
Sample records for presentacion clinica bioquimica

  1. Resúmenes Presentaciones Orales

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    Editor Gabriel Vargas Arana


    Full Text Available En este artículo se pueden encontrar los resúmenes de las presentaciones orales del III Congreso Latinoamericano de Plantas Medicinales, desarrollado del 12 al 14 de agosto de 2015 en la ciudad de Iquitos, Perú.

  2. Redes sociales y aprendizaje a través de las presentaciones on-line

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    Full Text Available A primera vista, parecería que no hay mucha relación entre desarrollar una presentación tipo PowerPoint e interactuar de manera flexible con un auditorio remoto. Sin embargo, recientemente están apareciendo algunas interesantes propuestas de la web social que permiten difundir, comentar e, incluso, construir de colaborativamente todo tipo de presentaciones.En la presente revisión monográfica abordaré el tema desde una perspectiva tecnológica y pedagógica, incidiendo, como de costumbre, en el valor que estos novedosos desarrollos de la Web 2.0 pudieran tener en diferentes situaciones reales de enseñanzaaprendizaje con alumnos de Secundaria y Bachillerato. Los temas a tratar serán:- Presentaciones, estilos cognitivos y netgens.- Presentaciones “on-line” y redes sociales educativas.- Herramientas web para diseñar y compartir presentaciones.- Propuesta para el uso efectivo de las presentaciones on-line.

  3. Resúmenes Presentaciones de Pósteres

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    Editor Gabriel Vargas Arana


    Full Text Available En este artículo se pueden encontrar los resúmenes de las presentaciones de pósteres del III Congreso Latinoamericano de Plantas Medicinales, desarrollado del 12 al 14 de agosto de 2015 en la ciudad de Iquitos, Perú.

  4. Presentaciones Powerpoint de Psicología Criminal


    Herranz Bellido, Jesús; Romo Donaire, Ana María; Albaladejo-Blázquez, Natalia; Jarque Llamazares, Livia


    Estas 16 presentaciones Powerpoint han sido elaboradas para servir a los estudiantes como un breve resumen de los contenidos teóricos que constituyen el programa de la asignatura Psicología Criminal, que se imparte como asignatura troncal en la Licenciatura de Criminología de la Universidad de Alicante.

  5. Hormigón Armado y Pretensado. Presentaciones (curso 2011-2012)


    Bañón Blázquez, Luis; Varona Moya, Francisco de Borja


    Presentaciones de los temas que integran los contenidos de la asignatura "Hormigón Armado y Pretensado", impartida en las titulaciones de Ingeniería Técnica de Obras Públicas, Ingeniería Geológica y Grado en Ing. Civil.

  6. Aprendiendo a hacer presentaciones efectivas en inglés con BusinessApp

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    Antonio Pareja Lora


    Full Text Available Las presentaciones de productos, negocios y/o servicios en inglés son cada día más habituales en un mundo cuyo nivel de globalización no deja de crecer. Sin embargo, precisamente aquellos que más necesitan aprender cómo realizarlas (directivos y profesionales del mundo empresarial en general, son el colectivo que suele disponer de menos tiempo para el aprendizaje de esta competencia, sobre todo en entornos de enseñanza presencial. Pensando en una solución para este problema, los autores de este trabajo se plantearon la hipótesis siguiente: ¿puede una aplicación para dispositivos móviles facilitar a este colectivo el aprendizaje autónomo y ubicuo de los conocimientos necesarios para hacer presentaciones efectivas en inglés? Para confirmar o refutar esta hipótesis se ha desarrollado BusinessApp, una aplicación para móviles (1 concebida para ayudar a sus usuarios a crear y realizar buenas presentaciones profesionales y de negocios, y (2 asentada sobre una sólida base pedagógica y lingüística. Se ha intentado que su uso sea natural e interactivo; y se han incluido en ella asimismo ejercicios de autoevaluación, que se corrigen automáticamente. Todo ello, a priori, debería posibilitar no sólo el aprendizaje a distancia, semipresencial (blended learning y ubicuo, sino también autónomo, de sus contenidos.En este artículo se presentan algunos detalles importantes de construcción de BusinessApp, como la metodología seguida en su desarrollo, junto con los detalles del desarrollo (metodología y resultados de una primera evaluación de la misma. Esta primera evaluación ha tenido por objetivo averiguar su potencial para el aprendizaje autónomo de los contenidos teóricos propios de la competencia reseñada (presentaciones profesionales orales efectivas en inglés. También se muestra que los resultados obtenidos permiten afirmar la hipótesis de esta investigación, es decir, que es posible aprender autónomamente los

  7. Pier Diego Siccardi (1880-1917) and the "Clinica del Lavoro" in the trench warfare. (United States)

    Riva, Michele Augusto; Caramella, Michela; Turato, Massimo; Cesana, Giancarlo


    The year 2017 marks the centenary of the death of the Italian scientist Pier Diego Siccardi (1880-1917), one of Luigi Devoto's assistants at the "Clinica del Lavoro" in Milan. To commemorate Siccardi and to describe the activities of the physicians of the "Clinica del Lavoro" during World War I. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on scientific papers written by Pier Diego Siccardi and by other physicians belonging to the Clinica del Lavoro, in the period 1915-1918. During the Great War, the Clinica del Lavoro became a military hospital, even though it indirectly maintained a role in Occupational Health, assisting women who had started to work to replace the men sent to the front. Devoto and his assistants were drafted as Army doctors, but continued their research activities while at the front; focusing on the diseases that affected the soldiers, mainly infections. Bleeding fevers and jaundice were endemic among Italian troops, but their etiology was unknown. Pier Diego Siccardi identified this syndrome as an infection caused by a spirochete, and was the first one to isolate the infectious agent. Siccardi prematurely died of the same disease as a consequence of a laboratory accident, which provided further confirmation for his research. The heroic life of Siccardi and his tragic death testify the important activities of the scientists of the "Clinica del Lavoro" in the years of the Great War.

  8. La filosofia clinica di Wittgenstein

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    Lorenzo Ghirelli


    Full Text Available Intento del presente saggio è quello di tracciare le linee principali della filosofia di Wittgenstein definendone l’orizzonte operativo e la strategia d’azione. Seguiremo inizialmente i cambiamenti nella concezione del linguaggio e del significato del filosofo austriaco utilizzandoli come traccia per registrare le corrispondenti revisioni degli obiettivi, delle tecniche e delle forme del far filosofia da lui proposte. Cercheremo poi di analizzare la pratica filosofica prospettata dal Wittgenstein maturo evidenziandone alcuni aspetti che ci consentiranno di qualificarla come clinica.

  9. Book review. Semeiologia Clinica Veterinaria. (a cura di Paolo Ciaramella

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Il grado di specializzazione raggiunto nel settore clinico veterinario non è dissimile da quello presente in campo umano, soprattutto se si pensa agli animali d'affezione che sono oramai considerati parte integrante di una società moderna e civile in cui anche il fattore benessere animale ha acquisito importanza non secondaria, in particolare nell'allevamento degli animali da reddito. In questo contesto è sempre più richiesta la figura di uno specialista competente e aggiornato, in grado di risolvere in modo adeguato le problematiche che gli vengono proposte, in un mercato in concorrenza che non contempla imperizia, inesperienza e ignoranza professionale. Lo studio della semeiologia clinica è uno dei primi passi di questo lungo e affascinate cammino che permette di apprendere un metodo di analisi sistematico, affidabile, efficiente e accurato per educare il futuro medico veterinario verso le procedure della buona pratica clinica. La semeiotica insegna ad allenare i propri sensi: a guardare attraverso l'osservazione diretta e indiretta, a sentire ascoltando suoni o rumori, a percepire sensazioni tattili e, non da ultimo, a saper discernere con cognizione e competenza quando ricorrere alle indagini strumentali e di laboratorio; sempre e comunque nella consapevolezza che non possono in nessun modo sostituire l'esame fisico diretto del paziente. Paolo Ciaramella, professore ordinario di Clinica Medica Veterinaria all'Università Federico II di Napoli, presenta così il volume che ha curato: "L'idea di questo libro ha preso forma durante un simposio di medicina interna tenutosi a Torino nel 2008. Con alcuni colleghi presenti si pensò alla possibilità di elaborare un nuovo testo di Semeiotica Medica che potesse ampliare e aggiornare il glorioso Messieri e Moretti, non tanto perché esso avesse perduto il suo valore intrinseco, quanto piuttosto perché nel corso degli anni sono cambiate la patologia animale e con essa la semeiotica e la clinica

  10. OC ToGo: bed site image integration into OpenClinica with mobile devices (United States)

    Haak, Daniel; Gehlen, Johan; Jonas, Stephan; Deserno, Thomas M.


    Imaging and image-based measurements nowadays play an essential role in controlled clinical trials, but electronic data capture (EDC) systems insufficiently support integration of captured images by mobile devices (e.g. smartphones and tablets). The web application OpenClinica has established as one of the world's leading EDC systems and is used to collect, manage and store data of clinical trials in electronic case report forms (eCRFs). In this paper, we present a mobile application for instantaneous integration of images into OpenClinica directly during examination on patient's bed site. The communication between the Android application and OpenClinica is based on the simple object access protocol (SOAP) and representational state transfer (REST) web services for metadata, and secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) for image transfer, respectively. OpenClinica's web services are used to query context information (e.g. existing studies, events and subjects) and to import data into the eCRF, as well as export of eCRF metadata and structural information. A stable image transfer is ensured and progress information (e.g. remaining time) visualized to the user. The workflow is demonstrated for a European multi-center registry, where patients with calciphylaxis disease are included. Our approach improves the EDC workflow, saves time, and reduces costs. Furthermore, data privacy is enhanced, since storage of private health data on the imaging devices becomes obsolete.

  11. Un Examen de los Factores Explicativos del Empleo de las Presentaciones a Analistas en la Empresa Española

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    Manuel Larrán Jorge


    Full Text Available Las empresas cotizadas organizan regularmente encuentros restringidos con analistas financieros en aras del flujo de información con el mercado y la correcta valoración de sus títulos. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las variables que influyen en el empleo de presentaciones a analistas por parte de las empresas integrantes en el Índice General de la Bolsa de Madrid. Los resultados evidencian que, en España, las compañías que se comunican con analistas a través de presentaciones muestran un tamaño significativamente superior frente a aquellas que no emplean este canal, siendo la pertenencia al IBEX 35 y la existencia de departamentos de Relaciones con Inversores los factores determinantes de la celebración de estos encuentros. Palabras clave: canales privados, divulgación de información, analistas financieros, presentaciones a analistas.Presentations to analysts are used by listing companies in order to disclose information and avoid the undervaluation of their securities. The aim of this paper is to analyse the use of presentations to analysts in the Spanish Capital Market and the determinants of the decision to hold these presentations. Our empirical study was performed on the Spanish companies listed in the Madrid Stock Exchange. We found evidence indicating that the decision to hold presentations for analysts is related to the size of the company. In addition, we verify that the firms listed in IBEX 35 and with Investor Relations departments are more likely to host these meetings.

  12. Efecto de diferentes presentaciones comerciales de plátano Hartón sobre la relación costo-beneficio de los productores de la Cuenca del Lago de Maracaibo


    Juan Carlos Nava; Alfredo Ávila; Dayerlin Bueno; José Contrera


    El objeto de este trabajo consistió en evaluar el efecto de las diferentes presentaciones comerciales del fruto de plátano Hartón (Musa AAB) en racimos, en bolsas: presentaciones de 10 unidades y desgranado en cestas de 22 Kg sobre la relación costo-beneficio de los productores de la cuenca del Lago de Maracaibo. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada con un diseño experimental de campo, de bloques completos, al azar generalizado, La unidad experimental fue la pesada, compuesta por racimos de ...

  13. [Analysis of utilization of information in the journal Medicina Clinica]. (United States)

    Aleixandre, R; Giménez Sánchez, J V; Terrada, M L; López Piñero, J M


    Scientific communication knowledge is specifically based in the analysis of the bibliographic references inside the publications. Pattern and laws determining the information consumption in the items of the journal Medicina Clinica are investigated in the present study as its own aim. An analysis was performed on the 13,286 references downloaded from 618 papers published by the journal in 1990. With dBASE IV was generated a database for the management of the information; data was distributed in several tables through criteria of age, documentary types, countries, journals and Bradford zones. The analysed references belong to 1,241 different journals, 110 from Spain. Being two thirds of the total sum, the publications from United States and United Kingdom have received more citations than those from Spain. The publications from european countries, like France, Germany and Italy, are scarcely present. Bradford core is constituted by the journals Medicina Clinica and The Lancet. The analysis of the bibliographic references available from the articles in this journal is able to produce knowledge on the information consumption by the practitioners; its usefulness as a complementary utility to the Indice de Citas e Indicadores Bibliométricos de Revistas Españolas de Medicina Interna y sus especialidades 1990 must be considered.

  14. Las presentaciones de correo electrónico como forma de comunicación interpersonal del alumnado


    Bernárdez Rodal, Asunción; Padilla Castillo, Graciela


    La comunicación interpersonal ha cambiado para los más jóvenes, que lo comparten todo en sus textos virtuales. A través del análisis de 2.400 presentaciones de Power Point, chistes, vídeos y viñetas, enviados por correo electrónico, desciframos las necesidades que contienen y que buscan satisfacer los universitarios de hoy. Estas necesidades se corresponden con la pirámide ideada por Abraham Maslow. Consideramos que está de plena actualidad, pues nos ayuda a conocer las taxonomías, tipologías...

  15. El uso de las presentaciones digitales en la educación superior: una reflexión sobre la práctica / Use of digital presentations in higher education: a reflexion on practice

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    Maroto Marín, Orlando


    Full Text Available Resumen: El uso de las presentaciones digitales en la enseñanza universitaria se han extendido ampliamente. En esta reseña temática se realiza una reflexión sobre la pertinencia de su aplicación; además se revisan algunos detalles de su producción. Se recalca la importancia de tomar en cuenta los detalles de las presentaciones para así lograr los objetivos educativos. El uso de un medio audiovisual y digital debería favorecer el establecimiento de una comunicación interactiva entre docentes y estudiantes. Con estas notas se espera aportar ideas sobre las presentaciones digitales especialmente para el personal docente que inicia sus labores dentro de la universidad.Abstract: The use of slide show presentation in higher education has been extending wider through universities. This article is a reflection about its use and pertinence and a review of some details on its production. This research reinforces the importance of review the slide show details to achieve the educational goals. In the classroom is established communication between professor and students and vice versa. The audiovisual media must reinforce communication skills and not only an informational reception. These notes could be helpful for the newest teachers, those who are starting their teaching career into the university, finding in their beginning the way to eliminate some actions that limits their creative capacity to teach.

  16. Know your audience: analysis of chief complaints at clinica esperanza, a student-run free clinic in memphis, tennessee. (United States)

    Cesari, Whitney A; Vaikunth, Sumeet S; Lewis, Jim B; Panda, Mukta


    To identify the chief complaints and demographics at Clinica Esperanza, a student-run free clinic for an underserved Hispanic population. A retrospective chart review of patient files from 2005 through 2010 was undertaken, as approved by the University of Tennessee Health Science Center's Institutional Review Board. From 2005 through 2010, Clinica Esperanza fielded 2551 patient visits, consisting of 951 unique patients, 609 females and 342 males. Mean age was 34 years, and 60% of patients presented once, while 13% followed up for 1 year, 9% for 2 years, 6% for 3, 6% for 4, and 4% for 5. "Pap smear," "abdominal pain," and "follow-up lab results" ranked, in order, as the 3 top chief complaints. Resulting data have led to several improvements. The clinic has remained open weekly to improve patient continuity. With the top 10 chief complaints identified, they are better addressed. More funding is allocated for speculums and proper training of Pap smear technique. Systematic reporting of lab results is being implemented. Physical therapists and pharmacists now participate to address musculoskeletal and medication-based needs, respectively. A volunteer gastroenterologist has been recruited to provide specialized care for abdominal pain. An electrocardiogram machine is now used to evaluate chest pain. To improve student-patient communication, online language learning modules have been created. Based on these data, improvements in health care services have been made, including better continuity, emphasis on top chief complaints, and provider education in medical Spanish. Future plans include on-site pharmacy, smoother referrals, and similar clinics on the University of Tennessee Health Science Center's other campuses.

  17. Evaluation of skin entry kerma in radiological examinations at the Hospital de Clinicas, Parana, Brazil; Avaliacao de kerma de entrada na pele em exames radiologicos no Hospital de Clinicas do Parana, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porto, Lorena E.; Schelin, Hugo R.; Santos, Amanda C. dos; Bunick, Ana Paula; Paschuk, Sergei; Denyak, Valeriy [Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (UTFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Tilly Junior, Joao G. [Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Hospital de Clinicas; Khoury, Helen J., E-mail: khoury@ufpe.b [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE/DEN), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear


    This paper evaluates the skin entry dose of pediatric and adults patients when submitted to radiological examinations at the Hospital de Clinicas do Parana, Brazil, as part integrate of the data assessment of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for Latin America. It was performed measurements of dose for evaluation of skin entry kerma in pediatric patients in thorax AP/PA examinations, adults of thorax in AP/PA, cranio caudal mammography and median lateral and patients of computerized tomography in examination of head, thorax and abdomen. The obtained data demonstrate the necessity of verification of diagnostic analysis standards. The great value amplitudes demonstrate the incompatibility of examination executions with those recommended by the literature. The dose values presented partially inside the range recommended and the other over the expected for the due examination when compared with the literature

  18. International Conference on Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems: Advances in Separation in Biochenistry, Cell Biology and Biotechnology (7th) Held in New Orleans, Louisiana on 2-7 June 1991. (United States)


    de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular y Celular . Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragoza. SPAIN Homogenization of brain tissue results in nerve...and M. J. L6pez-Pirez. Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular y Celular . Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragoza. SPAIN Previous

  19. Implementation of radioactive wastes management system in nuclear medicine service of Hospital das Clinicas of Universidade de Campinas - UNICAMP, in Sao Paulo State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rinaldi Neto, A.; Coelho, R.F.; Brunetto, S.Q.


    This work reports the experience acquired at the Servico de Medicina Nuclear of the Hospital de Clinicas/UNICAMP (SMN/HC) in planning and implementing the management system of radioactive waste. This system respects the Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear' (CNEN) standards and has been of relatively easy and simple performance, without disturbing the SMN/HC's routine. It has also proof to keep its quality along the time. (author)

  20. Evaluation of skin entry kerma in radiological examinations at the Hospital de Clinicas, Parana, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porto, Lorena E.; Schelin, Hugo R.; Santos, Amanda C. dos; Bunick, Ana Paula; Paschuk, Sergei; Denyak, Valeriy; Tilly Junior, Joao G.; Khoury, Helen J.


    This paper evaluates the skin entry dose of pediatric and adults patients when submitted to radiological examinations at the Hospital de Clinicas do Parana, Brazil, as part integrate of the data assessment of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for Latin America. It was performed measurements of dose for evaluation of skin entry kerma in pediatric patients in thorax AP/PA examinations, adults of thorax in AP/PA, cranio caudal mammography and median lateral and patients of computerized tomography in examination of head, thorax and abdomen. The obtained data demonstrate the necessity of verification of diagnostic analysis standards. The great value amplitudes demonstrate the incompatibility of examination executions with those recommended by the literature. The dose values presented partially inside the range recommended and the other over the expected for the due examination when compared with the literature

  1. Efecto de diferentes presentaciones comerciales de plátano Hartón sobre la relación costo-beneficio de los productores de la Cuenca del Lago de Maracaibo

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    Juan Carlos Nava


    Full Text Available El objeto de este trabajo consistió en evaluar el efecto de las diferentes presentaciones comerciales del fruto de plátano Hartón (Musa AAB en racimos, en bolsas: presentaciones de 10 unidades y desgranado en cestas de 22 Kg sobre la relación costo-beneficio de los productores de la cuenca del Lago de Maracaibo. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada con un diseño experimental de campo, de bloques completos, al azar generalizado, La unidad experimental fue la pesada, compuesta por racimos de plátano hasta llegar a los 300 kg. Se realizaron mediciones de las variables: número de racimos, masa del racimo (kg, número de manos, número de dedos, kilos por cestas, ingresos, costos variables y la relación costo/beneficio. Se efectuó análisis de varianza y pruebas de Tukey con el paquete estadístico S.A.S. versión 9.1. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron que la presentación en cestas (kilogramos fue la forma de presentación comercial que generó mejor relación costo-beneficio a los productores de plátano de dicha zona. Los productores de plátano dependieron de la modalidad de camionero-comerciante para la venta de sus frutos. La caracterización de la pesada de plátano como unidad de venta presentó una media de 223,44 manos, 41 racimos por pesada y 1.104,3 frutos de plátano. Se recomienda que los productores de plátano de ahora en adelante utilicen la forma de presentación comercial en cestas, lo que les generará mayores ingresos

  2. Mitochondrial and bioenergetic dysfunction in human hepatic cells infected with dengue 2 virus


    El-Bacha , Tatiana; Midlej , Victor; Silva , Ana Paula Pereira Da; Costa , Leandro Silva Da; Benchimol , Marlene; Galina , Antonio; Poian , Andrea T. Da


    Mitochondrial and bioenergetic dysfunction in human hepatic cells infected with dengue 2 virus correspondence: Corresponding author. Fax: +55 21 22708647. (El-Bacha, Tatiana) (El-Bacha, Tatiana) Laboratorio de Bioquimica de Virus, Instituto de Bioquimica Medica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - RJ-Brasil--> , Av. Bauhinia n? 400 ? CCS Bloco H 2? andar--> , sala 22. Ilha do Governador--> ...

  3. Mammary neoplasm inflammatory: clinic presentation: combined treatment value; Cancer inflamatorio de mama: presentacion clinica: valor de los tratamientos combinados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viola Alles, A; Sabini Gaye, G; Barrios Herrera, E; Muse Sevrini, I


    On a total of 1152 patients bearing of cancer of she suckles tried in the period 1978-1988, 41 of she(3.5% )corresponding to the variety inflamatory. Her ages was understood between 26 and 73 years , was been 15(63,5% )postmenopause. Clinically they presented commitment mammary exclusive 34,1%, invasion ganglionar lorregional 48,7% and 17% was disseminated remaining. The initial treatment bases on 3-4 cycles of chemotherapy type FCA, safe in patient with more years that they received the association CMF. All then were irradiated with dose of 5000-6000 cGy on she suckles and territories ganglionares. Finish the treatment with 6 to 8 additional cycles of the patients' chemotherapy. Nobody it was subjected to surgical. The middle survive of the population's total it was of 22 meses, has been of 26 for the premenopause and 15 for the posmenopause. The percentage of relapses arrive to 30% and 45% in the located ways they were disseminated during its evolution. It highlights that the therapeutic strategy you bases on the association open chemotherapy, radiotherapy remaining the possibility of the handling of high citostatics dose with or without transplants of osseous medulla osea (Author) [Spanish] Sobre un total de 1152 pacientes portadoras de cancer de mama tratadas en el periodo 1978-1988, 41 de ellas(3.5%)correspondieron a la variedad inflamatoria. Sus edades estaban comprendidas entre 26 y 73 an os,siendo 15(63,5%) posmenopausicas. Clinicamente presentaron compromiso mamario exclusivo 34,1%, invasion ganglionar lorregional 48,7% y estaban diseminadas 17% resptantes. El tratamiento inicial se baso en 3-4 ciclos de quimioterapia tipo FCA, salvo en pacientes anosas que recibieron la asociacion CMF. Todas ellas luego se irradiaron con dosis de 5000-6000 cGy sobre mama y territorios ganglionares. Se culmino el tratamiento con 6 a 8 ciclos adicionales de quimioterapia. Ninguna de las pacientes fue sometida a cirugia. La sobrevida media del total de la poblacion fue de 22 meses, siendo de 26 para las premenopausicas y 15 para las posmenopausicas. El porcentaje de recidivas llego al 30 % y 45% de las formas localizadas se diseminaron durante su evolucion. Se destaca que la estrategia terapeutica se baso en la asociacion qumio-radioterapia, quedando abierta la posibilidad del manejo de altas dosis de citostaticos con o sin trasplantes de madula osea(Au)

  4. Profundization of acetabular cup uncemented in total substitution of hip in-patient with acetabular dysplasia - Experience university hospital - Clinica San Rafael

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimian Mayorga, Omar David; Sandoval Daza, Alejandro; Vargas Turriago, Marcela; Perez Torres, Javier


    14 patients with acetabular dysplasia were treated at Hospital Universitario Clinica San Rafael with total hip arthroplasty with uncemented cup internization. According to Crowe classification, one was type 1, eight were type 2 and five were type 3. The average follow up was twenty-four months. The Harris hip score was used for the clinical evaluation with a pre operative average of 35 points and 37 points post operative. The average cup internization was four millimeters, with an average cup protrutio of 47% and an average of cup coverage of 81%. The average internization of the femoral head's center was 26mm. screws for cup fixation were used in 3 patients. We did not have complications nor implant revision at the time of follow up

  5. Oncology patients hospitalized in the Clinicas Hospital Dr. Manuel Quintela

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arostegui, M.; Borba, M.; Caldarelli, D.; Eguiia, A.; Fernandez, E.; Peleteiro, M.; Pereira, C.; Vico, M.


    This work was carried out by a nursery licensed group in the Clinicas Hospital - Dr. Manuel Quintela.The nature and functioning of Services and the allocation of resources, are essential for the analysis of the Survey of the hospitalized oncology patients in the Institution. To develop a model of care that constitutes a health care as well as teaching and research in the country regarding the quality of care was defined the following topics: lower risks for the patient, safer care, personal trained and specialized to promote relationship between the offering and the person receiving the service. The assessment and management performance of the services involved in the operation are the result of the degree of user satisfaction. Objective: To determine the human and material necessary for the care of cancer resources users, considering their number, treatment, complications and nursing care derived from each pathology and stage of disease. Methodology: A comparative descriptive study of the same population was conducted in two transverse sections in relation to two different times which are based on the design of a form that allowed hospitalized to collect information on users 6/12/03 and 6/16/04. Other instruments used were the clinical history and the daily census staff Patients and Nursing Division. Results and conclusions: A comparative descriptive analysis already mentioned are: increased internships and cancer patients; between 50 and 64 is the highest number of patients; diagnoses Face and Neck and maintain the Digestive System more cases; the number of patients doubles and Hematology Neurological from one to another period. Chemotherapy is the treatment choice and there is a decrease in the surgical and medical; more patients in the study; in the origin, Montevideo has the largest number of patients followed by Canelones. Line of nursing intervention will be carried out in short, medium and long term

  6. Principios básicos de diseño gráfico aplicados a la preparación de ayudas visuales para presentaciones científicas y de negocios

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    Juan David Velásquez Henao, Ph.D


    Full Text Available La capacidad para hablar en público es una habilidad esencial para los administradores y otros profesionales. Sin embargo, muchas presentaciones son descritas como malas, aburridas, sin foco o incomprensibles. Uno de los principales errores es la falta de ayudas visuales que estén bien diseñadas; ejemplos comunes de ello son una excesiva cantidad de texto, el uso de fondos de bajo contraste, letras muy pequeñas para su lectura y el abuso de efectos artísticos, entre otros. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una revisión sistemática para responder la pregunta: ¿Qué es una ayuda visual correctamente diseñada?. Se encontró que, aplicando varios principios básicos y simples de diseño gráfico, es posible obtener ayudas visuales efectivas. Adicionalmente, se presentan varios ejemplos.

  7. Principios básicos de diseño gráfico aplicados a la preparación de ayudas visuales para presentaciones científicas y de negocios

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    Full Text Available La capacidad para hablar en público es una habilidad esencial para los administradores y otros profesionales. Sin embargo, muchas presentaciones son descritas como malas, aburridas, sin foco o incomprensibles. Uno de los principales errores es la falta de ayudas visuales que estén bien diseñadas; ejemplos comunes de ello son una excesiva cantidad de texto, el uso de fondos de bajo contraste, letras muy pequeñas para su lectura y el abuso de efectos artísticos, entre otros. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una revisión sistemática para responder la pregunta: ¿Qué es una ayuda visual correctamente diseñada?. Se encontró que, aplicando varios principios básicos y simples de diseño gráfico, es posible obtener ayudas visuales efectivas. Adicionalmente, se presentan varios ejemplos.

  8. System precision assessment ExacTrac 6D® BrainLab of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP; Avaliacao da precisao do sistema Exactrac 6D® BrainLab do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maistro, Carlos E.B., E-mail: [Programa de Residencia Multiprofissional em Fisica Medica, Faculdade de Medicina de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Nakandakari, Marcos V.N.; Ribeiro, Victor A.B.; Sales, Camila P. de; Rodrigues, Laura N. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Instituto de Radiologia. Servico de Radioterapia. Hospital das Clinicas


    The goal of this study was to evaluate the precision of ExacTrac 6D® Brainlab system, installed at Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, in frameless radiosurgery treatments. Four sets of tests were performed for different purposes in order to assess the following parameters: the accuracy of location through infrared system; evaluation of the reproducibility of fusion algorithm; evaluation of the X-ray system; and the end-to-end test with the goal of assess the overall accuracy of the system. It was found that the infrared system showed a maximum deviation of 0.5 mm in terms of positioning and the X-ray system showed a precision of 0.15 mm and 0.6°. The reproducibility of fusion algorithms provided a maximum deviation in position which was less than 0.5 mm and 0.5° and the quantitative analysis of the results for end-to-end test showed an overall accuracy of the system better than 0.8 mm. (author)

  9. Presentacion

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    Revista Facultad Ingenieria


    Full Text Available La Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombiaconsidera de especial importancia resaltar la labor de personas que con su gestióny actitud han dejado una huella grata y contribuido al engrandecimiento de laIngeniería y a la formación de nuevos Ingenieros en nuestro medio.

  10. Presentacion


    Degregori, Carlos Iván


    En América Latina, la década de 1980 estuvo signada por la transición a la democracia de un conjunto de países que durante largos años habían vivido bajo dictaduras militares de distinto signo. El fin de la guerra fría y el derrumbe de los denominados “socialismos reales” volvió crucial ese tema también en Europa Oriental y en menor medida en Asia Central e incluso en Africa. Sin embargo, lo que a algunos les pareció el fin de la historia fue por el contrario el inicio de un nuevo capítulo, m...

  11. General and biochemical properties of forest soils on serpentinized areas of Galicia; Propiedades generales y bioquimicas de suelos forestales en areas serpentinizadas de Galicia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pena, Wagner; Briceno, Jorge A., E-mail: [Univ. de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigaciones Agronomicas (Costa Rica); Leiros de la Pena, Maria del Carmen [Univ. de Santiago de Compostela, Dept. Edafologia y Quimica Agricola (Spain)


    The use agricultural and forest soils is normal in the territory of the Autonomous Community of Galicia for submitting the physical, chemical and agroclimatic optimum. The region has areas by the characteristics of the environment has been impossible to use agricultural and forestry. Serpentinite soils developed on frequently drew attention to the high degree of infertility, caused by nutrient deficiency and excess toxic metal content. The results of general physical and chemical properties have been analyzed of the total metal content and biochemical parameters of 28 soils on serpentinite in A Coruna Galicia, Spain. The infertility of soil organic matter, nutrients and low microbial activity and biochemistry have been caused by high level of pH and nutritional imbalance due to the high content of Mg{sup 2+}. OM (organic matter) content, total N, soluble P and exchangeable K{sup +}, were lower due to the underdevelopment of vegetation and the potential toxic effects that have metal on the biological activity in the middle. (author) [Spanish] El uso agricola y forestal de los suelos es normal en el territorio de la Comunidad Autonoma de Galicia por haber presentado las condiciones fisicas, quimicas y agroclimaticas optimas. La region tiene zonas que por las caracteristicas del medio ha sido imposible el uso agricola y forestal. Los suelos desarrollados sobre serpentinita es frecuente que hayan llamado la atencion por el elevado grado de infertilidad, provocado por la deficiencia de nutrimentos y por el exceso contenido en metales toxicos. Los resultados de las propiedades generales fisicas y quimicas han sido analizados del contenido total de metales y de parametros bioquimicos de 28 suelos sobre serpentinita en A Coruna, Galicia, Espana. La infertilidad de los suelos de materia organica, nutrimentos y baja actividad microbiana y bioquimica han sido causadas por el alto nivel de pH y el desbalance nutricional por el alto contenido de Mg{sup 2+}. El contenido de MO

  12. [Mobbing and its effects on health. the experience of the "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" in Milan]. (United States)

    Punzi, Silvia; Cassitto, Maria Grazia; Castellini, Giovanna; Costa, G; Gilioli, R


    There is increasing interest in research, prevention and management of mobbing in the field of occupational psychosocial risks. To describe mobbing and its health effects by analysis of the cases examined from 1997 to 2003 at the Department of Occupational Health "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" in Milan. A total of 226 clinical records of patients who reported a mobbing situation when undergoing medical examination were selected out of 2455 patients examined for stress-related disorders. The percentage of women was higher (53.1%) than in men (46.9%) with a prevalent age range of 35-54 years. There was a great variety of jobs, especially white-collars and workers in large service companies. In one third of the cases, mobbing occurred within 4 years from beginning of employment and mostly after company reorganization and management changes. The most frequent negative acts included social isolation and demotion. The most frequent symptoms were exhaustion, sleep, mood and sexual disorders. The number of symptoms was not related to the duration of mobbing but to the number and frequency of negative actions. 61.1% of the subjects took psychotropic drugs. Occupational health physicians play an essential role in primary prevention (information on occupational risks) and in early diagnosis and rehabilitation and could act as mediators between workers and enterprises.

  13. Toxicología Vegetal


    García Fernández, Antonio Juan


    Presentaciones de clase de los temas de Toxicología Vegetal de la licenciatura de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Murcia del curso 2011/12. Presentaciones de Toxicología Vegetal de la asignatura de Toxicología de la Licenciatura de Veterinaria del curso 2011/12

  14. Virtual-reality-based attention assessment of ADHD: ClinicaVR: Classroom-CPT versus a traditional continuous performance test. (United States)

    Neguț, Alexandra; Jurma, Anda Maria; David, Daniel


    Virtual-reality-based assessment may be a good alternative to classical or computerized neuropsychological assessment due to increased ecological validity. ClinicaVR: Classroom-CPT (VC) is a neuropsychological test embedded in virtual reality that is designed to assess attention deficits in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other conditions associated with impaired attention. The present study aimed to (1) investigate the diagnostic validity of VC in comparison to a traditional continuous performance test (CPT), (2) explore the task difficulty of VC, (3) address the effect of distractors on the performance of ADHD participants and typically-developing (TD) controls, and (4) compare the two measures on cognitive absorption. A total of 33 children diagnosed with ADHD and 42 TD children, aged between 7 and 13 years, participated in the study and were tested with a traditional CPT or with VC, along with several cognitive measures and an adapted version of the Cognitive Absorption Scale. A mixed multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) revealed that the children with ADHD performed worse on correct responses had more commissions and omissions errors than the TD children, as well as slower target reaction times . The results showed significant differences between performance in the virtual environment and the traditional computerized one, with longer reaction times in virtual reality. The data analysis highlighted the negative influence of auditory distractors on attention performance in the case of the children with ADHD, but not for the TD children. Finally, the two measures did not differ on the cognitive absorption perceived by the children.

  15. Effect of cognitive stimulation in patients with mild congenital deterioration, in the reduction of progression to dementia, in the Clinica de la Memoria, Hospital Nacional de Geriatria y Gerontologia, during the period from September 2008 to September 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giangiulio Lobo, Andrea


    The efficacy of cognitive stimulation in the progression to dementia is verified in patients with mild cognitive impairment, from the Clinica de Memoria of the Hospital Nacional de Geriatria y Gerontologia, between September 2008 and September 2013. A sample of 190 patients of the Metropolitan Area, the majority of female, complete primary, with self-care, aged 70 to 79 years are selected. The investigated group has had a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus to a lesser extent and some degree of associated sensory deficit. The evolution time of memory loss presented is 2.6 years at the time of the medical evaluation. The most common cognitive impairment in the study has been the multiple dominion amnesia, followed by the non-amnesic dominion multiple. The etiology has leaded the degenerative, followed by vascular and thirdly the deficit of vitamin B12. Patients with mild cognitive impairment almost half of the cases have had neuro-behavioral disorder, being the depression most frequent, followed by anxiety and apathy. Patients have been partial independent in ABVD and dependent on AIVD. Absenteeism to dating has existed both in Clinica de Memoria; but mainly to the appointment with psychology. During the study it is determined that the deterioration was developed without progress to dementia, relatives have reported cognitive stability in more than half of the cases, only 18 patients have progressed to dementia. In the process only 29 patients have concluded and were reevaluated; without being able to demonstrate that the cognitive stimulation delays the cognitive deterioration to the dementia, but nevertheless; this result is given without unduly discrediting cognitive stimulation as a non-pharmacological measure for the prevention and delaying of dementia. (author) [es

  16. Vibrio Fischeri Symbiosis Gene Regulation. (United States)


    is actually involved in the observed transcriptional negative autoregulation of lmxR expression, although the data suggest this. Cells in the above...Bioluminescence in the Marine Symbiotic Bacterium Vibriofischeri. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas , Fundacion Campomar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  17. [The scientific progress of the "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" as seen through the contents of the journal "La Medicina del Lavoro". ]. (United States)

    Foà, V; Camerino, Donatella


    On occasion of the Centenary of the "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto", its researchers suggested that awareness of its historical identity and scientific development should constitute the basis for the future of the Institution. The directors of the Institute who have succeeded one to the other over the years have left a vivid report of the vast amount of work developed in several research fields and also of the original results achieved with significant impact on the scientific community and on society. Content analysis of "La Medicina del Lavoro" allowed us to shed light on strong bonds existing between manufacturing techniques, work organization and health, in the different political and social periods in which they developed. Many actions have been defined and several research subjects have been renewed (according to current demands and new methodological possibilities) between the past and the present, nevertheless many new approaches need to be taken in the fields of epidemiology, indoor air quality, ergophthalmology, muskuloskeletal disorders, environmental and molecular toxicology, and further research will be undertaken thanks to the potential of this discipline for the future. The aim of this report is also to express our thanks to all the medical and non-medical staff who have made their contribution over 100 years of engagement.

  18. International Conference on Low Temperature Chemistry (6th) Held in Chernogolovka, Russia on 27 August - 1 September 2006 (United States)


    University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA 3Instituto de Bioquimica Vegetal y Fotosintesis, Universidad de Seville-CSIC E-41092 Seville, Spain The...with the aim of improvement of their pharmaceutical and therapeutical characteristics, is a very actual task at the present time. Dispersity of

  19. Identification of Novel Targets of the Human Cell Cycle Regulatory Protein Cdc34 (United States)


    centrifugal elutriation, with a purity of -80% as shown by micro - ethyl acetate and separated on thin-layer chromatography plates (Whatman, scopic...Spain. (2) Servicio Bioquimica, Hosp. La Paz. Madrid. ICER protein is elevated in mHR6b-/- (murine Rad6B) fibroblasts Spain. and in human cells

  20. Clinical manifestations of peripheral nervous system involvement in human chronic chagas disease Manifestaciones clinicas de compromiso del sistema nervioso periférico en el estádio crônico de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Osvaldo Genovese


    Full Text Available We conducted a clinical and electromyographical study in patients with Chagas' disease in the indeterminate or chronic stages of the illness. Altogether 841 patients were examined. Only 511 were admitted within the protocol; the remainder patients were rejected because they showed other causes able to damage the nervous system. Fifty two (10.17% out of the 511 patients showed signs and symptoms of peripheral nervous system involvement in the form of sensory impairment and diminished tendon jerks suggesting the presence of neuropathy. Forty five of them were submitted to a conventional electromyographical examination. Fifteen of mem showed normal results, while the remainder 30 disclosed a reduced interference pattern, being most of the remaining motor unit potentials fragmented or poliphasic, reduced sensory and motor conduction velocities and diminished amplitude of the sensory action potential. The findings suggest that some chagasic patients in the indeterminate or chronic stages of the disease may develop a clinical mild sensory-motor peripheral neuropathy.El estúdio presente fue diseftado con ei objeto de pesquizar Ia existência de manifestaciones clinicas en pacientes afectados por enfermedad de Chagas, en estádio indeterminado o crônico, que tuviesen, ai menos, 2 reacciones serologicas positivas. En total fueron examinados 841 enfermos. De ellos solo 511 fueron admitidos en ei protocolo; los restantes fueron rechazados por mostrar Ia presencia de otras causas que hubiesen podido danar su sistema nervioso. Dentro de los 511 pacientes admitidos, 52 (10.17% evidenciaron alteraciones objetivas y subjetivas de Ia sensibilidad y disminucion de los reflejos osteotendinosos. Estos signos y sintomas, que sugieren la presencia de neuropatia, podian combinarse de diferente manera. Como complemento dei examen clinico, se efectuo estúdio electromiografico convencional en 45 de estos pacientes. En 15 los hallazgos fueron normales, en tanto que en

  1. Aprendizaje perceptivo en aversión condicionada al sabor: Análisis del efecto del orden de presentación de los estímulos

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    Gumersinda Alonso


    Full Text Available En un experimento tres grupos de ratas recibieron inicialmente exposición a un compuesto de dos sabores, AX, y a uno de los elementos de ese compuesto, X. El grupo ALT recibió las presentaciones de AX y X alternadamente; el grupo BLQ-AX-X recibió primero un bloque con todas las presentaciones de AX y después un bloque con todas las presentaciones de X; el grupo BLQ-X-AX recibió la secuencia de presentación contraria. Posteriormente se estableció una aversión a X. Finalmente se observó que la generalización de esta aversión ante AX fue menor en el grupo ALT que en los grupos BLQ-AX-X y BLQ-X-AX, y que estos dos grupos no difirieron entre sí. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para la hipótesis de modulación de saliencia propuesta por G. Hall (2003.

