unrest. Protests rocked cities across Brazil in June 2013, and in Chile, recent student protests turned violent. Yet living conditions in both nations are better now than they've ever been. Successful economic and social reforms over the last two decades have led to…

  1. IDRC in Chile

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    occupied by Morocco). SENEGAL. GUINEA BISSAU. CHILE. Santiago. %. 0. 300 km. ARGENTINA. BOLIVIA. PERU. Arica. Punta Arenas . Puerto Montt . South. Pacific. Ocean. South. Atlantic. Ocean. Antofagasta. Coquimbo. Valparaiso. Concepcíon.

  2. Demanda de gasolina en la zona metropolitana del Valle de México: análisis empírico de la reducción del subsidio

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    Jimy Ferrer Carbonell


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la demanda de gasolina en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México (ZMVM. Se modela el consumo de gasolina como una función del ingreso y el precio relativo. Utilizando el enfoque de cointegración se encuentra una relación estable y de largo plazo entre las variables, que indica que la respuesta de la demanda es mayor ante cambios en el ingreso que frente a cambios en el precio, por lo que las políticas públicas basadas solo en precios no son suficientes para disminuir el consumo de gasolina en esta zona metropolitana, sino que estas deben complementarse con medidas de regulación.

  3. Measuring the distribution of adolescent births among 15-19-year-olds in Chile: an ecological study. (United States)

    Velarde, Marissa; Zegers-Hochschild, Fernando


    Although within Latin America Chile has one of the lowest birth rates among adolescents, it has a high rate in comparison to other developed nations. To explore trends in birth rates among adolescents by selected demographics in Chile. The national trend in birth rates was examined for women aged 15-19 years between 1992 and 2012. The birth rates for regions and communes were calculated using birth and census data and were analysed to determine its relationship to the regional or communal poverty rate, which were obtained from the Casen Survey. Differences in educational attainment were explored among adolescents with first-order and second-order or higher births using the Chi-square test. The birth rate among adolescents has experienced a 25% decline in the past 20 years. Cross-regional variance in birth rates could not be explained by poverty rates. Within the Metropolitan Region, there is a positive correlation between poverty and adolescent birth rates. Among adolescents giving birth, 67% had completed 10-12 years of school at birth, but there is a significant difference in educational attainment between girls with a first-order and those with a higher-order birth. In Chile, the adolescent birth rate varies greatly among regions and communes. This study found that urban and wealthy areas had lower birth rates than poor and rural ones, and that girls with a first-order birth had completed more years of school than girls with higher-order births. © Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  4. A study of SO2 emissions and ground surface displacements at Lastarria volcano, Antofagasta Region, Northern Chile (United States)

    Krewcun, Lucie G.

    Lastarria volcano (Chile) is located at the North-West margin of the 'Lazufre' ground inflation signal (37x45 km2), constantly uplifting at a rate of ˜2.5 cm/year since 1996 (Pritchard and Simons 2002; Froger et al. 2007). The Lastarria volcano has the double interest to be superimposed on a second, smaller-scale inflation signal and to be the only degassing area of the Lazufre signal. In this project, we compared daily SO2 burdens recorded by AURA's OMI mission for 2005-2010 with Ground Surface Displacements (GSD) calculated from the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) images for 2003-2010. We found a constant maximum displacement rate of 2.44 cm/year for the period 2003-2007 and 0.80- 0.95 cm/year for the period 2007-2010. Total SO 2 emitted is 67.0 kT for the period 2005-2010, but detection of weak SO2 degassing signals in the Andes remains challenging owing to increased noise in the South Atlantic radiation Anomaly region.

  5. La pianificazione degli spazi rurali nell’area metropolitana di Napoli: una sfida impossibile?

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    Biagio Cillo


    Full Text Available Nell’area metropolitana di Napoli le aree agricole periurbane si presentano frequentemente nella forma di aree intercluse all’interno di conurbazioni a forma di nebulosa, per le quali  non esiste interesse alla coltivazione, a causa della maggiore convenienza economica della loro trasformazione in aree edificate. Tale processo è incentivato dal controllo del territorio esercitato dalla malavita organizzata capace di indirizzare i processi di urbanizzazione. Per conservare queste aree nella condizione di spazi aperti in grado di riequilibrare le condizioni ambientali delle aree urbanizzate e di assicurare un buon livello qualità al paesaggio metropolitano, è necessario riconquistare il loro controllo attraverso molteplici azioni.

  6. Tecnologias de Enlace de Datos Utilizadas en las Redes Metropolitanas de Empresas en Barranquilla, Colombia

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    Javier A Henr


    Full Text Available El propósito de la investigación consistió en analizar las tecnologías de enlace de datos usadas actualmente en las redes metropolitanas en las empresas en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia con el fin de determinar las características que tienen en cuenta dichas empresas para su implementación y cuál de dichas tecnología es la más usada.  La población estuvo conformada por 18 empresas que usan interconexiones a través de redes metropolitanas como un elemento indispensable para el desarrollo de sus labores. Se utilizó la técnica de observación por encuesta, y como instrumento, el cuestionario dirigido a la población de estudio, el mismo estuvo conformado por 28 preguntas de múltiples alternativas de respuesta. En cuanto a  la validez del instrumento se utilizó la evidencia relacionada con el contenido a través de la opinión de los expertos. Los resultados evidencian que existen múltiples alternativas de interconexión para las diferentes sedes en el área metropolitana de las empresas e igualmente que existen diversos factores que tienen en cuenta dichas empresas al momento de decidir que tecnología implementar.   Abstract The purpose of this research was to analyze the data link technologies currently used in metropolitan networks in enterprises in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia to determine the characteristics that take into account these companies to implement and which of these technology is most used. The population consisted of 18 companies using interconnections through metropolitan networks as essential to the development of their work. We used the observation by technical survey, and as an instrument, the questionnaire addressed to the study population, it consisted of 28 questions of multiple response alternatives. As to the validity of the instrument was used the evidence relating to the content through expert opinion. The results show that there are multiple alternatives to interconnect the various sites

  7. Chile: los mapuches y el Bicentenario Chile: Mapuches e do Bicentenario Chile: Mapuche and the Bicentennial

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    José Bengoa


    Full Text Available El Bicentenario de la República de Chile se conmemoró en el mes de septiembre del año 2010. Además de marcar un importante hito histórico, coincidió con un cambio político en el Gobierno del país, el que pasó de la Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia a la Alianza de partidos formada por la derecha chilena. Se cumplieron por tanto 20 años desde que en el año 1990 cambiara el Gobierno militar presidido por el general Pinochet. Ese largo tiempo, dos décadas, coincide con un período de políticas que el Estado ha implementado hacia los Pueblos Indígenas. El Proyecto “Conmemoraciones y Memorias Subalternas” ha realizado durante el año 2010 un conjunto de investigaciones de terreno y documentales tendientes a comprender del modo más objetivo y científico lo ocurrido en el período y por tanto la situación actual de las sociedades mapuches en sus complejas relaciones con la chilena.O Bicentenario da República do Chile comemorou-se no mês de Setembro do ano 2010. Junto com transformar-se num marco histórico, coincidiu com uma mudança política no Governo do país, que passou da Concertação de Partidos pela Democracia (centro-esquerda à Aliança de partidos formada pela direita chilena. Cumpriram-se por tanto 20 anos desde que em 1990 mudasse o Governo militar presidido pelo general Pinochet. Esse longo tempo, duas décadas, coincide com um período de políticas que o Estado implementou para com os Povos Indígenas. O Projeto “Comemorações e Memórias Subalternas” realizou durante o ano 2010 um conjunto de pesquisas de campo e documentais tendentes a compreender do modo mais objetivo e científico o ocorrido no período e, por tanto, a situação atual das sociedades mapuches em suas complexas relações com a chilena.The conmeration of the 200 years of the Independence of Chile was in September 2010. This year was also the political change from the Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia to the right

  8. Central Chile (United States)


    The beginning of spring in central Chile looked like this to SeaWiFS. The snow-covered Andes mark the country's eastern border, and phytoplankton blooms and river sediment plumes fill the waters off its west coast. A large eddy due west of Concepcion is highlighted by the phytoplankton it contains.

  9. The adaptive capacity of institutions in Canada, Argentina, and Chile to droughts and floods

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hurlbert, M.; Gupta, J.

    The increasing evidence of global warming calls on all states to enhance their adaptive capacity to deal with climate change. This paper compares the adaptive capacity of two Canadian provinces, the province of Mendoza, Argentina and the administrative region of Coquimbo, Chile in relation to the

  10. Turismo urbano en contexto metropolitano: Tigre como destino turístico en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Argentina

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    Rodolfo V. Bertoncello


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el tema de las ciudades como destino turístico, específicamente, en relación con las configuraciones y dinámicas metropolitanas. Se analiza el caso de la localidad de Tigre como destino turístico que, siendo parte constitutiva del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, se oferta integrado al “destino turístico Buenos Aires”. El papel de la localidad turística en el contexto metropolitano es analizado a partir del reconocimiento de la escasez de estudios sobre el tema en esta escala. El análisis se enfoca en los procesos que desembocan en la configuración de la localidad como destino turístico, asumiendo que dicho carácter es resultado de acciones específicas, orientadas a adecuar el lugar a los requerimientos turísticos. Con esto, se cuestionan los difundidos enfoques que asumen, en forma naturalizada, la “vocación turística” de los lugares.

  11. Turismo urbano en contexto metropolitano: Tigre como destino turístico en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Argentina

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    Rodolfo V. Bertoncello


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el tema de las ciudades como destino turístico, específicamente, en relación con las configuraciones y dinámicas metropolitanas. Se analiza el caso de la localidad de Tigre como destino turístico que, siendo parte constitutiva del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, se oferta integrado al “destino turístico Buenos Aires”. El papel de la localidad turística en el contexto metropolitano es analizado a partir del reconocimiento de la escasez de estudios sobre el tema en esta escala. El análisis se enfoca en los procesos que desembocan en la configuración de la localidad como destino turístico, asumiendo que dicho carácter es resultado de acciones específicas, orientadas a adecuar el lugar a los requerimientos turísticos. Con esto, se cuestionan los difundidos enfoques que asumen, en forma naturalizada, la “vocación turística” de los lugares.

  12. Partitioning geochemistry of arsenic and antimony, El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Landrum, J.T. [Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas, Austin, TX 78759 (United States); Bennett, P.C., E-mail: [Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78759 (United States); Engel, A.S. [Department of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States); Alsina, M.A.; Pasten, P.A. [Departamento de Ingenieria Hidraulica y Ambiental, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago (Chile); Milliken, K. [Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78759 (United States)


    The abundance of As and Sb in aqueous, mineral and biological reservoirs was examined at El Tatio Geyser Field, a unique hydrothermal basin located in the Atacama Desert region of Chile. Here the concentration of total As and Sb in hydrothermal springs and discharge streams are the highest reported for a natural surface water, and the geyser basin represents a significant source of toxic elements for downstream users across Region II, Chile. The geyser waters are near neutral Na:Cl type with {approx}0.45 and 0.021 mmol L{sup -1} total As and Sb, respectively, primarily in the reduced (III) redox state at the discharge with progressive oxidation downstream. The ferric oxyhydroxides associated with the microbial mats and some mineral precipitates accumulate substantial As that was identified as arsenate by XAS analysis (>10 wt% in the mats). This As is easily mobilized by anion exchange or mild dissolution of the HFO, and the ubiquitous microbial mats represent a significant reservoir of As in this system. Antimony, in contrast, is not associated with the mineral ferric oxides or the biomats, but is substantially enriched in the silica matrix of the geyserite precipitates, up to 2 wt% as Sb{sub 2}O{sub 3}. Understanding the mobility and partitioning behavior of these metalloids is critical for understanding their eventual impact on regional water management.

  13. Monitoring of copper, arsenic and antimony levels in agricultural soils impacted and non-impacted by mining activities, from three regions in Chile. (United States)

    De Gregori, Ida; Fuentes, Edwar; Rojas, Mariela; Pinochet, Hugo; Potin-Gautier, Martine


    This paper reports a comparative study of the concentration of three important environmental elements that are often found together in mineral deposits and then associated with mining activities; copper, arsenic and antimony. These elements were determined in 26 different agricultural soils from regions I, II and V in Chile, zones where the most important and biggest copper industries of this country are located. As background levels of these elements in soils have not been well established, in this study, both, impacted and non-impacted agricultural soils from different regions were considered. The relationships between the concentrations of these elements in soils were also examined. The concentration ranges for copper, arsenic and antimony were 11-530; 2.7-202 and 0.42-11 mg kg(-1) respectively. The copper concentrations in non-polluted soils from the north and central zone of Chile were similar. However, three sites from the north region have copper concentration as higher as 100 mg kg(-1), values that exceed the critical concentration for copper in soils. The concentration of arsenic and antimony in the north soils were higher than in non-impacted ones and, in the case of arsenic, greatly exceeded the world average concentration reported for this element in soils. The highest arsenic and antimony concentrations were found in Calama and Quillagua soils, two different sites in the Loa valley. The arsenic/antimony concentration ratio was higher in Quillagua soil. The high concentrations of three elements determined in impacted soils from region V (Puchuncaví and Catemu valleys) clearly shows the impact produced in this zone by the industrial and mining activities developed in their proximities. At Puchuncaví valley a clear decrease was observed in copper, arsenic and antimony concentrations in soils on the function of the distance from the industrial complex "Las Ventanas", and all concentrations exceeded the reported critical values for this matrix. Instead at

  14. Estudio del comportamiento de una red Ad-Hoc MANET metropolitana basado en los protocolos de enrutamiento

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    Mario Garzón


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se determina el comportamiento de una red de área metropolitana bajo el estándar IEEE 802.16 tanto para nodos fijos como móviles, utilizando NCTUns, considerando el comportamiento de los protocolos de enrutamiento. Mostrando en los resultados las velocidades de transmisión que se pueden obtener en redes Mesh y la distancia máxima a la cual pueden encontrarse los nodos y la estación radio base.

  15. La intermediación financiera y el crecimiento sostenido de las PYMES en Lima Metropolitana


    Peña Huamán, Roger Hernando


    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con la finalidad de demostrar de qué manera han contribuido las Instituciones Financieras en el crecimiento y desarrollo de las Pymes en Lima Metropolitana, y así poder determinar el volumen de recursos financieros orientados a la Pymes. Conforme a los objetivos planteados y naturaleza del estudio, la investigación se ubica en el nivel descriptivo. Para lo cual se empleara el método de investigación descriptiva a través de un análisis de corr...

  16. Tuberculosis control in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Peru: why does incidence vary so much between neighbors? (United States)

    Sobero, R A; Peabody, J W


    In 2003, Peru and Bolivia reported the highest annual tuberculosis (TB) incidence rates in the Americas. Neighboring Colombia and Chile had lower annual incidence rates despite their proximity. To determine what factors contribute to differences in TB incidence rates among Chile, Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. Multiple sources of literature dating between 1990 and 2005 were used and World Health Organization TB control guidelines were consulted for policy level comparisons. Comprehensive implementation of the DOTS strategy is the main factor explaining the differences in TB incidence rates, even after considering socio-economic factors. Cross-national comparisons suggest ways to improve regional DOTS implementation.

  17. Studies to Control Endemic Typhoid Fever in Chile (United States)


    Bol. Inst. Bacteriol. Chile 1976; 18:33-37. 30. Escaff, M, Urbina, A, Mary, J. Contaminacion de repollos regados con aguas servidas. Agricultura...Tecnica 1979; 39:59-62. - 31. Lobos, H, Greive, R, Quijada, M, Brandt, H. Pesquisa del genero Vibrio en aguas servidas. Bol. Inst. Bact. Chile 1974; 16:40...REPORT #2 0") STUDIES TO CONTROL ENDEMIC TYPHOID N FEVER IN CHILE 0) ANNUAL REPORT U’ Contract Period 1/1/82-12/31/82 • I REPORT PREPARED BY: L

  18. Expedition Atacama - project AMOS in Chile (United States)

    Tóth, J.; Kaniansky, S.


    The Slovak Video Meteor Network operates since 2009 (Tóth et al., 2011). It currently consists of four semi-automated all-sky video cameras, developed at the Astronomical Observatory in Modra, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Two new generations of AMOS (All-sky Meteor Orbit System) cameras operate fully automatically at the Canary Islands, Tenerife and La Palma, since March 2015 (Tóth et al., 2015). As a logical step, we plan to cover the southern hemisphere from Chile. We present observational experiences in meteor astronomy from the Atacama Desert and other astronomical sites in Chile. This summary of the observations lists meteor spectra records (26) between Nov.5-13, 2015 mostly Taurid meteors, single and double station meteors as well as the first light from the permanent AMOS stations in Chile.

  19. Outbreak of 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1), Los Lagos, Chile, April-June 2009. (United States)

    Pedroni, E; Garcia, M; Espinola, V; Guerrero, A; Gonzalez, C; Olea, A; Calvo, M; Martorell, B; Winkler, M; Carrasco, Mv; Vergara, Ja; Ulloa, J; Carrazana, Am; Mujica, O; Villarroel, Je; Labrana, M; Vargas, M; Gonzalez, P; Caceres, L; Zamorano, Cg; Momberg, R; Munoz, G; Rocco, J; Bosque, V; Gallardo, A; Elgueta, J; Vega, J


    On 17 May 2009, the first two cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) were confirmed in the Metropolitan region (Santiago, Chile). On 6 June 2009, Chile reported 500 confirmed cases, seven severe and two fatal. Because six of the severe cases and the two deaths occurred in the region of Los Lagos in southern Chile, a retrospective study was conducted using data on emergency room visits as well as laboratory viral surveillance, during the period from 1 April to 31 May, in order to establish the date of the beginning of the outbreak. From 1 to 27 June, data were collected in real time, to establish the real magnitude of the outbreak, describe its transmission, clinical severity and secondary attack rates. Confirmed cases, their household contacts and healthcare workers were interviewed. This analysis showed that the outbreak in Los Lagos started on 28 April. By 27 June, a total of 14.559 clinical cases were identified, affecting mostly 5-19 year-olds. The effective reproduction number during the initial phase (20 days) was 1.8 (1.6-2.0). Of the 190 confirmed cases with severe acute respiratory infection, 71 (37.4%) presented a risk condition or underlying illness.

  20. Bordeaux of Talca and Champagne of Mendoza: Appellations of Origin and identity contamination of wines in Argentina and Chile


    Pablo Alberto Lacoste; Diego Ignacio Jiménez Cabrera; Félix Maximiano Briones Quiroz; Amalia Castro San Carlos; Bibiana Marcela Rendón Zapata; José Gabriel Jeffs Munizaga


    The development of Appellations of Origin (AO) is one of the wines of outstanding wine industry in Argentina and Chile subjects. Given the strong trend towards concentration of the wine industry in these two countries, it is relevant to study the AO because they represent an appropriate mechanism to reduce the gap and enhance the possibilities of SMEs. Why AO not have developed in Argentina and Chile? This article examines the causes that inhibit the development of local AO in the regional vi...

  1. The GNSS Component of the Seismic Monitoring System in Chile (United States)

    Barrientos, S. E.


    Chile is amongst the most seismically active countries in the world. Since mid-XVI Century, a magnitude 8 or more earthquake has taken place every dozen of years, as an average. In the last 100 years, more than ten events with magnitudes around 8 or larger have taken place in this part of world. Three events with M>8 have taken place only in the last six years. The largest earthquake ever recorded took place in May, 1960, in southern Chile. Such extreme seismic activity is the result of the interaction of the Nazca, Antarctic, Scotia and South American plates in southwestern South America where Chile is located. These megathrust earthquakes exhibit long rupture regions reaching several hundreds of km with fault displacements of several tens of meters. At least eighteen of these earthquakes have generated local tsunamis with runups larger than 4 m -including events in 2010, 2014 and 2015- therefore it is mandatory to establish a system with capabilities to rapidly evaluate the tsunamigenic potential of these events. In 2013, the newly created National Seismological Center (CSN) of the University of Chile was tasked to upgrade the countrýs seismic network by increasing the numbers of real-time monitoring stations. The most important change to previous practices is the establishment of a GNSS network composed by 130 devices, in addition to the incorporation of 65 new collocated broadband and strong motion instruments. Additional 297 strong motion instruments for engineering purposes complement the system. Forty units -of the 130 devices- present an optional RTX capability, where satellite orbits and clock corrections are sent to the field device producing a 1-Hz position stream at 4-cm level. First records of ground displacement -using this technology-were recorded at the time of the largest aftershock (Mw=7.6) of the sequence that affected northern Chile in 2014. The CSN is currently developing automatic detectors and amplitude estimators of displacement from the

  2. Eso's Situation in Chile (United States)


    ESO, the European Southern Observatory, in reply to questions raised by the international media, as well as an ongoing debate about the so-called "Paranal case" in Chilean newspapers, would like to make a number of related observations concerning its status and continued operation in that country [1]. THE ESO OBSERVATORY SITES IN CHILE The European Southern Observatory, an international organisation established and supported by eight European countries, has been operating more than 30 years in the Republic of Chile. Here ESO maintains one of the world's prime astronomical observatories on the La Silla mountain in the southern part of the Atacama desert. This location is in the Fourth Chilean Region, some 600 km north of Santiago de Chile. In order to protect the La Silla site against dust and light pollution from possible future mining industries, roads and settlements, ESO early acquired the territory around this site. It totals about 825 sq. km and has effectively contributed to the preservation of its continued, excellent "astronomical" quality. Each year, more than 500 astronomers from European countries, Chile and elsewhere profit from this when they come to La Silla to observe with one or more of the 15 telescopes now located there. In 1987, the ESO Council [2] decided to embark upon one of the most prestigious and technologically advanced projects ever conceived in astronomy, the Very Large Telescope (VLT). It will consist of four interconnected 8.2-metre telescopes and will become the largest optical telescope in the world when it is ready. It is safe to predict that many exciting discoveries will be made with this instrument, and it will undoubtedly play a very important role in our exploration of the distant universe and its many mysteries during the coming decades. THE VLT AND PARANAL In order to find the best site for the VLT, ESO performed a thorough investigation of many possible mountain tops, both near La Silla and in Northern Chile. They showed

  3. Climatic zoning of chia (Salvia hispanica L. in Chile using a species distribution model

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    Daniela Cortés


    Full Text Available Salvia hispanica L., known as chia, is a plant species originally from tropical and subtropical Mesoamerica. It is economically important because its seeds produce omega-3, thus its demand has increased in Chile and internationally. As there is no commercial production in Chile, we investigated the places in the country where this species could be cultivated in order to satisfy at the least the national demand. The aim of the study was to quantify the main climatic requirements of chia and to produce a climatic aptitude map for chia cultivation in Chile. The methodology was based on the Maxent species distribution model. We used 78 georeferenced data points where chia is grown throughout the world, mostly from the GBIF database, along with raster climatic layers from the Worldclim project. We estimated the performance curves of annual precipitation and temperature along with their respective optimal and critical values, in analogy with the Ecocrop method. The maps used two scenarios for crops in different conditions, with and without irrigation. The results indicated that the intermediate depression and coastal edge of mainly the Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta and Atacama regions have optimum conditions for irrigated crops, but it would be impossible in rainfed conditions. We conclude that chia’s cultivation niche is reduced due to its tropical climate requirements; however, it can be cultivated under irrigation in northern Chile.

  4. Climatic zoning of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in Chile using a species distribution model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortés, D.; Silva, H.; Baginsky, C.; Morales, L.


    Salvia hispanica L., known as chia, is a plant species originally from tropical and subtropical Mesoamerica. It is economically important because its seeds produce omega-3, thus its demand has increased in Chile and internationally. As there is no commercial production in Chile, we investigated the places in the country where this species could be cultivated in order to satisfy at the least the national demand. The aim of the study was to quantify the main climatic requirements of chia and to produce a climatic aptitude map for chia cultivation in Chile. The methodology was based on the Maxent species distribution model. We used 78 georeferenced data points where chia is grown throughout the world, mostly from the GBIF database, along with raster climatic layers from the Worldclim project. We estimated the performance curves of annual precipitation and temperature along with their respective optimal and critical values, in analogy with the Ecocrop method. The maps used two scenarios for crops in different conditions, with and without irrigation. The results indicated that the intermediate depression and coastal edge of mainly the Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta and Atacama regions have optimum conditions for irrigated crops, but it would be impossible in rainfed conditions. We conclude that chia’s cultivation niche is reduced due to its tropical climate requirements; however, it can be cultivated under irrigation in northern Chile.

  5. Climatic zoning of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in Chile using a species distribution model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cortés, D.; Silva, H.; Baginsky, C.; Morales, L.


    Salvia hispanica L., known as chia, is a plant species originally from tropical and subtropical Mesoamerica. It is economically important because its seeds produce omega-3, thus its demand has increased in Chile and internationally. As there is no commercial production in Chile, we investigated the places in the country where this species could be cultivated in order to satisfy at the least the national demand. The aim of the study was to quantify the main climatic requirements of chia and to produce a climatic aptitude map for chia cultivation in Chile. The methodology was based on the Maxent species distribution model. We used 78 georeferenced data points where chia is grown throughout the world, mostly from the GBIF database, along with raster climatic layers from the Worldclim project. We estimated the performance curves of annual precipitation and temperature along with their respective optimal and critical values, in analogy with the Ecocrop method. The maps used two scenarios for crops in different conditions, with and without irrigation. The results indicated that the intermediate depression and coastal edge of mainly the Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta and Atacama regions have optimum conditions for irrigated crops, but it would be impossible in rainfed conditions. We conclude that chia’s cultivation niche is reduced due to its tropical climate requirements; however, it can be cultivated under irrigation in northern Chile.

  6. Issues of affinity: exploring population structure in the Middle and Regional Developments Periods of San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. (United States)

    Torres-Rouff, Christina; Knudson, Kelly J; Hubbe, Mark


    The Middle Period (AD 400-1000) in northern Chile's Atacama oases is characterized by an increase in social complexity and regional interaction, much of which was organized around the power and impact of the Tiwanaku polity. Despite the strong cultural influence of Tiwanaku and numerous other groups evident in interactions with Atacameños, the role of immigration into the oases during this period is unclear. While archaeological and bioarchaeological research in the region has shown no evidence that clearly indicates large groups of foreign immigrants, the contemporary increase in interregional exchange networks connecting the oases to other parts of the Andes suggests residential mobility and the possibility that movement of people both into and out of the oases accompanied these foreign influences. Here, we analyze biodistance through cranial non-metric traits in a skeletal sample from prehistoric San Pedro de Atacama to elucidate the extent of foreign influence in the oases and discuss its implications. We analyzed 715 individuals from the Middle Period (AD 400-1000) and later Regional Developments Period (AD 1000-1450), and found greater phenotypic differences between Middle Period cemeteries than among cemeteries in the subsequent period. We argue that this greater diversity extends beyond the relationship between the oases and the renowned Tiwanaku polity and reflects the role of the oases and its different ayllus as a node and way station for the Middle Period's myriad interregional networks. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. [Assessing the economic impact of cancer in Chile: a direct and indirect cost measurement based on 2009 registries]. (United States)

    Cid, Camilo; Herrera, Cristian; Rodríguez, Rodrigo; Bastías, Gabriel; Jiménez, Jorge


    This paper aims to determine the economic impact that cancer represents to Chile, exploring the share of costs for the most important cancers and the differences between the public and private sector. We used the cost of illness methodology, through the assessment of the direct and indirect costs associated with cancer treatment. Data was obtained from 2009 registries of the Chilean Ministry of Health and the Superintendence of Health. Indirect costs were calculated by days of job absenteeism and potential years of life lost. Over US$ 2.1 billion were spent on cancer in 2009, which represents almost 1% of Chile’s Gross Domestic Product. The direct per capita cost was US$ 47. Indirect costs were 1.92 times more than direct costs. The three types of cancer that embody the highest share of costs were gastric cancer (17.6%), breast cancer (7%) and prostate cancer (4.2%) in the public sector, and breast cancer (14%), lung cancer (7.5%) and prostate cancer (4.1%) in the private sector. On average men spent 30.33% more than women. There are few studies of this kind in Chile and the region. The country can be classified as having a cancer economic impact below the average of those in European Union countries. We expect that this information can be used to develop access policies and resource allocation decision making, and as a first step into further cancer-costing studies in Chile and the Latin American and Caribbean region.

