
Sample records for records changements hydroclimatiques

  1. Programme de bourses de recherche sur le changement climatique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une faculté d'adaptation limitée est souvent reconnue comme l'un des principaux facteurs de vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques. Le programme Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Afrique (ACCA) du CRDI vise à aider les sociétés africaines à faire face aux changements climatiques. Cette subvention ...

  2. Changements climatiques, innovation et technologies de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  3. Changements climatiques | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'objectif du programme Changements climatiques consiste à appuyer des partenariats et des réseaux visant à rassembler des données probantes pour trouver des solutions et utiliser les technologies en vue d'obtenir des gains sociaux et économiques et d'atténuer les effets des changements climatiques pour l'avenir.

  4. Etude du processus de changement vecu par des familles ayant decide d'adopter volontairement des comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques (United States)

    Leger, Michel T.

    Les activites humaines energivores telles l'utilisation intensive de l'automobile, la surconsommation de biens et l'usage excessif d'electricite contribuent aux changements climatiques et autres problemes environnementaux. Bien que plusieurs recherches rapportent que l'etre humain est de plus en plus conscient de ses impacts sur le climat de la planete, ces memes recherches indiquent qu'en general, les gens continuent a se comporter de facon non ecologique. Que ce soit a l'ecole ou dans la communaute, plusieurs chercheurs en education relative a l'environnement estiment qu'une personne bien intentionnee est capable d'adopter des comportements plus respectueux de l'environnement. Le but de cette these etait de comprendre le processus d'integration de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles. A cette fin, nous nous sommes fixe deux objectifs : 1) decrire les competences et les procedes qui favorisent l'adoption de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles et 2) decrire les facteurs et les dynamiques familiales qui facilitent et limitent l'adoption de comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques dans des familles. Des familles ont ete invitees a essayer des comportements personnels et collectifs d'attenuation des changements climatiques de sorte a integrer des modes de vie plus ecologiques. Sur une periode de huit mois, nous avons suivi leur experience de changement afin de mieux comprendre comment se produit le processus de changement dans des familles qui decident volontairement d'adopter des comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques. Apres leur avoir fourni quelques connaissances de base sur les changements climatiques, nous avons observe le vecu de changement des familles durant huit mois d'essais a l'aide de journaux reflexifs, d'entretiens d'explicitation et du journal du chercheur. La these comporte trois articles scientifiques. Dans le premier article, nous presentons une

  5. Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    18 avr. 2018 ... Contrats d'options d'eau pour l'adaptation aux changements climatiques à Santiago (Chili);. • Adaptation aux changements climatiques dans les bassins hydrographiques en voie d'urbanisation rapide: enseignements issues d'une approche tenant compte des préoccupations et des facteurs de stress ...

  6. changement climatique, mécanisme actuel de prévention

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    19 févr. 2015 ... Ainsi, dans un contexte des changements climatiques, cette étude vise ... Mots Clés: Adaptations, Banikoara, Bénin, changement climatique, ...... pastorale sahélienne: cas de l'arrondissement ... Global Environmental Politics.

  7. Adaptation aux changements climatiques et résilience en Asie du Sud

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  8. Vulnérabilité et adaptation face aux changements climatiques et au ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  9. L'adaptation aux changements climatiques

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cathy Egan

    plus équitables et plus prospères. Centre de recherches pour le développement international, CP 8500, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada K1G 3H9. Tél. : 613-236-6163 • Télécopieur : 613-238-7230 • Courriel : L'ADAPTATION AUX. CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES. LE RECOURS AUX. ONDES. Les petits exploitants ...

  10. Une stratégie adaptive au changement climatique dans le Moyen ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Des pratiques d'adaptation et de gestion de risques dans le secteur de l'eau sont en voie d'application dans différents pays et régions du monde à la lumière des impacts de changement climatique prévus. Dans la région MENA, la sensibilisation de toutes les parties prenantes sur la signification du changement climatique ...

  11. Perceptions locales de la manifestation des changements ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    . PRPR. ERMA. DC. UD cluster 1 cluster 2. Pauvres. Riches et moyens. Figure 4. Positionnement des classes d'impacts socio-économiques des changements climatiques dans un système d'axes de l'analyse factorielle des ...

  12. La dévalorisation des filles au Bangladesh : continuité ou changement

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le déséquilibre du ratio hommes-femmes se concentre en grande partie dans des ... le contrôle masculin du travail et des ressources de la famille en vertu d'un ... à savoir qu'une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique du changement qui a ... IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau.

  13. Perceptions locales du changement climatique et mesures d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Perceptions locales du changement climatique et mesures d'adaptation dans la ... village, de l'importance représentée par le karité pour les groupes socioculturels. ... l'adaptation de nouvelles cultures en association, la protection des jeunes ...

  14. Adaptation dans les zones cruciales au regard des changements ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ) vise à accroître la résilience des populations pauvres dans trois « zones cruciales » au regard des changements climatiques : les bassins hydrographiques, les deltas et les régions semi-arides.

  15. Recherche sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Corey Piccioni

    consortiums travaillent dans des zones vulnérables aux changements climatiques en Afrique et en Asie, notamment dans les bassins hydrographiques alimentés .... Le projet de recherche Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies (PRISE) vise à réduire les risques et à opti- miser les possibilités de développement ...

  16. Evaluation des changements physico-chimiques caractérisant le ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation des changements physico-chimiques caractérisant le mûrissement au cours de l'entreposage de trois variétés de bananes Musa spp. (AAB, cv. Corne 1 ; AAA, cv. Poyo et AA, cv. Figue Sucrée)

  17. Les agriculteurs s'adaptent aux changements climatiques en Tunisie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 août 2011 ... Les eaux grises et la culture en serre augmentent la production alimentaire en Tunisie ... Des chercheurs insistent sur l'importance de favoriser la résilience aux ... Vulnérabilité et adaptation aux changements climatiques des ...

  18. Changements climatiques | Page 39 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord connaissent une urbanisation effrénée qui entraîne un grave stress hydrique et nuit à la production alimentaire. Mais la recherche montre comment l'expansion urbaine et la croissance agricole peuvent aller de pair. Axe de recherche. Examiner en quoi les changements climatiques et ...

  19. Les agriculteurs s'adaptent aux changements climatiques en Tunisie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 août 2011 ... À La Soukra, en Tunisie, des centaines de familles à faible revenu vivent des produits de la terre qu'elles cultivent. Or, depuis quelques décennies, ce mode de vie est menacé par l'urbanisation et les changements climatiques.

  20. Adaptation de collectivités africaines aux changements climatiques ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Mis en oeuvre par des organisations non gouvernementales, les projets adopteront une démarche d'apprentissage par la pratique et viseront à trouver des façons de communiquer l'information au sujet des changements ... Managing Risk, Reducing Vulnerability and Enhancing Productivity under a Changing Climate.

  1. Les changements climatiques et l'urbanisation menacent les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    5 sept. 2014 ... Cette perception correspond-elle aux données scientifiques ? Shah Alam Khan. Dans les quatre villes étudiées, on observe effectivement de réels changements dans les précipitations annuelles, mais pas nécessairement une diminution. À Gurgaon, il y aurait diminution selon l'opinion générale, ce qui ...

  2. Des données locales sur les changements climatiques assurent la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 mai 2015 ... Les changements climatiques et la variabilité du climat représentent une menace importante pour l'agriculture, la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens de subsistance en Afrique subsaharienne.

  3. Interaction entre zones urbaines et rurales et changements ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet vise à réduire la vulnérabilité des systèmes ruraux-urbains du Nigeria face aux changements climatiques en diffusant les résultats du projet pilote mené dans la ville d'Aba, dans le sud-est du pays, et les environs. L'équipe du projet aidera le comité de conseillers-superviseurs d'Aba à déterminer les bonnes ...

  4. Renforcement de la capacité d'adaptation aux changements ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet vise à améliorer les mesures incitatives et les possibilités qui s'offrent aux ménages du sud de la Zambie et du sud-ouest du Zimbabwe pour composer avec les changements climatiques. Pour ce faire, les responsables investiront dans des technologies de production améliorées d'une grande valeur pratique ...

  5. Technologies agricoles modernes et changements dans la vie socio ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ainsi les anciennes habitudes en matière d'organisation économique, sociale et culturelle sont-elles loin d'avoir été préservées. La présente étude vise à analyser l'ensemble des changements induits par les nouvelles technologies agricoles sur les structures économique, culturelle, politique, religieuse et sociale de ladite ...

  6. Aquaculture intérieure et adaptation aux changements climatiques ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet porte sur l'élevage du tilapia dans de petits étangs fermiers ou des cages flottantes dans les rivières et les réservoirs du nord de la Thaïlande. Les chercheurs exploreront des façons d'adapter les pratiques aquacoles aux changements climatiques et analyseront la valeur de l'aquaculture comme stratégie ...

  7. Le littoral face aux changements climatiques


    Mulot, Vanessa; Vigneron, Anne-Laure; Lambert-Hadid, Marie-Laure


    Le changement climatique et l’anthropisation du littoral accentuent le risque de submersion marine sur l’ensemble des côtes. Malgré l’élévation en cours du niveau des mers, l’attractivité du littoral ne décroît pas malgré la connaissance du risque. Ce risque aggravera dans les années à venir les enjeux liés à la submersion marine, parmi lesquels le danger pour les vies humaines, comme l’a malheureusement illustré l’actualité (Xynhia), mais aussi la question de la propriété des biens et des te...

  8. Communication des risques reliés aux changements climatiques en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janv. 2012 ... Il incombe bien sûr aux gouvernements locaux et nationaux de prendre les décisions relatives à l'adaptation aux changements climatiques; ils doivent toutefois les communiquer aux ménages, aux groupes communautaires et aux entreprises privées afin que ceux-ci prennent les décisions qui s'imposent ...

  9. Impacts économiques et sociaux des changements climatiques sur l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le projet étudiera l'attribution de l'eau dans les divers secteurs productifs des trois bassins et estimera la demande d'eau pour l'agriculture, l'industrie et la consommation domestique. La recherche identifiera les groupes vulnérables touchés par le stress hydrique engendré par les changements climatiques. On fera appel à ...

  10. Vulnérabilité et adaptation aux changements climatiques des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2016 ... Pour certains, les changements se produisent progressivement, tandis que pour d'autres, des transformations radicales surviennent après des événements déterminants tels que des cyclones violents. Les agriculteurs pensent que la détérioration de l'environnement – et surtout la déforestation rapide – en ...

  11. Lorsque la recherche locale est source de changements véritables ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    18 févr. 2011 ... Les think tanks africains se penchent sur certaines des difficultés les plus ... Lorsque la recherche locale est source de changements véritables en Afrique ... De quel type d'information les acteurs de la sphère politique ont-ils ...

  12. Des changements en Asie, surtout pour les femmes | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 mars 2016 ... Deux femmes qui regardent l'écran d'un ordinateur en Inde. Photo : CRDI. Les femmes sont les agentes du changement en Inde, au Bangladesh, et au Cambodge. Je reviens tout juste d'un voyage en Inde, au Bangladesh, et au Cambodge. Bien que ces pays soient très différents, j'ai remarqué plusieurs ...

  13. Mise en place d'un réseau d'adaptation aux changements ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet a pour objectif de concevoir un mécanisme de gestion des risques accrus liés aux changements climatiques en appliquant le principe reconnu des ... Adaptation to Climate Change: Stakeholder engagement and understanding impacts - International Council for Local Environment Initiatives (ICLEI) (Section 21).

  14. Les changements climatiques brouillent les prédictions des faiseurs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 oct. 2010 ... Depuis des générations, les autochtones de l'ouest du Kenya comptent sur les pouvoirs mystiques que possèdent les « faiseurs de pluie » du clan Nganyi pour prédire la météo. Cependant, le temps instable amené par les changements climatiques brouille les indices grâce auxquels les faiseurs de pluie ...

  15. Changement climatique et domaines skiables: simulation en Savoie et Haute-Savoie à l’horizon 2015

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    Jean-Christophe Loubier


    Full Text Available Les domaines skiables et le changement climatique posent des questions importantes et nouvelles pour les espaces montagnards. Dans les hautes vallées où ces domaines sont souvent le moteur principal du développement local, on peut s'interroger sur la pérennité du modèle économique de l'or blanc à moyen terme quand les modèles de simulation du climat tablent sur une élévation de la température moyenne comprise entre 1,5° et 5° en 2100. Nous avons tenté de simuler les effets du changement climatique à l'horizon 2015, sur les domaines skiables de Savoie et Haute Savoie.

  16. Adaptation aux changements climatiques au Malawi grâce à l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    28 avr. 2016 ... Depuis 2001, le programme Écosystèmes et santé humaine du CRDI finance au Malawi des recherches centrées sur les liens entre la fertilité des sols, ... L'équipe examine la façon dont la recherche participative peut guider l'élaboration de stratégies d'adaptation aux changements climatiques, dans un ...

  17. 184 Estimation des changements de la ligne de rivage de la zone ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Estimation des changements de la ligne de rivage de la zone côtière sablonneuse de Kénitra au Maroc. Mohamed AHIZOUN1*, Eric MAIRE2, Souad HAIDA1,. José DARROZES2 et Jean-Luc PROBST3. 1 Laboratoire géophysique, mécanique des fluides, environnement et ingénierie mathématique - Equipe de recherche ...

  18. La vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques, une expérience ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2011 ... Madagascar, la quatrième plus grande île au monde, héberge une multitude de formes de vie qu'on ne trouve nulle part ailleurs sur la planète. Dans la plupart des cas, cette biodiversité est extrêmement vulnérable aux changements climatiques, tout comme l'agriculture pluviale, la pêche et la foresterie, ...

  19. Lutte contre le changement climatique et maîtrise de la demande d’énergie : introduction au dossier thématique


    Aubrée, Loïc; Calvo-Mendieta, Iratxe


    Cet article constitue l’introduction du dossier thématique consacré à la lutte contre le changement climatique et la maîtrise de la demande d’énergie. Après un dossier de la Revue Développement Durable et Territoires, paru en décembre 2015 et en juillet 2016, abordant la question du climat sous l’angle de l’adaptation, les articles de ce dossier s’intéressent aux politiques, aux programmes et aux instruments qui contribuent à l’atténuation du changement climatique. L’objectif est la diminutio...

  20. Résumé sur l'eau : Une stratégie adaptive au changement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 janv. 2011 ... Historiquement parlant, le climat de la Terre a changé plusieurs fois et plusieurs événements climatiques se sont succédés au fil des âges, tels que des périodes glaciaires et de longues périodes de réchauffement. Les changements climatiques sont dûs à de causes variées, tant naturelles qu'humaines.

  1. Possibilité de financement pour l'égalité des sexes et le changement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 mars 2018 ... Le CRDI est heureux d'annoncer une nouvelle occasion de financement qui vise à favoriser des mesures de lutte contre les changements climatiques efficaces et à long terme, afin de réduire les inégalités sociales, de promouvoir une plus grande égalité entre les sexes, et d'autonomiser les femmes et les ...

  2. Les ecarts de financement en matiere d'adaptation aux changements climatiques - avec la perspective des CPDN

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olhoff, Anne; Bee, Skylar; Puig, Daniel

    En 2014, le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement (PNUE) a publié son premier rapport sur les écarts entre besoins et perspectives en matière d’adaptation (AGR 2014) (PNUE, 2014), lequel a permis de poser un cadre préliminaire pour évaluer ces écarts et d’établir une évaluation...... rapport sur les écarts financiers et les options permettant de les combler. Le rapport sera publié au printemps 2016. Cette mise à jour doit contribuer aux débats lors de la 21ème session de la Conférence des Parties (COP 21) à la Convention-Cadre des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques (CCNUCC...... les besoins de financement présentes dans les composantes adaptation des Contributions Prévues Déterminées au niveau National (CPDN) (INDC) – soit les engagements post 2020 que les pays se proposent mettre en oeuvre dans le cadre d’un nouvel accord mondial sur les changements climatiques....

  3. Les discours de François Hollande (2009-2012: la force axiologico-affective du changement

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    Maria Immacolata Spagna


    Full Text Available Abstract – Within the field of argumentative analysis, our purpose is to underline the function and the effectiveness of the axiological-emotional content of the change proposed by François Hollande in his speeches (2009-2012.On the basis of the emotional orientation, given in a dysphoric register towards the previous government and in a euphoric one towards the auspicious future, the argumentation of the change claimed by the “normal” president is based on values. To not change would mean to accept the current situation and therefore all its negative values.Putting the reader in a condition of emotional tension with the aim of energizing him to find a remedy, Hollande’s proposition becomes, thus, a call to action, an implicit request for social, politic and moral engagement, to change the course of history and to realize a better future. Keywords: Argumentation, political discourse, emotion, axiological, change.  Résumé – Dans le cadre de l’analyse argumentative, cet article vise à souligner la fonction et l’efficacité de la charge axiologico-affective du changement proposé par François Hollande dans ses discours (2009-2012.Sur la base de l’orientation émotionnelle, donnée dans un registre dysphorique à l’égard du gouvernement passé et euphorique vers l’avenir prometteur, l’argumentation du changement invoqué par le président “normal” se fonde sur les valeurs. Ne pas changer signifierait accepter la situation actuelle et, par là, toutes ces valeurs négatives.Mettant le lecteur dans une condition de tension émotive pour le motiver à trouver un remède, la proposition de Hollande devient ainsi un appel à agir, une requête implicite d’engagement social, politique et moral pour changer le cours de l’histoire et réaliser un futur meilleur. Mots clés: argumentation, discours politique, émotion, axiologique, changement

  4. La modélisation intégrée des changements climatiques et les liens ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les changements climatiques influencent la fréquence et l'intensité des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes, exposant à la fois les populations et les économies à des pertes de vie, de productivité et de propriété. Ce projet aidera les planificateurs et les responsables des politiques à réagir de manière plus efficace en ...

  5. Globalisation et changement d’échelle dans le gouvernement urbain

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    H.V. Savitch


    Full Text Available Cet article analyse les relations entre la mondialisation et le changement d’échelle urbaine. Il considère que les dynamiques à l’œuvre dans le processus de mondialisation (politiques néo-libérales, compétition territoriale, suburbanisation conduisent à de nouvelles contraintes pesant sur les villes. Une des réponses les plus pertinentes que les villes peuvent générer repose sur le changement d’échelle de leurs institutions en bâtissant de nouvelles structures ou en les restructurant pour renforcer leur capacité d’action. Ce processus conduit à reconfigurer les modes de gouvernance et donc le pouvoir urbain sur de nouvelles bases géographiques. Ce type de manipulation territoriale est un instrument qui agit sur l’allocation des ressources entre acteurs, en inclus certains, en exclue d’autres, établit de nouvelles priorités sur l’agenda politique. Cinq types de dynamiques institutionnelles sont présentées et analysées à partir de cas concrets: 1 les villes fusionnées 2 le gouvernement à plusieurs niveaux 3 la coopération partagée 4 les communautés urbaines et 5 les villes non contiguës. Une première évaluation est menée en tentant de mettre jour l’efficacité, le contrôle démocratique et la capacité à générer du développement économique respectifs de ces cinq modèles qui présentent tous des avantages et des inconvénients. Le recours à l’un ou l’autre de ces modèles s’explique essentiellement par les valeurs auxquels il renvoie et par des contingences politiques et économiques. Ils ne garantissent pas non plus un type particulier d’effet même si un changement d’échelle bien maîtrisé peut renforcer la position d’une ville face à la mondialisation.This article explores the relationship between globalization and urban rescaling. It suggests that forces emanating from globalization (neo liberal politics, increased competition, economic restructuring and suburbanization have

  6. Quel futur pour les services écosystémiques de la forêt alpine dans un contexte de changement climatique ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benoît Courbaud


    Full Text Available La forêt de montagne produit de nombreux services écosystémiques qui vont être affectés par les changements climatiques. On attend une remontée des essences en altitude qui pourrait conduire à une diminution des résineux et des espèces du subalpin. Ces changements d’essences pourraient avoir un impact négatif sur la biodiversité et sur la production de bois d’œuvre. On observe cependant également une augmentation de la productivité favorable à la production de bois énergie et au moins temporairement de bois d’œuvre, ainsi qu’au stockage de carbone. Face à une augmentation possible des évènements climatiques extrêmes, les changements de végétation pourront être marqués par des épisodes de dépérissements, très négatifs pour la filière économique, la protection contre les risques naturels et la biodiversité. Le changement climatique affectera la forêt également de manière indirecte en augmentant la demande en énergie renouvelable et en stockage de carbone. Les incertitudes sur les prédictions de changements de végétation sont élevées, ce qui rend délicate la définition de stratégies d’adaptation de la gestion forestière. Une gestion de crises efficace, un accompagnement des évolutions naturelles de la forêt basé sur une interaction recherche-gestion (gestion adaptative, et la prise en compte explicite de la notion d’incertitude paraissent des éléments essentiels au maintien des services écosystémiques fournis par la forêt.Mountain forests produce a large number of ecosystem services that are going to be affected by climate change. We are expecting an increase in high altitude species that could result in the decrease in resinous and subalpine species. These changes in species could adversely affect biodiversity and timber production. However, we also observe an increase in productivity that favours the production of energy wood and, at least temporarily, timber, as well as carbon



    O Arfi; E Mezaache


    Une étude numérique du transfert de chaleur instationnaire dans un mur tricouches est présentée. Le modèle physique est basé sur l’équation de conduction thermique unidirectionnelle en tenant compte des équations de couplages au niveau des interfaces et des conditions convectives de surfaces. Les équations de transfert sont données en représentation enthalpique pour le matériau à changement de phase (MCP), et en formulation générale pour les régions solides. La formulation adimensionnelle a p...

  8. Changements organisationnels, structures industrielles et innovations environnementales : le cas des firmes industrielles françaises


    Nadel, Simon


    La thèse analyse les déterminants de l’adoption des innovations environnementales dans l’industrie française et ses interactions avec les changements organisationnels, d’une part, et les structures industrielles, d’autre part. Elle offre tout d’abord une revue de la littérature économique qui fonde l’analyse de l’innovation environnementale. Elle propose ensuite une analyse empirique, sur données d’entreprise, du comportement éco-innovateur des firmes autour de trois éclairages. La première p...


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    O Arfi


    Full Text Available Une étude numérique du transfert de chaleur instationnaire dans un mur tricouches est présentée. Le modèle physique est basé sur l’équation de conduction thermique unidirectionnelle en tenant compte des équations de couplages au niveau des interfaces et des conditions convectives de surfaces. Les équations de transfert sont données en représentation enthalpique pour le matériau à changement de phase (MCP, et en formulation générale pour les régions solides. La formulation adimensionnelle a permis de dégager les principaux paramètres affectant le transfert : nombre de Biot (Bi, nombre de Stephan (Ste et le degré de surchauffe (qm. La discrétisation des équations est réalisée en utilisant la méthode des volumes finis selon un schéma explicite. La solution numérique est obtenue par une méthode itérative basée sur la notion d’enthalpie critique. L’étude de l’influence de la condition convective chaude, gouvernée par  Bi¥,cet θ¥,c , a montré que la présence des couches solides affecte la cinétique de la solidification, les limites de la solidification et le transfert de chaleur par un effet de stockage et de déstockage d’énergie sensible. L’influence de la température θ¥,c sur le processus de changement de phase est fortement dépendante du nombre de Biot Bi¥,c.

  10. Communication des organisations, territoires et TIC au coeur du changement et du développement durable


    DEBOS, Franck; BOILLOT, Florence


    Notre point de départ est que l'organisation, ' entreprises, collectivités, ONG, institution territoriale, etc.', tend à se revendiquer écocitoyenne, ce qui sous-tend qu'elle s'arroge un rôle d'animateur de territoire, facteur d'innovation et de changement dans le domaine public, professionnel mais aussi privé (De Backer, 1998 ; Cohen-Bacrie, 2006). Dans un contexte de crises économiques répétitives depuis l'éclatement de la bulle Internet en 2000 avec comme points d'orgue la crise des « Subp...

  11. Communication des organisations, territoires et TIC au cœur du changement et du développement durable


    Debos , Franck; BOILLOT , F


    Il s'agit d'une réflexion issue des travaux de recherche d'une des axes du laboratoire I3M; Notre point de départ est que l’organisation, – entreprises, collectivités, ONG, institution territoriale, etc.—, tend à se revendiquer écocitoyenne, ce qui sous-tend qu’elle s’arroge un rôle d’animateur de territoire, facteur d’innovation et de changement dans le domaine public, professionnel mais aussi privé (De Backer, 1998 ; Cohen-Bacrie, 2006). Dans un contexte de crises économiques répétitives de...

  12. Impact des changements climatiques sur l’agriculture dans la plaine de Jeffara sud-est tunisien

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    Houcine Jeder


    Full Text Available Cette étude évalue la vulnérabilité de l’agriculture dans la plaine de Jeffera sud-est tunisien aux changements climatiques en utilisant la méthode Ricardienne. Cette méthode consiste à exprimer les revenus nets agricoles en fonction des variables climatiques, édaphiques et socio-économiques. Ces modèles ricardiens ont été testés sur la base des données d’une enquête réalisée dans le cadre de projet de développement dans la plaine Jeffera pour la compagne agricole 2002-2003.  Ces modèles ont permis d’exprimer d’une part la relation qui existe entre le revenu agricole et les variables climatiques (température et précipitation et d’autre part, d’analyser la sensibilité des revenus agricoles par rapport à ces variables climatiques. Des simulations ont été faites sur la base de scenario A2 résultat de la projection faite par le modèle HadCM3 à l’échelle nationale et régionale de la Tunisie.Les résultats de l’étude ont montré que la relation entre le revenu agricole et le climat est non linéaire. De même, les effets négatifs de certaines options d’adaptation ont montré que  l’agriculture dans la plaine de Jeffera est une agriculture paysanne basée sur le travail familial qui nécessite aujourd’hui un capital financier important et une marge de modernisation afin d’améliorer l’activité agricole dans les années futures. Tandis que les effets positifs de certaines autres options peuvent être servir comme des points de réflexion dans l’élaboration des stratégies d’adaptation aux changements climatiques comme l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies d’irrigation et l’intégration de l’activité de l’élevage dans l’exploitation agricole.

  13. Des stratégies de changement dans les organisations internationales : une analyse comparée du HCR et de l’OIT


    Louis, Marieke; Maertens, Lucile


    Partant d’une comparaison inédite entre le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) et l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), cet article suggère de revisiter la problématique du changement dans les organisations internationales en montrant, dans une perspective de sociologie des relations internationales, l’existence d’un continuum de stratégies organisationnelles mises en place par ces dernières pour légitimer leur existence et leur action, stratégies allant de l...

  14. Dynamique de changement de l’arganeraie entre sur-usage et mutations sociales : une opportunité d’équilibre socio-écologique ?

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    Farid El Wahidi


    Full Text Available Detecting and characterizing forest cover change over time is the first step towards the identification of driving forces and understanding their mechanisms. Using remote sensing data and socio-economic surveys, this work tries to understand man-environment interactions in the Haha argan forest (14.7 % of the entire Moroccan argan forest. It consists, in a first step, on detecting and characterizing forest cover changes. The second step seeks to link the estimated change to specific factors from the analysis of traditional land management and demographic, socio-economic dynamics in the study area. The obtained results contribute to clarify the ambiguous speech around the argan forest degradation, at least in the mountain and along the Atlantic band. It implies a small rate of decline in forest area, barely exceeding a rate of 0.2% between 1993 and 2006. As for the stumps density, it almost does not decrease (averaging 0.6 stump/ha between 1984 and 2006. These changes, often subtle, are observed in 96.5% in the common area (mouchaa for free use and not submitted to the traditional land management regulation (agdals set by the local community. The Haha argan forest is experiencing a long-term of ecological dynamic change corollary to a demographic, social and economic dynamics so called favorable to its preservation. Nevertheless, it suffers from a qualitative degradation and a dysfunction of natural processes limiting any restoration dynamic and making questionable the reliability and the sustainability of this agro-ecosystem. Détecter et caractériser les changements du couvert forestier au fil du temps est la première étape vers l'identification des forces motrices et la compréhension de leurs mécanismes. Ce travail consiste, en combinant données de télédétection et enquêtes socio-économiques, à construire une image de l’ensemble des interactions homme-environnement autour de l’arganeraie des Haha (sud-ouest marocain. Il s

  15. Modelisation de l'erosion et des sources de pollution dans le bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette dans un contexte de changements climatiques (United States)

    Coulibaly, Issa

    Principale source d'approvisionnement en eau potable de la municipalite d'Edmundston, le bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette est un enjeu capital pour cette derniere, d'ou les efforts constants deployes pour assurer la preservation de la qualite de son eau. A cet effet, plusieurs etudes y ont ete menees. Les plus recentes ont identifie des menaces de pollution de diverses origines dont celles associees aux changements climatiques (e.g. Maaref 2012). Au regard des impacts des modifications climatiques annonces a l'echelle du Nouveau-Brunswick, le bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette pourrait etre fortement affecte, et cela de diverses facons. Plusieurs scenarios d'impacts sont envisageables, notamment les risques d'inondation, d'erosion et de pollution a travers une augmentation des precipitations et du ruissellement. Face a toutes ces menaces eventuelles, l'objectif de cette etude est d'evaluer les impacts potentiels des changements climatiques sur les risques d'erosion et de pollution a l'echelle du bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette. Pour ce faire, la version canadienne de l'equation universelle revisee des pertes en sol RUSLE-CAN et le modele hydrologique SWAT ( Soil and Water Assessment Tool) ont ete utilises pour modeliser les risques d'erosion et de pollution au niveau dans la zone d'etude. Les donnees utilisees pour realiser ce travail proviennent de sources diverses et variees (teledetections, pedologiques, topographiques, meteorologiques, etc.). Les simulations ont ete realisees en deux etapes distinctes, d'abord dans les conditions actuelles ou l'annee 2013 a ete choisie comme annee de reference, ensuite en 2025 et 2050. Les resultats obtenus montrent une tendance a la hausse de la production de sediments dans les prochaines annees. La production maximale annuelle augmente de 8,34 % et 8,08 % respectivement en 2025 et 2050 selon notre scenario le plus optimiste, et de 29,99 % en 2025 et 29,72 % en 2050 selon le scenario le plus pessimiste par rapport a celle

  16. La géoarchéologie fluviale

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    Gilles Arnaud-Fassetta


    Full Text Available Les recherches des hydrogéomorphologues ont des applications nombreuses dans le vaste champ des sciences géoarchéologiques. Elles fournissent des réponses précises sur la façon dont l’environnement des anciens lieux de passage et de vie humaine a évolué. Le propos n’est pas seulement de définir les causes des grands changements environnementaux, mais aussi de juger de la vulnérabilité sociétale face aux contraintes hydroclimatiques. Pour cela, les méthodes d’étude doivent nécessairement prendre en compte les trois facettes de la géomorphologie fluviale : la paléohydrographie, la paléohydrologie et la paléohydraulique. La pertinence de cette approche est montrée en milieu rural et urbain dans les plaines deltaïques du Rhône (France du Sud et de l’Isonzo (Italie du Nord.Current research led by hydrogeomorphologists has numerous applications in the vast field of geoarchaeological sciences. It brings precise answers on environmental characteristics around the ancient places of passage and human life. The goal is not only to define the causes of global environmental changes, but also to precise the links between river dynamics and human societies in terms of fluvial risk. Therefore, the studied methods should simultaneously take into account the three facets of the fluvial geomorphology, i.e., the palaeohydrography, the palaeohydrology, and the palaeohydraulics. The pertinence of this combinatorial approach is deduced from the work of the author led both in rural and urban areas of the deltaic plains of the Rhône (South of France and Isonzo (northern Italy rivers.

  17. Adaptation de l'agriculture aux politiques de gestion de l'eau et aux changements globaux : l'apport des modèles de programmation mathématique


    Graveline, Nina


    Cette thèse développe et discute différentes approches micro-économiques de modélisation de l’agriculture pour représenter l’effet de changements globaux et de politiques de gestion de l’eau sur l’adaptation de l’agriculture et sur les ressources en eau. Après un chapitre de synthèse et une revue de la littérature, quatre essais sont présentés. Le premier essai décrit la représentation du comportement de dix exploitations agricoles en Alsace et en Bade (Allemagne) à partir de modèles de progr...

