
Sample records for procesa los nutrientes





    Diplomsko delo obravnava proces pridobitve hipotekarnega kredita v Novi Ljubljanski banki, d. d. Problem obstoječega procesa pridobitve hipotekarnega kredita predstavljajo aktivnosti na posameznih oddelkih, ki jih je mogoče združiti z istočasnim izvajanjem, zato se diplomsko delo osredotoča na prenovo obstoječega postopka. V prvem delu predstavim problem procesa, cilje in namen diplomskega dela. V drugem delu predstavim teoretično podlago, da bi bolje razumeli poslovni proces. Opisa...



    Dolžan, Tomaž


    Tema diplomske naloge so kabelski snopi oziroma povezave, ki se uporabljajo v namen avtomobilske industrije. Pri obravnavanih kabelskih snopih gre za problematiko statističnega nadzora proizvodnega procesa. V nalogi smo se ukvarjali z izboljšavo dosedanjega statističnega nadzora proizvodnega procesa in pri tem dobili tudi konkretne podatke za dva parametra, katera smo merili. Meritve smo opravljali na podlagi jemanja vzorcev iz proizvodnega procesa. Opisali smo preteklo stanje statističnega n...

  3. Rakstīšanas procesa izmantošana angļu valodas mācīšanā


    Zdanovska, Ināra


    Darbs veltīts rakstīšanas procesa izmantošanai angļu valodas mācīšanā pamatskolā. Izpētes mērķis ir izpētīt procesa rakstīšanas pieejas teorijas, procesa rakstīšanas modeļus, pielāgot piemērotāko modeli atbilstoši skolēnu vajadzībām un izmēģināt to angļu valodas stundās. Lai izpētītu adoptētā procesa rakstīšanas modeļa efektivitāti, tika pielietota atsevišķa gadījuma izpētes metode. Tā ietvēra adaptētā procesa rakstīšanas modeļa izmēģināšanu, skolēnu testēšanu, aptaujas, novērošanu, datu vākš...



    Makarić, Igor


    V diplomskem delu obravnavamo prenovo simulacijskega modela proizvodnje betonskih cevi, ki je bil realiziran z 2D simulacijskim orodjem ProModel. ProModel je zastarelo simulacijsko orodje, ki ima določene pomanjkljivosti kot npr. neprijazen uporabniški vmesnik, težavno povezljivost z zunanjimi viri podatkov ipd. Obstoječ simulacijski model smo zaradi omenjenih slabosti prenesli v sodobnejše orodje za 3D simulacijo — Flexsim, z namenom izboljšave pedagoškega procesa ter nazornejše predstavitve...

  5. Analiza kvalitete procesa sušenja u klasičnim komornim sušionicama


    Sedlar, Tomislav; Pervan, Stjepan


    U radu su dani rezultati ispitivanja kvalitete sušenja u klasičnoj komornoj sušionici. Ispitivanje se temelji na novoj metodologiji kojom se prikazuje razina uspješnosti procesa sušenja na temelju analize kvalitete tog procesa u klasičnoj komornoj sušionici, korištenjem znanstveno unaprijeđene verzije liste provjere u svakodnevnoj praktičnoj primjeni. Za verificiranje nove metodologije ispitivanja izabrano je poduzeće koje se specijaliziralo za izradu lamel parketa i klasičnog parketa. U s...

  6. Kinetika i optimizacija procesa izolacije biljnih ekstrakata sa antibakterijskim dejstvom


    Ivanović, Jasna Z.


    Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je ispitivanje kinetike izolacije ekstrakata sa jakim antibakterijskim delovanjem iz biljnog materijala primenom različitih postupaka ekstrakcije. Za izolaciju bioaktivnih supstanci korišćena je natkritična ekstrakcija sa ugljenik(IV)-oksidom, hidrodestilacija i ekstrakcija etanolom sa i bez primene ultrazvuka. Predmetom istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije obuhvaćena je analiza i optimizacija različitih procesa izolacije, kao i ispitivanje sad...



    Filipov, Slobodan


    V podjetju Elektrode Jesenice, d. o. o., se soočajo s pomanjkljivim in neučinkovitim vzdrževanjem. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je izboljšanje procesa vzdrževanja v podjetju, saj je trenutno stanje precej neurejeno, učinkovito vzdrževanje pa je eden od pomembnih dejavnikov uspešnosti podjetja. V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili nekaj načinov vzdrževanja, ki jih podjetja dandanes najpogosteje uporabljajo. Osredotočili smo se na preventivno vzdrževanje in za vlečno-rezalno lini...

  8. ¿Cómo procesa el cerebro los gestos icónicos?

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    Iván Sánchez Borges


    Full Text Available Las personas cuando se comunican están constantemente recibiendo información que no siempre viene solo del lenguaje verbal. La comunicación no verbal también colabora en cómo se produce y comprende dicha información. Un claro ejemplo es la dificultad que tienen los oradores para comunicar acciones. Por ejemplo, es difícil explicar cómo atarse los zapatos si no va acompañado por gestos. Diversos estudios recientes con medidas electrofisiológicas de la respuesta cerebral han comprobado que los gestos icónicos implican procesos semánticos similares a las palabras o las imágenes, y que además pueden modular, facilitar y enriquecer el procesamiento del lenguaje.

  9. Efectos de los nutrientes y compuestos biactivos de los alimentos en tejidos y células de cáncer humano: aproximación nutrigenómica

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    Jhonny E. Vargas Hernández


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue revisar, en la información científica reciente, los efectos o interacciones de los nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos de los alimentos en tejidos y/o células de cáncer humano bajo una aproximación nutrigenómica. Se realizó una búsqueda de los artículos, publicados entre enero de 2011 y octubre de 2012, en la base de datos Pubmed, utilizando términos MeSH y “Text Word” relevantes para el objetivo de investigación. De esta búsqueda se obtuvo un total de 250 publicaciones de los cuales se seleccionaron 33. En general, los efectos e interacciones de los nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos selectivamente inducen la muerte e inhiben el crecimiento y proliferación de las células cancerígenas; sin embargo, bajo ciertas condiciones, dichos efectos e interacciones pueden promover la carcinogénesis

  10. Extracción de nutrientes por los frutos de cacao en dos localidades en Costa Rica.

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    Parménides Furcal Beriguete


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la extracción de nutrientes en frutos de clones de cacao (Theobroma cacao. El estudio se hizo en plantaciones de cacao de siete años, en las localidades de Katira, Guatuso y el Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, entre los meses de marzo a agosto del año 2014. El diseño experimental utilizado fue completamente al azar con tres repeticiones; para el análisis se mezclaron por separado las semillas y la cáscara de tres frutos, para formar una repetición de cada uno de los siete clones de cacao seleccionados por el CATIE por su tolerancia a moniliasis (Moniliophthora roreri, calidad y altos rendimientos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que de una tonelada de semillas secas de estos clones, incluyendo la cáscara del fruto, se extraen entre 33,45 a 37,80 kg de nitrógeno (N, entre 40,35 y 50,64 kg de potasio (K, y de fósforo (P en un rango de 7,33 a 8,37 kg. El orden de extracción de los nutrientes fue: K>N>P>Mg>Ca>Mn>Fe>Zn>B=Cu.

  11. Efectos de los nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos de los alimentos en tejidos y células de cáncer humano: aproximación nutrigenómica


    Jhonny E Vargas-Hernández; María P Camacho-Gómez; Doris Ramírez de Peña


    El cáncer es una condición de programación genética anormal en la cual cambios en la secuencia genómica alteran la estructura, función y expresión de proteínas que controlan procesos celulares esenciales como el crecimiento, la proliferación, la diferenciación y la apoptosis. Investigaciones en nutrición y cáncer han analizado los efectos de determinados nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos de los alimentos en el desarrollo y evolución de diversos tipos de cáncer. ...

  12. Efectos de los nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos de los alimentos en tejidos y células de cáncer humano: aproximación nutrigenómica


    Vargas-Hernández, Jhonny E; Camacho-Gómez, María P; Ramírez de Peña, Doris


    Resumen El cáncer es una condición de programación genética anormal en la cual cambios en la secuencia genómica alteran la estructura, función y expresión de proteínas que controlan procesos celulares esenciales como el crecimiento, la proliferación, la diferenciación y la apoptosis. Investigaciones en nutrición y cáncer han analizado los efectos de determinados nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos de los alimentos en el desarrollo y evolución de diversos tipos de cáncer. El objetivo de esta in...

  13. Balance de nutrientes en la remolacha azucarera


    López Conde, Marta


    Los nutrientes esenciales para el correcto desarrollo de una planta de remolacha azucarera se subdividen en dos grupos (macronutrientes y micronutrientes), dependiendo de la concentración necesaria para tener la cantidad suficiente para un correcto desarrollo. Dentro de los macronutrientes destacan el nitrógeno (N), el fósforo (P), el calcio (Ca), el magnesio (Mg) y el potasio (K). Dentro de los micronutrientes destacan el manganeso (Mn), el cobre (Cu) y el zinc (Zn). Estos nutrientes son abs...

  14. Hidrotermālās apstrādes procesa ietekme uz Ca un Sr hidroksilapatītiem un to analīze


    Aksjonova, Viktorija


    Hidrotermālās apstrādes procesa ietekme uz Ca un Sr hidroksilapatītiem un to analīze. Aksjonova V., zinātniskā vadītāja: docente Dr.chem. Osīte A.. Bakalaura darbs, 28 lpp., 7 attēli, 25 literatūras avoti, 6 pielikumi, latviešu valodā. Darbā veikta ar stronciju aizvietotu hidroksilapatītu un hidroksilapatītu sintēze, sintezēto paraugu hidrotermāla apstrāde un iegūto paraugu raksturošana ar XRD un FTIR metodēm. Bakalaura darbā apkopota literatūra par hidroksilapatītu, stroncija hidrok...

  15. Contenido de los nutrientes básicos en Catolaccus grandis Burks criados sobre larvas del picudo del algodon Basic nutrients content of Catolaccus grandis Burks reared in cotton boll weevil larvae

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    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar los niveles de carbohidratos, proteínas solubles y aminoácidos libres de larvas, pupas hembras y adultos hembras de Catolaccus grandis (Burks (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae criados sobre larvas del picudo del algodón envenenadas por hembras del parasitoide y por larvas de primer instar del parasitoide. Esto estudio fue conducido en la Unidade de Investigación de Control Biologico de Plagas del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos de la América, en Weslaco, Texas. Las 20 muestras de cada uno de los tres estados de desarrollo: tercer instar larval, pupas hembra y adultos hembra del parasitoide C. grandis, fueron separadas y pesadas individualmente y se cuantió el contenido de carbohidratos totales, proteínas solubles totales y aminoácidos libres criados en diferentes sustratos. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la existencia de patrones metabólicos significativamente distintos de estos nutrientes básicos.The aim of this work was to determine the levels of carbohydrate, soluble proteins and free amino acids of larvae, pupae and adult females Catolaccus grandis Burks (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae which were reared in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium Hutch boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis larvae venomized by ectoparasitoid of female and 1st instar ectoparasitoid larvae. This study was carried out at the Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Weslaco, Texas. The twenty samples of each one of three stages of development: 3rd instar larval, female pupae and female adult of parasitoid C. grandis were separated and individually weighted, and levels of carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids were quantified when reared in different substrates. The results confirmed the existence of metabolic patterns significantly distinct from the basic nutrient model.

  16. Tehnološko projektovanje pretovarno-skladišnih procesa / Technological design of loading/unloading and warehousing processes

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    Momčilo Miljuš


    Full Text Available Tehnološko projektovanje logističkih sistema karakteriše veoma visok stepen kompleksnosti, a od njegovog kvaliteta u znatnoj meri zavisi i efikasnost i ekonomičnost realizacije logističkih procesa u praksi. Pretovarno-skladišne procese (PSP u okviru odgovarajućih logističkih podsistema, a posebno u okviru realizacije tokova materijala, karakteriše niz specifičnosti koje u znatnoj meri usložavaju tipične PSP. Da bi se ostvarili preduslovi za adekvatno realizovanje PSP, u ovom radu je dat pregled metodologije tehnološkog projektovanja ovih sistema. / Design of technological processes is one of the most complex tasks in the field of design in general. This type of design is also involved in logistic system design as these systems are typically very complex so that quality of design solution has a great influence on efficiency and economical level of logistic processes efficiency in practice. Loading/unloading and warehousing processes (LUWP within some logistics systems, especially in material flows require specific efforts which complicate typical LUWP. Aiming to consider adequate realization of LUWP, this paper shows the methodology of design of these systems.

  17. Efecto del secado de los biosólidos de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales El Salitre (Bogotá sobre su contenido de nutrientes, metales pesados y patógenos

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    Giraldo Óscar


    Full Text Available

    Se acondicionó el biosólido proveniente  de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales El Salitre, en Bogotá, para su uso agrícola o forestal, de tal manera que el producto obtenido se encontrara dentro de los límites máximos permisibles de contaminantes establecidos por la estadounidense Environmental Protection Agency (EPA y su contenido de nutrientes se afectara en la menor proporción posible. Se realizaron tratamientos térmicos a temperaturas de 50, 55, 60, 65 y 70 °C, y se determinó el contenido de coliformes totales, E. coli y Salmonella, el contenido de nutrientes totales (N, P, K y metales pesados disponibles (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, antes y después de cada uno de los tratamientos. Los tratamientos de secado entre 55-70 °C redujeron los coliformes totales y E. coli hasta niveles apropiados para que el biosólido pueda ser utilizado en aplicaciones forestales. Aunque los contenidos de nutrientes del producto se redujeron entre 75% y 95%, aún se considera apropiados para su utilización como fertilizante. Los metales Cu y Zn aumentaron sus contenidos disponibles después de los tratamientos, Cd y Cr no fueron detectados y los contenidos de  algunos metales pesados (Mn, Ni, Pb se redujeron con el proceso de secado. Sin embargo, para  todos  los metales los valores se encontraron por debajo de los límites establecidos por la EPA para la aplicación del biosólido en terrenos agrícolas. Se concluyó que el tratamiento de secado de biosólido puede considerarse como una opción válida para su acondicionamiento para uso forestal.

  18. Nutrient Management practices for enhancing Soybean (Glycine max L. production

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    La soya (Glycine max L., es el cultivo de legumbres más importante en el mundo. La magnitud de las pérdidas en el rendimientode la soya debido a deficiencias varía dependiendo de los nutrientes. Las deficiencias de N, P, Fe, B y S pueden causar pérdidas en rendimiento de hasta 10 %, 29-45 %, 22-90 %, 100 % y 16-30 %, respectivamente, en la soya dependiendo de la fertilidad del suelo, clima y factores intrínsecos a las plantas. La textura de los suelos utilizados en el cultivo de soya varía entre arenosa y arcillosa. La salinidad del suelo es uno de los mayores factores limitantes en la producción del cultivo en regiones semiáridas, y la salinidad por cloro tiene un mayor efecto en la disminución del rendimiento que la salinidad por sulfatos. Los granos de soya son una gran fuente de energía que contienen 40 % de proteína y 19 % de aceite. El éxito del manejo de nutrientes es maximizar la productividad del cultivo mientras se minimizan los impactos ambientales. Las prácticas de manejo de nutrientes balanceadas y reguladas en el tiempo contribuyen a un crecimiento sostenido del rendimiento y la calidad, influencian la salud de las plantas y reducen los riesgos ambientales. Una nutrición balanceada con fertilizantes minerales puede ayudar en el manejo integrado de plagas para reducir los daños causados por las infestaciones de pestes y enfermedades y reducir los insumos requeridos para su control. Una fertilización balanceada genera mayores ganancias para los agricultores, no necesariamente por reducción de los insumos. El papel de la educación y la extensión en la difusión del conocimiento actual sobre manejo de nutrientes es crucial, desafiante y continuo.

  19. Circulación de nutrientes en algunos ecosistemas forestales del Montseny (Barcelona)


    Ferrés, Lluís; Rodà de Llanza, Ferran; Verdú González, Antonio María Claret; Terradas Serra, Jaume


    Se comparan las pautas de circulación de nutrientes en la deposición global, la trascolación, y el desfronde de un encinar montano, un hayendo, y un abetal del Montseny. Las precipitaciones lavan mucho más nutrientes de las copas del abetal que de las del encinar y el hayedo. En el encinar se lava mucho más K+ que Ca2+, mientras que en los otros dos bosques sucede al contrario. Las cantidades de desfronde (peso seco) y en los flujos de nutrientes en el desfronde resultaron ser: en...

  20. Nutrient critical levels and availability in soils cultivated with peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth. in Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas, Ecuador

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    Carlos Julio Quezada Crespo


    Full Text Available Ecuador is the most important exporter of canned peach palm, however, to date ideal soil fertility characteristics for peach palm growers remain unknown. The aim of this research was to determine optimal levels of soil nutrients for the cultivation of peach palm, specifically with regards to soil cation exchange capacity in order to obtain higher yields. We worked with 20 farmsteads and their soils from the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas during the second half of 2014. Fields were evaluated based on a relative yield and extractable (modified Olsen nutrient contents in each soil were determined using regression modeling to determine critical levels of each nutrient and specifically to determine the ideal soil cation exchange capacity under peach palm cultivation. Our analysis established critical levels of soil pH (6.3; OM 6.5%; P 12.3; K 0.67 K; Ca 5.1 ; Mg 0.97; and S 7.5 The ideal Ca: Mg: K soil cation exchange capacity was determined to be 76:14:10.

  1. A review on beneficial effects of rhizosphere bacteria on soil nutrient availability and plant nutrient uptake.


    Osorio Vega, Nelson Walter


    Este artículo se constituye en una revisión de los beneficios de bacterias rizosféricas sobre la nutrición vegetal. La interacción entre planta y bacterias solubilizadoras de fosfato es explicada en mayor detalle y usada como modelo para ilustrar el rol que algunas bacterias de la rizosfera juegan en la disponibilidad de nutrientes en el suelo. Las condiciones ambientales de la rizosfera también se discuten con detalle. Los beneficios de estas bacterias han sido obtenidos, y mejorados, en pre...


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    Full Text Available En un experimento de eutrofización artificial, se adicionó Nitrógeno en tres concentraciones y Fósforo en cuatro a muestras de agua de la superficie del embalse La Fe, con el fin de establecer el nutriente limitante para el ensamblaje fitoplanctónico. El agua enriquecida se colocó en bolsas plásticas transparentes de dos litros. Las colectas se llevaron a cabo quincenalmente (n = 12 durante seis meses. Se calcularon los valores de la serie de números de Hill, los de riqueza y los de equidad. Fueron construidas curvas de rango-abundancia cuya pendiente fue hallada mediante transformación lineal de las mismas. Con el fin de confirmar las hipótesis referentes a la variabilidad entre tratamientos, se usó un diseño de bloques con los tiempos de muestreo como variable de bloqueo. Los taxones encontrados correspondieron a 2 cianobacterias, 21 clorofitas, 13 diatomeas, 1 dinoflagelado y 2 criptofitas. La fertilización ocasionó que grupos como Cryptophyta, Dinophyta, Desmidiales y Zygnematales presentaran muy poca densidad y que las Euglenophyta nunca estuvieran presentes. Los cambios en la uniformidad del ensamblaje fitoplanctónico frente con la eutrofización fueron altamente significativos (α = 0.0309. La riqueza no mostró cambios significativos con el enriquecimiento (α = 0.4940. Por su parte, la velocidad de respuesta coincidió en términos generales con lo mostrado por la equidad; la significancia de los cambios en las pendientes ente tratamientos fue significativa (α = 0.0315. La respuesta general de las Chlorococcales al enriquecimiento fue la de incrementar su densidad a medida que la eutrofización prosperaba, para luego disminuir progresivamente hasta el último tratamiento; dicha respuesta fue altísimamente significativa (α = 0.0000. Aunque las cianobacterias del orden Chroococcales se comportaron en forma similar a las Chlorococales, su conducta no fue significativa entre tratamientos (α = 0.4347. Las Bacillariophyta

  3. Changes of Dietary Pattern, Food Choice, Food Consumption, Nutrient Intake and Body Mass Index of Korean American College Students with Different Length of Residence in the Los Angeles Areas (United States)

    Kim, Nam; Tam, Chick F.; Poon, George; Lew, Polong; Kim, Samuel Saychang; Kim, James C.; Kim, Rachel Byungsook


    This study was to investigate how dietary pattern, food choice, food consumption, nutrient intake and body mass index (BMI) vary with length of residence for Korean American college students. The respondents were 60 Korean American residents living in the Los Angeles Area. They were divided into two groups based on the length of stay in the U.S.:…

  4. Risks and benefits of gardening in urban soil; heavy metals and nutrient content in Los Angeles Community Gardens (United States)

    Clarke, L. W.; Jenerette, D.; Bain, D. J.


    The availability of soil nutrients and heavy metals in urban community gardens can influence health of crops and participants. Interactions between garden history, management, and soils are understudied in cities. In July 2011, we collected soil samples from 45 plots at 6 Los Angeles community gardens. For comparison, 3 samples were collected from uncultivated garden soils and 3 more from outside soils. Samples were then tested for major nutrients- Nitrogen(N), Potassium (K), and Phosphorous (P)- and organic matter (SOM). We also measured concentrations of 29 metals in 3 gardens using Inductively Coupled Plasma- Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. Potassium and phosphorus exceeded optimum levels in all plots, with some over twice the maximum recommended levels. Over-fertilized soils may contribute to local watershed pollution and crop micronutrient deficiencies. Low soil SOM was observed in gardens in impoverished neighborhoods, possibly due to low quality amendments. Our metals analysis showed dangerous levels of lead (Pb)-- up to 1700 ppm in outside soils and 150 ppm in garden soils-- near older gardens, indicating lead deposition legacies. California lead safety standards indicate that children should not play near soils with Pb above 200 ppm, indicating need for long term monitoring of lead contaminated gardens. Arsenic (As) levels exceeded federal risk levels (0.3 ppm) and average CA background levels (2 ppm) in all areas, with some gardens exceeding 10 ppm. Heavy metal legacies in gardens may pose risks to participants with prolonged exposure and remediation of soils may be necessary.

  5. La Directísima en los Alpes, Austria

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    Schmidt, Wilhelm


    Full Text Available This article deals with the construction procesa of the «straight» expressway through the Tauern AIps, where several engineering works deserve special mention: — The Tauern Tunnel, 6.4 km In length. — The Katschberg Tunnel, 5.4 km In length. — The Eben-Pongan cloverleaf. — The Liesertal stretch, 75 per 100 of its length being tunnels and viaducts. The most important of this Is the Tauern Tunnel where, owing to the serious problems encountered in the brittle character of the soil, the Austrian tunnel excavation process was used, this method consisting in tensing the mountain soil in order to be able to counteract the high pressures occurring. This tunnel has a 600 m long, 11 m diameter ventilation shaft, the largest of its kind in the World.

    Se trata, en este artículo, del proceso de construcción de la Autopista de Tauern, La Directísima, en los Alpes, en la que destacan varias obras: — Túnel de Tauern, de 6,4 km de longitud. — Túnel de Katschberg, de 5,4 km de longitud. — Punto de enlace Eben-Pongau. — Tramo de Liesertal, realizado en un 75 por 100 mediante viaductos y túneles. La obra más importante es el túnel de Tauern donde, debido a los grandes problemas surgidos por la naturaleza quebradiza del terreno, hubo de emplearse un método austríaco de perforación de túneles consistente en poner en tensión la montaña para, de esta manera, contrarrestar las altas presiones que se producen. Este túnel tiene un pozo de ventilación de 600 m de longitud y 11 m de diámetro de perforación. Es el pozo vertical más grande del mundo.

  6. Optimizacija procesnih parametrov za stabilizacijo in izboljšanje sposobnosti struženja


    Mlinar, Andrej


    Magistrska naloga obravnava proizvodni proces izdelka z ozkim tolerančnim območjem. V procesu izdelave se je pojavil problem nestabilnosti obdelovalnega procesa. Pred analizo obdelovalnega procesa smo najprej z metodo analize merilnega sistema preverili merilni proces. Po preverjanju ustreznosti merilnega procesa smo v nadaljevanju preverili obstoječi obdelovalni proces. Iz analize statistične kontrole procesa obstoječega stanja smo ugotovili, da je proces potrebno stabilizirati. Za stabiliza...

  7. Descomposición de hojarasca en la leguminosa Adenocarpus decorticans: pérdida de peso y dinámica de los nutrientes


    Moro Cuadrillero, María José; Domingo Poveda, Francisco


    Se ha estudiado la pérdida de peso y la liberación de N, P, K, Mg y Ca de la hojarasca de Adenocarpus decorticans Boiss. en la Sierra de los Filabres (Almería). Tras 828 días de incubación en el campo, la pérdida de peso inicial fue del 70%. La tasa de descomposición estimada a partir de la aplicación del modelo exponencial simple es de -0.82 el primer año, -0.62 el segundo año y -0.53 para el conjunto del periodo. La liberación de nutrientes sigue la secuencia K>Mg>Ca> P>N....

  8. Incidencia de los fertilizantes sobre el pH del suelo


    Ginés, Irantzu; Mariscal Sancho, Ignacio de Loyola


    El pH del suelo o del sustrato de cultivo determina la asimilabilidad de los nutrientes; los fertilizantes tienen una importante influencia sobre dicho pH. La incidencia de los fertilizantes sobre el pH del suelo depende principalmente de: a) el perfil acidificante de la composición química del fertilizante utilizado b) de su carácter descalcificante o calcificante y c) de la capacidad tamponadora del suelo. En esta monografía se recogen la incidencia de los principales fertilizantes comercia...

  9. Diseño y optimización de liposomas para un uso como sistema de suministro de nutrientes a larvas de peces marinos.


    Monroig Marzá, Óscar


    RESUMEN Las deficiencias nutricionales de las presas vivas usadas como primer alimento exógeno en el cultivo de larvas de peces marinos hacen necesaria la suplementación de las dietas con nutrientes que satisfagan los requerimientos de las larvas. Los liposomas constituyen una herramienta con gran potencial ya que pueden formularse con nutrientes hidrosolubles disueltos en su fase acuosa y liposolubles inmersos en el ambiente lipofílico entre las cadenas de ácidos grasos de los fosfolípido...

  10. Nitrogen and phosphorus resorption in a neotropical rain forest of a nutrient-rich soil

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    José Luis Martínez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available In tropical forests with nutrient-rich soil tree’s nutrient resorption from senesced leaves has not always been observed to be low. Perhaps this lack of consistence is partly owing to the nutrient resorption methods used. The aim of the study was to analyse N and P resorption proficiency from tropical rain forest trees in a nutrient-rich soil. It was hypothesised that trees would exhibit low nutrient resorption in a nutrient-rich soil. The soil concentrations of total N and extractable P, among other physical and chemical characteristics, were analysed in 30 samples in the soil surface (10 cm of three undisturbed forest plots at ‘Estación de Biología Los Tuxtlas’ on the east coast of Mexico (18°34’ - 18°36’ N, 95°04’ - 95°09’ W. N and P resorption proficiency were determined from senescing leaves in 11 dominant tree species. Nitrogen was analysed by microkjeldahl digestion with sulphuric acid and distilled with boric acid, and phosphorus was analysed by digestion with nitric acid and perchloric acid. Soil was rich in total N (0.50%, n = 30 and extractable P (4.11 µg g-1, n = 30. As expected, trees showed incomplete N (1.13%, n = 11 and P (0.11%, n = 11 resorption. With a more accurate method of nutrient resorption assessment, it is possible to prove that a forest community with a nutrient-rich soil can have low levels of N and P resorption. Rev. Biol. Trop. 53(3-4: 353-359. Epub 2005 Oct 3.En las selvas tropicales con suelos fértiles se ha observado que la reabsorción de nutrientes de los arboles de las hojas seniles no siempre es baja. Esta falta de consistencia en el resultado es talvez debida en parte a la metodología de reabsorción de nutrientes utilizada. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la reabsorción final de N y P de arboles de la selva húmeda tropical en un suelo rico en nutrientes. La hipótesis planteada fue que en un suelo rico en nutrientes los arboles presentarían una baja reabsorción final de

  11. Effects of short-term sediment nutrient enrichment and grazer (Neritina reclivata removal on sediment microalgae in a shallow eutrophic estuary (Alabama, USA

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    Just Cebrian


    sedimentary areas studied. Our findings contrast with the results of past work in sediments with well-lit and nutrient poor conditions, or sediments with high densities of other snail grazers. In conjunction this and other investigations indicate that the response of sediment microalgae to nutrient enrichment and modified grazer abundance depends to a large extent on the initial levels of nutrient availability and grazing before the system is altered.El caracol Neritina reclivata está presente en los sistemas tropicales y subtropicales del Golfo de México, sin embargo, su impacto en los sedimentos de microalgas ha sido poco estudiado. Muchos de los sistemas costeros de todo el mundo están siendo eutrofizados debido a actividades humanas, y al parecer van a seguir siendo eutrofizados en mayor grado en el futuro. La exploración de los efectos individuales y combinados de un mayor enriquecimiento de nutrientes y la herviboría por este caracol en microalgas de sedimentos en estos sistemas eutróficos es una cuestión importante para la comprensión y el manejo de estos sistemas. Aquí se examinan los efectos a corto plazo del enriquecimiento de nutrientes y herviboría del caracol de olivo sobre la biomasa y composición de microalgas de sedimentos en un estuario eutrófico superficial (Weeks Bay. Alabama, USA del norte del Golfo de México. Para esto se llevaron a cabo una serie de experimentos factoriales añadiendo o no nutrientes y removiendo o no el caracol, para un total de cuatro tratamientos en cada experimento: ambiente con herviboría sin nutrimentos añadidos, ambiente con herviboría y nutrimentos añadidos, ambiente sin herviboría sin nutrimentos añadidos, y ambiente sin herviboría con nutrimentos añadidos. No se encontró ningún impacto significativo por la adición de nutrimentos en ninguno de los ocho experimentos a corto plazo (i.e. cuatro días. Los impactos debidos al caracol fueron menores, sólo se encontró un decrecimiento en la biomasa por

  12. Riscos da interação droga-nutriente em idosos de instituição de longa permanência Riesgos de interacción droga-nutriente en ancianos de institución de larga permanencia Risks of drug-nutrient interaction for the elderly in long-term care institutions

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    Jessica Sereno Peixoto


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi verificar riscos da interação droga-nutriente nos idosos residentes em Instituição de Longa Permanência. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em 73 idosos. A coleta dos dados ocorreu em 2008, através da análise dos prontuários, história dietética e avaliação do IMC. Os dados evidenciaram que os medicamentos mais utilizados foram do sistema nervoso e cardiovascular, totalizando 66% das prescrições. Entre 375 medicamentos prescritos, 166 fazem algum tipo de interação, 32,0% diminuem o efeito de absorção do fármaco quando há utilização de cafeína e 14,3% diminuem absorção de vitamina B12. A utilização de diversos medicamentos de uso contínuo pode acarretar prejuízo na absorção de nutrientes, aumentando o risco de desnutrição em idosos. Torna-se indispensável a ação da equipe de saúde, através da avaliação criteriosa dos medicamentos administrados, dietoterapia e a interação entre os mesmos, para beneficiar idosos com melhor aproveitamento da terapêutica e melhoria das condições nutricionais.El objetivo fue verificar el riesgo de interacciones fármaco-nutriente en los ancianos residentes en Institución de Larga Permanencia. Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, realizado en 73 ancianos. La recolección de datos se realizó en 2008 a través del análisis de los registros médicos, historia dietética y la evaluación del IMC. Los datos evidenciaron que los medicamentos más utilizados fueron del sistema nervioso y cardiovascular, totalizando el 66% de las prescripciones; entre los 375 medicamentos prescriptos, 166 hacen algún tipo de interacción, el 32,0% disminuye el efecto de absorción del fármaco cuando hay utilización de cafeína y el 14,3% disminuye la absorción de vitamina B12. La utilización de diversos medicamentos de uso continuo puede acarrear perjuicio en la absorción de nutrientes. Vuelve indispensable la acción del equipo de

  13. Nutrición y calidad de la carne de los rumiantes


    Martínez Marín, Andrés L.


    Aparte de los factores intrínsecos de los animales (raza, sexo) y de aquellos relacionados con el faenado y el procesado de la carne (sacrificio, maduración, conservación), la calidad de la canal y las cualidades organolépticas y saludables de la carne están muy influenciadas por la nutrición de los animales. El tipo y cantidad de grasa incluida en las raciones, los nutrientes aportados y la incorporación de ciertas vitaminas y sustancias análogas pueden aumentar el tenor de...

  14. Difusividad turbulenta vertical y suministro de nutrientes en la Cuenca de Canarias


    Arcos Pulido, M.


    Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía [ES]En la actualidad, se continúa priorizando sobre la comprensión y modelización de los procesos que intervienen en el intercambio de carbono en el sistema océano-atmósfera. Sin embargo, la difusión vertical (diapicna) de los nutrientes hacia las capas superficiales, en términos de producción nueva como un efecto de la turbulencia en el océano, continúa desestimándose en los modelos oceánicos globales debido a las dificultades que representa su medici...

  15. Interacción entre genes y nutrientes: nutrigenética y nutrigenómica


    Cataño, Héctor C.


    Pocas décadas atrás varios estudios describieron bien la relación que existe entre los hábitos alimenticios y las enfermedades crónicas, por ello parte crítica de la estrategia de prevención de las enfermedades ha consistido en cambiar, los hábitos alimenticios. No obstante, no se ha tenido en consideración que los nutrientes provenientes de la dieta interaccionan con los genes. Gracias al desarrollo de la nutrigenética y nutrigenómica las recomendaciones dietéticas futuras tendrán en conside...

  16. Evaluación del comportamiento de vidrios lixiviados como nutrientes de algas

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    Natalia Grabska


    Full Text Available Se han preparado 3 vidrios con distinto contenido en SiO2 y de composición similar a los nutrientes necesarios para el crecimiento del alga Spirulina platensis. Se han escogido 2 fracciones con distinto tamaño de partícula para cada uno de los vidrios preparados y la cinética de lixiviación de dichos vidrios ha sido estudiada a través del análisis químico de las aguas de lixiviado, permitiendo obtener las curvas de velocidad para cada uno de los componentes del vidrio. A partir del cálculo de la constante de velocidad y del exponente de la reacción de lixiviado, se ha realizado una aproximación al crecimiento del alga Spirulina platensis en condiciones ambientales normales de luz, pH y temperatura y se ha obtenido que, a través de la modificación de la composición del vidrio de partida o de su tamaño de partícula, es posible ajustar el aporte de nutrientes al medio a la velocidad de crecimiento del alga Spirulina platensis.


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    Erika garcia


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el proceso de bioestimulación por nutrientes: fertilizantes inorgánicos compuestos (FIC N:P:K 28:12:7 y sales inorgánicas simples (SIS NH4NO3 y K2HPO4 en suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos utilizando respirometría. El suelo fue contaminado con lodos aceitosos a una concentración ~40,000 mgTPH/kgps. Para cuantificar el consumo de oxigeno se utilizaron dos respirómetros de medición manométrica HACH® 2173b y OXITOP® PF600 durante ensayos de trece días. Se evaluaron dos tratamientos (FIC y SIS y tres controles (abiótico, sustrato de referencia y sin nutrientes. Se analizaron parámetros físico-químicos (pH, nutrientes y TPH y microbiológicos (heterótrofos y degradadores al inicio y al final de cada ensayo. SIS y el control sin nutrientes presentaron las mayores tasas de respiración, en el equipo HACH se obtuvieron valores de: 802.28 y 850.72 mgO2kgps-1d-1 respectivamente mientras que en el OXITOP fueron de 936.65 y 502.05 mgO2kgps-1d-1, respectivamente. En ninguno de los equipos se observo un aumento significativo de los degradadores, indicando que la bioestimulación no tuvo un efecto sobre la densidad microbiana. Por otro lado FIC, presentó los recuentos y tasas de respiración más bajas (188.18 y 139.87 mgO2kgps-1d-1 en HACH y OXITOP, respectivamente, esto pudo estar correlacionado a un efecto toxico generado por la acumulación de amoniaco.

  18. Nutrición y calidad de la carne de los rumiantes


    Martínez Marín, Andrés L.


    Aparte de los factores intrínsecos de los animales (raza, sexo) y de aquellos relacionados con el faenado y el procesado de la carne (sacrificio, maduración, conservación), la calidad de la canal y las cualidades organolépticas y saludables de la carne están muy influenciadas por la nutrición de los animales. El tipo y cantidad de grasa incluida en las raciones, los nutrientes aportados y la incorporación de ciertas vitaminas y sustancias análogas pueden aumentar el tenor de la carne en nutri...

  19. Efecto del enriquecimiento con nutrientes en la degradación de clorpirifos, malatión y metil paratión Inorganic nutrients effect addition over the chlorpyrifos, malathion and methyl parathion degradation

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    S. A. Upegui


    Full Text Available Con el fin de evaluar el efecto del enriquecimiento con nutrientes (una sal de fósforo o un fertilizante comercial con N, P y K como alternativa para mejorar la capacidad de degradación de los microorganismos en una matriz sólida, contaminada con los pesticidas organofosforados: clorpirifos, malatión y metil paratión, se realizaron experimentos de cultivo bajo condiciones controladas de oscuridad, temperatura y humedad por 30 días. En todos los tratamientos hubo degradación de los pesticidas; sin embargo, en el tratamiento con fósforo los tiempos para degradar el clorpirifos y el metil paratión fueron mayores. La presencia de los pesticidas no generó efectos tóxicos detectables sobre la microflora en ninguno de los tratamientos evaluados. La actividad biológica de las matrices no presentó una relación directa con la capacidad de degradación.In order to evaluate the effect of inorganic nutrient addition (phosphorus or commercial fertilizer over the microbial degradation capacity present in a solid matrix contaminated with chlorpyrifos, malathion and methyl parathion, microcosms assays were held under controlled conditions of light, moisture and temperature for 30 days. Results showed that even though three treatments microorganisms were able to degrade the three organophosphorus pesticides, microorganisms of phosphorus-enrichment treatment were less efficient to degrade Chlorpyrifos and Methyl Parathion than microorganisms of Fertilizer-enrichment treatment. It was not observed a direct relation between mineralization and microbial pesticides degradation capacity. The microbial activity was not affected by the presence of organophosphorus pesticides.

  20. Contenido de nutrientes e inoculación con hongos ectomicorrízicos comestibles en dos pinos neotropicales Nutrient contents and inoculation with edible ectomycorrhizal fungi on two neotropical pines

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    Full Text Available Un alto porcentaje de mortalidad se presenta en plántulas de pinos que son trasplantados de vivero a campo, debido a que no poseen hongos ectomicorrízicos los cuales forman simbiosis obligada con las plantas de forma natural en los bosques. Estos hongos facilitan la absorción de nutrientes y agua, además de estimular su crecimiento. Debido a la importancia ecológica y fisiológica de los hongos ectomicorrízicos, el presente trabajo evaluó el efecto en crecimiento, peso seco, porcentaje de colonización y contenido de nutrientes de la inoculación de seis especies ectomicorrízicas comestibles de los géneros Lacearía y Hebeloma en Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. y P. pseudostrobus Lindl., en condiciones de invernadero. Después de 397 días de la siembra se observó un efecto benéfico en el crecimiento de ambos pinos como resultado de la inoculación en términos de peso seco en parte aérea y radical, así como un mayor contenido de N, P y K. El porcentaje de micorrización en plantas inoculadas con las especies fúngicas varió de 57 % a 90 %. Cuando se efectuó inoculación combinada de especies ectomicorrízicas, se registró dominancia de una de las especies inoculadas, en términos de colonización radical. En estos tratamientos con inoculación simultánea, los efectos benéficos registrados en los hospederos fueron comparables a los observados cuando se inoculó de manera individual a las especies fúngicas dominantes. En función de los resultados encontrados se recomienda en el establecimiento de plantaciones forestales la inoculación de ambas especies de pinos con especies de hongos de los géneros Laccaria y Hebeloma.A high percentage of mortality appears in pine seedlings transplanted from nursery to field, due to the fact that they lack ectomycorrhizal fungi which form obligated symbiosis with plants in natural conditions in the forests. These fungi facilitate the absorption of nutrients and water, and therefore


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    Adriana Londoño Álvarez


    Full Text Available El agua gravitacional y su composición química fueron medidos en bosques montanos de Quercus humboldtii y reforestados (Pinus patula y Cupressus lusitanica de la región de Piedras Blancas, Antioquia (Colombia, por un período de tiempo de dos años. Se utilizaron lisímetros sin tensión con el fin de estimar el agua gravitacional y los flujos de nutrientes a diferentes profundidades en el perfil del suelo. El mayor valor anual de agua gravitacional en el nivel más profundo (50- 80 cm, fue hallado en la cobertura de ciprés ( 492,7 mm, seguido por pino pátula ( 14,2 mm y roble ( 2,0 mm. De manera similar ocurrió con la pérdida de nutrientes, mostrando el mismo patrón hallado para el agua gravitacional. Así, para roble, pátula y ciprés, en su orden, se presentaron los siguientes valores de pérdida: Ca: 0,004, 0,084 y 2,270 kg ha-1 año-1; P: 0,008, 0,052 y 1,234 kg ha-1 año-1; Mg: 0,004, 0,022 y 0,667 kg ha-1 año-1. De K se registraron 0,08 y 7,092 kg ha-1 año-1 para roble y ciprés respectivamente. Estos flujos siguieron el siguiente orden según cobertura, roble: K>P>Ca>Mg, pátula: Ca>Fe>P>Mg>Zn>Mn, y ciprés: K>Mn>Ca>P>Fe>Zn>Mg.Gravitational flow and its chemical composition were measured in montane oak forests (Quercus humboldtii, in pine (Pinus patula and cypress (Cupressus lusitanica plantations in Piedras Blancas, Antioquia ( Colombia , over two years. Zero tension lysimeters were used at different depth soil levels. The highest gravitational flow value at highest depth (50- 80 cm was obtained in cypress plot ( 492,7 mm, followed by pine ( 14,2 mm and oak forest ( 2,0 mm. A similar behavior was encountered for nutrient losses, following the same pattern as gravitational flow. Thus, for oak, pine and cypress, nutrient losses were respectively: Ca: 0,004, 0,084 and 2,270 kg ha-1 y-1; P: 0,008, 0,052 and 1,234 kg ha-1 y -1; Mg: 0,004, 0,022 and 0,667 kg ha-1 y-1. K losses were 0,08 and 7,092 kg ha-1 y-1 for oak forest and

  2. Differences in root distribution, nutrient acquisition and nutrient utilization by tropical forage species grown in degraded hillside soil conditions¹ Diferencias en la distribución de raíces, absorción y utilización de nutrientes por especies forrajeras tropicales en condiciones de suelos degradados de ladera

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    Arnulfo Gómez-Carabalí


    Full Text Available Low nutrient availability, especially phosphorus (P and nitrogen (N supply is the major limitation to forage production in acid infertile soils of the tropics. A field study was conducted at the farm ‘La Esperanza’ located in Mondomo, Department of Cauca, in the coffee growing zone of Colombia. The main objective was to determine differences in root distribution, nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S acquisition and nutrient utilization of one C4 forage grass (Brachiaria dictyoneura and two C3 forage legumes (Arachis pintoi and Centrosema macrocarpum grown under two fertilization levels, cultivated either in monoculture or in association and harvested at four different ages.There were no significant differences in root biomass among the grass and legumes and their combinations. The native vegetation had the lowest root biomass; while the introduced grass (B. dictyoneura had the highest root length density among all materials at all depths and ages and the native vegetation had the highest specific root length. As expected, nutrient uptake increased with age and with high fertilization in all species. Centrosema macrocarpun had the highest N and Ca uptake among all plant materials tested. Uptake of P, K and Mg was greater in the grass B. dictyoneura than in the other plant species and combination planting at all ages. On the other hand, the grass had the lowest Ca uptake. The grass and its mixture with the legumes A. pintoi and C. macrocarpun had the highest S uptake. A highly significant (pLa baja disponibilidad de nutrientes, especialmente fósforo (P y nitrógeno (N es el mayor limitante para la producción de forrajes en los suelos ácidos de baja fertilidad del trópico. En la finca La Esperanza. localizada en Mondomo, departamento del Cauca, zona cafetera de Colombia, se llevo a cabo un estudio con el objeto de determinar las diferencias en la distribución de raíces, absorción y utilización de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, y S de una gram

  3. Determinación del potencial depurador del cultivo hidropónico de Phalaris spp y Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst, mediante la técnica de la película nutriente

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    Luis Eduardo Cruz Torres


    Full Text Available El presente estudio corresponde a la segunda etapa de la evaluación de un sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas conocido como la Técnica de la Película Nutriente (TPN, utilizando dos especies de gramíneas: Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst (pasto kikuyo y Phalaris spp (pasto brasilero. Los resultados permitieron establecer que las raíces actúan como un filtro biológico de los sólidos y materia orgánica, y además absorben los nutrientes contenidos en este tipo de aguas residuales. Por otra parte, el establecimiento de una cadena trófica o "cadena depuradora" de organismos (plancton y fauna asociada contribuye en gran medida en la remoción de polutantes. Bajo las condiciones de operación, el sistema de tratamiento (TPN removió eficientemente bacterias coliformes de origen fecal, seguido por sólidos suspendidos, materia orgánica y en menor grado los nutrientes.

  4. Interacción de pesticidas orgánicos con sistemas modelo de los componentes del suelo


    Iglesias González, Ana Cristina


    En los últimos años los pesticidas orgánicos se han convertido en los compuestos más utilizados en los procesos de producción de la agricultura moderna. Junto con la adopción de diversas mejoras, como son la aplicación de fertilizantes sintéticos, que incrementan el suministro de nutrientes, mejoras en los sistemas de riego y la utilización de maquinaria moderna, el uso de pesticidas orgánicos sintéticos ha sido acreditado como uno de los principales contribuyentes a la modernización de la pr...

  5. Bioremediation of soil contaminated with hydrocarbons using sewage sludge as an alternative source of nutrients; Biorremediacion de suelo contaminado con hidrocarburos empleando lodos residuales como fuente alterna de nutrientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez Prado, Adriana [Instituto Tecnologico de Durango, Durango, Durango (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Perez Lopez, Ma. Elena [Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigacion para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (IPN-CIIDIR) Unidad Durango, Durango, Durango (Mexico); Pinto Espinoza, Joaquin; Gurrola Nevarez, Blanca Amelia; Osorio Rodriguez, Ana Lilia [Instituto Tecnologico de Durango, Durango, Durango (Mexico)


    laboratorio y piloto, ajustados a capacidad de campo y a una relacion carbono:nitrogeno (C:N) = 10:1, en los cuales se evaluaron el efecto de la adicion de nutrientes, la densidad del material a remediar y la influencia del tamano de la particula en el proceso de degradacion. Se demostro que los lodos residuales propiciaron la estimulacion de los microorganismos nativos del suelo y estos ultimos a su vez fueron los responsables de degradar los hidrocarburos. Los hidrocarburos fueron empleados como fuente de carbono y de donador de electrones, acoplando la reaccion de oxido-reduccion con el oxigeno que fungio como aceptor de electrones. El suelo sometido a remediacion aerobica alcanzo el limite maximo permisible (LMP) establecido en la normatividad mexicana vigente (NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SS-2003) en los experimentos realizados a ambas escalas y se propone como alternativa para que la empresa minera cumpla con el programa Industria Limpia, al que esta adscrita de manera voluntaria.

  6. WERF Nutrient Challenge investigates limits of nutrient removal technologies. (United States)

    Neethling, J B; Clark, D; Pramanik, A; Stensel, H D; Sandino, J; Tsuchihashi, R


    The WERF Nutrient Challenge is a multi-year collaborative research initiative established in 2007 to develop and provide current information about wastewater treatment nutrients (specifically nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater), their characteristics, and bioavailability in aquatic environments to help regulators make informed decisions. The Nutrient Challenge will also provide data on nutrient removal so that treatment facilities can select sustainable, cost-effective methods and technologies to meet permit limits. To meet these goals, the Nutrient Challenge has teamed with a wide array of utilities, agencies, consultants, universities and other researchers and practitioners to collaborate on projects that advance these goals. The Nutrient Challenge is focusing on a different approach to collaborating and leveraging resources (financial and intellectual) on research projects by targeting existing projects and research that correspond with its goals and funding those aspects that the Nutrient Challenge identified as a priority. Because the Nutrient Challenge is focused on collaboration, outreach is an absolutely necessary component of its effectiveness. Through workshops, webinars, a web portal and online compendium, published papers, and conference lectures, the Nutrient Challenge is both presenting important new information, and soliciting new partnerships.

  7. Distribución de nitrógeno, fósforo y azufre en un cultivo de colza: efectos sobre el ciclado de nutrientes Distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur in oilseed rape: effects on nutrient cycling

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    Gerardo Rubio


    Full Text Available Comparado con otros cultivos, la colza tiene una alta demanda de azufre (S por lo que sería esperable que la inclusión de este cultivo en la rotación agrícola acelere el agotamiento de este nutriente en los suelos de las áreas cultivadas. En este trabajo, se comparan los patrones de partición de biomasa, S, nitrógeno (N y fósforo (P en plantas maduras de colza. La información a obtener es relevante desde el punto de vista del ciclado de nutrientes. Para ello se realizó un experimento de campo que se ajustó a un arreglo factorial con dos factores (N y S. En el momento de la cosecha, se midió la acumulación de biomasa, N, P y S en tres compartimientos: granos, rastrojo (resto de parte aérea y raíces. Aunque el rendimiento fue afectado levemente por la adición individual de N o S, la simultánea adición de ambos nutrientes provocó un incremento del 56%. El N y el P presentaron una distribución semejante entre los órganos de la planta estudiados, sin embargo, el S difirió marcadamente de ambos. Su partición al órgano que se exporta (granos fue de menor magnitud que la observada para N y P. En cambio, su partición al rastrojo en pie fue mayor. Esta característica atenuaría los efectos de la alta demanda de S sobre la exportación del cultivo y permitiría una reutilización del fertilizante agregado por el cultivo siguiente.Oilseed rape poses a higher sulfur (S demand, compared to other crops. This may indicate that the inclusion of this crop in the crop rotation could accelerate soil S depletion. In this work, we compared the allocation of biomass, nitrogen (N, phosphorus (P and S in oilseed rape mature plants. Two factors were analyzed in a field experiment: nitrogen and sulphur (two levels for each factor. At harvest, we measured the accumulation of biomass, N, P and S in three compartments: roots, straw and grains. Yield was little affected by the addition of single nutrients but the simultaneous addition of N and S

  8. Nitrogen and phosphorus resorption in a neotropical rain forest of a nutrient-rich soil. (United States)

    Martínez-Sánchez, José Luis


    In tropical forests with nutrient-rich soil tree's nutrient resorption from senesced leaves has not always been observed to be low. Perhaps this lack of consistence is partly owing to the nutrient resorption methods used. The aim of the study was to analyse N and P resorption proficiency from tropical rain forest trees in a nutrient-rich soil. It was hypothesised that trees would exhibit low nutrient resorption in a nutrient-rich soil. The soil concentrations of total N and extractable P, among other physical and chemical characteristics, were analysed in 30 samples in the soil surface (10 cm) of three undisturbed forest plots at 'Estaci6n de Biologia Los Tuxtlas' on the east coast of Mexico (18 degrees 34' - 18 degrees 36' N, 95 degrees 04' - 95 degrees 09' W). N and P resorption proficiency were determined from senescing leaves in 11 dominant tree species. Nitrogen was analysed by microkjeldahl digestion with sulphuric acid and distilled with boric acid, and phosphorus was analysed by digestion with nitric acid and perchloric acid. Soil was rich in total N (0.50%, n = 30) and extractable P (4.11 microg g(-1) n = 30). As expected, trees showed incomplete N (1.13%, n = 11) and P (0.11%, n = 1) resorption. With a more accurate method of nutrient resorption assessment, it is possible to prove that a forest community with a nutrient-rich soil can have low levels of N and P resorption.


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    Philipp Nagel


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar las estrategias de alimentación existentes y las principales fuentes de alimentación utilizadas en dos diferentes sistemas de producción caprina en el altiplano mexicano durante la temporada de seca. Se recolectaron plantas forrajeras importantes en los pastizales, éstas fueron analizadas para conocer su contenido de nutrientes. En encuestas y talleres participativos, los granjeros proporcionaron información sobres sus sistemas de producción. Se recopilaron análisis químicos de 43 plantas forrajeras durante la temporada de seca, estos análisis en su mayoría mostraron escasos contenidos de nutrientes. Algunas leguminosas y compuestas tuvieron un valor razonable de alimentación, pero podrían contener mecanismos de defensa los cuales limitan su uso potencial. Mejorar o incluso mantener la productividad del sistema de producción actual depende fuertemente del mejoramiento de la base nutricional, sobre todo durante la temporada de seca que es cuando las plantas forrajeras escasean. Enfoques recientes, como el cultivo de ciertas plantas forrajeras, las cuales también contribuyen a la reducción de la erosión y la pérdida del suelo, deberían ser desarrollados e implementados. La información proporcionada por los granjeros muestra que los dos sistemas de producción estudiados en el presente artículo difieren: Por una parte, los granjeros se basan principalmente en los métodos agrícolas tradicionales, y por la otra, los granjeros están continuamente en busca de nuevas opciones agrícolas con fuerte apoyo técnico de un proyecto externo.

  10. Editorial Dossier: Ingeniería y Agro

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    Gabriel Cadena Gómez


    Full Text Available La agricultura es mucho más que producir un cultivo o criar animales. Por el contrario, la agricultura debería ser definida como la industria de los alimentos, dado que incluye todo lo relacionado con la producción de los alimentos y las fibras que necesitamos para sobrevivir, así como también los productos deseados para disfrutar del bienestar que proporcionan. La agricultura se extiende desde los recursos naturales como el suelo, el agua, el aire hasta las actividades para cultivar plantas y ganados, el arte del cultivo y explotación de la tierra, y además, la industria que procesa las materias primas en productos para el consumo. Incluye también las actividades de almacenamiento, transporte, distribución y mercadeo de esos productos tanto a nivel nacional como internacional; al mismo tiempo, los temas de financiación, seguridad de los alimentos y protección del medio ambiente con el objeto de obtener productos con fines humanos o con destino a los animales domésticos [1].

  11. Mejoramiento de la eficiencia energética en los procesos de extrusión de tuberías plásticas; Improve of the energy efficiency in the processes of plastic pipe extrusion

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    Antonio Jiménez Ramos


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo, muestra el desarrollo de una herramienta, para el mejoramiento energético, de los procesos de extrusión de tuberías plásticas, mediante la modelación del proceso de transferencia de calor, en estado transitorio, empleando para la solución el software Wolfram Mathematica 8.0. La herramienta desarrollada, posibilita en breve tiempo, la toma de decisiones para mantener un proceso optimizado, en función de las propiedades físicas, de las materias primas utilizadas, aumentando las producciones, con la consiguiente reducción de los índices de consumo, sin afectar la calidad del producto terminado. Esta herramienta posibilita además, conocer el comportamiento del equipamiento que procesa estas producciones ya que se definen los tiempos óptimos de enfriamiento, a partir de la temperatura, lo que posibilita ajustes rápidos y eficaces, por lo cual, se ahorran materias primas y puede actuarse, sobre posibles defectos técnicos del equipamiento, en los cuales intervienen las distintas especialidades destinadas a estas misiones.This paper shows the development of a tool for energetic improve of plastic pipes extrusion processes by heat transference processes transients using the Wolfram Mathematica7 software. With this tool may take decisions quickly to keep an optimized process in function of the material properties used to increasing the productions and to reduce the consumption without quality affectations of end product. Further, with this tool is possible to know the equipment behavior because it is defined that the optimal cooling time from temperature what enables rapid adjustment and effective, saving materials and enable the actions before technical faults of the equipment, in which there are interventions of different technicians.

  12. The distribution of nutrients, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a in the upper Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, a tropical estuary

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    Jaime Palter


    , está rodeada de manglares y tiene menos de 20 m de profundidad. En este estudio se midieron concentraciones de nitrato, nitrito, fosfato, silica-to, oxígeno disuelto y clorofila a en la parte interna del golfo en noviembre 2000, enero y julio 2001. Todos los nutrientes están concentrados en la parte interna del golfo durante la época lluviosa y de transición, y las concentraciones de fosfatos y silicatos son significantivamente diferentes respecto a las concentraciones en época seca. Durante todo el año los nutrientes muestran concentraciones mayores en las aguas más dulces cerca el Río Tempisque. Esto indica que las descargas del Río Tempisque dominan la variabilidad espacial y temporal en la parte interna. Además, los vientos alisios inducen la surgencia de ESW durante la estación seca, constituyendo una posible fuente secundaria de nutrientes durante esta época.

  13. Modulación genética por los alimentos: evolución de conceptos en nutrición


    Cayuela, José Antonio


    [ES] Los compuestos bioactivos y nutrientes de los alimentos influyen en la modulación de la expresión genética, regulando muy diversos procesos fisiológicos que afectan de forma muy importante a la salud. La interacción de los alimentos con el individuo, que es el objeto de estudio de la nutrigenómica y nutrigenética, es todavía poco conocida, tanto a nivel científico como por los ciudadanos, pero estas funciones de los alimentos se van visualizando mejor a medida que el conocimiento aumenta...

  14. Nutrient cycling strategies.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Breemen, van N.


    This paper briefly reviews pathways by which plants can influence the nutrient cycle, and thereby the nutrient supply of themselves and of their competitors. Higher or lower internal nutrient use efficiency positively feeds back into the nutrient cycle, and helps to increase or decrease soil

  15. Algunos peligros químicos y nutricionales del consumo de los alimentos de venta en espacios públicos


    Bejarano Roncancio, Jhon Jairo; Suárez Latorre, Lina María


    Los alimentos manufacturados y comercializados pueden contener peligros químicos por sustancias adicionadas intencionalmente como los aditivos que utiliza la industria, otros añadidos por el consumidor y contaminantes naturales como metales que se pueden obtener del aire en el espacio público; también se consideran peligrosos los cambios químicos que tienen algunos nutrientes como las grasas y los aceites (lípidos) y el uso excesivo de estas en la dieta. Algunos métodos de cocción empleados y...

  16. Las emociones del espectador en una experiencia, fotográfica, pictórica y cinematográfica

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    Francisco de Paula Contreras Albornoz


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se exponen los resultados del análisis comparativo de tres estudios: The Science of Art: A Neurological Theory of Aesthetic Experience (1999, Neural Correlates of Beauty (2004 y Neurocinematics: the Neuroscience of Film (2008. Cada una de las investigaciones señaladas examina la actividad neuronal de un grupo participantes que observa fotografías, pinturas o filmes. Se consideró que las experiencias expuestas permiten comprender el alcance y objeto del neurocinema. El método de la investigación fue revisión documental y el enfoque analítico. Se diseñaron tablas para sistematizar la revisión de los textos y se elaboraron tablas descriptivas basadas en resúmenes analíticos RAE. Se concluye que dos de los estudios tuvieron en común que los participantes presentaron actividad neuronal en el área del sistema límbico, la región del cerebro que procesa las emociones.

  17. Comparación de la ingesta de energía y nutrientes en adolescentes mujeres con sobrepeso y obesidad

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    Jaime Pajuelo R


    Full Text Available Introducción: El sobrepeso y la obesidad son consecuencia de una modificación de los patrones dietarios y de una actitud cada vez más sedentaria. Objetivos: Comparar la ingesta de energía y nutrientes de adolescentes mujeres con sobrepeso y obesidad. Diseño: Estudio transversal, observacional y analítico. Lugar: Centro Educativo de la zona urbana de Lima. Participantes: Adolescentes entre 10 a 18 años. Intervención: Se estudió 100 adolescentes con sobrepeso y 87 con obesidad. El diagnóstico se hizo mediante el índice de masa corporal (IMC, con la población de referencia de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS y con los niveles de corte entre 85 y 95 percentil para sobrepeso y más de 95 para obesidad. La evaluación de la cantidad de energía y de nutrientes se realizó mediante un cuestionario de frecuencia semicuantitativo, utilizando la Tabla Peruana de Composición de Alimentos y la del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE UU. Para el porcentaje de adecuación de la energía y para la identificación cuantitativa de la ingesta de vitaminas y mineral se utilizó las recomendaciones de la FAO. El análisis estadístico se hizo con la prueba t-Student para comparación de medias. Principales medidas de resultados: Energía ingerida, adecuación de los nutrientes, cantidad de vitaminas y minerales ingeridos, de acuerdo a los grupos estudiados. Resultados: No hubo diferencia de la ingesta de energía entre los grupos estudiados, y estos valores fueron menores que los requerimientos. La adecuación porcentual mostró que el consumo de las grasas estuvo por debajo del requerimiento; lo mismo sucedió con las grasas saturadas, monoinsaturadas y poliinsaturadas; sin embargo, lo que más se consumió fue la grasa saturada. En cuanto a las vitaminas y minerales, fueron ingeridas en cantidades que cubrían los requerimientos, a excepción de los folatos. La ingesta de fibra fue muy pobre. Conclusiones: Se puede afirmar que el consumo

  18. Metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono en los enterocitos de sujetos con enfermedad de Crohn y colitis ulcerosa.


    Estada Gimeno, Úrsula


    RESUMEN Introducción: Los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria crónica intestinal (EII), enfermedad de Crohn y colitis ulcerosa presentan lesiones en el epitelio intestinal de carácter inflamatorio. Estas lesiones afectan al intestino grueso en la colitis ulcerosa y a cualquier parte del tracto digestivo en la enfermedad de Crohn. En este tipo de enfermos se ha visto que existe una menor absorción de nutrientes, sobre todo en la enfermedad de Crohn, entre ellos la lactosa (el azúcar de la...

  19. Estudio de la composición de nutrientes en el etiquetado nutricional de productos alimenticios industrializados, tipo snack


    De Sousa P, Gabriela; Hernández R, Pablo I; Morón De T, Mirla C; Ávila A, Ana V; Lares A, Mary


    El etiquetado es el punto más visible de la información de un alimento y constituye uno de los pilares básicos en los que se apoya su comercialización. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la composición de nutrientes en el etiquetado nutricional de productos industrializados, tipo snacks, que se comercializan en grandes cadenas de supermercados en Caracas, Venezuela. Se recolectaron en total 472 etiquetados nutricionales de alimentos industrializados (nacionales e importados). Se clasifi...

  20. Nutrient fluxes in litterfall of a secondary successional alluvial rain forest in Southern Brazil

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    Maurício Bergamini Scheer


    Full Text Available During forest succession, litterfall nutrient fluxes increase significantly. The higher inputs of organic matter and nutrients through litterfall affects positively soil fertility and the species composition, which are essential components in forest restoration and management programs. In the present study, the input of nutrients to the forest soil via litterfall components was estimated for two sites of different development stages, in an early successional alluvial rain forest in Brazil. Litterfall returned to the soil, in kg/ha, ca. 93 N, 79 Ca, 24 K, 15 Mg, 6 P, 1.7 Mn, 0.94 Fe, 0.18 Zn, 0.09 Cu and 11.2 Al, in the site where trees were more abundant and had higher values of basal area. In the other area, where trees where less abundant and values of basal area were comparatively low, litterfall returned Durante la sucesión secundaria forestal, el flujo de nutrientes en la hojarasca se incrementa significativamente. Los altos ingresos de materia orgánica y nutrientes a través de la hojarasca afecta positivamente la fertilidad del suelo y la composición de especies, las cuales son componentes esenciales para programas de restauración forestal y de manejo. En el presente estudio, el ingreso de nutrientes a través de la hojarasca y sus componentes fueron estimados para dos sitios de una selva lluviosa atlántica aluvial en sucesión temprana. La cantidad anual de elementos que ingresan al suelo desde la vegetación más desarrollada (sitios con alta área basal y abundancia de árboles fueron (en kg/ha: 93 N, 79 Ca, 24 K, 15 Mg, 6 P, 1.7 Mn, 0.94 Fe, 0.18 Zn, 0.09 Cu y 11.2 Al. Menos de la mitad de esas cantidades fueron aportadas por la vegetación menos desarrollada, excepto para el Al. La cantidad de Al aportada a este sitio fue similar a la contribución de la vegetación más desarrollada, debido a la contribución de: Tibouchina pulchra (82% de todo el Al aportado. La eficiencia en el uso de nutrientes de la hojarasca

  1. Flujos de nutrientes en un banco de ostras de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia

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    Gómez López Diana Isabel


    Full Text Available Water flow through a plastic tunnel (1OL x 0.80W x 0.30H m was used to determine nutrient retention and release rates over two substrates (with and without oysters in a natural oyster bank at the northeastern end of the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta. In general terms, nutrient fluxes are inversally related to the water flow. Values obtained over the substrate without oysters were higher than those observed over the substrate with oysters. Such differences can be explained by the low oyster density in the area and the great microbial activity and typical sediment diffusion processes in this estuarine ecosystem.Un flujo de agua a través de un túnel plástico (10 L x 0.80 W x 0.30H m fue utilizado para determinar las tasas de liberación-retención de amonio y fosfatos sobre dos tipos de sustratos (con y sin ostras en un banco de ostras en el sector nororiental de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. En general se observa que los flujos de amonio y fosfatos son inversamente proporcionales al caudal de agua, y que los valores obtenidos en el sustrato sin ostras son mayores comparados a los obtenidos en el sustrato con ostras. Estas diferencias entre los sustratos pueden haberse debido a la baja densidad de ostras en el área (7.5 ostras/ m2 y a la gran actividad microbiana y procesos de difusión de los sedimentos característicos de este ecosistema estuarino.



