
Sample records for pseudo-hermafroditismo feminino quando

  1. Pseudo-hermafroditismo masculino em cadela


    Fantoni,M.S.; Silva,B.C.; Ferreira,L.F.L.; Valle,G.R.; Rachid,M.A.


    A case of male pseudo-hermaphrodite in a six-month-old Pinscher dog with mild signs of agression towards other dogs is reported. The animal presented fibrous mass in clitorial region, with structure similar to a diminutive penis. Testicles were found in the abdominal cavity, uterus had normal size and localization and hypertrophic clitoris was seen during exploratory laparotomy. The histopathological examination revealed testicular tissue, composed of hypotrophic seminipherous tubules and exu...

  2. Pseudo-hermafroditismo masculino em cadela

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    M.S. Fantoni


    Full Text Available A case of male pseudo-hermaphrodite in a six-month-old Pinscher dog with mild signs of agression towards other dogs is reported. The animal presented fibrous mass in clitorial region, with structure similar to a diminutive penis. Testicles were found in the abdominal cavity, uterus had normal size and localization and hypertrophic clitoris was seen during exploratory laparotomy. The histopathological examination revealed testicular tissue, composed of hypotrophic seminipherous tubules and exuberant stroma and uterus with normal histological appearance. Moreover, the animal presented high levels of testosterone.


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    Matheus Rizzato Rossi

    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: Os atletas de alto rendimento sofrem com uma série de fatores causadores de perturbações psicológicas, que podem acarretar danos ao seu desempenho final. Com a competitividade elevada e o nivelamento nos treinamentos físico e tático, as estratégias de coping (enfrentamento para superar essas perturbações podem fazer a diferença entre um elenco campeão ou perdedor. Objetivos: Analisar e comparar as estratégias de coping entre atletas de alto rendimento e praticantes de futebol feminino. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal e com amostragem não probabilística. A amostra foi composta por 56 atletas, divididas em dois grupos: G1 - atletas de alto rendimento e G2 - praticantes de futebol feminino. O instrumento utilizado foi o Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28 (ACSI-28, validado para o Brasil (ACSI-25BR e um questionário sociodemográfico contendo 12 questões, elaborado pelos próprios autores. Para a análise dos dados foi usada a estatística descritiva, teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk e o teste t de Student para dados independentes. O nível de confiança adotado foi de 95%. Resultados: Atletas de alto rendimento obtiveram maior pontuação média, estatisticamente significante, com relação às praticantes de futebol feminino nas dimensões: "desempenho sob pressão" (p = 0,048, "concentração" (p = 0,020 e "confiança/motivação" (p = 0,009. Conclusão: Atletas de alto rendimento obtiveram melhor desempenho em todas as dimensões, exceto em "treinabilidade" e "ausência de preocupação", quando comparadas ao grupo de praticantes de futebol feminino.

  4. Futsal masculino e feminino: a comparação motivacional no município de Rebouças-PR

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    Diego Andrade de Paula e Silva


    Full Text Available O Futsal é um esporte que se destaca por sua paixão e facilidade por ser praticado. Também a importância que o profissional de Educação Física e técnicos devem ter com a formação de atletas. Foi estudada a Psicologia do esporte, dando ênfase na Motivação. O objetivo do estudo foi estudar e analisar a comparação motivacional dos atletas da categoria masculina e feminina do município de Rebouças-PR, que participam da Copa Amcespar 2009. A escolha das equipes foi intencional e a amostra de sujeitos foi de 10 atletas masculinos e 10 femininos. Foi aplicado um questionário: QUESTIONÁRIO DE MOTIVAÇÃO PARA AS ATIVIDADES DESPORTIVAS para o masculino e para o feminino, onde o estudo se caracteriza por uma investigação descritiva, O masculino na faixa etária de 19 a 29 anos e feminino de 14 a 22 anos. Os dados coletados foram analisados através do Programa Estatístico SPSS 17. Este questionário se dividiu em fatores para a melhor compreensão e análise estatísticas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os atletas masculinos têm maior motivação em Força Física a que obteve a maior média. No feminino o fator Habilidades teve maior média. Quando comparado pode-se observar que a mulher dá mais importância para os fatores que envolvem o reconhecimento delas no esporte e na sociedade. E o masculino deu importância para os fatores de Força. Os resultados se deram por o futsal ter uma participação maior e historicamente mais antiga com o masculino, sendo recente a atração e prática das mulheres.


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    Mariana Santos da Silva


    Full Text Available A presença da mulher no empreendedorismo está em constante crescimento e, assim, este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as características das empreendedoras, como elas têm ingressado no empreendedorismo e apurar o perfil empreendedor. O estudo foi fundamentado no empreendedorismo e no gênero, no empreendedorismo feminino e no empreendedorismo feminino no Brasil. A metodologia foi pelo método quantitativo. Foi aplicado um questionário a uma amostra de 109 mulheres donas de negócios. Após a análise dos dados, concluiu-se que as empreendedoras são mulheres experientes, altamente escolarizadas, casadas, começaram sozinhas e que tiveram dificuldade na obtenção de financiamentos. Observou-se que as empreendedoras precisam de mais conhecimentos em habilidades gerenciais e tecnológicas para um melhor gerenciamento de seus negócios. Palavras-chave: Empreendedorismo. Empreendedorismo feminino. Empreendedora brasileira.

  6. Miopatia pseudo-hipertrófica por cisticercose: registro de caso

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    Maria Ines de Vilhena Lana-Peixoto


    Full Text Available O caso de uma paciente com aumento de volume das pernas, dor discreta e dificuldade para deambular é descrito. A eletromiografia mostrou potenciais de unidades motoras gigantes com padrão de interferência completo. A biópsia dos gastrocnêmius direito e esquerdo revelou presença de um cisticerco além de hipertrofia das fibras musculares e infiltrado inflamatório. A revisão da literatura demonstra que apenas 12 casos de miopatia pseudo-hipertrófica causada por cisticercos foram relatados e que a incidência é duas vezes maior no sexo masculino do que no feminino. Em cerca de metade dos casos há história de epilepsia. Dor e fraqueza muscular discretas são frequentes. Em geral a pseudo-hipertrofia ocorre nas cinturas escapular e pélvica simultaneamente. Miotonia é achado raro e nódulos subcutâneos estão presentes na maioria dos pacientes. Nosso paciente difere dos outros relatados na literatura por apresentar pseudo-hipertrofia restrita às pernas, principalmente à esquerda, com eletromiografia revelando potenciais de unidades motoras gigantes. A patogênese desta condição é discutida e o diagnóstico diferencial deve ser feito com distrofia muscular pseudo-hipertrófica, triquinose, miotonia congênita, hipotireoidismo, amiloidose e a forma juvenil da glicogenose do tipo I (doença de Pompe.

  7. Apontamentos acerca das relações entre corpo feminino e cidade

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    Denise Sales Vieira


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo geral discorrer, de maneira introdutória, acerca das relações entre corpo feminino e cidade, e busca entender como o estudo dessas relações pode contribuir para o entendimento da vivência feminina das cidades. Com esses apontamentos, busco investigar como se deram as abordagens da oposição mente/corpo, e como essa oposição é determinante na forma como enxergamos o corpo feminino na cidade. Deixo algumas questões passíveis de aprofundamento: Por que estudar a história das mulheres a partir da constituição de seus corpos? Que elementos acerca da história das mulheres, o corpo feminino, visto através das lentes da cidade, pode nos revelar? Há algo de específico acerca da constituição do corpo feminino que tem a ver com sua vivência da cidade?

  8. Alcoolismo feminino: um estudo de suas peculiaridades. Resultados preliminares Alcoholism in women: a study of its peculiarities. Preliminary results

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    Beatriz Aceti Lenz Cesar


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados parciais de um estudo qualitativo realizado com mulheres alcoolistas, discutir as peculiaridades do alcoolismo feminino e a importância do seu significado nos serviços especializados. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com nove mulheres que se tratavam no serviço de alcoolismo de uma instituição pública. RESULTADOS: Observou-se comportamento particular de beber, violência doméstica e maior adesão ao tratamento quando eram participantes de um grupo composto somente por mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo apontou a relevância de tentar compreender o alcoolismo feminino com todas as suas peculiaridades e a possível relação dessa compreensão com os tratamentos oferecidos.OBJECTIVE: To present preliminary results of a qualitative study carried out with women with alcohol use disorders, to assess the peculiarities of alcoholism in women, and to point out its meanings in specialized services. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with nine women at an alcohol abuse disorders clinic in a public psychiatric center. RESULTS: Some peculiar behaviors were observed such as domestic violence and a better adherence to treatment during their participation in a supportive group with other women. CONCLUSION: The study pointed out the relevance of trying to understand alcoholism in women with all its peculiarities and the possible impact of this understanding in future interventions.


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    Anna Beatriz Cautela Tvrzska de Gouvêa


    Full Text Available A realidade da mulher gestora da micro e pequena empresa desperta interesse pelo estudo do gênero feminino no ambiente destas organizações. Analisar as características, considerações e entendimentos de um grupo de mulheres, que participam de uma associação empresarial de comercio e indústria de Santa Catarina, Brasil, constituiu-se no objetivo deste estudo. A pesquisa exploratória, com método qualitativo, foi realizada por meio de entrevista estruturada, com análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciam que as gestoras apresentam idade entre 33 e 54 anos, na maioria casadas e com filhos, e com formação acadêmica de nível superior. A maioria trabalha mais de nove horas por dia. Participam, em média, com 50% do valor no orçamento familiar. Consideram-se, em sua maioria, mulheres de sucesso. Entendem como estratégia a necessidade de conhecimento acerca do negócio e a dedicação à empresa. Os resultados do estudo são semelhantes aos encontrados na literatura de empreendedorismo feminino.

  10. Reduzir-se a nada: articulações entre o masoquismo, o feminino e a máscara

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    Carolina Nassau Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O artigo demonstra que o feminino não possui uma característica masoquista que lhe seja inerente. O suposto masoquismo feminino seria uma das máscaras utilizadas pelo feminino tanto para localizar-se como mulher como para atrair o desejo de um homem. Concluímos, porém, que existem parcerias tão devastadoras que podem reduzir o sujeito a nada.

  11. Das vizinhanças entre o feminino e a loucura

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    Elizabeth Cristina Landi

    Full Text Available O tema da loucura feminina se apresenta frequentemente na clínica psicanalítica por meio de sujeitos neuróticos. Questiona-se neste artigo as proximidades entre psicose e a loucura que se apresenta no discurso das mulheres neuróticas. As identificações iniciais, por meio das quais a criança se aliena ao desejo do Outro, determinam certa loucura, não restrita apenas aos psicóticos. Para um sujeito do sexo feminino, que passa pelo tortuoso processo de tornar-se mulher, a loucura é uma possibilidade, pois uma mulher, por encontrar-se dividida entre o gozo masculino e o feminino, se aproxima da loucura, mas é não louca-de-todo.

  12. O voleibol feminino e seu posicionamento no campo esportivo brasileiro

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    Tatiana Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo oferece reflexões introdutórias acerca do posicionamento do voleibol feminino no interior do campo esportivo brasileiro. Por meio da pesquisa exploratória com base em Pinheiro (1995, Pizzolato (2004, Marchi Jr. (2004, Costa (2005, Vlastuin (2008, Moreira (2009 e Afonso (2011, identificamos pontos centrais que orientaram a interpretação sociológica fundamentada pela Sociologia Reflexiva de Bourdieu. Constatamos que a trajetória histórica do voleibol feminino no campo esportivo brasileiro se deu entre habitus construídos e legitimados sob efeitos de dominação simbólica do voleibol masculino, instauradores das leis de reprodução social e que refletem o seu posicionamento hierárquico no campo esportivo brasileiro.

  13. EMPODERAMENTO FEMININO: uma análise a partir da teoria do poder simbólico de Pierre Bourdieu


    Danielli Schmitz, Gabriele Ana Paula; Tramontina, Robison


    O presente trabalho trata sobre o empoderamento feminino sob a perspectiva da teoria do poder simbólico de Pierre Bourdieu. A escolha do tema motiva-se pela sua contemporaneidade e pela recorrente discussão em torno do empoderamento feminino. A questão que orienta esta investigação é a seguinte: é possível sustentar a ideia de que o empoderamento feminino é uma forma de poder simbólico? Para responder a esta indagação o desdobramento argumentativo teve como base a seguinte trajetória: primeir...

  14. Pseudo color ghost coding imaging with pseudo thermal light (United States)

    Duan, De-yang; Xia, Yun-jie


    We present a new pseudo color imaging scheme named pseudo color ghost coding imaging based on ghost imaging but with multiwavelength source modulated by a spatial light modulator. Compared with conventional pseudo color imaging where there is no nondegenerate wavelength spatial correlations resulting in extra monochromatic images, the degenerate wavelength and nondegenerate wavelength spatial correlations between the idle beam and signal beam can be obtained simultaneously. This scheme can obtain more colorful image with higher quality than that in conventional pseudo color coding techniques. More importantly, a significant advantage of the scheme compared to the conventional pseudo color coding imaging techniques is the image with different colors can be obtained without changing the light source and spatial filter.

  15. Trauma & the reproductive lifecycle in women Trauma e o ciclo reprodutivo feminino

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    Leslie Born


    Full Text Available Women are at significantly higher risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD than men, resulting in increased psychosocial burden and healthcare related costs. Recent research has shown complex interactions between the impact of traumatic experiences, and the reproductive lifecycle in women. For example, women suffering from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD who also report a history of sexual or physical abuse are more likely to present with different neuroendocrine reactivity to stressors, when compared to premenstrual dysphoric disorder subjects without prior history of trauma or abuse or non-premenstrual dysphoric disorder subjects. In addition, women with a history of abuse or trauma may experience re-emergence of symptoms during pregnancy. Lastly, females who experience miscarriage may present with even higher prevalence rates of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. In this manuscript we examine the existing data on gender differences in post-traumatic stress disorder, with particular focus on psychological and physiological factors that might be relevant to the development of symptoms after exposure to traumatic events associated with the reproductive life cycle. Current options available for the treatment of such symptoms, including group and counselling therapies and debriefing are critically reviewed.Mulheres estão sujeitas a um maior risco para o desenvolvimento de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT do que os homens, o que acarreta prejuízos e custos significativos do ponto de vista psicossocial e de saúde pública. Estudos recentes mostram interações complexas entre o impacto de experiências traumáticas e o ciclo reprodutivo feminino. Por exemplo, mulheres com transtorno disfórico pré-menstrual (TDPM, que também relatam histórico de trauma ou abuso físico, estão mais sujeitas a apresentar uma resposta neuroendócrina diferenciada após exposição a um fator ou evento estressante, quando

  16. Pseudo-set framing. (United States)

    Barasz, Kate; John, Leslie K; Keenan, Elizabeth A; Norton, Michael I


    Pseudo-set framing-arbitrarily grouping items or tasks together as part of an apparent "set"-motivates people to reach perceived completion points. Pseudo-set framing changes gambling choices (Study 1), effort (Studies 2 and 3), giving behavior (Field Data and Study 4), and purchase decisions (Study 5). These effects persist in the absence of any reward, when a cost must be incurred, and after participants are explicitly informed of the arbitrariness of the set. Drawing on Gestalt psychology, we develop a conceptual account that predicts what will-and will not-act as a pseudo-set, and defines the psychological process through which these pseudo-sets affect behavior: over and above typical reference points, pseudo-set framing alters perceptions of (in)completeness, making intermediate progress seem less complete. In turn, these feelings of incompleteness motivate people to persist until the pseudo-set has been fulfilled. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  17. Discrete pseudo-integrals

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mesiar, Radko; Li, J.; Pap, E.


    Roč. 54, č. 3 (2013), s. 357-364 ISSN 0888-613X R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP402/11/0378 Institutional support: RVO:67985556 Keywords : concave integral * pseudo-addition * pseudo-multiplication Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 1.977, year: 2013 pseudo-integrals.pdf


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    Cristina Madureira


    Full Text Available Introdução: A Displasia Craniofrontonasal (CFND é uma doença rara ligada ao X, caracterizada por malformações cra- niofaciais graves, paradoxalmente associada a fenótipos mais exuberantes no sexo feminino. Caso Clínico: sexo feminino, pais jovens não consanguí- neos e sem antecedentes familiares relevantes, orientada para a consulta de Pediatria por malformações craniofaciais. Apre- sentava craniossinostose coronal com assimetria craniofacial e braquiturricefalia, fronte alta, larga e proeminente, hipertelorismo acentuado, ponta nasal bífida e baixa implantação dos pavilhões auriculares. Evidência de clinodactilia do 5º dedo e háluces lar- gos. O estudo genético identificou uma mutação frameshift no gene EFBN1 no cromossoma X, confirmando o diagnóstico de CFND. O estudo genético dos pais foi normal (mutação de novo. Foi orientada para a consulta de Genética Médica e de Cirurgia Plástica (rinoplastia e várias cirurgias de correção de hipertelorismo. O desenvolvimento psicomotor foi adequado e após ingresso no 1º ciclo verificaram-se dificuldades na adaptação escolar e relação com os pares, com aproveitamento satisfató- rio. A avaliação psicológica revelou baixa autoestima, ansiedade face à exposição social e dificuldade em lidar com a frustração. Atualmente apresenta dismorfias faciais com correção parcial, escoliose ligeira e miopia/astigmatismo, mantendo seguimento multidisciplinar. Comentários: Os autores pretendem alertar para a existência desta síndrome genética, assim como realçar a necessida- de de uma abordagem multidisciplinar destes casos. A par do tratamento cirúrgico, é fundamental o aconselhamento genético e o acompanhamento psicológico destas doentes, pela baixa autoestima e pelo risco de exclusão social associados a esta síndrome.

  19. Inventário Feminino dos Esquemas de Gênero do Autoconceito (IFEGA Feminine Inventory of the Self-Concept's Gender Schemas (IFEGA

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    Adriana Giavoni


    Full Text Available O propósito deste artigo foi elaborar e validar o Inventário Feminino dos Esquemas de Gênero do Autoconceito (IFEGA. Composto por duas escalas (masculina e feminina, este instrumento avalia os esquemas masculino e feminino do autoconceito das mulheres. A amostra foi composta por estudantes universitárias do sexo feminino. Análises fatoriais foram realizadas para ambas as escalas (Principal Axis Factoring, com rotações oblíquas e ortogonais, assim como foram avaliados os índices de consistência interna dos fatores (Alfa de Cronbach para que o instrumento fosse apropriadamente validado. Os resultados demonstraram que ambas as escalas são compostas por estruturas multifatoriais. Devidamente validado, o IFEGA pode ser utilizado para avaliar os esquemas masculino e feminino do autoconceito de indivíduos do sexo feminino.The purpose of this article was to elaborate and validate the Feminine Inventory of the Self-Concept's Gender Schemas (IFEGA. Composed by two scales (masculine and feminine scales, this instrument evaluates female self-concept's gender schemas. The sample was composed by female university students. Factorial analysis for both scales (Principal Axis Factoring with oblique and orthogonal rotations was performed, as well as the internal factors consistency analysis (Cronbach's Alpha, in order to validate the instrument. The results showed that IFEGA´s scales are composed by multifactorial structures. It can be stated that both scales may be used in the evaluation of the female self-concept's gender schemas.

  20. Perisplenic Pseudo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyo Heon; Cho, Sin Young; Suh, Hong Kil; Kim, Ji Hyeon; Choi, Chul Soon; Lee, Eil Seong; Kang, Ik Won


    Perisplenic pseudo 'fluid collection' is one of the rare normal variations. Its frequency and sonographic findings for the differentiation from true perisplenic fluid collection have not been well described. Thus, we performed this study. The examination was performed with special attention to the splenic and perisplenic areas. We excluded patients with proved or suspected liver cirrhosis, pancreatic diseases,and abdominal trauma from the study population, but did not exclude the patients with chronic hepatitis and the carriers of hepatitis B virus. Of the examined 4794 patients, 8 cases showed perisplenic pseudo 'fluid collection'. Two of them were confirmed with computed tomography and liver scan, and six were inferred from the fact proved to be a part of the left lobe extension of the liver by tracing with the transducer. All cases ofperisplenic pseudo 'fluid collection' showed hypoechoic crescent area with hepatic ductal echoes. Perisplenic pseudo 'fluid collection' is very rare. The helpful findings for the differentiation from true fluid collection are the hepatic ductal echoes seen in the normal liver, proof of continuation into remained voluminous liver by tracing with the transducer. High awareness of it would prevent further unnecessary studies such as computed tomography and liver scan

  1. Preparação de professores para problematização da pseudo-história em materiais didáticos


    Forato, Thaís C. M.


    Este trabalho apresenta um recorte da análise de uma proposta inserida na formação inicial de professores, que objetiva sua preparação para identificar e lidar com a pseudo-história, quando presente em materiais didáticos. Tal proposta formativa consiste em um dos temas da disciplina de Prática Pedagógica de Ciências, e foi aplicada em duas turmas do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências – Física, Química e Biologia-, da UNIFESP-Diadema. Os dados apontam que os estudantes elaboraram boas análises...

  2. Pseudo-Riemannian Novikov algebras

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Zhiqi; Zhu Fuhai [School of Mathematical Sciences and LPMC, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 (China)], E-mail:, E-mail:


    Novikov algebras were introduced in connection with the Poisson brackets of hydrodynamic-type and Hamiltonian operators in formal variational calculus. Pseudo-Riemannian Novikov algebras denote Novikov algebras with non-degenerate invariant symmetric bilinear forms. In this paper, we find that there is a remarkable geometry on pseudo-Riemannian Novikov algebras, and give a special class of pseudo-Riemannian Novikov algebras.

  3. Perisplenic Pseudo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyo Heon; Cho, Sin Young; Suh, Hong Kil; Kim, Ji Hyeon; Choi, Chul Soon; Lee, Eil Seong; Kang, Ik Won [Hallym University College of Medicine, Chuncheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Perisplenic pseudo 'fluid collection' is one of the rare normal variations. Its frequency and sonographic findings for the differentiation from true perisplenic fluid collection have not been well described. Thus, we performed this study. The examination was performed with special attention to the splenic and perisplenic areas. We excluded patients with proved or suspected liver cirrhosis, pancreatic diseases,and abdominal trauma from the study population, but did not exclude the patients with chronic hepatitis and the carriers of hepatitis B virus. Of the examined 4794 patients, 8 cases showed perisplenic pseudo 'fluid collection'. Two of them were confirmed with computed tomography and liver scan, and six were inferred from the fact proved to be a part of the left lobe extension of the liver by tracing with the transducer. All cases ofperisplenic pseudo 'fluid collection' showed hypoechoic crescent area with hepatic ductal echoes. Perisplenic pseudo 'fluid collection' is very rare. The helpful findings for the differentiation from true fluid collection are the hepatic ductal echoes seen in the normal liver, proof of continuation into remained voluminous liver by tracing with the transducer. High awareness of it would prevent further unnecessary studies such as computed tomography and liver scan

  4. Conformal maps between pseudo-Finsler spaces (United States)

    Voicu, Nicoleta

    The paper aims to initiate a systematic study of conformal mappings between Finsler spacetimes and, more generally, between pseudo-Finsler spaces. This is done by extending several results in pseudo-Riemannian geometry which are necessary for field-theoretical applications and by proposing a technique that reduces some problems involving pseudo-Finslerian conformal vector fields to their pseudo-Riemannian counterparts. Also, we point out, by constructing classes of examples, that conformal groups of flat (locally Minkowskian) pseudo-Finsler spaces can be much richer than both flat Finslerian and pseudo-Euclidean conformal groups.



    Bibiana Giudice da Silva Cezar; Laura Alves SCherer; Kathiane Benedetti Corso


    Com o objetivo de analisar a influência do empoderamento feminino na carreira de mulheres docentes, realizou-se um estudo de caso, qualitativo, descritivo-exploratório, fazendo uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas com sete professoras de uma universidade pública do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Seis dimensões do empoderamento feminino foram definidas como categorias a priori e analisadas pela técnica de análise de conteúdo: Econômica, Sociocultural, Familiar, Legal, Política e Psicológica. As...

  6. Sobre o feminino e a cidadania em Pompéia


    Feitosa, Lourdes M. G. C.; Faversani, Fábio


    Nos últimos anos, novos trabalhos tem questionado os antigos paradigmas interpretativos que excluíam a mulher do espaço público e do grupo de cidadãos. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre a ideia equivocada do confinamento feminino ao lar e de sua exclusão da vida pública e do poder, durante o século 1 d.C. A análise de inscrições parietais de Pompéia tem sido importante para questionar esta imagem sobre as mulheres romanas. _______________________________________________________________...



    David Gorski


    The Pseudo-Smarandache Function is part of number theory. The function comes from the Smarandache Function. The Pseudo-Smarandache Function is represented by Z(n) where n represents any natural number.

  8. Algebra of pseudo-differential C*-operators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohammad, N.


    In this paper the algebra of pseudo-differential operators is studied in the framework of C * -algebras. It is proved that every pseudo-differential operator of order m admits an adjoint operator, in this case, which is again a pseudo-differential operator. Consequently, the space of all pseudo-differential operators on a compact manifold is an involutive algebra. 10 refs

  9. Pseudo-Haptic Feedback in Teleoperation. (United States)

    Neupert, Carsten; Matich, Sebastian; Scherping, Nick; Kupnik, Mario; Werthschutzky, Roland; Hatzfeld, Christian


    In this paper, we develop possible realizations of pseudo-haptic feedback in teleoperation systems based on existing works for pseudo-haptic feedback in virtual reality and the intended applications. We derive four potential factors affecting the performance of haptic feedback (calculation operator, maximum displacement, offset force, and scaling factor), which are analyzed in three compliance identification experiments. First, we analyze the principle usability of pseudo-haptic feedback by comparing information transfer measures for teleoperation and direct interaction. Pseudo-haptic interaction yields well above-chance performance, while direct interaction performs almost perfectly. In order to optimize pseudo-haptic feedback, in the second study we perform a full-factorial experimental design with 36 subjects performing 6,480 trials with 36 different treatments. Information transfer ranges from 0.68 bit to 1.72 bit in a task with a theoretical maximum of 2.6 bit, with a predominant effect of the calculation operator and a minor effect of the maximum displacement. In a third study, short- and long-term learning effects are analyzed. Learning effects regarding the performance of pseudo-haptic feedback cannot be observed for single-day experiments. Tests over 10 days show a maximum increase in information transfer of 0.8 bit. The results show the feasibility of pseudo-haptic feedback for teleoperation and can be used as design basis for task-specific systems.

  10. Amyloidotic muscle pseudohypertrophy: case report Pseudo-hipertrofia muscular associada com amiloidose: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana Herminia Scola


    Full Text Available The authors report one case of amyloidosis associated with muscular pseudohypertrophy in a 46-year-old woman, who developed weakness, macroglossia and muscle hypertrophy associated with primary systemic amyloidosis. Electromyography showed a myopathic pattern and bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. The muscle biopsy presented with a type I and II fiber hypertrophy and infiltration of amyloid material in the interstitious space and artery walls. She underwent bone marrow transplantation with stabilization and subjective improvement of the clinical picture.Descreve-se um caso de pseudo-hipertrofia muscular associada a amiloidose primária em uma paciente do sexo feminino, com 46 anos, que apresentava astenia e macroglossia. O estudo eletromiográfico mostrou padrão miopático e síndrome do túnel do carpo, bilateral. A biópsia muscular revelou hipertrofia de fibras tipo I e II, com infiltração de material amilóide no interstício e parede dos vasos, principalmente arteriais. A paciente foi submetida a transplante autólogo de medula óssea, evoluindo com estabilização do quadro e um sentimento subjetivo de melhora.

  11. Pseudo-color processing in nuclear medical image

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Zhiqian; Jin Yongjie


    The application of pseudo-color technology in nuclear medical image processing is discussed. It includes selection of the number of pseudo-colors, method of realizing pseudo-color transformation, function of pseudo-color transformation and operation on the function

  12. Estados de pseudo-Cushing


    Romanholi, Daniella J.P.C.; Salgado, Luiz Roberto


    Síndromes de pseudo-Cushing são um grupo heterogêneo de doenças, incluindo alcoolismo, anorexia nervosa, obesidade visceral e depressão, que compartilham muitas das características clínicas e bioquímicas da síndrome de Cushing. Os mecanismos responsáveis para a gênese da síndrome de pseudo-Cushing são fracamente compreendidos. Tem sido sugerido que o hipercortisolismo da síndrome de pseudo-Cushing pode ser resultante do aumento da secreção do hormônio liberador de corticotrofina (CRH) hipotal...

  13. O Papel Mediador das Emoções na Relação entre Hormônios Femininos e Escolha Indulgente

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    Juliane Ruffatto


    Full Text Available É sabido que o comportamento de consumo é influenciado por diversos fatores; dentre eles, fatores fisiológicos pouco explorados em pesquisas como a influência da alteração hormonal no comportamento de consumo feminino. Os diferentes picos de hormônios decorrentes do ciclo menstrual feminino não só provocam mudanças físicas no organismo da mulher, mas como também mudanças no seu modo de agir e no seu comportamento. Desse modo, o objetivo da pesquisa é entender o efeito hormonal feminino nas emoções, e estas nas escolhas por produtos indulgentes. Para tanto, participaram deste estudo 164 mulheres em período reprodutivo com idades entre 18 e 39 anos em diferentes fases do ciclo hormonal. Para estabelecer relação com três variáveis distintas e testar a hipótese, utilizou-se a mediação por meio da regressão para explicar o efeito indireto do período hormonal na escolha pela lista indulgente, mediada pela emoção. Os resultados sugerem que as alterações hormonais, ocasionadas pelo ciclo menstrual feminino, no qual há um aumento na atividade hormonal, possam influenciar negativamente as emoções negativas, ou seja, a maior produção hormonal gerará menos emoções negativas, que por sua vez favorecerá a escolha de produtos menos indulgentes (mais saudáveis. 

  14. O trabalho feminino na Grécia Antiga: lenda e realidade

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    Maria de Fátima Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo avalia, numa perspectiva diacrónica, o trabalho feminino na Grécia antiga e a sua evolução a partir da época arcaica até à clássica, com recurso aos testemunhos da épica e do teatro. São tidos em conta o modelo de organização social, mais aristocrático ou mais democrático, ou factores determinantes no quotidiano, como a guerra, a instabilidade populacional, as condições económicas.

  15. Modos de subjetivação femininos, família e trabalho

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    Maria Cristina Lopes de Almeida Amazonas

    Full Text Available Este artigo discute os modos de subjetivação femininos no mundo contemporâneo no contexto do trabalho e da família e problematiza o conceito de gênero tomando-o como relacional, plural, em uma tentativa de escapar à lógica binária. O artigo se baseia nos dados de uma pesquisa em que foram entrevistadas seis mulheres entre 25 e 35 anos de idade, de nível socioeconômico médio, cujas respostas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram mulheres que fazem parte de um contexto histórico que lhes endereça um discurso de sujeito autônomo e livre, que atribuem valor ao trabalho como profissão, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, são demandadas a atender as exigências de maridos e filhos no espaço privado. As múltiplas identidades que assumem requisitam posições de sujeito contraditórias, atravessadas pelas questões de gênero masculino/feminino que não mais dão conta de suas atuações no mundo. No entanto, simultaneamente, seus discursos indicam que as mulheres começam a buscar caminhos alternativos que as ajudem a superar essas relações dicotômicas.

  16. Práticas de empoderamento feminino na América Latina


    Marinho, Paloma Abelin Saldanha; Gonçalves, Hebe Signorini


    A partir de uma breve apresentação a respeito dos debates que embasam o conceito de empoderamento e da inserção do termo na perspectiva dos estudos de gênero, o artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica a respeito das práticas de empoderamento feminino, realizadas e registradas na América Latina, entre os anos 2000 e 2012. A respeito das práticas de empoderamento encontradas, os três eixos principais de análise foram: o empoderamento ancorado na renda feminina, as práticas de empoderamento o...

  17. Uso de Telas de Polipropileno Recobertas para Tratamento de Prolapsos Genitais Femininos/ Use of Polypropylene Meshes Covered for Treatment of Women Genital Prolapsed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe Marques Valentim Antunes


    Full Text Available Na atualidade, o prolapso genital feminino é uma das queixas mais comuns em consultas ginecológicas. Vários procedimentos cirúrgicos vêm sendo propostos para correção das distopias genitais, porém mesmo com o avanço sobre novas técnicas e conhecimento sobre a anatomia pélvica, os resultados continuam insatisfatórios e o risco de uma recidiva é alto. Com isso, telas sintéticas estão sendo cada vez mais usadas para o tratamento no âmbito de diminuir as taxas de recidiva. Atualmente, a tela tipo I de polipropileno monofilamentar com macroporos é a tela de escolha, com ótimos resultados de cura em até 90% dos casos. Desta forma, o objetivo desta revisão foi verificar os avanços da correção cirúrgica de prolapsos femininos com o uso de telas de polipropileno recobertas, bem como seus efeitos no organismo humano, quando comparados com a técnica cirúrgica convencional, observando que ainda não há estudos de alta qualidade suficientes para apoiar a ampla utilização das telas para cirurgia reconstrutiva vaginal, uma vez que não existem evidências científicas da real segurança e eficácia do emprego de telas sintéticas. At present, female genital prolapse is one of the most common complaints in gynecological consults. Various surgical procedures have been proposed for correction of genital dystopias, but even with the advancement of new techniques and knowledge of pelvic anatomy, the results are still unsatisfactory and the risk of recurrence is high. Thus, synthetic meshes are being increasingly used for treatment to reduce the rate of recurrence. Currently, type I monofilament polypropylene mesh with a large pore size is the mesh of choice, with excellent healing results in up to 90% of cases. Thus, the objective of this review was to assess the advances in surgical correction of female prolapse using polypropylene mesh covered, as well as its effects on the human body, when compared with the conventional surgical


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chertkov, Michael; Stepanov, Mikhail


    Belief Propagation (BP) and Linear Programming (LP) decodings of LDPC codes are discussed. The authors summarize results of instanton/pseudo-codeword approach developed for analysis of the error-floor domain of the codes. Instantons are special, code and decoding specific, configurations of the channel noise contributing most to the Frame-Error-Rate (FER). Instantons are decoded into pseudo-codewords. Instanton/pseudo-codeword with the lowest weight describes the largest Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) asymptotic of FER, while the whole spectra of the low weight instantons is descriptive of the FER vs. SNR profile in the extended error-floor domain. First, they describe a general optimization method that allows to find the instantons for any coding/decoding. Second, they introduce LP-specific pseudo-codeword search algorithm that allows efficient calculations of the pseudo-codeword spectra. Finally, they discuss results of combined BP/LP error-floor exploration experiments for two mode codes.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    CHERTKOV, MICHAEL [Los Alamos National Laboratory; STEPANOV, MIKHAIL [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    Belief Propagation (BP) and Linear Programming (LP) decodings of LDPC codes are discussed. The authors summarize results of instanton/pseudo-codeword approach developed for analysis of the error-floor domain of the codes. Instantons are special, code and decoding specific, configurations of the channel noise contributing most to the Frame-Error-Rate (FER). Instantons are decoded into pseudo-codewords. Instanton/pseudo-codeword with the lowest weight describes the largest Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) asymptotic of FER, while the whole spectra of the low weight instantons is descriptive of the FER vs. SNR profile in the extended error-floor domain. First, they describe a general optimization method that allows to find the instantons for any coding/decoding. Second, they introduce LP-specific pseudo-codeword search algorithm that allows efficient calculations of the pseudo-codeword spectra. Finally, they discuss results of combined BP/LP error-floor exploration experiments for two mode codes.

  20. Pseudo-aneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo por rotura cardíaca após infarto agudo do miocárdio: tratamento cirúrgico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    GOMES Maurício de Castro


    Full Text Available O pseudo-aneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo após infarto agudo do miocárdio é entidade rara. Quando diagnosticado, deverá ser operado logo que possível, devido ao risco aumentado de rotura de sua parede. No período de novembro de 1992 a junho de 1995, foram encaminhados ao nosso Serviço 3 pacientes com suspeita clínica de pseudo-aneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo (VE, com sinais clínicos, radiológicos, ecocardiográficos e angiográficos característicos da lesão. O objetivo do trabalho é discutir o diagnóstico, a indicação cirúrgica, as técnicas e táticas empregadas, as complicações e os resultados cirúrgicos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos ao ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico, que foi suficiente para o diagnóstico. Após propedêutica adequada, com realização de angiografia e ventriculografia, os pacientes foram submetidos à correção utilização de pericárdio bovino. Um dos pacientes apresentava comunicação interventricular (CIV, que foi corrigida no mesmo ato cirúrgico. Os pacientes receberam alta em bom estado geral, com controle ecocardiográfico evidenciando a correção do pseudo-aneurisma.

  1. Pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles in R4 (United States)

    Chossat, Pascal; Lohse, Alexander; Podvigina, Olga


    We study pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles for a Γ-equivariant system in R4 with finite Γ ⊂ O(4) , and their nearby dynamics. In particular, in a first step towards a full classification - analogous to that which exists already for the class of simple cycles - we identify all finite subgroups of O(4) admitting pseudo-simple cycles. To this end we introduce a constructive method to build equivariant dynamical systems possessing a robust heteroclinic cycle. Extending a previous study we also investigate the existence of periodic orbits close to a pseudo-simple cycle, which depends on the symmetry groups of equilibria in the cycle. Moreover, we identify subgroups Γ ⊂ O(4) , Γ ⊄ SO(4) , admitting fragmentarily asymptotically stable pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles. (It has been previously shown that for Γ ⊂ SO(4) pseudo-simple cycles generically are completely unstable.) Finally, we study a generalized heteroclinic cycle, which involves a pseudo-simple cycle as a subset.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bibiana Giudice da Silva Cezar


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de analisar a influência do empoderamento feminino na carreira de mulheres docentes, realizou-se um estudo de caso, qualitativo, descritivo-exploratório, fazendo uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas com sete professoras de uma universidade pública do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Seis dimensões do empoderamento feminino foram definidas como categorias a priori e analisadas pela técnica de análise de conteúdo: Econômica, Sociocultural, Familiar, Legal, Política e Psicológica. As entrevistadas apresentaram diversos traços de empoderamento, ao resistirem à cultura patriarcal característica da região, buscando poder e autonomia sobre suas próprias vidas, tornaram-se economicamente ativas, independentes e satisfeitas ao gerir sua carreira.

  3. Scaphoid pseudo-arthrosis: Frequency, pathogenesis and course

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schunk, K.; Teifke, A.; Benning, R.; Dahm, M.; Thelen, R.; Schild, H.


    Eighty-three scaphoid pseudo-arthroses were found amongst 1.104 scaphoid examinations. Sixtyseven were present at the first examination and 16 pseudo-arthroses developed amongst 252 scaphoid fractures. Men were affected predominantly, particularly in the 20 to 40-year old group. Fractures in the proximal third of the scaphoid and vertical oblique fractures had a particular tendency to pseudo-arthrosis formation. The operative treatment of choice is a Matti-Russe bone graft. Only one patient in seven with definite scaphoid pseudo-arthrosis showed firm fusion. (orig.).

  4. Scaphoid pseudo-arthrosis: Frequency, pathogenesis and course

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schunk, K.; Teifke, A.; Benning, R.; Dahm, M.; Thelen, R.; Schild, H.; Mainz Univ.


    Eighty-three scaphoid pseudo-arthroses were found amongst 1.104 scaphoid examinations. Sixtyseven were present at the first examination and 16 pseudo-arthroses developed amongst 252 scaphoid fractures. Men were affected predominantly, particularly in the 20 to 40-year old group. Fractures in the proximal third of the scaphoid and vertical oblique fractures had a particular tendency to pseudo-arthrosis formation. The operative treatment of choice is a Matti-Russe bone graft. Only one patient in seven with definite scaphoid pseudo-arthrosis showed firm fusion. (orig.) [de

  5. Tratamento da pseudo-artrose do terço distal do rádio Treatment of nounion in the third distal of the radio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Aurélio Sertório Grecco


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentaram um estudo prospectivo de quatro pacientes portadores de pseudo-artrose no terço distal do rádio. Dois eram do sexo feminino e dois do masculino, com idade média de 42,5 anos. O diagnóstico de pseudo-artrose foi realizado em média com 5,3 meses após o trauma. Um paciente apresentava, como antecedente mórbido pessoal, epilepsia e osteoporose, outros dois relataram tabagismo e obesidade e o quarto, fratura exposta. O tratamento consistiu de osteossíntese interna e enxertia com osso autógeno. Todos foram submetidos à avaliação clínica pré e pós-operatória quanto à força de preensão palmar e arco de movimentos do punho. Houve 100% de consolidação das fraturas do terço distal do rádio em pseudo-artrose e retorno dos pacientes às atividades profissionais.The authors presented a prospective study of four patients presenting pseudarthrosis at the distal third of the radius. Two patients were females and two were males, aged between 29 and 51 years with a mean age of 42.5 year old. The diagnosis of pseudarthrosis was provided within an average of 5.3 months after trauma. One patient presented as personal morbid history, epilepsy and osteoporosis, two patients were smokers and obese, and the fourth had an open fracture. The treatment consisted of internal osteosynthesis and autogenous bone graft. All patients were submitted to pre- and post operative clinical evaluation for palmar holding force and movement arch of the wrist. 100% of the radius distal-third fractures in pseudarthrosis have been united, with all patients returning to their respective professional activities.

  6. Maintaining heterokaryosis in pseudo-homothallic fungi. (United States)

    Grognet, Pierre; Silar, Philippe


    Among all the strategies displayed by fungi to reproduce and propagate, some species have adopted a peculiar behavior called pseudo-homothallism. Pseudo-homothallic fungi are true heterothallics, i.e., they need 2 genetically-compatible partners to mate, but they produce self-fertile mycelium in which the 2 different nuclei carrying the compatible mating types are present. This lifestyle not only enables the fungus to reproduce without finding a compatible partner, but also to cross with any mate it may encounter. However, to be fully functional, pseudo-homothallism requires maintaining heterokaryosis at every stage of the life cycle. We recently showed that neither the structure of the mating-type locus nor hybrid-enhancing effect due to the presence of the 2 mating types accounts for the maintenance of heterokaryosis in the pseudo-homothallic fungus P. anserina. In this addendum, we summarize the mechanisms creating heterokaryosis in P. anserina and 2 other well-known pseudo-homothallic fungi, Neurospora tetrasperma and Agaricus bisporus. We also discuss mechanisms potentially involved in maintaining heterokaryosis in these 3 species.

  7. [Pseudo-Bartter syndrome--2 cases]. (United States)

    Jóźwiak, Lucyna; Jaroszyński, Andrzej; Baranowicz-Gaszczyk, Iwona; Borowicz, Ewa; Ksiazek, Andrzej


    Bartter syndrome represents the group of renal disturbances characterized by hypokaliemia and metabolic alkalosis. Some diseases could display hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis without primary tubular dysfunction. These disorders are called pseudo-Bartter syndrome. In this paper we present 2 cases of pseudo-Bartter syndrome related among to other things to overuse of diuretic drugs.

  8. Examples of pseudo-bosons in quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bagarello, F.


    We discuss two physical examples of the so-called pseudo-bosons, recently introduced in connection with pseudo-hermitian quantum mechanics. In particular, we show that the so-called extended harmonic oscillator and the Swanson model satisfy all the assumptions of the pseudo-bosonic framework introduced by the author. We also prove that the biorthogonal bases they produce are not Riesz bases.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diemer, Benedikt; Kravtsov, Andrey V.; More, Surhud


    A dark matter halo is commonly defined as a spherical overdensity of matter with respect to a reference density, such as the critical density or the mean matter density of the universe. Such definitions can lead to a spurious pseudo-evolution of halo mass simply due to redshift evolution of the reference density, even if its physical density profile remains constant over time. We estimate the amount of such pseudo-evolution of mass between z = 1 and 0 for halos identified in a large N-body simulation, and show that it accounts for almost the entire mass evolution of the majority of halos with M 200ρ-bar ≲ 10 12 h -1 M ☉ and can be a significant fraction of the apparent mass growth even for cluster-sized halos. We estimate the magnitude of the pseudo-evolution assuming that halo density profiles remain static in physical coordinates, and show that this simple model predicts the pseudo-evolution of halos identified in numerical simulations to good accuracy, albeit with significant scatter. We discuss the impact of pseudo-evolution on the evolution of the halo mass function and show that the non-evolution of the low-mass end of the halo mass function is the result of a fortuitous cancellation between pseudo-evolution and the absorption of small halos into larger hosts. We also show that the evolution of the low-mass end of the concentration-mass relation observed in simulations is almost entirely due to the pseudo-evolution of mass. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the interpretation of the evolution of various scaling relations between the observable properties of galaxies and galaxy clusters and their halo masses.

  10. Newtonian and pseudo-Newtonian Hill problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steklain, A.F.; Letelier, P.S.


    A pseudo-Newtonian Hill problem based on the Paczynski-Wiita pseudo-Newtonian potential that reproduces general relativistic effects is presented and compared with the usual Newtonian Hill problem. Poincare maps, Lyapunov exponents and fractal escape techniques are employed to study bounded and unbounded orbits. In particular we consider the systems composed by Sun, Earth and Moon and composed by the Milky Way, the M2 cluster and a star. We find that some pseudo-Newtonian systems-including the M2 system-are more stable than their Newtonian equivalent

  11. Construction of the mathematical concept of pseudo thinking students (United States)

    Anggraini, D.; Kusmayadi, T. A.; Pramudya, I.


    Thinking process is a process that begins with the acceptance of information, information processing and information calling in memory with structural changes that include concepts or knowledges. The concept or knowledge is individually constructed by each individual. While, students construct a mathematical concept, students may experience pseudo thinking. Pseudo thinking is a thinking process that results in an answer to a problem or construction to a concept “that is not true”. Pseudo thinking can be classified into two forms there are true pseudo and false pseudo. The construction of mathematical concepts in students of pseudo thinking should be immediately known because the error will have an impact on the next construction of mathematical concepts and to correct the errors it requires knowledge of the source of the error. Therefore, in this article will be discussed thinking process in constructing of mathematical concepts in students who experience pseudo thinking.

  12. Los hermafroditas. Medicina e identidad sexual en España (1850-1960)


    Vázquez García, Francisco; Cleminson, Richard


    Las investigaciones realizadas sobre historia del hermafroditismo en Europa se han centrado en Francia, Alemania y Gran Bretaña y los trabajos que existen sobre el caso español se limitan al periodo situado entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. Este estudio pretende analizar en qué medida se puede dar cuenta del discurso sobre el hermafroditismo en España a través de un enfoque marcadamente comparativo referido a los siglos XIX y XX. Aunque se tenga en cuenta que en España se seguían las grandes tend...

  13. Acroangiodermatite (pseudo-sarcoma de Kaposi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Azulay Rubem David


    Full Text Available Acroangiodermatite é enfermidade rara, caracterizada por lesões eritêmato-violáceas bem delimitadas que acometem pernas e pés com aspecto semelhante ao do sarcoma de Kaposi. É relatado o caso de paciente do sexo feminino, de 57 anos, com início súbito de lesões eritêmato-violáceas nas pernas sem outras alterações. O caso acrescenta aprendizado por sua dificuldade diagnóstica e reafirma a importância da imuno-histoquímica. Trata-se da publicação do primeiro caso brasileiro.

  14. Decompositions, partitions, and coverings with convex polygons and pseudo-triangles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aichholzer, O.; Huemer, C.; Kappes, S.; Speckmann, B.; Tóth, Cs.D.


    We propose a novel subdivision of the plane that consists of both convex polygons and pseudo-triangles. This pseudo-convex decomposition is significantly sparser than either convex decompositions or pseudo-triangulations for planar point sets and simple polygons. We also introduce pseudo-convex

  15. Pseudo random signal processing theory and application

    CERN Document Server

    Zepernick, Hans-Jurgen


    In recent years, pseudo random signal processing has proven to be a critical enabler of modern communication, information, security and measurement systems. The signal's pseudo random, noise-like properties make it vitally important as a tool for protecting against interference, alleviating multipath propagation and allowing the potential of sharing bandwidth with other users. Taking a practical approach to the topic, this text provides a comprehensive and systematic guide to understanding and using pseudo random signals. Covering theoretical principles, design methodologies and applications

  16. Population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia species ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The genus Pseudo-nitzschia is a chain-forming diatom comprising about 30 species some of which are known to produce domoic acid (DA) that causes amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). The current study aimed at assessing the population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia in the near shore waters of Dar es Salaam. Samples ...

  17. Pseudo-differential operators groups, geometry and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Zhu, Hongmei


    This volume consists of papers inspired by the special session on pseudo-differential operators at the 10th ISAAC Congress held at the University of Macau, August 3-8, 2015 and the mini-symposium on pseudo-differential operators in industries and technologies at the 8th ICIAM held at the National Convention Center in Beijing, August 10-14, 2015. The twelve papers included present cutting-edge trends in pseudo-differential operators and applications from the perspectives of Lie groups (Chapters 1-2), geometry (Chapters 3-5) and applications (Chapters 6-12). Many contributions cover applications in probability, differential equations and time-frequency analysis. A focus on the synergies of pseudo-differential operators with applications, especially real-life applications, enhances understanding of the analysis and the usefulness of these operators.

  18. Empoderamento feminino em reclusão prisional: o caso do Estabelecimento Prisional de Tires


    Romba, Paula Cristina Gonçalves


    Dissertação de Mestrafo em Antropologia Neste trabalho, parto à descoberta da verificação de empoderamento no contexto do principal EP feminino de Portugal. O conceito de empoderamento é hoje tão disseminado, que se tornou necessário encontrar primeiro as suas raízes, e perceber as ramificações e enquadramento em que se desenvolveu. Por outro lado, este contexto prisional é tão característico, que a necessidade de devidamente o enquadrar, se impunha. Segui assim por...

  19. Pseudo-populations a basic concept in statistical surveys

    CERN Document Server

    Quatember, Andreas


    This book emphasizes that artificial or pseudo-populations play an important role in statistical surveys from finite universes in two manners: firstly, the concept of pseudo-populations may substantially improve users’ understanding of various aspects in the sampling theory and survey methodology; an example of this scenario is the Horvitz-Thompson estimator. Secondly, statistical procedures exist in which pseudo-populations actually have to be generated. An example of such a scenario can be found in simulation studies in the field of survey sampling, where close-to-reality pseudo-populations are generated from known sample and population data to form the basis for the simulation process. The chapters focus on estimation methods, sampling techniques, nonresponse, questioning designs and statistical disclosure control.This book is a valuable reference in understanding the importance of the pseudo-population concept and applying it in teaching and research.

  20. A novel pseudo-complementary PNA G-C base pair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Anne G.; Dahl, Otto; Petersen, Asger Bjørn


    Pseudo-complementary oligonucleotide analogues and mimics provide novel opportunities for targeting duplex structures in RNA and DNA. Previously, a pseudo-complementary A-T base pair has been introduced. Towards sequence unrestricted targeting, a pseudo-complementary G-C base pair consisting...

  1. Linearized pseudo-Einstein equations on the Heisenberg group (United States)

    Barletta, Elisabetta; Dragomir, Sorin; Jacobowitz, Howard


    We study the pseudo-Einstein equation R11bar = 0 on the Heisenberg group H1 = C × R. We consider first order perturbations θɛ =θ0 + ɛ θ and linearize the pseudo-Einstein equation about θ0 (the canonical Tanaka-Webster flat contact form on H1 thought of as a strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold). If θ =e2uθ0 the linearized pseudo-Einstein equation is Δb u - 4 | Lu|2 = 0 where Δb is the sublaplacian of (H1 ,θ0) and L bar is the Lewy operator. We solve the linearized pseudo-Einstein equation on a bounded domain Ω ⊂H1 by applying subelliptic theory i.e. existence and regularity results for weak subelliptic harmonic maps. We determine a solution u to the linearized pseudo-Einstein equation, possessing Heisenberg spherical symmetry, and such that u(x) → - ∞ as | x | → + ∞.

  2. Pseudo-Riemannian VSI spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hervik, Sigbjoern; Coley, Alan


    In this paper we consider pseudo-Riemannian spaces of arbitrary signature for which all of the polynomial curvature invariants vanish (VSI spaces). We discuss an algebraic classification of pseudo-Riemannian spaces in terms of the boost weight decomposition and define the S i - and N-properties, and show that if the curvature tensors of the space possess the N-property, then it is a VSI space. We then use this result to construct a set of metrics that are VSI. All of the VSI spaces constructed possess a geodesic, expansion-free, shear-free, and twist-free null congruence. We also discuss the related Walker metrics.

  3. Pseudo-Riemannian VSI spaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hervik, Sigbjoern [Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, N-4036 Stavanger (Norway); Coley, Alan, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5 (Canada)


    In this paper we consider pseudo-Riemannian spaces of arbitrary signature for which all of the polynomial curvature invariants vanish (VSI spaces). We discuss an algebraic classification of pseudo-Riemannian spaces in terms of the boost weight decomposition and define the S{sub i}- and N-properties, and show that if the curvature tensors of the space possess the N-property, then it is a VSI space. We then use this result to construct a set of metrics that are VSI. All of the VSI spaces constructed possess a geodesic, expansion-free, shear-free, and twist-free null congruence. We also discuss the related Walker metrics.