  18. Le changement comme tradition dans la recherche et la formation a la recherche en biotechnologie et en peripherie Etude de cas en sciences de la sante, sciences naturelles et genie (United States)

    Bourque, Claude Julie

    Le champ de la recherche scientifique et de la formation a la recherche est traverse depuis quelques dizaines d'annees par plusieurs courants et discours associes au changement, mais peu de travaux empiriques permettent de comprendre ce qui change concretement. C'est la contribution originale de cette these au champ de l'education, plus specifiquement a l'etude sociologique de l'enseignement superieur ou sont concentrees les activites liees a la triade thematique du programme doctoral dans lequel elle a ete produite : recherche, formation et pratique. L'enquete-terrain a ete realisee en 2009 et 2010 aupres de 808 repondants affilies a 60 etablissements au Quebec et a produit un vaste materiau de nature mixte (donnees quantitatives et qualitatives). Un portrait de la nebuleuse biotechnologique qui touche les secteurs des sciences de la sante, des sciences naturelles et du genie a ete realise. Ce domaine concerne des dizaines de disciplines et se revele de nature transdisciplinaire, mais les pratiques n'y sont pas davantage marquees par le changement que celles d'autres domaines connexes. Les dynamiques sociales ont fait l'objet d'analyses comparatives dans quatre contextes: le choix des programmes, des objets et des methodes, le financement, la diffusion et la planification de la carriere. Les resultats indiquent que les echanges entre les agents traditionnellement situes au coeur des activites de recherche dominent ces dynamiques dans tous les contextes etudies. L'etude des representations au fondement des pratiques a revele l'existence de trois ecoles de pensee qui coexistent dans le champ scientifique: academique, pragmatique et economiste. Ces ecoles permettent de categoriser les agents en fonction des zones de fractures qui marquent leurs oppositions tout en identifiant ce qu'ils ont en commun. Les representations et les pratiques liees a la formation temoignent d'un habitus plutot homogene, alors que les contradictions semblent plus souvent ancrees dans des

  19. Les Caisses d’épargne face à l’avènement d’un groupe bancaire universel : le changement organisationnel entre ingénierie managériale de la mémoire et attachement au passé The Caisses d'Epargne, a mutual savings bank in transition to a global banking Group: Organisational change between managing institutional memory and attachment to the past

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    Julien Tassel


    Full Text Available Il est d’usage d’aborder le changement organisationnel sous l’angle de sa gestion, de son accompagnement ou de sa conduite. Si l’on ne peut nier le caractère opératoire de ces approches, elles passent sous silence la dimension essentielle pour la compréhension du changement que constitue le rapport à la mémoire et au passé.A partir d’une enquête ethnographique de terrain menée de 2003 à 2007 au sein d’une grande institution bancaire (le Groupe Caisse d’Epargne, cet article entend montrer quelques uns des enjeux proprement mémoriels que le changement engage : difficultés à reconnaître l’entreprise dans ce qu’il advient d’elle, production managériales visant à renouer le lien entre présent et passé que le changement est venu altérer, mise en place, par les collaborateurs de pratiques qui permettent de maintenir l’engagement originel de l’organisation.Organisational change is usually considered from a management or an implementation point of view. This approach, as operational as it may be, ignores the relationship to memory and the past generally, which is fundamental in order to understand changes.Based on ethnographic field studies carried out from 2003 and 2007 at a major financial institution (Caisse d'Epargne Group, this article purports to shed light on certain memory-based challenges induced by change: difficulties to recognise the company as it evolves, managerial efforts to link the current situation with the past, which has been altered by the changes, conducts of staff members influenced by a willingness to uphold the original mission of the organisation. 

  20. Exercice MERIT 2017 en passe de s’achever !

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    Staff Association


    Les lignes directrices 2017 du MERIT (, approuvées par le Comité de Concertation permanent (CCP), concernent divers processus et procédures parmi lesquels, l’exercice annuel (ou entretien MERIT), la promotion, le changement d’emploi repère. Les processus « exercice annuel » et « promotions » - « changement d’emploi repère » ont été programmés sur deux périodes : du 1er décembre 2016 au 15 juin 2017, les entretiens MERIT, l’évaluation, la qualification et la rétribution de la performance, avec effet sur le salaire de mai ; du 3 avril 2017 au 1er juillet 2017, les promotions et les changements d’emploi repère. Entretie...

  1. Bien-être émotionnel au travail et changement organisationnel Emotional Well-Being at Work and Organizational Change: The Essilor Case Bienestar emocional en el trabajo y cambio organizacional : el caso de Essilor

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    Catherine Remoussenard


    Full Text Available Aujourd’hui, la plupart des entreprises mettent en place des projets de changements organisationnels afin de s’adapter aux modifications d’un environnement très concurrentiel. Ce faisant, elles se heurtent à des difficultés liées notamment aux situations de mal-être que ces changements peuvent induire. Notre étude vise à explorer les effets de nouvelles politiques managériales sur le bien-être émotionnel des salariés. Plus précisément, nous explorons les politiques mises en œuvre par un des sites du Groupe Essilor dans le contexte d’un changement organisationnel. Nous analysons d’un point de vue quantitatif et qualitatif les effets induits par ces politiques sur les salariés et sur la façon dont Essilor-Dijon en tient compte dans sa gestion des collaborateurs pour améliorer le bien-être au travail. À la lumière de nos résultats, il apparaît que les émotions sont au cœur de la conduite du changement, pouvant jouer le rôle de freins ou de leviers en fonction des choix managériaux.Nowadays, companies are implementing organizational change in order to be able to adapt to an increasingly competitive environment. Because of this context, firms are often confronted with problems linked to stressful situations that they themselves have brought about. We explored the policies which were applied by one of the branches of the Essilor Group in an organizational change context. First, we quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed the effects which this policy has had on stress-related issues. Second, we looked at how Essilor-Dijon took into account these effects in managing its staff so as to improve their well-being at work. Our results show that emotions appear to be at the heart of managing change and can either be obstacles or facilitators, depending on the choices made by management.Hoy en día, la mayoría de las empresas están llevando a cabo proyectos de cambio organizacional con el objetivo de adaptarse a las

  2. Evaluation des risques hydro-climatiques et environnementaux liés ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this work was to determine risk areas to Mycobacterium ulcerans in order to protect vulnerable populations. To achieve this objective, a combined approach of GIS and multi-criteria analysis has been proposed. The mapping of potential risk areas shows that the southern region has a high risk of transmission of ...

  3. Promouvoir la recherche-action participative sur l'adaptation aux ...

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    8, mars 2010 : conservation de la biodiversité et adaptation au changement climatique en Afrique Centrale; la nécessaire synergie. Download PDF. Papers. Cofcca (Congo Basin Forests ... New website will help record vital life events to improve access to services for all. A new website and resource library will help improve ...

  4. Une année d’immersion dans un dispositif de formation aux technologies : prise de conscience du potentiel éducatif des TICE, intentions d’action et changement de pratique

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    Daniel Peraya


    Full Text Available Cette contribution traite des effets d’un dispositif de formation hybride destiné à des étudiants de première année de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation. La recherche se base sur une analyse qualitative de 66 rapports réflexifs d’étudiants rédigés dans le cadre d’un dispositif dont l’approche pédagogique se veut immersive et située. Cette approche favorise une meilleure compréhension du potentiel des TICE (médiation épistémique ainsi que, dans certains cas, un changement d’attitude par rapport à celles-ci (médiation posturale et, dans d’autres cas, un transfert d’usage à diverses sphères d’activité : académique, professionnelle ou personnelle (médiation praxéologique.

  5. Partenariat pour l'adaptation des populations vulnérables à la ...

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    Projet Partenariat Multi-acteurs pour l'Adaptation des Populations Vulnérables à la Salinisation des sols induite par les Changements Climatiques au Sénégal : rapport final (18 mars 2009 - 31 mars 2012). Download PDF ... New website will help record vital life events to improve access to services for all. A new website and ...

  6. Modélisation du changement d’échelles en télédétection par une méthode neuronale : application a l’étude de l’évolution de l’occupation hivernale des sols en Bretagne

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    Thomas Houet


    Full Text Available Le suivi de la couverture hivernale des sols constitue un des principaux enjeux de la réduction de la pollution de la ressource en eau en Bretagne, la présence de la végétation entravant les transferts de flux polluants vers les cours d’eau. Le suivi du ratio « sols nus / sols couverts » peut être réalisé à l’aide d’instruments satellitaires de façon quotidienne à une échelle régionale, mais à une résolution spatiale grossière par des capteurs de type SPOT VEGETATION (1 km. Il peut également être effectué à une résolution spatiale fine par des capteurs tel que SPOT HRVIR (20 m mais avec une acquisition d’images une ou deux fois par hiver seulement sur un territoire plus limité. Toute évolution de ce ratio, détectée à l’échelle régionale, peut être issue de variations de la couverture hivernale des sols, mais également de l’influence de facteurs climatiques. Les changements observés doivent alors être validés par une analyse à l’échelle locale. Le lien entre les images des deux capteurs est établi à partir du développement d’une méthode neuronale basée sur une carte de Kohonen. L’originalité de cette méthode réside dans l’utilisation de la dimension temporelle pour résoudre ce problème de changement d’échelles.

  7. Emigration, mutations sociales et changements culinaires en pays mixtèque (Oaxaca, Mexique

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    Esther Katz


    Full Text Available Comme dans d’autres régions du Mexique, les paysans du haut pays mixtèque (Etat d’Oaxaca ne vivent pratiquement plus de l’agriculture, sinon des revenus de leurs parents émigrés aux États-Unis. Dans la région, le phénomène de la migration a énormément augmenté au cours des dix dernières années. Comme la majorité des jeunes adultes émigrent, de nombreux foyers ne sont plus composés que de la mère et des enfants ou des grands-parents et des petits-enfants. Avec des ressources monétaires plus importantes, l’équipement des cuisines se modernise, impliquant des bouleversements techniques dans les préparations culinaires ; la consommation de viande et d’aliments industriels augmente tandis que celle de légumes spontanés diminue. Simultanément, divers programmes de développement, impulsés par le gouvernement, provoquent des changements profonds au niveau de l’économie familiale, de l’organisation sociale et du rôle des femmes. Actuellement le statut économique des familles ne dépend plus de l’étendue de leurs terres, mais du nombre de leurs membres qui travaillent « au Nord ». Néanmoins, le riche patrimoine culinaire de cette population est préservé, en particulier à l’occasion des repas festifs.Emigration, Social Mutations And Food Changes In The Mixtec Highlands (Oaxaca, MexicoLike in many regions of Mexico, farmers of the Mixtec Highlands, for the most part, no longer make a living from agriculture, but rather rely on money sent home by migrant family members. People from this region have been migrating for several decades, but this phenomenon, now mainly to the United States, has tremendously increased in the past ten years. Since most young adults have migrated, many households are composed of mothers and children or grandparents and grandchildren. As more monetary resources are available, the kitchen equipment is more modern, resulting in technical changes in culinary preparations. Meat and

  8. Des filets à nuages sur la crête d'El Tofo | CRDI - Centre de ...

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    adaptation aux changements climatiques que le CRDI subventionne. Entretien avec…propose des entrevues vidéos avec des chercheurs participant à des projets portant sur l'adaptation aux changements climati.

  9. Résultats de recherche | Page 15 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Est, sont particulièrement vulnérables, à long terme, aux conséquences des changements climatiques et, à court terme, à la variabilité accrue du climat. Projet. -. Variabilité climatique, changements sociaux et dengue au Bangladesh. Depuis ...

  10. Translation into French of: “Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne – what does e-publication mean for you?”. Translated by Christian Feuillet and Valéry Malécot Changements des conditions requises pour la publication faits au XVIII e Congrès International de Botanique à Melbourne – qu’est-ce que la publication électronique représente pour vous? (United States)

    Knapp, Sandra; McNeill, John; Turland, Nicholas J.


    Résumé Les changements au Code International de Nomenclature Botanique sont décidés tous les 6 ans aux Sections de Nomenclature associées aux Congrès Internationaux de Botanique (CIB). Le XVIIIe CIB se tenait à Melbourne, Australie; la Section de Nomenclature s’est réunie les 18-22 juillet 2011 et ses décisions ont été acceptées par le Congrès en session plénière le 30 juillet. Suite à cette réunion, plusieurs modifications importantes ont été apportées au Code et vont affecter la publication de nouveaux noms. Deux de ces changements prendront effet le 1er janvier 2012, quelques mois avant que le Code de Melbourne soit publié. Les documents électroniques publiés en ligne en ‘Portable Document Format’ (PDF) avec un ‘International Standard Serial Number’ (ISSN) ou un ‘International Standard Book Number’ (ISBN) constitueront une publication effective, et l’exigence d’une description ou d’une diagnose en latin pour les noms des nouveaux taxa sera changée en l’exigence d’une description ou d’une diagnose en latin ou en anglais. De plus, à partir du 1er janvier 2013, les noms nouveaux des organismes traités comme champignons devront, pour que la publication soit valide, inclure dans le protologue (tous ce qui est associé au nom au moment de la publication valide) la citation d’un identifiant (‘identifier’) fourni par un dépôt reconnu (tel MycoBank). Une ébauche des nouveaux articles concernant la publication électronique est fournie et des conseils de bon usage sont esquissés. Pour encourager la diffusion des changements adoptés au Code International de Nomenclature pour les algues, les champignons et les plantes, cet article sera publié dans BMC Evolutionary Biology, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Brittonia, Cladistics, MycoKeys, Mycotaxon, New Phytologist, North American Fungi, Novon, Opuscula Philolichenum, PhytoKeys, Phytoneuron, Phytotaxa, Plant Diversity and Resources, Systematic Botany et

  11. Comprendre les obstacles à la paix dans la région des Grands Lacs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  12. Intégration régionale, commerce et essor du secteur privé (Namibie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  13. Building a New South Africa Volume 4 : Environment ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  14. Production et commercialisation durables de l'indigo au Salvador ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  15. Protection sociale et travailleurs pauvres en Égypte | CRDI - Centre ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  16. Soutien institutionnel à l'Ethiopian Development Research Institute ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  17. Synthèse et diffusion de résultats de recherche à l'échelle régionale ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  18. Soutien institutionnel à l'Initiative prospective agricole et rurale ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  19. Croissance de l'emploi dans le secteur manufacturier (structuré et ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  20. Compréhension des traumatismes et du processus de réconciliation ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  1. Soutien institutionnel à l'Institute for Policy Analysis and Research ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  2. Site d'enfouissement de Mbeubeuss : Étude de l'impact sur la santé ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  3. Les technologies de l'information et de la communication au service ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  4. Renforcement de la recherche sur les politiques et du plaidoyer ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  5. Réduction de la pauvreté par le truchement du développement du ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  6. Bourse de recherche postdoctorale sur l'Amérique centrale et les ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  7. Voie d'acheminement de contenu et de services ( ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  8. Subventions à la mobilité bilatérale Canada-Afrique du Sud pour les ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  9. Sécurité alimentaire, soins adéquats et environnement (Tanzanie et ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  10. Stratégies de lutte antitabac à Maurice | CRDI - Centre de ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  11. Crise financière mondiale et vulnérabilité au Cambodge | CRDI ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  12. Soutien institutionnel au Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  13. Envois de fonds vers les zones de conflit - le cas de la diaspora ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  14. Réseau d'universités et de conseils pour l'innovation au service du ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  15. Atténuation des risques pour la santé dans le secteur de la poterie ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  16. Raúl Prebisch et les défis du XXIe siècle | CRDI - Centre de ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  17. Security Sector Reform in the Arab Region | CRDI - Centre de ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  18. Building a New South Africa Volume 3 : Science and Technology ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  19. Créer un conseil arabe des sciences sociales | CRDI - Centre de ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  20. Innovations pour améliorer les vaccins pour le bétail | CRDI - Centre ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  1. Programme des cycles supérieurs et de recherche en études sur les ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  2. Soutien institutionnel de l'Institute of Social Studies Trust | CRDI ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  3. Conflit armé en Colombie : différentes ressources, différents conflits ...

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  4. Punto J : portail d'information sur la santé et le VIH/sida par et pour les

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    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  5. Changer la pensée pour changer le monde.

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    Arnaud Esquerre


    Full Text Available « Toute volonté de changement comporte donc des risques ; mais la question est de savoir si ces risques ne sont pas moins grands que ceux qui résulteraient du refus du changement ». Cette phrase, qui pourrait être employée par des politiques au pouvoir pour justifier leur volonté de mener des réformes, et mêmes des ruptures, dans les années 2000, date pourtant des années 1970. Extraite d’un texte de Pierre Aubenque, « Philosophie et changement » 1 , elle est au cœur ...

  6. Nouveaux centres de cyberpolitique pour les pays du Sud | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 avr. 2018 ... L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau ...

  7. Lancement de l'appel des bourses du CRDI aux chercheurs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 avr. 2018 ... L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau ...

  8. Lancement de l'appel de la bourse John G. Bene 2018 | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    16 avr. 2018 ... L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau ...

  9. Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2007–2008 | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    7 janv. 2008 ... L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau ...

  10. Quality assurance records and records' system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Link, M.; Martinek, J.


    For nuclear power plants extensive proof of quality is required which has to be documented reliably by quality records. With respect to the paper volume it is the most comprehensive 'curriculum vitae' of the technique. Traditional methods of information and recording are unsatisfactory for meeting regulatory requirements for maintaining the QA-aspects of status reporting, completeness, traceability and retrieval. Therefore KWU has established a record (documentation) subsystem within the overall component qualification system. Examples of the general documentation requirements, the procedure and handling in accordance with this subsystem for mechanical equipment are to be described examplarily. Topics are: - National and international requirements - Definition of QA records - Modular and product orientated KWU-record subsystem - Criteria for developing records - Record control, distribution, collection, storage - New documentation techniques (microfilm, data processing) - Education and training of personnel. (orig./RW)

  11. Formation des formateurs en ligne : obstacles, rôles et compétences

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    Louise Sauvé


    Full Text Available L’adoption d’une technologie de l’information et de la communication (TIC pour la formation ne peut se faire sans changement dans l’organisation. Ces changements touchent les formateurs, hommes et femmes, qui ont une histoire professionnelle, une mentalité, des pratiques qui se sont construites au cours des années et dans un contexte précis de travail. Or les changements technologiques peuvent déstabiliser la vie professionnelle des formateurs. Il est donc essentiel de gérer ce changement, car le succès des projets d’introduction des TIC dans la formation n’est plus fonction de la puissance des technologies, mais plutôt de la capacité des formateurs à exploiter leur potentiel afin de changer et d’améliorer l’efficience du processus d’apprentissage. C’est dans un contexte d’implantation d’une formation des formateurs en ligne que se situe cet article qui aborde les questions suivantes : quels sont les obstacles au changement par rapport à l’adoption des TIC dans le milieu de la formation? Quels sont les principaux rôles d’un formateur en ligne (ou e-formateur? Quelles sont les compétences générales que les formateurs doivent développer pour soutenir les apprenants dans un contexte de formation en ligne (synchrone et asynchrone?

  12. : tous les projets | Page 195 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Programme: Food, Environment, and Health. Financement total : CA$ 2,411,000.00. Changements climatiques, vulnérabilité et santé en Colombie et en Bolivie. Projet. Selon le quatrième rapport d'évaluation du Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat, les changements climatiques modifient les ...

  13. Ghana : tous les projets | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Programme: Alimentation, environnement et santé. Financement total : CA$ 62,000.00. Recherche et renforcement des capacités au chapitre de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques au Ghana. Projet. L'Afrique subsaharienne est la région la plus gravement touchée par les changements climatiques; or, elle dispose ...

  14. Cut to the Chase: Editing Time and Space through Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance La fin des courses poursuites pour les policiers britanniques ? Le rôle de la vidéosurveillance dans le changement des représentations spatio-temporelles dans les courses poursuites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Neyland


    Full Text Available The UK is said to have the largest number of CCTV cameras of any European nation. These cameras have been involved in a variety of changes in UK police practices. Such changes range from new evidential practices in court cases, through access to new materials, to new questions posed regarding invasions of privacy. One unexplored area of police practices, which this paper will argue have undergone significant changes since the introduction of CCTV cameras, is police accountability. This paper will draw on recent controversies in the UK regarding police car chases to investigate the ways in which CCTV cameras have led to new and complex questions of police accountability.Le Royaume-Uni est souvent présenté comme le pays ayant le plus grand nombre de caméras en Europe. Ces caméras ont joué un rôle dans bien des changements intervenus au sein des pratiques de la police britannique, depuis la production de nouveaux types de preuves devant les tribunaux, en passant par l’accès à de nouveaux matériaux et à de nouvelles informations, jusqu’à la mise en lumière de nouvelles questions touchant aux violations de la vie privée. Un des aspects peu explorés parmi ces nouvelles pratiques policières concerne la question de la responsabilité et le fait, pour la police, de rendre des comptes. Cet article porte précisément sur les changements significatifs provoqués par l’introduction de caméras de vidéosurveillance dans la façon d’accomplir les activités policières. À partir du cas de controverses récentes au Royaume-Uni autour de courses poursuites dans lesquelles sont engagés des véhicules de police, il s’intéressera aux façons dont la présence et l’usage de caméras de vidéosurveillance ont amené des questions à la fois nouvelles et complexes, concernant la justification des actions de police.

  15. : tous les projets | Page 59 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Ce projet formera jusqu'à 36 nouveaux leaders en matière de changements climatiques dans le domaine du financement de l'adaptation, qui soutient les efforts visant à s'adapter aux répercussions des changements climatiques. Région: North of Sahara, South of Sahara, Central Asia, Far East Asia, South Asia, North and ...

  16. Adaptation, eau et résilience dans l'Himalaya | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Comment ce projet appuiera-t-il l'adaptation? Les changements socioéconomiques, combinés aux répercussions des changements climatiques, pourraient porter gravement atteinte aux moyens de subsistance de toute la population de la région. Pour aider les populations du Pakistan, de l'Inde, du Bangladesh et du Népal ...

  17. Résultats de recherche | Page 450 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Changements climatiques (403) Apply Changements climatiques filter · Gouvernance et justice (373) Apply Gouvernance et justice filter · Emploi et croissance (329) Apply Emploi et croissance filter · Santé des mères et des enfants (312) Apply Santé des mères et des enfants filter · Alimentation, environnement et santé ...

  18. La recherche pour relever les défis mondiaux : neuvième ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 janv. 2018 ... Les chercheurs qui ont participé à ce projet ont travaillé avec les négociateurs internationaux du changement climatique à une proposition visant à faire inclure l'agriculture dans l'Accord de Paris sur le changement climatique. Cette proposition a été acceptée une semaine seulement avant l'Assemblé ...

  19. Climate Change Adaptation Research and Capacity Development in ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This project aims to improve the quality of research, teaching and learning in climate change science at the University of Ghana. It will do so by building staff and ... La gestion de l'eau dans les milieux urbains et ruraux, élément fondamental des villes qui savent s'adapter aux changements climatiques. Les changements ...

  20. Coopération entre milieux ruraux et urbains dans la gestion de l'eau ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Coopération entre milieux ruraux et urbains dans la gestion de l'eau face aux changements climatiques au Burkina Faso. Les villes dépendent fortement des milieux ruraux qui leur assurent un apport en produits alimentaires, en eau et en matières premières. Les changements climatiques, en augmentant la fréquence des ...

  1. Inde | Page 73 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Entretien avec…propose des entrevues vidéos avec des chercheurs participant à des projets portant sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques réalisés en Afrique, en Asie ainsi qu'en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes que le CRDI subventionne par le truchement de son programme Changements climatiques et eau ...

  2. Early Post-Irradiation Changes in the Metabolism of Biogenic Amines; Les Changements Precoces du Metabolisme des Amines Biogenes apres Irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deanovic, Z [Institut Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb, Yugoslavia (Croatia)


    There is accumulating evidence for the radiation-induced release of biogenic amines from their body stores. Having in mind the high patho-physiological activity of these ''local'' hormones and ''neuro-hormones'', it is reasonable to assume that they play an important role in the pathogenesis of the acute radiation syndrome. Under these pathological conditions the possible synergic and antagonistic effects of biogenic amines due to their complex interactions must be taken into consideration. The extent and dose-dependence of post-irradiation changes in the metabolism of histamine, serotonin, catecholamines and acetylcholine will be examined regarding particularly the search for biochemical indicators of radiation injury. The determination of bio-amines and their metabolites in urine seems to be a suitable method for following up those metabolic changes which could be of a biodosimetrical and/or prognostical value. Data published on this subject, obtained in experimental animals as well as in man, have been reviewed and the applicability of these tests is discussed. (author) [French] Des preuves se sont accumulees, qui demontrent que les amines biogenes sont liberees de leurs depots sous l'effet des rayonnements ionisants. Etant donne la grande activite pathophysiologique de ces hormones 'locales' et 'neurohormones', il est raisonnable de considerer que ces substances biogenes jouent un role important dans la pathogenese du syndrome aigu d'irradiation. Dans ces conditions pathologiques il faut tenir compte des effets synergiques et antagonistes des bio-amines, lies a des interactions compliquees. Les changements metaboliques en fonction de la dose recue font l'objet d'un examen qui englobe les alterations quantitatives de .'histamine, de la serotonine, des catecholamines et de l'acetylcholine et dont l'objectif est la recherche sur des indicateurs biochimiques de la lesion provoquee par l'irradiation. L'analyse des bio-amines et de leurs metabolites dans les urines

  3. Concepteur de matériel pédagogique et rédacteur technique (h/f ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le titulaire veille à ce que ce contenu fasse mieux connaître les services et les outils de GI-TI, y compris les changements récents. Il se tient au courant des changements survenus dans le domaine et entretient des relations avec la communauté locale et virtuelle de l'apprentissage et de la rédaction technique afin de ...

  4. Développer le leadership dans des villes de l'Amérique latine et des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Développer le leadership dans des villes de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes dans le contexte des changements climatiques. En raison des changements climatiques, de la croissance démographique et de l'urbanisation rapide non planifiée, les villes des pays en développement sont à la fois le principal déclencheur des ...

  5. Inde | Page 107 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    S'il se peut bien que les changements climatiques viennent aggraver le problème, il ressort de recherches menées dans deux bassins versants du sud du pays que la pollution industrielle, l'exploitation non réglementée des ressources et les changements d'utilisation des terres sont les principales menaces pour la qualité ...

  6. Irrigation et information climatique au Burkina Faso (CARA) | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les chercheurs évalueront la vulnérabilité des agriculteurs aux changements climatiques de même que les stratégies d'adaptation actuellement en oeuvre. À la lumière de ces évaluations, ils élaboreront des techniques agricoles adaptées au contexte local et visant à réduire les impacts des changements climatiques, ...

  7. Water as a Human Right for the Middle East and North Africa | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    11 juil. 2008 ... Le CRDI investit dans des solutions locales aux problèmes auxquels l'Inde est confrontée, comme le stress thermique, la gestion de l'eau et les migrations liées aux changements climatiques. Voir davantage Le CRDI aide l'Inde à s'adapter aux changements climatiques au moyen de données probantes, ...

  8. Recherche et changement

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Éducation ont conjugué leurs efforts. – une première dans les Caraïbes – et conclu un protocole d'entente ministériel en vue de combattre l'obésité chez les enfants. Ce protocole prévoit des interventions en matière de nutrition en milieu scolaire, ainsi ...

  9. Dire le temps, dire le changement Talk about time, talk about change. A socio-discursive analysis on how temporality is put into words in an organization on the move

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    Marie Carcassonne


    Full Text Available Comment parle-t-on aujourd’hui de son temps de travail dans les organisations en mouvement ? La mise en mots de ce temps permet-elle de donner du sens à son activité, comme l’entend Schütz, en envisageant la rétrospection et la prospection du point de vue d’une temporalité chronologique ? À la lumière des apports des théories narratives ayant insisté sur cette temporalité chronologique, mais aussi des apports des théories phénoménologiques ayant insisté sur la temporalité affective, nous analysons des extraits d’entretiens où des acteurs de l’entreprise contemporaine évoquent leur temps de travail sur un mode très affectif, avec une difficulté à se projeter dans l’avenir ou à relire le passé. Si les unités discursives renvoyant à une temporalité narrative affective ne sont pas répertoriables a priori, nous proposons cependant en conclusion une synthèse des différents aspects repérés dans les extraits. La façon de dire le thème des changements permanents qui touchent aujourd’hui l’entreprise nous interpelle finalement en ce qu’elle n’apparaît pas propre à une catégorie spécifique de personnel mais se repère à de multiples niveaux de responsabilités dans l’organisation. Le contexte de changement permanent de l’univers productif français influencerait ainsi les mises en récit, lesquelles sont de moins en moins marquées par des scansions clairement repérables mais soumises à une temporalité plus cyclique, vécue et dite sur un mode affectif, au sens phénoménologique du terme.How does one speak today about one’s time of/at work in organizations on the move? Following Schütz, who considers retrospection and projection from the point of view of a chronological temporality, does putting this time into words make it easier to give one’s activity meaning? We will take into account the contributions of narrative theories that emphasize this “chronological temporality” but

  10. L’environnement naturel et le changement climatique pendant les années Bush : la pertinence d’une différenciation des échelles territoriales Climate Change and the Natural Environment in the Bush Years: The Relevance of Territorial Scale Differentiation

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    Cynthia Ghorra-Gobin


    Full Text Available L’attitude de l’administration fédérale au cours des huit années de l’administration Bush contraste avec celle du contexte des années 1960-1970 pour ce qui concerne la prise en compte de l’environnement naturel dans les décisions économiques. Toutefois, cet engagement limité du président Bush sur la question du changement climatique dans les débats internationaux n’a pas pour autant réduit les capacités de mobilisation des États et des villes sur ce thème.On the issue of whether climate change should be taken into account in economic decisions, the federal administration’s attitude during the Bush Presidency sharply contrasted with the attitudes of earlier administrations, particularly in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The limited concern for climate change which the federal government exhibited in the international arena did not reduce, however, the mobilization of states and local communities on this issue.

  11. Google Print : changement de support ou changement de paradigme ?

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    Olivier Vilaça


    Full Text Available Google Print, un des multiples projets lancés par l’entreprise Google, consiste à scanner et à rendre accessible sur Internet l’ensemble de l’information contenue actuellement dans les livres. Cette initiative, qui suscite de nombreuses oppositions, mais aussi des projets concurrents, est susceptible d’avoir un impact important sur les pratiques de recherche et sur l’industrie du livre. Cet article a pour ambition de présenter le point de vue d’un chercheur qui essaie ...

  12. L'oncogenetique: une activite nouvelle entre recherche et medicine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stemerding, Dirk; Bourret, P.; Koch, L.


    La mise au point récente de tests prédictifs pour certains cancers, parmi les plus fréquents, ouvre potentiellement à des changements fondamentaux de l’intervention médicale, et, par conséquent, à des changements du rôle et du sens de la médecine dans la société. Pour cette raison, l’étude des

  13. Agriculture et forêts au secours du climat


    Locatelli , Bruno


    National audience; L‘agriculture et la forêt doivent s‘adapter au changement climatique. Mais l‘une et l‘autre permettent d’atténuer ce changement. Pour conjuguer efficacement adaptation et atténuation, il faut savoir concilier la réponse aux enjeux globaux et la prise en compte des contraintes du développement local. Les défis sont autant politiques que scientifiques.

  14. Evidencias de cambio climático en Colombia: tendencias y cambios de fase y amplitud de los ciclos anual y semianual

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    Full Text Available ÉVIDENCES DE CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE EN COLOMBIE : TENDANCES, CHANGEMENTS DE PHASE ET AMPLITUDE DES CYCLES ANNUELS ET SEMI-ANNUELS. On a utilisé plusieurs techniques d’analyse pour mettre en évidence des changements climatiques en Colombie. On a montré une nette tendance au réchauffement des températures minimales et moyennes. Les chroniques de points de rosée et de pression de vapeur d’eau indiquent une augmentation de l’humidité de l’atmosphère qui va de pair avec un réchauffement. Par contre les séries de précipitations ne montrent pas de tendance bien définie. Les débits des principaux bassins ont tendance à diminuer, ce qui pourrait être relié aux variations de l’évapotranspiration. Une analyse par démodulation complexe confirme ces tendances dans plusieurs parties de la Colombie. Ces résultats pourraient être d’une grande utilité pour l’estimation des ressources hydriques, la planification et la gestion des systèmes hydrauliques. Se implementan varias técnicas estadísticas de análisis para identificar señales de cambio climático en registros hidrológicos y climáticos de Colombia. Hay clara tendencia de calentamiento que se observa en las series de temperaturas mínimas y que concuerda con las series de temperaturas medias. Las series de punto de rocío y presión de vapor indican un aumento en la humedad atmosférica. Esta tendencia coincide con el calentamiento. Las series de precipitación no muestran señal clara de cambio climático. Las principales cuencas presentan tendencia decreciente en los caudales. Los resultados de Demodulación Compleja ratifican los resultados descritos anteriormente y permiten establecer corrimientos en las fases de los ciclos anual y semianual de diversas variables climáticas en Colombia. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones fundamentales para la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico y para el planeamiento y manejo de sistemas hidráulicos. EVIDENCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN

  15. نظام التغدية وعوامله التقافية والإجتماعية


    BEKHCHI Mohamed


    La disparition de certaines maladies, demeure liée à l’évolution technologique et alimentaire, cependant, ce changement, de notre mode de vie, accompagnant, une industrialisation, et un changement culturel ont influencés notre alimentation conduisant ainsi l’apparition, de l’obésité et ses complications cardiaques, vasculaires et donc, l’excès de prise alimentaire, associant une limitation de l’exercice physique constituant un dang...

