
Sample records for rare works emprego

  1. Apontamentos para o debate sobre o pleno emprego no Brasil

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    Fernando Augusto Mansor de Mattos


    Full Text Available RESUMOEste artigo analisa a evolução dos indicadores de emprego e de desemprego na economia brasileira desde o início dos anos 2000 até os dados referentes a 2012, tomando como referências teóricas a formulação de Keynes sobre o desemprego involuntário e também os estudos sobre a dinâmica das relações entre setor formal e setor informal dos mercados de trabalho formulados por autores ligados ao Prealc. O artigo apresenta um exercício econométrico (que teve por base a função emprego de Keynes explicada pelo Princípio da Demanda Efetiva que revela que o crescimento do emprego é uma função positiva do crescimento econômico. Dados adicionais mostram que, a despeito do crescimento da ocupação e da formalização do emprego ocorrida no período, com consequente queda da taxa de desemprego para patamares historicamente baixos, a economia brasileira não conseguiu, segundo as referências teóricas adotadas, atingir o pleno emprego ao final do período analisado, devido à persistência de parcela expressiva de mão de obra subutilizada no mercado de trabalho.


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    Ralfo Matos


    Full Text Available O presente estudo investiga a evolução do emprego formal entre 2005 e 2015 no conjunto de municípios que compõe a região Sudeste, espaço que responde por mais de 50% do emprego e do PIB do Brasil. A análise combinada dos dados disponíveis no CAGED e na RAIS evidencia o encolhimento do mercado formal de trabalho em 2015, e de forma mais expressiva nos municípios de maior porte demográfico. Entretanto, a despeito da intensificação da crise econômica a partir de 2013, no período 2013-2015, centenas de outros municípios tradicionalmente mais frágeis economicamente não vivenciaram a severidade do impacto da crise no emprego, muitos deles localizados nas áreas setentrionais da região, as que se assemelham com a região Nordeste do Brasil, espaços nos quais foram maiores os impactos das ações das políticas sociais dos últimos governos.

  3. Poder, emprego e política econômica

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    Full Text Available resumo A discussão sobre o crescimento econômico e o emprego no Brasil está bloqueada por uma teoria importada, baseada nas "taxas naturais" de emprego, ideia criada por Friedman que hoje invade a teoria econômica no mundo. Essa visão equivocada está impondo ao país uma brutal recessão com crescimento do desemprego e queda na produção agregada sem qualquer sucesso naquilo que se propõe: recuperar uma credibilidade metafísica por parte das empresas. Trata-se de uma questão de poder político de um determinado grupo social que hoje extravasa os partidos políticos.

  4. Um paradoxo da globalizacao: a competitividade e o fim do emprego


    Marcolino, Luciano Nakad


    Apresenta a discussão sobre um paradoxo da globalização: a Competitividade e o Fim do Emprego, com teorias, e cases de empresas que atuam num, cenário de competição global. Aborda o impacto da Tecnologia microeletrônica nas empresas e no emprego. Questiona a validade da Reengenharia e apresenta uma visão estratégica para o futuro. O cenário é caracterizado pela informática e as telecomunicações que encolheram o mundo com economias de livre mercado. Aborda a transformação rápida da natureza...

  5. Energia eólica, geração de empregos e desenvolvimento sustentável

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    Moana Simas


    Full Text Available A energia eólica no Brasil passou por um período de lento crescimento, porém, os projetos contratados nos últimos três anos deverão quintuplicar a capacidade instalada. É a tecnologia limpa que mais tem crescido na última década, trazendo benefícios ambientais e sociais para diversos países. Nosso trabalho buscou quantificar a geração de empregos diretos e indiretos pela energia eólica no país. Até 2020, serão gerados 195 mil empregos, e 70% desses são diretos, a maioria na construção civil, com grande potencial para a criação de empregos em localidades rurais. Assim, a energia eólica deverá contribuir decisivamente para o desenvolvimento sustentável do país.Wind power development in Brazil has experienced a long period of slow growth; however, projects contracted over the last three years might increase the current installed capacity by fivefold. This was the fastest growing clean energy technology over the last decade, bringing environmental and social benefits to several countries. Our work has determined direct and indirect job creation potential due to indigenous wind power deployment. About 195,000 jobs will be created up to 2020, out of which 70% direct, and most of them in construction, which has great local job creation potential. Therefore, wind power plays a major role in the sustainable development of the country.

  6. Impacto da alfabetização de adultos sobre salário e emprego


    Rocha, Maúna Soares de Baldini; Ponczek, Vladimir Pinheiro


    Neste trabalho apresentamos evidência sobre os efeitos da alfabetização de adultos na renda e probabilidade de empregos dos indivíduos. Os dados longitudinais disponibilizados pela Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego (PME) permitem controlar os efeitos fixos não-observáveis dos indivíduos gerando uma estimação mais robusta e consistente dos efeitos analisados. De modo geral, os resultados deste trabalho indicam retorno de 9,3% em rendimentos para indivíduos que se alfabetizam. Mostramos...

  7. Emprego dos gangliosidos do cortex cerebral nas neuropatias perifericas

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    James Pitagoras De Mattos


    Full Text Available Os autores registram a experiência pessoal com o emprego de gangliosídios do cortex cerebral nas neuropatias periféricas. O ensaio clínico e eletromiográfico revelou-se eficaz em 30 dos 40 casos tratados. Enfatizam os melhores resultados em casos de paralisias faciais periféricas.

  8. Conceito de parceria: três projectos locais de promoção do emprego

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    Tiago Carrilho


    Full Text Available Neste estudo analisam-se as práticas de parceria em três projectos de promoção do emprego. Define-se parceria como o processo através do qual dois ou mais actores se relacionam na base de pressupostos-chave que têm tradução na dinâmica subjacente a determinado projecto. Nos projectos analisados, À Medida, Formart e Le Cheile, o trabalho em parceria traduz-se no envolvimento dos agentes institucionais na disponibilização de recursos, na articulação das tarefas e nas mudanças organizacionais. Esta base permite a promoção local do emprego numa perspectiva de maior integração social.This study analyzes partnership practices in three job promotion projects. Partnership is defined as a process in which two or more actors are associated on the basis of key assumptions which are reflected in the underlying dynamics of a given project. For the three projects analyzed, À Medida, Formart and Le Cheile, partnership work emerges in institutional actors' involvement in making resources available, in task co-ordination and in organizational change. This foundation makes it possible to promote employment within a wider scheme aimed at achieving social inclusion.

  9. Emprego Industrial no Brasil: Análise de Curto e Longo Prazos

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    Gonzaga Gustavo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é estimar os parâmetros do modelo dinâmico de demanda por trabalho com os dados da PIM/IBGE entre janeiro de 1985 e agosto de 1999. Trabalha-se com uma equação de ajustamento parcial do emprego industrial, contendo como variáveis explicativas o produto e o custo salarial real médio. Como há sinais de que as variáveis analisadas são não-estacionárias, estima-se também uma relação de co-integração e o modelo de vetor de correção de erros (VECM correspondente. Os procedimentos para a estimação da matriz de co-integração e do VECM levam em conta as restrições impostas pela equação de Euler do modelo linear quadrático, conforme demonstrado em Dolado et alii (1991. As estimativas da elasticidade produto do emprego no curto prazo se situam entre 0,025 e 0,037, enquanto a elasticidade custo salarial do emprego no curto prazo se situa entre zero e -0,026. Já no longo prazo, os resultados são mais dispersos, dependendo da especificação utilizada.

  10. Produto interno bruto, emprego e renda do macrossetor da construção civil paranaense em 2006

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    Ricardo Kureski

    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os multiplicadores de emprego e renda, direto, indireto e induzido para a economia do estado do Paraná, dando ênfase à indústria da Construção Civil. O primeiro passo para a realização do trabalho foi estimar a matriz de insumo-produto do estado do Paraná para 2006, por meio do método RAS. Na sequência, obteve-se o Produto Interno Bruto do macro-setor da Construção Civil ─ cerca de 8,07% do PIB do estado. Também foram estimados os volumes de emprego e renda direto e indireto induzido. Os resultados apontaram que o consumo final da indústria da Construção Civil gera 423,5 mil empregos, no valor de 2.418 milhões de reais de renda do trabalho.

  11. POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS DE EMPREGO NO BRASIL: apontamentos entre a Era Vargas e o Neoliberalismo

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    Leonardo de Araujo e Mota


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a partir dos anos 1930, com a criação do Ministério do Trabalho, Indústria e Comércio e a elaboração da legislação trabalhista, o mercado de trabalho brasileiro regulamentou-se com a criação das leis de proteção ao trabalhador, conferindo ao Estado o objetivo de inserção do trabalhador na organização das políticas de emprego. A partir dos anos 1990, porém, evidenciou-se a redução da intervenção do Estado nas relações capital-trabalho, explicação possível para a limitação de políticas públicas de geração de emprego e renda. Este artigo tem como objetivo efetuar uma síntese sócio-histórica das políticas de emprego no Brasil comparando a Era Vargas ao Neoliberalismo, considerando as relações capital-trabalho na perspectiva da intervenção do Estado, das mudanças tecnológicas, dos cenários macroeconômicos e da organização da produção no mundo do trabalho contemporâneo. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi o método de pesquisa utilizado, tendo como referências livros, artigos e publicações em meio digital. Concluiu-se que, embora políticas de emprego ainda existam e tenham como finalidade criar condições favoráveis de acesso ao mercado de trabalho para os trabalhadores, o Estado neoliberal tornou-se refém de conjunturas macroeconômicas cada vez mais competitivas em nível global para a criação de novos postos de trabalho, fato que precipita os trabalhadores em empregos cada vez mais precários, flexíveis e de baixa remuneração.

  12. Evolução setorial do emprego nas mesorregiões paranaenses

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    Diego Camargo Botassio


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento do emprego formal das mesorregiões do estado do Paraná, no período de 2007 a 2013, buscando observar o desempenho de todas as mesorregiões e os setores econômicos que mais se destacaram. Evidencia-se a escolha dos anos visto que, em períodos de crise, o emprego é uma das variáveis macroeconômicas afetadas, já que, o período analisado neste trabalho,  abarca a maior crise econômica após 1929. A metodologia utilizada é a análise shift-share, um método utilizado para ressaltar setores e regiões levando em consideração vantagens diferenciais (locacionais e estruturais (produtivas quando comparadas a uma região universo. Os resultados apontaram que as regiões Sudoeste e Centro Sul foram as regiões que apresentaram maiores crescimentos relativos do emprego formal. Os resultados setoriais para o estado indicaram que a indústria de calçados e a construção civil foram os setores mais dinâmicos. As mesorregiões Norte Pioneiro, Centro Oriental, Sudeste e Centro Ocidental foram as regiões menos dinâmicas apresentando desvantagens estruturais e diferenciais. Majoritariamente, grande parte das mesorregiões apresentaram maiores vantagens estruturais no setor da construção civil (oito das dez  regiões. Houve bastante diversificação quanto à componente diferencial, o que indica que as regiões são muito heterogêneas entre si em questões locacionais. Por fim, destaca-se a importância da análise proposta neste trabalho, visto que conhecer o perfil de uma região é de extrema importância para construir uma agenda de políticas públicas.

  13. Primeiro emprego: como treinar o enfermeiro recém-graduado

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    Renata Aparecida Belei


    Full Text Available Os autores da pesquisa baseados em informaçõesde enfermeiros recémgraduados e dados da literatura, propõem uma sistemática de treinamento para o recém-formado em seu primeiro emprego, que pode ser utilizada pela instituição empregadora, com a finalidade de diminuir as ansiedades dos profissionais de enfermagem no início de suas carreiras.

  14. Produto interno bruto, emprego e renda do macrossetor da construção civil paranaense em 2006




    Este artigo apresenta os multiplicadores de emprego e renda, direto, indireto e induzido para a economia do estado do Paraná, dando ênfase à indústria da Construção Civil. O primeiro passo para a realização do trabalho foi estimar a matriz de insumo-produto do estado do Paraná para 2006, por meio do método RAS. Na sequência, obteve-se o Produto Interno Bruto do macro-setor da Construção Civil ─ cerca de 8,07% do PIB do estado. Também foram estimados os volumes de emprego e renda direto ...

  15. Mudança tecnológica e qualidade do emprego nas telecomunicações Technological change and quality of employment in the telecommunications

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    Daniel Gustavo Mocelin


    Full Text Available O ambiente empresarial das telecomunicações se caracteriza por ser um meio onde as empresas e os trabalhadores lidam com mudanças frequentes. No caso das empresas, tais mudanças são tecnológicas e de mercado; no caso dos trabalhadores, as mudanças seriam na rotina e no conteúdo do trabalho. Este artigo teve dois objetivos articulados: primeiro, analisar o contexto das operadoras de telefonia móvel celular com a intenção de identificar elementos que implicam a caracterização dos empregos, bem como o perfil dos trabalhadores; segundo, analisar como se expressa a qualidade do emprego nas operadoras, a partir da conjugação entre as características dos empregos e o perfil sócio-ocupacional dos trabalhadores. Na primeira parte do artigo discorre-se sobre o desenvolvimento sociohistórico do segmento de telefonia móvel celular a fim de caracterizar o ambiente empresarial analisado. Observou-se o quanto essas empresas passam por mudanças, especialmente em termos tecnológicos e de mercado. Na segunda parte, procedeu-se a uma avaliação da qualidade do emprego nas operadoras, destacando o modelo organizacional, as exigências dos empregos, o perfil da mão-de-obra, a qualificação dos empregados, sua faixa etária, a participação por sexo. No que se refere às condições de emprego, observou-se instrumentos para motivar, atrair e reter os trabalhadores.The telecommunications business sector is a field where companies and employees deal with frequent changes. The companies face technological and market changes; while the workers deal with changes in the routine and the content of the work. This article has two goals: first, to analyze the context of the mobile telephony companies to identify elements that involve the nature of the jobs, as well as the profile of the employees; and second, to examine how the quality of employment is characterized in the companies, through the combination of the jobs' attributes and the socio

  16. Criação e Destruição de Empregos no Setor Primário no Brasil entre 2000 e 2009

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    Flavio Kaue Fiuza-Moura

    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar a variação de emprego no setor primário nos anos 2000-2009 para o Brasil. Utiliza-se a metodologia de insumo-produto por meio da decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego em efeitos intensidade, tecnologia, estrutura da demanda final, volume da demanda final e efeito total. Os principais resultados mostraram que, no período de análise, houve decréscimo de 773 mil vagas para o setor primário. Conclui-se que os subsetores de agricultura, silvicultura e exploração florestal, e pecuária e pesca foram os principais responsáveis pela queda do emprego por meio do efeito de intensidade. No efeito total, conclui-se que houve aumento significativo de vagas de trabalho nos subsetores de petróleo e gás natural (170% e minério de ferro (96%; porém, não suficiente para resultar em variação positiva no saldo total, dado que a participação destes setores é pouco expressiva no total de vagas de emprego do setor primário.

  17. O emprego no Brasil urbano nos anos 2000: recuperação e reconfiguração

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    Ângela Maria Carvalho Borges


    Full Text Available O trabalho investiga o comportamento e o perfil do emprego no mercado de trabalho do Brasil urbano nos anos 2000, considerandoas diferenças regionais. Explorando os microdados da PNAD, após traçar um rápido panorama do mercado de trabalho neste período,se analisa o perfil da expansão dos postos de trabalho assalariados edo emprego no setor público depois de 2003. Discute essa recuperação como uma mudança que não se limita a um simples efeito da melhoria do quadro macroeconômico, mas que também embute um processo de reconfiguração deste segmento do mercado de trabalho brasileiro.

  18. Working hours, work-life conflict and health in precarious and "permanent" employment

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    Philip Bohle


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The expansion of precarious employment in OECD countries has been widely associated with negative health and safety effects. Although many shiftworkers are precariously employed, shiftwork research has concentrated on full-time workers in continuing employment. This paper examines the impact of precarious employment on working hours, work-life conflict and health by comparing casual employees to full-time, "permanent" employees working in the same occupations and workplaces. METHODS: Thirty-nine convergent interviews were conducted in two five-star hotels. The participants included 26 full-time and 13 casual (temporary employees. They ranged in age from 19 to 61 years and included 17 females and 22 males. Working hours ranged from zero to 73 hours per week. RESULTS: Marked differences emerged between the reports of casual and full-time employees about working hours, work-life conflict and health. Casuals were more likely to work highly irregular hours over which they had little control. Their daily and weekly working hours ranged from very long to very short according to organisational requirements. Long working hours, combined with low predictability and control, produced greater disruption to family and social lives and poorer work-life balance for casuals. Uncoordinated hours across multiple jobs exacerbated these problems in some cases. Health-related issues reported to arise from work-life conflict included sleep disturbance, fatigue and disrupted exercise and dietary regimes. CONCLUSIONS:This study identified significant disadvantages of casual employment. In the same hotels, and doing largely the same jobs, casual employees had less desirable and predictable work schedules, greater work-life conflict and more associated health complaints than "permanent" workers.OBJETIVOS: O crescimento do número de empregos precários em países da OECD está largamente associado a efeitos negativos à saúde e segurança. Embora muitos

  19. O emprego táctico dos UAVS, em proveito da aquisição de objectivos, na Artilharia de Campanha


    Imperial, Nuno


    O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada versa sobre o emprego táctico dos Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), nas operações militares e a sua actuação em proveito da Aquisição de Objectivos (AqObj), na Artilharia de Campanha (AC). Os objectivos principais da investigação são: explicar a forma mais vantajosa do emprego táctico dos UAVs, para esse fim, e demonstrar que a AC pode ser a Entidade Primariamente Responsável pela futura Unidade de UAVs no Exército....

  20. Decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego nos setores industriais no brasil entre os anos de 2000 e 2009

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    Carina Diane Nakatani-Macedo


    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar a variação de emprego nos setores industriais nos anos 2000-2009 para o Brasil. Utiliza-se a metodologia de insumo-pro­duto, através da decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego em efeitos de intensidade, de tecnologia, da demanda, do crescimento e total. Os principais resultados mostraram que entre os dois períodos estudados, houve um acréscimo de 4,39 milhões de vagas para o setor industrial que isoladamente foi responsável por, aproximadamente, 25% do resultado nacional. Dentre os efeitos estudados pode-se destacar o efeito crescimento e intensidade como principal responsável pelos resultados. Ao considerar o efeito total, os setores que apresentaram maior crescimento relativo no número de empregos foram os de alimentos e bebidas, artigos do vestuário e acessórios e construção civil. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que houve um aumento do número de postos de trabalho para a indústria no Brasil no período analisado, onde a tecnologia, apesar de não explicar unicamente o efeito crescimento, mostra impactos positivos na geração de emprego no efeito total.

  1. Sistemas de emprego, estratégias de gestão e instituições do trabalho Employment systems: workplace human resources management strategies and labor institutions

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    David Marsden


    Full Text Available O artigo sublinha a importância do estudo da dinâmica da relação de emprego para o entendimento das mudanças recentes tanto na gestão de recursos humanos no mercado de trabalho, como nas instituições sindicais. A relação de emprego é uma instituição socioeconômica que deve satisfazer os interesses daqueles que a adotam, sejam firmas, sejam trabalhadores. Na primeira parte, examina-se a estrutura da relação de emprego e os requerimentos para a sua viabilidade. Nas duas partes seguintes, procura-se mostrar como o entendimento antes estabelecido afeta a compreensão da dinâmica de diferentes tipos de sistemas de gestão de recursos humanos nos locais de trabalho e como ele impõe um novo foco à abordagem das instituições sindicais, e assim, ao fazê-lo, explora-se como aplicar essa linha de análise ao estudo de formas de emprego emergentes, como o "emprego baseado em projeto", o qual, à primeira vista, poderia ser entendido como um desafio aos fundamentos da relação de emprego.The article argues that we need to pay more attention to the dynamics of the employment relationship if we are to understand current developments in labour markets human resource management, and labour institutions. The employment relationship is a socio-economic institution which has to satisfy the joint requirements of those who adopt it, both firms and workers. In the first section of the paper, I examine the structure of the employment relationship and the requirements that it must satisfy in order to be viable. In the next two sections, I trace out how this view affects our understanding of the dynamics of different kinds of human resource management systems at the workplace level, how it should refocus our approach to labour institutions, and in doing so, I also explore how the analysis can be applied to some of the emerging employment patterns, such as "project-based" employment, which at first sight might appear to challenge its foundations.

  2. Condição de exportação e emprego formal na indústria brasileira, 2003-2008*

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    Cassiano José Bezerra Marques Trovão


    Full Text Available A recomposição da base produtiva brasileira, após a década 1990, ocorreu em um contexto de economia aberta e exposta à maior concorrência internacional, muitas vezes estabelecida em condições desfavoráveis, mas caracterizada por maior inserção externa da indústria brasileira. Este ensaio analisa os efeitos desse contexto econômico para a geração de empregos no setor industrial, segundo a condição de inserção das empresas no mercado internacional. Busca elucidar se a inserção externa das empresas está associada a perfis ocupacionais mais favoráveis em termos de qualificação e estabilidade do emprego. Os resultados confirmam que a continuidade da trajetória de crescimento com inserção externa representa um vetor relevante para maior qualificação da força de trabalho.

  3. Nacionalidade das empresas e fluxo de empregos: evidências da indústria brasileira de transformação

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    Luiz A. Esteves


    Full Text Available A segunda metade da década de 90 é um período caracterizado por um grande aumento dos investimentos (e desinvestimentos externos no Brasil. Essa mudança estrutural da economia brasileira é a motivação para este estudo, cujo objetivo é analisar o efeito da nacionalidade das empresas sobre o fluxo de empregos industrial. Trata-se de um tema sobre o qual há pouca evidência, mesmo para países desenvolvidos, embora não seja raro considerar as empresas estrangeiras como mais 'voláteis' que as empresas domésticas. Usando dados da RAIS e de outras bases e uma amostra de empresas domésticas e estrangeiras, comparamos várias medidas de fluxos de empregos nos dois tipos de empresas. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho sugerem não haver diferenças significativas nos fluxos de empregos das empresas domésticas e estrangeiras.The late 1990s in Brazil are a period characterized by a large increase in foreign direct investment inflows (and outflows. This process motivates the present study about job flows in domestic and foreign firms. Although foreign firms tend to be considered more 'footloose' than domestic firms, there is very little evidence on this difference, even for developed countries. Using data from RAIS, a large matched employer-employee panel, and other data sets and a sample of foreign and domestic firms, we compare different measures of job flows across the two types of firms. We do not find evidence of job flows' differences between domestic and foreign firms.

  4. TRABALHO, EMPREGO, PRECARIEDADE: dimensões conceituais em debate

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    Francisco Beckenkamp Vargas

    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir conceitualmente a noção de precariedade do trabalho, tendo em vista que ela é amplamente utilizada na sociologia, sem que um significado preciso seja formulado. Propõe-se uma abordagem relacional e construtivista, que procura articular as condições objetivas e subjetivas de produção do fenômeno em questão. Para tanto, parte-se do debate sobre o conceito de trabalho, a fim de melhor definir em que consiste sua precariedade. Argumenta-se, igualmente, a necessidade de situar esse debate no âmbito de quadros teóricos mais amplos de interpretação sociológica. Identificam-se duas dimensões cruciais na análise da precariedade do trabalho, a relação de emprego ou trabalho e a atividade laboral propriamente dita, discutindo-se exemplarmente as perspectivas teóricas de dois autores franceses especialmente interessados nesse tema: Robert Castel e Serge Paugam. Finalmente, discutem-se algumas implicações desse debate para a realidade brasileira, sustentando-se a importância de dar um tratamento multidimensional ao fenômeno.

  5. Juventude e Perspectivas de Futuro: A Orientação Profissional no Programa Primeiro Emprego

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    Nadia Rocha Veriguine

    Full Text Available Este artigo relata a experiência de Orientação Profissional realizada a partir dos pressupostos da Psicologia Sócio-Histórica junto a um grupo de quinze jovens com idades entre dezoito e vinte e quatro anos, pertencentes ao Programa Primeiro Emprego de uma empresa de economia mista, do estado de Santa Catarina. A intervenção objetivou compreender o processo de escolha ocupacional/profissional de jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade social, contribuindo para a ampliação do rol de perspectivas futuras de trabalho (e dos modos de vida desses jovens. Foram realizadas três oficinas de quatro horas de duração e uma entrevista integrativa individual. A partir das reflexões propostas, alguns participantes teceram projetos relacionados a continuar os estudos com cursos técnicos e/ou universitários, outros buscaram mais informações sobre possibilidades imediatas de emprego e renda e um grupo específico evidenciou o impacto da realidade social em que vive ao manifestar o desejo de evitar um futuro de fome, violências, mortes e guerras. A realização do trabalho com esse público de uma realidade socioeconômica desfavorecida e em um contexto de política pública evidencia a amplitude de possibilidades de intervenção e de pesquisa possíveis a orientação profissional sob uma perspectiva social.

  6. Diferenças de género no conflito trabalho-família: um estudo com famílias portuguesas de duplo-emprego com filhos em idade pré-escolar


    Matias, Marisa; Andrade, Cláudia; Fontaine, Anne Marie


    Portugal apresenta uma crescente participação feminina no mercado de trabalho, levando a que o modelo familiar de um único elemento a trabalhar fora de casa tenha perdido expressão. Actualmente, as famílias de duplo-emprego ultrapassam em número as famílias com um único emprego, pelo que homens e mulheres debatem-se com as novas exigências do seu trabalho e da sua família. Assim, as responsabilidades do trabalho profissional, tarefas domésticas e cuidado dos filhos não se confinam mais à divi...

  7. O emprego de vírgula em construções causais e explicativas do português

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    Eliane Mourão


    Full Text Available No quadro tradicional dos estudos da linguagem, a distinção entre orações coordenadas explicativas e subordinadas adverbiais causais determina o emprego de vírgula. Todavia, o quadro tradicional não fornece critérios que permitam diferenciar com o rigor necessário os dois tipos de oração. Trabalhamos com a hipótese de que isso se deve ao fato de esses critérios privilegiarem a estrutura sintática das orações, ignorando sua participação na organização textual. Desse modo, buscando compreender as condições de emprego dos sinais de pontuação com as construções do português brasileiro tradicionalmente denominadas coordenadas explicativas e subordinadas adverbiais causais, examinamos essas construções do ponto de vista do quadro da gramática funcional, em que fatores formais e textuais se associam na explicação dos fatos linguísticos. Valemo-nos principalmente de estudo realizado por Neves (1999 para estabelecermos as variáveis que deveriam compor nossa investigação. Examinamos qualitativa e quantitativamente dados das orações focalizadas extraídos das revistas Veja e Piauí. Distinguimos quatro padrões oracionais, aos quais se associa, como elemento caracterizador, o emprego de vírgula. In the traditional framework of language studies, the distinction between independent explanatory clauses and result clauses determines the use of comma. However, the traditional framework does not provide criteria which enable distinguishing these two types of clauses with adequate precision. We raise the hypothesis that this happens due to the fact that these criteria privilege the syntactic structure of the clauses, disregarding its participation in textual organization. Therefore, trying to comprehend the issues related to the use of punctuation marks in the Brazilian Portuguese structures traditionally called result clauses and independent explanatory clauses, we analyzed these clauses from the perspective provided by

  8. Crise do trabalho hoje: desenvolvimento tecnológico, instabilidade do emprego e crise do capitalismo

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    Maurilio Lima Botelho


    Full Text Available O artigo procura retomar o tema da crise do trabalho discutindo três dimensões: o papel do desenvolvimento tecnológico na eliminação de postos de trabalho; a constante transformação nos processos produtivos que cria instabilidade no emprego e a improdutividade progressiva da força de trabalho mundial. Essas reflexões são a base para uma discussão mais ampla sobre a crise da sociedade do trabalho, isto é, a contradição estrutural que enfrentamos hoje de uma sociedade que tornou o trabalho como mecanismo básico de socialização, mas mobiliza todos os meios para eliminá-lo.

  9. Um guia de recomendações para o emprego de dados multimídia em sites web


    Correa, Rodrigo Stéfani


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação. Com a evolução do suporte tecnológico da Web/Internet, surgiram diversos sites web multimídia. Atualmente existem poucos trabalhos voltados à orientação dos desenvolvedores quanto ao uso adequado dos dados multimídia. Este trabalho propõe um guia de recomendações para o emprego de dados multimídia para auxiliar o projeto de sites web. Para alcançar os obj...

  10. Redes de relações sociais e acesso ao emprego entre os jovens: o discurso da meritocracia em questão Social networks and access to employment among youths: questioning the meritocracy discourse

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    Mariléia Maria da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consiste em analisar a trajetória de inserção profissional dos egressos do ensino superior, enfatizando as formas de acesso empregadas pelos jovens para alcançar um emprego, relacionando-as às redes de relações sociais. O discurso em voga, sobretudo proveniente dos arautos das agências de consultoria de recursos humanos, enfatiza o aumento da qualificação como antídoto contra o desemprego. O estudo se pauta nos dados obtidos para elaboração de tese de doutorado. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam três modos predominantes de acesso ao emprego: "intermédio da família", "intermédio dos amigos" e "concurso público". Nesse sentido, a garantia de estabilidade no emprego representada pelo ingresso no setor público e as formas particularistas são as que se destacam, o que contraria o discurso da excelência da competitividade como fator determinante na conquista e permanência no emprego.This paper analyzes the professional insertion trajectory of graduation and post-graduation students. It traces the ways followed by youths to have access to employment and associates them to social networks. The discourse in vogue, which mainly comes from human resources consultation agencies, stresses qualification as an antidote against unemployment. This study is based on an analysis of the data obtained to elaborate a PhD thesis, whose results point out three predominant ways to have access to employment: "family", "friends" and "civil service exams". Thus, the guaranty of employment stability represented by the admission in civil services and particularistic ways stand out, which contradicts the discourse on the excellence of competitiveness as a determinant factor to conquer and keep an employment.

  11. Rare earth sulfates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komissarova, L.N.; Shatskij, V.M.; Pokrovskij, A.N.; Chizhov, S.M.; Bal'kina, T.I.; Suponitskij, Yu.L.


    Results of experimental works on the study of synthesis conditions, structure and physico-chemical properties of rare earth, scandium and yttrium sulfates, have been generalized. Phase diagrams of solubility and fusibility, thermodynamic and crystallochemical characteristics, thermal stability of hydrates and anhydrous sulfates of rare earths, including normal, double (with cations of alkali and alkaline-earth metals), ternary and anion-mixed sulfates of rare earths, as well as their adducts, are considered. The state of ions of rare earths, scandium and yttrium in aqueous sulfuric acid solutions is discussed. Data on the use of rare earth sulfates are given

  12. Zebra: searching for rare diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dragusin, Radu; Petcu, Paula; Lioma, Christina


    disease diagnostic hypotheses in the domain of medical IR. In this work, we build upon an existing vertical medical search engine, Zebra, that is focused on rare disease diagnosis. In previous work, Zebra has been evaluated using real-life medical cases of rare and difficult diseases, and has been found...

  13. Qualidade do emprego e condições de vida dos empregados assalariados rurais agrícolas e não agrícolas das mesorregiões mais e menos modernizadas do Estado de Minas Gerais : um estudo entre os anos 2000 a 2010


    Gandolfi, Maria Raquel Caixeta


    Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir com os estudos em torno da qualidade do emprego e condições de vida da força de trabalho residente no setor rural das Mesorregiões de Minas Gerais, especificamente, o empregado assalariado. O recorte compreende as Mesorregiões de Minas Gerais, separadas por mais e menos modernizadas nas culturas do café, cana-de-açúcar e milho, envolvendo os empregados e as famílias agrícolas. Considerando a queda dos empregos agrícolas ocorridos na dé...

  14. O efeito Salieri: O sindicalismo perante as desigualdades entre mulheres e homens no emprego

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    Virgínia Ferreira


    Full Text Available Os actuais padrões de segregação sexual do mercado de trabalho são ainda, em parte, a expressão viva de práticas excludentes e segregadoras dos sindicatos desde o começo da revolução industrial. Estes padrões começaram a desenhar-se a partir da aceitação do pagamento de menores salários às mulheres. Só num segundo momento os sindicatos passaram a reivindicar a igualdade salarial entre mulheres e homens como forma de defesa do emprego masculino. Numa primeira parte do texto, dá-se conta de algumas destas práticas de fechamento dos sindicatos em Portugal. Numa segunda parte, referem-se as principais linhas de mudança das orientações do movimento sindical perante as desigualdades entre os sexos no mercado de trabalho e apontam-se algumas iniciativas no âmbito da promoção da igualdade entre mulheres e homens.

  15. Rare earth octacyanomolybdates(4)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zubritskaya, D.I.; Sergeeva, A.N.; Pisak, Yu.V.


    Optimal conditions for synthesis of rare-earth octacyanomolybdates(4) of the Ln 4 [Mo(CN) 8 ] 3 xnH 2 O composition (where Ln is a rare-earth element, other than Pr, Pm, Lu, Tb) have been worked out. The synthesis has been accomplished by neutralization with octacianomolybdic acid with rare-earth carbonates. The composition and structure of the compounds synthesized have been studied by infrared-spectroscopy. It has been established that rare-earth octacyanomolybdates(4) form three isostructural groups

  16. Cinema em sala de aula: reflexões a respeito do emprego de filmes na prática docente

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    Humberto Perinelli Neto


    Full Text Available Atualmente, várias são as reflexões sobre o diálogo entre Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação e Educação. Este artigo, visa, pois, apresentar pesquisa, procurando traçar entendimento sobre o emprego de cinema em salas de aulas do Ensino Fundamental I. Por meio de método “qualiquantitativo”, traçam-se os limites e as possibilidades vinculadas à utilização escolar desse tipo de linguagem. Busca-se, assim, colaborar com a apropriação do cinema nos processos formativos educacionais baseados na autonomia pedagógica, na construção do aprendizado crítico e lúdico e na validade de propostas de ensino, caracterizadas pela inter e transdisciplinaridade.

  17. Rare events: a state of the art

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uppuluri, V.R.R.


    The study of rare events has become increasingly important in the context of nuclear safety. Some philosophical considerations, such as the framework for the definition of a rare event, rare events and science, rare events and trans-science, and rare events and public perception, are discussed. The technical work of the Task Force on problems of Rare Events in the Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Plants (1976-1978), sponsored by OECD, is reviewed. Some recent technical considerations are discussed, and conclusions are drawn. The appendix contains an essay written by Anne E. Beachey, under the title: A Study of Rare Events - Problems and Promises

  18. Rare (Earth Elements [score

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    Camilo Méndez


    Full Text Available Rare (Earth Elements is a cycle of works for solo piano. The cycle was inspired by James Dillon’s Book of Elements (Vol. I-V. The complete cycle will consist of 14 pieces; one for each selected rare (earth element. The chosen elements are Neodymium, Erbium, Tellurium, Hafnium, Tantalum, Technetium, Indium, Dysprosium, Lanthanium, Cerium, Europium, Terbium, Yttrium and Darmstadtium. These elements were selected due to their special atomic properties that in many cases make them extremely valuable for the development of new technologies, and also because of their scarcity. To date, only 4 works have been completed Yttrium, Technetium, Indium and Tellurium.

  19. Rare earth impact on glass structure and alteration kinetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molieres, E.


    This work is related to the question of the geological deep repository of high-level waste glass. These wastes include fission products and minor actinides, elements which can be simulated by rare earths. As new glass compositions could enable increased rare earth concentrations, it is crucial to know and understand rare earth impact on glass structure on the one hand, and on glass alteration kinetics or their incorporation into an altered layer. This work studied simplified borosilicate glasses in order to limit synergetic effects between rare earths and other elements. Various complementary techniques were used to characterize pristine and altered glasses (solid-high resolution NMR, Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence, SIMS, SAXS). Firstly, the structural role of a rare earth is discussed and is compared to a calcium cation. The local environment of rare earths is also probed. Secondly, rare earth (nature and concentration) impact on several alteration regimes was studied (initial rate, rate drop). Then, after alteration, rare earth elements being retained within the altered layer, the structural impact of rare earth elements (and their local environment) in this alteration layer was also investigated. (author) [fr

  20. Satisfação no serviço público: um estudo na Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego no Ceará

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    Isac de Freitas Brandão

    Full Text Available A satisfação no trabalho é vista como um aspecto que, quando presente, motiva os empregados, e afeta positivamente a produtividade destes. Nesta perspectiva, o presente estudo buscou identificar os fatores preponderantes para satisfação no trabalho na Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego (SRTE/CE, à luz da teoria bifatorial de Herzberg (1997. Foi realizada uma survey com três grupos distintos de agentes públicos: auditores fiscais do trabalho, servidores administrativos e estagiários. Os dados foram analisados por meio de métodos quantitativos e análise de conteúdo. O questionário continha uma escala de satisfação tipo Likert de cinco pontos, versando sobre o nível de satisfação dos pesquisados, com cinco fatores motivacionais e seis fatores higiênicos, além de duas perguntas abertas sobre outros aspectos relativos à satisfação ou insatisfação dos respondentes com o trabalho. Os resultados revelaram que os fatores motivacionais que predominaram na geração da satisfação nos três grupos investigados foram a realização profissional, as atividades desempenhadas e a responsabilidade atribuída. Entre os fatores higiênicos, os servidores e estagiários do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego mostraram-se mais satisfeitos, de forma geral, com a supervisão e com os relacionamentos interpessoais. Estes resultados corroboram pesquisas anteriores realizadas em outras entidades governamentais. Adicionalmente, análises de correlação e testes não paramétricos mostraram que as características do perfil do respondente podem influenciar na satisfação com alguns fatores motivacionais e higiênicos analisados.

  1. O “currículo vitae” de candidatos ao emprego público no século XVIII

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    Marta Maria Araujo


    Full Text Available Os modelos de currículos mudaram através dos tempos modernos, mas este instrumento contínua sendo uma ferramenta básica para quem busca um emprego público ou privado. Atualmente o conteúdo de um currículo é basicamente formado por: dados pessoais, formação acadêmica, qualificações profissionais, experiências de trabalho e produções em geral. No século XVIII, em Portugal e no Brasil, o conteúdo do currículo de um serventuário postulante ao cargo público de Capitão-Mor, Alferes Tenente da Fortaleza, Escrivão da Câmara, Provedor da Fazenda, dentre outros, era composto por uma apresentação dos cargos e dos postos assumidos com zelo, coragem, valentia e bravata. As transcrições foram feitas pela professora Marta Maria de Araújo e pelo Bacharel em História Thiago do Nascimento Torres de Paula, pesquisadores da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.

  2. Precipitation of the rare earth double sodium and rare earths from the sulfuric liquor and the conversion into rare earth hydroxides through meta ethic reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abreu, Renata D.; Oliveira, Ester F.; Brito, Walter de; Morais, Carlos A.


    This work presents the purification study of the rare earths through precipitation of rare earth and sodium (Na TR (SO 4 ) 2 . x H 2 O)) double sulfate and his conversion to rare earths hydroxide TR(OH) 3 by meta ethic reaction through the addition of sodium hydroxide solution to the solid double sulfate. The study used the sulfuric liquor as rare earth sample, generated in the chemical processing of the monazite with sulfuric acid by the Industrias Nucleares do Brasil - INB, Brazil, after the thorium and uranium extraction. The work investigated the influence of the main variables involved in the precipitation of Na TR(SO 4 ) 2 .xH 2 O and in the conversion for the TR(OH) 3 , as follows: type and excess of the precipitation agent, temperature and time reaction. The obtained solid composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared and chemical analysis. The double sulfate diffractogram indicated the Na TR(SO 4 ) 2 mono-hydrated. The characterization of the metatese products has shown that, for obtaining the complete conversion of NaTR(SO 4 ) 2 .H 2 O into TR(OH) 3 , the reaction must be hot processed (∼70 deg C) and with small excess of Na OH (≤ 5 percent). (author)

  3. Morbidade em candidatos a emprego na região metropolitana de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

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    Santana Vilma S.


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo transversal é avaliar o perfil de morbidade de candidatos a emprego, através de estimativas de prevalência de alterações de exames laboratoriais, dados da anamnese clínica e do laudo médico ocupacional sobre a aptidão para o trabalho. A população do estudo se constitui de 1.237 trabalhadores do sexo masculino, selecionados aleatoriamente através de prontuários médicos de um Serviço de Medicina Ocupacional de Salvador-Bahia, no período entre 1988 e 1996. Apenas dados de exames admissionais foram utilizados. As enfermidades mais encontradas foram infecções parasitárias (51,7%, anemias (12,8% e hipertensão arterial (12,7%, enquanto que o sobrepeso atingiu 24,7% da população do estudo. Motoristas apresentaram altas prevalências de sobrepeso (38,2% e hipertensão arterial (16,2%. Programas de higiene e segurança no trabalho necessitam enfocar, além de riscos e doenças ocupacionais, as mais comuns enfermidades e riscos, que nesta população foram aqueles típicos das más condições de vida. Atenção especial para a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares deve ser dirigida a motoristas.

  4. Morbidade em candidatos a emprego na região metropolitana de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

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    Vilma S. Santana

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo transversal é avaliar o perfil de morbidade de candidatos a emprego, através de estimativas de prevalência de alterações de exames laboratoriais, dados da anamnese clínica e do laudo médico ocupacional sobre a aptidão para o trabalho. A população do estudo se constitui de 1.237 trabalhadores do sexo masculino, selecionados aleatoriamente através de prontuários médicos de um Serviço de Medicina Ocupacional de Salvador-Bahia, no período entre 1988 e 1996. Apenas dados de exames admissionais foram utilizados. As enfermidades mais encontradas foram infecções parasitárias (51,7%, anemias (12,8% e hipertensão arterial (12,7%, enquanto que o sobrepeso atingiu 24,7% da população do estudo. Motoristas apresentaram altas prevalências de sobrepeso (38,2% e hipertensão arterial (16,2%. Programas de higiene e segurança no trabalho necessitam enfocar, além de riscos e doenças ocupacionais, as mais comuns enfermidades e riscos, que nesta população foram aqueles típicos das más condições de vida. Atenção especial para a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares deve ser dirigida a motoristas.

  5. Trabalho e emprego na educação infantil no Brasil: segmentações e desigualdades Labor and employment in early childhood education in Brazil: cleavages and inequalities

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    Lívia Fraga Vieira


    Full Text Available Objetiva-se trazer resultados de pesquisa empírica sobre situações de trabalho e emprego nas instituições de educação infantil no Brasil, evidenciando o caso de Belo Horizonte, capital de Minas Gerais, que apresenta oferta em creches e pré-escolas, representativa da realidade dos grandes centros urbanos brasileiros. Efetuou-se o levantamento de fontes documentais, legislação, estatísticas, entrevistas e observações, no intuito de evidenciar as relações entre as tipologias das instituições de educação infantil e as formas de contratação, carreira, salário e condições de trabalho. As situações investigadas se referiram aos estabelecimentos de ensino público (estadual e municipal e estabelecimentos de ensino privados, segundo as categorias particular, comunitária, filantrópica e confessional. Os estabelecimentos estudados foram escolhidos, segundo amostra intencional, por localização e público preferencial atendido. Informações também foram buscadas junto aos empregadores - públicos e privados e junto às representações sindicais/associativas dos profissionais, nos setores públicos e privados. Evidenciou-se existência de profissionais com status e formação/qualificação diferenciados, bem como variadas modalidades de relações de emprego e trabalho, que revelam processo de precarização no exercício profissional na educação infantil. Segmentações no interior do setor público, e entre setor público e privado, reiteram desigualdades históricas no campo. Por outro lado, uma demanda crescente por profissionalização é observada.The present work aims at presenting results of empirical research about the situations of labor and employment in institutions of child education in Brazil, highlighting the case of Belo Horizonte, Capital city of Minas Gerais State, which offers nurseries and preschools and it is representative of Brazilian urban centers. An analysis including documental sources

  6. Process technology - rare and refractory metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, C.K.; Bose, D.K.


    India has fairly rich resreves of rare and refractory metals. Abundant sources of ilmenite, rutile, zircon and rare earths are found in the placer deposits of the southern and eastern coasts of the country. Columbite-tantalite occur in mica and the mining belts of Bihar and cassiterite deposits are found in Bastar (Madhya Pradesh). Vanadium as a minor associate occurs in bauxites and in the vast deposits of titaniferrous magnetites. Over the years, research and development and pilot plant works in many research organisations in India have built up a sound technological base in the country for process metallurgy of many refractory and rare earth metals starting from their indigenous sources. The present paper provides a comprehensive view of the developments that have taken place till now on the processing of various refractory and rare earth metals with particular reference to the extensive work carried out at the Department of Atomic Energy. The coverage includes mineral benification separation of individual elements, preparation of pure intermediates, techniques of reduction to metal and final purification. The paper also reviews some of the recent developments that have been taken place in these fields and the potential application of these metals in the foreseeable future. (author). 22 refs., 18 fi g., 7 tabs

  7. Semi-leptonic and rare decays

    CERN Document Server

    Borzumati, Francesca M; Aoki, M; Bevan, A; Cottingham, W N; Dighe, Amol S; Gambino, Paolo; De Groot, N; Harrison, P F; Khalil, S; Kim, C S; Liniger, P; Misiak, M; Reina, L; Ricciardi, G; Shibata, E I; Uraltsev, N; Wyler, D


    We review the theoretical and experimental results on semi-leptonic and rare B decays presented in working group 2 of the UK phenomenology workshop on heavy flavour physics and CP violation in Durham, 2000. (0 refs).

  8. Divisão do trabalho e trabalho técnico nas escolas de sociedades ocidentais Work division and technical work in the Western schools

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    Louis LeVasseur


    Full Text Available Este artigo mostra como a divisão do trabalho nas escolas dos Estados Unidos, da França e de Quebec sofre o efeito do aumento dos efetivos de agentes técnicos, essencialmente caracterizados por uma formação pré-universitária e por um trabalho de auxílio aos profissionais docentes e não-docentes (psicólogos, psicoeducadores,1 trabalhadores sociais, orientadores pedagógicos. Os autores focalizam as categorias de emprego2 que oferecem serviços de acompanhamento aos alunos, mais ou menos vinculados à pedagogia ou à gestão do comportamento dos alunos, o que exclui as categorias de emprego que executam tarefas administrativas (secretariado ou manuais (zeladores, pessoal da manutenção dos prédios, motoristas de ônibus. Uma visão geral dos efetivos desses agentes escolares nos Estados Unidos, na França e em Quebec precede uma descrição sintética de suas respectivas funções. Em seguida, para melhor compreender a presença e o crescimento recente dessas categorias de emprego nos meios escolares, os autores propõem diversas pistas interpretativas ligadas a transformações que dizem respeito, cada uma a seu modo, à escola: a divisão do trabalho nas escolas, a desprofissionalização, o surgimento de um modelo comercial na educação, a massificação, a busca de novos modos de gestão dos comportamentos a-escolares baseados na empatia e a perda de legitimidade institucional (vinculada ao fato de nossas sociedades passarem de um modelo antigo de modernidade para um novo modelo de modernidade. Os autores frisam em particular o risco de ver esse pessoal técnico, que tem uma formação diferente da dos profissionais docentes e não-docentes, introduzir nas escolas um pluralismo normativo que leva a uma certa forma de instabilidade institucional.This paper explores the division of work in schools and colleges from the United States, France and Quebec, and shows the impact of the increase of technical agents mainly characterized by

  9. Emprego da associação sulfametoxazol + trimetoprim no tratamento da paracoccidioidose (blastomicose Sul-Americana

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    P. N. Pedrosa


    Full Text Available Acentuando a necessidade da continuação das pesquisas terapêuticas em pacientes com paracoccidioidose (blastomicose sul-americana, os autores apresentam 23 pacientes submetidos a diferentes esquemas terapêuticos, sendo 14 virgens de tratamento e 9 com uso prévio de uma ou mais drogas. A associação sulfametoxazol + trimetoprim ( SMZ + TMP foi empregada em 5 pacientes virgens de tratamento e 9 sulfa-resistentes. Outros sete foram submetidos ao esquema clássico com sulfadoxina. Os pacientes que não responderam aos dois esquemas anteriores, com exceção de dois casos inicialmente graves, receberam anfotericina B. A avaliação clínica, radiológica, micológica e sorológica a longo prazo não demonstrou vantagens no emprego de SMZ + TMP em substituição aos sulfamídicos, nos pacientes virgens de tratamento. Entretanto, a associação SMZ + TMP parece ser uma opção válida nos casos sulfa-resistentes, onde teria primazia, considerando-se a toxicidade e necessidade de controle em regime hospitalar da anfotericina B. Ressaltam ainda a boa tolerância clínica e laboratorial da associação SMZ + TMP em cursos terapêuticos prolongados de até 2 anos, quando empregadas em baixas doses de manutenção.

  10. Progressividade e Aspectos Distributivos na Previdência Social: Uma Análise com o Emprego dos Microdados dos Registros Administrativos do RGPS

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    Luís Eduardo Afonso


    Full Text Available Este trabalho quantifica os aspectos distributivos das Aposentadorias por Tempo de Contribuição e Aposentadorias por Idade do INSS, com os microdados dos registros administrativos do RGPS. A Taxa de Reposição média foi 82,52%, a Taxa Interna de Retorno média foi 5,32% e o valor médio da Alíquota Necessária foi de 50,53%. Propõe-se também um novo indicador, a Contribuição Adicional e o cálculo da Alíquota Necessária com o emprego da Taxa Interna de Retorno individual. Foram encontradas fortes evidências de progressividade. Valores maiores para todos indicadores foram obtidos para mulheres, indivíduos menos escolarizados, de menor renda e para aposentadorias por idade.

  11. Rare cancers are not so rare: The rare cancer burden in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gatta, Gemma; van der Zwan, Jan Maarten; Casali, Paolo G.; Siesling, Sabine; Dei Tos, Angelo Paolo; Kunkler, Ian; Otter, Renee; Licitra, Lisa


    Purpose: Epidemiologic information on rare cancers is scarce. The project Surveillance of Rare Cancers in Europe (RARECARE) provides estimates of the incidence, prevalence and survival of rare cancers in Europe based on a new and comprehensive list of these diseases. Materials and methods: RARECARE

  12. Sharing Rare Attitudes Attracts. (United States)

    Alves, Hans


    People like others who share their attitudes. Online dating platforms as well as other social media platforms regularly rely on the social bonding power of their users' shared attitudes. However, little is known about moderating variables. In the present work, I argue that sharing rare compared with sharing common attitudes should evoke stronger interpersonal attraction among people. In five studies, I tested this prediction for the case of shared interests from different domains. I found converging evidence that people's rare compared with their common interests are especially potent to elicit interpersonal attraction. I discuss the current framework's theoretical implications for impression formation and impression management as well as its practical implications for improving online dating services.

  13. Sc, Y, La-Lu - Rare Earth Elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    At present extensive efforts are being made in completing work on system number Rare Earth Elements. Part A is devoted to the occurrence of these elements on the earth and in the universe. Part B deals with the pure metals; the 7 volumes published cover the description of the separation from the raw materials, the preparation of pure metals,their uses and toxicology, the physical properties of nuclei, atoms, molecules, and isotopes; in addition the behavior of ions in solution and the electrochemical behavior of rare earth elements are described. The compounds are described in Part C. Part D with 6 volumes has been devoted to the description of coordination compounds and is completed. The volume ''Rare Earth Elements C 10'' deals with the rare earth tellurides, oxide tellurides, tellurates, telluride halides, tellurate halides, sulfide tellurides, selenide tellurides, and alkali rare earth tellurates. Another topic of this volume are the compounds of the rare earth elements with polonium. So far as meaningful and in accordance with all earlier volumes of ''Rare Earth Elements'' Series C, comparative data are presented in sections preceding treatment of the individual compounds and systems

  14. Flexibilidade e crise do emprego industrial - sindicatos, regiões e novas ações empresariais Flexibility and the industrial employment crisis - unions, regions and new business actions

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    José Ricardo Ramalho


    Full Text Available Flexibilidade é uma palavra chave que sintetiza as mudanças decorrentes da reestruturação pelas quais passou a indústria nas últimas décadas. A redução do emprego industrial e suas consequências sociais e econômicas, são o foco da crítica social dirigida aos projetos baseados no padrão flexível, exigindo cada vez mais das empresas a elaboração de argumentos e ações para justificar e legitimar essa nova faceta do processo produtivo. O projeto AutoVision da montadora multinacional de veículos Volkswagen, aplicado em duas regiões - Wolfsburg, na Alemanha e ABC paulista, no Brasil, chama a atenção pelas características de uma intervenção social que veio acompanhada de um discurso mais elaborado de justificação. A hipótese a ser testada é a de que as iniciativas mais recentes das empresas globalizadas com base na flexibilidade, apontam para um protagonismo político na formulação de propostas com o objetivo de minorar os efeitos da redução do emprego na indústria e para a construção de uma retórica que naturaliza o emprego flexível. Teoricamente, esse caso permite também discutir os diferentes arranjos sociais com base na flexibilidade, que são criados regionalmente pelas empresas multinacionais e os modos como estas justificam suas ações¹.Flexibility is a key word that summarizes the changes that resulted from the restructuring of the industry in the recent decades. The decrease in industrial employment, as well as its social and economic consequences, is the focus of the social criticism directed at projects based on the flexible pattern, which require more and more actions from the part of the companies to justify and legitimize this new facet of the production process. The AutoVision project of the multinational automobile manufacturer Volkswagen - implemented in two regions: Wolfsburg, in Germany, and the ABC Region in the state of São Paulo, Brazil - presents the characteristics of a social

  15. A (inconstitucionalidade da redução salarial prevista pelo programa de proteção ao emprego (lei n. 13.189/2015

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    Oreonnilda de Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a constitucionalidade da Lei n. 13.189/2015 que criou o Programa de Proteção ao Emprego, partindo dos fundamentos da valorização do trabalho humano, da dignidade humana e da efetividade dos objetivos da República. O Programa prevê a redução temporária da jornada de trabalho e do salário em até 30% às empresas que comprovarem dificuldades econômico-financeiras. O governo complementará, parcialmente, a remuneração do trabalhador com recursos do Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador. Pelo método dedutivo, a partir de revisão bibliográfica, verificou-se a falta de efetividade dos direitos fundamentais sociais e a precarização dos direitos trabalhistas.

  16. Rare earth point defects in GaN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanna, S.


    In this work we investigate rare earth doped GaN, by means of theoretical simulations. The huge unit cells necessary to model the experimental system, where dilute amount of rare earth ions are used, are handled with the charge self consistent density-functional based-tight binding (SCC-DFTB) calculational scheme. The method has been extended to include LDA+U and simplified self interaction corrected (SIC)-like potentials for the simulation of systems with localised and strongly correlated electrons. A set of tight-binding parameters has been created to model the interaction of GaN with some dopants, including a selection of lanthanide ions interesting due to their optical or magnetic properties (Pr, Eu, Gd, Er and Tm). The f-electrons were treated as valence electrons. A qualitatively correct description of the band gap is crucial for the simulation of rare earth doped GaN, because the luminescence intensity of the implanted samples depends on the size of the host band gap and because the rare earths could introduce charge transition levels near the conduction band. In this work these levels are calculated with the Slater-Janak (SJ) transition state model, which allows an approximate calculation of the charge transition levels by analysing the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues of the DFT. (orig.)

  17. A partilha do trabalho e a demanda dinâmica por trabalhadores e horas

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    Rodrigo Pereira


    Full Text Available Este artigo investiga se uma redução na jornada de trabalho padrão tem um impacto positivo sobre o nível de emprego, um efeito conhecido na literatura como partilha do trabalho (work-sharing. A inovação do artigo consiste na inclusão de custos de ajustamento do emprego no modelo teórico, o que introduz interessantes aspectos dinâmicos que permitem estudar as trajetórias ótimas do emprego e das horas médias no curto e longo prazos. A principal conclusão é que a partilha do trabalho não ocorre, mesmo considerando os custos de ajustamento do emprego.This paper investigates whether a reduction in standard hours has a positive impact on the employment level, an effect known in the literature as work-sharing. The innovation here is to include employment adjustment costs in the theoretical model. This feature introduces interesting dynamic aspects, which make it possible to study optimal paths of employment and average hours both in the short and the long run. The main result is that work-sharing does not occur even in the presence of employment adjustment costs.

  18. Rare earth metals, rare earth hydrides, and rare earth oxides as thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gasgnier, M.