  2. Clinical utility from the determination of serico galactomannan in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in hematological patients of the Hospital San Juan de Dios, between January 2009 and December 2012; Utilidad clinica de la determinacion de galactomanano serico en el diagnostico de aspergilosis invasiva en pacientes hematologicos del Hospital San Juan de Dios, entre enero 2009 y diciembre 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Sandi, Silvia


    Nosocomial infections have become more important to the health system by the high costs of these, but are little data available about them in recent years. The clinical utility of the determination of serum galactomannan (GMS) in patients with high risk of contracting the infection by Aspergillus spp, was assessed, between January 2009 and December 2012 at the Hospital San Juan de Dios. Several existing studies in the scientific literature have already evaluated the clinical usefulness, specific data have been inexistent for Costa Rica or for Central America and the Caribbean; so it is important to have known whether the conduct of the test has been similar to the other populations or have specific variations [Spanish] Las enfermedades nosocomiales han cobrado mayor importancia para el sistema de salud por el gasto elevado que han representado, pero son pocos los datos disponibles respecto a ellas en los ultimos anos. La utilidad clinica de la determinacion de galactomanano serico (GMS) en pacientes con alto riesgo a contraer la infeccion por Aspergillus spp, fue evaluada, entre enero del 2009 y diciembre del 2012 en el Hospital San Juan de Dios. Varios estudios existentes en la literatura cientifica ya han evaluado esta utilidad clinica, datos especificos han sido inexistentes para Costa Rica, o para la region Centroamericana y el Caribe, por lo que es importante haber conocido si el comportamiento de la prueba ha sido similar a las otras poblaciones o tiene variaciones.

  3. Resultados de un programa educativo con refuerzo audiovisual durante la sesión, en pacientes en hemodiálisis

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    María Auxiliadora Santana Díez

    Full Text Available Resumen Los medios audiovisuales son imprescindibles para reforzar la información del paciente. El objetivo del trabajo es describir la utilidad del uso de presentaciones educativas para los pacientes en hemodiálisis y los medios audiovisuales disponibles en la unidad. Se elaboraron tres presentaciones educativas en Microsoft Office Power Point y se pasaron una serie de cuestionarios con 13 preguntas que hacían referencia a aspectos fundamentales del cuidado tratados en las presentaciones, antes y después de éstas. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo con la distribución de frecuencias y porcentajes de las variables categóricas y con la media y la desviación típica de las variables cuantitativas. Para comprobar los resultados de las respuestas antes y después de las presentaciones/micropíldoras se ha utilizado la prueba de McNemar para dos muestras relacionadas con un nivel de significación estadística de p<0,05. El estudio consta de 45 pacientes, 73,3% varones con una edad media de 63,82 años. Se encontraron resultados estadísticamente significativos con p=0,031 y p=0,004, referentes a cuestiones sobre la desinfección de la fístula y el aporte proteico. El presente estudio ha servido para demostrar que la herramienta ha abierto nuevas posibilidades de formación a los pacientes.

  4. Cooperation-Induced Topological Complexity: A Promising Road to Fault Tolerance and Hebbian Learning (United States)


    Information Science Directorate, United States Army Research Office, Durham, NC, USA 4 Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del Consiglio Nazionale delle...Vadim Uritsky, Catholic University of America at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA *Correspondence: Paolo Allegrini , Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica

  5. Learning curve of sentinel lymph nodes in early breast cancer at the Teaching Hospital 'Hospital das Clinicas' in Belo Horizonte, MG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Homma, L.A.H.; Campos, T.P.R.; Silva, S.Z.C.; Siqueira, C.F.; Lima, C.F.


    The research of the sentinel lymph node in early breast cancer, an already worldwide established method, was standardized at the teaching hospital 'Hospital das Clinicas' in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil). This standardization was carried out from December 2000 through December 2002, in which 39 patients were included in a learning curve and method validation. The applied methodology is based on the combination of a lymphoscintillography and the blue stain. A periareolar colloid 99m Tc injection was given 24 hours before the surgery. The blue dye was injected in the peritumoral region during the surgery. The sentinel lymph node was identified by the blue color pattern of the lymph node and by the use of a portable gamma probe detector. Radioactive contamination was evaluated before, during and after the surgery. The measurement of the radioactivity of the breast area was taken by using a GM detector and an ionization chamber on a humid piece of gauze (passed on the breast area), from which the radioactivity was recorded as well as the gloves used during the surgery, and the gauzes with contaminated blood. The sentinel lymph node identification rate was found to be 95%, there was a false negative rate of 4,8% and a predictive negative value (PNV) of 94%. The identification figures, the predictive negative value and the false negative rate were similar to the figures found in technical literature. The technique of the biopsy of the sentinel lymph node (BSL) is the method chosen for staging patients with invasive breast cancer and with clinically negative results for the armpit. The combined method using radio-colloid and the stain is the most indicated. There is a minimum radio isotopic contamination and there is scarcely any danger for the patient or the medical staff involved in the procedure. (author)

  6. Investigar el autismo en clave psicoanalítica


    Piro, María Cristina


    En la psicopatología infantil, la extensión del diagnóstico de autismo ha sufrido en los últimos años un incremento significativo, situación que ha determinado el surgimiento de críticas que cuestionan la heterogeneidad de las presentaciones que se incluyen en las demandas asistenciales. En función de ello, la presente investigación se propone realizar un estudio teórico/empírico, de tipo fenomenológico y estructural, sobre las características del diagnóstico de autismo en las presentaciones ...

  7. Concentration of Ca in blood of amateur runners using NAA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovacs, L.; Zamboni, C. B.; Metairon, S. [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN / CNEN - SP) - Centro do Reator de Pesquisas Av. Professor Lineu Prestes, 2242 - 05508-000 Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Nunes, L. A. S.; Lourenco, T. F.; Macedo, D. V. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP - Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio - LABEX Cidade Universitaria 13083-970 - Campinas, SP Brazil - Caixa-Postal: 6109 (Brazil)


    In this study the Ca levels were determined in amateur runners blood at LABEX (Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio - UNICAMP, Brazil), using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA) technique. The range established at rest (162 - 410 mgL{sup -1}) when compared with control group (51 - 439 mgL{sup -1}) suggests that there is a dependency of these limits in the function of the adopted physical training.

  8. Workshop Euratom Directive 97/43. New trends in radiation protection in clinical practice, in research and in regulation; Giornata di studio La Direttiva Europea 97/43: nuovi orientamenti per la radioprotezione nella pratica clinica, nella ricerca e nel quadro normativo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazzei, F [ed.; Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Rome (Italy). Lab. di Fisica


    The Euratom Directive 97/43 on health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionizing radiation in relation to medical exposure is presented. In particular the following topics are focused, with a multidisciplinary approach, on: diagnostic reference levels in radiodiagnostics and nuclear medicine; radiation protection in paediatrics, in interventional radiology and in computer tomography; radiation protection radiotherapy, radiation protection in medical research; radiation protection in prenatal and neonatal exposure; radiation protection in medical-legal exposures. [Italian] Il rapporto raccoglie una presentazione della Direttiva Euratom 97/43 riguardante la protezione sanitaria delle persone contro i pericoli delle radiazioni ionizzanti connessi a esposizioni mediche. In particolare sono affrontati in modo interdisciplinare i seguenti argomenti: livelli diagnostici di riferimento in radiodiagnostica e in medicina nucleare; radioprotezione nelle esposizioni in eta' pediatrica, in radiologica interventistica e in tomografia computerizzata; radioprotezione in radioterapia; radioprotezione nella ricerca scientifica clinica; radioprotezione nell'esposizione in eta' prenatale e neonatale; esposizioni potenziali e radioprotezione nelle esposizioni medico-legali.

  9. Workshop Euratom Directive 97/43. New trends in radiation protection in clinical practice, in research and in regulation; Giornata di studio La Direttiva Europea 97/43: nuovi orientamenti per la radioprotezione nella pratica clinica, nella ricerca e nel quadro normativo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazzei, F. [ed.] [Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Rome (Italy). Lab. di Fisica


    The Euratom Directive 97/43 on health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionizing radiation in relation to medical exposure is presented. In particular the following topics are focused, with a multidisciplinary approach, on: diagnostic reference levels in radiodiagnostics and nuclear medicine; radiation protection in paediatrics, in interventional radiology and in computer tomography; radiation protection radiotherapy, radiation protection in medical research; radiation protection in prenatal and neonatal exposure; radiation protection in medical-legal exposures. [Italian] Il rapporto raccoglie una presentazione della Direttiva Euratom 97/43 riguardante la protezione sanitaria delle persone contro i pericoli delle radiazioni ionizzanti connessi a esposizioni mediche. In particolare sono affrontati in modo interdisciplinare i seguenti argomenti: livelli diagnostici di riferimento in radiodiagnostica e in medicina nucleare; radioprotezione nelle esposizioni in eta' pediatrica, in radiologica interventistica e in tomografia computerizzata; radioprotezione in radioterapia; radioprotezione nella ricerca scientifica clinica; radioprotezione nell'esposizione in eta' prenatale e neonatale; esposizioni potenziali e radioprotezione nelle esposizioni medico-legali.

  10. International Conference on Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems in Biochemistry Cell Biology and Biotechnology (7th) Held in New Orleans, Louisiana on June 2-7, 1991. (United States)


    and Virus Like Particles (VLPs, cloned in yeast presently being used for the development of an AIDS vaccine). This paper will describe partition...PARTITIONING OF CEREBROCORTICAL SYNAPTOSOMES M. J. L6pez.P6rez Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular y Celular . Facultad de Veterinaria...Pascual, T. Muifio-Blanco, J. A. Cebriin-Pdrez and M. J. L6pez-Pdrez. Departamento de Bioqufmica y Biologia Molecular y Celular . Facultad de

  11. Radiological clinical correlation of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis with CD4 T lymphocyte counts in patients with V.I.H. in the San Juan de Dios Hospital during the period 2004 to the first half of 2009; Correlacion clinico radiologica de la tuberculosis pulmonar y extrapulmonar con el conteo de linfocitos T CD4 en pacientes con V.I.H. en el Hospital San Juan de Dios durante el periodo 2004 hasta el primer semestre de 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campos Fallas, Christian


    The association between radiographic presentation of tuberculosis (TB), pulmonary and extrapulmonary, and the count of CD4 T lymphocytes in patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), are investigated. The order has been to achieve a diagnosis and isolation early of coinfected patients. A retrospective analysis was performed of the clinical history, chest radiograph, CD4 T lymphocyte count of 25 HIV-infected patients with documented pulmonary or extrapulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis. 18 patients diagnosed (72%) with radiologic atypical skipper, 14 of them with significant immunosuppression (TB patients with CD4 T count <200 / mm {sup 3}), while only 6 (24%) with radiologic typical skipper of TB was associated with negative sputum smears (p=0.06). In HIV patients with CD4 T lymphocyte counts T <200 / mm {sup 3}, no respiratory symptoms and atypical radiographic pattern, may be suspected active TB, even with negative sputum smears. (Author) [Spanish] La asociacion entre la presentacion radiografica de tuberculosis (TB), pulmonar y extrapulmonar, y el conteo de linfocitos T CD4 en pacientes con infeccion por Virus de Inmuno Deficiencia Humana (VIH), son investigados. El fin ha sido lograr un diagnostico y aislamiento temprano de pacientes coinfectados. Un analisis retrospectivo fue realizado de la historia clinica, radiografia de torax, conteo de Linfocitos T CD4, de 25 pacientes con infeccion por VIH con diagnostico documentado de tuberculosis pulmonar o extrapulmonar. 18 pacientes diagnosticados (72%) con patron radiologico atipico, 14 de ellos con inmunosupresion significativa (pacientes con TB con conteo de Linfocitos T CD4 <200/mm{sup 3}), mientras que solo 6 (24%) con patron radiologico tipico de TB fue asociado con baciloscopias negativas, (p=0.06). En pacientes con VIH con conteos de Linfocitos T CD4 <200/mm{sup 3}, no sintomaticos respiratorios y con patron radiologico atipico, puede ser sospechado TB activa, aun con baciloscopias negativas

  12. What, no rhumba? Los recitales de Eusebia Cosme y las tensiones entre "raza" y "cultura" en torno a la definición de la "poesía negra" hispanoamericana en los años treinta y cuarenta

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    Viviana Gelado


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza, en líneas generales, el repertorio de las presentaciones de la recitadora cubana Eusebia Cosme entre 1934 y 1946, así como el diseño de los programas impresos de esas presentaciones. El propósito de este análisis es elucidar la importancia que ellas tuvieron en la constitución del canon de la moderna "poesía negra" hispanoamericana; investigar las motivaciones de los desplazamientos lexicales producidos en los atributos dados a esta poesía, e inquirir las razones de la persistencia, en el período, de las tensiones entre las categorías de "raza" y "cultura"

  13. La clinica parapsicologica

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    Evrard Renaud


    Full Text Available Gli ultimi due decenni hanno visto nascere una disciplina nuova: l'accoglienza e il sostegno psicologico delle persone che vivono esperienze eccezionali. Avere l'impressione di vivere in una casa abitata, testimoniare l’apparizione di OVNI, interrogarsi sulle possibilità di influenze telepatiche o anche conservare per sé la sensazione irreale di uscire “fuori dal corpo”, sono alcuni esempi di ciò che provano queste persone. L'eterogeneità di queste testimonianze le classifica spesso nella categoria delle "esperienze vissute come paranormali". Se tali resoconti sono sempre pervenuti agli esperti, si deve ai recenti lavori di ripristino dell'ascolto di queste persone.

  14. Determinação da produção de metalo-b-lactamases em amostras de Pseudomonas aeruginosa isoladas em João Pessoa, Paraíba


    Santos Filho Lauro; Santos Isabele Beserra; Assis Alexandro Mangueira Lima de; Xavier Danilo Elias


    Bactérias produtoras de metalo-beta-lactamases (MBLs) são em grande parte resistentes aos betalactâmicos de largo espectro, incluindo oximino-aminotiazol cefalosporinas e também aos carbapenens. O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistentes ao imipenem e à ceftazidima, assim como identificar aquelas produtoras de MBLs. Foram estudadas 198 linhagens não-repetitivas isoladas de diversas amostras clínicas, hospitalares e comunitárias, identificadas bioquimica...

  15. Determinação da produção de metalo-beta-lactamases em amostras de Pseudomonas aeruginosa isoladas em João Pessoa, Paraíba


    Santos Filho,Lauro; Santos,Isabele Beserra; Assis,Alexandro Mangueira Lima de; Xavier,Danilo Elias


    Bactérias produtoras de metalo-beta-lactamases (MBLs) são em grande parte resistentes aos betalactâmicos de largo espectro, incluindo oximino-aminotiazol cefalosporinas e também aos carbapenens. O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistentes ao imipenem e à ceftazidima, assim como identificar aquelas produtoras de MBLs. Foram estudadas 198 linhagens não-repetitivas isoladas de diversas amostras clínicas, hospitalares e comunitárias, identificadas bioquimica...

  16. Are you with me? A Metadiscursive Analysis of Interactive Strategies in College Students' Course Presentations

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    Ágnes Magnuczné Godó


    Full Text Available In recent years increasing research attention has been devoted to the definition and development of presentation skills. As an interactive oral discourse type, the presentation is characterised by specific speech acts, of which cooperative acts have proved to be of a highly developmental nature (Sazdovska, 2009. The aim of the present paper is to report on a study which investigated the metadiscursive realisations of interactional acts in English major novice presenters’ speeches as well as their correlation with raters’ holistic perceptions of presentation quality.En los últimos años se ha acentuado la investigación sobre el arte de la presentación oral. Según Sazdovska (2009, cada tipo de presentación tiene su discurso característico, pero todas las presentaciones comparten rasgos interactivos que se manifiestan de manera más o menos intensiva. Puede ser una destreza que se desarrolla con la práctica. El objetivo de mi estudio es presentar los resultados de una investigación en la que se analizan, por un lado, las manifestaciones metalingüísticas de las interacciones en las presentaciones de los estudiantes de Filología Inglesa, y, por otro, la percepción holística de los evaluadores sobre la calidad de tales presentaciones.

  17. Molecular Characterization of Attenuated Junin Virus Variants. (United States)


    GI region and three in the G2, Fig. 6). This fact, however, is not necessarily linked with the actual use of these or the other less conserved...amino acid sequence would correspond to the actual amino- terminus of this protein. By contrast, only two isolated amino acid residue substitutions are...y 0. Grau XXVII Reuni6n Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigaci6n Bioquimica , Huer- ta Grande (C6rdoba) 21-24 October, 1991. This is

  18. Thermoregulation: Research and Clinical Applications (United States)


    NEDERGAARD The Wenner-Gren Institute, Biologihus F3, University of Stockholm, S-106 91 Stockholm (Sweden) and *Cdtedra de Bioquimica , Facultad de Quimica...heart rate and a lack of arrhythmias. This was true as the temperature dropped and reached a low of 30-32°C, as well as in the actual recovery this to establish whether the response is linear with added amount, and the actual absorbance observed on each plate is not only a function of

  19. Cooley’s Anemia Symposium (6th) Held in New York on 13-15 March 1990. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Volume 612 (United States)


    bIstituto di Ricerca sulle Talassemie e Anemie Mediterranee Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Cagliari Italy dlstituto di Clinica e Biologia dell’Eta...Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin S. OTTrOLENGHI,a S. NICOLIS, a C. BERTINI,a A. RONCHI, a S. CROTfA,a AND B. GIGLIONIb ’Dipartimento di Genetica e di Biologia ...TERESA TUVERI, b MARIA TERESA SCALAS,b GIOVANNI MONNI,d GIOVANNI OLLA,d AND RENZO GALANELLOb blstituto di Clinica e Biologia dell’Etti Evolutiva

  20. "El Profesor Juan N. Carpas, Gerente 1929".

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    Juan Mendoza-Vega


    muy explicable por la calidad de las explicaciones que daba y por la forma tan didáctica que utilizaba para sus presentaciones; sucesivas generaciones médicas se consideraron sus discípulos en estas materias.


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    Juan Carlos Ballut P


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe las características clínicas de un caso de hipotiroidismo atípico, catalogado como de presentaciónoculta, caracterizado por signos relacionados con miopatía, neuropatía, deterioro del estado mental, sangrado


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    Jesús Fernando Novoa Ramírez


    Full Text Available Se presentan algunos ejemplos para motivar el uso de herramientas docentes que las calculadoras poseen. Estas herramientas son la programación, las presentaciones y el desarrollo de material de clase, las cuales pueden ser usadas en todos los niveles de la educación.

  3. Estudio de la estructura logica utilizada en la ensenanza y el aprendizaje de los conceptos sobre el comportamiento de gases en el curso introductorio de quimica a nivel universitario (United States)

    Costa Diaz, Agnes

    El estudio que se presenta es de caracter cualitativo, un estudio multicasos donde se estudia la estructura logica utilizada por cuatro (4) profesores universitarios que ensenan el curso introductorio de quimica, en la planificacion, presentacion y evaluacion del tema sobre el comportamiento de los gases. Se utilizaron varias fuentes de informacion como: cuestionarios de profesores y estudiantes, entrevistas, grabaciones videomagnetofonicas, materiales didacticos y una prueba conceptual, entre otros. La informacion recopilada fue analizada de acuerdo al orden logico del contenido presentado, el estilo de ensenanza del profesor, las tecnicas y estrategias utilizadas para el desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento, el ambiente fisico en el salon de clase y los instrumentos de evaluacion y avaluo. El estudio demuestra que lo que los profesores piensan y planifican para hacer sus presentaciones no necesariamente es lo que ocurre en el salon de clases. El desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento, que constituye una prioridad de los profesores, no se elaboran efectivamente. El uso de las estrategias de resolucion de problemas numericos predomino. La participacion del estudiante en el salon de clases fue limitada y no se logro demostrar el desarrollo de las destrezas de pensamiento deseadas. Aunque los profesores tienen su propio estilo de ensenanza, el orden logico del contenido presentado en clase fue el mismo o siguio muy de cerca el orden establecido por el libro de texto. Los profesores utilizaron preferentemente la tiza y la pizarra para sus presentaciones y la dinamica en el salon de clases fue esencialmente tradicional. Los profesores hicieron su presentacion y los estudiantes copiaron pasivamente la informacion. Las evaluaciones de los estudiantes fueron esencialmente, pruebas escritas de seleccion multiple de acuerdo con el estilo en que se les enseno. El avaluo fue casi inexistente. La prueba conceptual administrada revela un aprendizaje pobre en los conceptos mas


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Chaitali Sinha

    Como en el caso de la salud, cuya competencia va más allá del Ministerio ... en cuenta que un desarrollo que vaya más allá de una conciencia básica .... Las presentaciones electrónicas se deberán enviar en formato PDF o Microsoft Word.

  5. ["Investigación Clínica": 50 years disseminating biomedical research]. (United States)

    Ryder, Elena


    INVESTIGACION CLINICA was founded by the initiative of Américo Negrette, who became its first editor, and it has been published uninterruptedly since July 1960, with a quarterly frequency. The first issues consisted mainly of a collection of reviews of seminars held at the now called Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas "Dr. Américo Negrette", Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, its publisher. Very soon, original research results from this institution were included in the novel journal. In the 60's, papers on results obtained during the outbreaks of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis present in the area, were prominent. Originally, the journal published 3-4 papers, but due to the increased number of contributions, in 2001, its format changed from 1/16 to 1/8, and now each number includes 11 original articles. Currently, INVESTIGACION CLINICA publishes 44 papers a year, in Spanish or English on different biomedical topics, from contributors all around the world. Progressively it has been included in different renowned indexes, such as PubMed/MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded, Excerpta Medica, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Copernicus, Scopus, Periodica, and several others. Besides, it can be found in open access through, and in our new Web page: https://sites. Most papers published in INVESTIGACION CLINICA have been cited in the regional or foreign literature accumulating more than 1200 citations by now. For this particular issue, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of INVESTIGACION CLINICA, we have invited some of our more recent referees or authors to contribute with Reviews in their respective areas of expertise.

  6. Evoluzioni psicoanalitiche e cambiamento in psicoterapia psicoanalitica

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    Rosario Di Sauro


    Full Text Available In questo articolo si prende in considerazione l’evoluzione teoretica della psicoanalisi, passando dal modello freudiano monadico ad un approccio di matrice relazionale.  Altresì  viene evidenziato il contributo della psicologia clinica come elemento costitutivo della psicoterapia psicoanalitica, come espressività del continuum psicologia clinica-psicoterapia. Tutto ciò rappresenta, inoltre, la conditio sine qua non per il cambiamento terapeutico. Se ne evidenziano, infatti gli elementi caratteristici per una buona riuscita del processo terapeutico. L’Autore inoltre, mette in rilievo il ruolo della psicocorporeità nel trattamento psicoanalitico, sia come comunicazione del ‘non verbale’ sia come costrutto epistemologico di un nuovo apporto alla scienza psicoanalitica.

  7. Environmental management project of the Patache power plant project and associated transmission line; Gestion ambiental proyecto central termoelectrica Patache y linea de transmision asociada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carreno Paredes, Cristian [Compania Electrica Tapaca (CELTA, S. A.), (Chile)


    This report makes a brief description of the services developed by INGENDESA of the projects executed in the area of engineering as well as in the area of environmental matters. In a second instance a relatively detailed presentation is made of the most important background of the Chilean project: {sup E}nvironmental Management of the Patache Power Plant and the Associated Transmission Line-Compania Electrica Tarapaca (CELTA, S.A.) Region I{sup .} The justification for the construction of the power plant and the environmental problems associated with the same are described [Espanol] En el presente informe se hace una breve presentacion de los servicios desarrollados por INGENDESA, de los proyectos elaborados tanto en el area de la ingenieria como en la tematica ambiental. En segunda instancia, se hace una presentacion relativamente detallada de los antecedentes mas importantes del proyecto chileno {sup G}estion Ambiental Central Patache y Linea de Transmision Asociada - Compania Electrica Tarapaca (CELTA, S.A.) I Region{sup .} Se describe la justificacion de la construccion de esta central termoelectrica y los problemas ambientales asociados a la misma

  8. Environmental management project of the Patache power plant project and associated transmission line; Gestion ambiental proyecto central termoelectrica Patache y linea de transmision asociada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carreno Paredes, Cristian [Compania Electrica Tapaca (CELTA, S. A.), (Chile)


    This report makes a brief description of the services developed by INGENDESA of the projects executed in the area of engineering as well as in the area of environmental matters. In a second instance a relatively detailed presentation is made of the most important background of the Chilean project: {sup E}nvironmental Management of the Patache Power Plant and the Associated Transmission Line-Compania Electrica Tarapaca (CELTA, S.A.) Region I{sup .} The justification for the construction of the power plant and the environmental problems associated with the same are described [Espanol] En el presente informe se hace una breve presentacion de los servicios desarrollados por INGENDESA, de los proyectos elaborados tanto en el area de la ingenieria como en la tematica ambiental. En segunda instancia, se hace una presentacion relativamente detallada de los antecedentes mas importantes del proyecto chileno {sup G}estion Ambiental Central Patache y Linea de Transmision Asociada - Compania Electrica Tarapaca (CELTA, S.A.) I Region{sup .} Se describe la justificacion de la construccion de esta central termoelectrica y los problemas ambientales asociados a la misma

  9. Parotiditis por Streptococcus Pyogenes: Presentacion de un caso

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    Zoila del S. López-Díaz


    Full Text Available La glándula parótida es generalmente afectada por procesos inflamatorios. Su etiología se debe a infecciones primarias de la glándula o como complicación de infecciones sistémicas. Se reporta el Stafilococcus aureus como el agente causal más frecuente de parotiditis aguda supurada, y se señalan además otras bacterias y virus. Se presenta un niño de 9 años de edad con un proceso supurativo agudo de la parótida izquierda de un mes de evolución, con salida de abundante pus por el conducto de Stenon. Se realizó cultivo de la secreción e identificación de Streptococcus B hemolítico grupo A, a pesar de haber recibido antibioticoterapia previa. Se utilizó ampicillina y se tuvo en cuenta la sensibilidad in vitro; no presentó mejoría clínica, por lo que se decidió el empleo de la sialografía como alternativa terapéutica en este caso. Se obtuvo la resolución del proceso supurativo infeccioso y además se evidenció en este estudio la pérdida del estroma parotídeo.

  10. Eesti nimekaim ilukirurg jagab enesekindlust / Peep Pree ; intevjueerinud Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pree, Peep, 1958-


    Vestlus Tartu esteetilise kirurgia erakliiniku Clinica juhatajaga tööst, vastutustundest, ebaõnnestumistest. Kommenteerivad Tartu linnapea Laine Jänes ja Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna emeriitprofessor Ennu Sepp


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    Full Text Available Los cambios de hábitos en el consumo de alimentos, insinúan productos de fácil preparación y oportuna adquisición en supermercados, motivo por el cual se hizo necesario indagar a los consumidores de la ciudad de Pasto, su interés y disponibilidad por adquirir Cuy, en presentaciones diferentes a la tradicional. Los objetivos desarrollados fueron valoración de la demanda potencial, realización de test de mercado, determinación de la participación de la carne de Cuy con sustitutos y diseño de estrategias de mercadeo. El modelo de investigación empleado fue el cuantitativo y obedeció a muestreo probabilístico aleatorio con estratificación proporcional. La recolección de la información se realizó mediante encuesta. La población objeto de estudio de la ciudad de Pasto correspondió a 27.428 hogares distribuidos en los estratos, tres, cuatro, cinco y seis. La muestra calculada fue de 383 observaciones, con un nivel de confianza del 95% y un margen de error del 5%. Las estrategias se formularon con base en la mezcla de mercadeo (precio, producto, plaza, promoción y publicidad. Como resultados y conclusiones se logró determinar que el consumo de la carne de Cuy es ocasional con cantidades entre una y cuatro canales. El Cuy en el momento no se vende en famas ni en supermercados, los precios se analizaron en asaderos comerciales (700 gramos de Cuy asado $24.000 y plazas de mercados (Kilo de Cuy vivo alrededor de $12.000. El porcentaje de participación de la carne de Cuy fue de 3,3% del consumo total de carnes. El estimativo de la demanda potencial para las nuevas presentaciones fue de: 92.158 unidades/año para el Cuy ahumado, 69.119 unidades/año para el apanado, y croquetas con 65.827 unidades/año, con pesos de 750 g y 500 g. Los encuestados prefirieron la carne de Cuy ahumada.The changes of habits in the consumption of foods, insinuate products of easy preparation and opportune acquisition in supermarkets, reason for which became

  12. Aproximación a una taxonomía de la visualización de datos

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    JL Valero Sancho


    Full Text Available Introducción. Con los nuevos documentos visuales existe una cierta tendencia a utilizar los conjuntos ingentes de datos con los que construir documentos útiles en diversos sentidos. Para ello se elaboran de forma gráfica presentaciones basadas en sus fuentes y así se pretende resaltar contenidos lo más cercanos, significativos y didácticos para que los intérpretes los puedan comprender. Metodología. Este documento pretende poner un cierto orden a la polisemia o sinonimia de términos que se suelen emplear en el ámbito de las rutinas de producción y al mismo tiempo elaborar un cierto análisis prototípico de los diversos documentos presentados en las llamadas visualizaciones de datos. Resultados y conclusiones. La clasificación taxonómica evidencia que hay una contribución a los estudios de comunicación visual y un cierto interés por este tipo de presentaciones de fácil interpretación, rápida producción y bajo coste cuando la programación tecnológica se reutiliza para otro tipo de contenido.

  13. [The preparation and characterization of fine dusts carried out in the Clinica del Lavoro di Milano in support of experimental studies]. (United States)

    Occella, E; Maddalon, G; Peruzzo, G F; Foà, V


    This paper aims to illustrate the conditions selected at the Clinica del Lavoro of the University of Milan to prepare and analyze a large number of fine dust samples produced over a period of about 50 years, that were initially used for studies within the Clinic performed in its own facilities, and since 1956 were sent to other Italian and overseas laboratories (Luxembourg, UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden, South Korea, USA). The total quantity of material distributed (with maximum size 7-10 microns) was about 2 kg and consisted of the following mineral and artificial compounds: quartz, HF-treated quartz, tridymite, HF-treated tridymite, cristobalite, chromite, anthracite, quartz sand for foundry moulds, sand from the Lybian desert, vitreous silica, pumice, cement, as well small quantities of metallic oxides, organic resins, chrysotile, crocidolite, fibres (vitreous, cotton and polyamidic). About half of the entire quantity of dusts produced consisted of partially HF-treated tridymite. Initially, research on the etiology of silicosis used quartz dust samples, simply sieved or ventilated (consisting of classes finer than 0.04 mm, containing a 15-20% respirable fraction). From 1956 to 1960 the dusts were produced by manual grinding in an agate mortar, below about 10 microns, starting from quartz from Quincinetto (near Ivrea, Province of Turin), containing about 99.5% quartz: particle size and composition were checked using an optical-petrographic technique, with identification of the free and total silica content. Subsequently, the dusts used for biological research were obtained by grinding coarse material with a cast iron pestle and planetary mills, agate and corundum jars. The grinding products were sized by means of centrifugal classification, using the selector developed by N. Zurlo, ensuring control of dust size both optically and by means of wet levigators and hydraulic classifiers (in cooperation with the Institute of Mines of Turin Polytechnic School). After 1990

  14. Equipment for the extraction of 99sup(m)TcO4Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pliego, O.H.; Fraga de Suarez, A.H.; Goncalvez, Maria de; Marques, Roberto; Guerrero, Gustavo; Mitta, A.E.A


    An equipment is described for the extraction of 99 sup(m)Tc by the liquid-liquid extraction method, installed at the Nuclear Medicine Center of theHospital de Clinicas ''Jose de San Martin''. (author) [es

  15. Neonatal Malaria in the Gambia

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Inclusion Criteria. All consecutive ... these, 105 (26.5%) satisfied the inclusion criteria ..... Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 1991; ... Revista do Hospital das Clinicas; Faculdade de. Medicina Da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1993 ...


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: El tumor de Masson o hemangioendotelioma vegetante intravascular, es una hiperplasia endotelial  papilar hacia el interior del vaso pudiendo ocluirlo y trombosarlo con necrosis e infartos locales, constituyendo tumoraciones rojizas irregulares bien delimitadas de localización preferente en piel y riñón, siendo muy raros en cavidad oral. Son elásticos no indurados, depresibles y frágiles, con crecimiento lentamente progresivo . MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS:Presentamos dos casos . Varón afecto de hematemesis repetidas sin identificarse origen inicialmente, demostrándose tumor de Masson de paladar duro oculto por prótesis dental, que fue resecado mediante pinza bipolar previa infiltración con suero perilesional para devascularizarlo. El segundo fue una mujer  que en relación con la ingesta presentó cuadro de hematemesis importante. La valoración de Urgencias y la endoscopia digestiva no identificaron el origen del sangrado en tubo digestivo, aunque la endoscopista identificó nuevo sangrado desde cavidad oral. La exploración ORL objetivó una pequeña tumoración rojiza de apariencia vascular en zona de mordida izquierda, sangrante al mínimo roce, cuya resección se realizó de urgencia sin incidencias, con idéntica técnica y diagnóstico anatomopatológico. Posteriormente, se constató el antecedente de episodios previos de menor cuantía. DISCUSIÓN: Los tumores de Masson son muy raros en tubo digestivo y excepcionales en cavidad oral. Se han relacionado con irritaciones repetidas o traumatismos locales,hematomas encapsulados o preexistencia de otras lesiones vasculares. Estos factores parecen haber acontecido en nuestros pacientes (roce de prótesis dental en paladar y mordidas de repetición. Son masas de lento crecimiento en las que se producen con frecuencia fenómenos trombóticos. Sin embargo, el roce de su superficie puede dar lugar a sangrados importantes como en estos casos. Deben diferenciarse de tumores malignos, principalmente el angiosarcoma, del que se distingue por su encapsulamiento, buena delimitación y la ausencia de atipias celulares. El tratamiento es quirúrgico, requiriendo excisión completa amplia así como suprimir los factores irritantes. En nuestros pacientes, una vez identificado el origen del sangrado, se realizó resección simple del tumor inyectando previamente habones de suero fisiológico perilesionales para reducir su vascularización y utilizando electrocauterio mediante pinza bipolar sin incidencias y sin recidiva.  CONCLUSIÓN : El tumor de Masson es una curiosidad que raramente da lugar a situaciones de riesgo como las descritas, pero que debe ser diagnosticada correctamente y diferenciada de otros tumores vasculares. La sospecha de etiología irritativa-traumática, como en estos pacientes por su relación con prótesis dental en el primero y mordidas en la segunda es clara. Deben evitarse traumatismos repetidos que puedan producir recidivas y sangrados. La exploración ORL minuciosa retirando prótesis y visualizando todos los recovecos de la vía aerodigestiva superior y de la boca en particular ante todo sangrado oral es esencial. 

  17. Relaciones y articulaciones entre la clínica estructural y la clínica borromea en la enseñanza de Jacques Lacan


    Zanassi, Sergio


    Los objetivos del presente trabajo son: - Aportar conceptos teóricos en relación a la clínica diferencial Neurosis-Psicosis. - Brindar nuevos signos de estructura y de modalidades de desanudamientos y anudamientos en los registros RSI. - Ofrecer las diversas formas de suplencia que marcan las diferencias entre Neurosis-Psicosis. - Facilitar el diagnóstico, según las nuevas presentaciones sintomáticas y formas de suplencia.

  18. Disease: H01580 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available l features and dietary history, and there is rapid resolution of signs and symptoms after vitamin C suppleme...because alcohol decreases the absorption of vitamin C. The diagnosis of scurvy is generally based on clinica

  19. Radicais livres de oxigênio: um software introdutório Oxygen free radicals: an introductory software

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    Daniela K. Yokaichiya


    Full Text Available Though Free Radicals is one of the most frequently explored scientific subjects in mass communication media, the topic is absent of many Biochemistry introductory courses, especially those in which the students do not have a good chemical background. To overcome this contradictory situation we have developed a software treating this topic in a very simple way. The software is divided in four sections: (1 definition and description of free radicals, (2 production pathways, (3 mechanism of action and (4 enzymatic and non enzymatic protection. The instructional capacity of the software has been both qualitative and quantitatively evaluated through its application in undergraduate courses. The software is available in the INTERNET at the site:

  20. Phase 1 dose-escalation study of the antiplacental growth factor monoclonal antibody RO5323441 combined with bevacizumab in patients with recurrent glioblastoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Ulrik; Chinot, Olivier L; McBain, Catherine


    BACKGROUND: We conducted a phase 1 dose-escalation study of RO5323441, a novel antiplacental growth factor (PlGF) monoclonal antibody, to establish the recommended dose for use with bevacizumab and to investigate the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety/tolerability, and preliminary clinica...

  1. MACVIA clinical decision algorithm in adolescents and adults with allergic rhinitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bousquet, Jean; Schünemann, Holger J; Hellings, Peter W


    The selection of pharmacotherapy for patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) depends on several factors, including age, prominent symptoms, symptom severity, control of AR, patient preferences, and cost. Allergen exposure and the resulting symptoms vary, and treatment adjustment is required. Clinica...

  2. A DXA Whole Body Composition Cross-Calibration Experience: Evaluation With Humans, Spine, and Whole Body Phantoms. (United States)

    Krueger, Diane; Libber, Jessie; Sanfilippo, Jennifer; Yu, Hui Jing; Horvath, Blaine; Miller, Colin G; Binkley, Neil


    New densitometer installation requires cross-calibration for accurate longitudinal assessment. When replacing a unit with the same model, the International Society for Clinical Densitometry recommends cross-calibrating by scanning phantoms 10 times on each instrument and states that spine bone mineral density (BMD) should be within 1%, whereas total body lean, fat, and %fat mass should be within 2% of the prior instrument. However, there is limited validation that these recommendations provide adequate total body cross-calibration. Here, we report a total body cross-calibration experience with phantoms and humans. Cross-calibration between an existing and new Lunar iDXA was performed using 3 encapsulated spine phantoms (GE [GE Lunar, Madison, WI], BioClinica [BioClinica Inc, Princeton, NJ], and Hologic [Hologic Inc, Bedford, MA]), 1 total body composition phantom (BioClinica), and 30 human volunteers. Thirty scans of each phantom and a total body scan of human volunteers were obtained on each instrument. All spine phantom BMD means were similar (within 1%; g/cm2 bias) between the existing and new dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry unit. The BioClinica body composition phantom (BBCP) BMD and bone mineral content (BMC) values were within 2% with biases of 0.005 g/cm2 and -3.4 g. However, lean and fat mass and %fat differed by 4.6%-7.7% with biases of +463 g, -496 g, and -2.8%, respectively. In vivo comparison supported BBCP data; BMD and BMC were within ∼2%, but lean and fat mass and %fat differed from 1.6% to 4.9% with biases of +833 g, -860 g, and -1.1%. As all body composition comparisons exceeded the recommended 2%, the new densitometer was recalibrated. After recalibration, in vivo bias was lower (g, respectively. Similarly, BBCP lean and fat agreement improved. In conclusion, the BBCP behaves similarly, but not identical, to human in vivo measurements for densitometer cross-calibration. Spine phantoms, despite good BMD and BMC agreement, did not detect

  3. Implementation of a radiology information system in an University Hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marques, Paulo Mazzoncini de Azevedo; Santos, Antonio Carlos; Elias Junior, Jorge; Trad, Clovis Simao; Goes, Wilson Moraes; Castro, Carlos Roberto de


    This paper describes a radiology information system (RIS) developed and in the process of implementation in an University Hospital (Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - Universidade de Sao Paulo) which integrates a plan for a 'filmless' radiology facility. (author)

  4. Control of Chaos: New Perspectives in Experimental and Theoretical Science. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Theme Issue. Part 2, Volume 8, Number 9, September 1998. (United States)


    GARBO*, R. BALOCCHIt and S. CHILLEMI* *Istituto di Biofisica CNR, Via S. Lorenzo 26, 56127 Pisa, Italy tIstituto di Fisiologia Clinica CNR, Via...Publishing Company DIFFUSION PARAMETER CONTROL OF SPATIOTEMPORAL CHAOS RAUL MONTAGNE* Instituto de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias & Facultad de Ingenieria

  5. Vector competence of Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus serotype 7 (United States)

    Background: Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) is a vector of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) serotypes 1 and 2 in North America, where these viruses are well-known pathogens of white-tailed deer (WTD) and other wild ruminants. Although historically rare, reports of clinica...

  6. From Self-Organized to Extended Criticality (United States)


    Texas, Denton, TX, USA 2 Centro EXTREME, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy 3 Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica-CNR, Pisa, Italy 4 Department of Physics...Netherlands Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Netherlands *Correspondence: Paolo Allegrini , Istituto di Fisiologia

  7. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 551 - 600 of 643 ... Samuel Adetunji Onasanwo, Gideon Nimedia Aitokhuehi, Opeyemi Temitayo Ajayi, Samuel Oluwaseun Faborode. Vol 4, No 3 (2001), the assessment of fasciola gigantica infection in the rabbit(Oryctolagus cuniculus) as a laboratory model parasite development - Clinica symptoms and liver pathology ...