  16. Nouvelles occasions en matière de financement à l'échelle de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2016 ... Les panélistes réunis au forum sur les sciences du climat, tenu à Paris en juillet 2015 et intitulé Notre avenir commun face au changement climatique, ont discuté des progrès et des défis liés à la mise en place de mécanismes à grande échelle efficaces pour financer l'adaptation aux changements ...


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    G. W. L. Gresik


    Full Text Available The goal of RECORDS (Reaching Recording Data Technologies is the digital capturing of buildings and cultural heritage objects in hard-to-reach areas and the combination of data. It is achieved by using a modified crane from film industry, which is able to carry different measuring systems. The low-vibration measurement should be guaranteed by a gyroscopic controlled advice that has been , developed for the project. The data were achieved by using digital photography, UV-fluorescence photography, infrared reflectography, infrared thermography and shearography. Also a terrestrial 3D laser scanner and a light stripe topography scanner have been used The combination of the recorded data should ensure a complementary analysis of monuments and buildings.

  18. Records Reaching Recording Data Technologies (United States)

    Gresik, G. W. L.; Siebe, S.; Drewello, R.


    The goal of RECORDS (Reaching Recording Data Technologies) is the digital capturing of buildings and cultural heritage objects in hard-to-reach areas and the combination of data. It is achieved by using a modified crane from film industry, which is able to carry different measuring systems. The low-vibration measurement should be guaranteed by a gyroscopic controlled advice that has been , developed for the project. The data were achieved by using digital photography, UV-fluorescence photography, infrared reflectography, infrared thermography and shearography. Also a terrestrial 3D laser scanner and a light stripe topography scanner have been used The combination of the recorded data should ensure a complementary analysis of monuments and buildings.

  19. 21 CFR 225.102 - Master record file and production records. (United States)


    ... or production run of medicated feed to which it pertains. The Master Record File or card shall... 21 Food and Drugs 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Master record file and production records. 225.102....102 Master record file and production records. (a) The Master Record File provides the complete...

  20. Glacier recession on Mount Kenya in the context of the global tropics

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    Full Text Available LE RECUL DES GLACIERS DU MONT KENYA DANS LE CONTEXTE GLOBAL DES TROPIQUES. Les glaciers ont commencé leur retrait autour de la moitié du XIXème siècle dans les Andes équatoriales et en Nouvelle-Guinée, mais il faut attendre la fin du XIXème siècle pour les voir entamer leur recul en Afrique de l’Est. Dans cette région, la déglaciation, comme la baisse du niveau des lacs, est due à des changements hydroclimatiques survenant à la suite de modifications de la circulation atmosphérique dans l’Océan Indien. La diminution des surfaces englacées est attribuée à une réduction de la nébulosité accompagnée d’une baisse des précipitations. Par la suite, un réchauffement progressif et une augmentation de l’humidité atmosphérique sont devenus les facteurs dominants. La déglaciation tend à s’accentuer sous tous les Tropiques depuis deux décennies. RETROCESO DE LOS GLACIARES DEL MONTE KENYA EN EL CONTEXTO GLOBAL DE LOS TRÓPICOS. El retroceso de los glaciares empezó, en los Andes del Ecuador y en Nueva Guinea, a mediados del siglo XIX más o menos, y sólo a fines de este siglo en África del Este. En esta zona, tanto el principio del retroceso de los glaciares como el descenso del nivel de los lagos, han sido provocados por un cambio de las condiciones hidroclimáticas debido a cambios en el sector del Océano Índico. Una reducción de la nubosidad acompañada por una disminución de las precipitaciones tuvo el rol más importante en el proceso de desglaciación. Después, el progresivo recalentamiento y el aumento de la humedad atmosférica fueron los factores dominantes. La desglaciación es un fenómeno que se acentuó en todo el Trópico durante los dos últimos decenios. Glaciers began to retreat around the mid 1800’s in the Ecuadorian Andes and New Guinea, but only towards the end of the 19th century in East Africa. Here the onset of the ice recession as well as the drop of lake levels were due to a change in the

  1. Différenciations dans les parcours de formation post-obligatoire en Suisse. Constantes et changements Pathways’ differentiations in post-compulsory education in Switzerland. Stable and changing features

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    Elisabetta Pagnossin


    Full Text Available Les décisions concernant la formation post-obligatoire des jeunes suisses sont toujours très influencées par le genre. La répartition des filles et des garçons dans les filières de formation post-obligatoire n’a pas beaucoup évolué durant la dernière décennie bien que le niveau d’éducation des filles ait augmenté de manière importante. Le modèle traditionnel de division du travail et des rôles sociaux défini par le genre est encore très présent dans le pays. Il se reflète naturellement sur les choix éducatifs et professionnels, surtout des jeunes de 15 ans. Non seulement le choix de la filière, mais surtout celui du domaine d’étude, reste très genré. Des changements sont pourtant décelables, surtout dans l’orientation des filles, qui sont plus nombreuses à s’investir dans des formations atypiques. Cette tendance devrait se poursuivre.Decisions on post-compulsory education for the young Swiss are always highly gendered. The distribution of girls and boys in post-compulsory pathways has not much evolved for a decade even if the level of education reached by girls has increased a lot. The traditional model of the gendered division of labour and of social roles is still very present in the country. It is obviously reflected in educational choices especially for the 15 year-olds. Choices of pathways and more particularly choices of educational fields remain very gendered. Nonetheless, some changes can be detected particularly regarding the orientation of girls as they are keener on investing themselves in atypical training courses. This trend should continue.

  2. NATO Transformation and Operational Support in the Canadian Forces: Part 1: The Political Dimension (United States)


    changements structurels n’ont pas été réalisés dans le vide. Ils reposent sur un processus continu de changement dans le système international – il s’agit en...attack on the political, social and economic superstructure of both advanced and fragile societies, and in previously unanticipated ways which demands for costly social welfare programs and less reflexively Atlanticist foreign policies. But they may also have the effect of (re-)building

  3. 25 CFR 15.504 - Who may inspect records and records management practices? (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Who may inspect records and records management practices... Records § 15.504 Who may inspect records and records management practices? (a) You may inspect the probate... Secretary and the Archivist of the United States may inspect records and records management practices and...

  4. Yaounde French Speech Corpus (United States)


    240. Changement de propos réjouit l’homme. 241. Changement de temps, entretien de sots. 242. Chapon de huit mois, Dinner de roi. 243. D’un sac à... eat today? 30. Did you eat yesterday? 31. How long have you been here? B.1.2 Border Crossing Imagine you are crossing a border between two...Questions about a Child Assume your child has problems with his or her stomach, and you are answering doctor’s questions: 1. Did your child eat

  5. Surgical medical record

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bulow, S.


    A medical record is presented on the basis of selected linguistic pearls collected over the years from surgical case records Udgivelsesdato: 2008/12/15......A medical record is presented on the basis of selected linguistic pearls collected over the years from surgical case records Udgivelsesdato: 2008/12/15...

  6. Les défis de la réconciliation des objectifs de développement dans le contexte du changement démographique 

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    John Provo


    Full Text Available Cet article cherche à déterminer si l’initiative de développement basé sur les ressources (ABDI, Asset-Based Development Initiative de la Commission régionale des Appalaches (ARC, Appalachian Regional Commission aux États-Unis réconcilie les objectifs de développement économique dans les communautés qui présentent un changement démographique. À travers des études de cas reposant sur des entretiens informatifs clés menés dans les communautés de la Virginie Occidentale et un examen de projets financés par l’ARC, les auteurs tentent de répondre à deux questions fondamentales : « Le leadership communautaire a-t-il évolué et s’est-il adapté au programme ? » et « Les nouveaux projets différaient-ils clairement, en termes d’objectifs, de contenu ou de résultats, des projets antérieurs ? ». Les similitudes économiques et démographiques entre les communautés alpines et appalachiennes, notamment en ce qui concerne le rôle des immigrants, suggèrent que les conclusions de cette étude seront pertinentes pour d’autres régions de montagnes et pourraient contribuer à un débat entre spécialistes du développement en montagne.This paper considers whether the US Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC Asset-Based Development Initiative (ABDI reconciles economic development objectives in communities experiencing demographic change. Through a case study approach utilizing key informant interviews in Southwest Virginia communities and a review of ARC-funded projects, the authors consider two main questions. Did community leadership change or adapt to the program? Were new projects demonstrably different in objectives, content, or outcomes than past projects? Economic and demographic similarities between Alpine and Appalachian communities, particularly in the role of in-migrants, suggest that this study’s findings will be relevant for other mountain regions and could contribute to a conversation among

  7. Records Management Directive (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Records Management Directive provides guidelines for the management of OPM records, and identifies the records management...

  8. CMS Records Schedule (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The CMS Records Schedule provides disposition authorizations approved by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for CMS program-related records...

  9. « L’Amazonie – victime des changements climatiques ? » « The Amazon forest – victim of climate change? » « A Amazônia – vítima das mudanças climáticas ? »

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delaine Sampaio da Silva


    Full Text Available La forêt d’Amazonie est un des biomes les plus riches et les plus importants de la Terre. Cependant, son avenir est gravement menacé par les changements climatiques. L’effet de ces changements est indissociable de celui des activités humaines. Ainsi, la déforestation est responsable de plus de la moitié des émissions de gaz à effet de serre du Brésil. La lutte contre les changements climatique au Brésil passe donc en premier lieu par la lutte contre la déforestation. Cette lutte fait face aux enjeux actuels du développement en Amazonie, en premier lieu l’élevage et l’agriculture à grande échelle. Certains éléments des politiques récentes du Brésil vont dans le sens d’un développement moins « sauvage » en Amazonie, mais se heurtent à des intérêts économiques et politiques. Les initiatives internationales comme Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD, dans le cadre d’un accord climatique, peuvent fournir des incitatifs économiques cruciaux. Il est dans tous les cas primordial qu’un tel développement soit adapté à la réalité amazonienne et se fasse en collaboration avec les populations locales dans une optique de développement social autant qu’écologique ou économique.The Amazon rainforest is one of most important ecosystems on earth and a biodiversity hotspot. Its future is however in peril due to the effects of climate change and human activities. Climate models predict a severe die-back of the Amazon forest by the end of this century, accompanied by the release of vast quantities of carbon actually stored in the vegetation. Deforestation is currently responsible for over one half of Brazil’s greenhouse gas emissions. Fighting deforestation is therefore Brazil’s most efficient way to reduce its emissions. This is however contrary to current development schemes in the Amazon region, and in particular large scale agricultural and cattle raising farms. However, Brazil

  10. Jean-Baptiste Comby, La Question climatique. Genèse et dépolitisation d’un problème public (Raisons d’Agir, 2015)


    Tasset, Cyprien


    Une sociologie de la dépolitisation du changement climatique La radicalité climatique Comment se fait-il que la question du réchauffement climatique, qui est portée à l’attention publique dans les démocraties occidentales depuis de nombreuses années maintenant, n’ait pas abouti à des changements politiques proportionnés à l’extrême gravité que lui prêtent les scientifiques ? Dans La Question climatique, issu d’une thèse en information-communication soutenue en 2008, Jean-Baptiste Comby propos...

  11. La place du management visuel dans le pilotage de la performance globale d'une unité de production pharmaceutique


    Gassmann , Marion


    Non disponible / Not available; L'industrie pharmaceutique fait face à de nombreux changements : perte des brevets des blockbusters, augmentation des coûts de la recherche et du développement, pression sur le prix des médicaments, concurrence accrue, évolution du marché vers les pays émergents, durcissement des conditions d'accèsau marché, etc... Ces changements entraînent une progression des coûts, une diminution des marges, et une nécessité d'être compétitif.Au niveau du secteur de la produ...

  12. A confusão esquerda/direita no mundo pós-Muro de Berlim: uma análise e uma hipótese

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    Angelo Segrillo


    Full Text Available Dans cet article, on analyse les transformations qu'ont subies les concepts de gauche et droite dans le monde après la chute du Mur de Berlin et la désagrégration de l'URSS. On y examine les conséquences au Brésil de ces changements historiques et théoriques en posant l'hypothèse selon laquelle la gauche est historiquement le primum mobile des changements radicaux dans la dynamique des systèmes de partis dans leur ensemble.

  13. Disturbance recording system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandra, A.K.; Deshpande, S.V.; Mayya, A.; Vaidya, U.W.; Premraj, M.K.; Patil, N.B.


    A computerized system for disturbance monitoring, recording and display has been developed for use in nuclear power plants and is versatile enough to be used where ever a large number of parameters need to be recorded, e.g. conventional power plants, chemical industry etc. The Disturbance Recording System (DRS) has been designed to continuously monitor a process plant and record crucial parameters. The DRS provides a centralized facility to monitor and continuously record 64 process parameters scanned every 1 sec for 5 days. The system also provides facility for storage of 64 parameters scanned every 200 msec during 2 minutes prior to and 3 minutes after a disturbance. In addition the system can initiate, on demand, the recording of 8 parameters at a fast rate of every 5 msec for a period of 5 sec. and thus act as a visicorder. All this data is recorded in non-volatile memory and can be displayed, printed/plotted and used for subsequent analysis. Since data can be stored densely on floppy disks, the volume of space required for archival storage is also low. As a disturbance recorder, the DRS allows the operator to view the state of the plant prior to occurrence of the disturbance and helps in identifying the root cause. (author). 10 refs., 7 figs

  14. 78 FR 43258 - Privacy Act; System of Records: Human Resources Records, State-31 (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 8384] Privacy Act; System of Records: Human Resources Records... system of records, Human Resources Records, State- 31, pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of... State proposes that the current system will retain the name ``Human Resources Records'' (previously...

  15. Interpreting land records

    CERN Document Server

    Wilson, Donald A


    Base retracement on solid research and historically accurate interpretation Interpreting Land Records is the industry's most complete guide to researching and understanding the historical records germane to land surveying. Coverage includes boundary retracement and the primary considerations during new boundary establishment, as well as an introduction to historical records and guidance on effective research and interpretation. This new edition includes a new chapter titled "Researching Land Records," and advice on overcoming common research problems and insight into alternative resources wh

  16. Managing electronic records

    CERN Document Server

    McLeod, Julie


    For records management courses, this book covers the theory and practice of managing electronic records as business and information assets. It focuses on the strategies, systems and procedures necessary to ensure that electronic records are appropriately created, captured, organized and retained over time to meet business and legal requirements.

  17. Changements climatiques au Maroc: quels systèmes de culture et quelles biotechnologies pour s’y adapter ?

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    Abdelhadi AIT HOUSSA


    scale use of seawater in agriculture or finding new salinity tolerant cultivars. In Morocco, we should think of desalinization with renewable energies (solar, wind and the use of this water mainly in coastal areas where climate, land quality, sun and wind are adequate to these projects. To anticipate the future of food security of the country, attention should be given to the use of readily available resources to overcome the structural deficit in wheat starch and animal protein. The study suggests the use of other starch sources that Morocco can produce easily such as potato. For animal protein, we suggest fisheries resources which are still underused by the population. Résumé On présente une étude prospective concernant l’impact probable des changements climatiques sur les systèmes de culture et d’élevage au Maroc. D’après le constat de terrain et dans les limites de ce que signifie ce genre d’étude, l’effet direct du réchauffement climatique peut conduire à terme (et c’est déjà le cas dans certaines contrées à la nécessité d’une redistribution variétale pour des espèces exigeantes en froid comme les rosacées. Des variétés de pomme, telle que le groupe des Golden, risquent de disparaître des montagnes pour laisser la place à d’autres moins exigeantes comme le groupe des Gala. Le bananier et l’avocatier risquent de migrer vers les régions un peu plus continentales, l’olivier et les agrumes un peu plus vers le pied de la montagne. Le réchauffement climatique peut aussi obliger à faire évoluer les systèmes d’élevage et de culture en faisant déplacer la frontière de la sécheresse un peu plus vers le centre et le nord du pays; l’aride serait peut-être envahi par la désertification, le semi-aride passerait en partie à l’étage aride et le Bour dit favorable en partie dans le semi-aride. Comme corollaire à ce changement, il faudrait s’attendre à une perte de potentiel de ressources en eau qui obligerait

  18. 77 FR 74182 - Records Governing Off-the-Record Communications; Public Notice (United States)


    .... CP11-515-000 12-6-12 Thomas Salamone 3. CP11-515-000 12-6-12 Michael Mojica \\1\\ Exempt 1. CP13-8-000 11...-000 12-4-12 Kate Valdez \\1\\ Email record. \\2\\ Phone record. \\3\\ Email record. \\4\\ Hons. Rob Kane and...

  19. Probabilistic record linkage. (United States)

    Sayers, Adrian; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Blom, Ashley W; Steele, Fiona


    Studies involving the use of probabilistic record linkage are becoming increasingly common. However, the methods underpinning probabilistic record linkage are not widely taught or understood, and therefore these studies can appear to be a 'black box' research tool. In this article, we aim to describe the process of probabilistic record linkage through a simple exemplar. We first introduce the concept of deterministic linkage and contrast this with probabilistic linkage. We illustrate each step of the process using a simple exemplar and describe the data structure required to perform a probabilistic linkage. We describe the process of calculating and interpreting matched weights and how to convert matched weights into posterior probabilities of a match using Bayes theorem. We conclude this article with a brief discussion of some of the computational demands of record linkage, how you might assess the quality of your linkage algorithm, and how epidemiologists can maximize the value of their record-linked research using robust record linkage methods. © The Author 2015; Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association.

  20. Maximum Acceleration Recording Circuit (United States)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Coarsely digitized maximum levels recorded in blown fuses. Circuit feeds power to accelerometer and makes nonvolatile record of maximum level to which output of accelerometer rises during measurement interval. In comparison with inertia-type single-preset-trip-point mechanical maximum-acceleration-recording devices, circuit weighs less, occupies less space, and records accelerations within narrower bands of uncertainty. In comparison with prior electronic data-acquisition systems designed for same purpose, circuit simpler, less bulky, consumes less power, costs and analysis of data recorded in magnetic or electronic memory devices. Circuit used, for example, to record accelerations to which commodities subjected during transportation on trucks.

  1. Modern recording techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Huber, David Miles


    As the most popular and authoritative guide to recording Modern Recording Techniques provides everything you need to master the tools and day to day practice of music recording and production. From room acoustics and running a session to mic placement and designing a studio Modern Recording Techniques will give you a really good grounding in the theory and industry practice. Expanded to include the latest digital audio technology the 7th edition now includes sections on podcasting, new surround sound formats and HD and audio.If you are just starting out or looking for a step up

  2. WIPP Project Records Management Handbook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Records Management Handbook provides the WIPP Project Records Management personnel with a tool to use to fulfill the requirements of the WIPP Records Program and direct their actions in the important area of records management. The handbook describes the various project areas involved in records management, and how they function. The handbook provides the requirements for Record Coordinators and Master Record Center (MRC) personnel to follow in the normal course of file management, records scheduling, records turnover, records disposition, and records retrieval. More importantly, the handbook provides a single reference which encompasses the procedures set fourth in DOE Order 1324.2A, ''Records Disposition'' ASME NQA-1, ''Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities'' and DOE-AL 5700.6B, ''General Operations Quality Assurance.'' These documents dictate how an efficient system of records management will be achieved on the WIPP Project

  3. Document de base d'un nouveau projet régional : Réduction des émissions de polluants dans le secteur du transport dans trois pays du Maghreb (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie)


    Joumard , Robert; BOUGHEDAOUI , Ménouèr


    présenté lors du Forum régional sur les changements climatiques, Les pays du Maghreb face aux changements climatiques : bilan et perspectives (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie), Marrakech, 27-28 mars 2003; Pour répondre à une demande croissante de la mobilité des personnes et des marchandises, le transport routier évolue rapidement alors que les infrastructures, la réglementation et plus généralement les politiques n'intègrent guère la problématique de réduction des gaz polluants et à effet de serre, ...

  4. Facteur 4 : le chantier social et politique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bertrand Zuindeau


    Full Text Available Présentation de l’appel à communicationFace au défi majeur du changement climatique, technologues, modélisateurs et économistes, et non des moindres, ont décrit des réponses possibles. Du GIEC à Lord Stern, du LEPII au CIRED en passant par Mc-Kinsey, la division par quatre ou plus à l’horizon 2050 des émissions dans les pays développés puis dans les pays émergents est décrite comme difficile mais possible. Cependant, l’accent est encore trop peu mis sur les changements d’ordre institutionnel,...

  5. Social Policy and Citizenship


    Felder, Maxime


    Cet ouvrage réunit seize spécialistes européens et nord-américains, avec l'ambition d'embrasser les nombreux changements qui, ces dernières décennies, ont transformé le paysage de la protection sociale sur le vieux continent ainsi qu'aux États-Unis. Par des analyses globales à l'échelle internationale, supportées par des études de cas nationales, les auteurs analysent les conséquences de ces changements sur la citoyenneté. Quand T. H. Marshall, en 1950, publiait ce qui allait devenir un class...

  6. Digital recording system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandra, A.K.; Deshpande, S.V.; Iyer, A.; Vaidya, U.W.


    A large number of critical process parameters in nuclear power plants have hitherto been monitored using electromechanical chart recorders. The reducing costs of electronics systems have led to a trend towards modernizing power plant control rooms by computerizing all the panel instrumentation. As a first step, it has been decided to develop a digital recording system to record the values of 48 process parameters. The system as developed and described in this report is more than a replacement for recorders; it offers substantial advantages in terms of lower overall system cost, excellent time resolution, accurate data and absolute synchronization for correlated signals. The system provides high speed recording of 48 process parameters, maintains historical records and permits retrieval and display of archival information on a colour monitor, a plotter and a printer. It is implemented using a front end data acquisition unit connected on a serial link to a PC-XT computer with 20 MB Winchester. The system offers an extremely user friendly man machine interaction, based on a hierarchical paged menu driven scheme. Softwre development for this system has been carried out using the C language. (author). 9 figs

  7. Presidential Electronic Records Library (United States)

    National Archives and Records Administration — PERL (Presidential Electronic Records Library) used to ingest and provide internal access to the Presidential electronic Records of the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton...

  8. Fast optical recording media based on semiconductor nanostructures for image recording and processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasherininov, P. G.; Tomasov, A. A.


    Fast optical recording media based on semiconductor nanostructures (CdTe, GaAs) for image recording and processing with a speed to 10 6 cycle/s (which exceeds the speed of known recording media based on metal-insulator-semiconductor-(liquid crystal) (MIS-LC) structures by two to three orders of magnitude), a photosensitivity of 10 -2 V/cm 2 , and a spatial resolution of 5-10 (line pairs)/mm are developed. Operating principles of nanostructures as fast optical recording media and methods for reading images recorded in such media are described. Fast optical processors for recording images in incoherent light based on CdTe crystal nanostructures are implemented. The possibility of their application to fabricate image correlators is shown.

  9. NRC comprehensive records disposition schedule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Title 44 United States Code, ''Public Printing and Documents,'' regulations cited in the General Services Administration's (GSA) ''Federal Information Resources Management Regulations'' (FIRMR), Part 201-9, ''Creation, Maintenance, and Use of Records,'' and regulation issued by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in 36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, ''Records Management,'' require each agency to prepare and issue a comprehensive records disposition schedule that contains the NARA approved records disposition schedules for records unique to the agency and contains the NARA's General Records Schedules for records common to several or all agencies. The approved records disposition schedules specify the appropriate duration of retention and the final disposition for records created or maintained by the NRC. NUREG-0910, Rev. 2, contains ''NRC's Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule,'' and the original authorized approved citation numbers issued by NARA. Rev. 2 totally reorganizes the records schedules from a functional arrangement to an arrangement by the host office. A subject index and a conversion table have also been developed for the NRC schedules to allow staff to identify the new schedule numbers easily and to improve their ability to locate applicable schedules

  10. NRC comprehensive records disposition schedule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Effective January 1, 1982, NRC will institute records retention and disposal practives in accordance with the approved Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule (CRDS). CRDS is comprised of NRC Schedules (NRCS) 1 to 4 which apply to the agency's program or substantive records and General Records Schedules (GRS) 1 to 24 which apply to housekeeping or facilitative records. NRCS-I applies to records common to all or most NRC offices; NRCS-II applies to program records as found in the various offices of the Commission, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, and the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel; NRCS-III applies to records accumulated by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; and NRCS-IV applies to records accumulated in the various NRC offices under the Executive Director for Operations. The schedules are assembled functionally/organizationally to facilitate their use. Preceding the records descriptions and disposition instructions for both NRCS and GRS, there are brief statements on the organizational units which accumulate the records in each functional area, and other information regarding the schedules' applicability

  11. Climate Record Books (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Climate Record Books contain daily, monthly, seasonal, and annual averages, extremes, or occurrences. Most data are sequential by period of record 1871-1910,...

  12. Quality of nursing documentation: Paper-based health records versus electronic-based health records. (United States)

    Akhu-Zaheya, Laila; Al-Maaitah, Rowaida; Bany Hani, Salam


    To assess and compare the quality of paper-based and electronic-based health records. The comparison examined three criteria: content, documentation process and structure. Nursing documentation is a significant indicator of the quality of patient care delivery. It can be either paper-based or organised within the system known as the electronic health records. Nursing documentation must be completed at the highest standards, to ensure the safety and quality of healthcare services. However, the evidence is not clear on which one of the two forms of documentation (paper-based versus electronic health records is more qualified. A retrospective, descriptive, comparative design was used to address the study's purposes. A convenient number of patients' records, from two public hospitals, were audited using the Cat-ch-Ing audit instrument. The sample size consisted of 434 records for both paper-based health records and electronic health records from medical and surgical wards. Electronic health records were better than paper-based health records in terms of process and structure. In terms of quantity and quality content, paper-based records were better than electronic health records. The study affirmed the poor quality of nursing documentation and lack of nurses' knowledge and skills in the nursing process and its application in both paper-based and electronic-based systems. Both forms of documentation revealed drawbacks in terms of content, process and structure. This study provided important information, which can guide policymakers and administrators in identifying effective strategies aimed at enhancing the quality of nursing documentation. Policies and actions to ensure quality nursing documentation at the national level should focus on improving nursing knowledge, competencies, practice in nursing process, enhancing the work environment and nursing workload, as well as strengthening the capacity building of nursing practice to improve the quality of nursing care and

  13. Daily Weather Records (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These daily weather records were compiled from a subset of stations in the Global Historical Climatological Network (GHCN)-Daily dataset. A weather record is...

  14. NRC comprehensive records disposition schedule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Effective January 1, 1982, NRC will institute records retention and disposal practices in accordance with the approved Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule (CRDS). CRDS is comprised of NRC Schedules (NRCS) 1 to 4 which apply to the agency's program or substantive records and General Records Schedules (GRS) 1 to 22 which apply to housekeeping or facilitative records. The schedules are assembled functionally/organizationally to facilitate their use. Preceding the records descriptions and disposition instructions for both NRCS and GRS, there are brief statements on the organizational units which accumulate the records in each functional area, and other information regarding the schedules' applicability

  15. Privacy Act System of Records: EPA Telecommunications Detail Records, EPA-32 (United States)

    Learn more about the EPA Telecommunications Detail Records System, including who is covered in the system, the purpose of data collection, routine uses for the system's records, and other security procedures.

  16. La co-conception en partenariat de systèmes agricoles innovants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vall Eric


    Full Text Available La co-conception de systèmes agricoles innovants est une piste prometteuse pour répondre au défi de l’innovation, notamment pour les exploitations agricoles familiales africaines confrontées à de multiples changements. Mais il faut penser à la place et aux rôles tenus par de multiples acteurs (agriculteurs, conseillers, chercheurs pour produire les changements souhaités par toutes les parties, et donc réfléchir à la question du partenariat dans le processus. Cet article présente la démarche de conception en partenariat de systèmes agricoles innovants (CPSAI élaborée entre 2005 et 2015 dans l’ouest du Burkina Faso, notamment sur la gestion de la fumure organique des cultures. La CPSAI s’appuie sur un dispositif partenarial formalisé et sur une démarche progressive en trois phases itératives : (1 exploration et formalisation du partenariat, (2 conceptions et test des options de changement, (3 bilan et désengagement. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’innovation est plus efficace et durable quand elle est le produit d’un travail partenarial.

  17. 36 CFR 1237.12 - What record elements must be created and preserved for permanent audiovisual records? (United States)


    ... created and preserved for permanent audiovisual records? 1237.12 Section 1237.12 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION RECORDS MANAGEMENT AUDIOVISUAL, CARTOGRAPHIC... permanent audiovisual records? For permanent audiovisual records, the following record elements must be...

  18. 76 FR 52378 - Privacy Act; System of Records: State-76, Personal Services Contractor Records (United States)


    ... Services Contractor Records SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the Department of State proposes to create a new system of records, Personal Services Contractor Records, State-76, pursuant to the provisions... July 20, 2011. It is proposed that the new system be named ``Personal Services Contractor Records.'' It...

  19. Permanent record. Electronic records aid in the aftermath of Joplin tornado. (United States)

    Russell, Matthew


    When a tornado struck St. John's Regional Medical Center in May 2011, its patient records were stored in a newly launched electronic health record system, helping prevent a bad situation from being worse.

  20. AE Recorder Characteristics and Development.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Partridge, Michael E. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Curtis, Shane Keawe [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); McGrogan, David Paul [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    The Anomalous Environment Recorder (AE Recorder) provides a robust data recording capability for multiple high-shock applications including earth penetrators. The AE Recorder, packaged as a 2.4" di ameter cylinder 3" tall, acquires 12 accelerometer, 2 auxiliary, and 6 discrete signal channels at 250k samples / second. Recording depth is 213 seconds plus 75ms of pre-trigger data. The mechanical, electrical, and firmware are described as well as support electro nics designed for the first use of the recorder.

  1. Digital SLIFER Recorder, Model A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breding, D.R.; Fogel, D.; Loukota, J.J.; Worthen, G.S.; Watterberg, J.P.


    The Digital SLIFER Recorder (DSR) is an instrument that records a time-varying frequency signal in the range from 700 kHz to 1500 kHz with an amplitude greater than 200 mV. This signal is referenced to an input fiducial marker, and recording is initiated by an increase in the frequency of the signal. The primary purpose of this instrument is to record data from the SLIFER system. The DSR records 512 samples after the record trigger signal, with a sample interval of 50 μs (for a total recording time of 25.55 ms). The measurement essentially uses a 20-cycle period-averaging counter technique

  2. Record Statistics and Dynamics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sibani, Paolo; Jensen, Henrik J.


    with independent random increments. The term record dynamics covers the rather new idea that records may, in special situations, have measurable dynamical consequences. The approach applies to the aging dynamics of glasses and other systems with multiple metastable states. The basic idea is that record sizes...... fluctuations of e. g. the energy are able to push the system past some sort of ‘edge of stability’, inducing irreversible configurational changes, whose statistics then closely follows the statistics of record fluctuations....

  3. Your Medical Records (United States)

    ... hear medical people call these EHRs — short for electronic health records . Electronic records make it easier for all your doctors ... doctor's office is trying to protect a patient's privacy or safety. For example, they may say no ...

  4. Automating occupational protection records systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyon, M.; Martin, J.B.


    Occupational protection records have traditionally been generated by field and laboratory personnel, assembled into files in the safety office, and eventually stored in a warehouse or other facility. Until recently, these records have been primarily paper copies, often handwritten. Sometimes, the paper is microfilmed for storage. However, electronic records are beginning to replace these traditional methods. The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance for making the transition to automated record keeping and retrieval using modern computer equipment. This paper describes the types of records most readily converted to electronic record keeping and a methodology for implementing an automated record system. The process of conversion is based on a requirements analysis to assess program needs and a high level of user involvement during the development. The importance of indexing the hard copy records for easy retrieval is also discussed. The concept of linkage between related records and its importance relative to reporting, research, and litigation will be addressed. 2 figs

  5. 76 FR 42122 - Records Governing Off-the-Record; Public Notice (United States)


    ...- the-record communication relevant to the merits of a contested proceeding, to deliver to the Secretary of the Commission, a copy of the communication, if written, or a summary of the substance of any oral... the receipt of prohibited and exempt off-the-record communications. Order No. 607 (64 FR 51222...