    The review deals with pure rare earth materials such as rare earth metals, rare earth hydrides, and rare earth oxides as thin films. Several preparation techniques, control methods, and nature of possible contaminations of thin films are described. These films can now be produced in an extremely well-known state concerning chemical composition, structure and texture. Structural, electric, magnetic, and optical properties of thin films are studied and discussed in comparison with the bulk state. The greatest contamination of metallic rare earth thin films is caused by reaction with hydrogen or with water vapour. The compound with an f.c.c. structure is the dihydride LnH 2 (Ln = lanthanides). The oxygen contamination takes place after annealing at higher temperatures. Then there appears a compound with a b.c.c. structure which is the C-type sesquioxide C-Ln 2 O 3 . At room atmosphere dihydride light rare earth thin films are converted to hydroxide Ln(OH) 3 . For heavy rare earth thin films the oxinitride LnNsub(x)Osub(y) is observed. The LnO-type compound was never seen. The present review tries to set the stage anew for the investigations to be undertaken in the future especially through the new generations of electron microscopes

  19. Incentives for Starting Small Companies Focused on Rare and Neglected Diseases. (United States)

    Ekins, Sean; Wood, Jill


    Starting biotech or pharmaceutical companies is traditionally thought to be based around a scientist, their technology platform or a clinical candidate spun out from another company. Between us we have taken a different approach and formed two small early stage companies after initially leveraging the perspective of a parent with a child with a life-threatening rare disease. Phoenix Nest ( ) was co-founded to work on treatments for Sanfilippo syndrome a devastating neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorder. In the space of just over 3 years we have built up collaborations with leading scientists in academia and industry and been awarded multiple NIH small business grants. The second company, Collaborations Pharmaceuticals Inc. ( ) was founded to address some of the other 7000 or so rare diseases as well as neglected infectious diseases. The Rare Pediatric Disease Priority Review Voucher is likely the most important incentive for companies working on rare diseases with very small populations. This may also be partially responsible for the recent acquisitions of rare disease companies with late stage candidates. Lessons learned in the process of starting our companies are that rare disease parents or patients can readily partner with a scientist and fund research through NIH grants rather than venture capital or angel investors initially. This process may be slow so patience and perseverance is key. We would encourage other pharmaceutical scientists to meet rare disease parents, patients or advocates and work with them to further the science on their diseases and create a source of future drugs.

  20. Analyzing rare diseases terms in biomedical terminologies

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    Erika Pasceri


    Full Text Available Rare disease patients too often face common problems, including the lack of access to correct diagnosis, lack of quality information on the disease, lack of scientific knowledge of the disease, inequities and difficulties in access to treatment and care. These things could be changed by implementing a comprehensive approach to rare diseases, increasing international cooperation in scientific research, by gaining and sharing scientific knowledge about and by developing tools for extracting and sharing knowledge. A significant aspect to analyze is the organization of knowledge in the biomedical field for the proper management and recovery of health information. For these purposes, the sources needed have been acquired from the Office of Rare Diseases Research, the National Organization of Rare Disorders and Orphanet, organizations that provide information to patients and physicians and facilitate the exchange of information among different actors involved in this field. The present paper shows the representation of rare diseases terms in biomedical terminologies such as MeSH, ICD-10, SNOMED CT and OMIM, leveraging the fact that these terminologies are integrated in the UMLS. At the first level, it was analyzed the overlap among sources and at a second level, the presence of rare diseases terms in target sources included in UMLS, working at the term and concept level. We found that MeSH has the best representation of rare diseases terms.


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    Mariela Yaneva – Deliverska


    Full Text Available Rare diseases are characterised by their low prevalence (less than 1/2,000 and their heterogeneity. They affect both children and adults anywhere in the world. From the medical perspective, rare diseases are characterised by the large number and broad diversity of disorders and symptoms that vary not only from disease to disease, but also within the same disease.Main characteristics of rare diseases include:· Rare diseases are often chronic, progressive, degenerative, and often life-threatening· Rare diseases are disabling: the quality of life of patients is often compromised by the lack or loss of autonomy· High level of pain and suffering for the patient and his/ her family · No existing effective cure· There are between 6000 and 8000 rare diseases· 75% of rare diseases affect children· 30% of rare disease patients die before the age of 5· 80% of rare diseases have identified genetic origins. Other rare diseases are the result of infections (bacterial or viral, allergies and environmental causes, or are degenerative and proliferative.Beyond the diversity of the diseases, rare disease patients and their families are confronted with the same wide range of difficulties arising directly from the rarity of these pathologies. The period between the emergence of the first symptoms and the appropriate diagnosis involves unacceptable and highly risky delays, as well as wrong diagnosis leading to inaccurate treatments. Living with a rare disease has implications in all areas of life, whether school, choice of future work, leisure time with friends, or affective life. It may lead to stigmatisation, isolation, exclusion from social community, discrimination for insurance subscription (health insurance, travel insurance, mortgage, and often reduced professional opportunities.Innovative treatments are often unevenly available in the EU because of delays in price determination and/or reimbursement decision, lack of experience of the treating

  2. Geochemistry of rare earths in main media of clay formation and sedimentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonnot-Courtois, C.


    This work aims i) at a better knowledge of rare earth behavior in surface conditions and ii) possible use of rare earth as a marker for argilaceous mineral genesis. Chemical properties of rare earths and geochemistry of these elements in main rocks are recalled. Rare earth behaviour during continental alteration process, experimental hydrolysis of various magmatic materials and rare earth geochemistry in argilaceous minerals in continental shelf are examined. Then some aspects of rare earth behaviour in oceans are studied: alteration of sea bed and hydrothermalism rare earth distribution in pelagic sediments red clays of deep seas and manganese nodules. In conclusion rare earth behaviour in sedimentary processes of the exogenous cycle is summarized [fr

  3. Maria Goeppert Mayer's Theoretical Work on Rare-Earth and Transuranic Elements


    Wang, Frank Y.


    After the discovery of element 93 neptunium by Edwin McMillan and Philip H. Abelson in 1941, Maria Goeppert Mayer applied the Thomas-Fermi model to calculate the electronic configuration of heavy elements and predicted the occurrence of a second rare-earth series in the vicinity of elements 91 or 92 extending to the transuranic elements. Mayer was motivated by Enrico Fermi, who was at the time contemplating military uses of nuclear energy. Historical development of nuclear science research le...

  4. Rare earth industries; Moving Malaysia's Green Economy Forward

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    There is a famous saying, Where there is risk, there is opportunity. Rare earths present both health and environmental risks as well as potential economic opportunities. However, the risks are manageable thanks to improved technologies and a better understanding of the implications on health and the environment. This explains why there is a rush by many countries to reopen old mines and increase investment in the production of rare earths concentrate and their high value downstream products. Why is there such a scramble to risk money on rare earths? What have ignited global demand? Where are the opportunities? How are the risks associated with rare earths managed? Can Malaysia benefit from this new growth industry? What should be our strategies? This report, produced by the joint Working Group of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) and the Majlis Professor Negara (MPN), discusses the science of rare earths and their business prospects; and proposes some strategic directions for Malaysia. The analysis is based on information culled from various secondary sources as well as the groups engagement with experts from the Rare Earths Society of China. (author)

  5. Rare earths

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cranstone, D A


    Rare earth elements are commonly extracted from the minerals monazite, bastnaesite, and xenotine. New uses for these elements are constantly developing; they have found applications in glass polishing, television tube phosphors, high-strength low-alloy steels, magnets, catalysts, refractory ceramics, and hydrogen sponge alloys. In Canada, rare earths have been produced as byproducts of the uranium mining industry, but there was no production of rare earths in 1978 or 1979. The world sources of and markets for the rare earth elements are discussed.

  6. Computer-assisted initial diagnosis of rare diseases

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    Rui Alves


    Full Text Available Introduction. Most documented rare diseases have genetic origin. Because of their low individual frequency, an initial diagnosis based on phenotypic symptoms is not always easy, as practitioners might never have been exposed to patients suffering from the relevant disease. It is thus important to develop tools that facilitate symptom-based initial diagnosis of rare diseases by clinicians. In this work we aimed at developing a computational approach to aid in that initial diagnosis. We also aimed at implementing this approach in a user friendly web prototype. We call this tool Rare Disease Discovery. Finally, we also aimed at testing the performance of the prototype. Methods. Rare Disease Discovery uses the publicly available ORPHANET data set of association between rare diseases and their symptoms to automatically predict the most likely rare diseases based on a patient’s symptoms. We apply the method to retrospectively diagnose a cohort of 187 rare disease patients with confirmed diagnosis. Subsequently we test the precision, sensitivity, and global performance of the system under different scenarios by running large scale Monte Carlo simulations. All settings account for situations where absent and/or unrelated symptoms are considered in the diagnosis. Results. We find that this expert system has high diagnostic precision (≥80% and sensitivity (≥99%, and is robust to both absent and unrelated symptoms. Discussion. The Rare Disease Discovery prediction engine appears to provide a fast and robust method for initial assisted differential diagnosis of rare diseases. We coupled this engine with a user-friendly web interface and it can be freely accessed at The code and most current database for the whole project can be downloaded from

  7. O emprego de hastes intramedulares bloqueadas no tratamento das fraturas diafisárias do úmero Use of blocked intramedullary shaft for the treatment of humeral diaphyseal fractures

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    Fernando Baldy dos Reis


    Full Text Available Estudamos os resultados clínicos e radiográficos de 31 pacientes portadores de fraturas diafisárias do úmero que foram operados com hastes intramedulares. Destes quatro apresentaram fraturas no local da inserção da haste e foram tratados com outro método. Dos 27 pacientes restantes o índice de consolidação foi de 96,1 % e que durou em média de 63,4 dias. Cinco queixaram-se de dor no ombro e em apenas um apresentou limitação da abdução. Paralisia temporária do nervo radial foi constatada em dois pacientes e pseudartrose em um que após 5 meses da cirurgia foi submetido a nova intervenção cirúrgica com o emprego de placa e enxerto ósseo autólogo. Concluímos que embora o emprego de hastes intramedulares bloqueadas apresentou alto índice de a via de acesso retrógrada pode levar a fraturas no seu ponto de entrada e via anterógrada com violação do manguito rotador pode gerar dores no ombro.Clinical and radiographic outcomes of 31 patients with humeral diaphyseal fractures submitted to surgery with intramedullary shafts were studied. From these, four patients presented fractures at the shaft insertion site and were treated using a different method. From the 27 patients left, the healing rate was 96.1%, with an average duration of 63.4 days. Five of them complained of pain in the shoulder and only one presented abduction limitation. Temporary palsy of the radial nerve was found in two patients and pseudoarthrosis in one of them, who was submitted to a new surgical intervention with plate and autologous bone graft, after 5 months. It was concluded that, although blocked intramedullary shafts presents a high incidence of the retrograde access port leading to fractures in its insertion site and the anterograde port causing pain in the shoulder.

  8. Rare earth germanates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bondar', I.A.; Vinogradova, N.V.; Dem'yanets, L.N.


    Rare earth germanates attract close attention both as an independent class of compounds and analogues of a widely spread class of natural and synthetic minerals. The methods of rare earth germanate synthesis (solid-phase, hydrothermal) are considered. Systems on the basis of germanium and rare earth oxides, phase diagrams, phase transformations are studied. Using different chemical analysese the processes of rare earth germanate formation are investigated. IR spectra of alkali and rare earth metal germanates are presented, their comparative analysis being carried out. Crystal structures of the compounds, lattice parameters are studied. Fields of possible application of rare earth germanates are shown

  9. Testicular calculus: A rare case. (United States)

    Sen, Volkan; Bozkurt, Ozan; Demır, Omer; Tuna, Burcin; Yorukoglu, Kutsal; Esen, Adil


    Testicular calculus is an extremely rare case with unknown etiology and pathogenesis. To our knowledge, here we report the third case of testicular calculus. A 31-year-old man was admitted to our clinic with painful solid mass in left testis. After diagnostic work-up for a possible testicular tumour, he underwent inguinal orchiectomy and histopathologic examination showed a testicular calculus. Case hypothesis: Solid testicular lesions in young adults generally correspond to testicular cancer. Differential diagnosis should be done carefully. Future implications: In young adults with painful and solid testicular mass with hyperechogenic appearance on scrotal ultrasonography, testicular calculus must be kept in mind in differential diagnosis. Further reports on this topic may let us do more clear recommendations about the etiology and treatment of this rare disease.

  10. Emprego e acidentes de trabalho na indústria frigorífica em áreas de expansão do agronegócio, Mato Grosso, Brasil Employment and occupational accidents in the slaughterhouse industry in expansion areas of agribusiness, Mato Grosso, Brasil

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    Marly de Cerqueira Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available Os agravos à saúde do trabalhador vêm, historicamente, acompanhando o crescimento econômico e a diversificação dos processos produtivos. O agronegócio expandiu-se nas últimas três décadas no estado de Mato Grosso e nele a intensificação das atividades do setor pecuário traduziu-se na instalação de frigoríficos, aumento de empregos formais e acidentes de trabalho. Este estudo propôs-se a caracterizar os acidentes de trabalho em indústrias frigoríficas do estado de Mato Grosso no período de 2000 a 2005, contextualizando-os com o mercado de trabalho e a inserção da mão de obra, através da utilização dos indicadores de acidentes de trabalho oriundos das Comunicações de Acidentes do Trabalho do Ministério da Previdência Social, dados da RAIS, do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, e da PNAD, do IBGE. Os resultados apontaram para o crescimento de postos de trabalho com expressiva rotatividade, diminuição do salário de admissão (de 2,2 para 2,0 salários mínimos e a maioria da mão de obra com baixa escolaridade. O setor frigorífico ocupou a segunda posição na estatística de doenças e acidentes de trabalho registrados no estado, cuja taxa de incidência cresceu de 41,2 para 46,5 acidentes de trabalho por mil trabalhadores, com maior incidência na faixa etária dos 18 aos 24 anos (49,8 acidentes/mil trabalhadores, atingindo principalmente os trabalhadores ocupados nas principais etapas do processo produtivo. Os resultados sugerem indícios de precarização do emprego e condições de trabalho na atividade frigorífica e insuficiência da ação de vigilância/fiscalização estatal no setor, bem como baixos investimentos dos empresários na saúde e segurança do trabalho.Historically, workers' health problems have been increasing as the economy grows and the productive processes diversify. In the last three decades, the agribusiness has been expanding in the State of Mato Grosso (central region of Brazil. In

  11. Trabalho, emprego e cidadania

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    João Freire


    Full Text Available This paper is an essay to synthesise the historical evolution of work, since late Ancien Régime til now. Firstly, we talk about the conditions of socialization that are dominant in European countries until the beginning of XIXth century, and then were hardly pushed and changed by industry and the democratization of the state. Secondly, we analyse the important role of juridical norms that, alongside the XXth century, regulates the enlargement of the wage pay system to all those peoples, and extended it more and more to other far regions. Finally, after the fall of East socialist block, we try to think about the individualistic values that structures the consumers behaviour of large masses, all over the world

  12. Avaliação do teste de imunodifusão mediante emprego do polissacarídeo "O" no diagnóstico da brucelose bovina

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    Costa G.M.


    Full Text Available Comparou-se o teste de imunodifusão dupla em ágar gel (IDGA pelo emprego do polissacarídeo "O" como antígeno com os testes de soroaglutinação rápida, soroaglutinação lenta, 2-mercaptoetanol, reação de fixação de complemento e antígeno tamponado acidificado no diagnóstico da brucelose, em bovinos infectados, não infectados e recém-vacinados com a amostra B-19, visando à diferenciação de anticorpos vacinais daqueles associados à infecção natural pela Brucella abortus. Nenhum dos testes realizados permitiu diferenciar precisamente anticorpos vacinais daqueles induzidos pela infecção brucélica e, nas condições do presente trabalho, a utilização do IDGA com este objetivo poderia levar à retenção de animais infectados no rebanho.

  13. Science and technology of the rare earth elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Chegrouche, Salah; Telmoune, Sid-Ali; Layachi, Lazhar


    The present work studies the chemical physics properties, the different methods of analysis (neutron activation, emission spectrometry, chromatography), and the techniques of separation of rare earth (electrodeposition, thermic decomposition, salts distillation and ions exchange)

  14. Radioactive rare gases emission at underground nuclear explosions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubasov, Yu.V.


    The examples of radioactive rare gases emission at underground nuclear explosions conducted in the USSR on the Novaya Zemlya and Semipalatinsk test sites are considered. It is pointed out that in the case of evasive explosion in vertical wells without apparent radioactive gases emission the samples of subsurface gas must contain the traces of radioactive rare gases. Under the inspection of evasive explosion in horizontal workings of rock massif, one should guided by the analysis of atmospheric air samples in the inspected area [ru

  15. Endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the Kopetdag




    The article presents some information of the place of growing of the endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the Kopetdag. A monitoring has been carried out and the bioecological peculiarities, resource characteristics and modern state of the natural population of the most important species have been studied. Some scientifically based ways of protection and introduction into culture have been worked out to preserve the endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the region.

  16. Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gschneidner, K.A. Jr.; Eyring, L.


    This handbook is a six-volume work which covers the entire rare earth field in an integrated manner. Each chapter is a comprehensive, up-to-date, critical review of a particular segment of the field. The first volume is devoted to the rare earth metals, the second to rare earth alloys and intermetallics, and the third and fourth volumes to the non-metallic rare earth materials, including solutions, complexes and bioinorganic substances, in addition to solid inorganic compounds. The electronic structure of these unique elements is the primary basis of understanding their physical, metallurgical and chemical natures. The interrelationship of the 4f and valence electrons and the observed optical, electrical, magnetic, crystallographic, elastic, thermal, mechanical, chemical, geochemical and biological behaviors is brought forth time and again throughout the chapters. Also discussed are the preparative, separation and solution chemistry of the elements and their compounds and the various chemical and physical analytical methods for determining the rare earths in various materials and impurities in a rare earth matrix. Vol. 5 is a update complement of the previous volumes. Volume 6 is concerned with ternary and higher order materials. (Auth.)

  17. Decisão e participação na política pública de emprego: o caso dos núcleos de produção do programa SER da prefeitura municipal de Natal (RN

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    Luciano Alberto Ferreira

    Full Text Available Considerando a idéia da participação dos cidadãos na implementação de políticas públicas no Brasil, o objetivo deste artigo é apreender as condições em que se efetiva a participação dos beneficiários nas tomadas de decisão nos núcleos de produção do subprograma Núcleos de Produção/Incentivo à Criação de Microempresas,Cooperativas e Associações, um dos seis subprogramas do programa SER (Sistema de Geração de Emprego e Renda, principal instrumento da política de emprego e renda implementada pela Prefeitura Municipal de Natal, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. A análise dos dados mostra que o processo decisório para os núcleos de produção tem possibilitado a participação das costureiras apenas em níveis e graus elementares de decisão, dado que suas possibilidades de influências são ofuscadas pela capacidade das coordenações do programa SER e do subprograma Núcleos de Produção exercerem o controle sobre fontes importantes de poder na organização pública: recursos disponibilizados aos núcleos de produção, processo decisório, fluxo das informações e articulação com o ambiente externo referentes ao ambiente operacional dos núcleos de produção do subprograma em análise.

  18. Contribution for the studies of rare earth dithionates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmitz, L.C.


    The main objective of this work is the synthesis and investigation of some properties of rare earth dithionates. The rare earth dithionates were prepared from the respective sulphates, by the reaction of the latter with BaS sub(2) O sub(6) in aqueous solutions. The lanthanide ion content was estimated by complexometric titration with EDTA; analysis for H were carried out by microanalysis and the water content was determinated by Karl Fischer titration. This experimental results in addition to thermogravimetric (TG) data gave the stoichiometry of the compounds. (author)

  19. Squeezing clathrate cages to host trivalent rare-earth guests

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Jian [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States). Department of Chemistry; Ames Lab., Ames, IA (United States); He, Yuping [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States); Mordvinova, Natalia E. [Laboratoire CRISMAT, ENSICAEN, CNRS UMR (France); Lebedev, Oleg [Laboratoire CRISMAT, ENSICAEN, CNRS UMR (France); Kovnir, Kirill [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States). Department of Chemistry; Ames Lab., Ames, IA (United States)


    Strike difference of the trivalent rare-earth cations from their alkali and alkaline-earth peers is in the presence of localized 4f-electrons and strong spin-orbit coupling. Placing trivalent rare-earth cations inside the fullerene molecules or in between the blocks of itinerant magnetic intermetallics gave rise to plethora of fascinating properties and materials. A long-time missing but hardly desired piece is the semiconducting or metallic compound where rare-earth cations are situated inside the oversized polyhedral cages of three-dimensional framework. In this work we present a synthesis of such compounds, rare-earth containing clathrates Ba8-xRxCu16P30. The unambiguous proofs of their composition and crystal structure were achieved by a combination of synchrotron powder diffraction, time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction, scanning-transmission electron microscopy, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Our quantum-mechanical calculations and experimental characterizations show that the incorporation of the rare-earth cations significantly enhances the hole mobility and concentration which results in the drastic increase in the thermoelectric performance.

  20. Rare lung cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berzinec, P.


    The RARECARE Project (Rare Cancers in the Europe) supported by the European Union defined the rare cancers by the incidence rate of less than 6/100 000. There are several variants of lung cancer which are rare according to this definition. From the clinical point of view the most interesting are the rare adenocarcinomas and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. There are important differences in the diagnostic probability of EGFR and ALK mutations in the mutinous and non-mucin ous adenocarcinomas, in the signet ring cell adenocarcinomas, and large cell carcinomas. The optimal chemotherapy for neuroendocrine large cell carcinomas remains undefined. There is only very limited number of clinical trials aimed on the rare lung cancers and actually none phase III trial. Rare lung cancers continue to be a challenge both for the laboratory and the clinical research. (author)

  1. Solvent Extraction of Rare Earths by Di-2 Ethylhexyl Phosphoric Acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srinuttrakul, Wannee; Kranlert, Kannika; Kraikaew, Jarunee; Pongpansook, Surasak; Chayavadhanangkur, Chavalek; Kranlert, Kannika


    Solvent extraction has been widely applied for individual rare earth separation because the separation time is rapid and a large quantity of products is obtained. In this work, this technique was utilized to extract mixed rare earths, obtained from monazite digestion process. Di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) was used as an extractant. The factors affected the extraction including HNO 3 concentration in mixed rare earth nitrate solution and the amount of D2EHPA were studied. The appropriate concentrations of HNO 3 and D2EHPA were found to be 0.01 and 1.5 M, respectively. From the result of equilibrium curve study, it was observed that heavy rare earths were extracted more efficient than light rare earths. A 6-stage continuous countercurrent solvent extraction was simulated for rare earth extraction. The optimum ratio of solvent to feed solution (S/F) was 2. Because of the high cost of D2EHPA, 1.0 M of D2EHPA was suitable for the rare earth extraction by the continuous countercurrent solvent extraction

  2. Rare metal and rare earth pegmatites of Western India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maithani, P.B.; Nagar, R.K.


    Rajasthan Mica Belt in western India is one of the three major mica-producing Proterozoic pegmatite belts of India, the others being in Bihar and Andhra Pradesh. The pegmatites of these mica belts, in general, are associated with the rare metal (RM) and rare earth element (REE)-bearing minerals like columbite-tantalite, beryl, lepidolite and other multiple oxides. RM-REE pegmatites of Gujarat are devoid of commercially workable mica. These pegmatites are geologically characterised in this paper, based on their association with granite plutons geochemistry, and RM and REE potential. In addition to RM and RE-bearing pegmatites, granites of the Umedpur area, Gujarat also show anomalous concentration (0.97 wt%) of rare metals (6431 ppm Nb, 1266 ppm Ta, 454 ppm Sn, 173 ppm W), (1098 ppm Ce 1.36% Y 2 O 3 ) rare earths, and uranium (0.40% eU 3 O 8 ). Eluvial concentrations in the soil and panned concentrate (0.04-0.28 wt%) analysed up to 7.4%Nb 2 O 5 , 836 ppm Ta, and 1.31% Y. Discrete columbite-tantalite and betafite have been identified in these concentrates in addition to other minerals like zircon, rutile, sphene and xenotime. This area with discrete RM R EE mineral phases could be significant as a non-pegmatite source for rare metal and rare earths. (author)

  3. Determination of rare earth impurities in thorium by spectrographic methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wray, L W


    A method for determining rare earth impurities in thorium in the fractional ppm range is described. Before spectrographic examination is possible, the impurities must be freed from the thorium matrix. This is accomplished by removing the bulk of the thorium by extraction with TBP-CCl{sub 4} and the remainder by extraction with TTA-C{sub 6}H{sub 6}. This results in a consistent recovery of rare earths of about 85% with an average sensitivity of 0.2 ppm. The experimental error is within 10%. Details of the procedure are given together with working curves for the major neutron absorbing rare earths; i.e. dysprosium, europium, gadolinium and samarium. (author)

  4. Intra-group separation of rare earths using new organic phosphorus ligands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadic, Sanela


    Rare earth elements (REE) have unique magnetic, photophysical, and chemical properties and they are therefore used in numerous high-technology applications. However, to this day, the isolation of pure rare earths from primary and secondary raw materials is very challenging. In this work, the hydrometallurgical separation of neighboring rare earths (e.g., praseodymium/ neodymium) was optimized with novel selective extraction agents. The separation of rare earths (yttrium and all lanthanides except promethium) was investigated with fourteen new organophosphorus compounds. Oxygen-bearing phosphinic acids yielded good separation results for heavy rare earths (dysprosium to lutetium). For light rare earths (lanthanum to neodymium), particularly high separation factors were realized with synergistic systems containing an aromatic dithiophosphinic acid and a co-extractant, such as tris (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (TEHP). Optimization studies of the latter extraction system revealed an extremely high separation factor (SF) of 4.21 between praseodymium and neodymium. Another focus of this work was to understand the extraction mechanism. With the aid of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ("1H-NMR) and time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS), the complex stoichiometry of promising extraction systems was examined. Studies revealed a dependency between the selectivity for rare earths and the coordination number of the formed complexes. In addition, temperature-dependent extraction experiments were performed and thermodynamic data (ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS) determined. These data provided additional information about the origin of selectivity for neighboring rare earths. With regard to the industrial capability of the investigated extraction systems, the chemical durability of ligands was studied under process-relevant conditions. Qualitative and quantitative analytical methods (e.g., GC-MS) were used in long-term experiments to determine the ligand degradation. After

  5. Gerenciamento de impressões e tomada de decisão em entrevistas de emprego

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleciane da Silva Moreira Ferreira

    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo de delineamento experimental intersujeitos foi analisar as relações entre gerenciamento de impressões de candidatos a emprego e a decisão de contratação pelo entrevistador. Apresentou-se uma descrição de entrevista de cargo de nível médio, incluindo respostas de cinco supostos candidatos, cada um deles fazendo uso de uma das estratégias de gerenciamento de impressões: autopromoção, insinuação, exemplificação, intimidação ou suplicação. Participaram 99 profissionais de gestão de pessoas, aleatoriamente distribuídos em cada uma das cinco condições experimentais. Para o teste de hipóteses, foram usadas análises de correlação, de variância e o Teste-t. A ANOVA evidenciou que as estratégias de autopromoção e de exemplificação foram mais associadas à decisão de contratação. As estratégias de autopromoção relacionadas a comportamentos não verbais (manter postura ereta, olhar fixo nos olhos também repercutem favoravelmente na decisão de contratação. O tempo de experiência do entrevistador aumenta as chances de o candidato que faz uso da estratégia de autopromoção ser contratado. As relações entre comportamentos não verbais e atributos físicos e pessoais do candidato foram evidenciadas somente para as estratégias de autopromoção e de insinuação. Há indícios de que o uso de estratégias de GI e o comportamento não verbal têm um papel importante na decisão de contratação.

  6. Rare earths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The conference was held from September 12 to 13, 1984 in Jetrichovice, Czechoslovakia. The participants heard 16 papers of which 4 were inputted in INIS. These papers dealt with industrial separation processes of rare earths, the use of chemical methods of separation from the concentrate of apatite and bastnesite, the effect of the relative permittivity of solvents in the elution of rare earth elements from a cation exchanger, and the determination of the content of different rare earth elements using X-ray fluorescence analysis and atomic absorption spectroscopy. (E.S.)

  7. Rare earths: Market disruption, innovation, and global supply chains (United States)

    Eggert, Roderick; Wadia, Cyrus; Anderson, Corby; Bauer, Diana; Fields, Fletcher; Meinert, Lawrence D.; Taylor, Patrick


    Rare earths, sometimes called the vitamins of modern materials, captured public attention when their prices increased more than ten-fold in 2010 and 2011. As prices fell between 2011 and 2016, rare earths receded from public view—but less visibly they became a major focus of innovative activity in companies, government laboratories and universities. Geoscientists worked to better understand the resource base and improve our knowledge about mineral deposits that will be mines in the future. Process engineers carried out research that is making primary production and recycling more efficient. Materials scientists and engineers searched for substitutes that will require fewer or no rare earths while providing properties comparable or superior to those of existing materials. As a result, even though global supply chains are not significantly different now than they were before the market disruption, the innovative activity motivated by the disruption likely will have far-reaching, if unpredictable, consequences for supply chains of rare earths in the future.

  8. Work stress, Chinese work values, and work well-being in the Greater China. (United States)

    Lu, Luo; Kao, Shu-Fang; Siu, Oi-Ling; Lu, Chang-Qin


    Work values influence our attitudes and behavior at work, but they have rarely been explored in the context of work stress. The aim of this research was thus to test direct and moderating effects of Chinese work values (CWV) on relationships between work stressors and work well-being among employees in the Greater China region. A self-administered survey was conducted to collect data from three major cities in the region, namely Beijing, Hong Kong, and Taipei (N = 380). Work stressors were negatively related to work well-being, whereas CWV were positively related to work well-being. In addition, CWV also demonstrated moderating effects in some of the stressor-job satisfaction relationships.

  9. Anthropogenic Cycles of Rare Earth Elements (United States)

    Du, X.; Graedel, T. E.


    This research will develop quantitatively resolved anthropogenic cycles and in-use stocks for the rare earth metals specifically cerium, lanthanum and dysprosium in Japan, China, and the U.S. for the year of 2007. Rare earth elements (REE) is a group of 17 scare metals widely used in a growing number of emerging technologies and have been in high demand for emerging technologies as raw materials during past the three decades. New market participants from newly industrializing countries, primarily China, have had strong impacts on the demand of share. Consequently, the importance to sustain a reliable, steady, uninterrupted supply on global market triggered comprehensive research to recognize and understand the life cycles of rare earths. Moreover, because China plays a dominant role in mining production since 1990, it requires the assessment for the countries, which are almost completely dependent on imports from China with respect to rare earth resources. The study aims to analyze the flows and stocks of rare earth elements individually as elemental form in spite of their natural geological co-occurrence and mixed composition in applications. By applying the method of Material Flow Analysis (MFA) work has been done on evaluating current and historical flows of specific technologically significant materials, for example, copper, zinc, nickel, etc., determining the stocks available in different types of reservoirs (e.g., lithosphere, in-use) and the flows among the reservoirs, developing scenarios of possible futures of metal use, and assessing the environmental and policy implications of the results. Therefore, REE as a new target deserves inclusion because of its potential demand-supply conflict and importance to secure the competitive advantage of technical innovation in future. This work will generate a quantitatively resolved anthropogenic life cycle and in-use stocks for REE for the main target countries for a chosen year, 2007, providing flows and stocks from

  10. Effet des terres rares sur la structure et l'altération des verres borosilicatés


    Molières , Estelle


    This work is related to the question of the geological deep repository of high-level waste glass. These wastes include fission products and minor actinides, elements which can be simulated by rare earths. As new glass compositions could enable increased rare earth concentrations, it is crucial to know and understand rare earth impact on glass structure on the one hand, and on glass alteration kinetics or their incorporation into an altered layer. This work studied simplified borosilicate glas...

  11. Possibility study of use rare earth deposit from Araxa, Minas Gerais State

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandes, M.D.


    Prospecting work done by Instituto de Pesquisas Radioativas on the Barreiro area (Araxa, M.G.) has shown the existence of a rare earth deposit of about 700.000 ton, averaging 13,5 % rare earth oxide, mainly associated to the mineral monazite. In a first stage, the conventional mineral dressing methods were tried to treat the monazite. This was followed by a study of a chemical process for the production of rare earth compounds of commercial grade. The conventional methods of mineral dressing tested did not lead to satisfactory results. This was assumed to be due to insufficient liberation of the monazite. However, the application of the chemical process to the natural material, using concentrated sulfuric acid in the initial attack, allowed more than 90% rare earth extraction and a subsequent yield of commercial grade rare earth oxide, with over 75% rare earth recovery. (author)

  12. Rare Earth Garnet Selective Emitter (United States)

    Lowe, Roland A.; Chubb, Donald L.; Farmer, Serene C.; Good, Brian S.


    Thin film Ho-YAG and Er-YAG emitters with a platinum substrate exhibit high spectral emittance in the emission band (epsilon(sub lambda) approx. = 0.75, sup 4)|(sub 15/2) - (sup 4)|(sub 13/2),for Er-YAG and epsilon(sub lambda) approx. = 0.65, (sup 5)|(sub 7) - (sup 5)|(sub 8) for Ho-YAG) at 1500 K. In addition, low out-of-band spectral emittance, epsilon(sub lambda) less than 0.2, suggest these materials would be excellent candidates for high efficiency selective emitters in thermophotovoltaic (TPV) systems operating at moderate temperatures (1200-1500 K). Spectral emittance measurements of the thin films were made (1.2 less than lambda less than 3.0 microns) and compared to the theoretical emittances calculated using measured values of the spectral extinction coefficient. In this paper we present the results for a new class of rare earth ion selective emitters. These emitters are thin sections (less than 1 mm) of yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) single crystal with a rare earth substitutional impurity. Selective emitters in the near IR are of special interest for thermophotovoltaic (TPV) energy conversion. The most promising solid selective emitters for use in a TPV system are rare earth oxides. Early spectral emittance work on rare earth oxides showed strong emission bands in the infrared (0.9 - 3 microns). However, the emittance outside the emission band was also significant and the efficiency of these emitters was low. Recent improvements in efficiency have been made with emitters fabricated from fine (5 - 10 microns) rare earth oxide fibers similar to the Welsbach mantle used in gas lanterns. However, the rare earth garnet emitters are more rugged than the mantle type emitters. A thin film selective emitter on a low emissivity substrate such as gold, platinum etc., is rugged and easily adapted to a wide variety of thermal sources. The garnet structure and its many subgroups have been successfully used as hosts for rare earth ions, introduced as substitutional

  13. Influência da condição de emprego/desemprego dos pais na exploração e indecisão vocacional dos adolescentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana Costa Faria


    Full Text Available Este estudo centra-se no impacto da condição de emprego/desemprego dos pais nas crenças, comportamentos e reações de exploração vocacional e na indecisão de carreira dos adolescentes. Foram administradas o Career Exploration Survey e o Career Decision Scale a uma amostra de 321 adolescentes Portugueses, de ambos os sexos (190, 59,2% raparigas; 131, 40,8% rapazes, com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 17 anos. Os resultados indicam que os adolescentes filhos de pais desempregados manifestam, significativamente, crenças mais negativas acerca do mercado de trabalho, menos comportamentos exploratórios, e reações afetivas mais negativas do que os adolescentes filhos de pais empregados e, consequentemente, níveis mais elevados de indecisão vocacional. Os resultados são discutidos, retirando-se implicações para a intervenção psicológica e salientando-se direcções para futuras investigações.

  14. Avaliação crítica de serviços educacionais: o emprego do modelo SERVQUAL Evaluation of educational using the SERVQUAL model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Tureta


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende apresentar uma aplicação do modelo SERVQUAL à avaliação educacional. Seu emprego ocorreu junto aos discentes de cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu de uma instituição paranaense, cuja estratégia para captação de alunos baseia-se na flexibilização da grade curricular, do horário das aulas e das formas de pagamento. A relevância deste trabalho deve-se ao fato de que o aperfeiçoamento de qualquer sistema educacional depende, necessariamente, de avaliações, e estas carecem de modelos adequados e abrangentes que forneçam parâmetros comparáveis, confiáveis e relevantes para a tomada de decisões gerenciais e pedagógicas. Em seus resultados, o trabalho destaca, de modo geral, que a instituição atende às expectativas dos respondentes. Porém, alguns pontos críticos, passíveis de melhoria, foram notados e serviram de base para a discussão sobre a qualidade do ensino nas escolas de Administração.The SERVQUAL model was used for an educational evaluation with students of a post-graduate course lato sensu at an institution in Parana state. There the strategy for attracting students is based on the flexibility of courses offered, class schedules and options for payment. Relevance of this work is related to the fact that improvement of an educational system depends upon evaluations and that these lack adequate and comprehensive models to provide comparable, dependable and relevant parameters for managerial and pedagogical decisions. Results stress that the institution generally meets expectations. However, some critical aspects, subject to improvement, were noted and utilized to discuss the quality of education in business administration schools.

  15. Extraction of rare earths from iron-rich rare earth deposits


    Bisaka, K.; Thobadi, I.C.; Pawlik, C.


    Rare earth metals are classified as critical metals by the United Nations, as they have found wide application in the fabrication of magnets, particularly those used in green energy technologies which mitigate global warming. Processing of ores containing rare earth elements is complex, and differs according to the nature of each ore. In the conventional process, run of mine (ROM) ores are processed in a physical separation plant to produce a concentrate from which rare earth elements are ext...

  16. Congenital pulmonary arteriovenous malformation: a rare cause of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM) is a rare condition in which there is abnormal connection between pulmonary arteries and veins. The disorder usually appears in late childhood or early adult life, with dyspnea on exertion, clubbing or cyanosis. We present two patients with severe cyanosis and their work-up ...

  17. Bayesian detection of causal rare variants under posterior consistency.

    KAUST Repository

    Liang, Faming


    Identification of causal rare variants that are associated with complex traits poses a central challenge on genome-wide association studies. However, most current research focuses only on testing the global association whether the rare variants in a given genomic region are collectively associated with the trait. Although some recent work, e.g., the Bayesian risk index method, have tried to address this problem, it is unclear whether the causal rare variants can be consistently identified by them in the small-n-large-P situation. We develop a new Bayesian method, the so-called Bayesian Rare Variant Detector (BRVD), to tackle this problem. The new method simultaneously addresses two issues: (i) (Global association test) Are there any of the variants associated with the disease, and (ii) (Causal variant detection) Which variants, if any, are driving the association. The BRVD ensures the causal rare variants to be consistently identified in the small-n-large-P situation by imposing some appropriate prior distributions on the model and model specific parameters. The numerical results indicate that the BRVD is more powerful for testing the global association than the existing methods, such as the combined multivariate and collapsing test, weighted sum statistic test, RARECOVER, sequence kernel association test, and Bayesian risk index, and also more powerful for identification of causal rare variants than the Bayesian risk index method. The BRVD has also been successfully applied to the Early-Onset Myocardial Infarction (EOMI) Exome Sequence Data. It identified a few causal rare variants that have been verified in the literature.

  18. Bayesian detection of causal rare variants under posterior consistency.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Faming Liang

    Full Text Available Identification of causal rare variants that are associated with complex traits poses a central challenge on genome-wide association studies. However, most current research focuses only on testing the global association whether the rare variants in a given genomic region are collectively associated with the trait. Although some recent work, e.g., the Bayesian risk index method, have tried to address this problem, it is unclear whether the causal rare variants can be consistently identified by them in the small-n-large-P situation. We develop a new Bayesian method, the so-called Bayesian Rare Variant Detector (BRVD, to tackle this problem. The new method simultaneously addresses two issues: (i (Global association test Are there any of the variants associated with the disease, and (ii (Causal variant detection Which variants, if any, are driving the association. The BRVD ensures the causal rare variants to be consistently identified in the small-n-large-P situation by imposing some appropriate prior distributions on the model and model specific parameters. The numerical results indicate that the BRVD is more powerful for testing the global association than the existing methods, such as the combined multivariate and collapsing test, weighted sum statistic test, RARECOVER, sequence kernel association test, and Bayesian risk index, and also more powerful for identification of causal rare variants than the Bayesian risk index method. The BRVD has also been successfully applied to the Early-Onset Myocardial Infarction (EOMI Exome Sequence Data. It identified a few causal rare variants that have been verified in the literature.

  19. Bayesian detection of causal rare variants under posterior consistency.

    KAUST Repository

    Liang, Faming; Xiong, Momiao


    Identification of causal rare variants that are associated with complex traits poses a central challenge on genome-wide association studies. However, most current research focuses only on testing the global association whether the rare variants in a given genomic region are collectively associated with the trait. Although some recent work, e.g., the Bayesian risk index method, have tried to address this problem, it is unclear whether the causal rare variants can be consistently identified by them in the small-n-large-P situation. We develop a new Bayesian method, the so-called Bayesian Rare Variant Detector (BRVD), to tackle this problem. The new method simultaneously addresses two issues: (i) (Global association test) Are there any of the variants associated with the disease, and (ii) (Causal variant detection) Which variants, if any, are driving the association. The BRVD ensures the causal rare variants to be consistently identified in the small-n-large-P situation by imposing some appropriate prior distributions on the model and model specific parameters. The numerical results indicate that the BRVD is more powerful for testing the global association than the existing methods, such as the combined multivariate and collapsing test, weighted sum statistic test, RARECOVER, sequence kernel association test, and Bayesian risk index, and also more powerful for identification of causal rare variants than the Bayesian risk index method. The BRVD has also been successfully applied to the Early-Onset Myocardial Infarction (EOMI) Exome Sequence Data. It identified a few causal rare variants that have been verified in the literature.

  20. China's rare-earth industry (United States)

    Tse, Pui-Kwan


    Introduction China's dominant position as the producer of over 95 percent of the world output of rare-earth minerals and rapid increases in the consumption of rare earths owing to the emergence of new clean-energy and defense-related technologies, combined with China's decisions to restrict exports of rare earths, have resulted in heightened concerns about the future availability of rare earths. As a result, industrial countries such as Japan, the United States, and countries of the European Union face tighter supplies and higher prices for rare earths. This paper briefly reviews China's rare-earth production, consumption, and reserves and the important policies and regulations regarding the production and trade of rare earths, including recently announced export quotas. The 15 lanthanide elements-lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium (atomic numbers 57-71)-were originally known as the rare earths from their occurrence in oxides mixtures. Recently, some researchers have included two other elements-scandium and yttrium-in their discussion of rare earths. Yttrium (atomic number 39), which lies above lanthanum in transition group III of the periodic table and has a similar 3+ ion with a noble gas core, has both atomic and ionic radii similar in size to those of terbium and dysprosium and is generally found in nature with lanthanides. Scandium (atomic number 21) has a smaller ionic radius than yttrium and the lanthanides, and its chemical behavior is intermediate between that of aluminum and the lanthanides. It is found in nature with the lanthanides and yttrium. Rare earths are used widely in high-technology and clean-energy products because they impart special properties of magnetism, luminescence, and strength. Rare earths are also used in weapon systems to obtain the same properties.

  1. Working group of experts on rare events in human error analysis and quantification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodstein, L.P.


    In dealing with the reference problem of rare events in nuclear power plants, the group has concerned itself with the man-machine system and, in particular, with human error analysis and quantification. The Group was requested to review methods of human reliability prediction, to evaluate the extent to which such analyses can be formalized and to establish criteria to be met by task conditions and system design which would permit a systematic, formal analysis. Recommendations are given on the Fessenheim safety system

  2. Computational search for rare-earth free hard-magnetic materials (United States)

    Flores Livas, José A.; Sharma, Sangeeta; Dewhurst, John Kay; Gross, Eberhard; MagMat Team


    It is difficult to over state the importance of hard magnets for human life in modern times; they enter every walk of our life from medical equipments (NMR) to transport (trains, planes, cars, etc) to electronic appliances (for house hold use to computers). All the known hard magnets in use today contain rare-earth elements, extraction of which is expensive and environmentally harmful. Rare-earths are also instrumental in tipping the balance of world economy as most of them are mined in limited specific parts of the world. Hence it would be ideal to have similar characteristics as a hard magnet but without or at least with reduced amount of rare-earths. This is the main goal of our work: search for rare-earth-free magnets. To do so we employ a combination of density functional theory and crystal prediction methods. The quantities which define a hard magnet are magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) and saturation magnetization (Ms), which are the quantities we maximize in search for an ideal magnet. In my talk I will present details of the computation search algorithm together with some potential newly discovered rare-earth free hard magnet. J.A.F.L. acknowledge financial support from EU's 7th Framework Marie-Curie scholarship program within the ``ExMaMa'' Project (329386).

  3. Fabrication of Superhydrophobic and Luminescent Rare Earth/Polymer complex Films. (United States)

    Wang, Zefeng; Ye, Weiwei; Luo, Xinran; Wang, Zhonggang


    The motivation of this work is to create luminescent rare earth/polymer films with outstanding water-resistance and superhydrophobicity. Specifically, the emulsion polymerization of styrene leads to core particles. Then core-shell-structured polymer nanoparticles are synthesized by copolymerization of styrene and acrylic acid on the core surface. The coordination reaction between carboxylic groups and rare earth ions (Eu(3+) and Tb(3+)) generates uniform spherical rare earth/polymer nanoparticles, which are subsequently complexed with PTFE microparticles to obtain micro-/nano-scaled PTFE/rare earth films with hierarchical rough morphology. The films exhibit large water contact angle up to 161° and sliding angle of about 6°, and can emit strong red and green fluorescence under UV excitation. More surprisingly, it is found that the films maintain high fluorescence intensity after submersed in water and even in aqueous salt solution for two days because of the excellent water repellent ability of surfaces.

  4. Mining with Rare Cases (United States)

    Weiss, Gary M.

    Rare cases are often the most interesting cases. For example, in medical diagnosis one is typically interested in identifying relatively rare diseases, such as cancer, rather than more frequently occurring ones, such as the common cold. In this chapter we discuss the role of rare cases in Data Mining. Specific problems associated with mining rare cases are discussed, followed by a description of methods for addressing these problems.

  5. Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Interdisciplinary Management of a Rare Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, S.; Thurnher, D.; Erovic, B. M.


    The goal of this paper is to review contemporary multidisciplinary treatment with reference to Milkier cell carcinoma. Management of this rare but highly aggressive skin cancer is a complex undertaking that necessitates an understanding of its etiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation, and the coordinated work of several clinical specializations. Recent Findings. The contemporary literature employs a multidisciplinary approach to achieve the best patient's treatment. Conclusion. This paper presents an algorithm for contemporary management for the rare and aggressive Merkel cell carcinoma. Multidisciplinary approach in a tumor center provides high-quality care for patients with Merkel cell carcinoma.

  6. Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Interdisciplinary Management of a Rare Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sven Schneider


    Full Text Available Background. The goal of this paper is to review contemporary multidisciplinary treatment with reference to Merkel cell carcinoma. Management of this rare but highly aggressive skin cancer is a complex undertaking that necessitates an understanding of its etiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation, and the coordinated work of several clinical specializations. Recent Findings. The contemporary literature employs a multidisciplinary approach to achieve the best patient's treatment. Conclusion. This paper presents an algorithm for contemporary management for the rare and aggressive Merkel cell carcinoma. Multidisciplinary approach in a tumor center provides high-quality care for patients with Merkel cell carcinoma.

  7. A divalent rare earth oxide semiconductor: Yttrium monoxide (United States)

    Kaminaga, Kenichi; Sei, Ryosuke; Hayashi, Kouichi; Happo, Naohisa; Tajiri, Hiroo; Oka, Daichi; Fukumura, Tomoteru; Hasegawa, Tetsuya

    Rare earth sesquioxides like Y2O3 are known as widegap insulators with the highly stable closed shell trivalent rare earth ions. On the other hand, rare earth monoxides such as YO have been recognized as gaseous phase, and only EuO and YbO were thermodynamically stable solid-phase rock salt monoxides. In this study, solid-phase rock salt yttrium monoxide, YO, was synthesized in a form of epitaxial thin film by pulsed laser deposition method. YO possesses unusual valence of Y2+ ([Kr] 4d1) . In contrast with Y2O3, YO was narrow gap semiconductor with dark-brown color. The electrical conductivity was tunable from 10-1 to 103 Ω-1 cm-1 by introducing oxygen vacancies as electron donor. Weak antilocalization behavior was observed indicating significant spin-orbit coupling owing to 4 d electron carrier. The absorption spectral shape implies the Mott-Hubbard insulator character of YO. Rare earth monoixdes will be new platform of functional oxides. This work was supported by JST-CREST, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) with Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Nos. 26105002 and 26105006), and Nanotechnology Platform (Project No.12024046) of MEXT, Japan.

  8. Rare B decays, rare τ decays, and grand unification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sher, M.; Yuan, Y.


    In multi-Higgs-boson extensions of the standard model, tree-level flavor-changing neutral currents exist naturally, unless suppressed by some symmetry. For a given rate, the exchanged scalar or pseudoscalar mass is very sensitive to the flavor-changing coupling between the first two generations. Since the Yukawa couplings of the first two generations are unknown and certainly very small, bounds which rely on some assumed value of this flavor-changing coupling are quite dubious. One might expect the size (and reliability) of the Yukawa couplings involving the third generation to be greater. In this paper, we consider processes involving τ's and B's, and determine the bounds on the flavor-changing couplings which involve third-generation fields. The strongest bound in the quark sector comes from B-bar B mixing and in the lepton sector, surprisingly, from μ→eγ. It is then noted that the flavor-changing couplings in the quark sector are related to those in the lepton sector in many grand unified theories, and one can ask whether an analysis of rare τ decays or rare B decays will provide the strongest constraints. We show that rare B decays provide the strongest bounds, and that no useful information can be obtained from rare τ decays. It is also noted that the most promising decay modes are B→Kμτ and B s →μτ, and we urge experimenters to look for rare decay modes of the B in which a τ is in the final state

  9. Rare particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutschera, W.


    The use of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) to search for hypothetical particles and known particles of rare processes is discussed. The hypothetical particles considered include fractionally charged particles, anomalously heavy isotopes, and superheavy elements. The known particles produced in rare processes discussed include doubly-charged negative ions, counting neutrino-produced atoms in detectors for solar neutrino detection, and the spontaneous emission of 14 C from 223 Ra. 35 references

  10. Recovery of lead-208 radiogenic of residues of thorium with rare earth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.C.; Freitas, A.A. de; Seneda, J.A.F.; Carvalho, M.S. de; Abrao, A.


    In the middle of the years 1970 in IPEN, considerable work for the purification and conversion of uranium and thorium project, the production of thorium nitrate, a pilot scale from different compounds of Thorium was accomplished; This installation of thorium nitrate produced for national marketing, given the industry of incandescent lighting gas mangles.. The method used by this installation was the purification by solvent extraction with pulsed columns. The thorium was in the organic phase, which was reversed as of thorium nitrate with a high degree of purity. The aqueous phase of this chemical process, containing impurities, some not extracted thorium and virtually all rare earths was precipitated in the form of a hydroxide. This was called RETOTER hydroxide (residue of Thorium and Rare Earth). This residue containing thorium, rare earth and some impurities such as lead-208 product of the decay of thorium-232 were stored in the shed of safeguarding IPEN for further recovery of thorium and rare earth. In this work was studied the recovery of lead-208, nuclear material of interest, separating it by the technique of cementation , where it adds zinc metallic to an acid solution of RETOTER, holding up the lead on the surface of the metallic zinc. (author)

  11. Rare earths as a future resource

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cornell, D.H.


    The fourteen rare earth or lanthanide elements have recently emerged as an important natural resource because of the rapidly growing demand in the electronic, chemical and metallurgical industries. The Symposium on rare earth elements as a future resource presented a multidisciplinary review of rare earth chemistry, geology, beneficiation, industrial applications and marketing. Papers by experts in many fields were presented on the following topics: chemical properties of the rare earth elements; the analysis of rare earth elements and minerals; beneficiation and extraction of rare earth elements; economic geochemistry and mineralogy of rare earths; present industrial uses of rare earth elements; the role of rare earth elements in high-temperature superconductors; the technical application of high-temperature superconductors; supply and demand for rare earth products - now and in the future, and the geology of rare earth deposits

  12. Trabalho análogo ao escravo e o limite da relação de emprego: natureza e disputa na regulação do Estado.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vitor Araújo Filgueiras


    Full Text Available O presente texto analisa o trabalho análogo ao escravo no Brasil contemporâneo. O objetivo do trabalho, produto de pesquisa efetuada entre os anos de 2009 e 2013, é apresentar a natureza do trabalho análogo ao escravo e explicar como o Estado brasileiro tem prescrito e tentado efetivar controles da exploração do trabalho com base em limites à existência da própria relação de emprego. Mais especificamente, o Estado determina um limite externo à relação de assalariamento no Brasil, que contempla o tipo de coerção específica do capitalismo, pois independe da coação individual do comprador da força de trabalho para se configurar. Os desafios à diminuição da incidência de condições de trabalho análogas à escrava são colossais, e incluem resistências desde os próprios aparelhos do Estado.

  13. A rare metastasis from a rare brain tumour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aabenhus, Kristine; Hahn, Christoffer Holst


    This case report presents the story of a patient with an oligodendroglioma metastasizing to the bone marrow and to lymph nodes of the neck. The patient had undergone primary brain surgery 13 years prior to the discovery of metastases and radiotherapy directed at the brain tumour two months prior........ Oligodendroglioma are rare primary brain tumours of which extraneural metastasis is even more rare. The incidence of cases like this may be increasing because of better treatment and thus longer survival of patients with oligodendroglioma....

  14. Educação ambiental e emprego de equipamentos economizadores na redução do consumo de água em residências de famílias de baixa renda em uma escola de ensino fundamental


    Gisele Vidal Vimieiro


    O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar o emprego da educação ambiental e da instalação de equipamentos sanitários economizadores na redução do consumo de água em domicílios de famílias de baixa renda e na escola de ensino fundamental do bairro Capitão Eduardo, periferia de Belo Horizonte. Pretendeu-se ainda gerar resultados que pudessem dar subsídios à avaliação da viabilidade de implantação de políticas públicas de financiamento para famílias de baixa renda e escolas públicas para a aquisição d...

  15. Quantitative analysis or rare earths by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taam, Isabel; Mantovano, J.L.; Gante, Valdir; Jesus, Camila S.


    Rare earths ores and compounds are of growing importance to the worldwide industry. Its applications range from raw material to catalysts, manufacturing of electronics and even super magnets. Therefore, the demand for quick and accurate quantitative analysis methods is continuously growing. Current quantification methods of rare earths involve the separation of these elements by ion exchange and liquid-liquid extraction prior to the analysis itself, processes both time and reagent consuming. In the present work, we propose a method that directly quantifies by XRF technique the following rare earths: La, Pr, Nd, Sm and Gd in a concentrated liquor whose matrix also contains Ca, Y, PO4, U and Th. We evaluated the analytical interference of each element present on the sample on X-rays spectrum. The studied samples are certified standards and the obtained results have been compared to EDTA titration results, an already well-established and widely trusted method.We also measured the matrix effect thus using a complex rare earths standard. Results show that quantification by XRF technique is as accurate as the results in dose titration with EDTA for the same elements, with the advantage of exempting the previous separation step from each rare earth and from other elements present in the matrix (such as U and Th). (author)

  16. Mineral characterisation of Don Pao rare earth deposit in Vietnam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    XuanBen, T.


    Full text: The Don Pao Rare Earth Deposit was discovered in 1959 in Phon Tho district, about 450km North-West of Hanoi capital. Geological work was conducted between 1959-95, resulting in 60 ore bodies of various sizes being identified. The ore bodies are irregularly shaped nests, lenses and veins hosted in the shear zone, at the margin of a Paeleogene aged syenite massif. The mineral composition of Don Pao Deposit is very complex, consisting of more than 50 minerals. Among them, basnaesite, parisite, fluorite and barite are the main constituent minerals of the ore. All the minerals were identified by the modern methods of mineralogical studies. Based on the constituent mineral ratios, four ore types have been distinguished in the deposit: 1. Rare earth ore containing over 5 percent of RE 2 O 3 . 2. Rare Earth-Barite ore containing 0.5 to 30 percent of RE 2 O 3 . 3. Rare Earth-Barite-Fluorite ore containing 1 to 5 percent of RE 2 O 3 . 4. Rare Earth bearing Fluorite ore containing 1 to 5 percent of RE 2 O 3 . According to the benefication test, the ores in Don Pao can be enriched to a concentrate of 60 percent of RE 2 O 3 with a recover of 75 percent

  17. Rare earth germanates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bondar', I.A.; Vinogradova, N.V.; Dem'yanets, L.N.


    From the viewpoint of structural chemistry and general regularities controlling formation reactions of compounds and phases in melts, solid and gaseous states, recent achievements in the chemistry of rare earth germanates are generalized. Methods of synthesizing germanates, systems on the base of germanium oxides and rare earths are considered. The data on crystallochemical characteristics are tabulated. Individual compounds of scandium germanate are also characterized. Processes of germanate formation using the data of IR-spectroscopy, X-ray phase analysis are studied. The structure and morphotropic series of rare earth germanates and silicates are determined. Fields of their present and possible future application are considered

  18. Rare earths 1998 market update

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tourre, J.M.


    The rare earth industry has always been a world of rapid change with the emergence of new markets, new ores and new players, as well as the disappearance of old applications. Rare earth based products are used in a great diversity of applications such as hard disk drives, CD drives, batteries, capacitors, pigments, ceramics, polishing powders, fuel cells, flints, catalyst converter, fluid cracking catalysts, etc. South East Asia holds the largest share of the known reserve of rare earth ores and is one of the major markets for rare earth compounds; in the last ten years, China has become the largest producer of rare earth intermediates as well as an important exporter of separated rare earth elements. Today, China has approximately 150 factories producing rare earth compounds, most of which are experiencing financial difficulties due to the lack of knowledge of true market needs, lack of control of their distribution channels and production over-capacity. Recently the Chinese rare earth producers have recognized the situation and efforts are underway to rationalize rare earth production. Japan has dominated many of the major application markets, and is by far the largest market for metal and alloy products. This will remain the case for the next five years; however, new countries are emerging as significant users of rare earth products such as Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia. During the last ten years rare earth producers adjusted to several radical changes that affected the raw materials, the application mix and the price structure. New producers have emerged, especially from China; some have subsequently stopped their activities while others have focused their efforts in a specific market segment

  19. Rare earths: occurrence, production and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murthy, T.K.S.; Mukherjee, T.K.