  8. Una metropolitana chiamata "tram"

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    Mariella Zoppi


    Full Text Available Perché il caso-Firenze della tramvia ha avuto un rilievo così forte sui media nazionali? Perché la tramvia (se vogliamo continuare a chiamare così una metropolitana di superficie è parte di un sovvertimento dei valori storici, estetici ed economici della città di cui il sistema di trasporto è solo un frammento. La grande operazione di trasformazione, come viene chiamata dall’Amministrazione comunale, passa per il cambiamento di destinazione e la nuova edificazione di molte aree urbane: dall’area Fiat e da quella dell’ex-officine ferroviarie di Porta a Prato (ormai in fase conclusiva, dall’avvio dell’edificazione privata a Castello (vicenda nota negli anni Ottanta come “Fondiaria” a quelle di aree di minori dimensioni che interessano ex-cinema o teatri (è di questi giorni il destino dell’attuale Teatro comunale che si mutano in abitazioni pregiate o di fabbriche dismesse che si trasformano, con il loro carico volumetrico pressoché intatto (a pareggiare i conti ci pensa la “perequazione”, in parcheggi in struttura (semi-vuoti perché mal collocati, residenze, uffici, alberghi e quant’altro possa essere “utile” ad una città invecchiata che ha perso, centomila abitanti fra il 1971 ed il 2001, passando da una popolazione di 457.803 a una di 356.118. Come nel resto del Paese, anche a Firenze, non esiste più un dibattito pubblico che riporti gli umori della città all’interno delle vicende politiche e amministrative, e dunque tutto avviene fra l’indifferenza delle cronache locali che sembrano più interessate alle dichiarazioni di questo o quel personaggio che alla effettiva trasmissione delle informazioni. Le notizie circolano sulla rete, veicolate dai comitati (ormai c’è un comitato di cittadini per ogni strada o problema, che vive separatamente dagli amministratori e diventano patrimonio di quanti abbiano una sia pur minima alfabetizzazione informatica.

  9. Los patelogastrópodos intermareales de Chile y Perú Intertidal limpets of Chile and Peru

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    diversos del mundo. Más aún, esta variabilidad y flexibilidad pueden ser responsables de las confusiones taxonómicas que han rodeado a este conjunto faunísticoIn this study we present a classification system reflecting the phylogenetic relationships for the intertidal patellogastropods of Chile and Peru. We infer phylogenetic relationships between limpets species using DNA sequences from the 16S region of the mitochondrial genome. We include a comparative limpet study of: shell structure, color and morphological patterns of the shell, radular teeth and anatomy. Additionally, we provide information about the distribution and ecology for members of this group within the studied area. The results show a Chilean-Peruvian Lottiidae fauna consisting of at least nine species, which are grouped into a single monophyletic clade Scurria (S. variabilis, S. zebrina, S. viridula, S. plana, S. scurra, S. araucana, S. ceciliana and a non identificated species, and a "problematic taxon" preliminarily assigned to the genus Lottia (Lottia orbignyi. The group of species is present in the intertidal rocky shores between 5º S and 54º S, from the upper to the lower intertidal fringes, ranging from exposed to protected areas. The systematic outcome of this study suggests the synonymization of S. parasitica to S. variabilis, and of S. ceciliana to S. boehmita. According to our field results, the species S. variabilis shows at least three ecophenotypes: (1 on rocky substrates along the full geographic range, (2 on the shells of the key-hole limpets: Fissurella crassa and F. limbata mainly in central and south of Chile, and (3 on the chiton plates of Enoplochiton niger in the north of Chile and south of Perú. S. ceciliana is a species in which morphology and color patterns are highly variable. In general, this variability indicates that the Chilean-Peruvian limpet species are among the most complex and diverse limpet fauna in the world. This, may reflects the taxonomic confusion which has

  10. Intelectuais e política no Chile: Apontamentos sobre a revista Aurora de Chile (1938-1940

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    Ana Amélia M.C. Melo

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é o de examinar a revista Aurora de Chile que circula em Santiago entre 1938-1940. Criada por Pablo Neruda esta publicação apresentou-se como um importante órgão de comunicação da Alianza de Intelectuales de Chile para la Defensa de la Cultura (AICH, entidade fundada em articulação com outras organizações internacionais de intelectuais e com orientação da Comintern. A revista situou-se nos debates políticos e culturais desses anos no Chile e atuou vigorosamente na defesa dos princípios da democracia, das liberdades públicas e contra o fascismo. Neste estudo busco demonstrar o papel desta revista como uma das vozes da perspectiva frentista que passou a orientar o Partido Comunista Chileno no período.

  11. [Health inequality gap in inmigrant versus local children in Chile]. (United States)

    Cabieses, Baltica; Chepo, Macarena; Oyarte, Marcela; Markkula, Niina; Bustos, Patricia; Pedrero, Víctor; Delgado, Iris


    Children and young international migrants face different health challenges compa red with the local population, particularly if they live in insecure environments or adverse social conditions. This study seeks to identify gaps in health outcomes of children between immigrant and local population in Chile. This study analyses data from three sources: (i) Born in Chile: Electronic records of antenatal visits from all municipal antenatal clinics of Recoleta in 2012; (ii) Growing up in Chile: Population survey "National Socioeconomic Characterization" (CASEN) from 2013 and (iii) Getting sick in Chile: Data of all hospital discharges in 2012, provided by the department of statistics and health information (DEIS) of the Ministry of Health. (I) Born in Chile: Im migrants more frequently have psychosocial risk (62.3% vs 50.1% in Chileans) and enter later into the program (63.1% vs 33.4% enter later than 14 weeks of pregnancy). All birth outcomes were better among immigrants (e.g. caesarean sections rates: 24.2% immigrants vs % Chileans). (ii) Growing up in Chile: A higher proportion of migrant children is outside the school system and lives in multidi mensional poverty (40% immigrants vs 23.2% Chileans). (iii) Getting sick in Chile: Injuries and other external causes were more frequent cause of hospitalisation among migrants (23.6%) than the local population (16.7%) aged between 7 and 14 years. Addressing the needs of the children in Chile, regardless of their immigration status, is an ethical, legal and moral imperative.

  12. Primer "Entrenamiento en Metodologías de Investigación Clínica en Chile" (EMIC-Chile: Fundamentos psicoeducativos

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    B. Cabieses

    Full Text Available EMIC-Chile ("Entrenamiento en Metodologías para la Investigación Clínica en Chile" es un proyecto académico desarrollado durante el año 2008 en Chile para entrenar a profesionales de la salud y disciplinas afines en metodología de investigación clínica, con el objetivo de aumentar la calidad de los proyectos de investigación con fines concursables en nuestro país. El propósito de este artículo es dar a conocer el programa y sus fundamentos teóricos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que estuvieron en la base de la estructura, metodología, evaluación y sistematización del conocimiento entregado. Para ello, primero se describe el programa, la metodología, la evaluación y el seguimiento. Posteriormente se detallan los aspectos psicoeducativos considerados, con especial énfasis en el aprendizaje social y la educación de adultos. Finalmente, se discute en torno a las posibles consideraciones de este programa para futuras intervenciones educativas en investigación en salud en Chile. Se espera que esta experiencia y sus fundamentos educativos sirvan de motor para futuras iniciativas en el área, a favor de la investigación en salud en Chile.

  13. Zooplankton associated with the oxygen minimum zone system in the northern upwelling region of Chile during March 2000 (United States)

    Escribano, Ruben; Hidalgo, Pamela; Krautz, Cristina


    Zooplankton in the coastal upwelling region off northern Chile may play a significant biogeochemical role by promoting carbon flux into the subsurface OMZ (oxygen minimum zone). This work identifies the dominant zooplankton species inhabiting the area influenced by the OMZ in March 2000 off Iquique (20°S, northern Chile). Abundance and vertical distribution studies revealed 17 copepod and 9 euphausiid species distributed between the surface and 600 m at four stations sampled both by day and by night. Some abundant species remained in the well-oxygenated upper layer (30 m), with no evidence of diel vertical migration, apparently restricted by a shallow (40-60 m) oxycline. Other species, however, were found closely associated with the OMZ. The large-sized copepod Eucalanus inermis was found below the oxycline and performed diel vertical migrations into the OMZ, whereas the very abundant Euphausia mucronata performed extensive diel vertical migrations between the surface waters and the core of the OMZ (200 m), even crossing it. A complete assessment of copepods and euphausiids revealed that the whole sampled water column (0-600 m) is occupied by distinct species having well-defined habitats, some of them within the OMZ. Ontogenetic migrations were evident in Eucalanidae and E. mucronata. Estimates of species biomass showed a substantial (>75% of total zooplankton biomass) daily exchange of C between the photic layer and the OMZ. Both E. inermis and E. mucronata can actively exchange about 37.8 g C m -2 d -1 between the upper well-oxygenated (0-60 m) layer and the deeper (60-600 m) OMZ layer. This migrant biomass may contribute about 7.2 g C m -2 d -1 to the OMZ system through respiration, mortality, and production of fecal pellets within the OMZ. This movement of zooplankton in and out of the OMZ, mainly as a result of the migratory behavior of E. mucronata, suggests a very efficient mechanism for introducing large amounts of freshly produced carbon into the OMZ

  14. Presencia de los géneros invasores Mus y Rattus en áreas naturales de Chile: un riesgo ambiental y epidemiológico Presence of the invasive genera Mus and Rattus in natural areas in Chile: an environmental and epidemiological risk

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    Full Text Available Realizamos un estudio que incluyó muestreos y prospecciones en un gradiente latitudinal en Chile continental para determinar la presencia y ausencia de roedores murinos introducidos, particularmente Mus musculus, Rattus rattus y R. norvegicus en áreas naturales o silvestres a lo largo de Chile. Además se analizó el riesgo epidemiológico que representan estas especies en el marco de un estudio sobre el virus Hanta. Los resultados mostraron que M. musculus rara vez es recolectado en áreas naturales. Sin embargo, las dos especies de Rattus han invadido ampliamente la región mediterránea chilena. Las regiones desérticas, los ambientes de alturas y las regiones australes, serían biótopos restringidos para estos invasores. Desde una perspectiva epidemiológica, la presencia del virus Hanta (variedades Andes y Seoul en Rattus es un elemento que demuestra que las especies invasoras además de generar impactos ecológicos, pueden ocasionar problemas económicos y de salud pública. La fragilidad de los ecosistemas mediterráneos determina que la presencia de especies exóticas constituya un elemento de alto riesgo para la conservación del patrimonio natural del país. Probablemente, la conservación de áreas naturales constituye la mejor herramienta para enfrentar a estas especies exóticasWe conducted a latitudinal study in natural areas of continental Chile to evaluate the occurrence of the introduced murine rodents Mus musculus, Rattus rattus and R. norvegicus. Furthermore, we evaluated the epidemiological risk of these species as part of an ongoing study on Hantavirus. The results allowed us to conclude that M. musculus occurs rarely in natural environments. However, the two species of Rattus have widely invaded the mediterranean region of Chile. Desert, altitudinal and high latitude regions seem to be restricted areas for these invasive rodents. From an epidemiological perspective, the occurrence of Hantavirus in Rattus (Andes and Seoul

  15. Two new species of the Liolaemus elongatus-kriegi complex (Iguania, Liolaemidae) from Andean highlands of southern Chile (United States)

    Troncoso-Palacios, Jaime; Díaz, Hugo A.; Esquerré, Damien; Urra, Felix A.


    Abstract The elongatus-kriegi complex is one of the most diverse clades of the Liolaemus (sensu stricto) subgenus of lizards. There are currently 29 species recognized in this group distributed between Chile and Argentina. Based on molecular evidence, there seem to be five main clades nested within this complex: the elongatus, leopardinus, kriegi, petrophilus and punmahuida clades. Liolaemus buergeri and Liolaemus kriegi, both of the kriegi clade, were believed to inhabit the surroundings of the Laja Lagoon, in the Biobío Region of Chile. Moreover, this Chilean population of Liolaemus kriegi was recently recognized as an undescribed taxon called “Liolaemus sp. A” based on molecular phylogenetics. In this work, we studied these two populations of the Laja Lagoon and provided the morphological diagnosis to describe them as two new species: Liolaemus scorialis sp. n. and Liolaemus zabalai sp. n., previously considered Liolaemus buergeri and “Liolaemus kriegi/Liolaemus sp. A” respectively. Additionally, we identified another population of Liolaemus scorialis in the vicinity of La Mula Lagoon in the Araucanía Region of Chile. Liolaemus scorialis differs from almost all of the species of the elongatus-kriegi complex by its considerably smaller size. Nevertheless, without molecular data we cannot assign it to any particular subclade. Liolaemus zabalai belongs to the kriegi clade based on published molecular phylogenies. Finally, we provide some natural history data on both species and we document for the first time the presence of Liolaemus neuquensis in Chile from a museum specimen from La Mula Lagoon. PMID:25987873

  16. Ecology and Geography of Transmission of Two Bat-Borne Rabies Lineages in Chile (United States)

    Escobar, Luis E.; Peterson, A. Townsend; Favi, Myriam; Yung, Verónica; Pons, Daniel J.; Medina-Vogel, Gonzalo


    Rabies was known to humans as a disease thousands of years ago. In America, insectivorous bats are natural reservoirs of rabies virus. The bat species Tadarida brasiliensis and Lasiurus cinereus, with their respective, host-specific rabies virus variants AgV4 and AgV6, are the principal rabies reservoirs in Chile. However, little is known about the roles of bat species in the ecology and geographic distribution of the virus. This contribution aims to address a series of questions regarding the ecology of rabies transmission in Chile. Analyzing records from 1985–2011 at the Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile (ISP) and using ecological niche modeling, we address these questions to help in understanding rabies-bat ecological dynamics in South America. We found ecological niche identity between both hosts and both viral variants, indicating that niches of all actors in the system are undifferentiated, although the viruses do not necessarily occupy the full geographic distributions of their hosts. Bat species and rabies viruses share similar niches, and our models had significant predictive power even across unsampled regions; results thus suggest that outbreaks may occur under consistent, stable, and predictable circumstances. PMID:24349592

  17. Ecology and geography of transmission of two bat-borne rabies lineages in Chile. (United States)

    Escobar, Luis E; Peterson, A Townsend; Favi, Myriam; Yung, Verónica; Pons, Daniel J; Medina-Vogel, Gonzalo


    Rabies was known to humans as a disease thousands of years ago. In America, insectivorous bats are natural reservoirs of rabies virus. The bat species Tadarida brasiliensis and Lasiurus cinereus, with their respective, host-specific rabies virus variants AgV4 and AgV6, are the principal rabies reservoirs in Chile. However, little is known about the roles of bat species in the ecology and geographic distribution of the virus. This contribution aims to address a series of questions regarding the ecology of rabies transmission in Chile. Analyzing records from 1985-2011 at the Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile (ISP) and using ecological niche modeling, we address these questions to help in understanding rabies-bat ecological dynamics in South America. We found ecological niche identity between both hosts and both viral variants, indicating that niches of all actors in the system are undifferentiated, although the viruses do not necessarily occupy the full geographic distributions of their hosts. Bat species and rabies viruses share similar niches, and our models had significant predictive power even across unsampled regions; results thus suggest that outbreaks may occur under consistent, stable, and predictable circumstances.

  18. El terremoto de 2010 en Chile: respuesta del sistema de salud y de la cooperación internacional The 2010 earthquake in Chile: the response of the health system and international cooperation

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    Elizabeth López Tagle


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conocer la respuesta que dieron el sistema de salud y la cooperación internacional a la situación de catástrofe generada por el terremoto y el tsunami ocurridos el 27 de febrero de 2010 en Chile, y elaborar propuestas para mejorar las estrategias dirigidas a reducir los efectos devastadores de los desastres naturales. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo y cualitativo con una primera fase de análisis de información secundaria -como artículos de prensa, discursos oficiales e informes técnicos- y una segunda fase de aplicación de entrevistas semi-estructuradas a actores institucionales encargados de la respuesta al desastre desde el sector salud y a usuarios del sistema de salud que actuaron como líderes y/o dirigentes en dicha respuesta. La investigación se desarrolló entre mayo y octubre de 2010 y el levantamiento de información se focalizó en las regiones Maule, Bío Bío y Metropolitana. RESULTADOS: Faltaron procedimientos para el registro, la distribución y el control de las donaciones. Los servicios de salud sufrieron daños importantes, incluida la destrucción total de 10 hospitales. Los hospitales de campaña y los equipos médicos extranjeros fueron valorados por la comunidad. El modelo de salud familiar y el compromiso del personal facilitaron la calidad de la respuesta. Si bien hubo un buen manejo sanitario, se registraron dificultades para enfrentar los problemas de salud mental por la inexistencia de planes locales y de simulacros previos. La población más afectada fue la que vivía en condiciones de pobreza. Las mujeres se convirtieron en líderes sociales organizando a la comunidad. CONCLUSIONES: Aun cuando la respuesta sanitaria frente a la emergencia fue satisfactoria, tanto el sistema de salud como la movilización de la asistencia internacional acusaron falencias que reforzaron inequidades previamente instaladas, demostrando la necesidad de construir planes preventivos multisectoriales y participativos para

  19. Anthropogenic Contribution to the Southeast Pacific Precipitation Decline and Recent (2010-2015) Mega-Drought in Chile (United States)

    Boisier, J. P.


    Within the large uncertainties in the precipitation response to the anthropogenic climate forcing, the projections towards dryer conditions in the southeast Pacific sector and west bound of southern South America represent a particularly robust signature in climate model simulations. A rainfall decline of consistent direction but of larger amplitude than those simulated has been observed in Chile during the last decades, but the causes of this trend have never been formally attributed. With this purpose, we analyze local rain-gauge data and contrast them to a large ensemble both of fully-coupled and sea surface temperature-forced simulations. In concomitance with large-scale circulation changes, we show that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation explains about 50% of the rainfall trend observed since 1979 in central Chile. Our results also indicate that the remaining fraction of the observed drying is unlikely (p Chile since 2010, emerges as a realistic scenario for this region under the current socio-economic pathway.

  20. Weather Type classification over Chile; patterns, trends, and impact in precipitation and temperature (United States)

    Frias, T.; Trigo, R. M.; Garreaud, R.


    The Andes Cordillera induces considerable disturbances on the structure and evolution of the pressure systems that influences South America. Different weather types for southern South America are derived from the daily maps of geopotential height at 850hPa corresponding to a 42 year period, spanning from 1958 to 2000. Here we have used the ECWMF ERA-40 reanalysis dataset to construct an automated version of the Lamb Weather type (WTs) classification scheme (Jones et al., 1993) developed for the UK. We have identified 8 basic WTs (Cyclonic, Anticyclonic and 6 main directional types) following a similar methodology to that previously adopted by Trigo and DaCamara, 2000 (for Iberia). This classification was applied to two regions of study (CLnorth and CLsouth) which differ 20° in latitude, so that the vast Chile territory could be covered. Then were assessed the impact of the occurrence of this weather types in precipitation in Chile, as well as in the distribution of precipitation and temperature fields (reanalysis data) in southern half of South America. The results allow to conclude that the precipitation in central region of Chile is largely linked with the class occurrence (concerning CLnorth) of cyclonic circulation and of West quadrant (SW, W and NW), despite of it's relatively low frequency. In CLsouth, for its part, it is verified that the most frequent circulation is from the west quadrant, although the associated amount of rainfall is lower than in CLnorth. There was also a general decrease of precipitation at local weather stations chosen in the considered period of study, particularly in austral winter.

  1. Bordeaux of Talca and Champagne of Mendoza: Appellations of Origin and identity contamination of wines in Argentina and Chile

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    Pablo Alberto Lacoste


    Full Text Available The development of Appellations of Origin (AO is one of the wines of outstanding wine industry in Argentina and Chile subjects. Given the strong trend towards concentration of the wine industry in these two countries, it is relevant to study the AO because they represent an appropriate mechanism to reduce the gap and enhance the possibilities of SMEs. Why AO not have developed in Argentina and Chile? This article examines the causes that inhibit the development of local AO in the regional viticulture.

  2. First record of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae in Chile

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    Héctor A. Vargas


    Full Text Available First record of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae in Chile. The presence of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas, 1976 (Lepidoptera, Pieridae is reported for the first time in Chile, from the Azapa valley, Arica.Primeiro registro de Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae no Chile. A presença de Phoebis argante chincha Lamas, 1976 (Lepidoptera; Pieridae é mencionada pela primeira vez para o Chile, no vale de Azapa, Arica.

  3. Incidence rate and spatio-temporal clustering of type 1 diabetes in Santiago, Chile, from 1997 to 1998 Taxa de incidência e agrupamento espaço-temporal de diabetes tipo 1 em Santiago, Chile, de 1997 a 1998

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    JL Santos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence rate of type 1 diabetes in the urban area of Santiago, Chile, from March 21, 1997 to March 20, 1998, and to assess the spatio-temporal clustering of cases during that period. METHODS: All sixty-one incident cases were located temporally (day of diagnosis and spatially (place of residence in the area of study. Knox's method was used to assess spatio-temporal clustering of incident cases. RESULTS: The overall incidence rate of type 1 diabetes was 4.11 cases per 100,000 children aged less than 15 years per year (95% confidence interval: 3.06--5.14. The incidence rate seems to have increased since the last estimate of the incidence calculated for the years 1986--1992 in the metropolitan region of Santiago. Different combinations of space-time intervals have been evaluated to assess spatio-temporal clustering. The smallest p-value was found for the combination of critical distances of 750 meters and 60 days (uncorrected p-value = 0.048. CONCLUSIONS: Although these are preliminary results regarding space-time clustering in Santiago, exploratory analysis of the data method would suggest a possible aggregation of incident cases in space-time coordinates.OBJETIVO: Estimar a taxa de incidência de diabetes tipo 1 na área urbana de Santiago, Chile, entre os dias 21 de março de 1997 e 20 de março 1998, assim como a avaliação do agrupamento espaço-temporal dos casos incidentes no período. MÉTODOS: Foram localizados 61 casos incidentes no tempo (dia do diagnóstico e no espaço (lugar de residência na área do estudo. O método de Knox foi usado para avaliar o agrupamento dos casos no espaço e no tempo. RESULTADOS: A taxa de diabetes tipo 1 foi estimada em 4,11 casos por 100.000 menores de 15 anos por ano (Intervalo de confiança 95%: 3,06 -- 5,14. Essa taxa de incidência parece ter aumentado desde a última estimativa realizada na região metropolitana de Santiago, nos anos 1986-1992. Foram constru

  4. [Consumption of antidepressants in Chile from 1992 to 2004]. (United States)

    Jirón, Marcela; Machado, Márcio; Ruiz, Inés


    Data from the Ministry of Health show that in Chile in 2004, 17% of the population had some form of depression, and mood disorders are the tenth cause of disability-adjusted life years (DALY) loss. To determine consumption of antidepressants (ADs) in Chile from 1992 to 2004. National sales data were obtained from the company IMS Health Chile and converted into defined daily doses (DDDs) per 1,000 inhabitants per day. Available ADs were classified in four pharmacological groups (i.e., serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, SNRLs; selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRLs; tricyclic antidepressants, TCAs; and others). Total economic burden of ADs utilization and cost per DDDs were also calculated. Trends over time were analyzed using Pearson-R2. Total ADs consumption in Chile measured by DDDs per 1,000 inhabitants per day (DHD) increased linearly (y =0.901x + 1.9129; R2 =0.9296; p economic burden of ADs in Chile (total cost of DDDs consumed) increased from US$65.4 million in 2001 to US$74.6 million in 2004 (14% increase). Average cost per DDD of all AD increased linearly, however not significantly from US$ 0.94 in 2001 to US$ 1.04 in 2004 (y =0.0362x + 0.8784; R2 =0.7382; p =0,262). DDDs per 1,000 inhabitants per day increased linearly over 470% from 1992-2004. SSRLs were the most commonly consumed drugs in Chile. Future research should evaluate the cost-effectiveness of antidepressants in Chile, comparing the results with drug utilization, and determining if unnecessary expenditures have been paid out.

  5. Caracterización trófica del placóforo intermareal Enoplochiton niger en el norte de Chile: variación ambiental y patrones dietarios a nivel local y region Trophic characterization of the intertidal placophoran Enoplochiton niger in northern Chile: environmental variation and dietary patterns at local and regional levels

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    Full Text Available El rol e impacto de los herbívoros en la trama trófica de comunidades intermareales rocosas podría ser más diverso y complejo de lo considerado hasta ahora, particularmente en el caso de consumidores de mayor tamaño y abundancia como el molusco placóforo Enoplochiton niger. Esta especie es uno de los pastoreadores de mayor tamaño (hasta 20 cm e importancia ecológica en las costas rocosas del norte de Chile, pero también una de las especies menos conocidas en términos tróficos. Este trabajo presenta una evaluación de los patrones dietarios de E. niger en cuatro comunidades del norte de Chile, distribuidas en 1.000 km de costa y muestreadas estacionalmente entre invierno 2004 y otoño 2006. Además se analizó la relación de su dieta con factores biológicos y físicos, incluyendo el efecto potencial del evento El Niño 2004-2005 ocurrido durante el período de estudio. A nivel regional, el espectro dietario de E. niger abarcó un total de 98 recursos (60 ítemes algales y 38 ítemes invertebrados, y los ítemes más importantes fueron organismos sésiles con formas de crecimiento incrustante o en capa. E. niger mostró una gran amplitud de nicho tanto a nivel regional como local (rango: 20,7-28,0; índice de Levins, con una riqueza dietaria a nivel individual independiente del tamaño corporal. Tanto el número de ítemes dietarios consumidos por individuo como la composición taxonómica de la dieta no mostraron diferencias significativas entre comunidades, pero variaron significativamente entre el período asociado al evento El Niño y el período posterior. No hubo ninguna relación clara entre los patrones dietarios de E. niger y los niveles contrastantes de intensidad de surgencia entre las comunidades estudiadas. Los resultados muestran que E. niger es un consumidor generalista y polífago, y un potencial omnívoro, el cual podría tener un alto impacto sobre los patrones de ocupación de espacio en la comunidad intermareal

  6. Crustacean communities in coastal ephemeral pools in the Araucanía region (38° S, Chile). (United States)

    De Los Ríos-Escalante, P; Acevedo, P


    The fauna communities of ephemeral pools in southern Chile are characterized by heterogeneity of crustacean taxa; nevertheless, no detailed studies exist of their community structure. The aim of the present study was to analyze the crustacean community structure in two groups of ephemeral pools (Puaucho and Nigue pools) in the coastal zone of the Araucanía region. A correlation matrix was made by species abundance against temperature, conductivity, pH and total dissolved solids. In a second step, a null model for species co-occurrence was applied to the total data and to each group. The results for total data revealed a significant direct relation between the abundance of H. costera, C. dubia and Mesocyclops. For the Puaucho pools, the same results were found together with direct associations with total dissolved solids, conductivity and pH. Finally, different results were found for the Nigue pools, with no clear significant associations, either direct or indirect, between the abundance of different crustacean taxa and abiotic parameters. These results were supported by the co-occurrence null model analysis, which revealed the presence of regulator factors for the total data, and for each of the two groups. Ecological topics are discussed with emphasis on meta-community dynamics.