  6. Drive-based recording analyses at >800 Gfc/in2 using shingled recording

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    William Cross, R.; Montemorra, Michael


    Since the introduction of perpendicular recording, conventional perpendicular scaling has enabled the hard disk drive industry to deliver products ranging from ∼130 to well over 500 Gb/in 2 in a little over 4 years. The incredible areal density growth spurt enabled by perpendicular recording is now endangered by an inability to effectively balance writeability with erasure effects at the system level. Shingled magnetic recording (SMR) offers an effective means to continue perpendicular areal density growth using conventional heads and tuned media designs. The use of specially designed edge-write head structures (also known as 'corner writers') should further increase the AD gain potential for shingled recording. In this paper, we will demonstrate the drive-based recording performance characteristics of a shingled recording system at areal densities in excess of 800 Gb/in 2 using a conventional head. Using a production drive base, developmental heads/media and a number of sophisticated analytical routines, we have studied the recording performance of a shingled magnetic recording subsystem. Our observations confirm excellent writeability in excess of 400 ktpi and a perpendicular system with acceptable noise balance, especially at extreme ID and OD skews where the benefits of SMR are quite pronounced. We believe that this demonstration illustrates that SMR is not only capable of productization, but is likely the path of least resistance toward production drive areal density closer to 1 Tb/in 2 and beyond. - Research highlights: → Drive-based recording demonstrations at 805 Gf/in 2 has been demonstrated using both 95 and 65 mm drive platforms at roughly 430 ktpi and 1.87 Mfci. → Limiting factors for shingled recording include side reading, which is dominated by the reader crosstrack skirt profile, MT10 being a representative metric. → Media jitter and associated DC media SNR further limit areal density, dominated by crosstrack transition curvature, downtrack

  7. La médecine prédictive en oncologie, une discipline en construction : quels changements dans les questions éthiques, quel regard sur la vie des individus concernés

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    de Montgolfier Sandrine


    Full Text Available La médecine prédictive a pour but d’identifier des êtres humains à risque de développer une maladie liée à une anomalie génétique mais également de connaître les risques chez de futurs parents de transmission d’un caractère à leur descendance. Dans le contexte de la cancérologie, nous nous intéresserons particulièrement à la question de la validité clinique de ces données, de l’interface entre clinique et recherche que les nouvelles technologies de séquençage amènent. Nous développerons les questionnements éthiques posés par ces nouvelles technologies et leurs changements au cours du temps. Chaque résultat de tests mobilise chez les personnes à risque une réflexion profonde sur son statut, sa liberté de savoir ou de ne pas savoir, sur la tension qu’elle développe entre conscience, liberté et destin. Se pose également la question de la responsabilité vis-à-vis des membres de la famille et également sur les conséquences d’un éventuel nouvel eugénisme libéral qui se développe au côté du développement de la génétique ? Ces nouvelles pratiques s’accompagnent d’une injonction à l’autonomie et un appel au choix des personnes tout en créant une forme de contrainte sur la personne et sa famille individuelle dans une société où la bonne santé est mise en exergue comme valeur primordiale. Nous pourrons ainsi amener un début de réflexion sur la manière de former les populations à la question du risque génétique de l’école à l’âge adulte.

  8. Record Keeping Guidelines (United States)

    American Psychologist, 2007


    These guidelines are designed to educate psychologists and provide a framework for making decisions regarding professional record keeping. State and federal laws, as well as the American Psychological Association's "Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct," generally require maintenance of appropriate records of psychological…

  9. Visual patient records

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luu, M.D.


    Patient information is often complex and fragmented; visualization can help to obtain and communicate insights. To move from paper medical records to interactive and visual patient records is a big challenge. This project aims to move towards this ultimate goal by providing an interactive prototype

  10. Climate change and the development of mountain areas: what do we need to know and for what types of action?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Didier Richard


    Full Text Available Climate change is today a reality at both the international and more local levels. Recent studies have focussed mainly on analysing the consequences of climate change. The present article seeks to examine and qualify the impact of climate change in the mountain areas of the Alps. A first line of enquiry concerns the changing level of danger in the mountain environment. Are mountain areas becoming more dangerous and, if so, in terms of what types of risks and to what degree? However, adopting an approach based on an analysis of natural hazards and their dynamics in response to climate change cannot ignore the economic activities and types of development that already exist in these areas. In this respect, the tourism economy is predominant in mountain regions. Its durability and vitality undoubtedly constitute a priority for local actors. It is not surprising therefore that the latter have set up strategies for adapting to climate change. For planners and decision-makers to ensure integrated approaches in dealing with climate change, it is important that the complex links between natural risks and the types of development in mountain areas are better understood, which calls for a more detailed analysis of the environment in terms of territorial vulnerability.Le changement climatique est aujourd’hui une réalité au niveau international comme à celui des territoires locaux. Les travaux récents mettent préférentiellement l’accent sur l’analyse des conséquences du changement climatique. Cet article se propose de questionner et de qualifier l’impact du changement climatique dans les territoires montagnards des Alpes. Un premier axe de réflexion concerne l’évolution de la dangerosité de la montagne. Une montagne plus dangereuse se profile-t-elle ? Selon quels types de risques et avec quelles intensités ? Cependant, l’approche des risques naturels et de leur dynamique face au changement climatique ne saurait occulter le type d

  11. 21 CFR 1271.270 - Records. (United States)


    ... particular HCT/P involved. (b) Records management system. You must establish and maintain a records management system relating to core CGTP requirements. Under this system, records pertaining to a particular... procedures, and equipment logs) must also be maintained and organized under the records management system. If...

  12. Development of Farm Records Software

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. S. Abubakar


    Full Text Available Farm records are mostly manually kept on paper notebooks and folders where similar records are organized in one folder or spread sheet. These records are usually kept for many years therefore they becomes bulky and less organized. Consequently, it becomes difficult to search, update and tedious and time consuming to manage these records. This study was carried-out to overcome these problems associated with manual farm records keeping by developing user-friendly, easily accessible, reliable and secured software. The software was limited records keeping in crop production, livestock production, poultry production, employees, income and expenditure. The system was implemented using Java Server Faces (JSF for designing Graphical User Interface (GUI, Enterprises Java Beans (EJB for logic tier and MySQL database for storing farm records.

  13. Laser color recording unit (United States)

    Jung, E.


    A color recording unit was designed for output and control of digitized picture data within computer controlled reproduction and picture processing systems. In order to get a color proof picture of high quality similar to a color print, together with reduced time and material consumption, a photographic color film material was exposed pixelwise by modulated laser beams of three wavelengths for red, green and blue light. Components of different manufacturers for lasers, acousto-optic modulators and polygon mirrors were tested, also different recording methods as (continuous tone mode or screened mode and with a drum or flatbed recording principle). Besides the application for the graphic arts - the proof recorder CPR 403 with continuous tone color recording with a drum scanner - such a color hardcopy peripheral unit with large picture formats and high resolution can be used in medicine, communication, and satellite picture processing.

  14. The insider's guide to home recording record music and get paid

    CERN Document Server

    Tarquin, Brian


    The last decade has seen an explosion in the number of home-recording studios. With the mass availability of sophisticated technology, there has never been a better time to do it yourself and make a profit.Take a studio journey with Brian Tarquin, the multiple-Emmy-award winning recording artist and producer, as he leads you through the complete recording process, and shows you how to perfect your sound using home equipment. He guides you through the steps to increase your creative freedom, and offers numerous tips to improve the effectiveness of your workflow. Topics covered in this book incl

  15. Electronic health records

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kierkegaard, Patrick


    that a centralised European health record system will become a reality even before 2020. However, the concept of a centralised supranational central server raises concern about storing electronic medical records in a central location. The privacy threat posed by a supranational network is a key concern. Cross......-border and Interoperable electronic health record systems make confidential data more easily and rapidly accessible to a wider audience and increase the risk that personal data concerning health could be accidentally exposed or easily distributed to unauthorised parties by enabling greater access to a compilation...... of the personal data concerning health, from different sources, and throughout a lifetime....

  16. Usage Record Format Recommendation

    CERN Document Server

    Nilsen, J.K.; Muller-Pfeerkorn, R


    For resources to be shared, sites must be able to exchange basic accounting and usage data in a common format. This document describes a common format which enables the exchange of basic accounting and usage data from different resources. This record format is intended to facilitate the sharing of usage information, particularly in the area of the accounting of jobs, computing, memory, storage and cloud usage but with a structure that allows an easy extension to other resources. This document describes the Usage Record components both in natural language form and annotated XML. This document does not address how these records should be used, nor does it attempt to dictate the format in which the accounting records are stored. Instead, it denes a common exchange format. Furthermore, nothing is said regarding the communication mechanisms employed to exchange the records, i.e. transport layer, framing, authentication, integrity, etc.

  17. 77 FR 65049 - Privacy Act; System of Records: Translator and Interpreter Records, State-37 (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Public Notice 8066] Privacy Act; System of Records: Translator and... an existing system of records, Translator and Interpreter Records, State-37, pursuant to the... INFORMATION: The Department of State proposes that the current system will retain the name ``Translator and...

  18. Les sirènes de Copenhague !

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martine Tabeaud


    Full Text Available La Convention Cadre des Nations Unies sur le Changement Climatique (CCNUCC instance de politique internationale créée à Rio de Janeiro en 1992 a défini les moyens de lutte contre le changement climatique. Le choix s'est porté sur la réduction du réchauffement futur par la baisse des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, d'où le Protocole de Kyoto. Fin 2009, la réunion de Copenhague chargée de penser l'après Kyoto, l'après 2012 a donc polarisé à tort les plus grandes espérances quant à la refondation d'une gouvernance mondiale.

  19. Practical recording techniques the step-by-step approach to professional audio recording

    CERN Document Server

    Bartlett, Bruce


    Hands-on practical guide covering all aspects of recording, ideal for beginning and intermediate recording engineers, producers, musicians and audio enthusiasts. Filled with tips and shortcuts, this book offers advice on equipping a home studio (both low-budget and advanced), suggestions for set-up, acoustics, choosing monitor speakers, and preventing hum. This best-selling guide also tells how to judge recordings and improve them to produce maximum results. New material covered in the 5th edition to include: * complete revision and update of dig

  20. Records Center Program Billing System (United States)

    National Archives and Records Administration — RCPBS supports the Records center programs (RCP) in producing invoices for the storage (NARS-5) and servicing of National Archives and Records Administration’s...

  1. 75 FR 70342 - Privacy Act; System of Records: Equal Employment Opportunity Records (United States)


    ... users are given cyber security awareness training which covers the procedures for handling Sensitive but.... State-09 SYSTEM NAME: Equal Employment Opportunity Records. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Unclassified... apply to the Equal Employment Opportunity Records, State-09. DISCLOSURE TO CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCIES...

  2. Recording of electrohysterogram laplacian potential. (United States)

    Alberola-Rubio, J; Garcia-Casado, J; Ye-Lin, Y; Prats-Boluda, G; Perales, A


    Preterm birth is the main cause of the neonatal morbidity. Noninvasive recording of uterine myoelectrical activity (electrohysterogram, EHG) could be an alternative to the monitoring of uterine dynamics which are currently based on tocodynamometers (TOCO). The analysis of uterine electromyogram characteristics could help the early diagnosis of preterm birth. Laplacian recordings of other bioelectrical signals have proved to enhance spatial selectivity and to reduce interferences in comparison to monopolar and bipolar surface recordings. The main objective of this paper is to check the feasibility of the noninvasive recording of uterine myoelectrical activity by means of laplacian techniques. Four bipolar EHG signals, discrete laplacian obtained from five monopolar electrodes and the signals picked up by two active concentric-ringed-electrodes were recorded on 5 women with spontaneous or induced labor. Intrauterine pressure (IUP) and TOCO were also simultaneously recorded. To evaluate the uterine contraction detectability of the different noninvasive methods in comparison to IUP the contractions consistency index (CCI) was calculated. Results show that TOCO is less consistent (83%) than most EHG bipolar recording channels (91%, 83%, 87%, and 76%) to detect the uterine contractions identified in IUP. Moreover laplacian EHG signals picked up by ringed-electrodes proved to be as consistent (91%) as the best bipolar recordings in addition to significantly reduce ECG interference.

  3. 36 CFR 1236.10 - What records management controls must agencies establish for records in electronic information... (United States)


    ... Implementing Electronic Information Systems § 1236.10 What records management controls must agencies establish for records in electronic information systems? The following types of records management controls are... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What records management...

  4. The science of sound recording

    CERN Document Server

    Kadis, Jay


    The Science of Sound Recording will provide you with more than just an introduction to sound and recording, it will allow you to dive right into some of the technical areas that often appear overwhelming to anyone without an electrical engineering or physics background.  The Science of Sound Recording helps you build a basic foundation of scientific principles, explaining how recording really works. Packed with valuable must know information, illustrations and examples of 'worked through' equations this book introduces the theory behind sound recording practices in a logical and prac

  5. 19 CFR 201.30 - Commission review of requests for access to records, for correction or amendment to records, and... (United States)


    ... records, for correction or amendment to records, and for accounting of record disclosures. 201.30 Section... General for access to a record, to amend a record, or to obtain an accounting of any record disclosure... grant access to a record, to amend a record, or to provide an accounting of a record disclosure, the...

  6. 27 CFR 24.317 - Sugar record. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Sugar record. 24.317... OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS WINE Records and Reports § 24.317 Sugar record. A proprietor who receives, stores, or uses sugar shall maintain a record of receipt and use. The record will show the date of...

  7. Deficiencies in radiation protection record systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, J.B.; Lyon, M.


    Radiation protection records are a fundamental part of any program for protecting radiation workers. Records are essential to epidemiological studies of radiation workers and are becoming increasingly important as the number of radiation exposure litigation cases increases. Ready retrievability of comprehensive records is also essential to the adequate defense of a radiation protection program. Appraisals of numerous radiation protection programs have revealed that few record-keeping systems comply with American National Standards Institute, Standard Practice N13.6-1972. Record-keeping requirements and types of deficiencies in radiation protection records systems are presented in this paper, followed by general recommendations for implementing a comprehensive radiation protection records system

  8. Deficiencies in radiation protection record systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, J.B.; Lyon, M.


    Radiation protection records are a fundamental part of any program for protecting radiation workers. Records are essential to epidemiological studies of radiation workers and are becoming increasingly important as the number of radiation exposure litigation cases increases. Ready retrievability of comprehensive records is also essential to the adequate defense of a radiation protection program. Appraisals of numerous radiation protection programs have revealed that few record-keeping systems comply with American National Standards Institute, Standard Practice N13.6-1972. Record-keeping requirements and types of deficiencies in radiation protection records systems are presented in this paper, followed by general recommendations for implementing a comprehensive radiation protection records system. 8 refs

  9. Iraq Radiosonde Launch Records (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Iraqi upper air records loaned to NCDC from the Air Force 14th Weather Squadron. Scanned notebooks containing upper air radiosonde launch records and data. Launches...

  10. 19 CFR 201.29 - Commission disclosure of individual records, accounting of record disclosures, and requests for... (United States)


    ..., accounting of record disclosures, and requests for accounting of record disclosures. 201.29 Section 201.29..., accounting of record disclosures, and requests for accounting of record disclosures. (a) It is the policy of... disclosure required by 5 U.S.C. 552, the Privacy Act Officer shall keep an accurate accounting of: (1) The...

  11. 75 FR 16377 - Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings (United States)


    ...). Petitions to Participate were received from: Intercollegiate Broadcast System, Inc./ Harvard Radio...), respectively, and the references to January 1, 2009, have been deleted. Next, for the reasons stated above in... State. (j) Retention of records. Books and records of a Broadcaster and of the Collective relating to...

  12. Privacy Act System of Records: Employee Counseling and Assistance Program Records, EPA-27 (United States)

    Learn about the Employee Counseling and Assistance Program Records System, including who is covered in the system, the purpose of data collection, routine uses for the system's records, and other security procedures.

  13. Electronic health records and online medical records: an asset or a liability under current conditions? (United States)

    Allen-Graham, Judith; Mitchell, Lauren; Heriot, Natalie; Armani, Roksana; Langton, David; Levinson, Michele; Young, Alan; Smith, Julian A; Kotsimbos, Tom; Wilson, John W


    Objective The aim of the present study was to audit the current use of medical records to determine completeness and concordance with other sources of medical information. Methods Medical records for 40 patients from each of five Melbourne major metropolitan hospitals were randomly selected (n=200). A quantitative audit was performed for detailed patient information and medical record keeping, as well as data collection, storage and utilisation. Using each hospital's current online clinical database, scanned files and paperwork available for each patient audited, the reviewers sourced as much relevant information as possible within a 30-min time allocation from both the record and the discharge summary. Results Of all medical records audited, 82% contained medical and surgical history, allergy information and patient demographics. All audited discharge summaries lacked at least one of the following: demographics, medication allergies, medical and surgical history, medications and adverse drug event information. Only 49% of records audited showed evidence the discharge summary was sent outside the institution. Conclusions The quality of medical data captured and information management is variable across hospitals. It is recommended that medical history documentation guidelines and standardised discharge summaries be implemented in Australian healthcare services. What is known about this topic? Australia has a complex health system, the government has approved funding to develop a universal online electronic medical record system and is currently trialling this in an opt-out style in the Napean Blue Mountains (NSW) and in Northern Queensland. The system was originally named the personally controlled electronic health record but has since been changed to MyHealth Record (2016). In Victoria, there exists a wide range of electronic health records used to varying degrees, with some hospitals still relying on paper-based records and many using scanned medical records

  14. 16 CFR 1209.38 - Records. (United States)


    ... FOR CELLULOSE INSULATION Certification § 1209.38 Records. (a) Establishment and maintenance. Each... production test. (3) Records of all corrective actions taken in accordance with § 1209.37, including the.... Records of corrective action must relate the corrective action taken to the product specification of the...

  15. 19 CFR 210.38 - Record. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Record. 210.38 Section 210.38 Customs Duties UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION INVESTIGATIONS OF UNFAIR PRACTICES IN IMPORT TRADE ADJUDICATION AND ENFORCEMENT Prehearing Conferences and Hearings § 210.38 Record. (a) Definition of the record...

  16. 21 CFR 120.12 - Records. (United States)


    ... CONSUMPTION HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINT (HACCP) SYSTEMS General Provisions § 120.12 Records. (a... Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system: (1) Records documenting the implementation of the... § 120.7; (3) The written HACCP plan required by § 120.8; (4) Records documenting the ongoing application...

  17. The foundations of magnetic recording

    CERN Document Server

    Mallinson, John C


    This expanded and updated new edition provides a comprehensive overview of the science and technology of magnetic recording. In the six years since the publication of the first edition, the magnetic recording and storage industry has burgeoned with the introduction of a host of new ideas and technologies. His book contains a discussion of almost every technologically important aspect of recording.* Continas complete coverage of the current technology of magnetic recording and storage* Written in a non-mathematical but scientifically accurate style* Permits intelligent evaluat

  18. Acceleration recorder and playback module (United States)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    The present invention is directed to methods and apparatus relating to an accelerometer electrical signal recorder and playback module. The recorder module may be manufactured in lightweight configuration and includes analog memory components to store data. Signal conditioning circuitry is incorporated into the module so that signals may be connected directly from the accelerometer to the recorder module. A battery pack may be included for powering both the module and the accelerometer. Timing circuitry is included to control the time duration within which data is recorded or played back so as to avoid overloading the analog memory components. Multiple accelerometer signal recordings may be taken simultaneously without analog to digital circuits, multiplexing circuitry or software to compensate for the effects of multiplexing the signals.

  19. 1993 Department of Energy Records Management Conference

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document consists of viewgraphs from the presentations at the conference. Topics included are: DOE records management overview, NIRMA and ARMA resources, NARA records management training, potential quality assurance records, filing systems, organizing and indexing technical records, DOE-HQ initiatives, IRM reviews, status of epidemiologic inventory, disposition of records and personal papers, inactive records storage, establishing administrative records, managing records at Hanford, electronic mail -- legal and records issues, NARA-GAO reports status, consultive selling, automated indexing, decentralized approach to scheduling at a DOE office, developing specific records management programs, storage and retrieval at Savannah River Plant, an optical disk case study, and special interest group reports.

  20. Admission medical records made at night time have the same quality as day and evening time records. (United States)

    Amirian, Ilda; Mortensen, Jacob F; Rosenberg, Jacob; Gögenur, Ismail


    A thorough and accurate admission medical record is an important tool in ensuring patient safety during the hospital stay. Surgeons' performance might be affected during night shifts due to sleep deprivation. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of admission medical records during day, evening and night time. A total of 1,000 admission medical records were collected from 2009 to 2013 based equally on four diagnoses: mechanical bowel obstruction, appendicitis, gallstone disease and gastrointestinal bleeding. The records were reviewed for errors by a pre-defined checklist based on Danish standards for admission medical records. The time of dictation for the medical record was registered. A total of 1,183 errors were found in 778 admission medical records made during day- and evening time, and 322 errors in 222 admission medical records from night time shifts. No significant overall difference in error was found in the admission medical records when day and evening values were compared to night values. Subgroup analyses made for all four diagnoses showed no difference in day and evening values compared with night time values. Night time deterioration was not seen in the quality of the medical records.

  1. 40 CFR 63.1517 - Records (United States)


    ..., measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record. The most recent 2 years of records must be...-month reporting period, records of each alarm, the time of the alarm, the time corrective action was initiated and completed, and a brief description of the cause of the alarm and the corrective action(s...

  2. 27 CFR 25.252 - Records. (United States)


    ... TREASURY LIQUORS BEER Removal of Brewer's Yeast and Other Articles § 25.252 Records. (a) Production. The brewer shall keep records of the production of malt syrup, wort, and other articles which are removed... of brewer's yeast, malt and other articles from the brewery. The record shall include the quantity...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    management, rational allocation of resources and provision of adequate and effective ... records management environment in which records can be timely accessed to .... most critical in terms of impact and influence in the development of records and ..... and educative role of the Court of Appeal as the highest judicial organ ...

  4. 76 FR 76215 - Privacy Act; System of Records: State-78, Risk Analysis and Management Records (United States)


    ... a system of records, Risk Analysis and Management Records, State-78, pursuant to the provisions of... INFORMATION: The Department of State proposes that the new system will be ``Risk Analysis and Management.... These standard routine uses apply to State-78, Risk Analysis and Management Records. POLICIES AND...

  5. Environmental recordkeeping: The administrative record

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sprouse, B.S.


    This document provides information on an environmental records management system. It includes information on environmental recordkeeping; environmental regulations with emphasis on the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA); and the administrative record including a case study of the Hanford Site's administrative record system. This paper will focus on the following objectives: (1) Identify resources that can be used as reference tools; (2) understand the reasons for developing and maintaining an administrative record; and, (3) evaluate an existing system and identify means of complying with the regulations. 15 refs., 2 figs

  6. 12 CFR 1732.7 - Record hold. (United States)


    ... Banking OFFICE OF FEDERAL HOUSING ENTERPRISE OVERSIGHT, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS RECORD RETENTION Record Retention Program § 1732.7 Record hold. (a) Definition. For... Enterprise or OFHEO that the Enterprise is to retain records relating to a particular issue in connection...

  7. Microcomputer sunshine recorder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benincasa, F.; Fasano, G.; Materassi, A.


    The Campbell-Stokes recorder is the most frequently used sunshine recorder. However, it cannot be used for automatic data acquisitions and the threshold level is not well defined. This paper describes an instrument in which the threshold for minimum sunshine is strictly established. The instrument not only gives the parameter but three other analogical signals: direct, diffuse and global radiation. All of this as been done with only two silicon cells [it

  8. 21 CFR 211.196 - Distribution records. (United States)


    ...: GENERAL CURRENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE FOR FINISHED PHARMACEUTICALS Records and Reports § 211.196 Distribution records. Distribution records shall contain the name and strength of the product and description... 21 Food and Drugs 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Distribution records. 211.196 Section 211.196 Food...

  9. The Barbados Sea Level Record (United States)

    Fairbanks, R. G.; Mortlock, R. A.; Abdul, N. A.; Wright, J. D.; Cao, L.; Mey, J. L.


    Additional offshore drill cores, nearly 100 new radiometric dates, and more than 1000 kilometers of Multibeam mapping greatly enhance the Barbados Sea Level record. Extensive Multibeam mapping around the entire island covers approximately 2650 km2 of the sea bottom and now integrates the offshore reef topography and Barbados Sea Level Record with the unparalleled onshore core collection, digital elevation maps, and Pleistocene sea level record spanning the past one million years. The reef crest coral, Acropora palmata, remains the stalwart indicator of sea level for many reasons that are validated by our redundant sea level records and redundant dating via Th/U and Pa/U analyses. Microanalysis and densitometry studies better explain why Acropora palmata is so well preserved in the Pleistocene reef records and therefore why it is the species of choice for sea level reconstructions and radiometric dating. New drill cores into reefs that formed during Marine Isotope Stage 3 lead us to a model of diagenesis that allows us to better prospect for unaltered coral samples in older reefs that may be suitable for Th/U dating. Equally important, our diagenesis model reinforces our rigorous sample quality criteria in a more quantitative manner. The Barbados Sea Level record has a sampling resolution of better than 100 years throughout much of the last deglaciation showing unprecedented detail in redundant drill cores. The Melt Water Pulses (MWP1A and MWP1B) are well resolved and the intervening interval that includes the Younger Dryas reveals sea level changes in new detail that are consistent with the terrestrial records of ice margins (see Abdul et al., this section). More than 100 paired Th/U and radiocarbon ages place the Barbados Sea Level Record unambiguously on the radiocarbon time scale for direct comparisons with the terrestrial records of ice margin changes.

  10. À la recherche des effets d’une plate-forme d’enseignement/ apprentissage en ligne sur les pratiques pédagogiques d’une université : premières approches

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcel Lebrun


    Full Text Available L’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique a mis en place une plate-forme d’enseignement/apprentissage en ligne en 2001. Nous basant sur l’hypothèse de l’effet catalyseur des technologies sur le changement pédagogique, nous avons interrogé les étudiants et les enseignants sur leur perception de ces changements. Les cours qui font appel à iCampus mettent-ils en œuvre des pratiques pédagogiques plus actives que les cours «traditionnels»? Les résultats de cette enquête sont encourageants. Par ailleurs, cette enquête ouvre des pistes concernant la manière d’observer les effets de ce genre de plate-forme sur les pratiques pédagogiques.

  11. 25 CFR 515.6 - Review of request for amendment of record by the Records Manager. (United States)


    ... Manager. 515.6 Section 515.6 Indians NATIONAL INDIAN GAMING COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GENERAL PROVISIONS PRIVACY ACT PROCEDURES § 515.6 Review of request for amendment of record by the Records Manager. (a) The Records Manager shall, not later than ten (10) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Federal...

  12. Home recording for musicians for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Strong, Jeff


    Invaluable advice that will be music to your ears! Are you thinking of getting started in home recording? Do you want to know the latest home recording technologies? Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies will get you recording music at home in no time. It shows you how to set up a home studio, record and edit your music, master it, and even distribute your songs. With this guide, you?ll learn how to compare studio-in-a-box, computer-based, and stand-alone recording systems and choose what you need. You?ll gain the skills to manage your sound, take full advantage of MIDI, m

  13. 27 CFR 24.320 - Chemical record. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Chemical record. 24.320... OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS WINE Records and Reports § 24.320 Chemical record. A proprietor who uses chemicals, preservatives, or other such materials shall maintain a record of the purchase, receipt and...

  14. 21 CFR 225.110 - Distribution records. (United States)


    ...: GENERAL CURRENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE FOR MEDICATED FEEDS Records and Reports § 225.110 Distribution records. (a) Distribution records permit the manufacturer to relate complaints to specific batches and/or... 21 Food and Drugs 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Distribution records. 225.110 Section 225.110 Food...

  15. 21 CFR 226.110 - Distribution records. (United States)


    ...: GENERAL CURRENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE FOR TYPE A MEDICATED ARTICLES Records and Reports § 226.110 Distribution records. Complete records shall be maintained for each shipment of Type A medicated article(s) in... 21 Food and Drugs 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Distribution records. 226.110 Section 226.110 Food...

  16. How long shall we record electroencephalography?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Craciun, L; Gardella, E; Alving, J


    abnormalities in a tertiary referral centre for epilepsy. METHODS: We have reviewed 1005 EEG recordings and determined the shortest recording duration necessary to identify interictal EEG abnormalities. RESULTS: Standard, awake recordings shorter than 20 min yielded a significantly lower incidence of abnormal...... provide evidence for recommending at least 20 min recording duration for standard awake EEGs and 30 min for sleep EEG recordings. As data were derived from patients referred to our epilepsy centre, the results are only valid for epilepsy-related indications....

  17. Environmental recordkeeping: The administrative record

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sprouse, B.S.


    This document provides information on an environmental records management system. It includes information on environmental recordkeeping; environmental regulations with emphasis on the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA); and the administrative record including a case study of the Hanford Site's administrative record system. This paper will focus on the following objectives: (1) Identify resources that can be used as reference tools; (2) understand the reasons for developing and maintaining an administrative record; and, (3) evaluate an existing system and identify means of complying with the regulations. 15 refs., 2 figs.

  18. Making magnetic recording commercial: 1920-1955 (United States)

    Clark, Mark H.


    Although magnetic recording had been invented in 1898, it was not until the late 1920s that the technology was successfully marketed to the public. Firms in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States developed and sold magnetic recorders for specialized markets in broadcasting and telephone systems through the 1930s. The demands of World War II considerably expanded the use of magnetic recording, and with the end of the war, firms in the United States sought to bring magnetic recording to home and professional music recording. Using a combination of captured German technology and American wartime research, American companies such as Ampex, Magnecord, 3M, the Brush Development Company, and others created a vast new industry. By the mid-1950s, magnetic recording was firmly established as a method for recording both sound and data.

  19. NRC comprehensive records disposition schedule. Revision 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Title 44 US Code, ''Public Printing and Documents,'' regulations issued by the General Service Administration (GSA) in 41 CFR Chapter 101, Subchapter B, ''Management and Use of Information and Records,'' and regulations issued by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in 36 CFR Chapter 12, Subchapter B, ''Records Management,'' require each agency to prepare and issue a comprehensive records disposition schedule that contains the NARA approved records disposition schedules for records unique to the agency and contains the NARA's General Records Schedules for records common to several or all agencies. The approved records disposition schedules specify the appropriate duration of retention and the final disposition for records created or maintained by the NRC. NUREG-0910, Rev. 3, contains ''NRC's Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule,'' and the original authorized approved citation numbers issued by NARA. Rev. 3 incorporates NARA approved changes and additions to the NRC schedules that have been implemented since the last revision dated March, 1992, reflects recent organizational changes implemented at the NRC, and includes the latest version of NARA's General Records Schedule (dated August 1995)

  20. NRC comprehensive records disposition schedule. Revision 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Title 44 US Code, ``Public Printing and Documents,`` regulations issued by the General Service Administration (GSA) in 41 CFR Chapter 101, Subchapter B, ``Management and Use of Information and Records,`` and regulations issued by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in 36 CFR Chapter 12, Subchapter B, ``Records Management,`` require each agency to prepare and issue a comprehensive records disposition schedule that contains the NARA approved records disposition schedules for records unique to the agency and contains the NARA`s General Records Schedules for records common to several or all agencies. The approved records disposition schedules specify the appropriate duration of retention and the final disposition for records created or maintained by the NRC. NUREG-0910, Rev. 3, contains ``NRC`s Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule,`` and the original authorized approved citation numbers issued by NARA. Rev. 3 incorporates NARA approved changes and additions to the NRC schedules that have been implemented since the last revision dated March, 1992, reflects recent organizational changes implemented at the NRC, and includes the latest version of NARA`s General Records Schedule (dated August 1995).

  1. Record Values of a Pareto Distribution. (United States)

    Ahsanullah, M.

