
Sample records for professor universite paris

  1. A transição de contribuidor individual para líder: a experiência vivida pelo professor universitário

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    Fabiula Meneguete Vides da Silva


    Full Text Available   Este trabalho objetiva compreender o processo de transição do contribuidor individual (professor para líder (reitor ou pró-reitor em universidades. A abordagem fenomenológico-hermenêutica de van Manen (1990 foi utilizada a fim de retomar os principais temas desta experiência. Seis ex-gestores universitários emprestaram suas experiências vivenciadas em universidades pertencentes à Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais (ACAFE, através das entrevistas em três tempos preconizadas por Seidman (1998, realizadas entre maio de 2009 e março de 2010. Recorrendo às entrevistas transcritas, foi possível resgatar nove grandes temas centrais, que representam as experiências que os professores entrevistados viveram: a estrutura universitária: um dos desafios; a agenda do líder universitário; o relacionamento interpessoal: a diversidade nas e das relações; a falta da pesquisa e da sala de aula; mudando o olhar: a necessidade da visão do conjunto; buscando qualificação profissional: “um divisor de águas”; o tempo: “meu inimigo número um”; o ambiente de trabalho; e sofrendo. Os dados encontrados revelam temas úteis para a compreensão da experiência vivida na transição de professores para líderes universitários, contribuindo para pensarmos em políticas de recursos humanos, a fim de minimizarmos os aspectos negativos vividos pelos professores, como também para ampliarmos as pesquisas que levem em conta a temática da transição nas universidades.

  2. Tornar-se negro: trajetÃrias de vida de professores universitÃrios no CearÃ


    Maria Auxiliadora de Paula GonÃalves Holanda


    A pesquisa trata dos processos de construÃÃo de subjetividades dos professores universitÃrios negros da Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC) ao longo de suas trajetÃrias de vida. O caminho percorrido rumo ao objeto de anÃlise foi conhecer e analisar as construÃÃes identitÃrias de professores dessa universidade nas experiÃncias do tornar-se negro, vivenciadas desde a infÃncia atà o ingresso no mundo do trabalho, no contÃnuo processo de identificaÃÃo e negociaÃÃo prÃprio da formaÃÃo humana. O fo...

  3. Burnout em professores universitários: impacto de percepções de justiça e comprometimento afetivo

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    Ivone Félix de Sousa

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar o poder mediacional do comprometimento organizacional afetivo na relação entre as percepções de justiça distributiva, processual e interacional e o burnout. Participaram da pesquisa 233 professores universitários. Foram aplicados os instrumentos avaliativos Maslach Burnout Inventory, Escala de Percepção de Justiça Organizacional e Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. Analisou-se o poder mediacional do comprometimento na relação entre a percepção de justiça e o burnout, a partir da regressão hierárquica. O poder mediacional do comprometimento se confirmou na relação entre percepção de justiça distributiva e exaustão. Concluiu-se que a percepção de injustiça na forma de distribuição de recursos pode levar o professor universitário à exaustão, o que pode ter probabilidade aumentada diante da falta de comprometimento.

  4. O uso das TIC no trabalho de professores universitários de língua inglesa The ICT use in the work of English language professors

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    Glenda Cristina Valim de Melo


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta as representações sobre o tipo de trabalho que docentes universitários de Língua Inglesa consideram realizar com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC em sala de aula. Os aportes teórico-metodológicos estão embasados no Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo de Bronckart (2007; 2008, nas concepções de trabalho desenvolvidas pela Clínica da Atividade e Ergonomia e nas características de trabalho de Machado (2010. Participaram do estudo seis docentes universitários de Língua Inglesa que utilizam as TIC no trabalho. Os dados foram gerados via internet, via e-mails e Moodle. Cada participante produziu um texto em que relatou os usos que faria dessas ferramentas. Os resultados indicam que os docentes fazem usos semelhantes das ferramentas e que há impedimentos no uso das TIC para os docentes da universidade pública.This article presents representations about the kind of work that university professors hope to achieve when using Information & Communications Technology (ICT in the classroom. The theoretical background is based on Socio-discursive Interactionism, theories about work as developed in Clinical Activity and Ergonomics and in the characteristics of work proposed by Machado (2010. Six English language professors that use ICT at work participated in the research project. Data were collected via internet, through e-mail or Moodle. Each participant provided a text on their experiences and the use of ICT. The results indicate that university professors use the ICT in the same way, butsome restrictions to this matter are appointed by public university professors.

  5. Características clínico-comportamentais de professores . universitários no sertão paraibano


    Coêlho, Raimunda de Fátima Neves


    p. 1-153 comprometer a saúde física e mental dos indivíduos é necessária, para respaldar programas de suporte ao docente. O estudo objetivou descrever características clínico-comportamentais de professores universitários no sertão paraibano, tendo como objetivos secundários: avaliar correlação entre Resiliência, História de Trauma, Transtorno do Estresse Pós-traumático - TEPT, Impulsividade, Religiosidade, e Qualidade de Vida na população estudada; determinar a frequência de...


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    Dulce Monteiro Filha


    Full Text Available RESUMO O texto ilustra o caminho teórico seguido pelo Professor Fabio Erber na construção de sua formação acadêmica, mostrando as conclusões da tese que escreveu para obter o grau de Doutor em Economia na Universidade de Sussex , assim como, aquela que lhe propiciou o título de professor titular do Instituto de Economia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Este artigo apresenta, também, os estudos sobre Convenções que estava realizando no Pós-Doutorado na Université de Paris XIII. Erber era um profissional respeitado por ex-colegas, alunos e amigos brasileiros e estrangeiros (latino-americanos, franceses, ingleses, etc., tendo contribuído para o pensamento latino-americano no que diz respeito aos temas que estudou.

  7. Percepções de professores universitários brasileiros sobre as virtudes mais valorizadas no exercício da docência

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    Marcella Bastos Cacciari

    Full Text Available Resumo Disseminam-se atualmente em todo o mundo artigos que colocam em pauta a forma com que os professores sentem e vivenciam a profissão. O presente estudo buscou investigar as virtudes necessárias para ser um bom professor e o quanto os participantes percebem que tais características os descrevem como profissionais. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método de pesquisa misto, de forma a contemplar aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos dos fenômenos investigados. Participaram deste estudo 214 professores universitários brasileiros, que responderam um questionário formado por questões sociodemográficas e duas perguntas abertas sobre as virtudes do bom professor. A análise textual foi realizada a partir do software IRAMUTEQ e representada graficamente pela análise de similitude. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, as virtudes mais valorizadas no exercício docente foramconhecimento, temperança, justiça e humanidade. Estes resultados ajudam a pensar nas habilidades e competências exigidas na vida acadêmica, assim como na avaliação das práticas docentes.

  8. Galerkin Optimal Control (United States)


    MATHEMATICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 2014 Randy Boucher Approved By: Wei Kang Professor Chris L. Frenzen Professor Department of...also to the members of my committee: Dr. Frank Giraldo, Dr. Chris Frenzen, Dr. Mike Ross and Dr. Arthur Krener. Each of you planted great seeds of...Louis Lions, Universite Paris, Paris, France, Oct. 2005. [80] J. R. Higgins , Completeness and Basis Properties of Sets of Special Functions. Cam

  9. The Impact of Anti-Immigration Parties on Mainstream Parties' Immigration Positions in the Netherlands, Flanders and the UK 1987-2010: Divided electorates, left-right politics and the pull towards restrictionism


    DAVIS, Amber


    Defence date: 20 April 2012; Examining Board: Professor Rainer Bauböck, EUI, for Professor Peter Mair (†), EUI (supervisor); Professor Virginie Guiraudon, National Center for Scientific Research, Paris; Professor Meindert Fennema, Universiteit van Amsterdam; Professor Dirk Jacobs, Université Libre de Bruxelles The rise of anti-immigration parties across Western Europe has put enormous pressure on mainstream parties to adapt their competitive strategies. This thesis tests the hypothesis tha...

  10. Professor facilitador e inibidor da criatividade segundo universitários The teacher who facilitates or inhibits creativity according to undergraduates

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    Tales Vilela Santeiro


    Full Text Available Diante do reduzido número de pesquisas relacionando criatividade ao contexto universitário brasileiro, objetiva-se caracterizar o professor facilitador e o inibidor da criatividade, segundo opinião de calouros de Biomedicina (N=117 de uma universidade particular do Nordeste Paulista. Utiliza-se como instrumento um questionário com duas perguntas abertas, focalizando características do professor que facilita e do que inibe a criatividade dos alunos. As respostas foram avaliadas por categorias e por correlação de julgamentos de dois juízes. Os dados foram tratados quantitativamente (cálculos descritivos e Qui-quadrado. As características facilitadoras da criatividade foram relacionadas ao preparo do professor e as inibidoras foram referentes ao modo como o professor se relaciona com os alunos.In view of the reduced amount of researches relating creativity and the Brazilian university context, this work aims to characterize the teachers who facilitate and the ones who inhibit creativity according to the opinion of freshmen in Biomedicine (N=117 from private universities in the northeastern area of São Paulo state. It uses, as instrument, a two-question questionnaire focusing on the teacher’s characteristics that facilitate or inhibit the students’ creativity. The answers were assessed by categories and by the co-relation of two judges’ analyses. The data were quantitatively approached (descriptive calculus and Chi-square test. The creativity facilitating characteristics were associated to the teachers’ professional skills and the inhibiting ones refer to the teachers’ relationship with students.


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    Fabiula Meneguete Vides da Silva


    Full Text Available Busca-se, neste trabalho, compreender o significado das relações interpessoais estabelecidas nos processos de transição do contribuidor individual (professor para líder (reitor ou pró-reitor e de líder para contribuidor individual em universidades. A abordagem fenomenológico-hermenêutica foi utilizada a fim de retomar os principais temas desta experiência. Seis ex-gestores universitários emprestaram suas experiências vivenciadas em universidades pertencentes à Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais, através das entrevistas em três tempos, realizadas entre maio de 2009 e março de 2010. Somente fazendo parte da gestão universitária os professores perceberam a complexidade dessa prática. O relacionamento interpessoal foi um fator importante na prática gerencial desses professores, fato este corroborado pela literatura (MINTZBERG, 1990. Recorrendo às entrevistas transcritas, foi possível resgatar três grandes temas centrais: as relações profissionais, o relacionamento com os alunos e as relações familiares. Nas relações profissionais estabelecidas, eles perceberam a necessidade do gerenciamento do trabalho em equipe. O relacionamento frequente com os alunos fez parte do dia a dia do gestor universitário, configurando-se como um dos seus grandes desafios. A família esteve ao lado dos professores, apoiando-os e cobrando deles mais tempo de convívio familiar. Palavras-chave: Relações interpessoais. Professor universitário. Líder. Transição.


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    Jacqueline Oliveira Moreira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo destacamos o tema da velhice bem-sucedida dentro da pesquisa “Aposentadoria e Velhice bem-sucedida: estudo de caso com professores universitários da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais”. Interessa-nos saber como os professores universitários com mais de 60 anos pensam uma velhice saudável. Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso que visou a desvelar os imaginários de 40 professores universitários com mais de 60 anos, sobre velhice, trabalho e aposentadoria, através da aplicação de questionário e análise estatística usando o SPSS. Concluímos que os professores consideram a Capacidade Psíquica para lidar com as novas situações o elemento mais importante na construção de uma velhice bem-sucedida, seguido do engajamento em atividades diversas.

  13. University Observatory, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (United States)

    Murdin, P.


    The University Observatory of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität was founded in 1816. Astronomers who worked or graduated at the Munich Observatory include: Fraunhofer, Soldner, Lamont, Seeliger and Karl Schwarzschild. At present four professors and ten staff astronomers work here. Funding comes from the Bavarian Government, the German Science Foundation, and other German and European research progra...

  14. Formador de leitores, formador de professores: a trajetória de Max Butlen

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    Belmira Oliveira Bueno


    Full Text Available Nesta entrevista, Max Butlen, amplamente conhecido por seu trabalho no campo da leitura, da formação de leitores e de professores, traça um percurso de sua trajetória e desenvolve uma discussão rica a partir das contribuições teóricas assentadas em uma longa vivência na escola pública, que o tornaram referência em dois temas dentre os mais desafiadores para a escola nos dias de hoje: o ensino da cultura da escrita e a profissionalização dos professores. Na França, foi sucessivamente professor em diferentes instituições de formação de professores, junto ao Ministério da Educação e o da Cultura, onde, em funções e cargos múltiplos, fez sobressair seu trabalho em prol da atualização das práticas escolares de leitura e da configuração e uso das bibliotecas públicas e escolares. Sua tese de doutorado em ciências da educação, Les politiques de lecture et leurs acteurs, 1980-2000, defendida na Universidade de Paris 5, reúne esses dois campos de saberes universitários e da ação profissional e mostra a centralidade que as questões da leitura assumem na França nos finais do século XX. No Brasil, ele trabalhou junto ao Ministério da Educação, de 1994 a 1998, ampliando, desde então, sua colaboração com grupos de pesquisadores de vários estados, para tratar seja das temáticas da leitura seja daquelas referidas à universitarização dos professores. Desenvolve também, a partir de suas experiências em ambos os países, comparações profícuas no que se refere a procedimentos de formação de professores e ao comportamento intelectual dos jovens diante das novas tecnologias e das mudanças sociais.

  15. Associação entre risco cardiovascular e hipertensão arterial em professores universitários Association between cardiovascular risk and hypertension in universities professors

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    Osvaldo Costa Moreira


    Full Text Available A hipertensão arterial é uma das mais importantes causas modificáveis de morbi-mortalidade cardiovascular precoce na população adulta mundial, além de ser fator de risco independente para doenças cardiovasculares. Assim objetivou-se verificar a associação entre indicadores de risco cardiovascular e hipertensão arterial em professores universitários. Foram avaliados 145 professores da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV, no ano de 2009, analisando-se as variáveis: sexo, idade, índice de massa corporal (IMC, relação cintura/quadril (RCQ, circunferência abdominal (CA, percentual de gordura (%G, colesterol total (CT, triacilglicerol (TG, glicose, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS e diastólica (PAD de repouso e consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2máx. Utilizou-se o teste ANOVA one way para comparação entre indivíduos normotensos e pré-hipertensos e hipertensos. Calculou-se a razão de chances de desenvolvimento de quadros de PA elevada entre os indivíduos que apresentavam níveis indicativos de risco cardiovascular. Todos os tratamentos possuíram nível de significância de p Hypertension is one of the most important modifiable causes of precocious cardiovascular morbid-mortality in the adult population worldwide, and it's an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Thus we aimed to investigate the association between cardiovascular risk and blood pressure on universities professors. 145 professors from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV were evaluated, in 2009, analyzing the variables: gender, age, body mass index (BMI, waist / hip ratio (WHR, abdominal circumference (AC, percent body fat (% BF, total cholesterol (TC, triglyceride (TG, glucose, systolic blood pressure (SBP and diastolic (DBP at rest and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max. We used ANOVA one way test for comparison between normotensive and prehypertensive and hypertensive individuals. It was calculated the odds ratio of high BP expansion among individuals

  16. Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (16th) Held in Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France on 6-10 September 1999 (United States)


    Chimica Fisica e Photophysique Mol6culaire, Physikalische Chemnie, Inorganica, Universit6 de Paris-Sud, ETH Zentrum, Universitý, de Bologna, Orsay... de la Materia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Serrano 123, 28006 Madrid, Spain; C. CLAVEAU and A. VALENTIN, Laboratoire de Physique...Cedex, France; J. C. LOPEZ and S. BLANCO, Departamento de Quimica- Fisica , Facultad de Ciencias, Universitad de Valladolid, 47071 Valladolid, Spain; A

  17. Sot Michel et Barthélemy Dominique (éd., L’Islam au carrefour des civilisations médiévales, Presses de l’université Paris- Sorbonne, 2012, 232 p.

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    Hassan Bouali


    Full Text Available Cet ouvrage est issu d’un ensemble de conférences données à l’université Paris-Sorbonne Abou Dhabi. La majorité des historiens qui ont participé à cette entreprise enseignent à la Sorbonne. Force est toutefois de constater l’omniprésence d’un historien japonais et d’un autre tunisien. De quoi est-il question dans ce livre ? Le titre, L’Islam au carrefour des civilisations médiévales, démontre aux premiers abords qu’il s’agit de mettre fin au « civilisationnisme » de Fernand Braudel, qui n’env...

  18. Patrick Couvreur: inspiring pharmaceutical innovation. (United States)

    Stanwix, Hannah


    Patrick Couvreur speaks to Hannah Stanwix, Managing Comissioning Editor: Professor Patrick Couvreur received his pharmacy degree from the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) in 1972. He holds a PhD in pharmaceutical technology from the same university and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Zürich, Switzerland). Since 1984, Professor Couvreur has been Full Professor of Pharmacy at the Paris-Sud University (Paris, France) and was holder of the Chair of Innovation Technologique at the prestigious Collège de France (Paris, France). He has published more than 450 peer-reviewed articles and has an H-index of 73, with over 19,000 citations. Professor Coureur has been recognized by numerous national and international awards, including the 2004 Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress Award, the prestigious Host Madsen Medal, the Prix Galien, the European Pharmaceutical Scientist Award 2011 from the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Médaille de l'Innovation from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and recently the European Inventor Award 2013 from the European Patent Office.

  19. [Jacques Clarion (1776-1844), professor of l'Ecole de pharmacie de Paris]. (United States)

    Trépardoux, Francis


    Engaged in military campaigns from 1793 to 1797, he then studied medicine in Paris, as well as pharmacy, specialised in chemistry and botany. Supported by Deyeux and Corvisart, he was nominated as pharmacist of the emperor. From 1819 to 1844, he taught botany at the School of pharmacy of Paris. In 1823, the authority gave him a second chair for the medical botany at the Faculty of medicine, but after the 1830 revolution, he was dismissed. He mainly worked in taxonomy, contributing to several publications with Palisot and de Candolle for Graminaceae. He was a member of the academy of medicine.

  20. A thyrotoxicosis outbreak due to dietary pills in Paris

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    Vincent Ioos


    Full Text Available Vincent Ioos1, Vincent Das1, Eric Maury1,2, Jean-Luc Baudel1, Jérôme Guéchot3, Bertrand Guidet1,2, Georges Offenstadt1,21Réanimation Médicale; 2Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, INSERM, UMR-S 707; 3Unité d’Hormonologie, APHP, Hôpital Saint Antoine, F-75012, Paris, FranceAbstract: Three women were consecutively admitted to our medical intensive care unit for thyrotoxicosis after the ingestion of dietary pills accidentally containing high levels of thyroxin. These cases were observed during an outbreak in the Paris area. Despite similar blood levels of thyroid hormones, their clinical presentation and outcome were very different. One patient developed febrile confusion and died from malignant hyperthermia. The second one had progressive confusion requiring mechanical plasma exchange therapy and had a favorable outcome. The third one had very moderate symptoms. These exceptional observations raise several issues concerning diagnosis, physiopathology and treatment of thyrotoxicosis factitia.Keywords: thyrotoxicosis, dietary pills, thyroxin

  1. Lectures on the nearest neighbor method

    CERN Document Server

    Biau, Gérard


    This text presents a wide-ranging and rigorous overview of nearest neighbor methods, one of the most important paradigms in machine learning. Now in one self-contained volume, this book systematically covers key statistical, probabilistic, combinatorial and geometric ideas for understanding, analyzing and developing nearest neighbor methods. Gérard Biau is a professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris). Luc Devroye is a professor at the School of Computer Science at McGill University (Montreal).   .

  2. Síndrome de burn-out e identidade do professor universitário


    Rosângela Aparecida Cassiolato


    Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo conhecer o processo de desenvolvimento da identidade do professor submetido a condições objetivas que favorecem o desencadeamento da síndrome de burn-out. Procuramos identificar os componentes da síndrome e estabelecer a relação entre o desenvolvimento da síndrome e o exercício profissional, analisar o significado atribuído pelo professor ao seu desempenho como parte constituinte de sua identidade e os efeitos do burn-out no trabalho acadêmico. Particip...

  3. Maio de 1968 em Paris: testemunho de um estudante Paris, May 1968: witness of a student

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    Michel Thiollent


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar informações sobre os acontecimentos de maio de 1968 na França e seus desdobramentos na vida universitária e intelectual. Os temas abordados são o contexto da crise universitária, as formas de contestação estudantil do ensino de ciências sociais e economia e as fontes intelectuais do movimento. Com base em documentos inéditos, são descritas diversas experiências de comunicação alternativa, de relacionamento entre estudantes e trabalhadores no decorrer dos acontecimentos, assim como uma tentativa de Universidade Popular no 13° distrito de Paris, de julho a outubro de 1968. São analisados alguns aspectos dos debates e da evolução das ciências sociais e da filosofia pós-68, período marcado pela crise do ideário socialista e pelo crescimento do individualismo.This article aims to present the happenigs occured in France in May 1968 and its consequences in the intelectual and university world. The topics are the context of the university crises, the forms of studants complaint against the teaching of Social Sciences and Economy and the intelectual sources of the movement. Based on unpublished documents, many experiences of alternative communication are described and the relationship between students and employees during the happenning and even an attempt to make a Popular University in the 13rd district of Paris, from July to October 1968, as well. Some aspects of the debates and the evolution of the Social Sciences and the Philosophy post 68 are analised. This period was remarked by the crises of the socialist set of ideas and the growth of the individualism.

  4. [Homage to Professor Dr. Nicasio Etchepareborda]. (United States)


    During a solemn academic act, de Main Classroom of the Facultad de Odontologia de Buenos Aires was named after Prof. Dr. Nicasio Etchepareborda. He has been the first professor at the Escuela de Odontologia and its organizer, after having obtained his Dentistry degree at the Dental School of Paris, in 1882. The new school was founded in 1891, and its activities began the following year.

  5. Pedagogia universitária: a aprendizagem docente como um desafio à professoralidade = University pedagogy: Instructor learning as a challenge to professor practice

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    Noemi Lenz


    Full Text Available Este artigo é resultado de pesquisas desenvolvidas no GPFOPE e tem por temática a formação do professor, considerando os processos engendrados para sua constituição. Assim sendo, a sua tessitura emerge da confluência de reflexões a partir de um campo teórico, dentro da Pedagogia Universitária, aliada à pesquisa de campo dessas investigações. Os principais autores, dentro dessa linha, que subsidiam este estudo são: Bolzan (2001; 2002-2005; 2006; 2007-2009 eIsaia e Bolzan (2004; 2006; 2007. Os achados assinalam que o professor vai constituindo-se, no decorrer da sua trajetória formativa, evidenciando, dessa forma, a ideia de inacabamento, o quepressupõe enfocar a formação de professores na perspectiva de um processo de aprendizagem para a docência de caráter permanente. Ademais, como os estudos indicam, é necessário igualmente considerar que as trajetórias de vida possuem marcas específicas, o que se faz pensar na direção de uma formação personalizada. Por conseguinte, compreende-se que se torna inerente pensar que a aprendizagem da docência e, por conseguinte, o desenvolvimento profissional, é impulsionado quando forem incorporadas práticas reflexivas conjuntamente com atividades colaborativas entre os sujeitos de formação.The present article arises from studies developed at the GPFOPE, and its theme is teacher education, considering the processes engendered to their constitution. Thus, its fabric emerges from the confluence of ideas from a theoretical field within the field of UniversityPedagogy, combined with field research of these investigations. The main authors, within this line, who subsidize this study are: Bolzan (2001; 2002-2005; 2006; 2007-2009 and Isaia and Bolzan (2004; 2006; 2007. The findings indicate that the professor is formed in the course of his career training, thereby evidencing, the idea of incompleteness, which presupposes focusing professor formation in the perspective of a permanent

  6. If it's good enough for Paris : U of C professor says microbiology advances will improve production and operations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harrison, L.


    Nitrite has been used in Paris to prevent the formation of sulphide (H{sub 2}S) odour since the early 1900s. Yara International ASA is the biggest nitrate-producing company in the world and the City of Paris is its biggest customer. A microbiology professor at the University of Calgary is researching molecular physiology of sulphate-reducing bacteria and management of the sulphur cycle in oilfields. The microbiology research may lead to better hydrocarbon recoveries and reduce environmental impacts. The objective is to establish a critical mass of expertise in petroleum microbiology and to improve ways to reduce souring and corrosion, lower industry costs and extend the life of conventional production and offshore fields. The research team has been awarded funding of $680,000 per year for five years from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Alberta Energy Research Institute and 8 companies, including Yara International ASA. The program is focused on sulphur cycle management, corrosion prevention and enhanced recovery. It is expected that managing the sulphur cycle by using nitrate in the field will lower the concentration of sulphide produced by sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Nitrate activates nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB), which can oxidize the sulphide formed by SRB back to sulphate. Efforts will also be made to evaluate the corrosion risk associated with sulphide removal with nitrate. The research program will also focus on stimulating resident bacteria to make biomass, biosurfactants or viscosity-breaking chemicals that can improve production from conventional fields and oilsands with reduced environmental impacts. This may also involve converting residual oil to methane. 1 ref., 2 figs.

  7. Apontamentos sobre uma análise do discurso da crítica literária universitária

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    Grenissa STAFUZZA


    Full Text Available No presente artigo, tecemos alguns apontamentos sobre uma análise do discurso da crítica literária universitária mostrando uma trajetória de construção do discurso crítico acadêmico especializado na literatura. Para tanto, consideramos a transformação do gênero artigo crítico literário, de autoria de professores universitários, publicados em uma revista especializada, assim como a recepção crítica do escritor James Joyce e de sua obra, ressaltando a sua legitimação na universidade.

  8. Apontamentos sobre uma análise do discurso da crítica literária universitária

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    Grenissa STAFUZZA


    Full Text Available No presente artigo, tecemos alguns apontamentos sobre uma análise do discurso da crítica literária universitária mostrando uma trajetória de construção do discurso crítico acadêmico especializado na literatura. Para tanto, consideramos a transformação do gênero artigo crítico literário, de autoria de professores universitários, publicados em uma revista especializada, assim como a recepção crítica do escritor James Joyce e de sua obra, ressaltando a sua legitimação na universidade.

  9. O papel da instituição para escolher, acolher e acompanhar ao professor universitário


    da Silva Marques Ferreira, Maria de Lourdes


    Objective. To analyze the role of the institution in choosing, receiving and chaperone professors. Methodology. Qualitative study, which body analysis was composed of 32 participations in a thematic forum of a group of nine health professionals. Results. After professor hiring it is necessary to receive and chaperone him. Professors with longer time in the institution represent a more important role in the admission of the new professor. Chaperone process is an opportunity to change and redef...

  10. Entrevista com professor Bertrand Badie


    Mere Marques Aveiro, Thais


    Bertrand Badie é cientista político, professor na Sciences Po, Paris, pesquisador do CERI (Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Internacionais), codiretor da coleção L’etat du monde, publicada anualmente desde 2010 e coeditor da Enciclopédia Internacional de Ciência Política. Entre 2002 e 2005, foi Diretor do Centro de Estudos Internacionais sobre a paz e resoluções de conflitos. Por dez anos (1994 –2003), foi Diretor das publicações da Sciences Po.Desde 2000, ministra o Curso Espaço Mundial que, a ...

  11. Os pontos de virada na formação do professor universitário: um estudo sobre o mecanismo da identificação The "turning points" in the formation of the university teacher: a study of the mechanism of identification

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    Claudia Rosa Riolfi


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objeto a formação do professor universitário. Volta-se para a elucidação das seguintes questões: a os avanços para a compreensão da natureza do percurso a ser trilhado para que se instale, no professor universitário em formação, um desejo que encontre seu norte no ato de ensinar que são possíveis de se levar em consideração, ao tomar em consideração a psicanálise lacaniana; e b a configuração dos pontos de virada por meio dos quais um sujeito em formação vem a construir um lugar singular de onde possa criar um trabalho próprio de professor universitário. Postula a necessidade do ultrapassamento do que estamos chamando de pontos de virada para que aquele que está em um percurso de formação, para se tornar professor universitário, possa vir a criar um espaço próprio para o exercício da docência, fundando, portanto, a possibilidade da re-invenção de um si próprio. Para tal fim, estamos recorrendo ao conceito de identificação - tal qual é visto na psicanálise de orientação lacaniana - para elucidar a experiência decorrida no âmbito do Programa de Aperfeiçoamento de Ensino (PAE, ao longo de 2005, em duas disciplinas (cujos alunos são prioritariamente oriundos da graduação em Lingüística da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP, que têm a carga horária de 120 horas cada uma (60 em sala de aula e 60 de estágio supervisionado.This article takes as its object the formation of the university teacher, turning its attention to the elucidation of the following issues: a the developments in the understanding of the nature of the path to be followed so as to instill in the university teacher under formation a will oriented towards the act of teaching, developments that can be assessed from the perspective of Lacanian psychoanalysis; and b the configuration of "turning points" after which a subject under formation builds a singular place where it is possible to

  12. Report of visiting Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas, Universite Paris-Sud

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.L.


    The activities carried out by identification mission to the Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas (LPGP) of Paris-Sud University are related. The mission is part of the project of Study on Plasma wave and Plasma turbulence which is part of international agreement between CAPES and COFECUB in France. (M.C.K.)

  13. A Transição de Líder para Contribuidor Individual: A Experiência Vivida pelo Ser Gestor Universitário

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    Silva, Fabiula Meneguete Vides da


    Full Text Available Este estudo é resultado das minhas inquietações enquanto professora de uma universidade. Trabalhando em uma instituição de ensino superior, vivia em contato com relatos curiosos de professores que, após passarem um período de no mínimo quatro anos como responsáveis pela gestão universitária, voltavam para a sala de aula. Esses relatos chegavam a mim sempre carregados de emoção, de momentos de alegrias e tristezas, de conquistas e derrotas, de muito aprendizado. Curiosa, recorri à literatura, a fim de compreender o processo de transição do líder (reitor ou pró-reitor para contribuidor individual (professor em universidades. Percebi que a literatura acerca dos processos de transição nas universidades é incipiente. Com o objetivo de compreender a experiência vivida por reitores e pró-reitores no processo de transição para professores, utilizei a abordagem fenomenológico-hermenêutica de Van Manen (1990, a fim de retomar os principais temas desta experiência. Seis ex-gestores universitários emprestaram suas experiências vivenciadas em universidades pertencentes à Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais (ACAFE, através de entrevistas em três tempos preconizadas por Seidman (1998e realizadas entre maio de 2009 e março de 2010. Essas histórias revelam o significado de ser líder universitário e professor, e os principais temas que marcaram as experiências dos ex-gestores entrevistados no processo de sua transição para a sala de aula. Ao voltarem para a sala de aula, os professores sentem-se aliviados por não mais viverem a fragmentação e a brevidade das tarefas típicas dos líderes. Como professores, conseguem gerenciar seu tempo e planejar suas atividades docentes, algo que não lhes era possível enquanto reitores e pró-reitores. Ao mesmo tempo em que os ex-gestores sentiram facilidades no retorno à sala de aula, imersos nessa nova realidade, suas vozes e expressões retrataram suas

  14. Ser professor na Educação Básica: letramentos em construção em um Curso de Letras

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    Adriana Fischer


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar como ocorre a constituição letrada de alunos de Letras quando assumem a posição de professores da Educação Básica. Para responder a este objetivo, são analisados movimentos dialógicos desses alunos em eventos de letramento acadêmico nomeados como identitários. Nestes, os alunos universitários são posicionados como professores em práticas que envolvem leitura e a produção escrita. Para melhor situar os sentidos desses movimentos, são analisados os motivos pelos quais eles optaram pelo Curso de Letras. A perspectiva sociocultural dos letramentos orienta as discussões dos dados coletados mediante o acompanhamento longitudinal dos sujeitos da pesquisa em duas disciplinas do primeiro ano do curso. Os resultados indicam que as escolhas no projeto didático do professor universitário dessas disciplinas, bem como a possibilidade de os alunos se posicionarem como corresponsáveis em eventos destinados ao ensino-aprendizagem da língua, são fatores determinantes na constituição letrada deles quando na posição de professores da Educação Básica. Palavras-chave: Curso de Letras. Letramentos. Eventos identitários. Formação de professores.

  15. Cinquante ans d’enseignement de la cartographie à l’université

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    M. Béguin


    Full Text Available Créée en 1934 par E. de Martonne, l’École Supérieure de Cartographie, actuellement DESS de cartographie thématique de l’Université de Paris I, forme des cartographes-géographes capables de réaliser des cartes depuis leur conception jusqu’à leur fabrication. Très orientée à l’origine vers la pratique manuelle du dessin, la formation des cartographes, aujourd’hui, doit aussi inclure la maîtrise du traitement de l’information par les outils statistiques et informatiques et de la conception cartographique assistée par ordinateur.

  16. Currículo universitário: do México ao Brasil neoliberais

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    Dostoiewski Mariatt de Oliveira Champangnatte


    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir e comparar percepções e ações curriculares de professores universitários mexicanos e brasileiros. Contextualizando as realidades socioeconômicas dos dois países e, principalmente, as políticas governamentais voltadas ao ensino superior, observa-se, nas várias falas dos professores, uma abordagem simplista de currículo, significando-o apenas como preocupações de conteúdos administrados em disciplinas e planos de ensino. Aspectos da realidade social, política e econômica são desatrelados do pensamento e prática curriculares, onde o maior objetivo se tornou a adequação ao mercado de trabalho. Nota-se, direta e indiretamente, influências do pensamento e práticas neoliberais no posicionamento desses professores tanto quanto ao currículo como com a própria funcionalidade do ensino superior, refletindo e reproduzindo, em seus discursos e práticas, as políticas governamentais neoliberais vigentes.

  17. Le patrimoine écrit des universités : les débuts d’une reconnaissance

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    Charlotte Maday


    Full Text Available Le patrimoine écrit des universités suscite depuis peu l’intérêt de la communauté scientifique comme celui de ces établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche tant en raison de leur intérêt administratif et juridique que de leur richesse patrimoniale. Nous nous attacherons à examiner de plus près les fonds conservés par les services d’archives définitives compétents (Archives nationales, Archives départementales, ceux collectés par le rectorat de Paris et enrichis de l’apport des archives rectorales de tutelle. Puis, dans un second temps, nous analyserons les changements institutionnels et réglementaires qui ont présidé à la création de services d’archives dans les universités et à la mise en place d’une politique de collecte des archives administratives, pédagogiques et scientifiques, notamment à travers la création du réseau professionnel Aurore et de son groupe de travail parisien.The written heritage of french and particularly parisian universities has recently generated interest from the scientific community as well as higher education and research institutions owing to the legal, administrative historical value of these documents. We will first of all focus on the collections held by national and departmental archives institutions, and those collected by the Parisian education authority, the Rectorat of Paris, enriched by the fonds of the education supervision authority (ministry for national education, higher education and research . Then, we will try to analyze the institutional and regulatory changes that led to the creation of archives departments in universities, together with the establishment of a collecting policy for administrative, educational and scientific records, including through the creation of the AURORE national network and its professional working group in Paris.

  18. A formação do professor para o ensino superior: prática docente com alunos com deficiência visual The professor educational background for the university academic practice towards visually impaired students

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    Michele Xavier dos Reis


    Full Text Available Apesar de existirem políticas que garantem aos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais o acesso ao ensino regular, inúmeras barreiras são encontradas para que esse processo se efetive, sendo uma delas a formação do professor. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a formação de professores universitários formados em Ciências Biológicas/licenciatura para o atendimento de pessoas com deficiência visual no sistema universitário. Buscando entender a formação docente como fenômeno singular e diverso, a metodologia adotada foi qualitativa, sendo selecionados cinco professores que atuavam no curso de Ciências Biológicas/licenciatura de uma universidade pública localizada no sul de Minas Gerais. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os sujeitos de pesquisa, buscando averiguar a formação e a experiência docente dos sujeitos com alunos com deficiência visual. Os resultados evidenciaram que ainda são grandes as dificuldades encontradas no processo de inclusão, tanto devido a lacunas na formação docente quanto devido à postura adotada pelo professor em sala de aula.In spite of the existence of countless policies assuring impaired students access to the regular educational process, barriers are found preventing the consolidation of the mentioned process. The professor educational background is pointed out as an expressive cause to the failure of the student in the educational process. So far, the objective of the present research was to analyze the professor educational background concerning visually impaired people within the university system. The present theme is relevant considering that few studies have been dedicated to the inclusion process at advanced education. In order to understand the teaching process as a unique and diverse phenomenon, the methodology applied was qualitative and five professors, teaching Biological Sciences - graduated from a public university in the southern of Minas Gerais

  19. Trajetórias identitárias e sentidos do trabalho docente para professores universitários

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    Tânia Regina Raitz


    Full Text Available O presente artigo é resultado de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo compreender a trajetória identitária profissional de seis professoras universitárias e analisar os sentidos atribuídos por elas ao trabalho docente. A investigação tratou-se, metodologicamente, de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com o uso do gravador, em que as professoras apresentaram explicações que oferecem, ao leitor, mais elementos para a compreensão de aspectos revelados sobre suas trajetórias profissionais e sobre como significam seu trabalho docente. O tratamento das informações se deu por meio da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que os sentidos do trabalho, na contemporaneidade, aparecem diversificados, entrecruzados, ambivalentes e contraditórios. Essa diversidade se caracteriza pela complexidade da própria identidade, sempre em constituição, e também em razão de o mundo estar em constante mudança, especialmente o mundo do trabalho, que acaba por afetar o trabalho docente universitário, repercutindo também numa reconfiguração da identidade profissional.

  20. Formação pedagógica de professores de nutrição: uma omissão consentida? Teacher training for nutrition professors: a tacitly accepted omission?

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    Nilce Maria da Silva Campos Costa


    Full Text Available Apesar dos novos papéis preconizados pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais aos profissionais de Nutrição, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento docente para atuação nos novos cenários. O objetivo deste ensaio é o de discutir um dos desafios à formação do nutricionista, a prática docente e a formação pedagógica do professor da área da saúde, para pensar formas de oportunizar um ensino de melhor qualidade, com base em autores que discutem a docência universitária. Identificam-se como causas da resistência docente às mudanças, a desvalorização das atividades de ensino e a supremacia das atividades de pesquisa nas universidades. O estudo permitiu sugerir a necessidade de reflexão por parte dos professores de Nutrição sobre as questões da docência universitária e sobre o desenvolvimento docente em uma perspectiva crítica e reflexiva, que possa ancorar mudanças pedagógicas necessárias à formação de nutricionistas.Despite the new roles called in for the National Curricular Guidelines for teachers in nutrition courses, little attention has been paid to the professional development of the nutrition professional acting as a teacher. Based on the work of authors who discuss university teaching, this essay discusses some of the challenges involved in training nutritionists, such as teaching practice and teacher training for the professor in the health field, with the goal of providing higher-quality teaching. The devaluation of teaching and the supremacy of research at universities have been identified as the causes of teachers' resistance to change. This study reveals the need for professors of nutrition to reflect on the questions of university teaching and teacher development from a critical and reflective perspective which can anchor the pedagogical changes needed to train the nutritionist.

  1. 11th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps

    CERN Document Server

    Mendenhall, Michael; O'Driscoll, Patrick


    This book contains the articles from the international conference 11th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps 2016 (WSOM 2016), held at Rice University in Houston, Texas, 6-8 January 2016. WSOM is a biennial international conference series starting with WSOM'97 in Helsinki, Finland, under the guidance and direction of Professor Tuevo Kohonen (Emeritus Professor, Academy of Finland). WSOM brings together the state-of-the-art theory and applications in Competitive Learning Neural Networks: SOMs, LVQs and related paradigms of unsupervised and supervised vector quantization. The current proceedings present the expert body of knowledge of 93 authors from 15 countries in 31 peer reviewed contributions. It includes papers and abstracts from the WSOM 2016 invited speakers representing leading researchers in the theory and real-world applications of Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization: Professor Marie Cottrell (Universite Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France), Professor Pablo Estevez (University of Chile and ...

  2. Fatores que tornam o professor de Ensino Superior bem-sucedido: analisando um caso

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    Ana Luiza de Quadros


    Full Text Available Este trabalho faz parte de uma investigação sobre as práticas pedagógicas bem-sucedidas usadas por professores universitários. Com o objetivo de investigar as estratégias usadas por um professor bem avaliado pelos estudantes, registramos, em vídeo, um conjunto de aulas e fizemos a análise das mesmas. Esta análise permitiu um entendimento inicial de como o professor organiza o seu próprio trabalho, como navega entre diferentes tipos de discursos e como dá suporte ao processo de significação. Ao mesmo tempo, a análise revelou como as interações são produzidas no espaço/tempo da sala de aula, e como as diferentes estratégias usadas auxiliam no engajamento dos estudantes. Por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, buscamos, no professor, indícios que nos permitissem entender como este construiu as estratégias usadas nas aulas. Observamos a presença de um processo reflexivo sobre as experiências vividas e identificamos algumas pistas que nos permitiram argumentar sobre a construção dessas estratégias.



    Teixeira, Nely Raquel Moroz


    O Assédio Moral é considerado um tipo de violência psicológica que atinge as empresas de um modo geral e que está contaminando e se alastrando nas instituições de ensino superior, prejudicando aspectos psicopedagógicos e relacionais nessas organizações. Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de verificar a ocorrência de assédio moral em professores universitários e identificar os tipos de assédio moral sofridos pelos mesmos: por parte do empregador ou descendente, dos colegas ou horizontal e de alunos...

  4. Natural Bioactive Compounds: The Way Shown by Professor Maurizio Battino and His Group in an Italian Cutting-Edge Laboratory. (United States)


    Maurizio Battino, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), is the Director of the Centre for Health and Nutrition, Universidad Europea del Atlantico (Santander, Spain) and Director of Nutrition and Health projects and Master courses at FUNIBER on-line platform (Barcelona, Spain).[...].

  5. Natural Bioactive Compounds: The Way Shown by Professor Maurizio Battino and His Group in an Italian Cutting-Edge Laboratory



    Maurizio Battino, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), is the Director of the Centre for Health and Nutrition, Universidad Europea del Atlantico (Santander, Spain) and Director of Nutrition and Health projects and Master courses at FUNIBER on-line platform (Barcelona, Spain).[...

  6. Natural Bioactive Compounds: The Way Shown by Professor Maurizio Battino and His Group in an Italian Cutting-Edge Laboratory

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    International Journal of Molecular Sciences Editorial Office


    Full Text Available Maurizio Battino, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy, is the Director of the Centre for Health and Nutrition, Universidad Europea del Atlantico (Santander, Spain and Director of Nutrition and Health projects and Master courses at FUNIBER on-line platform (Barcelona, Spain.[...

  7. Professor Horia Hulubei, the father founder of the Institute of Atomic Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stratan, G.


    A hero of WW 1, Horia Hulubei (b. November 15, 1896, d. November 22, 1972), was one of the most prominent Romanian scientists of all time, leader and teacher of several generations of Romanian scientists during more than four decades. Graduated from Jassy University, he took his PhD. in Paris with Marie Curie and Jean Perrin in 1933. A few years later, Horia Hulubei was nominated Directeur de Recherches at the French National Centre of Scientific Research and elected Corresponding Member of Paris Academy of Sciences. Back in Romania, Hulubei was nominated professor and Rector of Bucharest University (1941). Professor Hulubei had a broad field of interests, from Classical to Atomic and Nuclear Physics, but his main achievements are connected with the Physics of X-rays (the first spectra of noble gases, the multiple Compton effect, the search for elements 87 and 85, etc.). The Institute of Atomic Physics (IPA) in Bucharest (1949) was the third research institution founded and directed by him. Following Hulubei's initial design, IPA was, and, in spite of the past and actual difficulties, remains, the flagship of Romanian scientific research. Along the years, IPA influenced beneficially the development of the post-war Romania and established many collaborations abroad. (author)

  8. Saúde percebida em professores universitários: gênero, religião e condições de trabalho

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    Kátia Bones Rocha

    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa investiga como os professores de uma universidade particular percebem sua saúde. O delineamento é de caráter descritivocorrelacional. Os instrumentos utilizados: Questionário de Saúde de Goldberg (QGS-60 e uma ficha com dados biodemográficos investigaram variáveis individuais e relativas à atividade laboral. A amostra se constituí de 161 professores, escolhidos por estratos através das diferentes área de formação. Os resultados revelam que os professores percebem que sua saúde geral está como de costume, ou seja, nem melhor nem pior e que existe associação entre as variáveis sexo, prática religiosa e variáveis relativas ao ambiente de trabalho (horas de trabalho na universidade e em sala de aula, influenciando a percepção que os professores têm de sua saúde.

  9. Création d’un espace collaboratif dans Moodle : retour d’expérience des bibliothèques universitaires de Paris Descartes

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    Aurélie Coig


    Full Text Available Les environnements numériques d’apprentissage peuvent servir d’appui aux formations documentaires offertes par les bibliothèques universitaires tant à leur personnel qu’à leurs usagers. Ainsi, à l’Université Paris Descartes, la mise en place de la plateforme Moodle a permis aux formateurs des bibliothèques de disposer d’un espace commun contenant l’ensemble des outils nécessaires à la réalisation des cours de recherche documentaire et favorisant les retours d’expériences entre formateurs. Résultant de ces échanges, une base de questions accessible dans tous les cours de la plateforme a été créée pour accompagner les formations aux étudiants et personnels de l’Université et favoriser l’appropriation des contenus.

  10. Aircraft Trajectories Computation-Prediction-Control. Volume 1 (La Trajectoire de l’Avion Calcul-Prediction-Controle) (United States)


    Vigilance and Performance in Automatized Systems. Org.: Prof A. Coblentz Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et d’Ecologie Humaine - Universit& Rene Descartes , PARIS...Humaine - Universit6 Ren6 Descartes , PARIS, September 1988 BOY G., CEP-Onera "Assistance A l’Opdrateur: Une Approche de l’Intelligence Artificielle...Appliqi6e, Universit6 Ren6 Descartes - Paris V "Effect of Monotony on Vigilance and Biomechanical Behaviour" In: Commission of European Communities

  11. Función versus institución: imaginarios de profesores y estudiantes universitarios Funçáo versus instituigáo: imaginários de professores e estudantes universitários Function Versus Institution: Images of University Professors and Students

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    Napoleón Murcia-Peña


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de un estudio realizado en la Universidad de Caldas, Colombia, cuyo objetivo fue comprender los imaginarios sociales que en la actualidad construyen profesores, profesoras y estudiantes de esta universidad. El diseño metodológico obedeció a tres momentos: de preconfiguración, en el cual se hizo una aproximación a la realidad para definir las direcciones de búsqueda; el de configuración, en el que se definieron las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección y procesamiento, y el de reconfiguración, en el cual se realizó la construcción de sentido. Entre los resultados se destaca que profesores, profesoras y estudiantes generan nuevas significaciones imaginarias sociales desde los imaginarios instituidos, lo cual está relacionado con la fuerte influencia de las culturas prefigurativas en la vida universitaria y con la tradición organizacional de la universidad, que la considera como organización económico-funcional y no como institución social.Neste artigo apressentamse os resultados de um estado levado a cabo na Universidade de Caldas, Colômbia. 0 seu objetivo foi compreender os imaginários sociais que professores, professoras e estudantes desta universidade construem. 0 desenho metodológico teve três fases: pré-configuracao, na qual foi feita urna abordagem à realidade para determinar as direcóes de procura; configurando, na qual foram definidas as técnicas e instrumentos de coleta e processamento; e re-configuracao, na qual foi realizada a construido de senso. É importante destacar que professores, professoras e estudantes dáo novos significados imaginários sociais a partir daqueles instituídos. Isto é relacionado com a forte influência das culturas pré-figurativas na vida universitária e com a tradicáo organizacional da universidade, que a considera urna organizando económica funcional, mas não urna instituicáo social.The article presents the findings of a study done at the

  12. Por que ocorre? Como lidar? A percepção de professores de graduação em Administração sobre o assédio moral

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    Roberto Brazileiro Paixão


    Full Text Available Tem-se observado em muitas pesquisas que o assédio moral do aluno para com o professor tem sido incrementado com o processo de mercantilização do ensino superior. Tal processo insere-se num cenário de desvalorização da figura do professor e de exaltação da concepção do aluno-cliente. Nesse sentido, abre-se espaço para práticas de assédio moral na relação aluno-professor. O propósito neste artigo é compreender por que acontece o assédio moral no vetor aluno-professor e o que pode ser feito para que esse comportamento seja evitado. Para cumprir o objetivo da investigação, foram coletados e analisados, pelo método do discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC de caráter qualiquantitativo, os depoimentos provenientes de 51 questionários respondidos por professores universitários. A análise das respostas dos professores universitários às questões de pesquisa oferece uma percepção do por quê da ocorrência do assédio moral aluno-professor na visão dos pesquisados, os quais identificam motivos que vão desde valores sociais não apreendidos até a mercantilização do ensino. A partir das respostas, verificam-se possibilidades de ação que apontam prioritariamente a discussão institucional como meio de suporte à vítima e como alicerce para ações preventivas, dentre outras atitudes individuais que influenciam positivamente esse tipo de assédio, e mesmo a disputa judicial como última instância para a solução do problema.

  13. Ellen Gleditsch: Professor, radiochemist and mentor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lykknes, Annette


    This dissertation deals with Ellen Gleditsch and some important aspects of her career, as professor, radiochemist and mentor. As Professor Gleditsch supervised students, gave lectures, disseminated science, did research and administrative work; together with many others she participated in the shaping of a research university which developed during her career. She also experienced the daily life in an institute in which there was competition for both resources and positions, included the professorship she was finally granted after many set-backs. The Radiochemist Ellen Gleditsch worked and researched at Marie Curie's laboratory in Paris, and later at Bertram Boltwood's laboratory in New Haven and Stefan Meyer's Institute for Radium Research in Vienna, furthermore she planned and made efforts to establish a similar laboratory in Oslo. During her time in Paris and U.S.A. Gleditsch participated in important debates in the early period of radioactivity, including those on the determination of the radium-uranium ratio and the half-life of radium. In Norway she devoted her time to atomic weight determinations, age determinations, and radiogeological investigations. Research was all important part of Gleditsch's life and career. Gleditsch was also a Mentor in many respects; in tile international radioactivity community, as one of the first female academics and radiochcmists in Norway, for her many students, and this role seems also to have been hers within her family. In Paris she looked after students from all over the world to help alleviate their home sickness, at the University of Oslo she was known as the scientific mother to many; mentoring was among Gleditsch's main qualities. The story of Ellen Gleditsch opens for several perspectives that are discussed. 3 papers are included. In paper 1, ''Ellen Gleditsch: Pioneer Woman in Radiochemistry'', the story is about the young chemist Ellen Gleditsch, who arrived in Paris in 1907 and started cooperating with Marie Curie

  14. Formação pedagógica de professores de nutrição: uma omissão consentida? Teacher training for nutrition professors: a tacitly accepted omission?


    Nilce Maria da Silva Campos Costa


    Apesar dos novos papéis preconizados pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais aos profissionais de Nutrição, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento docente para atuação nos novos cenários. O objetivo deste ensaio é o de discutir um dos desafios à formação do nutricionista, a prática docente e a formação pedagógica do professor da área da saúde, para pensar formas de oportunizar um ensino de melhor qualidade, com base em autores que discutem a docência universitária. Identificam-se como...

  15. [Stays in Paris of professors and students from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 1900-1936]. (United States)

    Beatriz Arias, Brasa; Landín Pérez, Mariana


    In the early twentieth century, if there were an European Capital of biomedical research, it was definitely Paris. It was in this city where microbiology was born in the 19th century due to the crucial influence of Louis Pasteur. In 1888 he founded the Pasteur Institute in Paris where the rabies vaccine, that Pasteur himself had discovered in 1885, was administrated. This institution was also a place to continue his research on infectious diseases and to disseminate its findings. It is a private non-profit state-approved foundation that has attracted along the years many scientists from France and abroad who have been traditionally called "pasteuriens". So it was a world reference centre which has produced important scientific discoveries at a rapid pace and where resources both material and human, were abundant. The Pasteur institute therefore became one of the favourite research facilities of teachers and students from Spanish universities during the first third of the twentieth century, thanks to new regulations that encouraged training abroad. Scholarship policy promoted by the Spanish Government by an organization called Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas (Council for Higher Studies and Scientific Research from, 1907 to 1936) formed scientists abroad. The Faculty of Pharmacy of Santiago de Compostela sent some of its members to the French capital between 1905 and 1933. We found that the vast majority chose the Pasteur Institute to conduct the studies of biological chemistry and drug synthesis, but always dependent of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Paris. Our study focuses on teachers and students who went to Paris, the dates, the course of their scientific stay and how these studies influenced their later work, once they returned to the Faculty of Pharmacy of Santiago de Compostela.