    Staničić, Mladen


    Povijest procesa globalizacije veoam je usko povezana s poviješću nastanka analize međunarodnih gospodarskih odnosa kao zanstvene discipline ekonomske znanosti koja se razlikuje od ekonomike međunarodne razmjene. Fenomen globalizacije često se poistovjećuje sa globalnim gospodarstvom, ali analiza procesa povezivanja svjetskoga gospodarstva pokazuje da to ipak nije jedinstveni fenomen.

  3. Enzyme activities of phytoplankton in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica in relation to nutrients and primary production Actividad enzimática en ensambles fitoplanctónicos en las Islas Shetland del Sur (Antártica en relación a los nutrientes y producción primaria

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    Full Text Available Given the potential significance of enzyme activities as a link between internal metabolic pathways and environmental nutrients, we investigated the relationships of nitrate reductase (NR and alkaline phosphatase (AP with primary production and inorganic nutrients in South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Enzymatic activities of the phytoplankton (0.7-210 µm, primary productivity, autotrophic biomass and inorganic nutrients were studied in the upper 100 m depth at nine stations during a cruise in the northwestern area of South Shetland Islands (Antarctica, during late austral spring (December 2000. NR activities fluctuated between 0 and 42.8 nmol L-1 h-1 (mean = 10.08 nmol L-1 h-1, SD = 10.42 nmol L-1 h-1, AP activities between 0.81 and 5.67 nmol L-1 h-1 (mean = 2.68 nmol L-1 h-1, SD = 0.95 nmol L-1 h-1. Stations with primary productivity (PP and chlorophyll a greater than 2 mg C m-3 h-1 and 0.75 mg chlorophyll a L-1, respectively, presented higher enzymatic activities of nitrate reductase, alkaline phosphatase than those stations characterized by primary productivity and chlorophyll a less than 2 mg C m-3 h-1 and 0.17 mg chlorophyll a L-1, respectively. The AP specific activity was negatively correlated with orthophosphate concentrations lower than 2.0 µM, which indicates that the microplankton were under phosphate deficient environment condition. Our results indicated that NR specific activity was positively associated with autotrophic biomass and primary productivity estimates, giving evidence of the use of nitrate by phytoplankton as external nitrogen source in surface waters. In addition, high NR activities were positively correlated with NO3-, suggesting the occurrence of nitrate respiration in the well oxygenated surface waters of AntarcticaDada la potencial importancia de la actividad enzimática de ensambles fitoplanctónicos, como indicador de su metabolismo interno dominante respecto de los nutrientes, este estudio investigó las

  4. The Nutrient Density of Snacks: A Comparison of Nutrient Profiles of Popular Snack Foods Using the Nutrient-Rich Foods Index. (United States)

    Hess, Julie; Rao, Goutham; Slavin, Joanne


    Background: Although Americans receive almost a quarter of their daily energy from snacks, snacking remains a poorly defined and understood eating occasion. However, there is little dietary guidance about choosing snacks. Families, clinicians, and researchers need a comprehensive approach to assessing their nutritional value. Objective: To quantify and compare the nutrient density of commonly consumed snacks by their overall nutrient profiles using the Nutrient-Rich Foods (NRF) Index 10.3. Methods: NRF Index scores were calculated for the top 3 selling products (based on 2014 market research data) in different snack categories. These NRF scores were averaged to provide an overall nutrient-density score for each category. Results: Based on NRF scores, yogurt (55.3), milk (52.5), and fruit (30.1) emerged as the most nutrient-dense snacks. Ice cream (-4.4), pies and cakes (-11.1), and carbonated soft drinks (-17.2) emerged as the most nutrient-poor snacks. Conclusions: The NRF Index is a useful tool for assessing the overall nutritional value of snacks based on nutrients to limit and nutrients to encourage.

  5. Pérdidas de suelo y nutrientes bajo diferentes coberturas vegetales en la zona Andina de Colombia

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    J. Alexander Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó en la reserva natural El Ciprés, ubicada en la vereda Bellavista, municipio de El Dovio (Valle del Cauca. La vereda se encuentra en la zona Andina de la cordillera occidental, en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, entre 1700 y 1800 m.s.n.m., con una temperatura promedio de 18 °C. Según la clasificación climática de Holdridge, corresponde a una zona de bosque húmedo Montano Bajo, con una precipitación promedio entre 2500 y 2700 mm/año, una humedad relativa de 90% y una pendiente del suelo de 62%. Las mediciones se hicieron en parcelas de escorrentía de 32 m² cada una y siete tipos de coberturas: guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth, bosque secundario, pastura (Brachiaria decumbens, café (Coffea arabica; banco de proteína (Trichanthera gigantea, caña forrajera (Saccharum officinarum y cultivo limpio conformado por yuca (Manihot esculenta, maíz (Zea mays y arracacha (Arracacia zanthorrhiza Brancroft. Para la evaluación se midieron las pérdidas de suelo y los nutrientes calcio, magnesio, potasio y fósforo en un periodo de 7 meses. Los resultados mostraron diferencias (P < 0.05 entre las coberturas evaluadas. Las pérdidas más altas de suelo y nutrientes ocurrieron bajo cultivos limpios (2.61 t/ha y las más bajas en guadua (0.08 t/ha. Estos resultados sugieren ventajas de los bosques de guadua en esta zona de Colombia, ya que además de contribuir a la conservación de los suelos y al mantenimiento de la fertilidad, es una alternativa económica complementaria para los productores rurales a partir de su manejo y aprovechamiento.

  6. Pérdidas de suelo y nutrientes bajo diferentes coberturas vegetales en la zona Andina de Colombia

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    Rodríguez José Alexander


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó en la reserva natural El Ciprés, ubicada en la vereda Bellavista, municipio de El Dovio (Valle del Cauca. La vereda se encuentra en la zona Andina de la cordillera occidental, en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, entre 1700 y 1800 m.s.n.m., con una temperatura promedio de 18 °C. Según la clasificación climática de Holdridge, corresponde a una zona de bosque húmedo Montano Bajo, con una precipitación promedio entre 2500 y 2700 mm/año, una humedad relativa de 90% y una pendiente del suelo de 62%. Las mediciones se hicieron en parcelas de escorrentía de 32 m2 cada una y siete tipos de coberturas: guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth, bosque secundario, pastura (Brachiaria decumbens, café (Coffea arabica; banco de proteína (Trichanthera gigantea, caña forrajera (Saccharum officinarum y cultivo limpio conformado por yuca (Manihot esculenta, maíz (Zea mays y arracacha (Arracacia zanthorrhiza Brancroft. Para la evaluación se midieron las pérdidas de suelo y los nutrientes calcio, magnesio, potasio y fósforo en un periodo de 7 meses. Los resultados mostraron diferencias (P < 0.05 entre las coberturas evaluadas. Las pérdidas más altas de suelo y nutrientes ocurrieron bajo cultivos limpios (2.61 t/ha y las más bajas en guadua (0.08 t/ha. Estos resultados sugieren ventajas de los bosques de guadua en esta zona de Colombia, ya que además de contribuir a la conservación de los suelos y al mantenimiento de la fertilidad, es una alternativa económica complementaria para los productores rurales a partir de su manejo y aprovechamiento.

  7. Renealmia alpinia (Rottb.: Maas (Zingiberaceae: planta comestible de la Sierra Norte de Puebla (México

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    Macía, Manuel J.


    Full Text Available The edible fruits of Renealmia alpinia are highly valued in the Sierra Norte de Puebla (México where they are managed at a household level. The plant is wild in the región, although a rare species. The aril of the fruit is the edible part. After harvesting, the aril is extracted fresh and processed for local consumption. Sometimes the fruits are commercialized in tradicional markets. Only 19% of the total weight of the fruits is used for food.Los frutos comestibles de Renealmia alpinia son muy apreciados en la Sierra Norte de Puebla (México, en donde son manejados a nivel familiar. La planta crece silvestre en la región, aunque es una especie poco frecuente. La parte comestible es el arilo de los frutos. Tras la cosecha, se extrae en fresco el arilo y se procesa para su consumo familiar. Ocasionalmente los frutos se comercializan en los mercados tradicionales. Solamente el 19 % del peso total de los frutos se aprovecha para alimentación.

  8. Numerical simulations of river discharges, nutrient flux and nutrient dispersal in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wulp, Simon A. van der; Damar, Ario; Ladwig, Norbert; Hesse, Karl-J.


    The present application of numerical modelling techniques provides an overview of river discharges, nutrient flux and nutrient dispersal in Jakarta Bay. A hydrological model simulated river discharges with a total of 90 to 377 m 3 s −1 entering Jakarta Bay. Daily total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads ranged from 40 to 174 tons and 14 to 60 tons, respectively. Flow model results indicate that nutrient gradients are subject to turbulent mixing by tides and advective transport through circulation driven by wind, barotropic and baroclinic pressure gradients. The bulk of nutrient loads originate from the Citarum and Cisadane rivers flowing through predominantly rural areas. Despite lower nutrient loads, river discharges from the urban area of Jakarta exhibit the highest impact of nutrient concentrations in the near shore area of Jakarta Bay and show that nutrient concentrations were not only regulated by nutrient loads but were strongly regulated by initial river concentrations and local flow characteristics. - Highlights: • Full overview of river discharges, nutrient flux and nutrient levels in Jakarta Bay • Important overview of nutrient flux from individual rivers • Simulations identify the principal drivers of water circulation and nutrient gradient. • Nutrient dispersion model includes the local effects of the Java Sea current system.

  9. Optimización de la biorremediación en relaves de cianuración adicionando nutrientes y microorganismos

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    Jasmin Hurtado


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue encontrar los parámetros óptimos para el desarrollo de los proceso de bioremediacion de relaves de cianuración, mediante experimentos factoriales a nivel de columnas con la adición de nutrientes y el empleo de bacterias sulfato reductoras (BSR para estabilizar iones metálicos mediante la formación de sulfuros y bacterias capaces de biodegradar cianuro (BC. Se aislaron BSR de relave y se usó un inoculo previamente aislado de BC. Se realizó una prueba de adaptación a relave y una prueba en columnas para probar: (1 el efecto del empleo de 1 y 10 mM de lactato para incrementar la actividad de BSR; y (2 adición de 0,1 y 1 mM de acetato de sodio y ácido fosfórico para mejorar la actividad de BC. Con las mejores condiciones encontradas se realizó una prueba a nivel de columnas donde se adicionó un cultivo mixto (BSR-BC y una mezcla de lactato y acetato en concentraciones de 1 mM y 10 mM. Se encontró que los nutrientes incrementaban la reducción de sulfatos un 48% en promedio y la adición de inoculo un 42%. La bioremediacion de cianuro se mantuvo en 12% sin efecto en la adición de nutrientes o inoculo. Se probó en dos relaves adicionales y la adición de lactato de sodio 1 mM permitió la inducción de BSR en 8 días en uno de ellos.

  10. Approaches and uncertainties in nutrient budgets; Implications for nutrient management and environmental policies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oenema, O.; Kros, J.; Vries, de W.


    Nutrient budgets of agroecosystems are constructed either (i) to increase the understanding of nutrient cycling, (ii) as performance indicator and awareness raiser in nutrient management and environmental policy, or (iii) as regulating policy instrument to enforce a certain nutrient management


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    Nohora Patricia Manovacía Moreno


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se evaluó la producción de biomasa, el contenido de algunos nutrientes (selenio, carbohidratos totales y proteína microbiana y el consumo de sustrato de cepas de levaduras comerciales y nativas pertenecientes al Banco de Germoplasma de la Nación Colombiana, manejado por la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, CORPOICA. Inicialmente se determinó el crecimiento de tres levaduras nativas seleccionadas al azar bajo diferentes condiciones de pH, temperatura y tiempo de fermentación usando un medio líquido de extracto de malta. Dentro de estas condiciones, las mejores respuestas se observaron a pH de 4,5, 25 °C y 24 horas de fermentación. Usando estas condiciones se evaluaron 100 accesiones de levaduras nativas y 4 comerciales por su producción de biomasa, contenido de selenio, carbohidratos totales y proteína microbiana y consumo de sustratos. De acuerdo con estas variables y un análisis de conglomerados fue posible agrupar las levaduras en grupos homogéneos. Hubo elevada variabilidad en la producción de biomasa entre las 104 cepas evaluadas, probablemente debido a la variabilidad biológica existente en la población estudiada. Los rendimientos de biomasa variaron entre 0,101 y 0,480 g de biomasa g-1 de azúcar consumido y las velocidades de producción de biomasa oscilaron entre 0,040 y 0,185 g L-1 h-1. El consumo promedio de nutrientes (g de nutrientes consumidos/ g de nutrientes disponibles fue de 91,6% en el caso de los carbohidratos y de 17,8% en el caso de la proteína. Se identificaron diez cepas de superior crecimiento y contenido de nutrientes, cuyo potencial prebiótico y probiótico será evaluado en futuros ensayos In vivo.In the present study biomass production and nutrient (selenium, total carbohydrate and microbial protein were evaluated in both commercial and native yeast isolates from the Colombian Germplasm Bank managed by the Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research

  12. Modeling farm nutrient flows in the North China Plain to reduce nutrient losses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhao, Zhanqing; Bai, Zhaohai; Wei, Sha; Ma, Wenqi; Wang, Mengru; Kroeze, Carolien; Ma, Lin


    Years of poor nutrient management practices in the agriculture industry in the North China Plain have led to large losses of nutrients to the environment, causing severe ecological consequences. Analyzing farm nutrient flows is urgently needed in order to reduce nutrient losses. A farm-level

  13. Remoción de nutrientes por cebada en seis suelos de Cundinamarca y Boyacá - Colombia Nutrient uptake by barley in six Colombian soils

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    Amézquita Edgar


    Full Text Available

    En Colombia la producción de cereales como la cebada está restringida por variados factores entre los que destacan lluvias irregulares, heladas, acidez del suelo, infertilidad y enfermedades, inadecuado manejo del suelo, además de escaso germoplasma adaptado. Una alternativa para enfrentar parte del problema está en la selección de líneas en diferentes terrenos, tendiente a desarrollar variedades adaptables aún a suelos de baja productividad. Para llegar a una apropiada recomendación a los agricultores se consideró la cantidad de nutrientes removidos por las plantas en madurez fisiológica. La cebada comercial 124 mostró preferencias por suelos de moderada fertilidad pero tuvo una relativa menor eficiencia en la conversión de nutrientes a grano frente al trigo Bonza. Sus requerimientos nutricionales para alcanzar rendimientos cercanos a 2.5 t/ha sin riego se definieron así: Macronutrientes (kg/ha: 30N, 8P, 45K, 8Ca, 2.5 Mg; Micronutrientes (g/ha: 140 Mn, 40 Zn, 24 Cu, 340 Fe. La más alta eficiencia nutricional para varias líneas promisorias de cebada sembradas en terrenos ondulados se dió en el suelo más productivo pero arcilloso (Vertic Tropudalf, una respuesta intermedia se halló en uno humífero ácido poco profundo (Paralithic Humitropept y una muy baja eficiencia se reportó en el de menos retención de humedad e infértil (Ustic Dystropept. Se seleccionaron dos líneas con baja adaptación a los tres terrenos mencionados, una rindió bien en el ambiente más difícil, y tres líneas exhibieron alta adaptación a todos los terrenos escogidos.

    In Colombia, the increase of barley production is restricted by such factors as irregular rainfall, low temperatures, soil acidity, low fertility and disease, associated with improper soil management and scarse improve germoplasm, A suitable use of fertilizers is an alternative to face part of the problem by means of plant breeding in different terrain, tend to develop of low

  14. Microbial enzyme activity, nutrient uptake and nutrient limitation in forested streams (United States)

    Brian H. Hill; Frank H. McCormick; Bret C. Harvey; Sherri L. Johnson; Melvin L. Warren; Colleen M. Elonen


    The flow of organic matter and nutrients from catchments into the streams draining them and the biogeochemical transformations of organic matter and nutrients along flow paths are fundamental processes instreams (Hynes,1975; Fisher, Sponseller & Heffernan, 2004). Microbial biofilms are often the primary interface for organic matter and nutrient uptake and...

  15. Dinámica de nutrientes en plantaciones forestales de Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae establecidas para restauración de tierras degradadas en Colombia

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    Claudia Patricia Flórez-Flórez


    Full Text Available Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Nim ha sido ampliamente empleada en procedimientos de restauración, por lo tanto se evaluó el potencial de sus plantaciones para restaurar tierras secas degradadas por sobrepastoreo, vía reactivación del ciclo biogeoquímico. En 20 parcelas de 250m², se instalaron trampas de hojarasca y litter-bags. Se tomaron muestras de hojas maduras y de suelos dentro y fuera de las plantaciones, y se determinaron sus contenidos elementales. Fueron monitoreados la caída de hojarasca, la descomposición de hojarasca y la reabsorción de nutrientes foliares durante un año. Los aportes anuales de hojarasca fina representaron 557.54kg/ha (33% hojas de Nim. Los mayores retornos potenciales de nutrientes vía foliar fue- ron de Ca (4.6kg/ha y N (2.4kg/ha y los menores de P (0.06kg/ha. El 68% del material se descompuso tras un año. La mayor liberación de nutrientes fue de K (100% y la menor de N (40%. El P fue el nutriente más limitante, con baja disponibilidad edáfica y alta eficiencia en su uso según el Índice de Vitousek (IEV=3 176 y la reabsorción foliar (35%. Estas plantaciones juveniles demostraron efectividad en la reactivación del ciclo biogeoquímico, que mejoraron parámetros edáficos, según incrementos de materia orgánica, P y K; 72%, 31% y 61%, respectiva- mente. Además mejoraron la estabilidad de agregados y las tasas de respiración microbiana.

  16. Utilización de los actinomicetos en procesos de biofertilización

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    Marcela Franco-Correa


    Full Text Available El mal uso agrícola de los suelos, que desafortunadamente ocurre en diferentes zonas cultivables, ha ido intensificando los problemas de fertilidad en los mismos. Particularmente, el uso intensivo de los fertilizantes y productos fitosanitarios químicos ha conllevado a elevar los costos de producción de muchos alimentos y otros derivados de la agricultura haciéndolos poco competitivos en el mercado. Los manejos agrícolas más sostenibles preconizan la disminución de agroquímicos, como alternativa al uso de estos compuestos, estrategias que cada día cobran más interés. En relación con los manejos sostenibles en agricultura, la posibilidad de usar técnicas basadas en el manejo de microorganismos que usualmente viven asociados a las plantas, ocurre en virtud de las acciones positivas que se sabe realizan. En efecto, determinados microorganismos que se desarrollan en asociación con las raíces de las plantas, en la llamada rizosfera, están involucrados en la promoción de crecimiento vegetal mediante un amplio rango de actividades. Estas acciones incluyen la estimulación de los ciclos biogeoquímicos de los nutrientes, mejora de la salud de la planta y la calidad estructural del suelo, factores claves de la fertilidad del mismo.

  17. Concentración de nutrientes en hojas de diferente estado de desarrollo en arándano

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    Full Text Available Es muy importante a la hora de realizar diagnóstico nutricional definir el momento y el órgano adecuado de muestreo para evitar posibles errores en la toma de decisiones. Existe poca información acerca de la composición mineral de las variedades presentes en las zonas productoras del cultivo de arándanos en Argentina.El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en determinar la concentración de nutrientes en hojas de dos edades en las variedades comerciales de arándano difundidas. El muestreo se realizó en 2008 en arándano southern highbush (Vaccinium corymbosum L. var Misty, Jewel y Emerald en quintas comerciales ubicadas en Concordia, provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina. Se recolectaron hojas totalmente expandidas, sin daños ni lesiones desde los 70 a 90 días después de plena floración (Plena flor: 15/08/2008 en dos edades de hoja (hoja con fruta formada el año anterior y hoja sin fruta del año en curso. Se realizaron las determinaciones de la concentración (g nutriente/100g MS de N, P, K, Ca y Mg foliar. Los datos se sometieron a ANOVA, se tomó variedad y edad de hoja como factores fijos y concentración del nutriente como variable dependiente. La concentración de Mg dependió de la variedad, Misty presentó la mayor concentración de este nutriente con 0.30% Mg foliar, Emerald presentó 0.24 % y Jewel la menor concentración de 0.16 %Mg (p= 0.008. Hojas demayor edad presentaron mayor concentración de Mg (p=0.009. Es necesario considerar estas diferencias ala hora de realizar diagnósticos nutricionales.

  18. Plan de experimentación sobre fertilizantes para maíz, trigo y papa y reconocimiento de la fertilidad de los principales suelos de cultivo en el país.


    Yepes Y., Emilio


    Los adelantos de lo agricultura moderno, son el fruto de largo, metódico y constante investigación. Los resultados de ésto, han permitido o países de cultura avanzado como los Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y otros nociones europeos, incrementar en formo asombroso los rendimientos de los cultivos, sin aumentar lo superficie de los tierras de labor. Nadie niego hoy en Colombia la necesidad de conservar la fertilidad de los suelos, mediante lo aplicación de los nutrientes vegetales que h...

  19. Deficiencias de nutrientes en suelos semiáridos. I: ajuste de un método en invernáculo Nutrient deficiencies in semiarid soils. I: adjustment of a method in greenhouse

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    Osvaldo A. Barbosa


    Full Text Available El presente estudio fue llevado a cabo con el objetivo de estimar las carencias de nutrientes minerales y sus prioridades en suelos agrícolas de regadío del área de influencia de Villa Mercedes (San Luis, Argentina, utilizando una técnica simple que combina métodos sustractivos y aditivos en invernáculo. Las experiencias se realizaron comparando ocho tratamientos sustractivos (C, C-Mg, C-Ca, C-P, C-K, C-S, C-EM, y T, y cuatro aditivos (N, NP, NS, y NPS, en un Haplustoll éntico a dos profundidades (0-20 y 20-40 cm empleando como planta índice Lolium multiflorum Lam. Los resultados muestran que: 1 no existen deficiencias nutritivas de K, Mg, Ca ni EM (elementos menores, en las profundidades estudiadas, 2 el S fue deficiente en las dos profundidades, 3 el P presenta una disminución de rendimientos en superficie mientras que es deficiente en profundidad. Asimismo se obtuvo una correlación positiva (r = 0,9128 entre el consumo de agua realizada por el cultivo y los rendimientos de materia seca obtenidos de los diferentes tratamientos.This study was carried out in order to estimate the mineral nutrient deficiencies and their priorities in irrigated arable soils in the area of Villa Mercedes (San Luis, Argentine by means of a simple technique, which combines subtractive and additive methods in greenhouse. The trials were performed by comparing eight subtractive treatments (C, C-Mg, C-Ca, C-P, C-K, C-S, C-ME and T and four additive ones (N, NP, NS and NPS, in an Entic Haplustoll, at two depths (0-20 and 20-40 cm and using Lolium multiflorum Lam. as index plant. The achieved results show that: 1 there are no nutrient deficiencies of K, Mg, Ca, or ME (minor element, in depths studied; 2 S was deficient in both depths; 3 P presents a marked decrease of yield at surface level while it is found to be deficient at greater depths. In addition, there appeared a positive correlation (r = 0.9128 between the water consumed by the crop and the yields

  20. Adaptación de Mycobacterium smegmatis ante el agotamiento de nutrientes y su efecto en la expresión de esat-6

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    Héctor M. López-Pérez


    Full Text Available Cuando los recursos son escasos, las micobacterias detienen su crecimiento para dar paso a los genes de la adaptación. Contrariamente, cuando el crecimiento continúa bajo condiciones de estrés, se activan genes específicos de redes metabólicas para su protección. En este sentido, la proteína codificada por esat-6 (por sus siglas en inglés: early secretory antigenic target, 6 kDa en Mycobacterium tuberculosis, actúa en la lisis del epitelio alveolar y membranas de los macrófagos para escapar e invadir otras células. Pero puede tener otras funciones, tales como interferir en el contacto célula-célula y transferir su ADN. En M. smegmatis, el sistema ESX-1 (por sus siglas en inglés: Secretion Ejectosoma BOX facilita la secreción de la proteína ESAT-6, probablemente es sensible a uno o más nutrientes del medio de cultivo. Por lo que en el presente estudio se evalúan las condiciones de cultivo limitantes en nutrientes para el crecimiento de M. smegmatis y su relación con la expresión del gen esat-6. Los medios de cultivos probados fueron Hartmans de Bond medio mínimo (HdB, limitado en carbono (HdBlos medios de cultivo probados como modelo para la expresión génica bajo limitación por nutrientes.

  1. Flujos de oxígeno y nutrientes entre sedimento y columna de agua: caso de las arenas finas infralitorales


    Sospedra Ciscar, Javier


    RESUMEN En el metabolismo bentónico de las zonas costeras y someras interactúan de forma compleja un gran número de procesos y factores tanto físicos como químicos y biológicos. La respiración bentónica y la regeneración de nutrientes en los fondos de arenas permeables del infralitoral han sido, tradicionalmente, poco estudiadas, sin embargo, éstas pueden tener una repercusión directa y transcendental en los ecosistemas costeros. Esta tesis tiene como propósito general la de...

  2. Usos y comercialización de desechos sólidos industriales

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    Juan Carlos Salas Jiménez


    Full Text Available El Centro de Investigación en Protección Ambiental del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (CIPA, mediante el proyecto “Gestión Integral de manejo de desechos en el Parque Industrial de Cartago” ha logrado desarrollar un mercado de materiales recuperados a nivel nacional. Los materiales que se reciben, después de pasar por un proceso de selección y clasificación, de acuerdo con la codificación establecida, permite reintegrar estos materiales al sistema productivo del país, por medio de más de 200 empresas que los adquieren en el Centro de Transferencia y Transformación de Materiales (CTTM, nombre con el cual se ha denominado la sección operativa del proyecto. El CTTM se encuentra ubicado estratégicamente en el parque industrial de Cartago, cerca de las empresas que producen los desechos que procesa para, posteriormente, comercializarlos.

  3. Reliģijas makdonaldizācija


    Siliņš, Toms


    Bakalaura darbā apskatītas makdonaldizācijas procesa izpausmes Latvijas reliģisko organizāciju darbībā. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot makdonaldizācijas izpausmes Latvijas reliģiskajās organizācijās, tādēļ izvirzīti pētījuma jautājumi – kādas ir liecības par makdonaldizācijas procesa ietekmi uz reliģiskajām organizācijām Latvijā un kā vērtējama makdonaldizācijas procesa ietekme uz reliģiskajām organizācijām Latvijā. Pētījuma ietvaros veiktas divas ekspertu intervijas, kuru analīzes rezultātā i...

  4. Interacción de los antineoplásicos orales con los alimentos: revisión sistemática Antineoplastic oral agents and drug-nutrient interactions: a sistematic review


    N. V. Jiménez Torres; I. Romero Crespo; M. Ballester Solaz; A. Albert Marí; V. Jiménez Arenas


    Introducción: Los estudios de biodisponibilidad son parte integrante del desarrollo clínico de medicamentos para administración oral con el fin de identificar potenciales interacciones fármaco-alimento (iFA). Actualmente, para los antineoplásicos orales se empieza a reconocer su importancia clínica, aun cuando lamentablemente, la información disponible presenta variabilidad en su evidencia científica. Objetivos: Revisar la evidencia científica disponible sobre las interacciones de los aliment...

  5. Numerical simulations of river discharges, nutrient flux and nutrient dispersal in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. (United States)

    van der Wulp, Simon A; Damar, Ario; Ladwig, Norbert; Hesse, Karl-J


    The present application of numerical modelling techniques provides an overview of river discharges, nutrient flux and nutrient dispersal in Jakarta Bay. A hydrological model simulated river discharges with a total of 90 to 377m(3)s(-1) entering Jakarta Bay. Daily total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads ranged from 40 to 174tons and 14 to 60tons, respectively. Flow model results indicate that nutrient gradients are subject to turbulent mixing by tides and advective transport through circulation driven by wind, barotropic and baroclinic pressure gradients. The bulk of nutrient loads originate from the Citarum and Cisadane rivers flowing through predominantly rural areas. Despite lower nutrient loads, river discharges from the urban area of Jakarta exhibit the highest impact of nutrient concentrations in the near shore area of Jakarta Bay and show that nutrient concentrations were not only regulated by nutrient loads but were strongly regulated by initial river concentrations and local flow characteristics. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Los ecosistemas marinos y costeros.

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    Comité Editorial Gestión y Ambiente


    Full Text Available Apreciado lector. Como lo habíamos anunciado, este número de la Revista Gestión y Ambiente centra su atención en los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales y el último número del año 2008 se referirá a los ecosistemas marinos y costeros. El agua es un recurso esencial para los seres vivos; se compone de hidrógeno y de oxígeno, contiene gases y nutrientes, partículas suspendidas vivas y no vivas, y físicamente, es permeada por la luz y el calor. Sólo una parte pequeña del agua del planeta es dulce. Los ríos, lagos y ciénagas del paisaje terrestre son ecosistemas donde interactúan lo vivo y lo no- vivo; y a través del agua, se mueve la materia y fluye la energía. Lo vivo está influido por el agua, pero, a su vez. el agua también lo esta por lo vivo. El agua dulce está en riesgo por la actividad del hombre quien la requiere, la usa, la contamina y la descontamina. Por ello, el conocimiento de los ambientes acuáticos es fundamental. En esta perspectiva, el agua dulce requiere ser estudiada para su aprovechamiento sostenible. Sin embargo, los niveles actuales de contaminación hacen indispensable no sólo su estudio hidrológico- biológico- ecológico, sino también el análisis de la cantidad de agua, su calidad y los procesos de saneamiento. Es igualmente fundamental la gestión del recurso hídrico, teniendo en cuenta los aspectos humanos, económicos y socio- ambientales. Por lo anterior las ciencias naturales, las ingenierías sanitaria y ambiental, y las ciencias sociales deben unir esfuerzos para estudiar los ecosistemas acuáticos con miras a su sostenibilidad, uso, reuso y protección. Además, como temas complementarios, la Revista entrega artículos que amplían temas tratados en números anteriores: • La contaminación atmosférica, con los resultados de dos investigaciones desarrollados en el Area Metropolitana del Valle de Aburra, y • La problemática de los riesgos con un

  7. Simulación del impacto de diferentes regímenes de cosecha sobre el capital de nutrientes e indicadores económicos en plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis del NE de Entre Ríos, Argentina

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    Juan Francisco Goya


    ello importa establecer indicadores cuantitativos, de impacto ambiental y económico, en las distintas etapas del manejo. La instalación de plantaciones forestales se decide principalmente por indicadores financieros; los costos elevados pueden modificar las decisiones de los inversionistas. Un indicador ecológico del manejo forestal sustentable consiste en mantener el capital de nutrientes edáfico como línea base para sostener la productividad; sostener esto puede elevar los costos. El objetivo consistió en responder: (i ¿Cómo afecta cada uno de los escenarios de cosecha a la estabilidad nutritiva de las plantaciones? (ii ¿Cual escenario alternativo resulta de mayor valor financiero actual? y (iii ¿Perdura el escenario de mayor valor actual si, para mantener la sustentabilidad ecológica, se conservan o reponen los nutrientes exportados durante la cosecha? En plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis de 8 y 11 años de edad se simularon distintos tipos de cosecha y tratamiento de los residuos. Se cuantificó la exportación de nutrientes en los diferentes escenarios y se analizaron indicadores de estabilidad ecológica como el Índice de Estabilidad de Plantaciones (IEP, y financieros como el Valor Terminal Neto, Valor Potencial del Suelo y Tasa Interna de Retorno considerando el costo de reposición de nitrógeno. El escenario de cosecha total y quema de residuos arrojó pérdidas de 491 y 369 kgN.ha-1 para turnos de 8 y 11años respectivamente. El IEP demostró que la cosecha del árbol completo y quema de residuos provocan el mayor impacto ecológico con valores superiores a 2.5 (>0.5= inestabilidad; los indicadores económicos se redujeron con la compensación de nutrientes al suelo. Esta reducción puede afectar la decisión de concretar plantaciones comerciales, lo cual debería alertar y estimular a mejorar las practicas de cosecha y poscosecha.

  8. Asociación entre la ingesta de nutrientes hematopoyéticos y el origen nutricional de la anemia en mujeres en edad fértil en Colombia Association between hematopoietic nutrient intake and the origin of nutritional anemia in women of childbearing age in Colombia

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    Luz Mariela Manjarrés


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar el origen de la anemia nutricional según las variables sociodemográficas y analizar su asociación con la deficiencia en la ingesta de nutrientes hematopoyéticos. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó la base de datos de la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional de Colombia, 2005. Los datos se obtuvieron por muestreo complejo representativo de la población y se procesaron con el programa SPSS, v.15. Se seleccionaron mujeres en edad fértil con anemia y se clasificaron en dos grupos según la ferritina sérica. Se determinó la ingesta usual de nutrientes hematopoyéticos y el riesgo de deficiencia. Se compararon las proporciones de los tipos de anemia según las variables sociodemográficas utilizando la prueba F de Rao-Scott de segundo orden (P OBJECTIVES: Compare the nutritional origin of anemia by sociodemographic variables and analyze its association with deficient hematopoietic nutrient intake. METHODS: The database of Colombia's 2005 National Survey of Nutritional Status was used. The data were obtained through complex representative sampling of the population and processed using SPSS v.15. Anemic women of childbearing age were selected and divided into two groups according to serum ferritin levels. Their customary hematopoietic nutrient intake and risk of deficiency were determined. The proportions of anemia types were compared by sociodemographic variables using the F-distribution, the Rao-Scott second order correction (P < 0.05. The association between the origin of the anemia and classification of the nutrient was analyzed using the odds ratio (OR. RESULTS: Sample: 595 women. Non-hypoferric anemia (67.2% predominated, with no statistical difference by sociodemographic variable, except in the Pacific region (hypoferric anemia, 52.1%. The prevalence of deficiency in the customary intake of hematopoietic nutrients was high. There was no significant association between the deficit in consumption and the origin of the anemia

  9. Internet y la sociedad de la información

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    Octavio Islas


    Full Text Available Caracteriza a nuestro tiempo moderno la velocidad con que se genera, transmite y procesa la información. Internet es el medio de comunicación que expresa en su admirable complejidad y perfección, el sentido de lo que representa la convergencia tecnológica, instalándonos en una versión más avanzada de la "aldea global". El desarrollo del Internet ha definido las posibilidades de innovación de nuevas industrias: la informática, la electrónica, la robótica, las telecomunicaciones, los medios de comunicación, la realidad virtual.

  10. Nutrient synchrony in preruminant calves

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Borne, van den J.J.G.C.


    In animal nutrition, the nutrient composition of the daily feed supply is composed to match the nutrient requirements for the desired performance. The time of nutrient availability within a day is usually considered not to affect the fate of nutrients. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate effects



    Vrabec, Petra


    Diplomsko delo opisuje produkcijo dokumentarnega filma o živalih in bralca vodi skozi potek produkcijskega procesa. Z diplomskim delom želimo ugotoviti standarde za doseganje visokokakovostnih dokumentarnih filmih o živalih. Lotili smo se pregleda predprodukcijskega procesa, elementov, vključenih v fazo planiranja, in kaj je pri tem potrebno upoštevati. Pogledali smo produkcijske pristope in opremo ter situacije, v katerih se uporablja. Prikazujemo, kaj je pomembno v zaključni fazi postproduk...

  12. The Nutrient Density of Snacks

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    Julie Hess BA


    Full Text Available Background: Although Americans receive almost a quarter of their daily energy from snacks, snacking remains a poorly defined and understood eating occasion. However, there is little dietary guidance about choosing snacks. Families, clinicians, and researchers need a comprehensive approach to assessing their nutritional value. Objective: To quantify and compare the nutrient density of commonly consumed snacks by their overall nutrient profiles using the Nutrient-Rich Foods (NRF Index 10.3. Methods: NRF Index scores were calculated for the top 3 selling products (based on 2014 market research data in different snack categories. These NRF scores were averaged to provide an overall nutrient-density score for each category. Results: Based on NRF scores, yogurt (55.3, milk (52.5, and fruit (30.1 emerged as the most nutrient-dense snacks. Ice cream (−4.4, pies and cakes (−11.1, and carbonated soft drinks (−17.2 emerged as the most nutrient-poor snacks. Conclusions: The NRF Index is a useful tool for assessing the overall nutritional value of snacks based on nutrients to limit and nutrients to encourage.

  13. Soluble organic nutrient fluxes (United States)

    Robert G. Qualls; Bruce L. Haines; Wayne Swank


    Our objectives in this study were (i) compare fluxes of the dissolved organic nutrients dissolved organic carbon (DOC), DON, and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) in a clearcut area and an adjacent mature reference area. (ii) determine whether concentrations of dissolved organic nutrients or inorganic nutrients were greater in clearcut areas than in reference areas,...

  14. DIAPHYSEAL NUTRIENT FORAMINA OF ADULT HUMAN TIBIA - ITS POSITIONAL ANATOMY AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. Foramen nutricio diafisario de la tibia humana adulta – Su anatomía posicional y las implicancias clínicas

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    Swati Gandhi


    Full Text Available El conocimiento del número y posición de los forámenes nutricios en los huesos largos es importante en los procedimientos ortopédicos, tales como la terapia de reemplazo de articulaciones, reparación de fracturas, injertos de hueso y micro-cirugía de hueso vascularizado. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Anatomía, Colegio Médico Gubernamental de Amritsar. El estudio comprendió 100 tibias de humanos adultos obtenidas de 50 cadáveres masculinos y 50 femeninos. Todos los huesos del presente estudio presentaban el foramen nutricio situado en el tercio superior del eje y se dirigían hacia abajo. En la mayoría de los huesos, se encuentró lateral a la línea vertical en la superficie posterior de la diáfisis tibial. Las distancias medias de foramen nutricio de los extremos superior e inferior de la tibia eran mayores en los hombres en ambos lados. Además, estas mediciones mostraron valores más altos en los huesos de la mitad derecha. El conocimiento preciso de la ubicación de la forámenes nutricios en los huesos largos es útil en la prevención de las lesiones intra-operatorias en cirugía ortopédica, así como en cirugía plástica y reconstructiva y también es relevante en la práctica médico-legal. An understanding of the number and position of nutrient foramina in long bones is important in orthopedic procedures such as joint replacement therapy, fracture repair, bone grafts and vascularized bone microsurgery. The present study was conducted in the department of Anatomy, Govt. Medical College Amritsar. The study group comprised of 100 adult human tibiae obtained from 50 male and 50 female cadavers. All the bones of the present study depicted single nutrient foramen situated in the upper one third of the shaft and were directed downwards. In majority of the bones, it was located lateral to the vertical line on the posterior surface of tibial shaft. The mean distances of nutrient foramen from the upper

  15. Sensitivity analysis of a pulse nutrient addition technique for estimating nutrient uptake in large streams (United States)

    Laurence Lin; J.R. Webster


    The constant nutrient addition technique has been used extensively to measure nutrient uptake in streams. However, this technique is impractical for large streams, and the pulse nutrient addition (PNA) has been suggested as an alternative. We developed a computer model to simulate Monod kinetics nutrient uptake in large rivers and used this model to evaluate the...

  16. Invasiveness of Cut-Leaf Ground-Cherry (Physalis angulata L. Populations and Impact of Soil Water and Nutrient Availability Potencial Invasor de Poblaciones de Tomatillos de Brihuega (Physalis angulata L. e Impacto del Contenido de Agua y Disponibilidad de Nutrientes del Suelo

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    Ilias S Travlos


    Full Text Available Biological invasions are a major threat to natural ecosystems and agroecosystems, while weed flora is noticeably changing globally. In this study we evaluated the potential of cut-leaf ground-cherry (Physalis angulata L., a species native to America, to invade the semi-arid regions of Greece. Greenhouse and laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of different environmental resources (nutrient and water availability on seedling growth, biomass production, fecundity, and seed germination of four populations of cut-leaf ground-cherry. Our results suggest that cut-leaf ground-cherry does not tolerate extreme drought during the first growth stages, while it can survive and produce adequate and rapidly germinated seed (> 85% under low soil moisture conditions. Moreover, high water and nutrient availability results in high growth and biomass production and ensures high seed production, reaching more than 4000 seeds plant-1. We suggest that soil water content and nutrient availability are the two critical factors affecting the invasive potential of cut-leaf ground-cherry in semi-arid environments. Understanding the plant's ecological features through a study conducted at an early stage rather than a late stage of invasion will help us to take appropriate control measures for this species, which should primarily target frequently fertilized fields after precipitation events.Las invasiones biológicas son una amenaza importante para los ecosistemas naturales y agroecosistemas, mientras que, globalmente, la flora de malezas parece cambiar notablemente. En este estudio se evaluó el potencial de una especie nativa de América, tomatillos de Brihuega (Physalis angulata L., para invadir las regiones semiáridas de Grecia. Se realizaron experimentos de invernadero y laboratorio para evaluar los efectos de diferentes recursos ambientales (disponibilidad de nutrientes y agua, crecimiento de las plántulas, producción de biomasa, fecundidad

  17. Primjena suvremenih statističkih metoda u kontroli kvalitete kamene vune


    Bukovčan, Nedeljko


    U radu je opisan značaj statističke kontrole kvalitete s posebnim naglaskom na primjenu kontrolnih karata i analize sposobnosti procesa u njenoj primjeni u praksi. Definirane su vrste kontrolnih karata i opisan postupak odabira odgovarajuće kontrolne karte. Detaljno su razrađene značajke i analiza kontrolnih karata za mjerljive karakteristike i kartu. Definirani su i uvjeti koje proces mora zadovoljiti prije postupka procjene sposobnosti procesa, razrađen sam postupak procjene,...

  18. 75 FR 26956 - Clean Water Act Section 303(d): Availability of Los Angeles Area Lakes Total Maximum Daily Loads... (United States)


    ... ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [FRL-9146-6] Clean Water Act Section 303(d): Availability of Los...: Notice of availability. SUMMARY: This action announces the availability of EPA proposed total maximum... nutrient, mercury, chlordane, dieldrin, DDT, PCB, and trash impairments pursuant to Clean Water Act Section...

  19. Nutrient acquisition strategies of mammalian cells. (United States)

    Palm, Wilhelm; Thompson, Craig B


    Mammalian cells are surrounded by diverse nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, various macromolecules and micronutrients, which they can import through transmembrane transporters and endolysosomal pathways. By using different nutrient sources, cells gain metabolic flexibility to survive periods of starvation. Quiescent cells take up sufficient nutrients to sustain homeostasis. However, proliferating cells depend on growth-factor-induced increases in nutrient uptake to support biomass formation. Here, we review cellular nutrient acquisition strategies and their regulation by growth factors and cell-intrinsic nutrient sensors. We also discuss how oncogenes and tumour suppressors promote nutrient uptake and thereby support the survival and growth of cancer cells.

  20. Oligotrophic patterns in southern Chilean lakes: the relevance of nutrients and mixing depth Patrones oligotróficos en lagos del sur de Chile: relevancia de los nutrientes y de la profundidad de mezcla

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    Full Text Available Southern Chilean monomictic, temperate lakes are generally oligotrophic with high water transparency, low productivity and some apparent resistance to disturbances such as phosphorus additions. This paper attempts to explain low chlorophyll-a values using descriptive and experimental approaches. Three different scales are used, (a a micro scale both in space and time, with experimental manipulations of N, P and total light in 24 enclosures in lake Llanquihue, (b a longer time scale analysing 18 months of data in several sites within lake Llanquihue grouped as salmon farming sites, town bays and control sites, and (c a broader time scale (9 years by monitoring lakes Puyehue, Rupanco and Llanquihue, all in the Araucanian lake region and Yelcho lake in the north Patagonian region. In the Llanquihue in-lake sampling, total phosphorus values varied between 1 and 12 mug L-1 between sites, showing marginal site effects, P = 0.09 (salmon sites had greater values, however, chlorophyll a (Chl-a concentrations were generally low (Los lagos monomicticos templados del sur de Chile son generalmente oligotróficos de gran transparencia, baja productividad y aparente resistencia a perturbaciones tales como adiciones de fósforo. Este trabajo intenta explicar los bajos valores de clorofila de acuerdo a aproximaciones descriptivas y experimentales. Se utilizan aquí tres escalas de aproximación; (a una microescala en espacio y tiempo con manipulaciones experimentales de nitrógeno (N, fósforo (P y luz en 24 limnocorrales ubicados en una bahía del lago Llanquihue, (b una escala mayor analizando 18 meses de muestreo en 10 sitios del lago Llanquihue agrupados como sitios de cultivo de salmones, bahías de ciudades y sitios de control, (c una escala aún mayor en tiempo y espacio monitoreando semestralmente por 9 años los lagos Puyehue, Rupanco, Llanquihue en la región de los Lagos Araucanos y el lago Yelcho en la región nor- patagónica. En el muestreo intra

  1. Nutrient sequestration in Aquitaine lakes (SW France) limits nutrient flux to the coastal zone (United States)

    Buquet, Damien; Anschutz, Pierre; Charbonnier, Céline; Rapin, Anne; Sinays, Rémy; Canredon, Axel; Bujan, Stéphane; Poirier, Dominique


    Oligotrophic coastal zones are disappearing from increased nutrient loading. The quantity of nutrients reaching the coast is determined not only by their original source (e.g. fertilizers used in agriculture, waste water discharges) and the land use, but also by the pathways through which nutrients are cycled from the source to the river mouth. In particular, lakes sequester nutrients and, hence, reduce downstream transfer of nutrients to coastal environments. Here, we quantify the impact of Aquitaine great lakes on the fluxes of dissolved macro-nutrients (N, P, Si) to the Bay of Biscay. For that, we have measured nutrient concentrations and fluxes in 2014 upstream and downstream lakes of Lacanau and Carcans-Hourtin, which belongs to the catchment of the Arcachon Bay, which is the largest coastal lagoon of the Bay of Biscay French coast. Data were compared to values obtained from the Leyre river, the main freshwater and nutrient source for the lagoon. Results show that processes in lakes greatly limit nutrient flux to the lagoon compared to fluxes from Leyre river, although the watershed is similar in terms of land cover. In lakes, phosphorus and silicon are trapped for long term in the sediment, silicon as amorphous biogenic silica and phosphorus as organic P and P associated with Fe-oxides. Nitrogen that enters lakes mostly as nitrate is used for primary production. N is mineralized in the sediment; a fraction diffuses as ammonium. N2 production through benthic denitrification extracts only 10% of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from the aquatic system. The main part is sequestered in organic-rich sediment that accumulates below 5 m depth in both lakes.

  2. Nutrient Management in Recirculating Hydroponic Culture (United States)

    Bugbee, Bruce


    There is an increasing need to recirculate and reuse nutrient solutions in order to reduce environmental and economic costs. However, one of the weakest points in hydroponics is the lack of information on managing the nutrient solution. Many growers and research scientists dump out nutrient solutions and refill at weekly intervals. Other authors have recommended measuring the concentrations of individual nutrients in solution as a key to nutrient control and maintenance. Dumping and replacing solution is unnecessary. Monitoring ions in solution is not always necessary; in fact the rapid depletion of some nutrients often causes people to add toxic amounts of nutrients to the solution. Monitoring ions in solution is interesting, but it is not the key to effective maintenance.

  3. Energía y Nutrientes proporcionados por los planes alimentarios de los comedores escolares del Distrito la Costa versus valores nutricionales recomendados para los Programas Alimentarios


    Nonis, María Laura


    La presente investigación plantea que los menúes ofrecidos por el SAE (Servicio Alimentario Escolar), a través de sus programas alimentarios implementados como la Copa de Leche, el Desayuno y Merienda Completo o DMC y el Almuerzo Escolar, en la EPB Nº 5 de Santa Teresita, EGB Nº 11 de La Lucila del Mar y EGB Nº 9 de Mar de Ajo, pertenecientes al Distrito la Costa, no satisfacen las necesidades nutricionales de sus beneficiarios, ya que el aporte que brindan de energía y algunos...

  4. Analiza rizika i sustav osiguranja sigurnosti hrane u proizvodnji polutrajnih kobasica


    Uršulin-Trstenjak, Natalija; Vahčić, Nada; Medić, Helga; Vidaček, Sanja; Šabić, Srđan


    Mesnoj industriji cilj je proizvodnja sigurnih i kvalitetnih proizvoda uz optimalno korištenje svojih sveukupnih resursa. Stoga su po- duzete sve mjere u osiguranju sigurnosti proizvoda, te se započelo s primjenom analize rizika i nadzora nad kritičnim kontrolnim točkama kako bi se sustavno analizirali svi koraci proizvodnog procesa i uvele prevencijske mjere, u cilju kontrole cjelokupnog proiz- vodnog procesa i stvorila zaštita potrošača s obzirom na prisutnost patogena i potencijal...

  5. Primerjalna analiza ključnih dejavnikov tržnega uspeha novih izdelkov v slovenskih predelovalnih panogah


    Muster, Aleksandra


    Namen raziskave je bil na vzorcu podjetij slovenske predelovalne industrije ugotoviti, kako dejavniki kot so odzivna tržna naravnanost, organizacijsko učenje, proaktivna tržna naravnanost in inovativna organizacijska kultura vplivajo na tržni uspeh novih izdelkov ob pogojih uporabe sodobnih metod v okviru procesa razvoja novih izdelkov, tržnih in tehnoloških sprememb in uporabe zunanjih virov za inovacije v okviru procesa razvoja novih izdelkov. Večina ugotovitev iz empirične raziskave na ...

  6. Absorcion de nutrientes en cuatro materiales de lechuga, Lactuca sativa L.

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    Archila Julio Agapito


    Full Text Available

    En el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, ICA, Tibaitata, en el municipio de Mosquera (Cundinamarca, en el aña de 1991, se realizo un estudio de campo con cuatro materiales de lechuga procedentes de semillas importadas y nacionales producidas en condiciones de la Sabana de Bogotá, de las variedades Great Lakes 118 y Climax . En el estudio se utilizo un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con tres replicaciones y cuatro tratamientos (origen de la semilla. Se toma información sobre los contenidos de oligoelementos y microelementos a intervalos de ocho días después del transplante y hasta la cosecha. En el ultimo muestreo (cosecha final, se les realizo un análisis bromatológico a los cuatro materiales de lechuga con el fin de comparar su valor nutritivo. Los resultados obtenidos no presentaron diferencias estadísticas entre los cuatro materiales de lechuga en lo pertinente a contenido de nutrientes y calidad de los productos. También, se encontró que el promedio de la producción fue de 22 toneladas de lechuga, con 90% de humedad y el cultivo extrajo 60,5 Kg. de nitrógeno, 48,4 Kg de fosforo y 136,4 Kg de potasio.

    Palabras Claves: Nutrición, bromatología.

  7. Yield Gap, Indigenous Nutrient Supply and Nutrient Use Efficiency for Maize in China (United States)

    Xu, Xinpeng; Liu, Xiaoyan; He, Ping; Johnston, Adrian M.; Zhao, Shicheng; Qiu, Shaojun; Zhou, Wei


    Great achievements have been attained in agricultural production of China, while there are still many difficulties and challenges ahead that call for put more efforts to overcome to guarantee food security and protect environment simultaneously. Analyzing yield gap and nutrient use efficiency will help develop and inform agricultural policies and strategies to increase grain yield. On-farm datasets from 2001 to 2012 with 1,971 field experiments for maize (Zea mays L.) were collected in four maize agro-ecological regions of China, and the optimal management (OPT), farmers’ practice (FP), a series of nutrient omission treatments were used to analyze yield gap, nutrient use efficiency and indigenous nutrient supply by adopting meta-analysis and ANOVA analysis. Across all sites, the average yield gap between OPT and FP was 0.7 t ha-1, the yield response to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were 1.8, 1.0, and 1.2 t ha-1, respectively. The soil indigenous nutrient supply of N, P, and K averaged 139.9, 33.7, and 127.5 kg ha-1, respectively. As compared to FP, the average recovery efficiency (RE) of N, P, and K with OPT increased by percentage point of 12.2, 5.5, and 6.5, respectively. This study indicated that there would be considerable potential to further improve yield and nutrient use efficiency in China, and will help develop and inform agricultural policies and strategies, while some management measures such as soil, plant and nutrient are necessary and integrate with advanced knowledge and technologies. PMID:26484543

  8. Yield Gap, Indigenous Nutrient Supply and Nutrient Use Efficiency for Maize in China.

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    Xinpeng Xu

    Full Text Available Great achievements have been attained in agricultural production of China, while there are still many difficulties and challenges ahead that call for put more efforts to overcome to guarantee food security and protect environment simultaneously. Analyzing yield gap and nutrient use efficiency will help develop and inform agricultural policies and strategies to increase grain yield. On-farm datasets from 2001 to 2012 with 1,971 field experiments for maize (Zea mays L. were collected in four maize agro-ecological regions of China, and the optimal management (OPT, farmers' practice (FP, a series of nutrient omission treatments were used to analyze yield gap, nutrient use efficiency and indigenous nutrient supply by adopting meta-analysis and ANOVA analysis. Across all sites, the average yield gap between OPT and FP was 0.7 t ha-1, the yield response to nitrogen (N, phosphorus (P, and potassium (K were 1.8, 1.0, and 1.2 t ha-1, respectively. The soil indigenous nutrient supply of N, P, and K averaged 139.9, 33.7, and 127.5 kg ha-1, respectively. As compared to FP, the average recovery efficiency (RE of N, P, and K with OPT increased by percentage point of 12.2, 5.5, and 6.5, respectively. This study indicated that there would be considerable potential to further improve yield and nutrient use efficiency in China, and will help develop and inform agricultural policies and strategies, while some management measures such as soil, plant and nutrient are necessary and integrate with advanced knowledge and technologies.

  9. Yield Gap, Indigenous Nutrient Supply and Nutrient Use Efficiency for Maize in China. (United States)

    Xu, Xinpeng; Liu, Xiaoyan; He, Ping; Johnston, Adrian M; Zhao, Shicheng; Qiu, Shaojun; Zhou, Wei


    Great achievements have been attained in agricultural production of China, while there are still many difficulties and challenges ahead that call for put more efforts to overcome to guarantee food security and protect environment simultaneously. Analyzing yield gap and nutrient use efficiency will help develop and inform agricultural policies and strategies to increase grain yield. On-farm datasets from 2001 to 2012 with 1,971 field experiments for maize (Zea mays L.) were collected in four maize agro-ecological regions of China, and the optimal management (OPT), farmers' practice (FP), a series of nutrient omission treatments were used to analyze yield gap, nutrient use efficiency and indigenous nutrient supply by adopting meta-analysis and ANOVA analysis. Across all sites, the average yield gap between OPT and FP was 0.7 t ha-1, the yield response to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were 1.8, 1.0, and 1.2 t ha-1, respectively. The soil indigenous nutrient supply of N, P, and K averaged 139.9, 33.7, and 127.5 kg ha-1, respectively. As compared to FP, the average recovery efficiency (RE) of N, P, and K with OPT increased by percentage point of 12.2, 5.5, and 6.5, respectively. This study indicated that there would be considerable potential to further improve yield and nutrient use efficiency in China, and will help develop and inform agricultural policies and strategies, while some management measures such as soil, plant and nutrient are necessary and integrate with advanced knowledge and technologies.


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    Reyes Orlando


    Full Text Available Los mogotes de la Gran Meseta de Guantánamo están constituidos por calizas durasde la Formación Charco Redondo. La temperatura del aire varía entre 22 y 240C yllueve de 1 200 a 1 400 mm al año. Mediante la metodología de la Escuela Zurich- Montpellier se describe un nuevo orden, Coccothrinaci leonis - Guapiretaliarufescentis, con su alianza Coccothrinaci leonis - Guapirion rufescentis y tresasociaciones. Bactrio cubensis - Podocarpodetum ekmanii y Phyllantho epiphyllanthi- Tabebuietum myrtifoliae que se establecen en la parte superior de los mogotes y laasociación Pileo fruticulosae - Thelypteridetum alatae en fragmentos verticales, lasdos primeras tienen una bien desarrollada estera radical donde se produce el reciclajede nutrientes de este ecosistema

  11. Experimentos de nutrientes y productividad con agua de mar y de la desembocadura del río Rimác


    Izaguirre de Rondán, Raquel


    Al estudiar los problemas de la contaminación marina en micro escala se ha realizado últimamente análisis de nutrientes y clorofila "a" en el área del Callao. La relación de datos de los bioensayos realizados en el muestreo 8408 y 8411 de Callao son dados en Guillen et al, 1984. En dichos análisis se ha encontrado que la concentración de tales parámetros es diferente en aguas muy costeras que en aguas más alejadas de la costa, por lo que se ha realizado este trabajo con el propósito de conoce...


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    Emilio José Chaves Márquez


    Full Text Available La metodología que procesa los datos primarios usados para elaborar las Cuentas Nacionales se aborda desde tres lados: 1 La fórmula del PIB de Kuznets y las Tablas Insumo-Producto de Leontief; 2 El documento SNA- 93 de las Naciones Unidas (System of National Accounts, versión 1993 y 3 Una propuesta alterna de manejo. El análisis es proyectado a las cifras empíricas oficiales de Colombia en 1990. Se cuestionan los conceptos que subyacen el modelo implícito en el SNA-93. La propuesta alternativa de Cuentas Nacionales de Insumo-Producto incluye entre otros elementos: 1 el retorno al concepto de Valor-Agregado clásico, 2 la eliminación del PIB y el Output en el análisis, 3 disminución del número de precios, variables, ajustes y cuadros empleados, 4 manejo homogéneo contable para todos los sectores, basado en flujos de ingresos y pagos a precios reales de mercado.

  13. Nutrient imbalance in Norway spruce

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thelin, Gunnar


    The studies presented in my thesis indicate that growing Norway spruce in monoculture does not constitute sustainable forest management in a high N and S deposition environment, such as in southern Sweden. The combination of N-induced high growth rates and leaching due to soil acidification causes soil reserves of nutrients to decrease. This will increase the risk of nutrient imbalance within the trees when nutrient demands are not met. The development of nutrient imbalance in Scania, southern Sweden, was shown as negative trends in needle and soil nutrient status from the mid-80s to the present in Norway spruce and Scots pine stands. This imbalance appears to be connected to high levels of N and S deposition. Clear negative effects on tree vitality were found when using a new branch development method. Today, growth and vitality seems to be limited by K, rather than N, in spruce stands older than 40 years. However, younger stands appear to be able to absorb the deposited N without negative effects on growth and vitality. When investigating effects of nutrient stress on tree vitality, indicators such as branch length and shoot multiplication rate, which include effects accumulated over several years, are suitable. Countermeasures are needed in order to maintain the forest production at a high level. Positive effects on tree nutrient status after vitality fertilization (N-free fertilization) was shown in two micronutrient deficient stands in south-central Sweden. In addition, tree vitality was positively affected after the application of a site-adapted fertilizer to the canopy. Site-adaption of fertilizers will most likely improve the possibilities of a positive response on tree growth and vitality in declining stands. In a survey of Norway spruce in mixtures with beech, birch, or oak compared to monocultures it was shown that spruce nutrient status was higher in mixtures with deciduous species than in monocultures. By using mixed-species stands the need for

  14. Nutrient imbalance in Norway spruce

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thelin, Gunnar


    The studies presented in my thesis indicate that growing Norway spruce in monoculture does not constitute sustainable forest management in a high N and S deposition environment, such as in southern Sweden. The combination of N-induced high growth rates and leaching due to soil acidification causes soil reserves of nutrients to decrease. This will increase the risk of nutrient imbalance within the trees when nutrient demands are not met. The development of nutrient imbalance in Scania, southern Sweden, was shown as negative trends in needle and soil nutrient status from the mid-80s to the present in Norway spruce and Scots pine stands. This imbalance appears to be connected to high levels of N and S deposition. Clear negative effects on tree vitality were found when using a new branch development method. Today, growth and vitality seems to be limited by K, rather than N, in spruce stands older than 40 years. However, younger stands appear to be able to absorb the deposited N without negative effects on growth and vitality. When investigating effects of nutrient stress on tree vitality, indicators such as branch length and shoot multiplication rate, which include effects accumulated over several years, are suitable. Countermeasures are needed in order to maintain the forest production at a high level. Positive effects on tree nutrient status after vitality fertilization (N-free fertilization) was shown in two micronutrient deficient stands in south-central Sweden. In addition, tree vitality was positively affected after the application of a site-adapted fertilizer to the canopy. Site-adaption of fertilizers will most likely improve the possibilities of a positive response on tree growth and vitality in declining stands. In a survey of Norway spruce in mixtures with beech, birch, or oak compared to monocultures it was shown that spruce nutrient status was higher in mixtures with deciduous species than in monocultures. By using mixed-species stands the need for

  15. USA Nutrient managment forecasting via the "Fertilizer Forecaster": linking surface runnof, nutrient application and ecohydrology. (United States)

    Drohan, Patrick; Buda, Anthony; Kleinman, Peter; Miller, Douglas; Lin, Henry; Beegle, Douglas; Knight, Paul


    USA and state nutrient management planning offers strategic guidance that strives to educate farmers and those involved in nutrient management to make wise management decisions. A goal of such programs is to manage hotspots of water quality degradation that threaten human and ecosystem health, water and food security. The guidance provided by nutrient management plans does not provide the day-to-day support necessary to make operational decisions, particularly when and where to apply nutrients over the short term. These short-term decisions on when and where to apply nutrients often make the difference between whether the nutrients impact water quality or are efficiently utilized by crops. Infiltrating rainfall events occurring shortly after broadcast nutrient applications are beneficial, given they will wash soluble nutrients into the soil where they are used by crops. Rainfall events that generate runoff shortly after nutrients are broadcast may wash off applied nutrients, and produce substantial nutrient losses from that site. We are developing a model and data based support tool for nutrient management, the Fertilizer Forecaster, which identifies the relative probability of runoff or infiltrating events in Pennsylvania (PA) landscapes in order to improve water quality. This tool will support field specific decisions by farmers and land managers on when and where to apply fertilizers and manures over 24, 48 and 72 hour periods. Our objectives are to: (1) monitor agricultural hillslopes in watersheds representing four of the five Physiographic Provinces of the Chesapeake Bay basin; (2) validate a high resolution mapping model that identifies soils prone to runoff; (3) develop an empirically based approach to relate state-of-the-art weather forecast variables to site-specific rainfall infiltration or runoff occurrence; (4) test the empirical forecasting model against alternative approaches to forecasting runoff occurrence; and (5) recruit farmers from the four

  16. Plan de Experimentación sobre Fertilizantes para Maíz, Trigo y Papa y Reconocimiento de la Fertilidad de los Principales Suelos de Cultivo en el País.

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    Yepes Y. Emilio


    Full Text Available Los adelantos de lo agricultura moderno, son el fruto de largo, metódico y constante investigación. Los resultados de ésto, han permitido o países de cultura avanzado como los Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y otros nociones europeos, incrementar en formo asombroso los rendimientos de los cultivos, sin aumentar lo superficie de los tierras de labor. Nadie niego hoy en Colombia la necesidad de conservar la fertilidad de los suelos, mediante lo aplicación de los nutrientes vegetales que han sido extraídos del suelo por cultivos anteriores, lavados por los aguas de infiltración, o arrostrados por el proceso de erosión en lo mayoría de nuestros regiones agrícolas.

  17. Síntesis y evaluación de un DSP empotrado en una FPGA

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    Juan Raúl Rodríguez Suárez


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-TRAD X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 En el trabajo se utiliza el procesador MicroBlaze, como módulo IP (Intellectual Property empotrado en la tarjeta Spartan-3E de la compañía Xilinx, para realizar aplicaciones de Procesamiento Digital de Señales (PDS tales como filtros del tipo FIR (Finite Impulse Response, IIR (Infinite Impulse Response, y de análisis espectral como la FFT (Fast Fourier Transform; debido a que esta tarjeta no posee embebido un procesador digital. Para ello se genera una señal a través del software Matlab, es enviada hacia la tarjeta Spartan-3E, se procesa con una de las aplicaciones, y los resultados son devueltos a Matlab, donde son comprobados mediante la comparación con los resultados de las funciones existentes en dicho software relativas a las aplicaciones dadas. La comunicación entre la PC (Personal Computer y la tarjeta se hace a través del puerto serie. Los resultados de todas las aplicaciones producidas con MicroBlaze coinciden con los de Matlab

  18. Incorporating hydrologic variability into nutrient spiraling (United States)

    Doyle, Martin W.


    Nutrient spiraling describes the path of a nutrient molecule within a stream ecosystem, combining the biochemical cycling processes with the downstream driving force of stream discharge. To date, nutrient spiraling approaches have been hampered by their inability to deal with fluctuating flows, as most studies have characterized nutrient retention within only a small range of discharges near base flow. Here hydrologic variability is incorporated into nutrient spiraling theory by drawing on the fluvial geomorphic concept of effective discharge. The effective discharge for nutrient retention is proposed to be that discharge which, over long periods of time, is responsible for the greatest portion of nutrient retention. A developed analytical model predicts that the effective discharge for nutrient retention will equal the modal discharge for small streams or those with little discharge variability. As modal discharge increases or discharge variability increases, the effective discharge becomes increasingly less than the modal discharge. In addition to the effective discharge, a new metric is proposed, the functionally equivalent discharge, which is the single discharge that will reproduce the magnitude of nutrient retention generated by the full hydrologic frequency distribution when all discharge takes place at that rate. The functionally equivalent discharge was found to be the same as the modal discharge at low hydrologic variability, but increasingly different from the modal discharge at large hydrologic variability. The functionally equivalent discharge provides a simple quantitative means of incorporating hydrologic variability into long-term nutrient budgets.

  19. Nutrient additions to mitigate for loss of Pacific salmon: consequences for stream biofilm and nutrient dynamics (United States)

    Marcarelli, Amy M.; Baxter, Colden V.; Wipfli, Mark S.