  8. Spanish Navy Up to Date Data in DCS (United States)


    therapeutic measures. Final results are similar to another world navies diving centres Bibliography: 1.- Pujante, A.; Inoriza, J; Viqueira, A. Estudio de 121... casos de enfermedad descompresiva Medicina Clinica, vol . 94, n` 7, 1990 2.- Rivera, J.C. Decompression sickness among divers: An analysis of 935

  9. [The physiotherapic aspect of omeral epicondilitis (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Marenghi, P; Tella, G C


    The Authors describe history, etiopatogenesis, clinic, therapy of omeral epicondilitis, very frequent affection. Physiotherapic aspects are studied by different methods. The indications are different compared to clinical aspect, pain modality, relapse eventuality. They conclude with personal considerations based on what observed in Orthopedic Clinica of Parma University.

  10. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositivity and hepatitis B ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Method: A total of 130 donors comprising 120 commercial donors and 10 voluntary donors were tested for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B surface antigen in Benin city using Immunocomb HIV - 1 and 2 Biospot kit and Quimica Clinica Aplicada direct latex agglutination method respectively.

  11. Sindrome de Lennox-Gastaut com inicio tardio: I - frequencia de casos com inicio anterior e ulterior aos 6 anos de idade, fatores etiologicos e nivel intelectual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amilton Antunes Barreira


    Full Text Available De um grupo de 66 pacientes com sindrome de Lennox Gastaut, 15 apresentaram as primeiras manifestações clinicas após os 6 anos de idade. Desses, 12 foram acompanhados durante o período médio de 2 anos e 6 meses, com avaliações neurológicas a intervalos de cerca de 2 meses. A revisão das publicações pertinentes permitiu estabelecer que em 20% das casuisticas apreciadas a sindrome de Lennox-Gastaut se inicia após o 6° ano de vida. As avaliações clinicas permitiram verificar que nosos pacientes apresentaram incidência de lesões neurológicas graves precedendo a instalação da síndrome por vários anos. As avaliações psicométricas evidenciaram intenso comprometimento do nível intelectual em contraste com os dados da literatura sobre a síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut de início tardio.

  12. Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes in Paediatric Oncology - Applying Mobile and Near Field Communication Technology. (United States)

    Duregger, Katharina; Hayn, Dieter; Nitzlnader, Michael; Kropf, Martin; Falgenhauer, Markus; Ladenstein, Ruth; Schreier, Günter


    Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) gathered using telemonitoring solutions might be a valuable source of information in rare cancer research. The objective of this paper was to develop a concept and implement a prototype for introducing ePRO into the existing neuroblastoma research network by applying Near Field Communication and mobile technology. For physicians, an application was developed for registering patients within the research network and providing patients with an ID card and a PIN for authentication when transmitting telemonitoring data to the Electronic Data Capture system OpenClinica. For patients, a previously developed telemonitoring system was extended by a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface for transmitting nine different health parameters and toxicities. The concept was fully implemented on the front-end side. The developed application for physicians was prototypically implemented and the mobile application of the telemonitoring system was successfully connected to OpenClinica. Future work will focus on the implementation of the back-end features.

  13. Presentaciones digitales de proyectos arquitectónicos académicos


    Etchegaray Heidrich, Felipe; Redondo Domínguez, Ernesto


    This study is a consequence of preview research about the use of motion and interactivity in the digital presentations of academic project, in a school of architecture in Brazil, that identified presentations with digital models and without motion and interactivity in its visualization. So, in this paper proposes an organization for the digital models and the use of specific visualization software that can be used as explanation of the project thus enabling the use of features such as interac...

  14. Farmacos orales para el control quimico de las biopeliculas dentales (placa bacteriana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Abello Moreno


    Full Text Available La placa dentobacteriana o biopelicula es la responsable de patologias clinicas como la caries dental, gingivitis y enfermedad periodontal, por lo tanto productos con agentes germicidas actuan en la prevencion de la biopelicula dental cuando las medidas de higiene oral no son las mas apropiadas.

  15. Influence of Progressive Central Hypovolemia on Multifractal Dimension of Cardiac Interbeat Intervals (United States)


    and 5 Istituto Fisiologia Clinica, CNR-Area Ricerca San Cataldo, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124-Pisa (Dated: May 7, 2010) Abstract We analyzed the heartbeat time...the research group of prof. B Ghe- larducci, Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Biochimica, Universitá di Pisa, and Dr. M. Varanini, Institute of Clinical

  16. Aula Virtual de Farmacología


    Encinas Cerezo, María Teresa; Ros, J.M.; Gilabert Santos, Juan Antonio


    Dentro del marco planteado por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y utilizando el entorno del Campus Virtual de la UCM, se ha creado un espacio virtual donde los estudiantes de «Farmacología, Farmacia y Terapéutica» de la Licenciatura de Veterinaria podrán consultar, organizado por secciones, material didáctico para aprender de forma activa los contenidos de esta asignatura troncal. Las herramientas presentan diversas finalidades y formatos: formativa (guiones, presentacione...

  17. Embolismo graso en un niño con distrofia muscular de duchenne y fractura bilateral de fémur. una rara asociación.


    Vergara Amador, Enrique; Galván Villamarín, Fernando; Piña Quintero, Marcela


    Las fracturas de fémur en pacientes que sufren de distrofiamuscular de Duchenne (DMD) son frecuentes, con unaincidencia entre 15-44 por ciento. El embolismo grasose presenta en fracturas de huesos largos generalmenteasociado a trauma de alta energía o a lesiones extensasde tejidos blandos. El diagnóstico de embolismo grasono es tan frecuente en niños posiblemente porque cursacon presentaciones subclínicas. No existen reportesde embolismo graso asociado a distrofia muscular deDuchenne. Informa...

  18. Evaluación asignatura de Gestión de los Servicios de Enfermería


    Jiménez Pérez, José María


    Mejorar y enriquecer los contenidos y presentaciones audiovisuales en la impartición de las clases es el objetivo de este proyecto, mejorar la adhesión de los conocimientos expuestos, despertar el interés y aumentar el dinamismo del desarrollo de las exposiciones entre los alumnos. El empleo de técnicas audiovisuales como Prezi aumenta la calidad de las exposiciones orales de los trabajos realizados en grupo por los alumnos. Implementar Prezi como recurso audiovisual en las ses...

  19. Psychological changes in alcohol-dependent patients during a residential rehabilitation program

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    Giorgi I


    Full Text Available Ines Giorgi,1 Marcella Ottonello,2,3 Giovanni Vittadini,4 Giorgio Bertolotti5 1Psychology Unit, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, IRCCS, Pavia, 2Department of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, IRCCS, Genoa, 3Department of Medicine, PhD Program in Advanced Sciences and Technologies in Rehabilitation Medicine and Sport, Università di Tor Vergata, Rome, 4Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, IRCCS, Pavia, 5Psychology Unit, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, IRCCS, Tradate, Italy Background: Alcohol-dependent patients usually experience negative affects under the influence of alcohol, and these affective symptoms have been shown to decrease as a result of alcohol-withdrawal treatment. A recent cognitive–affective model suggests an interaction between drug motivation and affective symptoms. The aim of this multicenter study was to evaluate the psychological changes in subjects undergoing a residential rehabilitation program specifically designed for alcohol addiction, and to identify at discharge patients with greater affective symptoms and therefore more at risk of relapse.Materials and methods: The sample included 560 subjects (mean age 46.91±10.2 years who completed 28-day rehabilitation programs for alcohol addiction, following a tailored routine characterized by short duration and high intensity of medical and psychotherapeutic treatment. The psychological clinical profiles of anxiety, depression, psychological distress, psychological well-being, and self-perception of a positive change were assessed using the Cognitive Behavioral Assessment – Outcome Evaluation questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the program. The changes in the psychological variables of the questionnaire were identified and considered as outcome

  20. Musicoterapia e improvisaciòn libre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergstrøm-Nielsen, Carl


    Muchos de los métodos de trabajo que se utilizan en musicoterapia se basan en la improvisación. En la practica clinica se plantean numerosas situaciones en las que el musicoterapeuta necesita contar con habilidades avanzadas de improvisación. Este articulo presenta algunas ideas y sugerencias prá...

  1. Posters y trípticos (Brochures) en LATEX con Beamer y Leaflet


    Borbón, Alexánder


    Resumen. En este artículo se muestra la manera en que se puede realizar posters y trípticos (panfletos o brochures) con LATEX. Para realizar los posters se utiliza la clase beamer que usualmente se utiliza para hacer presentaciones, se utiliza el paquete beamerposter para poder utilizarla para posters. Los trípticos se realizan de dos formas, la primera utilizando la clase beamer con el paquete geometry y la segunda utilizando la clase leaflet que es una clase especializada para hacer este ti...

  2. Indicadores ambientales y educación ambiental en función de la responsabilidad social empresaria


    Giuffré de López Camelo, Lidia L.; Basso, Lorenzo Ricardo; Ratto de Miguez, Silvia Elisa


    p.99-106 Se realizó un análisis documental de las presentaciones voluntarias de 44 empresas signatarias del Pacto Global correspondientes al año 2005 en la red argentina. Los indicadores ambientales y el rol de la educación ambiental fueron las herramientas utilizadas para resumir las extensas comunicaciones. La educación apareció como una preocupación dentro de la responsabilidad social empresaria, considerando acciones de educación ambiental no formal e informal que se transmiten a la co...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. Hamlet Suárez


    Full Text Available El vértigo, la inestabilidad y las caídas tienen una incidencia relevante en el adulto mayor, disminuye su calidad de vida y puede ser causa de muerte en esta población. Este artículo describe las presentaciones clínicas y el abordaje de la evaluación de la patología vestibular en este grupo de edad, utilizando diferentes instrumentos para el diagnóstico así como también las reglas generales del tratamiento.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Q.F. Daisy Miranda


    En este artículo se señalan de manera práctica, algunos tópicos como la indicación de uso de esta terapia, en pacientes pediátricos y adultos. Recomendaciones de macro, micronutrientes y elementos traza, consideraciones antes de prescribir y en relación a su seguimiento, validación farmacéutica y algunas presentaciones de nutrientes, electrolitos e insumos disponibles en el mercado nacional para prescribir y elaborar y recomendaciones de administración y conservación.

  5. Valoración de las nuevas vías de administración de anticonceptivos hormonales por sus usuarias


    Alén de la Torre, Mª Teresa; Martínez Leirós, Marta; Pereiro Álvarez, Mª Dolores; Ferreira Meira, Manuela; García, Vanessa


    En los últimos años la disponibilidad de presentaciones de anticonceptivos hormonales se ha incrementado notablemente ya que la prevención de embarazos no deseados se valora como una de las principales medidas preventivas dentro de un sistema sanitario desarrollado. La eficacia de los anticonceptivos orales, usados adecuadamente, supera el 99%. En el uso habitual la efectividad se sitúa en torno al 92%, lo que parece indicar que el cumplimiento en muchas mujeres no es perfecto1. Nuevas vías d...

  6. El laberinto teatral de espejos digitales : la presentación de mexicano-americanos en Facebook


    Arao Galhardi, Renato de Almeida


    Este trabajo explora las formas en las cuales mexicano-americanos universitarios actualmente viviendo en Estados Unidos, se presentan en un sitio de redes sociales, Facebook. Partiendo de los enfoques del interaccionismo simbólico, la fenomenología y la psicología social, investigando cómo éstos incorporan la mexicanidad dentro de sus presentaciones digitales. 1. Definición del marco analítico. -- 2. Internet: la red de redes. -- 3. Una introducción a Facebook. -- 4. Analogías digitales: s...

  7. Nuevas familias: análisis de una serie


    Corte, Tatiana; Batiz, Federico; Piccoli Sáez, Bárbara


    El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de un proyecto de investigación denominado “Presentaciones actuales de parentalidad y parejas del mismo sexo” dirigido por la Lic. Iara Vidal. Dicho proyecto tiene como objetivo la investigación sobre la parentalidad en parejas del mismo sexo, desde una perspectiva de género, pospatriarcal y posheteronormativa. Este trabajo surge a partir de la intención de establecer y construir una relación entre nuestra perspectiva y la implementación en los medios ...

  8. Temporal evolution of the environmental doce remaining in a clinical irradiation bunker after the cessation of irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruiz Egea, E.; Sanchez Carrascal, M.; Torres Pozas, S.; Monja Ray, P. de la; Perez Molina, J. L.; Madan Rodriguez, C.; Luque Japon, L.; Morera Molina, A.; Hernandez Perez, A.; Barquero Bravo, Y.; Morengo Pedagna, I.; Oliva Gordillo, M. C.; Martin Olivar, R.


    In this paper we try to quantify tite doce emitted by different radioactive processes that occur in the head of a clinica. Linear accelerator and the patient is irradiated, or wallc of the bunker, converted into tertiary sources of radiation trying to ectablish tite origin of the came in different parts of the bunker.

  9. Quiere saber quién es Anastasia Candre? Amigo lector, aquí estoy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anastasia Candre Yamacuri


    Full Text Available Este texto autobiográfico de Anastasia Candre fue compuesto a partir de fuentes inéditas en español y uitoto y fragmentos de fuentes publicadas. Está dividido en ocho partes. En la primera, Anastasia cuenta sobre su niñez, el aprendizaje junto a sus padres y hermanos hasta su ingreso al internado indígena. En la segunda parte, narra sobre su llegada a Leticia, sus trabajos allí y su estudio de bachillerato. En la tercera parte, relata sobre su época de estudiante de lingüística en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. En la cuarta parte habla sobre su investigación del ritual del dios de las cosechas y su encuentro con el anciano Jimuizɨtofe. En la quinta parte, hace un relato de sus actividades como cantora y bailarina, incluyendo imágenes de sus presentaciones. En la sexta parte se refiere a su trabajo como pintora y se reproducen imágenes de varias de sus obras. En la séptima parte se refiere a su incursión en la poesía y se reproducen dos poemas publicados y uno inédito. En la octava parte habla sobre sus sueños y concluye con un poema inédito. El texto contiene también un listado de la trayectoria de Anastasia: premios, publicaciones, informes, exposiciones, ponencias y presentaciones, y actividades de docencia.

  10. Pertinencia de la investigación fundamental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Gómez Moreno


    Full Text Available Celebramos 100 años de la Mecánica Cuántica, 100 años de las trascendentales presentaciones de Max Planck del 19 de Octubre y del 14 de Diciembre de 1900 ante la Sociedad Alemana de Física en Berlín, cuando dió a conocer su teoría cuántica para la radiación de cuerpo negro. Se iniciaba una de las mayores revoluciones científicas, la revolución cuántica, que marcó profundamente al siglo XX.

  11. Análisis de costos de las líneas de servicios de Phoenix English Institute”


    Rivarola, Natanael Kay


    PRESENTACION DEL PROYECTO - 1. Introducción - 2. Metodología - 3. Objetivos del trabajo - 4. Límites y alcance del trabajo - DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO - Capítulo Nº 1: Marco Teórico del Trabajo. - 1. Contabilidad de Gestión y Contabilidad de Costos - 2. Costos - 2.1. Clasificación de costos - 3. Sistemas de Costeo - 4. Costeo Basado en Actividades - 4.1. Particularidades en PyMEs del sector servicios - 4.2. Pasos de aplicación - 5. Contribución Marginal - 6. Reportes por segmentos. - ...

  12. Propuesta de un Sistema de Contabilidad Agro-ganadero en la finca Leobolito, ubicada en el sector La Dolorosa del cantón Gualaquiza en la provincia de Morona Santiago


    Patiño Carchi, Xavier Leonardo; Tonato Cárdenas, Jessica Lorena


    El presente trabajo de tesis comprende desde un estudio teórico y técnico acerca de la contabilidad en general, sus principios, contenidos, aplicaciones y presentaciones de estados financieros. Además existen bases teóricas de la clasificación de la contabilidad según su aplicación y su alcance con el fin de conocer todo lo concerniente a una contabilidad y los beneficios que ésta puede dar a un ente económico mejorando significativamente un proceso productivo. La base de nuestro estudio t...

  13. Sífilis cardiovascular: Diagnóstico y tratamiento




    La sífilis cardiovascular terciaria puede producir aortitis, aneurisma aórtico, estenosis de las coronarias, insuficiencia aórtica y rara vez miocarditis. El médico debe estar familiarizado con las presentaciones clínicas de este proceso incluso las lesiones asintomáticas, y debe ser capaz de llevar a cabo un plan de diagnóstico y de evaluación bien organizado, para establecer o excluir la existencia de la patología cardiovascular y su diagnóstico diferencial con otras entidades. Cuando se ha...

  14. Medición de Parámetros Eléctricos y Análisis Económico Enfocado al Entorno Nacional-Edición Única


    Carlos Valdes Parada


    Los sistemas de medición de parámetros eléctricos son muy utilizados actualmente en la industria y se encuentran disponibles en varias presentaciones dependiendo fundamentalmente de sus características de análisis y despliegue de los mismos. El siguiente trabajo de tesis se centra en el acondicionamiento de señales digitalizadas correspondientes a parámetros eléctricos de voltaje y corriente reales. Se diseñó un módulo con la electrónica necesaria para acondicionar dichas señales. Las partes ...

  15. Adolescencia y psicosis: el pasaje al acto como una salida posible


    Freston, María Emilia; Kopelovich, Mercedes


    Este trabajo se enmarca en el Proyecto Promocional de Investigación de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), denominado “Adolescencia: el problema del diagnóstico diferencial en las presentaciones enloquecidas”. A su vez, el presente escrito es una continuación de otro, titulado “La pubertad como exigencia de simbolización en la psicosis: más allá de lo real del cuerpo”, presentado en el marco del IX Congreso de la Asociación Argentina de Salud Mental (AASM)...

  16. Los profesionales de la salud y sus significaciones imaginarias sociales acerca de la parentalidad en parejas del mismo sexo


    Vidal, Iara Vanina


    El siguiente trabajo es parte de un Proyecto de Investigación: Investigaciones acerca de las presentaciones actuales de parentalidad y pareja, en parejas del mismo sexo de la cual soy la Directora. Dicho proyecto se viene desarrollado en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata desde el año 2013. Una de las líneas de la investigación que venimos desplegando, trata de la posición de los profesionales de la Salud ante la parentalidad en parejas del mismo sexo. En g...

  17. Adolescencia, consumo de sustancias y demanda terapéutica


    Fernandez Raone, Martina


    Esta tesis se propone desarrollar la articulación entre adolescencia, consumo de sustancias y demanda terapéutica en un hospital especializado en drogodependencias y alcoholismo. A tal fin parte de la pregunta ¿Por qué el consumo y la adicción a diferentes tipos sustancias tóxicas se inician en general en la adolescencia y qué particularidades y dificultades se encuentran en la demanda terapéutica por adicciones en una institución asistencial para abordar estas presentaciones desde una perspe...

  18. Creación de Restaurante con entretenimiento en vivo, Moros en la Costa en la Ciudad de Guayaquil


    Coka Aguilar, Juan Javier; Zambrano Martínez, Karola; Encalada Duffer, Antonio; Mendoza Guerrero, Galo


    Crear un centro de entretenimiento artístico y gastronómico rentable y sostenible en el tiempo, basado en presentaciones simultáneas en vivo y en un menú de comida al estilo guayaquileño con matices e influencia de la comida fusión. Consecuentemente, contribuiremos con el desarrollo turístico de la ciudad y del país, ya que nos posicionaremos como uno de los lugares íconos a ser visitados cada vez que alguien se encuentre en Guayaquil. 1.2 Objetivos Específicos del Proyecto:...

  19. Simulación de eventos discretos de la cadena logística de exportación de commodities


    Guerrero Hernández,María Alejandra; Henriques Librantz,André Felipe


    El presente trabajo utiliza la técnica de simulación de eventos discretos como metodología de apoyo a la decisión en un problema complejo con múltiples variables; el objetivo es modelar las operaciones logísticas involucradas en la exportación marítima de commodities en las presentaciones de carga suelta y granel desde doce empresas productoras hasta el puerto marítimo. La simulación permite analizar la sensibilidad de los principales parámetros y variables del sistema, con el fin de definir ...

  20. Nefrotoxicidad por uso recreacional de drogas psicoactivas. Reporte de un caso

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    Gustavo Aroca


    Full Text Available El uso recreacional de drogas psicoactivas es una prácticageneralizada en población de adultos jóvenes en el mundo. Existe evidencia de que los opioides y la cocaína producen toxicidad renal. La necrosis tubular aguda, rabdomiolisis y la glomerulonefritis focal segmentaria son las presentaciones más comunes. Reportamos un caso de daño renal agudo en un joven después del uso recreacional de alcohol, cocaína y opioides, cuyos hallazgos patológicos son descritos brevemente en la literatura.

  1. Entre la tutoría y el aula, sacando lo mejor de distintas filosofías pedagógicas

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    David SHEA


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, propongo que la tutoría debería servir como la extensión logica del aula. Conseguiremos este importante vínculo por medio de objetivos realistas en el sentido de que tanto los alumnos como los propios docentes podrían establecerlos en el aula o bien en tutorías. En este caso, he sugerido la idea de una especie de feria científica en la que mis alumnos de traduccion cientifico-tecnica participan como expertos presentando posters y presentaciones en Powerpoint.

  2. Neurocirugía, un arte y una ciencia“Nuestro modo de proceder” Ignacio de Loyola


    Germán Peña Quiñones


    Cada vez que nos referimos a nuestra especialidad en artículos, trabajos o presentaciones hablamos del estado del arte de la neurocirugía y cuando la describimos, nos referimos a la especialidad como una ciencia y un arte; cuando pensamos en la palabra “ciencia”, el concepto es claro, no se nos hace necesario buscar explicaciones porque sabemos que nos referimos a “un saber o erudición” [1] o a “un conocimiento cierto de las cosas por sus principios y causas” [1].


  3. Enfermedad celiaca en niños del noroeste de México: características clínicas de 24 casos


    N. Sotelo Cruz; A.M. Calderón de la Barca; J.G. Hurtado Valenzuela


    Antecedentes: La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enteropatía autoinmune inducida por el gluten del trigo dietético, con serias consecuencias si no se diagnostica y trata tempranamente. Hay además otras alteraciones asociadas a la ingestión de gluten, que es importante conocer, por su multiplicidad de presentaciones clínicas. Objetivos: Describir los patrones más comunes de presentación de EC y alteraciones asociadas al gluten en niños de la región noroeste de México, con incipiente conocimi...

  4. Herramientas para la gestión del stock de una farmacia de la ciudad de Córdoba


    Orlando, Juan Ignacio


    A. PRESENTACION DEL PROYECTO -- I. Resumen -- II. Marco Teórico -- III. Metodología -- IV. Objetivos del trabajo -- V. Límites o Alcance del trabajo -- VI. Organización del trabajo -- VII. Introducción -- B. DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO -- Capítulo 1 - Administración de operaciones. -- 1.1 Introducción -- 1.2 Concepto de administración de las operaciones -- 1.3 Función de la administración de operaciones -- 1.4 Decisiones de la administración de operaciones --Capítulo 2 -- Administració...

  5. Hipocondría: ¿síntoma o estructura?


    Machado, María Inés; Zanassi, Sergio


    Considerando que en las presentaciones de la clínica actual las manifestaciones del cuerpo se muestran en toda en su crudeza y evidenciándose el uso que indiferenciadamente se realiza para intentar dar cuenta del estatuto clínico de estos fenómenos, pretendemos deslindar, en esta oportunidad, cual ha sido el tratamiento que ha recibido desde el interior del psicoanálisis la hipocondría. De tal modo que el objetivo que persigue este trabajo supone el artificio de recortar un concepto para cara...

  6. Respuesta subjetiva en el autismo: función del rasgo invariante


    Torres, Mónica Miriam


    El trabajo intentará interrogar y analizar el valor de los rasgos invariantes del autismo a la luz de la diversidad fenomenológica de las presentaciones, diversidad que lo posiciona como entidad de límites vagos, variables, imposible de aprehender por una clínica comportamental sin criterio organizador. En esa vía, se intentará cernir lo que persiste como constante dentro del llamado “espectro autista” para abordar el fenómeno autista desde la perspectiva de los aportes lacanianos, ya no cons...

  7. Creatividad y pensamiento crítico


    Martínez Duran, Anna; Lois Alcázar, Sergi


    La comunicación presenta la asignatura de Composición II, a través de dos acciones: las presentaciones en grupo (happening), y la redacción del artículo crítico individual. La libertad en ambos ejercicios es alta y el grado de respuesta muy bueno.En el happening se presenta el objeto de estudio de una forma creativa, buscando el debate y la participación: maquetas, muebles, detalles, murales, videos, instalaciones, performances, juegos, etc. El artículo crítico pretende, con las palabras e im...

  8. Consenso mexicano sobre probióticos en gastroenterología


    Valdovinos, M.A.; Montijo, E.; Abreu, A.T.; Heller, S.; González-Garay, A.; Bacarreza, D.; Bielsa-Fernández, M.; Bojórquez-Ramos, M.C.; Bosques-Padilla, F.; Burguete-García, A.I.; Carmona-Sánchez, R.; Consuelo-Sánchez, A.; Coss-Adame, E.; Chávez-Barrera, J.A.; de Ariño, M.


    Introducción: El uso de los probióticos es común en la práctica clínica. Existe un número significativo de estudios que apoyan la eficacia de los probióticos en algunos trastornos digestivos. Sin embargo, el desconocimiento de la evidencia científica y las diferentes presentaciones y composiciones microbianas de los probióticos disponibles dificultan su prescripción. Objetivo: Proveer al clínico de una revisión consensuada sobre los probióticos y recomendaciones de su uso en gastroenterolo...

  9. ¿La experiencia es la única forma de mejorar el discurso público en la ciencia?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo del Monte-Luna


    Full Text Available Introducción: Cualquier practicante de ciencia está frecuentemente expuesto al discurso público (DP: conferencias, congresos, simposios, seminarios, entrevistas, talleres, etc. Por ello, es imprescindible saber comunicar las ideas con claridad y contundencia en una presentación oral. Usualmente, profesionistas y estudiantes enfrentan estas situaciones utilizando el sentido común, asumiendo que las habilidades para dar una buena presentación oral se adquieren con la práctica. Sin embargo es común ver profesionistas que a pesar de tener años de experiencia en foros de DP, siguen haciendo presentaciones orales muy deficientes. La hipótesis de este trabajo es que la práctica, por sí misma, puede no ser la única forma de adquirir dichas habilidades, sino que es posible mejorar el desempeño en las presentaciones orales mediante la enseñanza de las bases científicas del DP. Método: Tras una presentación oral individual de 10 minutos, se aplicó una prueba de desempeño en el DP (prueba Rapee a un grupo de 15 alumnos de posgrado en ciencias marinas antes y después de tomar un curso de DP. En el curso se enseñó la ciencia que existe detrás del DP, los protocolos del DP en la ciencia y la aplicación de los principios del diseño gráfico en el material de apoyo visual de una presentación oral. Los resultados generales de la prueba Rapee aplicada antes y después del curso se compararon mediante un análisis de diferencias de medias de muestras independientes (p valor de 0.05 y los resultados particulares mediante diagramas de contornos que representan la distribución de las calificaciones en función de las evaluaciones. Resultados: la calificación promedio del grupo en la prueba Rapee antes de que los alumnos tomaran el curso, se situó en un nivel de bajo desempeño (48 puntos de 68. Después de haber cursado la materia, este promedio se incrementó significativamente (de 48 a 57 puntos. La mejoría fue más evidente en las

  10. Ruolo ed organizzazione della microbiologia clinica di domani

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giorgio Mucignat


    Full Text Available Infectious diseases continue to represent an important preventive and clinical problem especially in the light of the emergence of new pathogens, of the return of infrequent pathogens and of the increased risk of infective pathologies associated with migratory flow. Another critical point is represented by the possible insurgence of infections due to agents used in bioterrorism. More than ever it is indispensable for our country to define a network of structures able to give an organized response to these relevant problems both in terms of prevention and assistance. It is therefore important to define a protocol for clinical microbiology on a national basis that responds to different levels of activity. Keeping in mind that the fundamental objectives of microbiology are: - diagnosis of infective diseases - determination of resistance to antimicrobic drugs as a valid instrument to allow the clinician to proceed with specific treatment - control of infection spreading in the sanitary structures (hospital infections - to develop front line defence in new infections and bioterrorism, in collaboration with the department of prevention - to be a reference centre for specific training The principals on which one must base the reorganization are essentially three: 1. to configurate the microbiology service on the basis of real needs of the local population 2. to give qualitatively optimal results in real time 3. supporting “good clinical practice” to assure adequate patient results and acceptable costs for the regionale sanitary system (SSR The organization of microbiology should therefore foresee a microbiology department, structured on a provincial basis or a vast area including a structured centralized complex with peripheral structures (even simplified. This must integrate actively with the department of prevention in regard to the dynamics of infectious diseases in the territory and with the Division of Infectious Diseases (where this exists. In parallel an active interaction with research structures (IRCCS and University present in the territory to enable the coordinated implementation of the guidelines of research and its relapse on diagnostic exams. Keeping in mind that the quality of diagnostic performance is closely linked to the professional experience of the operators it is good practice centralizing some diagnostic procedures by identifying a reference centre. In a regional network organized in this way it is important to include a coordinating structure, since it is necessary to activate a complete level of communication, information exchange, activity planning, and complete problem solving.

  11. Come pesci nell’acqua. Elementi di etnopsicologia clinica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wanda Ielasi


    Full Text Available Starting from her clinical experience with migrant people, the author summarizes the theoretical and operational instruments in ethno-psychological field with a critical review of some key concepts: psyche and body, health and suffering, culture, ethnic group and race, diagnosis and treatment, individual and collective dimension. Especially, culture becomes most relevant when psychological competences are involved in cultural contexts which are different from our own: both when we work with foreign people in our country and when we are involved in mental health projects abroad. Transcultural clinic, ethnopsychiatry, critical medical anthropology and anthropology of contemporaneousness constitute the disciplinary horizon of therapeutic communications capable of managing caregiver’s and client’s cultural aspects.

  12. European Conference on Visual Perception (6th). (United States)


    Institut fuer Verhaltenswissenschaft, ETH- Zentrum, 8092 Zuerich - Switzerland W. GERBINO: Istituto di Psicologia , Universitk di Padova, Piazza Capitaniato...fuer medizinische Psychologie, Schillerstrasse 42 - 8000 Muenchen 2, West Germany L. JANEZ ESCALADA: Psicologia Matem&tica, Facultad de Psicologla...Norway P. MANCINI: Istituto di Fisiologia clinica del C.N.R., Via Bonanno Pisano - 56100 Pisa, Italy C.A. MARZI: Istituto di Psicologia . Universit

  13. Executive functions in mono- and bilingual children with language impairment - issues for speech-language pathology.


    Sandgren, Olof; Holmström, Ketty


    The clinical assessment of language impairment (LI) in bilingual children imposes challenges for speech-language pathology services. Assessment tools standardized for monolingual populations increase the risk of misinterpreting bilingualism as language impairment. This Perspective article summarizes recent studies on the assessment of bilingual LI and presents new results on including nonlinguistic measures of executive functions in the diagnostic assessment. Executive functions shows clinica...

  14. Use of oral contraceptives in the management of acne


    Melis, Gian; Paoletti,Anna Maria; ORRU' ,; MAROTTO ,; PILLONI,; PERSEU,; Lello,Stefano


    Gian Benedetto Melis, Marisa Orrù, Maria Francesca Marotto, Monica Pilloni, Mariagrazia Perseu, Stefano Lello, Anna Maria PaolettiClinica Ginecologica Ostetrica e di Fisiopatologia della Riproduzione Umana, Universita' di Cagliari, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari, Cagliari, ItalyAbstract: The pathogenesis of acne (the most common disorder involving the sebaceous gland) originates from increased sebum production by the sebaceous gland followed by colonization o...

  15. PV investment in Europe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hueser, Pius [Nova Energy GmbH, (Switzerland)


    This presentation is mainly about how the PV market in Europe has been growing, and which elements are going to determine if this market succeed or failed not only in Europe but also in the rest of the world. In the first part of this presentation, it is mentioned how in 2005 the development of some PV technologies triggered the PV market growth without any marketing control. Then, there are explained the aspects that changed such situation out of control, therefore, it emerged the beginning of the consolidation of this market. There are briefly explained those factors that are going to determine if this market succeed or failed in the future. Finally, there are given examples of some the PV investments. [Spanish] Esta presentacion habla principalmente de la manera en como ha crecido el Mercado de sistemas fotovoltaicos en Europa, asi tambien se mencionan los elementos fundamentales que determinaran el exito o fracaso de este mercado, no solamente en Europa sino tambien en el resto del mundo, en un futuro. En la primera parte de esta presentacion, se describe como en el 2005, debido al desarrollo de algunas tecnologias fotovoltaicas se desencadeno el crecimiento desenfrenado del mercado fotovoltaico. Despues, se explican los aspectos que hicieron que dicho crecimiento tomara su curso, teniendo como resultado el inicio de un mercado mas consolidado. Se explican brevemente los factores que determinaran si este mercado encuentra el exito o el fracaso en un futuro. Finalmente, se dan ejemplos de algunas adquisiciones fotovoltaicas.

  16. Uso de los espacios virtuales para la docencia en cursos de pregrado de Medicina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Orellano


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características de uso de los espacios virtuales para la docencia (EVD en los cursos de pregrado de Medicina. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo del tipo serie de casos. Se incluyeron los cursos de pregrado desarrollados durante el 2011 en la Facultad de Medicina Alberto Hurtado (FMAH de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia y se excluyeron a los talleres de arte y a las rotaciones del externado e internado. Se capacitaron a los docentes para el uso de la plataforma para alcanzar los objetivos mínimos (alojar el sílabo del curso, las presentaciones de las clases presenciales, utilizar el calificador y la herramienta "Novedades" para el envío de anuncios. Otros usos se hicieron de acuerdo a las necesidades de cada curso y de forma opcional. Resultados: Hubieron 45 EVD disponibles. En todos los cursos se publicaron el sílabo y las calificaciones y en el 66,67% se cumplieron los cuatro objetivos mínimos. En el 86,76% de los EVD se alojaron la mayoría de las presentaciones de las clases y en el 68,68% se usó Novedades. Conclusiones: Un importante número de cursos alcanzaron los objetivos que planteó la FMAH, siendo finalmente las características comunes que debería contener cada EVD. El siguiente paso será revisar los temas tratados en cada asignatura para explorar y diseñar otras herramientas útiles para mejorar el aprendizaje de acuerdo a las nuevas exigencias académicas.

  17. Justificación conceptual de un modelo de implementación de Lean Manufacturing


    Rivera Cadavid, Leonardo


    En los últimos 20 años se han discutido diferentes técnicas que hacen parte de Lean Manufacturing en la literatura gerencial, en presentaciones y conferencias y en ofertas de consultoría. En muchos casos esta presentación de técnicas se ha hecho sin proponer un modelo de implementación que permita la evolución de la empresa en un camino de mejoramiento, y que subraye qué técnicas y principios deberían implementarse antes que otras. En el presente artículo se presenta una estructura de prerreq...

  18. Intoxicación con cocaína: reporte de caso


    Juan Dávila Meneses


    El consumo de cocaína en Costa Rica, en cualquiera de sus presentaciones, es un problema creciente de salud pública y seguridad ciudadana desde la década de los 80’s. Las complicaciones derivadas de su uso tienen un impacto considerable en la utilización del recurso humano y económico de nuestro sistema de salud y cuya complejidad de manejo es clara: se ha asociado en forma muy importante con la muerte súbita en pacientes jóvenes y sin factores de riesgo, que presentan infartos agudos del mio...

  19. Tema. Patrones alimentarios: guías nutricionales


    Ortiz-Moncada, Rocío


    El objetivo del la presentacion del tema es reconocer las bases de la alimentación saludable de acuerdo a los patrones alimentarios de España, y su relación con la dieta mediterránea. Se espera que al finalizar el tema, los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de analizar la evolución de las guías nutricionales en España desde su aparición teniendo en cuenta las características que debe de llevar una guía alimentaria. Plantear ventajas y limitaciones de las guías alimentarias, y proponer opciones...

  20. Desarrollo de una propuesta de capacitación para el área de controller de una automotriz en Córdoba - Argentina


    Del Corro, Margarita Alicia


    A. PRESENTACION DEL PROYECTO PAG. - I. Resumen - II. Marco Teórico - III. Metodología - IV. Objetivos del Trabajo - V. Limites o Alcance del Trabajo - VI. Organización del trabajo - B. DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO - I. Capítulo I. INTRODUCCION - II. Capítulo II: MARCO TEORICO - II.1. Qué es la administración de recursos - Humanos - II.2. Importancia Estratégica de los RRHH - II.3. Historia de la administración de Recursos - Humanos - II.4. Funciones de las Áreas de RRHH - II.5. Capacitación - II....

  1. Hacienda pública I 2010-11


    Antón Pérez, José Ignacio


    I. Materiales de clase: Presentaciones. Tema 1. Tema 2. Tema 3. Tema 4. Tema 5. Tema 6. Tema 7. Tema 8. Tema 9. Tema 10. Tema 11. Tema 12. Tema 13. Tema 14. Tema 15. Tema 16. Tema 17. Tema 18. Tema 19. Tema 20. Tema 21. Tema 22. Tema 23. Tema 24. Tema 25. Tema 26. Tema 27. Material adicional: Economía del Comportamiento. II. Material complementario. III. Exámenes. IV. Bibliografía La principal finalidad de esta asignatura es proporcionar a los estudiantes de Derecho una formación sólida en...

  2. El rasgo invariante como respuesta subjetiva en el autismo


    Torres, Mónica Miriam


    Trascendiendo las diversas presentaciones posibles del autismo, ya la psiquiatría clásica recortaba rasgos constantes, invariantes que se desplegaban en todos los casos. Estos fenómenos en cuestión fueron considerados desde la fundación del cuadro clínico por Leo Kanner en 1943, como gravísimos trastornos. A pesar de que además de aparecer de manera drástica impregnando el cuadro también surgían en otros casos al modo de rasgos discretos y sutiles - como lo mencionaba Hans Asperger en las des...

  3. El miedo a los monstruos. Indios ladinos y mestizos en la guerra de los Tepehuanes de 1616

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christophe Giudicelli


    Full Text Available A finales del año 1616, en la norteña provincia de la Nueva Vizcaya, los indios tepehuanes se levantan contra los españoles en una rebelión extremadamente violenta, que tuvo gravísimas consecuencias para estas tierras de fronteras de la Nueva España, ya de por sí escasamente pobladas. Las presentaciones sucesivas de esta rebelión en la historiografía privilegian la ruptura, el rechazo de la sociedad colonial por los indígenas, y enfatizan el conflicto entre dos polos antagónicos e irreconcili...

  4. El miedo a los monstruos. Indios ladinos y mestizos en la guerra de los Tepehuanes de 1616


    Giudicelli, Christophe


    A finales del año 1616, en la norteña provincia de la Nueva Vizcaya, los indios tepehuanes se levantan contra los españoles en una rebelión extremadamente violenta, que tuvo gravísimas consecuencias para estas tierras de fronteras de la Nueva España, ya de por sí escasamente pobladas. Las presentaciones sucesivas de esta rebelión en la historiografía privilegian la ruptura, el rechazo de la sociedad colonial por los indígenas, y enfatizan el conflicto entre dos polos antagónicos e irreconcili...

  5. 歯科基礎医学の教育について




    For convenience in comparative rating the basic science subjects were considered separately general and oral anatomy, general and oral histology, embryology, general and oral physiology, biochemistry, and oral biochemistry, microbiology, and oral microbiology, dental pharmacology, general and oral pathology, dental material, and general and oral hygiene, oral pathology, dental materials, dental pharmacology, and hygiene while better classified as the clinical science, was committed to clinica...

  6. Atenção, memória e funções executivas em crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 12 anos avaliados pelo CANTAB


    Daniela Tsubota Roque


    A neuropsicologia infantil e uma area distinta dentro da neuropsicologia clinica e o seu surgimento e uma consequencia do reconhecimento de que as relacoes cerebrocomportamento na crianca diferem significativamente dessas relacoes no adulto. Diversos testes neuropsicologicos tem sido desenvolvidos especialmente para administracao em computador, incluindo a bateria CANTAB que tem sido amplamente utilizada em pesquisas com diferentes grupos de idade e patologias. Em relacao ao desenvolvimento, ...

  7. A first experience with digital complete overdentures


    Bajunaid, Salwa Omar


    The development of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing systems for dentistry in the 1980s resulted in the successful fabrication of crowns, fixed dental prostheses, and superstructures for both natural teeth and dental implants. Today, this technology is available for constructing digitally designed and milled, completely removable dental prostheses. The procedure uses clinical and laboratory protocols that allow fabrication of completely removable prostheses within two clinica...

  8. Comparative evaluations of individual radiation doses at hospital environment in two decades 73-82 and 86-95

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carreira, Mauricio Costa; Almeida, Adelaide de; Santos, Maria Concepta P.S.


    Individual radiation doses in two decades of Hospital das Clinicas, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, are analysed. The annual values are studied according to the hospital service and specific worker categories. The workers are classified in categories A or B as recommended by ICRP 35. Three types of individual monitors (film badges, Ca So 4 and Li F + Ca So 4 ) supplied by three distinct laboratories are compared

  9. Red wine and cardiovascular health the "French Paradox" revisited


    Giuseppe Lippi; Massimo Franchini; Gian Cesare Guidi


    Giuseppe Lippi1, Massimo Franchini2, Gian Cesare Guidi31U.O. di Diagnostica Ematochimica, 2Servizio di Immunoematologia e Trasfusione, Dipartimento di Patologia e Medicina di Laboratorio, Azienda Ospedaliero, Universitaria di Parma, Parma, Italy; 3Sezione di Chimica Clinica, Dipartimento di Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche, Università degli Studi di Verona, Verona, ItalyAbstract: The healthful and nutritive properties of wine have been acknowledged for thousands of years, but the obs...