  16. Die Goethe-Universität zieht um. Staatliche Raumproduktion und die Neoliberalisierung der Universität

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    Bernd Belina


    Full Text Available Im Zuge des Bildungsstreiks 2009 besetzten Studierende der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität (JWGU in Frankfurt das „Casino“, ein zentrales Gebäude auf dem neuen IG-Farben-Campus im Westend. Während frühere Besetzungen von Universitätsgebäuden auf dem alten Campus in Bockenheim von der Universitätsleitung zwar auch nicht gerade begrüßt, aber doch toleriert worden sind, ließ das Präsidium im jüngsten Fall 176 Studierende nach nur drei Tagen polizeilich räumen. Um diesen repressiven Wandel im Umgang mit studentischem Protest zu verstehen, rekonstruieren wir im Folgenden die Art und Weise, wie die JWGU als Teil des Staatsapparates Universität zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten zwei Campus als konkrete Orte (places hervorgebracht hat, die jeweils als Ausdruck und Verdichtung der nationalen und lokalen gesellschaftlichen Kräfteverhältnisse im Fordismus bzw. Neoliberalismus zu interpretieren sind.

  17. Thèses de doctorat soutenues en 2007

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    Full Text Available Gérard Journée, « Rien ne saurait naître de rien ». L’émergence du problème de l’être dans la philosophie préplatonicienne.Thèse soutenue le 26 janvier 2007 Composition du jury : Michel Crubellier, Professeur à l'Université de Lille 3.François De Gandt, Professeur à l'Université de Lille 3.Paul Demont, Professeur à l'Université de Paris IV.Pierre-Marie Morel, Professeur à l'Université de Paris I.Malcolm Schofield, Professeur à l'Université de Cambridge.André Laks, Professeur à l'Université de...

  18. El papel de la institución en el escoger, acoger y acompañar al profesor universitario O papel da instituição para escolher, acolher e acompanhar ao professor universitário The role of the institution in choosing, receiving and chaperone professors in the university

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    Maria de Lourdes da Silva Marques Ferreira


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar el papel de la institución en el proceso de escoger, acoger y acompañar al profesor universitario. Metodología. Estudio cualitativo cuyo cuerpo de análisis estuvo compuesto por 32 participaciones en un foro temático de un grupo de nueve profesionales del área de la salud. Resultados. Después de la contratación del profesor es necesario acogerlo y acompañarlo. Los profesores con mayor tiempo en la institución representan un papel importante en la acogida del nuevo compañero. El proceso de acompañamiento es una oportunidad para cambios y redefinición de reglas y debe ser apoyado por la evaluación permanente. La universidad como escenario legítimo de aprendizaje, producción y reconstrucción de conocimiento debe acompañar las transformaciones de la ciencia contemporánea y apoyar las exigencias interdisciplinarias en la construcción de nuevo conocimiento. Conclusión. Es fundamental el papel de la universidad en acoger y acompañar al docente desde su vinculación; así mismo la universidad debe favorecer el crecimiento del profesor, no solo apoyando los desafíos de su actividad pedagógica, sino principalmente a través del respeto de su autonomía.Objetivo. Analisar o papel da instituição ao escolher, acolher e acompanhar ao professor universitário. Metodologia. Estudo qualitativo, cujo corpo de análise esteve composto por 32 participações num foro temático de um grupo de nove profissionais da área da saúde. Resultados. Depois da contratação do professor, é necessário acolhê-lo e acompanhá-lo. Os professores com maior tempo de instituição representam um papel importante na acolhida do novo colega. O processo de acompanhamento é uma oportunidade para mudanças e redefinição de regras, e deve ser apoiado pela avaliação permanente. A universidade como palco legítimo de aprendizagem, produção e reconstrução de conhecimento deve acompanhar as transformações da ciência contemporânea e

  19. Raphaël Blanchard, parasitology, and the positioning of medical entomology in Paris. (United States)

    Osborne, M A


    The histories of medical entomology and parasitology are entwined. Raphaël Blanchard (1857-1919), Chair of Medical Natural History and Parasitology at the Faculty of Medicine in Paris, organized the teaching of medical entomology and civilian colonial medicine. He also founded and edited the journal Archives de Parasitologie and started the Institute de Médecine Coloniale where he mentored many foreign students and researchers. Additionally, Blanchard is important for his scientific internationalism and medical historical work on the cultural location of parasitology and for training the future professors of parasitology Jules Guiart, Emile Brumpt, and Charles Joyeux.


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    Maitê Alves Bezerra


    Full Text Available Ao observar a comunidade portuguesa que busca compreender a historicidade das formas e dos processos de escolarização por meio do estabelecimento de intenso diálogo com outras comunidades, é impossível não dar destaque à figura de António Manuel Seixas Nóvoa. Nascido em Lisboa no ano de 1954, aos 18 anos inicia o curso de Ciências da Educação na Universidade de Lisboa. Após lecionar em importantes universidades tais como Paris V, Oxford e Columbia University, atualmente acumula as posições de reitor da Universidade de Lisboa e professor catedrático da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação na Instituição. Nóvoa tem se destacado à frente de debates internacionais a respeito da história da educação e educação comparada.

  1. Die Virtuelle Universität. Idee, Konzepte, Erfahrungen

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    Horst Dichanz


    Full Text Available Der Autor stellt in seinem Beitrag das Projekt der Virtuellen Universität (VU vor. Diese Virtuelle Universität zeichnet sich durch ein System aus, in dem alle Funktionen einer Universität vollständig virtuell integriert sind. Im Anschluss an Erfahrungen aus der Praxis der VU werden bildungspolitische Perspektiven der FernUniversität diskutiert. Auch neue Medien im erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studium an einer Präsenzuniversität sind noch nicht selbstverständlich. Dabei gibt es eine Reihe von Vorteilen und Möglichkeiten des Online-Lehrens und -Lernens. (DIPF/Orig..

  2. Présentation des auteurs



    Jean-Pierre Cléro, université de Haute-Normandie, Rouen Andrea Emiliani, président de l’academia Clementina de Bologna (Italie) Pascal Griener, université de Neuchâtel (Suisse) Yves Hersant, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris Philippe Junod, université de Lausane (Suisse) Françoise Knopper, université de Toulouse 2-Le Mirail Centre de Recherches et d’Études germaniques (CREG) Didier Laroque, École supérieure d’architecture, Paris Val de Seine Alain Michel, de l’Institut Jacki...

  3. Thèses de doctorat soutenues

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    Full Text Available LEGRAND Stéphane, Le normal et l'anormal (une archéologie du concept de norme dans l'oeuvre de Michel Foucault. Thèse soutenue à l’Université de Lille III, le lundi 8 décembre 2003.Composition du jury :M. Etienne Balibar, Professeur émérite à l'Université de Paris X-NanterreM. Didier Deleule, Professeur à l'Université de Paris X-NanterreM. Frédéric Worms, Professeur à l'Université de Lille IIIM. Pierre Macherey, Professeur à l'Université de Lille III, Directeur de thèse. Nous nous efforçons ...

  4. Indisciplina: um estudo sobre os sentidos e significados constituídos por docentes e discentes de um centro universitário particular


    Leal, Wedja Maria Oliveira


    Este trabalho procurou identificar os sentidos e significados de indisciplina para docentes e discentes de uma universidade privada situada na Zona Leste da cidade de São Paulo. Para isso, foram analisados os problemas de indisciplina que os professores universitários enfrentam e como esses problemas se manifestam e são explicados tanto por eles como por seus alunos. O referencial teórico adotado foi o da Psicologia Sócio-Histórica. Os dados foram coletados e produzidos por meio da técnica co...

  5. What Does It Mean to be Central? A Botanical Geography of Paris 1830-1848. (United States)

    Hoquet, Thierry


    This paper focuses on the geography of the botanical community in Paris, under the July Monarchy (1830-1848). At that time, the Muséum d'Histoire naturelle (MHN) was at its institutional acme and, under the impulse of François Guizot, its budget was increasing dramatically. However, closer attention to manuscript sources (correspondence, travel diaries) reveals that the botanists of the time favoured other private institutions, located both on the Right and Left Banks of the Seine. The MHN was prestigious for its collections and professors but it was relatively remote from the centre of Paris, and its plant samples were sometimes difficult to access. Several other first-class private herbaria granted liberal access to botanists: those of Jacques Gay, Phillip Barker Webb, and Benjamin Delessert. Thanks to their wealth, these plant amateurs had ownership of historical herbaria consisting of species types alongside rich botanical libraries. Botanists visiting Paris from foreign countries or other provinces of France also spent some time studying less general plant collections, like those of Count Jaubert, or specialized collections, like Montagne's or Léveillé's on cryptogams. Other botanists also enjoyed renown at the time, although they published little, if anything (like Maire). Living in crammed apartments, literally in the middle of their plant samples, these botanists were key nodes in botanical networks, although they had no relation with the prestigious MHN.

  6. Inovação na aula universitária: espaço de pesquisa, construção de conhecimento interdisciplinar, espaço de aprendizagem e tecnologias de comunicação - doi: 10.5007/2175-795X.2011v29n2p597

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    Marcos Tarciso Masetto


    Full Text Available Considerando-se o cenário de uma Sociedade do Conhecimento, este artigo procura refletir sobre as novas demandas que se propõem para a aula universitária e as possíveis inovações que possam atendê-las. Trabalhamos sobre quatro demandas que entendemos sejam as mais relevantes: Aula Universitária como espaço de pesquisa, como espaço de construção de conhecimento interdisciplinar, como espaço de desenvolvimento de aprendizagem e como espaço e tempo de uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Cada uma destas demandas foi objeto de uma análise que propiciou sugestões de inovações possíveis. O objetivo deste artigo é colocar em debate a questão de encaminhamentos concretos para que as aulas universitárias possam efetivamente ser dinamizadas com procedimentos de inovação. O método que usamos para elaborar o presente trabalho foi o de ação – refl exão sobre a prática pedagógica de docentes universitários. Trabalhamos com três grupos de professores, em três áreas diferentes: engenharia, educação e odontologia. Cada um destes três grupos planejou aulas que exploraram ensino com pesquisa, conhecimento interdisciplinar e tecnologias de comunicação, integrados ao processo de aprendizagem de seus alunos. Sobre esta prática desenvolveu-se uma refl exão crítica que permitiu adaptações. O que neste artigo se apresentam são as conclusões a que chegamos a partir destas práticas pedagógicas e suas respectivas reflexões. Ainda como conclusão destas interações entre professores visando à inovação em aulas universitárias, pudemos observar que subliminarmente a todas as inovações sugeridas encontramos como elemento fundamental e imprescindível a necessidade de se criar e sustentar entre professor e alunos uma interação pessoal entre adultos.

  7. Certolizumab, an anti-TNF safe during pregancy? The CRIB Study results: an interview with Professor Xavier Mariette. (United States)

    Mariette, Xavier


    Professor Xavier Mariette, MD, PhD, has served as the Head of the Rheumatology Department of Bicêtre Hospital, Paris-Sud University since 1999, a role he took following 10 years of practice of clinical immunology. Professor Mariette has initiated a number of clinical research studies on biotherapies in autoimmune diseases. He is the head of the French RATIO (Research Axed on Tolerance of Biotherapy) observatory, collecting specific rare serious adverse events in patients treated with anti-TNF. He initiated the French AIR (Autoimmunity and Rituximab) and ORA (Orencia and Rheumatoid arthritis) registries of patients with autoimmune diseases treated with rituximab and abatacept. He initiated clinical trials in Sjögren's syndrome with infliximab, hydroxychloroquine and belimumab. Professor Mariette is involved in basic research, leading a group working on pathogeny of Sjögren's syndrome, relationships between innate immunity and B-cell activation in autoimmunity and the relationships between autoimmunity and lymphoma. Professor Mariette is also very interested in new ways of teaching. In 2007, he participated with other European Experts in the creation of the EULAR Web Course of Rheumatology in 2007. Professor Mariette has been the President of the Scientific Committee of the EULAR meeting, which took place in Berlin in 2012 and is in 2016 the elect Chair of the EULAR standing committee on investigative rheumatology. Professor Mariette is co-author of more than 430 publications referenced in PubMed with an H-index of 61.

  8. Erschließung der medizinhistorischen Separatasammlungen der Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien


    Sabine Wallig; Judith Dögl; Isabella Seidl; Marlene Giesa


    Die Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien verfügt über ein wertvolles kulturhistorisches Erbe, das die Geschichte der „Wiener Medizinischen Schule“ repräsentiert. Einen Teil der in der Zweigbibliothek für Geschichte der Medizin beherbergten historischen Literatur bilden die medizinhistorischen Separatasammlungen. Diese Unikate stellen einen unschätzbaren Mehrwert als Quellenmaterial für medizinhistorische und biografische Forschungen dar. Bei den etwa 140.000 Einzele...

  9. Infografía UNIVERSITIC 2017


    Llorens Largo, Faraón; Fernández Martínez, Antonio; Molina, Rafael; Romero, Juan; Payá, Belén


    Infografía UNIVERSITIC 2017. Análisis de las TIC en las Universidades Españolas. Selección de 21 indicadores, organizados mediante la metáfora de la pirámide de Maslow sobre la jerarquía de necesidades: conforme se satisfacen las necesidades más básicas, los seres humanos desarrollan necesidades y deseos más elevados. Son valores medios por universidad y se basa en los datos recogidos en el informe UNIVERSITIC. Este informe contabiliza las TIC oficiales y gestionadas de forma centralizada de ...

  10. Éditorial

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    Joanne Vajda


    Full Text Available La revue In Situ, revue des patrimoines a ouvert ses colonnes à l’équipe de recherche qui travaille depuis 2006 sur les guides de voyage et de tourisme à travers une collaboration entre le Pôle des Sciences de la Ville (Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, le Centre André Chastel (Université Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV et la Direction Générale des Patrimoines (Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. En 2010, le cercle des partenaires s’est élargi à l’École nationale supérieure des science...

  11. Percepção de professores de odontologia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem Perceptions of dentistry teachers in the teaching and learning process

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    Helen Cristina Lazzarin


    Full Text Available Há necessidade de se pesquisar a formação didático-pedagógica do professor universitário e a qualidade da educação superior em decorrência das demandas da sociedade em mudança e da implantação das diretrizes curriculares nacionais. Analisa-se a percepção de docentes do curso de graduação em odontologia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina a respeito do papel do professor no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Adotou-se a abordagem qualitativa e a entrevista semiestruturada para a geração de dados. O estudo revelou que o professor tem um papel fundamental no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, sendo considerado responsável pela transmissão do conhecimento. As estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem se baseiam em exposições orais. Grande parte dos professores só teve formação didático-pedagógica nos cursos de mestrado e/ou doutorado, que não capacitam suficientemente os docentes para o exercício do magistério. A maioria dos professores não possui formação específica em educação. Conclui-se que há uma necessidade de rever tanto a formação quanto a atualização didático-pedagógica do professor universitário para que se possa buscar uma formação generalista, humanista, crítica e reflexiva do estudante.The didactic-pedagogical training of the university professor and of the quality of higher education must be revised due to the demands of the dynamic society and to the implementation of national curricular guidelines. Within this context, it was analyzed the perceptions of dentistry undergraduate of Universidade Estadual de Londrina teachers about the role of the teacher in the teaching and learning process. A qualitative research was carried out and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Results showed that the teacher plays an essential role in the teaching and learning process, being the sole provider of knowledge. Teaching and learning strategies are based on oral transmission. Most part of the

  12. Paris INDCs: will they achieve the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement? (United States)

    Tribett, W. R.; Salawitch, R. J.; Hope, A. P.; Bennett, B.; Canty, T. P.


    We provide an overview of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted prior to the 21st meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which are the backbone of the Paris Climate Agreement. Two flavors of INDCs were submitted: unconditional (i.e., firm commitments) and conditional (commitments contingent on financial flow and/or technology transfer). Generally, the Paris INDCs extend to year 2030. However, achievement of either the target (1.5 °C warming) or upper limit (2.0 °C warming) of the Paris Agreement requires consideration of emissions out to 2060, due to the projected rise in energy demand, growing populations, and rising standards of living. We therefore project global carbon emissions out to year 2060, and compare to various RCP scenarios of IPCC (2013). These projections will be used to assess whether the target (1.5 °C warming) or upper limit (2.0 °) of the Paris Climate Agreement will be met.

  13. Inglês instrumental e as estratégias de leitura: o papel do professor mediador

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    Jane Pinto Bandeira de Melo Lima


    Full Text Available No mundo globalizado no qual se vive, a aprendizagem da língua inglesa tornou-se compulsória para aqueles que almejam um lugar no mercado de trabalho ultracapita-lista do século XXI. O que se verifica, portanto, é que a língua inglesa vem despertando, cada vez mais, o interesse das pessoas que desejam manter-se atualizadas com o que está acontecendo no mundo, com as questões culturalmente relevantes da sociedade atual. Sendo assim, a língua inglesa, reconhecida como língua da globalização, é pré-requisito para cada cidadão brasileiro desenvolver-se intelectual e socialmente, contribuindo, em consequência, para o desenvolvimento da sociedade. O professor de ESP (Inglês para Propósitos Específicos assume funções que vão além da sala de aula. Ele tem, então, cinco papéis principais: professor, criador de cursos e provedor de materiais, colaborador, pesquisador e avaliador. A hipótese que orientou esta pesquisa foi que todo professor universitário, utilizando as estratégias de leitura, está apto a capacitar seu aluno a ler, compreender e interpretar um texto acadêmico em língua inglesa em um curto espaço de tempo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o papel do professor como mediador nesse contexto. Os autores que nortearam a pesquisa são Dudley-Evans e St. John (1998, Solé (2008, Holmes (1981, dentre outros. Com base nas afirmações dos autores destacados e nos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que a principal ferramenta é o professor quando este age como mediador no processo ensino/aprendizagem.

  14. Uso das TICs na Educação Superior presencial e a distância: a visão dos professores

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    Mathias, Carmen V.


    Full Text Available As tecnologias possuem um potencial formativo que pode contribui para ampliação dos espaços e dos tempos pedagógicos, para a flexibilização do currículo e para o aumento da interação entre os sujeitos tanto na educação presencial quanto na educação a distância. A partir dessa premissa, objetivamos investigar como ocorre o uso das TICs aplicadas a educação superior presencial e a distância sob o ponto de vista dos professores universitários. O trabalho teve uma abordagem qualitativa, os dados foram coletados por um questionário online aplicado a vinte e dois professores atuantes na educação superior presencial e a distância. As informações foram trabalhadas através da análise de conteúdo. Alguns resultados: todos os professores utilizam TICs, alguns de forma mais freqüente e diversificada; algumas tecnologias são mais utilizadas na educação presencial, outras na educação a distância; a maioria dos professores possui formação para o uso das TICs; foi significativo o indicativo da falta de formação para os professores usarem de maneira adequada as tecnologias; a maioria dos professores reconheceu a existência de diferenças no uso das tecnologias na educação presencial e a distância; os professores apontam muitas vantagens para o uso das tecnologias aplicadas a educação e reconhecem algumas desvantagens

  15. Lex mercatoria in international arbitration theory and practice


    ELCIN, Mert


    Defence date: 26 November 2012 Examining Board: Professor Fabrizio Cafaggi (EUI Supervisor) Professor Francesco Francioni (EUI) Professor Sandrine Clavel Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin Professor Fabrizio Marrella Università Cà Foscari di Venezia. First made available online: 2 August 2016 This dissertation suggests a new theory of lex mercatoria that takes into account the complex and spontaneous order of international commerce. Since the emphasis is put on the nature of t...

  16. Student Evaluations of College Professors: Are Female and Male Professors Rated Differently? (United States)

    Basow, Susan A.; Silberg, Nancy T.


    Over 1,000 undergraduates evaluated 16 male and female professors in terms of teaching effectiveness and sex-typed characteristics. Male students gave female professors significantly poorer ratings than male professors on the six teaching evaluation measures. Female students evaluated female professors less favorably than male professors on three…


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    Cláudia Coelho Hardagh


    Full Text Available O artigo objetiva contribuir com a reflexão da vivência das pesquisadoras na educação, em diferentes modalidades (presencial e a distância aliada a elementos teóricos, para compreender o processo de inserção do professor universitário nas aulas de modalidade a distancia (EaD, no período de expansão (2010-2016 dos cursos totalmente EaD ou semi-presenciais, em Instituições de Ensino Superior. A questão problematizadora é até que ponto a nossa prática docente, na educação a distância, provoca o distanciamento do professor da sua práxis? Partimos do pressuposto de que é necessário entendermos a dimensão do processo de proletarização, alienação, distanciando do professor de sua práxis, ou seja, de sua autonomia na criação de aulas, gestão do conteúdo e na relação humana com seus alunos para avaliar as consequências para o educador. Discute-se, por fim, o contexto da cibercultura que exige uma nova prática em espaço e tempo virtual para a educação on line.

  18. Driving factors of temporary and permanent shallow lakes in and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Apr 2, 2018 ... Paris-Sud, CNRS, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France. 5Zone Atelier ... Received 7 August 2015; accepted in revised form 12 March 2018 ...... pollution on the water quality of the turbid Modder River. Water.

  19. A avaliação do nível de habilidades para trabalhar em equipe entre professores universitários The evaluation of the level of abilities to work in team between university professors

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    Fernanda Pasquoto e Souza


    Full Text Available Este estudo procurou avaliar a habilidade para o trabalho em equipe em 78 professores universitários das ciências da saúde e exatas. Utilizou-se o Questionário de Habilidades para Trabalhar em Equipe para avaliar as categorias: preocupação com a equipe, características de liderança, formas de comunicação, preocupação com a tarefa e preocupação com o humano. Realizaram-se análises estatísticas de freqüência e teste t de Student. Nos resultados destaca-se que as habilidades para o trabalho em equipe são positivamente valorizadas no exercício da docência. Nas categorias específicas, preocupação com a tarefa obteve o escore padronizado mais alto, enquanto preocupação com a equipe, o mais baixo. A área das ciências da saúde alcançou resultados mais altos em preocupação com o humano do que a das exatas. Discutem-se aspectos que ratificam a importância da avaliação psicológica nessa área de atuação, contribuindo tanto nas tarefas de diagnóstico como no desenvolvimento dessas habilidades.The purpose of this study was to assess 78 university teachers from the areas of Health Sciences and Natural Sciences in their abilities for teamwork. The Teamwork Abilities Assessment Form was used to assess such categories as: concern with the team, leadership characteristics, ways of communication, concern with the task, and concern with the human aspects. Statistical analysis of frequency and Student's t test were performed. Results have shown that abilities for teamwork are positively assessed in the teaching profession. In the specific categories, concern with the task obtained the highest standardized score, while concern with the team scored lowest. The area of health sciences scored higher than natural sciences regarding concern with the human aspects. Aspects that validate the importance of psychological assessment in this professional area are discussed and contribute not only to the tasks of diagnosis but to the

  20. Thomas Jefferson's Academical Village

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foote, Jonathan; Frohburg, Jan


    This is an essay written for the Festschrift of Karl-Heinz Schmitz, Professor at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. It reflects on some aspects of Thomas Jefferson's design for the University of Virginia in relation to Professor's Schmitz' teachings and interests.......This is an essay written for the Festschrift of Karl-Heinz Schmitz, Professor at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. It reflects on some aspects of Thomas Jefferson's design for the University of Virginia in relation to Professor's Schmitz' teachings and interests....

  1. Paris Offscreen: Chinese Tourists in Cinematic Paris

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Y.-A. O. Dung (Yun-An Olivia); S.L. Reijnders (Stijn)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ This article examines from a European-Asian perspective the relationship between media representations and the tourist’s imagination. We use the case of Chinese tourists in Paris to investigate how these non-European tourists imagine Europe, and how these imaginations

  2. Aspectos motivacionais da profissão docente universitária

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    Denise Dalpiaz Antunes


    Full Text Available A motivação humana configura-se em processos motivacionais e são muitos os elementos em sua especificidade e particularidades, pois, perpassam a caminhada docente, entre auto-formação e formação acadêmica, iniciando-se com desejos próprios do professor. Já na práxis educativa é necessário compreender como a motivação é entendida pelo docente, na perspectiva de ajudar a desencadear os motivos intrínsecos de cada aluno. Este artigo é parte de uma pesquisa desenvolvida pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Processos Motivacionais em Contextos Educativos (PROMOT da PUCRS. Especificamente, a intenção desse estudo é saber como os professores no Ensino Superior concebem a motivação e como ela interfere na prática pedagógica. É um estudo de caso qualitativo, com análise das falas de sete professores universitários e posterior descrição e exploração dos aspectos motivacionais com suas atuações no Ensino Superior numa Universidade Privada do RS. A partir da análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2004, apresentam-se as categorias, a priori, Concepção de Motivação: revelaram-se diferentes entendimentos acerca da motivação. A posteriori, Trajetória Acadêmica: é um caminho longo que exige muito empenho e dedicação dos que fazem parte do mundo univeristário; História de vida e Autorealização: as vivências desde a infância embasam a formação profissional e servem de modelo para a construção das metas; Formação Pessoal e de Futuras Gerações: evidenciou-se a preocupação de tornarem-se pessoas melhores para a educação das futuras gerações. Human motivation is configured as motivational processes, affected by various factors that interfere with their specificity and peculiarities. These motivational processes permeate teacher’s own path, such as self-training and academic training, which begins with intentions and desires of each teacher, long before completing his/her undergrad courses and professional experiences

  3. François Dosse

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    Marieta de Moraes Ferreira


    Full Text Available François Dosse, historiador francês, nasceu em Paris numa família de classe média, e desde cedo se interessou por política, vinculando-se quando jovem ao trotskismo. Estudou sociologia e história na Université de Vincennes - Paris VIII. Aprovado no exame de Agrégation, lecionou vários anos nos liceus de Pontoise e Boulogne-Billancourt. Foi Maître de conférences no IUFM (Instituto de Formação de Mestres de Versailles e no de Nanterre. Foi aprovado no exame para dirigir pesquisas em 2001, quando produziu um trabalho sobre Michel de Certeau e consolidou sua orientação para a área de teoria da história e historiografia. A convite de Henri Rousseau, vinculou-se ao IHTP, onde participou de vários seminários voltados à epistemologia dos estudos sobre o tempo presente. Publicou inúmeros trabalhos nessa área, focalizando especialmente biografias de intelectuais como Paul Ricoeur e Pierre Nora. Atualmente é Professor no IUFM de Créteil.

  4. Análise do comprometimento organizacional e da motivação em professores universitários.


    Moraes, Fabíola Meazza Meneghini de; Godoi, Christiane Kleinübing; Verdinelli, Miguel Angel


    Neste estudo, o comprometimento e a motivação são compreendidos a partir de três dimensões cada um: comprometimento afetivo, instrumental e normativo; e motivação intrínseca, internalizada e extrínseca. Objetivou-se identificar quais as possibilidades de aproximação teórica e de articulação empírica entre as dimensões da motivação e do comprometimento dos professores de uma instituição de ensino superior. Trata-se de um estudo de caso quantitativo, desenvolvido através da aplicação de um ques...

  5. Professor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henrik


    DEBAT: Danske bistandskroner skal øge den interregionale handel i Afrika - det skaber vækst i Afrika og indirekte handel med danske virksomheder, mener Henrik Hansen, professor ved Økonomisk Institut på KU.......DEBAT: Danske bistandskroner skal øge den interregionale handel i Afrika - det skaber vækst i Afrika og indirekte handel med danske virksomheder, mener Henrik Hansen, professor ved Økonomisk Institut på KU....

  6. Professor Igor Yevseyev: In Memoriam Professor Igor Yevseyev: In Memoriam (United States)


    Dear readers and authors, June 3, 2012 will mark five months since Professor Igor Yevseyev, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of both journals Laser Physics and Laser Physics Letters passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 67. Born in Moscow, he entered one of the world's best schools of physics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). With this renowned educational and research institution he bonded an alliance for his entire life, starting as an undergraduate student in the Department of Theoretical Physics and later continued as graduate student, assistant professor, associated professor, and full professor in the same department, a rare accomplishment of a person. All those years he retained the love of his life—the love for physics. He worked tirelessly as a teacher and scholar in this captivating field of knowledge. Professor Yevseyev was one of the founders of the international journal of Laser Physics in 1990, the first academic English language journal published in the former USSR. Later, in 2004, the second journal, Laser Physics Letters was brought to the forum of global laser physics community. The idea behind this new title was Professor Yevseyev's initiative to reach the readers and participants with new pioneering and break-through research results more rapidly. His leadership and indefatigable dedication to the quality of published materials made it possible that this journal reached international recognition in a few short years. Still, in order to attract even more attention of potential contributors and readers, Professor Yevseyev originally proposed to conduct the International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS) on the annual basis. Since 1992 the Workshop has been conducted every year, each year in a different country. As in all previous years, Professor Yevseyev was the key organizer of this year's workshop in Calgary, Canada. Sadly, this workshop will take place without him. Editorial Board

  7. Paris (United States)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Figure 1 This image of Paris was acquired on July 23, 2000 and covers an area of 23 by 20 km. Known as the City of Light, Paris has been extolled for centuries as one of the great cities of the world. Its location on the Seine River, at a strategic crossroads of land and river routes, has been the key to its expansion since the Parisii tribe first settled here in the 3rd century BC. Paris is an alluring city boasting many monumental landmarks, such as the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower. Its beautiful gardens, world-class cuisine, high fashion, sidewalk cafes, and intellectual endeavors are well known. The city's cultural life is centered on the Left Bank of the Seine, while business and commerce dominate the Right Bank. The image is located at 48.8 degrees north latitude and 2.3 degrees east longitude. In figure 1, the 4 enlarged areas zoom in to some of the major buildings. In the UPPER LEFT, the Eiffel Tower and its shadow are seen. Based on the length of the shadow and the solar elevation angle of 59 degrees, we can calculate its height as 324 m (1054 ft), compared to its actual height of 303 m (985 ft). In the UPPER RIGHT, the Arc de Triomphe is at the center of the Place de L'etoile, from which radiate 12 major boulevards. In the LOWER LEFT is the Tuileries Garden and the Louvre Museum art its eastern end. In the LOWER RIGHT is the Invalides, the burial place and monument of Napoleon Bonaparte. The U.S. science team is located at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. The Terra mission is part of NASA's Science Mission Directorate.

  8. Olivier Chanel et Guillaume Faburel (dir., 2010, L’Environnement dans la décision publique : Refonder l’évaluation socio-économique pour des politiques de transport plus durables, Economica, Paris, 230 p.

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    Adrien de Abreu


    Full Text Available Quid des impacts environnementaux dans l’évaluation socio-économique des projets d’infrastructure ? C’est sous l’angle des équipements de transport que les auteurs abordent cette question, dirigés par Olivier Chanel et Guillaume Faburel. Olivier Chanel est chercheur en économie de l’environnement au sein du GREQAM (Groupement de recherche en économie quantitative d’Aix-Marseille. Guillaume Faburel est Maître de conférences à l’Université Paris 12 - Val de Marne et chercheur au CRETEIL (Centr...

  9. EDITORIAL: Welcome to the 2012 volume Welcome to the 2012 volume (United States)

    Garcia, Ephrahim


    articles last year, as well as our authors and contributors for submitting their high quality research. We very much look forward to your further involvement with the journal in 2012. Finally, I would like to extend a huge thank you to our diverse Board of Associate Editors who have devoted their time and energy giving invaluable advice on each submitted article, and have been dedicated ambassadors for SMS. A special welcome to Professor Kwang J Kim who joined the Board a few months ago. Professor D Abbott, University of Adelaide, Australia Professor G Akhras, Royal Military College of Canada, Ontario, Canada Professor C Boller, University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany; Fraunhofer-Institut für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren, Dresden, Germany Professor Cagnol, École Centrale Paris, France Professor G Carman, University of California-Los Angeles, USA Professor S-B Choi, Inha University, Incheon, Korea Dr S H Choi, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA Professor A Del Grosso, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy Professor D Erickson, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Professor A Flatau, University of Maryland, College Park, USA Professor U Gabbert, Universität Magdeburg, Germany Professor A Güemes, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain Professor S Gopalakrishnan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Professor J Kim, Inha University, Incheon, Korea Professor K J Kim, University of Nevada, Reno, USA Professor S J Kim, Seoul National University, Korea Professor D Lagoudas, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Professor R Lammering, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Professor C K Lee, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Professor J Leng, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Professor W Li, University of Wollongong, Australia Professor W H Liao, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Professor C S Lynch, University of California-Los Angeles, USA Dr S Masri, University of Southern California

  10. Emilia Pardo Bazán journaliste : entre littérature et presse (1876-1921

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    Emilia Pérez Romero


    Full Text Available Thèse réalisée sous la direction de Mme Colette Rabaté (Université François Rabelais, Tours et soutenue devant un jury composé, en outre, de Mesdames et Messieurs Bénédicte Vauthier (Université de Tours, Dolores Thion Soriano-Mollá (Université de Pau, Jean-René Aymes (Université Paris-iii et José Manuel González Herrán (Université de Santiago de Compostela.

  11. Concepciones de enseñanza y su relación con las prácticas docentes: un estudio con profesores universitarios Conceiçôes de ensino e sua relação com as práticas docentes: um estudo com professores universitários Teaching Concepts and Their Relationship to Teaching Practices: A Study with University Professors

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    Ariana De Vincenzi


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis de dos dimensiones esenciales para el estudio de la enseñanza universitaria: las actuaciones docentes en el aula y el pensamiento de los profesores sobre la enseñanza. Desde la década de los 70 hasta la actualidad, ambos temas han sido objeto de investigación a través de diversas metodologías. Los modelos conceptuales que subyacen a los diferentes enfoques que analizan la complejidad de la vida en el aula han evolucionado en mayores niveles de profundidad y extensión: desde la mirada de la racionalidad técnica, que pretende explicar las prácticas docentes mediante la verificación de patrones de conducta esperables ante situaciones regulares en el aula, hasta una mirada constructivista, que admite la singularidad y complejidad de la clase. La investigación se desarrolla entre los años 2006 y 2007, en una universidad privada de Argentina, y su objetivo es estudiar las prácticas y concepciones sobre la enseñanza que poseen 25 profesores universitarios de la carrera de medicina. Para la recolección de la información se empleó una ficha de observación de clases semiestructurada y un inventario atribucional de teorías implícitas del profesorado sobre la enseñanza, elaborado por Rodrigo, Rodríguez y Marrero. Finalmente, se estudió la relación entre las prácticas docentes observadas y las concepciones de enseñanza seleccionadas.Neste artigo analisam-se duas dimensôes essenciais no estudo do ensino universitário: o desempenho dos professores nas aulas e o pensamento do professor sobre o ensino. Desde os anos setenta até hoje, os dois temas tem-se pesquisado empregando diversas metodologias. Os modelos conceituais nos que baseiam-se as diversas abordagens que analisam a complexidade da vida na aula tem alcançado maiores níveis de profundidade e extensão: desde a visão da racionalidade técnica, que explica as práticas docentes verificando patrôes de comportamento desejados


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    Regiane Rodrigues Araújo


    Full Text Available Os estudos sobre a formação docente nos cursos de licenciatura tem sido objeto de estudo no campo da educação. A defesa do professor intelectual, crítico e reflexivo nem sempre tem considerado a contribuição da Filosofia na elaboração dos seus princípios. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a compreensão dos alunos acerca do Estágio no decorrer do curso de licenciatura.Optou-se, metodologicamente, pela abordagem qualitativa, a revisão bibliográfica, a pesquisa de campo e a análise de conteúdo. A pesquisa de campo consultou dez estudantes de Licenciatura em Filosofia da turma de Prática de Ensino da Universidade Estadual do Ceará.O embasamento teórico para as análises dos dados ancorou-se nos estudos de Gallo (2008, Ghedin (2009, Severino (1994, Lima (2012, Pimenta e Lima (2004, dentre outros. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que o Estágio é um dos momentos mais significativos do curso universitário, pois possibilita ao aluno a vivência, na prática,dos ensinamentos teóricos e o contato com a realidade da profissão docente. Cada graduando tem um conceito e um significado para tal vivência, que influenciará, como passo inicial no exercício do magistério e na construção de sua identidade professoral.


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    Reiner Hildebrandt-Stramann


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como propósito básico a exposição de como se processa a formação de professores de Educação Física para as escolas públicas na Alemanha, com base nas experiências da Institut für Sportwissenschaft da Technische Universität Braunschweig. Pockelsstr e sua estrutura de desenvolvimento. O trabalho foi organizado demonstrando: (1 os objetivos gerais da formação; a (2 visão geral sobre a estrutura da formação dos professores de Educação Física no Instituto de Ciência do Esporte da Universidade de Braunschweig; (3 a concepção pedagógica moderna da educação física e a concepção das aulas abertas às experiências; (4 a capacidade didático-metodológica transformadora; e, por fim, (5 o processo de formação na universidade configurado como um processo de socialização: do esportista para um educador do movimento.

  14. From Penrith to Paris

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    Katherine Elizabeth Clay


    Full Text Available Katherine Clay has written her first graphic novel, 'From Penrith to Paris', based on experiences of her first semester in France. It deals with the issues of student life, the loss of cultural identity through language and what it means to come from the cultural wasteland of Sydney to the cultural capital of the world - Paris. Through these funny and often life changing experiences, she realises the value of her hometown and that culture, no matter how it is perceived, plays an enormous role in the shaping of individuals.

  15. Relação entre nível geral de saúde, dor musculoesquelética e síndrome de burnout em professores universitários Relationship between general level of health, musculoeskeletal pain and occurrence of burnout syndrome in college teachers

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    Eneida Yuri Suda


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a relação entre nível de saúde geral, dor musculoesquelética, frequência de sintomas musculoesqueléticos e a síndrome de burnout em professores universitários. Foram avaliados 50 professores de uma universidade privada. O nível de saúde geral foi verificado pela versão em português da Personal Health Scale (PHS-Pt, a dor musculoesquelética pelo Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares (QNSO e a presença da síndrome de burnout pelo questionário Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS. A maioria dos professores apresentou comprometimento do nível de saúde (escore total PHS-Pt=6,7±3,8, sendo que 70% apresentaram dor no pescoço e 64% na região lombar nos últimos 12 meses. Houve correlação positiva entre nível geral de saúde e a dimensão exaustão emocional do inventário de burnout. Porém, não houve correlação entre as dimensões do MBI-HSS e dor musculoesquelética.The aim of this study was to verify the relationship between general level of health, muskuloeskeletal pain and occurrence of burnout syndrome in college teachers. Fifty teachers from a private university were evaluated. The level of general health was evaluated by the Portuguese version of the Personal Health Scale (PHS-Pt, muskuloeskeletal pain was verified by Nordic Muskuloeskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ and the occurrence of burnout syndrome was evaluated by the Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS. The majority of the sample presented some compromising of general health level (total score PHS-Pt=6.7±3.8 with 70% presenting neck pain and 64% presenting lower back pain in the last year. Positive correlation occurred between burnout exhaustion dimension and level of general health. There were no correlation between MBI-HSS dimensions and muskuloeskeletal pain occurrence in the last year.

  16. Autonomia profissional dos professores


    Guerra, Teresa P.; Veiga, Feliciano


    Este estudo pretendeu analisar as representações dos professores acerca da sua autonomia em contexto escolar, com recurso a uma amostra de 203 professores de ambos os sexos, pertencentes a escolas dos distritos de Lisboa, Setúbal, Leiria e Aveiro. Utilizou-se a Escala de Autonomia Profissional dos Professores (EAPP).

  17. Investigation of airways using MDCT for visual and quantitative assessment in COPD patients

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    Pierre-Yves Brillet


    Full Text Available Pierre-Yves Brillet1, Catalin I Fetita2, Amaury Saragaglia2, Anne-Laure Brun3, Catherine Beigelman-Aubry3, Françoise Prêteux2, Philippe A Grenier31Department of Radiology, Avicenne Hospital, Assistance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Université Léonard de Vinci–Paris Nord, EA 2361, Bobigny, France; 2ARTEMIS Department, Institut National des Télécommunications, Université Paris V, Evry, France; 3Department of Radiology, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Assistance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FranceAbstract: Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT acquisition during a single breath hold using thin collimation provides high resolution volumetric data set permitting multiplanar and three dimensional reconstruction of the proximal airways. In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD patients, this technique provides an accurate assessment of bronchial wall thickening, tracheobronchial deformation, outpouchings reflecting dilatation of the submucous glands, tracheobronchomalacia, and expiratory air trapping. New software developed to segment adequately the lumen and walls of the airways on MDCT scans allows quantitative assessment of the airway dimensions which has shown to be reliable in clinical practice. This technique can become important in longitudinal studies of the pathogenesis of COPD, and in the assessment of therapeutic interventions.Keywords: COPD – tracheobronchial tree, multidetector CT – airway remodeling, tracheobronchomalacia

  18. Chemical characteristics of saponins from Paris fargesii var. brevipetala and cytotoxic activity of its main ingredient, paris saponin H. (United States)

    Wen, Feiyan; Yin, Hongxiang; Chen, Chu; Liu, Xianbo; Xue, Dan; Chen, Tiezhu; He, Jun; Zhang, Hao


    More attention was paid to the anti-tumor activity of Rhizoma Paridis (RP) recently, of which the wild resource was decreased significantly. This study was aimed to elucidate the chemical characteristics of Paris fargesii var. brevipetala (PFB) that may be administrated as alternate resource of legal RP. A HPLC-ELSD method was established to characterize the steroid saponins in rhizomes of PFB and two legal Paris species [Paris polyphylla var. chinensis (PPC) and P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis (PPY)] in Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CP). Ten saponins (paris saponins I, II, V, VI, VII, H, gracillin and other three paris saponins) were involved as standards. The results indicated that PFB contained pennogenyl saponins as the main components with small amounts of diosgenin saponins. The total contents of the detected saponins in PFB ranged from 9.12mg/g to 85.33mg/g. Nine of the twelve PFB samples own a total content of paris saponins I, II, VI, and VII more than 6.0mg/g (meeting the standard of CP 2010 edition). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares-Discriminate Analysis (PLS-DA) both confirmed the fact that saponin profiles of PFB, PPC and PPY were different from each other. In addition, paris saponin H (Ps H), the predominant saponin of PFB (>50%), was tested in vitro to evaluate its cytotoxic activities on HepG2, A549, RPE and L929 cells with a positive control of Cisplatin. Ps H showed a remarkable cytotoxic activity on A549 cells with an IC(50) value of 1.53±0.08μg/mL. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Paradigmas e tendências do ensino universitário: a metodologia da pesquisa-ação como estratégia de formação docente

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    Erica Toledo de Mendonça


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi discutir sobre os paradigmas e as tendências do ensino universitário na atualidade, apontando estratégias de formação docente. Utilizou-se como método a pesquisa-ação; os dados foram coletados mediante as técnicas do Panorama Sobe e Desce, Wordle e Diários de Classe, durante a realização de capacitações docentes para exercício de tutoria em disciplina semipresencial. Os depoimentos dos participantes apontaram para uma insatisfação no uso do modelo tradicional de ensino; a importância de o professor estar aberto ao novo; e, ainda, que a utilização de processos inovadores de ensinagem foi considerada importante estratégia de mudança de paradigma educacional. O processo de capacitação de docentes universitários mostrou-se eficaz no que tange à conscientização destes indivíduos quanto à importância de se inserir o ensino na agenda das prioridades da universidade.

  20. Grèce, pays d’immigration : Perspectives historiques et sociologiques

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    Dimitrios Parsanoglou


    Full Text Available Thèse soutenue le 4 mai 2009Composition du JuryMarie - Claude Blanc - Chaléard, Maître de conférences à l’Université Paris 1, Georges Dertilis, Directeur d'études à l’ÉHESS, Nancy Green, Directrice d'études à l’ÉHESS (direction de thèse, Pierre Sintès, Maître de conférences à l’Université de Provence, Maryse Tripier, Professeur émérite à l’Université Paris 7.RésuméCette thèse se divise en trois parties relativement autonomes mais reliées. La première partie, intitulée « L’histoire migratoire...

  1. Thèses de doctorat soutenues en 2010

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    Full Text Available Juan Redmond, Logique Dynamique de la Fiction. Pour une Approche DialogiqueThèse soutenue le 3 juillet 2010 à l’Université de Lille 3.Composition du juryNorah dei Cas, Université de Lille 3Jacques Dubucs, Université de Paris-IGerhard Heinzmann, Université de NancyPaul Gochet, Université de de LiègeJohn Woods, University of British ColumbiaShahid Rahman, Université de Lille 3, directeur de thèse.RésuméCette thèse porte sur l’élaboration d’une structure argumentative dynamique dans le cadre con...

  2. Présentation

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    Full Text Available Directeur de la publication : Jean Lambert (CEFAS Comité de lecture : Yusûf `Abd Allâh (Université de Sanaa Houda Ayoub (ENS Rabia Bekkar (Paris X Rabia Bekkar (Paris X Paul Bonnenfant (CNRS, IREMAM Franck Braemer (CNRS, CEPAM Jean-François Breton (CNRS, Maison René Ginouvès François Bron (CNRS-LESA, Collège de France François Burgat (CNRS, IREMAM Luc-Willy Deheuvels (INALCO Alessandro De Maigret (Istituto Orientale di Napoli Marina De Regt (Université d'Amsterdam Blandine Des...

  3. Climate Justice and the Paris Agreement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michelot, Agnes


    The concept of climate justice has been, for the first time, used in an international agreement - namely, the Paris Agreement. But this recognition of the notion of climate justice is extremely restricted by the very way it is formulated. Preamble of the Paris Agreement 'notes' that climate justice is recognized by 'certain cultures'. Does it mean that particular and concrete stakes of climate justice of the pre-COP21 agenda have been recognized or, on the contrary, that the notion so introduced is actually an empty shell without any genuine legal perspective? Considering this uncertainty, it appears relevant to analyze the Paris Agreement through the claims of various groups and coalitions, which influenced the COP21 negotiations

  4. Biblioteca universitária proativa

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    Maria de Fátima Pereira Raposo


    Full Text Available O trabalho visa apresentar alguns procedimentos que podem caracterizar uma postura proativa em bibliotecas universitárias. Para tanto, apresenta aspectos do conceito de proatividade em um contexto onde o uso e a aplicação das tecnologias de informação (TI constituem-se ferramentas essenciais para promover a inclusão social/digital no Brasil. O trabalho é abordado no contexto das bibliotecas do Centro Universitário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro – UNIVER CIDADE. A adoção de procedimentos pró-ativos no Sistema de Bibliotecas da UNIVER CIDADE possibilitou um maior alcance dos problemas de informação de seus usuários, oferecendo, assim, subsídios para uma gestão eficiente da informação. Conseqüentemente, a confiança nos serviços da biblioteca e a participação nos programas instituídos cresceram proporcionalmente às ações pró-ativas adotadas pelo Sistema de Bibliotecas.

  5. Contamination potentielle des aliments par des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    SARA Computers

    la notion de la pollution et de l'exposition aux PCBs, lorsque 77% n'ont pas conscience de cette situation de risque ... 2018). Quoique la contamination par les. PCBs soit de faible niveau, elle est ...... Université Paris-Est, Paris, France ; 183.

  6. Professor Gender, Age, and “Hotness” in Influencing College Students’ Generation and Interpretation of Professor Ratings

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    Sara L. Sohr-Preston


    Full Text Available Undergraduate psychology students rated expectations of a bogus professor (randomly designated a man or woman and hot versus not hot based on an online rating and sample comments as found on (RMP. Five professor qualities were derived using principal components analysis (PCA: dedication, attractiveness, enhancement, fairness, and clarity. Participants rated current psychology professors on the same qualities. Current professors were divided based on gender (man or woman, age (under 35 or 35 and older, and attractiveness (at or below the median or above the median. Using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA, students expected hot professors to be more attractive but lower in clarity. They rated current professors as lowest in clarity when a man and 35 or older. Current professors were rated significantly lower in dedication, enhancement, fairness, and clarity when rated at or below the median on attractiveness. Results, with previous research, suggest numerous factors, largely out of professors’ control, influencing how students interpret and create professor ratings. Caution is therefore warranted in using online ratings to select courses or make hiring and promotion decisions. 

  7. What agreement in Paris in 2015?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colombier, Michel; Ribera, Teresa


    In Warsaw, countries agreed to a process whereby each will unilaterally design and communicate its contribution toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. This process is to be ratified in late 2015 in Paris. Will the Paris agreement mark a turning point in climate policy? Will it measure up to the ambitions proclaimed by the international community at the Durban meeting?

  8. IDH1 and IDH2 mutations as novel therapeutic targets: current perspectives

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    Mondesir J


    Full Text Available Johanna Mondesir1,2 Christophe Willekens3–5 Mehdi Touat6,7 Stéphane de Botton3–5 1Service d’Immunopathologie Clinique, Hôpital Saint Louis, 2CNRS UMR8104, INSERM U1016, Institut Cochin, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, 3Gustave Roussy, Université Paris-Saclay, Service d’Hématologie Clinique, 4INSERM U1170, Gustave Roussy, Université Paris-Saclay, Villejuif, 5Faculté de médecine Paris-Sud, Kremlin-Bicêtre, 6AP-HP, Hôpitaux Universitaires La Pitié Salpêtrière – Charles Foix, Service de Neurologie 2-Mazarin, Paris, 7Gustave Roussy, Université Paris‑Saclay, Département d’Innovation Thérapeutique et d’Essais Précoces, Villejuif, France Abstract: Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 (IDH1 and IDH2 are key metabolic enzymes that convert isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate. IDH1/2 mutations define distinct subsets of cancers, including low-grade gliomas and secondary glioblastomas, chondrosarcomas, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas, and hematologic malignancies. Somatic point mutations in IDH1/2 confer a gain-of-function in cancer cells, resulting in the accumulation and secretion in vast excess of an oncometabolite, the D-2-hydroxyglutarate (D-2HG. Overproduction of D-2HG interferes with cellular metabolism and epigenetic regulation, contributing to oncogenesis. Indeed, high levels of D-2HG inhibit α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases, including histone and DNA demethylases, leading to histone and DNA hypermethylation and finally a block in cell differentiation. Furthermore, D-2HG is a biomarker suitable for the detection of IDH1/2 mutations at diagnosis and predictive of the clinical response. Finally, mutant-IDH1/2 enzymes inhibitors have entered clinical trials for patients with IDH1/2 mutations and represent a novel drug class for targeted therapy. Keywords: tumor metabolism, epigenetic, oncogene, IDH1, IDH2, glioma, acute myeloid leukemia, 2-HG, targeted therapies

  9. La politique étrangère américaine au Yémen

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    Ludmila du Bouchet


    Full Text Available ENS, IEP Paris, Centre of International Studies (université de Cambridge, Royaume-Uni Ludmila du Bouchet, élève de l'ENS Paris, prépare une thèse de doctorat (PhD en relations internationales à l'université de Cambridge, sous la direction de Tarak Barkawi. On se propose ici de considérer les processus internes par lesquels certains États, décrits comme faibles, périphériques ou nouvellement formés, s'adaptent aux changements majeurs survenus dans le système international, en se conce...

  10. Assessment of seasonal and year-to-year surface salinity signals retrieved from SMOS and Aquarius missions in the Bay of Bengal

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Akhil, V.P.; Lengaigne, M.; Durand, F.; Vialard, J.; Chaitanya, A.V.S.; Keerthi, M.G.; Gopalakrishna, V.V.; Boutin, J.; de Boyer, M.C.

    , Sorbonne Universités (UPMC, Univ Paris 06)-CNRS-IRD-MNHN, Paris, France; dNIO, Goa, India; eLOS, IFREMER, Plouzané, France ABSTRACT The Bay of Bengal (BoB) exhibits a wide range of sea surface salinity (SSS), with very fresh water induced by heavy monsoonal...

  11. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Jan 27, 2016 ... Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science, King Saud University, P. O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ. Paris 06, 5 Place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France.

  12. Professor Gender, Age, and "Hotness" in Influencing College Students' Generation and Interpretation of Professor Ratings (United States)

    Sohr-Preston, Sara L.; Boswell, Stefanie S.; McCaleb, Kayla; Robertson, Deanna


    A sample of 230 undergraduate psychology students rated their expectations of a bogus professor (who was randomly designated a man or woman and "hot" versus "not hot") based on ratings and comments found on Five professor qualities were derived using principal components analysis: dedication,…


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    Ana Luiza de Quadros


    Full Text Available In the last years, higher education teacher training has received more didactic-pedagogical attention. Despite numerous criticisms to professors' work, some practices present differentials that make them a reference to students, even among university professors with undergraduate and graduate degrees in their specific areas of knowledge. To analyze the classes of such professors who become a reference to students, we selected two higher education professors of chemistry and videotaped their classes seeking to identify the teaching strategies that they use. After analysis, we shared the results with the subjects and complemented them with a semi-structured interview. We found out that these professors perform based on counter-models of professors who they had had in their undergraduate courses and developed strategies aiming to minimize for their students the difficulties they themselves had experienced.