    Mitigation activities designed to supplement nutrient and organic matter inputs to streams experiencing decline or loss of Pacific salmon typically presuppose that an important pathway by which salmon nutrients are moved to fish (anadromous and/or resident) is via nutrient incorporation by biofilms and subsequent bottom-up stimulation of biofilm production, which is nutrient-limited in many ecosystems where salmon returns have declined. Our objective was to quantify the magnitude of nutrient incorporation and biofilm dynamics that underpin this indirect pathway in response to experimental additions of salmon carcasses and pelletized fish meal (a.k.a., salmon carcass analogs) to 500-m reaches of central Idaho streams over three years. Biofilm standing crops increased 2–8-fold and incorporated marine-derived nutrients (measured using 15N and 13C) in the month following treatment, but these responses did not persist year-to-year. Biofilms were nitrogen (N) limited before treatments, and remained N limited in analog, but not carcass-treated reaches. Despite these biofilm responses, in the month following treatment total N load was equal to 33–47% of the N added to the treated reaches, and N spiraling measurements suggested that as much as 20%, but more likely 2–3% of added N was taken up by microbes. Design of biologically and cost-effective strategies for nutrient addition will require understanding the rates at which stream microbes take up nutrients and the downstream distance traveled by exported nutrients.

  20. Model integrating the processes of consumer perceived value creation and consumer relationship development


    Vaitkienė, Rimgailė; Pilibaitytė, Vestina


    Straipsnyje analizuojamos vertės vartotojui kūrimo bei santykių vystymo procesų sąsajos. Jame apžvelgiama santykių nauda, kaip vertės vartotojui dedamoji, santykių su vartotojais vystymo procesas bei jo etapai, vertės vartotojui kūrimo procesas santykių marketingo kontekste bei pateikiamas vertės vartotojui kūrimo ir santykių su vartotojais vystymo procesus integruojantis modelis. The article analyses the links between the consumer perceived value creation and relationship development proc...

  1. Nacionalna sigurnost iz perspektive geoekonomije: slučaj Republike Hrvatske


    Grubić, Aleksandra


    U današnjem su svijetu nacionalna i međunarodna sigurnost uvelike pod utjecajem ekonomske domene. Kako bi se pružio analitički pregled ovih procesa, rad je podijeljen u tri dijela. Prvi dio obuhvaća teorijsku pozadinu procesa unutar kojeg geoekonomija ne zamjenjuje, već nadopunjuje geopolitičke kalkulacije. Drugi dio stavlja naglasak na proširenje i preračunavanje koncepta nacionalne sigurnosti u kontekstu kretanja od geopolitike prema geoekonomiji, proširujući tradicionalno promatranu pol...

  2. Los niños y los videojuegos


    Orrego Gaviria, Jaime; Fundación Valle de Lili


    Los niños y los videojuegos / Efectos perjudiciales de la utilización de los videojuegos por los niños y adolescentes/ Efectos benéficos de la de la utilización de los videojuegos por los niños y adolescentes/ Recomendaciones para favorecer el uso adecuado/ Sistema de clasificación de los videojuegos

  3. Measuring nutrient spiralling in streams

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Newbold, J D; Elwood, J W; O' Neill, R V; Van Winkle, W


    Nutrient cycling in streams involves some downstream transport before the cycle is completed. Thus, the path traveled by a nutrient atom in passing through the cycle can be visualized as a spiral. As an index of the spiralling process, we introduce spiralling length, defined as the average distance associated with one complete cycle of a nutrient atom. This index provides a measure of the utilization of nutrients relative to the available supply from upstream. Using /sup 32/p as a tracer, we estimated a spiralling length of 193 m for phosphorus in a small woodland stream.

  4. Algunos peligros químicos y nutricionales del consumo de los alimentos de venta en espacios públicos

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    Jhon Jairo Bejarano Roncancio


    Full Text Available Los alimentos manufacturados y comercializados pueden contener peligros químicos por sustancias adicionadas intencionalmente como los aditivos que utiliza la industria, otros añadidos por el consumidor y contaminantes naturales como metales que se pueden obtener del aire en el espacio público; también se consideran peligrosos los cambios químicos que tienen algunos nutrientes como las grasas y los aceites (lípidos y el uso excesivo de estas en la dieta. Algunos métodos de cocción empleados y el material de elaboración de los utensilios pueden llevar, a largo plazo, a desarrollar enfermedades crónicas y toxicidad. Este documento aborda aquellos alimentos y productos que se expenden en los espacios públicos, restaurantes, cafeterías y centros gastronómicos. Esta revisión no tiene intención de sancionar el expendio en espacios públicos, pero sí alertar sobre algunos métodos de cocción, el uso de aditivos alimentarios comúnmente utilizados y las prácticas alimentarias poco responsables, para concientizar al consumidor sobre los peligros.

  5. Leaf mineral nutrient remobilization during leaf senescence and modulation by nutrient deficiency.

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    Anne eMaillard


    Full Text Available Higher plants have to cope with fluctuating mineral resource availability. However strategies such as stimulation of root growth, increased transporter activities, and nutrient storage and remobilization have been mostly studied for only a few macronutrients. Leaves of cultivated crops (Zea mays, Brassica napus, Pisum sativum, Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare and tree species (Quercus robur, Populus nigra, Alnus glutinosa grown under field conditions were harvested regularly during their life span and analysed to evaluate the net mobilization of 13 nutrients during leaf senescence. While N was remobilized in all plant species with different efficiencies ranging from 40% (maize to 90% (wheat, other macronutrients (K-P-S-Mg were mobilized in most species. Ca and Mn, usually considered as having low phloem mobility were remobilized from leaves in wheat and barley. Leaf content of Cu-Mo-Ni-B-Fe-Zn decreased in some species, as a result of remobilization. Overall, wheat, barley and oak appeared to be the most efficient at remobilization while poplar and maize were the least efficient. Further experiments were performed with rapeseed plants subjected to individual nutrient deficiencies. Compared to field conditions, remobilization from leaves was similar (N-S-Cu or increased by nutrient deficiency (K-P-Mg while nutrient deficiency had no effect on Mo-Zn-B-Ca-Mn, which seemed to be non-mobile during leaf senescence under field conditions. However, Ca and Mn were largely mobilized from roots (-97 and -86% of their initial root contents, respectively to shoots. Differences in remobilization between species and between nutrients are then discussed in relation to a range of putative mechanisms.

  6. Impacto de la producción lechera en la calidad de los cuerpos de agua

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    Rafael Arocena


    Full Text Available La producción lechera es de las actividades de mayor desarrollo y más contaminantes en Uruguay. A efectos de evaluar y mitigar su impacto en la calidad del agua, se relacionan el modo de producción y de manejo de los efluentes lecheros con diversos indicadores de calidad de los arroyos receptores, en diez microcuencas de un embalse reserva de agua potable para Montevideo. Se analizó el agua subterránea en pozos, el contenido de fósforo del suelo, la calidad del ambiente y del agua de los cursos de salida de cada microcuenca, así como su comunidad zoobentónica, y también los parámetros ambientales y el fito- y zooplancton del embalse.La mayor parte de la producción lechera y de los habitantes se concentró en las seis cuencas más australes. Solo en la tercera parte de los 31 tambos se separaban los sólidos del estiércol y en la mitad se realizaba un tratamiento de los efluentes. El nitrato de los pozos de agua excedió el valor estándar en siete cuencas. El fósforo en campo natural superó los valores naturales en las microcuencas con mayor actividad lechera, y en las praderas excedió el máximo aprovechable y no contaminante. El pH y la conductividad de las aguas superficiales presentaron un patrón temporal inverso al caudal, indicando su dilución por la lluvia. Los sólidos suspendidos en cambio mostraron un patrón similar al caudal e inverso a la transparencia, indicando el arrastre de los mismos por erosión. La conductividad y los sólidos suspendidos fueron menores en cuencas con menor actividad lechera. Un quinto de los valores de oxígeno disuelto fueron menores a los 5 mg.l-1 correspondientes al estándar para aguas no urbanas. Los sólidos suspendidos y los nutrientes aumentaron con la actividad lechera. La vegetación herbácea dominó la zona riparia en general. La de las orillas fue más compleja y con mayor dosel aéreo en las cuencas con menor actividad lechera. La composición del zoobentos –dominado por

  7. The subtropical nutrient spiral (United States)

    Jenkins, William J.; Doney, Scott C.


    We present an extended series of observations and more comprehensive analysis of a tracer-based measure of new production in the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda using the 3He flux gauge technique. The estimated annually averaged nitrate flux of 0.84 ± 0.26 mol m-2 yr-1 constitutes only that nitrate physically transported to the euphotic zone, not nitrogen from biological sources (e.g., nitrogen fixation or zooplankton migration). We show that the flux estimate is quantitatively consistent with other observations, including decade timescale evolution of the 3H + 3He inventory in the main thermocline and export production estimates. However, we argue that the flux cannot be supplied in the long term by local diapycnal or isopycnal processes. These considerations lead us to propose a three-dimensional pathway whereby nutrients remineralized within the main thermocline are returned to the seasonally accessible layers within the subtropical gyre. We describe this mechanism, which we call "the nutrient spiral," as a sequence of steps where (1) nutrient-rich thermocline waters are entrained into the Gulf Stream, (2) enhanced diapycnal mixing moves nutrients upward onto lighter densities, (3) detrainment and enhanced isopycnal mixing injects these waters into the seasonally accessible layer of the gyre recirculation region, and (4) the nutrients become available to biota via eddy heaving and wintertime convection. The spiral is closed when nutrients are utilized, exported, and then remineralized within the thermocline. We present evidence regarding the characteristics of the spiral and discuss some implications of its operation within the biogeochemical cycle of the subtropical ocean.

  8. Leaf absorption of mineral nutrients in carnivorous plants stimulates root nutrient uptake

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Adamec, Lubomír


    Roč. 155, - (2002), s. 89-100 ISSN 0028-646X R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA6005905 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6005908 Keywords : terrestrial carnivorous plant s * utilization of prey * mineral nutrient re-utilization * leaf nutrient supply Subject RIV: EF - Botanics Impact factor: 2.945, year: 2002

  9. CADDIS Volume 2. Sources, Stressors and Responses: Nutrients (United States)

    Introduction to the nutrients module, when to list nutrients as a candidate cause, ways to measure nutrients, simple and detailed conceptual diagrams for nutrients, nutrients module references and literature reviews.

  10. A Comparative-Study on Nutrient Cycling in Wet Heathland Ecosystems.2.Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Mineralization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berendse, F.; Bobbink, R.; Rouwenhorst, G.


    The concept of the relative nutrient requirement (L n) that was introduced in the first paper of this series is used to analyse the effects of the dominant plant population on nutrient cycling and nutrient mineralization in wet heathland ecosystems. A distinction is made between the effect that the

  11. Lake nutrient stoichiometry is less predictable than nutrient concentrations at regional and sub-continental scales. (United States)

    Collins, Sarah M; Oliver, Samantha K; Lapierre, Jean-Francois; Stanley, Emily H; Jones, John R; Wagner, Tyler; Soranno, Patricia A


    Production in many ecosystems is co-limited by multiple elements. While a known suite of drivers associated with nutrient sources, nutrient transport, and internal processing controls concentrations of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) in lakes, much less is known about whether the drivers of single nutrient concentrations can also explain spatial or temporal variation in lake N:P stoichiometry. Predicting stoichiometry might be more complex than predicting concentrations of individual elements because some drivers have similar relationships with N and P, leading to a weak relationship with their ratio. Further, the dominant controls on elemental concentrations likely vary across regions, resulting in context dependent relationships between drivers, lake nutrients and their ratios. Here, we examine whether known drivers of N and P concentrations can explain variation in N:P stoichiometry, and whether explaining variation in stoichiometry differs across regions. We examined drivers of N:P in ~2,700 lakes at a sub-continental scale and two large regions nested within the sub-continental study area that have contrasting ecological context, including differences in the dominant type of land cover (agriculture vs. forest). At the sub-continental scale, lake nutrient concentrations were correlated with nutrient loading and lake internal processing, but stoichiometry was only weakly correlated to drivers of lake nutrients. At the regional scale, drivers that explained variation in nutrients and stoichiometry differed between regions. In the Midwestern U.S. region, dominated by agricultural land use, lake depth and the percentage of row crop agriculture were strong predictors of stoichiometry because only phosphorus was related to lake depth and only nitrogen was related to the percentage of row crop agriculture. In contrast, all drivers were related to N and P in similar ways in the Northeastern U.S. region, leading to weak relationships between drivers and stoichiometry

  12. Leaf nutrient resorption, leaf lifespan and the retention of nutrients in seagrass systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hemminga, M.A.; Marbà, N.; Stapel, J.


    Efficient nutrient resorption from senescing leaves, and extended leaf life spans are important strategies in order to conserve nutrients for plants in general. Despite the fact that seagrasses often grow in oligotrophic waters, these conservation strategies are not strongly developed in seagrasses.

  13. Strategy theories implication in lithuanian aerospace enterprises


    Rudminaitis, Vytautas


    Dėl nuolat augančios konkurencijos ir aplinkos dinamiškumo strateginio planavimo svarba pastaruoju metu labai išaugo. Strategija – tai priemonė, padedanti pasiruošti pokyčiams ir numatyti artimesnius bei tolimesnius žingsnius. Todėl strategijos formavimo procesas turi būti neatsiejama kiekvienos įmonės valdymo dalis, kadangi sėkmingas strateginio planavimo pritaikymas ne maža dalimi nulemia įmonės sėkmingą veiklą Tyrimo objektas yra strategijos formavimo procesas Lietuvos aeronautikos įmonėse...

  14. Impact of Temperature and Nutrients on Carbon: Nutrient Tissue Stoichiometry of Submerged Aquatic Plants: An Experiment and Meta-Analysis

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    Mandy Velthuis


    Full Text Available Human activity is currently changing our environment rapidly, with predicted temperature increases of 1–5°C over the coming century and increased nitrogen and phosphorus inputs in aquatic ecosystems. In the shallow parts of these ecosystems, submerged aquatic plants enhance water clarity by resource competition with phytoplankton, provide habitat, and serve as a food source for other organisms. The carbon:nutrient stoichiometry of submerged aquatic plants can be affected by changes in both temperature and nutrient availability. We hypothesized that elevated temperature leads to higher carbon:nutrient ratios through enhanced nutrient-use efficiency, while nutrient addition leads to lower carbon:nutrient ratios by the luxurious uptake of nutrients. We addressed these hypotheses with an experimental and a meta-analytical approach. We performed a full-factorial microcosm experiment with the freshwater plant Elodea nuttallii grown at 10, 15, 20, and 25°C on sediment consisting of pond soil/sand mixtures with 100, 50, 25, and 12.5% pond soil. To address the effect of climatic warming and nutrient addition on the carbon:nutrient stoichiometry of submerged freshwater and marine plants we performed a meta-analysis on experimental studies that elevated temperature and/or added nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus. In the microcosm experiment, C:N ratios of Elodea nuttallii decreased with increasing temperature, and this effect was most pronounced at intermediate nutrient availability. Furthermore, higher nutrient availability led to decreased aboveground C:P ratios. In the meta-analysis, nutrient addition led to a 25, 22, and 16% reduction in aboveground C:N and C:P ratios and belowground C:N ratios, accompanied with increased N content. No consistent effect of elevated temperature on plant stoichiometry could be observed, as very few studies were found on this topic and contrasting results were reported. We conclude that while nutrient addition

  15. Octopamine connects nutrient cues to lipid metabolism upon nutrient deprivation. (United States)

    Tao, Jun; Ma, Yi-Cheng; Yang, Zhong-Shan; Zou, Cheng-Gang; Zhang, Ke-Qin


    Starvation is probably the most common stressful situation in nature. In vertebrates, elevation of the biogenic amine norepinephrine levels is common during starvation. However, the precise role of norepinephrine in nutrient deprivation remains largely unknown. We report that in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, up-regulation of the biosynthesis of octopamine, the invertebrate counterpart of norepinephrine, serves as a mechanism to adapt to starvation. During nutrient deprivation, the nuclear receptor DAF-12, known to sense nutritional cues, up-regulates the expression of tbh-1 that encodes tyramine β-hydroxylase, a key enzyme for octopamine biosynthesis, in the RIC neurons. Octopamine induces the expression of the lipase gene lips-6 via its receptor SER-3 in the intestine. LIPS-6, in turn, elicits lipid mobilization. Our findings reveal that octopamine acts as an endocrine regulator linking nutrient cues to lipolysis to maintain energy homeostasis, and suggest that such a mechanism may be evolutionally conserved in diverse organisms.

  16. Absorção de nutrientes pelo trigo Absorption of nutrients by wheat plants

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    Hermano Gargantini


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a absorção dos nutrientes essenciais das variedades de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. BH 1146 e IAS 3795, cultivadas em vasos de Mitscherlich em casa de vegetação, empregaudo-se Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro fase arenosa, proveniente do município de Capão Bonito. Durante todo o ciclo vegetativo da cultura, a cada 10 dias, colheram-se plantas, para serem analisados os elementos N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Verificou-se sensível diferença na entração dos nutrientes, entre ambas as variedades. Assim, enquanto na BH o nitrogênio e, a seguir, o potássio foram os nutrientes absorvidos em maiores quantidades, seguindo-se, em quantidades menores, o fósforo, o cálcio, o ennofre e o magnésio, na variedade IAS o potássio foi absorvido em muito maior quantidade que o nitrogênio, e depois dele, na ordem, o cálcio, o fósforo, o ennofre e o magnésio.In this paper the nutrient absorption by wheat plants is presented. Two varieties of wheat, BH 1146 and IAS 3795, were grown in Mitscherlich pots under greenhouse conditions and supplied with all nutrients, including micronutrients. Plant samples, obtained at 10-day intervals, were analysed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The amounts of nutrients absorbed were diferent between the two varieties. Furthermore, the BH variety absorbed more nitrogen than other nutrients, while for the IAS variety potassium was the element absorbed in larger amounts. Absorption of P, S, Ca, Mg was small for both varieties.

  17. Nutrient surpluses on integrated arable farms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schröder, J.J.; Asperen, van P.; Dongen, van G.J.M.; Wijnands, F.G.


    From 1990 to 1993 nutrient fluxes were monitored on 38 private arable farms that had adopted farming strategies aiming at reduced nutrient inputs and substitution of mineral fertilizers by organic fertilizers. The nutrient surplus was defined as the difference between inputs (including inputs

  18. Nutrient supply of plants in aquaponic systems


    Bittsánszky, András; Uzinger, Nikolett; Gyulai, Gábor; Mathis, Alex; Junge, Ranka; Villarroel, Morris; Kotzen, Benzion; Komives, Tamas


    In this preliminary article we present data on plant nutrient concentrations in aquaponic systems, and compare them to nutrient concentrations in “standard” hydroponic solutions. Our data shows that the nutrient concentrations supplied by the fish in aquaponic system are significantly lower for most nutrients, compared to hydroponic systems. Nevertheless, plants do thrive in solutions that have lower nutrient levels than “standard” hydroponic solutions. This is especially true for green leafy...

  19. Energy-neutral sustainable nutrient recovery incorporated with the wastewater purification process in an enlarged microbial nutrient recovery cell (United States)

    Sun, Dongya; Gao, Yifan; Hou, Dianxun; Zuo, Kuichang; Chen, Xi; Liang, Peng; Zhang, Xiaoyuan; Ren, Zhiyong Jason; Huang, Xia


    Recovery of nutrient resources from the wastewater is now an inevitable strategy to maintain the supply of both nutrient and water for our huge population. While the intensive energy consumption in conventional nutrient recovery technologies still remained as the bottleneck towards the sustainable nutrient recycle. This study proposed an enlarged microbial nutrient recovery cell (EMNRC) which was powered by the energy contained in wastewater and achieved multi-cycle nutrient recovery incorporated with in situ wastewater treatment. With the optimal recovery solution of 3 g/L NaCl and the optimal volume ratio of wastewater to recovery solution of 10:1, >89% of phosphorus and >62% of ammonium nitrogen were recovered into struvite. An extremely low water input ratio of water. It was proved the EMNRC system was a promising technology which could utilize the chemical energy contained in wastewater itself and energy-neutrally recover nutrient during the continuous wastewater purification process.

  20. Nutrient supply of plants in aquaponic systems

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    Andras Bittsanszky


    Full Text Available In this preliminary article we present data on plant nutrient concentrations in aquaponics systems, and we compare them to nutrient concentrations in “standard” hydroponic solutions. Our data shows that the nutrient concentrations supplied by the fish in the aquaponics system are significantly lower for most nutrients compared to hydroponic systems. Nevertheless, plants do thrive in solutions that have lower nutrient levels compared to “standard” hydroponic solutions. This is especially true for green leafy vegetables that rarely need additional nutritional supplementation. It is concluded that in the highly complex system of aquaponics, special care has to be taken, via continuous monitoring of the chemical composition of the circulating water, to provide adequate concentrations and ratios of nutrients, and especially for the potentially toxic component, ammonium. If certain plants require nutrient supplementation, we consider that one based on organic substances would be most beneficial. However, protocols for the application of such nutrient amendments still need to be developed.

  1. Modeling nutrient in-stream processes at the watershed scale using Nutrient Spiralling metrics (United States)

    Marcé, R.; Armengol, J.


    One of the fundamental problems of using large-scale biogeochemical models is the uncertainty involved in aggregating the components of fine-scale deterministic models in watershed applications, and in extrapolating the results of field-scale measurements to larger spatial scales. Although spatial or temporal lumping may reduce the problem, information obtained during fine-scale research may not apply to lumped categories. Thus, the use of knowledge gained through fine-scale studies to predict coarse-scale phenomena is not straightforward. In this study, we used the nutrient uptake metrics defined in the Nutrient Spiralling concept to formulate the equations governing total phosphorus in-stream fate in a deterministic, watershed-scale biogeochemical model. Once the model was calibrated, fitted phosphorus retention metrics where put in context of global patterns of phosphorus retention variability. For this purpose, we calculated power regressions between phosphorus retention metrics, streamflow, and phosphorus concentration in water using published data from 66 streams worldwide, including both pristine and nutrient enriched streams. Performance of the calibrated model confirmed that the Nutrient Spiralling formulation is a convenient simplification of the biogeochemical transformations involved in total phosphorus in-stream fate. Thus, this approach may be helpful even for customary deterministic applications working at short time steps. The calibrated phosphorus retention metrics were comparable to field estimates from the study watershed, and showed high coherence with global patterns of retention metrics from streams of the world. In this sense, the fitted phosphorus retention metrics were similar to field values measured in other nutrient enriched streams. Analysis of the bibliographical data supports the view that nutrient enriched streams have lower phosphorus retention efficiency than pristine streams, and that this efficiency loss is maintained in a wide

  2. Characterization of nutrient deficiency in Hancornia speciosa Gomes seedlings by omitting micronutrients from the nutrient solution

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    Layara Alexandre Bessa


    Full Text Available Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Mangaba tree is a fruit tree belonging to the Apocynaceae family and is native to Brazil. The production of seedlings of this species is limited by a lack of technical and nutritional expertise. To address this deficiency, this study aimed to characterize the visual symptoms of micronutrient deficiency and to assess growth and leaf nutrient accumulation in H. speciosa seedlings supplied with nutrient solutions that lack individual micronutrients. H. speciosa plants were grown in nutrient solution in a greenhouse according to a randomized block design, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of a group receiving complete nutrient solution and groups treated with a nutrient solution lacking one of the following micronutrients: boron (B, copper (Cu, iron (Fe, manganese (Mn, zinc (Zn, and molybdenum (Mo. The visual symptoms of nutrient deficiency were generally easy to characterize. Dry matter production was affected by the omission of micronutrients, and the treatment lacking Fe most limited the stem length, stem diameter, root length, and number of leaves in H. speciosa seedlings as well as the dry weight of leaves, the total dry weight, and the relative growth in H. speciosa plants. The micronutrient contents of H. speciosa leaves from plants receiving the complete nutrient solution treatment were, in decreasing order, Fe>Mn>Cu>Zn>B.

  3. Successional dynamics drive tropical forest nutrient limitation (United States)

    Chou, C.; Hedin, L. O. O.


    It is increasingly recognized that nutrients such as N and P may significantly constrain the land carbon sink. However, we currently lack a complete understanding of these nutrient cycles in forest ecosystems and how to incorporate them into Earth System Models. We have developed a framework of dynamic forest nutrient limitation, focusing on the role of secondary forest succession and canopy gap disturbances as bottlenecks of high plant nutrient demand and limitation. We used succession biomass data to parameterize a simple ecosystem model and examined the dynamics of nutrient limitation throughout tropical secondary forest succession. Due to the patterns of biomass recovery in secondary tropical forests, we found high nutrient demand from rapid biomass accumulation in the earliest years of succession. Depending on previous land use scenarios, soil nutrient availability may also be low in this time period. Coupled together, this is evidence that there may be high biomass nutrient limitation early in succession, which is partially met by abundant symbiotic nitrogen fixation from certain tree species. We predict a switch from nitrogen limitation in early succession to one of three conditions: (i) phosphorus only, (ii) phosphorus plus nitrogen, or (iii) phosphorus, nitrogen, plus light co-limitation. We will discuss the mechanisms that govern the exact trajectory of limitation as forests build biomass. In addition, we used our model to explore scenarios of tropical secondary forest impermanence and the impacts of these dynamics on ecosystem nutrient limitation. We found that secondary forest impermanence exacerbates nutrient limitation and the need for nitrogen fixation early in succession. Together, these results indicate that biomass recovery dynamics early in succession as well as their connection to nutrient demand and limitation are fundamental for understanding and modeling nutrient limitation of the tropical forest carbon sink.

  4. Composición del tejido vegetal y su relación con variables de crecimiento y niveles de nutrientes en el suelo en cultivos comerciales de menta (Mentha spicata L.

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    Pedraza Rafael


    Full Text Available

    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la composición química del tejido vegetal en menta y su relación con la concentración de nutrientes en el suelo. Se evaluaron parámetros de crecimiento y la concentración de elementos de la parte aérea de la planta al momento de la cosecha, en 35 cultivos comerciales ubicados en el departamento de Cundinamarca (Colombia. Paralelamente se determinaron las propiedades químicas del suelo en que crecían las plantas. La concentración de macroelementos en el tejido vegetal mostró el siguiente orden (% de materia seca: K (1,07-7,23 > N (1,57-4,74 > Ca (0,66-1,36 > P (0,24- 0,64 > Mg (0,14-0,60; para los microelementos (mg· kg-1 fue: Fe (89-596 > Mn (19-303 > Zn (47-134 > B (16-108 > Cu (8-13. No se encontraron relaciones significativas entre los nutrientes en el suelo y la planta que permitieran explicar las variables de crecimiento. Se presentaron correlaciones significativas entre Mg y P en el suelo y sus concentraciones en la planta (r=0,65** y 0,60*, respectivamente y del Mg en el suelo y el Mn en la planta (r=-0,60*. La mejor correlación se presentó entre la relación K/Mg en el suelo y el Mg en el tejido vegetal (r=-0,73**, poniendo de manifiesto el antagonismo entre ambos nutrientes y la importancia del balance catiónico K-Mg en el suelo. En general se puede afirmar que los suelos cultivados con menta no presentaron limitaciones en la disponibilidad de nutrientes, muy probablemente por el manejo intensivo de la fertilización.

  5. TOR Signaling and Nutrient Sensing. (United States)

    Dobrenel, Thomas; Caldana, Camila; Hanson, Johannes; Robaglia, Christophe; Vincentz, Michel; Veit, Bruce; Meyer, Christian


    All living organisms rely on nutrients to sustain cell metabolism and energy production, which in turn need to be adjusted based on available resources. The evolutionarily conserved target of rapamycin (TOR) protein kinase is a central regulatory hub that connects environmental information about the quantity and quality of nutrients to developmental and metabolic processes in order to maintain cellular homeostasis. TOR is activated by both nitrogen and carbon metabolites and promotes energy-consuming processes such as cell division, mRNA translation, and anabolism in times of abundance while repressing nutrient remobilization through autophagy. In animals and yeasts, TOR acts antagonistically to the starvation-induced AMP-activated kinase (AMPK)/sucrose nonfermenting 1 (Snf1) kinase, called Snf1-related kinase 1 (SnRK1) in plants. This review summarizes the immense knowledge on the relationship between TOR signaling and nutrients in nonphotosynthetic organisms and presents recent findings in plants that illuminate the crucial role of this pathway in conveying nutrient-derived signals and regulating many aspects of metabolism and growth.

  6. Representación social de "los argentinos", "los españoles", "los latinoamericanos" y "los europeos" en estudiantes universitarios argentinos


    Néstor Daniel Roselli


    El objetivo de la investigación es descriptivo: producir una caracterización de cómo los estudiantes universitarios argentinos definen subjetivamente a los referidos grupos nacionales ("los "los argentinos", "los españoles" y supranacionales, "los latinoamericanos" y "los europeos"). Sin embargo, no esun mero estudio de estereotipos nacionales. La originalidad consiste en el encuadre metodológico, propio de análisis de las representaciones sociales. Se basa en un análisis estadístico d...

  7. Metodología de evaluación ecotoxicológica empleando germinación de semillas en gel nutriente como medio de cultura

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    Ronaldo Teixeira Pelegrini


    Full Text Available Los estudios dirigidos al desarrollo de evaluaciones ecotoxicológicas deben llevar a cabo los testes necesariamente en el mismo valor de pH. Ensayos para ser confiable deben ser realizado en medio de cultivo con valores de pH iguales, incluso después de la adición de los agentes estresores. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo desarrollar una técnica de ensayos ecotoxicológicos utilizando semillas como organismos testes en medio de cultivo usando gel como camada soporte. La preparación del gel fue desarrollado por una Agua de Dilución que contenía concentraciones optimizadas de nutrientes cuyo valor de pH se ha preseleccionado y fijado por una solución tampón que contenía parte de los nutrientes deseados. Para las evaluaciones ecotoxicológicos fueran añadidas concentraciones del agente estresor en la preparación de la Agua de Dilución (una para cada concentración del agente estresor, se añadieron AGAR (17 g L -1 calentándose a 85°C para la disolución completa. Volúmenes de la solución, todavía caliente (20 mL, se colocaron en recipientes de vidrio (250 mL dejándola enfriar hasta temperatura ambiente para formar una camada de gel firme. Cerca de 50 semillas se añadieron en la camada de gel cerrando herméticamente el recipiente y colocándolo en un lugar con luz ambiente (sin incidencia directa de la luz solar. La metodología se presentó como una técnica de operación sencilla que no requiere manipulaciones durante el desarrollo de los embriones, lo que permite a costo analítico muy bajo (0,04 dólares EE.UU., evaluaciones eficaces de los ensayos ecotoxicológicos con análisis seguras de la germinación de semillas y desarrollo de las estructuras esenciales de las plántulas con los valores de pH idénticos.

  8. Nutrient cycle benchmarks for earth system land model (United States)

    Zhu, Q.; Riley, W. J.; Tang, J.; Zhao, L.


    Projecting future biosphere-climate feedbacks using Earth system models (ESMs) relies heavily on robust modeling of land surface carbon dynamics. More importantly, soil nutrient (particularly, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) dynamics strongly modulate carbon dynamics, such as plant sequestration of atmospheric CO2. Prevailing ESM land models all consider nitrogen as a potentially limiting nutrient, and several consider phosphorus. However, including nutrient cycle processes in ESM land models potentially introduces large uncertainties that could be identified and addressed by improved observational constraints. We describe the development of two nutrient cycle benchmarks for ESM land models: (1) nutrient partitioning between plants and soil microbes inferred from 15N and 33P tracers studies and (2) nutrient limitation effects on carbon cycle informed by long-term fertilization experiments. We used these benchmarks to evaluate critical hypotheses regarding nutrient cycling and their representation in ESMs. We found that a mechanistic representation of plant-microbe nutrient competition based on relevant functional traits best reproduced observed plant-microbe nutrient partitioning. We also found that for multiple-nutrient models (i.e., N and P), application of Liebig's law of the minimum is often inaccurate. Rather, the Multiple Nutrient Limitation (MNL) concept better reproduces observed carbon-nutrient interactions.

  9. Evaluación de la remoción de nutrientes y compuestos organoclorados y sus rutas de bioacumulación con la planta flotante Eichhornia crassipes expuesta a efluentes de pulpa de celulosa

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    Diana Margarita Míguez Caramés


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo piloto tuvo como objetivo estudiar el proceso de bioacumulación de nutrientes y compuestos organoclorados en Eichhornia crassipes expuesta a efluentes de una fábrica de celulosa que vierte en aguas del Río Uruguay, cerca de la ciudad de Fray Bentos, Río Negro, Uruguay. Se caracterizaron los principales atributos del efluente, antes y después del cultivo con Eichhornia, así como también se estudiaron las concentraciones de los halógenos orgánicos en plantas control y en plantas sometidas al efluente. Se observaron cambios macroscópicos en la planta, los compuestos organoclorados se bioacumularon principalmente en las hojas, registrándose valores de 9,4 µg/g frente a 2,1 µg/g observados en la biomasa control. La remoción de nutrientes fue del orden del 90%. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que la fitorremediación con plantas flotables es un método potencialmente ventajoso para ser utilizado como tratamiento terciario en países tropicales y subtropicales para disminuir la concentración de compuestos orgánicos clorados recalcitrantes y como método de remoción de nitratos y fosfatos de efluentes de plantas de celulosa.

  10. Differences in egg nutrient availability, development, and nutrient metabolism of broiler and layer embryos

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nangsuay, A.; Molenaar, R.; Meijerhof, R.; Anker, van den I.; Heetkamp, M.J.W.; Kemp, B.; Brand, van den H.


    Selection for production traits of broilers and layers leads to physiological differences, which may already be present during incubation. This study aimed to investigate the influence of strain (broiler vs layer) on egg nutrient availability, embryonic development and nutrient metabolism. A total

  11. Análisis cinético de indicadores difusos en tobillo y rodilla para clasificar la marcha hemipléjica espástica utilizando diagrama de flujo

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    Ubaldo Padilla Liendo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación pretende modelar características difusas de indicadores cinéticos en tobillo y rodilla de pacientes hemipléjicos espásticos por parálisis cerebral. Estos indicadores son consistentes con los utilizados por los especialistas, en la interpretación clásica para clasificar la hemiplejia, propuesta por el Dr. Gage. Cumpliendo los protocolos del Hospital Ortopédico Infantil en Caracas, Venezuela, se procesan los registros de 178 pacientes hemipléjicos. A través de análisis de varianza (ANOVA se determina cuales indicadores son apropiados para clasificar patrones. Se calcula la media, desviación estándar y umbral de separación en aquellos indicadores determinados. La función de membresía describe los rangos de pertenencia a grupos específicos. Basado en los parámetros calculados y la información obtenida, se construye un modelo difuso sobre un diagrama de flujo para discriminar entre los tipos hemipléjicos, comparable a la interpretación clásica. Se procesa el 75% de los registros y el 25% restante validan los resultados, según el grado de pertenencia y sensibilidad. Se obtiene una sensibilidad de 83,33% para el tipo 1; 75% para el tipo 2; 62,5% para el tipo 3 y 85,7% para el tipo 4. Los indicadores son descritos para todos los especialistas a través de un lenguaje médico apropiado.

  12. Nutrient uptake dynamics across a gradient of nutrient concentrations and ratios at the landscape scale (United States)

    Gibson, Catherine A.; O'Reilly, Catherine M.; Conine, Andrea L.; Lipshutz, Sondra M.


    Understanding interactions between nutrient cycles is essential for recognizing and remediating human impacts on water quality, yet multielemental approaches to studying nutrient cycling in streams are currently rare. Here we utilized a relatively new approach (tracer additions for spiraling curve characterization) to examine uptake dynamics for three essential nutrients across a landscape that varied in absolute and relative nutrient availability. We measured nutrient uptake for soluble reactive phosphorous, ammonium-nitrogen, and nitrate-nitrogen in 16 headwater streams in the Catskill Mountains, New York. Across the landscape, ammonium-nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus had shorter uptake lengths and higher uptake velocities than nitrate-nitrogen. Ammonium-nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus uptake velocities were tightly correlated, and the slope of the relationship did not differ from one, suggesting strong demand for both nutrients despite the high ambient water column dissolved inorganic nitrogen: soluble reactive phosphorus ratios. Ammonium-nitrogen appeared to be the preferred form of nitrogen despite much higher nitrate-nitrogen concentrations. The uptake rate of nitrate-nitrogen was positively correlated with ambient soluble reactive phosphorus concentration and soluble reactive phosphorus areal uptake rate, suggesting that higher soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations alleviate phosphorus limitation and facilitate nitrate-nitrogen uptake. In addition, these streams retained a large proportion of soluble reactive phosphorus, ammonium-nitrogen, and nitrate-nitrogen supplied by the watershed, demonstrating that these streams are important landscape filters for nutrients. Together, these results (1) indicated phosphorus limitation across the landscape but similarly high demand for ammonium-nitrogen and (2) suggested that nitrate-nitrogen uptake was influenced by variability in soluble reactive phosphorus availability and preference for

  13. Combination of Micro nutrients for Bone (COMB) Study: Bone Density after Micro nutrient Intervention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Genuis, S.J.; Bouchard, Th.P.


    Along with other investigations, patients presenting to an environmental health clinic with various chronic conditions were assessed for bone health status. Individuals with compromised bone strength were educated about skeletal health issues and provided with therapeutic options for potential amelioration of their bone health. Patients who declined pharmacotherapy or who previously experienced failure of drug treatment were offered other options including supplemental micro nutrients identified in the medical literature as sometimes having a positive impact on bone mineral density (BMD). After 12 months of consecutive supplemental micro nutrient therapy with a combination that included vitamin D3, vitamin K2, strontium, magnesium and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), repeat bone densitometry was performed. The results were analyzed in a group of compliant patients and demonstrate improved BMD in patients classified with normal, osteopenic and osteoporotic bone density. According to the results, this combined micro nutrient supplementation regimen appears to be at least as effective as bis phosphonates or strontium ranelate in raising BMD levels in hip, spine, and femoral neck sites. No fractures occurred in the group taking the micro nutrient protocol. This micro nutrient regimen also appears to show efficacy in individuals where bis phosphonate therapy was previously unsuccessful in maintaining or raising BMD. Prospective clinical trials are required to confirm efficacy

  14. Nutrient Shielding in Clusters of Cells (United States)

    Lavrentovich, Maxim O.; Koschwanez, John H.; Nelson, David R.


    Cellular nutrient consumption is influenced by both the nutrient uptake kinetics of an individual cell and the cells’ spatial arrangement. Large cell clusters or colonies have inhibited growth at the cluster's center due to the shielding of nutrients by the cells closer to the surface. We develop an effective medium theory that predicts a thickness ℓ of the outer shell of cells in the cluster that receives enough nutrient to grow. The cells are treated as partially absorbing identical spherical nutrient sinks, and we identify a dimensionless parameter ν that characterizes the absorption strength of each cell. The parameter ν can vary over many orders of magnitude between different cell types, ranging from bacteria and yeast to human tissue. The thickness ℓ decreases with increasing ν, increasing cell volume fraction ϕ, and decreasing ambient nutrient concentration ψ∞. The theoretical results are compared with numerical simulations and experiments. In the latter studies, colonies of budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are grown on glucose media and imaged under a confocal microscope. We measure the growth inside the colonies via a fluorescent protein reporter and compare the experimental and theoretical results for the thickness ℓ. PMID:23848711

  15. Improving crop nutrient efficiency through root architecture modifications. (United States)

    Li, Xinxin; Zeng, Rensen; Liao, Hong


    Improving crop nutrient efficiency becomes an essential consideration for environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture. Plant growth and development is dependent on 17 essential nutrient elements, among them, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the two most important mineral nutrients. Hence it is not surprising that low N and/or low P availability in soils severely constrains crop growth and productivity, and thereby have become high priority targets for improving nutrient efficiency in crops. Root exploration largely determines the ability of plants to acquire mineral nutrients from soils. Therefore, root architecture, the 3-dimensional configuration of the plant's root system in the soil, is of great importance for improving crop nutrient efficiency. Furthermore, the symbiotic associations between host plants and arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi/rhizobial bacteria, are additional important strategies to enhance nutrient acquisition. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in the current understanding of crop species control of root architecture alterations in response to nutrient availability and root/microbe symbioses, through gene or QTL regulation, which results in enhanced nutrient acquisition. © 2015 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  16. Water Quality Protection from Nutrient Pollution: Case ... (United States)

    Water bodies and coastal areas around the world are threatened by increases in upstream sediment and nutrient loads, which influence drinking water sources, aquatic species, and other ecologic functions and services of streams, lakes, and coastal water bodies. For example, increased nutrient fluxes from the Mississippi River Basin have been linked to increased occurrences of seasonal hypoxia in northern Gulf of Mexico. Lake Erie is another example where in the summer of 2014 nutrients, nutrients, particularly phosphorus, washed from fertilized farms, cattle feedlots, and leaky septic systems; caused a severe algae bloom, much of it poisonous; and resulted in the loss of drinking water for a half-million residents. Our current management strategies for point and non-point source nutrient loadings need to be improved to protect and meet the expected increased future demands of water for consumption, recreation, and ecological integrity. This presentation introduces management practices being implemented and their effectiveness in reducing nutrient loss from agricultural fields, a case analysis of nutrient pollution of the Grand Lake St. Marys and possible remedies, and ongoing work on watershed modeling to improve our understanding on nutrient loss and water quality. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Water Resource and Environment.

  17. Nutrient management in substrate systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sonneveld, C.; Voogt, W.


    Speaking about nutrient solutions in soilless cultivation, different solutions can be discerned. Originally, in soilless culture only one nutrient solution was taken into account, being the solution in the containers in which the plants were grown. Such solutions were intensively moved by air

  18. Nutrients Turned into Toxins: Microbiota Modulation of Nutrient Properties in Chronic Kidney Disease. (United States)

    Fernandez-Prado, Raul; Esteras, Raquel; Perez-Gomez, Maria Vanessa; Gracia-Iguacel, Carolina; Gonzalez-Parra, Emilio; Sanz, Ana B; Ortiz, Alberto; Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolores


    In chronic kidney disease (CKD), accumulation of uremic toxins is associated with an increased risk of death. Some uremic toxins are ingested with the diet, such as phosphate and star fruit-derived caramboxin. Others result from nutrient processing by gut microbiota, yielding precursors of uremic toxins or uremic toxins themselves. These nutrients include l-carnitine, choline/phosphatidylcholine, tryptophan and tyrosine, which are also sold over-the-counter as nutritional supplements. Physicians and patients alike should be aware that, in CKD patients, the use of these supplements may lead to potentially toxic effects. Unfortunately, most patients with CKD are not aware of their condition. Some of the dietary components may modify the gut microbiota, increasing the number of bacteria that process them to yield uremic toxins, such as trimethylamine N-Oxide (TMAO), p-cresyl sulfate, indoxyl sulfate and indole-3 acetic acid. Circulating levels of nutrient-derived uremic toxins are associated to increased risk of death and cardiovascular disease and there is evidence that this association may be causal. Future developments may include maneuvers to modify gut processing or absorption of these nutrients or derivatives to improve CKD patient outcomes.

  19. El impacto del liderazgo en los resultados de los estudiantes: Un análisis de los efectos diferenciales de los tipos de liderazgo


    Robinson, Viviane M. J.; Lloyd, Claire A.; Rowe, Kenneth J.


    El propósito de este estudio fue examinar el impacto relativo de los diferentes tipos de liderazgo en los resultados académicos y no académicos de los estudiantes. La metodología consistió en el análisis de los resultados de 27 estudios publicados sobre la relación entre liderazgo y resultados de los estudiantes. El primer meta-análisis, que incluyó 22 de los 27 estudios, implicó una comparación de los efectos de la transformación y liderazgo instructivo en los resultados de los estudiantes. ...

  20. Fisheries management under nutrient influence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hammarlund, Cecilia; Nielsen, Max; Waldo, Staffan


    A fisheries management model that identifies the economic optimal management of fisheries under the influence of nutrients is presented. The model starts from the idea that growth in fish biomass increases with increasing availability of nutrients owing to higher food availability up to a peak...

  1. Nutrients requirements in biological industrial wastewater treatment ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In both these wastewaters nutrients were not added. A simple formula is introduced to calculate nutrient requirements based on removal efficiency and observed biomass yield coefficient. Key Words: Olive mill wastewater; anaerobic treatment; aerobic treatment; sequencing batch reactor; biomass yield; nutrient requirement.

  2. Nutrient uptake and regeneration ratios in the Red sea with reference to the nutrient budgets

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Naqvi, S.W.A.; Hansen, H.P.; Kureishy, T.W.

    the Red Se, however, appears to be rather uniform and the atomic ratios between carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the biomass are deduced to be 188:21:1. Increased input of nutrients associated with subsurface inflow of nutrient-rich waters from the Gulf...

  3. Los indios y los empedrados sotaquireños

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    Edwin Giovanni Quesada-Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Este artículo de investigación describe la preparación de los platos culinarios tradicionales del municipio de Sotaquirá (Boyacá, que hacen parte de los saberes ancestrales que han prevalecido generacionalmente en los habitantes del municipio; ya que caracterizan la identidad sotaquireña. También se exponen algunos elementos sobre la gestión de la administración municipal (2012-2015 para promover la permanencia y reconocimiento de estos saberes como patrimonio cultural. El contenido del artículo es el resultado de la investigación “Identidad campesina en torno a los oficios tradicionales en el municipio de Sotaquirá (2013-2015”; que tuvo como fin describir las costumbres culturales en torno a los oficios tradicionales, que configuran la identidad campesina de los habitantes del municipio de Sotaquirá. El enfoque metodológico fue cualitativo desde la corriente socio-critica; se usaron la entrevista y la observación participante para reconocer la importancia de los platos que se configuran como aspectos fundamentales de la identidad de los sotaquireños. Se destaca que este trabajo logró generar espacios de reflexión con los entrevistados respecto de los oficios tradicionales culinarios del municipio en torno al reconocimiento del valor de los platos como patrimonio cultural y las particularidades del plato de acuerdo con los contextos familiares.

  4. Variación espacial y temporal de las masas de agua, nutrientes y sedimentación de la materia orgánica e inorgánica en la bahía Mejillones del sur (23° S, Chile Spatial and temporal variability of water masses, nutrients and sedimentation of organic and inorganic matter, in Mejillones del sur bay (23° S, Chile

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    Full Text Available Durante el verano austral de 2003-2004, se estudiaron las propiedades del material particulado que sedimenta en la bahía Mejillones del Sur, y la estructura físico-química de la columna de agua. Se encontraron aguas más cálidas y oxigenadas en la superficie, una clara estratificación entre 10 y 20 m de profundidad y aguas más frías, densas y subóxicas bajo los 30 m y hasta el fondo durante el periodo de estudio. La bahía se caracterizó por la interacción de tres masas de aguas: Agua Superficial Subtropical (ASST, Agua Subantártica (ASSA, Agua Subsuperficial Ecuatorial (AESS. Se puso en evidencia que eventos moderados y cortos de surgencia con duración entre tres a ocho días alternan con períodos más prolongados de estratificación de 29 días. Durante los eventos débiles de surgencia y en el inicio del evento de estratificación prevalecieron condiciones subóxicas a microóxicas con concentraciones de nutrientes más elevados en el estrato de los 10 a 15 m de profundidad. La variabilidad de los niveles de saturación de oxígeno disuelto (OD y de nutrientes con las concentraciones de nitrógeno (N, fósforo (P y ácido silícico (Si, y las razones de N:P y Si:NID en la superficie, indicaron la presencia de una dinámica importante de los procesos de reciclaje de la materia orgánica en la columna de agua, y del aporte alóctono de nutrientes durante la surgencia. Las variaciones quincenales de los flujos totales del material particulado colectado con trampas instaladas en la bahía, sugieren que la sedimentación del material en la columna de agua se encuentra gobernada por la alternancia entre los períodos de surgencia y de estratificación. Además en las trampas de sedimentación se observó un patrón de empobrecimiento de nitrógeno en función de la profundidad, lo que sugiere condiciones de remineralización y desnitrificación en las aguas oxido-reductoras de fondo de esta bahía.This study addresses the spatial and

  5. Motivaciones de los Consumidores para Asistir a los Mercados de los Agricultores de Utah


    Curtis, Kynda; Gumirakiza, J. Dominique


    Los mercados de los agricultores (FM por sus siglas en inglés) ofrecen oportunidades a los agricultores locales y pequeñas empresas para vender directamente a los consumidores, incrementar su base de clientes, así como probar nuevos productos y estrategias de precios.

  6. A comparative study on nutrient cycling in wet heathland ecosystems : II. Litter decomposition and nutrient mineralization. (United States)

    Berendse, Frank; Bobbink, Roland; Rouwenhorst, Gerrit


    The concept of the relative nutrient requirement (L n ) that was introduced in the first paper of this series is used to analyse the effects of the dominant plant population on nutrient cycling and nutrient mineralization in wet heathland ecosystems. A distinction is made between the effect that the dominant plant species has on (1) the distribution of nutrients over the plant biomass and the soil compartment of the ecosystem and (2) the recirculation rate of nutrients. The first effect of the dominant plant species can be calculated on the basis of the δ/k ratio (which is the ratio of the relative mortality to the decomposition constant). The second effect can be analysed using the relative nutrient requirement (L n ). The mass loss and the changes in the amounts of N and P in decomposing above-ground and below-ground litter produced by Erica tetralix and Molinia caerulea were measured over three years. The rates of mass loss from both above-ground and below-ground litter of Molinia were higher than those from Erica litter. After an initial leaching phase, litter showed either a net release or a net immobilization of nitrogen or phosphorus that depended on the initial concentrations of these nutrients. At the same sites, mineralization of nitrogen and phosphorus were measured for two years both in communities dominated by Molinia and in communities dominated by Erica. There were no clear differences in the nitrogen mineralization, but in one of the two years, phosphate mineralization in the Molinia-community was significantly higher. On the basis of the theory that was developed, mineralization rates and ratios between amounts of nutrients in plant biomass and in the soil were calculated on the basis of parameters that were independently measured. There was a reasonable agreement between predicted and measured values in the Erica-communities. In the Molinia-communities there were large differences between calculated and measured values, which was explained by the

  7. Submarine groundwater discharge as an important nutrient source influencing nutrient structure in coastal water of Daya Bay, China (United States)

    Wang, Xuejing; Li, Hailong; Zheng, Chunmiao; Yang, Jinzhong; Zhang, Yan; Zhang, Meng; Qi, Zhanhui; Xiao, Kai; Zhang, Xiaolang


    As an important nutrient source for coastal waters, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) has long been largely ignored in Daya Bay, China. In this study, we estimate the fluxes of SGD and associated nutrients into this region using a 224Ra mass balance model and assess the contribution/importance of nutrients by SGD, benthic sediments, local rivers, and atmospheric deposition. The results of 224Ra mass balance show that the estimated SGD ranges from (2.76 ± 1.43) × 106 m3/d to (1.03 ± 0.53) × 107 m3/d with an average of (6.32 ± 2.42) × 106 m3/d, about 16 times the total discharge rate of local rivers. The nutrient loading from SGD is estimated to be (1.05-1.99) × 105 mol/d for NO3-N, (4.04-12.16) × 103 mol/d for DIP, and (3.54-11.35) × 105 mol/d for Si. Among these considered nutrient sources, we find that SGD is the primary source for Si and NO3-N, contributing 68% and 42% of all considered sources, respectively. The atmospheric NO3-N flux is comparable to that from SGD. The local rivers are the most important source for DIP, contributing 75% of all considered sources. SGD with high N:P ratio (NO3-N/DIP) of 37.0 delivers not only a large quantity of nutrients, but also changes nutrient structure in coastal water. Based on a DIP budget, primary productivity is evaluated to be 54-73 mg C/m2 d, in which SGD accounts for approximately 30% of total production. This study indicates that SGD is a key source of nutrients to coastal waters and may cause an obvious change of primary production and nutrient structure in Daya Bay.

  8. Linking nutrient enrichment, sediment erodibility and biofilms (United States)

    Conrad, B.; Mahon, R.; Sojka, S. L.


    Sediment movement in coastal lagoons affects nutrient flux and primary producer growth. Previous research has shown that sediment erodibility is affected by biofilm concentration and that growth of benthic organisms, which produce biofilm, is affected by nutrient enrichment. However, researchers have not examined possible links between nutrient addition and sediment erodibility. We manipulated nutrient levels in the water column of 16 microcosms filled with homogenized sediment from a shallow coastal lagoon and artificial seawater to determine the effects on biofilm growth, measured through chlorophyll a and colloidal carbohydrate concentrations. Erosion tests using a Gust microcosm were conducted to determine the relationship between sediment erodibility and biofilm concentration. Results show that carbohydrate levels decreased with increasing nutrient enrichment and were unrelated to chlorophyll concentrations and erodibility. The nutrient levels did not predictably affect the chlorophyll levels, with lower chlorophyll concentrations in the control and medium enrichment treatments than the low and high enrichment treatments. Controls on biofilm growth are still unclear and the assumed relationship between carbohydrates and erodibility may be invalid. Understanding how biofilms respond to nutrient enrichment and subsequent effects on sediment erodibility is essential for protecting and restoring shallow coastal systems.


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    Nelson Walter Osorio Vega


    Full Text Available Este artículo se constituye en una revisión de los beneficios de bacterias rizosféricas sobre la nutrición vegetal. La interacción entre planta y bacterias solubilizadoras de fosfato es explicada en mayor detalle y usada como modelo para ilustrar el rol que algunas bacterias de la rizosfera juegan en la disponibilidad de nutrientes en el suelo. Las condiciones ambientales de la rizosfera también se discuten con detalle. Los beneficios de estas bacterias han sido obtenidos, y mejorados, en presencia de hongos formadores de micorrizas. Algunos autores han acuñado el termino “micorrizosfera” para describir la parte del suelo afectada por estas interacciones. Las plantas pueden liberar carbohidratos, aminoácidos, lípidos y vitaminas, entre otros, a través de sus raíces y estimular con ello la actividad y el número de microorganismos del suelo que las rodea. Este volumen de suelo afectado por tales exudados, aproximadamente 2 mm desde la superficie de la raíz, es llamado rizosfera. Las bacterias rizosfericas participan en el ciclo geoquímico de nutrientes y determinan su disponibilidad para las plantas y la comunidad microbial del suelo. Por ejemplo, en la rizosfera algunas bacterias fijan N2 simbiótica o asociativamente, otras son importantes en la conversión del nitrógeno de compuestos orgánicos a formas inorgánicas (NH4+ y NO3- disponibles para las plantas. También es relevante la habilidad de algunas bacterias rizosféricas para disolver fosfatos insolubles (nativo y aplicado a través de ácidos orgánicos, mientras que otras son más activas en la liberación de fosfato de compuestos orgánicos mediante enzimas fosfatasas. Por otro lado, la disponibilidad del azufre, hierro, manganeso es afectada por reacciones bioquímicas de oxido-reducción llevadas a cabo por bacterias de la rizosfera. De la misma manera, agentes quelatantes liberados por estas bacterias controlan la disponibilidad y absorción de micronutrientes y

  10. Variabilidad espacio-temporal de clorofila, producción primaria y nutrientes frente a la costa peruana


    Calienes, Ruth; Guillén, Oscar; Lostaunau, Nelson


    La serie de datos sobre clorófila, producción primaria y nutrientes de la costa pe­ ruana (4º -18º S) reunidos por el IMARPE a través de varios años ha permitido establecer los patrones promedio de su distribución en la superficial del mar. El principal objetivo del presente estudio fue la variabilidad a toda escala incluyendo "El Niño". Las fluctuaciones a corto plazo fueron evidentes dentro del periodo 1964-1978 pero no lograron alterar una distribución característica para todo el periodo. ...

  11. Los Neutrinos Los Neutrinos

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    Julián Félix


    Full Text Available From all the proposals to understand the structure of matter, and the way the natural world is conformed, the one about neutrinos is the most enigmatic, abstract, and foreign to immediate experience; however, this is the one that has delved more deeply over the nearly eighty years since it was formulated by Wolfgang Pauli –in 1930- as a radical proposition to understand nucleon decay, and the decay of other particles, without the violation of the principle of conservation of energy and momentum at subatomic level. This proposition has evolved through the years, and from Pauli’s original idea only the basic elements remain.This article contains the tale of the hypothesis of neutrinos, its early history, its evolution up to present day, and the efforts done nowadays to study them. In summary, this is the physics of neutrinos. De todas las propuestas para entender la estructura de la materia, y la conformación del mundo natural, los neutrinos es la más enigmática, abstracta, y ajena a la experiencia inmediata; sin embargo, es la que más hondo ha ido calando a lo largo de los ya casi ochenta años de haber sido formulada por Wolfgang Pauli –en el año 1930- como una medida radical para entender el decaimiento de los nucleones, y otras partículas, sin que se violara el principio de la conservación de la energía y del momento a nivel subatómico. La propuesta ha evolucionado a lo largo de los años, y de la idea original de Pauli ya sólo lo básico permanece. En este artículo está el relato de la hipótesis de los neutrinos, su historia primera, su evolución hasta el presente, los esfuerzos que en la actualidad se realizan para estudiarlos. En breve, ésta es la física de los neutrinos.

  12. 9 Nutrient Load of the Sakumo Lagoon.cdr

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    nutrients studied, phosphates were the highest in the Sakumo lagoon. The decreasing ... (2008), used nutrient and the trophic status to assess the ... the level of nutrient pollution of the Ramsar site. Materials and ... In assessing the nutrient load, water samples of the .... tidal waves resulting in sea water intrusion may account ...

  13. Diagnosis of the nutrient compositional space of fruit crops

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    Léon-Étienne Parent


    Full Text Available Tissue analysis is a useful tool for the nutrient management of fruit orchards. The mineral composition of diagnostic tissues expressed as nutrient concentration on a dry weight basis has long been used to assess the status of 'pure' nutrients. When nutrients are mixed and interact in plant tissues, their proportions or concentrations change relatively to each other as a result of synergism, antagonism, or neutrality, hence producing resonance within the closed space of tissue composition. Ternary diagrams and nutrient ratios are early representations of interacting nutrients in the compositional space. Dual and multiple interactions were integrated by the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS into nutrient indexes and by Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis into centered log ratios (CND-clr. DRIS has some computational flaws such as using a dry matter index that is not a part as well as nutrient products (e.g. NxCa instead of ratios. DRIS and CND-clr integrate all possible nutrient interactions without defining an ad hoc interactive model. They diagnose D components while D-1 could be diagnosed in the D-compositional Hilbert space. The isometric log ratio (ilr coordinates overcome these problems using orthonormal binary nutrient partitions instead of dual ratios. In this study, it is presented a nutrient interactive model as well as computation methods for DRIS and CND-clr and CND-ilr coordinates (CND-ilr using leaf analytical data from an experimental apple orchard in Southwestern Quebec, Canada. It was computed the Aitchison and Mahalanobis distances across ilr coordinates as measures of nutrient imbalance. The effect of changing nutrient concentrations on ilr coordinates are simulated to identify the ones contributing the most to nutrient imbalance.

  14. Potential effects of nutrient profiles on nutrient intakes in the Netherlands, Greece, Spain, USA, Israel, China and South-Africa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roodenburg, Annet J C; Schlatmann, Anke; Dötsch-Klerk, Mariska; Daamen, Robert; Dong, Jie; Guarro, Marta; Stergiou, Margarita; Sayed, Nazeeia; Ronoh, Eunice; Jansen, Léon; Seidell, Jacob C


    INTRODUCTION: Nutrient profiling is defined as the science of categorising foods based on their nutrient composition. The Choices Programme is a nutrient profile system with criteria that determine whether foods are eligible to carry a "healthier option" stamp. The Daily Menu Method which has been

  15. Nutrient-enhancement of Matooke banana for improved nutrient ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A total of 173 PLHIVregistered with Rakai Health Science Project were chosen and interviewed using structured questionnaires to determine the current contribution of banana to the household food security. Nutrient intake data were collected using Gibson s 24-hour recall method and food frequency questionnaires.

  16. Nutrient quality of fast food kids meals (United States)

    Exposure of children to kids’ meals at fast food restaurants is high; however, the nutrient quality of such meals has not been systematically assessed. We assessed the nutrient quality of fast food meals marketed to young children, i.e., "kids meals". The nutrient quality of kids’ meals was assessed...

  17. Healthy Snacks: Using Nutrient Profiling to Evaluate the Nutrient-Density of Common Snacks in the United States. (United States)

    Hess, Julie M; Slavin, Joanne L


    To quantify and compare the nutrient-density of commonly consumed snacks using two nutrient-density measures, Nutrient Rich Foods Indices 9.3 (NRF 9.3) and 15.3 (NRF 15.3). Identify commonly consumed categories of snacks and individual snack foods, calculate NRF 9.3 and 15.3 scores, rank snacks by category and by individual food based on nutrient density, compare and contrast scores generated by the two NRF Indices. NRF 9.3 and 15.3 scores. Averages and standard deviations of nutrient-density scores for each snack category. Vegetables and coffee/tea received the highest category scores on both indices. Cakes/cookies/pastries and sweets had the lowest category scores. NRF 9.3 scores for individual snacks ranged from -46 (soda) to 524 (coffee). NRF 15.3 scores ranged from -45 (soda) to 736 (coffee). If added to food labels, NRF scores could help consumers identify more nutritious choices. The differences between NRF 9.3 and 15.3 scores generated for the same foods and the limitations of these indices highlight the need for careful consideration of which nutrient-density measure to include on food labels as well as consumer education. © 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  18. Predicting the profile of nutrients available for absorption: from nutrient requirement to animal response and environmental impact. (United States)

    Dijkstra, J; Kebreab, E; Mills, J A N; Pellikaan, W F; López, S; Bannink, A; France, J


    Current feed evaluation systems for dairy cattle aim to match nutrient requirements with nutrient intake at pre-defined production levels. These systems were not developed to address, and are not suitable to predict, the responses to dietary changes in terms of production level and product composition, excretion of nutrients to the environment, and nutrition related disorders. The change from a requirement to a response system to meet the needs of various stakeholders requires prediction of the profile of absorbed nutrients and its subsequent utilisation for various purposes. This contribution examines the challenges to predicting the profile of nutrients available for absorption in dairy cattle and provides guidelines for further improved prediction with regard to animal production responses and environmental pollution.The profile of nutrients available for absorption comprises volatile fatty acids, long-chain fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. Thus the importance of processes in the reticulo-rumen is obvious. Much research into rumen fermentation is aimed at determination of substrate degradation rates. Quantitative knowledge on rates of passage of nutrients out of the rumen is rather limited compared with that on degradation rates, and thus should be an important theme in future research. Current systems largely ignore microbial metabolic variation, and extant mechanistic models of rumen fermentation give only limited attention to explicit representation of microbial metabolic activity. Recent molecular techniques indicate that knowledge on the presence and activity of various microbial species is far from complete. Such techniques may give a wealth of information, but to include such findings in systems predicting the nutrient profile requires close collaboration between molecular scientists and mathematical modellers on interpreting and evaluating quantitative data. Protozoal metabolism is of particular interest here given the paucity of quantitative data

  19. Response of algal metrics to nutrients and physical factors and identification of nutrient thresholds in agricultural streams (United States)

    Black, R.W.; Moran, P.W.; Frankforter, J.D.


    Many streams within the United States are impaired due to nutrient enrichment, particularly in agricultural settings. The present study examines the response of benthic algal communities in agricultural and minimally disturbed sites from across the western United States to a suite of environmental factors, including nutrients, collected at multiple scales. The first objective was to identify the relative importance of nutrients, habitat and watershed features, and macroinvertebrate trophic structure to explain algal metrics derived from deposition and erosion habitats. The second objective was to determine if thresholds in total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) related to algal metrics could be identified and how these thresholds varied across metrics and habitats. Nutrient concentrations within the agricultural areas were elevated and greater than published threshold values. All algal metrics examined responded to nutrients as hypothesized. Although nutrients typically were the most important variables in explaining the variation in each of the algal metrics, environmental factors operating at multiple scales also were important. Calculated thresholds for TN or TP based on the algal metrics generated from samples collected from erosion and deposition habitats were not significantly different. Little variability in threshold values for each metric for TN and TP was observed. The consistency of the threshold values measured across multiple metrics and habitats suggest that the thresholds identified in this study are ecologically relevant. Additional work to characterize the relationship between algal metrics, physical and chemical features, and nuisance algal growth would be of benefit to the development of nutrient thresholds and criteria. ?? 2010 The Author(s).

  20. Optimizing nutrient management for farm systems


    Goulding, Keith; Jarvis, Steve; Whitmore, Andy


    Increasing the inputs of nutrients has played a major role in increasing the supply of food to a continually growing world population. However, focusing attention on the most important nutrients, such as nitrogen (N), has in some cases led to nutrient imbalances, some excess applications especially of N, inefficient use and large losses to the environment with impacts on air and water quality, biodiversity and human health. In contrast, food exports from the developing to the developed world ...

  1. La alimentación en los viajes espaciales tripulados: desde el Programa Gemini hasta la ISS/Shuttle

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    Juan Antonio Gomar-Serrano


    Full Text Available Los alimentos espaciales han tenido una gran importancia en el desarrollo de las misiones espaciales tripuladas ya que constituyen la única fuente de energía y nutrientes para el ser humano fuera del planeta Tierra. Dichos alimentos han experimentado una gran evolución desde el inicio del Programa Mercury hasta las actuales misiones a la International Space Station (ISS. En un primer momento eran diseñados para ofrecer una gran densidad energética y nutritiva y actualmente se da prioridad a las características organolépticas y psicológicas, ya que contribuyen a un mayor consumo y un mejor estado nutricional de los astronautas. El objetivo del presente estudio es hacer un análisis retrospectivo de las publicaciones hasta la fecha sobre alimentos espaciales para ver si los disponibles actualmente son apropiados para mantener un buen estado nutricional de los astronautas en el marco de una misión espacial tripulada al espacio profundo. Para la búsqueda de estos artículos se ha utilizado la base de datos de PubMed y de la web del Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, de los artículos publicados hasta el año 2012.