    The mining and processing of rare earth minerals, particularly of monazite, began in a modest way in 1880s for commercialized production of mantle for gas lighting. For all major applications up to mid-twentieth century- production of lighter flints, misch metal as a metallurgical alloying agent, colouring, decolourizing and polishing agents for glass, petroleum cracking catalysts and arc-carbons, unseparated or partially separated rare earths were adequate. These applications continue till today. With the development and industrial application of powerful techniques like ion exchange and solvent extraction for the separation of rare earths, the decades after 1960 saw increasing utilization of the specific properties of the individual rare earths. Some of these advanced technological applications include: special glass for optical systems including camera lenses, phosphors for colour television, cathode ray tubes and fluorescent lighting, X-ray intensification screens, high intensity permanent magnets, electro optical devices, lasers, hydrogen storage materials, hydride rechargeable batteries, photomagnetic data storage systems, autoexhaust catalysts, special ceramics of unusual toughness, artificial diamonds and nonpoisonous plastic colorants. The topics covered in the book include rare earths: their story identity, rare earth resources, processing of ores and recovery of mixed rare earths products, separation and purification of rare earths, nonmetallic applications of rare earths, rare earth metals: production and applications, rare earth alloys and their applications, analysis of rare earth, processing of rare earth resources in India by Indian Rare Earth Ltd. and availability and market conditions

  20. The Chinese Society of Rare Earth is Studying The Feasibility of Marketing Rare Earth Futures

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Lin Donglu,secretary-general of the Chinese Society of Rare Earth recently said,the Chinese Society of Rare Earth undertook the research on subject of the National Social Science Fund Foundation on the reform of Chinese rare earth trading pricing mechanism on promoting RMB globalization,and is focusing on studying the feasibility of marketing rare earth futures variety.

  1. Investigation and functional characterization of rare genetic variants in the adipose triglyceride lipase in a large healthy working population.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Coassin


    Full Text Available Recent studies demonstrated a strong influence of rare genetic variants on several lipid-related traits. However, their impact on free fatty acid (FFA plasma concentrations, as well as the role of rare variants in a general population, has not yet been thoroughly addressed. The adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL is encoded by the PNPLA2 gene and catalyzes the rate-limiting step of lipolysis. It represents a prominent candidate gene affecting FFA concentrations. We therefore screened the full genomic region of ATGL for mutations in 1,473 randomly selected individuals from the SAPHIR (Salzburg Atherosclerosis Prevention program in subjects at High Individual Risk Study using a combined Ecotilling and sequencing approach and functionally investigated all detected protein variants by in-vitro studies. We observed 55 novel mostly rare genetic variants in this general population sample. Biochemical evaluation of all non-synonymous variants demonstrated the presence of several mutated but mostly still functional ATGL alleles with largely varying residual lipolytic activity. About one-quarter (3 out of 13 of the investigated variants presented a marked decrease or total loss of catalytic function. Genetic association studies using both continuous and dichotomous approaches showed a shift towards lower plasma FFA concentrations for rare variant carriers and an accumulation of variants in the lower 10%-quantile of the FFA distribution. However, the generally rather small effects suggest either only a secondary role of rare ATGL variants on the FFA levels in the SAPHIR population or a recessive action of ATGL variants. In contrast to these rather small effects, we describe here also the first patient with "neutral lipid storage disease with myopathy" (NLSDM with a point mutation in the catalytic dyad, but otherwise intact protein.

  2. A Rare Presentation of a Rare Disease: Pulmonary Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghulam Rehman Mohyuddin


    Full Text Available A 70-year-old female presented with a 4-week history of dry cough and wheezing. Chest radiograph showed a 10.5 cm mass-like density in the anterior mediastinum which had not been previously visualized. Computed tomography scan (CT of the chest showed a right hilar mass encasing and narrowing right upper lobe bronchus and right mainstem bronchus and secondary atelectatic changes. Biopsy was consistent with a diagnosis of lymphomatoid granulomatosis Grade 3. She responded well clinically and radiologically to therapy. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis is a rare EBV-associated disorder which is considered a lymphoproliferative disease. The most common radiographic feature is multiple lung nodules. An isolated hilar mass is an exceptionally rare presentation of this rare disease.

  3. Pediatric schwannomatosis, a rare but distinct form of neurofibromatosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, Anna K. [University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Department of Radiology, Le Bonheur Children' s Hospital, Memphis, TN (United States); Egelhoff, John C.; Curran, John G. [Phoenix Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Thomas, Bobby


    Schwannomatosis is the third major form of neurofibromatosis, distinct from neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) and type 1 (NF1). This condition is rare with a variable phenotypic presentation and complex molecular and genetic findings. In this case, a previously healthy teenager was found to have multiple spinal lesions and an enhancing right parotid mass on MRI. On extensive further work-up, this patient met the existing clinical criteria for schwannomatosis. This case report aims to review the clinical features and current diagnostic criteria for schwannomatosis and compare it to NF1 and NF2. Special emphasis will be placed on imaging features that should prompt the radiologist to suggest this rare diagnosis. (orig.)

  4. Rare earths and actinides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coqblin, B.


    This paper reviews the different properties of rare-earths and actinides, either as pure metals or as in alloys or compounds. Three different cases are considered: (i) First, in the case of 'normal' rare-earths which are characterized by a valence of 3, we discuss essentially the magnetic ordering, the coexistence between superconductivity and magnetism and the properties of amorphous rare-earth systems. (ii) Second, in the case of 'anomalous' rare-earths, we distinguish between either 'intermediate-valence' systems or 'Kondo' systems. Special emphasis is given to the problems of the 'Kondo lattice' (for compounds such as CeAl 2 ,CeAl 3 or CeB 6 ) or the 'Anderson lattice' (for compounds such as TmSe). The problem of neutron diffraction in these systems is also discussed. (iii) Third, in the case of actinides, we can separate between the d-f hybridized and almost magnetic metals at the beginning of the series and the rare-earth like the metals after americium. (orig.)

  5. The burden of rare cancers in Italy: the surveillance of rare cancers in Italy (RITA) project. (United States)

    Trama, Annalisa; Mallone, Sandra; Ferretti, Stefano; Meduri, Francesca; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Gatta, Gemma


    The project Surveillance of rare cancers in Italy (RITA) provides, for the first time, estimates of the burden of rare cancers in Italy based on the list of rare cancers proposed in collaboration with the European project Surveillance of Rare Cancers in Europe (RARECARE). RITA analyzed data from Italian population-based cancer registries (CR). The period of diagnosis was 1988 to 2002, and vital status information was available up to December 31, 2003. Incidence rates were estimated for the period 1995-2002, survival for the years 2000-2002 (with the period method of Brenner), and complete prevalence at January 1, 2003. Rare cancers are those with an incidence <6/100,000/year. In Italy, every year there are 60,000 new diagnoses of rare cancers corresponding to 15% of all new cancer diagnoses. Five-year relative survival was on the average worse for rare cancers (53%) than for common cancers (73%). A total of 770,000 patients were living in Italy in 2008 with a diagnosis of a rare cancer, 22% of the total cancer prevalence. Our estimates constitute a useful base for further research and support the idea that rare cancers are a public health problem that deserves attention. Centers of expertise for rare cancers that pool cases, expertise and resources could ensure an adequate clinical management for these diseases. Our data also showed that cancer registries are suitable sources of data to estimate incidence, prevalence and survival for rare cancers and should continue to monitoring rare cancers in Italy.

  6. Morbidade em candidatos a emprego na região metropolitana de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Morbidity among job applicants in Greater Metropolitan Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vilma S. Santana


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo transversal é avaliar o perfil de morbidade de candidatos a emprego, através de estimativas de prevalência de alterações de exames laboratoriais, dados da anamnese clínica e do laudo médico ocupacional sobre a aptidão para o trabalho. A população do estudo se constitui de 1.237 trabalhadores do sexo masculino, selecionados aleatoriamente através de prontuários médicos de um Serviço de Medicina Ocupacional de Salvador-Bahia, no período entre 1988 e 1996. Apenas dados de exames admissionais foram utilizados. As enfermidades mais encontradas foram infecções parasitárias (51,7%, anemias (12,8% e hipertensão arterial (12,7%, enquanto que o sobrepeso atingiu 24,7% da população do estudo. Motoristas apresentaram altas prevalências de sobrepeso (38,2% e hipertensão arterial (16,2%. Programas de higiene e segurança no trabalho necessitam enfocar, além de riscos e doenças ocupacionais, as mais comuns enfermidades e riscos, que nesta população foram aqueles típicos das más condições de vida. Atenção especial para a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares deve ser dirigida a motoristas.This cross-sectional study evaluates the pre-employment health status of job applicants, based on prevalence estimates of abnormal laboratory test results, clinical diagnosis, and a physician-signed fit-for-work assessment, which is mandatory in Brazil. The study population was a random sample of 1,237 male workers selected from medical records (1988-1996 from an Occupational Medical Center located in Salvador, the capital of Bahia State, Brazil. The data were from a single pre-employment medical assessment for each individual. The most common diseases were intestinal parasites (51.7%, anemia (12.8%, and hypertension (12.7%. Drivers showed a high prevalence of overweight (38.2% and hypertension (16.2%. In addition to work-related risks and diseases, occupational hygiene and safety programs need to address prevailing

  7. Client-related work tasks and meaning of work: results from a longitudinal study among eldercare workers in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tufte, Pernille; Clausen, Thomas; Nabe-Nielsen, Kirsten


    PURPOSE: To investigate the association between the perception of client-related work tasks and the experience of meaning of work among eldercare workers in the Danish eldercare sector. METHODS: We used baseline and follow-up questionnaire data from 3,985 female eldercare workers. The eldercare...... or rarely have this experience. Care workers who frequently experience to have to end a visit prematurely are significantly less likely to experience meaning of work at follow-up than care workers who rarely experience this. Experiences of having time to perform other than pre-planned tasks and to have...... workers' perception of the client-related work tasks was measured by six items. Meaning of work was measured by a three-item scale. General linear modelling was used to investigate the association between the client-related work tasks at baseline and experience of meaning of work at follow-up adjusted...

  8. Safety aspects in rare earths recovery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhattacharya, R.


    Recovery of rare earths involves mining of beach sands, mineral separation to obtain monazite and its chemical processing to obtain rare earth composites. The composites are then subjected to further chemical treatment to obtain individual rare earths. Although the separated out rare earths are not radioactive, the process for recovery of rare earths involve both radiological as well as conventional hazards. This paper highlights the safety aspects in the mining, mineral separation and chemical processing of monazite to obtain rare earths

  9. Primary thoracic epidural lymphoma: A rare cause of spinal cord ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Spinal epidural lymphoma is a rare entity that is not often considered in the differential diagnosis of an epidural mass in a previously healthy individual. Pfatients with Primary Spinal Epidural Lymphomas (PSELs) have negative diagnostic work up for systemic lymphoma and unlike disseminated lymphoma, they achieve ...

  10. Rare B decays at LHCb

    CERN Document Server

    Puig Navarro, Albert


    Rare decays are flavour changing neutral current processes that allow sensitive searches for phenomena beyond the Standard Model (SM). In the SM, rare decays are loop-suppressed and new particles in SM extensions can give significant contributions. The very rare decay $B^0_s\\to\\mu^+\\mu^-$ in addition helicity suppressed and constitutes a powerful probe for new (pseudo) scalar particles. Of particular interest are furthermore tests of lepton universality in rare $b\\to s\\ell^+\\ell^-$ decays. The LHCb experiment is designed for the study of b-hadron decays and ideally suited for the analysis of rare decays due to its high trigger efficiency, as well as excellent tracking and particle identification performance. Recent results from the LHCb experiment in the area of rare decays are presented, including tests of lepton universality and searches for lepton flavour violation.

  11. Rare earths and rare earth alloys electrolytic preparation process and device for this process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seon, F.; Barthole, G.


    Electrolysis of a molten salt of rare earth or rare earth alloy for preparation of the metal or alloy is described. The molten salt bath comprises at least a rare earth chloride, at least an alkaline or alkaline earth chloride and at least an alkaline or alkaline earth fluoride [fr

  12. Novel recycle technology for recovering rare metals (Ga, In) from waste light-emitting diodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhan, Lu; Xia, Fafa; Ye, Qiuyu; Xiang, Xishu; Xie, Bing, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Rare metals (Ga, In) are separated and recycled from waste light-emitting diodes. • Pyrolysis, physical disaggregation and vacuum metallurgy separation are proposed. • There is no hazardous materials produced in this process. - Abstract: This work develops a novel process of recycling rare metals (Ga, In) from waste light-emitting diodes using the combination of pyrolysis, physical disaggregation methods and vacuum metallurgy separation. Firstly, the pure chips containing InGaN/GaN are adopted to study the vacuum separation behavior of rare metals, which aims to provide the theoretical foundation for recycling gallium and indium from waste light-emitting diodes. In order to extract the rare-metal-rich particles from waste light-emitting diodes, pyrolysis and physical disaggregation methods (crushing, screening, grinding and secondly screening) are studied respectively, and the operating parameters are optimized. With low boiling points and high saturation vapor pressures under vacuum, gallium and indium are separated from rare-metal-rich particles by the process of evaporation and condensation. By reference to the separating parameters of pure chips, gallium and indium in waste light-emitting diodes are recycled with the recovery efficiencies of 93.48% and 95.67% under the conditions as follows: heating temperature of 1373 K, vacuum pressure of 0.01–0.1 Pa, and holding time of 60 min. There are no secondary hazardous materials generated in the whole processes. This work provides an efficient and environmentally friendly process for recycling rare metals from waste light-emitting diodes.

  13. Towards Rare Itemset Mining


    Szathmary , Laszlo; Napoli , Amedeo; Valtchev , Petko


    site de la conférence :; International audience; We describe here a general approach for rare itemset mining. While mining literature has been almost exclusively focused on frequent itemsets, in many practical situations rare ones are of higher interest (e.g., in medical databases, rare combinations of symptoms might provide useful insights for the physicians). Based on an examination of the relevant substructures of the mining space, our approach splits the ra...

  14. Rare-Earth Tantalates and Niobates Single Crystals: Promising Scintillators and Laser Materials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renqin Dou


    Full Text Available Rare-earth tantalates, with high density and monoclinic structure, and niobates with monoclinic structure have been paid great attention as potential optical materials. In the last decade, we focused on the crystal growth technology of rare-earth tantalates and niobates and studied their luminescence and physical properties. A series of rare-earth tantalates and niobates crystals have been grown by the Czochralski method successfully. In this work, we summarize the research results on the crystal growth, scintillation, and laser properties of them, including the absorption and emission spectra, spectral parameters, energy levels structure, and so on. Most of the tantalates and niobates exhibit excellent luminescent properties, rich physical properties, and good chemical stability, indicating that they are potential outstanding scintillators and laser materials.

  15. The magnetoresistivity of some rare-earth metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Webber, G.D.


    The thesis describes measurements of the low temperature transverse magnetoresistivities of single crystals of rare-earth metals in magnetic fields up to 8 Tesla. A general introduction to the rare-earths, their magnetic properties and a review of the basic theory and mechanism of magnetoresistivity is given. Details of the crystal structure, growth of single crystals and sample mounting method follow. The experimental equipment and measuring techniques are then described. The low temperature transverse magnetoresistivity of polycrystalline lanthanum and single crystal praseodymium for the temperature range 4.2 - 30K is measured. The separation of the spin-disorder and Fermi-surface orbital effect contributions are described and the theoretical and experimental spin-disorder values compared. Magnetoresistivity measurements for neodymium single crystals (4.2 - 30K) are compared with the magnetic properties determined from neutron diffraction studies. Results for gadolinium single crystals (4.2 - 200K) are compared for two different impurity levels and with previous work. (UK)

  16. Refined potentials for rare gas atom adsorption on rare gas and alkali-halide surfaces (United States)

    Wilson, J. W.; Heinbockel, J. H.; Outlaw, R. A.


    The utilization of models of interatomic potential for physical interaction to estimate the long range attractive potential for rare gases and ions is discussed. The long range attractive force is calculated in terms of the atomic dispersion properties. A data base of atomic dispersion parameters for rare gas atoms, alkali ion, and halogen ions is applied to the study of the repulsive core; the procedure for evaluating the repulsive core of ion interactions is described. The interaction of rare gas atoms on ideal rare gas solid and alkali-halide surfaces is analyzed; zero coverage absorption potentials are derived.


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    P. F. Kononkov


    Full Text Available The results  of joint work of All-Russian public organization «The Academy of non traditional and rare plants» and the SSI All-Russian research  institute of vegetable breeding and seed production  of RAAS are presented.   The results of two decades of work on the introduction of new, less common and non-traditional plants by scientists from Russia and foreign countries published  in fifty volumes of the proceedings  of international symposia and conferences  and in the collections «The introduction of non6traditional and rare plants and the prospects for their practical use» are reviewed.

  18. Rare Disease Video Portal


    Sánchez Bocanegra, Carlos Luis


    Rare Disease Video Portal (RD Video) is a portal web where contains videos from Youtube including all details from 12 channels of Youtube. Rare Disease Video Portal (RD Video) es un portal web que contiene los vídeos de Youtube incluyendo todos los detalles de 12 canales de Youtube. Rare Disease Video Portal (RD Video) és un portal web que conté els vídeos de Youtube i que inclou tots els detalls de 12 Canals de Youtube.

  19. FindZebra: A search engine for rare diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dragusin, Radu; Petcu, Paula; Lioma, Christina Amalia


    Background: The web has become a primary information resource about illnesses and treatments for both medical and non-medical users. Standard web search is by far the most common interface for such information. It is therefore of interest to find out how well web search engines work for diagnostic...... approach for web search engines for rare disease diagnosis which includes 56 real life diagnostic cases, state-of-the-art evaluation measures, and curated information resources. In addition, we introduce FindZebra, a specialized (vertical) rare disease search engine. FindZebra is powered by open source...... medical concepts to demonstrate different ways of displaying the retrieved results to medical experts. Conclusions: Our results indicate that a specialized search engine can improve the diagnostic quality without compromising the ease of use of the currently widely popular web search engines. The proposed...

  20. Separation of Rare Earths from Uranium and Thorium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krebs, Damien


    Greenland Minerals and Energy - Key Highlights – A unique world class mining project: 1. World-class, large scale development project: • Economically robust, proven technology, large-scale, long life production of rare earths concentrate and uranium; • Large JORC resource base to produce ~7kt HREO, 37kt LREO & 3Mlbs U_3O_8 per annum over 30 year mine life; • Ideally located near international airport, existing towns and potential hydro-electric power source. 2. Very attractive commodity portfolio: • Heavy rare earths and uranium are both recognised as strategically important commodities for the future; • Rare earths market characterised by limited capacity and increasing demand (particularly Dy, Nd, Tb, Eu and Y). 3. Strong management and technical team: • Experienced management team with proven track record; • Well-respected and knowledgeable technical/project team in place with exceptional local expertise. 4. Highly advantageous ore-type, makes for simple cost-effective processing, highly scalable production: • High upgrade through beneficiation brings optionality to Kvanefjeld project; • Leaching can be done in Greenland, or owing to the high-grade concentrate, can be shipped to other locations; • Allows to single concentrator in Greenland, multiple refineries/partners globally. 5. Globally significant, long life, low cost, multi-commodity asset: • Company to become one of the largest producers of rare earths globally and a significant U_3O_8 mine; • Potential to supply >20% of global critical (including heavy) rare earth element demand; • Company has low cost of production due to multiple by-product opportunities. 6. Low political risk: • Stable, low-risk operating environment with government looking to develop new industries and employment; • GME fully permitted to evaluate the project, exploration licence now includes radioactive elements; • Management and board have a solid working relationship with the government and are

  1. Random magnetism in amorphous rare-earth alloys (invited) (United States)

    Sellmyer, D. J.; Nafis, S.


    Several aspects of the magnetic transitions seen in rare-earth metallic glasses are discussed, particularly with reference to recent theoretical work. These include: (a) apparent double transitions observed in Gd glasses where exchange fluctuations are important, (b) evidence for a correlated speromagnetic state recently predicted by Chudnovsky and Serota, and (c) the analysis of a Tb glass with strong random anisotropy in terms of an Ising-type spin-glass transition.

  2. Emprego de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência hidrofílica na determinação dos aminoácidos de hidrolisados de caseína

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carreira Raquel Linhares


    Full Text Available O emprego de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência de interação hidrofílica (HILIC foi estudado visando a separação e a quantificação dos aminoácidos essenciais. Alguns parâmetros foram testados, tais como a composição da fase móvel e a velocidade do fluxo. Determinou-se, ainda, o limite de quantificação, a linearidade e a repetibilidade desta técnica. Os resultados obtidos indicaram as vantagens desta metodologia em termos de tempo, economia e simplicidade, quando comparada a outras técnicas de determinação dos aminoácidos, uma vez que dispensa a derivação pré-coluna e permite trabalhar em modo isocrático. A sua aplicação, na análise de frações cromatográficas de hidrolisados de caseína, revelou a importância da HILIC na avaliação nutricional destas preparações.

  3. [Does the healthcare for rare diseases benefit from the legislative reforms? (United States)

    Heyder, Ralf


    The founding of the National Action League for People with Rare Diseases (NAMSE) in 2010 represents the creation of a significant political platform. In addition, recent years had seen Germany and the EU adopt specific legislative measures aimed at improving healthcare for people with rare diseases. In this article we will give an overview of the legislative reforms adopted between 2013 and 2016 and evaluate how the specific healthcare situation of people with rare diseases has been improved. This article analyzes the health care legislative reforms adopted during the 18th term (since 2013) of the German lower house, the Bundestag, as well as their self-governing implementation. The analysis also extends to similar political initiatives of the European Commission. The impact of the recent hospital reforms on the health care received by patients or on the work of health care providers in the field of rare diseases cannot be assessed conclusively at this point (January 2017). One positive feature is that the health care coverage mandate of the university hospital outpatient departments now also comprises rare diseases. Recent legislative measures have created possibilities to improve the economic position of centers for rare diseases and university hospital outpatient departments. What these improvements will look like specifically depends on the implementation within the hospital plans of the federal states as well as on the outcome of the remuneration negotiations between university hospitals and health insurance funds.

  4. MOCVD and ALD of rare earth containing multifunctional materials. From precursor chemistry to thin film deposition and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milanov, Andrian Petrov


    The present thesis deals with the development of metal-organic complexes of rare elements. They should be used as novel precursors for the production of rare earth thin films by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). Within the work two precursor classes were examined, the tris-Malonato-complexes as well as the tris-Guanidinato-complexes of a series of rare earth metals. The latter showed excellent properties regarding to their volatility, their thermal stability, the defined decomposition and high reactivity towards water. They have been successfully used as precursors for the MOCVD of rare earth oxide layers. By using of a gadolinium guanidinate it could also be shown that the rare earth guanidinates are promising precursors for ALD of rare earth oxide and MOCVD of rare earth nitride layers. [de

  5. Global precarious employment and health inequalities: working conditions, social class, or precariat?


    Muntaner, Carles


    Abstract: Changes in employment conditions since the 1980s have been referred to as precarious employment, and terms like flexible, atypical, temporary, part-time, contract, self-employed, irregular, or non-standard employment have also been used. In this essay I review some of the current critiques to the precarious employment construct and advance some potential solutions for its use in epidemiology and public health. Resumo: Mudanças nas condições de emprego desde os anos 1980s têm sido...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucas Brito de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Constitui objetivo deste trabalho esclarecer o conceito e alcance do instituto do concurso público, bem como suas exceções e requisitos, pretendendo revelar se nos Municípios de Quixeramobim e Quixadá o mandamento constitucional é observado, e, em não sendo, analisar eventual improbidade e crime de responsabilidade por parte dos administradores municipais. Neste trabalho, empregar-se-á o método lógico dedutivo, baseado na realização de pesquisas em livros, artigos científicos, legislação e posicionamentos dos órgãos superiores, além da coleta e interpretação de dados fornecidos pelos municípios estudados, em uma abordagem quantitativa de seus vínculos com os servidores públicos, tudo por meio de proposições conclusivas, enfrentadas na conclusão. Como resultado do trabalho, infere-se que, nos entes políticos analisados, há desproporção entre os vínculos estabelecidos sob formas ordinárias de admissão de servidores, e os que representam exceções ao concurso público. Isto revela um mau emprego das exceções ao concurso público, o que constitui indícios de improbidade administrativa e crime de responsabilidade atribuíveis aos gestores municipais. 

  7. Why some plant species are rare. (United States)

    Wieger Wamelink, G W; Wamelink, G W Weiger; Goedhart, Paul W; Frissel, Joep; Frissel, Josep Y


    Biodiversity, including plant species diversity, is threatened worldwide as a result of anthropogenic pressures such as an increase of pollutants and climate change. Rare species in particular are on the verge of becoming extinct. It is still unclear as to why some plant species are rare and others are not. Are they rare due to: intrinsic reasons, dispersal capacity, the effects of management or abiotic circumstances? Habitat preference of rare plant species may play an important role in determining why some species are rare. Based on an extensive data set of soil parameters we investigated if rarity is due to a narrow habitat preference for abiotic soil parameters. For 23 different abiotic soil parameters, of which the most influential were groundwater-table, soil-pH and nutrient-contents, we estimated species responses for common and rare species. Based on the responses per species we calculated the range of occurrence, the range between the 5 and 95 percentile of the response curve giving the habitat preference. Subsequently, we calculated the average response range for common and rare species. In addition, we designed a new graphic in order to provide a better means for presentation of the results. The habitat preferences of rare species for abiotic soil conditions are significantly narrower than for common species. Twenty of the twenty-three abiotic parameters showed on average significantly narrower habitat preferences for rare species than for common species; none of the abiotic parameters showed on average a narrower habitat preference for common species. The results have major implications for the conservation of rare plant species; accordingly management and nature development should be focussed on the maintenance and creation of a broad range of environmental conditions, so that the requirements of rare species are met. The conservation of (abiotic) gradients within ecosystems is particularly important for preserving rare species.

  8. Raman scattering of rare earth hexaborides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogita, Norio; Hasegawa, Takumi; Udagawa, Masayuki; Iga, Fumitoshi; Kunii, Satoru


    Raman scattering spectra were measured for the rare-earth hexaborides RB 6 (R = Ce, Gd, or Dy). All Raman-active phonons due to B 6 vibrations were observed in the range 600 - 1400 cm -1 . Anomalous peaks were detected below 200 cm -1 , which correspond to vibrations of rare-earth ion excited by second-order Raman scattering process. The intensity and energy of the rare-earth mode decrease with decreasing temperature. This suggests that the rare-earth ion vibrates in a shallow and anharmonic potential due to the boron cage. Using the reported values of mean square displacement of rare-earth ion, we estimated the anharmonic contribution for the rare-earth vibrations.

  9. FindZebra: a search engine for rare diseases. (United States)

    Dragusin, Radu; Petcu, Paula; Lioma, Christina; Larsen, Birger; Jørgensen, Henrik L; Cox, Ingemar J; Hansen, Lars Kai; Ingwersen, Peter; Winther, Ole


    The web has become a primary information resource about illnesses and treatments for both medical and non-medical users. Standard web search is by far the most common interface to this information. It is therefore of interest to find out how well web search engines work for diagnostic queries and what factors contribute to successes and failures. Among diseases, rare (or orphan) diseases represent an especially challenging and thus interesting class to diagnose as each is rare, diverse in symptoms and usually has scattered resources associated with it. We design an evaluation approach for web search engines for rare disease diagnosis which includes 56 real life diagnostic cases, performance measures, information resources and guidelines for customising Google Search to this task. In addition, we introduce FindZebra, a specialized (vertical) rare disease search engine. FindZebra is powered by open source search technology and uses curated freely available online medical information. FindZebra outperforms Google Search in both default set-up and customised to the resources used by FindZebra. We extend FindZebra with specialized functionalities exploiting medical ontological information and UMLS medical concepts to demonstrate different ways of displaying the retrieved results to medical experts. Our results indicate that a specialized search engine can improve the diagnostic quality without compromising the ease of use of the currently widely popular standard web search. The proposed evaluation approach can be valuable for future development and benchmarking. The FindZebra search engine is available at Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Positive Gain Spirals at Work: From Job Resources to Work Engagement, Personal Initiative and Work-Unit Innovativeness (United States)

    Hakanen, Jari J.; Perhoniemi, Riku; Toppinen-Tanner, Salla


    The present cross-lagged panel study aimed to investigate the energizing power of job resources and related gain spirals. Drawing on Hobfoll's Conservation of Resources (COR) theory's rarely tested assumptions of cumulative resource gains and gain spirals a reciprocal process was expected: (1) job resources lead to work engagement and work…

  11. X-ray dichroism of rare earth materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goedkoop, J.B.


    The theme of this thesis is the investigation of the strong polarization dependende, or dichroism, that occur in the X-ray absorption spectra of rare earth materials. The rare earth elements distinguish themselves from the other elements through the behaviour of the 4f electrons which form the valence shell. This shell lies deep inside the atom, with the result that influences from the surrounding solid are well screened off by the outer electrons, so that even in the solid the 4f shell behaves very much like a in free atom or ion, and is almost completely spherically symmetric. Perturbations from the solid environment however always disturb this symmetry to some extend, with the result that the absorption spectrum becomes dependent on the mutual orientation of the polarization vector of the radiation and the ion. Earlier the existence of a strong magnetic X-ray dichroism (MXD) in the 3d→4f transitions of rare earths. In this thesis this work is extended, to a small degree theoretically but mainly experimentally. MXD is used in experiments on bulk sample, terbium iron garnet, and on rare earth overlayers on a ferromagnetic surface, Ni(110). The results of the latter study show unequivocally the potential of the MXD technique. The second theme of the thesis concerns experimental developments in soft X-ray spectroscopy. A description is given of a double crystal monochromator beamline that was constructed by our group at LURE, France. Results of the use of an organic crystal - multilayer comination in such a monochromator is described. Also a method is described for the characterization of the resolution of soft X-ray monochromators. Finally a contribution to the characterization of the electron yield technique in the soft X-ray range is given. (author). 296 refs.; 64 figs.; 59 schemes; 9 tabs

  12. Spectroscopic identification of rare earth elements in phosphate glass (United States)

    Devangad, Praveen; Tamboli, Maktum; Muhammed Shameem, K. M.; Nayak, Rajesh; Patil, Ajeetkumar; Unnikrishnan, V. K.; Santhosh, C.; Kumar, G. A.


    In this work, rare earth-doped phosphate glasses were synthesized and characterized using three different spectroscopic techniques. The absorption spectra of the prepared praseodymium (Pr) and samarium (Sm) doped glasses, recorded by a UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer, show the characteristic absorption bands of these elements. To confirm this inference, laser-induced fluorescence spectra of Pr and Sm were obtained at a laser excitation of 442 nm. Their emission bands are reported here. The elemental analysis of these samples was carried out using a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system. Characteristic emission lines of Pr and Sm have been identified and reported by the recorded LIBS spectra of glass samples. Results prove that using these three complimentary spectroscopic techniques (absorption, fluorescence and LIBS), we can meaningfully characterize rare earth-doped glass samples.

  13. Farmaci orfani e malattie rare: la situazione in Italia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Martina


    Full Text Available Aim of this study is to check the Italian market of the orphan drugs in connection with rare diseases. Data for the research have been found on the Food and Drug Administration Database, the Centro di Ricerche Cliniche per le Malattie Rare “Aldo e Cele Daccò” Database and L’informatore farmaceutico. This study also compared the Italian market with the American market, that counts the greater number of designated orphan drugs and commercial authorizations in the world. In Italy only 24 orphan drugs have been authorized by the Ministry of Health and the present work analyzes their definition under the economic profile, how many diseases and what kind of pathologies they can treat, the number of products on the market and if they are refundable or not.

  14. Measuring what matters to rare disease patients - reflections on the work by the IRDiRC taskforce on patient-centered outcome measures. (United States)

    Morel, Thomas; Cano, Stefan J


    Our ability to evaluate outcomes which genuinely reflect patients' unmet needs, hopes and concerns is of pivotal importance. However, much current clinical research and practice falls short of this objective by selecting outcome measures which do not capture patient value to the fullest. In this Opinion, we discuss Patient-Centered Outcomes Measures (PCOMs), which have the potential to systematically incorporate patient perspectives to measure those outcomes that matter most to patients. We argue for greater multi-stakeholder collaboration to develop PCOMs, with rare disease patients and families at the center. Beyond advancing the science of patient input, PCOMs are powerful tools to translate care or observed treatment benefit into an 'interpretable' measure of patient benefit, and thereby help demonstrate clinical effectiveness. We propose mixed methods psychometric research as the best route to deliver fit-for-purpose PCOMs in rare diseases, as this methodology brings together qualitative and quantitative research methods in tandem with the explicit aim to efficiently utilise data from small samples. And, whether one opts to develop a brand-new PCOM or to select or adapt an existing outcome measure for use in a rare disease, the anchors remain the same: patients, their daily experience of the rare disease, their preferences, core concepts and values. Ultimately, existing value frameworks, registries, and outcomes-based contracts largely fall short of consistently measuring the full range of outcomes that matter to patients. We argue that greater use of PCOMs in rare diseases would enable a fast track to Patient-Centered Care.

  15. Resistência à tração de emendas dentadas de madeira de Manilkara huberi para o emprego em madeira laminada colada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Cesar Molina

    Full Text Available Resumo A utilização de elementos estruturais de madeira laminada (ou lamelada colada (MLC requer um estudo experimental das combinações entre a espécie de madeira e o adesivo utilizado. Este trabalho objetivou o estudo da combinação espécie-adesivo na resistência a tração e na falha da linha de cola de corpos de prova de madeira de maçaranduba (Manilkara huberi confeccionados com e sem emendas dentadas finger joint. As colagens foram realizadas com lâminas sem tratamento preservativo, com aproximadamente 12% de umidade e com o emprego do adesivo mono-componente do tipo poliuretano Purbond HB 712. A gramatura de adesivo utilizada nas emendas dentadas foi linha simples de cola com aproximadamente 200 g m-2 e pressão de contato igual a 10 MPa. Após sete dias de cura do adesivo foram realizados testes de tração nos corpos de prova com e sem emendas dentadas, possibilitando julgar, também por meio da análise de variância, a eficiência das emendas testadas. Os resultados da experimentação revelaram a ineficiência da interface entre o adesivo e a madeira de analisada, pois a ruptura ocorreu na linha de cola, categorizando modo de ruptura do tipo 1, que corresponde à pior situação de falha.

  16. Neoliberalist influences on nursing hospital work process and organization. (United States)

    Souza, Norma Valéria Dantas de Oliveira; Gonçalves, Francisco Gleidson de Azevedo; Pires, Ariane da Silva; David, Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal


    To describe and analyze the influence of the neoliberal economic and political model on the nursing hospital work process and organization. Qualitative descriptive research, having as its scenery a university hospital. The subjects were 34 nursing workers. The data collection took place from March to July 2013, through semi-structured interview. The data treatment technique used was content analysis, which brought up the following category: working conditions precariousness and its consequences to the hospital work process and organization in the neoliberal context. The consequences of neoliberalism on hospital work process and organization were highlighted, being observed physical structure, human resources and material inadequacies that harms the assistance quality. In addition to wage decrease that cause the need of second jobs and work overload. There is a significant influence of the neoliberal model on hospital work, resulting on working conditions precariousness. Descrever e analisar a influência do modelo econômico e político neoliberal na organização e no processo de trabalho hospitalar de enfermagem. Pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, tendo como cenário um hospital universitário. Os participantes foram 34 trabalhadores de enfermagem. A coleta ocorreu de março a julho de 2013, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A técnica de tratamento dos dados foi a análise de conteúdo, que fez emergir a seguinte categoria: precarização das condições laborais e suas repercussões para organização e processo de trabalho hospitalar no contexto neoliberal. Evidenciaram-se repercussões do neoliberalismo na organização e no processo de trabalho hospitalar, verificando-se inadequações na estrutura física, nos recursos humanos e materiais, que afetavam a qualidade da assistência. Além de perdas salariais que levam à necessidade de outros empregos e sobrecarga de trabalho. Há forte influência do modelo neoliberal no trabalho hospitalar, resultando

  17. Thermoelectric transport in rare-earth compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koehler, Ulrike


    This work focuses on the thermoelectric transport in rare-earth compounds. The measurements of the thermal conductivity, thermopower, and Nernst coefficient are supplemented by investigations of other quantities as magnetic susceptibility and specific heat. Chapter 2 provides an introduction to the relevant physical concepts. Section 1 of that chapter summarizes the characteristic properties of rare-earth systems; section 2 gives an overview on thermoelectric transport processes in magnetic fields. The applied experimental techniques as well as the new experimental setup are described in detail in Chapter 3. The experimental results are presented in Chapter 4-6, of which each concentrates on a different subject. In Chapter 4, various Eu clathrates and the skutterudite-like Ce 3 Rh 4 Sn 13 are presented, which have been investigated as potential thermoelectric materials for applications. Chapter 5 focusses on the study of the energy scales in the heavy-fermion series Lu 1-x Yb x Rh 2 Si 2 and Ce x La 1-x Ni 2 Ge 2 by means of thermopower investigations. Chapter 6 is dedicated to the thermoelectric transport properties of the correlated semimetal CeNiSn with special emphasis on the Nernst coefficient of this compound. (orig.)

  18. Research and development of tungsten electrodes added with rare earth oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zuoren Nie; Ying Chen; Meiling Zhou; Tieyong Zuo


    The recent research and development of tungsten electrodes used in TIG and Plasma technologies are introduced, and the tungsten materials as well as the effects of rare earth oxides are specially discussed. in W-La 2 O 3 , W-CeO 2 , W-Y 2 O 3 and W-ThO 2 electrode materials, the W-2.2mass%La 2 O 3 electrode exhibited the best properties when the current is of little or middle volume, and when the electrodes are used in large current, the W-Y 2 O 3 electrode is the best. By a comparative study between the tungsten electrodes activated with single metal oxides, as above-mentioned, and those containing two or three rare earth oxides, namely La 2 O 3 , CeO 2 and Y 2 O 3 , it was indicated that the welding arc properties of the tungsten electrodes activated with combined rare earth oxides additions is superior than that of the electrodes containing single oxides as above mentioned. It was also shown that the operating properties of tungsten electrodes depend intensively on the rare earth oxides contained in the electrodes, and the actions of rare earth oxides during arcing are the most important factors to the electrodes' operating properties, temperature, work function as well as the arc stability. (author)

  19. Radiological safety in extraction of rare earths in India: regulatory control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinha, S.; Bhattacharya, R.


    The term 'rare earths' refers to a group of f-block elements in the periodic table including those with atomic numbers 57 (Lanthanum) to 71 (Lutetium), as well as the transition metals Yttrium (39) and Scandium (21). Economically extractable concentrations of rare earths are found in minerals such as monazite, bastnaesite, cerites, xenotime etc. Of these, monazite forms the main source for rare earths in India, which along with other heavy minerals is found abundantly in the coastal beach sands. However, in addition to rare earths, monazite also contains 0.35% U 3 O 8 and 8-9% ThO 2 . Hence, extraction of rare earths involves chemical separation of the rare earths from thorium and uranium which are radioactive. The processing and extraction of rare earths from monazite therefore invariably results in occupational radiation exposure to the workers involved in these operations. In addition, in the process of removal of radioactivity from rare earths, radioactive solid waste gets generated which has 2 2 8Ra concentration in the range 2000-5000 Bq/g. Unregulated disposal of such high active waste would not only result in contamination of the soil but the radionuclides would eventually enter the food chain and lead to internal exposure of the general public. Therefore such facilities involved in recovery of rare earths from monazite attract the provisions of radiological safety regulations. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India has been enforcing the provisions of The Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules, 2004 and The Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Waste) Rules, 1987 in these facilities. This paper shall discuss the associated radiological hazard involved in recovery of rare earths from monazite. It shall also highlight the regulatory requirements for controlling the occupational exposure of workers during design stage such as requirements on lay out of the building, ventilation, containment of radioactivity, etc and also the during operational

  20. Rare earth industries: Downstream business

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The value chain of the rare earths business involves mining, extraction, processing, refining and the manufacture of an extensive range of downstream products which find wide applications in such industries including aerospace, consumer electronics, medical, military, automotive, renewable wind and solar energy and telecommunications. In fact the entire gamut of the high-tech industries depends on a sustainable supply of rare earths elements. The explosive demand in mobile phones is an excellent illustration of the massive potential that the rare earths business offers. In a matter of less than 20 years, the number of cell phones worldwide has reached a staggering 5 billion. Soon, going by the report of their growth in sales, the world demand for cell phones may even exceed the global population. Admittedly, the rare earths business does pose certain risks. Top among the risks are the health and safety risks. The mining, extraction and refining of rare earths produce residues and wastes which carry health and safety risks. The residues from the extraction and refining are radioactive, while their effluent waste streams do pose pollution risks to the receiving rivers and waterways. But, as clearly elaborated in a recent report by IAEA experts, there are technologies and systems available to efficiently mitigate such risks. The risks are Rare Earth manageable. However, it is crucial that the risk and waste management procedures are strictly followed and adhered to. This is where effective monitoring and surveillance throughout the life of all such rare earths facilities is crucial. Fortunately, Malaysia's regulatory standards on rare earths follow international standards. In some areas, Malaysia's regulatory regime is even more stringent than the international guidelines. (author)

  1. Precipitation of the rare earth double sodium and rare earths from the sulfuric liquor and the conversion into rare earth hydroxides through meta ethic reaction; Precipitacao do sulfato duplo de terras raras e sodio a partir de licor sulfurico e sua conversao em hidroxido de terras raras mediante reacao metatetica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abreu, Renata D.; Oliveira, Ester F.; Brito, Walter de; Morais, Carlos A. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)]. E-mails:;;;


    This work presents the purification study of the rare earths through precipitation of rare earth and sodium (Na TR (SO{sub 4}){sub 2}. x H{sub 2}O)) double sulfate and his conversion to rare earths hydroxide TR(OH){sub 3} by meta ethic reaction through the addition of sodium hydroxide solution to the solid double sulfate. The study used the sulfuric liquor as rare earth sample, generated in the chemical processing of the monazite with sulfuric acid by the Industrias Nucleares do Brasil - INB, Brazil, after the thorium and uranium extraction. The work investigated the influence of the main variables involved in the precipitation of Na TR(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}.xH{sub 2}O and in the conversion for the TR(OH){sub 3}, as follows: type and excess of the precipitation agent, temperature and time reaction. The obtained solid composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared and chemical analysis. The double sulfate diffractogram indicated the Na TR(SO{sub 4}){sub 2} mono-hydrated. The characterization of the metatese products has shown that, for obtaining the complete conversion of NaTR(SO{sub 4}){sub 2}.H{sub 2}O into TR(OH){sub 3}, the reaction must be hot processed ({approx}70 deg C) and with small excess of Na OH ({<=} 5 percent). (author)

  2. Application of liquid-liquid extraction in separation of rare earths [Paper No. : V-6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deshpande, S.M.; Krishnan, N.P.K.; Murthy, T.K.S.; Swaminathan, T.V.


    The rare earths consist of fifteen elements which have very similar chemical properties and are difficult to separate from each other. Since they exist together in all naturally occurring minerals their separation is one of the important and difficult aspects of their technology. Liquid-liquid extraction has proved to be an efficient technique for their separation. The two important extraction systems that find practical and large scale application, the nitric acid + tri-n-butyl phosphate, and mineral acid (particularly hydrochloric acid) + organo phosphoric acid (like di-2-ethyl hexyl phosphoric acid), are briefly reviewed. The factors affecting the extraction and separation of rare earths in the two systems are discussed. On an industrial scale the extraction process is very often employed for an initial concentration of the desired rare earths from complex mixtures. The final purification is generally achieved by the ion exchange method. The utility of the solvent extraction process for the upgrading of selected rare earths-europium, samarium and gadolinium-from a mixed rare earth chloride, derived from monazite, is illustrated by the work carried out in this laboratory and pilot plant operation at the Alwaye plant of M/s. Indian Rare Earths Ltd. (author)

  3. Metallothermic reduction of rare earth oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, R.A.


    Rare earth oxides can be reduced to rare earth metals by a novel, high yield, metallothermic process. The oxides are dispersed in a suitable, molten, calcium chloride bath along with sodium metal. The sodium reacts with the calcium chloride to produce calcium metal which reduces the rare earth oxides to rare earth metals. The metals are collected in a discrete layer in the reaction vessel

  4. Viabilidade do emprego de cinza de casca de arroz natural em concreto estrutural. Parte I: propriedades mecânicas e microestrutura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geraldo Cechella Isaia

    Full Text Available A casca de arroz, para ser utilizada em concreto estrutural, necessita de queima com temperatura controlada e de moagem prévia para lhe conferir maior reatividade pozolânica. Este trabalho discute o emprego da cinza de casca de arroz (CCA natural e residual, queimada sem controle de temperatura e sem moagem, de forma a simplificar o processamento da CCA e ampliar seu uso em concretos convencionais, em locais próximos onde é produzido, Estudou-se a sequência de colocação e o tempo de mistura dos materiais na betoneira, para obtenção do melhor desempenho da automoagem no tambor. Foram testadas misturas de concreto de referência com cimento Portland e com 15% e 25% de substituição de cimento, em massa, por CCA natural e moída. Foram realizados ensaios de resistência à compressão axial, tração por compressão diametral, módulo de elasticidade, retração total, porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, água quimicamente combinada e MEV. A análise dos resultados revela a viabilidade da substituição de 15% de cimento por CCA natural, com perda não significativa de resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade a 28 dias, com recuperação total a 91 dias, para concretos com resistências à compressão entre 25 MPa e 40 MPa.

  5. Rare earth oxide aero- and xerogels. Tuning porosity and catalytic properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neumann, Bjoern


    Heterogeneous catalysts to this day are still largely developed on the basis of trial and error. This is due to the great difficulty of creating custom-designed structures at the nanometer scale using traditional preparation methods. In the course of recent rapid developments in the material sciences, however, it has become possible to create materials with custom-designed properties from the macroscopic down into the nanometer range. The purpose of the present study was to make use of this potential for catalysis. The task was to modify the porosity and composition of selected rare earth oxides that promise well as catalysts with the goal of obtaining good results in terms of oxidative reactions and oxidative coupling. One major focus was on chemical sol-gel methods and in particular on what is referred to as the epoxide addition method. Extensive work was put into the characterisation and catalytic testing of aerogels and xerogels of pure rare earth oxides as well as of hybrid systems of rare earth oxides and aluminium oxide. Furthermore, thin xerogel films and macroporous monoliths were produced, the latter using a direct foaming method. The results of this work confirm the high potential of sol-gel chemistry for making porous materials of variable and controllable porosity and composition available for heterogeneous catalysis and creating more powerful catalysts. [de

  6. Rare earth industries: Strategies for Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Evidently, many reports cite Malaysia as having reasonably substantial amounts of rare earths elements. In fact, based on the rare earths found in the residual tin deposits alone, Malaysia has about 30,000 tonnes. This does not take into account unmapped deposits which experts believe may offer more tonnages of rare earths. Brazil which is reported to have about 48,000 tonnes has announced plans to invest aggressively in the rare earths business. China has on record the largest reserves with about 36 million tonnes. This explains why China has invested heavily in the entire value chain of the rare earths business. Chinas committed investment in rare earths started many years ago when the country's foremost leaders proclaimed the strategic position of rare earths in the world economy. That forecast is now a reality where the rise in the green high-tech economy is seen driving global demand for rare earths in a big way. Malaysia needs to discover and venture into new economic growth areas. This will help fuel the country's drive to achieve a high income status by 2020 as articulated in the New Economic Model (NEM) and the many supporting Economic Transformation Plans that the Government has recently launched. Rare earths may be the new growth area for Malaysia. However, the business opportunities should not just be confined to the mining, extraction and production of rare earths elements alone if Malaysia is to maximise benefits from this industry. The industry's gold mine is in the downstream products. This is also the sector that China wants to expand. Japan which now controls about 50 % of the global market for downstream rare earths-based high-tech components is desperately looking for partners to grow their stake in the business. Malaysia needs to embark on the right strategies in order to build the rare earths industry in the country. What are the strategies? (author)

  7. Rare earth element and rare metal inventory of central Asia (United States)

    Mihalasky, Mark J.; Tucker, Robert D.; Renaud, Karine; Verstraeten, Ingrid M.


    Rare earth elements (REE), with their unique physical and chemical properties, are an essential part of modern living. REE have enabled development and manufacture of high-performance materials, processes, and electronic technologies commonly used today in computing and communications, clean energy and transportation, medical treatment and health care, glass and ceramics, aerospace and defense, and metallurgy and chemical refining. Central Asia is an emerging REE and rare metals (RM) producing region. A newly compiled inventory of REE-RM-bearing mineral occurrences and delineation of areas-of-interest indicate this region may have considerable undiscovered resources.

  8. Effects of Rare Earth on the Microstructure and Impact Toughness of H13 Steel


    Gao, Jinzhu; Fu, Paixian; Liu, Hongwei; Li, Dianzhong


    Studies of H13 steel suggest that under appropriate conditions, additions of rare-earth metals (REM) can significantly enhance mechanical properties, such as impact toughness. This improvement is apparently due to the formation of finer and more dispersive RE inclusions and grain refinement after REM additions. In this present work, the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of H13 steel with rare earth additions (0, 0.015, 0.025 and 0.1 wt.%) were investigated. The grain size, ...

  9. Rare earth-iron-boron premanent magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghendehari, M.H.


    This patent describes a method for producing rare earth-iron-boron permanent magnets containing added rare earth oxide, comprising the steps of: (a) mixing a particulate alloy containing at least one rare earth metal, iron, and boron with at least one particulate rare earth oxide; (b) aligning magnetic domains of the mixture in a magnetic field; (c) compacting the aligned mixture to form a shape; and (d) sintering the compacted shape

  10. Absorption spectroscopy of complex rare earth ion doped hybrid materials over a broad wavelength range


    Dekker, R.; Worhoff, Kerstin; Stouwdam, J.W.; van Veggel, F.C.J.M.; Driessen, A.


    In the present work we applied a measurement setup to determine several relevant properties of rare-earth doped nanoparticles dispersed in polymer slab waveguides in a single absorption measurement: background absorption of the polymer host material, water absorption, polymer composition (overtones), rare earth concentration, and ligand contribution (increase of exponential loss trend in the UV). Furthermore, nanoparticle size and concentration in case of a refractive index mismatch (1//spl l...

  11. Rare earth conversion coatings grown on AA6061 aluminum alloys. Corrosion studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brachetti S, S. B. [Instituto Tecnologico de Ciudad Madero, Av. 1o. de Mayo y Sor Juana I. de la Cruz, Col. Los Mangos, 89440 Ciudad Madero, Tanaulipas (Mexico); Dominguez C, M. A.; Torres H, A. M.; Onofre B, E. [IPN, Centro de Investigacion en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada - Altamira, Carretera Tampico-Puerto Industrial Altamira Km. 14.5, 89600 Altamira, Tamaulipas (Mexico); De la Cruz H, W., E-mail: [UNAM, Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnologia, Apdo. Postal 2681, 22800 Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico)


    The present work is aimed to investigate the corrosion resistance of rare earth protective coatings deposited by spontaneous deposition on AA6061 aluminum alloy substrates. Coatings were deposited from water-based Ce(NO{sub 3}){sub 3} and La(NO{sub 3}){sub 3} solutions by varing parameters such as rare earth solution concentration, bath temperature and immersion time. The values of the Tafel slopes indicate that the cathodic process is favored by concentration polarization rather than activation polarization. Chemical and morphological characterizations of the surface before and after electrochemical evaluations were performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. (Author)

  12. Rare earth conversion coatings grown on AA6061 aluminum alloys. Corrosion studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brachetti S, S. B.; Dominguez C, M. A.; Torres H, A. M.; Onofre B, E.; De la Cruz H, W.


    The present work is aimed to investigate the corrosion resistance of rare earth protective coatings deposited by spontaneous deposition on AA6061 aluminum alloy substrates. Coatings were deposited from water-based Ce(NO 3 ) 3 and La(NO 3 ) 3 solutions by varing parameters such as rare earth solution concentration, bath temperature and immersion time. The values of the Tafel slopes indicate that the cathodic process is favored by concentration polarization rather than activation polarization. Chemical and morphological characterizations of the surface before and after electrochemical evaluations were performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. (Author)

  13. Chemical analysis of rare earth elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsukahara, Ryoichi; Sakoh, Takefumi; Nagai, Iwao


    Recently attention has been paid to ICP-AES or ICP-MS, and the reports on the analysis of rare earth elements by utilizing these methods continue to increase. These reports have become to take about 30% of the reports on rare earth analysis, and this is because these methods are highly sensitive to rare earth elements, and also these methods have spread widely. In ICP-AES and ICP-MS, mostly solution samples are measured, therefore, solids must be made into solution. At the time of quantitatively determining the rare earth elements of low concentration, separation and concentration are necessary. Referring to the literatures reported partially in 1990 and from 1991 to 1993, the progress of ICP-AES and ICP-MS is reported. Rare earth oxides and the alloys containing rare earth elements are easily decomposed with acids, but the decomposition of rocks is difficult, and its method is discussed. The separation of the rare earth elements from others in geochemical samples, cation exchange process is frequently utilized. Also solvent extraction process has been studied. For the separation of rare earth elements mutually, chromatography is used. The spectral interference in spectral analysis was studied. The comparison of these methods with other methods is reported. (K.I)

  14. SYMPOSIUM: Rare decays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Late last year, a symposium entitled 'Rare Decays' attracted 115 participants to a hotel in Vancouver, Canada. These participants were particle physicists interested in checking conventional selection rules to look for clues of possible new behaviour outside today's accepted 'Standard Model'. For physicists, 'rare decays' include processes that have so far not been seen, explicitly forbidden by the rules of the Standard Model, or processes highly suppressed because the decay is dominated by an easier route, or includes processes resulting from multiple transitions.

  15. The industry of metallic rare earths (R.E.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poirier, P.


    The following subjects are discussed: rare earths resources (rare earths abondance and world reserves, main ores). Rare earths separation and purification (ionic exchange, solvent extraction). Metallic rare earths and their mixtures, metallothermic reduction of oxides or fluorides (Ca, Mg, Al, Si or rare earth metals), Co-reduction process for intermetallic compounds (SmCo 5 ). Industrial applications of metallic rare earths (traditional applications such as flints, nodular cast iron, steel refining, magnesium industrie, applications under development such as rare earths/cobalt magnets, LaNi 5 for hydrogen storage, special alloys (automotive post combustion), magnetostrictive alloys). Economical problems: rare earth are elements relatively abundant and often at easily accessible prices. However, this group of 15 elements are liable to certain economical restraints. It is difficult to crack ore for only one rare earth. Availability of one given rare earth must be associated with the other corresponding rare earths to absorb all the other rare earths in other applications. Rare-earth industry has a strong expanding rate. 20% per year average for 6 years with Rhone-Poulenc. Thanks to their exceptional, specific characteristics rare earths have a bright future particularly for their metals

  16. Study on rare earths complexes separation by means of different type of ion exchangers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hubicka, H.


    The applicability of different types of ion exchangers for purification and separation of rare earths complexes has been examined. The experimental work has been carried out on 14 chelating ion exchangers. The investigation results proved the great usefulness chelating ion exchangers especially of amino acid and phosphorus-type. Application of that type ion exchangers in column chromatographic process gave the excellent rare earths separation as well as enabled to obtain their preparates of high purity. 218 refs, 21 figs, 27 tabs

  17. Rare earth elements: end use and recyclability (United States)

    Goonan, Thomas G.


    Rare earth elements are used in mature markets (such as catalysts, glassmaking, lighting, and metallurgy), which account for 59 percent of the total worldwide consumption of rare earth elements, and in newer, high-growth markets (such as battery alloys, ceramics, and permanent magnets), which account for 41 percent of the total worldwide consumption of rare earth elements. In mature market segments, lanthanum and cerium constitute about 80 percent of rare earth elements used, and in new market segments, dysprosium, neodymium, and praseodymium account for about 85 percent of rare earth elements used. Regardless of the end use, rare earth elements are not recycled in large quantities, but could be if recycling became mandated or very high prices of rare earth elements made recycling feasible.

  18. Organizational Learning in Rare Events

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kristina Vaarst; Tyler, Beverly; Beukel, Karin

    When organizations encounter rare events they often find it challenging to extract learning from the experience. We analyze opportunities for organizational learning in one such rare event, namely Intellectual Property (IP) litigation, i.e., when organizations take disputes regarding their intell......When organizations encounter rare events they often find it challenging to extract learning from the experience. We analyze opportunities for organizational learning in one such rare event, namely Intellectual Property (IP) litigation, i.e., when organizations take disputes regarding...... the organization little discretion to utilize any learning from past litigation success. Thus, learning appears be to most beneficial in infringement cases. Based on statistical analysis of 10,211 litigation court cases in China, we find support for our hypotheses. Our findings suggest that organizations can learn...