  7. Spatiotemporal Variation in Composition of Submicron Particles in Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile

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    Matías Tagle


    Full Text Available The chemical composition of submicron particles (aerodynamic diameter Da < 1.0 μm was investigated at three locations in the Santiago Metropolitan Region (SMR, Chile. Measurements campaigns were conducted in winter and spring 2016, at representative sites of a rural, urban, and urban receptor environment. Instrumentation consisted of an optical analyzer to determine Black Carbon (BC and the Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM to measure concentrations of particulate chloride (Cl−, nitrate (NO3-, sulfate (SO42-, ammonium (NH4+, and non-refractory carbonaceous species (organics. Complementary data, such as ozone concentration and meteorological parameters were obtained from the public air quality network. Results showed that in both the winter and spring seasons the organics predominated in the mass of submicron particles. This fraction was followed in decreasing order by NO3-, NH4+, BC, SO42-, and Cl−. The highest average organics concentrations were measured in winter at the urban (32.2 μg m−3 and urban receptor sites (20.1 μg m−3. In winter, average concentrations of both NO3- and NH4+ were higher at the urban receptor site (12.3 and 4.5 μg m−3, respectively when compared to the urban site (6.4 and 3.1 μg m−3, respectively. In general, all the measured species were present in higher concentrations during winter, excepting SO42-, which was the only one that increased during spring. The transition toward spring was also associated with an acidification of the aerosol at the rural and urban receptor site, while at the urban site the aerosol was observed alkaline. The highest average ozone concentration during both the winter and spring seasons were recorded at the urban receptor site (7.2 and 24.0 ppb, respectively. The study reports data showing that the atmosphere in the SMR has a considerable load of particulate organic compounds, NO3- and NH4+, which are in higher concentrations at urban sites during the winter season

  8. Reducción de la mortalidad materna en Chile de 1990 a 2000 The reduction in maternal mortality in Chile, 1990­2000

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    Enrique Donoso Siña


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar si Chile alcanzó el objetivo de reducir en 50% la mortalidad materna entre 1990 y 2000, conforme a lo establecido en el Plan de Acción Regional para la Reducción de la Mortalidad Materna en las Américas. MÉTODOS: Se diseñó un estudio observacional y descriptivo que permitiera analizar la tendencia de la mortalidad materna en el país durante 1990­2000. Las variables evaluadas fueron la razón de mortalidad materna, las causas de muerte y la edad de las madres fallecidas. Las causas se clasificaron de acuerdo con la novena revisión de la Clasificación internacional de enfermedades,traumatismos y causas de defunción (CIE-9, y los datos brutos se obtuvieron de los anuarios del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile. La fluctuación de las variables se estimó según el porcentaje de cambio acumulado, y la tendencia, mediante análisis de correlación de Pearson. RESULTADOS: El estudio demostró una reducción de la mortalidad materna de 60,3% de 1990 a 2000; la razón de mortalidad materna más baja, de 18,7/100 000 nacidos vivos, se registró en el año 2000. El análisis indica que las cinco causas más importantes de muerte materna fueron: hipertensión arterial, aborto, enfermedades maternas concurrentes (pregestacionales, sepsis puerperal y hemorragia posparto. Se observó una tendencia descendente significativa de la mortalidad materna por hipertensión arterial (r= ­0,712; P= 0,014, aborto (r= ­0,810; P = 0,003 y sepsis puerperal (r= ­0,718; P= 0,013, pero no se encontraron cambios estadísticamente significativos en la mortalidad por enfermedades maternas concurrentes ni por hemorragia posparto. La cifra más alta de mortalidad materna correspondió a las mujeres de 40 años de edad y mayores (100,2/100 000 nacidos vivos, y la más baja a las adolescentes de 15 a 19 años (18,7/100 000 nacidos vivos. CONCLUSIONES: Chile cumplió el objetivo del Plan de Acción Regional para la Reducción de la

  9. Trayectorias industriales metropolitanas: nuevos procesos, nuevos contrastes

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    Inmaculada Caravaca


    Full Text Available La realidad industrial y urbana ha estado sometida a un fuerte proceso de reestructuración durante las últimas décadas. En la primera mitad de la década de los ‘80, conceptos como los de desindustrialización, o postindustrialización fueron asociados a los de desurbanización o contraurbanización. Sólo unos años más tarde el discurso empezó a ser radicalmente distinto al confirmarse la permanencia de fuertes externalidades positivas urbano-metropolitanas, y volvieron a considerarse tales ámbitos como ganadores. Las páginas que siguen intentarán sintetizar algunas de esas transformaciones que conocen las empresas y los espacios industriales metropolitanos en los últimos añosUrban and industrial reality has undergone a strong process of restructuring during the last decades. In the first half of the 80’s, concepts like de-industrialization or post-industrialization were associated with those of de-urbanization or counter-urbanization. Only a few years later the argument became to be radically different after the confirmation of strong positive urban-metropolitan externalities, and urban areas turned back to be considered as winning spaces. The following pages will try to summarize some of these transformations, which metropolitan firms and industrial areas have experimented in the last years

  10. Abastecimiento de sangre durante desastres: la experiencia de Chile en 2010 Blood supply during disasters: the experience of Chile in 2010

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    Marcela Vásquez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión de la gestión del abastecimiento y suministro de sangre durante desastres a partir de las experiencias de diversos eventos ocurridos principalmente en la primera década de este siglo, y en particular el terremoto grado 8,8 en la escala de Richter que afectó la zona centro sur de Chile el 27 de febrero de 2010. El objetivo fue proporcionar información que pueda ser útil para mejorar las estrategias y planes de respuesta durante potenciales desastres futuros. La información descriptiva sobre los procedimientos de respuesta se obtuvo mediante entre-vistas, reportes internos y la base de datos del sistema informático del Centro Productivo Regional de Sangre del Maule. Los resultados permiten concluir que para responder de manera eficiente y efectiva a las necesidades de sangre inmediatamente después de un desastre es de importancia clave tener un sistema centralizado de gestión que facilite el abastecimiento y el suministro de sangre y con-tar con personal voluntario competente en salud que esté dispuesto a acudir con celeridad durante estos eventos. Asimismo, se ha observado que durante dichas emergencias se produce un cambio en el perfil de quienes donan sangre. En Chile, por ejemplo, durante las dos semanas siguientes al terremoto la razón hombre/mujer en los donantes se invirtió, con 61,1% de participación por parte de las mujeres, quienes en la semana previa al evento representaban a solo 37%.A review of the management of blood supply and its administration during disasters was conducted based on the experience of several events that occurred primarily from 2000-2010, particularly the earthquake that measured 8.8 on the Richter scale that struck central and southern Chile on 27 February 2010. The objective was to provide information that could be useful in improving response plans and strategies during potential future disasters. The descriptive information on response procedures was obtained from

  11. Chile ushers in new hydro era

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moxon, S.


    The planned construction of two hydroelectric power plants at Peuchen and Mampil, will help to meet Chile's growing electricity demand. Securing finance for the project has been straight forward thanks to the optimal hydrological conditions, rivers with a very strong flow providing a large head of water over short distance. Hydropower plays a central role in Chile's generating capacity providing 70% of total energy consumption. Thus, the future of these projects will be highly successful, it is argued. (UK)

  12. Studies to Control Endemic Typhoid Fever in Chile (United States)


    Society for Microbiology, Chapter 16. 10. Medina E, Yrarrazaval M. (1983) Fiebre tifoidea en Chile: Consideraciones epideniologicas. Revista Medica de...epidesiologia de la fiebre tifoidea . Boletin de !a Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia universidad catolica de Chile. 30:113-119. 14. Reyes H, Olea M, Hernandez

  13. Spent Fuel in Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    López Lizana, F.


    The government has made a complete and serious study of many different aspects and possible road maps for nuclear electric power with strong emphasis on safety and energy independence. In the study, the chapter of SFM has not been a relevant issue at this early stage due to the fact that it has been left for later implementation stage. This paper deals with the options Chile might consider in managing its Spent Fuel taking into account foreign experience and factors related to safety, economics, public acceptance and possible novel approaches in spent fuel treatment. The country’s distinctiveness and past experience in this area taking into account that Chile has two research reactors which will have an influence in the design of the Spent Fuel option. (author)

  14. Acanthamoeba belonging to T3, T4, and T11: genotypes isolated from air-conditioning units in Santiago, Chile. (United States)

    Astorga, Berbeli; Lorenzo-Morales, Jacob; Martín-Navarro, Carmen M; Alarcón, Verónica; Moreno, Johanna; González, Ana C; Navarrete, Elizabeth; Piñero, José E; Valladares, Basilio


    Free-living amoebae (FLA) of the genus Acanthamoeba are widely distributed in the environment, in the air, soil, and water, and have also been isolated from air-conditioning units. The objective of this work was to investigate the presence of this genus of FLA in the air-conditioning equipment at the Institute of Public Health of Chile in Santiago, Chile. Water and air samples were collected from air-conditioning systems and were checked for the presence of Acanthamoeba spp. Positive samples were further classified at the genotype level after sequencing the highly variable diagnostic fragment 3 (DF3) region of the 18S rRNA gene. This is the first report of the T3, T4, and T11 genotypes of Acanthamoeba in air-conditioning units from Chile. Overall, the widespread distribution of potentially pathogenic Acanthamoeba strains in the studied source demands more awareness within the public and health professionals in Chile as this pathogen is emerging as a risk for human health worldwide. © 2011 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2011 International Society of Protistologists.

  15. 75 FR 3756 - Preserved Mushrooms from Chile, China, India, and Indonesia (United States)


    ...)] Preserved Mushrooms from Chile, China, India, and Indonesia AGENCY: United States International Trade... preserved mushrooms from Chile, China, India, and Indonesia. SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives notice of... mushrooms from Chile, China, India, and Indonesia would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of...

  16. External and gastrointestinal parasites of the rufous-collared sparrow Zonotrichia capensis (Passeriformes, Emberizidae in Chile

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    Sebastián Llanos-Soto

    Full Text Available Abstract A total of 277 rufous-collared sparrows, Zonotrichia capensis Müller, 1776 (Emberizidae, were examined for external parasites. The birds were captured using mist nets in seven locations in northern and central Chile. Additionally, seven carcasses from central Chile (the Biobío region were necropsied to evaluate the presence of endoparasite infection. Ectoparasites were found on 35.8% (99/277 of the examined birds and they were represented by the following arthropods: feather mites Amerodectes zonotrichiae Mironov and González-Acuña, 2014 (Analgoidea: Proctophyllodidae, Proctophyllodes polyxenus Atyeo and Braasch, 1966 (Analgoidea: Proctophyllodidae, and Trouessartia capensis Berla, 1959 (Analgoidea: Trouessartiidae; a louse Philopterus sp. (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera; and ticks Amblyomma tigrinum Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae and Ixodes auritulus Neumann, 1904 (Acari: Ixodidae. Two of the seven necropsied carcasses were infected with the acanthocephalan Mediorhynchus papillosus Van Cleave, 1916 (Gigantorhynchida: Gigantorhynchidae. To our knowledge, this study reports P. polyxenus, Philopterus sp., A. tigrinum, and M. papillosus for the first time for Z. capensis and expands the distributional range for T. capensis to Chile.

  17. Primer registro de Heliotropium amplexicaule (Heliotropiaceae) en Chile


    Ibáñez, Sergio; Luebert, Federico; Gómez, Miguel


    The presence of the commonly known weed Heliotropium amplexicaule (Heliotropiaceae) is reported for Chile first time, from a collection recently made in Santiago. Its potential as weed in Chile is discussed in the context of the experience of other countries where the species has become naturalised.

  18. Estudio del campo ocupacional del traductor en Santiago de Chile (A Study of Opportunities for Professional Translators in Santiago, Chile). (United States)

    Cabrera, Ileana; And Others

    A study of translation as a profession in Chile covered two areas: a diagnostic study of the real need for literary, scientific, and technical translations, and a followup study of graduates of the translation degree program at the Catholic Pontifical University of Chile (Santiago). The analysis considered the relationship between the need for…

  19. Orientación empática de los estudiantes de dos escuelas de kinesiología de Chile

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    A.M. Rojas-Serey

    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer la orientación empática de los alumnos de la carrera de kinesiología de dos escuelas de la región metropolitana. Sujetos y métodos. Este trabajo corresponde a una investigación analítica de corte transversal realizada entre los meses de marzo y noviembre del año 2006. Participaron 274 alumnos de un universo de 351 correspondientes a los niveles I, III y V de la carrera de kinesiología de la Universidad de Chile y la Universidad Mayor. Se aplicó la escala de empatía médica de Jefferson (EEMJ. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó la prueba U no paramétrica de Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney y la prueba no paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados. Se obtuvieron mayores puntuaciones en la EEMJ con significación estadística en el tercer y quinto nivel de la carrera con relación al primero (p < 0,05. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones según sexo. Conclusiones. Existen mayores puntuaciones obtenidas en la EEMJ en los alumnos que están en niveles más avanzados de la carrera de kinesiología, y esta diferencia es significativa en ambas universidades. Las puntuaciones obtenidas en la EEMJ no tienen significación estadística en relación con la variable sexo en ambas universidades.

  20. Remote Collaborative Depression Care Program for Adolescents in Araucanía Region, Chile: Randomized Controlled Trial (United States)

    Martínez, Pablo; Zitko, Pedro; Irarrázaval, Matías; Luttges, Carolina; Araya, Ricardo


    Background Despite evidence on efficacious interventions, a great proportion of depressed adolescents do not receive evidence-based treatment and have no access to specialized mental health care. Remote collaborative depression care (RCDC) may help to reduce the gap between needs and specialized mental health services. Objective The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of an RCDC intervention for adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD) living in the Araucanía Region, Chile. Methods A cluster randomized, assessor-blind trial was carried out at 16 primary care centers in the Araucanía Region, Chile. Before randomization, all participating primary care teams were trained in clinical guidelines for the treatment of adolescent depression. Adolescents (N=143; 13-19 years) with MDD were recruited. The intervention group (RCDC, N=65) received a 3-month RCDC treatment that included continuous remote supervision by psychiatrists located in Santiago, Chile’s capital city, through shared electronic health records (SEHR) and phone patient monitoring. The control group (enhanced usual care or EUC; N=78) received EUC by clinicians who were encouraged to follow clinical guidelines. Recruitment and response rates and the use of the SEHR system were registered; patient adherence and satisfaction with the treatment and clinician satisfaction with RCDC were assessed at 12-week follow-up; and depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) were evaluated at baseline and 12-weeks follow-up. Results More than 60.3% (143/237) of the original estimated sample size was recruited, and a response rate of 90.9% (130/143) was achieved at 12-week follow-up. A mean (SD) of 3.5 (4.0) messages per patient were written on the SEHR system by primary care teams. A third of the patients showed an optimal adherence to psychopharmacological treatment, and adolescents in the RCDC intervention group were more satisfied with

  1. The Revolutionary Left and Terrorist Violence in Chile. (United States)


    Fraude Electoral Designada por la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontifica Universidad de Chile," in Libro Blanco del Cambio de Gobierno de Chile, Editorial...Chilean law, could not be invaded by the police. The MIR never became a formal political party. It completely rejected the electoral process

  2. Seasonal and elevational contrasts in temperature trends in Central Chile between 1979 and 2015 (United States)

    Burger, F.; Brock, B.; Montecinos, A.


    We analyze trends in temperature from 18 temperature stations and one upper air sounding site at 30°-35° S in central Chile between 1979-2015, to explore geographical and season temperature trends and their controls, using regional ocean-atmosphere indices. Significant warming trends are widespread at inland stations, while trends are non-significant or negative at coastal sites, as found in previous studies. However, ubiquitous warming across the region in the past 8 years, suggests the recent period of coastal cooling has ended. Significant warming trends are largely restricted to austral spring, summer and autumn seasons, with very few significant positive or negative trends in winter identified. Autumn warming is notably strong in the Andes, which, together with significant warming in spring, could help to explain the negative mass balance of snow and glaciers in the region. A strong Pacific maritime influence on regional temperature trends is inferred through correlation with the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) index and coastal sea surface temperature, but the strength of this influence rapidly diminishes inland, and the majority of valley, and all Andes, sites are independent of the IPO index. Instead, valley and Andes sites, and mid-troposphere temperature in the coastal radiosonde profile, show correlation with the autumn Antarctic Oscillation which, in its current positive phase, promotes subsidence and warming at the latitude of central Chile.

  3. A Tsunami Model for Chile for (Re) Insurance Purposes (United States)

    Arango, Cristina; Rara, Vaclav; Puncochar, Petr; Trendafiloski, Goran; Ewing, Chris; Podlaha, Adam; Vatvani, Deepak; van Ormondt, Maarten; Chandler, Adrian


    Catastrophe models help (re)insurers to understand the financial implications of catastrophic events such as earthquakes and tsunamis. In earthquake-prone regions such as Chile,(re)insurers need more sophisticated tools to quantify the risks facing their businesses, including models with the ability to estimate secondary losses. The 2010 (M8.8) Maule (Chile) earthquake highlighted the need for quantifying losses from secondary perils such as tsunamis, which can contribute to the overall event losses but are not often modelled. This paper presents some key modelling aspects of a new earthquake catastrophe model for Chile developed by Impact Forecasting in collaboration with Aon Benfield Research partners, focusing on the tsunami component. The model has the capability to model tsunami as a secondary peril - losses due to earthquake (ground-shaking) and induced tsunamis along the Chilean coast are quantified in a probabilistic manner, and also for historical scenarios. The model is implemented in the IF catastrophe modelling platform, ELEMENTS. The probabilistic modelling of earthquake-induced tsunamis uses a stochastic event set that is consistent with the seismic (ground shaking) hazard developed for Chile, representing simulations of earthquake occurrence patterns for the region. Criteria for selecting tsunamigenic events (from the stochastic event set) are proposed which take into consideration earthquake location, depth and the resulting seabed vertical displacement and tsunami inundation depths at the coast. The source modelling software RuptGen by Babeyko (2007) was used to calculate static seabed vertical displacement resulting from earthquake slip. More than 3,600 events were selected for tsunami simulations. Deep and shallow water wave propagation is modelled using the Delft3D modelling suite, which is a state-of-the-art software developed by Deltares. The Delft3D-FLOW module is used in 2-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation settings with non-steady flow

  4. Cobre labrado, alambique y aguardiente. Chile y Argentina, 1586-1850

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    Pablo Lacoste


    Full Text Available El estudio examina el desarrollo de la producción, transporte y distribu- ción de cobres labrados y alambiques para elaborar aguardiente en Chile y el oeste de la actual Argentina, desde el primer alambique registrado (1586 hasta mediados del siglo XIX. Se detecta que el principal polo de manufactura de estos artefactos se encontraba en el Norte Chico de Chile, entre Huasco y La Serena. Desde allí, el uso de los alambiques se difundió por un amplio espacio. La ruta del alambique y el cobre labrado se extendió por 5.000 kilómetros, llegando a Guayaquil, Trujillo, Callao, Cinti, Jujuy y Salta por el norte; y a Valdivia y Chiloé por el sur, a ambos lados de la cordillera de los Andes. Floreció así un intenso proceso de integración socioeconómica regional, a la vez que se fortaleció el desa- rrollo agroindustrial con la posibilidad de destilar aguardientes. De esta manera se sentaron las bases para el surgimiento de varios productos típicos.

  5. Jazz en Chile: su historia y función social Jazz in Chile: its history and social function

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    Álvaro Menanteau


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una visión general de la historia del jazz en Chile que destaca la función social de esta música y el cambio que tuvo a través del tiempo. Estos cambios se relacionaron con diferentes valoraciones de la práctica jazzística local. En un principio el jazz fue música popular masiva. Posteriormente fue valorado estéticamente por un segmento de élite, quienes eran profesionales en áreas no musicales y en muchos casos eran instrumentistas aficionados. En una tercera etapa, músicos profesionales asumieron la práctica del jazz como una plataforma para fusionar el lenguaje jazzístico con recursos tomados de la música tradicional chilena. Este tránsito del jazz en Chile está cruzado por factores socioeconómicos y estéticos, que se analizan en el trabajo.The article presents an overview of the history of jazz in Chile on the basis of the social function of jazz and the changes it has underwent over the years in terms of the valúes it has represented for Chilean society. Initially jazz was considered as mass popular music. Afterwards it was valued in aesthetic terms by a group belonging to the élite of Chilean society. Many of them belonged to non-music professions and in some cases were amateur musicians. Most recently professional musicians took up jazz as the basis for combining the jazz style with elements belonging to traditional music of Chile. This process in Chile is also influenced by social, economic and aesthetic aspects which are explored in this article.

  6. Spatial and temporal constraints on regional-scale groundwater flow in the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile (United States)

    Jayne, Richard S.; Pollyea, Ryan M.; Dodd, Justin P.; Olson, Elizabeth J.; Swanson, Susan K.


    Aquifers within the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin (Atacama Desert, northern Chile) are the sole source of water for the coastal city of Iquique and the economically important mining industry. Despite this, the regional groundwater system remains poorly understood. Although it is widely accepted that aquifer recharge originates as precipitation in the Altiplano and Andean Cordillera to the east, there remains debate on whether recharge is driven primarily by near-surface groundwater flow in response to periodic flood events or by basal groundwater flux through deep-seated basin fractures. In addressing this debate, the present study quantifies spatial and temporal variability in regional-scale groundwater flow paths at 20.5°S latitude by combining a two-dimensional model of groundwater and heat flow with field observations and δ18O isotope values in surface water and groundwater. Results suggest that both previously proposed aquifer recharge mechanisms are likely influencing aquifers within the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin; however, each mechanism is operating on different spatial and temporal scales. Storm-driven flood events in the Altiplano readily transmit groundwater to the eastern Pampa del Tamarugal Basin through near-surface groundwater flow on short time scales, e.g., 100-101 years, but these effects are likely isolated to aquifers in the eastern third of the basin. In addition, this study illustrates a physical mechanism for groundwater originating in the eastern highlands to recharge aquifers and salars in the western Pampa del Tamarugal Basin over timescales of 104-105 years.

  7. Psicología comunitaria y políticas sociales en Chile Psicologia comunitaria e políticas sociais no Chile Community psychology and social policies in Chile

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    Jaime Alfaro Inzunza


    Full Text Available En este artículo analizamos la relación entre Psicología Comunitaria y políticas sociales, estableciendo la influencia de las políticas sociales sobre el desarrollo contemporáneo de la Psicología Comunitaria en Chile. Sostenemos que su consolidación como profesión se asocia estrechamente a la implementación de políticas sociales a partir de la década de los noventa y su conformación actual está condicionada y tensionada por las orientaciones de estas políticas. Se examina la evolución tanto de las políticas sociales como de la Psicología Comunitaria en Chile, los puntos de encuentro y las tensiones, de las que derivamos una serie de desafíos y proyecciones que examinamos en el presente artículo, con el objetivo de avanzar en la comprensión de esta relación.Este artigo investigou a relação entre a Psicologia Comunitária e as políticas sociais, estabelecendo a influência das políticas sociais sobre o desenvolvimento contemporâneo da Psicologia Comunitária no Chile. Afirmamos que a sua consolidação como profissão está intimamente associada à implementação de políticas sociais desde a década de noventa e sua formação atual está condicionada e tensionada pelas diretrizes dessas políticas. O estudo analisa a evolução das políticas sociais e da psicologia comunitária no Chile, os pontos de encontro e de tensão, dos quais se deriva uma série de desafios e projeções discutidos neste artigo com o objetivo de fazer avançar a compreensão desta relação.In this article we analyze the evolution of community psychology in Chile, and the influences of social policies in its development. We hold that its consolidation as a profession is closely associated to the implementation of social policies since the nineties, and its present conformation is determined and tightened by the orientation of these policies. From the evolution of social policies and Community Psychology in Chile we have come up with a series

  8. Socialisme i Chile efter Pinochet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cristoffanini, Pablo Rolando


    Chile bliver ofte præsenteret som et paradigme for resten af det latinamerikanske kontinent: Et land med høj økonomisk vækst og politisk stabilitet. Landet har endda haft to socialistiske præsidenter siden 2000, den sidste den første kvindelige præsident. Succeshistorien har en bagside: De...... socialistiske regeringer har accepteret et begrænset demokrati og videreført en nyliberal økonomisk politik, der har bragt dem på konfrontationskurs med massebevægelserne og isoleret Chile fra de andre lande i regionen, der søger integration og gensidig støøte. Udgivelsesdato: Februar...

  9. Emergy evaluation of benthic ecosystems influenced by upwelling in northern Chile: Contributions of the ecosystems to the regional economy (United States)

    Emergy evaluations of three benthic ecosystem networks found in Mejillones, Antofagasta and Tongoy Bays, located on the coast of northern Chile, were carried out with the intent of documenting the contributions of these coastal ecosystems to the economy. The productivity of these...

  10. Mass balance and hydrological contribution of glaciers in northern and central Chile (United States)

    MacDonell, Shelley; Vivero, Sebastian; McPhee, James; Ayala, Alvaro; Pellicciotti, Francesca; Campos, Cristian; Caro, Dennys; Ponce, Rodrigo


    Water is a critical resource in the northern and central regions of Chile, as the area supports more than 40% of the country's population, and the regional economy depends on agricultural production and mining, which are two industries that rely heavily on a consistent water supply. Due to relatively low rates of rainfall, meltwater from snow and ice bodies in the highland areas provides a key component of the annual water supply in these areas. Consequently, accurate estimates of the rates of ablation of the cryosphere (i.e. snow and ice) are crucial for predicting current supply rates, and future projections. Whilst snow is generally a larger contributor of freshwater, during periods of drought, glaciers provide a significant source. This study aims to determine the contribution of glaciers to two catchments in northern and central Chile during a 2.5 year period, which largely consisted of extreme dry periods, but also included the recent El Niño event. This study combined field and modelling studies to understand glacier and rock glacier contributions in the Tapado (30°S), Yeso (33°S) catchments. In the field we undertook glaciological mass balance monitoring of three glaciers, monitored albedo and snow line changes using automatic cameras for three glaciers, measured discharge continuously at several points, installed six automatic weather stations and used thermistors to monitor thermal regime changes of two rock glaciers. The combination of these datasets where used to drive energy balance and hydrological models to estimate the contribution of ice bodies to streamflow in the two studied catchments. Over the course of the study all glaciers maintained a negative mass balance, however glaciers in central Chile lost more mass, which is due to the higher melt rates experienced due to lower elevations and higher temperatures. Areas free of debris generally contributed more to streamflow than sediment covered regions, and snow generally contributed more over

  11. Seroepidemiology of human toxoplasmosis in Chile Seroepidemiología de la toxoplasmosis en Chile

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    Maria del C. Contreras


    Full Text Available A series of already published and unpublished seroepidemiological surveys for toxoplasmosis, carried out in Chile in 1982-1994, is reviewed, expanded and analyzed. The surveys included 76,317 apparently healthy individuals of different ages (0.57% of the country's total population, from 309 urban and rural-periurban localities. Urban groups were integrated by blood donors, delivering mothers and middle grade schoolchildren, while rural-periurban individuals corresponded to unselected family groups. Blood samples were collected in filter paper. The presence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii was determined by the indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT, titers > 16 were considered positive. The test resulted positive in 28,124 (36.9% of the surveyed people. Two hundred and six (0.3% individuals presented IHAT titers > 1000, probably corresponding to acute or reactivated infections. A progressive increase of positive IHAT from northern to southern regions of the country was noted, phenomenom probably related to geographical conditions and to a higher production and consumption of different types of meat in the latter regions. It is postulated that ingestion of T. gondii cysts by humans is epidemiologically as important as ingestion of oocysts. The results presented stress the epidemiological importance of toxoplasmosis in humans, and warn about eventual implications in immunocompromised patients and in transplacental transmission, organ transplants and transfusions.En este trabajo se revisa, se amplía y se analiza en conjunto una serie de encuestas seroepidemiológicas sobre toxoplasmosis efectuadas en Chile entre 1982 y 1994, utilizando la reacción de hemaglutinación indirecta (RHAI. El estudio incluyó 76.317 personas aparentemente sanas de diferentes edades (0,57% de la problación total del país, procedentes de 309 localidades urbanas y rural-periurbanas. Los grupos urbanos estuvieron constituídos por donantes de sangre, parturientas y

  12. La deserción escolar universitaria en México. La experiencia de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Campus Iztapalapa / The university scholastic desertion in México. The experience of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Campus Iztapalapa


    Hernández Vázquez, Juan Manuel; Rodríguez Lagunas, Javier


    Resumen:El presente documento muestra en forma sintética los hallazgos de la investigación que las divisiones académicas de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería (CBI), Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud (CBS) y Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CSH) de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Campus Iztapalapa, requirieron para responder a la problemática de la deserción escolar que en particular en la UAM-I adquiere matices preocupantes. La investigación trata de responder a la pregunta de cuáles ...

  13. Analýza obchodných vzťahov medzi EU a Chile


    Chabová, Zuzana


    The aim of my bachelor thesis is to particularly charakterize Chile's economy and to analyze its position in international trade. The main part of my whole work is the analysis of business relationship between European Union and Chile, which I also describe in point of law. The work has five main chapters. The first chapter describes the economical situation of Chile. The second chapter is concerned with Chile's whole foreign trade. The third chapter analyze Chile's foreign trade legally thro...


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    M. García


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el comportamiento de las inversiones tér - micas y contaminantes atmosféricos en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara (ZMG durante el periodo 2005-2007. Se analizó la información de las inver - siones térmicas (estación CNA colomos y concentraciones de los contaminan - tes: monóxido de carbono, bióxido de nitrógeno, ozono, bióxido de azufre y partículas menores a 10 micras de las ocho estaciones de la Red de Monitoreo Atmosférico del Gobierno de Jalisco. Los resultados mostraron relación signi - ficativa entre los días con inversión térmica de gran espesor y duración con la acumulación de contaminantes, lo cual provoca que se incrementen los índices de contaminación en la zona. Los meses con presencia importante de inversiones térmicas y contaminación elevada ocurrieron durante las estaciones de invierno y primavera (noviembre-mayo. Una conclusión relevante es que las inversiones térmicas fuertes han sido factor en elevados índices de contaminación en la ZMG. Palabras clave: Inversiones térmicas, contaminantes atmosféricos, Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara

  15. Delineation of the High Enthalpy Reservoirs of the Sierra Nevada Volcanic Geothermal System, South-Central Chile (United States)

    Alam, M.; Muñoz, M.; Parada, M.