  2. Valoración del estado nutricional y consumo alimentario de los pacientes en terapia renal sustitutiva mediante hemodiálisis

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    M.ª Concepción Pereira Feijoo

    Full Text Available Introducción: La malnutrición proteico-energética es un hecho frecuente entre los pacientes en tratamiento sustitutivo renal con hemodiálisis y a ello contribuye, además de la propia técnica dialítica, la dieta inadecuada. Objetivos: Valorar la evolución del estado nutricional y la ingesta alimentaria de los pacientes de 3 unidades de hemodiálisis extrahospitalaria, tras una intervención enfermera educativa. Pacientes y métodos: Hemos realizado un estudio transversal en 66 pacientes de 3 unidades extrahospitalarias (44 hombres y 23 mujeres con dosis de diálisis medida por KT/V > 1,3 .Se hizo una determinación del estado nutricional por métodos convencionales y del consumo alimentario mediante encuesta dietética, determinándose mediante soporte informático el índice de alimentación saludable, identificando los déficits y/o excesos de nutrientes en cada paciente. Se llevaron a cabo intervenciones educativas personalizadas dirigidas a corregir los excesos o déficits de nutrientes detectados en los pacientes, y se volvieron a hacer las mismas valoraciones a los seis meses. Resultados: La prevalencia de desnutrición es leve en el 41% de hombres y 43% de las mujeres y moderada en el 34% de los hombres y 21% de las mujeres. El índice de alimentación saludable era inadecuado en el 37,31% de los pacientes en el análisis basal y postintervención educativa paso al 18,8%. La ingesta media energética es elevada (1398.86 Kcal/paciente/día con alto consumo de colesterol y déficit de aminoácidos. Se detectó un alto consumo de hidratos de carbono simples (> 20% y un elevado uso de proteínas de origen animal. El contenido mineral y vitamínico de la dieta es muy deficiente, destacando el bajo consumo de Vitamina D (1.45±2.55 ng y elevado de fósforo (1052.28±356.23 m/día. Conclusion: Tras una intervención educativa sobre nuestros pacientes, corrigiendo hábitos dietéticos no saludables, hemos conseguido mejorar su estado

  3. Pérdidas de suelo y nutrientes bajo diferentes coberturas vegetales en la zona Andina de Colombia Soil and nutrient loss under different vegetation covers in Colombia's Andean region

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    J. Alexander Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó en la reserva natural El Ciprés, ubicada en la vereda Bellavista, municipio de El Dovio (Valle del Cauca. La vereda se encuentra en la zona Andina de la cordillera occidental, en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, entre 1700 y 1800 m.s.n.m., con una temperatura promedio de 18 °C. Según la clasificación climática de Holdridge, corresponde a una zona de bosque húmedo Montano Bajo, con una precipitación promedio entre 2500 y 2700 mm/año, una humedad relativa de 90% y una pendiente del suelo de 62%. Las mediciones se hicieron en parcelas de escorrentía de 32 m² cada una y siete tipos de coberturas: guadua (Guadua angustifolia Kunth, bosque secundario, pastura (Brachiaria decumbens, café (Coffea arabica; banco de proteína (Trichanthera gigantea, caña forrajera (Saccharum officinarum y cultivo limpio conformado por yuca (Manihot esculenta, maíz (Zea mays y arracacha (Arracacia zanthorrhiza Brancroft. Para la evaluación se midieron las pérdidas de suelo y los nutrientes calcio, magnesio, potasio y fósforo en un periodo de 7 meses. Los resultados mostraron diferencias (P Soil and nutrient (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus losses were measured over a 7-month period in the El Ciprés Natural Reserve, located in the Bellavista rural community, municipality of El Dovio, in the western cordillera of the Andes of the department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. At 1700-1800 meters above sea level, the area presents an average temperature of 18 °C, an average annual precipitation of 2500-2700 mm, 90% relative humidity, and a 62% slope. According to the Holdridge climate classification system, it corresponds to a lower montane rain forest. Measurements were taken in runoff plots, each 32 m², with seven types of vegetation cover: giant bamboo (Guadua angustifolia Kunth; secondary forest; pastures (Brachiaria decumbens; coffee (Coffea arabica; protein bank (Trichanthera gigantea; forage cane (Saccharum officinarum

  4. Applications of nutrient profiling: potential role in diet-related chronic disease prevention and the feasibility of a core nutrient-profiling system. (United States)

    Sacks, G; Rayner, M; Stockley, L; Scarborough, P; Snowdon, W; Swinburn, B


    A number of different nutrient-profiling models have been proposed and several applications of nutrient profiling have been identified. This paper outlines the potential role of nutrient-profiling applications in the prevention of diet-related chronic disease (DRCD), and considers the feasibility of a core nutrient-profiling system, which could be modified for purpose, to underpin the multiple potential applications in a particular country. The 'Four 'P's of Marketing' (Product, Promotion, Place and Price) are used as a framework for identifying and for classifying potential applications of nutrient profiling. A logic pathway is then presented that can be used to gauge the potential impact of nutrient-profiling interventions on changes in behaviour, changes in diet and, ultimately, changes in DRCD outcomes. The feasibility of a core nutrient-profiling system is assessed by examining the implications of different model design decisions and their suitability to different purposes. There is substantial scope to use nutrient profiling as part of the policies for the prevention of DRCD. A core nutrient-profiling system underpinning the various applications is likely to reduce discrepancies and minimise the confusion for regulators, manufacturers and consumers. It seems feasible that common elements, such as a standard scoring method, a core set of nutrients and food components, and defined food categories, could be incorporated as part of a core system, with additional application-specific criteria applying. However, in developing and in implementing such a system, several country-specific contextual and technical factors would need to be balanced.

  5. Evaluación de los anuncios de alimentos procesados y ultraprocesados en la televisión en España aplicando el modelo de Semáforo Nutricional de Reino Unido

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    Félix Alexis Morales Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: dado el interés en disminuir el consumo de alimentos de bajo valor nutricional, el propósito del presente estudio fue evaluar la calidad nutricional de los anuncios de alimentos procesados y ultraprocesados en la televisión en España. Material y métodos: estudio transversal, observacional y descriptivo de los anuncios televisivos de alimentos procesados y ultraprocesados en los cuatros canales generalistas y el canal infantil con publicidad y mayores audiencias. Se analizó un día entre semana y otro de fin de semana, en las dos franjas horarias de mayor audiencia media. Para la evaluación se consideró la frecuencia de repetición de los anuncios de cada producto registrado y se utilizó la versión vigente del Semáforo Nutricional (SN de Reino Unido, estableciéndose el perfil de SN mayoritario de cada canal y del conjunto. Resultados: el 19,6% de los anuncios emitidos se correspondió con alimentos procesados y ultraprocesados. El canal infantil Boing presentó una presión de este tipo de publicidad elevada (36,8%, duplicando a la media de los canales generalistas (17,4%. El SN mayoritario del conjunto de canales fue rojo para grasas y grasas saturadas, y verde para azúcares y sal. El canal infantil Boing presentó el peor perfil nutricional, siendo rojo para todos los nutrientes analizados, excepto para la sal, que fue ámbar, mientras que Telecinco presentó el mejor, siendo verde para todos los nutrientes analizados. Conclusiones: la publicidad de los alimentos procesados y ultraprocesados en la televisión en España presenta una calidad nutricional general mejorable, especialmente en el canal infantil analizado, lo que aconsejaría adoptar políticas más eficaces que limiten la exposición de los niños a los anuncios de productos poco saludables.

  6. Nutrient sensing and signaling in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (United States)

    Conrad, Michaela; Schothorst, Joep; Kankipati, Harish Nag; Van Zeebroeck, Griet; Rubio-Texeira, Marta; Thevelein, Johan M


    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been a favorite organism for pioneering studies on nutrient-sensing and signaling mechanisms. Many specific nutrient responses have been elucidated in great detail. This has led to important new concepts and insight into nutrient-controlled cellular regulation. Major highlights include the central role of the Snf1 protein kinase in the glucose repression pathway, galactose induction, the discovery of a G-protein-coupled receptor system, and role of Ras in glucose-induced cAMP signaling, the role of the protein synthesis initiation machinery in general control of nitrogen metabolism, the cyclin-controlled protein kinase Pho85 in phosphate regulation, nitrogen catabolite repression and the nitrogen-sensing target of rapamycin pathway, and the discovery of transporter-like proteins acting as nutrient sensors. In addition, a number of cellular targets, like carbohydrate stores, stress tolerance, and ribosomal gene expression, are controlled by the presence of multiple nutrients. The protein kinase A signaling pathway plays a major role in this general nutrient response. It has led to the discovery of nutrient transceptors (transporter receptors) as nutrient sensors. Major shortcomings in our knowledge are the relationship between rapid and steady-state nutrient signaling, the role of metabolic intermediates in intracellular nutrient sensing, and the identity of the nutrient sensors controlling cellular growth. PMID:24483210

  7. Nutrient budgets for large Chinese estuaries

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    S. M. Liu


    Full Text Available Chinese rivers deliver about 5–10% of global freshwater input and 15–20% of the global continental sediment to the world ocean. We report the riverine fluxes and concentrations of major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon in the rivers of the contiguous landmass of China and Korea in the northeast Asia. The rivers are generally enriched with dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN and depleted in dissolved inorganic phosphate (PO43− with very high DIN: PO43− concentration ratios. DIN, phosphorus, and silicon levels and loads in rivers are mainly affected by agriculture activities and urbanization, anthropogenic activities and adsorption on particulates, and rock types, climate and physical denudation intensity, respectively. Nutrient transports by rivers in the summer are 3–4 times higher than those in the winter with the exception of NH4+. The flux of NH4+ is rather constant throughout the year due to the anthropogenic sources such as the sewer discharge. As nutrient composition has changed in the rivers, ecosystems in estuaries and coastal sea have also changed in recent decades. Among the changes, a shift of limiting nutrients from phosphorus to nitrogen for phytoplankton production with urbanization is noticeable and in some areas silicon becomes the limiting nutrient for diatom productivity. A simple steady-state mass-balance box model was employed to assess nutrient budgets in the estuaries. The major Chinese estuaries export <15% of nitrogen, <6% of phosphorus required for phytoplankton production and ~4% of silicon required for diatom growth in the Chinese Seas (Bohai, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea. This suggests that land-derived nutrients are largely confined to the immediate estuaries, and ecosystem in the coastal sea beyond the estuaries is mainly supported by other nutrient sources such as regeneration, open ocean and

  8. Nutrient balances in the forest energy cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsson, Bengt


    In Sweden, recycling of stabilised wood-ashes to forests is considered to compensate for nutrient removals from whole-tree harvesting (i.e. use of harvest residues - slash - for energy purposes). This study has analysed nutrient fluxes through the complete forest energy cycle and estimated mass balances of nutrients in harvested biomass with those in ashes, to investigate the realism in large-scale nutrient compensation with wood-ash. Expected nutrient fluxes from forests through energy plants were calculated based on nutrient and biomass data of forest stands in the Nordic countries, and from data on nutrient fluxes through CFB-plants. The expected stoichiometric composition of wood-ashes was compared with the composition of CFB-fly ashes from various Swedish energy plants. Nutrient contents for different tree fractions were calculated to express the average nutrient concentrations in slash and stems with bark, respectively. A nutrient budget synthesis of the effects of whole-tree harvesting on base cation turnover in the following stand was presented for two experimental sites. Major conclusions from the study are: In the CFB-scenario, where the bottom ash is deposited and only the fly ash can be applied to forests, the fly ash from the slash do not meet the demands for nutrient compensation for slash harvesting. Stem material (50% wood, 50% bark) must be added at equivalent amounts, as the slash to produce the amounts of fly ash needed for compensation of slash harvesting. In the scenario where more stem material was added (75% of total fuel load), the amounts of fly ashes produced hardly compensated for nutrient removals with both stem and slash harvesting. The level of nutrient compensation was lowest for potassium. The stoichiometric nutrient composition of CFB-fly ashes from Swedish energy plants is not similar with the nutrient composition of tree biomass. The higher Ca/P ratio in ashes is only partly explained by the mixture of fuels (e.g. increasing bark

  9. Global Expanded Nutrient Supply (GENuS Model: A New Method for Estimating the Global Dietary Supply of Nutrients.

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    Matthew R Smith

    Full Text Available Insufficient data exist for accurate estimation of global nutrient supplies. Commonly used global datasets contain key weaknesses: 1 data with global coverage, such as the FAO food balance sheets, lack specific information about many individual foods and no information on micronutrient supplies nor heterogeneity among subnational populations, while 2 household surveys provide a closer approximation of consumption, but are often not nationally representative, do not commonly capture many foods consumed outside of the home, and only provide adequate information for a few select populations. Here, we attempt to improve upon these datasets by constructing a new model--the Global Expanded Nutrient Supply (GENuS model--to estimate nutrient availabilities for 23 individual nutrients across 225 food categories for thirty-four age-sex groups in nearly all countries. Furthermore, the model provides historical trends in dietary nutritional supplies at the national level using data from 1961-2011. We determine supplies of edible food by expanding the food balance sheet data using FAO production and trade data to increase food supply estimates from 98 to 221 food groups, and then estimate the proportion of major cereals being processed to flours to increase to 225. Next, we estimate intake among twenty-six demographic groups (ages 20+, both sexes in each country by using data taken from the Global Dietary Database, which uses nationally representative surveys to relate national averages of food consumption to individual age and sex-groups; for children and adolescents where GDD data does not yet exist, average calorie-adjusted amounts are assumed. Finally, we match food supplies with nutrient densities from regional food composition tables to estimate nutrient supplies, running Monte Carlo simulations to find the range of potential nutrient supplies provided by the diet. To validate our new method, we compare the GENuS estimates of nutrient supplies against

  10. Managed nutrient reduction impacts on nutrient concentrations, water clarity, primary production, and hypoxia in a north temperate estuary (United States)

    Oviatt, Candace; Smith, Leslie; Krumholz, Jason; Coupland, Catherine; Stoffel, Heather; Keller, Aimee; McManus, M. Conor; Reed, Laura


    Except for the Providence River and side embayments like Greenwich Bay, Narragansett Bay can no longer be considered eutrophic. In summer 2012 managed nitrogen treatment in Narragansett Bay achieved a goal of reducing effluent dissolved inorganic nitrogen inputs by over 50%. Narragansett Bay represents a small northeast US estuary that had been heavily loaded with sewage effluent nutrients since the late 1800s. The input reduction was reflected in standing stock nutrients resulting in a statistically significant 60% reduction in concentration. In the Providence River estuary, total nitrogen decreased from 100 μm to about 40 μm, for example. We tested four environmental changes that might be associated with the nitrogen reduction. System apparent production was significantly decreased by 31% and 45% in the upper and mid Bay. Nutrient reductions resulted in statistically improved water clarity in the mid and upper Bay and in a 34% reduction in summer hypoxia. Nitrogen reduction also reduced the winter spring diatom bloom; winter chlorophyll levels after nutrient reduction have been significantly lower than before the reduction. The impact on the Bay will continue to evolve over the next few years and be a natural experiment for other temperate estuaries that will be experiencing nitrogen reduction. To provide perspective we review factors effecting hypoxia in other estuaries with managed nutrient reduction and conclude that, as in Narragansett Bay, physical factors can be as important as nutrients. On a positive note managed nutrient reduction has mitigated further deterioration in most estuaries.

  11. Proximate and Ultimate Limiting Nutrients in the Mississippi River Plume: Implications for Hypoxia Reduction Through Nutrient Management (United States)

    Fennel, K.; Laurent, A.


    A large hypoxic area (15,000 km2 on average) forms every summer over the Texas-Louisiana shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico due to decay of organic matter that is primarily derived from nutrient inputs from the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River System. Efforts are underway to reduce the extent of hypoxic conditions through nutrient management in the watershed; for example, an interagency Hypoxia Task Force is developing Action Plans with input from various stakeholders that set out targets for hypoxia reduction. An open question is by how much nutrient loads would have to be decreased in order to produce the desired reductions in hypoxia and when these would be measurable over natural variability. We have performed a large number of multi-year nutrient load reduction scenarios with a regional biogeochemical model for the region. The model is based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), explicitly includes nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) species as inorganic nutrients, and has been shown to realistically reproduce the key processes responsible for hypoxia generation. We have quantified the effects of differential reductions in river N and P loads on hypoxic extent. An assessment of the effects of N versus P reductions is important because, thus far, nutrient management efforts have focused on N, yet P is known to limit primary production in spring and early summer. A debate is ongoing as to whether targets for P reductions should be set and whether nutrient reduction efforts should focus solely on P, which results primarily from urban and industrial point sources and is uncoupled from agricultural fertilizer application. Our results strongly indicate that N is the `ultimate' limiting nutrient to primary production determining the areal extent and duration of hypoxic conditions in a cumulative sense, while P is temporarily limiting in spring. Although reductions in river P load would decrease hypoxic extent in early summer, they would have a much smaller effect

  12. Relación entre la población microbiológica y el contenido de nutrientes en un abono orgánico fermentado AOF

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    Francisco Gracía


    Full Text Available La riqueza de un Abono Orgánico Fermentado, se determina por la población de microorganismos allí presentes, éstos dependen de la temperatura, el pH, la humedad, el oxígeno y alimento principalmente. Dichas condiciones cambian entre un biol, bocashi y el suelo; pues en éste las poblaciones que se encuentran no son las mismas de los AOF. En consecuencia el aporte de tales abonos es alimento para las plantas a partir de los minerales agregados en forma de sulfatos, fosfatos, carbonatos y de la mineralización-humificación de la materia orgánica. También es nutriente para los microorganismos que utilizan estos minerales y las moléculas orgánicas. El porcentaje de materia orgánica se convierte en: fuente de alimento para los actinomicetos, carbono para fijadores de nitrógeno de vida libre, fosfatos inorgánicos para solubilizadores de este compuesto y demás organismos presentes en el medio.

  13. Inadequação do consumo de nutrientes entre adolescentes brasileiros Consumo inadecuado de nutrientes entre adolescentes brasileños Inadequate nutrient intake in Brazilian adolescents

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    Rosely Sichieri


    -2009. Se consideraron los factores de expansión, la complejidad de diseño de la muestra y la corrección de la variabilidad intra-personal de consumo. La prevalencia de consumo inadecuado de micronutrientes fue estimada por la proporción de adolescentes con ingestión por debajo de la necesidad promedio estimada. Para el sodio, se estimó la prevalencia de consumo por encima del valor de ingestión máxima tolerable. CONCLUSIÓN: Los promedios de consumo energético y la distribución de macronutrientes eran adecuados, sin embargo, se observaron elevadas prevalencias de consumo inadecuado de vitaminas y minerales, destacándose el consumo de sodio muy por encima de lo recomendado, consumo de calcio reducido y en las adolescentes de 14 a 18 años fue observada importante ingestión inadecuada de hierro.OBJECTIVE: To assess energy and nutrient consumption and the prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intake among Brazilian adolescents. METHODS: A random sample composed of 6,797 adolescents (49.7% girls, between 10 and 18 years old, was evaluated in the first National Dietary Survey, part of the Household Budget Survey carried out in 2008-2009. Expansion factors, sample complexity design and correction of intraindividual variability were considered. The prevalence of inadequate micronutrient intake was based on the proportion of adolescents with intake below the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR. The prevalence of intake above the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL was estimated for sodium. RESULTS: The mean energy intake ranged between 1,869 kcal (10 to 13 year old females and 2,198 kcal (14 to 18 year old males. Of the total energy intake, 57% came from carbohydrates, 27% from lipids and about 16% from proteins. Inadequacies were higher for calcium (> 95%, phosphorous (54% to 69% and vitamins A (66% to 85%, E (100% and C (27% to 49%. More than 70% of adolescents reported sodium intake above the UL. CONCLUSIONS: Mean energy consumption and distribution of macro-nutrients


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    María Eugenia Rincón, Hernández


    Full Text Available En el campo de la ecología y en general en el área de ciencias naturales y educación ambiental, el concepto de ecosistema y conceptos relacionados con su dinámica como flujos de energía, ciclos de nutrientes, redes tróficas, interacciones, estabilidad y equilibrio y efecto de las perturbaciones sobre la dinámica del ecosistema son fundamentales; sin embargo en los estudios realizados acerca de las concepciones sobre la noción de ecosistema se han encontrado una serie de dificultades y concepciones erróneas respecto a este concepto, en diferentes niveles de escolaridad. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una revisión documental sobre las concepciones que tienen los estudiantes de educación básica sobre ecosistema y las perspectivas de abordaje para el análisis de las mismas en estos estudios.

  15. Alocação de nutrientes em plantios de eucalipto no Brasil Nutrient allocation in eucalypt plantations in Brazil

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    Reynaldo Campos Santana


    Full Text Available Práticas de manejo florestal podem alterar a exportação de nutrientes do sítio. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estimar o conteúdo de nutrientes em árvores de eucalipto, em diferentes regiões do Brasil. Avaliou-se a influência de algumas características climáticas na produção e no conteúdo de nutrientes na biomassa, utilizando-se o banco de dados do Programa de Pesquisa em Solos e Nutrição de Eucalipto do Departamento de Solos - UFV. As características climáticas foram um importante componente dos modelos. A produção de biomassa e o conteúdo de nutrientes foram positivamente relacionados entre si e ambos foram menores nas regiões com menor disponibilidade de água. As estimativas apontaram que até à idade de 4,5 anos pós-plantio acumulam-se as maiores proporções de nutrientes (68 % do N, 69 % do P, 67 % do K, 63 % do Ca e 68 % do Mg para a idade de corte de 6,5 anos. Isto indica que, após 4,5 anos, o potencial de resposta à aplicação de fertilizantes é menor. O conteúdo estimado de nutrientes acumulados na copa e na casca representou 65, 70, 64, 79 e 79 %, de N, P, K, Ca e Mg, respectivamente, até 6,5 anos de idade. Assim, a colheita apenas do lenho representa expressiva redução na exportação desses nutrientes proporcionando maior sustentabilidade da produção nas plantações de eucalipto.Forest management practices can alter nutrient exportation from the site. The purpose of this study was to estimate nutrient contents in the aboveground biomass of eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. The influence of key climatic variables on eucalypt productivity and nutrient content was evaluated, using the database from the Reserch Programa on Soil and Eucalyptus Nutrition of the Soil Science, Departament - Federal University of Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Climatic characteristics were an important component of the models. In regions with low water availability the nutrient accumulation in aboveground biomass as

  16. Plant response to nutrient availability across variable bedrock geologies (United States)

    Castle, S.C.; Neff, J.C.


    We investigated the role of rock-derived mineral nutrient availability on the nutrient dynamics of overlying forest communities (Populus tremuloides and Picea engelmanni-Abies lasiocarpa v. arizonica) across three parent materials (andesite, limestone, and sandstone) in the southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Broad geochemical differences were observed between bedrock materials; however, bulk soil chemistries were remarkably similar between the three different sites. In contrast, soil nutrient pools were considerably different, particularly for P, Ca, and Mg concentrations. Despite variations in nutrient stocks and nutrient availability in soils, we observed relatively inflexible foliar concentrations and foliar stoichiometries for both deciduous and coniferous species. Foliar nutrient resorption (P and K) in the deciduous species followed patterns of nutrient content across substrate types, with higher resorption corresponding to lower bedrock concentrations. Work presented here indicates a complex plant response to available soil nutrients, wherein plant nutrient use compensates for variations in supply gradients and results in the maintenance of a narrow range in foliar stoichiometry. ?? 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

  17. A comparison of nutrient density scores for 100% fruit juices. (United States)

    Rampersaud, G C


    The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that consumers choose a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Nutrient density is usually defined as the quantity of nutrients per calorie. Food and nutrition professionals should be aware of the concept of nutrient density, how it might be quantified, and its potential application in food labeling and dietary guidance. This article presents the concept of a nutrient density score and compares nutrient density scores for various 100% fruit juices. One hundred percent fruit juices are popular beverages in the United States, and although they can provide concentrated sources of a variety of nutrients, they can differ considerably in their nutrient profiles. Six methodologies were used to quantify nutrient density and 7 100% fruit juices were included in the analysis: apple, grape, pink grapefruit, white grapefruit, orange, pineapple, and prune. Food composition data were obtained from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18. Application of the methods resulted in nutrient density scores with a range of values and magnitudes. The relative scores indicated that citrus juices, particularly pink grapefruit and orange juice, were more nutrient dense compared to the other nonfortified 100% juices included in the analysis. Although the methods differed, the relative ranking of the juices based on nutrient density score was similar for each method. Issues to be addressed regarding the development and application of a nutrient density score include those related to food fortification, nutrient bioavailability, and consumer education and behavior.

  18. Tree root systems and nutrient mobilization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boyle, Jim; Rob, Harrison; Raulund-Rasmussen, Karsten

    sometimes stored at depth. Other recent studies on potential release of nutrients due to chemical weathering indicate the importance of root access to deep soil layers. Release profi les clearly indicate depletion in the top layers and a much higher potential in B and C horizons. Review of evaluations......Roots mobilize nutrients via deep penetration and rhizosphere processes inducing weathering of primary minerals. These contribute to C transfer to soils and to tree nutrition. Assessments of these characteristics and processes of root systems are important for understanding long-term supplies...... of nutrient elements essential for forest growth and resilience. Research and techniques have signifi cantly advanced since Olof Tamm’s 1934 base mineral index for Swedish forest soils, and basic nutrient budget estimates for whole-tree harvesting systems of the 1970s. Recent research in areas that include...

  19. Efecto de la fertilización en la producción de materia seca y extracción de nutrientes en tres accesiones de Lippia origanoides H.B.K.

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    Johannes Delgado-Ospina


    Full Text Available En las casas de vegetación de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Palmira (930 m.s.n.m. y 26 °C, se estudió la relación entre la nutrición de plantas de las accesiones Patía, Cítrica y Típica de Lippia origanoides H.B.K., los niveles de extracción de nutrientes y la producción y distribución de materia seca (MS. Para el efecto se determinaron las concentraciones de elementos foliares, los niveles de absorción y extracción de N, P, K, Mg y Ca y su relación con la producción de cada accesión. Se utilizó un diseño en parcelas divididas con once tratamientos y tres repeticiones, las unidades experimentales consistieron en una planta sembrada en sustrato (turba. Los elementos se aplicaron con ferti-riego utilizando solución nutritiva de Hoagland y Arnon modificada. Los resultados mostraron que la accesión Patía presentó los mayores rendimientos de MS (292.0 ± 0.1 g/planta cuando la concentración original de Mg (49 mg/lt en la solución cambió para 30 mg/lt; en la accesión Cítrica fueron más altos (287.1 ± 0.1 g/planta con 72 mg/lt de Mg y en la accesión Típica el rendimiento fue mayor (255.2 ± 0.1 g/planta con la aplicación de 30 mg/lt de Mg. En términos de absorción de nutrientes, el K fue el elemento más requerido (13.9 kg/t, seguido de Ca (7.9 kg/t.

  20. Resultados paleoceanográficos deducidos a partir del contenido en diatomeas de los sedimentos siliceos miocenos («moronitas» en la Cuenca del Guadalquivir

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    López García, Mª J.


    existencia en esa época de una circulación de tipo estuarino en la zona, permite suponer que los nutrientes procedían, inicialmente, de las aguas profundas atlánticas, cuya circulación estaba ligada a situaciones climáticas globales. Las corrientes ascensionales costeras no constituyen por sí solas un mecanismo efectivo para llevar a la superficie aguas oceánicas profundas. Por ello debió tener lugar un mecanismo hidrológico complejo que llevara, en primer lugar, las aguas oceánicas profundas a niveles intermedios. Desde allí esas aguas ricas en nutrientes serían traídas a la superficie por las corrientes ascensionales, desde niveles de agua subsuperficiales. Es necesario considerar otros factores locales ligados a la morfología de la cuenca, compleja y variable a lo largo del tiempo, para comprender la localización de los antiguos centros de afloramiento de las corrientes ascensionales costeras. Los resultados cuantitativos de las especies más abundantes (grupo Crucidenticula nicobarica + Crucidenticula punctata, Denticulopsis hustedtii, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Thalassionema nitzschioides varo parva y el grupo Thalassiothrix longissima + Thalassionema bacillaris y de la cantidad del componente total biosilíceo en las rocas ha permitido reconocer una evolución en el medio que se refiere a variaciones en la temperatura de las aguas superficiales y a la intensidad del afloramiento a lo largo del tiempo. La interpretación de los gráficos del Análisis de los Componentes Principales da un significado paleoecológico a los dos primeros nuevos componentes o factores, diferenciándose situaciones de distinta «productividad» y que son consecuencia de la posición e intensidad de los antiguos centros de afloramiento de las corrientes ascensionales en la zona.


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    Full Text Available Se presentan algunos aspectos del ciclo de vida de la hormiga arriera Atta laevigata,en especial el vuelo nupcial, con notas ecológicas de interés, el perfil modal desuelos afectados por la actividad de las arrieras y se analiza su contenido denutrientes. Se detalla el funcionamiento y la estructura de las colonias de arrierascon especial énfasis en el transporte y la acumulación de nutrientes y semillas en lossitios de establecimiento de la colonia; se explica el establecimiento de las matas demonte a partir de estos sitios ricos en nutrientes y semillas. Con base en estosaspectos se plantea un modelo funcional del papel que cumplen las colonias dearrieras en los ecosistemas de sabana estacional.

  2. Trends in nutrients (United States)

    Heathwaite, A.L.; Johnes, P.J.; Peters, N.E.


    The roles of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) as key nutrients determining the trophic status of water bodies are examined, and evidence reviewed for trends in concentrations of N and P species which occur in freshwaters, primarily in northern temperate environments. Data are reported for water bodies undergoing eutrophication and acidification, especially water bodies receiving increased nitrogen inputs through the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen oxides (NOx). Nutrient loading on groundwaters and surface freshwaters is assessed with respect to causes and rates of (change, relative rates of change for N and P, and implications of change for the future management of lakes, rivers and groundwaters. In particular, the nature and emphasis of studies for N species and P fractions in lakes versus rivers and groundwaters are contrasted. This review paper primarily focuses on results from North America and Europe, particularly for the UK where a wide range of data sets exists. Few nutrient loading data have been published on water bodies in less developed countries; however, some of the available data are presented to provide a global perspective. In general, N and P concentrations have increased dramatically (>20 times background concentrations) in many areas and causes vary considerably, ranging from urbanization to changes in agricultural practices.

  3. Frequent Canned Food Use is Positively Associated with Nutrient-Dense Food Group Consumption and Higher Nutrient Intakes in US Children and Adults. (United States)

    Comerford, Kevin B


    In addition to fresh foods, many canned foods also provide nutrient-dense dietary options, often at a lower price, with longer storage potential. The aim of this study was to compare nutrient-dense food group intake and nutrient intake between different levels of canned food consumption in the US. Consumption data were collected for this cross-sectional study from 9761 American canned food consumers (aged two years and older) from The NPD Group's National Eating Trends® (NET®) database during 2011-2013; and the data were assessed using The NPD Group's Nutrient Intake Database. Canned food consumers were placed into three groups: Frequent Can Users (≥6 canned items/week); n = 2584, Average Can Users (3-5 canned items/week); n = 4445, and Infrequent Can Users (≤2 canned items/week); n = 2732. The results provide evidence that Frequent Can Users consume more nutrient-dense food groups such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and protein-rich foods, and also have higher intakes of 17 essential nutrients including the shortfall nutrients-potassium, calcium and fiber-when compared to Infrequent Can Users. Therefore, in addition to fresh foods, diets higher in nutrient-dense canned food consumption can also offer dietary options which improve nutrient intakes and the overall diet quality of Americans.

  4. Nutrient and energy recovery from urine

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuntke, P.


    Keywords: urine, urine treatment, nutrient recovery, microbial fuel cells, energy production from urine, membrane capacitive deionization.

    In conventional wastewater treatment plants large amounts of energy are required for the removal and recovery of nutrients (i.e. nitrogen and

  5. Improving Lowland Rice (O. sativa L. cv. MR219 Plant Growth Variables, Nutrients Uptake, and Nutrients Recovery Using Crude Humic Substances

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    Perumal Palanivell


    Full Text Available High cation exchange capacity and organic matter content of crude humic substances from compost could be exploited to reduce ammonia loss from urea and to as well improve rice growth and soil chemical properties for efficient nutrients utilization in lowland rice cultivation. Close-dynamic air flow system was used to determine the effects of crude humic substances on ammonia volatilization. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effects of crude humic substances on rice plant growth, nutrients uptake, nutrients recovery, and soil chemical properties using an acid soil mixed with three rates of crude humic substances (20, 40, and 60 g pot−1. Standard procedures were used to evaluate rice plant dry matter production, nutrients uptake, nutrients recovery, and soil chemical properties. Application of crude humic substances increased ammonia volatilization. However, the lowest rate of crude humic substances (20 g pot−1 significantly improved total dry matter, nutrients uptake, nutrients recovery, and soil nutrients availability compared with crude humic substances (40 and 60 g pot−1 and the normal fertilization. Apart from improving growth of rice plants, crude humic substances can be used to ameliorate acid soils in rice cultivation. The findings of this study are being validated in our ongoing field trials.

  6. Improving Lowland Rice (O. sativa L. cv. MR219) Plant Growth Variables, Nutrients Uptake, and Nutrients Recovery Using Crude Humic Substances. (United States)

    Palanivell, Perumal; Ahmed, Osumanu Haruna; Ab Majid, Nik Muhamad; Jalloh, Mohamadu Boyie; Susilawati, Kasim


    High cation exchange capacity and organic matter content of crude humic substances from compost could be exploited to reduce ammonia loss from urea and to as well improve rice growth and soil chemical properties for efficient nutrients utilization in lowland rice cultivation. Close-dynamic air flow system was used to determine the effects of crude humic substances on ammonia volatilization. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effects of crude humic substances on rice plant growth, nutrients uptake, nutrients recovery, and soil chemical properties using an acid soil mixed with three rates of crude humic substances (20, 40, and 60 g pot(-1)). Standard procedures were used to evaluate rice plant dry matter production, nutrients uptake, nutrients recovery, and soil chemical properties. Application of crude humic substances increased ammonia volatilization. However, the lowest rate of crude humic substances (20 g pot(-1)) significantly improved total dry matter, nutrients uptake, nutrients recovery, and soil nutrients availability compared with crude humic substances (40 and 60 g pot(-1)) and the normal fertilization. Apart from improving growth of rice plants, crude humic substances can be used to ameliorate acid soils in rice cultivation. The findings of this study are being validated in our ongoing field trials.

  7. Remoción de nutrientes mediante coagulantes naturales y químicos en planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales, Valledupar Colombia

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    Damileth Dearmas Duarte


    Full Text Available Se evaluó desempeño y eficiencia de dos coagulantes químicos: sulfato de aluminio y policloruro de aluminio (PAC, y dos naturales: moringa (Moringa oleífera y cardón guajiro (Lemaireoreus griseus en la remoción de nutrientes y sedimentos del efluente de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales conformado por lagunas de estabilización El Salguero ubicada en el municipio de Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo con muestras de agua procedentes del río Cesar recogidas en el efluente del sistema de tratamiento. La turbidez varía desde 25 NTU hasta 67 NTU durante la época de desarrollo de la investigación. Se obtuvo que el sulfato de aluminio pese a no alcanzar la turbidez exigida por la normatividad colombiana (Decreto 3930/2010, Articulo N°72 Turbidez ≥ 5 NTU es un coagulante que remueve más del 80% de los parámetros de DQO, DBO y algas. El policloruro de aluminio es adecuado para disminuir significativamente la turbidez y los SST en un 92%, además presentó la mejor viabilidad económica de los tratamientos; y para la disminución de fosforo total resultaron efectivos los tratamientos con coagulantes naturales moringa y cardón, los cuales presentaron una remoción de 90.35%. Se concluye que los coagulantes evaluados presentan un potencial de remoción de los parámetros analizados, los resultados avalan a la Moringa oleífera como una posible alternativa natural en la potabilización de las aguas, ya que garantiza no sólo lograrcon éxito el proceso de coagulación, sino también, la ausencia de residuos

  8. Disponibilidad de nutrientes en fertilizantes orgánicos e inorgánicos a corto plazo en cultivo de lechuga y espinaca


    Ganuza Larumbe, Eduardo


    El objetivo de este TFC es comparar la disponibilidad de nutrientes, principalmente nitrógeno, en fertilizantes orgánicos e inorgánicos a corto plazo en cultivo de lechuga y espinaca. Para ello se realizaron dos ensayos en invernadero, en los que se cultivaron dos especies en maceta: lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) y espinaca (Spinacia oleracea L.), para evaluar la idoneidad como fertilizantes de siete abonos orgánicos (cuatro compost domésticos y tres compost comerciales), y un...

  9. Características del consumo y aporte de energía y nutrientes de una papilla a la dieta de niños de 6 a 36 meses de edad beneficiarios de un programa de complementación alimentaria

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    Carlos Rojas D


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características del consumo y aporte de energía y nutrientes de una papilla en la dieta de niños de 6 a 36 meses de edad beneficiarios de un Programa de Complementación Alimentaria. Materiales y Métodos: El diseño fue descriptivo y transversal. Se aplicó el método retrospectivo de recordatorio del consumo de alimentos de 24 horas. La muestra estuvo conformada por 432 niños beneficiarios del programa. Los requerimientos y recomendaciones de energía y nutrientes fueron determinados a partir de lo establecido por FAO/OMS/ONU para energía y proteínas, y por RDA para hierro y vitamina A. Resultados: El 42,1% de los beneficiarios de 6 a 11 meses cubrieron en promedio menos de 90% de sus requerimientos energéticos, esta proporción fue 47% entre los beneficiarios de 12 a 23 meses y 64,4% entre los beneficiarios de 24 a 36 meses. La brecha calórica fue directamente proporcional a la edad de los beneficiarios. La mediana del consumo de la papilla osciló entre 30 y 90 g en el grupo de 6 a 11 meses, 45 y 69 g en el grupo de 12 a 23 meses y de 34 a 90 g en el grupo de 24 a 36 meses. Conclusiones: Se evidenció que la papilla mejoró el aporte de energía, vitamina A y hierro en la dieta del niño, llegando a cubrir los requerimientos en la mayoría de los grupos etáreos.

  10. Detecting terrestrial nutrient limitation: a global meta-analysis of foliar nutrient concentrations after fertilization

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    Rebecca eOstertag


    Full Text Available Examining foliar nutrient concentrations after fertilization provides an alternative method for detecting nutrient limitation of ecosystems, which is logistically simpler to measure than biomass change. We present a meta-analysis of response ratios of foliar nitrogen and phosphorus (RRN, RRP after addition of fertilizer of nitrogen (N, phosphorus (P, or the two elements in combination, in relation to climate, ecosystem type, life form, family, and methodological factors. Results support other meta-analyses using biomass, and demonstrate there is strong evidence for nutrient limitation in natural communities. However, because N fertilization experiments greatly outnumber P fertilization trials, it is difficult to discern the absolute importance of N vs. P vs. co-limitation across ecosystems. Despite these caveats, it is striking that results did not follow conventional wisdom that temperate ecosystems are N-limited and tropical ones are P-limited. In addition, the use of ratios of N-to-P rather than response ratios also are a useful index of nutrient limitation, but due to large overlap in values, there are unlikely to be universal cutoff values for delimiting N vs. P limitation. Differences in RRN and RRP were most significant across ecosystem types, plant families, life forms, and between competitive environments, but not across climatic variables.

  11. Methods of preparing and using intravenous nutrient compositions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beigler, M.A.; Koury, A.J.


    A method for preparing a stable, dry-packaged, sterile, nutrient composition which upon addition of sterile, pyrogen-free water is suitable for intravenous administration to a mammal, including a human, is described. The method comprises providing the nutrients in a specific dry form and state of physical purity acceptable for intravenous administration, sealing the nutrients in a particular type of container adapted to receive and dispense sterile fluids and subjecting the container and its sealed contents to a sterilizing, nondestructive dose of ionizing radiation. The method results in a packaged, sterile nutrient composition which may be dissolved by the addition of sterile pyrogen-free water. The resulting aqueous intravenous solution may be safely administered to a mammal in need of nutrient therapy. The packaged nutrient compositions of the invention exhibit greatly extended storage life and provide an economical method of providing intravenous solutions which are safe and efficacious for use. (author)

  12. Engineering crop nutrient efficiency for sustainable agriculture. (United States)

    Chen, Liyu; Liao, Hong


    Increasing crop yields can provide food, animal feed, bioenergy feedstocks and biomaterials to meet increasing global demand; however, the methods used to increase yield can negatively affect sustainability. For example, application of excess fertilizer can generate and maintain high yields but also increases input costs and contributes to environmental damage through eutrophication, soil acidification and air pollution. Improving crop nutrient efficiency can improve agricultural sustainability by increasing yield while decreasing input costs and harmful environmental effects. Here, we review the mechanisms of nutrient efficiency (primarily for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and iron) and breeding strategies for improving this trait, along with the role of regulation of gene expression in enhancing crop nutrient efficiency to increase yields. We focus on the importance of root system architecture to improve nutrient acquisition efficiency, as well as the contributions of mineral translocation, remobilization and metabolic efficiency to nutrient utilization efficiency. © 2017 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  13. Roots bridge water to nutrients: a study of utilizing hydraulic redistribution through root systems to extract nutrients in the dry soils (United States)

    Yan, J.; Ghezzehei, T. A.


    The rhizosphere is the region of soil that surrounds by individual plant roots. While its small volume and narrow region compared to bulk soil, the rhizosphere regulates numerous processes that determine physical structure, nutrient distribution, and biodiversity of soils. One of the most important and distinct functions of the rhizosphere is the capacity of roots to bridge and redistribute soil water from wet soil layers to drier layers. This process was identified and defined as hydraulic lift or hydraulic redistribution, a passive process driven by gradients in water potentials and it has attracted much research attention due to its important role in global water circulation and agriculture security. However, while previous studies mostly focused on the hydrological or physiological impacts of hydraulic redistribution, limited research has been conducted to elucidate its role in nutrient cycling and uptake. In this study, we aim to test the possibility of utilizing hydraulic redistribution to facilitate the nutrient movement and uptake from resource segregated zone. Our overarching hypothesis is that plants can extract nutrients from the drier but nutrient-rich regions by supplying sufficient amounts of water from the wet but nutrient-deficient regions. To test our hypothesis, we designed split-root systems of tomatoes with unequal supply of water and nutrients in different root compartments. More specifically, we transplanted tomato seedlings into sand or soil mediums, and grew them under conditions with alternate 12-h lightness and darkness. We continuously monitored the temperature, water and nutrient content of soils in these separated compartments. The above and below ground biomass were also quantified to evaluate the impacts on the plant growth. The results were compared to a control with evenly supply of water and nutrients to assess the plant growth, nutrient leaching and uptake without hydraulic redistribution.

  14. Variación en la producción de alcaloides en inflorescencias de Senecio Grisebachii por deficiencia de nutrientes Alkaloid production changes due to nutrient deficiencies in Senecio Grisebachii inflorescences

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    Margarita A Yaber Grass


    Full Text Available Senecio grisebachii Baker es una maleza que invade pasturas naturales y cultivos en el sur de Brasil, Uruguay, y provincias mesopotámicas y Buenos Aires en la Argentina y es considerada tóxica debido a la presencia de alcaloides pirrolizidínicos (APs en sus tejidos. Se evaluó el efecto de la deficiencia de nitrógeno y de fósforo sobre el perfil de APs en inflorescencias de esta maleza. Se realizó un ensayo utilizando un diseño completamente aleatorizado con 10 repeticiones, en el cual las plantas, que crecieron en hidroponia desde mayo hasta octubre, fueron regadas con solución de nutrientes en las que las concentraciones de N o de P reducidas en un 50% respecto del control. La cuantificación de APs en las inflorescencias de S. grisebachii por CG y CG-EM, demuestra un aumento significativo en el contenido total de APs, en los tratamientos con déficit en N o P (1,33 y 1,34 mg g-1 de materia seca, respectivamente, comparados con el control 0,35 mg g-1. Se identificaron siete APs y sus concentraciones variaron entre tratamientos. Senecionina resultó el alcaloide mayoritario en el tratamiento déficit de N, mientras senecifilina resultó más abundante en los tratamientos control y con déficit de P, seguidos en todos los casos por integerrimina y cantidades menores de espartiodina, jacobina, jacozina y retrorsina.Senecio grisebachii Baker is a weed that invades natural pastures and crops in southern Brazil, Uruguay, the mesopotamic provinces and Buenos Aires in Argentina, and is considered to be toxic because of the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs in its tissues. The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency was evaluated on the APs patterns of the weed inflorescences. A completely randomized design with 10 repetitions was used in an experiment where plants growing in hydroponics from May to October were irrigated with a nutrient solution containing 50% P or N concentrations with respect to the control treatment. PAs

  15. Above-ground biomass and nutrient accumulation in the tropical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This means that the impact of logging in the Ebom rainforest remains low. However, additional research is needed on nutrient input in the forest from outside as well as on the impact of logging on nutrient leaching in order to get a complete picture of the nutrient cycles. Key-words: phytomass, nutrient pools, logging, ...

  16. Mariculture: significant and expanding cause of coastal nutrient enrichment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouwman, Lex; Beusen, Arthur; Glibert, Patricia M; Overbeek, Ciska; Pawlowski, Marcin; Herrera, Jorge; Mulsow, Sandor; Yu, Rencheng; Zhou, Mingjiang


    Mariculture (marine aquaculture) generates nutrient waste either through the excretion by the reared organisms, or through direct enrichment by, or remineralization of, externally applied feed inputs. Importantly, the waste from fish or shellfish cannot easily be managed, as most is in dissolved form and released directly to the aquatic environment. The release of dissolved and particulate nutrients by intensive mariculture results in increasing nutrient loads (finfish and crustaceans), and changes in nutrient stoichiometry (all mariculture types). Based on different scenarios, we project that nutrients from mariculture will increase up to six fold by 2050 with exceedance of the nutrient assimilative capacity in parts of the world where mariculture growth is already rapid. Increasing nutrient loads and altered nutrient forms (increased availability of reduced relative to oxidized forms of nitrogen) and/or stoichiometric proportions (altered nitrogen:phosphorus ratios) may promote an increase in harmful algal blooms (HABs) either directly or via stimulation of algae on which mixotrophic HABs may feed. HABs can kill or intoxicate the mariculture product with severe economic losses, and can increase risks to human health. (letter)

  17. Proximate versus ultimate limiting nutrients in the Mississippi River Plume and Implications for Hypoxia Reductions through Nutrient Management (United States)

    Fennel, Katja; Laurent, Arnaud


    A large hypoxic area (15,000 km2 on average) forms every summer over the Texas-Louisiana shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico due to decay of organic matter that is primarily derived from nutrient inputs from the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River System. Efforts are underway to reduce the extent of hypoxic conditions through nutrient management in the watershed; for example, an interagency Hypoxia Task Force is developing Action Plans with input from various stakeholders that set out targets for hypoxia reduction. An open question is how far nutrient loads would have to be decreased in order to produce the desired reductions in hypoxia and when these would be measurable given significant natural variability. We have simulated a large number of multi-year nutrient load reduction scenarios with a regional biogeochemical model for the region. The model is based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), explicitly includes nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) species as inorganic nutrients, and has been shown to realistically reproduce the key processes responsible for hypoxia generation. We have quantified the effects of differential reductions in river N and P loads on hypoxic extent. An assessment of the effects of N versus P reductions is important because, thus far, nutrient management efforts have focused on N, yet P is known to limit primary production in spring and early summer. A debate is ongoing as to whether targets for P reductions should be set and whether nutrient reduction efforts should focus solely on P, which results primarily from urban and industrial point sources and is uncoupled from agricultural fertilizer application. Our results strongly indicate that N is the 'ultimate' limiting nutrient to primary production determining the areal extent and duration of hypoxic conditions in a cumulative sense, while P is temporarily limiting in spring. Although reductions in river P load would decrease hypoxic extent in early summer, they would have a much

  18. Los salesianos y los shuar construyendo la identidad cultural


    Gnerre, Maurizio


    En el tema de las relaciones entre misioneros salesianos y el pueblo shuar existen, para los lectores interesados, algunas valiosas contribuciones de autores que conocieron y conocen muy bien, no solo la historia del vicariato Aposto?lico de Me?ndez y Gualaquiza, sino tambie?n el contexto histo?rico ma?s amplio en que se desarrollo? la actuacio?n de los salesianos entre los shuar, y en los u?ltimos cuarenta an?os tambie?n entre los achuar, en la Amazoni?a ecuatoriana.

  19. Nutrient management strategies on Dutch dairy farms: an empirical analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ondersteijn, C.J.M.


    Key Words: MINAS; nitrogen surplus; phosphate surplus; nutrient efficiency; nutrient productivity; financial consequences; strategic management; perceived environmental uncertainty; nutrient management planning; dairy farming; The Netherlands.

    Agricultural nutrients are a


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yudit Coromoto Sánchez Meza


    Full Text Available La permanente evolución tecnológica, los complejos patrones de tráfico y altos niveles de disponibilidad y calidad que caracterizan a los sistemas de telecomunicaciones, aunado a los riesgos e incertidumbre inherentes a las tecnologı́as, redundan en una gran complejidad en la evaluación y análisis para cumplir con los múltiples criterios y requerimientos técnicos y económicos, que marcan la toma de decisiones para uso óptimo de los recursos en un proyecto de telecomunicaciones. En este artículo, se desarrolla el sistema Noach, un Modelo para la Evaluación y Gestión de Proyectos Tecnológicos, basado en las mejores prácticas del Grupo de Conocimientos en Administración de Proyectos, Librería de Infraestructura de Tecnologı́as de Información e Integración de Modelos de Madurez de Capacidades para Desarrollo. Se trata de una herramienta computacional desarrollada en software libre, usando arquitectura de tres capas, que captura y procesa los datos asociados a diferentes factores y variables de alta incertidumbre y riesgo, para evaluar proyectos tecnológicos. La estructura de Noach es adaptable a la amplia gama de tecnologı́as de telecomunicaciones y genera generar diferentes escenarios que se podrı́an presentar en el desarrollo del proyecto y contempla el cálculo de los recursos asignados, relación costos/precios, análisis de mercado y calendario de trabajo.

  1. Recovery of agricultural nutrients from biorefineries. (United States)

    Carey, Daniel E; Yang, Yu; McNamara, Patrick J; Mayer, Brooke K


    This review lays the foundation for why nutrient recovery must be a key consideration in design and operation of biorefineries and comprehensively reviews technologies that can be used to recover an array of nitrogen, phosphorus, and/or potassium-rich products of relevance to agricultural applications. Recovery of these products using combinations of physical, chemical, and biological operations will promote sustainability at biorefineries by converting low-value biomass (particularly waste material) into a portfolio of higher-value products. These products can include a natural partnering of traditional biorefinery outputs such as biofuels and chemicals together with nutrient-rich fertilizers. Nutrient recovery not only adds an additional marketable biorefinery product, but also avoids the negative consequences of eutrophication, and helps to close anthropogenic nutrient cycles, thereby providing an alternative to current unsustainable approaches to fertilizer production, which are energy-intensive and reliant on nonrenewable natural resource extraction. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Nutrient enrichment increases mortality of mangroves.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine E Lovelock

    Full Text Available Nutrient enrichment of the coastal zone places intense pressure on marine communities. Previous studies have shown that growth of intertidal mangrove forests is accelerated with enhanced nutrient availability. However, nutrient enrichment favours growth of shoots relative to roots, thus enhancing growth rates but increasing vulnerability to environmental stresses that adversely affect plant water relations. Two such stresses are high salinity and low humidity, both of which require greater investment in roots to meet the demands for water by the shoots. Here we present data from a global network of sites that documents enhanced mortality of mangroves with experimental nutrient enrichment at sites where high sediment salinity was coincident with low rainfall and low humidity. Thus the benefits of increased mangrove growth in response to coastal eutrophication is offset by the costs of decreased resilience due to mortality during drought, with mortality increasing with soil water salinity along climatic gradients.

  3. Predicting the profile of nutrients available for absorption: from nutrient requirement to animal response and environmental impact

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, J.; Kebreab, E.; Mills, J.A.N.; Pellikaan, W.F.; López, S.; Bannink, A.; France, J.


    Current feed evaluation systems for dairy cattle aim to match nutrient requirements with nutrient intake at pre-defined production levels. These systems were not developed to address, and are not suitable to predict, the responses to dietary changes in terms of production level and product

  4. Nutrient cycling and nutrient losses in Andean montane forests from Antioquia, Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Londono Alvarez, Adriana; Montoya Gomez, Diana Cristina; Leon Pelaez, Juan Diego; Gonzalez Hernandez, Maria Isabel


    Gravitational flow and its chemical composition were measured in montane oak forests (Quercus humboldtii), in pine (Pinus patula) and cypress (Cupressus lusitanica) plantations in Piedras Blancas, Antioquia (Colombia), over two years. Zero tension lysimeters were used at different depth soil levels, the highest gravitational flow value at highest depth (50-80 cm) was obtained in cypress plot (492-7 mm), followed by pine (14,2 mm) and oak forest (2,0 mm). A similar behavior was encountered for nutrient losses, following the same pattern as gravitational flow. thus, for oak, pine and cypress, nutrient losses were respective/y: ca: 0,004, 0,084 and 2,270 kg ha -1 Y 1 ; P 0,008, 0,052 and 1,234 kg ha -1 Y 1 , mg: 0,004, 0,022 and 0,667 kg ha -1 y 1. K losses were 0,08 and 7,092 kg ha -1 Y 1 for oak forest and cypress plantation respectively. Nutrient losses followed the next order for each type of forest: oak: K ≥ P ≥Ca≥Mg, pine: Ca≥Fe≥P>Mg≥Zn≥Mn and cypress: K≥Mn≥Ca≥P≥Fe≥Zn≥Mg

  5. Nutrient density: addressing the challenge of obesity. (United States)

    Drewnowski, Adam


    Obesity rates are increasing worldwide. Potential reasons include excessive consumption of sugary beverages and energy-dense foods instead of more nutrient-rich options. On a per kJ basis, energy-dense grains, added sugars and fats cost less, whereas lean meats, seafood, leafy greens and whole fruit generally cost more. Given that consumer food choices are often driven by price, the observed social inequities in diet quality and health can be explained, in part, by nutrition economics. Achieving a nutrient-rich diet at an affordable cost has become progressively more difficult within the constraints of global food supply. However, given the necessary metrics and educational tools, it may be possible to eat better for less. New metrics of nutrient density help consumers identify foods, processed and unprocessed, that are nutrient-rich, affordable and appealing. Affordability metrics, created by adding food prices to food composition data, permit calculations of both kJ and nutrients per penny, allowing for new studies on the economic drivers of food choice. Merging dietary intake data with local or national food prices permits the estimation of individual-level diet costs. New metrics of nutrient balance can help identify those food patterns that provide optimal nutritional value. Behavioural factors, including cooking at home, have been associated with nutrition resilience, defined as healthier diets at lower cost. Studies of the energy and nutrient costs of the global food supply and diverse food patterns will permit a better understanding of the socioeconomic determinants of health. Dietary advice ought to be accompanied by economic feasibility studies.

  6. CADDIS Volume 2. Sources, Stressors and Responses: Nutrients - Simple Conceptual Diagram (United States)

    Introduction to the nutrients module, when to list nutrients as a candidate cause, ways to measure nutrients, simple and detailed conceptual diagrams for nutrients, nutrients module references and literature reviews.

  7. Los juicios de Cicerón sobre los Graco

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    Gregorio HINOJO ANDRÉS


    Full Text Available De los movimientos sociales y políticos de la Antigüedad es probablemente el de los hermanos Graco el que ha suscitado mayor interés y atracción en los tiempos modernos, como acredita una densa y copiosa bibliografía. Algunos autores e investigadores interpretan el movimiento de los Graco como un conjunto de medidas y reformas tendentes a recomponer el ejército romano y la base de propietarios de donde extraer los futuros soldados, sin asignarles ningún tipo de contenido social y de reforma de las estructuras agrarias y de la propiedad de la tierra; un grupo mucho mayor piensa que el contenido social, los ideales humanísticos y una búsqueda de la justicia y de la equidad fueron los objetivos de las medidas de los dos tribunos, aunque discrepan estos autores en el contenido y alcance de estas medidas, ya que para uno era una simple reforma, mientras que otros hablan de una verdadera revolución. Hay, sin embargo, un rasgo común en la historiografía moderna y es la simpatía y valoración positiva con la que se describe y se juzga este movimiento, pese a la diversa ideología de los estudiosos.

  8. Nutrient management regulations in The Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schröder, J.J.; Neeteson, J.J.


    The application of nutrients affect the quality of the environment which justifies the consideration of regulations regarding their use in agriculture. In the early 1990s The Netherlands decided to use the indicator `nutrient surplus at farm level¿ as the basis for a regulation which was called the

  9. Nutrients in the nexus (United States)

    Davidson, Eric A.; Niphong, Rachel; Ferguson, Richard B.; Palm, Cheryl; Osmond, Deanna L.; Baron, Jill S.


    Synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizer has enabled modern agriculture to greatly improve human nutrition during the twentieth century, but it has also created unintended human health and environmental pollution challenges for the twenty-first century. Averaged globally, about half of the fertilizer-N applied to farms is removed with the crops, while the other half remains in the soil or is lost from farmers’ fields, resulting in water and air pollution. As human population continues to grow and food security improves in the developing world, the dual development goals of producing more nutritious food with low pollution will require both technological and socio-economic innovations in agriculture. Two case studies presented here, one in sub-Saharan Africa and the other in Midwestern United States, demonstrate how management of nutrients, water, and energy is inextricably linked in both small-scale and large-scale food production, and that science-based solutions to improve the efficiency of nutrient use can optimize food production while minimizing pollution. To achieve the needed large increases in nutrient use efficiency, however, technological developments must be accompanied by policies that recognize the complex economic and social factors affecting farmer decision-making and national policy priorities. Farmers need access to affordable nutrient supplies and support information, and the costs of improving efficiencies and avoiding pollution may need to be shared by society through innovative policies. Success will require interdisciplinary partnerships across public and private sectors, including farmers, private sector crop advisors, commodity supply chains, government agencies, university research and extension, and consumers.

  10. Nutrient demand in bioventing of fuel oil pollution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breedveld, G.D.; Hauge, A.; Olstad, G.


    The effect of nutrient addition on bioventing of fuel oil pollution in an artificially polluted sandy soil has been studied at different experimental scales to assess the predictive value of laboratory treatability studies. The results of batch studies, laboratory column studies, and pilot-scale field tests (10 tons of soil) were compared. The qualitative response to nutrient addition was comparable in all experiments. Without nutrient addition, a minimal respiration rate was observed. With nutrient addition, respiration rates increased almost instantaneously. The highest rates were observed in the batch studies. The column study and pilot-scale field test indicated similar respiration rates, at approximately one sixth the respiration rates in the batch study. Respiration rates in the pilot-scale field study decreased during the winter season. Analysis of the residual oil composition in soil samples showed a relation between the degree of weathering, measured as the n-C 17 /pristane and n-C 18 /phytane ratio, and nutrient addition. Lower n-C 17 /pristane ratios were observed at higher total nitrogen content. After 1 year of bioventing with nutrient addition, a 66% reduction in TPH content was observed. Without nutrient addition, the residual oil still closely resembled the original fuel oil product, with only minor removal of the light-end compounds

  11. Soil and Nutrient Loss Following Site Preparation Burning (United States)

    J.P. Field; E.A. Carter


    Sediment loss and nutrient cpncentrations in runoff were evaluated to determine the effects of site preparation burning on a recently harvested loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) site in east Texas. Sediment and nutrient losses prior to treatment were approximately the same from control plots and pretreatment burn plots. Nutrient analysis of runoff...


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    P URFI


    Full Text Available While traditional accounting focuses on accounting for capital assets, costs, yields valued and sold in the market, environmental accounting intends to do the same with non-marketed capital assets, costs and yields, that is, externalities. The farm level nutrient balances are based on an input-output comparison, in which the nutrients entering the farm within inputs are compared to nutrients leaving the farm within the sold products. The method considers the amounts of nutrients entering the farm but not leaving it with the products to be wastes polluting the environment. The weakness of this approach is the handling of stock changes. In a farming year high amounts of nutrients contained in unsold products are not wastes, nor are they stored in the soil, but are stored in the stocks. To handle this problem the concepts of external nutrient balance and internal nutrient balance are introduced, and are tested in case studies of two Hungarian mixed farms.

  13. Methane productivity and nutrient recovery from manure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moeller, H.B.


    The efficient recovery of energy and improvements in the handling of nutrients from manure have attracted increased research focus during recent decades. Anaerobic digestion is a key process in any strategy for the recovery of energy, while slurry separation is an important component in an improved nutrient-handling strategy. This thesis is divided into two parts: the first deals mainly with nutrient recovery strategies and the second examines biological degradation processes, including controlled anaerobic digestion. (au)

  14. Los árboles

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    Jaime Paredes Pardo


    Full Text Available Los árboles son hijos del viento que transporta las semillas. En los valles anda de prisa, tanto que a veces alcanza a los trenes y a la melena de los caballos que espanta la algarabía de los pasajeros. Como los trenes, el viento tiene una frente de humo. De niebla como las montañas. ¿Pensará el viento?

  15. Description of execution time dynamics for a set of concurrent real-time tasks

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    Pedro Guevara López


    Full Text Available Un Sistema en Tiempo Real (STR implantado en una computadora digital, interactúa con el mundo físico a través del acondicionamiento de variables (sensores, actuadores convertidores Analógico/Digital A/D y Digital/ Analógico D/A y procesa sus peticiones mediante tareas en tiempo real (Ji: i¿Z+. Cada Ji está formada por un conjunto de instancias {ji,k: i, k¿Z+, i es el índice de la tarea, k es el índice de la instancia} con al menos tres restricciones temporales: tiempo de arribo, tiempo de ejecución y plazo (Li,k, Ci,k, Di,k. En este sentido, es importante proponer un modelo para reconstruir el comportamiento de los tiempos de ejecución Ci,k. El modelo propuesto es un ARMA con un estimador de parámetros basado en la variable instrumental. Los tiempos de ejecución fueron medidos experimentalmente en QNX Neutrino 6.5 utilizando un procesador Intel Core i7 de 2.66 GHz. Se presentan los antecedentes teóricos del modelado de tareas en tiempo real, las mediciones de tiempo de ejecución, el modelo de tiempos de ejecución, el estimador de parámetros con variable instrumental, la experimentación y los resultados.

  16. Los pasivos mineros ambientales y los conflictos sociales en Hualgayoc


    Pinto Herrera, Honori


    El trabajo trata sobre los pasivos ambientales mineros (PAM) y los conflictos sociales de Hualgayoc (Cajamarca), cuya atención ha sido considerada prioritaria por el Ministerio de Energía y Minas (MEM). Contiene número de PAM, una descripción histórica de este centro minero, una breve cronología que presenta los esfuerzos del MEM y FONAM para lograr la remediación de los PAM, finalmente se exponen los hechos estructurales y coyunturales que impiden la remediación cabal de los PAM en Hualgayoc...

  17. Usefulness of Models in Precision Nutrient Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plauborg, Finn; Manevski, Kiril; Zhenjiang, Zhou

    Modern agriculture increasingly applies new methods and technologies to increase production and nutrient use efficiencies and at the same time reduce leaching of nutrients and greenhouse gas emissions. GPS based ECa-measurement equipment, ER or EM instrumentations, are used to spatially character......Modern agriculture increasingly applies new methods and technologies to increase production and nutrient use efficiencies and at the same time reduce leaching of nutrients and greenhouse gas emissions. GPS based ECa-measurement equipment, ER or EM instrumentations, are used to spatially...... and mineral composition. Mapping of crop status and the spatial-temporal variability within fields with red-infrared reflection are used to support decision on split fertilisation and more precise dosing. The interpretation and use of these various data in precise nutrient management is not straightforward...... of mineralisation. However, whether the crop would benefit from this depended to a large extent on soil hydraulic conductivity within the range of natural variation when testing the model. In addition the initialisation of the distribution of soil total carbon and nitrogen into conceptual model compartments...

  18. Limiting nutrient emission from a cut rose closed system by high-flux irrigation and low nutrient concentrations?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baas, R.; Berg, van der D.


    A two-year project was aimed at decreasing nutrient emission from closed nutrient systems by using high irrigation rates in order to allow lower EC levels in the presence of accumulated Na and Cl. Experimental variables were growing media, irrigation frequencies, EC and NaCl concentrations for cut

  19. Nutrients affecting brain composition and behavior (United States)

    Wurtman, R. J.


    This review examines the changes in brain composition and in various brain functions, including behavior, that can follow the ingestion of particular foods or nutrients. It details those that are best understood: the increases in serotonin, catecholamine, or acetylcholine synthesis that can occur subsequent to food-induced increases in brain levels of tryptophan, tyrosine, or choline; it also discusses the various processes that must intervene between the mouth and the synapse, so to speak, in order for a nutrient to affect neurotransmission, and it speculates as to additional brain chemicals that may ultimately be found to be affected by changes in the availability of their nutrient precursors. Because the brain chemicals best known to be nutrient dependent overlap with those thought to underlie the actions of most of the drugs used to treat psychiatric diseases, knowledge of this dependence may help the psychiatrist to understand some of the pathologic processes occurring in his/her patients, particularly those with appetitive symptoms. At the very least, such knowledge should provide the psychiatrist with objective criteria for judging when to take seriously assertions that particular foods or nutrients do indeed affect behavior (e.g., in hyperactive children). If the food can be shown to alter neurotransmitter release, it may be behaviorally-active; however, if it lacks a discernible neurochemical effect, the likelihood that it really alters behavior is small.