  10. pulse2percept: A Python-based simulation framework for bionic vision


    Boynton, Geoffrey; Beyeler, Michael; Rokem, Ariel; Fine, Ione


    By 2020 roughly 200 million people worldwide will suffer from photoreceptor diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration, and a variety of retinal sight restoration technologies are being developed to target these diseases. One technology, analogous to cochlear implants, uses a grid of electrodes to stimulate remaining retinal cells. Two brands of retinal prostheses are currently approved for implantation in patients with late stage photoreceptor disease. Clinica...

  11. Analysis of Activity Patterns and Performance in Polio Survivors (United States)


    correlations ( clustering ) from multiple observations on the same subject. Multivariable mixed models with random intercepts or both random...0.001 (0.001) (0.59) (ɘ.001) * The top p values compared the means between the three groups in using unpaired t tests, taking clustering of...May 2004. Talaty M. Models for Gait Analysis. 5th SIAMOC (Societa Italiana Di Analisi Del Movimento in Clinica) Congress, Loano, Italy November

  12. Osteopetrosis - Albers-Schoenberg disease: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeronymo, J.R.B.; Borba, L.A.N.


    The authors present a brief review of the literature and report a case of osteopetrosis tardo which was diagnosed by chance at the Hospital de Clinicas - Universidade Federal do Parana. This patient had no clinical manifestation of the disease. The radiological findings were characteristic of osteopetrosis and the absence of clinical signs confirm the tardo form of this rare disease, with the patient been well at 74 years of age. (author)

  13. Historia clinica de un caso de endocrinología

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    Max Olaya Restrepo


    de la Distrofia adiposo-genital de Babinsky-Frolich. Consiste en un sujeto, hombre o mujer, estadísticamente es más frecuente en los hombres, que presenta algunas de las modalidades características del Síndrome de Frolich, tan conocido y estudiado por, todos los investigadores. Sobre esta base endocrina, se injertan tres, distintivos somáticos que le dan cierta individualidad al Síndrome de Lawrence. Son ellos: LA POLIDACTILIA, LA RETINITIS PIGMENTARIA Y EL BOCIO. Se presentan a continuación los dos casos anteriormente descritos entre nosotros, que aparecen publicados ambos, en el BOLETIN CLINICO, Organo de la Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Antioquia.

  14. Presentación clínica de tuberculosis en pacientes VIH+ atendidos en el Hospital Santo Tomás, Panamá. Enero a julio del 2009

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    Bernardino Denis


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir las presentaciones clínicas de la tuberculosis en los pacientes VIH+ atendidos en el Hospital Santo Tomás de enero a julio de 2009. Metodología: se trata de un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo que consistió en la revisión de expedientes clínicos de los pacientes que presentaron coinfección de tuberculosis y VIH en el Hospital Santo Tomás durante el primer semestre del año 2009. Se analizó el universo de pacientes. Se utilizó un formulario para la recolección de los datos y para el análisis de los datos se calcularon frecuencias, modas, medianas y promedios. Se utilizo el programa EpiInfo 3.5.1 y se realizaron los gráficos con Microsoft Office Excel. Resultados: La relación hombres : mujeres fue de 3 : 1. Se observó una mayor frecuencia de pacientes procedentes del corregimiento de Juan Díaz (13,5% Calidonia (10,4% Santa Ana (10,4%. La presentación clínica predominante fue la pulmonar (64,4% seguida por la mixta (20% y la extrapulmonar (15,6%; entre las formas extrapulmonares la más frecuente fue la ganglionar (37,5%. Conclusiones: La presentación clínica pulmonar reporta es de 64,4%; extrapulmonar, 15,6%; y mixta, 20,0%. Entre las presentaciones extrapulmonares, la presentación ganglionar se reporta en 37,5%. El método clínico radiológico es el medio diagnóstico más usado (76% a diferencia de otros estudios.

  15. Computerized dosimetry of I-125 sources model 6711; Dosimetria computarizada de las fuentes de I-125 modelo 6711

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Isturiz, J [Centre de Radiotherapie du Parc, Dijon (France)


    It tries on: physical presentation of the sources; radiation protection; mathematical model of I-125 source model 6711; data considered for the calculation program; experimental com probation of the dose distribution; exposure rate and apparent activity; techniques of the use given to the sources I-125; and the calculation planning systems. [Spanish] Trata sobre presentacion fisica de las fuentes, radioproteccion, modelo matematico de las fuentes I-125 modelo 6711, datos considerados en el programa de calculo, comprobacion experimental de la distribucion de dosis, tasa de exposicion y actividad aparente, tecnicas de utilizacion de las fuentes I-125; y los sistemas de planificacion del calculo de las dosis.

  16. Identification and capacity quantification of CO{sub 2} storage sites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bachu, Stefan [Energy Resources Conservation Board (Canada)


    In this presentation the subject of scales of evaluation of the sites of CO{sub 2} storage is commented. Also the criteria to identify river basins and sites appropriated for the CO{sub 2} storage are analyzed and finally the matter of the estimation of the capacities of CO{sub 2} storage is analyzed. [Spanish] En esta presentacion se comenta sobre las escalas de evaluacion de los sitios de almacenamiento de CO{sub 2}. Tambien se analizan los criterios para identificar cuencas y lugares adecuados para el almacenamiento de CO{sub 2} y por ultimo se habla sobre la estimacion de las capacidades de almacenamiento de CO{sub 2}.

  17. Elaboración de nuevos materiales de soporte a la docencia en Fisiología Animal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Se exponen los materiales elaborados para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura “Fisiología Animal”. Estos materiales apoyan las actividades propuestas en la guía docente de la asignatura. Aunque hay disponibles una gran variedad de ellos, la mayoría de las veces presentan una visión muy polarizada de la materia (fisiología humana sin dar el enfoque comparado que necesitamos en nuestra asignatura. Entre los materiales elaborados (apuntes, colecciones de imágenes, presentaciones, animaciones,… destacan los vídeos demostrativos de las sesiones prácticas.

  18. Clinical Photoscintillography: Technique and Applications; Photoscintigraphie Clinique: Methode et Applications; Klinicheskaya fotostsintillografiya: metodika i primenenie; Fotocentelleografia Clinica: Tecnicas y Aplicaciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ephraim, K. H. [Rotterdamsch Radio-Therapeutisch Instituut, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    ' de exploracion. La intensidad luminosa y la frecuencia de los destellos de esta ultima varian con el indice de recuento, obteniendose asi una respuesta no lineal sin introducir la inercia de un circuito integrador. Los destellos 'secundarios' se registran sobre pelicula. Para impedir la perdida de datos debido a su registro en la region de saturacion de la curva de sensibilidad de la pe licu la, se utiliza una amplificacion de contraste moderada y la pelicula se examina en un circuito de television industrial. El autor subraya la necesidad de adaptar las condiciones de colimacion al problema clinico que haya de resolverse. En la memoria se examinan las aplicaciones clinicas de esta tecnica al estudio de enfermedades tiroideas, renales, hepaticas y oseas. (author) [Russian] Pri primenenii fotoscintillografii v klinike ogromnoe znachenie imejut kollimacija, u si l e nie kontrastnosti i nakoplenie dannyh. Dlja obnaruzhenija ogranichennyh uchastkov porazhenija v takih plotnyh organah, kak pechen' i mozg , byl razrabotan special'nyj 36-kanal'nyj mnogofokusnyj kollimator. Demonstrirujutsja izochuvstvitel'nye linii jet o go kollimator a . E go chuv stvitel'nost' malo m en ja et sja ot poverhnosti do glubiny, ravnoj naibol'shej tolshhine pecheni. Byl postr oen special'nyj usilitel' kontrastnosti: nebol'shaja ''pervichnaja'' lampa nakalivanija, soedinennaja cherez impul'snyj usilitel' na vyhode odnokanal'nogo an a l i za t or a upravlja etsja s pomoshh'ju za vi sim o go ot svetareostata (ZSR). Soprotovlenie 3 SR izmenja etsja v zavisimosti ot sk or o sti . Posledovatel'no po otnosheniju k ZSR s o edinena skennirujushhaja ''vtorichnaja'' lampa nakalivanija. Jarkost', a takzhe chastota vspyshek poslednej zavisit ot skorosti scheta i tem samym nelinejnaja chuvstviteltnost' dostigaetsja b e z vvedenija inercionnogo k on tura. ''Vtorichnye'' vspyshki re gi str i rujut sja na p lenk e. S cel'ju predotvrashhenija poteri informacii pri registracii v oblasti nasyshhenija krivoj chuv

  19. Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in young adults


    Wollina, Uwe; Goldman, Alberto


    Uwe Wollina1, Alberto Goldman21Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Academic Teaching Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden, Germany; 2Clinica Goldman, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande du Sul, BrazilAbstract: Age is a significant factor in modifying specific needs when it comes to medical aesthetic procedures. In this review we will focus on young adults in their third decade of life and review minimally invasive aesthetic procedures other than cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. Correction of asy...

  20. Ricerca clinico-epidemiologica sullo stato di salute del cavo orale nei pazienti tossicodipendenti


    Bromo, Francesco


    Obiettivo: Lo scopo della ricerca è stato quello di mettere in evidenza la presenza di patologie del cavo orale in soggetti tossicodipendenti Materiali e Metodi: Sono stati reclutati 71 pazienti in terapia di recupero presso la Comunità Incontro di Amelia. I soggetti sono stati sottoposti a visite clinico-anamnestiche adottando una cartella clinica da noi stessi costruita. Risultati: Dei 71 soggetti tossicodipendenti, 42 facevano uso di eroina e 39 assumevano droghe per v...

  1. Performance of a sample of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and healthy elderly on a lexical decision test (LDT) as a measure of pre-morbid intelligence


    Serrao, Valéria Trunkl; Brucki, Sônia Maria Dozzi; Campanholo, Kenia Repiso; Mansur, Letícia Lessa; Nitrini, Ricardo; Miotto, Eliane Correa


    Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the performance of healthy elderly patients with aging-related pathologies (MCI) and patients with AD on a lexical decision test. Methods: The study included 38 healthy elderly subjects, 61 MCI and 26 AD patients from the Neurology Department of the Hospital das Clinicas, Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Group. The neuropsychological instruments included the episodic memory test (RAVLT), subtests from the WAIS-III (Matrix Reasoning and...

  2. Outering the Self through the mirror : physiological and experiential correlates of the Enfacement Illusion phenomenon in schizophrenia


    Pietrangelo, Brigitte


    Introduzione: Negli ultimi anni, lo studio dei prodromi della Schizofrenia ha riconosciuto i Disturbi del Sè (SD) come una componente clinica fondamentale di questa patologia psichiatrica. I SD si definiscono come anomalie soggettive dell’esperienza che precedono la fase conclamata della malattia e che includono, ad esempio, la scarsa distinzione tra Sé-Altro ed anomalie sensoriali del corpo. Il concetto di SD si allaccia alla concettualizzazione del senso di consapevolezza corporea (Body-aw...

  3. Growth in serum-free medium improves isolation of Chlamydia pneumoniae.


    Maass, M; Essig, A; Marre, R; Henkel, W


    Infectivity titers were determined for eight Chlamydia pneumoniae strains simultaneously grown in serum-free and serum-supplemented cell culture media. Use of serum-free medium resulted in a 10- to 50-fold increase in the susceptibility of HL cells to chlamydial infection. Comparative primary isolation of a wild-type strain also produced higher inclusion counts in a serum-free environment. Serum-free cultivation is recommended to increase the efficiency of C. pneumoniae isolation from clinica...

  4. Analysis of HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1 allelic, genotypic, and haplotypic frequencies in colombian population


    Yazmin Rocío Árias-Murillo; Miguel Ángel Castro-Jiménez; María Fernanda Ríos-Espinosa; Juan Javier López-Rivera; Sandra Johanna Echeverry-Coral; Oscar Martínez-Nieto


    Introduction: The high polymorphism of the HLA system allows its typification to be used as valuable tool in establishing association to various illnesses, immune and genetic profiles; it also provides a guide to identifying compatibility among donors and receptors of organs transplants. Objective: To establish HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA.DRB1 allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies among patients treated at Clinica Colsanitas SA. Methods: 561 patients coming from different regions in Col...

  5. T2 Mapping of Articular Cartilage of Glenohumeral Joint with Routine MRI Correlation—Initial Experience


    Maizlin, Zeev V.; Clement, Jason J.; Patola, Wayne B.; Fenton, David M.; Gillies, Jean H.; Vos, Patrick M.; Jacobson, Jon A.


    The evaluation of articular cartilage currently relies primarily on the identification of morphological alterations of the articular cartilage. Unlike anatomic imaging, T2 mapping is sensitive to changes in the chemical composition and structure of the cartilage. Clinical evaluation of T2 mapping of the glenohumeral joint has not been previously reported. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the feasibility of magnetic resonance T2 mapping of the glenohumeral joint in routine clinica...

  6. Sustitutos e injertos de piel desarrollados por ingeniería de tejidos


    Chaves-Rodríguez, María Inés; Calvo-Castro, Laura A.; Alvarado-Meza, Ricardo; Madrigal-Monge, Olman; Ulloa-Fernández, Andrea; Centeno-Cerdas, Carolina


    Tissue Engineering strategies for tissue and organ regeneration have allowed the fabrication and commercialization of diverse skin substitutes, which have been applied in different parts of the world on human patients over the course of the last 30 years. These grafts have been developed using biodegradable materials (of natural or synthetic origin) as scaffolds for the adhesion and proliferation of cells that may be of different origins (autologous, allogenic and xenogenic). The main clinica...

  7. La función de lo imaginario en el juego.


    Cruz Aponasenko, Alexander


    Recibido: Agosto.2012 Aceptado: Septiembre.2012 Este trabajo revisa la influencia de los factores imaginarios del juego en la estructuración subjetiva y la conformación del fantasma en los niños a partir del juego. Se propone ampliar la concepción de juego que se tiene en la clinica de niños y poner en tensión la primacia de los simbolico frente a lo imaginario.

  8. Sulfur status in long distance runners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovacs, L; Zamboni, C; Lourenço, T; Macedo, D


    In sports medicine, sulfur plays an important role and its deficiency can cause muscle injury affecting the performance of the athletes. However, its evaluation is unusual in conventional clinical practice. In this study the sulfur levels were determined in Brazilian amateur athlete's blood using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA) technique. Twenty six male amateur runners, age 18 to 36 years, participated of this study. The athletes had a balanced diet, without multivitamin/mineral supplements. The blood collection was performed at LABEX (Laboratoriode Bioquimica do Exercicio, UNICAMP-SP) and the samples were irradiated for 300 seconds in a pneumatic station in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 3-4.5MW, pool type) at IPEN/CNEN-SP. The results were compared with the control group (subjects of same age but not involved with physical activities) and showed that the sulfur concentration was 44% higher in amateurs athletes than control group. These data can be considered for preparation of balanced diet, as well as contributing for proposing new protocols of clinical evaluation. (paper)

  9. Sulfur status in long distance runners (United States)

    Kovacs, L.; Zamboni, C.; Lourenço, T.; Macedo, D.


    In sports medicine, sulfur plays an important role and its deficiency can cause muscle injury affecting the performance of the athletes. However, its evaluation is unusual in conventional clinical practice. In this study the sulfur levels were determined in Brazilian amateur athlete's blood using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA) technique. Twenty six male amateur runners, age 18 to 36 years, participated of this study. The athletes had a balanced diet, without multivitamin/mineral supplements. The blood collection was performed at LABEX (Laboratoriode Bioquimica do Exercicio, UNICAMP-SP) and the samples were irradiated for 300 seconds in a pneumatic station in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 3-4.5MW, pool type) at IPEN/CNEN-SP. The results were compared with the control group (subjects of same age but not involved with physical activities) and showed that the sulfur concentration was 44% higher in amateurs athletes than control group. These data can be considered for preparation of balanced diet, as well as contributing for proposing new protocols of clinical evaluation.

  10. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: A Review of Emerging Issues and Technologies


    Deeb, Wissam; Giordano, James J.; Rossi, Peter J.; Mogilner, Alon Y.; Gunduz, Aysegul; Judy, Jack W.; Klassen, Bryan T.; Butson, Christopher R.; Van Horne, Craig; Deny, Damiaan; Dougherty, Darin D.; Rowell, David; Gerhardt, Greg A.; Smith, Gwenn S.; Ponce, Francisco A.


    This paper provides an overview of current progress in the technological advances and the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, as presented by participants of the Fourth Annual DBS Think Tank, which was convened in March 2016 in conjunction with the Center for Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration at the University of Florida, Gainesveille FL, USA. The Think Tank discussions first focused on policy and advocacy in DBS research and clinica...

  11. Association between Urine Fluoride and Dental Fluorosis as a Toxicity Factor in a Rural Community in the State of San Luis Potosi


    Jarquín-Yañez, Lizet; Mejía-Saavedra, José de Jesús; Molina-Frechero, Nelly; Gaona, Enrique; Rocha-Amador, Diana Olivia; López-Guzmán, Olga Dania; Bologna-Molina, Ronell


    Objective. The aim of this study is to investigate urine fluoride concentration as a toxicity factor in a rural community in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Materials and Methods. A sample of 111 children exposed to high concentrations of fluoride in drinking water (4.13?mg/L) was evaluated. Fluoride exposure was determined by measuring urine fluoride concentration using the potentiometric method with an ion selective electrode. The diagnosis of dental fluorosis was performed by clinica...

  12. Gender Dependence in Mouth Opening Dimensions in Normal Adult Malaysians Population


    Shaari, Ramizu; Hwa, Teoh Eng; Rahman, Shaifulizan Abdul


    While measurement of mouth opening is an important clinica examination in diagnosis and management of oral disease, data on non-Western populations are limited. This study was therefore conducted to determine the range of mouth opening in normal Malaysian male and female adults. A total of 34 dental students of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) were chosen randomly and their maximum mouth opening was measured after being asked to open their mouth sufficiently to accommodate three fingers. Measu...

  13. The impact of oral health on the quality of life of nursing home residents


    Porter, Jessie; Ntouva, Antiopi; Read, Andrew; Murdoch, Mandy; Ola, Dennis; Tsakos, Georgios


    Background Good oral health in older residents of nursing homes is important for general health and quality of life. Very few studies have assessed how oral symptoms affect residents? quality of life. Objective To assess the clinical and subjective oral health, including oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL), and the association of oral symptoms with OHRQoL in older people residing in nursing homes in Islington, London. Method Overall, 325 residents from nine nursing homes were clinica...

  14. Generation of electric power through wind-diesel hybrid system for a hospital; Geracao de energia eletrica atraves de sistema hibrido diesel-eolico para um hospital

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeida, Silvio Carlos Anibal de; Freire, Raphael Lopes [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (DEM/UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica], e-mail:, e-mail:


    This paper presents a wind-diesel hybrid power simulation using the software Homer. The model is applied to the case study of Hospital das Clinicas da UNICAMP Analysis of several alternative energy facilities like wind, photovoltaic (PV), and connection of the isolated system with the grid is done. The costs used in the simulation indicated that the best results were obtained with the wind-diesel system. The payback period for the investment in the system is 8 years. (author)

  15. Egg introduction: differential allergic responses


    Dosanjh, Amrita


    Amrita Dosanjh Medical Center, Rady Childrens Hospital, San Diego, CA, USA Abstract: The use of egg protein preparations in clinical trials to reduce the incidence of egg allergy among infants includes a number of preparations of egg. These include whole egg, egg white protein, and egg yolk preparations. The study of the differential immune responses to these allergenic proteins in comparison is suggested as a future research area of investigation. Keywords: food allergy, egg allergy, clinica...

  16. Efectos de Bisfosfonatos sobre el hueso y su repercusión sobre el movimiento Ortodóncico: Revisión de la literatura


    Villoria, Carmen


    En esta revision de la literatua, se obtuvo informaion acerca de los bisfosfonatos sobre el hueso y las aplicaciones clinicas que tienen durante el movimiento de los dientes en ortodoncia los bisfosfonatos son una familia de drogas usadas atualmente en medicina para combatir afecciones oseas como: Osteoporosis, metastasis oseas, osteolosis, en mielomas, enfermedad de paget, etc. en odontologia, el efecto mas notable entre otros es el de anclaje a nivel local durante el movimiento ortodoncio d...

  17. Compact device for the extraction of sup(99m)TcO4Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pliego, O.H.; Mitta, A.E.A.


    A non automatic device for the extraction of sup(99m)TcO 4 Na by liquid-liquid extraction method is described. It has been developed at the Laboratory of Labelled Molecules of the CNEA and was installed at the Nuclear Medicine Centre of the Hospital de Clinicas Jose de San Martin. The solutions of sup(99m)TcO 4 Na are used for the labelling of radiopharmaceuticals and also for making radiodiagnosis. (author) [es

  18. Cornice epistemologica e metodologica del modello sistemico pluralista

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecilia Edelstein


    Full Text Available L’articolo illustra il modello di lavoro che si è sviluppato negli ultimi trent’anni, attraverso l’intreccio tra ricerca, formazione, clinica e lavori di comunità, e che ha dato spazio all’approccio sistemico pluralista in ambito interculturale. Quest’ultimo ha sviluppato una cornice che comprende lo sviluppo di nuovi concetti, metodologie di lavoro e tecniche specifiche che attingono a teorie diverse. L’articolo, quindi, offre un quadro epistemologico, ma anche metodologico e concettuale.






  20. Humility Through Humiliation in Continuity Clinic. (United States)

    Lelkes, Efrat


    For freshly minted MDs, residency represents a period of transition from being a medical student to becoming a physician. This evolution is often fraught. Continuity clinic-a mandatory component of pediatric residency training-can be a battleground for this tribulation. This essay explores the author's journey from the first days of her continuity clinic to the last. The author recounts her struggles, her fears, her certainty of being an imposter, and her steps towards becoming a pediatrician.

  1. A rare case of anasarca caused by infiltration of the pituitary gland by diffuse large B-cell lymphoma


    Kumabe, Ayako; Kenzaka, Tsuneaki; Nishimura, Yoshioki; Aikawa, Masaki; Mori, Masaki; Matsumura, Masami


    Background Anasarca in patients with lymphoma is a rare symptom. We report a patient with DLBCL associated with pituitary gland infiltration that was diagnosed based on significant anasarca. Case presentation A 72-year-old woman with a 10-year history of hypertension visited a local hospital presenting with anasarca and 15-kg weight gain in the past 3?months. we clinically diagnosed central hypothyroidism caused by pituitary gland infiltration of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (clinica...

  2. Risks and Benefits of Commonly used Herbal Medicines in México


    Rodriguez-Fragoso, Lourdes; Reyes-Esparza, Jorge; Burchiel, Scott; Herrera-Ruiz, Dea; Torres, Eliseo


    In Mexico, local empirical knowledge about medicinal properties of plants is the basis for their use as home remedies. It is generally accepted by many people in Mexico and elsewhere in the world that beneficial medicinal effects can be obtained by ingesting plant products. In this review, we focus on the potential pharmacologic bases for herbal plant efficacy, but we also raise concerns about the safety of these agents, which have not been fully assessed. Although numerous randomized clinica...

  3. Alternativas para enfrentar las actuales exigencias del mercado de espárrago (Asparagus officinalis L. verde en Argentina. 2. Tendencias de la demanda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana M. Castagnino


    Full Text Available El espárrago constituye una hortaliza muy valorada a nivel global, cuya difusión en Argentina es limitada, por lo cual se requiere de estrategias para fomentar su consumo. A tal fin se realizó una encuesta (10/11/2009 en Azul, Argentina, estudiando: preferencias acerca del consumo, beneficios de su consumo (B, calibre (C y longitud (L de turiones, tipo de envase (E, conocimiento sobre vida útil de las presentaciones (TVU, presencia de etiquetas (PE y características como color de fondo (CF y de letras (CL, lugar de compra (LC, tiempo (Ti desde la compra hasta el consumo y prioridad (P para la compra (calidad o precio, entre otros ítems. Los encuestados manifestaron preferencias de consumo de espárragos verdes y en platos calientes, mostrando desinterés por el consumo de espárragos enlatados. En B, > 95 % demostró conocer las propiedades nutricionales y saludables de los espárragos. 71 % mostró interés por calibre mediano y un 75 % cortos (15-20 cm. Respecto de E, prefirieron las presentaciones en bandejas y atados con film, y con presencia de etiquetas, color de fondo llamativo (naranja y amarillo y letra negra. El 81,1 % adquieren espárragos mediante venta directa y 50 % manifestó que transcurre entre 2 días y 1 semana entre la adquisición y el consumo, prefiriéndolos frescos y no congelados. En P, el 90 % priorizó calidad en lugar del precio. Estos resultados indican que los consumidores no son indiferentes a los atributos de presentación del producto, por lo cual los empresarios deberían esforzarse por mejorar las dimensiones de la calidad del producto, por lo que se verían recompensados.

  4. Alternativas para enfrentar las actuales exigencias del mercado de espárrago (Asparagus officinalis L. verde en Argentina. 2. Tendencias de la demanda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana M. Castagnino


    Full Text Available El espárrago constituye una hortaliza muy valorada a nivel global, cuya difusión en Argentina es limitada, por lo cual se requiere de estrategias para fomentar su consumo. A tal fin se realizó una encuesta (10/11/2009 en Azul, Argentina, estudiando: preferencias acerca del consumo, beneficios de su consumo (B, calibre (C y longitud (L de turiones, tipo de envase (E, conocimiento sobre vida útil de las presentaciones (TVU, presencia de etiquetas (PE y características como color de fondo (CF y de letras (CL, lugar de compra (LC, tiempo (Ti desde la compra hasta el consumo y prioridad (P para la compra (calidad o precio, entre otros ítems. Los encuestados manifestaron preferencias de consumo de espárragos verdes y en platos calientes, mostrando desinterés por el consumo de espárragos enlatados. En B, > 95 % demostró conocer las propiedades nutricionales y saludables de los espárragos. 71 % mostró interés por calibre mediano y un 75 % cortos (15-20 cm. Respecto de E, prefirieron las presentaciones en bandejas y atados con film, y con presencia de etiquetas, color de fondo llamativo (naranja y amarillo y letra negra. El 81,1 % adquieren espárragos mediante venta directa y 50 % manifestó que transcurre entre 2 días y 1 semana entre la adquisición y el consumo, prefiriéndolos frescos y no congelados. En P, el 90 % priorizó calidad en lugar del precio. Estos resultados indican que los consumidores no son indiferentes a los atributos de presentación del producto, por lo cual los empresarios deberían esforzarse por mejorar las dimensiones de la calidad del producto, por lo que se verían recompensados.

  5. [Scientific productivity, collaboration and research areas in Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (2003-2007)]. (United States)

    González-Alcaide, Gregorio; Valderrama-Zurián, Juan Carlos; Ramos-Rincón, José Manuel


    Collaboration is essential for biomedical research. The Carlos III Health Institute (the Spanish national public organization responsible for promoting biomedical research) has encouraged scientific collaboration by promoting Thematic Networks and Cooperative Research Centres. Scientific collaboration in Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clinica journal is investigated. Papers published in Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clinica in the period 2002-2007 have been identified. Bibliometrics and Social Network Analysis methods have been carried out in order to quantify and characterise scientific collaboration and research areas. A total of 805 papers generated by 2,289 authors and 326 institutions have been analysed. There were 36 research groups involving 138 authors identified. The Collaboration Index for articles was 5.5. Institutional collaboration was determined in 75% of articles. The collaboration between departments or units of the same institution prevails (43%), followed by intra-regional domestic collaboration (41%) and inter-regional domestic collaboration (14%). Hospital centres were the main institutional sector responsible of research (88% of papers), with 68% of articles cited. Sida/VIH (AIDS/HIV) is the main research area (n=114), followed by Staphylococcal Infections (n=33). Notable collaboration and citation rates have been observed. Research is focused on diseases with the highest mortality rates caused by infectious diseases in Spain. Copyright © 2009 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  6. Muscular cysticercosis: Case report and imaging findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olmo, Neide Regina Simoes; Fiorio, Ulysses Ferreira; Clemente, Marcel Andreazza, E-mail: [Clinica Mult Imagem, Santos, SP (Brazil); Bastos, Eder Amaral [Universidade Metropolitana de Santos (UNIMES), Santos, SP (Brazil); Mendes, Gustavo Gomes [AC Camargo Cancer Center, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Cysticercosis is a parasitic disease caused by a worm of the Cestoda class. The most prevalent form affects the nervous system. This case report is from a 78-year old female patient evaluated at Clinica Mult Imagem, in the city of Santos, Brazil, who presented a form of the disease that differed from the classic neurocysticercosis, in this case muscular cysticercosis. This and other forms of manifestation justify further studies to ensure adequate recognition, diagnosis and treatment of this parasitic disease. (author)

  7. Lupic nephropathy: a case control study in Medellín, Colombia Nefropatía lúpica: estudio de 156 casos


    Fernando Zambrano; Javier Molina; Carmen E. Cerón


    By means of a case-control study we analyzed the cllnlcal histories of 297 patients with systemic erythematous lupus, that were seen at the out-patient section of the Rheumatology Service, Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, in Medellín, Colombia, between 1970 and 1987. Renal involvement was documented in 156 (52.5%) cases while in 94 (31.6%) there were alterations in the urinary sediment without clinica...

  8. Construcao de subconjuntos terminologicos: contribuicoes a pratica clinica do enfermeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Wilker Bezerra Clares


    Full Text Available A Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem (CIPE® é um sistema de classificação unificador dos elementos da prática de enfermagem (diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções, que possibilita elucidar elementos da linguagem própria da Enfermagem por meio da construção de subconjuntos terminológicos. Neste ensaio reflexivo, destacam-se aspectos relevantes para a construção de subconjuntos terminológicos CIPE®, bem como suas contribuições para a prática clínica do enfermeiro. Discute-se a elaboração de subconjuntos como ferramenta que contribui para a universalização da linguagem da Enfermagem, facilita o processo comunicativo, bem como o avanço científico e tecnológico da profissão. Portanto, incentiva-se seu uso por enfermeiros de todo o mundo.

  9. Factors Affecting Resident Satisfaction in Continuity Clinic-a Systematic Review. (United States)

    Stepczynski, J; Holt, S R; Ellman, M S; Tobin, D; Doolittle, Benjamin R


    In recent years, with an increasing emphasis on time spent in ambulatory training, educators have focused attention on improving the residents' experience in continuity clinic. The authors sought to review the factors associated with physician trainee satisfaction with outpatient ambulatory training. A systematic literature review was conducted for all English language articles published between January 1980 and December 2016 in relevant databases, including Medline (medicine), CINAHL (nursing), PSYCHinfo (psychology), and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Clinical Trials. Search terms included internship and residency, satisfaction, quality of life, continuity of care, ambulatory care, and medical education. We included studies that directly addressed resident satisfaction in the ambulatory setting through interventions that we considered reproducible. Three hundred fifty-seven studies were reviewed; 346 studies were removed based on exclusion criteria with 11 papers included in the final review. Seven studies emphasized aspects of organizational structure such as block schedules, working in teams, and impact on resident-patient continuity (continuity between resident provider and patient as viewed from the provider's perspective). Four studies emphasized the importance of a dedicated faculty for satisfaction. The heterogeneity of the studies precluded aggregate analysis. Clinic structures that limit inpatient and outpatient conflict and enhance continuity, along with a dedicated outpatient faculty, are associated with greater resident satisfaction. Implications for further research are discussed.

  10. Estudo de produção enzimatica da dextrana clinica


    Juan Heraldo Viloche Bazan


    Resumo: Este trabalho consiste na obtenção "in vitro" de dextrana clínica a partir da sacarose utilizando a enzima dextrana-sacarase obtida pela fermentação do Leuconostoc mesenteroides linhagem NRRL B512-F. A dextrana clínica, de peso molecular médio 40.000 daltons, tem sua aplicação consagrada como expansor volumétrico de sangue humano. A enzima foi produzida por fermentação e purificada usando ultrafiltração, separada com o uso de polietilenoglicol de peso molecular 1500 daltons e estocada...

  11. Interstitial brachytherapy with 192-IR in treatment of recurrent malignant primary brain tumors. Braquiterapia intersticial con iridio-192 en el tratamiento de recidivas de tumores cerebrales tras cirugia y radioterapia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cardenes, R.; Martinez, R.; Victoria, C.; Nuez, L.; Clavo, B.; Sancedo, G. (Clinica Puerta de Hierro. Madrid (Spain))


    Seven patients with recurrent malignant primary brain tumors after surgery and radiation therapy were treated at the Clinica Puerta de Hierro (Madrid) by interstitial brachytherapy with 192-Ir sources. Implantations were performed using computerized tomography and dose prescription were determined following the Paris system rules for interstitial implants. The means dose deliberated was 50 to 65 Gy to the reference isodoses. At the last follow-up all patients except for one are alive and without evidence of progression of the disease. (Author) 35 refs.

  12. Iliosacral screw fixations of posterior pelvic ring injuries guided by TAC scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olarte Salazar, Carlos Mario; Pasantez Hoyos, Rodrigo; Fonseca, Alejandra


    An observational and descriptive study of a series was conducted between February 2001 and November 2002 at the departments of orthopedics and traumatology of the hospital de San Jose, Clinica Palermo and Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota. 10 patients (12 fractures) with unstable lesions of the pelvic ring, on whom TAC guided percutaneous fixation of the posterior portion of the pelvic ring was performed. Six of the patients were female (60%) and four were male (40%) and average age 33.4 years (16 to 54 years)

  13. Using a voucher system to extend health services to migrant farmworkers.


    Slesinger, D P; Ofstead, C


    FAMILY HEALTH/LA CLINICA de los Campesinos, Inc., is a federally funded migrant health clinic in the heart of Wisconsin's farmland that has offered outpatient health care since 1973 and an accompanying "voucher" program since 1988. The charges for outpatient care are based on the ability to pay. The clinic issues vouchers not only to migrant workers living and working in remote parts of the State but also to patients needing services the clinic does not offer. Between 1 April 1992 and 30 Marc...

  14. Interstitial brachytherapy with 192-IR in treatment of recurrent malignant primary brain tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cardenes, R.; Martinez, R.; Victoria, C.; Nunez, L.; Clavo, B.; Sancedo, G.


    Seven patients with recurrent malignant primary brain tumors after surgery and radiation therapy were treated at the Clinica Puerta de Hierro (Madrid) by interstitial brachytherapy with 192-Ir sources. Implantations were performed using computerized tomography and dose prescription were determined following the Paris system rules for interstitial implants. The means dose deliberated was 50 to 65 Gy to the reference isodoses. At the last follow-up all patients except for one are alive and without evidence of progression of the disease. (Author) 35 refs

  15. United States Air Force Research Initiation Program. 1984 Research Reports. Volume 2. (United States)


    differential determination of adrenaline and noradrenaline in plasma." Clinica Chemica Acta. Vol. 30, pp. 373-376, 1970. 37. Stegemann, J., U. Meier, W...34%" . 1. Agh-anian, G. K. and R. Y. Wang. Physiology and Pharma - coloay cf central serotonergic neurons. In: Psych ph cl . j aGe tion A of P M...34, AIAA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 1980,"[ ’ "<. .’ip p . 1 1 - 1 5 . 39. Rotta, J.C., "Temperaturverteilungen in der Turbulenten Grenzschicht an

  16. Elaboración de una guía de práctica clínica con enfoque homeopático para el manejo de la enfermedad diarreica aguda infantil, con la utilización de la herramienta adapte 2.0 / Development of a practical guide to clinical management homeopathic approaches to acute diarrhea in children with the use of the tool adapte 2.0


    Chamorro Rojas, Juliana


    La homeopatia es un sistema medico usado en el manejo de pacientes pediatricos cuya demanda ha sido creciente en los ultimos anos, al igual que la aloptia esta sujeta a los requirimientos legales para su practica clinica. En el anexo tecnico 01 de la Resolución N°. 1043 de 3 de abril de 2006 la ley colombiana establece las condiciones de los prestadores de salud para la habilitacion de servicios y fija los requerimientos minimos para la practica medica. Dentro de las condiciones contempla la ...

  17. El Uso de Servicios de Salud Mexicanos por Ciudadanos Estadounidenses en Tijuana


    Arredondo, Jorge


    El desarrollo del sector servtctos ha modificado el espectro no solo de Ia planeaci6n econ6mica de una ciudad sino tambien de Ia planeaci6n fisica. Tal es el caso de Ia ciudad fronteriza mexicana de Tijuana que presenta un notable incremento en actividades relacionadas con Ia salud por ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos de America, generando un incremento en Ia cantidad de clinicas y hospitales en zonas especificas de dicha ciudad, misma que no cuenta con los requerimientos necesarios de equipa...

  18. La ricerca narrativa in psicologia: in fondamento per la formazione

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santo Di Nuovo


    Full Text Available Proprio le metodologie qualitative di verifica del lavoro clinico, quelle narrative in particolare [...] offrono un potente strumento di mediazione tra il rigore scientifico e la possibilità di condividere principi e criteri nella comunità dei ricercatori, e l’accettazione di una complessità di approccio al lavoro clinico che solo metodologie olistiche e non riduttive possono garantire. Le scuole di formazione alla psicologia clinica possono ampiamente avvalersi di queste metodologie, con sicuro beneficio sulla qualità complessiva della formazione stessa.

  19. [Increasing difficulties for scientific publication in Venezuela]. (United States)

    Ryder, Elena


    A very important increase in the costs of the edition of scientific journals has taken place in Venezuela, due to difficulties in obtaining imported free acid paper and other materials used for handling documents. Like other journals, Investigaci6n Clinica has been considering switching completely to a digital publication format; however there are several reasons that prevent us to doing it at this time: the journal is distributed in printed form to many national institutions, which do not have immediate access to digital information. In addition, there exists a commitment of shipment of printed issues for some international indices and in exchange with other national and foreign journals, whose printed format we receive. Another important aspect is that our University maintains a weak technological platform that makes difficult the immediacy required for the interchange with authors and consulted referees of received papers; and there is a latent danger of limitations in the use of digital technologies, due to current national politic problems. Consequently, we need to continue with the printed format, but must reduce the amount of printed issues, so as not to limit the number of papers published in each edition. Nevertheless, there is an ever increasing number of contributions from foreign researches and Investigaci6n Clinica has been recently included in two new international indices, the SEIIC from Argentina and the Infobase Index from India, reasons that obligate us to maintain our levels of excellence and commitment to our authors and readers.

  20. Estudo clínico epidemiológico de quistos e tumores odontogénicos numa população hospitalar


    Santiago, Ana Catarina de Almeida


    Os quistos e tumores maxilares, em particular os odontogénicos, representam um conjunto de patologias que surgem na cavidade oral sob variadas manifestações clinicas e imagiológicas. Podem conduzir a graves sequelas, desde deformações faciais até transformação maligna. O estudo retrospetivo realizado estudou as características clinico epidemiológicas dos Quistos e Tumores Odontogénicos e o impacto dos queratoquistos nos Tumores Odontogénicos, segundo a classificação da OMS de 2005. Selecionar...

  1. Da lesão à disfunção: um caso invulgar de hipertensão renovascular


    Pimentel, Ana; Cabrita, Ana; Jeronimo, Teresa; Ministro, Augusto; Bernardo, Idalecio; Neves, Pedro Leao


    A hipertensão arterial resistente e uma condição clinica que carece de investigação etiológica, cujo objectivo e identificar causas secundarias passiveis de serem corrigidas. Os autores descrevem uma apresentação rara de hipertensão secundaria. O caso consiste num doente que e seguido em consulta externa desde Janeiro de 2012 por insuficiência renal e hipertensão diagnosticadas ha um ano. Foi realizado um estudo etiológico no qual constou um estudo endocrinológico que demonstrou um hiperaldos...

  2. As terapias de imagens mentais como recurso terapêutico complementar na tireoidite de Hashimoto: um estudo bibliográfico


    Hilel, Alexandre Santana


    Esta pesquisa enfoca um estudo bibliográfico das Terapias de Imagens Mentais como uma proposta terapêutica para abordagem da Tireoidite de Hashimoto. Teve sua origem através da observação empírica de resultados da atuação clinica do pesquisador, usando-se a imaginação dirigida na diminuição da contagem laboratorial de auto-anticorpos presentes na tireoidite. O presente trabalho é organizado em um capítulo de apresentação da Tireoidite de Hashimoto em seus aspectos prevalência, ...

  3. Clinical and ECG investigations in subjects with acute carbon monoxide poisoning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Capellini, A; Tomasini, M; Limonta, A


    Research carried out on more than 100 workers hospitalized for acute CO poisoning at the Milan Clinica del Lavoro and some 50 subjects undergoing treatment at the Milan polyclinic. The purpose of the research was to investigate the incidence and frequency of myocardial and coronary impairment in cases of acute CO poisoning. The authors concluded from their clinical and ECG findings that myocardial and coronary impairment in subjects suffering from acute CO poisoning was rarely serious or irreversible unless there was preexistent coronary disease. (CIS Abstr. Vol. 2)


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    T.A. Chebotareva


    Full Text Available The pathogenetic approach to treatment of symptoms of normal vaccinal process in children after standard vaccination, based on the results of application of anti9inflammatory medications — ibuprofen (nurofen for children and paracetamol is presented in this article. Clinical activity of ibuprofen was established on the basis of clinica catamnestic observation of 856 vaccinated children aged from 3 months to 3 years. recommendations for application of these medications as a treatment for a correction of vaccinal reactions are given.Key words: children, ibuprofen, paracetamol, vaccination.