    Geothermal system associated with the Pleistocene-Holocene Sierra Nevada volcano (SNVGS) in the Araucanía Region of Chile has surface manifestations from the north-western flank of the volcano, up to Manzanar and Malalcahuello. Baños del Toro, located on the northwestern flank of the volcano, has numerous fumaroles and acid pools (acid sulfate waters, T=~90°C, pH=2.1, TDS=3080 mg/L); while Aguas de la Vaca, near the base of the volcano, has a bubbling spring (chloride-sulfate waters, T=~60°C, pH=7.0, TDS=950 mg/L). Five shallow (Geotermia) of the Ministry of Energy and Mining, Government of Chile.

  16. Epidemiology of canine distemper and canine parvovirus in domestic dogs in urban and rural areas of the Araucanía region in Chile. (United States)

    Acosta-Jamett, G; Surot, D; Cortés, M; Marambio, V; Valenzuela, C; Vallverdu, A; Ward, M P


    To assess whether the seroprevalence of canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine parvovirus (CPV) in domestic dogs is higher in urban versus rural areas of the Araucanía region in Chile and risk factors for exposure, a serosurvey and questionnaire survey at three, urban-rural paired sites was conducted from 2009 to 2012. Overall, 1161 households were interviewed of which 71% were located in urban areas. A total of 501 blood samples were analysed. The overall CDV and CPV seroprevalences were 61% (CI 90%: 58-70%) and 47% (CI 90%: 40-49%), and 89% (CI 90%: 85-92%) and 72% (CI 90%: 68-76%) in urban and rural areas, respectively. The higher seroprevalence in domestic dogs in urban areas suggests that urban domestic dogs might be a maintenance host for both CDV and CPV in this region. Due to the presence of endangered wild canids populations in areas close to these domestic populations, surveillance and control of these pathogens in urban dog populations is needed a priority. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Total mercury and methylmercury levels in pregnant women, nursing women and preschool children resident in fishing villages in the eighth region of Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruhn, C.G.; Rodriguez, A.A.


    The main aim of this project is to perform a descriptive study about the levels of total mercury (Hg-T) and of methylmercury (Me-Hg) in scalp hair specimens of a selected human population of high risk in the Eighth Region of Chile, the group studied included pregnant women (PW), nursing women (NW) and preschool children residing in fishing villages distributed within the coastal zone of this region, the diets of the test group included fish and shellfish as main food components. The degree of Hg contamination of this population was compared to a control population (''core programme''). The methylmercury-to-total mercury ratio (Me-Hg/Hg-T) levels in scalp hair enabled interpretation of the results with respect to the degree of contamination by Hg, and the dietary habits of the sample donors of each fishing village under study. Furthermore, Se levels in scalp hair of the populations with relatively high Hg content were to be investigated for possible correlation with Me-Hg levels (''supplementary programme''). 5 refs, 2 figs, 9 tabs

  18. Superando a pobreza: o papel do capital social na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte

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    Diogo Henrique Helal

    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o papel do capital social na superação da pobreza em áreas urbanas. Diferente de outros estudos que adotam uma perspectiva macro para capital social, este o analisa como algo inerente à esfera das interações entre indivíduos, sendo capaz também de trazer retornos individuais. Capital social é mensurado com base na associação dos indivíduos em diversos tipos de organizações sociais. A hipótese, de que, mesmo controlando-se por variáveis de capital humano e origem socioeconômica, quanto maior o estoque de capital social de um indivíduo maior será sua chance de obter uma renda que lhe permita superar a linha de pobreza, foi testada por meio de um modelo de regressão logística, que estimou o efeito de variáveis (teste e de controle na probabilidade de um indivíduo superar a linha da pobreza. Os dados para este estudo são secundários, oriundos da edição de 2002 da Pesquisa da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (PRMBH/UFMG. Os resultados mostram que ser membro de organizações sociais (redes de relacionamento tem um efeito significativo nas chances de se escapar da pobreza em uma grande região metropolitana do Brasil (Belo Horizonte. A conclusão destaca, neste sentido, a importância dos retornos individuais das redes sociais.

  19. Adiamento do ingresso no mercado de trabalho sob o enfoque demográfico: uma análise das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras Aplazamiento del ingreso al mercado laboral bajo el enfoque demográfico: un análisis de las regiones metropolitanas brasileñas Demographic perspectives on delayed labor market entry in metropolitan areas in Brazil

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    Maria Carolina Tomás


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa o adiamento do ingresso no mercado de trabalho entre jovens, através de duas técnicas demográficas: o método singulate mean age; e tabelas de sobrevivência. A base de dados utilizada foi a Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego (PME, considerando-se as seis regiões metropolitanas estudadas (São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre e Recife conjuntamente. Os períodos analisados foram 1983 e 2001. Ao final, contatou-se um adiamento maior entre os homens, o que os aproxima do padrão de transição feminino, embora eles continuem entrando mais cedo no mercado de trabalho. Ademais, está ocorrendo uma alteração no padrão etário de inserção, já que houve diminuição no contingente de jovens entrando no mercado de trabalho até os 17 anos.El trabajo analiza el aplazamiento del ingreso al mercado laboral entre jóvenes, a través de dos técnicas demográficas: El método singulate mean age; y tablas de sobrevivencia. La base de datos utilizada fue la Encuesta Mensual de Empleo (PME, considerándose las seis regiones metropolitanas estudiadas (San Pablo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Río de Janeiro, Porto Alegre y Recife conjuntamente. Los períodos analizados fueron 1983 y 2001. Al final, se constató un aplazamiento mayor entre los hombres, lo que los aproxima al padrón de transición femenino, aunque éstos continúen entrando más temprano al mercado laboral. Además, está ocurriendo una modificación en el padrón etario de inserción, ya que hubo una disminución en el contingente de jóvenes entrando al mercado laboral hasta los 17 años.The article analyzes late entry into the labor market among Brazilian youth, using two demographic techniques: the singulate mean age, and survival tables. The data basis used is the Monthly Employment Survey (PME carried out and published by the Brazilian Census Office (IBGE. The analysis considers six metropolitan areas (São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Rio

  20. Flebotomíneo em fragmentos de Mata Atlântica na Região Metropolitana do Recife, PE


    Silva,Dílvia Ferreira; Vasconcelos,Simão Dias


    Foi realizada uma investigação sobre a distribuição da fauna flebotomínica em 4 fragmentos da Mata Atlântica na Região Metropolitana do Recife. Consistiu na captura de insetos adultos com auxilio de armadilhas luminosas CDC. 1.173 espécimes distribuídos em 11 espécies de Lutzomyia: Lutzomyia evandroi, Lutzomyia choti, Lutzomyia walkeri, Lutzomyia umbratilis, Lutzomyia brasiliensis, Lutzomyia sordellii, Lutzomyia claustrei, Lutzomyia wellcomei, Lutzomyia fluviatilis, Lutzomyia furcata e Lutzom...

  1. A Expansão urbana e a reorganização da área metropolitana


    Godoy, Juliana de


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo, História e Arquitetura da Cidade Este estudo trata do papel desenvolvido pelo município de São José dos Pinhais no processo de metropolização de Curitiba e Região. Para tanto, é realizada uma contextualização do processo de urbanização da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba diante das mudanças que ocorrem com o fortalecimento da industrialização no Paraná, que foi basta...

  2. Proyectos de microemprendimiento y su influencia en el bienestar de las personas adultas mayores en Lima Metropolitana


    Cerrón Meza, Daniel Angel; Cerrón Meza, Daniel Angel


    Actualmente, el tema del proceso de envejecimiento y vejez cobra importancia, porque se observa a través de los indicadores demográficos, el crecimiento de la población adulta mayor en Lima Metropolitana y el país, es alto. Por ello, es necesario realizar un trabajo de investigación en el tema de microemprendimiento, para este grupo etareo, que no tienen oportunidades laborales para poder ahorrar y tener una vejez digna. Las políticas deben contener niveles mínimos de calidad de vida, bienest...

  3. Adding the human dimension to drought: an example from Chile (United States)

    Rangecroft, Sally; Van Loon, Anne; Maureira, Héctor; Rojas, Pablo; Alejandro Gutiérrez Valdés, Sergio; Verbist, Koen


    Drought and water scarcity are important hazards and can lead to severe socio-economic impacts in many regions of the world. Given the interlinked interactions and feedbacks of hydrological droughts and their impacts and management, we need tools to evaluate these complexities and effects on the availability of water resources. Here we use a real-world case study of the Huasco basin (Northern Chile) in which we quantify the influence of human activities on hydrological drought signals. In this arid region, Andean snowmelt provides water essential for users, with agriculture acting as the main water consumer (85% of total). An increasing water demand from different water sectors (agriculture, mining, and domestic water usage) has increased pressure on available water and its management. Consequently, the Santa Juana dam was built by 1995 to increase irrigation security for downstream users, and recent management and restrictions have been established with the objective to limit impacts of hydrological droughts across the basin. The feedbacks between water availability and water management are explored for this water stressed region in Chile. Hydro-meteorological (e.g. precipitation, temperature, streamflow, reservoir levels) variables have been analysed to assess trends and drought patterns. Data over the past three decades has indicated a decrease in surface water supply, with the basin entering a situation of water scarcity during the recent multiyear drought (2007 - to-date), partly caused by meteorological drought and partly by abstraction. During this period, water supply failed to meet the demands of water users, resulting in the implementation of water restrictions. As well as the necessary continuous hydro-meteorological data, here we used information on human water users and scenario modeling, allowing for the analysis and quantification of feedbacks. This work highlights the importance of local knowledge, especially in understanding water laws, rights

  4. Holocene tephrostratigraphy of southern Chiloé Continental (Andean southern volcanic zone; ~43°S), Chile (United States)

    Lachowycz, S.; Smith, V. C.; Pyle, D. M.; Mather, T. A.


    The eruptive history of the volcanoes in the southern part of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (42.5-45°S) is very poorly constrained: only several late Quaternary eruptions have been identified, mostly from study of sparse roadcuts [1]. In this study, we further constrain the Holocene explosive eruption history around 43°S by identifying and analysing tephra layers preserved in a ~3.25m long peat core from Cuesta Moraga [2], ~35km east of Yanteles volcano. Cryptotephra was extracted following the method of [3], in addition to macrotephra; owing to the vicinity of the sampling site to the tephra sources, cryptotephra was found throughout the core stratigraphy, but was sufficiently variable in concentration that discrete layers were identifiable and attributed to specific eruptions. Chemical analysis of the glass by electron microprobe shows that the tephra layers originate from a number of volcanoes in the region. This new tephrostratigraphy improves our knowledge of the important history of explosive volcanism in this area, potentially tying the tephrostratigraphies of surrounding areas (e.g., [4]) and allowing improved evaluation of regional volcanic risk. [1] Naranjo, J.A.., and C. R. Stern, 2004. Holocene tephrochronology of the southernmost part (42°30'-45°S) of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone. Revista geológica de Chile, 31, pp. 225-240. [2] Heusser, C.J., et al., 1992. Paleoecology of late Quaterary deposits in Chiloé Continental, Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 65, pp. 235-245. [3] Blockley, S.P.E., et al., 2005. A new and less destructive laboratory procedure for the physical separation of distal glass tephra shards from sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, pp. 1952-1960. [4] Watt, S.F.L., et al., 2011. Holocene tephrochronology of the Hualaihue region (Andean southern volcanic zone, ~42°S), southern Chile. Quaternary International, 246, pp. 324-343.

  5. Aquisição dos fonemas fricativos coronais por crianças da região metropolitana do recife The acquisition of coronal fricatives by children of Recife's metropolitan region

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    Ana Augusta de Andrade Cordeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: investigar a aquisição das fricativas coronais por crianças de creches/escolas públicas da Região Metropolitana do Recife. MÉTODOS: 40 crianças frequentadoras de quatro creches/escolas, com idades entre 2 a 6 anos e 11 meses, sendo 20 do sexo masculino e 20 do sexo feminino. O instrumento utilizado foi constituído por figuras que visavam à nomeação de 83 palavras que possuíam os fonemas-alvos: /s/ (32, /z/ (11, /∫/ (21, /ℑ/ (19, selecionadas a partir das variáveis linguísticas tonicidade e estrutura silábica. As crianças foram divididas em 10 grupos, de acordo com a faixa etária. Considerou-se o percentual de 80% de produção como indicativo de aquisição do fonema-alvo. RESULTADOS: o início da produção das fricativas coronais deu-se na faixa etária de 2:0-2:5 anos. Observou-se que os fonemas /∫/, /ℑ/ e /z/ foram adquiridos aos 3:0-3:5 anos e o fonema /s/ aos 2:6-2:11 anos. Os processos fonológicos mais comumente encontrados foram substituição e omissão. Também foi observado com bastante frequência a troca semântica. CONCLUSÕES: a aquisição das fricativas coronais das crianças frequentadoras de escolas e creches públicas da Região Metropolitana do Recife ocorre mais tardiamente quando comparada à literatura nacional e sofre influência de variáveis linguísticas. É importante salientar que há uma diversidade linguística e sócio-cultural no território brasileiro, de forma que os dados observados em algumas regiões não são necessariamente correspondentes em todas as regiões do Brasil. Esse aspecto deve ser considerado em estudos que pretendem fixar parâmetros de avaliação fonológica, sobretudo se houver fins de diagnóstico de desvios fonológicos.PURPOSE: to investigate the acquisition of coronal fricatives by public county schools' children of Recife's metropolitan region. METHODS: 40 children from four schools with ages between 2 and 6 year and eleven month old, whereas 20

  6. El IDRC en Chile

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    prácticas para promover la innovación ... Estudios para Latino américa sentaron las ... Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Chile y Colombia. ... soluciones locales innovadoras y duraderas que apuntan a proporcionar opciones y cambios a aquellos ...

  7. Una arteria norte-sur y el Santiago de Chile „non plus ultra’: la historia de un largo trayecto. / A north-south artery and Santiago de Chile 'non plus ultra


    María Isabel Pavez Reyes


    Este escrito resume la prehistoria e historia del Complejo Vial Norte-Sur, de Santiago de Chile, como parte de las acciones del Estado de Chile, en la época del urbanismo realizado por el sector público. /This paper summarizes the prehistory and history of North-South Road Complex, Santiago de Chile, as part of the actions of the State of Chile, at the time of planning by the public sector.

  8. Sustentabilidade na região metropolitana do Cariri – RMC: análise a partir dos objetivos de desenvolvimento do milênio – ODMs / Sustainability in the Cariri metropolitan region: analysis from the millennium development goals – MDGs

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    Diego Coelho do Nascimento


    Full Text Available A Região Metropolitana do Cariri - RMC criada pela Lei Complementar Nº 78 de 2009, localiza-se ao Sul do estado do Ceará no Nordeste brasileiro e é constituída pelos municípios de Juazeiro do Norte, Crato, Barbalha, Jardim, Missão Velha, Caririaçu, Farias Brito, Nova Olinda e Santana do Cariri. A região atravessa uma acentuada fase de crescimento econômico e demográfico, e, consequentemente, de mudanças sociais e ambientais. O objetivo geral dessa pesquisa foi o de identificar o panorama da Região Metropolitana do Cariri no que diz respeito às dimensões componentes do desenvolvimento sustentável a partir da análise dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio na esfera municipal. A pesquisa possui foco quali-quantitativo, constituindo-se em um Estudo de Caso realizado por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A coleta de dados se realizou por meio da análise dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio no âmbito dos municípios da RMC. Por meio da análise dos resultados, notou-se que a prosperidade econômica nessa região (sobretudo, no CRAJUBAR contrasta com a vulnerabilidade social e ambiental, produzindo um ambiente insustentável a médio e longo prazo.

  9. Business Cooperation and Regional Productive Development in ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Business Cooperation and Regional Productive Development in Chile, El ... program dedicated to strengthening independent policy research institutions, ... Call for proposals: Innovations for the economic inclusion of marginalized youth.





    El tema de estudio, aborda la Participación Ciudadana en Chile y su relevancia en experiencias habitacionales y urbanas, contextualizando y comparando la forma en que se manifiesta este fenómeno y su implicancia en la política habitacional. Resulta ineludible situar ciudadanía y participación, como conceptos sociohistóricos que han irrumpido en la vida colectiva y valoración de la conciencia cívica, como el derecho equitativo a la ciudad. Esta tendencia se refleja en las PP en ...

  11. Biogeografía marina de Chile continental Marine biogeography of continental Chile

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    literature review on the marine biogeography of Chile and related subjects, with the following objectives: (a to summarize the oceanographic, climatic and geomorphologic characteristics of the Chilean continental coast; (b to discuss 27 biogeographic classifications published for the Chilean coast, analyzing both the procedures and criteria used by their authors, along with their main conclusions and agreements; (c to assess the vicariant and dispersal processes associated with the displacement and modification of the regional biotas, regarding the available antecedentes on the prevailing conditions and main events during the Tertiary and Quaternary periods; and (d to propose a scenario of biogeographic change based on historical determinants and their influence on the formation, character, and dynamics of biotas along the Chilean coast, emphasizing the identification and biogeographic nature of the main spatial units. From the preceding information, I propose a hypothesis of biogeographic classification for the level of biotas, not necessarily coincident with prior studies at lower levels such as flora or fauna. This classification identifies three major spatial units: a southern area which comprises an austral biota (Magellan Province, a northern area which comprises a warm-temperate biota (Peruvian Province, and a non transitional, Intermediate Area including mixed components of biota and exhibiting a poor biogeographic definition of both its character and hierarchical rank. I also discuss the different nature of two transitional zones located at the boundaries of the Intermediate Area, a southward induced transition and a northward contact transition, likely produced by the migration of biotas and glacial-tectonic events, respectively

  12. [Mental health in Chile and Finland: Challenges and lessons]. (United States)

    Retamal C, Pedro; Markkula, Niina; Peña, Sebastián


    This article analyses and compares the epidemiology of mental disorders and relevant public policies in Chile and Finland. In Chile, a specific mental health law is still lacking. While both countries highlight the role of primary care, Finland places more emphasis on participation and recovery of service users. Comprehensive mental health policies from Finland, such as a successful suicide prevention program, are presented. Both countries have similar prevalence of mental disorders, high alcohol consumption and high suicide rates. In Chile, the percentage of total disease burden due to psychiatric disorders is 13% and in Finland 14%. However, the resources to address these issues are very different. Finland spends 4.5% of its health budget on mental health, while in Chile the percentage is 2.2%. This results in differences in human resources and service provision. Finland has five times more psychiatric outpatient visits, four times more psychiatrists, triple antidepressant use and twice more clinical guidelines for different psychiatric conditions. In conclusion, both countries have similar challenges but differing realities. This may help to identify gaps and potential solutions for public health challenges in Chile. Finland’s experience demonstrates the importance of political will and long-term vision in the construction of mental health policies.

  13. Comparison of six green chile (capsicum annum) cultivars for efficiency of Etgar® machine harvest (United States)

    As U.S. demand for fresh market green chile rises green chile acreage in the U.S. is declining due to limited availability and high cost of hand labor to harvest it. Many farmers are opting to grow crops other than green chile. Green chile is a New Mexican pod-type chile that is harvested when the...

  14. El Parque Portal Bicentenario en Santiago de Chile / Portal Bicentennial Park in Santiago de Chile

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    Beach Lobos, Myriam;


    Full Text Available Se presenta los principios que orientaron el diseño del Parque Portal Bicentenario, un parque de 50 hás. que será el eje principal de la nueva urbanización “Ciudad Parque Bicentenario”, actualmente en construcción en los terrenos del ex aeropuerto de Los Cerrillos en Santiago de Chile.The following text was submitted to the Architecture Competition together with the project drawings. It presents the principles that leaded the design. The 123 acres park will be the main axis of a new urban development in Santiago “Ciudad Parque Bicentenario” at present under construction on the area occupied by the former Cerrillos Airport, Santiago de Chile.

  15. Una arteria norte-sur y el Santiago de Chile „non plus ultra’: la historia de un largo trayecto. / A north-south artery and Santiago de Chile 'non plus ultra

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    María Isabel Pavez Reyes


    Full Text Available Este escrito resume la prehistoria e historia del Complejo Vial Norte-Sur, de Santiago de Chile, como parte de las acciones del Estado de Chile, en la época del urbanismo realizado por el sector público. /This paper summarizes the prehistory and history of North-South Road Complex, Santiago de Chile, as part of the actions of the State of Chile, at the time of planning by the public sector.

  16. Operational tsunami modeling with TsunAWI - Examples for Indonesia and Chile (United States)

    Rakowsky, Natalja; Androsov, Alexey; Harig, Sven; Immerz, Antonia; Fuchs, Annika; Behrens, Jörn; Danilov, Sergey; Hiller, Wolfgang; Schröter, Jens


    The numerical simulation code TsunAWI was developed in the framework of the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS). The numerical simulation of prototypical tsunami scenarios plays a decisive role in the a priory risk assessment for coastal regions and in the early warning process itself. TsunAWI is based on a finite element discretization, employs unstructured grids with high resolution along the coast, and includes inundation. This contribution gives an overview of the model itself and presents two applications. For GITEWS, the existing scenario database covering 528 epicenters / 3450 scenarios from Sumatra to Bali was extended by 187 epicenters / 1100 scenarios in the Eastern Sunda Arc. Furthermore, about 1100 scenarios for the Western Sunda Arc were recomputed on the new model domain covering the whole Indonesian Seas. These computations would not have been feasible in the beginning of the project. The unstructured computational grid contains 7 million nodes and resolves all coastal regions with 150m, some project regions and the surrounding of tide gauges with 50m, and the deep ocean with 12km edge length. While in the Western Sunda Arc, the large islands of Sumatra and Java shield the Northern Indonesian Archipelago, tsunamis in the Eastern Sunda Arc can propagate to the North. The unstructured grid approach allows TsunAWI to easily simulate the complex propagation patterns with the self-interactions and the reflections at the coastal regions of myriads of islands. For the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA), we calculated a small scenario database of 100 scenarios (sources by Universidad de Chile) to provide data for a lightweight decision support system prototype (built by DLR). This work is part of the initiation project "Multi hazard information and early warning system in cooperation with Chile" and aims at sharing our experience from GITEWS with the Chilean partners.

  17. Vida Chile 1998-2006: resultados y desafíos de la política de promoción de la salud en Chile The Vida Chile program: results and challenges with health promotion policy in Chile, 1998-2006


    Judith Salinas; Anselmo Cancino; Sergio Pezoa; Fernando Salamanca; Marina Soto


    La prioridad política otorgada por el Gobierno de Chile a la promoción de la salud se expresa en el desarrollo alcanzado por el Consejo Vida Chile y su Plan Nacional de Promoción de la Salud (PNPS). En este artículo se presenta el modelo evaluativo del PNPS chileno y sus principales resultados preliminares en el ámbito técnico y económico en el período 1998-2006. Para medir los resultados de las metas de proceso se utilizaron indicadores de cobertura (número de personas, de espacios promotore...

  18. New record of Scedosporium dehoogii from Chile: Phylogeny and susceptibility profiles to classic and novel putative antifungal agents. (United States)

    Alvarez, Eduardo; Sanhueza, Camila

    Scedosporium species are considered emerging agents causing illness in immunocompromised patients. In Chile, only Scedosporium apiospermum, Scedosporium boydii and Lomentospora prolificans haven been reported previously. The study aimed to characterize genetically Scedosporium dehoogii strains from Chilean soil samples, and assessed the antifungal susceptibility profile to classic and novel putative antifungal molecules. In 2014, several samples were obtained during a survey of soil fungi in urban areas from Chile. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), tubulin (TUB), and calmodulin (CAL) sequences were performed. In addition, the susceptibility profiles to classic antifungal and new putative antifungal molecules were determined. Four strains of Scedosporium dehoogii were isolated from soil samples. The methodology confirmed the species (reported here as a new record for Chile). Antifungal susceptibility testing demonstrates the low activity of terpenes (α-pinene and geraniol) against this species. Voriconazole (VRC), posaconazole (PSC), and the hydroxyquinolines (clioquinol, and 5,7-dibromo-8-hydroxyquinoline) showed the best antifungal activity. Our results demonstrate that Scedosporium dehoogii is present in soil samples from Chile. This study shows also that hydroxyquinolines have potential as putative antifungal molecules. Copyright © 2016 Asociación Española de Micología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. Sarcocystis spp. in red deer (Cervus elaphus, fallow deer (Dama dama, and pudu (Pudu pudu in southern Chile

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    Esteban Reyes Lobão-Tello

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Worldwinde, cervids are considered an important source of infection and dissemination of a wide variety of pathogens, both for farm animals and humans. Among this diseases is sarcosporidiosis, which is a parasitic disease caused by Sarcocystis spp. (Protozoa: Apicomplexa. Most frequent clinical signs are hemolytic anemia, weakness, weight loss and decrease of growth and some species of Sarcocystis might cause abortions. The clinical disease in ruminants is fairly rare but the infection is very frequent. Infections are accumulative and the parasite does not generate immunity in any of the hosts. Ovine sarcosporidiosis is a serious issue in the some regions of Chile due to the macrocysts located in the muscle which means condemnation of the whole carcass. Sarcocystis spp. has been widely reported in red deer and other cervid species but in Chile the situation remains unknown. Nowadays there is little to no evidence of Sarcocystis in foreign deer in Chile and there is only one report of the parasite on pudu. The main goal of this study is to demonstrate the presence of Sarcocystis spp. in myocardium of red deer and fallow deer in Chile, and confirm the presence of Sarcocystis spp. in pudu. All cervid cases from 1994 to 2013 of the Institute of Animal Pathology of the Universidad Austral de Chile were reviewed. The animals selected were those in which a myocardium sample was taken. From the histopathological samples observed, it was found that 5 of the 9 red deer, 1 of the 4 fallow deer and in 11 of the 23 pudu there were Sarcocystis cysts in the myocardium. This study represents the first record for Chile of Sarcocystis spp. in myocardium of red deer and fallow deer. Stablishing the red deer, fallow deer and pudu as hosts of Sarcocystis aids to have a better understanding of the parasite epidemiology in Chile and the role of wild and captive cervids in the maintenance and spread of these parasites.

  20. Analyzing the cost effectiveness of Santiago, Chile's policy of using urban forests to improve air quality (United States)

    Francisco J. Escobedo; John E. Wagner; David J. Nowak; Carmen Luz De la Maza; Manuel Rodriguez; Daniel E. Crane


    Santiago, Chile has the distinction of having among the worst urban air pollution problems in Latin America. As part of an atmospheric pollution reduction plan, the Santiago Regional Metropolitan government defined an environmental policy goal of using urban forests to remove particulate matter less than 10 µm (PM10) in the Gran...

  1. Desigualdades no acesso e utilização dos serviços de saúde na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo Health care services utilization and access inequalities in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region

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    Umberto Catarino Pessoto


    Full Text Available Este artigo relata achados dos estudos de casos realizados em cinco municípios da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP: São Paulo, Guarulhos, Santo André, Osasco e Franco da Rocha. As desigualdades no acesso aos serviços e sua utilização foram descritas a partir de tabulações avançadas da Pesquisa de Condições de Vida-PCV de 1998 do Seade. Analisamos informações a partir das variáveis posse ou não de planos de saúde, quintil de renda e faixa etária. Os atributos estudados foram: utilização dos serviços, tipo de cobertura do plano, procura pelos serviços e tempo médio de espera no atendimento. A comparação com estudos de outras regiões metropolitanas do Brasil, a partir da PNAD 98 do IBGE, permite afirmar que existem disparidades intra-regionais somente detectadas em estudos de menor escala espacial - os municípios. Apesar da RMSP possuir a maior cobertura de planos de saúde no Brasil, nota-se grande heterogeneidade interna. As desigualdades na posse de planos, no acesso, tempo de espera, tipo de cobertura se manifestam claramente na análise segundo quintil de renda e faixa etária. Conforme os resultados, sugerimos o aumento da capacidade de regulação do Estado, permitindo que os princípios da universalidade e eqüidade se estabeleçam no SUS, efetivando o direito à saúde.This paper presents case study findings in five municipalities in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Inequalities in access to health care services and their utilization were described through advanced tabulation data from the 1998 SEADE Life Conditions Survey. The variables analyzed were: owning or not owning private health care insurance, income and age brackets. The health care service attributes studied were: health care services coverage by a health insurance plan, health services demands and average waiting time to receive health care. Compared with other studies, using the 1998 IBGE PNAD, the results allowed us to confirm

  2. Desenvolvimento econômico e social no território brasileiro: a expansão metropolitana e a Macrometrópole Paulista

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    Paulo Romano Reschilian


    Full Text Available O trabalho se propõe a investigar as relações do processo histórico de desenvolvimento no território brasileiro associados às teorias e modelos de desenvolvimento e o surgimento da Macrometrópole Paulista. A expansão metropolitana no território brasileiro representa a “hegemonia global” capitalista que congrega uma rede de grandes empresas, associadas aos modelos de desenvolvimento econômico, criando assim, espaços de riqueza e pobreza dentro do mesmo território como pode-se verificar a partir das análises do Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano nas Regiões Metropolitanas (2014. A partir dos anos de 1970 e do II Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento surgem as políticas de desconcentração industrial e o Plano da Macrometrópole Paulista. Pode-se observar no contexto histórico, que no Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo foi a capital que melhor se afirmou na hegemonia econômica do capitalismo, tratando-se de um arranjo territorial produtivo que tende a reforçar a “modernização para poucos ”.

