
Sample records for professor del departament

  1. La Comunidad de Pensamiento Mágico : un laboratorio de cambio virtual para experimentar nuevas formas de aprender a leer y escribir en secundaria /


    Ramírez Molina, Catalina,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua, de la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials. La present recerca analitza de quina manera una metodologia d'intervenció formativa, dins una comunitat virtual, contribueix a la construcció col·lectiva de coneixement entre professors i professores per tal de reorientar la pràctica de la lectura i l'escriptura, des d'un enfocament sociocultural. L'estudi s'emmarca dins del camp científic de la didàctica de la llengua i ...

  2. Automatización del mantenimiento del sistema operativo y software en grandes departamentos


    Díaz Bertólez, Roberto


    Automatització del manteniment de les diferents versions dels sistemes operatius i del software més usual a grans departaments amb decenes/centenars d'equips. El següent projecte neix de la necessitat d'automatitzar el procés d'actualització dels equips informàtics, de la forma més ràpida i eficient possible. En un Departament de la UPC ha sorgit la necessitat d'agilitar aquest procés, pel fet que actualment el temps de posada en marxa d'un nou equip és molt elevat. Quan ...

  3. Caracterización del desempeño docente del núcleo de profesores de Barrio Adentro del municipio Marcano Characterization of the teaching of Barrio- Adentro group of professors from Marcano

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    Marjolys Zayas Fernández


    Full Text Available En el municipio Marcano, del Estado Nueva Esparta, Venezuela, la formación de pregrado de la carrera de Medicina presenta fallas fundamentalmente causadas por deficiencias en la capacitación de los profesores. Su desconocimiento acerca de las herramientas del trabajo docente conlleva una instrucción adecuada. Por esta razón es necesario caracterizar el desempeño docente de los profesores, a través del criterio de los estudiantes. En dicho municipio se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo, con 12 médicos cubanos que laboran como profesores y 34 estudiantes venezolanos de la carrera de Medicina Integral Comunitaria. Los resultados mostraron que los profesores tenían una pobre experiencia docente y poca competencia comunicativa. Además, existían fallas con el uso de los medios de enseñanzas y los métodos de evaluación.In the municipality of Marcano, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela, the undergraduate medical education presents imperfections basically caused by an inadequate training of professors, who carry out their performance inefficiently because of a lack of knowledge about teaching means. Therefore, a characterization of professors´ teaching, taking into account students´ opinions, is necessary. In Marcano, a retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out with 12 Cuban doctors who work as professors and 34 Venezuelan students of Community Integrative Medicine. Results showed professors´ poor teaching experience and communicative competence, as well as faults with the use of teaching aids and evaluation methods.

  4. Mecanismos cognitivos del optimismo en cáncer de mama : relaciones con la calidad de vida /


    Pastells Pujol, Sílvia,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Psicologia Bàsica, Evolutiva i de l'Educació Introducció El càncer de mama és la patologia oncològica més diagnosticada a Espanya i al món occidental. El seu diagnòstic i tractament suposen una situació estressant que pot durar mesos o fins i tot cronificar-se quan apareixen recurrències. Les diferents fases de la malaltia desencadenen diferents conseqüències físiques, emocionals i socials que afecten la vida diària de les pacients. Un del...

  5. Pedagogical Strategy for the ethic formation of the Weightlifting professor in Pinar del Río, Cuba

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    Israel Rodriguez González


    Full Text Available This research is aimed at establishing a pedagogical strategy on behalf of the sport professors on Weightlifting at the province Pinar del Río to contribute to the ethic formation in his professional performance competitively and engaged to the Cuban social project. This project reflects weakness in this process, that´s why it is necessary the provision of theoretical and practical tools to tackle this insufficiency, this strategy is based on the components of the ethic formation in sport training; the ethic professionalism, the professional ethic and the ethic quality, taking into account the new demands of this sport worldwide and according to the Cuban sport context. It is structured by a pedagogical strategy composed of stages, based on the dialectical-materialist method. In this research it was carried out theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods to value the theoretical validity of this strategy. It was used the expert criteria (Delphy method, The practical feasibility was confirmed through a pre-experiment. The outcomes reflect that the strategy contributed to the improvement of the ethic formation in the weightlifting professor at the province Pinar del Río, showing its theoretical validity.

  6. El castell de Mur virtual

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    Marta Sancho Planas


    Full Text Available La idea de realitzar un passeig virtual per un castell dels segles XI-XII, sorgeix en veure les possibilitats reals dels recursos informàtics en la restitució dels ambients del nostre passat històric. En el nostre cas la idea inicial va ser una proposta suggerida per l'Eloi Biosca, professor de l'I.E.S Eugeni d'Ors de Vilafranca del Penedès, el qual ja havia treballat en la restitució virtual d'altres espais. La seva proposta va ser recollida per les professores Dra.Teresa Vinyoles i Dra. Marta Sancho, del Departament d'Història Medieval, Paleografia i Diplomàtica de la Universitat de Barcelona, les quals van suggerir que s'escollís com a espai referent el Castell de Mur (Pallars Jussà, per trobar-se en aquests moments en procés d'excavació i sobre el que hi havia un projecte de recuperació del monument. El fet que es tracti d'un dels castells romànics més ben conservats de tot Catalunya i que no hagi sofert grans variacions pel que fa a la seva estructura el convertien en el lloc idoni per a realitzar aquest projecte.

  7. Perfeccionamiento del trabajo educativo del profesor guía en la universidad médica Improving educational work of tutoring professors at the medical university

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    Sonia Socarrás Sánchez


    Full Text Available Existe una insuficiente preparación teórico-metodológica de los profesores guías para el desempeño de su trabajo educativo, por lo que se requiere perfeccionar su labor. En este artículo se aborda la sistematización de los aspectos teóricos relacionados con el trabajo educativo en la universidad cubana, específicamente la médica. Se incorporan nuevas categorías: concepto de profesor guía y tarjetero metodológico. Se redefinen los conceptos de trabajo educativo y proyecto educativo del colectivo estudiantil. Se establecen, además, las exigencias metodológicas para la dirección por parte de los profesores guías de la labor educativa.There is an inadequate theoretical-methodological preparation of tutoring professors to carry out educational work. This paper deals with the systematization of theoretical aspects related to educational work at the Cuban university, specifically medical universities. New categories are incorporated: concept of tutoring professor and methodological card index. Other concepts are re-defined: educational work and class´s educational project. In addition, the methodological requirements to direct tutoring professors´ educational work are established.

  8. Desarrollo en planta piloto de una bebida de lacto suero y fruta natural para adultos mayores /


    Villarreal Arizpe, Beatriz,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments. México es el 18 país a nivel mundial, de los mayores productores de leche, el 55% se destina a la producción de los quesos frescos, el subproducto principal es el lacto suero. Los adultos mayores, ocupan gran porcentaje de los habitantes del país, grupo con alta prevalencia de enfermedades relacionadas con estilos de vida no saludables. La innovación de productos en base a subproductos, con adición de ingred...

  9. Competências de Professores: um fator competitivoCompetences of Professors: a competitive advantageCompetencias de Profesores: un factor competitivo

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    NASSIF, Vânia Maria Jorge


    Full Text Available RESUMOO objetivo dessa pesquisa foi o de verificar se a função Recursos Humanos das universidades privadas brasileiras estimula o desenvolvimento das competências do professor necessário para aumentar a competitividade das mesmas. A pesquisa qualitativa foi conduzida por meio de entrevistas com principais executivos das universidades. Uma outra pesquisa quantitativa foi desenvolvida por meio de um questionário fechado e auto-aplicável em 282 professores. A análise fatorial gerou algumas categorias de competências do professor. Os resultados revelaram que os professores reconhecem as competências necessárias para o exercício da docência, por outro lado, as universidades não percebem as ações e práticas de Recursos Humanos que facilitam o desenvolvimento dessas competências, propiciando um diferencial competitivo no ambiente acadêmico.ABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to verify if the Human Resources function in five Brazilian private universities stimulates the development and the exercise of the professor’s competences needed to raise their competitiveness. A qualitative research was conducted interviewing top management and Human Resources professionals of these universities. Another quantitative research was carried out using a self applied and closed questionnaire answered by 282 professors. A factor analysis identified 12 factors of professor’s competences that are viewed fundamental to exercise teacher’s function. Results revealed the professors recognize what are the competencies needed; however, the universities do not realize Human Resources actions facilitating them to develop these competences, promoting competitiveness in the academic market.RESUMENEsta investigación tuvo por finalidad verificar si la función Recursos Humanos de las universidades privadas brasileñas estimula el desarrollo de las competencias del profesor, necesario para aumentar la competitividad de las mismas. La investigaci

  10. Infermeria Medicoquirúrgica II. Temari corresponent al Professor Francisco Pérez Dolz. Curs 2017-2018


    Pérez Dolz, Francisco


    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València. Temari corresponent al professor Francisco Pérez Dolz

  11. Student Evaluations of College Professors: Are Female and Male Professors Rated Differently? (United States)

    Basow, Susan A.; Silberg, Nancy T.


    Over 1,000 undergraduates evaluated 16 male and female professors in terms of teaching effectiveness and sex-typed characteristics. Male students gave female professors significantly poorer ratings than male professors on the six teaching evaluation measures. Female students evaluated female professors less favorably than male professors on three…

  12. Infermeria Médico-Quirúrgica II. Temari corresponent al Professor Francisco Pérez Dolz. Curs 2017-2018


    Pérez Dolz, Francisco


    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València Infermeria Médico-Quirúrgica II. Temari corresponent al Professor Francisco Pérez Dolz. Curs 2017-2018.

  13. Estudis Gramaticals 1, amb ponències del Col.loqui Internacional de Lingüistica Teòrica i Llengües Romàniques, Working Papers in Linguistics; Univer­ sitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de Filologia Hispànica, Barcelona, Bel­ laterra 1984, 380 pp.

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    Pavao Tekavčić


    Full Text Available L'Università Autonoma di Barcellona ha inserito fra le sue Publicacions del Departament de Filologia Hispànica il volume che reca il titolo citato e che è desti­ nato ad avere carattere periodico (p. 6. Nel Prologo (pp. 5-6 i curatori affermano che fino agli anni 70 la linguistica «en aquest nostre país» non era arrivata al grado di maturità che permettesse la formazione di una scuola né di un sufficiente numero di ricercatori. Dall'inizio della scorsa decade le cose sono cominciate ad andare me­ glio: nel giugno del 1983 è stato spedito un invito a collaborare al volume miscella­ neo (qui recensito e a Sitges è stato o ganizzato un colloquio internazionale dedica­ to ai problemi di linguistica teorica e agli aspetti (sincronici e diacronici della lingui­ stica romanza che presentano interesse teorico. Il volume recensito raccoglie tredici contributi, di cui sei sono stati presentati al colloquio citato. Con le parole dei cura­ tori (collaboratori dell'Università Autonoma di Barcelona /U. A. B./: Joan Masca­ ró, Anna Bartra, Josep M. Brucart, Josep M. Nadal e Gemma Rigau: «d'aquesta manera volem fer plataforma que contribueixi a la consolidació, al nostre país, d'aquella pràctica científica "normal" que esmentàvem abans» (p. 6. Insomma, si cerca, e si riesce, a portare la linguistica catalana ed ispanica ad un livello internazionale e nel contempo si presentano i suoi risultati al pubblico linguistico mondiale.

  14. Um estudo com professores da educação infantil e do ensino fundamental sobre suas habilidades sociais e inteligência geral


    Regina Célia Cavalcante Maia; Adriana Benevides Soares; Mara Sizino da Victoria


    Este estudo buscou comparar as habilidades sociais de professores do ensino fundamental e educação infantil no Rio de Janeiro e ainda verificar as correlações entre as habilidades sociais e a inteligência. Segundo Del Prette e Del Prette (2003), as habilidades sociais devem fazer parte da formação educacional para constituir um aluno mais cooperativo e integral. Neste sentido, participaram da pesquisa 24 professores de ensino fundamental e 24 de educação infantil. Os instrumentos utilizados f...

  15. A experiência do professor orientador de estudante indígena em enfermagem La experiencia del profesor orientador del estudiante indígena en enfermería The experience of a faculty mentor to indigenous nursing student

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    Ivania Vera


    Full Text Available O Programa Permanente de Acompanhamento dos Estudantes Indígenas (PPAEIND visa a atender estudantes indígenas do Estado de Mato Grosso (MT que ingressarem na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT em cursos de Graduação por meio de processo seletivo específico e diferenciado. O programa prevê o Professor Orientador como elo do indígena com a universidade e os alunos não indígenas. Este é um relato de experiência do Professor Orientador no Curso de Enfermagem no Campus de Rondonópolis onde foram preenchidas duas vagas por alunos indígenas em 2007. A experiência para atuar como Professor Orientador teve como desafio a diversidade cultural em relação aos saberes do cuidado. A comunicação terapêutica foi um instrumento efetivo no processo.El Programa Permanente de Acompañamiento de los Estudiantes Indígenas (PPAEIND tiene por objetivo atender a estudiantes indígenas del Estado de Mato Grosso (MT que ingresen a la Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT en cursos de Pregrado por medio de un proceso de selección específico y diferenciado. El programa considera al Profesor Orientador como el elo del indígena con la universidad y los alumnos no indígenas. Éste es un relato de experiência del Profesor Orientador en el Curso de Enfermería en el Campus de Rondonópolis donde ocuparon dos vacantes alumnos indígenas en el 2007. La experiencia para actuar como Profesor Orientador tuvo como desafío la diversidad cultural en relación a los saberes del cuidado. La comunicación terapéutica fue un instrumento efectivo en el proceso.The Permanent Program for Monitoring of Indian Students (PPAEIND aims to serve indigenous students in the State of Mato Grosso (MT who join the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT in undergraduate courses, through special and differential selection process. The program provides a Faculty Mentor as a link between the university's indigenous and non-indigenous students. This is an experience

  16. Professor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henrik


    DEBAT: Danske bistandskroner skal øge den interregionale handel i Afrika - det skaber vækst i Afrika og indirekte handel med danske virksomheder, mener Henrik Hansen, professor ved Økonomisk Institut på KU.......DEBAT: Danske bistandskroner skal øge den interregionale handel i Afrika - det skaber vækst i Afrika og indirekte handel med danske virksomheder, mener Henrik Hansen, professor ved Økonomisk Institut på KU....

  17. Formação do enfermeiro: características do professor e o sucesso escolar Formación de enfermería: características del professsor y su éxito escolar Nurse's training: professor's characteristics and academic success

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    Maria Romana Friedlander


    Full Text Available Descreve as características do professor que leciona as disciplinas que obtiveram os maiores índices de sucesso na avaliação realizada pelos estudantes. Foi realizado numa escola de ensino superior de enfermagem de Lisboa (Portugal, com 16 professores que responderam um questionário. Concluiu-se que o professor bem avaliado pelos estudantes possui os seguintes atributos: é maduro, bem qualificado para o ensino, com sólida experiência na docência e boa experiência no exercício da profissão. Na opinião dos próprios professores, são capazes de estabelecer um bom relacionamento com seus alunos, acreditam-se eficazes na prática docente e possuem um profundo conhecimento de sua disciplina. Todos utilizam a aula expositiva com interação e diálogo com os alunos, e complementada por experiências e vivências práticas, debates, discussões, dramatizações e simulações. As autoras alertam para a necessidade de outras pesquisas sobre o tema.Describe las características del profesor de las asignaturas que tuvieran mejores índices de resultados en la evaluación realizada por los estudiantes. Fue realizada por una escuela de enseñanza superior de enfermería en Lisboa (Portugal con 16 profesores que respondieron a un cuestionario. Se concluyó que el profesor evaluado altamente por los estudiantes posee las siguientes características : maduro, bien cualificado para enseñar, con sólida experiencia en la enseñanza y buena práctica en la ejecución de la profesión. En la opinión de los profesores, estos son capaces de establecer una buena relación con sus alumnos, son eficaces en la practica de la enseñanza y poseen un profundo conocimiento de su disciplina. Todos utilizan las clases como interacción y dialogo con los alumnos y lo complementan con experiencias y vivencias practicas, debates, discusiones, dramatizaciones y simulaciones. Las autoras alertan de la necesidadede de otras pesquisas sobre el tema.The present report

  18. Professor Igor Yevseyev: In Memoriam Professor Igor Yevseyev: In Memoriam (United States)


    Dear readers and authors, June 3, 2012 will mark five months since Professor Igor Yevseyev, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of both journals Laser Physics and Laser Physics Letters passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 67. Born in Moscow, he entered one of the world's best schools of physics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). With this renowned educational and research institution he bonded an alliance for his entire life, starting as an undergraduate student in the Department of Theoretical Physics and later continued as graduate student, assistant professor, associated professor, and full professor in the same department, a rare accomplishment of a person. All those years he retained the love of his life—the love for physics. He worked tirelessly as a teacher and scholar in this captivating field of knowledge. Professor Yevseyev was one of the founders of the international journal of Laser Physics in 1990, the first academic English language journal published in the former USSR. Later, in 2004, the second journal, Laser Physics Letters was brought to the forum of global laser physics community. The idea behind this new title was Professor Yevseyev's initiative to reach the readers and participants with new pioneering and break-through research results more rapidly. His leadership and indefatigable dedication to the quality of published materials made it possible that this journal reached international recognition in a few short years. Still, in order to attract even more attention of potential contributors and readers, Professor Yevseyev originally proposed to conduct the International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS) on the annual basis. Since 1992 the Workshop has been conducted every year, each year in a different country. As in all previous years, Professor Yevseyev was the key organizer of this year's workshop in Calgary, Canada. Sadly, this workshop will take place without him. Editorial Board

  19. "The Associations are all we have" : comparative study of the Romani associationism and ethnic mobilization in Spain and Colombia /


    Mirga-Kruszelnicka, Anna,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament d'Antropologia Social i Cultural Descripció del recurs: 3 març 2017 El objetivo de esta tesis es explorar la naturaleza de la movilización étnica, su dinámica, los elementos característicos que la componen y para evaluar cómo el entorno político (asociado con el surgimiento y variación en la estructura de oportunidades políticas) influye en el nacimiento y el desarrollo de los movimientos étnicos. Con el fin de hacerlo, he desarrollado un ...

  20. L2 perception and production of English consonants and vowels by Catalan speakers : the effects of attention and training task in a cross-training study /


    Foresti Carlet, Angélica,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística Este estudio compara el efecto de dos métodos de entrenamiento de alta variabilidad fonética o ‘high variability phonetic training' (HVPT) sobre sonidos específicamente entrenados y sobre sonidos no entrenados pero implícitamente presentados. Con este fin, se implementan diversos regímenes de entrenamiento fonético cuyo objetivo es mejorar la percepción y la producción de 5 vocales del inglés británico (...

  1. Desarrollo de un método analítico para la cuantificación de acrilamida en tostadas de tortillas de maíz procedentes de Monterrey (México) y estimación de la exposición dietética /


    Santos Lara, Mirna Elizabeth,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments. La acrilamida es una molécula muy polar altamente soluble en agua. Es un compuesto neurotóxico, genotóxico y carcinógeno, catalogado como probable carcinógeno para humanos por la Agencia Internacional de Investigación en Cáncer. En el 2002 se reportó presencia de niveles muy altos de acrilamida en alimentos ricos en carbohidratos cuando son sometidos al proceso de cocción por horneado, fritura, tostados o as...

  2. Biotecnologia alimentaria. Curs 2007-2008


    Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Farmàcia


    Pla docent de l'assignatura Biotecnologia agroalimentaria de l'Ensenyament de Ciència i Tecnologia dels Aliments.Curs acadèmic 2007-2008. Departament de Productes Naturals, Biologia Vegetal i Edafologia.

  3. Biotecnologia agroalimentària. Curs 2008-2009


    Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Farmàcia


    Pla docent de l'assignatura Biotecnologia agroalimentària de l'Ensenyament de Ciència i Tecnologia dels Aliments. Curs acadèmic 2008-2009. Departament Productes Naturals,Biologia Vegetal i Edafologia.

  4. Autonomia profissional dos professores


    Guerra, Teresa P.; Veiga, Feliciano


    Este estudo pretendeu analisar as representações dos professores acerca da sua autonomia em contexto escolar, com recurso a uma amostra de 203 professores de ambos os sexos, pertencentes a escolas dos distritos de Lisboa, Setúbal, Leiria e Aveiro. Utilizou-se a Escala de Autonomia Profissional dos Professores (EAPP).

  5. Modelo de competencias del profesor de medicina Competencies model of medical teacher

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    A. Martínez-González


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Generar el modelo de competencias del profesor para ejercer la docencia de alto nivel en Medicina. Materiales y métodos. Para generar el modelo se analizó la bibliografía, el propósito del plan de estudio por competencias y se utilizó el método Developing a Curriculum (DACUM, con la participación de 35 expertos que integraron mediante consenso el trabajo que debe realizar un docente de medicina para cumplir con éxito el propósito del plan de estudio. Resultados. Se identificaron las funciones básicas de los profesores de medicina, así como las actividades para su cumplimiento. Se conformó el modelo con seis competencias: disciplinaria, de investigación, psicopedagógica, de comunicación, académico-administrativa y humanística. Conclusiones. El modelo pretende guiar las acciones de los profesores que actualmente participan en el programa y aquellos que aspiran a formar parte del proceso educativo; elaborar programas para la formación de profesores que favorezcan el desarrollo de competencias académicas; identificar elementos que se deben considerar para la evaluación del desempeño docente; orientar el diseño de indicadores útiles para otorgar reconocimientos y estímulos a los profesores cuyo desempeño académico sea excepcional; orientar al estudiante, en la relación profesor-alumno, sobre las funciones y actividades que puede esperar del profesor.Aim. To create a competency model for the medical professor in order to exert teaching at its highest level. Materials and methods. To create such model, we analyzed current literature on teaching, the aim of the curricula for competencies and we used the DACUM method whose letters stand for Developing a Curriculum. 35 experts who participated in this project reached a consensus regarding the duties that have to be carried out by a medical professor in order to successfully fulfill the aim of the curricula. Results. We identified the basic functions of medical

  6. Funciones ejecutivas en niños y niñas de primaria : la importancia de las inteligencias múltiples como metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje /


    Mejía Rodríguez, Gloria Lucía,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Psicologia Bàsica, Evolutiva i de l'Educació El propósito de este trabajo ha sido investigar el funcionamiento ejecutivo (FE) en el contexto escolar. Durante el desarrollo de la investigación se realizaron dos estudios. El primero con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento sobre la relación entre la dimensión conductual del FE, en niños y niñas sin diagnóstico clínico; y el rendimiento académico en áreas que han sido menos observadas, c...

  7. Renewable electricity policies an analysis of quotas, feed-in laws and a proposal for EU harmonization of feed-in laws : tesis doctoral /


    Muñoz Cabré, Miquel


    A portada: Departament de Física ; Departament d'Economia i Història Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Les dues principals contribucions d'aquesta tesis son: 1. una comparació entre els dos instruments per a la promoció de l'electricitat renovable, és a dir, feed-in laws I quotes. 2. una proposta per a l'harmonització de feed-in laws a la Unió europea La tesis està estructurada en cinc parts. La Part I explica el sector elèctric liberalitzat, així com...

  8. Professor Gender, Age, and “Hotness” in Influencing College Students’ Generation and Interpretation of Professor Ratings

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    Sara L. Sohr-Preston


    Full Text Available Undergraduate psychology students rated expectations of a bogus professor (randomly designated a man or woman and hot versus not hot based on an online rating and sample comments as found on (RMP. Five professor qualities were derived using principal components analysis (PCA: dedication, attractiveness, enhancement, fairness, and clarity. Participants rated current psychology professors on the same qualities. Current professors were divided based on gender (man or woman, age (under 35 or 35 and older, and attractiveness (at or below the median or above the median. Using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA, students expected hot professors to be more attractive but lower in clarity. They rated current professors as lowest in clarity when a man and 35 or older. Current professors were rated significantly lower in dedication, enhancement, fairness, and clarity when rated at or below the median on attractiveness. Results, with previous research, suggest numerous factors, largely out of professors’ control, influencing how students interpret and create professor ratings. Caution is therefore warranted in using online ratings to select courses or make hiring and promotion decisions. 

  9. El professor com a avaluador d'aprenentatges: una experiència

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    María Isabel Cal Bouzada


    Full Text Available L’objectiu d’aquest article és presentar una experiència d’innovació docent que s’ha portat a terme en la Universitat de Vigo. Amb motiu del canvi de metodologia docent que s’exigeix amb la imminent implantació del EEES, s’ha pretès, en la mesura que siga possible, crear un entorn d’aprenentatge on els alumnes se sentires còmodes i tranquils i, s’implicaren de forma activa en el seu procés d’aprenentatge. Al canviar el rol de l’alumne era necessari canviar, també, el rol del professor, que passa a ser avaluador no només de coneixements, sinó també de destreses i capacitats que són, en última instància, les que li van a permetre sobreviure en el món professional.

  10. Professor Camillo Negro's Neuropathological Films. (United States)

    Chiò, Adriano; Gianetto, Claudia; Dagna, Stella


    Camillo Negro, Professor in Neurology at the University of Torino, was a pioneer of scientific film. From 1906 to 1908, with the help of his assistant Giuseppe Roasenda and in collaboration with Roberto Omegna, one of the most experienced cinematographers in Italy, he filmed some of his patients for scientific and educational purposes. During the war years, he continued his scientific film project at the Military Hospital in Torino, filming shell-shocked soldiers. In autumn 2011, the Museo Nazionale del Cinema, in partnership with the Faculty of Neurosciences of the University of Torino, presented a new critical edition of the neuropathological films directed by Negro. The Museum's collection also includes 16 mm footage probably filmed in 1930 by Doctor Fedele Negro, Camillo's son. One of these films is devoted to celebrating the effects of the so-called "Bulgarian cure" on Parkinson's disease.

  11. Professor Gender, Age, and "Hotness" in Influencing College Students' Generation and Interpretation of Professor Ratings (United States)

    Sohr-Preston, Sara L.; Boswell, Stefanie S.; McCaleb, Kayla; Robertson, Deanna


    A sample of 230 undergraduate psychology students rated their expectations of a bogus professor (who was randomly designated a man or woman and "hot" versus "not hot") based on ratings and comments found on Five professor qualities were derived using principal components analysis: dedication,…

  12. Investigación y docencia: factores claves en la formación y práctica pedagógica del profesor / Pesquisa e docência: eixos chaves na formação e prática pedagógica do professor

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    Alejandro Villalobos Claveria


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo describe y analiza las principales tendencias actuales de la sociedad contemporánea y su incidencia en la formación y práctica pedagógica del docente del siglo XXI. Para ello, focaliza su reflexión en dos ejes fundamentales que tienden a caracterizar un profesor competente: la pedagogía y su capacidad investigativa. Cabe señalar que el propósito esencial de este artículo es promover una reflexión y discusión de los fundamentos epistemológicos y conceptuales que orientan el trabajo del profesor en su sala de clases.Resumo O presente trabalho descreve e analisa as principais tendências atuais da sociedadecontemporânea e sua incidência na formação e prática pedagógica de docente do século XXI. Para isso, focaliza sua reflexão em dois eixos fundamentais que tendem a caracterizar um professor competente: a pedagogia e sua capacidade investigativa. Cabe assinalar que o propósito essencial deste artigo é promover uma reflexão e discussãodos fundamentos epistemológicos e conceituais que orientam o trabalho do professor na sala de aula.

  13. Avaliação de alunos e professores acerca do software "Sinais Vitais" Evaluación de estudiantes y profesores acerca del software "señales vitales" Evaluation of students and teachers concerning the "vital signs" software

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    Marcos Venícios de Oliveira Lopes


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve por objetivo levantar as opiniões de alunos e professores sobre o software "Sinais Vitais". O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Trabalhou-se com um total de seis alunos e três professores, os quais foram submetidos a uma entrevista após a utilização do software. As entrevistas geraram dez categorias, as quais foram separadas em dois temas: Características que estimularam a utilização do software "Sinais Vitais" e Software educacionalmente correto. Concluiu-se que os professores valorizaram a correção do conteúdo, enquanto os alunos enfocaram mais a dinâmica do programa.Este artículo tuvo por objetivo levantar las opiniones de alumnos y profesores sobre el software "Señales Vitales". El trabajo fue desarrollado en el Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Ceará. Se trabajó con un total de 6 alumnos y 3 profesores, los cuales fueron sometidos a una entrevista después de la utilización del software. Las entrevistas generaron 10 categorías, que fueron separadas en dos temas: Características que estimularon la utilización del software "Señales Vitales"; y software educativamente correcto. Se concluyó que los profesores valoraron la corrección del contenido, mientras que los alumnos enfocaron más la dinámica del programa.This article had for objective to get students' and teacher's opinions about "Vital Signals" software. The investigation was developed in the Nursing Department of the Federal University of Ceará. The sample population was a total of 6 students and 3 teachers, who were submitted to an interview after using the software. The interviews generated 10 categories, which were separated in two themes: Features which stimulated the use of the "Vital Signals" software; and software educationally correct. The results showed that the teachers valued the correction of the content, while the students focused more on the dynamics


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    Ana Luiza de Quadros


    Full Text Available In the last years, higher education teacher training has received more didactic-pedagogical attention. Despite numerous criticisms to professors' work, some practices present differentials that make them a reference to students, even among university professors with undergraduate and graduate degrees in their specific areas of knowledge. To analyze the classes of such professors who become a reference to students, we selected two higher education professors of chemistry and videotaped their classes seeking to identify the teaching strategies that they use. After analysis, we shared the results with the subjects and complemented them with a semi-structured interview. We found out that these professors perform based on counter-models of professors who they had had in their undergraduate courses and developed strategies aiming to minimize for their students the difficulties they themselves had experienced.

  15. Accounting Professor Qualification in Digital Age: A Perception Study on Brazilian Professors (United States)

    Vendruscolo, Maria Ivanice; Behar, Patrícia Alejandra


    This papers aims at analyzing the perception of Accounting professors about the necessary qualifications in Accounting undergraduate courses. The contribution of this study is to theoretically discuss the education of Accounting professors, with empirical data, because Accounting teaching requires specific competencies in the digital area. The…

  16. Happy Birthday Professor Telegdi

    CERN Multimedia


    Professor Telegdi, pictured with Luciano Maiani and Alexander Skrinsky, receiving the medal of foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in June 2000. Professor Valentine Telegdi celebrated his 80th birthday on Friday, 11th January. A brilliant American physicist of Hungarian origin, Professor Telegdi was a professor at the University of Chicago, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and the California Institute of Technology and took part in many CERN experiments, of which NA10 and L3 were the most recent. He served as Chairman of CERN's Scientific Policy Committee from 1981 to 1983. A member of numerous scientific academies, he shared the prestigious Wolf Prize with Maurice Goldhaber in 1991 in recognition of their separate seminal contributions to nuclear and particle physics, particularly those concerning weak interactions involving leptons.

  17. Estrategia para mejorar la gestión del desempeño científico-metodológico del profesor en la extensión universitaria Quevedo / Strategy to improve the management of the scientific-methodological performance of the professor in the university extension Quevedo

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    Sandra Karina Daza-Suárez


    Full Text Available Los estudios exploratorios realizados en la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador, evidencian la falta de vinculación que existe entre la actividad científica y la metodológica. Por ello, la investigación desarrollada se trazó como objetivo general determinar la efectividad de una estrategia metodológica para la gestión del desempeño científico-metodológico del profesor en la extensión universitaria Quevedo, adscripta a la referida universidad. Para implementar la estrategia se seleccionó ala totalidad de los profesores que integran la extensión antes mencionada. La investigación científica se sustentó en métodos del nivel teórico y empírico; así como en métodos matemáticos y estadísticos. El trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en dos fases, durante la primera se diagnosticó la preparación de los docentes para el desarrollo de la gestión científico-metodológica prevista, adoptando como referencia evaluativa la planificación, organización, ejecución y control del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, así como la actividad científica desplegada dentro del propio proceso. En la segunda se precisó la efectividad de la estrategia mediante un cuasi experimento; además, se concretó la validación teórica del resultado mediante el criterio de 13 expertos. Los resultados alcanzados modifican favorablemente la gestión del desempeño científico-metodológico del claustro objeto de estudio, al proporcionarle una óptima preparación para enfrentar la dirección pedagógica del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, lo que generó un impacto significativo en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes otorgando validez a la hipótesis de trabajo. ABSTRACT The exploratory studies carried out at the Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador, show the lack of link between scientific and methodological activity. For this reason, the research developed was designed as a general objective to determine the effectiveness of

  18. Professor Michael Levitt

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    Gemma-Louise Davies


    Full Text Available Professor Michael Levitt (Stanford University, USA won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems—computational tools which can calculate the course of chemical reactions. Professor Levitt was born in Pretoria, South Africa; he came to the UK on a summer vacation aged 16, where he decided to stay and study for his A‑levels. His interest in the physics of living systems drove him to study biophysics at King’s College London, before securing a PhD position at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge. In the interim year between his degree and beginning his PhD, Professor Levitt worked at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, where he met his future wife. They married later that year and moved to Cambridge, where their three children were born. After completing his PhD, he spent time working in Israel, Cambridge, the Salk Institute and Stanford (both California. Since 1986, he has split his time between Israel and California. Outside of science, he is a keen hiker and he is well-known to have attended the eclectic ‘Burning Man’ Festival in California.[1] Professor Levitt visited the University of Warwick to speak at the Computational Molecular Science Annual Conference in March 2015. In this interview, Dr Gemma-Louise Davies, an Institute of Advanced Study Global Research Fellow, spoke to Professor Levitt about the importance of Interdisciplinarity in his field, role models in Academia, and his plans for the future. Image: Professor Michael Levitt (left with Dr Scott Habershon (right, organiser of the 2015 Computational Molecular Science Annual Conference during his visit to the University of Warwick in March 2015. [1] ‘Burning Man’ is a unique annual festival dedicated to community, art, music, self-expression and self-reliance. Tens of thousands of people flock to this temporary metropolis built in the Californian desert.

  19. El papel de la institución en el escoger, acoger y acompañar al profesor universitario O papel da instituição para escolher, acolher e acompanhar ao professor universitário The role of the institution in choosing, receiving and chaperone professors in the university

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    Maria de Lourdes da Silva Marques Ferreira


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Analizar el papel de la institución en el proceso de escoger, acoger y acompañar al profesor universitario. Metodología. Estudio cualitativo cuyo cuerpo de análisis estuvo compuesto por 32 participaciones en un foro temático de un grupo de nueve profesionales del área de la salud. Resultados. Después de la contratación del profesor es necesario acogerlo y acompañarlo. Los profesores con mayor tiempo en la institución representan un papel importante en la acogida del nuevo compañero. El proceso de acompañamiento es una oportunidad para cambios y redefinición de reglas y debe ser apoyado por la evaluación permanente. La universidad como escenario legítimo de aprendizaje, producción y reconstrucción de conocimiento debe acompañar las transformaciones de la ciencia contemporánea y apoyar las exigencias interdisciplinarias en la construcción de nuevo conocimiento. Conclusión. Es fundamental el papel de la universidad en acoger y acompañar al docente desde su vinculación; así mismo la universidad debe favorecer el crecimiento del profesor, no solo apoyando los desafíos de su actividad pedagógica, sino principalmente a través del respeto de su autonomía.Objetivo. Analisar o papel da instituição ao escolher, acolher e acompanhar ao professor universitário. Metodologia. Estudo qualitativo, cujo corpo de análise esteve composto por 32 participações num foro temático de um grupo de nove profissionais da área da saúde. Resultados. Depois da contratação do professor, é necessário acolhê-lo e acompanhá-lo. Os professores com maior tempo de instituição representam um papel importante na acolhida do novo colega. O processo de acompanhamento é uma oportunidade para mudanças e redefinição de regras, e deve ser apoiado pela avaliação permanente. A universidade como palco legítimo de aprendizagem, produção e reconstrução de conhecimento deve acompanhar as transformações da ciência contemporânea e

  20. Professor Igor Yevseyev: In Memoriam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Dear readers and authors, June 3, 2012 will mark five months since Professor Igor Yevseyev, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of both journals Laser Physics and Laser Physics Letters passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 67. Born in Moscow, he entered one of the world's best schools of physics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). With this renowned educational and research institution he bonded an alliance for his entire life, starting as an undergraduate student in the Department of Theoretical Physics and later continued as graduate student, assistant professor, associated professor, and full professor in the same department, a rare accomplishment of a person. All those years he retained the love of his life—the love for physics. He worked tirelessly as a teacher and scholar in this captivating field of knowledge. Professor Yevseyev was one of the founders of the international journal of Laser Physics in 1990, the first academic English language journal published in the former USSR. Later, in 2004, the second journal, Laser Physics Letters was brought to the forum of global laser physics community. The idea behind this new title was Professor Yevseyev's initiative to reach the readers and participants with new pioneering and break-through research results more rapidly. His leadership and indefatigable dedication to the quality of published materials made it possible that this journal reached international recognition in a few short years. Still, in order to attract even more attention of potential contributors and readers, Professor Yevseyev originally proposed to conduct the International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS) on the annual basis. Since 1992 the Workshop has been conducted every year, each year in a different country. As in all previous years, Professor Yevseyev was the key organizer of this year's workshop in Calgary, Canada. Sadly, this workshop will take place without him. Editorial Board


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    Josep García-Borés Espí


    Full Text Available El artículo que se desarrolla a continuación recoge los análisis efectuados sobre el modelo rehabilitador, establecido por la Ley, para las penas privativas de libertad, en el marco de la investigación: “¿Resocialización o incapacitación?: Sostenibilidad del Sistema Penitenciario español ante las nuevas realidades delictivas y demandas de seguridad”[1]. En él se describe, en primer lugar, la lógica inherente a tal modelo penitenciario, sus bases y sus fines a partir de su delimitación legal, resaltando el carácter psicológico de la intervención pretendida, para pasar luego a sintetizar la evolución de oferta del Tratamiento como instrumento para llevar a cabo la finalidad rehabilitadora. Esta oferta se presenta diferenciada entre las dos Administraciones Penitenciarias, puesto que  en el  año 1984 le fueron traspasadas a Cataluña las competencias en materia de ejecución penitenciaria, de tal modo que en  el Estado español contamos con dos Administraciones Penitenciarias diferenciadas: la dependiente de la Administración General del Estado y la dependiente del Departament de Justícia de la  Generalitat de Catalunya. Posteriormente, se sintetizan los medios de evaluación de la evolución de los presos y presas. Finalmente, se procede a un análisis crítico de dicha oferta, tanto en lo que se refiere a sus contenidos, a sus limitaciones, como a las estrategias utilizadas para la consecución de la meta rehabilitadora. [1] El presente trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación  I+D+I: "¿RESOCIALIZACIÓN O INCAPACITACIÓN? SOSTENIBILIDAD DEL SISTEMA PENITENCIARIO ESPAÑOL ANTE LAS NUEVAS REALIDADES DELICTIVAS Y DEMANDAS DE SEGURIDAD, con referencia DER2011-27337, del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.

  2. Visit of Professor Shigehiko Hasumi. President of Tokyo University, Japan, Professor Kazuo Okamoto, Head of Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Professor Toshiteru Matsuura, Head of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loiez


    Visit of Professor Shigehiko Hasumi. President of Tokyo University, Japan, Professor Kazuo Okamoto, Head of Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Professor Toshiteru Matsuura, Head of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

  3. Burnout syndrome in professors from an academic unit of a Colombian university Síndrome de burnout en profesores de una unidad académica de una universidad de Colom Síndrome de burnout em professores de uma unidade acadêmica de uma universidade de Colômbia

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    Maylen Liseth Rojas Botero


    Full Text Available Objective. To determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome, and the relationship with the type of contract under which professors work for the university, in professors of an academic unit of a public university of the city of Medellin (Colombia in 2008. Methodology. A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out in three independent, randomized, representative samples according to the type of contract (31 full timers, 21 part timers and 43 per hours. A total of 89 professors were interviewed. To measure burnout prevalence the Maslach Burnout Inventory was used. Results. The prevalence of burnout probable cases was 19.1%, an additional 49.4% was at risk of having suffered it. According to the type of contract, full time professors had the highest prevalence (25.0%. In general, professors reported high levels of emotional tiredness and depersonalization (32.6% and 30.6% respectively, and a low level of personal accomplishment (38.2%. Conclusion. Burnout syndrome presented different type of behaviors according to the type of contract, being full time professors the ones who had the highest prevalence of the syndrome; it was expressed with higher degrees of emotional tiredness and a lower personal accomplishment.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia del síndrome de burnout y su relación con el tipo de vinculación laboral, en los profesores de una unidad académica de una universidad pública de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia, en 2008. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en tres muestras independientes, aleatorias y representativas según tipo de vinculación laboral (31 de planta, 21 ocasionales y 43 por horas. En total, se encuestaron 89 profesores. Para medir la prevalencia del burnout se utilizó el Maslach Burnout Inventory. Resultados. La prevalencia de los casos probables de burnout fue del 19.1%; otro 49.4% adicional estaba en posible riesgo de sufrirlo. Según el tipo de vinculación, los profesores con mayor

  4. Professor Torben Larsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Torben


    En samling af væsentlige artikler, og diskussion, om stormflod skrevet af professor Torben Larsen, Aalborg Universitet. Torben Larsen diskuterer i artiklerne et forslag om at lukke Thyborøn Kanal for at mindske risikoen for stormflod og oversvømmelse langs Limfjordens byer.......En samling af væsentlige artikler, og diskussion, om stormflod skrevet af professor Torben Larsen, Aalborg Universitet. Torben Larsen diskuterer i artiklerne et forslag om at lukke Thyborøn Kanal for at mindske risikoen for stormflod og oversvømmelse langs Limfjordens byer....

  5. Agressividade infantil no ambiente escolar: concepções e atitudes do professor Agresividad infantil en el ambiente escolar: concepciones y actitudes del profesor Children's aggressiveness at school: teacher's conceptions and attitudes

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    Maria Abigail de Souza


    Full Text Available Ao se abordar o tema da agressividade infantil no ambiente escolar é preciso considerar a participação dos envolvidos neste fenômeno: pais, crianças e professores. Tal abordagem vem sendo conduzida em projeto de pesquisa mais amplo, do qual o presente estudo representa um recorte, ao enfocar apenas o ponto de vista dos professores. O objetivo é analisar as concepções e atitudes relacionadas à expressão da agressividade infantil na escola. Realizou-se uma avaliação qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas individuais semidirigidas com 15 professores de uma escola pública da periferia de São Paulo. As atitudes mais citadas como agressivas envolvem rebeldia e agressão física entre alunos, sendo esta última a queixa que mais motiva o encaminhamento para ludoterapia. Em relação às estratégias de manejo, predominam atitudes envolvendo diálogo e compreensão. Os dados sugerem que subsiste preocupação do professor com as crianças, o que desperta nelas a esperança de obter atenção e cuidado.Al abordarse la agresividad infantil en el ambiente escolar, es necesario considerar la participación de los envolvidos en este fenómeno: padres, niños, profesores. Este abordaje ha sido conducido en un proyecto de investigación más amplio, del cual este estudio representa un recorte, al focalizar el punto de vista del profesor. El objetivo es analizar concepciones y actitudes relacionadas a la agresividad infantil en la escuela. Se ha realizado una evaluación cualitativa, por medio de entrevistas individuales semi dirigidas con 15 profesores de una escuela pública de la periferia de Sao Paulo. Las actitudes agresivas más citadas son rebeldía y agresión física entre alumnos, siendo esta última la queja que más motiva la indicación para ludo terapia. En las estrategias de conducción predominan actitudes envolviendo diálogo y comprensión. Los datos sugieren que subsiste preocupación del profesor con los niños, lo que despierta

  6. Professor Wind i Deadline om Spitzenkandidaten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Professor og centerleder, Marlene Wind, var fredag den 23. februar 2018 i DR2 Deadline for at snakke om proceduren bag udvælgelsen af en ny formand for Europa Kommissionen. Professer Wind forklarede blandt andet, hvordan Europa Parlamentet, siden Lisabon Traktaten i 2009, har fortolket en del af...... traktaten til, at det skal være det vindende parti ved EP-valget, som vælger Kommissionsformanden. Dette er kendt som Spitzenkandidaten-proceduren. Wind pointerede, at særligt tyskerne har den holdning til EU, at den primære legitimitet ligger hos Europa parlamentet, da det er det eneste direkte folkevalgte...... organ i EU. Wind påpegede, at statsoverhovederne har været meget skeptiske eller direkte imod proceduren, men at der er en stigende holdning til, at proceduren kan være med til at sikre borgerinddragelse i EU. Til dette sagde Wind; "Hvis man skal engangere borgerne ved det her valg, hvor stort set ingen...

  7. ICT Use by Journalism Professors in Colombia (United States)

    Hung, Elias Said


    This article analyses how journalism professors at Colombian universities use information and communications technologies (ICT) in their teaching. Survey data was obtained during the first trimester of 2009 from 63 professors in journalism departments and from a total of 865 professors who are affiliated with journalism departments at 29…

  8. Natural Bioactive Compounds: The Way Shown by Professor Maurizio Battino and His Group in an Italian Cutting-Edge Laboratory. (United States)


    Maurizio Battino, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), is the Director of the Centre for Health and Nutrition, Universidad Europea del Atlantico (Santander, Spain) and Director of Nutrition and Health projects and Master courses at FUNIBER on-line platform (Barcelona, Spain).[...].

  9. Natural Bioactive Compounds: The Way Shown by Professor Maurizio Battino and His Group in an Italian Cutting-Edge Laboratory



    Maurizio Battino, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), is the Director of the Centre for Health and Nutrition, Universidad Europea del Atlantico (Santander, Spain) and Director of Nutrition and Health projects and Master courses at FUNIBER on-line platform (Barcelona, Spain).[...

  10. Natural Bioactive Compounds: The Way Shown by Professor Maurizio Battino and His Group in an Italian Cutting-Edge Laboratory

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    International Journal of Molecular Sciences Editorial Office


    Full Text Available Maurizio Battino, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy, is the Director of the Centre for Health and Nutrition, Universidad Europea del Atlantico (Santander, Spain and Director of Nutrition and Health projects and Master courses at FUNIBER on-line platform (Barcelona, Spain.[...

  11. Remembering for tomorrow: Professor Mansour Ali Haseeb. (United States)

    Salih, Mustafa Abdalla M


    This is a highlight of the obituary ceremony in tribute to Professor Mansour Ali Haseeb (1910 - 1973), organized by the Medical Students Association of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Khartoum (U of K). Professor Haseeb has been the first Sudanese Professor and first Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. He was an outstanding humane teacher, mentor and researcher, and was awarded the international Dr. Shousha Foundation Prize and Medal by the WHO. He was also an active citizen in public life and became Mayor of Omdurman City. The obituary ceremony reflected the feelings of the medical community and included speeches by Professor Abdalla El Tayeb, President of U of K; the Dean, Faculty of Medicine; the Late Professor Haseeb's colleagues and students, His family representative, and an elegy poem.

  12. Professor og DMI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaas, Eigil


    Det er koldt, og det har det været længe. Sammen med sneen har det en selvforstærkende effekt på vintervejret, forklarer professor og meteorolog. Kulde: - Det er koldt, fordi vinden kommer fra et sted, hvor det er koldt. Det er den enkle forklaring på, at Danmark og store dele af Europa lige nu...... oplever meget lave temperaturer - og for Danmarks vedkommende en usædvanlig lang periode med vintervejr. Forklaringen kommer fra professor Eigil Kaas fra Niels Bohr Instituttet ved Københavns Universitet. Han forklarer til, at vintervejret dog er betinget af den mere eller mindre tilfældige måde...

  13. Dr. Rudolph Binion: professor, mentor, psychohistorian. (United States)

    Szaluta, Jacques


    As the title of my paper indicates, Dr. Rudolph Binion was my professor, mentor, and a leading psychohistorian. My paper in memoriam to Rudolph Binion is intended as both a retrospective and an introspective account of my relationship with him, as he had a pivotal influence on me when he was my professor at Columbia University. His help and influence continued after I left graduate school. In my paper I also deal with the enormous stresses of navigating through graduate school, for those students whose goal was to earn the Ph.D. degree. Some examinations were dreaded, For Example The "Examination in Subjects," popularly called the "Oral Exam." The "incubation" period was long indeed, frequently averaging nearly ten years, and it was an ordeal, as the rate of attrition was very high. There is then also the question of "ego strength" and that of "transference" toward the professor. Graduate school is indeed a long and strenuous challenge. I took a seminar in modern French history, a requirement for the Master's degree with Professor Binion, which was consequential for me, as he taught me to be objective in writing history. Professor Binion was a demanding and outstanding teacher.

  14. In commemoration of professor V.P. Karpov

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    Semyonova L.S.


    Full Text Available This article is about professor Karpov V.P., a prominent scientist, first rector of Yekaterinoslav Medical Academy. Biography of a great investigator, his main achievements in the area of histology, biology, theory and history of medicine was studied. Professor Karpov V.P. always combined his great scientific, organizational and research work with social activity. Monographs of professor Karpov V.P. and conferences organized by him were of great importance in the solution of such new problems as theary of microscope and cell amitosis. Professor Karpov is a founder of a large school of histology. Thanks to his active participation and personal guidance, in 1917 department of histology was founded in Yekaterinoslav Medical Institute. The author of the article has analyzed Hippocrates` works translated into Russian by professor Karpov V.P. and pointed out their significance for modern medical science and practice.

  15. Teaching Ethos of Reference Professors

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    Jules Marcel


    Full Text Available The present article discusses the teaching ethos of professors who are recognized for their good practice as trainers. The aim of our study is to analyze the influences of such professors’ professional constitution, as well as the explicit and/or tacit teaching knowledge they mobilize in their teaching practices. Based on Shulman, Gauthier, Tardif and Polanyi, we conducted interviews with three professors described by their students as reference. They were also observed in their classes, in the context of an undergraduate program in pedagogy at a public university. Data show similarities between the practices of the investigated professors, as well as a consistent description of their didactics, which is marked by intellective, moral, emotional and behavioral features.

  16. Perda da voz em professores e não professores Voice loss in teachers and non-teachers

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    Kelly Park


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a percepção de professores e não-professores sobre as implicações de uma eventual perda de voz. MÉTODOS: Participaram 205 indivíduos sendo 105 professores e 100 não professores entre 23 a 65 anos, 106 mulheres e 99 homens. Foi aplicado um questionário contendo quatro perguntas referentes a uma eventual perda de visão, audição, voz e deambulação e o grau de impacto inferido (de 0 a 4. RESULTADOS: Para o grupo de professores, não enxergar gerou o maior impacto negativo (média de 3,8, seguido por não andar (média de 3,7, não ter voz (média de 3,7 e não ouvir (média de 3,6. Para o grupo de não-professores, não enxergar também gerou o maior impacto negativo (média de 3,4, seguido por não andar (média de 3,0; não ouvir (média de 2,2 e não ter voz (média de 2,0. Em relação ao maior impacto de uma eventual perda da voz, professores indicaram prejuízos no trabalho, relacionamento social e atividades rotineiras e, no grupo de não professores, nas atividades rotineiras, trabalho, relacionamento social e manifestações das emoções. CONCLUSÕES: Os professores valorizam sua voz de modo diverso dos não-professores e ambos os grupos avaliam a perda da voz como algo que não acarreta consequências negativas. Apesar de o professor perceber mais o impacto de um eventual problema de voz do que o não-professor, os sentimentos em relação à perda da voz foram muito semelhantes nos dois grupos.PURPOSE: To investigate teachers' and non-teachers' perception regarding the implications of an eventual loss of voice. METHODS: Participated in the study 205 individuals (106 women and 99 men, 105 teachers and 100 non-teachers, with ages varying from 23 to 65 years old. The participants were asked to answer a questionnaire with four questions regarding an eventual loss of vision, hearing, voice and deambulation, and the inferred impact degree (from 0 to 4. RESULTS: For the teachers group, not being able to see

  17. 22 CFR 62.20 - Professors and research scholars. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Professors and research scholars. 62.20 Section... Specific Program Provisions § 62.20 Professors and research scholars. (a) Introduction. These regulations govern Exchange Visitor Program participants in the categories of professor and research scholar, except...

  18. In Conversation with: Professor Liz Thomas

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    Karen Nelson


    Full Text Available Editors Karen Nelson, John Clarke and Sally Kift interview Professor Liz Thomas,  Director of the Widening Participation Research Centre at Edge Hill University.  She is also Lead Adviser Retention and Success at the Higher Education Academy, England.   Professor Thomas was one of the keynote speakers at the 15th International First Year in Higher Education Conference held in Brisbane, Australia from the 26th – 29th of June, 2012.  Professor Thomas joined the Journal Editors at the conclusion of the main conference program to explore some of the key themes raised in her address.  

  19. Satisfaction among accounting professors in Brazil

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    Tamires Sousa Araújo

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of satisfaction among accounting professors in Brazil throughout their careers. The research is classified as descriptive and used a quantitative approach to data analysis. 641 valid responses were obtained from professors from all regions of Brazil. The results show that a feeling of satisfaction prevails among accounting course professors, as most of them “like the profession” and, in general, "are satisfied with it”. It was found that levels of satisfaction are higher among individuals with more experience, in that in their first years in the job (one to three years, professors have lower satisfaction rates; the highest levels of satisfaction are found in the final stage (over 35 years. The main factor that influences satisfaction is personal fulfillment (teaching work and relationship with students. It was also possible to identify that positive feelings about teaching predominate (67.3% compared to negative ones (32.7%. These results show the need for greater attention to be paid in the early years of the career in order to avoid a "reality clash". They also show the need for other studies to investigate how the phases in the life cycle of accounting professors are characterized.