  4. Pseudo-differential operators on manifolds with singularities

    CERN Document Server

    Schulze, B-W


    The analysis of differential equations in domains and on manifolds with singularities belongs to the main streams of recent developments in applied and pure mathematics. The applications and concrete models from engineering and physics are often classical but the modern structure calculus was only possible since the achievements of pseudo-differential operators. This led to deep connections with index theory, topology and mathematical physics. The present book is devoted to elliptic partial differential equations in the framework of pseudo-differential operators. The first chapter contains the Mellin pseudo-differential calculus on R+ and the functional analysis of weighted Sobolev spaces with discrete and continuous asymptotics. Chapter 2 is devoted to the analogous theory on manifolds with conical singularities, Chapter 3 to manifolds with edges. Employed are pseudo-differential operators along edges with cone-operator-valued symbols.

  5. The Fermi pseudo-potential in one dimension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coutinho, F A B; Nogami, Y; Tomio, Lauro; Toyama, F M


    Wu and Yu recently examined point interactions in one dimension in the form of the Fermi pseudo-potential. On the other hand there are point interactions in the form of self-adjoint extensions (SAEs) of the kinetic energy operator. We examine the relationship between the point interactions in these two forms in the one-channel and two-channel cases. In the one-channel case the pseudo-potential leads to the standard three-parameter family of SAEs. In the two-channel case the pseudo-potential furnishes a ten-parameter family of SAEs

  6. Pseudo-capacitor device for aqueous electrolytes (United States)

    Prakash, Jai; Thackeray, Michael M.; Dees, Dennis W.; Vissers, Donald R.; Myles, Kevin M.


    A pseudo-capacitor having a high energy storage capacity develops a double layer capacitance as well as a Faradaic or battery-like redox reaction, also referred to as pseudo-capacitance. The Faradaic reaction gives rise to a capacitance much greater than that of the typical ruthenate oxide ultracapacitor which develops only charge separation-based double layer capacitance. The capacitor employs a lead and/or bismuth/ruthenate and/or iridium system having the formula A.sub.2 ›B.sub.2-x Pb.sub.x !O.sub.7-y, where A=Pb, Bi, and B=Ru, Ir, and Ocapacitor. The amount of expensive ruthenate and iridium can be substantially reduced in the pseudo-capacitor by increasing the lead content while improving energy storage capacity.

  7. Diferenças entre adolescentes do sexo feminino e masculino na vulnerabilidade individual ao HIV


    Anjos, Renata Holanda Dutra dos; Silva, José Augusto de Souza; Val, Luciane Ferreira do; Rincon, Laura Alarcon; Nichiata, Lucia Yasuko Izumi


    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar comparativamente a vulnerabilidade ao HIV/AIDS de homens e mulheres adolescentes, baseada em seus conhecimentos, valores e práticas. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. Os estudantes responderam a um questionário do qual foram selecionadas questões relevantes para análise. Totalizaram 207 adolescentes, sendo 43,5% do sexo masculino e 56,5% do feminino. A maior parte dos adolescentes declara já ter tido sua primeira rel...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Letícia Oscar Ribas

    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: O futsal é um esporte coletivo caracterizado por movimentos rápidos e de alta intensidade, com frequentes trocas de direção dos atletas, o que predispõe os membros inferiores a lesões principalmente na articulação do tornozelo. Objetivo: Comparar os efeitos de um treinamento proprioceptivo e um treinamento de reforço muscular sobre a estabilidade articular do tornozelo, em atletas de futsal feminino, por meio do Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 20 atletas de futsal feminino, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos (média 22,45 ± 3,30, sem histórico de lesões nos membros inferiores nos últimos seis meses, divididas randomicamente em dois grupos. Um grupo realizou um treinamento proprioceptivo e o outro um protocolo de reforço muscular, durante quatro semanas. Foi utilizado o SEBT para avaliar as fases pré e pós-intervenção. Para a comparação de médias de ambos os tornozelos, em cada grupo isolado, utilizou-se o teste t para medidas repetidas. Para a comparação de médias entre os grupos, aplicou-se o teste t para amostras independentes. Adotou-se 5% (p ≤ 0,05 como nível de significância e as análises foram realizadas no programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences versão 18. Resultados: Tanto o treinamento proprioceptivo quanto o de reforço muscular obtiveram resultados estatisticamente significativos nas direções lateral, posterolateral, posterior, posteromedial e medial, demonstrando boa estabilidade da articulação do tornozelo para qualquer um dos protocolos. Na comparação do pré e pós-intervenção entre os grupos, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas em nenhuma das direções do teste. Conclusão: Treinamentos proprioceptivos e treinamentos de reforço muscular com duração de quatro semanas parecem ser alternativas viáveis e eficazes no incremento da estabilidade articular do tornozelo em atletas de futsal feminino.

  9. Pseudo-supersymmetry and the domain-wall/cosmology correspondence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skenderis, Kostas; Townsend, Paul K


    The correspondence between domain-wall and cosmological solutions of gravity coupled to scalar fields is explained. Any domain-wall solutions that admit a Killing spinor are shown to correspond to a cosmology that admits a pseudo-Killing spinor; whereas the Killing spinor obeys a Dirac-type equation with Hermitian 'mass'-matrix, the corresponding pseudo-Killing spinor obeys a Dirac-type equation with a anti-Hermitian 'mass'-matrix. We comment on some implications of (pseudo)supersymmetry

  10. Allelopathic potential of Robinia pseudo-acacia L. (United States)

    Nasir, Habib; Iqbal, Zahida; Hiradate, Syuntaro; Fujii, Yoshiharu


    Robinia pseudo-acacia L. (black locust) is a nonindigenous species currently invading the central part of Japanese grasslands. Several allelochemicals were identified and characterized from the leaf tissue. The growth of both radicle and hypocotyl in the tested species (barnyard grass, white clover, lettuce, and Chinese cabbage) was reduced when grown in soil mixed with the leaves of R. pseudo-acacia at various concentrations. Aqueous leaf extracts, when bioassayed, exhibited a significant suppression of radicle growth. Chromatographic separation of an ethanolic extract of R. pseudo-acacia leaves resulted in isolation of three compounds, identified as robinetin (1), myricetin (2), and quercetin (3) by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy. All inhibited root and shoot growth of lettuce. Robinetin, found in a large amount, caused 50% suppression of the root and shoot growth of lettuce at 100 ppm. The presence of these bioactive substances in leaf tissue suggests a potential role for flavonoids in R. pseudo-acacia invasion in introduced habitats.

  11. Primary palpebral and orbital ossification in pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klauber, S.; Heegaard, S.; Prause, J.U.


    ophthalmology, Albright's heriditary osteodystrophy, ossification, pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism, pseodohypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, GNAS1 gene, history, eyelid, orbit......ophthalmology, Albright's heriditary osteodystrophy, ossification, pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism, pseodohypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, GNAS1 gene, history, eyelid, orbit...

  12. Pseudo LRM waveforms from CryoSat SARin acquisition (United States)

    Scagliola, Michele; Fornari, Marco; Bouffard, Jerome; Parrinello, Tommaso; Féménias, Pierre


    CryoSat was launched on the 8th April 2010 and is the first European ice mission dedicated to the monitoring of precise changes in the thickness of polar ice sheets and floating sea ice. The main payload of CryoSat is a Ku-band pulsewidth limited radar altimeter, called SIRAL (Synthetic interferometric radar altimeter). When commanded in SARIn (synthetic aperture radar interferometry) mode, through coherent along-track processing of the returns received from two antennas, the interferometric phase related to the first arrival of the echo is used to retrieve the angle of arrival of the scattering in the across-track direction. When SIRAL operates in SAR or SARin mode, the obtained waveforms have an along-track resolution and a speckle reduction which is increased with respect to the pulse-limited waveforms. Anyway, in order to analyze the continuity of the geophysical retrieved parameters among different acquisition modes, techniques to transform SARin mode data to pseudo-LRM mode data are welcome. The transformation process is known as SAR reduction and it is worth recalling here that only approximate pseudo-LRM waveforms can be obtained in case of closed burst acquisitions, as SIRAL operates. A SAR reduction processing scheme has been developed to obtain pseudo-LRM waveforms from CryoSat SARin acquisition. As a trade-off between the along-track length on Earth surface contributing to one SARin pseudo-LRM waveform and the noisiness of the waveform itself, it has been chosen a SAR reduction approach based on the averaging of all the SARin echoes received each 20Hz, resulting in one pseudo-LRM waveform for each SARin burst given the SARin burst repetition period. SARin pseudo-LRM waveforms have been produced for CryoSat acquisition both on ice and sea surfaces, aiming at verifying the continuity of the retracked surface height over the ellipsoid between genuine LRM products and pseudo-LRM products. Moreover, the retracked height from the SARin pseudo-LRM has been

  13. MEMS-LSI Integrated Microchip using Pseudo-SoC Technology (United States)

    Funaki, Hideyuki; Itaya, Kazuhiko; Yamada, Hiroshi; Onozuka, Yutaka; Iida, Atsuko

    The authors have developed pseudo-SoC technology to realize MEMS-LSI integrated micro-chip. The pseudo-SoC technology consists of three technologies which are wafer reconfiguration technology, inter-chip redistribution layer technology, and pseudo-SoC thinning technology. In the wafer reconfiguration technology, the filling of resin and surface step between heterogeneous chips were improved through the optimization of vacuum printing process and resin material. These improvements reduced the warpage of reconfiguration wafer, leading to achievement of the reconfiguration wafer with 5 inch in diameter. In the inter-chip redistribution layer technology, the interface adherence between planar layer and inter-chip redistribution layer was improved, leading to the inter-chip redistribution layer with 1μm/1μm in line/space on reconfiguration wafer. In the pseudo-SoC thinning technology, thin pseudo-SoC device with 100μm in thickness was achieved through developing mechanical backside grinding process technology. Furthermore, ultra-thin pseudo-SoC which integrated electrostatic MEMS light valve and PWM driver IC was prototyped through developing the ultra-thin MEMS encapsulation technology.

  14. Pseudo-classical theory of Majorana-Weyl particle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grigoryan, G.V.; Grigoryan, R.P.; Tyutin, I.V.


    A pseudo-classical theory of Weyl particle in the space-time dimensions D = 2 n is constructed. The canonical quantization of that pseudo-classical theory is carried out and it results in the theory of the D = 2 n dimensional Weyl particle in the Foldy-Wouthuysen representation. 28 refs

  15. 10.23  Mcps laser pseudo-code ranging system with 0.33  mm (1σ) pseudo-range measurement precision. (United States)

    Yu, Xiaonan; Tong, Shoufeng; Zhang, Lei; Dong, Yan; Zhao, Xin; Qiao, Yue


    The inter-satellite laser link is the backbone of the next inter-satellite information network, and ranging and communication are the main functions of the inter-satellite laser link. This study focuses on the inter-satellite laser ranging based on the pseudo-code correlation technology. In this paper, several typical laser-ranging methods have been compared and we determined that the laser pseudo-code ranging architecture is more suitable for the inter-satellite laser communication link. The pseudo-code ranging system is easy to combine with a digital communication system, and we used it to calculate integer ambiguity by modulating the time information. The main challenge of the ranging system is range precision, which is the main focus of this paper. First, the framework of the pseudo-code ranging system is introduced; the ranging architecture of dual one-way ranging is used to eliminate the clock error between the two transceivers, and then the uncertainty of the phase detector is analyzed. In the analysis, the carrier to noise ratio and the ranging code rate are constrained by the laser communication link margin and the electronic hardware limitation. Therefore, the relationship between the sampling depth and the phase detector uncertainty is verified. A series of optical fiber channel laser pseudo-code ranging experiments demonstrated the effects of sampling depth on the ranging precision. By adjusting the depth of storage, such as the depth of 1.6 Mb, we obtained a pseudo-range measurement precision of 0.33 mm (1σ), which is equivalent to 0.0001 times code subdivision of 10.23 Mcps pseudo-code. This paper has achieved high precision in a pseudo-range measurements, which is the foundation of the inter-satellite laser link.

  16. Pseudo-arthrosis repair of a posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture


    Hoogervorst, Paul; Gardeniers, J. W. M.; Moret-Wever, S.; van Kampen, A.


    A pseudo-arthrosis repair of a 4-year-old bony avulsion fracture of the PCL using a minimally invasive technique, screw fixation, and bone grafting is reported. The case presented seems to be rather unique due to the fragment size and the approach for pseudo-arthrosis repair. There was a good functional result following minimally invasive pseudo-arthrosis repair of a posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture. There are no previous reports of similar pseudo-arthrosis repairs, and other aut...

  17. Pseudo-Newtonian planar circular restricted 3-body problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubeibe, F.L.; Lora-Clavijo, F.D.; González, Guillermo A.


    We study the dynamics of the planar circular restricted three-body problem in the context of a pseudo-Newtonian approximation. By using the Fodor–Hoenselaers–Perjés procedure, we perform an expansion in the mass potential of a static massive spherical source up to the first non-Newtonian term, giving place to a gravitational potential that includes first-order general relativistic effects. With this result, we model a system composed by two pseudo-Newtonian primaries describing circular orbits around their common center of mass, and a test particle orbiting the system in the equatorial plane. The dynamics of the new system of equations is studied in terms of the Poincaré section method and the Lyapunov exponents, where the introduction of a new parameter ϵ, allows us to observe the transition from the Newtonian to the pseudo-Newtonian regime. We show that when the Jacobian constant is fixed, a chaotic orbit in the Newtonian regime can be either chaotic or regular in the pseudo-Newtonian approach. As a general result, we find that most of the pseudo-Newtonian configurations are less stable than their Newtonian equivalent.

  18. Pseudo-Newtonian planar circular restricted 3-body problem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dubeibe, F.L., E-mail: [Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, Universidad de los Llanos, Villavicencio (Colombia); Grupo de Investigación en Relatividad y Gravitación, Escuela de Física, Universidad Industrial de Santander, A.A. 678, Bucaramanga (Colombia); Lora-Clavijo, F.D., E-mail: [Grupo de Investigación en Relatividad y Gravitación, Escuela de Física, Universidad Industrial de Santander, A.A. 678, Bucaramanga (Colombia); González, Guillermo A., E-mail: [Grupo de Investigación en Relatividad y Gravitación, Escuela de Física, Universidad Industrial de Santander, A.A. 678, Bucaramanga (Colombia)


    We study the dynamics of the planar circular restricted three-body problem in the context of a pseudo-Newtonian approximation. By using the Fodor–Hoenselaers–Perjés procedure, we perform an expansion in the mass potential of a static massive spherical source up to the first non-Newtonian term, giving place to a gravitational potential that includes first-order general relativistic effects. With this result, we model a system composed by two pseudo-Newtonian primaries describing circular orbits around their common center of mass, and a test particle orbiting the system in the equatorial plane. The dynamics of the new system of equations is studied in terms of the Poincaré section method and the Lyapunov exponents, where the introduction of a new parameter ϵ, allows us to observe the transition from the Newtonian to the pseudo-Newtonian regime. We show that when the Jacobian constant is fixed, a chaotic orbit in the Newtonian regime can be either chaotic or regular in the pseudo-Newtonian approach. As a general result, we find that most of the pseudo-Newtonian configurations are less stable than their Newtonian equivalent.

  19. Higher-order Jordan Osserman pseudo-Riemannian manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilkey, Peter B; Ivanova, Raina; Zhang Tan


    We study the higher-order Jacobi operator in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. We exhibit a family of manifolds so that this operator has constant Jordan normal form on the Grassmannian of subspaces of signature (r, s) for certain values of (r, s). These pseudo-Riemannian manifolds are new and non-trivial examples of higher-order Osserman manifolds

  20. Higher-order Jordan Osserman pseudo-Riemannian manifolds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gilkey, Peter B [Mathematics Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403 (United States); Ivanova, Raina [Mathematics Department, University of Hawaii - Hilo, 200 W Kawili St, Hilo, HI 96720 (United States); Zhang Tan [Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Murray State University, Murray, KY 42071 (United States)


    We study the higher-order Jacobi operator in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. We exhibit a family of manifolds so that this operator has constant Jordan normal form on the Grassmannian of subspaces of signature (r, s) for certain values of (r, s). These pseudo-Riemannian manifolds are new and non-trivial examples of higher-order Osserman manifolds.

  1. Pseudo-Glassification Material for G-Demption

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casella, Andrew M. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Buck, Edgar C. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Gates, Robert O. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Riley, Brian J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    G-Demption, LLC has requested that PPNL provide design input for a “pseudo-glassification” process associated with their proposed technology for generating gamma irradiation stations from used nuclear fuel. The irradiation design currently consists of an aluminum enclosure designed to allow for proper encapsulation of and heat flow from a used fuel rod while minimally impacting the streaming of gamma rays from the fuel. In order to make their design more robust, G-Demption is investigating the benefits of backfilling this aluminum enclosure with a setting material once the used fuel rod is properly placed. This process has been initially referred to as “pseudo-glassification”, and strives not to impact heat transport or gamma streaming from the used fuel rod while providing increased fuel rod protection and fission gas retention. PNNL has compiled an internal material evaluation and discussion for the “pseudo-glassification” process in this report.

  2. Pseudo-entanglement evaluated in noninertial frames

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehri-Dehnavi, Hossein; Mirza, Behrouz; Mohammadzadeh, Hosein; Rahimi, Robabeh


    Research highlights: → We study pseudo-entanglement in noninertial frames. → We examine different measures of entanglement and nonclassical correlation for the state. → We find the threshold for entanglement is changed in noninertial frames. → We also describe the behavior of local unitary classes of states in noninertial frames. - Abstract: We study quantum discord, in addition to entanglement, of bipartite pseudo-entanglement in noninertial frames. It is shown that the entanglement degrades from its maximum value in a stationary frame to a minimum value in an infinite accelerating frame. There is a critical region found in which, for particular cases, entanglement of states vanishes for certain accelerations. The quantum discord of pseudo-entanglement decreases by increasing the acceleration. Also, for a physically inaccessible region, entanglement and nonclassical correlation are evaluated and shown to match the corresponding values of the physically accessible region for an infinite acceleration.

  3. Theory of pseudo-differential operators over C*-Algebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohammad, N.


    In this article the behaviour of adjoints and composition of pseudo-differential operators in the framework of a C*-algebra is studied. It results that the class of pseudo-differential operators of order zero is a C*-algebra. 8 refs

  4. Pseudo harmonic morphisms on Riemannian polyhedra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aprodu, M.A.; Bouziane, T.


    The aim of this paper is to extend the notion of pseudo harmonic morphism (introduced by Loubeau) to the case when the source manifold is an admissible Riemannian polyhedron. We define these maps to be harmonic in the sense of Eells-Fuglede and pseudo-horizontally weakly conformal in our sense. We characterize them by means of germs of harmonic functions on the source polyhedron, in the sense of Korevaar-Schoen, and germs of holomorphic functions on the Kaehler target manifold. (author)

  5. Radiation-induced recurrent intestinal pseudo-obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conklin, J.L.; Anuras, S.


    The syndrome of intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a complex of signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction without evidence of mechanical obstruction of the intestinal lumen. A patient with radiation-induced intestinal pseudoobstruction is described. The patient is a 74-year old woman with a history of chronic diarrhea, recurrent episodes of crampy abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting since receiving a 13,000 rad radiation dose to the pelvis in 1954. She has been hospitalized on many occasions for symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction. Upper gastrointestinal contrast roentgenograms with small bowel follow-through done during these episodes revealed multiple dilated loops of small bowel with no obstructing lesion. Barium enemas revealed no obstructing lesion. Each episode resolved with conservative therapy. Other secondary causes for intestinal pseudo-obstruction were ruled out in our patient. She gave no history of familial gastrointestinal disorders. Although postirradiation motility abnormalities have been demonstrated experimentally this is the first report of radiation induced intestinal pseudo-obstruction


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    CHERTKOV, MICHAEL [Los Alamos National Laboratory; STEPANOV, MIKHAIL [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The authors discuss performance of Low-Density-Parity-Check (LDPC) codes decoded by Linear Programming (LP) decoding at moderate and large Signal-to-Noise-Ratios (SNR). Frame-Error-Rate (FER) dependence on SNR and the noise space landscape of the coding/decoding scheme are analyzed by a combination of the previously introduced instanton/pseudo-codeword-search method and a new 'dendro' trick. To reduce complexity of the LP decoding for a code with high-degree checks, {ge} 5, they introduce its dendro-LDPC counterpart, that is the code performing identifically to the original one under Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) decoding but having reduced (down to three) check connectivity degree. Analyzing number of popular LDPC codes and their dendro versions performing over the Additive-White-Gaussian-Noise (AWGN) channel, they observed two qualitatively different regimes: (i) error-floor sets early, at relatively low SNR, and (ii) FER decays with SNR increase faster at moderate SNR than at the largest SNR. They explain these regimes in terms of the pseudo-codeword spectra of the codes.

  7. Regression analysis of censored data using pseudo-observations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Overgaard, Morten; Andersen, Per K.; Parner, Erik T.


    competing risks, the restricted mean survival-time function, and the causespecific lost-lifetime function. The pseudo-observations can be used to assess the effects of covariates on their respective functions at different times by fitting generalized linear models to the pseudo-observations. The updated...

  8. Pseudo-affinity chromatography of rumen microbial cellulase on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pseudo-affinity chromatography of rumen microbial cellulase on Sepharose- Cibacron Blue F3GA. ... African Journal of Biotechnology ... Pseudo affinity adsorption of bioproducts on Sepharose-cibacron blue F3-GA was subjected to rumen microbial enzyme evaluation through batch binding and column chromatography of ...



    Renata Córdova da Silva


    Este trabalho é um estudo de recepção da telenovela Passione realizado com mães e filhas das classes populares que articula empiricamente as categorias de gênero, classe social e geração. O objetivo é perceber de que forma as receptoras elaboram a sua noção do feminino a partir da telenovela Passione. Para isso, a pesquisa se fundamenta nos estudos culturais latino-americanos, principalmente na Teoria das Mediações, de Jesús Martín-Barbero. A metodologia utilizada combina a releitura do model...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana de Arruda Resende Reis


    Full Text Available Com o processo industrial e de modernização do Brasil, surgiu o en- sino profissional, inclusive o feminino, que muitas vezes preparava as mulhe- res para serem melhores donas do lar e para ajudarem no orçamento famili- ar, qualificando-as para trabalharem fora de casa como professoras de arte ou até mesmo confeccionarem produtos para serem vendidos. Neste contex- to visamos apresentar os primeiros resultados relativos ao estudo explorató- rio do ensino profissional feminino no estado do Rio de Janeiro, tendo como referência e objeto de estudo a Escola Profissional Feminina Nilo Peçanha, fundada em 1922 na cidade de Campos. Para tal, optamos pelo recorte tem- poral de 1922 a 1930, correspondente ao período entre o ano de criação da escola até o final da gestão da primeira diretora da instituição.

  11. Quando há artificação?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Shapiro


    Full Text Available Como as pessoas fazem ou criam coisas que passam a ser vistas como obras de arte? Em outras palavras, quando há artificação? A resposta a essa pergunta é, ao mesmo tempo, simbólica, material e contextual. Tem a ver com significados, objetos, interação e instituições. Não procuramos definir o que é arte ou como ela deve ser considerada, mas como e sob quais circunstâncias ela ocorre por meio de observação metódica e pesquisa em diversos campos. Acrobatas de circos, dançarinos de breakdance, estilistas, chefes de cozinha, grafiteiros, tipógrafos, fotógrafos e músicos de jazz são alguns dos exemplos que exploramos. Essa perspectiva pragmática e empírica permite que possamos apresentar uma tipologia das formas de artificação e examinar suas fontes, bem como as questões de des-artificação e os obstáculos à artificação.

  12. a Pseudo-Random Number Generator Employing Multiple RÉNYI Maps (United States)

    Lui, Oi-Yan; Yuen, Ching-Hung; Wong, Kwok-Wo


    The increasing risk along with the drastic development of multimedia data transmission has raised a big concern on data security. A good pseudo-random number generator is an essential tool in cryptography. In this paper, we propose a novel pseudo-random number generator based on the controlled combination of the outputs of several digitized chaotic Rényi maps. The generated pseudo-random sequences have passed both the NIST 800-22 Revision 1a and the DIEHARD tests. Moreover, simulation results show that the proposed pseudo-random number generator requires less operation time than existing generators and is highly sensitive to the seed.

  13. Introduction to fractional and pseudo-differential equations with singular symbols

    CERN Document Server

    Umarov, Sabir


    The book systematically presents the theories of pseudo-differential operators with symbols singular in dual variables, fractional order derivatives, distributed and variable order fractional derivatives, random walk approximants, and applications of these theories to various initial and multi-point boundary value problems for pseudo-differential equations. Fractional Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations associated with a large class of stochastic processes are presented. A complex version of the theory of pseudo-differential operators with meromorphic symbols based on the recently introduced complex Fourier transform is developed and applied for initial and boundary value problems for systems of complex differential and pseudo-differential equations.

  14. Generalized Heisenberg algebra and (non linear) pseudo-bosons (United States)

    Bagarello, F.; Curado, E. M. F.; Gazeau, J. P.


    We propose a deformed version of the generalized Heisenberg algebra by using techniques borrowed from the theory of pseudo-bosons. In particular, this analysis is relevant when non self-adjoint Hamiltonians are needed to describe a given physical system. We also discuss relations with nonlinear pseudo-bosons. Several examples are discussed.

  15. Wavefield Extrapolation in Pseudo-depth Domain

    KAUST Repository

    Ma, Xuxin


    Wave-equation based seismic migration and inversion tools are widely used by the energy industry to explore hydrocarbon and mineral resources. By design, most of these techniques simulate wave propagation in a space domain with the vertical axis being depth measured from the surface. Vertical depth is popular because it is a straightforward mapping of the subsurface space. It is, however, not computationally cost-effective because the wavelength changes with local elastic wave velocity, which in general increases with depth in the Earth. As a result, the sampling per wavelength also increases with depth. To avoid spatial aliasing in deep fast media, the seismic wave is oversampled in shallow slow media and therefore increase the total computation cost. This issue is effectively tackled by using the vertical time axis instead of vertical depth. This is because in a vertical time representation, the "wavelength" is essentially time period for vertical rays. This thesis extends the vertical time axis to the pseudo-depth axis, which features distance unit while preserving the properties of the vertical time representation. To explore the potentials of doing wave-equation based imaging in the pseudo-depth domain, a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) is derived to describe acoustic wave in this new domain. This new PDE is inherently anisotropic because the use of a constant vertical velocity to convert between depth and vertical time. Such anisotropy results in lower reflection coefficients compared with conventional space domain modeling results. This feature is helpful to suppress the low wavenumber artifacts in reverse-time migration images, which are caused by the widely used cross-correlation imaging condition. This thesis illustrates modeling acoustic waves in both conventional space domain and pseudo-depth domain. The numerical tool used to model acoustic waves is built based on the lowrank approximation of Fourier integral operators. To investigate the potential

  16. A novel pseudo resistor structure for biomedical front-end amplifiers. (United States)

    Yu-Chieh Huang; Tzu-Sen Yang; Shun-Hsi Hsu; Xin-Zhuang Chen; Jin-Chern Chiou


    This study proposes a novel pseudo resistor structure with a tunable DC bias voltage for biomedical front-end amplifiers (FEAs). In the proposed FEA, the high-pass filter composed of differential difference amplifier and a pseudo resistor is implemented. The FEA is manufactured by using a standard TSMC 0.35 μm CMOS process. In this study, three types FEAs included three different pseudo resistor are simulated, fabricated and measured for comparison and electrocorticography (ECoG) measurement, and all the results show the proposed pseudo resistor is superior to other two types in bandwidth. In chip implementation, the lower and upper cutoff frequencies of the high-pass filter with the proposed pseudo resistor are 0.15 Hz and 4.98 KHz, respectively. It also demonstrates lower total harmonic distortion performance of -58 dB at 1 kHz and higher stability with wide supply range (1.8 V and 3.3 V) and control voltage range (0.9 V and 1.65 V) than others. Moreover, the FEA with the proposed pseudo successfully recorded spike-and-wave discharges of ECoG signal in in vivo experiment on rat with pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures.

  17. Discrete Weighted Pseudo-Almost Automorphy and Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhinan Xia


    Full Text Available We deal with discrete weighted pseudo almost automorphy which extends some classical concepts and systematically explore its properties in Banach space including a composition result. As an application, we establish some sufficient criteria for the existence and uniqueness of the discrete weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions to the Volterra difference equations of convolution type and also to nonautonomous semilinear difference equations. Some examples are presented to illustrate the main findings.

  18. Brain MR image segmentation using NAMS in pseudo-color. (United States)

    Li, Hua; Chen, Chuanbo; Fang, Shaohong; Zhao, Shengrong


    Image segmentation plays a crucial role in various biomedical applications. In general, the segmentation of brain Magnetic Resonance (MR) images is mainly used to represent the image with several homogeneous regions instead of pixels for surgical analyzing and planning. This paper proposes a new approach for segmenting MR brain images by using pseudo-color based segmentation with Non-symmetry and Anti-packing Model with Squares (NAMS). First of all, the NAMS model is presented. The model can represent the image with sub-patterns to keep the image content and largely reduce the data redundancy. Second, the key idea is proposed that convert the original gray-scale brain MR image into a pseudo-colored image and then segment the pseudo-colored image with NAMS model. The pseudo-colored image can enhance the color contrast in different tissues in brain MR images, which can improve the precision of segmentation as well as directly visual perceptional distinction. Experimental results indicate that compared with other brain MR image segmentation methods, the proposed NAMS based pseudo-color segmentation method performs more excellent in not only segmenting precisely but also saving storage.

  19. Episodic seasonal Pseudo-Bartter syndrome in cystic fibrosis. (United States)

    Kintu, Brett; Brightwell, Alex


    Pseudo-Bartter syndrome (PBS) describes an uncommon but well recognised complication of cystic fibrosis leading to hypochloraemic, hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis. Pseudo-Bartter syndrome is usually seen at initial presentation or within the first two years of life in children with cystic fibrosis. Risk factors for development of PBS include warm weather conditions, severe respiratory or pancreatic disease and gastrointestinal losses (e.g. vomiting and diarrhoea). PBS is rare in older children and adolescents although epidemics have been associated with heat wave conditions in warmer climates. In this era of climate change, it is crucial that clinicians consider Pseudo-Bartter syndrome when patients with cystic fibrosis present unwell during summer. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Biharmonic Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature Vector in Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fu, Yu, E-mail: [Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, School of Mathematics and Quantitative Economics (China)


    In this paper, we investigate biharmonic submanifolds in pseudo-Euclidean spaces with arbitrary index and dimension. We give a complete classification of biharmonic spacelike submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector in pseudo-Euclidean spaces. We also determine all biharmonic Lorentzian surfaces with parallel mean curvature vector field in pseudo-Euclidean spaces.

  1. Biharmonic Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature Vector in Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu, Yu


    In this paper, we investigate biharmonic submanifolds in pseudo-Euclidean spaces with arbitrary index and dimension. We give a complete classification of biharmonic spacelike submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector in pseudo-Euclidean spaces. We also determine all biharmonic Lorentzian surfaces with parallel mean curvature vector field in pseudo-Euclidean spaces

  2. Pseudo Steady-State Free Precession for MR-Fingerprinting. (United States)

    Assländer, Jakob; Glaser, Steffen J; Hennig, Jürgen


    This article discusses the signal behavior in the case the flip angle in steady-state free precession sequences is continuously varied as suggested for MR-fingerprinting sequences. Flip angle variations prevent the establishment of a steady state and introduce instabilities regarding to magnetic field inhomogeneities and intravoxel dephasing. We show how a pseudo steady state can be achieved, which restores the spin echo nature of steady-state free precession. Based on geometrical considerations, relationships between the flip angle, repetition and echo time are derived that suffice to the establishment of a pseudo steady state. The theory is tested with Bloch simulations as well as phantom and in vivo experiments. A typical steady-state free precession passband can be restored with the proposed conditions. The stability of the pseudo steady state is demonstrated by comparing the evolution of the signal of a single isochromat to one resulting from a spin ensemble. As confirmed by experiments, magnetization in a pseudo steady state can be described with fewer degrees of freedom compared to the original fingerprinting and the pseudo steady state results in more reliable parameter maps. The proposed conditions restore the spin-echo-like signal behavior typical for steady-state free precession in fingerprinting sequences, making this approach more robust to B 0 variations. Magn Reson Med 77:1151-1161, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  3. Inflammatory pseudo tumor (pseudo sarcoma) of the urinary bladder: clinical aspects and computed tomography images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romero, A.; Bueno, A.; Trigo, J.E.; Torres, A.


    Inflammatory pseudo tumor (pseudosarcoma) of the urinary bladder is an uncommon lesion with benign histopathological features. It consists of large cell proliferation, spindle-cell morphology (myofibroblasts) deriving from the bladder sub mucosa. It can present in patients of either sex and of any age; on occasion, it has been related to a history of surgery or previous bladder injury. Both the clinical and radiological features are nonspecific in that they do not differentiate this lesion from malignant disease; its diagnosis can only be definitively established by histopathological study. We present a case of inflammatory bladder pseudo tumor in a young girl, describing the clinical and radiological features of this lesion, which only rarely has been dealt with in the literature, particularly that concerning radiology. (Author) 13 refs

  4. Consumidor de moda: estudo da segmentação psicográfica dos consumidores femininos em Portugal


    Moreira, Bárbara Sofia Salgado


    Dissertação de mestrado em Economia Industrial e da Empresa Este estudo tem como objetivo principal a segmentação psicográfica dos consumidores femininos no setor da moda em Portugal, pretendo dar resposta à seguinte questão de investigação: Quais as variáveis que podem influenciar os segmentos de mercado baseados em critérios psicográficos, estilos de compra e atitudes perante as marcas dos consumidores? Pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do consumidor de moda fem...

  5. IMRT optimization with pseudo-biologic objective function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi, B. Y.; Ahn, S. D.; Kim, J. H.; Lee, S. W.; Choi, E. K.


    The pseudo-biologic objective function has been proposed for the IMRT optimization. It is similar to the biological objective function in mathematical shape, but uses physical parameters. The pseudo-biologic objective function concept is consisted of the target coverage index (TCI) and the organ score index (OSI), was introduced. The TCI was expressed as the sum of all of the weighted bins of target dose volume histogram (DVH). The weights were given as the normal distribution of which the average is 100 % and the standard deviation is ±. The OSI was expressed as similar way. The average of the normal distribution was 0% of the dose and that of standard deviation was selected as a function of limiting dose and its importance. The objective function could be calculated as the product of the TCI and OSI's. The RTP Tool Box (RTB) was used for this study. The constraints applied in the optimization was intuitively clinical experience based numbers, while the physical objective function asks just numbers which are not necessarily based on the clinic, and the parameters for the biologic objective functions are uncertain. The OSI's from the pseudo-biological function showed better results than from the physical functions, while TCI's showed similar tendency. We could show that the pseudo-biologic function can be used for an IMRT objective function on behalf of the biological objective function

  6. Degeneracy of energy levels of pseudo-Gaussian oscillators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iacob, Theodor-Felix; Iacob, Felix; Lute, Marina


    We study the main features of the isotropic radial pseudo-Gaussian oscillators spectral properties. This study is made upon the energy levels degeneracy with respect to orbital angular momentum quantum number. In a previous work [6] we have shown that the pseudo-Gaussian oscillators belong to the class of quasi-exactly solvable models and an exact solution has been found

  7. Pseudo-random bit generator based on lag time series (United States)

    García-Martínez, M.; Campos-Cantón, E.


    In this paper, we present a pseudo-random bit generator (PRBG) based on two lag time series of the logistic map using positive and negative values in the bifurcation parameter. In order to hidden the map used to build the pseudo-random series we have used a delay in the generation of time series. These new series when they are mapped xn against xn+1 present a cloud of points unrelated to the logistic map. Finally, the pseudo-random sequences have been tested with the suite of NIST giving satisfactory results for use in stream ciphers.

  8. Age bimodality in the central region of pseudo-bulges in S0 galaxies (United States)

    Mishra, Preetish K.; Barway, Sudhanshu; Wadadekar, Yogesh


    We present evidence for bimodal stellar age distribution of pseudo-bulges of S0 galaxies as probed by the Dn(4000) index. We do not observe any bimodality in age distribution for pseudo-bulges in spiral galaxies. Our sample is flux limited and contains 2067 S0 and 2630 spiral galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We identify pseudo-bulges in S0 and spiral galaxies, based on the position of the bulge on the Kormendy diagram and their central velocity dispersion. Dividing the pseudo-bulges of S0 galaxies into those containing old and young stellar populations, we study the connection between global star formation and pseudo-bulge age on the u - r colour-mass diagram. We find that most old pseudo-bulges are hosted by passive galaxies while majority of young bulges are hosted by galaxies that are star forming. Dividing our sample of S0 galaxies into early-type S0s and S0/a galaxies, we find that old pseudo-bulges are mainly hosted by early-type S0 galaxies while most of the pseudo-bulges in S0/a galaxies are young. We speculate that morphology plays a strong role in quenching of star formation in the disc of these S0 galaxies, which stops the growth of pseudo-bulges, giving rise to old pseudo-bulges and the observed age bimodality.

  9. A case of Pseudo-Bartter syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Ik; Choi, Bo Whan; Lee, Yul; Chung, Soo Young


    Pseudo-Bartter Syndrome is a rare medical disease of the kidney characterized by normal blood pressure, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hyperreninemia and hyperaldosteronism with drug history of diuretics. We report US, CT and MRI findings of a patients with clinically proved Pseudo-Bartter syndrome. The patient was a 37 year old woman with a history of long term ingestion of the diuretics(furosemide) for 20 years. Renal US revealed hyperechoic renal medulla at both kidneys. The resistive index(RI), calculated from the duplex doppler waveform is 0.61. Unenhanced CT revealed faint high attenuation along the medulla. T1-weighted MRI revealed indistinct corticomedullary differentiation

  10. A case of Pseudo-Bartter syndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Ik; Choi, Bo Whan; Lee, Yul; Chung, Soo Young [College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Pseudo-Bartter Syndrome is a rare medical disease of the kidney characterized by normal blood pressure, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hyperreninemia and hyperaldosteronism with drug history of diuretics. We report US, CT and MRI findings of a patients with clinically proved Pseudo-Bartter syndrome. The patient was a 37 year old woman with a history of long term ingestion of the diuretics(furosemide) for 20 years. Renal US revealed hyperechoic renal medulla at both kidneys. The resistive index(RI), calculated from the duplex doppler waveform is 0.61. Unenhanced CT revealed faint high attenuation along the medulla. T1-weighted MRI revealed indistinct corticomedullary differentiation.

  11. Intestinal sclerosis with pseudo-obstruction in three dogs. (United States)

    Moore, R; Carpenter, J


    Intestinal sclerosis causing chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction was diagnosed in 3 dogs. The pseudo-obstruction was characterized by vomiting and weight loss of 2 weeks' to 3 months' duration. A patent intestinal lumen was determined by contrast radiography and verified at surgery. Intestinal biopsy revealed diffuse atrophy, fibrosis, and mononuclear cell infiltration of the tunica muscularis. Each dog was euthanatized because of a progressive, deteriorating clinical course.

  12. Neutrosophic Regular Filters and Fuzzy Regular Filters in Pseudo-BCI Algebras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaohong Zhang


    Full Text Available Neutrosophic set is a new mathematical tool for handling problems involving imprecise, indeterminacy and inconsistent data. Pseudo-BCI algebra is a kind of non-classical logic algebra in close connection with various non-commutative fuzzy logics. Recently, we applied neutrosophic set theory to pseudo-BCI algebras. In this paper, we study neutrosophic filters in pseudo-BCI algebras.

  13. Análise das relações sociais entre Falstaff e os personagens femininos em peças teatrais de William Shakespeare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniele Gallindo Gonçalves Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende analisar e discutir a natureza do personagem Sir John Falstaff, de William Shakespeare, e de como ele dirige seus relacionamentos com as representações do feminino que o circundam, sua atitude em relação às mulheres e à honra, assim como suas preocupações com seu corpo.

  14. Pseudo-stochastic signal characterization in wavelet-domain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaytsev, Kirill I; Zhirnov, Andrei A; Alekhnovich, Valentin I; Yurchenko, Stanislav O


    In this paper we present the method for fast and accurate characterization of pseudo-stochastic signals, which contain a large number of similar but randomly-located fragments. This method allows estimating the statistical characteristics of pseudo-stochastic signal, and it is based on digital signal processing in wavelet-domain. Continuous wavelet transform and the criterion for wavelet scale power density are utilized. We are experimentally implementing this method for the purpose of sand granulometry, and we are estimating the statistical parameters of test sand fractions

  15. Application of dynamic pseudo fission products and actinides for accurate burnup calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoogenboom, J.E.; Leege, P.F.A. de [Technische Univ. Delft (Netherlands). Interfacultair Reactor Inst.; Kloosterman, J.L.


    The introduction of pseudo fission products for accurate fine-group spectrum calculations during burnup is discussed. The calculation of the density of the pseudo nuclides is done before each spectrum calculation from the actual densities and their cross sections of all nuclides to be lumped into a pseudo fission product. As there are also many actinides formed in the fuel during its life cycle, a pseudo actinide with fission cross section is also introduced. From a realistic burnup calculation it is demonstrated that only a few fission products and actinides need to be included explicitly in a spectrum calculation. All other fission products and actinides can be accurately represented in the pseudo nuclides. (author)

  16. Baixa Renda: O Consumo Simbólico e o Comércio Informal de Acessórios Femininos


    Elisângela Domingues Michelatto Natt; Bruna Fernanda Barbosa; Francisco Giovanni David Vieira; Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri


    Para compreender mais do universo do consumo simbólico, foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre o consumo de acessórios femininos por mulheres de baixa renda. As participantes foram revendedoras ambulantes e suas clientes. Sob a perspectiva do consumo simbólico foi possível observar alguns aspectos comuns ao consumo dessa classe de mulheres que recorrem às suas experiências de consumo para relacionar-se no universo social e marcar sua presença nele. Em termos gerenciais essa pesquisa se faz importan...

  17. Electron with arbitrary pseudo-spins in multilayer graphene

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Worasak Prarokijjak; Bumned Soodchomshom


    Using the low-energy effective Hamiltonian of the ABC-stacked multilayer graphene, the pseudo-spin coupling to real orbital angular momentum of electrons in multilayer graphene is investigated. We show that the electron wave function in N-layer graphene mimics the behavior of a particle with a spin of N × (}/2), where N={1, 2, 3, . . .}. It is said that for N>1 the low-energy effective Hamiltonian for ABC-stacked graphene cannot be used to describe pseudo-spin-1/2 particles. The wave function of electrons in multilayer graphene may behave like fermionic (or bosonic) particle for N being odd (or even). In this paper, we propose a theory of graphene serving as a host material of electrons with arbitrary pseudo-spins tunable by changing the number of graphene layers.

  18. Electron with arbitrary pseudo-spins in multilayer graphene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prarokijjak Worasak; Soodchomshom Bumned


    Using the low-energy effective Hamiltonian of the ABC-stacked multilayer graphene, the pseudo-spin coupling to real orbital angular momentum of electrons in multilayer graphene is investigated. We show that the electron wave function in N-layer graphene mimics the behavior of a particle with a spin of N × (ħ/2), where N = {1, 2, 3,…}. It is said that for N > 1 the low-energy effective Hamiltonian for ABC-stacked graphene cannot be used to describe pseudo-spin-1/2 particles. The wave function of electrons in multilayer graphene may behave like fermionic (or bosonic) particle for N being odd (or even). In this paper, we propose a theory of graphene serving as a host material of electrons with arbitrary pseudo-spins tunable by changing the number of graphene layers. (paper)

  19. Pseudo-periodic maps and degeneration of Riemann surfaces

    CERN Document Server

    Matsumoto, Yukio


    The first part of the book studies pseudo-periodic maps of a closed surface of genus greater than or equal to two. This class of homeomorphisms was originally introduced by J. Nielsen in 1944 as an extension of periodic maps. In this book, the conjugacy classes of the (chiral) pseudo-periodic mapping classes are completely classified, and Nielsen’s incomplete classification is corrected. The second part applies the results of the first part to the topology of degeneration of Riemann surfaces. It is shown that the set of topological types of all the singular fibers appearing in one-parameter holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces is in a bijective correspondence with the set of conjugacy classes of the pseudo-periodic maps of negative twists. The correspondence is given by the topological monodromy.

  20. Pseudo-deterministic Algorithms


    Goldwasser , Shafi


    International audience; In this talk we describe a new type of probabilistic algorithm which we call Bellagio Algorithms: a randomized algorithm which is guaranteed to run in expected polynomial time, and to produce a correct and unique solution with high probability. These algorithms are pseudo-deterministic: they can not be distinguished from deterministic algorithms in polynomial time by a probabilistic polynomial time observer with black box access to the algorithm. We show a necessary an...

  1. Investigation of Pseudo-Active State in Z-Source Inverter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaltz, Erik; Oprea, Octavian; Larsen, Lasse


    This paper introduces a new operating state of the Z-source inverter denoted the pseudo-active state. The pseudoactive state is a state that may boost the output voltage of the Zsource inverter to a level higher than expected. The influence of the pseudo-active state is investigated and an equation...

  2. Mulheres Fazem Isso? – Análise das Estratégias de Gestão do Rúgbi Feminino no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Carlos Marques


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta o marketing esportivo integrado à gestão do rúgbi feminino no Brasil e analisa as estratégias utilizadas para a popularização desta modalidade esportiva. A Confederação Brasileira de Rúgbi, em 2011 elaborou um planejamento estratégico com o objetivo de reestruturar a modalidade e vem utilizando conceitos de marketing esportivo para fomento do rúgbi, visando o seu crescimento, tanto em números de praticantes, como de apoiadores e torcedores. Para realização do objetivo proposto foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória sobre o rúgbi, modalidade que estará presente nos Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. Analisam-se ainda a história da Seleção feminina de Rúgbi e as ferramentas de marketing e gestão esportiva utilizada pela Confederação. Ao final é realizado um estudo das estratégias da gestão esportiva do rúgbi feminino no Brasil, levando-se em consideração também a questão de gênero, em especial os obstáculos que as mulheres esportistas enfrentam em um esporte que está aliado à virilidade e à força masculina.

  3. Leonardo and the Pseudo-RCO


    Wills, Joerg M.


    There are two hypotheses on Leonardo's polyhedron based on the Pseudo-RCO and drawn for Luca Pacioli's book: Leonardo made an error, or: Leonardo draw it with intention, as it is. We give arguments, which support the Intention-hypothesis.

  4. Distrofia muscular de Duchenne em menina com translocação cromossômica

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    Lineu Cesar Werneck


    Full Text Available Relato do caso de menina que apresentava clínica e laboratorialmente elementos para o diagnóstico de distrofia muscular progressiva pseudo-hipertrófica de Duchenne, cuja investigação genética revelou translocação cromos&ômica 46,X,t(Bp+, Xq-. Foi feita revisão da literatura, enfatizando a importância dos métodos diagnósticos e a explicação do aparecimento de casos de distrofia muscular pseudo-hipertrófica de Duchenne em pacientes do sexo feminino.

  5. Graphical analysis of some pseudo-random number generators


    Lewis, Peter A. W.


    There exist today many 'good' pseudo-random number generators; the problem is to retrieve them. This document discusses three commonly used pseudo- random number generators, the first being RANDU, a notoriously bad generator, but one which is still occasionally used. The next is the widely used prime modulus, multiplicative congruential generator used in LL-RANDOMII, the Naval Postgraduate School random number package, and the last is the random number generator provided for microcomputers wi...

  6. Pseudo-tumoral hepatic tuberculosis discovered after surgical resection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miloudi Nizar


    Full Text Available Pseudo-tumoral hepatic tuberculosis is rare. It is characterized by non-specific symptoms and radiological polymorphism. Diagnosis is problematic. This article presents three cases, each clinically different from each other, that illustrate how difficult diagnosis can be. The definitive diagnosis of pseudo-tumoral hepatic tuberculosis was reached on the basis of histological examination of surgical samples. Treatment of the disease based on appropriate anti-tubercular therapy generally gives a positive outcome.

  7. Pseudo-communication vs Quasi-communication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Елена Константиновна Черничкина


    Full Text Available The article is devoted to the analysis of such specific forms of human interaction as quasi- and pseudo-communication. The authors specify the terms which sometimes are used interchangeably. The aim of the conducted research is to find out and demonstrate existing differences and similarities of these communicative phenomena on the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis of the research material in the Russian and English languages. The authors describe communicative features of these phenomena and consider the reasons for such forms of communication and their increased use at present. The research material is represented fiction extracts, film scripts, jokes, print media, a collection of oral speech records both in Russian and English. The authors make use of the following research methods: definitional analysis (to define the terminology of the research, the method of linguistic observation and introspection (to select the communicative situations, the descriptive-analytical method and the method of comparative analysis (to identify similarities and differences of the target phenomena, and the conversational analysis method (to view productivity and effectiveness of a dialogue, etc. The classification of possible forms of their existence in different discourses is suggested. The authors assume that both pseudo- and quasi-communication are characterized as fictitious forms of human interaction with some noticeable violation of the basic communicative model. Pseudo-communication suffers from the discrepancy of the meaning of a coded and decoded message. The authors put forward the main parameters of scientific classification of it as follows: adequate understanding, intentionality, and the stage of communicative action where the failure takes place. At the same time they stress the necessity to distinguish the cases of pseudo talks from phatic and indirect communication. Quasi-communcation is marked by the lack of a real partner and hence

  8. A note on Lorentz transformation and pseudo-rapidity distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hama, Y.


    It is shown that although rapidity and pseudo-rapidity are almost equivalent variables, their difference may in pratice become quite remarkable. Non Lorentz invariance of pseudo-rapidity distributions may cause appearance of strange effects at first sight, such as deformation of a perfectly symmetric particle distribution into an asymmetric one when going to another frame. (Author) [pt

  9. Pseudo-Goldstino in Field Theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Argurio, Riccardo; Komargodski, Zohar; Mariotti, Alberto


    We consider two SUSY-breaking hidden sectors which decouple when their respective couplings to the visible particles are switched off. In such a scenario one expects to find two light fermions: the Goldstino and the pseudo-Goldstino. While the former remains massless in the rigid limit, the latter becomes massive due to radiative effects which we analyze from several different points of view. This analysis is greatly facilitated by a version of the Goldberger-Treiman relation, which allows us to write a universal nonperturbative formula for the mass. We carry out the analysis in detail in the context of gauge mediation, where we find that the pseudo-Goldstino mass is at least around the GeV scale and can be easily at the electroweak range, even in low scale models. This leads to interesting and unconventional possibilities in collider physics and it also has potential applications in cosmology.

  10. A Repetition Test for Pseudo-Random Number Generators


    Gil, Manuel; Gonnet, Gaston H.; Petersen, Wesley P.


    A new statistical test for uniform pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) is presented. The idea is that a sequence of pseudo-random numbers should have numbers reappear with a certain probability. The expectation time that a repetition occurs provides the metric for the test. For linear congruential generators (LCGs) failure can be shown theoretically. Empirical test results for a number of commonly used PRNGs are reported, showing that some PRNGs considered to have good statistical propert...

  11. Zero-Shot Learning by Generating Pseudo Feature Representations


    Lu, Jiang; Li, Jin; Yan, Ziang; Zhang, Changshui


    Zero-shot learning (ZSL) is a challenging task aiming at recognizing novel classes without any training instances. In this paper we present a simple but high-performance ZSL approach by generating pseudo feature representations (GPFR). Given the dataset of seen classes and side information of unseen classes (e.g. attributes), we synthesize feature-level pseudo representations for novel concepts, which allows us access to the formulation of unseen class predictor. Firstly we design a Joint Att...

  12. [Elaboration of Pseudo-natural Products Using Artificial In Vitro Biosynthesis Systems]. (United States)

    Goto, Yuki


     Peptidic natural products often consist of not only proteinogenic building blocks but also unique non-proteinogenic structures such as macrocyclic scaffolds and N-methylated backbones. Since such non-proteinogenic structures are important structural motifs that contribute to diverse bioactivity, we have proposed that peptides with non-proteinogenic structures should be attractive candidates as artificial bioactive peptides mimicking natural products, or so-called pseudo-natural products. We previously devised an engineered translation system for pseudo-natural peptides, referred to as the flexible in vitro translation (FIT) system. This system enabled "one-pot" synthesis of highly diverse pseudo-natural peptide libraries, which can be rapidly screened by mRNA display technology for the discovery of pseudo-natural peptides with diverse bioactivities.

  13. Pseudo-observations in survival analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Per Kragh; Perme, Maja Pohar


    -state models, e.g. the competing risks cumulative incidence function. Graphical and numerical methods for assessing goodness-of-fit for hazard regression models and for the Fine-Gray model in competing risks studies based on pseudo-observations are also reviewed. Sensitivity to covariate-dependent censoring...

  14. Generating pseudo test collections for learning to rank scientific articles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berendsen, R.; Tsagkias, M.; de Rijke, M.; Meij, E.


    Pseudo test collections are automatically generated to provide training material for learning to rank methods. We propose a method for generating pseudo test collections in the domain of digital libraries, where data is relatively sparse, but comes with rich annotations. Our intuition is that

  15. Regression analysis of censored data using pseudo-observations: An update

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Overgaard, Morten; Andersen, Per Kragh; Parner, Erik Thorlund


    competing risks, the restricted mean survival-time function, and the cause-specific lost-lifetime function. The pseudo-observations can be used to assess the effects of covariates on their respective functions at different times by fitting generalized linear models to the pseudo-observations. The updated...