  3. La cuenca del río Reconquista en la planificación metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Argentina. Ámbito, problemas y propuestas

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    Alejandra Potocko


    Full Text Available Resumen La cuenca del río Reconquista es una de las tres grandes cuencas de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Argentina gravemente afectada por las inundaciones y por la contaminación. En tanto pieza territorial de la ciudad metropolitana, la cuenca Reconquista fue abordada en los documentos de planificación urbana que se elaboraron para la región durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX: el Plan Regulador de Buenos Aires, el Esquema Director Año 2000, el Estudio del Sistema Metropolitano Bonaerense y el Proyecto 90. Independientemente de que se hayan concretado o no, esas instancias de planificación ilustran las formas de pensar y operar en la cuenca, como un ámbito dentro de la ciudad, como un problema de alcance metropolitano y como una propuesta de transformación territorial, en tres momentos: el de las inundaciones y la hidráulica, el del medio ambiente y la calidad de vida, y el de la ecología y el paisaje, donde cambian las relaciones que se establecen entre la urbanización, el urbanismo y las cuencas hídricas.

  4. [Undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the biological sciences in Chile (1985)]. (United States)

    Niemeyer, H


    A study group of scientists was convened by the Sociedad de Biología de Chile (Biological Society of Chile) and the Regional Program for Graduate Training in Biological Sciences, PNUD-Unesco, RLA 78/024, to assess undergraduate and graduate studies in life sciences in Chile. The group presented this report at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society. Discussion centered on the features that should characterize the studies leading to the academic degrees of Licenciado (Licenciate), Magíster (Master) and Doctor (Ph. D) in Sciences, and also on the qualifications that the universities should satisfy in order to grant them. After analyzing the present situation of undergraduate and graduate studies in Biological Sciences in Chilean universities, the group made the following main suggestions: 1. It is recommended that Chilean universities agree on a 4-year plan for the Licenciado degree, without the requirement of a thesis. The importance of providing the students with good laboratory exercises and field experience and with the opportunity to perform short research projects is stressed. In addition, a sound theoretical training on mathematics, physics and chemistry in the education of a modern Biologist is important. Licenciate studies ought to be the basis for professional careers and the universities should offer to the Licenciados free access to their professional schools. 2. It is considered appropriate for Chile and its universities to develop graduate programs in those disciplines that have reached a level of excellence. To accomplish this aim, adequate finance of the universities is necessary to permit them to provide the essential facilities for doing research, and to create a wide system of fellowships for graduate students. Direct government support for research and graduate student fellowships is requested. 3. Research experience of the kind needed for the preparation of a doctoral thesis is recommended as the academic level appropriate for those engaged in

  5. Applications of NASA Earth Observation Imagery in Google Earth Engine to Estimate Glacier Trends and Water Availability in Chile's Aconcagua Watershed (United States)

    Webb, M. J.; Babis, B.; Deland, S.; McGurk, G.


    The Aconcagua basin of Central Chile, just north of the capital city of Santiago, is characterized by the glaciated Andes to the east, which supply meltwater runoff to the lower fertile river valleys. Known for the production of fruit and vegetable crops, the region is experiencing stressed hydrologic resources as a result of anomalous climate conditions and anthropogenic water consumption. Traditionally, the wet and cool winter months account for 80 percent of Aconcagua's total annual precipitation, while dry and warm conditions prevail during the summer months. Consequently, the basin depends on seasonal glacial accumulation to provide water storage for the dry season when up to 67 percent of water is derived from glacial runoff. Overall, 70 percent of regional water is consumed by agricultural practices, specifically the fruit and vegetable farming that thrives in Aconcagua's Mediterranean-type climate. Globally, weather intensification and the rising zero-degree isotherm are poised to threaten the stability and longevity of glacial water resources. In recent years, Chile has experienced periods of prolonged drought as well as glacier shrinkage. The Aconcagua basin is especially vulnerable to these changes as a consequence of its agricultural economies and reliance on sub-tropical glaciers for water resources. Aconcagua is among the top three regions contributing to Chile's gross domestic product (GDP). Furthermore, in 2011 the Chilean government announced plans to increase the national land under irrigation by 57 percent by 2022. In partnership with the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, the objective of this research was to integrate NASA Earth observations in conjunction with in situ river discharge measurements into Google Earth Engine to enhance regional understanding of current and future climate conditions in Chile. The remotely-sensed datasets included Landsat TM/OLI derived glacial extent, Terra MODIS snow cover and surface temperature, and Aqua AMSR

  6. Testing the Latino paradox in Latin America: A population-based study of Intra-regional immigrants in Chile


    Cabieses,Baltica; Tunstall,Helena; Pickett,Kate


    Background: Several studies in high-income countries report better health status of immigrants compared to the local population ("healthy migrant" effect), regardless of their socioeconomic deprivation. This is known as the Latino paradox. Aim: To test the Latino paradox within Latin America by assessing the health of international immigrants to Chile, most of them from Latin American countries, and comparing them to the Chilean-born. Material and Methods: Secondary data analysis of the popul...

  7. Obchodní a kulturní zvláštnosti Chile


    Štieglerová, Renata


    The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse business and cultural particularities of Chile. The thesis is divided into three chapters. First chapter talks about general characteristics of Chile, which include economical, political and administrative facts, history of Chile and geographical conditions. Second chapter outlines cultural aspects such as structure of population, language and Chilean cuisine. Last chapter deals with business particularities of Chilean businessmen. A part of this ...

  8. Entre público y privado. El espacio colectivo en la vivienda moderna chilena: arquitectura y legislación

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    Umberto Bonomo Shakti Feuerhake


    Full Text Available Este artículo explora el surgimiento y la consolidación del espacio colectivo de uso común de los conjuntos de vivienda moderna en Chile. Se cruza el análisis morfológico a escala urbana de algunos conjuntos construidos en Santiago entre 1906 y 1959 con la mirada referida al ámbito legislativo habitacional, para dibujar la estrecha relación que existe entre ellos. El artículo concluye mostrando cómo las experiencias radicales de los años cincuenta y sesenta de Chile son el resultado de un profundo y complejo proceso de modernización del Estado y sus instituciones, de los avances disciplinares y de una nueva cultura metropolitana.

  9. Produção científica e tecnológica das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras The scientific and technological production of Brazilian metropolitan

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    Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Este artigo faz uma avaliação da produção científica e tecnológica das regiões metropolitanas no Brasil a partir de estatísticas de patentes (depositadas no INPI e de artigos científicos (indexados pelo ISI. O trabalho está dividido em cinco seções. A seção 1 resenha brevemente a literatura sobre interação entre ciência e tecnologia, desde o ponto de vista da abordagem dos sistemas nacionais de inovação. A seção 2 apresenta as bases de dados e um quadro geral da produção científica e tecnológica do Brasil. A seção 3 focaliza as regiões metropolitanas do Brasil, avaliando a distribuição das atividades científicas e tecnológicas entre elas e comparando-a com outros países. A seção 4 avalia as diferentes especializações científicas e tecnológicas das regiões metropolitanas avaliadas. A seção 5 conclui o trabalho.This paper evaluates the scientific and technological production of Metropolitan Areas in Brazil. The data are from the Brazilian Patent Office (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial - INPI and from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI. The first section surveys the literature on interactions between universities and firms. The second section presents the data bases and a general picture of the Brazilian scientific and technological production. The third section focuses the Metropolitan Areas. The fourth section evaluates the different scientific and technological specializations of these Areas. The fifth section concludes the paper, discussion connections and disconnections in the Brazilian National System of Innovation.

  10. Soroepidemiologia da leptospirose canina na região metropolitana de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte

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    Annielle Regina da Fonseca Fernandes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar a frequência de cães soropositivos para anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. no município de Natal e região metropolitana, estado do Rio Grande do Norte, e identificar fatores de risco associados à infecção. Foram examinadas 365 amostras de soro sanguíneo de cães atendidos na rotina de diversas clínicas veterinárias durante o período de março a novembro de 2011. O diagnóstico sorológico da leptospirose foi realizado pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM, utilizando-se 24 sorovares de Leptospira spp. como antígenos. Dos 365 cães, 25 foram soropositivos para pelo menos um dos sorovares de Leptospira spp., com frequência de 6,8%. Os sorovares com reações sorológicas mais frequentes foram Shermani (40%, Sentot (36% e Copenhageni (20%. O perfil epidemiológico da leptospirose canina na região metropolitana de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte, indica que a infecção ocorre com frequência baixa em comparação com outras regiões, provavelmente devido ao grande percentual de animais vacinados, bem como, sugere-se distribuição homogênea de animais soropositivos na região. Por outro lado, a presença de roedores pode ser um importante fator de risco, uma vez que sorovares mantidos por estes animais foram identificados entre os mais frequentes.

  11. Efectividad del programa “Yatichiri” en el discipulado de los líderes de grupos pequeños de la zona metropolitana de la Misión del Lago Titicaca, Puno, Perú, 2016.


    Tula Llanos, Javier Cesar


    Problema: ¿Cuál es la efectividad del programa “Yatichiri” en el discipulado de los líderes de grupos pequeños de la zona metropolitana de la Misión del Lago Titicaca, Puno, Perú, 2016? Propósito: Determinar la efectividad del programa “Yatichiri” en el discipulado de los líderes de grupos pequeños de la zona metropolitana de la Misión del Lago Titicaca, Puno, Perú, 2016. Metodología: El presente estudio es de tipo experimental; explicativa y el diseño de la investigación fue pre experimental...

  12. Vida Chile 1998-2006: resultados y desafíos de la política de promoción de la salud en Chile The Vida Chile program: results and challenges with health promotion policy in Chile, 1998-2006

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    Judith Salinas


    Full Text Available La prioridad política otorgada por el Gobierno de Chile a la promoción de la salud se expresa en el desarrollo alcanzado por el Consejo Vida Chile y su Plan Nacional de Promoción de la Salud (PNPS. En este artículo se presenta el modelo evaluativo del PNPS chileno y sus principales resultados preliminares en el ámbito técnico y económico en el período 1998-2006. Para medir los resultados de las metas de proceso se utilizaron indicadores de cobertura (número de personas, de espacios promotores de la salud y de actividades y del grado de cumplimiento de las estrategias. El número de actividades durante el período aumentó significativamente; 98% de los municipios del país cuentan con un plan comunal de promoción y un comité Vida Chile, que surge como instancia de trabajo intersectorial y ejecutora del Plan Comunal de Promoción; se incrementó el número de organizaciones sociales incorporadas a las estrategias de promoción de la salud; 34% de los establecimientos de educación del país (preescolar, básica y media resultaron acreditadas como entidades promotoras de la salud; y aproximadamente 20% de la población total del país de todos los grupos de edad recibió beneficios directos de los planes comunales de promoción en 2006, entre otros logros. El costo total anual per capita de los planes comunales ascendió a $US 6,60. Los principales factores facilitadores identificados fueron contar con la participación de las organizaciones sociales y redes comunitarias y disponer de un presupuesto adecuado para el plan comunal. Los factores obstaculizadores más frecuentes fueron la falta de tiempo o de recursos humanos para la promoción, la dispersión geográfica de la población y los problemas de accesibilidad a las actividades. Se hacen recomendaciones para la aplicación y el mejoramiento de los programas de promoción de la salud en la comunidad.The Government of Chile has placed a high priority on health promotion. This is

  13. 19 CFR 10.454 - Regional value content. (United States)


    ... TREASURY ARTICLES CONDITIONALLY FREE, SUBJECT TO A REDUCED RATE, ETC. United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Rules of Origin § 10.454 Regional value content. Where General Note 26, subdivision (n), HTSUS... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Regional value content. 10.454 Section 10.454...

  14. Gangues juvenis, grupos armados e estruturação de atividades criminosas na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte

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    Luís Felipe Zilli


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a atuação de gangues juvenis e grupos armados em favelas da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (RMBH. O estudo foi realizado entre 2009 e 2011, a partir de três fontes de informação: (1 entrevistas em profundidade com 40 jovens em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa de internação por envolvimento em crimes como homicídios e tráfico de drogas; (2 registros oficiais sobre criminalidade violenta nas cidades da RMBH; (3 bases de dados de inteligência policial e de investigações conduzidas pela Polícia Civil de Minas Gerais sobre a atuação de grupos armados na RMBH. The article Youth Gangs, Armed Groups and the Structure of Criminal Activity in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte presents the main results of an empirical research on the role of youth gangs and armed groups in the slums of the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. This study was conducted between 2009 and 2011, from three sources: (1 in-depth inter­views with 40 teenagers under sentence of detention for involvement in crimes like murder and drug traffick­ing; (2 official record of violent crime in the cities of the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, (3 databases of police intelligence and investigations conducted by the Civil Police of Minas Gerais on the activities of armed groups in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte.Keywords: gangs and armed groups, youth violence, crime, favelas, Belo Horizonte

  15. The Mass Media and Political Socialization: Chile, 1970-2000 (United States)

    Walter, Amy R.


    This project seeks to determine the effect of the mass media on political attitudes and behaviors in Chile between the years 1970 and 2000. The relationship between the media and "political socialization" is just now gaining recognition in scholarly research, and Chile offers an excellent case study. This paper traces these two variables…

  16. Integración económica de los inmigrantes mexicanos en la Zona Metropolitana de Los Ángeles


    Alarcón, Rafael; Ramírez-García, Telésforo


    La migración de mexicanos a Estados Unidos tiene una historia centenaria. Sin embargo, en la actualidad hay mucha preocupación sobre su integración en la sociedad estadounidense por su gran volumen y alto porcentaje de personas indocumentadas. Con el uso de datos de la American Community Survey de 2007, este artículo analiza la integración económica de los inmigrantes mexicanos en la zona metropolitana de Los Ángeles, mediante un análisis comparativo de indicadores tales como: nivel de escola...

  17. Autoeficacia y procrastinación académica en estudiantes de una universidad nacional de Lima Metropolitana, 2017


    Chigne Moscoso, Carlos Omar


    La presente investigación surgió ante el planteamiento de la problemática general: ¿Cómo se relaciona la autoeficacia con la procrastinación académica en estudiantes de la escuela de radio imagen de una Universidad Nacional de Lima Metropolitana? El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer la relación entre la autoeficacia y la procrastinación académica en dichos estudiantes. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, no experimental y correlacional. La muestra fue no probabi...

  18. La Deserción Escolar Universitaria en México. La Experiencia de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


    Javier Rodríguez Lagunas; Juan Manuel Hernández Vázquez


    El presente documento muestra en forma sintética los hallazgos de la investigación que las divisiones académicas de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería (CBI), Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud (CBS) y Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CSH) de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Campus Iztapalapa, requirieron para responder a la problemática de la deserción escolar que en particular en la UAM-I adquiere matices preocupantes. La investigación trata de responder a la pregunta de cuá...

  19. Sustentabilidade e condições de vida em áreas urbanas: medidas e determinantes em duas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras

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    Tánia Moreira Braga


    Full Text Available Este artigo é parte de um esforço acadêmico recente de criação de ferramentas de mensuração do fenômeno sustentabilidade. Apresenta sistema de índices de sustentabilidade urbana, aplicando-o a 57 municípios das Regiões Metropolitanas de São Paulo e Belo Horizonte, Brasil. O sistema de índices foi criado considerando, principalmente, três fatores: a incorporação das dimensões econômica, ecológica, político-social, espacial (ou territorial e de planejamento; b adoção da escala urbana/metropolitana; e c incorporação de indicadores institucionais capazes de avaliar a capacidade do sistema político e da sociedade em oferecer respostas aos desafios presentes e futuros da sustentabilidade. Os resultados obtidos mostram a existência de dois padrões claros nas duas regiões. O primeiro, de desequilíbrio entre qualidade ambiental e desenvolvimento humano, verificado no município central e nos municípios fortemente industrializados de ambas as regiões. O segundo, mais sustentável, de equilíbrio entre qualidade ambiental e desenvolvimento humano, verificado em municípios com diferentes perfis em ambas as regiõesThis paper develops an Urban Sustainability Index System as part of a broader effort to provide better quality data and statistical analysis for local environmental decision-making. We show that urban sustainability can be measured in a comprehensive and synthetic way. In providing fair comparison across cities while keeping sensibility to local context, this index system can be used by policy-makers as a powerful tool to identify critical trends and policy gaps. This Urban Sustainability Index System has been applied to 57 cities in the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The results indicate two different paths in relation to sustainability. The first is characterized by a gap between environmental quality and human development, leading away from sustainability. It is followed by the core

  20. [Public health infrastructure investment difficulties in Chile: concessions and public tenders]. (United States)

    Goyenechea, Matías


    This paper seeks to highlight the problems of gaps in health infrastructure in Chile, and to analyze the mechanisms by which it is provided. In Chile this is done in two ways: the first is through competitive bidding or sector-wide modality. The second way is through hospital concessions. Both mechanisms have had difficulties in recent years, which are reported. Finally, we propose ways to improve the provision of health infrastructure in Chile.

  1. Taxonomic and geographic novelties in the genus Plantago (Plantaginaceae) in Chile, including the description of a new species

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hassemer, Gustavo; Shipunov, Alexey; Rønsted, Nina


    We present taxonomic and geographic novelties in the genus Plantago from Chile. More specifically, we describe P. nebularis, a new species endemic to Cerro Moreno, Antofagasta region, and propose P. zoellneriana, a new name for P. sericea subsp. araucana. We also lectotypify the name P. sericea, ...


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    Marcos Ronielly Silva Santos


    Full Text Available A identificação dos montantes de chuva para uma região corrobora para a gestão eficiente das politicas públicas e o desenvolvimento social, econômico e ambiental dos centros urbanos.  A mesorregião metropolitana de Belém detém a maior concentração populacional e urbana da Amazônia Oriental, apresentando elevados índices pluviômetros durante todo o ano. Neste contexto o presente trabalho visa identificar a distribuição temporal e espacial da precipitação na mesorregião metropolitana de Belém e associa-la aos principais sistemas precipitantes que atuam na região. Para isto se utilizou o sensoriamento remoto por meio da técnica do CPC MORPHing technique (CMORPH com resolução temporal de 30 min e espacial de 8/8 km. A partir da técnica empregada foram gerados mapas da distribuição têmporo-espacial da chuva com as médias mensais para os dozes meses do ano, decorrentes dos acumulados do período de Jan/2000 a Dez/2010. Os resultados mostram que há uma grande variação temporal e espacial da chuva na mesorregião evidenciando de modo satisfatório a sazonalidade regional da precipitação, com altos índices durante o período chuvoso e baixos índices no período menos chuvoso. Trabalhos que visem à interdisciplinaridade podem contribuir de forma eficaz para estruturação das ciências ambientais e para a tomada de decisões.

  3. Mudanças na composição e adequação nutricional da dieta familiar nas áreas metropolitanas do Brasil (1988-1996 Secular changes in dietary patterns in the metropolitan areas of Brazil (1988-1996

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    Carlos Augusto Monteiro


    no consumo de ácidos graxos saturados em todas as áreas metropolitanas do País, ao lado da redução do consumo de carboidratos completos, da estagnação ou da redução do consumo de leguminosas, verduras, legumes e frutas e do aumento no consumo já excessivo de açúcar são os traços marcantes e negativos da evolução do padrão alimentar entre 1988 e 1996. Mudanças que podem indicar a adesão da população a dietas mais saudáveis -- declínio no consumo de ovos e recuo discreto da elevada proporção de calorias lipídicas -- foram registradas apenas no Centro-Sul do País.OBJECTIVE: A new family budget survey carried out in the mid-nineties in Brazil allows an update of the secular trends (1962-1988 of dietary patterns of Brazilian population living in metropolitan areas. METHODS: Data sources are IBGE Institute of Statistics family budget surveys carried out from March 1987 to February 1988 (13,611 households and from October 1995 to September 1996 (16,014 households in all metropolitan areas of Brazil. The daily food availability per capita for each household was calculated dividing the total food acquired in a month by the number of individuals living in a household and the month's number of days. Dietary patterns were characterized according to the amount of selected food groups and nutrients relative to the diet caloric input. Comparisons between the two surveys included the metropolitan area population as a whole and subgroups from less (North and Northeast and more developed (Mid-west, Southeast and South regions. RESULTS: It was observed an increase in consumption of meat and dairy products (except for butter and a reduction in eggs consumption in both less and more developed regions. Beans, roots and tubers consumption showed a steady decline in the whole country while cereals consumption remained the same (higher in developed regions or had a slight increase (in less developed regions. The proportional consumption of vegetal oils and

  4. Transformaciones socio-territoriales del Área Metropolitana de Montevideo

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    Alicia Artigas


    Full Text Available Asumiendo como contexto el avance de los procesos de globalización, reestructuración económica y reforma del Estado, el presente artículo desarrolla una breve caracterización y análisis de las principales transformaciones socio-territoriales del Área Metropolitana de Montevideo. Éstas se relacionan con el comportamiento de la población; los cambios en la estructura y morfología del territorio; las modificaciones en la base económica; el avance en los procesos de segregación social; y las modalidades de gestión institucional. A su vez, se generan algunas reflexiones en torno a estas variables relevantes que permiten identificar ciertas singularidades del proceso metropolitano de MontevideoIn the context of globalization processes, economic restructuring and state reform, the article describes and analyses the main social and territorial transformations that have been taking place in Montevideo Metropolitan Area. This transformations mainly refer to population dynamics, changes in the structure and morphology of the territory and changes in the economic base, as well as the advance in social segregation processes and new arrangements for institutional management. Finally, some reflections around these issues are proposed, leading to the identification of singularities in the Montevideo metropolitan process

  5. [Ecology and health in Chile: present and future development]. (United States)

    Oyarzún, M


    In response to the progressive environmental deterioration, the Ecological Society of America has made a proposal, called "Sustainable Biosphere Initiative", to do research, teaching and decision making processes on biodiversity, global change and the effects of human activities on environment. The goal of appropriate environmental protection and welfare for mankind includes health and quality of life. Presently, Chile faces a number of environmental problems such as pollution, excessive urban growth, loss of agricultural areas, disposal of solid waste and species extinction. The lack of education and information in Chile, on these problems, is worrisome. The role of universities to overcome this deficit should be crucial in the future sustainable development of Chile.

  6. International Large-Scale Assessment Studies and Educational Policy-Making in Chile: Contexts and Dimensions of Influence (United States)

    Cox, Cristián; Meckes, Lorena


    Since the 1990s, Chile has participated in all major international large-scale assessment studies (ILSAs) of the IEA and OECD, as well as the regional ones conducted by UNESCO in Latin America, after it had been involved in the very first international Science Study in 1970-1971. This article examines the various ways in which these studies have…

  7. Transboundary protected area proposals along the Southern Andes of Chile and Argentina: Status of current efforts (United States)

    Peter Keller


    An evolving network of protected areas along the southern Andes of Chile and Argentina-the heart of Patagonia-are in various stages of evaluation and potential Transboundary Protected Area designations. This paper examines three such efforts. The first proposal is the North Andean-Patagonia Regional Eco-Corridor, which was the subject of a recent bilateral meeting...

  8. Repeated mass strandings of Miocene marine mammals from Atacama Region of Chile point to sudden death at sea. (United States)

    Pyenson, Nicholas D; Gutstein, Carolina S; Parham, James F; Le Roux, Jacobus P; Chavarría, Catalina Carreño; Little, Holly; Metallo, Adam; Rossi, Vincent; Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M; Velez-Juarbe, Jorge; Santelli, Cara M; Rogers, David Rubilar; Cozzuol, Mario A; Suárez, Mario E


    Marine mammal mass strandings have occurred for millions of years, but their origins defy singular explanations. Beyond human causes, mass strandings have been attributed to herding behaviour, large-scale oceanographic fronts and harmful algal blooms (HABs). Because algal toxins cause organ failure in marine mammals, HABs are the most common mass stranding agent with broad geographical and widespread taxonomic impact. Toxin-mediated mortalities in marine food webs have the potential to occur over geological timescales, but direct evidence for their antiquity has been lacking. Here, we describe an unusually dense accumulation of fossil marine vertebrates from Cerro Ballena, a Late Miocene locality in Atacama Region of Chile, preserving over 40 skeletons of rorqual whales, sperm whales, seals, aquatic sloths, walrus-whales and predatory bony fish. Marine mammal skeletons are distributed in four discrete horizons at the site, representing a recurring accumulation mechanism. Taphonomic analysis points to strong spatial focusing with a rapid death mechanism at sea, before being buried on a barrier-protected supratidal flat. In modern settings, HABs are the only known natural cause for such repeated, multispecies accumulations. This proposed agent suggests that upwelling zones elsewhere in the world should preserve fossil marine vertebrate accumulations in similar modes and densities.

  9. Repeated mass strandings of Miocene marine mammals from Atacama Region of Chile point to sudden death at sea (United States)

    Pyenson, Nicholas D.; Gutstein, Carolina S.; Parham, James F.; Le Roux, Jacobus P.; Chavarría, Catalina Carreño; Little, Holly; Metallo, Adam; Rossi, Vincent; Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M.; Velez-Juarbe, Jorge; Santelli, Cara M.; Rogers, David Rubilar; Cozzuol, Mario A.; Suárez, Mario E.


    Marine mammal mass strandings have occurred for millions of years, but their origins defy singular explanations. Beyond human causes, mass strandings have been attributed to herding behaviour, large-scale oceanographic fronts and harmful algal blooms (HABs). Because algal toxins cause organ failure in marine mammals, HABs are the most common mass stranding agent with broad geographical and widespread taxonomic impact. Toxin-mediated mortalities in marine food webs have the potential to occur over geological timescales, but direct evidence for their antiquity has been lacking. Here, we describe an unusually dense accumulation of fossil marine vertebrates from Cerro Ballena, a Late Miocene locality in Atacama Region of Chile, preserving over 40 skeletons of rorqual whales, sperm whales, seals, aquatic sloths, walrus-whales and predatory bony fish. Marine mammal skeletons are distributed in four discrete horizons at the site, representing a recurring accumulation mechanism. Taphonomic analysis points to strong spatial focusing with a rapid death mechanism at sea, before being buried on a barrier-protected supratidal flat. In modern settings, HABs are the only known natural cause for such repeated, multispecies accumulations. This proposed agent suggests that upwelling zones elsewhere in the world should preserve fossil marine vertebrate accumulations in similar modes and densities. PMID:24573855

  10. Scenarios for wind power in Brazil, Argentina and Chile; Cenarios para a energia eolio eletrica no Brasil, Argentina e Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dedecca, Joao Gorestein; Nogueira, Larissa Goncalves; Jannuzzi, Gilberto de Martino [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil). Fac. de Engenharia Mecanica. Dept. de Energia], emails:,,; Gomes, Rodolfo Dourado [International Energy Initiative-Latin America (IEI-LA), Campinas, SP (Brazil)], email:


    The Chilean, Argentinean and Brazilian power matrixes presented in the last two decades a growth of the non-renewable energy sources share, especially fossil sources, mainly in installed capacity and in a lesser degree in energy production. Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council have elaborated a reference energy scenario together with a scenario analyzing the institution of ample measures for the promotion of renewable energy sources. Feed-in tariffs and auction or bidding mechanisms implemented in Brazil and Argentina and the renewable portfolio standard implemented in Chile allied with the wind industry state in these countries indicate that Chile and Argentina will fulfill the 2020 wind power installed capacity predicted in the reference scenarios, while Brazil will reach the energy revolution scenario prediction. Important energy policy changes are required if the Chile and Argentina energy revolution scenarios wind power installed capacity are to become a reality in 2020. (author)

  11. Terrigenous sediment supply along the Chilean continental margin: modern regional patterns of texture and composition (United States)

    Lamy, F.; Hebbeln, D.; Wefer, G.

    The regional patterns of texture and composition of modern continental slope and pelagic sediments off Chile between 25°S and 43°S reflect the latitudinal segmentation of geological, morphological, and climatic features of the continental hinterland. Grain-size characteristics are controlled by the grain-size of source rocks, the weathering regime, and mode of sediment input (eolian off northern Chile vs fluvial further south). Bulk-mineral assemblages reveal a low grade of maturity. Regional variations are governed by the source-rock composition of the different geological terranes and the relative source-rock contribution of the Coastal Range and Andes, as controlled by the continental hydrology. The relative abundance of clay minerals is also predominantly influenced by the source-rock composition and partly by continental smectite neoformation. Latitudinal variations of illite crystallinities along the Chilean continental slope (and west of the Peru-Chile trench) clearly reflect modifications of the weathering regime which correspond to the strong climatic zonation of Chile.