  19. Rare B decays at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Kluit, P M


    The results of the LEP experiments for rare B decays will be reviewed, covering hadronic final states, radiative and other rare decays and results for the inclusive charmless branching ratio. (8 refs).

  20. Bayesian analysis of rare events

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Straub, Daniel, E-mail:; Papaioannou, Iason; Betz, Wolfgang


    In many areas of engineering and science there is an interest in predicting the probability of rare events, in particular in applications related to safety and security. Increasingly, such predictions are made through computer models of physical systems in an uncertainty quantification framework. Additionally, with advances in IT, monitoring and sensor technology, an increasing amount of data on the performance of the systems is collected. This data can be used to reduce uncertainty, improve the probability estimates and consequently enhance the management of rare events and associated risks. Bayesian analysis is the ideal method to include the data into the probabilistic model. It ensures a consistent probabilistic treatment of uncertainty, which is central in the prediction of rare events, where extrapolation from the domain of observation is common. We present a framework for performing Bayesian updating of rare event probabilities, termed BUS. It is based on a reinterpretation of the classical rejection-sampling approach to Bayesian analysis, which enables the use of established methods for estimating probabilities of rare events. By drawing upon these methods, the framework makes use of their computational efficiency. These methods include the First-Order Reliability Method (FORM), tailored importance sampling (IS) methods and Subset Simulation (SuS). In this contribution, we briefly review these methods in the context of the BUS framework and investigate their applicability to Bayesian analysis of rare events in different settings. We find that, for some applications, FORM can be highly efficient and is surprisingly accurate, enabling Bayesian analysis of rare events with just a few model evaluations. In a general setting, BUS implemented through IS and SuS is more robust and flexible.

  1. Reverse (posterior) cloaca with congenital rectal stenosis and pseudohermaphrodism: a rare entity with rare association (United States)

    Ahmed, Intezar; Kureel, Shiv Narain; Chandra, Naveen


    Reverse (posterior) cloaca is itself a rare entity and association of this defect with other congenital syndromes or defects is extremely rare to find. To diagnose this unique anomaly one should be aware about this very infrequently encountered clinical entity. Reverse cloaca is a very rare variant of anorectal malformation in which urethra and vagina fused to form a urogenital sinus that diverts posteriorly and opens in the anterior rectal wall at the anus or immediately anterior to it. We report a neonate with the rare clinical entity of reverse cloaca type C, pseudophallus with rudimentary urethra as a component of female pseudohermaphrodism and congenital rectal stenosis. Surprisingly, there was no associated urological abnormality on ultrasonography and laparotomy. PMID:22797480

  2. SYMPOSIUM: Rare decays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Late last year, a symposium entitled 'Rare Decays' attracted 115 participants to a hotel in Vancouver, Canada. These participants were particle physicists interested in checking conventional selection rules to look for clues of possible new behaviour outside today's accepted 'Standard Model'. For physicists, 'rare decays' include processes that have so far not been seen, explicitly forbidden by the rules of the Standard Model, or processes highly suppressed because the decay is dominated by an easier route, or includes processes resulting from multiple transitions

  3. Thermoelectric transport in rare-earth compounds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koehler, Ulrike


    This work focuses on the thermoelectric transport in rare-earth compounds. The measurements of the thermal conductivity, thermopower, and Nernst coefficient are supplemented by investigations of other quantities as magnetic susceptibility and specific heat. Chapter 2 provides an introduction to the relevant physical concepts. Section 1 of that chapter summarizes the characteristic properties of rare-earth systems; section 2 gives an overview on thermoelectric transport processes in magnetic fields. The applied experimental techniques as well as the new experimental setup are described in detail in Chapter 3. The experimental results are presented in Chapter 4-6, of which each concentrates on a different subject. In Chapter 4, various Eu clathrates and the skutterudite-like Ce{sub 3}Rh{sub 4}Sn{sub 13} are presented, which have been investigated as potential thermoelectric materials for applications. Chapter 5 focusses on the study of the energy scales in the heavy-fermion series Lu{sub 1-x}Yb{sub x}Rh{sub 2}Si{sub 2} and Ce{sub x}La{sub 1-x}Ni{sub 2}Ge{sub 2} by means of thermopower investigations. Chapter 6 is dedicated to the thermoelectric transport properties of the correlated semimetal CeNiSn with special emphasis on the Nernst coefficient of this compound. (orig.)

  4. Recovering heavy rare earth metals from magnet scrap (United States)

    Ott, Ryan T.; McCallum, Ralph W.; Jones, Lawrence L.


    A method of treating rare earth metal-bearing permanent magnet scrap, waste or other material in a manner to recover the heavy rare earth metal content separately from the light rare earth metal content. The heavy rare earth metal content can be recovered either as a heavy rare earth metal-enriched iron based alloy or as a heavy rare earth metal based alloy.

  5. Simple and double two-colour photoionization of rare gas atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guyetand, O.


    The present work deals with simple and double ionization of rare gases by harmonic radiation produced by, and combined with, an intense femtosecond infrared laser. Technical aspects related to the use of harmonic generation and to the detection of ions and electrons in coincidence are exposed. Theoretical background for two colour, few-photon, single and double ionization is detailed. Spectra and angular distributions of the photoelectrons measured in helium are described and compared with TDSE (time-dependent Schroedinger equation) theoretical calculations, for various conditions of the harmonic photons. The shape of the angular distributions can be explained within the frame of two distinct analytic approaches: the perturbation theory and the soft-photon approximation. The double ionization measurements have been performed on xenon, a complex atom characterized by many possible routes leading to double ionization. The analysis of energy and angular correlations of the two photoelectrons proves the feasibility of such experiments that combines harmonic and infrared radiations. It shows that two step processes are dominant in the case of xenon. This work appeals for extending few-photon, double ionization experiments to lighter rare gases. (author)

  6. Determination of aminoglycoside antibiotics using complex compounds of chromotropic acid bisazoderivatives with rare earth ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alykov, N.M.


    Studies of complex formation of bisazo derivatives of chromotropic acid with rare earth ions and aminoglycoside antibiotics have made it possible to choose carboxyarsenazo, orthanyl R and carboxynitrazo as highly sensitive reagents for determining aminoglycoside antibiotics. Conditions have been found for the formation of precipitates of different-ligand complexes containing rare earth ions, bisazo derivatives of chromotropic acid and aminogylcoside antibiotics. A procedure has been worked out of determining the antibiotics in biological samples with carboxyarsenazo [ru

  7. Magnetic Interaction between Surface-Engineered Rare-Earth Atomic Spins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chiung-Yuan Lin


    Full Text Available We report the ab-initio study of rare-earth adatoms (Gd on an insulating surface. This surface is of interest because of previous studies by scanning tunneling microscopy showing spin excitations of transition-metal adatoms. The present work is the first study of rare-earth spin-coupled adatoms, as well as the geometry effect of spin coupling and the underlying mechanism of ferromagnetic coupling. The exchange coupling between Gd atoms on the surface is calculated to be antiferromagnetic in a linear geometry and ferromagnetic in a diagonal geometry. We also find that the Gd dimers in these two geometries are similar to the nearest-neighbor and the next-nearest-neighbor Gd atoms in GdN bulk. We analyze how much direct exchange, superexchange, and Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interactions contribute to the exchange coupling for both geometries by additional first-principles calculations of related model systems.

  8. Twenty-First Century Diseases: Commonly Rare and Rarely Common? (United States)

    Daunert, Sylvia; Sittampalam, Gurusingham Sitta; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Pascal J


    Alzheimer's drugs are failing at a rate of 99.6%, and success rate for drugs designed to help patients with this form of dementia is 47 times less than for drugs designed to help patients with cancers ( ). How can it be so difficult to produce a valuable drug for Alzheimer's disease? Each human has a unique genetic and epigenetic makeup, thus endowing individuals with a highly unique complement of genes, polymorphisms, mutations, RNAs, proteins, lipids, and complex sugars, resulting in distinct genome, proteome, metabolome, and also microbiome identity. This editorial is taking into account the uniqueness of each individual and surrounding environment, and stresses the point that a more accurate definition of a "common" disorder could be simply the amalgamation of a myriad of "rare" diseases. These rare diseases are being grouped together because they share a rather constant complement of common features and, indeed, generally respond to empirically developed treatments, leading to a positive outcome consistently. We make the case that it is highly unlikely that such treatments, despite their statistical success measured with large cohorts using standardized clinical research, will be effective on all patients until we increase the depth and fidelity of our understanding of the individual "rare" diseases that are grouped together in the "buckets" of common illnesses. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 27, 511-516.

  9. Afganistan and rare earths

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilian M. Dobrescu


    Full Text Available On our planet, over a quarter of new technologies for the economic production of industrial goods, are using rare earths, which are also called critical minerals and industries that rely on these precious items being worth of an estimated nearly five trillion dollars, or 5 percent of world gross domestic product. In the near future, competition will increase for the control of rare earth minerals embedded in high-tech products. Rare minerals are in the twenty-first century what oil accounted for in the twentieth century and coal in the nineteenth century: the engine of a new industrial revolution. Future energy will be produced increasingly by more sophisticated technological equipment based not just on steel and concrete, but incorporating significant quantities of metals and rare earths. Widespread application of these technologies will result in an exponential increase in demand for such minerals, and what is worrying is that minerals of this type are almost nowhere to be found in Europe and in other industrialized countries in the world, such as U.S. and Japan, but only in some Asian countries, like China and Afghanistan.

  10. Sintered cobalt-rare earth intermetallic product

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benz, M.C.


    A process is described for preparing novel sintered cobalt--rare earth intermetallic products which can be magnetized to form permanent magnets having stable improved magnetic properties. A cobalt--rare earth metal alloy is formed having a composition which at sintering temperature falls outside the composition covered by the single Co 5 R intermetallic phase on the rare earth richer side. The alloy contains a major amount of the Co 5 R intermetallic phase and a second solid CoR phase which is richer in rare earth metal content than the Co 5 R phase. The specific cobalt and rare earth metal content of the alloy is substantially the same as that desired in the sintered product. The alloy, in particulate form, is pressed into compacts and sintered to the desired density. The sintered product is comprised of a major amount of the Co 5 R solid intermetallic phase and up to about 35 percent of the product of the second solid CoR intermetallic phase which is richer in rare earth metal content than the Co 5 R phase

  11. HfO2 - rare earth oxide systems in the region with high content of rare earth oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shevchenko, A.V.; Lopato, L.M.


    Using the methods of annealing and hardenings (10 2 -10 4 deg/s cooling rate) and differential thermal analysis elements of state diagrams of HfO 2 - rare earth oxide (rare earths-La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Y, Er, Yb, Lu, Sc) systems from 1800 deg C up to melting in the range of 60-100 mol% rare earth oxide concentration were constructed. Regularities of HfQ 2 addition effect on high-temperature polymorphic transformations of rare earth oxides were studied. Results of investigation were discussed from viewpoint of crystal chemistry

  12. Economic aspects of rare diseases. (United States)

    Borski, Krzysztof


    Economic problems related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases are presented paying particular attention to the costs of financing treatment, including the issue of its refund, which is a fundamental and difficult to solve economic problem of the health care system. Rare diseases, despite the low frequency of occurrence, together cover a large group of diseases being a serious medical, social and economic problem. The adoption of Polish National Plan for Rare Diseases resulting from the recommendations of the Council of the European Union, the extension of institutional activities related to the area of public health and social initiatives seeking innovative solutions to create a model of social support for patients and their families, with very high complexity of the issues regarding rare diseases, results in the need for a coherent, comprehensive, system operations and adoption of comprehensive solutions.

  13. Understanding rare disease pathogenesis: a grand challenge for model organisms. (United States)

    Hieter, Philip; Boycott, Kym M


    In this commentary, Philip Hieter and Kym Boycott discuss the importance of model organisms for understanding pathogenesis of rare human genetic diseases, and highlight the work of Brooks et al., "Dysfunction of 60S ribosomal protein L10 (RPL10) disrupts neurodevelopment and causes X-linked microcephaly in humans," published in this issue of GENETICS. Copyright © 2014 by the Genetics Society of America.

  14. Development of rare earth regenerator materials in fine wire form

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, T.; Seuntjens, J.M.


    The use of rare earth metals, both in the pure and alloyed state, have been examined for use as regenerators in cryocooler applications and as the working material in active magnetic refrigerators. In both applications there is a requirement for the rare earth material to have a constant and uniform cross section, an average size on the order of 50-200 microns in diameter, and low levels of impurities. Existing powder production methods have drawbacks such as oxygen contamination, non-uniform size, inconsistent cross sections, and low production yields. A novel approach for the production of rare earth metals and alloys in fine wire form has been developed. This is accomplished by assembling a copperjacket and niobium barrier around a RE ingot, extruding the assembly, and reducing it with standard wire drawing practices. Strand anneals are utilized between drawing passes when necessary in order to recrystallize the RE core and restore ductility. The copperjacket is removed by chemical means at final size, leaving the Nb barrier in place as a protective coating. This process has been applied to gadolinium, dysprosium and a GdDy alloy

  15. Optimization of film synthesized rare earth transition metal permanent magnet systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cadieu, F.J.


    This report reviews work on the optimization of film synthesized rare earth transition metal permanent magnet systems. Topics include: high coercivity in Sm-Fe-Ti-V, Sm-Fe-V, and two element systems; ThMn 12 type pseudobinary SmFe 12 - X T X ; and sputter process control for the synthesis of precisely textured RE-TM magnetic films. (JL)

  16. Microstructure and emission ability of rare earth oxides doped molybdenum cathodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Jiancan; Nie Zuoren; Wang Yiman


    We adopted high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SAM) to observe and analyze the microstructure of rare earth oxide (La 2 O 3 , Sc 2 O 3 ) doped molybdenum cathodes. The results show that there are many nanometer particles in the molybdenum matrix besides some sub-micrometer particles in the crystal interfaces. All these particles are rare earth oxides as determined through calculating the electron diffraction pattern. Then we determined the electron work function and the zero-field emission current of molybdenum cathodes by the electron emission measurement. To correlate the emission data with surface composition, we use Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) to analyze the elements on the activated cathode surface and their depth profiles. We found that there were about 20 nm thick layers on an activated cathode surface, which have a high content of rare earth elements. We also use AES to analyze the elements diffusion to the cathode surface from cathode body during heating up to its operating temperature to find out which element positively affects the electron emission

  17. Production of rare earth-silicon-iron alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehra, O.K.; Bose, D.K.; Gupta, C.K.


    At Metallurgy Division, BARC, improved procedures for producing rare earth-silicon alloys have been investigated. In these methods, reduction of mixed rare earth oxide by a ferro-silicon and aluminium mixture in combination with CaO-MgO flux/CaO-CaF 2 flux have been tried to prepare an alloy product with a higher rare earth recovery at a higher rare earth content than the present commercial production method. The rare earth recovery using CaO-CaF 2 was 85 per cent while in the case of CaO-MgO flux it was 76 per cent. The corresponding rare earth contents in the alloy correspond to 40 per cent and 55 per cent by weight respectively. (author)

  18. The Rare Earth Magnet Industry and Rare Earth Price in China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ding Kaihong


    Full Text Available In the past four years, the price of rare earth metal fluctuates sharply for many reasons. Currently, it has become more stable and more reasonable. This presentation is focused on the effect about the rare earth metal price. Some motor manufacturers have shifted from rare earth permanent magnet to ferrite magnet. Many motor manufacturers changed the design for the motor cooling system to make the motor function at a lower temperature. Thus the consumption of Dy can be markedly reduced. As for manufacturer of NdFeB magnet, we are also trying to optimize our process to reduce to dependence of HREE such as Dy and Tb. HS process have been introduced to solve the problem. With more and more people focusing and engaging on the REE industry, the price of REE will be more transparent without too many fluctuations. China is considering the problems of balancing the environment, energy sources, and labor sources. The application field about NdFeB such as wind turbine generator, HEV/EV, FA /OA is flourishing.

  19. The Rare Earth Magnet Industry and Rare Earth Price in China (United States)

    Ding, Kaihong


    In the past four years, the price of rare earth metal fluctuates sharply for many reasons. Currently, it has become more stable and more reasonable. This presentation is focused on the effect about the rare earth metal price. Some motor manufacturers have shifted from rare earth permanent magnet to ferrite magnet. Many motor manufacturers changed the design for the motor cooling system to make the motor function at a lower temperature. Thus the consumption of Dy can be markedly reduced. As for manufacturer of NdFeB magnet, we are also trying to optimize our process to reduce to dependence of HREE such as Dy and Tb. HS process have been introduced to solve the problem. With more and more people focusing and engaging on the REE industry, the price of REE will be more transparent without too many fluctuations. China is considering the problems of balancing the environment, energy sources, and labor sources. The application field about NdFeB such as wind turbine generator, HEV/EV, FA /OA is flourishing.

  20. Recommendations for centres of expertise in rare anaemias. The ENERCA White Book

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joan-Lluis Vives Corrons


    disease patients across Europe, within their sphere of competencies; b clinical and laboratory frameworks for defining technical and quality criteria including scope, general and disease specific elements currently defined as technical and professional standards for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with RA; and c the expectations patients have of CoE. Conceived as a working tool directed to a broad range of stakeholders, the White book has been designed and structured to be comprehensible even to non-technical and /or non-professional audiences. The reader will find an up-to-date description and epidemiological information on RA as well as the European Union background policies for defining CoE and ERN-RA. A working group was created with experts of different profiles, known as the European Working Group on Rare Anaemias (EGRA. In order to achieve its objectives, the methodology used by EGRA, was characterised by three main principles: Interdisciplinary, European coverage, and evidence-based principles. Work has been developed into four sequential steps: 1. Analysis of the current situation of RA in Europe by healthcare professionals in order to identify the most relevant issues that have to be addressed by a centre in order for it to be recommended as CoE. 2. Preparation of questionnaires to perform surveys on how the relevant issues identified in step 1 can be translated into practical recommendations. 3. Analysis of the questionnaire results by face to face meetings, feedback and consensus evaluation, and 4. Preparation of a report on ENERCA policy recommendations for CoE. This report is presented in a user-friendly format, easy to understand and available through the ENERCA website ( Several important conclusions can be drawn from the ENERCA White Book, including the importance of laboratories involved in the diagnosis of RA, patient oriented and multidisciplinary care at the CoE, the need for coordination and cooperation within and

  1. Rare and semi-rare decays at ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00213194; The ATLAS collaboration


    The measurements of the rare $B^0$-mesons decays processes performed by the ATLAS experiment at LHC are reviewed. Particular attention will be given to the measurement of the branching ratio of the $B^0_s$ and $B^0_d$ mesons decays into a pair of muons with the full Run 1 dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 25 $\\rm{fb^{-1}}$.

  2. Why team reflexivity works

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.C. Schippers (Michaéla)


    textabstractAssessing a situation before acting may seem like common sense. After all, many languages have an equivalent of the English proverb: ‘look before you leap’. However, people rarely apply this in their daily working lives; we seldom make time to stop and reflect on our processes, and

  3. Data Mining for Social Work Students: Teaching Practice-Based Research in Conjunction with a Field Work Placement (United States)

    Auslander, Gail K.; Rosenne, Hadas


    Although research studies are important for social work students, the students rarely like research classes or see their value. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, one group of BSW students was encouraged to carry out the required research in their field work setting, the Hadassah University Medical Center. Students used data mining, that is,…

  4. Rare earth mobility in hydrothermal ore-forming systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cornell, D.H.; Schade, J.; Scheepers, R.; Watkeys, M.K.


    Rocks and ores which form by magmatic processes display a range of chondrite-normalised rare earth profiles. One REE (rare earth elements) profile feature which seems unrelated to magmatic processes is the birdwing profile, in which both heavy and light rare earths are enriched relative to the middle rare earths. Birdwing rare earth profiles are an easily identified geochemical anomaly. It is proposed that rare earth geochemistry could be applied in geochemical prospecting for ore formed by hydrothermal processes. 5 figs

  5. Photophysical and physicochemical studies of rare earths complexes formed with calyx(n)arenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, F.M.; Varbanov, S.; Corine, C.; Muller, G.; Fatin-Rouge, N.; Scopelliti, R.; Bunzli J, C.G.


    In this work, some of the photophysical and physicochemical properties are presented which are observed in the rare earths complexes that are formed with diverse functionalized calyx(n)arenes receptors where n=4-6 designed with predetermined properties and synthesized by own methods. (Author)

  6. Community Assembly Processes of the Microbial Rare Biosphere. (United States)

    Jia, Xiu; Dini-Andreote, Francisco; Falcão Salles, Joana


    Our planet teems with microorganisms that often present a skewed abundance distribution in a local community, with relatively few dominant species coexisting alongside a high number of rare species. Recent studies have demonstrated that these rare taxa serve as limitless reservoirs of genetic diversity, and perform disproportionate types of functions despite their low abundances. However, relatively little is known about the mechanisms controlling rarity and the processes promoting the development of the rare biosphere. Here, we propose the use of multivariate cut-offs to estimate rare species and phylogenetic null models applied to predefined rare taxa to disentangle the relative influences of ecoevolutionary processes mediating the assembly of the rare biosphere. Importantly, the identification of the factors controlling rare species assemblages is critical for understanding the types of rarity, how the rare biosphere is established, and how rare microorganisms fluctuate over spatiotemporal scales, thus enabling prospective predictions of ecosystem responses. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Poster "Maladies rares & sciences sociales"


    Duysens, Fanny


    Le poster "Maladies rares & sciences sociales" visait à présenter la recherche doctorale de l'auteure au grand public dans le cadre de la Journée des Maladies Rares du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège dont le thème était "la recherche sur les maladies rares". Réalisé spécialement pour l'occasion, le poster explicitait de manière synthétique le sujet de recherche, la méthodologie, certains résultats, ainsi que les apports possibles des échanges entre chercheurs en sciences et sociales...

  8. Particle and radiation simulations for the proposed rare isotope accelerator facility (United States)

    Remec, Igor; Gabriel, Tony A.; Wendel, Mark W.; Conner, David L.; Burgess, Thomas W.; Ronningen, Reginald M.; Blideanu, Valentin; Bollen, Georg; Boles, Jason L.; Reyes, Susana; Ahle, Larry E.; Stein, Werner


    The Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) facility, planned to be built in the USA, will be capable of delivering diverse beams, from protons to uranium ions, with energies from 1 GeV to at least 400 MeV per nucleon to rare isotope-producing targets. High beam power—400 kW—will allow RIA to become the most powerful rare isotope beam facility in the world; however, it also creates challenges for the design of the isotope-production targets. This paper focuses on the isotope-separator-on-line (ISOL) target work, particularly the radiation transport aspects of the two-step fission target design. Simulations were performed with the PHITS, MCNPX, and MARS15 computer codes. A two-step ISOL target considered here consists of a mercury or tungsten primary target in which primary beam interactions release neutrons, which in turn induce fissions—and produce rare isotopes—in the secondary target filled with fissionable material. Three primary beams were considered: 1-GeV protons, 622-MeV/u deuterons, and 777-MeV/u 3He ions. The proton and deuterium beams were found to be about equivalent in terms of induced fission rates and heating rates in the target, while the 3He beam, without optimizing the target geometry, was less favorable, producing about 15% fewer fissions and about 50% higher heating rates than the proton beam at the same beam power.

  9. Magnetomigration of rare-earth ions in inhomogeneous magnetic fields. (United States)

    Franczak, Agnieszka; Binnemans, Koen; Jan Fransaer


    The effects of external inhomogenous (gradient) magnetic fields on the movement of the rare-earth ions: Dy 3+ , Gd 3+ and Y 3+ , in initially homogeneous aqueous solutions have been investigated. Differences in the migration of rare-earth ions in gradient magnetic fields were observed, depending on the magnetic character of the ions: paramagnetic ions of Dy 3+ and Gd 3+ move towards regions of the sample where the magnetic field gradient is the strongest, while diamagnetic ions of Y 3+ move in the opposite direction. It has been showed that the low magnetic field gradients, such the ones generated by permanent magnets, are sufficient to observe the magnetomigration effects of the ions in solution. The present work clearly establishes the behavior of magnetically different ions in initially homogeneous aqueous solutions exposed to magnetic field gradients. To this avail, a methodology for measuring the local concentration differences of metal ions in liquid samples was developed.

  10. Intra-group separation of rare earths using new organic phosphorus ligands; Intragruppentrennung Seltener Erden mittels neuer phosphororganischer Liganden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hadic, Sanela


    Rare earth elements (REE) have unique magnetic, photophysical, and chemical properties and they are therefore used in numerous high-technology applications. However, to this day, the isolation of pure rare earths from primary and secondary raw materials is very challenging. In this work, the hydrometallurgical separation of neighboring rare earths (e.g., praseodymium/ neodymium) was optimized with novel selective extraction agents. The separation of rare earths (yttrium and all lanthanides except promethium) was investigated with fourteen new organophosphorus compounds. Oxygen-bearing phosphinic acids yielded good separation results for heavy rare earths (dysprosium to lutetium). For light rare earths (lanthanum to neodymium), particularly high separation factors were realized with synergistic systems containing an aromatic dithiophosphinic acid and a co-extractant, such as tris (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (TEHP). Optimization studies of the latter extraction system revealed an extremely high separation factor (SF) of 4.21 between praseodymium and neodymium. Another focus of this work was to understand the extraction mechanism. With the aid of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ({sup 1}H-NMR) and time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS), the complex stoichiometry of promising extraction systems was examined. Studies revealed a dependency between the selectivity for rare earths and the coordination number of the formed complexes. In addition, temperature-dependent extraction experiments were performed and thermodynamic data (ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS) determined. These data provided additional information about the origin of selectivity for neighboring rare earths. With regard to the industrial capability of the investigated extraction systems, the chemical durability of ligands was studied under process-relevant conditions. Qualitative and quantitative analytical methods (e.g., GC-MS) were used in long-term experiments to determine the ligand degradation

  11. Riedel thyroiditis: Fine needle aspiration findings of a rare entity. (United States)

    Weidner, Anna-Sophie; Molina, David; DeSimone, Robert A; Cohen, Marc A; Giorgadze, Tamar; Scognamiglio, Theresa; Hoda, Rana S


    Riedel thyroiditis is a rare fibrosing disorder characterized by extension of the fibroinflammatory process beyond the thyroid capsule. Due to the nature of this lesion, fine-needle aspiration often yields scant material and may be interpreted as non-diagnostic. In this report, we describe cytologic features that allow the cytopathologist to favor a diagnosis of Riedel thyroiditis, thereby guiding appropriate further work-up and management. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Rare earth elements behavior in Peruibe black mud

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torrecilha, Jefferson K.; Carvalho, Leandro P.; Gouvea, Paulo F.M.; Silva, Paulo S.C. da


    Rare earth elements in sediments have been used as powerful tools for environmental studies because of their behavior during geochemical processes and are also widely accepted as reliable provenance tracers because they are largely water-immobile and thus behave conservatively during sedimentary processes. The Peruibe Black Mud (PBM) is a sedimentary deposit originated from the interactions of marine sediments and organic matter in an estuarine environment that originates a peloid currently used for medicinal purposes. The objective of this study was to examine rare earth elements pattern distribution in the Peruibe black mud sedimentary deposit as a proxy for its geochemical development. Elemental ratios such as LaN/YbN, Th/U and La/Th were determined and a normalization of the mean rare earth elements concentrations in the samples related to NASC indicates that the light (La to Eu) rare earth elements present values close to the unity while the heavy (Tb to Lu) rare earth elements are depleted related to NASC. It can be observed that the light rare earth elements present enrichment values slightly enriched over the unity while the heavy rare earth elements present values generally below the unity reflecting the enrichment of the light rare earth elements over the heavy rare earth. Rare earth elements concentrations determined in Peruibe black mud samples showed a distribution similar to that found in the NASC for the light rare earth elements and depleted for the heavy rare earth elements. (author)

  13. Rare earth elements behavior in Peruibe black mud

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torrecilha, Jefferson K.; Carvalho, Leandro P.; Gouvea, Paulo F.M.; Silva, Paulo S.C. da, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Rare earth elements in sediments have been used as powerful tools for environmental studies because of their behavior during geochemical processes and are also widely accepted as reliable provenance tracers because they are largely water-immobile and thus behave conservatively during sedimentary processes. The Peruibe Black Mud (PBM) is a sedimentary deposit originated from the interactions of marine sediments and organic matter in an estuarine environment that originates a peloid currently used for medicinal purposes. The objective of this study was to examine rare earth elements pattern distribution in the Peruibe black mud sedimentary deposit as a proxy for its geochemical development. Elemental ratios such as LaN/YbN, Th/U and La/Th were determined and a normalization of the mean rare earth elements concentrations in the samples related to NASC indicates that the light (La to Eu) rare earth elements present values close to the unity while the heavy (Tb to Lu) rare earth elements are depleted related to NASC. It can be observed that the light rare earth elements present enrichment values slightly enriched over the unity while the heavy rare earth elements present values generally below the unity reflecting the enrichment of the light rare earth elements over the heavy rare earth. Rare earth elements concentrations determined in Peruibe black mud samples showed a distribution similar to that found in the NASC for the light rare earth elements and depleted for the heavy rare earth elements. (author)

  14. Rare Earth Metals: Resourcefulness and Recovery (United States)

    Wang, Shijie


    When we appreciate the digital revolution carried over from the twentieth century with mobile communication and the Internet, and when we enjoy our high-tech lifestyle filled with iDevices, hybrid cars, wind turbines, and solar cells in this new century, we should also appreciate that all of these advanced products depend on rare earth metals to function. Although there are only 136,000 tons of annual worldwide demand, (Cho, Rare Earth Metals, Will We Have Enough?)1 rare earth metals are becoming such hot commodities on international markets, due to not only to their increasing uses, including in most critical military hardware, but also to Chinese growth, which accounts for 95% of global rare earth metal production. Hence, the 2013 technical calendar topic, planned by the TMS/Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Committee, is particularly relevant, with four articles (including this commentary) contributed to the JOM October Issue discussing rare earth metals' resourcefulness and recovery.

  15. Rare and semi-rare decays at ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00213194; The ATLAS collaboration


    The measurements of the rare $B^0$-meson-decay processes performed by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC are reviewed. Particular attention will be given to the measurement of the branching ratio of the $B^0_s$ and $B^0_d$ mesons decays into a pair of muons with the full Run 1 dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 25 $\\rm{fb^{-1}}$.

  16. Mohs micrographic surgery of rare cutaneous tumours

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Flohil, S.C.; Lee, C.B. van; Beisenherz, J.; Mureau, M.A.M.; Overbeek, L.I.H.; Nijsten, T.; Bos, R.R.


    BACKGROUND: Recurrence rates after Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) for rare cutaneous tumours are poorly defined. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the recurrence rate after MMS for rare cutaneous tumours at a university centre. METHODS & MATERIALS: Retrospective review of all rare cutaneous tumours treated

  17. Enzymatic approaches to rare sugar production. (United States)

    Zhang, Wenli; Zhang, Tao; Jiang, Bo; Mu, Wanmeng

    Rare sugars have recently attracted much attention because of their potential applications in the food, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical industries. A systematic strategy for enzymatic production of rare sugars, named Izumoring, was developed >10years ago. The strategy consists of aldose-ketose isomerization, ketose C-3 epimerization, and monosaccharide oxidation-reduction. Recent development of the Izumoring strategy is reviewed herein, especially the genetic approaches to the improvement of rare sugar-producing enzymes and the applications of target-oriented bioconversion. In addition, novel non-Izumoring enzymatic approaches are also summarized, including enzymatic condensation, phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cascade reaction, aldose epimerization, ulosonic acid decarboxylation, and biosynthesis of rare disaccharides. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Rare Earth Polyoxometalates. (United States)

    Boskovic, Colette


    Longstanding and important applications make use of the chemical and physical properties of both rare earth metals and polyoxometalates of early transition metals. The catalytic, optical, and magnetic features of rare earth metal ions are well-known, as are the reversible multielectron redox and photoredox capabilities of polyoxomolybdates and polyoxotungstates. The combination of rare earth ions and polyoxometalates in discrete molecules and coordination polymers is of interest for the unique combination of chemical and physical properties that can arise. This Account surveys our efforts to synthesize and investigate compounds with rare earth ions and polyoxometalates (RE-POMs), sometimes with carboxylate-based organic coligands. Our general synthetic approach is "bottom-up", which affords well-defined nanoscale molecules, typically in crystalline form and amenable to single-crystal X-ray diffraction for structure determination. Our particular focus is on elucidation of the physical properties conferred by the different structural components with a view to ultimately being able to tune these properties chemically. For this purpose, we employ a variety of spectroscopic, magnetochemical, electrochemical, and scattering techniques in concert with theoretical modeling and computation. Studies of RE-POM single-molecule magnets (SMMs) have utilized magnetic susceptibility, inelastic neutron scattering, and ab initio calculations. These investigations have allowed characterization of the crystal field splitting of the rare earth(III) ions that is responsible for the SMM properties of slow magnetic relaxation and magnetization quantum tunneling. Such SMMs are promising for applications in quantum computing and molecular spintronics. Photophysical measurements of a family of hybrid RE-POMs with organic ligands have afforded insights into sensitization of Tb(III) and Eu(III) emission through both organic and polyoxometalate chromophores in the same molecule. Detailed

  19. Thermochemistry of rare-earth trifluorides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, K.Y.; Johnson, C.E.


    Using the most recent crystallographic data, the Born-Lande equation was employed to calculate lattice energies of the rare-earth trifluorides. The excellent agreement ( 0 sub(f)(MX 3 ,c,298.15K) can be estimated. The magnitude of the monotonic change of ΔH 0 sub(f)(MX 3 ) for the rare-earth trihalides series (14 4f electrons) is comparable to the energy change between Sc and Ti in which only one 3d electron is added. This energy change is consistent with the chemical evidence that the electrons in the f-orbitals of rare earths contribute negligibly to the bonding. (author)

  20. Expert services for rare anaemias across Europe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatrice Gulbis


    Full Text Available New challenges and priorities are given in the EU Health programme 2007-2013. The objectives of the programme are to improve citizens’ health security, to promote health to improve prosperity and solidarity, and to generate and disseminate health knowledge. If challenges and priorities have been defined globally for rare diseases by the European Commission, persons involved in rare anaemias have taken the opportunity to contribute to the empowerment of patients with rare anaemias. One of the ENERCA partners objectives was the mapping of existing centres that take care of patients with rare anaemias in Europe. Another goal was to obtain a directory of facilities available per centre for patients with rare anaemias. We thought that with those results it could realistically help to define a consensus regarding the criteria to be recognised as a centre of expertise for haemoglobinopathies and very rare anaemias.

  1. Rare earths: preparation of spectro chemically pure standards, study of their carbonates and synthesis of a new compound series - the peroxy carbonates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Queiroz, Carlos Alberto da Silva


    In this work the following studies are concerned: I) preparation of lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium and samarium oxides for use as spectro chemically pure standards; II) behavior of the rare earth (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) carbonates soluble in ammonium carbonate and mixture of ammonium carbonate/ammonium hydroxide, and III) synthesis and characterization of rare earth peroxy carbonates - a new series of compounds. Data for the synthesis and characterization of the rare earths peroxy carbonates described for the first time in this work are presented and discussed. With the aid of thermal analysis (TG-DTG) the thermal stability and the stoichiometric composition for new compounds were established and a mechanism of thermal decomposition was proposed. The peroxy carbonate was prepared by the addition of hydrogen peroxyde to the complexed soluble rare earths carbonates. These studies included also the determinations of active oxygen, the total rare earth oxide by gravimetry and complexometry and the C, H and N contents by microanalysis. The new compounds were also investigated by infrared spectroscopy. (author)

  2. Preparation of rare earth fluorides from apatite concentrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mulyarchuk, I.F.; Voloshchenko, M.V.; Zen'kovich, E.G.; Sumenkova, V.V.; AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Problem Lit'ya)


    The processes of preparation of the rare earths element sum from apatite concentrate of the Khibins, connected with preliminary extraction of rare earth phosphates from nitric acid extract using solvent extraction or direct precipitation from the extract by solution of potassium and ammonium fluorides. The sequence of the processes of the first variant is the following: solvent extraction of rare earths by tributylphosphate from clarified nitric acid extract of apatite with subsequent reextraction of rare earths with water and precipitation of rare earth phosphates from aqueous solution during neutralization by ammonia. In case of fluoride preparation from rare earth phosphate the main attention is paid to precipitation and filtration of fluorides. Technological scheme and cost price of industry for the production of 1800 t of rare earth trifluorides a year are calculated. When taking account of TBP losses according to its solubility the industry cost price is 1O times lower the modern cost of rare earth fluorides


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Dornelis Carvalhal


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos há um incremento considerável no emprego industrial em Marechal Cândido Rondon, saltando de 681 empregos formais em 1995 para 2.478 empregos em 2004. Tal crescimento do emprego industrial pode ser compreendido pelo processo da divisão territorial do trabalho, com especializações produtivas em locais determinados, como parecem indicar o número de empregos criados na indústria alimentícia. As determinações podem estar no âmbito das políticas públicas de desenvolvimento local ou decorrentes das estratégias empresariais, de qualquer modo uma determinação não exclui a outra, havendo interação entre as necessidades capitalistas e a gestão territorial pelo Estado. A expansão industrial como expressão mais evidente da própria expansão capitalista promove um conjunto de transformações nos lugares em que ocorre.

  4. Theory of Rare-Earth Alloys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindgård, Per-Anker


    A mean-field random alloy theory combined with a simple calculation of the exchange interaction J(c,Q) is shown to quantitatively account for the phase diagrams for alloys of rare-earth metals with Y, Lu, Sc, and other rare-earth metals. A concentration-dependent J(c,Q) explains the empirical 2...

  5. Thermodynamics of rare earths in steelmaking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vahed, A.; Kay, D.A.R.


    The standard free energies of formation of the oxides, sulfides and oxysulfides of cerium and lanthanum under steelmaking conditions have been calculated and used to predict the behavior of rare earths in steelmaking. Deoxidation and desulfurization constants, expressed in terms of Henrian activities, have been used to construct a precipitation diagram which indicates the sequence of rare earth inclusion formation. An enrichment of lanthanum in (RE)-oxysulfide and cerium in (RE)-sulfide is predicted. It is also predicted that rare earths should be able to reduce the soluble oxygen and sulfur contents of liquid steel well below the contents presently found in most industrial and laboratory practices. A simple method of calculating steelmaking additions for complete rare earth control of inclusion composition is presented

  6. General geochemical properties and abundances of the rare earth elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henderson, P.


    This chapter reviews some of the fundamental aspects of rare earth elements (REE) geochemistry and gives data on abundances in the solar system, the bulk Earth and the Earth's crust. It describes the state of knowledge on the partitioning of the REE, especially in igneous rock systems, and cites reference works concerned with the REE. Several chemical properties of REE are discussed (oxidation states; redox conditions; element coordination and ionic radii; element substitution). (Auth.)

  7. Relações interfirmas e emprego na rede de empresas: a experiência de externalização de uma empresa no setor de telecomunicações Intercompany relations and employment in the businesses network: the experience of internalization of one company from the telecommunications industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro Ruduit


    Full Text Available A reestruturação do setor de telecomunicações vem implicando a formação de estruturas empresariais na forma de rede. Neste artigo, examinam-se os padrões de relacionamento interfirmas e de emprego na rede de empresas liderada pela Companhia Riograndense de Telecomunicações (CRT. A análise abrange onze empresas, prestadoras de diferentes tipos de serviços (digitalização de centrais de comutação, cabeamento e instalação de terminais telefônicos e localizadas em diversos níveis da rede ("empresas terceiras", "quartas", "quintas" e "sextas". Conclui-se que existe grande diversidade no relacionamento interempresas (relacionadas à interação entre a estratégia competitiva da empresa central e os tipos de serviços prestados e nas práticas de emprego (associadas às relações interfirmas e à posição das empresas nos níveis da rede.Restructuring in the telecommunications industry has implied the construction of network business structures. In this article, patterns of relationship between companies and employment within the network led by CRT (Companhia Riograndense de Telecomunicações, the Telecommunications Company in the southern Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul are examined. The analysis encompasses eleven companies providing different kinds of services (switch units digitalization, cables and phone lines installation and located at several levels of the network ("third", "fourth", "fifth" and "sixth" companies. We come to the conclusion that there is a great variety within the relationship between companies (regarding the interaction between competitive strategy of the leading company and the kind of services provided and in employment practices (associated to intercompany relationships and the position of each company at the network levels.

  8. Ethical and social aspects on rare diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krajnović Dušanka


    Full Text Available Rare diseases are a heterogenic group of disorders with a little in common except of their rarity affecting by less than 5 : 10.000 people. In the world is registered about 6000-8000 rare diseases with 6-8% suffering population only in the European Union. In spite of rarity, they represent an important medical and social problem due to their incidence. For many rare diseases have no treatment, but if it exists and if started on time as being available to patients, there is a good prognosis for them to be able for normal life. The problems of patients affected by rare diseases are related to the lack of diagnosis and timely undergoing as well as their treatment or prevention. Orphan drugs are products intended for treatment, diagnosis or prevention of rare diseases, but for their development and marketing the industry has not been interested in yet because of their marketing reasons. Patients suffering from a rare disease although belonging to the vulnerable group for their specific health needs, is becoming invisible in the health care system due to their additional needs un properly recognized. Ethical problems faced by patients, but also health care professionals are related to the allocation of medical diagnostics, unequal approach to health care, inappropriately specialized social services as well as therapy and rare orphan drugs unavailability. Ethical questions related to clinical trails on orphan drugs, population screening and epidemiology testing on rare diseases will also be discussed in this paper. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 41004: Rare diseases: Molecular pathophysiology, the diagnostic and therapeutical modalities, social, ethical and legal aspects

  9. Rare KL decays at Fermilab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schnetzer, St.


    Recent results and the future prospects for rare K L decay at Fermilab are described. A summary of all rare decay results from E799 Phase I (the 1991 run) are presented. Three new results: K L → e + e - μ + μ - , K L → π 0 μe, and π 0 → e + e - e + e - are discussed in detail. Improvements for KTeV (the 1996-1997 run) are discussed and the expected sensitivities listed. Finally, the KAMI program for rare decays with the Main Injector (2000 and beyond) is presented with emphasis on a search for the decay K L → π 0 νν-bar at O(10 -12 ) single-event-sensitivity. (author)

  10. Rare species are valued big time.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Angulo

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: It has recently been postulated that the value humans place on rarity could cause the extinction of rare species. This is because people are willing to pay the high costs of exploiting the last individuals. Many hobbies, such as ecotourism or the keeping of exotic pets may cause this effect--known as the anthropogenic Allee effect. However, the entire theory relies on the insofar undemonstrated assumption that people do value rarity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In order to quantify how much people valued rare species relative to common ones, we created online slideshows of photographs of either rare or common species on an Internet web site. The slideshow with photographs of rare species attracted more visitors, and visitors spent, in general, more time waiting to view it. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We provide evidence that people value rare more than common species. As we did not target consumers of a specific market, this finding suggests that the anthropogenic Allee effect is likely be driven by a large part of the population. Given the substantial participation in our online experiment, we highlight the potential of the world wide web resource as a tool for conservation action. However, the evidence presented here that the general public value rare species, combined with the assumption that anthropogenic Allee effect is operating, implies that conservationists should be prudent when using rarity to promote conservation.

  11. Experimental investigation of the chemistry of excited states of rare gases. Technical progress report, October 15, 1975--July 15, 1976

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Setser, D.W.


    Total quenching rate constants and branching ratios for rare gas halide excimer formation have been measured for Ar( 3 P 0 , 2 ), Kr( 3 P 2 ) and Xe( 3 P 2 ) reacting with chlorine and fluorine-containing molecules. Emphasis was focused on systems giving KrF* and XeF* as products. All halogen containing molecules quench metastable rare gas atoms with gas kinetic cross-sections. However, only diatomic halogens and small molecules with O-X or N-X bonds quench the metastable with high branching ratios for excimer formation. The product channels for the reagents which do not yield the rare gas halides as the main exit channel remain to be identified. The work that has been done provides a good survey of halogen donors. This work will assist in selection of the best halogen-containing molecules for use in rare gas halide excimer lasers. Tunable dye laser fluorescence experiments have been done to obtain radiative lifetimes and two body quenching rate constants (with ground state Ar) for excited states of Ar*(3p 5 ,4p) and Ar*

  12. 75 FR 47458 - TRICARE; Rare Diseases Definition (United States)


    ... tribal governments, in aggregate or by the private sector, of $100 million or more in any one year... TRICARE; Rare Diseases Definition AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DoD. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This final rule revises the definition of rare diseases to adopt the definition of a rare disease as...

  13. Sustainable rare diseases business and drug access: no time for misconceptions. (United States)

    Rollet, Pierrick; Lemoine, Adrien; Dunoyer, Marc


    Legislative incentives enacted in Europe through the Regulation (EC) No. 141/2000 to incentivize orphan drug development have over the last 12 years constituted a powerful impetus toward R&D directed at the rare diseases population. However, despite therapeutic promises contained in these projects and significant economic impact linked to burgeoning R&D expenditures, the affordability and value of OMPs has become a topic of health policy debate in Europe fueled by the perception that OMPs have high acquisition costs, and by misconceptions around pricing dynamics and rare-diseases business models. In order to maintain sustainable patient access to new and innovative therapies, it is essential to address these misconceptions, and to ensure the successful continuation of a dynamic OMPs R&D within rare-diseases public health policy. Misconceptions abound regarding the pricing of rare diseases drugs and reflect a poor appreciation of the R&D model and the affordability and value of OMPs. Simulation of potential financial returns of small medium sized rare diseases companies focusing on high priced drugs show that their economic returns are likely to be close to their cost of capital. Research in rare diseases is a challenging endeavour characterised by high fixed costs in which companies accrue substantial costs for several years before potentially generating returns from the fruits of their investments. Although heavily dependent upon R&D capabilities of each individual company or R&D organization, continuous flow of R&D financial investment should allow industry to increasingly include efficiencies in research and development in cost considerations to its customers. Industry should also pro-actively work on facilitating development of a specific value based pricing approach to help understanding what constitute value in rare diseases. Policy makers must reward innovation based upon unmet need and patient outcome. Broader understanding by clinicians, the public, and

  14. Rare earths production and marketing opportunities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Falconnet, P.G.


    The rare earths (RE) market is relatively small. The total production during 1968 was only 10000 tons (REO) which rose to 27000 tons (REO) during 1985. The three major areas of application, which are volume market for ceric rare earths are catalysts, glass ceramics and metallurgy. Among the other uses of rare earths, the permanent magnets, lamp phosphors and fine ceramics have registered significant growth in RE consumption. Monazite and bastnasite are the main natural source for rare earths and processing of these for one of the rare earths in high demand leads to over production of some others not in demand, thus creating a balance problem. The growth in RE market has always been influenced by the technology shifts and product substitution. For example, the RE consumption during 1974/76 for desulfurization of steel had substantially decreased due to the usage of calcium. Similarly, 1985 had witnessed a drastic cut in the use of REs in fluid cracking due to the introduction of stabilized zeolites which contain less REO. Thus, the overall compound growth rate of demand was only 3.9 % per year during the period 1970-1985. At present, 37 % of the rare earths production goes to the glass/ceramics industry, 33 % for catalyst and 25 % to metallurgy. The price of REs constantly shows a downward trend. This trend coupled with the rapid changes taking place in the various technological fields, demands greater flexibility and high marketing skills from the RE producers. The key factor for future expansion of RE market will be the development of 'high volume' application of ceric rare earths. (author) 2 figs., 8 tabs

  15. Working time flexibility components and working time regimes in Europe: using company-level data across 21 countries


    Chung, Heejung; Tijdens, Kea


    Working time flexibility comprises a wide variety of arrangements, from part-time,\\ud overtime, to long-term leaves. Theoretical approaches to grouping these arrangements\\ud have been developed, but empirical underpinnings are rare. This article investigates\\ud the bundles that can be found for various flexible working time arrangements, using the\\ud Establishment Survey on Working Time and Work–Life Balance, 2004/2005, covering 21\\ud EU member states and 13 industries. The results from the fac...

  16. Rare causes of scoliosis and spine deformity: experience and particular features

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pliarchopoulou Fani M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Spine deformity can be idiopathic (more than 80% of cases, neuromuscular, congenital or neurofibromatosis-related. However, there are many disorders that may also be involved. We present our experience treating patients with scoliosis or other spine deformities related to rare clinical entities. Methods A retrospective study of the records of a school-screening study in North-West Greece was performed, covering a 10-year period (1992–2002. The records were searched for patients with deformities related to rare disorders. These patients were reviewed as regards to characteristics of underlying disorder and spine deformity, treatment and results, complications, intraoperative and anaesthesiologic difficulties particular to each case. Results In 13 cases, the spine deformity presented in relation to rare disorders. The underlying disorder was rare neurological disease in 2 cases (Rett syndrome, progressive hemidystonia, muscular disorders (facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, arthrogryposis in 2 patients, osteogenesis imperfecta in 2 cases, Marfan syndrome, osteopetrosis tarda, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, cleidocranial dysplasia and Noonan syndrome in 1 case each. In 2 cases scoliosis was related to other congenital anomalies (phocomelia, blindness. Nine of these patients were surgically treated. Surgery was avoided in 3 patients. Conclusion This study illustrates the fact that different disorders are related with curves with different characteristics, different accompanying problems and possible complications. Investigation and understanding of the underlying pathology is an essential part of the clinical evaluation and preoperative work-up, as clinical experience at any specific center is limited.

  17. Particle and radiation simulations for the proposed rare isotope accelerator facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Remec, Igor [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, P. O. Box 2008, TN 37831-6172 (United States)]. E-mail:; Gabriel, Tony A. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, P. O. Box 2008, TN 37831-6172 (United States); Wendel, Mark W. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, P. O. Box 2008, TN 37831-6172 (United States); Conner, David L. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, P. O. Box 2008, TN 37831-6172 (United States); Burgess, Thomas W. [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, P. O. Box 2008, TN 37831-6172 (United States); Ronningen, Reginald M. [National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 (United States); Blideanu, Valentin [National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 (United States); Bollen, Georg [National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 (United States); Boles, Jason L. [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P. O. Box 808, L-446, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States); Reyes, Susana [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P. O. Box 808, L-446, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States); Ahle, Larry E. [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P. O. Box 808, L-446, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States); Stein, Werner [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P. O. Box 808, L-446, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States)


    The Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) facility, planned to be built in the USA, will be capable of delivering diverse beams, from protons to uranium ions, with energies from 1 GeV to at least 400 MeV per nucleon to rare isotope-producing targets. High beam power-400 kW-will allow RIA to become the most powerful rare isotope beam facility in the world; however, it also creates challenges for the design of the isotope-production targets. This paper focuses on the isotope-separator-on-line (ISOL) target work, particularly the radiation transport aspects of the two-step fission target design. Simulations were performed with the PHITS, MCNPX, and MARS15 computer codes. A two-step ISOL target considered here consists of a mercury or tungsten primary target in which primary beam interactions release neutrons, which in turn induce fissions-and produce rare isotopes-in the secondary target filled with fissionable material. Three primary beams were considered: 1-GeV protons, 622-MeV/u deuterons, and 777-MeV/u {sup 3}He ions. The proton and deuterium beams were found to be about equivalent in terms of induced fission rates and heating rates in the target, while the {sup 3}He beam, without optimizing the target geometry, was less favorable, producing about 15% fewer fissions and about 50% higher heating rates than the proton beam at the same beam power.

  18. Enhanced pinning in mixed rare earth-123 films (United States)

    Driscoll, Judith L [Los Alamos, NM; Foltyn, Stephen R [Los Alamos, NM


    An superconductive article and method of forming such an article is disclosed, the article including a substrate and a layer of a rare earth barium cuprate film upon the substrate, the rare earth barium cuprate film including two or more rare earth metals capable of yielding a superconductive composition where ion size variance between the two or more rare earth metals is characterized as greater than zero and less than about 10.times.10.sup.-4, and the rare earth barium cuprate film including two or more rare earth metals is further characterized as having an enhanced critical current density in comparison to a standard YBa.sub.2Cu.sub.3O.sub.y composition under identical testing conditions.

  19. Possibility as monosaccharide laxative of rare sugar alcohols. (United States)

    Oosaka, Kazumasa


    Allitol, D-talitol and L-iditol are sugar alcohols that are rare in nature. Due to their previous rarity, little is known about the laxative effects of these rare sugar alcohols. Therefore, reliable data on the laxative effect that these sugar alcohols cause in experimental animals could help to evaluate the effectiveness of new monosaccharide laxative drugs. To investigate the laxative effect of rare sugar alcohols, the study was designed to observe the diarrhea that occurred after oral administration of these sugar alcohols in mice. Moreover, to investigate the influence on intestinal function of rare sugar alcohols, the study was designed to examine small intestine transit and the luminal water content. Results indicated that rare sugar alcohols have a laxative effect in mice. Diarrhea started at a dose of 4.95 g/kg of rare sugar alcohols. There was a statistically significant laxative effect for D-talitol and L-iditol at a dose of 9.9 g/kg as compared to vehicle. Moreover, rare sugar alcohols significantly increased the small intestinal transit and the luminal water content of the small intestine and cecum in mice as compared to each vehicle. Overall, L-iditol greatly changes the function of intestine. In conclusion, rare sugar alcohols increase water content in small intestine and accelerate small intestine transit. These results support laxative effect of rare sugar alcohols. Therefore, rare sugar alcohols may be useful as monosaccharide laxatives and may be used to treat constipation.

  20. [Work, momentum and fatigue in the work of Daniel Bernoulli: toward the optimization of biological fact]. (United States)

    Fonteneau, Yannick; Viard, Jérôme

    The concept of mechanical work is inherited from the concepts of potentia absoluta and men's work, both implemented in the section IX of Daniel Bernoulli's Hydrodynamica in 1738. Nonetheless, Bernoulli did not confuse these two entities: he defined a link from gender to species between the former, which is general, and the latter, which is organic. In addition, Bernoulli clearly distinguished between vis viva and potentia absoluta (or work). Their reciprocal conversions are rarely mentioned explicitly in this book, except once, in the section X of his work, from vis viva to work, and subordinated to the mediation of a machine, in a driving forces substitution problem. His attitude evolved significantly in a text in 1753, in which work and vis viva were unambiguously connected, while the concept of potentia absoluta was reduced to that of human work, and the expression itself was abandoned. It was then accepted that work can be converted into vis viva, but the opposite is true in only one case, the intra-organic one. It is the concept of fatigue, seen as an expenditure of animal spirits themselves conceived of as little tensed springs releasing vis viva, that allowed the conversion, never quantified and listed simply as a model, from vis viva to work. Thus, work may have ultimately appeared as a transitional state between two kinds of vis viva, of which the first is non-quantifiable. At the same time, the natural elements were discredited from any hint of profitable production. Only men and animals were able to work in the strict sense of the word. Nature, left to itself, does not work, according to Bernoulli. In spite of his wish to bring together rational mechanics and practical mechanics, one perceived in the work of Bernoulli the subsistence of a rarely crossed disjunction between practical and theoretical fields.

  1. Preparing rare earth-silicon-iron-aluminum alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marchant, J.D.; Morrice, E.; Herve, B.P.; Wong, M.M.


    As part of its mission to assure the maximum recovery and use of the Nation's mineral resources, the Bureau of Mines, investigated an improved procedure for producing rare earth-silicon alloys. For example, a charge consisting of 681 grams of mixed rare-earth oxides, 309 grams of ferrosilicon (75 wt-pct Si), and 182 grams of aluminum metal along with a flux consisting of 681 grams of CaO and 45 grams of MgO was reacted at 1500 0 C in an induction furnace. Good slag-metal separation was achieved. The alloy product contained, in weight-percent, 53 RE, 28 Si, 11 Fe, and 4 Al with a rare earth recovery of 80 pct. In current industrial practice rare earth recoveries are usually about 60 pct in alloy products that contain approximately 30 wt-pct each of rare earths and silicon. Metallurgical evaluations showed the alloys prepared in this investigation to be as effective in controlling the detrimental effect of sulfur in steel and cast iron as the commercial rare earth-silicon-iron alloys presently used in the steel industry

  2. Studies on Three Liquid Phase Extraction (TLPE) system for separation of rare earths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadav, Kartikey K.; Singh, D.K.; Anitha, M.; Singh, H.