  5. [Construction and implementation of two quality indicators in nursing services]. (United States)

    de Moura, Gisela Maria Schebela Souto; Juchem, Beatriz Cavalcanti; Falk, Maria Lucia Rodrigues; de Magalhães, Ana Maria Muller; Suzuki, Lyliam Midori


    Indicators monitor the quality of services and improve the attention offered to the patients. Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has been developing strategies to assess its services according to its institutional management policy of quality The present study aims to report the experience at this university hospital with the construction and implementation of quality indicators in its nursing services. In 2006, four indicators were established: incidence of pressure ulcer, with a goal of quality of nursing services, for this is a large hospital.

  6. Il romanzo paterno in adolescenza: Laio dimenticato dalla psicoanalisi

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    Arturo Casoni


    Full Text Available Il Complesso di Edipo ha ricevuto dal movimento psicoanalitico, sempre o quasi, una declinazione che sceglieva come attori principali il figlio maschio e la madre, con l’intervento successivo del padre. Si è così costruita una sorta di mitologia eterosessuale di quel triangolo, lasciando aperto il lato che collega il figlio al padre. Si tenta qui di saldare la parte mancante, a partire dalla narrazione del mito e arrivando alle dinamiche psichiche che caratterizzano le famiglie contemporanee, con particolare attenzione alla clinica dell’adolescenza contemporanea. 

  7. Concentrations of ions and metals in blood of amateur and elite runners using NAA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovacs, L.; Zamboni, C.B.; Nunes, L.A.S.; Lourenco, T.F.; Macedo, D.V.


    Intense physical training is known to be associated with increased mineral losses through sweating (during the exercise) and also through urine (after the exercise). Nowadays physical training is recognized for adapting or damaging the muscles, depending on the intensity and duration of the effort, provoking detectable metabolic alterations in blood, mainly in the content of some ions. In this study Br, Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Na and S levels were investigated in blood of Brazilian athletes that were submitted to constant physical exercise, at Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio (LABEX/UNICAMP) using Neutron Activation Analyses technique (NAA). The blood samples were collected from male amateurs and elite athletes, ranging from 18 to 36 years old. The blood samples were irradiated in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 3-4.5 MW, pool type) at IPEN/Sao Paulo-Brazil. The concentrations data were compared with the control group (subjects of same gender and age but not involved with physical activities). These data can be useful for evaluating the performance of endurance athletes during the period of competition preparation as well as to propose new evaluation of protocols not yet reported. (author)


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    Karina Aparecida de Freitas Dias de Souza


    Full Text Available Com base na evidente falta de recursos para a realização de atividades experimentaisespecialmente em estabelecimentos públicos de ensino médio regular e técnico, e nocrescimento acentuado no uso de computadores na escola, o presente trabalhoapresenta um guia de aulas práticas de Bioquímica, que tem por objetivocomplementar as aulas presenciais, não substituindo outras matérias nem servindocomo único contato dos estudantes com as práticas laboratoriais, mas contribuindocom uma ferramenta de aprendizado no auxílio ao discente e ao docente. O siteapresenta-se sob a forma de textos interativos, incluindo uma introdução teórica aostópicos de interesse à Bioquímica de Alimentos e roteiros para a realização dosexperimentos, sempre acompanhados de uma seqüência de fotografiasdemonstrativas que permitem ao usuário acompanhar o experimento virtualmente. Osite encontra-se hospedado no portal da UNESP, no endereço, onde foram disponibilizadosformulários, que objetivam a avaliação e constante melhora do material.

  9. Clinical applications of cells labelling; Aplicaciones clinicas del marcado de celulas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez, B M [Instituto Nacional de Pediatria (Mexico)


    Blood cells labelled with radionuclides are reviewed and main applications are described. Red blood cell labelling by both random and specific principle. A table with most important clinical uses, 99mTc labelling of RBC are described pre tinning and in vivo reduction of Tc, in vitro labelling and administration of labelled RBC and in vivo modified technique. Labelled leucocytes with several 99mTc-complex radiopharmaceuticals by in vitro technique and specific monoclonal s for white cells(neutrofiles). Labelled platelets for clinical use and research by in vitro technique and in vivo labelling.

  10. Guías clinicas de RCP y SRI enfermería


    Donis Mulero, Elena


    La reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) es un procedimiento de emergencia para salvar vidas que se lleva a cabo cuando una persona se encuentra en parada cardiorrespiratoria (PCR). Tanto la técnica de RCP como la de intubación, son aspectos olvidados por los profesionales de la salud. Recopilar las últimas recomendaciones sobre RCP para poder elaborar un programa sencillo enfocado a la enfermería. Elaborar una guía sencilla de secuencia rápida de intubación (SRI). Revisión bibliográfica en la que...

  11. [Food status peculiarities, anthropometric, clinica and biochemical indices at professional sportsmen]. (United States)

    Gapparova, K M; Nikitiuk, D B; Zaĭnudinov, Z M; Tserekh, A A; Chekhonina, Iu G; Golubeva, A A; Sil'vestrova, G A; Rusakova, D S; Grigor'ian, O N


    Under steady state conditions in 66 athletes involved in weightlifting, bodybuilding, judo and taekwondo have studied features of the metabolic status. Data on matter-of-fact nutrition, body weight content within the inter-competition period, energy exchange, clinical and biochemical indices and physical acceptability indices were analyzed. As a result, the decrease indexes of metabolism at all the sportsmen and high-level caloric value at sportsmen who are engaged in weightlifting, which corresponds their energy expenditures, was revealed.

  12. Encouraging planetary sciences students at the Master level with observations using small telescopes that lead to their publication (United States)

    Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria, I.; del Rio Gaztelurrutia, T.; Illarramendi, M. A.; Perez-Hoyos, S.; Hueso, R.; Rojas, J. F.


    We present a set of practical experiments carried out with the students of the Master in Space Science and Technology of the University of the Basque Country (A. Sanchez-Lavega et al., Eur. J. of Eng. Education. 2014) using small telescopes that have been published in refereed journals. The telescopes (from 15 to 50 cm in aperture) and instruments pertain to the Aula EspaZio Gela Observatory ( The students have participated in some cases as co-authors of the publications or in presentations at meetings which encourages them to continue their scientific career towards PhD studies. Dedicated observations with these small telescopes with the participation of the planetary amateur community have also been employed in scientific research and publications. A series of examples are presented.


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    Theotônio dos Santos


    Full Text Available La temática del desarrollo, bajo diversas formas y presentaciones, ha sido una constante en el pensamiento social latinoamericano. El siglo XIX estuvo, en gran parte, dominado por el debate entre civilización y barbarie. La élite "criolla" veía sus países retrasarse cada vez más dentro de un mundo en muy rápida evolución, en el cual prevalecían los valores culturales de Europa occidental. Este atraso parecía explicarse por la presencia cultural, social y étnica mayoritariamente no europea. Dentro de la supuesta confrontación entre el Occidente avanzado y el Oriente atrasado, los latinoamericanos se sentían más cercanos del Oriente que del Occidente.

  14. Anomalía del retorno venoso sistémico Drenaje anómalo de la vena cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda. Revisión de la literatura y reporte de caso

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    Giovanny Ríos, MD


    Full Text Available La anomalía total del retorno venoso sistémico tiene gran variedad de presentaciones; sin embargo, la patología de más baja frecuencia es el drenaje de vena cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda, hecho de peso para que en el mundo se reporten pocos casos. En la Fundación Clínica Abood Shaio se trató el caso de una paciente de seis años de edad con drenaje venoso total de cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda, mediante la técnica de movilización de cava superior y anastomosis cavo-atrial, y se obtuvieron buenos resultados. El caso es mención corresponde al número 21 en la literatura mundial.

  15. Integration of a clinical trial database with a PACS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Herk, M


    Many clinical trials use Electronic Case Report Forms (ECRF), e.g., from OpenClinica. Trial data is augmented if DICOM scans, dose cubes, etc. from the Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) are included for data mining. Unfortunately, there is as yet no structured way to collect DICOM objects in trial databases. In this paper, we obtain a tight integration of ECRF and PACS using open source software. Methods: DICOM identifiers for selected images/series/studies are stored in associated ECRF events (e.g., baseline) as follows: 1) JavaScript added to OpenClinica communicates using HTML with a gateway server inside the hospitals firewall; 2) On this gateway, an open source DICOM server runs scripts to query and select the data, returning anonymized identifiers; 3) The scripts then collects, anonymizes, zips and transmits selected data to a central trial server; 4) Here data is stored in a DICOM archive which allows authorized ECRF users to view and download the anonymous images associated with each event. Results: All integration scripts are open source. The PACS administrator configures the anonymization script and decides to use the gateway in passive (receiving) mode or in an active mode going out to the PACS to gather data. Our ECRF centric approach supports automatic data mining by iterating over the cases in the ECRF database, providing the identifiers to load images and the clinical data to correlate with image analysis results. Conclusions: Using open source software and web technology, a tight integration has been achieved between PACS and ECRF.

  16. Crianças e adolescentes que convivem com diabetes e doença celíaca


    Brancaglioni, Bianca de Cássia Alvarez; Rodrigues, Grasiele Caroline; Damião, Elaine Buchhorn Cintra; Queiroz, Márcia Silva; Nery, Márcia


    RESUMO Objetivo Compreender a experiência de crianças e adolescentes que convivem com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e doença celíaca. Método Estudo qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre janeiro e setembro de 2012, com 3 crianças e 2 adolescentes, em um ambulatório de diabetes do Hospital das Clinicas da FMUSP ou na residência dos participantes na cidade de São Paulo, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo como método de tra...

  17. Evaluación de la calidad de los registros de enfermería en la historia clínica por medio de la auditoría


    Setz, Vanessa Grespan; D'Innocenzo, Maria


    OBJETIVO: Desse modo o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar por meio da auditoria, a qualidade dos registros de enfermagem nos prontuários de pacientes atendidos em unidades de um hospital universitário do município de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: O estudo é descritivo, retrospectivo e o método foi pesquisa documental. Dos 424 prontuários analisados entre novembro de 2006 a janeiro de 2007, em diferentes unidades clinicas e cirúrgicas de um hospital universitário, 43,9% se referiam a óbitos e 56,1% a alt...

  18. A sindrome da tensão pre-menstrual : uma abordagem psicanalitica


    Vera Aparecida de Carvalho Zoldan


    Resumo: O interesse por esta pesquisa orienta-se sobre as questões surgidas na clinica psicanalítica a partir do atendimento de pacientes vítimas da Síndrome da Tensão Pré-Menstrual (STPM) e suas manifestações sintomáticas, não somente físicas, mas predominantemente psíquicas. Embora seja considerada pela Medicina como uma doença resultante das próprias alterações orgânicas e hormonais associadas ao ciclo reprodutor feminino, a análise psicanalítica revela a existência de relações particularm...

  19. Escala clínica para prever a adesão ao tratamento: transtorno bipolar do humor


    Marchi, Renato


    O Transtorno Bipolar do Humor (TBH) está associado a altas taxas de desajustes psicossociais e familiares, mortalidade e prejuízos econômicos. O tratamento visa o controle de episódios agudos e prevenção de novos episódios. As taxas de não - adesão ao tratamento são altas em TBH. Este trabalho teve por objetivo elaborar e validar uma escala de avaliação clinica , capaz de indicar a probabilidade de adesão ao tratamento medico clinico dos pacientes bipolares de ambos os gêneros. O procedimento...

  20. Revisión sistemática sobre el efecto analgésico de la crioterapia en el manejo del dolor de origen músculo esquelético Systematic review of the analgesic effect of cryotherapy in the management of musculoskeletal pain


    H.J. Gutiérrez Espinoza; I.P. Lavado Bustamante; S.J. Méndez Pérez


    Introducción: La Crioterapia es una modalidad de Termoterapia Superficial que se basa en la aplicación del frío como agente terapéutico, si bien es cierto, es ampliamente utilizada para el alivio del dolor, su indicación clinica tradicionalmente se ha sustentado en mecanismos de acción indirectos, sin una base científica o estudios clínicos que avalen su efectividad, se realizará una síntesis de la evidencia relativa a la efectividad de la crioterapia a través de una revisión sistemática de e...

  1. II Presentation of the B.R.G.M; II Presentacion del B.R.G.M

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Bureau de Recherche s Geologique s et Miniere s-BRGM from France has been explained in this issue 3 aims:subsoils knowledge; mineral resources exploration promotion and planning chores giving a brief explanation of their own history.

  2. Evaluación sensorial de diferentes presentaciones comerciales de dorada (Sparus Aurata L.) de acuicultura


    Santaella Pascual, Marina; Martínez Gracia, Carmen; Periago Castón, María Jesús; Santaella, J.


    El análisis o evaluación sensorial, se puede definir como el análisis de los alimentos a través de los sentidos. Desde la antigüedad se ha utilizado la valoración sensorial para aceptar o rechazar los alimentos, así como para asignarle un determinado valor comercial. El análisis sensorial presenta dos grandes ventajas: la rapidez y la sencillez, sin embargo, las sensaciones que motivan al rechazo o aceptación varían con el tiempo y el momento que se perciben, dependiendo tanto de la persona c...

  3. Infecciones del tracto urinario

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    K. Andrés Wurgaft, Dr.


    Full Text Available La infección del tracto urinario (ITU, con sus múltiples presentaciones clínicas, está entre las enfermedades infecciosas más frecuentes, tanto en pacientes ambulatorios como hospitalizados. El uso del examen de orina completa y de urocultivo debe ser racional. La bacteriuria asintomática no debe ser buscada ni tratada, en parte porque esto favorece el desarrollo de bacterias resistentes a antibióticos. Distintos cuadros clínicos requieren de distintas duraciones de terapia antibiótica, y tanto el exceso de días de tratamiento como su falta deben evitarse. Se requiere investigación en la búsqueda de estrategias más efectivas para prevenir las ITU recurrentes y en el desarrollo de nuevos antibióticos orales para las ITU resistentes.

  4. Legionnaires' disease in the renal transplant unit of "Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP": during a five year period (1988-1993 Doença dos legionários na Unidade de Transplante Renal (UTR do Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP, no período de 1988 a 1993

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    Neusa Augusta de Oliveira Mazieri


    Full Text Available Several reports have related Legionella pneumophila with pneumonia in renal transplant patients, however this association has not been systematically documented in Brazil. Therefore this paper reports the incidence, by serologycal assays, of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in these patients during a five year period. For this purpose sera from blood samples of 70 hospitalized patients with pneumonia from the Renal Transplant Unit of Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP collected at the acute and convalescent phase of infection were submitted to indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA to demonstrate anti-Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antibodies. Of these 70 patients studied during the period of 1988 to 1993,18 (25.71 % had significant rises in specific antibody titers for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. Incidence was interrupted following Hospital water decontamination procedures, with recurrence of infections after treatment interruption. In this study, the high susceptibility (25.71% of immunodepressed renal transplant patients to Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 nosocomial infections is documented. The importance of the implementation and maintenance of water decontamination measures for prophylaxis of the infection is also clearly evident.Embora vários trabalhos tem mostrado a presença de Legionella pneumophila associado a pneumopatias infecciosas em transplantados renais, tal associação não fora antes realizado de maneira sistemática no Brasil. Os autores julgaram oportuno a determinação da incidência por comprovação sorológica da Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1 em transplantados renais num período de 5 anos. Para tanto amostras de soros de 70 pacientes com pneumopatia infecciosa internados na UTR do HC-FMUSP, colhidos na fase aguda e convalescente da infecção, foram submetidas à reação de imunofluo-rescência indireta para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1. Dos 70 pacientes

  5. Determination of Br in blood of amateur runners using NAA and ITS correlation with adopted physical training

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovacs, Luciana; Zamboni, Cibele B.; Nunes, Lazaro A.S.; Lourenco, Thiago F.; Macedo, Denise V.


    Bromine (Br) is one of the most abundant trace elements in the biosphere, in the human body is present in blood (as bromide), lungs, liver and hair. There is no evidence in humans of bromide concentration in any particular organ that might indicate a specific physiological function and not enough information is available on bromine metabolism but, some studies report its use by eosinophilic leukocytes for immune defense and electrolytic balance. In this study the Br levels were determined in Brazilian amateur athlete's blood that performing physical exercise at (Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio (LABEX/UNICAMP-Brazil). The samples were collected from twenty six male athletes, ranging from 18 to 26 years old, at rest. The blood samples were irradiated in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 3-4.5MW, pool type) at IPEN/Sao Paulo - Brazil and were analyzed using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA) technique. These results were compared with the control group (subjects of same age but not involved with physical activities). The range established at rest for amateur runner (0.0040 - 0.0096 gL -1 ) when compared with control group (0.0074 - 0.0306 gL -1 ) suggests that there is a dependency of these limits in the function of the adopted physical training. (author)

  6. Concentrations of ions in blood or athletes using NAA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovacs, Luciana; Zamboni, Cibele B.; Loureno, Thiago F.; Nunes, Lazaro A.S.; Macedo, Denise V.


    Sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl) and potassium (K) are widely distributed in the body and are the mainly of body fluids electrolytes. K is the major intracellular ion. Na and Cl are the major extracellular ions. Therefore, Na and Cl can be regarded as the most important osmotically active electrolytes. The concentrations of these ions in body fluids are very tightly controlled. These electrolytes play central roles in electrolytic balances and current, in osmotic control, in the transport of organic metabolites by cells, and stabilization of poly electrolytes in cells. In this study Na, Cl and K levels were investigated in blood of athletes submitted to physical exercise at Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio (LABEX/UNICAMP - Brazil) using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA) technique. The blood samples were collected from six male athletes, ranging from 18 to 26 years old, before and after the physical training. These results were compared with the rest condition (before start the physical exercise), as well as with the control group (subjects of same age but not involved with physical activities), for checking the performance of the athletes during and after the exercise. The nuclear procedure adopted as NAA, it can be an alternative procedure to perform biochemistry analyses in blood, mainly when the biological material is scarce. (author)

  7. ADM1 applications for a hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge-filter bed reactor performance and for a batch thermophilic anaerobic digestion of thermally pretreated waste activated sludge

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    lván Ramirez


    Full Text Available Los procesos de la digestión anaerobia comprenden una red completa de reacciones bioquimicas y fisicoquímicas, secuenciales y paralelas. Los digestores anaerobios a menudo exhiben importantes problemas de estabilidad que sólo pueden ser evitados a través de apropiadas estrategias de control. Tales estrategias requieren, en general, para su implementación, del desarrollo de modelos matemáticos cuya finalidad es el de permitirnos mejor comprensión y optimización de los procesos de la digestión anaerobia, describiendo estas reacciones de una manera estructurada. Este trabajo revisa el modelo ADMI de la IWAy discute dos aplicaciones del modelo: la digestión anaerobia de las aguas residuales vinazas de las destilerias de vino corno sustrato en un reactor hibrido (UASFB y la digestión anaerobia termófila en batch de lodos activados con pre-tratamiento térmico. Las predicciones del modelo, usando los parámetros establecidos en este estudio, concuerdan bien con los resultados de las mediciones en las diferentes condiciones ensayadas. Los modelos resultantes explicaron la evolución dinámica de las principales variables, tanto en la fase liquida corno la fase gaseosa.

  8. Potassium evaluation in blood of Brazilian athletes using NAA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovacs, L.; Zamboni, C.B.; Nunes, L.A.S.; Lourenco, T.F.; Macedo, D. Vaz de


    Full text: According to nutrition sources an athlete needs per day at least one gram of potassium for keeping the correct mineral balance in the organism. Its deficiency or even instantaneous low concentration in blood can diminish the athlete performance originating nervous irritability, muscular weakness, and mental disorientation and in more several causes cardiac arrhythmias. In this study the K levels in blood were determined in athletes submitted to constant load exercise at treadmill at LABEX (Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio - UNICAMP, Brazil) using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA). The blood samples were collected from male athletes, age 18 to 26 years, before and after the physical training. Immediately after the collection an amount of 10 micro liters of whole blood was transferred to the filter paper and dried for a few minutes using an infrared lamp. To determine the concentration of potassium each sample was irradiated in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 2-4MW, pool type) at IPEN and was gamma counted using an HPGe Spectrometer of High Energy Resolution. The concentrations of the selected element, 1525keV related to the potassium activated 42 K, were calculated using in -house software. The potassium levels were evaluated before and after the physical exercise and the data were compared with the normal range. (author)

  9. Determination of Br in blood of amateur runners using NAA and ITS correlation with adopted physical training

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovacs, Luciana; Zamboni, Cibele B., E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Nunes, Lazaro A.S.; Lourenco, Thiago F.; Macedo, Denise V., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade de Campinas (LABEX/UNICAMP), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Bioquimica do Exercicio


    Bromine (Br) is one of the most abundant trace elements in the biosphere, in the human body is present in blood (as bromide), lungs, liver and hair. There is no evidence in humans of bromide concentration in any particular organ that might indicate a specific physiological function and not enough information is available on bromine metabolism but, some studies report its use by eosinophilic leukocytes for immune defense and electrolytic balance. In this study the Br levels were determined in Brazilian amateur athlete's blood that performing physical exercise at (Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio (LABEX/UNICAMP-Brazil). The samples were collected from twenty six male athletes, ranging from 18 to 26 years old, at rest. The blood samples were irradiated in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 3-4.5MW, pool type) at IPEN/Sao Paulo - Brazil and were analyzed using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA) technique. These results were compared with the control group (subjects of same age but not involved with physical activities). The range established at rest for amateur runner (0.0040 - 0.0096 gL{sup -1}) when compared with control group (0.0074 - 0.0306 gL{sup -1}) suggests that there is a dependency of these limits in the function of the adopted physical training. (author)


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    Francisco Javier Bonilla Escobar


    Full Text Available El consentimiento informado es una herramienta cotidiana en la práctica clínica; para comprenderlo se requiere de un proceso formativo y académico que genere las actitudes para proponer consentimientos informados éticamente aceptables y que estos abarquen la perspectiva del paciente. El consentimiento requiere de un uso adecuado y de su entendimiento por parte del paciente como del profesional de salud que lo administra, siendo de utilidad ética y legal, motivo por el cual no debe ser subestimado. Es importante que dicho conocimiento implique en forma clara el reconocimiento tanto del médico como del paciente de la(s intervención(es, de las posibles consecuencias y situaciones a las que pudiera estar expuesto. Este artículo es una revisión al respecto del consentimiento informado, partiendo de su historia, evolución e implicaciones para el personal de la salud en general, con el objetivo de orientar e informar sobre su uso y evolución en la práctica clínica. El área bioética y los temas concernientes al consentimiento informado son necesidades de difusión e investigación en Latinoamérica para la protección del paciente y la buena práctica del personal de salud.


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    Francisco Javier Bonilla Escobar


    Full Text Available El consentimiento informado es una herramienta cotidiana en la práctica clínica; para comprenderlo se requiere de un proceso formativo y acadé- mico que genere las actitudes para proponer consentimientos informados éticamente aceptables y que estos abarquen la perspectiva del paciente. El consentimiento requiere de un uso adecuado y de su entendimiento por parte del paciente como del profesional de salud que lo administra, siendo de utilidad ética y legal, motivo por el cual no debe ser subestimado. Es importante que dicho conocimiento implique en forma clara el reconoci- miento tanto del médico como del paciente de la(s intervención(es, de las posibles consecuencias y situaciones a las que pudiera estar expuesto. Este artículo es una revisión al respecto del consentimiento informado, partiendo de su historia, evolución e implicaciones para el personal de la salud en general, con el objetivo de orientar e informar sobre su uso y evolución en la práctica clínica. El área bioética y los temas concernientes al consentimiento informado son necesidades de difusión e investigación en Latinoamérica para la protección del paciente y la buena práctica del personal de salud.

  12. A clinica como pratica arborifica e rizomorfica do trabalho em enfermagem cirurgica

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    Lenice Dutra de Sousa


    Full Text Available Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, na forma de um estudo de caso, em uma unidade de internação cirúrgica de um hospital universitário, que objetivou analisar o trabalho do enfermeiro sob a ótica da produção de cuidados em saúde e do exercício da clínica. Os sujeitos do estudo foram seis enfermeiros e foram realizadas observações não participantes, pesquisa documental e entrevistas em profundidade com posterior análise textual discursiva. Verificou-se que o trabalho da enfermagem é organizado segundo duas perspectivas interconectadas e interdependentes: a do modelo clínico, que compõe a estrutura-mestre de sua prática, e uma estrutura composta por elementos múltiplos e heterogêneos. O modelo clínico de assistência organiza-se como uma estrutura centrada que possibilita a resolutividade das necessidades biológicas e atua como base para a conexão de outros saberes e práticas que expandem o fazer do enfermeiro por meio de interligações com o ambiente.

  13. Guía de Patología Autópsica


    Arce Mateos, Félix Pablo; Fernández Fernández, Fidel Ángel; Fernández Vega, Iván; Galtés, Ignasi; Guerra Merino, Isabel; Lucena, Joaquín; Mayorga Fernández, Marta María; Regojo, Rita María; Suárez, María Paz; Terán Villagrá, Nuria


    El trabajo que aquí se publica se trata de la Guía Clinica de Consenso redactada por el Club de Autopsias de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica para el Libro Blanco de la Anatomía Patológica presentado en el XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la SEAP-IAP, XXII Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española de Citología y III Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española de Patología Forense, en mayo de 2015 en la ciudad de Santander. En palabras de su presidente, el Dr. M.A. Piris, “el papel de estas guías doce...

  14. High dose rate endobronchial brachytherapy - treatment technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, Heloisa de Andrade; Aisen, Salim; Haddad, Cecilia Maria Kalil; Nadalin, Wladimir; Pedreira Junior, Wilson Leite; Chavantes, Maria Cristina


    High dose rate endobronchial brachytherapy is efficient in symptom relief due to obstructive endobronchial malignancies. However, it's role in survival improvement for patients with lung cancer is not yet established. The use of this treatment in increasing, specially in the developing countries. The purpose of this paper is to present the treatment technique used in the Radiotherapy Department of the Hospital da Clinicas, University of Sao Paulo, based on an experience of 60 cases treated with 180 procedures. Some practical suggestions and rules adopted in the Department are described. The severe complications rate is 6.7%, demonstrating an adequate patient selection associated with the technique utilized. (author)

  15. Studio di prevalenza delle polmoniti in un'Azienda opsedaliera di Bologna

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    E. Leoni


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: nell’ambito di un progetto di sorveglianza attiva dei casi di polmonite da legionella, è stata studiata la prevalenza di tutti i casi di polmonite ricoverati in un ospedale di Bologna, allo scopo di definirne la distribuzione per origine (comunitaria o nosocomiale, eziologia, caratteristiche individuali e di confrontarle con le polmoniti da legionella.

    Metodi: per ogni caso con diagnosi clinica e/o radiologica di polmonite è stato compilato un questionario, raccogliendo le informazioni dalle cartelle cliniche. Tutti i casi di polmonite non specificata sono stati inoltre sottoposti al test per la ricerca dell’antigene di legionella nelle urine.

  16. Echocardiography in the adult's congenital cardiopaties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escobar Q, Carlos I; Jaramillo U, Mario; Tenorio, Luis F; Molina V, Claudia; Saldarriaga A, Marcela; Arango, Angela M


    The number of adults with congenital heart disease is steadily increasing in the course of time. We ignore the prevalence and the most frequent diagnoses in our environment. A descriptive prospective study is presented. Between November 1 1999 and July 31 2001, 8871 Tran-thoracic and Tran-esophageal echocardiographies were performed in the Clinica Cardiovascular Santa Maria's echocardiography service. We found 143 congenital cardiopathies (1.6%) in 74 men and 69 women with a mean age of 37.7 +/- 18.4 years. the most frequent diagnoses were bicuspid aortic valve, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus and Ebstein's anomaly. these findings agree with world wide data

  17. Estudo das vias biliares extrahepáticas em pacientes portadores de "megas" chagásieos

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    Donald Huggins


    Full Text Available Em 22 pacientes internados no Hospital das Clinicas da F. M. U. F. Pe e portadores de "megas" chagásicos. cuja etiologia foi comprovada através de pesquisas epidemiológicas, clínicas e laboratoriais, realizamos a colecisto-colangiografia intravenosa. Verificamos em 21 enfermos a vesícula e o colédoco com topografia, morfologia e dmãmica normais. Em apenas um doente encontramos a vesícula bastante aumentada de volume e o coledoco de calibre dilatado, sem imagem de cálculo no seu interior. O tempo de esvaziamento colédoco-duodeno muito prolongado, sugeriu alterações motoras.

  18. A importância da 1ª refeição do dia


    Antunes, Cláudia de Jesus Pontes


    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina área científica de Nutrição Clinica, apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra Introdução: o pequeno-almoço tem sido sinónimo de uma alimentação saudável, sendo comummente aceite como a refeição mais importante, pois dele depende o equilíbrio alimentar do dia, constituindo um fator relevante a nível da performance cognitiva, da redução do risco de doenças crónicas, entre as quais se destacam a obesidade, diabetes e doenç...

  19. Isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains from dental office environments and units in Barretos, state of São Paulo, Brazil, and analysis of their susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs Isolamento de cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa provenientes do meio ambiente e de equipos dentarios em clinicas dentarias em Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil; analises da susceptibilidade das cepas a drogas antimicrobianas

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    Ana Claudia de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A wide variety of opportunistic pathogens has been detected in the tubing supplying water to odontological equipment, in special in the biofilm lining of these tubes. Among these pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of the leading causes of nosocomial infections, is frequently found in water lines supplying dental units. In the present work, 160 samples of water, and 200 fomite samples from forty dental units were collected in the city of Barretos, State of São Paulo, Brazil and evaluated between January and July, 2005. Seventy-six P. aeruginosa strains, isolated from the dental environment (5 strains and water system (71 strains, were tested for susceptibility to six antimicrobial drugs most frequently used against P. aeruginosa infections. Susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, followed by meropenem was the predominant profile. The need for effective means of reducing the microbial burden within dental unit water lines is emphasized, and the risk of exposure and cross-infection in dental practice, in special when caused by opportunistic pathogens like P. aeruginosa, are highlighted.Uma ampla variedade de patógenos oportunistas tem sido detectadas nos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos, particularmente no biofilme formado na superfície do tubo. Entre os patógenos oportunistas encontrados nos tubos de água, Pseudomonas aeruginosa é reconhecida como uma das principais causadoras de infecções nosocomiais. Foram coletadas 160 amostras de água e 200 amostras de fomites em quarenta clinicas odontológicas na cidade de Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil, durante o período de Janeiro a Julho de 2005. Setenta e seis cepas de P. aeruginosa, isoladas a partir dos fomites (5 cepas e das amostras de água (71 cepas, foram analisadas quanto à susceptibilidade à seis drogas antimicrobianas freqüentemente utilizadas para o tratamento de infecções provocadas por P. aeruginosa. As principais suscetibilidades observadas foram para a

  20. Aplicaciones y estrategias "Web 2.0" en la Educación Médica

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    Reynaldo Badillo Abril


    Full Text Available Por su alta interactividad, la Web 2.0 promueve una mayor participación del usuario en el manejo de los contenidos, lo cual lleva a nuevos usos de colaboración en Internet; perspectiva que podría transformar significativamente las prácticas educativas. Los elementos dominantes del Web 2.0 incluyen: Blogs, wikis, editores de textos en la Web; agregadores RSS, marcadores sociales, podcasts, sitios en la red para compartirdocumentos, fotografías, presentaciones, microblogging, etc. La comunidad educativa necesita estar enterada de estas tecnologías y de su papel potencial en los procesos de aprendizaje/enseñanza en el campo de la medicina. Con este artículo revisamos las herramientas más comunes de la Web 2.0, las experiencias sobre su uso en la educación médica y algunas recomendaciones para utilizarlas en ambientes educativos virtuales.

  1. Análisis del comportamiento en Colombia: antecedentes y perspectivas

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    Wilson López López


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se muestra una revisión de los eventos significativos relacionados con el origen y establecimiento del análisis del comportamiento en Colombia: el impacto que ha tenido, su desarrollo medido a partir de la presencia del enfoque en los currículos de las universidades, la existencia de laboratorios y grupos de investigación, las publicaciones y presentaciones en eventos y, a partir de allí, se presentan las perspectivas locales de esta corriente. Para tal fin, se llevó a cabo una revisión de algunos de los textos y artículos que han sido publicados; además, se realizaron entrevistas a académicos cuya producción intelectual ha contribuido al desarrollo y mantenimiento del análisis conductual como ciencia teórica, básica y aplicada en Colombia

  2. Experiences of PEMEX in CO{sub 2} re-injection; Experiencias de Pemex en reinyeccion de CO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Bujanos, Jose Luis [PEMEX (Mexico)


    Mexico enters the processes of secondary oil recovery the years 50s, by means of water injection. The CO{sub 2} injection is one of the techniques that better results produce in the oil recovery. In this presentation the strategic goals that have been determined within PEMEX Exploracion y Produccion (PEP) are mentioned, and which are the projects of CO{sub 2} injection for oil recovery already existing in Mexico. [Spanish] Mexico entra a los procesos de recuperacion secundaria de petroleo en los anos 50s, mediante inyeccion de agua. La inyeccion de CO{sub 2} es una de las tecnicas que mejores resultados produce en la recuperacion de petroleo. En esta presentacion se mencionan las metas estrategicas que se han fijado dentro de Pemex Exploracion y Produccion (PEP) y cuales son los proyectos de inyeccion de CO{sub 2} para recuperacion de petroleo, existentes actualmente en Mexico.

  3. Txatarra: vivienda transitoria con buses de transporte público

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    Juan Pablo Arenas Vargas


    Full Text Available El presente análisis del proyecto Casa Linda parte de una exploración conceptual en torno a un hábitat sostenible, mediante la generación de un tipo de vivienda transitoria que reutiliza buses de transporte público destinados a ser reducidos a chatarra. La necesidad de replantear la labor de configurar espacios con materiales y formas predeterminados llevó a los autores a comprender cómo resultan insuficientes los medios tradicionales de construcción, en los que se acostumbra emplear materias primas en presentaciones estandarizadas y con acabados predefinidos que se adaptan a los requerimientos y necesidades del proyecto. Enfrentar el proyecto a partir del reciclaje de materiales y objetos (chatarra, de diversas dimensiones y en variadas condiciones, generó un proceso cuya característica principal es la imposibilidad de anticipar con exactitud los procesos constructivos y los acabados finales.

  4. Surgical extrusion: A reliable technique for saving compromised teeth. A 5-years follow-up case report

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    Jenner Argueta


    Full Text Available Aim: To present a long term follow up clinical case in which a compromised anterior tooth was saved by a surgical extrusion procedure. Summary: Although different techniques have been suggested for clinical crown lengthening in the anterior zone, some of them have limitations in terms of aesthetics and procedural requirements. The current case report demonstrates how a simplified surgical extrusion procedure was successfully performed for saving a severely damaged anterior tooth; furthermore, it is possible to apply the technique described in this case using minimum and simple armamentarium like a scalpel, elevators, forceps and splinting flexible cord. Key-learning points: Saving severely compromised anterior teeth is possible by applying surgical extrusion techniques when crown-root ratio allows it. Risk of root resorption or ankylosis is minimum. Riassunto: Obiettivo: Presentare un caso clinico con controllo a 5 anni in cui un dente anteriore compromesso è stato recuperato con una procedura di estrusione chirurgica. Riassunto: Sebbene siano state suggerite diverse tecniche per l’allungamento della corona clinica nella zona anteriore, alcune di esse presentano limitazioni in termini di estetica e competenza nelle procedure. Il presente case report dimostra come una procedura di estrusione chirurgica semplificata sia stata eseguita con successo per salvare un dente anteriore gravemente danneggiato. Va sottolineato che la tecnica descritta in questo caso può essere portata a termine utilizzando un armamentario minimo e molto semplice come un bisturi, leve, pinze e uno splintaggio flessibile. Key learning points: E’ possibile salvare elementi dentari gravemente compromessi applicando tecniche di estrusione chirurgica quando il rapporto corona-radice lo consente. Il rischio di riassorbimento della radice o anchilosi è minimo. Keywords: Crown fracture, Crown lengthening, Surgical extrusion, Surgical repositioning, Biologic width, Parole

  5. Meningiomas of pineal region in children Meningiomas da região da pineal em crianças

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    Hamilton Matushita


    Full Text Available Meningiomas are uncommon tumors in children and either more rarely encountered in the pineal region. We report two cases of meningioma of the pineal region in children. One of these cases was a five years-old girl and the other a one year-old boy. No specific clinical presentation or tomographic examinations findings was identified before treatment, suggestive of a diagnosis of menigioma. The clinical and laboratory features were very similar to the most common tumors of the pineal region. Prior to the surgery, the histology of these tumors was not suspected. Both patients underwent direct surgery and complete removal was achieved by a suboccipital transtentorial approach. The tumors originated from velum interpositum in both cases. At the follow up, one case presented with recurrence six years later, and she underwent a reoperation with total resection without morbidity. Long-term follow up presented no other recurrences.Meningiomas são tumores poucos frequentes em crianças, e mais raramente encontrados na região da pineal. Relatamos dois casos de meningioma da região da pineal em crianças, uma menina de cinco anos e um menino de um ano de idade. Não foi identificada nenhuma forma de apresentação clinica ou caracteristica tomográfica, antes do tratamento, que sugerisse o diagnóstico de meningioma. As características clinicas e laboratoriais encontradas foram similares às de tumores mais frequentes da região da pineal. Ambos os pacientes foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico e a remoção completa foi obtida por abordagem suboccipital transtentorial. Durante o seguimento, um dos pacientes foi reoperado por recorrencia do tumor seis anos após o tratamento inicial. Atualmente, os pacientes encontram-se livres de recorrência tumoral.

  6. [The whole world in a cup of coffee. Case reports]. (United States)

    De Fiore, Luca


    There is a rising interest for clinical cases in medicine. Actually, they don't necessarily conflict with the evidence-based medicine approach; rather, as several authors made clear, EBM-oriented case reports and clinical trials could be complementary. Cases and case series could even represent the first line of evidence and they are extremely valuable in discovering new pathologies and monitoring unexpected drug effects. They also play a relevant role in continuing medical education. The new section of Recenti Progressi in Medicina is edited by a prominent Italian research Institute (Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica, CNR). It focuses on a single case, guiding the physicians' decision-making from differential diagnosis to the treatment options.

  7. [Prevention of psychosocial issues and drug addiction in workers employed in building great infrastructures: first outcomes of an experience in the Florence area]. (United States)

    Carpentiero, L; Costa, G; De Luca, G; Piovanelli, S; Venè, D; Righini, S; Marini, M; Baldanzi, S; Selvi, A; Scalas, S; Cassitto, M G; Sartori, S; Lacangellera, D; Bosco, A


    The research on stress, mobbing, and substance dependence in workers employed in the building of the great infrastructures is part of the project Euridice-Ten. The 75% of the workers employed took part in the research through an anonymous and structured questionnaire. The Clinica del Lavoro of the University of Milan elaborated the data. They point out a high risk of stress, a low level of control, a marked risk of mobbing, a high chronic fatigue in the most exhausting jobs, sleep disorders, problems in the social life as well as at home, in nourishment and at work. Many workers drink too much alcohol and the 9% of the workers know workers who use cocaine.

  8. Implantation of total body irradiation in radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habitzreuter, Angela Beatriz


    Before implementing a treatment technique, the characteristics of the beam under irradiation conditions must be well acknowledged and studied. Each one of the parameters used to calculate the dose has to be measured and validated before its utilization in clinical practice. This is particularly necessary when dealing with special techniques. In this work, all necessary parameters and measurements are described for the total body irradiation implementation in facilities designed for conventional treatments that make use of unconventional geometries to generate desired enlarged field sizes. Furthermore, this work presents commissioning data of this modality at Hospital das Clinicas of Sao Paulo using comparison of three detectors types for measurements of entrance dose during total body irradiation treatment. (author)

  9. Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Stanford Hypnotic Clinical Scale in Puerto Rico. (United States)

    Deynes-Exclusa, Yazmin; Sayers-Montalvo, Sean K; Martinez-Taboas, Alfonso


    The only hypnotizability scale that has been translated and validated for the Puerto Rican population is the Barber Suggestibility Scale (BSS). In this article, the Stanford Hypnotic Clinical Scale (SHCS) was translated and validated for this population. The translated SHCS ("Escala Stanford de Hipnosis Clinica" [ESHC]) was administered individually to 100 Puerto Rican college students. There were no significant differences found between the norms of the original SHCS samples and the Spanish version of the SHCS. Both samples showed similar distributions. The Spanish version's internal reliability as well as the item discrimination index were adequate. The authors conclude that the ESHC is an adequate instrument to measure hypnotizability in the Puerto Rican population.

  10. Il senso del lavoro e il suo contesto. Una rilettura di Bartleby lo scrivano di Herman Melville

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    Giuseppe Ruvolo


    Full Text Available Attraverso una rilettura critica del noto racconto di Herman Melville Bartleby lo scrivano, viene proposta una chiave di comprensione psico-antropologica delle condotte lavorative, delle relazioni nei contesti lavorativi e delle loro ricadute psicopatologiche. In particolare viene avanzata una lettura che connette i comportamenti e le relazioni lavorative quali esiti della difficoltà dei singoli nella mentalizzazione dei modelli ideologico-culturali che li determinano in un dato momento storico. Viene criticata una lettura, tendenzialmente presente in psicologia clinica e in psicologia del lavoro, in chiave riduttivamente individualistica, la quale attribuisce al singolo presunti deficit psichici ricercando le cause, e gli antecedenti delle condotte disadattive delle formazioni psicopatologiche, nella sola storia personale e individuale dei soggetti.