  16. Properties making a chaotic system a good Pseudo Random Number Generator


    Falcioni, Massimo; Palatella, Luigi; Pigolotti, Simone; Vulpiani, Angelo


    We discuss two properties making a deterministic algorithm suitable to generate a pseudo random sequence of numbers: high value of Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and high-dimensionality. We propose the multi dimensional Anosov symplectic (cat) map as a Pseudo Random Number Generator. We show what chaotic features of this map are useful for generating Pseudo Random Numbers and investigate numerically which of them survive in the discrete version of the map. Testing and comparisons with other generat...

  17. On pseudo-values for regression analysis in competing risks models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graw, F; Gerds, Thomas Alexander; Schumacher, M


    For regression on state and transition probabilities in multi-state models Andersen et al. (Biometrika 90:15-27, 2003) propose a technique based on jackknife pseudo-values. In this article we analyze the pseudo-values suggested for competing risks models and prove some conjectures regarding their...

  18. Brane-worlds pseudo-Goldstinos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benakli, Karim; Moura, Cesar


    We consider a space-time with extra dimensions containing sectors, branes and bulk, that communicate only through gravitational interactions. In each sector, if considered separately, supersymmetry could be spontaneously broken, leading to the appearance of Goldstinos. However, when taken all together, only certain combinations of the latter states turn out to be true 'would-be-Goldstinos', eaten by the gravitinos. The other (orthogonal) combinations, we call pseudo-Goldstinos, remain in the low energy spectrum. We discuss explicitly how this happen in the simplest set-up of five-dimensional space compactified on S 1 /Z 2 . Our results divide into two parts that can be considered separately. First, we build an extension of the bulk five-dimensional supergravity, by a set of new auxiliary fields, that allows coupling it to branes where supersymmetry is spontaneously broken. Second, we discuss in details the super-Higgs mechanism in the R ξ and unitary gauges, in the presence of both of a bulk Scherk-Schwarz mechanism and brane localized F-terms. This leads us to compute the gravitino mass and provide explicit formulae for the pseudo-Goldstinos spectrum

  19. Pseudo-Scientific Information: Reasons of Spread and Premises of Vitality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valdas Pruskus


    Full Text Available The phenomenon of pseudo-scientific information, the reasons of its spread and premises of its vitality are discussed in the paper. Pseudo-scientific information is understandable as an attempt to suit a demand, which exists in society, while providing a simple answer to a question, which an individual or society is concerned about, and that answer is not sustained by scientific research. It is showed that the rise and spread of pseudo-scientific information in society are conditioned by objective reasons. Firstly, the lack of information concerning a subject which is significant for society. Secondly, the lack of information for a particular individual (social group concerning a substantial subject. Thirdly, fast spread of scientific and technical inventions and penetration of technological innovations into various spheres of life the understanding of which demands an appropriate informal “processing”, i e it demands provision in an appropriate form, which is partly provided by pseudo-scientific knowledge.The existence of pseudo-scientific information is determined by the fact that it performs important social functions in society. The existence of pseudo-scientific information by official certified scientific information and the fact, that all social groups are affected to a larger or lesser extent, show its ambivalent power and vitality. On the one part, the roots of its vitality lie in the duality of this phenomenon, where opposite things coexist in a strange way – the truth (scientifically verified propositions and speculations which are based on intuition rather than on scientifically verified facts. On the other part, it is maintained by our permanent wish to get an additional and fresher information, though not totally reliable, while seeking to know universally and better the world around us and its phenomena. While meeting this requirement, a pseudo-scientific information stimulates researchers both to enhance their attempts to

  20. Production of bioethanol using agricultural waste: banana pseudo stem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Snehal Ingale


    Full Text Available India is amongst the largest banana (Musa acuminata producing countries and thus banana pseudo stem is commonly available agricultural waste to be used as lignocellulosic substrate. Present study focuses on exploitation of banana pseudo stem as a source for bioethanol production from the sugars released due to different chemical and biological pretreatments. Two fungal strains Aspergillus ellipticus and Aspergillus fumigatus reported to be producing cellulolytic enzymes on sugarcane bagasse were used under co-culture fermentation on banana pseudo stem to degrade holocellulose and facilitate maximum release of reducing sugars. The hydrolysate obtained after alkali and microbial treatments was fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCIM 3570 to produce ethanol. Fermentation of cellulosic hydrolysate (4.1 g% gave maximum ethanol (17.1 g/L with yield (84% and productivity (0.024 g%/h after 72 h. Some critical aspects of fungal pretreatment for saccharification of cellulosic substrate using A. ellipticus and A. fumigatus for ethanol production by S. cerevisiae NCIM 3570 have been explored in this study. It was observed that pretreated banana pseudo stem can be economically utilized as a cheaper substrate for ethanol production.

  1. MRI-based treatment planning with pseudo CT generated through atlas registration. (United States)

    Uh, Jinsoo; Merchant, Thomas E; Li, Yimei; Li, Xingyu; Hua, Chiaho


    To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based treatment planning using pseudo CTs generated through atlas registration. A pseudo CT, providing electron density information for dose calculation, was generated by deforming atlas CT images previously acquired on other patients. The authors tested 4 schemes of synthesizing a pseudo CT from single or multiple deformed atlas images: use of a single arbitrarily selected atlas, arithmetic mean process using 6 atlases, and pattern recognition with Gaussian process (PRGP) using 6 or 12 atlases. The required deformation for atlas CT images was derived from a nonlinear registration of conjugated atlas MR images to that of the patient of interest. The contrasts of atlas MR images were adjusted by histogram matching to reduce the effect of different sets of acquisition parameters. For comparison, the authors also tested a simple scheme assigning the Hounsfield unit of water to the entire patient volume. All pseudo CT generating schemes were applied to 14 patients with common pediatric brain tumors. The image similarity of real patient-specific CT and pseudo CTs constructed by different schemes was compared. Differences in computation times were also calculated. The real CT in the treatment planning system was replaced with the pseudo CT, and the dose distribution was recalculated to determine the difference. The atlas approach generally performed better than assigning a bulk CT number to the entire patient volume. Comparing atlas-based schemes, those using multiple atlases outperformed the single atlas scheme. For multiple atlas schemes, the pseudo CTs were similar to the real CTs (correlation coefficient, 0.787-0.819). The calculated dose distribution was in close agreement with the original dose. Nearly the entire patient volume (98.3%-98.7%) satisfied the criteria of chi-evaluation (pediatric brain tumor patients. The doses calculated from pseudo CTs agreed well with those from real CTs

  2. A model for pseudo-Dirac neutrinos: leptogenesis and ultra-high energy neutrinos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahn, Y.H. [Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Institute for Basic Science (IBS),Daejeon, 34051 (Korea, Republic of); Kang, Sin Kyu [Insitute for Convergence Fundamental Study, School of Liberal Arts, Seoul-Tech.,Seoul, 01811 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, C.S. [Dept. of Physics and IPAP, Yonsei University,Seoul, 120-749 (Korea, Republic of)


    We propose a model where sterile neutrinos are introduced to make light neutrinos to be pseudo-Dirac particles. It is shown how tiny mass splitting necessary for realizing pseudo-Dirac neutrinos can be achieved. Within the model, we show how leptogenesis can be successfully generated. Motivated by the recent observation of very high energy neutrino events at IceCube, we study a possibility to observe the effects of the pseudo-Dirac property of neutrinos by performing astronomical-scale baseline experiments to uncover the oscillation effects of very tiny mass splitting. We also discuss future prospect to observe the effects of the pseudo-Dirac property of neutrinos at high energy neutrino experiments.

  3. Inflammatory pseudo tumor of the spleen. Radiologic findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Folgueral, M.; Naranjo, G.; Grasa, J.


    The inflammatory splenic pseudo tumor is an uncommon benign lesion of unknown etiology that usually is detected incidentally in patients being examined for other disorders. We present the ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) findings in two patients (a 56-year-old woman and 67-year-old man) with inflammatory pseudo tumor of the spleen. Ultrasound images of the inflammatory splenic pseudo tumor show a hypoechoic mass with or without calcifications. In CT, the mass presents a low attenuation that is slightly enhanced by intravenous injection of an iodinated contrast medium. MR images show an isointense spleen in T1-weighted spin-echo sequences that is hypointense in T2-weighted sequences. The differential diagnosis should consider other more common splenic masses. but the definitive diagnosis can not be based on imaging methods alone. In the both cases, the final diagnosis was reached after splenectomy and pathological study. (Author) 8 refs

  4. Algebra of pseudo-differential operators over C*-algebra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohammad, N.


    Algebras of pseudo-differential operators over C*-algebras are studied for the special case when in Hormander class Ssub(rho,delta)sup(m)(Ω) Ω = Rsup(n); rho = 1, delta = 0, m any real number, and the C*-algebra is infinite dimensional non-commutative. The space B, i.e. the set of A-valued C*-functions in Rsup(n) (or Rsup(n) x Rsup(n)) whose derivatives are all bounded, plays an important role. A denotes C*-algebra. First the operator class Ssub(phi,0)sup(m) is defined, and through it, the class Lsub(1,0)sup(m) of pseudo-differential operators. Then the basic asymptotic expansion theorems concerning adjoint and product of operators of class Ssub(1,0)sup(m) are stated. Finally, proofs are given of L 2 -continuity theorem and the main theorem, which states that algebra of all pseudo-differential operators over C*-algebras is itself C*-algebra

  5. [Pseudo-continent perineal colostomy. Results and techniques]. (United States)

    Lasser, P; Dubé, P; Guillot, J M; Elias, D


    This prospective study was conducted to assess functional results obtained after pseudo-continent perineal colostomy using the Schmidt procedure. Functional outcome was assessed in 40 patients who had undergone amputation of the rectum for cancer and pseudo-continent perineal colostomy reconstruction between 1989 and 1995 in our institution. The cancer pathology, operative procedure and post-operative care were noted. Morbidity, functional outcome and degree of patient satisfaction were recorded. Mean follow-up was 45 months (18-87) in 100% of the patients. There were no operative deaths. Twenty patients had post-operative complications and 2 patients required early conversion to definitive abdominal colostomy due to severe perineal complications. Function outcome showed normal continence in 4 patients, air incontinence in 23, occasional minimal leakage in 9 and incontinence requiring iliac colostomy in 2. Eighty-six percent of the patients were highly satisfied or satisfied with their continence capacity. Pseudo-continent perineal colostomy is a reliable technique which can be proposed as an alternative to left iliac colostomy after amputation of the rectum for cancer if a rigorous procedure is applied: careful patient selection, informed consent, rigorous surgical procedure, daily life-long irrigation of the colon.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    current study aimed at assessing the population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia ... and to the developing aquaculture industry ... B. Hotel. Pangani Island. Bongoyo Island. Mbudya Island. Msasani Bay ... Salinity values did not show clear trends.

  7. Variability of Pseudo-Nitzschia and Domoic Acid Along the U.S. West Coast (United States)

    Wood, S.; Bill, B. D.; Trainer, V. L.


    A massive, destructive harmful algal bloom (HAB) along the U.S. West Coast in 2015 illustrated the threat posed to fisheries, marine mammal survival, and public health by toxigenic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia. Certain species of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA), which can cause amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) in humans who consume shellfish contaminated with DA. The specific environmental conditions producing toxic algal blooms remain largely unclear. The continued assessment of the abundance and toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia is used to identify emerging hotspots, investigate the occurrence of Pseudo-nitzschia and DA relative to environmental phenomena such as El Niño and the Blob, and make more robust the data that are incorporated into the HAB early-warning system. Seawater samples collected on NOAA research vessel Bell M. Shimada in May 2017 were analyzed in the laboratory using the following methods: 1. indirect cBASI Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs) to determine DA concentration; 2. light microscopy to determine abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia; and 3. scanning electron microscopy to determine Pseudo-nitzschia species composition at select locations. Results indicated that freshwater plumes can affect the location and abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia at HAB hotspots near Heceta Bank. Future analysis will examine the potential connection between the abundance of toxic species of Pseudo-nitzschia with nutrient and chlorophyll data. This research adds to the time series data needed to determine the relative influence of various drivers of Pseudo-nitzschia blooms, including local factors such as macronutrient concentrations, and climatic influences such as El Niño, La Niña, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.

  8. Pseudo-arthrosis repair of a posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogervorst, P.; Gardeniers, J.W.M.; Moret-Wever, S.; Kampen, A. van


    A pseudo-arthrosis repair of a 4-year-old bony avulsion fracture of the PCL using a minimally invasive technique, screw fixation, and bone grafting is reported. The case presented seems to be rather unique due to the fragment size and the approach for pseudo-arthrosis repair. There was a good

  9. Pseudo Random Coins Show More Heads Than Tails


    Bauke, Heiko; Mertens, Stephan


    Tossing a coin is the most elementary Monte Carlo experiment. In a computer the coin is replaced by a pseudo random number generator. It can be shown analytically and by exact enumerations that popular random number generators are not capable of imitating a fair coin: pseudo random coins show more heads than tails. This bias explains the empirically observed failure of some random number generators in random walk experiments. It can be traced down to the special role of the value zero in the ...

  10. A Pseudo Fractional-N Clock Generator with 50% Duty Cycle Output (United States)

    Yang, Wei-Bin; Lo, Yu-Lung; Chao, Ting-Sheng

    A proposed pseudo fractional-N clock generator with 50% duty cycle output is presented by using the pseudo fractional-N controller for SoC chips and the dynamic frequency scaling applications. The different clock frequencies can be generated with the particular phase combinations of a four-stage voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). It has been fabricated in a 0.13µm CMOS technology, and work with a supply voltage of 1.2V. According to measured results, the frequency range of the proposed pseudo fractional-N clock generator is from 71.4MHz to 1GHz and the peak-to-peak jitter is less than 5% of the output period. Duty cycle error rates of the output clock frequencies are from 0.8% to 2% and the measured power dissipation of the pseudo fractional-N controller is 146µW at 304MHz.

  11. Influencia del Pseudo Dionisio en Nicolás de Cusa

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    Andrés Hubert R


    Full Text Available Nicolás de Cusa (1401-1464 reconoce la influencia del Pseudo Dionisio en su propio pensamiento, especialmente en su teología negativa. Este trabajo busca mostrar esta influencia en el libro referencia del Cusano: el De Docta Ignorantia (la Docta Ignorancia. Esta obra consta de 3 partes. Solo en la primera parte, Nicolás sigue de cerca las ideas del Pseudo Dionisio y solo en ella lo cita. En las demás, aunque se nota la influencia, nuestro autor se siente más libre: las fundaciones están firmes, el constructor puede construir libremente. Para probar esta tesis, se toman dos ejemplos: el tema de las tinieblas y la coincidencia de los opuestos. Este ejercicio permite conocer cómo y por qué se recibió al Pseudo Dionisio en la historia de la teología. Permite también profundizar el sentido de la teología de Nicolás de CusaThe reflections of Nicolas of Cusa (1401-1464 recognise the influence of Pseudo Dyonisius, particularly in his negative theology. The present study shows this influence on Nicolas' most important book: the De Docta Ignorantia (the Learned Ignorance. The book is divided into three parts and it is in the first part that Nicolas directly pursues the ideas of Pseudo Dyonisius and it is only here that he quotes them. In the other parts of the book although the influence is noted, the foundations have been set and are solid and the author or builder can construct with freedom. To prove this thesis, 2 examples are presented: the theme of darkness and the coincidence of opposites. This exercise shows how and why Pseudo Dyonisius has been accepted into the history of the theology. It also deepens the meaning of the Nicolas of Cusa's theology

  12. Enhancing Pseudo-Telepathy in the Magic Square Game (United States)

    Pawela, Łukasz; Gawron, Piotr; Puchała, Zbigniew; Sładkowski, Jan


    We study the possibility of reversing an action of a quantum channel. Our principal objective is to find a specific channel that reverses as accurately as possible an action of a given quantum channel. To achieve this goal we use semidefinite programming. We show the benefits of our method using the quantum pseudo-telepathy Magic Square game with noise. Our strategy is to move the pseudo-telepathy region to higher noise values. We show that it is possible to reverse the action of a noise channel using semidefinite programming. PMID:23762246

  13. The characteristics of failure among students who experienced pseudo thinking (United States)

    Anggraini, D.; Kusmayadi, T. A.; Pramudya, I.


    The purpose of this research is to describe the thinking process of students who experienced pseudo thinking when solving the straight line equation. The result of this study shows the characteristics of error that caused students to experience pseudo thinking when solving the problem and their relation with students’ metacognition skill. This qualitative research was conducted in State 16 Junior High School in Surakarta, Indonesia during the odd semester of 2017/2018 academic year. The subjects of the study were students Junior High School students of 8th grade chosen using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected through the administration of think aloud method. The result showed that the characteristics of errors among the subjects are: 1) the answers resulted from pseudo thinking when solving the problem were obtained from the spontaneous, fast, unconscious and uncontrolled thinking process; 2) students had misconception; 3) students had tendency to memorize the formula and imitate the completion procedure; 4) students experienced fuzzy memory when solving the problem. From the mistakes among students who experienced pseudo thinking, their metacognition ability could be inferred.

  14. FUTEBOL FEMININO E AS BARREIRAS DO SEXISMO NAS ESCOLAS: reflexões acerca da invisibilidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cássia Cristina Furlan


    Full Text Available A pesquisa teve por objetivo observar jogadoras de futebol e suas autorrepresentações, como elas veem a participação das mulheres no futebol e se as escolas incentivam a prática dessa atividade, verificando questões de gênero. Apresenta também análise das interfaces e desdobramentos dessa prática no interior da escola e da educação física escolar. Com metodologia qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas com acadêmicas de educação física e atletas. Verificou-se que ainda estão presentes preconceitos em relação ao futsal feminino, e que as condições de acesso e participação nas práticas corporais e esportivas ainda favorecem o universo masculino.

  15. On the Relativistic Origin of Pseudo spin Symmetry in Nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leviatan, A.


    We review the concept of pseudo spin symmetry and its role in nuclear spectroscopy. We survey the attempts to arrive at a microscopic understanding of this symmetry. In particular, we show that pseudo spin symmetry in nuclei could arise from nucleons moving in a relativistic mean field which has an attractive scalar (Vs) and repulsive vector (Vv) potential nearly equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. We show that the generators of pseudo spin symmetry are the non-relativistic limit of the generators of an SU(2) symmetry which leaves invariant the Dirac Hamiltonian with Vs 2= -Vv. Furthermore within this framework, we demonstrate that this symmetry may be approximately conserved for realistic scalar and vector potentials

  16. Pseudo-BINPUT, a free formal input package for Fortran programmes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gubbins, M.E.


    Pseudo - BINPUT is an input package for reading free format data in codeword control in a FORTRAN programme. To a large degree it mimics in function the Winfrith Subroutine Library routine BINPUT. By using calls of the data input package DECIN to mimic the input routine BINPUT, Pseudo - BINPUT combines some of the advantages of both systems. (U.K.)

  17. Pseudo-differential operators and generalized functions

    CERN Document Server

    Toft, Joachim


    This book gathers peer-reviewed contributions representing modern trends in the theory of generalized functions and pseudo-differential operators. It is dedicated to Professor Michael Oberguggenberger (Innsbruck University, Austria) in honour of his 60th birthday. The topics covered were suggested by the ISAAC Group in Generalized Functions (GF) and the ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential Operators (IGPDO), which met at the 9th ISAAC congress in Krakow, Poland in August 2013. Topics include Columbeau algebras, ultra-distributions, partial differential equations, micro-local analysis, harmonic analysis, global analysis, geometry, quantization, mathematical physics, and time-frequency analysis. Featuring both essays and research articles, the book will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers working in analysis, PDE and mathematical physics, while also offering a valuable complement to the volumes on this topic previously published in the OT series.

  18. Pseudo-Kaehler quantization on flag manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karabegov, A.V.


    A unified approach to geometric, symbol and deformation quantizations on a generalized flag manifold endowed with an invariant pseudo-Kaehler structure is proposed. In particular cases we arrive at Berezin's quantization via covariant and contravariant symbols. (author). 16 refs

  19. Pseudo Landau levels and quantum oscillations in strained Weyl semimetals (United States)

    Alisultanov, Z. Z.


    The crystal lattice deformation in Weyl materials where the two chiralities are separated in momentum space leads to the appearance of gauge pseudo-fields. We investigated the pseudo-magnetic field induced quantum oscillations in strained Weyl semimetal (WSM). In contrast to all previous works on this problem, we use here a more general tilted Hamiltonian. Such Hamiltonian, seems to be is more suitable for a strained WSMs. We have shown that a pseudo-magnetic field induced magnetization of strained WSM is nonzero due to the fact that electric field (gradient of the deformation potential) is induced simultaneously with the pseudo-magnetic field. This related with fact that the pseudo Landau levels (LLs) in strained WSM are differ in vicinities of different WPs due to the presence of tilt in spectrum. Such violation of the equivalence between Weyl points (WPs) leads to modulation of quantum oscillations. We also showed that magnetization magnitude can be changed by application of an external electric field. In particular, it can be reduced to zero. The possibility of controlling of the magnetization by an electric field is interesting both from a fundamental point of view (a new type of magneto-electric effect) and application point of view (additional possibility to control diamagnetism of deformed WSMs). Finally, a coexistence of type-I and type-II Weyl fermions is possible in the system under investigation. Such phase is absolutely new for physics of topological systems.

  20. Genetics Home Reference: intestinal pseudo-obstruction (United States)

    ... A characteristic of X-linked inheritance is that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits to their sons. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction caused by ACTG2 gene mutations is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern , which means one copy of the altered ...

  1. Spin dynamics in the pseudo-gap state of a high-temperature superconductor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hinkov, V; Lin, C T; Chen, D P; Keimer, B [Max Planck Inst Solid State Res, D-70569 Stuttgart, (Germany); Bourges, P; Pailhes, S; Sidis, Y [CEA, CNRS, CE Saclay, Lab Leon Brillouin, F-91191 Gif Sur Yvette, (France); Ivanov, A [Inst Max Von Laue Paul Langevin, F-38042 Grenoble, (France); Frost, C D; Perring, T G [Rutherford Appleton Lab, ISIS Facil, Didcot OX11 0QX, Oxon, (United Kingdom)


    The pseudo-gap is one of the most pervasive phenomena of high-temperature superconductors. It is attributed either to incoherent Cooper pairing setting in above the superconducting transition temperature, Tc, or to a hidden order parameter competing with superconductivity. Here, we use inelastic neutron scattering from under-doped YBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 6.6} to show that the dispersion relations of spin excitations in the superconducting and pseudo-gap states are qualitatively different. Specifically, the extensively studied 'hour glass' shape of the magnetic dispersions in the superconducting state is no longer discernible in the pseudo-gap state and we observe an unusual 'vertical' dispersion with pronounced in-plane anisotropy. The differences between superconducting and pseudo-gap states are thus more profound than generally believed, suggesting a competition between these two states. Whereas the high-energy excitations are common to both states and obey the symmetry of the copper oxide square lattice, the low-energy excitations in the pseudo-gap state may be indicative of collective fluctuations towards a state with broken orientational symmetry predicted in theoretical work. (authors)

  2. A domain decomposition method for pseudo-spectral electromagnetic simulations of plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vay, Jean-Luc; Haber, Irving; Godfrey, Brendan B.


    Pseudo-spectral electromagnetic solvers (i.e. representing the fields in Fourier space) have extraordinary precision. In particular, Haber et al. presented in 1973 a pseudo-spectral solver that integrates analytically the solution over a finite time step, under the usual assumption that the source is constant over that time step. Yet, pseudo-spectral solvers have not been widely used, due in part to the difficulty for efficient parallelization owing to global communications associated with global FFTs on the entire computational domains. A method for the parallelization of electromagnetic pseudo-spectral solvers is proposed and tested on single electromagnetic pulses, and on Particle-In-Cell simulations of the wakefield formation in a laser plasma accelerator. The method takes advantage of the properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform, the linearity of Maxwell’s equations and the finite speed of light for limiting the communications of data within guard regions between neighboring computational domains. Although this requires a small approximation, test results show that no significant error is made on the test cases that have been presented. The proposed method opens the way to solvers combining the favorable parallel scaling of standard finite-difference methods with the accuracy advantages of pseudo-spectral methods

  3. The theory of pseudo-differential operators on the noncommutative n-torus (United States)

    Tao, J.


    The methods of spectral geometry are useful for investigating the metric aspects of noncommutative geometry and in these contexts require extensive use of pseudo-differential operators. In a foundational paper, Connes showed that, by direct analogy with the theory of pseudo-differential operators on finite-dimensional real vector spaces, one may derive a similar pseudo-differential calculus on noncommutative n-tori, and with the development of this calculus came many results concerning the local differential geometry of noncommutative tori for n=2,4, as shown in the groundbreaking paper in which the Gauss-Bonnet theorem on the noncommutative two-torus is proved and later papers. Certain details of the proofs in the original derivation of the calculus were omitted, such as the evaluation of oscillatory integrals, so we make it the objective of this paper to fill in all the details. After reproving in more detail the formula for the symbol of the adjoint of a pseudo-differential operator and the formula for the symbol of a product of two pseudo-differential operators, we extend these results to finitely generated projective right modules over the noncommutative n-torus. Then we define the corresponding analog of Sobolev spaces and prove equivalents of the Sobolev and Rellich lemmas.

  4. Pseudo-Cl estimators which do not mix E and B modes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, Kendrick M.


    Pseudo-C l quadratic estimators for CMB temperature and polarization power spectra have been used in the analysis pipelines of many CMB experiments, such as WMAP and Boomerang. In the polarization case, these estimators mix E and B modes, in the sense that the estimated B-mode power is nonzero for a noiseless CMB realization which contains only E modes. Recently, Challinor, and Chon showed that for moderately sized surveys (f sky ∼0.01), this mixing limits the gravity wave B-mode signal which can be detected using pseudo-C l estimators to T/S∼0.05. We modify the pseudo-C l construction, defining pure pseudo-C l estimators, which do not mix E and B modes in this sense. We study these estimators in detail for a survey geometry similar to that which has been proposed for the QUIET experiment, for a variety of noise levels, and both homogeneous and inhomogeneous noise. For noise levels l estimators. In the homogeneous case, we compute optimal power spectrum errors using a Fisher matrix approach, and show that our pure pseudo-C l estimators are roughly 80% of optimal, across a wide range of noise levels. There is no limit, imposed by the estimators alone, to the value of T/S which can be detected

  5. Phenomenology of a pseudo-scalar inflaton: naturally large nongaussianity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnaby, Neil; Namba, Ryo; Peloso, Marco


    Many controlled realizations of chaotic inflation employ pseudo-scalar axions. Pseudo-scalars φ are naturally coupled to gauge fields through cφF F-tilde . In the presence of this coupling, gauge field quanta are copiously produced by the rolling inflaton. The produced gauge quanta, in turn, source inflaton fluctuations via inverse decay. These new cosmological perturbations add incoherently with the ''vacuum'' perturbations, and are highly nongaussian. This provides a natural mechanism to generate large nongaussianity in single or multi field slow-roll inflation. The resulting phenomenological signatures are highly distinctive: large nongaussianity of (nearly) equilateral shape, in addition to detectably large values of both the scalar spectral tilt and tensor-to-scalar ratio (both being typical of large field inflation). The WMAP bound on nongaussianity implies that the coupling c of the pseudo-scalar inflaton to any gauge field must be smaller than about 10 2 M p −1

  6. "Fooling fido"--chemical and behavioral studies of pseudo-explosive canine training aids. (United States)

    Kranz, William D; Strange, Nicholas A; Goodpaster, John V


    Genuine explosive materials are traditionally employed in the training and testing of explosive-detecting canines so that they will respond reliably to these substances. However, challenges arising from the acquisition, storage, handling, and transportation of explosives have given rise to the development of "pseudo-explosive" training aids. These products attempt to emulate the odor of real explosives while remaining inert. Therefore, a canine trained on a pseudo-explosive should respond to its real-life analog. Similarly, a canine trained on an actual explosive should respond to the pseudo-explosive as if it was real. This research tested those assumptions with a focus on three explosives: single-base smokeless powder, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), and a RDX-based plastic explosive (Composition C-4). Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with solid phase microextraction as a pre-concentration technique, we determined that the volatile compounds given off by pseudo-explosive products consisted of various solvents, known additives from explosive formulations, and common impurities present in authentic explosives. For example, simulated smokeless powders emitted terpenes, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, diphenylamine, and ethyl centralite. Simulated TNT products emitted 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluene. Simulated C-4 products emitted cyclohexanone, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, and dimethyldinitrobutane. We also conducted tests to determine whether canines trained on pseudo-explosives are capable of alerting to genuine explosives and vice versa. The results show that canines trained on pseudo-explosives performed poorly at detecting all but the pseudo-explosives they are trained on. Similarly, canines trained on actual explosives performed poorly at detecting all but the actual explosives on which they were trained.

  7. (Obscena: o lugar do desejo feminino em Gustav Klimt e Clarice Lispector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valeria Rosito


    Full Text Available Este artigo sublinha o lugar da (obscena para onde se desloca persistentemente o desejo feminino. Põe em diálogo a linguagem pictórica e a literária, voltando-se para a economia composicional da tela de Klimt “As três idades da mulher” e do conto clariceano “Ruído de passos”. Considera os horizontes de sentidos agregados pela circulação e recepção de ambos os objetos, especialmente no que diz respeito à autonomia do detalhe na tela de Klimt. A discussão sugere ainda efeitos do deslocamento da crítica específica de gênero à luz da crítica cultural contemporânea, voltada para agendas mais diluídas sobre inclusão. Sustentase, finalmente, que a perspectiva de gênero ilumina decisivamente o ato interpretativo e se prova crucial no enriquecimento de contribuições filosóficas notórias de teóricos do discurso como Bakhtin.

  8. Evolutionary Pseudo-Relaxation Learning Algorithm for Bidirectional Associative Memory

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Sheng-Zhi Du; Zeng-Qiang Chen; Zhu-Zhi Yuan


    This paper analyzes the sensitivity to noise in BAM (Bidirectional Associative Memory), and then proves the noise immunity of BAM relates not only to the minimum absolute value of net inputs (MAV) but also to the variance of weights associated with synapse connections. In fact, it is a positive monotonically increasing function of the quotient of MAV divided by the variance of weights. Besides, the performance of pseudo-relaxation method depends on learning parameters (λ and ζ), but the relation of them is not linear. So it is hard to find a best combination of λ and ζ which leads to the best BAM performance. And it is obvious that pseudo-relaxation is a kind of local optimization method, so it cannot guarantee to get the global optimal solution. In this paper, a novel learning algorithm EPRBAM (evolutionary psendo-relaxation learning algorithm for bidirectional association memory) employing genetic algorithm and pseudo-relaxation method is proposed to get feasible solution of BAM weight matrix. This algorithm uses the quotient as the fitness of each individual and employs pseudo-relaxation method to adjust individual solution when it does not satisfy constraining condition any more after genetic operation. Experimental results show this algorithm improves noise immunity of BAM greatly. At the same time, EPRBAM does not depend on learning parameters and can get global optimal solution.

  9. Chaos-based Pseudo-random Number Generation

    KAUST Repository

    Barakat, Mohamed L.


    Various methods and systems related to chaos-based pseudo-random number generation are presented. In one example, among others, a system includes a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) to generate a series of digital outputs and a nonlinear post processing circuit to perform an exclusive OR (XOR) operation on a first portion of a current digital output of the PRNG and a permutated version of a corresponding first portion of a previous post processed output to generate a corresponding first portion of a current post processed output. In another example, a method includes receiving at least a first portion of a current output from a PRNG and performing an XOR operation on the first portion of the current PRNG output with a permutated version of a corresponding first portion of a previous post processed output to generate a corresponding first portion of a current post processed output.

  10. Wavefield extrapolation in pseudo-depth domain

    KAUST Repository

    Ma, Xuxin; Alkhalifah, Tariq Ali


    Extrapolating seismic waves in Cartesian coordinate is prone to uneven spatial sampling, because the seismic wavelength tends to grow with depth, as velocity increase. We transform the vertical depth axis to a pseudo one using a velocity weighted mapping, which can effectively mitigate this wavelength variation. We derive acoustic wave equations in this new domain based on the direct transformation of the Laplacian derivatives, which admits solutions that are more accurate and stable than those derived from the kinematic transformation. The anisotropic versions of these equations allow us to isolate the vertical velocity influence and reduce its impact on modeling and imaging. The major benefit of extrapolating wavefields in pseudo-depth space is its near uniform wavelength as opposed to the normally dramatic change of wavelength with the conventional approach. Time wavefield extrapolation on a complex velocity shows some of the features of this approach.

  11. [Hysterical pseudo-coma: A case report]. (United States)

    Chouaib, N; Chouaib, H; Belyamani, L; Otheman, Y; Bichra, M Z


    Hysterical pseudo-coma corresponds to a state of clinical sleep with contrasting waking electroencephalogram. It can last several hours or even several days in the absence of an underlying organic disease. In psychiatry, this disorder is currently part of the "dissociative disorder not otherwise specified". Through this case report, we describe the evolution of a hysterical pseudo-coma that lasted four days in a 28-year-old man. The normality of biological, radiological and electroencephalographic assessments, and responsiveness of the patient during the implementation of a nasogastric tube, led us to suspect a mental origin. An adapted psychiatric care allowed the patient to recover his autonomy after three days of hospitalization. This had prevented the escalation of explorations and invasive treatments. However, the search for organic comorbidity and its management remains a priority. Copyright © 2014 L’Encéphale, Paris. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  12. Chaos-based Pseudo-random Number Generation

    KAUST Repository

    Barakat, Mohamed L.; Mansingka, Abhinav S.; Radwan, Ahmed Gomaa Ahmed; Salama, Khaled N.


    Various methods and systems related to chaos-based pseudo-random number generation are presented. In one example, among others, a system includes a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) to generate a series of digital outputs and a nonlinear post processing circuit to perform an exclusive OR (XOR) operation on a first portion of a current digital output of the PRNG and a permutated version of a corresponding first portion of a previous post processed output to generate a corresponding first portion of a current post processed output. In another example, a method includes receiving at least a first portion of a current output from a PRNG and performing an XOR operation on the first portion of the current PRNG output with a permutated version of a corresponding first portion of a previous post processed output to generate a corresponding first portion of a current post processed output.

  13. Pseudo ribbon metal ion beam source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stepanov, Igor B.; Ryabchikov, Alexander I.; Sivin, Denis O.; Verigin, Dan A.


    The paper describes high broad metal ion source based on dc macroparticle filtered vacuum arc plasma generation with the dc ion-beam extraction. The possibility of formation of pseudo ribbon beam of metal ions with the parameters: ion beam length 0.6 m, ion current up to 0.2 A, accelerating voltage 40 kV, and ion energy up to 160 kV has been demonstrated. The pseudo ribbon ion beam is formed from dc vacuum arc plasma. The results of investigation of the vacuum arc evaporator ion-emission properties are presented. The influence of magnetic field strength near the cathode surface on the arc spot movement and ion-emission properties of vacuum-arc discharge for different cathode materials are determined. It was shown that vacuum-arc discharge stability can be reached when the magnetic field strength ranges from 40 to 70 G on the cathode surface

  14. Pseudo ribbon metal ion beam source. (United States)

    Stepanov, Igor B; Ryabchikov, Alexander I; Sivin, Denis O; Verigin, Dan A


    The paper describes high broad metal ion source based on dc macroparticle filtered vacuum arc plasma generation with the dc ion-beam extraction. The possibility of formation of pseudo ribbon beam of metal ions with the parameters: ion beam length 0.6 m, ion current up to 0.2 A, accelerating voltage 40 kV, and ion energy up to 160 kV has been demonstrated. The pseudo ribbon ion beam is formed from dc vacuum arc plasma. The results of investigation of the vacuum arc evaporator ion-emission properties are presented. The influence of magnetic field strength near the cathode surface on the arc spot movement and ion-emission properties of vacuum-arc discharge for different cathode materials are determined. It was shown that vacuum-arc discharge stability can be reached when the magnetic field strength ranges from 40 to 70 G on the cathode surface.

  15. A anorexia nervosa e fatores associados em adolescentes do sexo feminino, em município do sul do Brasil


    Hulsmeyer, Ana Rodrigues; Marcon, Sonia Silva; Santana, Rosângela Getirana; Kállas, Daniel


    Objetivo foi investigar a prevalência de sintomas de anorexia nervosa e a sua associação com o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), e com satisfação e dimensão corporais, em adolescentes do sexo feminino. Trata-se de um estudo de base populacional, do tipo transversal, realizado com 407 adolescentes entre 14 e 19 anos, e incluiu a avaliação do IMC, o Eating Attitude Test, e a Escala de Silhuetas Corporais. A associação entre as variáveis dependente e independente foi realizada por meio da análise ...

  16. Basic Characteristics and Spatial Patterns of Pseudo-Settlements--Taking Dalian as An Example. (United States)

    Gao, Jiaji; Zhang, Yingjia; Li, Xueming


    A person's living behavior patterns are closely related to three types of settlements: real-life settlements, imagined settlements, and pseudo-settlements. The term "pseudo-settlement" (PS) refers to the places that are selectively recorded and represented after the mass media chose and restructure the residence information. As the mass media rapidly develops and people's way of obtaining information gradually change, PS has already become one of the main ways for people to recognize and understand real-life settlements, as well as describe their impressions of imagined settlements. PS also has a profound impact on tourism, employment, investment, migration, real estate development, etc. Thus, the study of PSs has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper proposes to put forward residential quarters where the mass media is displayed as the object of study and establishes the pseudo-settlement index system of Dalian in and elaborate analysis of the concept of PSs. From three aspects, including pseudo-buildings, pseudo-districts and pseudo-culture, this paper uses the ArcGIS 10.0 kernel density (spacial analyst) to analyze and interpret the basic characteristics and spatial patterns of 14 elements of the PS in Dalian. Through systemic clustering analysis, it identifies eight major types of PSs in Dalian. Then it systematically elaborates current situations and characteristics of the spatial pattern of PSs in Dalian, namely: regionally concentrated, widely scattered and blank spaces without pseudo-settlements. Finally, this paper discusses the mechanism of formation of PSs in Dalian.

  17. Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on Coupled Map Lattices (United States)

    Lü, Huaping; Wang, Shihong; Hu, Gang

    A one-way coupled chaotic map lattice is used for generating pseudo-random numbers. It is shown that with suitable cooperative applications of both chaotic and conventional approaches, the output of the spatiotemporally chaotic system can easily meet the practical requirements of random numbers, i.e., excellent random statistical properties, long periodicity of computer realizations, and fast speed of random number generations. This pseudo-random number generator system can be used as ideal synchronous and self-synchronizing stream cipher systems for secure communications.

  18. Time-of-flight experiments using a pseudo-statistical chopper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aizawa, Otohiko; Kanda, Keiji


    A ''pseudo-statistical'' chopper was manufactured and used for the experiments on neutron transmission and scattering. The characteristics of the chopper and the experimental results are discussed in comparison with those in the time-of-flight technique using a conventional chopper. Which of the two methods is superior depends on the form of the time-of-flight distribution to be measured. Pseudo-statistical pulsing may be especially advantageous for scattering experiments with single or a few-line time-of-flight spectrum. (auth.)

  19. The technique of «Subliminal verbal suggestion for the treatment of [pseudo]obsessions»

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    N. V. Danilevska


    Full Text Available [Pseudo]obsessions therapy in patients with endogenous diseases of schizophrenic round accompanied with difficulties, caused by both psycho etio pathogenetic features of the disease. Disadvantages of the existing methods of therapy are associated with therapeutic conflict between two nosologies. Aim: to develop and test etiopsychopathogenetic technique "Subliminal verbal suggestion for the treatment of [pseudo]obsessions" as a subsidiary method of treatment of schizophrenia patients with [pseudo] obsessions in the structure of the disease. Methods and results. 137 patients who underwent hospital treatment 65 schizophrenia patients (F20 with the [pseudo]obsessive symptoms in the structure of the disease were examined on the basis of Public Health Institution «Regional clinical mental hospital» of the Zaporizhzhian regional council. 30 patients received standard pharmacotherapy (antipsychotic drugs according to clinical protocols that was combined with proposed technique "Subliminal verbal suggestion for the treatment of [pseudo]obsessions". The comparison group consisted of 35 patients treated with the use of standard pharmacotherapy: antipsychotic drugs. The next methods were used: medical history assessment, follow-up, clinical-psychopathological, psychodiagnostic. "Subliminal verbal suggestion for the treatment of [pseudo]obsessions" technique was developed. This technique is a combination of suggestion in the waking state and neurolinguistic programming, implemented with specially compiled auditory complex listening. The main therapeutic component s realized through the subthreshold perception of the verbal formulas that are unavailable to awareness. The technique consists of two components – primary and secondary, and three stages. The methodology was tested, its therapeutic efficacy was confirmed. Conclusion. "Subliminal verbal suggestion for the treatment of [pseudo]obsessions" technique was developed as a subsidiary method of the

  20. Discrete Weighted Pseudo Asymptotic Periodicity of Second Order Difference Equations

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    Zhinan Xia


    Full Text Available We define the concept of discrete weighted pseudo-S-asymptotically periodic function and prove some basic results including composition theorem. We investigate the existence, and uniqueness of discrete weighted pseudo-S-asymptotically periodic solution to nonautonomous semilinear difference equations. Furthermore, an application to scalar second order difference equations is given. The working tools are based on the exponential dichotomy theory and fixed point theorem.

  1. Pseudo-aneurisma post-traumático de tronco de arteria coronaria izquierda Post-traumatic false (pseudo aneurysm of the left main coronary artery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melina M. Gallo


    Full Text Available El pseudo-aneurisma de arteria coronaria es extremadamente raro. Su historia natural es poco conocida y su tratamiento discutido. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con pseudo-aneurisma de tronco de la coronaria izquierda e infarto antero-apical del ventrículo izquierdo cinco años después de un paro cardíaco secundario a un traumatismo no penetrante de tórax. Se consideró entonces que la lesión no era pasible de corrección percutánea o quirúrgica por lo que se optó por tratamiento médico conservador. Una angiografía coronaria por tomografía computarizada multicorte realizada 10 años después del evento inicial mostró ausencia de progresión de la lesión.Coronary pseudo-aneurysm is an extremely rare entity. Its natural history is scarcely known and its treatment is controversial. We report a case of pseudo-aneurysm of the left main coronary artery associated with an antero-apical infarct of the left ventricle diagnosed five years after a cardiac arrest following a non-penetrating thoracic trauma. The patient was treated conservatively because percutaneous or surgical correction were not considered suitable for this lesion. A multidetector computed tomography coronary angiogram performed 10 years after the initial event showed no evidence of progression.

  2. Pseudo-diode based on protonic/electronic hybrid oxide transistor (United States)

    Fu, Yang Ming; Liu, Yang Hui; Zhu, Li Qiang; Xiao, Hui; Song, An Ran


    Current rectification behavior has been proved to be essential in modern electronics. Here, a pseudo-diode is proposed based on protonic/electronic hybrid indium-gallium-zinc oxide electric-double-layer (EDL) transistor. The oxide EDL transistors are fabricated by using phosphorous silicate glass (PSG) based proton conducting electrolyte as gate dielectric. A diode operation mode is established on the transistor, originating from field configurable proton fluxes within the PSG electrolyte. Current rectification ratios have been modulated to values ranged between ˜4 and ˜50 000 with gate electrode biased at voltages ranged between -0.7 V and 0.1 V. Interestingly, the proposed pseudo-diode also exhibits field reconfigurable threshold voltages. When the gate is biased at -0.5 V and 0.3 V, threshold voltages are set to ˜-1.3 V and -0.55 V, respectively. The proposed pseudo-diode may find potential applications in brain-inspired platforms and low-power portable systems.

  3. Presença do Gênero Feminino entre os Discentes dos Programas de Pós-Graduação de Ciências Contábeis no Brasil

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    Daniele Cristina Bernd


    Full Text Available Objetivo: apesar de existirem movimentos em direção à igualdade de gêneros quanto ao acesso à educação e às oportunidades no mercado de trabalho, a escassa presença da mulher em profissões que no passado eram, predominantemente, masculinas ainda pode persistir. Assim, este estudo objetiva verificar a presença do gênero feminino entre os discentes dos programas de pós-graduação em Ciências Contábeis do Brasil, no período de 2010 a 2016. Método: na Plataforma Sucupira, foram selecionados os 26 cursos de mestrado acadêmico, os 5 de mestrado profissional e os 13 de doutorado em Ciências Contábeis credenciados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, e com dados disponíveis para a pesquisa até 2016. Nesses, identificou-se um total de 3.013 discentes ingressantes, 2.058 de mestrado acadêmico, 530 de mestrado profissional e 451 de doutorado. Resultados: os resultados da pesquisa indicam que o número de discentes do gênero feminino ingressantes nos programas de pós-graduação em Ciências Contábeis no Brasil são inferiores ao de discentes do gênero masculino, no período analisado, com visíveis diferenças regionais. Contribuições: conclui-se que a presença do gênero feminino entre os discentes dos programas pesquisados tem evoluído, mas ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para alcançar a igualdade de gêneros, o que é especialmente relevante se for considerado que isso pode se refletir em posteriores oportunidades de trabalho, uma lacuna de pesquisa a ser investigada.

  4. Pseudo-yat“ in Dalmato-Romance and Balkan Latin (On Balkan Latin VIII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ligorio Orsat L.


    Full Text Available Article discusses the origins and the development of the so-called pseudo-yat in Dalmatian Romance and Balkan Latin. (E.g. SCr. mrčela-murtila-murtela from Lat. *MYRTICELLA or tovijerna-tovirna-toverna from TABERNA. Pseudo-yat is derived from -ECC-, in short syllables, and in long syllables from -ERR-, -ERC-. This suggestion is tried on 58 Dalmatian loans in Serbo-Croatian. The fact that pseudo-yat is found only in a part of these is of particular significance for the stratification of Dalmatian loans in Serbo-Croatian since loans with pseudo-yat are ostensibly older than the ones without it. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 178007

  5. Quando os dados contrariam as previsões estatísticas: os casos de êxito escolar nas camadas socialmente desfavorecidas

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    Nadir Zago


    Full Text Available Como explicar as situações que apresentam claras evidências de êxito escolar quando a realidade social e cultural do aluno é desfavorável a sua escolarização? Sem pretender dar conta desta questão apresentamos, neste trabalho, alguns dados de pesquisas com famílias de meios populares que vivenciaram situações que demonstram adaptação escolar e maior tempo de permanência de seus filhos no sistema de ensino, se comparadas às estatísticas sobre a realidade educacional brasileira. Contrariando a visão genérica e patologizante de famílias dos meios populares, o trabalho mostra o erro em que incorremos quando nos apoiamos nos padrões das camadas médias para avaliar as práticas observadas nos meios socialmente desfavorecidos.

  6. MRI-based treatment planning with pseudo CT generated through atlas registration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uh, Jinsoo; Merchant, Thomas E.; Hua, Chiaho; Li, Yimei; Li, Xingyu


    Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based treatment planning using pseudo CTs generated through atlas registration. Methods: A pseudo CT, providing electron density information for dose calculation, was generated by deforming atlas CT images previously acquired on other patients. The authors tested 4 schemes of synthesizing a pseudo CT from single or multiple deformed atlas images: use of a single arbitrarily selected atlas, arithmetic mean process using 6 atlases, and pattern recognition with Gaussian process (PRGP) using 6 or 12 atlases. The required deformation for atlas CT images was derived from a nonlinear registration of conjugated atlas MR images to that of the patient of interest. The contrasts of atlas MR images were adjusted by histogram matching to reduce the effect of different sets of acquisition parameters. For comparison, the authors also tested a simple scheme assigning the Hounsfield unit of water to the entire patient volume. All pseudo CT generating schemes were applied to 14 patients with common pediatric brain tumors. The image similarity of real patient-specific CT and pseudo CTs constructed by different schemes was compared. Differences in computation times were also calculated. The real CT in the treatment planning system was replaced with the pseudo CT, and the dose distribution was recalculated to determine the difference. Results: The atlas approach generally performed better than assigning a bulk CT number to the entire patient volume. Comparing atlas-based schemes, those using multiple atlases outperformed the single atlas scheme. For multiple atlas schemes, the pseudo CTs were similar to the real CTs (correlation coefficient, 0.787–0.819). The calculated dose distribution was in close agreement with the original dose. Nearly the entire patient volume (98.3%–98.7%) satisfied the criteria of chi-evaluation (<2% maximum dose and 2 mm range). The dose to 95% of the volume and the

  7. MRI-based treatment planning with pseudo CT generated through atlas registration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uh, Jinsoo, E-mail:; Merchant, Thomas E.; Hua, Chiaho [Department of Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children' s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee 38105 (United States); Li, Yimei; Li, Xingyu [Department of Biostatistics, St. Jude Children' s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee 38105 (United States)


    Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based treatment planning using pseudo CTs generated through atlas registration. Methods: A pseudo CT, providing electron density information for dose calculation, was generated by deforming atlas CT images previously acquired on other patients. The authors tested 4 schemes of synthesizing a pseudo CT from single or multiple deformed atlas images: use of a single arbitrarily selected atlas, arithmetic mean process using 6 atlases, and pattern recognition with Gaussian process (PRGP) using 6 or 12 atlases. The required deformation for atlas CT images was derived from a nonlinear registration of conjugated atlas MR images to that of the patient of interest. The contrasts of atlas MR images were adjusted by histogram matching to reduce the effect of different sets of acquisition parameters. For comparison, the authors also tested a simple scheme assigning the Hounsfield unit of water to the entire patient volume. All pseudo CT generating schemes were applied to 14 patients with common pediatric brain tumors. The image similarity of real patient-specific CT and pseudo CTs constructed by different schemes was compared. Differences in computation times were also calculated. The real CT in the treatment planning system was replaced with the pseudo CT, and the dose distribution was recalculated to determine the difference. Results: The atlas approach generally performed better than assigning a bulk CT number to the entire patient volume. Comparing atlas-based schemes, those using multiple atlases outperformed the single atlas scheme. For multiple atlas schemes, the pseudo CTs were similar to the real CTs (correlation coefficient, 0.787–0.819). The calculated dose distribution was in close agreement with the original dose. Nearly the entire patient volume (98.3%–98.7%) satisfied the criteria of chi-evaluation (<2% maximum dose and 2 mm range). The dose to 95% of the volume and the

  8. Hypokalaemia: Bartter's syndrome or pseudo-Bartter's syndrome?


    Robb, J D; Delargy, M A; Nolan, M; Tomkin, G H


    The difficulties in the diagnosis of hypokalaemia are often considerable. This paper reports three patients who presented with hypokalaemia. Investigations are described which may help to distinguish Bartter's syndrome from pseudo-Bartter's syndrome.

  9. El Pseudo-Hiepes es Bernardo Polo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jordan, William B.


    Full Text Available Nearly fifteen years ago, the author proposed the name Pseudo-Hiepes to refer to a then anonymous painter whom certain Italian art historians had called the Master of the Lombard Fruit Bowl. At the time, he argued for an Aragonese origin in the later part of the century. A signed work has finally been discovered and is published here. The artist was indeed from Zaragoza, and his name is Bernardo Polo.

    Hace unos quince años, el autor propuso el apodo Pseudo-Hiepes para identificar al pintor anónimo a quien algunos entendidos italianos habían bautizado como Maestro del Frutero lombardo. En aquel entonces, argumentó que debía tratarse de un artista aragonés, de la segunda mitad de siglo. Por fin ha aparecido una obra firmada que se presenta aquí. Efectivamente, el artista era zaragozano y su nombre es Bernardo Polo.

  10. Pseudo-random number generation using a 3-state cellular automaton (United States)

    Bhattacharjee, Kamalika; Paul, Dipanjyoti; Das, Sukanta

    This paper investigates the potentiality of pseudo-random number generation of a 3-neighborhood 3-state cellular automaton (CA) under periodic boundary condition. Theoretical and empirical tests are performed on the numbers, generated by the CA, to observe the quality of it as pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). We analyze the strength and weakness of the proposed PRNG and conclude that the selected CA is a good random number generator.

  11. Pollicisation: The Myth about Creating a Pseudo-Trapezium. (United States)

    Mennen, Ulrich


    We have performed 14 pollicisations without creating a "pseudo-trapezium" from the metacarpal head. The entire metacarpal of the intended finger to be pollicised is removed and the proximal phalanx of the finger is inserted into the space left by the base of the excised metacarpal. The results are good to excellent in all 14 cases followed for 2-9 years. The advantages are that the operation is much simpler, thus also much quicker. The new thumb looks more like a thumb (not too long) and is more stable (ball-and-socket joint), with no long term complications often seen with the pseudo-trapezium.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renan Elan da Silva OLIVEIRA


    Full Text Available Cresce a participação da mulher no mercado de destilados, e as empresas produtoras de cachaça estão desenvolvendo bebidas mais leves visando atingir também o público feminino. Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi estudar o perfil e os hábitos do público feminino que consome cacha- ça no estado da Paraíba. Também foi avaliada a preferência entre as cachaças de produção artesanal e industrial. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário estruturado contendo onze perguntas. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste t de Student, em nível de 5% de probabilidade. O coeficiente de Pearson (r foi utilizado para definir a correlação entre o sistema de produção e a motivação de compra. No estado da Paraíba, as mulheres que consomem cachaça são, predominantemente, jovens, solteiras e têm escolaridade entre o ensino médio e o superior. A frequência de consumo semanal e mensal é maior entre as consumidoras com ensino médio e superior. A maioria das mulheres prefere as cachaças produzidas industrialmente e 25,5% relataram que não distinguem uma cachaça artesanal da industrial. Elas adquirem as cachaças em bares e supermercados e os principais fatores que motivam a compra são o sabor (64,9% e a indicação de amigos (13,8%. As características da cachaça mais apreciadas durante o consumo são o sabor (61,7% e o sabor e teor alcoólico (13,8%. O sabor e a embalagem foram apontados como as principais características que diferem uma cachaça artesanal da industrial. O sabor é um grande fator de motivação de compra e aprecia- ção da cachaça, especialmente dentre aquelas produzidas artesanalmente.