    The record values of the Pareto distribution, labelled Pareto (II) (alpha, beta, nu), are reviewed. The best linear unbiased estimates of the parameters in terms of the record values are provided. The prediction of the sth record value based on the first m (s>m) record values are obtained. A classical Pareto distribution provides reasonably…

  2. Medical records and issues in negligence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joseph Thomas


    Full Text Available It is very important for the treating doctor to properly document the management of a patient under his care. Medical record keeping has evolved into a science of itself. This will be the only way for the doctor to prove that the treatment was carried out properly. Moreover, it will also be of immense help in the scientific evaluation and review of patient management issues. Medical records form an important part of the management of a patient. It is important for the doctors and medical establishments to properly maintain the records of patients for two important reasons. The first one is that it will help them in the scientific evaluation of their patient profile, helping in analyzing the treatment results, and to plan treatment protocols. It also helps in planning governmental strategies for future medical care. But of equal importance in the present setting is in the issue of alleged medical negligence. The legal system relies mainly on documentary evidence in a situation where medical negligence is alleged by the patient or the relatives. In an accusation of negligence, this is very often the most important evidence deciding on the sentencing or acquittal of the doctor. With the increasing use of medical insurance for treatment, the insurance companies also require proper record keeping to prove the patient′s demand for medical expenses. Improper record keeping can result in declining medical claims. It is disheartening to note that inspite of knowing the importance of proper record keeping it is still in a nascent stage in India. It is wise to remember that "Poor records mean poor defense, no records mean no defense". Medical records include a variety of documentation of patient′s history, clinical findings, diagnostic test results, preoperative care, operation notes, post operative care, and daily notes of a patient′s progress and medications. A properly obtained consent will go a long way in proving that the procedures were

  3. 20 CFR 903.4 - Procedures for access to records and accountings of disclosures from records, regarding individuals. (United States)


    ... accountings of disclosures from records, regarding individuals. 903.4 Section 903.4 Employees' Benefits JOINT... Procedures for access to records and accountings of disclosures from records, regarding individuals. (a... to an accounting of a disclosure from such record made pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(1), permit that...

  4. How writing records reduces clinical knowledge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buus, Niels


    drew on data from an extended fieldwork on two Danish "special observation" wards. The results indicated that the nurses' recording produced "stereotyping" representations of the patients and reduced the nurses' clinical knowledge but that this particular way of recording made good sense in relation......Through the practices of recording, psychiatric nurses produce clinical knowledge about the patients in their care. The objective of this study was to examine the conventionalized practices of recording among psychiatric nurses and the typical linguistic organization of their records. The study...

  5. Validation of asthma recording in electronic health records: a systematic review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nissen F


    Full Text Available Francis Nissen,1 Jennifer K Quint,2 Samantha Wilkinson,1 Hana Mullerova,3 Liam Smeeth,1 Ian J Douglas1 1Department of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK; 2National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London, UK; 3RWD & Epidemiology, GSK R&D, Uxbridge, UK Objective: To describe the methods used to validate asthma diagnoses in electronic health records and summarize the results of the validation studies. Background: Electronic health records are increasingly being used for research on asthma to inform health services and health policy. Validation of the recording of asthma diagnoses in electronic health records is essential to use these databases for credible epidemiological asthma research.Methods: We searched EMBASE and MEDLINE databases for studies that validated asthma diagnoses detected in electronic health records up to October 2016. Two reviewers independently assessed the full text against the predetermined inclusion criteria. Key data including author, year, data source, case definitions, reference standard, and validation statistics (including sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value [PPV], and negative predictive value [NPV] were summarized in two tables.Results: Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Most studies demonstrated a high validity using at least one case definition (PPV >80%. Ten studies used a manual validation as the reference standard; each had at least one case definition with a PPV of at least 63%, up to 100%. We also found two studies using a second independent database to validate asthma diagnoses. The PPVs of the best performing case definitions ranged from 46% to 58%. We found one study which used a questionnaire as the reference standard to validate a database case definition; the PPV of the case definition algorithm in this study was 89%. Conclusion: Attaining high PPVs (>80% is possible using each of the discussed validation

  6. Privacy and Library Records (United States)

    Bowers, Stacey L.


    This paper summarizes the history of privacy as it relates to library records. It commences with a discussion of how the concept of privacy first originated through case law and follows the concept of privacy as it has affected library records through current day and the "USA PATRIOT Act."

  7. : tous les projets | Page 364 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


  8. WAJM 29(1) current.pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Malignant Change in Chronic Irritation: A Case series. Changement ... signifying advanced disease, but unfortunately had to leave hospital because she ... known causes of malignant trans- formations.1 .... injuries,venous ulcers,ulcers from.

  9. : tous les projets | Page 340 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


  10. Artificial Intelligence Controls Tape-Recording Sequence (United States)

    Schwuttke, Ursula M.; Otamura, Roy M.; Zottarelli, Lawrence J.


    Developmental expert-system computer program intended to schedule recording of large amounts of data on limited amount of magnetic tape. Schedules recording using two sets of rules. First set incorporates knowledge of locations for recording of new data. Second set incorporates knowledge about issuing commands to recorder. Designed primarily for use on Voyager Spacecraft, also applicable to planning and sequencing in industry.

  11. 76 FR 27898 - Registration and Recordation Program (United States)


    ... to reflect a reorganization that has moved the Recordation function from the Visual Arts and... function from the Visual Arts and Recordation Division of the Registration and Recordation Program to the... Visual Arts Division of the Registration and Recordation Program, has been renamed the Recordation...

  12. Phenological Records (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Phenology is the scientific study of periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, breeding, and migration, in relation to climatic conditions. The few records...

  13. The Likelihood of Recent Record Warmth. (United States)

    Mann, Michael E; Rahmstorf, Stefan; Steinman, Byron A; Tingley, Martin; Miller, Sonya K


    2014 was nominally the warmest year on record for both the globe and northern hemisphere based on historical records spanning the past one and a half centuries. It was the latest in a recent run of record temperatures spanning the past decade and a half. Press accounts reported odds as low as one-in-650 million that the observed run of global temperature records would be expected to occur in the absence of human-caused global warming. Press reports notwithstanding, the question of how likely observed temperature records may have have been both with and without human influence is interesting in its own right. Here we attempt to address that question using a semi-empirical approach that combines the latest (CMIP5) climate model simulations with observations of global and hemispheric mean temperature. We find that individual record years and the observed runs of record-setting temperatures were extremely unlikely to have occurred in the absence of human-caused climate change, though not nearly as unlikely as press reports have suggested. These same record temperatures were, by contrast, quite likely to have occurred in the presence of anthropogenic climate forcing.

  14. Project of Atomic Energy Technology Record

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, K. C.; Ko, Y. C.; Kwon, K. C.


    Project of the Atomic Energy Technology Record is the project that summarizes and records whole process, from the background to the performance, of each category in all fields of nuclear science technology which have been researched and developed at KAERI. This project includes development of Data And Documents Advanced at KAERI. This project includes development of Data And Documents Advanced Management System(DADAMS) to collect, organize and preserve various records occurred in each research and development process. In addition, it means the whole records related to nuclear science technology for the past, present and future. This report summarizes research contents and results of 'Project of Atomic Energy Technology Record'. Section 2 summarizes the theoretical background, the current status of records management in KAERI and the overview of this project. And Section 3 to 6 summarize contents and results performed in this project. Section 3 is about the process of sectoral technology record, Section 4 summarizes the process of Information Strategy Master Plan(ISMP), Section 5 summarizes the development of Data And Documents Advanced Management System(DADAMS) and Section 6 summarizes the process of collecting, organizing and digitalizing of records

  15. 21 CFR 11.70 - Signature/record linking. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Signature/record linking. 11.70 Section 11.70 Food... RECORDS; ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Electronic Records § 11.70 Signature/record linking. Electronic signatures and handwritten signatures executed to electronic records shall be linked to their respective...

  16. Sénégal : tous les projets | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    End Date: 24 octobre 2011. Sujet: CLIMATE CHANGE, ADAPTATION TO CHANGE, DISASTER PREPAREDNESS, COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION, NEIGHBOURHOOD ORGANIZATIONS, LEADERSHIP. Région: Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, North of Sahara, South of Sahara. Programme: Changements climatiques.

  17. 28 CFR 513.11 - Procedures for requesting a FBI identification record or a NCIC/III record. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Procedures for requesting a FBI identification record or a NCIC/III record. 513.11 Section 513.11 Judicial Administration BUREAU OF PRISONS, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ACCESS TO RECORDS Production or Disclosure of FBI...

  18. 46 CFR 109.437 - Crane record book. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Crane record book. 109.437 Section 109.437 Shipping... Reports, Notifications, and Records Records § 109.437 Crane record book. The master or person in charge shall ensure that the following are maintained in a crane record book: (a) Descriptive information which...

  19. 40 CFR 1601.20 - Requests for records. (United States)


    ... request. Records to be obtained in person will be available for inspection or copying during business hours on a regular business day in the office of the CSB. (b) Description of records. Each request must... satisfying a request for records; (2) Provide records not yet in existence, even if such records may be...

  20. 15 CFR 762.4 - Original records required. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Original records required. 762.4... § 762.4 Original records required. The regulated person must maintain the original records in the form....5 of this part relating to reproduction of records. If the original record does not meet the...

  1. Principles of record keeping for decommissioning purposes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laraia, M.


    At the siting and conceptual design stage of a nuclear facility the first records pertaining to that facility are produced and stored. Subsequent phases in the facility's life cycle (detailed design, construction, commissioning, operation and shutdown) will include the production and retention of a large variety of records. Design, as-built drawings and operational records are essential for safe and efficient operation of any nuclear facility. This set of records is constantly updated and augmented during operation. Records from all phases of a nuclear facility are important for planning its decommissioning. Although not all of these records need to be included explicitly in the decommissioning plan itself, the process of initial, ongoing and final planning utilizes pertinent records for, and ultimately achieves, safe and cost effective decommissioning. When a nuclear facility is shutdown for decommissioning, current operating experience may be lost. Therefore, one important element of planning is to identify, secure and store appropriate operational records to support decommissioning. This process is preferably initiated during the design and construction phase and continues throughout operation including shutdown. Part of the records inventory from operation will become records for decommissioning and it is cost effective to identify these records before final facility shutdown. Experience shows that lack of attention to record keeping may result in an undue waste of time, other resources and additional costs. The newly established Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management recognizes the importance of keeping decommissioning-related records. In addition, the systematic management of records is an essential part of quality assurance and is often a licence condition. A good comprehensive decommissioning records management system (RMS) is one specific application of the broader concepts of 'Protection

  2. Recording Scientific Knowledge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowker, Geof


    The way we record knowledge, and the web of technical, formal, and social practices that surrounds it, inevitably affects the knowledge that we record. The ways we hold knowledge about the past - in handwritten manuscripts, in printed books, in file folders, in databases - shape the kind of stories we tell about that past. In this talk, I look at how over the past two hundred years, information technology has affected the nature and production of scientific knowledge. Further, I explore ways in which the emergent new cyberinfrastructure is changing our relationship to scientific practice.

  3. Perpendicular magnetic recording-Its development and realization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iwasaki, Shun-ichi, E-mail: [Tohoku Institute of Technology, 35-1 Yagiyamakasumi-cho, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-8577 (Japan)


    Development of perpendicular magnetic recording is summarized along with learning from the research study. The early stage of perpendicular recording was conducted with the research philosophy of complementarity between perpendicular and horizontal recordings. Although present production of the perpendicular recording HDDs exceeds 600 million per year, development of perpendicular recording experienced the valley of death in the 1990s. The difficult period was overcome by the collaboration system of industrial and academic communities. The research on perpendicular recording brought about development of new research model as well as the historical view of the development of technology and innovation. The huge influence of perpendicular recording on society also taught us the relationship between science and technology with culture and civilization. - Research Highlights: > Discovery of circular magnetization led to idea of perpendicular recording. > SPT head and Co-Cr media were realized for practical perpendicular recording. > The complementarity between perpendicular and in-plane recording helped progress. > Death valley of research has been overcome by cooperation with potent companies. > Present mass production of HDDs is making a new civilization of the society.

  4. The climatic change; Le changement climatique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For a long time the climatic change was the prerogative of the scientists. It is today a stake of the international policy. After a short presentation of a scientific evaluation of the situation, this document presents the policies of the fight against the climatic warming (Kyoto protocol, economical instruments), debates on the Usa attitude and the nuclear and general information on the topic (chronology, bibliography, glossary and Internet addresses references). (A.L.B.)

  5. Impact des changements climatiques sur les écosystèmes alpins : comment les mettre en évidence et les prévoir ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nigel G. Yoccoz


    Full Text Available Les écosystèmes alpins vont être grandement influencés par les changements climatiques à venir, mais d’autres facteurs, tels que l’utilisation des terres ou les espèces invasives, pourront aussi jouer un rôle important. Le climat peut influencer les écosystèmes à différents niveaux, et nous en décrivons certains, en mettant l’accent sur les méthodes utilisées et les données disponibles. Le climat peut d’abord modifier la phénologie des espèces, comme la date de floraison des plantes ou la date d’éclosion des insectes. Il peut ensuite affecter directement la démographie des espèces (survie, reproduction, dispersion et donc à terme leur répartition. Il peut enfin agir sur les interactions entre espèces – le couvert neigeux par exemple modifie le succès de certains prédateurs. Une caractéristique des écosystèmes alpins est la présence d’un manteau neigeux important et pourtant l’influence de la neige reste relativement mal connue, en particulier pour des raisons logistiques. Même si nous avons fait des progrès importants dans le développement de modèles prédictifs, surtout pour ce qui est de la répartition des plantes alpines, il reste à mettre en place des réseaux d’observations et d’expériences permettant de mieux tenir compte de la variabilité des écosystèmes alpins et des interactions avec le climat.Alpine ecosystems will be greatly impacted by climatic change, but other factors, such as land use and invasive species, are likely to play an important role too. Climate can influence ecosystems at several levels. We describe some of them, stressing methodological approaches and available data. Climate can modify species phenology, such as flowering date of plants and hatching date in insects. It can also change directly population demography (survival, reproduction, dispersal, and therefore species distribution. Finally it can effect interactions among species –snow cover for example

  6. : tous les projets | Page 186 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: WATER DISTRIBUTION, Natural Resources, WATER UTILIZATION, WATER SUPPLY, LAND REFORM, DATA COLLECTING, INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH, Capacity building. Région: Chile, South America, North and Central America. Programme: Changements climatiques. Financement total : CA$ 0.00.

  7. Records in stochastic processes—theory and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wergen, Gregor


    In recent years there has been a surge of interest in the statistics of record-breaking events in stochastic processes. Along with that, many new and interesting applications of the theory of records were discovered and explored. The record statistics of uncorrelated random variables sampled from time-dependent distributions was studied extensively. The findings were applied in various areas to model and explain record-breaking events in observational data. Particularly interesting and fruitful was the study of record-breaking temperatures and their connection with global warming, but also records in sports, biology and some areas in physics were considered in the last years. Similarly, researchers have recently started to understand the record statistics of correlated processes such as random walks, which can be helpful to model record events in financial time series. This review is an attempt to summarize and evaluate the progress that has been made in the field of record statistics throughout recent years. (topical review)

  8. The idea of the record


    Parry, J.


    This paper examines the idea of the sports record and its relation to our ideas of excellence, achievement and progress. It begins by recovering and reviewing the work of Richard Mandell, whose definition of the record emphasizes three central ideas: statistic, athletic and recognition. It then considers the work of Henning Eichberg, Allen Guttmann and Mandell, from the 1970s onwards, on the genesis of the modern sports record, explaining and developing their ideas via a distinction between d...

  9. Audio Recording of Children with Dyslalia


    Stefan Gheorghe Pentiuc; Maria D. Schipor; Ovidiu A. Schipor


    In this paper we present our researches regarding automat parsing of audio recordings. These recordings are obtained from children with dyslalia and are necessary for an accurate identification of speech problems. We develop a software application that helps parsing audio, real time, recordings.

  10. Finding Trapped Miners by Using a Prototype Seismic Recording System Made from Music-Recording Hardware (United States)

    Pratt, Thomas L.


    The goal of this project was to use off-the-shelf music recording equipment to build and test a prototype seismic system to listen for people trapped in underground chambers (mines, caves, collapsed buildings). Previous workers found that an array of geophones is effective in locating trapped miners; displaying the data graphically, as well as playing it back into an audio device (headphones) at high speeds, was found to be effective for locating underground tapping. The desired system should record the data digitally to allow for further analysis, be capable of displaying the data graphically, allow for rudimentary analysis (bandpass filter, deconvolution), and allow the user to listen to the data at varying speeds. Although existing seismic reflection systems are adequate to record, display and analyze the data, they are relatively expensive and difficult to use and do not have an audio playback option. This makes it difficult for individual mines to have a system waiting on the shelf for an emergency. In contrast, music recording systems, like the one I used to construct the prototype system, can be purchased for about 20 percent of the cost of a seismic reflection system and are designed to be much easier to use. The prototype system makes use of an ~$3,000, 16-channel music recording system made by Presonus, Inc., of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Other manufacturers make competitive systems that would serve equally well. Connecting the geophones to the recording system required the only custom part of this system - a connector that takes the output from the geophone cable and breaks it into 16 microphone inputs to be connected to the music recording system. The connector took about 1 day of technician time to build, using about $300 in off-the-shelf parts. Comparisons of the music recording system and a standard seismic reflection system (A 24-channel 'Geode' system manufactured by Geometrics, Inc., of San Jose, California) were carried out at two locations. Initial

  11. Documentation: Records and Reports. (United States)

    Akers, Michael J


    This article deals with documentation to include the beginning of documentation, the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice reports and records, and the steps that can be taken to minimize Good Manufacturing Practice documentation problems. It is important to remember that documentation for 503a compounding involves the Formulation Record, Compounding Record, Standard Operating Procedures, Safety Data Sheets, etc. For 503b outsourcing facilities, compliance with Current Good Manufacturing Practices is required, so this article is applicable to them. For 503a pharmacies, one can see the development and modification of Good Manufacturing Practice and even observe changes as they are occurring in 503a documentation requirements and anticipate that changes will probably continue to occur. Copyright© by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Inc.

  12. Controlled dissemination of Electronic Medical Records

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van 't Noordende, G.


    Building upon a security analysis of the Dutch electronic patient record system, this paper describes an approach to construct a fully decentralized patient record system, using controlled disclosure of references to medical records. This paper identifies several paths that can be used to disclose

  13. DoD Records Management Program

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Arnason, C


    ... title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter XII, 'National Archives and Records Administration,' Subchapter B, 'Records Management,' under the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (ASD(C3I...

  14. Pilot project of atomic energy technology record

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, K. C.; Kim, Y. I.; Kim, Y. G.


    Project of the Atomic Energy Technology Record is the project that summarizes and records in each category as a whole summary from the background to the performance at all fields of nuclear science technology which researched and developed at KAERI. This project includes Data and Document Management System(DDMS) that will be the system to collect, organize and preserve various records occurred in each research and development process. To achieve these goals, many problems should be solved to establish technology records process, such as issues about investigation status of technology records in KAERI, understanding and collection records, set-up project system and selection target field, definition standards and range of target records. This is a research report on the arrangement of research contents and results about pilot project which records whole nuclear technology researched and developed at KAERI in each category. Section 2 summarizes the overview of this pilot project and the current status of technology records in domestic and overseas, and from Section 3 to Section 6 summarize contents and results which performed in this project. Section 3 summarizes making TOC(Table of Content) and technology records, Section 4 summarizes sectoral templates, Section 5 summarizes writing detailed plan of technology records, and Section 6 summarizes Standard Document Numbering System(SDNS). Conclusions of this report are described in Section 7

  15. : tous les projets | Page 243 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: Climate change, ADAPTATION TO CHANGE, DROUGHT, FLOODS, HYDROLOGY, AGRICULTURAL LAND, CULTIVATED LAND, LAND USE, PLANNING. Région: Argentina, South America, Paraguay, North and Central America. Programme: Changements climatiques. Financement total : CA$ 391,900.00.

  16. Optical recording medium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andriech, A.; Bivol, V.; Tridukh, G.; Tsiuleanu, D.


    The invention relates of the micro- and optoelectronics, computer engineering ,in particular, to tjhe optical information media and may be used in hilography. Summary of the invention consists in that the optical image recording medium, containing a dielectric substrates, onto one surface of which there are placed in series a transparent electricity conducting layer, a photo sensitive recording layer of chalcogenic glass and a thin film electrode of aluminium, is provided with an optically transparent protective layer, applied into the thin film electrode. The result of the invention consists in excluding the dependence of chemical processes course into the medium upon environmental conditions

  17. Weighing Rain Gauge Recording Charts (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Weighing rain gauge charts record the amount of precipitation that falls at a given location. The vast majority of the Weighing Rain Gauge Recording Charts...

  18. 32 CFR 701.21 - Electronic record. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Electronic record. 701.21 Section 701.21... THE NAVY DOCUMENTS AFFECTING THE PUBLIC FOIA Definitions and Terms § 701.21 Electronic record. Records (including e-mail) which are created, stored, and retrieved by electronic means. ...

  19. 14 CFR 152.305 - Accounting records. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Accounting records. 152.305 Section 152.305... AIRPORT AID PROGRAM Accounting and Reporting Requirements § 152.305 Accounting records. (a) Airport... individual project, an accounting record satisfactory to the Administrator which segregates cost information...

  20. 12 CFR 609.945 - Records retention. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Records retention. 609.945 Section 609.945 Banks and Banking FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION FARM CREDIT SYSTEM ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Standards for Boards and Management § 609.945 Records retention. Records stored electronically must be accurate, accessible...

  1. Audio Recording of Children with Dyslalia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Gheorghe Pentiuc


    Full Text Available In this paper we present our researches regarding automat parsing of audio recordings. These recordings are obtained from children with dyslalia and are necessary for an accurate identification of speech problems. We develop a software application that helps parsing audio, real time, recordings.

  2. 40 CFR 35.6700 - Project records. (United States)


    ... public: (i) The reasons for rejecting any or all bids; and (ii) The justification for a procurement made... threshold. The recipient's records and files for procurements in excess of the simplified acquisition... applicable. (b) Financial records. The recipient must maintain records which support the following items: (1...

  3. 29 CFR 1611.3 - Procedures for requests pertaining to individual records in a record system. (United States)


    ... or be supplied with copies by mail. (b) Requests pertaining to records contained in a system of... Financial Disclosure Reports and Other Ethics Program Records), OGE/GOVT-2 (Confidential Statements of...

  4. 28 CFR 75.3 - Categorization of records. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Categorization of records. 75.3 Section 75.3 Judicial Administration DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (CONTINUED) CHILD PROTECTION RESTORATION AND...; RECORDKEEPING AND RECORD-INSPECTION PROVISIONS § 75.3 Categorization of records. Records required to be...

  5. 32 CFR 806.10 - Records management. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Records management. 806.10 Section 806.10 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE ADMINISTRATION AIR FORCE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT PROGRAM § 806.10 Records management. Keep records that were fully released for...

  6. 27 CFR 19.768 - Gauge record. (United States)


    ... or warehouseman; and (j) Gauge data: (1) Package identification, tank number, volumetric or weight... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Gauge record. 19.768... OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS DISTILLED SPIRITS PLANTS Records and Reports Other Records § 19.768 Gauge...

  7. 49 CFR 801.59 - Geological records. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Geological records. 801.59 Section 801.59... PUBLIC AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION Exemption From Public Disclosure § 801.59 Geological records. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(9), records concerning geological wells are exempt from public disclosure. ...

  8. The intelligent data recorder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kojima, Mamoru; Hidekuma, Sigeru.


    The intelligent data recorder has been developed to data acquisition for a microwave interferometer. The 'RS-232C' which is the standard interface is used for data transmission to the host computer. Then, it's easy to connect with any computer which has general purpose serial port. In this report, the charcteristics of the intelligent data recorder and the way of developing the software are described. (author)

  9. Influence of mechanical scratch on the recorded magnetization stability of perpendicular recording media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagano, Katsumasa; Sasaki, Syota; Futamoto, Masaaki


    Stability of recorded magnetization of hard disk drives (HDDs) is influenced by external environments, such as temperature, magnetic field, etc. Small scratches are frequently formed on HDD medium surface upon contacts with the magnetic head. Influence of temperature and mechanical scratch on the magnetization structure stability of perpendicular recording media was investigated by using a magnetic force microscope. The magnetic bit shape started to change at around 300 0 C for an area with no scratches, whereas for the area near a shallow mechanical scratch it started to change at a lower temperature around 250 0 C. An analysis of magnetization structure under an influence of temperature and mechanical scratch is carried out for the magnetization structure variation and recorded magnetization strength.

  10. New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (October, 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The Collective Article ‘New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records’ of the Mediterranean Marine Science journal offers the means to publish biodiversity records in the Mediterranean Sea. The current article is divided in two parts, for records of alien and native species respectively. The new records of alien species include: the red alga Asparagopsis taxiformis (Crete and Lakonicos Gulf (Greece; the red alga Grateloupia turuturu (along the Israeli Mediterranean shore; the mantis shrimp Clorida albolitura (Gulf of Antalya, Turkey; the mud crab Dyspanopeus sayi (Mar Piccolo of Taranto, Ionian Sea; the blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Chios Island, Greece; the isopod Paracerceis sculpta (northern Aegean Sea, Greece; the sea urchin Diadema setosum (Gökova Bay, Turkey; the molluscs Smaragdia souverbiana, Murex forskoehlii, Fusinus verrucosus, Circenita callipyga, and Aplysia dactylomela (Syria; the cephalaspidean mollusc Haminoea cyanomarginata (Baia di Puolo, Massa Lubrense, Campania, southern Italy; the topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Civitavecchia, Tyrrhenian Sea; the fangtooth moray Enchelycore anatine (Plemmirio marine reserve, Sicily; the silver-cheeked toadfish Lagocephalus sceleratus (Saros Bay, Turkey; and Ibiza channel, Spain; the Indo-Pacific ascidian Herdmania momusin Kastelorizo Island (Greece; and the foraminiferal Clavulina multicam erata (Saronikos Gulf, Greece. The record of L. sceleratus in Spain consists the deepest (350-400m depth record of the species in the Mediterranean Sea. The new records of native species include: first record of the ctenophore Cestum veneris in Turkish marine waters; the presence of Holothuria tubulosa and Holothuria polii in the Bay of Igoumenitsa (Greece; the first recorded sighting of the bull ray Pteromylaeus bovinus in Maltese waters; and a new record of the fish Lobotes surinamensis from Maliakos Gulf.

  11. Managing Records for the Long Term - 12363

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Montgomery, John V. [U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Legacy Management, Morgantown, West Virginia (United States); Gueretta, Jeanie [U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Legacy Management, Grand Junction, Colorado (United States)


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for managing vast amounts of information documenting historical and current operations. This information is critical to the operations of the DOE Office of Legacy Management. Managing legacy records and information is challenging in terms of accessibility and changing technology. The Office of Legacy Management is meeting these challenges by making records and information management an organizational priority. The Office of Legacy Management mission is to manage DOE post-closure responsibilities at former Cold War weapons sites to ensure the future protection of human health and the environment. These responsibilities include environmental stewardship and long-term preservation and management of operational and environmental cleanup records associated with each site. A primary organizational goal for the Office of Legacy Management is to 'Preserve, Protect, and Share Records and Information'. Managing records for long-term preservation is an important responsibility. Adequate and dedicated resources and management support are required to perform this responsibility successfully. Records tell the story of an organization and may be required to defend an organization in court, provide historical information, identify lessons learned, or provide valuable information for researchers. Loss of records or the inability to retrieve records because of poor records management processes can have serious consequences and even lead to an organisation's downfall. Organizations must invest time and resources to establish a good records management program because of its significance to the organization as a whole. The Office of Legacy Management will continue to research and apply innovative ways of doing business to ensure that the organization stays at the forefront of effective records and information management. DOE is committed to preserving records that document our nation's Cold War legacy, and the

  12. 6 CFR 13.35 - The record. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false The record. 13.35 Section 13.35 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES § 13.35 The record. (a) The hearing will be recorded and transcribed. Transcripts may be obtained following the...

  13. Record club

    CERN Document Server

    Record club


      Bonjour a tous, Voici les 24 nouveaux DVD de Juillet disponibles depuis quelques jours, sans oublier les 5 CD Pop musique. Découvrez la saga du terroriste Carlos, la vie de Gainsbourg et les aventures de Lucky Luke; angoissez avec Paranormal Activity et évadez vous sur Pandora dans la peau d’Avatar. Toutes les nouveautés sont à découvrir directement au club. Pour en connaître la liste complète ainsi que le reste de la collection du Record Club, nous vous invitons sur notre site web: Toutes les dernières nouveautés sont dans la rubrique « Discs of the Month ». Rappel : le club est ouvert les Lundis, Mercredis, Vendredis de 12h30 à 13h00 au restaurant n°2, bâtiment 504. A bientôt chers Record Clubbers.  

  14. : tous les projets | Page 451 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: CLIMATE CHANGE, ADAPTATION TO CHANGE, NATURAL DISASTERS, DISASTER PREPAREDNESS, DISASTER MANAGEMENT. Région: Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South of Sahara. Programme: Changements climatiques. Financement total : CA$ 1,398,500.00.

  15. 27 CFR 24.302 - Effervescent wine record. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Effervescent wine record..., DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS WINE Records and Reports § 24.302 Effervescent wine record. A proprietor who produces or receives sparkling wine or artificially carbonated wine in bond shall maintain records...

  16. Nuclear Electric's central dose record service

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldfinch, E.P.; Mullarkey, D.T.; McWhan, A.W.; Risk, G.; Vaughan, L.


    This paper describes the conception, development and operation of the Nuclear Electric Central Dose Record Service, including the initial philosophy considered necessary for a database for a large multi-site organisation, the setting up of the data and current routine operation. Lessons learned are briefly described. CDRS holds 35,000 records in a high security environment. The database includes records of radiation doses received by contractor's employees working at Nuclear Electric sites as well as dose records and dose histories for classified and non classified Nuclear Electric employees. (Author)

  17. A record-driven growth process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godrèche, C; Luck, J M


    We introduce a novel stochastic growth process, the record-driven growth process, which originates from the analysis of a class of growing networks in a universal limiting regime. Nodes are added one by one to a network, each node possessing a quality. The new incoming node connects to the pre-existing node with best quality, that is, with record value for the quality. The emergent structure is that of a growing network, where groups are formed around record nodes (nodes endowed with the best intrinsic qualities). Special emphasis is put on the statistics of leaders (nodes whose degrees are the largest). The asymptotic probability for a node to be a leader is equal to the Golomb–Dickman constant ω = 0.624 329 ..., which arises in problems of combinatorial nature. This outcome solves the problem of the determination of the record breaking rate for the sequence of correlated inter-record intervals. The process exhibits temporal self-similarity in the late-time regime. Connections with the statistics of the cycles of random permutations, the statistical properties of randomly broken intervals, and the Kesten variable are given

  18. 40 CFR 73.52 - EPA recordation. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 16 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false EPA recordation. 73.52 Section 73.52... ALLOWANCE SYSTEM Allowance Transfers § 73.52 EPA recordation. (a) General recordation. Except as provided in...) following receipt of an allowance transfer request pursuant to § 73.50, by moving each allowance from the...

  19. 37 CFR 380.3 - Royalty fees for the public performance of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Royalty fees for the public... EPHEMERAL REPRODUCTIONS § 380.3 Royalty fees for the public performance of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings. (a) Royalty rates and fees for eligible digital transmissions of sound recordings made...

  20. 40 CFR 63.1456 - What records must I keep and how long must I keep my records? (United States)


    ... following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record. (d..., maintenance, corrective action, report, or record, according to § 63.10(b)(1). You can keep the records off... bag leak detection system. (ii) Description of the corrective actions taken following each bag leak...

  1. 22 CFR 212.32 - Identification of records. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Identification of records. 212.32 Section 212.32 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC INFORMATION Access to Agency Records § 212.32 Identification of records. The request for a record by a member of the public must contain a...

  2. 7 CFR 1205.339 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1205.339 Section 1205.339... Cotton Research and Promotion Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1205.339 Books and records. Each... and make available for inspection by the Secretary such books and records as are necessary to carry...

  3. 47 CFR 42.4 - Index of records. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Index of records. 42.4 Section 42.4... RECORDS OF COMMUNICATION COMMON CARRIERS General Instructions § 42.4 Index of records. Each carrier shall maintain at its operating company headquarters a master index of records. The master index shall identify...

  4. 7 CFR 1767.69 - Index of records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 12 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Index of records. 1767.69 Section 1767.69 Agriculture... (CONTINUED) ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS FOR RUS ELECTRIC BORROWERS Preservation of Records § 1767.69 Index of records. (a) Each borrower shall maintain a master index of records. The master index shall identify the...