  12. A new genus and species of Lasiopteridi (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae on Haplopappus foliosus (Asteraceae from Chile

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    Valéria Cid Maia

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT A new genus and species of gall midge, Haplopappusmyia gregaria, is described and illustrated (larva, pupa, male, and female. This species induces apical galls on Haplopappus foliosus (Asteraceae, an endemic shrub from central Chile. The specimens were collected at La Ligua Municipality, Petorca Province, Valparaiso region, Chile, during spring of 2011-2014. This area corresponds to one of the fifth Mediterranean Matorral biome, considered among Earth's biodiversity hotspots. The new genus is characterized by presenting lateral margin of antennal scape with a mesal reentrance; four-segmented palpus, one-toothed tarsal claws, R5 straight, reaching C anterior to wing apex; male seventh and eighth tergites lacking sclerotization mesally, beyond proximal margin; presence of trichoid sensilla on the abdominal terga and sterna of both sexes, protrusible ovipositor with elongate fused cerci, and larva with 4 pairs of setose terminal papillae.

  13. Citizenship ‘from Above’? The Case of Chile, 1964-2010

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van der Ree, Gerard


    During the last fifty years, citizenship in Chile has been re-interpreted and reformulated in different ways. By combining top-down and bottom-up approaches towards citizenship, this article argues that the reformulation of citizenship in Chile has been brought about through both state-initiated

  14. Mudanças na composição e adequação nutricional da dieta familiar nas áreas metropolitanas do Brasil (1988-1996

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    Monteiro Carlos Augusto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Atualizar a tendência secular (1962-1988 da composição e da adequação nutricional da dieta familiar praticada nas áreas metropolitanas do Brasil, com base em nova pesquisa sobre orçamentos familiares realizada em meados da década de 90. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se como fontes de dados as pesquisas sobre orçamentos familiares (POF da Fundação IBGE, realizadas entre março de 1987 e fevereiro de 1988 (13.611 domicílios e entre outubro de 1995 e setembro de 1996 (16.014 domicílios, tendo ambas como universo de estudo as áreas metropolitanas do Brasil. Nas duas pesquisas chegou-se à disponibilidade domiciliar diária per capita de alimentos, dividindo-se o total de alimentos adquiridos no mês pelo número de pessoas residentes no domicílio e pelo número de dias do mês. O padrão alimentar foi caracterizado com base na participação relativa de grupos selecionados de alimentos e de nutrientes na disponibilidade calórica total. A comparação entre as duas pesquisas levou em conta o conjunto das áreas metropolitanas do País e estratos dessas áreas correspondentes às regiões menos desenvolvidas (Norte e Nordeste e mais desenvolvidas (Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul. RESULTADOS: Observou-se intensificação do consumo relativo de carnes, de leites e de seus derivados (exceto manteiga em todas as áreas metropolitanas, enquanto o consumo de ovos passou a declinar, sobretudo no Centro-Sul do País. Leguminosas, raízes e tubérculos prosseguiram sua trajetória descendente, mas cereais e derivados tenderam a se estabilizar no Centro-Sul ou mesmo a se elevar ligeiramente no Norte-Nordeste. A participação relativa de açúcar refinado e refrigerantes cresceu em todas as áreas, sendo que a participação de óleos e gorduras vegetais manteve-se constante no Norte-Nordeste e declinou intensamente no Centro-Sul. CONCLUSÕES: A tendência ascendente da participação relativa de lipídios na dieta do Norte e do Nordeste, o aumento

  15. National control and eradication program of bovine tuberculosis in Chile. (United States)

    Max, Vanessa; Paredes, Luis; Rivera, Alejandro; Ternicier, Claudio


    There have been reports of the presence of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in Chile for more than 100 years. Several prevalence studies have revealed that there is a wide spectrum of disease across the country with certain geographic areas where the disease is endemic through to other geographic areas where infection is sporadic and at very low prevalence. In 2009, this information was used to divide Chile into different geographic zones based on prevalence rates. This will enable the correct actions to be undertaken to reduce the prevalence of TB. Thus the northern part of Chile which has a medium to high prevalence of TB will be categorized as a control zone. In contrast, the southern part of Chile which has a high proportion of the bovine population, has a low prevalence of TB and will be classified as an eradication zone (Paredes, 2008). Although there have been several past attempts to create a national control and eradication program in Chile, none has been successful. A national program is proposed, and outlined in this paper. Progress toward program initiation in 2009 has been difficult, mostly because of the global economic crisis, difficulties in the milk and meat industry, and social and political issues. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Diferenciación socioespacial en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México

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    Enrique Pérez Campuzano


    Full Text Available En los estudios urbanos la diferenciación socioespacial es uno de los temas recurrentes, sin embargo, existen pocos estudios en América Latina. En esta investigación se describe la segregación socioespacial en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México (ZMCM y se utilizan variables demográficas y de vivienda del II Conteo General de Población y Vivienda, 2005, para establecer la diferenciación interna. Los resultados indican la existencia de segregación al interior de la ciudad, identificándose una herradura que va del sur al poniente y un sector al norponiente que presenta los mayores niveles de consolidación, un anillo intermedio con una mezcla social y una periferia con los mayores rezagos.

  17. Cárie dentária em pré-escolares de comunidades com e sem fluoretação de agua no Chile = Dental caries in preschoolers from communes with fluoridated and non-fluoridated public water supplies in Chile

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    Yévenes López, Ismael


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência e severidade da doença cárie dentária em crianças pré-escolares de 3 a 5 anos de idade em creches no Chile, localizadas em uma comunidade sem fluoretação da água de abastecimento público e em outra comunidade com agua fluoretada. Metodologia: Delineamento do estudo: observacional, transversal. A amostra foi composta por 200 crianças de 3 a 5 anos, com boa saúde geral, pertencentes a baixos estratos sociais, de quatro creches da Região Metropolitana de Santiago, dois do município de Maipú sem fluoretação da água de abastecimento público e duas do município de Peñalolén com fluoretação desde 1996, com concentração de flúor de 0,6 mg/L. A metodologia da OMS foi utilizada para o registro da percentagem de crianças livres de cárie e o índice cpod foi usado para medir a severidade da doença. Resultados: A porcentagem de crianças livres de cárie foi de 24% em Maipú e 55% em Peñalolén, com índice cpod de 3,38 e 1,84, respectivamente. Estes resultados aumentaram com a idade. Conclusão: A prevalência e severidade da cárie dentária em pré-escolares de 3 a 5 anos em Maipú (agua não fluoretada foram superiores aos observados em Peñalolén (água fluoretada

  18. Altitudinal and interannual variation in seedling survival of tree species in central Chile: implications for sclerophyllous forest restoration


    Becerra, Pablo I; Smith-Ramírez, Cecilia; Armesto, Juan J


    An important issue in ecological restoration of forest ecosystems is to establish where reforestation is more limited by ecological factors and thus where additional treatments (e.g. irrigation, shading) are more needed. Population growth, density and reproduction in plants have frequently been documented to decrease with altitude, although in semiarid regions, initial increases up to middle elevations and then decreasing upward have been reported. In the semiarid region of central Chile, the...

  19. El derecho ambiental en la cualificación del espacio. Añoranza y virtualidad de las áreas metropolitanas

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    Martín Mateo, Ramón


    Full Text Available The main aim of this article is to focus on the metropolitan areas from a double perspective: functional, as a transversal local service supplier related to the environment, and territorial, not only because metropolitan areas become the fabric of territorial structure, but also because the use of most developed tools for territorial management can contribute to avoid the environmental side-effects caused by urban agglomerations. From this point of view, it is suggested that the evolution of existing metropolitan areas should fulfill the European Union commitments related to a sustainable development through the implementation of an enduring urban and territorial management policy.El objeto de este artículo se centra en las áreas metropolitanas desde una doble perspectiva: funcional como prestadoras de servicios locales de carácter supramunicipal relacionados con el medio ambiente, y territorial, no sólo porque los entornos metropolitanos se convierten en el sustrato básico de la ordenación territorial, sino también porque la utilización de los instrumentos de gestión territorial más avanzados pueden ayudar a evitar los efectos ambientales causados por las aglomeraciones urbanas. Con todo ello, se propone que la evolución de las áreas metropolitanas existentes cumplan los compromisos establecidos a nivel comunitario en relación con el desarrollo sostenible mediante una política de ordenación urbana y territorial sostenible.

  20. The Impact of Participation and Social Contacts on International Attitudes of Youth (The Case of Bolivia and Chile). (United States)

    Menanteau-Horta, Dario

    Interviews with high school seniors in Bolivia (n=1,100) and Chile (n=2,460) demonstrated that individuals with international contacts hold more positive attitudes toward others than those individuals without this type of exposure. The study examined the students' opinions about other countries of the Latin American region, opportunities for…

  1. Reestablecimiento de Choromytilus chorus (Molina, 1782 (Bivalvia: Mytilidae en el norte de Chile Reestablishment of Choromytilus chorus (Molina, 1782 (Bivalvia: Mytilidae in northern Chile

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    Miguel Avendaño


    Full Text Available Hasta fines del siglo pasado no existían registros de la presencia de Choromytilus chorus al norte de los 23°S, pese a antecedentes que señalaban su existencia en épocas pasadas. Ciertos cambios relacionados con las masas de agua costeras de esta zona, habrían generado la ausencia o escasez que presentaba el entorno costero actual. Sin embargo, hace una década atrás, su presencia en el norte de Chile, comienza a tener connotación pesquera. En el presente trabajo se confirma su reestablecimiento en las regiones de Antofagasta y Tarapacá, mediante prospecciones realizadas en seis lugares donde se registró su presencia, así como mediante la captación de semilla en colectores suspendidos. Se indica interacción con Aulacomya ater, a la cual ha desplazado a estratos más profundos, mientras que su reestablecimiento, iniciado en las regiones de Atacama y Antofagasta, y que se amplió posteriormente a la región de Tarapacá; permite postular la hipótesis que la dinámica de estos bancos, respondería a una estructura de metapoblación, dado el sistema de corrientes y vientos que predominan en la zona norte, permitiendo la advección larval de poblaciones existentes en la región de Coquimbo.Despite indications of its presence in past ages, until the end of the last century, no records showed Choromytilus chorus north of 23°S. Certain changes related to coastal water masses in the zone could be responsible for the present lack or scarcity of this species in the coastal area. However, a decade ago, this species appeared in northern Chile in the context of fisheries. This study confirms the re-establishment of C. chorus in the Antofagasta and Tarapaca regions through surveys at six sites where the species had been registered and spat collection using suspended collectors. This species has interacted with Aulacomya ater, displacing it towards deeper habitats. The re-establishment of C. chorus began in the Atacama and Antofagasta regions and

  2. Aproximación al estado de salud de los microempresarios del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga

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    Amado A. Guerrero-Rincón


    Full Text Available Introducción: El propósito del estudio es presentar los resultados del módulo de salud de la encuesta de Microempresarios del Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga 2012, buscando una aproximación a la medición del estado de salud y su importancia para las acciones y políticas públicas dirigidas al sector productivo de la ciudad. Metodología: El enfoque metodológico utilizado fue el de Activos, Vulnerabilidad y Estructura de Oportunidades (AVEO y el módulo salud se diseñó con la ayuda de metodologías como la Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF- 36, EuroQol 5D, y RAND validadas por autores como Foot, Roberts y Stansfeld; y Johnson y Pickard. Los participantes fueron 384 microempresarios del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Resultados: La encuesta permitió medir el estado de salud subjetivo del grupo de microempresarios donde el 30% se ubicaron en el estado excelente, el 17% en muy bueno, el 39% en bueno, el 12% en regular, y el 2% en un mal estado de salud. El 25.5% de los microempresarios afirmó que durante el último mes tuvo que disminuir el tiempo que dedicaba a su trabajo a causa de un problema de salud físico o emocional. También, se encontró que el 48% de los encuestados menciona que su actividad laboral ha venido afectando su salud a través del tiempo. Conclusiones: es necesario integrar la variable salud a las políticas públicas y privadas dirigidas al sector productivo, tomando como objetivo la disminución de las limitaciones para la realización de actividades diarias, la prevención de enfermedades ocupacionales y el tratamiento de las enfermedades de larga duración y derivadas del envejecimiento.

  3. Entrevista a Mónica Maldonado. Las condiciones carcelarias en Chile

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    Valeska David


    Full Text Available Abogada, egresada de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Comenzó su carrera judicial en los Tribunales de Santiago en 1970 y a partir del año 2001 se desempeña como Fiscal Judicial de la Corte Suprema de Chile.

  4. Dentists’ training in Chile and some iberoamerican countries. Considerations for education, health and job.

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    Anggelo Carrizo


    Full Text Available In the recent years many research focused on the training of dentists in Chile and other countries of Iberoamerica and its implications have been published. However, there is no analysis of all the evidence at a regional level. The aim of this article is to review the changes in the training of Dentists in Iberoamerica, the educational and/or sanitary policies associated to these changes and the impact that these have had in the future for the dentists in Chile and the region. In general terms it´s been observe a strong increase of the amount of available places for studying Dentistry in several countries of the area, without a clear sanitary or educational planning that justify it. This increment does not show and positive impact in the access to the dental treatment, especially in the poorest populations. Although the levels of dentist´s satisfaction are high, in the recent years have been observed a rise in the unemployment and a salary decrease, which could impact in the professional satisfaction. In Iberoamerica uncontrolled growth is observed in the training of dentists, which has no positive impact on the population´s oral health, but negatively to the workforce.

  5. First record of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae in Chile

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    Héctor A. Vargas


    Full Text Available First record of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas (Lepidoptera, Pieridae in Chile. The presence of Phoebis argante chincha Lamas, 1976 (Lepidoptera, Pieridae is reported for the first time in Chile, from the Azapa valley, Arica.

  6. International Summer School on Astronomy and Space Science in Chile, first experience. (United States)

    Stepanova, M.; Arellano-Baeza, A. A.

    I International Summer School on Astronomy and Space Science took place in the Elqui Valley Chile January 15-29 2005 Eighty 12-17 year old students from Chile Russia Venezuela and Bulgaria obtained a valuable experience to work together with outstanding scientists from Chile and Russia and with Russian cosmonaut Alexander Balandine They also had opportunity to visit the main astronomical observatories and to participate in workshops dedicated to the telescope and satellite design and remote sensing This activity was supported by numerous institutions in Chile including the Ministry of Education the European Southern Observatory Chilean Space Agency Chilean Air Force Latin American Association of Space Geophysics the principal Chilean universities and the First Lady Mrs Luisa Duran

  7. The development of the ideas of classical geopolitics in Chile (19-20 centuries

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    Yulia Alekseevna Shelepova


    Full Text Available The article attempts to answer the question if there is a geopolitical school in Chile. It revews the origins of political thought in Chile as well as first geopoliticians of the new independent republic, such as B. O’Higgins. It analyzes the key events of the two periods in the history of Chile’s foreign policy of the nineteenth century – the period of regional and continental power politics. The Pacific War (1879-1883 of the continental period allowed Chileans to expand their «living space» and approved Chile as a key power in South Pacific. The author studies the formation of various foreign policy concepts in 19-20 centuries, such as the South American version of the «balance of power», whose author was D. Portales; Chilean legalism, whose main supporter was A. Bello; Pacific strategy of R.K. Montalva, subsequently modified by A. Pinochet. An important element that influenced the formation and development of Chilean geopolitics in the twentieth century is the German factor, in particular, German school of geopolitics. The ideas of Social Darwinists, tested and subsequently modified, in accordance with the Chilean specifics, by scientists, militaries and politicians, played an important role in shaping Chile’s foreign policy. It supported, for example, the Chilean interests in Antarctica. The southern continent is a strategical point of the foreign policy and a part of the concept of «tricontinental state», which was promoted in the middle of 20 century.

  8. Gráficos de evolución del precio de vivienda y tasaciones 2004 - 2010. Area Metropolitana de Barcelona


    Arends Morales, Lenimar Nairt


    Explotando la base de datos del Colectivo de Arquitectos Tasadores, se pudo realizar un análisis del mercado de vivienda en Barcelona del 2004 al 2010. A su vez, utilizando las Zonas de Concentración de Inmigrantes (ZCI) 2001 y 2007 elaboradas en el proyecto de investigación “Inmigración y espacio socio-residencial en la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona”, proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España (MEC), se pudo realizar una comparación del comportamiento...

  9. Cuentas por cobrar y su incidencia en la gestión de las MYPES comerciales de Lima Metropolitana, 2014.


    Mondragon Hijar, Felipe Augusto


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la incidencia de los Créditos Financieros en la gestión de las Mypes comerciantes de Lima metropolitana, 2014. La investigación fue de tipo cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal y no correlacional. La información se recabó de 15 MYPES utilizándose un muestreo no probabilístico, de una población de 185 empresas pertenecientes a la Mypes Comerciales de Lima Metropolita, aplicándose un cuestionario de 15 preguntas vía técnica d...

  10. [Who finances medical research in Chile?]. (United States)

    Reyes, H; Kauffmann, R; Goic, A


    To identify those institutions granting medical research in Chile, every issue of Revista Médica de Chile published between 1987 and 1994 was reviewed, under the assumption that a vast majority (over 70%) of papers released by Chilean authors in topics of internal medicine and related subspecialties would have been submitted for publication in this journal. This assumption was based in the solid prestige of Revista Médica de Chile among Chilean physicians and investigators: it is one of the oldest medical journals in the world (founded in 1872) and its inclusion in the most important international indexes (e.g. Index Medicus, Current Contents) qualifies it in the "mainstream literature". Papers classified as "Original Articles", "Clinical Experiences", "Review Articles", "Public Health", "Case Reports", "Clinical Laboratory", "Special Articles" and "Medical Education" were screened for acknowledgment of financial support beyond the resources needed for routine clinical work. Among 1,528 manuscripts published, 344 were "Original Articles" and 61.3% of them acknowledged special financial support. Five hundred and one manuscripts were "Clinical Experiences" and 21.5% of them received special financial support; similar proportions were detected in "Review Articles" and "Public Health" topics. The institution ranked as providing support most often was the "Fondo Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnología" (FONDECYT), a governmental fund that assigns resources to research in all areas of science and technology through a peer-reviewed nationwide annual contest. FONDECYT was identified as provider of financial support to 45.2% of the "Original Articles" and "Clinical Experiences"; Chilean universities were mentioned by 33.6% and other entities (including pharmaceutical companies, other national and foreign organizations) by 23.1%. The University of Chile was the main Chilean university mentioned in the acknowledgments. The proportion of papers receiving special financial support

  11. Application of the 137Cs technique to quantify soil redistribution rates in paleohumults from Central-South Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuller, P.; Sepulveda, A.; Trumper, R.E.; Castillo, A.


    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the applicability of the 137 Cs technique in obtaining spatial distributed information on mean soil redistribution rates in Central-South Chile. For this purpose four fields of Palehumult soil and contrasting land use and management were selected in the Coastal Mountain Range of the 9th Region: Crop fields under subsistence and commercial management and non-permanent prairies under subsistence and commercial management. The spatial distribution of the soil redistribution rates obtained by the 137 Cs method was similar to the one obtained by pedological observations. Also, annual sediment fluxes measured at experimental plots were similar to the erosion rates determined by the 137 Cs method at adjacent points. The 137 Cs technique is seen as an efficient method to obtain long-term soil redistribution rates under the climatic conditions and the soil type selected in Chile. In the future, it is necessary to study the applicability of the method under other climatic conditions and soil types occurring in Chile in which erosion is not so evident, and to adjust the method to optimise costs and benefits. (author) [es

  12. Childcare in Chile. The role of ethnicity and socioeconomic inequalities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cárcamo Leiva, Rodrigo Alejandro


    Chile has embarked on a road that must lead to the reduction of inequality gaps for the population. A public policy called Chile Growths With You has focused on an increase in the breadth of coverage of non-maternal care through childcare centers to provide equal opportunities in early childhood and

  13. [Availability of physicians in Chile at the year 2004]. (United States)

    Román, Oscar; Acuña, Miguel; Señoret, Miriam


    The number of physicians available in a given country, their efficiency, quality and specialization is of utmost epidemiological importance. To evaluate the availability of physicians in Chile. The information about the number of physicians in Chile up to the year 2004, was obtained from the Ministry of Health, national universities and the register of immigrant physicians since 1950. The total number of physicians licensed to practice was 25,542, of whom 2,700 are immigrants. The physician/inhabitant ratio increased from 1/921 in 1998 to 1/612 in 2004. The greater impact in the increment of available physicians was given by the immigration of professionals and by the increase in the number of physicians graduated from national universities, mainly from the new private universities. Forty two percent of physicians work at public services and 61% of these are certified specialists. The regional distribution of general practitioners and basic specialists is adequate. Along the country, the mean physician/beneficiary ratio is 8.45/10,000, the specialist/beneficiary ratio is 4.9/10,000 and the general practitioner/beneficiary ratio is 2.3/10,000. The national information of available physicians, especially in the private sector, should be improved. Immigration of physicians should be regulated, maintaining validation examinations and a National Medical Test to assess medical proficiency should be instituted.

  14. [Medical specialization in Chile. A centralized vision]. (United States)

    Clouet-Huerta, Diego E; González, Bárbara; Correa, Katherine


    Medical graduates face different postgraduate training options, but their priority is to obtain a primary medical specialty, defined as a specialty that does not derive from other. There are different specialty training programs in Chile, which can be dependent or independent of the Ministry of Health. The information about these programs is available in different Internet sites. However a centralized information service that groups and synthetize these programs is lacking, hampering graduate choice decisions. This article aims to review all specialization program modalities, providing a general vision of the institutional structure and implications that govern the specialization process in Chile.

  15. Mortalidad infantil por malformaciones congénitas en Chile: análisis temporal y espacial, 1997-2011

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    José Edgardo Dipierri

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Analizar la distribución espacial y temporal (1997-2011 de la mortalidad infantil por malformaciones congénitas (MC en Chile. MÉTODOS: Los datos de nacimientos y muertes en menores de 1 año de edad codificados con la CIE-10 se obtuvieron del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Para las regiones administrativas y las naturales (Norte Grande, Norte Chico, Central, Austral y Sur, sistemas (nervioso, cardiovascular, digestivo, genitourinario, musculo esquelético, anomalías cromosómicas y 28 malformaciones específicas, se estimaron el porcentaje de muertes por MC (PM-MC y la tasa de mortalidad infantil por MC (TMI-MC en 3 períodos (1997-2001, 2002-2009, 2007-2011. La tendencia secular y la variación del riesgo de muerte se estimaron con un modelo de regresión de Poisson. RESULTADOS: Para todo Chile, la tendencia secular de la TMI-MC y el PM-MC fueron negativa y positiva, respectivamente (P < 0,01. La TMI-MC y el PM-MC exhibieron una heterogeneidad espacial discreta en las regiones administrativas y naturales. La región natural que más se acercó al patrón nacional fue la Central. La tendencia secular de la TMI-MC de los sistemas nervioso y cardíaco y de algunas MC específicas (anencefalia, espina bífida, y comunicaciones interauricular e interventricular fue negativa. El patrón de mortalidad infantil por MC para todo Chile se caracteriza por presentar en el período 1997-2011 un descenso de la TMI-MC y un aumento del PM-MC. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados indican que Chile se encuentra en un estadio avanzado de la transición epidemiológica de las causas de mortalidad infantil. Sin embargo, se observan disparidades interregionales de estos indicadores, más notorias en el sur del país.

  16. Procrastinación general y académica en una muestra de estudiantes de secundaria de Lima metropolitana


    Álvarez-Blas, Óscar Ricardo; Universidad de Lima (Perú)


    Se estudió la presencia de la procrastinación general y académica en un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria (N = 235) de ambos géneros pertenecientes a colegios no estatales de Lima metropolitana, para lo cual se utilizó la Escala de Procrastinación General y Académica (Busko, 1998). Sobre la base del análisis de los resultados se encontró que la procrastinación académica era mayor que la general, y no existían diferencias significativas según rol genérico y el grado de estudios. Se adjunta el...

  17. O reúso da água e sua possibilidade na região metropolitana de São Paulo


    Pedro Caetano Sanches Mancuso


    Inicialmente este trabalho conceitua reuso de água, apresentando os critérios e padrões de qualidade de água, para suas várias modalidades. Em seguida estuda a oferta e a demanda de água na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, bem como apresenta uma retrospectiva das principais crises no abastecimento da região, em termos de quantidade e qualidade de água. Finalmente, depois de resumir os principais casos de reuso de água em outros países e em São Paulo, o trabalho sugere uma estratégia para o ...

  18. A review of the Hexactinellida (Porifera) of Chile, with the first record of Caulophacus Schulze, 1885 (Lyssacinosida: Rossellidae) from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean. (United States)

    Reiswig, Henry M; Araya, Juan Francisco


    All records of the 15 hexactinellid sponge species known to occur off Chile are reviewed, including the first record in the Southeastern Pacific of the genus Caulophacus Schulze, 1885, with the new species Caulophacus chilense sp. n. collected as bycatch in the deep water fisheries of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898 off Caldera (27ºS), Region of Atacama, northern Chile. All Chilean hexactinellid species occur in bathyal to abyssal depths (from 256 up to 4142 m); nine of them are reported for the Sala y Gomez and Nazca Ridges, with one species each in the Juan Fernandez Archipelago and Easter Island. The Chilean hexactinellid fauna is still largely unknown, consisting of only 2.5 % of the known hexactinellid extant species. Further studies and deep water sampling are essential to assess their ecology and distribution, particularly in northern Chile.

  19. Soroepidemiologia da leptospirose canina na região metropolitana de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte


    Annielle Regina da Fonseca Fernandes; Ademilde Gomes Fernandes; Vinicius José Apropriano Araújo; Severino Silvano dos Santos Higino; Maria Luana Cristiny Rodrigues Silva; Clebert José Alves; Sérgio Santos de Azevedo


    Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar a frequência de cães soropositivos para anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. no município de Natal e região metropolitana, estado do Rio Grande do Norte, e identificar fatores de risco associados à infecção. Foram examinadas 365 amostras de soro sanguíneo de cães atendidos na rotina de diversas clínicas veterinárias durante o período de março a novembro de 2011. O diagnóstico sorológico da leptospirose foi realizado pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópi...

  20. chile : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: INTRAREGIONAL MIGRATION, WOMEN WORKERS, WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Région: ... Région: Brazil, South America, Chile, Colombia, North and Central America, Panama ... Région: Argentina, South America, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, North and Central America, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay.

  1. The influence of Christian conversion in Mapuche traditional medicine in Temuco, Chile: toward a cultural syncretism or a form of ideological assimilation? (United States)

    Torri, Maria Costanza


    The Mapuche communities living in the urban areas of Chile have undergone radical cultural changes due to Christian conversion. This article analyzes the influence of these changes on the Mapuche ideas and practices of the traditional healers (machi) and patients in Temuco (IX Region), Chile, and the changes and adaptations in the perceptions of healing practices and rituals by the patients. The paper shows how, despite some evident challenges, the encounter with the religion of Christianity can create a process of cultural and spiritual syncretism and push traditional medicine toward an increased specialization in the therapeutic practices.

  2. [Eugenic abortion could explain the lower infant mortality in Cuba compared to that in Chile]. (United States)

    Donoso S, Enrique; Carvajal C, Jorge A


    Cuba and Chile have the lower infant mortality rates of Latin America. Infant mortality rate in Cuba is similar to that of developed countries. Chilean infant mortality rate is slightly higher than that of Cuba. To investigate if the lower infant mortality rate in Cuba, compared to Chile, could be explained by eugenic abortion, considering that abortion is legal in Cuba but not in Chile. We compared total and congenital abnormalities related infant mortality in Cuba and Chile during 2008, based on vital statistics of both countries. In 2008, infant mortality rates in Chile were significantly higher than those of Cuba (7.8 vs. 4.7 per 1,000 live born respectively, odds ratio (OR) 1.67; 95% confidence intervals (Cl) 1.52-1.83). Congenital abnormalities accounted for 33.8 and 19.2% of infant deaths in Chile and Cuba, respectively. Discarding infant deaths related to congenital abnormalities, infant mortality rate continued to be higher in Chile than in Cuba (5.19 vs. 3.82 per 1000 live born respectively, OR 1.36; 95%CI 1.221.52). Considering that antenatal diagnosis is widely available in both countries, but abortion is legal in Cuba but not in Chile, we conclude that eugenic abortion may partially explain the lower infant mortality rate observed in Cuba compared to that observed in Chile.