  14. DE LA NUMERISATION VERS l’UBERISATION’ DE L’UNIVERSITE : : quel scénario prospectif pour une coopération digitale/numérique Université-Entreprise-Société ?


    CURBATOV, Oleg


    Intervention au Gaidar Forum 2017 les 12-14 janvier 2017; Le triple rôle des universités en tant qu’établissements d’éducation du plus haut niveau, de recherche avancée et d'innovation de pointe, place, comme processus de création des connaissances et moteurs de cette ambition, les universités en lien avec les Entreprises et la Société de la Connaissance. Cela s'est traduit dans les politiques menées par les gouvernements de différents pays : aussi il est intéressant que les universités/école...

  15. Accounting Professor Qualification in Digital Age: A Perception Study on Brazilian Professors (United States)

    Vendruscolo, Maria Ivanice; Behar, Patrícia Alejandra


    This papers aims at analyzing the perception of Accounting professors about the necessary qualifications in Accounting undergraduate courses. The contribution of this study is to theoretically discuss the education of Accounting professors, with empirical data, because Accounting teaching requires specific competencies in the digital area. The…

  16. Paris Commune Imagery in China's Mass Media. (United States)

    Meiss, Guy T.

    The role of ideology in mass media practices is explored in an analysis of the relation between the Paris Commune of 1871 and the Shanghai Commune of 1967, two attempts to translate the philosophical concept of dictatorship of the proletariat into some political form. A review of the use of Paris Commune imagery by the Chinese to mobilize the…

  17. Happy Birthday Professor Telegdi

    CERN Multimedia


    Professor Telegdi, pictured with Luciano Maiani and Alexander Skrinsky, receiving the medal of foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in June 2000. Professor Valentine Telegdi celebrated his 80th birthday on Friday, 11th January. A brilliant American physicist of Hungarian origin, Professor Telegdi was a professor at the University of Chicago, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and the California Institute of Technology and took part in many CERN experiments, of which NA10 and L3 were the most recent. He served as Chairman of CERN's Scientific Policy Committee from 1981 to 1983. A member of numerous scientific academies, he shared the prestigious Wolf Prize with Maurice Goldhaber in 1991 in recognition of their separate seminal contributions to nuclear and particle physics, particularly those concerning weak interactions involving leptons.

  18. Morphological diversity of wild medicinal Paris L. from China and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Paris L. (Trilliaceae) is a temperate genus of about 24 perennial herbaceous species distributed from Europe to Eastern Asia. Paris is notable in China for its medicinal value. An investigation was conducted to determine the variations of 27 morphological characters of 196 accessions from 8 populations of medicinal Paris ...

  19. 1088-IJBCS-Article-Genevieve Nguessan

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    2 Université Paris-Sud 11, Faculté de Pharmacie, Châtenay-Malabry, France. 3 INSERM UMR-S 769, Châtenay-Malabry, France. 4Laboratoire de pharmacologie, pharmacie clinique, thérapeutique et physiologie, UFR Sciences. Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, Université Cocody-Abidjan, République de Côte d'Ivoire.

  20. Professor Michael Levitt

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    Gemma-Louise Davies


    Full Text Available Professor Michael Levitt (Stanford University, USA won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems—computational tools which can calculate the course of chemical reactions. Professor Levitt was born in Pretoria, South Africa; he came to the UK on a summer vacation aged 16, where he decided to stay and study for his A‑levels. His interest in the physics of living systems drove him to study biophysics at King’s College London, before securing a PhD position at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge. In the interim year between his degree and beginning his PhD, Professor Levitt worked at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, where he met his future wife. They married later that year and moved to Cambridge, where their three children were born. After completing his PhD, he spent time working in Israel, Cambridge, the Salk Institute and Stanford (both California. Since 1986, he has split his time between Israel and California. Outside of science, he is a keen hiker and he is well-known to have attended the eclectic ‘Burning Man’ Festival in California.[1] Professor Levitt visited the University of Warwick to speak at the Computational Molecular Science Annual Conference in March 2015. In this interview, Dr Gemma-Louise Davies, an Institute of Advanced Study Global Research Fellow, spoke to Professor Levitt about the importance of Interdisciplinarity in his field, role models in Academia, and his plans for the future. Image: Professor Michael Levitt (left with Dr Scott Habershon (right, organiser of the 2015 Computational Molecular Science Annual Conference during his visit to the University of Warwick in March 2015. [1] ‘Burning Man’ is a unique annual festival dedicated to community, art, music, self-expression and self-reliance. Tens of thousands of people flock to this temporary metropolis built in the Californian desert.

  1. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé doit être abrégé sous la forme: J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo). Les articles du Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé (Togo) sont abstractés et indexés dans la base de données AJOL.

  2. Ideação suicida nos estudantes universitários


    Gomes, Filipa Joana Barreto


    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário Este estudo tem como objectivo verificar se os jovens universitários do primeiro ano do ensino superior, afastados do seu meio familiar e da sua terra de origem terão uma maior sintomatologia depressiva, terão menor satisfação com o suporte social e mais pensamentos suicidas do que os não afastados. Pretendemos ainda averiguar se a insatisfação com o suporte social provoca maior sintomatologia depressiva e m...

  3. The myriad challenges of the Paris Agreement (United States)

    Mitchell, Dann; Allen, Myles R.; Hall, Jim W.; Muller, Benito; Rajamani, Lavanya; Le Quéré, Corinne


    The much awaited and intensely negotiated Paris Agreement was adopted on 12 December 2015 by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The agreement set out a more ambitious long-term temperature goal than many had anticipated, implying more stringent emissions reductions that have been under-explored by the research community. By its very nature a multidisciplinary challenge, filling the knowledge gap requires not only climate scientists, but the whole Earth system science community, as well as economists, engineers, lawyers, philosophers, politicians, emergency planners and others to step up. To kick start cross-disciplinary discussions, the University of Oxford's Environmental Change Institute focused its 25th anniversary conference upon meeting the challenges of the Paris Agreement for science and society. This theme issue consists of review papers, opinion pieces and original research from some of the presentations within that meeting, covering a wide range of issues underpinning the Paris Agreement. This article is part of the theme issue `The Paris Agreement: understanding the physical and social challenges for a warming world of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels'.

  4. MRS Symposium on Advanced Tomographic Imaging Methods for the Analysis of Materials (United States)


    ISBN: 1-55899-104-2 Volume 213-High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys IV, L. Johnson, D.P. Pope, J.O. Stiegler , 1991, ISBN: 1-55899-105-0 Volume...Universit6 Claude Bernard LYON I, 69622 VILLEURANNE d Universit6 Paris Sud, IEF, CNRS URA 22, 91405 ORSAY (FRANCE) ABSTRACT We have applied NMR Imaging and

  5. Serviços via Web em bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras

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    Carlos Henrique Marcondes

    Full Text Available Resultados de pesquisa apoiada pelo PIBIC CNPq/UFF, desenvolvida no período agosto/2004 a julho/2005, com o objetivo de identificar a existência de serviços oferecidos via web em bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras. Foram avaliadas as páginas de 209 bibliotecas universitárias de todas as regiões geográficas do país, tendo como critério de seleção as universidades com maior número de cursos de pós-graduação, segundo o site da CAPES, considerando-se as sete primeiras universidades de cada região. Os sites das bibliotecas destas universidades foram visitados e avaliados, com objetivo de identificar os tipos de serviços oferecidos via web. Verificou-se que este tipo de serviço ainda é pouco oferecido pelas bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras.

  6. Professor Igor Yevseyev: In Memoriam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Dear readers and authors, June 3, 2012 will mark five months since Professor Igor Yevseyev, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of both journals Laser Physics and Laser Physics Letters passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 67. Born in Moscow, he entered one of the world's best schools of physics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). With this renowned educational and research institution he bonded an alliance for his entire life, starting as an undergraduate student in the Department of Theoretical Physics and later continued as graduate student, assistant professor, associated professor, and full professor in the same department, a rare accomplishment of a person. All those years he retained the love of his life—the love for physics. He worked tirelessly as a teacher and scholar in this captivating field of knowledge. Professor Yevseyev was one of the founders of the international journal of Laser Physics in 1990, the first academic English language journal published in the former USSR. Later, in 2004, the second journal, Laser Physics Letters was brought to the forum of global laser physics community. The idea behind this new title was Professor Yevseyev's initiative to reach the readers and participants with new pioneering and break-through research results more rapidly. His leadership and indefatigable dedication to the quality of published materials made it possible that this journal reached international recognition in a few short years. Still, in order to attract even more attention of potential contributors and readers, Professor Yevseyev originally proposed to conduct the International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS) on the annual basis. Since 1992 the Workshop has been conducted every year, each year in a different country. As in all previous years, Professor Yevseyev was the key organizer of this year's workshop in Calgary, Canada. Sadly, this workshop will take place without him. Editorial Board

  7. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Focus and Scope. Le Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé doit être abrégé sous la forme: J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo). Les articles du Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé (Togo) sont abstractés et indexés dans la base de données AJOL.

  8. Paris Convention on third party liability in the field of nuclear energy and Brussels Convention Supplementary to the Paris Convention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This new bilingual (English and French) edition of the 1960 Paris Convention and 1963 Brussels Supplementary Convention incorporates the provisions of the Protocols which amended each of them on two occasions, in 1964 and 1982. The Expose des motifs to the Paris Convention, as revised in 1982 is also included in this pubication. (NEA) [fr

  9. Journal of Chemical Sciences | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    S Bhattacharya1 A Kirwai1 Aditya N Panda1 2 H-D Meyer3. Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781 039, India; Department of Chemistry, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris CEDEX 05, France; Theoretische Chemie, Universität Heidelberg, ...

  10. La sfida del trasferimento tecnologico Le Università italiane si raccontano

    CERN Document Server

    Piccaluga, Andrea


    L’opera presenta e descrive il fenomeno del trasferimento tecnologico da università a industria attraverso una prospettiva originale, da “insider”, cioè la prospettiva delle università. Il volume racconta, attraverso la penna degli stessi protagonisti, la nascita, la crescita e le esperienze degli Uffici di Trasferimento Tecnologico (TTO) delle principali università italiane, facendo emergere l’eterogeneità delle loro ambizioni, dei traguardi raggiunti e delle risorse a loro disposizione per la valorizzazione della ricerca scientifica. L’idea di fondo dell’opera è che i “numeri” danno una visione importante ma solo parziale di quello che è un TTO universitario. Il nostro lavoro a stretto contatto con i professionisti del trasferimento tecnologico ci ha dimostrato che l’attività di tali uffici è ricca di storie significative e ad alto contenuto formativo, dove l’elemento umano, e le modalità con cui esso è gestito, giocano un ruolo centrale nel trasferimento di conoscenza dal mon...

  11. Análise dos Conceitos Astronômicos Apresentados por Professores de Algumas Escolas Estaduais Brasileiras (United States)

    Voelzke, Marcos Rincon; Gonzaga, Edson Pereira


    A razão para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho baseia-se no fato de que muitos professores da Educação Básica (EB) não lidam com conceitos relacionados à astronomia, e quando o fazem eles simplesmente seguem livros didáticos que podem conter erros conceituais. Como é de conhecimento geral a astronomia é um dos conteúdos a serem ensinados na EB fazendo parte dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e das Propostas Curriculares do Estado de São Paulo, mas é um fato, que vários pesquisadores apontam, a existência de muitos problemas no ensino da astronomia. Com o propósito de minimizar algumas dessas deficiências foi realizado um trabalho de pesquisa com a utilização de questionários pré e pós pesquisa, para tanto foi desenvolvido um Curso de Extensão Universitária para professores da Diretoria de Ensino Regional (DE) que abrange Mauá, Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra (no Estado de São Paulo) com os seguintes objetivos: levantar concepções alternativas; subsidiar os professores por meio de palestras, debates e workshops, e verificar o sucesso da aprendizagem após o curso, adotando-se como referência, para a análise dos resultados, os dicionários de Língua Portuguesa (FERREIRA, 2004) e Enciclopédico de Astronomia e Astronáutica (MOURĀO, 1995). Portanto, dezesseis questões foram aplicadas antes e após o curso, assim pode-se verificar após a pesquisa que 100,0% dos professores sabiam os nomes das fases da Lua, 97,0% entenderam que o Sistema Solar é composto por oito planetas, 78,1% foram capazes de explicar como ocorre um eclipse lunar, um eclipse solar e um solstício, 72,7% sabiam como explicar a ocorrência das estações do ano; 64,5% explicaram corretamente a ocorrência do equinócio, 89,7% foram capazes de definir adequadamente o termo cometa; 63,6% definiram asteróide, 54,5% meteoro, 58,1% galáxia, e 42,4% planeta. Os resultados obtidos indicam uma aprendizagem significativa por parte dos participantes.

  12. PARIS reprograms glucose metabolism by HIF-1α induction in dopaminergic neurodegeneration. (United States)

    Kang, Hojin; Jo, Areum; Kim, Hyein; Khang, Rin; Lee, Ji-Yeong; Kim, Hanna; Park, Chi-Hu; Choi, Jeong-Yun; Lee, Yunjong; Shin, Joo-Ho


    Our previous study found that PARIS (ZNF746) transcriptionally suppressed transketolase (TKT), a key enzyme in pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) in the substantia nigra (SN) of AAV-PARIS injected mice. In this study, we revealed that PARIS overexpression reprogrammed glucose metabolic pathway, leading to the increment of glycolytic proteins along with TKT reduction in the SN of AAV-PARIS injected mice. Knock-down of TKT in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells led to an increase of glycolytic enzymes and decrease of PPP-related enzymes whereas overexpression of TKT restored PARIS-mediated glucose metabolic shift, suggesting that glucose metabolic alteration by PARIS is TKT-dependent. Inhibition of PPP by either PARIS overexpression or TKT knock-down elevated the level of H 2 O 2 , and diminished NADPH and GSH levels, ultimately triggering the induction of HIF-1α, a master activator of glycolysis. In addition, TKT inhibition by stereotaxic injection of oxythiamine demonstrated slight decrement of dopaminergic neurons (DNs) in SN but not cortical neurons in the cortex, suggesting that TKT might be a survival factor of DNs. In differentiated SH-SY5Y, cell toxicity by GFP-PARIS was partially restored by introduction of Flag-TKT and siRNA-HIF-1α. We also observed the increase of HIF-1α and glycolytic hexokinase 2 in the SN of Parkinson's disease patients. Taken together, these results suggest that PARIS accumulation might distort the balance of glucose metabolism, providing clues for understanding mechanism underlying selective DNs death by PARIS. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. A base de conhecimentos profissionais para o ensino: provocações à docência universitária

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    Jefferson da Silva Moreira


    Full Text Available O texto resulta de pesquisa que buscou investigar como se deu a construção dos conhecimentos profissionais relacionados ao ensino por parte de professores que lecionam em cursos de Engenharia de uma universidade pública baiana. Visto que, comumente, os programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu estão voltados, predominantemente, para a formação do pesquisador, o processo investigativo girou em torno da seguinte questão norteadora: onde e por meio de quais processos professores de cursos de Engenharia de uma universidade pública baiana construíram seus conhecimentos profissionais relacionados ao ensino? O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, ancora-se em discussões tecidas por autores que discutem sobre a Pedagogia Universitária: Masetto (2012, Pimenta (2009, D’Ávila (2013, Soares (2009, e sobre formação de professores: Pimenta (2014; Marcelo Garcia (2012; Mizukami et. al. (2010 e Nono (2005. A coleta de dados foi procedida mediante um questionário socioprofissional, além da aplicação do caso de ensino intitulado “O dilema de Ricardo”. O corpus de dados produzido foi analisado com base nos pressupostos da técnica de análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1977. A análise dos achados empíricos permite-nos afirmar que: a os docentes universitários exercem a docência baseados nos professores modelos que tiveram durante o seu processo de escolarização na educação básica e superior; b a profissão docente, no ensino superior, vai sendo construída cotidianamente, a partir das trocas de experiências com os pares. c o estágio de docência, realizado durante o período do mestrado, e a participação em treinamentos têm se constituído elementos impulsionadores nos processos de aprendizagem da docência e desenvolvimento profissional dos sujeitos participantes do nosso estudo. Palavras-chave: Docência universitária. Conhecimentos profissionais. Formação de professores.   The basis of professional knowledge for teaching

  14. Antijudaïsme, pouvoir politique et administration de la justice. Juifs, chrétiens et convertis dans l’espace juridictionnel de la Chancillería de Valladolid (xve-xvie siècles

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    Elisa Caselli


    Full Text Available Composition du juryMonsieur. Bernard Vincent, Directeur de thèses (ÉHESS,Monsieur. Bartolomé Bennassar (Université de Toulouse le Mirail,Monsieur. Ricardo Garcia Carcel (Université Autonome de Barcelone,Madame. Claude Gauvard (Université de Paris I,Madame. Béatrice Perez (Université de Rennes II,Monsieur. Jean-Paul Zuñiga, (ÉHESSMention très honorable avec félicitation du juryThèse soutenue le 28 juin 2010RésuméÀ travers des procès judiciaires impliquant des juifs, plaidant entre eux ou...

  15. PINK1 Primes Parkin-Mediated Ubiquitination of PARIS in Dopaminergic Neuronal Survival

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    Yunjong Lee


    Full Text Available Mutations in PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1 and parkin cause autosomal-recessive Parkinson’s disease through a common pathway involving mitochondrial quality control. Parkin inactivation leads to accumulation of the parkin interacting substrate (PARIS, ZNF746 that plays an important role in dopamine cell loss through repression of proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1-alpha (PGC-1α promoter activity. Here, we show that PARIS links PINK1 and parkin in a common pathway that regulates dopaminergic neuron survival. PINK1 interacts with and phosphorylates serines 322 and 613 of PARIS to control its ubiquitination and clearance by parkin. PINK1 phosphorylation of PARIS alleviates PARIS toxicity, as well as repression of PGC-1α promoter activity. Conditional knockdown of PINK1 in adult mouse brains leads to a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra that is dependent on PARIS. Altogether, these results uncover a function of PINK1 to direct parkin-PARIS-regulated PGC-1α expression and dopaminergic neuronal survival.

  16. Avaliação da preceptoria na residência médica em cirurgia geral, no centro cirúrgico, comparação entre um hospital universitário e um hospital não universitário

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    Elizabeth Gomes Santos

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a preceptoria no programa de residência médica em Cirurgia Geral, no centro cirúrgico, em um hospital universitário e em um hospital não universitário, a partir da ótica dos residentes que ingressaram em 2010 e 2011. MÉTODOS: Questionário aplicado aos residentes, modificado de Sarker SK, Vincent C, e Darzi AW e usando-se a escala de Likert para qualificar o ítem pesquisado sobre as atitudes dos preceptores. A comparação da distribuição das respostas entre os dois hospitais foi analisada pelo teste de c² para tendências. RESULTADOS: No hospital universitário foram avaliados 12 preceptores por sete residentes. No hospital não universitário foram 11 preceptores avaliados por 13 residentes. O hospital não universitário apresentou a tendência de resposta discordante e indiferente (DC, D e I maior que o hospital universitário. Só o resultado de uma pergunta apresentou significância estatística. Não houve diferença significativa na comparação das respostas nas demais perguntas entre os dois hospitais. CONCLUSÃO: Os hospitais apresentaram preceptoria semelhante.

  17. Visit of Professor Shigehiko Hasumi. President of Tokyo University, Japan, Professor Kazuo Okamoto, Head of Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Professor Toshiteru Matsuura, Head of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loiez


    Visit of Professor Shigehiko Hasumi. President of Tokyo University, Japan, Professor Kazuo Okamoto, Head of Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Professor Toshiteru Matsuura, Head of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

  18. Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance

    CERN Document Server

    Carmona, René A; Kohatsu-Higa, Arturo; Lasry, Jean-Michel; Lions, Pierre-Louis; Pham, Huyên; Taflin, Erik


    The Paris-Princeton Lectures in Financial Mathematics, of which this is the third volume, will, on an annual basis, publish cutting-edge research in self-contained, expository articles from outstanding - established or upcoming! - specialists. The aim is to produce a series of articles that can serve as an introductory reference for research in the field. It arises as a result of frequent exchanges between the finance and financial mathematics groups in Paris and Princeton. The present volume sets standards with articles by René Carmona, Ivar Ekeland/Erik Taflin, Arturo Kohatsu-Higa, Pierre-Louis Lions/Jean-Michel Lasry, and Hyuên Pham.

  19. Wartime Paris, cirrhosis mortality, and the ceteris paribus assumption. (United States)

    Fillmore, Kaye Middleton; Roizen, Ron; Farrell, Michael; Kerr, William; Lemmens, Paul


    This article critiques the ceteris paribus assumption, which tacitly sustains the epidemiologic literature's inference that the sharp decline in cirrhosis mortality observed in Paris during the Second World War derived from a sharp constriction in wine consumption. Paris's wartime circumstances deviate substantially from the "all else being equal" assumption, and at least three other hypotheses for the cirrhosis decline may be contemplated. Historical and statistical review. Wartime Paris underwent tumultuous changes. Wine consumption did decline, but there were, as well, a myriad of other changes in diet and life experience, many involving new or heightened hardships, nutritional, experiential, institutional, health and mortality risks. Three competing hypotheses are presented: (1) A fraction of the candidates for cirrhosis mortality may have fallen to more sudden forms of death; (2) alcoholics, heavy drinkers and Paris's clochard subpopulation may have been differentially likely to become removed from the city's wartime population, whether by self-initiated departure, arrest and deportation, or death from other causes, even murder; and (3) there was mismeasurement in the cirrhosis mortality decline. The alcohol-cirrhosis connection provided the template for the alcohol research effort (now more than 20 years old) aimed at re-establishing scientific recognition of alcohol's direct alcohol-problems-generating associations and causal responsibilities. In a time given to reports of weaker associations of the alcohol-cirrhosis connection, the place and importance of the Paris curve in the wider literature, as regards that connection, remains. For this reason, the Paris findings should be subjected to as much research scrutiny as they undoubtedly deserve.

  20. PARIS II: Computer Aided Solvent Design for Pollution Prevention (United States)

    This product is a summary of U.S. EPA researchers' work developing the solvent substitution software tool PARIS II (Program for Assisting the Replacement of Industrial Solvents, version 2.0). PARIS II finds less toxic solvents or solvent mixtures to replace more toxic solvents co...

  1. 75 caracteristiques et evolution des operations de fusions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Elles apparaissent enfin comme un moyen à la disposition des entreprises de grande taille afin de se développer en acquérant des PME. Mots clés : Fusions & Acquisitions, Tunisie, Industrie, Commerce. Classification JEL : L26, G34. *. Chercheur associé au CEPN, Université Paris 13, PRES Sorbonne Paris-Cité,. France.

  2. Pariisi kord = Paris' move / João Francisco Figueira

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Figueira, João Francisco, 1968-


    Pariisi nõustamisprojektide rahvusvahelisest võistlusest "Le Grand Pari(s)". Sooviti saada julget ja elluviidavat projekti Pariisi arenguks aastani 2050. Osales kümme kutsutud arhitektide, planeerijate ja ekspertide töörühma. Osade tööde mõningaid aspekte tutvustav käsitlus

  3. Professor Torben Larsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Torben


    En samling af væsentlige artikler, og diskussion, om stormflod skrevet af professor Torben Larsen, Aalborg Universitet. Torben Larsen diskuterer i artiklerne et forslag om at lukke Thyborøn Kanal for at mindske risikoen for stormflod og oversvømmelse langs Limfjordens byer.......En samling af væsentlige artikler, og diskussion, om stormflod skrevet af professor Torben Larsen, Aalborg Universitet. Torben Larsen diskuterer i artiklerne et forslag om at lukke Thyborøn Kanal for at mindske risikoen for stormflod og oversvømmelse langs Limfjordens byer....

  4. Une formation à distance pour la certification des compétences à l’ère du numérique : le projet C2i Université Laval - Université de Bordeaux

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    Jean-François Lévesque


    Full Text Available Il est désormais devenu indispensable de maîtriser les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC pour entreprendre avec succès des études universitaires. Sur ce point, la prise de conscience est de plus en plus forte et la question de la certification des compétences requises à l’ère du numérique devient un enjeu pour les universités. À partir d’un projet pilote mené dans le cadre de la collaboration internationale entre l’Université Laval (Québec et l’Université de Bordeaux (France, nous nous interrogeons dans cet article sur les conditions de mise en place d’une formation à distance en réponse à cette préoccupation.

  5. Post Paris and November 8, 2016 (United States)

    Busalacchi, A. J.


    COP 21 in Paris, as historic as it was, established the necessary, but not the sufficient. The signatories to the landmark Paris accord are a coalition of the willing, but their pledges are only as good as the sustained will of individual countries to adhere to their commitments. The U.S. presidential election has demonstrated how easily uncertainty can be added. Even if all countries abide by the Paris climate agreement, capping global mean temperatures to 2oC will likely require net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2085 and substantial negative emissions over the long term. Before the Paris agreement was finished, it was clear that the pledged emission cuts by 2030 would not be sufficient in and of themselves, to stay under 2oC. Given the accumulation of greenhouse gases to date, limiting warming to a maximum of 2oC would require bending the curve of global emissions by 2020, i.e., over the next four years. If the past is a prologue, without even taking into account an emergence from the global recession, we stand a realistic chance of blowing right past the 2oC target. What, then, are the challenges going forward? Is 2oC a real goal that is attainable, or is it a stretch goal? Meeting a 2oC target is a function of when mitigation begins in earnest, the rate of mitigation, and the rate and amount of carbon sequestration. What are the implications of this trade space? While much effort has been put into designing a climate observing system from a science perspective, relatively little thought has been put into determining what observations are needed to support policy decisions, mitigation, and verify the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions that resulted from the Paris Agreement. If 2oC is a stretch goal, intellectual honesty requires that we consider mitigation and adaptation in tandem, and not as either/or. Similarly, even with all its attendant ethical dilemmas, it is important to thoroughly study geoengineering so that policy makers have a robust

  6. Geç Ortaçağ Avrupası’nın Meşhur ve Gizemli Şehri Paris (Paris That Was Famous and Mysterious City of the Late Medieval Europe

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    Abdulhalik BAKIR


    Full Text Available Paris is one of the most important capitals of the middle age. Actually, this city is universecity. Namely, Paris was remembered as a univercity, education center and art and architecture center. Paris appeared differently from the other cities. Here was an important city that East culture and West culture mixed with each other. In its environment, there were cities that have a traditional structure. It carries all the facilities of the city structure in the later middle ages. Namely, Paris is remembered firstly, while city structure is described. Like Chretien de Troyes described, Paris had the culture that made France as the first heritage of Roma and Greek. Paris is a colourful city. Perhaps, France had the most crowd population because of these facilities of Paris. Generally, undoubtedly, these facilities had a big role about the development of France civilization in the 13th century. So, in this study, we will study to introduce Paris with social-economic and culturel angles and give its appearance in the later middle ages.

  7. O desafio da supervisão e pesquisa-ação em casos de abuso sexual: os professores e suas questões

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liana Fortunato Costa


    Full Text Available Após desenvolvermos por quatro anos uma pesquisa-ação voltada ao atendimento familiar em grupo, com casos de abuso sexual de crianças e adolescentes, procuramos conhecer sentimentos e dificuldades na sua implementação com relação aos professores que coordenam, supervisionam, atendem e são responsáveis pelo projeto como um todo. Os sujeitos foram seis professores universitários, responsáveis e atuantes no projeto: cinco deles do sexo feminino e um do masculino, faixa etária entre 30 e 57 anos, tempo de graduação entre 10 e 33 anos. O instrumento foi enviado e respondido por e-mail. Os resultados mostraram que questões emocionais, de gênero e de experiência pessoal estão presentes na supervisão sobre este tema. As supervisoras, embora vistas como frágeis por serem mulheres, expressam uma contribuição significativa para a vida pública e política, por intermédio da criação de oportunidades para que mulheres e crianças tenham vez e voz, além de evidenciarem questões de hierarquia e poder.

  8. ICT Use by Journalism Professors in Colombia (United States)

    Hung, Elias Said


    This article analyses how journalism professors at Colombian universities use information and communications technologies (ICT) in their teaching. Survey data was obtained during the first trimester of 2009 from 63 professors in journalism departments and from a total of 865 professors who are affiliated with journalism departments at 29…

  9. SUMOylation of the KRAB zinc-finger transcription factor PARIS/ZNF746 regulates its transcriptional activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishida, Tamotsu; Yamada, Yoshiji


    Parkin-interacting substrate (PARIS), a member of the family of Krüppel-associated box (KRAB)-containing zinc-finger transcription factors, is a substrate of the ubiquitin E3 ligase parkin. PARIS represses the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), although the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. In the present study, we demonstrate that PARIS can be SUMOylated, and its SUMOylation plays a role in the repression of PGC-1a promoter activity. Protein inhibitor of activated STAT y (PIASy) was identified as an interacting protein of PARIS and shown to enhance its SUMOylation. PIASy repressed PGC-1a promoter activity, and this effect was attenuated by PARIS in a manner dependent on its SUMOylation status. Co-expression of SUMO-1 with PIASy completely repressed PGC-1a promoter activity independently of PARIS expression. PARIS-mediated PGC-1a promoter repression depended on the activity of histone deacetylases (HDAC), whereas PIASy repressed the PGC-1a promoter in an HDAC-independent manner. Taken together, these results suggest that PARIS and PIASy modulate PGC-1a gene transcription through distinct molecular mechanisms. -- Highlights: •PARIS can be SUMOylated in vivo and in vitro. •SUMOylation of PARIS functions in the repression of PGC-1a promoter activity. •PIASy interacts with PARIS and enhances its SUMOylation. •PIASy influences PARIS-mediated repression of PGC-1a promoter activity.

  10. SUMOylation of the KRAB zinc-finger transcription factor PARIS/ZNF746 regulates its transcriptional activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishida, Tamotsu, E-mail:; Yamada, Yoshiji


    Parkin-interacting substrate (PARIS), a member of the family of Krüppel-associated box (KRAB)-containing zinc-finger transcription factors, is a substrate of the ubiquitin E3 ligase parkin. PARIS represses the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), although the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. In the present study, we demonstrate that PARIS can be SUMOylated, and its SUMOylation plays a role in the repression of PGC-1a promoter activity. Protein inhibitor of activated STAT y (PIASy) was identified as an interacting protein of PARIS and shown to enhance its SUMOylation. PIASy repressed PGC-1a promoter activity, and this effect was attenuated by PARIS in a manner dependent on its SUMOylation status. Co-expression of SUMO-1 with PIASy completely repressed PGC-1a promoter activity independently of PARIS expression. PARIS-mediated PGC-1a promoter repression depended on the activity of histone deacetylases (HDAC), whereas PIASy repressed the PGC-1a promoter in an HDAC-independent manner. Taken together, these results suggest that PARIS and PIASy modulate PGC-1a gene transcription through distinct molecular mechanisms. -- Highlights: •PARIS can be SUMOylated in vivo and in vitro. •SUMOylation of PARIS functions in the repression of PGC-1a promoter activity. •PIASy interacts with PARIS and enhances its SUMOylation. •PIASy influences PARIS-mediated repression of PGC-1a promoter activity.

  11. Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance

    CERN Document Server

    Çinlar, Erhan; Ekeland, Ivar; Jouini, Elyes; Scheinkman, José; Touzi, Nizar


    The Paris-Princeton Lectures in Financial Mathematics, of which this is the second volume, will, on an annual basis, publish cutting-edge research in self-contained, expository articles from outstanding - established or upcoming! - specialists. The aim is to produce a series of articles that can serve as an introductory reference for research in the field. It arises as a result of frequent exchanges between the finance and financial mathematics groups in Paris and Princeton. This volume presents the following articles: "Hedging of Defaultable Claims" by T. Bielecki, M. Jeanblanc, and M. Rutkowski; "On the Geometry of Interest Rate Models" by T. Björk; "Heterogeneous Beliefs, Speculation and Trading in Financial Markets" by J.A. Scheinkman, and W. Xiong.

  12. Remembering for tomorrow: Professor Mansour Ali Haseeb. (United States)

    Salih, Mustafa Abdalla M


    This is a highlight of the obituary ceremony in tribute to Professor Mansour Ali Haseeb (1910 - 1973), organized by the Medical Students Association of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Khartoum (U of K). Professor Haseeb has been the first Sudanese Professor and first Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. He was an outstanding humane teacher, mentor and researcher, and was awarded the international Dr. Shousha Foundation Prize and Medal by the WHO. He was also an active citizen in public life and became Mayor of Omdurman City. The obituary ceremony reflected the feelings of the medical community and included speeches by Professor Abdalla El Tayeb, President of U of K; the Dean, Faculty of Medicine; the Late Professor Haseeb's colleagues and students, His family representative, and an elegy poem.

  13. Perfil dos partos cesáreos em um hospital universitário

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    Mariana Costa Hoffmeister


    Full Text Available Introdução: A proporção de partos cesarianos no Brasil está muito além da preconizada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, o mesmo ocorrendoem um Hospital Universitário de Porto Alegre, sul do Brasil. A taxa de cesáreas é considerada um indicador poderoso na avaliação da qualidade da assistência perinatal. Nosso objetivo foi analisar o padrão dos partos cesarianos e normais em um hospital universitário no período de2004 a 2012 quanto à média de permanência, faixa etária da parturiente, taxa de infecção relacionada ao parto, tipo de pagador e idade gestacional. Métodos: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo, observacional, com dados coletados no Sistema de Indicadores de Gestão (IG de um Hospital Universitário, abrangendo o período de2004 a 2012. Resultados: A taxa de cesárea no hospital universitário nos anos analisados foi em média 33,21%. Em relação às cesarianas realizadas nesta instituição durante o período em estudo, observou-se que: há uma maior prevalência de cesáreas em mulheres acima de 40 anos, ocorreu um crescimento de partos cesarianos pré-termo, a média de permanência e taxa de infecção foram superiores em relação às mulheres submetidas ao parto vaginal, e houve predomínio de cesarianas na saúde suplementar quando comparada ao Sistema Único de Saúde. Conclusões: As elevadas taxas de cesárea no hospital universitário, embora acima do recomendado pela OMS, são justificadas por se tratar de um hospital terciário e estão em conformidade com o padrão observado no país.

  14. The German ''Energiewende''. Evaluation after the Paris-agreement; Die Deutsche Energiewende. Bewertung nach dem Klima-Abkommen von Paris

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roth, Eike


    The World-Climate-Summit 2016 in Paris agreed to exacerbated goals for climate protection. This paper will scrutinize whether Germany can comply with its Paris-obligations by continuing the ongoing German ''Energiewende''. The result is clear-cut: The German ''Energiewende'' is inadequate. Due to the cap-and-trade system of the EU the '''Energiewende''.

  15. Le rôle des universités africaines dans l'innovation au service du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un nouveau réseau de recherche s'intéressera aux façons dont les universités africaines peuvent contribuer à stimuler l'innovation sur le continent noir. Le projet de recherche permettra d'examiner dans quelle mesure les universités favorisent les innovations qui contribuent à l'insertion économique des populations ...

  16. Professor og DMI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaas, Eigil


    Det er koldt, og det har det været længe. Sammen med sneen har det en selvforstærkende effekt på vintervejret, forklarer professor og meteorolog. Kulde: - Det er koldt, fordi vinden kommer fra et sted, hvor det er koldt. Det er den enkle forklaring på, at Danmark og store dele af Europa lige nu...... oplever meget lave temperaturer - og for Danmarks vedkommende en usædvanlig lang periode med vintervejr. Forklaringen kommer fra professor Eigil Kaas fra Niels Bohr Instituttet ved Københavns Universitet. Han forklarer til, at vintervejret dog er betinget af den mere eller mindre tilfældige måde...

  17. Il Cratilo di Platone

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    Maria Chiara Pievatolo


    Full Text Available La guida ipertestuale alla lettura del Cratilo di Platone composta per gli studenti della facoltà di Scienze politiche dell’università di Pisa è ora visibile a tutti qui. L’ipertesto ha tratto vantaggio dall’Introduzione alla linguistica generale del professor Manuel Barbera dell’università...

  18. Paris-Princeton lectures on mathematical finance 2002

    CERN Document Server


    The Paris-Princeton Lectures in Financial Mathematics, of which this is the first volume, will, on an annual basis, publish cutting-edge research in self-contained, expository articles from outstanding - established or upcoming! - specialists. The aim is to produce a series of articles that can serve as an introductory reference for research in the field. It arises as a result of frequent exchanges between the finance and financial mathematics groups in Paris and Princeton. The present volume sets standards with articles by P. Bank/H. Föllmer, F. Baudoin, L.C.G. Rogers, and M. Soner/N. Touzi.

  19. Bookmaker and pari-mutuel betting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koch, Alexander; Shing, Hui-Fai


    A widely documented empirical regularity in gambling markets is that bets on high probability events (a race won by a "favourite") have higher expected returns than bets on low probability events (a "longshot" wins). Such favourite-longshot (FL) biases however appear to be more severe and persist......A widely documented empirical regularity in gambling markets is that bets on high probability events (a race won by a "favourite") have higher expected returns than bets on low probability events (a "longshot" wins). Such favourite-longshot (FL) biases however appear to be more severe...... and persistent in bookmaker markets than in pari-mutuel markets; the latter sometimes exhibit no bias or a reverse FL bias. Our results help understand these differences: the odds grid in bookmaker markets leads to a built-in FL bias, whereas that used in pari-mutuel betting pushes these markets toward a reverse...

  20. Processos de trabalho e de subjetivação de professores universitários de cursos de educação à distância

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    Maria Antonieta Mendes da Luz

    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a relação entre processos de trabalho e processos de subjetivação na atividade do ensino docente da educação à distância (EaD. Optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, que teve como procedimento o estudo de caso único e como instrumentos a observação, a pesquisa documental, o questionário e a entrevista semidirigida. Os resultados revelaram que os professores percebem as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC como inerentes a todas as esferas de suas vidas, ocorrendo também, um acirramento do volume de trabalho e a necessidade de eles se disciplinarem. A organização do trabalho na EaD pressupõe uma nova forma de estruturar-se, em que existe aumento do controle, o que cerceia a autonomia docente; as relações socioprofissionais mediadas pelas TIC tornam o trabalho dos professores de EaD mais solitário mas, ao mesmo tempo, requerem uma equipe multidisciplinar para executar o trabalho docente.

  1. Dr. Rudolph Binion: professor, mentor, psychohistorian. (United States)

    Szaluta, Jacques


    As the title of my paper indicates, Dr. Rudolph Binion was my professor, mentor, and a leading psychohistorian. My paper in memoriam to Rudolph Binion is intended as both a retrospective and an introspective account of my relationship with him, as he had a pivotal influence on me when he was my professor at Columbia University. His help and influence continued after I left graduate school. In my paper I also deal with the enormous stresses of navigating through graduate school, for those students whose goal was to earn the Ph.D. degree. Some examinations were dreaded, For Example The "Examination in Subjects," popularly called the "Oral Exam." The "incubation" period was long indeed, frequently averaging nearly ten years, and it was an ordeal, as the rate of attrition was very high. There is then also the question of "ego strength" and that of "transference" toward the professor. Graduate school is indeed a long and strenuous challenge. I took a seminar in modern French history, a requirement for the Master's degree with Professor Binion, which was consequential for me, as he taught me to be objective in writing history. Professor Binion was a demanding and outstanding teacher.

  2. In commemoration of professor V.P. Karpov

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Semyonova L.S.


    Full Text Available This article is about professor Karpov V.P., a prominent scientist, first rector of Yekaterinoslav Medical Academy. Biography of a great investigator, his main achievements in the area of histology, biology, theory and history of medicine was studied. Professor Karpov V.P. always combined his great scientific, organizational and research work with social activity. Monographs of professor Karpov V.P. and conferences organized by him were of great importance in the solution of such new problems as theary of microscope and cell amitosis. Professor Karpov is a founder of a large school of histology. Thanks to his active participation and personal guidance, in 1917 department of histology was founded in Yekaterinoslav Medical Institute. The author of the article has analyzed Hippocrates` works translated into Russian by professor Karpov V.P. and pointed out their significance for modern medical science and practice.

  3. Travel Support for Scientists to Participate in ACS Symposium (United States)


    ESPCI- Paris , France) at the 252nd ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, Aug 21-25, 2016. In this two-day event, we have 30 oral presentations (17...Scott Grayson (Tulane University), Prof. Jemeriah Johnson (MIT), Prof. Julien Nicolas (Université Paris -Sud). Training Opportunities: Among the 30...polymer catalysts, to self-healing materials and pollution salvation materials. On this aspect, both academia and industrial laboratories have reached

  4. Sophie D'Amours | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Sophie became Université Laval's first-ever woman rector on June 1, 2017. A professor in the university's Department of Mechanical Engineering since 1995, she also served as vice-rector of research and innovation from 2012–2015. During her mandate as vice-rector, she successfully led Université Laval's Sentinel North ...

  5. Teaching Ethos of Reference Professors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jules Marcel


    Full Text Available The present article discusses the teaching ethos of professors who are recognized for their good practice as trainers. The aim of our study is to analyze the influences of such professors’ professional constitution, as well as the explicit and/or tacit teaching knowledge they mobilize in their teaching practices. Based on Shulman, Gauthier, Tardif and Polanyi, we conducted interviews with three professors described by their students as reference. They were also observed in their classes, in the context of an undergraduate program in pedagogy at a public university. Data show similarities between the practices of the investigated professors, as well as a consistent description of their didactics, which is marked by intellective, moral, emotional and behavioral features.

  6. Usability-Studie zu KonSearch : Evaluation der neuen Literatursuchmaschine der Universität Konstanz


    Luca, Helena


    Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt Hintergründe, Methodik und Ergebnisse einer Usability-Evaluation, die im Sommersemester 2011 im Zuge der Einführung der Literatursuchmaschine KonSearch an der Universität Konstanz durchgeführt wurde. Die neue Suchmaschine basiert auf dem Resource Discovery Service Summon der Firma SerialsSolutions. Sie soll den Benutzern der Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz eine effektive, effiziente und zufriedenstellende Suche nach wissenschaftlichen Informationen ermög...

  7. Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air untuk Pengembangan Pariwisata di Pulau Pari, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roland Sinulingga


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk (a menganalisis kondisi ketersediaan air di Pulau Pari, (b menganalisis kondisi kualitas air di Pulau Pari, (c menganalisis kebutuhan air dan proyeksinya untuk masa yang akan datang di Pulau Pari, dan (d merumuskan strategi pengelolaan sumberdaya air untuk pariwisata di Pulau Pari. Metode penelitian terdiri atas perhitungan neraca air, kebutuhan air, metode geometrik, analisis deskriptif, dan analisis SWOT. Pengambilan sampel air dan penduduk menggunakan metode purposive, sedangkan sampel wisatawan menggunakan metode accidental random sampling. Hasil akhir penelitian ketersediaan airtanah di Pulau Pari sebesar 290000,48 m3/tahun. Kualitas airtanah di lokasi penelitian tergolong baik. Besarnya kebutuhan air tahun 2013 sebesar 46381,947 m3/tahun. Pada tahun 2018 menjadi 54443,953 m3/tahun dan pada tahun 2023 mengalami peningkatan menjadi 63548,472 m3/tahun. Prioritas utama strategi pengelolaan sumberdaya air untuk pariwisata yaitu membuat kebijakan pembatasan pengunjung agar kelestarian pulau dan sumberdaya air tetap terjaga.   ABSTRACT This study aims to (a analyze water availability conditions in Pari Island, (b analyze the water quality conditions in Pari Island, (c analyze water demand and water projections for the future in Pari Island, and (d formulate strategies management water resources for tourism in Pari Island. The research method consists of the calculation of the water balance, water requirements, geometric methods, descriptive analysis, and SWOT analysis. Water sampling and settlement using purposive method, tourist’s samples using accidental random sampling. The final results of The amount of soil water availability in Pari Island of 290000,48 m3 / year. Groundwater quality in the study area are classified as good. The amount of water demand in 2013 amounted to 46381,947 m3 / year. In 2018 became 54443,953 m3 / year and in 2023 increased to 63548,472 m3 / year. First priority water resource


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    Valentina Zenoni


    Full Text Available La formazione rappresenta uno strumento basilare nella promozione della lingua e della cultura italiana. L’argomento è articolato e complesso perché abbraccia diverse questioni. Da un lato va sostenuto l’utilizzo di mezzi adeguati, come quello telematico, che favoriscono e facilitano la diffusione all’estero. Dall’altro la proposta didattica di università e scuole deve essere riorganizzata alla luce delle nuove esigenze formative. Il ruolo degli atenei italiani potrebbe diventare più incisivo se si adeguassero maggiormente agli standard esteri, in modo da favorire la circolazione di studenti anche verso e non soltanto dall’Italia. Per quanto riguarda, invece, il tipo di formazione da sostenere, va riqualificata quella umanistica e tradizionale, non perché rappresenti la cultura nella sua totalità ma perché costituisce un patrimonio che caratterizza il nostro paese e non deve andare perso. Abbiamo parlato di queste tematiche con il Professor Roberto Greci, Preside della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Parma e Presidente del Consiglio scientifico e didattico del Consorzio Interuniversitario ICoN, Italian Culture On the Net.     The role of training in the promotion of Italian language and culture. An interview with Professor Roberto Greci, Dean of the Literature and Philosophy Faculty at the University of Parma   Training represents a basic tool in promoting Italian language and culture.  The topic is complex because it encompasses diverse issues.  On the one hand appropriate means are needed, like telematic resources, which encourage and facilitate spreading abroad.  On the other, university and school courses need to be reorganized in light of the new training needs.  The role of Italian universities could to be stronger if they met foreign standards, to promote the circulation of students towards and not just away from Italy.  As far as regards the type of training to be undertaken, the humanistic

  9. The German ''Energiewende''. Evaluation after the Paris-agreement; Die Deutsche Energiewende. Bewertung nach dem Klima-Abkommen von Paris

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roth, Eike


    The World-Climate-Summit 2016 in Paris agreed to exacerbated goals for climate protection. This paper will scrutinize whether Germany can comply with its Paris-obligations by continuing the ongoing German ''Energiewende''. The result is clear-cut: The German ''Energiewende'' is inadequate. Due to the cap-and-trade system of the EU the ''Energiewende'' can in no way contribute to climate protection.

  10. Perda da voz em professores e não professores Voice loss in teachers and non-teachers

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    Kelly Park


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a percepção de professores e não-professores sobre as implicações de uma eventual perda de voz. MÉTODOS: Participaram 205 indivíduos sendo 105 professores e 100 não professores entre 23 a 65 anos, 106 mulheres e 99 homens. Foi aplicado um questionário contendo quatro perguntas referentes a uma eventual perda de visão, audição, voz e deambulação e o grau de impacto inferido (de 0 a 4. RESULTADOS: Para o grupo de professores, não enxergar gerou o maior impacto negativo (média de 3,8, seguido por não andar (média de 3,7, não ter voz (média de 3,7 e não ouvir (média de 3,6. Para o grupo de não-professores, não enxergar também gerou o maior impacto negativo (média de 3,4, seguido por não andar (média de 3,0; não ouvir (média de 2,2 e não ter voz (média de 2,0. Em relação ao maior impacto de uma eventual perda da voz, professores indicaram prejuízos no trabalho, relacionamento social e atividades rotineiras e, no grupo de não professores, nas atividades rotineiras, trabalho, relacionamento social e manifestações das emoções. CONCLUSÕES: Os professores valorizam sua voz de modo diverso dos não-professores e ambos os grupos avaliam a perda da voz como algo que não acarreta consequências negativas. Apesar de o professor perceber mais o impacto de um eventual problema de voz do que o não-professor, os sentimentos em relação à perda da voz foram muito semelhantes nos dois grupos.PURPOSE: To investigate teachers' and non-teachers' perception regarding the implications of an eventual loss of voice. METHODS: Participated in the study 205 individuals (106 women and 99 men, 105 teachers and 100 non-teachers, with ages varying from 23 to 65 years old. The participants were asked to answer a questionnaire with four questions regarding an eventual loss of vision, hearing, voice and deambulation, and the inferred impact degree (from 0 to 4. RESULTS: For the teachers group, not being able to see

  11. 22 CFR 62.20 - Professors and research scholars. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Professors and research scholars. 62.20 Section... Specific Program Provisions § 62.20 Professors and research scholars. (a) Introduction. These regulations govern Exchange Visitor Program participants in the categories of professor and research scholar, except...

  12. Contribuições da pós-graduação stricto sensu para o aprendizado da docência de professores de contabilidade

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    Marcelo Marchine Ferreira


    Full Text Available Inserida no campo da Docência no Ensino Superior, esta investigação teve por objetivo compreender quais contribuições mestrados e doutorados forneceram para professores-contadores universitários em termos de aprendizado dos saberes necessários para o exercício profissional da docência. A revisão de literatura abordou questões relativas à formação e desenvolvimento profissional de professores do ensino superior, aos saberes docentes na perspectiva de Tardif (2012, à formação para pesquisa e para o ensino e ao papel da pós-graduação stricto sensu na formação do professor de contabilidade, resgatando resultados de pesquisas já realizadas no âmbito da contabilidade. Metodologicamente a investigação teve orientação qualitativa como estratégia geral. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas a 12 professores dos cursos de Ciências Contábeis de uma universidade pública estadual. As análises foram realizadas fundamentando-se na Análise Textual Discursiva, método que se situa entre a Análise de Conteúdo e a Análise do Discurso. Como principal resultado, apurou-se que a percepção que têm sobre contribuição da pós-graduação para seus processos formativos docentes está relacionada mais com aprendizagem e atualização de conteúdos disciplinares específicos do que com o aprendizado de outros saberes necessários ao exercício docente. Percepção essa que se alinha a resultados de estudos sobre cursos de stricto sensu e aprendizagem da docência. Sobre os demais saberes profissionais docentes, há ausência nos discursos dos investigados sobre terem tido algum contato formal com eles (em disciplinas ou estágios docentes no decurso da realização dos seus mestrados e doutorados.

  13. Paris-Princeton lectures on mathematical finance 2010

    CERN Document Server

    Cousin, Areski; Guéant, Olivier; Hobson, David; Jeanblanc, Monique; Lasry, Jean-Michel; Laurent, Jean-Paul; Lions, Pierre-Louis; Tankov, Peter


    The Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance, of which this is the fourth volume, publish cutting-edge research in self-contained, expository articles from outstanding specialists - established or on the rise! The aim is to produce a series of articles that can serve as an introductory reference source for research in the field. The articles are the result of frequent exchanges between the finance and financial mathematics groups in Paris and Princeton. The present volume sets standards with articles by Areski Cousin, Monique Jeanblanc and Jean-Paul Laurent, Stéphane Crépey, Olivier Guéant, Jean-Michel Lasry and Pierre-Louis Lions, David Hobson, and Peter Tankov.

  14. Energy and Global Climate Change: The Road from Paris to Denver

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Logan, Jeffrey


    This presentation provides an overview of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; a snapshot of U.S. power sector transformation; a brief history of climate negotiations; an overview of the Paris Agreement; and what the Paris Agreement means for Colorado and beyond.

  15. In Conversation with: Professor Liz Thomas

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    Karen Nelson


    Full Text Available Editors Karen Nelson, John Clarke and Sally Kift interview Professor Liz Thomas,  Director of the Widening Participation Research Centre at Edge Hill University.  She is also Lead Adviser Retention and Success at the Higher Education Academy, England.   Professor Thomas was one of the keynote speakers at the 15th International First Year in Higher Education Conference held in Brisbane, Australia from the 26th – 29th of June, 2012.  Professor Thomas joined the Journal Editors at the conclusion of the main conference program to explore some of the key themes raised in her address.  

  16. Satisfaction among accounting professors in Brazil

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    Tamires Sousa Araújo

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of satisfaction among accounting professors in Brazil throughout their careers. The research is classified as descriptive and used a quantitative approach to data analysis. 641 valid responses were obtained from professors from all regions of Brazil. The results show that a feeling of satisfaction prevails among accounting course professors, as most of them “like the profession” and, in general, "are satisfied with it”. It was found that levels of satisfaction are higher among individuals with more experience, in that in their first years in the job (one to three years, professors have lower satisfaction rates; the highest levels of satisfaction are found in the final stage (over 35 years. The main factor that influences satisfaction is personal fulfillment (teaching work and relationship with students. It was also possible to identify that positive feelings about teaching predominate (67.3% compared to negative ones (32.7%. These results show the need for greater attention to be paid in the early years of the career in order to avoid a "reality clash". They also show the need for other studies to investigate how the phases in the life cycle of accounting professors are characterized.