  20. As interações professor-professor na co-construção dos projetos pedagógicos na escola

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    Mírian Raposo

    Full Text Available A qualidade das interações entre professores é uma realidade da cultura escolar de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento do seu projeto pedagógico e do currículo vivido pelo aluno. Arquitetado nos pressupostos teóricos da abordagem sociocultural construtivista, este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os processos co-construtivos presentes nas interações professor-professor, fundamentais para a elaboração e execução dos projetos vividos em uma escola pública de formação de professores do Distrito Federal. Participaram do estudo os 23 professores do curso normal, a coordenadora e o diretor. Procedimentos de observação participante das atividades pedagógicas de planejamento e execução de projetos e entrevista semi-estruturada com 10 desses participantes foram realizados em um período de três meses. A análise dos resultados focalizou (1 relações de confiança (2 interdependência indivíduo-grupo e (3 liderança. Estas categorias foram cruciais para o alcance dos objetivos estabelecidos na escola. Considera-se que estas são contribuições importantes da Psicologia aos cursos de formação inicial e continuada de professores.

  1. The housekeeper and the professor a novel

    CERN Document Server

    Ogawa, Yoko


    He is a brilliant math Professor with a peculiar problem—ever since a traumatic head injury, he has lived with only eighty minutes of short-term memory. She is an astute young Housekeeper—with a ten-year-old son—who is hired to care for the Professor. And every morning, as the Professor and the Housekeeper are introduced to each other anew, a strange and beautiful relationship blossoms between them. Though he cannot hold memories for long (his brain is like a tape that begins to erase itself every eighty minutes), the Professor's mind is still alive with elegant equations from the past. And the numbers, in all of their articulate order, reveal a sheltering and poetic world to both the Housekeeper and her young son. The Professor is capable of discovering connections between the simplest of quantities—like the Housekeeper's shoe size—and the universe at large, drawing their lives ever closer and more profoundly together, even as his memory slips away. Yoko Ogawa's The Housekeeper and the Professo...

  2. Transferencia de la formación docente universitaria : un estudio en los docentes de las facultades de ingeniería de la Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile) /


    Acosta Peña, Roxana,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Pedagogia Aplicada. Numerosos estudios, la mayoría de ellos de universidades anglófonas y europeas, han examinado la cuestión de cómo medir el impacto de la formación de los profesores (Guskey, 2002, Gibbs y Coffey, Prosser y Rickinson, 2008, Stes, Min-Leliveld, Gijbels y Van Petegem, 2010, Feixas, Durán, Fernández, Fernández y García San Pedro, Márquez et al., 2013). Sin embargo, la falta de evaluación sistemática sigue siendo una preocup...

  3. Professor José Rodeghiero: trajetória docente e envolvimento comunitário

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    Renata Brião de Castro


    grupo é originário dos imigrantes italianos que se instalaram na localidade no final do século XIX. As re?exões sobre o campo da memória também são pertinentes para o texto, uma vez que as principais fontes decorrem das entrevistas. Ainda a abordagem se dá por meio dos documentos escritos, ressaltando a intencionalidade do docente em guardar o manuscrito, revelando a perpetuação da memória preservada até os dias atuais. O professor José Rodeghiero possuía um vínculo com a comunidade escolar e era participativo da vida no local, além de ser morador da região e também pertencente ao mesmo grupo étnico. En este artículo se pretende abordar la trayectoria de José Rodeghiero el período en que fue profesor en la Escuela Garibaldi dentro del municipio de Pelotas (RS, Brasil, durante los años de 1929 a 1950. Además del papel del maestro como maestro, esto sirvió otras funciones en su lugar, el cumplimiento de otras tareas que no sólo enseñan. Para lograr este objetivo se utilizan como fuentes de un manuscrito escrito por el profesor, los periódicos de la época, y el uso de entrevistas ancladas en la metodología de historia oral con los residentes y ex alumnos de la maestra circundantes. Para apoyar la teoría, la investigación se basa principalmente en el concepto de identidad, haciendo reflexiones sobre la identidad étnica, ya que este grupo se origina de inmigrantes italianos que se asentaron en la ciudad a finales del siglo XIX. Re?ejos en el campo de la memoria también son relevantes para el texto, ya que las principales fuentes proceden de las entrevistas. El enfoque se da por medio de los documentos escritos, resaltando la intencionalidad del docente en guardar el manuscrito, revelando la perpetuación de la memoria preservada hasta los días actuales. La encuesta señala que el profesor José Rodeghiero tenía una relación con la comunidad escolar, participó en la vida en el lugar, además de ser residente de la zona y tambi

  4. The Professors behind the MOOC Hype (United States)

    Kolowich, Steve


    The largest-ever survey of professors who have taught MOOCs, or massive open online courses, shows that the process is time-consuming, but, according to the instructors, often successful. Nearly half of the professors felt their online courses were as rigorous academically as the versions they taught in the classroom. The survey, conducted by "The…

  5. Forecasting the student–professor matches that result in unusually effective teaching (United States)

    Gross, Jennifer; Lakey, Brian; Lucas, Jessica L; LaCross, Ryan; R Plotkowski, Andrea; Winegard, Bo


    Background Two important influences on students' evaluations of teaching are relationship and professor effects. Relationship effects reflect unique matches between students and professors such that some professors are unusually effective for some students, but not for others. Professor effects reflect inter-rater agreement that some professors are more effective than others, on average across students. Aims We attempted to forecast students' evaluations of live lectures from brief, video-recorded teaching trailers. Sample Participants were 145 college students (74% female) enrolled in introductory psychology courses at a public university in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Methods Students viewed trailers early in the semester and attended live lectures months later. Because subgroups of students viewed the same professors, statistical analyses could isolate professor and relationship effects. Results Evaluations were influenced strongly by relationship and professor effects, and students' evaluations of live lectures could be forecasted from students' evaluations of teaching trailers. That is, we could forecast the individual students who would respond unusually well to a specific professor (relationship effects). We could also forecast which professors elicited better evaluations in live lectures, on average across students (professor effects). Professors who elicited unusually good evaluations in some students also elicited better memory for lectures in those students. Conclusions It appears possible to forecast relationship and professor effects on teaching evaluations by presenting brief teaching trailers to students. Thus, it might be possible to develop online recommender systems to help match students and professors so that unusually effective teaching emerges. PMID:24953773

  6. Health disorders and teachers' voices: a workers' health issue Alteraciones de la salud y de la voz del profesor, un asunto de salud del trabajador Alterações da saúde e a voz do professor, uma questão de saúde do trabalhador

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    Liliana Amorim Alves


    Full Text Available Environmental and/or work risk factors, lack of basic knowledge related to voice, its incorrect use, and a defective vocal model can lead teachers to develop occupational dysphonia. This study aimed to analyze studies focusing on occupational vocal disorders through a literature review. Articles published over a period of 11 years in periodicals indexed in the ScieLO library were searched according to predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Twenty articles related to teachers' vocal occupational disorders were found. We argue that intense vocal use should not harm professionals; the voice has to be pleasant to the speaker and correctly produced. The conclusion is that there is a scarcity of articles available at the studied library relating to teachers' voice disorders. Further studies need to be developed and disseminated so as to increase knowledge in the subject.Factores de riesgos ambientales y/o referentes a la organización laboral, ausencia de nociones básicas sobre la voz, su uso incorrecto y presencia de modelo vocal deficiente pueden llevar al profesor a presentar disfonía relacionada al trabajo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar publicaciones sobre alteraciones vocales provenientes del trabajo, a través de revisión de literatura sobre el tema propuesto. Como método, se buscó artículos de periódicos indexados en la biblioteca virtual Scielo, por un período de once años, obedeciendo a criterios de inclusión y exclusión predeterminados. Fueron encontrados 20 artículos que contemplaron alteraciones vocales de los profesores provenientes del trabajo. Se discute, aquí, que el uso vocal intenso no debe propiciar perjuicios a la profesión; la voz debe ser agradable al sujeto y producida correctamente; concluyéndose que hay pocos artículos vehiculados en la biblioteca investigada relacionados a las alteraciones vocales del profesor, provenientes del uso de la voz en el trabajo. Nuevas investigaciones deben ser

  7. Gestió de la implantació de SAP HR


    Tobajas Andrade, Cristian


    El propòsit d'aquest projecte de final de carrera és donar resposta a tot els aspectes necessaris de planificació i de gestió per poder implantar una nova eina de gestió en una empresa del sector financer per a l'administració del seu departament de recursos humans. El propósito de este proyecto de final de carrera es dar respuesta a todos los aspectos necesarios de planificación y de gestión para poder implantar una nueva herramienta de gestión en una empresa del sector financiero para la...

  8. Refletindo sobre a relação professor-aluno em um grupo de professores do Esino Fundamental

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    Antônio dos Santos Andrade


    Full Text Available A partir das concepções de Donald Schön sobre a formação do professor como prático reflexivo, os princípios de trabalho com pequenos grupos, baseados nas concepções de J. L Moreno, foram utilizados com o objetivo de facilitar o processo de reflexão sobre suas práticas de sala de aula, com seis professores do Ensino Fundamental. Foram realizados nove encontros de 90 a 120 minutos de duração. Nas discussões, os casos dos alunos mais problemáticos quanto ao seu comportamento foram trazidos pelos professores e analisados pelo grupo a luz das concepções da Pragmática da Comunicação Humana. Como resultado destas discussões, os professores foram levados a considerar os aspectos mais latentes, e portanto significantes, de suas relações com os alunos. Estas reflexões conduziram a uma "resignificação" das mesmas, com efeitos surpreendentes sobre os comportamentos dos alunos.

  9. PREFACE: Special section on Computational Fluid Dynamics—in memory of Professor Kunio Kuwahara Special section on Computational Fluid Dynamics—in memory of Professor Kunio Kuwahara (United States)

    Ishii, Katsuya


    This issue includes a special section on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in memory of the late Professor Kunio Kuwahara, who passed away on 15 September 2008, at the age of 66. In this special section, five articles are included that are based on the lectures and discussions at `The 7th International Nobeyama Workshop on CFD: To the Memory of Professor Kuwahara' held in Tokyo on 23 and 24 September 2009. Professor Kuwahara started his research in fluid dynamics under Professor Imai at the University of Tokyo. His first paper was published in 1969 with the title 'Steady Viscous Flow within Circular Boundary', with Professor Imai. In this paper, he combined theoretical and numerical methods in fluid dynamics. Since that time, he made significant and seminal contributions to computational fluid dynamics. He undertook pioneering numerical studies on the vortex method in 1970s. From then to the early nineties, he developed numerical analyses on a variety of three-dimensional unsteady phenomena of incompressible and compressible fluid flows and/or complex fluid flows using his own supercomputers with academic and industrial co-workers and members of his private research institute, ICFD in Tokyo. In addition, a number of senior and young researchers of fluid mechanics around the world were invited to ICFD and the Nobeyama workshops, which were held near his villa, and they intensively discussed new frontier problems of fluid physics and fluid engineering at Professor Kuwahara's kind hospitality. At the memorial Nobeyama workshop held in 2009, 24 overseas speakers presented their papers, including the talks of Dr J P Boris (Naval Research Laboratory), Dr E S Oran (Naval Research Laboratory), Professor Z J Wang (Iowa State University), Dr M Meinke (RWTH Aachen), Professor K Ghia (University of Cincinnati), Professor U Ghia (University of Cincinnati), Professor F Hussain (University of Houston), Professor M Farge (École Normale Superieure), Professor J Y Yong (National

  10. Professor I I Glass A Tribute and Memorial

    CERN Document Server

    Igra, Ozer


    The book provides personal memories along with description of scientific works written by ex-graduate students and research associates of the late Professor Glass. The described research work covers a wide range of shock wave phenomena, resulting from seeds planted by Professor Glass. Professor Glass was born in Poland in 1918. He immigrated together with his parents to Canada at the age of 12 and received all his professional education at the University of Toronto, Canada. He became a world recognized expert in shock wave phenomena, and during his 45 years of active research he supervised more than 125 master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting research associates. In this book seven of his past students/research-associates describe their personal memories of Professor Glass and present some of their investigations in shock wave phenomena which sprung from their past work with Professor Glass. Specifically, these investigations include underwater shock waves, shock/bubble interaction, m...

  11. Los estudios de Botánica en los planes ilustrados del Virreinato de la Nueva Granada

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    Arboleda, Luis Carlos


    Full Text Available During the kingdoms of the New Granada, the first plan of teaching wich was presented by the botanical departament was made during the Viceroy Caballero y Góngora (1787. Later, beginning in the 19th century, during the political and ideological repression in the universities, the plans of the Baron Carondelet (1800 were presented with the idea of the creation of the Botanical Department in the University of Quito, and the creole Eloy Valenzuela presented the teaching of botanical studies in the course of study of Philosophy in the College-University of Mompox in 1806. He carried out a model of Botanical Expedition to realize in the Villa of Mompox. This was include in the General Laws in the College-University of Mompox. This plans no weren't aproval by controversy and administrative procedures. Only, the Plan of Valenzuela had partial aplication.

    En el virreinato de la Nueva Granada, el primer plan ilustrado de enseñanza que propuso la cátedra de Botánica fue el del virrey Caballero y Góngora (1787. Posteriormente, en los albores del Siglo XIX y ya en la etapa de represión política e ideológica en las universidades, se presentaron los planes del Barón de Carondelet (1800, que planteó la cátedra de Botánica para la Universidad quiteña, y el criollo Eloy Valenzuela presentó la enseñanza de la Botánica dentro del plan de estudios de Filosofía para el Colegio-Universidad de Mompox en 1806 y en las Constituciones del mismo Colegio desarrolló un modelo de Expedición Botánica para realizar en la Villa de Mompox.

  12. Professor Kodi Husimi promoted accelerator projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kikuchi, Ken


    The main aim of my article is to describe how deeply Professor Husimi devoted himself to promote large accelerator projects in Japan, as the establishment of National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK), Photon Factory and TRISTAN, in which I myself was deeply involved. In addition, some topics related that I was a student of Professor Husimi are also reported. (author)

  13. Professor Nukem - et eksperiment med oplevelsesbaseret forskningsformidling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandvik, Kjetil; Thorhauge, Anne Mette


    Professor Nukem er resultatet af et forskningsprojekt om oplevelsesbaseret forskningsformidling der har form som et computerspil med tilhørende website, hvor brugeren interaktivt kan engagere sig i forskning omkring sociale og kulturelle aspekter ved computerspil. Professor Nukem kan spilles på...

  14. The Reluctant Professor: Implications for University Management (United States)

    Schein, Edgar H.


    Stating the belief that most analyses of the university fail to deal realistically with the role of the professor, the author's purpose is to show why it is difficult and possible undesirable to involve professors deeply in issues of university government. (Author/JB)

  15. Variables That Can Affect Student Ratings of Their Professors (United States)

    Gotlieb, Jerry


    Attribution theory was applied to help predict the results of an experiment that examined the effects of three independent variables on students' ratings of their professors. The dependent variables were students' perceptions of whether the professor caused the students' grades and student satisfaction with their professor. The results suggest…

  16. Categorization of Quantum Mechanics Problems by Professors and Students (United States)

    Lin, Shih-Yin; Singh, Chandralekha


    We discuss the categorization of 20 quantum mechanics problems by physics professors and undergraduate students from two honours-level quantum mechanics courses. Professors and students were asked to categorize the problems based upon similarity of solution. We also had individual discussions with professors who categorized the problems. Faculty…

  17. Special issue dedicated to Professor Johann M. Schepers

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    Gideon P De Bruin


    Full Text Available It is a great pleasure for me to have been associated with this special issue of the SA Journal of Industrial Psychology dedicated to Professor Johann M. Schepers. The purpose of the special issue is to honour Professor Schepers for his contributions to the development of Psychology and Industrial Psychology as empirical fields of study in South Africa. The contributors have worked with Professor Schepers as students or colleagues and share his academic interests. The articles reflect his areas of interest and employ analytic techniques taught and championed by him. We are grateful to Professor Schepers for his cooperation throughout this project. Thanks are due to all the contributors and referees.

  18. La formación de los profesores de Filosofía u la paradoja del "giro filosófico" A formação dos professores de Filosofia e o paradoxo do "giro filosófico" Formation of teachers of Philosophy and the paradox of "turn philosophical"

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    Gustavo Ruggiero


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se recupera la lectura de un texto del profesor Guillermo Obiols con el doble propósito de mantener viva la memoria de una búsqueda filosófica colectiva e intentar a su vez un balance de nuestras prácticas de enseñanza de la Filosofía. Se propone también pensar la formación de los futuros profesores de Filosofía desde una perspectiva filosófica que asuma la centralidad del proyecto de autonomía como horizonte de un trabajo de reconstrucción de la propia subjetividad.Este artigo recupera a leitura de um texto do professor Guillermo Obiols com o duplo propósito de manter viva a memória de uma busca filosófica coletiva e promover um balanço de nossas práticas de ensino de Filosofia. Também tem o propósito de pensar a formação dos futuros professores de Filosofia desde uma perspectiva filosófica que assuma a centralidade do projeto de autonomia como horizonte de um trabalho de reconstrução de sua própria subjetividade.This article recovers the reading of a text by professor Guillermo Obiols with the dual purpose of keeping the memory of a collective philosophical search alive and, in turn, trying to balance our Philosophy teaching practices. There is also a proposal to consider the qualification of future Philosophy teachers from a philosophical perspective that assumes the core of the autonomy project as the basis of the reconstruction work on subjectivity itself.

  19. Professor dr hab. Anna Maria Bujakiewicz

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    Anna Kujawa


    Full Text Available The article presents the biography and scientific achievements of Professor Anna Bujakiewicz. After receiving her master’s degree and doctorate in biology and mycology from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Professor Bujakiewicz continued her exciting research and teaching on mycology at her Alma Mater Posnaniensis for more than 50 years. Her publications in this field include many books, articles, and other scholarly reports.

  20. Professor Kalkman retires

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baas, Pieter


    On 13 December 1990 Prof. Dr. Cornelis (Kees) Kalkman retired from the positions of Professor of Plant Systematics and Scientific Director of the Rijksherbarium/ Hortus Botanicus by presenting his valedictory lecture to the academic community of Leiden University and the assembled Dutch Botanical

  1. [Professor Frantisek Por MD and Professor Robert Klopstock MD, students at Budapest and Prague Faculties of Medicine]. (United States)

    Mydlík, M; Derzsiová, K


    Professor Frantisek Por MD and Professor Robert Klopstock MD were contemporaries, both born in 1899, one in Zvolen, the other in Dombovar, at the time of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Prof. Por attended the Faculty of Medicine in Budapest from 1918 to 1920, and Prof. Klopstock studied at the same place between 1917 and 1919. From 1920 until graduation on 6th February 1926, Prof. Por continued his studies at the German Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. Prof. Klopstock had to interrupt his studies in Budapest due to pulmonary tuberculosis; he received treatment at Tatranske Matliare where he befriended Franz Kafka. Later, upon Kafka's encouragement, he changed institutions and continued his studies at the German Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, where he graduated the first great go. It is very likely that, during their studies in Budapest and Prague, both professors met repeatedly, even though their life paths later separated. Following his graduation, Prof. Por practiced as an internist in Prague, later in Slovakia, and from 1945 in Kosice. In 1961, he was awarded the title of university professor of internal medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, where he practiced until his death in 1980. Prof. Klopstock continued his studies in Kiel and Berlin. After his graduation in 1933, he practiced in Berlin as a surgeon and in 1938 left for USA. In 1962, he was awarded the title of university professor of pulmonary surgery in NewYork, where he died in 1972.

  2. Forecasting the Student-Professor Matches That Result in Unusually Effective Teaching (United States)

    Gross, Jennifer; Lakey, Brian; Lucas, Jessica L.; LaCross, Ryan; Plotkowski, Andrea R.; Winegard, Bo


    Background: Two important influences on students' evaluations of teaching are relationship and professor effects. Relationship effects reflect unique matches between students and professors such that some professors are unusually effective for some students, but not for others. Professor effects reflect inter-rater agreement that some professors…

  3. E-Mail from Professor Enhances Student Motivation and Attitudes (United States)

    Legg, Angela M.; Wilson, Janie H.


    Traditionally, professors use the first day of class to build rapport. However, current technology allows professors to contact students prior to the first day of class. This study assessed how the receipt of a welcoming e-mail from a female professor 1 week before the first day of class affected student motivation and attitudes toward the…

  4. Do Professors Have Customer-Based Brand Equity? (United States)

    Jillapalli, Ravi K.; Jillapalli, Regina


    This research endeavors to understand whether certain professors have customer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the minds of students. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to conceptualize, develop, and empirically test a model of customer-based professor brand equity. Survey data gathered from 465 undergraduate business students were used to…


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    María Morella Colls Carrillo


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene como objetivo abordar los procesos de cambio que están ocurriendo en la educación superior, y el papel del profesor universitario como gestor del conocimiento en entorno del aprendizaje. En tal sentido, se analizan y discuten las percepciones de un grupo de profesores de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez en torno de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TICs y los cambios que genera su implementación en los procesos de enseñanza y del aprendizaje. El escenario es los cambios que se generan con la implementación de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje. El resultado de esta investigación se traducirá en las interpretaciones conceptuales y teóricas que darán soporte a la conceptualización conforme a la nueva visión expresada en el marco legal que la fundamenta y en su pertinencia social. Como aporte se espera generar constructos teóricos sobre la actuación del profesor como gestor universitario.PALABRAS CLAVE: conocimiento; educación; comunicación; TICsTHE TEACHER AS AGENT OF THE ACADEMIC PROCESS  ABSTRACTThe present study has as objective to approach the processes of change that are happening in the superior education, and the university professor's paper as agent of the knowledge in environment of the learning. In such a sense, they are analyzed and the perceptions of a group of professors of the National Experimental University name after Simón Rodríguez in lathe of the information and of the communication technologies (ICT and the changes that generates their implementation in the teaching and learning processes. The scenario is the changes that are generated with the implementation of the technologies of the information and of the communication in the processes of teaching learning. The result of this investigation will be translated in the conceptual and theoretical interpretations that will give

  6. University Curriculum Project--Professors Reflect on Impact. (United States)

    Babbitt, Beatrice C.

    This paper describes the reflections of the university professors in eight colleges at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who were pioneers in integrating assistive technology and related content into their courses and who continue to provide leadership in curricular change. Professors from the colleges of fine and performing arts, business,…

  7. Llibre Blanc de l’Eurodistricte Català Transfronterer: creació de projecte i reestructuració territorial


    Castañer i Vivas, Margarida


    En aquest article, s’hi presenta el procés d’elaboració, la metodologia, les reflexions i les conclusions del Llibre Blanc de l’Eurodistricte Català Transfronterer elaborat per la Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) i la Universitat de Girona (UdG). L’estudi té per objectiu acompanyar la definició i l’emergència d’un projecte de territori transfronterer basat en la realitat d’un àmbit territorial compartit entre el departament dels Pirineus Orientals i les comarques de la província ...

  8. Blanqueig enzimàtic de pasta de kenaf emprant sistemes lacasa-mediador


    Andreu Terrén, Glòria


    Premi extraordinari doctorat curs 2012-2013, àmbit d’Enginyeria Industrial La present tesi s’emmarca dins d’una de les línies del Grup de Recerca Paperer i Gràfic (CIPAGRAF), del Departament d’Enginyeria Tèxtil i Paperera de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa, encaminada a l’aplicacióde la Biotecnologia per desenvolupar nous sistemes enzimàtics per al blanqueig depastes i modificació de fibres cel·lulòsiques. La implantació d’etapes enzimàtiques...

  9. Wine tourism product clubs as a way to increase wine added value: the case of Spain


    Del Campo Gomis, Francisco Jose


    Francisco José Del Campo Gomis, David López Lluch, José Miguel Sales Civera, Asunción M Agulló Torres, Margarita Brugarolas, Mollá-Bauzá, África Martínez Poveda, Fermín Camacho de los Ríos, Antonio Miguel Nogués PedregalDepartament of Agrienvironmental Economics, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Campus Universitario de Orihuela-Desamparados, Orihuela (Ali...

  10. Formação do eu professor na abordagem Walloniana*

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    Ana Lúcia Batista Aranha


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos Analisar como o professor percebe a construção de seu Eu Professor na perspectiva de Wallon e conhecer como vivencia seu cotidiano na escola na condição de ser o si mesmo e o outro. Método Estudo qualitativo que contou com 13 participantes atuantes no Curso Bacharelado em Enfermagem. A coleta de dados foi realizada em 2013, por meio de entrevistas submetidas à análise temática. Resultados Emergiram três categorias: Construção do Eu Professor; Viver o cotidiano apoiado em si mesmo e no outro; e Componentes da construção do Eu Professor, com destaque para a conscientização e valorização de si mesmo e do outro, edificando a construção do Eu Professor. Conclusão Os professores percorreram uma trajetória na qual permitiu reconhecer o si mesmo em diferentes movimentos da internalização do Eu.


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    Antonio C. R. Tupinambá


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma homenagem póstuma ao Professor Doutor Reinier Rozestraten. O texto apresenta, suscintamente, o percurso acadêmico do nomeado professor, em especial a sua passagem pela Psicologia do Trânsito. Paralelamente discorre sobre sua principal obra na área, que, de certo modo introduz o discurso psicológico sobre o comportamento de trânsito em perspectiva nacional, juntamente com sua preocupação em imprimir um caráter científico ao tema e introduzi-lo no contexto da academia e na sociedade em perspectivas teórica e prática. A obra escolhida é considerada um marco para o estabelecimento teórico da disciplina da psicologia do trânsito no Brasil. A homenagem foi originalmente escrita por ocasião dos cinco anos de falecimento do professor Reinier.

  12. Peter Carravetta, Del postmoderno.

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    Alessandro Carrera


    Full Text Available Peter Carravetta, professor of “Italian and Italian American Studies” at SUNY Stony Brook, with an Italian and American education, has put together in his massive Del postmoderno possibly the most complete critical review so far of American academic production from the 1970s to the present. “Postmodern” is the key word of the cultural turn that took place between the 1950s and the 1970s only to meet its death, in Carravetta’s opinion, on September 11, 2001, when the shortlived illusion that h...


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    Lara Sinelnikova


    Full Text Available The article offers an analysis of the linguocultural character type professor taking into consideration both traditional set of signs and those transformations that indicate accumulation of evolutionary changes. The methodological base for the systematic description were the achievements of such areas of scientific knowledge as personology, linguopersonology and discourseology. The linguocultural character type (LCCT is a generalised image of persons, whose behaviour and value orientations influence culture, language and show social originality of the society. The peculiarity of the studied linguocultural character type is in its interrelation with the linguocultural character types intellectual and teacher as well as in the fact of the traditional connection with the concept elite. The exposure of such kind of multidimensional relations allowed to focus attention on the qualities of the LCCT professor that ensure its relative self-sufficiency. The sign of elitism and belonging to the intellectuals of the LCCT professor is asserted by the high social status recognised by the society, which is based on professionalism and compliance with moral principles. The axiological generality of the LCCT professor and teacher is ensured by the peculiarities of the modern pedagogical discourse with its typical image settings. One of the main features of the image of a professor is its belonging to the elite language person. The transformational processes in the contents of the LCCT professor are connected with the globalisation: including the international dimension in the evaluation of the professional activity, complication of the language environment, marketisation of the university sphere.

  14. Elementos de Trabajo Social para profesores de las Carreras Médicas: una experiencia interesante Some social work resources for medical professors: an interesting experience

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    Alba Estrada Molné


    Full Text Available Con la intención de divulgar una experiencia positiva de un curso sobre cuestiones sociales integradas al trabajo del futuro profesional de la salud en el contexto comunitario se ha llevado a cabo este trabajo. Durante el curso 2001-2002 se imparte un diplomado de Educación Médica Superior, dirigido a cuadros y profesores con el objetivo de contribuir al logro de la excelencia del proceso formativo en las carreras de Ciencias Médicas, para que se revierta en la elevación de la calidad del egresado. En el mismo se incluyó un módulo “Lo Social en el Trabajo del Profesional de la Salud” con el propósito de preparar a los profesores para realizar una labor educativa más eficiente con los futuros profesionales de la salud en cuanto a los procesos de integración con la comunidad, familia, individuo y sociedad en general; en resumen, metodología y técnicas del trabajo social a desarrollar por los mismos en su entorno. Se incluye el programa del Módulo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron muy satisfactorios. Se aplicó al final del módulo una de las técnicas de De Bono, el llamado PNI (positivo, negativo e interesante, para conocer la satisfacción del grupo de cursistas; los resultados del mismo fueron altamente gratos. Se concluye que este tipo de curso más ampliado y profundo debe impartirse para los profesores. También se hace una propuesta de incluir un programa de Trabajo Social del Equipo de Salud en la Comunidad como curso electivo en las carreras de las Ciencias MédicasThis work has been carried out w ith the objective of disclosing the positive experience of a course on social aspects in the community work of the future health professional. During the course 2001-2002 a Higher Medical Education postgraduate course was delivered to officials and professors with the objective of contributing to the achievement of excellence in the formative process in the careers of Medical Sciences, so that it is reverted in the elevation of

  15. Jornada “Usos i abusos del peer-to-peer

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    Raquel Xalabarder


    Full Text Available El 3 de desembre de 2009, els Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, juntament amb l'Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3, van organitzar la jornada "Usos i abusos del peer-to-peer", que va tenir lloc a la seu central de la UOC a Barcelona. La jornada la van coordinar els professors d'aquests Estudis integrants del grup de recerca Interdret de l'IN3.

  16. Professor Tiina Tasmuth Helsingis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tervisekasvatuse õppetooli professor Tiina Tasmuth osales 11.-14. juunini Helsingis toimunud rahvusvahelise konverentsi "2nd Psycho-Social Impacts of Breast Cancer" töös ning esines ettekandega teemal "Chronic post-treatment symptoms in patients with breast cancer" : [täistekst

  17. Afetividade entre professor e aluno no processo ensino-aprendizagem

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    Jéssica Simone Galdino Schaefer


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as relações de afetividade entre professor e aluno no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Utiliza de metodologia com abordagem qualitativa, observação participante, e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. O lócus da pesquisa foi a Escola Municipal de Educação Básica Lizamara Aparecida Oliva de Almeida em Sinop, entre Fevereiro e Maio de 2014. Enquanto sujeitos, contou-se com professores e alunos do 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Dos resultados parciais, verificou-se que mesmo que a afetividade e a aprendizagem sejam reconhecidas teoricamente por Henri Wallon como elos fundamentais para o processo ensino-aprendizagem, ainda não é bem compreendido pelos sujeitos professores. Palavras-chave: psicologia educacional; afetividade; professores e alunos. 

  18. Professor Stewart's casebook of mathematical mysteries

    CERN Document Server

    Stewart, Ian


    Like its wildly popular predecessors Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities and Hoard of Mathematical Treasures, Professor Stewart's brand-new book is a miscellany of over 150 mathematical curios and conundrums, packed with trademark humour and numerous illustrations. In addition to the fascinating formulae and thrilling theorems familiar to Professor Stewart's fans, the Casebook follows the adventures of the not-so-great detective Hemlock Soames and his sidekick Dr John Watsup (immortalised in the phrase 'Watsup, Doc?'). By a remarkable coincidence they live at 222B Baker Street, just a

  19. Professor om kystsikring: Ingen universelle løsninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten


    DEBAT: Der findes ikke universalløsninger mod stigende risiko for stormfloder, men løsninger skal findes, skriver Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, professor ved DTU.......DEBAT: Der findes ikke universalløsninger mod stigende risiko for stormfloder, men løsninger skal findes, skriver Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, professor ved DTU....

  20. Una perspectiva de relacionalitat híbrida en l’anàlisi i la gestió de polítiques públiques A hybrid relational approach to policy analysis and policy making Una perspectiva de relacionalidad híbrida en el análisis y la gestión de políticas públicas

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    Marc Grau-Solés


    Full Text Available Tesi presentada al Departament de Psicologia Social de la UAB per Marc Grau-Solés. Dirigida pels doctors Lupicinio Íñiguez i Joan Subirats. Aquesta tesi presenta noves perspectives que l’Actor-Network Theory obre per a l'anàlisi i la gestió de polítiques públiques. La principal idea és que gestionar la complexitat i la incertesa implica reconèixer i tractar amb realitats múltiples i híbrides. Basant-nos en les aportacions de la teoria de l'actor-xarxa (ANT, la ciutat s'analitza com un assemblatge urbà múltiple. L’ANT permet pensar la ciutat com un objecte heterogeni i descentralitzat. La noció d’assemblatge urbà permet donar compte de la naturalesa múltiple i híbrida de la ciutat. A més, s'analitza la naturalesa dicotòmica de la noció moderna de la política. Finalment, a través de l'anàlisi dels rendiments substantius de la participació ciutadana en les polítiques urbanes, es proposa una noció híbrida de la participació ciutadana i dels processos polítics.


    Thesis presented at the Departament de Psicologia Social of the UAB by Marc Grau-Solés. Supervised by Professor Lupicinio Íñiguez and Professor Joan Subirats. This thesis presents new perspectives opened by actor-network theory for policy analysis and policy making. The main idea is that managing complexity and uncertainty involves recognizing and dealing with multiple and hybrid realities. Drawing on inputs from Actor-Network Theory (ANT, the city is explored as a multiple urban assemblage. ANT allows thinking the city as a heterogeneous and decentred object. The notion of urban assemblages is introduced to account for the multiple and hybrid nature of the city. Besides, the dichotomous nature of the modern notion of politics is analyzed. Finally, through the analysis of substantive consequences of citizen participation in urban policies a new hybrid notion of citizen participation and policy processes is proposed.
    Tesis presentada en el

  1. Effects of Social Support on Professors' Work Stress (United States)

    Moeller, Christin; Chung-Yan, Greg A.


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine how various types of workplace social support from different support sources interact with occupational stressors to predict the psychological well-being of university professors. Design/method/approach: A total of 99 full-time professors participated via an online or paper questionnaire. Findings:…

  2. Academic Labor Markets and Assistant Professors' Employment Outcomes (United States)

    Hargens, Lowell L.


    Using data for 638 assistant professors who joined graduate sociology departments between 1975 and 1992, I examine the claim that when the labor market for new doctorates is weak, assistant professors experience less favorable employment outcomes than when that labor market is strong. Surprisingly, I find that those hired during the weak…

  3. The Roles of a University Professor in a Teacher Study Group (United States)

    Yeh, Hui-Chin; Hung, Hsiu-Ting; Chen, Yi-Ping


    The opportunities in which university professors collaborate with the practicing school teachers in a teacher study group are few. This study investigated how a university professor facilitated a collaborative teacher study group to enhance teachers' professional growth. Five primary school teachers and a university professor collaborated on…

  4. El proceso constructivo de los teatros del "Canal" del arquitecto Juan Navarro Baldeweg

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    del Aguila García, Alfonso


    Full Text Available This present article studies and chriticizes the building system and the developement of the theater and dance complex of Canal (Teatros del Canal, Madrid, designed by Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Principal Professor of Architectural Design at Madrid School of Architecture Polytechnic University. These theaters are being built in the center of Madrid city. The owner and developer of this complex is Canal de Isabel II (the water supply company of Madrid regional Government. The project consist in a three building complex, two theatres and a choreographic centre, put together by a back service block, each of them with it’s own different building solutions. This article is the result of the work done during the term 2006-07 of the Seminar of "Industrialization of Building Process" that, under the direction of the Principal Professor Alfonso del Águila, takes place within the Ph. D. Program of the Department of Construction and Architectural Technology set in Madrid School of Architecture Polytechnic University. The work includes two different parts: the fi rst one, which introduces is a prologue written by Prof. Navarro and a general description of the building. The second part describes its different construction areas, ranging from the different structural solutions, the hung façades pretending to be theatre curtains, some aspects of the interior design, as acoustics, special furniture and fi nishes, not in a mere descriptive way, but also from a critical manner with the intention to be a consequence with didactical value for the students/ authors.El artículo que se presenta estudia y valora el sistema constructivo, y su desarrollo, de las obras de los Teatros del Canal, obra del Catedrático de Proyectos de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid, Prof. Navarro Baldeweg, que se están llevando a cabo en Madrid, siendo la Promotora y Propietaria el Canal de Isabel II de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Se trata de un conjunto de tres edifi cios

  5. University Student Expectations of Confidentiality When Disclosing Information to Their Professors (United States)

    Harris, Gregory E.; Dalton, Stephanie


    The purpose of this study was to explore university students' expectations of confidentiality when they make disclosures to their university professors. A secondary purpose was to consider if students have a higher expectation of confidentiality when talking with Psychology professors versus professors in other disciplines. Students were asked to…

  6. What I Wish My Professors Had Told Me (United States)

    Collins, Jennifer


    What do you wish your undergraduate professors told you before you ever set foot in a classroom? Jennifer Collins, one such professor who prepares pre-service teachers, has a list of six "truths" she shares with her students. In this article, Collins outlines those pieces of advice, which include understanding your larger purpose,…

  7. The I Professor Formation in the Wallonian approach. (United States)

    Aranha, Ana Lúcia Batista; Mrech, Leny Magalhaes; Zacharias, Adriana Pereira Gonçalves; Figueredo, Luana Prado; Mendonça, Catarina Terumi Abe; Fernandes, Maria de Fátima Prado


    Objectives Analyze how teachers perceive the construction of their I Professor from the perspective of Wallon and learn about their everyday experiences in school in the condition of being self and other. Method Qualitative, with 13 participants from the Bachelor of Nursing Program. Data collection was carried out in 2013 using interviews that were subjected to thematic analysis. Results Three categories emerged: Construction of the I Professor; living daily life supported by oneself and the other; and the components for constructing the I Professor, highlighting consciousness and valuing of oneself and the other. Conclusion The teachers traveled a path that allowed them to recognize themselves in different movements of the internalization of the I.

  8. Perspectives públiques i privades del futur de la comercialització de la informació cartogràfica

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    José Cebrián


    Full Text Available

    El 16 de setembre de 2005, els Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política de la UOC van organitzar la Jornada sobre la Reutilització de la Informació del Sector Públic per analitzar la normativa comunitària en la matèria i la manera de traslladar-la a l'ordenament jurídic espanyol.

    En el marc de la jornada es va desenvolupar una taula rodona sobre la comercialització de la informació cartogràfica en la qual van participar representants d'administracions públiques de diferents àmbits territorials (José Cebrián, director del Centre Nacional d'Informació Geogràfica de l'Administració General de l'Estat; Jaume Miranda, director de l'Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya de la Generalitat de Catalunya; i Carlos Zañartu, cap de l'Oficina de Gestió Cartogràfica Local de la Diputació de Barcelona, i també representants del sector privat que treballen amb informació geogràfica (Jordi Guimet, de la Secció Catalana de l'Associació Espanyola de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica, i Jaume Royo, director del Departament de Territori de TAO-GEDAS.

    Els diferents membres de la taula rodona van fer una exposició breu sobre la situació actual de la comercialització de la informació geogràfica des de la seva òptica i, a continuació, es va entrar en un debat sobre les perspectives que obre el trasllat de la directiva en general i, en particular, respecte de temes com ara les llicències o les tarifes.

  9. Illustrated & Dissected: Professor Richard Sawdon Smith. (United States)


    This Alternative Gallery feature introduces the photographic artist Professor Richard Sawdon Smith. Professor Sawdon Smith's work stems around a fascination with representations of anatomy that have been fuelled by his experience as a hospital patient. The work has allowed him to explore ideas through the use of medical illustrations which include early anatomical drawings, personal medical photography and facial modelling. The work highlights how such imagery can be used in the context of a patient seeking understanding and acceptance of ill health and disease using the body as a canvas on which to translate the experience.

  10. Caracterización medico legal de los delitos sexuales en Pinar del Río, 2003-2005 Medical and legal characteristics of sex offenses in Pinar del Río, 2003-2005

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    Lidia Rosa Salgueiro Labrador


    Full Text Available Se encuestó una muestra de 399 víctimas de diferentes edades enviadas al departamento de Medicina legal de Pinar del Río en el trienio 2003-2005 por estarse instruyendo procedimiento penal a causa de algún delito realizado por intermedio de una conducta sexual impositiva que da lugar a la radicación del expediente. Se aplicó de modo directo una encuesta anónima, abierta, previamente elaborada y constitutiva de 9 preguntas, los resultados fueron tabulados por el método de los palotes y llevadas las variables a sábanas, agrupadas en tablas, arrojando la información que los municipios más afectados fueron Pinar del Río, San Cristóbal, consolación del Sur, San Juan y Sandino, siendo los grupos etáreos más vulnerantes las menores de 20 años. Las figuras delictivas que más se repiten son la violación y los abusos lascivos predominando en la relación víctima - victimario; los conocidos, vecinos, padrastros y familiares. En el modus operandi sobresalen el abuso de confianza, intimidación, violencia física y abuso de autoridad, siendo la casa de la víctima y alrededores, casa del victimario, centro de estudios o trabajo y cercanías, caminos, carreteras, lugares recreativos, los lugares mayormente escogidos por los ofensores.This study was conducted on different ages 399 victims, where a questionnaire was assessed. They were sent to Legal Medicine Departament of Pinar del Río, during triennium 2003-2005 due to a penal processing. A crime was comsummated in relation to impositive sexual mis conduct with proceeding files an anonymous, opening and direct questionnaire with 9 questions was analyzed. The data were statistically analyzed using palotes methods. All the variables were placed in a sheep and graphic. Pinar del Río, San Cristobal, Consolación Sur, San Juan and Sandino, were more affected. Patients of 20 years old and lees were more wounded violation and lascivious abuse were more frcuently with a big important to

  11. [Professor Kazimierz Jaegermann--forensic pathologist--scientist--thinker]. (United States)

    Nasiłowski, Władysław


    Professor Kazimierz Jaegermann, a founder of the theory of medico-legal opinionating, passed away 20 years ago. Numerous specialists in forensic medicine and an ever increasing number of lawyers substantiate the importance and value of the creative thought and the entire research work of Professor Jaegermann that have been an inspiration of progress in forensic medicine and in the science of applied law. His unique ability to perform a scientific synthesis leading to recognizing forensic medicine as an applied bridging knowledge points to the eminently creative role played by Professor Jaegermann in development of forensic medicine. There is an urgent need to recall his research activities and to publish a complete collection of his articles and publications. With this idea in mind, I present below an article based on the text published in No. 1 of the Zeszyty Naukowe Katedry Medycyny Sadowej Slaskiej Akademii Medycznej in 1995.

  12. Professor Alex Callinicos


    Ali Saqer


    Professor Alex Callinicos is a renowned social theorist and scholar of international political economy. He conducts research on Marx and Marxism, European social and political theory, contemporary political philosophy, critical theory, historiography, and international political economy. His work provides invaluable insights on issues of race and racism, social justice, the Third Way, imperialism, austerity, and EU politics, among many other fascinating contemporary issues. Alex studied Philo...

  13. Professor Wolfgang Panofsky

    CERN Multimedia


    "Professor Wolfgang panofsky, who died on September 24 aged 88, was a particle physicists and director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC) in California; with Jack Steinberger, he was the first to isolate the neutral pi meson, one of the subatomic particles which had been predicted by theoretical scientists to account for the strng force which binds the nuclei of atoms." (1 page)

  14. "They Are Weighted with Authority": Fat Female Professors in Academic and Popular Cultures (United States)

    Fisanick, Christina


    The images of fat professors encountered in popular culture are few in number and negative in depiction. In this article, the author discusses on how will the professorial body affect the way in which students perceive the professor's teaching abilities. The author concludes that bias against fat professors, professors of color, and other…

  15. Wanted: More Squares Among Professors (United States)

    Fisher, William H.


    Professors who see the world and life in a context of sincerely held religious beliefs should be given the same tolerance and understanding which atheists and agnostics used to demand for themselves. (AD)

  16. The use of Technological Means of Teaching with professional approach in the initial formation o f professors of Marxism-Leninism and History

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    Ismary Fabé González


    Full Text Available This article presents the use of technological teaching aids with a professional approach in the initial formation of professors of Marxism Leninism and History specialty in the University of Pedagogical Sciences in Pinar del Río and it has as objective: to analyze from the theoretical point of view the use of teaching aids and precisely the technological ones, as well as the determinations that are necessary for their appropriate use with a professional approach.

  17. Physical Education, To be Professor and Teacher Profession in Question Educación Física, Ser Profesor y Profesión de Enseñanza en la Pregunta Educação Física, Ser Professor e Profissão Docente em Questão

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    Full Text Available

    This study he is qualitative with interpretative possibilities. The inquiry place was constituted by seven schools. The participant citizens of the first phase had been managing, technician-pedagogical body, professors of others discipline, pupils, fathers/mothers. The second phase it focus the professors of Physical Education, the lesson properly said and the way as they understand the profession. Search to understand the actions of the professor in the space and time of the school, sending for questions of the Physical Education in the basic education of Vitória/ES and for the teaching profession.

    Esto estudio es cualitativo con muchas posibilidades de entendimiento. El espacio fue construido por siete escuelas. Los suyectos  de la primera fase de la investigación fueron directores, cuerpo tecnico- pedagógico, maestros excepto Educación Física, estudiantes y padres/madres. La segunda fase enfocado en los maestros de Educación Física, su clase  y la manera como entienden su profesión. El estudio probado comprender las acciones de los maestros en el espacio/ tiempo de la escuela, conduendo hasta questiones del Educación Física en el ensino primario de  Vitória/ ES y con la profesión de mestro.

    Este estudo é qualitativo com possibilidades interpretativas. O lugar de investigação foi constituído por sete escolas. Os sujeitos participantes da primeira fase foram diretores, corpo técnico-pedagógico, professores de outras disciplinas, alunos, pais/mães. A segunda fase focou os professores de Educação Física, a aula propriamente dita e a maneira como entendem a profissão. Busca compreender as ações do professor no espaço e tempo da escola, remetendo para questões da Educação Física no ensino fundamental de Vitória/ES e para a profiss

  18. Subjective well-being and time use of brazilian PhD professors

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    Maiana Farias Oliveira Nunes


    Full Text Available The university professor suffers high pressure to achieve productivity and performs under work conditions that are not always satisfactory. This study seeks to analyze the subjective well-being, the time-use strategies, and the satisfaction with their use of time of PhD-holding professors with and without productivity grants from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq. A total of 83 professors participated in the study (48 with productivity grants, with an average age of 50 years. A total of 89% of participants were from public institutions. The majority of the participants exhibited high levels of negative affect and low-average levels of satisfaction with their use of time. There was no difference in the subjective well-being or in the satisfaction with the use of time when comparing professors who had received a CNPq grant with professors who had not received a CNPq grant. The most important reason for dissatisfaction with the use of time was an excess of work, whereas peer recognition was the primary achievement obtained with the work. How work demands and conditions influence the well-being of the professors is discussed in this study.

  19. The Effects of Professors' Race and Gender on Student Evaluations and Performance (United States)

    Basow, Susan A.; Codos, Stephanie; Martin, Julie L.


    This experimental study examined the effects of professor gender, professor race, and student gender on student ratings of teaching effectiveness and amount learned. After watching a three-minute engineering lecture presented by a computer-animated professor who varied by gender and race (African American, White), female and male undergraduates…

  20. Student and Professor Gender Effects in Introductory Business Statistics (United States)

    Haley, M. Ryan; Johnson, Marianne F.; Kuennen, Eric W.


    Studies have yielded highly mixed results as to differences in male and female student performance in statistics courses; the role that professors play in these differences is even less clear. In this paper, we consider the impact of professor and student gender on student performance in an introductory business statistics course taught by…

  1. Usos de las tic en la docencia universitaria: opinión del profesorado de educación especial

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    Ana Cristina Echeverría Sáenz


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone los resultados y discusión sobre el tema del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC en la docencia universitaria, desde la opinión del profesorado de la Sección de Educación Especial de la Escuela de Orientación y Educación Especial de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Para conocer la opinión de los participantes se aplicó un cuestionario como parte de un estudio de caso. El objetivo es compartir los alcances de la investigación, así como la opinión y las recomendaciones obtenidas del profesorado participante, en relación con las necesidades de uso tanto técnico como formativo de las TIC en la docencia universitaria. Se concluye que existe una buena disposición y actitud para incorporar las TIC como apoyo en la didáctica universitaria, pero en igual medida se aprecia que es necesaria la capacitación para optimizar su uso de estos recursos para obtener el mayor provecho de estos. Con la incorporación de las TIC como herramientas de apoyo en la formación universitaria del profesorado, éste asume un rol de mediador del aprendizaje y de esta manera se beneficia los procesos de formación continua del profesorado. The present article shows the results and discussion on the topic of the use of TIC (communication and information technologies in university teaching, from the point of view of the professors in the Special Education Section of the Special Education and Counseling school of the UCR. To learn the opinion of the participants a questionnaire was applied as a part of a case study. The objective is to share the scope of the research, as well as the opinion and recommendations given by the Special Education professors who participated, regarding their needs in both the technical and educational need for TIC in university teaching. The main conclusions reveal that there is a good disposition and attitude towards the incorporation of TIC as a support in university didactic. At

  2. A Group Interview about Publishing with Professor Jack Zipes

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    Emma Louise Parfitt


    Full Text Available The conversation piece is the product of a group interview with Professor Jack Zipes and provides useful insights about publishing for early career researchers across disciplines. Based on his wider experiences as academic and writer, Professor Zipes answered questions from PhD researchers about: writing books, monographs and edited collections; turning a PhD thesis into a monograph; choosing and approaching publishers; and the advantages of editing books and translations. It presents some general advice for writing and publishing aimed at postgraduate students. Professor Zipes is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, United States, a world expert on fairy tales and storytelling highlighting the social and historical dimensions of them. Zipes has forty years of experience publishing academic and mass-market books, editing anthologies, and translating work from French, German and Italian. His best known books are Breaking the Magic Spell (1979, Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion (1983, The Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Cultural and Social History of a Genre (2012, and The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (2014.

  3. Professors of the New Economy. (United States)

    Wilson, Robin


    Profiles four professors who epitomize the increasing influence of academe on new technology-driven Internet business: a start-up maven, Steven Kaplan; a social psychologist, Michael Ray; a cyberlawyer, David Post; and an e-commerce expert, Andrew B. Whinston. (DB)

  4. The College Professor's Professional Liability (United States)

    Griggs, Walter S.; Rubin, Harvey W.


    The growing number of professional liability suits against professors warrants a close examination of the need for and provisions of available insurance coverage. The evolution of tort liability, the question of negligence, and the professional liability policy are discussed. (LBH)

  5. ATLANTIC and beyond: an interview with Professor Azfar Zaman. (United States)

    Zaman, Azfar; Wu, Wing


    Professor Azfar Zaman speaks to Wing Wu, Commissioning Editor: Professor Azfar Zaman is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Freeman Hospital and Professor of Cardiology at Newcastle University. Following graduation at Leeds Medical School, he completed postgraduate training in cardiology at regional centres in Leeds, London and Cardiff. Prior to his appointment in Newcastle upon Tyne, he was a Fulbright Scholar and British Heart Foundation International Fellow at Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, USA. He is the Clinical Lead for Coronary Intervention and Director of the Cardiac Catheter Laboratories. In 2012, he was appointed Specialty Group Lead for Cardiovascular Research and has an interest in clinical research, with a particular interest in atherothrombosis in diabetes and clinical trials.

  6. O docente de enfermagem e sua representação sobre a formação profissional La representación del docente de enfermería sobre su formación profesional The nursing professor and their representation about the professional formation

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    Juliana Rodrigues


    representación de los docentes sobre la formación del enfermero lo aleja más del paradigma tradicional, acercándole del paradigma emergente que propone la metodología del aprender a aprender, y que sus representaciones están ancladas en la ley vigente y en la misión de la universidad: educación, investigación y extensión.It is about a research of qualitative nature, whose objective was to identify the representation of the professor on the formation of the nurse. Were interviewed 22 teaching nurses of the course of graduation in Nursing of two institutions of superior education of the city of Curitiba (Brazil. The ethics precepts were respected, and the project was approved by the Committee of the Sector of Sciences of Health of the Federal University of the Paraná (Brazil. The interviews were recorded and transcribing, and the reports, analyzed by the technique of the Analysis of Content. The theme that emerged of the speeches was: The representation of the profile of the nurse formed by the institution. This theme made possible the composition of three categories: critical-reflexive nurse, humanistic and autonomous worker. We consider that the representation of the professors about the formation of the nurse more moves them away from the traditional paradigm, approaching them of the emergent paradigm that considers the methodology of learning to learn, and that their representations are anchored in the current law and in the mission of the university: education, research and extension.

  7. [Learning styles in medical residents and their professors of a pediatric hospital. (United States)

    Juárez-Muñoz, Irina Elizabeth; Gómez-Negrete, Alonso; Varela-Ruiz, Margarita; Mejía-Aranguré, Juan Manuel; Mercado-Arellano, José Agustín; Sciandra-Rico, Martha Minerva; Matute-González, Mario Manuel


    Background: the learning styles are cognitive, emotional, and psychological characteristics, which function as relatively stable indicators of how teachers and students perceive, interact, and respond to their learning environments. Knowing students' styles allows teachers to have tools to improve medical education. Our objective was to identify learning styles in pediatric residents and professors from a pediatric hospital. Methods: a learning styles questionnaire was applied to residents and theirs professors; data was analyzed in SPSS 12 software. Results: the dominant learning style in pediatric residents was reflexive and for professors was theoretical. There wasn't any difference between sexes or between medical or surgical specialities. There was more correlation between professors and residents when there was an increase in training time. Conclusions: the learning styles between professors and residents are different, especially at the beginning of the medical specialty courses; that's why it is necessary to realize a confrontation between the students' learning styles and teaching methods used by professors to improve significant learning. To know learning styles gives residents an important alternative to find a better study strategy.