  13. Basic Characteristics and Spatial Patterns of Pseudo-Settlements—Taking Dalian as An Example

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiaji Gao


    Full Text Available A person’s living behavior patterns are closely related to three types of settlements: real-life settlements, imagined settlements, and pseudo-settlements. The term “pseudo-settlement” (PS refers to the places that are selectively recorded and represented after the mass media chose and restructure the residence information. As the mass media rapidly develops and people’s way of obtaining information gradually change, PS has already become one of the main ways for people to recognize and understand real-life settlements, as well as describe their impressions of imagined settlements. PS also has a profound impact on tourism, employment, investment, migration, real estate development, etc. Thus, the study of PSs has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper proposes to put forward residential quarters where the mass media is displayed as the object of study and establishes the pseudo-settlement index system of Dalian in and elaborate analysis of the concept of PSs. From three aspects, including pseudo-buildings, pseudo-districts and pseudo-culture, this paper uses the ArcGIS 10.0 kernel density (spacial analyst to analyze and interpret the basic characteristics and spatial patterns of 14 elements of the PS in Dalian. Through systemic clustering analysis, it identifies eight major types of PSs in Dalian. Then it systematically elaborates current situations and characteristics of the spatial pattern of PSs in Dalian, namely: regionally concentrated, widely scattered and blank spaces without pseudo-settlements. Finally, this paper discusses the mechanism of formation of PSs in Dalian.

  14. Basic Characteristics and Spatial Patterns of Pseudo-Settlements—Taking Dalian as An Example (United States)

    Gao, Jiaji; Zhang, Yingjia; Li, Xueming


    A person’s living behavior patterns are closely related to three types of settlements: real-life settlements, imagined settlements, and pseudo-settlements. The term “pseudo-settlement” (PS) refers to the places that are selectively recorded and represented after the mass media chose and restructure the residence information. As the mass media rapidly develops and people’s way of obtaining information gradually change, PS has already become one of the main ways for people to recognize and understand real-life settlements, as well as describe their impressions of imagined settlements. PS also has a profound impact on tourism, employment, investment, migration, real estate development, etc. Thus, the study of PSs has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper proposes to put forward residential quarters where the mass media is displayed as the object of study and establishes the pseudo-settlement index system of Dalian in and elaborate analysis of the concept of PSs. From three aspects, including pseudo-buildings, pseudo-districts and pseudo-culture, this paper uses the ArcGIS 10.0 kernel density (spacial analyst) to analyze and interpret the basic characteristics and spatial patterns of 14 elements of the PS in Dalian. Through systemic clustering analysis, it identifies eight major types of PSs in Dalian. Then it systematically elaborates current situations and characteristics of the spatial pattern of PSs in Dalian, namely: regionally concentrated, widely scattered and blank spaces without pseudo-settlements. Finally, this paper discusses the mechanism of formation of PSs in Dalian. PMID:26805859

  15. Evaluation of Pseudo-Haptic Interactions with Soft Objects in Virtual Environments.

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    Min Li

    Full Text Available This paper proposes a pseudo-haptic feedback method conveying simulated soft surface stiffness information through a visual interface. The method exploits a combination of two feedback techniques, namely visual feedback of soft surface deformation and control of the indenter avatar speed, to convey stiffness information of a simulated surface of a soft object in virtual environments. The proposed method was effective in distinguishing different sizes of virtual hard nodules integrated into the simulated soft bodies. To further improve the interactive experience, the approach was extended creating a multi-point pseudo-haptic feedback system. A comparison with regards to (a nodule detection sensitivity and (b elapsed time as performance indicators in hard nodule detection experiments to a tablet computer incorporating vibration feedback was conducted. The multi-point pseudo-haptic interaction is shown to be more time-efficient than the single-point pseudo-haptic interaction. It is noted that multi-point pseudo-haptic feedback performs similarly well when compared to a vibration-based feedback method based on both performance measures elapsed time and nodule detection sensitivity. This proves that the proposed method can be used to convey detailed haptic information for virtual environmental tasks, even subtle ones, using either a computer mouse or a pressure sensitive device as an input device. This pseudo-haptic feedback method provides an opportunity for low-cost simulation of objects with soft surfaces and hard inclusions, as, for example, occurring in ever more realistic video games with increasing emphasis on interaction with the physical environment and minimally invasive surgery in the form of soft tissue organs with embedded cancer nodules. Hence, the method can be used in many low-budget applications where haptic sensation is required, such as surgeon training or video games, either using desktop computers or portable devices, showing

  16. Transformations of solutions for equations and hierarchies of pseudo-spherical type

    CERN Document Server

    Reyes, E G


    It is known that if an equation describes non-trivial one-parameter families of pseudo-spherical surfaces, its conservation laws, (generalized, nonlocal) symmetries and Baecklund transformations can be studied by geometrical means [4, 10]. In this letter it is pointed out that there exist correspondences, or 'generalized Baecklund transformations', between arbitrary solutions (satisfying some genericity conditions) of any two single equations describing pseudo-spherical surfaces. Then, the notion of a hierarchy of equations of pseudo-spherical type is introduced, and a theorem stating that there also exist correspondences between arbitrary solutions of any two such hierarchies is presented. A full account of these results appears elsewhere [12, 13]. (letter to the editor)

  17. Intelligent Design, A Young Universe, Astrology, UFO's, and More: Tackling Astronomical Pseudo-science (United States)

    Fraknoi, A.


    During IYA educators and scientists will interact with the public in many ways. There will likely be public questions at IYA events about pseudo-scientific topics. While the particular pseudo-sciences that are in vogue change with time, these days popular astronomical pseudo-science includes creationism and intelligent design (and their denial of the age of the universe), astrology, UFO's as extra-terrestrial spaceships, selling star names, the ``face'' on Mars, the claim that the moon landings were a hoax, etc. We discuss some of the recent surveys of belief in pseudo-science and some ways to respond to questions about these topics. A separate resource guide to help answer questions about astronomical pseudoscience is also included in this volume.

  18. NLO corrections to differential cross sections for pseudo-scalar Higgs boson production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Field, B.; Smith, J.; Tejeda-Yeomans, M.E.; Neerven, W.L. van


    We have computed the full next-to-leading (NLO) QCD corrections to the differential distributions d 2 σ/(dp T dy) for pseudo-scalar Higgs (A) production at large hadron colliders. This calculation has been carried out using the effective Lagrangian approach which is valid as long as the mass of the pseudo-scalar Higgs boson m A and its transverse momentum p T do not exceed the top-quark mass m t . The shape of the distributions hardly differ from those obtained for scalar Higgs (H) production because, apart from the overall coupling constant and mass, there are only small differences between the partonic differential distributions for scalar and pseudo-scalar production. Therefore, there are only differences in the magnitudes of the hadronic differential distributions which can be mainly attributed to the unknown mixing angle β describing the pseudo-scalar Higgs coupling to the top quarks

  19. High-Performance Pseudo-Random Number Generation on Graphics Processing Units


    Nandapalan, Nimalan; Brent, Richard P.; Murray, Lawrence M.; Rendell, Alistair


    This work considers the deployment of pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) on graphics processing units (GPUs), developing an approach based on the xorgens generator to rapidly produce pseudo-random numbers of high statistical quality. The chosen algorithm has configurable state size and period, making it ideal for tuning to the GPU architecture. We present a comparison of both speed and statistical quality with other common parallel, GPU-based PRNGs, demonstrating favourable performance o...

  20. Design of CMOS CFOA Based on Pseudo Operational Transconductance Amplifier


    Hassan Jassim Motlak


    A novel design technique employing CMOS Current Feedback Operational Amplifier (CFOA) is presented. The feature of consumption very low power in designing pseudo-OTA is used to decreasing the total power consumption of the proposed CFOA. This design approach applies pseudo-OTA as input stage cascaded with buffer stage. Moreover, the DC input offset voltage and harmonic distortion (HD) of the proposed CFOA are very low values compared with the conventional CMOS CFOA due to...

  1. Generalised linear models for correlated pseudo-observations, with applications to multi-state models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Per Kragh; Klein, John P.; Rosthøj, Susanne


    Generalised estimating equation; Generalised linear model; Jackknife pseudo-value; Logistic regression; Markov Model; Multi-state model......Generalised estimating equation; Generalised linear model; Jackknife pseudo-value; Logistic regression; Markov Model; Multi-state model...

  2. Baixa Renda: O Consumo Simbólico e o Comércio Informal de Acessórios Femininos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisângela Domingues Michelatto Natt


    Full Text Available Para compreender mais do universo do consumo simbólico, foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre o consumo de acessórios femininos por mulheres de baixa renda. As participantes foram revendedoras ambulantes e suas clientes. Sob a perspectiva do consumo simbólico foi possível observar alguns aspectos comuns ao consumo dessa classe de mulheres que recorrem às suas experiências de consumo para relacionar-se no universo social e marcar sua presença nele. Em termos gerenciais essa pesquisa se faz importante porque apresenta algumas peculiaridades desse processo de consumo, revelando informações que podem contribuir para a avaliação das estratégias de mercado.

  3. Nonaneurysmal "Pseudo-Subarachnoid Hemorrhage" Computed Tomography Patterns: Challenges in an Acute Decision-Making Heuristics. (United States)

    Hasan, Tasneem F; Duarte, Walter; Akinduro, Oluwaseun O; Goldstein, Eric D; Hurst, Rebecca; Haranhalli, Neil; Miller, David A; Wharen, Robert E; Tawk, Rabih G; Freeman, William D


    Acute aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a medical and neurosurgical emergency from ruptured brain aneurysm. Aneurysmal SAH is identified on brain computed tomography (CT) as increased density of basal cisterns and subarachnoid spaces from acute blood products. Aneurysmal SAH-like pattern on CT appears as an optical illusion effect of hypodense brain parenchyma and/or hyperdense surrounding cerebral cisterns and blood vessels termed as "pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage" (pseudo-SAH). We reviewed clinical, laboratory, and radiographic data of all SAH diagnoses between January 2013 and January 2018, and found subsets of nonaneurysmal SAH, originally suspected to be aneurysmal in origin. We performed a National Library of Medicine search methodology using terms "subarachnoid hemorrhage," "pseudo," and "non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage" singly and in combination to understand the sensitivity, specificity, and precision of pseudo-SAH. Over 5 years, 230 SAH cases were referred to our tertiary academic center and only 7 (3%) met the definition of pseudo-SAH. Searching the National Library of Medicine using subarachnoid hemorrhage yielded 27,402 results. When subarachnoid hemorrhage and pseudo were combined, this yielded 70 results and sensitivity was 50% (n = 35). Similarly, search precision was relatively low (26%) as only 18 results fit the clinical description similar to the 7 cases discussed in our series. Aneurysmal SAH pattern on CT is distinct from nonaneurysmal and pseudo-SAH patterns. The origin of pseudo-SAH terminology appears mostly tied to comatose cardiac arrest patients with diffuse dark brain Hounsfield units and cerebral edema, and is a potential imaging pitfall in acute medical decision-making. Copyright © 2018 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. On holography for (pseudo-)conformal cosmology

    CERN Document Server

    Libanov, M.; Sibiryakov, S.


    We propose a holographic dual for (pseudo-)conformal cosmological scenario, with a scalar field that forms a moving domain wall in adS_5. The domain wall separates two vacua with unequal energy densities. Unlike in the existing construction, the 5d solution is regular in the relevant space-time domain.

  5. Pseudo-Kähler Quantization on Flag Manifolds (United States)

    Karabegov, Alexander V.

    A unified approach to geometric, symbol and deformation quantizations on a generalized flag manifold endowed with an invariant pseudo-Kähler structure is proposed. In particular cases we arrive at Berezin's quantization via covariant and contravariant symbols.

  6. Existence of pseudo almost periodic solutions for a class of partial functional differential equations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hui-Sheng Ding


    Full Text Available In this paper, we first introduce a new class of pseudo almost periodic type functions and investigate some properties of pseudo almost periodic type functions; and then we discuss the existence of pseudo almost periodic solutions to the class of abstract partial functional differential equations $x'(t=Ax(t+f(t,x_t$ with finite delay in a Banach space X.

  7. International conference Fourier Analysis and Pseudo-Differential Operators

    CERN Document Server

    Turunen, Ville; Fourier Analysis : Pseudo-differential Operators, Time-Frequency Analysis and Partial Differential Equations


    This book is devoted to the broad field of Fourier analysis and its applications to several areas of mathematics, including problems in the theory of pseudo-differential operators, partial differential equations, and time-frequency analysis. This collection of 20 refereed articles is based on selected talks given at the international conference “Fourier Analysis and Pseudo-Differential Operators,” June 25–30, 2012, at Aalto University, Finland, and presents the latest advances in the field. The conference was a satellite meeting of the 6th European Congress of Mathematics, which took place in Krakow in July 2012; it was also the 6th meeting in the series “Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.”

  8. Anaesthetic Management of a Patient with Pseudo-TORCH Syndrome. (United States)

    Berk, Derya; Kuş, Alparslan; Sahin, Tülay; Solak, Mine; Toker, Kamil


    Pseudo-TORCH syndrome is a rare, chronic disorder that is characterised by dimorphic features such as microcephaly, intracranial calcification, seizures, mental retardation, hepatosplenomegaly and coagulation disorders. We present the anaesthetic management of a forty day-old boy with Pseudo-TORCH syndrome during magnetic resonance imaging. Microcephaly, growth failure, high palate and bilateral rales in the lungs were detected in pre-anaesthetic physical examination. The peripheral oxygen saturation was 88-89% in room-air and was 95% in a hood with 5 L/min oxygen. We planned general anaesthesia to ensure immobility during magnetic resonance imaging. After standard monitoring, general anaesthesia was induced with 8% sevoflurane in 100% O2. After an adequate depth of anaesthesia was reached, we inserted a supraglottic airway device to avoid intubation without the use of a muscle relaxant. In patients with Pseudo-TORCH syndrome, the perioperative anaesthetic risk was increased. We believe that using a supraglottic airway device to secure the airway is less invasive than intubation, and can be performed without the need of muscle relaxants.

  9. Anaesthetic Management of a Patient with Pseudo-TORCH Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Derya Berk


    Full Text Available Background: Pseudo-TORCH syndrome is a rare, chronic disorder that is characterised by dimorphic features such as microcephaly, intracranial calcification, seizures, mental retardation, hepatosplenomegaly and coagulation disorders. Case Report: We present the anaesthetic management of a forty day-old boy with Pseudo-TORCH syndrome during magnetic resonance imaging. Microcephaly, growth failure, high palate and bilateral rales in the lungs were detected in pre-anaesthetic physical examination. The peripheral oxygen saturation was 88-89% in room-air and was 95% in a hood with 5 L/min oxygen. We planned general anaesthesia to ensure immobility during magnetic resonance imaging. After standard monitoring, general anaesthesia was induced with 8% sevoflurane in 100% O2. After an adequate depth of anaesthesia was reached, we inserted a supraglottic airway device to avoid intubation without the use of a muscle relaxant. Conclusion: In patients with Pseudo-TORCH syndrome, the perioperative anaesthetic risk was increased. We believe that using a supraglottic airway device to secure the airway is less invasive than intubation, and can be performed without the need of muscle relaxants.

  10. Pseudo-Meigs' syndrome secondary to metachronous ovarian metastases from transverse colon cancer. (United States)

    Kyo, Kennoki; Maema, Atsushi; Shirakawa, Motoaki; Nakamura, Toshio; Koda, Kenji; Yokoyama, Hidetaro


    Pseudo-Meigs' syndrome associated with colorectal cancer is extremely rare. We report here a case of pseudo-Meigs' syndrome secondary to metachronous ovarian metastases from colon cancer. A 65-year-old female with a history of surgery for transverse colon cancer and peritoneal dissemination suffered from metachronous ovarian metastases during treatment with systemic chemotherapy. At first, neither ascites nor pleural effusion was observed, but she later complained of progressive abdominal distention and dyspnea caused by rapidly increasing ascites and pleural effusion and rapidly enlarging ovarian metastases. Abdominocenteses were repeated, and cytological examinations of the fluids were all negative for malignant cells. We suspected pseudo-Meigs' syndrome, and bilateral oophorectomies were performed after thorough informed consent. The patient's postoperative condition improved rapidly after surgery. We conclude that pseudo-Meigs' syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis of massive or rapidly increasing ascites and pleural effusion associated with large or rapidly enlarging ovarian tumors.

  11. Winning strategies for pseudo-telepathy games using single non-local box

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunkri, S.; Kar, G.; Ghosh, S.; Roy, A.


    Using a single NL-box, a winning strategy is given for the impossible colouring pseudo-telepathy game for the set of vectors having Kochen-Specker property in four dimension. A sufficient condition given regarding the structure of the impossible colouring pseudo-telepathy game for general d-dimension. A winning strategy for this game is then described with single use of NL-box. (author)

  12. A divergence theorem for pseudo-Finsler spaces


    Minguzzi, E.


    We study the divergence theorem on pseudo-Finsler spaces and obtain a completely Finslerian version for spaces having a vanishing mean Cartan torsion. This result helps to clarify the problem of energy-momentum conservation in Finsler gravity theories.

  13. On holography for (pseudo-)conformal cosmology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Libanov, M. [Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 60th October Anniversary Prospect, 7a, 117312, Moscow (Russian Federation); Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institutskii per., 9, 141700, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region (Russian Federation); Rubakov, V. [Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 60th October Anniversary Prospect, 7a, 117312, Moscow (Russian Federation); Department of Particle Physics and Cosmology, Physics Faculty, Moscow State University, Vorobjevy Gory, 119991, Moscow (Russian Federation); Sibiryakov, S., E-mail: [Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 60th October Anniversary Prospect, 7a, 117312, Moscow (Russian Federation); Theory Group, Physics Department, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Switzerland); FSB/ITP/LPPC, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)


    We propose a holographic dual for (pseudo-)conformal cosmological scenario, with a scalar field that forms a moving domain wall in adS{sub 5}. The domain wall separates two vacua with unequal energy densities. Unlike in the existing construction, the 5d solution is regular in the relevant space–time domain.

  14. Non-periodic pseudo-random numbers used in Monte Carlo calculations (United States)

    Barberis, Gaston E.


    The generation of pseudo-random numbers is one of the interesting problems in Monte Carlo simulations, mostly because the common computer generators produce periodic numbers. We used simple pseudo-random numbers generated with the simplest chaotic system, the logistic map, with excellent results. The numbers generated in this way are non-periodic, which we demonstrated for 1013 numbers, and they are obtained in a deterministic way, which allows to repeat systematically any calculation. The Monte Carlo calculations are the ideal field to apply these numbers, and we did it for simple and more elaborated cases. Chemistry and Information Technology use this kind of simulations, and the application of this numbers to quantum Monte Carlo and cryptography is immediate. I present here the techniques to calculate, analyze and use these pseudo-random numbers, show that they lack periodicity up to 1013 numbers and that they are not correlated.

  15. Non-periodic pseudo-random numbers used in Monte Carlo calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barberis, Gaston E.


    The generation of pseudo-random numbers is one of the interesting problems in Monte Carlo simulations, mostly because the common computer generators produce periodic numbers. We used simple pseudo-random numbers generated with the simplest chaotic system, the logistic map, with excellent results. The numbers generated in this way are non-periodic, which we demonstrated for 10 13 numbers, and they are obtained in a deterministic way, which allows to repeat systematically any calculation. The Monte Carlo calculations are the ideal field to apply these numbers, and we did it for simple and more elaborated cases. Chemistry and Information Technology use this kind of simulations, and the application of this numbers to quantum Monte Carlo and cryptography is immediate. I present here the techniques to calculate, analyze and use these pseudo-random numbers, show that they lack periodicity up to 10 13 numbers and that they are not correlated

  16. Higgs boson as a top-mode pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (United States)

    Fukano, Hidenori S.; Kurachi, Masafumi; Matsuzaki, Shinya; Yamawaki, Koichi


    In the spirit of the top-quark condensation, we propose a model which has a naturally light composite Higgs boson, "tHiggs" (ht0), to be identified with the 126 GeV Higgs discovered at the LHC. The tHiggs, a bound state of the top quark and its flavor (vectorlike) partner, emerges as a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (NGB), "top-mode pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson," together with the exact NGBs to be absorbed into the W and Z bosons as well as another (heavier) top-mode pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons (CP-odd composite scalar, At0). Those five composite (exact/pseudo-) NGBs are dynamically produced simultaneously by a single supercritical four-fermion interaction having U(3)×U(1) symmetry which includes the electroweak symmetry, where the vacuum is aligned by a small explicit breaking term so as to break the symmetry down to a subgroup, U(2)×U(1)', in a way not to retain the electroweak symmetry, in sharp contrast to the little Higgs models. The explicit breaking term for the vacuum alignment gives rise to a mass of the tHiggs, which is protected by the symmetry and hence naturally controlled against radiative corrections. Realistic top-quark mass is easily realized similarly to the top-seesaw mechanism by introducing an extra (subcritical) four-fermion coupling which explicitly breaks the residual U(2)'×U(1)' symmetry with U(2)' being an extra symmetry besides the above U(3)L×U(1). We present a phenomenological Lagrangian of the top-mode pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons along with the Standard Model particles, which will be useful for the study of the collider phenomenology. The coupling property of the tHiggs is shown to be consistent with the currently available data reported from the LHC. Several phenomenological consequences and constraints from experiments are also addressed.

  17. A symbolic dynamics approach for the complexity analysis of chaotic pseudo-random sequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Fanghong


    By considering a chaotic pseudo-random sequence as a symbolic sequence, authors present a symbolic dynamics approach for the complexity analysis of chaotic pseudo-random sequences. The method is applied to the cases of Logistic map and one-way coupled map lattice to demonstrate how it works, and a comparison is made between it and the approximate entropy method. The results show that this method is applicable to distinguish the complexities of different chaotic pseudo-random sequences, and it is superior to the approximate entropy method

  18. The Spontaneous Ray Log: A New Aid for Constructing Pseudo-Synthetic Seismograms (United States)

    Quadir, Adnan; Lewis, Charles; Rau, Ruey-Juin


    Conventional synthetic seismograms for hydrocarbon exploration combine the sonic and density logs, whereas pseudo-synthetic seismograms are constructed with a density log plus a resistivity, neutron, gamma ray, or rarely a spontaneous potential log. Herein, we introduce a new technique for constructing a pseudo-synthetic seismogram by combining the gamma ray (GR) and self-potential (SP) logs to produce the spontaneous ray (SR) log. Three wells, each of which consisted of more than 1000 m of carbonates, sandstones, and shales, were investigated; each well was divided into 12 Groups based on formation tops, and the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (PCC) was calculated for each "Group" from each of the GR, SP, and SR logs. The highest PCC-valued log curves for each Group were then combined to produce a single log whose values were cross-plotted against the reference well's sonic ITT values to determine a linear transform for producing a pseudo-sonic (PS) log and, ultimately, a pseudo-synthetic seismogram. The range for the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) acceptable value for the pseudo-sonic logs of three wells was 78-83%. This technique was tested on three wells, one of which was used as a blind test well, with satisfactory results. The PCC value between the composite PS (SR) log with low-density correction and the conventional sonic (CS) log was 86%. Because of the common occurrence of spontaneous potential and gamma ray logs in many of the hydrocarbon basins of the world, this inexpensive and straightforward technique could hold significant promise in areas that are in need of alternate ways to create pseudo-synthetic seismograms for seismic reflection interpretation.

  19. Optimal Design of Passive Power Filters Based on Pseudo-parallel Genetic Algorithm (United States)

    Li, Pei; Li, Hongbo; Gao, Nannan; Niu, Lin; Guo, Liangfeng; Pei, Ying; Zhang, Yanyan; Xu, Minmin; Chen, Kerui


    The economic costs together with filter efficiency are taken as targets to optimize the parameter of passive filter. Furthermore, the method of combining pseudo-parallel genetic algorithm with adaptive genetic algorithm is adopted in this paper. In the early stages pseudo-parallel genetic algorithm is introduced to increase the population diversity, and adaptive genetic algorithm is used in the late stages to reduce the workload. At the same time, the migration rate of pseudo-parallel genetic algorithm is improved to change with population diversity adaptively. Simulation results show that the filter designed by the proposed method has better filtering effect with lower economic cost, and can be used in engineering.

  20. Comparison of static MRI and pseudo-dynamic MRI in temporomandibular joint disorder patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jin Ho; Yun, Kyoung In; Park, In Woo; Choi, Hang Moon; Park, Moon Soo


    The purpose of this study was to elevate comparison of static MRI and pseudo-dynamic (cine) MRI in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder patients. In this investigation, 33 patients with TMJ disorders were examined using both conventional static MRI and pseudo-dynamic MRI. Multiple spoiled gradient recalled acquisition in the steady state (SPGR) images were obtained when mouth opened and closed. Proton density weighted images were obtained at the closed and open mouth position in static MRI. Two oral and maxillofacial radiologists evaluated location of the articular disk, movement of condyle and bony change respectively and the posterior boundary of articular disk was obtained. No statistically significant difference was found in the observation of articular disk position, mandibular condylar movement and posterior boundary of articular disk using static MRI and pseudo-dynamic MRI (P>0.05). Statistically significant difference was noted in bony changes of condyle using static MRI and pseudo-dynamic MRI (P<0.05). This study showed that pseudo-dynamic MRI didn't make a difference in diagnosing internal derangement of TMJ in comparison with static MRI. But it was considered as an additional method to be supplemented in observing bony change

  1. Comparison of static MRI and pseudo-dynamic MRI in temporomandibular joint disorder patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jin Ho; Yun, Kyoung In [Eulji Univ. School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Park, In Woo; Choi, Hang Moon; Park, Moon Soo [Kangnung National Univ. College of Dentistry, Kangnung (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study was to elevate comparison of static MRI and pseudo-dynamic (cine) MRI in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder patients. In this investigation, 33 patients with TMJ disorders were examined using both conventional static MRI and pseudo-dynamic MRI. Multiple spoiled gradient recalled acquisition in the steady state (SPGR) images were obtained when mouth opened and closed. Proton density weighted images were obtained at the closed and open mouth position in static MRI. Two oral and maxillofacial radiologists evaluated location of the articular disk, movement of condyle and bony change respectively and the posterior boundary of articular disk was obtained. No statistically significant difference was found in the observation of articular disk position, mandibular condylar movement and posterior boundary of articular disk using static MRI and pseudo-dynamic MRI (P>0.05). Statistically significant difference was noted in bony changes of condyle using static MRI and pseudo-dynamic MRI (P<0.05). This study showed that pseudo-dynamic MRI didn't make a difference in diagnosing internal derangement of TMJ in comparison with static MRI. But it was considered as an additional method to be supplemented in observing bony change.

  2. A biopolítica do corpo feminino em estratégias contemporâneas de ativismo digital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tarcisio Torres Silva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, observamos a utilização da imagem do corpo feminino como uma estratégia recorrente em ações ativistas em diferentes partes do mundo. Os elementos estéticopolíticos do corpo, historicamente utilizados pelas artes, tais como o nu, a dor, o erotismo e a identidade (ou o anonimato são reconduzidos para um projeto de cultura ativa e participativa dentro das redes de comunicação digital. Nossa análise insere-se no campo da biopolítica e faz uso de três exemplos recentes: os autorretratos da egípcia Aliaa Magda Elmahdy e as ações dos coletivos Pussy Riot (Rússia e Femen (Ucrânia

  3. A autoestima afeta a insatisfação corporal em adolescentes do sexo feminino?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo de Sousa Fortes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a influência da autoestima na insatisfação corporal de adolescentes do sexo feminino. Métodos: Participaram 397 adolescentes com idade entre 12 e 17 anos. Utilizou-se o Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ para avaliar a insatisfação corporal. A Escala de Autoestima de Rosemberg foi utilizada para avaliar a autoestima. Foram mensurados peso corporal, estatura e dobras cutâneas. Esses dados antropométricos foram controlados nas análises estatísticas. Resultados: O modelo de regressão múltipla indicou influência das subescalas "autoestima positiva" (R2=0,16; p=0,001 e "autoestima negativa" (R2=0,23; p=0,001 nos escores do BSQ. A análise univariada de covariância demonstrou diferenças nos escores do BSQ (p=0,001 em razão dos grupos de autoestima. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que a autoestima influenciou a insatisfação corporal em meninas adolescentes de Juiz de Fora/MG.

  4. Vozes abafadas: o mangá yaoi como mediação do discurso feminino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gláucio Aranha


    Full Text Available Os mangás representam um modelo textual originado no Japão, que vem cada vez mais ocupando espaço na mídia ocidental. Em meados de 1980, surgiram os primeiros mangás Yaoi. Inicialmente, este subgênero de “shojo manga” marcou seu espaço por ter sido desenhado, escrito e publicado por fãs de mangás, ironizando a hegemonia masculina nesta mídia. A receptividade do público feminino contribui para a consolidação do yaoi como um mangá “escrito por mulheres para mulheres”. Sua principal especificidade está no tema: o romance entre homens. O uso do tema homoerótico masculino desponta como expressão feminina, subvertendo as hierarquias sociais de uma sociedade marcada pelo machismo. As mulheres japonesas passam a utilizar a relação homoerótica como a*espaço expressivo para suas vozes abafadas, apoiando-se na equidade hierárquica entre os parceiros.

  5. Pseudo-random bit generator based on Chebyshev map (United States)

    Stoyanov, B. P.


    In this paper, we study a pseudo-random bit generator based on two Chebyshev polynomial maps. The novel derivative algorithm shows perfect statistical properties established by number of statistical tests.

  6. Pseudo-nitzschia simulans sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), the first domoic acid producer from Chinese waters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Yang; Huang, Chun Xiu; Xu, Guo Shuang


    The genus Pseudo-nitzschia has attracted attention because of production of the toxin, domoic acid (DA), causing Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). Pseudo-nitzschia blooms occur frequently in Chinese coastal waters, and DA has been detected in several marine organisms, but so far no Pseudo-nitzsc...

  7. Magnetic pseudo-fields in a rotating electron-nuclear spin system (United States)

    Wood, A. A.; Lilette, E.; Fein, Y. Y.; Perunicic, V. S.; Hollenberg, L. C. L.; Scholten, R. E.; Martin, A. M.


    Analogous to the precession of a Foucault pendulum observed on the rotating Earth, a precessing spin observed in a rotating frame of reference appears frequency-shifted. This can be understood as arising from a magnetic pseudo-field in the rotating frame that nevertheless has physically significant consequences, such as the Barnett effect. To detect these pseudo-fields, a rotating-frame sensor is required. Here we use quantum sensors, nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres, in a rapidly rotating diamond to detect pseudo-fields in the rotating frame. Whereas conventional magnetic fields induce precession at a rate proportional to the gyromagnetic ratio, rotation shifts the precession of all spins equally, and thus primarily affect 13C nuclear spins in the sample. We are thus able to explore these effects via quantum sensing in a rapidly rotating frame, and define a new approach to quantum control using rotationally induced nuclear spin-selective magnetic fields. This work provides an integral step towards realizing precision rotation sensing and quantum spin gyroscopes.

  8. Empirical pseudo-potential studies on electronic structure

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Theoretical investigations of electronic structure of quantum dots is of current interest in nanophase materials. Empirical theories such as effective mass approximation, tight binding methods and empirical pseudo-potential method are capable of explaining the experimentally observed optical properties. We employ the ...

  9. Pseudo--Normals for Signed Distance Computation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aanæs, Henrik; Bærentzen, Jakob Andreas


    the relation of a point to a mesh. At the vertices and edges of a triangle mesh, the surface is not \\$C\\^1\\$ continuous. Hence, the normal is undefined at these loci. Thürmer and Wüthrich proposed the \\$\\backslash\\$emph{angle weighted pseudo--normal} as a way to deal with this problem. In this paper, we...

  10. Traces and faces of Brazilian Protestantism: a historiography of women Methodists


    Ribeiro, Margarida Fátima Souza


    Esta pesquisa abrange mulheres atuantes no chamado protestantismo histórico, principalmente vinculadas à Igreja Metodista do Brasil. O trabalho pretende visibilizar especialmente mulheres leigas e suas redes, geralmente informais, de articulação e chamar a atenção para seu papel na constituição destas comunidades de fé. Trata-se de um aspecto pouco explorado nas investigações sobre o protestantismo no Brasil que, quando abordado, se restringe a alguns ícones femininos. O foco principal ...

  11. Foldover effect and energy output from a nonlinear pseudo-maglev harvester (United States)

    Kecik, Krzysztof; Mitura, Andrzej; Warminski, Jerzy; Lenci, Stefano


    Dynamics analysis and energy harvesting of a nonlinear magnetic pseudo-levitation (pseudo-maglev) harvester under harmonic excitation is presented in this paper. The system, for selected parameters, has two stable possible solutions with different corresponding energy outputs. The main goal is to analyse the influence of resistance load on the multi-stability zones and energy recovery which can help to tune the system to improve the energy harvesting efficiency.

  12. RPD: Reusable Pseudo-Id Distribution for a Secure and Privacy Preserving VANET

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sulaiman Ashraph


    Full Text Available In any VANET, security and privacy are the two fundamental issues. Obtaining efficient security in vehicular communication is essential without compromising privacy-preserving mechanisms. Designing a suitable protocol for VANET by having these two issues in mind is challenging because efficiency, unlinkablity and traceability are the three qualities having contradictions between them. In this paper, we introduce an efficient Reusable Pseudo-id Distribution (RPD scheme. The Trusted Authority (TA designating the Road Side Units (RSUs to generate n reusable pseudo ids and distribute them to the On Board Units (OBUs on request characterizes the proposed protocol. RSUs issue the aggregated hashes of all its valid pseudo-ids along with a symmetric shared key and a particular pseudo-id to each vehicle that enters into its coverage range. Through this the certificates attached to the messages can be eliminated and thus resulting in a significantly reduced packet size. The same anonymous keys can then be re-distributed by the RSUs episodically to other vehicles. We analyze the proposed protocol extensively to demonstrate its merits and efficiency.

  13. A universal algorithm to generate pseudo-random numbers based on uniform mapping as homeomorphism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fu-Lai, Wang


    A specific uniform map is constructed as a homeomorphism mapping chaotic time series into [0,1] to obtain sequences of standard uniform distribution. With the uniform map, a chaotic orbit and a sequence orbit obtained are topologically equivalent to each other so the map can preserve the most dynamic properties of chaotic systems such as permutation entropy. Based on the uniform map, a universal algorithm to generate pseudo random numbers is proposed and the pseudo random series is tested to follow the standard 0–1 random distribution both theoretically and experimentally. The algorithm is not complex, which does not impose high requirement on computer hard ware and thus computation speed is fast. The method not only extends the parameter spaces but also avoids the drawback of small function space caused by constraints on chaotic maps used to generate pseudo random numbers. The algorithm can be applied to any chaotic system and can produce pseudo random sequence of high quality, thus can be a good universal pseudo random number generator. (general)

  14. A universal algorithm to generate pseudo-random numbers based on uniform mapping as homeomorphism (United States)

    Wang, Fu-Lai


    A specific uniform map is constructed as a homeomorphism mapping chaotic time series into [0,1] to obtain sequences of standard uniform distribution. With the uniform map, a chaotic orbit and a sequence orbit obtained are topologically equivalent to each other so the map can preserve the most dynamic properties of chaotic systems such as permutation entropy. Based on the uniform map, a universal algorithm to generate pseudo random numbers is proposed and the pseudo random series is tested to follow the standard 0-1 random distribution both theoretically and experimentally. The algorithm is not complex, which does not impose high requirement on computer hard ware and thus computation speed is fast. The method not only extends the parameter spaces but also avoids the drawback of small function space caused by constraints on chaotic maps used to generate pseudo random numbers. The algorithm can be applied to any chaotic system and can produce pseudo random sequence of high quality, thus can be a good universal pseudo random number generator.

  15. A comprehensive investigation of the pseudo-skin factor for partially completed vertical wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farokhi, Vahid; Gerami, Shahab


    To prohibit gas and/or water coning, it is very common for wells to be completed over only a portion of their productive zone. Such a procedure causes an additional pressure drop, termed the pseudo-skin factor, which reduces the well productivity. In order to ascertain whether or not a partially penetrated well requires stimulation, one has to quantitatively determine the different components of the total skin. Hence, an accurate evaluation of the pseudo-skin factor as one of the main components of the total skin is critical. Many authors have employed different mathematics to find expressions for estimating the pseudo-skin factor, however, since a comprehensive investigation of the available models has not as yet been performed, the diversity of these expressions could be very confusing. This paper first aims to propose an analytical model which accurately estimates the pseudo-skin factor in a partially penetrated well. In model development, the impacts of anisotropy and the arbitrariness of the open interval location are all taken into account, and the model is validated against a numerical simulator (ECLIPSE). Its second aim is to take the results of the numerical simulator as the comparison basis, and make a comprehensive investigation of the available models to check their accuracy for estimating the pseudo-skin factor. The results of the investigation show that, in comparison to other methods, this proposed model, Streltsova's method and that of Yeh and Reynolds, estimate the pseudo-skin factor favourably close to that obtained by the simulator. (paper)

  16. The Influence of Pseudo Auditor Rotation on Audit Quality: New Evidence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahmat Febrianto


    Full Text Available The objectives of this research are twofold, to test the audit quality of companies that change their auditors either voluntarily or mandatorily and to test the financial characteristics as a factor for an accounting firm to engage in pseudo mandatory rotation. Since 2002, Indonesia has had legislation mandating companies to rotate their auditor after six years of consecutive engagements (five years prior to 2008. However, auditors sometimes seem to find their own way to deceive the mandatory regulation by a tactic called “pseudo” mandatory rotation. Thus, we divide mandatory rotation into two categories, pure and pseudo mandatory rotation. The results of the data we collected since the Ministerial decree became effective in 2003 indicate companies that rotate their auditors mandatorily have higher audit quality than that of companies voluntarily rotating auditors. However, we cannot find evidence that pseudo and pure mandatory rotation have different audit qualities. The results also indicate that switching among bigger accounting firms have the highest audit quality rather than switching between smaller audit firms which have lower audit quality. Lastly, the motives of an accounting firm to engage in pseudo or pure mandatory rotation are related to the financial size of their clients. Future research must consider the limitation stated in this study.

  17. Predicting potentially toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia blooms in the Chesapeake Bay (United States)

    Anderson, Clarissa R.; Sapiano, Mathew R. P.; Prasad, M. Bala Krishna; Long, Wen; Tango, Peter J.; Brown, Christopher W.; Murtugudde, Raghu


    Harmful algal blooms are now recognized as a significant threat to the Chesapeake Bay as they can severely compromise the economic viability of important recreational and commercial fisheries in the largest estuary of the United States. This study describes the development of empirical models for the potentially domoic acid-producing Pseudo-nitzschia species complex present in the Bay, developed from a 22-year time series of cell abundance and concurrent measurements of hydrographic and chemical properties. Using a logistic Generalized Linear Model (GLM) approach, model parameters and performance were compared over a range of Pseudo-nitzschia bloom thresholds relevant to toxin production by different species. Small-threshold blooms (≥10 cells mL -1) are explained by time of year, location, and variability in surface values of phosphate, temperature, nitrate plus nitrite, and freshwater discharge. Medium- (100 cells mL -1) to large- threshold (1000 cells mL -1) blooms are further explained by salinity, silicic acid, dissolved organic carbon, and light attenuation (Secchi) depth. These predictors are similar to other models for Pseudo-nitzschia blooms on the west coast, suggesting commonalities across ecosystems. Hindcasts of bloom probabilities at a 19% bloom prediction point yield a Heidke Skill Score of ~53%, a Probability of Detection ˜ 75%, a False Alarm Ratio of ˜ 52%, and a Probability of False Detection ˜9%. The implication of possible future changes in Baywide nutrient stoichiometry on Pseudo-nitzschia blooms is discussed.

  18. Pseudo-Goldstone modes in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, T.D.; Broniowski, W.


    The authors analyze the chiral limit in dense isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter. It is shown that the pseudo-Goldstone modes in this system are qualitatively different from the case of isospin-symmetric matter

  19. Quality pseudo-random number generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tarasiuk, J.


    The pseudo-random number generator (RNG) was written to match needs of nuclear and high-energy physics computation which in some cases require very long and independent random number sequences. In this random number generator the repetition period is about 10 36 what should be sufficient for all computers in the world. In this article the test results of RNG correlation, speed and identity of computations for PC, Sun4 and VAX computer tests are presented

  20. Remarks on the PT-pseudo-norm in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duc Tai Trinh [Department of Mathematics, Teacher Training College of Dalat, 29 Yersin, Dalat (Viet Nam)]|[Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Strada Costiera 11, Trieste 34014 (Italy)


    This paper presents an underlying analytical relationship between the PT-pseudo-norm associated with the PT-symmetric Hamiltonian H = p{sup 2} + V(q) and the Stokes multiplier of the differential equation corresponding to this Hamiltonian. We show that the sign alternation of the PT-pseudo-norm, which has been observed as a generic feature of the PT-inner product, is essentially controlled by the derivative of a Stokes multiplier with respect to the eigenparameter.

  1. Excess Charge for Pseudo-relativistic Atoms in Hartree-Fock Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dall'Acqua, Anna; Solovej, Jan Philip


    We prove within the Hartree-Fock theory of pseudo-relativistic atoms that the maximal negative ionization charge and the ionization energy of an atom remain bounded independently of the nuclear charge $Z$ and the fine structure constant $\\alpha$ as long as $Z\\alpha$ is bounded.......We prove within the Hartree-Fock theory of pseudo-relativistic atoms that the maximal negative ionization charge and the ionization energy of an atom remain bounded independently of the nuclear charge $Z$ and the fine structure constant $\\alpha$ as long as $Z\\alpha$ is bounded....

  2. Material machining with pseudo-spark electron beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benker, W.; Christiansen, J.; Frank, K.; Gundel, H.; Redel, T.; Stetter, M.


    The authors give a brief description of the production of pseudo-spark (low pressure gas discharge) electron beams. They illustrate the use of these electron beams for machining not only conducting, semiconducting and insulating materials, but also thin layers of such materials as high temperature superconducting ceramics

  3. Pseudo-invariant Eigen-Operator Method for Solving Field-Intensity-Dependent Jaynes-Cummings Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Taxi; Fan Hongyi


    By using the pseudo invariant eigen-operator method we analyze the field-intensity-dependent Jaynes-Gumming (JC) model. The pseudo-invariant eigen-operator is found in terms of the supersymmetric generators. The energy-level gap of this JC Hamiltonian is derived. This approach seems concise. (general)

  4. 3D Object Metamorphosis with Pseudo Metameshes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MOCANU, B.


    Full Text Available In this paper we introduce a novel framework for 3D object metamorphosis, represented by closed triangular meshes. The systems returns a high quality transition sequence, smooth and gradual, that is visual pleasant and consistent to both source and target topologies. The method starts by parameterizing both the source and the target model to a common domain (the unit sphere. Then, the features selected from the two models are aligned by applying the CTPS C2a radial basis functions. We demonstrate how the selected approach can create valid warping by deforming the models embedded into the parametric domain. In the final stage, we propose and validate a novel algorithm to construct a pseudo-supermesh able to approximate both, the source and target 3D objects. By using the pseudo-supermesh we developed a morphing transition consistent with respect to both geometry and topology of the 3D models.

  5. Atypical Kawasaki Disease Presenting as Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mao-Meng Tiao


    Full Text Available Intestinal pseudo-obstruction in atypical Kawasaki disease (KD is rare. A boy aged 2 years and 6 months presented with a 7-day history of fever, coffee-ground vomit, and abdominal pain. Abdominal radiography and ultrasound showed a dilated duodenum. Peeling of the skin on his fingers and toes developed on hospitalization day 9. Echocardiogram revealed right and left coronary artery dilatation compatible with KD. He was treated with 2 g/kg intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG, with rapid resolution of fever and relief of abdominal pain. Follow-up abdominal radiography and ultrasound showed improvement of bowel dilatation. This case illustrates that atypical KD can present with intestinal pseudo-obstruction. A high index of suspicion is required for early diagnosis, and prompt treatment with IVIG is recommended.

  6. Perawatan Maloklusi Pseudo Kelas III dengan Alat Ortodontik Cekat Teknik Begg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robertus Meidiyanto


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang: Maloklusi Pseudo kelas III ditandai dengan hubungan yang tidak harmonis antara relasi anteroposterior rahang dan posisi mandibula terhadap maksila. Ketidakharmonisan tersebut dapat disebabkan karena mandibula yang normal dengan maksila retrusif. Maloklusi pseudo kelas III mempunyai perhitungan yang menunjukkan bentuk antara klas I dan skeletal klas III. Perbedaanya hanya pada sudut gonial dimana pada skeletal klas III sudutnya lebih tumpul, sedangkan pada sampel pseudo klas III, sudut gonial lebih mirip dengan klas I. Perawatan ortodontik dengan alat cekat teknik Begg dapat juga untuk merawat maloklusi Angle kelas III, termasuk maloklusi skeletal yang menyertainya. Tujuan: memaparkan perubahan dental dan skeletal setelah perawatan dengan alat cekat teknik Begg. Kasus: perempuan 20 tahun mengeluhkan gigi-gigi rahang atas ada yang tumbuh di belakang dan rahang bawah nyakil sehingga menganggu penampilan dan mengurangi rasa percaya diri. Diagnosis: Maloklusi Angle Klas III subdivisi serta hubungan skeletal klas III dengan maksila retrusif dan mandibula protusif disertai Crossbite: 12, 11, 21, 22 terhadap 34, 32,31, 41, 42, 43. Perawatan: menggunakan alat cekat teknik Begg tanpa pencabutan. Kesimpulan: Hasil menunjukkan crowded terkoreksi, overjet dan overbite terkoreksi, relasi molar menjadi klas I.   Background: Pseudo class III malocclusion characterized by disharmony between anteroposterior relationship of jaw and mandibulae position toward maxilla. This disharmony cause by normally shaped mandibles and underveloped maxillae. Pseudo clas III malocclusion is an intermediate form between class I and skeletal clas III malocclusion. The only exception was the gonial angle, which was generally more obtuse in the skeletal class III sample. Measurement of gonial angle in the pseudo class III sample was found to be rather similar to class I sample. Fixed Begg orthodontic appliance can be used to treat Angle’s class III malocclusion

  7. Cryptography, statistics and pseudo-randomness (Part 1)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brands, S.; Gill, R.D.


    In the classical approach to pseudo-random number generators, a generator is considered to perform well if its output sequences pass a battery of statistical tests that has become standard. In recent years, it has turned out that this approach is not satisfactory. Many generators have turned out to

  8. Pseudo-Hermitian random matrix theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, S.C.L.; Jain, S.R.


    Complex extension of quantum mechanics and the discovery of pseudo-unitarily invariant random matrix theory has set the stage for a number of applications of these concepts in physics. We briefly review the basic ideas and present applications to problems in statistical mechanics where new results have become possible. We have found it important to mention the precise directions where advances could be made if further results become available. (Copyright copyright 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  9. Pseudo-meigs syndrome due to subserosal leiomyoma diagnosed by MR imaging: case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Hyun Jin; Jung, Seung Eun; Lee, Jae Mun; Lee, Kyo Young; Han, Ku Taek; Hahn, Seong Tai


    We report a case of pseudo-meigs syndrome due to a large subserosal leiomyoma in a patient with a high serum carcinogenic antigen 125 level. Initial clinical examination suggested disseminated malignant disease though the typical signal characteristics of leiomyoma, seen at MR imaging, led to the diagnosis of pseudo-meigs syndrome

  10. Pseudo-meigs syndrome due to subserosal leiomyoma diagnosed by MR imaging: case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Hyun Jin; Jung, Seung Eun; Lee, Jae Mun; Lee, Kyo Young; Han, Ku Taek; Hahn, Seong Tai [The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We reports a case of pseudo-meigs syndrome due to a large subserosal leiomyoma in a patient with a high serum carcinogenic antigen 125 level. Initial clinical examination suggested disseminated malignant disease though the typical signal characteristics of leiomyoma, seen at MR imaging, led to the diagnosis of pseudo-meigs syndrome.

  11. Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in an English bulldog. (United States)

    Dvir, E; Leisewitz, A L; Van der Lugt, J J


    A case of chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in an English bulldog is described. The dog was presented with chronic weight loss and vomiting. An intestinal obstruction was suspected based on clinical and radiological findings. A diagnosis of chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction was made on the basis of full thickness intestinal biopsies. The dog was refractory to any antiemetic therapy. Necropsy revealed marked atrophy and fibrosis of the tunica muscularis, together with a mononuclear cell infiltrate extending from the duodenum to the colon. This case was presented with clinical findings consistent with visceral myopathy in humans--namely, atony and dilatation of the whole gut--but the histological findings resembled sclerosis limited to the gastrointestinal tract.

  12. An empirical test of pseudo random number generators by means of an exponential decaying process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coronel B, H.F.; Hernandez M, A.R.; Jimenez M, M.A.; Mora F, L.E.


    Empirical tests for pseudo random number generators based on the use of processes or physical models have been successfully used and are considered as complementary to theoretical tests of randomness. In this work a statistical methodology for evaluating the quality of pseudo random number generators is presented. The method is illustrated in the context of the so-called exponential decay process, using some pseudo random number generators commonly used in physics. (Author)

  13. Using pseudo-random number generator for making iterative algorithms of hashing data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, M.A.; Vasil'ev, N.P.; Kozyrskij, B.L.


    The method of stochastic data transformation made for usage in cryptographic methods of information protection has been analyzed. The authors prove the usage of cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generators as a basis for Sponge construction. This means that the analysis of the quality of the known methods and tools for assessing the statistical security of pseudo-random number generators can be used effectively [ru

  14. Acerca de falas da terra. Ecologia e tradição


    Guimarães, Ana Paula; Fonseca, Luís Cancela da


    O projecto Falas da Terra - Ecologia e Tradição surgiu quando à disciplina de Literatura Tradicional Oral apeteceu o transborde: a detecção de paradigmas ambientais, a descrição da fisionomia da terra. • quer enquanto solo arável: terra, corpo feminino lavrado e semeado pelo corpo masculino (o arado e a semente) ou terra tal como a quadra seguinte reiteradamente a refere: Eu sou devedor à terra A terra me está devendo A terra me paga em vida E eu pago à terra em mor...

  15. Corpo, propaganda de brasilidade: Gisele Bündchen na publicidade


    Vanessa de Moraes Ribeiro


    As representações do corpo feminino na publicidade têm sido pauta para discussões acadêmicas quando entendidas como forma de capital na cultura brasileira. Nesta pesquisa, temos como objetivo compreender como ocorre a representação do corpo como propaganda de brasilidade em campanhas de repercussão midiática protagonizadas pela modelo Gisele Bündchen para as marcas Grendene, Hope e Banco do Brasil. Utilizamos como metodologia a análise de imagem guiada por Martine Joly e Jacques Aumont. O tr...

  16. Relativistic U(3) symmetry and pseudo-U(3) symmetry of the Dirac Hamiltonian

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ginocchio, Joseph N.


    The Dirac Hamiltonian with relativistic scalar and vector harmonic oscillator potentials has been solved analytically in two limits. One is the spin limit for which spin is an invariant symmetry of the the Dirac Hamiltonian and the other is the pseudo-spin limit for which pseudo-spin is an invariant symmetry of the Dirac Hamiltonian. The spin limit occurs when the scalar potential is equal to the vector potential plus a constant, and the pseudospin limit occurs when the scalar potential is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the vector potential plus a constant. Like the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator, each of these limits has a higher symmetry. For example, for the spherically symmetric oscillator, these limits have a U(3) and pseudo-U(3) symmetry respectively. We shall discuss the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of these two limits and derive the relativistic generators for the U(3) and pseudo-U(3) symmetry. We also argue, that, if an anti-nucleon can be bound in a nucleus, the spectrum will have approximate spin and U(3) symmetry.

  17. Electronic properties of large metal clusters in Jellium and pseudo-jellium models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catara, F.; Van Giai, N.; Chomaz, P.


    The energy-density functional approach and jellium-like models are used to examine two important electronic properties of metal (Li, Na, K) clusters: their shell and supershell structures, and the behaviour of plasmon energies with increasing cluster sizes. A comparative study is made between predictions of the usual jellium model and those of the pseudo-jellium model where pseudo-Hamiltonians are used. (authors) 10 figs., 5 tabs., 16 refs

  18. Entre a espera e a jornada: as representações do feminino na literatura infantil brasileira como metáfora social


    Samira dos Santos Ramos


    A presente dissertação está inserida na área de Estudos Comparados de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa e tem como objetivo constatar que elementos literários permitem a contribuição da Literatura Infantil para a formação de espírito sobre o feminino em determinada época, em obras que se apropriam do conto popular Forma literária legitimada como transmissora de valores para desenvolver a consciência crítica do leitor, através do questionamento, validação e de divulgação de novas proposições ...