  5. 27 CFR 24.307 - Nonbeverage wine record. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Nonbeverage wine record..., DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS WINE Records and Reports § 24.307 Nonbeverage wine record. A proprietor who produces nonbeverage wine or wine products shall maintain a record by transaction date of such...

  6. 27 CFR 24.303 - Formula wine record. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Formula wine record. 24..., DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS WINE Records and Reports § 24.303 Formula wine record. A proprietor who produces beverage formula wine shall maintain records showing by transaction date the details of production...

  7. Recording Information on Architectural Heritage Should Meet the Requirements for Conservation Digital Recording Practices at the Summer Palace (United States)

    Zhang, L.; Cong, Y.; Wu, C.; Bai, C.; Wu, C.


    The recording of Architectural heritage information is the foundation of research, conservation, management, and the display of architectural heritage. In other words, the recording of architectural heritage information supports heritage research, conservation, management and architectural heritage display. What information do we record and collect and what technology do we use for information recording? How do we determine the level of accuracy required when recording architectural information? What method do we use for information recording? These questions should be addressed in relation to the nature of the particular heritage site and the specific conditions for the conservation work. In recent years, with the rapid development of information acquisition technology such as Close Range Photogrammetry, 3D Laser Scanning as well as high speed and high precision Aerial Photogrammetry, many Chinese universities, research institutes and heritage management bureaux have purchased considerable equipment for information recording. However, the lack of understanding of both the nature of architectural heritage and the purpose for which the information is being collected has led to several problems. For example: some institutions when recording architectural heritage information aim solely at high accuracy. Some consider that advanced measuring methods must automatically replace traditional measuring methods. Information collection becomes the purpose, rather than the means, of architectural heritage conservation. Addressing these issues, this paper briefly reviews the history of architectural heritage information recording at the Summer Palace (Yihe Yuan, first built in 1750), Beijing. Using the recording practices at the Summer Palace during the past ten years as examples, we illustrate our achievements and lessons in recording architectural heritage information with regard to the following aspects: (buildings') ideal status desired, (buildings') current status

  8. 10 CFR 75.22 - Accounting records. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Accounting records. 75.22 Section 75.22 Energy NUCLEAR... Accounting and Control for Facilities § 75.22 Accounting records. (a) The accounting records required by § 75... determination of the book inventory at any time; (2) All measurement results that are used for determination of...

  9. 40 CFR 26.115 - IRB records. (United States)


    ... Policy for Protection of Subjects in Human Research Conducted or Supported by EPA § 26.115 IRB records... in sufficient detail to show attendance at the meetings; actions taken by the IRB; the vote on these...)(5). (b) The records required by this policy shall be retained for at least 3 years, and records...

  10. Should consultation recording use be a practice standard? A systematic review of the effectiveness and implementation of consultation recordings. (United States)

    Rieger, Kendra L; Hack, Thomas F; Beaver, Kinta; Schofield, Penelope


    To conduct a systematic review of the effectiveness of consultation recordings and identify factors contributing to their successful implementation in health-care settings. A systematic review was conducted for quantitative studies examining the effectiveness of consultation recordings in health care. Two independent reviewers assessed the relevance and quality of retrieved quantitative studies by using standardized criteria. Study findings were examined to determine consultation recording effectiveness and to identify barriers and facilitators to implementation. A supplementary review of qualitative evidence was performed to further explicate implementation factors. Of the 3373 articles retrieved in the quantitative search, 26 satisfied the standardized inclusion criteria (12 randomized controlled trials, 1 quasi-experiment, and 13 cross-sectional studies). Most patients found consultation recordings beneficial. Statistically significant evidentiary support was found for the beneficial impact of consultation recordings on the following patient reported outcomes: knowledge, perception of being informed, information recall, decision-making factors, anxiety, and depression. Implementation barriers included strength of evidence concerns, patient distress, impact of the recording on consultation quality, clinic procedures, medico-legal issues, and resource costs. Facilitators included comfort with being recorded, clinical champions, legal strategies, efficient recording procedures, and a positive consultation recording experience. Consultation recordings are valuable to patients and positively associated with patient-reported outcomes. Successful integration of consultation recording use into clinical practice requires an administratively supported, systematic approach to addressing implementation factors. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  11. Persian Records by the Lindström Company: Triangle of Political Relationships, Local Agents and Recording Company

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mohammadi, M.


    The earliest engagement of German gramophone companies in recording Persian music dates back to 1906-7, when three tracks were recorded for the Beka Company and a dozen recordings were issued on the Globophon label. About twenty years later the Lindström company was engaged in the process of

  12. 27 CFR 24.319 - Carbon dioxide record. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Carbon dioxide record. 24..., DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS WINE Records and Reports § 24.319 Carbon dioxide record. A proprietor who uses carbon dioxide in still wine shall maintain a record of the laboratory tests conducted to...

  13. 7 CFR 1207.351 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1207.351 Section 1207.351... PLAN Potato Research and Promotion Plan Reports, Books, and Records § 1207.351 Books and records. Each... employees of the Board and the Secretary such books and records as are appropriate and necessary to carry...

  14. Recording voiceover the spoken word in media

    CERN Document Server

    Blakemore, Tom


    The only book on the market to specifically address its audience, Recording Voiceover is the comprehensive guide for engineers looking to understand the aspects of capturing the spoken word.Discussing all phases of the recording session, Recording Voiceover addresses everything from microphone recommendations for voice recording to pre-production considerations, including setting up the studio, working with and directing the voice talent, and strategies for reducing or eliminating distracting noise elements found in human speech.Recording Voiceover features in-depth, specific recommendations f

  15. 25 CFR 11.908 - Court records. (United States)


    ... INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAW AND ORDER COURTS OF INDIAN OFFENSES AND LAW AND ORDER CODE Children's Court § 11.908 Court records. (a) A record of all hearings under §§ 11.900-11.1114 of this part shall be made and preserved. (b) All children's court records shall be confidential and shall not be...

  16. 7 CFR 1160.402 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 9 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Books and records. 1160.402 Section 1160.402... Order Reports, Books and Records § 1160.402 Books and records. Each person subject to this subpart shall maintain and make available for inspection by agents of the Board and the Secretary such books and records...

  17. 7 CFR 1150.172 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 9 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Books and records. 1150.172 Section 1150.172... Order Reports, Books and Records § 1150.172 Books and records. Each person who is subject to this... employees of the Board and the Secretary such books and records as are necessary to carry out the provisions...

  18. 7 CFR 1209.61 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1209.61 Section 1209.61..., Books and Records § 1209.61 Books and records. Each persons who is subject to this subpart shall maintain and make available for inspection by the Council or the Secretary such books and records as are...

  19. 7 CFR 1250.353 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1250.353 Section 1250.353... Research and Promotion Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1250.353 Books and records. Each handler subject... inspection by the Board or the Secretary such books and records as are necessary to carry out the provisions...

  20. Exploitation et importance socio-économique du bambou de chine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    importante dans l'adaptation au changement climatique et le .... et de la nature du matériau remplacé par le bambou de chine. ... comprend quatre grandes phases: la production, l'exploitation, .....

  1. Examens externes des programmes (2012) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    24 juin 2016 ... Des drones survolant le delta. La région du delta du fleuve Volta, au Ghana, est particulièrement vulnérable au changement climatique. Voir davantageDes drones survolant le delta ...

  2. Des collectivités forestières du Nigeria prennent des mesures pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 juin 2016 ... Des drones survolant le delta. La région du delta du fleuve Volta, au Ghana, est particulièrement vulnérable au changement climatique. Voir davantageDes drones survolant le delta ...

  3. Financement de l'adaptation : établir des liens entre la recherche ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet formera jusqu'à 36 nouveaux leaders en matière de changements climatiques ... Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gemeinnutzige GmbH ... The joint initiative seeks to empower Asian small and medium-sized enterprises in ...

  4. Vers de profonds bouleversements demographiques. 2040, la Suisse en vases communicants

    CERN Multimedia


    "Geneve, Fribourg et Zurich seront les grands beneficiaires des changements demographiques spectaculaires qui devraient affecter la Suisse d'ici a 2040, selon des chiffres inedits publies vendredi par l'Office federal de la statistique (OFS)" (1 page)

  5. Keeping electronic records secure. (United States)

    Easton, David


    Are electronic engineering maintenance records relating to the hospital estate or a medical device as important as electronic patient records? Computer maintenance management systems (CMMS) are increasingly being used to manage all-round maintenance activities. However, the accuracy of the data held on them, and a level of security that prevents tampering with records, or other unauthorised changes to them to 'cover' poor practice, are both essential, so that, should an individual be injured or killed on hospital grounds, and a law suit follow, the estates team can be confident that it has accurate data to prove it has fulfilled its duty of care. Here David Easton MSc CEng FIHEEM MIET, director of Zener Engineering Services, and chair of IHEEM's Medical Devices Advisory Group, discusses the issues around maintenance databases, and the security and integrity of maintenance data.

  6. Records via probability theory

    CERN Document Server

    Ahsanullah, Mohammad


    A lot of statisticians, actuarial mathematicians, reliability engineers, meteorologists, hydrologists, economists. Business and sport analysts deal with records which play important roles in various fields of statistics and its application. This book enables a reader to check his/her level of understanding of the theory of record values. We give basic formulae which are more important in the theory and present a lot of examples which illustrate the theoretical statements. For a beginner in record statistics, as well as for graduate students the study of our book needs the basic knowledge of the subject. A more advanced reader can use our book to polish his/her knowledge. An upgraded list of bibliography which will help a reader to enrich his/her theoretical knowledge and widen the experience of dealing with ordered observations, is also given in the book.

  7. Compliance with OSHA record-keeping requirements. (United States)

    Seligman, P J; Sieber, W K; Pedersen, D H; Sundin, D S; Frazier, T M


    The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires employers to maintain records of workplace injuries and illnesses. To assess compliance with the law, data from the National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) were examined. Of the 4,185 companies with 11 or more employees, 75 per cent maintained OSHA Form 200 designed for recording illnesses and injuries. The number of employees and the presence of a union were positive determinants in the record maintenance. Of companies with 500 or more employees, 95 per cent kept records compared with 60 per cent of companies with between 11 and 99 employees. PMID:3407825

  8. 7 CFR 1770.3 - Index of records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 12 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Index of records. 1770.3 Section 1770.3 Agriculture... Index of records. (a) Each borrower shall maintain a master index of records. The master index shall... maintained. The master index shall be subject to review by RUS and RUS shall reserve the right to add records...

  9. Record Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Record Club

    2011-01-01 Nouveautés été 2011 Le club de location de CDs et de DVDs vient d’ajouter un grand nombre de disques pour l’été 2011. Parmi eux, Le Discours d’un Roi, oscar 2011 du meilleur film et Harry Potter les reliques de la mort (1re partie). Ce n’est pas moins de 48 DVDs et 10 CDs nouveaux qui vous sont proposés à la location. Il y en a pour tous les genres. Alors n’hésitez pas à consulter notre site, voir Disc Catalogue, Discs of the month pour avoir la liste complète. Le club est ouvert tous les Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi de 12h30 à 13h dans le bâtiment du restaurent N°2 (Cf. URL: A très bientôt.  

  10. Coding and signal processing for magnetic recording systems

    CERN Document Server

    Vasic, Bane


    RECORDING SYSTEMSA BriefHistory of Magnetic Storage, Dean PalmerPhysics of Longitudinal and Perpendicular Recording, Hong Zhou, Tom Roscamp, Roy Gustafson, Eric Boernern, and Roy ChantrellThe Physics of Optical Recording, William A. Challener and Terry W. McDanielHead Design Techniques for Recording Devices, Robert E. RottmayerCOMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION THEORY OF MAGNETIC RECORDING CHANNELSModeling the Recording Channel, Jaekyun MoonSignal and Noise Generation for Magnetic Recording Channel Simulations, Xueshi Yang and Erozan M. KurtasStatistical Analysis of Digital Signals and Systems, Dra

  11. Vital Recorder-a free research tool for automatic recording of high-resolution time-synchronised physiological data from multiple anaesthesia devices. (United States)

    Lee, Hyung-Chul; Jung, Chul-Woo


    The current anaesthesia information management system (AIMS) has limited capability for the acquisition of high-quality vital signs data. We have developed a Vital Recorder program to overcome the disadvantages of AIMS and to support research. Physiological data of surgical patients were collected from 10 operating rooms using the Vital Recorder. The basic equipment used were a patient monitor, the anaesthesia machine, and the bispectral index (BIS) monitor. Infusion pumps, cardiac output monitors, regional oximeter, and rapid infusion device were added as required. The automatic recording option was used exclusively and the status of recording was frequently checked through web monitoring. Automatic recording was successful in 98.5% (4,272/4,335) cases during eight months of operation. The total recorded time was 13,489 h (3.2 ± 1.9 h/case). The Vital Recorder's automatic recording and remote monitoring capabilities enabled us to record physiological big data with minimal effort. The Vital Recorder also provided time-synchronised data captured from a variety of devices to facilitate an integrated analysis of vital signs data. The free distribution of the Vital Recorder is expected to improve data access for researchers attempting physiological data studies and to eliminate inequalities in research opportunities due to differences in data collection capabilities.

  12. 21 CFR 21.71 - Disclosure of records in Privacy Act Record Systems; accounting required. (United States)


    ... accounting shall be made, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section, of any disclosure under paragraph (a) of this section of a record that is not a disclosure under § 21.70. (e) Where an accounting is... of the disclosure. The accounting shall not be considered a Privacy Act Record System. (2) Retain the...

  13. Electronic health records for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Williams, Trenor


    The straight scoop on choosing and implementing an electronic health records (EHR) system Doctors, nurses, and hospital and clinic administrators are interested in learning the best ways to implement and use an electronic health records system so that they can be shared across different health care settings via a network-connected information system. This helpful, plain-English guide provides need-to-know information on how to choose the right system, assure patients of the security of their records, and implement an EHR in such a way that it causes minimal disruption to the daily demands of a

  14. Sensing and recording the vibration of a spinning rotor with NCDT and UV recorder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, Z.; Khan, N.


    One among the problems faced during commissioning of an ultra centrifuge, developed at Dr. A.Q . Khan Research Laboratories for separation of heavy nuclei through centrifugation process, was the unwanted mechanical vibrations that developed in its fast spinning rotor. These high amplitude vibrations invariably resulted n the crash of the rotor ending up in operational failure. This paper describes a practical procedure adopted to sense these vibrations with the help of a non-contact displacement transducer (N.C.D.T.) and their recording through an ultra violet (UV) recorder. After wards analysis of these recording guided towards the alteration/modification is required in the design/manufacturing process. Hereby making the operation successful. (author)

  15. Identidades y actitudes en el contacto entre el árabe y el español medieval y su reflejo en algunos cambios semánticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de las identidades (la autoimagen, la toma de conciencia sociolingüística y de las actitudes (creencias y percepciones del “otro” en el contacto entre el árabe y el español durante la Edad Media en la Península Ibérica. Los datos lingüísticos revelan la existencia de ciertos cambios semánticos, como peyorizaciones, cambios metonímicos o cambios provocados por desconocimiento cultural, que prueban la visión negativa que tuvo la cultura cristiano-romance de la lengua y cultura árabe-andalusíes.Cet article aborde l’étude des identités (image de soi, prise de conscience sociolinguistique et des attitudes (croyances et perceptions de « l'autre » qui dérivent du contact entre l’arabe et l’espagnol pendant le Moyen Âge dans la péninsule Ibérique. L’approche linguistique nous permettra de relever, dans la période où se produit l’emprunt de l’arabe vers l’espagnol, certains changements sémantiques, comme la péjoration, des changements de nature métonymique ou les changements provoqués par la méconnaissance culturelle qui révèlent un défaut de compréhension et de respect de la culture chrétienne-romane envers la culture arabo-andalouse.

  16. High-Speed Data Recorder for Space, Geodesy, and Other High-Speed Recording Applications (United States)

    Taveniku, Mikael


    A high-speed data recorder and replay equipment has been developed for reliable high-data-rate recording to disk media. It solves problems with slow or faulty disks, multiple disk insertions, high-altitude operation, reliable performance using COTS hardware, and long-term maintenance and upgrade path challenges. The current generation data recor - ders used within the VLBI community are aging, special-purpose machines that are both slow (do not meet today's requirements) and are very expensive to maintain and operate. Furthermore, they are not easily upgraded to take advantage of commercial technology development, and are not scalable to multiple 10s of Gbit/s data rates required by new applications. The innovation provides a softwaredefined, high-speed data recorder that is scalable with technology advances in the commercial space. It maximally utilizes current technologies without being locked to a particular hardware platform. The innovation also provides a cost-effective way of streaming large amounts of data from sensors to disk, enabling many applications to store raw sensor data and perform post and signal processing offline. This recording system will be applicable to many applications needing realworld, high-speed data collection, including electronic warfare, softwaredefined radar, signal history storage of multispectral sensors, development of autonomous vehicles, and more.

  17. : tous les projets | Page 580 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: Waste management, WASTE RECYCLING, Poverty alleviation, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, CARBON DIOXIDE, GREENHOUSE EFFECT. Région: Far East Asia, Indonesia, Central Asia, South Asia. Programme: Changements climatiques. Financement total : CA$ 180,800.00. Projet reproductible de recyclage des ...

  18. Résultats de recherche | Page 72 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Adaptation aux changements climatiques au Bénin - PRECAB : rapport technique final (avril 2011 - juin 2014). Le projet initié par l''ONG Initiatives pour un Développement durable (IDID) " Renforcement des connaissances économiques et de la ...

  19. Sexospécificités | Page 229 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The human element still dominates." Don't talk of computers or other information and communication technologies (ICTs) ... ainsi que les changements provoqués par l'introduction des TIC au sein de diverses communautés d'Afrique.

  20. Gender | Page 232 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The human element still dominates." Don't talk of computers or other information and communication technologies (ICTs) ... ainsi que les changements provoqués par l'introduction des TIC au sein de diverses communautés d'Afrique.

  1. Gender | Page 229 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The human element still dominates." Don't talk of computers or other information and communication technologies (ICTs) ... ainsi que les changements provoqués par l'introduction des TIC au sein de diverses communautés d'Afrique.

  2. Publications | Page 302 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 3011 - 3020 of 7331 ... Cette agriculture est sujette aux effets des changements ... Secondary data of the climatic variables, water levels. ... In particular, the characteristics of Triple Helix are analysed in terms of the structure of the VC ...

  3. UMTRA Project Administrative Files Collection Records Management Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The UPAFC Records Management Plan is based on the life cycle of a record - the evolution of a record from creation until final disposition. There are three major phases in the life cycle of a record: (1) creation and receipt, (2) maintenance and use, and (3) disposition. Accordingly, the Records Management Plan is structured to follow each of those phases. During each of the three phases, some kind of control is mandatory. The Records Management Plan establishes appropriate standards, policies, and procedures to ensure adequate control is always maintained. It includes a plan for records management, a plan for records management training activities, and a plan for auditing and appraising the program

  4. A computerised out-patient medical records programme based on the Summary Time-Oriented Record (STOR) System. (United States)

    Cheong, P Y; Goh, L G; Ong, R; Wong, P K


    Advances in microcomputer hardware and software technology have made computerised outpatient medical records practical. We have developed a programme based on the Summary Time-Oriented Record (STOR) system which complements existing paper-based record keeping. The elements of the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR) System are displayed in two windows within one screen, namely, the SOAP (Subjective information, Objective information, Assessments and Plans) elements in the Reason For Encounter (RFE) window and the problem list with outcomes in the Problem List (PL) window. Context sensitive child windows display details of plans of management in the RFE window and clinical notes in the PL window. The benefits of such innovations to clinical decision making and practice based research and its medico-legal implications are discussed.

  5. Medical records and radiation exposure cards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vigan, C.


    Some ideas concerning medical records at the Ispra Centre are exposed. The approved medical practitioner has two main tasks: he must gather enough relevant information to decide on the worker's suitability and also to determine his physical condition, normal or otherwise, and he must record it with enough detail to permit comparison with findings at later examinations. for the purposes of medical records, clinical examinations and complementary investigations, a large proportion of the measurements are of course made on the critical organs. The problems of the container or physical medium receiving the information to be recorded is considered. The possibilities offered by computer techniques are discussed

  6. Comparison of dementia recorded in routinely collected hospital admission data in England with dementia recorded in primary care. (United States)

    Brown, Anna; Kirichek, Oksana; Balkwill, Angela; Reeves, Gillian; Beral, Valerie; Sudlow, Cathie; Gallacher, John; Green, Jane


    Electronic linkage of UK cohorts to routinely collected National Health Service (NHS) records provides virtually complete follow-up for cause-specific hospital admissions and deaths. The reliability of dementia diagnoses recorded in NHS hospital data is not well documented. For a sample of Million Women Study participants in England we compared dementia recorded in routinely collected NHS hospital data (Hospital Episode Statistics: HES) with dementia recorded in two separate sources of primary care information: a primary care database [Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), n = 340] and a survey of study participants' General Practitioners (GPs, n = 244). Dementia recorded in HES fully agreed both with CPRD and with GP survey data for 85% of women; it did not agree for 1 and 4%, respectively. Agreement was uncertain for the remaining 14 and 11%, respectively; and among those classified as having uncertain agreement in CPRD, non-specific terms compatible with dementia, such as 'memory loss', were recorded in the CPRD database for 79% of the women. Agreement was significantly better (p primary care (CPRD) than in hospital (HES) data. Age-specific rates for dementia based on the hospital admission data were lower than the rates based on the primary care data, but were similar if the delay in recording in HES was taken into account. Dementia recorded in routinely collected NHS hospital admission data for women in England agrees well with primary care records of dementia assessed separately from two different sources, and is sufficiently reliable for epidemiological research.

  7. 27 CFR 25.296 - Record of beer concentrate. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Record of beer concentrate..., DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS BEER Records and Reports § 25.296 Record of beer concentrate. (a) Daily records. A brewer who produces concentrate or reconstitutes beer shall maintain daily records which...

  8. Evaluation of Data Recording at Teaching Hospitals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasan Karbasi


    Full Text Available Background and purpose: Medical records of patients have an undeniable role on education, research and evaluation of health care delivery, and also could be used as reliable documents of past in casesof patients’ legal complains. This study was done to evaluate medical data recording at teaching hospital of Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2004.Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study, 527 patients’ records of patients who had been discharged from general wards of the hospitals after 24 hours of hospitalization were randomly selected. 18 standard titles of records include in each patient’s record were evaluated using checklists. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution tables, independent t-test and Chi-square test.Results: Items on records’ titles were completed in a range of 0-100%. Titles of neonates and nursing care with 96% completeness were the most completed ones~ Titles of recovery, pre-delivery care, medical history, summary, and progress notes with 50% to 74% completeness were categorized as moderately completed titles; and titles of vital signs, pre-operation care and operation report were weak. Records of the infectious diseases ward were the most completed records (68% and the least completed were from ophthmology ward (35.8%. There were significant differences between the hospitals and between different wards.Conclusion: Results of this study show the need for further education on record writing, taking medical history, and order writing and more importantly the need for a system of continuous monitoringof the records.Keywords: MEDICAL RECORD, TEACHING HOSPITAL, EVALUATION

  9. Technical records as material evidence in criminal proceedings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fitim Shishani


    Full Text Available Nowadays, with the aid of technical records - recordings (audio, visual or combined audiovisual events and occurrences can be registered in the outside world in detail. The recording enables the creator or anyone who has it in disposal that at any moment of its reproduction, it can be found in detail how the recorded event has happened or how an occurrence seemed at the time of the recording. Among the current formats of technical records are included: photography, filming, magnetic, magnetoscope, and videophone recording etc. (Sahiti & Murati 2016, 295. The possibility provided by the rapid technical development is also of interest to criminal procedure because technical records containing any fact that may be proved in criminal proceedings may serve as a source of knowledge about facts. In other words, they may serve as evidence to establish facts in criminal proceedings. Given the extensive options that technical fact recordings provide, entities that use the aid of various devices from this fi eld, as well as the different purposes of the author of the recording which have led to the case of making the recording, there is a reasonable question of the permission on their use as evidence in criminal proceedings. In Kosovo, the situation is clear in terms of recordings made in the criminal procedure, as Kosovo CCP 1 provides the possibility of photographing, filming, sketching, etc., of the crime scene, audio visual recording etc. examination of persons (defendant, witness, expert or recordings of any action on judicial review.

  10. Environmental Review Records (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — HUD’s Environmental Review Records page houses environmental reviews made publicly available through the HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS). This...

  11. Conditions et processus menant à des changements à la suite d’interventions en santé et en sécurité du travail : l’exemple d’activités de formation Conditions and processes leading to changes following occupational health and safety interventions: The example of training Condiciones y procesos que conducen a acciones preventivas como consecuencia de intervenciones en salud y seguridad : el ejemplo de las actividades de formación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie Bellemare


    Full Text Available Cet article traite des conditions et processus menant à des changements à la suite d’interventions en santé et en sécurité du travail ; il utilise l’exemple d’activités de formation. Des observations et entrevues ont été réalisées lors de quatre interventions de conseillers d’associations sectorielles paritaires en SST. Trois dimensions du contexte influencent les changements : le degré préalable de développement des activités en prévention ; la présence d’acteurs en mesure de s’en faire les « relais » et « maîtres d’œuvre » ; la présence d’enjeux favorables. La collaboration passée avec l’organisme conseil contribue aux deux premières, suggérant l’intérêt du suivi soutenu par l’organisme de prévention. Différentes stratégies sont déployées pour développer les capacités manquantes et soulever les enjeux favorables. Divers processus menant à des changements sont observés : une transformation de la représentation qu’ont les travailleurs de leur capacité à agir ; la légitimation de leur action sur les risques ; le partage d’expérience en prévention ; un processus collectif de résolution de problème.This article deals with the conditions and processes that lead to changes following occupational health and safety interventions, with training activities being used as an example. Observations and interviews were conducted during four training interventions carried out by advisors from joint OHS sector-based associations. Three aspects of the context influence the changes: the previous degree of development of prevention activities; the presence of “relay” actors; and the presence of favourable issues. Previous collaboration with the prevention organization contributes to the presence of the first two, suggesting the relevance of sustained follow-up by the prevention organization. Different strategies are used to develop these capacities and to raise favourable issues

  12. Climate Change | Page 23 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Home · Agriculture and Environment. Climate Change. Language English. Read more about Strengthening Local Agricultural Innovation Systems in Tanzania and Malawi. Language English. Read more about African Climate Change Fellowship. Language English. Read more about Adaptation aux changements ...

  13. L'ingénierie lexicale ou la description d'un objet entre l'invention et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ches et publications sur la chanson ou qui influencent son statut dans les champs ... observant les trois phases du cycle de vie terminologique (sa naissance, sa vie ... L'étape ultime de changement .... Matériaux pour une glottopolitique.

  14. Ce que nous faisons | Page 49 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Gouvernance de l'eau, désertification et changements climatiques en Araucanie, au Chili. Sujet(s): WATER DISTRIBUTION, Natural Resources, WATER UTILIZATION, WATER SUPPLY, LAND REFORM, DATA COLLECTING, INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH, Capacity building. Région(s): Americas, Chile, South America.

  15. Caractérisation morphologique et sédimentologique de l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Afrique Sciences

    pêche, tourisme). Leur évolution est, depuis quelques décennies, tributaires des changements climatiques, mais aussi des fortes pressions anthropiques. Les populations installées à proximité de ces milieux saumâtres ont, entre autres,.

  16. Collection d'entretiens avec des chercheurs participant à des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    adaptation aux changements climatiques que le CRDI subventionne. July 07, 2014 ... Collecting fog on El Tofo. In the early 1990s, the global news media became entranced by a small town in northern Chile that started drinking the fog.

  17. 21 CFR 812.140 - Records. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Records. 812.140 Section 812.140 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES... disposed of. (3) Records of each subject's case history and exposure to the device. Case histories include...

  18. Permanent recording of transient lattice perturbations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Russell, F.M.


    A new solid-state recording mechanism has been identified which is capable of recording the tracks of charged light leptons and the tracks of uncharged supra-ballistic phonons. The dynamic range for recording charged leptons exceeds 50:1 with a minimum sensitivity of dE/dx ≅ 0.01 MeV/cm. For supra-ballistic phonons their energy must exceed ≅ 10eV to be recorded. The recording mechanism depends upon the presence in a crystal of muscovite of a low concentration of mobile impurity atoms which are normally energetically unable to accrete. The passage of a charged particle or of an energetic ballistic phonon locally modifies the crystal internal potentials to allow the impurity atoms to accrete, driven by their thermal energy, to form stable nucleation sites. Further accretion of the impurity at the nucleation sites causes massive decoration giving a lateral magnification of upto 10 5 and so rendering the tracks visible to the unaided eye. (Author)

  19. Construction contract revenue recording comparison

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hana Bohušová


    Full Text Available Publicly traded companies prepare their consolidated accounts in conformity with the international accounting standards (IAS/IFRS in accordance with the Regulation No. 1606/2002. This is obliged for all publicly traded joint-stock companies in the Czech Republic. Other companies prepare financial statements in accordance with national accounting standards. There are Accounting Act No. 563/1991 of Coll. and Regulation No. 500/2002 of Coll., Czech Accounting Standards in the Czech Republic. Both systems are based on different principles so there are many differences. The Czech Accounting System (CAS is based on the rules while IAS/IFRS are based on principles (Kovanicová, 2005. These differences are mainly caused by the different philosophy. CAS prefers the fiscal policy to the economic substance while IAS/IFRS prefere the economic substance. One of the most significant dif­fe­ren­ces is in the field of revenue recording. There are two standards concerning the revenues recording (IAS 18 − Revenue, IAS 11 – Construction Contracts in IAS/IFRS. CAS 019 – Expenses and Revenue are dealing with the revenue recording in the Czech Republic. The paper is aimed at the comparison of the methodical approaches for revenue recording used by IAS/IFRS and by CAS. The most important differences are caused by the different approach to the long term contracts (construction contracts, software development contracts revenues recording.

  20. Electronic health records to facilitate clinical research. (United States)

    Cowie, Martin R; Blomster, Juuso I; Curtis, Lesley H; Duclaux, Sylvie; Ford, Ian; Fritz, Fleur; Goldman, Samantha; Janmohamed, Salim; Kreuzer, Jörg; Leenay, Mark; Michel, Alexander; Ong, Seleen; Pell, Jill P; Southworth, Mary Ross; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Thoenes, Martin; Zannad, Faiez; Zalewski, Andrew


    Electronic health records (EHRs) provide opportunities to enhance patient care, embed performance measures in clinical practice, and facilitate clinical research. Concerns have been raised about the increasing recruitment challenges in trials, burdensome and obtrusive data collection, and uncertain generalizability of the results. Leveraging electronic health records to counterbalance these trends is an area of intense interest. The initial applications of electronic health records, as the primary data source is envisioned for observational studies, embedded pragmatic or post-marketing registry-based randomized studies, or comparative effectiveness studies. Advancing this approach to randomized clinical trials, electronic health records may potentially be used to assess study feasibility, to facilitate patient recruitment, and streamline data collection at baseline and follow-up. Ensuring data security and privacy, overcoming the challenges associated with linking diverse systems and maintaining infrastructure for repeat use of high quality data, are some of the challenges associated with using electronic health records in clinical research. Collaboration between academia, industry, regulatory bodies, policy makers, patients, and electronic health record vendors is critical for the greater use of electronic health records in clinical research. This manuscript identifies the key steps required to advance the role of electronic health records in cardiovascular clinical research.

  1. Optimization of visual evoked potential (VEP) recording systems. (United States)

    Karanjia, Rustum; Brunet, Donald G; ten Hove, Martin W


    To explore the influence of environmental conditions on pattern visual evoked potential (VEP) recordings. Fourteen subjects with no known ocular pathology were recruited for the study. In an attempt to optimize the recording conditions, VEP recordings were performed in both the seated and recumbent positions. Comparisons were made between recordings using either LCD or CRT displays and recordings obtained in silence or with quiet background music. Paired recordings (in which only one variable was changed) were analyzed for changes in P100 latency, RMS noise, and variability. Baseline RMS noise demonstrated a significant decrease in the variability during the first 50msec accompanied by a 73% decrease in recording time for recumbent position when compared to the seated position (pmusic did not affect the amount of RMS noise during the first 50msec of the recordings. This study demonstrates that the use of the recumbent position increases patient comfort and improves the signal to noise ratio. In contrast, the addition of background music to relax the patient did not improve the recording signal. Furthermore, the study illustrates the importance of avoiding low-contrast visual stimulation patterns obtained with LCD as they lead to higher latencies resulting in false positive recordings. These findings are important when establishing or modifying a pattern VEP recording protocol.