  20. Soil Nutrient Stocks in Sub-Saharan Africa: Modeling Soil Nutrients Using Machine Learning (United States)

    Cooper, M. W.; Hengl, T.; Shepherd, K.; Heuvelink, G. B. M.


    We present the results of our work modeling 15 target soil nutrients at 250 meter resolution across Sub-Saharan Africa. We used a large stack of GIS layers as covariates, including layers on topography, climate, geology, hydrology and land cover. As training data we used ca. 59,000 soil samples harmonized across a number of projects and datasets, and we modeled each nutrient using an ensemble of random forest and gradient boosting algorithms, implemented using the R packages ranger and xgboost. Using cross validation, we determined that significant models can be produced for organic Carbon, total (organic) Nitrogen, total Phosphorus, and extractable Phosphorous, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Sodium, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Aluminum and Boron, with an R-square value between 40 and 95%. The main covariates explaining spatial distribution of nutrients were precipitation and land form parameters. However, we were unable to significantly predict Sulfur, Phosphorus and Boron as these could not be correlated with any environmental covariates we used. Although the accuracy of predictions looks promising, our predictions likely suffer from the significant spatial clustering of the sampling locations, as well as a lack of more detailed data on geology and parent material at a continental scale. These results will contribute to targeting agricultural investments and interventions, as well as targeting restoration efforts and estimating yield potential and yield gaps. These results were recently published in the journal Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (DOI: 10.1007/s10705-017-9870-x) and the maps are available for download under the ODC Open Database License.

  1. Nutrient fluxes at the landscape level and the R* rule (United States)

    Ju, Shu; DeAngelis, Donald L.


    Nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems involves not only the vertical recycling of nutrients at specific locations in space, but also biologically driven horizontal fluxes between different areas of the landscape. This latter process can result in net accumulation of nutrients in some places and net losses in others. We examined the effects of such nutrient-concentrating fluxes on the R* rule, which predicts that the species that can survive in steady state at the lowest level of limiting resource, R*, can exclude all competing species. To study the R* rule in this context, we used a literature model of plant growth and nutrient cycling in which both nutrients and light may limit growth, with plants allocating carbon and nutrients between foliage and roots according to different strategies. We incorporated the assumption that biological processes may concentrate nutrients in some parts of the landscape. We assumed further that these processes draw nutrients from outside the zone of local recycling at a rate proportional to the local biomass density. Analysis showed that at sites where there is a sufficient biomass-dependent accumulation of nutrients, the plant species with the highest biomass production rates (roughly corresponding to the best competitors) do not reduce locally available nutrients to a minimum concentration level (that is, minimum R*), as expected from the R* rule, but instead maximize local nutrient concentration. These new results require broadening of our understanding of the relationships between nutrients and vegetation competition on the landscape level. The R* rule is replaced by a more complex criterion that varies across a landscape and reduces to the R* rule only under certain limiting conditions.

  2. Wildfire Effects on In-stream Nutrient Processing and Hydrologic Transport (United States)

    Rhea, A.; Covino, T. P.; Rhoades, C.; Fegel, T.


    In many forests throughout the Western U.S., drought, climate change, and growing fuel loads are contributing to increased fire frequency and severity. Wildfires can influence watershed nutrient retention as they fundamentally alter the biological composition and physical structure in upland landscapes, riparian corridors, and stream channels. While numerous studies have documented substantial short-term increases in stream nutrient concentrations and export (particularly reactive nitrogen, N) following forest fires, the long-term implications for watershed nutrient cycling remain unclear. For example, recent work indicates that nitrate concentrations and export can remain elevated for a decade or more following wildfire, yet the controls on these processes are unknown. In this research, we use empirical observations from nutrient tracer injections, nutrient diffusing substrates, and continuous water quality monitoring to isolate biological and physical controls on nutrient export across a burn-severity gradient. Tracer results demonstrate substantial stream-groundwater exchange, but little biological nutrient uptake in burned streams. This in part explains patterns of elevated nutrient export. Paired nutrient diffusing substrate experiments allow us to further investigate shifts in N, phosphorus, and carbon limitation that may suppress post-fire stream nutrient uptake. By isolating the mechanisms that reduce the capacity of fire-affected streams to retain and transform nutrient inputs, we can better predict dynamics in post-fire water quality and help prioritize upland and riparian restoration.

  3. Estereotipos de género en los presentadores de los informativos


    Teruel Centeno, Ana


    En base a la relevancia que los presentadores de informativos tienen en el medio y en la audiencia, este trabajo estudia los estereotipos de género en los presentadores de los espacios informativos de TV de las principales cadenas españolas. Se analizan sus características físicas, estilismo y también la comunicación no verbal. Los resultados muestran los estereotipos de género actuales y sus diferencias con los estereotipos existentes en la comunicación publicitaria.

  4. Los Cactos

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    García Paredes Antonio


    Full Text Available El Cacto Cactus es uno de los géneros de plantas de la familia de las Cacteas Nopaleas que contiene muchas especies y variedades todas de formas extrañas, propias de la América intertropical y que habitan en los climas fríos y templados, en terrenos secos y estériles, desde el norte de Méjico hasta la Patagonia. Algunos cactos se cultivan por sus frutos que son sanosy sabrosos, otros como plantas ornamentales en los parques y jardines, otros como auxiliares para la industria, como los nopales en los que se cría la Cochinilla, insecto de la familia de los Hemípteros que produce la laca o carmín, materia colorante indispensable en la pintura al óleo y la acuarela, y por último, hoy están en moda y se cultivan con esmero una gran variedad de diminutos cactos exóticosque se mantienen sobre arena húmeda en pequeñas maceteras de porcelana, en los lugares más visibles de las habitaciones.

  5. Interação fármaco-nutriente: uma revisão Drug-nutrient interaction: a review

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    Mirian Ribeiro Leite MOURA


    Full Text Available A dieta influencia todos os estágios do ciclo da vida, fornecendo nutrientes necessários ao sustento do corpo humano. Alterações de ordem funcional e/ou estrutural, provocadas por doenças e infecções agudas ou crônicas, levam à utilização de medicamentos, cujo objetivo é restaurar a saúde. A via preferencial escolhida para a sua administração é a oral, entre outras razões, por sua comodidade e segurança. O fenômeno de interação fármaco-nutriente pode surgir antes ou durante a absorção gastrintestinal, durante a distribuição e armazenamento nos tecidos, no processo de biotransformação ou mesmo durante a excreção. Assim, é de importância fundamental conhecer os fármacos cuja velocidade de absorção e/ou quantidade absorvida podem ser afetadas na presença de alimentos, bem como aqueles que não são afetados. Por outro lado, muitos deles, incluindo antibióticos, antiácidos e laxativos podem causar má absorção de nutrientes. Portanto, o objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar uma revisão dos diversos aspectos envolvidos na interação fármaco-nutriente.Diet influences the whole life cycle, supplying nutrients required to maintain the human body. Functional and/or structural alterations, caused by diseases and acute or chronic infections, lead to the use of drugs in order to restore the health. The oral route is preferred for drug administration, owing to safety and convenience, among other reasons. The drug-nutrient interaction phenomenon can occur before or during gastrointestinal absorption, during distribution and storage in the tissues, in the biotransformation process, or even during excretion. Thus, to know the drugs whose rate of absorption and/or absorbed amount can be affected in the presence of food, as well as those that are not affected, is of fundamental importance. On the other hand, a number of commonly used drugs, including antibiotics, antacids and laxatives, can cause malabsorption of

  6. Derechos de los animales, deberes de los humanos

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    López de la Vieja, María Teresa


    Full Text Available Applied Ethics usually refers to human beings, to their practical problems and to their interests. However, the sphere of ethical issues has expanded during the last years. In spite of the fact that the moral point of view is still grounded on anthropocentrism, the environment and living beings are now the aim object of some moral concern. Justice, as a moral principle, could expand itself, as well, in order to include nonhuman beings: their interest and their welfare. Prom a moderate anthropocentric standpoint, this article defends an asymmetrical moral concern. Indeed, we could understand animal' s rights only as a result of human duties towards the own species. This essay claims for direct duties to future generations of humans, and for indirect duties to nonhUman. Therefore, justice between species would enlarge justice between generations.

    La Ética aplicada se suele referir a los problemas prácticos e intereses de los seres humanos. Sin embargo, las cuestiones éticas se han ido ampliando en los últimos años. A pesar de que el punto de vista moral sigue anclado en un enfoque antropocéntrico, el medio ambiente y los seres vivos son ahora objeto de alguna consideración moral. La justicia, como principio moral, puede ampliarse también hasta incluir a los no humanos, sus intereses y su bienestar. Desde un enfoque antropocéntrico moderado, el artículo defiende en este tema una consideración moral asimétrica; pues sólo podemos entender los derechos de los animales como resultado de los deberes de los humanos hacia la propia especie. Son deberes directos hacia las generaciones futuras de humanos, deberes indirectos hacia los no humanos. Por tanto, la justicia entre especies amplía la idea de justicia entre generaciones.

  7. Computerized information system of support to the electric energy losses control; Sistema de informacion computarizado de apoyo al control de perdidas de energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barba Mar, Alvaro R; Perez Ortega, Joaquin; Rodriguez Ortiz, Guillermo; Rodriguez Cano, Rene; Zapata Garcia, Juan Antonio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The energy losses are due to several reasons, among others, to the same nature of the generation, transmission, and distribution processes. The purpose of this paper is to describe in a general manner a decentralized system that processes the information of the energy and demand meters, to obtain the energy balances and losses indexes at national level. Additionally, the main services offered by the functional model and of the data base, the adopted policies for the energy interchanges among responsibility areas and the concepts of use, are described; next, the data sources of the system are described, the fragmentation and corresponding replication to the database are described and its architecture of software and hardware is shown. [Espanol] Las perdidas de energia se deben a varias razones, entre otras, a la naturaleza misma de los procesos de generacion, transmision y distribucion de la electricidad. El proposito de este articulo es describir de manera general un sistema descentralizado que procesa la informacion de los medidores de energia y demanda, para la obtencion de balances de energia e indices de perdidas a nivel nacional. Ademas, se describen los principales servicios que ofrece, el modelo funcional y el de la base de datos, las politicas adoptadas para los intercambios de energia entre areas de responsabilidad y los conceptos de uso; despues se describen las fuentes de datos del sistema, la fragmentacion y replicacion correspondiente a la base de datos y se muestra su arquitectura de hardware y software.

  8. Computerized information system of support to the electric energy losses control; Sistema de informacion computarizado de apoyo al control de perdidas de energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barba Mar, Alvaro R.; Perez Ortega, Joaquin; Rodriguez Ortiz, Guillermo; Rodriguez Cano, Rene; Zapata Garcia, Juan Antonio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The energy losses are due to several reasons, among others, to the same nature of the generation, transmission, and distribution processes. The purpose of this paper is to describe in a general manner a decentralized system that processes the information of the energy and demand meters, to obtain the energy balances and losses indexes at national level. Additionally, the main services offered by the functional model and of the data base, the adopted policies for the energy interchanges among responsibility areas and the concepts of use, are described; next, the data sources of the system are described, the fragmentation and corresponding replication to the database are described and its architecture of software and hardware is shown. [Espanol] Las perdidas de energia se deben a varias razones, entre otras, a la naturaleza misma de los procesos de generacion, transmision y distribucion de la electricidad. El proposito de este articulo es describir de manera general un sistema descentralizado que procesa la informacion de los medidores de energia y demanda, para la obtencion de balances de energia e indices de perdidas a nivel nacional. Ademas, se describen los principales servicios que ofrece, el modelo funcional y el de la base de datos, las politicas adoptadas para los intercambios de energia entre areas de responsabilidad y los conceptos de uso; despues se describen las fuentes de datos del sistema, la fragmentacion y replicacion correspondiente a la base de datos y se muestra su arquitectura de hardware y software.

  9. Neuronal regulation of homeostasis by nutrient sensing. (United States)

    Lam, Tony K T


    In type 2 diabetes and obesity, the homeostatic control of glucose and energy balance is impaired, leading to hyperglycemia and hyperphagia. Recent studies indicate that nutrient-sensing mechanisms in the body activate negative-feedback systems to regulate energy and glucose homeostasis through a neuronal network. Direct metabolic signaling within the intestine activates gut-brain and gut-brain-liver axes to regulate energy and glucose homeostasis, respectively. In parallel, direct metabolism of nutrients within the hypothalamus regulates food intake and blood glucose levels. These findings highlight the importance of the central nervous system in mediating the ability of nutrient sensing to maintain homeostasis. Futhermore, they provide a physiological and neuronal framework by which enhancing or restoring nutrient sensing in the intestine and the brain could normalize energy and glucose homeostasis in diabetes and obesity.

  10. Frequent Canned Food Use is Positively Associated with Nutrient-Dense Food Group Consumption and Higher Nutrient Intakes in US Children and Adults

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    Kevin B. Comerford


    Full Text Available In addition to fresh foods, many canned foods also provide nutrient-dense dietary options, often at a lower price, with longer storage potential. The aim of this study was to compare nutrient-dense food group intake and nutrient intake between different levels of canned food consumption in the US. Consumption data were collected for this cross-sectional study from 9761 American canned food consumers (aged two years and older from The NPD Group’s National Eating Trends® (NET® database during 2011–2013; and the data were assessed using The NPD Group’s Nutrient Intake Database. Canned food consumers were placed into three groups: Frequent Can Users (≥6 canned items/week; n = 2584, Average Can Users (3–5 canned items/week; n = 4445, and Infrequent Can Users (≤2 canned items/week; n = 2732. The results provide evidence that Frequent Can Users consume more nutrient-dense food groups such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and protein-rich foods, and also have higher intakes of 17 essential nutrients including the shortfall nutrients—potassium, calcium and fiber—when compared to Infrequent Can Users. Therefore, in addition to fresh foods, diets higher in nutrient-dense canned food consumption can also offer dietary options which improve nutrient intakes and the overall diet quality of Americans.

  11. Los arquetipos de los MCM: héroes y antíhéroes de los niños

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    Full Text Available La presente investigación se ha llevado a cabo desde un enfoque que toma en cuenta la interdependencia entre los factores sociales, comunicativos y cognitivos en los procesos de enculturización infantil. La autora analiza las correspondencias existentes entre el uso de los MCM y las representaciones que los niños construyen sobre sí mismos y sobre el mundo que les rodea. Sobre la base de elementos de naturaleza tan heterogénea como los héroes de los relatos en los MCM, se muestra que el laborioso trabajo cognitivo realizado por los niños cuando definen la identidad y el comportamiento de los héroes sirve, sobre todo, para la autoafirmación del rol sexual; y que el trabajo no menos laborioso que llevan a cabo cuando definen qué puede ser imitado y no imitado de los personajes de los MCM y cuál es la importancia social de éstos sirve, sobre todo, para definir el rol de clase.

  12. Marine nutrient contributions to tidal creeks in Virginia: spawning marine fish as nutrient vectors to freshwater ecosystems (United States)

    Macavoy, S. E.; Garman, G. C.


    Coastal freshwater streams are typically viewed as conduits for the transport of sediment and nutrients to the coasts. Some coastal streams however experience seasonal migrations of anadromous fish returning to the freshwater to spawn. The fish may be vectors for the delivery of marine nutrients to nutrient poor freshwater in the form of excreted waste and post-spawning carcasses. Nutrients derived from marine sources are 13C, 15N and 34S enriched relative to nutrients in freshwater. Here we examine sediment, particulate organic matter (POM), invertebrates and fish in two tidal freshwater tributaries of the James River USA. The d15N of POM became elevated (from 3.8 to 6.5%), coincident with the arrival of anadromous river herring (Alosa sp), indicating a pulse of marine nitrogen. However, the elevated 15N was not observed in sediment samples or among invertebrates, which did not experience a seasonal isotopic shift (there were significant differences however among the guilds of invertebrate). Anadromous Alosa aestivalis captured within the tidal freshwater were 13C and 34S enriched (-19.3 and 17.2%, respectively) relative to resident freshwater fishes (-26.4 and 3.6% respectively) captured within 2 weeks of the Alosa. Although it is likely that marine derived nitrogen was detected in the tidal freshwater, it was not in sufficient abundance to change the isotope signature of most ecosystem components.

  13. Los riesgos de los adolescentes en Internet: los menores como actores y víctimas de los peligros de Internet

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    B Catalina García


    Full Text Available Introducción: El uso intensivo de los adolescentes de Internet eleva la preocupación por los riesgos online. Metodología: Elaboración de un diagnóstico de riesgos a los que están sometidos los adolescentes españoles en Internet, atendiendo a la influencia de las variables de edad, sexo y titularidad del centro al que asisten. Sobre una encuesta nacional representativa realizada a 2.077 adolescentes, se analizan los riesgos en el ciberespacio: contenidos inapropiados, contacto con desconocidos y privacidad, ciberacoso, uso problemático/dependencia de Internet y, finalmente, se abordan las prácticas de seguridad adoptadas. Resultados y conclusiones: La elevada confianza que manifiestan los jóvenes coexiste con una alta exposición involuntaria a contenidos inapropiados online (pornografía, violencia, promoción del alcohol y drogas o patologías alimentarias, junto a la normalización de diversas fórmulas de ciberacoso y un porcentaje significativo de adolescentes que dedican un tiempo excesivo a navegar o que se manifiestan dependientes de determinados servicios de Internet.

  14. Nutrient cycling in a RRIM 600 clone rubber plantation

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    Murbach Marcos Roberto


    Full Text Available Few reports have been presented on nutrient cycling in rubber tree plantations (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.. This experiment was carried out to evaluate: the effect of K rates on the amount of nutrients transfered to the soil in a 13-year old Hevea brasilensis RRIM 600 clone plantation, nutrient retranslocation from the leaves before falling to the soil, and nutrient loss by dry rubber export. The experiment started in 1998 and potassium was applied at the rates of 0, 40, 80 and 160 kg ha-1 of K2O under the crowns of 40 rubber trees of each plot. Literfall collectors, five per plot, were randomly distributed within the plots under the trees. The accumulated literfall was collected monthly during one year. The coagulated rubber latex from each plot was weighed, and samples were analyzed for nutrient content. Increasing K fertilization rates also increased the K content in leaf literfall. Calcium and N were the most recycled leaf nutrients to the soil via litterfall. Potassium, followed by P were the nutrients with the highest retranslocation rates. Potassium was the most exported nutrient by the harvested rubber, and this amount was higher than that transfered to the soil by the leaf literfall.


    Submersed macrophytes are important in nutrient cycling in marine and lacustrine systems, although their role in nutrient exchange in tidally-influenced riverine systems is not well studied. In the laboratory, plants significantly lowered porewater nutrient pools of riverine sedi...

  16. Nutrients for the aging eye

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    Rasmussen HM


    Full Text Available Helen M Rasmussen,1 Elizabeth J Johnson2 1Educational Studies, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA, USA; 2Carotenoid and Health Laboratory, Jean Mayer US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA Abstract: The incidence of age-related eye diseases is expected to rise with the aging of the population. Oxidation and inflammation are implicated in the etiology of these diseases. There is evidence that dietary antioxidants and anti-inflammatories may provide benefit in decreasing the risk of age-related eye disease. Nutrients of interest are vitamins C and E, β-carotene, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, and the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. While a recent survey finds that among the baby boomers (45–65 years old, vision is the most important of the five senses, well over half of those surveyed were not aware of the important nutrients that play a key role in eye health. This is evident from a national survey that finds that intake of these key nutrients from dietary sources is below the recommendations or guidelines. Therefore, it is important to educate this population and to create an awareness of the nutrients and foods of particular interest in the prevention of age-related eye disease. Keywords: nutrition, aging, eye health

  17. Nutritional status as assessed by nutrient intakes and biomarkers among women of childbearing age--is the burden of nutrient inadequacies growing in America? (United States)

    Rai, Deshanie; Bird, Julia K; McBurney, Michael I; Chapman-Novakofski, Karen M


    Understanding nutrient intakes among women of childbearing age within the USA is important given the accumulating evidence that maternal body weight gain and nutrient intakes prior to pregnancy may influence the health and well-being of the offspring. The objective of the present study was to evaluate nutritional status in women of childbearing age and to ascertain the influence of ethnicity and income on nutrient intakes. Nutritional status was assessed using data on nutrient intakes through foods and supplements from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Biomarker data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were used to assess nutritional status for selected nutrients. Poverty-income ratio was used to assess family income. White (n 1560), African-American (n 889) and Mexican-American (n 761) women aged 19-30 and 31-50 years were included. A nationally representative sample of non-pregnant women of childbearing age resident in the USA. African-American women had the lowest intakes of fibre, folate, riboflavin, P, K, Ca and Mg. Women (31-50 years) with a poverty-income ratio of ≤ 1.85 had significantly lower intakes of almost all nutrients analysed. Irrespective of ethnicity and income, a significant percentage of women were not consuming the estimated recommended amounts (Estimated Average Requirement) of several key nutrients: vitamin A (~80%), vitamin D (~78%) and fibre (~92%). Nutrient biomarker data were generally reflective of nutrient intake patterns among the different ethnic groups. Women of childbearing age in the USA are not meeting nutrient intake guidelines, with differences between ethnic groups and socio-economic strata. These factors should be considered when establishing nutrition science advocacy and policy.

  18. Assessing Nutrient Intake and Nutrient Status of HIV Seropositive Patients Attending Clinic at Chulaimbo Sub-District Hospital, Kenya

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    Agatha Christine Onyango


    Full Text Available Background. Nutritional status is an important determinant of HIV outcomes. Objective. To assess the nutrient intake and nutrient status of HIV seropositive patients attending an AIDS outpatient clinic, to improve the nutritional management of HIV-infected patients. Design. Prospective cohort study. Setting. Comprehensive care clinic in Chulaimbo Sub-District Hospital, Kenya. Subjects. 497 HIV sero-positive adults attending the clinic. Main Outcome Measures. Evaluation of nutrient intake using 24-hour recall, food frequency checklist, and nutrient status using biochemical assessment indicators (haemoglobin, creatinine, serum glutamate pyruvate (SGPT and mean corpuscular volume (MCV. Results. Among the 497 patients recruited (M : F sex ratio: 1.4, mean age: 39 years ± 10.5 y, Generally there was inadequate nutrient intake reported among the HIV patients, except iron (10.49 ± 3.49 mg. All the biochemical assessment indicators were within normal range except for haemoglobin 11.2 g/dL (11.4 ± 2.60 male and 11.2 ± 4.25 female. Conclusions. Given its high frequency, malnutrition should be prevented, detected, monitored, and treated from the early stages of HIV infection among patients attending AIDS clinics in order to improve survival and quality of life.


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    Anatali Oquendo Lorduy


    Full Text Available Este artículo, aporta reflexiones sobre los estudios de migración internacional en Cartagena de Indias, a partir del análisis de experiencias de un grupo de hijos e hijas cuyos padres y/o madres han migrado por diversos motivos. En sus experiencias, se abordan los significados elaborados en torno al retorno, en particular aquellos sobre los acuerdos y proyectos familiares, que se movilizan a partir de los vínculos y expectativas que los migrantes van construyendo con hijos e hijas entre origen y destino, así como los cambios que pueden suscitarse, a lo largo del proceso migratorio, debido a la ausencia o presencia, que en conjunto lleven a reconfigurar sus expectativas de familias

  20. Nutrient-rich foods in relation to various measures of anthropometry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Streppel, M.T.; Groot, de C.P.G.M.; Feskens, E.J.M.


    Background. Nutrient quality systems, for example the nutrient-rich foods (NRF) index, measure the nutrient quality of individual foods and may be used to assess the nutrient density of the overall diet. It is not yet known whether the NRF index is helpful in weight management. We hypothesize that a

  1. Strategic nutrient management of field pea in southwestern Uganda ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Strategic nutrient management of field pea in southwestern Uganda. ... African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development ... Strategic nutrient management requires that the most limiting nutrient is known in order to provide a foundation for designing effective and sustainable soil fertility management ...

  2. Effects of mineral nutrients on ozone susceptibility of Lemna minor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Craker, L E


    Susceptibility of Lemna minor L. to ozone injury was influenced by the mineral nutrients available to the Lemna plants. Additional nitrogen or additional iron in the nutrient media respectively enhanced or reduced chlorophyll loss of Lemna plants fumigated with ozone. Lemna plants growing on a nutrient medium lacking copper had significantly less injury from ozone fumigation than Lemna plants growing on a complete nutrient medium. There were apparent interactions among phosphorus and potassium nutrient levels in determing the Lemna plant's susceptibility to ozone.

  3. Nutrient Limitation in Central Red Sea Mangroves

    KAUST Repository

    Almahasheer, Hanan; Duarte, Carlos M.; Irigoien, Xabier


    Red Sea have characteristic heights of ~2 m, suggesting nutrient limitation. We assessed the nutrient status of mangrove stands in the Central Red Sea and conducted a fertilization experiment (N, P and Fe and various combinations thereof) on 4-week

  4. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizas in reducing soil nutrient loss. (United States)

    Cavagnaro, Timothy R; Bender, S Franz; Asghari, Hamid R; Heijden, Marcel G A van der


    Substantial amounts of nutrients are lost from soils via leaching and as gaseous emissions. These losses can be environmentally damaging and expensive in terms of lost agricultural production. Plants have evolved many traits to optimize nutrient acquisition, including the formation of arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM), associations of plant roots with fungi that acquire soil nutrients. There is emerging evidence that AM have the ability to reduce nutrient loss from soils by enlarging the nutrient interception zone and preventing nutrient loss after rain-induced leaching events. Until recently, this important ecosystem service of AM had been largely overlooked. Here we review the role of AM in reducing nutrient loss and conclude that this role cannot be ignored if we are to increase global food production in an environmentally sustainable manner. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Los riesgos para los niños que usan internet


    Instituto Argentino de Computación IAC


    Los niños que navegan por Internet pueden ser víctimas de hechos criminales, explotación y pornografía. No hay restricciones para publicar cualquier material por eso es responsabilidad de padres y maestros, así como personal la responsabilidad de asegurarse que los sitios de Internet sean seguros y apropiados. Relata los riesgos que existen, da consejos prácticos a los padres y reglas familiares porque no resulta práctico prohibirles a los niños el uso del Internet.

  6. Lateral diffusion of nutrients by mammalian herbivores in terrestrial ecosystems.

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    Adam Wolf

    Full Text Available Animals translocate nutrients by consuming nutrients at one point and excreting them or dying at another location. Such lateral fluxes may be an important mechanism of nutrient supply in many ecosystems, but lack quantification and a systematic theoretical framework for their evaluation. This paper presents a mathematical framework for quantifying such fluxes in the context of mammalian herbivores. We develop an expression for lateral diffusion of a nutrient, where the diffusivity is a biologically determined parameter depending on the characteristics of mammals occupying the domain, including size-dependent phenomena such as day range, metabolic demand, food passage time, and population size. Three findings stand out: (a Scaling law-derived estimates of diffusion parameters are comparable to estimates calculated from estimates of each coefficient gathered from primary literature. (b The diffusion term due to transport of nutrients in dung is orders of magnitude large than the coefficient representing nutrients in bodymass. (c The scaling coefficients show that large herbivores make a disproportionate contribution to lateral nutrient transfer. We apply the diffusion equation to a case study of Kruger National Park to estimate the conditions under which mammal-driven nutrient transport is comparable in magnitude to other (abiotic nutrient fluxes (inputs and losses. Finally, a global analysis of mammalian herbivore transport is presented, using a comprehensive database of contemporary animal distributions. We show that continents vary greatly in terms of the importance of animal-driven nutrient fluxes, and also that perturbations to nutrient cycles are potentially quite large if threatened large herbivores are driven to extinction.

  7. Cambios en las comunidades de peces de los arrecifes coralinos del Archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey, Cuba

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    Rodolfo Claro


    Full Text Available Al comparar la estructura de las comunidades de peces en los arrecifes del Archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey entre 1988-89 y el año 2000, mediante iguales censos visuales (ocho transeptos lineales de 2x50 m en cada estación, se observó una notable disminución de la riqueza de especies y una reducción en dos tercios de la densidad y biomasa de peces. Tal disminución de las poblaciones de peces parece estar relacionada con la alarmante disminución de la cobertura de corales escleractínios y una gran proliferación de algas, las cuales actualmente cubren 7080% del sustrato duro, impidiendo la recuperación de los corales y otros organismos bénticos. Grandes mortalidades de corales ocurrieron entre los dos periodos de estudio, lo cual parece ser consecuencia de las altas temperaturas provocadas por los eventos ENOS de 1995, 1997 y 1998. Estos fenómenos climáticos provocaron el blanqueamiento masivo de los corales y como consecuencia se produjo una gran proliferación de las algas. Asimismo en el período entre ambos muestreos ocurrió el enriquecimiento de nutrientes desde las lagunas interiores y la sobreexplotación de los recursos pesqueros. El conjunto de estos factores provocaron una marcada degradación del hábitat en los arrecifes. Tales cambios parecen haber afectado la disponibilidad de refugios y la alimentación para los peces, limitando el crecimiento individual y el tamaño de las poblaciones.Changes in fish communities of coral reefs at Sabana-Camagüey Archipelago, Cuba. A comparison of fish community structure in the Sabana-Camagüey Archipelago (1988-1989 and 2000 using visual census surveys (eight belt transects 2x50 m in each site suggests a notable decrease on species richness, and a two thirds reduction in fish density and biomass on coral reefs. This decrease in fish populations may be related to the alarming decrease of scleractinian coral cover, and an enormous proliferation of algae, which currently covers 70-80% of

  8. Development of an epiphyte indicator of nutrient enrichment. A ... (United States)

    An extensive review of the literature on epiphytes on submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), primarily seagrasses but including some brackish and freshwater rooted macrophytes, was conducted in order to evaluate the evidence for response of epiphyte metrics to increased nutrients. Evidence from field observational studies together with laboratory and field mesocosm experiments was assembled from the literature and evaluated for evidence of a hypothesized positive response to nutrient addition. There was general consistency in the results to confirm that elevated nutrients tended to increase the load of epiphytes on the surface of SAV, in the absence of other limiting factors. In spite of multiple sources of uncontrolled variation, positive relationships of epiphyte load to nutrient concentration or load (either N or P) were often observed along strong anthropogenic or natural nutrient gradients in coastal regions, although response patterns may only be evident for parts of the year. Mesocosm nutrient studies tended to be more common for temperate regions and field addition studies more common for tropical and subtropical regions. Addition of nutrients via the water column tended to elicit stronger epiphyte responses than sediment additions, and may be a factor in the lack of epiphyte response reported in some studies. Mesograzer activity is a critical covariate for epiphyte response under experimental nutrient elevation, but the epiphyte response is highly de

  9. El fósforo en los sistemas ganaderos de leche

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    Jorge Elizondo Salazar


    Full Text Available Debidoal intenso uso de fertilizantes fosfatados y estiércol en la agricultura moderna, el Pse ha convertido en un acelerador delproceso conocido como eutrificación, que se refiere a una reducción en la disponibilidad de oxígeno en las aguas como resultado del crecimiento de algas y su descomposición. Estudios recientes indican que el uso adecuado del Pen las dietases clave para reducir la importación y acumulación de Pen lasfincas lecheras. Por lo que una formulación precisa de las raciones puede llevar a una reducción sustancial del Pexcretadosin comprometer la productividad animal. Se presentan algunas ecuaciones matemáticas que permiten estimar la excreciónde este elemento en el estiércol de vacas de leche. Estas ecuaciones serán de gran utilidad para cuando se desarrollan programas de manejo de nutrientes. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer un breve repaso sobre la importancia del fósforo en el organismo, conocer los efectos negativos que elexceso de fósforo puede ocasionar en el ambiente y reconocerla alternativa más viable y económica, que permita disminuir laexcreción de este elemento en los sistemas ganaderos de leche.

  10. Including spatial data in nutrient balance modelling on dairy farms (United States)

    van Leeuwen, Maricke; van Middelaar, Corina; Stoof, Cathelijne; Oenema, Jouke; Stoorvogel, Jetse; de Boer, Imke


    The Annual Nutrient Cycle Assessment (ANCA) calculates the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) balance at a dairy farm, while taking into account the subsequent nutrient cycles of the herd, manure, soil and crop components. Since January 2016, Dutch dairy farmers are required to use ANCA in order to increase understanding of nutrient flows and to minimize nutrient losses to the environment. A nutrient balance calculates the difference between nutrient inputs and outputs. Nutrients enter the farm via purchased feed, fertilizers, deposition and fixation by legumes (nitrogen), and leave the farm via milk, livestock, manure, and roughages. A positive balance indicates to which extent N and/or P are lost to the environment via gaseous emissions (N), leaching, run-off and accumulation in soil. A negative balance indicates that N and/or P are depleted from soil. ANCA was designed to calculate average nutrient flows on farm level (for the herd, manure, soil and crop components). ANCA was not designed to perform calculations of nutrient flows at the field level, as it uses averaged nutrient inputs and outputs across all fields, and it does not include field specific soil characteristics. Land management decisions, however, such as the level of N and P application, are typically taken at the field level given the specific crop and soil characteristics. Therefore the information that ANCA provides is likely not sufficient to support farmers' decisions on land management to minimize nutrient losses to the environment. This is particularly a problem when land management and soils vary between fields. For an accurate estimate of nutrient flows in a given farming system that can be used to optimize land management, the spatial scale of nutrient inputs and outputs (and thus the effect of land management and soil variation) could be essential. Our aim was to determine the effect of the spatial scale of nutrient inputs and outputs on modelled nutrient flows and nutrient use efficiencies

  11. Determinantes del acceso a los productos financieros en los hogares colombianos


    Santiago Rodríguez-Raga; Félix Francisco Riaño Rodríguez


    Existe evidencia que establece una asociación positiva entre el acceso a productos financieros, la riqueza y calidad de vida de los hogares, en especial de los hogares pobres. En este ámbito, este estudio busca entender los determinantes del acceso a los diferentes productos financieros en los hogares de Colombia, utilizando un modelo econométrico con base en la información contenida en la Encuesta Longitudinal Colombiana (ELCA) de la Universidad de los Andes. Como conclusión se encuentra que...

  12. Closed-Cycle Nutrient Supply For Hydroponics (United States)

    Schwartzkopf, Steven H.


    Hydroponic system controls composition and feed rate of nutrient solution and recovers and recycles excess solution. Uses air pressure on bladders to transfer aqueous nutrient solution. Measures and adjusts composition of solution before it goes to hydroponic chamber. Eventually returns excess solution to one of tanks. Designed to operate in microgravity, also adaptable to hydroponic plant-growing systems on Earth.

  13. CADDIS Volume 2. Sources, Stressors and Responses: Nutrients - Detailed Conceptual Diagram (P) (United States)

    Introduction to the nutrients module, when to list nutrients as a candidate cause, ways to measure nutrients, simple and detailed conceptual diagrams for nutrients, nutrients module references and literature reviews.

  14. CADDIS Volume 2. Sources, Stressors and Responses: Nutrients - Detailed Conceptual Diagram (N) (United States)

    Introduction to the nutrients module, when to list nutrients as a candidate cause, ways to measure nutrients, simple and detailed conceptual diagrams for nutrients, nutrients module references and literature reviews.

  15. Los servicios ecosistémicos que ofrecen los bosques tropicales


    P. Balvanera


    Los servicios ecosistémicos son los beneficios que las sociedades obtienen de los ecosistemas. Este concepto permite hacer más explícita la interdependencia del bienestar humano y el mantenimiento del adecuado funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. Los bosques tropicales del mundo, debido a su amplia distribución, elevada diversidad y contribución a funciones clave del planeta como la regulación climática e hidrológica proveen una serie de servicios ecosistémicos críticos. En este artículo se hac...

  16. Los riesgos para los niños que usan internet

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    Instituto Argentino de Computación IAC


    Full Text Available Los niños que navegan por Internet pueden ser víctimas de hechos criminales, explotación y pornografía. No hay restricciones para publicar cualquier material por eso es responsabilidad de padres y maestros, así como personal la responsabilidad de asegurarse que los sitios de Internet sean seguros y apropiados. Relata los riesgos que existen, da consejos prácticos a los padres y reglas familiares porque no resulta práctico prohibirles a los niños el uso del Internet.

  17. Patterns of nutrient utilization. Implications for nitrogen metabolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oldham, J.D.


    Nutrients react within both the rumen and the ruminant body, and the patterns of availability of different nutrients greatly influence their net utilization. In the rumen, microbial capture of N substrates, especially ammonia, depends on the degree of synchronization between rates of production of N substrates and of ATP to drive microbial protein synthesis. The form of dietary carbohydrate and of dietary N and the frequency of feeding can all affect the efficiency of microbial growth and digestion. The pattern of supply of nutrients to the body will also influence nutrient utilization. Disparities between diurnal patterns of supply of volatile fatty acids from the rumen and amino acids from the intestines will result in changes in balance of metabolic pathways. The balance between supply of glucogenic and lipogenic nutrients will influence efficiency of fattening. A major factor determining the pattern of utilization/metabolism of amino acids is the metabolic demand for protein synthesis, which varies with physiological state. (author)

  18. Effects of mineral nutrients on ozone susceptibility of Lemna minor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Craker, L.E.


    Susceptibility of Lemna minor L. to ozone injury was influenced by the mineral nutrients available to the Lemna plants. Additional nitrogen or additional iron in the nutrient media respectively enhanced or reduced chlorophyll loss of Lemna plants fumigated with ozone. Lemna plants growing on a nutrient medium lacking copper had significantly less injury from ozone fumigation than Lemna plants growing on a complete nutrient medium. There were apparent interactions among phosphorus and potassium nutrient levels in determing the Lemna plant's susceptibility to ozone.

  19. Nutrient Intake among Pregnant Teenage Girls Attending Ante-Natal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A standardised interviewer administered Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to asses the dietary intake. Nutrient calculator was used to determine the nutrient intake of the study participant. Results: The intakes of all selected nutrients were significantly lower than the RDA. Protein intake was significantly associated ...

  20. Nutrients and antinutrients composition of raw, cooked and sun ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nutrients and antinutrients composition of raw, cooked and sun-dried sweet potato leaves. ... African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development ... This study aimed to determine nutrient (iron, calcium, vitamin A and ascorbic acid) and anti-nutrient (oxalates and polyphenols) contents in raw, cooked and dried ...

  1. Determinantes del acceso a los productos financieros en los hogares colombianos

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    Santiago Rodríguez-Raga


    Full Text Available Existe evidencia que establece una asociación positiva entre el acceso a productos financieros, la riqueza y calidad de vida de los hogares, en especial de los hogares pobres. En este ámbito, este estudio busca entender los determinantes del acceso a los diferentes productos financieros en los hogares de Colombia, utilizando un modelo econométrico con base en la información contenida en la Encuesta Longitudinal Colombiana (ELCA de la Universidad de los Andes. Como conclusión se encuentra que los principales determinantes del acceso a productos financieros son el nivel de ingreso o riqueza, la educación y la estabilidad en términos laborales.

  2. stream nutrient uptake, forest succession, and biogeochemical theory


    Valett, H. M.; Crenshaw, C. L.; Wagner, P. F.


    Theories of forest succession predict a close relationship between net biomass increment and catchment nutrient retention. Retention, therefore, is expected to be greatest during aggrading phases of forest succession. In general, studies of this type have compared watershed retention efficiency by monitoring stream nutrient export at the base of the catchment. As such, streams are viewed only as transport systems. Contrary to this view, the nutrient spiraling concept emphasizes transformation...

  3. Periphytic biofilms: A promising nutrient utilization regulator in wetlands. (United States)

    Wu, Yonghong; Liu, Junzhuo; Rene, Eldon R


    Low nutrient utilization efficiency in agricultural ecosystems is the main cause of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution. Therefore, novel approaches should be explored to improve nutrient utilization in these ecosystems. Periphytic biofilms composed of microalgae, bacteria and other microbial organisms are ubiquitous and form a 'third phase' in artificial wetlands such as paddy fields. Periphytic biofilms play critical roles in nutrient transformation between the overlying water and soil/sediment, however, their contributions to nutrient utilization improvement and NPS pollution control have been largely underestimated. This mini review summarizes the contributions of periphytic biofilms to nutrient transformation processes, including assimilating and storing bioavailable nitrogen and phosphorus, fixing nitrogen, and activating occluded phosphorus. Future research should focus on augmenting the nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilizing and phosphatase producing microorganisms in periphytic biofilms to improve nutrient utilization and thereby reduce NPS pollution production in artificial and natural wetland ecosystems. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Effects of soil applications of micro-nutrients and chelating agent citric acid on mineral nutrients in soybean seeds (United States)

    Micro-nutrients deficiency in soil result in crop yield loss and poor seed quality. Correcting this deficiency is normally conducted by foliar or soil application. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of soil applications of five micro-nutrients (Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, and B) with a ...

  5. Terapia intensiva: El problema de los medios y los fines

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    Carlos Gherardi


    Full Text Available La tecnología médica aplicada a la medicina del paciente agudo y grave permitió la creación de un área asistencial diferenciada y el desarrollo del cuidado intensivo como una nueva especialidad. Los nuevos medios disponibles para reemplazar o asistir funciones de órganos vitales fueron los determinantes de este avance tan importante en el desarrollo de toda la alta complejidad médica en los últimos cuarenta años. Sin embargo la aplicabilidad de estos medios, que en este caso son los soportes vitales, no se han podido sustraer de la filosofía del imperativo tecnológico que ha impregnado a toda la cultura de la sociedad contemporánea. Se observa en este tiempo una influencia perniciosa que perturba el recuerdo permanente de los fines de la medicina, que no son los de evitar la muerte o a la consideración del valor vida como un absoluto ajeno a las preferencias del paciente. Las decisiones finales en circunstancias irreversibles, en que sólo es posible mantener una vida biológica, deben ser tomadas por los médicos y los familiares.

  6. Enabling nutrient security and sustainability through systems research. (United States)

    Kaput, Jim; Kussmann, Martin; Mendoza, Yery; Le Coutre, Ronit; Cooper, Karen; Roulin, Anne


    Human and companion animal health depends upon nutritional quality of foods. Seed varieties, seasonal and local growing conditions, transportation, food processing, and storage, and local food customs can influence the nutrient content of food. A new and intensive area of investigation is emerging that recognizes many factors in these agri-food systems that influence the maintenance of nutrient quality which is fundamental to ensure nutrient security for world populations. Modeling how these systems function requires data from different sectors including agricultural, environmental, social, and economic, but also must incorporate basic nutrition and other biomedical sciences. Improving the agri-food system through advances in pre- and post-harvest processing methods, biofortification, or fortifying processed foods will aid in targeting nutrition for populations and individuals. The challenge to maintain and improve nutrient quality is magnified by the need to produce food locally and globally in a sustainable and consumer-acceptable manner for current and future populations. An unmet requirement for assessing how to improve nutrient quality, however, is the basic knowledge of how to define health. That is, health cannot be maintained or improved by altering nutrient quality without an adequate definition of what health means for individuals and populations. Defining and measuring health therefore becomes a critical objective for basic nutritional and other biomedical sciences.

  7. Nutrient management for rice production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, A.R.; Chandra, D.; Nanda, P.; Singh, S.S.; Singh, S.R.; Ghorai, A.K.


    The nutrient removed by the crops far exceeds the amounts replenished through fertilizer, causing a much greater strain on the native soil reserves. The situation is further aggravated in countries like India, where sub-optimal fertilizer used by the farmers is a common phenomenon rather than an exception. The total consumption of nutrients of all crops in India, even though reached 15 million tons in 1997, remains much below the estimated nutrient removal of 25 million tons (Swarup and Goneshamurthy, 1998). The gap between nutrient removal supplied through fertilizer has widened further in 2000 to 34 million tons of plant nutrients from the soil against an estimated fertilizer availability of 18 million tons (Singh and Dwivedi, 1996). Nitrogen is the nutrient which limits the most the rice production worldwide. In Asia, where more than 90 percent of the world's rice is produced, about 60 percent of the N fertilizer consumed is used on rice (Stangel and De Dutta, 1985). Conjunctive use of organic material along with fertilizer has been proved an efficient source of nitrogen. Organic residue recycling is becoming an increasingly important aspect of environmentally sound sustainable agriculture. Returning residues like green manure to the soil is necessary for maintaining soil organic matter, which is important for favourable soil structure, soil water retention and soil microbial flora and fauna activities. Use of organic manures in conjunction or as an alternative to chemical fertilizer is receiving attention. Green manure, addition to some extent, helps not only in enhancing the yield but also in improving the physical and chemical nature of soils. The excessive application of chemical fertilizers made it imperative that a part of inorganic fertilizer may be substituted with the recycling of organic wastes. Organic manure has been recorded to enhance the efficiency and reduce the requirement of chemical fertilizers. Partial nitrogen substitution through organic

  8. Estereotipos hacia los ancianos por parte de los jóvenes del municipio de Los Villares (Jaén

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    Rafael Muñoz Cruz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: estudiar los estereotipos que las personas jóvenes de una determinada localidad de Jaén tienen sobre los ancianos mayores de 65 años. Método: estudio descriptivo transversal sobre una muestra de 100 jóvenes entre 18 y 25 años, siendo la mitad de la muestra hombres y la otra mitad mujeres. La información fue recogida mediante un cuestionario autoadministrable que incluía 30 adjetivos referidos a los ancianos y que los jóvenes debían responder en función del grado de acuerdo o desacuerdo con cada uno de las características, utilizando para ello una escala Likert con 5 opciones para cada ítem. Resultados: las características con las que más de acuerdo están los jóvenes respecto a los ancianos son que estos se caracterizan por ser personas generosas, agradecidas, con moralidad, sabias y sinceras; mientras que según los jóvenes, la característica que menos define a los ancianos es la conflictividad. Conclusiones: a pesar de que los jóvenes no han demostrado estereotipos negativos hacia los ancianos, se debe fomentar el conocimiento de las verdaderas características de este grupo etario, algunas de las cuales son desconocidas para los adultos más jóvenes.

  9. Nutrient Limitation in Central Red Sea Mangroves

    KAUST Repository

    Almahasheer, Hanan


    As coastal plants that can survive in salt water, mangroves play an essential role in large marine ecosystems (LMEs). The Red Sea, where the growth of mangroves is stunted, is one of the least studied LMEs in the world. Mangroves along the Central Red Sea have characteristic heights of ~2 m, suggesting nutrient limitation. We assessed the nutrient status of mangrove stands in the Central Red Sea and conducted a fertilization experiment (N, P and Fe and various combinations thereof) on 4-week-old seedlings of Avicennia marina to identify limiting nutrients and stoichiometric effects. We measured height, number of leaves, number of nodes and root development at different time periods as well as the leaf content of C, N, P, Fe, and Chl a in the experimental seedlings. Height, number of nodes and number of leaves differed significantly among treatments. Iron treatment resulted in significantly taller plants compared with other nutrients, demonstrating that iron is the primary limiting nutrient in the tested mangrove population and confirming Liebig\\'s law of the minimum: iron addition alone yielded results comparable to those using complete fertilizer. This result is consistent with the biogenic nature of the sediments in the Red Sea, which are dominated by carbonates, and the lack of riverine sources of iron.

  10. Predominancia de los hemisferios cerebrales en los residentes de medicina

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    Jaime Arias Congrains


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Medir la predominancia de los hemisferios cerebrales (HC en los residentes de medicina y encontrar algunos factores asociados así como la correlación que tendrían con las estrategias inadecuadas empleadas ante el estrés. Materiales y métodos: Aplicamos una prueba para medir la predominancia de los HC al total de los 48 residentes de medicina del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Los resultados se contrastaron con variables socio-demográficas, académicas y con las estrategias para afrontar el estrés, halladas estas últimas en una investigación anterior. Los resultados se sometieron al análisis bivariado y multivariado. Resultados y conclusiones: El 35.4% (17 de los residentes mostró una predominancia del hemisferio izquierdo (HI, el cual además obtuvo una calificación promedio mayor que la del hemisferio derecho (HD y que la integración hemisférica (IH. Los 6 residentes con predominancia del HD tuvieron una mayor calificación en el ingreso a la residencia que aquellos con predominancia del HI. En el análisis multivariado; el haber nacido o estudiado medicina en Lima, la mejor calificación en el ingreso al programa de residentado, el mostrar interés por los resultados de la prueba aplicada y el haber estudiado en un colegio estatal, fueron los factores asociados al HD Las habilidades de los HC se correlacionaron con algunas estrategias frente al estrés. Conclusiones: Se concluye la necesidad de perfeccionar la prueba de predominancia de los HC, así como la de implementar pautas de enseñanza de la medicina que propicien la integración hemisférica, en cuanto ella estaría asociado con mejores aptitudes académicas, interpersonales y de adecuación al estrés. (Rev Med Hered 1999; 10:21-26 .

  11. Nutrient management in farms in conversion to organic


    Kolbe, Hartmut


    This report, adapted for Saxony, serves converting farmers supported by local advisors as a guideline for a balanced nutrient management at farm level. Essentials of nutrient supply and management measures to consider during the conversion are described to guarantee a successful farming with a naturally based nutrient management. Especially for the conversion phase it is recommended to calculate nitrogen balance after each crop rotation with the help of advisors. This report shows the me...

  12. A smart market for nutrient credit trading to incentivize wetland construction (United States)

    Raffensperger, John F.; Prabodanie, R. A. Ranga; Kostel, Jill A.


    Nutrient trading and constructed wetlands are widely discussed solutions to reduce nutrient pollution. Nutrient markets usually include agricultural nonpoint sources and municipal and industrial point sources, but these markets rarely include investors who construct wetlands to sell nutrient reduction credits. We propose a new market design for trading nutrient credits, with both point source and non-point source traders, explicitly incorporating the option of landowners to build nutrient removal wetlands. The proposed trading program is designed as a smart market with centralized clearing, done with an optimization. The market design addresses the varying impacts of runoff over space and time, and the lumpiness of wetland investments. We simulated the market for the Big Bureau Creek watershed in north-central Illinois. We found that the proposed smart market would incentivize wetland construction by assuring reasonable payments for the ecosystem services provided. The proposed market mechanism selects wetland locations strategically taking into account both the cost and nutrient removal efficiencies. The centralized market produces locational prices that would incentivize farmers to reduce nutrients, which is voluntary. As we illustrate, wetland builders' participation in nutrient trading would enable the point sources and environmental organizations to buy low cost nutrient credits.

  13. Los nematodos fitopatógenos como inductores de estrés biótico en plantas

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    Donald Heberth Riascos Ortíz


    Full Text Available Los nematodos fitoparásitos son agentes infecciosos que causan enfermedades en las plantas, a través de diferentes mecanismos, pero especialmente mediante la secreción de factores de patogenicidad denominados Patrones Moleculares Asociados al Patógeno y Efectores. En esta investigación se analiza la forma cómo estas proteínas requeridas por los nematodos para establecerse en sus hospederos, alteran la estructura y función de las células de las plantas, así como también reprograman la expresión génica de las células vegetales. Algunos nematodos, y principalmente los endoparásitos sedentarios, establecen relaciones parasíticas complejas con sus hospederos, en los cuales inducen la formación de sitios de alimentación (células gigantes en el caso de Meloidogyne. Se concluye que estos nematodos inducen la formación de síntomas, a manera de agallas, a nivel de raíces por procesos de hipertrofia (alargamiento celular e hiperplasia (división celular excesiva. Además, estos daños a nivel de la planta resultan en alteraciones fisiológicas, especialmente por obstrucción de cilindros vasculares, lo que impide la translocación normal de agua y nutrientes, y por consiguiente la expresión de marchitamientos, con efectos deletéreos sobre la producción. De igual manera, las plantas han desarrollado estrategias de reconocimiento de factores de patogenicidad de los nematodos para expresar sus mecanismos de defensa.

  14. Evolución de las relaciones nutricionales suelo-planta desarrolladas en suelos de la D. O. "Tierra de León" dedicados al cultivo de Vitis vinífera L. cv. Prieto Picudo


    Olego Morán, Miguel Ángel


    Se constata la gran influencia e importancia que tiene el pH de los suelos, sobre la biodisponibilidad de los nutrientes minerales presentes en los mismos. Se ha constatado que los nutrientes minerales Mg y Cu de los tejidos vegetales de Vitis vinífera L. cv. Prieto Picudo, aparecen con una interacción antagónica y significativa, lo cual reviste gran importancia, dada la escasez del nutriente Mg en estos suelos, y los continuos tratamientos con base cúprica que actualmente se realizan

  15. Nutrient sensing and TOR signaling in yeast and mammals. (United States)

    González, Asier; Hall, Michael N


    Coordinating cell growth with nutrient availability is critical for cell survival. The evolutionarily conserved TOR (target of rapamycin) controls cell growth in response to nutrients, in particular amino acids. As a central controller of cell growth, mTOR (mammalian TOR) is implicated in several disorders, including cancer, obesity, and diabetes. Here, we review how nutrient availability is sensed and transduced to TOR in budding yeast and mammals. A better understanding of how nutrient availability is transduced to TOR may allow novel strategies in the treatment for mTOR-related diseases. © 2017 The Authors.

  16. Relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y los niveles de resiliencia de los subordinados


    Pérez Parada, Ana María


    El presente documento hace un análisis de la influencia que ejercen los diferentes tipos de liderazgo, carismático y transaccional, de un directivo de una organización sobre los subordinados de la misma, que a su vez afecta positiva o negativamente el nivel de resiliencia de los mismos. De la misma forma, se ha identificado la relación que existe entre el nivel de resiliencia de los subordinados de una organización y el cumplimiento de objetivos corporativos de la misma. Todo lo anterior...

  17. Oxygen and diverse nutrients influence the water kefir fermentation process. (United States)

    Laureys, David; Aerts, Maarten; Vandamme, Peter; De Vuyst, Luc


    Eight water kefir fermentation series differing in the presence of oxygen, the nutrient concentration, and the nutrient source were studied during eight consecutive backslopping steps. The presence of oxygen allowed the proliferation of acetic acid bacteria, resulting in high concentrations of acetic acid, and decreased the relative abundance of Bifidobacterium aquikefiri. Low nutrient concentrations resulted in slow water kefir fermentation and high pH values, which allowed the growth of Comamonas testosteroni/thiooxydans. Further, low nutrient concentrations favored the growth of Lactobacillus hilgardii and Dekkera bruxellensis, whereas high nutrient concentrations favored the growth of Lactobacillus nagelii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Dried figs, dried apricots, and raisins resulted in stable water kefir fermentation. Water kefir fermentation with dried apricots resulted in the highest pH and water kefir grain growth, whereas that with raisins resulted in the lowest pH and water kefir grain growth. Further, water kefir fermentation with raisins resembled fermentations with low nutrient concentrations, that with dried apricots resembled fermentations with normal nutrient concentrations, and that with fresh figs or a mixture of yeast extract and peptone resembled fermentations with high nutrient concentrations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Dopamine alleviates nutrient deficiency-induced stress in Malus hupehensis. (United States)

    Liang, Bowen; Li, Cuiying; Ma, Changqing; Wei, Zhiwei; Wang, Qian; Huang, Dong; Chen, Qi; Li, Chao; Ma, Fengwang


    Dopamine mediates many physiological processes in plants. We investigated its role in regulating growth, root system architecture, nutrient uptake, and responses to nutrient deficiencies in Malus hupehensis Rehd. Under a nutrient deficiency, plants showed significant reductions in growth, chlorophyll concentrations, and net photosynthesis, along with disruptions in nutrient uptake, transport, and distribution. However, pretreatment with 100 μM dopamine markedly alleviated such inhibitions. Supplementation with that compound enabled plants to maintain their photosynthetic capacity and development of the root system while promoting the uptake of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, and B, altering the way in which those nutrients were partitioned throughout the plant. The addition of dopamine up-regulated genes for antioxidant enzymes involved in the ascorbate-glutathione cycle (MdcAPX, MdcGR, MdMDHAR, MdDHAR-1, and MdDHAR-2) but down-regulated genes for senescence (SAG12, PAO, and MdHXK). These results indicate that exogenous dopamine has an important antioxidant and anti-senescence effect that might be helpful for improving nutrient uptake. Our findings demonstrate that dopamine offers new opportunities for its use in agriculture, especially when addressing the problem of nutrient deficiencies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  19. The nutrient density approach to healthy eating: challenges and opportunities. (United States)

    Nicklas, Theresa A; Drewnowski, Adam; O'Neil, Carol E


    The term 'nutrient density' for foods/beverages has been used loosely to promote the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans defined 'all vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, beans and peas (legumes), and nuts and seeds that are prepared without added solid fats, added sugars, and sodium' as nutrient dense. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans further states that nutrient-dense foods and beverages provide vitamins, minerals and other substances that may have positive health effects with relatively few (kilo)calories or kilojoules. Finally, the definition states nutrients and other beneficial substances have not been 'diluted' by the addition of energy from added solid fats, added sugars or by the solid fats naturally present in the food. However, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee and other scientists have failed to clearly define 'nutrient density' or to provide criteria or indices that specify cut-offs for foods that are nutrient dense. Today, 'nutrient density' is a ubiquitous term used in the scientific literature, policy documents, marketing strategies and consumer messaging. However, the term remains ambiguous without a definitive or universal definition. Classifying or ranking foods according to their nutritional content is known as nutrient profiling. The goal of the present commentary is to address the research gaps that still exist before there can be a consensus on how best to define nutrient density, highlight the situation in the USA and relate this to wider, international efforts in nutrient profiling.

  20. Water and nutrient budgets at field and regional scale : travel times of drainage water and nutrient loads to surface water

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eertwegh, van den G.A.P.H.


    Keywords : water and nutrient budget, travel time of drainage water, dual-porosity concept, agricultural nutrient losses, loads to surface water, field-scale experiments, regional-scale

  1. Actividad microbiológica y biomasa microbiana en suelos cafetaleros de los Andes venezolanos

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    Jorge E. Paolini Gómez


    Full Text Available En Venezuela el café (Coffea arabica L. ocupa un área aproximada de 200 000 ha, distribuidos principalmente en las zonas montañosas de Los Andes. Tradicionalmente, el café se cultiva con pocos insumos bajo la sombra de árboles de la familia de las leguminosas y de otros arbustos. En años recientes con la adopción de cultivares de alta productividad, notable precocidad y tamaño reducido se está produciendo café a plena exposición solar con fertilización mineral y uso de pesticidas. Las propiedades microbiológicas del suelo especialmente aquellas relacionadas con el flujo de energía y el reciclaje de nutrientes responden de forma rápida y sensible a los cambios de las condiciones del suelo mucho antes que por ejemplo el carbono orgánico, y de este modo, suministran una información anticipada sobre las alteraciones de la calidad del mismo. En este estudio se comparó la actividad microbiológica (respiración basal, la biomasa microbiana y los parámetros ecofisiológicos en suelos a nivel superficial (0-5 cm de ocho fincas cafetaleras en los municipios de Mérida y Trujillo donde se encuentran tres sistemas de producción: tradicional, convencional y orgánico. Las fincas con agricultura orgánica presentaron los mayores valores de carbono orgánico total, carbono hidrosoluble, respiración basal y biomasa microbiana en comparación con las de manejo tradicional y convencional; con lo cual la producción orgánica es un sistema de manejo más sostenible por la mayor conservación de los recursos naturales y la producción más amigable y armónica con el ambiente. En el caso del manejo convencional, la adición de fertilizantes y pesticidas afecta de forma negativa el bienestar de los microorganismos y los hace más ineficientes en el uso del carbono y la energía.

  2. Comparison of Nutrient Content and Cost of Home-Packed Lunches to Reimbursable School Lunch Nutrient Standards and Prices (United States)

    Johnson, Cara M.; Bednar, Carolyn; Kwon, Junehee; Gustof, Alissa


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare nutrient content and cost of home-packed lunches to nutrient standards and prices for reimbursable school lunches. Methods: Researchers observed food and beverage contents of 333 home packed lunches at four north Texas elementary schools. Nutritionist Pro was used to analyze lunches for calories,…

  3. Los principios UNIDROIT para los contratos internacionales (parte B

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    Jorge Oviedo Albán


    Full Text Available Este estudio nos explica los Principios UNIDROIT para los contratos comerciales internacionales, los cuales se ponen en consideración de las partes cuando no es posible determinar cuál es la regla de derecho aplicable al contrato que les atañe, haciendo justicia de manera objetiva. Para corroborar la importancia de los Principios UNIDROIT, se ilustra este estudio con diferentes laudos de la Corte Internacional de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional, la cual se apoya en ellos para emitir sus fallos. Estos Principios representan una nueva aproximación al derecho de los negocios internacionales e intentan remediar deficiencias surgidas del derecho y, de paso, llenar vacios de la Convención de Viena de 1980 sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías. El autor de este estudio nos hace caer en cuenta la urgente necesidad de que al seno de nuestras universidades se difundan los mecanismos de contratación mercantil de nutrido estudio en el mundo, pero de escaso conocimiento en nuestro medio.

  4. Los principios UNIDROIT para los contratos internacionales (parte A

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    Jorge Oviedo Albán


    Full Text Available Este estudio nos explica los Principios UNIDROIT para los contratos comerciales internacionales, los cuales se ponen en consideración de las partes cuando no es posible determinar cuál es la regla de derecho aplicable al contrato que les atañe, haciendo justicia de manera objetiva. Para corroborar la importancia de los Principios UNIDROIT, se ilustra este estudio con diferentes laudos de la Corte Internacional de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional, la cual se apoya en ellos para emitir sus fallos. Estos Principios representan una nueva aproximación al derecho de los negocios internacionales e intentan remediar deficiencias surgidas del derecho y, de paso, llenar vacios de la Convención de Viena de 1980 sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías. El autor de este estudio nos hace caer en cuenta la urgente necesidad de que al seno de nuestras universidades se difundan los mecanismos de contratación mercantil de nutrido estudio en el mundo, pero de escaso conocimiento en nuestro medio.

  5. Nutrient removal from swine lagoon effluent by duckweed

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bergmann, B.A.; Cheng, J.; Classen, J.; Stomp, A.M.


    Three duckweed geographic isolates were grown on varying concentrations of swine lagoon effluent in a greenhouse to determine their ability to remove nutrients from the effluent. Duckweed biomass was harvested every other day over a 12-day period. Duckweed biomass production, nutrient loss from the swine lagoon effluent, and nutrient content of duckweed biomass were used to identify effluent concentrations/geographic isolate combinations that are effective in terms of nutrient utilization from swine lagoon effluent and production of healthy duckweed biomass. When Lemna minor geographic isolate 8627 was grown on 50% swine lagoon effluent, respective losses of TKN, NH{sub 3}-N, TP, OPO{sub 4}-P, TOC, K, Cu, and Zn were 83, 100, 49, 31, 68, 21, 28 and 67%.

  6. Importancia de los alcanos en el estudio de los carbones

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    José E. Sánchez


    Full Text Available Los carbones la Vega, La Vega Oxidado y Tres Bancos, fueron extraídos secuencialmente con los siguientes solventes: H^O, HCl 10%, NaOH 10%, n-Heptano, Éter, Tolueno, Cloroformo, Tetrahidrofurano (THF y Piridina. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la extractabilidad con THF y Piridina debidas a cambios producidos por la oxidación. Se detectaron n-alcanos de C^ a C^^, en los primeros cuatro extractos con solventes orgánicos. Los perfiles cromatográficos de estos compuestos muestran una distribución dependiente del rango que se mantiene aiin después de la oxidación. Lxis pirocromatogramas de los carbones y de los residuos de extracción se caracterizan por una serie de dobletes de n-1-alqueno/n-alcano cuya distribución también depende del rango de los carbones. Esta característica, atribuible sólo a diferencias en las condiciones geológicas locales, podría utilizarse como indicador del grado de metamorfismo.

  7. Nutrient Dynamics and Litter Decomposition in Leucaena ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nutrient contents and rate of litter decomposition were investigated in Leucaena leucocephala plantation in the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Litter bag technique was used to study the pattern and rate of litter decomposition and nutrient release of Leucaena leucocephala. Fifty grams of oven-dried ...

  8. [Inventory of regional surface nutrient balance and policy recommendations in China]. (United States)

    Chen, Min-Peng; Chen, Ji-Ning


    By applying OECD surface soil nitrogen balance methodology, the framework, methodology and database for nutrient balance budget in China are established to evaluate the impact of nutrient balance on agricultural production and water environment. Results show that nitrogen and phosphorus surplus in China are 640 x 10(4) t and 98 x 10(4) t respectively, and nitrogen and phosphorus surplus intensity in China are 16.56 kg/hm2 and 2.53 kg/hm2 respectively. Because of striking spatial difference of nutrient balance across the country, China is seeing a dual-challenge of nutrient surplus management as well as nutrient deficit management. Chemical fertilizer and livestock manure are best targets to perform nutrient surplus management due to their marked contributions to nutrient input. However, it is not cost-effective to implement a uniform management for all regions since nutrient input structures of them vary considerably.

  9. Recovery of Nutrients from Biogas Digestate with Biochar and Clinoptilolite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kocatürk, Nazli Pelin

    in recovery of nutrients whose natural reserves are being depleted such as phosphorus and potassium. In this thesis I propose the use of sorbents i.e. biochar and clinoptilolite to concentrate nutrients and subsequently the application of digestate-enriched biochar and clinoptilolite as fertiliser. Therefore...... the overall objective of this thesis is to investigate the use of clinoptilolite and biochar to recover plant nutrients from the liquid fraction of digestate resulting from anaerobic digestion of animal manure and investigate the plant-availability of the recovered form of nutrients. In Chapter 1 (General...... of nutrients on sorbent) but decreasing efficiencies of clinoptilolite to remove nutrients from the liquid fraction of digestate. In Chapter 3, I studied the chemical activation of biochar by treating the biochar with deionised water, hydrogen peroxide, sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions...