  17. Stufenweise Integration von eLearning an der Technischen Universität München (United States)

    Pätzold, Sebastian; Graf, Stephan; Gergintchev, Ivan; Pongratz, Hans; Rathmayer, Sabine

    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt als Best Practice Beispiel die stufenweise Integration eines Learning Management Systems (LMS) in die Infrastruktur von Information und Kommunikation (IuK) der Technischen Universität München (TUM). Dabei wird sowohl die Konsolidierung mehrfach angebotener Funktionalitäten und Dienste in den verschiedenen Portalen der Universität als auch die sukzessive Optimierung der Abläufe aufgezeigt. Gleichzeitig wird auf zukünftige weitere Entwicklungen hin zu einer vollständigen Integration der IuK, aber auch auf die Probleme in den unterschiedlichen Stadien der Entwicklung eingegangen.

  18. Bibliotecas Universitárias como espaços de aprendizagem

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    Marcos Leandro Freitas Hubner


    Full Text Available As bibliotecas são espaços de preservação do patrimônio intelectual, literário, artístico e científico das sociedades e apresentam uma relação indissociável com as universidades. O presente artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre as bibliotecas universitárias enquanto espaços de aprendizagem. Reflexão teórica acerca dos conceitos de biblioteca e aprendizagem, a partir de revisão bibliográfica. A fundamentação teórica sobre o processo de aprendizagem baseou-se nos estudos de Lev Semenovich Vygotsky e as análises sobre a biblioteca como um espaço de aprendizagem sustentam-se em diversos autores das áreas da Biblioteconomia, da Ciência da Informação e da Educação. A Biblioteca universitária relaciona-se intrinsicamente com a pesquisa e com o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, através do desenvolvimento de atividades de mediação junto aos usuários, na busca pela informação e na transformação desta em conhecimento. Dentre os diversos ambientes não formais de aprendizagem, a biblioteca universitária destaca-se, pois há intencionalidade no seu uso, ou seja, as pessoas que a frequentam o fazem por vontade e iniciativa próprias.

  19. Ungewöhnliche Kundengruppe? Informationskompetenz-Veranstaltungen für die Universitätsverwaltung

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    Caroline Leiß


    Full Text Available Die Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität München (TUM bietet mit jährlich ca. 400 Veranstaltungen und 6.000 Teilnehmern ein umfangreiches Programm im Bereich Informationskompetenz an. Die Kunden sind in der Regel Studierende bzw. Angehörige der Fakultäten oder Schüler/innen und Lehrer/innen. Seit mehreren Jahren wird eine weitere Kundengruppe gezielt angesprochen: die Mitarbeiter/innen der Universitätsverwaltung und der TUM-Serviceeinrichtungen. Immobilienmanagement, Personalabteilung, Rechtsabteilung, Personalrat, Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Campus Feuerwehr: Inwieweit sind den Beschäftigten dieser Bereiche die Dienstleistungen bekannt, die über die Universitätsbibliothek genutzt werden können? Wissen die Kolleginnen und Kollegen überhaupt, dass die Bibliothek sie bei Literaturrecherche und -beschaffung unterstützen würde? Die Informationsveranstaltungen für diese Einrichtungen werden in enger Absprache mit der jeweils eingeladenen Gruppe bedarfsbezogen geplant. Sie enthalten eine Führung durch die Magazine und einen Schulungsteil, in dem ausreichend Zeit für Fragen und Diskussionen vorhanden ist. The University Library of Technische Universität München (TUM offers a comprehensive information literacy programme with approximately 400 events and 6,000 participants every year. The participants are usually students, faculty staff or secondary school students and teachers. For some time, however, another target group has been specifically addressed: staff members of the university administration and service facilities, such as Property Management, Human Resources, Legal Department, Staff Council, security officers, Campus Fire Department: To what extent are the employees of these areas familiar with the services of the university library? Are they aware that the library offers help with their literature search, document delivery or information processing? For several years, the university library has been actively

  20. As interações professor-professor na co-construção dos projetos pedagógicos na escola

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    Mírian Raposo

    Full Text Available A qualidade das interações entre professores é uma realidade da cultura escolar de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento do seu projeto pedagógico e do currículo vivido pelo aluno. Arquitetado nos pressupostos teóricos da abordagem sociocultural construtivista, este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os processos co-construtivos presentes nas interações professor-professor, fundamentais para a elaboração e execução dos projetos vividos em uma escola pública de formação de professores do Distrito Federal. Participaram do estudo os 23 professores do curso normal, a coordenadora e o diretor. Procedimentos de observação participante das atividades pedagógicas de planejamento e execução de projetos e entrevista semi-estruturada com 10 desses participantes foram realizados em um período de três meses. A análise dos resultados focalizou (1 relações de confiança (2 interdependência indivíduo-grupo e (3 liderança. Estas categorias foram cruciais para o alcance dos objetivos estabelecidos na escola. Considera-se que estas são contribuições importantes da Psicologia aos cursos de formação inicial e continuada de professores.

  1. Interdisciplinaridade no ensino superior: análise da percepção de professores de controladoria em cursos de ciências contábeis na cidade de São Paulo Interdisciplinarity in higher eduction: analysis of the perception of teachers of management control in accounting programs in the city of São Paulo

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    Ivam Ricardo Peleias


    Full Text Available Este estudo buscou conhecer, analisar e descrever a percepção de professores da disciplina de Controladoria em cursos de Ciências Contábeis em Instituições de Ensino Superior - IES - na cidade de São Paulo, sobre a interdisciplinaridade e sua importância na formação dos contadores. É uma pesquisa descritiva-qualitativa, com dados obtidos em entrevistas com sete professores de quatro IES. Verificou-se que a interdisciplinaridade não é adotada de forma explícita no curso e nem nas práticas de seus atores; porém, os docentes percebem sua importância para a prática pedagógica, a melhoria da qualidade de ensino e a formação discente. As falas revelaram trocas informais de ideias e de experiências de ensino no contexto universitário. Os professores mostraram-se preocupados em se inteirar do conjunto de disciplinas, mas mostraram pouco compromisso com uma integração mais planejada e uma prática de ensino compartilhada, tendo o Projeto Político Pedagógico - PPP - como o lócus prático no curso. A interdisciplinaridade é mais pensada e falada do que vivenciada. Conclui-se que, embora os professores sejam sensíveis à importância da interdisciplinaridade na formação dos futuros contadores, persiste uma distância entre o falado, o pensado e o efetivamente praticado no contexto universitário.The aim of this research is to understand, analyze and describe the perception of Controllership professors in accounting undergraduate programs in Universities in the city of São Paulo, concerning the importance of interdisciplinary work in the formation of accountants. It is a descriptive- qualitative research, and its data was obtained by means of an interview with seven professors from four universities. It was verified that the interdisciplinary work is not completely adopted in the program. Moreover, it is not adopted by their actors in their practices. However, its importance for the pedagogical practice is perceived by those

  2. Paris 2000 researches and men; Paris 2000 des recherches et des hommes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The IWA and ISWA congresses organized in Paris in july showed the latest research developments in the field of water and wastes management. The water sector is more mature than the waste sector but for both a closer association of the public and private is increasing. A summary of the presentations in successively the water and the wastes management is proposed bringing an analysis of the international situation and regulations. (A.L.B.)

  3. The housekeeper and the professor a novel

    CERN Document Server

    Ogawa, Yoko


    He is a brilliant math Professor with a peculiar problem—ever since a traumatic head injury, he has lived with only eighty minutes of short-term memory. She is an astute young Housekeeper—with a ten-year-old son—who is hired to care for the Professor. And every morning, as the Professor and the Housekeeper are introduced to each other anew, a strange and beautiful relationship blossoms between them. Though he cannot hold memories for long (his brain is like a tape that begins to erase itself every eighty minutes), the Professor's mind is still alive with elegant equations from the past. And the numbers, in all of their articulate order, reveal a sheltering and poetic world to both the Housekeeper and her young son. The Professor is capable of discovering connections between the simplest of quantities—like the Housekeeper's shoe size—and the universe at large, drawing their lives ever closer and more profoundly together, even as his memory slips away. Yoko Ogawa's The Housekeeper and the Professo...

  4. Liberté de religion (art. 9 CEDH: droit de ne pas être contraint de révéler ses convictions religieuses et prélèvement à la source de l’impôt cultuel. L’affaire Wasmuth c. Allemagne

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    Nicolas Hervieu


    Full Text Available Il contributo, apparso su Actualités Droits-Libertés del 20 février 2011 (CREDOF, e destinato anche alla rivista telematica “Combats pour les droits de l’homme”, è pubblicato per la cortese disponibilità del Centre de Recherches et d’Études sur les Droits Fondamentaux - Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.

  5. Messier, Copernicus, Flamsteed: The SAF Rare-Book Collection in Paris (United States)

    Pasachoff, Jay M.


    The historic books belonging to the Société Astronomique de France, founded by Camille Flammarion in 1887, are located partly in Paris and partly at the Flammarion site in Juvisy, a Paris suburb. Their holdings include first editions of Copernicus's De Revolutionibus and of Flamsteed's star atlas, as well as Messier's own copy of his 1783 and 1784 papers with his handwritten comments and additions. I will describe the fruitless search for a Bevis atlas and the circumstances that led me to inspect these treasures. I thank David Valls-Gabaud and Philippe Morel of the Société Astronomique de France for their hospitality in Paris, Jean-Claude Pecker, and Owen Gingerich for his prior work on Messier's catalogue.

  6. Porphyry of Russian Empires in Paris (United States)

    Bulakh, Andrey


    Porphyry of Russian Empires in Paris A. G. Bulakh (St Petersburg State University, Russia) So called "Schokhan porphyry" from Lake Onega, Russia, belongs surely to stones of World cultural heritage. One can see this "porphyry" at facades of a lovely palace of Pavel I and in pedestal of the monument after Nicolas I in St Petersburg. There are many other cases of using this stone in Russia. In Paris, sarcophagus of Napoleon I Bonaparte is constructed of blocks of this stone. Really, it is Proterozoic quartzite. Geology situation, petrography and mineralogical characteristic will be reported too. Comparison with antique porphyre from the Egyptian Province of the Roma Empire is given. References: 1) A.G.Bulakh, N.B.Abakumova, J.V.Romanovsky. St Petersburg: a History in Stone. 2010. Print House of St Petersburg State University. 173 p.

  7. Improved Cosmological Constraints from New, Old, and Combined Supernova (United States)

    Dep. de Fisica, IST, Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1049 Lisbon, Portugal), AR(Department of Physics , Université Paris Sud, B.P. 34, 91898 Orsay Cedex, France), BP(CENTRA e Dep. de Fisica, IST, Avenida Rovisco

  8. Posturas docentes e formação universitária de professores do ensino fundamental Pedagogical postures and undergraduate studies of teacher linked to fundamental school

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    Claudia Davis


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar se a participação de professores de redes municipais do Estado de São Paulo em um programa de licenciatura em nível superior, oferecido por duas renomadas universidades paulistas, ocasionava alteração nas posturas docentes dos alunos-professores. Os dados - respostas de 1.272 participantes a 17 simulações de situações problemas apresentadas no início e no final do programa - foram analisadas por meio de procedimentos estatísticos. Os resultados mostraram que 30% dos alunos-professores sofreram modificações de perfil nas posturas estudadas no sentido esperado. Isso parece indicar que os participantes apresentaram, ao final do Programa, maior tendência para dominar e planejar situações didáticas que envolviam os conteúdos básicos das áreas de conhecimento; reconhecer e empregar adequadamente os recursos e tecnologias disponíveis no processo de ensino-aprendizagem; e valer-se da teoria para orientar a prática docente e a avaliação.The goal of this study was to evaluate if participation in a university level Education program (devoted to form elementary teachers caused an impact on the postures of pupils that were already teaching at counties' schools. The data - answers given by 1272 participants linked to two highly known universities in the state of São Paulo (Brazil to 17 simulations that encompassed initial and final evaluation - were analyzed by statistical procedures. The results showed that 30% of the subjects had their profiles altered in the expected direction in the focused postures, implying that at the end of the Program they demonstrated a tendency to dominate and plan didactic situations involving basic contents of knowledge areas; recognize and employ adequately the resources and the technologies available to the teaching and learning process; and to use theory to orient teaching and evaluation.

  9. The Professors behind the MOOC Hype (United States)

    Kolowich, Steve


    The largest-ever survey of professors who have taught MOOCs, or massive open online courses, shows that the process is time-consuming, but, according to the instructors, often successful. Nearly half of the professors felt their online courses were as rigorous academically as the versions they taught in the classroom. The survey, conducted by "The…

  10. Mehrsprachigkeit in der nachhaltigen Universität. Projektbericht


    Gogolin, Ingrid; Androutsopoulos, Jannis; Bührig, Kristin; Giannoutsou, Margarita; Lengyel, Drorit; Maggu, Juliette; Mösko, Mike; Mueller, Jessica Terese; Oeter, Stefan; Schmitt, Claudia; Schroedler, Tobias; Schulz, Holger; Siemund, Peter


    Die ... Kapitel dieses Berichts widmen sich den vier Teilprojekten der Pilotstudie. In Kapitel 2 wird zunächst das Teilprojekt 1 „Die Sprachen der Wissenschaft: Eine Pilotstudie zur forschenden Reflexion über Mehrsprachigkeit am Beispiel Nachhaltigkeitsforschung“ vorgestellt, das der Dimension der Wissenschaftsreflexion im Nachhaltigkeitskonzept der Universität entspricht. [...] Kapitel 3 stellt das Teilprojekt 2 dar: „Mehrsprachigkeit in der Medizin - Eine Pilotstudie zu Bedarfen, Ressourcen...

  11. [History of the Journées Dermatologiques de Paris]. (United States)

    Tilles, G


    Founded in 1801 at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, under Jean-Louis Alibert, the French School of Dermatology was initially structured around the French Society of Dermatology (1889) and the organization of two world congresses (Paris 1889, 1900). After World War I, the creation of dermatological societies in the provinces infused French dermatology with new energy. In 1922, the first congress of the French-speaking dermatologists further contributed to the public profile of dermatologists in France. The "Journées de Mars" were initiated in 1961 at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, and in 1975 they went on to become the "Journées dermatologiques de Paris". Pr. Jean Civatte played a key role in their creation and in their organization for 30 years. After 1979, since actual patients could no longer be presented, the organizers of the congress had to change the content of the meeting from clinical presentations to post-graduate teaching and clinical research. From its origins in the form of meetings of French dermatologists in an intimate setting at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, the "Journées dermatologiques de Paris" grew within the ensuing decades into a major scientific event of the French-speaking dermatological community, bringing together more than 4000 participants in December each year. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  12. Forecasting the student–professor matches that result in unusually effective teaching (United States)

    Gross, Jennifer; Lakey, Brian; Lucas, Jessica L; LaCross, Ryan; R Plotkowski, Andrea; Winegard, Bo


    Background Two important influences on students' evaluations of teaching are relationship and professor effects. Relationship effects reflect unique matches between students and professors such that some professors are unusually effective for some students, but not for others. Professor effects reflect inter-rater agreement that some professors are more effective than others, on average across students. Aims We attempted to forecast students' evaluations of live lectures from brief, video-recorded teaching trailers. Sample Participants were 145 college students (74% female) enrolled in introductory psychology courses at a public university in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Methods Students viewed trailers early in the semester and attended live lectures months later. Because subgroups of students viewed the same professors, statistical analyses could isolate professor and relationship effects. Results Evaluations were influenced strongly by relationship and professor effects, and students' evaluations of live lectures could be forecasted from students' evaluations of teaching trailers. That is, we could forecast the individual students who would respond unusually well to a specific professor (relationship effects). We could also forecast which professors elicited better evaluations in live lectures, on average across students (professor effects). Professors who elicited unusually good evaluations in some students also elicited better memory for lectures in those students. Conclusions It appears possible to forecast relationship and professor effects on teaching evaluations by presenting brief teaching trailers to students. Thus, it might be possible to develop online recommender systems to help match students and professors so that unusually effective teaching emerges. PMID:24953773

  13. USA Withdrawal from Paris Agreement – What Next?


    Sergey Chestnoy; Dinara Gershinkova


    In June 2017, President Trump announced the USA’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which had been ratified for less than a year, thanks in large part to the USA. That drastic shift followed the change in residency at the White House. Withdrawing from the Paris Accord presents an interesting topic for analysis. There’s the practical side of the withdrawal procedure as set out in Article 28 of the agreement, not to mention the consequences of US non-participation in address...

  14. Refletindo sobre a relação professor-aluno em um grupo de professores do Esino Fundamental

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    Antônio dos Santos Andrade


    Full Text Available A partir das concepções de Donald Schön sobre a formação do professor como prático reflexivo, os princípios de trabalho com pequenos grupos, baseados nas concepções de J. L Moreno, foram utilizados com o objetivo de facilitar o processo de reflexão sobre suas práticas de sala de aula, com seis professores do Ensino Fundamental. Foram realizados nove encontros de 90 a 120 minutos de duração. Nas discussões, os casos dos alunos mais problemáticos quanto ao seu comportamento foram trazidos pelos professores e analisados pelo grupo a luz das concepções da Pragmática da Comunicação Humana. Como resultado destas discussões, os professores foram levados a considerar os aspectos mais latentes, e portanto significantes, de suas relações com os alunos. Estas reflexões conduziram a uma "resignificação" das mesmas, com efeitos surpreendentes sobre os comportamentos dos alunos.

  15. PREFACE: Special section on Computational Fluid Dynamics—in memory of Professor Kunio Kuwahara Special section on Computational Fluid Dynamics—in memory of Professor Kunio Kuwahara (United States)

    Ishii, Katsuya


    This issue includes a special section on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in memory of the late Professor Kunio Kuwahara, who passed away on 15 September 2008, at the age of 66. In this special section, five articles are included that are based on the lectures and discussions at `The 7th International Nobeyama Workshop on CFD: To the Memory of Professor Kuwahara' held in Tokyo on 23 and 24 September 2009. Professor Kuwahara started his research in fluid dynamics under Professor Imai at the University of Tokyo. His first paper was published in 1969 with the title 'Steady Viscous Flow within Circular Boundary', with Professor Imai. In this paper, he combined theoretical and numerical methods in fluid dynamics. Since that time, he made significant and seminal contributions to computational fluid dynamics. He undertook pioneering numerical studies on the vortex method in 1970s. From then to the early nineties, he developed numerical analyses on a variety of three-dimensional unsteady phenomena of incompressible and compressible fluid flows and/or complex fluid flows using his own supercomputers with academic and industrial co-workers and members of his private research institute, ICFD in Tokyo. In addition, a number of senior and young researchers of fluid mechanics around the world were invited to ICFD and the Nobeyama workshops, which were held near his villa, and they intensively discussed new frontier problems of fluid physics and fluid engineering at Professor Kuwahara's kind hospitality. At the memorial Nobeyama workshop held in 2009, 24 overseas speakers presented their papers, including the talks of Dr J P Boris (Naval Research Laboratory), Dr E S Oran (Naval Research Laboratory), Professor Z J Wang (Iowa State University), Dr M Meinke (RWTH Aachen), Professor K Ghia (University of Cincinnati), Professor U Ghia (University of Cincinnati), Professor F Hussain (University of Houston), Professor M Farge (École Normale Superieure), Professor J Y Yong (National

  16. IMS LD. Paris Conference, April 2005

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burgos, Daniel


    3 presentations run in Paris, France, in Apri 1st, 2005, in the Cité des Sciences, sponsored by UNFOLD Project and l'AFNOR about the following topics: - Update on UNFOLD CoP Valkenburg meeting 2005 - Creating a UoL - Introducing CopperCore

  17. Polyp Morphology: An Interobserver Evaluation for the Paris Classification Among International Experts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Doorn, Sascha C.; Hazewinkel, Y.; East, James E.; van Leerdam, Monique E.; Rastogi, Amit; Pellisé, Maria; Sanduleanu-Dascalescu, Silvia; Bastiaansen, Barbara A. J.; Fockens, Paul; Dekker, Evelien


    OBJECTIVES: The Paris classification is an international classification system for describing polyp morphology. Thus far, the validity and reproducibility of this classification have not been assessed. We aimed to determine the interobserver agreement for the Paris classification among seven Western

  18. Empreinte génomique parentale et petits ARN non-codants


    Seitz , Hervé


    Cavaillé Jérôme, Chargé de recherche, CNRS, Toulouse : directeur de thèse Charlier Carole, Professeur associé, Université de Liège : rapporteur Clerc Philippe, Chef de laboratoire, Institut Pasteur, Paris : rapporteur Cribbs David, Professeur, Université Toulouse III : président du jury Forné Thierry, Chargé de recherche, CNRS, Montpellier : examinateur Voinnet Olivier, Chargé de recherche, CNRS, Strasbourg : examinateur; Genomic imprinting results in a differential expression of both alleles...

  19. Professor Eugen Cerkovnikov (1904-1985): the founder of the Chemical and Biochemical Institute of the Rijeka University School of Medicine. (United States)

    Milin, Cedomila


    Professor Eugen Cerkovnikov, PhD (Kamenska, Russia, 1904- Rijeka, Croatia 1985) graduated in chemical technology from the Faculty of Engineering in Zagreb in 1929. His first job was at the School of Medicine in Paris in 1930, and then he moved to Zagreb to the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Engineering run by our Nobel Prize winner Vladimir Prelog (1935-1938). There he took his PhD degree with a dissertation on piperidine gamma derivatives. From 1938 to 1947 he was a research associate at an institute established by the pharmaceutical company Kastel (later Pliva). This is when he became a lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Zagreb and the first director of the Institute of Organic Chemistry, established in 1946/47. In 1948 he became reader, and in 1956 (full) professor. In 1957 he moved to the newly established School of Medicine in Rijeka, and set up the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He ran the Institute until retirement in 1975. He was the second dean of the Rijeka University School of Medicine and a pioneer of quantum chemistry and medical cybernetics in undergraduate and (post)graduate courses. His scientific work consists of over 200 papers published at home and abroad, 60 professional papers, 20 book reviews, three works of translation, and 27 volumes of lecture notes. In 1958, professor Cerkovnikov established the Croatian Chemical Society and the Rijeka and Istria branches of the nation's Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, chairing them until 1974. In addition, he was one of the founding fathers, and the first chair of the Health Culture Studies Association in Rijeka (that preceded today's Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture), established in 1965.

  20. The Biosphere Under Potential Paris Outcomes (United States)

    Ostberg, Sebastian; Boysen, Lena R.; Schaphoff, Sibyll; Lucht, Wolfgang; Gerten, Dieter


    Rapid economic and population growth over the last centuries have started to push the Earth out of its Holocene state into the Anthropocene. In this new era, ecosystems across the globe face mounting dual pressure from human land use change (LUC) and climate change (CC). With the Paris Agreement, the international community has committed to holding global warming below 2°C above preindustrial levels, yet current pledges by countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions appear insufficient to achieve that goal. At the same time, the sustainable development goals strive to reduce inequalities between countries and provide sufficient food, feed, and clean energy to a growing world population likely to reach more than 9 billion by 2050. Here, we present a macro-scale analysis of the projected impacts of both CC and LUC on the terrestrial biosphere over the 21st century using the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) to illustrate possible trajectories following the Paris Agreement. We find that CC may cause major impacts in landscapes covering between 16% and 65% of the global ice-free land surface by the end of the century, depending on the success or failure of achieving the Paris goal. Accounting for LUC impacts in addition, this number increases to 38%-80%. Thus, CC will likely replace LUC as the major driver of ecosystem change unless global warming can be limited to well below 2°C. We also find a substantial risk that impacts of agricultural expansion may offset some of the benefits of ambitious climate protection for ecosystems.

  1. Housing and the construction of the city: the Paris Habitat Experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Arpa


    Full Text Available In Paris, the history and the evolution of social housing provision merge with those of a centennial institution. Created in 1914, the Office Public d’Habitations à Bon Marché, currently called Paris Habitat, manages more than 1,200 operations, 120,000 housing units inhabited by 200,000 residents. This article reviews an investigation to this exceptional heritage commissioned by the Pavillon de l'Arsenal in Paris, which resulted in the exhibition and catalogue Paris Habitat: Cent ans de ville, cent ans de vie, presented by the institution in 2015.The investigation, exhibition and publication were organized around the analysis of ten fragments of reality that, rather than matching administrative divisions or urban planning projects, span municipalities, districts and infrastructures. From low-cost to large-scale housing, from concerns with hygiene to ecology issues, each one of the building ensembles analyzed bears witness to the will to change society through housing. Written by the project’s main curator and catalogue editor, this review details the process through which essential questions formulated early on – What is the city we want like? How is it built? – were answered to: selecting from the wealth of material produced by Paris Habitat over one hundred years of activity, the team exposed their political stance on urban strategies at large. Importantly, Paris Habitat’s ‘actions’ substantiated the team’s belief that our knowledge of this long, continuous urban experiment can contribute to improve the metropolises of today and strengthen its ability to answer contemporary concerns: the transformation of offices into housing, new residents’ participation formulas, new building and conception processes, which are key elements in the making of cities that need to be dense, diverse, intense, fertile and agile.

  2. Professor I I Glass A Tribute and Memorial

    CERN Document Server

    Igra, Ozer


    The book provides personal memories along with description of scientific works written by ex-graduate students and research associates of the late Professor Glass. The described research work covers a wide range of shock wave phenomena, resulting from seeds planted by Professor Glass. Professor Glass was born in Poland in 1918. He immigrated together with his parents to Canada at the age of 12 and received all his professional education at the University of Toronto, Canada. He became a world recognized expert in shock wave phenomena, and during his 45 years of active research he supervised more than 125 master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting research associates. In this book seven of his past students/research-associates describe their personal memories of Professor Glass and present some of their investigations in shock wave phenomena which sprung from their past work with Professor Glass. Specifically, these investigations include underwater shock waves, shock/bubble interaction, m...

  3. Professor Kodi Husimi promoted accelerator projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kikuchi, Ken


    The main aim of my article is to describe how deeply Professor Husimi devoted himself to promote large accelerator projects in Japan, as the establishment of National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK), Photon Factory and TRISTAN, in which I myself was deeply involved. In addition, some topics related that I was a student of Professor Husimi are also reported. (author)

  4. Effect of Paris saponin on antitumor and immune function in U14 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    bearing mice, and reduced the serum IL-4 level. The Paris saponin can inhibit U14 cell growth and prolong survival time of mice; it is speculated that the Paris saponin may express its anti-tumor activity by improving the body's immune system.

  5. Professor Nukem - et eksperiment med oplevelsesbaseret forskningsformidling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandvik, Kjetil; Thorhauge, Anne Mette


    Professor Nukem er resultatet af et forskningsprojekt om oplevelsesbaseret forskningsformidling der har form som et computerspil med tilhørende website, hvor brugeren interaktivt kan engagere sig i forskning omkring sociale og kulturelle aspekter ved computerspil. Professor Nukem kan spilles på...

  6. The Reluctant Professor: Implications for University Management (United States)

    Schein, Edgar H.


    Stating the belief that most analyses of the university fail to deal realistically with the role of the professor, the author's purpose is to show why it is difficult and possible undesirable to involve professors deeply in issues of university government. (Author/JB)

  7. Variables That Can Affect Student Ratings of Their Professors (United States)

    Gotlieb, Jerry


    Attribution theory was applied to help predict the results of an experiment that examined the effects of three independent variables on students' ratings of their professors. The dependent variables were students' perceptions of whether the professor caused the students' grades and student satisfaction with their professor. The results suggest…

  8. Categorization of Quantum Mechanics Problems by Professors and Students (United States)

    Lin, Shih-Yin; Singh, Chandralekha


    We discuss the categorization of 20 quantum mechanics problems by physics professors and undergraduate students from two honours-level quantum mechanics courses. Professors and students were asked to categorize the problems based upon similarity of solution. We also had individual discussions with professors who categorized the problems. Faculty…

  9. Carmes Polytechnique, Housing in the Heart of Paris Energy renovation of a social housing estate in Paris

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    Christian Horn


    Full Text Available The architecture offices Atelier de la Seine and Rethink have been commissioned with the engineers Pouget Consultants by the social landlord Paris Habitat for the extensive renovation of a social housing estate in the historic centre of Paris. The estate has been built in 1930 and integrates a part of the former college of the Lombard build in the 17th century. It belongs to the social housing typology 'Habitations à Bon Marché (HBM' constructed between1894 and 1949. This typology is generally characterized by its integration in its urban context and an apparent brick facade. The renovation project includes a focus on the reduction of the energy consumption. An important subject, as of the total number of 4.6 millions of social housing in France more than 50 % have been build before 1975 (before the first thermal regulation and many are still considered energy-intensive.

  10. Special issue dedicated to Professor Johann M. Schepers

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    Gideon P De Bruin


    Full Text Available It is a great pleasure for me to have been associated with this special issue of the SA Journal of Industrial Psychology dedicated to Professor Johann M. Schepers. The purpose of the special issue is to honour Professor Schepers for his contributions to the development of Psychology and Industrial Psychology as empirical fields of study in South Africa. The contributors have worked with Professor Schepers as students or colleagues and share his academic interests. The articles reflect his areas of interest and employ analytic techniques taught and championed by him. We are grateful to Professor Schepers for his cooperation throughout this project. Thanks are due to all the contributors and referees.

  11. La Fortification de Troyes en Champagne. Un grand chantier urbain Fin XVe–première moitié du XVIe siècle

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    Brice Collet


    Full Text Available Composition du JuryMonsieur Patrick Boucheron, maître de conférence à l’Université de Paris I,Madame Odette Chapelot, maître de conférence à l’ÉHESS,Monsieur Jean Chapelot, directeur de recherche au CNRS (directeur de la thèse,Monsieur Nicolas Faucherre, professeur à l’Université de Nantes,Monsieur Etienne Hamon, professeur à l’Université de Picardie–Jules Verne,Monsieur Pierre Monnet, directeur d’études à l’ÉHESS.Thèse soutenue le 16 décembre 2010RésuméIl ne reste actuellement plus rien ou ...

  12. Interview with professor Geeta Mehta

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    Sylvia Adriana Dobry Pronsato


    Full Text Available On September 26 at 10:30 am the Professional Master's Program in Production, Planning and Urban Space Management, FIAM-FAAM Centro Universitário, promoted the “I Ciclo de Debates, Agenda de Pesquisa e Intervenção na Metrópole Contemporânea” (First Debate Series, Research and Intervention agenda in Contemporary Metropolis with the presence of the lecturer Prof. Dr. Geeta Mehta.

  13. Paris: Beyond the Climate Dead End through Pledge and Review?

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    Robert O. Keohane


    Full Text Available The Paris Climate Agreement of December 2015 marks a decisive break from the unsuccessful Kyoto regime. Instead of targets and timetables, it established a Pledge and Review system, under which states will offer Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs to reducing emissions that cause climate change. But this successful negotiation outcome was achieved at the price of vagueness of obligations and substantial discretion for governments. Many governments will be tempted to use the vagueness of the Paris Agreement, and the discretion that it permits, to limit the scope or intensity of their proposed actions. Whether Pledge and Review under the Paris Agreement will lead to effective action against climate change will therefore depend on the inclination both of OECD countries and newly industrializing countries to take costly actions, which for the OECD countries will include financial transfers to their poorer partners. Domestic politics will be crucial in determining the attitudes of both sets of countries to pay such costs. The actual impact of the Paris Agreement will depend on whether it can be used by domestic groups favoring climate action as a point of leverage in domestic politics—that is, in a “two-level game” simultaneously involving both international and domestic politics.

  14. La gestion marchande, arme de destruction massive de l'Université

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bouchet, Dominique


    de se plier aux exigences du marketing et du management. Cependant, c’est la finalité même des universités qui est remise en question par l’introduction de la logique de gestion issue du marché. Comment peut-on espérer que l’Université puisse contribuer à une compréhension de la crise quand tout est......Tout comme les sociétés chrétiennes au temps de l’émergence de l’économie politique, les sociétés d’aujourd’hui sont confrontées à l’inadéquation de leur mode d’organisation et de représentation face aux conséquences mêmes de leurs choix antérieurs. On a vu s’opérer une dissociation de l...

  15. Polyp morphology: an interobserver evaluation for the Paris classification among international experts. (United States)

    van Doorn, Sascha C; Hazewinkel, Y; East, James E; van Leerdam, Monique E; Rastogi, Amit; Pellisé, Maria; Sanduleanu-Dascalescu, Silvia; Bastiaansen, Barbara A J; Fockens, Paul; Dekker, Evelien


    The Paris classification is an international classification system for describing polyp morphology. Thus far, the validity and reproducibility of this classification have not been assessed. We aimed to determine the interobserver agreement for the Paris classification among seven Western expert endoscopists. A total of 85 short endoscopic video clips depicting polyps were created and assessed by seven expert endoscopists according to the Paris classification. After a digital training module, the same 85 polyps were assessed again. We calculated the interobserver agreement with a Fleiss kappa and as the proportion of pairwise agreement. The interobserver agreement of the Paris classification among seven experts was moderate with a Fleiss kappa of 0.42 and a mean pairwise agreement of 67%. The proportion of lesions assessed as "flat" by the experts ranged between 13 and 40% (Pagreement did not change (kappa 0.38, pairwise agreement 60%). Our study is the first to validate the Paris classification for polyp morphology. We demonstrated only a moderate interobserver agreement among international Western experts for this classification system. Our data suggest that, in its current version, the use of this classification system in daily practice is questionable and it is unsuitable for comparative endoscopic research. We therefore suggest introduction of a simplification of the classification system.

  16. List of Participants (United States)


    Mohab Abou ZeidInstitut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette Ido AdamMax-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik (AEI), Potsdam Henrik AdorfLeibniz Universität Hannover Mohammad Ali-AkbariIPM, Tehran Antonio Amariti Università di Milano-Bicocca Nicola Ambrosetti Université de Neuchâtel Martin Ammon Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München Christopher AndreyÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Laura AndrianopoliPolitecnico di Torino David AndriotLPTHE, Université UPMC Paris VI Carlo Angelantonj Università di Torino Pantelis ApostolopoulosUniversitat de les Illes Balears, Palma Gleb ArutyunovInstitute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University Davide AstolfiUniversità di Perugia Spyros AvramisUniversité de Neuchâtel Mirela BabalicChalmers University, Göteborg Foday BahDigicom Ioannis Bakas University of Patras Igor BandosUniversidad de Valencia Jose L F BarbonIFTE UAM/CSIC Madrid Till BargheerMax-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik (AEI), Potsdam Marco Baumgartl Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich James BedfordImperial College London Raphael BenichouLaboratoire de Physique Théorique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris Francesco Benini SISSA, Trieste Eric Bergshoeff Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Groningen Alice BernamontiVrije Universiteit, Brussel Julia BernardLaboratoire de Physique Théorique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris Adel Bilal Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris Marco Billo' Università di Torino Matthias Blau Université de Neuchâtel Guillaume BossardAlbert-Einstein-Institut, Golm Leonardo BriziÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Johannes BroedelLeibniz Universität Hannover (AEI) Tom BrownQueen Mary, University of London Ilka BrunnerEidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich Erling BrynjolfssonUniversity of Iceland Dmitri BykovSteklov Institute, Moscow and Trinity College, Dublin Joan CampsUniversitat de Barcelona

  17. [Development strategy of Paris based on combination of domestic patent and current resource application and development]. (United States)

    Zhao, Fei-Ya; Tao, Ai-En; Xia, Cong-Long


    Paris is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and has antitumor, antibacterial, sedative, analgesic and hemostatic effects. It has been used as an ingredient of 81 Chinese patent medicines, with a wide application and large market demand. Based on the data retrieved from state Intellectual Property Office patent database, a comprehensive analysis was made on Paris patents, so as to explore the current features of Paris patents in the aspects of domestic patent output, development trend, technology field distribution, time dimension, technology growth rate and patent applicant, and reveal the development trend of China's Paris industry. In addition, based on the current Paris resource application and development, a sustainable, multi-channel and multi-level industrial development approach was built. According to the results, studies of Paris in China are at the rapid development period, with a good development trend. However, because wild Paris resources tend to be exhausted, the studies for artificial cultivation technology should be strengthened to promote the industrial development. Copyright© by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.

  18. Understanding the Paris agreement: analysing the reporting requirements under the enhanced transparency framework

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Desgain, Denis DR; Sharma, Sudhir

    At the Paris climate conference (COP-21) in December 2015, the Conference of the Parties decided to adopt the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This was the first time that 195 Parties had agreed on a universal, legally binding climate October 2016, 74 Par¬ties had ratified the Agreement, accounting for 58.82% of global GHG emissions.1 The Paris Agreement will thus enter into force on 4th November 2016....

  19. Professor dr hab. Anna Maria Bujakiewicz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Kujawa


    Full Text Available The article presents the biography and scientific achievements of Professor Anna Bujakiewicz. After receiving her master’s degree and doctorate in biology and mycology from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Professor Bujakiewicz continued her exciting research and teaching on mycology at her Alma Mater Posnaniensis for more than 50 years. Her publications in this field include many books, articles, and other scholarly reports.

  20. Professor Kalkman retires

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baas, Pieter


    On 13 December 1990 Prof. Dr. Cornelis (Kees) Kalkman retired from the positions of Professor of Plant Systematics and Scientific Director of the Rijksherbarium/ Hortus Botanicus by presenting his valedictory lecture to the academic community of Leiden University and the assembled Dutch Botanical

  1. Software as a Service: Herausforderungen bei der Einführung des Bibliothekssystems Alma in der Freien Universität Berlin

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    Jiri Kende


    Full Text Available Moderne Bibliothekssysteme werden zunehmend als Software as a Service (SaaS angeboten. Die Berliner Bibliotheken der Freien Universität Berlin, der Humboldt Universität, der Technischen Universität und der Universität der Künste haben für 2016 gemeinsam den Umstieg auf das cloudbasierte Bibliothekssystem Alma beschlossen. Der Aufsatz berichtet über die Herausforderungen während der zweijährigen Vertragsverhandlungen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf den Datenschutz.  Modern library management systems are increasingly offered as Software as a Service (SaaS.The libraries of the Free University Berlin, the Humboldt university, the Technical university and the University of Arts decided concertedly to move in 2016 to the cloud based next generation library management system Alma. The article reviews the challenges during the contract negotiations with a special focus on data protection.

  2. Manejo da gangrena de Fournier: experiência de um hospital universitário de Curitiba


    Mehl,Adriano Antonio; Nogueira Filho,Dorivam Celso; Mantovani,Lucas Marques; Grippa,Michele Mamprim; Berger,Ralf; Krauss,Denise; Ribas,Denise


    OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados obtidos no Serviço de Cirurgia Geral do Hospital Universitário Cajuru - PUCPR, com o tratamento da gangrena de Fournier. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados os prontuários de 40 pacientes com diagnóstico de Gangrena de Fournier internados no hospital universitário Cajuru de Novembro de 1999 a Abril de 2006, analisando-se as variáveis: sexo, idade, fatores predisponentes, etiologia, localização da lesão, exames laboratoriais, procedimentos cirúrgicos realizados, antibioti...

  3. Ethics and the Internet in West Africa: Toward an Ethical Model of ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The whole world is currently undergoing a period of profound change brought about by the development of the worldwide information and communications network, ... at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Université de Paris 7-Denis Diderot, ...

  4. [Professor Frantisek Por MD and Professor Robert Klopstock MD, students at Budapest and Prague Faculties of Medicine]. (United States)

    Mydlík, M; Derzsiová, K


    Professor Frantisek Por MD and Professor Robert Klopstock MD were contemporaries, both born in 1899, one in Zvolen, the other in Dombovar, at the time of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Prof. Por attended the Faculty of Medicine in Budapest from 1918 to 1920, and Prof. Klopstock studied at the same place between 1917 and 1919. From 1920 until graduation on 6th February 1926, Prof. Por continued his studies at the German Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. Prof. Klopstock had to interrupt his studies in Budapest due to pulmonary tuberculosis; he received treatment at Tatranske Matliare where he befriended Franz Kafka. Later, upon Kafka's encouragement, he changed institutions and continued his studies at the German Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, where he graduated the first great go. It is very likely that, during their studies in Budapest and Prague, both professors met repeatedly, even though their life paths later separated. Following his graduation, Prof. Por practiced as an internist in Prague, later in Slovakia, and from 1945 in Kosice. In 1961, he was awarded the title of university professor of internal medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, where he practiced until his death in 1980. Prof. Klopstock continued his studies in Kiel and Berlin. After his graduation in 1933, he practiced in Berlin as a surgeon and in 1938 left for USA. In 1962, he was awarded the title of university professor of pulmonary surgery in NewYork, where he died in 1972.

  5. GHG monitoring over Paris megacity and Orléans forest (United States)

    Te, Y. V.; Jeseck, P.; Zanon, T.; Boursier, C.; Janssen, C.; Deutscher, N. M.; Warneke, T.; Notholt, J.; Lac, C.; Dieudonné, E.; Lopez, M.; Schmidt, M.; Xueref-remy, I. C.


    In a growing world with more than 7 billion inhabitants and big emerging countries such as China, Brazil and India, emissions of anthropogenic pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) are increasing continuously. Their monitoring and control in megacities have become a major challenge for scientists and public health authorities in environmental research area. The ground-based Fourier transform spectrometer (QualAir FTS[a], model IFS 125HR) of the QualAir platform located in downtown Paris at University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), is a scientific research instrument dedicated to the survey of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and urban air quality. Equipped with a sun-tracker, the remote sensing QualAir FTS relies on solar infrared absorption for monitoring trace gas concentrations and their variability in the Ile-de-France region[b]. Concentrations of atmospheric GHGs, especially CO2, CH4 and N2O, are retrieved by the radiative transfer model PROFFIT[c]. Because Paris is the third largest European megacity, the QualAir FTS can provide new and complementary measurements as compared to existing ground-based FTS network stations (NDACC and TCCON) located in unpolluted environments, such as the TCCON-Orléans station[d] situated in the forest of Orléans (100 km south of Paris). In the effort to integrate QualAir FTS into the TCCON network, simultaneous FTS measurements of GHGs at Paris and Orléans have been performed. We will emphasize on comparisons of CO2 from these two sites. Our comparison will be completed by high-resolved direct CO2 modeling outputs from the Meso-NH model, and ground in situ measurements at different sites (Orléans/Trainou, Paris/Jussieu, Paris/Eiffel Tower). Parts of the data were acquired in the framework of the French CO2-MEGAPARIS project[e, f], whose main goal is to quantify CO2 emissions from the Paris area. The present data intercomparison will help to reduce uncertainties in carbon cycle models and to better characterize regional GHG fluxes

  6. Forecasting the Student-Professor Matches That Result in Unusually Effective Teaching (United States)

    Gross, Jennifer; Lakey, Brian; Lucas, Jessica L.; LaCross, Ryan; Plotkowski, Andrea R.; Winegard, Bo


    Background: Two important influences on students' evaluations of teaching are relationship and professor effects. Relationship effects reflect unique matches between students and professors such that some professors are unusually effective for some students, but not for others. Professor effects reflect inter-rater agreement that some professors…

  7. E-Mail from Professor Enhances Student Motivation and Attitudes (United States)

    Legg, Angela M.; Wilson, Janie H.


    Traditionally, professors use the first day of class to build rapport. However, current technology allows professors to contact students prior to the first day of class. This study assessed how the receipt of a welcoming e-mail from a female professor 1 week before the first day of class affected student motivation and attitudes toward the…

  8. Extensão universitária e prática dos agentes comunitários de saúde: acolhimento e aprendizado cidadão

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    Carlos Roberto de Castro e Silva


    Full Text Available A intervenção interdisciplinar universitária em regiões de alta vulnerabilidade da Baixada Santista, além de contribuir para o fortalecimento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, evidencia o sofrimento enfrentado pelo agente comunitário de saúde (ACS em seu dia a dia, advindo de solicitações dos munícipes. Estas resultantes da exclusão e violência social em que vivem acrescidas de condições de trabalho insalubres e baixa remuneração. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a sistematização de uma experiência de intervenção por meio de um projeto de extensão universitária, trazendo elementos que potencializem as ações dos agentes comunitários de saúde da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF na Baixada Santista. Para este estudo qualitativo, foram analisados os diários de campo dos encontros semanais, a partir da percepção de professores e alunos, referentes ao período de agosto de 2010 a junho de 2011. A organização e análise dos dados tiveram como referência a Teoria Fundamentada nos dados. Os resultados indicaram a necessidade de acolhimento de experiências dos ACSs, ampliando a compreensão dos dilemas vividos por estes profissionais e consequentemente dos impasses de implementação do SUS e da ESF. Além disso, o incentivo ao processo de educação continuada baseada em uma práxis que promova os projetos de vida pessoais e profissionais dos ACSs.


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    Clezio dos Santos


    Full Text Available A pesquisa está presa ao entendimento do ensino de geografia feita por meio de projetos educacionais nos cursos de Licenciatura em Geografia do Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André (FSA na metrópole de São Paulo e da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ em Nova Iguaçu na metrópole do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo é apresentar a experiência vivenciada nos cursos de formação de professores de geografia dentro de disciplinas que tem como foco o desenvolvimento de projetos educacionais na área de geografia servindo de embasamento reflexivo na formação desses profissionais. A metodologia adotada esta presa na pesquisa qualitativa e participativa, destacando a leitura de referências chaves e acima de tudo o relato das experiências vividas. Os temas sobre a metrópole e o urbano estão sempre presentes nos projetos educacionais possibilitando o confronto entre as diferentes imagens e representações do urbano, sejam as cotidianas ou as científicas. A pesquisa é um convite a pensar em projetos no ensino de geografia articulando o potencial interdisciplinar do ambiente escolar como espaço educativo e apresenta experiências em cursos empenhados em formar professores de geografia comprometidos com os desafios do mundo atual.

  10. Paris Conference (Further report)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    From 26-31 July, the international particle physics community met for its traditional biennial 'Rochester' jamboree, held this time in Paris. While there were no major physics surprises, there was still plenty of interest for all and the ground that was covered amply demonstrated the progress which has been made since the previous round of international meetings. The emphasis is very much on improving the already considerable level of agreement between different experiments and between experimental results and theoretical predictions

  11. Um olhar de descoberta na Paris da Belle Époque

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    João Carrascoza


    Full Text Available Ao estilo dos textos de Baudelaire sobre os flâneurs que caminhavam na cidade de Paris, descobrindo os símbolos da modernidade, este artigo narra a chegada de um estrangeiro à capital francesa no início do século XX e seu passeio pela cidade. Ao longo de um dia, ele tomará contato com as obras de importantes artistas como Toulouse-Lautrec, Murcha e Chéret, que desenharam cartazes para shows, embalagens de produtos, folhetos promocionais, entre outras manifestações artísticas exploradas pelo então nascente espírito moderno. À semelhança do romance de Umberto Eco, A misteriosa chama da rainha Loana, que reproduz imagens da cultura pop e erudita em meio à sua narrativa, o texto segue o formato de ensaio ilustrado, fundindo a ficção com os aspectos reais da Paris na efervescência da Belle Époque. A estrutura, portanto, rompe com os gêneros tradicionais dos artigos acadêmicos, apresentando conteúdo reflexivo por meios dos personagens e da trama engendrada. Palavras-chave: Paris; Belle Époque; modernidade; imagens; publicidade. ABSTRACT In the style of Baudelaire’s texts on the flâneurs who used to walk in the city of Paris, finding the symbols of modernity, this article narrates the ar- rival of a foreigner in the early 20th century in Paris, and his tour around the French capital. In the course of one day, he will be in contact with the works of important artists, such as Toulouse-Lautrec, Murcha and Chéret, who drew posters for shows, products’ packages, advertising leaflets, among other artistic manifestations, explored by the then rising modern spirit. Similar to Umberto Eco’s novel The mysterious flame of Queen Loana, which reproduces images of both pop and erudite culture in its narrative, the text follows the illustrated essay format, merging fiction and the real aspects of Paris’ effervescent Belle Époque. The structure, therefore, breaks free from the traditional genres of academic articles, presenting the

  12. Do Professors Have Customer-Based Brand Equity? (United States)

    Jillapalli, Ravi K.; Jillapalli, Regina


    This research endeavors to understand whether certain professors have customer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the minds of students. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to conceptualize, develop, and empirically test a model of customer-based professor brand equity. Survey data gathered from 465 undergraduate business students were used to…

  13. The expressiveness of a university professor in his classroom performance: analysis of verbal resources and implications for nursing La expresividad del profesor universitario durante su actuación en la sala de clases: análisis de los recursos verbales utilizados y sus implicaciones para la enfermeira A expressividade do docente universitário durante sua atuação na sala de aula: análise dos recursos verbais utilizados e suas implicações para a enfermagem

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    Cristiane Conceição Romano


    linguagem e pela expressão corporal, permitindo a transmissão de informações de modo efetivo. O presente estudo objetivou investigar a expressividade do docente universitário de enfermagem ministrando aula, em relação aos seus recursos verbais, a partir do julgamento dos alunos. Trata-se de investigação descritiva, quantitativa, desenvolvida em uma instituição de ensino superior, para a qual foram utilizados instrumentos específicos de avaliação da expressividade. Realizou-se a filmagem de uma aula do referido docente, que foi primeiramente avaliado por três experts fonoaudiólogos e, depois, submetido ao julgamento por parte de 141 alunos que não haviam tido contato prévio com o mesmo. Os resultados mostraram que alunos e experts foram concordantes em seu julgamento sobre as habilidades expressivas do professor universitário de enfermagem, o que comprovou a capacidade e a propriedade dos discentes na avaliação dessa habilidade de comunicação.

  14. China's response to climate change issues after Paris Climate Change Conference

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    Yun Gao


    Full Text Available The Paris Climate Change Conference was successfully concluded with the Paris Agreement, which is a milestone for the world in collectively combating climate change. By participating in IPCC assessments and conducting national climate change assessments, China has been increasing its understanding of the issue. For the first time, China's top leader attended the Conference of the Parties, which indicates the acknowledgement of the rationality and necessity of climate change response by China at different levels. Moreover, this participation reflects China's commitment to including climate change in its ecology improvement program and pursuing a low-carbon society and economy. In order to ensure the success of the Paris Conference, China has contributed significantly. China's constructive participation in global governance shows that China is a responsible power. These principles such as the creation of a future of win–win cooperation with each country contributing to the best of its ability; a future of the rule of law, fairness, and justice; and a future of inclusiveness, mutual learning, and common development will serve as China's guidelines in its efforts to facilitate the implementation of the Paris Agreement and participate in the design of international systems.

  15. China's response to climate change issues after Paris Climate Change Conference

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    GAO Yun


    The Paris Climate Change Conference was successfully concluded with the Paris Agreement, which is a milestone for the world in collectively combating climate change. By participating in IPCC assessments and conducting national climate change assessments, China has been increasing its understanding of the issue. For the first time, China's top leader attended the Conference of the Parties, which indicates the acknowledgement of the rationality and necessity of climate change response by China at different levels. Moreover, this participation reflects China's commitment to including climate change in its ecology improvement program and pursuing a low-carbon society and economy. In order to ensure the success of the Paris Conference, China has contributed significantly. China's constructive participation in global governance shows that China is a responsible power. These principles such as the creation of a future of winewin cooperation with each country contributing to the best of its ability;a future of the rule of law, fairness, and justice;and a future of inclusiveness, mutual learning, and common development will serve as China's guidelines in its efforts to facilitate the implementation of the Paris Agreement and participate in the design of international systems.

  16. University Curriculum Project--Professors Reflect on Impact. (United States)

    Babbitt, Beatrice C.

    This paper describes the reflections of the university professors in eight colleges at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who were pioneers in integrating assistive technology and related content into their courses and who continue to provide leadership in curricular change. Professors from the colleges of fine and performing arts, business,…

  17. The Burnout syndrome: the exhaustion training threaten the well-being of teachers


    Campos, Donizete Aparecido Zequine


    O estresse ocupacional que se cronifica e leva o professor a adoecer e contrair a Síndrome de Burnout vem crescendo assustadoramente entre os professores universitários. No presente estudo, foi investigado o fenômeno do desgaste físico e psíquico na forma do professor enfrentar o ambiente de trabalho, o que tem sido estressante, chamando a atenção para diversos problemas causados ao professor e à instituição. Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar e identificar causas e problemas provoc...