  19. Bloom dynamics of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae in two coastal bays (NW Mediterranean Sea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Quijano-Scheggia


    Full Text Available The spatial and temporal variations in the composition of Pseudo-nitzschia during bloom events from August 2005 to February 2006 were characterised in two bays of the NW Mediterranean Sea (Alfacs and Fangar Bay by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM. The study provides detailed records of the Pseudo-nitzschia community at the species level and describes its relationship with both the surrounding environmental conditions and biotic factors such as the accompanying phytoplankton community. The size distributions of several species of Pseudo-nitzschia were monitored during the bloom events. These measurements may serve as indicators of the physiological status of the cells. The species observed in the two bays were Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha, P. delicatissima, P. fraudulenta, P. multistriata, and P. pungens. In Alfacs Bay, a mixed species bloom of P. calliantha and P. delicatissima began in late August 2005 and lasted 11 weeks. In Fangar Bay, the Pseudo-nitzschia bloom was limited to the period from early August to late September 2005 and comprised P. calliantha and P. delicatissima. Commonly, the proliferation of Pseudo-nitzschia was mono-specific or was accompanied by other diatoms. Two objectively defined groups were identified by the statistical analysis in Alfacs bay; the first was made up only of winter samples and the second of summer and autumn samples. The first group was defined by a high concentration of NO3¯ and low concentrations of NH4+, conditions associated with a high abundance of P. delicatissima and a low abundance of P. calliantha. The second group expressed the opposite characteristics. A succession of different blooming species of Pseudo-nitzschia lasting months in Alfacs Bay is described.

  20. Particle localization in a double-well potential by pseudo-supersymmetric fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bagrov, V. G.; Samsonov, B. F.; Shamshutdinova, V. V.


    We study properties of a particle moving in a double-well potential in the two-level approximation placed in an additional external time-dependent field. Using previously established property (J. Phys. A 41, 244023 (2008)) that any two-level system possesses a pseudo-supersymmetry we introduce the notion of pseudo-supersymmetric field. It is shown that these fields, even if their time dependence is not periodical, may produce the effect of localization of the particle in one of the wells of the double-well potential.

  1. Conditions for pseudo strain-hardening in fiber reinforced brittle matrix composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, V.C.; Wu, H.W.


    Apart from imparting increased fracture toughness, one of the useful purposes of reinforcing brittle matrices with fibers is to create enhanced composite strain capacity. This paper reviews the conditions underwhich such a composite will exhibit the pseudo strain-hardening phenomenon. The presentation is given in a unified manner for both continuous aligned and discontinuous random fiber composites. It is demonstrated that pseudo strain hardening can be practically designed for both gills of composites by proper tailoring of material structures. 18 refs., 8 figs., 2 tabs

  2. Hippocrates in the pseudo-Galenic Introduction: or how was medicine taught in Roman times? (United States)

    Petit, Caroline


    The Pseudo-Galenic Introduction (Introductio Sive medicus, 14.674-797 K.), a medical handbook of the Roman period, witnesses the importance of Hippocrates in medical teaching at the time. Numerous quotations, allusions and reminiscences from the Hippocratic Corpus illustrate Hippocrates' authority for Pseudo-Galen. In the light of the first critical edition of the text (C. Petit, Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2009), this article discusses the function of Hippocrates, and the various reminiscences of the Hippocratic Corpus, in order to assess Pseudo-Galen's quotation technique and, ultimately, his reliability as a source for the history of medicine.

  3. Enhancement patterns and pseudo-washout of hepatic haemangiomas on gadoxetate disodium-enhanced liver MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Bohyun [University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Ajou University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Suwon (Korea, Republic of); Byun, Jae Ho; Kim, Hyoung Jung; Won, Hyung Jin; Kim, So Yeon; Shin, Yong Moon; Kim, Pyo Nyun [University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To compare the enhancement patterns and prevalence of pseudo-washout between rapidly and slowly enhancing hepatic haemangiomas on gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MRI in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and healthy liver (HL). On gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MRI, the extent of intralesional arterial enhancement >50 % and ≤50 % of lesions was defined as rapid and slow enhancement, respectively. The enhancement patterns and presence of pseudo-washout during the portal venous phase (PVP) and transitional phase (TP) of 74 hepatic haemangiomas were retrospectively evaluated in the CLD and HL groups. Sequential changes of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were measured in unenhanced phase, PVP and TP. Irrespective of hepatic health status, pseudo-washout in TP was significantly more common in the rapidly enhancing haemangiomas (p ≤ 0.026). In both groups, rapidly enhancing haemangiomas showed complete or progressive incomplete enhancement in PVP, which either lasted or transformed to pseudo-washout in TP, whereas slowly enhancing haemangiomas showed progressive incomplete enhancement in PVP and TP. SNR of hepatic parenchyma continued to rise until TP, whereas that of portal vein and haemangioma falls in TP. Regardless of CLD, pseudo-washout in TP was more common in rapidly than in slowly enhancing haemangiomas, with enhancement patterns differing in the two subgroups. (orig.)

  4. Enhancement patterns and pseudo-washout of hepatic haemangiomas on gadoxetate disodium-enhanced liver MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Bohyun; Byun, Jae Ho; Kim, Hyoung Jung; Won, Hyung Jin; Kim, So Yeon; Shin, Yong Moon; Kim, Pyo Nyun


    To compare the enhancement patterns and prevalence of pseudo-washout between rapidly and slowly enhancing hepatic haemangiomas on gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MRI in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and healthy liver (HL). On gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MRI, the extent of intralesional arterial enhancement >50 % and ≤50 % of lesions was defined as rapid and slow enhancement, respectively. The enhancement patterns and presence of pseudo-washout during the portal venous phase (PVP) and transitional phase (TP) of 74 hepatic haemangiomas were retrospectively evaluated in the CLD and HL groups. Sequential changes of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were measured in unenhanced phase, PVP and TP. Irrespective of hepatic health status, pseudo-washout in TP was significantly more common in the rapidly enhancing haemangiomas (p ≤ 0.026). In both groups, rapidly enhancing haemangiomas showed complete or progressive incomplete enhancement in PVP, which either lasted or transformed to pseudo-washout in TP, whereas slowly enhancing haemangiomas showed progressive incomplete enhancement in PVP and TP. SNR of hepatic parenchyma continued to rise until TP, whereas that of portal vein and haemangioma falls in TP. Regardless of CLD, pseudo-washout in TP was more common in rapidly than in slowly enhancing haemangiomas, with enhancement patterns differing in the two subgroups. (orig.)

  5. PseudoBase: a database with RNA pseudoknots. (United States)

    van Batenburg, F H; Gultyaev, A P; Pleij, C W; Ng, J; Oliehoek, J


    PseudoBase is a database containing structural, functional and sequence data related to RNA pseudo-knots. It can be reached at http://wwwbio. Leiden approximately Batenburg/PKB.html. This page will direct the user to a retrieval page from where a particular pseudoknot can be chosen, or to a submission page which enables the user to add pseudoknot information to the database or to an informative page that elaborates on the various aspects of the database. For each pseudoknot, 12 items are stored, e.g. the nucleotides of the region that contains the pseudoknot, the stem positions of the pseudoknot, the EMBL accession number of the sequence that contains this pseudoknot and the support that can be given regarding the reliability of the pseudoknot. Access is via a small number of steps, using 16 different categories. The development process was done by applying the evolutionary methodology for software development rather than by applying the methodology of the classical waterfall model or the more modern spiral model.

  6. Effective potential of the three-dimensional Ising model: The pseudo-ɛ expansion study (United States)

    Sokolov, A. I.; Kudlis, A.; Nikitina, M. A.


    The ratios R2k of renormalized coupling constants g2k that enter the effective potential and small-field equation of state acquire the universal values at criticality. They are calculated for the three-dimensional scalar λϕ4 field theory (3D Ising model) within the pseudo-ɛ expansion approach. Pseudo-ɛ expansions for the critical values of g6, g8, g10, R6 =g6 / g42, R8 =g8 / g43 and R10 =g10 / g44 originating from the five-loop renormalization group (RG) series are derived. Pseudo-ɛ expansions for the sextic coupling have rapidly diminishing coefficients, so addressing Padé approximants yields proper numerical results. Use of Padé-Borel-Leroy and conformal mapping resummation techniques further improves the accuracy leading to the values R6* = 1.6488 and R6* = 1.6490 which are in a brilliant agreement with the result of advanced lattice calculations. For the octic coupling the numerical structure of the pseudo-ɛ expansions is less favorable. Nevertheless, the conform-Borel resummation gives R8* = 0.868, the number being close to the lattice estimate R8* = 0.871 and compatible with the result of 3D RG analysis R8* = 0.857. Pseudo-ɛ expansions for R10* and g10* are also found to have much smaller coefficients than those of the original RG series. They remain, however, fast growing and big enough to prevent obtaining fair numerical estimates.

  7. A pseudo-random number generator and its spectral test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Lai


    The author introduces a pseudo-random number generator and describes its algorithm and C language implementation. The performance of the generator is tested and compared with some well known LCG generators

  8. Pseudo potentials and model potentials in atomic collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes, O.; Jouin, H.; Fuentealba, P.


    In this work, it is discussed the main differences between the use of pseudo-potentials and model potentials in collision problems . It is shown the potential energy curves for distinct systems obtained with both kinds of potentials. (A.C.A.S.) [pt

  9. On the locus and spread of pseudo-density functions in the time-frequency plane

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, A.J.E.M.


    Various time-frequency pseudo-density functions used in signal analysis are compared with respect to spread. Among the members of Cohen's class of pseudo-density functions satisfying the finite support property as well as Moyal's formula, the Wigner distribution is the most well-behaved one in the

  10. Pseudo-nitzschia physiological ecology, phylogeny, toxicity, monitoring and impact on ecosystem health

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trainer, Vera L.; Bates, Steve S.; Lundholm, Nina


    Over the last decade, our understanding of the environmental controls on Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and domoic acid (DA) production has matured. Pseudo-nitzschia have been found along most of the world’s coastlines, while the impacts of its toxin, DA, are most persistent and detrimental in upwelling...

  11. Metrics on the Phase Space and Non-Selfadjoint Pseudo-Differential Operators

    CERN Document Server

    Lerner, Nicolas


    This book is devoted to the study of pseudo-differential operators, with special emphasis on non-selfadjoint operators, a priori estimates and localization in the phase space. We expose the most recent developments of the theory with its applications to local solvability and semi-classical estimates for nonselfadjoint operators. The first chapter is introductory and gives a presentation of classical classes of pseudo-differential operators. The second chapter is dealing with the general notion of metrics on the phase space. We expose some elements of the so-called Wick calculus and introduce g

  12. Ammonia removal in electrochemical oxidation: Mechanism and pseudo-kinetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Liang; Liu Yan


    This paper investigated the mechanism and pseudo-kinetics for removal of ammonia by electrochemical oxidation with RuO 2 /Ti anode using batch tests. The results show that the ammonia oxidation rates resulted from direct oxidation at electrode-liquid interfaces of the anode by stepwise dehydrogenation, and from indirect oxidation by hydroxyl radicals were so slow that their contribution to ammonia removal was negligible under the condition with Cl - . The oxidation rates of ammonia ranged from 1.0 to 12.3 mg N L -1 h -1 and efficiency reached nearly 100%, primarily due to the indirect oxidation of HOCl, and followed pseudo zero-order kinetics in electrochemical oxidation with Cl - . About 88% ammonia was removed from the solution. The removed one was subsequently found in the form of N 2 in the produced gas. The rate at which Cl - lost electrons at the anode was a major factor in the overall ammonia oxidation. Current density and Cl - concentration affected the constant of the pseudo zero-order kinetics, expressed by k = 0.0024[Cl - ] x j. The ammonia was reduced to less than 0.5 mg N L -1 after 2 h of electrochemical oxidation for the effluent from aerobic or anaerobic reactors which treated municipal wastewater. This result was in line with the strict discharge requirements

  13. Classification of pseudo pairs between nucleotide bases and amino acids by analysis of nucleotide-protein complexes. (United States)

    Kondo, Jiro; Westhof, Eric


    Nucleotide bases are recognized by amino acid residues in a variety of DNA/RNA binding and nucleotide binding proteins. In this study, a total of 446 crystal structures of nucleotide-protein complexes are analyzed manually and pseudo pairs together with single and bifurcated hydrogen bonds observed between bases and amino acids are classified and annotated. Only 5 of the 20 usual amino acid residues, Asn, Gln, Asp, Glu and Arg, are able to orient in a coplanar fashion in order to form pseudo pairs with nucleotide bases through two hydrogen bonds. The peptide backbone can also form pseudo pairs with nucleotide bases and presents a strong bias for binding to the adenine base. The Watson-Crick side of the nucleotide bases is the major interaction edge participating in such pseudo pairs. Pseudo pairs between the Watson-Crick edge of guanine and Asp are frequently observed. The Hoogsteen edge of the purine bases is a good discriminatory element in recognition of nucleotide bases by protein side chains through the pseudo pairing: the Hoogsteen edge of adenine is recognized by various amino acids while the Hoogsteen edge of guanine is only recognized by Arg. The sugar edge is rarely recognized by either the side-chain or peptide backbone of amino acid residues.

  14. Classification of pseudo pairs between nucleotide bases and amino acids by analysis of nucleotide–protein complexes (United States)

    Kondo, Jiro; Westhof, Eric


    Nucleotide bases are recognized by amino acid residues in a variety of DNA/RNA binding and nucleotide binding proteins. In this study, a total of 446 crystal structures of nucleotide–protein complexes are analyzed manually and pseudo pairs together with single and bifurcated hydrogen bonds observed between bases and amino acids are classified and annotated. Only 5 of the 20 usual amino acid residues, Asn, Gln, Asp, Glu and Arg, are able to orient in a coplanar fashion in order to form pseudo pairs with nucleotide bases through two hydrogen bonds. The peptide backbone can also form pseudo pairs with nucleotide bases and presents a strong bias for binding to the adenine base. The Watson–Crick side of the nucleotide bases is the major interaction edge participating in such pseudo pairs. Pseudo pairs between the Watson–Crick edge of guanine and Asp are frequently observed. The Hoogsteen edge of the purine bases is a good discriminatory element in recognition of nucleotide bases by protein side chains through the pseudo pairing: the Hoogsteen edge of adenine is recognized by various amino acids while the Hoogsteen edge of guanine is only recognized by Arg. The sugar edge is rarely recognized by either the side-chain or peptide backbone of amino acid residues. PMID:21737431


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    Full Text Available In this paper, we study inextensible ows of curves in 3-dimensional pseudo- Galilean space. We give necessary and sucient conditions for inextensible ows of curves according to equiform geometry in pseudo-Galilean space.

  16. Fabrication and Characterization of Ultrathin-ring Electrodes for Pseudo-steady-state Amperometric Detection. (United States)

    Kitazumi, Yuki; Hamamoto, Katsumi; Noda, Tatsuo; Shirai, Osamu; Kano, Kenji


    The fabrication of ultrathin-ring electrodes with a diameter of 2 mm and a thickness of 100 nm is established. The ultrathin-ring electrodes provide a large density of pseudo-steady-state currents, and realize pseudo-steady-state amperometry under quiescent conditions without a Faraday cage. Under the limiting current conditions, the current response at the ultrathin-ring electrode can be well explained by the theory of the microband electrode response. Cyclic voltammograms at the ultrathin-ring electrode show sigmoidal characteristics with some hysteresis. Numerical simulation reveals that the hysteresis can be ascribed to the time-dependence of pseudo-steady-state current. The performance of amperometry with the ultrathin-ring electrode has been verified in its application to redox enzyme kinetic measurements.

  17. Chronic primary intestinal pseudo-obstruction from visceral myopathy Pseudo-osbtrucción intestinal crónica primaria debida a miopatía visceral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. T. Muñoz-Yagüe


    Full Text Available Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is an uncommon syndrome characterized by relapsing episodes suggesting intestinal obstruction during which no mechanical causes are identified to account for symptoms. Etiologic factors may be manifold. Among them a number of neurologic conditions, gastrointestinal smooth muscle myopathies, endocrino-metabolic and autoimmune diseases, and the use of selected drugs stand out. We report a case of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction originating in a sporadic, primary intestinal myopathy that corresponds to no type thus far described. A histological study of the intestinal wall showed disrupted muscle bundles and the presence of interstitial edema. Myocytes had severe degenerative changes, and no alterations were seen in submucosal and myenteric plexus neurons. The activity of enzyme complexes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, and of thymidine phosphorylase was normal. No mitochondrial DNA changes were seen.La pseudo-obstrucción intestinal crónica es un síndrome infrecuente caracterizado por episodios recidivantes, sugestivos de obstrucción intestinal, durante los cuales no se detectan causas mecánicas que justifiquen la sintomatología. Los factores etiológicos pueden ser múltiples. Entre ellos destacan diversas enfermedades neurológicas, miopatías de la musculatura lisa gastrointestinal, enfermedades endocrino-metabólicas y autoinmunes y el uso de determinados fármacos. Presentamos un caso de pseudo-obstrucción intestinal crónica originada por una miopatía intestinal primaria y esporádica que no corresponde a ningún tipo descrito hasta el momento. El estudio histológico de la pared intestinal mostró que los haces musculares estaban desestructurados y que existía edema intersticial. Los miocitos presentaban marcados cambios degenerativos y no existían alteraciones en las neuronas de los plexos submucoso y mientérico. La actividad de los complejos enzimáticos de la cadena

  18. On the pseudo-norm in some PT-symmetric potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levai, G.


    Complete text of publication follows. PT-symmetric quantum mechanical systems possess non-hermitian Hamiltonian, still they have some characteristics similar to hermitian problems. The most notable of these is their discrete energy spectrum, which can be partly or completely real. These systems are invariant under the simultaneous action of the P space and T time inversion operations. Perhaps the simplest PT-symmetric Hamiltonian contains a one-dimensional Schroedinger operator with a complex potential satisfying the V*(-x) = V (x) relation. Another typical feature PT-symmetric systems have in common with hermitian problems is that their basis states form an orthogonal set provided that the inner product is redefined as (ψ φ)PT ≡ (ψ Pφ). However, the norm defined by this inner product, the pseudo-norm turned out to possess indefinite sign, and this raised the question of the probabilistic interpretation of PT-symmetric systems. This problem was later put into a more general context when it was found that PT symmetry is a special case of pseudo-hermiticity, and this explains most of the peculiar features of PT-symmetric systems. There have been several attempts to link PT-symmetric, and in general, pseudo- hermitian systems with equivalent hermitian ones, and the sign of the pseudo-norm was found to play an important role in this respect. It is thus essential to evaluate the pseudo- norm for various potentials, especially considering the fact that there are some inconsistencies in the available results. Numerical studies indicated that the sign of the pseudo-norm typically alternates according to the n principal quantum number as (-1) n , and this was later proven for a class of potentials that are written in a polynomial form of ix. However, some potentials of other type did not fit into this line: this was the case for the Scarf II potential, the most well-known exactly solvable PT-symmetric potential. In contrast with the other examples, this potential is

  19. Classification of stationary compact homogeneous special pseudo K\\"ahler manifolds of semisimple groups


    Alekseevsky, D. V.; Cortes, V.


    The variation of Hodge structure of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold induces a canonical K\\"ahler metric on its Kuranishi moduli space, known as the Weil-Petersson metric. Similarly, special pseudo K\\"ahler manifolds correspond to certain (abstract) variations of Hodge structure which generalize the above example. We give the classification of homogeneous special pseudo K\\"ahler manifolds of semisimple groups with compact stabilizer.

  20. Pseudo-spectral method using rotated staggered grid for elastic wave propagation in 3D arbitrary anisotropic media

    KAUST Repository

    Zou, Peng


    Staggering grid is a very effective way to reduce the Nyquist errors and to suppress the non-causal ringing artefacts in the pseudo-spectral solution of first-order elastic wave equations. However, the straightforward use of a staggered-grid pseudo-spectral method is problematic for simulating wave propagation when the anisotropy level is greater than orthorhombic or when the anisotropic symmetries are not aligned with the computational grids. Inspired by the idea of rotated staggered-grid finite-difference method, we propose a modified pseudo-spectral method for wave propagation in arbitrary anisotropic media. Compared with an existing remedy of staggered-grid pseudo-spectral method based on stiffness matrix decomposition and a possible alternative using the Lebedev grids, the rotated staggered-grid-based pseudo-spectral method possesses the best balance between the mitigation of artefacts and efficiency. A 2D example on a transversely isotropic model with tilted symmetry axis verifies its effectiveness to suppress the ringing artefacts. Two 3D examples of increasing anisotropy levels demonstrate that the rotated staggered-grid-based pseudo-spectral method can successfully simulate complex wavefields in such anisotropic formations.

  1. Pseudo-Hermitian description of PT-symmetric systems defined on a complex contour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mostafazadeh, Ali


    We describe a method that allows for a practical application of the theory of pseudo-Hermitian operators to PT-symmetric systems defined on a complex contour. We apply this method to study the Hamiltonians H = p 2 + x 2 (ix) ν with ν ε (-2, ∞) that are defined along the corresponding anti-Stokes lines. In particular, we reveal the intrinsic non-Hermiticity of H for the cases that ν is an even integer, so that H p 2 ± x 2+ν , and give a proof of the discreteness of the spectrum of H for all ν ε (-2, ∞). Furthermore, we study the consequences of defining a square-well Hamiltonian on a wedge-shaped complex contour. This yields a PT-symmetric system with a finite number of real eigenvalues. We present a comprehensive analysis of this system within the framework of pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics. We also outline a direct pseudo-Hermitian treatment of PT-symmetric systems defined on a complex contour which clarifies the underlying mathematical structure of the formulation of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics based on the charge-conjugation operator. Our results provide conclusive evidence that pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics provides a complete description of general PT-symmetric systems regardless of whether they are defined along the real line or a complex contour

  2. Elastic properties of graphene: A pseudo-beam model with modified internal bending moment and its application (United States)

    Xia, Z. M.; Wang, C. G.; Tan, H. F.


    A pseudo-beam model with modified internal bending moment is presented to predict elastic properties of graphene, including the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. In order to overcome a drawback in existing molecular structural mechanics models, which only account for pure bending (constant bending moment), the presented model accounts for linear bending moments deduced from the balance equations. Based on this pseudo-beam model, an analytical prediction is accomplished to predict the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of graphene based on the equation of the strain energies by using Castigliano second theorem. Then, the elastic properties of graphene are calculated compared with results available in literature, which verifies the feasibility of the pseudo-beam model. Finally, the pseudo-beam model is utilized to study the twisting wrinkling characteristics of annular graphene. Due to modifications of the internal bending moment, the wrinkling behaviors of graphene sheet are predicted accurately. The obtained results show that the pseudo-beam model has a good ability to predict the elastic properties of graphene accurately, especially the out-of-plane deformation behavior.

  3. Acute pseudo-obstruction of the colon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beese, M.; Heller, M.


    The radiological correlate to the pseudo-obstruction of the colon is not specific, but it does supply a pointer to the disease of it shows dilation of the caecum, colon ascendens and colon transversum with air-pockets and reflected imaging as well as a usually not dilated colon descendens with remarkably little air. To make the diagnosis quite sure we must exclude intestinal obstruction by using X-ray contrast media or by coloscopy. (orig./GDG) [de

  4. Stepanov-like weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions to ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. In this article, we study the concept of Stepanov-like weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions to fractional order abstract integro-differential equations. We establish the results with Lipschitz condition and without Lipschitz condition on the forcing term. An interesting example is presented to illustrate the main ...

  5. To avoid operating on pseudo tumoral pulmonary infarctions ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pulmonary infarction usually appears as a hump-shaped triangular opacity with its base applied to a pleural surface. In some cases, pulmonary infarctions may appear as a pseudo tumoral opacity mimicking lung cancer. Thoracotomy could be prevented by repeating CT scan in properly selected patients. Pan African ...

  6. Essaying a Pseudo-Panel Approach: Studies on Education, Women, and Income Inequality in Thailand (United States)

    Warunsiri, Sasiwimon


    This dissertation is composed of three studies on Thai labor markets using a pseudo-panel data set: The first chapter estimates the rate of return to education in Thailand, while treating the endogeneity bias common to estimates from data on individuals. Pseudo-panel data are constructed from repeated cross sections of Labor Force Surveys…

  7. Hardware implementation of a GFSR pseudo-random number generator (United States)

    Aiello, G. R.; Budinich, M.; Milotti, E.


    We describe the hardware implementation of a pseudo-random number generator of the "Generalized Feedback Shift Register" (GFSR) type. After brief theoretical considerations we describe two versions of the hardware, the tests done and the performances achieved.

  8. Spinorial Characterizations of Surfaces into 3-dimensional Pseudo-Riemannian Space Forms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lawn, Marie-Amélie; Roth, Julien


    We give a spinorial characterization of isometrically immersed surfaces of arbitrary signature into 3-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian space forms. This generalizes a recent work of the first author for spacelike immersed Lorentzian surfaces in ℝ 2,1 to other Lorentzian space forms. We also characterize immersions of Riemannian surfaces in these spaces. From this we can deduce analogous results for timelike immersions of Lorentzian surfaces in space forms of corresponding signature, as well as for spacelike and timelike immersions of surfaces of signature (0, 2), hence achieving a complete spinorial description for this class of pseudo-Riemannian immersions.

  9. The nature of pseudo-twinning modes on the basis of a twin classification scheme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Jung B.; Sundararaman, M.; Krishnan, M.


    Pseudo-twins can form in ordered structures under high stress conditions. These twins are defined by lattice sites that are at twin positions but are incorrectly occupied by different species of atoms. The present note discusses if it is possible to further classify pseudo-twins into different modes based on the nature of associated twinning elements.


    Lundholm, Nina; Bates, Stephen S; Baugh, Keri A; Bill, Brian D; Connell, Laurie B; Léger, Claude; Trainer, Vera L


    A high degree of pseudo-cryptic diversity was reported in the well-studied diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Studies off the coast of Washington State revealed the presence of hitherto undescribed diversity of Pseudo-nitzschia. Forty-one clonal strains, representing six different taxa of the P. pseudodelicatissima complex, were studied morphologically using LM and EM, and genetically using genes from three different cellular compartments: the nucleus (D1-D3 of the LSU of rDNA and internal transcribed spacers [ITSs] of rDNA), the mitochondria (cytochrome c oxidase 1), and the plastids (LSU of RUBISCO). Strains in culture at the same time were used in mating studies to study reproductive isolation of species, and selected strains were examined for the production of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). Two new species, P. hasleana sp. nov. and P. fryxelliana sp. nov., are described based on morphological and molecular data. In all phylogenetic analyses, P. hasleana appeared as sister taxa to a clade comprising P. calliantha and P. mannii, whereas the position of P. fryxelliana was more uncertain. In the phylogenies of ITS, P. fryxelliana appeared to be most closely related to P. cf. turgidula. Morphologically, P. hasleana differed from most other species of the complex because of a lower density of fibulae, whereas P. fryxelliana had fewer sectors in the poroids and a higher poroid density than most of the other species. P. hasleana did not produce detectable levels of DA; P. fryxelliana was unfortunately not tested. In P. cuspidata, production of DA in offspring cultures varied from higher than the parent cultures to undetectable. © 2012 Phycological Society of America.

  11. Entre fachadas, bastidores e estigmas: uma análise sociológica do futebol feminino a partir da teoria da ação social de Erving Goffman

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila SALVINI


    Full Text Available Resumo No presente artigo temos por objetivo problematizar sociologicamente a participação feminina no universo futebolístico brasileiro, de modo a avançarmos no entendimento de como se constroem e se reconstroem algumas representações e estigmas do corpo feminino no contexto dessa prática esportiva. Para levarmos a efeito esse objetivo, nos respaldamos em uma série de elementos empíricos e teóricos que foram trabalhados de forma dialógica e relacional no decorrer do estudo. Do ponto de vista empírico, nos valemos de um conjunto de dados e informações coletadas por meio de entrevistas, observações de campo e pesquisa com imagens. Já do ponto de vista teórico, fizemos uso da teoria da ação social de Erving Goffman, tomando de empréstimo conceitos e noções fundamentais para a análise aqui proposta. A partir dessa articulação empírico-teórica, concluímos que o processo de construção corporal no contexto do futebol feminino brasileiro ocorre nos bastidores, enquanto a reconstrução corporal acontece de modo representativo na região de fachada.

  12. Non-linear time reversal ultrasonic pseudo-tomography

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Převorovský, Zdeněk; Vejvodová, Šárka; Krofta, Josef; Převorovský, David


    Roč. 6, 3/4 (2011), s. 206-213 ISSN 1741-8410. [NDT in Progress. Praha, 05.11.2007-07.11.2007] R&D Projects: GA MPO(CZ) FR-TI1/274 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514 Keywords : NDT * nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy * time reversal mirrors * ultrasonic pseudo-tomography Subject RIV: BI - Acoustics

  13. Dos cuidados com o corpo feminino em reclames na Revista do Globo da década de 1930 Feminine body care ads in the Revista do Globo magazine of the 1930s

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joana Carolina Schossler


    Full Text Available Desde as primeiras décadas do século XX, a moda dos banhos de mar contribuiu para despir pouco a pouco mulheres, homens e crianças no Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil. As mulheres foram o público-alvo preferencial dos reclames de produtos higiênicos, farmacêuticos, cosméticos e de vestuário. Para o veraneio, uma gama desses produtos foi anunciada na Revista do Globo durante a década de 1930. Com o fito de satisfazer "novos desejos" femininos por meio de novos produtos, esses anúncios permitem uma análise histórica das representações da mulher moderna, principalmente da emergência de um novo corpo feminino. O presente artigo trata da mudança nas representações do feminino na década de 1930, com base na publicidade da revista de maior circulação no Rio Grande do Sul à época.Since the beginning of the 20th century, the habit of going to the beach allowed for the progressive revelation of the bodies of women, men, and children in Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil. Women were the main targets of advertisements for hygiene and pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, and fashion. During the 1930s, a wide variety of such products was advertised in the Revista do Globo magazine. With the aim of satisfying new feminine desires through new products,these advertisements allow for a historical analysis of the representation of the modern woman, especially the birth of a new feminine body. This article discusses the changes in the representation of women, during the 1930s, based on the advertisements which appeared in the most widely read magazine in the state of Rio Grande do Sul at the time.

  14. Modular Transformations, Order-Chaos Transitions and Pseudo-Random Number Generation (United States)

    Bonelli, Antonio; Ruffo, Stefano

    Successive pairs of pseudo-random numbers generated by standard linear congruential transformations display ordered patterns of parallel lines. We study the "ordered" and "chaotic" distribution of such pairs by solving the eigenvalue problem for two-dimensional modular transformations over integers. We conjecture that the optimal uniformity for pair distribution is obtained when the slope of linear modular eigenspaces takes the value n opt =maxint (p/√ {p-1}), where p is a prime number. We then propose a new generator of pairs of independent pseudo-random numbers, which realizes an optimal uniform distribution (in the "statistical" sense) of points on the unit square (0, 1] × (0, 1]. The method can be easily generalized to the generation of k-tuples of random numbers (with k>2).

  15. Simulation of a directed random-walk model: the effect of pseudo-random-number correlations


    Shchur, L. N.; Heringa, J. R.; Blöte, H. W. J.


    We investigate the mechanism that leads to systematic deviations in cluster Monte Carlo simulations when correlated pseudo-random numbers are used. We present a simple model, which enables an analysis of the effects due to correlations in several types of pseudo-random-number sequences. This model provides qualitative understanding of the bias mechanism in a class of cluster Monte Carlo algorithms.

  16. Robust video watermarking via optimization algorithm for quantization of pseudo-random semi-global statistics (United States)

    Kucukgoz, Mehmet; Harmanci, Oztan; Mihcak, Mehmet K.; Venkatesan, Ramarathnam


    In this paper, we propose a novel semi-blind video watermarking scheme, where we use pseudo-random robust semi-global features of video in the three dimensional wavelet transform domain. We design the watermark sequence via solving an optimization problem, such that the features of the mark-embedded video are the quantized versions of the features of the original video. The exact realizations of the algorithmic parameters are chosen pseudo-randomly via a secure pseudo-random number generator, whose seed is the secret key, that is known (resp. unknown) by the embedder and the receiver (resp. by the public). We experimentally show the robustness of our algorithm against several attacks, such as conventional signal processing modifications and adversarial estimation attacks.

  17. Advantages of externally powered prosthesis with feedback system using pseudo-cineplasty. (United States)

    Nambu, Seiji; Ikebuchi, Mitsuhiko; Taniguchi, Masashi; Park, Choong Sik; Kitagawa, Takahiro; Nakajima, Shigeyoshi; Koike, Tatsuya


    Externally powered upper-limb prostheses are difficult to use because of the lack of sensory feedback. Neuroprostheses have recently been developed for people with upper-limb amputation but are complicated, expensive, and still developing. We therefore designed a simple system by combining pseudo-cineplasty with extended physiological proprioception to provide sensory feedback to the body. We penetrated the palmaris longus tendon percutaneously with a metal ring, similar to that used in body piercing, in a nondisabled subject as a pseudo-cineplasty. The tendon and ring were connected to the system, and a sensory feedback experiment was performed. We investigated the ability of the user to determine the size of an object grasped by the prosthetic hand without visual information. The subject could distinguish between large and small objects with 100% accuracy and between small, medium, and large objects with 80% accuracy. In pseudo-cineplasty, control and sensory feedback are natural because the prosthetic hand is controlled by muscle contraction. Tension transmitted from the prosthetic hand is sensed via muscle spindles and skin sensors. This technique allows only partial sensory feedback but appears to offer several advantages over other human-machine interfaces.

  18. Fabrication of Random Microwell Arrays as Pseudo-Thermal Speckle Light Source

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    Axiu Cao


    Full Text Available Quantum correlated imaging using the intensity fluctuations of thermal light possesses advantages of high resolution and strong anti-interference ability. The common method to produce pseudo-thermal light source is using a rotary ground glass and transmission of laser beam. In the present work, we propose a method for the fabrication of microwell arrays with randomly varied diameters, which could be used as a new structural element for pseudo-thermal speckle light source. If these are etched with random sizes then they may also have random and complex varying curvatures (diffusion limited etching leading to random destructive interference of the coherent beam which could be a good thing. The microwell arrays, with diameters randomly varying from 5 μm to 40 μm, height varying from 200 nm to 20 μm, were fabricated by photolithography combined with acid etching. The experimental conditions are simple and can be scaled up to for large structures. The produced microwell arrays can transform the laser beam to a pseudo-thermal light source with a certain divergent angle by rational designing of mask and adjustable process parameters.

  19. Silenciadas: abordagem de notícias sobre mulheres assassinadas no Tocantins


    Miranda, Cynthia Mara; Veloso dos Santos, Cleide das Graças; Anjos, Ana Carolina Costa dos


    O artigo verifica o uso do termo feminicídio na cobertura jornalística de homicídios de mulheres, praticados por seus companheiros ou ex-companheiros, por razões da condição do sexo feminino, quando o crime envolve violência doméstica e familiar, bem como o menosprezo ou discriminação à condição de mulher. A amostra é composta por oito matérias veiculadas na versão online do Jornal do Tocantins, especificamente no ano de 2016. Metodologicamente faz uso da Análise de Conteúdo. A pesquisa busca...

  20. Approximation of fixed points of Lipschitz pseudo-contractive mapping in Banach spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chidume, C.E.


    Let K be a subset of a real Banach space X. A mapping T:K → X is called pseudo-contractive if the inequality ||x-y|| ≤ ||(1+r)(x-y)-r(Tx-Ty)|| holds for all x,y in K and r > 0. Fixed points of Lipschitz pseudo-contractive maps are approximated under appropriate conditions, by an iteration process of the type introduced by W.R. Mann. This gives an affirmative answer to the problem stated by T.L. Hicks and J.R. Rubicek (J. Math. Anal. Appl. 59 (1977) 504). (author). 28 refs

  1. Events per variable for risk differences and relative risks using pseudo-observations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Stefan Nygaard; Andersen, Per Kragh; Parner, Erik Thorlund


    A method based on pseudo-observations has been proposed for direct regression modeling of functionals of interest with right-censored data, including the survival function, the restricted mean and the cumulative incidence function in competing risks. The models, once the pseudo-observations have...... been computed, can be fitted using standard generalized estimating equation software. Regression models can however yield problematic results if the number of covariates is large in relation to the number of events observed. Guidelines of events per variable are often used in practice. These rules...

  2. Fluorescent SiC with pseudo-periodic moth-eye structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ou, Yiyu; Aijaz, Imran; Ou, Haiyan


    White light-emitting diodes (LEDs) consisting of a nitride-based blue LED chip and phosphor are very promising candidates for the general lighting applications as energy-saving sources. Recently, donor-acceptor doped fluorescent SiC has been proven as a highly efficient wavelength converter...... to enhance the extraction efficiency, we present a simple method to fabricate the pseudo-periodic moth-eye structures on the surface of the fluorescent SiC. A thin gold layer is deposited on the fluorescent SiC first. Then the thin gold layer is treated by rapid thermal processing. After annealing, the thin...... gold layer turns into discontinuous nano-islands. The average size of the islands is dependent on the annealing condition which could be well controlled. By using the reactive-ion etching, pseudo-periodic moth-eye structures would be obtained using the gold nano-islands as a mask layer. Reactive...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Rapacci Mascarenhas Prado


    Full Text Available A Constituição Federal brasileira veda a utilização de provas ilícitas e suas derivadas no processo penal. Enquanto dispositivo do Código de Processo Penal, com base na teoria da descoberta inevitável, permite a valoração de provas ilícita em determinados casos. Questiona-se, portanto, se a vedação pode ser relativizada quando confrontada com a presunção da inocência e direito à liberdade. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar se, de fato, e em que medida, esta teoria respeita direitos e garantias fundamentais. A metodologia empregada foi a revisão bibliográfica e a pesquisa documental (julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal.

  4. Self-deception as pseudo-rational regulation of belief. (United States)

    Michel, Christoph; Newen, Albert


    Self-deception is a special kind of motivational dominance in belief-formation. We develop criteria which set paradigmatic self-deception apart from related phenomena of auto-manipulation such as pretense and motivational bias. In self-deception rational subjects defend or develop beliefs of high subjective importance in response to strong counter-evidence. Self-deceivers make or keep these beliefs tenable by putting prima-facie rational defense-strategies to work against their established standards of rational evaluation. In paradigmatic self-deception, target-beliefs are made tenable via reorganizations of those belief-sets that relate relevant data to target-beliefs. This manipulation of the evidential value of relevant data goes beyond phenomena of motivated perception of data. In self-deception belief-defense is pseudo-rational. Self-deceivers will typically apply a dual standard of evaluation that remains intransparent to the subject. The developed model of self-deception as pseudo-rational belief-defense is empirically anchored. So, we hope to put forward a promising candidate. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Lung inflammatory pseudo tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veliz, Elizabeth; Leone, Gaetano; Cano, Fernando; Sanchez, Jaime


    The inflammatory pseudo tumor is a non neoplastic process characterized by an irregular growth of inflammatory cells. We described the case of a 38 year-old patient, she went to our institute for a in situ cervix cancer and left lung nodule without breathing symptoms; valued by neumology who did bronchoscopy with biopsy whose result was negative for malignancy. She went to surgery in where we find intraparenquima nodule in felt lingula of approximately 4 cms, we remove it; the result was: Inflammatory pseudotumor. This pathology is a not very frequent, it can develop in diverse regions of the organism, it is frequent in lung. The image tests are not specific for the diagnose, which it is possible only with the biopsy. The treatment is the complete resection. (The author)

  6. Physical aspects of pseudo-Hermitian and PT-symmetric quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mostafazadeh, Ali; Batal, Ahmet


    For a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H possessing a real spectrum, we introduce a canonical orthonormal basis in which a previously introduced unitary mapping of H to a Hermitian Hamiltonian h takes a simple form. We use this basis to construct the observables O α of the quantum mechanics based on H. In particular, we introduce pseudo-Hermitian position and momentum operators and a pseudo-Hermitian quantization scheme that relates the latter to the ordinary classical position and momentum observables. These allow us to address the problem of determining the conserved probability density and the underlying classical system for pseudo-Hermitian and in particular PT-symmetric quantum systems. As a concrete example we construct the Hermitian Hamiltonian h, the physical observables O α , the localized states and the conserved probability density for the non-Hermitian PT-symmetric square well. We achieve this by employing an appropriate perturbation scheme. For this system, we conduct a comprehensive study of both the kinematical and dynamical effects of the non-Hermiticity of the Hamiltonian on various physical quantities. In particular, we show that these effects are quantum mechanical in nature and diminish in the classical limit. Our results provide an objective assessment of the physical aspects of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics and clarify its relationship with both conventional quantum mechanics and classical mechanics

  7. Quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions in one-dimensional models with nearest neighbor interactions (United States)

    de Souza, S. M.; Rojas, Onofre


    There are some particular one-dimensional models, such as the Ising-Heisenberg spin models with a variety of chain structures, which exhibit unexpected behaviors quite similar to the first and second order phase transition, which could be confused naively with an authentic phase transition. Through the analysis of the first derivative of free energy, such as entropy, magnetization, and internal energy, a "sudden" jump that closely resembles a first-order phase transition at finite temperature occurs. However, by analyzing the second derivative of free energy, such as specific heat and magnetic susceptibility at finite temperature, it behaves quite similarly to a second-order phase transition exhibiting an astonishingly sharp and fine peak. The correlation length also confirms the evidence of this pseudo-transition temperature, where a sharp peak occurs at the pseudo-critical temperature. We also present the necessary conditions for the emergence of these quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions.

  8. Pseudo-Newtonian Equations for Evolution of Particles and Fluids in Stationary Space-times

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Witzany, Vojtěch; Lämmerzahl, Claus, E-mail:, E-mail: [ZARM, Universität Bremen, Am Fallturm, D-28359 Bremen (Germany)


    Pseudo-Newtonian potentials are a tool often used in theoretical astrophysics to capture some key features of a black hole space-time in a Newtonian framework. As a result, one can use Newtonian numerical codes, and Newtonian formalism, in general, in an effective description of important astrophysical processes such as accretion onto black holes. In this paper, we develop a general pseudo-Newtonian formalism, which pertains to the motion of particles, light, and fluids in stationary space-times. In return, we are able to assess the applicability of the pseudo-Newtonian scheme. The simplest and most elegant formulas are obtained in space-times without gravitomagnetic effects, such as the Schwarzschild rather than the Kerr space-time; the quantitative errors are smallest for motion with low binding energy. Included is a ready-to-use set of fluid equations in Schwarzschild space-time in Cartesian and radial coordinates.

  9. Rapid expansion and pseudo spectral implementation for reverse time migration in VTI media

    KAUST Repository

    Pestana, Reynam C


    In isotropic media, we use the scalar acoustic wave equation to perform reverse time migration (RTM) of the recorded pressure wavefield data. In anisotropic media, P- and SV-waves are coupled, and the elastic wave equation should be used for RTM. For computational efficiency, a pseudo-acoustic wave equation is often used. This may be solved using a coupled system of second-order partial differential equations. We solve these using a pseudo spectral method and the rapid expansion method (REM) for the explicit time marching. This method generates a degenerate SV-wave in addition to the P-wave arrivals of interest. To avoid this problem, the elastic wave equation for vertical transversely isotropic (VTI) media can be split into separate wave equations for P- and SV-waves. These separate wave equations are stable, and they can be effectively used to model and migrate seismic data in VTI media where |ε- δ| is small. The artifact for the SV-wave has also been removed. The independent pseudo-differential wave equations can be solved one for each mode using the pseudo spectral method for the spatial derivatives and the REM for the explicit time advance of the wavefield. We show numerically stable and high-resolution modeling and RTM results for the pure P-wave mode in VTI media. © 2012 Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute.

  10. Rapid expansion and pseudo spectral implementation for reverse time migration in VTI media

    KAUST Repository

    Pestana, Reynam C; Ursin, Bjø rn; Stoffa, Paul L


    In isotropic media, we use the scalar acoustic wave equation to perform reverse time migration (RTM) of the recorded pressure wavefield data. In anisotropic media, P- and SV-waves are coupled, and the elastic wave equation should be used for RTM. For computational efficiency, a pseudo-acoustic wave equation is often used. This may be solved using a coupled system of second-order partial differential equations. We solve these using a pseudo spectral method and the rapid expansion method (REM) for the explicit time marching. This method generates a degenerate SV-wave in addition to the P-wave arrivals of interest. To avoid this problem, the elastic wave equation for vertical transversely isotropic (VTI) media can be split into separate wave equations for P- and SV-waves. These separate wave equations are stable, and they can be effectively used to model and migrate seismic data in VTI media where |ε- δ| is small. The artifact for the SV-wave has also been removed. The independent pseudo-differential wave equations can be solved one for each mode using the pseudo spectral method for the spatial derivatives and the REM for the explicit time advance of the wavefield. We show numerically stable and high-resolution modeling and RTM results for the pure P-wave mode in VTI media. © 2012 Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute.

  11. Direitos femininos no Brasil: um enfoque na saúde materna Women's rights in Brazil: focus on maternal health

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Cristina da Nóbrega Marinho Torres Leite


    Full Text Available Aborda a trajetória dos direitos femininos em saúde no Brasil, do período pós-guerra até os dias atuais com foco na saúde materna, por meio de levantamento histórico das iniciativas mais amplas do poder público no âmbito da saúde da mulher e da implantação de ações voltadas para assistência à gravidez, ao parto e puerpério, de estímulo à amamentação, e de medidas dirigidas às mulheres durante o período reprodutivo.Focusing on maternal health care, the article explores the path of women's health rights in Brazil since World War II. It presents a historical survey of broader government initiatives in this arena and of the introduction of actions to provide prenatal, birth, and postpartum care, encourage breastfeeding, and establish measures aimed at women during their reproductive lives.

  12. Pseudo natural colour aerial imagery for urban and suburban mapping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Thomas


    Due to their near-infrared data channel, digital airborne four-channel imagers provide a potentially good discrimination between vegetation and human-made materials, which is very useful in automated mapping. Due to their red, green and blue data channels, they also provide natural colour images......, which are very useful in traditional (manual) mapping. In this paper, an algorithm is described which provides an approximation to the spectral capabilities of the four-channel imagers by using a colour-infrared aerial photo as input. The algorithm is tailored to urban/suburban surroundings, where...... the quality of the generated (pseudo) natural colour images are fully acceptable for manual mapping. This brings the combined availability of near-infrared and (pseudo) natural colours within reach for mapping projects based on traditional photogrammetry, which is valuable since traditional analytical cameras...

  13. Pseudo hard-sphere potential for use in continuous molecular-dynamics simulation of spherical and chain molecules. (United States)

    Jover, J; Haslam, A J; Galindo, A; Jackson, G; Müller, E A


    We present a continuous pseudo-hard-sphere potential based on a cut-and-shifted Mie (generalized Lennard-Jones) potential with exponents (50, 49). Using this potential one can mimic the volumetric, structural, and dynamic properties of the discontinuous hard-sphere potential over the whole fluid range. The continuous pseudo potential has the advantage that it may be incorporated directly into off-the-shelf molecular-dynamics code, allowing the user to capitalise on existing hardware and software advances. Simulation results for the compressibility factor of the fluid and solid phases of our pseudo hard spheres are presented and compared both to the Carnahan-Starling equation of state of the fluid and published data, the differences being indistinguishable within simulation uncertainty. The specific form of the potential is employed to simulate flexible chains formed from these pseudo hard spheres at contact (pearl-necklace model) for m(c) = 4, 5, 7, 8, 16, 20, 100, 201, and 500 monomer segments. The compressibility factor of the chains per unit of monomer, m(c), approaches a limiting value at reasonably small values, m(c) theory. Simulation results are also presented for highly asymmetric mixtures of pseudo hard spheres, with diameter ratios of 3:1, 5:1, 20:1 over the whole composition range.

  14. Robust Pseudo-Hierarchical Support Vector Clustering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Michael Sass; Sjöstrand, Karl; Olafsdóttir, Hildur


    Support vector clustering (SVC) has proven an efficient algorithm for clustering of noisy and high-dimensional data sets, with applications within many fields of research. An inherent problem, however, has been setting the parameters of the SVC algorithm. Using the recent emergence of a method...... for calculating the entire regularization path of the support vector domain description, we propose a fast method for robust pseudo-hierarchical support vector clustering (HSVC). The method is demonstrated to work well on generated data, as well as for detecting ischemic segments from multidimensional myocardial...

  15. Inflation and pseudo-Goldstone Higgs boson

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alanne, Tommi; Sannino, Francesco; Tenkanen, Tommi


    We consider inflation within a model framework where the Higgs boson arises as a pseudo-Goldstone boson associated with the breaking of a global symmetry at a scale significantly larger than the electroweak one. We show that in such a model the scalar self-couplings can be parametrically suppressed...... and, consequently, the nonminimal couplings to gravity can be of order one or less, while the inflationary predictions of the model remain compatible with the precision cosmological observations. Furthermore, in the model we study, the existence of the electroweak scale is entirely due to the inflaton...

  16. Details of modelling HTR core physics: the use of pseudo nuclide traces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuijper, J.C.; Oppe, J.; Haas, J.B.M. de; Da Cruz, D.F.


    At present most combined neutronic and thermal hydraulic analyses of reactors, and the HTR is no exception, are being performed by codes employing few-group (typically 2-group) neutronics on the basis of parametrized few-group macroscopic (and microscopic) cross sections for homogenized areas, depending on quantities like irradiation (fuel only), 135 Xe concentration, temperature, etc. The irradiation parameter (time-integrated power per unit initial heavy metal mass) is sufficient for keeping track of the evolution of areas containing fuel. However, the use of the same parameter in areas without fuel, e.g. containing burnable poison, requires some special provisions. This can be met by the introduction of pseudo nuclides, with very specific cross sections and reaction chains, in the procedure to generate the parametrized few-group cross sections. It is shown that the time-evolution of a non-fuelled burnable poison area, as calculated by the 2-group (HTR) reactor code PANTHERMIX employing pseudo nuclides, compares well to the time-evolution obtained from an explicit burnup calculation by the WIMS8A/SNAP code. Examples are also shown using the pseudo nuclide method to keep track of the fast fluence (time-integrated flux above 0.1 MeV) in a continuous reload pebble-bed HTR reactor calculation by PANTHERMIX. Although the present implementation of the pseudo nuclide method exhibits some peculiarities connected to the specific codes in use (WIMS8A and PANTHERMIX) it is considered to be sufficiently general to be applicable in other code suites, requiring only limited modifications. (authors)

  17. Details of modelling HTR core physics: the use of pseudo nuclide traces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuijper, J.C.; Oppe, J.; Haas, J.B.M. de; Da Cruz, D.F. [Nuclear Research and consultancy Group (NRG), Petten (Netherlands)


    At present most combined neutronic and thermal hydraulic analyses of reactors, and the HTR is no exception, are being performed by codes employing few-group (typically 2-group) neutronics on the basis of parametrized few-group macroscopic (and microscopic) cross sections for homogenized areas, depending on quantities like irradiation (fuel only), {sup 135}Xe concentration, temperature, etc. The irradiation parameter (time-integrated power per unit initial heavy metal mass) is sufficient for keeping track of the evolution of areas containing fuel. However, the use of the same parameter in areas without fuel, e.g. containing burnable poison, requires some special provisions. This can be met by the introduction of pseudo nuclides, with very specific cross sections and reaction chains, in the procedure to generate the parametrized few-group cross sections. It is shown that the time-evolution of a non-fuelled burnable poison area, as calculated by the 2-group (HTR) reactor code PANTHERMIX employing pseudo nuclides, compares well to the time-evolution obtained from an explicit burnup calculation by the WIMS8A/SNAP code. Examples are also shown using the pseudo nuclide method to keep track of the fast fluence (time-integrated flux above 0.1 MeV) in a continuous reload pebble-bed HTR reactor calculation by PANTHERMIX. Although the present implementation of the pseudo nuclide method exhibits some peculiarities connected to the specific codes in use (WIMS8A and PANTHERMIX) it is considered to be sufficiently general to be applicable in other code suites, requiring only limited modifications. (authors)

  18. Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in a dog: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.L. Bicalho


    Full Text Available Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare disorder that affects gastrointestinal propulsion. It may be secondary to several pathological conditions or it may develop without a known cause. A 1.2 year-old intact Pug bitch had a history of vomiting and constipation, which were followed by diarrhea and distended abdomen. Hypomotility and dilation of the small intestine, which was filled with gas, were observed during laparotomy. Histologically, full thickness biopsy specimens demonstrated a severe loss and degeneration of leiomyocytes in the inner and outer muscular layers of the intestinal wall, whereas there was a marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells in the lamina propria, and extremely thickened muscularis mucosae arranged in bundles oriented in different directions with marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of leiomyocytes. Distribution of leiomyocytes was further characterized by immunohistochemistry. These findings support the diagnosis of intestinal pseudo-obstruction in a Pug, associated with degeneration and loss of leiomyocytes in the muscular layer.

  19. Gas flows in radial micro-nozzles with pseudo-shocks (United States)

    Kiselev, S. P.; Kiselev, V. P.; Zaikovskii, V. N.


    In the present paper, results of an experimental and numerical study of supersonic gas flows in radial micro-nozzles are reported. A distinguishing feature of such flows is the fact that two factors, the nozzle divergence and the wall friction force, exert a substantial influence on the flow structure. Under the action of the wall friction force, in the micro-nozzle there forms a pseudo-shock that separates the supersonic from subsonic flow region. The position of the pseudo-shock can be evaluated from the condition of flow blockage in the nozzle exit section. A detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of gas flows in radial micro-nozzles is given. It is shown that the gas flow in a micro-nozzle is defined by the complicated structure of the boundary layer in the micro-nozzle, this structure being dependent on the width-to-radius ratio of the nozzle and its inlet-to-outlet pressure ratio.