  11. The equivalent Histograms in clinical practice; Los histogramas equivalentes en la practica clinica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pizarro Trigo, F.; Teijeira Garcia, M.; Zaballos Carrera, S.


    Is frequently abused of The tolerances established for organ at risk [1] in diagrams of standard fractionation (2Gy/session, 5 sessions per week) when applied to Dose-Volume histograms non-standard schema. The purpose of this work is to establish when this abuse may be more important and realize a transformation of fractionation non-standard of histograms dosis-volumen. Is exposed a case that can be useful to make clinical decisions. (Author)

  12. Cardiovascular risk assessment: audit findings from a nurse clinic--a quality improvement initiative. (United States)

    Waldron, Sarah; Horsburgh, Margaret


    Evidence has shown the effectiveness of risk factor management in reducing mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease (CVD). An audit of a nurse CVD risk assessment programme undertaken between November 2005 and December 2008 in a Northland general practice. A retrospective audit of CVD risk assessment with data for the first entry of 621 patients collected exclusively from PREDICT-CVDTM, along with subsequent data collected from 320 of these patients who had a subsequent assessment recorded at an interval ranging from six months to three years (18 month average). Of the eligible population (71%) with an initial CVD risk assessment, 430 (69.2%) had afive-year absolute risk less than 15%, with 84 (13.5%) having a risk greater than 15% and having not had a cardiovascular event. Of the patients with a follow-up CVD risk assessment, 34 showed improvement. Medication prescribing for patients with absolute CVD risk greater than 15% increased from 71% to 86% for anti-platelet medication and for lipid lowering medication from 65% to 72% in the audit period. The recently available 'heart health' trajectory tool will help patients become more aware of risks that are modifiable, together with community support to engage more patients in the nurse CVD prevention programme. Further medication audits to monitor prescribing trends. Patients who showed an improvement in CVD risk had an improvement in one or more modifiable risk factors and became actively involved in making changes to their health.

  13. Fracture liaison service in a non-regional orthopaedic clinic--a cost-effective service.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Ahmed, M


    Fracture liaison services (FLS) aim to provide cost-effective targeting of secondary fracture prevention. It is proposed that a dedicated FLS be available in any hospital to which a patient presents with a fracture. An existing orthopaedic clinic nurse was retrained to deliver a FLS. Proformas were used so that different nurses could assume the fracture liaison nurse (FLN) role, as required. Screening consisted of fracture risk estimation, phlebotomy and DXA scanning. 124 (11%) of all patients attending the orthopaedic fracture clinic were reviewed in the FLS. Upper limb fractures accounted for the majority of fragility fractures screened n=69 (55.6%). Two-thirds of patients (n=69) had reduced bone mineral density (BMD). An evidence based approach to both non-pharmacological and pharmacotherapy was used and most patients (76.6%) receiving pharmacotherapy received an oral bisphosphonate (n=46). The FLS has proven to be an effective way of delivering secondary prevention for osteoporotic fracture in a non-regional fracture clinic, without increasing staff costs.

  14. Exercicio fisico associado a diferentes teores de proteina na dieta : estudo das alterações bioquimicas e corporais em ratos adultos


    Marcelina Rodrigues Parreira


    Resumo:O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar a influência do conteúdo protéico da dieta associado ao exercício físico intenso, sobre o metabolismo protéico de ratos adultos. Ratos Wistar machos (90 dias de idade), treinados em esteira rolante e controles (sedentários), foram alimentados com dietas semipurificadas contendo 6% (hipoprotéica), 25% (normoprotéica) e 35% (hiperprotéica)de caseína. Em nossas condições experimentais, verificou-se que os animais do grupo hipopro...

  15. Technological process for production of persimmon and strawberry vinegars

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    Claudio Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Claudio Hidalgo1, Estibaliz Mateo1, Ana Belen Cerezo2, Maria-Jesús Torija1, Albert Mas11Biotecnologia Enològica, Departament de Bioquimica i Biotecnologia, Facultat d’Enologia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Marcel-li Domingo, Tarragona; 2Área de Nutrición y Bromatología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, SpainAbstract: Fruit surplus is common in intensive agriculture in many countries. This ecologic and economic problem requires alternative uses to be found for fruit. The aim of this study was to use surplus fruit to produce vinegar by traditional methods (alcoholic fermentation and acetification from persimmon and strawberry. The process was performed with naturally occurring microorganisms and compared with inoculated commercial wine yeast for alcoholic fermentation. Alcoholic fermentation proceeded faster when inoculated due to the length of the lag phases observed in spontaneous fermentations. The alcoholic fermentations of strawberry mash were faster than those of persimmon mash. In contrast, acetifications were much faster in persimmon (30 days than in strawberry (70 days, in the latter some acetifications were not finished. From the technologic point of view, to produce persimmon and strawberry wine and vinegar, it is better to avoid fruit pressing and perform the process with fruit mash. Inoculation is recommended for persimmon and is necessary for strawberry.Keywords: wine, vinegar, fruit seasonings, acetic acid bacteria

  16. Potassium evaluation in blood of Brazilian athletes using NAA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovacs, L.; Zamboni, C.B. [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Nunes, L.A.S.; Lourenco, T.F.; Macedo, D. Vaz de [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), SP (Brazil)


    Full text: According to nutrition sources an athlete needs per day at least one gram of potassium for keeping the correct mineral balance in the organism. Its deficiency or even instantaneous low concentration in blood can diminish the athlete performance originating nervous irritability, muscular weakness, and mental disorientation and in more several causes cardiac arrhythmias. In this study the K levels in blood were determined in athletes submitted to constant load exercise at treadmill at LABEX (Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio - UNICAMP, Brazil) using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA). The blood samples were collected from male athletes, age 18 to 26 years, before and after the physical training. Immediately after the collection an amount of 10 micro liters of whole blood was transferred to the filter paper and dried for a few minutes using an infrared lamp. To determine the concentration of potassium each sample was irradiated in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 2-4MW, pool type) at IPEN and was gamma counted using an HPGe Spectrometer of High Energy Resolution. The concentrations of the selected element, 1525keV related to the potassium activated {sup 42}K, were calculated using in -house software. The potassium levels were evaluated before and after the physical exercise and the data were compared with the normal range. (author)

  17. Icterícia de íris após rabdomiólise por esforço em um equino Icterus iris after exertional rhabdomyolysis syndrome in a horse

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    Ubiratan Pereira de Melo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, é descrito um caso de icterícia de íris em equino da raça Paint. Ao exame clínico, foram observados tremores, dor muscular, relutância em andar, taquicardia, taquipnéia e icterícia de íris. As concentrações séricas de creatina cinase, aspartato aminotransferase, lactato desidrogenase e bilirrubina indireta estavam marcadamente elevadas. Com base na anamnese, sintomatologia clínica e bioquimica sérica, diagnosticou-se síndrome da rabdomiólise por esforço. Foram instituídos os seguintes tratamentos: terapia analgésica, fluidoterapia e restrição de exercício. Após seis dias, houve a remissão dos sinais clínicos e o retorno da coloração original da íris.One case of icterus iris diagnosed in an American Paint Horse is described. Stiffness, painful muscle, reluctance to move, elevated respiratory and heart rates, and icterus iris were observed in the clinical examination. Creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin levels were markedly elevated. Exertional rhabdomyolysis syndrome was diagnosed. Analgesic therapy, fluid therapy, and limited exercise were prescribed. After six days there was a remission of clinical signs and return the original color of the iris.

  18. Carbon sequestration R&D overview

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swift, Justine [Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy (United States)


    In this presentation the author discusses over the technological options for the handling of carbon. He shows the objectives and challenges of the program of carbon sequestration of the Department of Energy of the United States, as well as a table with the annual CO{sub 2} emissions in the United States; a graph with the world-wide capacity of CO{sub 2} geologic storage and a listing with the existing projects of CCS at the moment in the world. [Spanish] En esta presentacion el autor platica sobre las opciones tecnologicas para el manejo del carbono. Muestra los objetivos y retos del programa de secuestro de carbono del Departamento de Energia de los Estados Unidos, asi como una tabla con las emisiones anuales de CO{sub 2} en los Estados Unidos; un grafico con la capacidad mundial de almacenamiento de CO{sub 2} en el subsuelo y un listado con los proyectos de CCS existentes actualmente en el mundo.

  19. Utilización de las herramientas ofimáticas en la enseñanza universitaria y necesidades formativas del profesorado

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    Pablo César Muñoz Carril


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de una investigación tipo "survey" realizada en la Universidad de A Coruña, entre cuyas finalidades estaba la de identificar el nivel de uso y las necesidades formativas del profesorado para la utilización de herramientas ofimáticas. Los datos muestran que el profesorado utiliza fundamentalmente los programas de presentaciones y los procesadores de texto y, en menor medida, las hojas de cálculo y las bases de datos. Se han encontrado diferencias significativas en el nivel de uso según la edad y la experiencia docente utilizando entornos virtuales. Las necesidades formativas manifestadas son considerables y no varían en función de variables de tipo personal (sexo y edad y profesional (experiencia docente, categoría y ámbito docente. Sí se encontraron diferencias en cuanto a las necesidades manifestadas al analizar los años de experiencia docente utilizando entornos virtuales.

  20. Alimentação e escola: significados e implicações curriculares da merenda escolar

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    José Arimatea Barros Bezerra


    Full Text Available Estudio sobre el comer en la escuela, cuyo objeto central de investigación fueron los significados que la merienda escolar adquiere, como práctica concreta y como discurso, en el contexto de una escuela pública de enseñanza básica. Las teorías de las presentaciones sociales, de la acción social y crítica del currículo, complementadas con conceptos socio antropológicos de comida y alimento, casa y calle y estudios cualitativos en alimentación escolar constituyeron el soporte teórico principal de la investigación. Se concluyó que: las representaciones sociales sobre la merienda escolar elaboradas por los profesionales de la escuela generan un habitus correspondiente que tiende a orientar las disposiciones prácticas relacionadas al comer en la escuela, a la organización del trabajo pedagógico y a la jornada escolar.


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    Miguel Farías Farías


    Full Text Available El principio y el efecto de redundancia parecieran ser un impedimento para el aprendizaje en campos diversos. Este trabajo da cuenta de una investigación que intenta probar si tal redundancia tiene también efectos negativos en el aprendizaje de expresiones idiomáticas en inglés como lengua extranjera. Dos grupos de estudiantes universitarios fueron expuestos a dos tipos de presentaciones multimodales: uno, a texto en pantalla, narración e imagen fija; y el otro a texto en pantalla y narración. Según el principio de redundancia, la presentación del primer grupo duplicaría la información y conllevaría a una sobrecarga cognitiva. Aunque los resultados indican que no hay mayor variación entre los dos grupos en cuanto a retención, en transferencia hay variaciones atribuibles a las características semánticas del vocabulario presentado.

  2. Del escritorio a la tarima: una experiencia de formación en competencias transversales dentro de la licenciatura en biología

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    L. Rosich

    Full Text Available Introducción. Se diseñó una asignatura de pregrado con el fin de desarrollar competencias transversales en redacción científica y presentación oral. Materiales y métodos. Consistió en una asignatura de cuatro créditos en formato intensivo durante 2 semanas y al final se realizó una encuesta de evaluación de satisfacción, con una escala numérica (de 0 a 5, máxima satisfacción. Resultados. Los 20 alumnos dieron una puntuación de 4,4 a la asignatura en general, 4,5 a los contenidos teóricos y 4,8 a los prácticos sobre presentaciones orales. Consideraron que sus conocimientos y habilidades habían mejorado después de la asignatura. Conclusiones. El diseño de actividades dirigidas a la mejora de determinadas competencias transversales puede ser útil y es percibida satisfactoriamente por los estudiantes.

  3. Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in young adults

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    Wollina U


    Full Text Available Uwe Wollina1, Alberto Goldman21Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Academic Teaching Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden, Germany; 2Clinica Goldman, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande du Sul, BrazilAbstract: Age is a significant factor in modifying specific needs when it comes to medical aesthetic procedures. In this review we will focus on young adults in their third decade of life and review minimally invasive aesthetic procedures other than cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. Correction of asymmetries, correction after body modifying procedures, and facial sculpturing are important issues for young adults. The implication of aesthetic medicine as part of preventive medicine is a major ethical challenge that differentiates aesthetic medicine from fashion.Keywords: acne scars, ice pick scars, boxcar scars, fillers 

  4. External auditory canal atresia of probable congenital origin in a dog. (United States)

    Schmidt, K; Piaia, T; Bertolini, G; De Lorenzi, D


    A nine-month-old Labrador retriever was referred to the Clinica Veterinaria Privata San Marco because of frequent headshaking and downward turning of the right ear. Clinical examination revealed that there was no external acoustic meatus in the right ear. Computed tomography confirmed that the vertical part of the right auditory canal ended blindly, providing a diagnosis of external auditory canal atresia. Cytological examination and culture of fluid from the canal and the bulla revealed only aseptic cerumen; for this reason, it was assumed that the dog was probably affected by a congenital developmental deformity of the external auditory canal. Reconstructive surgery was performed using a "pull-through" technique. Four months after surgery the cosmetic and functional results were satisfactory.

  5. Evaluation of the thermoluminescent detector answers of CaSO{sub 4}:Dy, LiF:Mg,Ti and micro LiF:Mg,Ti in photon clinical beams dosimetry using water simulator; Avaliacao da resposta de detectores termoluminescentes de CaSO4:Dy, LiF:Mg,Ti e microLiF:Mg,Ti na dosimetria de feixes clinicos de fotons utilizando simulador de agua

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsushima, Luciana C.; Veneziani, Glauco R.; Campos, Leticia L., E-mail: lmatsushima@usp.b, E-mail: veneziani@ipen.b, E-mail: lcrodri@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (GMR/IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Gerencia de Metrologia das Radiacoes; Sakuraba, Roberto K.; Cruz, Jose C. da, E-mail: rsakuraba@einstein.b, E-mail: jccruz@einstein.b [Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Hospital Albert Einstein (HAE)


    This paper perform the comparative study of thermoluminescent answer of calcium sulfate dosemeter doped with dysprosium (DaSO{sub 4}:Dy) produced by the IPEN, Sao Paulo, with answer of lithium fluoride dosemeters doped with magnesium and titanium (LiF:Mg, Ti) in the dosimetry of clinical beams of photons (6 and 15 MV) by using water simulator object. Dose-answer curves were obtained for gamma radiation of cobalt-60 in the air and in conditions of electronic equilibrium (plate of PMMA), and clinical photons of CLINAC model 2100C accelerators of the two evaluated hospitals: Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Sao Paulo university and Hospital Albert Einstein. It was also evaluated the sensitivity and reproduction of the three dosemeters

  6. Estudo piloto sobre esquistossomose mansoni em área rural do Município de Itanhomi, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais

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    Maria José Conceição


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho os autores apresentam dados relativos à prevalência e formas clinicas da esquistossomose mansoni, hospedeiro intermediário e determinação do seu índice de infecção em Santa Luzia do Carneiro, área rural do Município de Itanhomi, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais. O estudo seccional da população revelou 42,1% de positividade para ovos de S.mansoni em um exame de fezes peto método de Lutz (Hoffmann, Ponz, Janer e um percentual de 6,8% de pacientes com hepato-esplenomegalia. O hospedeiro intermediário encontrado foi a B.glabrata com um índice de infecção de 3,2%.

  7. Evaluation of the thermoluminescent detector answers of CaSO4:Dy, LiF:Mg,Ti and micro LiF:Mg,Ti in photon clinical beams dosimetry using water simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsushima, Luciana C.; Veneziani, Glauco R.; Campos, Leticia L.


    This paper perform the comparative study of thermoluminescent answer of calcium sulfate dosemeter doped with dysprosium (DaSO 4 :Dy) produced by the IPEN, Sao Paulo, with answer of lithium fluoride dosemeters doped with magnesium and titanium (LiF:Mg, Ti) in the dosimetry of clinical beams of photons (6 and 15 MV) by using water simulator object. Dose-answer curves were obtained for gamma radiation of cobalt-60 in the air and in conditions of electronic equilibrium (plate of PMMA), and clinical photons of CLINAC model 2100C accelerators of the two evaluated hospitals: Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Sao Paulo university and Hospital Albert Einstein. It was also evaluated the sensitivity and reproduction of the three dosemeters

  8. Radiological-morphological synopsis of radiation-induced lung fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bublitz, G.


    As delayed radiation damage after treatment of bronchial carcinoma and mamma carcinoma, fibroses occur as a reaction of the tissues. They have become a clinical-functional syndrome because of their uniform clinicaL-radiological symptomatology and pathophysiology. Pulmonary fibrosis as delayed radiation damage has a special importance with its two different radiation effects on connective tissue: a) on existing structures, b) delayed alterations of the connective tissue. As seen from experiments on lungs of men and rats, radiation-induced alterations can be measured by testing the different solubilities of the collagen types. In addition to the pathologically disordered collagen production, 9 weeks after the irradiation the radiation fibrosis leads to an isolated increase of insoluble collagen corresponding to the formation of metabolism-resistant fibrils. (MG) [de

  9. Representações sociais dos usuários hospitalizados sobre cidadania: implicações para o cuidado hospitalar

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    Flávia Pacheco de Araújo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: analisar as representacoes sociais de usuarios hospitalizados sobre a cidadania no cuidado hospitalar. Método: abordagem qualitativa com referencial da Teoria das Representacoes Sociais, realizada com 31 usuarios hospitalizados no setor de clinica medica de um hospital publico, universitario. Realizou-se entrevista semiestruturada, cujos dados foram submetidos ao programa Alceste, com aplicacao de analise lexical. Resultados: os usuarios conhecem os seus direitos, e a cidadania no cuidado e entendida a luz dos direitos a saude, de modo que sejam bem atendidos do ponto de vista tecnico e humano. Conclusão: o bom trato relacional e a prestacao do cuidado tecnico-procedimental sao direitos dos usuarios; logo, a ausência de um ou de outra implica o nao respeito a sua cidadania.

  10. Two patients walk into a clinic...a genomics perspective on the future of schizophrenia

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    Corvin Aiden P


    Full Text Available Abstract Progress is being made in schizophrenia genomics, suggesting that this complex brain disorder involves rare, moderate to high-risk mutations and the cumulative impact of small genetic effects, coupled with environmental factors. The genetic heterogeneity underlying schizophrenia and the overlap with other neurodevelopmental disorders suggest that it will not continue to be viewed as a single disease. This has radical implications for clinical practice, as diagnosis and treatment will be guided by molecular etiology rather than clinical diagnostic criteria.


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    María Eugenia Agudelo Bedoya


    Full Text Available Este artículo está basado en una investigación realizada sobre problemáticas familiares de 133 pacientes interconsultados y atendidos por Trabajo Social en los servicios de internación de la Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana (CUB entre febrero-julio de 2013.1 Se utilizó un diseño mixto, integrando aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos para describir las familias, variables de la atención ofrecida por trabajo social y la manera como se organizaban las familias para el cuidado del paciente en su hospitalización. Se encontraron varias configuraciones familiares, un porcentaje alto atravesando ciclo vital de adulto o anciano. El mayor número de remisiones corrieron por cuenta del médico internista y correspondieron a situaciones catalogadas por trabajo social como “problemas relacionados con otros hechos estresantes que afectan la familia”. El tipo de intervención en el que fueron atendidas fue el acompañamiento. Algunas de las familias, encontraron soporte entre sus miembros, amigos, vecinos, cuidadores formales e informales y en instituciones que por su competencia deben brindarlo. La ausencia de estos apoyos se constituye el principal motivo de remisión a trabajo social.


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    María-Aurora Rodríguez Borrego


    Full Text Available El proyecto se desarrolló entre las Universidades de Córdoba y A Coruña en España y consistió en una experiencia de aprendizaje cooperativo intercultural e Interuniversitario con alumnos/as del primer curso de la Diplomatura de Enfermería que estaban realizando sus prácticas clínicas, con los objetivos de encontrar puntos de encuentro a la habitual distorsión entre teoría y práctica que detecta el alumnado cuando realiza sus primeras prácticas clínicas, trabajar en grupo cooperativo y ganar habilidad para la crítica y la autocrítica. Se presenta la evaluación de la experiencia por los docentes participantes con el modelo DAFO (Dificultades, Amenazas, Fortalezas y Oportunidades. Para los alumnos, el encuentro de la igualdad en la diferencia se constituyo en una gran oportunidad de aprendizaje, si bien contrastó con la dificultad de trabajar en grupo cooperativo. Como conclusión se puede decir que el método docente empleado mostró su efectividad y su dificultad.

  13. Two patients walk into a clinic...a genomics perspective on the future of schizophrenia

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Corvin, Aiden P


    Abstract Progress is being made in schizophrenia genomics, suggesting that this complex brain disorder involves rare, moderate to high-risk mutations and the cumulative impact of small genetic effects, coupled with environmental factors. The genetic heterogeneity underlying schizophrenia and the overlap with other neurodevelopmental disorders suggest that it will not continue to be viewed as a single disease. This has radical implications for clinical practice, as diagnosis and treatment will be guided by molecular etiology rather than clinical diagnostic criteria.

  14. Possibilities of radiographic digitalisation in dental clinics; Possibilidades de digitalizacao radiografica na clinica odontologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zenobio, Madelon A.F. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Zenobio, Elton Goncalves [Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    In the evolution diagnostic processes by image, the improvement of the intrabucal radiographic sensibility generated and digitalized is today, of great expressiveness in the evolution and effectiveness in the odontological area. This methodology applicability as a possibility of a more precise and accurate diagnostic formulation among other advantages, justifies this technique use. This paper intends to, thorough the literature magazine and clinic case presentations to show its applicability in the daily odontological clinic, and specially, in the periodonty area. (author)

  15. Respuesta del Tumor Venéreo Transmisible Canino a Presentaciones de Vincristina de Patente y Genérica


    Susana Miguel De la Cruz


    El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar la respuesta de perros infectados naturalmente con el Tumor Venéreo Transmisible (TVTc) al tratamiento con vincristina comercial de patente y genérica. Se trabajó con 12 perros infectados naturalmente y con diagnóstico por citología y PCR. Los perros fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un tratamiento semanal con 0.025 mg/kg de vincristina de patente comercial o de tipo genérico, hasta que dos citologías consecutivas resultaran negativas. Se hicieron...

  16. Fotografía, testimonio oral y memoria: (Re Presentaciones de indígenas e inmigrantes del Chaco (Argentina

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    Mariana Giordano


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone un análisis de las representaciones visuales sobre indígenas e inmigrantes del Territorio Nacional del Chaco (Argentina, a partir de las huellas de enunciación y las narrativas visuales que se construyeron en/a través de la fotografía. Las lecturas actuales de ese corpus fotográfico, desde experiencias de recepción, permiten que el testimonio oral actualice las percepciones históricas. Con ello buscamos explorar, por un lado, cómo es representado cada grupo socio-étnico y de qué modo esas representaciones se convierten en memorias visuales de sus comunidades. Por el otro, procuramos indagar sobre las correspondencias y/o contradicciones entre lo que las narrativas fotográficas históricas (representan, como referentes de memorias visuales, y lo que los receptores actuales identifican o (desconocen, como parte de memorias identitarias en construcción, en una Provincia que desde el discurso político-cultural se busca mostrar como un crisol de raza.This paper analyses the visual representations of indigenous and immigrants located on Territorio Nacional del Chaco (National Territory of Chaco, Argentina, based on traces of enunciation and visual narratives constructed in/ through photography. The current readings of this photographic material, from experiences of reception, allowed the updating of historical perceptions through the oral testimony. In this way, we first explore how each ethnic group is represented and how these representations became visual memories of their communities. Furthermore, we search for correlations or contradictions between what the historical photographic narratives (represented, as references of visual memory, and what current receivers identify o do not acknowledge as part of their identities and memories under construction, in a Province considered a melting pot by the political and cultural discourse.

  17. Subpoblaciones neuronales presentes en el ganglio de la raíz dorsal

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    Marlén Martínez


    Full Text Available La función principal de las neuronas del ganglio de la raiz dorsal (GRD es transmitir la información sensorial desde la periferia hasta el sistema nervioso central. Dos clases de células están presentes en el ganglio: las células no neuronales y las neuronales. La heterogeneidad morfológica, fisiológica y bioquimica de la población neuronal permite diferenciarla en subpoblaciones. Morfológicarnente, se distinguen tres tipos neuronales (A, B y C segun el tamaño y las caracteristicas ultraestructurales. Fisiológicamente, hay una relación directa entre el tamaño, el diámetro de las fibras nerviosas y la velocidad con que conducen el impulso nervioso. Finalmente, el uso de marcadores (neuropéptidos, enzimas, receptores, etc. permite realizar una clasificación bioquímica, que es la más utilizada para estudiar la función neuronal. Este articulo revisa la evidencia experimental sobre el tema de la heterogeneidad neuronal del GRD v wresenta una correlación desde el punto de vista bioauimico v fisioló-o ico en los casos en dondé'hay información disponible. El esiudio de subpoblaciones en este ganglio resulta de bastante interés para investigaciones en neurociencias, principalmente en infecciones por virus neurotrópicos, traurnatismos del nervio periférico y el estudio de factores neurotróficos, entre otros.

  18. Polineuropatia urêmica: estudo clínico-eletroneurográfico de 33 casos

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    Lineu Cesar Werneck


    Full Text Available Neste estudo foram avaliados 33 pacientes com polineuropatia e insuficiência renal crônica. A idade dos pacientes variou entre 18 e 58 anos, sendo 26 do sexo masculino e 9 do feminino. Todos os pacientes apresentavam níveis de uréia acima de 100 mg/dl e creatinina acima de 5,0 mg/dl. 10 pacientes foram mantidos com hemodiálise crônica, 13 com diálise peritoneal semanal e 10 com tratamento clinico conservador (controles. Foram realizadas medidas da condução nervosa motora nos nervos mediano, ulnar e peroneiro em todos os pacientes, concomitante com a avaliação clínica. Os pacientes foram divididos em grupos, conforme a intensidade da neuropatia presente. Os sintomas mais freqüentes foram diminuição do senso de vibração, câimbras e hipoestesia distai para tacto. O nervo mais afetado foi o peroneiro (97,82%, seguido do mediano e ulnar. O procedimento dialítico alterou pouco a condução nervosa, quando as aferições eram realizadas antes e depois da mesma diálise. Não houve nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos de hemodiálise e diálise peritoneal na avaliação clinica ou eletroneurográfica. Em 7 pacientes seguidos por vários anos, a condução nervosa manteve-se estável em dois, aumentou em dois e baixou em três, acompanhando a evolução dos sintomas. Nos três que pioraram, houve desenvolvimento paralelo de hiper-paratireoidismo secundário. Os autores concluem que o nervo peroneiro é o que melhores condições fornece para o seguimento e avaliação clinica dos pacientes com uremia, apresentando tendência para diminuir a condução nervosa, quando existe piora da sintomatologia, sem relação com o tipo de diálise empregado.

  19. [Microbiological diagnosis of HIV infection]. (United States)

    López-Bernaldo de Quirós, Juan Carlos; Delgado, Rafael; García, Federico; Eiros, José M; Ortiz de Lejarazu, Raúl


    Currently, there are around 150,000 HIV-infected patients in Spain. This number, together with the fact that this disease is now a chronic condition since the introduction of antiretroviral therapy, has generated an increasing demand on the clinical microbiology laboratories in our hospitals. This increase has occurred not only in the diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic diseases, but also in tests related to the diagnosis and therapeutic management of HIV infection. To meet this demand, the Sociedad de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clinica (Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology) has updated its standard Procedure for the microbiological diagnosis of HIV infection. The main advances related to serological diagnosis, plasma viral load, and detection of resistance to antiretroviral drugs are reviewed in this version of the Procedure.

  20. CYP7B1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roos, P; Svenstrup, K; Danielsen, E R


    UNLABELLED: The SPG5A subtype of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the CYP7B1 gene, which encodes a steroid cytochrome P450 7α-hydroxylase. This enzyme provides the primary metabolic route for neurosteroids. Clinica......UNLABELLED: The SPG5A subtype of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the CYP7B1 gene, which encodes a steroid cytochrome P450 7α-hydroxylase. This enzyme provides the primary metabolic route for neurosteroids.......945_947 dupGGC p.A316AA). CONCLUSION: SPG5A could be characterized as a predominantly pure HSP. MRS showing elevated mI/Cr ratio in the white matter may be indicative of SPG5A....

  1. Revisão de 45 casos de tuberculose miliar em adultos - estudos clínicopatológicos

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    Adrelirio José Rios Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentem uma revisão de 45 casos de tuberculose viiliar em adultos, sendo que 42 foram selecionados de urn total de 4.000 necropsias. Uma correlação clínico-patológica é feita senão nitidamente evidenciado c baixo grau de suspeita clinica da doenca e a relativa freqüência desta infecção em Hospitais Gerais conseqüente à mimetização com outras patologias. Uma classificação histovatológica da condição é feita, assim como os principais órgãos atingidos são assinalados. Discussão a respeito dos mecanismos patogênicos é tentada. Finalizam com uma revisão a respeito dos problemas gerais envolvidos na tuberculose miliar.

  2. Unrecognized bipolar disorder in patients with a diagnosis of unipolar depression%诊断为单相抑郁症者中未识别的双相障碍

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    David L.DUNNER


    @@ The diagnosis of bipolar rather than unipolar depression is currently a clinicaI diagnosis which cannot be validated by specific biological measures,such as laboratory tests.Certainly the characteristics of bipolar depression frequently differ from unipolar major depression in that patients with bipolar depression generally have an earlier age of onset and more frequent episodes than individuals with unipolar major depression[1]Some,but not all,studies support an increase in suicidal behaviors among bipolar as compared with unipolar major depression[2],and"atypical features"such as hypersomnia and hyperphagia also may be found more frequently among individuals with bipolar depression.Furthermore family histories of subjects with bipolar disorders more frequently reveal relatives with bipolar disorder.In contrast,relatives of patients with unipolar depression's family history generally reflects major depression but not bipolar disorder[3].

  3. Sexual function in women from infertile couples and in women seeking surgical sterilization. (United States)

    Hentschel, Heitor; Alberton, Daniele Lima; Sawdy, Robert John; Capp, Edison; Goldim, José Roberto; Passos, Eduardo Pandolfi


    The purpose of this study was to compare sexual function between women of infertile couples (AR) and women seeking tubal ligation (TL). Women who attended Setor de Infertilidade do Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) or the Serviço de Orientação e Planejamento Familiar (SERPLAN) completed the Female Sexual Function Index, a questionnaire about sexual activity in the last 4 weeks. Scored data were collected on six different domains: desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and discomfort/pain. The greatest positive correlation in the TL group was between orgasm and sexual satisfaction (0.798), and in group AR between desire and arousal (0.627). Infertile women and fertile women who want to undergo surgical sterilization have similar sexual satisfaction scores.

  4. Planetary Sciences practical experiences at the Master level with small telescopes (United States)

    Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Perez-Hoyos, S.; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Hueso, R.; Ordonez Etxeberria, I.; Rojas, J. F.


    The Master in Space Science and Technology of the Basque Country University UPV/EHU in Bilbao (Spain) has been taught during 7 years (A. Sanchez-Lavega et al., Eur. J. of Eng. Education. 2014). Along the different courses, a series of practical observations and studies of planetary sciences have been conducted with Master students, using telescopes with diameters in the range 28-50 cm pertaining to the Aula EspaZio Gela Observatory ( Simple instrumentation (cameras and a spectrograph) have been employed to study planetary atmospheres (dynamics and cloud structure) and orbital mechanics using the Galilean satellites. Here we present a sample of these studies, which have lead to publications in refereed journals and have been presented at different meetings with the coauthoring of the students. Plans for the future include involving the master students in high-resolution observations of Solar System planets using a remote controlled 36 cm telescope at the Calar Alto observatory in Southern Spain (separated 1000 km from the teaching facilities in Bilbao).

  5. Quistes de los maxilares

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    Ivan Alberto Manotas Arevalo


    Full Text Available Los Grandes Quistes de los Maxilares han estado vinculados siempre a la humanidad, desde tiempos remotos, pues han sido halladas en restos de especimenes fosiles, han llamado la atencion de los clínicos, en torno a su etiologia, en la que se ha introducido la participacion de la genetica, (demostrada en el desarrollo de los queratoquistes maxilares, la fisiopatologia, caracteristicas histologicas (inmunohistoquimica, posibilidades diagnosticas por la imagen, (como la tomografia computarizada y la resonancia nuclear magnetica y otras pruebas. Además llaman la atención al estudio, por sus alternativas de manejo especialmente las formas radicales, y el analisis de asociaciones a otras patolo-gias benignas y malignas, y de la recurrencia muy alto de algunas de estas lesiones. Mucho se ha desarrollado para elucidar su naturaleza real, estadificar adecuadamente la lesion descartando asocia-ciones patologicas sindromicas, indicar un tratamiento apropiado, y realizar seguimientos a largo plazo. Este articulo pretende recaudar una information general que de parametros para abordar el estudio de los quistes maxilares a partir de la presentacion de un caso clinico.

  6. Reduction of CO{sub 2} emissions in the electrical sector; Reduccion de emisiones de CO{sub 2} en el sector electrico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palafox Palafox, Sergio [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    The climatic change is directly tied to the increase in the concentration of greenhouse effect gases in the atmosphere, product of human activities, mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and the deforestation. In this presentation it is spoken on the climatic change; the actions of Mexico with respect to the climatic change are mentioned; the importance of the renewable energies, such as the wind power the hydraulic energy, the geothermal and the sun power, and finally the present situation of the Mexican electrical sector is presented. [Spanish] El cambio climatico esta directamente vinculado con el aumento en la concentracion de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmosfera, producto de actividades humanas, principalmente por la quema de combustibles fosiles y la deforestacion. En esta presentacion se habla sobre cambio climatico; se mencionan las acciones de Mexico con respecto al cambio climatico; la importancia de las energias renovables, como la eolica, la hidraulica, la geotermica y la solar, y por ultimo se presenta la situacion actual del sector electrico mexicano.

  7. El populismo de Fernando Vallejo

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    Oswaldo Ortegón Cufiño


    Full Text Available Desde una visión interdisciplinaria, este trabajo busca reconocer actitudes populistas en la narrativa y el habla de Fernando Vallejo. Se observa cómo el autor y el gramático narrador de sus novelas y film (1994-2010, 2000 recurren de forma insistente y unívoca a la difusión de un pensamiento demoledor de la vieja institucionalidad, que funda la nación latinoamericana con estrategias comunicativas provocadoras, autoritarias, afectuosas y mesiánicas que, por lo general, tipifican el discurso populista. En la primera parte se discute el entronque ideológicopolítico de Vallejo con la tradición literaria latinoamericana. En la segunda parte se analiza la forma en la que discurren las estrategias comunicativas que se anotan. Algunas de sus novelas, ensayos y presentaciones públicas constituyen la materia de este trabajo. Al final, se destaca la genialidad del lenguaje vallejiano para articular una extraña forma de encantamiento social que carece de un estilo definido.

  8. Neurocirugía, un arte y una ciencia“Nuestro modo de proceder” Ignacio de Loyola

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    Germán Peña Quiñones


    Full Text Available

    Cada vez que nos referimos a nuestra especialidad en artículos, trabajos o presentaciones hablamos del estado del arte de la neurocirugía y cuando la describimos, nos referimos a la especialidad como una ciencia y un arte; cuando pensamos en la palabra “ciencia”, el concepto es claro, no se nos hace necesario buscar explicaciones porque sabemos que nos referimos a “un saber o erudición” [1] o a “un conocimiento cierto de las cosas por sus principios y causas” [1].

    Pienso que pocas veces nos detenemos a evaluar el concepto de “arte” y sobre todo en relación a la neurocirugía que es el motivo de este trabajo.Antes de iniciar el análisis del concepto de arte de la neurocirugía, me parece pertinente establecer qué es la neurocirugía? y quienes somos los neu-rocirujanos? según los cánones actuales por los que se califica la medicina y sus especialidades.

  9. Means for the regulation of renewable energies; Instrumentos de regulacion para renovables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peraza, Alejandro [Comision Reguladora de Energia, Mexico (Mexico)


    It is basically described in this presentation, those means used by the Comision Reguladora de Energia (CRE) in order to control the distribution of the available renewable energies, as well as to show the modifications done to its contracts. Besides, there are described the most relevant information about the CRE's law. There are mentioned some of the changes done to some clauses of different contracts, among the contracts found here there can be: contract for the interconnection of renewable energies, contract for the interconnection for a small source of solar energy. [Spanish] En esta presentacion se describen primordialmente los instrumentos que la Comision Reguladora de Energia (CRE) utiliza con el fin de reglamentar la distribucion de las diversas energias renovables disponibles, asi como mostrar las modificaciones que se han realizado en sus contratos. Ademas, se describen los principales aspectos de la Ley de la CRE. Asimismo, se mencionan algunas de las modificaciones que se les ha hecho a diversos contratos: Contrato de interconexion de renovables, contrato de interconexion para fuente de energia solar en pequena escala.

  10. El uso de Storify en la prensa online española e inglesa. ¿Añade o elimina valor a la noticia?

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    Koldobika Meso Ayerdi


    Full Text Available En los últimos tiempos las prácticas periodísticas se están reinventado para responder a un escenario complejo, marcado por la actualización constante, la abundancia informativa, la mayor presencia de las audiencias en el proceso comunicativo y la innovación en formatos/ soportes de consumo. En este nuevo ecosistema informativo en el que impera la abundancia de datos, surgen herramientas hipermedia que ofrecen la posibilidad de elegir y organizar los mismos para confeccionar un discurso narrativo ordenado y coherente. Una de estas herramientas es Storify. El presente artículo propone estudiar la calidad de las informaciones que se publican a través de esta herramienta en dos medios españoles y dos anglosajones: El País, El Mundo, The The Independent y The Guardian. Se trata de analizar aspectos como la temática más empleada, las redes más agregadas, la extensión de las presentaciones o la frecuencia con la que se emplea esta aplicación.

  11. Biochemical and immunological characterization of the main products of crotoxin irradiation; Caracterizacao bioquimica e imunologica dos principais produtos gerados pela irradiacao de crotoxina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nascimento, Nanci do


    Irradiation of crotoxin and its subunits with 2,000 Gy of {gamma}-rays from {sup 60} Co source leads to aggregation and generation of lower molecular wight breakdown products. Aggregates separated by gel filtration retain at least part of their higher-ordered structure, based on their reactivity with monoclonal antibodies known to react with conformation epitopes in native crotoxin. These same aggregates can serve as antigens to raise antisera that cross-reacts and neutralizes crotoxin. Compared with native crotoxin, aggregates appears less myotoxic, are largely devoid of phospholipase activity, and are virtually non-toxic in mice. These results indicate that irradiation of toxic proteins can promote significant detoxification, but still retain many of the original antigenic and immunological properties of native crotoxin. (author)

  12. Actividades físico-sociales para integrar a entornos normalizados a personas con Síndrome Down

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    Vilma Hernández Rey


    Full Text Available Circunstancias históricas y sociales llevaron a la marginación de las personas que padecían algún tipo de discapacidad. Con respecto a esa situación, las Naciones Unidas, en la Declaración de Derechos de los Discapacitados, establece: "Las personas discapacitadas tienen el derecho a la atención médica, psicológica y funcional, y todos aquellos servicios que les permitan desarrollar sus capacidades y cualidades al máximo". Este trabajo se realiza con personas con síndrome Down, comprendidos entre las edades de  25 a 40  años,  del consejo popular ¨Centro¨  de la ciudad de Santa Clara.  El diagnóstico realizado a estas personas derivó que  presentaban deficiencias en la esfera psicomotora, y  las  necesidades  psicomotrices  y  recreativas  se  satisfacían  de  manera superficial, lo cual trajo aparejado que la integración social fuera baja, así como el nivel de satisfacción de la familia. Para solucionar esta situación se diseña e implementa un conjunto de Actividades Físico–Sociales, integrado por: actividades rítmicas de expresión corporal y actividades sociales, las cuales incluyen presentaciones en contextos científicos de la Cultura Física y presentaciones en contextos comunitarios. Los Expertos valoraron de “Bastante adecuado” el conjunto de Actividades Físico – Sociales propuesto. Entre los resultados más relevantes de la investigación está la contribución  que  hace  el conjunto de Actividades Físico- Sociales a la integración de personas con síndrome Down a entornos normalizados, obteniéndose  mejorías en el  desarrollo  psicomotor,  la  satisfacción  de  la familia  y  la integración social. Para su implementación no fue necesario hacer adecuaciones metodológicas ni físico- estructurales. Como resultado relevante también se tiene la Evaluación, con relación al diagnóstico inicial, en la cual se constataron mejorías en la Psicomotricidad, aumento

  13. Actinomicose cerebral: observação anatomo-clinica e revisão da literatura brasileira

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    Luciano de Souza Queiroz


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a observação anátomo-clínica de um paciente de 33 anos, com síndrome de hipertensão intracraniana e hemiparesia à direita. O líquido cefalorraqueano revelava discreta hipercitose linfomonocitária. A autópsia mostrou três abscessos cerebrais, com edema difuso mais intenso no hemisfério cerebral esquerdo, sem leptomeningite purulenta. O exame histopatológico demonstrou grãos actinomicóticos nos abscessos cerebrais e pulmonares. A literatura brasileira sobre neuroactinomicose é analisada, com encontro de seis casos, publicados entre 1934 e 1946. São discutidos aspectos clínicos e anátomo-patológicos relevantes dos casos nacionais.