  8. O professor_: de quem estamos falando mesmo?

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    Santos, Fabiane Konowaluk


    Full Text Available O presente texto procura abordar a temática relacionada à auto-imagem do professor, constatada através de uma enquete e da construção de um website que subsidiou o tensionamento com o real. Segundo Arroyo (2000, p. 124, “carregamos a função que exercemos, que somos e a imagem de professor(a que internalizamos”. Dessa forma, o tema em estudo segue, ainda hoje, sendo altamente significativo, pois não podemos esquecer os momentos históricos, políticos e sociais vivenciados pelos professores, buscando justamente explicações sobre como as questões de auto-imagem, o fazer e suas competências, suas possibilidades e limites e outros tantos fatores que estão a alterar seu comportamento. Arroyo (2000, p. 124 assinala que a auto-imagem docente é apreendida em múltiplos espaços e tempos, em múltiplas vivências, como resultado das condições psicológicas e sociais que afetam sua docência

  9. Estilos motivacionais de professores: preferência por controle ou por autonomia

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    Amélia Carolina Terra Alves Machado

    Full Text Available A motivação é fundamental para o envolvimento dos estudantes na escola. Para a teoria da autodeterminação, o estilo motivacional do professor, que pode controlar ou promover a autonomia, contribui para fomentar a ocorrência de tipos qualitativamente diferenciados de motivação. Neste estudo, de natureza exploratória, foram analisadas as interações entre dois professores e seus alunos. A amostra foi composta de acordo com o desempenho de 39 professores na avaliação do estilo motivacional, mediante a aplicação de um instrumento de autorrelato, problemas na escola. Desse total, dois professores, um com estilo motivacional promotor de autonomia e outro com uma orientação para o controle, tiveram suas aulas observadas em sete sessões, com o objetivo de levantar dados para a elaboração de um protocolo que continha categorias de interações. Foram então realizadas outras sete sessões de observação. Os resultados indicaram que, apesar de terem sido encontradas diferenças entre os desempenhos na avaliação do estilo motivacional, os professores interagiram com seus alunos de modo preferencialmente controlador. No entanto, o professor que promovia a autonomia interagiu de modo menos controlador no gerenciamento do tempo destinado para a realização das atividades em classe quando comparado ao professor controlador, além de oferecer feedback informativo. As implicações educacionais dos resultados são analisadas.

  10. University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors at Aalborg University (Part 2)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolmos, Anette; Krogh, Lone


    In issue 1-2003, Anette Kolmos and Lone Krogh reported on the two-semester study course " University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors at Aalborg University (DK)". Now, in part 2, they are adressing guidelines for supervison and advising of assistant professors in the university teacher education...

  11. Faculty Agency in Applying for Promotion to Professor

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    Susan K. Gardner


    Full Text Available Aim/Purpose: In the United States, faculty who wish to pursue promotion to the rank of professor do so without clear guidance or structure. Even the timing of such a process is nebulous. As such, an individual engages in agentic action to pursue the rank. Background: This study examined the experiences of faculty members who chose to pursue the application process to be promoted to professor but were rejected or dissuaded. Methodology: Utilizing a case study of one institutional setting, we conducted 10 in-depth qualitative interviews. Contribution: Very little is known about the process of promotion to full professor in the U.S. and even less empirical research exists. This study advances knowledge of the process and the experiences of those undertaking it. Findings: We learned that cues from the social context greatly influenced these faculty members’ sense of agency.

  12. Kai Adolf Jensen, professor i almindelig patologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høiby, Niels


    for the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine production and supervised many young scientists’ doctoral theses on the aspects of tuberculosis. He became internationally recognized, and he revealed an important scientific fraud in the laboratory of the Austrian professor Ernst Löwenstein (1878-1950), who claimed that he...... could detect M. tuberculosis in blood cultures as a cause of a multitude of diseases. He was a pioneer in eradication of bovine tuberculosis in Denmark which became the first country in the world where this happened. Kai Adolf Jensen held the position as professor of general pathology from 1940 to 1965...

  13. Professor: Danmarkskanon skal give plads til mangfoldighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Garbi


    DEBAT: Danmark har igennem størstedelen af sin historie været et flerkulturelt land. Vi kan derfor ikke diskutere danske værdier til en Danmarkskanon uden at kaste et blik på globale strømninger og vores mangfoldige fortid, skriver Garbi Schmidt, professor ved RUC......DEBAT: Danmark har igennem størstedelen af sin historie været et flerkulturelt land. Vi kan derfor ikke diskutere danske værdier til en Danmarkskanon uden at kaste et blik på globale strømninger og vores mangfoldige fortid, skriver Garbi Schmidt, professor ved RUC...

  14. [The essence of Professor Wu Lian-Zhong's acupuncture manipulation]. (United States)

    Liu, Jing; Guo, Yi; Wu, Lian-Zhong


    The painless needle insertion technique, summarized by Professor WU Lian-zhong during his decades of acupuncture clinical practice is introduced in this article, which is characterized as soft, flexible, fast, plucking and activating antipathogenic qi. The Sancai (three layers) lifting and thrusting manipulation technique is adopted by Professor WU for getting the qi sensation. And features of 10 kinds of needling sensation such as soreness, numbness, heaviness, distension, pain, cold, hot, radiation, jumping and contracture are summarized. Finger force, amplitude, speed and time length are also taken as the basis of reinforcing and reducing manipulations. Moreover, examples are also given to explain the needling technique on some specific points which further embodies Professor WU's unique experiences and understandings on acupuncture.

  15. Engaging Undergraduates in Feminist Classrooms: An Exploration of Professors' Practices (United States)

    Spencer, Leland G.


    This article reports the results of a feminist action research project that sought to ascertain professors' best practices for engaging undergraduates in feminist classrooms. In semi-structured interviews, professors recommended assigning readings from a variety of positionalities; creating a safe space for class discussion; relying on data to…

  16. The benefits of being economics professor A (rather than Z)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Praag, C.M.; van Praag, B.M.S.


    Alphabetical name ordering on multi-authored academic papers, which is the convention in economics and various other disciplines, is to the advantage of people whose last name initials are placed early in the alphabet. Professor A, who has been a first author more often than Professor Z, will have

  17. Mental Health Assessment in Professors' Training in Two Chilean Universities (United States)

    Ossa, Carlos J.; Quintana, Ingrid M.; Rodriguez, Felipe F.


    This study analyzed the evaluation of professors of pedagogy and directors programs, about the importance of mental health in vocational training, and factors that might influence this valuation. The methodology includes participation of 17 academicians (professors and belonging to the managerial staff) of two universities in southern Chile. A…

  18. Projecte DocenTIC ''Uso del vídeo educativo y el podcasting como fortalecimiento en el aprendizaje de la Dietoterapia''


    Soriano, José Miguel


    Entrevista a José Miguel Soriano del Castillo (Professor Titular de la Universitat de València, Director de la Clínica Nutricional de la Fundació Lluís Alcanyís - UV i coordinador del Grup d'Innovació Educativa de Dietoteràpia) on presenta el projecte Docentic: ''Uso del vídeo educativo y el podcasting como fortalecimiento en el aprendizaje de la Dietoterapia'' Producció: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa ( i el Centre de Recursos Educatius i Aprenentat...

  19. Work process of nursing professors 1 (United States)

    Parra Giordano, Denisse; Felli, Vanda Elisa Andres


    ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the work process of nursing professors. Method: descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study, developed with a focus on critical epidemiology, carried out at a School of Nursing in Chile. The research subjects consist of 17 nursing professors, with whom individual semi-structured interviews were carried out and nine participated in a focus group. The Ethics Committee approved this study. Results: 88.2% were female, mean age of 42 years, 47% were married, 94% were Chilean, average length of service in the institution of 2.8 years, and 23.5% had a master’s degree. Regarding the work process, the students were the work object, the tools used were the knowledge and the experience as a nurse, and the work environment was considered good. Regarding the form of work organization, 76% have a 44-hour workweek, the wage was considered inadequate and the workload was higher than foreseen in the contract. The dialectic of the nursing work process is evidenced, demonstrating the contradiction between the low wages and labor overload and the narratives reporting a good work environment, personal fulfillment and transcendence that goes far beyond work. Conclusions: the work process allows describing the work components of the nursing professors, which are consistent with the results of the literature and show the dialectic of the nursing work process. PMID:29211193

  20. Professor Witold Nowicki - a greatly spirited pathologist. (United States)

    Wincewicz, A; Szepietowska, A; Sulkowski, S


    This paper presents a complete overview of the scientific, professional and social activity of a great Polish pathologist, Witold Nowicki (1878-1941), from mainly Polish-written, original sources with a major impact on mostly his own publications. The biographical commemoration of this eminent professor is not only due to the fact that he provided a profound microscopic characterization of pneumatosis cystoides in 1909 and 1924. Nowicki greatly influenced the development of anatomical pathology in Poland, having authored over 82 publications, with special reference to tuberculosis, lung cancer, sarcomatous carcinomas, scleroma and others. However, the first of all his merits for the readership of Polish pathologists was his textbook titled Anatomical Pathology, which was a basic pathology manual in pre-war Poland. Witold Nowicki - as the head of the academic pathological anatomy department and former dean of the medical faculty - was shot with other professors by Nazi Germans in the Wuleckie hills in Lvov during World War Two. Professor Nowicki was described as being "small in size but great in spirit" by one of his associates, and remains an outstanding example of a meticulous pathologist, a patient tutor and a great social activist to follow.

  1. Seniorforsker Ole Hertel udnævnt til adjungeret professor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Christian


    Sektionsleder og seniorforsker Ole Hertel, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU) ved Aarhus Universitet, er udnævnt til adjungeret professor ved Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring på Roskilde Universitet.......Sektionsleder og seniorforsker Ole Hertel, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU) ved Aarhus Universitet, er udnævnt til adjungeret professor ved Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring på Roskilde Universitet....

  2. Professor Alex Callinicos

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    Ali Saqer


    Full Text Available Professor Alex Callinicos is a renowned social theorist and scholar of international political economy. He conducts research on Marx and Marxism, European social and political theory, contemporary political philosophy, critical theory, historiography, and international political economy. His work provides invaluable insights on issues of race and racism, social justice, the Third Way, imperialism, austerity, and EU politics, among many other fascinating contemporary issues. Alex studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Balliol College, Oxford, and Philosophy of Science at the London School of Economics before writing a DPhil on Marx's Capital, also at Balliol. He was a Junior Research Fellow in Contemporary Social Thought at St Peter's College, Oxford from 1979 to 1981, after which he taught social and political theory at the Department of Politics at the University of York until 2005, when he moved to King's College London. Alex is currently the Professor of European Studies at King's and editor of International Socialism. Alex has been an active contributor to the development of the movement for another globalization, participating in the World Social Forum and an animator of the European Social Forum. Among his best known books are The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx (1983, Against Postmodernism (1990, Social Theory (1999, An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto (2003, The Resources of Critique (2006, Imperialism and Global Political Economy (2009. His most recent book is entitled Deciphering Capital: Marx’s Capital and its Destiny (2014.

  3. El rol del professor en l’aprenentatge col·laboratiu mediat per ordinador

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    Ingrid Noguera-Fructuoso


    Full Text Available En aquest article es presenten els resultats d'una investigació sobre el canvi de rol que es produeix en el professorat en l'ús de les TIC com a eina per a l'aprenentatge col·laboratiu en educació primària i secundària. L'interès es focalitza en l'ús concret d'una eina dissenyada per a l'aprenentatge col·laboratiu, el BSCL, sota el model pedagògic de qüestionament progressiu. En primer lloc, es duu a terme una revisió teòrica. En segon lloc, s'exposen les preguntes d'investigació, la justificació d'aquesta, es descriu el disseny i l'enfocament metodològic escollit, l'estudi de casos. Els resultats obtinguts revelen que hi ha una tendència cap al canvi de rol en el professorat en l'ús del BSCL com a eina per a l'aprenentatge col·laboratiu així com l'eficàcia del model de qüestionament progressiu en la construcció de coneixement de l'alumnat.

  4. The Limited Role of Journalism Professors in Direct Media Criticism. (United States)

    Bass, Abraham Z.

    This paper discusses reasons why few journalism professors are personally confronting the news media with criticism or praise. One of the primary reasons for this is that journalism professors may fear retribution or keep inbred ties with the media or be following academic tradition. A survey was conducted in Spring 1975 for this report. The…

  5. Maintenance of Clinical Expertise and Clinical Research by the Clinical Professors at Gifu Pharmaceutical University. (United States)

    Tachi, Tomoya; Noguchi, Yoshihiro; Teramachi, Hitomi


    The clinical professors at Gifu Pharmaceutical University (GPU) provide pharmaceutical services at GPU Pharmacy, Gifu University Hospital, and Gifu Municipal Hospital to keep their clinical skills up-to-date; they also perform clinical research in collaboration with many clinical institutes. The Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacy is part of the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, to which the clinical professors belong, and is composed of three clinical professors (a professor, an associate professor, and an assistant professor). The professor administers the GPU Pharmacy as its director, while the associate professor and assistant professor provide pharmaceutical services to patients at Gifu Municipal Hospital, and also provide practical training for students in the GPU Pharmacy. Collectively, they have performed research on such topics as medication education for students, clinical communication education, and analysis of clinical big data. They have also conducted research in collaboration with clinical institutes, hospitals, and pharmacies. Here, we introduce the collaborative research between the Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacy and Gifu Municipal Hospital. These studies include "Risk factors contributing to urinary protein expression resulting from bevacizumab combination chemotherapy", "Hyponatremia and hypokalemia as risk factors for falls", "Economic evaluation of adjustments of levofloxacin dosage by dispensing pharmacists for patients with renal dysfunction", and "Effect of patient education upon discharge for use of a medication notebook on purchasing over-the-counter drugs and health foods". In this symposium, we would like to demonstrate one model of the association and collaborative research between these clinical professors and clinical institutes.

  6. Professor Created On-line Biology Laboratory Course (United States)

    Bowman, Arthur W.


    This paper will share the creation, implementation, and modification of an online college level general biology laboratory course offered for non-science majors as a part of a General Education Curriculum. The ability of professors to develop quality online laboratories will address a growing need in Higher Education as more institutions combine course sections and look for suitable alternative course delivery formats due to declining departmental budgets requiring reductions in staffing, equipment, and supplies. Also, there is an equal or greater need for more professors to develop the ability to create online laboratory experiences because many of the currently available online laboratory course packages from publishers do not always adequately parallel on-campus laboratory courses, or are not as aligned with the companion lecture sections. From a variety of scientific simulation and animation web sites, professors can easily identify material that closely fit the specific needs of their courses, instructional environment, and students that they serve. All too often, on-campus laboratory courses in the sciences provide what are termed confirmation experiences that do NOT allow students to experience science as would be carried out by scientists. Creatively developed online laboratory experiences can often provide the type of authentic investigative experiences that are not possible on-campus due to the time constraints of a typical two-hour, once-per-week-meeting laboratory course. In addition, online laboratory courses can address issues related to the need for students to more easily complete missing laboratory assignments, and to have opportunities to extend introductory exercises into more advanced undertakings where a greater sense of scientific discovery can be experienced. Professors are strongly encourages to begin creating online laboratory exercises for their courses, and to consider issues regarding assessment, copyrights, and Intellectual Property

  7. Tres caixes plenes d'art: Tàpies, Miró i Picasso

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    Lourdes Martín-Herrero


    Full Text Available Tres caixes plenes d’art és el resultat d’un projecte dut a terme durant cinc mesos del curs escolar 2008/2009, gràcies a l’adjudicació d’una llicència d’estudis retribuïda pel Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya. El punt de partida en les tres caixes és l’art a l’escola, en concret en el parvulari. L’art com a epicentre del qual es teixeix una xarxa amb tots els aspectes del currículum, que conformen la globalitat dels nens i nenes com a persones. Així, a grans trets, podríem dir que, amb el conjunt del treball dels tres artistes esmentats i el dels tres eixos temàtics triats (les textures i els materials de l’entorn, els símbols i els colors, els sentiments i les emocions, al llarg del cicle d’educació infantil, aprofundim en la descoberta de l’entorn, en la comunicació i llenguatges i en la descoberta d’un mateix i dels altres.

  8. Turning university professors into competent learners

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stefanova, Eliza; Ilieva, Miroslava; Nikolova, Nikolina; Stefanov, Krassen


    Stefanova, E., Ilieva, M., Nikolova, N, & Stefanov, K. (2008). Turning university professors into competent learners. In H. W. Sligte & R. Koper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th TENCompetence Open Workshop. Empowering Learners for Lifelong Competence Development: pedagogical, organisational and

  9. Graduate Student Attitudes toward Professor Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Transformational Teaching Practices, Student-Professor Engagement in Learning, and Student Deep Learning in Worldwide Business and Education Programs (United States)

    Economos, Jennifer Lynn


    Some professors are expected to remain competitive research scholars, as well as teach, particularly in research-intensive universities. It has been argued that some professors spend too much time on research to obtain institutional incentives or promotion, and not enough time on teaching. Consequently, some adjuncts assume the responsibility for…

  10. A formação do professor indígena

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    Vanessa Nunes Ramos


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda a temática Formação do Professor Indígena e teve como objetivo destacar os desafios e avanços no processo de formação docente no Estado de Mato Grosso. A pesquisa teve uma análise qualitativa, baseada na pesquisa bibliográfica. Concluiu-se que o professor indígena tem como função principal contribuir para a formação integral de sua comunidade, atuando para além da sala de aula, ele contribui com o desenvolvimento econômico, político, social e cultural da comunidade. Palavras-chave: educação; formação do professor indígena; cultura.

  11. Discurso da autoajuda na formação do professor de língua

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    Wagner Rodrigues SILVA


    Full Text Available Este trabalho investiga a interferência do discurso de autoajuda nas representações de professor, construídas por alunos-mestres no contexto de formação de professores de língua. O embasamento teórico ancora-se no conceito de transdisciplinaridade como um fator central para a prática científica pós-moderna em Linguística Aplicada. Os resultados mostram que os discursos da autoajuda responsabilizam os professores tanto pelo sucesso quanto pelo fracasso de seus aprendizes. Consequentemente, o uso desse tipo de linguagem, durante os cursos de treinamento de professores, pode camuflar o empoderamento do professor, o que, por sua vez, pode comprometer a sua formação

  12. Motivação para aprender: o autorrelato de professores brasileiros e chilenos Motivación para aprender: medida del auto-relato de profesores brasileños y chilenos Motivation to learn: measuring the self-report of Brazilian and Chilean teachers

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    Sandra Maieski


    Full Text Available Foi objetivo deste estudo verificar a percepção de professores de duas realidades culturais diferentes: Brasil e Chile, quanto às qualidades do comportamento motivado ou desmotivado de seus alunos para aprender. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo com delineamento de levantamento e tratamento por meio da análise de conteúdo. Participaram 16 professores do ensino fundamental, sendo 7 brasileiros e 9 chilenos. Os dados foram mensurados, mediante de uma entrevista aberta com o professor e categorizados de acordo com os comportamentos motivado e desmotivado apresentados pelos alunos na visão de seus professores. Para tanto, geraram-se dados inerentes ao comportamento motivado e desmotivado apresentado pelos alunos na visão de seus professores. Os dados revelaram muita semelhança na forma como os professores das duas realidades culturais percebem as qualidades relacionadas ao comportamento motivado ou desmotivado de seus alunos. A discussão dos resultados levantados se dá em termos de algumas implicações educacionais.Fue el objetivo de este estudio verificar la percepción de profesores de dos realidades culturales distintas: Brasil y Chile, en cuanto a las cualidades del comportamiento motivado o desmotivado de sus alumnos para aprender. Se trata de un estudio de tipo descriptivo, con delineamiento de levantamiento y tratamiento por medio de análisis de contenido. Participaron 16 profesores de la enseñanza básica, siendo 7 brasileños y 9 chilenos. Los datos fueron medidos por medio de una entrevista abierta con el profesor y categorizados. Para eso, se generaron datos inherentes al comportamiento motivado y desmotivado presentado por los alumnos en la visión de sus profesores. Los datos revelaron mucha semejanza en la forma como los profesores de las dos realidades culturales perciben las cualidades relacionadas al comportamiento motivado o desmotivado de sus alumnos. La discusión de los resultados levantados se da en t

  13. Factores psicosociales asociados a la evaluación del docente1 Factores psicossociais associados á avaliagao do docente The Psycho-social Factors Associated with Teacher Assessment

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    Pablo Páramo


    Full Text Available El trabajo que se presenta a continuación recoge los principales hallazgos de la revisión del estado del arte sobre los factores extraacadémicos que afectan la evaluación del profesor, y se propone una modalidad de entrevista para identificar de forma libre conceptos que usan los estudiantes para evaluar a sus profesores. Mediante el empleo de una entrevista en la clasificación libre de tarjetas que contienen los nombres de los profesores evaluados, el estudio muestra la participación de factores psicosociales o conceptualizaciones de las que se valen los estudiantes para evaluar a sus profesores. Se cuestiona al final la objetividad y validez de las evaluaciones que se hacen de los profesores, a partir de cuestionarios estructurados.Este artigo recolhe os principáis achados do estado da arte acerca dos factores extra-académicos que afeitam a avaliagao do professor, e propóe urna modalidade de entrevista para identificar livremente conceitos usados pelos estudantes para avahar os seus professores. Aplicando urna entrevista na classificacáo livre de tarjetas que contém os nomes dos professo-res avahados, o estudo mostra a participando de factores psicosociais ou conceptualizacóes que aproveitam os estudantes para avahar os seus professores. Ao final, questiona-se a objetividade e a validez das avaliacóes aos professores com questionários estruturadosThe following paper outlines the major findings of a state-of-the-art review of non-academic factors that influence teacher evaluations, and proposes an interview technique to identify freely the concepts students use to evalúate their teachers. Through interview on classification without cards that contain the ñames of the teachers being assessed, the study shows the psycho-social factors or conceptualizations students employ when evaluating their teachers. In the end, doubts are expressed about the objectivity and validity of teacher evaluations based on structured questionnaires.

  14. Qualidade do sono entre professores e fatores associados


    Denise Andrade Pereira Meier


    O sono desempenha função notável na prevenção de doenças, manutenção e recuperação da saúde física e mental. Como processo reparador, sofre influências de fatores determinantes e condicionantes, que o tornam complexo e multifacetado. As condições adversas de trabalho enfrentadas por professores podem prejudicar sua qualidade de vida e, consequentemente, seu padrão de sono. Este estudo objetivou analisar a qualidade do sono e fatores associados em professores da educação básica. Trata-se de um...

  15. Professor Rastislav Dzúrik: the Man and the Scientist. (United States)

    Derzsiová, Katarina; Mydlík, Miroslav


    Rastislav Dzrik, finished his medical study at the Medical School of Comenius University in Bratislava in 1953. After graduation he began to work at the Institute of chemistry and biochemistry of the Medical School and in 1957 he continued working at the IIIrd Internal Clinic of this faculty, which became later the base of "Internal School of Professor T. R. Niederland" with biochemical focusing. In the year 1967 ProfessorDzrik in cooperation with ProfessorJan Brod founded the Nephrological Section of the Slovak Internal Society and then the postgraduate scientific-research activity in nephrology began. The main topics of his scientific activity, in which he received many priority results, were: Isolation and characteristic of inhibitor of glucose utilisation and of inhibitor of renal gluconeogenesis; Effect of "middle molecular substances, especially in the development of renal insufficiency; Isolation and identification of hippurate and pseudouridine. His publishing activity was manifested in more than 500 scientific papers, several monographs and many chapters in various textbooks and manuals of internal medicine and clinical biochemistry, and more than 1,000 citations. The most important success of Professor Dzrik was the textbook "Nephrology which was published in 2004 and he was its main editor. Rastislav Dzriks impact on the field of Nephrology in Slovakia was manifold. It included his complex work of clinical nephrology, his pedagogical activities, and last but not least his excellent organizing abilities.

  16. Professor Jacques Cortes prantsuse keele lektoraadis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Juuni alguses külastas filoloogiateaduskonna romaani-germaani filoloogia osakonda Roueni ülikooli professor Jacques Cortes (Prantsusmaa). Ta korraldas 4. õa üliõpilastele prantsuse keele intensiivkursuse ja võttis vastu eksami ning kohtus prantsuse keele lektoraadi õppejõududega : [täistekst

  17. [Professor WU Zhongchao's experience of penetration needling]. (United States)

    Zhang, Ning; Wang, Bing; Zhou, Yu


    Professor WU Zhongchao has unique application of penetration needling in clinical treatment. Professor WU applies penetration needling along meridians, and the methods of penetration needling include self-meridian penetration, exterior-interior meridian penetration, identical-name meridian penetration, different meridian penetration. The meridian differentiation is performed according to different TCM syndromes, locations and natures of diseases and acupoint nature, so as to make a comprehensive assessment. The qi movement during acupuncture is focused. In addition, attention is paid on anatomy and long-needle penetration; the sequence and direction of acupuncture is essential, and the reinforcing and reducing methods have great originality, presented with holding, waiting, pressing and vibrating. Based on classical acupoint, the acupoint of penetration needling is flexible, forming unique combination of acupoints.

  18. Analysis of Job Satisfaction of University Professors from Nine Chinese Universities (United States)

    Du, Ping; Lai, Manhong; Lo, Leslie N. K.


    Research on work life and job satisfaction of university professors is becoming an important research issue in the field of higher education. This study used questionnaires administered to 1 770 teachers from different levels, types, and academic fields of Chinese universities to investigate job satisfaction among university professors and the…

  19. Redox Pioneer: Professor Vadim N. Gladyshev. (United States)

    Hatfield, Dolph L


    Professor Vadim N. Gladyshev is recognized here as a Redox Pioneer, because he has published an article on antioxidant/redox biology that has been cited more than 1000 times and 29 articles that have been cited more than 100 times. Gladyshev is world renowned for his characterization of the human selenoproteome encoded by 25 genes, identification of the majority of known selenoprotein genes in the three domains of life, and discoveries related to thiol oxidoreductases and mechanisms of redox control. Gladyshev's first faculty position was in the Department of Biochemistry, the University of Nebraska. There, he was a Charles Bessey Professor and Director of the Redox Biology Center. He then moved to the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, where he is Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center for Redox Medicine. His discoveries in redox biology relate to selenoenzymes, such as methionine sulfoxide reductases and thioredoxin reductases, and various thiol oxidoreductases. He is responsible for the genome-wide identification of catalytic redox-active cysteines and for advancing our understanding of the general use of cysteines by proteins. In addition, Gladyshev has characterized hydrogen peroxide metabolism and signaling and regulation of protein function by methionine-R-sulfoxidation. He has also made important contributions in the areas of aging and lifespan control and pioneered applications of comparative genomics in redox biology, selenium biology, and aging. Gladyshev's discoveries have had a profound impact on redox biology and the role of redox control in health and disease. He is a true Redox Pioneer. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 25, 1-9.

  20. Gender and teamwork: an analysis of professors' perspectives and practices (United States)

    Beddoes, Kacey; Panther, Grace


    Teamwork is increasingly seen as an important component of engineering education programmes. Yet, prior research has shown that there are numerous ways in which teamwork is gendered, and can lead to negative experiences for women students. This article presents the first interview findings on professors' perspectives on gender and teamwork. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 39 engineering professors to determine what and how they thought about gender in engineering and engineering education. For this article, the parts of the interviews about teamwork are analysed. We conclude that professors need tools to help them facilitate gender-inclusive teamwork, and those tools must address the beliefs that they already hold about teamwork. The findings raise questions about the adoption of evidence-based instructional practices and suggest current teamwork practices may exacerbate gender inequalities in engineering.

  1. Sobre a Formação Profissional dos Professores de Educação Física e as Teorias do Saber Docente On the professional education of physical education teachers and the teacher knowledge theories Sobre la formación profesional de los profesores de educación física y las teorías del saber docente

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    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente texto é discutir as teorias que enfocam os saberes e o trabalho dos professores na educação brasileira, particularmente no campo pedagógico da Educação Física. A idéia central é analisar o que essas teorias trazem sobre os saberes dos professores, buscando compreender suas possíveis contribuições e limitações. A partir da discussão com a literatura, o texto aborda as tradições teóricas presentes no campo de estudos sobre os saberes docentes e analisa o modo como a formação do professor de Educação Física é concebida no contexto de diferentes momentos do pensamento pedagógico brasileiro. Ao finalizar, o texto aponta as potencialidades e os riscos das investigações que se debruçam sobre os saberes docentes. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: educação física – formação de professores – saber docente The aim of this text is to discuss the theories that focus on teacher knowledge and teacher work in Brazilian education, especially in the pedagogical field of Physical Education. The main idea is to analyze what these theories bring to the issue of teacher knowledge in an attempt to understand their possible contributions and limitations. Starting from a discussion on the available literature, this text approaches the theoretical traditions which are present in the field of studies about teacher knowledge and analyzes the way by which teacher education for physical education teachers is conceived in the context of different moments in Brazilian pedagogical thinking. As a conclusion, this text points out the potentialities and the risks of the investigations on teacher knowledge. KEYWORDS: physical education – teacher education – teacher knowledge El objetivo del presente texto es discutir las teorías que enfocan los saberes y el trabajo de los profesores en la educación brasileña, particularmente en el campo pedagógico de la Educación Física. La idea central es analizar lo que esas teorías traen

  2. comparação entre professores do ensino público e privado


    Silva, Ana Vanessa Pereira


    Face à atual conjuntura de grande volatilidade nas políticas no sector educativo, é fundamental perceber quais as consequências das mudanças sociais e curriculares na vida dos professores. Existe um interesse geral por parte dos meios de comunicação social, professores, sindicatos e opinião pública sobre o estado da Educação em Portugal e sobre a problemática do stress profissional dos professores. Vários estudos de âmbito nacional e internacional têm vindo a assinalar os efeitos destas mu...

  3. From movement to models: a tribute to professor Alan G. Hannam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hylander, W.L.; McMillan, A.S.; Lam, E.W.N.; Watanabe, M.; Langenbach, G.E.J.; Stavness, I.; Peck, C.C.; Palla, S.


    This tribute article to Professor Alan G. Hannam is based on 7 presentations for him at the July 1, 2008 symposium honoring 3 "giants" in orofacial neuroscience: Professors B.J. Sessle, J.P. Lund, and A.G. Hannam. This tribute to Hannam’s outstanding career draws examples from his 40-year academic

  4. Impact of technology-infused interactive learning environments on college professors' instructional decisions and practices (United States)

    Kuda Malwathumullage, Chamathca Priyanwada

    Recent advancements in instructional technology and interactive learning space designs have transformed how undergraduate classrooms are envisioned and conducted today. Large number of research studies have documented the impact of instructional technology and interactive learning spaces on elevated student learning gains, positive attitudes, and increased student engagement in undergraduate classrooms across nation. These research findings combined with the movement towards student-centered instructional strategies have motivated college professors to explore the unfamiliar territories of instructional technology and interactive learning spaces. Only a limited number of research studies that explored college professors' perspective on instructional technology and interactive learning space use in undergraduate classrooms exist in the education research literature. Since college professors are an essential factor in undergraduate students' academic success, investigating how college professors perceive and utilize instructional technology and interactive learning environments can provide insights into designing effective professional development programs for college professors across undergraduate institutions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate college professors' pedagogical reasoning behind incorporating different types of instructional technologies and teaching strategies to foster student learning in technology-infused interactive learning environments. Furthermore, this study explored the extent to which college professors' instructional decisions and practices are affected by teaching in an interactive learning space along with their overall perception of instructional technology and interactive learning spaces. Four college professors from a large public Midwestern university who taught undergraduate science courses in a classroom based on the 'SCALE-UP model' participated in this study. Major data sources included classroom

  5. Presentació del llibre La gobernanza hoy: 10 textos de referencia, d'Agustí Cerrillo

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    Agustí Cerrillo


    Full Text Available

    El proppassat 19 de gener, es va presentar a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya el llibre La gobernanza hoy: 10 textos de referencia, coordinat i tradu¨t per Agustí Cerrillo, professor dels Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política de la UOC.

    El van presentar Eduard Aibar, vicerector de recerca de la UOC; Francisco Ramos, director de l'Institut Nacional d'Administració Pública; Joan Prats, director de l'Institut Internacional de Governabilitat de Catalunya i autor del llibre De la burocracia al management. Del management a la gobernanza, que també fou presentat en el mateix acte.

  6. Transactional sex and sexual harassment between professors and students at an urban university in Benin. (United States)

    Eller, Amanda


    This paper adds to discussion of transactional sex relationships in Africa by examining the distinction between transactional sex and sexual harassment in the context of professor-student relationships and their inherent power dynamics. By exploring the ways in which female university students in urban Benin toe the line between empowered agent and victim, I show how the power differential between professor and student obstructs the professor's ability to objectively determine consent, and examine why, in spite of this differential, male professors are frequently perceived as the victims of these relationships. Ethnographic data were gathered through participant observation on a public university campus in Benin and in-depth interviews and focus groups with 34 students and 5 professors from that university. Findings suggest that the problem of sexual harassment on campus will be difficult to address so long as transactional sex relationships between professors and students are permitted to continue.

  7. Enabling Possibility: Women Associate Professors' Sense of Agency in Career Advancement (United States)

    Terosky, Aimee LaPointe; O'Meara, KerryAnn; Campbell, Corbin M.


    In this multimethod, qualitative study we examined associate women professors' sense of agency in career advancement from the rank of associate to full. Defining agency as strategic perspectives or actions toward goals that matter to the professor, we explore the perceptions of what helps and/or hinders a sense of agency in career advancement. Our…

  8. A oralidade na formação linguística do professor alfabetizador

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    Jilvania Lima dos Santos Bazzo


    Full Text Available Ensinar a leitura e a escrita se constituem nos dois principais eixos norteadores a identidade do professor alfabetizador. Comumente, no ciclo de alfabetização, a linguagem oral é dotada como material físico para o trabalho de representação da escrita, sendo a reprodução da fala priorizada nesse processo em detrimento de seu patrimônio cultural. Ao problematizar esta questão, fundamentada numa perspectiva interacional, histórica e cultural da linguagem, neste artigo se discute sobre a cultura oral e a oralidade como objetos de trabalho e de pesquisa imprescindíveis para a formação linguística do professor. Dessa forma, o que é oralidade? Quais as contribuições dessa atividade social para alfabetizar uma criança? Qual o sentido e os efeitos de um processo de alfabetização que considera a oralidade imbricada ao ensino da produção textual oral, escrita e audiovisual? Conclui-se que ao ensinar as crianças a brincarem com textos, palavras, imagens e sons, o professor alfabetizador as ensina a cultivar e apreciar o belo, a beleza do encantamento, a fantasia e o estranhamento como elementos vigorosos para o aprendizado da humanização. Nesse processo, ele também as ensina a defenderem um posicionamento, quer seja escrito ou oral, a se sensibilizarem e a se colocarem de forma emancipada e criativa diante de qualquer problema ou desafio.   The orality in linguistic teaching training of the literacy teacher  Abstract Reading and writing skills are the literacy teacher´s guiding principles. Commonly, in the literacy cycle, oral language is adopted as a physical material to represent the written work and it has been prioritized in this process due to its cultural heritage. To discuss this issue which is based in a interactional, historical and cultural perspective, the oral culture and orality are discussed in this article as being essential work and research

  9. College Students' Perceptions of Professor/Instructor Bullying: Questionnaire Development and Psychometric Properties. (United States)

    Marraccini, Marisa E; Weyandt, Lisa L; Rossi, Joseph S


    This study developed and examined the psychometric properties of a newly formed measure designed to assess professor/instructor bullying, as well as teacher bullying occurring prior to college. Additionally, prevalence of instructor bullying and characteristics related to victims of instructor bullying were examined. Participants were 337 college students recruited in 2012 from a northeastern university. An online questionnaire was administered to college students. A split-half, cross-validation approach was employed for measurement development. The measure demonstrated strong criterion validity and internal consistency. Approximately half of students reported witnessing professor/instructor bullying and 18% reported being bullied by a professor/instructor. Report of teacher bullying occurring prior to college was related to professor/instructor bullying in college, and sex was a moderating variable. College students perceive instructor bullying as occurring but may not know how to properly address it. Prevention efforts should be made by university administrators, faculty, and staff.

  10. [Digital educational materials in nursing: assessment by professors from an undergraduate course]. (United States)

    Cogo, Ana Luísa Petersen; Pedro, Eva Néri Rubim; da Silva, Ana Paula Scheffer Schell; Schatkoski, Aline Modelski; Catalan, Vanessa Menezes; Alves, Rosa Helena Kreutz


    This study addresses the use of digital learning materials in the format of hypertext, educational games and simulations about oxygen therapy with professors of an Undergraduate Nursing Course. It is a cross-sectional exploratory study that was carried out at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in 2006 with 10 intentionally selected professors. Data collection was performed by means of a questionnaire, using a Likert scale to assess the suitability of the content, visual presentation and use of learning materials. Descriptive statistics was used to organize and process the data. Results showed that the professors approved of the presentation of educational materials, they agreed with the suitability of the contents presented and with using the materials with the content regarding oxygen therapy. There was no significant relation between the professors' opinion and their age group, nor with their computer technology knowledge, their time in teaching and the addressed contents.

  11. Communications and Informational Technologies: professional preparation of the Informatics professor

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    Adrian Robaina Valdés


    Full Text Available The development of the society it is sign by the development of the techniques and the science that has challenges the educational system in the formation of the new generation. The Cuban Educational politics had defined the social mission to each subsystem of education, in the particular case of the professional polytechnic education, belongs to the professors of Informatics, the accomplish of this mission, develop an important role in the educational use of the communication and informational technologies that requires and an adequate professional preparation. The aim of this article is to based form the theoretical and methodological point, the process of the professional preparation of the professors of informatics in the technical schools while they apply the communication and informational technologies, the theorical bases offered the historical past and tendencies of the professional preparation while they apply the communication and information technologies, the educative use of information technologies in the pedagogical process and the theoretical support in this process, using revision methods bibliography and systematizing . We may say that the research work concludes that the preparation of the professors had passed for different stages that had point to the need of the formation of professor to give answers to the introduction of the informatics subject at school, using different ways, the postgraduate updates and all the variety of ways to upgrade the professors will use. Form the educative point of view a part from the study as a subject must be use as an intermediate in the pedagogical process, also, to determine the characteristic that distinguish the professional preparation process.

  12. Modos de ser enfermeiro-professor-no-ensino-do-cuidadode-enfermagem: um olhar heideggeriano

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    Luciara Fabiane Sebold


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo de abordagem fenomenológica. Objetivou desvelar, à luz do pensamento de Martin Heidegger, os modos de ser dos enfermeiros-professores na vivência de ensinar-aprender o cuidado de enfermagem em uma instituição federal de ensino superior do sul do Brasil. A técnica utilizada para captar os significados foi a entrevista fenomenológica com 11 docentes. A análise permitiu compreender os Modos de Ser enfermeiro-professor, que foram didaticamente apresentados em duas unidades de significado: Modo de ser enfermeiro para o cuidado; Modo de ser professor para o ensino do cuidado. Alguns professores identificam-se como enfermeiros, suas experiências profissionais são suas bases e a coexistência com outros pôde lhes servir de exemplo. Outros se percebem professores de enfermagem e desejam ensinar os desafios de ser enfermeiro, e aprimoram o cuidado através de pesquisas. Ao ensinar, envolvem-se com o universo de ensino no qual o cuidar também é aprender e ensinar.

  13. Aspectos gerais da formação de professores

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    Edson do Carmo Inforsato


    Full Text Available Este artigo, ancorado em estudos recentes e antigos, mostra o afastamento dos cursos de formação de professores em relação aos elementos que compõem a prática profissional docente. Favorável a uma aproximação efetiva com o contexto das práticas de sala de aula, o autor defende a idéia de uma formação de professores atrelada aos problemas e necessidades da prática docente no ensino formal de 1º e 2º graus.

  14. [Effective acupoints for bulbar paralysis by professor GAO Weibin]. (United States)

    Kang, Lianru; Zheng, Shuang


    Professor GAO Weibin academically advocates, based on basic theory of TCM and theories of different schools, modern science technology should be used for the methods and principles of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for neuropathy, so as to explore and summarize the rules, characteristics and advantages of TCM for nervous system disease, especially bulbar paralysis. During the treatment of bulbar paralysis, professor GAO creatively proposes the effective acupuncture points such as Gongxue, Tunyan-1, Tunyan-2, Fayin, Tiyan and Zhifanliu from the aspects of neuroanatomy, and analyzes their anatomical structure and action mechanism.

  15. Interview met professor Joan Wallach Scott

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bijl, Greetje; Tijhoff, Esmeralda


    Joan Scott, professor at the School of Social Science in the Institute for Avanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey (USA), was the keynote speaker at the conference 'Uitsluitend emancipatie' in de Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam in October 2012. An interview on gender, history, feminism and her book

  16. Reflections of a Latino Associate Professor (United States)

    Peguero, Anthony A.


    The following reflection essay is about my experiences as a Latino Associate Professor who focuses on criminology, youth violence, juvenile justice, and the associated disparities with race, ethnicity, and immigration. I reflect about the "race and justice" job market, pursuing and establishing a Latina/o Criminology working group, often…

  17. CERN 50th Anniversary Official Celebration : keynote speech from Professor Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Professor in the Molecular Biology at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, Former Director-General of UNESCO

    CERN Document Server



    CERN 50th Anniversary Official Celebration : keynote speech from Professor Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Professor in the Molecular Biology at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, Former Director-General of UNESCO

  18. An Interview with Professor Melquíades de Dios Leyva, December 2008 (United States)

    Arias de Fuentes, Olimpia

    When writing about the history of physics in Cuba, this remarkable professor of quantum mechanics must be mentioned, for he embodies a most genuine example of the turn taken by national educational policy after 1959: Education for all, at all levels, with no discrimination or elitism. The following is an interview granted by Dr. Melquíades de Dios Leyva, Outstanding Full Professor of the Physics Faculty of the University of Havana, to Dr. Olimpia Arias de Fuentes, Associate Professor at the same, and Senior Researcher of the Institute of Materials Science and Technology (IMRE) of the University of Havana.

  19. Tecnologias e professores de Química: um programa brasileiro de desenvolvimento profissional

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    Marcelo Prado Amaral-Rosa


    Full Text Available O setor educacional é uma das esferas sociais afetadas diretamente pelas tecnologias digitais. Destinar atenção aos caminhos tomados por tais aparatos é vital para compreender os próprios processos educacionais. Nessa situação, enquadra-se a formação de professores. Assim, o objetivo geral é apresentar as nuances gerais do Programa de Desenvolvimento Profissional para Professores com a finalidade de contextualizar uma estratégia inovadora de formação de professores da rede básica pública de educação a partir das ações formativas desenvolvidas na área de Química. O programa foi ofertado pelo governo brasileiro aos professores da educação básica por meio de um acordo de cooperação internacional entre Brasil e Portugal. As formações ocorreram na Universidade do Porto e na Universidade de Aveiro. Foram ofertadas 175 vagas para professores de todas as regiões do Brasil nas áreas de Língua Portuguesa, Pedagogia, Física, Matemática e Química. A área de Química foi a única que ocorreu em ambas as instituições parceiras, sendo acompanhadas in loco. Percebe-se que o conhecimento por parte da comunidade de professores e pesquisadores sobre a ocorrência dessa formação ofertada pelo governo brasileiro é praticamente inexistente, assim faz-se se suma importância a divulgação dos contextos de ocorrência da mesma, tendo enquanto macro destaque a valorização dos professores da rede pública nacional.

  20. Rakesh K. Kapania named Norris and Laura Mitchell Professor of Aerospace Engineering


    Crumbley, Liz


    Rakesh K. Kapania, a professor in the Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, was appointed the Norris and Laura Mitchell Professor of Aerospace Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors during the board's quarterly meeting March 31.


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    Ioan Mămăligă


    Full Text Available Today, I want to believe in the old saying that the soul, the spirit of the departed lingers on for a while among the living. I like to believe our homage here today will somehow reach Stelian Petrescu, our professor, colleague, mentor and coworker, who put his passion, talent, love and devotion into serving the chemical engineering school in Iaşi. His life and work have been closely related to our Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection. In 1975, he graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry of the Polytechnic Institute with a degree in the Technology of Inorganic Substances, and in 1980, he went on to teach at the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University in Iaşi, where he gradually built an exceptional career. In 1987, he earned a PhD in chemical engineering, and he became a full professor in 1996. A hard worker and brilliant researcher, Professor Petrescu has published over 15 books and textbooks and over 150 valuable scientific articles. He was also the author of over 40 patents, many of which received awards at international invention fairs. An outstanding member of the group of teachers with the Chemical Engineering Department, which he has run and coordinated for a long time, he has contributed to the education of over 30 generations of engineers and the development of a new generation of doctors in chemical engineering. He was beloved and held in high regard both by his students and his colleagues. Professor Petrescu has left this world prematurely, unexpectedly and unjustly. We will all miss him and will surely remember all the wonderful times we spent together. On behalf of his colleagues and students, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to his family.

  2. College Students’ Perceptions of Professor/Instructor Bullying: Questionnaire Development and Psychometric Properties (United States)

    Marraccini, Marisa E.; Weyandt, Lisa L.; Rossi, Joseph S.


    Objective This study developed and examined the psychometric properties of a newly formed measure designed to assess professor/instructor bullying, as well as teacher bullying occurring prior to college. Additionally, prevalence of instructor bullying and characteristics related to victims of instructor bullying were examined. Participants Participants were 337 college students recruited in 2012 from a northeastern university. Methods An online questionnaire was administered to college students. A split-half, cross-validation approach was employed for measurement development. Results The measure demonstrated strong criterion validity and internal consistency. Approximately half of students reported witnessing professor/instructor bullying and 18% reported being bullied by a professor/instructor. Report of teacher bullying occurring prior to college was related to professor/instructor bullying in college, and sex was a moderating variable. Conclusion College students perceive instructor bullying as occurring but may not know how to properly address it. Prevention efforts should be made by university administrators, faculty and staff. PMID:26151235

  3. Physical activities practicing among scholar professors: focus on their quality of life

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    Jaqueline Dias


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: To investigate the practice of physical activity among scholar professors focusing on their quality of life. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 121 professors at one of the campuses of a state university in the State of Paraná, using a questionnaire created by Baecke and adapted for the study. Results: The analyzed group presented a level of inadequate physical activity of 54.4%, with mean body mass of 26.20, considered overweight. Conclusion: The study indicated that professors do not practice physical activity at the level recommended by the World Health Organization; therefore, they are, for the most part, sedentary and have complaints of anxiety. It is advisable to carry out actions aimed at the health of the professors, directed to the modification in the lifestyle, with regular practice of physical activities and balanced diet, for the improvement of the quality of life.

  4. Los estudios de botánica en los planes ilustrados del virreinato de la Nueva Granada


    Arboleda, Luis Carlos; Soto Arango, Diana


    During the kingdoms of the New Granada, the first plan of teaching wich was presented by the botanical departament was made during the Viceroy Caballero y Góngora (1787). Later, beginning in the 19th century, during the political and ideological repression in the universities, the plans of the Baron Carondelet (1800) were presented with the idea of the creation of the Botanical Department in the University of Quito, and the creole Eloy Valenzuela presented the teaching of botanical studies in...

  5. Psychological well-being and psychological distress for professors in Brazil and Canada.

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    Ana Alice Vilas Boas


    Full Text Available Mental health, an important object of research in psychology as well as social psychology, can be determined by the relationship between psychological well-being and psychological distress. In this context, we search to understand: “How do compare mental health of professors working in public universities in an emerging country like Brazil with the one of professors working in a developed country like Canada?” and “What are the main differences in the indicators of mental health in work domain?”. This paper assesses psychological well-being and psychological distress for professors working in these two countries and test for their differences. The sample consists of 354 Brazilian professors and 317 Canadian professors. Data were collected through an on-line questionnaire assessing the following mental health indicators: anxiety, depression, loss of control, general positive affect and emotional ties. We compared the components of psychological distress and psychological well-being to analyse their relations. Additionally, we compared these components with work-life balance indicator. Reliability analyses demonstrated that all tested components are consistent to evaluate mental health. There are small mean differences between Brazilian and Canadian professors in all five components of mental health, but these differences are not statistically significant. Mean differences for work-life balance, gender, age, and bias of conformity are statistically different, although the size effects are small. Linear regression analysis, step by step, controlled for life events, showed that general positive affect, anxiety and emotional ties predict 31.5% of the scores of work-life balance. Additionally, we observed that Brazilian professors find more balance between professional and private life than do their Canadian colleagues. Promoting mental health is a challenge for public management sector, thus, public managers and governmental organizations can

  6. Representaciones sociales de universitarios sobre la abstinencia sexual y los condones como mecanismos de prevención


    Estupiñán-Aponte, Maria Rosa; Amaya-Estupiñán, Laura; Rojas-Jiménez, Yuri A.


    Objetivo Interpretar las representaciones sociales de estudiantes de la Universi­dad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Seccional Sogamoso, frente al uso de la abstinencia sexual y el condón, como referentes estratégicos en la preven­ción de enfermedades de transmisión sexual y embarazo no deseado. Método Mediante muestreo intencional, participaron 67 estudiantes universitarios, entre los 16 y 31 años de edad, procedentes de diferentes regiones del departa­mento de Boyacá. Para la recolecc...

  7. Ensenyar i aprendre coneixements gramaticals al voltant de la frase : una experiència a cicle inicial


    Méndez i Navarro, Anna


    Amb l’objectiu de donar suport als centres en el tractament de les llengües en el context de l’actual diversitat lingüística i cultural, el Departament d’Ensenyament promou des del curs 2007-2008 el nou Projecte d’actualització de la metodologia d’Immersió Lingüística. El projecte consisteix bàsicament en facilitar a les escoles integrants els recursos formatius necessaris per assolir amb èxit aquest repte. Una de les activitats de les diverses accions formatives es complementa amb unes sessi...

  8. The transformative experiences of a scientist-professor with teacher candidates (United States)

    Lashley, Terry Lee Hester

    This case study documented the pedagogical and philosophical change experiences of a senior research scientist-professor at a large Research I University as he implemented an open inquiry immersion course with secondary science teacher candidates. The 4-semester hour graduate-level credit course (Botany 531) is titled "Knowing and Teaching Science: Just Do-It!" The students were 5th-year education students who possessed an undergraduate degree in the biological sciences. The premise for the course is that to teach science effectively, one must be able to DO science. Students were provided with extensive opportunities to design and carry out experiments and communicate the results both orally and in a written format. The focus of this dissertation was on changes in the pedagogical philosophy and practice of the scientist-professor as he taught this course over a 4-year period, 1997--2000. The data used in this study include the scientist-professor's reflective journals (1997--2000), the students' journals (1997--2000), and interviews with the scientist-professor (2001--2002). HyperRESEARCH 2.03 software was used to code and analyze the reflective journals and transcribed interviews. Data were reviewed and then placed into original codes. The codes were then grouped into themes for analysis. Identified themes included (1) Reflective Practice, (2) Social Construction of Knowledge, (3) Legitimate Peripheral Participation, and (4) the Zone of Proximal Development. There is clear evidence that the scientist-professor experienced transformative changes in his philosophy and practice over the 4-year period. This is shown by (1) differences in learning outcomes and expectations for Do-It! course students and traditional course students, (2) documentation of the scientist-professor's movement through the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Stages of Concern, (3) increased collaboration and support from the college of education, (4) development and delivery of two other

  9. His Excellency Professor Dr Che-Ho Wei, Chairman, National Science Council Executive Yuan, Republic of China

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    Photo 01: Professor Dr. Che-Ho Wei signing the Guest Book with CERN Director-General, L. Maiani. Photo 02: Professor Dr. Che-Ho Wei. Photo 03::Professor Dr. Che-Ho Wei shaking hands with CERN Director-General, L. Maiani.

  10. Professor Peter Higgs: "My Life as a Boson"

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Professor Peter Higgs played a key role in the development of the Standard Model, our current theory of fundamental physics. The search for the Higgs Boson is the centrepiece of the LHC programme at CERN, and the existence of this famously elusive particle is likely to be confirmed or refuted with data currently being collected, using apparatus partly designed at Bristol. Professor Higgs will introduce the ideas of spontaneous symmetry breaking, and discuss how these developed from their application in condensed matter through the earlier work of Yoichiro Nambu and Jeffrey Goldstone, to the work of Robert Brout, Francois Englert and himself in 1964. The subsequent application of these ideas to electroweak theory will be discussed briefly.