  10. Soil an-d nutrient loss following site preparation burning (United States)

    E.A. Carter; J.P. Field; K.W. Farrish


    Sediment loss and nutrient cpncentrations in runoff were evaluated to determine the effects of site preparation burning on a recently harvested loblolly pine (Pinur taeda L.) site in east Texas. Sediment and nutrient losses prior to treatment were approximately the same from control plots and pretreatment burn plots. Nutrient analysis of runoff samples indicated that...

  11. ¡Son notables… los desaciertos y los vacíos!

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    Manuel Argüello Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Son notables las ausencias y los equilibrios forzados en el informe de los cinco ciudadanos costarricenses sobre el TLC. Ausencias y seudoequilibrios que han sido ya utilizados para fortalecer la campaña de propaganda arrebatadora contra la oposición al TLC indicando que ‘los notables’ desnudaron los fantasmas (con lo cual, a decir verdad no se vería nada, sería la total transparencia.

  12. Comercializacion Directa de Alimentos Locales: Diferencias entre los Consumidores de los CSA y los Consumidores de los Mercados de Granjeros y Agricultores


    Curtis, Kynda


    Los programas de extensión enfocados en asistir a los agricultores en movilizar o expandir sus esfuerzos de mercadeo directo a menudo consideran todos los mercados de comercialización directa (mercado de agricultores, programas de agricultura sustentada por la comunidad (CSA por sus siglas en inglés), puestos de granja, etc.) y consumidores asociados como una canal o grupo de comercialización general.

  13. los aprendizajes

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    Graciela Pérez Rivera


    Full Text Available En este documento se presentan algunos resultados, obtenidos hasta el momento, de un estudio sobre las prácticas de evaluación de profesores universitarios. El propósito del estudio es participar en la búsqueda de las relaciones existentes entre los conceptos y las prácticas educativas, en este caso de evaluación. Se identifican las principales tendencias en cuanto a la concepción de la evaluación del aprendizaje y las funciones que se le otorgan, los propósitos con los que se evalúa, los objetos o contenidos a evaluar, las formas en que se lleva a cabo la evaluación y el uso que se da a los resultados. Identificar cuáles son las tendencias de las prácticas de evaluación en nuestras aulas universitarias representa un paso que puede ayudar a cuidar que este proceso tan importante recobre su papel formativo para todos aquellos quienes participamos en los procesos educativos; además, representa la posibilidad de construir formas para lograr mejorar nuestra labor docente en general, y en particular, nuestra práctica evaluativa.

  14. Managing Soil Biota-Mediated Decomposition and Nutrient Mineralization in Sustainable Agroecosystems

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    Joann K. Whalen


    Full Text Available Transformation of organic residues into plant-available nutrients occurs through decomposition and mineralization and is mediated by saprophytic microorganisms and fauna. Of particular interest is the recycling of the essential plant elements—N, P, and S—contained in organic residues. If organic residues can supply sufficient nutrients during crop growth, a reduction in fertilizer use is possible. The challenge is synchronizing nutrient release from organic residues with crop nutrient demands throughout the growing season. This paper presents a conceptual model describing the pattern of nutrient release from organic residues in relation to crop nutrient uptake. Next, it explores experimental approaches to measure the physical, chemical, and biological barriers to decomposition and nutrient mineralization. Methods are proposed to determine the rates of decomposition and nutrient release from organic residues. Practically, this information can be used by agricultural producers to determine if plant-available nutrient supply is sufficient to meet crop demands at key growth stages or whether additional fertilizer is needed. Finally, agronomic practices that control the rate of soil biota-mediated decomposition and mineralization, as well as those that facilitate uptake of plant-available nutrients, are identified. Increasing reliance on soil biological activity could benefit crop nutrition and health in sustainable agroecosystems.

  15. En búsqueda de los salvadoreños en los Estados Unidos: contextualizando los datos etnográficos

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    Milton Ricardo Machuca


    Full Text Available En este artículo presento una visión de conjunto de la literatura etnográfica sobre los salvadoreños en Estados Unidos. La migración salvadoreña a los Estados Unidos comienza a finales del siglo XIX, sin embargo los salvadoreños no llegan en masa a ese país hasta principios de la década de los ochenta, a principios de la guerra civil que duraría doce años (1980-1992. En las pasadas tres décadas, la literatura general sobre salvadoreños en Estados Unidos es extensa y cubre una amplia variedad de disciplinas. Muchos trabajos académicos estudian a los migrantes salvadoreños bajo la categoría de “centroamericanos”. Con el notable incremento de la migraciónsalvadoreña a los Estados Unidos a partir de 1980, se ha publicado un número significativo de etnografías sobre su experiencia migratoria en las pasadas dos décadas.En este artículo se discuten y comparan nueve de esos trabajos académicos. Estos trabajos tratan a los salvadoreños desde temas, tópicos y perspectivas particulares,los cuales incluyen inmigración y emigración, diáspora y transnacionalismo, cambios en relaciones de género, leyes migratorias estadounidenses y estatus migratorio,remesas y derecho al voto. A medida que los migrantes salvadoreños forjan nuevas redes de conexión e interacción social entre su país de origen y los Estados Unidos,los trabajos académicos buscan entender y teorizar sobre estos emergentes espaciostransnacionales.

  16. Fish extinctions alter nutrient recycling in tropical freshwaters. (United States)

    McIntyre, Peter B; Jones, Laura E; Flecker, Alexander S; Vanni, Michael J


    There is increasing evidence that species extinctions jeopardize the functioning of ecosystems. Overfishing and other human influences are reducing the diversity and abundance of fish worldwide, but the ecosystem-level consequences of these changes have not been assessed quantitatively. Recycling of nutrients is one important ecosystem process that is directly influenced by fish. Fish species vary widely in the rates at which they excrete nitrogen and phosphorus; thus, altering fish communities could affect nutrient recycling. Here, we use extensive field data on nutrient recycling rates and population sizes of fish species in a Neotropical river and Lake Tanganyika, Africa, to evaluate the effects of simulated extinctions on nutrient recycling. In both of these species-rich ecosystems, recycling was dominated by relatively few species, but contributions of individual species differed between nitrogen and phosphorus. Alternative extinction scenarios produced widely divergent patterns. Loss of the species targeted by fishermen led to faster declines in nutrient recycling than extinctions in order of rarity, body size, or trophic position. However, when surviving species were allowed to increase after extinctions, these compensatory responses had strong moderating effects even after losing many species. Our results underscore the complexity of predicting the consequences of extinctions from species-rich animal communities. Nevertheless, the importance of exploited species in nutrient recycling suggests that overfishing could have particularly detrimental effects on ecosystem functioning.

  17. Conductas prosociales en los barrios Modelo y Los Trupillos de Barranquilla

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    Juan Carlos Marin Escobar


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra los resultados de un estudio que describe las conductas prosociales en un grupo de personas de los barrios Modelo y Los Trupillos de Barranquilla. La muestra intencional, estuvo representada por 75 personas. La recolección de la información se obtuvo a partir de una técnica naturalista en la cual se les solicitaba a los participantes la posibilidad de apoyar en una situación prosocial relacionada con ayudar a niños, niñas y ancianos, Los resultados permiten establecer que el 45,33 % ayudan y el 54,66 % no ayudan. Así mismo se obtuvieron los siguientes datos: Los que ayudan son creyentes practicantes de una religión; ayudan más las mujeres que los hombres y las personas entre los 20 a los 40 años. Abstract This paper focuses on the findings of a study which describes the prosocial behavior in a group of people who live in Modelo and Los Trupillos neighborhoods in Barranquilla. 75 people were sampled in this study. In order to collect the data, a natural approach was used in which the participants were asked to take part in a social survey as it related to helping the children and elderly in that area. As a result 45.33 % helps and 54.66 % does not help. Likewise it was obtained the following information: Those who help are practicing believers of a religion; they help more women than men and people between 20 to 40 years old.

  18. Diseño de interfaces en los medios visitados por los venezolanos ¿Los más usados son usables?

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    Gladys Benigni


    Full Text Available Las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC han impactado favorablemente a los ciudadanos y han cambiado sus hábitos de consumo de bienes y servicios; desde las distintas facetas de la vida en sociedad es necesario acoplarse a estos nuevos hábitos. La prensa nacional e internacional no escapa a esta realidad, y por tal, han comenzado a abrirse espacios en Internet para acercarse más a los ciudadanos a través del apoderamiento de las TIC. En Venezuela se ha venido incrementando el uso de los sitios web de los medios de comunicación social; a los cuales se accede desde computadores personales, portátiles, tabletas y teléfonos inteligentes. No obstante, muchos espacios en Internet se diseñan sin apego a las normas y principios de usabilidad que facilitan la intuitiva y correcta interacción del usuario con la aplicación informática. En consecuencia, se evalúa si los sitios web de los medios de comunicación social más usados por los internautas venezolanos son usables; para lo cual, se los analizará empleando los Principios de usabilidad, de Nielsen, y la Guía para evaluación experta, de Márquez Correa. Se concluye que los sitios web evaluados cumplen medianamente los principios, partes y recomendaciones expertas en cuanto al diseño de interfaces web.

  19. Nutrient and nonnutrient renal blood flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, J.S.; Passmore, J.C.; Hartupee, D.A.; Baker, C.H.


    The role of prostaglandins in the distribution of total renal blood flow (TRBF) between nutrient and nonnutrient compartments was investigated in anesthetized mongrel dogs. Renal blood flow distribution was assessed by the xenon 133 freeze-dissection technique and by rubidium 86 extraction after ibuprofen treatment. Ibuprofen (13 mg/kg) significantly decreased TRBF by 16.3% +/- 1.2% (mean +/- SEM electromagnetic flow probe; p less than 0.005), but did not alter blood flows to the outer cortex (3.7 vs 4.3 ml/min per gram), the inner cortex (2.6 vs 2.7 ml/min per gram), and the other medulla (1.5 vs 1.5 ml/min per gram), which suggests a decrease in nonnutrient flow. In a separate group of animals the effect of reduced blood flow on the nutrient and nonnutrient components was determined by mechanically reducing renal arterial blood flow by 48%. Unlike the ibuprofen group, nutrient blood flows were proportionally reduced with the mechanical decrease in TRBF in the outer cortex (1.9 ml/min per gram, p less than 0.05), the inner cortex (1.4 ml/min per gram, p less than 0.05), and the outer medulla (0.8 ml/min per gram, p less than 0.01). These results indicate no shift between nutrient and nonnutrient compartments. Nutrient and nonnutrient renal blood flows of the left kidney were also determined by 86Rb extraction. After ibuprofen treatment, nonextracted 86Rb decreased to 12.1% from the control value of 15.6% (p less than 0.05). Mechanical reduction of TRBF did not significantly decrease the proportion of unextracted 86Rb (18.7%)

  20. A mathematical function for the description of nutrient-response curve.

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    Hamed Ahmadi

    Full Text Available Several mathematical equations have been proposed to modeling nutrient-response curve for animal and human justified on the goodness of fit and/or on the biological mechanism. In this paper, a functional form of a generalized quantitative model based on Rayleigh distribution principle for description of nutrient-response phenomena is derived. The three parameters governing the curve a has biological interpretation, b may be used to calculate reliable estimates of nutrient response relationships, and c provide the basis for deriving relationships between nutrient and physiological responses. The new function was successfully applied to fit the nutritional data obtained from 6 experiments including a wide range of nutrients and responses. An evaluation and comparison were also done based simulated data sets to check the suitability of new model and four-parameter logistic model for describing nutrient responses. This study indicates the usefulness and wide applicability of the new introduced, simple and flexible model when applied as a quantitative approach to characterizing nutrient-response curve. This new mathematical way to describe nutritional-response data, with some useful biological interpretations, has potential to be used as an alternative approach in modeling nutritional responses curve to estimate nutrient efficiency and requirements.

  1. Nutrient regulation in a predator, the wolf spider Pardosa prativaga

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kim; Mayntz, David; Toft, Søren


    Nutrient balancing is well known in herbivores and omnivores, but has only recently been demonstrated in predators. To test how a predator might regulate nutrients when the prey varies in nutrient composition, we restricted juvenile Pardosa prativaga wolf spiders to diets of one of six fruit fly......, Drosophila melanogaster, prey types varying in lipid:protein composition during their second instar. We collected all fly remnants to estimate food and nutrient intake over each meal. The spiders adjusted their capture rate and nutrient extraction in response to prey mass and nutrient composition...... irrespective of energy intake. Intake was initially regulated to a constant lipid plus protein mass, but later spiders fed on prey with high proportions of protein increased consumption relative to spiders fed on other prey types. This pattern indicates that the spiders were prepared to overconsume vast...

  2. Nutrient flows in international trade: Ecology and policy issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grote, Ulrike; Craswell, Eric; Vlek, Paul


    Impacts of increasing population pressure on food demand and land resources has sparked interest in nutrient balances and flows at a range of scales. West Asia/North Africa, China, and sub-Saharan Africa are net importers of NPK in agricultural commodities. These imported nutrients do not, however, redress the widely recognized declines in fertility in sub-Saharan African soils, because the nutrients imported are commonly concentrated in the cities, creating waste disposal problems rather than alleviating deficiencies in rural soils. Countries with a net loss of NPK in agricultural commodities are the major food exporting countries-the United States, Australia, and some Latin American countries. In the case of the United States, exports of NPK will increase from 3.1 Tg in 1997 to 4.8 Tg in 2020. The results suggest that between 1997 and 2020, total international net flows of NPK in traded agricultural commodities will double to 8.8 million tonnes. Against this background, the paper analyses the impact of different policy measures on nutrient flows and balances. This includes not only the effects of agricultural trade liberalization and the reduction of subsidies, but also the more direct environmental policies like nutrient accounting schemes, eco-labeling, and nutrient trading. It finally stresses the need for environmental costs to be factored into the debate on nutrient management and advocates more inter-disciplinary research on these important problems

  3. Mass-Balance Constraints on Nutrient Cycling in Tropical Seagrass Beds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Erftemeijer, P.L.A.; Middelburg, J.J.


    A relatively simple mass balance model is presented to study the cycling of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in tropical seagrass beds. The model is based on quantitative data on nutrient availability, seagrass primary production, community oxygen metabolism, seagrass tissue nutrient contents,

  4. Cool tadpoles from Arctic environments waste fewer nutrients - high gross growth efficiencies lead to low consumer-mediated nutrient recycling in the North. (United States)

    Liess, Antonia; Guo, Junwen; Lind, Martin I; Rowe, Owen


    Endothermic organisms can adapt to short growing seasons, low temperatures and nutrient limitation by developing high growth rates and high gross growth efficiencies (GGEs). Animals with high GGEs are better at assimilating limiting nutrients and thus should recycle (or lose) fewer nutrients. Longer guts in relation to body mass may facilitate higher GGE under resource limitation. Within the context of ecological stoichiometry theory, this study combines ecology with evolution by relating latitudinal life-history adaptations in GGE, mediated by gut length, to its ecosystem consequences, such as consumer-mediated nutrient recycling. In common garden experiments, we raised Rana temporaria tadpoles from two regions (Arctic/Boreal) under two temperature regimes (18/23 °C) crossed with two food quality treatments (high/low-nitrogen content). We measured tadpole GGEs, total nutrient loss (excretion + egestion) rates and gut length during ontogeny. In order to maintain their elemental balance, tadpoles fed low-nitrogen (N) food had lower N excretion rates and higher total phosphorous (P) loss rates than tadpoles fed high-quality food. In accordance with expectations, Arctic tadpoles had higher GGEs and lower N loss rates than their low-latitude conspecifics, especially when fed low-N food, but only in ambient temperature treatments. Arctic tadpoles also had relatively longer guts than Boreal tadpoles during early development. That temperature and food quality interacted with tadpole region of origin in affecting tadpole GGEs, nutrient loss rates and relative gut length, suggests evolved adaptation to temperature and resource differences. With future climate change, mean annual temperatures will increase. Additionally, species and genotypes will migrate north. This will change the functioning of Boreal and Arctic ecosystems by affecting consumer-mediated nutrient recycling and thus affect nutrient dynamics in general. Our study shows that evolved latitudinal adaption can

  5. Plants may alter competition by modifying nutrient bioavailability in rhizosphere: a modeling approach. (United States)

    Raynaud, Xavier; Jaillard, Benoît; Leadley, Paul W


    Plants modify nutrient availability by releasing chemicals in the rhizosphere. This change in availability induced by roots (bioavailability) is known to improve nutrient uptake by individual plants releasing such compounds. Can this bioavailability alter plant competition for nutrients and under what conditions? To address these questions, we have developed a model of nutrient competition between plant species based on mechanistic descriptions of nutrient diffusion, plant exudation, and plant uptake. The model was parameterized using data of the effects of root citrate exudation on phosphorus availability. We performed a sensitivity analysis for key parameters to test the generality of these effects. Our simulations suggest the following. (1) Nutrient uptake depends on the number of roots when nutrients and exudates diffuse little, because individual roots are nearly independent in terms of nutrient supply. In this case, bioavailability profits only species with exudates. (2) Competition for nutrients depends on the spatial arrangement of roots when nutrients diffuse little but exudates diffuse widely. (3) Competition for nutrients depends on the nutrient uptake capacity of roots when nutrients and exudates diffuse widely. In this case, bioavailability profits all species. Mechanisms controlling competition for bioavailable nutrients appear to be diverse and strongly depend on soil, nutrient, and plant properties.

  6. Nutrient spiraling in streams and river networks (United States)

    Ensign, Scott H.; Doyle, Martin W.


    Over the past 3 decades, nutrient spiraling has become a unifying paradigm for stream biogeochemical research. This paper presents (1) a quantitative synthesis of the nutrient spiraling literature and (2) application of these data to elucidate trends in nutrient spiraling within stream networks. Results are based on 404 individual experiments on ammonium (NH4), nitrate (NO3), and phosphate (PO4) from 52 published studies. Sixty-nine percent of the experiments were performed in first- and second-order streams, and 31% were performed in third- to fifth-order streams. Uptake lengths, Sw, of NH4 (median = 86 m) and PO4 (median = 96 m) were significantly different (α = 0.05) than NO3 (median = 236 m). Areal uptake rates of NH4 (median = 28 μg m-2 min-1) were significantly different than NO3 and PO4 (median = 15 and 14 μg m-2 min-1, respectively). There were significant differences among NH4, NO3, and PO4 uptake velocity (median = 5, 1, and 2 mm min-1, respectively). Correlation analysis results were equivocal on the effect of transient storage on nutrient spiraling. Application of these data to a stream network model showed that recycling (defined here as stream length ÷ Sw) of NH4 and NO3 generally increased with stream order, while PO4 recycling remained constant along a first- to fifth-order stream gradient. Within this hypothetical stream network, cumulative NH4 uptake decreased slightly with stream order, while cumulative NO3 and PO4 uptake increased with stream order. These data suggest the importance of larger rivers to nutrient spiraling and the need to consider how stream networks affect nutrient flux between terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

  7. Mogućnost povratnog procesa racionalizacije


    Glavočić, Tia


    Racionalizacija je jedno od ključnih obilježja modernog društva. Teoriju racionalizacije formulirao je Max Weber, definirajući je kao vladanje stvarima putem proračuna. Paradigmatski primjer racionalizacije za njega je bila birokracija. George Ritzer iznosi suvremenu interpretaciju racionalizacijske teorije, koju prema usporedbi s funkcioniranjem fast-food restorana naziva mekdonaldizacija. Weber je smatrao da je racionalizacija neizbježan proces, a njezino širenje nezaustavljivo. Pribojavao ...

  8. Consumo de energía y nutrientes, características socioeconómicas, pobreza y área de residencia de niños peruanos de 12 a 35 meses de edad

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    Carlos Rojas D


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la relación existente entre el consumo de energía y nutrientes de niños peruanos de 12 a 35 meses de edad y sus características socioeconómicas, pobreza y área de residencia. Material y Métodos: La información fue obtenida de la Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Alimentos en mujeres en edad fértil y niños entre 12 y 35 meses en el año 2003. La muestra estuvo constituida por 2907 niños de uno u otro sexo. La información de consumo de alimentos se obtuvo por medio del método de encuesta de recordatorio de 24 horas. Se incluyó información del área de residencia, características y servicios básicos del hogar. Se agrupó a la población de acuerdo con el método de las Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas (NBI. Se estableció como consumo deficiente una adecuación por debajo de 75% para energía y nutrientes. Se aplicaron las pruebas estadísticas de chi cuadrado y Kruskall Wallis. Resultados: El porcentaje de niños en hogares pobres fue 76,5%, la pobreza afecta en mayor parte a los niños del área rural. El porcentaje de niños con deficiencia de energía, carbohidratos, grasa y hierro superó el 35%; conforme aumentan las NBI las adecuaciones de consumo disminuyen, a excepción de los carbohidratos. El principal aporte de energía de los niños pobres proviene de los carbohidratos. Conclusiones: Las condiciones de pobreza en las que se encuentran los niños influyen directamente sobre su consumo de energía, carbohidratos, grasa y hierro disminuyéndolo, lo cual traería serias consecuencias sobre su estado de nutrición y salud.

  9. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT Hydroponic Monitoring System

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    Helmy Helmy


    Full Text Available Plant cultivation using hydroponic is very popular today. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT hydroponic system is commonly used by people. It can be applied indoor or outdoor. Plants in this systemneed nutrient solution to grow well. pH, TDS and temperature of the nutrient solution must be check to ensure plant gets sufficient nutrients. This research aims todevelop monitoring system of NFT hydroponic. Farmer will be able to monitor pH, TDS and temperature online. It will ease farmer to decide which plant is suitable to be cultivated and time to boost growth.Delay of the system will be measured to know system performance. Result shows that pH is directly proportional with TDS. Temperature value has no correlation with pH and TDS. System has highest delay during daylight and afternoon but it will decline in the night and morning. Average of delay in the morning is 11 s, 28.5 s in daylight, 32 s in the afternoon and 17.5 s in the night.

  10. Review on Periphyton as Mediator of Nutrient Transfer in Aquatic Ecosystems

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    Surjya K. Saikia


    Full Text Available In the studies of aquatic ecology, periphyton has been uncared for despite its vital role in nutrient uptake and transfer to the upper trophic organisms. Being the component of food chain as attached organism it takes part in nutrient cycling in the ecosystem like that of suspended planktonic counterparts. The present review, with an aim to understand the role of periphyton in nutrient transfer from benthic environment to upper trophic level, focuses many aspects of periphyton-nutrient relationship based on available literatures. It also attempts to redefine periphyton, as a part of biofilm, harboring nutrient components like protein, fat and carbohydrate preferably in its extracellular polymeric substance (EPS, cyanobacteria, diatom and other algal communities. In addition to physical processes, nutrient uptake by periphyton is catalyzed by enzymes like Nitrogen Reductase and Alkaline Phosphatase from the environment. This uptake and transfer is further regulated by periphytic C: nutrient (N or P stoichiometry, colonization time, distribution of periphyton cover on sediments and macrophytes, macronutrient concentration, grazing, sloughing, temperature, and advective transport. The Carbon (C sources of periphyton are mainly dissolve organic matter and photosynthetic C that enters into higher trophic levels through predation and transfers as C-rich nutrient components. Despite of emerging interests on utilizing periphyton as nutrient transfer tool in aquatic ecosystem, the major challenges ahead for modern aquatic biologists lies on determining nutrient uptake and transfer rate of periphyton, periphytic growth and simulating nutrient models of periphyton to figure a complete energy cycle in aquatic ecosystem.

  11. How do Plants Absorb Nutrients from the Soil? - Study of Nutrient ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Logo of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Indian Academy of Sciences. Home · About ... Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 3; Issue 7. How do Plants Absorb Nutrients from the ... Author Affiliations. G Sivakumar Swamy1. Department of Botany, Karnatak University, Dharwad 580 003, India.

  12. Interactions between temperature and nutrients across levels of ecological organization. (United States)

    Cross, Wyatt F; Hood, James M; Benstead, Jonathan P; Huryn, Alexander D; Nelson, Daniel


    Temperature and nutrient availability play key roles in controlling the pathways and rates at which energy and materials move through ecosystems. These factors have also changed dramatically on Earth over the past century as human activities have intensified. Although significant effort has been devoted to understanding the role of temperature and nutrients in isolation, less is known about how these two factors interact to influence ecological processes. Recent advances in ecological stoichiometry and metabolic ecology provide a useful framework for making progress in this area, but conceptual synthesis and review are needed to help catalyze additional research. Here, we examine known and potential interactions between temperature and nutrients from a variety of physiological, community, and ecosystem perspectives. We first review patterns at the level of the individual, focusing on four traits--growth, respiration, body size, and elemental content--that should theoretically govern how temperature and nutrients interact to influence higher levels of biological organization. We next explore the interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on populations, communities, and food webs by synthesizing information related to community size spectra, biomass distributions, and elemental composition. We use metabolic theory to make predictions about how population-level secondary production should respond to interactions between temperature and resource supply, setting up qualitative predictions about the flows of energy and materials through metazoan food webs. Last, we examine how temperature-nutrient interactions influence processes at the whole-ecosystem level, focusing on apparent vs. intrinsic activation energies of ecosystem processes, how to represent temperature-nutrient interactions in ecosystem models, and patterns with respect to nutrient uptake and organic matter decomposition. We conclude that a better understanding of interactions between temperature and

  13. Influence of harvest managements on biomass nutrient concentrations and removal rates of festulolium and tall fescue from a poorly drained nutrient-rich fen peatland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kandel, Tanka; Elsgaard, Lars; Lærke, Poul Erik


    This study was designed to show the effects of harvest time and frequency on biomass nutrient concentrations (total ash, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) as well as total nutrient removal potential by festulolium and tall fescue cultivated on a nutrient-rich fen peatland. The harvest managemen...

  14. Diagnosis of nutrient imbalances with vector analysis in agroforestry systems. (United States)

    Isaac, Marney E; Kimaro, Anthony A


    Agricultural intensification has had unintended environmental consequences, including increased nutrient leaching and surface runoff and other agrarian-derived pollutants. Improved diagnosis of on-farm nutrient dynamics will have the advantage of increasing yields and will diminish financial and environmental costs. To achieve this, a management support system that allows for site-specific rapid evaluation of nutrient production imbalances and subsequent management prescriptions is needed for agroecological design. Vector diagnosis, a bivariate model to depict changes in yield and nutritional response simultaneously in a single graph, facilitates identification of nutritional status such as growth dilution, deficiency, sufficiency, luxury uptake, and toxicity. Quantitative data from cocoa agroforestry systems and pigeonpea intercropping trials in Ghana and Tanzania, respectively, were re-evaluated with vector analysis. Relative to monoculture, biomass increase in cocoa ( L.) under shade (35-80%) was accompanied by a 17 to 25% decline in P concentration, the most limiting nutrient on this site. Similarly, increasing biomass with declining P concentrations was noted for pigeonpea [ (L). Millsp.] in response to soil moisture availability under intercropping. Although vector analysis depicted nutrient responses, the current vector model does not consider non-nutrient resource effects on growth, such as ameliorated light and soil moisture, which were particularly active in these systems. We revisit and develop vector analysis into a framework for diagnosing nutrient and non-nutrient interactions in agroforestry systems. Such a diagnostic technique advances management decision-making by increasing nutrient precision and reducing environmental issues associated with agrarian-derived soil contamination. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.

  15. The global nutrient challenge. From science to public engagement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sutton, M.A.; Howard, C.M. [NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh (United Kingdom); Bleeker, A. [Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, Petten (Netherlands); Datta, A. [United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi (Kenya)


    Among the many environment and development challenges facing humanity, it is fair to say that nutrients do not currently feature so regularly in the newspapers, radio and television. The media tends to prefer easy single issues which affect our daily lives in a clear-cut way. The role of carbon in climate change is a good example. We all depend on climate. Burning fossil fuels makes more carbon dioxide, tending to change temperature and rainfall patterns, to which we can easily relate. The science is complex, but it is a simple message for the public to understand. It does not take long to think of several other easily grasped threats, like urban air pollution, poor drinking water, or even the occurrence of horsemeat in food chains. It is perhaps for these reasons that the role of nutrients in environmental change has received much less public attention. After all, nutrients - including nitrogen, phosphorus and many micronutrients - play multiple roles in our world; they affect many biogeochemical processes and they lead to a plethora of interacting threats. If we are not careful, we can quickly get buried in the complexity of the different ways in which our lives are affected by these elements. The outcome is that it can become hard to convey the science of global nutrient cycles in a way that the public can understand. These are points about which we have given substantial thought as we contributed to a recently launched report Our Nutrient World: The challenge to produce more food and energy with less pollution (Sutton et al., 2013). The report was commissioned by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and conducted by the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management in cooperation with the International Nitrogen Initiative. The commission was not to provide a full scientific assessment, but rather to develop a global overview of the challenges associated with nutrient management. Drawing on existing knowledge, the aim was to distill the nature of the

  16. Nutrient discharge from China’s aquaculture industry and associated environmental impacts (United States)

    Zhang, Ying; Bleeker, Albert; Liu, Junguo


    China’s aquaculture industry accounts for the largest share of the world’s fishery production, and provides a principal source of protein for the nation’s booming population. However, the environmental effects of the nutrient loadings produced by this industry have not been systematically studied or reviewed. Few quantitative estimates exist for nutrient discharge from aquaculture and the resultant nutrient enrichment in waters and sediments. In this paper, we evaluate nutrient discharge from aquacultural systems into aquatic ecosystems and the resulting nutrient enrichment of water and sediments, based on data from 330 cases in 51 peer-reviewed publications. Nitrogen use efficiency ranged from 11.7% to 27.7%, whereas phosphorus use efficiency ranged from 8.7% to 21.2%. In 2010, aquacultural nutrient discharges into Chinese aquatic ecosystems included 1044 Gg total nitrogen (184 Gg N from mariculture; 860 Gg N freshwater culture) and 173 Gg total phosphorus (22 Gg P from mariculture; 151 Gg P from freshwater culture). Water bodies and sediments showed high levels of nutrient enrichment, especially in closed pond systems. However, this does not mean that open aquacultural systems have smaller nutrient losses. Improvement of feed efficiency in cage systems and retention of nutrients in closed systems will therefore be necessary. Strategies to increase nutrient recycling, such as integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, and social measures, such as subsidies, should be increased in the future. We recommend the recycling of nutrients in water and sediments by hybrid agricultural-aquacultural systems and the adoption of nutrient use efficiency as an indicator at farm or regional level for the sustainable development of aquaculture; such indicators; together with water quality indicators, can be used to guide evaluations of technological, policy, and economic approaches to improve the sustainability of Chinese aquaculture.

  17. Nutrient and media recycling in heterotrophic microalgae cultures. (United States)

    Lowrey, Joshua; Armenta, Roberto E; Brooks, Marianne S


    In order for microalgae-based processes to reach commercial production for biofuels and high-value products such as omega-3 fatty acids, it is necessary that economic feasibility be demonstrated at the industrial scale. Therefore, process optimization is critical to ensure that the maximum yield can be achieved from the most efficient use of resources. This is particularly true for processes involving heterotrophic microalgae, which have not been studied as extensively as phototrophic microalgae. An area that has received significant conceptual praise, but little experimental validation, is that of nutrient recycling, where the waste materials from prior cultures and post-lipid extraction are reused for secondary fermentations. While the concept is very simple and could result in significant economic and environmental benefits, there are some underlying challenges that must be overcome before adoption of nutrient recycling is viable at commercial scale. Even more, adapting nutrient recycling for optimized heterotrophic cultures presents some added challenges that must be identified and addressed that have been largely unexplored to date. These challenges center on carbon and nitrogen recycling and the implications of using waste materials in conjunction with virgin nutrients for secondary cultures. The aim of this review is to provide a foundation for further understanding of nutrient recycling for microalgae cultivation. As such, we outline the current state of technology and practical challenges associated with nutrient recycling for heterotrophic microalgae on an industrial scale and give recommendations for future work.

  18. Nutrient budget for Saguling Reservoir, West Java, Indonesia. (United States)

    Hart, Barry T; van Dok, Wendy; Djuangsih, Nani


    A preliminary nutrient budget for Saguling Reservoir is reported as a first attempt to quantify the behaviour of nutrients entering this reservoir. This work is part of a larger Indonesia-Australia collaborative research and training project, involving Padjadjaran University and Monash University, established to study nutrient dynamics in Saguling Reservoir. Saguling Reservoir, the first of a chain of three large reservoirs (Saguling, Cirata and Jatilahur), built on the Citarum River in central Java, was completed in 1985. It has already become highly polluted, particularly with domestic and industrial effluent (organic matter, nutrients, heavy metals) from the urban areas of Bandung (population 2 million). The reservoir experiences major water quality problems, including excessive growths of floating plants, toxic cyanobacterial blooms and regular fish-kills. The work reported in this paper shows that Saguling receives a very large nutrient load from the city of Bandung and because of this, is highly eutrophic. It is unlikely that the water quality of Saguling will improve until a substantial part of Bandung is sewered and adequate discharge controls are placed on the many industries in the region upstream of the reservoir.

  19. Seasonality of nutrients in leaves and fruits of apple trees

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nachtigall Gilmar Ribeiro


    Full Text Available The nutrient accumulation curves of apple trees are good indicators of plant nutrient demand for each developmental stage. They are also a useful tool to evaluate orchard nutritional status and to estimate the amount of soil nutrient removal. This research aimed at evaluating the seasonality of nutrients in commercial apple orchards during the agricultural years of 1999, 2000, and 2001. Therefore, apple tree leaves and fruits of three cultivars 'Gala', 'Golden Delicious' and 'Fuji' were weekly collected and evaluated for fresh and dry matter, fruit diameter and macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca and Mg and micronutrient (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations. Leaf and fruit sampling started one or two weeks after full bloom, depending on the cultivar, and ended at fruit harvest or four weeks later (in the case of leaf sampling. In general, leaf concentrations of N, P, K, Cu, and B decreased; Ca increased; and Mg, Fe, Mn, and Zn did vary significantly along the plant vegetative cycle. In fruits, the initial nutrient concentrations decreased quickly, undergoing slow and continuous decreases and then remaining almost constant until the end of fruit maturation, indicating nutrient dilution, once the total nutrient accumulation increased gradually with fruit growth. Potassium was the nutrient present in highest quantities in apple tree fruits and thus, the most removed from the soil.

  20. Fish-derived nutrient hotspots shape coral reef benthic communities. (United States)

    Shantz, Andrew A; Ladd, Mark C; Schrack, Elizabeth; Burkepile, Deron E


    Animal-derived nutrients play an important role in structuring nutrient regimes within and between ecosystems. When animals undergo repetitive, aggregating behavior through time, they can create nutrient hotspots where rates of biogeochemical activity are higher than those found in the surrounding environment. In turn, these hotspots can influence ecosystem processes and community structure. We examined the potential for reef fishes from the family Haemulidae (grunts) to create nutrient hotspots and the potential impact of these hotspots on reef communities. To do so, we tracked the schooling locations of diurnally migrating grunts, which shelter at reef sites during the day but forage off reef each night, and measured the impact of these fish schools on benthic communities. We found that grunt schools showed a high degree of site fidelity, repeatedly returning to the same coral heads. These aggregations created nutrient hotspots around coral heads where nitrogen and phosphorus delivery was roughly 10 and 7 times the respective rates of delivery to structurally similar sites that lacked schools of these fishes. In turn, grazing rates of herbivorous fishes at grunt-derived hotspots were approximately 3 times those of sites where grunts were rare. These differences in nutrient delivery and grazing led to distinct benthic communities with higher cover of crustose coralline algae and less total algal abundance at grunt aggregation sites. Importantly, coral growth was roughly 1.5 times greater at grunt hotspots, likely due to the important nutrient subsidy. Our results suggest that schooling reef fish and their nutrient subsidies play an important role in mediating community structure on coral reefs and that overfishing may have important negative consequences on ecosystem functions. As such, management strategies must consider mesopredatory fishes in addition to current protection often offered to herbivores and top-tier predators. Furthermore, our results suggest that

  1. Algal remediation of CO₂ and nutrient discharges: A review. (United States)

    Judd, Simon; van den Broeke, Leo J P; Shurair, Mohamed; Kuti, Yussuf; Znad, Hussein


    The recent literature pertaining to the application of algal photobioreactors (PBRs) to both carbon dioxide mitigation and nutrient abatement is reviewed and the reported data analysed. The review appraises the influence of key system parameters on performance with reference to (a) the absorption and biological fixation of CO2 from gaseous effluent streams, and (b) the removal of nutrients from wastewaters. Key parameters appraised individually with reference to CO2 removal comprise algal speciation, light intensity, mass transfer, gas and hydraulic residence time, pollutant (CO2 and nutrient) loading, biochemical and chemical stoichiometry (including pH), and temperature. Nutrient removal has been assessed with reference to hydraulic residence time and reactor configuration, along with C:nutrient ratios and other factors affecting carbon fixation, and outcomes compared with those reported for classical biological nutrient removal (BNR). Outcomes of the review indicate there has been a disproportionate increase in algal PBR research outputs over the past 5-8 years, with a significant number of studies based on small, bench-scale systems. The quantitative impacts of light intensity and loading on CO2 uptake are highly dependent on the algal species, and also affected by solution chemical conditions such as temperature and pH. Calculations based on available data for biomass growth rates indicate that a reactor CO2 residence time of around 4 h is required for significant CO2 removal. Nutrient removal data indicate residence times of 2-5 days are required for significant nutrient removal, compared with PBR configuration (the high rate algal pond, HRAP) means that its footprint is at least two orders of magnitude greater than a classical BNR plant. It is concluded that the combined carbon capture/nutrient removal process relies on optimisation of a number of process parameters acting synergistically, principally microalgal strain, C:N:P load and balance, CO2 and liquid

  2. Improvement of aquaponic performance through micro- and macro-nutrient addition. (United States)

    Ru, Dongyun; Liu, Jikai; Hu, Zhen; Zou, Yina; Jiang, Liping; Cheng, Xiaodian; Lv, Zhenting


    Aquaponics is one of the "zero waste" industry in the twenty-first century, and is considered to be one of the major trends for the future development of agriculture. However, the low nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUE) restricted its widely application. To date, many attempts have been conducted to improve its NUE. In the present study, effect of micro- and macro-nutrient addition on performance of tilapia-pak choi aquaponics was investigated. Results showed that the addition of micro- and macro-nutrients improved the growth of plant directly and facilitated fish physiology indirectly, which subsequently increased NUE of aquaponics from 40.42 to 50.64%. In addition, remarkable lower total phosphorus concentration was obtained in aquaponics with micro- and macro-nutrient addition, which was attributed to the formation of struvite. Most of the added micro-nutrients were enriched in plant root, while macro-nutrients mainly existed in water. Moreover, no enrichment of micro- and macro-nutrients in aquaponic products (i.e., fish and plant leaves) was observed, indicating that it had no influence on food safety. The findings here reported manifest that appropriate addition of micro- and macro-nutrients to aquaponics is necessary, and would improve its economic feasibility.

  3. Carbon footprint of urban source separation for nutrient recovery. (United States)

    Kjerstadius, H; Bernstad Saraiva, A; Spångberg, J; Davidsson, Å


    Source separation systems for the management of domestic wastewater and food waste has been suggested as more sustainable sanitation systems for urban areas. The present study used an attributional life cycle assessment to investigate the carbon footprint and potential for nutrient recovery of two sanitation systems for a hypothetical urban area in Southern Sweden. The systems represented a typical Swedish conventional system and a possible source separation system with increased nutrient recovery. The assessment included the management chain from household collection, transport, treatment and final return of nutrients to agriculture or disposal of the residuals. The results for carbon footprint and nutrient recovery (phosphorus and nitrogen) concluded that the source separation system could increase nutrient recovery (0.30-0.38 kg P capita -1 year -1 and 3.10-3.28 kg N capita -1 year -1 ), while decreasing the carbon footprint (-24 to -58 kg CO 2 -eq. capita -1 year -1 ), compared to the conventional system. The nutrient recovery was increased by the use of struvite precipitation and ammonium stripping at the wastewater treatment plant. The carbon footprint decreased, mainly due to the increased biogas production, increased replacement of mineral fertilizer in agriculture and less emissions of nitrous oxide from wastewater treatment. In conclusion, the study showed that source separation systems could potentially be used to increase nutrient recovery from urban areas, while decreasing the climate impact. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Los negocios realizados por internet, ¿cambian los paradigmas existentes?


    Rodríguez Acosta, Beatriz Marlene


    Resumen: Internet en sus inicios fue una red de carácter militar, restringida, que evolucionó hacia una red abierta, pública y con acceso a casi todos los habitantes del planeta. Conforme a ello, este es un punto clave para que los negocios que se plantean como paradigmas tradicionales, cambien al usar esta herramienta, ya que está modificando los esquemas habituales de hacer las cosas. En este artículo se trata de determinar cómo han cambiado los negocios con la aparición de Internet, cómo h...

  5. Los recursos minerales y los materiales de construcción


    Bustillo Revuelta, Manuel


    Los materiales de construcción son aquellos materiales que se utilizan con un fin constructivo. Muchas sustancias minerales naturales, como la arcilla, las gravas y las rocas se utilizan como materias primas para fabricar productos de construcción en edificación y obra civil (p.e. puentes). En este sentido, la arcilla, la piedra, los metales y las arenas y las gravas son los recursos minerales más básicos utilizados en la fabricación de los materiales de construcción. Algunos recursos mineral...

  6. Comparing the nutrient rich foods index with "Go," "Slow," and "Whoa," foods. (United States)

    Drewnowski, Adam; Fulgoni, Victor


    The US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has grouped foods and beverages into three classes: "Go," "Slow," and "Whoa," as part of a children's guide to eating right. Using nutrient composition data in the 2004 Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies, this descriptive study compared the Go, Slow, and Whoa food classes to tertiles of food rankings generated by the Nutrient Rich Foods Index. A total of 1,045 foods and beverages were first assigned into Go, Slow, and Whoa classes and then ranked by the Nutrient Rich Foods Index nutrient profile model. The Nutrient Rich Foods Index model was based on nine nutrients to encourage: protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium; and on three nutrients to limit: saturated fat, added sugar, and sodium, all calculated per 100 calories. Both the Go, Slow, and Whoa and the Nutrient Rich Foods Index models readily distinguished between energy-dense and nutrient-rich beverages and foods, and the three Go, Slow, and Whoa classes closely corresponded to tertiles of Nutrient Rich Foods Index scores. There were some disagreements in the class assignment of fortified cereals, some dairy products, and diet beverages. Unlike the Go, Slow, and Whoa model, the Nutrient Rich Foods Index model produced continuous scores that could be used to rank foods within a given class. The study provides an illustration of how diverse nutrient profiling systems can be used to identify healthful foods and beverages. Copyright © 2011 American Dietetic Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Foliar nutrient analysis of sugar maple decline: retrospective vector diagnosis (United States)

    Victor R. Timmer; Yuanxin Teng


    Accuracy of traditional foiiar analysis of nutrient disorders in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh) is limited by lack of validation and confounding by nutrient interactions. Vector nutrient diagnosis is relatively free of these problems. The technique is demonstrated retrospectively on four case studies. Diagnostic interpretations consistently...

  8. Contribution of Dairy to Nutrient Intake in the Western Diet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hettinga, Kasper; Valenberg, van Hein


    Milk and dairy products play an important role in providing nutrients in both Western and developing countries. Most research in this area focuses on the intake of individual nutrients from food products, like dairy products. However, nutrients are not consumed, and do not function, in isolation.

  9. Los derechos de los rostros. Derechos humanos, liberalismo y exclusión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Palacio


    Full Text Available Este ensayo cuestiona las bases del liberalismo reflexionando a partir de la crítica realizada por el filósofo Emmanuel Levinas a los conceptos de libertad y de totalidad de la filosofía occidental que, articulados con las teorías liberales políticas y económicas, concluyen en una identificación de lo humano con lo legal: ser humano es ser "ciudadano" reconocido por un estado, siendo la ley es quien estipula lo humano. A consecuencia de este proceso final del capitalismo tardío, mixturado con el liberalismo político, los derechos de los individuos quedan expuestos a la lógica del poder global, vulnerables a "procesos jurídicos de exclusión" ejecutados mediante la demarcación entre quienes son "dignos de la ciudadanía" y quienes no. Los migrantes, los indocumentados, los pobres, los desocupados, las mujeres y los niños esclavos del tráfico sexual, son todos los "rostros" a quienes se les ha arrancado el título de ciudadanos y por ende la validez legal de los derechos humanos. Asumir estos planteos implica redefinir epistémicamente nuestro contexto latinoamericano y tomar un agenciamiento éticopolítico sobre nuestra vida social a partir considerar el rostro del otro/a como la norma utópica regulativa de la convivencia y de la distribución de los bienes.

  10. Monitoring TASCC Injections Using A Field-Ready Wet Chemistry Nutrient Autoanalyzer (United States)

    Snyder, L. E.; Herstand, M. R.; Bowden, W. B.


    Quantification of nutrient cycling and transport (spiraling) in stream systems is a fundamental component of stream ecology. Additions of isotopic tracer and bulk inorganic nutrient to streams have been frequently used to evaluate nutrient transfer between ecosystem compartments and nutrient uptake estimation, respectively. The Tracer Addition for Spiraling Curve Characterization (TASCC) methodology of Covino et al. (2010) instantaneously and simultaneously adds conservative and biologically active tracers to a stream system to quantify nutrient uptake metrics. In this method, comparing the ratio of mass of nutrient and conservative solute recovered in each sample throughout a breakthrough curve to that of the injectate, a distribution of spiraling metrics is calculated across a range of nutrient concentrations. This distribution across concentrations allows for both a robust estimation of ambient spiraling parameters by regression techniques, and comparison with uptake kinetic models. We tested a unique sampling strategy for TASCC injections in which samples were taken manually throughout the nutrient breakthrough curves while, simultaneously, continuously monitoring with a field-ready wet chemistry autoanalyzer. The autoanalyzer was programmed to measure concentrations of nitrate, phosphate and ammonium at the rate of one measurement per second throughout each experiment. Utilization of an autoanalyzer in the field during the experiment results in the return of several thousand additional nutrient data points when compared with manual sampling. This technique, then, allows for a deeper understanding and more statistically robust estimation of stream nutrient spiraling parameters.

  11. Administración de los problemas financieros en los bancos. Dilema entre los riesgos de liquidez y solvencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Spiros Bougheas


    Full Text Available Elaboramos un marco microeconómico de la banca para analizar cómo influyen las decisiones de administración de la liquidez en la disponibilidad de liquidez para los depositantes, la viabilidad del proceso de transformación de activos y la solvencia de las empresas bancarias. En particular, nos centramos en la manera como la asignación óptima de los depósitos entre las reservas y una cartera de inversión riesgosa, hecha por un banco que maximiza sus ganancias, afecta la probabilidad de cada tipo de quiebra bancaria en un ambiente en el que hay incertidumbre en ambas partes de su balanza general. Nuestra meta principal es examinar los dilemas de administración entre los riegos provenientes de la incertidumbre en el comportamiento de los depositantes y los provenientes de los activos asociados al riesgo inherente a su cartera de inversión. Distinguiendo entre la iliquidez y la insolvencia como causas de las quiebras bancarias, intentamos entender cómo afecta la interacción entre estos dos tipos de riesgo al proceso de transformación de activos del banco.

  12. Los santos patronos de los migrantes Mexicanos a Estados Unidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Alarcón

    Full Text Available La mayor parte los migrantes mexicanos indocumentados que buscan encontrar un empleo en Estados Unidos son católicos, por esta razón, han incorporado a la devoción de los santos patronos sus tribulaciones que incluyen el trayecto desde sus comunidades de origen a la frontera norte, los peligros del cruce indocumentado, la búsqueda de trabajo y la posible deportación. El objetivo central de este artículo es analizar las características más importantes de tres devociones de los migrantes indocumentados en Tijuana, Baja California, México: Santo Toribio Romo, el "Santo Pollero" que fue canonizado en 2000, el Beato Juan Bautista Scalabrini, fundador de los Misioneros Scalabrinianos y Juan Soldado quien surgió de la religiosidad popular.

  13. Swift recovery of Sphagnum nutrient concentrations after excess supply. (United States)

    Limpens, Juul; Heijmans, Monique M P D


    Although numerous studies have addressed the effects of increased N deposition on nutrient-poor environments such as raised bogs, few studies have dealt with to what extent, and on what time-scale, reductions in atmospheric N supply would lead to recovery of the ecosystems in question. Since a considerable part of the negative effects of elevated N deposition on raised bogs can be related to an imbalance in tissue nutrient concentrations of the dominant peat-former Sphagnum, changes in Sphagnum nutrient concentration after excess N supply may be used as an early indicator of ecosystem response. This study focuses on the N and P concentrations of Sphagnum magellanicum and Sphagnum fallax before, during and after a factorial fertilization experiment with N and P in two small peatlands subject to a background bulk deposition of 2 g N m(-2) year(-1). Three years of adding N (4.0 g N m(-2) year(-1)) increased the N concentration, and adding P (0.3 g P m(-2) year(-1)) increased the P concentration in Sphagnum relative to the control treatment at both sites. Fifteen months after the nutrient additions had ceased, N concentrations were similar to the control whereas P concentrations, although strongly reduced, were still slightly elevated. The changes in the N and P concentrations were accompanied by changes in the distribution of nutrients over the capitulum and the stem and were congruent with changes in translocation. Adding N reduced the stem P concentration, whereas adding P reduced the stem N concentration in favor of the capitulum. Sphagnum nutrient concentrations quickly respond to reductions in excess nutrient supply, indicating that a management policy aimed at reducing atmospheric nutrient input to bogs can yield results within a few years.

  14. Los alemanes en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvio Villegas


    Full Text Available Romanizada por Julío César y cristianizada por los visigodos, los ostrogodos y los lombardos, Alemania ha sido a través de los siglos un potente faro de la cultura humana. Sus pensadores, sus filósofos, sus letrados, sus estadistas, sus guerreros se destacan gigantes -desde los tiempos de Carlos V, emperador de Europa.

  15. Long Term Large Scale river nutrient changes across the UK (United States)

    Bell, Victoria; Naden, Pam; Tipping, Ed; Davies, Helen; Davies, Jessica; Dragosits, Ulli; Muhammed, Shibu; Quinton, John; Stuart, Marianne; Whitmore, Andy; Wu, Lianhai


    During recent decades and centuries, pools and fluxes of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus (C, N and P) in UK rivers and ecosystems have been transformed by the spread and fertiliser-based intensification of agriculture (necessary to sustain human populations), by atmospheric pollution, by human waste (rising in line with population growth), and now by climate change. The principal objective of the UK's NERC-funded Macronutrients LTLS research project has been to account for observable terrestrial and aquatic pools, concentrations and fluxes of C, N and P on the basis of past inputs, biotic and abiotic interactions, and transport processes. More specifically, over the last 200 years, what have been the temporal responses of plant and soil nutrient pools in different UK catchments to nutrient enrichment, and what have been the consequent effects on nutrient transfers from land to the atmosphere, freshwaters and estuaries? The work described here addresses the second question by providing an integrated quantitative description of the interlinked land and water pools and annual fluxes of C, N and P for UK catchments over time. A national-scale modelling environment has been developed, combining simple physically-based gridded models that can be parameterised using recent observations before application to long timescales. The LTLS Integrated Model (LTLS-IM) uses readily-available driving data (climate, land-use, nutrient inputs, topography), and model estimates of both terrestrial and freshwater nutrient loads have been compared with measurements from sites across the UK. Here, the focus is on the freshwater nutrient component of the LTLS-IM, but the terrestrial nutrient inputs required for this are provided by models of nutrient processes in semi-natural and agricultural systems, and from simple models of nutrients arising from human waste. In the freshwater model, lateral routing of dissolved and particulate nutrients and within-river processing such as

  16. Nutrients and toxin producing phytoplankton control algal blooms

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A phytoplankton-zooplankton prey-predator model has been investigated for temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal dissipative pattern formation in a deterministic and noisy environment, respectively. The overall carrying capacity for the phytoplankton population depends on the nutrient level. The role of nutrient ...

  17. Nutrient reference values for bioactives: new approaches needed?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biesalski, Hans Konrad; Erdman Jr., John W.; Hathcock, John


    Nutrients can be classified as either "essential" or "non-essential," the latter are also termed bioactive substances. Whereas the absence of essential nutrients from the diet results in overt deficiency often times with moderate to severe physiological decrements, the absence of bioactive substa...

  18. Grazing animal husbandry based on sustainable nutrient management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hermans, C.; Vereijken, P.H.


    Sustainable husbandry systems for grazing animals (cattle and sheep) can be achieved by sustainable nutrient management (SNM). This implies the tuning of inputs to outputs of nutrients, to achieve and maintain optimum ranges of agronomically wanted and ecologically acceptable reserves of single

  19. Neuronal Calcium Signaling in Metabolic Regulation and Adaptation to Nutrient Stress. (United States)

    Jayakumar, Siddharth; Hasan, Gaiti


    All organisms can respond physiologically and behaviorally to environmental fluxes in nutrient levels. Different nutrient sensing pathways exist for specific metabolites, and their inputs ultimately define appropriate nutrient uptake and metabolic homeostasis. Nutrient sensing mechanisms at the cellular level require pathways such as insulin and target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling that integrates information from different organ systems like the fat body and the gut. Such integration is essential for coordinating growth with development. Here we review the role of a newly identified set of integrative interneurons and the role of intracellular calcium signaling within these neurons, in regulating nutrient sensing under conditions of nutrient stress. A comparison of the identified Drosophila circuit and cellular mechanisms employed in this circuit, with vertebrate systems, suggests that the identified cell signaling mechanisms may be conserved for neural circuit function related to nutrient sensing by central neurons. The ideas proposed are potentially relevant for understanding the molecular basis of metabolic disorders, because these are frequently linked to nutritional stress.

  20. Nutrient losses in forest plantations in Sabah, Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nykvist, N.; Grip, A.; Malmer, A.


    Inorganic nutrients are lost from terrestrial ecosystems through the harvesting of plant products, leaching, soil erosion and volatilization of nitrogen and sulfur compounds. In this study, carried out in a tropical rain forest ecosystem in Sabah, Malaysia, losses of inorganic nutrients through log removal and runoff/leaching to stream water were compared in clear-fellings, harvested and prepared for planting in two different ways: (i) tractor logging/burning; (ii) and manual logging/no burning. The major findings of the study were that nutrient losses in stream water were reduced by 50% and growth of the planted forest was twice as fast on the catchment where soil disturbance was minimized and burning not used. Weeds were more abundant after burning, and the extra weeding needed increased costs for plantation establishment. Ways of decreasing the loss of inorganic nutrients when clear-felling tropical rain forests are discussed. 32 refs, 4 figs, 3 tabs

  1. The Stoichiometry of Nutrient Release by Terrestrial Herbivores and Its Ecosystem Consequences

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    Judith Sitters


    Full Text Available It is widely recognized that the release of nutrients by herbivores via their waste products strongly impacts nutrient availability for autotrophs. The ratios of nitrogen (N and phosphorus (P recycled through herbivore release (i.e., waste N:P are mainly determined by the stoichiometric composition of the herbivore's food (food N:P and its body nutrient content (body N:P. Waste N:P can in turn impact autotroph nutrient limitation and productivity. Herbivore-driven nutrient recycling based on stoichiometric principles is dominated by theoretical and experimental research in freshwater systems, in particular interactions between algae and invertebrate herbivores. In terrestrial ecosystems, the impact of herbivores on nutrient cycling and availability is often limited to studying carbon (C:N and C:P ratios, while the role of terrestrial herbivores in mediating N:P ratios is also likely to influence herbivore-driven nutrient recycling. In this review, we use rules and predictions on the stoichiometry of nutrient release originating from algal-based aquatic systems to identify the factors that determine the stoichiometry of nutrient release by herbivores. We then explore how these rules can be used to understand the stoichiometry of nutrient release by terrestrial herbivores, ranging from invertebrates to mammals, and its impact on plant nutrient limitation and productivity. Future studies should focus on measuring both N and P when investigating herbivore-driven nutrient recycling in terrestrial ecosystems, while also taking the form of waste product (urine or feces and other pathways by which herbivores change nutrients into account, to be able to quantify the impact of waste stoichiometry on plant communities.

  2. Nutrient Partitioning and Stoichiometry in Unburnt Sugarcane Ratoon at Varying Yield Levels

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    José Marcos Leite


    Full Text Available Unraveling nutrient imbalances in contemporary agriculture is a research priority to improve whenever possible yield and nutrient use efficiency in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. systems while minimizing the costs of cultivation (e.g., use of fertilizers and environmental concerns. The main goal of this study was therefore to investigate biomass and nutrient [nitrogen (N, phosphorus (P, and potassium (K] content, partitioning, stoichiometry and internal efficiencies in sugarcane ratoon at varying yield levels. Three sites were established on highly weathered tropical soils located in the Southeast region of Brazil. At all sites, seasonal biomass and nutrient uptake patterns were synthesized from four sampling times taken throughout the sugarcane ratoon season. At all sites, in-season nutrient partitioning (in diverse plant components, internal efficiencies (yield to nutrient content ratio and nutrient ratios (N:P and N:K were determined at harvesting. Sugarcane exhibited three distinct phases of plant growth, as follows: lag, exponential-linear, and stationary. Across sites, nutrient requirement per unit of yield was 1.4 kg N, 0.24 kg P, and 2.7 kg K per Mg of stalk produced, but nutrient removal varied with soil nutrient status (based on soil plus fertilizer nutrient supply and crop demand (potential yield. Dry leaves had lower nutrient content (N, P, and K and broader N:P and N:K ratios when compared with tops and stalks plant fractions. Greater sugarcane yield and narrowed N:P ratio (6:1 were verified for tops of sugarcane when increasing both N and P content. High-yielding sugarcane systems were related to higher nutrient content and more balanced N:P (6:1 and N:K (0.5:1 ratios.

  3. Brooding fathers, not siblings, take up nutrients from embryos (United States)

    Sagebakken, Gry; Ahnesjö, Ingrid; Mobley, Kenyon B.; Gonçalves, Inês Braga; Kvarnemo, Charlotta


    It is well known that many animals with placenta-like structures provide their embryos with nutrients and oxygen. However, we demonstrate here that nutrients can pass the other way, from embryos to the parent. The study was done on a pipefish, Syngnathus typhle, in which males brood fertilized eggs in a brood pouch for several weeks. Earlier research has found a reduction of embryo numbers during the brooding period, but the fate of the nutrients from these ‘reduced’ embryos has been unknown. In this study, we considered whether (i) the brooding male absorbs the nutrients, (ii) siblings absorb them, or (iii) a combination of both. Males were mated to two sets of females, one of which had radioactively labelled eggs (using 14C-labelled amino acids), such that approximately half the eggs in the brood pouch were labelled. This allowed us to trace nutrient uptake from these embryos. We detected that 14C-labelled amino acids were transferred to the male brood pouch, liver and muscle tissue. However, we did not detect any significant 14C-labelled amino-acid absorption by the non-labelled half-siblings in the brood pouch. Thus, we show, to our knowledge, for the first time, that males absorb nutrients derived from embryos through their paternal brood pouch. PMID:19939847

  4. Nutrient availability at Mer Bleue bog measured by PRSTM probes (United States)

    Wang, M.; Moore, T. R.; Talbot, J.


    Bogs, covering ~0.7 million km2 in Canada, store a large amount of C and N. As nutrient deficient ecosystems, it's critical to examine the nutrient availabilities and seasonal dynamics. We used Plant Root Simulators (PRSTM) at Mer Bleue bog to provide some baseline data on nutrient availability and its variability. In particular, we focused on ammonium, nitrate, phosphate, calcium, magnesium and potassium, iron, sulphate and aluminum. We placed PRS probes at a depth of 5 - 15 cm in pristine plots and plots with long term N, P and K fertilization for 4 weeks and determined the availability of these nutrients, from spring through to fall. Probes were also placed beneath the water table in hummock and hollow microtopography and along a transect including part of the bog which had been drained through the creation of a ditch 80 years ago. The result showed that there was limited available ammonium, nitrate and phosphate in the bog, the seasonal variation of nutrient availabilities probably due to mineralization, an increase in the availability of some nutrients between different water table depths or as a result of drainage, and the relative availability of nutrients compared to the input from fertilization. We suggest that PRS probes could be a useful tool to examine nutrient availability and dynamics in wetlands, with careful consideration of installing condition, for example, proper exposure period, depth relative to water table etc.

  5. Surface-water nutrient conditions and sources in the United States Pacific Northwest (United States)

    Wise, D.R.; Johnson, H.M.


    The SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) model was used to perform an assessment of surface-water nutrient conditions and to identify important nutrient sources in watersheds of the Pacific Northwest region of the United States (U.S.) for the year 2002. Our models included variables representing nutrient sources as well as landscape characteristics that affect nutrient delivery to streams. Annual nutrient yields were higher in watersheds on the wetter, west side of the Cascade Range compared to watersheds on the drier, east side. High nutrient enrichment (relative to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's recommended nutrient criteria) was estimated in watersheds throughout the region. Forest land was generally the largest source of total nitrogen stream load and geologic material was generally the largest source of total phosphorus stream load generated within the 12,039 modeled watersheds. These results reflected the prevalence of these two natural sources and the low input from other nutrient sources across the region. However, the combined input from agriculture, point sources, and developed land, rather than natural nutrient sources, was responsible for most of the nutrient load discharged from many of the largest watersheds. Our results provided an understanding of the regional patterns in surface-water nutrient conditions and should be useful to environmental managers in future water-quality planning efforts.

  6. Los youtubers como nuevos referentes sociales de los nativos digitales


    Arias Delgado, Clara


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado estudia la capacidad de influencia de los ‘youtubers’ españoles con más suscriptores en España y como el consumo de esta plataforma afecta y modifica las pautas tradicionales de consumo digital de los más jóvenes. Para abordar el estudio se ha realizado un exhaustivo análisis basado en los vídeos producidos por 10 youtubers tomados como muestra durante el mes de octubre de 2016. A través del presente estudio se pretende abordar la capacidad de los youtubers pa...

  7. Predator-driven nutrient recycling in California stream ecosystems.

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    Robin G Munshaw

    Full Text Available Nutrient recycling by consumers in streams can influence ecosystem nutrient availability and the assemblage and growth of photoautotrophs. Stream fishes can play a large role in nutrient recycling, but contributions by other vertebrates to overall recycling rates remain poorly studied. In tributaries of the Pacific Northwest, coastal giant salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus occur at high densities alongside steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss and are top aquatic predators. We surveyed the density and body size distributions of D. tenebrosus and O. mykiss in a California tributary stream, combined with a field study to determine mass-specific excretion rates of ammonium (N and total dissolved phosphorus (P for D. tenebrosus. We estimated O. mykiss excretion rates (N, P by bioenergetics using field-collected data on the nutrient composition of O. mykiss diets from the same system. Despite lower abundance, D. tenebrosus biomass was 2.5 times higher than O. mykiss. Mass-specific excretion summed over 170 m of stream revealed that O. mykiss recycle 1.7 times more N, and 1.2 times more P than D. tenebrosus, and had a higher N:P ratio (8.7 than that of D. tenebrosus (6.0, or the two species combined (7.5. Through simulated trade-offs in biomass, we estimate that shifts from salamander biomass toward fish biomass have the potential to ease nutrient limitation in forested tributary streams. These results suggest that natural and anthropogenic heterogeneity in the relative abundance of these vertebrates and variation in the uptake rates across river networks can affect broad-scale patterns of nutrient limitation.

  8. Proposal for a method to estimate nutrient shock effects in bacteria

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    Azevedo Nuno F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Plating methods are still the golden standard in microbiology; however, some studies have shown that these techniques can underestimate the microbial concentrations and diversity. A nutrient shock is one of the mechanisms proposed to explain this phenomenon. In this study, a tentative method to assess nutrient shock effects was tested. Findings To estimate the extent of nutrient shock effects, two strains isolated from tap water (Sphingomonas capsulata and Methylobacterium sp. and two culture collection strains (E. coli CECT 434 and Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC 13525 were exposed both to low and high nutrient conditions for different times and then placed in low nutrient medium (R2A and rich nutrient medium (TSA. The average improvement (A.I. of recovery between R2A and TSA for the different times was calculated to more simply assess the difference obtained in culturability between each medium. As expected, A.I. was higher when cells were plated after the exposition to water than when they were recovered from high-nutrient medium showing the existence of a nutrient shock for the diverse bacteria used. S. capsulata was the species most affected by this phenomenon. Conclusions This work provides a method to consistently determine the extent of nutrient shock effects on different microorganisms and hence quantify the ability of each species to deal with sudden increases in substrate concentration.

  9. Bivalve nutrient cycling : nutrient turnover by suspended mussel communities in oligotrophic fjords

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansen, H.M.