  18. Pharmacokinetics and safety of DTS-108, a human oligopeptide bound to SN-38 with an esterase-sensitive cross-linker in patients with advanced malignancies: a Phase I study

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    Coriat R


    Full Text Available Romain Coriat,1 Sandrine J Faivre,2 Olivier Mir,3 Chantal Dreyer,2 Stanislas Ropert,3 Mohammed Bouattour,2 Robert Desjardins,4 François Goldwasser,3 Eric Raymond5 1Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology Unit, Cochin Teaching Hospital, Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, 2Department of Medical Oncology, Beaujon Teaching Hospital, Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7, Clichy, 3Department of Medical Oncology, Cochin Teaching Hospital, Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France; 4Drais Pharmaceuticals, Bridgewater, NJ, USA; 5Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph, Paris, France Background: DTS-108 is a hydrosoluble prodrug, where the SN-38 moiety is covalently linked to a 20-amino acid vector peptide by a specific esterase-sensitive cross-linker, releasing 7-ethyl-10-hydroxycampthotecin (SN-38 by esterase bond cleavage. Methods: The pharmacokinetics of DTS-108, adverse events graded according to NCI-CTCv3.1, dose-limiting toxicities at cycle 1, the maximum tolerated dose (MTD, and the recommended Phase II dose (RP2D of intravenous DTS-108 (1–2 hours every 2 weeks were evaluated in a first-in-human Phase I study in patients with advanced/metastatic carcinomas, according to an accelerated dose escalation design. SN-38 and SN-38 glucuronide (SN-38G levels were evaluated with fluorescence high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC test, then liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS methods. Results: Forty-two patients received DTS-108 across 14 dosing cohorts (range 3–416 mg/m2. At 416 mg/m2, three out of six patients had grade 4 neutropenia thereby defining the MTD and the RP2D at 313 mg/m2. Fluorescence HPLC was inaccurate to quantify DTS-108 and its metabolites (SN-38 and SN-38G. New processes and analytical LC/MS/MS methods for testing SN-38 were implemented. At a dose of 313 mg/m2, mean DTS-108, SN-38, and SN-38G area under the plasma concentration–time curve to infinity

  19. ClimasCOPe: Exploring the challenges behind the Paris Agreement - COP21

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leguet, Benoit; Alberola, Emilie; Afriat, Marion; Vaidyula, Manasvini; Morel, Romain; Cochran, Ian; Deheza, Mariana; Shishlov, Igor; Leseur, Alexia; Depoues, Vivian; Bordier, Cecile; Bultheel, Clement; Bellassen, Valentin


    In the framework of the 21. Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held in Paris from November 30 to December 11 2015, I4CE - Institute for Climate Economics, in partnership with ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, attempts to shed some light on the challenges surrounding this Paris Climate Conference 2015. They explore what can be expected from the post-2020 climate agreement in Paris. They also discuss some keys success indicators of such an agreement. Over the course of six issues, ClimasCOPe provides analysis related to carbon pricing, climate finance, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions' accounting, the role of sub-national actors, adaptation to climate change and the compatibility of government commitments with the scenario where in global mean temperatures would rise by no more than 2 deg. C. Issue 1 - Carbon pricing: a necessary tool on the agenda of solutions for climate funding (Putting a Price on Carbon, First submissions of intended Nationally Determined Contributions for Paris Agreement, 5 carbon pricing initiatives); Issue 2 - Financing the low-carbon transition: the need for coherence between regulations and ambition (Finance will be the cornerstone of the Paris accord, News, 5 initiatives for Climate Finance); Issue 3 - Three keys to effective GHG emissions monitoring for a broader climate agreement (MRV: how to hit the bull's eye when there is no silver bullet? First Climate Week and the Bonn negotiations, 3 MRV initiatives); Issue 4 - Non-state actors: pushing the climate action agenda forward (The role of cities and regions and their knock-on effects, G7 announcements and the process of adopting the SDGs, 4 non-state actor initiatives); Issue 5 - COP 21: a new approach and the launch of a process to address climate change adaptation (Adapting to climate change: taking ownership of the issues and removing barriers to implementation, First COP 21 draft

  20. Auto-avaliação psicossocial de professores Auto-evaluación psicosocial de profesores Theacher's psychosocial self-evaluation

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    Edson A. de Souza Filho


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a conexão entre a adoção de critérios psicossociais de escolha da profissão de professor e modos de exercício da mesma. Adotamos como referencial a teoria das representações sociais, que supõe a construção por parte de indivíduos/grupos sociais de conhecimentos e práticas para atingir seus objetivos específicos, tais como identitários, ideológicos, explicativos, entre outros. Participaram da pesquisa professores do ensino fundamental privado (FP (n=35, público (FPu (n=42 e universitário público (UPu (n=13, todos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Elaboramos um questionário com perguntas sobre por que ingressaram na profissão; as características do bom/mau professor; as descrições de como é a sua atuação profissional, entre outras. Constatamos que os professores do ensino fundamental privado cujo critério de escolha profissional foi mais centrado no professor como indivíduo (opção/vocação tenderam a representar os aspectos ideais (bom/mau professor do exercício profissional focando o aluno individual e relações interpessoais com o mesmo. Contudo, os mesmos professores não mantiveram o primeiro conteúdo (aluno individual ao relatar como atuam realmente. Já os professores de ensino universitário, que escolheram a profissão em função de atividade de ensinar, focalizaram mais os deveres/envolvimento e competência/atualização do professor em termos ideais e reais. Enfim, os professores do ensino fundamental público, que apresentaram um perfil de escolha profissional misto (opção/vocação e influência social, relataram sua atuação com predominância de aspectos sócio-ambientais (contexto/mobilização e falta de estímulo externo. Nesse sentido, diante dos dilemas e dificuldades profissionais/existenciais encontrados, os professores do ensino fundamental privado e público tenderam a buscar uma auto-avaliação psicossocial como forma de aperfeiçoamento

  1. Smoke Inhalation and Cyanide Poisoning: 20 Years of Paris Experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baud, F. J.


    Hydroxocobalamin has been used as a cyanide poisoning antidote for many years in France. It has recently been approved by the US FDA. In Paris, hydroxocobalamin is carried by the Brigade de Sapeurs Pompiers (Paris Fire Brigade) in mobile intensive care vehicles and has been administered empirically to victims of enclosed-space fire smoke inhalation who meet the criteria of having soot in the nose, mouth, or throat, any alteration in mental status or disturbance in consciousness, and especially if any degree of hypotension is present (BP less than or equal to 100 mmHg systolic). The administration of hydroxocobalamin at the scene was shown to be safe. Hydroxocobalamin has also been efficacious and safe in 'pure' cyanide poisoning, as long as brain death has not already occurred. A 'toxidrome' of cyanide poisoning has been developed in our institution in Paris, and its application can assist in making the diagnosis of this life-threatening poisoning which cannot be emergent diagnosed by currently-available laboratory methods.(author)

  2. Paris convention - Decisions, recommendations, interpretations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This booklet is published in a single edition in English and French. It contains decisions, recommendations and interpretations concerning the 1960 Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy adopted by the OECD Steering Committee and the OECD Council. All the instruments are set out according to the Article of the Convention to which they relate and explanatory notes are added where necessary [fr

  3. Formação do eu professor na abordagem Walloniana*

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    Ana Lúcia Batista Aranha


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos Analisar como o professor percebe a construção de seu Eu Professor na perspectiva de Wallon e conhecer como vivencia seu cotidiano na escola na condição de ser o si mesmo e o outro. Método Estudo qualitativo que contou com 13 participantes atuantes no Curso Bacharelado em Enfermagem. A coleta de dados foi realizada em 2013, por meio de entrevistas submetidas à análise temática. Resultados Emergiram três categorias: Construção do Eu Professor; Viver o cotidiano apoiado em si mesmo e no outro; e Componentes da construção do Eu Professor, com destaque para a conscientização e valorização de si mesmo e do outro, edificando a construção do Eu Professor. Conclusão Os professores percorreram uma trajetória na qual permitiu reconhecer o si mesmo em diferentes movimentos da internalização do Eu.


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    Antonio C. R. Tupinambá


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma homenagem póstuma ao Professor Doutor Reinier Rozestraten. O texto apresenta, suscintamente, o percurso acadêmico do nomeado professor, em especial a sua passagem pela Psicologia do Trânsito. Paralelamente discorre sobre sua principal obra na área, que, de certo modo introduz o discurso psicológico sobre o comportamento de trânsito em perspectiva nacional, juntamente com sua preocupação em imprimir um caráter científico ao tema e introduzi-lo no contexto da academia e na sociedade em perspectivas teórica e prática. A obra escolhida é considerada um marco para o estabelecimento teórico da disciplina da psicologia do trânsito no Brasil. A homenagem foi originalmente escrita por ocasião dos cinco anos de falecimento do professor Reinier.

  5. The legal character and operational relevance of the Paris Agreement's temperature goal (United States)

    Rajamani, Lavanya; Werksman, Jacob


    This article assesses the legal character and operational relevance of the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C temperature goal. This article begins with a textual analysis of the 1.5°C goal. It considers whether the goal creates individual or collective obligations for Parties, and whether it is sufficiently specific to enable the tracking of individual or collective performance. Next, it assesses the operational relevance of the 1.5°C temperature goal, by considering the role it will play in the Paris Agreement's institutions and procedures. To the extent that the goal plays a role, and implies global limits on greenhouse gas emissions, this article observes that it could have implications for the sharing of the effort between Parties. Thus, this article considers the relevance of equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances, to understanding how the 1.5°C goal could be reached. In this context, this article explores whether the 1.5°C goal could play a role in the Paris Agreement's `ambition cycle'. Finally, this article asks whether there are any legal or political implications, individually or collectively under the Paris Agreement, should the Parties fail to achieve the 1.5°C goal. This article is part of the theme issue `The Paris Agreement: understanding the physical and social challenges for a warming world of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels'.

  6. (Reconstruindo imagens do eu-professor pelos caminhos da memória – educação continuada e as novas tecnologias/(Reconstructing images of the i-teacher for the ways of the memory - continued education and the new technologies

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    Vilma Fernandes Neves


    Full Text Available Apresentamos resultados obtidos com a pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao PEC – Formação Universitária, programa de parceria entre a Secretaria do Estado de Educação, UNESP, USP e PUC/SP, com o objetivo de promover a formação superior do professor efetivo das séries inicias do Ensino Fundamental. Seguimos a Metodologia da Pesquisa Qualitativa, modalidade estudo de caso. A problemática investigada centrou-se nos significados construídos a partir das reflexões acerca das atuações em sala de aula, como professoras-orientadoras das monografias, dos Estágios Supervisionados e da Prática de Ensino, como avaliadoras das suas produções e provas ou como assistentes no espaço de aprendizagem Learning Space. Nossos objetivos foram: verificar a inserção e o desenvolvimento do professor-aluno no PEC, mais especificamente nas Oficinas Culturais onde elaboravam os trabalhos de Memória; identificar o papel e a contribuição destas atividades para seu crescimento pessoal e profissional; perceber os significados construídos a partir de suas experiências junto ao aparato tecnológico do programa, enquanto possibilidade de inclusão no universo digital e, por ele, de inclusão social. As perguntas norteadoras da pesquisa envolveram as seguintes: através das experiências junto ao programa em que medida a participação do professor universitário e do professor-aluno pode significar a redimensão das suas práticas educativas? Em que medida o programa foi bem sucedido na tentativa de favorecer a inclusão digital dos professores-alunos? Apresentamos um dos aspectos por nós enfocados em nossos estudos. This study presents the results obtained from research developed in the PEC - Higher Education, a partnership program between the São Paulo State Department of Education, UNESP, USP and PUC-SP, which aims to promote higher education for tenured teachers of the first grades of Elementary Education. The research was developed through a case study

  7. A origem da Universidade de Paris (I

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    Ruy Afonso da Costa Nunes


    Foi no princípio do século XIII que a Universidade começou a organizar-se . Em 1200, por um privilégio outorgado por Filipe Augusto, a corporação dos professôres e dos estudantes de Paris passou a reger-se pela jurisdição eclesiástica, furtando-se dessa maneira ao fôro civil. Em 1215, Roberto de Courçon, legado pontifício, conce-deu ao studium parisiense seus primeiros estatutos oficiais . Se tais medidas constituíram o início da organização jurídica da Universidade, foram, por outro lado, o remate de um lento processo de formação . Mas, como decorreu êsse movimento germinativo da Universidade de Paris? Que condições o prepararam e que fatôres contri-buíram para sua gênese e desenvolvimento?

  8. Die Geschichte des Marburger Universitätsbundes 1920-1957


    Pawelletz, Jörg


    Seit dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges gibt es Hochschulfördervereine an deutschen Hochschulen und Universitäten, die sich unter verschiedenen Bezeichnungen ab 1917 bildeten und die bis auf wenige Ausnahmen noch bis heute bestehen. Diese frühen Fördervereine verorten sich im Bereich der privaten Wissenschaftsförderung, welche sich in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts ausbildete und zunehmend an Bedeutung gewann. Den Höhepunkt ...

  9. Interobserver reproducibility of the Paris system for reporting urinary cytology

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    Theresa Long


    Full Text Available Background: The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology represents a significant improvement in classification of urinary specimens. The system acknowledges the difficulty in cytologically diagnosing low-grade urothelial carcinomas and has developed categories to deal with this issue. The system uses six categories: unsatisfactory, negative for high-grade urothelial carcinoma (NHGUC, atypical urothelial cells, suspicious for high-grade urothelial carcinoma, high-grade urothelial carcinoma, other malignancies and a seventh subcategory (low-grade urothelial neoplasm. Methods: Three hundred and fifty-seven urine specimens were independently reviewed by four cytopathologists unaware of the previous diagnoses. Each cytopathologist rendered a diagnosis according to the Paris System categories. Agreement was assessed using absolute agreement and weighted chance-corrected agreement (kappa. Disagreements were classified as low impact and high impact based on the potential impact of a misclassification on clinical management. Results: The average absolute agreement was 65% with an average expected agreement of 44%. The average chance-corrected agreement (kappa was 0.32. Nine hundred and ninety-nine of 1902 comparisons between rater pairs were in agreement, but 12% of comparisons differed by two or more categories for the category NHGUC. Approximately 15% of the disagreements were classified as high clinical impact. Conclusions: Our findings indicated that the scheme recommended by the Paris System shows adequate precision for the category NHGUC, but the other categories demonstrated unacceptable interobserver variability. This low level of diagnostic precision may negatively impact the applicability of the Paris System for widespread clinical application.


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    Lara Sinelnikova


    Full Text Available The article offers an analysis of the linguocultural character type professor taking into consideration both traditional set of signs and those transformations that indicate accumulation of evolutionary changes. The methodological base for the systematic description were the achievements of such areas of scientific knowledge as personology, linguopersonology and discourseology. The linguocultural character type (LCCT is a generalised image of persons, whose behaviour and value orientations influence culture, language and show social originality of the society. The peculiarity of the studied linguocultural character type is in its interrelation with the linguocultural character types intellectual and teacher as well as in the fact of the traditional connection with the concept elite. The exposure of such kind of multidimensional relations allowed to focus attention on the qualities of the LCCT professor that ensure its relative self-sufficiency. The sign of elitism and belonging to the intellectuals of the LCCT professor is asserted by the high social status recognised by the society, which is based on professionalism and compliance with moral principles. The axiological generality of the LCCT professor and teacher is ensured by the peculiarities of the modern pedagogical discourse with its typical image settings. One of the main features of the image of a professor is its belonging to the elite language person. The transformational processes in the contents of the LCCT professor are connected with the globalisation: including the international dimension in the evaluation of the professional activity, complication of the language environment, marketisation of the university sphere.

  11. Les mauvais rêves. Une prison à Disneyland Paris


    Genetelli, Olivier


    Situé à 35 km de Paris, dans la nouvelle ville de Marne-La-Vallée, Disneyland Paris représente la première destination de loisirs d'Europe. L'implantation du “rongeur aux grande oreilles” ne s'est pas contentée d'établir un simple parc à thème, mais elle a cherché à imposer un cadre de vie sur toute une partie du territoire français, à travers un partenariat public-privé unique en France. De ce fait, nous nous retrouvons dans un “territoire-bulle” contrôlé par Disney. Tout y est propre, sécur...

  12. Repercussões do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH na Experiência Universitária

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    Clarissa Tochetto de Oliveira

    Full Text Available Buscou-se verificar de que forma o diagnóstico do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH, ou a presença dos sintomas do transtorno, interfere na vida acadêmica de estudantes universitários. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática de literatura com os descritores estudantes universitários/college students e TDAH/ADHD nas bases de dados Scielo Brasil, Index Psi, Redalyc, Medline, ePsycARTICLES no período de 2004 a 2014. Foram encontrados 53 artigos e, destes, 15 foram analisados. Os trabalhos visavam apontar as semelhanças e as diferenças entre estudantes universitários com e sem sintomas ou diagnóstico de TDAH quanto a variáveis que podem afetar a experiência universitária, bem como descrever o transtorno nessa população. Os jovens com e sem TDAH tendem a ser semelhantes no que se refere ao autoconceito e ao bem-estar psicológico, mas diferentes quanto à adaptação à universidade e às preocupações com o desempenho acadêmico. Esta revisão oferece um panorama sobre o que já se sabe sobre TDAH em estudantes universitários e sobre a forma como os estudos com esse público têm sido realizados.

  13. Load curve impact of large electric vehicles fleet in the Paris Ile-de-France region


    Assoumou , Edi; Marmorat , Jean-Paul; Houel , Jérôme; Roy , Valérie


    The EV-STEP project was carried out within the ERANET+ Electromobility framework. Funding for the research work presented in this paper by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy is gratefully acknowledged. Complementary support was provided by the Chair Modeling for sustainable development, driven by MINES ParisTech, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, and AgroParisTech; supported by ADEME, EDF, GRTgaz, Schneider Electric and the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development...

  14. The Road Transport world exhibition in Paris

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Following the agreement between French and German professionals of automobile and industrial vehicle, the Road Transport world exhibition will take place alternatively in Paris and Hanover. The 1995 meeting has taken place in Paris (September 15-21) and about 20 countries were represented. Road transport is the principal way of goods transportation in France and represent 88% of the traffic explained in tons gross and 70% in tons km. The petroleum dependence of the transportation sector is becoming a worrying problem as the gasoline and diesel fuels taxes will be discussed in the 1996 financial laws project. According to the last ''Worldwide energetic perspectives'' report published by the IEA, in 2010 the transportation sector could absorb more than 60% of the worldwide petroleum consumption. This increase represents a challenge to the petroleum industry to increase the energetic efficiency of the vehicle fuels and the production of diesel fuels, and conversely to reduce the pollution effluents. (J.S.). 4 tabs

  15. Karl Marx and the Paris Commune of 1871: Tracing Traditions of Critical Pedagogy (United States)

    McGray, Robert


    In 1871, citizens of the war torn arrondissements of Paris, in the face of traumatic political and military turmoil, established a new local form of government. The Paris Commune, as this government became known as in the English world, attracted attention for its alternative political-economic organization. One notable commentator was Karl Marx…

  16. Professor Tiina Tasmuth Helsingis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tervisekasvatuse õppetooli professor Tiina Tasmuth osales 11.-14. juunini Helsingis toimunud rahvusvahelise konverentsi "2nd Psycho-Social Impacts of Breast Cancer" töös ning esines ettekandega teemal "Chronic post-treatment symptoms in patients with breast cancer" : [täistekst

  17. 3-D basin modelling of the Paris Basin: diagenetic and hydrogeologic implications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Violette, S.; Goncalves, J.; Jost, A.; Marsily, G. de


    A 3-D basin model of the Paris basin is presented in order to simulate through geological times fluid, heat and solute fluxes. This study emphasizes: i) the contribution of basin models to the quantitative hydrodynamic understanding of behaviour of the basin over geological times; ii) the additional use of Atmospheric General Circulation model (AGCM) to provide palaeo-climatic boundaries for a coupled flow and mass transfer modelling, constrained by geochemical and isotopic tracers and; iii) the integration of different types of data (qualitative and quantitative) to better constrain the simulations. Firstly, in a genetic way, basin model is used to reproduce geological, physical and chemical processes occurring in the course of the 248 My evolution of the Paris basin that ought to explain the present-day hydraulic properties at the regional scale. As basin codes try to reproduce some of these phenomena, they should be able to give a plausible idea of the regional-scale permeability distribution of the multi-layered system, of the pre-industrial hydrodynamic conditions within the aquifers and of the diagenesis timing and type of hydrodynamic processes involved. Secondly, climate records archived in the Paris basin groundwater suggest that climate and morphological features have an impact on the hydrogeological processes, particularly during the last 5 My. An Atmospheric General Circulation model is used with a refined spatial resolution centred on the Paris basin to reproduce the climate for the present, the Last Glacial Maximum (21 ky) and the middle Pliocene (3 My). These climates will be prescribed, through forcing functions to the hydrological code with the main objective of understanding the way aquifers and aquitards react under different climate conditions, the period and the duration of these effects. Finally, the Paris basin has been studied for a number of years by different scientific communities, thus a large amount of data has been collected. By

  18. Afetividade entre professor e aluno no processo ensino-aprendizagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jéssica Simone Galdino Schaefer


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as relações de afetividade entre professor e aluno no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Utiliza de metodologia com abordagem qualitativa, observação participante, e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. O lócus da pesquisa foi a Escola Municipal de Educação Básica Lizamara Aparecida Oliva de Almeida em Sinop, entre Fevereiro e Maio de 2014. Enquanto sujeitos, contou-se com professores e alunos do 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Dos resultados parciais, verificou-se que mesmo que a afetividade e a aprendizagem sejam reconhecidas teoricamente por Henri Wallon como elos fundamentais para o processo ensino-aprendizagem, ainda não é bem compreendido pelos sujeitos professores. Palavras-chave: psicologia educacional; afetividade; professores e alunos. 

  19. Professor Stewart's casebook of mathematical mysteries

    CERN Document Server

    Stewart, Ian


    Like its wildly popular predecessors Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities and Hoard of Mathematical Treasures, Professor Stewart's brand-new book is a miscellany of over 150 mathematical curios and conundrums, packed with trademark humour and numerous illustrations. In addition to the fascinating formulae and thrilling theorems familiar to Professor Stewart's fans, the Casebook follows the adventures of the not-so-great detective Hemlock Soames and his sidekick Dr John Watsup (immortalised in the phrase 'Watsup, Doc?'). By a remarkable coincidence they live at 222B Baker Street, just a

  20. Professor om kystsikring: Ingen universelle løsninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten


    DEBAT: Der findes ikke universalløsninger mod stigende risiko for stormfloder, men løsninger skal findes, skriver Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, professor ved DTU.......DEBAT: Der findes ikke universalløsninger mod stigende risiko for stormfloder, men løsninger skal findes, skriver Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, professor ved DTU....

  1. Transpondo muros, construindo relações: uma reflexão sobre bibliotecas universitárias e extensão no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubens da Silva Ferreira


    Full Text Available Discute sobre algumas ações de extensão das bibliotecas universitárias direcionadas à comunidade externa aos campi. Objetiva refletir sobre a extensão realizada por bibliotecas universitárias no Brasil. Utiliza a pesquisa bibliográfica para a coleta de evidências. Mostra que as bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras têm assumido o papel de agentes em iniciativas de extensão, embora essa ainda seja uma realidade incipiente. Verifica que tais experiências têm privilegiado as ações voltadas para fortalecer o hábito de leitura. Coloca o letramento informacional como outra possibilidade de intervenção bibliotecária. Como conclusão, enfatiza que as bibliotecas universitárias podem mudar o modo como se relacionam com a sociedade por meio da extensão. Palavras-chave Biblioteca universitária; Extensão bibliotecária; Extensão universitária; Brasil Abstract It discusses some actions of extension of the university libraries directed to the community outside their own campi. It aims to reflect on the extension of university libraries in Brazil. It reveals that the Brazilian’s university libraries have assumed the role of agents through these initiatives, though they are still incipient. It shows that such experiences focus on actions dedicated to strength the habit of reading. It puts the information literacy as another possibility for librarian intervention. As conclusion, it is highlighted that the university libraries can change the way how they relate with the society through the extension. Keywords Library extension; University library; University extension; Brazil

  2. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Universite de Lome. ... B.A.K. Dossa, V.J. Mama, S Karimou, A.C. Mamam-Djibril, T Houetchegnon, I Toko .... des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire et de cancer dans l'aire sanitaire de Zowla au Togo ...

  3. “Real” Places in Marguerite Duras’s Wartime Paris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Willging


    Full Text Available In the four autobiographical narratives in Marguerite Duras’s La Douleur (1985 The War (1994, over one hundred proper place names appear. While these place names all refer to real places, the relationship between these signifiers and their actual geographical referents is mediated, first by their signifieds—the reader’s mental constructs of the places mentioned—and further by their appearance in a text that necessarily creates its own, non-material world. Yet this essay argues that in this uncharacteristically realist text Duras works hard to create the illusion that the Paris there is in fact Occupied Paris, the real city in which she lived out the experiences recounted in her text. She does this, in large part, by indicating the location of each scene with meticulous precision, thus grounding the stories, quite literally, in a geographically and historically situated reality. While many of these sites are among the best-known, and literal, lieux de mémoire ‘sites of memory’ of the Paris of the Second World War, the mention of more obscure places might appear gratuitous. Yet it is precisely in their gratuity, that such details become essential elements of the forceful effet de réel ‘reality effect’ created in the text.

  4. Effects of Social Support on Professors' Work Stress (United States)

    Moeller, Christin; Chung-Yan, Greg A.


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine how various types of workplace social support from different support sources interact with occupational stressors to predict the psychological well-being of university professors. Design/method/approach: A total of 99 full-time professors participated via an online or paper questionnaire. Findings:…

  5. Academic Labor Markets and Assistant Professors' Employment Outcomes (United States)

    Hargens, Lowell L.


    Using data for 638 assistant professors who joined graduate sociology departments between 1975 and 1992, I examine the claim that when the labor market for new doctorates is weak, assistant professors experience less favorable employment outcomes than when that labor market is strong. Surprisingly, I find that those hired during the weak…

  6. The Roles of a University Professor in a Teacher Study Group (United States)

    Yeh, Hui-Chin; Hung, Hsiu-Ting; Chen, Yi-Ping


    The opportunities in which university professors collaborate with the practicing school teachers in a teacher study group are few. This study investigated how a university professor facilitated a collaborative teacher study group to enhance teachers' professional growth. Five primary school teachers and a university professor collaborated on…

  7. Paris, Texas. Saksamaal ja sinu peas / Kairi Prints

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Prints, Kairi


    6.- 12. oktoobrini Tallinnas ja Tartus toimuval filmifestivalil "Uus Saksa Kino" saab vaadata Wim Wendersi muusikadokumentaale. "Film ja filosoofia" rubriigis koha- ja rahvusespetsiifika eksistentsist tänapäeva filmikunstis ja W. Wendersi filmist "Paris, Texas" (USA 1984)

  8. Anatomy of neuropsychiatry: the new anatomy of the basal forebrain and its implications for neuropsychiatric illness

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Heimer, Lennart


    ..., lowa Michael Trimble, M.D. Professor of Behavioural Neurology Institute of Neurology, Queen's Square, London S. Daniel Zahm, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Pharmacological and Physiological Science Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri AMSTERDAM * BOSTON * HEIDELBERG * LONDON NEW YORK * OXFORD * PARIS * SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO * SINGAPORE * S...

  9. Renforcer la collaboration entre les universités canadiennes et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    7 juin 2016 ... De 2010 à 2012, pour la toute première fois, l'Université de la Saskatchewan a mené un programme d'octroi de petites subventions ayant permis de relier huit de ses écoles, collèges, facultés et instituts à des établissements de 16 pays en développement. Le programme Global Partners, que le CRDI ...

  10. Extended use of raltegravir in the treatment of HIV-1 infection: optimizing therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charlotte Charpentier


    Full Text Available Charlotte Charpentier1, Laurence Weiss21Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat-Claude Bernard, Laboratoire de Virologie, Université Paris-Diderot, Paris, France; 2Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Service d’Immunologie Clinique, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, FranceAbstract: Raltegravir is the first licensed compound in 2007 of the new integrase inhibitor drug class. At the dose of 400 mg twice daily, raltegravir showed a potent antiviral action in antiretroviral-naïve patients when associated with tenofovir and emtricitabine. Raltegravir was also found to be highly active in antiretroviral-experienced patients with virological failure and displaying multiresistant virus, as shown with the BENCHMRK and ANRS 139 TRIO trials. Finally, the use of raltegravir was assessed in the context of a switch strategy in antiretroviral-experienced patients with virological success [human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1 RNA below detection limit], highlighting the following mandatory criteria in this strategy: the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors associated with raltegravir have to be fully active. In the different studies, raltegravir had a favorable safety and tolerability profile. In the clinical situation a switch in virologically suppressed patients receiving a protease inhibitor, an improvement of the lipid profile was observed. Overall, when analyzing the Phase II and III trials together, only a few patients on raltegravir discontinued for adverse events. The development of resistance to raltegravir mainly involved three resistance mutations in integrase gene: Q148H/K/R, N155H, and Y143C/H/R. In conclusion, raltegravir improved the clinical management of HIV-1 infection both in antiretroviral-naïve and in antiretroviral-experienced patients.Keywords: HIV-1, integrase inhibitors, raltegravir, antiretroviral therapy

  11. University Student Expectations of Confidentiality When Disclosing Information to Their Professors (United States)

    Harris, Gregory E.; Dalton, Stephanie


    The purpose of this study was to explore university students' expectations of confidentiality when they make disclosures to their university professors. A secondary purpose was to consider if students have a higher expectation of confidentiality when talking with Psychology professors versus professors in other disciplines. Students were asked to…

  12. Trouble déficitaire de l’attention à l’université

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    Georgette Goupil


    Full Text Available Cet article présente un portrait du trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H chez les adultes et, plus particulièrement, chez les étudiants universitaires. Après avoir défini le TDA/H, le texte expose les défis de ces étudiants et la situation des universités québécoises sur cette question. La deuxième partie illustre un exemple d’intervention auprès de ces étudiants, soit un programme de tutorat appliqué à l’Université du Québec à Montréal.This article presents a descriptive portrait of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD in adults, more particularly in university students. After describing ADHD, we will look at the many challenges those students may encounter during their university studies. Moreover, we will present a tutoring program that is currently taking place at the University of Québec in Montréal (UQAM.

  13. Le Tutorat: Structure et Outil de Formation (Tutoring: Structure and Instruments of Development). (United States)

    Berthet, A.; And Others


    Focuses on the assurance by the Alliance Francaise of Paris of professional development of future teachers of foreign languages. The article describes the members of the Alliance as professors at the Foreign Language School of Paris with university training in such diverse fields as linguistics, modern languages, education, and philosophy. Their…

  14. What I Wish My Professors Had Told Me (United States)

    Collins, Jennifer


    What do you wish your undergraduate professors told you before you ever set foot in a classroom? Jennifer Collins, one such professor who prepares pre-service teachers, has a list of six "truths" she shares with her students. In this article, Collins outlines those pieces of advice, which include understanding your larger purpose,…

  15. The I Professor Formation in the Wallonian approach. (United States)

    Aranha, Ana Lúcia Batista; Mrech, Leny Magalhaes; Zacharias, Adriana Pereira Gonçalves; Figueredo, Luana Prado; Mendonça, Catarina Terumi Abe; Fernandes, Maria de Fátima Prado


    Objectives Analyze how teachers perceive the construction of their I Professor from the perspective of Wallon and learn about their everyday experiences in school in the condition of being self and other. Method Qualitative, with 13 participants from the Bachelor of Nursing Program. Data collection was carried out in 2013 using interviews that were subjected to thematic analysis. Results Three categories emerged: Construction of the I Professor; living daily life supported by oneself and the other; and the components for constructing the I Professor, highlighting consciousness and valuing of oneself and the other. Conclusion The teachers traveled a path that allowed them to recognize themselves in different movements of the internalization of the I.

  16. USA Withdrawal from Paris Agreement – What Next?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergey Chestnoy


    Full Text Available In June 2017, President Trump announced the USA’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which had been ratified for less than a year, thanks in large part to the USA. That drastic shift followed the change in residency at the White House. Withdrawing from the Paris Accord presents an interesting topic for analysis. There’s the practical side of the withdrawal procedure as set out in Article 28 of the agreement, not to mention the consequences of US non-participation in addressing international climate issues. There are other international forums (Such as G8 and G20, which also have an interest in climate related topics. The Article analyses the U.S. position in negotiations and its commitments assumed the moment the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC came into effect until now: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, financial aid and reporting. It also provides general analysis of national legal obligations under the Paris Accord, ratification of that agreement in general and in particularly another that took place in the USA, it focuses on the specifics of withdrawal. The specified three-year period from the Agreement becoming active, after which any party may withdraw from it (2019, is a noteworthy detail. It is well-known that the Paris Agreement provides a framework that does not impose individual national commitments or a commitment to a compliance system. In essence, and from a legal point of view, it is nonbinding. This was what allowed the USA to accept the terms of the accord relatively quickly and to use the simplified procedure, which by-passed Congress. In the opinion of the authors, President Trump’s resolution to withdraw should, possibly, be considered as a simple continuation of his election discourse and the fulfilment of a campaign promise. Additionally, President Trump’s declared intent to review the Paris Accord has legal grounds on which to launch further international negotiations

  17. Josephinische Bibliothek und medizinhistorische Bestände der Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien [The Josephinian Library and the medical-historic stock of the University Library of the Medical University of Vienna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albrecht, Harald


    Full Text Available [english] The University Library of the Medical University of Vienna, founded in 2004, is the most extensive medical library in Austria. It possesses an outstanding medical-historic stock which is basically stored in its Branch Library of Medical History. This unique stock also is a historical source itself because it represents the development of the supply of the Medical Faculty of Vienna, Viennese hospitals and medical societies with scientific literature and information during the last centuries. The brunch library contains several remarkable special-collections such as the Josephinian Library, the Library of Neurology (Obersteiner-Library, the Library of the Society of Physicians in Vienna or the Library of the Austrian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.In order to deal with its own history the University Library runs a provenance-research project to identify expropriated goods transferred to its stock during the Nazi-regime and restores them to their rightful owners. It also runs a weblog-series “Displaced 1938”, which is about displaced members of the Medical Faculty of Vienna during World . Currently it establishes a bio-bibliographical online-portal about exponents of the so called “Vienna Medical School(s” between 1750 and 1950 as well as an online bookplate database.To improve the access to large parts of the stock the ancient card indexes got digitalized (including OCR-reading and have been online since 2010. Supplementary the University Library of the Medical University of Vienna engages in the European cooperation on E-books on Demand (EOD.[german] Die Universitätsbibliothek der 2004 errichteten Medizinischen Universität Wien ist die größte medizinische Fachbibliothek in Österreich. Sie verfügt auch über bedeutende medizinhistorische Bestände, die überwiegend in der Zweigbibliothek für Geschichte der Medizin untergebracht sind und auch eine Quelle für die Entwicklung der Literatur- und

  18. What does the Paris Agreement mean for adaptation?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lesnikowski, Alexandra; Ford, James; Biesbroek, Robbert; Berrang-Ford, Lea; Maillet, Michelle; Araos, Malcolm; Austin, Stephanie E.


    The Paris Agreement takes a significant step forward in strengthening the adaptation pillar of global climate policy. By widening the normative framing around adaptation, calling for stronger adaptation commitments from states, being explicit about the multilevel nature of adaptation governance, and

  19. Comparação do uso de drogas entre universitários brasileiros, norte-americanos e jovens da população geral brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederico Eckschmidt


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar o uso de drogas entre os universitários e a população geral brasileira, assim como com os universitários norte-americanos, identificando possíveis diferenças de uso pela interferência da cultura. MÉTODOS: Para comparar o uso de drogas na vida entre as populações de interesse, foram utilizados os dados públicos de levantamentos estatísticos brasileiros realizados com universitários e a população geral, assim como levantamento estatístico norte-americano, por meio da comparação de intervalos de confiança (IC 95%. RESULTADOS: O uso de drogas na vida é mais frequente entre os estudantes norte-americanos, que relatam usar mais tabaco, tranquilizantes, maconha, ecstasy, alucinógenos, cocaína, crack e heroína que os universitários brasileiros. Em contrapartida, os universitários brasileiros relatam usar quase duas vezes mais inalantes do que os universitários norte-americanos. Esse padrão se repete ao se analisarem as diferenças intragênero. A isso se soma que os universitários brasileiros parecem envolver-se com mais frequência no uso de bebidas alcoólicas, maconha, tranquilizantes, inalantes, alucinógenos e anfetamínicos que seus pares da população geral brasileira. CONCLUSÕES: Conhecer as particularidades do uso de drogas entre os universitários é de suma importância para a detecção precoce desse consumo. Investimentos nesse segmento e diferenças de sexo devem ser contempladas nas políticas preventivas, assim como na elaboração de estratégias para a redução e o controle desse consumo, como programas de triagem e intervenção breve, uma vez que possuem a melhor relação custo-benefício.

  20. U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement: Reasons, impacts, and China's response


    Hai-Bin Zhang; Han-Cheng Dai; Hua-Xia Lai; Wen-Tao Wang


    Applying qualitative and quantitative methods, this article explains the driving forces behind U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, assesses the impacts of this withdrawal on the compliance prospects of the agreement, and proposes how China should respond. The withdrawal undercuts the foundation of global climate governance and upsets the process of climate cooperation, and the impacts are manifold. The withdrawal undermines the universality of the Pari...

  1. Illustrated & Dissected: Professor Richard Sawdon Smith. (United States)


    This Alternative Gallery feature introduces the photographic artist Professor Richard Sawdon Smith. Professor Sawdon Smith's work stems around a fascination with representations of anatomy that have been fuelled by his experience as a hospital patient. The work has allowed him to explore ideas through the use of medical illustrations which include early anatomical drawings, personal medical photography and facial modelling. The work highlights how such imagery can be used in the context of a patient seeking understanding and acceptance of ill health and disease using the body as a canvas on which to translate the experience.

  2. Could US mayors achieve the entire US Paris climate target? (United States)

    Gurney, K. R.; Huang, J.; Hutchins, M.; Liang, J.


    After the recent US Federal Administration announcement not to adhere to the Paris Accords, 359 mayors (and counting) in the US pledged to maintain their commitments, reducing emissions within their jurisdictions by 26-28% from their 2005 levels by the year 2025. While important, this leaves a large portion of the US landscape, and a large amount of US emissions, outside of the Paris commitment. With Federal US policy looking unlikely to change, could additional effort by US cities overcome the gap in national policy and achieve the equivalent US national Paris commitment? How many cities would be required and how deep would reductions need to be? Up until now, this question could not be reliably resolved due to lack of data at the urban scale. Here, we answer this question with new data - the Vulcan V3.0 FFCO2 emissions data product - through examination of the total US energy related CO2 emissions from cities. We find that the top 500 urban areas in the US could meet the national US commitment to the Paris Accords with a reduction of roughly 30% below their 2015 levels by the year 2025. This is driven by the share of US emissions emanating from cities, particularly the largest cohort. Indeed, as the number of urban areas taking on CO2 reduction targets grows, the less the reduction burden on any individual city. In this presentation, we provide an analysis of US urban CO2 emissions and US climate policy, accounting for varying definitions of urban areas, emitting sectors and the tradeoff between the number of policy-active cities and the CO2 reduction burden.

  3. Assessment of indoor environment in Paris child day care centers. (United States)

    Roda, Célina; Barral, Sophie; Ravelomanantsoa, Hanitriniala; Dusséaux, Murielle; Tribout, Martin; Le Moullec, Yvon; Momas, Isabelle


    Children are sensitive to indoor environmental pollution. Up until now there has been a lack of data on air quality in child day care centers. The aim of this study is to document the indoor environment quality of Paris child day care centers by repeated measurements, and to compare pollutant levels in child day care centers with levels in Paris dwellings. We selected 28 child day care centers frequented by a random sample of babies who participated in the PARIS birth cohort environmental investigation, and visited the child day care centers for one week twice in one year. Biological contaminants assessed were fungi, endotoxin, dust mite allergens, and chemical pollutants: aldehydes, volatile organic compounds and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Relative humidity, temperature, and carbon dioxide levels were measured simultaneously. A standardized questionnaire was used to gather information about the buildings and their inhabitants. Airborne endotoxin levels in child day care centers were higher than those found in Paris dwellings. Dust mite allergens in child day care centers were below the threshold level for sensitization in the majority of samples, and in common with dwelling samples. Penicillium and Cladosporium were the most commonly identified genera fungi. The child day care center indoor/outdoor ratio for most chemical pollutants was above unity except for NO2, the levels for NO2 being significantly higher than those measured in homes. Chemical and biological contamination in child day care centers appears to be low, apart from endotoxin and NO2. Failure to take child exposure in child day care centers into account could result in an overestimation of children's exposure to other pollutants. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Revision of the Paris and Brussels Conventions of Nuclear Liability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyners, P.


    The Contracting Parties to the 1960 Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy and to the 1963 Brussels Convention Supplementary to the Paris Convention, have concluded this Spring four years of negotiation on the revision of these instruments. This exercise was itself started as a logical consequence of the adoption in 1997 of a revised Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and of a Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage. The Contracting Parties have concluded that the existing regime established by these Conventions remains viable and sound but that it also warrants improvements to ensure that greater financial security will be available to compensate a potentially larger number of victims in respect of a broader range of nuclear damage. A number of more technical amendments have also been agreed, in particular to ensure compatibility with other existing Conventions in this field. When the revised Paris and Brussels Conventions come into force, the total amount of funds available for compensation, provided by the liable nuclear operator and by the States concerned, will be 1.5 billion euros. (author)

  5. [Professor Kazimierz Jaegermann--forensic pathologist--scientist--thinker]. (United States)

    Nasiłowski, Władysław


    Professor Kazimierz Jaegermann, a founder of the theory of medico-legal opinionating, passed away 20 years ago. Numerous specialists in forensic medicine and an ever increasing number of lawyers substantiate the importance and value of the creative thought and the entire research work of Professor Jaegermann that have been an inspiration of progress in forensic medicine and in the science of applied law. His unique ability to perform a scientific synthesis leading to recognizing forensic medicine as an applied bridging knowledge points to the eminently creative role played by Professor Jaegermann in development of forensic medicine. There is an urgent need to recall his research activities and to publish a complete collection of his articles and publications. With this idea in mind, I present below an article based on the text published in No. 1 of the Zeszyty Naukowe Katedry Medycyny Sadowej Slaskiej Akademii Medycznej in 1995.

  6. Proceedings of the IEEE 2003 Neural Networks for Signal Processing Workshop

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jan

    to express our appreciation and gratitude to all these contributors. Our warmest, special thanks go to our organizers for the special sessions and plenary speakers: Dr. Edgardo Ferran of Sanofi-Synthelabo Recherche Labège (France), Professor Gérard Dreyfus of L’ESPCI, Paris (France), Professor Rita Casadio...

  7. Professor Alex Callinicos


    Ali Saqer


    Professor Alex Callinicos is a renowned social theorist and scholar of international political economy. He conducts research on Marx and Marxism, European social and political theory, contemporary political philosophy, critical theory, historiography, and international political economy. His work provides invaluable insights on issues of race and racism, social justice, the Third Way, imperialism, austerity, and EU politics, among many other fascinating contemporary issues. Alex studied Philo...

  8. Professor Wolfgang Panofsky

    CERN Multimedia


    "Professor Wolfgang panofsky, who died on September 24 aged 88, was a particle physicists and director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC) in California; with Jack Steinberger, he was the first to isolate the neutral pi meson, one of the subatomic particles which had been predicted by theoretical scientists to account for the strng force which binds the nuclei of atoms." (1 page)

  9. Dois manuais de história para professores: histórias de sua produção Two history manuals for teachers: histories of their production

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    Kazumi Munakata


    Full Text Available A Campanha do Livro Didático e Manuais de Ensino (Caldeme, instituída por Anísio Teixeira quando este assumiu o Instituto Nacional de Estudos Pedagógicos (Inep, em 1952, buscou produzir livros didáticos e manuais para professores, entre outros materiais didáticos. Os manuais de História do Brasil e História Geral, para professores, foram encomendados a, respectivamente, Americo Jacobina Lacombe e Carlos Delgado de Carvalho, em 1953. Este artigo acompanha a produção desses manuais, apresentando, na medida do possível, os sujeitos nela envolvidos. Os conflitos e debates são expressos em um momento particular da história educacional e se articulam ao processo de mudanças também da produção historiográfica, podendo-se identificar as relações entre as diferentes esferas de produção didática. A escolha de professores universitários para a composição de obras didáticas situa as clivagens entre produções acadêmicas e as de caráter pedagógico. Nessa perspectiva situam-se as diferenças de projetos universitários perante o problema de formação de professores. Espera-se com isso elucidar aspectos de uma política pública educacional, de âmbito federal, até agora pouco investigada. Além disso, ao acompanhar as discussões suscitadas durante a elaboração desses manuais, procura examinar as concepções sobre história e ensino de história que então se confrontaram, assim como as aproximações e separações entre a produção acadêmica e a escolar.When he took up the direction of the National Institute for Pedagogical Studies (Instituto Nacional de Estudos Pedagógicos - INEP in 1952, Anísio Teixeira started the Schoolbook and Teaching Manual Campaign (Campanha do Livro Didático e Manuais de Ensino - CALDEME with the objective of producing schoolbooks and teaching manuals, among other didactic material. The Brazilian History and World History manuals for teachers were ordered in 1953 to Americo Jacobina Lacombe

  10. Walter Benjamin e Paris: individualidade e trabalho intelectual

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    Renato Ortiz


    Full Text Available Este artigo é uma leitura do texto de Walter Benjamin Paris capital do século XIX. A partir do conjunto de anotações que Benjamin faz de diversos livros consultados, principalmente durante sua pesquisa na Bibliothèque Nationale, o autor pretende trabalhar a noção de indivíduo vinculando-a a dois temas. Primeiro, a emergência do flâneur como tradução do espírito de mobilidade que se inaugura com a modernidade. Para isso a discussão sobre a noção de espaço, particularmente no que diz respeito a cidade de Paris, é importante. O flâneur surge assim como um indivíduo desenraizado que se locomove através do espaço urbano remodelado. Segundo, uma aproximação entre o ato da flânerie e o trabalho intelectual. Considerando a flânerie como uma atividade intelectual o autor mostra como os temas do distanciamento e da construção do objeto são relevantes tanto para o flâneur-detetive quanto para a reflexão nas ciências sociais.This paper is an interpretation of Walter Benjamins Paris, Capital of the 19th Century. Based on the notes Benjamin made on several books he read, mainly during his research at the Bibliotèque Nationale, the author discusses the notion of the individual linking it to two themes. First, to the emergence of the flâneur as a translation of the spirit of mobility which starts with modernity. The discussion on the notion of space, especially where it concerns Paris, is essential for this analysis. The flâneur is seen as an uprooted individual who moves around the remodelled urban space. Second, to the proximity between the act of flânerie and that of intellectual work. Taking flânerie to be intellectual activity, the author shows how the themes of the distancing and the construction of the object are relevant, both to the detective-flâneur and to the reflection in social sciences.

  11. Relações entre conteúdo e forma de conhecimentos e práticas pedagógicas em Geociências: imaginário de futuros professores numa disciplina de licenciatura Relations between shape and content of Geoscience pedagogical knowledge and practice: imaginary of future teachers at an undergraduate teaching license discipline

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    Henrique César da Silva


    Full Text Available Pesquisas e reflexões sobre ensino, história e epistemologia das Ciências da Terra têm sido desenvolvidas, em grande parte, intimamente associadas às práticas docentes dos professores/pesquisadores universitários. Nessa mesma perspectiva, buscamos neste trabalho compreender relações que os estudantes de licenciatura em Geografia estabelecem entre o conteúdo/forma trabalhado numa disciplina universitária e o conteúdo/forma profissional, ou seja, pensado na relação com a escola básica, com o tornar-se professor. As respostas dos estudantes a uma questão por nós formulada indicou como eles representaram uma das atividades desenvolvidas na disciplina na relação com seu imaginário sobre ser professor da educação básica. As análises mostraram também que essas significações se produzem de maneiras muito diferentes entre os estudantes, fazendo intervir no imaginário a partir do qual essas significações se produzem, aspectos da memória escolar de alguns estudantes e da maneira como representam o conhecimento escolar e as práticas de ensino na disciplina Geografia da educação básica. As análises mostraram que a atividade não é transparente quanto ao que seja o "conteúdo" de ensino da atividade, posto que essas significações são o trabalho de diferentes memórias discursivas, implicado em diferentes posições-aluno. Este estudo aponta para a importância de considerar e para a possibilidade de trabalhar com os imaginários dos futuros professores sobre ensino na relação que estabelecem com os conteúdos/formas em suas disciplinas científicas universitárias.Research and studies about teaching, history and epistemology of Earth Sciences have been developed strongly associated with undergraduate teachers/researchers teaching practices. At the same way, in this work we aimed at comprehending the relationships that geography undergraduate students establish between the content/shape developed within a scientific

  12. Embedding the logic of the Paris Agreement into the new Regulation on Governance of the Energy Union

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voss-Stemping, Judith; Sartor, Oliver; Colombier, Michel


    To safeguard the climate and to keep the temperatures targets of the Paris Agreement within reach, determined climate action of global players, such as the European Union (EU) and its Member States, is needed more than ever. The Paris Agreement sets out a clear process to review and raise ambition embarking on a long-term transformation of the global economy. To ensure that this process and the logic of the Paris Agreement is adequately embedded in the into the new Regulation on Governance of the Energy Union, IDDRI identifies the long-term strategies, iterative process and inherent time-line of the Paris Agreement as points of vigilance

  13. "They Are Weighted with Authority": Fat Female Professors in Academic and Popular Cultures (United States)

    Fisanick, Christina


    The images of fat professors encountered in popular culture are few in number and negative in depiction. In this article, the author discusses on how will the professorial body affect the way in which students perceive the professor's teaching abilities. The author concludes that bias against fat professors, professors of color, and other…

  14. Wanted: More Squares Among Professors (United States)

    Fisher, William H.


    Professors who see the world and life in a context of sincerely held religious beliefs should be given the same tolerance and understanding which atheists and agnostics used to demand for themselves. (AD)

  15. Paris saponin-induced autophagy promotes breast cancer cell apoptosis via the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway. (United States)

    Xie, Zhan-Zhi; Li, Man-Mei; Deng, Peng-Fei; Wang, Sheng; Wang, Lei; Lu, Xue-Ping; Hu, Liu-Bing; Chen, Zui; Jie, Hui-Yang; Wang, Yi-Fei; Liu, Xiao-Xiao; Liu, Zhong


    Paris saponins possess anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects. However, the anticancer effect of Paris saponins has not been well elucidated and the mechanisms underlying the potential function of Paris saponins in cancer therapy are needed to be further identify. In this study, we report that saponin compounds isolated from Paris polyphylla exhibited antitumor activity against breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231. Paris saponin XA-2 induced apoptosis in both cell lines, as evidenced by the activation of caspases and cleavage of Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase. The ability of XA-2 to induce autophagy was confirmed by acridine orange staining, accumulation of autophagosome-bound Long chain 3 (LC3)-II, and measurement of autophagic flux. XA-2-induced autophagy was observed to promote apoptosis by the combined treatment of breast cancer cell lines with XA-2 and autophagy inhibitors 3-methyladenine and bafilomycin A1, respectively. Moreover, we report a decrease in the levels of Akt/mTOR signaling pathway proteins, such as the phosphorylated forms of Akt, mTOR, P70S6K, and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP1). Taken together, these results provide important insights explaining the anticancer activity of Paris saponins and the potential development of XA-2 as a new therapeutic agent. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. [Effects of low-light stress on photosynthetic characteristics of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis in artificial domestication cultivation]. (United States)

    Zheng, Shun-lin; Tian, Meng-liang; Liu, Jin-liang; Zhao, Ting-ting; Zhang, Zhong


    To decide on the optimum artificial domestication cultivation light environment for Paris polyphylla var. chinensis through investigating the effect of light intensity on leaf's gas exchange parameters, photosynthetic parameters, light saturation point and compensation point of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis. Different low-light stress gradients' effect on the growth of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis was compared with no low-light stress treatment through calculating leaf's gas exchange parameters, photosynthetic parameters, light saturation point and compensation point, and then all these parameters were statistically analyzed. Light intensity had significant influence on the photosynthetic characteristics of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis. With the strengthening of the low-light stress, chlorophyll content, gas exchange parameters, photosynthetic parameters P., AQY and light saturation point all gradually increased at first, and then decreased. However, both photosynthetic parameters Rd and light compensation point firstly decreased and then rose again. These results showed that too strong or too weak light intensity affected the optimization of photosynthetic parameters of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis. The optimal illuminance for each parameter was not completely same, but they could all reach a relative ideal state when the shading ranges between 40% and 60%. However, photosynthetic parameters deteriorated rapidly when the shading surpass 80%. For artificially cultivating Paris polyphylla var. chinensis in Baoxing,Sichuan or the similar ecological region, shading 40%-60% is the optimal light environment, which can enhance the photosynthesis of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis and promote the accumulation of photosynthetic products.