  11. Strategies for Professors Who Service the University to Earn Tenure and Promotion (United States)

    Gentry, Ruben; Stokes, Dorothy


    Tenure and promotion are great aspirations for college professors. They are indicators of success in the professions. Universities stipulate in their official documents and numerous higher education publications specify what professors must achieve in order to earn tenure and promotion; which almost always cite effectiveness in teaching, research,…

  12. [Doctoral theses production of the more productive Spanish psychology professors in the Web of Science]. (United States)

    Olivas-Ávila, José A; Musi-Lechuga, Bertha


    The purpose of the present study is to analyze the scientific production of the more productive Psychology faculty member of Spain through advised doctoral theses in the data base TESEO. The sample consisted of the 100 more productive professors of each one of the areas of Spanish Psychology. We reviewed a total of 4036 records of which 2339 belong to the 610 professors who conformed the sample. The results reveal that the percentage of professors who have not directed any thesis accounts for 24%. On the other hand, the proportion of thesis by professor by areas oscillates in a range of between 5.25 and 2.50, being Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment the highest of this rank and Behavioral Sciences Methodology the last. In the last 7 years, the most productive professors have duplicated their theses direction. Finally, there is a rising trend in terms of theses read in every area, reaching the greater frequency in the years of 2003 and 2005. We discuss the considerations that represent the doctoral thesis direction for professors as criterion in their evaluation.

  13. Yue Joseph Wang named Grant A. Dove Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering


    Owczarski, Mark


    Yue Joseph Wang, professor of electrical and computer engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, has been named the Grant A. Dove Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.

  14. Higher Education Institutional Affiliation and Satisfaction among Feminist Professors: Is There an Advantage to Women's Colleges? (United States)

    Gross, Rachel; Kmeic, Julie; Worell, Judith; Crosby, Faye


    Examined whether feminist professors of psychology at women's colleges derived more job satisfaction than feminist professors at coed colleges. Surveys and interviews indicated that feminist professors were generally satisfied with their pedagogical situations and generally dedicated to and successful at teaching. Institutional affiliation…

  15. Florida Tech professor gets three-year grant

    CERN Multimedia


    "Dr. Marc Baarmand, Florida Tech associate professor of physics, has received a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy's Division of High Energy Physics, to conduct research with the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment" (1/3 page).

  16. A formação do professor de biologia


    Schlichting, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Maranhão


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciencias da Educação O estudo evidencia o tratamento dicotômico mantido na estrutura curricular dos cursos de formação do professor de biologia considerando ser essa prática responsável pelos preconceitos que levam à desvalorização da prática pedagógica. O estudo parte da análise da estrutura curricular e aprofunda-se com entrevistas que buscam levantar o posicionamento dos professores dos cursos de Ciências Biológi...

  17. [Analysis of the production of psychology professors in Spain in journal articles of the Web of Science]. (United States)

    Olivas-Ávila, José A; Musi-Lechuga, Bertha


    The present work is a descriptive study by means of document analysis that aims to make the analysis of the more productive professors of psychology in Spain trough indexed Web of Science journal articles. The sample was conformed of the first one hundred more productive professors of each one of the six academic areas of Spanish Psychology. A total of 85492 records were analyzed of which 8770 correspond to the 610 analyzed professors. The main results are that from the more productive professors ranking, six belong to the Psychobiology area and only 4 belong to different areas. With respect to the average proportion of articles by Professor of the six areas of psychology, it was found that that range of the proportion oscillates between 25 and 6. The journal Psicothema maintains the most frequency of records among the professors of the sample since they are 1461 which represents a 17% of the total. Finally, we discuss the results and mentioned the implications in the professor's evaluation.

  18. Professor: A motorized field-based phenotyping cart (United States)

    An easy-to-customize, low-cost, low disturbance, motorized proximal sensing cart for field-based high-throughput phenotyping is described. General dimensions, motor specifications, and a remote operation application are given. The cart, named Professor, supports mounting multiple proximal sensors an...

  19. Lifelong learning: Science professors need leadership training


    Leiserson, Charles E.; McVinney, Chuck


    Education does not stop. Professors must update and develop their technical skills throughout their careers. But as they progress, few take the time — or are offered the opportunity — to become educated in how to be an effective leader.

  20. Professor Stewart's incredible numbers

    CERN Document Server

    Stewart, Ian


    Ian Stewart explores the astonishing properties of numbers from 1 to10 to zero and infinity, including one figure that, if you wrote it out, would span the universe. He looks at every kind of number you can think of - real, imaginary, rational, irrational, positive and negative - along with several you might have thought you couldn't think of. He explains the insights of the ancient mathematicians, shows how numbers have evolved through the ages, and reveals the way numerical theory enables everyday life. Under Professor Stewart's guidance you will discover the mathematics of codes,

  1. Professor de Hevesy traces radioisotope history

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Professor George de Hevesy, who was a pioneer in the field of radioactive tracers, prepared this paper for the IAEA symposium on Radiochemical Methods of Analysis, held at Salzburg in October 1964. Professor de Hevesy was born in Budapest in 1885. He studied in Budapest, Berlin and Freiburg, and spent some years at Zurich when Einstein was there. In 1911 he went to Manchester to work with Rutherford and there witnessed some of the greatest discoveries in the history of physics. At the end of 1912 he visited the Vienna Institute for Radium Research, where he worked with Paneth, and in 1913 applied the method of labelled lead for the first time. After the first world war, he worked at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen; since 1943, his chief activities have been in Sweden. In 1923, with Coster, he discovered the element hafnium. He made notable discoveries on the mobility of ions, and isotope separation, and his work on radioisotope tracers, which has had important biological applications, won him the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1943

  2. 26 CFR 509.115 - Visiting professors or teachers. (United States)


    ...) REGULATIONS UNDER TAX CONVENTIONS SWITZERLAND General Income Tax § 509.115 Visiting professors or teachers. (a... not exceeding two years at any university, college, school, or other educational institution situated...

  3. Acculturative Stress, Parental and Professor Attachment, and College Adjustment in Asian International Students (United States)

    Han, Suejung; Pistole, M. Carole; Caldwell, Jarred M.


    This study examined parental and professor attachment as buffers against acculturative stress and as predictors of college adjustment of 210 Asian international students (AISs). Moderated hierarchical regression analyses revealed that acculturative stress negatively and secure parental and professor attachment positively predicted academic…

  4. Professor Sergei Semjonovic Golovin (1866-1931): A Pioneer of Ocular Surgery. (United States)

    Moschos, Marilita M


    Professor Sergei Semjonovic Golovin (1866-1931) is considered as one of the founders of ophthalmology in Russia. He received a worldwide reputation thanks to his achievements in ocular surgery and pathology. He introduced new surgical techniques such as Golovin's operation (Exenteratio orbitosinualis), Golovin's osteoplastic frontal sinus operation, ligation of orbital veins, and opticociliary neurectomy. He also introduced his "cytotoxic theory" to interpret sympathetic ophthalmia. He was a reputable professor of ophthalmology.

  5. Aspectos motivacionais e afetivos na mediação de professores alfabetizadores

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    Azevedo, Cleomar


    Full Text Available Este artigo é o resultado de uma pesquisa que parte da seguinte questão: o que diferencia o professor que obtém sucesso no processo de alfabetização? Levanto a hipótese que na mediação os aspectos motivacionais e afetivos são componentes que se fazem presente na atuação desses professores alfabetizadores. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de levantar os aspectos motivacionais e afetivos na mediação do processo de alfabetização, através da fala de professores alfabetizadores. Foram entrevistados 18 professores com a premissa de serem bons alfabetizadores. Investigar o que mobiliza e caracteriza a ação dos docentes, que mesmo possuindo inúmeras variáveis que interfiram negativamente nesse processo, conseguem obter êxito no desenvolvimento da alfabetização de seus alunos é uma possibilidade de levantar questões voltadas à problemática da aprendizagem do processo de alfabetização

  6. Outline of an intellectual biography of Professor Waldemar Dutkiewicz (1939–2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paweł Grzybek


    Full Text Available The date of February 19, 2017 has marked the 10th death anniversary of Prof. Waldemar Dutkiewicz, who was an outstanding pedagogue, organiser of didactic and educational work, great social worker, and above all an eminent scholar. Professor Dutkiewicz died suddenly on February 19, 2007, still with his full creative forces. The professor was born on June 2, 1939 in Rivne, in Volhynia. In the period 1957–1963 he studied at the School of Physical Education in Krakow. He completed his pedagogical studies in 1970 at the Higher School of Pedagogy in Krakow. In 1973 he obtained a doctoral degree in physical education. His doctorate in pedagogy was publicly defended in 1982. At the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw he received his Doctor of Letters (habilitation degree in the field of physical education in 1986. By a decision of the President of the Republic of Poland of August 22, 1995 he was awarded the title of Professor. Due to his studies and didactic work the heritage of Professor Dutkiewicz is composed of two parts: auxological and pedagogical.

  7. ¿Profesores competentes o humanizadores? Professores competentes ou humanizadores? Competent or Humanizing Teachers?

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    Janet Cádiz


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda la noción de "competencia", la cual es criticada por su ambigüedad en el sentido, significado, aplicabilidad y reales alcances, y que hoy cobra importancia por cuanto universidades europeas y algunas latinoamericanas han elaborado e implementado diseños curriculares basados en competencias, término que para todos no significa lo mismo. Por ende, las prácticas de gestión y pedagógicas siguen pareciéndose a un currículo por objetivos más funcionalistas. Incluso la dimensión del "ser" se desvanece, desvirtuándose la posibilidad de potenciar el lado más humanizador de la formación del profesional. Por esto es necesario reflexionar sobre sus alcances desde un enfoque más humanista, particularmente cuando se hace referencia al desempeño de los profesores. Considerando lo señalado, en este ensayo se profundiza en las raíces etimológicas del concepto, a fin de captar la esencia original del mismo y se plantean algunas propuestas que ayudan a resolver el nudo crítico expuesto, para referirse a un profesor competente, desde una perspectiva humanizadora.Neste artigo, aborda-se a noção de "competência", a qual é criticada por sua ambiguidade no sentido, significado, aplicabilidade e reais alcances, e que hoje ganha importância pelo fato de universidades europeias e algumas latino-americanas elaborarem e implementarem desenhos curriculares baseados em competências, termo que não significa a mesma coisa para todos. Por isso, as práticas de gestão epedagógicas continuam se parecendo a um currículo por objetivos mais funcionalistas. Aliás, a dimensão do "ser" se desvanece e se desvirtua a possibilidade de potencializar o lado mais humanizador da formação do profissional. Por isso, é necessário refletir sobre seus alcances sob um enfoque mais humanista, particularmente quando se faz referência ao desempenho dos professores. Ao considerar o mencionado, neste ensaio se aprofunda nas raízes etimol

  8. Professor Andrzej Nespiak (1921-1981

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    Tomasz Majewski


    Full Text Available The biography of a professor of the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Botany of the Medical Academy in Wrocław, who was formerly an investigator of the Agricultural Academy in Wrocław. He worked on mycorhiza, the participation of Macromycetes in forest communities and the use of fungi for synthesis of some organic compounds, he was also the author of the Polish flora of the genus Cortinarius (1975,1981 and Inocybe (manuscript.

  9. Professor Andrzej Nespiak (1921-1981)


    Tomasz Majewski


    The biography of a professor of the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Botany of the Medical Academy in Wrocław, who was formerly an investigator of the Agricultural Academy in Wrocław. He worked on mycorhiza, the participation of Macromycetes in forest communities and the use of fungi for synthesis of some organic compounds, he was also the author of the Polish flora of the genus Cortinarius (1975,1981) and Inocybe (manuscript).

  10. Professor dr hab. Maria Lisiewska

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    Małgorzata Stasińska


    Full Text Available The article presents the biography and scientific achievements of Professor Maria Lisiewska. She earned master’s degree and Ph.D. in natural sciences from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. After earning her doctoral degree, she stayed at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and conducted her thrilling research on mycology and taught until now. Prof. Maria Lisiewska is an author of many books, articles, and other scholarly reports.

  11. [In Memory of a Master: Professor Ernesto L. Medina, M.D. (1925-2013)]. (United States)

    Radrigán K, María Eugenia


    Seldom, in the history of Chilean medicine, there has been such a unique parallelism between the professional development of a person and that of a discipline as it has been the case of Professor Ernesto L. Medina and Public Health in Chile. Dr. Medina's undergraduate (University of Chile) and postgraduate (Harvard School of Public Health) studies coincided with the foundation of the University of Chile School of Public Health by an agreement among the University and two governmental health care providers, and also with the foundation of the Chilean National Health Service. His research covered the epidemiology of non- infectious diseases in the adult, such as cancer, their socio economic impact, the importance of early detection, treatment and surveillance, as well as the epidemiology of other chronic diseases, accidents and new epidemics. As Director of the School of Public Health for 25 years, he promoted the development of disciplines and courses addressed to health and other care-providers in order to improve their knowledge and expertise as statisticians, epidemiologists, administrators, budget officers. An example of his innovative look at medical education was the creation of post graduate training in the basic clinical specialties combined with public health, in order to have specialists able to undertake both the clinical and administrative duties at the primary care clinics. These programs ran in parallel with the rural internships financed by the Kellogg Foundation at the School of Medicine. Enumerating the distinctions and prizes awarded to Professor Medina would be too long for the purpose of this tribute, and selecting just a few would run the risk of being unfair. Still, there is one: the "Orden de la Cruz del Sur" that deserves the exception given its long existence and the fact that it was awarded to a physician "for distinguished achievements in Public Health".

  12. Describing the Cognitive Level of Professor Discourse and Student Cognition in College of Agriculture Class Sessions (United States)

    Ewing, John C.; Whittington, M. Susie


    The purpose of this study was to describe the cognitive level of professor discourse and student cognition during selected college of agriculture class sessions. Twenty-one undergraduate class sessions were videotaped in 12 professors' courses. Results were interpreted to show that professors' discourse was mostly (62%) at the knowledge and…

  13. Analysis of professors' perceptions towards institutional redevelopment of brownfield sites in Alabama (United States)

    King, Berkley Nathaniel, Jr.

    This study was conducted to analyze professors' perceptions on the institutional redevelopment of brownfield sites into usable greenspaces. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2016) refers to brownfields as sites, (either facility or land) under public law § 107-118 (H.R. 2869), which are contaminated with a substance that is classified as a hazard or a pollutant. Usable greenspaces, however, are open spaces or any open piece of land that is undeveloped, has no buildings or other built structures, and is accessible to the public (EPA, 2015). Open green spaces provide recreational areas for residents and help to enhance the beauty and environmental quality of neighborhoods (EPA, 2015). In addition, in a study conducted by Dadvand et al. (2015), exposure to green space has been associated with better physical and mental health among elementary school children, and this exposure, according to Dadvand et al., could also influence cognitive development. Because of the institutional context provided in these articles and other research studies, a sequential mixed-methods study was conducted that investigated the perceptions of professors towards the redevelopment of brownfields near their campuses. This study provided demographics of forty-two college and university professors employed at two institutions in the state of Alabama, a southeastern region of the United States. Survey questions were structured to analyze qualitative data. The secondary method of analysis utilized descriptive statistics to measure the most important indicators that influences professors' perceptions. The collection of quantitative data was adapted from an instrument designed by Wernstedt, Crooks, & Hersh (2003). Findings from the study showed that professors are knowledgeable and aware of the sociological and economic challenges in low income communities where brownfields are geographically located. Pseudonyms are used for the three universities which were contacted. Findings also



    Odimar J. Peripolli; Alceu Zoia


    As crescentes transformações socioeconômicas e o desenvolvimento do modo de produção têm provocado mudanças significativas no mundo do trabalho. As mudanças se fazem sentir também na escola. Neste trabalho nos propomos trazer para a reflexão um pouco da realidade da educação do campo, mais especificamente, as condições de trabalho do professor. Trabalhador dividido entre os muitos afazeres. Na roça: o camponês-professor e, na escola/ sala de aula: o professor-camponês. Em ambas as atividades,...


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    Marvin Alejandro Gaitán Hernández


    Full Text Available Esta investigación describe las dificultades de comprensión en el aprendizaje de la parábola en los estudiantes de undécimo grado y algunos aspectos de concepción del profesor de matemática desde el punto de vista de la evaluación educativa. Se trata de un estudio desde el paradigma cualitativo con un enfoque fenomenológico, donde los datos son el resultado de haber suministrado diferentes métodos de investigación como la encuestas, guías de observaciones a los estudiantes del undécimo grado y una entrevista al profesor de matemática; además de haber realizado una revisión de documentos en el currículo, programa y la planificación del profesor de matemática. El análisis por categorías se desarrolló utilizando el modelo de Van Hiele, los resultados muestran que las principales dificultades de la comprensión en el aprendizaje del contenido de la parábola, están vinculadas con las representaciones propias de los estudiantes con respecto al contenido, así como  de las dificultades de comunicación docente-discente durante el proceso de instrucción Matemática, con los cuales podemos caracterizar que los niveles del razonamiento de los estudiantes están vinculados a las diversas experiencias en el medio, permitiendo entrelazar imágenes como representaciones cognitivas o conceptuales a modelos del conocimiento matemático.SummaryThis research describes the difficulties of understanding learning the parable in junior’s school and some conception aspects of the mathematics professor from the point of view of educational assessment. This is a study from the qualitative paradigm with a phenomenological approach, where the data are a result of having provided different research methods such as surveys, observations guide to the eleventh grade students and an interview with mathematics professor; additionally, conducted a review of documents in the curriculum, program and planning of mathematics professor.The analysis by

  16. O ensino e a experiência nas narrativas de professores de Inglês

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    Annallena de Souza Guedes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar três narrativas de professores de Inglês em exercício, através das quais são reveladas experiências que dizem respeito ao processo de ensinar Inglês em contextos de instituições públicas no Brasil. Pautado no conceito de experiência (MICCOLI, 2010, buscamos compreender quais experiências emergem dessas narrativas e como elas influenciam na prática de ensino dos professores. Ademais, intentamos analisar como os professores de Inglês se veem e quais desafios ele enfrentam nos seus contextos de trabalho. Os resultados desse estudo mostraram que, apesar de todas as experiências de dificuldades e indisciplina reveladas nas narrativas, duas delas parecem ainda encontrar motivação e esperança quanto à sua profissão. Além disso, percebemos que o modo como os professores veem sua realidade, seus alunos e seu trabalho são importantes para caracterizar sua prática profissional. Assim, acreditamos que o contexto e as experiências retratados nas narrativas podem ser caminhos que direcionem as ações desses professores em sala de aula e, consequentemente, possibilitem reflexões e mudanças no seu papel como educador. 

  17. Why Don't All Professors Use Computers? (United States)

    Drew, David Eli


    Discusses the adoption of computer technology at universities and examines reasons why some professors don't use computers. Topics discussed include computer applications, including artificial intelligence, social science research, statistical analysis, and cooperative research; appropriateness of the technology for the task; the Computer Aptitude…


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    P. A. Ivanov


    Full Text Available The article is dedicated to doctor of medicine, professor V.A. Sokolov. In 2017 he celebrates his eightieth birthday. Professor V.A. .Sokolov is one of the founders of polytrauma treatment in USSR and Russia. For a long time he had been heading polytrauma department at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine. Due to his work, algorithms of life sustaining and recovery of serious patients were developed. Professor V.A. Sokolov is the author of 6 monographies and about 300 periodical papers. Besides, he is the holder of 32 patents. Some of his inventions were popularized and manufactured. He had been leading active scientific work, which resulted in 6 doctoral dissertations and 15 candidate theses. The staff of N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine congratulates on the anniversary.

  19. Factors related to successful teaching by outstanding professors: an interpretive study. (United States)

    Rossetti, Jeanette; Fox, Patricia G


    The purpose of this study was to identify and describe factors associated with successful university teaching within the cultural norms of a public university in the midwestern United States. An interpretive analysis was conducted using the educational philosophy and goal statements of 35 university professors who received Presidential Teaching Awards from the university. The professors' diverse disciplines included nursing, curriculum and instruction, accountancy, music, and political science. The authors offer nursing educators the opportunity to increase their confidence and effectiveness by "learning" from faculty members who have been recognized as exceptionally successful in teaching. Four main relevant themes associated with successful university teaching were identified: Presence, Promotion of Learning, Teachers as Learners, and Enthusiasm. The narratives of the professors helped define the meaning of successful teaching across disciplines and offer nursing faculty additional perspectives and experiences.

  20. H.E. Professor Wang Liheng, Minister of Aviation of the People's Republic of China, President, China Aerospace Science & Technology Corporation

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    H. E. Professor Wang Liheng, Minister of Aviation, and President, China Aerospace Science & Technology Corporation, People's Republic of China (2nd from left) with (from left to right) Professor Hans Hofer, Professor Roger Cashmore, Research Director for Collider Programmes, Professor Samuel C. C. Ting, CERN and Professor Lei Gang, Secretary to the Minister, September 2001.

  1. Online Student Evaluation of Teaching: Will Professor "Hot and Easy" Win the Day? (United States)

    Mangan, Michael A.; Fleck, Bethany


    A qualitative content analysis of student comments on (RMP) identified the characteristics of professors rated as "good," "average," and "poor." Comments contained instructor characteristics consistent with prior research on the qualities of effective and ineffective college teachers. To better understand how students might…

  2. Representações sociais de professores sobre o autismo infantil


    Santos,Michele Araújo; Santos,Maria de Fátima de Souza


    Este trabalho teve o objetivo de investigar, a partir da teoria das representações sociais, as ideias de senso comum que circulam entre professores acerca do autismo infantil. Buscamos compreender a lógica interna de tais teorias populares, mapear os saberes que as apoiam e as imagens que as concretizam. Os 16 participantes do estudo compuseram dois grupos: 9 professoras experientes na educação de crianças autistas e 7 professores sem experiência com tais crianças. Os dados obtidos através de...

  3. O papel da instituição para escolher, acolher e acompanhar ao professor universitário


    da Silva Marques Ferreira, Maria de Lourdes


    Objective. To analyze the role of the institution in choosing, receiving and chaperone professors. Methodology. Qualitative study, which body analysis was composed of 32 participations in a thematic forum of a group of nine health professionals. Results. After professor hiring it is necessary to receive and chaperone him. Professors with longer time in the institution represent a more important role in the admission of the new professor. Chaperone process is an opportunity to change and redef...

  4. Final Comments from Professors George and Beane. (United States)

    Beane, James; George, Paul S.


    Concludes this journal focus section on curriculum integration with transcripts of questions asked by conference attendees and answers by Professors Beane and George. Areas addressed included experience levels with children and teachers, studies that point to the failure of curriculum integration, and how teachers can continue curriculum…

  5. An Outstanding Career: Professor Emeritus Iacob Cătoiu

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    Octavian Oprică


    Full Text Available Through the duration of his commissions of Deputy Dean (1981-1989 and, respectively, Dean (1992-2003, and also by the manner of approaching the managerial problems and his scientific extension, Professor Iacob Cătoiu left and indelible trace on the evolution of the former Department of Commerce in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE – now the Department of Business and Tourism. He is author or co-author of an important number of books (57 and articles (105 and book presentations. Thus, after he made the personal acquaintance with Philip Kotler, the guru of international marketing, in 1997, Professor Iacob Cătoiu wrote the Forward to the Romanian version of Philip Kotler's volume Managementul marketingului (Marketing Management a fundamental book in its field. (Nicolae Lupu

  6. 120 aastat professor Nikolai Maimi sünnist / Väino J. Riismandel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Riismandel, Väino, 1920-2017


    Professor Maim (26. veeb. 1884 Tartus - 10. jaan. 1976 USA) on lõpetanud Moskva ülikooli õigusteaduskonna (1909), Tartu Ülikooli riigiõiguse erialal (1915). Ta on töötanud Vene keisririigi siseministeeriumi teenistuse eriülesandeis ametnikuna, Eesti Vabriigis siseministri abina, välisministeeriumi juriskonsultina. Maimi peamiseks ülesandeks kujunes korraldamisjärgus oleva Tartu Ülikooli õigusteaduskonna organiseerimine. Peale 1944. aastal Eestist põgenemist oli ta õppejõuks Marburgi ülikoolis riigiteaduse ja riigiõiguse alal. LL.M. (George Washingtoni ülikool) Väino J. Riismandel on District of Columbia advokatuuri liige, oli professor Maimi õpilane ja töökaaslane Tartu Ülikoolis. Lisatud: professor Maimi trükis ilmunud tööd lk. 65

  7. El trabajador universitario: entre el malestar y la lucha Professors: between discomfort and fight

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    Silvia Tamez González


    Full Text Available Las modificaciones en el mundo del trabajo producidas por la crisis de acumulación capitalista han transformado así mismo las condiciones de desarrollo de la labor docente. En un mundo cada vez más complejo y competitivo, la institución universitaria es atravesada por múltiples y contradictorias exigencias que se manifiestan en la salud de sus trabajadores. Este trabajo analiza fenómenos como la precarización del trabajo docente y sus implicaciones en la salud física y mental de los trabajadores universitarios, revisando las investigaciones recientes sobre el síndrome de burnout y padecimientos similares en México. Así mismo reflexiona sobre los límites y posibilidades de la acción política emancipadora por parte de los trabajadores de la educación.The crisis of capitalist accumulation has brought changes in the world of work that have also affected the working conditions of professors. In a world increasingly complex and competitive, universities are traversed by multiple and conflicting demands that have impacts on their workers' health. This paper analyzes the phenomena of precarious work in the teaching profession and its implications for the physical and mental health of university employees. It reviews recent research on the burnout syndrome and similar sufferings in Mexico to reflect on the limits and possibilities of emancipatory political action by education workers.

  8. Teachers perception about epilepsy Percepção de professores sobre epilepsia

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    Paula T. Fernandes


    percepção dos professores do ensino fundamental a respeito da epilepsia, antes e depois de um curso específico sobre o tema. MÉTODO: Participaram da pesquisa professores de nove escolas da rede pública do ensino fundamental de Barão Geraldo, distrito de Campinas, SP. Dois pesquisadores reuniram-se com os professores e apresentaram a Campanha Global "Epilepsia fora das sombras", momento também em que os questionários foram aplicados. Vinte professores ficaram motivados para fazer o curso de extensão "Temas transversais: epilepsia e saúde". Após este curso, os questionários foram re-aplicados. RESULTADOS: Foram aplicados 100 questionários em professores das nove escolas, sendo que: noventa e sete professores eram do sexo feminino, idade média de 42 (D.P. 22 a 63 e 64 estavam casados. Quarenta e três professores declararam possuir conhecimento sobre epilepsia abaixo da média e 20, disseram possuir um pobre conhecimento sobre a condição. No que diz respeito à idéias sobre epilepsia, os professores acham que: as crianças com epilepsia tem QI igual (45%, na média (18%, abaixo da média (6% e não sabem opinar (29%; crianças com epilepsia têm maior chance de terem doença mental no futuro (51%; a epilepsia é uma doença (68%; a epilepsia é contagiosa (1%; a epilepsia é tratável (90%. Após o curso, crenças e mitos sobre epilepsia dos professores mostraram diferenças significativas. DISCUSSÃO: Idéias errôneas sobre epilepsia podem ser mudadas através de cursos educacionais sobre epilepsia. Este trabalho, realizado com professores do ensino fundamental, visou a identificação das dificuldades relacionadas à epilepsia para promover a redução do estigma. É importante que professores sejam melhor instruídos sobre a epilepsia para consequentemente, ter atitudes mais positivas em relação às crianças com epilepsia. Acreditamos que professores mais capacitados melhoram a maneira de lidar e de se relacionar com crianças com epilepsia, para a

  9. Guión de video conferencia para orientaciones metodológicas a los facilitadores de biología celular y molecular A Program based on video- conferences for methodological orientations to the professors of cell and molecular biology

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    Maritza Linares Guerra


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de orientar metodológicamente, a través de una video-conferencia, a los facilitadotes que se inician en la enseñanza de la Biología Celular y Molecular, a estudiantes del primer año de Medicina del Proyecto Policlínico Universitario, se confeccionó un guión con los aspectos metodológicos de relevancia para preparar a los facilitadotes. A través de imágenes en Power Point se orientaron aspectos relacionados con la caracterización de la asignatura, su organización desde el punto de vista didáctico en cinco sistemas: sistema de objetivos, de conocimientos, de habilidades, de clases y de evaluación, se dan además las indicaciones generales para el estudio de la asignatura. Se hizo particular énfasis en la estructura metodológica y el papel del facilitador en las diferentes formas organizativas del proceso docente dentro del sistema de clases. Se realizó además un recorrido por los contenidos de los ocho temas de la asignatura, demostrando la importancia de la sistematización de la enseñanza y la forma en que se organizan los contenidos desde un nivel de menor a otro de mayor complejidad. Se concluye que la video conferencia de orientaciones metodológicas representa una herramienta útil para todos aquellos facilitadotes que se inician en la enseñanza de una ciencia biomédica y sobre todo para aquellos que se encuentran distantes y no tienen posibilidades de comunicación personal frecuente con los asesores metodológicos de la sede central.In order to guide methodologically the Cell and Molecular Biology Professors by means of video conferences to the students of the 1st academic year of medicine according to the College Out-patient Project, it was designed a program with the most important methodological aspects for preparing the professors. By means of imaging in Power points, the aspects related to the Subject and their organizations from the didactic point of view in five systems were given: Objectives

  10. Maury Nussbaum reappointed as Hal G. Prillaman Professor Fellow in Industrial and Systems Engineering


    Owczarski, Mark


    Maury Nussbaum, professor of industrial and systems engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, has been reappointed as the Hal G. Prillaman Professor Fellow in Industrial and Systems Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.

  11. Brian M. Kleiner receives Ralph H. Bogle Professor Fellowship in Industrial and Systems Engineering


    Owczarski, Mark


    Brian M. Kleiner, professor of industrial and systems engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, has been named the Ralph H. Bogle Professor Fellow in Industrial and Systems Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.

  12. Can professors be socialized in good teaching practices? The case of the Project Visibilidad Socialización Docente de Profesores Universitarios Españoles con Buenas Prácticas Docentes Podem os Professores socializar-se em boas práticas de ensino? O caso do Projeto Visibilidade

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    María Muradás López


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to analyze the socialization to teaching experience of faculty who participated in the project Visibilidad. The main objective of this project was to obtain knowledge related to teaching from faculty who are considered good teachers in Spanish universities. This knowledge could enlighten how the socialization to teaching occurs as well as insights on how to improve the process. Based on the international literature on socialization to teaching in higher education and using a methodology of generating themes inductively, the experiences of faculty at the beginning of their careers were analyzed. The data was collected using semi-structured interviews. We found that role models of socialization, self-reflection and formal socialization are the most common experiences reported by participants. This suggests that reinforcing these elements deliberately at an institutional level, it is possible to improve the socialization process of new faculty in higher education as well as their teaching practices. El propósito de este estudio es el análisis de la experiencia de socialización docente vivida por los profesores participantes en el proyecto Visibilidad, cuyo objetivo principal fue la extracción del conocimiento experto de docentes señalados como buenos profesores en universidades españolas. El conocimiento experto de estos docentes puede dar luz a cómo hasta ahora se ha producido la socialización docente y pistas de cómo mejorar este proceso. Con base en la literatura internacional sobre socialización en Educación Superior y siguiendo un modelo inductivo de generación de categorías, se analizaron las vivencias en el inicio de la carrera docente de profesores universitarios. Los datos fueron obtenidos de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se encontró que los modelos de referencia de socialización, la reflexión autodidacta por parte de los profesores, y su formación son los tópicos con ma

  13. Student teachers can be as good as associate professors in teaching clinical skills

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tolsgaard, Martin G; Gustafsson, Amandus; Rasmussen, Maria B


    AIM: The aim of this study is to compare student teachers and clinical associate professors regarding the quality of procedural skills teaching in terms of participants' technical skills, knowledge and satisfaction with the teaching. METHODS: This is an experimental, randomized, controlled study....... CONCLUSION: Trained student teachers can be as good as associate professors in teaching clinical skills. Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Sep...... comparing the teaching of student teachers and associate professors regarding participants' learning outcome and satisfaction with the teaching. Two skills are chosen for the experiment, i.v.-access and bladder catheterization. Learning outcome is assessed by a pre- and post testing of the participants...

  14. [Professor Xu Fu-song's traditional Chinese medicine protocols for male diseases: A descriptive analysis]. (United States)

    Liu, Cheng-yong; Xu, Fu-song


    To analyze the efficacy and medication principles of Professor Xu Fu-songs traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) protocols for male diseases. We reviewed and descriptively analyzed the unpublished complete medical records of 100 male cases treated by Professor Xu Fu-song with his TCM protocols from 1978 to 1992. The 100 cases involved 32 male diseases, most of which were difficult and complicated cases. The drug compliance was 95%. Each prescription was made up of 14 traditional Chinese drugs on average. The cure rate was 32% , and the effective rate was 85%. Professor Xu Fu-song advanced and proved some new theories and therapeutic methods. Professor Xu Fu-song's TCM protocols can be applied to a wide range of male diseases, mostly complicated, and are characterized by accurate differentiation of symptoms and signs, high drug compliance, and excellent therapeutic efficacy.


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    Tiron Tudor Adriana


    Full Text Available Our paper is about the history of accountancy in Romania, in Transylvania. We develop this subject because we consider that is very important to know about the history of your own country, and from our point of view about the history of accounting, which is a very important component of nowadays life. This work paper presents the history of the accountancy trought the study of biography. So by describing the work of professor I.N. Evian, who was an important personality for the accounting history in Romania, we want to found historical elements that are not so able to see otherwise. The article wants to highlight the impact that the work of professor Evian had in the history of accounting in Romania. Also, by presenting the work of professor I.N. Evian in the context of the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies from Cluj, we want to prove that this institution was the first form of higher education in Transylvania in the accountancy field.

  16. Interview with Professor Mark Wilcox. (United States)

    Wilcox, Mark


    Mark Wilcox speaks to Georgia Patey, Commissioning Editor: Professor Mark Wilcox is a Consultant Microbiologist and Head of Microbiology at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals (Leeds, UK), the Professor of Medical Microbiology at the University of Leeds (Leeds, UK), and is the Lead on Clostridium difficile and the Head of the UK C. difficile Reference Laboratory for Public Health England (PHE). He was the Director of Infection Prevention (4 years), Infection Control Doctor (8 years) and Clinical Director of Pathology (6 years) at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals. He is Chair of PHE's Rapid Review Panel (reviews utility of infection prevention and control products for National Health Service), Deputy Chair of the UK Department of Health's Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection Committee and a member of PHE's HCAI/AR Programme Board. He is a member of UK/European/US working groups on C. difficile infection. He has provided clinical advice as part of the FDA/EMA submissions for the approval of multiple novel antimicrobial agents. He heads a healthcare-associated infection research team at University of Leeds, comprising approximately 30 doctors, scientists and nurses; projects include multiple aspects of C. difficile infection, diagnostics, antimicrobial resistance and the clinical development of new antimicrobial agents. He has authored more than 400 publications, and is the coeditor of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (5th/6th/7th Editions, 15 December 2007).

  17. "Putting in Your Time": Faculty Experiences in the Process of Promotion to Professor (United States)

    Gardner, Susan K.; Blackstone, Amy


    The rank of professor or "full" professor represents the highest status possible for faculty members, and it is generally gained by attaining professional expertise and a national or international reputation. Beyond this, however, little is known about these individuals or the promotion process at this level. In this qualitative study of…


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    Daniel Pettersson

    Full Text Available RESUMO: As atividades do Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA e os seus efeitos são diversos, sendo possível dizer que o PISA cria e forma uma fundamentação específica (HACKING, 1992 para discutir, falar e pensar sobre a educação. Neste estudo sobre as atividades do PISA, são analisadas as ideias sobre os professores, as atividades que realizam, e como estas são conceitualizadas no interior de uma narrativa própria ao PISA. Os resultados mostram que os professores são apresentados como sendo importantes e cruciais para a transformação e para o desenvolvimento da educação. Os professores também são representados como sendo essenciais para reduzir as "disparidades no desempenho" dos alunos medidas pelo teste PISA. Ademais, os "bons" professores e o ensino "eficaz" são descritos como os professores e as estratégias que conduzem a tal redução. Consequentemente, os principais relatórios do PISA enfatizam uma imagem dos professores como os atores que desenvolvem a educação e o ensino, e não como executantes de políticas determinadas pelo Estado. Deste modo, os professores são considerados como indicadores da eficácia dos sistemas de educação e importantes para elevar os padrões de desempenho, sendo assim considerados como a esperança e a realização da educação.

  19. El pensamiento estratégico. Una perspectiva interdisciplinar de la mente del planificador de cuentas publicitario


    Muñoz Sánchez, Omar


    En molts departaments de planificació de comptes de les agencies de publicitat es poden trobar professionals de disciplines com la sociologia, la psicologia, l'antropologia, l'administració de negocis, la comunicació, el disseny gràfic i, recentment, la neurociència, la qual cosa fa necessari investigar que tenen aquestes àrees de coneixement que afavoreixen el desenvolupament d’estratègies publicitàries. Colòmbia és un país que no és aliè a aquest fenomen, especialment perquè en l'últim...

  20. In Memoriam: Professor Jan M. Hoem

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    James W. Vaupel


    Full Text Available Jan Hoem died on Saturday in Stockholm after a long illness. Jan became Director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR in 1999; he and I jointly led the Institute for almost eight years. During this period he served as Editor of Demographic Research; he took on this responsibility shortly after the journal was launched and built the journal into a respected online source of cutting-edge analysis. Jan was a superb colleague, with very good judgment, a delightful sense of humor, and deep devotion to research quality. A pioneer of event history analysis, he understood the subtleties of the subject better than anyone else. Jan was born and educated in Norway and worked in Oslo before becoming Professor in Copenhagen and then Professor in Stockholm, where he established SUDA, a leading demographic research initiative. His dedication to high-quality, statistically sophisticated population research at SUDA and MPIDR as well as in the journal Demographic Research substantially advanced the discipline of demography. Jan was a warm and generous teacher, a loyal colleague, and a caring friend whom many people will long remember with gratitude and respect. James W. Vaupel Publisher, Demographic Research

  1. Desafios à formação de professores alfabetizadores em curso de pedagogia

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    Benedita de Almeida


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute resultados de pesquisa sobre a formação inicial de professores em um curso de pedagogia e seus desdobramentos na prática docente de ensino de língua materna nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. As reflexões, fundamentadas na teoria histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento, identificam e tomam como objeto de análise algumas características, contradições e impasses da prática pedagógica de um grupo de egressos do curso, professores nessa etapa escolar. Evidencia-se que as condições de formação e de trabalho do professor alfabetizador limitam a ancoragem de sua prática em bases científicas de conhecimento e a mobilização de saberes fundamentais veiculados no curso de graduação limitando-se as possibilidades de organização do ensino e de suas fontes de referência para contribuir à aprendizagem das crianças da classe trabalhadora. Identifica-se um descompasso entre as necessidades de formação nos anos iniciais de escolarização e as possibilidades dos professores que a efetuam, apontando a necessidade de redimensionamento na formação do professor e no curso de pedagogia.


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    Fabiula Meneguete Vides da Silva


    Full Text Available Busca-se, neste trabalho, compreender o significado das relações interpessoais estabelecidas nos processos de transição do contribuidor individual (professor para líder (reitor ou pró-reitor e de líder para contribuidor individual em universidades. A abordagem fenomenológico-hermenêutica foi utilizada a fim de retomar os principais temas desta experiência. Seis ex-gestores universitários emprestaram suas experiências vivenciadas em universidades pertencentes à Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais, através das entrevistas em três tempos, realizadas entre maio de 2009 e março de 2010. Somente fazendo parte da gestão universitária os professores perceberam a complexidade dessa prática. O relacionamento interpessoal foi um fator importante na prática gerencial desses professores, fato este corroborado pela literatura (MINTZBERG, 1990. Recorrendo às entrevistas transcritas, foi possível resgatar três grandes temas centrais: as relações profissionais, o relacionamento com os alunos e as relações familiares. Nas relações profissionais estabelecidas, eles perceberam a necessidade do gerenciamento do trabalho em equipe. O relacionamento frequente com os alunos fez parte do dia a dia do gestor universitário, configurando-se como um dos seus grandes desafios. A família esteve ao lado dos professores, apoiando-os e cobrando deles mais tempo de convívio familiar. Palavras-chave: Relações interpessoais. Professor universitário. Líder. Transição.

  3. Biography of Professor Cornel Tiberiu Opriş. Professional maturity. (United States)

    Rotaru, Alexandru; Rotaru, Horatiu


    Professor Cornel Tiberiu Opris was the founder and Chair of the Clinic and University Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Cluj, after the Education Reform of 1948. The article illustrates how the founder of these institutions led a valiant struggle for obtaining and arranging a location for the newly established Faculty of Dentistry, within the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy. Professor Cornel Tiberiu Opriş established himself as the most prodigious researcher at the Faculty for over a quarter-century, until his retirement, introducing his original conception in the therapeutic and surgical field. He created in Cluj-Napoca a specialist medical school by imposing national prestige for the institution that he led.

  4. Estudo de caso de uma experiência de ensino e aprendizagem : ferramenta formativa online para professores iniciantes

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    Regina Maria Simões Puccinelli Tancredi


    Full Text Available O trabalho trata da aprendizagem de uma professora em início de carreira nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental e uma professora experiente - a mentora - que participaram de um Programa de Mentoria na modalidade online, através do Portal dos Professores da UFSCar. O foco principal foi uma Experiência de Ensino e Aprendizagem voltada para a alfabetização, que foi uma atividade formativa e investigativa que previa o planejamento, a implementação e a avaliação de propostas educativas a serem construídas em comum acordo entre uma novata e sua mentora. A pesquisa fundamentou-se numa abordagem qualitativa, sendo um estudo de caso. Teve como principal fonte de dados, as interações entre mentora e iniciante (consideradas narrativas online e os anexos das mensagens. Os questionários inicial e final do Programa de Mentoria, uma entrevista presencial realizada com a mentora e um questionário online enviado para a professora iniciante serviram de suporte para esclarecer e acrescentar a investigação. Os resultados indicam a importância do acompanhamento de professores iniciantes tendo como ponto de partida os dilemas e dificuldades encontrados por eles.Abstract O trabajo describe de aprendizaje de una profesora en los inicios de su carrera en los primeros años de escuela primaria y una profesora con experiencia -mentor-que participaran de un programa de Mentoria en el modo online, a través del Portal de los profesores de la UFSCar. El objetivo principal del estudio fue la experiencia de enseñanza y aprendizaje centrado en la alfabetización, la actividad de investigación y formación que preveía la planificación, ejecución y evaluación de las propuestas educativas que se construiría en mutuo acuerdo entre profesora principiante el mentor. La pesquisa tuvo un enfoque cualitativo, e se configura un estudio de caso. Había como un origen de datos, interacciones entre tutoría y principiantes (considerados narrativas online y los

  5. visit of Members of the ETH Foundation, accompanied by Professor Heidi Wunderli-Allenspach, Rektorin, ETH Zürich and Professor Roman Boutellier, Vizepräsident Personal und Ressourcen, Switzerland, on Tuesday, 24th February 2009.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    visit of Members of the ETH Foundation, accompanied by Professor Heidi Wunderli-Allenspach, Rektorin, ETH Zürich and Professor Roman Boutellier, Vizepräsident Personal und Ressourcen, Switzerland, on Tuesday, 24th February 2009.

  6. Use of Data as a Supplemental Tool for the (United States)

    Bergin, Adam; Sharp, Kevan; Gatlin, Todd A.; Villalta-Cerdas, Adrian; Gower, Austin; Sandi-Urena, Santiago


    Commercial online instructor evaluations have gained traction in influencing students' decisions on professor and course selections at universities. (RMP) is the most popular of such evaluation tools and houses a wealth of information from the students' viewpoint. The purpose of this study was to determine whether RMP data…

  7. Inter-relação entre professores da sala de atendimento educacional especializado e do ensino regular

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    Valéria de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo principal: mapear e analisar o nível e a forma de articulação entre os professores e as atividades desenvolvidas em Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais (SRMs e salas comuns, em uma proposta inclusiva. Com o intuito de contribuir para o processo da educação inclusiva no ambiente escolar, estabeleceu-se aqui a abordagem quanti-qualitativa do tipo transversal. Utilizou-se um questionário para os professores de sala comum e professores de SRM. Participaram deste estudo dezesseis professores de sala comum que tinham alunos com deficiência e nove de SRM da rede pública de ensino de dois municípios da Região Metropolitana de Campinas. Para a análise de conteúdo dos questionários, tomou-se como referência a obra de Bardin, que aponta três fases fundamentais no processo: pré-análise, exploração do material e tratamento dos resultados. Por meio deste estudo, foi possível concluir que: (a os professores estão cientes da importância da SRM e das atribuições dos professores que atuam nesse espaço - todavia, não parece estar claro o trabalho do professor da sala comum -, (b há uma inter-relação entre professores de sala comum e SEM - todavia falta maior tempo destinado às trocas necessárias -, e (c em alguns casos, há falta de entendimento do professor de sala comum sobre a sua função quanto ao aluno Público-Alvo da Educação Especial (PAEE.

  8. [Homage to Professor Dr. Nicasio Etchepareborda]. (United States)


    During a solemn academic act, de Main Classroom of the Facultad de Odontologia de Buenos Aires was named after Prof. Dr. Nicasio Etchepareborda. He has been the first professor at the Escuela de Odontologia and its organizer, after having obtained his Dentistry degree at the Dental School of Paris, in 1882. The new school was founded in 1891, and its activities began the following year.

  9. 31 July 2014 - Professor M. Kastner

    CERN Multimedia

    Egli, Laurent


    MIT Faculty Member Donner Professor of Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America, Prof. M. Kastner visiting the LHC tunnel at Point 5 with Beams Department M. Solfaroli Camillocci, LHC superconducting magnet assembly hall visit with L. Rossi and R. Principe, LHC Computing Grid Project presentation and computer centre visit with I. Bird and signing the guest book with CERN Director-General R. Heuer.

  10. Leisure and the Retired Professor: Occupation Matters (United States)

    Dorfman, Lorraine; Kolarik, Douglas


    Little attention has been given to the leisure activities of retired professors, whose activity patterns in retirement may be different from those of other occupational groups because of their lifetime commitment to work. This interview study uses both quantitative and qualitative data to investigate: (a) the leisure and professional activities of…

  11. [Professor V.V. Shmeleva--an army doctor, scientist, and teacher]. (United States)

    Emel'yanova, N A


    This article is dedicated to the life and work (research, medical, educational) of V.V. Shmeleva, professor and Great Patriotic War participant. She was the head of ophthalmology department at the City Clinical Hospital No 67 and promoted the implementation of cataract cryoextraction into clinical practice. As a professor at the Order of Lenin Central Institute of Advanced Medical Training she was engaged in postgraduate training of ophthalmologists. V.V. Shmeleva is the author of Cataract monograph and many scientific articles. She was also the senior secretary of the Vestnik oftal'mologii journal for more than 25 years.

  12. Quantitative evaluation of the requirements for the promotion as associate professor at German medical faculties. (United States)

    Sorg, Heiko; Knobloch, Karsten


    First quantitative evaluation of the requirements for the promotion as associate professor (AP) at German medical faculties. Analysis of the AP-regulations of German medical faculties according to a validated scoring system, which has been adapted to this study. The overall scoring for the AP-requirements at 35 German medical faculties was 13.5±0.6 of 20 possible scoring points (95% confidence interval 12.2-14.7). More than 88% of the AP-regulations demand sufficient performance in teaching and research with adequate scientific publication. Furthermore, 83% of the faculties expect an expert review of the candidate's performance. Conference presentations required as an assistant professor as well as the reduction of the minimum time as an assistant professor do only play minor roles. The requirements for assistant professors to get nominated as an associate professor at German medical faculties are high with an only small range. In detail, however, it can be seen that there still exists large heterogeneity, which hinders equal opportunities and career possibilities. These data might be used for the ongoing objective discussion.

  13. [Professor GAO Yuchun's experience of acupuncture for headache]. (United States)

    Cui, Linhua; Xing, Xiao; Xue, Weihua; Wang, Yanjun; Xu, Cejun; Xuc, Jun; Gao, Yuchun; Kang, Suobin


    As one of the important founders of GAO's acupuncture academic school in YanZhao area, Professor GAO Yuchun 's experience of acupuncture for headache is summarized in this paper. In the opinion of Professor GAO, the treatment of headache should focus on eliminating evil and relieving pain, and the syndrome differentiation should be based on meridian differentiation, especially on three yang meridians of foot as well as liver meridian and kidney meridian. In the acupoint prescription, attention should be placed on strengthening the spleen and stomach. The midnight-midday ebb flow acupuncture is advocated. The combination between acupuncture order and movement of qi is emphasized. In the manipulation, the role of pressing hand, the stimulation during reinforcing and reducing methods, and needle-retention time are important. The breathing reinforcing and reducing method of acupuncture are also advocated.

  14. The University Professor View from the Communitarian Perspective

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    Angela Del Valle López


    Full Text Available The task of the university professor is a mission and not simply a profession and that is why higher education should be impregnated with values. Nowadays education is articulated into three areas: the State, the Market and the Volunteering, but no one of these three sectors by themselves has covered the needs of all the citizens, there have always been losers, therefore the conjunction of the three sectors became necessary. Communitarianism promotes an ethical-social pact that favors the progress of society without nullifying the individual dimension. It believes that the university is the space where a communitarian consciousness should be promoted to generate a social capital by means of education and it is a privilege place to substantiate the moral identity of the person beginning with the commitment of the professor with the university student.

  15. Barreiras à criatividade pessoal entre professores de distintos níveis de ensino

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    Alencar Eunice M.L. Soriano de


    Full Text Available Este estudo investigou distintas modalidades de barreiras à expressão da criatividade pessoal em uma amostra de 544 professores, que atuavam desde o ensino fundamental até o ensino superior. O Inventário de Barreiras à Criatividade Pessoal, construído e validado pela primeira autora, foi utilizado para coleta de dados. Este instrumento inclui itens relativos a quatro modalidades de barreiras: Inibição/Timidez, Falta de Tempo/Oportunidade, Repressão Social e Falta de Motivação. Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre professores do sexo masculino e feminino em Repressão Social, e, entre professores de diferentes níveis de ensino, nas barreiras denominadas Inibição/Timidez e Repressão Social. Os resultados apontam distintas barreiras que se referem direta ou indiretamente aos motivos, meios e oportunidades para a expressão da criatividade pessoal, sinalizando a necessidade de estratégias que ampliem as possibilidades de expressão criativa em professores.

  16. Criatividade no trabalho docente segundo professores de história: limites e possibilidades

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    Maria de Fátima Magalhães Mariani

    Full Text Available Foi objetivo do presente estudo investigar componentes da organização do trabalho pedagógico e elementos de caráter pessoal/individual que agem como inibidores e facilitadores da expressão da criatividade do professor de História. Participaram do estudo 16 professores de História de 5ª a 8ª séries do Ensino Fundamental de cinco escolas públicas e cinco escolas particulares de Brasília, Distrito Federal. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada na coleta dos dados. Realizou-se análise de conteúdo, elaborando-se categorias que abrangeram o conteúdo das respostas obtidas. Vários aspectos foram identificados como estímulos e limites à criatividade no trabalho docente. Liberdade e a paixão pelo trabalho foram os facilitadores mais enfatizados. Problemas no relacionamento professor-aluno foi um dos limites mais destacado. Este estudo contribui para desvelar aspectos que impedem a expressão criativa do professor e outros relativos a um ambiente pedagógico favorável à criatividade docente.


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    João Batista Santos Junior

    Full Text Available Esta investigação visa a identificar os modelos didáticos de um grupo de professores de Química de escolas públicas e propõe uma meto dologia para a sua utilização como instrumento de reflexão do docente em relação às suas concepções acerca do processo de ensino e aprendiza gem. Para tal, foi solicitado aos professores que respondessem a um ques tionário baseado nas ideias de Garcia Pérez (2000. Os resultados obtidos apontam que os professores combinam características diferentes dos modelos didáticos para formar um modelo didático eclético (GUIMARÃES, ECHEVERRÍA & MORAES, 2006. Esses modelos ecléticos encerram características antagônicas e podem indicar a necessi dade de aprofundamento da reflexão dos docentes sobre as suas concep ções. É proposta uma metodologia para a utilização do instrumento de investigação do pensamento do professor.

  18. Professor Brand Advocacy: Do Brand Relationships Matter? (United States)

    Jillapalli, Ravi K.; Wilcox, James B.


    The trend among students to advocate their professors online continues to generate interest within marketing academia. Brand advocacy in products and services has played a vital role in marketing. However, no known research to date has embraced the idea of brand advocacy in marketing education. This research builds on the recent human brand…

  19. Procés d’implantació de les HoloLens als boxes de reparació de SEAT, S.A.


    Cano Almazán, Raquel


    Aquest treball de final de grau consisteix en la implantació d’una aplicació pertanyent a la Realitat Augmentada a la operativa de les auditories de manguetes del departament de Gestió de Qualitat de Motors i Triebsatz de l’empresa SEAT, S.A. L’aplicació que es vol aconseguir consisteix en un suport per l’auditor per realitzar correctament l’auditoria i per agilitzar el seu procés optimitzant els seus passos. El hardware que s’ha utilitzat per a poder dur a terme la aplicació en qüestió...