  14. Radio sterilized human ligaments and their clinical application;Ligamentos humanos radioesterilizados y su aplicacion clinica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luna Z, D.; Reyes F, M. L. [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Diaz M, I.; Hernandez R, G., E-mail: daniel.luna@inin.gob.m [Centro Estatal de Trasplantes del Estado de Mexico, Pablo Sidar No. 602, Col. Universidad, 50130 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    The ligaments are human tissues that are used in the transplantation area. A ligament is an anatomical structure in band form, composed by resistant fibers that connect the tissues that unite the bones with the articulations. In an articulation, the ligaments allow and facilitate the movement inside the natural anatomical directions, while it restricts those movements that are anatomically abnormal, impeding lesions that could arise of this type of movements. The kneecap ligament is a very important tissue in the knee mobility and of walking in the human beings. This ligament can injure it because of automobile accidents, for sport lesions or illnesses, and in many cases the only form of recovering the knee movement is carried out a transplant with the purpose of replacing the damage ligament by allo gen kneecap ligament processed in specialized Tissue Banks where the tissue is sterilized with gamma radiation of {sup 60}Co at very low temperatures, obtaining high quality ligaments for clinical application in injured patients. The kneecap ligaments are processed in the Tissue Banks with a segment of kneecap bone, a segment of tibial bone, the contained ligament between both bones and in some cases a fraction of the quadriceps tendon. In this work is given a description of the selection method of the tissue that includes the donor's serologic control, the kneecap ligament processing in the Radio Sterilized Tissues Bank, its sterilization with gamma radiation of {sup 60}Co, also it is indicated like the clinical application of the allo gen ligament was realized in a hasty patient and whose previous crossed ligament was injured. Finally the results are presented from the tissue obtaining until the clinical application of it is, and in this case is observed a favorable initial evolution of the transplantation patient. (Author)

  15. Corrimentos vaginais em gestantes: comparacao da abordagem sindromica com exames da pratica clinica da enfermagem

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    Thais Marques Lima


    Full Text Available Estudo avaliativo de abordagem quantitativa, com amostra de 104 gestantes, com o objetivo de comparar os achados de infecções vaginais em gestantes obtidos por meio do fluxograma de corrimento vaginal com exames presentes na prática clínica da Enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista e exame ginecológico realizados de janeiro a julho de 2011. O fluxograma não se mostrou eficaz na identificação de candidíase e tricomoníase, apresentou baixa sensibilidade (0,0%; 50% e valor preditivo positivo (0,0%; 3,6% para as duas infecções e baixa especificidade para tricomoníase (46%. Mostrou-se satisfatório para vaginose bacteriana, com alta sensibilidade (100%, valor preditivo negativo (100% e acurácia (74%. Conclui-se que o emprego do fluxograma precisa ser reavaliado, visto que não foi eficaz em identificar infecções importantes em gestantes. Os esforços para o desenvolvimento de testes eficazes devem ser contínuos, com intuito de prevenir a disseminação de infecções e reduzir tratamentos desnecessários.

  16. Coronary CT: clinical indications and future directions; Tomografia de coronarias: indicacoes clinicas e perspectivas futuras

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nomura, Cesar H.; Serpa, Bruna S.; Kay, Fernando U.; Szarf, Gilberto; Passos, Rodrigo B.; Neto, Roberto S.; Chate, Rodigo C.; Funar, Marcelo B., E-mail: [Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Cury, Roberto C. [Hospital Samaritano, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has started its implementation in cardiology with calcium quantification of coronary plaques in the study without contrast, using the calcium score, demonstrating an important independent predictor of future cardiac events. The examination with intravenous contrast, coronary angiography, appeared later as a noninvasive method for evaluation of anatomy and obstructive coronary disease, characterizing the degree of stenosis and the presence of non calcified atherosclerotic plaques, assessing not only the lumen, but also the vessel wall. With the advent of new machines with more detectors and higher temporal resolution has been a reduction in radiation dose and the possibility of new applications. (author)

  17. Pelvic splenosis. Clinical case presentation and literature review; Esplenosis pelvica. Presentacion de caso clinico y revision de la literatura

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schalch Ponce de Leon, J.M.; Rivera B, B; Garcia O, R [Centro Medico ABC, Departamento de Medicina Nuclear, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    A feminine patient of 31 years primigravidas with pregnancy of 6 weeks of gestation by FUM. Splenoctomy antecedent 20 years ago by splenic traumatic rupture. It enters to the service of Gynecology for sudden and intense pelvic pain in iliac left fossa and scarce trans vaginal bled. Ultrasound reports uterine cavity without gestational sack, mass of 3.5x1.4 cm in right annex. She is carried out to laparoscopy with pre surgical diagnosis of 'right ectopic pregnancy'. During the surgery its are found data that indicate probable splenosis in bottom of right sack. It was carried out at simple and contrasted TAC that show vascularized solid tumoration accustomed in bottom of right sack. The hepatosplenic scintillography with colloidal sulfide labelled with {sup 99m}Tc corroborate the diagnostic of pelvic and abdominal splenosis. (Author)

  18. Pelvic splenosis. Clinical case presentation and literature review; Esplenosis pelvica. Presentacion de caso clinico y revision de la literatura

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schalch Ponce de Leon, J.M.; Rivera B, B.; Garcia O, R. [Centro Medico ABC, Departamento de Medicina Nuclear, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    A feminine patient of 31 years primigravidas with pregnancy of 6 weeks of gestation by FUM. Splenoctomy antecedent 20 years ago by splenic traumatic rupture. It enters to the service of Gynecology for sudden and intense pelvic pain in iliac left fossa and scarce trans vaginal bled. Ultrasound reports uterine cavity without gestational sack, mass of 3.5x1.4 cm in right annex. She is carried out to laparoscopy with pre surgical diagnosis of 'right ectopic pregnancy'. During the surgery its are found data that indicate probable splenosis in bottom of right sack. It was carried out at simple and contrasted TAC that show vascularized solid tumoration accustomed in bottom of right sack. The hepatosplenic scintillography with colloidal sulfide labelled with {sup 99m}Tc corroborate the diagnostic of pelvic and abdominal splenosis. (Author)

  19. Presentacio?n. Experiencias y propuestas de educacio?n intercultural bilingu?e en los cantones Cayambe y Pedro Moncayo (Ecuador)


    Granda Mercha?n, Sebastia?n


    En el 2004, luego de 10 an?os de experiencia en los pa?ramos andinos de la Provincia de Cotopaxi, la Universidad Polite?cnica Salesiana oferta la Carrera de Educacio?n Intercultural Bilingu?e en la ciudad de Cayambe con el objetivo de atender las demandas de formacio?n de los docentes de las escuelas y colegios de la Jurisdiccio?n de Educacio?n Intercultural Bilingu?e de la zona. Para ese entonces, habi?an transcurrido ya 15 an?os desde que se institucionalizo? la Educacio?n Intercultural Bil...

  20. Peritoneal carcinomatosis: an unusual presentation of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma; Carcinomatosis peritoneal como forma de presentacion infrecuente del hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vicente, R; Garcia-Gutierrez, J A; Fernandez, A; Santalla, F [Hospital Comarcal de la Axarquia. Malaga (Spain)


    Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma is an uncommon malignant tumor with characteristic clinical, radiological and histopahtological features that is usually associated with a more favorable natural course and greater survival than more common variants of hepatocellular carcinoma. We describe an atypical case of a fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinomas sowing aggressive behaviour in a 20-year-old woman. The lesion presented with massive ascites, and imaging studies revealed extensive peritoneal metastatic spread. (Author) 8 refs.

  1. Spectrophotometric intracutaneous analysis for differential diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions

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    Е. V. Filonenko


    Full Text Available The non-invasive diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions by spectrophotometric intracutaneous analysis (SIA-scopy using device for dermatoscopy (SIAscope V by Astron Clinica, Ltd was approved in P.A.Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute. The method is based on analysis of light interaction with wavelength of 440–960 nm anf human skin, which is recorded by change of image on scan. The comparative analysis of SIA-scopy and histological data in 327 pigmented skin lesions in 147 patients showed, that SIA had high diagnostic efficiency for cutaneous melanoma: the sensitivity was 96%, specifity – 94%, diagnostic accuracy – 94%. For study of malignant potential of pigmented lesions by SIA-scopy the most informative capacity was obtained for assessment of melanin in papillary dermis, status of blood vessels and collagen fibres (SIA-scans 3, 4, 5.

  2. Intracranial tumors with risk of dissemination in neuroaxis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calvo, F.A.; Hornedo, J.; de la Torre, A.; Sachetti, A.; Arellano, A.; Aramburo, P.; Aragon, G.; Otero, J.


    The experience of the Radiotherapy Service, Clinica Puerta de Hierro, Madrid (Spain), in the treatment of intracranial tumors with risk of neural axis dissemination is analyzed. In 15 years (1964 to 1979) 415 primary central nervous system tumors were studied and treated; 67 corresponded to tumors with risk of meningeal dissemination. Clinical dissemination in cerebrospinal fluid was proven in 14 patients. The actuarial survival of 10 years for patients with neural axis dissemination, without prophylactic treatment to the neuroaxis, is 14% with an average survival of 10.5 months. In approximately 20% of meduloblastomas, ependymal and pineal region tumors, meningeal metastases at some distance from the primary tumor can take place. Patients at risk with these types of neoplasia must be identified, ad an adequate radical therapeutic focus devised, not only for the primary tumor, but also for the risk of dissemination

  3. Il XLIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Reumatologia

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    F. Oliviero


    Full Text Available Il 17-20 Ottobre 2007 al Lido di Venezia presso il Palazzo del Casinò e il Palazzo del Cinema si è svolto il XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR. Numerosi esperti nazionali e internazionali hanno esposto le più importanti acquisizioni nel campo della ricerca clinica e di base reumatologiche. I tre giorni del congresso sono stati caratterizzati da letture, sessioni scientifiche, corsi educazionali, incontri con gli esperti, sezioni poster, corsi di aggiornamento su temi speciali, e diversi simposi. Tra i temi affrontati, particolare rilievo è stato dedicato ai singoli fattori implicati nella patogenesi delle malattie reumatiche, quali le citochine, i fagociti, le cellule endoteliali, i linfociti, i fibroblasti e gli autoanticorpi. In questo ambito un contributo di rilievo è stato offerto dai numerosi relatori stranieri ospiti del convegno. Dal punto di vista clinico, sono...

  4. Evolução dos conhecimentos sôbre a cardiopatia da doenca de Chagas: revisão crítica da literatura

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    Francisco S. Laranja


    Full Text Available Foi feita uma revisão critica da literatura sobre cardiopatia da Doença de Chagas, discutindo-se os principais aspectos clínicos desta cardiopatia á luz da experiência por nós adquirida nestes últimos anos. A evolução dos conhecimentos clínicos sobre esquisotripanose pode ser sintetisada em três fases: a A primeira corresponde á descoberta da doença, feita por Chagas, e á descrição por ele e seus primeiros colaboradores das manifestações clínicas essenciais da nova entidade mórbida, na qual distinguiu a forma aguda e várias formas crônicas. b Na segunda fase, a pesquisa orientou-se essencialmente pela busca dos casos de infecção aguda, havendo considerável duvida a respeito da realidade clinica das formas crônicas da infecção. Durante um longo período raros casos de cardiopatia crônica foram publicados. Ate o momento acual (1948 encontram-se na literatura estrangeira 134 casos de cardiopatia crônica chagásica, dos quais 9 autopsiados; ate fins de 1944, o numero de casos publicados no Brasil, fora de Lassance, era de 45, dos quais 3 autopsiados. c A terceira fase ou fase atual, tende a caracterisar-se por um interesse particular nos casos de infecção crônica, orientando-se porém a pesquisa cli¬nica essencialmente pelas manifestações da cardiopatia. Contribuições recentes de ordem clínica e experimental trouxeram ampla confirmação as idéias de Chagas a respeito desta cardiopatia e colocaram-na em posição de entidade clinica de realidade indiscutível. Sua importância social esta sendo determinada e os dados disponíveis já lhe apontam relevante significação em certas regiões. Mais de 600 casos de cardiopatia crônica chagásica foram publicados no Brasil nestes últimos quatro anos.

  5. Webquest y Edublog: experiencia en la enseñanza universitaria de toxicología de alimentos

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    María Claudia Degrossi


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo relata una experiencia educativa, con desarrollo de una webquest y creación de un edublog, realizada en el año 2007 durante el dictado de Toxicología de Alimentos de la Carrera en Nutrición en dos instituciones educativas. Se eligió como tema el Análisis de Riesgos, aplicado a edulcorantes no calóricos, por su carácter central en la asignatura y la gran cantidad de información disponible en la red sobre los mismos. Se organizaron actividades grupales, dentro y fuera del aula, en tiempos flexibles, respetando los intereses de los alumnos, quienes debieron realizar presentaciones parciales y un trabajo final que reuniera los resultados y conclusiones de la investigación realizada. La webquest resultó una herramienta organizadora de la actividad docente y de las tareas de los alumnos. Respecto al blog, favoreció el intercambio de información entre los grupos y motivó a los estudiantes, superándose rápidamente las dificultades iniciales en su utilización.

  6. El tiempo en las ciudades míticas de la literatura hispanoamericana: Macondo, Comala y Santa María

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    Ksenija Vulović


    Full Text Available En este trabajo vamos a abordar el tema del tiempo en las ciudades míticas en las obras Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez, Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo y El astillero de Juan Carlos Onetti. Vamos a investigar los problemas siguientes: las relaciones entre distintas presentaciones del tiempo (lineal o circular, la supresión de las diferencias entre pasado, presente y futuro y la analogía con el concepto de la eternidad en el mito, la memoria y el olvido, la ambigüedad entre la muerte y la vida que se basa en el concepto mítico de la muerte. Por ejemplo, en Macondo de García Márquez se entrelazan el tiempo lineal de la habitación de Melquíades con el tiempo cíclico de la ficción, en Comala de Juan Rulfo se borran las fronteras entre la vida y la muerte y existe un tiempo común para todos, en Santa María de Onetti se altera el orden del tiempo común con la estructura de narradores múltiples, etc.

  7. (Deformaciones: violencia y narrativa en Centroamérica

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    Werner Mackenbach


    Full Text Available La normalización de la violencia en la vida cotidiana a la que alude el cuento de dos páginas del guatemalteco Carlos Paniagua (publicado en Informe de un suicidio en 1993, “El llanto de un niño”, es mostrada con irónica naturalidad desde la casi indiferencia del narrador. Las presentaciones y representaciones estéticas de la violencia en las literaturas latinas y centroamericanas han sido abordadas tradicionalmente por la crítica desde el vínculo entre la práctica escritural y la denuncia de la violencia política. Cabe mencionar el caso de la novela de la Violencia colombiana sobre la que hay cierto consenso al afirmar, como lo sugiere Paschen (1994, que la mayoría de estas novelas poseen un carácter testimonial y de denuncia, ya que tanto los acontecimientos como los personajes suelen tener un referente histórico verificable. Pero junto a estas novelas de “denuncia social”, explica Paschen, se publican otras que se dedican a la representación de la subjetividad de quienes participan o se ven afectados por la Violencia colombiana.

  8. El papel de los alumnos en el proceso de selección, creación e implementación de materiales

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    Lozano López, Gracia


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se describe una experiencia didáctica llevada a cabo por los autores y que pretendió fomentar la implicación del alumno de E/LE (niveles B1-C1 en los procesos de planificación y creación de materiales de su curso. Partiendo de la necesidad de mejorar los resultados de determinadas actividades de expresión oral que se realizaban en los cursos (presentaciones en clase sobre temas culturales, y tras realizar un estudio de campo sobre las ideas de los alumnos sobre cómo explotar didácticamente materiales reales y otros temas, los autores propusieron a los alumnos la tarea de elaborar mini-clases alrededor de algún tema y ser “profesores” de sus compañeros. Para ello les proporcionaron guías de actuación (“andamiajes pedagógicos”, así como otros instrumentos (recursos conversacionales para manejar el lenguaje de aula y trucos docentes. En el artículo se revisan los resultados obtenidos y se teoriza sobre la conveniencia, ventajas y desventajas de este tipo de tarea para alumnos de idiomas.

  9. Overview of the IEA GHG Weyburn-Midale CO{sub 2} monitoring and storage project

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    Mourits, Frank [Natural Resources Canada (Canada)


    In this presentation it is explained what the Weyburn-Midale project consists of; it is also spoken on the operation for the enhanced oil recovery of Encana Weyburn and Apache Midale Commercial; an overview and results are given of phase I (2000-2004) of the Weyburn project of monitoring and CO{sub 2} storage of greenhouse effect gases of the International Energy Agency; Characteristics and statistics of operation of the oil fields Weyburn and Midale, and how is it that with CO{sub 2} and recycled water the oil is recovered?. [Spanish] En esta presentacion se explica en que consiste el proyecto Weyburn-Midale; se habla tambien sobre la operacion para la recuperacion mejorada de petroleo de Encana Weyburn y Apache Midale Commercial; se da una vision general y resultados de la fase I (2000-2004) del proyecto Weyburn de monitoreo y almacenamiento de CO{sub 2} gases de efecto invernadero de la Agencia Internacional de Energia; Caracteristicas y estadisticas de operacion de los yacimientos petroliferos Weyburn y Midale, y como es que con el CO{sub 2} y agua reciclada se recupera el petroleo?.

  10. Distrés y desempeño musical en la enseñanza artística elemental de Santiago de Cuba

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    Lic. Sandra Ochoa-Durán


    Full Text Available Se reflexiona sobre la influencia de los indicadores de distrés en el desempeño musical, como referentes importantes al proyectar intervenciones relacionadas con problemáticas de salud mental y que vinculan a la ciencia psicológica y psicopedagógica en nuestro país en el marco de la Enseñanza Artística.Aparece evaluada la categoría psicológica desempeño musical, sus indicadores: sensibilidad emocional y estructura psicológica volitiva (esfuerzo volitivo y el análisis de su relación directa con los síntomas de Distrés. El tema parte del estudio realizado por la autora en la Escuela Vocacional de Arte de Santiago de Cuba, en un período de dos años (septiembre de 2010 a junio 2012, a partir de los síntomas de ansiedad y displacer que presentan los estudiantes ante las presentaciones a las clases de la especialidad, a los exámenes, al pase de nivel y en público, que se traducen la expresión del desempeño musical óptimo en ellos.

  11. Niña con erucismo hemorrágico por Lonomia spp.: reporte de un caso

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    Walter Peña-Vásquez

    Full Text Available Los accidentes causados por las setas urticantes o venenosas de las orugas de lepidópteros, se conocen como erucismo. Estos accidentes se producen por el contacto accidental, especialmente por los niños, con las cerdas sobre el cuerpo del insecto, conectadas con glándulas venenosas. Los síntomas pueden ser locales o sistémicos, con presentaciones clínicas fatales. El accidente ocasionado por las orugas del género Lonomia spp. puede desencadenar síndromes hemorrágicos, constituyendo estos la forma más grave de erucismo. Se reporta el caso de una niña de 5 años, procedente del poblado de Villarondos, en la Amazonía del Perú, departamento de Huánuco, la cual incidentalmente se hinca con las cerdas de una oruga, cursando luego con anemia hemolítica, plaquetopenia y trastorno de la coagulación. El diagnóstico fue establecido por la anamnesis, cuadro clínico, exámenes de laboratorio y respuesta al suero antilonómico. Se discuten los aspectos clínicos, laboratoriales y terapéuticos de erucismo por Lonomia spp.

  12. ¿Por qué es importante establecer una rúbrica de evaluación? El caso del curso Clínica de Exodoncia y Cirugía

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    Patricia Hernández-Rivera


    Full Text Available En la actualidad los procesos evaluativos han cobrado importancia, pues se requieren instrumentos objetivos que ofrezcan un medio para valorar las competencias logradas por el estudiantado, en determinado proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Las rúbricas de evaluación ofrecen un mecanismo objetivo, que estandariza los indicadores a valorar, según el rendimiento mostrado por el estudiantado. Además, le permite al personal docente orientar y retroalimentar al alumnado, quienes también podrán utilizar el instrumento para autoevaluarse y prepararse de antemano, de acuerdo con las especificaciones descritas en la rúbrica. El objetivo del presente trabajo es elaborar una rúbrica de evaluación para el curso de Clínica de Exodoncia y Cirugía. Dicho instrumento se realizó considerando las opiniones del 40% del profesorado a cargo del curso, por medio de una entrevista semi-estructurada. Esta rúbrica ofrece una herramienta que estandariza el proceso de evaluación de las "presentaciones de caso" y permite que el equipo docente pueda retroalimentar al estudiantado y favorece la interacción docente-estudiante.


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    Ricardo Augusto Claro Carrascal


    Full Text Available Se evalúo la aceptabilidad de una dieta artificial utilizada en la alimentación del estado larval de la mariposa Battus polydamas polydamas (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae, bajo condiciones de laboratorio.  A las larvas se les ofreció una dieta en diferentes presentaciones y composiciones, de acuerdo con ensayos previos y con los análisis nutricionales desarrollados a larvas maduras y a hojas de la  planta hospedera, Aristolochia maxima (Aristolochiaceae.  La longevidad, en estado larval, de B. polydamas criadas en laboratorio, se ve afectada significativamente por los diferentes tratamientos de alimentación. La curva de sobrevivencia no presento diferencias significativas entre las larvas alimentadas con solamente hojas jóvenes de la planta y aquellas que se alimentaron con dieta esparcida. En contraste, las tasas de crecimiento larval, fueron significativamente afectadas según el tratamiento.  Se sustenta la cría de mariposas de la especie B. polydamas bajo una dieta artificial con condiciones de temperatura, humedad y luminosidad controlada, con propósitos de investigación o futuros planes de manejo y conservación.


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    José Jiménez Jiménez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se expone una experiencia de naturaleza socioconstructivista con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC realizada con alumnado de 3º de educación secundaria obligatoria. La actividad consiste en la elaboración de la biografía de una científica y su exposición en el aula, mediante la realización de una presentación multimedia. La tarea plantea una forma de trabajo en la que el alumnado pone en funcionamiento una serie de competencias de forma simultánea. Así pues, el cambio metodológico que se está proponiendo gira en torno a las actividades. Con las presentaciones diseñadas por el alumnado, se han diseñado unos pósters para una exposición sobre las científicas en la historia. La experiencia ha resultado interesante desde el punto de vista de la coeducación y del desarrollo de competencias TIC para el alumnado y nos facilita a los docentes nuevas metodologías de trabajo en el aula.


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    José Jiménez Jiménez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se expone una experiencia de naturaleza socioconstructivista con eluso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC realizada conalumnado de 3º de educación secundaria obligatoria. La actividad consiste en laelaboración de la biografía de una científica y su exposición en el aula, mediante larealización de una presentación multimedia. La tarea plantea una forma de trabajo enla que el alumnado pone en funcionamiento una serie de competencias de formasimultánea. Así pues, el cambio metodológico que se está proponiendo gira en torno alas actividades. Con las presentaciones diseñadas por el alumnado, se han diseñadounos pósters para una exposición sobre las científicas en la historia. La experiencia haresultado interesante desde el punto de vista de la coeducación y del desarrollo decompetencias TIC para el alumnado y nos facilita a los docentes nuevas metodologíasde trabajo en el aula.

  16. Hipotiroidismo Subclínico ¿Cuándo Tratar?

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    Alfredo Jácome Roca


    Nadie pensaba además en hacer tamizajes con metabolismos basales o yodoproteinemias (PBI en la población general o –ni siquiera- en grupos etáreos especiales como embarazadas y menopáusicas, menos sabiendo que los estrógenos alteraban las pruebas, por su acción sobre las proteínas transportadoras de hormonas tiroideas. En menopáusicas viudas, era seguro encontrar una PBI alta, porque el vestido negro acostumbrado en los largos lutos contenía yodo que alteraba esta prueba (2. A menudo escuchábamos presentaciones en congresos médicos sobre el “Uso y abuso de las hormonas tiroideas”, en las que usualmente se criticaba su extendido uso en una variada patología; muchos clínicos eran aficionados a utilizar los preparados de la época –tiroides desecado, tiroglobulina, triyodotironina, y al final el liotirox- a pesar de que no hubiese estudios que demostraran su utilidad de manera fehaciente, o que se albergaran ciertos temores sobre sus efectos deletéreos: la osteoporosis no estaba de moda, y la fibrilación auricular era problema de los cardiólogos (3.

  17. Una perspectiva de los biomateriales vista desde un diseño específico: la prótesis total de cadera

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    Alejandro Echavarría


    Full Text Available La prótesis total de cadera, diseño característico de un reemplazo de una articulación funcional, ha sufrido una serie de modificaciones desde el primer implante, hecho por John Charnley, a mediados del siglo pasado, utilizando cemento de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA. El estado del arte actual de dicho diseño incluye una serie de biomateriales en diversas presentaciones, que utilizan aleaciones metálicas como el TiAlV, el acero inoxidable ASTM F138 o las aleaciones de cobalto-cromo forjadas (en las áreas donde se requiera la máxima resistencia mecánica a flexión, materiales cerámicos en el punto donde se requiera la máxima resistencia a la abrasión e inercia química (en el caso de la cabeza esférica se utiliza zirconia estabilizada con itrio, en conjunto con materiales de alta capacidad de carga pero muy bajo coeficiente de fricción (como el UHMWPE. Para asegurar la adherencia del implante al hueso cortical se utilizan agregados de hidroxiapatita (HA o cemento acrílico de PMMA.

  18. Linfoma no Hodgkin primario de sistema nervioso central en un paciente pediátrico sin inmunodeficiencia relacionada

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    Rocío Cárdenas-Cardos


    Full Text Available El linfoma no Hodgkin primario de sistema nervioso central es una afección poco frecuente en la población pediátrica. No existen (o son pocas las recomendaciones o estudios clínicos que sean útiles para definir la mejor opción terapéutica. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el caso de una niña con linfoma primario de sistema nervioso central, sin ninguna inmunodeficiencia asociada, y realizar de una revisión cualitativa de la literatura especializada sobre esta enfermedad en niños. Se ha postulado la posibilidad de cambios citogenéticos que pudieran explicar la heterogeneidad en el comportamiento de esta enfermedad pues se ha visto que es distinto al de otros linfomas en presentaciones habituales. La experiencia de tratamiento en niños con linfoma se basa en resultados de tratamientos obtenidos en pacientes adultos, con regímenes basados principalmente en antimetabolitos como metotrexato y citarabina. Aún es controvertida la utilidad de la radioterapia craneal, la cual sólo se recomienda en casos específicos.

  19. Preliminary characterization of dose in personnel of interventional radiology; Caracterizacao preliminar da dose em profissionais de radiologia intervencionista

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    Godolfim, Laura Larre; Anes, Mauricio; Bacelar, Alexandre; Lykawka, Rochelle [Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)


    Exposure to X-rays of Interventional Radiology professionals (IR) impacts in the high dose rate received by these individuals, and there are reports of biological effects of this professional activity. Therefore, it is fomented greater control over the doses received by these workers. This research intends to characterize the doses received by the professionals during IR procedures. We evaluated the doses of radiologists, anesthesiologists and nursing staff of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, through measures with dosimeters of the OSL type, distributed in up to six regions of the body of these professionals. Until now were accompanied 33 cholangiography procedures and 29 embolization procedures. As a preliminary result, it was possible to identify a wide variation between doses of the professionals of the same function in each procedure. In overview, the dose of the professionals presented in descending order as a radiologist 1> radiologist 2 > anesthetist > nursing. (author)

  20. Preliminary characterization of dose in personnel of interventional radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godolfim, Laura Larre; Anes, Mauricio; Bacelar, Alexandre; Lykawka, Rochelle


    Exposure to X-rays of Interventional Radiology professionals (IR) impacts in the high dose rate received by these individuals, and there are reports of biological effects of this professional activity. Therefore, it is fomented greater control over the doses received by these workers. This research intends to characterize the doses received by the professionals during IR procedures. We evaluated the doses of radiologists, anesthesiologists and nursing staff of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, through measures with dosimeters of the OSL type, distributed in up to six regions of the body of these professionals. Until now were accompanied 33 cholangiography procedures and 29 embolization procedures. As a preliminary result, it was possible to identify a wide variation between doses of the professionals of the same function in each procedure. In overview, the dose of the professionals presented in descending order as a radiologist 1> radiologist 2 > anesthetist > nursing. (author)

  1. Calibration of semiconductors diodes for in vivo dosimetry in total body irradiation treatments; Calibracao de diodos semicondutores para dosimetria in vivo em tratamentos de irradiacao de corpo inteiro

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    Oliveira, Fernanda F.; Costa, Alessandro M.; Ghilardi Netto, Thomaz, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (FFCLRP/USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciencias e Letras. Departamento de Fisica; Amaral, Leonardo L. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (HCFMRP/USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Hospital das Clinicas. Servico de Radioterapia


    This paper presents the results of in vivo dosimetry with p-type semiconductors diodes, EDP-15 (Scanditronix Wellhoefer) of two patients who underwent total body irradiation treatments, at Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto University of Sao Paulo (HCFMRP-USP). The diodes were well calibrated and the calibration factors were determined with the aid of a reference ionization chamber (FC065, IBA dosimetry, sensitive volume of 0.65 cm{sup 3}).The calibration was performed in a Total Body Irradiation (TBI) setup, using solid water phantoms. Different lateral thicknesses from one patient were simulated and then the calibration factors were determined by means of maximum depth dose readings (half of the lateral thickness). The response difference between diode readings and the prescribed dose for both treatments was below 4%. This difference is in agreement as recommended by International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU), which is {+-}5%. (author)

  2. Clinical biochemistry education in Spain. (United States)

    Queraltó, J M


    Clinical biochemistry in Spain was first established in 1978 as an independent specialty. It is one of several clinical laboratory sciences specialties, together with haematology, microbiology, immunology and general laboratory (Clinical analysis, análisis clinicos). Graduates in Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biological Sciences can enter post-graduate training in Clinical Chemistry after a nation-wide examination. Training in an accredited Clinical Chemistry department is 4 years. A national committee for medical and pharmacist specialties advises the government on the number of trainees, program and educational units accreditation criteria. Technical staff includes nurses and specifically trained technologists. Accreditation of laboratories is developed at different regional levels. The Spanish Society for Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology (SECQ), the national representative in the IFCC, has 1600 members, currently publishes a scientific journal (Química Clinica) and a newsletter. It organizes a continuous education program, a quality control program and an annual Congress.

  3. Solar thermal power plants for heat and electricity generation; Presentacion de plantas termosolares para generacion de calor y energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Estrada Cajigal, V [Solartronic S. A. de C. V., Cuernavaca (Mexico); Manzini, F; Sanchez, A [Laboratorio de Energia Solar (IIM-UNAM), Temixco (Mexico)


    Solar thermal technology is presented for concentration into a point for the production of heat and energy in small and large scale, emphasis is made on the capacity for the combination with current technologies using fossil fuels for electricity generation and process steam, increasing the global efficiency of the power plants and notably reducing the pollutants emission to the air during the insolation hours. It is successfully compared with other solar-thermal technologies. [Espanol] Se presenta la tecnologia termosolar de concentracion puntual para produccion de calor y de energia en pequena y gran escala, se enfatiza su capacidad de combinacion con las tecnologias actuales que utilizan combustibles fosiles para produccion de electricidad y vapor de proceso, aumentando la eficiencia global de las plantas y reduciendo notablemente sus emisiones contaminantes a la atmosfera durante las horas de insolacion. Se le compara exitosamente con otras tecnologias termosolares.

  4. PET, Positron emission tomography: Presentation of a clinical case; PET, Tomografia por emision de positrones: Presentacion de un caso clinico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sierralta C, Paulina; Jofre M, M Josefina; Gonzalez E, Patricio; Massardo V, Teresa; Humeres A, Pamela; Canessa G, Jose [Hospital Militar de Santiago, Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Centro PET de Imagenes Moleculares, Santiago (Chile)


    A patient with a solitary pulmonary nodule is presented. She was studied with PET using F-18 FDG. The metabolic images demonstrated increased uptake in the nodule and 2 additional areas suggestive of extension, not seen in anatomic diagnostic procedures. These findings were compatible with a malignant tumour with metastasis (au)

  5. Solar thermal power plants for heat and electricity generation; Presentacion de plantas termosolares para generacion de calor y energia electrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Estrada Cajigal, V. [Solartronic S. A. de C. V., Cuernavaca (Mexico); Manzini, F.; Sanchez, A. [Laboratorio de Energia Solar (IIM-UNAM), Temixco (Mexico)


    Solar thermal technology is presented for concentration into a point for the production of heat and energy in small and large scale, emphasis is made on the capacity for the combination with current technologies using fossil fuels for electricity generation and process steam, increasing the global efficiency of the power plants and notably reducing the pollutants emission to the air during the insolation hours. It is successfully compared with other solar-thermal technologies. [Espanol] Se presenta la tecnologia termosolar de concentracion puntual para produccion de calor y de energia en pequena y gran escala, se enfatiza su capacidad de combinacion con las tecnologias actuales que utilizan combustibles fosiles para produccion de electricidad y vapor de proceso, aumentando la eficiencia global de las plantas y reduciendo notablemente sus emisiones contaminantes a la atmosfera durante las horas de insolacion. Se le compara exitosamente con otras tecnologias termosolares.

  6. La day surgery centralizzata: l’appropriatezza clinica e organizzativa come leva di creazione di valore sanitario

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    Bruno Vogliolo


    Full Text Available In the last years Public Health Service has been trying to find out solutions in order to improve its health value added creation capacity. The implementation of the Day-surgery division mainly aims to follow that direction, since it enables the improvement of the ratio between efficacy, quality and healthcare suitability and on the other hand efficiency, costs and modality of better resources utilization. The centralization of Day-surgery activities proposes some innovative characteristics, concerning that it introduces an organizational model focused on needs and it performs the separation of the clinic and therapeutic activities from the ones involving the assistance. Both economic and qualitative advantages deriving from the changes stand out in term of: - high possibility of activities’ scheduling; - improved customer satisfaction; - rationalisation of day-hospital recovery, with positive effects on the inpatients; - improved hospital economic stability. This study was carried out with the support of the multiple-skill group composed of doctors, nurses, administrative staff as well as experts in the field of organisation with an aim to provide the full outline of the necessary competences. The proposed discussion reflects the multidisciplinary view of the problem and different perspectives. Each of them regards particular aspects and implications indicated as following: - clinical perspective, related to the possibility of day-surgery interventions both from the medical and the anaesthetic point of view; - organisational perspective, which refers to the possible day-surgery models in conjunction with the organisational model and their peculiarities; - operative perspective, which consist of the analysis of the ideal structural dimension, flows of activities among all services involved and the analysis of the productive capability; (number of necessary beds, staff dimension and a relapse of the operation activities needs; - economic perspective, focused mainly to provide the final valuation on the capacity of the project to contribute to the improvement of the hospital.

  7. Estudo das condições de hidrolise acida para obtenção de dextrana clinica


    Vanessa Mendes Santos


    Resumo: A dextrana é um biopolímero formado por resíduos de glicose unidos por ligação et-1,6 maioritariamente. É sintetizada peia enzima dextrana-sacarase, enzima esta produzida extracelularmente por algumas bactérias, principalmente do genêro Leuconosíoa A apiicacão deste polímero está diretamente relacionada com o seu peso molecular- As dextranas de peso molecular na faixa de 20,000 a 100,000 daltons (dextrana clínica) possui notáveis aplicações no ramo da medicina como expansor do plasma ...

  8. Pelvic insufficiency fractures in the elderly: a challenging diagnosis

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    Carolina Furtado


    Full Text Available A fractura por insuficiência óssea, resulta de uma carga normal ou repetitiva, aplicada a um osso desmineralizado ou osteoporótico1. As fracturas pélvicas por insuficiência, nomeadamente do sacro e do púbis, são relativamente frequentes nos idosos2. Contudo, as fracturas da asa do ilíaco são raras, e quando documentadas estão frequentemente associadas a outras fracturas pélvicas3. A osteoporose pós-menopausa constitui o factor predisponente mais comum. Outros factores de risco incluem: artrite reumatóide, corticoterapia prolongada, insuficiência renal crónica, radioterapia e as alterações mecânicas após artroplastia da anca1. As fracturas podem ser espontâneas, sem história de trauma2. Clinica e radiologicamente devem ser distinguidas de metástases ou infecções ósseas4. Os autores descrevem um caso clinico que reflecte o desafio diagnóstico na detecção dessas fracturas. Mulher, caucasiana, 70 anos de idade, com antecedentes de doença de Parkinson, artrite reumatóide seronegativa (sem história de corticoterapia e osteoporose grave (medicada com bifosfonatos orais com cumprimento irregular com fracturas do rádio distal bilateral em Abril de 2011 e de fractura-avulsão parasinfiseal púbica esquerda em Março de 2014 (figura 1, ambas de baixo impacto. Seis meses depois, refere inicio insidioso de dor lombar e glútea direita, 8 em 10 em intensidade, com cerca de duas semanas de duração, de agravamento progressivo (tornando-se na última semana incapacitante para a marcha autónoma, com irradiação até ao joelho homolateral, sem parestesias, não se exacerbando com as manobras de valsalva e diminuindo com o repouso. Negava história recente de trauma ou antecedentes pessoais ou familiares neoplásicos. Ao exame objectivo, apirética, com palpação dolorosa ao nível da crista ilíaca direita. Sem défices neurológicos. A avaliação analítica (hemograma, bioquimica, reagentes de fase aguda, balanço fosfoc

  9. Brief exegesis on the existing legislation and the application of thermal insulation in the world - proposal for Mexico; Breve exegesis sobre legislacion existente en la aplicacion de aislamientos termicos en el mundo - propuesta para Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ordonez C, Luis Felipe [Aislantes Minerales, S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    -economias nacionales como a las microeconomias familiares individuales. En consecuencia directa de la reduccion en el consumo energetico, se reduce en forma proporcional la emision de los contaminantes derivados de la combustion. La reduccion se realiza en su gasto diario y transfiere sus beneficios en forma directa e inmediata. Otros efectos secundarios beneficos son; se mejora sensiblemente la calidad de vida de los habitantes de viviendas mas confortables, se generan nuevos empleos y necesidades de mayor capacitacion al personal de la construccion y se amplia la oferta de alternativas de sistemas constructivos. En primer termino, se hace una presentacion resumida y explicada de la legislacion y reglamentacion adoptada en una amplia lista de distintos paises del mundo; lideres en este aspecto. Posteriormente, se hace una presentacion de las medidas que se pudieran implementar a este respecto en Mexico y se sugieren valores especificos de aislamiento relativos a las distintas regiones climatologicas mexicanas.

  10. El proceso diagnóstico en psicoanálisis The diagnosis process in psychoanalysis

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    Santiago Thompson


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo intenta delimitar y desarrollar las características del proceso diagnóstico psicoanalítico. En esta vía, se distinguen el diagnóstico médico y el psicoanalítico, y al diagnóstico psicoanalítico como resultado y como proceso. A continuación se describen los estados iniciales y pasajes que tal proceso supone, señalando los indicadores de los distintos tipos clínicos (neurosis, psicosis, perversión que implican las diversas presentaciones. En este marco se delimita el lugar del motivo de consulta en tal proceso, se establecen diferencias y relaciones entre la ocasión de la consulta y la ocasión de enfermar y se explicitan los pasajes propios del campo transferencial. A continuación se delimitan las relaciones del síntoma, (cuya puesta en forma en el vínculo transferencial se propone como uno de los resultados del proceso diagnóstico psicoanalítico, al saber en los distintos tipos clínicos, así como las presentaciones subjetivas iniciales respecto del saber de las que se derivan tales relaciones. Finalmente se complementa la diferenciación entre diagnóstico como proceso y como resultado tomando como parámetro los efectos que uno y otro tienen sobre el analista y el analizante. Todo el desarrollo se sostiene teóricamente en un enfoque delimitado por trabajos de Sigmund Freud y Jacques Lacan.The present study tries to delimit and develop the characteristics of the psychoanalytical diagnosis process. In this way, the medical diagnosis and the psychoanalytical one are distinguished, portraying the psychoanalytical diagnosis as a result as well as a process. Subsequently, the initial stages and passages that are involved in such process are described , pointing out the indicators of the different clinical types (neurosis, psychosis, perversion that appear in the various presentations. In this framework, the role of the motive for consulting in such process is delimited, the differences and relationships

  11. Brief exegesis on the existing legislation and the application of thermal insulation in the world - proposal for Mexico; Breve exegesis sobre legislacion existente en la aplicacion de aislamientos termicos en el mundo - propuesta para Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ordonez C, Luis Felipe [Aislantes Minerales, S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    -economias nacionales como a las microeconomias familiares individuales. En consecuencia directa de la reduccion en el consumo energetico, se reduce en forma proporcional la emision de los contaminantes derivados de la combustion. La reduccion se realiza en su gasto diario y transfiere sus beneficios en forma directa e inmediata. Otros efectos secundarios beneficos son; se mejora sensiblemente la calidad de vida de los habitantes de viviendas mas confortables, se generan nuevos empleos y necesidades de mayor capacitacion al personal de la construccion y se amplia la oferta de alternativas de sistemas constructivos. En primer termino, se hace una presentacion resumida y explicada de la legislacion y reglamentacion adoptada en una amplia lista de distintos paises del mundo; lideres en este aspecto. Posteriormente, se hace una presentacion de las medidas que se pudieran implementar a este respecto en Mexico y se sugieren valores especificos de aislamiento relativos a las distintas regiones climatologicas mexicanas.