  17. Les universités africaines ont besoin d'une bande passante fiable et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    12 oct. 2010 ... La plupart des universités africaines paient environ cent fois plus cher que celles du Canada pour se brancher à Internet. Le CRDI contribue aux efforts déployés pour résoudre ce problème.

  18. Saúde vocal e o impacto na qualidade de vida de estudantes universitários

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    Lucíola D'Emery Siqueira


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Objetivo: avaliar o impacto da voz na qualidade de vida e conhecer os cuidados pessoais relacionados à saúde vocal entre estudantes universitários, e, relacionar qualidade de vida e cuidados vocais. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo transversal, com aplicação do protocolo Qualidade de Vida e Voz e um questionário para conhecer os cuidados relacionados à voz em 56 estudantes que participaram de uma intervenção educativa. Resultados: a média dos escores do protocolo foi de médio impacto para os domínios físico (72,45 e global (77,4, baixo impacto para o domínio socioemocional (85. Em relação aos cuidados com a saúde vocal, caracterizaram-se como saberes de senso comum, concentrados em ações da fisiologia das pregas vocais. Não houve diferença estatística do impacto da voz na qualidade de vida entre os estudantes que lecionavam e aqueles que apenas estudavam. Conclusão: o estudo evidenciou que os estudantes não têm grandes problemas com o impacto da voz na sua qualidade de vida. O estudante durante a graduação não dispõe de conhecimentos suficientes em relação aos cuidados com a voz, o que torna fundamental abordar esse tema na formação profissional. Percebeu-se a necessidade de fomentar um processo de conscientização do autocuidado e de reflexões críticas acerca das condições laborais impostas ao professor.

  19. L'université aujourd'hui | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Depuis ses origines médiévales à nos jours, l'Université a joué un rôle important dans le développement et la transmission du savoir. Mais à la fin du XXe siècle, après 40 années d'expansion ininterrompue, l'institution de haut savoir subit partout des contraintes financières.

  20. EDITORIAL: Welcome to the 2013 volume Welcome to the 2013 volume (United States)

    Garcia, Ephrahim


    Professor Derek Abbott, Professor Alison Flatau, Professor Jinsong Leng and Professor Yuji Matsuzaki who have retired from the Board. Professor Matsuzaki worked on the journal for almost two decades. Associate Editors Professor G Akhras, Royal Military College of Canada, Ontario, Canada Professor C Boller, University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany; Fraunhofer-Institut für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren, Dresden, Germany Professor Cagnol, École Centrale Paris, France Professor G Carman, University of California-Los Angeles, USA Professor S-B Choi, Inha University, Incheon, Korea Professor S H Choi, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA Professor A Del Grosso, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy Professor D Erickson, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Professor U Gabbert, Universität Magdeburg, Germany Professor A Güemes, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain Professor S Gopalakrishnan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Professor J Kim, Inha University, Incheon, Korea Professor K J Kim, University of Nevada, Reno, USA Professor S J Kim, Seoul National University, Korea Professor D Lagoudas, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Professor R Lammering, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Professor C K Lee, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Professor W Li, University of Wollongong, Australia Professor W H Liao, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Professor Y Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Professor C S Lynch, University of California-Los Angeles, USA Professor S Masri, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA Professor W M Ostachowicz, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland Professor K Peters, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA Professor M Shahinpoor, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA Professor H Sodano, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA Professor G Song, University of Houston, TX, USA Professor W J Staszewski, AGH University of Science

  1. La tortuosa via della didattica online nell’università

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    Andreas Formiconi


    Full Text Available The article discusses the online learning in the context of Italian university. First, an historical perspective of the broader field of distance education is reviewed. Then, the best practices for online teaching are discussed. Before facing the MOOC hype, the state of affairs in Italian University is presented and, successively, the very peculiar phenomenon of the Italian “università telematiche”  is focused. The article ends with some ideas about the actions required to introduce online practices in the Italian university.

  2. Subjective well-being and time use of brazilian PhD professors

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    Maiana Farias Oliveira Nunes


    Full Text Available The university professor suffers high pressure to achieve productivity and performs under work conditions that are not always satisfactory. This study seeks to analyze the subjective well-being, the time-use strategies, and the satisfaction with their use of time of PhD-holding professors with and without productivity grants from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq. A total of 83 professors participated in the study (48 with productivity grants, with an average age of 50 years. A total of 89% of participants were from public institutions. The majority of the participants exhibited high levels of negative affect and low-average levels of satisfaction with their use of time. There was no difference in the subjective well-being or in the satisfaction with the use of time when comparing professors who had received a CNPq grant with professors who had not received a CNPq grant. The most important reason for dissatisfaction with the use of time was an excess of work, whereas peer recognition was the primary achievement obtained with the work. How work demands and conditions influence the well-being of the professors is discussed in this study.

  3. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé - Vol ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Universite de Lome. ... V.J. Mama, J Oloukoi, F.C. Biaou, R Tete, 231-247 ... Etat des lieux et profil de l'imagerie par resonance magnetique dans l'exploration du cancer de la prostate au Togo · EMAIL ...

  4. As bibliotecas universitárias em perspectiva histórica: a caminho do desenvolvimento durável


    Nunes, Martha Suzana Cabral; Carvalho, Kátia de


    RESUMO Apresenta a evolução das bibliotecas universitárias como instituições seculares, cuja evolução dá-se a partir do crescimento bibliográfico e do surgimento das primeiras universidades na Idade Média. O objetivo desse artigo é compreender a evolução das bibliotecas universitárias em uma perspectiva histórica de modo a identificar suas características específicas, seus agentes e os dispositivos adotados por essas instituições difusoras do conhecimento. Utilizou-se de pesquisa bibliográfic...

  5. German-French Case Study: Using Multi-Online Tools to Collaborate across Borders (United States)

    Brautlacht, Regina; Ducrocq, Csilla


    This paper examines how students learn to collaborate in English by participating in an intercultural project that focuses on teaching students to work together on a digital writing project using various online tools, and documents their reflections working in an intercultural context. Students from Université Paris Sud Orsay and Bonn…

  6. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... Cagliari, Italy; IPN, Univ. de Paris-Sud and CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France; Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria and INFN-Torino, Italy; INR, Moscow, Russia; Also at Fac. Physics and Nuclear Techniques, Univ. Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland; CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ...

  7. Elaborating Article 15 of the Paris Agreement: Facilitating Implementation and Promoting Compliance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biniaz, Susan


    As climate negotiations reopen on November, 6 at COP23 in Bonn to advance the concrete implementation of the different provisions of the Paris Agreement, this paper aims to take stock of the open questions of Article 15. They concern the role of the Committee responsible for 'facilitating compliance and promoting implementation'. First, the paper outlines what was already decided in Paris in 2015 as well as the issues still to be resolved by the end of 2018. These include the scope of its application, the means to initiate Article 15 as well as the outcomes that the committee can produce and the tools it should have at its disposal. Keeping in mind Paris Agreement's uniqueness and its philosophy, the author attempts to identify the added value of Article 15's mechanism and suggests ways to address the respective expectations and concerns of Parties, in order to progress towards a consensual resolution that is acceptable to a large number of Parties

  8. The Effects of Professors' Race and Gender on Student Evaluations and Performance (United States)

    Basow, Susan A.; Codos, Stephanie; Martin, Julie L.


    This experimental study examined the effects of professor gender, professor race, and student gender on student ratings of teaching effectiveness and amount learned. After watching a three-minute engineering lecture presented by a computer-animated professor who varied by gender and race (African American, White), female and male undergraduates…

  9. Colaboração docente online na educação universitária

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    Rodolfo Esteban Ávila

    Full Text Available A colaboração docente on-line permite a criação de comunidades virtuais. As ferramentas virtuais de uma equipe em rede permitem criar aulas virtuais em diferentes localizações geográficas. Estes ambientes permitem na educação a transferência do conhecimento entre alunos e docentes, incluindo atividades síncronas e assíncronas. Neste trabalho descrevemos nossa experiência em colaboração docente on-line, utilizando ferramentas virtuais na educação universitária. Os softwares utilizados foram 1-Skype: Software de aplicação para chamadas na Internet (VoIP. 2- LAN: Aula virtual digital disponibilizado em Estas mídias foram utilizadas em dias e locais de transmissão e recepção diferentes. Os temas foram: 1-"Como preparar uma videoconferência", 2-"Importância das TICs na docência Universitária", 3-"Plataformas virtuais com bases de dados automatizadas na busca bibliográfica", 4-"Uso do laboratório virtual no ensino de Biologia Celular, Histologia e Embriologia". As ferramentas virtuais permitem a colaboração on-line de docentes localizados em diferentes localizações geográficas, além de formar recursos humanos que as usarão para melhorar o desempenho da educação universitária.

  10. Student and Professor Gender Effects in Introductory Business Statistics (United States)

    Haley, M. Ryan; Johnson, Marianne F.; Kuennen, Eric W.


    Studies have yielded highly mixed results as to differences in male and female student performance in statistics courses; the role that professors play in these differences is even less clear. In this paper, we consider the impact of professor and student gender on student performance in an introductory business statistics course taught by…

  11. Paris and its long-term temperature goal: First steps on a long road (United States)

    Rogelj, J.


    As a means to achieve its long-term temperature goal, the Paris Agreement put in place a system of regularly updated country pledges alternating with global stocktaking exercises that assess progress towards achieving the Paris goals. By now, the vast majority of countries have submitted their intended actions (also known as Nationally Determined Contributions - NDCs). This begs the question what these amount to and whether they are in line with the agreement`s long-term temperature goal. A structured sensitivity analysis of the emissions implications of the Paris pledges has been carried out, showing that the ambiguity and imprecision of the NDCs leaves open a wide range of possible outcomes by 2030. This range has important implications for the feasibility and cost of pathways that attempt to limit warming to the temperature goals of the Agreement. We identify salient steps to reduce the overall uncertainty, and explore the minimum requirements that have to be met for integrated energy-economy-land models to still find options to stay within the temperature limits of the Paris Agreement. These requirements come under the form of near-term emissions reductions, and assumptions about the deployment of carbon-dioxide removal technologies in the second half of the century.

  12. Análise multivariante em índices antropométricos e ingestão energética em estudantes universitários

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    Mauricio Jesús Rivas Gil


    Full Text Available   O excesso de peso é considerado uma epidemia que afeta muitos indivíduos no mundo e a sua prevenção é um desafio para os pesquisadores da área da Saúde Pública. Através da antropometria e do estudo da ingestão energética e a sua associação, podemos inferir o estado nutricional dos sujeitos. Nosso objetivo é estudar a relação entre os índices antropométricos e a ingestão energética em estudantes universitários e pré-universitários para analisar as possíveis diferenças que possam se apresentar entre uns e outros, quanto às suas características morfológicas e nutricionais, o que pode ser útil para desenhar políticas de estudo, saúde e alimentação no país e nas universidades. Foram avaliados 308 estudantes universitários e pré-universitários do sexo masculino da Universidade Central da Venezuela, entre 16 e 29 anos. Foram tomadas 6 medidas antropométricas para estimar 4 índices antropométricos. A ingestão calórica foi calculada a partir de uma enquete de consumo. Para o estudo das relações, utilizou-se a Análise de Correspondências Múltiplas. Em todos os eixos, foram observadas as relações entre as modalidades de excesso e déficit dos índices antropométricos e da ingestão energética, evidenciando a relação entre o excesso de peso e a ingestão excessiva de calorias, bem como a relação entre a ingestão deficitária de energia e o baixo peso. Os estudantes pré-universitários se associaram com os valores baixos e deficitários e os estudantes universitários se relacionaram com os valores altos, o que pode ter sido causado pela freqüente utilização do refeitório universitário por parte dos últimos.

  13. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé - Vol ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Universite de Lome. ... de l'or sur les ressources naturelles à Kemeni (région centrale du Togo). .... Impact de la reconfiguration d'un réseau de distribution d'énergie électrique sur les pertes en ligne.

  14. Motivação em universitários: análises de teses e dissertações entre 2000 e 2011

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    Alan Antunes Pereira

    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo, documental metanálise, refere-se às pesquisas realizadas (2000-2011, tendo em vista a leitura relativa à produção sobre motivação em universitários. A questão norteadora se volta à produção de conhecimento em dado período, avaliando-se o que contribui ou dificulta a motivação dos estudantes. Os objetivos gerais abrangem a identificação da produção científica e conhecimento do perfil das publicações na base eleita (Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações assim como o conhecimento dos aspectos vinculados - elementos promotores e barreiras. O corpus constitui-se de resumos de teses e dissertações (17. Há, ligeiramente, um maior número de dissertações em comparação às teses, com concentração de estudos (teórico-empíricos quantitativos no estado de São Paulo, oriundos de instituições públicas. O espectro de teses e dissertações é provavelmente maior do que o analisado na base consultada. Questões contextuais, pessoais e, presentes na relação professor-aluno são abordadas, elementos estes relativos à motivação, ora favorecendo, ora dificultando.

  15. The Paris Agreement: end of the climate multilateralism crisis or evolution in chiaroscuro?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavallee, Sophie; Maljean-Dubois, Sandrine


    After a decade of chaotic negotiations, the twenty-first Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change managed on 12 December 12 2015 to agree on the text of an international treaty, the Paris Agreement, preceded by a COP decision aiming both to explain and prepare the entry into force of the treaty. Is this compromise text marking a significant step or is it a weak agreement incapable to alter our medium and long term trajectories of emissions of greenhouse gases? Tracing the process that led to its adoption helps to better understand the substantive and procedural contribution of the Paris agreement, without denying its limits. As a new brick in the complex architecture of the climate regime, the Paris Agreement is more the beginning of a new era for climate diplomacy, full of uncertainties, than a final stage

  16. The PCNA-associated protein PARI negatively regulates homologous recombination via the inhibition of DNA repair synthesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burkovics, Peter; Dome, Lili; Juhasz, Szilvia


    to inhibit homologous recombination (HR) events. Here, we describe a biochemical mechanism in which PARI functions as an HR regulator after replication fork stalling and during double-strand break repair. In our reconstituted biochemical system, we show that PARI inhibits DNA repair synthesis during...... recombination events in a PCNA interaction-dependent way but independently of its UvrD-like helicase domain. In accordance, we demonstrate that PARI inhibits HR in vivo, and its knockdown suppresses the UV sensitivity of RAD18-depleted cells. Our data reveal a novel human regulatory mechanism that limits...

  17. Competências de Professores: um fator competitivoCompetences of Professors: a competitive advantageCompetencias de Profesores: un factor competitivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    NASSIF, Vânia Maria Jorge


    Full Text Available RESUMOO objetivo dessa pesquisa foi o de verificar se a função Recursos Humanos das universidades privadas brasileiras estimula o desenvolvimento das competências do professor necessário para aumentar a competitividade das mesmas. A pesquisa qualitativa foi conduzida por meio de entrevistas com principais executivos das universidades. Uma outra pesquisa quantitativa foi desenvolvida por meio de um questionário fechado e auto-aplicável em 282 professores. A análise fatorial gerou algumas categorias de competências do professor. Os resultados revelaram que os professores reconhecem as competências necessárias para o exercício da docência, por outro lado, as universidades não percebem as ações e práticas de Recursos Humanos que facilitam o desenvolvimento dessas competências, propiciando um diferencial competitivo no ambiente acadêmico.ABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to verify if the Human Resources function in five Brazilian private universities stimulates the development and the exercise of the professor’s competences needed to raise their competitiveness. A qualitative research was conducted interviewing top management and Human Resources professionals of these universities. Another quantitative research was carried out using a self applied and closed questionnaire answered by 282 professors. A factor analysis identified 12 factors of professor’s competences that are viewed fundamental to exercise teacher’s function. Results revealed the professors recognize what are the competencies needed; however, the universities do not realize Human Resources actions facilitating them to develop these competences, promoting competitiveness in the academic market.RESUMENEsta investigación tuvo por finalidad verificar si la función Recursos Humanos de las universidades privadas brasileñas estimula el desarrollo de las competencias del profesor, necesario para aumentar la competitividad de las mismas. La investigaci

  18. Welcome to the 2014 volume of Smart Materials and Structures (United States)

    Garcia, Ephrahim


    last year after many years in service as Associate Editors. Associate Editors in 2013: Professor G Akhras, Royal Military College of Canada, Ontario, Canada Professor C Boller, University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany Fraunhofer-Institut für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren, Dresden, Germany Professor J Cagnol, École Centrale Paris, France Professor G Carman, University of California-Los Angeles, USA Professor S-B Choi, Inha University, Incheon, Korea Professor S H Choi, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA Professor A Del Grosso, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy Professor A Erturk, Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, USA Professor U Gabbert, Universität Magdeburg, Germany Professor A Güemes, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain Professor S Gopalakrishnan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Professor J Kim, Inha University, Incheon, Korea Professor K J Kim, University of Nevada, Reno, USA Professor S J Kim, Seoul National University, Korea Professor D Lagoudas, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Professor R Lammering, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Professor C K Lee, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Professor W Li, University of Wollongong, Australia Professor W H Liao, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Professor Y Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Professor C S Lynch, University of California-Los Angeles, USA Professor S Masri, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA Professor W M Ostachowicz, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland Professor K Peters, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA Professor M Shahinpoor, University of Maine, Orono, USA Professor H Sodano, University of Florida, Gainsville, USA Professor G Song, University of Houston, TX, USA Professor W J Staszewski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland Professor N Takeda, University of Tokyo, Japan Professor D-H Wang, Chongqing University, China

  19. Paris after Trump: An Inconvenient Insight


    Böhringer, Christoph; Rutherford, Thomas F.


    With his announcement to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement US President Donald Trump has snubbed the international climate policy community. Key remaining parties to the Agreement such as Europe and China might call for carbon tariffs on US imports as a sanctioning instrument to coerce US compliance. Our analysis, however, reveals an inconvenient insight for advocates of carbon tariffs: given the possibility of retaliatory tariffs across all imported goods, carbon tariffs do not constitu...

  20. Le harcèlement sexuel dans les universités au Royaume-Uni et au Mexique


    Mendoza-Morteo, Marlen


    Harcèlement sexuel et violence de genre dans les universités Le problème de la violence de genre et du harcèlement sexuel dans les universités est une réalité mondiale qui existe tant dans les pays du « Nord » que dans ceux du « Sud ». Contrairement aux  mythes qui relient la violence de genre au statut socio-économique ou au niveau éducatif, la violence de genre est un phénomène indépendant de la classe sociale, de  la formation académique et de la race à laquelle on appartient. Cette étude ...

  1. A Group Interview about Publishing with Professor Jack Zipes

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    Emma Louise Parfitt


    Full Text Available The conversation piece is the product of a group interview with Professor Jack Zipes and provides useful insights about publishing for early career researchers across disciplines. Based on his wider experiences as academic and writer, Professor Zipes answered questions from PhD researchers about: writing books, monographs and edited collections; turning a PhD thesis into a monograph; choosing and approaching publishers; and the advantages of editing books and translations. It presents some general advice for writing and publishing aimed at postgraduate students. Professor Zipes is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, United States, a world expert on fairy tales and storytelling highlighting the social and historical dimensions of them. Zipes has forty years of experience publishing academic and mass-market books, editing anthologies, and translating work from French, German and Italian. His best known books are Breaking the Magic Spell (1979, Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion (1983, The Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Cultural and Social History of a Genre (2012, and The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (2014.

  2. Professors of the New Economy. (United States)

    Wilson, Robin


    Profiles four professors who epitomize the increasing influence of academe on new technology-driven Internet business: a start-up maven, Steven Kaplan; a social psychologist, Michael Ray; a cyberlawyer, David Post; and an e-commerce expert, Andrew B. Whinston. (DB)

  3. The College Professor's Professional Liability (United States)

    Griggs, Walter S.; Rubin, Harvey W.


    The growing number of professional liability suits against professors warrants a close examination of the need for and provisions of available insurance coverage. The evolution of tort liability, the question of negligence, and the professional liability policy are discussed. (LBH)

  4. ATLANTIC and beyond: an interview with Professor Azfar Zaman. (United States)

    Zaman, Azfar; Wu, Wing


    Professor Azfar Zaman speaks to Wing Wu, Commissioning Editor: Professor Azfar Zaman is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Freeman Hospital and Professor of Cardiology at Newcastle University. Following graduation at Leeds Medical School, he completed postgraduate training in cardiology at regional centres in Leeds, London and Cardiff. Prior to his appointment in Newcastle upon Tyne, he was a Fulbright Scholar and British Heart Foundation International Fellow at Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, USA. He is the Clinical Lead for Coronary Intervention and Director of the Cardiac Catheter Laboratories. In 2012, he was appointed Specialty Group Lead for Cardiovascular Research and has an interest in clinical research, with a particular interest in atherothrombosis in diabetes and clinical trials.

  5. [Learning styles in medical residents and their professors of a pediatric hospital. (United States)

    Juárez-Muñoz, Irina Elizabeth; Gómez-Negrete, Alonso; Varela-Ruiz, Margarita; Mejía-Aranguré, Juan Manuel; Mercado-Arellano, José Agustín; Sciandra-Rico, Martha Minerva; Matute-González, Mario Manuel


    Background: the learning styles are cognitive, emotional, and psychological characteristics, which function as relatively stable indicators of how teachers and students perceive, interact, and respond to their learning environments. Knowing students' styles allows teachers to have tools to improve medical education. Our objective was to identify learning styles in pediatric residents and professors from a pediatric hospital. Methods: a learning styles questionnaire was applied to residents and theirs professors; data was analyzed in SPSS 12 software. Results: the dominant learning style in pediatric residents was reflexive and for professors was theoretical. There wasn't any difference between sexes or between medical or surgical specialities. There was more correlation between professors and residents when there was an increase in training time. Conclusions: the learning styles between professors and residents are different, especially at the beginning of the medical specialty courses; that's why it is necessary to realize a confrontation between the students' learning styles and teaching methods used by professors to improve significant learning. To know learning styles gives residents an important alternative to find a better study strategy.

  6. Insatisfação com a imagem corporal e fatores associados em universitários

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    Felipe Rocha Alves


    Full Text Available Objetivo: verificar a insatisfação corporal em universitários e sua associação com sexo, faixa etária, área, semestre letivo, turno de estudo, prática de atividade física e ocupação profissional. Método: estudo transversal realizado com 1265 universitários (≤ 18 e ≥ 36 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, de uma instituição particular de ensino superior do município de Caucaia, Ceará. A percepção da imagem corporal foi estimada pela escala de silhuetas proposta por Stunkard. Foram coletadas variáveis sociodemográficas e prática de atividade física regular (sim ou não. Inicialmente, recorreu-se à análise descritiva em valores absolutas (n e relativos (%; em seguida foi empregado o teste do Qui-quadrado, adotando-se p≤0,05. Resultados: do total, 52,3% dos universitários apresentaram insatisfação por excesso de peso. Destes, a maioria era do gênero feminino (33,0%, tinham entre 19 e 25 anos (24,0%, estavam matriculados em semestres intermediários (27,0% e estudavam à noite (36,7%, com diferença significativa (p≤0,001. Em relação à área, um maior percentual apresentou insatisfação por excesso de peso (32,1% e 20,3%, saúde e exatas respectivamente (p≤0,005. Não foi encontrado diferença significativa da imagem corporal, com a prática de atividade física. Considerações finais: os resultados indicaram um elevado percentual de universitários insatisfeitos por excesso de peso. Espera-se que os resultados obtidos possam contribuir para a implantação de estratégias e ações em saúde voltadas a melhor aceitação do corpo.

  7. O professor_: de quem estamos falando mesmo?

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    Santos, Fabiane Konowaluk


    Full Text Available O presente texto procura abordar a temática relacionada à auto-imagem do professor, constatada através de uma enquete e da construção de um website que subsidiou o tensionamento com o real. Segundo Arroyo (2000, p. 124, “carregamos a função que exercemos, que somos e a imagem de professor(a que internalizamos”. Dessa forma, o tema em estudo segue, ainda hoje, sendo altamente significativo, pois não podemos esquecer os momentos históricos, políticos e sociais vivenciados pelos professores, buscando justamente explicações sobre como as questões de auto-imagem, o fazer e suas competências, suas possibilidades e limites e outros tantos fatores que estão a alterar seu comportamento. Arroyo (2000, p. 124 assinala que a auto-imagem docente é apreendida em múltiplos espaços e tempos, em múltiplas vivências, como resultado das condições psicológicas e sociais que afetam sua docência


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    30 juin 2010 ... We obtain a good agreement between the resolution of the nonlinear equation of heat and the results obtained by the experimentation. . Keywords: Emissivity, Température, optimal Linearisation, finite elements. 1. ..... basse température, Rapport de Stage de D.E.A, Université Paris 12 – Val de Marne.

  9. Estilos motivacionais de professores: preferência por controle ou por autonomia

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    Amélia Carolina Terra Alves Machado

    Full Text Available A motivação é fundamental para o envolvimento dos estudantes na escola. Para a teoria da autodeterminação, o estilo motivacional do professor, que pode controlar ou promover a autonomia, contribui para fomentar a ocorrência de tipos qualitativamente diferenciados de motivação. Neste estudo, de natureza exploratória, foram analisadas as interações entre dois professores e seus alunos. A amostra foi composta de acordo com o desempenho de 39 professores na avaliação do estilo motivacional, mediante a aplicação de um instrumento de autorrelato, problemas na escola. Desse total, dois professores, um com estilo motivacional promotor de autonomia e outro com uma orientação para o controle, tiveram suas aulas observadas em sete sessões, com o objetivo de levantar dados para a elaboração de um protocolo que continha categorias de interações. Foram então realizadas outras sete sessões de observação. Os resultados indicaram que, apesar de terem sido encontradas diferenças entre os desempenhos na avaliação do estilo motivacional, os professores interagiram com seus alunos de modo preferencialmente controlador. No entanto, o professor que promovia a autonomia interagiu de modo menos controlador no gerenciamento do tempo destinado para a realização das atividades em classe quando comparado ao professor controlador, além de oferecer feedback informativo. As implicações educacionais dos resultados são analisadas.

  10. Turning Paris into reality at the University of California (United States)

    Victor, David G.; Abdulla, Ahmed; Auston, David; Brase, Wendell; Brouwer, Jack; Brown, Karl; Davis, Steven J.; Kappel, Carrie V.; Meier, Alan; Modera, Mark; Zarin Pass, Rebecca; Phillips, David; Sager, Jordan; Weil, David; TomKat Natural Gas Exit Strategies Working Group


    The Paris Agreement highlights the need for local climate leadership. The University Of California's approach to deep decarbonization offers lessons in efficiency, alternative fuels and electrification. Bending the emissions curve globally requires efforts that blend academic insights with practical solutions.

  11. L'université au service de l'industrie : La vente de services de laboratoire en génie au Canada, 1895-1939

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Auger, J.F.


    Résumé : Ce chapitre traite demande quand et comment les universités ont commencé à répondre aux besoins de recherche des entreprises privées. Il étudie plus particulièrement la commercialisation des services de laboratoire par les universités pour les tests, le contrôle de la qualité et la

  12. Revision of the Paris Convention from the German point of view

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahlmann, Wilfried.


    The paper discusses the revision of the Paris Convention from the German point of view and states how this country has used the possibilities for exceptions provided under the Convention so that German nuclear third party liability legislation differs somewhat from the standards laid down in the Convention. This is explained by a desire to provide increased financial security for the population concerned. After describing various proposed procedures for increasing liability amounts in the Paris Convention and the Brussels Supplementary Convention the author concludes that his country would welcome a revision of the Conventions which would provide increased financial security for the public. (NEA) [fr

  13. Algumas Contingências da Produção Acadêmica Universitária: um Estudo Preliminar

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    Taisa Scarpin Guazi

    Full Text Available Considerando estudos que investigaram correlações positivas entre alta-produtividade acadêmica e problemas orgânicos e psicológicos, esta pesquisa, orientada pelos pressupostos teóricos da Análise do Comportamento, buscou caracterizar algumas contingências envolvidas na produção acadêmica universitária, priorizando os aspectos psicológicos/comportamentais (sentimentos, emoções, pensamentos dessas relações. Participaram deste estudo, de cunho exploratório, três professores bolsistas produtividade em pesquisa do CNPq. Os resultados, obtidos por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada, e discutidos segundo o método de interpretação analítico-comportamental, permitiram identificar contingências distintas que participaram da origem e da manutenção do comportamento de pesquisar. As condições que instalaram o comportamento de estudar eram predominantemente aversivas, marcadas pelo controle por regras e pelo sentimento de responsabilidade. Já o comportamento contemporâneo de pesquisar passou a ser controlado, de modo preponderante, pelas consequências naturais positivas dessa atividade, emergindo, nessas relações, sentimentos de prazer com respeito ao pesquisar. A despeito dessas condições, verificou-se também baixa autoestima e algumas consequências aversivas tardias em diferentes esferas da vida dos entrevistados, decorrentes de uma dedicação exclusiva à academia. Este estudo reitera a necessidade de se delinear caminhos alternativos a uma prática docente permeada por consequências aversivas imediatas ou em longo prazo, construindo condições mais libertárias no exercício da profissão.

  14. L’estudi de casos aplicat a la tutoria universitària


    Recasens i Guitart, Josefina


    Es tracta de la presentació i d'una proposta d'estudi de cas per a treballar en el marc de la tutoria universitària. Va dirigit a l'alumnat de primer curs de Grau de la Facultat de Formació del Professorat de la Universitat de Barcelona, però amb lleugeres modificacions pot ser adpatable a qualsevol programa de tutoria per a alumnat que inicia estudis universitaris.

  15. University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors at Aalborg University (Part 2)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolmos, Anette; Krogh, Lone


    In issue 1-2003, Anette Kolmos and Lone Krogh reported on the two-semester study course " University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors at Aalborg University (DK)". Now, in part 2, they are adressing guidelines for supervison and advising of assistant professors in the university teacher education...

  16. The Paris Agreement to Ignore Reality


    Spash, Clive L.


    At the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Paris, France, 30 November to 11 December 2015, an Agreement was reached by the international community including 195 countries. The Agreement has been hailed, by participants and the media, as a major turning point for policy in the struggle to address human induced climate change. The following is a short critical commentary in which I briefly explain why ...

  17. Faculty Agency in Applying for Promotion to Professor

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    Susan K. Gardner


    Full Text Available Aim/Purpose: In the United States, faculty who wish to pursue promotion to the rank of professor do so without clear guidance or structure. Even the timing of such a process is nebulous. As such, an individual engages in agentic action to pursue the rank. Background: This study examined the experiences of faculty members who chose to pursue the application process to be promoted to professor but were rejected or dissuaded. Methodology: Utilizing a case study of one institutional setting, we conducted 10 in-depth qualitative interviews. Contribution: Very little is known about the process of promotion to full professor in the U.S. and even less empirical research exists. This study advances knowledge of the process and the experiences of those undertaking it. Findings: We learned that cues from the social context greatly influenced these faculty members’ sense of agency.

  18. Kai Adolf Jensen, professor i almindelig patologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høiby, Niels


    for the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine production and supervised many young scientists’ doctoral theses on the aspects of tuberculosis. He became internationally recognized, and he revealed an important scientific fraud in the laboratory of the Austrian professor Ernst Löwenstein (1878-1950), who claimed that he...... could detect M. tuberculosis in blood cultures as a cause of a multitude of diseases. He was a pioneer in eradication of bovine tuberculosis in Denmark which became the first country in the world where this happened. Kai Adolf Jensen held the position as professor of general pathology from 1940 to 1965...

  19. Professor: Danmarkskanon skal give plads til mangfoldighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Garbi


    DEBAT: Danmark har igennem størstedelen af sin historie været et flerkulturelt land. Vi kan derfor ikke diskutere danske værdier til en Danmarkskanon uden at kaste et blik på globale strømninger og vores mangfoldige fortid, skriver Garbi Schmidt, professor ved RUC......DEBAT: Danmark har igennem størstedelen af sin historie været et flerkulturelt land. Vi kan derfor ikke diskutere danske værdier til en Danmarkskanon uden at kaste et blik på globale strømninger og vores mangfoldige fortid, skriver Garbi Schmidt, professor ved RUC...

  20. [The essence of Professor Wu Lian-Zhong's acupuncture manipulation]. (United States)

    Liu, Jing; Guo, Yi; Wu, Lian-Zhong


    The painless needle insertion technique, summarized by Professor WU Lian-zhong during his decades of acupuncture clinical practice is introduced in this article, which is characterized as soft, flexible, fast, plucking and activating antipathogenic qi. The Sancai (three layers) lifting and thrusting manipulation technique is adopted by Professor WU for getting the qi sensation. And features of 10 kinds of needling sensation such as soreness, numbness, heaviness, distension, pain, cold, hot, radiation, jumping and contracture are summarized. Finger force, amplitude, speed and time length are also taken as the basis of reinforcing and reducing manipulations. Moreover, examples are also given to explain the needling technique on some specific points which further embodies Professor WU's unique experiences and understandings on acupuncture.

  1. Zitieren – ein Thema für Bibliotheken! Zitierleitfaden, Zitierkurs und mehr an der Universitätsbibliothek der TU München

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    Caroline Leiß


    Full Text Available Die Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität München (TUM bietet mit jährlich mehr als 400 Veranstaltungen für rund 8.000 Teilnehmende ein umfangreiches Programm im Bereich Informationskompetenz an. Im Wintersemester 2014/15 wurde das Angebot im Bereich Zitieren und Plagiat-Vermeidung grundlegend erweitert. Die Universitätsbibliothek hat einen Zitierleitfaden erstellt und bietet einen Kurs zum Zitieren sowie eine Sprechstunde für Fragen zur Literaturverwaltung und zum Zitieren an. Der Beitrag schildert Konzeption, Einführung und erste Erfahrungen der Universitätsbibliothek mit ihren neuen Dienstleistungsangeboten. The University Library of the Technical University of Munich (TUM offers a comprehensive training programme for information literacy including more than 400 training events for approximately 8.000 participants per year. In the winter semester of 2014/2015, the library expanded its services in the field of citation and plagiarism. A citation guide was prepared, and the library now offers a special training course and drop-in advisory sessions for reference management and citation assistance. The paper discusses the design, the implementation and the first experiences with these new support services at the University Library.

  2. Paris polyphylla extract inhibits proliferation and promotes apoptosis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To investigate the effect of Paris polyphylla extract (PPE) on proliferation and apoptosis in A549 human lung cancer cells. Methods: Morphological changes were examined by microscopy in A549 cells after exposure to PPE. Trypan blue staining of living cells was used to aid the construction of the cell growth curve ...

  3. Paris agreement in the light of the objectives and principles of the contemporary policy and environmental law

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    Todić Dragoljub


    Full Text Available The author points to the overall context of the discussion about the problems related to Climate change. The paper analyzes the provisions of the Paris Agreement, adopted on the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Paris, December, 2015. The overall context of the discussion is determined by the content and significance of the objectives and principles defined in the Paris Agreement in relation to the goals and principles of the contemporary policy and environmental law in general. Particular emphasis is given to the place and importance of the objectives related to human rights (the right to a healthy environment and sustainable development. The central part of the paper examines the significance of the objectives and principles in the field of the climate change that are contained in the provisions of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change with the Kyoto Protocol and other relevant international agreements relevant to climate change that were adopted prior to the Paris Agreement. Further on, the provisions of the Paris Agreement are analyzed, and in particular the parts relating to the objectives and principles. The last part of the paper gives an overview of the relevance of the solutions contained in the Paris Agreement for the Republic of Serbia. Paper provides an overview of the basic strategic and normative elements of national policy in the field of climate change, including the question of objectives and principles. In addition to that it considers the thesis that Paris agreement, aside from the elements of the continuity as the successor of the Kyoto protocol, contains a new element regarding goals and principles of international community's activities in the climate change field.

  4. Ice-free Arctic projections under the Paris Agreement (United States)

    Sigmond, Michael; Fyfe, John C.; Swart, Neil C.


    Under the Paris Agreement, emissions scenarios are pursued that would stabilize the global mean temperature at 1.5-2.0 °C above pre-industrial levels, but current emission reduction policies are expected to limit warming by 2100 to approximately 3.0 °C. Whether such emissions scenarios would prevent a summer sea-ice-free Arctic is unknown. Here we employ stabilized warming simulations with an Earth System Model to obtain sea-ice projections under stabilized global warming, and correct biases in mean sea-ice coverage by constraining with observations. Although there is some sensitivity to details in the constraining method, the observationally constrained projections suggest that the benefits of going from 2.0 °C to 1.5 °C stabilized warming are substantial; an eightfold decrease in the frequency of ice-free conditions is expected, from once in every five to once in every forty years. Under 3.0 °C global mean warming, however, permanent summer ice-free conditions are likely, which emphasizes the need for nations to increase their commitments to the Paris Agreement.

  5. Magdalene Schoch und die Hamburger Universität - eine (ungewöhnliche) Wissenschaftskarriere der 1920er und 1930er Jahre


    Oeter, Stefan


    Aus der Einleitung: „In einer akademischen Feierstunde am 15. Juni 2006 wurde der Hörsaal J im Hauptgebäude der Universität Hamburg in Magdalene-Schoch-Hörsaal benannt – die fünfte Namensgebung im Rahmen des 1999 begonnenen Programms zur Benennung restaurierter Hörsäle nach im „Dritten Reich“ vertriebenen Hamburger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. [...] Das vorliegende Heft der Hamburger Universitätsreden dokumentiert die auf der Feier gehaltenen Reden [...] Bei den anschließend ...

  6. Effects of Stencil Width on Surface Ocean Geostrophic Velocity and Vorticity Estimation from Gridded Satellite Altimeter Data (United States)


    Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA. g dq ’Departement de Physique and LPO, Universite de Bretagne V _ /" r5r’ Occidental, Brest ...Italy, ESA Publ, WPP-366, Eur. Space Agency, Paris . Shriver, J. F.,’ H. E. Hurlburt, O. M. Smcdstad, A. J. Wallcraft, and R. C. Rhodes (2007), 1/32

  7. Journal of Genetics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Departamento de Gen´etica, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21944-970, Brazil; Laboratoire Evolution, Génome, Spéciation, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France et Université Paris Sud 11, 91405 Orsay cédex, UMR5202 ...

  8. PSL Chemical Biology Symposia First 2016 Edition: When Chemistry and Biology Share the Language of Discovery. (United States)

    Gautier, Arnaud; Rodriguez, Raphaël


    Chemical biology, the science of understanding biological processes at the molecular level, has grown exponentially with the development of chemical strategies to manipulate and quantify biology with unprecedented precision. Recent advances presented at the Université Paris Sciences et Lettres symposium are discussed. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Carreira de usuários da cultura escrita e formação de professores: um ensaio etnográfico

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    Andréa Pavão

    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente trabalho faz parte de uma linha de investigação que teve início na década de 1990 e cujo objetivo central é investigar o papel da leitura e da escrita nos cursos de pedagogia. Neste artigo, me debruço sobre os dados de pesquisa etnográfica longitudinal realizada entre 2000 e 2004, em comparação a etnografias realizadas recentemente com foco específico na elaboração de trabalhos de conclusão de curso (TCC. Através do trabalho de campo, observou-se o desenvolvimento da carreira (Becker de universitários que se queixavam de pouca familiaridade com a cultura escrita por ocasião de seu ingresso no ensino superior. A partir desses dados, refletimos sobre os elementos favoráveis a essa construção e identificamos a importância da melhoria dos níveis de proficiência de leitura e escrita na formação de professores como ponto estratégico para a superação dos problemas educacionais no Brasil, sem desconsiderar a necessidade imperiosa de se tornar a profissão financeiramente mais atraente.

  10. CHARGING THE WEIGHT OF WORDS AND THE CLASH OF IMAGES: Historical mapping of editorial features of Paris Match

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    Eliza Bachega Casadei


    Full Text Available A revista francesa Paris Match foi uma influência decisiva na modulação dos projetos editoriais de muitas revistas brasileiras importantes, como O Cruzeiro e Manchete. Não obstante isso, são poucos os trabalhos que exploram os aspectos editoriais da publicação francesa. Diante disso, o objetivo do presente artigo é, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica, realizar um mapeamento histórico dos aspectos editoriais de Paris Match, bem como a forma como eles foram sendo modificados ao longo do tempo.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Paris Match; história; projeto editorial.   ABSTRACT The French magazine Paris Match had a decisive influence on the modulation of editorial projects of many important Brazilian magazines such as O Cruzeiro and Manchete. Nevertheless, there are few works that explore the editorial aspects of this French publication. Thus, the purpose of this article is from a literature review, conduct a historical mapping of the editorial aspects of Paris Match, as well as the way they were being modified over time.   KEYWORDS: Paris Match; history; editorial project.     RESUMEN La revista francesa Paris Match tuve una influencia decisiva en la modulación de los proyectos editoriales de varias revistas brasileñas importantes tales como O Cruzeiro y Manchete. Sin embargo, son escasos los trabajos que exploran los aspectos editorialies de la publicación francesa. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este artículo es, de una revisión de la literatura, llevar a cabo una asignación histórica de los aspectos editoriales de Paris Match, así como la forma en que se están modificando con el tiempo.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Paris Match; historia; proyecto editorial. Arquivamento e preservação de longo prazo do arquivo em: OpenDepot / Edina (The University of Edinburgh:  em processo de inclusão/indexação SSOAR-GESIS – Leibniz-Institut (Alemanha:  HAL (França: em processo de inclusão/indexação

  11. Engaging Undergraduates in Feminist Classrooms: An Exploration of Professors' Practices (United States)

    Spencer, Leland G.


    This article reports the results of a feminist action research project that sought to ascertain professors' best practices for engaging undergraduates in feminist classrooms. In semi-structured interviews, professors recommended assigning readings from a variety of positionalities; creating a safe space for class discussion; relying on data to…

  12. The benefits of being economics professor A (rather than Z)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Praag, C.M.; van Praag, B.M.S.


    Alphabetical name ordering on multi-authored academic papers, which is the convention in economics and various other disciplines, is to the advantage of people whose last name initials are placed early in the alphabet. Professor A, who has been a first author more often than Professor Z, will have

  13. Mental Health Assessment in Professors' Training in Two Chilean Universities (United States)

    Ossa, Carlos J.; Quintana, Ingrid M.; Rodriguez, Felipe F.


    This study analyzed the evaluation of professors of pedagogy and directors programs, about the importance of mental health in vocational training, and factors that might influence this valuation. The methodology includes participation of 17 academicians (professors and belonging to the managerial staff) of two universities in southern Chile. A…

  14. Withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement hurts the US (United States)

    Bordoff, Jason


    The Trump administration's domestic plans would have curtailed the nation's climate action even if it had stayed in the Paris Agreement. Yet, the decision to leave the agreement undermines US international energy and climate leadership and the prospects of ramping up global climate policy ambition.

  15. Work process of nursing professors 1 (United States)

    Parra Giordano, Denisse; Felli, Vanda Elisa Andres


    ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the work process of nursing professors. Method: descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study, developed with a focus on critical epidemiology, carried out at a School of Nursing in Chile. The research subjects consist of 17 nursing professors, with whom individual semi-structured interviews were carried out and nine participated in a focus group. The Ethics Committee approved this study. Results: 88.2% were female, mean age of 42 years, 47% were married, 94% were Chilean, average length of service in the institution of 2.8 years, and 23.5% had a master’s degree. Regarding the work process, the students were the work object, the tools used were the knowledge and the experience as a nurse, and the work environment was considered good. Regarding the form of work organization, 76% have a 44-hour workweek, the wage was considered inadequate and the workload was higher than foreseen in the contract. The dialectic of the nursing work process is evidenced, demonstrating the contradiction between the low wages and labor overload and the narratives reporting a good work environment, personal fulfillment and transcendence that goes far beyond work. Conclusions: the work process allows describing the work components of the nursing professors, which are consistent with the results of the literature and show the dialectic of the nursing work process. PMID:29211193

  16. Clusters de religiosidade da juventude universitária portuguesa


    Coutinho, José Pereira


    Este artigo apresenta resultados da tese de doutoramento do autor, baseados nas crenças e práticas religiosas e nas atitudes em relação ao casamento, vida e sexualidade. A amostra incluiu 500 estudantes universitários das universidades públicas de Lisboa. Aplicando análise de correspondências múltiplas e análise de clusters a estas crenças, práticas e atitudes, foram produzidos três clusters ou tipos de religiosidade: católicos nucleares, católicos intermédios e não católicos. Estes clusters ...

  17. Perspectiva metodológica para análise do discurso verbal, de sinais e imagético em telejornais universitários voltados à acessibilidade

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    Michele Negrini


    Full Text Available O telejornalismo vem sofrendo transformações através da massificação da web, dos novos paradigmas técnicos e dos formatos do jornalismo na TV, além da construção e do papel do telejornalismo universitário. O telejornal universitário, na atualidade, tem se reconfigurado para abranger públicos amplos e diversos. A democratização da informação é uma oportunidade para as produções do telejornalismo universitário, que antes ficavam restritas à sala de aula e que agora podem ser vistas por pessoas no mundo inteiro. Diante disso, o presente artigo propõe a apresentação de um esboço metodológico para análise dos discursos verbal, de sinais e imagético de telejornais universitários voltados à acessibilidade, mais especificamente aos que incluem a Linguagem Brasileira de Sinais.

  18. L’homme et la bête : chiens et politique dans Les Mohicans de Paris

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    Nicolas Gauthier


    Full Text Available Cet article étudie comment le recours à l’animalisation dans Les Mohicans de Paris d’Alexandre Dumas est l’espace d’une véritable réflexion sur les rapports entre l’humain et l’animal. Ceci apparaît de façon nette dans la fictionnalisation du chien qui induit un brouillage des limites séparant humain et animal, brouillage qui a pour fonction de permettre l’articulation des personnages canins aux enjeux fondamentaux du roman. De façon plus précise, la mise en scène du « meilleur ami de l’homme » sert à redoubler le projet politique au cœur des Mohicans de Paris. This paper examines how, in Les Mohicans de Paris, Alexandre Dumas assigns animalistic features to some characters to question the relations between humans and animals while portraying the various dogs in the novel in a way which blurs the limits between humans and animals. These seemingly accessory canine characters are actually closely associated with the fundamental elements of the novel. More precisely, the way “man’s best friend” is put in fiction actually repeats the political project at the heart of Les Mohicans de Paris.

  19. Professor Witold Nowicki - a greatly spirited pathologist. (United States)

    Wincewicz, A; Szepietowska, A; Sulkowski, S


    This paper presents a complete overview of the scientific, professional and social activity of a great Polish pathologist, Witold Nowicki (1878-1941), from mainly Polish-written, original sources with a major impact on mostly his own publications. The biographical commemoration of this eminent professor is not only due to the fact that he provided a profound microscopic characterization of pneumatosis cystoides in 1909 and 1924. Nowicki greatly influenced the development of anatomical pathology in Poland, having authored over 82 publications, with special reference to tuberculosis, lung cancer, sarcomatous carcinomas, scleroma and others. However, the first of all his merits for the readership of Polish pathologists was his textbook titled Anatomical Pathology, which was a basic pathology manual in pre-war Poland. Witold Nowicki - as the head of the academic pathological anatomy department and former dean of the medical faculty - was shot with other professors by Nazi Germans in the Wuleckie hills in Lvov during World War Two. Professor Nowicki was described as being "small in size but great in spirit" by one of his associates, and remains an outstanding example of a meticulous pathologist, a patient tutor and a great social activist to follow.

  20. L’università italiana tra continuità e discontinuità. Intervista a Mauro Moretti

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    Alessandro Breccia


    Full Text Available L’intervista a Mauro Moretti inquadra il tema del dossier a partire dalle fonti per la storia delle università italiane nel secondo Novecento. Passa poi ad indicare alcuni tra i principali aspetti da indagare anche per definire al meglio una possibile cronologia

  1. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé - Vol ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    De l'innovation pédagogique dans les universités de la périphérie : réalités et possibilités · EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Y Akakpo. ...

  2. Une herboristerie ethnique à Paris


    Hamaïdi , Maurad


    Place de la Chapelle à Paris, dans le 18e arrondissement. L'enseigne de ce magasin est peu explicite, mais la vitrine laisse deviner le type de produits vendus. L'information est un peu plus développée dans la langue arabe car il y est précisé que la vente concerne tous types d'encens, ainsi que des plantes arabes : il s'agit d'une herboristerie. Il est également écrit que le magasin exporte vers le Maroc : le mot en arabe est ambigu puisqu'il s'agit de "Maghreb", mais en général, utilisé seu...

  3. As bibliotecas universitárias em perspectiva histórica: a caminho do desenvolvimento durável

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    Martha Suzana Cabral Nunes

    Full Text Available RESUMO Apresenta a evolução das bibliotecas universitárias como instituições seculares, cuja evolução dá-se a partir do crescimento bibliográfico e do surgimento das primeiras universidades na Idade Média. O objetivo desse artigo é compreender a evolução das bibliotecas universitárias em uma perspectiva histórica de modo a identificar suas características específicas, seus agentes e os dispositivos adotados por essas instituições difusoras do conhecimento. Utilizou-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para elaboração do artigo e discussão do tema. Conhecer esse percurso histórico possibilita a apreensão dos primeiros vestígios das bibliotecas universitárias e sua evolução, seus percalços e desafios, assim como situa a atuação dos profissionais da informação na condução de ações de mediação e apropriação da informação na perspectiva da formação de indivíduos não apenas competentes em informação, mas capazes de exercer seu protagonismo social.

  4. Vincenzo Neri and His Legacy in Paris and Bologna. (United States)

    Vanone, Federico; Lorusso, Lorenzo; Venturini, Simone


    Italian neurologist Vincenzo Neri was able to discover cinematography at the beginning of his career, when in 1908 he went to Paris to learn and improve his clinical background by following neurological cases at La Pitié with Joseph Babinski, who became his teacher and friend. While in Paris, Neri photographed and filmed several patients of famous neurologists, such as Babinski and Pierre Marie. His stills were published in several important French neurological journals and medical texts. He also collaborated with Georges Mendel, who helped Doyen film the first known surgical operation in the history of cinema. In 1910, when he came back to Bologna, he continued in his clinical activities and, for 50 years, slowly developed a huge archive of films, images, and prints of neurological, psychiatric, and orthopedic cases. This archive was extremely helpful to Neri, who especially needed to analyze neurological disorders and to differentiate them from functional conditions in order to understand clinical signs, rules, and mechanisms.

  5. Portuguese knights-errant in nineteenth-century Paris and Rio: translation as response to exile in global cities

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    Rita Bueno Maia


    Full Text Available This article aims to uncover the role played by a series of picaresque novels translated into Portuguese and published in midnineteenth-century Paris in helping the Portuguese diaspora cope with the challenges of being a migrant in a global city. Through a contextual analysis, it will be argued that these novels were part of vaster cultural projects aimed at establishing solidarity networks among Portuguese exiles in Paris and, at the same time, at preserving multilingualism. By means of a textual analysis of Dom Severino Magriço ou o Dom Quichote portuguez (Paris, Pillet Fils Aîné, 1851, it will be suggested that this particular target text is committed to helping Portuguese migrants in Paris and in Rio de Janeiro. Furthermore, this novel illustrates ways of engaging with multiple Others, mainly through the reading and comparing of national literary canons.

  6. Seniorforsker Ole Hertel udnævnt til adjungeret professor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Christian


    Sektionsleder og seniorforsker Ole Hertel, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU) ved Aarhus Universitet, er udnævnt til adjungeret professor ved Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring på Roskilde Universitet.......Sektionsleder og seniorforsker Ole Hertel, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU) ved Aarhus Universitet, er udnævnt til adjungeret professor ved Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring på Roskilde Universitet....