  20. A formação do professor para o ensino superior: prática docente com alunos com deficiência visual The professor educational background for the university academic practice towards visually impaired students

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    Michele Xavier dos Reis


    Full Text Available Apesar de existirem políticas que garantem aos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais o acesso ao ensino regular, inúmeras barreiras são encontradas para que esse processo se efetive, sendo uma delas a formação do professor. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a formação de professores universitários formados em Ciências Biológicas/licenciatura para o atendimento de pessoas com deficiência visual no sistema universitário. Buscando entender a formação docente como fenômeno singular e diverso, a metodologia adotada foi qualitativa, sendo selecionados cinco professores que atuavam no curso de Ciências Biológicas/licenciatura de uma universidade pública localizada no sul de Minas Gerais. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os sujeitos de pesquisa, buscando averiguar a formação e a experiência docente dos sujeitos com alunos com deficiência visual. Os resultados evidenciaram que ainda são grandes as dificuldades encontradas no processo de inclusão, tanto devido a lacunas na formação docente quanto devido à postura adotada pelo professor em sala de aula.In spite of the existence of countless policies assuring impaired students access to the regular educational process, barriers are found preventing the consolidation of the mentioned process. The professor educational background is pointed out as an expressive cause to the failure of the student in the educational process. So far, the objective of the present research was to analyze the professor educational background concerning visually impaired people within the university system. The present theme is relevant considering that few studies have been dedicated to the inclusion process at advanced education. In order to understand the teaching process as a unique and diverse phenomenon, the methodology applied was qualitative and five professors, teaching Biological Sciences - graduated from a public university in the southern of Minas Gerais

  1. Sensibilizar professores para o desenvolvimento de carreira dos alunos: relato de uma experiência

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    Íris M. Oliveira

    Full Text Available A literatura destaca a importância de realizar sessões de sensibilização dos professores para promover a sua influência positiva e intencional, enquanto docentes, nas trajetórias de carreira dos alunos. Este artigo relata uma experiência de realização de uma sessão de sensibilização junto a professores da educação básica de um agrupamento de escolas no noroeste de Portugal. Procurou-se esclarecer o conceito de desenvolvimento de carreira junto dos professores, conscientizá-los para o papel da escola no desenvolvimento de carreira dos alunos e estimular a dinamização de atividades promotoras desse processo. Apresenta-se a estrutura da sessão, as estratégias adotadas para alcançar os objetivos propostos e as reflexões partilhadas e debatidas pelos professores. As apreciações dos intervenientes quanto à sessão de sensibilização mostraram-se favoráveis. Esta experiência ilustra a importância de realizar sessões de sensibilização dos professores nesse domínio, as quais podem sustentar a promoção do desenvolvimento de carreira dos alunos, ao longo da escolaridade.

  2. [The scientific conference: Konstanty Janicki (1876-1932): Professor of Warsaw University, eminent zoologist and protistologist, creator of the Polish parasitological school]. (United States)

    Moskwa, Bozena; Siński, Edward; Kazubski, Stanisław L


    The conference was organized for celebrating the memory of professor Konstanty Janicki, one of the most important Polish zoologist, protistologist and parasitologist. Professors Joanna Pijanowska, Edward Siński and Maria Doligalska were the hosts of the meeting at the Warsaw University. Four lectures were given during the conference. Professor Leszek Kuźnicki presented professor Janicki's life and followers who continued his research. Professor Stanisław Kazubski reminded the main topics of the parasitological studies conducted by professor Janicki. That lecture was illustrated by coloured diagrams taken from original papers published by Janicki. In the next lecture, professor Teresa Pojmańska reminded "the theory of the cercomer". She viewed some polemics and discussions made by the opponents of the theory. Professor Alicja Guttowa presented a paper on the history of the exploration of the D. latum life cycle and the main scientific researches carried out on each life stages of the broad tapeworm. Afterwards the lectures, professor Kazubski showed several pictures taken inside and outside of the Main School of the Warsaw University at the time when professor Janicki had been working there. The professor's students were also seen in these pictures. Next, associate professor Bozena Moskwa, the President of the Polish Parasitological Society presented the Konstanty Janicki Medal, awarded for outstanding activities for the benefit of parasitology. Up to data, 17 scientists and one school: the Warsaw Uniwersity was honored with this Medal. After the conference, participants visited the Powazki Cementary, where the renovated sepulchral monument of professor Konstanty Janicki was uncovered.

  3. Característiques i inundabilitat per rierades sobtades (flash flood als torrents costaners del nord del cap de Creus (Catalunya, Pere MASCAREÑAS I RUBIÈS, 2012

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    Glòria Furdada Bellavista


    Full Text Available Cette thèse de doctorat dirigée par Maria Angels MARQUÉS ROCA a été soutenue au Departament de Geodinàmica i Geofísica (Fac. Geologia de l'Universitat de Barcelona, le 18 janvier 2012.Il s'agit d'une thèse qui se situe dans la problématique du risque d'inondation et de l'applicabilité des législations espagnoles actuelles aux bassins affectés par des crues éclair. L'auteur s'intéresse à l'inondabilité et à l'utilisation et l'amélioration de la "Méthode géomorphologique d'identification et ca...

  4. Mudanças tecnológicas e suas implicações na política de formação do professor Cambios tecnológicos y sus implicaciones en la política de formación del profesor Technological changes and it implications on the teachers formation policy

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    Alda Maria Duarte Araújo Castro


    Full Text Available O artigo discute as transformações ocorridas no mundo do trabalho, provocadas pela globalização da economia, pelas inovações tecnológicas e pela reestruturação produtiva, procurando evidenciar o impacto dessas transformações no perfil dos trabalhadores e, conseqüentemente, nos processos formativos. Em especial, o artigo enfoca a influência dessa nova lógica do mercado na política de formação de professores da educação básica. Para tanto, tomou-se, como referência, os documentos oficiais, entre eles, Referenciais para Formação de Professores, elaborado pelo Ministério da Educação e Cultura e o Parecer nº 09/2001, do Conselho Nacional de Educação, que trata das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Formação de Professores da Educação Básica, nos quais fica evidente a necessidade de mudar os modelos tradicionais de formação para se ajustar às novas demandas do mercado, utilizando, para isso, modelos formativos mais modernos e flexíveis. Na análise dos documentos, privilegiam-se dois eixos considerados fundamentais para a formação do professor nesse novo cenário: a formação reflexiva e a formação por competência, os mesmos estão articulados com as exigências empresariais e dos organismos internacionais, que acreditam em uma formação mais prática e instrumental capaz de promover a melhoria da qualidade da educação básica.El artículo trata de los cambios ocurridos em el mundo laboral, provocados por la globalización de la economía, por las innovaciones tecnológicas y por la reestructuración productiva, buscando evidenciar el impacto de esas transformaciones en el perfil de los trabajadores y, consecuentemente, los procesos formativos. En especial, el artículo enfoca la influencia de esa nueva lógica del mercado en la política de formación de profesores de educación básica. Para eso, se tomó, como referencia, los documentos oficiales, entre ellos, Referencias para la Formación de

  5. Reflections on the insertion of the nutrition discipline in nursing education Reflexiones sobre la inserción de la disciplina de nutrición a la formación del enfermero Reflexões sobre a inserção da disciplina de nutrição na formação do enfermeiro

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    Cátia Feresin


    Full Text Available This study aimed to characterize the Nutrition discipline in six undergraduate courses in nursing regarding to the professor background, workload, content, strategies of education and evaluation from the perspective of the professor who teaches it. This is a descriptive research, carried out through semi-structured interviews, analyzed through the Thematic Analysis. It was verified that the discipline content approaches Nutrition in the vital cycle in the prevention of illnesses, as well as, in the healing aspect. The importance of the professor to be attentive to the content complexity necessary to the Nursing Education is highlighted. Nutrition knowledge favors the performance of the Nurse in a multifunctional health team. The formation of study groups with professors from Nutrition disciplines in the health area of undergraduate programs is suggested.El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar la disciplina de Nutrición en seis cursos de la graduación en cuanto a la formación docente, carga horaria, contenidos, estrategias y evaluación a partir de la óptica del profesor que la ministra. Trátase de una investigación descriptiva, realizada a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, analizadas por medio del Análisis de Contenido Temático. Se pudo observar que el contenido de las disciplinas abarca tanto el aspecto de la Nutrición en el ciclo vital como la prevención de la enfermedad en cuanto al aspecto curativo. La importancia del profesor estar atento a la complejidad de los contenidos necesarios para la formación del enfermero fue enfatizada. Los conocimientos de la Nutrición favorecen la actuación del enfermero en el equipo multiprofesional en salud. La evaluación del aprendizaje de los alumnos es predominantemente somativa, dificultando la posibilidad de retomar sus errores. Sugiérese la formación de grupos de estudio de profesores de las disciplinas de Nutrición en Cursos del área de la salud.Este estudo visa

  6. Auto-avaliação psicossocial de professores Auto-evaluación psicosocial de profesores Theacher's psychosocial self-evaluation

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    Edson A. de Souza Filho


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a conexão entre a adoção de critérios psicossociais de escolha da profissão de professor e modos de exercício da mesma. Adotamos como referencial a teoria das representações sociais, que supõe a construção por parte de indivíduos/grupos sociais de conhecimentos e práticas para atingir seus objetivos específicos, tais como identitários, ideológicos, explicativos, entre outros. Participaram da pesquisa professores do ensino fundamental privado (FP (n=35, público (FPu (n=42 e universitário público (UPu (n=13, todos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Elaboramos um questionário com perguntas sobre por que ingressaram na profissão; as características do bom/mau professor; as descrições de como é a sua atuação profissional, entre outras. Constatamos que os professores do ensino fundamental privado cujo critério de escolha profissional foi mais centrado no professor como indivíduo (opção/vocação tenderam a representar os aspectos ideais (bom/mau professor do exercício profissional focando o aluno individual e relações interpessoais com o mesmo. Contudo, os mesmos professores não mantiveram o primeiro conteúdo (aluno individual ao relatar como atuam realmente. Já os professores de ensino universitário, que escolheram a profissão em função de atividade de ensinar, focalizaram mais os deveres/envolvimento e competência/atualização do professor em termos ideais e reais. Enfim, os professores do ensino fundamental público, que apresentaram um perfil de escolha profissional misto (opção/vocação e influência social, relataram sua atuação com predominância de aspectos sócio-ambientais (contexto/mobilização e falta de estímulo externo. Nesse sentido, diante dos dilemas e dificuldades profissionais/existenciais encontrados, os professores do ensino fundamental privado e público tenderam a buscar uma auto-avaliação psicossocial como forma de aperfeiçoamento

  7. A Comparison of Mathematics Teachers' and Professors' Views on Secondary Preparation for Tertiary Calculus (United States)

    Wade, Carol; Sonnert, Gerhard; Sadler, Philip M.; Hazari, Zahra; Watson, Charity


    This article compares the views of teachers and professors about the transition from secondary mathematics to tertiary calculus. Quantitative analysis revealed five categories where teachers and professors differed significantly in the relative frequency of addressing them. Using the rite of passage theory, the separation and incorporation phases…

  8. Promotion beyond Tenure: Unpacking Racism and Sexism in the Experiences of Black Womyn Professors (United States)

    Croom, Natasha N.


    This study examined seven Black womyn full professors' experiences of promotion beyond tenure. Using a critical race feminist theoretical framework, findings suggest that a meritocratic ideology undergirds a dominant narrative about the Professor rank. However, racism and sexism mediated the participants' opportunities to access the status and…

  9. [Contribution of Professor SHI Xue-min's academic thoughts to treatment of stroke]. (United States)

    Liu, Jian; Fan, Xiao-Nong; Wang, Shu


    Based on the thought of Zhishen (a kind of mind regulation), Professor SHI Xue-min, academician of the China Academy of Engineering, found the Xingnao Kaiqiao (to refresh the mind and to cause resuscitation) acupuncture method, which still plays an important role in the acupuncture treatment of wind stroke nowadays. Meanwhile, great importance is attached to the comprehensive treatment of wind stroke. Danqi Piantan capsule (see text) is developed and "wind stroke unit" is set up. In recent years, Professor SHI shifts the center of research to the treatment of hypertension, the risk factor of wind stroke. Taking Renying (ST 9) as the major acupoint, acupuncture with standard measurement and manipulations is established. And good clinical effect has been obtained as well. Therefore, this article focuses on the introduction of Professor SHI Xue-min's contribution to wind stroke treatment.

  10. String theorist takes over as Lucasian Professor (United States)

    Banks, Michael


    String theorist Michael Green will be the next Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. Green, 63, will succeed Stephen Hawking, who held the chair from 1980 before retiring last month at the age of 67 and taking up a distinguished research chair at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada (see above).

  11. Russel Nye: The Professor in Public Life. (United States)

    Hungiville, Maurice


    A discussion of the influence of Russel Nye, a college English professor at Michigan State University and journalist, focuses on the values that shaped his teaching, scholarship, and writing and his defense of democratic values, especially in education. It is concluded that Nye's experience suggests that public service can be a source of personal…

  12. Homage to Professor Hans-Åke Gustafsson

    CERN Multimedia


    It was with deep sadness that we learned of the death of Professor Hans-Åke Gustafsson, an internationally recognized scientist, beloved colleague and friend. He passed away on Wednesday January 13th at the Lund University Hospital, surrounded by his loved ones, after a short battle against cancer. This is a great loss for all of us in ALICE and the whole heavy ion community. Hans-Åke, Professor at Lund University, was one of the pioneers of heavy ion physics with relativistic beams since its very beginning. He started his research at CERN, as a fellow at the ISOLDE ion beam facility, and immediately after, in the early 1980 joined the Plastic Ball collaboration at the Bevalac. One of the seminal papers of the field on the discovery of collective flow in relativistic nuclear collisions, co-authored by Hans-Åke, Hans Gutbrod and colleagues, stems from this period. From that point on he was always at the forefront of research with relativistic nuclear beams, being for three de...

  13. Representações sociais de professores sobre o autismo infantil

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    Michele Araújo Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve o objetivo de investigar, a partir da teoria das representações sociais, as ideias de senso comum que circulam entre professores acerca do autismo infantil. Buscamos compreender a lógica interna de tais teorias populares, mapear os saberes que as apoiam e as imagens que as concretizam. Os 16 participantes do estudo compuseram dois grupos: 9 professoras experientes na educação de crianças autistas e 7 professores sem experiência com tais crianças. Os dados obtidos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas permitem concluir que paradoxalmente, a aproximação com o objeto não parece conduzir a uma maior familiarização. De maneira geral, há incertezas e fluidez quanto a considerar o autismo uma desordem orgânica ou o resultado de complicações relacionais precoces; em acreditar que essas crianças apresentam inteligência acima da média ou deficiência intelectual. Os professores constroem, assim, autismos diversos, num processo de conhecimento ancorado em variados repertórios, dentre eles, a psicanálise e neurociências.

  14. A Narrative Inquiry Exploring How College Communication Professors Engage Students with Public Speaking Apprehension (United States)

    Riedel, Derek


    The purpose of this qualitative study was to discover how communication professors at four-year private universities help students who exhibit public speaking apprehension (PSA) learn to cope with their anxiety. The research was framed in the narrative inquiry paradigm, interviewing eight college communication professors about their experiences…

  15. As representações como processo de significação do (futuro professor de Língua Portuguesa

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    Pollyanne Bicalho Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Propomos, neste artigo, uma discussão acerca da reconstituição identitária do professor de LP, visando analisar representações sobre o grupo professor e o trabalho que lhe é atribuído, bem como as consequências dessas representações para o processo de ensino/aprendizagem. A partir dos pressupostos do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD, conjugados com a Teoria das Representações Sociais (TRS, discutiremos os efeitos dessas representações para a (reformulação do agir do professor de LP em sala de aula sob a avaliação do estagiário/futuro professor. O corpus é constituído de excertos retirados de relatórios produzidos por estagiários ao observarem aulas de professores da rede privada e pública do município de Fortaleza.Palavras-chave: Representações sociais. Identidade do professor de LP. Prática formativa.

  16. [Experience of professor FANG Jianqiao treating trigeminal neuralgia at different stages]. (United States)

    Sun, Jing; Fang, Jianqiao; Shao, Xiaomei; Chen, Lifang


    Trigerninal neuralgia is a common refractory disease in clinic. Professor FANG Jianqiao has rich experience through diagnosing and treating the disease for many years. In the first diagnosis, professor FANG underlines the position of damaged neuron and syndrome differentiation. He considers acupuncture should be implemented by stages,namely according to whether the patients are in the period of pain attack, different acupuocture prescriptions are made. Acupuncture manipulation and needle-retention time should be adjusted according to the condition of disease. And the appropriate application of electroacupuncture and transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation can strengthen the effect.

  17. 'Supermentoring' of assistant professors' teaching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Ole

    Aarhus University offers a mandatory pedagogical training program for assistant professors, required in order to obtain tenure at a Danish university. At Business and Social Sciences, this program is supplemented by voluntary observation and (first of all formative) supervision of the assistant...... professors’ teaching practice. This offer is given is (i) because many young university teachers face problems putting pedagogical theory into practice – even though the program mentioned is practice-oriented, and (ii) because many of them (partly due to (i)) lack self-confidence as to teaching...

  18. Entrevista com professor Bertrand Badie


    Mere Marques Aveiro, Thais


    Bertrand Badie é cientista político, professor na Sciences Po, Paris, pesquisador do CERI (Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Internacionais), codiretor da coleção L’etat du monde, publicada anualmente desde 2010 e coeditor da Enciclopédia Internacional de Ciência Política. Entre 2002 e 2005, foi Diretor do Centro de Estudos Internacionais sobre a paz e resoluções de conflitos. Por dez anos (1994 –2003), foi Diretor das publicações da Sciences Po.Desde 2000, ministra o Curso Espaço Mundial que, a ...

  19. Lógica privada na educação pública, redes globais e a formação de professores

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    Maria Raquel Caetano


    . Como estrategias de gestión privada en educación, no Brasil, viabilizar y aprofundar una reproducción del capital por la educación y sus reflexiones en la gestión de la educación y la educación. Analisaremos, neste artigo, como se hace una concepción gerencial mercantil de la gestión de la educación y de la escuela pública en la propuesta de programa Ensina Brasil de la red global Enséñale a todos los que trabajan en 40 países y en los cinco continentes. Esta forma peculiar de relación entre el público y el privado, a través de parcerias u otras formas de gestión, operar por la instalación de una serie de herramientas de mercado no por el funcionamiento de la política pública y la escuela. Presentaremos como esta institución, que actua en las redes públicas de Brasil, la influencia de la formación de profesores, la búsqueda de una formación de alumbramiento, la precarización del trabajo del profesor, la utilización de la lógica mercantil y el cambio de contenido de la educación pública, la gestión democrática y la formación De professores nesse contexto.

  20. CFA or CFP: A Guide for Professors (United States)

    Moy, Ronald L.


    The CFA Institute and the CFP Board of Standards provide professional certifications in the field of finance. In this paper, I provide my experience with the CFA and CFP programs in order to give other professors some insight into the process of attaining the designations. I hope to provide answers to some of the questions that other faculty…

  1. A Comparison between Roles of Professors Teaching English Literature or TEFL at B.A Level and Professors Teaching TEFL at M.A Level in the Light of Goffman's Footing Theory (United States)

    Ghapanchi, Zargham; Talebi, Farima


    This study aims to examine the metaphors selected by two hundred and forty Iranian B.A and eighty eight M.A students about their professors' roles. The participants were asked to select their preferred metaphors among twenty one metaphors of the checklist about their professors. The metaphors were then categorized based on Goffman's Footing…

  2. The rotor theories by Professor Joukowsky: Vortex theories

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Okulov, Valery L.; Sørensen, Jens Nørkær; Wood, David H.


    This is the second of two articles with the main, and largely self-explanatory, title "Rotor theories by Professor Joukowsky". This article considers rotors with finite number of blades and is subtitled "Vortex theories". The first article with subtitle "Momentum theories", assessed the starring...

  3. Identities of Special Needs Education in the Discourse of Finnish Professors of the Field (United States)

    Vehkakoski, Tanja; Sume, Helena; Puro, Erika


    This article examines both the discourses upon which Finnish special needs education professors draw when speaking about their field, and the consequent identities for it. The research material consists of theme interviews with 10 professors of special needs education and is analysed from a socio-constructionist, discourse analytical perspective.…

  4. [Performance assessment of health services in Catalonia (Spain): evaluation of initial results of the Catalan healthcare service project]. (United States)

    García-Altés, Anna; Dalmau-Bueno, Albert; Colls, Cristina; Mendivil, Joan; Benet, Josep; Mompart, Anna; Torné, Elvira; Zara, Corinne; Borrell, Carme; Brugulat, Pilar; Guarga, Alex


    Performance assessment of healthcare services is receiving greater attention due to increasing health care expenditures, greater expectations among the population, and the need to obtain results from the invested resources. Taking advantage of the existing experience of the Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona and the Consorci Sanitari de Barcelona, which compared the healthcare services of Barcelona and Montreal, a grant from the Agència d'Avaluació de Tecnologia i Recerca Mèdiques, and the health planning interest of the Departament de Salut, the performance assessment of the Catalan healthcare service project was started in Catalonia in 2005. This article aims to present the development of the project, to provide some examples that illustrate the kind of numerical and graphical information that could be obtained and the kind of analysis that could be performed, to provide possible explanations for the results shown, and to discuss some limitations and implications. Currently, the added value of this project is that it identifies the extent to which the healthcare system is achieving its objectives, establishes a set of homogeneous indicators that could be used in the future, and is a key tool in the development of the Central de Resultats del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

  5. Fatores que tornam o professor de Ensino Superior bem-sucedido: analisando um caso

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    Ana Luiza de Quadros


    Full Text Available Este trabalho faz parte de uma investigação sobre as práticas pedagógicas bem-sucedidas usadas por professores universitários. Com o objetivo de investigar as estratégias usadas por um professor bem avaliado pelos estudantes, registramos, em vídeo, um conjunto de aulas e fizemos a análise das mesmas. Esta análise permitiu um entendimento inicial de como o professor organiza o seu próprio trabalho, como navega entre diferentes tipos de discursos e como dá suporte ao processo de significação. Ao mesmo tempo, a análise revelou como as interações são produzidas no espaço/tempo da sala de aula, e como as diferentes estratégias usadas auxiliam no engajamento dos estudantes. Por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, buscamos, no professor, indícios que nos permitissem entender como este construiu as estratégias usadas nas aulas. Observamos a presença de um processo reflexivo sobre as experiências vividas e identificamos algumas pistas que nos permitiram argumentar sobre a construção dessas estratégias.

  6. Representações sociais de professores do ensino fundamental sobre violência intrafamiliar

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    Sandra Francesca Conte de Almeida

    Full Text Available Este estudo focaliza as representações sociais de professores do ensino fundamental acerca da violência intrafamiliar. A amostra foi de 94 professores de escolas públicas e privadas (Distrito Federal e Goiás, graduandos em Pedagogia. Na coleta de dados, aplicou-se um questionário visando apreender as representações sobre violência intrafamiliar, nas dimensões informação, campo das representações sociais e atitudes dos sujeitos diante de casos comprovados ou suspeitos de alunos vitimados pela violência intrafamiliar. Os resultados apontam contradições e ambivalências entre os sentimentos e as atitudes dos professores em relação ao fenômeno. Indicam, ainda, que a representação social da violência intrafamiliar, para grande parte dos sujeitos, ainda passa pela consideração do poder da autoridade paterna/familiar, que dá direito aos pais de educar seus filhos como melhor lhes convier, indicando a necessidade da capacitação de professores, no âmbito da formação inicial e continuada, para lidar adequadamente com a problemática da violência intrafamiliar, no cotidiano escolar.

  7. Estilos de liderança de professores: aplicando o modelo de estilos parentais

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    Ana Priscila Batista

    Full Text Available Professores orientam os comportamentos das crianças estabelecendo diferentes climas emocionais no uso das estratégias educativas em sala de aula. Esse trabalho busca delinear uma análise dos estilos de liderança de professores aplicando o modelo de estilos parentais. Inicialmente, foi feita uma análise de literatura realizando uma busca nas bases de dados: Scielo, Science Direct e Scopus, utilizando os descritores: teachers' leadership styles, teachers' teaching styles e school leadership. Com essa busca constatou-se que existem diversas definições, formas de análise e variáveis estudadas, conforme a teoria adotada. Posteriormente, foi realizada a análise da relação professor-aluno aplicando o modelo de estilos parentais, que apresenta uma análise do sistema das relações a partir de duas dimensões: responsividade e exigência. Assim, foram categorizados quatro estilos de liderança: autoritário, permissivo, negligente e participativo. Conclui-se que o modelo de estilo parental fornece uma boa base teórica para pautar a análise dos estilos de liderança de professores.


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    Joana Jesus Silva


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho analisa os processos e conteúdos representacionais dos professores de 9 instituições de ensino públicas rurais de um município do Vale do Paraíba Paulista com relação às dificuldades de aprendizagem do aluno. Para este fim, foram realizadas 15 entrevistas com professores do ensino fundamental. Uma análise de conteúdo informatizada de tais entrevistas com o software ALCESTE® revelou 7 classes de discursos, uma delas especificamente ligada ao tema “dificuldade de aprendizagem”. A representação social da dificuldade de aprendizagem para esse grupo de professores revela que os sujeitos atribuem ao próprio aluno e ao seu contexto sócio-econômico-cultural a responsabilidade pelo insucesso, conferindo aos fatores externos a principal causa destas dificuldades. Os professores culpabilizam especialmente as condições de vida do educando e a ausência da família na vida escolar do estudante. Foi possível ainda identificar os processos de objetivação e ancoragem que estão na gênese da representação social da dificuldade de aprendizagem do aluno.

  9. In memory of Professor Jan Mazurkiewicz in the 70th anniversary of his death

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    Perzyńska-Starkiewicz Aneta


    Full Text Available This article reminisces about the life and career of Jan Mazurkiewicz, one of the most outstanding Polish psychiatrists – the author of Psychophysiological Theory, an original conception of mental disease based on the theory of evolution and dissolution of the nervous system developed by the Englishneurologist John Hughlings Jackson. Professor Jan Mazurkiewicz was an active organizer of psychiatric care. He was co-founder and director of hospitals in Kochanówka and Kobierzyn. He held the rank of Associate Professor at the John Casimir University in Lviv and the position of Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. From 1919 until his death in 1947, Professor Jan Mazurkiewicz was the head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Warsaw. For twenty three years, starting from 1924, he was the president of the Polish Psychiatric Association. The Mazurkiewicz's Psychopathological Theory provides a natural model of development of the highest psychic functions. Damage to a higher evolutionary level of the nervous system leads to the activation of the previously suppressed lower levels, transformed by the pathogen into psychopathological symptoms. Mazurkiewicz's scientific thought was adopted and developed by his student andthen, collaborator, Professor Mieczysław Kaczyński, who was later to become the head of the Department of Psychiatry in Lublin. This work discusses the research conducted at Lublin's Department of Psychiatry which expands on Mazurkiewicz's theory





    Mental health, an important object of research in psychology as well as social psychology, can be determined by the relationship between psychological well-being and psychological distress. In this context, we search to understand: “How do compare mental health of professors working in public universities in an emerging country like Brazil with the one of professors working in a developed country like Canada?” and “What are the main differences in the indicators of mental he...

  11. [Professor Andelko Wolf, MD, PhD. (1922-2007), eminent epidemiologist and dermatovenerologist]. (United States)

    Gruber, Franjo; Peris, Zdravko


    Professor Andelko Wolf graduated medicine from the University of Zagreb School of Medicine in 1947. First he specialised in epidemiology and became head of the Brucellosis Centre in Rijeka for the Istria region. Later he also specialised in dermatovenerology at the Department for Skin and Venereal diseases in Rijeka. He passed the specialty board exam in dermatovenerology in 1958 and became teaching assistant. In 1973, he became assistant professor and in 1981 full professor. At the Department he founded the Laboratory for Mycology and allergology. Later he focused on occupational skin diseases and photodermatology. His doctoral thesis was on the action of light on the skin. He chaired the Clinic and was a member of various Hospital and Medical School committees. He was an excellent clinician undergraduate and graduate student teacher in Rijeka and Zagreb. He published around eighty papers on dermatology, but also on the necessity to reform medical studies.

  12. Three Decades Investigating Humor and Laughter: An Interview With Professor Rod Martin. (United States)

    Martin, Rod; Kuiper, Nicholas A


    Since the start of the 21st century, the investigation of various psychological aspects of humor and laughter has become an increasingly prominent topic of research. This growth can be attributed, in no small part, to the pioneering and creative work on humor and laughter conducted by Professor Rod Martin. Dr. Martin's research interests in humor and laughter began in the early 1980s and continued throughout his 32 year long career as a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Western Ontario. During this time, Dr. Martin published numerous scholarly articles, chapters, and books on psychological aspects of humor and laughter. Professor Martin has just retired in July 2016, and in the present interview he recounts a number of research highlights of his illustrious career. Dr. Martin's earliest influential work, conducted while he was still in graduate school, stemmed from an individual difference perspective that focused on the beneficial effects of sense of humor on psychological well-being. This research focus remained evident in many of Professor Martin's subsequent investigations, but became increasingly refined as he developed several measures of different components of sense of humor, including both adaptive and maladaptive humor styles. In this interview, Dr. Martin describes the conceptualization, development and use of the Humor Styles Questionnaire, along with suggestions for future research and development. In doing so, he also discusses the three main components of humor (i.e., cognitive, emotional and interpersonal), as well as the distinctions and similarities between humor and laughter. Further highlights of this interview include Professor Martin's comments on such diverse issues as the genetic versus environmental loadings for sense of humor, the multifaceted nature of the construct of humor, and the possible limitations of teaching individuals to use humor in a beneficial manner to cope with stress and enhance their social and

  13. The expressiveness of a university professor in his classroom performance: analysis of verbal resources and implications for nursing La expresividad del profesor universitario durante su actuación en la sala de clases: análisis de los recursos verbales utilizados y sus implicaciones para la enfermeira A expressividade do docente universitário durante sua atuação na sala de aula: análise dos recursos verbais utilizados e suas implicações para a enfermagem

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    Cristiane Conceição Romano


    Full Text Available Expressiveness is the ability of individuals to make their thoughts alive through language and body, effectively transmitting information. This study investigated the expressiveness of a university professor during nursing classes in relation to verbal resources from the perspective of students. This descriptive and quantitative study was carried out in a Higher Education Institution using specific instruments to assess expressiveness. The professor's class was video recorded and the video was first assessed by three speech and language experts and later assessed by 141 students with whom he had no previous contact. The results reveal that students and experts agreed in relation to the professors' expressive skills, which proved the ability of students to evaluate this communication skill.La expresividad es la capacidad del individuo de tornar vivo su pensamiento por medio del lenguaje y por la expresión corporal, permitiendo la transmisión de informaciones de modo efectivo. El presente estudio objetivó investigar la expresividad del profesor universitario de enfermería dando clases en relación a sus recursos verbales, a partir de la evaluación de los alumnos. Se trata de investigación descriptiva, cuantitativa, desarrollada en una Institución de Enseñanza Superior, para lo cual fueron utilizados instrumentos específicos de evaluación de la expresividad. Se realizó una película de una clase del referido profesor, que fue primeramente evaluada por tres expertos fonoaudiólogos y después sometida a evaluación por parte de 141 alumnos que no habían tenido contacto previo con el mismo. Los resultados mostraron que alumnos y expertos coincidieron en su evaluación sobre las habilidades expresivas del profesor universitario de enfermería, lo que comprobó la capacidad y la propiedad de los estudiantes en la evaluación de esa habilidad de comunicación.A expressividade é a capacidade de o indivíduo tornar vivo seu pensamento pela

  14. "Simply the Best": Professors Nominated by Students for Their Exemplary Technology Practices in Teaching (United States)

    Jorgensen, Mary; Havel, Alice; Fichten, Catherine; King, Laura; Marcil, Evelyne; Lussier, Alex; Budd, Jillian; Vitouchanskaia, Cristina


    Our goal was to explore the technology related pedagogical practices of college professors deemed by their students to be excellent in using technology in their teaching. We explored the views of 114 community/junior college professors who were nominated by their students as excellent in using technology in their teaching using both questionnaires…

  15. Formador de leitores, formador de professores: a trajetória de Max Butlen

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    Belmira Oliveira Bueno


    Full Text Available Nesta entrevista, Max Butlen, amplamente conhecido por seu trabalho no campo da leitura, da formação de leitores e de professores, traça um percurso de sua trajetória e desenvolve uma discussão rica a partir das contribuições teóricas assentadas em uma longa vivência na escola pública, que o tornaram referência em dois temas dentre os mais desafiadores para a escola nos dias de hoje: o ensino da cultura da escrita e a profissionalização dos professores. Na França, foi sucessivamente professor em diferentes instituições de formação de professores, junto ao Ministério da Educação e o da Cultura, onde, em funções e cargos múltiplos, fez sobressair seu trabalho em prol da atualização das práticas escolares de leitura e da configuração e uso das bibliotecas públicas e escolares. Sua tese de doutorado em ciências da educação, Les politiques de lecture et leurs acteurs, 1980-2000, defendida na Universidade de Paris 5, reúne esses dois campos de saberes universitários e da ação profissional e mostra a centralidade que as questões da leitura assumem na França nos finais do século XX. No Brasil, ele trabalhou junto ao Ministério da Educação, de 1994 a 1998, ampliando, desde então, sua colaboração com grupos de pesquisadores de vários estados, para tratar seja das temáticas da leitura seja daquelas referidas à universitarização dos professores. Desenvolve também, a partir de suas experiências em ambos os países, comparações profícuas no que se refere a procedimentos de formação de professores e ao comportamento intelectual dos jovens diante das novas tecnologias e das mudanças sociais.

  16. Summer students and professor from the United Arab Emirates - from left to right : Alya Ali Binghurair, Shaikha Al Kalbani, Professor Chafia Hejase de Trad, Mariam Al Hassani, Aminah Al Abdouli.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Summer students and professor from the United Arab Emirates - from left to right : Alya Ali Binghurair, Shaikha Al Kalbani, Professor Chafia Hejase de Trad, Mariam Al Hassani, Aminah Al Abdouli.

  17. Síndrome de Burnout: estudo comparativo entre professores do ensino especial e do ensino regular

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    Ana Claudia Braun

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existem diferenças nos índices das dimensões de SB, Perfil 1 e 2 entre professores de ensino especial e regular. A amostra constituiu-se de 160 professores, 80 de ensino especial e 80 de ensino regular. Os instrumentos utilizados foram um questionário elaborado para levantamento de dados demográficos e laborais e o Cuestionario para la Evaluacióndel Síndrome de Quemarse por elTrabajo - CESQT. Os resultados encontrados, por meio do teste t de student, evidenciaram que professores de ensino especial possuem média mais elevada na dimensão de Ilusão pelo Trabalho e professores de ensino regular, maiores índices médios de Perfil 1 e Perfil 2 de Burnout. Resultados apontam a necessidade de intervenções diferenciadas que considerem as peculiaridades funcionais dos grupos investigados.

  18. Plano de carreira e avaliação dos professores: encontros e desencontros Carrera docente y evaluación: encuentros y oposiciones Professors' career and evaluation: matches and mismatches

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    Janete Palazzo


    entre la evaluación del desempeño de los profesores y las variables enfatizadas por la carrera, confirmando así la literatura acerca de la educación básica.This study aimed to assess if the criteria for progressing in the professors' career of a higher education institution are the same that make a teacher good in the pupils' view. The literature highlights many factors that influence pupils' gains, however, it considers that the classic progressing criteria tend not to wield clearly effects on pupils' gains. The exploratory research project used, to collect data, a questionnaire filled out by students, previously constructed, tested and approved as part of the institutional evaluation process. Besides verifying the professors' performance from the students' perspective, this research project related professors' characteristics valued by the career ladder (degree, experience, seniority in the institution and academic publications to their performance according to the students' evaluations. It was concluded that, in the institution investigated, there was no significant relationship between the evaluation of professors' performance and the variables for progressing in career, confirming the literature on basic education.

  19. [Professor SONG Nanchang's experience for treatment of peripheral facial paralysis]. (United States)

    He, Yong; Pan, Hao; Xu, Hanbin


    Professor SONG Nanchang's clinical experience and characteristics for treatment of peripheral facial paralysis are introduced. In clinical treatment, professor SONG has adopted staging treatment strategy, and performed acupuncture stimulation with different levels. He attaches great importance to the acupoint selection on distal limbs. For the treatment on the face, he takes temperature as necessity; he inherits from famous Chinese doctor ZONG Ruilin's acupuncture technique of slow-twisting and gentle-pressing. Meanwhile, he excels in combination, of different therapies, using acupuncture, moxibustion, electroacupuncture, auricular point sticking, Chinese herbal medicine, etc. according to individual condition and disease stages. He also emphasizes on psychological counseling and daily life care to achieve rehabilitation within the shortest time.





    Mental health, an important object of research in psychology as well as social psychology, can be determined by the relationship between psychological well-being and psychological distress. In this context, we search to understand: “How do compare mental health of professors working in public universities in an emerging country like Brazil with the one of professors working in a developed country like Canada?” and “What are the main differences in the indicators of mental health in work domai...

  1. Professional Ethics Training and the Graduate Professors in the National Autonomous University of Mexico

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    Ana Hirsch Adler


    Full Text Available The purpose of the article is to present the results obtained with a sample of 704 professors of the forty graduate programs in UNAM, with the open question: Do you consider that a subject about professional ethics should be included for all students?, with which contents? This question is part of an instrument applied in 2006 and 2007. The majority expressed that it should exist a special subject about professional ethics. All the answers were codified in four categories. We introduced two other sources of information: the answers to the same question asked in 2004 to 11 professors from different universities in Spain, and three training proposals given by the professors interviewed.

  2. Análise de um processo de reforma curricular vivenciado por professores formadores de nutricionistas

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    Ester de Queirós Costa


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se a análise de um processo de reforma curricular vivenciado por professores formadores de nutricionistas, iniciado em 2007. Objetiva-se contribuir para a discussão desse tema, ainda pouco explorado na literatura sobre formação de nutricionistas. Utilizou-se questionário, enviado, em 2009, por meio eletrônico. As questões seguiram orientação do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso. Participaram 23 professores responsáveis por 21 das 37 disciplinas do período avaliado. Revelou-se dificuldade docente para implantar metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem e avaliar competências e habilidades; necessidade de reuniões periódicas dos gestores com professores para os ajustes necessários; professores empenhados em integrar conteúdos de diferentes disciplinas, teoria e prática na apresentação dos conteúdos e atividades de ensino com atividades de pesquisa. Debateram-se os resultados em reunião entre professores e estudantes da instituição pesquisada. O instrumento utilizado para a pesquisa se mostrou eficiente em apontar alguns dos obstáculos à reforma em curso e possíveis caminhos para transpô-los.

  3. Ten Things Every Professor Should Know about Assessment (United States)

    Wolf, Kenneth; Dunlap, Joanna; Stevens, Ellen


    This article describes ten key assessment practices for advancing student learning that all professors should be familiar with and strategically incorporate in their classrooms and programs. Each practice or concept is explained with examples and guidance for putting it into practice. The ten are: learning outcomes, performance assessments,…

  4. University Professors and Teaching Ethics: Conceptualizations and Expectations (United States)

    Dean, Kathy Lund; Beggs, Jeri Mullins


    After the spectacular ethical breaches in corporate America emerged, business school professors were singled out as having been negligent in teaching ethical standards. This exploratory study asked business school faculty about teaching ethics, including conceptualizations of ethics in a teaching context and opinions of the extent to which…

  5. O uso das TIC no trabalho de professores universitários de língua inglesa The ICT use in the work of English language professors

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    Glenda Cristina Valim de Melo


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta as representações sobre o tipo de trabalho que docentes universitários de Língua Inglesa consideram realizar com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC em sala de aula. Os aportes teórico-metodológicos estão embasados no Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo de Bronckart (2007; 2008, nas concepções de trabalho desenvolvidas pela Clínica da Atividade e Ergonomia e nas características de trabalho de Machado (2010. Participaram do estudo seis docentes universitários de Língua Inglesa que utilizam as TIC no trabalho. Os dados foram gerados via internet, via e-mails e Moodle. Cada participante produziu um texto em que relatou os usos que faria dessas ferramentas. Os resultados indicam que os docentes fazem usos semelhantes das ferramentas e que há impedimentos no uso das TIC para os docentes da universidade pública.This article presents representations about the kind of work that university professors hope to achieve when using Information & Communications Technology (ICT in the classroom. The theoretical background is based on Socio-discursive Interactionism, theories about work as developed in Clinical Activity and Ergonomics and in the characteristics of work proposed by Machado (2010. Six English language professors that use ICT at work participated in the research project. Data were collected via internet, through e-mail or Moodle. Each participant provided a text on their experiences and the use of ICT. The results indicate that university professors use the ICT in the same way, butsome restrictions to this matter are appointed by public university professors.

  6. Häbi, professor, teil on Gefilus kapis / Eve Kruuse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruuse, Eve,d1959-


    Tartu Ülikooli professor Marika Mikelsaar võitis läinud kuul koos kolleegidega (Tiiu Kullisaar, Epp Songisepp, Hedi Annuk ja Mihkel Zilmer) Soulis ülemaailmse naisleiutajate konkursil ME-3 bakteri avastamise ja probiootikuks arendamise eest kuldmedali

  7. The construction process of pedagogical knowledge among nursing professors Proceso de construcción del conocimiento pedagógico del docente universitario de enfermería Processo de construção do conhecimento pedagógico do docente universitário de enfermagem

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    Vânia Marli Schubert Backes


    ñanza; usar el mentoring/monitorización y la valorización del aprendizaje con docentes expertos para el desarrollo de la enseñanza con calidad.O conhecimento didático do conteúdo se constrói mediante a síntese idiossincrásica entre o conhecimento da disciplina, o conhecimento pedagógico geral e o conhecimento dos alunos e também a biografia do professor. O estudo teve como objetivos compreender o processo de construção e as fontes do Conhecimento Didático do Conteúdo e analisar as suas manifestações e variações, no ensino interativo de docentes considerados competentes pelos estudantes. Os dados foram coletados junto a docentes de um curso de graduação em Enfermagem da Região Sul do Brasil, por meio de observação não participante e entrevista semiestruturada. A análise dos dados foi submetida ao método de comparações constantes. Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de contemplar, na formação inicial, aspectos pedagógicos aos enfermeiros, tomar a formação permanente como essencial diante da complexidade do conteúdo e do ensino, usar o mentoring/monitoramento e a valorização da aprendizagem com docentes experimentados, para o desenvolvimento do ensino com qualidade.


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    Josimayre Novelli


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisou crenças de alunos-professores de língua inglesa de uma universidade pública no que diz respeito o processo de ensinar e aprender inglês no contexto de escola pública, bem como as implicações dessas crenças nas ações desses futuros professores. O referencial teórico apoiou-se em estudos sobre crenças e aprendizagem de línguas (BARCELOS, 2001, 2004. Esperamos que esse artigo contribua com estudos voltados às crenças de alunos-professores de inglês, bem como com uma educação docente inicial mais crítica e reflexiva, na qual alunos-professores sejam capazes de refletir sobre suas crenças, práticas pedagógicas e seu papel enquanto futuros professores de línguas.

  9. A Tribute to Professor Steven L. Wechsler (1948-2016): The Man and the Scientist. (United States)

    Nesburn, Anthony B; BenMohamed, Lbachir


    Professor Steven L. Wechsler, a world-renowned eye researcher and virologist, passed away unexpectedly on June 12, 2016 at the age of 68. Many scientists came to know Professor Wechsler as a gifted researcher in the field of ocular Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) latency, reactivation, and pathogenesis. Professor Wechsler published over 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers during his career, pushing forward the frontiers of his field eye research. His colleagues would say, 'Steve literally wrote the book on herpes latency and reactivation.' He was the first to show that the HSV-1 latency-associated transcript (LAT) is essential for the HSV-1 high spontaneous reactivation phenotype and that LAT has anti-apoptosis activity. This discovery of LAT's anti-apoptosis activity, which is a key factor in how the LAT gene enhances reactivation, was published in Science in 2000 and created a new paradigm that greatly increased understanding of HSV-1 latency and reactivation. In collaboration with Professor Lbachir BenMohamed, an immunologist, they later demonstrated that LAT also acts as an immune evasion gene. He was a caring scientist who truly enjoyed working and sharing his experience and expertise with young researchers. He will be remembered as a significant pillar within scientific and ocular herpes research communities worldwide. Professor Wechsler's dedication to science, his compassionate character, and wonderful sense of humor were exemplary. We, who were his friends and colleagues, will mourn his passing deeply.


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    Jacqueline Oliveira Moreira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo destacamos o tema da velhice bem-sucedida dentro da pesquisa “Aposentadoria e Velhice bem-sucedida: estudo de caso com professores universitários da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais”. Interessa-nos saber como os professores universitários com mais de 60 anos pensam uma velhice saudável. Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso que visou a desvelar os imaginários de 40 professores universitários com mais de 60 anos, sobre velhice, trabalho e aposentadoria, através da aplicação de questionário e análise estatística usando o SPSS. Concluímos que os professores consideram a Capacidade Psíquica para lidar com as novas situações o elemento mais importante na construção de uma velhice bem-sucedida, seguido do engajamento em atividades diversas.

  11. [Learning experience of acupuncture technique from professor ZHANG Jin]. (United States)

    Xue, Hongsheng; Zhang, Jin


    As a famous acupuncturist in the world, professor ZHANG Jin believes the key of acupuncture technique is the use of force, and the understanding of the "concentrating the force into needle body" is essential to understand the essence of acupuncture technique. With deep study of Huangdi Neijing ( The Inner Canon of Huangdi ) and Zhenjiu Dacheng ( Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion ), the author further learned professor ZHANG Jin 's theory and operation specification of "concentrating force into needle body, so the force arriving before and together with needle". The whole-body force should be subtly focused on the tip of needle, and gentle force at tip of needle could get significant reinforcing and reducing effect. In addition, proper timing at tip of needle could start reinforcing and reducing effect, lead qi to disease location, and achieve superior clinical efficacy.

  12. Professor håber på åbenhed om CRISPR/Cas9

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hokland, Peter


    CRISPR/Cas9 er navnet på en ny, revolutionerende genteknologi, der på sigt kan ændre menneskeheden. Forhåbentligt vil processen være være løbende opdateringer om frem- og tilbageskridt om teknikken, skriver professor.......CRISPR/Cas9 er navnet på en ny, revolutionerende genteknologi, der på sigt kan ændre menneskeheden. Forhåbentligt vil processen være være løbende opdateringer om frem- og tilbageskridt om teknikken, skriver professor....

  13. Factors Affecting the Choice of Professors as a Role Model from the Viewpoint of Medical Students

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    Masome Rahimi


    Full Text Available The role of professors as a model can have a beneficial impact on the mental, psychological and educational conditions of medical students. This also plays an important role in improving professionalism and academic achievements among medical students. Therefore, the present study was aimed at evaluating the standpoint of students on factors influencing the selection of professors as a role model. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on the students of different disciplines studying in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2016. A randomized sampling method was conducted on 217 students. Their viewpoints were collected using a 30- question researcher-made questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of three parts, each containing ten items. In addition, this questionnaire was distributed among 20 people (as a pilot survey, the alpha coefficient of which was equal to 0.88; and its measurement was based on Likert scale "from very low to very high". Data were analyzed using SPSS 18 and descriptive statistics. Most respondents were nursing students and the highest influence of professors as a role model was associated with their role as a research leader (future specialized courses in the clinical choices and selection of future specialized fields. The factors influencing the selection of professors as a role model included their respectful attitude toward students, and the high level of their knowledge and skills. On the other hand, the most important factors that caused professors not to be regarded as a role model included their inappropriate relationship with the students and refusing to listen to them. Role model professors can have a beneficial impact on the future of students and scientific communities, as far as the science and education is concerned. Therefore, it is necessary for professors to pay particular attention to strengthening their role as a model at universities.

  14. Podcasts: características nas produções de professores em formação continuada

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    Vera Lúcia Lopes Cristovão


    Full Text Available A globalização proporcionou uma extensa variedade de ferramentas tecnológicas que podem ser parte do processo de ensino / aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, entre elas, a mídia em foco neste trabalho, os podcasts. Pesquisas recentes têm celebrado essa mídia como um excelente recurso para professores com o objetivo supracitado (MEDEIROS, 2006; SOUZA; MARTINS,2007; UCHOA, 2010. Neste trabalho, que faz parte de um projeto maior intitulado “O uso de podcasts na educação continuada de professores de línguainglesa”, apresentamos a análise dos podcasts produzidos por professores em formação continuada durante um curso projetado para dar suporte aos professores com algumas ferramentas tecnológicas digitais emergentes. Em primeiro lugar, apresentamos nosso referencial teórico-metodológico, baseado principalmente no Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD. Em seguida, trazemos a discussão dos resultados, que aponta que o ensino com base em gêneros textuais proposto pelo ISD alcançou seu objetivo, o de preparar os professores para que possam utilizar a ferramenta podcast com propriedade e destreza. Os resultados também apontam que alguns dos professores ainda precisam melhorar suas habilidades de produção oral para trabalhar com mídias e gêneros textuais orais. Além disso, chegamos à conclusão de que o uso de tecnologias emergentes ainda precisa vencer algumas barreiras.

  15. The Coaching and Mentoring Process: The Obvious Knowledge and Skill Set for Organizational Communication Professors (United States)

    Stowers, Robert H.; Barker, Randolph T.


    This article explores the uses of coaching and mentoring as they apply to organizational communication professors. The authors contend that these professors already are proficient at coaching and mentoring and the coaching and mentoring processes are routinely undertaken as part of their standard university teaching responsibilities. As coaches,…

  16. [Needling technique of Professor Li Yan-Fang]. (United States)

    Li, Li-Jun


    Experiences of needling techniques of Professor LI Ya- fang is introduced in this article. Gentle and superficial insertion is adopted by Professor LI in clinic. Emphases are put on the qi regulation function, needling sensation to the affected region and insertion with both hands, especially the function of the left hand as pressing hand. The gentle and superficial insertion should be done as the follows: hold the needle with the right hand, press gently along the running course of meridians with the left hand to promote qi circulation, hard pressing should be applied at acupoints to disperse the local qi and blood, insert the needle gently and quickly into the subcutaneous region with the right hand, and stop the insertion when patient has the needling sensation. While the fast needling is characterized with shallow insertion and swift manipulation: the left hand of the manipulator should press first along the running course of the meridian, and fix the local skin, hold the needle with the right hand and insert the needle quickly into the acupoint. Withdrawal of the needle should be done immediately after the reinforcing and reducing manipulations. Professor LI is accomplished in qi regulation. It is held by him that regulating qi circulation is essence of acupuncture, letting the patient get the needling sensation is the most important task of needling. Lifting, thrusting and rotation manipulations should be applied to do reinforcing or reducing. The tissue around the tip of the needle should not be too contracted or too relaxed, and the resistance should not be too strong or too weak. The feeling of the insertion hand of the practitioner should not be too smooth or too hesitant. Needle should be inserted into the skin quickly at the moment of hard pressing by the left hand. And then, slow rotation and gentle lifting and thrusting can be applied to promote the needling sensation like electric current pass through and to reach the affected region along the

  17. "Women in Science" with Professor Jocelyn Bell Burnell

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Prof. Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell is currently a visiting Professor at the. University of Oxford UK and a Fellow of Mansfield College. In a career spanning over four decades, she has made outstanding contributions to Astronomy and the public understanding of Science. As a Ph.D student in Cambridge. University she was ...

  18. Burnout Syndrome and Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Professors (United States)

    García Padilla, Arlington Antonio; Escorcia Bonivento, Carla Vanessa; Perez Suarez, Blinis Sat


    The presence of the Burnout syndrome in professors may be regarded as a deterioration of their mental health with negative impacts on their job performance. It is known that teachers develop different activities in the areas of teaching, outreach and research. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the Burnout syndrome and…

  19. Implicações do plano de desenvolvimento da educação para a formação de professores Implicaciones del plan de desarrollo de la educación para la formación de profesores Implications of the development plan of education for teacher training

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    Gisele Masson


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as principais implicações do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação (PDE para a formação de professores. A pesquisa utilizou fontes bibliográficas e documentais e foi fundamentada na concepção materialista histórica e dialética. A proposta para a formação de professores presente no PDE é neopragmatista, pois reforça a importância da busca de instrumentos úteis para as demandas imediatas da prática profissional e não contribui para o desenvolvimento de uma sólida e ampla formação. A prioridade dada à formação de professores como solução para os resultados negativos obtidos pelo Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (Ideb, em vez de um investimento financeiro adequado, revela a prioridade dada às condições subjetivas na resolução dos problemas educacionais.Este trabajo analiza las principales implicaciones del Plan de Desarrollo de la Educación (PDE, Brasil, para la formación continuada de profesores. La investigación utilizó fuentes bibliográficas y documentales y se basó en la concepción materialista histórica y dialéctica. La propuesta para la formación de profesores presente en el PDE es neopragmatista, pues corrobora la importancia de la búsqueda de instrumentos provechosos para las demandas inmediatas de la práctica profesional y no contribuye para el desarrollo de una sólida y amplia formación. La prioridad dada a la formación de profesores como solución de los resultados negativos del Índice de Desarrollo de la Educación Básica (Ideb en vez de un inversión financiera adecuada pone de manifiesto la prioridad dada a las condiciones subjetivas en la solución de los problemas educacionales.This paper analyzes the main implications of the Development Plan of Education (DPE for teacher training. The research used bibliographic and documentary sources and was based on historical and dialectical materialism concepts. The teacher training education proposal presented by

  20. Síndrome de burn-out e identidade do professor universitário


    Rosângela Aparecida Cassiolato


    Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo conhecer o processo de desenvolvimento da identidade do professor submetido a condições objetivas que favorecem o desencadeamento da síndrome de burn-out. Procuramos identificar os componentes da síndrome e estabelecer a relação entre o desenvolvimento da síndrome e o exercício profissional, analisar o significado atribuído pelo professor ao seu desempenho como parte constituinte de sua identidade e os efeitos do burn-out no trabalho acadêmico. Particip...