    This study examined a range of eco-physiological processes (i.e filtration, growth, excretion,

    faeces production) and feedback mechanisms with the aim to investigate the contribution of

    suspended mussel Mytilus edulis communities to nutrient cycling in oligotrophic

  10. Nitrogen Mineralization and Released Nutrients in a Volcanic Soil Amended with Poultry Litter Mineralización de Nitrógeno y Liberación de Nutrientes en un Suelo Volcánico Enmendado con Cama de Broiler

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Hirzel


    Full Text Available Optimum application rates of poultry litter (PL spread out on the farmer´s field is a valuable source of available plant nutrients. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of two rates of PL and conventional fertilization (CF on N mineralization and P, K, Zn, and Cu availability in an Andisol from Southern Chile under controlled conditions. Aerobic incubation was carried out for a 16-wk period. N mineralization rates were higher (61.5% with the two PL treatments than with conventional fertilizer (23%. CF was associated with high N availability prior to the start of incubation and slight immobilization during the first week, perhaps due to a more rapid conversion of urea into NH4 which was then temporarily immobilized by the microbial biomass. At the start and end of the incubation period, Olsen-extractable P content was generally higher in CF. Due to the high fixation capacity of the soil studied, extractable P values were slightly increased suggesting that PL mineralization is only associated with a low risk of P contamination in volcanic soil. In PL, K, Zn, and Cu availability were higher than in CF. However, values obtained for Cu and Zn were average in relation to referential values used in agricultural soil. The results indicated that PL could be an alternative to conventional fertilizer under the conditions of the present study.En sistemas agrícolas que utilizan dosis correctas de insumos, la cama de broiler (CB puede constituir una fuente económica de nutrientes para las plantas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de CB en dos dosis y fertilización convencional (FC sobre la mineralización de N y la disponibilidad de P, K, Zn y Cu en un suelo volcánico de la zona centro-sur de Chile en condiciones controladas. Una incubación aeróbica fue realizada durante un período de 16 semanas. Las tasas de mineralización de N fueron mayores con los tratamientos de CB utilizados (61,5% respecto al uso de FC (23%. La FC

  11. Aeolian dust nutrient contributions increase with substrate age in semi-arid ecosystems (United States)

    Coble, A. A.; Hart, S. C.; Ketterer, M. E.; Newman, G. S.


    Rock-derived nutrients supplied by mineral weathering become depleted over time, and without an additional nutrient source the ecosystem may eventually regress or reach a terminal steady state. Previous studies have demonstrated that aeolian dust act as parent materials of soils and important nutrients to plants in arid regions, but the relative importance of these exogenous nutrients to the function of dry ecosystems during soil development is uncertain. Here, using strontium isotopes as a tracer and a well-constrained, three million year old substrate age gradient, we show that aeolian-derived nutrients become increasingly important to plant-available soil pools and tree (Pinus edulis) growth during the latter stages of soil development in a semi-arid climate. Furthermore, the depth of nutrient uptake increased on older substrates, suggesting that trees in arid regions acquire nutrients from greater depths as ecosystem development progresses presumably in response to nutrient depletion in the more weathered surface soils. Our results contribute to the unification of biogeochemical theory by demonstrating the similarity in roles of atmospheric nutrient inputs during ecosystem development across contrasting climates.

  12. Los polleros que engañan a los migrantes: norma o excepción

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    Simón Pedro Izcara-Palacios


    Full Text Available Este artículo, fundamentado en una metodología cualitativa que incluye entrevistas en profundidad con 90 polleros, 20 proxenetas y 60 inmigrantes centroamericanos, examina a los polleros que engañan a los migrantes. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que muchos polleros sólo tienen la intención de robar, secuestrar o abandonar a los migrantes; que cada vez hay más redes de tráfico sexual, las cuales operan con cierto grado de engaño, y que cada vez son más los polleros que abandonan el coyotaje de forma voluntaria o involuntaria para formar parte de los cárteles de la droga. Sin embargo, la principal conclusión que se desprende del discurso de los entrevistados es que son más los polleros que conducen a los migrantes sanos y salvos a Estados Unidos que aquellos que los agreden y no los cuidan.

  13. Frequent Canned Food Use is Positively Associated with Nutrient-Dense Food Group Consumption and Higher Nutrient Intakes in US Children and Adults


    Comerford, Kevin B.


    In addition to fresh foods, many canned foods also provide nutrient-dense dietary options, often at a lower price, with longer storage potential. The aim of this study was to compare nutrient-dense food group intake and nutrient intake between different levels of canned food consumption in the US. Consumption data were collected for this cross-sectional study from 9761 American canned food consumers (aged two years and older) from The NPD Group’s National Eating Trends® (NET®) database during...

  14. Context-dependent effects of nutrient loading on the coral-algal mutualism. (United States)

    Shantz, Andrew A; Burkepile, Deron E


    Human-mediated increases in nutrient availability alter patterns of primary production, impact species diversity, and threaten ecosystem function. Nutrients can also alter community structure by disrupting the relationships between nutrient-sharing mutualists that form the foundation of communities. Given their oligotrophic nature and the dependence of reef-building corals on symbiotic relationships, coral reefs may be particularly vulnerable to excess nutrients. However, individual studies suggest complex, even contradictory, relationships among nutrient availability, coral physiology, and coral growth. Here, we used meta-analysis to establish general patterns of the impact of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on coral growth and photobiology. Overall, we found that over a wide range of concentrations, N reduced coral calcification 11%, on average, but enhanced metrics of coral photobiology, such as photosynthetic rate. In contrast, P enrichment increased average calcification rates by 9%, likely through direct impacts on the calcification process, but minimally impacted coral photobiology. There were few synergistic impacts of combined N and P on corals, as the nutrients impact corals via different pathways. Additionally, the response of corals to increasing nutrient availability was context dependent, varying with coral taxa and morphology, enrichment source, and nutrient identity. For example, naturally occurring enrichment from fish excretion increased coral growth, while human-mediated enrichment tended to decrease coral growth. Understanding the nuances of the relationship between nutrients and corals may allow for more targeted remediation strategies and suggest how other global change drivers such as overfishing and climate change will shape how nutrient availability impacts corals.

  15. Peran Information Conciousness dan Nutrient Information dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Individual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niken Wahyu Wilujeng


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to analyze nutrient information and information consciousness as factors that influence employee’s performance and job satisfication as intervening variable for finance employee in Brawijaya University. By employing Partial Least Square technique, it was indicated that nutrient information and information consciousness have positive effect to job satisfication, while job satisfication can also fully mediate nutrient information and information consciousness to employee’s performance. This research also indicated that information consciousness and nutrient information are factors that influence finance employee’s performance through intelectual emphasis.

  16. Nutrient intake and nutrient patterns and risk of lung cancer among heavy smokers: results from the COSMOS screening study with annual low-dose CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gnagnarella, Patrizia; Maisonneuve, Patrick; Bellomi, Massimo; Rampinelli, Cristiano; Bertolotti, Raffaella; Spaggiari, Lorenzo; Palli, Domenico; Veronesi, Giulia


    The role of nutrients in lung cancer aetiology remains controversial and has never been evaluated in the context of screening. Our aim was to investigate the role of single nutrients and nutrient patterns in the aetiology of lung cancer in heavy smokers. Asymptomatic heavy smokers (≥20 pack-years) were invited to undergo annual low-dose computed tomography. We assessed diet using a self-administered food frequency questionnaire and collected information on multivitamin supplement use. We performed principal component analysis identifying four nutrient patterns and used Cox proportional Hazards regression to assess the association between nutrients and nutrients patterns and lung cancer risk. During a mean follow-up of 5.7 years, 178 of 4,336 participants were diagnosed with lung cancer by screening. We found a significant risk reduction of lung cancer with increasing vegetable fat consumption (HR for highest vs. lowest quartile = 0.50, 95 % CI = 0.31–0.80; P-trend = 0.02). Participants classified in the high “vitamins and fiber” pattern score had a significant risk reduction of lung cancer (HR = 0.57; 95 % CI = 0.36–0.90, P-trend = 0.01). Among heavy smokers enrolled in a screening trial, high vegetable fat intake and adherence to the “vitamin and fiber” nutrient pattern were associated with reduced lung cancer incidence.

  17. Tumores de los conductos biliares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Triana Cortés


    Los tumores benignos de los conductos biliares son relativamente raros. Christopher, que ha revisado recientemente este asunto, sólo pudo encontrar cuarenta y un casos publicados. Los papilomas parecen los más frecuentes, pero se les encuentra con menor frecuencia en los conductos que en la vesícula. Los adenomas son también tumores benignos de los más frecuentes en los conductos; en general, son múltiples y quísticos, y en algunos casos parecen derivar del epitelio de los conductos.

  18. Projected prevalence of inadequate nutrient intakes in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vinas, B.R.; Barba, L.R.; Ngo, J.; Gurinovic, M.; Novakovic, R.; Cavelaars, A.J.E.M.; Groot, de C.P.G.M.; Veer, van 't P.; Matthys, C.; Serra Majem, L.


    Background: The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence of nutrient intake inadequacy in Europe, applying the Nordic Nutritional Recommendations in the context of the EURRECA Network of Excellence. Methods: Nutrient data was obtained from the European Nutrition and Health Report II.

  19. Evaluación de la calidad de los consentimientos informados de los servicios de los hospitales de nivel III-IV de Lima y Callao.

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    Germán Málaga Rodriguez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de los formatos de consentimiento médico informado para cirugía mayor utilizados en los diferentes servicios de los hospitales de nivel III-IV de Lima y Callao. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, cualitativo y transversal. Obtenidos los formatos de consentimiento médico informado para cirugía mayor utilizados en los servicios de los hospitales de nivel III - IV del Lima y Callao; se evaluó su calidad contrastándolos con una plantilla de requisitos elaborada con base en la literatura. Resultados: De los 28 formatos de consentimiento médico informado para cirugía mayor de 20 hospitales de nivel III-IV en Lima y Callao evaluados, 14,2% cumplían con más del 75% de los requisitos; 57,2%, con 75-50%; y 28,6%, con menos del 50%. Los requisitos acerca del procedimiento y sus características estuvieron ausentes en más del 75% de los formatos. Los formatos de los hospitales pertenecientes al Ministerio de Salud (MINSA cumplieron en promedio con 12 requisitos (rango 4-21; los de las Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA, con 17 (rango 14-18; y los del EsSALUD, con 18 (rango16-22. Conclusiones: Los formatos de CMI de los servicios de los hospitales de nivel III-IV de Lima Callao evaluados no presentan uniformidad entre ellos y no garantizan que el paciente ha sido completa y correctamente informado ni que se ha respetado su autonomía en la toma de decisión. Los formatos de CMI del MINSA fueron los más deficientes y los que presentaron mayor variabilidad de calidad. Se propone un modelo de CMI para ser tomado como base por los diferentes servicios de hospitales para la elaboración de futuros CMI.(Rev Med Hered 2007;18:136-142

  20. Estudio de los decomisos de sustancias psicoactivas en los centros penitenciarios de Catalunya (1991-2010)


    Fuente Capdevila, Blanca de la


    [spa] En el “Estudio de los decomisos de sustancias psicoactivas en los centros penitenciarios de Catalunya (1991-2010)" se examinan las tendencias de las incautaciones provenientes de los mismos analizadas en el Laboratorio Territorial de Drogas. Los datos se agrupan respecto al número y a la naturaleza de los decomisos para determinar los patrones de demanda, y por consiguiente de consumo de los internos. Los resultados se analizan de forma global considerando todos los centros y de form...

  1. Report Assesses Nutrient Pollution in U.S. Streams and Aquifers (United States)

    Showstack, Randy


    Concentrations of nutrients in many U.S. streams and aquifers have remained the same or have increased since the early 1990s, according to a new decadal assessment entitled “Nutrients in the nation's streams and groundwater, 1992-2004,” released by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on 24 September. “Despite improvements in water quality made by reducing point sources of nutrients, our data show that nonpoint sources of nutrients have resulted in concentrations of both nitrogen and phosphorus far above criteria recommended by [the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency] for the protection of aquatic life,” Neil Dubrovsky, project chief for USGS's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, said at a briefing when the report was released. While USGS continues to sample for nutrient concentrations, the report assessment period concluded in 2004.

  2. Timber-harvest clearcutting and nutrients in the Northeastern United States (United States)

    K. G. Reinhart


    The effect of ecosystem disturbance on nutrients in the system has been receiving widespread attention. An appraisal of research results in the Northeast indicates that timber-harvest clearcutting has not increased nutrient levels sufficiently to reduce water quality below drinking water standards. Losses of nutrients from clearcuttings in New Hampshire over a 2-year...

  3. Effect of packaging materials on nutrients, phytochemicals and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effect of packaging materials on nutrients, phytochemicals and sensory attributes of Moinmoin. R.A. Mustapha, G.A. Ogundahunsi, O.I. Olanrewaju, O.O. Bolajoko. Abstract. Objective: The effect of packaging materials on nutrients, phytochemicals and sensory attributes of moinmoin cooked and wrapped with nylon, banana, ...

  4. The effect of nutrients on extracellular polymeric substance ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effect of nutrients on extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) production and its impact on sludge properties and removal efficiencies were investigated in an in-depth field survey of wastewater treatment plants. Thereafter, laboratory studies were performed to evaluate the effect of a combination of nutrients - nitrogen ...

  5. Excess nutrients in hydroponic solutions alter nutrient content of rice, wheat, and potato (United States)

    McKeehen, J. D.; Mitchell, C. A.; Wheeler, R. M.; Bugbee, B.; Nielsen, S. S.


    Environment has significant effects on the nutrient content of field-grown crop plants. Little is known, however, about compositional changes caused by controlled environments in which plants receive only artificial radiation and soilless, hydroponic culture. This knowledge is essential for developing a safe, nutritious diet in a Controlled Ecological Life-Support System (CELSS). Three crops that are candidates for inclusion in a CELSS (rice, wheat, and white potato) were grown both in the field and in controlled environments where the hydroponic nutrient solution, photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), and CO2 level were manipulated to achieve rapid growth rates. Plants were harvested at maturity, separated into discrete parts, and dried prior to analysis. Plant materials were analyzed for proximate composition (protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrate), total nitrogen (N), nitrate, minerals, and amino-acid composition. The effect of environment on nutrient content varied by crop and plant part. Total N and nonprotein N (NPN) contents of plant biomass generally increased under controlled-environment conditions compared to field conditions, especially for leafy plant parts and roots. Nitrate levels were increased in hydroponically-grown vegetative tissues, but nitrate was excluded from grains and tubers. Mineral content changes in plant tissue included increased phosphorus and decreased levels of certain micronutrient elements under controlled-environment conditions. These findings suggest that cultivar selection, genetic manipulation, and environmental control could be important to obtain highly nutritious biomass in a CELSS.

  6. Assessment of Nutrient Stability in Space Foods (United States)

    Zwart, S. R.; Perchonok, M.; Braby, L. A.; Kloeris, V. A.; Smith, S. M.


    Maintaining an intact nutrient supply in the food system flown on spacecraft is a critical issue for mission success and crew health and safety. Early polar expeditions and exploration expeditions by sailing vessels have taught us that a deficiency, or excess, of even a single vitamin in the food supply can be catastrophic. Evidence from ground-based research indicates that some vitamins are destroyed and fatty acids are oxidized (and therefore rendered dangerous or useless) by different types of radiation and by conditions of long-term storage. We hypothesize that radiation and long-term storage in the space-flight environment will affect the stability of vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids in the space food system. The research objectives of our ongoing stability studies are to determine the stability of water- and fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, and amino acids in the space food supply before and after space flight on the International Space Station (ISS). Foods were analyzed after 2 weeks (a flight control), 11, 19, and 28 months of flight. Along with the space-flown foods, ground-based controls matched for time, light, and temperature are analyzed. The flight studies complement planned ground-based studies of the effects of radiation on vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids. Flight studies are needed because a model based on ground-based data cannot predict all of the effects of the space-flight environment. Flight studies provide a more accurate test system to determine the effects on these nutrients of the temperature, and radiation conditions in the space-flight environment. Ground studies are required to evaluate longer missions and higher radiation levels expected outside low-Earth orbit. In addition to providing information about nutrient stability in space, the results of these studies will help NASA determine if a need exists to develop special packaging that can ensure stability of foods and nutrients in space, or if further studies of nutrient

  7. Urban trees reduce nutrient leaching to groundwater. (United States)

    Nidzgorski, Daniel A; Hobbie, Sarah E


    Many urban waterways suffer from excess nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), feeding algal blooms, which cause lower water clarity and oxygen levels, bad odor and taste, and the loss of desirable species. Nutrient movement from land to water is likely to be influenced by urban vegetation, but there are few empirical studies addressing this. In this study, we examined whether or not urban trees can reduce nutrient leaching to groundwater, an important nutrient export pathway that has received less attention than stormwater. We characterized leaching beneath 33 trees of 14 species, and seven open turfgrass areas, across three city parks in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. We installed lysimeters at 60 cm depth to collect soil water approximately biweekly from July 2011 through October 2013, except during winter and drought periods, measured dissolved organic carbon (C), N, and P in soil water, and modeled water fluxes using the BROOK90 hydrologic model. We also measured soil nutrient pools (bulk C and N, KCl-extractable inorganic N, Brays-P), tree tissue nutrient concentrations (C, N, and P of green leaves, leaf litter, and roots), and canopy size parameters (leaf biomass, leaf area index) to explore correlations with nutrient leaching. Trees had similar or lower N leaching than turfgrass in 2012 but higher N leaching in 2013; trees reduced P leaching compared with turfgrass in both 2012 and 2013, with lower leaching under deciduous than evergreen trees. Scaling up our measurements to an urban subwatershed of the Mississippi River (~17 400 ha, containing ~1.5 million trees), we estimated that trees reduced P leaching to groundwater by 533 kg in 2012 (0.031 kg/ha or 3.1 kg/km 2 ) and 1201 kg in 2013 (0.069 kg/ha or 6.9 kg/km 2 ). Removing these same amounts of P using stormwater infrastructure would cost $2.2 million and $5.0 million per year (2012 and 2013 removal amounts, respectively). © 2016 by the Ecological Society of America.

  8. Parent's responses to nutrient claims and sports celebrity endorsements on energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods: an experimental study. (United States)

    Dixon, Helen; Scully, Maree; Wakefield, Melanie; Kelly, Bridget; Chapman, Kathy; Donovan, Robert


    To assess parents' responses to common, potentially misleading strategies for marketing energy-dense and nutrient-poor (EDNP) child-oriented foods. Between-subjects online experiment to test whether nutrient claims and sports celebrity endorsements on the front of packs of EDNP products lead parents to prefer and rate these foods more favourably. Australia. A total of 1551 parents of children aged 5-12 years, who were the main household grocery buyers. Inclusion of nutrient claims or sports celebrity endorsements on EDNP products led parents to perceive these products to be more nutritious than if they did not include such promotions. When asked to choose between a pair of different products (EDNP v. healthier), 56 % of parents did not read a nutrition information panel (NIP) before making their choice and this did not differ by promotion condition. These parents were more likely to choose an EDNP product if it included a nutrient claim (OR = 1.83, 95 % CI 1.31, 2.56; P foods are available to children at home, it is critical that initiatives aimed at reducing the persuasive impact of food marketing include this target group.

  9. Paleoecología: el uso de los quironómidos fósiles (Diptera: Chironomidae en reconstrucciones paleoambientales durante el Cuaternario en la Patagonia

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    Julieta MASSAFERRO


    Full Text Available Entre los indicadores biológicos lacustres más utilizados en las reconstrucciones ambientales, se encuentran el polen, los ostrácodos y las diatomeas, y entre los insectos, los coleópteros y los quironómidos. Este grupo ha cobrado gran importancia en los últimos tiempos, debido a los resultados prometedores que se han obtenido en reconstrucciones climáticas realizadas en América del Norte y Europa. En América del Sur, el uso de los quironómidos fósiles en estudios cuaternarios es relativamente limitado, principalmente por su escaso conocimiento taxonómico regional. La mayor parte de estos estudios fueron realizados en lagos glaciares patagónicos de Argentina y Chile. Las larvas de quironómidos constituyen una valiosa herramienta paleolimnológica, por ser un grupo de organismos altamente sensible a cambios ambientales, tanto naturales como artificiales. Además, es un grupo de insectos ampliamente distribuido y con una abundancia y diversidad relativamente altas. Sus cápsulas cefálicas se preservan en los sedimentos lacustres y poseen caracteres importantes que permiten identificar géneros y muchas veces especies. El estudio de los ensambles de quironómidos en sedimentos lacustres puede ser utilizado con distintos objetivos, por ejemplo, para estudios de eutrofización, ya que responden rápidamente a cambios en la concentración de nutrientes, materia orgánica y otros elementos, como metales pesados. No obstante, uno de los potenciales más importantes de este grupo de insectos es su sensibilidad a los cambios de temperatura, por este motivo, la aplicación más importante de su estudio en sedimentos se centra en las reconstrucciones climáticas. Esta contribución es una síntesis de los resultados de los trabajos publicados en la Patagonia argentina y chilena, sobre la base del uso de los quironómidos fósiles en reconstrucciones paleoambientales.


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    Díaz, F


    Full Text Available Dryland farming on Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain, which has an annual rainfall of less than 150 mm/year, has been based traditionally on water harvesting techniques (known locally as “gavias”. Periods of high productivity alternate with those of very low yield. The systems are sustainable in that they reduce erosive processes, contribute to soil and soil-water conservation and are largely responsible for maintaining the soil’s farming potential. In this paper we present the chemical fertility status and nutrient balance of soils in five “gavia” systems. The results are compared with those obtained in adjacent soils where this water harvesting technique is not used. The main crops are wheat, barley, maize, lentils and chick-peas. Since neither organic nor inorganic fertilisers are used, nutrients are derived mainly from sediments carried by runoff water. Nutrients are lost mainly through crop harvesting and harvest residues. The soils where water harvesting is used have lower salt and sodium in the exchange complex, are higher in carbon, nitrogen, copper and zinc and have similar phosphorous and potassium content. It is concluded that the systems improve the soil’s natural fertility and also that natural renovation of nutrients occurs thanks to the surface deposits of sediments, which mix with the arable layer. The system helps ensure adequate fertility levels, habitual in arid regions, thus allowing dryland farming to be carried out.

  11. Membrane-based processes for wastewater nutrient recovery: Technology, challenges, and future direction. (United States)

    Xie, Ming; Shon, Ho Kyong; Gray, Stephen R; Elimelech, Menachem


    Wastewater nutrient recovery holds promise for more sustainable water and agricultural industries. We critically review three emerging membrane processes - forward osmosis (FO), membrane distillation (MD) and electrodialysis (ED) - that can advance wastewater nutrient recovery. Challenges associated with wastewater nutrient recovery were identified. The advantages and challenges of applying FO, MD, and ED technologies to wastewater nutrient recovery are discussed, and directions for future research and development are identified. Emphasis is given to exploration of the unique mass transfer properties of these membrane processes in the context of wastewater nutrient recovery. We highlight that hybridising these membrane processes with existing nutrient precipitation process will lead to better management of and more diverse pathways for near complete nutrient recovery in wastewater treatment facilities. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Nutrient mitigation in a temporary river basin. (United States)

    Tzoraki, Ourania; Nikolaidis, Nikolaos P; Cooper, David; Kassotaki, Elissavet


    We estimate the nutrient budget in a temporary Mediterranean river basin. We use field monitoring and modelling tools to estimate nutrient sources and transfer in both high and low flow conditions. Inverse modelling by the help of PHREEQC model validated the hypothesis of a losing stream during the dry period. Soil and Water Assessment Tool model captured the water quality of the basin. The 'total daily maximum load' approach is used to estimate the nutrient flux status by flow class, indicating that almost 60% of the river network fails to meet nitrogen criteria and 50% phosphate criteria. We recommend that existing well-documented remediation measures such as reforestation of the riparian area or composting of food process biosolids should be implemented to achieve load reduction in close conjunction with social needs.

  13. Nutrient fluxes from coastal California catchments with suburban development (United States)

    Melack, J. M.; Leydecker, A.; Beighley, E.; Robinson, T.; Coombs, S.


    Numerous streams originate in the mountains fringing California's coast and transport nutrients into coastal waters. In central California, these streams traverse catchments with land covers including chaparral, grazed grasslands, orchards, industrial agriculture and suburban and urban development. Fluvial nutrient concentrations and fluxes vary as a function of these land covers and as a function of considerable fluctuations in rainfall. As part of a long-term investigation of mobilization and fluvial transport of nutrients in catchments bordering the Santa Barbara Channel we have intensively sampled nutrient concentrations and measured discharge during storm and base flows in multiple catchments and subcatchments. Volume-weighted mean concentrations of nitrate generally ranged from 5 to 25 micromolar in undeveloped areas, increased to about 100 micromolar for suburban and most agricultural catchments, and were in excess of 1000 micromolar in catchments with greenhouse-based agriculture. Phosphate concentrations ranged from 2 to 20 micromolar among the catchments. These data are used to examine the premise that the suburbanized portion of the catchments is the primary source of nutrients to the streams.

  14. Los mercados financieros


    Franco Bendeck, Henry David; Guzmán Salazar, Laura Steffi


    En este documento el lector encontrará una visión general y un punto de partida sobre el funcionamiento de los mercados financieros de dinero y capitales, abordando la teoría en cuanto a la estructura y funcionamiento del sistema de valores intercambiario, además de aspectos como la psicología de sus participantes y la actualidad de algunos de los mercados muy poco desarrollados como el caso de los latinoamericanos. Estos aspectos hacen parte del contexto de inversión en los mercados, e...

  15. The effects of leaf litter nutrient pulses on Alliaria petiolata performance

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    Robert W. Heckman


    Full Text Available Nutrient pulses can facilitate species establishment and spread in new habitats, particularly when one species more effectively uses that nutrient pulse. Biological differences in nutrient acquisition between native and exotic species may facilitate invasions into a variety of habitats including deciduous forest understories. Alliaria petiolata (Bieb. Cavara & Grande is an important invader of deciduous forest understories throughout much of North America. These understory communities contain many species which perform the majority of their growth and reproduction before canopy closure in spring. Because A. petiolata is a wintergreen biennial that can be active during autumn and winter, it may utilize nutrients released from decaying leaf litter before its competitors. To investigate this we manipulated the timing of leaf litter addition (fall or spring and experimentally simulated the nutrient pulse from decaying leaves using artificial fertilizer. To determine whether A. petiolata affected the abundance of understory competitors, we also removed A. petiolata from one treatment. A. petiolata that received early nutrients exhibited greater growth. Treatments receiving fall leaf litter or artificial nutrients had greater A. petiolata adult biomass than plots receiving spring nutrient additions (leaf litter or artificial nutrients. However, fall leaf litter addition had no effect on the richness of competitor species. Thus, wintergreen phenology may contribute to the spread of A. petiolata through deciduous forest understories, but may not explain community-level impacts of A. petiolata in deciduous forests.

  16. Role of Nutrient-Sensing Signals in the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Nephropathy

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    Shinji Kume


    Full Text Available Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease worldwide. The multipronged drug approach still fails to fully prevent the onset and progression of diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, a new therapeutic target to improve the prognosis of diabetic nephropathy is urgently required. Nutrient-sensing signals and their related intracellular machinery have evolved to combat prolonged periods of starvation in mammals; and these systems are conserved in the kidney. Recent studies have suggested that the activity of three nutrient-sensing signals, mTORC1, AMPK, and Sirt1, is altered in the diabetic kidney. Furthermore, autophagy activity, which is regulated by the above-mentioned nutrient-sensing signals, is also altered in both podocytes and proximal tubular cells under diabetic conditions. Under diabetic conditions, an altered nutritional state owing to nutrient excess may disturb cellular homeostasis regulated by nutrient-responsible systems, leading to exacerbation of organelle dysfunction and diabetic nephropathy. In this review, we discuss new findings showing relationships between nutrient-sensing signals, autophagy, and diabetic nephropathy and suggest the therapeutic potential of nutrient-sensing signals in diabetic nephropathy.

  17. Automated nutrient analyses in seawater

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Whitledge, T.E.; Malloy, S.C.; Patton, C.J.; Wirick, C.D.


    This manual was assembled for use as a guide for analyzing the nutrient content of seawater samples collected in the marine coastal zone of the Northeast United States and the Bering Sea. Some modifications (changes in dilution or sample pump tube sizes) may be necessary to achieve optimum measurements in very pronounced oligotrophic, eutrophic or brackish areas. Information is presented under the following section headings: theory and mechanics of automated analysis; continuous flow system description; operation of autoanalyzer system; cookbook of current nutrient methods; automated analyzer and data analysis software; computer interfacing and hardware modifications; and trouble shooting. The three appendixes are entitled: references and additional reading; manifold components and chemicals; and software listings. (JGB)

  18. Effect of Storage Method on Nutrients Composition, Antioxidant ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Corchorus olitorious is a vegetable that is popularly consumed in West Africa. It is also known to be rich in nutrients. The effects of market storage methods of vegetables on nutrient composition, antioxidant contents and consumer acceptability of Corchorus olitorious were assessed at Owo, Ondo state, Southwest Nigeria.

  19. Modelling nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems; Modellering av naeringssyklus i skogoekosystemer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kvindesland, Sheila H.S.B.


    Acid deposition`s threat to fresh water and forest environments became an issue in the late 1960s. Acid deposition and forest nutrient cycling then began to be researched in greater co-operation. This thesis studies nutrient cycling processes in Norway spruce forests, emphasizing the effects on soil chemical properties, soil solution chemistry and streamwater chemistry. It investigates the effects of different aged stands on nutrient cycling and sets up nutrient budgets of the base cations and nitrogen at two sites in Norway. It also selects, documents, calibrates, tests and improves nutrient cycling models for use in Norwegian forests. 84 refs., 44 figs., 46 tabs.


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    Jorge Enrique Rodríguez Guevara


    Full Text Available El artículo busca describir lo que son los eco negocios en la actualidad, y su potencial en los mercados futuros. Para esta propuesta se desarrollan tres objetivos específicos: el primero iniciando con contextualizar los eco negocios y su importancia en el entorno global; el segundo, identificar experiencias significativas en los eco negocios internacionales, una mirada desde las tendencias de la oferta global, y desde las tendencias del comportamiento del consumidor. Un tercer objetivo, ilustrar la necesidad del comercio justo en la economía internacional, y la identificación de organizaciones que la promueven; por último, conclusiones y recomendaciones que permitan ampliar el análisis de los negocios internacionales y su tendencia.

  1. Los guerras en las mentes de los niños

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    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de la comunicación pública en las representaciones que elabora el niño sobre las guerras. Confronta las representaciones de la guerra que llevan a cabo la televisión y la escuela. Presenta un primer apartado teórico en el que se definen tres tipos de relatos sobre las guerras: el relato informativo, el relato de construcción y el relato de ficción. En un segundo apartado, metodológico, se ofrecen los pasos a seguir para analizar la trayectoria que siguen estos relatos bélicos: 1. Tramo del trabajo constructivo y codificador efectuado por el relato. 2. Tramo del trabajo reconstructivo y decodificador que el niño realiza sobre el relato. 3. Tramo de los modelos de acción. En el tercer apartado, se ofrecen datos extraídos de dos estudios exploratorios: a "Los relatos informativos sobre la guerra del Golfo y su representación por el niño". b "Los relatos de ficción-reconstrucción y su influencia en los "juegos de guerra" de los niños". En último lugar, se discuten una serie de consideraciones finales en orden a sugerir una posible línea de investigación sobre las guerras y su construcción social, tanto por el niño como por los relatos.

  2. Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model

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    James Vaughn Kohl


    Full Text Available Background: The prenatal migration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH neurosecretory neurons allows nutrients and human pheromones to alter GnRH pulsatility, which modulates the concurrent maturation of the neuroendocrine, reproductive, and central nervous systems, thus influencing the development of ingestive behavior, reproductive sexual behavior, and other behaviors. Methods: This model details how chemical ecology drives adaptive evolution via: (1 ecological niche construction, (2 social niche construction, (3 neurogenic niche construction, and (4 socio-cognitive niche construction. This model exemplifies the epigenetic effects of olfactory/pheromonal conditioning, which alters genetically predisposed, nutrient-dependent, hormone-driven mammalian behavior and choices for pheromones that control reproduction via their effects on luteinizing hormone (LH and systems biology. Results: Nutrients are metabolized to pheromones that condition behavior in the same way that food odors condition behavior associated with food preferences. The epigenetic effects of olfactory/pheromonal input calibrate and standardize molecular mechanisms for genetically predisposed receptor-mediated changes in intracellular signaling and stochastic gene expression in GnRH neurosecretory neurons of brain tissue. For example, glucose and pheromones alter the hypothalamic secretion of GnRH and LH. A form of GnRH associated with sexual orientation in yeasts links control of the feedback loops and developmental processes required for nutrient acquisition, movement, reproduction, and the diversification of species from microbes to man. Conclusion: An environmental drive evolved from that of nutrient ingestion in unicellular organisms to that of pheromone-controlled socialization in insects. In mammals, food odors and pheromones cause changes in hormones such as LH, which has developmental affects on pheromone-controlled sexual behavior in nutrient-dependent reproductively

  3. Mediatización: reencuadrando el análisis de los efectos de los medios

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjarvard, Stig


    al contenido de los medios (por ejemplo, los efectos son vistos como el resultado de la comunicación mediada). La investigación sobre mediatización se preocupa de los cambios estructurales de largo plazo que involucran a los medios, la cultura y la sociedad (por ejemplo, la influencia de los medios...... es entendida en relación a cómo los medios están implicados en los cambios sociales y culturales y a cómo estos procesos llegan a crear nuevas condiciones para la comunicación e interacción humanas). Desde la perspectiva de la investigación en mediatización, el efecto más importante de los medios...

  4. Los libros de los moriscos y los eruditos orientales

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    Rodríguez Mediano, Fernando


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to show how the Orientalist scholarship of Christian Arabs who had come to Spain from the Middle East (via Italy adressed the literature of the Moriscos, to examine how it was understood by such scholars and what they used it for. We show that these scholars, from among whom we have chosen the examples of Marcus Dobelius and Miguel Casiri, could not carry out their Orientalist work using the Arabic manuscripts of the El Escorial library without confronting the Morisco problem in the form of Morisco texts held in several collections confiscated by the Inquisition. The knowledge and activities of these Moriscos served to trace the broad outlines of an intellectual history of the Arabic language in Europe, in which Morisco activity was interppreted in relation to its linguistic and doctrinal variables. This was achieved by means of the construction of a scholarly discipline (Orientalism at a time of religious polemic between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, i.e. during the period of the development of religious dissidence and skepticism in early modern Europe.Pretendemos, en este trabajo, mostrar cómo la erudición orientalista de árabes cristianos venidos a España desde Oriente (a través de Italia se aproximó a la literatura de los moriscos, cómo la entendió y para qué la utilizó. Mostramos que estos eruditos, de entre los que elegimos los casos de Marcos Dobelio y Miguel Casiri, no pudieron realizar su trabajo orientalista, que se basa en una fuerte vinculación con los manuscritos árabes de la Biblioteca de El Escorial, sin evitar el problema morisco en forma de su producción escrita aparecida en diversos fondos requisados por la Inquisición. Sus saberes y su actividad sirven para trazar los contornos amplios de una historia intelectual de la lengua árabe en Europa, en la que el hecho morisco es interpretado en función de sus variables lingüsticas y doctrinales, a partir de la constitución de

  5. El mínimo vital y los derechos de los adultos mayores

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    Carlos Parra-Dussan


    Full Text Available Este artículo parte del concepto de vulnerabilidad, para incluir en este sector la tercera edad. Se analiza la tendencia Jurisprudencial en materia de Protección Constitucional especial de los adultos mayores; cuáles han sido los problemas fundamentales en el tratamiento judicial, especialmente en el uso del mecanismo de la tutela y los razonamientos empleados por los jueces para resolver los problemas que incorporan derechos de tercera edad y su evolución. En el caso concreto de las personas de la tercera edad, la ley ha previsto distinciones especiales encaminadas a salvaguardar sus derechos, que provienen no solo de la Constitución y la Ley, sino de todo el Sistema Judicial, dotando a los Jueces de las herramientas necesarias para hacer efectivo el derecho sustancial por medio de sus fallos. Así, encontramos que el sistema judicial colombiano ha concentrado sus esfuerzos en proteger a las personas de la tercera edad, específicamente en la Seguridad Social, dándole gran importancia al derecho pensional. No obstante, abarcar la Seguridad Social en un espectro jurídico amplio, solamente los derechos relativos al “pago oportuno de mesadas pensionales”, “la reliquidación de pensiones”, ”el no pago de las pensiones de jubilación”, “el reconocimiento de las sustituciones pensionales”, derecho a la salud y el derecho al mínimo vital han sido los conflictos más comunes que deben ser resueltos por los jueces en materia de protección especial de los adultos mayores.

  6. Nutrient allocation among stem, leaf and inflorescence of jatropha plants

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    Rosiane L. S. de Lima


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTInformation on the partitioning of nutrients among various organs in jatropha plants, as a complementary tool for the recommendation of fertilization, is still not available. This study aimed to evaluate the contents of macro and micronutrients in stems, leaves and inflorescences of jatropha branches at the beginning of flowering. At the beginning of flowering, adult jatropha plants were sampled and divided into five compartments: inflorescences, leaves from vegetative branches, leaves from flowering branches, stems from vegetative branches and stems from flowering branches. Jatropha inflorescences are a drain of nutrients. Leaves are important sources of nutrients demanded by the inflorescences at the beginning of flowering. The higher allocation of nutrients in the inflorescences suggests the need for preventive/corrective fertilizations, which must be performed at least 30 days before flowering, providing plants with nutrients in adequate amounts for a good yield.

  7. Son los latinos estadounidenses?


    Aguirre, Mariano


    En el año 2050 la población blanca no latina de Estados Unidos sumará el 46% del total de los ciudadanos de ese país. Para entonces, la población latina, negra y asiática combinada representará el 54%. En ese horizonte que predicen los cálculos oficiales, los latinos habrán crecido en un 15%, pasando de los 47 millones que viven ahora EEUU a 133 millones. Mientras que los latinos y los asiáticos (de 16 millones a 41 millones para entonces) no pararán de crecer, las poblaciones blanca y negra ...

  8. Soil nutrient assessment for urban ecosystems in Hubei, China.

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    Zhi-Guo Li

    Full Text Available Recent urban landscape vegetation surveys conducted in many cities in China identified numerous plant nutrient deficiencies, especially in newly developed cities. Soil nutrients and soil nutrient management in the cities of Hubei province have not received adequate attention to date. The aims of this study were to characterize the available nutrients of urban soils from nine cities in Hubei province, China, and to assess how soil nutrient status is related to land use type and topography. Soil nutrients were measured in 405 sites from 1,215 soil samples collected from four land use types (park, institutional [including government building grounds, municipal party grounds, university grounds, and garden city institutes], residential, and roadside verges and three topographies (mountainous [142-425 m a.s.l], hilly [66-112 m a.s.l], and plain [26-30 m a.s.l]. Chemical analyses showed that urban soils in Hubei had high pH and lower soil organic matter, available nitrogen (N, available phosphorus (P, and available boron (B concentrations than natural soils. Nutrient concentrations were significantly different among land use types, with the roadside and residential areas having greater concentrations of calcium (Ca, sulfur (S, copper (Cu, manganese (Mn, and zinc (Zn that were not deficient against the recommended ranges. Topographic comparisons showed statistically significant effects for 8 of the 11 chemical variables (p < 0.05. Concentrations of N, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, and Mn in plain cities were greater than those in mountainous cities and show a negative correlation with city elevation. These results provide data on urban soils characteristics in land use types and topography, and deliver significant information for city planners and policy makers.

  9. Can nutrient enrichment influence the invasion of Phragmites australis? (United States)

    Uddin, Md Nazim; Robinson, Randall William


    Plant invasion and nutrient enrichment because of anthropogenic landscape modifications seriously threaten native plant community diversity in aquatic and wetland ecosystems. It is poorly understood, however, whether these two disturbances interact with the functional identity of recipient native plants to drive community change. We performed combined studies in the fields and greenhouse to examine whether nutrient enrichment may trigger the invasion of Phragmites australis in wetlands through competitive advantage over native Melaleuca ericifolia. Chemical characterizations of rhizosphere water were distinguished in two different nutrient enriched wetlands associated with and without Phragmites over the seasons. Significant changes in rhizosphere water were observed in invaded area compared to uninvaded area at both sites. High nitrogen (NO 3 - ), phosphorous (PO 4 3- ), dissolved organic carbon, phenolics contents, with low pH were found in invaded areas compared to uninvaded areas. Total biomass of Phragmites was positively regressed with rhizosphere water nitrogen (NO 3 - ) and phosphorous (PO 4 3- ) content. Nutrient addition significantly enhanced the growth and competitive ability of Phragmites over Melaleuca. In contrast, Melaleuca was significantly less competitive than Phragmites. There was a significantly positive correlation between the growth of Phragmites grown alone and its competitive ability. The findings in greenhouse studies coupled with characteristics of Phragmites and its' rhizosphere chemistry in the nutrient enriched fields suggest that nutrient enrichment may enhance Phragmites invasion through correspondingly increasing growth and maintaining inherent competitive advantages of Phragmites. Nutrient management could limit the vigorous growth of Phragmites in wetlands and thereby reduce invasion through competitive advantages over natives, which might have important management implications for wetland managers. Copyright © 2017. Published by

  10. Standardisation of an European end-user nutrient database for nutritional epidemiology: what can we learn from the EPIC Nutrient Database (ENDB) project?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Slimani, N.; Deharveng, G.; Unwin, I.


    the absence of a reference European nutrient database for international nutritional epidemiology studies, the EPIC Nutrient Database (ENDB) project has been set up to standardise nutrient databases (NDBs) across 10 European countries participating in the EPIC study. This paper reports the main...... problems in harmonising NDBs experienced by end-user in the ENDB project and the solutions adopted to prevent and minimize them, which are also relevant for other large European nutritional studies. Furthermore, it provides end-user recommendations for improving the comparability of European and other NDBs...

  11. Rhizosphere priming: a nutrient perspective

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    Feike Auke Dijkstra


    Full Text Available Rhizosphere priming is the change in decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM caused by root activity. Rhizosphere priming plays a crucial role in soil carbon (C dynamics and their response to global climate change. Rhizosphere priming may be affected by soil nutrient availability, but rhizosphere priming itself can also affect nutrient supply to plants. These interactive effects may be of particular relevance in understanding the sustained increase in plant growth and nutrient supply in response to a rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration. We examined how these interactions were affected by elevated CO2 in two similar semiarid grassland field studies. We found that an increase in rhizosphere priming enhanced the release of nitrogen (N through decomposition of a larger fraction of SOM in one study, but not in the other. We postulate that rhizosphere priming may enhance N supply to plants in systems that are N limited, but that rhizosphere priming may not occur in systems that are phosphorus (P limited. Under P limitation, rhizodeposition may be used for mobilisation of P, rather than for decomposition of SOM. Therefore, with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, rhizosphere priming may play a larger role in affecting C sequestration in N poor than in P poor soils.

  12. Groundwater-derived nutrient inputs to the Upper Gulf of Thailand (United States)

    Burnett, William C.; Wattayakorn, Gullaya; Taniguchi, Makoto; Dulaiova, Henrieta; Sojisuporn, Pramot; Rungsupa, Sompop; Ishitobi, Tomotoshi


    We report here the first direct measurements of nutrient fluxes via groundwater discharge into the Upper Gulf of Thailand. Nutrient and standard oceanographic surveys were conducted during the wet and dry seasons along the Chao Phraya River, Estuary and out into the Upper Gulf of Thailand. Additional measurements in selected near-shore regions of the Gulf included manual and automatic seepage meter deployments, as well as nutrient evaluations of seepage and coastal waters. The river transects characterized the distribution of biogeochemical parameters in this highly contaminated urban environment. Seepage flux measurements together with nutrient analyses of seepage fluids were used to estimate nutrient fluxes via groundwater pathways for comparison to riverine fluxes. Our findings show that disseminated seepage of nutrient-rich mostly saline groundwater into the Upper Gulf of Thailand is significant. Estimated fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) supplied via groundwater discharge were 40-50% of that delivered by the Chao Phraya River, inorganic phosphate was 60-70%, and silica was 15-40%. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP) groundwater fluxes were also high at 30-40% and 30-130% of the river inputs, respectively. These observations are especially impressive since the comparison is being made to the river that is the largest source of fresh water into the Gulf of Thailand and flows directly through the megacity of Bangkok with high nutrient loadings from industrial and domestic sources.

  13. Groundwater – The disregarded component in lake water and nutrient budgets. Part 2: effects of groundwater on nutrients (United States)

    Lewandowski, Jörg; Meinikmann, Karin; Nützmann, Gunnar; Rosenberry, Donald O.


    Lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) transports nutrients from a catchment to a lake, which may fuel eutrophication, one of the major threats to our fresh waters. Unfortunately, LGD has often been disregarded in lake nutrient studies. Most measurement techniques are based on separate determinations of volume and nutrient concentration of LGD: Loads are calculated by multiplying seepage volumes by concentrations of exfiltrating water. Typically low phosphorus (P) concentrations of pristine groundwater often are increased due to anthropogenic sources such as fertilizer, manure or sewage. Mineralization of naturally present organic matter might also increase groundwater P. Reducing redox conditions favour P transport through the aquifer to the reactive aquifer-lake interface. In some cases, large decreases of P concentrations may occur at the interface, for example, due to increased oxygen availability, while in other cases, there is nearly no decrease in P. The high reactivity of the interface complicates quantification of groundwater-borne P loads to the lake, making difficult clear differentiation of internal and external P loads to surface water. Anthropogenic sources of nitrogen (N) in groundwater are similar to those of phosphate. However, the environmental fate of N differs fundamentally from P because N occurs in several different redox states, each with different mobility. While nitrate behaves essentially conservatively in most oxic aquifers, ammonium's mobility is similar to that of phosphate. Nitrate may be transformed to gaseous N2 in reducing conditions and permanently removed from the system. Biogeochemical turnover of N is common at the reactive aquifer-lake interface. Nutrient loads from LGD were compiled from the literature. Groundwater-borne P loads vary from 0.74 to 2900 mg PO4-P m−2 year−1; for N, these loads vary from 0.001 to 640 g m−2 year−1. Even small amounts of seepage can carry large nutrient loads due to often high

  14. Absorption and nutrient concentration in apple (Pyrus mains L.)


    Trani, P.E.; Haag, H.P.; Sarruge, J.R.; Dechen, A.R.; Catani, CB


    In order to obtain the following informations: a) dry matter production and extraction of nutrients by the fruits at different ages; b) dry matter production and extraction of nutrient by the leaves and "trunk + branches" collected at the flowering stage; c) dry matter production and export of nutrients by pruning (leaves and branches) at the begining dormant stage; A trial was conducted on Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Orto group (Orthox) at Buri, São Paulo State, Brazil. The material was collec...

  15. Diagnosing foliar nutrient dynamics of Eucalyptus grandis in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fertilisation is one of the most cost-effective methods of increasing and maintaining the productivity of Eucalyptus grandis plantations in South Africa. This silvicultural practice can be optimised by using the foliar nutrient ratios measured in plants at maximum growth as a guideline for fertiliser application. The foliar nutrient ...

  16. USDA updates nutrient values for fast food pizza (United States)

    Consumption of quick service pizza has increased as Americans are spending more on food away from home. Pizza is consistently a primary Key Food in the USDA National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program (NFNAP) because it is a contributor of more than 14 nutrients of public health significance to the...

  17. Food for thought: how nutrients regulate root system architecture. (United States)

    Shahzad, Zaigham; Amtmann, Anna


    The spatial arrangement of the plant root system (root system architecture, RSA) is very sensitive to edaphic and endogenous signals that report on the nutrient status of soil and plant. Signalling pathways underpinning RSA responses to individual nutrients, particularly nitrate and phosphate, have been unravelled. Researchers have now started to investigate interactive effects between two or more nutrients on RSA. Several proteins enabling crosstalk between signalling pathways have recently been identified. RSA is potentially an important trait for sustainable and/or marginal agriculture. It is generally assumed that RSA responses are adaptive and optimise nutrient uptake in a given environment, but hard evidence for this paradigm is still sparse. Here we summarize recent advances made in these areas of research. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  18. Los dioses de los tejidos de Paracas (Perú)


    Castro Paredes, Celia


    La cultura de Paracas, tiene un papel central en la prehistoria andina. Su importancia se puede deducir de los ricos ajuares de sus múltiples fardos funerarios. En estos se han encontrado múltiples y maravillosos mantos, junto a otros objetos que acompañaban a las momias de los difuntos principales. Sin embargo, hay cuestiones todavía no bien conocidas, como su origen y final, y sobre todo el papel de los excepcionales tejidos, cuyos dibujos y figuras son un enigma que podría relacionarse o i...

  19. Los conflictos ecologico-distributivos y los indicadores de sustentabilidad


    Martínez-Alier, Joan


    Este artículo presenta una tipología de conflictos acerca del uso de recursos naturales y de la contaminación. Llamamos Ecología Política al estudio de esos conflictos ecológico-distributivos. Los actores de tales conflictos usan diversos lenguajes de valoración. Por ejemplo, pueden argumentar que quieren lograr una compensación monetaria equivalente a los daños ambientales sufridos pero también pueden decir que el territorio en cuestión es sagrado o pueden apelar a la defensa de los derechos...

  20. An integrated decision support system for wastewater nutrient recovery and recycling to agriculture (United States)

    Roy, E. D.; Bomeisl, L.; Cornbrooks, P.; Mo, W.


    Nutrient recovery and recycling has become a key research topic within the wastewater engineering and nutrient management communities. Several technologies now exist that can effectively capture nutrients from wastewater, and innovation in this area continues to be an important research pursuit. However, practical nutrient recycling solutions require more than capable nutrient capture technologies. We also need to understand the role that wastewater nutrient recovery and recycling can play within broader nutrient management schemes at the landscape level, including important interactions at the nexus of food, energy, and water. We are developing an integrated decision support system that combines wastewater treatment data, agricultural data, spatial nutrient balance modeling, life cycle assessment, stakeholder knowledge, and multi-criteria decision making. Our goals are to: (1) help guide design decisions related to the implementation of sustainable nutrient recovery technology, (2) support innovations in watershed nutrient management that operate at the interface of the built environment and agriculture, and (3) aid efforts to protect aquatic ecosystems while supporting human welfare in a circular nutrient economy. These goals will be realized partly through the assessment of plausible alternative scenarios for the future. In this presentation, we will describe the tool and focus on nutrient balance results for the New England region. These results illustrate that both centralized and decentralized wastewater nutrient recovery schemes have potential to transform nutrient flows in many New England watersheds, diverting wastewater N and P away from aquatic ecosystems and toward local or regional agricultural soils where they can offset a substantial percentage of imported fertilizer. We will also highlight feasibility criteria and next steps to integrate stakeholder knowledge, economics, and life cycle assessment into the tool.

  1. Nutrient production from dairy cattle manure and loading on arable land

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    Seunggun Won


    Full Text Available Objective Along with increasing livestock products via intensive rearing, the accumulation of livestock manure has become a serious issue due to the fact that there is finite land for livestock manure recycling via composting. The nutrients from livestock manure accumulate on agricultural land and the excess disembogues into streams causing eutrophication. In order to systematically manage nutrient loading on agricultural land, quantifying the amount of nutrients according to their respective sources is very important. However, there is a lack of research concerning nutrient loss from livestock manure during composting or storage on farms. Therefore, in the present study we quantified the nutrients from dairy cattle manure that were imparted onto agricultural land. Methods Through investigation of 41 dairy farms, weight reduction and volatile solids (VS, total nitrogen (TN, and total phosphorus (TP changes of dairy cattle manure during the storage and composting periods were analyzed. In order to support the direct investigation and survey on site, the three cases of weight reduction during the storing and composting periods were developed according to i experiment, ii reference, and iii theoretical changes in phosphorus content (ΔP = 0. Results The data revealed the nutrient loading coefficients (NLCs of VS, TN, and TP on agricultural land were 1.48, 0.60, and 0.66, respectively. These values indicated that the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus was 40% and 34%, respectively, and that there was an increase of VS since bedding materials were mixed with excretion in the barn. Conclusion As result of nutrient-footprint analyses, the amounts of TN and TP particularly entered on arable land have been overestimated if applying the nutrient amount in fresh manure. The NLCs obtained in this study may assist in the development of a database to assess the accurate level of manure nutrient loading on soil and facilitate systematic nutrient management.

  2. Efectos de los cambios en el patrón de precipitaciones sobre los microorganismos y los procesos del suelo


    Morillas Viñuales, Lourdes


    Programa de Doctorado en Biodiversidad y Biología de la Conservación El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es evaluar los efectos de los cambios en el patrón de precipitación sobre los microbios y sobre una amplia variedad de procesos del suelo en distintos ecosistemas. Para ello, hemos estudiado cuatro zonas diferentes: dos ecosistemas mediterráneos (un pinar y un matorral}, en los que se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de campo observacional no manipulativo y un ecosistema semiárido y otro te...

  3. Los consejos escolares de los colegios de educación primaria analizados por sus miembros

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    José Fernando González Granda


    Full Text Available En este trabajo presentamos la valoración que de los consejos escolares de los colegios de educación primaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de Asturias realizan sus miembros. Se analizan las principales características de los consejeros así como la información y atención que éstos prestan a sus representados. Se valora el funcionamiento de los consejos y cómo cumplen éstos las competencias que tienen asignadas. También recogemos la valoración que los consejeros realizan de los problemas que tienen en el cumplimiento de sus tareas. Los consejeros valoran cómo los consejos mejoran el funcionamiento de los colegios y diversos aspectos relacionados con la participación, asi como la satisfacción de los distintos miembros de la comunidad escolar respecto al funcionamiento de los consejos escolares.

  4. Nutrient Status of Adults with Cystic Fibrosis (United States)



    Nutrition is thought to influence disease status in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). This cross-sectional study sought to evaluate nutrient intake and anthropometric data from 64 adult outpatients with cystic fibrosis. Nutrient intake from food and supplements was compared with the Dietary Reference Intakes for 16 nutrients and outcomes influenced by nutritional status. Attention was given to vitamin D and calcium given potential skeletal implications due to cystic fibrosis. Measurements included weight, height, body composition, pulmonary function, and serum metabolic parameters. Participants were interviewed about dietary intake, supplement use, pulmonary function, sunlight exposure, and pain. The participants’ mean body mass index (±standard deviation) was 21.8±4.9 and pulmonary function tests were normal. Seventy-eight percent used pancreatic enzyme replacement for malabsorption. Vitamin D deficiency [25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD)<37.5 nmol/L] was common: 25 (39%) were deficient despite adequate vitamin D intake. Lipid profiles were normal in the majority, even though total and saturated fat consumption represented 33.0% and 16.8% of energy intake, respectively. Reported protein intake represented 16.9% of total energy intake (range 10%–25%). For several nutrients, including vitamin D and calcium, intake from food and supplements in many participants exceeded recommended Tolerable Upper Intake Levels. Among adults with cystic fibrosis, vitamin D deficiency was common despite reported adequate intake, and lipid profiles were normal despite a relatively high fat intake. Mean protein consumption was adequate, but the range of intake was concerning, as both inadequate or excessive intake may have deleterious skeletal effects. These findings call into question the applicability of established nutrient thresholds for patients with cystic fibrosis. PMID:18060897

  5. ENSO-driven nutrient variability recorded by central equatorial Pacific corals (United States)

    LaVigne, M.; Nurhati, I. S.; Cobb, K. M.; McGregor, H. V.; Sinclair, D. J.; Sherrell, R. M.


    Recent evidence for shifts in global ocean primary productivity suggests that surface ocean nutrient availability is a key link between global climate and ocean carbon cycling. Time-series records from satellite, in situ buoy sensors, and bottle sampling have documented the impact of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on equatorial Pacific hydrography and broad changes in biogeochemistry since the late 1990's, however, data are sparse prior to this. Here we use a new paleoceanographic nutrient proxy, coral P/Ca, to explore the impact of ENSO on nutrient availability in the central equatorial Pacific at higher-resolution than available from in situ nutrient data. Corals from Christmas (157°W 2°N) and Fanning (159°W 4°N) Islands recorded a well-documented decrease in equatorial upwelling as a ~40% decrease in P/Ca during the 1997-98 ENSO cycle, validating the application of this proxy to Pacific Porites corals. We compare the biogeochemical shifts observed through the 1997-98 event with two pre-TOGA-TAO ENSO cycles (1982-83 and 1986-87) reconstructed from a longer Christmas Island core. All three corals revealed ~30-40% P/Ca depletions during ENSO warming as a result of decreased regional wind stress, thermocline depth, and equatorial upwelling velocity. However, at the termination of each El Niño event, surface nutrients did not return to pre-ENSO levels for ~4-12 months after, SST as a result of increased biological draw down of surface nutrients. These records demonstrate the utility of high-resolution coral nutrient archives for understanding the impact of tropical Pacific climate on the nutrient and carbon cycling of this key region.

  6. Late gestational nutrient restriction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tygesen, Malin Plumhoff; Nielsen, Mette Olaf; Nørgaard, Peder


    We investigated the effect of 50% nutrient restriction during the last 6 weeks of gestation on twin-pregnant ewes' plasma glucose, non-esterified fatty acid, ß-hydroxybutyrate, insulin, IGF-1 and leptin concentrations and the effects on lamb birth weight and ewes' lactation performance. Plasma...

  7. Los diarios vascos frente al terrorismo (1990, 2000, 2008 y 2009. Análisis de los editoriales sobre los atentados mortales de ETA

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    José-Ignacio Armentia-Vizuete


    Full Text Available En la presente investigación hemos analizado los editoriales que los medios de comunicación vascos publican durante los años 1990, 2000, 2008 y 2009 cuando se producen atentados de ETA con víctimas mortales. Pretendemos con ello observar el tratamiento que los diferentes medios de comunicación hacen sobre el terrorismo en sus textos de opinión más importantes, ya que son los que marcan la línea ideológica del medio. Como hipótesis de partida consideramos que a lo largo de las fechas analizadas hay un importantísimo cambio en la línea editorial de los medios a la hora de afrontar los asesinatos de ETA, que va desde la práctica inexistencia de la publicación de editoriales a la utilización de los mismos como instrumentos activos en la lucha contra la violencia. Alcanzado el año 2009, los medios de comunicación tienen una estrategia muy definida para combatir el terrorismo de ETA que queda perfectamente plasmada en los editoriales que publican.

  8. Nepilngadīgās personas tiesības administratīvajā procesā.


    Rubīna-Šinkuna, Gita


    Darba tēma – „Nepilngadīgās personas tiesības administratīvajā procesā.” Darba mērķis bija izpētīt nepilngadīgās personas tiesības administratīvā procesa tiesisko regulējumu, kā arī pamatojoties uz pētījuma rezultātiem, izstrādāti priekšlikumi normatīvo aktu pilnveidošanai. Izvirzītā mērķa sasniegšanai autore izvirzīja šādus darba uzdevumus: 1. Noskaidrot un analizēt nepilngadīgās personas tiesības administratīvā procesa normatīvo regulējumu; 2. Noskaidrot nepilngadīgās personas proc...

  9. Inclusión de los estándares internacionales sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en políticas bancarias y programas REDD+

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    Johanna Fonseca


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo analiza la inclusión de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en el derecho y la política internacional, en el marco del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. El objetivo de tal reflexión es determinar el grado de implementación de los estándares internacionales sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas por parte de los Estados, en particular Guatemala, respecto a los programas y proyectos de desarrollo. Para lograr tal objetivo, en un primer momento, se refleja la evolución del derecho internacional en torno al reconocimiento de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. Posteriormente, se analiza la adecuación del derecho interno de los Estados a los estándares internacionales y regionales en la materia a la luz de las obligaciones internacionales de derechos humanos correspondientes y, finalmente, se aborda la consideración estatal de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en programas y proyectos de desarrollo.

  10. Autonomous nutrient detection for water quality monitoring


    Maher, Damien; Cleary, John; Cogan, Deirdre; Diamond, Dermot


    The ever increasing demand for real time environmental monitoring is currently being driven by strong legislative and societal drivers. Low cost autonomous environmental monitoring systems are required to meet this demand as current monitoring solutions are insufficient. This poster presents an autonomous nutrient analyser platform for water quality monitoring. Results from a field trial of the nutrient analyser are reported along with current work to expand the range of water quality targ...

  11. Los Procesos Electorales Centroamericanos en la Década de los 80

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    Fernando HARTO DE VERA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se traza cuales han sido los resultados de los distintos procesos electorales que han tenido lugar durante la década de los ochenta en Centroamérica.ABSTRACT: In this article, the author describes the electoral results of the elections in Central America in the eighties.

  12. Scale and legacy controls on catchment nutrient export regimes (United States)

    Howden, N. J. K.; Burt, T.; Worrall, F.


    Nutrient dynamics in river catchments are complex: water and chemical fluxes are highly variable in low-order streams, but this variability declines as fluxes move through higher-order reaches. This poses a major challenge for process understanding as much effort is focussed on long-term monitoring of the main river channel (a high-order reach), and therefore the data available to support process understanding are predominantly derived from sites where much of the transient response of nutrient export is masked by the effect of averaging over both space and time. This may be further exacerbated at all scales by the accumulation of legacy nutrient sources in soils, aquifers and pore waters, where historical activities have led to nutrient accumulation where the catchment system is transport limited. Therefore it is of particular interest to investigate how the variability of nutrient export changes both with catchment scale (from low to high-order catchment streams) and with the presence of legacy sources, such that the context of infrequent monitoring on high-order streams can be better understood. This is not only a question of characterising nutrient export regimes per se, but also developing a more thorough understanding of how the concepts of scale and legacy may modify the statistical characteristics of observed responses across scales in both space and time. In this paper, we use synthetic data series and develop a model approach to consider how space and timescales combine with impacts of legacy sources to influence observed variability in catchment export. We find that: increasing space and timescales tend to reduce the observed variance in nutrient exports, due to an increase in travel times and greater mixing, and therefore averaging, of sources; increasing the influence of legacy sources inflates the variance, with the level of inflation dictated by the residence time of the respective sources.

  13. Nutrients and temperature additively increase stream microbial respiration (United States)

    David W. P. Manning; Amy D. Rosemond; Vladislav Gulis; Jonathan P. Benstead; John S. Kominoski


    Rising temperatures and nutrient enrichment are co‐occurring global‐change drivers that stimulate microbial respiration of detrital carbon, but nutrient effects on the temperature dependence of respiration in aquatic ecosystems remain uncertain. We measured respiration rates associated with leaf litter, wood, and fine benthic organic matter (FBOM) across...

  14. Environmental farm accounting: the case of the Dutch nutrients accounting system.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Breembroek, J.A.; Koole, B.; Poppe, K.J.; Wossink, G.A.A.


    In the Netherlands bookkeeping of inputs and outputs at the level of individual farms has been selected as a new solution to control nutrient use and to tax nutrient surpluses in agriculture. At the same time, nutrient accounting presents important management information. This paper presents a

  15. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species differ in their effect on nutrient leaching

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Köhl, Luise; van der Heijden, Marcel G A


    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been shown to play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and can reduce nutrient losses after rain induced leaching events. It is still unclear whether nutrient leaching losses vary depending on the AM fungal taxa that are present in soil. Using experimental

  16. Nutrient density of beverages in relation to climate impact

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    Annika Smedman


    Full Text Available The food chain contributes to a substantial part of greenhouse gas (GHG emissions and growing evidence points to the urgent need to reduce GHGs emissions worldwide. Among suggestions were proposals to alter food consumption patterns by replacing animal foods with more plant-based foods. However, the nutritional dimensions of changing consumption patterns to lower GHG emissions still remains relatively unexplored. This study is the first to estimate the composite nutrient density, expressed as percentage of Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR for 21 essential nutrients, in relation to cost in GHG emissions of the production from a life cycle perspective, expressed in grams of CO2-equivalents, using an index called the Nutrient Density to Climate Impact (NDCI index. The NDCI index was calculated for milk, soft drink, orange juice, beer, wine, bottled carbonated water, soy drink, and oat drink. Due to low-nutrient density, the NDCI index was 0 for carbonated water, soft drink, and beer and below 0.1 for red wine and oat drink. The NDCI index was similar for orange juice (0.28 and soy drink (0.25. Due to a very high-nutrient density, the NDCI index for milk was substantially higher (0.54 than for the other beverages. Future discussion on how changes in food consumption patterns might help avert climate change need to take both GHG emission and nutrient density of foods and beverages into account.

  17. Dietary nutrients associated with preservation of lung function in Hispanic and non-Hispanic white smokers from New Mexico

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    Leng S


    Full Text Available Shuguang Leng,1,2 Maria A Picchi,1 Yohannes Tesfaigzi,3 Guodong Wu,1 W James Gauderman,4 Fadi Xu,5 Frank D Gilliland,4 Steven A Belinsky1,2,6 1The Lung Cancer Program, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, 2Cancer Control Research Program, University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center, 3COPD Program, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM, 4Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 5Pathophysiology Program, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, 6Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics Program, University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center, Albuquerque, NM, USA Background: COPD is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Cigarette smoking accelerates the age-related forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1 decline, an important determinant for the genesis of COPD. Hispanic smokers have lower COPD prevalence and FEV1 decline than non-Hispanic whites (NHWs. Patients and methods: A nutritional epidemiological study was conducted in the Lovelace Smokers cohort (LSC; n=1,829 and the Veterans Smokers cohort (n=508 to identify dietary nutrients (n=139 associated with average FEV1 and its decline and to assess whether nutrient intakes could explain ethnic disparity in FEV1 decline between Hispanics and NHW smokers. Results: Nutrients discovered and replicated to be significantly associated with better average FEV1 included magnesium, folate, niacin, vitamins A and D, eicosenoic fatty acid (20:1n9, eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n3, docosapentaenoic acid (DPA; 22:5n3, docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n3, and fiber. In addition, greater intakes of eicosenoic fatty acid and DPA were associated with slower FEV1 decline in the LSC. Among omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, DPA is the most potent nutrient associated with better average FEV1 and slower FEV1 decline. Adverse effect of continuous current smoking on FEV1 decline was completely negated in LSC members with high DPA intake (>20

  18. Strong hydrological control on nutrient cycling of subtropical rainforests (United States)

    Lin, T. C.; Chang, C. T.; Huang, J. C.; Wang, L.; Lin, N. H.