  3. Factores determinantes de la esperanza de vida en Chile

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    Planck Barahona-Urbina


    Full Text Available Introducción: En las últimas décadas, Chile ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento económico, lo que ha permitido mejorar las condiciones de vida de los ciudadanos. Objetivos: Determinar los factores asociados a la esperanza de vida en Chile. Diseño: Análisis econométrico. Lugar: Chile. Intervenciones: Aplicación del modelo de regresión múltiple con series temporales para el análisis de la esperanza de vida en Chile. Se utilizó datos de naturaleza agregada del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE y el Banco Central de Chile para el período comprendido entre 1988 y 2008. Se utilizó como variable dependiente la esperanza de vida en años y, como variables explicativas, el PIB per cápita, número de médicos, número de enfermeras y gasto público en salud. Principales medidas de resultados: Factores asociados a la esperanza de vida. Resultados: Luego del análisis, los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que el ingreso per cápita, el número de médicos, número de enfermeras y el gasto en salud resultaron ser estadísticamente significativos, es decir, tienen un efecto positivo sobre la esperanza de vida de las personas. Conclusiones: A la luz de los resultados podría argumentarse lo beneficioso que puede resultar en términos cuantitativos un aumento del PIB per cápita a la hora de conseguir una mayor esperanza de vida de las personas. Igualmente, los resultados sugieren el efecto positivo que produce un incremento del número de personal médico en el país dado, pues esta variable ha permitido satisfacer la demanda sanitaria cada vez más creciente de la población. El aumento del presupuesto social en salud ha sido una variable que ha tenido un resultado positivo a la hora de valorar su efecto en la mejora de las condiciones de vida en Chile.

  4. New evidences on the presence of Stegomastodon platensis Ameghino, 1888, Proboscidea: Gomphotheriidae, in the Late Pleistocene of Central Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labarca, R.; Alberdi, M.T.; Prado, J.L.; Mansilla, P.; Mourgues, F.A.


    This paper contextualizes, describes and taxonomically assigned cranial and dental Gomphotheriidae materials from the El Trebal 1, late Pleistocene form central Chile. Starting from metric and morphological variables fossils are included in Stegomastodon platensis. Taxonomic implications of this finding as well as some regional paleoenvironmental history are discussed. (Author)

  5. Capsaicinoides en chiles nativos de Puebla, México


    Morán-Bañuelos, S. Hirán; Aguilar-Rincón, V. Heber; Corona-Torres, Tarsicio; Castillo-González, Fernando; Soto-Hernández, R. Marcos; San Miguel-Chávez, Rubén


    Los recursos genéticos del chile (Capsicum spp.) son importantes por ser la fuente natural de capsaicinoides que confieren el sabor picante a los frutos. Los reportes sobre la amplitud de esta característica en los chiles nativos cultivados por agricultores tradicionales en México son escasos. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar y cuantificar los capsaicinoides predominantes en 22 poblaciones recolectadas en nueve municipios de Puebla, México, mediante la extracción de...

  6. Desigualdad regional en el centro de México. Una exploración espacial de la productividad en el nivel municipal durante el período 1988-2003

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    Marcos Valdivia López


    Full Text Available Este ensayo estudia la productividad laboral de la Región Centro de México en el nivel municipal utilizando una serie de técnicas no paramétricas y espaciales de uso recurrente en la literatura de la economía espacial. En particular, se mide la autocorrelación espacial de la productividad laboral y se adoptan enfoques espaciales para estudiar los cambios intradistribucionales de la productividad. Los resultados empíricos indican que la productividad de los municipios de la Región Centro muestra marcadas disparidades locales y dependencia espacial. Al definir las subregiones por medio de la autocorrelación espacial de la productividad, se encuentra que la Región Centro de México ha mantenido desde la apertura comercial una notable polarización económica entre regiones ricas (zona metropolitana de la ciudad de México y pobres (sur del Puebla, pero también ha experimentado el surgimiento de nuevas regiones, como la del corredor Puebla-Tlaxcala-Apizaco y el valle de Toluca. Otros estudios han detectado una reorganización territorial de la Región Centro a partir de la apertura comercial, a la que se le asocia un proceso de “desindustrialización” de la zona metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, así como una dinámica de consolidación de nuevas subregiones metropolitanas en la Región Centro. Con base en los resultados de este trabajo, se concluye que la reorganización territorial que ha experimentado la Región Centro, independientemente de sus causas, mantiene un importante componente de dependencia espacial y desigualdad regional de la productividad laboral de los municipios que forman la región.

  7. Assessing the Potential for Interstate Conflict Between Chile and Peru: A Political Economy Approach (United States)


    Militares Peru-Chile no Se Han Afectado por Diferendo,” El Comercio , April 6, 2008. 329 Chile/Peru: Tensions Flare on Maritime Border Change.” 330 “FF...Relaciones Militares Peru-Chile no Se Han Afectado por Diferendo.” El Comercio , April 6, 2008. “Relations Falter for Peru, Chile.” Chicago Tribune...América Latina y el Mediterráneo (Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Militares: Santiago, 2000), 82. 129 “A. P. Bureau Chief in Peru is Ordered out of

  8. A new genus and species of Lasiopteridi (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae on Haplopappus foliosus (Asteraceae from Chile

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    Valéria Cid Maia


    Full Text Available A new genus and species of gall midge, Haplopappusmyia gregaria, is described and illustrated (larva, pupa, male, and female. This species induces apical galls on Haplopappus foliosus (Asteraceae, an endemic shrub from central Chile. The specimens were collected at La Ligua Municipality, Petorca Province, Valparaiso region, Chile, during spring of 2011–2014. This area corresponds to one of the fifth Mediterranean Matorral biome, considered among Earth's biodiversity hotspots. The new genus is characterized by presenting lateral margin of antennal scape with a mesal reentrance; four-segmented palpus, one-toothed tarsal claws, R5 straight, reaching C anterior to wing apex; male seventh and eighth tergites lacking sclerotization mesally, beyond proximal margin; presence of trichoid sensilla on the abdominal terga and sterna of both sexes, protrusible ovipositor with elongate fused cerci, and larva with 4 pairs of setose terminal papillae. Keywords: Gall midge, Morphology, Neotropical, Taxonomy

  9. Chile y los Desafíos Globales de Seguridad

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    John Griffiths Spielman


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende abordar el tema "Chile y los desafíos globales de seguridad", asumiendo a modo de propuesta una noción de seguridad relativa a todo fenómeno violento e intencional, que como producto de su actuación provoca mortalidad, y ello desde la perspectiva de un país pequeño, tal y como Chile, si bien notablemente interconectado a nivel global. En consecuencia, Chile debería asumir un efecto potencialmente mayor de las principales amenazas globales. En síntesis, se expresa que en el actual escenario de seguridad, la lejanía geográfica de los fenómenos ya no es necesariamente un factor que prevenga los efectos de dichas amenazas sobre la seguridad de un Estado.

  10. Percepción de docentes directivos, profesores, alumnos y apoderados sobre la incidencia de la JECD en el contexto institucional estudio de casos en la región metropolitana de Chile


    Rebolledo Zurita, María Magdalena


    A modo de introducción hacemos una breve reseña sobre la sociedad actual, la expansión de la educación en América Latina y las políticas que llevaron a Chile a participar en un proceso de reforma educativa, posteriormente presentamos capítulo a capítulo el trabajo realizado. La mundialización de la modernidad se refiere principalmente a ese proceso de alargamiento de los métodos de conexión entre diferentes contextos sociales o regionales que se convierten en una red a lo largo de toda la...

  11. Acceptance of Transgenic Milk in La Araucania Region,Chile Aceptación de leche transgénica en la Región de la Araucanía Chile

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    Berta Schnettler M


    Full Text Available Considering the high level of concern caused by genetically modified foods (GMF in developed countries, the relevance of this variable in decision-making about the purchase of fluid milk among consumers in Temuco (La Araucanía Region, Chile was determined. By means of a personal survey of 400 people and using conjoint analysis, it was determined that the presence of genetic modifications in food was more important (44.7% than brand (29.5% and price (25.5% in the decision-making process. By cluster analysis three segments were identified; the largest group (46.5% gave similar relevance to food production and brand, preferring genetically modified milk. For the second group (41.5%, the presence or absence of genetic modification was the most important variable in the purchase, with a strong rejection of milk produced by genetic manipulation and preference for non-transgenic milk. The minority segment (12.0% placed a higher value on price. These three segments prefer national brand milk, reject the product with private brands and react positively to lower prices. The most sensitive segment to genetic food manipulation had a higher proportion of people under 35 years of age and with no children. It is concluded that the absence of genetic manipulation in food is a desirable condition, mainly for young consumers of La Araucanía Region.Considerando el debate generado por los alimentos genéticamente modificados (GMF en los países desarrollados, se determinó la importancia de esta variable en la decisión de compra de leche fluida en consumidores de Temuco (Región de La Araucanía, Chile y la existencia de diferentes segmentos de mercado, mediante una encuesta personal a 400 personas. Utilizando análisis conjunto se determinó, en general, que la presencia de modificación genética en el alimento fue más importante (44,7% que la marca (29,5% y el precio (25,5% en la decisión de compra. Mediante análisis cluster se distinguieron tres segmentos

  12. Indicadores regionales de desarrollo sustentable en Chile: ¿Hasta qué punto son útiles y necesarios?

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    Hernán Blanco


    Full Text Available Cada vez más necesitamos maneras de asegurar patrones de desarrollo que sean sustentables, es decir, que sean ambiental, social y económicamente apropiados para nosotros y para las generaciones venideras. Los indicadores de desarrollo sustentable son una herramienta promisoria que permitiría "aterrizar" el concepto de sustentabilidad, apoyando la manera en que se toman las decisiones. En Chile existen pocas experiencias sobre el tema. Este artículo presenta el trabajo realizado para desarrollar indicadores de desarrollo sustentable en cuatro regiones del país. El artículo se centra en las lecciones que han surgido de la experienciaWe are increasingly needing ways to secure patterns of development that be sustainable, that is, environmentally, socially and economically appropriate for us and for future generations. Sustainability indicators are a promising tool that would allow us to "land" the concept, supporting the way in which decisions are made. In Chile there are few experiences on the subject. This paper presents the work carried out to develop sustainability indicators in four regions. The paper focuses on the lessons that have been drawn from the experience

  13. Strontium isotope data for recent andesites in Ecuador and North Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Francis, P.W.; Thorpe, R.S.; Moorbath, S.


    New Sr isotope data are presented for andesite lavas from active volcanoes in Ecuador and North Chile. Twenty-three samples from five Ecuadorian volcanoes have 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios most of which are essentially within analytical error, and average 0.7044. In contrast, 16 samples from the San Pedro-San Pablo volcano complex in North Chile have 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios between 0.7058 and 0.7072. These samples show no correlation between 87 Sr/ 86 Sr and 87 Rb/ 86 Sr, nor between 87 Sr/ 86 Sr and other elements or ratios. The major difference in setting between the two volcanic provinces lies in the thickness of the continental crust; 40-50 km beneath Ecuador, 70 km beneath North Chile. Andesites from both areas are derived primarily from the mantle, but those from North Chile show evidence of a significant Sr isotopic contribution from the continental crust. (Auth.)

  14. Study protocol for the Maule Cohort (MAUCO) of chronic diseases, Chile 2014-2024. (United States)

    Ferreccio, Catterina; Roa, Juan Carlos; Bambs, Claudia; Vives, Alejandra; Corvalán, Alejandro H; Cortés, Sandra; Foerster, Claudia; Acevedo, Johanna; Huidobro, Andrea; Passi, Alvaro; Toro, Pablo; Covacevich, Yerko; de la Cruz, Rolando; Koshiol, Jill; Olivares, Mauricio; Miquel, Juan Francisco; Cruz, Francisco; Silva, Raúl; Quest, Andrew F; Kogan, Marcelo J; Castro, Pablo F; Lavandero, Sergio


    Maule Cohort (MAUCO), a Chilean cohort study, seeks to analyze the natural history of chronic diseases in the agricultural county of Molina (40,000 inhabitants) in the Maule Region, Chile. Molina´s population is of particular interest because in the last few decades it changed from being undernourished to suffering excess caloric intake, and it currently has the highest national rates of cardiovascular diseases, stomach cancer and gallbladder cancer. Between 2009 and 2011 Molina´s poverty rate dropped from 24.1 % to 13.5 % (national average 20.4 %); in this period the county went from insufficient to almost complete basic sanitation. Despite these advances, chemical pollutants in the food and air are increasing. Thus, in Molina risk factors typical of both under-developed and developed countries coexist, generating a unique profile associated with inflammation, oxidative stress and chronic diseases. MAUCO is the core project of the recently established Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDiS), Universidad de Chile & Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. In this study, we are enrolling and following 10,000 adults aged 38 to 74 years over 10 years. All eligible Molina residents will be enrolled. Participants were identified through a household census. Consenting individuals answer an epidemiological survey exploring risk factors (psycho-social, pesticides, diet, alcohol, and physical activity), medical history and physical and cognitive conditions; provide fasting blood, urine, and saliva samples; receive an electrocardiogram, abdominal ultrasound and bio-impedance test; and take a hand-grip strength test. These subjects will be re-interviewed after 2, 5 and 7 years. Active surveillance of health events is in place throughout the regional healthcare system. The MAUCO Bio-Bank will store 30 to 50 aliquots per subject using an NIH/NCI biorepository system for secure and anonymous linkage of samples with data. MAUCO´s results will help design public health

  15. Educating "Barbaros": Educational Policies on the Latin American Frontiers between Colonies and Independent Republics (Araucania, Southern Chile/Sonora, Mexico) (United States)

    Holck, Lasse; Saiz, Monika Contreras


    This article compares the methods and means employed by the state to enforce the education of (semi-)autonomous indigenous groups in southern Chile and northwestern Mexico (Sonora), border regions in the Latin American periphery, covering the transition from colonial times to the consolidation of independent republics until the middle of the…

  16. Streamflow responses in Chile to megathrust earthquakes in the 20th and 21st centuries (United States)

    Mohr, Christian; Manga, Michael; Wang, Chi-yuen; Korup, Oliver


    Both coseismic static stress and dynamic stresses associated with seismic waves may cause responses in hydrological systems. Such responses include changes in the water level, hydrochemistry and streamflow discharge. Earthquake effects on hydrological systems provide a means to study the interaction between stress changes and regional hydrology, which is otherwise rarely possible. Chile is a country of frequent and large earthquakes and thus provides abundant opportunities to study such interactions and processes. We analyze streamflow responses in Chile to several megathrust earthquakes, including the 1943 Mw 8.1 Coquimbo, 1950 Mw 8.2 Antofagasta, 1960 Mw 9.5 Valdivia, 1985 Mw 8.0 Valparaiso, 1995 Mw 8.0 Antofagasta, 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, and the 2014 Mw 8.2 Iquique earthquakes. We use data from 716 stream gauges distributed from the Altiplano in the North to Tierra del Fuego in the South. This network covers the Andes mountain ranges, the central valley, the Coastal Mountain ranges and (mainly in the more southern parts) the Coastal flats. We combine empirical magnitude-distance relationships, machine learning tools, and process-based modeling to characterize responses. We first assess the streamflow anomalies and relate these to topographical, hydro-climatic, geological and earthquake-related (volumetric and dynamic strain) factors using various classifiers. We then apply 1D-groundwater flow modeling to selected catchments in order to test competing hypotheses for the origin of streamflow changes. We show that the co-seismic responses of streamflow mostly involved increasing discharges. We conclude that enhanced vertical permeability can explain most streamflow responses at the regional scale. The total excess water released by a single earthquake, i.e. the Maule earthquake, yielded up to 1 km3. Against the background of megathrust earthquakes frequently hitting Chile, the amount of water released by earthquakes is substantial, particularly for the arid northern

  17. Dynamic of sorption and biodegradation in an alluvial soil of the VI region of Chile using isotopic techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potenza Munoz, Dennisse Irene


    When a pesticide is applied, only one part of it produces the effect of control the plague problem, whereas an important rest circulates in different matrices (air, soil, water), generating an important environmental risk. One of these pesticides widely used in the fruit production is chlorpyrifos (CLP), whose greater percentage of use is in the VI Region of Chile. The objective of this investigation was to quantify and to know the chlorpyrifos sorption and biodegradation tendency in a soil of the VI region (Fluventic Haplorexoll), using a compound labelled with 14 Carbon ( 14 C). The sorption of the pesticide was determined by the 'batch' technique. The time of equilibrium was obtained at six hours of sharking. Whit this value, the sorption isotherm was determined with Freundlich equation, obtaining a K∫ of 63.038 mL g -1 , and an n value of 0.9811. In addition, the value of the distribution coefficient K d (67.25 mL g -1 ) and the standardized value according with the organic carbon of the soil K oc (2,690) were calculated. In agreement with these results it was evident that the CLP has tendency to be adsorbed by the soil. The biodegradation of CLP was measured through the incubation of soil samples during 57 days, measuring the 14 CO 2 emitted by the microorganisms, every three days. The results demonstrate that 50 % of the biodegradation was reached to 24 days of incubation, and that the end of the experiment, 61.3 % of the pesticide had been biodegraded. The Groundwater Ubiquity Score (GU.S) indicator was calculated using the 50 % of the biodegradation as the half life of the product, giving a value of 0.79. This result would indicate CLP as a non leachable product and with a low risk of contaminating the underground waters (au)

  18. Factores predictivos de la no adherencia al tratamiento de la tuberculosis en municipios del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Silvina Arrossi; María Belén Herrero; Adriana Greco; Silvina Ramos


    El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las características sociodemográficas de los pacientes y las características del tratamiento que influyen en la no-adherencia al tratamiento antituberculoso. Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Se encuestaron 38 pacientes que no adhirieron al tratamiento y 85 pacientes que adhirieron al tratamiento, diagnosticados durante el año 2007, residentes y atendidos en hospitales de municipios seleccionados. ...

  19. [Health research and health technology assessment in Chile]. (United States)

    Espinoza, Manuel Antonio; Cabieses, Báltica; Paraje, Guillermo


    Health research is considered an essential element for the improvement of population health and it has been recommended that a share of the national health budget should be allocated to develop this field. Chile has undertaken efforts in the last decades in order to improve the governmental structure created to promote the development of health research, which has increased human resources and funding opportunities. On the other hand, the sustained economic growth of Chile in the last decades suggests that the health expenditure will maintain its increasing trend in the following years. This additional funding could be used to improve coverage of current activities performed in the health system, but also to address the incorporation of new strategies. More recently, health technology assessment (HTA) has been proposed as a process to support decisions about allocation of resources based on scientific evidence. This paper examines the relationship between the development of health research and the HTA process. First, it presents a brief diagnosis of the situation of health research in Chile. Second, it reviews the conceptual basis and the methods that account for the relationship between a HTA process and the development of health research. In particular, it emphasizes the relevance of identifying information gaps where funding additional research can be considered a good use of public resources. Finally, it discusses the challenges and possible courses of action that Chile could take in order to guarantee the continuous improvement of an articulated structure for health research and HTA.

  20. Preferences for berries among consumers in southern Chile: blueberries are produced but are they consumed? (United States)

    Schnettler, Berta; Miranda, Horacio; Sepúlveda, José; Denegri, Marianela; Mora, Marcos; Lobos, Germán


    Blueberry plantations in Chile are oriented exclusively towards exports to northern hemisphere countries; however, this fruit has recently been introduced into the domestic market due to the increased supply and a fall in export market prices. Based on the previously mentioned, the objectives of the present study were to evaluate consumer preferences for 3 species of berries (blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries), sold loose (unpackaged) as opposed to packaged and branded, at different prices, in one of the principal blueberry producing areas of Chile; and to distinguish consumer segments by their preferences. To do this a survey was applied to 400 people in the Araucanía Region of southern Chile, who were responsible for purchasing fruit for their households. Conjoint analysis showed a preference for raspberries and strawberries over blueberries, packaged and branded, at the lowest price. Total of 2 principal segments were distinguished by cluster analysis: "price sensitive" (42.7%), who preferred strawberries, and "sensitive to species of berry" (47.5%), who preferred raspberries and strawberries. The segments presented different profiles in their demographic make-up and fruit consumption behavior. Strategies are discussed that might reverse the low acceptance of blueberries in the Chilean domestic market. This study presents information on the introduction of new fresh foods into the market. © 2011 Institute of Food Technologists®

  1. Geomodels of coseismic landslides environments in Central Chile. (United States)

    Serey, A.; Sepulveda, S. A.; Murphy, W.; Petley, D. N.


    Landslides are a major source of fatalities and damage during strong earthquakes in mountain areas. Detailed geomodels of coseismic landslides environments are essential parts of seismic landslide hazard analyses. The development of a site specific geological model is required, based on consideration of the regional and local geological and geomorphological history and the current ground surface conditions. An engineering geological model is any approximation of the geological conditions, at varying scales, created for the purpose of solving an engineering problem. In our case, the objective is the development of a methodology for earthquake-induced landslide hazard assessment applicable to urban/territorial planning and disaster prevention strategies assessment at a regional scale adapted for the Chilean tectonic conditions. We have developed the only 2 complete inventories of landslides triggered by earthquakes in Chile. The first from the Mw 6.2, shallow crustal Aysén earthquake in 2007. Second one from the Mw 8.8, megathrust subduction Maule earthquake in 2010. From the comparison of these 2 inventories with others from abroad, as well as analysis of large, prehistoric landslide inventories proposed as likely induced by seismic activity we have determined topographic, geomorphological, geological and seismic controlling factors in the occurrence of earthquake-triggered landslides. With the information collected we have defined different environments for generation of coseismic landslides based on the construction of geomodels. As a result we have built several geomodels in the Santiago Cordillera in central Chile (33°S), based upon the San Ramón Fault, a west-vergent reverse fault that outcrops at the edge of Santiago basin recently found to be active and a likely source of seismic activity in the future, with potential of triggering landslides in the Santiago mountain front as well as inland into the Mapocho and Maipo Cordilleran valleys. In conclusion

  2. A Crise Hídrica na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (2014-2015

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    Vanderli Custódio


    Full Text Available Este artigo sobre a crise hídrica na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo entre os anos 2014-2015, objetiva caracterizá-la e situá-la num contexto temporal mais amplo. Com apoio bibliográfico se intenta demonstrar que essa não é uma crise nova e sim uma nova fase de uma crise secular pela frágil gestão e planejamento no abastecimento de água para São Paulo por parte do Poder Público, bem como evidenciar que as medidas estruturais (obras e não estruturais (programas, legislação etc. possuem histórico caráter emergencial. Como resultado espera-se contribuir para o enriquecimento da abordagem da problemática.

  3. Hormiga argentina Linepithema humile Mayr, 1868 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) y su rol como posible vector de contaminación microbiana en una lechería de cabras Capra hircus Linnaeus, 1758 (Artiodactyla: Bovidae)


    J Ipinza-Regla; D González; G Figueroa


    Se trata de establecer la acción de la hormiga argentina Linepithema humile, como potencial vector mecánico de microorganismos patógenos. Desde un plantel lechero de cabras ubicado en la comuna de Lampa, Región Metropolitana, Chile, se obtuvieron 63 muestras: 21 muestras Control A aspiradas directamente sobre el papel filtro esterilizado previo al paso de las hormigas, 21 muestras de hormigas aspiradas desde papel filtro y 21 muestras posterior al paso de las hormigas (Control B). La metodolo...

  4. Verbal abuse and mobbing in pre-hospital care services in Chile. (United States)

    Campo, Varinia Rodríguez; Klijn, Tatiana Paravic


    to determine the perception of verbal abuse and mobbing and the associated factors of paramedic technicians (nursing assistants) and professionals (nurses, midwives, kinesiologists) in the pre-hospital care areas of three regions in the south of Chile. descriptive and correlational study was performed within the professional community and a two-stage sample of the paramedic technician population in three regions. The questionnaire "workplace violence in the health sector" (spanish version) was applied after signing the informed consent. 51.4% of professionals and 46.6% of paramedic technicians consider they have been verbally abused during last year. 17.6% of paramedic technicians and 13.5% of professionals perceived mobbing. A low percentage of these events are reported. In only one case of mobbing, the aggressor was legally penalized. No significant differences were found between the job categories and the studied regions. A high percentage of participants in each group perceived verbal abuse and non-minor percentage perceived mobbing, but most of these events are not reported.

  5. High frequency of p 16 promoter methylation in non-small cell lung carcinomas from Chile

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    Full Text Available The inactivation of tumour suppressor genes by aberrant methylation of promoter regions has been described as a frequent event in neoplasia development, including lung cancer. The p16 gene is a tumour suppressor gene involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression that has been reported to be inactivated by promoter methylation in lung carcinomas at variable frequencies around the world in a smoking habit dependent manner. The purpose of this study was to investigate the methylation status of the promoter region of the p16 gene in 74 non-small cell lung carcinomas from Chile. The frequency of p16 gene inactivation by promoter methylation was determined as 79.7% (59/74. When we considered histological type, we observed that p16 promoter methylation was significantly higher in squamous cell carcinomas (30/33, 91% compared with adenocarcinomas (21/30, 70% (p=0.029. In addition, no association between p16 promoter methylation and gender, age or smoking habit was found (p=0.202, 0.202 and 0.147 respectively. Our results suggest that p16 promoter hypermethylation is a very frequent event in non-small cell lung carcinomas from Chile and could be smoking habit-independent

  6. El chile poblano criollo en la cultura alimentaria del Alto Atoyac

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    Luis Joaquín Pérez Carrasco


    Full Text Available El chile poblano criollo producido en la re-gión Alto Atoyac en Puebla, forma parte de la cultura alimenticia de la población, junto con el maíz y el frijol. Ya sea en fresco o en seco es un componente fundamental en muy diver-sos platillos como: el mole poblano, los chiles en nogada, las rajas con huevo, por mencio-nar algunos. El objetivo del trabajo fue el en-tender las razones sociales y culturales de lo planteado e identificar la problemática del cultivo de chile poblano criollo y los factores que favorecen que los productores persistan en su cultivo en la región. Metodología. Se realizaron entrevistas estructuradas, siguien-do el método de muestreo por “bola de nieve” (Snowball, empleado frecuentemente en es-tudios con poblaciones marginales. Resulta-dos. El sistema de producción predominante en el Alto Atoyac, es el chile poblano criollo intercalado en árboles frutales, con superficies de siembra igual o menor a 100 m2, estrategia usada por los productores para diversificar el riesgo de las enfermedades del cultivo y con ello asegurar la sobrevivencia de sus tradicio-nes culinarias y la permanencia de su semilla con sus propias características. Limitaciones. El trabajo de investigación no pudo abarcar el rendimiento de chile poblano en la región y del perfil del productor. Conclusiones. El chi-le poblano criollo en el Alto Atoyac, se siem-bra en superficies pequeñas y condiciones de temporal, intercalado en árboles frutales y es afectado por la enfermedad pudrición radical o secadera. El productor continúa sembrando su semilla de chile poblano criollo, como estra-tegia para conservar sus tradiciones en la elabo-ración de los alimentos y mitigar en lo posible los daños ocasionados por las enfermedades.

  7. Lipid biomarker patterns of phosphogenic sediments from upwelling regions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arning, Esther T.; Birgel, Daniel; Schultz-Vogt, Heide N.


    Sediments of upwelling regions off Namibia, Peru, and Chile contain dense populations of large nitrate-storing sulfide-oxidizing bacteria, Thiomargarita, Beggiatoa, and Thioploca. Increased contents of monounsaturated C16 and C18 fatty acids have been found at all stations studied, especially when...... these bacteria. As a consequence, the distributions of sulfate reducers in sediments of Namibia, Peru, and Chile are closely related to differences in the motility of the various sulfide oxidizers at the three study sites. Depth profiles of mono-O-alkyl glycerol ethers have been found to correlate best...

  8. President of Chile at CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, in the ATLAS cavern with, from left to right, Peter Jenni, ATLAS Spokesman, Vivian Heyl, CONICYT President, and Robert Aymar, CERN Director-General. Robert Aymar, CERN Director-General, and Vivian Heyl, CONICYT President, signing a cooperation agreement between CERN and Chile’s Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT).The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, paid a visit to CERN during her three-day tour of Switzerland. The charismatic Michelle Bachelet and her large delegation were greeted by the CERN Director-General and then taken to see the ATLAS experiment and the LHC. She also took time to meet the Chilean community working at CERN, comprising several physicists in the Theory Group and the ATLAS experiment. The meeting was followed by the signing of a cooperation agreement between CERN and Chile’s Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científi...

  9. [Mental disorders among immigrants in Chile]. (United States)

    Rojas, Graciela; Fritsch, Rosemarie; Castro, Ariel; Guajardo, Viviana; Torres, Pamela; Díaz, Berta


    Chile is receiving immigrant populations coming from other Latin-American countries. To determine the prevalence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) among immigrants who live in Independencia, a quarter in Santiago, Chile. A cross sectional study was carried out in the primary health care clinic and in the state-funded school of Independencia. A representative sample of 282 adults and 341 children were interviewed. Mental disorders were diagnosed using CIS-R and MINI structured interviews. The interviewed immigrants came mostly from Peru. The prevalence of mental disorders in the adult population was 17.8% and among children, it was 29.3%. The adult immigrants have a lower prevalence of mental disorders than the Chilean population but it increases among children. Barriers of access to health services, that should be solved, were detected.