  2. Extended use of electronic health records by primary care physicians: Does the electronic health record artefact matter? (United States)

    Raymond, Louis; Paré, Guy; Marchand, Marie


    The deployment of electronic health record systems is deemed to play a decisive role in the transformations currently being implemented in primary care medical practices. This study aims to characterize electronic health record systems from the perspective of family physicians. To achieve this goal, we conducted a survey of physicians practising in private clinics located in Quebec, Canada. We used valid responses from 331 respondents who were found to be representative of the larger population. Data provided by the physicians using the top three electronic health record software products were analysed in order to obtain statistically adequate sub-sample sizes. Significant differences were observed among the three products with regard to their functional capability. The extent to which each of the electronic health record functionalities are used by physicians also varied significantly. Our results confirm that the electronic health record artefact 'does matter', its clinical functionalities explaining why certain physicians make more extended use of their system than others.

  3. New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (July 2016)


    Dailianis, T.; Akyol, O.; Babali, N.; Bariche, M.; Crocetta, F.; Gerovasileiou, V.; Chanem, R.; Gökoğlu, M.; Hasiotis, T.; Izquierdo Muñoz, Andrés; Julian, D.; Katsanevakis, S.; Lipez, L.; Mancini, E.; Mytilineou, Ch.


    This contribution forms part of a series of collective articles published regularly in Mediterranean Marine Science that report on new biodiversity records from the Mediterranean basin. The current article presents 51 geographically distinct records for 21 taxa belonging to 6 Phyla, extending from the western Mediterranean to the Levantine. The new records, per country, are as follows: Spain: the cryptogenic calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna is reported from a new location in the A...

  4. 32 CFR 318.6 - Procedures for requests pertaining to individual records in a record system. (United States)


    ... such records, or to be provided an accounting of disclosures from such records, shall submit his or her..., review or copies, and an accounting of disclosures will provide in writing his or her full name, address, Social Security Number, and a telephone number where the requester can be contacted should questions...

  5. Record Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Record Club

    2011-01-01 November  Selections Just in time for the holiday season, we have added a number of new CDs and DVDs into the Club. You will find the full lists at; select the "Discs of the Month" button on the left side on the left panel of the web page and then Nov 2011. New films include the all 5 episodes of Fast and Furious, many of the most famous films starring Jean-Paul Belmondo and those of Louis de Funes and some more recent films such as The Lincoln Lawyer and, according to some critics, Woody Allen’s best film for years – Midnight in Paris. For the younger generation there is Cars 2 and Kung Fu Panda 2. New CDs include the latest releases by Adele, Coldplay and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. We have also added the new Duets II CD featuring Tony Bennett singing with some of today’s pop stars including Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse and Willy Nelson. The Club is now open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ...

  6. Record Club

    CERN Multimedia

    Record Club

    2011-01-01 June Selections We have put a significant number of new CDs and DVDs into the Club You will find the full lists at and select the «Discs of the Month» button on the left side on the left panel of the web page and then June 2011. New films include the latest Action, Suspense and Science Fiction film hits, general drama movies including the Oscar-winning The King’s Speech, comedies including both chapter of Bridget Jones’s Diary, seven films for children and a musical. Other highlights include the latest Harry Potter release and some movies from the past you may have missed including the first in the Terminator series. New CDs include the latest releases by Michel Sardou, Mylene Farmer, Jennifer Lopez, Zucchero and Britney Spears. There is also a hits collection from NRJ. Don’t forget that the Club is now open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes from 12h30 to 13h00 in Restaurant 2, Building 504. (C...

  7. Records Management Database (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — The Records Management Database is tool created in Microsoft Access specifically for USAID use. It contains metadata in order to access and retrieve the information...

  8. 11.2 Layout ppp1.pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    changement climatique sur les ressources en eau au Cameroun sur la base des données historiques, de ... L'étude conclut ..... Garoua (sudano sahelien zone), the annual rainfall ..... final : programme d'approches intégrée et globales.

  9. Travailler avec Windows 7 au CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Vue d'ensemble des nouveaux concepts et des changements dans l'interface utilisateur survenus dans Windows 7 depuis les versions antérieures de Windows (XP ou Vista). Le plan de migration à Windows 7 sera aussi débattu.

  10. Travailler avec Windows 7 au CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Vue d'ensemble des nouveaux concepts et des changements dans l'interface utilisateur survenus dans Windows 7 depuis les versions antérieures de Windows (XP ou Vista). Le plan de migration à Windows 7 sera aussi débattu.

  11. Bourse de recherche : Alimentation, environnement et santé | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 sept. 2017 ... Date butoir : le 6 septembre 2017 Prière de noter que toutes les demandes doivent ... et ultra transformées, qui sont pauvres sur le plan nutritionnel. ... le marketing social ou les changements de comportements individuels; ...

  12. Climate Change | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Climate Change. Changements climatiques. Language English. Socially equitable climate action is essential to strengthen the resilience of all people, without which we cannot achieve women's empowerment. Read more about Building resilience through socially equitable climate action. Language English. Read more ...

  13. Integration of ICTs into the Basic Curriculum in Primary Schools in ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Integration of ICTs into the Basic Curriculum in Primary Schools in Sénégal - Phase II ... for integrating ICTs at various stages of the teaching and learning process. ... première cohorte de chercheuses en science des changements climatiques.

  14. Résultats de recherche | Page 16 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    sida au Malawi. Les petits exploitants agricoles du Malawi cherchant à maintenir un système alimentaire viable se butent à de nombreuses difficultés. C'est dire qu'ils sont extrêmement vulnérables aux changements climatiques. Projet.

  15. Elites, Organized Crime, Violence, and the Erosion of the State in ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... that organized crime in Latin America is growing in scope and geographic reach, ... to counteract the expansion of drug, human, and arms trafficking in the region. ... les changements climatiques efficaces et à long terme, afin de réduire les.

  16. Textes d'ouverture et de fermeture dans La nuit remue d'Henri Michaux : mises en jeu du principe de mobilité

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Durain, Marc


    Full Text Available Résumé : Henri MICHAUX est à bien des égards un poète de la " situation ", au sens courant d'" ensemble des circonstances dans lesquelles une personne se trouve" (PETIT ROBERT, 2008 : 2379: les textes nous présentent souvent un être aux prises avec un monde agressif et impliqué dans des situations fâcheuses ; mais le sens premier, purement locatif du terme convient aussi parfaitement aux enjeux de son écriture : le " fait d'être en un lieu ", la " manière dont une chose est disposée, située ou orientée " (PETIT ROBERT, 2008 : 2379. C'est sur ce premier niveau sémantique que se fonde essentiellement l'étude qui va suivre. En prenant appui sur les deux textes-cadres que constituent le premier et le dernier poème du recueil La nuit remue, on se propose en effet d'observer une des manières dont se construit et se structure la relation à l'espace dans l'écriture michaldienne : autour du changement de situation. Ce changement - nous reprenons ici l'approche d'Andrée BORILLO dans son ouvrage La construction de l'espace en français- peut être de deux natures : le " changement d'emplacement ", où " le déplacement s'effectue tout en restant dans un même lieu établi ", et le " changement de lieu ", où se joue un véritable " changement de relation spatiale avec un lieu établi " (BORILLO, 1998 : 39. Nous avons choisi d'étudier conjointement ces deux modes de changement, les réunissant dans le cadre d'une exploration du principe de mobilité. Cette notion, on le verra, permet de rendre compte de bien des phénomènes à l'œuvre dans la poésie de MICHAUX : phénomènes d'ordre spatial, bien sûr, mais aussi d'ordre ontologique et linguistique. Les deux poèmes sélectionnés, " La nuit remue " et " L'avenir ", nous semblent des lieux tout désignés pour engager cette étude du principe de mobilité : il s'agit de textes-seuils, et en tant que tels, ils sont, dans l'ordre de la construction et de la lecture de l

  17. 7 CFR 37.9 - Access to establishments or records; record retention. (United States)


    ... STANDARD CONTAINER REGULATIONS PROGRAM TO ASSESS ORGANIC CERTIFYING AGENCIES § 37.9 Access to... processes associated with an approved certification program. Records and documents shall be retained for at...

  18. Tuning the Thermochemical Properties of Oxonol Dyes for Digital Versatile Disc Recordable: Reduction of Thermal Interference in High-Speed Recording (United States)

    Morishima, Shin-Ichi; Wariishi, Koji; Mikoshiba, Hisashi; Inagaki, Yoshio; Shibata, Michihiro; Hashimoto, Hirokazu; Kubo, Hiroshi

    To reduce thermal interference between adjacent recording marks on a recordable digital versatile disc, we examined the thermochemical behavior of oxonol dyes for digital versatile disc recordable (DVD-R). We found that oxonol dyes with Meldrum's acid skeleton exhibited an abrupt reduction in weight with increasing temperature without generating excessive heat that is the fundamental cause of thermal interference. DVD-R with the oxonol dyes suppressed fluctuation in the shapes of recorded marks, thereby attaining compatibility with high-speed recording.

  19. Accurate blood pressure recording: is it difficult? (United States)

    Bhalla, A; Singh, R; D'cruz, S; Lehl, S S; Sachdev, A


    Blood pressure (BP) measurement is a routine procedure but errors are frequently committed during BP recording. AIMS AND SETTINGS: The aim of the study was to look at the prevalent practices in the institute regarding BP recording. The study was conducted in the Medicine Department at Government Medical College, Chandigarh, a teaching institute for MBBS students. A prospective, observational study was performed amongst the 80 doctors in a tertiary care hospital. All of them were observed by a single observer during the act of BP recording. The observer was well versed with the guidelines issued by British Hypertension Society (BHS) and the deviations from the standard set of guidelines issued by BHS were noted. The errors were defined as deviations from these guidelines. The results were recorded as percentage of doctors committing these errors. In our study, 90% used mercury type sphygmomanometer. Zero error of the apparatus, hand dominance was not noted by any one. Every one used the standard BP cuff for recording BP. 70% of them did not let the patient rest before recording BP. 80% did not remove the clothing from the arm. None of them recorded BP in both arms. In out patient setting, 80% recorded blood pressure in sitting position and 14% in supine position. In all the patients where BP was recorded in sitting position BP apparatus was below the level of heart and 20% did not have their arm supported. 60% did not use palpatory method for noticing systolic BP and 70% did not raise pressure 30-40 mm Hg above the systolic level before checking the BP by auscultation. 80% lowered the BP at a rate of more than 2 mm/s and 60% rounded off the BP to nearest 5-10 mm Hg. 70% recorded BP only once and 90% of the rest re inflated the cuff without completely deflating and allowing rest before a second reading was obtained. The practice of recording BP in our hospital varies from the standard guidelines issued by the BHS.

  20. Perpendicular recording: the promise and the problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, Roger; Sonobe, Yoshiaki; Jin Zhen; Wilson, Bruce


    Perpendicular recording has long been advocated as a means of achieving the highest areal densities. In particular, in the context of the 'superparamagnetic limit', perpendicular recording with a soft underlayer promises several key advantages. These advantages include a higher coercivity, thicker media that should permit smaller diameter grains and higher signal-to-noise ratio. Also, the sharper edge-writing will facilitate recording at very high track densities (lower bit aspect ratio). Recent demonstrations of the technology have shown densities comparable with the highest densities reported for longitudinal recording. This paper further examines the promise that perpendicular recording will deliver an increase in areal density two to eight times higher than that achievable with longitudinal recording. There are a number of outstanding issues but the key challenge is to create a low-noise medium with a coercivity that is high and is much larger than the remanent magnetization

  1. 18 CFR 12.12 - Maintenance of records. (United States)


    ... Reports and Records § 12.12 Maintenance of records. (a) Kinds of records—1) General rule. Except as... excavation), plans and specifications, inspection and quality control reports, as built construction drawings... maintenance of the project, including continuously maintained tabular records and graphs illustrating the data...

  2. Polarization holographic optical recording of a new photochromic diarylethene (United States)

    Pu, Shouzhi; Miao, Wenjuan; Chen, Anyin; Cui, Shiqiang


    A new symmetrical photochromic diarylethene, 1,2-bis[2-methyl-5-(3-methoxylphenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopentene (1a), was synthesized, and its photochromic properties were investigated. The compound exhibited good photochromism both in solution and in PMMA film with alternating irradiation by UV/VIS light, and the maxima absorption of its closed-ring isomer 1b are 582 and 599 nm, respectively. Using diarylethene 1b/PMMA film as recording medium and a He-Ne laser (633 nm) for recording and readout, four types of polarization and angular multiplexing holographic optical recording were performed perfectly. For different types of polarization recording including parallel linear polarization recording, parallel circular polarization recording, orthogonal linear polarization recording and orthogonal circular polarization recording,have been accomplished successfully. The results demonstrated that the orthogonal circular polarization recording is the best method for polarization holographic optical recording when this compound was used as recording material. With angular multiplexing recording technology, two high contrast holograms were recorded in the same place on the film with the dimension of 0.78 μm2.

  3. NCDC Southeast Federal Records Center Inventory (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — East Point, Georgia is the former location of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Southeast regional Federal Records Center (FRC). The southeast...

  4. 28 CFR 16.10 - Preservation of records. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Preservation of records. 16.10 Section 16.10 Judicial Administration DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PRODUCTION OR DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL OR INFORMATION... title 44 of the United States Code or the National Archives and Records Administration's General Records...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    However, some critical areas that need serious revisiting include supporting the Act with adequate resources, training, provisions on electronic records and records created by Union Government. The paper recommends facilitation of ample resources, training on the Act, reduction of power of director of the Records and ...

  6. Record Recommendations for the CERN Document Server

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2096025; Marian, Ludmila

    CERN Document Server (CDS) is the institutional repository of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). It hosts all the research material produced at CERN, as well as multi- media and administrative documents. It currently has more than 1.5 million records grouped in more than 1000 collections. It’s underlying platform is Invenio, an open source digital library system created at CERN. As the size of CDS increases, discovering useful and interesting records becomes more challenging. Therefore, the goal of this work is to create a system that supports the user in the discovery of related interesting records. To achieve this, a set of recommended records are displayed on the record page. These recommended records are based on the analyzed behavior (page views and downloads) of other users. This work will describe the methods and algorithms used for creating, implementing, and the integration with the underlying software platform, Invenio. A very important decision factor when designing a recomme...

  7. The fossil record of the sixth extinction. (United States)

    Plotnick, Roy E; Smith, Felisa A; Lyons, S Kathleen


    Comparing the magnitude of the current biodiversity crisis with those in the fossil record is difficult without an understanding of differential preservation. Integrating data from palaeontological databases with information on IUCN status, ecology and life history characteristics of contemporary mammals, we demonstrate that only a small and biased fraction of threatened species (fossil record, compared with 20% of non-threatened species. We find strong taphonomic biases related to body size and geographic range. Modern species with a fossil record tend to be large and widespread and were described in the 19(th) century. The expected magnitude of the current extinction based only on species with a fossil record is about half of that of one based on all modern species; values for genera are similar. The record of ancient extinctions may be similarly biased, with many species having originated and gone extinct without leaving a tangible record. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS.

  8. Medical record search engines, using pseudonymised patient identity: an alternative to centralised medical records. (United States)

    Quantin, Catherine; Jaquet-Chiffelle, David-Olivier; Coatrieux, Gouenou; Benzenine, Eric; Allaert, François-André


    The purpose of our multidisciplinary study was to define a pragmatic and secure alternative to the creation of a national centralised medical record which could gather together the different parts of the medical record of a patient scattered in the different hospitals where he was hospitalised without any risk of breaching confidentiality. We first analyse the reasons for the failure and the dangers of centralisation (i.e. difficulty to define a European patients' identifier, to reach a common standard for the contents of the medical record, for data protection) and then propose an alternative that uses the existing available data on the basis that setting up a safe though imperfect system could be better than continuing a quest for a mythical perfect information system that we have still not found after a search that has lasted two decades. We describe the functioning of Medical Record Search Engines (MRSEs), using pseudonymisation of patients' identity. The MRSE will be able to retrieve and to provide upon an MD's request all the available information concerning a patient who has been hospitalised in different hospitals without ever having access to the patient's identity. The drawback of this system is that the medical practitioner then has to read all of the information and to create his own synthesis and eventually to reject extra data. Faced with the difficulties and the risks of setting up a centralised medical record system, a system that gathers all of the available information concerning a patient could be of great interest. This low-cost pragmatic alternative which could be developed quickly should be taken into consideration by health authorities. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Records Management And Private Sector Organizations | Mnjama ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article begins by examining the role of records management in private organizations. It identifies the major reason why organizations ought to manage their records effectively and efficiently. Its major emphasis is that a sound records management programme is a pre-requisite to quality management system programme ...

  10. 20 CFR 402.45 - Availability of records. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Availability of records. 402.45 Section 402.45 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION AND RECORDS TO THE..., and, to the extent practicable, the records will be made available on the Internet or by other...

  11. 21 CFR 820.184 - Device history record. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Device history record. 820.184 Section 820.184 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES QUALITY SYSTEM REGULATION Records § 820.184 Device history record. Each manufacturer shall...

  12. 7 CFR 1215.61 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1215.61 Section 1215.61... CONSUMER INFORMATION Popcorn Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1215.61 Books and records. Each person who is subject to this subpart shall maintain and make...

  13. 7 CFR 1218.61 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1218.61 Section 1218.61..., AND INFORMATION ORDER Blueberry Promotion, Research, and Information Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1218.61 Books and records. Each first handler, producer, and importer subject to this subpart shall...

  14. 7 CFR 1216.61 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1216.61 Section 1216.61... INFORMATION ORDER Peanut Promotion, Research, and Information Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1216.61 Books and records. Each first handler and producer subject to this subpart shall maintain and make...

  15. 7 CFR 1260.202 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1260.202 Section 1260.202 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (MARKETING... Promotion and Research Order Reports, Books and Records § 1260.202 Books and records. Each person subject to...

  16. 7 CFR 1219.61 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1219.61 Section 1219.61..., AND INFORMATION Hass Avocado Promotion, Research, and Information Order Books, Records, and Reports § 1219.61 Books and records. Each producer, first handler, and importer subject to this subpart shall...

  17. 7 CFR 1221.125 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1221.125 Section 1221.125... INFORMATION ORDER Sorghum Promotion, Research, and Information Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1221.125 Books and records. (a) Each first handler, producer, or importer subject to this subpart shall maintain...

  18. 7 CFR 1206.61 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1206.61 Section 1206.61... INFORMATION Mango Promotion, Research, and Information Order Definitions Reports, Books, and Records § 1206.61 Books and records. Each first handler and importer shall maintain and make available for inspection by...

  19. 6 CFR 5.28 - Preservation of records. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Preservation of records. 5.28 Section 5.28 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DISCLOSURE OF RECORDS AND INFORMATION Privacy Act § 5.28 Preservation of records. Each component will preserve all correspondence...

  20. 7 CFR 1.24 - Preservation of records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Preservation of records. 1.24 Section 1.24 Agriculture Office of the Secretary of Agriculture ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS Official Records § 1.24 Preservation of records. Agencies shall preserve all correspondence relating to the requests it receives under this...

  1. 6 CFR 5.10 - Preservation of records. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Preservation of records. 5.10 Section 5.10 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DISCLOSURE OF RECORDS AND INFORMATION Freedom of Information Act § 5.10 Preservation of records. Each component shall preserve all...

  2. 41 CFR 101-39.407 - Accident records. (United States)


    ...-INTERAGENCY FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 39.4-Accidents and Claims § 101-39.407 Accident records. If GSA's records... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Accident records. 101-39.407 Section 101-39.407 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal Property Management...

  3. Scanner for the recording of radioactivity distribution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seebeck, U.


    In a scintiscanner comprising an upper measuring head and a lower measuring head and associated write heads, the activity distribution measured by the lower measuring head is recorded in the form of a mirror-image if the write heads in the two recording directions are moved in the same direction with respect to each other. However, if the write heads in the one recording direction are displaced opposite to each other, a correct recording is obtained, but it is then very difficult to compare the scintigrams recorded by the measuring heads. The invention describes a simple mechanical device by means of which the write heads can be moved in the same or in the opposite direction with respect to each other. (auth)

  4. 20 CFR 209.16 - Disposal of payroll records. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Disposal of payroll records. 209.16 Section... RAILROAD EMPLOYERS' REPORTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES § 209.16 Disposal of payroll records. Employers may dispose of payroll records for periods subsequent to 1936, provided that the payroll records are more than...

  5. 76 FR 43278 - Privacy Act; System of Records (United States)


    ... the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, to publish a description of the systems of records containing... locked file cabinets, and electronic records are maintained on a password-protected desktop personal...'' published by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC. Paper records are shredded...

  6. 8 CFR 103.34 - Security of records systems. (United States)


    ... 8 Aliens and Nationality 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Security of records systems. 103.34 Section 103.34 Aliens and Nationality DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY IMMIGRATION REGULATIONS POWERS AND DUTIES; AVAILABILITY OF RECORDS § 103.34 Security of records systems. The security of records systems...

  7. 75 FR 57163 - Privacy Act Systems of Records (United States)


    ... Records (ODNI-05), Office of General Counsel Records (ODNI-06), Analytic Resources Catalog (ODNI- 07... learning of, the status of his complaint. Nor does it preclude the ODNI from seeking additional input from...) ODNI Guest Speaker Records (ODNI-05). (6) Office of General Counsel Records (ODNI-06). (7) Analytic...

  8. New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (October 2015

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The Collective Article “New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records” of the Mediterranean Marine Science journal offers the means to publish biodiversity records in the Mediterranean Sea. The current article is divided per countries, listed according to a Mediterranean west-east geographic position. New biodiversity data are reported for 7 different countries, although one species hereby reported from Malta is overall new for the entire Mediterranean basin, and is presumably present also in Israel and Lebanon (see below in Malta. Italy: the rare native fish Gobius kolombatovici is first reported from the Ionian Sea, whilst the alien jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica and the alien fish Oplegnathus fasciatus are first reported from the entire country. The presence of O. fasciatus from Trieste is concomitantly the first for the entire Adriatic Sea. Finally, the alien bivalve Arcuatula senhousia is hereby first reported from Campania (Tyrrhenian Sea. Tunisia: a bloom of the alien crab Portunus segnis is first reported from the Gulf of Gabes, from where it was considered as casual. Malta: the alien flatworm Maritigrella fuscopunctata is first recorded from the Mediterranean Sea on the basis of 25 specimens. At the same time, web researches held possible unpublished records from Israel and Lebanon. The alien crab P. segnis, already mentioned above, is first formally reported from Malta based on specimens collected in 1972. Concomitantly, the presence of Callinectes sapidus in Maltese waters is excluded since based on misidentifications. Greece: the Atlantic northern brown shrimp Penaeus atzecus, previously known from the Ionian Sea from sporadic records only, is now well established in Greek and international Ionian waters. The alien sea urchin Diadema setosum is reported from the second time from Greece, and its first record date from the country is backdated to 2010 in Rhodes Island. The alien lionfish Pterois miles is first reported from Greece and

  9. World War II Weather Record Transmittances (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — World War II Weather Record Transmittances are a record of the weather and meteorological data observed during World War II and transferred to the archive. It...

  10. A seismic recording device

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dixon, R; Kind, A G; Thompson, S R


    A method and a device for noting the moment of an explosion on a seismic recording is proposed, in which the moment of the explosion is recorded as a result of a break in an electrical circuit under the effects of the explosive charge used to excite the seismic waves. The electrical circuit being broken is connected to the same energy source as the electric detonator which initiates the explosion, which is attached to a high frequency, alternating current source, where the circuit being broken is either the primary or the secondary winding of a transformer, through which the electric detonator is switched in to the source. The moment the circuit is broken is determined from the ceasation of current in the circuit or by the sharp rise in voltage in the broken sector. The method makes it possible to more precisely fix the moment of the break than the existing methods. When insulated copper wires are used the recording of the time occurs 100 microseconds after the explosion.

  11. 7 CFR 1280.405 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1280.405 Section 1280.405... INFORMATION ORDER Rules and Regulations § 1280.405 Books and records. (a) Each first handler, exporter of... by representatives of the Secretary, such books and records as are necessary to carry out the...

  12. 7 CFR 1210.351 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1210.351 Section 1210.351... PROMOTION PLAN Watermelon Research and Promotion Plan Reports, Books, and Records § 1210.351 Books and... make available for inspection by employees of the Board or Secretary, such books and records as are...

  13. 7 CFR 1212.71 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1212.71 Section 1212.71..., Promotion, Consumer Education, and Industry Information Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1212.71 Books... maintain any books and records necessary to carry out the provisions of this part, and any regulations...

  14. 7 CFR 1230.81 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1230.81 Section 1230.81... CONSUMER INFORMATION Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1230.81 Books and records. Each person who is subject to this subpart shall maintain and, during normal...

  15. 7 CFR 1220.242 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 1220.242 Section 1220.242... CONSUMER INFORMATION Soybean Promotion and Research Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1220.242 Books and... subpart shall maintain and make available for inspection by the Board or Secretary such books and records...

  16. 42 CFR 491.10 - Patient health records. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Patient health records. 491.10 Section 491.10...: Conditions for Certification; and FQHCs Conditions for Coverage § 491.10 Patient health records. (a) Records... systematically organized. (3) For each patient receiving health care services, the clinic or center maintains a...

  17. 42 CFR 35.11 - Clinical records; confidential. (United States)


    ... EXAMINATIONS HOSPITAL AND STATION MANAGEMENT General § 35.11 Clinical records; confidential. A complete clinical record shall be maintained for each patient admitted to a station or hospital of the Service. Such... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Clinical records; confidential. 35.11 Section 35.11...

  18. 30 CFR 75.339 - Seals records. (United States)


    ... serve the purpose for which it is built. (3) Gas sampling records 75.336(e)(2) 1 year. (4) Record of... Services, or from the authorized representative of miners, mine operators shall promptly provide access to...

  19. Climate Change | Page 79 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Climate Change. Changements climatiques. Language English. The Kenya Medical Research Institute has launched a tool aimed at predicting malaria outbreaks in any area ... Environmental economics can identify the underlying causes of environmental problems and point to solutions that benefit people and the planet.

  20. Tanzania | Page 25 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Language English. Read more about Adaptation de collectivités africaines aux changements climatiques. Language French. Read more about Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa. Language English. Read more about Free and Open Source Management Information Systems and Microfinance ...

  1. etude socio-anthropologique de la gestion des ressources naturelles

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Le Burkina Faso est un pays sahélien dont l'économie est essentiellement agricole. ... dégradation sont, entre autres, l'érosion hydrique et éolienne, les changements climatiques, les actions .... Figure 3 : Présentation globale de la zone.

  2. Effets d'amendements organiques et phosphatés sous zaï sur les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    sub-sahélienne pour pallier l'aridité climatique dans un contexte de changements globaux. ... étude est de proposer une pratique culturale adaptée à la restauration des ... Africa, to address the climate aridity in a context of global changes.

  3. 579-IJBCS-Article-Dr Karim Traoré

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Au Burkina Faso, 86% de la population active travaille dans l'agriculture. Cependant la production .... chimiques et biologiques des sols et ces changements sont à la .... (WTW 521) dans une suspension compost-eau de ratio 1:2,5 Le C total, ...

  4. The Effect of Histamine on the Rat Oestrous Cycle | Anuka | West ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Triprolidine (50 mg/kg; ip), a H1-receptor antagonist, showed no changes in the oestrous rhythm ... changement dans le cycle œstral alors que le chlorpheniramine(50mg/kg,ip) un autre recepteur H1 ... EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT

  5. Renforcement du corpus de connaissances pour des politiques de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Or, on n'assiste à aucun changement similaire dans le discours international sur le ... d'une politique mondiale du droit d'auteur dans les pays en développement, ... accord de coopération scientifique et technologique en appui aux projets de ...

  6. Traumatismes, développement et consolidation de la paix : vers une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... en Inde, afin de cerner les meilleures pratiques en travail psychosocial dans les ... d'intervention psychosociale, le rôle qu'elles jouent dans la consolidation de la ... la gestion de l'eau et les migrations liées aux changements climatiques.

  7. Focus Cities : Waste Recycling and Agro-Enterprise in Kampala ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This project seeks to turn these environmental burdens into benefits through conservation-based agriculture, alternative agro-enterprise, nutrient reuse, and sustainable and profitable solid waste management. A multidisciplinary ... Alimentation, santé et adaptation aux changements climatiques en Ouganda. Des régions ...

  8. Sud du Sahara | Page 169 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    arides. Langue French. Read more about Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies. Langue English. Read more about Changement climatique : vulnérabilité, impact et adaptation dans les plaines et les zones humides de l'État du Delta au ...

  9. Kenya | Page 58 | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Language French. Read more about Adaptation de collectivités africaines aux changements climatiques. Language French. Read more about Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa. Language English. Read more about Prefabricated Engineered Bamboo Housing for East Africa. Language English ...

  10. The transition from longitudinal to perpendicular recording

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richter, H J


    After more than 30 years of research, hard disk drives using perpendicular recording are finally commercially available. This review is a follow-up of a review written in 1999 and addresses the basic physics of perpendicular recording with special emphasis on the read and the write process and the magnetic aspects of the recording media. The paper also surveys various technical difficulties which prevented an earlier implementation of perpendicular recording. The paper closes with a short overview of alternative technologies that allow even higher storage densities. (topical review)

  11. Business Plan for a Record Company


    Mbuthia, Alexander; Wakuwile, Janina


    The objective of this thesis is to develop a business plan for a record company named Kamoja Records in Espoo Finland that will focus on music and video production. The main purpose of this study is to determine whether this business plan is viable and whether the resulting company would be able to function as a vibrant record label. The business plan evaluates different features that are related to music and video production. The purpose is to obtain knowledge about business planning in gene...

  12. A First Standardized Swiss Electronic Maternity Record. (United States)

    Murbach, Michel; Martin, Sabine; Denecke, Kerstin; Nüssli, Stephan


    During the nine months of pregnancy, women have to regularly visit several physicians for continuous monitoring of the health and development of the fetus and mother. Comprehensive examination results of different types are generated in this process; documentation and data transmission standards are still unavailable or not in use. Relevant information is collected in a paper-based maternity record carried by the pregnant women. To improve availability and transmission of data, we aim at developing a first prototype for an electronic maternity record for Switzerland. By analyzing the documentation workflow during pregnancy, we determined a maternity record data set. Further, we collected requirements towards a digital maternity record. As data exchange format, the Swiss specific exchange format SMEEX (swiss medical data exchange) was exploited. Feedback from 27 potential users was collected to identify further improvements. The relevant data is extracted from the primary care information system as SMEEX file, stored in a database and made available in a web and a mobile application, developed as prototypes of an electronic maternity record. The user confirmed the usefulness of the system and provided multiple suggestions for an extension. An electronical maternity record as developed in this work could be in future linked to the electronic patient record.

  13. Quaternary magnetic excursions recorded in marine sediments. (United States)

    Channell, J. E. T.


    This year is the golden (50th) anniversary of the first documentation of a magnetic excursion, the Laschamp excursion in volcanics from the Chaine des Puys (Bonhommet and Babkine, 1967). The first recording of an excursion in sediments was from the Blake Outer Ridge (Smith and Foster, 1969). Magnetic excursions are directional aberrations of the geomagnetic field apparently involving short-lived reversal of the main dipole field. They have durations of a few kyrs, and are therefore rarely recorded in sediments with mean sedimentation rates Palma), and 670 ka (Osaka Bay), implying at least 11 excursions in the Brunhes Chron. For the Matuyama Chron, excursions have been recorded in marine sediments at 868 ka (Kamikatsura?), 932 ka (Santa Rosa), 1051 ka (Intra-Jaramillo), 1115 ka (Punaruu), 1255 ka (Bjorn), 1476 ka (Gardar), 1580 ka (Gilsa), and 2737 ka (Porcupine). Excursions coincide with minima in relative paleointensity (RPI) records. Ages are from correlation of excursion records to oxygen isotope records in the same cores, and ice-volume calibration of the oxygen isotope template. The marine sediment record of excursions, combined with independent documentation of excursions in lavas with Ar/Ar age control, is progressively strengthening our knowledge of the excursion inventory in the Quaternary, and enhancing the importance of excursions and RPI in Quaternary stratigraphy.

  14. 29 CFR 71.8 - Preservation of records. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Preservation of records. 71.8 Section 71.8 Labor Office of the Secretary of Labor PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL PRIVACY AND ACCESS TO RECORDS UNDER THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 General § 71.8 Preservation of records. Each component shall preserve all correspondence relating...