  1. [Professor LIN Guohua's experience of gold implantation at acupoint for rheumatoid arthritis]. (United States)

    Li, Jingjing; Pei, Wenya


    Based on the pathogenesis and symptom of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), professor LIN Guohua's unique opinion and method for RA in clinical treatment are summarized and analyzed. In the opinion of Professor Lin, RA is considered as "Jinbi" and "Gubi" in TCM, which is caused by deficient root with superficial excess. Based on the symptoms of RA, attention should be focused on lung-kidney diagnosis and treatment, and gold and catgut implantation at acupoint can be mutually combined, which is aimed to provide a special and effective method for clinical treatment of RA.

  2. Noise perception in the workplace and auditory and extra-auditory symptoms referred by university professors. (United States)

    Servilha, Emilse Aparecida Merlin; Delatti, Marina de Almeida


    To investigate the correlation between noise in the work environment and auditory and extra-auditory symptoms referred by university professors. Eighty five professors answered a questionnaire about identification, functional status, and health. The relationship between occupational noise and auditory and extra-auditory symptoms was investigated. Statistical analysis considered the significance level of 5%. None of the professors indicated absence of noise. Responses were grouped in Always (A) (n=21) and Not Always (NA) (n=63). Significant sources of noise were both the yard and another class, which were classified as high intensity; poor acoustic and echo. There was no association between referred noise and health complaints, such as digestive, hormonal, osteoarticular, dental, circulatory, respiratory and emotional complaints. There was also no association between referred noise and hearing complaints, and the group A showed higher occurrence of responses regarding noise nuisance, hearing difficulty and dizziness/vertigo, tinnitus, and earache. There was association between referred noise and voice alterations, and the group NA presented higher percentage of cases with voice alterations than the group A. The university environment was considered noisy; however, there was no association with auditory and extra-auditory symptoms. The hearing complaints were more evident among professors in the group A. Professors' health is a multi-dimensional product and, therefore, noise cannot be considered the only aggravation factor.

  3. The educational challenge of Paediatric Virology: An interview with Professor of Neonatology Anne Greenough. (United States)

    Mammas, Ioannis N; Spandidos, Demetrios A


    According to Professor Anne Greenough, Professor of Neonatology and Clinical Respiratory Physiology at the King's College London (London, UK), Paediatric Virology is indeed a rapidly increasing educational challenge. Professor Greenough, who in 1992 wrote her book on congenital, perinatal and neonatal infections, believes that during the past 3 decades, paediatric health professionals are becoming increasingly involved in specialised care and follow-up of paediatric patients with viral diseases, who require advanced medical care and innovative technological services. Moreover, she highlights the expected role of new vaccines and antiviral agents that are currently under investigation, as well as the impact of emerging viral diseases that require novel prevention strategies and therapeutic protocols. However, she notes that the number of Paediatric Virologists in any one country is likely to be small; hence, a separate paediatric subspecialty needs to be considered carefully. In the context of the 3rd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, which will be held in Athens, Greece, on October 7th, 2017, Professor Greenough will give her plenary lecture on the impact of viral infections on the long term outcomes of prematurely born infants.

  4. [Data mining analysis of professor Li Fa-zhi AIDS itchy skin medical record]. (United States)

    Wang, Dan-Ni; Li, Zhen; Xu, Li-Ran; Guo, Hui-Jun


    Analysis of professor Li Fa-zhi in the treatment of AIDS drug laws of itchy skin, provide the corresponding drug reference basis for Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS, skin itching. By using the method of analyzing the complex network of Weishi county, Henan in 2007 October to 2011 July during an interview with professor Li Fa-zhi treatment of AIDS patients with skin pruritus, etiology and pathogenesis analysis, skin itching AIDS syndrome differentiation of old Chinese medicine treatment and medication rule. The use of multi-dimensional query analysis, core drug skin itching AIDS treatment in this study as a windbreak, cicada slough, bupleurum, Qufeng solution table drug, licorice detoxification efficacy of drugs, Radix Scutellariae, Kochia scoparia, clearing away heat and promoting diuresis medicine; core prescription for Jingfang San streak virus. Professor Li Fa-zhi treatment of AIDS in the skin itching Qufeng solution table dehumidification antipruritic treatment.

  5. [Professor GAO Yuchun's experience on "sequential acupuncture leads to smooth movement of qi"]. (United States)

    Wang, Yanjun; Xing, Xiao; Cui, Linhua


    Professor GAO Yuchun is considered as the key successor of GAO's academic school of acupuncture and moxibustion in Yanzhao region. Professor GAO's clinical experience of, "sequential acupuncture" is introduced in details in this article. In Professor GAO's opinions, appropriate acupuncture sequence is the key to satisfactory clinical effects during treatment. Based on different acupoints, sequential acupuncture can achieve the aim of qi following needles and needles leading qi; based on different symptoms, sequential acupuncture can regulate qi movement; based on different body positions, sequential acupuncture can harmonize qi-blood and reinforcing deficiency and reducing excess. In all, according to the differences of disease condition and constitution, based on the accurate acupoint selection and appropriate manipulation, it is essential to capture the nature of diseases and make the order of acupuncture, which can achieve the aim of regulating qi movement and reinforcing deficiency and reducing excess.

  6. Aplicación de la metodología de Análisis Probabilístico de la Seguridad al procedimiento de evaluación de las Funciones Clave de Seguridad en parada de una central nuclear de agua a presión


    Viñals Atienza, Òscar


    El Proyecto Final de Carrera “Aplicación de la metodología de Análisis Probabilístico de la Seguridad al procedimiento de evaluación de las Funciones Clave de Seguridad en parada de una central nuclear de agua a presión” se enmarca en un convenio de colaboración entre el Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear y una central nuclear para la investigación y aplicación de los APS en decisiones basadas en el riesgo. El hilo conductor de este proyecto ha sido la petición por parte del depart...

  7. Formação Continuada para Professores de Inglês

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    Maria da Conceição Aparecida Pereira Zolnier


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar experiências de aprendizagem, reflexão e transformações vivenciadas por uma participante no Projeto de Educação Continuada para Professores de Língua Inglesa (PECPLI. A coleta de dados, que teve a duração de um semestre, foi realizada por meio de gravações em vídeo, entrevistas e anotações de campo, em contexto de observação participante. Os resultados evidenciam que experiências recorrentes de interação acolhedora, aprendizagem significativa, reflexão sobre a prática e disposição para mudanças levam a transformações na identidade profissional (maior prazer e segurança para lecionar, nas crenças sobre o ensino de gramática e nas práticas de sala de aula, que se tornam mais abertas à habilidade de produção oral. Como contribuição para a área de Linguística Aplicada, o estudo traz implicações para os projetos de educação continuada de professores de línguas, ampliando a compreensão desse contexto no qual os professores se inserem para aprenderem e melhorarem o ensino em suas escolas.

  8. An Interview with Professor Roy Caldwell


    Chowdhary, Kuntal; Bhat, Prashant; Rosen, Jared; Naughton, Ida; Wang, Jingyan


    Envision the underwater world: vibrant coral, swaying seaweed, and lively creatures abound. However, the postcards and National Geographic covers that try to capture the beauty of this picturesque habitat can only represent it at one moment in time -- in reality, the landscape is hardly static, since many of its animals are capable of body modifications to change their shape and color. To understand the coloration and color vision of sea creatures, UC Berkeley Professor Roy L. Caldwell resear...

  9. Tessitura da educação superior e formação continuada de professores: contribuições do PIBID

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    Ortenila Sopelsa


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo é parte de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de abordagem descritiva, com o objetivo de investigar as contribuições do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID na formação continuada de professores. A amostra se constituiu de cinco diretoras de escolas de Educação Básica conveniadas ao Programa; cinco coordenadores de área dos subprojetos de Pedagogia da Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Unoesc; cinco supervisores professores regentes e cinco acadêmicos bolsistas. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. O estudo identificou que a articulação entre Ensino Superior, PIBID e a prática na sala de aula oportuniza compreender e aprender a profissão, nas relações entre teoria e prática, no planejamento e na execução das ações pedagógicas. Palavras-chave: Ensino Superior. Formação continuada. Educação Básica. PIBID.   Abstract: This article is part of a qualitative research with descriptive approach, and has the aim of investigating the contributions of the Institutional Program for Scholarship for Beginner Teachers (PIBID in the continued education of teachers. The sample was constituted of five headmasters of Basic Education schools affiliated to the Program; five coordinators of the Pedagogy subprojects area from Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Unoesc; five supervisor professors and five fellows. The data collection was held through semi-structured interviews. The study identified that the articulation between Higher Education, PIBID and the classroom practice gives the opportunity to understand and learn the profession in the relations between theory and practice, and in the planning and execution of pedagogical actions. Keywords: Higher Education. Continued education. Basic Education. PIBID.   Resumen: El artículo es parte de investigación cualitativa, de abordaje descriptivo, con objetivo de investigar las contribuciones del Programa

  10. Stress e esgotamento em professores: importância dos processos de avaliação cognitiva


    Reis, Silvi Borges


    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia Este estudo analisou a experiência de stress e esgotamento em professores e o papel da avaliação cognitiva na relação estabelecida entre stress e esgotamento. Participaram no estudo 551 professores, sendo 129 do sexo masculino e 317 do sexo feminino. As idades variaram entre 28 e 67 anos (M = 46.88; DP = 7.80). O protocolo de avaliação incluiu um questionário demográfico, a Escala de Avaliação Cognitiva, o Questionário de Stress em Professore...

  11. Professor Anne Khademian named National Academy of Public Administration Fellow


    Chadwick, Heather Riley


    Anne Khademian, professor with Virginia Tech's Center for Public Administration and Policy, School of Public and International Affairs, at the Alexandria, Va., campus has been elected a National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) Fellow.

  12. Os saberes dos professores-referência no ensino de contabilidade

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    Gilberto José Miranda


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como propósito avaliar os saberes predominantes nos docentes percebidos como professores-referência pelos alunos de um curso de Graduação em Ciências Contábeis de uma universidade pública brasileira. O estudo justifica-se pelas recentes e significativas mudanças no contexto da Contabilidade no Brasil. Para alcance desse propósito, estruturou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, em que foram utilizadas as seguintes estratégias de pesquisa e técnicas de coleta de dados: (i pesquisa bibliográfica em obras relevantes que tratam do tema; (ii pesquisa documental nas avaliações dos professores feitas pela instituição; (iii questionários aplicados aos alunos do último ano; (iv grupo focal com parte do grupo de alunos respondentes dos questionários; e (v entrevista semiestruturada com professores apontados pelos alunos como docentes de referência. Amparados pelas discussões tecidas acerca de saberes, competências e conhecimentos necessários à docência (Shulman, 1986; Garcia, 1992; Freire, 2000; Pimenta, 1998; Pimenta & Anastasiou, 2002; Gauthier, Martineau, Desbiens, Malo, & Simard, 1998; Tardif, 2003; Cunha, 2004; Masetto, 1998; Braslavsky, 1999; Perrenoud, 2000; Zabalza, 2006 e aqueles necessários ao ensino de contabilidade (Antonelli, Colauto, & Cunha, 2012; Miranda, 2011; Catapan, Colauto, & Sillas, 2011; Vasconcelos, 2010; Slomsky, 2009; Araujo & Santana, 2008; Celerino & Pereira, 2008; Andere & Araújo, 2008; Laffin, 2005, bem como pesquisas sobre professores exemplares (Young & Shaw, 1999; Lowman, 2007, verificaram-se os seguintes resultados: as disciplinas responsáveis pelas experiências mais significativas de aprendizagem, durante o curso, eram as percebidas como base do curso (Contabilidade Básica, Intermediária e Avançada e que apresentavam maior aplicação prática. As razões principais para escolha dos docentes de referência foram: didática ou metodologia de ensino, atitudes e qualidades

  13. Why research productivity of medical faculty declines after attaining professor rank? A multi-center study from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan. (United States)

    Guraya, Salman Yousuf; Khoshhal, Khalid Ibrahim; Yusoff, Muhamad Saiful Bahri; Khan, Maroof Aziz


    Research has shown a fall of research productivity of faculty after their promotion to professor rank. This study explores the factors that lead to this decline in research productivity of professors in medical discipline. A 20-item questionnaire was distributed online to medical professors of a Saudi, Malaysian and a Pakistani medical school. The participants were instructed to select their responses on a 5-point Likert's scale and the collected data was analyzed for quantitative and qualitative results. Of 161, 110 responded; response rate of 68.3%. About 35% professors spent 1-4 hours and 2% spent 19-25 hours per week for research. As many as 7% did not publish a single article and 29% had published 10 or more articles after attaining professor rank. During the last two years, 44% professors had published 5 or more research articles. Majority pointed out a lack of research support and funds, administrative burden and difficulty in data collection as the main obstacles to their research. This research has identified time constraints and insufficient support for research as key barriers to medical professors' research productivity. Financial and technical support and lesser administrative work load are some suggested remedies to foster the professors' research output.


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    Hector Luiz Rodrigues Munaro


    Full Text Available Increasingly, university professors engage in academic tasks often stressful and sedentary behaviors, making the practice of physical activity and healthier eating habits. The aim of this study was to review the literature Brazilian studies on physical activity and eating habits of university professors .The search was conducted between March and May 2013, in electronic databases. For the delimitation of the study, was used as descriptors: Physical Activity, University Teachers and Eating Habits. At the end of the article selection process, remaining 06 studies that have been described and discussed in the text. And all of a descriptive nature, with small samples with some robust and consistent methodology. The selected studies, regardless of their qualities, point to the need of this population to engage in more physical activity and healthy eating habits programs


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    Hector Luiz Rodrigues Munaro


    Full Text Available Increasingly, university professors engage in academic tasks often stressful and sedentary behaviors, making the practice of physical activity and healthier eating habits. The aim of this study was to review the literature Brazilian studies on physical activity and eating habits of university professors .The search was conducted between March and May 2013, in electronic databases. For the delimitation of the study, was used as descriptors: Physical Activity, University Teachers and Eating Habits. At the end of the article selection process, remaining 06 studies that have been described and discussed in the text. And all of a descriptive nature, with small samples with some robust and consistent methodology. The selected studies, regardless of their qualities, point to the need of this population to engage in more physical activity and healthy eating habits programs.

  16. Romans 12 Motivational Gifts and College Professors: Implications for Job Satisfaction and Person-Job Fit (United States)

    Tomlinson, Jon C.; Winston, Bruce E.


    This study builds on earlier work by DellaVecchio and Winston (2004) and McPherson (2008). They addressed the seven motivational gifts Paul wrote about in Romans 12:3-8 as a means for addressing job satisfaction and person-job fit among college professors. Using a snowball sampling method, 89 college professors completed the online survey…

  17. Interview: Interview with Professor Malcolm Rowland. (United States)

    Rowland, Malcolm


    Malcolm Rowland is Professor Emeritus and former Dean of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and a member and former director (1996-2000), of the Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research, University of Manchester. He holds the positions of Adjunct Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco; Member, Governing Board, EU Network of Excellence in Biosimulation; Founder member of NDA Partners; academic advisor to a Pharmaceutical initiative in prediction of human pharmacokinetics and Scientific Advisor to the EU Microdose AMS Partnership Program. He was President of the EU Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (1996-2000); Vice-President of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (2001-2009) and a Board Member of the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs, 2004-2008). He received his degree in Pharmacy and PhD at the University of London and was on faculty (School of Pharmacy, University of California San Francisco [1967-1975]) before taking up a professorship at Manchester. His main research interest is physiologically based pharmacokinetics and its application to drug discovery, development and use. He is author of over 300 scientific articles and co-author, with TN Tozer, of the textbooks Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications and Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. He was editor of the Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (formerly Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics, 1973-2007) and, since 1977, has organized regular residential workshops in pharmacokinetics.

  18. Volume celebrating the 60th birthday of Professor Dr. Franz Fie; Professor Dr. Franz Fiedler zum 60. Geburtstag

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beheng, K.D. [ed.


    This report was compiled in honor of Professor Dr. Franz Fiedler on the occasion of his 60th birthday on 7 January 1998. Its contributions deal with mesoscale modelling, the propagation of air pollutants, measurements of precipitation using radar, and prediction models. (orig./KW) [Deutsch] Dieser Bericht wurde aus Anlass des 60. Geburtstags von Herrn Prof. Dr. Franz Fiedler am 7. Januar 1998 zusammengestellt. Die Beitraege behandeln mesoskalige Modellierung, Ausbreitung von Luftschadstoffen, Niederschlagsmessung mit Radar und Vorhersagemodelle. (orig.)

  19. Professor Glyn O. Phillip's legacy within the IAEA programme on radiation and tissue banking. (United States)

    Morales Pedraza, Jorge


    Professor Phillips began his involvement in the implementation of this important IAEA programme, insisting that there were advantages to be gained by using the ionizing radiation technique to sterilize human and animal tissues, based on the IAEA experience gained in the sterilization of medical products. The outcome of the implementation of the IAEA programme on radiation and tissue banking demonstrated that Professor Phillips was right in his opinion.

  20. A formação de professores para a educação inclusiva: alguns aspectos de um trabalho colaborativo entre pesquisadores e professores da educação infantil

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    Rosane Michelli de Castro


    Full Text Available A fim de contribuir com a formação de professores da Educação Infantil para a Educação Inclusiva, neste artigo, tivemos como objetivo central descrever o modo como foi abordada a questão das dificuldades de aprendizagem e o impacto de um diagnóstico equivocado atribuído a uma criança em fase inicial de aprendizagem formal da escrita, em um dos encontros teórico-reflexivos empreendidosjunto a 43 professores de classes de Pré II, de dez escolas municipais de Educação Infantil, de um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Tal descrição foi norteada pelas etapas da abordagem colaborativa consideradas no subprojeto “Compreensão acerca do diagnóstico clínico da Dislexia e seu impacto no futuro escolar da criança matriculada em classes de Pré II da Educação Infantil”, desenvolvido como uma das etapas do projeto maior denominado “Despatologização da aprendizagem da escrita e Educação Inclusiva: reflexões e ações do professor de Educação Infantil”. Ao final, foi possível a identificação,mediante os relatos dos professores mencionados, da necessidade de ressignificação de suas vivências e experiências didáticas para a sistematização de novas ações direcionadas ao enfrentamento das dificuldades de aprendizagem que perpassam o processo de apropriação da escrita de parte dos alunos, o que poderá contribuir para a despatologização do ambiente escolar, na medida em que os professores poderão auxiliar seus alunos na construção deuma relação mais positiva com a escrita, em detrimento da adoção de procedimentos rígidos e restritos que não consideram a relação de cada sujeito com a escrita e as singularidades presentes em tal relação. Palavras-chave: Educação; Formação de professores; Educação Inclusiva.

  1. Education for the unified health system: what do good professors do from the perspective of students? (United States)

    Carmo Menegaz, Jouhanna do; Schubert Backes, Vânia Marli


    to analyze the educational practices for the Unified Health System performed by good professors, from the perspective of nursing, medical and odontology students, based on the Shulman's concepts of knowledge of educational ends, purposes, values ​​and their historical and philosophical grounds, at a university in southern Brazil. A qualitative study with an exploratory and analytical approach in which the participants were graduating students, interviewed with the aid of vignettes, between October of 2011 and January of 2012. Data were analyzed based on thematic analysis. it was observed that good professors educate for the Unified Health System through the promotion of teamwork, interdisciplinary practices, good communication, leadership exercises, and promotion of a student's desire to be an agent of change for the sake of improvement and guaranteeing the right to health. the students attribute to professors the responsibility for the performance of these practices. Despite their consistency with the Brazilian curriculum guidelines, the professors that perform them are seen as a minority.


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    Larissa Guadagnini


    Full Text Available O presente estudo analisa o relato dos professores da sala regular e da educação especial, em relação à adaptação curricular para os alunos com deficiência intelectual. A pesquisa, realizada por meio de questionários, teve como participantes 18 professores de uma diretoria de ensino do interior do estado de São Paulo, divididos entre: 8 professores da sala regular que ministraram aula no ensino fundamental para alunos com deficiência intelectual, 8 professores que ministraram aula no ensino médio para alunos com deficiência intelectual e 2 professores da educação especial. Os resultados indicaram que os professores reconhecem a importância da adaptação curricular no ensino dos alunos com deficiência intelectual, mas não tem clareza da definição do conceito e da utilização de recursos e estratégias adaptadas para favorecer a aprendizagem dos conteúdos propostos no currículo. Todavia, os dados revelaram a necessidade de as professoras compartilharem de uma visão mais ampla do como fazer adaptação dos conteúdos escolares. Tais dados indicaram a necessidade de programas direcionados à formação dos professores para atuarem na elaboração de adaptação curricular junto aos alunos com deficiência intelectual. Palavras-Chave: Educação Especial. Currículo. Deficiência intelectual. Inclusão escolar.

  3. [Professor YANG Zhao-min's contribution to the education of modern acupuncture and moxibustion]. (United States)

    Dong, Qin; Mu, Yan-Yun; Xia, You-Bing; Zhang, Jian-Bin


    It was completely collected and summarized the teaching history and the relevant historical materials of Professor YANG Zhao-min via consulting the literatures, investigation, interview, etc. in this paper. The summaries indicated that from the beginning of running a school, Professor YANG Zhao-min adhered to the CHENG's moral, worked hard and successfully explored and practiced the training pattern of teaching tour for the personnel training of acupuncture and moxibustion. He established the specialty of acupuncture and moxibustion, formatted courses and inherited the feature of practice teaching. He was in charge of the compilation of textbook and engaged in scientific innovation. He inherited the past and forged ahead into the future and had made the decision to cultivate the personnel of acupuncture and moxibustion. Professor YANG Zhao-min had practiced and developed the modern educational thought from the CHENG Dan-an and had made the important contribution to the training of acupuncture and moxibustion professionals.

  4. Certolizumab, an anti-TNF safe during pregancy? The CRIB Study results: an interview with Professor Xavier Mariette. (United States)

    Mariette, Xavier


    Professor Xavier Mariette, MD, PhD, has served as the Head of the Rheumatology Department of Bicêtre Hospital, Paris-Sud University since 1999, a role he took following 10 years of practice of clinical immunology. Professor Mariette has initiated a number of clinical research studies on biotherapies in autoimmune diseases. He is the head of the French RATIO (Research Axed on Tolerance of Biotherapy) observatory, collecting specific rare serious adverse events in patients treated with anti-TNF. He initiated the French AIR (Autoimmunity and Rituximab) and ORA (Orencia and Rheumatoid arthritis) registries of patients with autoimmune diseases treated with rituximab and abatacept. He initiated clinical trials in Sjögren's syndrome with infliximab, hydroxychloroquine and belimumab. Professor Mariette is involved in basic research, leading a group working on pathogeny of Sjögren's syndrome, relationships between innate immunity and B-cell activation in autoimmunity and the relationships between autoimmunity and lymphoma. Professor Mariette is also very interested in new ways of teaching. In 2007, he participated with other European Experts in the creation of the EULAR Web Course of Rheumatology in 2007. Professor Mariette has been the President of the Scientific Committee of the EULAR meeting, which took place in Berlin in 2012 and is in 2016 the elect Chair of the EULAR standing committee on investigative rheumatology. Professor Mariette is co-author of more than 430 publications referenced in PubMed with an H-index of 61.

  5. The Effect of Professor's Attractiveness on Distance Learning Students (United States)

    Liu, Jeanny; Tomasi, Stella D.


    Technology enabled learning is becoming more popular and pervasive in education. While the effectiveness of distance learning versus traditional classroom education is strongly debated, human factors such as students' perception of their professors can influence their desire to learn. This research examines the perceptual effect of attractive…

  6. Proceso de evaluación de las competencias en las asignaturas de dirección y actuación profesional del Grado en Ciencias del Deporte a través de grupo de discusión [Process evaluation of competencies in the subjects of management and development...

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    Antonio Campos Izquierdo


    Full Text Available Resumen:En este estudio se presenta el proceso llevado a cabo por un grupo de profesores y alumnos universitarios, a través de grupo de discusión, para la elaboración de un instrumento docente de evaluación de las competencias en las asignaturas relacionadas con la dirección y actuación profesional en la actividad física y deporte en el Grado de Ciencias del Deporte. El estudio se enmarca dentro de un Proyecto de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. A través del intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos entre profesores y alumnos universitarios se ha consensuado el proceso de evaluación de las competencias como paso previo para elaborar un instrumento docente para la evaluación de las competencias. De esta forma, se ha conseguido una mayor implicación del profesorado y alumnado para la mejora del proceso de evaluación de las asignaturas implicadas, dentro de un proceso evaluador formativo, participativo e integrador. Abstract:This study presents the process undertaken by a group of university professors and students, through focus group, as initial data collection for the elaboration of a competences evaluation teaching tool in subjects related to management and development professional in the physical activity and sport in the Sports Science degree. The study is part of an Educational Innovation Project funded by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Through the exchange of experiences and knowledge on the part of several professors and students has agreed the process evaluation competencies as a step to develop a competences evaluation teaching tool. Thus, has gotten more involved in improving the evaluation process of the subjects involved.

  7. University Pedagogy for Assistant Professors at Aalborg University (Part 1)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolmos, Anette; Krogh, Lone


    The article describes a course for assistant professors within the University Teacher Education at Aalborg University. The course focus is to develop knowledge, skills and methods from within the didactic, pedagogical, and learning theory-based fields....

  8. Aspectos ecológicos del roedor arborícola Rhipidomys Latimanus Tomes, 1860, (Rodentia: Cricetidae en el oriente de Cundinamarca, Colombia Aspectos ecológicos del roedor arborícola Rhipidomys Latimanus Tomes, 1860, (Rodentia: Cricetidae en el oriente de Cundinamarca, Colombia

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    Montenegro Díaz Olga


    Full Text Available The population biology of Rhipidomys latimanus was studied by capture-recapture methods from February to August, 1989, on a grid of 1.2 ha of high Andean forest and paramo vegetation, at 3000, elevation in the eastern part of departament of Cundinamarca, Colombia. Survivor ship was moderately high through the study period, and highest population density was associated with periods of maximum precipitation. Reproduction activity appeared to be constant throughout the study period. Average home range was stimated to  be 0.21 ha. Information on diets is given and the possible role of Rhipidomys latimanus in seed dispersal is discussed. Se estudiaron aspectos demográficos de Rhipidomys latimanus de febrero a agosto de 1989, utilizando la técnica de captura-recaptura en una cuadrícula de 1.2 Ha. con vegetación de Bosque altoandino y páramo a una altura superior a los 3.000 msnm en el oriente de Cundinamarca, Colombia. La densidad poblacional se incrementó en los meses de mayor precipitación y la supervivencia se mantuvo entre moderada y alta. La actividad reproductiva fue constante en esta época del año, El área de acción promedio de la especie se estimó en 0.21 hectáreas. Se presenta información sobre la dieta de este roedor y su posible papel como dispersor de semillas.

  9. “Cientistas não esperam pelo conhecimento”: entrevista com o professor Gilson Volpato

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    Revista Agrogeoambiental


    Full Text Available Desde agosto de 2011, a Revista Agrogeoambiental publica notas biográficas de avaliadores como um reconhecimento à colaboração imprescindível desses profissionais. Pensamos em inovar um pouco nessa edição e optamos por publicar trechos de uma conversa que tivemos com Gilson Volpato, professor da Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” em Botucatu (UNESP/Botucatu. No início desse ano, a equipe da Revista Agrogeoambiental e da Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Pós-Graduação e Inovação viabilizou a vinda do professor Gilson Volpato para que ministrasse um curso de redação científica no câmpus Muzambinho do IFSULDEMINAS. Finalmente, na manhã da segunda-feira 4 de março, quase cem pesquisadores se reuniram para as 8 horas de um proveitoso curso durante o qual o professor Gilson Volpato explicou a lógica da redação científica e quais as precauções para quem pretende publicar em revistas internacionais de alto impacto. Após o curso, o editor chefe da Revista Agrogeoambiental e Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa, Pós-Graduação e Inovação, professor Marcelo Bregagnoli, encontrou-se com o professor Gilson para um bate papo sobre ciência, ensino de ciência e publicação. Abaixo estão trechos condensados da conversa. O vídeo com a versão integral pode ser conferido em

  10. Pós-modernidade e novas tecnologias no discurso do professor de língua

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    Maria José R. Faria Coracini


    Full Text Available

    Este texto pretende apresentar algumas reflexões em torno da identidade do professor, atravessada pelo discurso da pós modernidade na vertente que se apóia nas novas tecnologias como resultado do chamado progresso científico. Para este estudo, baseamo-nos nas teorias do discurso, na psicanálise e na filosofia derrideana, cuja tarefa é desconstruir o edifício logocêntrico da cultura ocidental. Depois de analisar 50 redações de professores, foi possível observar que coabitam crenças que remetem ao professor missionário e idealista e a mitificação das novas tecnologias como a solução para os problemas de método e de motivação. Chocam-se, assim, resistências ao passado e resistências às novas tecnologias, que perturbam a garantia do saber e, portanto, do poder do professor, enfatizando o saber do aluno. O desejo da tranqüilidade e do conforto da verdade e da totalidade, garantido pela Torre de Marfim, se fragiliza na insegurança e nas incertezas da Torre de Babel (reconstruída pela (pós-modernidade, em que vigoram a complexidade, a heterogeneidade e a impossibilidade de completude.

  11. A relação professor-aluno na construção do conhecimento

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    Maiby Gisele Wagner


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa aborda o tema Relação Professor-Aluno, analisando as diferentes situações e comportamentos destes, frente às diversas problemáticas existentes no contexto escolar. Neste sentido, contextualizando a realidade dos alunos e dos professores de uma turma de terceiro ano de uma Escola Pública do Município de Sinop - MT, trazendo como abordagens teóricas fundamentadas em Henry Wallon, Vygotsky, Mirian Goldenberg, Valéria Amorim Arantes, Nelson Piletti, Maximiliano Menegolla, Pedro Morales, Paulo Freire, Ana Rita Silva Almeida. Foram observados a relação destes sujeitos, com a afetividade, as metodologias, as práticas docentes, a expressividade, a dedicação do profissional, o comportamento dos alunos e as avaliações e opiniões destes e de sua professora. Como escolha metodológica optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, o estudo de caso. Para obtenção dos dados foram desenvolvidas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observações in loco. Durante as observações constatou-se que a relação harmoniosa entre os sujeitos (professores-alunos é fundamental para a melhor aprendizagem.Palavras-chave: educação; relação de professores e alunos; afetividade; aprendizagem.

  12. O ensino de enfermagem em saúde mental e psiquiátrica: visão do professor e do aluno na perspectiva da fenomenologia social La enseñanza de enfermería en salud mental y psiquiátrica: visión del profesor y del alumno en la perspectiva de la fenomenología social Teaching of nursing in mental and psychiatric health: the point-of-view of teachers and students in a social phenomenology perspective

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    Marcos Antonio Campoy


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender o processo ensino-aprendizagem na perspectiva do professor e do aluno que vivenciaram a disciplina de enfermagem em saúde mental e psiquiátrica. Analisaram-se os dados coletados por meio de entrevistas com alunos e professores que vivenciaram o fenômeno, segundo o referencial da fenomenologia social. Emergiram categorias concretas de significado do vivido pelos professores : valorizando a comunicação e a relação entre as pessoas; aprendendo a considerar o outro como pessoa; valorizando o cuidado integral, desmitificando medos e pré-conceitos e atribuindo significado ao autoconhecimento. Pelos alunos: percebendo a relevância do conhecimento sobre comunicação e da relação entre as pessoas; aprendendo a ver o outro como pessoa; aplicando conhecimento adquirido para o cuidado integral; sentindo-se motivado a mudar de atitude; reconhecendo o significado do autoconhecimento. A tipificação foi descrita ao final. O processo ensino-aprendizagem nessa disciplina, desperta interesse pela especialidade, desenvolvimento pessoal e valorização da sua utilização na enfermagem geral.El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en la perspectiva del profesor y del alumno que vivenciaron la disciplina de enfermería en salud mental y psiquiátrica. Se analizaron los datos recopilados por medio de entrevistas, con alumnos y profesores que vivenciaron el fenómeno, según el referencial de la fenomenología social. Emergieron categorías concretas de significado de lo vivido por los profesores: valorizando la comunicación y la relación entre las personas; aprendiendo a considerar al otro como persona; valorizando el cuidado integral, desmitificando miedos y prejuicios y atribuyendo significado al autoconocimiento. Por los alumnos: percibiendo la relevancia del conocimiento sobre comunicación y de la relación entre las personas; aprendiendo a ver al otro como persona

  13. [Professor ZHENG Kuishan's experience in the clinical treatment of bi syndrome with acupuncture and moxibustion]. (United States)

    Liu, Baohu; Zheng, Jiatai; Guo, Yongming


    Professor ZHENG Kuishan has been engaged in the education and clinical practice of acupuncture and moxibustion for over 60 years. Professor ZHENG is strict in scholarly research and exquisite in medical techniques and he is good at treatment of bi syndrome induced by invasion of wind, cold and damp with warming and, promoting therapy. He emphasizes on syndrome differentiation and acupoint combination and selects the accurate manipulations. Not only are the symptoms relieved apparently, but also the body state is improved. As a result, the primary and secondary are treated simultaneously. In the paper, professor ZHENG's experience is introduced in the treatment of bi syndrome in the aspects of theory, method, formula, acupoint and technique. And his clinical therapeutic approaches have been deeply analyzed.

  14. In memoriam of Professor Theodore L. Munsat (1930-2013): his outstanding legacy with the WFN. (United States)

    Medina, Marco T


    The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) lost an outstanding leader on November 22, 2013 with the death of Professor Theodore Leon Munsat ("Ted"), in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA. Professor Munsat was Emeritus professor of Neurology at Tufts University School of Medicine and served the WFN in several capacities as trustee, chairman of the WFN Education and research committees, chairman of the WFN ALS Research group and founding director of the WFN Seminars in Clinical Neurology. He was president of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), 1989-1991, chairman of the Continuing Educational Committee of the AAN and founding director of AAN's premier continuing medical education journal Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology. He left an outstanding legacy with the WFN. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  15. Professor om brexit-åbning: Det bliver sværere i næste fase

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    Wind, Marlene


    Professor og centerleder, Marlene Wind, var den 8. december i Vejle Amts Folkeblad, hvor hun kommenterede på udviklingen i Brexit-forhandlingerne i forlængelse af udmeldingen om, at forhandlingerne er klar til den næste fase. Professor Wind kalder dette for et gennembrud, men pointerer også at de...... videre forhandlinger vil være på EU’s præmisser. De videre forhandlinger vil blandt andet handle om en kommende handelsaftale mellem de to parter, til hvilket professor Wind påpeger, at det kan tage mange år, før man har en sådan i hus. Samtidig vurderer Wind også, at nogle leave-vælgere måske vil blive...

  16. Identifying Core Competencies to Advance Female Professors' Careers: An Exploratory Study in United States Academia (United States)

    Seo, Ga-eun; Hedayati Mehdiabadi, Amir; Huang, Wenhao


    This exploratory study aims to identify the core competencies necessary to successfully advance the careers of female associate professors in higher education. To ascertain these core career competencies, a critical incident interview technique was employed. One-to-one semi-structured interviews with six female full professors at a major research…

  17. YouTube Professors: Scholars as Online Video Stars (United States)

    Young, Jeffrey R.


    This article takes a look at the rising popularity of professors as the latest YouTube stars. The popularity of their appearances on YouTube and other video-sharing sites is making it possible for classrooms to be opened up and making teaching--which once took place behind closed doors--a more public art. Web video has generated a new form of…

  18. YouTube Professors Scholars as Online Video Stars (United States)

    Young, Jeffrey R.


    This article takes a look at how professors are becoming the latest YouTube stars. The popularity of their appearances on YouTube and other video-sharing sites end up opening the classroom and making teaching--which once took place behind closed doors--a more public art. Web videos open a new form of public intellectualism to scholars looking to…

  19. An Examination of Assistant Professors' Project Management Practices (United States)

    Alpert, Shannon Atkinson; Hartshorne, Richard


    Purpose: The purpose of this research was to identify factors that influence the use of project management in higher education research projects by investigating the project management practices of assistant professors. Design/methodology/approach: Using a grounded theory approach that included in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 22…

  20. O YouTube e o Cyberbullying de alunos contra professores around the world

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    Antonio Alvaro Soares Zuin


    Full Text Available The teacher, in one way or another, has always been identified as a pedagogical authority. But if there were a society whose technological development determined radical transformations in the production and dissemination of knowledge, to the point of decisively changing the relations between teachers and students? Would the teacher continue to represent a model of identity for the student who could access information online in any time and space? In view of the context of the digital culture society, the objective of this article is to investigate how students practice cyberbullying in relation to their teachers through images recorded by mobile phones, which are posted on the site YouTube. It will be analyzed three videos posted by students from three different countries (Brazil, Portugal and England, whose images refer to situations experienced with their respective teachers. It is also intended to argue that such attitudes are signs of radical transformations that are occurring in relation to the way students identify the teacher as a pedagogical authority. O professor, de uma forma ou de outra, sempre foi identificado como autoridade pedagógica. Mas, e se houvesse uma sociedade cujo desenvolvimento tecnológico determinasse transformações radicais na produção e disseminação do conhecimento, a ponto de se alterar, de forma decisiva, as relações entre professores e alunos? O professor continuaria a representar um modelo de identidade para o aluno que pudesse acessar informações de forma online em quaisquer tempos e espaços? Diante do contexto da sociedade da cultura digital, destaca-se o objetivo deste artigo: investigar o modo como alunos praticam cyberbullying em relação a seus professores por meio de imagens gravadas por telefones celulares, as quais são postadas no sítio de compartilhamentos de imagens e comentários chamado YouTube. Serão analisados três vídeos postados por alunos de três diferentes países (Brasil


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    Rafael Dias Rios de Souza


    Full Text Available Resumo - Realizamos nesse artigo, reflexões necessárias para as compreensões e os significados relativos ao Programa de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID, cujo objetivo é o de contribuir de maneira significativa para a formação inicial de professores de História. Constatamos que esse programa é compreendido como um espaço que possibilita a integração entre universidade-escola, oportunizando aos futuros professores, o entendimento e a análise sobre a profissão docente e a realidade escolar. Isso ocorre por meio do desenvolvimento de temáticas que priorizam a inserção de diferentes materiais e abordagens didáticas no ensino de história, visando a renovação nesse campo do conhecimento.

  2. Parkinson's disease and the quest for preclinical diagnosis: an interview with Professor Werner Poewe. (United States)

    Poewe, Werner


    Werner Poewe speaks to Laura Dormer, Editorial Director: Professor Werner Poewe is Professor of Neurology and Director of the Department of Neurology at Innsbruck Medical University in Innsbruck, Austria. He held a Residency in Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, from 1977 to 1984. From 1984 to 1985 he teamed up with Gerald Stern and Andrew Lees as a British Council Research Fellow at University College and Middlesex Hospital's Medical School in London to perform clinical studies into levodopa-induced dystonia and pharmacokinetics of levodopa in naive versus L-Dopa treated Parkinson's disease. Following his return to Austria, he held a position as Senior Lecturer in the Department of Neurology at the University of Innsbruck (1986-1989) after which he took over as Professor of Neurology and Acting Director of the Department of Neurology at Virchow Hospital of the Free University of Berlin (1990-1994). Professor Poewe's main research interests in the field of movement disorders are focused on differential and early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, its natural history and pharmacological treatment. He has been involved in the steering committees of numerous drug trials in different stages of Parkinson's disease for the past 20 years and has authored and coauthored more than 500 original articles and reviews in the field of movement disorders. Professor Poewe served as President of the Austrian Society of Neurology from 2002 to 2004 as well as President of the Austrian Parkinson's Disease Society from 1996 to 2009. He has been awarded honorary membership of the German Society of Neurology as well as the Japanese Society of Neurology. His awards include the Walther-Birkmayer-Prize of the Austrian PD Society, the Dingebauer-Prize of the German Neurological Society as well as the Research Excellence Award of Innsbruck Medical University. Professor Poewe served as President of the International Movement Disorder Society (MDS) from

  3. Publication pressure and burn out among Dutch medical professors: a nationwide survey.

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    Joeri K Tijdink

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Publication of scientific research papers is important for professionals working in academic medical centres. Quantitative measures of scientific output determine status and prestige, and serve to rank universities as well as individuals. The pressure to generate maximum scientific output is high, and quantitative aspects may tend to dominate over qualitative ones. How this pressure influences professionals' perception of science and their personal well-being is unknown. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We performed an online survey inviting all medical professors (n = 1206 of the 8 academic medical centres in The Netherlands to participate. They were asked to fill out 2 questionnaires; a validated Publication Pressure Questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. In total, 437 professors completed the questionnaires. among them, 54% judge that publication pressure 'has become excessive', 39% believe that publication pressure 'affects the credibility of medical research' and 26% judge that publication pressure has a 'sickening effect on medical science'. The burn out questionnaire indicates that 24% of medical professors have signs of burn out. The number of years of professorship was significantly related with experiencing less publication pressure. Significant and strong associations between burn out symptoms and the level of perceived publication pressure were found. The main limitation is the possibility of response bias. CONCLUSION: A substantial proportion of medical professors believe that publication pressure has become excessive, and have a cynical view on the validity of medical science. These perceptions are statistically correlated to burn out symptoms. Further research should address the effects of publication pressure in more detail and identify alternative ways to stimulate the quality of medical science.

  4. The Education of an English Professor: The Biographical Narrative (United States)

    González Valencia, Heriberto; Enríquez, Jakeline Amparo Villota; Ramos Acosta, Lizeth


    This article is the result of a qualitative research following the characteristics of hermeneutical research aims to understand the training process of the English university professor, taking into account factors that affect and surround the social, economic, and cultural environment; in which the experience and the story of life, shape the…

  5. Professor Age and Gender Affect Student Perceptions and Grades (United States)

    Joye, Shauna W.; Wilson, Janie H.


    Student evaluations provide rich information about teaching performance, but a number of factors beyond teacher effectiveness influence student evaluations. In this study we examined the effects of professor gender and perceived age on ratings of effectiveness and rapport as well as academic performance. We also asked students to rate professor…

  6. Professor Adler-Nissen om TED-Talks i Kristeligt Dagblad

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adler-Nissen, Rebecca


    Professor Rebecca Adler-Nissen var den 10. juni 2017 i Kristeligt Dagblad i forbindelse med hendes TED Talk på TED konferencen i Danmark. Her talte Adler-Nissen om international diplomati. Adler-Nissen ser TED formatet som en måde at øge kendskabet til emnet international diplomati, da formatet...

  7. "Friending" Professors, Parents and Bosses: A Facebook Connection Conundrum (United States)

    Karl, Katherine A.; Peluchette, Joy V.


    The ever-growing popularity of Facebook has led some educators to ponder what role social networking might have in education. The authors examined student reactions to friend requests from people outside their regular network of friends including professors, parents, and employers. We found students have the most positive reactions to friend…

  8. Burnout Syndrome and Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Professors

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    Arlington Antonio García Padilla


    Full Text Available The presence of the Burnout syndrome in professors may be regarded as a deterioration of their mental health with negative impacts on their job performance. It is known that teachers develop different activities in the areas of teaching, outreach and research. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the Burnout syndrome and self-efficacy beliefs and the academic performance in professors of the psychology and dentistry programs at a private university in the city of Barranquilla. This study is empirical and analytical with a descriptive-correlational design. The study population consisted of 93 teachers of the psychology and dentistry programs. To choose the sample, a non-probabilistic sample was used according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria that allowed selecting a total of 36 teachers who met the criteria for the study. The instruments that were used in this study was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI, 1981 adapted by Seisdedos (1997, and the Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk (2001 adapted by Covarrubias and Mendoza (2016. According to the results, it was observed that there is no significant relationship between Burnout, Self-efficacy Belief and the academic performance.

  9. Saberes docentes na prática do professor de música do Projeto SESC Cidadão


    Araújo, José Magnaldo de Moura


    Este trabalho apresenta, discute e analisa como se constituem e de que forma se articulam os saberes docentes de um professor de música atuante no projeto social SESC Cidadão. Para alcançar tal objetivo foi realizada uma pesquisa que teve os seguintes objetivos específicos: verificar aspectos gerais acerca da formação cultural-profissional do professor atuante no SESC Cidadão; compreender de que forma os saberes adquiridos na formação “formal” do professor têm subsidiado sua ação pedagógica n...

  10. O problema da pobreza de experiência na formação do professor: desafios da educação inclusiva

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    Michelli Agra


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir os desafios da educação inclusiva, com base no conceito de experiência aplicado à problemática da formação do professor. Utiliza-se como referencial teórico-metodológico, a Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, com base nos autores Theodor Adorno e Walter Benjamin. As considerações giram em torno da argumentação das possíveis causas e efeitos do empobrecimento da experiência na sociedade burguesa capitalista, com a seguinte questão: ‘Para que viver experiências na formação de professor?’ No sentido que se procura expor, a experiência deixa marcas que passam a pertencer à subjetividade do indivíduo, além de potencializar a racionalidade e a autonomia. A educação inclusiva, por sua vez, revela a educação geral e pode contribuir para uma educação que propicie a resistência e a emancipação humana. Palavras-chave: Experiência; Formação do Professor; Educação Inclusiva.   The problem of poverty of experience in teacher training: challenges of inclusive education ABSTRACT This article aims to discuss the challenges of inclusive education, based on the concept of experience applied to the problem of teacher education. The Critical Theory of Society, based on the authors Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin was used as theoretical-methodological reference. Considerations revolve around arguing the possible causes and effects of the impoverishment of experience in capitalist bourgeois society, with the following question: 'Why live experiences in teacher training?' In the sense we seek to expose, experience leaves marks that pass to belong to the subjectivity of the individual, in addition to enhancing rationality and autonomy. Inclusive education, in turn, reveals general education and can contribute to an education that fosters resistance and human emancipation. Keywords: Experience; Teacher Training; Inclusive education.   El problema de la pobreza de experiencia en la formaci

  11. Professor age and research assistant ratings of passive-avoidant and proactive leadership : The role of age-related work concerns and age stereotypes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zacher, Hannes; Bal, P. Matthijs


    Recent research has shown that, in general, older professors are rated to have more passive-avoidant leadership styles than younger professors by their research assistants. The current study investigated professors' age-related work concerns and research assistants' favorable age stereotypes as

  12. CONOCIMIENTO CRÍTICO EN REDES SOCIALES: el caso del Geoforo iberoamericano

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    Xosé M. Souto González


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La diversidad de pueblos, culturas y situaciones sociales en países de Iberoamérica no impide el diálogo crítico y honesto en torno a la investigación que se realiza sobre el Aprendizaje de los problemas del mundo. A este reto puede contribuir la Geografía como ciencia, pero necesita, entonces, abandonar los obstáculos intelectuales, corporativos y Académicos que dificultan su estudio por parte de los alumnos. En este trabajo damos cuenta de las iniciativas y resultados obtenidos por un grupo de profesores a través del Geoforo, que aprovecha las facilidades del ciberespacio, a partir del portal Geocrítica de la Universidad de Barcelona. RESUMO Resumo A diversidade de povos, culturas e situações sociais em países da Iberoamérica não impede o diálogo crítico e honesto em torno de investigação sobre como se efectua a aprendizagem dos problemas do mundo. A este desafio pode contribuir a Geografia como ciência, mas precisa de abandonar os obstáculos intelectuais, corporativos e académicos que dificultam o seu estudo por parte dos alunos. Neste trabalho, damos conta das iniciativas e resultados obtidos por um grupo de professores através do Geoforo, que aproveita as facilidades do ciberespaço, a partir do portal Geocritica, da Universidade de Barcelona.

  13. The spirit of professor Iacob Iacobovici in the development of education in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. (United States)

    Rotaru, Alexandru; Rotaru, Horatiu


    Founder of the Surgical Clinic in Cluj-Napoca and of Medical Education in Romanian, Rector of Dacia Superior University, Professor Iacob Iacobovici was one of the outstanding medical personalities in the first half of the twentieth century, in Romania. His scientific contributions have been recognized by the European great personalities of his time. A remarkable bright mind, with an overarching comprehension of things, Professor Iacob Iacobovici contributed, in an essential way, to the diversification of surgical education, stimulating the emergence of new specialties. This paper illustrates the contribution of Professor Iacob Iacobovici to the development of Education of Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Romania as well as his support for the Romanian Society of Dentistry.

  14. How Not to Lose Face on Facebook, for Professors (United States)

    Young, Jeffrey R.


    For years college administrators have warned students to watch their step in online social realms, noting that sharing too much could hurt them later on if future employees saw their drunken party pictures or boorish writings. Now that professors and administrators are catching Facebook fever, they should heed their own advice. The author…

  15. The Professor as Intern: Approaches to Teaching Advertising Creativity. (United States)

    Schamber, Linda

    Drawing upon the experiences of a participant in the Visiting Professor Program sponsored by the Advertising Education Foundation of the American Advertising Federation and the American Academy of Advertising, this paper discusses the advantages such programs can have for both the host company and the participant. The first section of the paper…

  16. Looking to the future of organs-on-chips: interview with Professor John Wikswo. (United States)

    Wikswo, John P


    John Wikswo talks to Francesca Lake, Managing Editor: John is the founding Director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education (VIIBRE). He is also the Gordon A Cain University Professor; a B learned Professor of Living State Physics; and a Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, and Physics. John earned his PhD in physics at Stanford University (CA, USA). After serving as a Research Fellow in Cardiology at Stanford, he joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Vanderbilt University (TN, USA), where he went on to make the first measurement of the magnetic field of an isolated nerve. He founded VIIBRE at Vanderbilt in 2001 in order to foster and enhance interdisciplinary research in the biophysical sciences, bioengineering and medicine. VIIBRE efforts have led to the development of devices integral to organ-on-chip research. He is focusing on the neurovascular unit-on-a-chip, heart-on-a-chip, a missing organ microformulator, and microfluidic pumps and valves to control and analyze organs-on-chips.

  17. [Data mining analysis of professor Li Fa-zhi AIDS herpes zoster medical record]. (United States)

    Wang, Dan-Ni; Li, Zhen; Xu, Li-Ran; Guo, Hui-Jun


    Analysis of professor Li Fa-zhi in the treatment of AIDS drug laws of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia, provide reference for the use of Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS, herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia. By using the method of analyzing the complex network of Weishi county, Henan in 2007 October to 2011 July during an interview with professor Li Fa-zhi treatment of AIDS of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia patients, patients are input structured clinical information collection system, into the analysis of the data, carries on the research analysis theory of traditional Chinese medicine compatibility system algorithm and complex network analysis the use of complex networks. The use of multi-dimensional query analysis of AIDS drugs, the core of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia treated in this study are Scutellariae Radix, Glucyrrhizae Radix, Carthame Flos, Plantaginis Semen, Trichosamthis Fructus, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Gentianae Radix; core prescription for Longdan Xiegan decoction and Trichosanthes red liquorice decoction. Professor Li Fa-zhi treatment of AIDS, herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia by clearing heat and removing dampness and activating blood circulation to.

  18. Career satisfaction among medical school professors: a case study in Brazil

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    Nilce Maria da Silva Campos Costa

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate the career satisfaction of medical school professors in relation to initial motivation, satisfaction factors, and the desire to remain in the profession. METHODOLOGY: A qualitative methodology was used, based on questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with faculty members at a federal institution of higher education in Brazil. RESULTS: For 42.86% of the sample, teaching began while they were medical students; 80% had chosen teaching either as a vocation or due to influence from families or professors; 20% chose teaching as a professional opportunity. The majority, 57.14%, stated they were happy with teaching, and 51.42% did not plan to leave the career. Factors involved in satisfaction with teaching were: the possibility of remaining up-to-date in the medical profession, the feeling of doing their duty, their contribution to training future doctors, and contact with young people and the university setting. Factors leading to dissatisfaction were pedagogical (33.33%, economic (30.95%, institutional (14.28%, and relational (14.28%. CONCLUSIONS: Subjects expressed a positive attitude towards teaching, and because of their great personal satisfaction with the career, they did not plan to leave it. These findings should shed light on factors that interfere with career satisfaction and help increase those that promote satisfaction, thus improving the productivity and well-being of medical professors.

  19. Irradiation damage in graphite. The works of Professor B.T. Kelly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marsden, B.J.