    Three-liquid-phase extraction (TLPE) is relatively a new separation technique, which takes the advantage of the differences in physicochemical properties of three coexisted phases to achieve multi-phase liquid separation of two or more components in one-step extraction. TLPE system consists of three liquid layers namely an organic solvent phase (organophosphorous type) and two aqueous phases one rich in polymer phase (poly alkylene glycol) and other a salt solution. To study the feasibility of using such system for separation of rare earths, it is important to optimize the preparatory conditions by selective suitable polymer and salt solutions at an appropriate pH to obtain a stable three phase layers to effect the separation. D2EHPA (di-2-ethyl hexyl phosphoric acid) is a well- established extractant in the rare earth industry and has been chosen in the present work to form a TLPE with polymer and salt solution. In the present investigation after preparing the stable three phase, the feasibility of using TLPE has been examined to separate rare earths from a multicomponent solutions. This study has demonstrated the ability of TLPE having D2EHPA as organic phase to separate rare earths from a multicomponent system. Effect of pH, concentration and types of polymer, complexing agent and D2EHPA concentration has been studied. Variation in pH study indicated that 4.0 leads to extraction of rare earths in the polymer phase. PEG 600 was found to be best amongst the polymer investigated. Presence of DTPA as complexing agent in the salt solution having pH >4.0 resulted in enhanced extraction of rare earths in PEG phase

  3. Ainhum - A Rare Case Report. (United States)

    Prabhu, Ravi; Kannan, Narayanasamy Subbaraju; Vinoth, Sundaresan; Praveen, Chinnappan Balasubramanian


    The term 'AINHUM' is derived from the African word meaning 'to saw or cut'. True ainhum otherwise called dactylolysis spontanea is a condition involving soft tissue or digits with constricting rings commonly presenting in fifth toes, usually bilateral. It is to be differentiated from Pseudo-ainhum that occurs secondary to some hereditary and nonhereditary diseases that lead to annular constriction of digits. We report a rare case of true ainhum involving the left fourth toe only. It is a very rare case and a very few were reported worldwide. The highest incidence of ainhum has been reported in South Africa and South America. It is rarely reported in India. Ainhum when diagnosed and treated in early stages can be prevented from progressing to mutilating deformities.

  4. Harmonising phenomics information for a better interoperability in the rare disease field. (United States)

    Maiella, Sylvie; Olry, Annie; Hanauer, Marc; Lanneau, Valérie; Lourghi, Halima; Donadille, Bruno; Rodwell, Charlotte; Köhler, Sebastian; Seelow, Dominik; Jupp, Simon; Parkinson, Helen; Groza, Tudor; Brudno, Michael; Robinson, Peter N; Rath, Ana


    HIPBI-RD (Harmonising phenomics information for a better interoperability in the rare disease field) is a three-year project which started in 2016 funded via the E-Rare 3 ERA-NET program. This project builds on three resources largely adopted by the rare disease (RD) community: Orphanet, its ontology ORDO (the Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology), HPO (the Human Phenotype Ontology) as well as PhenoTips software for the capture and sharing of structured phenotypic data for RD patients. Our project is further supported by resources developed by the European Bioinformatics Institute and the Garvan Institute. HIPBI-RD aims to provide the community with an integrated, RD-specific bioinformatics ecosystem that will harmonise the way phenomics information is stored in databases and patient files worldwide, and thereby contribute to interoperability. This ecosystem will consist of a suite of tools and ontologies, optimized to work together, and made available through commonly used software repositories. The project workplan follows three main objectives: The HIPBI-RD ecosystem will contribute to the interpretation of variants identified through exome and full genome sequencing by harmonising the way phenotypic information is collected, thus improving diagnostics and delineation of RD. The ultimate goal of HIPBI-RD is to provide a resource that will contribute to bridging genome-scale biology and a disease-centered view on human pathobiology. Achievements in Year 1. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  5. The Trials and Tribulations of Implementing What Works: Training Rarely Trumps Values

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario A. Paparozzi


    Full Text Available The article analyzes the professional situation of employees dealing with professional tasks in the field of resocialization, starting from various stages of professional development. According to the author, there are many rehabilitation people who excellently perform their duties and are concerned about the broader structural issues that prevent curatorial supervision and conditional release as appropriate forms of work with charges and should be generally recognized components ensuring public safety and justice within the system orchard-penitentiary. Working in this profession requires commitment and great responsibility and sensitivity, if we actually assume an offer of assistance, while among employees there are people who do not work in this type of professional tasks. It is important that individual values are consistent with practices based on responsible actions aimed at reducing recidivism, and compulsory training for staff can help to educate competent specialists. Too often, however, core values are ignored when making decisions about employment and assessing the effectiveness of employees related to social rehabilitation institutions.

  6. Processing of monazite at the rare earth division,Udyogamandal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narayanan, N.S.; Thulasidoss, S.; Ramachandran, T.V.; Swaminathan, T.V.; Prasad, K.R.


    The processing techniques adopted at the Rare Earth Division of the Indian Rare Earths Limited at Udyogamandal, for the production of rare earth compounds of various compositions and purity grades are reviewed. Over 100 different compounds are produced and marketed, and these include mixed rare earths chloride, crude thorium concentrate, cerium oxide, cerium hydrate, rare earths carbonate, didymium salts and individual rare earth oxides and salts. Also, the trisodium phosphate obtained as byproduct in the processing of monazite, is recovered and marketed. The process scheme for monazite essentially involves alkaline digestion of ground monazite, removal of the by-product trisodium phosphate, separation of thorium through preferential dissolution of rare earths hydroxide in hydrochloric acid under controlled pH and temperature conditions followed by purification, and evaporation of the chloride solution to yield pure rare earths chloride. Part of the chloride is utilised for the production of individual rare earth compounds after separation by solvent extraction and ion exchange processes. Individual rare earth compounds of 99.99 %+ purity are regularly produced to cater to the demand within the country. (author) 8 figs., 1 tab

  7. Putting a Face on Rare Diseases (United States)

    ... who have a rare and potentially dangerous disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Photo Courtesy of: Patricia Weltin That has been ... daughters with a rare and potentially dangerous disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a connective tissue disorder causing joint dislocations, ...

  8. Absorption spectroscopy of complex rare earth ion doped hybrid materials over a broad wavelength range

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dekker, R.; Worhoff, Kerstin; Stouwdam, J.W.; van Veggel, F.C.J.M.; Driessen, A.


    In the present work we applied a measurement setup to determine several relevant properties of rare-earth doped nanoparticles dispersed in polymer slab waveguides in a single absorption measurement: background absorption of the polymer host material, water absorption, polymer composition

  9. Absorption spectroscopy of complex rare earth ion doped hybrid materials over a broad wavelength range

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dekker, R.; Worhoff, Kerstin; Stouwdam, J.W.; van Veggel, F.C.J.M.; Driessen, A.

    In the present work we applied a measurement setup to determine several relevant properties of rare-earth doped nanoparticles dispersed in polymer slab waveguides in a single absorption measurement: background absorption of the polymer host material, water absorption, polymer composition


    Walat, Anna; Skoczylas, Michal Marian; Welnicka, Agnieszka; Kulig, Malgorzata; Rodak, Przemyslaw; Walczak, Zuzanna; Jablońska, Agata


    The aim of the study was to assess knowledge about rare diseases among citizens of Szczecin (Poland). The study was performed by questioning 242 adult customers of Turzyn Shopping Centre in Szczecin (149 females and 93 males). The survey was conducted in the shopping mall on 23 February 2013 (control group) and during the celebration of Rare Disease Day and the 12th Polish Nationwide Cystic Fibrosis Week ("Dolina Mukolinków") on 2 March 2013 (research group). The research tool was a questionnaire devised by the authors and filled out by the writing authors interviewer's answers. In the study group more people knew about the existence of Rare Disease Day than in the control group (86.02% vs 57.72%, chi-square test χ2 > χ2(1); 0.001, p χ2(1); 0.001, p < 0.001). The respondents from the research group knew more about Rare Disease Day and defined the idea of it as closed in a significantly higher degree than the control group. There was no significant difference in the detailed knowledge about rare diseases in either group. This might indicate the need to educate society and patients, along with their families.

  11. Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Rare Earth Metal (Nd and Gd doped ZnO Nanostructures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Logamani


    Full Text Available Presence of harmful organic pollutants in wastewater effluents causes serious environmental problems and therefore purification of this contaminated water by a cost effective treatment method is one of the most important issue which is in urgent need of scientific research. One such promising treatment technique uses semiconductor photocatalyst for the reduction of recalcitrant pollutants in water. In the present work, rare earth metals (Nd and Gd doped ZnO nanostructured photocatalyst have been synthesized by wet chemical method. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS. The XRD results showed that the prepared samples were well crystalline with hexagonal Wurtzite structure. The results of EDS revealed that rare earth elements were doped into ZnO structure. The effect of rare earth dopant on morphology and photocatalytic degradation properties of the prepared samples were studied and discussed. The results revealed that the rare earth metal doped ZnO samples showed enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity for the degradation of methylene blue dye than pure nano ZnO photocatalyst.

  12. Vulvar Villoglandular Adenocarcinoma of Colonic Type: A Rare Finding

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heidarali Esmaeili


    Full Text Available Colonic type villoglandular adenocarcinoma of the lower genital tract is an extremely rare condition. Its origin is not clearly understood; however, the cloacal remnants are the more accepted source for this carcinoma.We report the case of a 67-year-old female patient who presented with a 1.2 cm polypoidal nodule at the right side of the fourchette. Morphologic studies revealed a colonic type mucinous adenocarcinoma that arose from within a villous adenoma. Immunohistochemical staining showed positive cytokeratin 7, cytokeratin 20, carcinoembryonic antigen, P53, and progesterone receptor, but negative for estrogen receptor and caudal type homeobox transcription factor 2. Extensive work-up failed to reveal other primary cancers in this patient. Ultimately, she underwent a radical vulvectomy. No recurrence was seen in eight months follow up of this patient after surgery. Careful, thorough histological evaluation and clinical clues enable correct diagnosis of the rare colonic type vulvar villoglandular adenocarcinoma. Due to rarity of this tumor, its management is questionable. Therefore, additional investigation is necessary for its management.

  13. Intraosseous adenoid cystic carcinoma of maxilla: A rare case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prasannasrinivas Suresh Deshpande


    Full Text Available Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC accounts for approximately 6-10% of all salivary gland tumors. Palatal minor salivary glands, parotid, and sub-mandibular glands are usually affected. Rarely, these lesions arising intraosseously have been reported. Mandible is commonly involved than maxilla. The present case is a giant ACC involving the right maxilla. A thorough clinical and radiographic evaluation was performed to assess the involvement of surrounding vital structures along with a meticulous metastatic work-up. Computed tomography showed a giant lesion in maxilla encroaching the left nasal fossa, antrum, buccal space, and oral cavity. No metastasis was noted. Histological evaluation from multiple sites showed both cribriform and solid patterns. Radiotherapy was given as patient did not comply for surgery. Though central ACC is extremely rare, especially in maxilla, it should be included in the differentials for lesions in maxilla. A prompt diagnosis with treatment and long-term follow-up is advised in such cases.

  14. Development of the parental needs scale for rare diseases: a tool for measuring the supportive care needs of parents caring for a child with a rare disease. (United States)

    Pelentsov, Lemuel J; Fielder, Andrea L; Laws, Thomas A; Esterman, Adrian J


    Children and families affected by rare diseases have received scant consideration from the medical, scientific, and political communities, with parents' needs especially having received little attention. Affected parents often have limited access to information and support and appropriate health care services. While scales to measure the needs of parents of children with chronic illnesses have been developed, there have been no previous attempts to develop a scale to assess the needs of parents of children with rare diseases. To develop a scale for measuring the supportive care needs of parents of children with rare diseases. A total of 301 responses to our Parental Needs Survey were randomly divided into two halves, one for exploratory factor analysis and the other for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). After removing unsuitable items, exploratory factor analysis was undertaken to determine the factor structure of the data. CFA using structural equation modeling was then undertaken to confirm the factor structure. Seventy-two items were entered into the CFA, with a scree plot showing a likely four-factor solution. The results provided four independent subscales of parental needs: Understanding the disease (four items); Working with health professionals (four items); Emotional issues (three items); and Financial needs (three items). The structural equation modeling confirmed the suitability of the four-factor solution and demonstrated that the four subscales could be added to provide an overall scale of parental need. This is the first scale developed to measure the supportive care needs of parents of children with rare diseases. The scale is suitable for use in surveys to develop policy, in individual clinical assessments, and, potentially, for evaluating new programs. Measuring the supportive care needs of parents caring for a child with a rare disease will hopefully lead to better physical and psychological health outcomes for parents and their affected

  15. Rare-Earth-Rich Alloys; Alliages a Teneur Elevee en Terres Rares; Splavy, obogashchennye redkozemel'nymi ehlementami; Aleaciones Ricas en Tierras Raras

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Copeland, M.; Kato, H. [Albany Metallurgy Research Center, Bureau of Mines, United States Department of the Interior, Albany, OR (United States)


    The rare earth metals with high thermal-neutron capture cross-sections are of interest for control of power-producing reactors; however, they are susceptible to corrosion. On the premise that non-rare earth metals may be alloyed with dysprosium, erbium, gadolinium and samarium, thus improving their properties, the effects of selected alloying additions on the rare earths were studied. The solubilities of the non-rare earth metals, zirconium, vanadium, chromium, iron, nickel, copper, aluminium and silicon, in dysprosium, erbium, gadolinium and samarium and their effects on the melting points, solid state transformations and corrosion properties were studied. -Phase diagrams were prepared up to the first rare earth-rich compound or eutectic, whichever occurred first. On completion of that portion of the work, alloys were made, heat-treated to yield maximum solid solubility of the non-rare earth alloying addition, and oxidation- and corrosion-tested. No improvement of the rare earth metals to oxidation resistance in the atmosphere was observed on alloying; in fact, most additions proved to be deleterious. Aluminium greatly improved the hot-Water corrosion resistance of the rare earths tested; other non-rare earth metal additions improved the resistance to a lesser degree. (author) [French] Les terres rares possedent une section efficace de capture des neutrons thermiques elevee; ces metaux presentent un grand interet pour le controle des reacteurs de puissance; toutefois, ils sont attaques par corrosion. En.partant de l'idee qu'il est possible d'allier des metaux autres que les terres rares avec le dysprosium, l 'erbium, le gadolinium et le samarium, et d'ameliorer ainsi leurs proprietes, les auteurs .ont observe les effets de l 'addition de certains metaux sur les terres rares. Ils ont etudie les solubilites du zirconium, du vanadium, du chrome; du fer, du nickel, du cuivre, de l'aluminium et du silicium dans le dysprosium, l'erbium, le gadolinium et le samarium

  16. Rare earth metal alloy magnets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, I.R.; Evans, J.M.; Nyholm, P.S.


    This invention relates to rare earth metal alloy magnets and to methods for their production. The technique is based on the fact that rare earth metal alloys (for e.g. cerium or yttrium) which have been crumbled to form a powder by hydride formation and decomposition can be used for the fabrication of magnets without the disadvantages inherent in alloy particle size reduction by mechanical milling. (UK)

  17. Lectures on rare B decays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masiero, A.


    This paper provides a pedagogical presentation of the class of the rare charmless B decays with strange particles in the final state. These processes involve the flavour changing neutral current transition b → s and, thus, they are GIM suppresses. They constitute a specially promising ground to test the Standard Model and the possible presence of new physics beyond it. In particular I show that the radiative decays b → s + π and b → s + g are priviledged places to look for large supersymmetric enhancements. The author reviews both the present experimental and theoretical situations in this field and point out the challenges that we have to meet in the 90's to have rare B physics play a role comparable to that of rare K physics

  18. Study of rare earth elements, uranium and thorium migration in rocks from Espinharas uranium deposit, Paraiba - Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conceicao, Cirilo C.S.


    The determination of rare earth elements as natural analogue in patterns geologic has grown as a tool for predicting the long-term safety of nuclear disposal in geological formation. Migration of natural radionuclides is one of the most serious problems in the waste deposit from nuclear fuel cycle. Rare earth elements show the same kinetic behavior in rocks as natural radionuclides. This similar property of the analogues allows perform studies and models on the subject of radionuclides migration. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of rare earth elements in rocks located at Espinharas - Paraiba - Brazil, uranium deposit. In this work are presented the results from the study above the distribution of rare earth elements in function of the degree of mineralized rocks, composition and the conditions of radioactive equilibrium of the uranium and thorium in some fractures on the rocks from radioactive occurrence of Espinharas-Brazil. The results show that there is a correlation of heavy rare earth elements, uranium and Thorium concentrations to oxidation factor of the rocks. However this correlation was not observed for light rare earth elements. It means that heavy rare earth elements follow the natural radionuclides in oxidation process of rocks. The samples were analyzed by ICP-MS, alpha and gamma spectrometry, X-ray diffraction and fluorimetry. (author)

  19. Alaska's rare earth deposits and resource potential (United States)

    Barker, James C.; Van Gosen, Bradley S.


    Alaska’s known mineral endowment includes some of the largest and highest grade deposits of various metals, including gold, copper and zinc. Recently, Alaska has also been active in the worldwide search for sources of rare earth elements (REE) to replace exports now being limitedby China. Driven by limited supply of the rare earths, combined with their increasing use in new ‘green’ energy, lighting, transportation, and many other technological applications, the rare earth metals neodymium, europium and, in particular, the heavy rare earth elements terbium, dysprosium and yttrium are forecast to soon be in critical short supply (U.S. Department of Energy, 2010).

  20. Psychosocial work factors and burnout : a study of a working general population and patients at a stress rehabilitation clinic


    Norlund, Sofia


    Background The psychosocial work environment affects our health (e.g., sick leave and mortality rates). Research on psychosocial work factors and burnout has focused on specific workplaces or occupations and rarely evaluated in the general population or used longitudinal designs. In Sweden, the diagnosis of exhaustion disorder (closely related to burnout) is a common cause for sick leave. The effects of psychosocial work environments on the process of returning to work has not been studied in...

  1. Rare muon processes: Experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walter, H.K.


    The decay properties of muons, especially their rare decays, can be used to study very accurately deviations from the Standard Model. Muons with extremely low energies and good spatial definition are preferred for the majority of such studies. With the upgrade of the 590-MeV ring accelerator, PSI possesses the most powerful cyclotron in the world. This makes it possible to operate high-intensity beams of secondary pions and muons. A short review on rare muon processes is presented, concerning μ-e conversion and muonium-antimuonium oscillations. A possible new search for μ→eγ is also mentioned

  2. Metodologia em Voga no Campo de Empreendedorismo: Emprego de Métodos Quantitativos para o Estudo das Características Inerentes aos Empreendedores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tayso Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se investigar a forma como a metodologia quantitativa vem sendo empregada na pesquisa sobre o tema “características inerentes aos empreendedores”. Especificamente, analisamos a produção brasileira exposta no Encontro Nacional da Anpad (EnANPAD num período de 10 anos, desde 2003, ano da criação de um espaço específico para a produção em empreendedorismo, até 2012. Dentre os 279 artigos acerca de empreendedorismo publicados no EnANPAD nestes 10 anos foi analisada uma amostra intencional de 28 artigos. Em um primeiro momento foram analisados resumos, introduções e objetivos para a classificação dos temas e, posteriormente, procedeu-se à análise minuciosa dos métodos empregados nos estudos. No sentido de oferecer uma análise que proporcione um indicativo de como se caracterizam os estudos sobre empreendedorismo no Brasil em dias hodiernos, investigou-se o tema mais abordado em artigos da área de empreendedorismo para a avaliação do emprego da metodologia quantitativa, justificada também, como alvo desta investigação, por ser o principal método utilizado nos estudos sobre o tema. O estudo permitiu conhecer quais recursos metodológicos são adequados para investigar as características inerentes aos empreendedores e a forma como estes recursos foram utilizados. O nível de qualidade exigido para a publicação no EnANPAD colabora em afirmar sobre a viabilidade das estratégias de pesquisa expostas no presente estudo. Também há aqui uma contribuição para o delineamento do objeto de pesquisa no campo do empreendedorismo, especialmente no Brasil.DOI:10.5585/riae.v12i4.2041

  3. Rare thoracic cancers, including peritoneum mesothelioma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Siesling, Sabine; van der Zwan, Jan Maarten; Izarzugaza, Isabel; Jaal, Jana; Treasure, Tom; Foschi, Roberto; Ricardi, Umberto; Groen, Harry; Tavilla, Andrea; Ardanaz, Eva

    Rare thoracic cancers include those of the trachea, thymus and mesothelioma (including peritoneum mesothelioma). The aim of this study was to describe the incidence, prevalence and survival of rare thoracic tumours using a large database, which includes cancer patients diagnosed from 1978 to 2002,

  4. Rare thoracic cancers, including peritoneum mesothelioma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Siesling, Sabine; Zwan, J.M.V.D.; Izarzugaza, I.; Jaal, J.; Treasure, T.; Foschi, R.; Ricardi, U.; Groen, H.; Tavilla, A.; Ardanaz, E.


    Rare thoracic cancers include those of the trachea, thymus and mesothelioma (including peritoneum mesothelioma). The aim of this study was to describe the incidence, prevalence and survival of rare thoracic tumours using a large database, which includes cancer patients diagnosed from 1978 to 2002,

  5. Rare beauty and charm decays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blake, T.


    Rare beauty and charm decays can provide powerful probes of physics beyond the Standard Model. These proceedings summarise the latest measurements of rare beauty and charm decays from the LHCb experiment at the end of Run 1 of the LHC. Whilst the majority of the measurements are consistent with SM predictions, small differences are seen in the rate and angular distribution of b → sℓ"+ℓ"− decay processes.

  6. Rare kaon, muon, and pion decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Littenberg, L.


    The author discusses the status of and prospects for the study of rare decays of kaons, muons, and pions. Studies of rare kaon decays are entering an interesting new phase wherein they can deliver important short-distance information. It should be possible to construct an alternative unitarity triangle to that determined in the B sector, and thus perform a critical check of the Standard Model by comparing the two. Rare muon decays are beginning to constrain supersymmetric models in a significant way, and future experiments should reach sensitivities which this kind of model must show effects, or become far less appealing

  7. Working time flexibility components and working time regimes in Europe: using company-level data across 21 countries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chung, H.; Tijdens, K.


    Working time flexibility comprises a wide variety of arrangements, from part-time, overtime, to long-term leaves. Theoretical approaches to grouping these arrangements have been developed, but empirical underpinnings are rare. This article investigates the bundles that can be found for various

  8. Synthesis and characterization of rare earth molybdates nanoparticles for detection of specific prostatic cancer (PSA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dias, Clarissa Lombardi


    The interest in using rare earths to investigate the properties and functions of biochemical systems as well as to determinate biological substances has increased in several fields, including biomarkers in immunology (fluoro immunoassays). Nowadays the use of lanthanides in the diagnosis of various diseases have become more important through the development of commercial diagnostic kits. As main feature, these rare earths can show a long lifetime, photo stability and emission bands of atomic like behavior and well defined, in the visible region, demonstrating unique advantages when compared to other luminescent species. The present work had as its goal to synthesize rare earth molybdates by the co-precipitation method as well as to characterize these materials by X-ray diffraction, near infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electronic microscopy, transmission electronic microscopy and luminescent studies. In this work, three different studied were developed: the influence of the vortex speed variation during co-precipitation in the structure of the final product, morphology and luminescence properties; the influence of the annealing temperature also in the structure, morphology and luminescence properties; and the influence of concentration of the doping in the luminescence properties. Another important step of this work was the functionalization of nanoparticles using an organosilane (APTES) to coat and establish points for binding the particles to biological species. It was proved that this process was very efficient by the characterization results and the silica incorporation was well succeeded. Specific prostatic cancer (PSA) was then linked to the functionalized nanoparticles to diagnostic prostatic cancer by fluoroimmunoassay and levels for detection were established. (author)

  9. Rare event simulation using Monte Carlo methods

    CERN Document Server

    Rubino, Gerardo


    In a probabilistic model, a rare event is an event with a very small probability of occurrence. The forecasting of rare events is a formidable task but is important in many areas. For instance a catastrophic failure in a transport system or in a nuclear power plant, the failure of an information processing system in a bank, or in the communication network of a group of banks, leading to financial losses. Being able to evaluate the probability of rare events is therefore a critical issue. Monte Carlo Methods, the simulation of corresponding models, are used to analyze rare events. This book sets out to present the mathematical tools available for the efficient simulation of rare events. Importance sampling and splitting are presented along with an exposition of how to apply these tools to a variety of fields ranging from performance and dependability evaluation of complex systems, typically in computer science or in telecommunications, to chemical reaction analysis in biology or particle transport in physics. ...

  10. Spectral Analysis of Rare Earth Elements using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, Madhavi Z [ORNL; Fox, Dr. Richard V [Idaho National Laboratory (INL); Miziolek, Andrzej W [United States Army Research Laboratory; DeLucia, Frank C [United States Army Research Laboratory; Andre, Nicolas O [ORNL


    There is growing interest in rapid analysis of rare earth elements (REEs) both due to the need to find new natural sources to satisfy increased demand in their use in various electronic devices, as well as the fact that they are used to estimate actinide masses for nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) appears to be a particularly well-suited spectroscopy-based technology to rapidly and accurately analyze the REEs in various matrices at low concentration levels (parts-per-million). Although LIBS spectra of REEs have been reported for a number of years, further work is still necessary in order to be able to quantify the concentrations of various REEs in realworld complex samples. LIBS offers advantages over conventional solution-based radiochemistry in terms of cost, analytical turnaround, waste generation, personnel dose, and contamination risk. Rare earth elements of commercial interest are found in the following three matrix groups: 1) raw ores and unrefined materials, 2) as components in refined products such as magnets, lighting phosphors, consumer electronics (which are mostly magnets and phosphors), catalysts, batteries, etc., and 3) waste/recyclable materials (aka e-waste). LIBS spectra for REEs such as Gd, Nd, and Sm found in rare earth magnets are presented.

  11. Spectral Analysis of Rare Earth Elements using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, Madhavi Z [ORNL; Fox, Dr. Richard V [Idaho National Laboratory (INL); Miziolek, Andrzej W [United States Army Research Laboratory; DeLucia, Frank C [United States Army Research Laboratory; Andre, Nicolas O [ORNL


    There is growing interest in rapid analysis of rare earth elements (REEs) both due to the need to find new natural sources to satisfy increased demand in their use in various electronic devices, as well as the fact that they are used to estimate actinide masses for nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) appears to be a particularly well-suited spectroscopy-based technology to rapidly and accurately analyze the REEs in various matrices at low concentration levels (parts-per-million). Although LIBS spectra of REEs have been reported for a number of years, further work is still necessary in order to be able to quantify the concentrations of various REEs in real-world complex samples. LIBS offers advantages over conventional solution-based radiochemistry in terms of cost, analytical turnaround, waste generation, personnel dose, and contamination risk. Rare earth elements of commercial interest are found in the following three matrix groups: 1) raw ores and unrefined materials, 2) as components in refined products such as magnets, lighting phosphors, consumer electronics (which are mostly magnets and phosphors), catalysts, batteries, etc., and 3) waste/recyclable materials (aka e-waste). LIBS spectra for REEs such as Gd, Nd, and Sm found in rare earth magnets are presented.

  12. Rare earth metals for automotive exhaust catalysts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinjoh, Hirohumi


    The usage of rare earth metals for automotive exhaust catalysts is demonstrated in this paper. Rare earth metals have been widely used in automotive catalysts. In particular, three-way catalysts require the use of ceria compounds as oxygen storage materials, and lanthana as both a stabilizer of alumina and a promoter. The application for diesel catalysts is also illustrated. Effects of inclusion of rare earth metals in automotive catalysts are discussed

  13. Sintered cobalt-rare earth intermetallic product

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benz, M.G.


    This patent describes a sintered product having substantially stable permanent magnet properties in air at room temperature. It comprises compacted particulate cobalt--rare earth alloy consisting essentially of a Co 5 R intermetallic phase and a CoR intermetallic phase which is richer in rare earth metal content than the Co 5 R phase, where R is a rare earth metal. The Co 5 R intermetallic phase is present in an amount of at least 65 percent by weight of the sintered product and the CoR intermetallic phase which is richer in rare earth metal content than the Co 5 R phase is present in a positive amount having a value ranging up to about 35 percent by weight of the product. The sintered product has a density of at least 87 percent and has pores which are substantially noninterconnecting and wherein the component grains have an average size less than 30 microns

  14. Search for shape coexistence in odd - Z rare earth proton emitters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aggarwal, Mamta


    Nuclear shapes are very sensitive to the structural effects and can change with isospin and from one nucleus to its neighbour and in some cases configurations corresponding to different shapes may coexist at similar energies which may arise from intruder excitations. Search for such interesting phenomena of shape coexistence and rapidly changing shapes in the less explored region of rare earth odd Z nuclei from Z = 51 to 75 are the focus of present work

  15. Rare earth metals-primary resources and prospects of processing secondary resources in India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandey, B.D.


    The importance of Rare earth metals (REMs) in modern technological applications is associated with their spectroscopic and magnetic properties. The occurrence of rare earths in mixed form is commonly reported and their separation to the individual metal is a challenging task because of the similar chemical properties. The economical processing of the primary ores of rare earths is limited to a few countries and their supply at the international level is currently dominated by China. Hence assessing the present scenario of the primary resources of rare earths vis-à-vis their applications and demand is crucial at this stage, besides looking at the alternate resources to ensure availability of REMs; such aspects are covered in the manuscript. In view of the environmental concerns in the processing of ores such as monazite, xenotime, bastnasite, etc, and increasing demand of REMs, corresponding increase in demand of the raw materials has been recorded. It is therefore, necessary to utilize the end-of the-life rare earth containing materials as a rich resource by developing an appropriate recycling technology, which is emerging as a high priority area. To recover the REMs, major secondary resources such as electronic wastes, industrial wastes, spent catalysts and magnets, and phosphors powder, etc, have been considered for now. This will not only open the prospects of utilizing the wastes containing REMs, but will also limit the imports while lowering the production cost and decreasing the load on the primary reserves. The paper also examines the efficient recycling methods to recover a fairly good amount of rare earths which are relevant to India in view of the limited exploitation of the ores. Recovery of REMs from secondary resources using mechanical treatment followed by hydrometallurgical methods is prevalent and the same is reviewed in some detail. The recent R and D work pursued at CSIR-NML to extract (leaching and metal separation using some phosphatic reagents

  16. Study of the oxides nature effect of rare and rare earth elements on the aluminium-chromium catalyst properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dadashev, B.A.; Abbasov, S.G.; Sarydzhanov, A.A.; AN Azerbajdzhanskoj SSR, Baku. Inst. Neftekhimicheskikh Protsessov)


    Adsorption studies have shown that oxides of rare and rare earth elements REE appreciably influence the structure of aluminium-chrome catalyst. Alkaline promotors, unlike REE, contribute to the formation of developed contact surface. Electrophysical investigations show that oxides of rare elements introduced into the catalyst increase its conductivity and activation energy. As for REE oxides, they decrease the conductivity and increase the activation energy. Catalysts with developed surface and high conductivity are also more active in the reaction of isopentane dehydration

  17. Energy of solution of rare gases in metals; Energie de dissolution des gaz rares dans les metaux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blin, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In order to calculate the energy of solution of rare gases in metals, a method which has given good results in the case of solid solutions in metals has been applied. Nevertheless, it was necessary for this, to know the compressibility of gases under conditions which are not feasible in a laboratory. H. Jensen has studied this compressibility in a precise way for the rare gases Ar, Kr, Xe. It has thus been possible to calculate the energy of solution of these gases in different metals. These calculations have been carried out most thoroughly for the case of uranium. (author) [French] Nous avons applique au calcul de l'energie de dissolution des gaz rares dans les metaux, une methode qui a donne de bons resultats dans le cas des solutions solides metalliques. Il fallait pour cela connaitre la compressibilite des gaz rares dans des conditions impossibles a realiser en laboratoire. Cette compressibilite a ete etudiee par H. Jensen de facon precise pour les gaz rares A, Kr, Xe. Nous avons pu, de ce fait, calculer les energies de dissolution de ces gaz dans les differents metaux. Les calculs ont ete faits plus completement dans le cas de l'uranium. (auteur)

  18. Energy of solution of rare gases in metals; Energie de dissolution des gaz rares dans les metaux

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blin, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    In order to calculate the energy of solution of rare gases in metals, a method which has given good results in the case of solid solutions in metals has been applied. Nevertheless, it was necessary for this, to know the compressibility of gases under conditions which are not feasible in a laboratory. H. Jensen has studied this compressibility in a precise way for the rare gases Ar, Kr, Xe. It has thus been possible to calculate the energy of solution of these gases in different metals. These calculations have been carried out most thoroughly for the case of uranium. (author) [French] Nous avons applique au calcul de l'energie de dissolution des gaz rares dans les metaux, une methode qui a donne de bons resultats dans le cas des solutions solides metalliques. Il fallait pour cela connaitre la compressibilite des gaz rares dans des conditions impossibles a realiser en laboratoire. Cette compressibilite a ete etudiee par H. Jensen de facon precise pour les gaz rares A, Kr, Xe. Nous avons pu, de ce fait, calculer les energies de dissolution de ces gaz dans les differents metaux. Les calculs ont ete faits plus completement dans le cas de l'uranium. (auteur)

  19. Omphalocele with Dextrocardia - A Rare Association


    Vikal Chandra Shakya; C S Agrawal; N R Shrestha; K Dhungel; S Adhikary


    Omphalocele is frequently associated with many other congenital malformations. In cardiac anomalies, association of omphalocele with dextrocardia has been rarely noticed before. We present here a child with dextrocardia and omphalocele alongwith a brief review of the literature on this rare association. Key Words: congenital malformations, dextrocardia, omphalocele

  20. Pyro-Electrochemical Reduction of a Mixture of Rare Earth Oxides and NiO in LiCl molten Salt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Min Woo; Jeong, Sang Mun [Department of Chemical Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju (Korea, Republic of)


    An electrochemical reduction of a mixture of NiO and rare earth oxides has been conducted to increase the reduction degree of rare earth oxides. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurement was carried out to determine the electrochemical reduction behavior of the mixed oxide in molten LiCl medium. Constant voltage electrolysis was performed with various supplied charges to understand the mechanism of electrochemical reduction of the mixed oxide as a working electrode. After completion of the electrochemical reduction, crystal structure of the reaction intermediates was characterized by using an X-ray diffraction method. The results clearly demonstrate that the rare earth oxide was converted to RE-Ni intermetallics via co-reduction with NiO.

  1. Distribution of rare earths in liver of mice administered with chloride compounds of 12 rare earths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinohara, A.; Chiba, M.; Inaba, Y.


    Full text: Rare earths are used in high technology field, however, the information on their biological effects are not sufficient. The behaviour of rare earths in biology is of interest in connection with their toxicity. In the present study, the distribution of rare earths in liver of mice administered with these elements was investigated. The effects on Ca and other biological essential elements were also determined. Male mice (5 weeks old) were injected with one of 12 kinds of rare earths (chlorides of Y, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Yb) at the dose of 25 mg/KXg body weight. After 20 hours of administration, mice were sacrificed, then liver and other organs were taken out. Liver was homogenized and separated by centrifugation. The concentrations of rare earths administered were measured by microwave-induced plasma-mass spectrometry (MIP-MS) after acid digestion. The concentrations of administered elements in whole liver were about 100μg/g (wet weight), where the difference between elements was few. Distribution amounts of elements administered in four fractions were following order; 700μg precipitate > mitocondrial fraction > microsomal fraction > cytosol. The relative contents in these fractions, however, was different depending on the element administered. Calcium concentrations in liver of administered mice were higher than those of control mice. Increase of Ca concentrations were observed in all four fractions and the increase ratio was also dependent on the elements administered

  2. Expert services for rare anaemias across Europe


    Beatrice Gulbis


    New challenges and priorities are given in the EU Health programme 2007-2013. The objectives of the programme are to improve citizens’ health security, to promote health to improve prosperity and solidarity, and to generate and disseminate health knowledge. If challenges and priorities have been defined globally for rare diseases by the European Commission, persons involved in rare anaemias have taken the opportunity to contribute to the empowerment of patients with rare anaemias. One o...

  3. Rare earth industries: Upstream business

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Evidently, many factors contribute to the rush to invest in the unprecedented revival of rare earths. One major reason has to do with the rapidly growing world demand. The other reason relates to the attractive price of rare earths which is projected to stay strong in the coming years. This is because supply is predicted to have difficulty keeping pace with demand. Experts believe a major driver of global rare earths demand is the forecasted expansion in the green economy. Climate change is a major driver of the green economy. With climate change, there is concern that the uncontrolled emission of the greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, can lead to catastrophic consequences for the world. This has been documented in countless studies and reports. Another important driver of the green economy is the growing shortfall in many resources. The world is now experiencing declines in key resources to meet a growing global demand. With more than 6 billion people now in the world and growing, the pressure exerted on global resources including energy, water and food is a major concern. Recent demand surge in China and India has dented the supply position of major world resources. The much quoted Stern Report from the UK has warned that, unless immediate steps are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it may be a costly exercise to undertake the corrections later. Since energy use, especially fossil fuels, is a major contributor to climate change, greener options are being sought. Add to that the fact that the fossil energy resources of the world are declining, the need to seek alternatives becomes even more urgent. One option is to change to renewable energy sources. These include such potentials as solar, wind and biomass. Rare earths have somehow become a critical feature of the technologies in such renewable. Another option is to improve the efficient use of energy in transport, buildings and all the other energy intensive industries. Again the technologies in


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jayanta Kumar


    Full Text Available AIM Amongst the branchial arch anomalies third arch anomaly occurs rarely and more so the fourth arch anomalies. We present our experience with cases of rare branchial arch anomalies. PATIENTS AND METHODS From June 2006 to January 2016, cases having their external opening in the lower third of sternocleidomastoid muscle with the tract going through thyroid gland and directing to pyriform sinus (PFS or cysts with internal opening in the PFS were studied. RESULTS No fourth arch anomaly was encountered. One cyst with internal opening which later on formed a fistula, three fistulae from beginning and two sinuses were encountered. The main stay of diagnosis was the fistula in the PFS and the tract lying posterior to the internal carotid artery. Simple excision technique with a small incision around the external opening was done. There was no recurrence. CONCLUSION Third arch fistula is not very rare as it was thought. Internal fistula is found in most of the cases. Though radiological investigations are helpful, fistulae can be diagnosed clinically and during operation. Extensive operation of the neck, mediastinum and pharynx is not required.

  5. Multilayer Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) Architectures Utilizing Rare Earth Doped YSZ and Rare Earth Pyrochlores (United States)

    Schmitt, Michael P.; Rai, Amarendra K.; Bhattacharya, Rabi; Zhu, Dongming; Wolfe, Douglas E.


    To allow for increased gas turbine efficiencies, new insulating thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) must be developed to protect the underlying metallic components from higher operating temperatures. This work focused on using rare earth doped (Yb and Gd) yttria stabilized zirconia (t' Low-k) and Gd2Zr2O7 pyrochlores (GZO) combined with novel nanolayered and thick layered microstructures to enable operation beyond the 1200 C stability limit of current 7 wt% yttria stabilized zirconia (7YSZ) coatings. It was observed that the layered system can reduce the thermal conductivity by approximately 45 percent with respect to YSZ after 20 hr of testing at 1316 C. The erosion rate of GZO is shown to be an order to magnitude higher than YSZ and t' Low-k, but this can be reduced by almost 57 percent when utilizing a nanolayered structure. Lastly, the thermal instability of the layered system is investigated and thought is given to optimization of layer thickness.

  6. Rare earth elements during diagenesis of abyssal sediments: analogies with a transuranic element americium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boust, D.


    One of the possibilities for the storage of high-level radioactive wastes consists in burying them into abyssal sediments, the sediments being supposed to barrier out radionuclides migration. The objective of the work was to estimate the efficiency of sediment barrier with respect to americium. As there is no americium in abyssal sediments, an indirect approach was used: the behaviour of the rare earth elements, the best natural analogs of americium. They were analysed in a 15 m long core, from the Cap Verde abyssal plateau. The terrigenous phase derived from the African continent was modified by short-term processes (1-1000 years); the intermediate rare earth elements were dissolved. Mineral coatings, enriched in rare earth appeared. After burial, the evolution continued at a much slower rate (10 5 - 10 6 years). The rare elements of the mineral coatings derived from the dissolution of the terrigenous phase and from an additional source, deeper in the sediment column. The fluxes of rare earth elements from sediment to water column were estimated. In suboxic sediments, the dissolved particulate equilibrium was related to redox conditions. The short-term reactivity of americium was studied in laboratory experiments. Simple americium migration models showed that the sediments barrier was totally efficient with respect to americium. In the conditions, neptunium 237 a daughter product of americium 241 could induce fluxes of 10 16 atoms per year per ton of stored waste (10 -8 Ci y-1), during millions years, towards the water column [fr

  7. A new hydrometallurgical process for extracting rare earths from apatite using solvent extraction with P35

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Hongfei; Guo Fuqiang; Zhang Zhifeng; Li Deqian; Wang Zhonghuai


    In this paper, a new process is proposed to recover rare earths from nitric acid leaching of apatite without interfering with the normal route for fertilizer production using solvent extraction with dimethyl heptyl methyl phosphonate CH 3 P(O)(OC 8 H 17 ) 2 (P 35 , B). In the present work, the leaching conditions are studied. In selected condition, apatite was dissolved in 20% (v/v) nitric acid solution at 60-70 deg. C while agitating. The most suitable acidity for extraction is 0.4 M HNO 3 . More than 98% of rare earths in apatite can be recovered using countercurrent extraction process with six stages when phase ratio = 0.5, and defluorination is unnecessary. The influences of phase ratio, stage number, acidity and salting-out agent on extractabilities of P 35 are studied. The results show that rare earths can be separated with P 35 from Ca, P, Fe and other impurities. Mixed rare earth oxides (REO) of which purity is more than 95% with yield over 98% can be obtained

  8. Determination of Barium and selected rare-earth elements in geological materials employing a HpGe detector by radioisotope excited x-ray fluorescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    LaBrecque, J.J.; Preiss, I.L.


    The laterite material (geological) from Cerro Impacto was first studied by air radiometric techniques in the 1970's and was found to have an abnormally high radioactive background. Further studies showed this deposit to be rich in thorium, columbium, barium and rare-earth elements (mostly La, Ce, Pr and Nd). A similar work has been reported for the analysis of Brazil's lateritic material from Morro do Ferro to determine elemental compositions (including barium and rare-earth elements) and its relationship to the mobilization of thorium from the deposit using a Co-57 radioisotope source. The objective of this work was to develop an analytical method to determine barium and rare-earth element present in Venezuelan lateritic material from Cerro Impacto. We have employed a method before, employing a Si(Li) detector, but due to the low detection efficiencies in the rare-earth K-lines region (about 30 KeV - 40 KeV), we have decided to study the improvement in sensitivities and detection limits using an hyperpure germanium detector

  9. Cervical Cancer as a silent killer: A rare case report with review of literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deeksha Pandey


    Full Text Available Advanced-stage cervical cancer almost always presents either with abnormal vaginal bleeding or with foul-smelling vaginal discharge. We present here a rare case, where a postmenopausal lady presented almost silently with stage IVA cervical cancer. Fortunately, timely referral, correct diagnosis, and multispecialty team work could save her life.

  10. Emprego do método Z-Buffer modificado na detecção de oclusões de edificações para geração de ortoimagens verdadeiras

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    Marcis Gualberto Mendonça Júnior

    Full Text Available O uso de modelos digitais de superfície (MDS aliado a existência de áreas oclusas faz com que, na geração de ortoimagens verdadeiras, ocorra a formação de um fenômeno conhecido como "duplo mapeamento". Para evitá-lo é necessária à detecção das áreas oclusas existentes, e o método mais utilizado na atualidade tem origem na Computação Gráfica, e se denomina Método Z-Buffer. Esse artigo apresenta a implementação de algoritmos para ortorretificação de fotografias aéreas, com emprego do método inverso, e para detecção de áreas oclusas, com base em uma modificação do Z-Buffer, denominada de Método Z-Buffer Modificado. Como áreas de estudo foram utilizadas duas áreas da cidade de Curitiba - PR, que possuíam recobrimento fotogramétrico e MDS disponíveis. Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram identificar o comportamento do Método Z-Buffer Modificado na detecção das áreas oclusas, e como sua principal limitação, denominada de Porção M, influência na supressão dos Duplos Mapeamentos formados durante a geração das ortoimagens verdadeiras.

  11. A rare case of retained fourth molar teeth in maxilla and mandible. Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahnama Mansur


    Full Text Available The study presents a case of the rarely occurring totally retained fourth molar teeth simultaneously in maxilla and mandible. The appearance of supernumerary teeth is a relatively uncommon dental anomaly and it is rare for patients to have impacted fourth molars in two quadrant. The aim of this work is to describe the presence of unilateral (right fourth molars in the maxilla and the mandible in a young female patient aged 24 years. Orthopantomogram revealed impacted lower third molars but also unerupted unilateral (right upper and lower fourth molars. Before orthodontic treatment, the patient was subsequently admitted for removal of third and fourth impacted upper and lower molars under local anesthesia.

  12. A rare cause of hemoptysis

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    Meghan Aversa


    Full Text Available Angiosarcomas are rare, malignant, endothelial-cell tumors of vascular origin that can arise at any body site. They frequently metastasize to the lung, heralded by dyspnea, hemoptysis, chest pain, pneumothoraces, and diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage. However, in most cases lung metastases are discovered after the diagnosis of a primary angiosarcoma has already been established. Very rarely will an undiagnosed metastatic angiosarcoma present as diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage. We describe the case of a 59-year-old male who presented to hospital with dyspnea and hemoptysis. CT chest revealed rapidly progressing nodular changes and broncho-alveolar lavage returns were progressively bloody. Open lung wedge biopsy ultimately revealed metastatic angiosarcoma and extensive pulmonary hemorrhage. Our case highlights the key clinical, radiological, and pathological features of this rare malignancy that frequently metastasizes to the lung and reminds clinicians to consider it as a cause of hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage.

  13. e-ENERCA: telemedicine platform for rare anaemias


    Béatrice Gulbis; María del Mar Mañú Pereira; Emilio J. Armaza Armaza; Pilar Nicolás; for the ENERCA working group


    The creation of a telemedicine, tele-expertise platform opens a new challenge within the European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias (ENERCA; This is a cornerstone in the field of rare anaemias, in which national expertise is usually scarce and a significant number of patients remain undiagnosed. Experts in rare diseases are specially needed of shared knowledge platforms offering the possibility of a faster and more accurate diagnosis and the availability of a better pa...

  14. Rare earth - no case for government intervention


    Georg Zachmann


    China has officially restricted exports of rare earth for several years and announced this year it will further tighten exports. Rare earth is a group of 17 different metals, usually found clustered together. These metals have hundreds of different industry applications. For example, they are used in certain high capacity magnets, batteries and lasers. As the rare earth elements are used in sectors that are assumed to have an over-proportionate growth potential (eg. green-technology), policy ...

  15. Yttrium separation of Xenotime waste in Pitinga (Brazil), in order to obtain rare earth elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The xenotime (YPO 4 and rare earth elements) found in the mine of Pitinga, Amazonas State, Brazil, has its origin in a primal depository ('eluvio' kind) of cassiterite, having considerable quantities of zirconite, ilmenite, topaz and niobates-tantalates. This xenotime has different characteristics in relation of the depositories that exist in other countries for presenting more concentration of rare earth heavy oxides. The mineralization of this cassiterite is problematic, because of the high level of radioactive elements. In the present work, we will process only the xenotime. The separation of rare earth elements is very difficult due to their great chemical similarity. For a more exactly determination, it is necessary to separate them at least of the macron constituents of the sample. As the Yttrium is considerate one of the rare earth elements, due to its chemical similarity, we can understand the difficulty of a chemical separation, mainly when this one is also a macro constituent of the sample, as in the case of xenotime. The process of separation will be based on the little difference that exists between the constants of complexation and the fluoride. (authors). 5 refs., 1 fig., 2 tabs

  16. Rare-earth transition-metal intermetallics: Structure-bonding-property relationships

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, M. K. [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States)


    The explorations of rare-earth, transition metal intermetallics have resulted in the synthesis and characterization, and electronic structure investigation, as well as understanding the structure-bonding property relationships. The work has presented the following results: (1) Understanding the relationship between compositions and properties in LaFe13-xSix system: A detailed structural and theoretical investigation provided the understanding of the role of a third element on stabilizing the structure and controlling the transformation of cubic NaZn{sub 13}-type structures to the tetragonal derivative, as well as the relationship between the structures and properties. (2) Synthesis of new ternary rare-earth iron silicides Re2-xFe4Si14-y and proposed superstructure: This compound offers complex structural challenges such as fractional occupancies and their ordering in superstructure. (3) Electronic structure calculation of FeSi2: This shows that the metal-semiconductor phase transition depends on the structure. The mechanism of band gap opening is described in terms of bonding and structural distortion. This result shows that the electronic structure calculations are an essential tool for understanding the relationship between structure and chemical bonding in these compounds. (4) Synthesis of new ternary rare-earth Zinc aluminides Tb3Zn3.6Al7.4: Partially ordered structure of Tb3Zn3.6Al7.4 compound provides new insights into the formation, composition and structure of rare-earth transition-metal intermetallics. Electronic structure calculations attribute the observed composition to optimizing metal-metal bonding in the electronegative (Zn, Al) framework, while the specific ordering is strongly influenced by specific orbital interactions. (5) Synthesis of new structure type of Zn39(CrxAl1-x)81

  17. Rare-Earth Transition-Metal Intermetallics: Structure-bonding-Property Relationships

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Mi-Kyung [Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (United States)


    Our explorations of rare-earth, transition metal intermetallics have resulted in the synthesis and characterization, and electronic structure investigation, as well as understanding the structure-bonding-property relationships. Our work has presented the following results: (1) Understanding the relationship between compositions and properties in LaFe13-xSix system: A detailed structural and theoretical investigation provided the understanding of the role of a third element on stabilizing the structure and controlling the transformation of cubic NaZn13-type structures to the tetragonal derivative, as well as the relationship between the structures and properties. (2) Synthesis of new ternary rare-earth iron silicides RE2-xFe4Si14-y and proposed superstructure: This compound offers complex structural challenges such as fractional occupancies and their ordering in superstructure. (3) Electronic structure calculation of FeSi2: This shows that the metal-semiconductor phase transition depends on the structure. The mechanism of band gap opening is described in terms of bonding and structural distortion. This result shows that the electronic structure calculations are an essential tool for understanding the relationship between structure and chemical bonding in these compounds. (4) Synthesis of new ternary rare-earth Zinc aluminides Tb3Zn3.6Al7.4: Partially ordered structure of Tb3.6Zn13-xAl7.4 compound provides new insights into the formation, composition and structure of rare-earth transition-metal intermetallics. Electronic structure calculations attribute the observed composition to optimizing metal-metal bonding in the electronegative (Zn, Al) framework, while the specific ordering is strongly influenced by specific orbital interactions. (5) Synthesis of new structure type of Zn39(CrxAl1-x

  18. Adopting a Social Marketing Mind-Set in School Social Work Practice (United States)

    Beauchemin, Pat; Kelly, Michael S.


    School social workers often conduct their business behind closed doors because much of their work is confidential. Even when they are not working in their offices, school social workers often blend into the fabric of the school culture, typically working behind the scenes and rarely taking credit for the valuable work they perform. However, if…

  19. Magnetic properties of Kramers rare earth ions in aluminium and gallium garnets; Proprietes magnetiques des ions de kramers des terres rares dans les grenats de terres rares et d'aluminium et les grenats de terres rares et de gallium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Capel, H [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The magnetic properties of Kramers rare earth ions in aluminium and gallium garnets (MAlG and MGaG) are discussed by means of a molecular field treatment. The symmetry properties of the space group permit to establish a parametrization for the magnetic dipolar and exchange couplings. The magnetic properties of the system can be expressed in terms of these parameters and the g factors of the rare earth ions. We have calculated the transition temperatures, the sub-lattice magnetizations, the susceptibility in the paramagnetic region and the antiferromagnetic susceptibility for a special type of magnetic ordering. The influence of the excited Kramers doublets is described by means of a generalization of the usual g tensor. (authors) [French] Les proprietes magnetiques des ions de Kramers des terres rares dans les grenats de terre rare et d'aluminium et les grenats de terre rare et de gallium sont discutees a l'aide d'un traitement du champ moleculaire. Les proprietes de symmetrie du groupe d'espace permettent d'exprimer les couplages dipolaires et les interactions d'echange en fonction de quelques parametres. Les proprietes magnetiques peuvent etre exprimees en fonction de ces parametres et les facteurs g des ions de terre rare. Nous avons calcule les temperatures de transition, les aimantations des sous-reseaux pour 0

  20. Cake kidney: a rare anomaly of renal fusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guilherme Lippi Ciantelli


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The cake kidney is a rare congenital anomaly of the urinogenital tract that can be diagnosed at any age. Few more than 20 cases have been described in the literature. The authors describe in this article another case of this rare malformation. Key-words: kidney, congenital abnormalities, rare diseases.

  1. The ethical framework for performing research with rare inherited neurometabolic disease patients


    Giannuzzi, Viviana; Devlieger, Hugo; Margari, Lucia; Odlind, Viveca Lena; Ragab, Lamis; Bellettato, Cinzia Maria; D?Avanzo, Francesca; Lampe, Christina; Cassis, Linda; Cort?s-Saladelafont, Elisenda; Cazorla, ?ngels Garcia; Bari?, Ivo; Cvitanovi?-?ojat, Ljerka; Fumi?, Ksenija; Dali, Christine I


    The need for performing clinical trials to develop well-studied and appropriate medicines for inherited neurometabolic disease patients faces ethical concerns mainly raising from four aspects: the diseases are rare; include young and very young patients; the neurological impairment may compromise the capability to provide ?consent?; and the genetic nature of the disease leads to further ethical implications. This work is intended to identify the ethical provisions applicable to clinical resea...

  2. Plant for removing radioactive rare gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    An, Buzai; Kanazawa, Toshio


    The outline of the pilot plant to remove and recover radioactive rare gases generated from nuclear power plants, reprocessing installations for nuclear fuel, nuclear research installations, etc. is described below. Among the studies of various processes such as liquefaction and distillation, absorption into solvents, active carbon adsorption, diaphragm method, etc., the liquefaction and distillation process by rectification at low temperature has been positively developed. It is in the stage of practical application for removing rare gases in waste gases from reprocessing and nuclear power plants. This is the process with high safety and excellent rare gas removing capability. Further research and development have been also made for selective adsorption and desorption method at low temperature which is very efficient as there is no release of long life nuclides such as Krypton-85. Rare gases recovered by the above mentioned removal systems must be stored safely for a long time as their half lives are long and specific radioactivities are high. The study has been made continuously on the storage methods including adsorption in cylinders and remotely automatically sealing storing system. (Kobatake, H.)

  3. Method for storing radioactive rare gases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watabe, Atsushi; Nagao, Hiroyuki; Takiguchi, Yukio; Kanazawa, Toshio; Soya, Masataka.


    Object: To safely and securely store radioactive rare gases for a long period of time. Structure: The waste gases produced in nuclear power plant are cooled by a cooler and then introduced into a low temperature adsorbing device so that the gases are adsorbed by adsorbents, and then discharged into atmosphere through the purifying gas discharge line. When the radioactive rare gases reach a level of saturation in the amount of adsorption, they are heated and extracted by a suction pump and heated by a heater. The gases are then introduced into an oxygen-impurity removing device and the purified rare gases containing no oxygen and impurities are cooled by a cooler and fed into a gas holder. When the amount of radioactive rare gases stored within the gas holder reaches a given level, they are compressed and sealed by a compressure into a storing cylinder and residual gases in the piping are sucked and recovered into the gas holder, after which the cylinder is removed and stored in a fixed room. (Kamimura, M.)

  4. Rare diseases in the media - Report April-June 2014 - Observatory for Rare Diseases FEDER (OBSER

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    Josep Solves Almela


    Full Text Available This report presents the analysis of how Spanish mass media dealt with the so-called rare deseases during the months of April, May and June of 2014. The report has the same general objective of the first one for the previous three months: understand how rare diseases are presented in the Spanish media and, correspondingly, how that media representation evolves. In this report, the data of the first trimester is compared to the second one.