  7. Paris Photo 2015 / Kristel Schwede, Annika Haas, Laura Põld, Piret Frey

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rahvusvaheline fotomess "Paris Photo 2015" 12. kuni 15. novembrini Pariisi messihallis Grand Palais. Eestit esindasid messil oma loominguga Jaanus Samma, Sigrid Viir, Krista Mölder (Temnikova & Kasela galerii)

  8. Decifra-me ou te devoro: discurso e reforma universitária do Governo Lula: um enigma a decifrar


    Rocha, Mirtes Andrade Guedes Alcoforado da


    Esta tese trata da reforma universitária, tendo como questão: Qual a direção social proposta para a universidade no projeto de reforma universitária do Governo Luís Inácio Lula da Silva? Defende que esta discussão justifica-se pela contribuição da universidade para o desenvolvimento das forças produtivas e controle social e para a reflexão filosófica, ética, estética e crítica da concepção de mundo dominante. Tem como objetivo identificar os fundamentos desta proposta de ref...

  9. A Regulamentação do Ensino Superior e os Impactos na Gestão Universitária


    Junior, Annor da Silva; Muniz, Reynaldo Maia


    Pretende-se com este artigo discutir a regulamentação do ensino superior brasileiro e os impactos na gestão universitária das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). Em função de sua predominância e do seu papel no contexto do setor econômico do ensino superior, decidiu-se enfocar apenas a gestão universitária de IES’s privadas. Inicialmente apresenta-se um breve histórico do ensino superior brasileiro, explicitando a tradição do ensino público e o processo “velado” de privatização pelo qual o...

  10. Professor Alex Callinicos

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    Ali Saqer


    Full Text Available Professor Alex Callinicos is a renowned social theorist and scholar of international political economy. He conducts research on Marx and Marxism, European social and political theory, contemporary political philosophy, critical theory, historiography, and international political economy. His work provides invaluable insights on issues of race and racism, social justice, the Third Way, imperialism, austerity, and EU politics, among many other fascinating contemporary issues. Alex studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Balliol College, Oxford, and Philosophy of Science at the London School of Economics before writing a DPhil on Marx's Capital, also at Balliol. He was a Junior Research Fellow in Contemporary Social Thought at St Peter's College, Oxford from 1979 to 1981, after which he taught social and political theory at the Department of Politics at the University of York until 2005, when he moved to King's College London. Alex is currently the Professor of European Studies at King's and editor of International Socialism. Alex has been an active contributor to the development of the movement for another globalization, participating in the World Social Forum and an animator of the European Social Forum. Among his best known books are The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx (1983, Against Postmodernism (1990, Social Theory (1999, An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto (2003, The Resources of Critique (2006, Imperialism and Global Political Economy (2009. His most recent book is entitled Deciphering Capital: Marx’s Capital and its Destiny (2014.

  11. Objectivity and Ideology

    CERN Document Server



    Conférence donné par le Prof.Luis J.Prieto, Argentin, qui était Prof.à Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Alger et Paris et appelé à l'Université de Genève (analyse du langage, structure social....) Il parle des problèmes epistomologiques (science de l'homme)et reflexion sur l'expérience scientifique.

  12. The Limited Role of Journalism Professors in Direct Media Criticism. (United States)

    Bass, Abraham Z.

    This paper discusses reasons why few journalism professors are personally confronting the news media with criticism or praise. One of the primary reasons for this is that journalism professors may fear retribution or keep inbred ties with the media or be following academic tradition. A survey was conducted in Spring 1975 for this report. The…

  13. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé - Vol ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Universite de Lome. ... la prise en charge médicale des enfants au Togo : profils et conditions techniques de realisation. ... Radiographie standard du thorax dans le diagnostic de la toux chez l'adulte · EMAIL ... Neurocysticercose et vih a propos de 4 cas observes aux chu de lome ...

  14. L’Harmonie du monde

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    Martine Clouzot


    Full Text Available La Bourgogne est particulièrement bien présente et représentée dans l’exposition sur la musique et ses représentations au Moyen Âge organisée par Isabelle Marchesin (université de Poitiers, Christine Laloue (conservatrice du Patrimoine au Musée et Martine Clouzot (université de Bourgogne, au Musée de la Musique à Paris du 26 mars au 27 juin 2004. En Côte-d’Or, à Dijon, la Bibliothèque municipale a donné son accord officiel pour le prêt de la Bible d’Etienne Harding, les Moralia in Job et u...

  15. La victoire triste ? : Espérances, déceptions et commémorations de la victoire dans le département du Puy–de-Dôme en sortie de guerre (1918-1924

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    Aline Fryszman


    Full Text Available Composition du juryMonsieur Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau (Directeur de la thèse, ÉHESS,Monsieur Jean-Jacques Becker (Paris Ouest Nanterre,Monsieur Mathias Bernard (Université Blaise Pascal – Clermont-Ferrand II,Monsieur Jean-François Chanet (Université Lille III,Monsieur Christophe Prochasson (Président du jury, ÉHESS Mention très honorable avec félicitations du juryThèse soutenue le 8 décembre 2010RésuméLa victoire de 1918 est analysée à l’échelle du département du Puy-de-Dôme jusqu’en 1924,...

  16. Pandora

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    María Llombart Huesca


    Full Text Available La revue Pandora, créée par les enseignants d'Etudes hispaniques et hispano-américaines de l’Université Paris 8, réunit autour de numéros thématiques des chercheurs de plusieurs disciplines (littérature, histoire, anthropologie, linguistique, arts spécialistes des aires hispanique et hispano-américaine. Les articles sont publiés en français ou en espagnol et les auteurs proviennent d'universités du monde entier.Numéros thématiques :1 Lieu(x commun(s / textes réunis par Marie Franco et Migu...

  17. Une épuration ordinaire. Les procès des collaborateurs en Grèce (1944 - 1949 comme composante de la reconstruction judiciaire en Europe

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    Dimitris Kousouris


    Full Text Available Date de soutenance : le 3 avril 2009 à l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.Jury de soutenanceFrançois Hartog (directeur de thèseKostas Kostis (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences SocialesJon Elster (Columbia University/Collège de FranceAntonis Liakos (Université d’AthènesEnzo Traverso (Université de Picardie.RésuméCette thèse porte sur l’histoire de l’épuration judiciaire des collaborateurs des forces d’occupation en Grèce après la libération du pays en 1944. Cette épur...

  18. Régine Hollander, An Introduction to Financial English, The Basics of Market Finance. Introduction à l’anglais financier


    Wozniak, Séverine


    Régine Hollander, maître de conférences honoraire à l’Université Panthéon-Assas, est spécialiste d’anglais financier et membre du Centre d’études et de recherches sur la vie économique des pays anglo-saxons (CERVEPAS, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3). Elle a participé à la réédition du Vocabulaire économique et financier d’Yves Bernard et Jean-Claude Colli (2003). An Introduction to Financial English est présenté par l’éditeur comme un ouvrage de référence pour la vie professionnelle. ...

  19. La nuova fisica delle particelle e i segreti dell'universo un dialogo fra filosofia, scienza e religione

    CERN Document Server

    Bodei, Remo


    La Scuola della Cattedrale, presieduta da Monsignor Gianantonio Borgonovo, prosegue il suo ciclo di incontri con un evento culturale nel segno della fisica che esplora il mondo delle particelle. Guido Tonelli, fisico e professore ordinario dell’Università di Pisa, tratta degli eventi che hanno portato alla scoperta del bosone di Higgs al Cern di Ginevra dove è stato realizzato Lhc, l’acceleratore di particelle più potente del mondo, con un’analisi di materia e antimateria, energia e universo, per capire come tutto è cominciato e come forse andrà a finire. Dove potrà arrivare l’uomo con queste nuove visioni? Quali cambiamenti e traguardi sono ipotizzabili? Come leggere da un punto di vista religioso e filosofico questi nuovi scenari che la scienza prospetta? L’evento ha visto gli interventi di Monsignor Borgonovo e del filosofo Remo Bodei, professore emerito di Filosofia all’Università di Pisa.

  20. Nuclear liability: Joint protocol relating to the application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention, 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention was adopted by the Conference on the Relationship between the Paris Convention and the Vienna Convention, which met in Vienna, at the Headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency on 21 September 1988. The Joint Protocol establishes a link between the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy of 1960 and the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 1963. The Joint Protocol will extend to the States adhering to it the coverage of the two Conventions. It will also resolve potential conflicts of law, which could result from the simultaneous application of the two Conventions to the same nuclear accident. The Conference on the Relationship between the Paris Convention and the Vienna Convention was jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. This publication contains the text of the Final Act of the Conference in the six authentic languages, the Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention, also in the six authentic languages and an explanatory note, prepared by the IAEA and NEA Secretariats, providing background information on the content of the Joint Protocol

  1. Impact of the shape of the implantable ports on their efficiency of flow (injection and flushing

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    Guiffant G


    Full Text Available Gérard Guiffant,1 Patrice Flaud,1 Jean Jacques Durussel,1 Jacques Merckx1,2 1Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France; 2University Teaching Hospital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, FranceAbstract: Now widely used, totally implantable venous access devices allow mid- and long-term, frequent, repeated, or continuous injection of therapeutic products by vascular, cavitary, or perineural access. The effective flushing of these devices is a key factor that ensures their long-lasting use. We present experimental results and a numerical simulation to demonstrate that the implementation of rounded edge wall cavities improves flushing efficiency. We use the same approaches to suggest that the deposit amount may be reduced by the use of rounded edge wall cavities. Keywords: implantable ports, totally implantable venous access devices, flushing, obstruction, prevention

  2. Maintenance of Clinical Expertise and Clinical Research by the Clinical Professors at Gifu Pharmaceutical University. (United States)

    Tachi, Tomoya; Noguchi, Yoshihiro; Teramachi, Hitomi


    The clinical professors at Gifu Pharmaceutical University (GPU) provide pharmaceutical services at GPU Pharmacy, Gifu University Hospital, and Gifu Municipal Hospital to keep their clinical skills up-to-date; they also perform clinical research in collaboration with many clinical institutes. The Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacy is part of the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, to which the clinical professors belong, and is composed of three clinical professors (a professor, an associate professor, and an assistant professor). The professor administers the GPU Pharmacy as its director, while the associate professor and assistant professor provide pharmaceutical services to patients at Gifu Municipal Hospital, and also provide practical training for students in the GPU Pharmacy. Collectively, they have performed research on such topics as medication education for students, clinical communication education, and analysis of clinical big data. They have also conducted research in collaboration with clinical institutes, hospitals, and pharmacies. Here, we introduce the collaborative research between the Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacy and Gifu Municipal Hospital. These studies include "Risk factors contributing to urinary protein expression resulting from bevacizumab combination chemotherapy", "Hyponatremia and hypokalemia as risk factors for falls", "Economic evaluation of adjustments of levofloxacin dosage by dispensing pharmacists for patients with renal dysfunction", and "Effect of patient education upon discharge for use of a medication notebook on purchasing over-the-counter drugs and health foods". In this symposium, we would like to demonstrate one model of the association and collaborative research between these clinical professors and clinical institutes.

  3. Professor Created On-line Biology Laboratory Course (United States)

    Bowman, Arthur W.


    This paper will share the creation, implementation, and modification of an online college level general biology laboratory course offered for non-science majors as a part of a General Education Curriculum. The ability of professors to develop quality online laboratories will address a growing need in Higher Education as more institutions combine course sections and look for suitable alternative course delivery formats due to declining departmental budgets requiring reductions in staffing, equipment, and supplies. Also, there is an equal or greater need for more professors to develop the ability to create online laboratory experiences because many of the currently available online laboratory course packages from publishers do not always adequately parallel on-campus laboratory courses, or are not as aligned with the companion lecture sections. From a variety of scientific simulation and animation web sites, professors can easily identify material that closely fit the specific needs of their courses, instructional environment, and students that they serve. All too often, on-campus laboratory courses in the sciences provide what are termed confirmation experiences that do NOT allow students to experience science as would be carried out by scientists. Creatively developed online laboratory experiences can often provide the type of authentic investigative experiences that are not possible on-campus due to the time constraints of a typical two-hour, once-per-week-meeting laboratory course. In addition, online laboratory courses can address issues related to the need for students to more easily complete missing laboratory assignments, and to have opportunities to extend introductory exercises into more advanced undertakings where a greater sense of scientific discovery can be experienced. Professors are strongly encourages to begin creating online laboratory exercises for their courses, and to consider issues regarding assessment, copyrights, and Intellectual Property

  4. Paris Chamber of Commerce Examinations and ACTFL/ETS Proficiency Levels. (United States)

    Cummins, Patricia W.


    Compares the Paris Chamber of Commerce Exams (both certificate and diploma levels) and the ACTFL Guidelines for language proficiency for the benefit of language teachers. Teaching strategies are suggested for preparing students for the Chamber of Commerce exams. (LMO)

  5. [Constant Duméril (1774-1860) anatomist doctor and naturalist, about a portrait by G. Devers]. (United States)

    Le Floch-Prigent, P


    André, Marie, Constant Duméril (1774-1860) served as a professor in the from 1801 to 1855. He was also chairman of herpetology and ichthyology of the in Paris. The Paris-Descartes University (department of anatomy) owns a great, framed portrait which is an oil painting by Giuseppe Devers, 1855, representing C. Duméril sat on a chair. The study of his portrait, biography and bibliography brings precisions on a noticeable scholar of the anatomical and naturalistic field in Paris in the first half of the 19th century.

  6. Portuguese knights-errant in nineteenth-century Paris and Rio: translation as response to exile in global cities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Bueno Maia


    Full Text Available This article aims to uncover the role played by a series of picaresque novels translated into Portuguese and published in midnineteenth-century Paris in helping the Portuguese diaspora cope with the challenges of being a migrant in a global city. Through a contextual analysis, it will be argued that these novels were part of vaster cultural projects aimed at establishing solidarity networks among Portuguese exiles in Paris and, at the same time, at preserving multilingualism. By means of a textual analysis of Dom Severino Magriço ou o Dom Quichote portuguez (Paris, Pillet Fils Aîné, 1851, it will be suggested that this particular target text is committed to helping Portuguese migrants in Paris and in Rio de Janeiro. Furthermore, this novel illustrates ways of engaging with multiple Others, mainly through the reading and comparing of national literary canons.

  7. [From traditional to modern hospital--from Paris to Berlin]. (United States)

    Murken, Axel Hinrich

    Discussions about the modernisation and reform of the Hôtel Dieu in Paris concerning the catastrophic fire of 1772 there were followed very closely in Prussia and other German countries, though for a long time this had only slight consequences for modernising developments in the hospitals of Berlin or other administrative capitals of Germany. In contrast to this, the Hôpital Lariboisière was praised as a model example in Germany soon after its completion in 1854 after the pre-revolutionary Parisian plans, was imitated in Berlin twenty years later. It must be added that in Prussia great importance was attached to stricter requirements for hygiene and ventilation than in Paris. This was clearly demonstrated barely in the construction of the pavilionhospital in Berlin-Friedrichshain (1868-1874) with an extremely decentralized layout. It was not until two generations later with the completion of the municipal hospital Westend in Charlottenburg (1904-1907), a suburb of Berlin, that a slightly modified "Lariboisière" in the Wilheminian brick Baroque style was built. Similarily the acceptance of high-rise construction was, compared with Paris, considerably delayed on the German hospital scene. Whereas in the USA and France plans had been made for high-rise hospitals from the 1920s on and realized by 1935, as with the Hôpital Beaujon in Paris (1932-1935), there were fundamental reservations about them in Germany. As a result, this conception of the structure, with an effective concentration of inpatient care in towers together with separate low-rise buildings for functions such as treatment and diagnosis, only gradually gained acceptance in Germany at the end of the 1960s. On the other hand, German architects such as Hermann Distel (1875-1946) or Ernst Kopp (1890-1962), had already, indeed before the Second World War, promoted the high-rise type for inpatient care on theoretical grounds. In addition, two hospitals providing medical care within in Berlin, Martin

  8. The impact of the US retreat from the Paris Agreement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pickering, Jonathan; McGee, Jeffrey S.; Stephens, Tim; Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Sylvia I.


    The United States’ decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement (pending possible re-engagement under different terms) may have significant ramifications for international climate policy, but the implications of this decision remain contested. This commentary illustrates how comparative analysis

  9. Turning university professors into competent learners

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stefanova, Eliza; Ilieva, Miroslava; Nikolova, Nikolina; Stefanov, Krassen


    Stefanova, E., Ilieva, M., Nikolova, N, & Stefanov, K. (2008). Turning university professors into competent learners. In H. W. Sligte & R. Koper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th TENCompetence Open Workshop. Empowering Learners for Lifelong Competence Development: pedagogical, organisational and

  10. La largeur de bande pourrait permettre aux universités africaines de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) incarnent de plus en plus les artères dans lesquelles ce sang circule. ... Peu de pays africains ont la masse d'universités critique qui leur permettrait d'établir un réseau national pour la recherche et l'éducation (réseau NREN) et d'ainsi pouvoir ...

  11. Video e comunicazione scientifica. Il laboratorio MELA dell’Università di Bologna

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    Laura Corazza


    Full Text Available Al Media Education e-learning LAboratorio del Dipartimento di Scienze dell’educazione e della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione, Università di Bologna, un gruppo di esperti e di tecnici svolge attività di supporto alla didattica e alla ricerca, lavorando con i docenti per produrre audiovisivi e materiali multimediali. I prodotti MELA sono video per l’approfondimento culturale, per la produzione scientifica, per la documentazione.

  12. From Paris to the End of Oil


    Claes, Dag Harald; Hveem, Helge


    "This article discusses the possibilities and obstacles for a cost-effective implementation of policies that will lead to a significant reduction in global CO2 emissions from the use of oil. The structural conditions and economic consequences of changing national or regional energy systems vary dramatically. In addition, there are a large number of actors with strong interests along the energy value chain that may potentially halt, delay or alter the implementation of the Paris treaty. We ana...

  13. L'OREAL PARIS zīmola veidošanas stratēģija


    Smirnova, Margarita


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „L’oreal Paris zīmola veidošanas stratēģija”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt L’oreal Paris, izvērtējot zīmola stiprās un vājās puses, pieeju attiecīgā zīmola pozicionēšanai pasaules mērogā un noskaidrot, kāda ir attiecīgā zīmola ietekme uz patērētājiem Latvijas tirgū, salīdzinājumā ar konkurentu pārstāvētajiem zīmoliem, kā arī izstrādāt priekšlikumus par to, ar kādām aktivitātēm varētu uzlabot zīmola L’oreal Paris tēlu, palielinot patērētāju apmierinātību par zīmola pārstā...

  14. Graduate Student Attitudes toward Professor Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Transformational Teaching Practices, Student-Professor Engagement in Learning, and Student Deep Learning in Worldwide Business and Education Programs (United States)

    Economos, Jennifer Lynn


    Some professors are expected to remain competitive research scholars, as well as teach, particularly in research-intensive universities. It has been argued that some professors spend too much time on research to obtain institutional incentives or promotion, and not enough time on teaching. Consequently, some adjuncts assume the responsibility for…

  15. The amino acid and hydrocarbon contents of the Paris meteorite: Insights into the most primitive CM chondrite (United States)

    Martins, Zita; Modica, Paola; Zanda, Brigitte; D'Hendecourt, Louis Le Sergeant


    The Paris meteorite is one of the most primitive carbonaceous chondrites. It is reported to be the least aqueously altered CM chondrite, and to have experienced only weak thermal metamorphism. We have analyzed for the first time the amino acid and hydrocarbon contents of this pristine meteorite by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). When plotting the relative amino acids abundances of several CM chondrites according to the increasing hydrothermal scale (petrologic subtypes), from the CM2.7/2.8 Paris to the CM2.0 MET 01070, Paris has the lowest relative abundance of β-alanine/glycine (0.15), which fits with the relative abundances of β-alanine/glycine increasing with increasing aqueous alteration for CM chondrites. These results confirm the influence of aqueous alteration on the amino acid abundances and distribution. The amino acid analysis shows that the isovaline detected in this meteorite is racemic (D/L = 0.99 ± 0.08; L-enantiomer excess = 0.35 ± 0.5%; corrected D/L = 1.03; corrected L-enantiomer excess = -1.4 ± 2.6%). The identified hydrocarbons show that Paris has n-alkanes ranging from C16 to C25 and 3- to 5-ring nonalkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The lack of alkylated PAHs in Paris seems to be also related to this low degree of aqueous alteration on its parent body. The extraterrestrial hydrocarbon content, suggested by the absence of any biomarker, may well have a presolar origin. The chemistry of the Paris meteorite may thus be closely related to the early stages of the solar nebula with a contribution from interstellar (molecular cloud) precursors.

  16. Languages at Work in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foreign language competences are vital not only for the individual European citizen, but in a more encompassing perspective, for mobility, socio-economic development and the competitiveness of Europe in a global world. - For more than a decade, Professor Wolfgang Mackiewicz of the Freie Universit...

  17. A formação do professor indígena

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    Vanessa Nunes Ramos


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda a temática Formação do Professor Indígena e teve como objetivo destacar os desafios e avanços no processo de formação docente no Estado de Mato Grosso. A pesquisa teve uma análise qualitativa, baseada na pesquisa bibliográfica. Concluiu-se que o professor indígena tem como função principal contribuir para a formação integral de sua comunidade, atuando para além da sala de aula, ele contribui com o desenvolvimento econômico, político, social e cultural da comunidade. Palavras-chave: educação; formação do professor indígena; cultura.

  18. L'union fait la force : des universités africaines se regroupent pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 févr. 2011 ... Un autre réseau régional, appelé Bandwidth Consortium, réunit onze universités pour le compte desquelles il a récemment conclu un accord avec le fournisseur de services par satellite Intelstat. Aux termes de cet accord, les membres du groupe pourront obtenir plus de bande passante moyennant le tiers ...

  19. Discurso da autoajuda na formação do professor de língua

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    Wagner Rodrigues SILVA


    Full Text Available Este trabalho investiga a interferência do discurso de autoajuda nas representações de professor, construídas por alunos-mestres no contexto de formação de professores de língua. O embasamento teórico ancora-se no conceito de transdisciplinaridade como um fator central para a prática científica pós-moderna em Linguística Aplicada. Os resultados mostram que os discursos da autoajuda responsabilizam os professores tanto pelo sucesso quanto pelo fracasso de seus aprendizes. Consequentemente, o uso desse tipo de linguagem, durante os cursos de treinamento de professores, pode camuflar o empoderamento do professor, o que, por sua vez, pode comprometer a sua formação

  20. Acts of terrorism in Paris and Brussels: common and different

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    O. S. Vonsovych


    Full Text Available The article investigates the common and distinctive features of the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels in 2015 and 2016. The attacks have confirmed the weakness of European security system in the context of the protection of its citizens from the threat № 1 in the world. The high level of democracy and liberalism are not allowed to use power instruments effectively in the fight against terrorism, which was the result of the fact that the terrorists were able to freely access to the place of their acts and to implement them. It was determined that the common features are the following: in Paris and in Brussels, the attacks were carried out by terrorist militaristic group «The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant» (ISIL; the places of commission of terrorist acts; guns of terrorists; military units of France and Belgium are parties of the armed conflict in Syria on the side of the Syrian opposition and struggle against ISIL; there were a few terrorist attacks. It is proved that the differences are as follows: in Paris, in addition to explosives, packed with nails, also were used automatic weapons and grenades, but only explosives in Brussels; France is more active in the fight against terrorism in the international arena and in every way opposed to violence against humanity, so there is a terrorist attack can be seen as a blow to the democratic and humanitarian values; Belgium is a «political heart» of the European Union that’s why the terrorist attack on it can be seen as a blow to the political system of the EU; in Paris, the attack was supposed to apply except for the population and for high officials in the name of F. Hollande and F. Steinmeier, and in Brussels – only civilians.conducting effective public diplomacy by means of virtual diplomacy. In the context of the establishment of the global information society the key target groups must be: Diasporas, foreign media (including bloggers, investors, influential foreign

  1. Sources and geographical origins of fine aerosols in Paris (France)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bressi, M.; Nicolas, J.B.; Sciare, J.; Feron, A.; Nonnaire, N.; Petit, J.E.


    The present study aims at identifying and apportioning fine aerosols to their major sources in Paris (France) - the second most populated - larger urban zone - in Europe - and determining their geographical origins. It is based on the daily chemical composition of PM2.5 examined over 1 year at an urban background site of Paris (Bressi et al., 2013). Positive matrix factorization (EPA PMF3.0) was used to identify and apportion fine aerosols to their sources; bootstrapping was performed to determine the adequate number of PMF factors, and statistics (root mean square error, coefficient of determination, etc.) were examined to better model PM2.5 mass and chemical components. Potential source contribution function (PSCF) and conditional probability function (CPF) allowed the geographical origins of the sources to be assessed; special attention was paid to implement suitable weighting functions. Seven factors, namely ammonium sulfate (A.S.)-rich factor, ammonium nitrate (A.N.)-rich factor, heavy oil combustion, road traffic, biomass burning, marine aerosols and metal industry, were identified; a detailed discussion of their chemical characteristics is reported. They contribute 27, 24, 17, 14, 12, 6 and 1% of PM2.5 mass (14.7 μgm -3 ) respectively on the annual average; their seasonal variability is discussed. The A.S.- and A.N.-rich factors have undergone mid- or long-range transport from continental Europe; heavy oil combustion mainly stems from northern France and the English Channel, whereas road traffic and biomass burning are primarily locally emitted. Therefore, on average more than half of PM2.5 mass measured in the city of Paris is due to mid- or long-range transport of secondary aerosols stemming from continental Europe, whereas local sources only contribute a quarter of the annual averaged mass. These results imply that fine-aerosol abatement policies conducted at the local scale may not be sufficient to notably reduce PM2.5 levels at urban background sites

  2. Creating to understand – developmental biology meets engineering in Paris

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kicheva, Anna; Rivron, Nicolas C.


    In November 2016, developmental biologists, synthetic biologists and engineers gathered in Paris for a meeting called ‘Engineering the embryo’. The participants shared an interest in exploring how synthetic systems can reveal new principles of embryonic development, and how the in vitro manipulation

  3. Artificial radioactive products in the atmosphere at Paris. [In French

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abribat, M; Pouradier, J; Venet, A M


    The radioactivity of solid matter in rain water and air collected near Paris in November 1951, and in April and May 1952, follows the same decay law as that observed for fission products after a nuclear detonation in Nevada in November 1951.

  4. Qualidade do sono entre professores e fatores associados


    Denise Andrade Pereira Meier


    O sono desempenha função notável na prevenção de doenças, manutenção e recuperação da saúde física e mental. Como processo reparador, sofre influências de fatores determinantes e condicionantes, que o tornam complexo e multifacetado. As condições adversas de trabalho enfrentadas por professores podem prejudicar sua qualidade de vida e, consequentemente, seu padrão de sono. Este estudo objetivou analisar a qualidade do sono e fatores associados em professores da educação básica. Trata-se de um...

  5. Informação e conhecimento acessíveis aos deficientes visuais nas bibliotecas universitárias

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    Janaina Fialho

    Full Text Available As bibliotecas universitárias precisam ser acessíveis, para que possam atender às necessidades informacionais diversas do público que as procura, tais como os deficientes visuais. Elas fazem parte do processo de desenvolvimento acadêmico do estudante com deficiência visual, cumprindo sua função primordial de apoiarem as pesquisas e promoverem o acesso à informação. Para que isso ocorra, deve haver uma preocupação, por parte das universidades, com a adaptação e estrutura voltada para atender esse tipo de usuário. O bibliotecário é responsável por intermediar o acesso à informação, permitindo que os deficientes visuais possam usufruir desse acesso. Com base na experiência da Biblioteca Braille José Álvarez de Azevedo em Goiânia e na literatura sobre o assunto, foram feitas algumas sugestões de equipamentos e softwares direcionados para os deficientes visuais em bibliotecas universitárias. Conclui-se que softwares e equipamentos são instrumentos importantes para o deficiente visual ter acesso à informação, bem como o preparo dos profissionais para atendê-lo. Com bons recursos disponíveis gratuitamente no mercado, as bibliotecas universitárias podem equipar seus espaços de apoio ao deficiente visual, inclusive o acesso à Internet.

  6. Professor Rastislav Dzúrik: the Man and the Scientist. (United States)

    Derzsiová, Katarina; Mydlík, Miroslav


    Rastislav Dzrik, finished his medical study at the Medical School of Comenius University in Bratislava in 1953. After graduation he began to work at the Institute of chemistry and biochemistry of the Medical School and in 1957 he continued working at the IIIrd Internal Clinic of this faculty, which became later the base of "Internal School of Professor T. R. Niederland" with biochemical focusing. In the year 1967 ProfessorDzrik in cooperation with ProfessorJan Brod founded the Nephrological Section of the Slovak Internal Society and then the postgraduate scientific-research activity in nephrology began. The main topics of his scientific activity, in which he received many priority results, were: Isolation and characteristic of inhibitor of glucose utilisation and of inhibitor of renal gluconeogenesis; Effect of "middle molecular substances, especially in the development of renal insufficiency; Isolation and identification of hippurate and pseudouridine. His publishing activity was manifested in more than 500 scientific papers, several monographs and many chapters in various textbooks and manuals of internal medicine and clinical biochemistry, and more than 1,000 citations. The most important success of Professor Dzrik was the textbook "Nephrology which was published in 2004 and he was its main editor. Rastislav Dzriks impact on the field of Nephrology in Slovakia was manifold. It included his complex work of clinical nephrology, his pedagogical activities, and last but not least his excellent organizing abilities.

  7. Environmental magnetism and magnetic mapping of urban metallic pollution (Paris, France) (United States)

    Isambert, Aude; Franke, Christine; Macouin, Mélina; Rousse, Sonia; Philip, Aurélio; de Villeneuve, Sybille Henry


    Airborne pollution in dense urban areas is nowadays a subject of major concern. Fine particulate pollution events are ever more frequent and represent not only an environmental and health but also a real economic issue. In urban atmosphere, the so-called PM2.5 (particulate matter pollution and determine their sources (Sagnotti et al., 2012). In this study, we report on magnetic measurements of traffic-related airborne PM in the city of Paris, France. Two distinct environments were sampled and analyzed along the Seine River: the aquatic environment in studying fluvial bank and river bed sediments and the atmospheric environment by regarding magnetic particles trapped in adjacent tree barks (Platanus hispanica). About 50 sediment samples and 350 bark samples have been collected and analysed to determine their magnetic properties (susceptibility, hysteresis parameters, IRM, frequency-dependent susceptibility) and to estimate the presence and spatial concentration of superparamagnetic or multi-domain particles for each sample type. The bark results allow proposing a high spatial resolution mapping (pollution. In addition to that, the sampling of banks and riverbed sediments of the Seine allow a global estimation on the anthropogenic versus detrital and biologic input in the city of Paris. The first results presented here show a general increase of the concentration in magnetic particles from upstream to downstream Paris probably linked to urban pollutions as previously observed for suspended particulate matter (Franke et al. 2009; Kayvantash, 2016). Sagnotti, L., & Winkler, A. (2012). On the magnetic characterization and quantification of the superparamagnetic fraction of traffic-related urban airborne PM in Rome, Italy. Atmospheric environment, 59, 131-140. Franke, C., Kissel, C., Robin, E., Bonté, P., & Lagroix, F. (2009). Magnetic particle characterization in the Seine river system: Implications for the determination of natural versus anthropogenic input

  8. Postcard from Paris

    CERN Multimedia


    Earlier this week I was in Paris to join particle physicists from around the world at the International Conference on High-Energy Physics, ICHEP 2010. This conference series began in 1950 as the ‘Rochester series’, named for the original venue in the US, and its meetings rapidly became the place to present the latest results and discoveries.   Particle physics has certainly come a long way since those early days. In 60 years, the meetings have witnessed the birth and growth of CERN, the development of the current Standard Model of particles and their interactions - and now the first results from a truly international project, the LHC. I’d had the opportunity to be present at some of the previous meetings where important discoveries were announced, but this was the first time I had the privilege to attend as the Director-General of the laboratory that was the focus of much of the attention. It is clear from many of the people with whom I talked that the high quality ...

  9. Professor Jacques Cortes prantsuse keele lektoraadis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Juuni alguses külastas filoloogiateaduskonna romaani-germaani filoloogia osakonda Roueni ülikooli professor Jacques Cortes (Prantsusmaa). Ta korraldas 4. õa üliõpilastele prantsuse keele intensiivkursuse ja võttis vastu eksami ning kohtus prantsuse keele lektoraadi õppejõududega : [täistekst

  10. Discrimination of Wild Paris Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy and High Performance Liquid Chromatography Combined with Multivariate Analysis (United States)

    Zhao, Yanli; Zhang, Ji; Yuan, Tianjun; Shen, Tao; Li, Wei; Yang, Shihua; Hou, Ying; Wang, Yuanzhong; Jin, Hang


    Different geographical origins and species of Paris obtained from southwestern China were discriminated by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with multivariate analysis. The NIR parameter settings were scanning (64 times), resolution (4 cm−1), scanning range (10000 cm−1∼4000 cm−1) and parallel collection (3 times). NIR spectrum was optimized by TQ 8.6 software, and the ranges 7455∼6852 cm−1 and 5973∼4007 cm−1 were selected according to the spectrum standard deviation. The contents of polyphyllin I, polyphyllin II, polyphyllin VI, and polyphyllin VII and total steroid saponins were detected by HPLC. The contents of chemical components data matrix and spectrum data matrix were integrated and analyzed by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). From the PLS-DA model of NIR spectrum, Paris samples were separated into three groups according to the different geographical origins. The R2X and Q2Y described accumulative contribution rates were 99.50% and 94.03% of the total variance, respectively. The PLS-DA model according to 12 species of Paris described 99.62% of the variation in X and predicted 95.23% in Y. The results of the contents of chemical components described differences among collections quantitatively. A multivariate statistical model of PLS-DA showed geographical origins of Paris had a much greater influence on Paris compared with species. NIR and HPLC combined with multivariate analysis could discriminate different geographical origins and different species. The quality of Paris showed regional dependence. PMID:24558477

  11. Retracted: Effect of Paris polyphylla extract on seconddegree burns ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 26, 2018 ... This article previously published in Volume 15 Issue 10 of this journal in October 2016 has been retracted in line with the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, Retracted: Ma Z, Yin W, Hu G, Zhu Z, Huang Z. Effect of Paris polyphylla ...

  12. The Frontier Speaks Back: Two Australian Artists Working in Paris and London

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine Margaret Speck


    Full Text Available Australian artists living and working in Paris and London in the Belle Époque and modern eras had a deep engagement with cosmopolitanism in cities that were at the frontiers of international modernism. They experienced the liberation of putting aside issues of nation, and of working in large, alienating but culturally challenging multi-nation environs in the pre and post war years. This paper will explore how two women artists, Hilda Rix in Paris, a hub of internationalism; and Nora Heysen in London, a city ill-described in the Empire language of ‘home’ for Australians, connected with and articulated cosmopolitan culture. Expatriatism facilitated an offshore variant of Australian modernism.

  13. [Professor WU Zhongchao's experience of penetration needling]. (United States)

    Zhang, Ning; Wang, Bing; Zhou, Yu


    Professor WU Zhongchao has unique application of penetration needling in clinical treatment. Professor WU applies penetration needling along meridians, and the methods of penetration needling include self-meridian penetration, exterior-interior meridian penetration, identical-name meridian penetration, different meridian penetration. The meridian differentiation is performed according to different TCM syndromes, locations and natures of diseases and acupoint nature, so as to make a comprehensive assessment. The qi movement during acupuncture is focused. In addition, attention is paid on anatomy and long-needle penetration; the sequence and direction of acupuncture is essential, and the reinforcing and reducing methods have great originality, presented with holding, waiting, pressing and vibrating. Based on classical acupoint, the acupoint of penetration needling is flexible, forming unique combination of acupoints.

  14. Analysis of Job Satisfaction of University Professors from Nine Chinese Universities (United States)

    Du, Ping; Lai, Manhong; Lo, Leslie N. K.


    Research on work life and job satisfaction of university professors is becoming an important research issue in the field of higher education. This study used questionnaires administered to 1 770 teachers from different levels, types, and academic fields of Chinese universities to investigate job satisfaction among university professors and the…

  15. Redox Pioneer: Professor Vadim N. Gladyshev. (United States)

    Hatfield, Dolph L


    Professor Vadim N. Gladyshev is recognized here as a Redox Pioneer, because he has published an article on antioxidant/redox biology that has been cited more than 1000 times and 29 articles that have been cited more than 100 times. Gladyshev is world renowned for his characterization of the human selenoproteome encoded by 25 genes, identification of the majority of known selenoprotein genes in the three domains of life, and discoveries related to thiol oxidoreductases and mechanisms of redox control. Gladyshev's first faculty position was in the Department of Biochemistry, the University of Nebraska. There, he was a Charles Bessey Professor and Director of the Redox Biology Center. He then moved to the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, where he is Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center for Redox Medicine. His discoveries in redox biology relate to selenoenzymes, such as methionine sulfoxide reductases and thioredoxin reductases, and various thiol oxidoreductases. He is responsible for the genome-wide identification of catalytic redox-active cysteines and for advancing our understanding of the general use of cysteines by proteins. In addition, Gladyshev has characterized hydrogen peroxide metabolism and signaling and regulation of protein function by methionine-R-sulfoxidation. He has also made important contributions in the areas of aging and lifespan control and pioneered applications of comparative genomics in redox biology, selenium biology, and aging. Gladyshev's discoveries have had a profound impact on redox biology and the role of redox control in health and disease. He is a true Redox Pioneer. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 25, 1-9.

  16. Desenvolvimento de coleções em bibliotecas universitárias
    Collection development in university libraries
    p. 1-19


    Ana Cláudia Carvalho de Miranda


    Aborda o gerenciamento da política de desenvolvimento de materiais informacionais nas bibliotecas universitárias. Enfatiza a necessidade de as instituições estabelecerem normas e padrões que orientem o processo decisório, a fim de determinar a conveniência de se adquirir, manter e descartar coleções. Finaliza relacionando os critérios de seleção para formação ideal de um acervo, que atenda às reais necessidades da comunidade acadêmica. Palavras-chave Biblioteca universitária. Desen...

  17. Hydrocarbon pollution fixed to combined sewer sediment: a case study in Paris. (United States)

    Rocher, Vincent; Garnaud, Stéphane; Moilleron, Régis; Chebbo, Ghassan


    Over a period of two years (2000-2001), sediment samples were extracted from 40 silt traps (STs) spread through the combined sewer system of Paris. All sediment samples were analysed for physico-chemical parameters (pH, organic matter content, grain size distribution), with total hydrocarbons (THs) and 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) selected from the priority list of the US-EPA. The two main objectives of the study were (1) to determine the hydrocarbon contamination levels in the sediments of the Paris combined sewer system and (2) to investigate the PAH fingerprints in order to assess their spatial variability and to elucidate the PAH origins. The results show that there is some important inter-site and intra-site variations in hydrocarbon contents. Despite this variability, TH and PAH contamination levels (50th percentile) in the Parisian sewer sediment are estimated at 530 and 18 microg g(-1), respectively. The investigation of the aromatic compound distributions in all of the 40 STs has underlined that there is, at the Paris sewer system scale, a homogeneous PAH background pollution. Moreover, the study of the PAH fingerprints, using specific ratios, suggests the predominance of a pyrolytic origin for those PAHs fixed to the sewer sediment.

  18. Gender and teamwork: an analysis of professors' perspectives and practices (United States)

    Beddoes, Kacey; Panther, Grace


    Teamwork is increasingly seen as an important component of engineering education programmes. Yet, prior research has shown that there are numerous ways in which teamwork is gendered, and can lead to negative experiences for women students. This article presents the first interview findings on professors' perspectives on gender and teamwork. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 39 engineering professors to determine what and how they thought about gender in engineering and engineering education. For this article, the parts of the interviews about teamwork are analysed. We conclude that professors need tools to help them facilitate gender-inclusive teamwork, and those tools must address the beliefs that they already hold about teamwork. The findings raise questions about the adoption of evidence-based instructional practices and suggest current teamwork practices may exacerbate gender inequalities in engineering.

  19. Références bibliographiques de congrès concernant les indépendances des pays africains, publiés entre 1960 et 2010.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernadette Joseph


    Full Text Available 1963Décolonisation et régimes politiques en Afrique noire.Actes du colloque organisé par le Centre d'études des relations internationales de Paris et le Centre d'études d'Afrique noire de l'université de Bordeaux, 30 novembre-1er décembre 1963, sur le thème «  Les régimes des nouveaux Etats et leurs relations extérieures. Sous la direction d'Albert Mabileau et Jean Meyriat.- Paris : Colin, 1967.- 276 p.1977The transfer of power in Africa : decolonization, 1940-1960.D'après le congrès tenu à B...

  20. Présentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aurore Monod Becquelin


    Full Text Available Les recherches présentées dans ce volume sont issues des travaux de chercheurs qui se réunissent régulièrement depuis 2005 sur le thème de l’« Agentivité ». Ce groupe rassemble des ethnologues et des linguistes du Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative (umr 7186, cnrs/université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, du Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale (umr 7130, Collège de France/ehess Paris/cnrs, de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, de l’Institut des hautes étude...

  1. Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance

    CERN Document Server

    Legros, Florence; Perna, Cira; Sibillo, Marilena


    This volume gathers selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the international conference "MAF 2016 – Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance”, held in Paris (France) at the Université Paris-Dauphine from March 30 to April 1, 2016. The contributions highlight new ideas on mathematical and statistical methods in actuarial sciences and finance. The cooperation between mathematicians and statisticians working in insurance and finance is a very fruitful field, one that yields unique  theoretical models and practical applications, as well as new insights in the discussion of problems of national and international interest. This volume is addressed to academicians, researchers, Ph.D. students and professionals.

  2. Redhead (Rubiaceae)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Thèse de Doctorat 3è cycle, UFR. Biosciences, Université, Cocody-Abidjan,. 2003; p 144. 19. Xavier L. Rôle du foie dans le métabolisme des nutriments en nutrition artificielle. Nutrition clinique et métabolisme, 1999; 13(4):. 225-231. 20. Eastham RD. Abrégé de constantes biologiques. Edition Masson, Paris-France; 1978;.

  3. comparação entre professores do ensino público e privado


    Silva, Ana Vanessa Pereira


    Face à atual conjuntura de grande volatilidade nas políticas no sector educativo, é fundamental perceber quais as consequências das mudanças sociais e curriculares na vida dos professores. Existe um interesse geral por parte dos meios de comunicação social, professores, sindicatos e opinião pública sobre o estado da Educação em Portugal e sobre a problemática do stress profissional dos professores. Vários estudos de âmbito nacional e internacional têm vindo a assinalar os efeitos destas mu...

  4. Université de Genève

    CERN Multimedia


    Ecole de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENÈVE 4 Tél: (022) 379 62 73 - Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Lundi 1er décembre 2008 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17.00 hrs – Stückelberg Auditorium Superconducting Interfaces between Insulating Oxide Prof. Jean-Marc TRISCONE / Université de Genève At interfaces between complex oxides, electronic systems with unusual properties can be generated. A striking example is the interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3, two good insulating perovskite oxides, which was found in 2004 to be conducting with a high mobility. We recently discovered that the ground state of this system is a superconducting condensate, with a critical temperature of about 200 mK. The characteristics observed for the superconducting transitions are consistent with a two-dimensional superconducting sheet as thin as a few nanometers. Recent field effect experiments revealed the sensitivity of the normal and superconducting states to the carrier d...

  5. Université de Genève

    CERN Multimedia


    Ecole de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet - 1211 GENÈVE 4 Tél: (022) 379 62 73 - Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Lundi 1er décembre 2008 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17.00 hrs – Stückelberg Auditorium Superconducting Interfaces between Insulating Oxide Prof. Jean-Marc TRISCONE / Université de Genève At interfaces between complex oxides, electronic systems with unusual properties can be generated. A striking example is the interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3, two good insulating perovskite oxides, which was found in 2004 to be conducting with a high mobility. We recently discovered that the ground state of this system is a superconducting condensate, with a critical temperature of about 200 mK. The characteristics observed for the superconducting transitions are consistent with a two-dimensional superconducting sheet as thin as a few nanometers. Recent field effect experiments revealed the sensitivity of the normal and superconducting states to the carrier ...

  6. Une université biélorusse en son exil lituanien.

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    Juliette Rennes


    Full Text Available C’est l’histoire d’un Allemand, d’un Anglais et d’une Française attablés dans la cuisine d’un appartement à Vilnius : en russe, ils discutent des courses à faire, du froid, de Foucault et du cinéma post-soviétique. Ce qui les réunit dans cet endroit et dans cette langue, c’est la European Humanities University (E hu , université biélorusse dissidente, en exil depuis octobre 2005 à Vilnius, en Lituanie. À des titres divers, ils y sont invités pour y donner des ...

  7. From movement to models: a tribute to professor Alan G. Hannam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hylander, W.L.; McMillan, A.S.; Lam, E.W.N.; Watanabe, M.; Langenbach, G.E.J.; Stavness, I.; Peck, C.C.; Palla, S.


    This tribute article to Professor Alan G. Hannam is based on 7 presentations for him at the July 1, 2008 symposium honoring 3 "giants" in orofacial neuroscience: Professors B.J. Sessle, J.P. Lund, and A.G. Hannam. This tribute to Hannam’s outstanding career draws examples from his 40-year academic

  8. [Antoine Béchamp and Victor Cornil Memento for Romanian pharmacy, chemistry and medicine]. (United States)

    Buiuc, D; Pânzaru, Carmen


    Today we commemorate a century from the death of two Romanian loving scientists: Antoine Béchamp (1816- March 31 1908), pharmacist, chemist and physician, professor at the Universities of Strasbourg, Montpellier and Lille, and Victor Cornil (1837- April 14 1908), physician, histopathologist and bacteriologist, professor of the University of Medicine in Paris, co-author with Victor Babeş on the first ever Bacteriological Treaty.

  9. [Defusing of victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris. Elements of assessment one-month post-event]. (United States)

    Prieto, N; Cheucle, E; Faure, P; Digard, F; Dalphin, C; Pachiaudi, V; Simond, M; Darbon, R; Collinet, C; Habibi, R; Gueugniaud, P-Y


    The terrorist attacks (fusillades and suicide attacks) in Paris on 13 November 2015 have had a major psychic impact on all individuals directly or secondarily exposed to them. Medico-psychological unit (CUMP) of the Paris Île-de-France region's immediate care services were immediately mobilized and rapidly strengthened by all regional medico-psychological units (CUMP) throughout the country. Psychological assistance has been provided in several key points of Paris and specifically in the 11th district City Hall of Paris where Lyon's Medico-psychological unit was located. These specific immediate psychological assistances, referred to as a "defusing process" by the medico-psychological unit (CUMP), are mostly devoted to provide the victims with an entry point to a psychological healthcare relationship and give them a first sense of soothing and relief even though they do not prevent further psychological care follow up for the victims. Nonetheless, the potential therapeutic effect of this "defusing process" has not yet been sufficiently established nor demonstrated by any scientific study. A phoning survey was carried out one-month post-terrorist attacks and interviewed the 129 victims who benefited from the "defusing process" conducted by Lyon's medico-psychological unit (CUMP) in order to collect data and assess its effects. These people, whether directly exposed, bereaved relatives or witnesses, whose average age is 35, are mostly living in the Île-de-France region. Most of them present a high score on the IES-R scale, whether they were directly exposed, bereaved relatives or witnesses. Almost all of them (96.5%) experienced at least one medical care contact within this one-month post-trauma period with psychotropic medication for 37% of them. Regarding the defusing conducted by Lyon's medico-psychological unit (CUMP) in the 11th district City Hall of Paris, it appears that 93% of the victims who were looked after indicated that they were satisfied and 87.4% of

  10. Impact of technology-infused interactive learning environments on college professors' instructional decisions and practices (United States)

    Kuda Malwathumullage, Chamathca Priyanwada

    Recent advancements in instructional technology and interactive learning space designs have transformed how undergraduate classrooms are envisioned and conducted today. Large number of research studies have documented the impact of instructional technology and interactive learning spaces on elevated student learning gains, positive attitudes, and increased student engagement in undergraduate classrooms across nation. These research findings combined with the movement towards student-centered instructional strategies have motivated college professors to explore the unfamiliar territories of instructional technology and interactive learning spaces. Only a limited number of research studies that explored college professors' perspective on instructional technology and interactive learning space use in undergraduate classrooms exist in the education research literature. Since college professors are an essential factor in undergraduate students' academic success, investigating how college professors perceive and utilize instructional technology and interactive learning environments can provide insights into designing effective professional development programs for college professors across undergraduate institutions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate college professors' pedagogical reasoning behind incorporating different types of instructional technologies and teaching strategies to foster student learning in technology-infused interactive learning environments. Furthermore, this study explored the extent to which college professors' instructional decisions and practices are affected by teaching in an interactive learning space along with their overall perception of instructional technology and interactive learning spaces. Four college professors from a large public Midwestern university who taught undergraduate science courses in a classroom based on the 'SCALE-UP model' participated in this study. Major data sources included classroom

  11. Transactional sex and sexual harassment between professors and students at an urban university in Benin. (United States)

    Eller, Amanda


    This paper adds to discussion of transactional sex relationships in Africa by examining the distinction between transactional sex and sexual harassment in the context of professor-student relationships and their inherent power dynamics. By exploring the ways in which female university students in urban Benin toe the line between empowered agent and victim, I show how the power differential between professor and student obstructs the professor's ability to objectively determine consent, and examine why, in spite of this differential, male professors are frequently perceived as the victims of these relationships. Ethnographic data were gathered through participant observation on a public university campus in Benin and in-depth interviews and focus groups with 34 students and 5 professors from that university. Findings suggest that the problem of sexual harassment on campus will be difficult to address so long as transactional sex relationships between professors and students are permitted to continue.

  12. Dados e informações usados na tomada de decisão em bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras : o contexto da atividade de desenvolvimento de coleções


    Rejane Raffo Klaes


    Foi realizado um estudo de caráter expioratório-descritivo para verificar o uso dos dados e estatísticas coletados regularmente pelas bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras no processo decisório dentro da atividade de desenvolvimento de coleções. Tendo como base a abordagem sistêmica, a biblioteca universitária foi classificada como uma organização social de serviço em constante interação com o meio ambiente. A função e os objetivos da universidade e da biblioteca universitária, as necessidad...

  13. Physics buzz in Paris

    CERN Multimedia

    Katie Yurkewicz


    The International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) took place from 22 to 28 July in Paris, and first results from the Large Hadron Collider experiments received top billing.   More than 1,100 physicists gathered in the Palais des Congrès conference centre to attend ICHEP, the world’s premier particle physics conference, where scientists presented and discussed the latest and most intriguing results from experiments in particle physics, particle astrophysics and cosmology, innovative theoretical approaches and predictions, and concepts for future accelerators and particle detectors. The buzz about the LHC experiments caught the eye of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who addressed the conference on Monday 26 July. President Sarkozy exhorted the particle physics community to continue its quest to understand the nature of the Universe, and stated his belief that investment in fundamental research is critical for the progress of mankind. Steve Myers started off the mo...

  14. Enabling Possibility: Women Associate Professors' Sense of Agency in Career Advancement (United States)

    Terosky, Aimee LaPointe; O'Meara, KerryAnn; Campbell, Corbin M.


    In this multimethod, qualitative study we examined associate women professors' sense of agency in career advancement from the rank of associate to full. Defining agency as strategic perspectives or actions toward goals that matter to the professor, we explore the perceptions of what helps and/or hinders a sense of agency in career advancement. Our…

  15. College Students' Perceptions of Professor/Instructor Bullying: Questionnaire Development and Psychometric Properties. (United States)

    Marraccini, Marisa E; Weyandt, Lisa L; Rossi, Joseph S


    This study developed and examined the psychometric properties of a newly formed measure designed to assess professor/instructor bullying, as well as teacher bullying occurring prior to college. Additionally, prevalence of instructor bullying and characteristics related to victims of instructor bullying were examined. Participants were 337 college students recruited in 2012 from a northeastern university. An online questionnaire was administered to college students. A split-half, cross-validation approach was employed for measurement development. The measure demonstrated strong criterion validity and internal consistency. Approximately half of students reported witnessing professor/instructor bullying and 18% reported being bullied by a professor/instructor. Report of teacher bullying occurring prior to college was related to professor/instructor bullying in college, and sex was a moderating variable. College students perceive instructor bullying as occurring but may not know how to properly address it. Prevention efforts should be made by university administrators, faculty, and staff.