    Forest nutrient cycling is strongly controlled by both biological and hydrological factors. However, based on a close examination of earlier reports, we highlight the role of hydrological control on nutrient cycling at a global scale and is more important at humid tropical and subtropical forests. we analyzed the nutrient budget of precipitation input and stream water output from 1994 to 2013 in a subtropical forest in Taiwan and conducted a data synthesis using results from 32 forests across the globe. The results revealed that monthly input and output of ions were positively correlated with water quantity, indicating hydrological control on nutrient cycling. Hydrological control is also evident from the greater ions export via stream water during the warm and wet growing season. The synthesis also illustrates that strong hydrological control leads to lower nitrogen retention and greater net loss of base cations in humid regions, particularly in the humid tropical and subtropical forests. Our result is of great significance in an era of global climate change because climate change could directly affect ecosystem nutrient cycling particularly in the tropics through changes in patterns of precipitation regime.

  19. Improving fermented quality of cider vinegar via rational nutrient feeding strategy. (United States)

    Qi, Zhengliang; Dong, Die; Yang, Hailin; Xia, Xiaole


    This work aimed to find a rational nutrient feeding strategy for cider vinegar fermentation based on adequate information on the nutritional requirement of acetic acid bacteria. Through single nutrient lack experiment assay, necessary nutrient recipe for Acetobacter pasteurianus CICIM B7003 in acetous fermentation was confirmed. Compounds from the essential nutrient recipe were tested further to find out the key substrates significantly influencing cider vinegar fermentation. The findings showed that aspartate, glutamate, proline and tryptophan should be considered in detail for optimizing nutritional composition of cider. Finally, a nutrient feeding strategy that simultaneously adds proline, glutamate, aspartate and tryptophan to form final concentrations of 0.02g/L, 0.03g/L, 0.01g/L and 0.005g/L in cider was achieved by orthogonal experiment design. Comparing to the original fermentation, the yield of acetic acid from alcohol reached 93.3% and the concentration of most volatile flavor compounds increased with the rational nutrient feeding strategy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Estado nutricional e adequação da ingestão de energia e nutrientes em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca Estado nutricional y adecuación de la ingesta de energía y nutrientes en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca Nutritional status and adequacy of energy and nutrient intakes among heart failure patients

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    Bárbara Hatzlhoffer Lourenço


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Maior conhecimento sobre o estado nutricional e a ingestão de energia e nutrientes é necessário para auxiliar no tratamento de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC. OBJETIVO: Verificar o estado nutricional e analisar a adequação da ingestão de energia, macro e micronutrientes de pacientes com IC em atendimento ambulatorial. MÉTODOS: Foram coletados dados antropométricos e de ingestão alimentar habitual de 125 pacientes (72% homens, 52,1±9,8 anos, IMC 26,9±4,4 kg/m². As variáveis antropométricas foram comparadas entre os sexos, e analisou-se a adequação da ingestão de energia e nutrientes perante as recomendações. RESULTADOS: Depleção ou risco de depleção das reservas musculares estava presente em 38,4% dos pacientes (associação com sexo masculino; p FUNDAMENTO: Para ayudar en el tratamiento de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC es necesario un mayor conocimiento sobre el estado nutricional y la ingesta de energía y nutrientes. OBJETIVO: Verificar el estado nutricional y analizar la adecuación de la ingesta de energía, macro y micronutrientes de pacientes con IC en atención ambulatoria. MÉTODOS: Se recolectaron datos antropométricos y de la ingesta alimentaria habitual de 125 pacientes (72% hombres, 52,1±9,8 años, IMC 26,9±4,4 kg/m². Se compararon las variables antropométricas de ambos sexos y se analizó la adecuación de la ingesta de energía y nutrientes frente a las recomendaciones. RESULTADOS: En el 38,4% de los pacientes (asociación con sexo masculino; p SUMMARY: Increased knowledge about nutritional status and energy and nutrient intakes is required to improve the treatment of patients with heart failure (HF. OBJECTIVES: To verify the nutritional status and evaluate the adequacy of energy, macronutrient and micronutrient intakes in patients with HF in outpatient clinical settings. METHODS: We collected anthropometric and habitual dietary intake data of 125 patients (72% men, 52

  1. Assessment of soil nutrient depletion and its spatial variability on smallholders' mixed farming systems in Ethiopia using partial versus full nutrient balances

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haileslassie, A.; Priess, J.; Veldkamp, E.; Teketay, D.; Lesschen, J.P.


    Soil fertility depletion in smallholder farms is one of the fundamental biophysical causes for declining per capita food production in Ethiopia. In the present study, we assess soil nutrient depletion and its spatial variability for Ethiopia and its regional states, using nutrient balances as a

  2. Leaf life spans of some conifers of the temperate forests of South America Longevidad foliar de algunas coníferas de los bosques templados de Sudamérica

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    nutrientes. Se conoce muy poco acerca de la longevidad foliar de las especies arbóreas siempreverdes de los bosques templados de Sudamérica. Se estimaron longevidades foliares mediante métodos demográficos "estáticos" para cuatro especies de coníferas de esta región; además se midieron otros rasgos foliares (masa seca por unidad de area = "LMA", y contenido de nitrógeno. Se anticipó que las diferencias interespecíficas en longevidad foliar estarían negativamente correlacionadas con la disponibilidad de nutrientes en los hábitats normalmente ocupados por las distintas especies, predicción que fue apoyada por los datos. La longevidad foliar promedio determinada para Araucaria araucana (24 años se destaca entre las cifras más altas reportadas en la literatura para cualquier especie. Esta extrema longevidad se asocia con una construcción muy robusta (LMA alta, y muy bajo contenido de nitrógeno. Dichos aspectos de la ecología de A. araucana podrían incidir de dos maneras en su adecuación. Primero, el lentísimo recambio de su follaje reduciría sus requerimientos anuales de nutrientes, un rasgo que puede ser clave para su supervivencia en sitios muy infértiles. Segundo, la baja descomposabilidad de su hojarasca daría lugar a una inmovilización de nutrientes, posiblemente permitiendo que A. araucana retenga ciertos sitios, frente la competencia de especies potencialmente más vigorosas pero con mayores requerimientos nutricionales. La variación interespecífica en longevidad foliar parecía presentar relaciones estrechas con variación en LMA y porcentaje de nitrógeno foliar. Dicho resultado es coherente con las evidencias arrojadas por otros estudios, que indican que la evolución de las hojas estaría restringida por un compromiso entre combinaciones de rasgos que optimizan el rendimiento de la planta en hábitats favorables, y aquellas combinaciones que favorecen la persistencia en hábitats adversos

  3. Ejercicio de los derechos y participación de las mujeres en los ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jul 19, 2013 ... Ejercicio de los derechos y participación de las mujeres en los espacios locales: Promesas y realidades de la descentralización en América Latina. Book cover: Ejercicio de los derechos y participación de las mujeres en los espacios locales. Editor(s):. Gloria Bonder. Publisher(s):. FLACSO Argentina ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Acuña


    Full Text Available Los efectos de la estimulación no se limitan a la conducta ostensible de los organismos sino que incluyen el funcionamiento de su medio interno. Tales efectos se encuentran en un continuo, desde los nocivos hasta los benéficos para la salud. El extremo de los efectos nocivos es la muerte súbita de los sujetos. En este trabajo se describen dos experimentos realizados en el laboratorio del primer autor sobre eventos ambientales conducentes a una muerte súbita en ratas, así como sobre algunos eventos involucrados en alargar su expectativa de vida. Alejándose del extremo de los efectos letales de la estimulación se encuentran otros efectos nocivos que involucran la salud de los sujetos. En este trabajo también se describe un estudio con humanos en el que se exploró la influencia negativa o positiva de otras personas sobre su salud física y mental. Mientras que la contribución principal del trabajo con las ratas fue mostrar que existen variables que promueven la supervivencia en una situación amenazante a la vida, en el estudio con sujetos humanos, la contribución principal fue relacionar los hallazgos con el concepto Pavloviano del Efecto de la Persona.

  5. Impacto dos nutrientes na saúde óssea: novas tendências Nutrients impact on bone health: new trends

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glaucia Queiroz Morais


    Full Text Available A nutrição é fator importante modificável no desenvolvimento/manutenção da massa óssea (MO e prevenção da osteoporose. Esta é uma doença caracterizada por decréscimo na massa esquelética e elevação da suscetibilidade a fraturas. O desenvolvimento do pico de massa óssea (PMO é ainda o maior determinante dessa condição. Por isso, alterações com a idade sinalizam a importância da manutenção de nutrição adequada durante o desenvolvimento desse pico. Indivíduos que atingiram elevado PMO terão, na idade adulta, baixo risco de desenvolver doenças osteometabólicas com o envelhecimento. Os efeitos dos nutrientes sobre as estruturas esqueléticas são intensos e amplos; alguns, há anos, são consistentemente relacionados com a saúde óssea, como o cálcio, fósforo e vitamina D. Entretanto, outros nutrientes vêm sendo sugeridos como essenciais para o metabolismo ósseo normal: proteínas, lipídeos, potássio, vitaminas K e A e cloreto de sódio. A influência das interações entre tais fatores nutricionais, meio ambiente, estilo de vida e hereditariedade auxiliarão na compreensão da complexidade do desenvolvimento da osteoporose e subseqüentes fraturas. Em adição, déficit energético pode acarretar redução da MO, em face dos distúrbios endócrino-metabólicos desencadeados pela privação alimentar. Esta revisão objetiva elucidar o impacto dos nutrientes e ingestão calórica sobre o osso, em diferentes estágios da vida, descrevendo possíveis interações entre nutrientes e como estas poderiam afetar a homeostase óssea e mineral.Nutrition is an important factor in bone mass development/maintenance and in osteoporosis prevention. This disease is characterized by decreased skeletal mass and increased susceptibility to fractures. The greatest determinant of this condition is the peak bone mass (PBM. Hence, alterations over time indicate the importance of maintaining adequate nutrition during the development of

  6. Parasite and nutrient enrichment effects on Daphnia interspecific competition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Decaestecker, Ellen; Verreydt, Dino; De Meester, Luc; Declerck, Steven A.J.


    Increased productivity due to nutrient enrichment is hypothesized to affect density-dependent processes, such as transmission success of horizontally transmitting parasites. Changes in nutrient availability can also modify the stoichiometry and condition of individual hosts, which may affect their

  7. Aprender de los mayores: un intercambio intergeneracional en los Altos de Chiapas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Ortelli


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata sobre las ideas que dos generaciones de habitantes de Larráinzar tienen del “buen vivir” en el pueblo. Igualmente, contextualiza un estudio de caso y pone el énfasis en sus características histórico-políticas. Expone la perspectiva de los mayores sobre el papel del sistema de cargos en la formación ético-política de las nuevas generaciones hacia la continuidad de los valores propios. También aborda los procesos de apropiación y reformulación que hacen los jóvenes frente a los problemas contemporáneos en ese municipio. Este artículo nos invita a explorar la comunicación a través de la tradición oral y de los procesos de diálogo entre personas mayores y jóvenes.

  8. Los medios votan

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    Revista Chasqui


    Full Text Available Las experiencias electorales de Argentina, Ecuador, México y Venezuela, sugieren que la industria electoral, ya prendió sus hornos en la América Latina. Se advierte una nueva modalidad en el lanzamiento de los candidatos presidenciales muy similar a las utilizadas en los Estados Unidos. Es más, en el caso de Venezuela, los jefes de campaña, los llamados "brujos electorales", fueron norteamericanos. Y la televisión fue la niña bonita. CHASQU I presenta aqu í Un breve análisis, con nombre y apellido, de lo que pasó y está pasando en esos cuatro países.

  9. Gestión de los seguimientos de los empleados.


    Díaz Rodrigo, Jaime


    Tiempo atrás y más aún en la actualidad, las empresas están prestando mayor interés en conseguir que los trabajadores sean felices y vayan motivados al trabajo. Con la intención de alcanzar un ambiente de trabajo en el que los empleados se sientan a gusto, disfruten con lo que hacen y dónde están, muchas empresas están tomando medidas ante ello y llegan al punto de crear departamentos dedicados a la felicidad del trabajador. Para prestar especial atención a los empleados, se les hacen entr...

  10. El Tratamiento Contable y los Efectos Financieros y Fiscales de los Arrendamientos

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    Vernor Mesén Figueroa


    Full Text Available En Costa Rica el mercado de los arrendamientos esuno de los sectores que durante los últimos años hamostrado mayor consolidación y crecimiento y cuyoimpacto ha sido sumamente significativo tanto sobrela posición financiera, resultado de operación y flujosde efectivo de los arrendadores y arrendatarios, comosobre los montos que éstos pagan por concepto deimpuesto sobre la renta. El presente estudio muestra una síntesis de la formaen la cual operan los contratos de arrendamiento, decuáles son los criterios contables para su diferenciaciónen financieros y operativos y consecuentemente decuál es el tratamiento contable que los arrendadoresy arrendatarios deben darle en sus estados financierospara cumplir con la NIC 17 “Arrendamientos”, la cualrige los criterios de registro, valuación, presentación yrevelación en esta materia. Finalmente se hace énfasisacerca de las consecuencias que los convenios dearrendamiento usualmente tienen sobre las decisioneseconómicas y estratégicas que toman tanto arrendadorescomo arrendatarios.   ABSTRACT In Costa Rica the rentals market is one of thesectors that during the last years have shown greatergrowth and consolidation and whose impact has beenextremely significant not only on the financial position,operation results and cash flow of landlords and renters,and on the amounts they pay for income tax. This study presents a synthesis on the way in whichrental contracts operate, which is the accountingcriterion for its differentiation in financial andoperational costs and as a consequence which is theaccounting treatment that renter and tenants mustgive them in their financial statements to fulfil 17 NIC“Rentals”, which governs the criterion of registration,valuation, presentation and disclosure in this matter.Finally, emphasis is made about the consequences thatrental agreements usually have on the economic andstrategic decisions that both renter and tenants make.

  11. Mathematical modelling of the influenced of diffusion rate on macro nutrient availability in paddy field (United States)

    Renny; Supriyanto


    Nutrition is the chemical compounds that needed by the organism for the growth process. In plants, nutrients are organic or inorganic compounds that are absorbed from the roots of the soil. It consist of macro and micro nutrient. Macro nutrients are nutrition that needed by plants in large quantities, such as, nitrogen, calcium, pottacium, magnesium, and sulfur. The total soil nutrient is the difference between the input nutrient and the output nutrients. Input nutrients are nutrient that derived from the decomposition of organic substances. Meanwhile, the output nutrient consists of the nutrients that absorbed by plant roots (uptake), the evaporated nutrients (volatilized) and leached nutrients. The nutrient transport can be done through diffusion process. The diffusion process is essential in removing the nutrient from one place to the root surface. It will cause the rate of absorption of nutrient by the roots will be greater. Nutrient concept in paddy filed can be represented into a mathematical modelling, by making compartment models. The rate of concentration change in the compartment model forms a system of homogeneous linear differential equations. In this research, we will use Laplaces transformation to solve the compartment model and determined the dynamics of macro nutrition due to diffusion process.

  12. Los filtros de accesibilidad a los documentos públicos

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    Enrique Pérez Herrero


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende despejar las dudas suscitadas en las salas de investigación de los archivos, en cuanto a la consulta de los documentos portadores  de información se refiere, bien por ser fuentes históricas, bien por tratarse de testimonios y pruebas de derechos adquiridos por las administraciones y administrados. La documentación histórica por excelencia (de más de 100 arios de antigüedad es de consulta libre, pues el desvelo y discernimiento de su tenor no atenta contra la intimidad de las personas ni contra la integridad de los procedimientos. No ocurre lo mismo con la documentación reciente, cuyo reconocimiento de su contenido puede, en determinado casos, afectar negativamente a su intervinientes (autor, destinatario y rogatorio o, simplemente, por tratarse de actos personales y propios, conceptuados de íntimos, que no interesan a terceras personas. Pero hay otros impedimentos, menos emblemáticos y reconocidos, que impiden la lectura de los documentos como son su mal estado de conservación  (lo que limita su manejo y la ausencia de instrumentos de descripción (lo que impide la localización de los documentos de interés. Estos impedimentos son a los que hemos bautizado con la denominación de “filtros de accesibilidad”, y que son los siguientes: Filtro legal (o plazos administrativos de accesibilidad y derecho a la intimidad, filtro de conservación (o mal estado de los documentos y filtro de los descriptores (o ausencia de instrumentos de descripción documental.The purpose of this article is to clear up the doubts concerning the difficulty of access to documents in public archives. Ancient documents (those more than one hundred years old are free to access since  the revealing of its tenor does not violate the right to privacy or the integrity of procedures. However, the access to recent documents may be detrimental to the people implied (author, addressee, etc particularly in the case of personal acts

  13. Los cromosomas sexuales en los Primates no sólo son X e Y


    Steinberg, María Eugenia; Nieves, Mariela; Mudry, Marta Dolores


    En el Orden Primates se agrupan dos subórdenes, Strepsirrhini y Haplorrhini, donde las formas actuales del segundo comprenden a los Tarsiiformes junto a los Primates del Nuevo (Platyrrhini) y del Viejo Mundo (Catarrhini), incluyendo a Hominoidea en los últimos. En estos mamíferos el sistema de determinación sexual más extendido es el XX/XY, tal como se ha descrito en los Primates del Viejo Mundo, incluidos los humanos, de ahí el nombre de "human like". En los Platyrrhini actuales se observa l...

  14. Effect of organic substrates on available elemental contents in nutrient solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ao, Y.S.; Sun, M.; Li, Y.Q. [Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai (China). School for Agriculture & Biology


    In this paper, the changes of available elemental contents in the nutrient solution extracts of organic substrates (peat moss, charred rice husk, chicken manure, sawdust, turfgrass clipping and weathered coal) were studied and compared with that in the water extracts. Results showed that available elemental contents in the nutrient solution extracts are significantly different between organic substrates, whereas ionic concentrations are basically under steady condition after treatment for 36-108 h. Ionic contents in the nutrient solution extracts are not equal to the value of adding ionic concentrations in the supplied nutrient solution to that in the water extract. Thus, a mathematical model was proposed for adjusting the composition of supplied nutrient solution to match plant requirements in the organic soilless culture system.

  15. Nutrients and toxin producing phytoplankton control algal blooms ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    capacity for the phytoplankton population depends on the nutrient level. The role of nutrient ..... irregular oscillations with time, gives rise to rich class of models ..... the Indian river lagoon, Florida, USA; J. Plankton Res. 26. 1229– ... Sea Res. 18 82–96. Graneli E et al 1989 From anoxia to fish poisoning: The last ten years of ...

  16. Food crop production, nutrient availability, and nutrient intakes in Bangladesh: exploring the agriculture-nutrition nexus with the 2010 Household Income and Expenditure Survey. (United States)

    Fiedler, John L


    Systematic collection of national agricultural data has been neglected in many low- and middle-income countries for the past 20 years. Commonly conducted nationally representative household surveys collect substantial quantities of highly underutilized food crop production data. To demonstrate the potential usefulness of commonly available household survey databases for analyzing the agriculture-nutrition nexus. Using household data from the 2010 Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey, the role and significance of crop selection, area planted, yield, nutrient production, and the disposition of 34 food crops in affecting the adequacy of farming households' nutrient availability and nutrient intake status are explored. The adequacy of each farming household's available energy, vitamin A, calcium, iron, and zinc and households' apparent intakes and intake adequacies are estimated. Each household's total apparent nutrient intake adequacies are estimated, taking into account the amount of each crop that households consume from their own production, together with food purchased or obtained from other sources. Even though rice contains relatively small amounts of micronutrients, has relatively low nutrient density, and is a relatively poor source of nutrients compared with what other crops can produce on a given tract of land, because so much rice is produced in Bangladesh, it is the source of 90% of the total available energy, 85% of the zinc, 67% of the calcium, and 55% of the iron produced by the agricultural sector. The domination of agriculture and diet by rice is a major constraint to improving nutrition in Bangladesh. Simple examples of how minor changes in the five most common cropping patterns could improve farming households' nutritional status are provided. Household surveys' agricultural modules can provide a useful tool for better understanding national nutrient production realities and possibilities.

  17. Application of Isotope Techniques for Assessing Nutrient Dynamics in River Basins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nutrients are necessary for the growth and survival of animals, plants and other organisms. However, industrial, agricultural and urban development has dramatically increased nutrient levels in river systems, including nitrogen and phosphorus containing substances, degrading water quality, causing acidification and eutrophication and affecting aquatic ecosystems. Nutrient assessment and management in river systems has been an important part of water resource management for the past few decades, but the provision of appropriate and effective nutrient assessment and management continues to be a challenge for water resource managers and policy makers. Difficulties in assessment and management are due in part to the fact that nutrients in rivers may originate from a variety of sources, take numerous pathways and transform into other substances. This publication presents the application of isotope techniques as a powerful tool for evaluating the sources, pathways, transformation, and fate of nutrients in river systems, focusing on nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon containing substances. Eleven researchers using various isotope techniques for different aspects of nutrient studies and two IAEA officers met in a technical meeting and discussed a publication that could assist water resource managers in dealing with nutrient assessment and management issues in river systems. These researchers also recognized the need for careful consideration in selecting appropriate isotope techniques in view of not only technical, but also financial, human resources and logistical capabilities, among others. These contributors are listed as major authors in the later pages of this document. This publication aims at serving water resource managers as a guidebook on the application of isotope techniques in nutrient assessment and management, but it is also expected to be of practical aid for other interested and concerned individuals and organization.

  18. Application of Isotope Techniques for Assessing Nutrient Dynamics in River Basins

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Nutrients are necessary for the growth and survival of animals, plants and other organisms. However, industrial, agricultural and urban development has dramatically increased nutrient levels in river systems, including nitrogen and phosphorus containing substances, degrading water quality, causing acidification and eutrophication and affecting aquatic ecosystems. Nutrient assessment and management in river systems has been an important part of water resource management for the past few decades, but the provision of appropriate and effective nutrient assessment and management continues to be a challenge for water resource managers and policy makers. Difficulties in assessment and management are due in part to the fact that nutrients in rivers may originate from a variety of sources, take numerous pathways and transform into other substances. This publication presents the application of isotope techniques as a powerful tool for evaluating the sources, pathways, transformation, and fate of nutrients in river systems, focusing on nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon containing substances. Eleven researchers using various isotope techniques for different aspects of nutrient studies and two IAEA officers met in a technical meeting and discussed a publication that could assist water resource managers in dealing with nutrient assessment and management issues in river systems. These researchers also recognized the need for careful consideration in selecting appropriate isotope techniques in view of not only technical, but also financial, human resources and logistical capabilities, among others. These contributors are listed as major authors in the later pages of this document. This publication aims at serving water resource managers as a guidebook on the application of isotope techniques in nutrient assessment and management, but it is also expected to be of practical aid for other interested and concerned individuals and organization.

  19. Nitrogen regulation of transpiration controls mass-flow acquisition of nutrients. (United States)

    Matimati, Ignatious; Verboom, G Anthony; Cramer, Michael D


    Transpiration may enhance mass-flow of nutrients to roots, especially in low-nutrient soils or where the root system is not extensively developed. Previous work suggested that nitrogen (N) may regulate mass-flow of nutrients. Experiments were conducted to determine whether N regulates water fluxes, and whether this regulation has a functional role in controlling the mass-flow of nutrients to roots. Phaseolus vulgaris were grown in troughs designed to create an N availability gradient by restricting roots from intercepting a slow-release N source, which was placed at one of six distances behind a 25 μm mesh from which nutrients could move by diffusion or mass-flow (termed 'mass-flow' treatment). Control plants had the N source supplied directly to their root zone so that N was available through interception, mass-flow, and diffusion (termed 'interception' treatment). 'Mass-flow' plants closest to the N source exhibited 2.9-fold higher transpiration (E), 2.6-fold higher stomatal conductance (gs), 1.2-fold higher intercellular [CO2] (Ci), and 3.4-fold lower water use efficiency than 'interception' plants, despite comparable values of photosynthetic rate (A). E, gs, and Ci first increased and then decreased with increasing distance from the N source to values even lower than those of 'interception' plants. 'Mass-flow' plants accumulated phosphorus and potassium, and had maximum concentrations at 10mm from the N source. Overall, N availability regulated transpiration-driven mass-flow of nutrients from substrate zones that were inaccessible to roots. Thus when water is available, mass-flow may partially substitute for root density in providing access to nutrients without incurring the costs of root extension, although the efficacy of mass-flow also depends on soil nutrient retention and hydraulic properties.

  20. Analysis of nutrient flows in integrated intensive aquaculture systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schneider, O.; Sereti, V.; Eding, E.H.; Verreth, J.A.J.


    This paper analyses nutrient conversions, which are taking place in integrated intensive aquaculture systems. In these systems fish is cultured next to other organisms, which are converting otherwise discharged nutrients into valuable products. These conversions are analyzed based on nitrogen and

  1. How to introduce new technologies to reduce nutrient losses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gachango, Florence Gathoni; Jacobsen, Brian H.


    The Water Framework Directive (WFD) focuses on reduction of nutrients in individual water bodies. Innovative drainage filter technologies currently being tested in Denmark could facilitate nutrient reductions at the sub-river basins and catchment levels. The implementation strategy for these tech...

  2. Distribution of nutrients in the western Bay of Bengal

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    De; Naqvi, S.W.A; Reddy, C.V.G.

    and low nutrient concentrations increased in thickness from north to south. The intermediate water layer was marked by a steep rise of nutrients associated with oxygen minimum suggesting active decomposition of organic matter.N:P in the upper 75 m...

  3. Nutrient use efficiency in the food chain of China

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ma, L.


    Key words: Nitrogen, phosphorus, food chain, food pyramid, food system, food security, food cost, environmental impacts, nutrient cycling, nutrient management

    Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer applications have greatly contributed to the increased global food production

  4. Tristes, tristes guerras. Los conflictos bélicos en los álbumes ilustrados


    López Tortosa, Carolina


    Este trabajo tiene como finalidad reflexionar sobre los álbumes ilustrados destinados a niños que tratan los conflictos bélicos. Distinguiremos cuatro grupos: álbumes de ficción, basados en hechos reales, los que se escribieron durante una guerra y, por último, la poesía ilustrada. En todos ellos analizaremos cómo se desarrolla la guerra y cómo esta involucra y afecta a diferentes grupos sociales, en especial, los niños. Además, durante todo el trabajo reflejaremos las emociones y los pensami...

  5. Nutrient and Coliform Loading (NCL) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This is a database of available fecal coliform bacteria, fecal streptococci bacteria, and nutrient loading data. Loading for contaminants other than fecal coliform...

  6. Nutrient Density and the Cost of Vegetables from Elementary School Lunches. (United States)

    Ishdorj, Ariun; Capps, Oral; Murano, Peter S


    Vegetables are the major source of the dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A and C that are crucial in the diets of children. This study assessed the nutrient content of vegetables offered through the National School Lunch Program and examined the relation between the overall nutrient density of vegetable subgroups and the costs of nutrients offered and wasted before and after the changes in school meal standards. Using data collected from 3 elementary schools before and after the changes in school meal standards, we found that vegetable plate waste increased from 52% to 58%. Plate waste for starchy vegetables, exclusive of potatoes, was relatively high compared with other subgroups; however, plate waste for white potatoes was the lowest among any type of vegetable. Energy density; cost per 100 g, per serving, and per 100 kcal; and percentage daily value were calculated and used to estimate nutrient density value and nutrient density per dollar. Cost per 100 kcal was highest for red/orange vegetables followed by dark green vegetables; however, nutrient density for red/orange vegetables was the highest in the group and provided the most nutrients per dollar compared with other subgroups. Given that many vegetables are less energy dense, measuring vegetable costs per 100 g and per serving by accounting for nutrient density perhaps is a better way of calculating the cost of vegetables in school meals. © 2016 American Society for Nutrition.

  7. Adult Nutrient Intakes from Current National Dietary Surveys of European Populations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Holly L. Rippin


    Full Text Available The World Health Organization (WHO encourages countries to undertake national dietary survey (NDS but implementation and reporting is inconsistent. This paper provides an up-to-date review of adult macro and micronutrient intakes in European populations as reported by NDS. It uses WHO Recommended Nutrient Intakes (RNIs to assess intake adequacy and highlight areas of concern. NDS information was gathered primarily by internet searches and contacting survey authors and nutrition experts. Survey characteristics and adult intakes by gender/age group were extracted for selected nutrients and weighted means calculated by region. Of the 53 WHO Europe countries, over a third (n = 19, mainly Central & Eastern European countries (CEEC, had no identifiable NDS. Energy and nutrient intakes were extracted for 21 (40% countries but differences in age group, methodology, under-reporting and nutrient composition databases hindered inter-country comparisons. No country met more than 39% WHO RNIs in all age/gender groups; macronutrient RNI achievement was poorer than micronutrient. Overall RNI attainment was slightly worse in CEEC and lower in women and female elderly. Only 40% countries provided adult energy and nutrient intakes. The main gaps lie in CEEC, where unknown nutrient deficiencies may occur. WHO RNI attainment was universally poor for macronutrients, especially for women, the female elderly and CEEC. All countries could be encouraged to report a uniform nutrient set and sub-analyses of nationally representative nutrient intakes.

  8. Carrot, Corn, Lettuce and Soybean Nutrient Contents are ... (United States)

    Biochar, the carbon-rich material remaining after pyrolysis of cellulosic and manure feedstocks, has the potential as a soil amendment to sequester carbon and to improve soil water-holding and nutrient properties- thereby enhancing plant growth. However, biochar produced from some feedstocks also could adversely affect crop quality by changing soil pH and reducing nutrients (e.g., Ca, K, Mg, N, Na, and P) in plant tissues. To evaluate effects of biochar on the nutrient quality of four crops, we conducted a greenhouse study using pots with: carrot (Daucus carota cv. Tendersweet), corn (Zea mays, cv. Golden Bantam), lettuce (Lactuca sativa, cv. Black-Seeded Simpson) and soybean (Glycine max cv. Viking 2265). Plants were grown in one of two South Carolina sandy Coastal Plain soils (Norfolk and Coxville Soil Series), along with biochar (1% by weight) produced from pine chips (PC), poultry litter (PL), swine solids (SS), switchgrass (SG), and two blends of pine chips plus poultry litter (PC/PL, 50/50% and 80/20%). Each of the feedstocks and feedstock blends was pyrolyzed at 350, 500, and 700 ̊ C to produce the biochar used to amend the Norfolk and Coxville soils. Effects of biochar on leaf nutrients (% dry weight) statistically varied with species, soil, feedstock and temperature and nutrient. For carrot and lettuce, the PL, PL/PC, and SS biochars generally decreased leaf N, Ca, Mg, and P; while PL and PL/PC increased K and Na. Biochars had little effect on lea

  9. Los derechos fundamentales de los presos y su reinsercción social


    López Melero, Montserrat


    La investigación centra su atención en el papel de los derechos fundamentales de los presos. Tomamos como base las Reglas Mínimas para el Tratamiento de reclusos y las Reglas Penitenciarias Europeas de 1973, con la finalidad de respetar los derechos de los reclusos y reforzar el cumplimiento del principio de legalidad en la ejecución penitenciaria. Es decir, considerando al preso como sujeto perteneciente de la sociedad y no como sujeto excluido, titular de derechos reconocidos constitucional...

  10. Los insomnios


    Takeuchi Tan, Yuri; Fundación Valle de Lili


    Los insomnios/El sueño normal/Otros trastornos de sueño que producen insomnio pero también hipersomnio (excesiva somnolencia diurna)/Manejo y tratamiento de los insomnios/Higiene del sueño/Instrucciones para la higiene del sueño/Técnicas conductuales/Terapia farmacológica.

  11. De los registros a los objetos: Semántica y comportamiento de los documentos: el desafío de la Web 3.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mela Bosch


    Full Text Available Se presenta un panorama y los interrogantes fundamentales de la etapa de la Web 3.0. Se analizan las características actuales de los sistemas bibliográficos estructurados con el modelo entidad-relación. Se definen los niveles conceptual, lógico y físico en los sistemas informáticos; consecuentemente se presentan las características de los FRBR y se obervan las relaciones entre obra y documento en el modelo conceptual FRBR. Se describen los FRBRoo como una interpretación con una lógica de objetos de los mismos requerimientos funcionales. Finalmente se plantean las tendencias a futuro, tales como pasar de las modelizaciones de entidad-relación a la de objetos, la explicitación con anotación semántica consistente, el mapeo de bases bibliográficas existentes y el desarrollo de ontologías para que los sistemas documentales se integren en la Web Semática

  12. Energy and nutrient density of foods in relation to their carbon footprint. (United States)

    Drewnowski, Adam; Rehm, Colin D; Martin, Agnes; Verger, Eric O; Voinnesson, Marc; Imbert, Philippe


    A carbon footprint is the sum of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) associated with food production, processing, transporting, and retailing. We examined the relation between the energy and nutrient content of foods and associated GHGEs as expressed as g CO2 equivalents. GHGE values, which were calculated and provided by a French supermarket chain, were merged with the Composition Nutritionnelle des Aliments (French food-composition table) nutrient-composition data for 483 foods and beverages from the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. Foods were aggregated into 34 food categories and 5 major food groups as follows: meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, frozen and processed fruit and vegetables, grains, and sweets. Energy density was expressed as kcal/100 g. Nutrient density was determined by using 2 alternative nutrient-density scores, each based on the sum of the percentage of daily values for 6 or 15 nutrients, respectively. The energy and nutrient densities of foods were linked to log-transformed GHGE values expressed per 100 g or 100 kcal. Grains and sweets had lowest GHGEs (per 100 g and 100 kcal) but had high energy density and a low nutrient content. The more-nutrient-dense animal products, including meat and dairy, had higher GHGE values per 100 g but much lower values per 100 kcal. In general, a higher nutrient density of foods was associated with higher GHGEs per 100 kcal, although the slopes of fitted lines varied for meat and dairy compared with fats and sweets. Considerations of the environmental impact of foods need to be linked to concerns about nutrient density and health. The point at which the higher carbon footprint of some nutrient-dense foods is offset by their higher nutritional value is a priority area for additional research. © 2015 American Society for Nutrition.

  13. Los presupuestos del Concurso

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    Línea de Investigación “De la Crisis Empresarial


    Full Text Available Este escrito es el resultado de uno de los proyectos de investigación adelantados por el Departamento de Derecho Comercial de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. En el se hace una aproximación histórica a los presupuestos para acceder a los trámites concursales en Perú, Argentina y España, analizándolos desde los puntos doctrinal, académico y legal.Así mismo, es parte integrante de un trabajo más amplio que pretende elaborar un documento contentivo del tratamiento que se da a los presupuestos concursales a nivel mundial.En este orden de ideas, nos permitimos presentar un análisis minucioso de la legislación de los citados países iberoamericanos.

  14. cultural de los chicanos

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    Patricia Casasa


    Full Text Available En Estados Unidos los diferentes grupos étnicos de habla hispana, entre ellos los chicanos, se enfrentan al problema de definir su identidad frente a la cultura anglosajona dominante, y este proceso puede ser descrito como un fenómeno de autoreconocimiento colectivo, o sea, la percepción diferencial de una colectividad suficientemente integrada y consistente, en contraposición con otras. Cualquier elemento que integra una configuración cultural, como son las pautas de comportamiento, los estilos de vida, las fiestas, los cantos, los mitos, los usos del ceremonial laico y religioso, la organización social del espacio, el lenguaje, la vida cotidiana o la utilización y percepción del medio físico, etcétera, pueden desempeñar este papel.

  15. Nutrient Discharge from aquaculture operations in function of system design and production enviorment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verdegem, M.C.J.


    In aquaculture, nutrient loading is defined as the difference between nutrients supplied with fertilizers and feed and nutrients harvested in the form of finfish, crustaceans, molluscs and seaweeds. On average, the production of finfish and crustaceans results in a net nutrient loading, while for

  16. Nutrient resorption efficiency of cocoa plantson lowl and of Alluvial plain

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    Rudy Erwiyono


    Full Text Available Observation on nutrient retranslocation of cocoa plants has been carried out in Kaliwining Experimental Station, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI in Jember in order to assess its efficiency to have better understanding on the loss of nutrients through cocoa litterfall relatively intensive during dry season, better utilization of the plant litters, and further more efficient plant management. Nutrient retranslocation assessment has been conducted for macro nutrients in terms of N, P, and K that have been observed on four clones of cocoa planted in 2004, that are KW 163, KW 162, KKM 22, and KW 165 in the plot with Tectona grandis shading trees and plot with Cassia surithensis shading trees, with five replicates. The plots of observation overlaid on Alluvial plain 45 m asl. and D type rainfall. The results showed that nutrient contents in senescence leaves with yellow colour and then falling significantly lower than those of mature leaves with green colour adjacent to it. Reductions of N, P, and K contents during leaf senescence occured significantly on KW 163, KW 162, and KKM 22 clones, whereas on KW 165 clone significant reduction only happened to phosphorus. Mature leaves of cocoa with green colour contained average nitrogen, phosphorus, and kalium at 13.0, 1.6, and 13.5 mg/g- respectively. Whereas senescing leaves with yellow colour then defoliating contained average nitrogen, phosphorus, and kalium at 9.5, 0.9, and 10.0 mg/g, respectively. This reduction of nutrient contents was caused by nutrient retranslocation mechanism of the plants. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and kalium retranslocated by cocoa plants in rainy season are as much as 3.60, 0.70, and 3.39 mg/g, or 27%, 42%, and 24%, respectively. In other words nutrient retranslocation efficiency of cocoa plants for N, P, and K is in the following order: P>N>K. Among the clones, KKM 22 clone retranslocated P and K most efficiently; whereas for N, KW 162 clone retranslocated it

  17. Effects of probiotic supplementation in different nutrient density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microflora and noxious gas emission in weaning pig. (United States)

    Lan, Ruixia; Tran, Hoainam; Kim, Inho


    Probiotics can serve as alternatives to antibiotics to increase the performance of weaning pigs, and the intake of probiotics is affected by dietary nutrient density. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a probiotic complex in different nutrient density diets on growth performance, digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microflora and noxious gas emission in weaning pigs. From day 22 to day 42, both high-nutrient-density and probiotic complex supplementation diets increased (P probiotic complex supplementation diets had higher (P probiotic complex supplementation diets. Interactive effects on average daily feed intake (ADFI) were observed from day 22 to day 42 and overall, where probiotic complex improved ADFI more dramatically in low-nutrient-density diets. The beneficial effects of probiotic complex (Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis and Clostridium butyricum) supplementation on ADFI is more dramatic with low-nutrient-density diets. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  18. Los Servicios de Inteligencia ante los retos de la Comunidad Internacional

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    Torres Muro, Federico


    Full Text Available El título de mi contribución a este número de la revista Arbor, «Los Servicios de inteligencia ante los retos de la comunidad internacional", posiblemente debería completarse con la frase, para las que aquéllos deben tener respuesta. Me explico. Es obvio que la comunidad internacional tiene que afrontar retos como el hambre, la pobreza, el cambio climático, que no menciono en mi artículo ya que no entran dentro del ámbito de actuación de los servicios de inteligencia, aunque ningún analista cualificado los ignoraría. No obstante, he creído conveniente centrar mi descripción, necesariamente sucinta, del panorama actual de las relaciones internacionales en aquellos factores que entiendo afectan directamente a la seguridad internacional y, por tanto, a la tarea de los servicios de inteligencia.

  19. Los sentidos y las ruinas

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    Francine Masiello


    Full Text Available Camino a Cafayate, al norte de Tucumán, la ciudadela de los indios quilmes me permite el descanso y la reflexión. Escalando lo que en otra época fue la fortaleza de una cultura poderosa, estudio el horizonte, admiro las alturas, intento reconstruir la vida de los indígenas tal como hubiera sido en una época muy lejana. Sin embargo, estos pensamientos no son libres, ni son míos; más bien, el libro de turismo me dice cómo tengo que mirar, me cuenta la historia de la cultura quilmes para que no me quede ninguna sorpresa. Los quilmes, la civilización más grande de la Argentina antes de la llegada de los españoles, primero resistían los avances del imperio incaico y después, durante 130 años, se oponían a los conquistadores. Sabemos por los guías de turismo que los españoles arrancaron a los últimos sobrevivientes a pie a Buenos Aires. La gran mayoría pereció en el camino. También sabemos que las ruinas de los quilmes fueron rehabilitadas durante la última dictadura militar. Imposible, entonces, no captar la ironía del gesto de los militares al recordar a los indígenas desaparecidos mientras seguían desapareciendo al pueblo argentino durante la década de los años setenta.

  20. Trees and Streets as Drivers of Urban Stormwater Nutrient Pollution. (United States)

    Janke, Benjamin D; Finlay, Jacques C; Hobbie, Sarah E


    Expansion of tree cover is a major management goal in cities because of the substantial benefits provided to people, and potentially to water quality through reduction of stormwater volume by interception. However, few studies have addressed the full range of potential impacts of trees on urban runoff, which includes deposition of nutrient-rich leaf litter onto streets connected to storm drains. We analyzed the influence of trees on stormwater nitrogen and phosphorus export across 19 urban watersheds in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, U.S.A., and at the scale of individual streets within one residential watershed. Stormwater nutrient concentrations were highly variable across watersheds and strongly related to tree canopy over streets, especially for phosphorus. Stormwater nutrient loads were primarily related to road density, the dominant control over runoff volume. Street canopy exerted opposing effects on loading, where elevated nutrient concentrations from trees near roads outweighed the weak influence of trees on runoff reduction. These results demonstrate that vegetation near streets contributes substantially to stormwater nutrient pollution, and therefore to eutrophication of urban surface waters. Urban landscape design and management that account for trees as nutrient pollution sources could improve water quality outcomes, while allowing cities to enjoy the myriad benefits of urban forests.

  1. Historia de los Medicamentos

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


    Full Text Available

    Cómo evolucionaron los medicamentos

    La historia de los medicamentos hace parte del devenir del hombre y de la historia de la medicina.

    Desde siempre, el ser humano buscó una explicación a los fenómenos y una solución a sus males. El pensamiento mágico, más acentuado en las tribus y en las más antiguas civilizaciones, hizo importante el poder de los conjuros y la influencia de los dioses sobre las pócimas.

    Con algunas excepciones, hasta que Paracelso introdujo en terapéutica las sustancias inorgánicas, los medicamentos eran hierbas. Gobernantes estudiosos del tema (el Emperador Rojo -padre de la Herbología china- y Mitrìdates VI -inventor y consumidor consuetudinario de la famosa teriaca- vivieron obsesionados con el temor al envenenamiento. Tanto que el último, septuagenario y derrotado por sus antiguos aliados romanos, trató de envenenarse para acabar con su vida, mas no fue posible pues estaba inmunizado contra los tóxicos; tuvo que rogarle a un esclavo que atravesara su pecho con la espada. Dioscórides y Plinio el Viejo eran eruditos conocedores de la botánica; el primero escribió la “Materia Médica”, el segundo, la “Historia Natural”.

    La aparición de la medicina como oficio, en casos como los de Hipócrates y Galeno, estuvo rodeada de prestigio; pero en los más fue tarea de esclavos, labor de sirvientes. Estos colegas de la antigüedad aprendieron a manejar sus propios medicamentos, preparados en algunas trastiendas o “boticas”. Los farmacéuticos se iniciaron como simples dispensadores y tuvieron auge entre los árabes, civilización donde aparecieron también los primeros recetarios, listados de medicinas o primitivas farmacopeas. Pero siempre las mismas hierbas con los mismos hierbateros, para llamar de alguna manera a los empíricos que ejercían artesanalmente la medicina.

    Refiriéndose a las curas de su médico tratante, Adriano –considerado por aquel

  2. Nutrient disequilibrium in agro-ecosystems: Concepts and case studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smaling, Eric


    Full text: Amongst the problems that African agriculture faces, soil fertility decline is mentioned as a major pressure. The declining state (lower soil fertility) has led to different responses by researchers, landusers and policy makers. All responses directly or indirectly boil down to some form of 'Integrated Nutrient Management' (INM), which is defined as the 'judicious' manipulation of nutrient stocks and flows. As INM is complex and multi-faceted, it is difficult to derive simple indicators for policy makers from it. The concept of stocks (state) and flows (pressure), however, links well with economic sciences. A continental study revealed that Africa is losing nutrients at a rather alarming rate, i.e., 22 kg N, 2.5 kg P and 15 kg K per ha per year (Stoorvogel and Smaling, 1990). These values represent the sum of the outputs minus the sum of the inputs mentioned below. IN 1 mineral fertilizer OUT 1 nutrients in harvested parts, milk, meat, etc. IN 2 organic fertilizer OUT 2 nutrients in removed crop residues IN 3 atmospheric deposition OUT 3 leaching IN 4 biological N fixation OUT 4 gaseous losses IN 5 sedimentation OUT 5 runoff and erosion This study however, commissioned by FAO, had to deal with a lot of higher-scale problems, i.e., using FAO's production yearbooks, using the 1:5,000,000 FAO Soil Map of the World, generalisation, simplification, and the use of proxies (transfer functions). It triggered many studies at lower spatial scales (field, farm, village, watershed), in which inputs and outputs are accompanied by internal flows within the system. In other words, INM can be geared towards: adding nutrients to the system; saving nutrient from being lost from the system; recycling so as to maximize nutrient use efficiency. Measurement of nutrient flows is complex: a simple fertilizer trial implies adding nutrients, and harvesting part of the extra nutrients, but what happens to the nutrients that were not taken up by the crop? More spatially complex is

  3. Gustatory and metabolic perception of nutrient stress in Drosophila. (United States)

    Linford, Nancy J; Ro, Jennifer; Chung, Brian Y; Pletcher, Scott D


    Sleep loss is an adaptive response to nutrient deprivation that alters behavior to maximize the chances of feeding before imminent death. Organisms must maintain systems for detecting the quality of the food source to resume healthy levels of sleep when the stress is alleviated. We determined that gustatory perception of sweetness is both necessary and sufficient to suppress starvation-induced sleep loss when animals encounter nutrient-poor food sources. We further find that blocking specific dopaminergic neurons phenocopies the absence of gustatory stimulation, suggesting a specific role for these neurons in transducing taste information to sleep centers in the brain. Finally, we show that gustatory perception is required for survival, specifically in a low nutrient environment. Overall, these results demonstrate an important role for gustatory perception when environmental food availability approaches zero and illustrate the interplay between sensory and metabolic perception of nutrient availability in regulating behavioral state.

  4. El reconocimiento de los bienes de dominio público: El caso de los municipios portugueses

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    Susana Catarino Rua


    Full Text Available Objeto: Este trabajo tiene por objetivos analizar el mencionado en el POCAL (1999, en las NICSP del IPSASB y en diversas opiniones doctrinales con respecto al reconocimiento de los bienes de dominio público (BDP, así como verificar si existen problemas inherentes al reconocimiento de los BDP en Portugal, superables con la adopción de las NICSP. Diseño/metodología/Enfoque: Para este estudio, fue efectuada una revisión de literatura, de la posición del POCAL (1999, de las NICSP del IPSASB, y de la perspectiva doctrinal, con respecto al reconocimiento de los bienes de dominio público. Además, se realizó un estudio de la evolución de los valores de los bienes de dominio público, de los años 2006 a 2013, del total de los 308 municipios portugueses, para concluir acerca de la existencia de dificultades en el reconocimiento de estos activos y de la necesidad de adoptar los normativos internacionales. Aportaciones y Resultados: En algunos municipios portugueses, el proceso de inventario aún no está concluido, existiendo dificultades con respecto al reconocimiento de los BDP. Dichas dificultades resultan de que el POCAL (1999 no presenta los requisitos para el reconocimiento de los activos; problema superado en la NICSP nº 17 del IPSASB (2006b, que refiere esos requisitos. Adoptar un nuevo Sistema de Normalización Contable aplicable a la Administración Pública (SNC-AP, basado en las NICSP, puede ser la solución para dichas cuestiones, introduciendo criterios a considerar en el reconocimiento de los activos, que aseguren la comparabilidad de la información y de los valores del patrimonio de los municipios portugueses. Limitaciones: La inexistencia de criterios de reconocimiento a seguir por los municipios trae limitaciones al nivel de la comparabilidad de los valores de los diferentes componentes del activo presentados por los varios municipios. Valor añadido: Este trabajo nos enseña que, en Portugal, aún existen problemas con

  5. Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window?


    Aragon Alan Albert; Schoenfeld Brad Jon


    Abstract Nutrient timing is a popular nutritional strategy that involves the consumption of combinations of nutrients--primarily protein and carbohydrate--in and around an exercise session. Some have claimed that this approach can produce dramatic improvements in body composition. It has even been postulated that the timing of nutritional consumption may be more important than the absolute daily intake of nutrients. The post-exercise period is widely considered the most critical part of nutri...

  6. Aspectos de los Sistemas Tributarios en los Países Andinos que Preocupan los a Inversionistas Extranjeros


    Adrián F. Rodríguez Piedrahita; Carmela Hernández


    El presente análisis se ha enfocado en las reglas adoptadas por el legislador en normas internas, tomando como parámetro de comparación nuestra experiencia con inversionistas en la región, sometidos al régimen del impuesto federal sobre la renta en los Estados Unidos de América. Los comentarios que aquí se hacen han de ser considerados sin perjuicio de aquellos casos individuales en que la adopción de tratados bilaterales para evitar la doble tributación ha servido para conciliar los interese...

  7. Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window?

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    Aragon Alan Albert


    Full Text Available Abstract Nutrient timing is a popular nutritional strategy that involves the consumption of combinations of nutrients--primarily protein and carbohydrate--in and around an exercise session. Some have claimed that this approach can produce dramatic improvements in body composition. It has even been postulated that the timing of nutritional consumption may be more important than the absolute daily intake of nutrients. The post-exercise period is widely considered the most critical part of nutrient timing. Theoretically, consuming the proper ratio of nutrients during this time not only initiates the rebuilding of damaged muscle tissue and restoration of energy reserves, but it does so in a supercompensated fashion that enhances both body composition and exercise performance. Several researchers have made reference to an anabolic “window of opportunity” whereby a limited time exists after training to optimize training-related muscular adaptations. However, the importance - and even the existence - of a post-exercise ‘window’ can vary according to a number of factors. Not only is nutrient timing research open to question in terms of applicability, but recent evidence has directly challenged the classical view of the relevance of post-exercise nutritional intake with respect to anabolism. Therefore, the purpose of this paper will be twofold: 1 to review the existing literature on the effects of nutrient timing with respect to post-exercise muscular adaptations, and; 2 to draw relevant conclusions that allow practical, evidence-based nutritional recommendations to be made for maximizing the anabolic response to exercise.

  8. Assessment of nutrient loadings of a large multipurpose prairie reservoir (United States)

    Morales-Marín, L. A.; Wheater, H. S.; Lindenschmidt, K. E.


    The relatively low water flow velocities in reservoirs cause them to have high capacities for retaining sediments and pollutants, which can lead to a reduction in downstream nutrient loading. Hence, nutrients can progressively accumulate in reservoirs, resulting in the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems and water quality. Lake Diefenbaker (LD) is a large multipurpose reservoir, located on the South Saskatchewan River (SSR), that serves as a major source of freshwater in Saskatchewan, Canada. Over the past several years, changes in land use (e.g. expansion of urban areas and industrial developments) in the reservoir's catchment have heightened concerns about future water quality in the catchment and in the reservoir. Intensification of agricultural activities has led to an increase in augmented the application of manure and fertilizer for crops and pasture. Although previous research has attempted to quantify nutrient retention in LD, there is a knowledge gap related to the identification of major nutrient sources and quantification of nutrient export from the catchment at different spatial scales. Using the SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed (SPARROW) model, this gap has been addressed by assessing water quality regionally, and identifying spatial patterns of factors and processes that affect water quality in the LD catchment. Model results indicate that LD retains about 70% of the inflowing total nitrogen (TN) and 90% of the inflowing total phosphorus (TP) loads, of which fertilizer and manure applied to agricultural fields contribute the greatest proportion. The SPARROW model will be useful as a tool to guide the optimal implementation of nutrient management plans to reduce nutrient inputs to LD.

  9. Carbon and nutrient use efficiencies optimally balance stoichiometric imbalances (United States)

    Manzoni, Stefano; Čapek, Petr; Lindahl, Björn; Mooshammer, Maria; Richter, Andreas; Šantrůčková, Hana


    Decomposer organisms face large stoichiometric imbalances because their food is generally poor in nutrients compared to the decomposer cellular composition. The presence of excess carbon (C) requires adaptations to utilize nutrients effectively while disposing of or investing excess C. As food composition changes, these adaptations lead to variable C- and nutrient-use efficiencies (defined as the ratios of C and nutrients used for growth over the amounts consumed). For organisms to be ecologically competitive, these changes in efficiencies with resource stoichiometry have to balance advantages and disadvantages in an optimal way. We hypothesize that efficiencies are varied so that community growth rate is optimized along stoichiometric gradients of their resources. Building from previous theories, we predict that maximum growth is achieved when C and nutrients are co-limiting, so that the maximum C-use efficiency is reached, and nutrient release is minimized. This optimality principle is expected to be applicable across terrestrial-aquatic borders, to various elements, and at different trophic levels. While the growth rate maximization hypothesis has been evaluated for consumers and predators, in this contribution we test it for terrestrial and aquatic decomposers degrading resources across wide stoichiometry gradients. The optimality hypothesis predicts constant efficiencies at low substrate C:N and C:P, whereas above a stoichiometric threshold, C-use efficiency declines and nitrogen- and phosphorus-use efficiencies increase up to one. Thus, high resource C:N and C:P lead to low C-use efficiency, but effective retention of nitrogen and phosphorus. Predictions are broadly consistent with efficiency trends in decomposer communities across terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

  10. Reallocation and nutrient use efficiency in Antioquia central forests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leon Pelaez, Juan; Gonzalez Hernandez, Maria; Gallardo Lancho, Juan


    We have studied nutrient related variables such as reallocation, nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and fine litter fall for three years in an oak forest Quercus humboldtii Bonpl. and also in some other forest plantations like pine, Pinus patula, and cypress, Cupressus lusitanica, in Antioquia, Colombia. Leaf litter quantities returned to the soil followed a falling sequence: oak (5313.3 kg ha-1 year-1) > pine (4866.5 kg ha-1 year-1) > cypress (2460.3 kg ha-1 year-1). The coniferous species showed the highest NUE for the majority of elements that were examined, except for P, which reached its absolute maximum in the oak forest -where a clear reallocation of this nutrient was also recorded-, probably because of its reduced availability in these volcanic ash-derived soils. Nutrient reallocation allows the conservation of the nutrients by reducing its loss from leaching and litter-fall, thereby closing the nutrient cycle in this native forest. In fact, P gains from net deposition were found there -this includes foliar leaching and atmospheric deposition-, which indicates that the species absorbs the P contained in rainfall from the leaves before it reaches the forest ground. N slow-efficiency use was probably due to its low availability in soil, given its low mineralization rates in these montane forests. K showed the highest reallocation values. Such figures are influenced by its clearly mobile character, according to the highest net deposition levels also verified for this element. With the exception of Mg, there was no clear relationship between the reallocation process and NUE.

  11. Response of non-added solutes during nutrient addition experiments in streams (United States)

    Rodriguez-Cardona, B.; Wymore, A.; Koenig, L.; Coble, A. A.; McDowell, W. H.


    Nutrient addition experiments, such as Tracer Additions for Spiraling Curve Characterization (TASCC), have become widely popular as a means to study nutrient uptake dynamics in stream ecosystems. However, the impact of these additions on ambient concentrations of non-added solutes is often overlooked. TASCC addition experiments are ideal for assessing interactions among solutes because it allows for the characterization of multiple solute concentrations across a broad range of added nutrient concentrations. TASCC additions also require the addition of a conservative tracer (NaCl) to track changes in conductivity during the experimental manipulation. Despite its use as a conservative tracer, chloride (Cl) and its associated sodium (Na) might change the concentrations of other ions and non-added nutrients through ion exchange or other processes. Similarly, additions of biologically active solutes might change the concentrations of other non-added solutes. These methodological issues in nutrient addition experiments have been poorly addressed in the literature. Here we examine the response of non-added solutes to pulse additions (i.e. TASCC) of NaCl plus nitrate (NO3-), ammonium, and phosphate across biomes including temperate and tropical forests, and arctic taiga. Preliminary results demonstrate that non-added solutes respond to changes in the concentration of these added nutrients. For example, concentrations of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in suburban headwater streams of New Hampshire both increase and decrease in response to NO3- additions, apparently due to biotic processes. Similarly, cations such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium also increase during TASCC experiments, likely due to cation exchange processes associated with Na addition. The response of non-added solutes to short-term pulses of added nutrients and tracers needs to be carefully assessed to ensure that nutrient uptake metrics are accurate, and to detect biotic interactions that may

  12. Nutrient enrichment alters storage and fluxes of detritus in a headwater stream ecosystem (United States)

    Jonathan P. Benstead; Amy D. Rosemond; Wyatt F. Cross; J. Bruce Wallace; Susan L. Eggert; Keller Suberkropp; Vladislav Gulis; Jennifer L. Greenwood; Cynthia J. Tant


    Responses of detrital pathways to nutrients may differ fundamentally from pathways involving living plants: basal carbon resources can potentially decrease rather than increase with nutrient enrichment. Despite the potential for nutrients to accelerate heterotrophic processes and fluxes of detritus, few studies have examined detritus-nutrient dynamics at whole-...

  13. Validación de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos adaptado para el estudio y seguimiento de la población adulta de las Islas Canarias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Aguirre-Jaime


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Registrar los hábitos alimenticios exige de un método válido y fiable. El objetivo del estudio es validar el cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos CDCFFQ, que es una adaptación de otro cuestionario, para estudiar la alimentación de la población adulta de Canarias. Métodos: El cuestionario CDC-FFQ fue administrado a 1.067 personas de la población general (PG y a 106 estudiantes universitarios (EU, de 19 a 30 años. El segundo grupo fue encuestado también sobre tres recordatorios de 24 horas. Se comparan los nutrientes según CDC-FFQ en PG y EU. Se estiman las correlaciones entre CDC-FFQ y los recordatorios para nutrientes y grupos de alimentos, y la concordancia de consumos de nutrientes y grupos de alimentos en los quintiles extremos, para los estudiantes universitarios. Resultados: Los valores medios entre nutrientes del CDC-FFQ entre PG, EU y población general con estudios universitarios no mostraron diferencias significativas excepto para la vitamina B12 (p=0.004 y la vitamina D (p=0,005. Entre el CDC-FFQ y la media de los tres recordatorios se obtuvieron correlaciones en el rango de 0,202-0,601 entre nutrientes ajustados por calorías consumidas para los estudiantes universitarios. Por grupos de alimentos las correlaciones oscilaron para CDC-FFQ y los recordatorios entre 0,243- 0,542. La concordancia de nutrientes osciló entre 39% y 100% y para grupos de alimentos entre 41% y 100%. Conclusiones: El cuestionario CDC-FFQ resulta válido para clasificar a los sujetos en los rangos relativos de su nivel de ingesta de alimentos y nutrientes, por lo que podría ser útil en estudios epidemiológicos con valoración de dieta en población canaria adulta.

  14. Food web interactions and nutrients dynamics in polyculture ponds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rahman, M.M.


    Artificial feed and fertilizers are the main sources of nutrients supporting fish growth in aquaculture ponds. The majority of the added nutrients are lost to the sediment, where they are no longer available for natural food production. By increasing resuspension of the sediment through the

  15. Fuentes personales y familiares de los valores de socialización de los padres: un estudio multinivel


    Silvia Donato; Semira Tagliabue; Eugenia Scabini


    Este estudio se centró en los valores de socialización de los padres, es decir los valores que los padres quieren que sus hijos adopten, y sus fuentes. En una muestra de 325 familias italianas con un hijo adolescente (14-18 años), se compararon los valores de socialización entre los padres y las madres, y se evaluaron los valores personales de los padres y el clima de valores familiares como antecedentes de los valores que los padres quisieran que sus hijos adquirieran. Para cada familia se t...

  16. Tics: los trastornos del movimiento más frecuentes en los niños

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ortiz Giraldo, Blair


    Full Text Available Los tics son los trastornos del movimiento más frecuentes en los niños y su mayor prevalencia es en la edad escolar. La mayoría son transitorios, pero algunos pueden tener repercusiones negativas en los ámbitos escolar, familiar y social, que pueden llevar a fracaso escolar, baja autoestima y disfunción social. Algunos de los tics se relacionan con el trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH y con otras enfermedades que requieren diagnóstico oportuno y adecuado tratamiento. En esta revisión sobre los tics se incluyen los siguientes aspectos: epidemiología, etiología, factores de riesgo, caracterización, enfermedades asociadas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico.

  17. Aproximaciones a los videojuegos y su incidencia en las subjetividades de los jugadores latinoamericanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro Alfonso Acevedo Merlano


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza los resultados de un estudio sobre el modo en que los videojuegos inciden en la construcción de las subjetividades de los jugadores latinoamericanos desde el punto de vista del consumo cultural y considerando los discursos de la industria en la que fueron creados. A través del método etnográfico, se analiza cómo las subjetividades son afectadas dependiendo de la característica de los videojuegos que son consumidos, mostrando el fenómeno en América Latina. Los resultados se encaminan a superar el estigma de simples consumidores pasivos del tercer mundo, para comprender de manera crítica la producción y consumo de los videojuegos en el contexto latinoamericano.

  18. Ethnic disparities among food sources of energy and nutrients of public health concern and nutrients to limit in adults in the United States: NHANES 2003-2006. (United States)

    O'Neil, Carol E; Nicklas, Theresa A; Keast, Debra R; Fulgoni, Victor L


    Identification of current food sources of energy and nutrients among US non-Hispanic whites (NHW), non-Hispanic blacks (NHB), and Mexican American (MA) adults is needed to help with public health efforts in implementing culturally sensitive and feasible dietary recommendations. The objective of this study was to determine the food sources of energy and nutrients to limit [saturated fatty acids (SFA), added sugars, and sodium] and nutrients of public health concern (dietary fiber, vitamin D, calcium, and potassium) by NHW, NHB, and MA adults. This was a cross-sectional analysis of a nationally representative sample of NWH (n=4,811), NHB (2,062), and MA (n=1,950) adults 19+ years. The 2003-2006 NHANES 24-h recall (Day 1) dietary intake data were analyzed. An updated USDA Dietary Source Nutrient Database was developed using current food composition databases. Food grouping included ingredients from disaggregated mixtures. Mean energy and nutrient intakes from food sources were sample-weighted. Percentages of total dietary intake contributed from food sources were ranked. Multiple differences in intake among ethnic groups were seen for energy and all nutrients examined. For example, energy intake was higher in MA as compared to NHB; SFA, added sugars, and sodium intakes were higher in NHW than NHB; dietary fiber was highest in MA and lowest in NHB; vitamin D was highest in NHW; calcium was lowest in NHB; and potassium was higher in NHW as compared to NHB. Food sources of these nutrients also varied. Identification of intake of nutrients to limit and of public health concern can help health professionals implement appropriate dietary recommendations and plan interventions that are ethnically appropriate.

  19. Ultrasonic waste activated sludge disintegration for recovering multiple nutrients for biofuel production. (United States)

    Xie, Guo-Jun; Liu, Bing-Feng; Wang, Qilin; Ding, Jie; Ren, Nan-Qi


    Waste activated sludge is a valuable resource containing multiple nutrients, but is currently treated and disposed of as an important source of pollution. In this work, waste activated sludge after ultrasound pretreatment was reused as multiple nutrients for biofuel production. The nutrients trapped in sludge floc were transferred into liquid medium by ultrasonic disintegration during first 30 min, while further increase of pretreatment time only resulted in slight increase of nutrients release. Hydrogen production by Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 from glucose significantly increased with the concentration of ultrasonic sludge, and reached maximum yield of 1.97 mol H2/mol glucose at sludge concentration of 7.75 g volatile suspended solids/l. Without addition of any other chemicals, waste molasses rich in carbohydrate was efficiently turned into hydrogen with yield of 189.34 ml H2/g total sugar by E. harbinense B49 using ultrasonic sludge as nutrients. The results also showed that hydrogen production using pretreated sludge as multiple nutrients was higher than those using standard nutrients. Acetic acid produced by E. harbinense B49 together with the residual nutrients in the liquid medium were further converted into hydrogen (271.36 ml H2/g total sugar) by Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53 through photo fermentation, while ethanol was the sole end product with yield of 220.26 mg/g total sugar. Thus, pretreated sludge was an efficient nutrients source for biofuel production, which could replace the standard nutrients. This research provided a novel strategy to achieve environmental friendly sludge disposal and simultaneous efficient biofuel recovery from organic waste. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Energy from biomass: nutrients exportation effects; Energia da biomassa: as implicacoes com a exportacao de nutrientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Timoni, J L; Pontinha, A A.S.; Coelho, L C.C.; Buzato, O [Instituto Florestal do Estado de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    The biomass distribution, nutrients and energy of wood, branches, bark and needles in a pure forest of Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon with 16 years old is studied. This forest was established in Itirapina, Sao Paulo region. The nutrients exportation with the energy production at different levels of biomass harvesting during thinning operations are also considered. The largest macronutrients concentration (N, P, K, Ca, Mg,and S) and micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Na, and Al) was found in the needles following the bark, branches and wood. Based on those data it is concluded that for diminished the problem only the wood must be removed from the forest. 5 refs., 2 tabs.