    The irradiation damage produced in graphite by energetic neutrons (>100eV) has been extensively studied because of the use of graphite as a moderator in thermal nuclear reactors. In recent times, graphite has been adopted as the protective tiling of the inner wall of experimental fusion systems and property changes due to fusion neutrons have become important. The late Professor B.T. Kelly reviewed the work carried out on the irradiation behaviour of graphite since the 1940s. This work is particularly timely as the scale of research into the effects of fission neutrons has been greatly reduced and many of the active researchers have retired. In recent years, new programmes of work are being formulated for the use of graphite in both the field of high temperature reactor systems and fusion systems. It is therefore important that the knowledge gained by Professor Kelly and other workers is not lost but passed on to future generations of nuclear scientists and engineers. This paper reviews Professor Kelly's last work, it also draws on the experience gained during many long discussions with Brian during the years he worked closely with the present graphite team at AEA Technology. It is hoped to publish his work in full in the near future. (author). 13 refs, 14 figs, 3 tabs

  20. The Life of the Mind: A Tribute to Three Professors. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Kaoru


    This speech by a distinguished scholar in educational psychology recounts, with appreciation, his educational experiences under three distinguished professors: Toshio Maki, his undergraduate thesis supervisor in Japan; E. Paul Torrance, the prominent educational psychologist; and C. Gilbert Wrenn, his doctoral advisor. (DB)

  1. [The beginnings and the development of heart surgery in Debrecen; the consequence of Professor József Schnitzler's initiative]. (United States)

    Péterffy, Arpád


    In the early 1960s, cardiac surgery was founded in Debrecen in the department of thoracic surgery, on Professor József Schnitzler's initiative with the cooperation of the head surgeon Arpád Eisert from Nyíregyháza. During the first 5 years, between 1963-1968, 44 closed cardiac surgical procedures were performed (closure of patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonal and mitral stenosis, pericardectomy). The first open heart surgery was performed by Gábor Kovács visiting professor from Szeged in 1968, after the Pemco heart-lung machine, a donation by Béla Köteles and the Presbyterian Church in Cleveland had arrived. The cardiac surgical activity was led by Professor András Gömöry (1972-1983). During the first 20 years 310 open, 220 closed cardiac surgical, and 612 pacemaker operations were performed. After Professor Schnitzler's retirement in 1983, Arpád Péterffy was appointed the head of the entire department (general and cardio-thoracic surgery). In the last 25 years, 18,000 open, 1500 closed and 8500 pacemaker procedures altogether 32,000 were performed. In 2008 associate professor Tamás Szerafin became the head of the department of cardiac surgery.

  2. Formação continuada de professores da educação básica e o ensino das ciências naturais

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    Silmara Sartoreto de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este estudo busca identificar o perfil educacional dos professores do ensino fundamental das séries iniciais. Seu objetivo é fornecer situações reflexivas onde os professores possam discutir sobre sua própria formação. Os dados foram obtidos a partir das respostas de onze professores de escola pública à um questionário. Também foram realizados encontros quinzenais com esses professores que formaram um Grupo de Trabalho, onde estes encontros foram filmados, transcritos e analisados. Durante a pesquisa verificou-se haver problemas pedagógicos no processo de ensino aprendizagem, no método de ensino adotado, no estabelecimento e valorização da relação professor-aluno e na interação entre os alunos quando da construção do conhecimento científico. No final do estudo, entendeu-se que os profissionais pesquisados apresentam falhas em sua formação como professores; não participam de cursos de atualização; e quando enfrentam dificuldades de entendimento em como lidar com algum conteúdo científico com os alunos, os professores pesquisam em livros escolares para sanar suas dúvidas. Os professores também apontaram que os cursos de atualização promovidos pela Diretoria de Ensino são considerados muito teóricos e pouco práticos, e não apresentam nenhuma ligação com o contexto em que os professores estão inseridos.

  3. [Summary of professor YANG Jun's experience for intractable facial paralysis]. (United States)

    Wang, Tao; Li, Zaiyuan; Ge, Tingqiu; Zhang, Man; Yuan, Aihong; Yang, Jun


    Professor YANG Jun 's experience of diagnosis and treatment for intractable facial paralysis is introduced. Professor YANG focuses on the thinking model that combines TCM, western medicine and acupuncture, and adopts the differentiation system that combines disease differentiation, syndrome differentiation and meridian differentiation; he adopts the treatment integrates etiological treatment, overall regulation, symptomatic treatment as well as acupuncture, moxibustion, medication and flash cupping. The acupoints of yangming meridians are mostly selected, and acupoints of governor vessel such as Dazhui (GV 14) and Jinsuo (GV 8) are highly valued. The multiple-needles shallow-penetration-insertion twirling lifting and thrusting technique are mostly adopted to achieve slow and mild acupuncture sensation; in addition, the facial muscles are pulled up with mechanics action. The intensive stimulation with electroacupuncture is recommended at Qianzheng (Extra), Yifeng (TE 17) and Yangbai (GB 14), which is given two or three treatments per week.

  4. The university professor: integration between the personal and professional dimension

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    Full Text Available In the first part of this article, the authors explain how the teaching role is affected by certain social and cultural changes, like the knowledge society emergence, the universities orientation towards marketing, the constant demand and pressure exerted on teachers to publish, the loss of the ethical sense in the academic activity and the disparity of tasks that are being assigned to the university professors. In view of the above, a comprehensive model, compound by two concepts –personal and professional– of a university professor is proposed; in fact, this model incorporates and summarises different contributions regarding this theme. Finally, this article aims to defend the need to understand the teaching role as a vocation, in the broadest sense of the word, a vocation carries the inclination to pursue an aim: the education of those students that teachers have in charge.

  5. Life Stories of Mathematics Teacher Histórias de Vida de Professores de Matemática

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    Emerson Rolkouski


    Full Text Available The objective of this work is to understand how a Mathematics teacher becomes the teacher of Mathematics that he is. In other words, to understand how the individual becomes, through his life, his relationship with other individuals, this teacher of Mathematics, with these ideas, practices, and resistances. Four Mathematics teachers, with different degree levels, were interviewed according to the methodological parameters of the Oral History. Their testimonies allowed the composition of a scenary wich made it possible to extend the comprehension concerning becoming “the” Mathematics teacher. Their life stories were read with differentiated lenses. Under a sociological focus, based on Norbert Elias and Pierre Bourdieu’s works, under the perspective of psychology, based on Jerome Bruner’s works and finally a last reading denominated scientific-literary, in which the testimony is read through the analogy of literary texts. These readings presented, considerations were made on their possibilities and impossibilities facing the understanding of “how a teacher of Mathematics becomes ‘the’ teacher of Mathematics that he is”. Key Words: Mathematic Education. Oral History. Teachers Formation.O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender como um professor de Matemática torna-se o professor de Matemática que é. Ou seja, compreender como o indivíduo vai se tornando, ao longo de sua vida, de sua relação com outros indivíduos, este professor de Matemática: com estas idéias, práticas, resistências. Quatro professores de Matemática, com diferentes níveis de titulação, foram entrevistados segundo os parâmetros metodológicos da História Oral. Seus depoimentos permitiram a composição de um cenário que possibilitou ampliar as compreensões acerca do tornar-se “o” professor de Matemática. As histórias de vida dos depoentes foram lidas com lentes diferenciadas: sob um enfoque sociológico, fundamentado nos trabalhos de Norbert

  6. Kant as a Professor: Some Lessons for Today's Intellectuals ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The thoughts of every great philosopher is measured and represented by the history of his social background. It is indeed, more appropriate particularly in the case of a great philosopher like Immanuel Kant to single out for special recognition the outstanding characteristics of his early life on his career as a professor of ...

  7. Analysis of reliability of professor recommendation letters based on concordance with self-introduction letter. (United States)

    Kim, Sang Hyun


    The purpose of this study was to examine the concordance between a checklist's categories of professor recommendation letters and characteristics of the self-introduction letter. Checklists of professor recommendation letters were analyzed and classified into cognitive, social, and affective domains. Simple correlation was performed to determine whether the characteristics of the checklists were concordant with those of the self-introduction letter. The difference in ratings of the checklists by pass or fail grades was analyzed by independent sample t-test. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine whether a pass or fail grade was influenced by ratings on the checklists. The Cronbach alpha value of the checklists was 0.854. Initiative, as an affective domain, in the professor's recommendation letter was highly ranked among the six checklist categories. Self-directed learning in the self-introduction letter was influenced by a pass or fail grade by logistic regression analysis (pprofessor recommendation letters and the sum of all characteristics in the self-introduction letter.

  8. Formação de Professores de Educação Física para a Cidade e o Campo Teacher education programs for city and country physical education teachers Formación de profesores de educación física para la ciudad y el campo

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    Full Text Available O texto propõe a formação de professores de Educação Física baseada em cinco fontes de dados a saber: 1. Demandas apresentadas pela escola pública, pelos movimentos sociais e entidades relacionadas à aérea de esporte e lazer da cidade e do campo; 2. Avaliação das condições de oferecimento dos cursos de educação física; 3. Balanço crítico da produção do conhecimento sobre o tema; 4. Embate de projetos presentes na definição de diretrizes para a formação de professores de Educação Física, na criação do Sistema CREFE/CONFEF e na aprovação da regulamentação da profissão; 5. Proposições para reestruturação do currículo de formação de professores de Educação Física apresentado pelo Grupo LEPEL/FACED/UFBA. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: formação de professores – currículo – trabalho pedagógico This text argues that an education program for physical education teachers should be built on five sources of information: 1. The demands presented by public school, social movements and other entities related to sports and leisure activities in the city and in the country; 2. An assessment of the facilities available for the offering of physical education courses; 3. A critical evaluation of the literature produced on the theme; 4. The discussion of available projects in the definition of guidelines for teacher education programs for physical education teachers and in the creation of the CREFE/CONFEF System and in the approval of professional regulations; 5. Proposals for the restructuring of the teacher education program syllabus for physical education teachers as proposed by the LEPEL/FACED/UFBA Group. KEYWORDS: teacher education – course syllabus –pedagogical work El texto propone la formación de profesores de Educación Física basada en cinco fuentes de datos a saber: 1. Demandas presentadas por la escuela pública, por los movimientos sociales y entidades relacionadas al área de deporte y ocio de la ciudad y

  9. Professor Dorothy A.E. Garrod: "Small, Dark, and Alive!"

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    Pamela Jane Smith


    Full Text Available In 1939, Dorothy Garrod became the first woman Professor in either Cambridge or Oxford. Garrod at the time was Director of Studies at Newnham College, Cambridge University and had been in charge of excava­tions in Gibraltar, Western Judaea, Southern Kurdistan and Mount Carmel for which she is now renowned. Trained by Marett at Oxford and Abbe Henri Breuil in France, she was one of our finest archaeologists. By 1939, Garrod had unearthed the well-preserved skull of 'Abel', a Neanderthal child, in Gibraltar, discovered and named the Natufian culture while excavating Shukba near Jerusalem, directed the long term, large scale excavations at Mount Carmel and traveled with Bruce Howe as her assistant to explore Bacho Kiro in Bulgaria. Once elected Professor, she became instrumental in establishing Archaeology and Anthropology as a full degree course and influential in Cambridge's decision to admit women to full membership in 1948. After retirement, she continued excavating in Lebanon and France. Here, with her close friend Suzanen Cassou de Saint Mathurin, she discovered the superb Magdalenian sculptured frieze at Angles-sur-l'Anglin.

  10. [Professor LAI Xinsheng's experience of acupuncture combined with medication for epilepsy]. (United States)

    Fang, Yajing; Wu, Peilong; Wang, Yumei; He, Kejie; Zhang, Sujuan; Lai, Xinsheng


    Professor LAI Xinsheng 's experience of acupuncture combined with medication for epilepsy is summarized, which is explained from epilepsy's etiology and pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of acupuncture and medication, respectively. Besides, the theoretical foundation and use instruction of acupuncture technique " tong - yuan " for epilepsy are introduced. Professor LAI highly values the adherence to etiology and pathogenesis, pays attention to syndrome differentiation and searches for the primary disease cause. He proposes the wind, phlegm, stasis and deficiency are the pathogenesis of epilepsy, and points out acupuncture could be applied during attack stage and remittent stage, but electroacupuncture should be used with caution. Regulating spirit is the key for treating epilepsy. The combination of acupuncture and medication could regulate the governor vessel and guide qi to the origin, which have significant curative effect.

  11. Professor Dragutin M. Drazic - On the occasion of his 70th birthday

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    Aleksandar Despic


    Full Text Available Professor Dragutin Drazic was born on May 5, 1930, in Belgrade. His father, Milan Drazic, was a professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade, while his mother, Zorka, was also a civil engineer working for the City of Belgrade. These facts, as well as the entire intellectual entourage in the “Professors’ Colony” in Belgrade, predetermined his orientation to natural sciences and engineering. Thus, after finishing elementary school before WWII and secondary school by 1949, he entered the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (Department of Chemistry of the University of Belgrade. After his first year of study, he changed the school, enlisting in the faculty of Chemical Engineering (“Faculty of Technology” of the same University. He graduated from the Department of Chemical Technology with the highest grade in 1956. After graduation, he joined the teaching staff of the same school, in the Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, in which he spent his entire career, commencing as an assistant lecturer and becoming a full professor. His affinity for science was supported by his wife Vera (b. Kuharic who was in the same profession and also became a university professor in physical chemistry. The family tradition continued with their two sons, Milan and Dusan, who also joined the academic world, becoming capable mathematician and computer scientists. Profesor Drazic taught very successfully a variety of subjects, such as Electrode Kinetics, Corrosion, Electrochemical Double Layer and Adsorption (postgraduate and finally, Physical Chemistry – a General Course. At the height of his professional career he was the Head of the Chair and Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry for several years. In July 1959 he went to the USA, to join the Electrochemistry Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, led by Professor John O’Mara Bockris, which at the time was the leading

  12. Diagnosis of accidents in the small and medium mining of Boyacá

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    Miguel Alfonso González-Sierra


    Full Text Available We report the results of the research project entitled "Awareness and diagnosis of safety in small and medium mining in the departament of Boyacá" which was based on the analysis of accident stadistics provided by the Mining Rescue Station of the National Mining Ageney, Nobsa. The aim of the study is to show the foci and causes of accidents, their frequency and direct relationship witth the coal production in the departament.The results show that the higshest number of accidents in the last decade has ocurred in the provinces of Sugamuxi and Valdarama with 30% and 28% respectively. In turn, the biggest cause of accidental deaths is presented by landslides, causes associated with lightning and ventilation.The analysis concludes that there is a positive correlation between the annual production of coal in the departament and the number of accidents reported to the Mine Rescue Station in Nobsa.

  13. Sir John Macpherson, the first but sometimes overlooked Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Sydney. (United States)

    White, Richard T


    To chronicle the creation of the Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Sydney, and the career and legacy, in New South Wales, of the first incumbent, Professor Sir John Macpherson CB MD FRCPE. The creation of the Chair, Macpherson's appointment, and his contributions to psychiatry in Sydney during the 52 months of his tenure, are well documented in contemporaneous sources and demonstrate that he was a very worthy Foundation Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Sydney. There are several possible reasons why Macpherson has been overlooked, including an erroneous statement in The World History of Psychiatry (1975) that William Siegfried Dawson, his successor from 1927 to 1952, was the first Professor of Psychiatry. © The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2014.

  14. Towards an understanding of career progression for female professors of nursing: a small scale study


    Joyce, Maria


    The aim of this study was to generate knowledge of career progression for women professors of nursing, an under researched topic, in order to understand how their professional and personal experiences may have influenced their aspirations and opportunities for career success. This qualitative study gave voice to a small group of women professors of nursing through individual narrative semi-structured interviews, a relatively under-used methodology. The findings are anticipated to have currenc...

  15. Professor Oberth and Dr. von Braun at ARS Banquet (United States)


    Dr. Wernher von Braun holds the coveted Hermarn Oberth award presented to him by Professor Oberth during the banquet hosted by the Alabama Section of the American Rocket Society (ARS), on October 19, 1961. The Oberth award was given for outstanding technical contributions to the field of astronautics or for the promotion and advancement of astronautical sciences.


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    Valentina Zenoni


    Full Text Available La formazione rappresenta uno strumento basilare nella promozione della lingua e della cultura italiana. L’argomento è articolato e complesso perché abbraccia diverse questioni. Da un lato va sostenuto l’utilizzo di mezzi adeguati, come quello telematico, che favoriscono e facilitano la diffusione all’estero. Dall’altro la proposta didattica di università e scuole deve essere riorganizzata alla luce delle nuove esigenze formative. Il ruolo degli atenei italiani potrebbe diventare più incisivo se si adeguassero maggiormente agli standard esteri, in modo da favorire la circolazione di studenti anche verso e non soltanto dall’Italia. Per quanto riguarda, invece, il tipo di formazione da sostenere, va riqualificata quella umanistica e tradizionale, non perché rappresenti la cultura nella sua totalità ma perché costituisce un patrimonio che caratterizza il nostro paese e non deve andare perso. Abbiamo parlato di queste tematiche con il Professor Roberto Greci, Preside della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Parma e Presidente del Consiglio scientifico e didattico del Consorzio Interuniversitario ICoN, Italian Culture On the Net.     The role of training in the promotion of Italian language and culture. An interview with Professor Roberto Greci, Dean of the Literature and Philosophy Faculty at the University of Parma   Training represents a basic tool in promoting Italian language and culture.  The topic is complex because it encompasses diverse issues.  On the one hand appropriate means are needed, like telematic resources, which encourage and facilitate spreading abroad.  On the other, university and school courses need to be reorganized in light of the new training needs.  The role of Italian universities could to be stronger if they met foreign standards, to promote the circulation of students towards and not just away from Italy.  As far as regards the type of training to be undertaken, the humanistic

  17. Professor Age and Research Assistant Ratings of Passive-Avoidant and Proactive Leadership: The Role of Age-Related Work Concerns and Age Stereotypes (United States)

    Zacher, Hannes; Bal, P. Matthijs


    Recent research has shown that, in general, older professors are rated to have more passive-avoidant leadership styles than younger professors by their research assistants. The current study investigated professors' age-related work concerns and research assistants' favorable age stereotypes as possible explanations for this finding. Data came…

  18. Tabus sexuais entre professores e alunos Sexual taboos among teachers and students

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    Antônio Zuin


    Full Text Available O poder da sexualidade nas relações entre professores e alunos é tão intenso quanto o esforço feito pelos agentes educacionais em negá-lo. O termo tabu representa a exata designação do que tal terminologia suscita: algo misterioso e, principalmente, proibido. De fato, a questão sexual entre professores e alunos concerne a uma esfera tão proibitiva que sequer é mencionada, haja vista a escassez de pesquisas que versam a esse respeito. Daí o objetivo deste artigo, ou seja, analisar a ambivalência dos sentimentos de amor e de ódio que se objetivam na sexualidade existente entre professores e alunos.The power of sexuality in teacher-student relationships is as intense as the effort made by educational institutions to deny it. The term "taboo"represents the exact designation of what such terminology means: something mysterious and mainly forbidden. In fact, the sexual issue among teachers and students concerns such a forbidding sphere that it is hardly mentioned, which explains the little research that has been carried out in this field. Thus, this paper is aimed at analyzing the ambivalence of feelings of love and hate found in the teacher-student sexuality.

  19. Las cargas polínicas en las mariposas (Lepidoptera: Rophalocera de la parte alta de la cuenca del río Roble-Quindío-Colombia

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    Tobar L. Diego


    Full Text Available En 335 cargas de polen provenientes de las proboscides y de los ojos de las mariposas diurnas que frecuentan los pastizales y los interiores de bosque en la parte alta de la cuenca del Río Roble (Quindío-Colombia, se identificaron 31 granos de polen. Las plantas más visitadas por las mariposas pertenecen a los géneros Psychotria (Rubiaceae, Tournefortia (Boraginaceae, Gurania (Cucurbitaceae, Dicliptera (Acanthaceae y a Erato vulcanica (Asteraceae. Se diferenciaron especies de mariposas generalistas entre las cuales figuran Heliconius clysonymus, Dione  uno, Elzunia humboldtii y especialistas como Dismorphia crisia y Phoebis rurina, entre otras. Las mariposas que visitaron el mayor número de plantas fueron Heliconius clysonimus, Oleria cadcana y Godyris quinta.On 335 pollen samples collected from proboscis and eyes of butterflies from the headquarters of the Río Roble atthe departament of Quindío (Colombia, 31 pollen grains were identified. The most visited plants by butterflies belonging to species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae, Tournefortia (Boraginaceae, Gurania (Cucurbitaceae, Dicliptera (Acanthaceae, and Erato vulcanica (Asteraceae. According to the relation between plants and butterflies two groups were differentiated: generalist as Heliconius clysonimus, Dione juno, Elzunia humboldtll and specialist as Dismorphiacrissia and Phoebis rurina. Butterflies with the higher numbers of plants visited were Heliconius clysonimus, Oleria cadcana, and Godyris quinta.

  20. La redacción del texto escrito en inglés: nuevas estrategias Writing texts in English: new strategies

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    Romelia Santana Álvarez


    Full Text Available La temática se escoge por la necesidad de diseñar una guía de orientaciones metodológicas para la preparación de docentes y estudiantes en la confección del texto escrito. La búsqueda bibliográfica ha demostrado la existencia de referencias donde la producción escrita es una suma de habilidades elementales, con ejercicios escritos para el desarrollo de la lengua oral principalmente. El objetivo de esta investigación es diseñar una serie de estrategias metodológicas para favorecer la calidad de la producción del texto escrito en inglés. Se estima que la aplicación de los resultados contribuye al perfeccionamiento de uno de los componentes esenciales de la competencia lingüística de los estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera, y brinda a los profesores un cuerpo teórico metodológico para planificar y dirigir el proceso de enseñanza en la producción del texto escrito, lo que se manifestará en el dominio de esta lengua extranjera en la formación del profesional de la medicina, para la comunicación, la preparación en estudios de posgrados y la calificación científica.The selection of the topic responds to the need of designing methodological guidelines for supporting professors and students in the production of written texts in English. Bibliographical revisions have proved that written production becomes a sum of abilities involving written exercises to develop speaking particularly. The research aims to design a number of strategies favoring the production of written texts in English. It also contributes to improve one of the essential components of the linguistic competence of medical students from the Medical University of Camagüey, learning English as a foreign language, in addition to offering professors a theoretical-methodological instrument to plan and control the teaching process during the production of written texts. Results

  1. [Professor ZHAO Jiping's meridian diagnosis and treatment for primary dysmenorrhea]. (United States)

    Tan, Cheng; Zhang, Chang; Zhang, Jiajia; Wang, Jun


    For the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea, professor ZHAO Jiping focuses on meridian diagnosis and inspection, and uses pressing methods to locate the response points along the meridian, including acupoints and aishi points. During the stage of attack, it is essential to press along the spleen meridian, mainly Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Diji (SP 8) and Yinlingquan (SP 9); during the stage of remission, it is essential to press along the bladder meridian and stomach meridian, mainly Ganshu (BL 18), Pishu (BL 20), Weishu (BL 21), Shenshu (BL 23) and Zusanli (ST 36). The differences between deficiency syndrome and excess syndrome lead to the different feelings of doctors and patients. Combined with the results of meridian diagnosis and inspection, the aim of treatment can be achieved by different acupuncture methods. Professor ZHAO pays attention to the treatment of accompanied symptoms and timing of treatment, since the relief of accompanied syndromes and selection of timing are keys to relieving patient's pain.

  2. Materiais didáticos nas aulas de música : um survey com professores da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre - RS


    Fernanda de Assis Oliveira


    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as concepções que fundamentam o uso de materiais didáticos pelos professores de música em suas práticas pedagógico-musicais. Mais especificamente buscou identificar o que os professores consideram materiais didáticos, mapear os tipos de materiais didáticos utilizados pelos professores de música, identificar os critérios que fundamentam a seleção dos materiais didáticos, mapear o acesso aos materiais didáticos, analisar a opinião dos professores sobr...

  3. Associação entre risco cardiovascular e hipertensão arterial em professores universitários Association between cardiovascular risk and hypertension in universities professors

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    Osvaldo Costa Moreira


    Full Text Available A hipertensão arterial é uma das mais importantes causas modificáveis de morbi-mortalidade cardiovascular precoce na população adulta mundial, além de ser fator de risco independente para doenças cardiovasculares. Assim objetivou-se verificar a associação entre indicadores de risco cardiovascular e hipertensão arterial em professores universitários. Foram avaliados 145 professores da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV, no ano de 2009, analisando-se as variáveis: sexo, idade, índice de massa corporal (IMC, relação cintura/quadril (RCQ, circunferência abdominal (CA, percentual de gordura (%G, colesterol total (CT, triacilglicerol (TG, glicose, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS e diastólica (PAD de repouso e consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2máx. Utilizou-se o teste ANOVA one way para comparação entre indivíduos normotensos e pré-hipertensos e hipertensos. Calculou-se a razão de chances de desenvolvimento de quadros de PA elevada entre os indivíduos que apresentavam níveis indicativos de risco cardiovascular. Todos os tratamentos possuíram nível de significância de p Hypertension is one of the most important modifiable causes of precocious cardiovascular morbid-mortality in the adult population worldwide, and it's an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Thus we aimed to investigate the association between cardiovascular risk and blood pressure on universities professors. 145 professors from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV were evaluated, in 2009, analyzing the variables: gender, age, body mass index (BMI, waist / hip ratio (WHR, abdominal circumference (AC, percent body fat (% BF, total cholesterol (TC, triglyceride (TG, glucose, systolic blood pressure (SBP and diastolic (DBP at rest and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max. We used ANOVA one way test for comparison between normotensive and prehypertensive and hypertensive individuals. It was calculated the odds ratio of high BP expansion among individuals

  4. Reading Faculty’s Research Publications Helps to Determine Which Professors to Target for Data Services

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    Giovanna Badia


    Full Text Available Objective – The research project examined university faculty’s publications in order to find professors with previous data experiences. The professors could then be approached with an offer of the library’s data services. Design – Bibliographic study. Setting – Department of Crop Sciences in the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Subjects – A total of 62 assistant, associate, and full professors. Methods – The author searched Web of Science and faculty web pages to find each of the subjects’ two most recent research or review articles. Altogether, 124 articles were read to check whether data sources were used and shared. Data sources were defined as sources other than traditional citations to literature for information or ideas, such as data repositories, supplementary files, and weather stations. Data sharing was defined as publicly sharing data beyond that published in the journal article, such as providing supplementary files with the article or submitting data sets to a disciplinary repository (p. 205. Main Results – Thirty of the 124 articles, which were written by 20 different professors, referred to additional data that was made openly accessible. The analysis of the articles uncovered a variety of data experiences, such as faculty who utilized repository data, published supplementary files, submitted their own data to repositories, or posted data on their university’s website. These 20 faculty members were contacted and asked for a meeting “to discuss their data sharing thoughts and experiences and to ask whether they [saw] a role for the library in facilitating data sharing” (p. 206. The author received a positive response from seven of the faculty members and had a successful meeting with each of them. Conclusion – A bibliographic study can be employed to select which professors to target for data services. While this method is time

  5. WWC Review of the Report "Are Tenure Track Professors Better Teachers?" What Works Clearinghouse Single Study Review (United States)

    What Works Clearinghouse, 2014


    The study reviewed here examined whether taking a course with a tenure track professor versus a non-tenure track professor for first-term freshman-level courses (e.g., introductory economics) had an impact on students' future enrollment and performance in classes in the same subject. Data from 15,662 students who entered Northwestern University,…

  6. Increased number of papers co-authored by professor and his students in humanities and social sciences journals published in Korea

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    Rae Seong Hong


    Full Text Available Humanities and social sciences studies in Korea have remarkably low rates of co-authorship between professors and students. We chose a bibliometrics-based approach to characterize changes in the ratio of joint authorship between professors and students. Articles classified in the humanities and social sciences sectors that were published in journals registered in the Korean Citation Index during 2 phases over a 10-year period—2004 to 2006 (phase 1 and 2011 to 2013 (phase 2—were used as the main source for the analysis. The study results can be summarized as follows: first, the overall number of co-authored articles drastically increased from phase 1 to phase 2; the percentage of co-authorship articles increased from 34.8% to 47.7%, and the percentage of co-authorship between students and professors rose from 9.9% to 20.7%. This trend was particularly noticeable in the social sciences, such as accounting, social welfare, and economics/business administration. Second, papers written by scholars from Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Korea University were often published in high-impact factor journals. Among those articles, the rate of professor-student co-authorship increased by 21.6% for 7 years. Third, the increase in professor-student co-authored articles published in high- impact factor journals was even sharper. These findings indicate that perceptions of professor-student co-authorship have changed in the humanities and social sciences. In the near future, positive perceptions toward joint research and joint authorship between professors and students are expected to become more widespread.

  7. Percepção e conhecimento de futuros professores sobre seus processos de aprendizagem


    Cunha, Neide de Brito; Boruchovitch, Evely


    Resumo Este trabalho objetivou levantar os conhecimentos que os futuros professores tinham a respeito de suas estratégias de aprendizagem. Participaram 62 estudantes, de cursos de Pedagogia e Matemática, de uma universidade pública e outra particular de dois estados brasileiros. Os dados foram coletados por meio do Protocolo de Ativação da Metacognição e da Autorreflexão sobre a Aprendizagem do Futuro Professor e examinados pela análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram não só que os estudan...

  8. O papel do psicólogo escolar: Concepções de professores e gestores


    Pereira-Silva, Nara Liana; Andrade, Jaqueline Ferreira Condé de Melo; Crolman, Sarah Rezende; Mejía, Cristina Fuentes


    Resumo Historicamente, a atuação do psicólogo no contexto escolar tem sido mais caracterizada pelo modelo clínico do que por modelos mais sistêmicos e institucionais. O presente estudo objetivou descrever as concepções de professores e gestores sobre o papel do psicólogo escolar. Participaram desta investigação 38 membros da equipe administrativo-pedagógica e professores de uma escola particular, os quais foram entrevistados na própria escola, tendo sido construídas categorias de análise. Os ...

  9. Estilos intelectuais e estratégias de aprendizagem: percepção de professores do ensino fundamental

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    Francislaine Flâmia Inácio

    Full Text Available Resumo Os estilos intelectuais e as estratégias de aprendizagem podem ser eficazes na melhora do desempenho de alunos que apresentam dificuldades para aprender. O objetivo da pesquisa foi averiguar a percepção dos professores acerca dos estilos intelectuais e das estratégias de aprendizagem em alunos do Ensino Fundamental com diagnóstico de Dislexia e TDAH e sem dificuldade escolar. Participaram 23 professores de escolas públicas e foi utilizado um questionário para a coleta de dados. Os resultados indicaram que os professores relataram benefícios em conhecer os estilos e identificaram o uso de estratégias por parte dos alunos. A maioria dos professores não conhecia termos como estratégias de aprendizagem e estilos intelectuais, por isso as respostas foram dadas de acordo com a sua prática de ensino. O estudo buscou entender e discutir alguns aspectos que envolvem a aprendizagem e levar contribuições para o sistema educacional na condição de melhorias para a qualidade de ensino.

  10. [The alpine garden of Monthabey in Vosges (1903-1914) and his creator, professor Camille Brunotte (1860-1910)]. (United States)

    Labrude, Pierre


    At the beginning of the XXth century, professor Brunotte, of the school of pharmacy of Nancy, and the section vosgienne de Nancy du Club alpin français, undertook the creation of an alpine garden, in the Vosges, near the col de la Schlucht and le Hohneck, near also with the frontier with Germany. After the death of professor Brunotte, in 1910, the garden was given to the University of Nancy and completed until 1914, but the 1st World War destroyed it completely and it was impossible to recreate it. 1966 was the year of the creation of a new garden, not far from Monthabey, along the route des Crêtes, with a monument devoted to Monthabey garden and its promoter. The paper describes the creation of the first garden, the personality and career of professor Brunotte, its garden after his death and after the war, the precursors in botany of the Vosges Kirschleger and Bleicher, the new garden at Haut-Chietlet, finally the memories of professor Brunotte.

  11. Professor V. Weisskopf, CERN Director General (1961-1965)

    CERN Document Server


    Well known theoretical physicist Victor Weisskopf has died aged 93. Born in Austria, he later worked with Schrodinger in Berlin before emigrating to the US in 1937, where he joined the Manhattan project in 1944, and was witness to the Trinity Test in July 1945. In 1946 he became professor of physics at MIT. He took leave of absence to be Director General of CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Physics, from 1961-1965.

  12. Inglês instrumental e as estratégias de leitura: o papel do professor mediador

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    Jane Pinto Bandeira de Melo Lima


    Full Text Available No mundo globalizado no qual se vive, a aprendizagem da língua inglesa tornou-se compulsória para aqueles que almejam um lugar no mercado de trabalho ultracapita-lista do século XXI. O que se verifica, portanto, é que a língua inglesa vem despertando, cada vez mais, o interesse das pessoas que desejam manter-se atualizadas com o que está acontecendo no mundo, com as questões culturalmente relevantes da sociedade atual. Sendo assim, a língua inglesa, reconhecida como língua da globalização, é pré-requisito para cada cidadão brasileiro desenvolver-se intelectual e socialmente, contribuindo, em consequência, para o desenvolvimento da sociedade. O professor de ESP (Inglês para Propósitos Específicos assume funções que vão além da sala de aula. Ele tem, então, cinco papéis principais: professor, criador de cursos e provedor de materiais, colaborador, pesquisador e avaliador. A hipótese que orientou esta pesquisa foi que todo professor universitário, utilizando as estratégias de leitura, está apto a capacitar seu aluno a ler, compreender e interpretar um texto acadêmico em língua inglesa em um curto espaço de tempo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o papel do professor como mediador nesse contexto. Os autores que nortearam a pesquisa são Dudley-Evans e St. John (1998, Solé (2008, Holmes (1981, dentre outros. Com base nas afirmações dos autores destacados e nos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que a principal ferramenta é o professor quando este age como mediador no processo ensino/aprendizagem.

  13. Understanding the Motivation and Transformation of White Culturally Responsive Professors (United States)

    Jenkins, China; Alfred, Mary


    The purpose of this study was to examine the motivation for White professors in higher education to become culturally inclusive in their teaching practices and the transformational experiences that created this motivation and shaped their development. The findings revealed personal convictions that centred on moral obligations towards teaching was…

  14. Adoecimento mental em professores brasileiros: revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Liciane Diehl


    Full Text Available A saúde do professor é um tema que adquire crescente relevância científica, pois tal profissão é considerada como uma das mais estressantes. A presente revisão sistemática da literatura analisou produções científicas nacionais publicadas entre 2010 e 2015, com vista a identificar principais sintomas e/ou adoecimentos psíquicos entre professores brasileiros. Recorreu-se às bases LILACS, SciELO, Index Psicologia, Educ@ e PePSIC. Os critérios de elegibilidade e análise seguiram as diretrizes do PRISMA. Dos 97 artigos encontrados, 15 foram analisados, os quais indicaram interesse multidisciplinar pela temática, predominância de estudos descritivos e correlacionais e recorrência de investigações em escolas públicas e de Ensino Fundamental. O principal adoecimento mental investigado é a síndrome de burnout e os sintomas prevalentes foram o estresse e a ansiedade. Espera-se que esses resultados direcionem novas pesquisas e estimulem o planejamento de intervenções eficazes voltadas para a saúde mental de professores.

  15. Fatores de risco e emocionais na voz de professores com e sem queixas vocais

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    Denise Batista da Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar a interferência dos fatores de riscos e emocionais na voz de professores com e sem queixa. MÉTODO: a amostra foi composta de 44 professores. Utilizou-se uma ficha com dados pessoais e profissionais, três questionários referentes aos aspectos vocais e dois questionários para dados relacionados à emoção, sobretudo ansiedade, além da coleta de voz para análise perceptivo-auditiva. Os grupos foram divididos a partir do número de sintomas relatados, estabelecendo um número de 22 voluntários no grupo de Professores Sem Queixa (PSQ e 22 no grupo Professores Com Queixas (PCQ, sendo deste grupo, os indivíduos que relataram mais de três sintomas vocais. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: a média do número de sintomas descritos no QSSV foi de 5,7 (±2,8 para os PCQ e de 0,8 (±0,9 para os PSQ. Os PSQ referiram uma melhor autoavaliação vocal (p= 0,01 e os PCQ afirmaram possuir um maior comprometimento em sua voz (p= 0,001. O grupo PSQ obteve os maiores valores nos escores do QVV-Físico (p=0,0007 e QVV-Total (p= 0,0006. Os PCQ obtiveram maiores valores no IDV-Total (p=0,0003 e IDV-Orgânico (p=0,0006, e um maior comprometimento emocional, com SRQ de 5,7 (±3,9 e IDATE 42,5 (±12,7. A partir da avaliação perceptivo-auditiva, os PCQ apresentaram um desvio vocal moderado com presença de rugosidade, soprosidade e tensão na voz, enquanto os PSQ evidenciam um desvio leve em todos os parâmetros. CONCLUSÃO: os professores com queixas vocais estão expostos a mais fatores de riscos, além de relatarem mais sintomas e comprometimento vocais, bem como emocionais.

  16. A fluidez do lugar do professor de Português Língua Estrangeira: uma análise discursiva de dizeres de professores brasileiros em sua relação com o ensino de PLE


    Ingrid Isis Del Grego Herrmann


    O ensino de Português como Língua Estrangeira (PLE), em nosso país, é, atualmente, uma atividade de natureza acidental, com esparsas oportunidades de formação específica e, em geral, realizada por professores de outras línguas estrangeiras, nativos de português. Propomo-nos, neste estudo, observar essa conjuntura, tomando como hipótese o fato de que o professor ensinar outras línguas e ser nativo não se constitui como uma garantia de conforto para o ensino de português para estrangeiros. A pa...

  17. O fracasso escolar no discurso do professor


    Piccirilli, Manoela de Souza Silva


    O fracasso escolar tem sido repetidamente abordado em pesquisas de diversas naturezas que buscam diferentes razões para sua ocorrência. Essa dissertação não pretende elaborar mais uma suposição do que venha a ser o fracasso escolar, mas analisar os sentidos deste no discurso de alguns professores de educação básica. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo realizado sob a ótica da teoria-metodológica da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa a partir de Michel Pêcheux. O procedimento ...

  18. Lectures in Advanced Mathematics: Why Students Might Not Understand What the Mathematics Professor Is Trying to Convey (United States)

    Lew, Kristen; Fukawa-Connelly, Timothy Patrick; Mejía-Ramos , Juan Pablo; Weber, Keith


    We describe a case study in which we investigate the effectiveness of a lecture in advanced mathematics. We first videorecorded a lecture delivered by an experienced professor who had a reputation for being an outstanding instructor. Using video recall, we then interviewed the professor to determine the ideas that he intended to convey and how he…

  19. Virginia Tech Wildlife Professor Helping To Save Florida Panther


    Davis, Lynn


    With few Florida panthers now in existence, Mike Vaughan, Virginia Tech professor of wildlife and sciences in the College of Natural Resources, has been appointed to serve on the Florida Panther Scientific Review Team (SRT). Vaughan and other SRT members have made several trips to Naples, Fla., to interview state and federal biologists directly involved with the recovery of the Florida panther.



    Oliveira, Maria Aparecida Nunes de


    A formação de professores em Educação Ambiental numa perspectiva crítica é um dos instrumentos imprescindíveis para a efetivação da dimensão ambiental na escola. Foi realizada uma investigação tendo como base uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, procurando analisar a formação dos professores em Educação Ambiental e como se dá a sua atuação na sala de aula no que se refere ao tratamento com as questões ambientais. A pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar as dificuldades enfrentadas por um ...

  1. Dedication to Professor Hazel Prichard BSc, PhD, MBA (1954-2017) (United States)

    Hall, Ian; Maier, Wolfgang; Barnes, Stephen J.


    The final section of this special issue of GCA on highly siderophile elements is dedicated to Professor Hazel Prichard (see Fig. 1) who sadly passed away in Cardiff on 1st January, 2017, after a brave battle with cancer.

  2. Formação pedagógica de professores de nutrição: uma omissão consentida? Teacher training for nutrition professors: a tacitly accepted omission?

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    Nilce Maria da Silva Campos Costa


    Full Text Available Apesar dos novos papéis preconizados pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais aos profissionais de Nutrição, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento docente para atuação nos novos cenários. O objetivo deste ensaio é o de discutir um dos desafios à formação do nutricionista, a prática docente e a formação pedagógica do professor da área da saúde, para pensar formas de oportunizar um ensino de melhor qualidade, com base em autores que discutem a docência universitária. Identificam-se como causas da resistência docente às mudanças, a desvalorização das atividades de ensino e a supremacia das atividades de pesquisa nas universidades. O estudo permitiu sugerir a necessidade de reflexão por parte dos professores de Nutrição sobre as questões da docência universitária e sobre o desenvolvimento docente em uma perspectiva crítica e reflexiva, que possa ancorar mudanças pedagógicas necessárias à formação de nutricionistas.Despite the new roles called in for the National Curricular Guidelines for teachers in nutrition courses, little attention has been paid to the professional development of the nutrition professional acting as a teacher. Based on the work of authors who discuss university teaching, this essay discusses some of the challenges involved in training nutritionists, such as teaching practice and teacher training for the professor in the health field, with the goal of providing higher-quality teaching. The devaluation of teaching and the supremacy of research at universities have been identified as the causes of teachers' resistance to change. This study reveals the need for professors of nutrition to reflect on the questions of university teaching and teacher development from a critical and reflective perspective which can anchor the pedagogical changes needed to train the nutritionist.

  3. Professor da escola básica representado na escrita reflexiva acadêmica do aluno mestre

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    Wagner Rodrigues SILVA


    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste artigo, investigamos algumas representações de professores brasileiros da escola básica na escrita reflexiva profissional, aqui identificada como uma escrita acadêmica diferenciada, produzida por alunos-mestre como trabalho escrito final durante o estágio supervisionado obrigatório da Licenciatura Plena em Língua Portuguesa. São focalizadas nesta pesquisa as orações em que os professores da escola básica são construídos como sujeito gramatical da ação expressa. O referencial metodológico assumido nesta pesquisa é informado pela abordagem transdisciplinar da Linguística Aplicada, caracterizada pelo uso de categorias teórico-metodológicas originárias de diferentes campos do conhecimento científico em função da construção do objeto de investigação. Os professores da escola básica são representados como principais atores sociais responsáveis pelos processos identificados, o que pode demandar uma complexificação do ponto de vista do aluno-mestre sobre o espaço do estágio obrigatório. Os resultados apontam para uma demanda de usos mais produtivos da escrita reflexiva profissional na formação inicial do professor.

  4. Hospitality and tourism management professor receives Fulbright to teach in India


    Ho, Sookhan


    Mahmood A. Khan, professor of hospitality and tourism management at Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business, has been awarded a Fulbright-Nehru Scholar grant to teach at the Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi during the 2009-10 academic year.

  5. "Dear Professor: This Is What I Want You to Know." (United States)

    Workman, Brooke


    Describes high school students' letters written to help their teacher interpret youth culture to college professors at an upcoming seminar. Essays reflected four themes: (1) a search for family, (2) identity problems and loneliness, (3) living with rapid change, and (4) fear of failure, especially in college. (2 references) (MLH)

  6. The benefits of being economics professor A (and not Z)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Praag, C.M.; van Praag, B.M.S.


    Alphabetic name ordering on multi-authored academic papers, which is the convention in the economics discipline and various other disciplines, is to the advantage of people whose last name initials are placed early in the alphabet. As it turns out, Professor A, who has been a first author more often

  7. La formació docent del professorat de la Universitat de Barcelona: satisfacció, transferència i impacte

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    Teresa Pagés Costas


    Full Text Available Aquest estudi analitza l'efecte que els programes de formació de l'Institut de Ciències de l'Educació (ICE de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB té sobre l'acció docent del professorat que rep aquesta formació. S'ha valorat la satisfacció del professorat sobre els cursos rebuts, el nivell de transferència dels coneixements adquirits a la docència i la seva repercussió en el rendiment acadèmic, en la motivació i en la participació dels estudiants. També s'analitzen les dificultats per transferir a la pràctica els coneixements i les habilitats adquirides en la formació. Els indicadors utilitzats per a la recollida i l'anàlisi de dades formen part del Sistema Intern de Garantia de Qualitat (SIGQ dels programes de formació de l'ICE de la UB. Les dades mostren una alta satisfacció del professorat amb la formació rebuda. Indiquen que els programes dissenyats afavoreixen l'adquisició de competències docents i proporcionen als professors una major capacitat per introduir canvis en la seva docència Aquests canvis repercuteixen en la millora del rendiment acadèmic, així com en la participació i motivació dels estudiants. La percepció que alguns aspectes organitzatius de la institució obstaculitzen la transferència és més gran en el professorat que ha rebut més formació. Així mateix es posa de manifest que el SIGQ és una bona eina per al seguiment i l'avaluació dels programes de formació, per al seu acreditar-los, i en conseqüència, per acreditar també el desenvolupament docent del professorat 

  8. [Surgical intervention against overpopulation: Professor Weinhold's foreskin infibulation]. (United States)

    Mörgeli, C


    One of the most bizarre and forgotten suggestions to have developed from the discussion of pauperism in the 19th century was the infibulation of the impoverished men. A communication in 1827 from the Halle professor of surgery, Carl August Weinhold (1782-1829), raised indignation and caused ironic as well as angry reactions. Despite such a heated response, Weinhold's proposed method of population control soon fell into oblivion, a fate considered by this contemporaries as "highly desirable".

  9. [Treatment of otorhinolaryngologic diseases of deficient heat type with Professor XIE Qiang's Tihu Guanding needling method]. (United States)

    Chen, Dan; Xie, Qiange; Huang, Bing-Lin


    Professor XIE Qiang's Tihu Guanding needling method, a kind of acupuncture method which takes acupoints of the Conception Vessel as the primary and acupoints of the Governor Vessel as the secondary. Acupoints Lianquan (CV 23), Tiantu (CV 22), Qihai (CV 6), Zhongwan (CV 12), Baihui (GV 20) and Dazhui (GV 14) are adopted as the basic ones. Other points can be added according to various symptoms, for instance, Yingxiang (LI 20) and Yintang (GV 29) for rhinopathy, Tinggong (SI 19) and Yifeng (TE 17) for otopathy, Yan'an (Professor XIE's experience) and Shanglianquan (EX-HN 21) for pharyngopathy and Kaiyin 1 (Professor XIE's experience) and Kaiyin 2 (Professor XIE's experience) for laryngopathy. During the needle retention, rotation manipulation should be done every 5 min at Lianquan (CV 23). And the patient should be told to put the tip of one's tongue at the the palate as well as to do deep breathing to communicate the Conception Vessel and the Governor Vessel. Moxibustion is adopted at Yongquan (KI 1) to induce the up floating fire to mingmen (where the primary yang is stored). The therapeutic effect on treatment of persistent otorhinolaryngologic diseases with the above mentioned method is approve to be good.

  10. Valoración del programa de la asignatura de Ginecología y Obstetricia Gynecology and Obstetric discipline: syllabus assessment

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    Migdalia de las Mercedes Peña Abraham


    Full Text Available La formación de recursos humanos ha sido un pilar fundamental en el sector de la salud, alcanzando su máxima expresión con el proceso de universalización de la enseñanza. Se enfrentan nuevos retos por lo que es necesario la transformación constante del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en la carrera de medicina, específicamente la especialidad de ginecología y obstetricia, la cual no ha escapado a los cambios que se producen en el diseño curricular. Por lo que se propuso como objetivo valorar el programa actual de la asignatura ginecología y obstetricia, a partir del desarrollo a alcanzar por el profesional y las necesidades que este genera. Se observaron clases impartidas por profesores de la asignatura, entrevistas a profesores y estudiantes, y se realizó análisis de la base documental del programa de la asignatura. Llegando a consideraciones metodológicas que permitieron efectuar las transformaciones pertinentes que permitan cumplir los objetivos de la asignatura. Por lo que se concluye que el programa no está totalmente acorde con el desarrollo actual, pues, presenta limitaciones en cuanto a los componentes del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje, centradas en la carencia de la fundamentación del mismo y del enfoque sindrómico de las patologías puramente obstétricas.Training of human resources is one of the most important mainstays in health sector, reaching its higher expression with the universalization of teaching. New challenges emerge, that is why the continuous transformation of the teaching-learning process in medical studies is necessary, particularly in the specialty of gynecology and obstetrics which has not escaped from the changes carried out on the curricular design. The objective was: to assess the current syllabus of the discipline from the development reached by the professional and the needs created. Observation of lectures taught by the professors of the discipline and interviews to professors and students were

  11. Digitaalse arengu eestvedaja Rootsis - digitšempion professor Jan Gulliksen / Tauno Otto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Otto, Tauno, 1967-


    Tallinna tehnikaülikoolis pidas 22. aprillil avaliku loengu Rootsi kuningliku tehnikaülikooli dekaan, professor Jan Gulliksen. Loengu teema oli, kuidas Rootsi edendab digitaliseerimist nii hariduses kui ka tööstuses

  12. Teaching the College "Nones": Christian Privilege and the Religion Professor (United States)

    Riswold, Caryn D.


    Working with undergraduate students invites teachers into relationship and conversation with young people at a time when they are emerging as adults and forming their identities. Faith is one area of identity formation often attended to by scholars, college professors, and their institutions. But within that, little attention has been paid to…

  13. Visiting students work with professors to research water resources management issues


    Davis, Lynn


    Undergraduate students visiting from universities across the continent, as well as one from Virginia Tech, are working with professors at Virginia Tech on individual research projects in a 10-week summer program that addresses issues related to sustainable management of water resources.

  14. Reginald Crundall Punnett: first Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics, Cambridge, 1912. (United States)

    Edwards, A W F


    R. C. Punnett, the codiscoverer of linkage with W. Bateson in 1904, had the good fortune to be invited to be the first Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics at Cambridge University, United Kingdom, in 1912 when Bateson, for whom it had been intended, declined to leave his new appointment as first Director of the John Innes Horticultural Institute. We here celebrate the centenary of the first professorship dedicated to genetics, outlining Punnett's career and his scientific contributions, with special reference to the discovery of "partial coupling" in the sweet pea (later "linkage") and to the diagram known as Punnett's square. His seeming reluctance as coauthor with Bateson to promote the reduplication hypothesis to explain the statistical evidence for linkage is stressed, as is his relationship with his successor as Arthur Balfour Professor, R. A. Fisher. The background to the establishment of the Professorship is also described.

  15. Geometry and analysis on manifolds in memory of professor Shoshichi Kobayashi

    CERN Document Server

    Mabuchi, Toshiki; Maeda, Yoshiaki; Noguchi, Junjiro; Weinstein, Alan


    This volume is dedicated to the memory of Shoshichi Kobayashi, and gathers contributions from distinguished researchers working on topics close to his research areas. The book is organized into three parts, with the first part presenting an overview of Professor Shoshichi Kobayashi’s career. This is followed by two expository course lectures (the second part) on recent topics in extremal Kähler metrics and value distribution theory, which will be helpful for graduate students in mathematics interested in new topics in complex geometry and complex analysis. Lastly, the third part of the volume collects authoritative research papers on differential geometry and complex analysis. Professor Shoshichi Kobayashi was a recognized international leader in the areas of differential and complex geometry. He contributed crucial ideas that are still considered fundamental in these fields. The book will be of interest to researchers in the fields of differential geometry, complex geometry, and several complex variables ...

  16. From Nutty Professor to Buddy Love--Personality types in modern science. (United States)

    Charlton, Bruce G


    People often suggest that scientists should have a specific personality type, usually conscientious and self-critical. But this is a mistake. Science as a social system needs to be conscientious and self-critical, but scientists as people do not necessarily have to conform to that stereotype. Since science works by a process of selection, it makes sense to have a wide range of personalities in science. It takes all types. However, the selection pressures within science have changed over recent decades. In the past, a successful scientist often resembled the white-coated, bespectacled and introverted Nutty Professor in Jerry Lewis's movie of that name. But the modern science superstar is more like the Nutty Professor's alter ego, nightclub singer 'Buddy Love': a sharp-suited, good-looking and charismatic charmer. While Nutty was dull but impartial, Buddy is compelling but self-seeking. Our attitude towards public scientific pronouncements should be adjusted accordingly.

  17. Exercise lowers blood pressure in university professors during subsequent teaching and sleeping hours

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    Ribeiro F


    Full Text Available Fabiana Ribeiro1, Carmen S Grubert Campbell1, Gisele Mendes1, Gisela Arsa1,3, Sérgio R Moreira2, Francisco M da Silva1, Jonato Prestes1, Rafael da Costa Sotero1, Herbert Gustavo Simões1 1Graduate Program on Physical Education and Health, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brasilia; 2Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, 3Graduate Program on Physical Education, Nine of July University, São Paulo SP, Brazil Background: University professors are subjected to psychological stress that contributes to blood pressure (BP reactivity and development of hypertension. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise on BP in university professors during teaching and sleeping hours. Methods: Twelve normotensive professors (42.2 ± 10.8 years, 74.2 ± 11.2 kg, 172.8 ± 10.4 cm, 20.1% ± 6.7% body fat randomly underwent control (CONT and exercise (EX30 sessions before initiating their daily activities. EX30 consisted of 30 minutes of cycling at 80%–85% of heart rate reserve. Ambulatory BP was monitored for 24 hours following both sessions. Results: BP increased in comparison with pre-session resting values during teaching after CONT (P < 0.05 but not after EX30. Systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial BP showed a more pronounced nocturnal dip following EX30 (approximately -14.7, -12.7, and -9.6 mmHg, respectively when compared with CONT (approximately -6, -5 and -3 mmHg. Conclusion: Exercise induced a BP reduction in university professors, with the main effects being observed during subsequent teaching and sleeping hours. Keywords: post-exercise blood pressure, aerobic exercise, activities of daily living

  18. Ocorrência de disfonia em professores de escolas públicas da rede municipal de ensino de Criciúma-SC


    Lemos, Simone; Rumel, Davi


    Este estudo tem por objetivo a caracterização da ocorrência de disfonia em 236 professores da rede municipal de ensino de Criciúma e a determinação dos fatores a ela associados em decorrência do exercício profissional. Os professores responderam a um questionário sobre as características do local de trabalho, os hábitos vocais, a autopercepção da disfonia, a procura por especialista, o uso de medicamentos e os cuidados com a voz. Os professores que mencionaram três ou mais sintomas vocais pas...