  5. Enrichment of yttrium from rare earth concentrate by ammonium carbonate leaching and peroxide precipitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasconcellos, Mari E. de; Rocha, S.M.R. da; Pedreira, W.R.; Queiroz S, Carlos A. da; Abrao, Alcidio


    The rare earth elements (REE) solubility with ammonium carbonate vary progressively from element to element, the heavy rare earth elements (HRE) being more soluble than the light rare earth elements (LRE). Their solubility is function of the carbonate concentration and the kind of carbonate as sodium, potassium and ammonium. In this work, it is explored this ability of the carbonate for the dissolution of the REE and an easy separation of yttrium was achieved using the precipitation of the peroxide from complex yttrium carbonate. For this work is used a REE concentrate containing (%) Y 2 O 3 2.4, Dy 2 O 3 0.6, Gd 2 O 3 2.7, CeO 2 2.5, Nd 2 O 3 33.2, La 2 O 3 40.3, Sm 2 O 3 4.1 and Pr 6 O 11 7.5. The mentioned concentrate was produced industrially from the chemical treatment of monazite sand by NUCLEMON in Sao Paulo. The yttrium concentrate was treated with 200 g L -1 ammonium carbonate during 10 and 30 min at room temperature. The experiments indicated that a single leaching operation was sufficient to get a rich yttrium solution with about 60.3% Y 2 O 3 . In a second step, this yttrium solution was treated with an excess of hydrogen peroxide (130 volumes), cerium, praseodymium and neodymium peroxides being completely precipitated and separated from yttrium. Yttrium was recovered from the carbonate solution as the oxalate and finally as oxide. The final product is an 81% Y 2 O 3 . This separation envisages an industrial application. The work discussed the solubility of the REE using ammonium carbonate and the subsequent precipitation of the correspondent peroxides

  6. Novel precursors for the deposition of rare earth oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahlers, Mareike


    During this work rare earth solvates with nitrate and perchlorate anions have been investigated. All compounds have been structurally characterized and analyzed using thermal gravimetric analysis. The decomposition residues were analyzed using powder diffraction methods. Almost all compounds showed a characteristically intense exothermic decomposition step during the thermal decomposition, most likely caused by an intramolecular redox reaction between the nitrate or perchlorate anion respectively and the organic solvent molecules. The nitrates RE(NO 3 ) 3 (CH(OCH 3 ) 3 ) 2 (RE = Sm, Eu) were isolated and characterized for the first time as the intermediate of the dehydration reaction with trimethyl orthoformate. The known compound group of dimethoxyethane solvates was then expanded with RE(NO 3 ) 3 (O 2 C 4 H 10 ) (RE = La, Sm, Eu). Considering the possible use as precursor material the already described neodymium compound is also discussed. The thermal decomposition of these compounds yields the respective cubic rare earth oxide and shows the typical intense exothermic decomposition reaction. A variety of different precursor system based on nitrate solvates for the deposition of rare earth oxide layers on a silicon surface was developed and investigated in collaboration with the group of Prof. Dr. Al-Shamery (Univ. Oldenburg). Ultra thin films on a H-Si(111) surface were obtained via the deposition of the precursor, which was dissolved in organic solvents. An oxide layer was detected after the heating of the sample. The film thickness was measured as < 10 nm, whereas the thickness of the film was controlled by the concentration of the precursor solution. Sm(ClO 4 ) 3 (CH(OCH 3 ) 3 ) 3 was isolated and characterized for the first time as the intermediate of the dehydration reaction with trimethyl orthoformate. Eu(ClO 4 ) 3 (CH(OCH 3 ) 3 ) 2 (MeOH) 2 was obtained without recrystallization. The methanol molecules, formed during the hydrolysis of the trimethyl

  7. Drugs for rare disorders. (United States)

    Cremers, Serge; Aronson, Jeffrey K


    Estimates of the frequencies of rare disorders vary from country to country; the global average defined prevalence is 40 per 100 000 (0.04%). Some occur in only one or a few patients. However, collectively rare disorders are fairly common, affecting 6-8% of the US population, or about 30 million people, and a similar number in the European Union. Most of them affect children and most are genetically determined. Diagnosis can be difficult, partly because of variable presentations and partly because few clinicians have experience of individual rare disorders, although they may be assisted by searching databases. Relatively few rare disorders have specific pharmacological treatments (so-called orphan drugs), partly because of difficulties in designing trials large enough to determine benefits and harms alike. Incentives have been introduced to encourage the development of orphan drugs, including tax credits and research aids, simplification of marketing authorization procedures and exemption from fees, and extended market exclusivity. Consequently, the number of applications for orphan drugs has grown, as have the costs of using them, so much so that treatments may not be cost-effective. It has therefore been suggested that not-for-profit organizations that are socially motivated to reduce those costs should be tasked with producing them. A growing role for patient organizations, improved clinical and translational infrastructures, and developments in genetics have also contributed to successful drug development. The translational discipline of clinical pharmacology is an essential component in drug development, including orphan drugs. Clinical pharmacologists, skilled in basic pharmacology and its links to clinical medicine, can be involved at all stages. They can contribute to the delineation of genetic factors that determine clinical outcomes of pharmacological interventions, develop biomarkers, design and perform clinical trials, assist regulatory decision

  8. A study on dehydration of rare earth chloride hydrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Yong Zun; Eun, Hee Chul; Son, Sung Mo; Lee, Tae Kyo; Hwang, Taek Sung


    The dehydration schemes of rare earth (La, Ce, Nd, Pr, Sm. Eu, Gd, Y) chloride hydrates was investigated by using a dehydration apparatus. To prevent the formation of the rare earth oxychlorides, the operation temperature was changed step by step (80→150→230 degree C) based on the TGA (thermo-gravimetric analysis) results of the rare earth chloride hydrates. A vacuum pump and preheated Ar gas were used to effectively remove the evaporated moisture and maintain an inert condition in the dehydration apparatus. The dehydration temperature of the rare earth chloride hydrate was increased when the atomic number of the rare earth nuclide was increased. The content of the moisture in the rare earth chloride hydrate was decreased below 10% in the dehydration apparatus.

  9. Rare gases adsorption and separation on silver doped adsorbent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deliere, Ludovic


    The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) implements means for detecting nuclear tests in an International Monitoring System (IMS). The Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) has developed in the mid-90's, the SPALAX system (Systeme de Prelevement d'Air en Ligne avec l'Analyse des radioXenons). Xenon analysis, including radioactive isotopes from the fission reaction during the explosion, requires the development of highly efficient process for xenon concentration. In this work, the adsorption and diffusion phenomena of noble gases are studied in silver exchanged ZSM-5 zeolite. The 'experience/Monte Carlo simulation' coupling is used to determine the essential thermodynamic data on the adsorption of noble gases and to characterize the adsorption sites. The presence of a strong adsorption site, identified as silver nanoparticles and intervening at low concentration of noble gases (including xenon and radon) in some silver exchanged zeolites, achieves adsorption and selectivity performance to date unrivaled. These results allow considering their use in many critical applications in the field of capture and separation of rare gases: rare gas industrial production, reprocessing of spent fuel from gas, radon in air pollution control. (author) [fr

  10. An Overview of Rare Earth Science and Technology (United States)

    Gschneidner, Karl, Jr.


    Currently rare earth science and technology is robust: this includes all the major branches of science -- biochemistry, chemistry, materials and physics. There are, however, currently some anomalies and distortions especially in the technology and applications sector of the rare earth field, which is caused by the dominance of China on the sales of rare earths and rare earth containing products. For the past 5 to 10 years ˜95% of rare earths utilized in commerce came from China. Although Chinese actions have lead to sudden and large price spikes and export embargoes, the rare earths are still available but at a higher cost. The start up of production in 2011 at mines in the USA and Australia will alleviate this situation in about two years. Basic and applied research on the condensed matter physics/materials science has hardly been impacted by these events, but new research opportunities are opening up especially with regard to the USA's military and energy security. Magnets seems to be the hottest topic, but research on battery materials, phosphors and catalysts are also (or should be) strongly considered.

  11. Determination of rare earths in their extraction processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    You Jiannan; Zhang Yuqin


    A method for determination of rare earths in ores, ion-exchange resins and solution samples has been developed. The ore is molten with sodium peroxide and the molten sample is leached with triethenol amine and sodium citrate. In weak acid medium, the rare earths can be extracted by PMBP-phenol solution, and stripped with formic acid. In the acetic acidsodium acetate buffer medium of pH3, the spectrophotometric determination of rare earths with arsenazo M has been made. The rare earths in ion-exchange resins can be directly determined by spectrophotometry after being leached with hydrochloric acid and at heated condition. The rare earths with arsenazo M or a red complex. The maximum absorption of the complex is at 640 nm, and the molar absorption is 8.0 x 10 4 L centre dot mol -1 centre dot cm -1 . While the range of determination is 0.005%-0.5% and 0.001-1.0 g/L, the relative standard deviation is less than 5%, and recovery of rare earths is 98.5-105%. The method is rather simple and rapid

  12. Prolate non-collective shape- a rare shape phase around Z = 50

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aggarwal, Mamta


    The search for rare shape-phase transition in hot and rotating nuclei is one of the very active field in nuclear physics research. According to universally known features of the evolution of equilibrium shapes with temperature and spin, heating a deformed nonrotating nucleus leads to a shape transition from deformed to spherical at a certain temperature. At high temperatures T≅ 2 MeV, the shell effects melt and the nucleus resembles a classical liquid drop. Rotation of the hot nucleus generates an oblate shape rotating noncollectively. But it has been shown by A. Goodman that nuclei with two critical temperatures can rotate with a rare non-collective prolate shape phase which has been caused directly by rotation at angular momentum values around (5-30h) which creates a residual quantum shell effect as shown by A. L. Goodman. Search for such exotic shape-phase around Z = 50 region is the aim of present work. We consider N = 60 isotones 108 Cd, 109 In, 110 Sn

  13. Development of Time Projection Chambers with Micromegas for Rare Event Searches

    CERN Document Server

    Tomas, Alfredo; Villar, J A

    The Rare Event Searches is a heterogeneous field from the point of view of their physical motivations: double betha neutrinoless decay experiments, direct detection of WIMPs as well as axions and other WISPs (candidates for the DM, but also motivated by other questions from Particle Physics). The field is rather defined by the requirements of these experiments, essentially a very sensitive detector with low background which is usually operated in underground laboratories. The availability of a rich description of the event registered by the detector is a powerful tool for the discrimination of the signal from the background. The topological description of the interaction that can be delivered by a gaseous TPC is a useful source of information about the event. The generic requirements for a gaseous TPC that is intended for rare event searches are very good imaging capabilities, high gain and efficiency, stability and reliability and radio-purity, which could imply working with particular gases, in absence of q...

  14. [A rare form of granuloma annulare]. (United States)

    Bogdanowski, T; Wygledowska-Kania, M


    We present a four-year-old girl with a doubly rare form of granuloma annulare with non-typical localisation of superficial nodules on the palms and predisposition to ulceration which is very rare in this type of superficial nodules. The diagnosis was proved by histological examination. After the local cryotherapy (ethyl chloride) the lesions almost completely disappeared.

  15. Rare earth oxyhydrides and preparation process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz, H.


    Rare earth oxyhydrides of formula RE 1-q Th q Ni 5-p M p O x H y are claimed. RE is a rare earth, Th can be replaced by Yt, M is Cu, Mn, Al, Fe, Cr or Co, o O C and the hydrides are oxidized. They are catalysts for various chemical reactions [fr

  16. Rare Earth Elements Distribution in Beryl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Gawish, H.K.; Nada, N.; Ghaly, W.A.; Helal, A.I.


    Laser ablation method is applied to a double focusing inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer to determine the rare earth element distribution in some selected beryl samples. White, green and blue beryl samples are selected from the Egyptian eastern desert. Distributions of chondrite- normalized plot for the rare earth element in the selected beryl samples are investigated

  17. Rare Earth-Activated Silica-Based Nanocomposites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Armellini


    Full Text Available Two different kinds of rare earth-activated glass-based nanocomposite photonic materials, which allow to tailor the spectroscopic properties of rare-earth ions: (i Er3+-activated SiO2-HfO2 waveguide glass ceramic, and (ii core-shell-like structures of Er3+-activated silica spheres obtained by a seed growth method, are presented.

  18. A precarização e a divisão internacional e sexual do trabalho Precariousness and the international and sexual division of labor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Hirata


    Full Text Available A partir da referencia às pesquisas francesas sobre a questão da precarização do trabalho das mulheres, o artigo propõe alguns indicadores de trabalho precário, analisa os grupos sociais mais atingidos pelo trabalho precário e mostra a relação entre a vulnerabilidade crescente do emprego feminino e o processo de globalização. Algumas questões de atualidade social e cientifica, como a bi-polarização do emprego feminino e o crescimento da migração internacional das mulheres são a seguir estudadas, assim como as características do trabalho atual em que a precarização do emprego é concomitante à intensificação do trabalho e à flexibilização. Enfim, são analisados os pontos de vista que levam à legitimação social e científica desse processo de precarização do trabalho, e as alternativas a esse processo, provindas tanto dos juristas quanto dos movimentos sociais.The article examines the French researches on the precariousness of women's work, proposes some indicators of precarious employment, analyzes the most affected social groups, and demonstrates the relationship between the increasing vulnerability of women's employment and the process of globalization. Some current social and scientific issues, such as the bipolarization of female employment and the increase in international migration of women are examined in the paper, as well as the current characteristics of work, wherein precariousness is concomitant with intensification of work and flexibilization. To conclude, the author considers the views that lead to the social and scientific legitimacy of this process of precarious employment, and the alternatives to this process, provided both by jurists and social movements.

  19. Thermoemission properties of tungsten with additions of rare earth oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gural'nik, N.I.; Evstifeev, V.V.; Imangulova, N.G.


    Thermoemission properties of tungsten with addition of rare earth oxides are studied in the superhigh vacuum set with oil-free pumping system. Electronic work function eφ is determined by the method of total saturation current. Temperature dependences are obtained of the work function for three types of cathodes: W+La 2 O 3 ; W+φ 2 O 3 and W+Dy 2 O 3 . It is stated, that the first two types eφ decreases approximately from 4.2 to 3.3 eV and from 4.5 to 3.8 eV, respectively, after activation at proper temperatures. These cathodes are the most effective ones at the temperature of 1700 (W+La 2 O 3 ) and 1900-2100 K (W+ φ 4 O 3 ). The work function of cathodes with addition of dysprosium oxide did not practically vary (4.55-4.3 eV) within the whole studied temperature interval (1500-2100 K)

  20. Catalogue of Korean manuscripts and rare books

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lerbæk Pedersen, Bent


    Catalogue of Korean manuscripts and rare books in The Royal Library, Copenhagen and the National Museum of Denmark......Catalogue of Korean manuscripts and rare books in The Royal Library, Copenhagen and the National Museum of Denmark...

  1. Rare Events (United States)


    Limited Operational Exercise 1. 1A Limited Operational Exercise is a multiplayer experiment designed to exploit and study information sharing and...1.4 Summary of the Study The “rare event” of interest is an extreme, deliberate act of violence , destruction or socioeconomic disruption, such as an...connection with terrorism inves- tigations. The programs then use some combination of doctrinal revision and rewards to induce the people to abandon violence

  2. Body size, reproductive biology and abundance of the rare pseudoboini snakes genera Clelia and Boiruna (Serpentes, Colubridae) in Brazil


    Lígia Pizzatto


    Pseudoboini snakes of the genera Clelia and Boiruna are apparently rare in nature and certainly rare in collections. This work presents data on body size, reproduction and abundance of five Brazilian species of these genera, in the largest collection of snakes in Latin America, the Instituto Butantan. Despite scarcity of data, follicular cycle seems to be continuous in most species, except Clelia rustica, which occurs in highlands. Females are largerthan males in all species, and fecundity is...

  3. State of rare earth impurities in gallium and indium antimonides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evgen'ev, S.B.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.


    State of rare earth impurities in indium and gallium antimonides was studied. Results of measuring density and lattice parameter of samples in GaSb-rare earth and InSb-rare earth systems are presented. It is shown that during rare earth dissolution in indium and gallium antimonides rare earth atoms occupy interstitial positions or, at least, are displaced from lattice points

  4. Population and community ecology of the rare plant amsinckia grandiflora

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlsen, T.M.


    Research was conducted between the fall of 1992 and the spring on the population and community ecology of the rare annual plant, Amsinckia glandiflora (Gray) Kleeb. ex Greene (Boraginaceae). The research goal was to investigate the causes of the species rarity, data useful to restorative efforts. The work focused on the examination of competitive suppression by exotic annual grasses; comparisons with common, weedy congener; and the role of litter cover and seed germination and seedling establishment. Annual exotic grasses reduced A. grandiflora reproductive output to a greater extent than did the native perennial bunch grass.

  5. Case report of a rare dermatosis in pregnancy: impetigo herpetiformis. (United States)

    Ulubay, Mustafa; Keskin, Uğur; Fidan, Ulas; Çiçek, Ali Fuat; Çalışkan, Ercan; Karaca, Rıza Efendi; Fıratlıgil, Fahri Burçin; Ergün, Ali


    Impetigo herpetiformis (IH) is a very rare type of dermatosis seen in pregnancy. According to the published work, IH during pregnancy is associated with the risk of stillbirth, and obstetric management in such cases is very important. Early recognition is important to reduce both maternal and fetal morbidity. We present a case of IH resistant to corticosteroid therapy in a 27-year-old pregnant woman where the pregnancy was terminated by the induction of labor. © 2014 The Authors. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2014 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  6. Monazite upgradation and production of high pure rare earths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asnani, C.K.; Mohanty, D.; Kumar, S.S.


    Rare earth extraction from monazite and further processing of mixed rare earth chlorides for producing individual high pure rare earths involves a complex flowsheet based on solvent extraction process. Apart from involving multiple extractions, scrubbing and stripping operations, the flowsheet requires optimization of critical parameters such as solvent molarity, solvent saponification level and recycling of product solutions as reflux to ensure preferential upload of required rare earths to generate high purity product. This paper tracks monazite flow from the raw sand feed through to the monazite product and its processing to generate rare earths of internationally acceptable quality

  7. A rare sight

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso and The LHCb Collaboration


    Today, at the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium in Kyoto, the LHCb collaboration has presented the evidence of a very rare B decay, the rarest ever seen. The result further shrinks the region in which scientists can still look for supersymmetry.   The graph showing evidence of the Bs0 → μ+ μ- decay. The result was presented Monday 12 November at the HCP Conference in Kyoto (photo courtesy of the LHCb Collaboration). Particle decays tell us about the inner properties and functioning of Nature’s physics processes. By studying them and their occurrence, physicists infer the rules that control them. Often, it turns out that some rare decays, which are very difficult to observe, are those in which Nature could reveal the presence of new physics. This is the case of some decays of the Bs0 particle (a particle made of a bottom anti-quark bound to a strange quark), and in particular Bs0 → μ+ μ- whose...

  8. Rare isotope accelerator—conceptual design of target areas (United States)

    Bollen, Georg; Baek, Inseok; Blideanu, Valentin; Lawton, Don; Mantica, Paul F.; Morrissey, David J.; Ronningen, Reginald M.; Sherrill, Bradley S.; Zeller, Albert; Beene, James R.; Burgess, Tom; Carter, Kenneth; Carrol, Adam; Conner, David; Gabriel, Tony; Mansur, Louis; Remec, Igor; Rennich, Mark; Stracener, Dan; Wendel, Mark; Ahle, Larry; Boles, Jason; Reyes, Susana; Stein, Werner; Heilbronn, Lawrence


    The planned rare isotope accelerator facility RIA in the US would become the most powerful radioactive beam facility in the world. RIA's driver accelerator will be a device capable of providing beams from protons to uranium at energies of at least 400 MeV per nucleon, with beam power up to 400 kW. Radioactive beam production relies on both the in-flight separation of fast beam fragments and on the ISOL technique. In both cases the high beam power poses major challenges for target technology and handling and on the design of the beam production areas. This paper will give a brief overview of RIA and discuss aspects of ongoing conceptual design work for the RIA target areas.

  9. Rare isotope accelerator - conceptual design of target areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollen, Georg; Baek, Inseok; Blideanu, Valentin; Lawton, Don; Mantica, Paul F.; Morrissey, David J.; Ronningen, Reginald M.; Sherrill, Bradley S.; Zeller, Albert; Beene, James R; Burgess, Tom; Carter, Kenneth; Carrol, Adam; Conner, David; Gabriel, Tony A; Mansur, Louis K; Remec, Igor; Rennich, Mark J; Stracener, Daniel W; Wendel, Mark W; Ahle, Larry; Boles, Jason; Reyes, Susana; Stein, Werner; Heilbronn, Lawrence


    The planned rare isotope accelerator facility RIA in the US would become the most powerful radioactive beam facility in the world. RIA's driver accelerator will be a device capable of providing beams from protons to uranium at energies of at least 400MeV per nucleon, with beam power up to 400 kW. Radioactive beam production relies on both the in-flight separation of fast beam fragments and on the ISOL technique. In both cases the high beam power poses major challenges for target technology and handling and on the design of the beam production areas. This paper will give a brief overview of RIA and discuss aspects of ongoing conceptual design work for the RIA target areas

  10. Bioleaching of rare earth elements from monazite sand. (United States)

    Brisson, Vanessa L; Zhuang, Wei-Qin; Alvarez-Cohen, Lisa


    Three fungal strains were found to be capable of bioleaching rare earth elements from monazite, a rare earth phosphate mineral, utilizing the monazite as a phosphate source and releasing rare earth cations into solution. These organisms include one known phosphate solubilizing fungus, Aspergillus niger ATCC 1015, as well as two newly isolated fungi: an Aspergillus terreus strain ML3-1 and a Paecilomyces spp. strain WE3-F. Although monazite also contains the radioactive element Thorium, bioleaching by these fungi preferentially solubilized rare earth elements over Thorium, leaving the Thorium in the solid residual. Adjustments in growth media composition improved bioleaching performance measured as rare earth release. Cell-free spent medium generated during growth of A. terreus strain ML3-1 and Paecilomyces spp. strain WE3-F in the presence of monazite leached rare earths to concentrations 1.7-3.8 times those of HCl solutions of comparable pH, indicating that compounds exogenously released by these organisms contribute substantially to leaching. Organic acids released by the organisms included acetic, citric, gluconic, itaconic, oxalic, and succinic acids. Abiotic leaching with laboratory prepared solutions of these acids was not as effective as bioleaching or leaching with cell-free spent medium at releasing rare earths from monazite, indicating that compounds other than the identified organic acids contribute to leaching performance. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Fatal attraction: rare species in the spotlight. (United States)

    Angulo, Elena; Deves, Anne-Laure; Saint Jalmes, Michel; Courchamp, Franck


    The exploitation of rare and endangered species can end in the species's extinction because the increased value people associate with rarity increases the economic incentive to exploit the last individuals, creating a positive feedback loop. This recently proposed concept, called the anthropogenic Allee effect (AAE), relies on the assumption that people do value rarity, but this remains to be established. Moreover, it also remains to be determined whether attraction to rarity is a trait confined to a minority of hobbyists (e.g. wildlife collectors, exotic pet owners) or characteristic of the general public. We estimated how much the general public valued rare species compared with common ones, using five different metrics related to personal investment: time spent, physical effort, unpleasantness, economic investment and risk. We surveyed the visitors of a zoo. To see the rare species, the visitors to the zoo invested more time in searching and contemplation, they were ready to expend more physical effort, they tolerated more unpleasant conditions, they were willing to pay more and, finally, they risked more to obtain (steal) a rare species. Our results provide substantial evidence of how the general public places more value on rare species, compared with common species. This confirms the AAE as an actual process, which in addition concerns a large part of the population. This has important consequences for the conservation of species that are rare now, or that could become so in the future.

  12. Eventration of diaphragm with a rare association

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syed Shafiq


    Full Text Available Eventration of the diaphragm is a rare anomaly of unknown origin characterized by a permanent high position of one or rarely both the leaflets of the diaphragm, providing a potential space for the displacement of abdominal viscera on the affected side(s. The etiology, diagnosis, and management of this condition remains a controversial subject. We report a rare case of infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus in a patient with eventration of the diaphragm and gastric volvulus who presented to us with retrosternal discomfort. To the best of our knowledge, this rare association has not been reported in the literature, although one case of esophageal adenocarcinoma arising from Barrett′s esophagus in association with eventration of the diaphragm has been reported previously. This case again emphasis the varied associations of an eventration of the diaphragm.

  13. Rare psi decays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Partridge, R.


    Slightly more than ten years have passed since the psi was discovered, yet the study of psi decays continues to be an active and fruitful area of research. One reason for such longevity is that each successive experiment has increased their sensitivity over previous experiments either by improving detection efficiency or by increasing statistics. This has allowed the observation and, in some cases, detailed studies of rare psi decays. Branching ratios of ≅10-/sup 4/ are now routinely studied, while certain decay channels are beginning to show interesting effects at the 10-/sup 5/ level. Future experiments at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) have the potential for increasing sensitivities by one or two orders of magnitude, thus enabling many interesting studies impossible with current data samples. The author first examines the extent to which psi decays can be used to study electroweak phenomena. The remainder of this work is devoted to the more traditional task of using the psi to study quarks, gluons, and the properties of the strong interaction. Of particular interest is the study of radioactive psi decays, where a number of new particles have been discovered. Recent results regarding two of these particles, the θ(1700) and iota(1450), are discussed, as well as a study of the quark content of the eta and eta' using decays of the psi to vector-pseudoscalar final states

  14. Rare earth intermetallic compounds produced by a reduction-diffusion process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cech, R.E.


    A reduction-diffusion process is given for producing novel rare earth intermetallic compounds, such as cobalt--rare earth intermetallic compounds, especially compounds useful in preparing permanent magnets. A particulate mixture of rare earth metal halide, cobalt and calcium hydride is heated to effect reduction of the rare earth metal halide and to diffuse the resulting rare earth metal into the cobalt to form the intermetallic compound

  15. Rare earth elements materials production from apatite ores

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anufrieva, A V; Buynovskiy, A S; Makaseev, Y N; Mazov, I N; Nefedov, R A; Sachkov, V I; Valkov, A V; Andrienko, O S; Stepanova, O B


    The paper deals with the study of processing apatite ores with nitric acid and extraction of the rare earth elements. The rare earth elements can be successfully separated and recovered by extraction from the nitrate- phosphate solution, being an tributyl phosphate as extraction agent. The developed scheme of the processing apatite concentrate provides obtaining rare earth concentrates with high qualitative characteristics. (paper)

  16. Managing Natural and Reintroduced Rare Plant Populations within a Large Government Reservation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlsen, T M; Paterson, L E; Alfaro, T M


    California is home to many large government reservations that have been in existence for decades. Many of these reservations were formed to support various Department of Defense and Department of Energy national defense activities. Often, only a very small percentage of the reservation is actively used for programmatic activities, resulting in large areas of intact habitat. In some cases, this has benefited rare plant populations, as surrounding lands have been developed for residential or industrial use. However, land management activities such as the suppression or active use of fire and other disturbance (such as fire trail grading) can also work to either the detriment or benefit of rare plant populations at these sites. A management regime that is beneficial to the rare plant populations of interest and is at best consistent with existing site programmatic activities, and at a minimum does not impact such activities, has the best potential for a positive outcome. As a result, some species may be 'difficult' while others may be 'easy' to manage in this context, depending on how closely the species biological requirements match the programmatic activities on the reservation. To illustrate, we compare and contrast two rare annual plant species found at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Site 300. Although several populations of Amsinckia grandiflora have been restored on the site, and all populations are intensively managed, this species continues to decline. In contrast, Blepharizonia plumosa appears to take advantage of the annual controlled burns conducted on the site, and is thriving.

  17. Rare diseases and orphan drugs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Domenica Taruscio


    Full Text Available According to the Regulation (EC N. 141/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council, rare diseases are life-threatening or chronically debilitating conditions, affecting no more than 5 in 10 000 persons in the European Community. It is estimated that between 6000 to 8000 distinct rare diseases affect up to 6% of the total EU population. Therefore, these conditions can be considered rare if taken individually but they affect a significant proportion of the European population when considered as a single group. Several initiatives have been undertaken at international, European and national level to tackle public health as well as research issues related to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and surveillance of these diseases. The development of innovative and effective medical products for their diagnosis and treatment is frequently hampered by several factors, including the limited knowledge of their natural history, the difficulties in setting up clinical studies due to the limited numbers of patients affected by a specific disease, the weak interest of sponsors due to the restricted market opportunities. Therefore, incentives and other facilitations have been adopted in many parts of the world, including in the EU, in order to facilitate the development and commercialization of diagnostic tools and treatments devoted to rare diseases. This paper illustrates mainly the European initiatives and will discuss the problematic and controversial aspects surrounding orphan drugs. Finally, activities and measures adopted in Italy are presented.

  18. Radioluminescence of rare-earth doped aluminum oxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santiago, M.; Molina, P. [Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Fisica Arroyo Seco, Pinto 399, 7000 Tandil (Argentina); Barros, V. S.; Khoury, H. J.; Elihimas, D. R., E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Energia Nuclear, Av. Prof. Luiz Freire 1000, Recife, PE 50740-540 (Brazil)


    Carbon-doped aluminum oxide (Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}:C) is one of the most used radioluminescence (Rl) materials for fiberoptic dosimetry due to its high efficiency and commercial availability. However, this compound presents the drawback of emitting in the spectral region, where the spurious radioluminescence of fibers is also important. In this work, the radioluminescence response of rare-earth doped Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} samples has been evaluated. The samples were prepared by mixing stoichiometric amounts of aluminum nitrate, urea and dopants with different amounts of terbium, samarium, cerium and thulium nitrates varying from 0 to 0.15 mo 1%. The influence of the different activators on the Rl spectra has been investigated in order to determine the feasibility of using these compounds for Rl fiberoptic dosimetry. (Author)

  19. Radioluminescence of rare-earth doped aluminum oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santiago, M.; Molina, P.; Barros, V. S.; Khoury, H. J.; Elihimas, D. R.


    Carbon-doped aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3 :C) is one of the most used radioluminescence (Rl) materials for fiberoptic dosimetry due to its high efficiency and commercial availability. However, this compound presents the drawback of emitting in the spectral region, where the spurious radioluminescence of fibers is also important. In this work, the radioluminescence response of rare-earth doped Al 2 O 3 samples has been evaluated. The samples were prepared by mixing stoichiometric amounts of aluminum nitrate, urea and dopants with different amounts of terbium, samarium, cerium and thulium nitrates varying from 0 to 0.15 mo 1%. The influence of the different activators on the Rl spectra has been investigated in order to determine the feasibility of using these compounds for Rl fiberoptic dosimetry. (Author)

  20. Rare event techniques applied in the Rasmussen study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vesely, W.E.


    The Rasmussen Study estimated public risks from commercial nuclear power plant accidents, and therefore the statistics of rare events had to be treated. Two types of rare events were specifically handled, those rare events which were probabilistically rare events and those which were statistically rare events. Four techniques were used to estimate probabilities of rare events. These techniques were aggregating data samples, discretizing ''continuous'' events, extrapolating from minor to catastrophic severities, and decomposing events using event trees and fault trees. In aggregating or combining data the goal was to enlarge the data sample so that the rare event was no longer rare, i.e., so that the enlarged data sample contained one or more occurrences of the event of interest. This aggregation gave rise to random variable treatments of failure rates, occurrence frequencies, and other characteristics estimated from data. This random variable treatment can be interpreted as being comparable to an empirical Bayes technique or a Bayesian technique. In the discretizing event technique, events of a detailed nature were grouped together into a grosser event for purposes of analysis as well as for data collection. The treatment of data characteristics as random variables helped to account for the uncertainties arising from this discretizing. In the severity extrapolation technique a severity variable was associated with each event occurrence for the purpose of predicting probabilities of catastrophic occurrences. Tail behaviors of distributions therefore needed to be considered. Finally, event trees and fault trees were used to express accident occurrences and system failures in terms of more basic events for which data existed. Common mode failures and general dependencies therefore needed to be treated. 2 figures

  1. The Quest for Rare Variants: Pooled Multiplexed Next Generation Sequencing in Plants


    Fabio eMarroni; Sara ePinosio; Sara ePinosio; Michele eMorgante


    Next generation sequencing (NGS) instruments produce an unprecedented amount of sequence data at contained costs. This gives researchers the possibility of designing studies with adequate power to identify rare variants at a fraction of the economic and labor resources required by individual Sanger sequencing. As of today, only three research groups working in plant sciences have exploited this potentiality. They showed that pooled NGS can provide results in excellent agreement with those obt...

  2. The Quest for Rare Variants: Pooled Multiplexed Next Generation Sequencing in Plants


    Marroni, Fabio; Pinosio, Sara; Morgante, Michele


    Next generation sequencing (NGS) instruments produce an unprecedented amount of sequence data at contained costs. This gives researchers the possibility of designing studies with adequate power to identify rare variants at a fraction of the economic and labor resources required by individual Sanger sequencing. As of today, few research groups working in plant sciences have exploited this potentiality, showing that pooled NGS provides results in excellent agreement with those obtained by indiv...

  3. Enzymatic determination of rare earth elements using pyrophosphatases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shekhovtsova, T.N.; Pirogova, S.V.; Fedorova, O.M.; Dolmanova, I.F.; Bajkov, A.A.


    A highly sensitive(determination limit 8x10 -6 -4x10 -4 μ g/m) and selective enzymatic method for determination of rare earth elements has been developed. The method is based on inhibition action of rare earths on the catalytic activity of pyrophosphates isolated from bakery geast and E.Coli. The mechanism of the rare earth element action, corresponding to competitive inhibition, has been established

  4. 12 Ministries Control Rare Earth Exports

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    <正>"It is very natural to reserve rare earth as a strategic resource.Many countries do this,including China."On April 8,Sun Lihui,Vice Director of Metal Section of Chemicals Import & Export Commerce Chamber of China Minmetals Corporation told a reporter that as early as 2006,China has launched a strategic plan for rare earth,"but it was interrupted by the subsequent financial crisis."

  5. Solid state chemistry of rare earth oxides. Final report, September 1, 1950--July 31, 1977

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eyring, L.


    Work under Contract E(11-1)-1109 and its antecedents has been primarily for the purpose of obtaining detailed thermodynamic, kinetic and structural information on the complex rare earth oxides of praseodymium and terbium. These systems exhibit homologous series of ordered phases, order-disorder transformations, wide-range nonstoichiometric phases, chemical hysteresis in two-phase regions and many other solid state reaction phenomena. Fluorite-related materials of importance to ERDA occur as nuclear fuels, radiation power sources, insulators and solid electrolytes. The rare earth oxides serve directly as model systems for such similar materials and, in a more general sense, they serve as models of solids in general since they exhibit nearly the full range of solid state properties

  6. Structure, electronic properties, luminescence and chromaticity investigations of rare earth doped KMgBO{sub 3} phosphors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zheng, Jianghui; Cheng, Qijin [School of Energy Research, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005 (China); Wu, Shunqing [Department of Physics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005 (China); Zhuang, Yixi [College of Materials, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005 (China); Guo, Ziquan; Lu, Yijun [Department of Electronic Science, Fujian Engineering Research Center for Solid-state Lighting, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005 (China); Chen, Chao, E-mail: [School of Energy Research, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005 (China); Department of Physics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005 (China); Department of Electronic Science, Fujian Engineering Research Center for Solid-state Lighting, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005 (China)


    In this work, the optimization of the geometry and the electronic properties of the host matrix KMgBO{sub 3} were investigated using density functional theory, and the comprehensive photoluminescence and chromaticity properties on five rare earth ion-doped (RE = Ce{sup 3+}, Tm{sup 3+}, Tb{sup 3+}, Eu{sup 3+}, Dy{sup 3+}) KMgBO{sub 3} phosphors were also studied. By introducing RE ions into the KMgBO{sub 3} host, excellent purple, blue, green, red and white emitting light could be obtained under the near-ultraviolet light excitation. The results suggest that rare earth doped KMgBO{sub 3} phosphors are potential luminescence materials for the application in the near-ultraviolet white light-emitting diodes. - Highlights: • The electronic properties of the host matrix KMgBO{sub 3} were investigated. • The PL properties on rare earth ions doped KMgBO{sub 3} phosphors were studied. • The chromaticity properties on rare earth ions doped KMgBO{sub 3} samples were studied. • Tm{sup 3+} and Eu{sup 3+} doped KMgBO{sub 3} samples show higher color purity than commercial phosphors.

  7. Renal replacement therapy for rare diseases affecting the kidney

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wühl, Elke; van Stralen, Karlijn J; Wanner, Christoph


    BACKGROUND: In recent years, increased efforts have been undertaken to address the needs of patients with rare diseases by international initiatives and consortia devoted to rare disease research and management. However, information on the overall prevalence of rare diseases within the end-stage...

  8. Rare stable isotopes in meteorites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, G.C.


    Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) using accelerators has been applied with success to cosmic ray exposure ages and terrestrial residence times of meteorites by measuring cosmogenic nuclides of Be, Cl, and I. It is proposed to complement this work with experiments on rare stable isotopes, in the hope of setting constraints on the processes of solar nebula/meteoritic formation. The relevant species can be classified as: a) daughter products of extinct nuclides (halflife less than or equal to 2 x 10 8 y) -chronology of the early solar system; b) products of high temperature astrophysical processes - different components incorporated into the solar nebula; and c) products of relatively low temperature processes, stellar winds and cosmic ray reactions - early solar system radiation history. The use of micron-scale primary ion beams will allow detailed sampling of phases within meteorites. Strategies of charge-state selection, molecular disintegration and detection should bring a new set of targets within analytical range. The developing accelerator field is compared to existing (keV energy) ion microprobes

  9. Thermogravimetric study of rare earth concentrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delyagejd, V.V.; Anisimova, V.N.; Eremenko, Z.V.; Kutsev, V.S.


    Methods of thermogravimetric, chemical and phase analysis were used in measuring the concentration of rare-earth elements of different origins. At temperatures 400-800 deg C a gradual decomposition of fluorocarbonates takes place leading to the formation of derivatives of corresponding oxides and oxyfluorides. For concentrates containing siderite the process takes place at 550-600 deg C followed by oxidation of bivalent iron into trivalent state. Reaction of rare-earth elements with sodium carbonate and the increase in the concentration of the latter results in a narrowing down of the interval of temperatures at which decomposition takes place. Under these conditions an intense reaction and a fusion take place leading to the formation of eutectic at 500-600 deg C and further synthesis of sodium fluoride and oxyfluoride derivatives of calcium and rare-earth elements

  10. Rare wild Orchids at CERN Meyrin

    CERN Multimedia


    There are several "Floral Nature Reserve - Late Mowing" zones at CERN Meyrin. The blossoms of a rare and a not so rare type of wild orchid are currently in flower. The rare one is the bee orchid (Ophrys Apifera) which is a protected perennial. They are very unusual and in some years can appear in great numbers and then sometimes only reappear after a decade. They live in a symbiotic relationship with a soil-dwelling fungus. Its name stems from the fact that its brown, furry lip resembles and smells like a female bee, a mimicry used to attract drones to aid in pollination. The much more distributed species is the pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis Pyramidalis), which due to its size and its bright pink colour is already visible when you pass by in your car.

  11. Gênero e insegurança no trabalho no Reino Unido Gender and employment insecurity in the UK

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kate Purcell


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é explorar a dimensão de gênero da insegurança do emprego no Reino Unido, focalizando, para tanto, as recentes tendências do trabalho temporário, que incluem o de prazo fixo, o sazonal, o sem vínculo empregatício, o contratado através de agência, o ocasional e outros tipos de trabalho temporário. Essas formas de trabalho são, inequivocamente, inseguras, sejam elas livremente escolhidas ou não. A primeira seção do artigo trata das pressões e resistências que têm, cumulativamente, levado à atual participação de mulheres no trabalho remunerado. Examinam-se, em seguida, as recentes tendências nos padrões de emprego no Reino Unido, com especial referência às diferenças entre mulheres em idade de trabalho, bem como à incidência e distribuição do trabalho de meio período. As tendências recentes e as diferenças de gênero no trabalho temporário são, assim, consideradas à luz desse contexto mais amplo. Finalmente, esses achados são confrontados com os argumentos no sentido de que o emprego atípico fornece oportunidades para um aumento da participação de mulheres na força de trabalho e para uma conciliação prática entre o emprego e os papéis e relacionamentos familiares.The objective of this article is to explore how far employment insecurity is gendered in the UK, focusing on recent trends in temporary employment, covering fixed term, seasonal, agency, casual and other temporary work. The first section of this paper considers the pressures and resistances that have cumulatively led to women's current participation in paid work. This is followed by an examination of recent trends in UK employment patterns, with particular reference to differences within the female population of working age and the incidence and distribution of part-time employment. Recent trends and gender differences in temporary employment are then considered against this broader background. Finally, this evidence is

  12. Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) – a rare entity

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Department of Radiology, University of Pretoria. Corresponding author: Z Ebrahim ( Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare complication of mucinous tumours of appendiceal or ovarian origin that results in peritoneal and omental implants. In addition to the appendix and the ovary, other rare.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    А. В. Крива


    Full Text Available Fund of valuable and rare literature of the Scientific Library of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering enrols more than four thousand copies. The basis for its acquisition is the principle of general cultural, scientific and aesthetic significance. This fund is completed with all categories and types of national and foreign publications. It is also fulfilled with documents that have gained the status of unique sources and is related to the history of the university, and with directions of the corresponding profile of training of specialists in educational and research institution. According to the chronological principle, the fund of valuable and rare literature includes documents issued before 1945 and earlier. There are bookshops which reflect the history of the development of national and foreign science and technology and are reasonably valuable both for scientists and students. Here can be distinguished: unique book editions; separate courses in technical disciplines; multi-volume collections of scientific works; rare 19th-century textbooks; works of domestic and world classics of science and technology, as well as dictionaries and reference publications. The fund is arranged in a systematic alphabetical system. For the individual account of valuable and rare literature, “Card of rare and valuable documents” is conducted. The composition of the fund, as it receives, is displayed in the electronic catalog of the library. Recently, you can also read publications in the public repository of the educational institution.

  14. Leveraging Collaborative Filtering to Accelerate Rare Disease Diagnosis. (United States)

    Shen, Feichen; Liu, Sijia; Wang, Yanshan; Wang, Liwei; Afzal, Naveed; Liu, Hongfang


    In the USA, rare diseases are defined as those affecting fewer than 200,000 patients at any given time. Patients with rare diseases are frequently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed which may due to the lack of knowledge and experience of care providers. We hypothesize that patients' phenotypic information available in electronic medical records (EMR) can be leveraged to accelerate disease diagnosis based on the intuition that providers need to document associated phenotypic information to support the diagnosis decision, especially for rare diseases. In this study, we proposed a collaborative filtering system enriched with natural language processing and semantic techniques to assist rare disease diagnosis based on phenotypic characterization. Specifically, we leveraged four similarity measurements with two neighborhood algorithms on 2010-2015 Mayo Clinic unstructured large patient cohort and evaluated different approaches. Preliminary results demonstrated that the use of collaborative filtering with phenotypic information is able to stratify patients with relatively similar rare diseases.

  15. Ecology and exploration of the rare biosphere. (United States)

    Lynch, Michael D J; Neufeld, Josh D


    The profound influence of microorganisms on human life and global biogeochemical cycles underlines the value of studying the biogeography of microorganisms, exploring microbial genomes and expanding our understanding of most microbial species on Earth: that is, those present at low relative abundance. The detection and subsequent analysis of low-abundance microbial populations—the 'rare biosphere'—have demonstrated the persistence, population dynamics, dispersion and predation of these microbial species. We discuss the ecology of rare microbial populations, and highlight molecular and computational methods for targeting taxonomic 'blind spots' within the rare biosphere of complex microbial communities.

  16. Ciliates and the rare biosphere-community ecology and population dynamics. (United States)

    Weisse, Thomas


    Application of deep sequencing technologies to environmental samples and some detailed morphological studies suggest that there is a vast, yet unexplored rare ciliate biosphere, tentatively defined in terms of operational taxonomic units. However, very few studies complemented molecular and phylogenetic data with morphological and ecological descriptions of the species inventory. This is mainly because the sampling effort increases strongly with decreasing species abundance. In spite of this limited knowledge, it is clear that species that are rare under certain environmental conditions (temporal rare biosphere) may become abundant when the physical, chemical, and biological variables of their habitat change. Furthermore, some species may always be present in low numbers if their dispersal rates are exceedingly high (accidental rare biosphere). An intriguing question is whether there are some species that are always rare, i.e., in every suitable environment. This permanent rare biosphere is conceptually different from the temporal rare biosphere. This review characterizes typical aquatic habitats of the rare ciliate biosphere, portrays different scenarios under which some or even many species may be permanently rare (background fauna), and identifies some fundamental questions that need to be addressed to achieve a better understanding of the population dynamics of the rare ciliate biosphere. © 2014 The Authors The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society of Protistologists.

  17. Study of treatment of a thorium and rare earths residue by extraction chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zini, Josiane; Abrao, Alcidio; Carvalho, Fatima Maria Sequeira de; Freitas, Antonio Alves de; Scapin, Marcos Antonio


    In the 70's was established at IPEN the project of a thorium compounds purification pilot plant that had the goal of fulfilling the nuclear technology purity standards. The used method was the purification by extraction with solvents in pulsed columns. The thorium remaining in the organic phase was back extracted as thorium nitrate with a high degree of purity. Impurities, thorium non-extracted and practically all rare earths in aqueous phase of this chemical process were precipitated as hydroxide, generating a product containing thorium and rare earths, that was denominated RETOTER (residue of thorium and rare earths). This residue was accumulated and today there are 25 (twenty-five) metric tons of this by product stored in the safeguard storage shed at IPEN that must to be treated due to the radiation of the thorium and mainly his daughters. The average composition of this residue is, 68% in thorium oxide (ThO 2 ), 5% in rare earths oxides (R 2 O 3 ), 0,3% in uranium oxide (U 3 O 8 ) and common impurities such as phosphorus, iron, titanium, lead and sodium. In this work a new method is presented for separation and purification of thorium from this residue, obtaining a concentrate with high degree of purity for nuclear and non-nuclear use. This process will contribute to establish a decreasing of residue volumes, to have a mind to the minimization of environmental impacts, the reduction of worker's exposition and reduction of the storage costs. In this process the separation and purification of uranium and thorium is done by chromatography extraction, being used polymeric resins, that are previously functionalized with organic solvent (extractor agent). The effluent of this process is a concentrate of rare earths that can be reprocessed in a subsequent fractionating for to obtaining the individual fractions. (author)

  18. Process for lead removal from rare earth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollat, A.; Sabot, J.L.


    An aqueous solution of rare earth chlorides and lead chlorides, with a chloride concentration of at least 2 moles/liter and a pH between 2 and 4, is extracted by an alkylphosphonic acid ester and rare earth(s) is (are) recovered from the organic phase [fr

  19. Social Work, Structured Fun and the Jokes of Social Structure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mik-Meyer, Nanna

    The topic of social work does not normally inspire laughter. So it is perhaps not surprising that research into the culture of social work rarely pursues its humorous aspect—the role of irony and laughter, for example. But if Michael Mulkay (1988) is right in suggesting that the domain of humor...

  20. Development of the parental needs scale for rare diseases: a tool for measuring the supportive care needs of parents caring for a child with a rare disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pelentsov LJ


    Full Text Available Lemuel J Pelentsov,1 Andrea L Fielder,2,3 Thomas A Laws,4 Adrian J Esterman1,2,5 1School of Nursing and Midwifery, 2Sansom Institute for Health Research, 3School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia; 4School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK; 5Australian Institute for Health and Tropical Medicine, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia Background: Children and families affected by rare diseases have received scant consideration from the medical, scientific, and political communities, with parents’ needs especially having received little attention. Affected parents often have limited access to information and support and appropriate health care services. While scales to measure the needs of parents of children with chronic illnesses have been developed, there have been no previous attempts to develop a scale to assess the needs of parents of children with rare diseases. Objective: To develop a scale for measuring the supportive care needs of parents of children with rare diseases. Method: A total of 301 responses to our Parental Needs Survey were randomly divided into two halves, one for exploratory factor analysis and the other for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA. After removing unsuitable items, exploratory factor analysis was undertaken to determine the factor structure of the data. CFA using structural equation modeling was then undertaken to confirm the factor structure. Results: Seventy-two items were entered into the CFA, with a scree plot showing a likely four-factor solution. The results provided four independent subscales of parental needs: Understanding the disease (four items; Working with health professionals (four items; Emotional issues (three items; and Financial needs (three items. The structural equation modeling confirmed the suitability of the four-factor solution and demonstrated that the four subscales could be added

  1. Micromagnetics of rare-earth efficient permanent magnets (United States)

    Fischbacher, Johann; Kovacs, Alexander; Gusenbauer, Markus; Oezelt, Harald; Exl, Lukas; Bance, Simon; Schrefl, Thomas


    The development of permanent magnets containing less or no rare-earth elements is linked to profound knowledge of the coercivity mechanism. Prerequisites for a promising permanent magnet material are a high spontaneous magnetization and a sufficiently high magnetic anisotropy. In addition to the intrinsic magnetic properties the microstructure of the magnet plays a significant role in establishing coercivity. The influence of the microstructure on coercivity, remanence, and energy density product can be understood by using micromagnetic simulations. With advances in computer hardware and numerical methods, hysteresis curves of magnets can be computed quickly so that the simulations can readily provide guidance for the development of permanent magnets. The potential of rare-earth reduced and rare-earth free permanent magnets is investigated using micromagnetic simulations. The results show excellent hard magnetic properties can be achieved in grain boundary engineered NdFeB, rare-earth magnets with a ThMn12 structure, Co-based nano-wires, and L10-FeNi provided that the magnet’s microstructure is optimized.

  2. Emerging industrial processes for low grade rare earth mineral concentrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soldenhoff, Karin; Ho, Elizabeth


    Historically rare earth recovery has mainly been derived from the processing of monazite, bastnasite and xenotime containing ores amenable to beneficiation, yielding high grade mineral concentrates. A notable exception is the recovery of heavy rare earths from ionic clays in Southern China. Recently, projects are being proposed to treat a range of mineral concentrates which tend to be lower grade with wide ranging modal mineralogy for rare earths and associated gangue minerals. This has a significant impact on processing routes. This paper discusses processes proposed for emerging rare earth producers and how different projects have responded to particular challenges including: Control of phosphorous due to the presence of xenotime or monazite type minerals; Control of phosphorous due to the presence of rare earth containing apatite; Rare earth recovery from polymetallic ores; Control of radionuclides in rare earth processing, etc.

  3. Investigations on fabricating strategies and utilization of rare earth based multicomponent oxide powders in radiation detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinde, Seema; Pitale, S.S.; Banthia, S.; Ghosh, M.; Tyagi, M.; Sen, S.; Gadkari, S.C.


    Materials containing rare earths demonstrate a broad field of applications as high energy radiation detectors, mainly due to their fascinating optical properties. Currently, Ce 3+ -doped rare earth silicates and garnets dominate the scintillator market because they show a high light yield, fast decay time, and high chemical stability. Moreover, the emission wavelength of silicates (410-440 nm) matches the wavelength sensitivity of conventional PMTs while, Si-photo-detector readouts are possible with garnets (emission near 550 nm). The composition, structure and phase of rare earth silicates are rather complex. For example, there are many phases like oxyorthosilicate R 2 SiO 5 , disilicate R 2 Si 2 O 7 , hexagonal R x (SiO 4 ) 6 O 2 oxyapatite etc (where R= Rare earth element). The controlled synthesis of single phase rare earth silicates and garnets nanomaterials is not easy and can only be reached with precisely controlled experimental conditions. In this work, we provide a broad overview of our recent scientific developments linked to a few aspects of synthesizing cerium activated rare earth based silicates and garnet materials, namely Gd 2 SiO 5 :Ce 3+ , Gd 4.67 (SiO 4 ) 3 O, Gd 2 Si 2 O 7 :Ce 3+ and Gd 3 Al x Ga 1-x O 12 :Ce 3+ (where 0≤x≤5) exploiting the advantages of solution combustion, chemical co-precipitation and hydrothermal techniques. A brief summary of results based on synthesis strategy adopted, composition, size shape and corresponding luminescence features of Gd based compounds are tabulated. The room temperature photoluminescence (PL) features of compounds listed. Efforts towards finding new properties and new materials will be continued and several applications, in particular energy-conversion and scintillator detectors, will benefit from these rare earth materials

  4. Cost of illness and economic evaluation in rare diseases. (United States)

    López-Bastida, Julio; Oliva-Moreno, Juan


    Rare diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in high income countries and have major repercussions on individuals and health care systems. This chapter examines the health economy of rare diseases from two different perspectives: firstly, the study of the economic impact of rare diseases (Cost of Illness studies); and, secondly, cost-effectiveness evaluation, which evaluates both the costs and results of the health care technologies applied in rare diseases. From the point of view of economics, health resource allocation is based on the principle of scarcity, as there are not - and never will be- sufficient resources for all worthy objectives. Hence, policy makers should balance costs and health outcomes. Rare diseases may well represent a significant societal burden that should rightly receive appropriate prioritisation of health care resources. As new and seemingly expensive health care technologies are developed for rare diseases, it will become increasingly important to evaluate potential and real impact of these new technologies in both dimensions: social costs and health outcomes.

  5. Astrophysics at RIA (ARIA) Working Group

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, Michael S.; Schatz, Hendrik; Timmes, Frank X.; Wiescher, Michael; Greife, Uwe


    The Astrophysics at RIA (ARIA) Working Group has been established to develop and promote the nuclear astrophysics research anticipated at the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA). RIA is a proposed next-generation nuclear science facility in the U.S. that will enable significant progress in studies of core collapse supernovae, thermonuclear supernovae, X-ray bursts, novae, and other astrophysical sites. Many of the topics addressed by the Working Group are relevant for the RIKEN RI Beam Factory, the planned GSI-Fair facility, and other advanced radioactive beam facilities

  6. Dioctophymiasis: A Rare Case Report. (United States)

    Chauhan, Sapna; Kaval, Sunil; Tewari, Swati


    Dioctophyma renale commonly known as "giant kidney worm' is found in the kidney of carnivorous mammals. Human infestation is rare, but results in destruction of the kidneys. Very few cases have been reported worldwide. We are here reporting a case of Dioctophymiasis in a 35-year-old male patient who presented with retention of urine and subsequent passage of worm and blood in urine. The worm was confirmed as Dioctophyma renale based on its morphology and clinical presentation. This is a very rare case report and to best of our knowledge only two cases have been reported from India.

  7. Reordering of Nuclear Quantum States in Rare Isotopes (United States)

    Flanagan, Kieran


    A key question in modern nuclear physics relates to the ordering of quantum states, and whether the predictions made by the shell model hold true far from stability. Recent innovations in technology and techniques at radioactive beam facilities have allowed access to rare isotopes previously inaccessible to experimentalists. Measurements that have been performed in several regions of the nuclear chart have yielded surprising and dramatic changes in nuclear structure, where level ordering is quite different than expected from previous theoretical descriptions. In order to reconcile the difference between experiment and theory, new shell-model interactions have been proposed, which include the role of the tensor force as part of the monopole term from the expansion of the residual proton-neutron interaction. This has motivated a series of laser spectroscopy experiments that have studied the neutron-rich copper and gallium isotopes at the ISOLDE facility. This work has deduced without nuclear-model dependence the spin, moments and charge radii. The results of this work and their implications for nuclear structure near ^78Ni will be discussed. )

  8. Health Systems Sustainability and Rare Diseases. (United States)

    Ferrelli, Rita Maria; De Santis, Marta; Egle Gentile, Amalia; Taruscio, Domenica


    The paper is addressing aspects of health system sustainability for rare diseases in relation to the current economic crisis and equity concerns. It takes into account the results of the narrative review carried out in the framework of the Joint Action for Rare Diseases (Joint RD-Action) "Promoting Implementation of Recommendations on Policy, Information and Data for Rare Diseases", that identified networks as key factors for health systems sustainability for rare diseases. The legal framework of European Reference Networks and their added value is also presented. Networks play a relevant role for health systems sustainability, since they are based upon, pay special attention to and can intervene on health systems knowledge development, partnership, organizational structure, resources, leadership and governance. Moreover, sustainability of health systems can not be separated from the analysis of the context and the action on it, including fiscal equity. As a result of the financial crisis of 2008, cuts of public health-care budgets jeopardized health equity, since the least wealthy suffered from the greatest health effects. Moreover, austerity policies affected economic growth much more adversely than previously believed. Therefore, reducing public health expenditure not only is going to jeopardise citizens' health, but also to hamper fair and sustainable development.

  9. Cermets based on rhenium and rare earth element oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varfolomeev, M.B.; Velichko, A.V.; Zajtseva, L.L.; Shishkov, N.V.


    The reduction of perrhenates of rare earth elements and of yttrium by hydrogen and the subsequent sintering have yielded cermets based on rhenium and rare earth element oxides inherent in which are more disperse and homogeneous structures than those of the ''molecular'' rare earth element-Tc cermets. The dispersity of cermets increases in the rare earth elements series from La to Lu. The microhardness of the Re phase in cermets is 490 kgf/mm 2 ; the total microhardness of a cermet is substantially higher

  10. Report 1: International Cooperation to Development of Strategy and R&D Collaboration for Substitution of Rare Earth Resources and Report 2: Development of Magnetocaloric Alloys without Critical Elements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Min Ha [Ames Laboratory (AMES), Ames, IA (United States); Ott, Ryan [Ames Laboratory (AMES), Ames, IA (United States)


    A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ames Laboratory and Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) in April of 2011 to establish a close cooperative relationship of research on Rare Metals. The Ames Laboratory through its operating contractor, Iowa State University, and the KITECH, as one of the goals of a joint Memorandum of Understanding, made agreement on a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) for a personnel exchange in April of 2012. Ames Laboratory and KITECH would be jointly performing collaboration work in this cooperation as the Parties. The individual backgrounds and capabilities of the Parties are ideally suited to the successful execution of this work. The Ames Laboratory has a history spanning more than 60 years of pioneering work in rare-earth (RE) research. With its team of internationally recognized rare-earth experts, the Ames Laboratory is uniquely positioned to provide the knowledge, expertise and training necessary to help ensure a global leadership position for the United States in rare-earth research, development and applications. The KITECH was founded to promote technological capability of small and medium-sized enterprises in Korea and has a mission of supporting research on materials science and engineering in Korea. In 2009, Korea Institute for Rare Metals (KIRAM) at KITECH was established. KIRAM makes selection and funding decisions for technology projects for strategic rare metals, and provides oversight of R&D programs. The KIRAM is focusing on the commercialization and recycling of particular rare metals. In addition KIRAM will be coordinating government, local universities, and small to medium enterprises to facilitate R&D support for core technologies. KIRAM will be carrying them through to commercialization, and establishing new industry.