  16. [Digital educational materials in nursing: assessment by professors from an undergraduate course]. (United States)

    Cogo, Ana Luísa Petersen; Pedro, Eva Néri Rubim; da Silva, Ana Paula Scheffer Schell; Schatkoski, Aline Modelski; Catalan, Vanessa Menezes; Alves, Rosa Helena Kreutz


    This study addresses the use of digital learning materials in the format of hypertext, educational games and simulations about oxygen therapy with professors of an Undergraduate Nursing Course. It is a cross-sectional exploratory study that was carried out at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in 2006 with 10 intentionally selected professors. Data collection was performed by means of a questionnaire, using a Likert scale to assess the suitability of the content, visual presentation and use of learning materials. Descriptive statistics was used to organize and process the data. Results showed that the professors approved of the presentation of educational materials, they agreed with the suitability of the contents presented and with using the materials with the content regarding oxygen therapy. There was no significant relation between the professors' opinion and their age group, nor with their computer technology knowledge, their time in teaching and the addressed contents.

  17. Understanding the origin of Paris Agreement emission uncertainties (United States)

    Rogelj, Joeri; Fricko, Oliver; Meinshausen, Malte; Krey, Volker; Zilliacus, Johanna J. J.; Riahi, Keywan


    The UN Paris Agreement puts in place a legally binding mechanism to increase mitigation action over time. Countries put forward pledges called nationally determined contributions (NDC) whose impact is assessed in global stocktaking exercises. Subsequently, actions can then be strengthened in light of the Paris climate objective: limiting global mean temperature increase to well below 2 °C and pursuing efforts to limit it further to 1.5 °C. However, pledged actions are currently described ambiguously and this complicates the global stocktaking exercise. Here, we systematically explore possible interpretations of NDC assumptions, and show that this results in estimated emissions for 2030 ranging from 47 to 63 GtCO2e yr-1. We show that this uncertainty has critical implications for the feasibility and cost to limit warming well below 2 °C and further to 1.5 °C. Countries are currently working towards clarifying the modalities of future NDCs. We identify salient avenues to reduce the overall uncertainty by about 10 percentage points through simple, technical clarifications regarding energy accounting rules. Remaining uncertainties depend to a large extent on politically valid choices about how NDCs are expressed, and therefore raise the importance of a thorough and robust process that keeps track of where emissions are heading over time.

  18. Communications and Informational Technologies: professional preparation of the Informatics professor

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    Adrian Robaina Valdés


    Full Text Available The development of the society it is sign by the development of the techniques and the science that has challenges the educational system in the formation of the new generation. The Cuban Educational politics had defined the social mission to each subsystem of education, in the particular case of the professional polytechnic education, belongs to the professors of Informatics, the accomplish of this mission, develop an important role in the educational use of the communication and informational technologies that requires and an adequate professional preparation. The aim of this article is to based form the theoretical and methodological point, the process of the professional preparation of the professors of informatics in the technical schools while they apply the communication and informational technologies, the theorical bases offered the historical past and tendencies of the professional preparation while they apply the communication and information technologies, the educative use of information technologies in the pedagogical process and the theoretical support in this process, using revision methods bibliography and systematizing . We may say that the research work concludes that the preparation of the professors had passed for different stages that had point to the need of the formation of professor to give answers to the introduction of the informatics subject at school, using different ways, the postgraduate updates and all the variety of ways to upgrade the professors will use. Form the educative point of view a part from the study as a subject must be use as an intermediate in the pedagogical process, also, to determine the characteristic that distinguish the professional preparation process.

  19. Prophecy of a New Architecture Empathy I




    Per-Oscar Östrell DIAP PhD: Architettura e Costruzione-Spazio e Società Ciclo XXVI. Main advisors: Professor Benedetto Todaro and Professor Stefano Catucci. PROPHECY OF A NEW ARCHITECTURE Empathy Università Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza Dipartimento Di Architettura e Progetto. My unique idea, is to open the minds of the people who read the book make them open for the beauty in the world and for fellowman. Yes this is a topic that is popular at the moment but my appro...

  20. Prophecy of a New Architecture Empathy




    Per-Oscar Östrell DIAP PhD: Architettura e Costruzione-Spazio e Società Ciclo XXVI. Main advisors: Professor Benedetto Todaro and Professor Stefano Catucci. PROPHECY OF A NEW ARCHITECTURE Empathy Università Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza Dipartimento Di Architettura e Progetto. My unique idea, is to open the minds of the people who read the book make them open for the beauty in the world and for fellowman. Yes this is a topic that is popular at the moment but my appro...

  1. Obituaries: Professor A. Sanielevici and Dr. F.M. Folsom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Alexandre Sanielevici, whose death on 21 December in Romania we regret to record, had been connected with important aspects of the Agency's research work almost from its inception. Born in 1899, he studied physics and chemistry first at the University of Jassy, Romania, and then at the Sorbonne where he obtained the degree of Doctor of Science. He worked for several years at the Radium Institute, Paris and later at Bucharest University. At the time he joined the Agency in 1958 he was a Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, department head of the Academy's Institute of Nuclear Physics and head of the radioisotopes laboratory. His work with the Agency was mainly connected with research and the laboratories, but he also assisted in matters of health, safety and waste disposal. On his retirement in 1967 he was given a special appointment as consultant to the Scientific Council of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, a task which he fulfilled with characteristic assiduity and enthusiasm. He was the author of books on radioactivity, nuclear structures and the utilization of radioisotopes as well as of a number of scientific papers. Dr. Frank M. Folsom, who since 1957 has been a permanent representative of the Holy See to the Agency and has regularly attended the General Conference, died in New York on 12 January aged 75. A graduate of the University of San Francisco, he held a number of important positions both in industry and connected with universities and charitable work. For many years he was president of a large communications corporation and was the recipient of numerous honours and awards. Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, who has always shared with him the representation of the Holy See, in writing to announce the loss said 'Frank was a wonderfully generous and devoted friend and we will all miss him greatly'

  2. L’esperienza MoULe dell’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

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    Michelle Pieri


    Full Text Available Questo contributo si focalizza sull’esperienza di mobile learning, con l’ambiente per l’apprendimento cooperativo MoULe, realizzata dall’Università degli studi di Milano- Bicocca in collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Palermo. Un questionario1 sulle tecnologie e l’uso delle tecnologie è stato somministrato ai partecipanti prima dell’inizio dell’esperienza e alla fine dell’esperienza è stato realizzato un focus group con i partecipanti per valutare l’esperienza.

  3. Modos de ser enfermeiro-professor-no-ensino-do-cuidadode-enfermagem: um olhar heideggeriano

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    Luciara Fabiane Sebold


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo de abordagem fenomenológica. Objetivou desvelar, à luz do pensamento de Martin Heidegger, os modos de ser dos enfermeiros-professores na vivência de ensinar-aprender o cuidado de enfermagem em uma instituição federal de ensino superior do sul do Brasil. A técnica utilizada para captar os significados foi a entrevista fenomenológica com 11 docentes. A análise permitiu compreender os Modos de Ser enfermeiro-professor, que foram didaticamente apresentados em duas unidades de significado: Modo de ser enfermeiro para o cuidado; Modo de ser professor para o ensino do cuidado. Alguns professores identificam-se como enfermeiros, suas experiências profissionais são suas bases e a coexistência com outros pôde lhes servir de exemplo. Outros se percebem professores de enfermagem e desejam ensinar os desafios de ser enfermeiro, e aprimoram o cuidado através de pesquisas. Ao ensinar, envolvem-se com o universo de ensino no qual o cuidar também é aprender e ensinar.

  4. Aspectos gerais da formação de professores

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    Edson do Carmo Inforsato


    Full Text Available Este artigo, ancorado em estudos recentes e antigos, mostra o afastamento dos cursos de formação de professores em relação aos elementos que compõem a prática profissional docente. Favorável a uma aproximação efetiva com o contexto das práticas de sala de aula, o autor defende a idéia de uma formação de professores atrelada aos problemas e necessidades da prática docente no ensino formal de 1º e 2º graus.

  5. [Effective acupoints for bulbar paralysis by professor GAO Weibin]. (United States)

    Kang, Lianru; Zheng, Shuang


    Professor GAO Weibin academically advocates, based on basic theory of TCM and theories of different schools, modern science technology should be used for the methods and principles of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for neuropathy, so as to explore and summarize the rules, characteristics and advantages of TCM for nervous system disease, especially bulbar paralysis. During the treatment of bulbar paralysis, professor GAO creatively proposes the effective acupuncture points such as Gongxue, Tunyan-1, Tunyan-2, Fayin, Tiyan and Zhifanliu from the aspects of neuroanatomy, and analyzes their anatomical structure and action mechanism.

  6. Interview met professor Joan Wallach Scott

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bijl, Greetje; Tijhoff, Esmeralda


    Joan Scott, professor at the School of Social Science in the Institute for Avanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey (USA), was the keynote speaker at the conference 'Uitsluitend emancipatie' in de Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam in October 2012. An interview on gender, history, feminism and her book

  7. Reflections of a Latino Associate Professor (United States)

    Peguero, Anthony A.


    The following reflection essay is about my experiences as a Latino Associate Professor who focuses on criminology, youth violence, juvenile justice, and the associated disparities with race, ethnicity, and immigration. I reflect about the "race and justice" job market, pursuing and establishing a Latina/o Criminology working group, often…

  8. CERN 50th Anniversary Official Celebration : keynote speech from Professor Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Professor in the Molecular Biology at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, Former Director-General of UNESCO

    CERN Document Server



    CERN 50th Anniversary Official Celebration : keynote speech from Professor Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Professor in the Molecular Biology at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, Former Director-General of UNESCO

  9. Didattica etnografica sperimentale (Massimo Canevacci

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    Massimiliano Di Massa


    Full Text Available Massimo Canevacci, insegnante di Antropologia culturale alla Sapienza di Roma, con questo libro visionario e audace ci racconta delle trasformazioni del ruolo del professore universitario nel rapporto con l'evoluzione della cultura contemporanea. Sulla base di queste considerazioni generali, Canevacci afferma la necessità di un forte ripensamento dell'attuale impostazione didattica dell'Università, almeno nel campo delle scienze sociali e in particolare nell'ambito antropologico, affermando che 'è quindi necessario ripensare le forme della didattica, per esplorarne le nuove multiple possibilità, nella sua meta-connessione con le scelte dei nuovi territori che coinvolgono la ricerca e i paradigmi ad essa connessi. L'Università non deve essere il luogo della riproduzione del sapere; l'Università è lo spazio dell'innovazione dei saperi.

  10. An Interview with Professor Melquíades de Dios Leyva, December 2008 (United States)

    Arias de Fuentes, Olimpia

    When writing about the history of physics in Cuba, this remarkable professor of quantum mechanics must be mentioned, for he embodies a most genuine example of the turn taken by national educational policy after 1959: Education for all, at all levels, with no discrimination or elitism. The following is an interview granted by Dr. Melquíades de Dios Leyva, Outstanding Full Professor of the Physics Faculty of the University of Havana, to Dr. Olimpia Arias de Fuentes, Associate Professor at the same, and Senior Researcher of the Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMRE) of the University of Havana.

  11. Teaching Students About Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination: An Interview with Susan Fiske (United States)

    Hackney, Amy


    Susan T. Fiske is professor of psychology, Princeton University (PhD, Harvard University; honorary doctorate, Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). She wrote Social Cognition (with Taylor) on how people make sense of each other. Currently, she investigates emotional prejudices (pity, contempt, envy, and pride) at cultural,…

  12. O pensamento de Max Weber

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    Maurício Tragtenberg


    Full Text Available Max Weber inicia sua carreira universitária em 1893, como professor extraordinário de Direito Mercantil e Romano, na Universidade de Berlim. Em 1894 assume a Cadeira de Economia Política na Universidade de Hamburgo e em 1897 leciona na Universidade de Heidelberg.

  13. Tecnologias e professores de Química: um programa brasileiro de desenvolvimento profissional

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    Marcelo Prado Amaral-Rosa


    Full Text Available O setor educacional é uma das esferas sociais afetadas diretamente pelas tecnologias digitais. Destinar atenção aos caminhos tomados por tais aparatos é vital para compreender os próprios processos educacionais. Nessa situação, enquadra-se a formação de professores. Assim, o objetivo geral é apresentar as nuances gerais do Programa de Desenvolvimento Profissional para Professores com a finalidade de contextualizar uma estratégia inovadora de formação de professores da rede básica pública de educação a partir das ações formativas desenvolvidas na área de Química. O programa foi ofertado pelo governo brasileiro aos professores da educação básica por meio de um acordo de cooperação internacional entre Brasil e Portugal. As formações ocorreram na Universidade do Porto e na Universidade de Aveiro. Foram ofertadas 175 vagas para professores de todas as regiões do Brasil nas áreas de Língua Portuguesa, Pedagogia, Física, Matemática e Química. A área de Química foi a única que ocorreu em ambas as instituições parceiras, sendo acompanhadas in loco. Percebe-se que o conhecimento por parte da comunidade de professores e pesquisadores sobre a ocorrência dessa formação ofertada pelo governo brasileiro é praticamente inexistente, assim faz-se se suma importância a divulgação dos contextos de ocorrência da mesma, tendo enquanto macro destaque a valorização dos professores da rede pública nacional.

  14. Rôle des universités dans le renforcement des technologies de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Rôle des universités dans le renforcement des technologies de l'information et de la communication au service du développement (TIC-D) en Asie. Jusqu'à maintenant, les efforts déployés dans le secteur de l'enseignement supérieur ont surtout été axés sur le téléapprentissage, l'apprentissage électronique et différentes ...

  15. Assessment of the Climate Paris Agreement in the light of a Global Standard of Transparency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tabau, Anne-Sophie


    Reactions to the Paris Agreement oscillate between political enthusiasm, given the diplomatic challenge that was taken-up, and activist disappointment, considering the emergency and scale of transformations to undertake to tackle climate change. The legal analysis of the COP21, its results and prospects they open however needs to be done in the light of dispassionate criteria. The one proposed in this paper uses a global standard of transparency. The reading grid offered thus enables to locate the Paris Agreement in the context of a global and complex governance; two features that the theory of global administrative law aims to better understand, from an empirical but also a prescriptive approaches. This assessment shows that the balance between transparency and opacity, intelligibility, effectiveness or efficiency is both delicate to establish and unstable. If the way the cursor was positioned under the Paris Agreement may seem unsatisfactory in many respects, it must not be forgotten that it is intended to evolve

  16. Climate champions? France, Germany and Europe in the negotiations about the Paris Agreement on climate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aykut, Stefan


    This report discusses the role and implications of France, Germany and Europe in the preparation of the Paris Agreement of December 2015. The author first discusses the historical aspiration of Europe to have a role of leadership in the negotiations. Then, he examines and comments the actual results of the COP21 and the content of the Paris Agreement. He analyses situational factors, the economic and political context, the role of the French diplomacy, of Germany and of the European Union. He analyses dynamics which, on the medium and the long terms, has shaped climate governance, notably the red lines defined by China and the USA, and the general framework of negotiations which tend to exclude some important issues which are considered as matters of conflict. The last part proposes a retrospective overview on room and options available for Europe to find a leadership again within the new climate regime implemented by the Paris Agreement

  17. Modelos e experiências de competência em informação em contexto universitário

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    Fernanda Maria Melo Alves


    Full Text Available O artigo indica alguns estudos diacrônicos de revisão e de comparação sobre competência em informação a nível mundial e investiga alguns modelos em contexto universitário e suas respectivas aplicações, descrevendo experiências realizadas com estudantes, em diferentes universidades e países. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Entre os resultados destaca-se a diversidade cronológica e geográfica dos modelos, bem como as suas diversas possibilidades de aplicação para a avaliação e o desenvolvimento da competência em informação de universitários.

  18. Rakesh K. Kapania named Norris and Laura Mitchell Professor of Aerospace Engineering


    Crumbley, Liz


    Rakesh K. Kapania, a professor in the Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, was appointed the Norris and Laura Mitchell Professor of Aerospace Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors during the board's quarterly meeting March 31.


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    Ioan Mămăligă


    Full Text Available Today, I want to believe in the old saying that the soul, the spirit of the departed lingers on for a while among the living. I like to believe our homage here today will somehow reach Stelian Petrescu, our professor, colleague, mentor and coworker, who put his passion, talent, love and devotion into serving the chemical engineering school in Iaşi. His life and work have been closely related to our Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection. In 1975, he graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry of the Polytechnic Institute with a degree in the Technology of Inorganic Substances, and in 1980, he went on to teach at the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University in Iaşi, where he gradually built an exceptional career. In 1987, he earned a PhD in chemical engineering, and he became a full professor in 1996. A hard worker and brilliant researcher, Professor Petrescu has published over 15 books and textbooks and over 150 valuable scientific articles. He was also the author of over 40 patents, many of which received awards at international invention fairs. An outstanding member of the group of teachers with the Chemical Engineering Department, which he has run and coordinated for a long time, he has contributed to the education of over 30 generations of engineers and the development of a new generation of doctors in chemical engineering. He was beloved and held in high regard both by his students and his colleagues. Professor Petrescu has left this world prematurely, unexpectedly and unjustly. We will all miss him and will surely remember all the wonderful times we spent together. On behalf of his colleagues and students, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to his family.

  20. College Students’ Perceptions of Professor/Instructor Bullying: Questionnaire Development and Psychometric Properties (United States)

    Marraccini, Marisa E.; Weyandt, Lisa L.; Rossi, Joseph S.


    Objective This study developed and examined the psychometric properties of a newly formed measure designed to assess professor/instructor bullying, as well as teacher bullying occurring prior to college. Additionally, prevalence of instructor bullying and characteristics related to victims of instructor bullying were examined. Participants Participants were 337 college students recruited in 2012 from a northeastern university. Methods An online questionnaire was administered to college students. A split-half, cross-validation approach was employed for measurement development. Results The measure demonstrated strong criterion validity and internal consistency. Approximately half of students reported witnessing professor/instructor bullying and 18% reported being bullied by a professor/instructor. Report of teacher bullying occurring prior to college was related to professor/instructor bullying in college, and sex was a moderating variable. Conclusion College students perceive instructor bullying as occurring but may not know how to properly address it. Prevention efforts should be made by university administrators, faculty and staff. PMID:26151235

  1. Physical activities practicing among scholar professors: focus on their quality of life

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaqueline Dias


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: To investigate the practice of physical activity among scholar professors focusing on their quality of life. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 121 professors at one of the campuses of a state university in the State of Paraná, using a questionnaire created by Baecke and adapted for the study. Results: The analyzed group presented a level of inadequate physical activity of 54.4%, with mean body mass of 26.20, considered overweight. Conclusion: The study indicated that professors do not practice physical activity at the level recommended by the World Health Organization; therefore, they are, for the most part, sedentary and have complaints of anxiety. It is advisable to carry out actions aimed at the health of the professors, directed to the modification in the lifestyle, with regular practice of physical activities and balanced diet, for the improvement of the quality of life.

  2. Variability of air ion concentrations in urban Paris (United States)

    Dos Santos, V. N.; Herrmann, E.; Manninen, H. E.; Hussein, T.; Hakala, J.; Nieminen, T.; Aalto, P. P.; Merkel, M.; Wiedensohler, A.; Kulmala, M.; Petäjä, T.; Hämeri, K.


    Air ion concentrations influence new particle formation and consequently the global aerosol as potential cloud condensation nuclei. We aimed to evaluate air ion concentrations and characteristics of new particle formation events (NPF) in the megacity of Paris, France, within the MEGAPOLI (Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric Pollution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation) project. We measured air ion number size distributions (0.8-42 nm) with an air ion spectrometer and fine particle number concentrations (> 6 nm) with a twin differential mobility particle sizer in an urban site of Paris between 26 June 2009 and 4 October 2010. Air ions were size classified as small (0.8-2 nm), intermediate (2-7 nm), and large (7-20 nm). The median concentrations of small and large ions were 670 and 680 cm-3, respectively, (sum of positive and negative polarities), whereas the median concentration of intermediate ions was only 20 cm-3, as these ions were mostly present during new particle formation bursts, i.e. when gas-to-particle conversion produced fresh aerosol particles from gas phase precursors. During peaks in traffic-related particle number, the concentrations of small and intermediate ions decreased, whereas the concentrations of large ions increased. Seasonal variations affected the ion population differently, with respect to their size and polarity. NPF was observed in 13 % of the days, being most frequent in spring and late summer (April, May, July, and August). The results also suggest that NPF was favoured on the weekends in comparison to workdays, likely due to the lower levels of condensation sinks in the mornings of weekends (CS weekdays 09:00: 18 × 10-3 s-1; CS weekend 09:00: 8 × 10-3 s-1). The median growth rates (GR) of ions during the NPF events varied between 3 and 7 nm h-1, increasing with the ion size and being higher on workdays than on weekends for intermediate and large ions. The median GR of

  3. Psychological well-being and psychological distress for professors in Brazil and Canada.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Alice Vilas Boas


    Full Text Available Mental health, an important object of research in psychology as well as social psychology, can be determined by the relationship between psychological well-being and psychological distress. In this context, we search to understand: “How do compare mental health of professors working in public universities in an emerging country like Brazil with the one of professors working in a developed country like Canada?” and “What are the main differences in the indicators of mental health in work domain?”. This paper assesses psychological well-being and psychological distress for professors working in these two countries and test for their differences. The sample consists of 354 Brazilian professors and 317 Canadian professors. Data were collected through an on-line questionnaire assessing the following mental health indicators: anxiety, depression, loss of control, general positive affect and emotional ties. We compared the components of psychological distress and psychological well-being to analyse their relations. Additionally, we compared these components with work-life balance indicator. Reliability analyses demonstrated that all tested components are consistent to evaluate mental health. There are small mean differences between Brazilian and Canadian professors in all five components of mental health, but these differences are not statistically significant. Mean differences for work-life balance, gender, age, and bias of conformity are statistically different, although the size effects are small. Linear regression analysis, step by step, controlled for life events, showed that general positive affect, anxiety and emotional ties predict 31.5% of the scores of work-life balance. Additionally, we observed that Brazilian professors find more balance between professional and private life than do their Canadian colleagues. Promoting mental health is a challenge for public management sector, thus, public managers and governmental organizations can

  4. The transformative experiences of a scientist-professor with teacher candidates (United States)

    Lashley, Terry Lee Hester

    This case study documented the pedagogical and philosophical change experiences of a senior research scientist-professor at a large Research I University as he implemented an open inquiry immersion course with secondary science teacher candidates. The 4-semester hour graduate-level credit course (Botany 531) is titled "Knowing and Teaching Science: Just Do-It!" The students were 5th-year education students who possessed an undergraduate degree in the biological sciences. The premise for the course is that to teach science effectively, one must be able to DO science. Students were provided with extensive opportunities to design and carry out experiments and communicate the results both orally and in a written format. The focus of this dissertation was on changes in the pedagogical philosophy and practice of the scientist-professor as he taught this course over a 4-year period, 1997--2000. The data used in this study include the scientist-professor's reflective journals (1997--2000), the students' journals (1997--2000), and interviews with the scientist-professor (2001--2002). HyperRESEARCH 2.03 software was used to code and analyze the reflective journals and transcribed interviews. Data were reviewed and then placed into original codes. The codes were then grouped into themes for analysis. Identified themes included (1) Reflective Practice, (2) Social Construction of Knowledge, (3) Legitimate Peripheral Participation, and (4) the Zone of Proximal Development. There is clear evidence that the scientist-professor experienced transformative changes in his philosophy and practice over the 4-year period. This is shown by (1) differences in learning outcomes and expectations for Do-It! course students and traditional course students, (2) documentation of the scientist-professor's movement through the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Stages of Concern, (3) increased collaboration and support from the college of education, (4) development and delivery of two other

  5. His Excellency Professor Dr Che-Ho Wei, Chairman, National Science Council Executive Yuan, Republic of China

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    Photo 01: Professor Dr. Che-Ho Wei signing the Guest Book with CERN Director-General, L. Maiani. Photo 02: Professor Dr. Che-Ho Wei. Photo 03::Professor Dr. Che-Ho Wei shaking hands with CERN Director-General, L. Maiani.

  6. Professor Peter Higgs: "My Life as a Boson"

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Professor Peter Higgs played a key role in the development of the Standard Model, our current theory of fundamental physics. The search for the Higgs Boson is the centrepiece of the LHC programme at CERN, and the existence of this famously elusive particle is likely to be confirmed or refuted with data currently being collected, using apparatus partly designed at Bristol. Professor Higgs will introduce the ideas of spontaneous symmetry breaking, and discuss how these developed from their application in condensed matter through the earlier work of Yoichiro Nambu and Jeffrey Goldstone, to the work of Robert Brout, Francois Englert and himself in 1964. The subsequent application of these ideas to electroweak theory will be discussed briefly.

  7. Strategies for Professors Who Service the University to Earn Tenure and Promotion (United States)

    Gentry, Ruben; Stokes, Dorothy


    Tenure and promotion are great aspirations for college professors. They are indicators of success in the professions. Universities stipulate in their official documents and numerous higher education publications specify what professors must achieve in order to earn tenure and promotion; which almost always cite effectiveness in teaching, research,…

  8. Two months of disdrometer data in the Paris area (United States)

    Gires, Auguste; Tchiguirinskaia, Ioulia; Schertzer, Daniel


    The Hydrology, Meteorology, and Complexity laboratory of École des Ponts ParisTech ( has made a data set of optical disdrometer measurements available that come from a campaign involving three collocated devices from two different manufacturers, relying on different underlying technologies (one Campbell Scientific PWS100 and two OTT Parsivel2 instruments). The campaign took place in January-February 2016 in the Paris area (France). Disdrometers provide access to information on the size and velocity of drops falling through the sampling area of the devices of roughly a few tens of cm2. It enables the drop size distribution to be estimated and rainfall microphysics, kinetic energy, or radar quantities, for example, to be studied further. Raw data, i.e. basically a matrix containing a number of drops according to classes of size and velocity, along with more aggregated ones, such as the rain rate or drop size distribution with filtering, are available. Link to the data set:" target="_blank"> (DOI:" target="_blank">

  9. Addressing climate change: lessons from Paris, challenges for Marrakech

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jayaram, Dhanasree


    Dhanasree Jayaram, Project Associate in the Manipal Advanced Research Group of Manipal University (Karnataka, India), and author of 'Breaking out of the Green House: Indian Leadership in Times of Environmental Change (2012)' answers the following questions regarding the Paris agreement reach during COP21: - What is your assessment of the Paris agreement reach during COP21? - What is the most positive/negative aspect? - Is the agreement legally binding according to you? - What was the main 'redline' for the Indian government in the negotiations? - Is the Indian government satisfied by the content of the agreement? - Some people say that what happened outside the COP21 but during the week (Indian Solar Alliance, New Chinese Funds, Divest-Invest campaign, Electricity for Africa, activism of civil society, etc.), is more important that what happened inside. Do you share this opinion? - Are you optimistic regarding the gap between the 1.5 deg. C limit and the current level of the INDC? - What do you think about the position of the OPEC countries? - What are the main progresses proposed by the agreement regarding the financial dimension? - What are the main challenges for the COP22 in Morocco? What are the next big steps?

  10. -Climate: the key objectives of the Paris 2015 Agreement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Damian, Michel; Abbas, Mehdi; Berthaud, Pierre


    The present article focuses on the already discernable key objectives of the climate agreement due to be signed in December 2015 in Paris, to come into force in 2020. The agreement - promoted by the G2 USA-China - will be based exclusively on 'national policies', turning its back on the first climate policy enshrined in the Kyoto Protocol, synonymous with an outdated, top-down architecture and hopes of a binding international agreement. All states, including those, such as China, which the Kyoto Protocol placed in the list of developing countries, are expected to propose 'intended nationally determined contributions' to cutting greenhouse gas emissions. These contributions are heterogeneous, with only modest medium-term targets, and not legally binding. The Paris Agreement will represent a turning point, heralding a new climate governance in the continuation of state-centered governance, but henceforth on a global scale. In other words the agreement will take into account the preferences of the 196 parties to the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change, in particular those of the most powerful among their number. We maintain that this agreement will change the course of climate change mitigation and adaptation for decades

  11. Insatisfação corporal em universitários de diferentes áreas de conhecimento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valter Paulo Neves Miranda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Verificar a prevalência de insatisfação corporal em universitários de diferentes áreas de conhecimento, bem como a relação com sexo e com estado nutricional. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por universitários da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF de diferentes áreas de conhecimento. O Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ e a Escala de Silhuetas para adultos avaliaram a insatisfação corporal. Massa corporal e estatura autorreferidas foram utilizadas para o cálculo do índice de massa corporal (IMC. Para as análises estatísticas, foram realizados testes de associação, comparação e regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Dos 535 estudantes, com média de idade de 20,82 ± 3,03 anos, 245 eram do sexo masculino. A média do BSQ foi de 68,00 ± 28,74, sendo 88,9% livres de insatisfação. Porém, pela escala de silhuetas, 76,6% foram considerados insatisfeitos. Os estudantes da área de saúde e humanas foram, sem significância, mais insatisfeitos que alunos de exatas. As mulheres em relação aos homens (p < 0,05 e aqueles com sobrepeso/obesidade (OR: 3,174; p = 0,000 tiveram a maior frequência na classificação de insatisfação corporal. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos jovens mostrou-se livre de insatisfação corporal, não havendo relação com a área de estudo, porém as universitárias com IMC mais elevado apresentaram-se mais insatisfeitas com sua imagem corporal.

  12. [Doctoral theses production of the more productive Spanish psychology professors in the Web of Science]. (United States)

    Olivas-Ávila, José A; Musi-Lechuga, Bertha


    The purpose of the present study is to analyze the scientific production of the more productive Psychology faculty member of Spain through advised doctoral theses in the data base TESEO. The sample consisted of the 100 more productive professors of each one of the areas of Spanish Psychology. We reviewed a total of 4036 records of which 2339 belong to the 610 professors who conformed the sample. The results reveal that the percentage of professors who have not directed any thesis accounts for 24%. On the other hand, the proportion of thesis by professor by areas oscillates in a range of between 5.25 and 2.50, being Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment the highest of this rank and Behavioral Sciences Methodology the last. In the last 7 years, the most productive professors have duplicated their theses direction. Finally, there is a rising trend in terms of theses read in every area, reaching the greater frequency in the years of 2003 and 2005. We discuss the considerations that represent the doctoral thesis direction for professors as criterion in their evaluation.

  13. Yue Joseph Wang named Grant A. Dove Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering


    Owczarski, Mark


    Yue Joseph Wang, professor of electrical and computer engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, has been named the Grant A. Dove Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.

  14. Judging the Paris Agreement: A comparison with IDDRI's 10 criteria for success

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deprez, Alexandra; Spencer, Thomas


    The Paris Agreement is universal, legally binding and differentiated. (1) It was adopted by consensus by 195 countries, implying a very strong level of global buy-in. (2) It meets the requirements for a treaty under international law, and imposes obligations upon countries regarding NDCs (submission, implementation, transparency). (3) It does not establish new Annexes (cf. Kyoto Protocol) but rather nuances countries' obligations across each of Agreement's elements (i.e. mitigation, adaptation, support), at times specifying differing obligations in line with countries' different national circumstances. The Paris Agreement is ambitious. (4) It reaffirms the goal of maintaining global temperature rise to below 2 deg. C, and operationalizes this target by establishing a goal to achieve net-zero global emissions between 2050 and 2100. It also calls for an aspirational goal of maintaining temperature under 1.5 deg. C. (5) It includes the concept of cycles, whereby countries will regularly revise their national climate ambition upward in a coordinated manner, (8) and an overarching financial objective, strongly signaling to business and investors countries' commitment toward a low-carbon future. (9) Finally, it establishes a single, unified but flexible transparency system for all countries. The Paris Agreement sets up a framework for action beyond mitigation and the UNFCCC. (6) It establishes an overarching goal on adaptation, which can help create a more 'balanced' climate regime in which mitigation and adaptation share equal footing. (7) Even though the very scientifically, legally and politically complex issues of 'liability' have not yet been fully fleshed out, the inclusion in the Paris outcome of a full article on loss and damage is more than many expected. (10) The maintaining of Non-State Actor Zone for Climate (NAZCA) platform created at COP20 to track non-state actors' initiatives shows that the UNFCCC, while remaining the center for state action, aims to help

  15. Die Universitätsbibliothek für Schüler - Angebote der UB Würzburg


    Hämmer, Viola; Südekum, Karl


    Mit Einführungsveranstaltungen für Schüler, individueller Beratung bei der Recherche und einem eigenen Bereich auf der Homepage unterstützt die Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg Schüler bei ihren ersten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten. Damit soll auch eine Brücke geschlagen werden zwischen den Bildungsinstitutionen Schule und Hochschule.

  16. Freshwater ecosystems could become the biggest losers of the Paris Agreement. (United States)

    Hermoso, Virgilio


    Securing access to energy for a growing population under the international commitment of reduction of greenhouse emissions requires increasing the contribution of renewable sources to the global share. Hydropower energy, which accounts for >80% of green energy, is experiencing a boom fostered by international investment mainly in developing countries. This boom could be further accelerated by the recent climate agreement reached in Paris. Despite its flexibility, hydropower production entails social, economic and ecological risks that need to be carefully considered before investing in the development of potentially thousands of planned hydropower projects worldwide. This is especially relevant given the weak or nonexistent legislation that regulates hydropower project approval and construction in many countries. I highlight the need for adequate policy to provide the Paris Agreement with new financial and planning mechanisms to avoid further and irreversible damage to freshwater ecosystem services and biodiversity. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Economic tools to promote transparency and comparability in the Paris Agreement (United States)

    Aldy, Joseph; Pizer, William; Tavoni, Massimo; Reis, Lara Aleluia; Akimoto, Keigo; Blanford, Geoffrey; Carraro, Carlo; Clarke, Leon E.; Edmonds, James; Iyer, Gokul C.; McJeon, Haewon C.; Richels, Richard; Rose, Steven; Sano, Fuminori


    The Paris Agreement culminates a six-year transition towards an international climate policy architecture based on parties submitting national pledges every five years. An important policy task will be to assess and compare these contributions. We use four integrated assessment models to produce metrics of Paris Agreement pledges, and show differentiated effort across countries: wealthier countries pledge to undertake greater emission reductions with higher costs. The pledges fall in the lower end of the distributions of the social cost of carbon and the cost-minimizing path to limiting warming to 2 °C, suggesting insufficient global ambition in light of leaders’ climate goals. Countries’ marginal abatement costs vary by two orders of magnitude, illustrating that large efficiency gains are available through joint mitigation efforts and/or carbon price coordination. Marginal costs rise almost proportionally with income, but full policy costs reveal more complex regional patterns due to terms of trade effects.

  18. Higher Education Institutional Affiliation and Satisfaction among Feminist Professors: Is There an Advantage to Women's Colleges? (United States)

    Gross, Rachel; Kmeic, Julie; Worell, Judith; Crosby, Faye


    Examined whether feminist professors of psychology at women's colleges derived more job satisfaction than feminist professors at coed colleges. Surveys and interviews indicated that feminist professors were generally satisfied with their pedagogical situations and generally dedicated to and successful at teaching. Institutional affiliation…

  19. Florida Tech professor gets three-year grant

    CERN Multimedia


    "Dr. Marc Baarmand, Florida Tech associate professor of physics, has received a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy's Division of High Energy Physics, to conduct research with the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment" (1/3 page).

  20. Estratégias de leitura e compreensão textual em universitários

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucicleide Maria de Cantalice

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a compreensão textual em universitários e o uso das estratégias metacognitivas de leitura, considerando a faixa etária dos mesmos. Cento e dez universitários (110 do curso de psicologia de uma universidade privada paulista participaram da investigação. Foram utilizados uma escala de estratégias metacognitivas de leitura e um texto de 250 vocábulos preparado segundo a técnica de Cloze em sua versão tradicional, cuja característica é a omissão de todos os quintos vocábulos do texto. A aplicação foi coletiva naqueles estudantes que consentiram participar. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística inferencial e evidenciaram relação estatisticamente significativa entre a pontuação na escala de estratégias metacognitivas de leitura e os escores do Cloze. Foi possível também evidenciar diferenças na pontuação na compreensão em leitura dos estudantes, considerando a faixa etária dos mesmos.

  1. Conflict of law issues related to Switzerland's participation in the Paris Nuclear Third Party Liability Regime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waldner, Michael


    In spite of the active role Switzerland played during the negotiation process of the Paris Convention, it only recently ratified the Convention including all its amending Protocols. The whole Paris regime will become binding for Switzerland only upon entry into force of the Protocols of 2004. Concurrently, the Federal Council will put into force a revised Swiss Nuclear Liability Act and ratify the Joint Protocol. Being a party to the Paris regime and the Joint Protocol, Switzerland will be in treaty relationships with Paris states and with Vienna states which are party to the Joint Protocol. This paper assesses the legal protection of Swiss victims and the liability risks faced by Swiss operators and other potential defendants (such as suppliers and builders) under the new legal regime with a particular view to conflict of laws issues. For the purpose of this assessment the paper examines which courts will be competent to hear claims of Swiss victims and against Swiss defendants in different scenarios, which law these courts should apply, whether or not the principle of legal channelling will apply and what the applicable liability amounts are. The assessment shows an ambiguous picture: Swiss operators, suppliers and builders clearly benefit from a higher degree of legal certainty. While in the absence of treaty relationships Swiss operators could potentially be sued before any foreign court, there will now be only one court with jurisdiction over claims of victims of convention states; Swiss suppliers and builders for their part will be protected by the principle of legal channelling, which basically exempts them from any liability risk. Swiss victims will benefit from treaty-backed entitlement to compensation from foreign operators; also, the judgements rendered in their favour will be enforceable in the whole convention territory; however, the limitation of the operator's liability in many Paris and Vienna states, raises doubts about whether the available funds

  2. Évaluation de la satisfaction des usages de l'eau d'un point de vue ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    [9] Tesco Viziterv, 1983. Etude de régularisation de l'oued. Guebli 2ème phase avant projet détaille, note explicative .Ingénieurs Conseils Budapest.67p. [10] Bouillin J.P., 1979. Géologie alpine de la petite. Kabylie dans les régions de Collo et El Milia Thèse de doctorat en Science Université de Paris, France.511p.

  3. A formação do professor de biologia


    Schlichting, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Maranhão


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciencias da Educação O estudo evidencia o tratamento dicotômico mantido na estrutura curricular dos cursos de formação do professor de biologia considerando ser essa prática responsável pelos preconceitos que levam à desvalorização da prática pedagógica. O estudo parte da análise da estrutura curricular e aprofunda-se com entrevistas que buscam levantar o posicionamento dos professores dos cursos de Ciências Biológi...

  4. Todos iguais, todos diferentes : a variabilidade genética humana.


    Lima, Manuela


    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues. O estudo da variabilidade genética humana revela informações cruciais que permitem, ao nível biomédico, avanços nos conhecimentos acerca de várias doenças.

  5. Long-term damage to glass in Paris in a changing environment. (United States)

    Ionescu, Anda; Lefèvre, Roger-Alexandre; Brimblecombe, Peter; Grossi, Carlota M


    Glass weathering depends mainly on its chemical composition: Si-Ca-K mediaeval glass is low durable, while Si-Ca-Na Roman as well as modern glass are very durable. Mediaeval glass is subject to the superficial leaching of K and Ca ions leading to the formation of a hydrated silica-gel layer. Both types of glass develop a superficial stratum of deposited atmospheric particles cemented by crystals of gypsum (and syngenite in the case of Si-Ca-K glass), leading to an impairment of the optical properties: decrease of transparency and increase of haze. Dose-response functions established for the two types of glass reveal that haze depends only on pollution parameters (PM, SO(2), NO(2)), while leaching depends both on pollution and climate parameters (RH, T, SO(2), NO(2)). Instrumental records are available for temperature in Paris from 1800. Air pollution in Paris was estimated from statistics of fuel use from 1875 to 1943, measurements that started in the 1950s and projections across the 21st century. The estimated annual rate of haze development indicates a gradual rise from the 16th century. The increasing importance of coal as a fuel through the 19th century and enhanced sulphur dioxide concentration make a rapid increase in haze formation, which reaches a peak about 1950. The likely damage to mediaeval glass follows a rather similar pattern. The period of damage from aggressive pollutants looks later and for a briefer time in Paris than in London. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. List of Participants (United States)


    Mohab Abou ZeidVrije Universiteit, Brussel Joke AdamKatholieke Universiteit Leuven Nikolas AkerblomMax-Planck-Institut für Physik, München Luis Fernando Alday Utrecht University Stelios Alexandris University of Patras Antonio Amariti Università di Milano-Bicocca Nicola Ambrosetti Université de Neuchâtel Pascal Anastasopoulos Università di Roma Tor Vergata Laura Andrianopoli Enrico Fermi Center Carlo Angelantonj Università di Torino Lilia Anguelova Queen Mary, University of London Daniel AreanUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela Gleb ArutyunovUtrecht University Spyros Avramis NTU Athens—University of Patras Ioannis Bakas University of Patras Subrata Bal Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Igor Bandos Valencia University Jessica Barrett University of Iceland Marco Baumgartl Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich Jacopo Bechi Università di Firenze James Bedford Queen Mary, University of London Jorge Bellorin Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Francesco Benini SISSA, Trieste Eric Bergshoeff Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Groningen Gaetano BertoldiUniversity of Wales, Swansea Adel Bilal Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, École Normale Superieure, Paris Matthias Blau Université de Neuchâtel Johannes BroedelUniversität Hannover Felix Brümmer Universität Heidelberg Julio Cesar Bueno de Andrade São Paulo State University—UNESP Cliff Burgess McMaster University Agostino Butti Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, École Normale Superieure, Paris Marco Caldarelli Universitat de Barcelona Pablo G Camara Centre de Physique Théorique, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau Joan Camps Universitat de Barcelona Felipe Canoura FernandezUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela Luigi Cappiello Università di Napoli Federico II Luca Carlevaro École Polytechnique, Palaiseau Roberto Casero Centre de Physique Théorique, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau Claudio Caviezel Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München Alessio Celi Universitat de Barcelona Anna

  7. Short term respiratory health effects of ambient air pollution: results of the APHEA project in Paris.


    Dab, W; Medina, S; Quénel, P; Le Moullec, Y; Le Tertre, A; Thelot, B; Monteil, C; Lameloise, P; Pirard, P; Momas, I; Ferry, R; Festy, B


    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To quantify the short term respiratory health effects of ambient air pollution in the Paris area. DESIGN: Time series analysis of daily pollution levels using Poisson regression. SETTING: Paris, 1987-92. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Air pollution was monitored by measurement of black smoke (BS) (15 monitoring stations), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter less than 13 microns in diameter (PM13), and ozone (O3) (4 stations). Daily mortality and ...

  8. [Analysis of the production of psychology professors in Spain in journal articles of the Web of Science]. (United States)

    Olivas-Ávila, José A; Musi-Lechuga, Bertha


    The present work is a descriptive study by means of document analysis that aims to make the analysis of the more productive professors of psychology in Spain trough indexed Web of Science journal articles. The sample was conformed of the first one hundred more productive professors of each one of the six academic areas of Spanish Psychology. A total of 85492 records were analyzed of which 8770 correspond to the 610 analyzed professors. The main results are that from the more productive professors ranking, six belong to the Psychobiology area and only 4 belong to different areas. With respect to the average proportion of articles by Professor of the six areas of psychology, it was found that that range of the proportion oscillates between 25 and 6. The journal Psicothema maintains the most frequency of records among the professors of the sample since they are 1461 which represents a 17% of the total. Finally, we discuss the results and mentioned the implications in the professor's evaluation.

  9. L'espace touristique de la grande ville : une approche par les pratiques et les mobilités touristiques. Le cas de la destination Paris.


    Lepan , Laurie


    Paris is an important tourism destination in the world with more than 20 millions of tourists every year. While studies are still relatively absent on tourism in Paris, we purpose to contribute to the discussion. After a state of art to identify the main themes addressed in the tourism and the city, and the Paris case, we chose to focus this PHD on tourists through their practices and mobilities. At a time where many are discussing on the metropolitan scale of Paris, we wanted to think of Par...

  10. Professor: A motorized field-based phenotyping cart (United States)

    An easy-to-customize, low-cost, low disturbance, motorized proximal sensing cart for field-based high-throughput phenotyping is described. General dimensions, motor specifications, and a remote operation application are given. The cart, named Professor, supports mounting multiple proximal sensors an...

  11. Lifelong learning: Science professors need leadership training


    Leiserson, Charles E.; McVinney, Chuck


    Education does not stop. Professors must update and develop their technical skills throughout their careers. But as they progress, few take the time — or are offered the opportunity — to become educated in how to be an effective leader.

  12. Professor Stewart's incredible numbers

    CERN Document Server

    Stewart, Ian


    Ian Stewart explores the astonishing properties of numbers from 1 to10 to zero and infinity, including one figure that, if you wrote it out, would span the universe. He looks at every kind of number you can think of - real, imaginary, rational, irrational, positive and negative - along with several you might have thought you couldn't think of. He explains the insights of the ancient mathematicians, shows how numbers have evolved through the ages, and reveals the way numerical theory enables everyday life. Under Professor Stewart's guidance you will discover the mathematics of codes,

  13. Deuteron form factors and e-d polarization observables for the Paris and Graz-II potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwarz, K.; Plessas, W.; Mathelitsch, L.


    Elastic e-d scattering is studied employing the meson-theoretical Paris potential and the non-local separable Graz-II potential. Electric and magnetic form factors are calculated with inclusion of meson-exchange currents and compared to existing experimental data. Deuteron vector and tensor polarizations are predicted and discussed in relation to the deuteron wave functions of the potential models considered. Thereby the off-shell behaviour of the Graz-II interaction is found to be close to that one of the Paris potential over the most important domain of low and moderate off-shell moments. (Author)

  14. Desenvolvimento das universidades e bibliotecas universitárias na Idade Média até à Modernidade

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    Fabiene Castelo Branco Diógenes


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a origem das universidades, suas lutas pela autonomia, organização das estruturas administrativa e curricular e relata a existência das bibliotecas ligadas às universidades, desde a Idade Média até a Modernidade. No século XIX a educação é assumida pelo Estado, criando uma cobertura legal que garante às universidades a liberdade científica e pedagógica. A biblioteca universitária teve o seu desenvolvimento ao longo dos séculos, tentando acompanhar essas mudanças. Mas, é no decorrer desse século que alguns serviços e foram surgindo os entendimentos da relação da biblioteca com a universidade. Entretanto, foi a partir da Segunda Guerra que o ensino começa a ter característica de atividade de massa, e a biblioteca universitária se torna uma parte importante na universidade. Cresce a ênfase ao acesso às coleções, há financiamento do Estado para desenvolvimento de coleções e estruturação de suas bibliotecas, dão-se início às atividades de cooperação e de automação. Estas começam a mudar a forma como são oferecidos os serviços e produtos das bibliotecas universitárias. A partir de 1970, as novas tecnologias penetram nessas áreas, e as universidades e suas bibliotecas são afetadas por tais tecnologias. Propostas de reformas surgem gerando novos desafios para estas duas instituições centenárias.

  15. A percepção de universitários sobre a atuação do intérprete de libras no ensino superior

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    Jessica Roberta da Silva Corrêa


    Full Text Available O trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a percepção de estudantes surdos e ouvintes sobre a atuação do intérprete de Libras, no contexto universitário. A sua presença e atuação profissional, nessa etapa de ensino, têm sido consideradas um fato recente que, dentre outros aspectos, busca amenizar os obstáculos de comunicação e aprendizagem encontradas por estudantes surdos em processo de formação universitária. Participaram do estudo nove acadêmicos do curso de Arquivologia, sendo um deles surdo, de uma Universidade Pública, localizada no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados por intermédio de entrevistas focais, cujas seções de coleta foram registradas por vídeos gravações e, posteriormente, analisadas a partir da técnica de “associação de ideias”. Os universitários foram capazes de reconhecer a importância da presença desse profissional, na formação acadêmica do graduando surdo, reforçando a necessidade de medidas institucionais que apoiem a oferta, sem restrição, para efetivação da sua contratação no contexto universitário.

  16. Tackling the climate targets set by the Paris Agreement (COP 21 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tackling the climate targets set by the Paris Agreement (COP 21): Green leadership empowers public hospitals to overcome obstacles and challenges in a ... To improve commitment from all involved roleplayers, political leadership, supportive government policies and financial funding is mandatory, or public hospitals will ...

  17. A Library in the Grands Moulins de Paris: challenging Reality

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    Catherine Tresson


    Full Text Available In 2006, the University of Paris 7 and its new Main Library will move to Paris Rive Gauche, a recently developed neighbourhood on the left bank of the Seine. The library will occupy most of the city’s former industrial mills, the Grands Moulins de Paris. As part of the project, the library developed a very detailed functional program. The facilities are expected to comprise 1,800 workstations (half of which will be computerized, and upon completion will have a capacity of 300,000 freely accessible documents and 350,000 documents in store over a total surface area of some 12,000 m2. The architect Rudy Ricciotti won the international competition to design the library held in 2001. Perfectly suited to its function, the industrial building in which the library is housed dates from the 1920s. It presents both advantages (vast surfaces, sufficient load-bearing capacity, natural light, etc. and obstacles (restrictions on free circulation, forests of columns in certain areas, interrupted spaces, etc. to being transformed into a library that is functional and adapted to its purposes. The building’s structure and the constraints it imposed profoundly influenced the program which had to be adjusted, and also affected other aspects, including the arrangement and features of the furnishings as well as the building’s system of signs. In agreement with the university, the library worked in close collaboration with the architect from the earliest sketches onwards. As a result, his initial plan also evolved considerably. The installation of the library in the Grands Moulins offers us a chance to observe the nature and effects of the interactions between the transformation of a building and the evolution of a program.

  18. Science and policy characteristics of the Paris Agreement temperature goal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schleussner, Carl Friedrich; Rogelj, Joeri; Schaeffer, Michiel; Lissner, Tabea; Licker, Rachel; Fischer, Erich M.; Knutti, Reto; Levermann, Anders; Frieler, Katja; Hare, William


    The Paris Agreement sets a long-term temperature goal of holding the global average temperature increase to well below 2 °C, and pursuing efforts to limit this to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. Here, we present an overview of science and policy aspects related to this goal and analyse the

  19. A doctoral thesis about Carol Davila written in Paris in 1936. (United States)

    Rogozea, Liliana; Dumitrascu, Dinu I; Triff, Dorin; Leasu, Florin; Dumitraşcu, Dan L


    Carol Davila, the father of the Romanian modern medicine, made decisive contributions to the development of health sciences in the Romanian Principalities in the last decades of the nineteenth century. The merit of his scientific work was recognized beyond the borders of his country. His life (not devoid of anecdotic instances and unknown episodes) and especially his work have aroused considerable interest among numerous medical historians. This paper presents a historical study elaborated in France, but until recently ignored, dedicated to the biography of Carol Davila. It concerns the medical doctoral thesis (State Diploma) elaborated by Joseph Adler (born 1910 in Botoşani, Romania) under the supervision of professor Maxime Laignel-Lavastine, whose interest in Romania is well-known. Professor Laignel-Lavastine held the office of Secretary General of the International Society of History of Medicine (ISHM), founded in 1921, (replaced in this position by another French professor with links to Romania: Jules Guiart). The thesis comprises 48 pages and an exhaustive bibliography. It represents a token of the appreciation given to Davila's achievements by Europe's medical community.

  20. Intégration des CLOM dans une université à distance – Retour d’expérimentation à la TÉLUQ

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    Gilbert Paquette


    Full Text Available Dans une université à distance comme la Télé-université (TÉLUQ, pratiquant la formation à distance depuis plus de 40 ans et offrant la formation en ligne depuis une vingtaine d’années, l’intégration de cours en ligne ouverts et massifs (CLOM; MOOC en anglais se posait dans un contexte très différent de celui d’une université offrant principalement des cours en présence. Pour clarifier les enjeux, un projet pilote a été réalisé à la TÉLUQ à la fin de 2014 dans lequel deux cours ont été produits et diffusés à l’international en mode CLOM. Les objectifs de ce projet consistaient à évaluer les possibilités offertes par les approches pédagogiques réalisées dans les CLOM par rapport à celles en usage en formation à distances (FAD à la TÉLUQ; à établir un processus d’adaptation des cours en ligne pour une diffusion massive; à élaborer une stratégie de communication et de recrutement international pour ces cours et finalement à définir un modèle de diffusion cible pour les CLOM en prenant en compte les caractéristiques d’une université à distance comme la TÉ- LUQ. Cet article présente un retour d’expérience de ce projet pilote, ainsi qu’une synthèse du modèle de diffusion en mode CLOM qui en a résulté.