  19. Promotion rates for assistant and associate professors in obstetrics and gynecology. (United States)

    Rayburn, William F; Schrader, Ronald M; Fullilove, Anne M; Rutledge, Teresa L; Phelan, Sharon T; Gener, Yolanda


    To estimate promotion rates of physician faculty members in obstetrics and gynecology during the past 30 years Data were collected annually by the Association of American Medical Colleges from every school between 1980 and 2009 for first-time assistant and associate professors to determine whether and when they were promoted. Data for full-time physician faculty were aggregated by decade (1980-1989, 1990-1999, 2000-2009). Faculty were included if they remained in academia for 10 years after beginning in rank. Data were analyzed by constructing estimated promotion curves and extracting 6-year and 10-year promotion rates. The 10-year promotion rates (adjusted for attrition) declined significantly for assistant professors from 35% in 1980-1989 to 32% in 1990-1999 to 26% in 2000-2009 (P<.001), and for associate professors from 37% to 32% to 26%, respectively (P<.005). These declines most likely resulted from changes in faculty composition. The most recent 15 years saw a steady increase in the proportion of entry-level faculty who were women (now 2:1) and primarily on the nontenure track. The increasing number of faculty in general obstetrics and gynecology had lower promotion probabilities than those in the subspecialties (odds ratio 0.16; P<.001). Female faculty on the nontenure track had lower promotion rates than males on the nontenure track, males on the tenure track, and females on the tenure track (odds ratio 0.8 or less; P<.01). A decline in promotion rates during the past 30 years may be attributable to changes in faculty composition. II.

  20. Remembrance of professor Tadeusz Marciniak - Lviv tradition in Wrocław. (United States)

    Kacała, Ryszard R; Woźniak, Sławomir; Porwolik, Michał; Dąbrowski, Paweł; Domagała, Zygmunt; Kacała, Arkadiusz; Gworys, Bohdan


    After the seizure of Lviv by the Soviets, in the years 1944-1946, Tadeusz Marciniak worked in the Descriptive Anatomy Department in the State-Medical Institute of Lviv and also performed the function of the dean of the Medical Faculty. On receiving a proposal to assume the Chair of the Anatomy Department in Wrocław, he made the decision to leave Lviv. By July 2nd, 1946, prof. Tadeusz Marciniak had taken over the duties of full professor of the Descriptive Anatomy Department of the Medical Faculty of the University and the Technical College of Wrocław. On taking his job in Wrocław, prof. Marciniak undertook attempts to restore the worn out parts of the Anatomy Department building. Due to the lack of Polish manuals, he also took to the preparation of scripts for medical students. Professor Marciniak was a member of the Wrocław Section of the Polish Anthropological Association and a regular member of the Wroclaw Association of Science. His main scientific interests referred to the morphogenesis of the central nervous system and urinary system. He concentrated on circulatory system and muscular system tetralogies. Professor Marciniak also actively participated in administrative work at the university. In the years 1947-1948, he held the office of associate dean of the Medical Faculty, and till 1950 was a member of the Senate of the University and Technical College of Wrocław. In the years 1959-1962, he was a vice rector of the Medical University of Wrocław.

  1. Crenças de autoeficácia do professor coordenador pedagógico: relevância para formação continuada


    VIEIRA, Andréia Maria de Souza


    Esta dissertação estrutura-se em três estudos que consistem na investigação e análise das crenças de autoeficácia percebida do Professor Coordenador Pedagógico em sua atuação na formação continuada de professores na escola. O primeiro estudo objetivou realizar um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o Professor Coordenador Pedagógico no período de 2000 a 2014, a partir da coleta de trabalhos empíricos em base de dados. As publicações compreenderam três temáticas que envolvem o Professor Coordenad...

  2. Observations on Professor Hayek's Plan

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    Ludwig von Mises


    Full Text Available This memorandum was written at the request of Henry Hazlitt to provide Mises’s comments on and concerns about F.A. Hayek’s initial proposals for what became the Mont Pèlerin Society. Mises stresses that those who favor liberty and freedom and oppose totalitarianism must also oppose interventionism. The memo argues that those who fought and lost against the rising tide of totalitarianism at the turn of the 20th Century lost their battles because they settled for middle-of-the-road policies that conceded considerable ground to the socialists. The weak point in Professor Hayek’s plan is that it relies upon the cooperation of many men who are today’s middle-of-the-roaders. As interventionists, they may not be the hoped-for intellectual pioneers to inspire people to build a freer world.


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    Maria Laura Magalhães Gomes


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Apresentamos um estudo a partir de duas investigações sobre o LASEB-FaE-UFMG, curso de especialização que contemplava uma turma de Educação Matemática, no qual analisamos as relações construídas entre professores que ensinam Matemática e professores licenciados em Matemática. As pesquisas, concluídas em 2013, abordam a convivência, por dezoito meses, dos docentes atuantes no primeiro e no segundo segmentos do Ensino Fundamental, explicitando diferenciações e identidades. Entre encontros e desencontros, os docentes mostraram ter aprendido uns com os outros, ampliando sua formação nos conteúdos e no seu ensino, o que foi possibilitado pela abordagem eleita para o curso, pautada no campo da Educação Matemática. Percebemos ter se evidenciado, nos contatos, a afirmação das identidades dos docentes "generalistas" e "especialistas". A experiência se mostrou rica na construção de interações e aprendizagens sobre cada um, bem como sobre os processos formativos do Ensino Fundamental, remetendo-se a reflexões sobre a formação inicial docente.

  4. Dilemmas of a Newly Recruited Academic Qualified Professor: A Case (United States)

    Agrawal, Anand


    This case describes the situation of a newly recruited academic professor who volunteered to teach a course on Research Methods to first-term MBA students in a practitioner-oriented case method Business School. Research Methods is a unique course due to its relevance not only in business but also across all graduate programs. Instructional and…

  5. The innovation of the subspecialty of Paediatric Virology: An interview with Research Professor of Molecular Virology Anna Kramvis. (United States)

    Mammas, Ioannis N; Spandidos, Demetrios A


    Professor Anna Kramvis, Research Professor of Molecular Virology at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, talks about direct-acting antiviral treatments against hepatitis C virus (HCV), as well as the perspective of the development of an effective vaccine against HCV. She emphasises the necessity of vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV), highlighting that it is very important that vaccination should be administered at birth in order to prevent mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HBV. Professor Kramvis states that vaccination against HBV is safe and that HBV and HCV infections are not contraindications for breastfeeding. Regarding the challenge of Paediatric Virology, she believes that it is a field that during the last years is increasing exponentially, while she concurs that Paediatric Virology subspecialty will be a popular choice for infectious diseases subspecialists. In the context of the 3rd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, which will be held in Athens on October 7th, 2017, Professor Kramvis will give her key lecture on MTCT of HBV and HCV.

  6. O papel do professor junto ao aluno com Altas Habilidades

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    Andréia Jaqueline Devalle Rech


    Full Text Available .Quando se discute a Educação Especial é comum, num primeiro momento, lembrar do aluno que compõe o especial na Educação como aquele com deficiência mental, auditiva, visual ou física. No entanto, assim como essas crianças, também os alunos com altas habilidades necessitam de um atendimento especializado, pois ele também é um sujeito da Educação Especial. Nesse sentido, este artigo apresenta a definição de altas habilidades, baseada na teoria de um pesquisador norte-americano e, como foco principal algumas questões que envolvem o professor de forma mais direta com o aluno com altas habilidades em sala de aula. Entre elas estão: questões sobre a aprendizagem escolar desses alunos, bem como os fatores que fazem parte desse processo, estratégias de ensino e a importância da identificação dos alunos com altas habilidades.Palavras-chave: Educação Especial. Professor. Aluno com Altas Habilidades

  7. Concept of a landscape map according to Professor Franciszek Uhorczak

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    Meksuła Mirosław W.


    Full Text Available In the article, the concept of landscape maps by Franciszek Uhorczak (1902–1981, Professor of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, was discussed. The maps constitute a cartographic illustration of volume III, IV and V of “Universal Geography” edited by Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (the National Scientific Publishing House (Warsaw 1965–1967 – the first Polish small-scale landscape maps of the world. From the perspective of the 50s, an attempt was undertaken to assess the editorial assumptions, landscape typology and selection of cartographic means used by the author, paying special attention to the selection of colours representing landscapes. Also, issues raising controversies related to the degree of generalization of particular elements of the content, typology of landscapes as well as map details were indicated. The performed analysis leads to the conclusion that landscape maps by Professor F. Uhorczak constituted one of the most significant achievements of Polish thematic cartography of the 20th century, and they are an unequaled model also for the contemporary cartographers.

  8. Professor Jorge Frascara, Departamento de Arte e Design


    Stephania Padovani


    Professor do Departamento de Arte e Design da Universidade de Alberta; membro da Sociedade de Designers Gráfico do Canadá; membro do Icograda Past-Presidents Forum; membro do Editorial Boards of Design Issues (Universidade de Carnegie Mellon/MIT), Information Design Journal (John Benjamins) e Tipográfica (Buenos Aires, Argentina); membro internacional da Society for the Science of Design (Japão), membro do Conselho Diretor do Communication Research Institute da Austrália (CRIA); e membro do C...

  9. An Outstanding Career: Professor Emeritus Iacob Cătoiu


    Octavian Oprică


    Through the duration of his commissions of Deputy Dean (1981-1989) and, respectively, Dean (1992-2003), and also by the manner of approaching the managerial problems and his scientific extension, Professor Iacob Cătoiu left and indelible trace on the evolution of the former Department of Commerce in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) – now the Department of Business and Tourism. He is author or co-author of an important number of books (57) and articles (105) and book presenta...

  10. Tuning Geneva+Pythia 8 Using Professor 2

    CERN Document Server

    Gellersen, Leif Erik


    We study the tuning of the Geneva Monte Carlo framework to LHC data. Geneva improves the predictions for Drell-Yan production by including NNLO QCD corrections and extending the resummation accuracy to NNLL$'$ for 0-jettiness and NLL for 1-jettiness. The partonic results provided by Geneva are interfaced to Pythia 8 for showering including its multiple parton interaction (MPI) model. This allows us to obtain sensible predictions for Underlying Event (UE) sensitive observables too. Retuning Geneva + Pythia 8 to LHC data with the Professor 2 package shows an improved agreement for both UE sensitive and more inclusive observables.

  11. Saúde percebida em professores universitários: gênero, religião e condições de trabalho

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    Kátia Bones Rocha

    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa investiga como os professores de uma universidade particular percebem sua saúde. O delineamento é de caráter descritivocorrelacional. Os instrumentos utilizados: Questionário de Saúde de Goldberg (QGS-60 e uma ficha com dados biodemográficos investigaram variáveis individuais e relativas à atividade laboral. A amostra se constituí de 161 professores, escolhidos por estratos através das diferentes área de formação. Os resultados revelam que os professores percebem que sua saúde geral está como de costume, ou seja, nem melhor nem pior e que existe associação entre as variáveis sexo, prática religiosa e variáveis relativas ao ambiente de trabalho (horas de trabalho na universidade e em sala de aula, influenciando a percepção que os professores têm de sua saúde.


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    Rodrigo Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available No cenário atual em que há exigências contínuas de evolução do conhecimento e de avanços tecnológicos, a educação tecnológica é um assunto que merece destaque, pois é através dela que uma grande parcela dos trabalhadores é formada para atuar no mercado de trabalho cada vez mais qualificado e competitivo. Um dos projetos estratégicos mais importantes na área de ensino no país é o dos Institutos Federais que contam com 562 campi em todo país. Houve um crescimento significativo do quadro funcional: no ano de 2002 contava com 8.999 professores, atualmente conta com 37.021 (2015. Isso mostra um crescimento de 411,39%. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o grau de satisfação dos professores dos Institutos Federais em relação à Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho, diante dos impactos da expansão da rede no Brasil. A pesquisa foi realizada com professores que participaram do II Fórum Mundial de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, realizado em Florianópolis em 2012. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como quantitativa, exploratória, descritiva e avaliação (survey. Com relação ao instrumento, foi utilizado o Protocolo Biopsicossocial e organizacional - BPSO-96, de Limongi-França. Foram respondidos 43 questionários. Entre os cinco domínios avaliados, constatou-se que o domínio social foi o que apresentou o menor índice de satisfação (3,193, enquanto que o domínio psicológico foi o que apresentou maior satisfação (6,819. Destaca-se que a variável que apresentou a maior média na pesquisa foi a relação professor-aluno (8,233. Embora os resultados não possam ser generalizados para o expressivo universo de professores do Ensino Técnico dos Institutos Federais, os achados deste estudo demonstram a necessidade de alinhamento quanto à política de gestão de benefícios e apoio familiar e comunitário no grupo pesquisado, revelando a qualidade da relação ensino-aprendizado neste cenário.

  13. A psicologia educacional e a formação de professores: tendências contemporâneas

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    José Aloyseo Bzuneck

    Full Text Available A Psicologia Educacional é uma das disciplinas da formação acadêmica dos professores, mas é também uma área de pesquisa com implicações para a aprendizagem e o ensino. Ela apresenta um meio para compreensão da complexa tarefa educacional no contexto da sala de aula e sociocultural. Os professores precisam ter uma perspectiva psicológica útil para poderem fazer o melhor em seu trabalho.

  14. Theoretical construction of the contextualized dynamics of the constant shaping of advisor professors in the teaching unit

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    Nirma Pérez-Pelipiche


    Full Text Available This work paper shows research results on the contextualized dynamics of the constant shaping of advisor professors in the teaching unit, taking epistemological foundations as a starting point, which substantiate their theoretical construction. A model has been displayed basing on comprehension and interpretation of this process as a whole, in which its subsystems, components, structure, relations and levels among them, prove contradictions that become evident in such process, therefore allowing to structure the dynamics of shaping professors as an instrument, earning, as a result, the transforming capability of advisor professors when practicing their skill, having the teaching unit as a scenary. In that way we used different techniques: questionnaire, interviews, observation, statistical techniques and methods: historical-logical; analysis-synthesis and systemic-structural-functional, all of those ones from the hermeneutic-dialectic focus.

  15. Quando o garrancho é disgrafia: a atuação do professor diante dessa dificuldade de aprendizagem

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    Felipe Costa Negrão


    Full Text Available Atualmente, estamos vivendo em dias, onde os conceitos são mais importantes que as atitudes, ou o bem estar de nossos educandos. A sede por números positivos nas avaliações do MEC, por muitas vezes impossibilitam que o desenvolvimento de nossos alunos seja equilibrado. O professor é o profissional que está em contato diário com estes sujeitos aprendentes, logo é ele que observará as dificuldades apresentadas pelos mesmos. Perdurou-se por tempos, o rótulo de que os alunos que apresentavam alguma dificuldade de aprendizagem eram desprovidos de inteligência, sendo classificados até como “burros”, entretanto, atualmente podemos ver que este campo da educação, tem ganhado uma atenção especial. O presente artigo tem como propósito apresentar algumas considerações acerca da atuação do professor diante a disgrafia, tendo como objetivo geral compreender como o educador deve posicionar-se ao encontrar em sala de aula um aluno com sinais de disgrafia, objetivando a melhora da aprendizagem deste educando. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa é de caráter bibliográfico, onde recorremos a autores como Topczewski (2011, Almeida (2010, Fonseca (1995, Vallet (1977, entre outros. Elucidamos a importância da formação continuada, visto que as dificuldades de aprendizagem não são estudadas na graduação, e os educadores precisam estar preparados para lidarem com alunos que possuam disgrafia em sala de aula, na tentativa de evitar rótulos enganosos e desempenhos insatisfatórios. Enfim, compreendemos que a função do professor diante da disgrafia é ser um facilitador e um motivador, e também deve mostrar a este educando as suas habilidades e competências. Espera-se, então que o professor desperte-se, e promova mudanças em sua sala de aula, visando alcançar estes alunos que convivem com esta limitação em seu dia-a-dia. Em conformidade com o que foi apresentado nesta pesquisa, o aluno com disgrafia apresenta suas

  16. As pesquisas sobre professores iniciantes: algumas aproximações Researches about inexperienced teachers: some approaches


    Silmara de Oliveira Gomes Papi; Pura Lúcia Oliver Martins


    O presente texto tem como foco as investigações sobre professores iniciantes e faz um balanço do tema a partir de pesquisas realizadas no Brasil, tendo em vista a atual tendência dos estudos sobre essa etapa do desenvolvimento profissional do professor. Para tanto, são analisados os trabalhos apresentados nas reuniões da ANPEd, nos anos de 2005, 2006 e 2007, e as pesquisas disponíveis no banco de teses da CAPES - 2000 a 2007 (mestrado e doutorado). Também é analisada a pesquisa de Brzezinski ...

  17. [Professor WANG Fuchun's experience in the acupoint selection of clinical treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion]. (United States)

    Jiang, Hailin; Liu, Chengyu; Ha, Lijuan; Li, Tie


    Professor WANG Fuchun 's experience in the acupoint selection of clinical treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion was summarized. The main acupoints are selected by focusing on the chief symptoms of disease, the supplementary points are selected by differentiating the disorders. The acupoints are modified in terms of the changes of sickness. The effective acupoints are selected flexibly in accordance with the specific effects of points. The summary on the acupoint selection reflects professor WANG Fuchun 's academic thoughts and clinical experience and effectively instructs the clinical practice of acupuncture and moxibustion.

  18. Professor Lisa Aranson on JA Green (a pioonier artist photographer ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Jonathan Adagogo Green's photographic and artistic contributions working in his countryside, the Niger Delta of Nigeria is reviewed by Professor Lisa Aranson. Aranson in a public lecture presentation on the stand-point of art history thinks of J.A. Green as having operated in two worlds of which he is said to have initiated in ...

  19. Tribute to the legend Mr. Veterinary Public Health, Professor James ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The author was also destined during his Sabbatical Leave to have an interactive interview session with Prof James Steele after attending the 20th Annual James Steele lecture/ 99th birthday Dinner of Professor James Steele 4th and 6th April 2012 at the Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Texas, USA. The interview ...

  20. Humor and the Emeritus Professor: An Interview with Gene Roth (United States)

    Vivona, Brian


    This essay is a compilation of several conversations with Dr. Gene Roth, Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus at Northern Illinois University. Dr. Roth is past President of the Academy of Human Resource Development, and although he is well known for his efforts in bringing humor into the field of HRD, he is not the same Gene Roth that played…

  1. Processo Ensino‐Aprendizagem: Características do Professor Eficaz

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    C. Albuquerque


    Uma análise global sobre o conjunto dos indicadores que, na opinião dos alunos, incorporam cada dimensão associada ao professor eficaz, permite identificar a preocupação e o reconhecimento da importância do “conviver”, do “conhecer”, e “do saber comunicar” como “os três pilares” em que assenta a qualidade do ensino/educação.

  2. Formação de professores e saberes docentes: trajetória e preocupações de uma pesquisadora da docência - uma entrevista com Ruth Mercado

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    Denise Trento Rebello de Souza


    Full Text Available A entrevista concedida pela pesquisadora mexicana Ruth Mercado Maldonado em outubro de 2013 traz importantes contribuições para o campo educacional ao tratar de temas contemporâneos a partir da experiência profissional de uma investigadora de renome internacional. Docente e pesquisadora do Departamiento de Investigaciones Educativas del Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (DIE-CINVESTAV, a Dra. Ruth Mercado mantém contato com pesquisadores brasileiros desde a década de 1980, debatendo temas envolvendo a etnografia e a formação de professores. A abordagem etnográfica, calcada na articulação entre trabalho empírico e conceitual, possibilita que a autora, a partir do pensamento de Agnes Heller, Mikhail Bakhtin e Lev Vigotsky, dentre outros, produza uma construção teórica própria acerca dos saberes docentes. Sua trajetória revela as concepções de uma pesquisadora que busca compreender a perspectiva do outro, distanciando-se dos olhares avaliativos e prescritivos comuns ao campo pedagógico. Na entrevista, a autora aborda, de modo instigante, questões atuais e relativas ao campo da formação inicial e continuada de professores: o processo de universitarização e suas implicações, o papel dos formadores, as relações entre cultura universitária e cultura escolar. Suas reflexões sobre a história da profissão docente no México e da criação de programas de mestrado profissional em diferentes países oferecem contribuições importantes para a comunidade educacional da América Latina. A leitura da entrevista envolve, assim, um convite à reflexão sobre os desafios que a universidade e seus profissionais enfrentam na construção de propostas de formação docente adequadas às necessidades, demandas e características próprias daqueles que atuam na educação básica.

  3. Uso das TICs na Educação Superior presencial e a distância: a visão dos professores

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    Mathias, Carmen V.


    Full Text Available As tecnologias possuem um potencial formativo que pode contribui para ampliação dos espaços e dos tempos pedagógicos, para a flexibilização do currículo e para o aumento da interação entre os sujeitos tanto na educação presencial quanto na educação a distância. A partir dessa premissa, objetivamos investigar como ocorre o uso das TICs aplicadas a educação superior presencial e a distância sob o ponto de vista dos professores universitários. O trabalho teve uma abordagem qualitativa, os dados foram coletados por um questionário online aplicado a vinte e dois professores atuantes na educação superior presencial e a distância. As informações foram trabalhadas através da análise de conteúdo. Alguns resultados: todos os professores utilizam TICs, alguns de forma mais freqüente e diversificada; algumas tecnologias são mais utilizadas na educação presencial, outras na educação a distância; a maioria dos professores possui formação para o uso das TICs; foi significativo o indicativo da falta de formação para os professores usarem de maneira adequada as tecnologias; a maioria dos professores reconheceu a existência de diferenças no uso das tecnologias na educação presencial e a distância; os professores apontam muitas vantagens para o uso das tecnologias aplicadas a educação e reconhecem algumas desvantagens

  4. The proposal of Paediatric Virology and its perspectives: An interview with Professor of Paediatrics Maria Theodoridou. (United States)

    Mammas, Ioannis N; Spandidos, Demetrios A


    Professor Maria Theodoridou, Emeritus Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Athens, is one of the few paediatricians in Greece, who have experienced almost all the infectious diseases of the second half of the 20th century and their severe consequences, prior to the widespread adoption of immunisations. A milestone during her career was the establishment of a specialised National Reference Unit for the care of paediatric patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) at the 'Aghia Sophia' Children's Hospital in Athens, Greece. According to Professor Theodoridou, training on the prevention, management and treatment of neonatal and paediatric viral infections represents a new educational challenge for both community as well as hospital-based paediatric health professionals. The debate of the potential strategically principal role of Paediatric Virology subspecialists in the primary, secondary and tertiary clinical practice is definitely necessary and needs further discussion and evaluation, she adds. She describes the difficulties that Greece, a country under a long-standing financial crisis, faces for the hospital-based management of paediatric viral infections and refers to the future advances, which are expected in the field of diagnosis and treatment of viral infections in neonates and children. In the context of the 3rd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, which will be held in Athens on October 7th, 2017, Professor Theodoridou will focus on the immigration crisis and vaccination policy.

  5. Sobre a atualidade dos tabus com relação aos professores Taboos against teachers today

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    Antonio A. S. Zuin


    Full Text Available Este texto tem como objetivo argumentar que as atuais representações aversivas dos alunos com relação aos seus mestres, os chamados tabus, são decorrentes da violência simbólica que o professor exerce sobre o aluno, com ênfase na universidade. E se a atitude violenta causa inicialmente uma sensação de mal-estar, logo é identificada como algo "inerente" ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Tal violência torna-se valorizada tanto pelos professores quanto pelos alunos que se identificam com o professor na figura do agressor, sendo que tais alunos procuram encontrar oportunidades para poder se desforrar do ressentimento que foi engendrado nas relações cotidianas com seus mestres.This paper intends to argue that the current averse representations students have of their teachers, the so called taboos, follow from the symbolic violence teachers exert on them, mainly in the university. If this violent attitude initially causes a sensation of discomfort, it is soon identified as something "inherent" to the teaching and learning process. Therefore, it is often highly prized by teachers and by the students who identify themselves with the professor as an aggressor, while these students look for opportunities to let go of the resentment generated by their daily relationships to their masters.

  6. Strategies Used by Professors through Virtual Educational Platforms in Face-to-Face Classes: A View from the Chamilo Platform (United States)

    Valencia, Heriberto Gonzalez; Villota Enriquez, Jackeline Amparo; Agredo, Patricia Medina


    This study consisted in characterizing the strategies used by professors; implemented through virtual educational platforms. The context of this research were the classrooms of the Santiago de Cali University and the virtual space of the Chamilo virtual platform, where two professors from the Faculty of Education of the same university…

  7. Actuación docente de educación superior frente a estudiantes pertenecientes a contextos vulnerables: estudio de caso en el contexto de la macro región sur de Chile


    Miranda Ossandón, Jorge


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Pedagogia Aplicada La investigación se propone abordar el análisis de las prácticas docentes de Educación Superior (ES) con estudiantes en situación de vulnerabilidad socioeducativa de primer año de la Universidad Católica de Temuco (UCT). Se busca identificar las percepciones construidas por docentes de primer año de la UCT respecto de la situación de vulnerabilidad de sus estudiantes, considerando fundamentalmente para ello los discursos...

  8. Estrategias didácticas en la supervisión de las prácticas profesionales en la formación de trabajadores sociales. Un estudio en tres universidades de Santiago, Región Metropolitana – Chile


    Godoy Ormazábal, Wendy Martiza de Lourdes


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Pedagogia Sistemàtica i Social La presente investigación analiza el proceso de supervisión en tres Escuelas de Trabajo Social, de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile. El interés de este estudio radica en valorar un ámbito de la docencia universitaria escasamente conocida que adquiere una nueva relevancia en un contexto universitario que transita, desde modelos centrados en la enseñanza hacia otros que ponen énfasis en el aprendizaje de los estu...

  9. [Experience summary of professor WANG Fuchun's "Zhenjing Anshen" acupuncture method for insomnia]. (United States)

    Li, Tie; Ha, Lijuan; Cao, Fang; Zhi, Mujun; Wang, Fuchun


    The experience of "Zhenjing Anshen" acupuncture method originally created by professor WANG Fuchun for treatment of insomnia was introduced in this paper. From aspects of insomnia pathogenesis, theoretical foundation, characteristics of acupoint selection, needing methods, needing time, etc., the experience of Professor WANG Fuchun for treatment of insomnia was explained. The "Zhenjing Anshen" acupuncture method proposed, for the first time, "new three layers" method of acupoint selection, including Sishencong (EX-HN 1), Shenmen (HT 7), Sanyinjiao (SP 6). This method presents the principles of acupoint selection along meridian, acupoint selection based on essence-qi-spirit, harmony of yin and yang. The acupuncture manipulation is emphasized, and treating time (the period of the day from 3 pm to 5 pm) is focused on; acupoint selection is simple but essential, and acupoint combination is scientific, which receives notable therapeutic effect in clinic.

  10. Interview with Professor Dr. Daniel Spreng

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagel, C.; Kilchmann, A.


    This interview with Professor Dr. Daniel Spreng of the Center for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE) in Zuerich, Switzerland, deals with questions concerning research in the area of energy economics. In particular, the situation in Switzerland, where mains-connected sources of energy such as electricity and gas play an important role in energy supply, is looked at in the light of market liberalisation. Various approaches to the liberalisation of gas and electricity systems are discussed and the costs of liberalised supply systems are compared with those of the present monopolistic situation. Also, energy reserves and the use of the gas distribution system in a future hydrogen-based energy supply scenario are looked at. Projects currently being worked on at the CEPE are reviewed

  11. Aprendizagem baseada em problemas no ensino de ciências: Mudando atitudes de alunos e professores

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    João Manoel da Silva Malheiro


    Full Text Available O aprendizado baseado em problemas (APB é apontado como ferramenta importante para ensinar os alunos a aprender com autonomia. O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar a forma habitual de ensinar Ciências e Biologia no Ensino Médio da Escola Pública com a metodologia da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP. Para tanto, dois Cursos de Férias frequentados por alunos e professores do ensino médio foram baseados na ABP e dedicados à redescoberta da anatomia do corpo de animais com estilos de vida contrastantes. Foram feitas análises qualitativas e quantitativas a partir de questionários aplicados antes e depois dos cursos a alunos e professores. Os resultados apontaram para maior motivação dos alunos e professores em ciências e biologia após os cursos de férias e para a possibilidade da utilização imediata da metodologia no ensino médio na escola pública a despeito das restrições atuais de infra-estrutura.

  12. Sex Roles on Campus: Does Professor Charles Really Get His Angels? (United States)

    Rochelle, Larry


    Reveals factors which foster sexual relationships between male professors and female students. Considers the journals commonly read by males and females and their impact on sexual attitudes. Discusses the issues of miscommunication, sexual harassment, and students' perceptions of sex roles on campus. Suggests ways of dealing with sexual…

  13. O pensamento computacional e a formação continuada de professores: uma experiência com as TICs

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    Louise Alessandra Santos do Carmo Paz


    Full Text Available As novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs fazem parte do cotidiano dos alunos, mas nem sempre dos professores. Para que haja uma mudança de paradigma no papel do professor, de produtor para mediador do conhecimento é necessário o desenvolvimento de novas competências para ensinar, destacando-se o pensamento computacional. Este artigo relata a experiência de um curso de introdução às novas TICs, que foi ofertado como formação continuada para professores, utilizando uma metodologia baseada no modelo andragônico, colocando-os como colaboradores e criadores do seu saber, corresponsáveis pelos os rumos do seu processo de ensino aprendizagem.

  14. Projeto formação continuada de professores em gênero e sexualidade: relato de experiência

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    Leonardo Pereira de Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo relata uma atividade de formação de professores implementada a partir do Projeto de Extensão “Formação Continuada de Professores em Gênero e Sexualidade”, visando atender às dificuldades dos educadores em lidar com expressões da sexualidade que aparecem no cotidiano escolar. O projeto teve como objetivos: formar professores para atuarem com questões de gênero e sexualidade do cotidiano escolar; desconstruir mitos, tabus e preconceitos relacionados às questões de gênero e sexualidade, e instrumentalizar professores para o desenvolvimento de ações relacionadas aos temas propostos. Os cursistas relataram que sentiram-se mais instrumentalizados para mediar expressões da sexualidade do cotidiano escolar. Entendemos que o curso oferecido pelo projeto atingiu seus objetivos, promovendo algumas rupturas em posicionamentos que reduziam a sexualidade ao campo biomédico, bem como a fundamentalismos que a compreendiam de uma forma binária e mantenedora das desigualdades de gênero, permitindo que emergissem intervenções em consonância com os princípios propostos nas políticas públicas.

  15. Paediatric Virology as a new educational initiative: An interview with Nobelist Professor of Virology Harald zur Hausen. (United States)

    Mammas, Ioannis N; Spandidos, Demetrios A


    Born in Gelsenkirchen-Buer in Germany on March 11th, 1936, Professor Harald zur Hausen, Emeritus Professor of Virology at the University of Freiburg and 2008 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, believes that good knowledge of virological methods and diagnostic possibilities are an asset for all young paediatricians. Professor zur Hausen considers that the creation of an educational platform on Paediatric Virology is definitely very beneficial for young paediatricians, as this will greatly enhance their knowledge in the field of Virology. He very actively advocates the vaccination of boys for the eradication of HPV infection and emphasises that male HPV vaccination should be included into the current vaccination programmes. He would have certainly considered Dr George N. Papanicolaou (Kyme, Island of Euboea, Greece, 1883 - Miami, Florida, USA, 1962) as an excellent candidate for the Nobel Prize, stating that the contribution of Dr Papanicolaou did not find sufficient recognition in the past. In the context of the 3rd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, which will be held in Athens, Greece, on October 7th, 2017, Professor zur Hausen will give his plenary lecture on 'Paediatric Virology and Oncology: Virus persistence and the important first years of life'.

  16. What Reveals about How and Why Students Evaluate Their Professors: A Glimpse into the Student Mind-Set (United States)

    Hartman, Katherine B.; Hunt, James B.


    This study examines ratings and comments as a form of electronic word-of-mouth communications. The data represent 2,371 user ratings and comments for 442 marketing professors from 51 U. S. colleges and universities. Qualitative comments were analyzed using updated thematic content analyses. The results indicate significant…

  17. [The academic characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion of professor ZHANG Yongshu:a famous acupuncturist in Southern Fujian]. (United States)

    Xu, Weiwei; Meng, Xianjun; Zhu, Anning; Wang, Yu; Luo, Wuyougumo; Kuang, Zifang


    Professor ZHANG Yongshu , who studied from professor LIU Zhangjie , is a famous acupuncturist in Quanzhou of Southern Fujian. The publications authored by professor ZHANG Yongshu were collected in this study to summarize his academic characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion. The result indicated he highly valued the regulation of yang qi , and established the theory of "developing yang to nourish yin ", which proposes to develop yang qi to achieve the effect of culturing yin ; he summarized eight methods to regulate the governor vessel and conception vessel, which can condition the body's yin and yang ; he paid attention to moxibustion therapy and its dosage, and made the best of direct moxibustion. In addition, he focused on meridian theory with effective application of meridian syndrome differentiation; in clinical treatment, he regulated the hand- yangming meridian to treat diseases by nourishing yang , generating yin and regulating fu .

  18. Investigación y práctica urbanística desde la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid : 20 años de actividad del Instituto Juan de Herrera (SPyOT, 1977-1997

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    Ramón López de Lucio


    For two decades now, research and urban practice at Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid has notably come apart from dominant planning ideology, in which "urban project" has been considered from a quite reductionist approach, so embedded in the paradigmatic tautology of "urban urbanism", as the only way of working and teaching. In 1977 a group of professors of what latter became the Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Madrid decided to organize themselves as a working group with the objective of developing research projects and eventually professional work of particular interest in the fields of city and regional planning. Under the name of Seminario de Planeamiento y Ordenación del Territorio (SPyOT this group started a series of research projects focusing initially in Madrid -as central object of study and laboratory of new planning initiatives- and in the comprehensive plans of the main Spanish cities. After 20 years of uninterrupted activity the initial group has grown and consolidated, and its fields of activity have expanded. More than one hundred projects coordinated by two dozens of professors have been completed in which about 200 hundred students have cooperated. A permanent platform for research within the university has developed and an alternative for professional work for full-time professors has been created, following the guidelines of the University Reform Law (LRU. A considerable number of outstanding students have started careers in the planning field, both in the public and private sectors. After 20 years it can be said that the always difficult relationship between academia and the professional world, both for students and professors, has been facilitated by the existence of the SPyOT. Today the SPyOT has become the Sección de Urbanismo del Instituto Juan de Herrera. This publication includes, after some introductory remarks by the Directors of the Planning Department of the


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    Duško Bjelica


    Full Text Available At the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education from Niksic, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Government of Montenegro, a one-day seminar was organized for professors of physical education from all Montenegrin towns. The seminar, attended by 86 professors, was held on October 26, 2011 with actual topics in the field of sports, monitoring and control of growth and development of children, as well as new methodology in the field of physical education. Taking into account that there are about 200 primary and secondary schools in Montenegro, the number of the seminar attendees was very representative and it represented by accident chosen sample in research of professors of physical education. Method of the questionnaire was implemented in this research and the used questionnaire consisted of three group of questions for testing attitudes about: development of Montenegrin sports, personal expert specialization and work satisfaction. This questionnaire represents a part of the research done at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education whose aim is to get directions for organization of similar seminars in the next time period through monitoring and insight into attitudes of professors of physical education and that way to give a contribution to permanent specialization of professors of physical education.

  20. Competencias TIC del profesor de educación media superior en la modalidad abierta de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


    Valdez Alejandre, Francisco J.


    La evaluación de las competencias TIC del profesor de educación media superior en la modalidad abierta de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México permitirá a la institución encuestada identificar el conocimiento, el uso y las acciones que realiza el profesorado universitario en la mejora de sus competencias TIC. L'avaluació de les competències TIC del professor d'educació mitjana superior en la modalitat oberta de la Facultad de Contaduría ...

  1. Educação superior e agenciamento: a constituição singular do professor da educação superior no presente

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    Daniela Pederiva Pensin


    Full Text Available O texto toma como objeto a constituição do professor da educação superior considerando a complexidade do presente. Ao intentar sua problematização, o faz inspirado nos estudos de orientação foucaultiana, servindo-se do discurso como conceito teórico-metodológico. A busca por este objetivo mobilizou: reconhecer a constituição do professor da educação superior inextrincavelmente articulada à constituição da docência; assentir a constituição histórica e contextualizada deste professor; tomá-la em sua singularidade na invenção de um tipo sujeito específico; dar visibilidade ao que se coloca como verdades sobre este professor por meio dos discursos institucionais. Tomou-se como superfície analítica os Projetos Pedagógicos Institucionais de nove universidades do Rio Grande do Sul e buscou-se pelas recorrências discursivas ─ formas de fazer circular verdades autorizadas que, em meio a jogos de verdade, constituem o professor. Organizado em duas seções, na primeira trata a constituição do professor desde uma perspectiva histórica, que permite ver o professor imerso na atmosfera da educação de seu tempo numa constituição não estática, tampouco linear. A segunda seção traz a compreensão de que o professor, no presente, constitui-se em meio a práticas de uma docência singular, que opera pelo agenciamento. O movimento analítico que sustenta este texto conduz à compreensão de que o professor se constitui, no presente, como um sujeito que opera pelo agenciamento e ao operar mobiliza a ideia de fazer do indivíduo alguém capaz de produzir efeitos, ao menos, em três dimensões: (1 uma dimensão de mercado, (2 uma dimensão de conhecimento e tecnologia, (3 uma dimensão humanizadora.

  2. Superdotação/altas habilidades percebidas por pais e professores do ensino fundamental, nível I

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    Nathalya Elizabeth Ferrer Ubeda


    Full Text Available As políticas educacionais de inclusão propõem medidas que garantem a participação e desenvolvimento de estudantes com superdotação/altas habilidades, todavia, há um grande desafio no que tange à sua identificação. A realização deste estudo objetivou identificar a percepção de pais e professores quanto às características de superdotação/altas habilidades de seus filhos e alunos. O estudo foi realizado no Ensino Fundamental, Nível I, de uma cidade de pequeno porte no estado de São Paulo. Utilizou-se questionários para pais e professores a fim de realizar coleta de informações. A análise dos dados revelou que os pais demonstraram grandes expectativas quanto ao potencial de seus filhos, enquanto que os professores foram mais ponderados ao escolher os indicadores referentes ao potencial de seus alunos. Ambos apresentaram conhecimento superficial quanto ao assunto e os professores fizeram poucas indicações no item Criatividade, elemento indispensável no processo, pois envolve originalidade de pensamento na solução de problemas.

  3. Gender and Teamwork: An Analysis of Professors' Perspectives and Practices (United States)

    Beddoes, Kacey; Panther, Grace


    Teamwork is increasingly seen as an important component of engineering education programmes. Yet, prior research has shown that there are numerous ways in which teamwork is gendered, and can lead to negative experiences for women students. This article presents the first interview findings on professors' perspectives on gender and teamwork.…

  4. First Impressions and Professor Reputation: Influence on Student Evaluations of Instruction (United States)

    Buchert, Stephanie; Laws, Eric L.; Apperson, Jennifer M.; Bregman, Norman J.


    We examined the effects of professor reputation versus first impressions on student evaluations of instruction. Students in 19 Psychology courses completed course evaluation surveys either before meeting the instructor or 2 weeks into the semester. Both groups then completed the course evaluation again at the end of the semester. Unlike…

  5. Teaching Management: A Field Guide for Professors, Consultants, and Corporate Trainers (United States)

    Clawson, James G. S.; Haskins, Mark E.


    How can every management class be a dynamic, unforgettable experience? This much-needed book distills over half a century of the authors' combined experience as university professors, consultants, and advisors to corporate training departments. In a lively, hands-on fashion, it describes the fundamental elements in every learning situation,…

  6. Dose vocal em professores: correlação com a presença de disfonia


    Gama, Ana Cristina Côrtes; Santos, Juliana Nunes; Pedra, Elisângela de Fátima Pereira; Rabelo, Alessandra Terra Vasconcelos; Magalhães, Max de Castro; Casas, Estevam Barbosa de Las


    RESUMO Professores são profissionais com alta prevalência de disfonia, para a qual os principais fatores de risco são as longas jornadas de trabalho em salas de aula com presença de ruído ambiental. O objetivo da pesquisa foi calcular o tempo de fonação e a dose cíclica de professoras com disfonia e de professoras sem alteração de voz durante a atividade letiva. Para o estudo, dois grupos foram analisados: cinco professoras com disfonia funcional constituíram o grupo de professores disfônicos...


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    José Augusto Ayres Florentino


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio é parte de um trabalho apresentado no seminário: Por una hermenéutica de la experiencia: aproximación entre Nietzsche y Foucault , realizado durante o período de doutorado-sanduíche na Universidad Nacional de La Plata/Argentina, no ano de 2010. O objetivo com este exercício narrativo foi o de contar as primeiras experiências pedagógicas como professor em um curso de Especialização em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior e, posteriormente, de anatomia humana no curso Técnico Profissionalizante, entre os anos de 2007 e 2009. Para tanto, trago relatos de uma experiência vivida no início da carreira profissional como docente, relatando como o processo produtivo da experiência (que é sempre negativa me levaram a refletir e a repensar o meu agir pedagógico. Como se deu, a partir do saber da experiência, a construção do EU professor e, consequentemente, o giro epistemológico na minha prática educativa com a (reconstrução da minha profissionalidade. Este ensaio apoia-se em autores pertinentes à temática da formação professores e da experiência e do saber da experiência, tais como Sacristán, García, Larrosa e Gadamer.

  8. Para superar as prescrições direcionadas ao professor de física

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    Maria P. M. de Almeida


    Full Text Available Neste estudo partimos da consideração da relevância da autonomia do professor na organização das relações de ensino de que participa em sala de aula. Como prescrições dirigidas ao professor se opõem à possibilidade de autonomia, buscamos compreender manifestações de caráter prescritivo visando contribuir para a diminuição de sua ocorrência. Para tanto, nos apoiamos numa vertente da análise do discurso para compreender como, em certas condições de produção, prescrições, explicitas ou implícitas, são direcionadas a professores de física da educação básica. Os discursos analisados foram obtidos em periódico, ata de encontro e através de entrevistas e questionário. Todos foram formulados em situações relacionadas com o ensino da física, no Brasil, em diferentes momentos desde a segunda metade do século passado. Entre as considerações que o estudo permite inferir, destacase a contribuição da participação na área de educação em ciências na superação das prescrições.

  9. Profissão Professor: a dimensão afetiva contemplada em sua identidade

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    Rebeca Possobom Arnosti


    Full Text Available A pesquisa emerge do cenário de crises e contradições que envolvem a educação, o professor e a sua identidade. Na tentativa de re-significar esta identidade, visando encontrar elementos que contribuam com a construção da profissionalidade docente, partiu-se do pressuposto da importância de se investir no desenvolvimento pessoal do professor, contemplando sua dimensão afetiva. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar nos docentes que atuam em escolas da rede de ensino, educação básica, os aspectos constitutivos da dimensão (sócio-afetiva de sua identidade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, tendo como instrumentos de coleta de dados observações e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados contemplam as diferentes categorias da profissionalidade docente, de modo que se pode visualizar como a afetividade assume papel essencial na formação e no trabalho dos professores, já que seu desenvolvimento possibilita a construção de uma prática pedagógica diferenciada, facilita a elaboração de trabalhos pedagógicos coletivos e, ainda, quando reconhecida e desenvolvida na graduação, contribui para que crenças e princípios pessoais possam ser reavaliados sob uma perspectiva científica e profissional.

  10. Professor Jorge Frascara, Departamento de Arte e Design

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    Stephania Padovani


    Full Text Available Professor do Departamento de Arte e Design da Universidade de Alberta; membro da Sociedade de Designers Gráfico do Canadá; membro do Icograda Past-Presidents Forum; membro do Editorial Boards of Design Issues (Universidade de Carnegie Mellon/MIT, Information Design Journal (John Benjamins e Tipográfica (Buenos Aires, Argentina; membro internacional da Society for the Science of Design (Japão, membro do Conselho Diretor do Communication Research Institute da Austrália (CRIA; e membro do Conselho Consultivo e Doutor em Design pela Universidade de Veneza.


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    Carmen Brunelli de Moura


    Full Text Available A ideia de programar ações de melhoria na qualidade do ensino levou o Estado a dividir com a mídia os espaços de formação de professores. Isso fez surgir uma discursividade cujos efeitos apontam para um currículo pedagógico que funciona em meio a um conjunto de verdades e equipa o professor com uma teoria voltada para a profissionalidade e conduta do outro. Diante de todo esse profissionalismo, é possível entrever uma teoria da pessoalidade? É possível descrever um currículo cujos efeitos apontam para a transformação das subjetividades do professor e não apenas para sua formação? A partir desses questionamentos, objetivo descrever como os discursos da mídia problematizam a subjetividade do professor, pensando-a a partir de um currículo psicagógico, cujas verdades não têm como finalidade formar, mas transformar o modo de ser do professor. Para problematizar esse currículo psicagógico, tomo o discurso produzido na edição de Dezembro/2001, da Revista Nova Escola. Conduzo este estudo a partir do campo da Linguística Aplicada com idéias que vêm das noções desenvolvidas por Michel Foucault, além de conceitos colhidos entre pesquisadores como Antonio Nóvoa, Stephen Ball, Alfredo Veiga-Neto, Tomas Tadeu da Silva, Zigmunt Bauman e outros. Os resultados desse estudo apontam que a mídia, ao pensar um currículo psicagógico, propicia ao professor espaços de liberdade diante das pressões sociais e históricas e a apreensão de subjetividades mais autônomas, singulares, mais abertas às mudanças que se apresentam continuamente na liquidez da modernidade.

  12. On the knowledge of students and professors at Eindhoven UNiversity of Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eikelder, ten H.M.M.; Meer, van der J.C.


    Using methods from statistical learning theory we compute the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of full professors and students of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The results are surprising and disappointing. Furthermore, it is shown that during their study the students must have learned things

  13. [Professor CHEN Xiuhua's experience in the treatment of atopic dermatitis]. (United States)

    Quan, Xiaohong; Li, Shuqian; Li, Ying


    Professor CHEN Xiuhua 's clinical experiences were introduced in the intervention on atopic dermatitis with external therapies of TCM acupuncture. On the basis of the theory as cultivating the earth and clearing the heart from professor CHEN Dacan and in terms of the disease stages and skin lesion characteristics, as well as in consideration of syndrome differen-tiation, the acupoints for strengthening the spleen and clearing heart fire are selected, such as Zhongwan (CV 12), Daheng (SP 15), Shuifen (CV 9), Tianshu (ST 25), Neiguan (PC 6) and Quchi (LI 11). For the repair of skin lesion, the integration of Chinese and western medicine is used, with the internal application and external use of Chinese herbal medicines involved. The topical ointments are selected rationally. The self-blood therapy is used with acupuncture, bleeding therapy and acupoint injection applied in combination on the basis of the theory of TCM zangfu organs and modern immunological mechanism, which stimulates the nonspecific immune response in the body and strengthens acupoint stimulus effects. Medical thread therapy of Guangxi Zhuang medicine is used in moxibustion for skin damage, which effectively stops itching and promotes wound healing and skin repair.

  14. Representações sociais dos professores no ensino-aprendizagem do adolescente com Síndrome de Down

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    Sandra Conceição Maria Vieira


    Full Text Available ResumoEste artigo tem por objetivo compreender e analisar as representações sociais dos professores sobre o processo ensino aprendizagem do adolescente com síndrome de Down. Adotou uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando o conceito das representações sociais. A escola escolhida é regular e adepta a educação inclusiva. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário. As entrevistas foram transcritas na íntegra e submetidos à análise do discurso.Três professores participaram da pesquisa. Percebeu- se que esses professores ainda não sabem bem o que fazem dentro de sala de aula, porque nenhum deles conseguiram responder, de fato, como trabalham pedagogicamente com esses alunos com Síndrome de Down. Pode- se acreditar que os aspectos indicativos de Representações sociais foram amplas. A representação mostrou- se como desafiadora para maior parte dos professores entrevistados, visto que compreendem que é necessário realizar o processo de inclusão, porém muitas vezes não sabem como. Ainda existe uma concepção que o aluno não aprende, demonstrando uma representação excludente, em relação ao fato de excluí-lo do direito adquirir conhecimentos como qualquer outro aluno e ao fato da falta de meios pedagógicos que facilitariam o processo ensino aprendizagem dos mesmos. 

  15. [Professor WANG Linpeng's experience of acupuncture for migraine based on different stages and types]. (United States)

    Wang, Shaosong


    By using the methods of experience summary and case report, professor WANG Linpeng 's clinical experience of acupuncture for migraine was summarized.Professor WANG proposed the different acupuncture plans should be established according to the active stage and remission stage of migraine; in the active stage acupuncture should be applied at gallbladder meridian with penetration needling technique to reinforce the stimulation intensity; in the remission stage the aim was to regulate zang-fu and back- shu points should be emphasized.In addition, attention should be paid on acupuncture technique and preventive treatment.For menstruation-type and psychological disorder-type migraine, different acupuncture plans should be adopted and regulating meridian and spirit was essential in the treatment.

  16. Educação política de professores: conceitos e importância

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    Rangel, Mary


    Full Text Available Este artigo traz aos leitores conceitos da teoria política de Hannad Arendt, demonstrando a sua relevância para a educação de professores. A argumentação do texto contempla a importância da dimensão política do magistério e dos seus fundamentos. Assim, abordam-se conceitos arendtianos sobre política, poder e violência, enfatizando-os na formação e na prática docente, seja para os professores possam incorporá-los ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem, seja para que possam exercer, de modo consciente e fundamentado, a educação para a vida cidadã

  17. A Professor Returns to the Classroom in a Professional Development School. (United States)

    Lyman, Lawrence

    This paper describes one professor's sabbatical leave, when he returned to a third/fourth grade classroom as a teacher. It examines logistical arrangements necessary for success and insights gained. He worked in a Professional Development School (PDS) for 1 year, mentoring a PDS intern, 2 student teachers in the traditional preservice program, and…

  18. The professors' juridical liability for the violation of ethics standards and professional deontology

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    L. MANEA


    Full Text Available In the higher education system in Romania, from the professors' perspective, the problem of ethical responsibility distinguishes among the didactic activities of the teaching staff, which is why the educational process must take place in a civilized and ethical environment based on mutual respect between professors and students, respectively between the scientific research activities of the teaching staff, from this perspective guaranteeing the good conduct of the professional in his/her scientific research activity. Both aspects regarding the ethical responsibility of the teaching staff in the higher education have been regulated since 2004, when an institutional reform was being carried out on the entire territory of Romania on the introduction of ethical codes as ethical tools for regulating from that perspective in particular the professions in the public domain.

  19. A call for self-reflection as professors engage the issues of science education reform: An ethnographic study (United States)

    Licona, Miguel M.

    Science becomes distorted and undemocratic when it is categorized into disciplines that, in turn, perpetuate borders creating conditions of inequality for the general population. Science education reform represents a starting point from which to approach notions of exclusion and inaccessibility. Students not intending to major in science often encounter environments as well as professors that serve to limit their potential and thereby exclude them from greater exposure and participation in the sciences. This qualitative study considers professional practices of professors who hold key positions for the success of science teaching and learning. Through classroom observation, in-depth interviewing and a survey questionnaire, this study sheds fight on the process of science education reform. Participants included six university professors who taught a reformed science course developed under the guidance of a National Science Foundation initiative known as the Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation. The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of faculty beliefs concerning teaching and learning science for students not intending to major in science, most of whom are elementary education majors. In this study, professors' espoused belief systems were elicited while their mental models that drive behavior were observed in the classroom setting. Incongruencies between theories in practice and theories in use were uncovered and explored. Major implications for who can and cannot learn science within the context of a system that currently serves to pre-select who will succeed are uncovered as a result of this study. The constant comparative method developed by Glaser and Strauss was used to analyze the words of each individual participant as she/he worked to consider the incongruencies in her/his theory and practice (as cited in Maykut & Morehouse, 1994). Self-reflection is identified as key in the process of praxis that will aid professors in their

  20. Relações educacionais: comportamentos do professor de inglês que afetam a motivação do aluno

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    Girlane Moura Hickmann


    Full Text Available Este artigo é um recorte de uma pesquisa realizada em Curitiba (PR com 82 alunos e quatro professores de uma escola de línguas ligada a uma universidade publica federal. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que os comportamentos dos professores, ao ministrar suas aulas, poderiam influenciar positiva ou negativamente em algumas variáveis motivacionais dos alunos durante as aulas. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o estado e as metas motivacionais do aprendiz e relacionar esses elementos com a forma como os professores conduzem suas aulas. Os dados foram levantados através de entrevistas, aplicação de questionários e da observação direta dos comportamentos emitidos em sala de aula. As análises estatísticas dos dados feitas através dos testes não paramétricos de Kruskal-Wallis e Tukey apontaram para os seguintes resultados: 1 Quanto maior era a responsividade do professor maiores eram a Atitude positiva dos alunos em relação ao curso e a Adoção de Metas de Aprendizagem Orientadas tanto para o Desempenho Pessoal como pelo Meio; 2 Quanto mais estratégias aversivas o professor usava em sala de aula maior era a Adoção de Metas de Aprendizagem Orientadas para o Desempenho Pessoal; 3 Quanto maior é a Exigência e o Controle Aversivo, mais ansioso ficou o aluno.