  11. Rare Isotope Accelerator - Conceptual Design of Target Areas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bollen, Georg [Michigan State University, East Lansing; Baek, Inseok [Michigan State University, East Lansing; Blideanu, Valentin [CEA, Saclay, France; Lawton, Don [Michigan State University, East Lansing; Mantica, Paul F. [Michigan State University, East Lansing; Morrissey, David J. [Michigan State University, East Lansing; Ronningen, Reginald M. [Michigan State University, East Lansing; Sherrill, Bradley S. [Michigan State University, East Lansing; Zeller, Albert [Michigan State University, East Lansing; Beene, James R [ORNL; Burgess, Tom [Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); Carter, Kenneth [Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); Carrol, Adam [Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); Conner, David [ORNL; Gabriel, Tony A [ORNL; Mansur, Louis K [ORNL; Remec, Igor [ORNL; Rennich, Mark J [ORNL; Stracener, Daniel W [ORNL; Wendel, Mark W [ORNL; Ahle, Larry [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); Boles, Jason [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); Reyes, Susana [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); Stein, Werner [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); Heilbronn, Lawrence [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)


    The planned rare isotope accelerator facility RIA in the US would become the most powerful radioactive beam facility in the world. RIA s driver accelerator will be a device capable of providing beams from protons to uranium at energies of at least 400MeV per nucleon, with beam power up to 400 kW. Radioactive beam production relies on both the in-flight separation of fast beam fragments and on the ISOL technique. In both cases the high beam power poses major challenges for target technology and handling and on the design of the beam production areas. This paper will give a brief overview of RIA and discuss aspects of ongoing conceptual design work for the RIA target areas.

  12. Rare isotope accelerator-conceptual design of target areas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bollen, Georg [National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 (United States)]. E-mail:; Baek, Inseok; Blideanu, Valentin; Lawton, Don; Mantica, Paul F.; Morrissey, David J.; Ronningen, Reginald M.; Sherrill, Bradley S.; Zeller, Albert [National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 (United States); Beene, James R.; Burgess, Tom; Carter, Kenneth; Carrol, Adam; Conner, David; Gabriel, Tony; Mansur, Louis; Remec, Igor; Rennich, Mark; Stracener, Dan; Wendel, Mark [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (United States); Ahle, Larry; Boles, Jason; Reyes, Susana; Stein, Werner [Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 (United States); Heilbronn, Lawrence [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States)


    The planned rare isotope accelerator facility RIA in the US would become the most powerful radioactive beam facility in the world. RIA's driver accelerator will be a device capable of providing beams from protons to uranium at energies of at least 400 MeV per nucleon, with beam power up to 400 kW. Radioactive beam production relies on both the in-flight separation of fast beam fragments and on the ISOL technique. In both cases the high beam power poses major challenges for target technology and handling and on the design of the beam production areas. This paper will give a brief overview of RIA and discuss aspects of ongoing conceptual design work for the RIA target areas.

  13. Ambras syndrome: A rare case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Ishita


    Full Text Available Congenital generalized hypertrichosis associated with gingival hyperplasia are rare cases published in literature. The frequency incidence of generalized congenital hypertrichosis is about one to billions of people. Hypertrichosis and gingival hyperplasia are termed as Ambras syndrome (AS, which can be noticed at birth or soon after. Here, is a rare case report of 4-year-old male child who presented with generalized hypertrichosis with gingival fibromatosis and dysmorphic facial features.

  14. Rare cancers in The Netherlands: a population-based study. (United States)

    van der Zwan, Jan M; van Dijk, Boukje A C; Visser, Otto; van Krieken, Han J H J M; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Siesling, Sabine


    The conventional definition for rare disease is based on prevalence. Because of differences in prognosis, a definition on the basis of incidence was deemed to be more appropriate for rare cancers. Within the European RARECARE project, a definition was introduced that defines cancers as rare when the crude incidence rate is less than six per 100 000 per year. In this study, we applied the RARECARE definition for rare cancer to the Netherlands; this to identify the usefulness of the definition in a single country and to provide more insight into the burden of rare cancers in the Netherlands. Data for 2004 through 2008 were extracted from the Netherlands Cancer Registry and classified according to the RARECARE entities (tumour groupings). Crude and European standardized incidence rates were calculated. Out of the 260 entities, 223 (86%) were rare according to the definition, accounting for 14 000 cancers (17% of all). Considerable fluctuations in crude rates over years were observed for the major group of cancers. Rare tumours in the Netherlands constituted 17% of all newly diagnosed tumours, but were divided over 223 different entities, indicating the challenge that faces clinicians. To make the definition of rare cancers better applicable, it should be refined by taking into consideration the sex-specific incidence for sex-specific cancer sites. Moreover, a mean incidence over 5 years will provide more solid insight into the burden, eliminating large fluctuations in time of most of the cancers.

  15. Recovery of rare earths from red mud

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bautista, R.G.


    The prospect for the recovery of rare earths from red mud, the bauxite tailings from the production of alumina is examined. The Jamaican red mud by far has the higher trace concentrations of lanthanum, cerium, neodymium, and yttrium. Scandium is also present. The dissolution of the rare earth is a major extraction problem because of the large volume of other materials. The recovery processes that have been proposed include the production of co-products such as iron, alumina, and titanium concentrates, with the rare earths going with the titanium. In this paper a critical examination of the possible processes are presented with the recommended research projects to be carried out

  16. Contribution to the study of diffusion in rare earth metals and actinides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marbach, Gabriel.


    This work describes several experiments carried out in order to understand the process of self diffusion in rare earth and actinides (self diffusion of body centered cubic γ neptunium, diffusion of gadolinium in body centered delta cerium, measurement of the activation volume of face centered cubic γ cerium). The unstable electronic structure of some elements cannot be correlate with anomalous diffusion properties. In fact the diffusion parameters of neptunium and plutonium are similar (high diffusivity and low activation energy) whereas the electronic structure of neptunium is stable and that of plutonium is temperature dependent. The negative activation volume of the body centered cubic phases of plutonium and cerium does not indicate a particular diffusion mechanism since self diffusion is faster under pressure in face centered cubic γ cerium where a vacancy mechanism is assumed according to earlier results. The vacancy mechanism is the most probable diffusion process in the body centered cubic and compact phases of rare earths and actinides [fr

  17. Separation of uranium from rare earths in chloride medium using Alamine 336

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mondal, S.; Giriyalkar, A.B.; Singh, A.K.; Hubli, R.C.


    Present work was carried out to optimize a process to separate uranium from rare earths using Alamine-336 (tri-n-octyl amine). This paper describes the process of extraction of uranium from chloride liquor generated after dissolution of impure SDU cake in hydrochloric acid. The solvent used in this study is Alamine-336 which was procured from M/s. Chemical Centre, Mumbai. Dodecane was used as diluent and isodecanol as phase modifier. The extraction and stripping experiments were carried out in separating funnels shaken manually at room temperature. The contact time was fixed at five minutes for all the experiments. Following contact, the aqueous phase and the organic phase were separated and the aqueous phase was taken up for analysis. Analysis of uranium and rare earths were done by ICP-AES. Metal extraction by amines depends on the capacity of the metallic ions to form anionic/neutral species in the aqueous media; these species are then extracted by anion exchange mechanism or by adduct formation respectively

  18. Revisiting the plant hyperaccumulation criteria to rare plants and earth abundant elements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Branquinho, Cristina [Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias, Centro de Ecologia e Biologia Vegetal, Campo Grande C2, Piso 4, 1749-016 Lisbon (Portugal) and Universidade Atlantica, Antiga Fabrica da Polvora de Barcarena, 2745-615 Barcarena (Portugal)]. E-mail:; Serrano, Helena Cristina [Universidade de Lisboa, Museu Nacional de Historia Natural, Jardim Botanico (Portugal); Pinto, Manuel Joao [Universidade de Lisboa, Museu Nacional de Historia Natural, Jardim Botanico (Portugal); Martins-Loucao, Maria Amelia [Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias, Centro de Ecologia e Biologia Vegetal, Campo Grande C2, Piso 4, 1749-016 Lisbon (Portugal); Universidade de Lisboa, Museu Nacional de Historia Natural, Jardim Botanico (Portugal)


    The several established criteria to define a hyperaccumulator plant were applied to a rare and endangered species, Plantago almogravensis, and to the 3rd most abundant element in the earth crust, Al. Using the most common criteria, P. almogravensis undoubtedly is an Al hyperaccumulator plant. If the recent proposed requirements were considered, most of them matching those for a plant to be used in phytoextraction, it can only be considered an unusual accumulator of Al. A discussion is made concerning the several criteria of a hyperaccumulator plant in order to include rare and endemic ones and abundant elements. In ecological terms, the enrichment in Al and Fe observed may account for the differences in the vegetation pattern. Due to the rarity and endangered nature of this plant, the contribution of this work is also relevant for the ecological understanding and the development of conservation options of this endemic species. - Revisiting plant hyperaccumulation criteria.

  19. Revisiting the plant hyperaccumulation criteria to rare plants and earth abundant elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Branquinho, Cristina; Serrano, Helena Cristina; Pinto, Manuel Joao; Martins-Loucao, Maria Amelia


    The several established criteria to define a hyperaccumulator plant were applied to a rare and endangered species, Plantago almogravensis, and to the 3rd most abundant element in the earth crust, Al. Using the most common criteria, P. almogravensis undoubtedly is an Al hyperaccumulator plant. If the recent proposed requirements were considered, most of them matching those for a plant to be used in phytoextraction, it can only be considered an unusual accumulator of Al. A discussion is made concerning the several criteria of a hyperaccumulator plant in order to include rare and endemic ones and abundant elements. In ecological terms, the enrichment in Al and Fe observed may account for the differences in the vegetation pattern. Due to the rarity and endangered nature of this plant, the contribution of this work is also relevant for the ecological understanding and the development of conservation options of this endemic species. - Revisiting plant hyperaccumulation criteria

  20. Leaching of rare earth elements from bentonite clay


    van der Watt, J.G; Waanders, F.B


    Due to increasing concerns of global rare earth element shortfalls in the near future, possible alternative sources of rare earth elements have recently become of economic interest. One such alternative is decanting acid mine water originating primarily from abandoned old mines in the Witwatersrand region of the Republic of South Africa. In this study, a novel way of rare earth element removal from the acid mine drainage was employed, making use of bentonite clay, which has very good adsorben...

  1. Asset pricing under rational learning about rare disasters


    Koulovatianos, Christos; Wieland, Volker


    This paper proposes a new approach for modeling investor fear after rare disasters. The key element is to take into account that investors’ information about fundamentals driving rare downward jumps in the dividend process is not perfect. Bayesian learning implies that beliefs about the likelihood of rare disasters drop to a much more pessimistic level once a disaster has occurred. Such a shift in beliefs can trigger massive declines in price-dividend ratios. Pessimistic beliefs persist for s...

  2. Research On Technology Of Making Rare Earth Alloy Having Rare Earth Content ≽30% From Ore (≽40% REO) Using Aluminum Thermal Technology In Arc Furnace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ngo Xuan Hung; Ngo Trong Hiep; Tran Duy Hai; Nguyen Huu Phuc


    Arc furnace was used to smelt materials consisting of rare earth ore having rare earth content of ≽40% REO, aluminum as the reducing agent and additives. Rare earth alloy was obtained with rare earth metal content of more than 30%. (author)

  3. Rare earth elements and permanent magnets (invited) (United States)

    Dent, Peter C.


    Rare earth (RE) magnets have become virtually indispensible in a wide variety of industries such as aerospace, automotive, electronics, medical, and military. RE elements are essential ingredients in these high performance magnets based on intermetallic compounds RECo5, RE2TM17 (TM: transition metal), and RE2TM14B. Rare earth magnets are known for their superior magnetic properties—high induction, and coercive force. These properties arise due to the extremely high magnetocrystalline anisotropy made possible by unique 3d-4f interactions between transition metals and rare earths. For more than 40 years, these magnets remain the number one choice in applications that require high magnetic fields in extreme operating conditions—high demagnetization forces and high temperature. EEC produces and specializes in RECo5 and RE2TM17 type sintered magnets. Samarium and gadolinium are key RE ingredients in the powder metallurgical magnet production processes which include melting, crushing, jet milling, pressing, sintering, and heat treating. The magnetic properties and applications of these magnets will be discussed. We will also briefly discuss the past, current, and future of the permanent magnet business. Currently, over 95% of all pure rare earth oxides are sourced from China, which currently controls the market. We will provide insights regarding current and potential new magnet technologies and designer choices, which may mitigate rare earth supply chain issues now and into the future.

  4. Distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in plants from a rare earth ore area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Z.Y.; Wang, Y.Q.; Li, F.L.; Xiao, H.Q.; Chai, Z.F.


    The contents of eight rare earth elements (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu) in various plant species taken from a rare earth ore area were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. For a given plant, the REE patterns in root, leaf and host soil are different from each other. The REE distribution characteristics in roots of various species are very similar and resemble those in the surface water. The results of this study suggest that there is no significant fractionation between the REEs during their uptake by the plant roots from soil solution. However, the variation of the relative abundance of individual REE occurs in the process of transportation and deposition of REEs in plants. (author)

  5. Direct rare earth determination by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marin, Sergio; Cornejo, Silvia; Rojas, Jacqueline


    In the present work, the use of the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), for the sequential determination of Rare Earth elements in the metallurgical process samples is described. In the first place, the optimum parameters for the determination of the elements in study are established, like instrumental calibration, wavelengths spectral selection and interference of matrix. Next, the methodology for the digestion of solid samples (system of digestion with pressure) and the recovery of the interest elements are presented. Two material rocks as of reference Syenite SY3 are used. In order to assure the validity of the obtained data, the reference materials SY2 and SY3 were analyzed by means of two different techniques, ICP-OES and ICP-Mass, this last one was made by an international laboratory and a fusion with lithium metaborate was used with digestion method. Finally, the obtained results demonstrate that the reproducibility in the recovery of rare earth analyzed by both techniques is comparable, and that the methodology of digestion used for these elements is statistically valid (author)

  6. Isopiestic determination of the activity coefficients of some aqueous rare earth electrolyte solutions at 250C. I. The rare earth chlorides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spedding, F.H.; Weber, H.O.; Saeger, V.W.; Petheram, H.H.; Rard, J.A.; Habenschuss, A.


    The osmotic coefficients of the aqueous trichlorides of La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, and Y were determined from 0.1 M to saturation at 25 0 C. Semiempirical least-squares equations were obtained for the osmotic coefficients as a function of molality and these equations were used to calculate water activities and mean molal activity coefficients. The water activities of the light rare earth chlorides at constant molalities are higher than for the heavy rare earths, while the mean molal activity coefficients are larger for the heavy rare earths than for the light ones. The above effects are discussed in terms of changes in the cationic radii and hydration of the rare earth ions

  7. Whole-exome sequencing identifies common and rare variant metabolic QTLs in a Middle Eastern population. (United States)

    Yousri, Noha A; Fakhro, Khalid A; Robay, Amal; Rodriguez-Flores, Juan L; Mohney, Robert P; Zeriri, Hassina; Odeh, Tala; Kader, Sara Abdul; Aldous, Eman K; Thareja, Gaurav; Kumar, Manish; Al-Shakaki, Alya; Chidiac, Omar M; Mohamoud, Yasmin A; Mezey, Jason G; Malek, Joel A; Crystal, Ronald G; Suhre, Karsten


    Metabolomics-genome-wide association studies (mGWAS) have uncovered many metabolic quantitative trait loci (mQTLs) influencing human metabolic individuality, though predominantly in European cohorts. By combining whole-exome sequencing with a high-resolution metabolomics profiling for a highly consanguineous Middle Eastern population, we discover 21 common variant and 12 functional rare variant mQTLs, of which 45% are novel altogether. We fine-map 10 common variant mQTLs to new metabolite ratio associations, and 11 common variant mQTLs to putative protein-altering variants. This is the first work to report common and rare variant mQTLs linked to diseases and/or pharmacological targets in a consanguineous Arab cohort, with wide implications for precision medicine in the Middle East.

  8. Analysis of rare categories

    CERN Document Server

    He, Jingrui


    This book focuses on rare category analysis where the majority classes have smooth distributions and the minority classes exhibit the compactness property. It focuses on challenging cases where the support regions of the majority and minority classes overlap.

  9. Fascinating world of rare earth research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gschneidner, K.A. Jr.


    The first part of this paper concerns some of the notable events which occurred early in the author's career as a rare earther and some of the major events which took place in the two decades 1950 to 1970. The notable changes and advances in the rare earth research world since the 1971 Durham Conference are described in the second and largest part of the paper. The final portion is concerned with actinide developments since 1971

  10. Mammography with rare earth intensifying screens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maurer, H.J.; Goos, F.


    Screens basing on rare earth phosphors with suitable films green or blue sensitive may be used in mammography with grids without diagnostic losses. Highest definition will be obtained with medium densities on film. High-speed screens may reduce dose, but definition is poor. Best compromise between speed and high definition may be reached with relative low thickness of phosphor layers. A system of high definition films (Medichrome) and special rare earth screens give best results. (orig.) [de

  11. Radiological aspects in a monazite based rare earth production facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harikumar, M.; Sujata, R.; Chinnaesakki, S.; Tripathi, R.M.; Puranik, V.D.; Nair, N.N.G.


    One of the largest reserves of monazite in the world is present in the Indian subcontinent. Monazite ore has around 8-9% thorium oxide and nearly 60% Rare earth oxides. Selective acid extraction is used to separate the composite rare earths. The main radiological hazard arises from the presence of thorium and its daughter products. Monitoring of the radiation field and air activity in the rare earths plant is done routinely to reduce the radiation exposure to plant personnel. The separation of uranium and rare earths from Thorium concentrate separated from Monazite is being done as a part of the THRUST (Thorium Retrieval, Recovery of Uranium and Re-storage of Thorium) project from 2004 at Indian Rare Earths Limited, Udyogamandal. The radiological aspect for this extraction of uranium and rare earths was studied. The general radiation field in the rare earth production plant was 0.3-5.0 μGyh -1 and the average short lived air activity was 46 ± 7 mWL. The long lived air activity arising from 232 Th is very insignificant radiologically. The occupational radiation exposure for the rare earths separation plant is only 6 % of the total dose and the estimated average individual dose is 1.6 mSv per year. Studies were also done to estimate the residual radioactivity in the separated rare earth compounds using gamma spectrometry and the results showed significant presence of 227 Ac arising due to the protactinium fraction in the thorium concentrate. This activity is not detectable in a freshly separated rare earth compound but can buildup with time. (author)

  12. Non-union of the trapezium: rare consequence of a rare injury (United States)

    Samson, Deepak; Jones, Matthew; Mahon, Andrew


    Abstract Fractures of the trapezium are rare and easily missed. As these injuries are often imperceptible on plain radiographs, diagnosis in the ED setting is challenging. We report a case of an isolated fracture of the trapezium which was picked up as a non-union 5 months after the injury following persistence of symptoms. PMID:29765589

  13. Investigation on rare earth magnets recycling by organophosphoric extractant encapsulated polymeric beads for separation of dysprosium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadav, Kartikey K.; Singh, D.K.; Kain, V.


    Rare earth elements (REEs) are a basic requirement of the electronics and new industries including green technology. In the present work an organophosphoric extractant encapsulating polyethersulfone (PES) beads has been developed and employed for dysprosium (Dy) separation from aqueous stream. Polyethersulfonic beads encapsulating PC88A were prepared by phase inversion method. During the synthesis of the beads, preparatory parameters were also optimized to obtain best suited beads which were subsequently characterized for their encapsulation capacity and micro structural investigation. The results obtained in the present investigation suggested that PES/PVAJPC88A composite beads could be used for separation of rare earths from aqueous medium obtained from the solubilisation of magnetic scrap materials

  14. On solubility of rare earth chlorides in water at different temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikolaev, A.V.; Sorokina, A.A.; Sokolova, N.P.; Kotlyar-Shapirov, G.S.; Bagryantseva, L.I.


    Solubility of rare earth chlorides at -5, -10 and -15 deg C is studied. Rare earth chloride solubility dependences on the temperature in the interval from -15 to 50 deg C are presented. Decrease of solubility temperature coefficient to a zero is observed at temperature drop almost for all rare earth chlorides. Solubility temperature coefficient at the same temperature but for different rare earth chlorides reduces appreciably with the growth of rare earth chloride serial number. This testifies to the corresponding decrease of integral solution heat of rare earth chloride crystallohydrates

  15. On fluorozirconates and fluorohafnates of rare earths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korenev, Yu.M.; Antipov, P.I.; Novoselova, A.V.


    It has been shown by the method of X-ray phase analysis that on interaction between rare-earth fluorides and zirconium and hafnium tetrafluorides, compounds with 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 molar ratios of components are formed. Compounds of the LnHfF 4 type are prepared for all rare-earths. Fluoro-metals of the LnHf 2 F 11 composition are typical only of light lanthanides from lanthanum to neodymium, while pentafluorated salts Ln(EF 5 ) 3 are formed in the reaction between EF 4 with fluorides of heavy rare-earth elements from samarium to lutecium, as well as with yttrium trifluoride. Parameters of unit cells of heptafluohafnates and pentafluometallates are determined

  16. Seleção dos indicadores da qualidade das águas superficiais pelo emprego da análise multivariada Surface water quality indicators in low Acaraú basin, Ceará, Brazil, using multivariable analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eunice M. de Andrade


    Full Text Available Os fatores antrópicos e naturais que determinam a qualidade das águas superficiais na Bacia do Baixo Acaraú foram identificados pelo emprego da técnica de Análise Fatorial/Análise da Componente Principal (AF/ACP. Foram realizadas quatro campanhas no período de fev./2003 a mar./2004, em sete pontos de amostragem localizados ao longo do Rio Acaraú. Foram analisados 25 parâmetros físico-químicos e bacteriológicos. Pelo emprego da AF/ACP, identificou-se que o modelo de melhor ajuste para expressar a qualidade das águas na Bacia do Baixo Acaraú foi aquele composto por quatro fatores, explicando 82,1% da variância total. O primeiro fator representa a componente de sólidos em suspensão, expressando o processo de erosão e escoamento superficial. O segundo fator é definido por uma componente de nutrientes associados aos esgotos sanitários, às áreas agrícolas e a outras fontes de poluição difusa; o terceiro fator é indicativo da ação antrópica (componente orgânica, enquanto o quarto representa os sais solúveis que expressam o processo natural do intemperismo das rochas. Outro ponto observado é que a análise fatorial não resultou em grande redução no número de variáveis, uma vez que o melhor ajuste do modelo ocorreu com a inclusão de 18 das 25 variáveis analisadas.Multivariate statistical technique, factor analysis/principal component analysis (FA/PCA, was applied to identify the human activity effects and natural processes on surface water quality in Low Acaraú basin, Ceará, Brazil. Water samples were collected in four different campaigns from Feb/2003 to Mar/2004, at seven sampling stations sited in low Acaraú watershed. Twenty-five physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters were examined in this study. The FA/PCA allowed the identification of the total variance. The best model was adjusted with four components, explaining 82.1% of the data variance. The first factor was mainly associated with suspended

  17. Perforating pilomatrixoma showing atypical presentation: A rare clinical variant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nevra Seyhan


    Full Text Available Pilomatrixoma, also known as calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe, is a rare benign skin tumor arising from hair follicle stem cells. The most common localization is the head and neck region. Female/male ratio is 3/2. It shows deep subcutaneous placement and occurs in the first two decades of life. Its diameter ranges from 0.5 cm to 3 cm. Multiple lesions are rarely seen. Histopathologically it is characterized by basoloid and ghost cells. Perforating type is a rare clinical variant. Treatment is surgical excision. Our case is presented to draw attention to a rare clinical variant of pilomatrixioma.

  18. Geochemical characteristics of trace and rare earth elements in Xiangyangping uranium deposit of Guangxi

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Qi; Xiao Jianjun; Fan Liting; Wen Cheng


    The trace and rare earth elements analysis were performed on two kinds ore-hosting rocks (Xiangcaoping granite and Douzhashan granite), alternated cataclastic granite and uranium ores in Xiangyangping uranium deposit of Guangxi. The results show that both of the two kinds granites display similar maturity features of highly evolved crust with the enrichment of Rb, Th, U, Ta and Pb, the depletion of Ba and Sr, high Rb/Sr and low Nb/Ta ratio, moderately rich light rare earth elements, strong negative Eu anomaly. Moreover, Douzhashan granite have higher Rb/Sr ratio and U content, which indicate it experienced more sufficient magma evolution and have higher potential of uranium source. There are almost no change in the content of trace and rare earth elements and distribution patterns during chloritization, hydromicazation and potash feldspathization of granite, but there occurred uranium enrichment and mineralization and REE remobilization while hematitization was superposed. This suggest that hematitization is most closely correlated with uranium mineralization in the working area. Because Most hematitization cataclastic rocks and uranium ore display similar geochemical characteristics to Douzhashan granite with relative high Rb/Sr and low Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf, ΣREE, LREE/HREE ration, and the trace and rare earth elements content and distribution patterns of some Xiangcaoping hematitization cataclastic rocks are between the two kinds of granite, therefore it can be concluded that the mineralization materials were mainly from Douzhashan granite and partly from Xiangcaoping granite. (authors)

  19. Determination of active oxygen content in rare earth peroxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Queiroz, Carlos A.S.; Abrao, Alcidio


    The content of active oxygen in rare earth peroxides have been determined after the dissolution of the samples with hydrocloridic acid in the presence of potassium iodide. The free generated iodine is titrated with sodium thiosulfate using starch as indicator. The oxidation of iodide to the free iodine indicates the presence of a higher valence state rare earth oxide, until now specifically recognized for the oxides of cerium (Ce O 2 ), praseodymium (Pr 6 O 1 1) and terbium (TB 4 O 7 ). recently the authors synthesized a new series of rare earth compounds, the peroxides. These new compounds were prepared by precipitating the rare earth elements complexed with carbonate ion by addition of hydrogen peroxide. the authors demonstrated that all rare earth elements, once solubilized by complexing with carbonate ion, are quantitatively precipitated as peroxide by addition of hydrogen peroxide. (author)

  20. China’s Rare Earths Production Forecasting and Sustainable Development Policy Implications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xibo Wang


    Full Text Available Because of their unique physical and chemical properties, Rare earth elements (REEs perform important functions in our everyday lives, with use in a range of products. Recently, the study of China’s rare earth elements production has become a hot topic of worldwide interest, because of its dominant position in global rare earth elements supply, and an increasing demand for rare earth elements due to the constant use of rare earth elements in high-tech manufacturing industries. At the same time, as an exhaustible resource, the sustainable development of rare earth elements has received extensive attention. However, most of the study results are based on a qualitative analysis of rare earth elements distribution and production capacity, with few studies using quantitative modeling. To achieve reliable results with more factors being taken into consideration, this paper applies the generic multivariant system dynamics model to forecast China’s rare earth elements production trend and Hubbert peak, using Vensim software based on the Hubbert model. The results show that the peak of China’s rare earth elements production will appear by 2040, and that production will slowly decline afterwards. Based on the results, the paper proposes some policy recommendations for the sustainable development of China’s—and the world’s—rare earth elements market and rare earth-related industries.

  1. Onze anos de experiência com emprego do anel intraluminal para tratamento das doenças da aorta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    BERNARDES Rodrigo de Castro


    pseudo- aneurisma, roturas ou estenose. Concluindo, em nosso Serviço, o emprego de anel intraluminal facilita o ato cirúrgico, reduz o tempo de anastomose e o sangramento, proporcionando facilidade técnica, redução da mortalidade e boa perspectiva de sobrevida a longo prazo.

  2. The formation of crystals in glasses containing rare earth oxides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fadzil, Syazwani Mohd [Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Hrma, Pavel [Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, South Korea and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington (United States); Crum, Jarrod [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington (United States); Siong, Khoo Kok; Ngatiman, Mohammad Fadzlee; Said, Riduan Mt [National University of Malaysia, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor (Malaysia)


    Korean spent nuclear fuel will reach the capacity of the available temporary storage by 2016. Pyroprocessing and direct disposal seems to be an alternative way to manage and reuse spent nuclear fuel while avoiding the wet reprocessing technology. Pyroprocessing produces several wastes streams, including metals, salts, and rare earths, which must be converted into stabilized form. A suitable form for rare earth immobilization is borosilicate glass. The borosilicate glass form exhibits excellent durability, allows a high waste loading, and is easy to process. In this work, we combined the rare earths waste of composition (in wt%) 39.2Nd{sub 2}O{sub 3}–22.7CeO{sub 2}–11.7La{sub 2}O{sub 3}–10.9PrO{sub 2}–1.3Eu{sub 2}O{sub 3}–1.3Gd{sub 2}O{sub 3}–8.1Sm{sub 2}O{sub 3}–4.8Y{sub 2}O{sub 3} with a baseline glass of composition 60.2SiO{sub 2}–16.0B{sub 2}O{sub 3}–12.6Na{sub 2}O–3.8Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}–5.7CaO–1.7ZrO{sub 2}. Crystallization in waste glasses occurs as the waste loading increases. It may produce complicate glass processing and affect the product quality. To study crystal formation, we initially made glasses containing 5%, 10% and 15% of La{sub 2}O{sub 3} and then glasses with 5%, 10% and 15% of the complete rare earth mix. Samples were heat-treated for 24 hours at temperatures 800°C to 1150°C in 50°C increments. Quenched samples were analyzed using an optical microscope, scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Stillwellite (LaBSiO{sub 5}) and oxyapatite (Ca{sub 2}La{sub 8}Si{sub 6}O{sub 26}) were found in glasses containing La{sub 2}O{sub 3}, while oxyapatite (Ca{sub 2}La{sub 8}Si{sub 6}O{sub 26} and NaNd{sub 9}Si{sub 6}O{sub 26}) precipitated in glasses with additions of mixed rare earths. The liquidus temperature (T{sub L}) of the glasses containing 5%, 10% and 15% La{sub 2}O{sub 3} were 800°C, 959°C and 986°C, respectively; while T{sub L} was 825°C, 1059°C and 1267°C for glasses

  3. Urethral Leiomyoma: A Rare Clinical Entity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ng Beng Kwang


    Full Text Available Extrauterine leiomyomas are encountered occasionally, which can pose a diagnostic dilemma and challenge to the gynaecologist. We report a rare case of urethral leiomyoma. A 31-year-old woman with history of primary subfertility presented with mass at her urethral meatus and lower urinary tract symptoms. She underwent examination under anaesthesia and excision of the urethral mass. Histopathological examination confirmed leiomyoma. Diagnosis and management of this common growth situated at a rare location were reviewed and discussed.

  4. [Research funding for rare diseases in Germany]. (United States)

    Wissing, Frank; Bruckner-Tuderman, Leena


    There is high need for more research in the field of rare diseases. Not only must the causes and mechanisms of the numerous and often heterogeneous diseases be delineated, but criteria must also be defined for optimal stratification of patients for individualized therapies. In this context, research and innovative diagnostics are linked together more closely than in other fields of medicine. The early stages of disease-oriented research can be performed in individual institutions but, due to low numbers of patients, late translation and transfer into clinics requires multicentric and international collaboration. In Germany research on rare diseases takes place mostly in faculties of medicine at universities. Since the institutional financial support is very low, research grants have substantial significance. The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) are the main grant agencies for national projects, but foundations and patient advocacy groups also finance research to a certain extent. The ERA-Net "E-Rare" and the programs of the EU target primarily international cross-border projects and patient trials. All of these programs need to be adapted more efficiently to the particular needs of rare disease research. For national and international research projects on rare diseases, sufficient funds are needed but also sustainable interdisciplinary platforms and centers must be established in order to share expert knowledge and to implement complex programs such as proof-of-concept studies in humans.

  5. Replacing critical rare earth materials in high energy density magnets (United States)

    McCallum, R. William


    High energy density permanent magnets are crucial to the design of internal permanent magnet motors (IPM) for hybride and electric vehicles and direct drive wind generators. Current motor designs use rare earth permanent magnets which easily meet the performance goals, however, the rising concerns over cost and foreign control of the current supply of rare earth resources has motivated a search for non-rare earth based permanent magnets alloys with performance metrics which allow the design of permanent magnet motors and generators without rare earth magnets. This talk will discuss the state of non-rare-earth permanent magnets and efforts to both improve the current materials and find new materials. These efforts combine first principles calculations and meso-scale magnetic modeling with advance characterization and synthesis techniques in order to advance the state of the art in non rare earth permanent magnets. The use of genetic algorithms in first principle structural calculations, combinatorial synthesis in the experimental search for materials, atom probe microscopy to characterize grain boundaries on the atomic level, and other state of the art techniques will be discussed. In addition the possibility of replacing critical rare earth elements with the most abundant rare earth Ce will be discussed.

  6. Material efficiency: rare and critical metals. (United States)

    Ayres, Robert U; Peiró, Laura Talens


    In the last few decades, progress in electronics, especially, has resulted in important new uses for a number of geologically rare metals, some of which were mere curiosities in the past. Most of them are not mined for their own sake (gold, the platinum group metals and the rare Earth elements are exceptions) but are found mainly in the ores of the major industrial metals, such as aluminium, copper, zinc and nickel. We call these major metals 'attractors' and the rare accompanying metals 'hitch-hikers'. The key implication is that rising prices do not necessarily call forth greater output because that would normally require greater output of the attractor metal. We trace the geological relationships and the functional uses of these metals. Some of these metals appear to be irreplaceable in the sense that there are no known substitutes for them in their current functional uses. Recycling is going to be increasingly important, notwithstanding a number of barriers.

  7. Rare wild Orchids at CERN Meyrin

    CERN Document Server


    There are several "Floral Nature Reserve - Late Mowing" zones at CERN Meyrin. The blossoms of a rare and a not so rare type of wild orchid are currently in flower. The rare one is the bee orchid (Ophrys Apifera) which is a protected perennial. They are very unusual and in some years can appear in great numbers and then sometimes only reappear after a decade. They live in a symbiotic relationship with a soil-dwelling fungus. Its name stems from the fact that its brown, furry lip resembles and smells like a female bee, a mimicry used to attract drones to aid in pollination. The much more distributed species is the pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis Pyramidalis), which due to its size and its bright pink colour is already visible when you pass by in your car. Photos were taken on the late mowing zone adjacent to route Einstein opposite building 57 on 4 June 2005.

  8. Compressibility and specific heats of heavier condensed rare gases near the liquid-vapour critical point

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    March, N.H.


    Sarkisov (J. Chem. Phys. 119, 373, 2003) has recently discussed the structural behaviour of a simple fluid near the liquid-vapour critical point. His work, already compared with computer simulation studies, is here brought into direct contact for the heavier condensed rare gases Ar, Kr and Xe with (a) experiment and (b) earlier theoretical investigations. Directions for future studies then emerge. (author)

  9. Simultaneous projection of particle-number and angular momentum BCS wave-functions in the rare-earth nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oudih, M.R.; Benhamouda, N.; Fellah, M.; Allal, N.H.


    A method of simultaneous particle-number and angular-momentum projection of the BCS wave-function is presented. The particle number projection method is of FBCS type. In the frame work of the adiabatic approximation, the rotational energies of the axially symmetric even-even nuclei are established and numerically calculated for the rare-earth region. (author)

  10. A Degradação Estrutural do Trabalho: Esboços para Uma Geografia do Trabalho | Structural Degradation of Work: Sketches for the Geography of Labour

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Dornelis Carvalhal


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Introdução: As teses sobre o fim da centralidade do trabalho estão relacionadas à apologia da globalização como última etapa civilizatória, a aposta neste descentramento, não é apenas uma miopia intelectual, mas sobretudo o desdobramento lógico de uma forma de pensar (e agir que mediocrizou-se diante da complexidade da realidade. Tributário deste pensamento, também encontramos a afirmação do espaço aniquilado, cujas dimensões ontológicas são descartadas como obstáculos concretos à consolidação absoluta da hegemonia capitalista. Quanto ao trabalho também podemos observar, que não só não se realizou a promessa do maior tempo livre, como tornou-se mais extensa e intensa a jornada de trabalho em muitos lugares e setores econômicos. Nunca é demais lembrar que a liberdade presumida do tempo fora do trabalho é obliterada pela punção econômica do trabalho sob o capital, ou seja, estar fora do trabalho é comprometer a capacidade de obtenção de bens e mercadorias. A maioria dos desempregados ou de trabalhadores em tempo parcial vêm corroída sua capacidade de atendimento às suas necessidades. Metodologia/Desenvolvimento:  O território é um trunfo fundamental para a exploração do trabalho, como componente da luta de classes facilita a mobilidade do capital, criando a sensação de que as empresas (e os empregos podem se deslocar a qualquer momento - retórica bastante utilizada para justificar a necessidade de conformação dos trabalhadores às condições de trabalho das empresas. Territórios são assim produzidos para atender a necessidade de trabalhos precários pelo capital, ora expandindo em áreas “novas”, ora destruindo os arranjos sociais em lugares com melhores condições de trabalho. Considerações finais: No cenário de “desestruturação” do mercado de trabalho fordista, a precarização do emprego surge como expressão da inadequação do

  11. Population structure analysis using rare and common functional variants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ding Lili


    Full Text Available Abstract Next-generation sequencing technologies now make it possible to genotype and measure hundreds of thousands of rare genetic variations in individuals across the genome. Characterization of high-density genetic variation facilitates control of population genetic structure on a finer scale before large-scale genotyping in disease genetics studies. Population structure is a well-known, prevalent, and important factor in common variant genetic studies, but its relevance in rare variants is unclear. We perform an extensive population structure analysis using common and rare functional variants from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 mini-exome sequence. The analysis based on common functional variants required 388 principal components to account for 90% of the variation in population structure. However, an analysis based on rare variants required 532 significant principal components to account for similar levels of variation. Using rare variants, we detected fine-scale substructure beyond the population structure identified using common functional variants. Our results show that the level of population structure embedded in rare variant data is different from the level embedded in common variant data and that correcting for population structure is only as good as the level one wishes to correct.

  12. Proceedings of the meeting of a task force on problems of rare events in the reliability analysis of nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In safety problems of nuclear plants interest centres on various types of rare events. These may extend from rare modes of failures in the component parts of the system and plant, the simultaneous occurrence of a very low resistance of a structural member and an extremely high load, to rare catastrophic failures which affect whole plant and system complexes. The obvious need is therefore to understand the patterns of behaviour of these events in space and time domains and be able to make some adequate estimate of their probability of occurrence. In 1975, a Task Force of Experts on the Statistical Analysis of Rare Events in Nuclear Installations was set up, its main objective being to explore methods for handling the problems of reliability analysis involving rare events. The main topic area of the Ispra meeting concerns the statistical analysis of structures such as containment and pressure vessels, automatic protection systems, and allied items, with a view to giving a quantified probabilistic statement on particular reliability characteristics. The particular subjects covered by the invited experts who would normally be working in specialized fields, includes, specifically, statistical modelling of rare events, decision theory applied to rare events, small sampling theory in the case of rare events. Man-made phenomena as well as natural phenomena are also considered, as they involve different approaches to modelling. 22 papers are presented, with reports on group discussions

  13. Rare gases in Samoan xenoliths (United States)

    Poreda, R. J.; Farley, K. A.


    The rare gas isotopic compositions of residual harzburgite xenoliths from Savai'i (SAV locality) and an unnamed seamount south of the Samoan chain (PPT locality) provide important constraints on the rare gas evolution of the mantle and atmosphere. Despite heterogeneous trace element compositions, the rare gas characteristics of the xenoliths from each of the two localities are strikingly similar. SAV and PPT xenoliths have 3He/ 4He ratios of11.1 ± 0.5 R A and21.6 ± 1 R A, respectively; this range is comparable to the 3He/ 4He ratios in Samoan lavas and clearly demonstrates that they have trapped gases from a relatively undegassed reservoir. The neon results are not consistent with mixing between MORB and a plume source with an atmospheric signature. Rather, the neon isotopes reflect either a variably degassed mantle (with a relative order of degassing of Loihi Honda et al. that the 20Ne/ 22Ne ratio in the mantle more closely resembles the solar ratio than the atmospheric one. 40Ar/ 36Ar ratios in the least contaminated samples range from 4,000 to 12,000 with the highest values in the 22 RA PPT xenoliths. There is no evidence for atmospheric 40Ar/ 36Ar ratios in the mantle source of these samples, which indicates that the lower mantle may have 40Ar/ 36Ar ratios in excess of 5,000. Xenon isotopic anomalies in 129Xe and 136Xe are as high as 6%, or about half of the maximum MORB excess and are consistent with the less degassed nature of the Samoan mantle source. These results contradict previous suggestions that the high 3He/ 4He mantle has a near-atmospheric heavy rare gas isotopic composition.

  14. Heavy rare earths, permanent magnets, and renewable energies: An imminent crisis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith Stegen, Karen


    This article sounds the alarm that a significant build-out of efficient lighting and renewable energy technologies may be endangered by shortages of rare earths and rare earth permanent magnets. At the moment, China is the predominant supplier of both and its recent rare earth industrial policies combined with its own growing demand for rare earths have caused widespread concern. To diversify supplies, new mining—outside of China—is needed. But what many observers of the “rare earth problem” overlook is that China also dominates in (1) the processing of rare earths, particularly the less abundant heavy rare earths, and (2) the supply chains for permanent magnets. Heavy rare earths and permanent magnets are critical for many renewable energy technologies, and it will require decades to develop new non-Chinese deposits, processing capacity, and supply chains. This article clarifies several misconceptions, evaluates frequently proposed solutions, and urges policy makers outside of China to undertake measures to avert a crisis, such as greater support for research and development and for the cultivation of intellectual capital. - Highlights: • Rare earths are needed for many efficient lighting and renewable energy technologies. • The industries for rare earths and permanent magnets are dominated by China. • China's reliability is compromised, necessitating non-Chinese mining and processing. • Recycling, substitution and reducing rare earth content are long-term solutions only. • Policy makers should support development of supply chains and intellectual capital

  15. Client with epilepsy in a work Brazilian rehabilitation center Cliente com epilepsia em um centro de reabilitação profissional brasileiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: People with epilepsy (PWE may have problems in obtaining or maintaining regular employment because of restrictions related to their handicap, social prejudices and also high rates of unemployment of the population. The main aim of this pilot study was to know the vocational rehabilitation problems involving PWE sent to a vocational rehabilitation center (VRC in Rio de Janeiro. METHOD: Fifteen PWE were selected unbiased from those seen at the VCR. It was reviewed their records in the search of sociodemographic, health care, employment suitability and work rehabilitation data. RESULTS: Only one person was eligible for the training program, four were ineligible, six were temporarily ineligible, and the other four do not necessitate the rehabilitation, but as the majority, the better seizures control. CONCLUSIONS: The studied sample of selected PWE, but representative of the studied population, do not show any important successful in the vocational rehabilitation carried out at the VRC.INTRODUÇÃO: A pessoa com epilepsia (PCE pode ter problemas para obter ou manter emprego regular por conta de restrições relacionadas à sua deficiência, preconceitos sociais ou altas taxas de desemprego na população. O principal objetivo deste estudo piloto é o reconhecimento dos problemas de reabilitação profissional de PCE enviadas para um Centro de Reabilitação Profissional (CRP no Rio de Janeiro. MÉTODO: Quinze PCE foram selecionadas sem viés de um CRP. Foram revistos seus prontuários na procura de dados sociodemográficos, de cuidados de saúde, além de capacidade de emprego segundo a análise de função e infortunística. RESULTADOS: Apenas uma pessoa foi elegível para o programa de treinamento, quatro inelegíveis, seis temporariamente inelegíveis, e os outros quatro não necessitam da reabilitação profissional, mas como a maioria, o melhor controle das crises epilépticas. CONCLUSÕES: A amostra estudada e selecionada de PCE

  16. The importance of organizational characteristics for psychosocial working conditions and health


    Bolin, Malin


    The importance of organizations for understanding differences in the working conditions and health of employees is often emphasized but rarely explored empirically. The general aim of this thesis is to describe organizational characteristics of workplaces, and to assess their impact on the psychosocial working conditions and health of employees. In modern working life, it is assumed that employees' working conditions and health are affected by a general transformation of workplaces from burea...

  17. Inpatient aggression and work stress: comparing civil and forensic psychiatric nursing


    Lee, Joyce Yan


    In their daily work, psychiatric nurses are subjected to patient-perpetrated verbal and physical aggression. They manage a high level of work stress. As compared to their colleagues working in civil settings, forensic psychiatric nurses may experience different rates of patient aggression and work stress. Such experiences have implications for the mental health and productivity of nursing staff. In inpatient settings, homicide by a patient is a rare event. Representing the most severe f...

  18. Spectral determination of individual rare earths in different classes of inorganic compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karpenko, L.I.; Fadeeva, L.A.; Shevchenko, L.D.


    The conditions are found allowing to analyze various inorganic compounds for rare-earth elements without separation from non-rare-earth components. The influence of the plasma composition on the intensity of spectral lines of rare-earth elements is studied. The relative intensity of homologous spectral lines of various rare-earth elements remains constant regardless of the plasma composition. The conditions are found for the determination of individual rare-earth elements acting as both alloying additives (Csub(n) -- n x 10 -1 -n x 10 -3 %), and basic components (up to tens of per cent) in different classes of inorganic compounds of 1-7 elements. The general method is developed for the determination of individual rare-earth elements in mixtures of oxides of rare-earth elements, complex fluorides of rare-earth elements and elements of group 2, gallates, borates, germanates, vanadates of rare-earth elements and aluminium; zirconates-titanates of lead and barium, containing modifying additives of rare-earth elements, complex chalcogenides of rare-earth elements and elements of group 5

  19. Rare earths in iron and steelmaking and gaseous desulphurisation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kay, D.A.R.; Subramanian, S.V.; Meng, V.; Kumar, R.V.


    Rare earth (RE) additions, either as mischmetal or rare earth silicide, are used in many ladle treatment processes in modern ferrous metallurgy. In ironmaking they provide the basis for the control of graphite morphology in cast irons and in steelmaking additions are made to aluminum-killed steels for desulphurisation and the control of inclusion composition and morphology. Rare earth oxides may also be used in the desulphurisation of medium calorific value gaseous fuels and stack gases. In this paper, Ce-S-O and La-S-O phase stability diagrams are used to determine the role of the rare earths in the external processing of iron and steel, and gaseous desulphurisation

  20. Rare itemsets mining algorithm based on RP-Tree and spark framework (United States)

    Liu, Sainan; Pan, Haoan


    For the issues of the rare itemsets mining in big data, this paper proposed a rare itemsets mining algorithm based on RP-Tree and Spark framework. Firstly, it arranged the data vertically according to the transaction identifier, in order to solve the defects of scan the entire data set, the vertical datasets are divided into frequent vertical datasets and rare vertical datasets. Then, it adopted the RP-Tree algorithm to construct the frequent pattern tree that contains rare items and generate rare 1-itemsets. After that, it calculated the support of the itemsets by scanning the two vertical data sets, finally, it used the iterative process to generate rare itemsets. The experimental show that the algorithm can effectively excavate rare itemsets and have great superiority in execution time.

  1. Rare earths: harvesting basic research for technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jagatap, B.N.


    In recent years, rare earths are increasingly becoming a versatile platform for basic research that presents enormous technological potentials. A variety of nano-sized inorganic matrices varying from oxides, phosphates, gallates and aluminates, tungstates, stannates, vanadates to fluorides doped with different lanthanide ions have been synthesized and their optical properties have been investigated in the Chemistry Group, BARC. Another interesting application is laser cooling of solids using rare earth doped glasses with potential applications in remote cooling of electronic devices. Combining the luminescence properties of rare earths with photonic crystals is yet another potent area with wide ranging applications. In this presentation we provide an overview of these developments with examples from the R and D programs of the Chemistry Group, BARC

  2. Determinants of performance in rare strategic events

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kristina Vaarst; Beukel, Karin

    The paper develops and tests a theoretical framework explaining how emotions and learning affect outcomes of rare strategic events, namely Intellectual Property litigations. We investigate how organizations? negative emotions influence performance outcome in IP litigations negatively. Though...... cumulative learning in rare strategic events is scarce, and cannot be understood through the standard framework of routines and capability development, we argue that firms may learn from rare events, and propose that learning moderates the negative effect of emotions. We test this utilizing data on all...... publically available IP litigation cases in China from 2001 to 2009 (n=13,030). We find that when organizations undergo emotional negative stress they lose IP litigations more often, but development of roadmaps though past successes moderate the negative effects from emotional distress....

  3. Low-level radioactive waste from rare metals processing facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eng, J.; Hendricks, D.W.; Feldman, J.; Giardina, P.A.


    This paper reviews the situations at the existing Teledyne Wah Chang Co., Inc. located at Albany, Oregon, and the former Carborundum Corp./Amax Specialty Metals, Inc., facilities located at Parkersburg, West Virginia, and Akron, New York, in order to show the extent of the radioactivity problem at rare metals processing facilities and the need to identify for radiological review other rare metal and rare earth processing sites

  4. Chondroectodermal dysplasia: a rare syndrome.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dana Tahririan


    Full Text Available Chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive congenital abnormality. This syndrome is characterized by a spectrum of clinical findings, among which chondrodystrophy, polydactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and congenital cardiac anomalies are the most common. It is imperative to not overlook the cardiac complications in patients with this syndrome during dental procedures. The case presented here, although quite rare, was detected under normal conditions and can be alarming for dental care providers. Clinical reports outline the classical and unusual oral and dental manifestations, which help health care providers diagnose chondroectodermal dysplasia, and refer patients with this syndrome to appropriate health care professionals to receive treatment to prevent further cardiac complications and bone deformities.

  5. Employees’ perceptions of the impact of work on health behaviours


    Payne, Nicola; Jones, Fiona; Harris, Peter R.


    Research examining the impact of work on health behaviours has rarely provided a complete picture of the impact across health behaviours. Twenty-four employees were interviewed about their smoking, drinking, exercise and eating. Themes included the impact of the work environment, including policy, convenience and workplace cultural norms; business events effecting one’s routine, and again convenience and workplace cultural norms; being busy at work effecting time and energy for healthy behavi...

  6. Rare earth niobate coordination polymers (United States)

    Muniz, Collin N.; Patel, Hiral; Fast, Dylan B.; Rohwer, Lauren E. S.; Reinheimer, Eric W.; Dolgos, Michelle; Graham, Matt W.; Nyman, May


    Rare-earth (RE) coordination polymers are infinitely tailorable to yield luminescent materials for various applications. Here we described the synthesis of a heterometallic rare-earth coordination compound ((CH3)2SO)3(RE)NbO(C2O4)3((CH3)2SO) = dimethylsulfoxide, DMSO, (C2O2= oxalate), (RE=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb). The structure was obtained from single crystal X-ray diffraction of the La analogue. The Nb˭O and DMSO terminal-bonding character guides assembly of an open framework structure with noncentrosymmetric RE-coordination geometry, and large spacing between the RE centers. A second structure was observed by PXRD for the smaller rare earths (Dy, Ho, Er, Yb); this structure has not yet been determined. The materials were further characterized using FTIR, and photoluminescence measurements. Characteristic excitation and emission transitions were observed for RE = Nd, Sm, Eu, and Tb. Quantum yield (QY) measurements were performed by exciting Eu and Tb analoges at 394 nm (QY 66%) and 464 nm (QY 71%) for Eu; and 370 nm (QY=40%) for Tb. We attribute the high QY and bright luminescence to two main structure-function properties of the system; namely the absence of water in the structure, and absence of concentration quenching.

  7. Chalcogenides formed by trivalent rare earth elements with d-elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flao, Zh.; Laruehl', P.; Olitro, R.


    Data on ternary compounds formed by trivalent rare earth elements with 3d-, 4d- and 5d-elements of the Periodic system is presented. Compounds of 3d-elements both in bivalent and trivalent states are considered. The main attention is paid to the structure of the compounds. Description of a great number of new structural types of compounds is given. In certain cases the structure has not been deciphered and, besides, structural investigations with monocrystals are not numerous. Attention is drawn to the existence of nonstoichiometric compounds. References to the works on investigation of thermal (melting temperature), magnetic, optical and electric properties as well as Moessbauer effect are presented

  8. Structural and magnetic order of ThMn12-type rare earth-iron-aluminium intermetallics studied by neutron diffraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaefer, W.; Halevy, I.; Gal, J.


    neutron powder diffraction data of ThMn 12 -type compounds RFe 4 Al 8 , RFe 5 Al 7 , and RFe 6 Al 6 (R = heavy rare earth) are compared to work out the structural variations and the different magnetic properties of these ternary intermetallics as a function of increasing iron concentrations. The variations of unit cell metric, of atomic coordinations and of interatomic distances are discussed. A magnetic phase diagram is presented showing the increase of the magnetic ordering temperatures from 120 K to 340 K and the change of the magnetic order from two separate magnetic phase transitions of rare earth and iron sublattices to one common ferrimagnetic transition of both sublattices, when changing the ratio of Fe/Al atoms from 4/8 to 6/6, respectively. Long range order is hampered by frozen spins. Magnetically ordered rare earth and iron moments are given. (orig.)

  9. Rare malformation of glans penis: Arteriovenous malformation | Akin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    AVM), are very rare. Herein, we report two rare cases. A 14‑year‑old boy attended our outpatient clinic with chief complaints of purple swelling and rapidly growing lesion on the glans penis. The lesion was excised surgically after physical and ...

  10. Innovative research methods for studying treatments for rare diseases: methodological review. (United States)

    Gagne, Joshua J; Thompson, Lauren; O'Keefe, Kelly; Kesselheim, Aaron S


    To examine methods for generating evidence on health outcomes in patients with rare diseases. Methodological review of existing literature. PubMed, Embase, and Academic Search Premier searched for articles describing innovative approaches to randomized trial design and analysis methods and methods for conducting observational research in patients with rare diseases. We assessed information related to the proposed methods, the specific rare disease being studied, and outcomes from the application of the methods. We summarize methods with respect to their advantages in studying health outcomes in rare diseases and provide examples of their application. We identified 46 articles that proposed or described methods for studying patient health outcomes in rare diseases. Articles covered a wide range of rare diseases and most (72%) were published in 2008 or later. We identified 16 research strategies for studying rare disease. Innovative clinical trial methods minimize sample size requirements (n=4) and maximize the proportion of patients who receive active treatment (n=2), strategies crucial to studying small populations of patients with limited treatment choices. No studies describing unique methods for conducting observational studies in patients with rare diseases were identified. Though numerous studies apply unique clinical trial designs and considerations to assess patient health outcomes in rare diseases, less attention has been paid to innovative methods for studying rare diseases using observational data. © Gagne et al 2014.


    Baybarz, R.D.; Lloyd, M.H.


    This invention relates to methods of separating americium and curium values from rare earth values. In accordance with the invention americium, curium, and rare earth values are sorbed on an anion exchange resin. A major portion of the rare earth values are selectively stripped from the resin with a concentrated aqueous solution of lithium chloride, and americium, curium, and a minor portion of rare earth values are then stripped from the resin with a dilute aqueous solution of lithium chloride. The americium and curium values are further purified by increasing the concentration of lithium chloride in the solution to at least 8 molar and selectively extracting rare earth values from the resulting solution with a monoalkylphosphoric acid. (AEC)

  12. Separation of rare earths by liquid-liquid extraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helgorsky, M.; Leveque, M.


    The elements of the rare earth family are characterised by very similar chemical properties connected with their special electronic structure. The purification of the rare earths sold by RHONE-POULENC is now done by the liquid-liquid extraction technique. The development of different extracting agents and also counter-current techniques have led to solvent extraction replacing the other fractionation techniques because of its efficiency and low cost. There are usually several possible solutions to the main problem of choosing the extracting agent and its mode of use. The difficulty is to find the most economical one taking account of the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic constraints of the solvent. It is shown how ideas about the separation have changed over the course of the development of the uses of the rare earths, ending finally in an integrated scheme that makes RHONE-POULENC a world leader of manufacturers of separated rare earths [fr

  13. Adapting Knowledge Translation Strategies for Rare Rheumatic Diseases. (United States)

    Cellucci, Tania; Lee, Shirley; Webster, Fiona


    Rare rheumatic diseases present unique challenges to knowledge translation (KT) researchers. There is often an urgent need to transfer knowledge from research findings into clinical practice to facilitate earlier diagnosis and better outcomes. However, existing KT frameworks have not addressed the specific considerations surrounding rare diseases for which gold standard evidence is not available. Several widely adopted models provide guidance for processes and problems associated with KT. However, they do not address issues surrounding creation or synthesis of knowledge for rare diseases. Additional problems relate to lack of awareness or experience in intended knowledge users, low motivation, and potential barriers to changing practice or policy. Strategies to address the challenges of KT for rare rheumatic diseases include considering different levels of evidence available, linking knowledge creation and transfer directly, incorporating patient and physician advocacy efforts to generate awareness of conditions, and selecting strategies to address barriers to practice or policy change.