  20. Nearly pseudo-Kähler manifolds and related special holonomies

    CERN Document Server

    Schäfer, Lars


    Developing and providing an overview of recent results on nearly Kähler geometry on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, this monograph emphasizes the differences with the classical Riemannian geometry setting. The focal objects of the text are related to special holonomy and Killing spinors and have applications in high energy physics, such as supergravity and string theory. Before starting into the field, a self-contained introduction to the subject is given, aimed at students with a solid background in differential geometry. The book will therefore be accessible to masters and Ph.D. students who are beginning work on nearly Kähler geometry in pseudo-Riemannian signature, and also to non-experts interested in gaining an overview of the subject.  Moreover, a number of results and techniques are provided which will be helpful for differential geometers as well as for high energy physicists interested in the mathematical background of the geometric objects they need.

  1. Pseudo-Hermitian coherent states under the generalized quantum condition with position-dependent mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yahiaoui, S A; Bentaiba, M


    In the context of the factorization method, we investigate the pseudo-Hermitian coherent states and their Hermitian counterpart coherent states under the generalized quantum condition in the framework of a position-dependent mass. By considering a specific modification in the superpotential, suitable annihilation and creation operators are constructed in order to reproduce the Hermitian counterpart Hamiltonian in the factorized form. We show that by means of these ladder operators, we can construct a wide range of exactly solvable potentials as well as their accompanying coherent states. Alternatively, we explore the relationship between the pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian and its Hermitian counterparts, obtained from a similarity transformation, to construct the associated pseudo-Hermitian coherent states. These latter preserve the structure of Perelomov’s states and minimize the generalized position–momentum uncertainty principle. This article is part of a special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical devoted to ‘Quantum physics with non-Hermitian operators’. (paper)

  2. Evaluating the effectiveness of various biochars as porous media for biodiesel synthesis via pseudo-catalytic transesterification. (United States)

    Lee, Jechan; Jung, Jong-Min; Oh, Jeong-Ik; Ok, Yong Sik; Lee, Sang-Ryong; Kwon, Eilhann E


    This study focuses on investigating the optimized chemical composition of biochar used as porous material for biodiesel synthesis via pseudo-catalytic transesterification. To this end, six biochars from different sources were prepared and biodiesel yield obtained from pseudo-catalytic transesterification of waste cooking oil using six biochars were measured. Biodiesel yield and optimal reaction temperature for pseudo-catalytic transesterification were strongly dependent on the raw material of biochar. For example, biochar generated from maize residue exhibited the best performance, which yield was reached ∼90% at 300°C; however, the maximum biodiesel yield with pine cone biochar was 43% at 380°C. The maximum achievable yield of biodiesel was sensitive to the lignin content of biomass source of biochar but not sensitive to the cellulose and hemicellulose content. This study provides an insight for screening the most effective biochar as pseudo-catalytic porous material, thereby helping develop more sustainable and economically viable biodiesel synthesis process. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Pseudo-spectral method using rotated staggered grid for elastic wave propagation in 3D arbitrary anisotropic media

    KAUST Repository

    Zou, Peng; Cheng, Jiubing


    -difference method, we propose a modified pseudo-spectral method for wave propagation in arbitrary anisotropic media. Compared with an existing remedy of staggered-grid pseudo-spectral method based on stiffness matrix decomposition and a possible alternative using

  4. Characterization of electron microscopes with binary pseudo-random multilayer test samples (United States)

    Yashchuk, Valeriy V.; Conley, Raymond; Anderson, Erik H.; Barber, Samuel K.; Bouet, Nathalie; McKinney, Wayne R.; Takacs, Peter Z.; Voronov, Dmitriy L.


    Verification of the reliability of metrology data from high quality X-ray optics requires that adequate methods for test and calibration of the instruments be developed. For such verification for optical surface profilometers in the spatial frequency domain, a modulation transfer function (MTF) calibration method based on binary pseudo-random (BPR) gratings and arrays has been suggested [1,2] and proven to be an effective calibration method for a number of interferometric microscopes, a phase shifting Fizeau interferometer, and a scatterometer [5]. Here we describe the details of development of binary pseudo-random multilayer (BPRML) test samples suitable for characterization of scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopes. We discuss the results of TEM measurements with the BPRML test samples fabricated from a WiSi 2/Si multilayer coating with pseudo-randomly distributed layers. In particular, we demonstrate that significant information about the metrological reliability of the TEM measurements can be extracted even when the fundamental frequency of the BPRML sample is smaller than the Nyquist frequency of the measurements. The measurements demonstrate a number of problems related to the interpretation of the SEM and TEM data. Note that similar BPRML test samples can be used to characterize X-ray microscopes. Corresponding work with X-ray microscopes is in progress.

  5. Characterization of electron microscopes with binary pseudo-random multilayer test samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yashchuk, Valeriy V.; Conley, Raymond; Anderson, Erik H.; Barber, Samuel K.; Bouet, Nathalie; McKinney, Wayne R.; Takacs, Peter Z.; Voronov, Dmitriy L.


    Verification of the reliability of metrology data from high quality X-ray optics requires that adequate methods for test and calibration of the instruments be developed. For such verification for optical surface profilometers in the spatial frequency domain, a modulation transfer function (MTF) calibration method based on binary pseudo-random (BPR) gratings and arrays has been suggested and proven to be an effective calibration method for a number of interferometric microscopes, a phase shifting Fizeau interferometer, and a scatterometer [5]. Here we describe the details of development of binary pseudo-random multilayer (BPRML) test samples suitable for characterization of scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopes. We discuss the results of TEM measurements with the BPRML test samples fabricated from a WiSi 2 /Si multilayer coating with pseudo-randomly distributed layers. In particular, we demonstrate that significant information about the metrological reliability of the TEM measurements can be extracted even when the fundamental frequency of the BPRML sample is smaller than the Nyquist frequency of the measurements. The measurements demonstrate a number of problems related to the interpretation of the SEM and TEM data. Note that similar BPRML test samples can be used to characterize X-ray microscopes. Corresponding work with X-ray microscopes is in progress.

  6. Effects of gauge volume on pseudo-strain induced in strain measurement using time-of-flight neutron diffraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Hiroshi; Harjo, Stefanus; Abe, Jun; Xu, Pingguang; Aizawa, Kazuya; Akita, Koichi


    Spurious or pseudo-strains observed in time-of-flight (TOF) neutron diffraction due to neutron attenuation, surface-effects and a strain distribution within the gauge volume were investigated. Experiments were carried out on annealed and bent ferritic steel bars to test these effects. The most representative position in the gauge volume corresponds to the neutron-weighted center of gravity (ncog), which takes into account variations in intensity within the gauge volume due to neutron attenuation and/or absence of material in the gauge volume. The average strain in the gauge volume was observed to be weighted towards the ncog position but following an increase in the size of the gauge volume the weighted average strain was changed because of the change in the ncog position when a strain gradient appeared within the gauge volume. On the other hand, typical pseudo-strains, which are well known, did appear in through-surface strain measurements when the gauge volume was incompletely filled by the sample. Tensile pseudo-strains due to the surface-effect increased near the sample surface and exhibited a similar trend regardless of the size of the gauge volume, while the pseudo-strains increased faster for the smaller gauge volume. Furthermore, a pseudo-strain due to a change in the ncog position was observed even when the gauge volume was perfectly filled in the sample, and it increased with an increase in the size of the gauge volume. These pseudo-strains measured were much larger than those simulated by the conventional modeling, whereas they were simulated by taking into account an incident neutron beam divergence additionally in the model. Therefore, the incident divergence of the incident neutron beam must be carefully designed to avoid pseudo-strains in time-of-flight neutron diffractometry

  7. Pseudo-complex general relativity

    CERN Document Server

    Hess, Peter O; Greiner, Walter


    This volume presents an pseudo-complex extension of General Relativity which addresses these issues and presents proposals for experimental examinations in strong fields near a large mass. General Relativity is a beautiful and well tested theory of gravitation. Nevertheless, it implies conceptual problems like the creation of singularities (Black Holes) as a result of the collapse of large masses, or the appearance of event horizons which exclude parts of the space-time from the observation of external observers. The mathematical and geometrical foundations of this extension are displayed in detail, and applications including orbits and accretion disks around large central masses, neutron stars or cosmological models are introduced. Calculations both for classical and extended applications are often executed in the form of problems with extensive solutions, which makes this volume also a valuable resource for any student of General Relativity.

  8. Pseudo Class III malocclusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fadia M. Al-Hummayani


    Full Text Available The treatment of deep anterior crossbite is technically challenging due to the difficulty of placing traditional brackets with fixed appliances. This case report represents a none traditional treatment modality to treat deep anterior crossbite in an adult pseudo class III malocclusion complicated by severely retruded, supraerupted upper and lower incisors. Treatment was carried out in 2 phases. Phase I treatment was performed by removable appliance “modified Hawley appliance with inverted labial bow,” some modifications were carried out to it to suit the presented case. Positive overbite and overjet was accomplished in one month, in this phase with minimal forces exerted on the lower incisors. Whereas, phase II treatment was performed with fixed appliances (braces to align teeth and have proper over bite and overjet and to close posterior open bite, this phase was accomplished within 11 month.

  9. Pseudo-harmonics method: an application to thermal reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, F.C. da; Rotenberg, S.; Thome Filho, Z.D.


    Several applications of the Pseudo-Harmonics method are presented, aiming to calculate the neutron flux and the perturbed eigenvalue of a nuclear reactor, like PWR, with three enrichment regions as Angra-1 reactor. In the reference reactor, perturbations of several types as global as local were simulated. The results were compared with those from the direct calculation. (E.G.) [pt

  10. Pseudo-Observables in Higgs decays

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    In view of future high-statistics data, it is useful to define a framework for precise determinations of the properties of the Higgs particle valid in generic extensions of the Standard Model. For Higgs decays, this goal can be achieved with a limited set of "Pseudo-Observables" (PO). The PO provides a systematic generalization of the "kappa-framework" so far adopted by the LHC experiments and provide a useful bridge between data and theory predictions. I discuss how the PO are defined, with particular attention to the h->4f decays, and how they can be used to test various dynamical and symmetry hypotheses about the Higgs sector. The relation between PO and EFT couplings is also discussed.

  11. Random matrix theory for pseudo-Hermitian systems: Cyclic blocks

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    We discuss the relevance of random matrix theory for pseudo-Hermitian systems, and, for Hamiltonians that break parity and time-reversal invariance . In an attempt to understand the random Ising model, we present the treatment of cyclic asymmetric matrices with blocks and show that the nearest-neighbour spacing ...

  12. Scintigraphic diagnosis of pseudo-arthroses following Harrington's spondylodesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bostel, F.; Georgi, P.; Springorum, H.W.; Puhl, W.


    The development of pseudoarthroses is the most common complication following operative treatment of severe scoliosis. Early recognition of this event is important to prevent recurrence of the curvature. The diagnosis is not possible by radiological examination of the rigid spine. Routine reexploration implies a second operation, which is unnecessary in the majority of patients with stable fusion. In an attempt to develop a non-invasive method for the diagnosis of pseudo-arthroses, bone scintigrams were carried out in 29 patients with idiopathic scoliosis twelve months after a Harrington's spondylodesis. In 24 patients (82.8%) a definite conclusion could be drawn, either of stable fusion (65.5%) or pseudo-arthrosis formation (17.3%). No pseudoarthroses were missed by scintigraphy. These results indicate that bone scintigraphy plays an important role in the post-operative care after Harrington's spondylodesis.

  13. Reflexões sobre a cultura da imagem e o imaginário feminino na publicidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verônica Dantas Meneses


    Full Text Available O paper reflete a construção de práticas de consumo sobre a idealização da imagem feminina a partir da publicidade. A análise mostrou corpos femininos erotizados e disciplinados, que vendem um padrão ideal de beleza distinto e distante da diversidade das mulheres brasileiras; as peças também apontam que a mulher na atualidade vivencia paradoxos uma vez que é preciso se anular em um determinado momento para poder ser uma mulher desejada e realizada em outro, e ainda apresentam o contexto de um reforço do imaginário feminino em torno de uma mistificação da mulher, mas tudo à luz da sociedade do consumo. Palavras-chave: Cultura da imagem; Ideal de beleza; mulher; publicidade.   ABSTRACT This paper reflects the building practices over idealization of the female image from the advertising. The analysis showed female bodies erotic themed and disciplined, who sell an ideal standard of beauty, which is distinct and distant from the diversity of Brazilian women. The analysis showed a female body erotizados and disciplined, who sell a standard ideal of beauty and far from the diversity of Brazilian women; On the other hand also showed that women nowadays experience paradoxes once you have to abort/sacrifice at a given time to be a desired and accomplished woman at another time; and still presents the context of female imaginary reinforcement around a mystification of women, but all around the consumption society. Keywords: image Culture; Ideal beauty; woman; publicity.   RESUMEN El documento refleja la construcción de las prácticas de consumo en la idealización de la imagen femenina de la publicidad. El análisis mostró cuerpos femeninos erotizados y disciplinados, que vender un ideal de la belleza distinto y distante de la diversidad de las mujeres brasileñas; las piezas también señalan que las mujeres hoy en día experiencia paradojas una vez que usted tiene que si cancelar en uno momento para ser una mujer deseada y realizada em

  14. Volvulus as a complication of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C.T. de Betue (Carlijn); D. Boersma (Doeke); M.W. Oomen (Matthijs W.); M.A. Benninga (Marc); J.R. de Jong (Justin)


    textabstractChronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPS) is a severe motility disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that presents with continuous or recurrent symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without evidence of a structural lesion occluding the intestinal lumen. Mechanical

  15. Volvulus as a complication of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Betue, Carlijn T.; Boersma, Doeke; Oomen, Matthijs W.; Benninga, Marc A.; de Jong, Justin R.


    Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPS) is a severe motility disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that presents with continuous or recurrent symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without evidence of a structural lesion occluding the intestinal lumen. Mechanical obstruction

  16. Congenital chloride diarrhea misdiagnosed as pseudo-Bartter syndrome. (United States)

    Saneian, Hossein; Bahraminia, Emad


    Congenital chloride diarrhea (CCD) is a rare autosomal recessive disease which is characterized by intractable diarrhea of infancy, failure to thrive, high fecal chloride, hypochloremia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia and metabolic alkalosis. In this case report, we present the first female and the second official case of CCD in Iran. A 15-month-old girl referred to our hospital due to failure to thrive and poor feeding. She had normal kidneys, liver and spleen. Treating her with Shohl's solution, thiazide and zinc sulfate did not result in weight gain. Consequently, pseudo-Bartter syndrome was suspected, she was treated with intravenous (IV) therapy to which she responded dramatically. In addition, hypokalemia resolved quickly. Since this does not usually happen in patients with the pseudo-Bartter syndrome, stool tests were performed. Abnormal level of chloride in stool suggested CCD and she was thus treated with IV fluid replacement, Total parentral nutrition and high dose of oral omeprazole (3 mg/kg/day). She gained 1 kg of weight and is doing fine until present. CCD is a rare hereditary cause of intractable diarrhea of infancy. It should be considered in infants with unknown severe electrolyte disturbances.

  17. Toeplitz Operators, Pseudo-Homogeneous Symbols, and Moment Maps on the Complex Projective Space

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Antonio Morales-Ramos


    Full Text Available Following previous works for the unit ball due to Nikolai Vasilevski, we define quasi-radial pseudo-homogeneous symbols on the projective space and obtain the corresponding commutativity results for Toeplitz operators. A geometric interpretation of these symbols in terms of moment maps is developed. This leads us to the introduction of a new family of symbols, extended pseudo-homogeneous, that provide larger commutative Banach algebras generated by Toeplitz operators. This family of symbols provides new commutative Banach algebras generated by Toeplitz operators on the unit ball.

  18. The pseudo-spin orbit interaction and the normal spin orbit interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugawara-Tanabe, K.


    We found the hidden symmetry of the pseudo-spin approximation which is inherent in the Dirac equation both for the spherical potential and for deformed potential with axially symmetric shape. We found two kinds of conditions for both cases, i.e., the exact conditions and the approximate condition for the pseudo-spin symmetry. The former condition is not always satisfied by the real nuclei, but the latter condition is realistic and applicable to the real nuclei. We found that the LS coupling scheme is restored not only for the parity doublet states by also for the other levels at superdeformation because of strong quadrupole field. The contribution from the unique-parity level to the E1 transition becomes non-negligible order in superdeformation. (author)

  19. Pseudo ventricular tachycardia: a case report.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Riaz, A


    BACKGROUND: Dramatic artifacts of pseudo flutter have been reported in the past secondary to various factors including tremor (Handwerker and Raptopoulos in N Engl J Med 356:503, 2007) and dialysis machines (Kostis et al. in J Electrocardiol 40(4):316-318, 2007). METHODS: We present this unusual case where the artifact, produced by tremor, was so pronounced to be misdiagnosed and treated as ventricular tachycardia. CONCLUSION: This case highlights the importance of correlating ECG findings with history and clinical examination and of using 12 lead ECGs for rhythm interpretation especially to confirm consistence of arrhythmias in all leads.

  20. Pseudo-Hermitian continuous-time quantum walks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salimi, S; Sorouri, A, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Kurdistan, PO Box 66177-15175, Sanandaj (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    In this paper we present a model exhibiting a new type of continuous-time quantum walk (as a quantum-mechanical transport process) on networks, which is described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian possessing a real spectrum. We call it pseudo-Hermitian continuous-time quantum walk. We introduce a method to obtain the probability distribution of walk on any vertex and then study a specific system. We observe that the probability distribution on certain vertices increases compared to that of the Hermitian case. This formalism makes the transport process faster and can be useful for search algorithms.

  1. Correlations of pseudo-random numbers of multiplicative sequence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bukin, A.D.


    An algorithm is suggested for searching with a computer in unit n-dimensional cube the sets of planes where all the points fall whose coordinates are composed of n successive pseudo-random numbers of multiplicative sequence. This effect should be taken into account in Monte-Carlo calculations with definite constructive dimension. The parameters of these planes are obtained for three random number generators. 2 refs.; 2 tabs

  2. Pseudo-absolute quantitative analysis using gas chromatography – Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy – A tutorial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bai, Ling [Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX (United States); Smuts, Jonathan; Walsh, Phillip [VUV Analytics, Inc., Cedar Park, TX (United States); Qiu, Changling [Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX (United States); McNair, Harold M. [Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA (United States); Schug, Kevin A., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX (United States)


    The vacuum ultraviolet detector (VUV) is a new non-destructive mass sensitive detector for gas chromatography that continuously and rapidly collects full wavelength range absorption between 120 and 240 nm. In addition to conventional methods of quantification (internal and external standard), gas chromatography - vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy has the potential for pseudo-absolute quantification of analytes based on pre-recorded cross sections (well-defined absorptivity across the 120–240 nm wavelength range recorded by the detector) without the need for traditional calibration. The pseudo-absolute method was used in this research to experimentally evaluate the sources of sample loss and gain associated with sample introduction into a typical gas chromatograph. Standard samples of benzene and natural gas were used to assess precision and accuracy for the analysis of liquid and gaseous samples, respectively, based on the amount of analyte loaded on-column. Results indicate that injection volume, split ratio, and sampling times for splitless analysis can all contribute to inaccurate, yet precise sample introduction. For instance, an autosampler can very reproducibly inject a designated volume, but there are significant systematic errors (here, a consistently larger volume than that designated) in the actual volume introduced. The pseudo-absolute quantification capability of the vacuum ultraviolet detector provides a new means for carrying out system performance checks and potentially for solving challenging quantitative analytical problems. For practical purposes, an internal standardized approach to normalize systematic errors can be used to perform quantitative analysis with the pseudo-absolute method. - Highlights: • Gas chromatography diagnostics and quantification using VUV detector. • Absorption cross-sections for molecules enable pseudo-absolute quantitation. • Injection diagnostics reveal systematic errors in hardware settings. • Internal

  3. Pseudo-absolute quantitative analysis using gas chromatography – Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy – A tutorial

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai, Ling; Smuts, Jonathan; Walsh, Phillip; Qiu, Changling; McNair, Harold M.; Schug, Kevin A.


    The vacuum ultraviolet detector (VUV) is a new non-destructive mass sensitive detector for gas chromatography that continuously and rapidly collects full wavelength range absorption between 120 and 240 nm. In addition to conventional methods of quantification (internal and external standard), gas chromatography - vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy has the potential for pseudo-absolute quantification of analytes based on pre-recorded cross sections (well-defined absorptivity across the 120–240 nm wavelength range recorded by the detector) without the need for traditional calibration. The pseudo-absolute method was used in this research to experimentally evaluate the sources of sample loss and gain associated with sample introduction into a typical gas chromatograph. Standard samples of benzene and natural gas were used to assess precision and accuracy for the analysis of liquid and gaseous samples, respectively, based on the amount of analyte loaded on-column. Results indicate that injection volume, split ratio, and sampling times for splitless analysis can all contribute to inaccurate, yet precise sample introduction. For instance, an autosampler can very reproducibly inject a designated volume, but there are significant systematic errors (here, a consistently larger volume than that designated) in the actual volume introduced. The pseudo-absolute quantification capability of the vacuum ultraviolet detector provides a new means for carrying out system performance checks and potentially for solving challenging quantitative analytical problems. For practical purposes, an internal standardized approach to normalize systematic errors can be used to perform quantitative analysis with the pseudo-absolute method. - Highlights: • Gas chromatography diagnostics and quantification using VUV detector. • Absorption cross-sections for molecules enable pseudo-absolute quantitation. • Injection diagnostics reveal systematic errors in hardware settings. • Internal

  4. Random matrix theory for pseudo-Hermitian systems: Cyclic blocks

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. We discuss the relevance of random matrix theory for pseudo-Hermitian sys- tems, and, for Hamiltonians that break parity P and time-reversal invariance T. In an attempt to understand the random Ising model, we present the treatment of cyclic asym- metric matrices with blocks and show that the nearest-neighbour ...

  5. Pseudo-Random Number Generators for Vector Processors and Multicore Processors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fog, Agner


    Large scale Monte Carlo applications need a good pseudo-random number generator capable of utilizing both the vector processing capabilities and multiprocessing capabilities of modern computers in order to get the maximum performance. The requirements for such a generator are discussed. New ways...

  6. High CO2 and silicate limitation synergistically increase the toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Avery O Tatters

    Full Text Available Anthropogenic CO(2 is progressively acidifying the ocean, but the responses of harmful algal bloom species that produce toxins that can bioaccumulate remain virtually unknown. The neurotoxin domoic acid is produced by the globally-distributed diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia. This toxin is responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning, which can result in illness or death in humans and regularly causes mass mortalities of marine mammals and birds. Domoic acid production by Pseudo-nitzschia cells is known to be regulated by nutrient availability, but potential interactions with increasing seawater CO(2 concentrations are poorly understood. Here we present experiments measuring domoic acid production by acclimatized cultures of Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta that demonstrate a strong synergism between projected future CO(2 levels (765 ppm and silicate-limited growth, which greatly increases cellular toxicity relative to growth under modern atmospheric (360 ppm or pre-industrial (200 ppm CO(2 conditions. Cellular Si:C ratios decrease with increasing CO(2, in a trend opposite to that seen for domoic acid production. The coastal California upwelling system where this species was isolated currently exhibits rapidly increasing levels of anthropogenic acidification, as well as widespread episodic silicate limitation of diatom growth. Our results suggest that the current ecosystem and human health impacts of toxic Pseudo-nitzschia blooms could be greatly exacerbated by future ocean acidification and 'carbon fertilization' of the coastal ocean.

  7. The effects of pseudo magnetic fields in molecular spectra and scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kendrick, B.K.


    Pseudo magnetic fields appear in the Born-Oppenheimer method for molecules when conical intersections or electronic angular momenta are taken into account. These fields are not real magnetic fields but they have the same mathematical properties and can lead to real observable effects in the dynamics of molecules. A general vector potential (gauge theory) approach for including these field effects in the Born-Oppenheimer method is introduced and applied to H + O 2 scattering and the vibrational spectrum of Na 3 (X) for zero total angular momentum (J = 0). The scattering results for HO 2 show significant shifts in the resonance energies and lifetimes due to a magnetic solenoid type field originating from the C 2v conical intersection in HO 2 . Significant changes in the state-to-state transition probabilities are also observed. The non-degenerate A 1 and A 2 vibrational spectra of Na 3 (X) show significant shifts in the energy levels due to a magnetic solenoid type field originating from the D 3h conical intersection in Na 3 . These two examples show that the effects of pseudo magnetic fields can be significant and in many cases they must be included in order to obtain agreement between theory and experiment. The newly developed gauge theory techniques for treating pseudo magnetic fields are also relevant for including the effects of real magnetic fields

  8. Inversion of Density Interfaces Using the Pseudo-Backpropagation Neural Network Method (United States)

    Chen, Xiaohong; Du, Yukun; Liu, Zhan; Zhao, Wenju; Chen, Xiaocheng


    This paper presents a new pseudo-backpropagation (BP) neural network method that can invert multi-density interfaces at one time. The new method is based on the conventional forward modeling and inverse modeling theories in addition to conventional pseudo-BP neural network arithmetic. A 3D inversion model for gravity anomalies of multi-density interfaces using the pseudo-BP neural network method is constructed after analyzing the structure and function of the artificial neural network. The corresponding iterative inverse formula of the space field is presented at the same time. Based on trials of gravity anomalies and density noise, the influence of the two kinds of noise on the inverse result is discussed and the scale of noise requested for the stability of the arithmetic is analyzed. The effects of the initial model on the reduction of the ambiguity of the result and improvement of the precision of inversion are discussed. The correctness and validity of the method were verified by the 3D model of the three interfaces. 3D inversion was performed on the observed gravity anomaly data of the Okinawa trough using the program presented herein. The Tertiary basement and Moho depth were obtained from the inversion results, which also testify the adaptability of the method. This study has made a useful attempt for the inversion of gravity density interfaces.

  9. Intrapulmonary pseudo-malposition of chest tubes on computed tomography (CT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flueckiger, F.; Kullnig, P.; Juettner-Smolle, F.; Melzer, G.; Graz Univ.


    The diagnosis of an intrapulmonary malposition of chest tubes on CT may be problematic. We report about 13 chest tubes which were suspected on CT to be in an intrapulmonary malposition. In all cases as well as clinical and radiological follow up ruled out such a malposition. The use of a stiff tube and the presence of a soft lung parenchyma obviously led to a sinking of the tube into a 'channel'. Whereas after removal of the tube in case of such a pseudo-malposition solely a transitory local fluid collection and later a tender scar is seen, real intrapumonary malposition leads to parenchymal injury and concomitant complications. The diagnosis of intrapulmonary malposition should be doubted, if the drain is positioned within the pleural space after having crossed the lung parenchyma in a supposed intrapulmonary rout. The CT criterias of this pseudo-malposition are presented and discussed. (orig.) [de

  10. Polynomial constitutive model for shape memory and pseudo elasticity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savi, M.A.; Kouzak, Z.


    This paper reports an one-dimensional phenomenological constitutive model for shape memory and pseudo elasticity using a polynomial expression for the free energy which is based on the classical Devonshire theory. This study identifies the main characteristics of the classical theory and introduces a simple modification to obtain better results. (author). 9 refs., 6 figs

  11. Exact solutions for isometric embeddings of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amery, G; Moodley, J


    Embeddings into higher dimensions are of direct importance in the study of higher dimensional theories of our Universe, in high energy physics and in classical general relativity. Theorems have been established that guarantee the existence of local and global codimension-1 embeddings between pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, particularly for Einstein embedding spaces. A technique has been provided to determine solutions to such embeddings. However, general solutions have not yet been found and most known explicit solutions are for embedded spaces with relatively simple Ricci curvature. Motivated by this, we have considered isometric embeddings of 4-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian spacetimes into 5-dimensional Einstein manifolds. We have applied the technique to treat specific 4-dimensional cases of interest in astrophysics and cosmology (including the global monopole exterior and Vaidya-de Sitter-class solutions), and provided novel physical insights into, for example, Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Since difficulties arise in solving the 5-dimensional equations for given 4-dimensional spaces, we have also investigated embedded spaces, which admit bulks with a particular metric form. These analyses help to provide insight to the general embedding problem

  12. Morfologia do sistema genital feminino da paca (Cuniculus paca, Linnaeus, 1766

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Carolina Gonçalves dos Reis


    Full Text Available Foi caracterizada a morfologia macroscópica do genital feminino, de seis exemplares adultos de paca (Cuniculus paca, mediante dissecação das cavidades abdominal e pélvica imediatamente após o óbito. Os ovários apresentam forma ovoide, achatados dorso-ventralmente, de coloração amarela esbranquiçada com pequenos pontos avermelhados em sua superfície; têm localização sublombar, caudal aos rins; estão envoltos por uma rasa bolsa ovárica e fixados pelo mesovário; a tuba uterina é um órgão par, de aspecto sinuoso, contínua aos ovários, estando inserida na mesossalpinge e se estendendo até o início de cada corno uterino correspondente. Os cornos uterinos retilíneos fixam-se à parede abdominal pelo mesométrio e se unem pelo ligamento intercornual na altura da entrada da pelve, onde se posicionam dorsalmente à vesícula urinária; duas cevices estão presentes, embora o septo uterino que as separa seja incompleto, caracterizando presença de dois óstios uterinos internos e um único óstio uterino externo, considerando-se este útero como duplo incompleto. A vagina é um órgão tubular que se posiciona ventral ao reto e dorsal à vesícula urinária e à uretra, não se verificou a presença de vestíbulo e a vagina e a uretra não possuem ponto comum de convergência, abrindo-se, cada uma delas, diretamente na região vulvar, que se apresenta plana, com reduzidos lábios vulvares, apenas o clitóris de forma cônica é pouco proeminente e apresenta duas estruturas pontiagudas em sua região distal. Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas mensurações realizadas nos ovários, tubas uterinas e cornos uterinos, ao se comparar os antímeros direito e esquerdo.

  13. Pseudo-direct bandgap transitions in silicon nanocrystals: effects on optoelectronics and thermoelectrics (United States)

    Singh, Vivek; Yu, Yixuan; Sun, Qi-C.; Korgel, Brian; Nagpal, Prashant


    While silicon nanostructures are extensively used in electronics, the indirect bandgap of silicon poses challenges for optoelectronic applications like photovoltaics and light emitting diodes (LEDs). Here, we show that size-dependent pseudo-direct bandgap transitions in silicon nanocrystals dominate the interactions between (photoexcited) charge carriers and phonons, and hence the optoelectronic properties of silicon nanocrystals. Direct measurements of the electronic density of states (DOS) for different sized silicon nanocrystals reveal that these pseudo-direct transitions, likely arising from the nanocrystal surface, can couple with the quantum-confined silicon states. Moreover, we demonstrate that since these transitions determine the interactions of charge carriers with phonons, they change the light emission, absorption, charge carrier diffusion and phonon drag (Seebeck coefficient) in nanoscaled silicon semiconductors. Therefore, these results can have important implications for the design of optoelectronics and thermoelectric devices based on nanostructured silicon.While silicon nanostructures are extensively used in electronics, the indirect bandgap of silicon poses challenges for optoelectronic applications like photovoltaics and light emitting diodes (LEDs). Here, we show that size-dependent pseudo-direct bandgap transitions in silicon nanocrystals dominate the interactions between (photoexcited) charge carriers and phonons, and hence the optoelectronic properties of silicon nanocrystals. Direct measurements of the electronic density of states (DOS) for different sized silicon nanocrystals reveal that these pseudo-direct transitions, likely arising from the nanocrystal surface, can couple with the quantum-confined silicon states. Moreover, we demonstrate that since these transitions determine the interactions of charge carriers with phonons, they change the light emission, absorption, charge carrier diffusion and phonon drag (Seebeck coefficient) in

  14. Composition of S^p-weighted pseudo almost automorphic functions and applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chuan-Hua Chen


    Full Text Available Since the background space of $S^p$-weighted pseudo almost automorphic functions (abbr. $S^p$-wpaa functions is endowed with a norm coming from $L^p$ norm, it is natural to consider the composition of $S^p$-wpaa functions under conditions of $L^p$ norm. However, the known resutls for composition of $S^p$-wpaa functions were always given under conditions of supremum norm. Motivated by this, we establish some new results for the composition of $S^p$-almost automorphic functions and $S^p$-wpaa functions under a ``uniform continuity condition'' with respect to $L^p$ norm. As an application, we prove the existence of mild weighted pseudo almost automorphic solutions for some semilinear differential equations with an $S^p$-wpaa force term. An example of the heat equation illustrates our results.

  15. Design of Long Period Pseudo-Random Sequences from the Addition of -Sequences over

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ren Jian


    Full Text Available Pseudo-random sequence with good correlation property and large linear span is widely used in code division multiple access (CDMA communication systems and cryptology for reliable and secure information transmission. In this paper, sequences with long period, large complexity, balance statistics, and low cross-correlation property are constructed from the addition of -sequences with pairwise-prime linear spans (AMPLS. Using -sequences as building blocks, the proposed method proved to be an efficient and flexible approach to construct long period pseudo-random sequences with desirable properties from short period sequences. Applying the proposed method to , a signal set is constructed.

  16. Pseudo-random number generators for Monte Carlo simulations on ATI Graphics Processing Units (United States)

    Demchik, Vadim


    Basic uniform pseudo-random number generators are implemented on ATI Graphics Processing Units (GPU). The performance results of the realized generators (multiplicative linear congruential (GGL), XOR-shift (XOR128), RANECU, RANMAR, RANLUX and Mersenne Twister (MT19937)) on CPU and GPU are discussed. The obtained speed up factor is hundreds of times in comparison with CPU. RANLUX generator is found to be the most appropriate for using on GPU in Monte Carlo simulations. The brief review of the pseudo-random number generators used in modern software packages for Monte Carlo simulations in high-energy physics is presented.

  17. Pseudo-icosahedral Cr55Al232 -δ as a high-temperature protective material (United States)

    Rosa, R.; Bhattacharya, S.; Pabla, J.; He, H.; Misuraca, J.; Nakajima, Y.; Bender, A. D.; Antonacci, A. K.; Adrip, W.; McNally, D. E.; Zebro, A.; Kamenov, P.; Geschwind, G.; Ghose, S.; Dooryhee, E.; Ibrahim, A.; Tritt, T. M.; Aronson, M. C.; Simonson, J. W.


    We report here a course of basic research into the potential suitability of a pseudo-icosahedral Cr aluminide as a material for high-temperature protective coatings. Cr55Al232 -δ [ δ =2.70 (6 ) ] exhibits high hardness at room temperature as well as low thermal conductivity and excellent oxidation resistance at 973 K, with an oxidation rate comparable to those of softer, denser benchmark materials. The origin of these promising properties can be traced to competing long-range and short-range symmetries within the pseudo-icosahedral crystal structure, suggesting new criteria for future materials research.

  18. Jogando com as feminilidades: um estudo etnográfico em um time de futsal feminino de Porto Alegre

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    Raquel da Silveira


    Full Text Available Esse estudo aborda o associativismo esportivo de mulheres. Trata-se de uma investigação etnográfica desenvolvida no contexto de um time de futsal feminino, onde procuramos saber como e porque mulheres se associam para praticar um esporte socialmente considerado masculino, e como essa prática se insere nas suas vidas. Após um ano de observação participante (diários de campo e realização de entrevistas (17, identificamos que a prática do futsal extrapola o jogo propriamente dito, sendo fortemente vinculada a questões de gênero e sexualidade presentes dentro e fora da quadra. Na relação com o esporte que elas escolheram praticar, esses temas se entrelaçavam no cotidiano das jogadoras, de forma heterogênea: se, por um lado, identificamos uma transgressão em relação aos padrões dominantes, por outro, também visualizamos a reprodução desses mesmos valores.

  19. Thermal spectrum of pseudo-scalar glueballs and Debye screening mass from holography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braga, Nelson R.F.; Ferreira, Luiz F. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The finite temperature spectrum of pseudo-scalar glueballs in a plasma is studied using a holographic model. The 0{sup -+} glueball is represented by a pseudo-scalar (axion) field living in a five dimensional geometry that comes from a solution of Einstein equations for gravity coupled with a dilaton scalar field. The spectral function obtained from the model shows a clear peak corresponding to the quasi-particle ground state. Analyzing the variation of the position of the peak with temperature, we describe the thermal behavior of the Debye screening mass of the plasma. As a check of consistency, the zero temperature limit of the model is also investigated. The glueball masses obtained are consistent with previous lattice results. (orig.)

  20. Differential activity in left inferior frontal gyrus for pseudo and real words: an event-related functional MRI study on auditory lexical decision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Zhuangwei; Xu Weixiong; Zhang Xuexin; Wang Xiaoyi; Weng Xuchu; Wu Renhua; Wu Xiaoping


    Objective: To study lexical processing of pseudo words and real words by using a fast event-related functional MRI (ER-fMRI) design. Methods: Participants did an auditory lexical decision task on a list of pseudo-randomly intermixed real and pseudo Chinese two-character (or two-syllable) words. Pseudo words were constructed by recombining constituent characters of the real words to control for sublexical codes properties. Results: The behavioral performance of fourteen participants indicated that response to pseudowords was significantly slower and less accurate than to real words (mean error rate: 9.9% versus 3.9%, mean reaction time: 1618 ms versus 1143 ms). Processing of pseudo words and real words activated a highly comparable network of brain regions, including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus, superior, middle temporal gyrus, calcarine and lingual gyrus, and left supramarginal gyrus. Mirroring a behavioral lexical effect, left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) was significantly more activated for pseudo words than for real words. Conclusion: The results indicate that the processing of left inferior frontal gyrus in judging pseudo words and real words is not related to grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, but rather to making positive versus negative responses in decision making. (authors)

  1. The effect of pseudo-microgravity on the symbiosis of plants and microorganisms (United States)

    Tomita-Yokotani, Kaori; Maki, Asano; Aoki, Toshio; Tamura, Kenji; Wada, Hidenori; Hashimoto, Hirofumi; Yamashita, Masamichi

    The symbiosis of plants and microorganisms is important to conduct agriculture under space environment. However, we have less knowledge on whether this kind of symbiosis can be established under space condition. We examined the functional compounds responsible to symbiosis between rhizobiaum and Lotus japonicus as a model of symbiotic combination. The existence of the substances for their symbiosis, some flavonoids, have already been known from the study of gene expression, but the detail structures have not yet been elucidated. Pseudomicrogravity was generated by the 3D-clinorotation. Twenty flavonoids were found in the extracts of 16 days plants of Lotus japonicus grown under the normal gravity by HPLC. Content of two flavonoids among them was affected by the infection of Mesorhizobium loti to them. It has a possibility that the two flavonoids were key substances for their combination process. The productions of those flavonoids were confirmed also under the pseudo-microgravity. The amount of one flavonoid was increased by both infection of rhizobium and exposure to the normal and pseudo-micro gravity. Chemical species of these flavonoids were identified by LC- ESI/MS and spectroscopic analysis. To show the effects of pseudo-microgravity on the gene expression, enzymic activities related to the functional compounds are evaluated after the rhizobial infection.

  2. West Coast DA Event data - West Coast Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia bloom (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Beginning in the spring of 2015 the US West Coast began to experience the most wide-spread toxic Pseudo-nitzschia bloom to date, after approximately eight years...

  3. Hyperkalemia masked by pseudo-stemi infarct pattern and cardiac arrest. (United States)

    Peerbhai, Shareez; Masha, Luke; DaSilva-DeAbreu, Adrian; Dhoble, Abhijeet


    Hyperkalemia is a common electrolyte abnormality and has well-recognized early electrocardiographic manifestations including PR prolongation and symmetric T wave peaking. With severe increase in serum potassium, dysrhythmias and atrioventricular and bundle branch blocks can be seen on electrocardiogram. Although cardiac arrest is a worrisome consequence of untreated hyperkalemia, rarely does hyperkalemia electrocardiographically manifest as acute ischemia. We present a case of acute renal failure complicated by malignant hyperkalemia and eventual ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest. Recognition of this disorder was delayed secondary to an initial ECG pattern suggesting an acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Emergent coronary angiography performed showed no evidence of coronary artery disease. Pseudo-STEMI patterns are rarely seen in association with acute hyperkalemia and are most commonly described with patient without acute cardiac symptomatology. This is the first such case presenting concurrently with cardiac arrest. A brief review of this rare pseudo-infarct pattern is also given.

  4. Geometric model of pseudo-distance measurement in satellite location systems (United States)

    Panchuk, K. L.; Lyashkov, A. A.; Lyubchinov, E. V.


    The existing mathematical model of pseudo-distance measurement in satellite location systems does not provide a precise solution of the problem, but rather an approximate one. The existence of such inaccuracy, as well as bias in measurement of distance from satellite to receiver, results in inaccuracy level of several meters. Thereupon, relevance of refinement of the current mathematical model becomes obvious. The solution of the system of quadratic equations used in the current mathematical model is based on linearization. The objective of the paper is refinement of current mathematical model and derivation of analytical solution of the system of equations on its basis. In order to attain the objective, geometric analysis is performed; geometric interpretation of the equations is given. As a result, an equivalent system of equations, which allows analytical solution, is derived. An example of analytical solution implementation is presented. Application of analytical solution algorithm to the problem of pseudo-distance measurement in satellite location systems allows to improve the accuracy such measurements.

  5. An ecological study of a massive bloom of toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia cuspidata off the Washington State coast

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trainer, Vera; Wells, Mark L; Cochlan, William P


    not significant. Variable ratios of pDA:dDA in the eddy region suggest that DA release was under cellular regulation by Pseudo-nitzschia. Stations where dissolved Fe concentrations were limiting (,0.5 nmol L-1) had the highest Pseudo-nitzschia abundances and pDA and cellular DA values. These results provide...

  6. Role of pseudo-turbulent stresses in shocked particle clouds and construction of surrogate models for closure (United States)

    Sen, O.; Gaul, N. J.; Davis, S.; Choi, K. K.; Jacobs, G.; Udaykumar, H. S.


    Macroscale models of shock-particle interactions require closure terms for unresolved solid-fluid momentum and energy transfer. These comprise the effects of mean as well as fluctuating fluid-phase velocity fields in the particle cloud. Mean drag and Reynolds stress equivalent terms (also known as pseudo-turbulent terms) appear in the macroscale equations. Closure laws for the pseudo-turbulent terms are constructed in this work from ensembles of high-fidelity mesoscale simulations. The computations are performed over a wide range of Mach numbers ( M) and particle volume fractions (φ ) and are used to explicitly compute the pseudo-turbulent stresses from the Favre average of the velocity fluctuations in the flow field. The computed stresses are then used as inputs to a Modified Bayesian Kriging method to generate surrogate models. The surrogates can be used as closure models for the pseudo-turbulent terms in macroscale computations of shock-particle interactions. It is found that the kinetic energy associated with the velocity fluctuations is comparable to that of the mean flow—especially for increasing M and φ . This work is a first attempt to quantify and evaluate the effect of velocity fluctuations for problems of shock-particle interactions.

  7. Specificity of lipoxygenase pathways supports species delineation in the marine diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nadia Lamari

    Full Text Available Oxylipins are low-molecular weight secondary metabolites derived from the incorporation of oxygen into the carbon chains of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs. Oxylipins are produced in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic lineages where they are involved in a broad spectrum of actions spanning from stress and defense responses, regulation of growth and development, signaling, and innate immunity. We explored the diversity in oxylipin patterns in the marine planktonic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia. This genus includes several species only distinguishable with the aid of molecular markers. Oxylipin profiles of cultured strains were obtained by reverse phase column on a liquid chromatograph equipped with UV photodiode detector and q-ToF mass spectrometer. Lipoxygenase compounds were mapped on phylogenies of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia inferred from the nuclear encoded hyper-variable region of the LSU rDNA and the plastid encoded rbcL. Results showed that the genus Pseudo-nitzschia exhibits a rich and varied lipoxygenase metabolism of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, with a high level of specificity for oxylipin markers that generally corroborated the genotypic delineation, even among genetically closely related cryptic species. These results suggest that oxylipin profiles constitute additional identification tools for Pseudo-nitzschia species providing a functional support to species delineation obtained with molecular markers and morphological traits. The exploration of the diversity, patterns and plasticity of oxylipin production across diatom species and genera will also provide insights on the ecological functions of these secondary metabolites and on the selective pressures driving their diversification.

  8. Natural inflation with pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freese, K.; Frieman, J.A.; Olinto, A.V.


    We show that a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson, with a potential of the form V(φ)=Λ 4 [1±cos(φ/f)], can naturally give rise to an epoch of inflation in the early Universe. Successful inflation can be achieved if f∼m Pl and Λ∼m GUT . Such mass scales arise in particle-physics models with a gauge group that becomes strongly interacting at a scale ∼Λ, e.g., as can happen in superstring theories. The density fluctuation spectrum is non-scale-invariant, with extra power on large length scales

  9. Strain-Induced Pseudo--Magnetic Fields in Graphene: MegaGauss in Nanobubbles (United States)

    Levy, Niv


    Recent theoretical proposals suggest that strain can be used to modify graphene electronic states through the creation of a pseudo--magnetic field. This effect is unique to graphene because of its massless Dirac fermion-like band structure and particular lattice symmetry (C3v). Scanning tunneling microscopy shows that graphene grown on a platinum (111) surface forms nanobubbles, which are highly strained due to thermal expansion mismatch between the film and the substrate. We find that scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements of these nanobubbles exhibit Landau levels that form in the presence of strain-induced pseudo--magnetic fields greater than 300 Tesla. This demonstration of enormous pseudo--magnetic fields opens the door to both the study of charge carriers in previously inaccessible high magnetic field regimes and deliberate mechanical control over electronic structure in graphene or so-called ``strain engineering''. In collaboration with S. A. Burke ,2 , K. L. Meaker 2 , M. Panlasigui 2 , A. Zettl 2,3 , F. Guinea 4 , A. H. Castro Neto 5 and M. F. Crommie 2,3 . 1. Present address: Department of Physics and Astronomy and Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 121, Canada. 2. Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 3. Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 4. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC), Madrid 28049, Spain. 5. Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA.

  10. About the problem of generating three-dimensional pseudo-random points. (United States)

    Carpintero, D. D.

    The author demonstrates that a popular pseudo-random number generator is not adequate in some circumstances to generate n-dimensional random points, n > 2. This problem is particularly noxious when direction cosines are generated. He proposes several soultions, among them a good generator that satisfies all statistical criteria.

  11. Pseudo information entropy of a three-level atom interaction with two ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    of enormous utility in quantum computing, cryptography etc. A major ... The central object of information theory, the entropy, has been introduced in .... the interference terms and therefore [7], it is expected to use pseudo entropy as a measure.

  12. Sparse Pseudo Spectral Projection Methods with Directional Adaptation for Uncertainty Quantification

    KAUST Repository

    Winokur, J.; Kim, D.; Bisetti, Fabrizio; Le Maî tre, O. P.; Knio, Omar


    We investigate two methods to build a polynomial approximation of a model output depending on some parameters. The two approaches are based on pseudo-spectral projection (PSP) methods on adaptively constructed sparse grids, and aim at providing a

  13. A maximum pseudo-likelihood approach for estimating species trees under the coalescent model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edwards Scott V


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Several phylogenetic approaches have been developed to estimate species trees from collections of gene trees. However, maximum likelihood approaches for estimating species trees under the coalescent model are limited. Although the likelihood of a species tree under the multispecies coalescent model has already been derived by Rannala and Yang, it can be shown that the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE of the species tree (topology, branch lengths, and population sizes from gene trees under this formula does not exist. In this paper, we develop a pseudo-likelihood function of the species tree to obtain maximum pseudo-likelihood estimates (MPE of species trees, with branch lengths of the species tree in coalescent units. Results We show that the MPE of the species tree is statistically consistent as the number M of genes goes to infinity. In addition, the probability that the MPE of the species tree matches the true species tree converges to 1 at rate O(M -1. The simulation results confirm that the maximum pseudo-likelihood approach is statistically consistent even when the species tree is in the anomaly zone. We applied our method, Maximum Pseudo-likelihood for Estimating Species Trees (MP-EST to a mammal dataset. The four major clades found in the MP-EST tree are consistent with those in the Bayesian concatenation tree. The bootstrap supports for the species tree estimated by the MP-EST method are more reasonable than the posterior probability supports given by the Bayesian concatenation method in reflecting the level of uncertainty in gene trees and controversies over the relationship of four major groups of placental mammals. Conclusions MP-EST can consistently estimate the topology and branch lengths (in coalescent units of the species tree. Although the pseudo-likelihood is derived from coalescent theory, and assumes no gene flow or horizontal gene transfer (HGT, the MP-EST method is robust to a small amount of HGT in the

  14. Three-dimensional pseudo-random number generator for implementing in hybrid computer systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, M.A.; Vasil'ev, N.P.; Voronin, A.V.; Kravtsov, M.Yu.; Maksutov, A.A.; Spiridonov, A.A.; Khudyakova, V.I.; Chugunkov, I.V.


    The algorithm for generating pseudo-random numbers oriented to implementation by using hybrid computer systems is considered. The proposed solution is characterized by a high degree of parallel computing [ru

  15. Reality of Energy Spectra in Multi-dimensional Hamiltonians Having Pseudo Hermiticity with Respect to the Exchange Operator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nanayakkara, Asiri


    The pseudo Hermiticity with respect to the exchange operators of N-D complex Hamiltonians is investigated. It is shown that if an N-D Hamiltonian is pseudo Hermitian and any eigenfunction of it retains π α T symmetry then the corresponding eigen value is real, where π α is an exchange operator with respect to the permutation α of coordinates and T is the time reversal operator. We construct a special class of N-D pseudo Hermitian Hamiltonians with respect to exchange operators from both N/2-D and N-D general complex Hamiltonians. Examples are presented for Hamiltonians with πT symmetry (π:x↔y, p x ↔p y ) and the reality of these systems are investigated.

  16. Inventare l’altro. Forme di pseudo-traduzione nella scrittura di Salvatore Di Giacomo e Luigi Capuana.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valentina Fulginiti


    Full Text Available Being an extreme case of fictitious representation of linguistic otherness, pseudo-translation challenges the idea of a fatal and exclusive link between language and national ethos, a fundamental notion in the Nineteenth-century linguistic and literary culture. The present article compares two emblematic cases of pseudo-translation in post-Unification Italian culture: Luigi Capuana’s hoax Un poeta danese (published in 1882 and the earliest short stories published by Salvatore di Giacomo in 1878, mistakenly considered a plagiarizing translation from an uncredited German original. Their use of pseudo-translation is marked by opposite goals of parody and stylistic imitation; however, both authors challenge the fundamental assumption underlying the notion of «ethnicity of language». Pseudo-translation thus becomes a space of linguistic elaboration, complementary to the author’s direct involvement in translating major European works into Italian (such as Ibsen’s masterpiece A House of Dolls, which Capuana translated in 1891, and Edmond de Goncourt’s novel Sœur Philomèle, which Di Giacomo translated in 1892. Translation thus provides a free space for authors to experiment with new expressive solutions and challenge commonplaces about language and identity: such reflection on the limits of language and nations represent a direct contribution to the linguistic unification of Italy. Caso estremo di rappresentazione fittizia del- l’alterità linguistica, la pseudo-traduzione chiama in causa l’idea del legame unico e “fatale” fra lingua e nazione – concetto fondamentale nella cultura linguistica del XIX secolo. L’articolo mette a confronto due casi emblematici di pseudo-traduzione nella cultura meridionale post-unitaria: la beffa letteraria di Luigi Capuana Un poeta danese (1882 e le ‘tedescherie’ di Salvatore di Giacomo, gruppo di novelle pubblicate nel 1878 che molti considerarono (a torto un plagio da ignoto autore tedesco

  17. Pseudo-potential method for taking into account the Pauli principle in cluster systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krasnopol'skii, V.M.; Kukulin, V.I.


    In order to take account of the Pauli principle in cluster systems (such as 3α, α + α + n) a convenient method of renormalization of the cluster-cluster deep attractive potentials with forbidden states is suggested. The renormalization consists of adding projectors upon the occupied states with an infinite coupling constant to the initial deep potential which means that we pass to pseudo-potentials. The pseudo-potential approach in projecting upon the noneigenstates is shown to be equivalent to the orthogonality condition model of Saito et al. The orthogonality of the many-particle wave function to the forbidden states of each two-cluster sub-system is clearly demonstrated

  18. Photoproduction of colored pseudo-Goldstone bosons at very high energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grifols, J.A.; Mendez, A.


    We estimate the photoproduction cross section of the color-octet pseudo-Goldstone bosons P 0 8 and P 3 8 in e-p collisions at very high energy. The calculated rates are within detectability limits, especially for the P 3 8 state which, besides, cannot be produced in hadron-hardon interactions

  19. Two component WIMP-FImP dark matter model with singlet fermion, scalar and pseudo scalar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dutta Banik, Amit; Pandey, Madhurima; Majumdar, Debasish [Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, HBNI, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology Division, Kolkata (India); Biswas, Anirban [Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad (India)


    We explore a two component dark matter model with a fermion and a scalar. In this scenario the Standard Model (SM) is extended by a fermion, a scalar and an additional pseudo scalar. The fermionic component is assumed to have a global U(1){sub DM} and interacts with the pseudo scalar via Yukawa interaction while a Z{sub 2} symmetry is imposed on the other component - the scalar. These ensure the stability of both dark matter components. Although the Lagrangian of the present model is CP conserving, the CP symmetry breaks spontaneously when the pseudo scalar acquires a vacuum expectation value (VEV). The scalar component of the dark matter in the present model also develops a VEV on spontaneous breaking of the Z{sub 2} symmetry. Thus the various interactions of the dark sector and the SM sector occur through the mixing of the SM like Higgs boson, the pseudo scalar Higgs like boson and the singlet scalar boson. We show that the observed gamma ray excess from the Galactic Centre as well as the 3.55 keV X-ray line from Perseus, Andromeda etc. can be simultaneously explained in the present two component dark matter model and the dark matter self interaction is found to be an order of magnitude smaller than the upper limit estimated from the observational results. (orig.)