  10. Where Are Socioeconomically Deprived Immigrants Located in Chile? A Spatial Analysis of Census Data Using an Index of Multiple Deprivation from the Last Three Decades (1992-2012.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Vasquez

    Full Text Available Immigrants in Chile have diverse characteristics and include socioeconomically deprived populations. The location of socioeconomically deprived immigrants is important for the development of public policy intelligence at the local and national levels but their areas of residence have not been mapped in Chile. This study explored the spatial distribution of socioeconomic deprivation among immigrants in Chile, 1992-2012, and compared it to the total population.Areas with socioeconomically deprived populations were identified with a deprivation index which we developed modelled upon the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD for England. Our IMD was based upon the indicators of unemployment, low educational level (primary and disability from Census data at county level for the three decades 1992, 2002 and 2012, for 332, 339 and 343 counties respectively. We developed two versions of the IMD one based on disadvantage among the total population and another focused upon the circumstances of immigrants only. We generated a spatial representation of the IMD using GIS, for the overall IMD score and for each dimension of the index, separately. We also compared the immigrants´ IMD to the total population´s IMD using Pearson´s correlation test.Results showed that socioeconomically deprived immigrants tended to be concentrated in counties in the northern and central area of Chile, in particular within the Metropolitan Region of Santiago. These were the same counties where there was the greatest concentration of socioeconomic deprivation for the total population during the same time periods. Since 1992 there have been significant change in the location of the socioeconomically deprived populations within the Metropolitan Region of Santiago with the highest IMD scores for both the total population and immigrants becoming increasingly concentrated in the central and eastern counties of the Region.This is the first study analysing the spatial distribution of

  11. Where Are Socioeconomically Deprived Immigrants Located in Chile? A Spatial Analysis of Census Data Using an Index of Multiple Deprivation from the Last Three Decades (1992-2012). (United States)

    Vasquez, Andrea; Cabieses, Baltica; Tunstall, Helena


    Immigrants in Chile have diverse characteristics and include socioeconomically deprived populations. The location of socioeconomically deprived immigrants is important for the development of public policy intelligence at the local and national levels but their areas of residence have not been mapped in Chile. This study explored the spatial distribution of socioeconomic deprivation among immigrants in Chile, 1992-2012, and compared it to the total population. Areas with socioeconomically deprived populations were identified with a deprivation index which we developed modelled upon the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) for England. Our IMD was based upon the indicators of unemployment, low educational level (primary) and disability from Census data at county level for the three decades 1992, 2002 and 2012, for 332, 339 and 343 counties respectively. We developed two versions of the IMD one based on disadvantage among the total population and another focused upon the circumstances of immigrants only. We generated a spatial representation of the IMD using GIS, for the overall IMD score and for each dimension of the index, separately. We also compared the immigrants´ IMD to the total population´s IMD using Pearson´s correlation test. Results showed that socioeconomically deprived immigrants tended to be concentrated in counties in the northern and central area of Chile, in particular within the Metropolitan Region of Santiago. These were the same counties where there was the greatest concentration of socioeconomic deprivation for the total population during the same time periods. Since 1992 there have been significant change in the location of the socioeconomically deprived populations within the Metropolitan Region of Santiago with the highest IMD scores for both the total population and immigrants becoming increasingly concentrated in the central and eastern counties of the Region. This is the first study analysing the spatial distribution of socioeconomic

  12. The influence of climatic conditions on the transmission dynamics of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic in Chile. (United States)

    Chowell, Gerardo; Towers, Sherry; Viboud, Cécile; Fuentes, Rodrigo; Sotomayor, Viviana; Simonsen, Lone; Miller, Mark A; Lima, Mauricio; Villarroel, Claudia; Chiu, Monica; Villarroel, Jose E; Olea, Andrea


    The role of demographic factors, climatic conditions, school cycles, and connectivity patterns in shaping the spatio-temporal dynamics of pandemic influenza is not clearly understood. Here we analyzed the spatial, age and temporal evolution of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic in Chile, a southern hemisphere country covering a long and narrow strip comprising latitudes 17°S to 56°S. We analyzed the dissemination patterns of the 2009 A/H1N1 pandemic across 15 regions of Chile based on daily hospitalizations for severe acute respiratory disease and laboratory confirmed A/H1N1 influenza infection from 01-May to 31-December, 2009. We explored the association between timing of pandemic onset and peak pandemic activity and several geographical and demographic indicators, school vacations, climatic factors, and international passengers. We also estimated the reproduction number (R) based on the growth rate of the exponential pandemic phase by date of symptoms onset, estimated using maximum likelihood methods. While earlier pandemic onset was associated with larger population size, there was no association with connectivity, demographic, school or climatic factors. In contrast, there was a latitudinal gradient in peak pandemic timing, representing a 16-39-day lag in disease activity from the southern regions relative to the northernmost region (P humidity explained 68.5% of the variability in peak timing (P = 0.01). In addition, there was a decreasing gradient in reproduction number from south to north Chile (P humidity. The latitudinal gradient in timing of pandemic activity was accompanied by a gradient in reproduction number (P < 0.0001). Intensified surveillance strategies in colder and drier southern regions could lead to earlier detection of pandemic influenza viruses and improved control outcomes.

  13. Financing marine protected areas through visitor fees: insights from tourists willingness to pay in Chile. (United States)

    Gelcich, Stefan; Amar, Francisca; Valdebenito, Abel; Castilla, Juan Carlos; Fernandez, Miriam; Godoy, Cecilia; Biggs, Duan


    Tourism is a financing mechanism considered by many donor-funded marine conservation initiatives. Here we assess the potential role of visitor entry fees, in generating the necessary revenue to manage a marine protected area (MPA), established through a Global Environmental Facility Grant, in a temperate region of Chile. We assess tourists' willingness to pay (WTP) for an entry fee associated to management and protection of the MPA. Results show 97 % of respondents were willing to pay an entrance fee. WTP predictors included the type of tourist, tourists' sensitivity to crowding, education, and understanding of ecological benefits of the MPA. Nature-based tourists state median WTP values of US$ 4.38 and Sun-sea-sand tourists US$ 3.77. Overall, entry fees could account for 10-13 % of MPA running costs. In Chile, where funding for conservation runs among the weakest in the world, visitor entry fees are no panacea in the short term and other mechanisms, including direct state/government support, should be considered.

  14. [Illegitimate patients: Undocumented immigrants' access to health care in Chile]. (United States)

    Concha, Nanette Liberona; Mansilla, Miguel Ángel


    In recent decades, Chile has become a destination for immigrants from other South American countries, which has significantly impacted public services - particularly the public health system - at the economic, social, and cultural levels. The aim of this paper is to provide substantiated information on issues concerning undocumented immigrants' access to health care in Chile. A qualitative methodology, fundamentally an ethnography of the clinical setting, was used. Results were then analyzed in relation to theories of power asymmetries and interethnic relations. The research results highlight the lack of compliance with existing regulations and the exercise of discretionary personal judgment as barriers to access. It is concluded that in Chile immigrants in general, and undocumented immigrants in particular, are considered to be illegitimate patients.

  15. Illegitimate patients: Undocumented immigrants’ access to health care in Chile

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    Nanette Paz Liberona Concha


    Full Text Available In recent decades, Chile has become a destination for immigrants from other South American countries, which has significantly impacted public services – particularly the public health system – at the economic, social, and cultural levels. The aim of this paper is to provide substantiated information on issues concerning undocumented immigrants’ access to health care in Chile. A qualitative methodology, fundamentally an ethnography of the clinical setting, was used. Results were then analyzed in relation to theories of power asymmetries and interethnic relations. The research results highlight the lack of compliance with existing regulations and the exercise of discretionary personal judgment as barriers to access. It is concluded that in Chile immigrants in general, and undocumented immigrants in particular, are considered to be illegitimate patients.

  16. Credit constraints in rural financial markets in Chile: determinants and consequences

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reyes, A.


    Using data from two surveys carried out in 2006 and 2008 on 177 farmers in Chile, this study measures access to credit and empirically determine the effects of credit constraints on investment and production for market-oriented farmers in central Chile. More specifically, four issues are dealt

  17. 75 FR 28059 - Actual Effects of the Free Trade Agreements With Chile, Australia, and Singapore (United States)


    ... Agreements With Chile, Australia, and Singapore AGENCY: United States International Trade Commission. ACTION... Trade Agreements with Chile, Australia, and Singapore. DATES: July 15, 2010: Deadline for filing written... effects of the free trade agreements (FTAs) concluded with Chile, Singapore, and Australia. In its report...

  18. Chile: Una Vision Politica, Economica y Social (Chile: A Political, Economic, and Social View). (United States)

    Cortes-Hwang, Adriana


    This address seeks to explain in brief the historical background and political, economic, and social conditions leading to the democratic election of a Marxist president in Chile. A historical sketch of Chilean government from independence in 1810 is provided with a description of the situation just before Salvador Allende's election in 1969. Some…

  19. Surface Observations from Punta Arenas, Chile (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Surface Observations from Punta Arenas, in extreme southern Chile. WMO station ID 85934. Period of record 1896-1954. The original forms were scanned at the Museo...

  20. Modeling the seasonal cycle of the oxygen minimum zone over the continental shelf off Concepción, Chile (36.5° S) (United States)

    Charpentier, J.; Mediavilla, D.; Pizarro, O.


    We analyze the seasonal dynamics of oxygen concentrations in the southernmost part of the Eastern South Pacific oxygen minimum zone (ESP's OMZ), offshore of Concepción, Chile (~37° S). We use data from a time series over the continental shelf off Concepción, as well as other hydrographic data and measurements from moored instruments and ocean gliders to evaluate temporal and spatial variability in this region. We identify two extreme modes (winter and summer) that characterize the seasonal variability. A simple model that account for the main physical and biological processes that influences the oxygen concentration was developed. According to our results, the seasonal variability of the dissolved oxygen in the study region is mainly driven by lateral (advective and diffusive) transport that connect the waters over the shelf with poorly oxygenated water from the slope, which is in turn, advected southward by the Peru-Chile Undercurrent.

  1. Decades lost and found: Mexico and Chile since 1980


    Raphael Bergoeing; Patrick J. Kehoe; Timothy J. Kehoe; Raimundo Soto


    Both Chile and Mexico experienced severe economic crises in the early 1980s, yet Chile recovered much faster than Mexico. This study analyzes four possible explanations for this difference and rules out three, explanations based on money supply expansion, real wage and real exchange rate declines, and foreign debt overhangs. The fourth explanation is based on government policy reforms in the two countries. Using growth accounting and a calibrated growth model, the study determines that the on...

  2. Bullfighting at Santiago de Chile during the Colonial Period

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    Escardiel González Estévez


    Full Text Available Despite the fact that in Chile there is no bullfighting and that people have forgotten it, bulls existed in this territory as in any other Spanish colony, with critical social implications. Although follow the Iberian trend, from ritual to a spectacle, some local factors made that bullfighting had special features in Chile, as is the case of the permanence of chivalrous bullfighting in the context of military training at the frontier with mapuche people.

  3. Environmental management in Chile: The power plants case; Gestion ambiental en Chile: Caso de las centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jadrijevic, Maritza [Comision Nacional del Medio Ambiente, (Chile)


    In this paper are presented the general aspects of the historic evolution o the legal norms on environmental matters in Chile; general aspects of the electric generation system and the instruments of environmental management currently applied in the fossil fueled power plants, such as: the assessment system of the environmental impact; compliance of the air quality and emissions Standards and plans for decontamination [Espanol] En este trabajo se dan a conocer aspectos generales de la evolucion historica de las normas juridicas en materia ambiental en Chile; aspectos generales del sistema de generacion electrica y los instrumentos de gestion ambiental que actualmente se aplican a las plantas de generacion termoelectricas, tales como: el sistema de evaluacion de impacto ambiental; cumplimiento de normas de la calidad de aire y de emision y, planes de descontaminacion

  4. Environmental management in Chile: The power plants case; Gestion ambiental en Chile: Caso de las centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jadrijevic, Maritza [Comision Nacional del Medio Ambiente, (Chile)


    In this paper are presented the general aspects of the historic evolution o the legal norms on environmental matters in Chile; general aspects of the electric generation system and the instruments of environmental management currently applied in the fossil fueled power plants, such as: the assessment system of the environmental impact; compliance of the air quality and emissions Standards and plans for decontamination [Espanol] En este trabajo se dan a conocer aspectos generales de la evolucion historica de las normas juridicas en materia ambiental en Chile; aspectos generales del sistema de generacion electrica y los instrumentos de gestion ambiental que actualmente se aplican a las plantas de generacion termoelectricas, tales como: el sistema de evaluacion de impacto ambiental; cumplimiento de normas de la calidad de aire y de emision y, planes de descontaminacion

  5. Chemical composition of the major components of PM in different sites at the Metropolitan Region of Chile (United States)

    Reyes, F.; Castillo, M. A.; Rubio, M.; Gramsch, E.; Vasquez, Y.; Oyola, P.


    Santiago, Chile's capital is one of most polluted megacity (5.5 million of people) of the world. Currently, PM2.5 annual concentration is over 2.2 times the Chilean standard (20 μg/m3). Continuous measurements of non-refractory PM1.0 (sulfate, nitrate, chloride, ammonium and organics aerosols), black carbon, and PM2,5 mass concentration were determined using Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM, Aerodyne Research, Inc), absorption coefficient monitor (SIMCA, Santiago University) and dustrack monitor (TSI Inc) in order to know the temporal variability of the major components of PM. The measurements were carried out at kerbside, urban background, industrial and mixed residential/industrial locations during year 2012 and -2013. Meteorological data (Relative Humidity, temperature, wind speed, wind direction and precipitations) were obtained from the air quality network operated by the environmental authority. The results show strong correlation with the metropolitan region major sources. Multiple regression analysis indicates that precipitations have a strong impact on PM1.0 soluble components; relative humidity has effects only on chloride, sulfate and black carbon. Chloride concentration decrease when temperature is increasing. The perceptual contribution of each component is similar among all sites. All sites shows that OA (Organics Aerosol) as the major constituent of PM1.0 (>50%), followed of nitrates (>13%). Sulfate could be used to differentiate the industrial site; due to there is a strong impact of SO2 emission. Combustion sources direct impact can be seen at BC contribution at industrial and kerbside site. Also, the OA/BC ratio shows slow value at kerbside (3.05) and industrial (3.26) site, and higher at urban background site (4.15). Aged organics aerosols are majority found at all sites (f43/f44 plot), indicating that regional background is strong in all results. These results will be compared with size distribution measurements available from previous

  6. Evaluating satellite-derived long-term historical precipitation datasets for drought monitoring in Chile (United States)

    Zambrano, Francisco; Wardlow, Brian; Tadesse, Tsegaye; Lillo-Saavedra, Mario; Lagos, Octavio


    Precipitation is a key parameter for the study of climate change and variability and the detection and monitoring of natural disaster such as drought. Precipitation datasets that accurately capture the amount and spatial variability of rainfall is critical for drought monitoring and a wide range of other climate applications. This is challenging in many parts of the world, which often have a limited number of weather stations and/or historical data records. Satellite-derived precipitation products offer a viable alternative with several remotely sensed precipitation datasets now available with long historical data records (+30years), which include the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) and Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR) datasets. This study presents a comparative analysis of three historical satellite-based precipitation datasets that include Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B43 version 7 (1998-2015), PERSIANN-CDR (1983-2015) and CHIRPS 2.0 (1981-2015) over Chile to assess their performance across the country and for the case of the two long-term products the applicability for agricultural drought were evaluated when used in the calculation of commonly used drought indicator as the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). In this analysis, 278 weather stations of in situ rainfall measurements across Chile were initially compared to the satellite data. The study area (Chile) was divided into five latitudinal zones: North, North-Central, Central, South-Central and South to determine if there were a regional difference among these satellite products, and nine statistics were used to evaluate their performance to estimate the amount and spatial distribution of historical rainfall across Chile. Hierarchical cluster analysis, k-means and singular value decomposition were used to analyze

  7. [The 140th anniversary of Revista Médica de Chile]. (United States)

    Reyes, B Humberto; Andresen, H Max; Palma, H Joaquín


    Revista Médica de Chile was founded in 1872 and thus is one of the oldest medical journals being published since the 19th Century. The sponsoring institution--"Sociedad Médica de Santiago", founded in 1869--initially was the only scientific society in Chile, gathering medical doctors from every existing specialty. With the splitting of independent organizations representing specific specialties, including subspecial-ties of internal medicine, Sociedad Médica de Santiago focused its scope of action to become the "Chilean Society of Internal Medicine". Its official journal -Revista Médica de Chile--is currently a general and internal medicine journal that also publishes articles on scientific and technological advances in many fields of medicine and health sciences. While initially all authors were Chilean, the journal is now open to submissions from abroad and since the year 2000 articles are published in English when the local language of authors is not Spanish. The number of articles received determines an increasing administrative and editorial burden and, together with the high cost of publishing, will require changes in publication policies. The journal will participate in continuing medical education programs as soon as reaccreditation of medical specialties becomes officially organized in Chile.

  8. The Kelp Gull as bioindicator of environmental chemicals in the Magellan region. A comparison with other coastal sites in Chile

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    Jacqueline Muñoz


    Full Text Available During the breeding seasons 1994/5 and 1995/6 we collected Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus eggs from five locations in central to south Chile to study the contamination with mercury and organochlorine compounds. The sites were Algarrobo, Concepción, Maiquillahue Bay, Doña Sebastiana Island (Chalcao channel at Chiloé and Magdalena Island (Straits of Magellan. We found differences among the sites: Kelp Gull eggs from Chiloé and Algarrobo had the greatest concentrations of mercury (about 170 ng g-1 fresh weight. Residues of DDT were greatest in eggs from Algarrobo and Maiquillahue Bay, those of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls greatest at Algarrobo and Concepción. HCB had highest levels at Concepción. Considering all organochlorines, samples from Algarrobo had the highest concentrations, those from Chiloé the lowest. In consequence we found a geographical pattern from north to south, i.e., from areas with greater to lesser human impact. In comparison with other studies, the levels of environmental chemicals found in Kelp Gulls from Chile are much lower than those known to cause adverse effects on reproductive success.

  9. Chile and Mercosur: One Strategic Perspective

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Oviedo, Humberto


    ... a big free trade area. Chile has been proactive to open its economy unilaterally and now is looking for creating the best conditions to participate in some important economic blocks, as a NAFTA, MERCOSUR, the Asian-Pacific...

  10. Business Incubation in Chile: Development, Financing and Financial Services

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    Aruna Chandra


    Full Text Available Business incubation in Chile is still in its nascent stages, with approximately 27 incubators supported primarily by a coalition of government and universities. Chilean business incubators tend to capitalize on regional resource strengths and have a strategic focus on high growth, high innovation, high impact businesses as a result of a government mandate to focus on developing business with high potential for economic development and job creation. The government’s efforts to create the framework conditions for entrepreneurship by investing in business incubators, organizing risk capital for early stage ventures to fill capital market gaps and support for angel networks as well as incubator funding are discussed. Policy implications for the continued growth of the incubation industry are provided.

  11. Nuclear public information activities in Chile; Programa de educacion publica de la energia nuclear en Chile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Munoz Quintana, R [Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear, Santiago (Chile)


    Nuclear plans and developing programs in developing and developed countries are facing-in a higher or lower degree- opposition from public opinion. The objectives and contents of the public education program on nuclear energy in Chile are dealt with in this paper.

  12. Argentine – Chili : Une si longue frontière Argentina – Chile: Such a long boundary Argentina – Chile: Una frontera tan larga

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    Sébastien Velut


    Full Text Available Cet article aborde l’intégration sud américaine à partir de l’examen de la très longue frontière entre le Chili et l’Argentine et de sa configuration matérielle. Son tracé, des traités internationaux au terrain, a été une opération compliquée étalée sur plus d’un siècle. La limite est recoupée par les grands itinéraires transcontinentaux, qui jouent un rôle majeur dans les projets politiques d’intégration sud américaine. Les dispositifs de passages, les réseaux urbains et routiersThis paper explores South American regional integration from the vantage point of the very long boundary between Chile and Argentina and is material configurations. The drawing of this very long border, from international treaties to field, was a complex operation lasting more than one century. The limit is intersected by transcontinental itineraries that play a major role in the political projects of South American integration. Crossing devices, urban and road networks and exchanges define regional units.Este artículo estudia la integración sur Americana a partir de la muy larga frontera entre Chile y Argentina y sus configuraciones materiales. El dibujo de la frontera, desde los tratados internacionales hasta el terreno, ha sido una operación compleja que se extendió por más de un siglo. El límite se encuentra recortado por los grandes ejes transcontinentales, que juegan un papel central en los proyectos políticos de integración sur-americana. Los dispositivos de intercambio, las redes urbanas y de caminos y los intercambios definen unidades regionales.

  13. [Socio-demographic characteristics, subjective well-being, and homophobia experienced by a sample of gay men from three cities in Chile]. (United States)

    Barrientos-Delgado, Jaime; Cárdenas-Castro, Manuel; Gómez-Ojeda, Fabiola


    This article describes the socio-demographic characteristics of a sample of gay men in three cities in Chile, as well as experience with homophobia and subjective well-being. Snowball sampling was used to interview 325 gay men. The main findings included high levels of perceived discrimination and victimization, but interviewees reported higher levels of social well-being compared to studies elsewhere in the country. Age was related to differences in levels of social well-being, but not other variables. Individuals with university education reported higher levels of victimization and greater impact of discrimination on their lives. Gay men in Santiago reported a higher relative impact from incidents of aggression, but better levels of social well-being and happiness compared to those in other regions of Chile.


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    Fabian Castro Valle


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de este artículo es mostrar los resultados de una investigaciónrealizada entre los años 2013 y 2014 en cuatro escuelas de educación básica de dependencia municipal, en la comuna de Recoleta, Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile. El estudio tuvo un enfoque cualitativo, con un alcance exploratorio y descriptivo, fundamentado a partir de un diseño de estudio de caso. Se analiza la relación entre el Proyecto Educativo Institucional (PEI y el Plan de Mejoramiento Educativo (PME en estas escuelas, para determinar la coherencia entre ambos instrumentos de gestión e identificar los contenidos del PEI que requieren ser ajustados sobre la base del PME. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que: i los PEI de las escuelas presentan estructuras e identidades distintas y los PME tienen una sola lógica de elaboración con propósitos similares; ii en las cuatro escuelas se detectó que los integrantes de la comunidad educativa tienen una participación diferenciada en los procesos de elaboración, difusión, implementación y evaluación del PEI y PME; iii con respecto al grado de coherencia entre PEI y PME, se detectó que, tres escuelas presentan una coherencia mediana y la restante una alta coherencia referida a la relación explícita entre PEI y PME ; iv los contenidos del PEI de una de las escuelas no requiere ajuste, mientras que aquellos de las otras tres escuelas requieren un mediano nivel de ajuste. Destacando la relevancia de la coherencia en los instrumentos de gestión y el reconocimiento de factores identitarios para las escuelas.

  15. Quem são os migrantes das metrópoles? Uma análise comparativa das pessoas que entraram e saíram das regiões metropolitanas brasileiras

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    Fernando Braga


    Full Text Available A migração interna foi fator chave no crescimento metropolitano brasileiro impulsionado pela transição da economia nacional da base agrícola para a urbano-industrial. Nas três últimas décadas, contudo, vêm ocorrendo mudanças significativas na intensidade e direção dos fluxos populacionais, bem como no perfil dos migrantes. Além disso, os dados mais recentes mostram uma tendência de inversão de sinal do saldo migratório das regiões metropolitanas. Diante disso, esse artigo propõe analisar comparativamente os imigrantes e os emigrantes das 12 principais regiões metropolitanas do Brasil em dimensões demográficas e socioeconômicas a partir dos dados dos Censos Demográficos de 1991 e 2000, possibilitando uma reflexão sobre as mudanças recentes na mobilidade populacional brasileira e sua relação com o processo de formação da rede urbana.

  16. Provisional catalogue of the flora of San Ignacio de Huinay, Chile

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    Ramón Morales


    Full Text Available Contribution to the vascular plants flora of San Ignacio de Huinay natural reserve, Comau fiord, Región de los Lagos, Chile. To date, 262 species with their herbaria sheets stored in 5 different American and European herbaria (CONC, M, MA, and SGO and that of Huinay, are known in the territory. In this work some first new records for the South Cone are included, such as Potentilla anglica, Plantago media, and Mentha x rotundifolia. Furthermore, some of the records are new for the Flora of Chile, such as Juncus burkartii, only known from Argentina. Other species very scarcely cited in Chile, such as Solanum nigrum and Bromus squarrosus, are also included.

  17. IAEA Mission Says Chile Committed to Enhancing Safety, Sees Regulatory Challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts said Chile is committed to strengthening its regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety. To help achieve this aim, the team said the country should address challenges in some areas, including the need to ensure effective independence in regulatory decision-making. The Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) team today concluded a 12-day mission to assess the regulatory safety framework in Chile. The mission was conducted at the request of the Government and hosted by the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN), which is responsible for regulatory supervision together with the Ministry of Health (MINSAL). The review mission covered all civilian nuclear and radiation source facilities and activities regulated in Chile.

  18. Forest nursery management in Chile (United States)

    Rene Escobar R.; Manuel Sanchez O.; Guillermo Pereira C.


    The forest economy in Chile is based on products from artificial reforestation efforts on approximately 2 million ha. From these, about 1.5 million ha (75%) are planted with Pinus radiata, 400,000 ha (20%) with species of Eucalyptus, principally E. globulus and E. nitens, and the rest (5%) composed by other...

  19. Formación bruta de capital en bienes de equipo en chile, 1856-1930: Fuentes nacionales y extranjeras Gross Capital Formation in Equipment in Chile, 1856-1930: National and Foreign Sources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristián Ducoing


    Full Text Available Pese a contar con unas de las mejores estadísticas de los países en desarrollo, existen lagunas en las series económicas de Chile, las cuales se han corregido a lo largo de los años. El trabajo conjunto de los autores ha permitido conocer las similitudes y diferencias entre una evaluación basada en las estadísticas chilenas y otra elaborada con las estadísticas del comercio exterior del G-3 (Alemania, Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña. El objetivo del artículo es contrastar las series de inversión en maquinaria para Chile desde 1856 hasta 1930 y servir de base para otros estudios que quieran aportar nuevas series que permitan entender el desarrollo de Chile en el largo plazo.Despite having the best statistics in developing countries, there are a number of gaps in Chile's economic series, which have been being corrected over the years. Our joint work has allowed knowing the similarities and differences between series made from the Chilean statistical yearbooks and official trade statistics of G-3 (Germany, USA and Great Britain. The article aims to contrast both machinery investment series for Chile from 1856 to 1930 and provide a basis for other studies that want to make new series for understanding the development of Chile in the long term.

  20. Avian influenza in Chile: a successful experience. (United States)

    Max, Vanessa; Herrera, José; Moreira, Rubén; Rojas, Hernán


    Avian influenza (AI) was diagnosed in May 2002 for the first time in Chile and South America. The epidemic was caused by the highly pathogenic AI (HPAI) virus subtype H7N3 that emerged from a low pathogenic virus. The index farm was a broiler breeder, located in San Antonio, V Region, which at the time was a densely populated poultry area. Stamping of 465,000 breeders, in 27 sheds, was immediately conducted. Surveillance activities detected a second outbreak, 1 wk later, at a turkey breeding farm from the same company. The second farm was located 4 km from the index case. Only 25% of the sheds were infected, and 18,500 turkeys were destroyed. In both outbreaks, surveillance zones and across-country control measures were established: prediagnosis quarantine, depopulation, intensive surveillance, movement control, and increased biosecurity. Other measures included cleaning, disinfection, and controlling the farms with sentinels to detect the potential presence of the virus. Zoning procedures were implemented to allow the international trade of poultry products from unaffected areas. Positive serologic results to H5N2 virus also were detected in other poultry farms, but there was no evidence of clinical signs or virus isolation. Epidemiological investigation and laboratory confirmation determined that positive serology was related to a contaminated imported batch of vaccine against inclusion body hepatitis. All actions taken allowed the control of the epidemic, and within 7 mo, Chile was free of AI. Epidemic and control measures that prevented further spread are described in this article, which illustrates the importance of a combination of control measures during and after an outbreak of AI. This study is a good example of how veterinary services need to respond if their country is affected by HPAI.