  15. 17 CFR 1.27 - Record of investments. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Record of investments. 1.27... UNDER THE COMMODITY EXCHANGE ACT Customers' Money, Securities, and Property § 1.27 Record of investments... record showing the following: (1) The date on which such investments were made; (2) The name of the...

  16. 27 CFR 24.311 - Taxpaid wine record. (United States)


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Taxpaid wine record. 24..., DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LIQUORS WINE Records and Reports § 24.311 Taxpaid wine record. A proprietor who has taxpaid United States or foreign wine on taxpaid wine premises or on taxpaid wine bottling house...

  17. 37 CFR 262.3 - Royalty fees for public performances of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Royalty fees for public... MAKING OF EPHEMERAL REPRODUCTIONS § 262.3 Royalty fees for public performances of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings. (a) Basic royalty rate. Royalty rates and fees for eligible nonsubscription...

  18. Second harmonics HOE recording in Bayfol HX (United States)

    Bruder, Friedrich-Karl; Fäcke, Thomas; Hagen, Rainer; Hönel, Dennis; Orselli, Enrico; Rewitz, Christian; Rölle, Thomas; Walze, Günther; Wewer, Brita


    Volume Holographic Optical Elements (vHOEs) provide superior optical properties over DOEs (surface gratings) due to high diffraction efficiencies in the -1st order and their excellent Bragg selectivity. Bayer MaterialScience is offering a variety of customized instant-developing photopolymer films to meet requirements for a specific optics design of a phase hologram. For instance, the photopolymer film thickness is an ideal means to adjust the angular and the spectral selectivity while the index modulation can be adopted with the film thickness to achieve a specific required dynamic range. This is especially helpful for transmission type holograms and in multiplex recordings. The selection of different substrates is helpful to achieve the overall optical properties for a targeted application that we support in B2B-focused developments. To provide further guidance on how to record volume holograms in Bayfol HX, we describe in this paper a new route towards the recording of substrate guided vHOEs by using optimized photopolymer films. Furthermore, we discuss special writing conditions that are suitable to create higher 2nd harmonic intensities and their useful applications. Due to total internal reflection (TIR) at the photopolymer-air interface in substrate guided vHOEs, hologram recording with those large diffraction angles cannot usually be done with two free-space beams. Edge-lit recording setups are used to circumvent this limitation. However, such setups require bulky recording blocks or liquid bathes and are complex and hard to align. A different approach that we present in this paper is to exploit 2nd harmonic grating generation in a freespace recording scheme. Those 2nd harmonic components allow the replay of diffraction angles that are normally only accessible with edge-lit writing configurations. Therefore, this approach significantly simplifies master recordings for vHOEs with edge-lit functionalities, which later can be used in contact copy schemes for

  19. An audit of anaesthetic record keeping

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    tive assessment and the intra-operative data is usually con- ... An audit of anaesthetic records was performed to determine the rate of completion and adequacy of such records. ... medicolegal practice, where the risks of legal action being.

  20. 7 CFR 984.80 - Books and other records. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and other records. 984.80 Section 984.80... Regulating Handling Reports, Books, and Other Records § 984.80 Books and other records. Each handler shall... for the purpose of performing its functions under this subpart. Such books and records shall be...

  1. New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (July 2016

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available This contribution forms part of a series of collective articles published regularly in Mediterranean Marine Science that report on new biodiversity records from the Mediterranean basin. The current article presents 51 geographically distinct records for 21 taxa belonging to 6 Phyla, extending from the western Mediterranean to the Levantine. The new records, per country, are as follows: Spain: the cryptogenic calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna is reported from a new location in the Alicante region. Algeria: the rare Atlanto-Mediterranean bivalve Cardium indicum is reported from Annaba. Tunisia: new distribution records for the Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois miles from Zembra Island and Cape Bon. Italy: the ark clam Anadara transversa is reported from mussel cultures in the Gulf of Naples, while the amphipod Caprella scaura and the isopods Paracerceis sculpta and Paranthura japonica are reported as associated to the –also allochthonous–bryozoan Amathia verticillata in the Adriatic Sea; in the latter region, the cosmopolitan Atlantic tripletail Lobotes surinamensisis also reported, a rare finding for the Mediterranean. Slovenia: a new record of the non-indigenous nudibranch Polycera hedgpethi in the Adriatic. Greece: several new reports of the introduced scleractinian Oculina patagonica, the fangtooth moray Enchelycore anatina, the blunthead puffer Sphoeroides pachygaster (all Atlantic, and the lionfish Pterois miles (Indo-Pacific suggest their ongoing establishment in the Aegean Sea; the deepest bathymetric record of the invasive alga Caulerpa cylindracea in the Mediterranean Sea is also registered in the Kyklades, at depths exceeding 70 m. Turkey: new distribution records for two non indigenous crustaceans, the blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Atlantic origin and the moon crab Matuta victor (Indo-Pacific origin from the Bay of Izmir and Antalya, respectively; in the latter region, the Red Sea goatfish Parupeneus forsskali, is also reported

  2. High-Density Near-Field Optical Disc Recording (United States)

    Shinoda, Masataka; Saito, Kimihiro; Ishimoto, Tsutomu; Kondo, Takao; Nakaoki, Ariyoshi; Ide, Naoki; Furuki, Motohiro; Takeda, Minoru; Akiyama, Yuji; Shimouma, Takashi; Yamamoto, Masanobu


    We developed a high-density near-field optical recording disc system using a solid immersion lens. The near-field optical pick-up consists of a solid immersion lens with a numerical aperture of 1.84. The laser wavelength for recording is 405 nm. In order to realize the near-field optical recording disc, we used a phase-change recording media and a molded polycarbonate substrate. A clear eye pattern of 112 GB capacity with 160 nm track pitch and 50 nm bit length was observed. The equivalent areal density is 80.6 Gbit/in2. The bottom bit error rate of 3 tracks-write was 4.5× 10-5. The readout power margin and the recording power margin were ± 30.4% and ± 11.2%, respectively.

  3. Software for objective comparison of vocal acoustic features over weeks of audio recording: KLFromRecordingDays (United States)

    Soderstrom, Ken; Alalawi, Ali

    KLFromRecordingDays allows measurement of Kullback-Leibler (KL) distances between 2D probability distributions of vocal acoustic features. Greater KL distance measures reflect increased phonological divergence across the vocalizations compared. The software has been used to compare *.wav file recordings made by Sound Analysis Recorder 2011 of songbird vocalizations pre- and post-drug and surgical manipulations. Recordings from individual animals in *.wav format are first organized into subdirectories by recording day and then segmented into individual syllables uttered and acoustic features of these syllables using Sound Analysis Pro 2011 (SAP). KLFromRecordingDays uses syllable acoustic feature data output by SAP to a MySQL table to generate and compare "template" (typically pre-treatment) and "target" (typically post-treatment) probability distributions. These distributions are a series of virtual 2D plots of the duration of each syllable (as x-axis) to each of 13 other acoustic features measured by SAP for that syllable (as y-axes). Differences between "template" and "target" probability distributions for each acoustic feature are determined by calculating KL distance, a measure of divergence of the target 2D distribution pattern from that of the template. KL distances and the mean KL distance across all acoustic features are calculated for each recording day and output to an Excel spreadsheet. Resulting data for individual subjects may then be pooled across treatment groups and graphically summarized and used for statistical comparisons. Because SAP-generated MySQL files are accessed directly, data limits associated with spreadsheet output are avoided, and the totality of vocal output over weeks may be objectively analyzed all at once. The software has been useful for measuring drug effects on songbird vocalizations and assessing recovery from damage to regions of vocal motor cortex. It may be useful in studies employing other species, and as part of speech

  4. Software for objective comparison of vocal acoustic features over weeks of audio recording: KLFromRecordingDays

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ken Soderstrom


    Full Text Available KLFromRecordingDays allows measurement of Kullback–Leibler (KL distances between 2D probability distributions of vocal acoustic features. Greater KL distance measures reflect increased phonological divergence across the vocalizations compared. The software has been used to compare *.wav file recordings made by Sound Analysis Recorder 2011 of songbird vocalizations pre- and post-drug and surgical manipulations. Recordings from individual animals in *.wav format are first organized into subdirectories by recording day and then segmented into individual syllables uttered and acoustic features of these syllables using Sound Analysis Pro 2011 (SAP. KLFromRecordingDays uses syllable acoustic feature data output by SAP to a MySQL table to generate and compare “template” (typically pre-treatment and “target” (typically post-treatment probability distributions. These distributions are a series of virtual 2D plots of the duration of each syllable (as x-axis to each of 13 other acoustic features measured by SAP for that syllable (as y-axes. Differences between “template” and “target” probability distributions for each acoustic feature are determined by calculating KL distance, a measure of divergence of the target 2D distribution pattern from that of the template. KL distances and the mean KL distance across all acoustic features are calculated for each recording day and output to an Excel spreadsheet. Resulting data for individual subjects may then be pooled across treatment groups and graphically summarized and used for statistical comparisons. Because SAP-generated MySQL files are accessed directly, data limits associated with spreadsheet output are avoided, and the totality of vocal output over weeks may be objectively analyzed all at once. The software has been useful for measuring drug effects on songbird vocalizations and assessing recovery from damage to regions of vocal motor cortex. It may be useful in studies employing other

  5. Case study: Managing potentially contaminated records

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sprouse, B.S.


    For the past 10 or more years, Analytical Laboratory data cards have been generated and stored in the 222-S Laboratory at the Hanford Site in Richland, Washington. These cards are classified as record material and require retention for a minimum of 75 years in an approved storage facility in accordance with Westinghouse Hanford Company procedures. The cards are maintained in records boxes in the attic of the 222-S Laboratory and are subject to potential risk and loss. The most significant potential risks are radiological hazards. Various options are available for removal, cataloging, transmittal, and storage of these long-term records. Because the records are currently stored in a radiation protection zone, they surveyed before being released from the facility. This survey can be arduous and time consuming. Resolutions to the problem of removal and proper storage of the records from the facility need to be addressed. The records were reviewed and inventoried to determine the quantity of information. A study of the various options available was conducted, and based on the information collected, it was determined that the most feasible and cost-effective approach is to microfilm the cards inside the laboratory. This option complies with all applicable company requirements and decreases the estimated radiological survey time from approximately 3.5 years to under 40 hours. This activity will result in a potential savings of $350,000 over the life of the activity

  6. 27 CFR 24.316 - Spirits record. (United States)


    ..., stores, or uses spirits shall maintain a record of receipt and use. The record will show the date of... the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 1512-0216 and 1512-0298) [T.D. ATF-299, 55...

  7. Thermal transfer recording media (United States)

    Takei, T.; Taniguchi, M.; Fukushima, H.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Shinozuka, M.; Seikohsha, K. K. Suwa


    The recording media consist of more than or one coloring layer and a layer containing a flame retardant to ensure noncombustibility and good thermal transfer. Thus, a PET film was coated on a side with a compound containing Vylon 290 (polyester resin), AFR-1021 (decabromodiphenyl oxide) 8 and Polysafe 60 (Sb oxide), and coated on the other side with a compound containing carnauba wax, HNP-9 (paraffin wax), EV-410 (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer), and Cu phthalocyanine to give a thermal transfer recording medium which showed good noncombustibility and antiblocking properties, and provided high quality images.

  8. Records Management and Preservation in Government Ministries ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    There is the erroneous notion among records managers in the public sector and the business setting that preservation of records is an activity reserved for the conservator late in the life of the document. In order to find out the care and handling of records in Government ministries and departments, 69 registries were ...

  9. 32 CFR 635.13 - Amendment of records. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Amendment of records. 635.13 Section 635.13 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (CONTINUED) LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTING Release of Information § 635.13 Amendment of records. (a) Policy. An amendment of records is...

  10. 12 CFR 552.11 - Books and records. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Books and records. 552.11 Section 552.11 Banks...-INCORPORATION, ORGANIZATION, AND CONVERSION § 552.11 Books and records. (a) Each Federal stock association shall keep correct and complete books and records of account; shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its...

  11. Comparing records with related chronologies (United States)

    Bronk Ramsey, Christopher; Albert, Paul; Kearney, Rebecca; Staff, Richard A.


    In order to integrate ice, terrestrial and marine records, it is necessary to deal with records on different timescales. These timescales can be grouped into those that use a common fundamental chronometer (such as Uranium-Thorium dating or Radiocarbon) and can also be related to one another where we have chronological tie points such as tephra horizons. More generally we can, through a number of different methodologies, derive relationships between different timescales. A good example of this is the use of cosmogenic isotope production, specifically 10Be and 14C to relate the calibrated radiocarbon timescale to that of the Greenland ice cores. The relationships between different timescales can be mathematically expressed in terms of time-transfer functions. This formalism allows any related record to be considered against any linked timescale with an appropriate associated uncertainty. The prototype INTIMATE chronological database allows records to be viewed and compared in this way and this is now being further developed, both to include a wider range of records and also to provide better connectivity to other databases and chronological tools. These developments will also include new ways to use tephra tie-points to constrain the relationship between timescales directly, without needing to remodel each associated timescale. The database as it stands allows data for particular timeframes to be recalled and plotted against any timescale, or exported in spreadsheet format. New functionality will be added to allow users to work with their own data in a private space and then to publish it when it has been through the peer-review publication process. In order to make the data easier to use for other further analysis and plotting, and with data from other sources, the database will also act as a server to deliver data in a JSON format. The aim of this work is to make the comparison of integrated data much easier for researchers and to ensure that good practice in

  12. [Computerized medical record: deontology and legislation]. (United States)

    Allaert, F A; Dusserre, L


    Computerization of medical records is making headway for patients' follow-up, scientific research, and health expenses control, but it must not alter the guarantees provided to the patients by the medical code of ethics and the law of January 6, 1978. This law, modified on July 1, 1994, requires to register all computerized records of personal data and establishes rights to protect privacy against computer misdemeanor. All medical practitioners using computerized medical records must be aware that the infringement of this law may provoke suing in professional, civil or criminal court.

  13. 'Citizen science' recording of fossils by adapting existing computer-based biodiversity recording tools (United States)

    McGowan, Alistair


    Biodiversity recording activities have been greatly enhanced by the emergence of online schemes and smartphone applications for recording and sharing data about a wide variety of flora and fauna. As a palaeobiologist, one of the areas of research I have been heavily involved in is the question of whether the amount of rock available to sample acts as a bias on our estimates of biodiversity through time. Although great progress has been made on this question over the past ten years by a number of researchers, I still think palaeontology has not followed the lead offered by the 'citizen science' revolution in studies of extant biodiversity. By constructing clearly structured surveys with online data collection support, it should be possible to collect field data on the occurrence of fossils at the scale of individual exposures, which are needed to test competing hypotheses about these effects at relatively small spatial scales. Such data collection would be hard to justify for universities and museums with limited personnel but a co-ordinated citizen science programme would be capable of delivering such a programme. Data collection could be based on the MacKinnon's Lists method, used in rapid conservation assessment work. It relies on observers collecting lists of a fixed length (e.g. 10 species long) but what is important is that it focuses on getting observers to ignore sightings of the same species until that list is complete. This overcomes the problem of 'common taxa being commonly recorded' and encourages observers to seek out and identify the rarer taxa. This gives a targeted but finite task. Rather than removing fossils, participants would be encouraged to take photographs to share via a recording website. The success of iSpot, which allows users to upload photos of plants and animals for other users to help with identifications, offers a model for overcoming the problems of identifying fossils, which can often look nothing like the examples illustrated in

  14. 33 CFR 151.25 - Oil Record Book. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Oil Record Book. 151.25 Section... Treaty as it Pertains to Pollution from Ships Oil Pollution § 151.25 Oil Record Book. (a) Each oil tanker... fixed or floating drilling rig or other platform shall maintain an Oil Record Book Part I (Machinery...

  15. Instrument Records And Plays Back Acceleration Signals (United States)

    Bozeman, Richard J.


    Small, battery-powered, hand-held instrument feeds power to accelerometer and records time-varying component of output for 15 seconds in analog form. No power needed to maintain content of memory; memory chip removed after recording and stored indefinitely. Recorded signal plays back at any time up to several years later. Principal advantages: compactness, portability, and low cost.

  16. 29 CFR 1904.4 - Recording criteria. (United States)


    ... criteria. (Needlestick and sharps injury cases, tuberculosis cases, hearing loss cases, medical removal... Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR RECORDING AND REPORTING OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES AND ILLNESSES Recordkeeping Forms and Recording Criteria § 1904.4...

  17. Olivia Records: The Production of a Movement. (United States)

    Morris, Bonnie


    This article looks at the early years of Olivia Records, setting the context for the historic release of the album Where Would I Be Without You. From its origins as a Washington, D.C.-based activist collective in 1973, Olivia became a hugely successful recording company, marketing radical lesbian recordings and performances that soon defined the "women's music" movement. Both artistically and politically, Olivia's woman-identified albums became the soundtrack for a generation awakening to lesbian activism. Pat Parker and Judy Grahn's 1976 spoken-word recording is a unique demonstration of Olivia's radical production values and expanding catalog.

  18. 37 CFR 261.3 - Royalty fees for public performances of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Royalty fees for public... § 261.3 Royalty fees for public performances of sound recordings and for ephemeral recordings. (a) For the period October 28, 1998, through December 31, 2002, royalty rates and fees for eligible digital...

  19. 1995 Department of Energy Records Management Conference

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Department of Energy (DOE) Records Management Group (RMG) provides a forum for DOE and its contractor personnel to review and discuss subjects, issues, and concerns of common interest. This forum will include the exchange of information, and interpretation of requirements, and a dialog to aid in cost-effective management of the DOE Records Management program. Issues addressed by the RMG may result in recommendations for DOE-wide initiatives. Proposed DOE-wide initiatives shall be, provided in writing by the RMG Steering Committee to the DOE Records Management Committee and to DOE`s Office of ERM Policy, Records, and Reports Management for appropriate action. The membership of the RMG is composed of personnel engaged in Records Management from DOE Headquarters, Field sites, contractors, and other organizations, as appropriate. Selected papers are indexed separately for inclusion in the Energy Science and Technology Database.

  20. 12 CFR 749.4 - Format for vital records preservation. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Format for vital records preservation. 749.4... RECORDS PRESERVATION PROGRAM AND APPENDICES-RECORD RETENTION GUIDELINES; CATASTROPHIC ACT PREPAREDNESS GUIDELINES § 749.4 Format for vital records preservation. Preserved records may be in any format that can be...

  1. Integration of clinical research documentation in electronic health records. (United States)

    Broach, Debra


    Clinical trials of investigational drugs and devices are often conducted within healthcare facilities concurrently with clinical care. With implementation of electronic health records, new communication methods are required to notify nonresearch clinicians of research participation. This article reviews clinical research source documentation, the electronic health record and the medical record, areas in which the research record and electronic health record overlap, and implications for the research nurse coordinator in documentation of the care of the patient/subject. Incorporation of clinical research documentation in the electronic health record will lead to a more complete patient/subject medical record in compliance with both research and medical records regulations. A literature search provided little information about the inclusion of clinical research documentation within the electronic health record. Although regulations and guidelines define both source documentation and the medical record, integration of research documentation in the electronic health record is not clearly defined. At minimum, the signed informed consent(s), investigational drug or device usage, and research team contact information should be documented within the electronic health record. Institutional policies should define a standardized process for this integration in the absence federal guidance. Nurses coordinating clinical trials are in an ideal position to define this integration.

  2. Bat records from Malawi (Mammalia, Chiroptera)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergmans, Wim; Jachmann, Hugo


    Five species of bats are recorded from Kasungu National Park, Malawi: Eidolon helvum (Kerr, 1792); Epomophorus anurus Heuglin, 1864; Epomophorus minor Dobson, 1880; Epomops dobsonii (Bocage, 1889); and Scotoecus hindei Thomas, 1901. Some other Malawian records of these species, based on literature

  3. Relationship between road traffic accidents and conflicts recorded by drive recorders. (United States)

    Lu, Guangquan; Cheng, Bo; Kuzumaki, Seigo; Mei, Bingsong


    Road traffic conflicts can be used to estimate the probability of accident occurrence, assess road safety, or evaluate road safety programs if the relationship between road traffic accidents and conflicts is known. To this end, we propose a model for the relationship between road traffic accidents and conflicts recorded by drive recorders (DRs). DRs were installed in 50 cars in Beijing to collect records of traffic conflicts. Data containing 1366 conflicts were collected in 193 days. The hourly distributions of conflicts and accidents were used to model the relationship between accidents and conflicts. To eliminate time series and base number effects, we defined and used 2 parameters: average annual number of accidents per 10,000 vehicles per hour and average number of conflicts per 10,000 vehicles per hour. A model was developed to describe the relationship between the two parameters. If A(i) = average annual number of accidents per 10,000 vehicles per hour at hour i, and E(i) = average number of conflicts per 10,000 vehicles per hour at hour i, the relationship can be expressed as [Formula in text] (α>0, β>0). The average number of traffic accidents increases as the number of conflicts rises, but the rate of increase decelerates as the number of conflicts increases further. The proposed model can describe the relationship between road traffic accidents and conflicts in a simple manner. According to our analysis, the model fits the present data.

  4. Record reach : ExxonMobil extends its own world record

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wells, P.


    Extended reach drilling (ERD) records are now regularly being broken by ExxonMobil Corporation's Sakhalin project on Russia's east coast. In 2008, an oil well on the coast established a new record by achieving a measured depth of 11,680 meters. The well was punched out by a Texas-based drilling company using the world's largest land-based drilling rig. The use of ERD has reduced the capital and operating costs of the project in addition to reducing its environmental impacts. ERD has been used to drill onshore beneath the seafloor and has eliminated the need for additional offshore structure and pipelines. The horizontal reach of the wells has improved productivity while also avoiding disturbing whale migrations in the region. The rig features a 1.5 million pound load capacity, 3000 horsepower draw-works. The top-drive drilling systems were used to transmit real time data to external locations for further evaluation. Oil and gas is also produced from a gravity-based offshore platform. It was concluded that longer wellbore are now being developed by the corporation in order to drill under the Beaufort Sea. 2 figs.

  5. New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (July 2015

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    The new records of alien species include: the red algae Antithamnionella elegans and Palisada maris-rubri, found for the first time in Israel and Greece respectively; the green alga Codium parvulum reported from Turkey (Aegean Sea; the first record of the alien sea urchin Diadema setosum in Greece; the nudibranch Goniobranchus annulatus reported from South-Eastern Aegean Sea (Greece; the opisthobranch Melibe viridis found in Lebanon; the new records of the blue spotted cornetfish Fistularia commersonii in the Alicante coast (Eastern Spain; the alien fish Siganus luridus and Siganus rivulatus in Lipsi Island, Dodecanese (Greece; the first record of Stephanolepis diaspros from the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area (western Sicily; a northward expansion of the alien pufferfish Torquigener flavimaculosus along the southeastern Aegean coasts of Turkey; and data on the occurrence of the Lessepsian immigrants Alepes djedaba, Lagocephalus sceleratus and Fistularia commersonii in Zakynthos Island (SE Ionian Sea, Greece.

  6. Screening of snoring with an MP3 recorder. (United States)

    Kreivi, Hanna-Riikka; Salmi, Tapani; Maasilta, Paula; Bachour, Adel


    Snoring patients seeking medical assistance represent a wide range of clinical and sleep study findings from nonsleepy nonapneic snoring to severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The prevalence of snoring is high and it significantly impacts quality of life. Its objective diagnosis usually requires a sleep study. We developed a system to analyze snoring sounds with a Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-3 Audio (MP3) recorder device and present its value in the screening of snoring. We recorded snoring sounds during in-lab polysomnography (PSG) in 200 consecutive patients referred for a suspicion of obstructive sleep apnea. Snoring was recorded during the PSG with two microphones: one attached to the throat and the other to the ceiling; an MP3 device was attached to the patient's collar. Snoring was confirmed when the MP3 acoustic signal exceeded twice the median value of the acoustic signal for the entire recording. Results of the MP3 snoring recording were compared to the snoring recordings from the PSG. MP3 recording proved technically successful for 87% of the patients. The Pearson correlation between PSG snoring and MP3 snoring was highly significant at 0.77 (p MP3 recording device underestimated the snoring time by a mean ± SD of 32 ± 55 min. The recording of snoring with an MP3 device provides reliable information about the patient's snoring.

  7. Appliquer à grande échelle la chaîne de valeur du quinoa pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    accentue. Les ressources hydriques deviennent de plus en plus rares, une situation qui est aggravée par les effets des changements climatiques. La durabilité de l'agriculture irriguée est aussi menacée par la salinisation; environ 30 % des sols ...

  8. Hausse des taxes sur le tabac dans trois pays d'Amérique centrale ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les chercheurs mèneront des études sur la demande de produits du tabac dans le ... sur les techniques modernes de contrôle de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, ... IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau.

  9. Diversité et critères d'adoption des cultivars de maïs (Zea mays L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    République du Bénin),. Tél. 67763722 / 95246102, E-mail ... vue de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques par le développement d'une agriculture résiliente, fondée ... diversité biologique et l'utilisation durable de ses éléments.

  10. Ce que nous faisons | Page 88 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

  11. Plus vieux, plus pauvres ? Comment le partage intergénérationnel ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    agit de plus en plus de soutenir la consommation de vastes groupes de personnes âgées. Le Chili illustre bien la façon dont les changements de la structure par âge et des politiques efficaces peuvent produire de meilleurs ...

  12. 118 Variabilité climatique et son incidence sur les ressources en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    particulièrement fortes et touchent de nombreux secteurs d'activité. Le changement ... économique était basé sur l'agriculture est très sensible au contexte climatique [8,9]. ..... rupture. 3-2-6 Calcul du coefficient de tarissement : loi de Maillet.

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de développement en vue de produire un changement durable à grande échelle. Pour que le savoir devienne un outil permettant de résoudre des problèmes urgents :

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  5. : tous les projets | Page 460 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Sujet: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, NUTRITION, WATER QUALITY, WATER BORNE DISEASES, PESTICIDES. Région: China, Far East Asia, Nepal, Central Asia, South Asia. Programme: Alimentation, environnement et santé. Financement total : CA$ 500,769.00. Changements dans l'utilisation des terres et la santé ...

  6. India : tous les projets | Page 14 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

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    Sujet: CERAMICS INDUSTRY, POTTERY, AIR POLLUTION, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, INCOME GENERATION. Région: Asia, India, South and Central Asia. Programme: Alimentation, environnement et santé. Financement total : CA$ 300,000.00. Les liens entre les changements dans l'utilisation des terres et la santé ...

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    Language English. Read more about Sécurité alimentaire et changements climatiques au Cambodge. Language French. Read more about Food Security and Climate Change in Cambodia. Language English. Read more about Diaspora Impact on the Capacity for Recovery from Conflict and Crisis. Language English ...

  12. Radiation exposure records management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boiter, H.P.


    Management of individual radiation exposure records begins at employment with the accumulation of data pertinent to the individual and any previous occupational radiation exposure. Appropriate radiation monitorinng badges or devices are issued and accountability established. A computer master file is initiated to include the individual's name, payroll number, social security number, birth date, assigned department, and location. From this base, a radiation exposure history is accumulated to include external ionizing radiation exposure to skin and whole body, contributing neutron exposure, contributing tritium exposure, and extremity exposure. It is used also to schedule bioassay sampling and in-vivo counts and to provide other pertinent information. The file is used as a basis for providing periodic reports to management and monthly exposure summaries to departmental line supervision to assist in planning work so that individual annual exposures are kept as low as practical. Radiation exposure records management also includes documentation of radiation surveys performed by the health physicist to establish working rates and the individual estimating and recording his estimated exposure on a day-to-day basis. Exposure information is also available to contribute to Energy Research and Development Administration statistics and to the National Transuranium Registry

  13. 22 CFR 226.46 - Procurement records. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Procurement records. 226.46 Section 226.46 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION OF ASSISTANCE AWARDS TO U.S. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Post-award Requirements Procurement Standards § 226.46 Procurement records...

  14. 17 CFR 41.2 - Required records. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Required records. 41.2 Section 41.2 Commodity and Securities Exchanges COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION SECURITY FUTURES PRODUCTS General Provisions § 41.2 Required records. A designated contract market or registered derivatives...

  15. 76 FR 75421 - Managing Government Records (United States)


    ... redundant efforts, to save money, and to share knowledge within and across their organizations. In these... current plans for improving or maintaining its records management program, particularly with respect to managing electronic records, including email and social media, deploying cloud-based services or storage...

  16. 40 CFR 265.73 - Operating record. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 25 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Operating record. 265.73 Section 265.73 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) SOLID WASTES (CONTINUED... FACILITIES Manifest System, Recordkeeping, and Reporting § 265.73 Operating record. (a) The owner or operator...

  17. Linking Health Records for Federated Query Processing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewri Rinku


    Full Text Available A federated query portal in an electronic health record infrastructure enables large epidemiology studies by combining data from geographically dispersed medical institutions. However, an individual’s health record has been found to be distributed across multiple carrier databases in local settings. Privacy regulations may prohibit a data source from revealing clear text identifiers, thereby making it non-trivial for a query aggregator to determine which records correspond to the same underlying individual. In this paper, we explore this problem of privately detecting and tracking the health records of an individual in a distributed infrastructure. We begin with a secure set intersection protocol based on commutative encryption, and show how to make it practical on comparison spaces as large as 1010 pairs. Using bigram matching, precomputed tables, and data parallelism, we successfully reduced the execution time to a matter of minutes, while retaining a high degree of accuracy even in records with data entry errors. We also propose techniques to prevent the inference of identifier information when knowledge of underlying data distributions is known to an adversary. Finally, we discuss how records can be tracked utilizing the detection results during query processing.

  18. Teaching Electronic Health Record Communication Skills. (United States)

    Palumbo, Mary Val; Sandoval, Marie; Hart, Vicki; Drill, Clarissa


    This pilot study investigated nurse practitioner students' communication skills when utilizing the electronic health record during history taking. The nurse practitioner students (n = 16) were videotaped utilizing the electronic health record while taking health histories with standardized patients. The students were videotaped during two separate sessions during one semester. Two observers recorded the time spent (1) typing and talking, (2) typing only, and (3) looking at the computer without talking. Total history taking time, computer placement, and communication skills were also recorded. During the formative session, mean history taking time was 11.4 minutes, with 3.5 minutes engaged with the computer (30.6% of visit). During the evaluative session, mean history taking time was 12.4 minutes, with 2.95 minutes engaged with the computer (24% of visit). The percentage of time individuals spent changed over the two visits: typing and talking, -3.1% (P = .3); typing only, +12.8% (P = .038); and looking at the computer, -9.6% (P = .039). This study demonstrated that time spent engaged with the computer during a patient encounter does decrease with student practice and education. Therefore, students benefit from instruction on electronic health record-specific communication skills, and use of a simple mnemonic to reinforce this is suggested.

  19. Ethics of medical records and professional communications. (United States)

    Recupero, Patricia R


    In child and adolescent psychiatry, medical records and professional communications raise important ethical concerns for the treating or consulting clinician. Although a distinction may be drawn between internal records (eg, medical records and psychotherapy notes) and external communications (eg, consultation reports and correspondence with pediatricians), several ethical principles apply to both types of documentation; however, specific considerations may vary, depending upon the context in which the records or communications were produced. Special care is due with regard to thoroughness and honesty, collaboration and cooperation, autonomy and dignity of the patient, confidentiality of the patient and family members, maintaining objectivity and neutrality, electronic communications media, and professional activities (eg, political advocacy). This article reviews relevant ethical concerns for child and adolescent psychiatrists with respect to medical records and professional communications, drawing heavily from forensic and legal sources, and offers additional recommendations for further reading for clarification and direction on ethical dilemmas.

  20. Electronic health records to facilitate clinical research


    Cowie, Martin R.; Blomster, Juuso I.; Curtis, Lesley H.; Duclaux, Sylvie; Ford, Ian; Fritz, Fleur; Goldman, Samantha; Janmohamed, Salim; Kreuzer, J?rg; Leenay, Mark; Michel, Alexander; Ong, Seleen; Pell, Jill P.; Southworth, Mary Ross; Stough, Wendy Gattis


    Electronic health records (EHRs) provide opportunities to enhance patient care, embed performance measures in clinical practice, and facilitate clinical research. Concerns have been raised about the increasing recruitment challenges in trials, burdensome and obtrusive data collection, and uncertain generalizability of the results. Leveraging electronic health records to counterbalance these trends is an area of intense interest. The initial applications of electronic health records, as the pr...