  20. Pseudo random number generator based on quantum chaotic map (United States)

    Akhshani, A.; Akhavan, A.; Mobaraki, A.; Lim, S.-C.; Hassan, Z.


    For many years dissipative quantum maps were widely used as informative models of quantum chaos. In this paper, a new scheme for generating good pseudo-random numbers (PRNG), based on quantum logistic map is proposed. Note that the PRNG merely relies on the equations used in the quantum chaotic map. The algorithm is not complex, which does not impose high requirement on computer hardware and thus computation speed is fast. In order to face the challenge of using the proposed PRNG in quantum cryptography and other practical applications, the proposed PRNG is subjected to statistical tests using well-known test suites such as NIST, DIEHARD, ENT and TestU01. The results of the statistical tests were promising, as the proposed PRNG successfully passed all these tests. Moreover, the degree of non-periodicity of the chaotic sequences of the quantum map is investigated through the Scale index technique. The obtained result shows that, the sequence is more non-periodic. From these results it can be concluded that, the new scheme can generate a high percentage of usable pseudo-random numbers for simulation and other applications in scientific computing.

  1. Pseudo-osteomyelitic crisis upon presentation of Gaucher disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weisstein, J.S.; Steinbach, L.S.; Diamond, C.A.; Huang, S.J.; O'Donnell, R.J.


    We report on a 4-year-old boy adopted from Paraguay who presented with an acute onset of thigh pain. Initial clinical, imaging, and histopathologic findings suggested florid osteomyelitis. However, the development of pancytopenia on intravenous antibiotics prompted further investigation and the ultimate diagnosis of Gaucher disease. In retrospect, characteristic changes on conventional radiographic and MR images, as well as growth of a contaminant organism, pointed to the diagnosis of pseudo-osteomyelitis rather than osteomyelitis. (orig.)

  2. Lensless digital holography with diffuse illumination through a pseudo-random phase mask. (United States)

    Bernet, Stefan; Harm, Walter; Jesacher, Alexander; Ritsch-Marte, Monika


    Microscopic imaging with a setup consisting of a pseudo-random phase mask, and an open CMOS camera, without an imaging objective, is demonstrated. The pseudo random phase mask acts as a diffuser for an incoming laser beam, scattering a speckle pattern to a CMOS chip, which is recorded once as a reference. A sample which is afterwards inserted somewhere in the optical beam path changes the speckle pattern. A single (non-iterative) image processing step, comparing the modified speckle pattern with the previously recorded one, generates a sharp image of the sample. After a first calibration the method works in real-time and allows quantitative imaging of complex (amplitude and phase) samples in an extended three-dimensional volume. Since no lenses are used, the method is free from lens abberations. Compared to standard inline holography the diffuse sample illumination improves the axial sectioning capability by increasing the effective numerical aperture in the illumination path, and it suppresses the undesired so-called twin images. For demonstration, a high resolution spatial light modulator (SLM) is programmed to act as the pseudo-random phase mask. We show experimental results, imaging microscopic biological samples, e.g. insects, within an extended volume at a distance of 15 cm with a transverse and longitudinal resolution of about 60 μm and 400 μm, respectively.

  3. Texture-dependent effects of pseudo-chewing sound on perceived food texture and evoked feelings in response to nursing care foods. (United States)

    Endo, Hiroshi; Ino, Shuichi; Fujisaki, Waka


    Because chewing sounds influence perceived food textures, unpleasant textures of texture-modified diets might be improved by chewing sound modulation. Additionally, since inhomogeneous food properties increase perceived sensory intensity, the effects of chewing sound modulation might depend on inhomogeneity. This study examined the influences of texture inhomogeneity on the effects of chewing sound modulation. Three kinds of nursing care foods in two food process types (minced-/puréed-like foods for inhomogeneous/homogeneous texture respectively) were used as sample foods. A pseudo-chewing sound presentation system, using electromyogram signals, was used to modulate chewing sounds. Thirty healthy elderly participants participated in the experiment. In two conditions with and without the pseudo-chewing sound, participants rated the taste, texture, and evoked feelings in response to sample foods. The results showed that inhomogeneity strongly influenced the perception of food texture. Regarding the effects of the pseudo-chewing sound, taste was less influenced, the perceived food texture tended to change in the minced-like foods, and evoked feelings changed in both food process types. Though there were some food-dependent differences in the effects of the pseudo-chewing sound, the presentation of the pseudo-chewing sounds was more effective in foods with an inhomogeneous texture. In addition, it was shown that the pseudo-chewing sound might have positively influenced feelings. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. [A swollen, painless calf caused by neurogenic muscle (pseudo)-hypertrophy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warrenburg, B.P.C. van de; Zwarts, M.J.; Engelen, B.G.M. van


    Neurogenic muscle (pseudo) hypertrophy of the calf was diagnosed in a 60-year-old man, who presented with chronic, painless and unilateral calf enlargement caused by a chronic S1 radiculopathy due to a lumbar disc hernia in the L5-S1 interspace. The differential diagnosis of a swelling of the calf

  5. Pseudo-gonio synechia: an artifact on two-mirror gonioscopy. (United States)

    Garudadri, Chandra Sekhar


    Gonioscopy is an important component of evaluation of any glaucoma patient. Goldmann two-mirror and Sussman or Zeiss four-mirror are the commonly used gonioscopes. Presence of synechia in the angle is diagnostic of angle closure disease in an occludable angle. A patient with pseudo-gonio synechia that disappeared on indentation gonioscopy with Sussman lens but persisted with manipulation gonioscopy with a Goldmann lens is reported.

  6. Pseudo-gonio synechia: An artifact on two-mirror gonioscopy


    Garudadri, Chandra Sekhar


    Gonioscopy is an important component of evaluation of any glaucoma patient. Goldmann two-mirror and Sussman or Zeiss four-mirror are the commonly used gonioscopes. Presence of synechia in the angle is diagnostic of angle closure disease in an occludable angle. A patient with pseudo-goniosynechia that disappeared on indentation gonioscopy with Sussman lens but persisted with manipulation gonioscopy with a Goldmann lens is reported.

  7. Contribution to the study of 'Pseudo-spark' discharges applied to the realisation of latch devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauville, Gerard


    The objective of this research thesis is to study discharges growing from a hollow geometry of electrodes for pressures on the left side of the Paschen minimum. The study characterises the main conduction phase by experimentally determining the discharge voltage and current. Based on a numerical analysis, the author deduces some macroscopic characteristics such as voltage mean value, dissipated energy, with respect to the variation of various parameters such as gas pressure and nature, discharge duration, and electrode cavity geometries. After a first part on switches (technological applications, switches, pseudo-spark breakers), the author addresses the discharges (presentation of a 'pseudo-spark'-type discharge, involved physical mechanisms, methods of initiation of pseudo-spark discharges, triggering by a magnetic field pulse). The next part describes the test bench in a detailed way (electrodes, triggering system, electric configurations), and the last part reports the experimental study. It addresses the following issues: distribution of magnetic field lines, voltage drop, conjunction phase, discharge footprints on the surfaces, propagation rate, disjunction [fr


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. C. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A method for analysis of the electric potential profile in saline solutions was developed for systems with one or two infinite flat plates. A modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation, taking into account nonelectrostatic interactions between ions and surfaces, was used. To solve the stated problem in the steady-state approach the finite-difference method was used. For the formulated pseudo-transient problem, we solved the set of ordinary differential equations generated from the algebraic equations of the stationary case. A case study was also carried out in relation to temperature, solution concentration, surface charge and salt-type. The results were validated by the stationary problem solution, which had also been used to verify the ionic specificity for different salts. The pseudo-transient approach allowed a better understanding of the dynamic behavior of the ion-concentration profile and other properties due to the surface charge variation.

  9. Causal inference in survival analysis using pseudo-observations. (United States)

    Andersen, Per K; Syriopoulou, Elisavet; Parner, Erik T


    Causal inference for non-censored response variables, such as binary or quantitative outcomes, is often based on either (1) direct standardization ('G-formula') or (2) inverse probability of treatment assignment weights ('propensity score'). To do causal inference in survival analysis, one needs to address right-censoring, and often, special techniques are required for that purpose. We will show how censoring can be dealt with 'once and for all' by means of so-called pseudo-observations when doing causal inference in survival analysis. The pseudo-observations can be used as a replacement of the outcomes without censoring when applying 'standard' causal inference methods, such as (1) or (2) earlier. We study this idea for estimating the average causal effect of a binary treatment on the survival probability, the restricted mean lifetime, and the cumulative incidence in a competing risks situation. The methods will be illustrated in a small simulation study and via a study of patients with acute myeloid leukemia who received either myeloablative or non-myeloablative conditioning before allogeneic hematopoetic cell transplantation. We will estimate the average causal effect of the conditioning regime on outcomes such as the 3-year overall survival probability and the 3-year risk of chronic graft-versus-host disease. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  10. Statistics on Lie groups: A need to go beyond the pseudo-Riemannian framework (United States)

    Miolane, Nina; Pennec, Xavier


    Lie groups appear in many fields from Medical Imaging to Robotics. In Medical Imaging and particularly in Computational Anatomy, an organ's shape is often modeled as the deformation of a reference shape, in other words: as an element of a Lie group. In this framework, if one wants to model the variability of the human anatomy, e.g. in order to help diagnosis of diseases, one needs to perform statistics on Lie groups. A Lie group G is a manifold that carries an additional group structure. Statistics on Riemannian manifolds have been well studied with the pioneer work of Fréchet, Karcher and Kendall [1, 2, 3, 4] followed by others [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. In order to use such a Riemannian structure for statistics on Lie groups, one needs to define a Riemannian metric that is compatible with the group structure, i.e a bi-invariant metric. However, it is well known that general Lie groups which cannot be decomposed into the direct product of compact and abelian groups do not admit a bi-invariant metric. One may wonder if removing the positivity of the metric, thus asking only for a bi-invariant pseudo-Riemannian metric, would be sufficient for most of the groups used in Computational Anatomy. In this paper, we provide an algorithmic procedure that constructs bi-invariant pseudo-metrics on a given Lie group G. The procedure relies on a classification theorem of Medina and Revoy. However in doing so, we prove that most Lie groups do not admit any bi-invariant (pseudo-) metric. We conclude that the (pseudo-) Riemannian setting is not the richest setting if one wants to perform statistics on Lie groups. One may have to rely on another framework, such as affine connection space.

  11. (Encenação teatral: A representação do feminino em The Countess Cathleen, de William Yeats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimundo Expedito dos Santos Sousa


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina as figurações do feminino em The Countess Cathleen, primeira peça que o escritor William Yeats escreveu para o Irish Literary Theatre, veio teatral do nacionalismo cultural irlandês. A peça foi produzida em um projeto de nação que, a fim de provar a virilidade dos homens nativos, subestimada pelo imperialismo britânico, instaurou um código de hipermasculinidade que demandava, em complemento, um código de hiperfeminilidade análogo. Atento às especificidades desse contexto de produção, o trabalho focaliza a construção da protagonista, a Condessa Cathleen, com ênfase na dicotomia entre erotismo e sacrifício. A análise permite considerar que Yeats se valeu de elementos da hagiografia como forma de heroificar a personagem como emblema da resignação feminina e, sobretudo, como modo de salientar a incompatibilidade entre o ethos sacrificial e o amor romântico.

  12. Approximate Solution of Schrödinger Equation with Pseudo-Gaussian Potential Viewed as a Perturbation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iacob Theodor-Felix


    Full Text Available We consider the Schrödinger equation with pseudo-Gaussian potential and point out that it is basically made up by a term representing the harmonic oscillator potential and an additional term, which is actually a power series that converges rapidly. Based on this observation the system can be considered as a perturbation of harmonic oscillator. The perturbation method is used to approximate the energy levels of pseudo- Gaussian oscillator. The results are compared with those obtained in the analytic and numeric case.

  13. The gravitational wave stress–energy (pseudo)-tensor in modified gravity (United States)

    Saffer, Alexander; Yunes, Nicolás; Yagi, Kent


    The recent detections of gravitational waves by the advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors open up new tests of modified gravity theories in the strong-field and dynamical, extreme gravity regime. Such tests rely sensitively on the phase evolution of the gravitational waves, which is controlled by the energy–momentum carried by such waves out of the system. We here study four different methods for finding the gravitational wave stress–energy pseudo-tensor in gravity theories with any combination of scalar, vector, or tensor degrees of freedom. These methods rely on the second variation of the action under short-wavelength averaging, the second perturbation of the field equations in the short-wavelength approximation, the construction of an energy complex leading to a Landau–Lifshitz tensor, and the use of Noether’s theorem in field theories about a flat background. We apply these methods in general relativity, Jordan–Fierz–Brans–Dicky theoy, and Einstein-Æther theory to find the gravitational wave stress–energy pseudo-tensor and calculate the rate at which energy and linear momentum is carried away from the system. The stress–energy tensor and the rate of linear momentum loss in Einstein-Æther theory are presented here for the first time. We find that all methods yield the same rate of energy loss, although the stress–energy pseudo-tensor can be functionally different. We also find that the Noether method yields a stress–energy tensor that is not symmetric or gauge-invariant, and symmetrization via the Belinfante procedure does not fix these problems because this procedure relies on Lorentz invariance, which is spontaneously broken in Einstein-Æther theory. The methods and results found here will be useful for the calculation of predictions in modified gravity theories that can then be contrasted with observations.

  14. New Trends in Pseudo-Random Number Generation (United States)

    Gutbrod, F.

    Properties of pseudo-random number generators are reviewed. The emphasis is on correlations between successive random numbers and their suppression by improvement steps. The generators under discussion are the linear congruential generators, lagged Fibonacci generators with various operations, and the improvement techniques combination, shuffling and decimation. The properties of the RANSHI generator are reviewed somewhat more extensively. The transition to 64-bit technology is discussed in several cases. The generators are subject to several tests, which look both for short range and for long range correlations. Some performance figures are given for a Pentium Pro PC. Recommendations are presented in the final chapter.

  15. Adhesive Ileus Complicating Recurrent Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in a Patient with Myasthenia Gravis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charalampos Seretis


    Full Text Available Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is considered to be one of the most frequent gastrointestinal manifestations of myasthenia gravis, accompanied by the presence of neoplasia of the thymus gland in the vast majority of the cases presented in the international literature. Despite the fact that myasthenia gravis has been implicated to be the cause of recurrent episodes of intestinal pseudo-obstruction, adhesive ileus has never been reported to complicate this – in any sense rare – condition. We present a unique case of a patient with myasthenia gravis, free of thymus neoplasia, who was submitted to emergency surgery due to the presence of extended adhesive ileus as a complication of chronic intestinal functional obstruction.

  16. The two-body problem of a pseudo-rigid body and a rigid sphere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Kristian Uldall; Vereshchagin, M.; Gózdziewski, K.


    n this paper we consider the two-body problem of a spherical pseudo-rigid body and a rigid sphere. Due to the rotational and "re-labelling" symmetries, the system is shown to possess conservation of angular momentum and circulation. We follow a reduction procedure similar to that undertaken...... in the study of the two-body problem of a rigid body and a sphere so that the computed reduced non-canonical Hamiltonian takes a similar form. We then consider relative equilibria and show that the notions of locally central and planar equilibria coincide. Finally, we show that Riemann's theorem on pseudo......-rigid bodies has an extension to this system for planar relative equilibria....

  17. Regression analysis of censored data using pseudo-observations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Parner, Erik T.; Andersen, Per Kragh


    We draw upon a series of articles in which a method based on pseu- dovalues is proposed for direct regression modeling of the survival function, the restricted mean, and the cumulative incidence function in competing risks with right-censored data. The models, once the pseudovalues have been...... computed, can be fit using standard generalized estimating equation software. Here we present Stata procedures for computing these pseudo-observations. An example from a bone marrow transplantation study is used to illustrate the method....

  18. Zero-Echo-Time and Dixon Deep Pseudo-CT (ZeDD CT): Direct Generation of Pseudo-CT Images for Pelvic PET/MRI Attenuation Correction Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Multiparametric MRI. (United States)

    Leynes, Andrew P; Yang, Jaewon; Wiesinger, Florian; Kaushik, Sandeep S; Shanbhag, Dattesh D; Seo, Youngho; Hope, Thomas A; Larson, Peder E Z


    Accurate quantification of uptake on PET images depends on accurate attenuation correction in reconstruction. Current MR-based attenuation correction methods for body PET use a fat and water map derived from a 2-echo Dixon MRI sequence in which bone is neglected. Ultrashort-echo-time or zero-echo-time (ZTE) pulse sequences can capture bone information. We propose the use of patient-specific multiparametric MRI consisting of Dixon MRI and proton-density-weighted ZTE MRI to directly synthesize pseudo-CT images with a deep learning model: we call this method ZTE and Dixon deep pseudo-CT (ZeDD CT). Methods: Twenty-six patients were scanned using an integrated 3-T time-of-flight PET/MRI system. Helical CT images of the patients were acquired separately. A deep convolutional neural network was trained to transform ZTE and Dixon MR images into pseudo-CT images. Ten patients were used for model training, and 16 patients were used for evaluation. Bone and soft-tissue lesions were identified, and the SUV max was measured. The root-mean-squared error (RMSE) was used to compare the MR-based attenuation correction with the ground-truth CT attenuation correction. Results: In total, 30 bone lesions and 60 soft-tissue lesions were evaluated. The RMSE in PET quantification was reduced by a factor of 4 for bone lesions (10.24% for Dixon PET and 2.68% for ZeDD PET) and by a factor of 1.5 for soft-tissue lesions (6.24% for Dixon PET and 4.07% for ZeDD PET). Conclusion: ZeDD CT produces natural-looking and quantitatively accurate pseudo-CT images and reduces error in pelvic PET/MRI attenuation correction compared with standard methods. © 2018 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

  19. Universal effective coupling constant ratios of 3D scalar ϕ4 field theory and pseudo-ϵ expansion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sokolov A. I.


    Full Text Available The ratios R2k = g2k/gk − 14 of renormalized coupling constants g2k entering the small-field equation of state approach universal values R*2k at criticality. They are calculated for the three-dimensional λϕ4 field theory within the pseudo-ϵ expansion approach. Pseudo-ϵ expansions for R*6, R*8, R*10 are derived in the five-loop approximation, numerical estimates are obtained with a help of the Padé–Borel–Leroy resummation technique. Its use gives R*6 = 1.6488, the number which perfectly agrees with the most recent lattice result R*6 = 1.649. For the octic coupling the pseudo-ϵ expansion is less favorable numerically. Nevertheless the Padé–Borel–Leroy resummation leads to the estimate R*8 = 0.890 close to the values R*8 = 0.87, R*8 = 0.857 extracted from the lattice and field-theoretical calculations. The pseudo-ϵ expansion for R*10 turns out to have big and rapidly increasing coefficients. This makes correspondent estimates strongly dependent on the Borel–Leroy shift parameter b and prevents proper evaluation of R*10

  20. A Pseudo-Bayesian Model for Stock Returns In Financial Crises

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric S. Fung


    Full Text Available Recently, there has been a considerable interest in the Bayesian approach for explaining investors' behaviorial biases by incorporating conservative and representative heuristics when making financial decisions, (see, for example, Barberis, Shleifer and Vishny (1998. To establish a quantitative link between some important market anomalies and investors' behaviorial biases, Lam, Liu, and Wong (2010 introduced a pseudo-Bayesian approach for developing properties of stock returns, where weights induced by investors' conservative and representative heuristics are assigned to observations of the earning shocks and stock prices. In response to the recent global financial crisis, we introduce a new pseudo-Bayesian model to incorporate the impact of a financial crisis. Properties of stock returns during the financial crisis and recovery from the crisis are established. The proposed model can be applied to investigate some important market anomalies including short-term underreaction, long-term overreaction, and excess volatility during financial crisis. We also explain in some detail the linkage between these market anomalies and investors' behavioral biases during financial crisis.

  1. Construction of harmonic maps between pseudo-Riemannian spheres and hyperbolic spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konderak, J.


    Defined here is an orthogonal multiplication for vector spaces with indefinite nondegenerate scalar product. This is then used, via the Hopf construction, to obtain harmonic maps between pseudo-Riemannian spheres and hyperbolic spaces. Examples of harmonic maps are constructed using Clifford algebras. (author). 6 refs

  2. Space-based pseudo-fixed latitude observation mode based on the characteristics of geosynchronous orbit belt (United States)

    Hu, Yun-peng; Chen, Lei; Huang, Jian-yu


    The US Lincoln Laboratory proved that space-based visible (SBV) observation is efficient to observe space objects, especially Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) objects. After that, SBV observation plays an important role in the space surveillance. In this paper, a novel space-based observation mode is designed to observe all the GEO objects in a relatively short time. A low earth orbit (LEO) satellite, especially a dawn-dusk sun-synchronous orbit satellite, is useful for space-based observation. Thus, the observation mode for GEO objects is based on a dawn-dusk sun-synchronous orbit satellite. It is found that the Pinch Point (PP) regions proposed by the US Lincoln Laboratory are spreading based on the analysis of the evolution principles of GEO objects. As the PP regions becoming more and more widely in the future, many strategies based on it may not be efficient any more. Hence, the key point of the space-based observation strategy design for GEO objects should be emphasized on the whole GEO belt as far as possible. The pseudo-fixed latitude observation mode is proposed in this paper based on the characteristics of GEO belt. Unlike classical space-based observation modes, pseudo-fixed latitude observation mode makes use of the one-dimensional attitude adjustment of the observation satellite. The pseudo-fixed latitude observation mode is more reliable and simple in engineering, compared with the gazing observation mode which needs to adjust the attitude from the two dimensions. It includes two types of attitude adjustment, i.e. daily and continuous attitude adjustment. Therefore, the pseudo-fixed latitude observation mode has two characteristics. In a day, the latitude of the observation region is fixed and the scanning region is about a rectangle, while the latitude of the observation region centre changes each day in a long term based on a daily strategy. The capabilities of a pseudo-fixed latitude observation instrument with a 98° dawn-dusk sun-synchronous orbit are

  3. Comparing Ecological and Genetic Diversity Within the Marine Diatom Genus Pseudo-nitzschia: A Multiregional Synthesis (United States)

    Hubbard, K.; Bruzek, S.


    The globally distributed marine diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia consists of approximately 40 species, more than half of which occur in US coastal waters. Here, sensitive genetic tools targeting a variable portion of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region of the rRNA gene were used to assess Pseudo-nitzschia spp. diversity in more than 600 environmental DNA samples collected from US Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico waters. Community-based approaches employed genus-specific primers for environmental DNA fingerprinting and targeted sequencing. For the Gulf of Mexico samples especially, a nested PCR approach (with or without degenerate primers) improved resolution of species diversity. To date, more than 40 unique ITS1 amplicon sizes have been repeatedly observed in ITS1 fingerprints. Targeted sequencing of environmental DNA as well as single chains isolated from live samples indicate that many of these represent novel and known inter- and intra-specific Pseudo-nitzschia diversity. A few species (e.g., P. pungens, P. cuspidata) occur across all three regions, whereas other species and intraspecific variants occurred at local to regional spatial scales only. Generally, species frequently co-occur in complex assemblages, and transitions in Pseudo-nitzschia community composition occur seasonally, prior to bloom initiation, and across (cross-shelf, latitudinal, and vertical) environmental gradients. These observations highlight the dynamic nature of diatom community composition in the marine environment and the importance of classifying diversity at relevant ecological and/or taxonomic scales.

  4. Gametogénesis y desove de chione subrugosa (Wood, 1928 (Bivalvia veneridae en el golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael A Cruz


    El índice de condición reflejó las variaciones en la maduración sexual, Ch. subrugosa es un molusco dioico con una producción sexual de 1.4 hembras /1 macho; en ningún caso se encontró evidencia de hermafroditismo. Los picos de desove aparecen en junio-octubre y febrero, épocas caracterizadas por un leve incremento en la temperatura y un fuerte decrecimiento en la salinidad superficial del agua.

  5. Pseudo-Cycle-Based Multicast Routing in Wormhole-Routed Networks

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    SONG JianPing (宋建平); HOU ZiFeng (侯紫峰); XU Ming (许铭)


    This paper addresses the problem of fault-tolerant multicast routing in wormholerouted multicomputers. A new pseudo-cycle-based routing method is presented for constructing deadlock-free multicast routing algorithms. With at most two virtual channels this technique can be applied to any connected networks with arbitrary topologies. Simulation results show that this technique results in negligible performance degradation even in the presence of a large number of faulty nodes.

  6. Pseudo-gonio synechia: An artifact on two-mirror gonioscopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Garudadri Chandra


    Full Text Available Gonioscopy is an important component of evaluation of any glaucoma patient. Goldmann two-mirror and Sussman or Zeiss four-mirror are the commonly used gonioscopes. Presence of synechia in the angle is diagnostic of angle closure disease in an occludable angle. A patient with pseudo-goniosynechia that disappeared on indentation gonioscopy with Sussman lens but persisted with manipulation gonioscopy with a Goldmann lens is reported.

  7. Pseudo-random-number generators and the square site percolation threshold. (United States)

    Lee, Michael J


    Selected pseudo-random-number generators are applied to a Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional square-lattice site percolation model. A generator suitable for high precision calculations is identified from an application specific test of randomness. After extended computation and analysis, an ostensibly reliable value of p_{c}=0.59274598(4) is obtained for the percolation threshold.

  8. Onset of pseudo-thermal equilibrium within configurations and super-configurations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Busquet, Michel


    Level populations within a configuration and configuration populations within super-configuration or within one ion are shown to follow a Boltzmann law at some effective temperature different from the actual electron temperature (as it would be when Griem criterion is valid). Origin of this pseudo-thermal equilibrium is discussed and basis of a model are presented

  9. Onset of pseudo-thermal equilibrium within configurations and super-configurations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Busquet, Michel [ARTEP Inc., 2922 Excelsior Springs Court, Elicott City, MD 21042 (United States)]. E-mail:


    Level populations within a configuration and configuration populations within super-configuration or within one ion are shown to follow a Boltzmann law at some effective temperature different from the actual electron temperature (as it would be when Griem criterion is valid). Origin of this pseudo-thermal equilibrium is discussed and basis of a model are presented.

  10. Do pseudo-absence selection strategies influence species distribution models and their predictions? An information-theoretic approach based on simulated data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guisan Antoine


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Multiple logistic regression is precluded from many practical applications in ecology that aim to predict the geographic distributions of species because it requires absence data, which are rarely available or are unreliable. In order to use multiple logistic regression, many studies have simulated "pseudo-absences" through a number of strategies, but it is unknown how the choice of strategy influences models and their geographic predictions of species. In this paper we evaluate the effect of several prevailing pseudo-absence strategies on the predictions of the geographic distribution of a virtual species whose "true" distribution and relationship to three environmental predictors was predefined. We evaluated the effect of using a real absences b pseudo-absences selected randomly from the background and c two-step approaches: pseudo-absences selected from low suitability areas predicted by either Ecological Niche Factor Analysis: (ENFA or BIOCLIM. We compared how the choice of pseudo-absence strategy affected model fit, predictive power, and information-theoretic model selection results. Results Models built with true absences had the best predictive power, best discriminatory power, and the "true" model (the one that contained the correct predictors was supported by the data according to AIC, as expected. Models based on random pseudo-absences had among the lowest fit, but yielded the second highest AUC value (0.97, and the "true" model was also supported by the data. Models based on two-step approaches had intermediate fit, the lowest predictive power, and the "true" model was not supported by the data. Conclusion If ecologists wish to build parsimonious GLM models that will allow them to make robust predictions, a reasonable approach is to use a large number of randomly selected pseudo-absences, and perform model selection based on an information theoretic approach. However, the resulting models can be expected to have

  11. Determination of spatially dependent transfer function of zero power reactor by using pseudo-random incentive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kostic, Lj.


    Specially constructed fast reactivity oscillator was stimulating the zero power reactor by a stimulus which caused pseudo-random reactivity changes. Measuring system included stochastic oscillator BCR-1 supplied by pseudo-random pulses from noise generator GBS-16, instrumental tape-recorder, system for data acquisition and digital computer ZUSE-Z-23. For measuring the spatially dependent transfer function, reactor response was measured at a number of different positions of stochastic oscillator and ionization chamber. In order to keep the reactor system linear, experiment was limited to small reactivity fluctuations. Experimental results were compared to theoretical ones

  12. Solid pseudo papillary tumour of the pancreas: Report of one case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michaud, L.; Baulieu, J.L.; Dujardin, F.; Cazals, X.; Besson, M.; Isart, D.; Maillard, R.; Marboeuf, Y.; Bruandet, P.


    Solid pseudo papillary tumour of the pancreas is a rare tumour that electively affects young women. Its clinical presentation is variable: it may be discovered incidentally or by the appearance of an epi-gastric mass or signs of biliary compression. Its prognosis is excellent after surgical resection. Imaging findings are essential, as they are sufficient to suggest the diagnosis without the need of a puncture-biopsy. 18 F-F.D.G. PET-CT may indicate hyper-metabolic space-occupying lesion highly suggestive of aggressive tumour, while it tallies with a low malignancy tumour. These features may make PET-CT interpretation more erratic if these particular properties are ignored. We report the case of a 17-year-old woman who presented a solid and pseudo papillary tumour of the pancreas. The diagnosis was reached through various imaging tests (ultrasound, CT and PET-CT) in context of the medical history and was confirmed by the sample pathological analysis. (authors)

  13. Pointwise estimates of pseudo-differential operators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johnsen, Jon

    As a new technique it is shown how general pseudo-differential operators can be estimated at arbitrary points in Euclidean space when acting on functions u with compact spectra.The estimate is a factorisation inequality, in which one factor is the Peetre–Fefferman–Stein maximal function of u......, whilst the other is a symbol factor carrying the whole information on the symbol. The symbol factor is estimated in terms of the spectral radius of u, so that the framework is well suited for Littlewood–Paley analysis. It is also shown how it gives easy access to results on polynomial bounds...... and estimates in Lp , including a new result for type 1,1-operators that they are always bounded on Lp -functions with compact spectra....

  14. Pointwise estimates of pseudo-differential operators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johnsen, Jon


    As a new technique it is shown how general pseudo-differential operators can be estimated at arbitrary points in Euclidean space when acting on functions u with compact spectra. The estimate is a factorisation inequality, in which one factor is the Peetre–Fefferman–Stein maximal function of u......, whilst the other is a symbol factor carrying the whole information on the symbol. The symbol factor is estimated in terms of the spectral radius of u, so that the framework is well suited for Littlewood–Paley analysis. It is also shown how it gives easy access to results on polynomial bounds...... and estimates in Lp, including a new result for type 1, 1-operators that they are always bounded on Lp-functions with compact spectra....

  15. The Historical Background to the Pseudo-Senecan Octavia


    Alenka Cedilnik


    The paper presents the historical background of the Pseudo-Senecan play Octavia. The work of an unknown author, it depicts the sad fate of Nero's first wife and daughter of Claudius, Octavia, who was exiled because of Nero's impending marriage to Poppaea Sabina and soon executed in exile. As to the protagonists' destinies, the basic plot largely follows the accounts of the extant historical sources, except for the length of the action, which is reduced to three days; in point of fact, the pre...

  16. Pretreated of banana pseudo-stem as raw material for enzymatic hydrolysis and bioethanol production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Development of alternative energy is needed to solve the energy problem, including bioethanol. Banana pseudo-stem is a lignocellulose material that can used to produce bioethanol. Banana pseudo-stem has 28.83% cellulose and 19.39% lignin. The amount of lignin will reduce by pretreatment process. Variations of pretreatment methods by autoclaving of banana-pseudo stem in a steam, 0.5N, 1N, 1.5N, 2N NaOH solutions for 90 minutes were employed. Then the preteated samples were further enzymatic hydrolysed for 24, 48, 72 hours. The fermentation method of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF was applied using cellulase enzyme and yeast of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for 120 hours. The variation of the pretreatment process by increasing of NaOH concentration solutions led to decreased the lignin content while increased in cellulose content. The lowest lignin content was 11.44% and the highest cellulose was 51.66%. The highest sugar content was 29.8 g/L (at pretreatment 2N NaOH solution, 72 hours hydrolysis. The highest bioethanol amount (4.32 g/L was produced from pretreated banana stem using 2N NaOH solution.

  17. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram in the Na2O-Na2O2-NaOH system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Jun-ichi; Tendo, Masayuki; Aoto, Kazumi


    Generally, the phase diagrams are always used to understand the present state of compounds at certain temperature. In order to understand the corrosion behavior of structural material for FBR by main sodium compounds (Na 2 O, Na 2 O 2 and NaOH), it is very important to comprehend the phase diagrams of their compounds. However, only Na 2 O-NaOH pseudo-binary phase diagram had been investigated previously in this system. There is no study of other pseudo-binary or ternary phase diagrams in the Na 2 O-Na 2 O 2 -NaOH system. In this study, in order to clarify the present states of their compounds at certain temperatures, the pseudo-binary and ternary phase diagrams in the Na 2 O-Na 2 O 2 -NaOH system were prepared. A series of thermal analyses with binary and ternary component system has been carried out using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The liquidus temperature and ternary eutectic temperatures were confirmed by these measurements. The beneficial indications for constructing phase diagrams were obtained from these experiments. On the basis of these results, the interaction parameters between compounds which were utilized for the Thermo-Calc calculation were optimized. Thermo-Calc is one of thermodynamic calculation software. Consequently the accurate pseudo-binary and ternary phase diagrams were indicated using the optimized parameters. (author)

  18. Pseudo-creep in Shape Memory Alloy Wires and Sheets (United States)

    Russalian, V. R.; Bhattacharyya, A.


    Interruption of loading during reorientation and isothermal pseudoelasticity in shape memory alloys with a strain arrest ( i.e., holding strain constant) results in a time-dependent evolution in stress or with a stress arrest ( i.e., holding stress constant) results in a time-dependent evolution in strain. This phenomenon, which we term as pseudo-creep, is similar to what was reported in the literature three decades ago for some traditional metallic materials undergoing plastic deformation. In a previous communication, we reported strain arrest of isothermal pseudoelastic loading, isothermal pseudoelastic unloading, and reorientation in NiTi wires as well as a rate-independent phase diagram. In this paper, we provide experimental results of the pseudo-creep phenomenon during stress arrest of isothermal pseudoelasticity and reorientation in NiTi wires as well as strain arrest of isothermal pseudoelasticity and reorientation in NiTi sheets. Stress arrest in NiTi wires accompanied by strain accumulation or recovery is studied using the technique of multi-video extensometry. The experimental results were used to estimate the amount of mechanical energy needed to evolve the wire from one microstructural state to another during isothermal pseudoelastic deformation and the difference in energies between the initial and the final rest state between which the aforementioned evolution has occurred.

  19. Is Electronegativity a Useful Descriptor for the 'Pseudo-Alkali-Metal' NH4?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whiteside, Alexander; Xantheas, Sotiris S.; Gutowski, Maciej S.


    Molecular ions in the form of 'pseudo-atoms' are common structural motifs in chemistry, with properties that are transferrable between different compounds. We have determined the electronegativity of the 'pseudo-alkali metal' ammonium (NH4) and evaluated its reliability as a descriptor in comparison to the electronegativities of the alkali metals. The computed properties of its binary complexes with astatine and of selected borohydrides confirm the similarity of NH4 to the alkali metal atoms, although the electronegativity of NH4 is relatively large in comparison to its cationic radius. We paid particular attention to the molecular properties of ammonium (angular anisotropy, geometric relaxation, and reactivity), which can cause deviations from the behaviour expected of a conceptual 'true alkali metal' with this electronegativity. These deviations allow for the discrimination of effects associated with the polyatomic nature of NH4.

  20. Pseudo-aneurisma post-traumático de tronco de arteria coronaria izquierda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melina M. Gallo


    Full Text Available El pseudo-aneurisma de arteria coronaria es extremadamente raro. Su historia natural es poco conocida y su tratamiento discutido. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con pseudo-aneurisma de tronco de la coronaria izquierda e infarto antero-apical del ventrículo izquierdo cinco años después de un paro cardíaco secundario a un traumatismo no penetrante de tórax. Se consideró entonces que la lesión no era pasible de corrección percutánea o quirúrgica por lo que se optó por tratamiento médico conservador. Una angiografía coronaria por tomografía computarizada multicorte realizada 10 años después del evento inicial mostró ausencia de progresión de la lesión.

  1. Pseudo Control Hedging and its Application for Safe Flight Envelope Protection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lombaerts, T.J.J.; Looye, G.H.N.; Chu, Q.P.; Mulder, J.A.


    This paper describes how the previously developed concept of Pseudo Control Hedging (PCH) can be integrated in a Fault Tolerant Flight Controller (FTFC) as a safe flight envelope protection system of the first degree. This PCH algorithm adapts the reference model for the system output in case of

  2. Long period pseudo random number sequence generator (United States)

    Wang, Charles C. (Inventor)


    A circuit for generating a sequence of pseudo random numbers, (A sub K). There is an exponentiator in GF(2 sup m) for the normal basis representation of elements in a finite field GF(2 sup m) each represented by m binary digits and having two inputs and an output from which the sequence (A sub K). Of pseudo random numbers is taken. One of the two inputs is connected to receive the outputs (E sub K) of maximal length shift register of n stages. There is a switch having a pair of inputs and an output. The switch outputs is connected to the other of the two inputs of the exponentiator. One of the switch inputs is connected for initially receiving a primitive element (A sub O) in GF(2 sup m). Finally, there is a delay circuit having an input and an output. The delay circuit output is connected to the other of the switch inputs and the delay circuit input is connected to the output of the exponentiator. Whereby after the exponentiator initially receives the primitive element (A sub O) in GF(2 sup m) through the switch, the switch can be switched to cause the exponentiator to receive as its input a delayed output A(K-1) from the exponentiator thereby generating (A sub K) continuously at the output of the exponentiator. The exponentiator in GF(2 sup m) is novel and comprises a cyclic-shift circuit; a Massey-Omura multiplier; and, a control logic circuit all operably connected together to perform the function U(sub i) = 92(sup i) (for n(sub i) = 1 or 1 (for n(subi) = 0).

  3. Pseudo-noise generator using UNMBER SIEVE''. Kazu furui wo mochiita giji ransu seiseiki

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kyan, S.; Teruya, H. (University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa (Japan). College of Engineering)


    In data communications which require secrecy, the Vernam cipher method is often used because of its simple principle and high security. It is necessary for this method to generate key streams as random numbers. The conventional generating methods using linear feedback shift register (LFSR) or data encryption standard(DES) have some problems in and security and circuit complexity. This paper proposes a pseudo-noise generator of relatively simple structure using number sieve, and describes its structure and security. The pseudo-noise generator consists of the number sieve circuit combined With shift resistors of figures of 8 prime numbers from 2 to 19 and other resisters containing AND in feedback area. The total number of keys that can be selected is 3.8[times]10[sup 25], which is not readable from the aspect of calculation volume. Concerning a model of the number sieve circuit with shift resistors which are reduced to 4, linear complexity, which is part of evaluation standard for the security of pseudo-random numbers for cipher, and hamming distance for different keys are examined. 10 refs., 8 figs., 3 tabs.

  4. Computer simulation of different designs of pseudo-random time-of-flight velocity analysers for molecular beam scattering experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rotzoll, G.


    After a brief summary of the pseudo-random time-of-flight (TOF) method, the design criteria for construction of a pseudo-random TOF disc are considered and complemented by computer simulations. The question of resolution and the choice of the sequence length and number of time channels per element are discussed. Moreover, the stability requirements of the chopper motor frequency are investigated. (author)

  5. Optimization of the polarized Klein tunneling currents in a sub-lattice: pseudo-spin filters and latticetronics in graphene ribbons. (United States)

    López, Luis I A; Yaro, Simeón Moisés; Champi, A; Ujevic, Sebastian; Mendoza, Michel


    We found that with an increase of the potential barrier applied to metallic graphene ribbons, the Klein tunneling current decreases until it is totally destroyed and the pseudo-spin polarization increases until it reaches its maximum value when the current is zero. This inverse relation disfavors the generation of polarized currents in a sub-lattice. In this work we discuss the pseudo-spin control (polarization and inversion) of the Klein tunneling currents, as well as the optimization of these polarized currents in a sub-lattice, using potential barriers in metallic graphene ribbons. Using density of states maps, conductance results, and pseudo-spin polarization information (all of them as a function of the energy V and width of the barrier L), we found (V, L) intervals in which the polarized currents in a given sub-lattice are maximized. We also built parallel and series configurations with these barriers in order to further optimize the polarized currents. A systematic study of these maps and barrier configurations shows that the parallel configurations are good candidates for optimization of the polarized tunneling currents through the sub-lattice. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility of using an electrostatic potential as (i) a pseudo-spin filter or (ii) a pseudo-spin inversion manipulator, i.e. a possible latticetronic of electronic currents through metallic graphene ribbons. The results of this work can be extended to graphene nanostructures.

  6. Effects of pseudo-microgravity on symbiosis between endophyte, Neotyphodium, and its host plant, tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) (United States)

    Tomita-Yokotani, K.; Wakabayashi, K.; Hiraishi, K.; Yoshida, S.; Hashimoto, H.; Shinozaki, S.; Yamashita, M.

    Endophyte is a group of microbes that symbiotically live in plant body Endophyte provides host plant its metabolites that protect the plant from insect pests In addition to this host plants are resistive against environmental stress In general endophyte lives in seeds to seeds of the infected plants through multiple generations The infection of fungi has never been observed and their original pathway is still unknown in nature The aim of this study is to examine whether this stable symbiosis between endophytes and its host plant would be modified under pseudo-microgravity or not We also aim to observe the infection under an exotic environment in terms of gravity We found that the internal hyphae of both the incubated plant under pseudo-microgravity and the ground control became indistinct with the number of incubation days A part of the endophyte in the seed under its autolysis was suggested because the amount of fungi in the base of the shoot that was observed with the incubated plant under the ground control was far less than that in the seed before sowing Hyphae began to grow in the germinating seed after a 3-day incubation period However a lot of aggregated fungi still existed in the 3-day incubated seed under pseudo-microgravity Moreover hyphae in the 3-day incubated seed under pseudo-microgravity were more indistinctly than that under the ground control The fungi were observed in the boundary of the seed and the shoot of the 5-day incubated seed under the ground control but not under pseudo-microgravity By this observation it was suggested that

  7. Spontaneous symmetry breaking and pseudo-Goldstone bosons in supersymmetry theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Capper, D.M.; Ramon Medrano, M.


    It is shown, for a certain class of supersymmetric theories, that if supersymmetry is unbroken in the tree approximation then it remains unbroken when the one-loop quantum corrections are included. We use a simple model to illustrate the above theorem and also to demonstrate that at least some of the massless scalars which plague supersymmetry theories are pseudo-Goldstone bosons

  8. Theory of pseudo-classical confinement and transmutation to L-mode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, K.; Itoh, S.; Yagi, M.; Fukuyama, A.; Azumi, M.


    Theory of the self-sustained turbulence is developed for resistive plasma in toroidal devices. Pseudo-classical confinement is obtained in the low temperature limit. As temperature increases, the current-diffusivity prevails upon resistivity, and the turbulence nature changes so as to recover the L-mode transport. Comparison with experimental observation on this transition is made. Hartmann number is also given. (author)

  9. Caecal volvulus in a patient with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (United States)

    El-Khatib, C


    Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare disorder characterised by recurrent symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction without an underlying mechanical cause. Caecal volvulus remains a rare cause of intestinal obstruction that often requires operative intervention. We describe the previously unreported case of caecal volvulus occurring in an adult patient with CIPO, together with his subsequent management. PMID:22004621

  10. Program pseudo-random number generator for microcomputers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ososkov, G.A.


    Program pseudo-random number generators (PNG) intended for the test of control equipment and communication channels are considered. In the case of 8-bit microcomputers it is necessary to assign 4 words of storage to allocate one random number. The proposed economical algorithms of the random number generation are based on the idea of the ''mixing'' of such quarters of the preceeding random number to obtain the next one. Test results of the PNG are displayed for two such generators. A FORTRAN variant of the PNG is presented along with a program realizing the PNG made on the base of the INTEL-8080 autocode

  11. Assessment of pseudo-bilayer structures in the heterogate germanium electron-hole bilayer tunnel field-effect transistor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Padilla, J. L.; Alper, C.; Ionescu, A. M.; Medina-Bailón, C.; Gámiz, F.


    We investigate the effect of pseudo-bilayer configurations at low operating voltages (≤0.5 V) in the heterogate germanium electron-hole bilayer tunnel field-effect transistor (HG-EHBTFET) compared to the traditional bilayer structures of EHBTFETs arising from semiclassical simulations where the inversion layers for electrons and holes featured very symmetric profiles with similar concentration levels at the ON-state. Pseudo-bilayer layouts are attained by inducing a certain asymmetry between the top and the bottom gates so that even though the hole inversion layer is formed at the bottom of the channel, the top gate voltage remains below the required value to trigger the formation of the inversion layer for electrons. Resulting benefits from this setup are improved electrostatic control on the channel, enhanced gate-to-gate efficiency, and higher I ON levels. Furthermore, pseudo-bilayer configurations alleviate the difficulties derived from confining very high opposite carrier concentrations in very thin structures

  12. Assessment of pseudo-bilayer structures in the heterogate germanium electron-hole bilayer tunnel field-effect transistor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Padilla, J. L., E-mail:; Alper, C.; Ionescu, A. M. [Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne CH-1015 (Switzerland); Medina-Bailón, C.; Gámiz, F. [Departamento de Electrónica y Tecnología de los Computadores, Universidad de Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n, 18071 Granada (Spain)


    We investigate the effect of pseudo-bilayer configurations at low operating voltages (≤0.5 V) in the heterogate germanium electron-hole bilayer tunnel field-effect transistor (HG-EHBTFET) compared to the traditional bilayer structures of EHBTFETs arising from semiclassical simulations where the inversion layers for electrons and holes featured very symmetric profiles with similar concentration levels at the ON-state. Pseudo-bilayer layouts are attained by inducing a certain asymmetry between the top and the bottom gates so that even though the hole inversion layer is formed at the bottom of the channel, the top gate voltage remains below the required value to trigger the formation of the inversion layer for electrons. Resulting benefits from this setup are improved electrostatic control on the channel, enhanced gate-to-gate efficiency, and higher I{sub ON} levels. Furthermore, pseudo-bilayer configurations alleviate the difficulties derived from confining very high opposite carrier concentrations in very thin structures.

  13. Peierls instability and superconductivity in substitutionally disordered pseudo one-dimensional conductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, L.


    With coherent potential approximation method the effect of the substitutional disorder in the pseudo one-dimensional conductors on the Peierls transition temperature (Tsub(p)) and superconductive transition temperature (Tsub(c)) has been calculated. The favourable condition for searching for somewhat high Tsub(c) superconductors in these systems has been discussed. (author)

  14. On some hypersurfaces with time like normal bundle in pseudo Riemannian space forms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kashani, S.M.B.


    In this work we classify immersed hypersurfaces with constant sectional curvature in pseudo Riemannian space forms if the normal bundle is time like and the mean curvature is constant. (author). 9 refs

  15. Pseudo-scalar Higgs boson production at N"3LO_A+N"3LL"'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, Taushif; Rana, Narayan; Ravindran, V.; Bonvini, Marco; Rottoli, Luca; Kumar, M.C.; Mathews, Prakash


    We consider the production of a pseudo-scalar particle A at the LHC, and present accurate theoretical predictions for its inclusive cross section in gluon fusion. The prediction is based on combining fixed-order perturbation theory and all-order threshold resummation. At fixed order we include the exact next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) plus an approximate next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N"3LO_A) which is based on the recent computation at this order for the scalar case. We then add threshold resummation at next-to-next-to-next-to leading logarithmic accuracy (N"3LL"'). Various forms of threshold resummation are considered, differing by the treatment of subleading terms, allowing a robust estimate of the theoretical uncertainties due to missing higher orders. With particular attention to pseudo-scalar masses of 200 and 750 GeV, we also observe that perturbative convergence is much improved when resummation is included. Additionally, results obtained with threshold resummation in direct QCD are compared with analogous results as computed in soft-collinear effective theory, which turn out to be in good agreement. We provide precise predictions for pseudo-scalar inclusive cross section at 13 TeV LHC for a wide range of masses. The results are available through updated versions of the public codes ggHiggs and TROLL. (orig.)

  16. Construções do feminino pós anos sessenta: o caso da maternidade como produção independente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Szapiro Ana Maria


    Full Text Available Este trabalho examina a representação do feminino nos discrusos sobre a maternidade através de entrevistas feitas em um grupo de cinco mulheres pertencentes aos extratos médios urbanos e que relataram ter tido seus filhos como "produção independente". As entrevistadas eram profissionais de nível superior, entre quarenta e cinqüenta anos de idade, tiveram seus filhos na década de oitenta, e viveram, como experiência geracional, as discussões de cunho libertário e feminista dos anos sessenta. Os resultados mostraram que as entrevistadas partilham de um mesmo ethos, apresentando os mesmos valores e crenças quanto à independência e à liberdade, e quanto ao lugar tradicionalmente destinado à mulher na maternidade. A "produção independente" revelou-se uma tentativa de construção de um novo lugar para a mulher, a partir do reconhecimento da maternidade como questão feminina, submetida, entretanto, ao universo dos valores do individualismo moderno.

  17. Building a pseudo-atomic model of the anaphase-promoting complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulkarni, Kiran; Zhang, Ziguo; Chang, Leifu; Yang, Jing; Fonseca, Paula C. A. da; Barford, David


    This article describes an example of molecular replacement in which atomic models are used to interpret electron-density maps determined using single-particle electron-microscopy data. The anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) is a large E3 ubiquitin ligase that regulates progression through specific stages of the cell cycle by coordinating the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of cell-cycle regulatory proteins. Depending on the species, the active form of the APC/C consists of 14–15 different proteins that assemble into a 20-subunit complex with a mass of approximately 1.3 MDa. A hybrid approach of single-particle electron microscopy and protein crystallography of individual APC/C subunits has been applied to generate pseudo-atomic models of various functional states of the complex. Three approaches for assigning regions of the EM-derived APC/C density map to specific APC/C subunits are described. This information was used to dock atomic models of APC/C subunits, determined either by protein crystallography or homology modelling, to specific regions of the APC/C EM map, allowing the generation of a pseudo-atomic model corresponding to 80% of the entire complex

  18. Neutrino mass generation and leptogenesis via pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Higgs portal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alanne, Tommi; Meroni, Aurora; Tuominen, Kimmo


    We consider an extension of the Standard Model with the global symmetry-breaking pattern SO(5)/SO(4), where the Higgs boson arises as a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson. The scalar content of the theory consists of a Standard-Model-like Higgs field and an extra real scalar field. The flavor sector...

  19. A influência dos valores humanos na satisfação do consumidor quando da ocorrência de uma surpresa positiva


    Alfredo Montelongo Flores


    A surpresa positiva tem sido citada como um elemento responsável pelos altos níveis da satisfação do consumidor. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar a influência dos valores humanos com a satisfação do consumidor quando da ocorrência de uma surpresa positiva. Para esse fim, foi efetuada uma survey aleatória online via a plataforma de Amazon Mechanichal Turk. A partir disso, foram mensurados os construtos conceituais surpresa, satisfação do consumidor e a tipologia de valores humanos d...

  20. Quando a conversão ao Cristianismo não foi o suficiente. O caso dos judeus-conversos espanhóis


    Follador, Kellen Jacobsen


    Desde o surgimento do Cristianismo, os judeus sofreram restrições diversas dentro da sociedade cristã. Durante a Idade Média o conflito judaico-cristão se acirrou e por vários momentos os judeus foram perseguidos, convertidos ao Cristianismo ou mortos. Apesar de esses acontecimentos se repetirem por toda a Cristandade, foi na Península Ibérica, reduto secular de comunidades judaicas, que os conflitos se intensificaram. Quando as conversões não mais conseguiram resolver a questão judaico-crist...

  1. Análise do treinamento proprioceptivo no equilíbrio de atletas de futsal feminino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio Oliveira Baldaço

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de um protocolo de exercícios proprioceptivos no equilíbrio de atletas de futsal feminino. METODOLOGIA: A amostra foi composta por cinco atletas do time de futsal da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM. Os treinamentos ocorreram três vezes por semana, durante um mês. As atletas foram avaliadas pré e pós-treinamento em uma plataforma de força no Laboratório de Biomecânica do Centro de Educação Física e Desportos da UFSM. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram uma redução estatisticamente significativa na média e na amplitude do centro de pressão pré e pós-intervenção, na direção médio-lateral e condição olhos fechados, o que demonstra que houve maior controle do equilíbrio corporal na posição e condição solicitada. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis do centro depressão na condição olhos abertos. Acredita-se que esse resultado esteja relacionado à dominância da aferência visual sobre a proprioceptiva, que pode ter interferido na avaliação das alterações proprioceptivas. CONCLUSÃO: O protocolo de propriocepção sugerido demonstrou maior controle de equilíbrio postural nas condições e na amostra avaliada.