  14. Evidence for an active rare biosphere within freshwater protists community. (United States)

    Debroas, Didier; Hugoni, Mylène; Domaizon, Isabelle


    Studies on the active rare biosphere at the RNA level are mainly focused on Bacteria and Archaea and fail to include the protists, which are involved in the main biogeochemical cycles of the earth. In this study, the richness, composition and activity of the rare protistan biosphere were determined from a temporal survey of two lakes by pyrosequencing. In these ecosystems, the always rare OTUs represented 77.2% of the total OTUs and 76.6% of the phylogenetic diversity. From the various phylogenetic indices computed, the phylogenetic units (PUs) constituted exclusively by always rare OTUs were discriminated from the other PUs. Therefore, the rare biosphere included mainly taxa that are distant from the reference databases compared to the dominant ones. In addition, the rarest OTUs represented 59.8% of the active biosphere depicted by rRNA and the activity (rRNA:rDNA ratio) increased with the rarity. The high rRNA:rDNA ratio determined in the rare fraction highlights that some protists were active at low abundances and contribute to ecosystem functioning. Interestingly, the always rare and active OTUs were characterized by seasonal changes in relation with the main environmental parameters measured. In conclusion, the rare eukaryotes represent an active, dynamic and overlooked fraction in the lacustrine ecosystems. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Environmental aspects in the processing of rare earth ores and minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhattacharya, R.


    In India, rare earths are extracted from the mineral monazite which occurs abundantly along with other heavy minerals in the coastal beach sands. Monazite, apart from rare earths, also contains uranium and thorium. Rare earths can be obtained from monazite either by acid digestion route or by alkaline digestion route. In India, although pilot scale studies have been carried out extraction of rare earths by acid digestion route, however, alkali digestion route has been predominantly followed for commercial extraction of rare earths

  16. Biosynthesis of rare hexoses using microorganisms and related enzymes


    Li, Zijie; Gao, Yahui; Nakanishi, Hideki; Gao, Xiaodong; Cai, Li


    Summary Rare sugars, referred to as monosaccharides and their derivatives that rarely exist in nature, can be applied in many areas ranging from foodstuffs to pharmaceutical and nutrition industry, or as starting materials for various natural products and drug candidates. Unfortunately, an important factor restricting the utilization of rare sugars is their limited availability, resulting from limited synthetic methods. Nowadays, microbial and enzymatic transformations have become a very powe...

  17. Contributions to the rare earths to science and technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spedding, F.H.


    This is a brief summary of some areas of science where the rare earths have already played an important role and of other areas where they are almost certain to be helpful. The discovery, abundance, separation, and properties of rare earths are discussed. It is pointed out that the rare earths comprise almost one-fourth of the known metals, and their alloys a third of the possible alloys

  18. State of rare disease management in Southeast Asia. (United States)

    Shafie, Asrul Akmal; Chaiyakunapruk, Nathorn; Supian, Azuwana; Lim, Jeremy; Zafra, Matt; Hassali, Mohamed Azmi Ahmad


    Rare diseases, also referred to as orphan diseases, are characterised by their low prevalence with majority of them are chronically debilitating and life threatening. Given the low prevalence and the widely dispersed but very small patient base for each disease, there may often be a disproportion in the availability of treatments and resources to manage patients, spur research and train experts. This is especially true in Southeast Asian countries that are currently in the process of implementing or revising their universal health coverage schemes. This paper aims to examine the status of rare disease management in Southeast Asian countries. It will serve as the basis for a more active discussion on how countries in the region can address an under-recognised rare disease burden and enhance national and regional capacities. The study consists of literature reviews and key stakeholders interviews in six focus countries, including the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand and five countries as best practice, comprising of France, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, and South Korea. Rare disease management initiatives across each country were examined based on the World Health Organization's framework for action in strengthening health systems. The results suggest rare disease management remains challenging across Southeast Asia, as many of the focus countries face fundamental issues from basic healthcare systems to funding. Nonetheless, there are substantial improvement opportunities, including leveraging best practices from around the world and organising a multi-stakeholder and regional approach and strategy. Southeast Asian countries have made significant progress in the management of rare disease, but there remain key areas for substantial development opportunities.

  19. Sirenomelia with oesophageal atresia: a rare association. (United States)

    Sathe, Pragati Aditya; Ghodke, Ratnaprabha Kundlikrao; Kandalkar, Bhuvaneshwari Mahendra


    We are reporting a rare case of sirenomelia with oesophageal atresia. Sirenomelia is a lethal sporadic defect of which lower gastrointestinal tract anomalies are characteristic findings. Respiratory and upper gastrointestinal tract malformations like oesophageal atresia occur in about 20-35% of cases. Though its occurrence has been described, it has been reported only rarely. This report aims at describing this uncommon association along with its histological features.

  20. Rare kaon decays at LAMPF II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanford, T.W.L.


    At LAMPF II, intense beams of kaons will be available that will enable the rare kaon-decay processes to be investigated. This note explores some of the possibilities, which divide into two classes: (1) those that test the standard model of Weinberg and Salam and (2) those that are sensitive to new interactions. For both classes, experiments have been limited not by systematic errors but rather by statistical ones. LAMPF II with its intense flux of kaons thus will enable the frontier of rare kaon decay to be realistically probed

  1. Excitons in the rare gas solids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Excitons play a prominent role in the chemistry and physics of condensed matter. Excitons in the rare gas solids, the prototypical van der Waals insulators, will be the focus of the remainder of this report. The goal here is to investigate the controversies surrounding the description of excitons in insulators and, therefore the simplest class of these solids, namely the rare gas solids, is chosen as the exemplary system. Specific problems associated with molecular crystals are, therefore, avoided and only the salient features of excitons are thus considered. 47 refs., 9 figs., 4 tabs

  2. A rare presentation of methanol toxicity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikhil Gupta


    Full Text Available Methanol is a highly toxic alcohol resembling ethanol in smell and taste. Methanol poisoning is a lethal form of poisoning that can cause severe metabolic acidosis, visual disturbances, and neurological deficit. Brain lesions typically described in methanol toxicity are in the form of hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic necrosis of the basal ganglia and sub-cortical white matter. To our knowledge, lesions in the parietal, temporal, or frontal areas of cerebrum and cerebellar hemispheres have been rarely reported so far. We herewith report this rare presentation.

  3. Work climate, work values and professional commitment as predictors of job satisfaction in nurses. (United States)

    Caricati, Luca; Sala, Rachele La; Marletta, Giuseppe; Pelosi, Giulia; Ampollini, Monica; Fabbri, Anna; Ricchi, Alba; Scardino, Marcello; Artioli, Giovanna; Mancini, Tiziana


    To investigate the effect of some psychosocial variables on nurses' job satisfaction. Nurses' job satisfaction is one of the most important factors in determining individuals' intention to stay or leave a health-care organisation. Literature shows a predictive role of work climate, professional commitment and work values on job satisfaction, but their conjoint effect has rarely been considered. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was adopted. Participants were hospital nurses and data were collected in 2011. Professional commitment and work climate positively predicted nurses' job satisfaction. The effect of intrinsic vs. extrinsic work value orientation on job satisfaction was completely mediated by professional commitment. Nurses' job satisfaction is influenced by both contextual and personal variables, in particular work climate and professional commitment. According to a more recent theoretical framework, work climate, work values and professional commitment interact with each other in determining nurses' job satisfaction. Nursing management must be careful to keep the context of work tuned to individuals' attitude and vice versa. Improving the work climate can have a positive effect on job satisfaction, but its effect may be enhanced by favouring strong professional commitment and by promoting intrinsic more than extrinsic work values. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome: A Rare Neurodegenerative Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rozil Gandhi


    Full Text Available Menkes kinky hair disease is a rare X-linked recessive disease nearly exclusively affecting males who present at 2-3 months of age due to abnormal functioning of copper-dependent enzymes due to deficiency of copper. Here, we describe a completely worked-up case of a 4-month-old male infant with very typical history and radiological features confirmed by biochemical and trichoanalysis. The initially seen asymmetric cortical and subcortical T2 hyperintensities in cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres converted into symmetrical diffuse cerebral and predominantly cerebellar atrophy with uniform loss of both white and grey matter on follow-up MRI. Also, subdural hemorrhages of various sizes and different stages and tortuosity of larger proximal intracranial vessels with distal narrowing were identified. Ours is a completely worked-up proven case of Menkes kinky hair disease (MKHD with history, electroencephalography, biochemical, trichoanalysis, and MRI findings. This is a good teaching case and shows importance of clinical examination and biochemistry as complimentary to MRI. Tortuous intracranial arteries with blocked major vessels are found only in this disease, thus stressing the value of MR Angiography in these patients.

  5. A Rare Disease in Adult: Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (United States)

    Berber, Ilhami; Erkurt, Mehmet Ali; Kuku, Irfan; Koroglu, Mustafa; Kaya, Emin; Unlu, Serkan


    Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a rare histiocytic disorder and has been diagnosed in all age groups, but is most common in children. This disease is very rare in adults. We presented a patient who was 62 years old man diagnosed langerhans cell histiocytosis. PMID:29147350

  6. An introduction to the economics of rare earths

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bartekova, E.


    The aim of this paper is to examine the supply risk of rare earths and its impact on low carbon technologies deployment. Bringing together seemingly disconnected strands of scientific literature, this multidisciplinary approach allows to provide an overarching overview of the economics of rare

  7. Scapulothoracic Dissociation: A Rare Variant: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajat Jangir


    Full Text Available Scapulothoracic dissociation is a rare injury involving separation of scapula from the thorax along with the upper extremity. Majority of the patients have concomitant neurovascular injury and the prognosis is uniformly poor in such cases. We present a case of scapulothoracic dissociation with comminuted fracture of scapula and acromioclavicular joint disruption without neurovascular deficit. There were associated avulsion fractures of the spinous processes of vertebrae (T3-T5. Such presentation is rare in an already rare scapulothoracic dissociation injury. A discussion regarding the probable mechanism of injury, management and prognosis is presented.

  8. Coprecipitation of rare earth elements with hydroxyapatite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujino, Osamu


    The distribution behavior of trace rare earth elements between an aqueous phase and hydroxyapatite crystals was investigated. The apatite prepared by adding phosphate ion extremely slowly to an aqueous solution containing calcium, rare earth elements, ethylenediamine and nitrilotriacetate ion at 80 0 C. Apparently the coprecipitation reaction seems to be anomalous, because the apparent distribution coefficient did not have a constant value through the reaction. But when the true distribution coefficient was calculated by using the thermodynamic data at 80 0 C, it was revealed that rare earth ions were coprecipitated obeying logarithmic distribution law. The true distribution coefficient values of trivalent yttrium, scandium, europium and cerium ions were about 10sup(7.3), 10sup(9.8), 10sup(7.4) and 10sup(6.5) respectively. (author)

  9. Rare-earth metal prices in the USA ca. 1960 to 1994 (United States)

    Hedrick, James B.


    Rare-earth metal prices were compiled from the late 1950s and early 1960s through 1994. Although commercial demand for rare-earth metals began in 1908, as the alloy mischmetal, commercial quantities of a wide range of individual rare-earth metals were not available until the late 1950s. The discovery of a large, high-grade rare-earth deposit at Mountain Pass. CA, USA, in 1949, was significant because it led to the production of commercial quantities or rare-earth elements that reduced prices and encouraged wider application of the materials. The availability of ore from Mountain Pass, and other large rare-earth deposits, especially those in Australia and China, has provided the world with abundant resources for rare-earth metal production. This availability, coupled with improved technology from Government and private-sector metallurgical research, has resulted in substantial decreases in rare-earth metal prices since the late 1950s and early 1960s. Price series for the individual rare-earth metals (except promethium) are quoted on a kilogram basis from the late 1950s and early 1960s through 1994. Prices are given in US dollars on an actual and constant dollar basis. Industrial and economic factors affecting prices during this time period are examined.

  10. Determination of Rare Earth Elements in plants by neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Figueiredo, Ana M.G.; Maria, Sheila P.; Ceccantini, Gregorio C.T.


    In the present work, instrumental neutron activation analysis was employed to the determination of rare earth elements (La, Ce, Nd, Eu, Tb, Yb e Lu) in plants, aiming biogeochemical studies. The precision and accuracy of the method were verified by the analysis of the reference materials Citrus Leaves (NIST 1572) and Pine Needles (NIST 1575). With exception of terbium, the results obtained agreed with reference values, giving relative errors less than 25%. The method was applied to different species of plants growing in the alkaline-ultramafic complex of Salitre, MG and the obtained data were compared to the average content in plants. (author)

  11. Plexiform Neurofibroma: A Rare Tumor of Submandibular Salivary ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A provisional diagnosis of sialadenitis with sialolithiasis was made. Excised mass was reported histopathologically as plexiform neurofibroma of submandibular salivary gland. Plexiform neurofibroma of the salivary gland is a rare benign tumor often present in the parotid gland. It is very rare in submandibular salivary gland.

  12. Wine Traceability with Rare Earth Elements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurizio Aceto


    Full Text Available The traceability of foodstuffs is now a relevant aspect of the food market. Scientific research has been devoted to addressing this issue by developing analytical protocols in order to find the link between soil and food items. In this view, chemical parameters that can act as soil markers are being sought. In this work, the role of rare earth elements (REEs as geochemical markers in the traceability of red wine is discussed. The REE distribution in samples from each step of the wine making process of Primitivo wine (produced in Southern Italy was determined using the highly sensitive inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS technique. Samples analyzed include grapes, must, and wine samples after every step in the vinification process. The resulting data were compared to the REE distribution in the soil, revealing that the soil fingerprint is maintained in the intermediate products up to and including grape must. Fractionation occurs thereafter as a consequence of further external interventions, which tends to modify the REE profile.

  13. Biotinylation is a natural, albeit rare, modification of human histones (United States)

    Kuroishi, Toshinobu; Rios-Avila, Luisa; Pestinger, Valerie; Wijeratne, Subhashinee S. K.; Zempleni, Janos


    Previous studies suggest that histones H3 and H4 are posttranslationally modified by binding of the vitamin biotin, catalyzed by holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS). Albeit a rare epigenetic mark, biotinylated histones were repeatedly shown to be enriched in repeat regions and repressed loci, participating in the maintenance of genome stability and gene regulation. Recently, a team of investigators failed to detect biotinylated histones and proposed that biotinylation is not a natural modification of histones, but rather an assay artifact. Here, we describe the results of experiments, including the comparison of various analytical protocols, antibodies, cell lines, classes of histones, and radiotracers. These studies provide unambiguous evidence that biotinylation is a natural, albeit rare, histone modification. Less than 0.001% of human histones H3 and H4 are biotinylated, raising concerns that the abundance might too low to elicit biological effects in vivo. We integrated information from this study, previous studies, and ongoing research efforts to present a new working model in which biological effects are caused by a role of HCS in multiprotein complexes in chromatin. In this model, docking of HCS in chromatin causes the occasional binding of biotin to histones as a tracer for HCS binding sites. PMID:21930408

  14. Surveillance of rare cancers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Zwan, Johannes Martinus


    The widespread incidence and effects of cancer have led to a growing development in cancer prevention in the form of screening and research programs and cancer registries. Because of the low number of patients with rare cancers this improvement is not applied to the same extent to all cancer

  15. Magnetic rare earth superlattices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Majkrzak, C.F.; Kwo, J.; Hong, M.


    Advances in molecular beam epitaxy deposition techniques have recently made it possible to grow, an atomic plane at a time, single crystalline superlattices composed of alternating layers of a magnetic rare earth, such as Gd, Dy, Ho, or Er, and metallic Y, which has an identical chemical structure...

  16. Rare earths: critical elements for various applications and challenges in their separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, D.K.; Chakravartty, J.K.


    High purity rare earths oxides, metal and alloys find wide applications in high tech area such as nuclear energy, permanent magnets, materials for storing hydrogen, phosphors, laser, etc. Rare earths consists a group of 15 elements from La to Lu in the periodic table and it also includes Sc and Y. Due to similar chemical nature owing to common oxidation state of +3, rare earths are very difficult to separate from each other. They have very low separation factors with acidic extractants like D2EHPA and EHEHPA and hence require large number of stages in various cascade of extraction process. Monazite (a source of rare earths, thorium and uranium) is processed at IREL to separate rare earths from thorium and uranium. The rare earths are fractionated into three groups namely light rare earths (LRE), middle rare earths (MRE) and heavy rare earths (HRE) by solvent extraction method employing EHEHPA as extractant

  17. The quest for rare variants: pooled multiplexed next generation sequencing in plants. (United States)

    Marroni, Fabio; Pinosio, Sara; Morgante, Michele


    Next generation sequencing (NGS) instruments produce an unprecedented amount of sequence data at contained costs. This gives researchers the possibility of designing studies with adequate power to identify rare variants at a fraction of the economic and labor resources required by individual Sanger sequencing. As of today, few research groups working in plant sciences have exploited this potentiality, showing that pooled NGS provides results in excellent agreement with those obtained by individual Sanger sequencing. The aim of this review is to convey to the reader the general ideas underlying the use of pooled NGS for the identification of rare variants. To facilitate a thorough understanding of the possibilities of the method, we will explain in detail the possible experimental and analytical approaches and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We will show that information on allele frequency obtained by pooled NGS can be used to accurately compute basic population genetics indexes such as allele frequency, nucleotide diversity, and Tajima's D. Finally, we will discuss applications and future perspectives of the multiplexed NGS approach.

  18. The Quest for Rare Variants: Pooled Multiplexed Next Generation Sequencing in Plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio eMarroni


    Full Text Available Next generation sequencing (NGS instruments produce an unprecedented amount of sequence data at contained costs. This gives researchers the possibility of designing studies with adequate power to identify rare variants at a fraction of the economic and labor resources required by individual Sanger sequencing. As of today, only three research groups working in plant sciences have exploited this potentiality. They showed that pooled NGS can provide results in excellent agreement with those obtained by individual Sanger sequencing. Aim of this review is to convey to the reader the general ideas underlying the use of pooled NGS for the identification of rare variants. To facilitate a thorough understanding of the possibilities of the method we will explain in detail the variations in study design and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We will show that information on allele frequency obtained by pooled next generation sequencing can be used to accurately compute basic population genetics indexes such as allele frequency, nucleotide diversity and Tajima’s D. Finally we will discuss applications and future perspectives of the multiplexed NGS approach.

  19. Rare earths refining by vacuum sublimation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rytus, N.N.


    The process of rare earths refining by the sUblimation; method in high and superhigh oil-free vacuum, is investigated. The method is effective for rare earths obtaining and permits to prepare metal samples with a high value of electric resistance ratio γ=RsUb(298 K)/Rsub(4.2 K). The estimation of general purity is performed for Sm, Eu, Yb, Tm, Dy, Ho, Er and Se

  20. Iron corrosion inhibition by phosphonate complexes of rare earth metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuznetsov, Yu.I.; Raskol'nikov, A.F.; Starobinskaya, I.V.; Alekseev, V.N.


    Capability is shown of trivalent rare earth nitrilotrimethylphosphonates (R= Ce, Pr, Nd, Eu, Lu, Y) to retard steel corrosion in soft water due to the formation of slightly soluble hydroxides on steel surface. The protective film is produced as a result of electrophilic substitution of nascent iron cations for rare earth ions in near the surface layer. The introduction of rare earth cations into the protective film is ascertained by Auger spectroscopy in combination with the argon spraying. A quantitative interrelation between the protective effectiveness and solubility product of rare earth hydroxides is revealed

  1. Innovative measures to combat rare diseases in China: The national rare diseases registry system, larger-scale clinical cohort studies, and studies in combination with precision medicine research. (United States)

    Song, Peipei; He, Jiangjiang; Li, Fen; Jin, Chunlin


    China is facing the great challenge of treating the world's largest rare disease population, an estimated 16 million patients with rare diseases. One effort offering promise has been a pilot national project that was launched in 2013 and that focused on 20 representative rare diseases. Another government-supported special research program on rare diseases - the "Rare Diseases Clinical Cohort Study" - was launched in December 2016. According to the plan for this research project, the unified National Rare Diseases Registry System of China will be established as of 2020, and a large-scale cohort study will be conducted from 2016 to 2020. The project plans to develop 109 technical standards, to establish and improve 2 national databases of rare diseases - a multi-center clinical database and a biological sample library, and to conduct studies on more than 50,000 registered cases of 50 different rare diseases. More importantly, this study will be combined with the concept of precision medicine. Chinese population-specific basic information on rare diseases, clinical information, and genomic information will be integrated to create a comprehensive predictive model with a follow-up database system and a model to evaluate prognosis. This will provide the evidence for accurate classification, diagnosis, treatment, and estimation of prognosis for rare diseases in China. Numerous challenges including data standardization, protecting patient privacy, big data processing, and interpretation of genetic information still need to be overcome, but research prospects offer great promise.

  2. The ethical framework for performing research with rare inherited neurometabolic disease patients. (United States)

    Giannuzzi, Viviana; Devlieger, Hugo; Margari, Lucia; Odlind, Viveca Lena; Ragab, Lamis; Bellettato, Cinzia Maria; D'Avanzo, Francesca; Lampe, Christina; Cassis, Linda; Cortès-Saladelafont, Elisenda; Cazorla, Ángels Garcia; Barić, Ivo; Cvitanović-Šojat, Ljerka; Fumić, Ksenija; Dali, Christine I; Bartoloni, Franco; Bonifazi, Fedele; Scarpa, Maurizio; Ceci, Adriana


    The need for performing clinical trials to develop well-studied and appropriate medicines for inherited neurometabolic disease patients faces ethical concerns mainly raising from four aspects: the diseases are rare; include young and very young patients; the neurological impairment may compromise the capability to provide 'consent'; and the genetic nature of the disease leads to further ethical implications. This work is intended to identify the ethical provisions applicable to clinical research involving these patients and to evaluate if these cover the ethical issues. Three searches have been performed on the European regulatory/legal framework, the literature and European Union-funded projects. The European legal framework offers a number of ethical provisions ruling the clinical research on paediatric, rare, inherited diseases with neurological symptoms. In the literature, relevant publications deal with informed consent, newborn genetic screenings, gene therapy and rights/interests of research participants. Additional information raised from European projects on sharing patients' data from different countries, the need to fill the gap of the regulatory framework and to improve information to stakeholders and patients/families. Several recommendations and guidelines on ethical aspects are applicable to the inherited neurometabolic disease research in Europe, even though they suffer from the lack of a common ethical approach. What is Known: • When planning and conducting clinical trials, sponsors and researchers know that clinical trials are to be performed according to well-established ethical rules, and patients should be aware about their rights. • In the cases of paediatric patients, vulnerable patients unable to provide consent, genetic diseases' further rules apply. What is New: • This work discusses which ethical rules apply to ensure protection of patient's rights if all the above-mentioned features coexist. • This work shows available data and

  3. Bilateral synchronous benign ovarian neoplasm: A rare occurrence ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Bilateral synchronous ovarian tumours are defined as the occurrence of two or more histologically distinct tumours in the ovaries. Synchronous tumours of the female genital tract are rare and the association of mature cystic teratoma with contralateral serous cystadenoma is uncommon. We report the rare occurrence of a ...

  4. Hepatogastric fistula: A rare complication of liver abscess

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shrihari Anikhindi


    Full Text Available Rupture of amebic liver abscess into stomach is a rare complication. We report a case of a young male presenting with haematemesis due to a rupture of left lobe amebic liver abscess into stomach. We discuss the diagnosis and management of this rare clinical entity.

  5. Towards a framework for personalized healthcare: lessons learned from the field of rare diseases. (United States)

    Tambuyzer, Erik


    A large percentage of medicines do not work for the patient populations they are intended to treat. Increased knowledge regarding genomics and the underlying biological mechanism of diseases should help us be able to stratify patients into groups of likely responders and nonresponders, and to identify those patients for whom a treatment might do more harm than good. This article sets out different policy perspectives for the healthcare systems, and draws in on 25 years of particular experience from the rare disease and orphan drug field, to illuminate the pathway forward in relation to key implementation aspects of personalized healthcare. In principle, we submit that targeting medicines to preidentified groups for whom we can predict a beneficial outcome is a good thing for everyone - first of all for the patients, but also for all the other stakeholders, including payers, treating physicians and industry - because it has the potential to create sustainable and functioning healthcare systems directed to better health and prevention of disease. Personalized healthcare over time could also lead to shorter drug-development times because of lower rates of failure in late-stage drug development. Using orphan medicines to treat well-diagnosed patients suffering from a life-threatening or seriously debilitating rare disease, is an attempt to work according to these principles. As there is much that needs to be done to turn the promise into reality, we need to identify the barriers and challenges to transform the potential opportunities into real-life benefits, and what needs to be done in order to overcome them. Learning from the field of rare diseases and orphan drugs may provide, perhaps unexpectedly, some of the answers to public policy questions related to future (personalized) healthcare, but of course not all aspects, are common between the two fields.

  6. Rare Earths and Clean Energy: analyzing China's upper hand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seaman, J.


    An ominous but avoidable resource crunch in the so-called 'rare earth elements' is now threatening the development of a number of key industries from energy to defense to consumer electronics. As key components in the latest generation of technologies, including specialized magnets for windmills and hybrid cars, lasers for range finders and 'smart' munitions, and phosphors for LCD screens, demand for these rare metals is expected to grow rapidly in the years to come. But decades of under-investment in the mining and separation of these elements across the globe has left the industry ill-prepared to meet thi s growing demand. Over the years, only China has recognized the strategic significance of these resources and has succeeded in gaining a near monopoly on production, currently churning out 97% of the world' s rare earth oxides. Faced with problems of its own, and eager to use its resource advantage to master higher levels of value-added production of rare earth-dependent products, China has increasingly limited the rest of the world's access to these raw materials. This only complicates what was already projected to be a problematic resource shortage. This issue demands a higher quality of public debate. Rare earth consuming countries outside of China have only recently become aware of their dependence and started to take stock of the risks. Time is of the essence. Bringing new supplies online to meet growing demand is a long, complicated and risky process but is nevertheless necessary to ensure the development of high tech industries, notably clean energy. Accessible reserves of rare earths do exist outside of China and mitigating the effects of the looming shortage requires opening up these reserves to production. Yet, as the Chinese experience attests, there are substantial risks to the environment associated with mining and separating rare earths. Care must be taken to ensure responsible mining practices across the globe. Longer-term solutions, such as

  7. Rare earth ion controlled crystallization of mica glass-ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garai, Mrinmoy; Karmakar, Basudeb


    In understanding the effects of rare earth ions to control the crystallization and microstructure of alkaline boroaluminosilicate system, the CeO_2, Nd_2O_3, Sm_2O_3 and Gd_2O_3 doped K_2O−MgO−B_2O_3−Al_2O_3−SiO_2−F glasses were synthesized by melt-quenching at 1550 °C. Higher density (2.82–3.06 g cm"−"3) and thermal stability (glass phase) is experiential on addition of rare earth content, which also affects in increasing the glass transition temperature (T_g) and crystallization temperature (T_c). Decrease of thermal expansion in glasses with rare earth ion content is maintained by the stabilization of glass matrix owing to their large cationic field strength. A significant change in the non-isothermal DSC thermogram observed at 750–1050 °C is attributed to fluorophlogopite crystallization. Opaque glass-ceramics were prepared from such glasses by single step heat-treatment at 1050 °C; and the predominant crystalline phases are identified as fluorophlogopite mica, KMg_3(AlSi_3O_1_0)F_2 by XRD and EDX analysis. The compact glass-ceramic microstructure by the agglomeration of fluorophlogopite mica crystallites (crystal size ∼ 100–500 nm, FESEM) is achieved in attendance of rare earth ion; and such microstructure controlled the variation of density, thermal expansion and microhardness value. Higher thermal expansion (11.11–14.08 × 10"−"6/K at 50–800 °C and 50–900 °C) of such glass-ceramics approve that these rare earth containing glasses can be useful for high temperature vacuum sealing application with metal or solid electrolyte. The increase of Vickers microhardness (5.27–5.61 GPa) in attendance of rare earth ions is attributed to the compact crystallinity of fluorophlogopite mica glass-ceramic microstructure. - Highlights: • Synthesis of rare earth oxide doped alkaline boroaluminosilicate glasses. • Development of opaque fluorophlogopite mica glass-ceramics by single-step heat treatment. • Nanocrystalline glass

  8. Research on economy and social exclusion: China dolls and rare diseases. (United States)

    Matsui, Akihiko


    The second workshop on "Research on Economy And Social Exclusion (REASE)" was held in the University of Tokyo on January 26, 2013. Focusing on rare diseases and disorders in China, three speakers from China introduced the current status of rare diseases and the challenge of support organizations for patients with rare disease and disorders in China, and especially pointed out some important issues associated with rare diseases and disorders in China. From the viewpoint of economics, this paper discusses some of the important issues of rare diseases and disorders in China raised in this workshop, especially from the aspects of economy of scale and orphan drugs, and the emergence of stigma from discrimination. It was shown that international coordination and cooperation are called for in order to give a proper incentive to the drug industries to create new drugs for rare diseases, and suggested that an important step toward inclusion is to reduce stigma by making rare diseases visible as much as possible.

  9. Research methods to change clinical practice for patients with rare cancers. (United States)

    Billingham, Lucinda; Malottki, Kinga; Steven, Neil


    Rare cancers are a growing group as a result of reclassification of common cancers by molecular markers. There is therefore an increasing need to identify methods to assess interventions that are sufficiently robust to potentially affect clinical practice in this setting. Methods advocated for clinical trials in rare diseases are not necessarily applicable in rare cancers. This Series paper describes research methods that are relevant for rare cancers in relation to the range of incidence levels. Strategies that maximise recruitment, minimise sample size, or maximise the usefulness of the evidence could enable the application of conventional clinical trial design to rare cancer populations. Alternative designs that address specific challenges for rare cancers with the aim of potentially changing clinical practice include Bayesian designs, uncontrolled n-of-1 trials, and umbrella and basket trials. Pragmatic solutions must be sought to enable some level of evidence-based health care for patients with rare cancers. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Rare Plants of the Redwood Forest and Forest Management Effects (United States)

    Teresa Sholars; Clare Golec


    Coast redwood forests are predominantly a timber managed habitat type, subjected to repeated disturbances and short rotation periods. What does this repeated disturbance mean for rare plants associated with the redwood forests? Rare plant persistence through forest management activities is influenced by many factors. Persistence of rare plants in a managed landscape is...

  11. Economic Modeling Considerations for Rare Diseases. (United States)

    Pearson, Isobel; Rothwell, Ben; Olaye, Andrew; Knight, Christopher


    To identify challenges that affect the feasibility and rigor of economic models in rare diseases and strategies that manufacturers have employed in health technology assessment submissions to demonstrate the value of new orphan products that have limited study data. Targeted reviews of PubMed, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE's) Highly Specialised Technologies (HST), and the Scottish Medicines Consortium's (SMC's) ultra-orphan submissions were performed. A total of 19 PubMed studies, 3 published NICE HSTs, and 11 ultra-orphan SMC submissions were eligible for inclusion. In rare diseases, a number of different factors may affect the model's ability to comply with good practice recommendations. Many products for the treatment of rare diseases have an incomplete efficacy and safety profile at product launch. In addition, there is often limited available natural history and epidemiology data. Information on the direct and indirect cost burden of an orphan disease also may be limited, making it difficult to estimate the potential economic benefit of treatment. These challenges can prevent accurate estimation of a new product's benefits in relation to costs. Approaches that can address such challenges include using patient and/or clinician feedback to inform model assumptions; data from disease analogues; epidemiological techniques, such as matching-adjusted indirect comparison; and long-term data collection. Modeling in rare diseases is often challenging; however, a number of approaches are available to support the development of model structures and the collation of input parameters and to manage uncertainty. Copyright © 2018 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Contribution towards ALD and MOCVD of rare earth oxides and hafnium oxide. From precursor evaluation to process development and thin film characterization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Ke


    This PhD thesis is consisted of two major parts: precursor development for ALD and MOCVD applications as well as thin film deposition using ALD and MOCVD with self developed precursors. The first part of this work presents the synthesis, characterization and detailed thermal property investigations of different novel group IV and rare earth precursor classes (guandinate, guanidine and ketoiminate). The second part of this work presents the ALD and MOCVD depositions using various guanidinate precursors for forming corresponding metal oxide thin films. The overall motivation of this work is to fulfill the lack of precursors of rare earth and group IV elements for ALD and MOCVD applications that satisfy the stringent requirements for the modern microelectronic and optoelectronic technologies. The aspect of the precursor engineering part is focusing on influence of ligand sphere on precursors' chemical and thermal properties. In this way, we successfully introduced guanidine and ketoiminate as potential ligands for the precursor design. The thin film deposition part of this work is ALD of rare earth oxides and group IV oxides employing literature known compounds which were previously developed in our research group. The main focus was dedicated to the process optimization, the characterization of the structural, morphological, compositional and functional properties of the deposited thin films. Certain film properties were discussed comparatively with the corresponding thin films deposited with literature known precursors. It was already shortly demonstrated in Chapter 6 that the guanidine ligand showed potential interest as suitable ligand for precursor engineering. This titan guanidine precursor [Ti(NC(NMe 2 ) 2 ) 4 ] (GD1) possesses higher thermal stability compared to its parent amide, [Ti(NMe 2 ) 4 ], while reactivity against water is not significantly affected. It could be very interesting to transfer this ligand for the precursor development of rare earth

  13. Crystalline and amorphous rare-earth metallic compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burzo, E.


    During the last years the study of magnetic behaviour of rare-earth (or yttrium) compounds with cobalt and iron has growth of interest. This interest of justified by a large area of experimental and theoretical problems coming into being in the study of some rare-earth materials as well as in their technical applications. In the last three years a great number of new rare earth materials were studied and also new models explaining the magnetic behaviour of these systems have been used. In this paper we refer especially to some typical systems in order to analyse the magnetic behaviour of iron and cobalt and also the part played by the magnetic interactions in the values of the cobalt or iron moments. The model used will be generally the molecular field model. In the second chapter we present comparatively the structure of crystalline and amorphous compounds for further correlation with the magnetic properties. In chapter III we analyse the magnetic interactions in some crystalline and amorphous rare-earth alloys. Finally, we exemplify the ways in which we ensure better requried characteristics by the technical utilizations of these materials. These have in view the modifications of the magnetic interactions and are closely related with the analysis made in chapter III

  14. Rare and unexpected beta thalassemic mutations in Qazvin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    About 13 beta-globin mutations encompass 70 - 90% of mutation spectrum in Iran. These mutations are called common beta-globin mutations. The rest are rare or unknown mutations. The objective of this study was to identify and describe rare or unknown beta-globin mutations in Qazvin province. EDTAcontaining venous ...

  15. Rare and unexpected beta thalassemic mutations in Qazvin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 4, 2010 ... About 13 beta-globin mutations encompass 70 - 90% of mutation spectrum in Iran. These mutations are called common beta-globin mutations. The rest are rare or unknown mutations. The objective of this study was to identify and describe rare or unknown beta-globin mutations in Qazvin province. EDTA-.

  16. An Erupted Dilated Odontoma: A Rare Presentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gaurav Sharma


    Full Text Available A dilated odontoma is an extremely rare developmental anomaly represented as a dilatation of the crown and root as a consequence of a deep, enamel-lined invagination and is considered a severe variant of dens invaginatus. An oval shape of the tooth lacking morphological characteristics of a crown or root implies that the invagination happened in the initial stages of morphodifferentiation. Spontaneous eruption of an odontoma is a rare occurrence and the occurrence of a dilated odontoma in a supernumerary tooth is even rarer with only a few case reports documented in the English literature. We present an extremely rare case of erupted dilated odontoma occurring in the supernumerary tooth in anterior maxillary region in an 18-year-old male, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first ever case reported in English literature.

  17. e-ENERCA: telemedicine platform for rare anaemias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Béatrice Gulbis


    Full Text Available The creation of a telemedicine, tele-expertise platform opens a new challenge within the European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias (ENERCA; This is a cornerstone in the field of rare anaemias, in which national expertise is usually scarce and a significant number of patients remain undiagnosed. Experts in rare diseases are specially needed of shared knowledge platforms offering the possibility of a faster and more accurate diagnosis and the availability of a better patients’ follow-up. The platform developed by e- ENERCA will be user friendly and intuitive so it will be used by the majority of professionals without requiring a specific formation. The idea of inter professional consultation is to bring medical experts together for collaborative involvement in activities that maximize the benefits and improvement in patient care.

  18. Rare disease patients in China anticipate the sunlight of legislation. (United States)

    Gao, J J; Song, P P; Tang, W


    It is estimated that there are over ten million rare disease patients in China currently. Due to a lack of effective drugs and reimbursement regulations for medical expenses the diseases bring most patients enormous physical suffering and psychological despair. Past experience in other countries such as the United States, Japan, and the European Union have shown that legislation is the critical step to improve the miserable situation of rare disease patients. Laws and regulations for rare diseases in these countries prescribe a series of incentives for research and development of orphan drugs which turn out to obviously allow these drugs to flourish. Legislation has also established a drug reimbursement system to reduce the medical burden of the patients. These measures effectively protect the rights and interests of patients with rare diseases. In China, legislation for rare diseases has begun to attract the attention of authorities. It is anticipated that relevant laws and regulations will be established as early as possible to provide safeguards for rare disease patients in China.

  19. Xanthogranulomatous Prostatitis, a Rare Prostatic Entity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Noyola


    Full Text Available There are several benign prostatic pathologies that can clinically mimic a prostate adenocarcinoma. Xanthogranulomatous prostatitis is a benign inflammatory condition of the prostate and a rare entity. A 47-year old male, with 3 years of lower urinary tract symptoms, with a palpable hypogastric tumor, digital rectal examination: solid prostate, of approximately 60 g. Initial PSA was 0.90 ng/mL. He underwent surgical excision of the lower abdominal nodule and prostatectomy. Histopathology showed xanthogranulomatous prostatitis, without malignancy. Xanthogranulomatous prostatitis is an extremely rare entity that can simulate prostate adenocarcinoma, therefore having a correct histopathological diagnosis is essential.

  20. A rare presentation of hydatid cyst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabir, N.; Yildirim, B.; Alatas, E.; Cetin, B.


    Hydatid disease, although known to occur in most body areas, is extremely rare in the female reproductive system. There are different modes of presentation for the disease; however, we report and discuss a case presented with cystic vesicles passing through the vagina, which is considered as a rare presentation for secondary involvement of the uterus and both ovaries. We confirmed diagnosis with radiological examinations and serological tests. We operated on the patient, and studied the excised cysts microscopically. The gynecologist should be aware of hydatid cyst when vaginally passing a grape like vesicle is presented by the patient. (author)

  1. Immobilization of Radioactive Rare Earth oxide Waste by Solid Phase Sintering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Byung Gil; Park, Hwan Seo; Kim, Hwan Young; Lee, Han Soo; Kim, In Tae


    In the pyroprocessing of spent nuclear fuels, LiCl-KCl waste salt containing radioactive rare earth chlorides are generated. The radioactive rare earth oxides are recovered by co-oxidative precipitation of rare earth elements. The powder phase of rare earth oxide waste must be immobilized to produce a monolithic wasteform suitable for storage and ultimate disposal. The immobilization of these waste developed in this study involves a solid state sintering of the waste with host borosilicate glass and zinc titanate based ceramic matrix (ZIT). And the rare-earth monazite which synthesised by reaction of ammonium di-hydrogen phosphate with the rare earth oxides waste, were immobilized with the borosilicate glass. It is shown that the developed ZIT ceramic wasteform is highly resistant the leaching process, high density and thermal conductivity.

  2. 2004 Top 10 Chinese Rare Earth Events

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    1. Management to the Investment in Rare Earth IndustryConfirmedIn July 2004, "Decision on the Reform in Investment System" was formally publicized by the State Council of the People's Republic of China. The fifth item in the Decision stipulates that ore exploitation, smelting & separation and rare earth deep-processed projects with total investment over RMB¥100 million should be approved by the investment governing department of the State Council, and that other

  3. Rare Z decays and neutrino flavor universality

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Durieux, Gauthier [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY (United States). Lab. for Elementary Particle Physics; Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology; Grossman, Yuval; Kuflik, Erik [Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY (United States). Lab. for Elementary Particle Physics; Koenig, Matthias [Mainz Univ. (Germany). PRISMA Cluster of Excellence; Mainz Univ. (Germany). Mainz Inst. for Theoretical Physics; Ray, Shamayita [Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY (United States). Lab. for Elementary Particle Physics; Calcutta Univ. (India). Dept. of Physics


    We study rare four-body decays of the Z-boson involving at least one neutrino and one charged lepton. Large destructive interferences make these decays very sensitive to the Z couplings to neutrinos. As the identified charged leptons can determine the neutrino flavors, these decays probe the universality of the Z couplings to neutrinos. The rare four-body processes could be accurately measured at future lepton colliders, leading to percent level precision.

  4. Employees' perceptions of the impact of work on health behaviours. (United States)

    Payne, Nicola; Jones, Fiona; Harris, Peter R


    Research examining the impact of work on health behaviours has rarely provided a complete picture of the impact across health behaviours. Twenty-four employees were interviewed about their smoking, drinking, exercise and eating. Themes included the impact of the work environment, including policy, convenience and workplace cultural norms; business events effecting one's routine and again convenience and workplace cultural norms; being busy at work effecting time and energy for healthy behaviour; and work stress leading to health behaviours being used as coping responses on bad and good days. The impact of work is similar across health behaviours and is primarily detrimental.

  5. Studies on the adsorption behaviour of heavy rare earths with a strong cation exchanger DOWEX 50W-2X8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vijayalakshmi, R.; Singh, D.K.; Anitha, M.; Kotekar, M.K.; Dasgupta, K.; Singh, H.


    Rare earths have been a very fascinating area of research since long due to its wide applicability's in many field including superconductors, lasers, phosphors, medical, electronics, magnet, optics etc. Separation of rare earths is a challenging task and over the years many separation schemes based on solvent extraction, ion exchange, membrane etc have been developed and deployed. In the present work, we have investigated the adsorption behavior of heavy rare earths from a crude concentrate analyzing ∼ 80% Y 2 O 3 , ∼12% Dy 2 O 3 , ∼4% Er 2 O 3 etc., with a strong cationic exchanger namely Dowex 50W-2X8 in order to separate them in pure form. To start with, Y was selected as a representative of heavy rare earths and the conditions were optimized in batch experiments and later were applied to the feed solution containing Dy, Er, Ho etc. in a column study. Effects of experimental variables such as contact time, pH, weight of resin, concentration of the feed metal, temperature, desorption agents, on adsorption of Y was studied

  6. Reinfection And Bilateral Infection : Two Rare Manifestations Of Sporotrichosis

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    Maiti P. K


    Full Text Available The localization of sporotrichosis is determined by the site of dermal injury by means of which the infective spores are introduced into subcutanceous tissue, but the reports of reinfection or bilateral infection are extremely rare. Although the probability of such occurrence is high in endemic areas, the rare incidence may be due to acquired host defense, a subject of much speculation. Two such rare cases are presented and some reports of cross infections of the disease are reviewed.

  7. Rare species support vulnerable functions in high-diversity ecosystems. (United States)

    Mouillot, David; Bellwood, David R; Baraloto, Christopher; Chave, Jerome; Galzin, Rene; Harmelin-Vivien, Mireille; Kulbicki, Michel; Lavergne, Sebastien; Lavorel, Sandra; Mouquet, Nicolas; Paine, C E Timothy; Renaud, Julien; Thuiller, Wilfried


    Around the world, the human-induced collapses of populations and species have triggered a sixth mass extinction crisis, with rare species often being the first to disappear. Although the role of species diversity in the maintenance of ecosystem processes has been widely investigated, the role of rare species remains controversial. A critical issue is whether common species insure against the loss of functions supported by rare species. This issue is even more critical in species-rich ecosystems where high functional redundancy among species is likely and where it is thus often assumed that ecosystem functioning is buffered against species loss. Here, using extensive datasets of species occurrences and functional traits from three highly diverse ecosystems (846 coral reef fishes, 2,979 alpine plants, and 662 tropical trees), we demonstrate that the most distinct combinations of traits are supported predominantly by rare species both in terms of local abundance and regional occupancy. Moreover, species that have low functional redundancy and are likely to support the most vulnerable functions, with no other species carrying similar combinations of traits, are rarer than expected by chance in all three ecosystems. For instance, 63% and 98% of fish species that are likely to support highly vulnerable functions in coral reef ecosystems are locally and regionally rare, respectively. For alpine plants, 32% and 89% of such species are locally and regionally rare, respectively. Remarkably, 47% of fish species and 55% of tropical tree species that are likely to support highly vulnerable functions have only one individual per sample on average. Our results emphasize the importance of rare species conservation, even in highly diverse ecosystems, which are thought to exhibit high functional redundancy. Rare species offer more than aesthetic, cultural, or taxonomic diversity value; they disproportionately increase the potential breadth of functions provided by ecosystems across


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujita, Y.; Barnes, J.; Fox, S.


    Increasing demand for rare earth elements (REE) is expected to lead to new development and expansion in industries processing and or recycling REE. For some industrial operators, sending aqueous waste streams to a municipal wastewater treatment plant, or publicly owned treatment works (POTW), may be a cost effective disposal option. However, wastewaters that adversely affect the performance of biological wastewater treatment at the POTW will not be accepted. The objective of our research is to assess the effects of wastewaters that might be generated by new rare earth element (REE) beneficiation or recycling processes on biological wastewater treatment systems. We have been investigating the impact of yttrium and europium on the biological activity of activated sludge collected from an operating municipal wastewater treatment plant. We have also examined the effect of an organic complexant that is commonly used in REE extraction and separations; similar compounds may be a component of newly developed REE recycling processes. Our preliminary results indicate that in the presence of Eu, respiration rates for the activated sludge decrease relative to the no-Eu controls, at Eu concentrations ranging from <10 to 660 µM. Yttrium appears to inhibit respiration as well, although negative impacts have been observed only at the highest Y amendment level tested (660 µM). The organic complexant appears to have a negative impact on activated sludge activity as well, although results are variable. Ultimately the intent of this research is to help REE industries to develop environmentally friendly and economically sustainable beneficiation and recycling processes.

  9. Rare earth element abundances and distribution patterns in plant materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aidid, S.B.


    Eight out of the fourteen rare earth elements were estimated from the leaves of Pelthophorum pterocarpum, the leaves and roots of Impatiens balsamina, and the soils from four sampling sites by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The chondrite normalized rare earth element abundances and distribution patterns in the plant materials were found to be significantly correlated to the abundances of the rare earth elements occurring in the soils. The extent of accumulation of the rare earth elements in some plant materials was also governed by the age of the plants and the plant organs. (author) 16 refs.; 4 figs.; 3 tabs

  10. Resources, challenges and way forward in rare mitochondrial diseases research. (United States)

    Rajput, Neeraj Kumar; Singh, Vipin; Bhardwaj, Anshu


    Over 300 million people are affected by about 7000 rare diseases globally. There are tremendous resource limitations and challenges in driving research and drug development for rare diseases. Hence, innovative approaches are needed to identify potential solutions. This review focuses on the resources developed over the past years for analysis of genome data towards understanding disease biology especially in the context of mitochondrial diseases, given that mitochondria are central to major cellular pathways and their dysfunction leads to a broad spectrum of diseases. Platforms for collaboration of research groups, clinicians and patients and the advantages of community collaborative efforts in addressing rare diseases are also discussed. The review also describes crowdsourcing and crowdfunding efforts in rare diseases research and how the upcoming initiatives for understanding disease biology including analyses of large number of genomes are also applicable to rare diseases.

  11. Kinetics studies of solvent extraction of rare earths into DEHPA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, T.M.; Tran, T.


    The kinetics of rare earth solvent extraction into di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid have been studied using radiotracers ( 141 Ce, 152 Eu, 153 Gd, 160 Tb and 88 Y) in a modified Lewis cell. The experimental procedure involved continuous monitoring of both aqueous and organic phases using an automated γ- counting system. Using this method, highly reproducible results were obtained without chemical analysis or disturbance of the system. The initial rate extraction was first order with respect to individual rare earth concentration. At low acidities ([H+] < 0.01 M), the extraction rates of rare earths were equal and independent of pH. However, at high acidities, the extraction rate was strongly dependent on pH and varied between the rare earths. Similarly, differences in the extraction rate of individual rare earths were apparent at low DEHPA concentration. (authors)

  12. Time domain optical memories using rare earth ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sellars, M.J.; Dyke, T.; Pryde, G.J.; Manson, N.B.


    Full text: Rare earth doped crystals are the chosen materials for the next generation of optical memories where the process of spectral holeburning can be employed to provide an extra dimension of frequency or time to spatial dimensions and with certain rare earth ions increases of the order of 10 7 in storage capacity can be achieved over conventional optical memories. Time domain techniques are preferred over frequency domain techniques and are now well developed. In these techniques arbitrary pulse sequences are stored in the material and read out at some later time with a single read pulse using a stimulated photon echo process. Long pulse sequences will enable more data to be stored but necessitates the use of materials with long dephasing times (corresponding to narrow spectral lines) and it is this characteristic of rare earth systems that makes them the preferred material for the new time domain optical memories. The storage time can range from hours to days but in a practical device will require refreshing or re-enforcing and this puts special requirements on the stability of the laser used for storing the information. The storage process itself can also be weak and more reliable storage can be achieved by recording the data several times with the same pulse sequence. For this to be successful the laser must be at held at a constant frequency and be stable in phase over the entire duration of the pulse sequence. The procedure of reinforcing the data sequence has been proposed before and attempted without attention to the laser frequency stability. However, if the laser is not stable although some data bits will be reinforced or increased in size others will be decreased or even erased. Indeed the reliability of the memory is degraded by the introducing the rewrite process. For our work we have developed a laser with the excellent stability and able to demonstrate reproducible reinforcement of the data sequence. Thus with the rewrite sequence we are able to


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    Rade R. Babić


    Full Text Available The results of the radiological study of the urinary system anomalies are presented on the material consisting of 8,568 urographies done from 1990 to 2001 at the Institute for Radiology, Niš. The paper shows exceptionally rare anomalies of the urinary system: a horse-shoe shaped kidney with pyelocaliceal systems in its arms and isthmus, heterolateral ectopia of the kidney with fusion, abdominal-medial ectopia of the kidney with ventral malrotation and cup hyperplasia, hypoplastic cup, triple pyeolcaliceal system, M. Lenarduzzi and blind-ending of the Y-shaped urethra. The author concludes that, for the sake of performing every day professional work, it is necessary to possess detailed knowledge of the rarest urinary system anomalies.

  14. [Rare diseases and their patient organization: the Hungarian Federation of People with Rare and Congenital Diseases]. (United States)

    Pogány, Gábor


    The aim of the author is to discuss special issues of rare diseases, with emphasis on circumstances present in Hungary, including those leading to the foundation of the non-governmental organization, the Hungarian Federation of People with Rare and Congenital Diseases. The author briefly reviews the most important findings of current international surveys which have been performed with or without the involvement of member associations of the Hungarian Federation of People with Rare and Congenital Diseases. At the level of medical and social services in Hungary, it is still "incidental" to get to the appropriate expert or centre providing the diagnosis or treatment. It is difficult to find the still very few existing services due to the lack of suitable "pathways" and referrals. There are long delays in obtaining the first appointment, resulting in vulnerability and inequality along the regions. The overall consequence is the insufficiency or lack of access to medical and social services. There are also difficulties related to the supply of orphan medication and the long duration of hospitalization. At the level of patient organizations financial scarcity and uncertainty are typical, combined with inappropriate infrastructural background and human resources. The poor quality of organization of patient bodies along with insufficient cooperation among them are characteristic as well. The author concludes that a National Plan or Strategy is needed to improve the current fragmentation of services which would enable patients and health, social and educational professionals to provide and use the best care in the practice. This would ensure all patients with rare diseases to be diagnosed within a possible shortest time allowing access to the care and support needed in time resulting in a decrease in burden of families and society.

  15. Rare Earth Element Phases in Bauxite Residue

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johannes Vind


    Full Text Available The purpose of present work was to provide mineralogical insight into the rare earth element (REE phases in bauxite residue to improve REE recovering technologies. Experimental work was performed by electron probe microanalysis with energy dispersive as well as wavelength dispersive spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. REEs are found as discrete mineral particles in bauxite residue. Their sizes range from <1 μm to about 40 μm. In bauxite residue, the most abundant REE bearing phases are light REE (LREE ferrotitanates that form a solid solution between the phases with major compositions (REE,Ca,Na(Ti,FeO3 and (Ca,Na(Ti,FeO3. These are secondary phases formed during the Bayer process by an in-situ transformation of the precursor bauxite LREE phases. Compared to natural systems, the indicated solid solution resembles loparite-perovskite series. LREE particles often have a calcium ferrotitanate shell surrounding them that probably hinders their solubility. Minor amount of LREE carbonate and phosphate minerals as well as manganese-associated LREE phases are also present in bauxite residue. Heavy REEs occur in the same form as in bauxites, namely as yttrium phosphates. These results show that the Bayer process has an impact on the initial REE mineralogy contained in bauxite. Bauxite residue as well as selected bauxites are potentially good sources of REEs.

  16. Poisson Approximation-Based Score Test for Detecting Association of Rare Variants. (United States)

    Fang, Hongyan; Zhang, Hong; Yang, Yaning


    Genome-wide association study (GWAS) has achieved great success in identifying genetic variants, but the nature of GWAS has determined its inherent limitations. Under the common disease rare variants (CDRV) hypothesis, the traditional association analysis methods commonly used in GWAS for common variants do not have enough power for detecting rare variants with a limited sample size. As a solution to this problem, pooling rare variants by their functions provides an efficient way for identifying susceptible genes. Rare variant typically have low frequencies of minor alleles, and the distribution of the total number of minor alleles of the rare variants can be approximated by a Poisson distribution. Based on this fact, we propose a new test method, the Poisson Approximation-based Score Test (PAST), for association analysis of rare variants. Two testing methods, namely, ePAST and mPAST, are proposed based on different strategies of pooling rare variants. Simulation results and application to the CRESCENDO cohort data show that our methods are more powerful than the existing methods. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/University College London.

  17. Research on economy and social exclusion: China dolls and rare diseases (United States)

    Matsui, Akihiko


    Summary The second workshop on “Research on Economy And Social Exclusion (REASE)” was held in the University of Tokyo on January 26, 2013. Focusing on rare diseases and disorders in China, three speakers from China introduced the current status of rare diseases and the challenge of support organizations for patients with rare disease and disorders in China, and especially pointed out some important issues associated with rare diseases and disorders in China. From the viewpoint of economics, this paper discusses some of the important issues of rare diseases and disorders in China raised in this workshop, especially from the aspects of economy of scale and orphan drugs, and the emergence of stigma from discrimination. It was shown that international coordination and cooperation are called for in order to give a proper incentive to the drug industries to create new drugs for rare diseases, and suggested that an important step toward inclusion is to reduce stigma by making rare diseases visible as much as possible. PMID:25343098

  18. Extreme Quantum Memory Advantage for Rare-Event Sampling (United States)

    Aghamohammadi, Cina; Loomis, Samuel P.; Mahoney, John R.; Crutchfield, James P.


    We introduce a quantum algorithm for memory-efficient biased sampling of rare events generated by classical memoryful stochastic processes. Two efficiency metrics are used to compare quantum and classical resources for rare-event sampling. For a fixed stochastic process, the first is the classical-to-quantum ratio of required memory. We show for two example processes that there exists an infinite number of rare-event classes for which the memory ratio for sampling is larger than r , for any large real number r . Then, for a sequence of processes each labeled by an integer size N , we compare how the classical and quantum required memories scale with N . In this setting, since both memories can diverge as N →∞ , the efficiency metric tracks how fast they diverge. An extreme quantum memory advantage exists when the classical memory diverges in the limit N →∞ , but the quantum memory has a finite bound. We then show that finite-state Markov processes and spin chains exhibit memory advantage for sampling of almost all of their rare-event classes.

  19. Extreme Quantum Memory Advantage for Rare-Event Sampling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cina Aghamohammadi


    Full Text Available We introduce a quantum algorithm for memory-efficient biased sampling of rare events generated by classical memoryful stochastic processes. Two efficiency metrics are used to compare quantum and classical resources for rare-event sampling. For a fixed stochastic process, the first is the classical-to-quantum ratio of required memory. We show for two example processes that there exists an infinite number of rare-event classes for which the memory ratio for sampling is larger than r, for any large real number r. Then, for a sequence of processes each labeled by an integer size N, we compare how the classical and quantum required memories scale with N. In this setting, since both memories can diverge as N→∞, the efficiency metric tracks how fast they diverge. An extreme quantum memory advantage exists when the classical memory diverges in the limit N→∞, but the quantum memory has a finite bound. We then show that finite-state Markov processes and spin chains exhibit memory advantage for sampling of almost all of their rare-event classes.

  20. Preparation and characteristics of various rare earth nitrides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imamura, H.; Imahashi, T.; Zaimi, M.; Sakata, Y.


    Active nanocrystalline nitrides of EuN and YbN with high surface areas were successfully prepared by the thermal decomposition of the rare earth amides (Eu(NH 2 ) 2 , Yb(NH 2 ) 2 and Yb(NH 2 ) 3 ). For the preparation of CeN, PrN and NdN, the direct reaction of the rare earth metals with ammonia was extensively studied to determine optimal conditions. In the reaction of rare earth metals with ammonia, hydrides besides the nitrides were competitively formed. The reaction conditions such as temperatures and ratios of ammonia to rare earth metal were crucial in preferential formation of nitride. The nanocrystalline YbN and EuN readily absorbed large amounts of ammonia even at room temperature upon contact with ammonia (13.3 kPa). The absorbed ammonia existed in at least two forms on/in the nitride; the one was surface-adsorbed ammonia and the other ammonia absorbed in the nitride in a decomposed state. The properties of ammonia absorbed by the nitride were further evaluated by temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), FT-IR and XRD techniques