  2. The Pseudo signal peptide of the corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 2A prevents receptor oligomerization. (United States)

    Teichmann, Anke; Rutz, Claudia; Kreuchwig, Annika; Krause, Gerd; Wiesner, Burkhard; Schülein, Ralf


    N-terminal signal peptides mediate the interaction of native proteins with the translocon complex of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and are cleaved off during early protein biogenesis. The corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 2a (CRF(2(a))R) possesses an N-terminal pseudo signal peptide, which represents a so far unique domain within the large protein family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In contrast to a conventional signal peptide, the pseudo signal peptide remains uncleaved and consequently forms a hydrophobic extension at the N terminus of the receptor. The functional consequence of the presence of the pseudo signal peptide is not understood. Here, we have analyzed the significance of this domain for receptor dimerization/oligomerization in detail. To this end, we took the CRF(2(a))R and the homologous corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 (CRF(1)R) possessing a conventional cleaved signal peptide and conducted signal peptide exchange experiments. Using single cell and single molecule imaging methods (fluorescence resonance energy transfer and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy, respectively) as well as biochemical experiments, we obtained two novel findings; we could show that (i) the CRF(2(a))R is expressed exclusively as a monomer, and (ii) the presence of the pseudo signal peptide prevents its oligomerization. Thus, we have identified a novel functional domain within the GPCR protein family, which plays a role in receptor oligomerization and which may be useful to study the functional significance of this process in general.

  3. Pseudo-elasticity and shape memory effect on the TiNiCoV alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsu, S.E.; Yeh, M.T.; Hsu, I.C.; Chang, S.K.; Dai, Y.C.; Wang, J.Y.


    Unlike most of the structural intermetallic compound, TiNi is an exceptional case of inherent ductility. Besides its amusing behavior of high damping capacity due to martensitic transformation, the duel properties of shape memory and pseudo-elasticity co-exhibited in the same V and Co-modified TiNi-SMA at various temperature will attract another attention in modern manufacturing technology. The objective of this paper is to investigate the pseudo-elasticity and strain rate effect on TiNiCoV-SMA. The presence of dual behavior of super-elasticity and shape memory effect is technological significant for application of advanced materials on the structural component. An illustration of application of TiNiCoV shape memory alloy on the face of golf club head will be presented in this paper. (orig.)

  4. Structural-morphological variations in pseudo-barrier films of anode aluminium oxide under irradiation with high-energy particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chernykh, M.A.; Belov, V.T.


    Comparative study of structural-morphological variations under electron beam effect in pseudo-barrier films of anode aluminium oxide, obtained in seven different solutions and proton or X-rays pre-irradiated to determine structure peculiarities of anode aluminium oxides, is presented. Such study is a matter of interest from the solid-phase transformation theory point of view and for anode aluminium films application under radiation. Stability increase of pseudo-barrier films of anode aluminium oxide to the effect of UEhMV-100 K microscope electron beam at standard modes of operation (75 kV) due to proton or X-rays irradiation is found. Difference in structural-monorphological variations obtained in different solutions of anode aluminium films under high-energy particles irradiation is determined. Strucural-phase microinhomogeneity of amorphous pseudo-barrier films of anode aluminium oxide and its influence on solid-phase transformations character under electron bean of maximal intensity are detected

  5. Fully Digital Chaotic Oscillators Applied to Pseudo Random Number Generation

    KAUST Repository

    Mansingka, Abhinav S.


    adapted for pseudo random number generation by truncating statistically defective bits. Finally, a novel post-processing technique using the Fibonacci series is proposed and implemented with a non-autonomous driven hyperchaotic system to provide pseudo random number generators with high nonlinear complexity and controllable period length that enables full utilization of all branches of the chaotic output as statistically secure pseudo random output.

  6. Asymptotic theory of generalized estimating equations based on jack-knife pseudo-observations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Overgaard, Morten; Parner, Erik Thorlund; Pedersen, Jan


    A general asymptotic theory of estimates from estimating functions based on jack-knife pseudo-observations is established by requiring that the underlying estimator can be expressed as a smooth functional of the empirical distribution. Using results in p-variation norms, the theory is applied...

  7. Pyrolytic oil of banana (Musa spp.) pseudo-stem via fast process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abdullah, Nurhayati; Sulaiman, Fauziah; Taib, Rahmad Mohd [School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Pulau Pinang (Malaysia); Miskam, Muhamad Azman [Science and Engineering Research Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang (Malaysia)


    This study was an attempt to produce bio-oil from banana pseudo-stem, a waste of banana cultivation, using fast pyrolysis technology. The compositions were determined and the thermal degradation behaviour of the raw material was analyzed using Perkin-Elmer Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer (STA) 6000. A 300 g/h fluidized bed bench scale fast pyrolysis unit, assembled with double screw feeders and cyclones, operating at atmospheric pressure, was used to obtain the pyrolysis liquid. The study involves the impact of the following key variables; the reactor temperature in the range of 450–650 °C, and the residence time in the range of 1.00–3.00 s. The particle size was set at 224-400 µm. The properties of the liquid product were analyzed for calorific heating value, pH value, conductivity, water and char content. The basic functional groups of the compositions were also determined using FTIR. The properties of the liquid product were compared with other wood derived bio-oil. The pyrolysis liquids derived from banana pseudo-stem were found to be in an aqueous phase.

  8. Improving the pseudo-randomness properties of chaotic maps using deep-zoom (United States)

    Machicao, Jeaneth; Bruno, Odemir M.


    A generalized method is proposed to compose new orbits from a given chaotic map. The method provides an approach to examine discrete-time chaotic maps in a "deep-zoom" manner by using k-digits to the right from the decimal separator of a given point from the underlying chaotic map. Interesting phenomena have been identified. Rapid randomization was observed, i.e., chaotic patterns tend to become indistinguishable when compared to the original orbits of the underlying chaotic map. Our results were presented using different graphical analyses (i.e., time-evolution, bifurcation diagram, Lyapunov exponent, Poincaré diagram, and frequency distribution). Moreover, taking advantage of this randomization improvement, we propose a Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) based on the k-logistic map. The pseudo-random qualities of the proposed PRNG passed both tests successfully, i.e., DIEHARD and NIST, and were comparable with other traditional PRNGs such as the Mersenne Twister. The results suggest that simple maps such as the logistic map can be considered as good PRNG methods.

  9. Using Efficient TRNGs for PSEUDO Profile in National eID Card

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blerim Rexha


    Full Text Available Applications that requires true random number generator (TRNG, which uses raw analog data generated from any noise source in nature, must convert the source normal distribution to uniform distribution. Many up to date implementations convert the raw analog data into digital data by employing a comparator or a Schmitt trigger. This method wastes a large amount of random input data, lowering the throughput of the TRNG. In new national electronic identity card (eID beyond the true identity of his bearer and to address the increasing concern of user privacy while doing business in Internet an additional pseudo profile is set. This pseudo profile uses 20-byte random value generated by database server, using a script during personalization process. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm that enables efficient distribution conversion in low power devices. The low memory requirements and efficient processing make it suitable for implementation low power cryptographic devices but also in complex personalization systems. Furthermore, we compare the random data generated by our efficient TRNG vs. those generated by database server.

  10. Pseudo-MHD ballooning modes in tokamak plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Callen, J.D.; Hegna, C.C.


    The MHD description of a plasma is extended to allow electrons to have both fluid-like and adiabatic-regime responses within an instability eigenmode. In the resultant open-quotes pseudo-MHDclose quotes model, magnetic field line bending is reduced in the adiabatic electron regime. This makes possible a new class of ballooning-type, long parallel extent, MHD-like instabilities in tokamak plasmas for α > s 2 (2 7/3 /9) (r p /R 0 ) or-d√Β/dr > (2 1/6 /3)(s/ R 0q ), which is well below the ideal-MHD stability boundary. The marginally stable pressure profile is similar in both magnitude and shape to that observed in ohmically heated tokamak plasmas

  11. Trabalho feminino, políticas familiares e discursos pró-aleitamento materno: avanços e desafios à equidade de gênero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irene Rocha Kalil

    Full Text Available RESUMO O artigo aborda a relação entre discursos pró-aleitamento materno, trabalho feminino e políticas familiares no Brasil, apontando avanços e desafios à equidade de gênero. A análise dos materiais da Estratégia de Apoio à Mulher Trabalhadora que Amamenta, do Ministério da Saúde, com base nos referenciais dos estudos de gênero e da semiologia dos discursos sociais, indica como os discursos oficiais reforçam o valor da amamentação para a saúde da criança e reiteram a divisão sexual do trabalho. Por sua vez, as políticas familiares ainda não atendem às necessidades sociais, como a extensão das licenças maternidade e paternidade para todos os trabalhadores e a criação de licenças parentais.

  12. Watery rot of pseudo-stem (Dickeya sp. management in banana (Musa sp. under greenhouse conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquín Guillermo Ramírez


    Full Text Available This crop has serious constraints with diseases, including those caused by bacteria, such as Dickeya sp. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of 4 resistance inductors and 3 doses in Chlorine Dioxide in handling watery rot of pseudo-stem (Dickeya sp. in banana. Resistance inducers and their doses were Potassium Phosphite: 1.5 cm 3 .l -1 ; 3-Aminobutanoic Acid: 1.0 g.l -1 ; Methyl Jasmonate: 0.2 g.l -1 ; S-Methyl-Acibenzolar: 0.3 ml.l -1 , all by foliar application, while Chlorine Dioxide was injected into the pseudo-stem, in doses of 10, 20 and 30 mg.l -1 . The evaluated variables were: development of the disease, total biomass and quantification of the bacterium in the inoculated pseudo-stems. Applications of Chlorine Dioxide achieved a reduction of disease by 65.4, 91.99 and 61.5%, in addition to an inhibition of 100% of the pathogen, using 30 and 50 mg.l -1 doses. Meanwhile, the use of resistance inductors reduced up to 60.6% of the disease, but this effect failed to improve plant growth.

  13. O tecer e o trajar: metáforas do empoderamento feminino em dois contos de Marina Colasanti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enedir Silva Santos


    Full Text Available Os contos de Marina Colasanti transitam entre o real e o fantástico alinhavando ações que conduzem as relações humanas e seus dilemas. Suas narrativas curtas são retiradas das experiências diárias para suscitar reflexões muito mais abrangentes, pois são entrelaçados de palavras e situações que desvelam o cotidiano e o comportamento exigido da mulher. A partir da análise dos contos “A moça tecelã”, do livro Doze reis e a moça no labirinto do vento (1982, e “Plano matrimonial”, de Contos do amor rasgado (1982, evidenciamos de que forma a autora constrói, metaforicamente, na tessitura narrativa a roupa masculina e o trabalho da tecelã para refletir acerca do empoderamento da mulher. Os contos têm em comum a relação heterossexual das protagonistas intermediada pelos trajes masculinos, que se revestem de simbologia e revelam, no contexto literário, a explanação do lugar social da mulher e do homem, visto como uma das linhas que alinhavam a vivência humana. Desse modo, Marina Colasanti tece na trama discursiva as redes de significações reveladoras do fazer e do ser feminino.

  14. A construção social dos papéis sexuais femininos Feminine sex-roles social construction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eros DeSouza


    Full Text Available Esta revisão é uma tentativa de produzir uma representação holística, mas não exaustiva, dos papéis sexuais femininos no Brasil. Começamos traçando o papel histórico-político das mulheres do Brasil Colonial até o movimento feminista moderno, enfocando três questões correntes: planejamento familiar, creches e violência contra a mulher. A seguir, examinamos as normas culturais do machismo e do marianismo. Finalmente, discutimos os avanços que as mulheres fizeram no Brasil na última década (desde a Constituição de 1988, chamando a atenção para uma questão que tem sido grandemente ignorada: o assédio sexual.This review is an attempt to provide a holistic, but by no means exhaustive, picture of gender roles in Brazil. We begin by tracing the historical-political role of women from colonial Brazil through the modern women’s movement, highlighting three current issues: family planning, child care, and violence against women. Next, we examine the cultural norms of machismo and marianismo. Finally, we discuss the strides women have made in Brazil in the last decade (since the Consitution of 1988, calling attention to one issue that has been largely ignored: sexual harassment.

  15. Acute large bowel pseudo-obstruction due to atrophic visceral myopathy: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sean M. Wrenn


    Conclusions: Atrophic visceral neuropathy is a rare cause of intestinal pseudo-obstruction. While often presenting with chronic obstruction in younger populations, we present a rare late-onset acute presentation that may have been secondary to underlying hypothyroidism.

  16. Dual-Laser vibrometry: Elimination or extraction of pseudo vibration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Michael Linde; Bækbo, Martin Jesper; Hanson, Steen Grüner


    This paper investigates the principal idea of a method using two identical laser vibrometers to eliminate pseudovibrations, occurring as structured noise in laser-vibrometer measurements of angular velocity of a rotating object. Thetwo vibrometers monitor the same surface path on the rotating...... in angularvelocity of the object occur simultaneously at the two vibrometers. Knowing the angular separation between thevibrometers, simple trigonometry canbe used to eliminate the pseudo vibrations. These vibrometers are based oncameras, therefore the experiments demonstrate the principle of the method only...

  17. [The traditional Ayurvedic medicine about pseudo-doctoring as exemplified by "Charaka Samhita"]. (United States)

    Subotiyalov, M A; Druhinin, V D; Sorokina, T S


    The article considers the findings about pseudo-doctoring represented in one of the most ancient medical sources on our planet--treatise "Charaka Samhita" (Carakasamhitā). This treatise is the most important text of Ayurveda, a traditional medical system developed in the Hindustan sub-continent during millenniums.

  18. Activated carbon as a pseudo-reference electrode for electrochemical measurement inside concrete

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abbas, Yawar; Olthuis, Wouter; van den Berg, Albert


    The application of Kynol based activated carbon (KAC) as a pseudo-reference electrode for potentiometric measurement inside concrete is presented. Due to its high surface area the activated carbons has a large electrical double layer capacitance (EDLC > 50 F g(-1)) and are used as electrode material

  19. Fluids of Pseudo-Hard Bodies: From Simulations to Equations of State

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Rouha, M.; Nezbeda, Ivo


    Roč. 278, 1-2 (2009), s. 15-19 ISSN 0378-3812 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA400720710; GA AV ČR IAA400720802 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40720504 Keywords : pseudo-hard bodies * virial coefficients * perturbed virial expansion Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 1.857, year: 2009

  20. Nonleptonic decays of 1/2+-baryons and pseudo-connected-line diagrams, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, Yoshikazu; Fujii, Kanji


    Under the SU(4)-20''-spurion dominance in nonleptonic weak decays, we investigate algebraic structures of the effective Hamiltonian H sub(eff) which describes the main features of the nonleptonic weak decays of ordinary baryons. When H sub(eff) is written by using 20'-baryon (1/2 + ) wave function of the form B sub(α)sup([βγ]), one can select out of H sub(eff) two terms which describe most simply the main features of the P-wave amplitudes for ordinary baryons. Only these terms are s-u dual in the sense of 'pseudo-connected-line diagrams' (pseudo-CLD's) obtained by writing CLD's with 4- and 4*-lines corresponding directly to the lower and the upper indices of B sub(α)sup([βγ]). By assuming Lee-Sugawara relation and s-u dual property of the P-wave amplitudes, various relations among ordinary and charmed baryon decays are derived. Comments on the parity-violating amplitudes are also given. (auth.)

  1. Robustness study of the pseudo open-loop controller for multiconjugate adaptive optics. (United States)

    Piatrou, Piotr; Gilles, Luc


    Robustness of the recently proposed "pseudo open-loop control" algorithm against various system errors has been investigated for the representative example of the Gemini-South 8-m telescope multiconjugate adaptive-optics system. The existing model to represent the adaptive-optics system with pseudo open-loop control has been modified to account for misalignments, noise and calibration errors in deformable mirrors, and wave-front sensors. Comparison with the conventional least-squares control model has been done. We show with the aid of both transfer-function pole-placement analysis and Monte Carlo simulations that POLC remains remarkably stable and robust against very large levels of system errors and outperforms in this respect least-squares control. Approximate stability margins as well as performance metrics such as Strehl ratios and rms wave-front residuals averaged over a 1-arc min field of view have been computed for different types and levels of system errors to quantify the expected performance degradation.

  2. A pseudo-curved oriented pyrolytic graphite neutron monochromator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ettedgui, H.; Gurewitz, E.; Pinto, H.


    A pseudo-curved neutron monochromator with a continuously variable curvature was constructed with four flat pieces of oriented pyrolytic graphite (OPG). Curvatures which yield maximum diffracted intensities were determined for neutrons of wavelengths 1 A and 2.4 A. The increase of the intensity relatively to that of a flat monochromator is by a factor of 2 and 1.5, for 1 A and 2.4 A, respectively. The neutron flux at three positions along the neutron path was determined by gold foils activation and compared with the flux from flat monochromators of OPG and copper

  3. The pseudo-harmonics method applied to depletion calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, F.C. da; Amaral, J.A.C.; Thome, Z.D.


    In this paper, a new method for performing depletion calculations, based on the use of the Pseudo-Harmonics perturbation method, was developed. The fuel burnup was considered as a global perturbation and the multigroup difusion equations were rewriten in such a way as to treat the soluble boron concentration as the eigenvalue. By doing this, the critical boron concentration can be obtained by a perturbation method. A test of the new method was performed for a H 2 O-colled, D 2 O-moderated reactor. Comparison with direct calculation showed that this method is very accurate and efficient. (author) [pt

  4. Spinal pseudo arthrosis in the ankylosing spondylitis: complications with infectious discytis simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galant, J.; Marti-Bonmarti, L.; Poyatos, C.; Martinez-Rodrigo, J.; Ferrer, M.D.


    A case is presented of radiological signs typical of spinal pseudo arthrosis in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. The radiological signs (plain radiology, computerized tomography and magnetic resonance) are described, and the recognition of this disorder and its differentiation with respect to infectious spondilodiscitis is discussed. (Author) 11 refs


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    A. Beletsky


    Full Text Available In theory and practice of information cryptographic protection one of the key problems is the forming a binary pseudo-random sequences (PRS with a maximum length with acceptable statistical characteristics. PRS generators are usually implemented by linear shift register (LSR of maximum period with linear feedback [1]. In this paper we extend the concept of LSR, assuming that each of its rank (memory cell can be in one of the following condition. Let’s call such registers “generalized linear shift register.” The research goal is to develop algorithms for constructing Galois and Fibonacci generalized matrix of n-order over the field , which uniquely determined both the structure of corresponding generalized of n-order LSR maximal period, and formed on their basis Galois PRS generators of maximum length. Thus the article presents the questions of formation the primitive generalized Fibonacci and Galois arbitrary order matrix over the prime field . The synthesis of matrices is based on the use of irreducible polynomials of degree and primitive elements of the extended field generated by polynomial. The constructing methods of Galois and Fibonacci conjugated primitive matrices are suggested. The using possibilities of such matrices in solving the problem of constructing generalized generators of Galois pseudo-random sequences are discussed.

  6. Pseudo dynamic transitional modeling of building heating energy demand using artificial neural network

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Paudel, S.; Elmtiri, M.; Kling, W.L.; Corre, le O.; Lacarriere, B.


    This paper presents the building heating demand prediction model with occupancy profile and operational heating power level characteristics in short time horizon (a couple of days) using artificial neural network. In addition, novel pseudo dynamic transitional model is introduced, which consider

  7. Pseudo sidescan images from backscatter amplitude data of the Hydrosweep multibean sonar system

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Kodagali, V.N.; Hagen, R.; Schenke, H.W.

    in the southeast Pacific Ocean is presented. The two sidescan images are perfectly comparable. This result will enhance the utility of the Hydrosweep multibeam system so that, even in the absence of sidescan option, the offline pseudo sidescan images can...

  8. Integration of differential equations by the pseudo-linear (PL) approximation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonalumi, Riccardo A.


    A new method of integrating differential equations was originated with the technique of approximately calculating the integrals called the pseudo-linear (PL) procedure: this method is A-stable. This article contains the following examples: 1st order ordinary differential equations (ODEs), 2nd order linear ODEs, stiff system of ODEs (neutron kinetics), one-dimensional parabolic (diffusion) partial differential equations. In this latter case, this PL method coincides with the Crank-Nicholson method

  9. Surprises and pitfalls arising from (pseudo)symmetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zwart, Peter H.; Grosse-Kunstleve, Ralf W.; Lebedev, Andrey A.; Murshudov, Garib N.; Adams, Paul D.


    The presence of pseudosymmetry can cause problems in structure determination and refinement. The relevant background and representative examples are presented. It is not uncommon for protein crystals to crystallize with more than a single molecule per asymmetric unit. When more than a single molecule is present in the asymmetric unit, various pathological situations such as twinning, modulated crystals and pseudo translational or rotational symmetry can arise. The presence of pseudosymmetry can lead to uncertainties about the correct space group, especially in the presence of twinning. The background to certain common pathologies is presented and a new notation for space groups in unusual settings is introduced. The main concepts are illustrated with several examples from the literature and the Protein Data Bank

  10. Research of the method of pseudo-random number generation based on asynchronous cellular automata with several active cells

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    Bilan Stepan


    Full Text Available To date, there are many tasks that are aimed at studying the dynamic changes in physical processes. These tasks do not give advance known result. The solution of such problems is based on the construction of a dynamic model of the object. Successful structural and functional implementation of the object model can give a positive result in time. This approach uses the task of constructing artificial biological objects. To solve such problems, pseudo-random number generators are used, which also find wide application for information protection tasks. Such generators should have good statistical properties and give a long repetition period of the generated pseudo-random bit sequence. This work is aimed at improving these characteristics. The paper considers the method of forming pseudo-random sequences of numbers on the basis of aperiodic cellular automata with two active cells. A pseudo-random number generator is proposed that generates three bit sequences. The first two bit sequences are formed by the corresponding two active cells in the cellular automaton. The third bit sequence is the result of executing the XOR function over the bits of the first two sequences and it has better characteristics compared to them. The use of cellular automata with two active cells allowed to improve the statistical properties of the formed bit sequence, as well as its repetition period. This is proved by using graphical tests for generators built based on cellular automata using the neighborhoods of von Neumann and Moore. The tests showed high efficiency of the generator based on an asynchronous cellular automaton with the neighborhood of Moore. The proposed pseudo-random number generators have good statistical properties, which makes it possible to use them in information security systems, as well as for simulation tasks of various dynamic processes.

  11. Anatomical etiology of “pseudo-sciatica” from superior cluneal nerve entrapment: a laboratory investigation

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    Konno T


    Full Text Available Tomoyuki Konno,1 Yoichi Aota,2 Hiroshi Kuniya,1 Tomoyuki Saito,1 Ning Qu,3 Shogo Hayashi,3 Shinichi Kawata,3 Masahiro Itoh3 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, 2Department of Spine & Spinal Cord Surgery, Yokohama Brain and Spine Center, Yokohama, 3Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan Objective: The superior cluneal nerve (SCN may become entrapped where it pierces the thoracolumbar fascia over the iliac crest; this can cause low back pain (LBP and referred pain radiating into the posterior thigh, calf, and occasionally the foot, producing the condition known as “pseudo-sciatica.” Because the SCN was thought to be a cutaneous branch of the lumbar dorsal rami, originating from the dorsal roots of L1–L3, previous anatomical studies failed to explain why SCN causes “pseudo-sciatica”. The purpose of the present anatomical study was to better elucidate the anatomy and improve the understanding of “pseudo-sciatica” from SCN entrapment. Materials and methods: SCN branches were dissected from their origin to termination in subcutaneous tissue in 16 cadavers (5 male and 11 female with a mean death age of 88 years (range 81–101 years. Special attention was paid to identify SCNs from their emergence from nerve roots and passage through the fascial attachment to the iliac crest. Results: Eighty-one SCN branches were identified originating from T12 to L5 nerve roots with 13 branches passing through the osteofibrous tunnel. These 13 branches originated from L3 (two sides, L4 (six sides, and L5 (five sides. Ten of the 13 branches showed macroscopic entrapment in the tunnel. Conclusion: The majority of SCNs at risk of nerve entrapment originated from the lower lumbar nerve. These anatomical results may explain why patients with SCN entrapment often evince leg pain or tingling that mimics sciatica. Keywords: superior cluneal nerve, entrapment neuropathy, dorsal rami

  12. Reconstruction of pseudo three-dimensional dental image from dental panoramic radiograph and tooth surface shape

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imura, Masataka; Kuroda, Yoshihiro; Oshiro, Osamu; Kuroda, Tomohiro; Kagiyama, Yoshiyuki; Yagi, Masakazu; Takada, Kenji; Azuma, Hiroko


    Three-dimensional volume data set is useful for diagnosis in dental treatments. However, to obtain three-dimensional images of a dental arch in general dental clinics is difficult. In this paper, we propose a method to reconstruct pseudo three-dimensional dental images from a dental panoramic radiograph and a tooth surface shape which can be obtained from three dimensional shape measurement of a dental impression. The proposed method finds an appropriate curved surface on which the dental panoramic radiograph is mapped by comparing a virtual panoramic image made from a tooth surface shape to a real panoramic radiograph. The developed pseudo three-dimensional dental images give clear impression of patient's dental condition. (author)

  13. Feeling objects in Virtual Environments: Presence and Pseudo-Haptics in a Bowling Game

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daniliauskaite, Kristina; Magnusdottir, Agusta; Bjørkå, Henrik Birke


    , by relying on visual cues, taking therefore advantage of sensory substitution (no haptic feedback device is actually present). The interdependency between presence and a pseudo-haptic feedback is investigated by building avirtual bowling game. Results indicate that there is a significant correlation between...

  14. The flavor of the composite pseudo-goldstone Higgs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Csaki, Csaba; Weiler, Andreas; Falkowski, Adam


    We study the flavor structure of 5D warped models that provide a dual description of a composite pseudo-Goldstone Higgs. We first carefully re-examine the flavor constraints on the mass scale of new physics in the standard Randall-Sundrum-type scenarios, and find that the KK gluon mass should generically be heavier than about 21 TeV. We then compare the flavor structure of the composite Higgs models to those in the RS model. We find new contributions to flavor violation, which while still are suppressed by the RS-GIM mechanism, will enhance the amplitudes of flavor violations. In particular, there is a kinetic mixing term among the SM fields which (although parametrically not enhanced) will make the flavor bounds even more stringent than in RS. This together with the fact that in the pseudo-Goldstone scenario Yukawa couplings are set by a gauge coupling implies the KK gluon mass to be at least about 33 TeV. For both the RS and the composite Higgs models the flavor bounds could be stronger or weaker depending on the assumption on the value of the gluon boundary kinetic term. These strong bounds seem to imply that the fully anarchic approach to flavor in warped extra dimensions is implausible, and there have to be at least some partial flavor symmetries appearing that eliminate part of the sources for flavor violation. We also present complete expressions for the radiatively generated Higgs potential of various 5D implementations of the composite Higgs model, and comment on the 1-5 percent level tuning needed in the top sector to achieve a phenomenologically acceptable vacuum state.

  15. Pseudo-radar algorithms with two extremely wet months of disdrometer data in the Paris area (United States)

    Gires, A.; Tchiguirinskaia, I.; Schertzer, D.


    Disdrometer data collected during the two extremely wet months of May and June 2016 at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech are used to get insights on radar algorithms. The rain rate and pseudo-radar quantities (horizontal and vertical reflectivity, specific differential phase shift) are all estimated over several durations with the help of drop size distributions (DSD) collected at 30 s time steps. The pseudo-radar quantities are defined with simplifying hypotheses, in particular on the DSD homogeneity. First it appears that the parameters of the standard radar relations Zh - R, R - Kdp and R - Zh - Zdr for these pseudo-radar quantities exhibit strong variability between events and even within an event. Second an innovative methodology that relies on checking the ability of a given algorithm to reproduce the good scale invariant multifractal behaviour (on scales 30 s - few h) observed on rainfall time series is implemented. In this framework, the classical hybrid model (Zh - R for low rain rates and R - Kdp for great ones) performs best, as well as the local estimates of the radar relations' parameters. However, we emphasise that due to the hypotheses on which they rely these observations cannot be straightforwardly extended to real radar quantities.

  16. Comparison of brain mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese characters and pseudo-characters: an event-related potential study. (United States)

    Wang, Ting; Li, Hong; Zhang, Qinglin; Tu, Shen; Yu, Caiyun; Qiu, Jiang


    Most Chinese characters are composed of a semantic radical on the left and a phonetic radical on the right. The semantic radical provides the semantic information; the phonetic radical provides information concerning the pronunciation of the whole character. The pseudo-characters in the study consisted of different sub-lexical parts of real Chinese characters and consequently they also had the semantic radical and the phonetic radical. But they were not readable and had no actual meaning. In order to investigate the spatiotemporal cortical activation patterns underlying the orthographic, phonological and semantic processing of Chinese characters, we used event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to explore the processing of Chinese characters and pseudo-characters when 14 healthy Chinese college students viewed the characters passively. Results showed that both Chinese characters and pseudo-characters elicited an evident negative potential peaking around 120 ms (N120), which appeared to reflect initial orthographic distinction and evaluation. Then, Chinese pseudo-characters elicited a more positive ERP deflection (P220) than did Chinese characters 200-250 ms after onset of the stimuli. It was similar to the recognition potential (RP) and might reflect the integration processes of phonological and semantic processing on the basis of early orthographic information. Dipole source analysis of the difference wave (pseudo-characters minus characters) indicated that a generator localized in the left temporal-occipital junction contributed to this effect, which was possibly related to phonological and perceptual-semantic information integration. Between 350-450 ms, a greater negativity (N360) in pseudo-characters as compared to characters was found over midline fronto-central scalp regions. Dipole analysis localized the generator of N360 in the right parahippocampal cortex. Therefore, the N360 might be an N400 component and reflect the higher-level semantic activation on the

  17. Cryptographic pseudo-random sequence from the spatial chaotic map

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Fuyan; Liu Shutang


    A scheme for pseudo-random binary sequence generation based on the spatial chaotic map is proposed. In order to face the challenge of using the proposed PRBS in cryptography, the proposed PRBS is subjected to statistical tests which are the well-known FIPS-140-1 in the area of cryptography, and correlation properties of the proposed sequences are investigated. The proposed PRBS successfully passes all these tests. Results of statistical testing of the sequences are found encouraging. The results of statistical tests suggest strong candidature for cryptographic applications.

  18. Cardiorespiratory Kinetics Determined by Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences - Comparisons between Walking and Cycling. (United States)

    Koschate, J; Drescher, U; Thieschäfer, L; Heine, O; Baum, K; Hoffmann, U


    This study aims to compare cardiorespiratory kinetics as a response to a standardised work rate protocol with pseudo-random binary sequences between cycling and walking in young healthy subjects. Muscular and pulmonary oxygen uptake (V̇O 2 ) kinetics as well as heart rate kinetics were expected to be similar for walking and cycling. Cardiac data and V̇O 2 of 23 healthy young subjects were measured in response to pseudo-random binary sequences. Kinetics were assessed applying time series analysis. Higher maxima of cross-correlation functions between work rate and the respective parameter indicate faster kinetics responses. Muscular V̇O 2 kinetics were estimated from heart rate and pulmonary V̇O 2 using a circulatory model. Muscular (walking vs. cycling [mean±SD in arbitrary units]: 0.40±0.08 vs. 0.41±0.08) and pulmonary V̇O 2 kinetics (0.35±0.06 vs. 0.35±0.06) were not different, although the time courses of the cross-correlation functions of pulmonary V̇O 2 showed unexpected biphasic responses. Heart rate kinetics (0.50±0.14 vs. 0.40±0.14; P=0.017) was faster for walking. Regarding the biphasic cross-correlation functions of pulmonary V̇O 2 during walking, the assessment of muscular V̇O 2 kinetics via pseudo-random binary sequences requires a circulatory model to account for cardio-dynamic distortions. Faster heart rate kinetics for walking should be considered by comparing results from cycle and treadmill ergometry. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  19. O pensamento de Emmanuel Lévinas: uma filosofia aberta ao feminino The thought of Emmanuel Lévinas: an open philosophy to the feminine

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    Magali Mendes de Menezes


    Full Text Available O presente texto tem como objetivo percorrer três importantes obras do filósofo Emmanuel Lévinas - Da existência ao existente, O tempo e o outro, Totalidade e infinito - no intuito de compreender de que forma o conceito de feminino vai surgindo em suas reflexões e que significação assume diante do sujeito (compreendido por Lévinas como masculino, da subjetividade e do pensamento sobre a ética, considerada aqui como filosofia primeira.The present text intends to cover three important works by the philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas - De l'existence à l'existant, Le temps et l'autre, Totalité et infinit - in order to understand how the concept of feminine appear in his reflections and what meanings it assumes before the subject (understood by Lévinas as the masculine, the subjectivity and before the thought on ethics, considered by the philosopher as the first philosophy.

  20. A two-step ionospheric modeling algorithm considering the impact of GLONASS pseudo-range inter-channel biases (United States)

    Zhang, Rui; Yao, Yi-bin; Hu, Yue-ming; Song, Wei-wei


    The Global Navigation Satellite System presents a plausible and cost-effective way of computing the total electron content (TEC). But TEC estimated value could be seriously affected by the differential code biases (DCB) of frequency-dependent satellites and receivers. Unlike GPS and other satellite systems, GLONASS adopts a frequency-division multiplexing access mode to distinguish different satellites. This strategy leads to different wavelengths and inter-frequency biases (IFBs) for both pseudo-range and carrier phase observations, whose impacts are rarely considered in ionospheric modeling. We obtained observations from four groups of co-stations to analyze the characteristics of the GLONASS receiver P1P2 pseudo-range IFB with a double-difference method. The results showed that the GLONASS P1P2 pseudo-range IFB remained stable for a period of time and could catch up to several meters, which cannot be absorbed by the receiver DCB during ionospheric modeling. Given the characteristics of the GLONASS P1P2 pseudo-range IFB, we proposed a two-step ionosphere modeling method with the priori IFB information. The experimental analysis showed that the new algorithm can effectively eliminate the adverse effects on ionospheric model and hardware delay parameters estimation in different space environments. During high solar activity period, compared to the traditional GPS + GLONASS modeling algorithm, the absolute average deviation of TEC decreased from 2.17 to 2.07 TECu (TEC unit); simultaneously, the average RMS of GPS satellite DCB decreased from 0.225 to 0.219 ns, and the average deviation of GLONASS satellite DCB decreased from 0.253 to 0.113 ns with a great improvement in over 55%.

  1. Pseudo forward ray-tracing: A new method for surface validation in cornea topography

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sicam, V.; Snellenburg, J.J.; van der Heijde, R.G.; van Stokkum, I.H.M.


    PURPOSE. A pseudo forward ray-tracing (PFRT) algorithm is developed to evaluate surface reconstruction in corneal topography. The method can be applied to topographers where one-to-one correspondence between mire and image points can be established. METHODS. The PFRT algorithm was applied on a

  2. Almost Automorphic and Pseudo-Almost Automorphic Solutions to Semilinear Evolution Equations with Nondense Domain

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    Bruno de Andrade


    Full Text Available We study the existence and uniqueness of almost automorphic (resp., pseudo-almost automorphic solutions to a first-order differential equation with linear part dominated by a Hille-Yosida type operator with nondense domain.

  3. Coupling Computer Codes for The Analysis of Severe Accident Using A Pseudo Shared Memory Based on MPI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Young Chul; Park, Chang-Hwan; Kim, Dong-Min


    As there are four codes in-vessel analysis code (CSPACE), ex-vessel analysis code (SACAP), corium behavior analysis code (COMPASS), and fission product behavior analysis code, for the analysis of severe accident, it is complex to implement the coupling of codes with the similar methodologies for RELAP and CONTEMPT or SPACE and CAP. Because of that, an efficient coupling so called Pseudo shared memory architecture was introduced. In this paper, coupling methodologies will be compared and the methodology used for the analysis of severe accident will be discussed in detail. The barrier between in-vessel and ex-vessel has been removed for the analysis of severe accidents with the implementation of coupling computer codes with pseudo shared memory architecture based on MPI. The remaining are proper choice and checking of variables and values for the selected severe accident scenarios, e.g., TMI accident. Even though it is possible to couple more than two computer codes with pseudo shared memory architecture, the methodology should be revised to couple parallel codes especially when they are programmed using MPI

  4. Coupling Computer Codes for The Analysis of Severe Accident Using A Pseudo Shared Memory Based on MPI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Young Chul; Park, Chang-Hwan; Kim, Dong-Min [FNC Technology Co., Yongin (Korea, Republic of)


    As there are four codes in-vessel analysis code (CSPACE), ex-vessel analysis code (SACAP), corium behavior analysis code (COMPASS), and fission product behavior analysis code, for the analysis of severe accident, it is complex to implement the coupling of codes with the similar methodologies for RELAP and CONTEMPT or SPACE and CAP. Because of that, an efficient coupling so called Pseudo shared memory architecture was introduced. In this paper, coupling methodologies will be compared and the methodology used for the analysis of severe accident will be discussed in detail. The barrier between in-vessel and ex-vessel has been removed for the analysis of severe accidents with the implementation of coupling computer codes with pseudo shared memory architecture based on MPI. The remaining are proper choice and checking of variables and values for the selected severe accident scenarios, e.g., TMI accident. Even though it is possible to couple more than two computer codes with pseudo shared memory architecture, the methodology should be revised to couple parallel codes especially when they are programmed using MPI.

  5. Vapor-liquid equilibrium prediction with pseudo-cubic equation of state for binary mixtures containing hydrogen, helium, or neon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kato, M.; Tanaka, H. (Nihon Univ.,Fukushima, (Japan). Faculty of Enineering)


    As an equation of state of vapor-liquid equilibrium, an original pseudo-cubic equation of state was previously proposed by the authors of this report and its study is continued. In the present study, new effective critical values of hydrogen, helium and neon were determined empirically from vapor-liquid equilibrium data of literature values against their critical temperatures, critical pressures and critical volumes. The vapor-liquid equilibrium relations of binary system quantum gas mixtures were predicted combining the conventinal pseudo-cubic equation of state and the new effective critical values, and without using binary heteromolecular interaction parameter. The predicted values of hydrogen-ethylene, helium-propane and neon-oxygen systems were compared with literature values. As a result, it was indicated that the vapor-liquid relations of binary system mixtures containing hydrogen, helium and neon can be predicted with favorable accuracy combining the effective critical values and the three parameter pseudo-cubic equation of state. 37 refs., 3 figs., 4 tabs.

  6. PseudoMLSA: a database for multigenic sequence analysis of Pseudomonas species

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    Lalucat Jorge


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The genus Pseudomonas comprises more than 100 species of environmental, clinical, agricultural, and biotechnological interest. Although, the recommended method for discriminating bacterial species is DNA-DNA hybridisation, alternative techniques based on multigenic sequence analysis are becoming a common practice in bacterial species discrimination studies. Since there is not a general criterion for determining which genes are more useful for species resolution; the number of strains and genes analysed is increasing continuously. As a result, sequences of different genes are dispersed throughout several databases. This sequence information needs to be collected in a common database, in order to be useful for future identification-based projects. Description The PseudoMLSA Database is a comprehensive database of multiple gene sequences from strains of Pseudomonas species. The core of the database is composed of selected gene sequences from all Pseudomonas type strains validly assigned to the genus through 2008. The database is aimed to be useful for MultiLocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA procedures, for the identification and characterisation of any Pseudomonas bacterial isolate. The sequences are available for download via a direct connection to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI. Additionally, the database includes an online BLAST interface for flexible nucleotide queries and similarity searches with the user's datasets, and provides a user-friendly output for easily parsing, navigating, and analysing BLAST results. Conclusions The PseudoMLSA database amasses strains and sequence information of validly described Pseudomonas species, and allows free querying of the database via a user-friendly, web-based interface available at The web-based platform enables easy retrieval at strain or gene sequence information level; including references to published peer

  7. Diferenças na habilidade de integração auditiva inter-hemisférica entre os gêneros feminino e masculino: estudo preliminar Differences on interhemispherical auditory integration between female and male: preliminary study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana Rocha Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a habilidade de integrar informações auditivas inter-hemisféricas em indivíduos do gênero feminino e do gênero masculino. MÉTODOS:Participaram da pesquisa 30 indivíduos, 15 do gênero feminino e 15 do gênero masculino, na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos, todos sem queixa auditiva e com audição dentro dos padrões de normalidade. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio dos testes dicótico não verbal e dicótico de dígitos e pela pesquisa do efeito supressor das emissões otoacústicas transientes. RESULTADOS: No teste dicótico não verbal, na etapa de atenção, houve diferença entre os gêneros estudados no número de acertos da orelha direita. No teste dicótico de dígitos, na etapa de integração binaural, houve diferença entre os gêneros na porcentagem de acertos da orelha direita. Na etapa de atenção direcionada, houve tendência à diferença na porcentagem de acertos da orelha esquerda entre os gêneros estudados. No gênero feminino houve tendência à diferença entre as orelhas direita e esquerda no teste dicótico não verbal, na etapa de atenção livre, e houve diferença entre as orelhas na etapa de atenção seletiva. No teste dicótico de dígitos, na etapa de integração binaural, houve tendência à diferença entre as orelhas. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se diferenças entre os gêneros feminino e masculino em algumas habilidades e, em outras, houve similaridade de respostas.PURPOSE: To evaluate the interhemispherical auditory integration ability between female and male individuals. METHODS: Participants were 30 individuals - 15 female and 15 male - aged between 18 and 25 years, without hearing complaints and with hearing within normal limits. Data collection was carried out using the non-verbal dichotic test, the dichotic digits test, and suppressive transient otoacoustic emissions. RESULTS: In the non-verbal dichotic test, in the stage of right attention, there was difference between genders

  8. Stretching of material lines in pseudo-turbulence induced by small rising bubbles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, M; Tsujimura, Y; Kanatani, H


    Direct numerical simulations have been conducted for the stretching of material lines in pseudo-turbulence induced by small rising bubbles in order to understand the mixing characteristics of bubbly flows. Contaminated bubbles are considered and are treated as light solid particles. An immersed boundary method has been used for evaluating the coupling force between the bubbles and the surrounding fluid flows. Numerical results show that the total length of material lines increases exponentially in time as a result of stretching and folding due to the rising bubbles. The material lines tend to accumulate in the wake regions of the bubbles, and they are strongly stretched in the vertical direction there. It is also found that the stretching rate of material lines increases with the mean void fraction when it is normalized by the magnitude of the rate-of-strain tensor of liquid flow in pseudo-turbulence. In the case of high void fractions, material lines tend to align with the direction of maximum stretching, and are effectively stretched.

  9. Stretching of material lines in pseudo-turbulence induced by small rising bubbles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, M; Tsujimura, Y; Kanatani, H, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical and System Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8585 (Japan)


    Direct numerical simulations have been conducted for the stretching of material lines in pseudo-turbulence induced by small rising bubbles in order to understand the mixing characteristics of bubbly flows. Contaminated bubbles are considered and are treated as light solid particles. An immersed boundary method has been used for evaluating the coupling force between the bubbles and the surrounding fluid flows. Numerical results show that the total length of material lines increases exponentially in time as a result of stretching and folding due to the rising bubbles. The material lines tend to accumulate in the wake regions of the bubbles, and they are strongly stretched in the vertical direction there. It is also found that the stretching rate of material lines increases with the mean void fraction when it is normalized by the magnitude of the rate-of-strain tensor of liquid flow in pseudo-turbulence. In the case of high void fractions, material lines tend to align with the direction of maximum stretching, and are effectively stretched.

  10. Pseudo-proxy evaluation of climate field reconstruction methods of North Atlantic climate based on an annually resolved marine proxy network

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    M. Pyrina


    Full Text Available Two statistical methods are tested to reconstruct the interannual variations in past sea surface temperatures (SSTs of the North Atlantic (NA Ocean over the past millennium based on annually resolved and absolutely dated marine proxy records of the bivalve mollusk Arctica islandica. The methods are tested in a pseudo-proxy experiment (PPE setup using state-of-the-art climate models (CMIP5 Earth system models and reanalysis data from the COBE2 SST data set. The methods were applied in the virtual reality provided by global climate simulations and reanalysis data to reconstruct the past NA SSTs using pseudo-proxy records that mimic the statistical characteristics and network of Arctica islandica. The multivariate linear regression methods evaluated here are principal component regression and canonical correlation analysis. Differences in the skill of the climate field reconstruction (CFR are assessed according to different calibration periods and different proxy locations within the NA basin. The choice of the climate model used as a surrogate reality in the PPE has a more profound effect on the CFR skill than the calibration period and the statistical reconstruction method. The differences between the two methods are clearer for the MPI-ESM model due to its higher spatial resolution in the NA basin. The pseudo-proxy results of the CCSM4 model are closer to the pseudo-proxy results based on the reanalysis data set COBE2. Conducting PPEs using noise-contaminated pseudo-proxies instead of noise-free pseudo-proxies is important for the evaluation of the methods, as more spatial differences in the reconstruction skill are revealed. Both methods are appropriate for the reconstruction of the temporal evolution of the NA SSTs, even though they lead to a great loss of variance away from the proxy sites. Under reasonable assumptions about the characteristics of the non-climate noise in the proxy records, our results show that the marine network of Arctica


    Marchetti, Adrian; Lundholm, Nina; Kotaki, Yuichi; Hubbard, Katherine; Harrison, Paul J; Virginia Armbrust, E


    We identified and investigated the potential toxicity of oceanic Pseudo-nitzschia species from Ocean Station Papa (OSP), located in a high-nitrate, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region of the northeast (NE) subarctic Pacific Ocean. Despite their relatively low abundances in the indigenous phytoplankton assemblage, Pseudo-nitzschia species richness is high. The morphometric characteristics of five oceanic Pseudo-nitzschia isolates from at least four species are described using SEM and TEM. The species identified are Pseudo-nitzschia dolorosa Lundholm et Moestrup, P. granii Hasle, P. heimii Manguin, and P. cf. turgidula (Hust.) Hasle. Additional support for the taxonomic classifications based on frustule morphology is provided through the sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) rDNA. Pseudo-nitzschia species identification was also assessed by the construction of ITS1 clone libraries and using automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) for environmental samples collected during the Subarctic Ecosystem Response to Iron Enrichment Study (SERIES), conducted in close proximity to OSP in July of 2002. Based on ITS1 sequences, the presence of P. granii, P. heimii, P. cf. turgidula, and at least five other putative, unidentified Pseudo-nitzschia ITS1 variants was confirmed within iron-enriched phytoplankton assemblages at OSP. None of the oceanic isolates produced detectable levels of particulate domoic acid (DA) when in prolonged stationary phase due to silicic acid starvation. The lack of detectable concentrations of DA suggests that either these strains produce very little or no toxin, or that the physiological conditions required to promote particulate DA production were not met and thus differ from their coastal, toxigenic congeners. © 2008 Phycological Society of America.

  12. Pseudo-shock waves and their interactions in high-speed intakes (United States)

    Gnani, F.; Zare-Behtash, H.; Kontis, K.


    In an air-breathing engine the flow deceleration from supersonic to subsonic conditions takes places inside the isolator through a gradual compression consisting of a series of shock waves. The wave system, referred to as a pseudo-shock wave or shock train, establishes the combustion chamber entrance conditions, and therefore influences the performance of the entire propulsion system. The characteristics of the pseudo-shock depend on a number of variables which make this flow phenomenon particularly challenging to be analysed. Difficulties in experimentally obtaining accurate flow quantities at high speeds and discrepancies of numerical approaches with measured data have been readily reported. Understanding the flow physics in the presence of the interaction of numerous shock waves with the boundary layer in internal flows is essential to developing methods and control strategies. To counteract the negative effects of shock wave/boundary layer interactions, which are responsible for the engine unstart process, multiple flow control methodologies have been proposed. Improved analytical models, advanced experimental methodologies and numerical simulations have allowed a more in-depth analysis of the flow physics. The present paper aims to bring together the main results, on the shock train structure and its associated phenomena inside isolators, studied using the aforementioned tools. Several promising flow control techniques that have more recently been applied to manipulate the shock wave/boundary layer interaction are also examined in this review.

  13. Paleo Data Assimilation of Pseudo-Tree-Ring-Width Chronologies in a Climate Model (United States)

    Fallah Hassanabadi, B.; Acevedo, W.; Reich, S.; Cubasch, U.


    Using the Time-Averaged Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) and a forward model, we assimilate the pseudo Tree-Ring-Width (TRW) chronologies into an Atmospheric Global Circulation model. This study investigates several aspects of Paleo-Data Assimilation (PDA) within a perfect-model set-up: (i) we test the performance of several forward operators in the framework of a PDA-based climate reconstruction, (ii) compare the PDA-based simulations' skill against the free ensemble runs and (iii) inverstigate the skill of the "online" (with cycling) DA and the "off-line" (no-cycling) DA. In our experiments, the "online" (with cycling) PDA approach did not outperform the "off-line" (no-cycling) one, despite its considerable additional implementation complexity. On the other hand, it was observed that the error reduction achieved by assimilating a particular pseudo-TRW chronology is modulated by the strength of the yearly internal variability of the model at the chronology site. This result might help the dendrochronology community to optimize their sampling efforts.

  14. Pseudo-random Trees: Multiple Independent Sequence Generators for Parallel and Branching Computations (United States)

    Halton, John H.


    A class of families of linear congruential pseudo-random sequences is defined, for which it is possible to branch at any event without changing the sequence of random numbers used in the original random walk and for which the sequences in different branches show properties analogous to mutual statistical independence. This is a hitherto unavailable, and computationally desirable, tool.

  15. Time scales for spinodal decomposition in nuclear matter with pseudo-particle model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Idier, D.; Benhassine, B.; Farine, M.; Remaud, B.; Sebille, F.


    Dynamical instabilities arising from fluctuations in the spinodal zone for nuclear matter are studied using a large variety of zero range interactions in the frame of a pseudo-particle model. Scale times for spinodal decomposition are extracted and a possible link with decomposition in real heavy-ion collisions is discussed. (author) 12 refs.; 6 figs.; 1 tab.

  16. Time scales for spinodal decomposition in nuclear matter with pseudo-particle model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Idier, D.; Benhassine, B.; Farine, M.; Remaud, B.; Sebille, F.


    Dynamical instabilities arising from fluctuations in the spinodal zone for nuclear matter are studied using a large variety of zero range interactions in the frame of a pseudo-particle model. Scale times for spinodal decomposition are extracted and a possible link with decomposition in real heavy-ion collisions is discussed. (author) 12 refs.; 6 figs.; 1 tab

  17. One registration multi-atlas-based pseudo-CT generation for attenuation correction in PET/MRI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arabi, H.; Zaidi, H.


    Purpose: The outcome of a detailed assessment of various strategies for atlas-based whole-body bone segmentation from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was exploited to select the optimal parameters and setting, with the aim of proposing a novel one-registration multi-atlas (ORMA) pseudo-CT genera......Purpose: The outcome of a detailed assessment of various strategies for atlas-based whole-body bone segmentation from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was exploited to select the optimal parameters and setting, with the aim of proposing a novel one-registration multi-atlas (ORMA) pseudo...... regarding the accuracy of extracted bone using the different techniques demonstrated the superiority of the VWW atlas fusion algorithm achieving a Dice similarity measure of 0.82 ± 0.04 compared to arithmetic averaging atlas fusion (0.60 ± 0.02), which uses conventional direct registration. Application...

  18. Tetrahedral cluster and pseudo molecule: New approaches to Calculate Absolute Surface Energy of Zinc Blende (111)/(-1-1-1) Surface (United States)

    Zhang, Yiou; Zhang, Jingzhao; Tse, Kinfai; Wong, Lun; Chan, Chunkai; Deng, Bei; Zhu, Junyi

    Determining accurate absolute surface energies for polar surfaces of semiconductors has been a great challenge in decades. Here, we propose pseudo-hydrogen passivation to calculate them, using density functional theory approaches. By calculating the energy contribution from pseudo-hydrogen using either a pseudo molecule method or a tetrahedral cluster method, we obtained (111)/(-1-1-1) surfaces energies of Si, GaP, GaAs, and ZnS with high self-consistency. Our findings may greatly enhance the basic understandings of different surfaces and lead to novel strategies in the crystal growth. We would like to thank Su-huai Wei for helpful discussions. Computing resources were provided by the High Performance Cluster Computing Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University. This work was supported by the start-up funding and direct Grant with the Project.

  19. Dissociative identity disorder and pseudo-hysteria. (United States)

    Foote, B


    The diagnostic validity of dissociative identity disorder (DID) continues to inspire controversy, with some commentators claiming that DID is a modern variant of "hysteria"; that is, attention-seeking behavior. The author asserts that DID is indeed a valid psychiatric disorder, and believes that this skeptical reaction can largely be attributed to a specific set of transference/countertransference interactions that these patients tend to inspire. The paper delineates several clinical features of DID that can easily be mistaken for hysterical phenomena, and attempts to find the roots of this confusion in the DID patients' experience of interpersonal powerlessness, which leads them to present their symptoms in an unconvincing, "hysterical" manner. Confusion between the vertical split seen in the dissociative disorders and the horizontal split characteristic of the classic hysterical personality is discussed, as is the powerful effect of observer bias in creating hysterical-appearing phenomena. The term "pseudo-hysteria" is used to denote a situation in which a genuine psychiatric disorder, DID, is perceived as an hysterical production.

  20. The pseudo-scalar form factor of the nucleon, the sigma-like term, and the L0+ amplitude for charged pion electro-production near threshold

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheoun, Myung Ki; Kim, K.S.


    The pseudo-scalar form factor, which represents the pseudo-scalar quark density distribution due to finite quark masses on the nucleon, is shown to manifest itself with the induced pseudo-scalar form factor in the L 0 + amplitude for the charged pion electro-production. Both form factors show their own peculiar momentum dependence. Under the approximation on which the Goldberger-Treiman relation holds, a sum of both form factors' contributions accounts for the t-channel contribution in the charged pion electro-production near threshold