  12. Utilization of C-14 settled urease for diagnosing Campylobacter Pylori in the stomach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chausson, Y.; Coelho, L.G.V.


    A new method for diagnosing the Campylobacter Pylori in the stomach is described, using C-14 settled urease. Campylobacter Pylori is now being considered the most probable causative agent of antral chronic gastritis, pepitic ulcer and non-ulcerous dyspepsia. The technique is based on ingestion of the tracer, its recovery by exhalation in etanol hyamine solution, followed by counting and dates evaluation. The test was applied to forty two voluntary male and female patients, after their written acquiescence. Their ages varied from 19 to 62 years old. Thirty of the results were positive and twelve negative. All of them were comproved by microbiological (cultura) and hystologycal studies of gastric biopsy gotten by gastroscopy. They were performed at the Gastroentherology Departament of the 'Hospital das Clinicas' that belongs to the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Repetitivity of the breath test was confirmed by repetition of the results in five positive patients and five negative ones. (author) [pt

  13. Utilization of C-14 settled urease for diagnosing Campylobacter Pylori in the stomach. Utilizacao de ureia marcada com carbono quatorze para diagnostico da presenca do Campylobacter Pylori no estomago

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chausson, Y; Coelho, L G.V. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    A new method for diagnosing the Campylobacter Pylori in the stomach is described, using C-14 settled urease. Campylobacter Pylori is now being considered the most probable causative agent of antral chronic gastritis, pepitic ulcer and non-ulcerous dyspepsia. The technique is based on ingestion of the tracer, its recovery by exhalation in etanol hyamine solution, followed by counting and dates evaluation. The test was applied to forty two voluntary male and female patients, after their written acquiescence. Their ages varied from 19 to 62 years old. Thirty of the results were positive and twelve negative. All of them were comproved by microbiological (cultura) and hystologycal studies of gastric biopsy gotten by gastroscopy. They were performed at the Gastroentherology Departament of the 'Hospital das Clinicas' that belongs to the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Repetitivity of the breath test was confirmed by repetition of the results in five positive patients and five negative ones. (author).

  14. Implantação do Programa Saúde na escola em Fortaleza-CE: atuação de equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família

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    Lindelvania Matias de Santiago

    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata a experiência da implantação do Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE por uma equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF em uma escola pública em Fortaleza-CE. As atividades desenvolvidas incluíram seminário de implantação do PSE com os docentes e integrantes da ESF, oficinas com os estudantes, avaliação clinica e odontológica dos adolescentes e entrega de Cadernetas de Saúde do Adolescente. A implantação do PSE permitiu aos profissionais de saúde a percepção do seu papel social de educador e possibilitou aos adolescentes maior contato com a equipe da ESF. A aproximação entre escola e ESF é fundamental para ajudar os adolescentes a transformarem a informação científica em comportamentos saudáveis.

  15. Implantação do Programa Saúde na escola em Fortaleza-CE: atuação de equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família

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    Lindelvania Matias de Santiago


    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata a experiência da implantação do Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE por uma equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF em uma escola pública em Fortaleza-CE. As atividades desenvolvidas incluíram seminário de implantação do PSE com os docentes e integrantes da ESF, oficinas com os estudantes, avaliação clinica e odontológica dos adolescentes e entrega de Cadernetas de Saúde do Adolescente. A implantação do PSE permitiu aos profissionais de saúde a percepção do seu papel social de educador e possibilitou aos adolescentes maior contato com a equipe da ESF. A aproximação entre escola e ESF é fundamental para ajudar os adolescentes a transformarem a informação científica em comportamentos saudáveis.

  16. Acceptance, commissioning and quality control in radiosurgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toreti, Dalila Luzia


    Stereotactic Radiosurgery is a treatment technique that uses narrow beams of radiation focused with great accuracy in a small lesion. The introduction of micro multi leaf collimators (mMLC) allows this technique to reach a higher degree of dose conformation of the target lesion allowing a smaller irradiation of critical structures and normal tissues. This paper presents the results of the acceptance tests and commissioning of a Varian 6EX linear accelerator dedicated to radiosurgery associated with the BrainLab micro multi leaf collimator installed in the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HC-FMUSP) and establish feasible quality assurance program for the services that employ this special technique. The results of the acceptance tests were satisfactory and are willing with the specifications provided by the manufacturer and the commissioning tests were within the international recommendations. The tests and measures that are part of quality control process should be specific to each treatment unit, and the need, frequency and levels of tolerance

  17. Elaboration of a program for monitoring the ionizing radiations in a large hospital; Elaboracao de um programa de monitoracao das radiacoes ionizantes num hospital de grande porte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carreira, Mauricio Costa


    Personnel monitoring data collected in the Radiotherapy, Diagnostic Radiology and Hemodynamics Departments of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - USP during the interval from 1986 to 1995 were analyzed. The data were classified according to the profession of the workers and compared to those collected in a previous period (1973-1982). Internationally established criteria, published published in the ICRP 35 and 60 were used together with additional Brazilian criteria (CNEN NE 3.01) to optimize personnel monitoring such that the required radioprotection is provided. The results show that 80% of the workers need not be monitored because their doses will not exceed 3/10 the annual limits. An economy of about US$10,200 in monitoring cost per year could be realized as well as reduction in the hospital clerical costs expended to maintain the records. The improvements gaining by reducing the number of monitored persons will not compromise the safety standard required for radiation protection. (author)

  18. Elaboration of a program for monitoring the ionizing radiations in a large hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carreira, Mauricio Costa


    Personnel monitoring data collected in the Radiotherapy, Diagnostic Radiology and Hemodynamics Departments of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - USP during the interval from 1986 to 1995 were analyzed. The data were classified according to the profession of the workers and compared to those collected in a previous period (1973-1982). Internationally established criteria, published published in the ICRP 35 and 60 were used together with additional Brazilian criteria (CNEN NE 3.01) to optimize personnel monitoring such that the required radioprotection is provided. The results show that 80% of the workers need not be monitored because their doses will not exceed 3/10 the annual limits. An economy of about US$10,200 in monitoring cost per year could be realized as well as reduction in the hospital clerical costs expended to maintain the records. The improvements gaining by reducing the number of monitored persons will not compromise the safety standard required for radiation protection. (author)

  19. Results of radical radiotherapy of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: experience at the clinical Puerta de Hierro (Spain)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regueiro, C.A.; Valcarcel, F.J.; Millan, I.; Romero, J.; Torre, A. de la; Polo, E.; Magallon, R.; Aragon, G.


    We have reviewed the records of 251 patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with radical radiotherapy at the Department of Radiation Oncology of Clinica Puerta de Hierro between 1964 and 1989. The 3-year actuarial local control probability was 85% for the 29 T1-staged patients, 59% for the 89 T2-staged patients, 45% for the 71 T3-staged patients, and 43% for the 62 T4-staged patients. The 3-year actuarial nodal control probability was 86% for the 103 NO-staged patients treated electively, 66% for the 42 N1-staged patients, 60% for the 77 N2-staged patients, and 51% for the 20 N3-staged patients. The actuarial adjusted survival was 68% for the 17 stage I patients, 69% for the 48 stage II patients, 34% for the 57 stage III patients, and 33% for the 129 stage IV patients. Author (50 refs.)

  20. Doença pulmonar induzida pelas radiações ou pelos fármacos citostáticos

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    Ulrich Costabel


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O artigo discute dois temas afins: 1 doença pulmonar induzida pela radioterapia nas suas diferentes apresentações: pneumonite de radiação clássica e fibrose pulmonar e outras duas mais recentemente descritas, BOOP e alveolite linfocitária bilateral São discutidos os mecanismos patoeenicos, clinic:a e tratamento; 2 a patologia intersticial induzida por fármacos citostáticos nas suas várias formas de apresentação.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2: 141-144 ABSTRACT: In this paper two topics art adressed: 1 the radiation induced lung injury in its possible forms: classical radiation pneumonitis and radiation fibrosis or two other newly recoenised sindromes BOOP and bilateral lymphodtic alveolitis. The mecanism and treatment are discussed; 2 the cytotocic drug-induced lung diseases and their pulmonary reaction patterns.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2: 141-144 Palavras-chave: Radioterapia, Citostaticos, BOOP, Alveolite Linfocitica, Key-words: Radiation, Cytotocic Drugs, Lymphocitic Alveolitis


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    Liliana Vicente


    Full Text Available La Neumonia Adquirida en la Comunidad (NAC es una enfermedad de evolucion aguda, generalmente de manejo ambulatorio. Los Gram negativos como la Klebsiella pneumoniae son poco frecuentes (1,2%, su frecuencia aumenta considerablemente en NAC severa representando el 12% de las etiologias. Las condiciones clinicas del paciente y la presencia de factores de riesgo son indicadores de la evolucion, riesgo de mortalidad y conducta terapeutica.Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 22 anos, sin factores de riesgo ni antecedentes de importancia, con diagnostico de NAC severa con un CURB-65 de 3 puntos. La radiografia y tomografia describen absceso pulmonar, derrame pleural y neumotorax derecho. Se realiza drenaje toraxico, ingresa a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI e inicia antibioticoterapia con Clindamicina-Ceftazidima, evoluciona torpidamente, se realiza decorticacion pleuro-pulmonar y reseccion cuneiforme de segmento fistulado. El cultivo inicial reporta Klebsiella pneumoniae y el segundo Acinetobacter sp y Pseudomona sp. Se considera una infeccion nosocomial, se cambia antibioticoterapia, evolucionando satisfactoriamente.

  2. [The multiple social roles of female lay caretakers of hospitalized children]. (United States)

    Wegner, Wiliam; Pedro, Eva Neri Rubim


    This is a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory, and interventionist research carried out with nine female lay caretakers of children undergoing oncologic treatment. The objectives were to present the multiple social roles performed by female lay caretakers of children with cancer and to discuss the caretaker's role in society. The study was carried out between March and April, 2007, at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The data collection was performed with the focal group technique. The results were examined through the analysis of thematic content, which evidenced the multiple social roles performed by women, the main group of caretakers in society, regardless of the context. Final considerations enhance a discussion in the educational, political and social levels about the redistribution of social roles, particularly family responsibility between men and women. The participation of the nursing staff can take place through the comprehension of those roles imposed by the context and facilitate family inclusion in the care relationship.

  3. Acceptance, commissioning and quality control in radiosurgery; Aceite, comissionamento e controle de qualidade em radiocirurgia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toreti, Dalila Luzia


    Stereotactic Radiosurgery is a treatment technique that uses narrow beams of radiation focused with great accuracy in a small lesion. The introduction of micro multi leaf collimators (mMLC) allows this technique to reach a higher degree of dose conformation of the target lesion allowing a smaller irradiation of critical structures and normal tissues. This paper presents the results of the acceptance tests and commissioning of a Varian 6EX linear accelerator dedicated to radiosurgery associated with the BrainLab micro multi leaf collimator installed in the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HC-FMUSP) and establish feasible quality assurance program for the services that employ this special technique. The results of the acceptance tests were satisfactory and are willing with the specifications provided by the manufacturer and the commissioning tests were within the international recommendations. The tests and measures that are part of quality control process should be specific to each treatment unit, and the need, frequency and levels of tolerance.

  4. FORAMEN MENTONIANO ACCESORIO: PRESENTACION DE UN CASO Y REVISION DE LA BIBLIOGRAFIA. Accessory mental foramen: A case report and literature review.

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    Javier Elías Fernández


    Full Text Available El foramen mentoniano accesorio es un orificio adicional al foramen mentoniano que se localiza en la cara anterolateral externa del cuerpo mandibular y que se conecta con el conducto dentario inferior.  Su ubicación es posteroinferior al foramen mentoniano.  De acuerdo a su clasificación también se lo conoce como foramen mental doble, foramen mental adicional, foramen mental múltiple, foramen mental accesorio o foramen mandibular bucal suplementario. Su frecuencia de aparición varía del 1% al 10 %, cuando son unilaterales y del 0,47% al 1,2% cuando son bilaterales.  El  foramen mentoniano accesorio es una rara variante anatómica de poca frecuencia pero de gran relevancia clínico-quirúrgica ya que está asociado a un paquete vasculonervioso por lo cual es necesario su diagnóstico radiográfico ya sea por métodos convencionales o por alta resolución para evitar posibles complicaciones en los diferentes procedimientos odontológicos. Se presenta un caso de foramen mentoniano accesorio de un paciente remitido al Servicio de Radiología de la Facultad de Odontología de la UNC. La tomografía computada constituye el estudio por imágenes de excelencia ante la presunción de un foramen accesorio ya que los diferentes cortes tomográficos y la reconstrucción 3D nos permiten localizarlo de manera precisa e inequívoca. Constituye generalmente un hallazgo radiográfico o se observa durante procedimientos quirúrgicos al quedar al descubierto por el desplazamiento de los tejidos blandos. Cuando se localiza antes de cualquier procedimiento odontológico se deben tomar todos los recaudos necesarios para evitar daño del paquete vasculonervioso y futuras complicaciones como hemorragias o parestesias, principalmente en prácticas como la colocación de implantes dentales o las apicectomías. Accessory mental foramen (AMF is defined as any openings in addition to mental foramen, with connection to the mandibular canal in the anterolateral aspect of mandible. According to its classification, an AMF is known as double mental foramen, additional mental foramen, multiple mental foramen, supplementary mandibular buccal foramen. The accessory mental foramen is a radiological finding or is detected during surgical procedures. Its prevalence ranges from 1.4 to 10% when it is unilateral and ranges from 0,47% to 1,2% when it is bilateral. Accessory mental foramen is an important and rare anatomical variation associated with a neurovascular bundle. Its prevalence is low. The diagnosis by conventional radiological methods or three-dimensional radiographic imaging techniques is effective to avoid complications in dental procedures. An accessory mental foramen case of a male patient referred to the Department of Radiology at the National University of Córdoba School of Dentistry is reported. The computed tomography is the most accurate imaging modality for the identification of an accessory foramen through multiplanar reformatted images and three dimensional images. When the existence of AMF is identified before dental procedures, appropriate actions should be taken to avoid damages of the neurovascular bundle and eventual complications such as hemorrhage and paresthesia principally in procedures like dental implant insertion or periapical surgery.

  5. Las experiencias clinicas de los estudiantes de enfermeria: Estudio de caso hacia la integracion de la mentoria (United States)

    Rivera Rodriguez, Ivelisse

    Clinical experiences are an essential part of the training of future nursing professionals. The period of clinical experience aims to develop in the student the necessary skills to practice as a nursing professional, when the academic program ends. This case study aimed to understand the opinion and explore the perception of faculty, clinical instructors, and nursing students on the meaning, contributions and challenges presented during clinical experiences. Among the themes explored in the focus groups were the meaning and importance to learning about the profession of clinical experiences, teaching strategies used during the practice scenarios, didactic relationships developed among students, clinical instructors, and teachers. The goal was to learn from all participants about what they do, their expectations, and the challenges presented during the clinical experiences. A qualitative, descriptive and contextual research design was followed, which required conducting six focus groups to collect the information from the perspective of all the participants. Faculty, clinical instructors, and nursing students participated each in two focus groups. Collected data were transcribed, coded and analyzed in order to organize it under themes related to the research framework. The qualitative analysis of the focus groups revealed that nursing faculty and clinical instructors perceived clinical experiences as a very important element in the training of nursing students, but that coordination between the academy and practice scenarios is disconnected and needs improvement. They also expressed that they use various learning strategies during the clinical experiences, however, they recognize it needs more structure and suggested mentoring as a strategy to consider. They affirmed that mentoring could contribute positively to enhance the teaching-learning process. Clinical instructors understand they perform mentoring roles, but they would like to have a more defined role and structured process. Nursing students, also, recognized the importance of clinical experiences in their professional training. They expressed the need to improve the communication between the academy and the practice scenarios in order to reduce the levels of anxiety they experience when entering the clinical experiences. Nursing students also expressed the need to consider the use of different teaching strategies, such as mentoring, to improve clinical experiences.

  6. Clinical, radiographic and scintigraphic aspects of the trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis; Caracterizacao clinica, radiografica e cintilografica da osteoartrose trapeziometacarpiana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaziyama, Helena Hideko Seguchi


    Trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis occurs mainly in women during the menopausal period. It is related to manual activities and is usually bilateral. The onset is insidious and the evolution is slow and progressive. It is characterized by of strength and pain in the basis of the thumb resulting in limitation of the use and function of the hand. The diagnosis of this condition is based on the physical examination. The manouver of compression axial-rotation of the trapezimetacarpal joint is a common positive finding. Typical findings of osteoarthritis are present in the radiological studies. Scintigraphic images have a predictive value. The early diagnosis is important to avoid the risk factors and to prevent disabilities of the hand. (author) 102 refs., 18 figs., 10 tabs.

  7. Sintese do processo de obtenção de dextrana clinica e frutose a partir de sacarose


    Guilherme Martinez Mibieli


    Resumo: A dextrana é um polissacarídeo composto exclusivamente por unidades monoméricas de glicose, unidas por ligações glicosídicas do tipo a-1,6 na posição linear. Este polissacarídeo apresenta interesse industrial nas áreas de petroquímica, alimentos, química e farmacêutica. Durante o processo de síntese de dextrana ocorre a liberação de frutose, que é um monossacarídeo de grande importância na indústria de alimentos. Este trabalho teve por finalidade sintetizar as etapas do processo de ob...

  8. Leitura rapida do KDIGO 2012: Diretrizes para avaliacao e manuseio da doenca renal cronica na pratica clinica

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    Gianna Mastroianni Kirsztajn


    Full Text Available Os autores desta "leitura rápida" apresentam os dados que consideraram mais relevantes na versão 2012 do KDIGO referente à avaliação e manuseio da doença renal crônica. Não se trata da opinião dos autores, mas sim de uma apresentação mais concisa das diretrizes, que podem ser úteis na prática clínica.

  9. Utilidad clinica de biomarcadores en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad glomerular del adulto


    Jatem Escalante, Elias


    Con el presente proyecto de tesis, mediante el desarrollo de estudios observacionales con inclusión de grupos de pacientes afectos de formas primarias y secundarias de glomerulopatías causantes de síndrome nefrótico, específicamente gloméruloesclerósis focal y segmentaria,(GFS), y la nefropatía membranosa (NM), donde se practican mediciones séricas y urinarias de determinadas moléculas (receptor soluble de la urokinasa y anticuerpos contra el receptor tipo M de la fosfolipasa A2), para determ...

  10. Clinical, radiographic and scintigraphic aspects of the trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis; Caracterizacao clinica, radiografica e cintilografica da osteoartrose trapeziometacarpiana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaziyama, Helena Hideko Seguchi


    Trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis occurs mainly in women during the menopausal period. It is related to manual activities and is usually bilateral. The onset is insidious and the evolution is slow and progressive. It is characterized by of strength and pain in the basis of the thumb resulting in limitation of the use and function of the hand. The diagnosis of this condition is based on the physical examination. The manouver of compression axial-rotation of the trapezimetacarpal joint is a common positive finding. Typical findings of osteoarthritis are present in the radiological studies. Scintigraphic images have a predictive value. The early diagnosis is important to avoid the risk factors and to prevent disabilities of the hand. (author) 102 refs., 18 figs., 10 tabs.

  11. CO{sub 2} sequestration technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ketzer, Marcelo [Brazilian Carbon Storage Research Center (Brazil)


    In this presentation the importance of the capture and sequestration of CO{sub 2} is outlined for the reduction of gas discharges of greenhouse effect; then the principles of CO{sub 2} storage in geologic formations are reviewed; afterwards, the analogs for the CO{sub 2} storage are commented, such as the storage of the acid gas, the natural gas storage and the natural CO{sub 2} deposits. Also it is spoken on the CO{sub 2} storage in coal, in water-bearing saline deposits and in oil fields, and finally the subject of the safety and monitoring of the CO{sub 2} storage is reviewed. [Spanish] En esta presentacion se expone la importancia de la captura y secuestro de CO{sub 2} para la reduccion de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero; luego se tratan los principios de almacenamiento de CO{sub 2} en formaciones geologicas; despues se comentan los analogos para el almacenamiento de CO{sub 2} como el almacenamiento del gas acido, el almacenamiento de gas natural y los yacimientos naturales de CO{sub 2}. Tambien se habla sobre el almacenamiento de CO{sub 2} en carbon, acuiferos salinos y yacimientos petroliferos y por ultimo se toca el tema de la seguridad y monitoreo del almacenamiento de CO{sub 2}.

  12. Scenery of CO{sub 2} emissions for Mexico to the 2050; Escenarios de emisiones de CO{sub 2} para Mexico al 2050

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez Santalo, Jose Miguel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this presentation the evolution of the fuel consumption in the Mexican electrical sector of 1970 to date is shown; a projection of the generation to year 2050; the participation of fossil fuels in power generation and the gas discharges of greenhouse effect. It is concluded that the electrical sector will have to get adapted to a different supply of primary sources, although will keep on being dominated by fossil fuels; to the year the 2050 the installed capacity and the electrical generation will multiply by five and the fuel diversification will have to include the coal and it will have to give a strong impulse to renewable energies. [Spanish] En esta presentacion se muestra la evolucion del consumo de combustibles en el sector electrico mexicano de 1970 a la fecha; una proyeccion de la generacion al ano 2050; la participacion de los combustibles fosiles en la generacion y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Se concluye que el sector electrico tendra que adaptarse a una oferta diferente de fuentes primarias, aunque seguira dominado por los combustibles fosiles; al ano 2050 la capacidad instalada y la generacion electrica se multiplicaran por cinco y la diversificacion de combustibles tendra que incluir el carbon y se tendra que dar un fuerte impulso a las energias renovables.

  13. Aprendizaje basado en problemas aplicado a las lenguas de especialidad

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    Mª Ángeles Andreu-Andrés


    Full Text Available El ámbito universitario es un campo propicio para implementar el aprendizaje activo y el trabajo en equipo de los estudiantes de ingeniería, de modo que su práctica fomente la adquisición de destrezas y competencias que les sean útiles académica y profesionalmente. Una de estas técnicas de aprendizaje activo es el “Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas” (ABP. Si bien su uso se centra mayoritariamente en asignaturas de ciencias, este trabajo presenta parte de los resultados de una experiencia llevada a cabo dentro de una asignatura de inglés para fines académicos y profesionales. En ella, el ABP, el trabajo en equipo y la lengua de especialidad se entremezclan de manera natural con el pensamiento crítico, las presentaciones orales y la evaluación de la participación de cada miembro de los equipos a lo largo de las tareas que lo conforman. Los resultados que aquí se presentan ofrecen el producto diseñado y consensuado por los once grupos participantes para evaluar una presentación oral así como para autoevaluar y evaluar la participación de cada miembro de los equipos durante el proceso.

  14. Rightward shift in temporal order judgements in the wake of the attentional blink

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    Mitchell Valdés-Sosa


    Full Text Available Cambio hacia la derecha en los juicios de orden temporal durante el parpadeo atencional. El orden temporal de dos eventos, cada uno de ellos presentado en un hemicampo visual diferente, puede ser juzgado correctamente por observadores típicos inclusive cuando la diferencia de tiempo entre las presentaciones sea muy pequeña. El presente trabajo analiza la influencia de un proceso endógeno sobre el juicio de orden temporal (JOT y nos muestra que la percepción del orden temporal está también afectada cuando los recursos atencionales disponibles son reducidos mediante un paradigma de parpadeo atencional (PA. A los participantes se les presentaron los siguientes estímulos: un primer estímulo visual (T1 en el centro de fijación y luego de un intervalo de tiempo variable (280 ó 1030 ms, un par de estímulos lateralizados (T2. Para la tarea dual con el intervalo de tiempo de 280 ms entre T1 y T2, la precisión en el JOT se deterioró, evidenciando un PA. Sin embargo, durante el PA en lugar de la asimetría favorable al lado izquierdo, aparece un significativo sesgo en contra de ese lado.

  15. Tight Binding methods in quantum transport through molecules and small devices: from the coherent to the incoherent description

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pastawaski, Horacio M. [Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Cordoba (Argentina); Medina, Ernesto [Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas (Venezuela)


    We discuss the steady-state electronic transport in solid-state and molecular devices in the quantum regime. The decimation technique allows a comprehensive description of the electronic structure. Such a method is used, in conjunction with the generalizations of Landauer's tunneling formalism, to describe a wide range of transport regimes. We analyze mesoscopic and semiclassical metallic transport, the metal-insulator transition, and the resonant tunneling regime. The effects of decoherence on transport is discussed in terms of the D' Amato-Pastawski model. A brief presentation of the time dependent phenomena is also included. [Spanish] Se discuten el transporte, en el estado estacionario, en dispositivos moleculares y de estado solido en el regimen cuantico. La tecnica de decimacion permite una descripcion completa de la estructura electronica. Tal metodo, en conjunto con la generalizacion del formalismo de Landauer, puede ser usado para describir un rango amplio de regimenes de transporte. Se analizan el transporte mesoscopico y semiclasico en el regimen metalico, la transicion metal-aislante, y el regimen de tunel resonante. Los efectos de decoherencia en el transporte son tratados en terminos de modelos de D'amato-Pastawski. Finalmente se incluye una breve presentacion de fenomenos dependientes del tiempo.

  16. Biochemical and immunological alterations of {sup 60} Co irradiated Bothrops jararacussu venom; Alteracoes bioquimicas e imunologicas do veneno de Bothrops jararacussu irradiado com {sup 60} Co

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spencer, Patrick J.


    Proteins irradiation leads to structural alterations resulting in activity and function loss. This process has been useful to detoxify animal venoms and toxins, resulting in low toxicity products which increased immunogenicity. The Bothrops jararacussu venom behaves as a weak immunogen and its lethal activity in not neutralized by either autologous, heterologous or bothropic polyvalent antisera. This venom is markedly myotoxic and and the commercial bothropic antiserum does not neutralize this activity, because of this low immunogenicity of the myotoxins. This present work was done in order to evaluate the possibility of irradiating Bothrops jararacussu, intending to increase the immunogenicity of the myotoxic components, leading to productions of myotoxins neutralizing antibodies. Bothrops jararacussu venom samples were irradiated with 500, 1000 and 2000 Gy of {sup 60} Co gamma rays. A 2.3 folds decrease of toxicity was observed for the 1000 Gy irradiated samples while the 2000 Gy irradiated sample was at least 3.7 folds attenuated. On the other hand, the 500 Gy did not promote any detoxification. Electrophoresis and HPLC data indicate that the irradiation lead to the formation of high molecular weight products (aggregates). The proteolytic and phospholipasic activities decreased in a dose dependent manner, the phospholipases being more resistant than the proteases. Both the animals (rabbit) immunized with either native or 2000 Gy irradiated venom produced native venom binding antibodies, a slightly higher titer being obtained in the serum of the rabbit immunized with the irradiated samples. Western blot data indicate that the anti-irradiated venom Ig Gs recognised a greater amount of either autologous or heterologous venom bands, both sera behaving as genus specific. The anti-native serum did not neutralize the myotoxic activity of native venom, while the anti-irradiated one was able to neutralize this activity. (author). 56 refs., 7 figs.

  17. Micropulse diode laser trabeculoplasty (MDLT: A phase II clinical study with 12 months follow-up

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    Antonio Maria Fea


    Full Text Available Antonio Maria Fea, Alex Bosone, Teresa Rolle, Beatrice Brogliatti, Federico Maria GrignoloIstituto di Fisiopatologia Clinica, Clinica Oculistica dell’ Università di Torino, Torino, ItalyObjective: This pilot study evaluates the pressure lowering potential of subthreshold micropulse diode laser trabeculoplasty (MDLT for a clinically meaningful duration in patients with medically uncontrolled open angle glaucoma (OAG.Design: prospective interventional case series.Participants: Thirty-two eyes of 20 consecutive patients with uncontrolled OAG (12 bilateral and 8 unilateral.Methods: Confluent subthreshold laser applications over the inferior 180° of the anterior TM using an 810 nm diode laser in a micropulse operating mode. The intraocular pressure (IOP was measured at baseline and at 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months post-treatment. Flare was measured with a Kowa FM 500 flare-meter at baseline and at 3 hours, 1 day, 1 week, and 12 months post-treatment. After treatment, the patients were maintained on their pre-treatment drug regimen.Main outcome measures: Criteria for treatment response were IOP reduction ≥3 mm Hg and IOP ≤21 mm Hg within the first week after MDLT. Eyes not complying to the above criteria during the follow-up were considered treatment failure. Mean IOP change and percentage of IOP reduction during the follow-up were calculated.Results: One eye was analyzed for bilateral patients. A total of 20 eyes were thus included. Four eyes (20% did not respond to treatment during the first week. One additional eye failed at the 6 month visit. The treatment was successful in 15 eyes (75% at 12 months. The IOP was significantly lower throughout follow-up (p < 0.01. At 12 months, the mean percentage of IOP reduction in the 15 respondent eyes was 22.1% and 12 eyes (60% had IOP reduction higher than 20%. During the first two postoperative days, one eye with pigmentary glaucoma experienced a significant increase of flare

  18. Synthesis and characterization of different immunogenic viral nanoconstructs from rotavirus VP6 inner capsid protein

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    Bugli F


    Full Text Available Francesca Bugli,1 Valeria Caprettini,2 Margherita Cacaci,1 Cecilia Martini,1 Francesco Paroni Sterbini,1 Riccardo Torelli,1 Stefano Della Longa,3 Massimiliano Papi,4 Valentina Palmieri,4 Bruno Giardina,5 Brunella Posteraro,1 Maurizio Sanguinetti,1 Alessandro Arcovito5 1Istituto di Microbiologia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, 3Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica, Sanità Pubblica, Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente, Università dell’Aquila, L’Aquila, 4Istituto di Fisica, 5Istituto di Biochimica e Biochimica Clinica, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy Abstract: In order to deliver low-cost viral capsomeres from a large amount of soluble viral VP6 protein from human rotavirus, we developed and optimized a biotechnological platform in Escherichia coli. Specifically, three different expression protocols were compared, differing in their genetic constructs, ie, a simple native histidine-tagged VP6 sequence, VP6 fused to thioredoxin, and VP6 obtained with the newly described small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO fusion system. Our results demonstrate that the histidine-tagged protein does not escape the accumulation in the inclusion bodies, and that SUMO is largely superior to the thioredoxin-fusion tag in enhancing the expression and solubility of VP6 protein. Moreover, the VP6 protein produced according to the SUMO fusion tag displays well-known assembly properties, as observed in both transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy images, giving rise to either VP6 trimers, 60 nm spherical virus-like particles, or nanotubes a few micron long. This different quaternary organization of VP6 shows a higher level of immunogenicity for the elongated structures with respect to the spheres or the protein trimers. Therefore, the expression and purification strategy presented here – providing a large amount of the viral capsid protein in the native


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    Jean-Michel Vivès


    Full Text Available Nessa conferência, proferida especialmente pelo autor a convite da Comissão Científica do Colóquio Internacional « A Psicanálise e a Lei »  é abordada a estrutura da tragédia antiga retomada a partir do entendimento que dela faz Claudel, na medida em que destaca a sua dimensão essencialmente vocal. Partindo da definição dada, pelo citado poeta, da tragédia como um  « long cri devant une tombe mal fermée », o autor procura dela tirar todas as consequências para pensar as questões referentes à voz e a lei naquilo que diz respeito à clinica psicanalítica. Leva ainda em consideração as contribuições de Nietzsche, acerca do nascimento da tragédia, e de Loraux que também chama a atenção para a dimensão vocal da tragédia, pondo em Nessa conferência, proferida especialmente pelo autor a convite da Comissão Científica do Colóquio Internacional « A Psicanálise e a Lei »  é abordada a estrutura da tragédia antiga retomada a partir do entendimento que dela faz Claudel, na medida em que destaca a sua dimensão essencialmente vocal. Partindo da definição dada, pelo citado poeta, da tragédia como um  « long cri devant une tombe mal fermée », o autor procura dela tirar todas as consequências para pensar as questões referentes à voz e a lei naquilo que diz respeito à clinica psicanalítica. Leva ainda em consideração as contribuições de Nietzsche, acerca do nascimento da tragédia, e de Loraux que também chama a atenção para a dimensão vocal da tragédia, pondo em evidencia sua dimensão política. O tratamento dessas questões levam o autor a formular a hipótese: a instauração e a relação à lei, que é uma das questões essenciais apresentadas pela tragédia, não poderia ser pensada ao redor de sua relação à voz ?

  20. Two unusual cases of brain metastases from lung primary malignant melanoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodríguez, A.; Mañana, G.; Panuncio, A.; Rodríguez, R.; Roldán, G.; Sosa, A.


    Start with two cases of brain metastases from lung melanoma are presented who were diagnosed in the Neuropathology Laboratory of the Department of Anatomy Pathology, Institute of Neurology, Hospital de Clinicas, Montevideo, emphasizing the pathological diagnostic criteria and their evolution clinic. Both patients presented at the time of the initial consultation injuries amelánica respectively pigmented single brain. In both cases ruled by the morphology and the use of complementary techniques metastasis carcinoma. The main differential diagnosis of these lesions is whether is a primitive brain tumor, pigmented or not, or of a secondary tumor melanin: metastatic malignant melanoma. In both cases the patients had been studied one being in an unresectable lung injury, and in the other showed a single pulmonary nodule was resected in its entirety. the pulmonary lesions were for malignant melanoma, one with ample pigment and the other for the most part amelánico, with few areas retained pigment. He studied dermatologist, discarded the presence of a cutaneous malignant melanoma primitive. Other locations were also excluded


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    Sônia Terezinha dos Anjos Lopes


    Full Text Available Foram usados 50 eqüinos sadios provenientes do Batalhão de Polícia Montada da Brigada Militar em Santa Maria, RS, sendo 43 machos e 7 fêmeas com idade variadas a partir de 3 anos. Foram colhidos 10ml de sangue da jugular para determinação dos valores da atividade sérica das enzimas aspartato-aminotransferase (AST, desidrogenase lática (DHL, gama-glutamiltransferase (gGT e fosfatase alcalina sérica (FAS. Os resultados encontrados para AST foi de 101 - 190U/I com média de 130UI; DHL foi de 100 - 421 U/l com média de 182U/I; gGT foi de 2 - 27U/I com média de 6.5U/I e FAS foi de 103 - 335U/I com média de 190U/I. A partir de outubro/1992 estes valores passaram a ser referência no laboratório de Patologia Clínica do Hospital de Clinicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

  2. Avaliação da Vergonha em Adolescentes: ‘The Other as Shamer Scale’

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    Marina Cunha


    Full Text Available RESUMO A vergonha, entendida como uma emoção autoconsciente, multifacetada e socialmente focada, desempenha um papel central na saúde mental dos indivíduos. Nos adolescentes, é também uma experiência frequente, sendo importante a sua avaliação para a investigação e prática clinica. Este estudo pretende validar uma medida breve de vergonha externa (Escala de Vergonha Externa - Versão breve para Adolescentes [OASB-A]. Participaram 834 adolescentes com uma média de 15 anos. O modelo final da OASB-A (8 itens, obtido por meio da Análise Fatorial Confirmatória, apresenta um bom ajustamento aos dados, invariância para o sexo, boa consistência interna e fidedignidade temporal adequada. As correlações com as experiências traumáticas de vergonha (IES-R e sintomatologia psicopatológica (DASS-21 são significativas. A OASB-A é uma medida válida e econômica para avaliação da vergonha externa em adolescentes.

  3. [La diagnosi del disturbo da uso di alcol dal punto di vista psicologico]. (United States)

    Coriale, Giovanna; Fiorentino, Daniela; Porrari, Raffaella; Battagliese, Gemma; Capriglione, Ida; Cereatti, Federica; Iannuzzi, Silvia; Mauri, Benilde; Galli, Domenica; Fiore, Marco; Attilia, Maria Luisa; Ceccanti, Mauro


    RIASSUNTO. Il disturbo da uso di alcol (DUA) è uno dei disturbi psichiatrici più comuni nella popolazione generale. Il DUA è caratterizzato da un pattern di bere eccessivo, che si mantiene nonostante gli effetti negativi che l'alcol ha sul funzionamento lavorativo, sulla salute, sulle problematiche legali, sull'educazione e sulla vita sociale. Attualmente, il modello bio-psico-sociale è quello che spiega meglio il DUA. Infatti, molte ricerche hanno fornito evidenze su come il DUA sia una patologia multidimensionale. Variabili biologiche, psicologiche e socio-culturali entrano in gioco nell'eziologia, nella natura, nel mantenimento e nel cambiamento nel tempo del disturbo. La fase diagnostica è un momento importante del processo di cura, perché il successo del trattamento dipende in larga misura dall'esattezza e dall'adeguatezza della diagnosi. La diagnosi clinica si basa su una valutazione globale del funzionamento del paziente e utilizza il colloquio e gli strumenti psicometrici come mezzo di raccolta di informazioni. Questo articolo fornirà una panoramica delle dimensioni psicologiche più importanti da valutare e sui migliori strumenti psicometrici da usare per una diagnosi adeguata.

  4. [Frequency of depression in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2]. (United States)

    Garduño-Espinosa, J; Téllez-Zenteno, J F; Hernández-Ronquillo, L


    To determine the prevalence of depression in Mexican adult diabetics and to identify factors associated to the depression. Prolective survey. Four Mexico City hospitals (Clinica San Pedro de los Pinos IMSS, Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI IMSS, Hospital Gea González SSa and Centro de Salud Margarita Chorne SSa). 79 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The Beck Depression Inventory was used as a measure of depression. We used sociodemographic variables (age, gender, marital status, religion, education, occupation, socioeconomic status) and disease variables (years of diagnosis, other chronic medical conditions and compliance with therapeutic regimens) as the independent variables of depression. Mean age was 59 +/- 11 years (SD) and 58 (73%) were females. The frequency of depression was 46%. Factors associated to depression were: females (OR = 3.67, CI = 1.07-13.3, p = 0.03) and years of diagnosis above 15 (OR = 3.08, CI = 0.91-10.8, p = 0.07). Frequency of depression was high (46%). Gender and years of diabetes diagnosis were factors associated to depression.

  5. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the infrared system in patients' positioning by comparison between two methods for tracking isocenters; Analise qualitativa e quantitativa do sistema de infravermelho do Exac Trac X-ray 6D no posicionamento de pacientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, C.T. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Nakandakari, M.V.N.; Sales, C.P.; Cunha, A.P.V.; Sereno, M.; Rodrigues, L.N., E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Hospital das Clinicas. Instituto de Radiologia. Servico de Radioterapia


    With the advent of techniques for treatment of high complexity, such as radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy, there is an increased need to reduce spatial uncertainties due to the delivery of high doses per fraction. In this work the accuracy of the Infrared (IR) system BrainLab version 5.5 was evaluated from through the positioning of patients with cranial diseases, and then followed by the routinely implementation at the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HCFMUSP). The validation tests were performed by making use of an isocenter phantom from BrainLab which first evaluated the uncertainty due to the positioning and then its repeatability. Further analysis provided by measurements of 60 patients has been made performed and compared with an IR and localization's box for stereotactic coordinates. The greatest variations in all the tests and all the degrees of freedom can be considered less than 1.0 mm and 0.1 °, translational and rotational respectively, thus ensuring the accuracy of positioning system of patients required in techniques of high complexity. (author)

  6. Færdighedslaboratoriet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaldal, Maiken Holm; Braad, Mette; Grønkjær, Mette


    Learning labs enable students to exercise and develop clinical skills. Nursing students are a heterogeneous group, thus it is important to focus on their individual preferences in exercising clinical skills. The aim of this study was to explore nursing students’ preferences for exercising clinica...... competences. The students suggest case work including pre – and post-supervision in the exercise of clinical skills. They suggest that learning lab training is placed throughout their in the theoretical part of course of study.......Learning labs enable students to exercise and develop clinical skills. Nursing students are a heterogeneous group, thus it is important to focus on their individual preferences in exercising clinical skills. The aim of this study was to explore nursing students’ preferences for exercising clinical...... skills in learning labs. The study used a sequential exploratory mixed methods research design that consisted of an initial qualitative focus group interview followed by a quantitative questionnaire study. We found that practical exercises in learning labs promote the learning of the students’ clinical...

  7. Membership function used to construction of a hand homogeneous phantom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavan, Ana Luiza Menegatti; Alvarez, Matheus; Alves, Allan Felipe Fattori; Rosa, Maria Eugenia Dela; Miranda, Jose Ricardo de Arruda


    Fractures and dislocations of the hand are some injuries most frequently encountered in trauma of the musculoskeletal system. In evaluating these lesions, in addition to physical examination, radiography, in at least two incidents, is the investigation of choice, and rarely is necessary the help of other images to establish the diagnosis and treatment. The image quality of X-ray examination is therefore essential. In this study, a homogeneous phantom hand was developed to be used in the optimization of images from hand using computed radiography system process. In this procedure were quantified thicknesses of different tissues that constitute an anthropomorphic phantom hand. To perform the classification and quantification of tissue was applied membership functions for histograms of CT scans. The same procedure was adopted for retrospective examinations of 30 patients of the Hospital das Clinicas, Botucatu Medicine School, UNESP (HCFMB-UNESP). The results showed agreement between the thicknesses of tissues that make up the anthropomorphic phantom and sampling of patients, presenting variations between 12.63% and 6.48% for soft tissue and bone, respectively. (author)

  8. Critical evaluation of the use of imaging techniques in the conservative treatment of breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pena, F.; Vega, C.; Pastrana, M.; Gonzalez, C.; Ramos, L.


    To establish the need for a sequential radiological study to contribute, together with other specialists in the management of these patients, to achieve the best possible results with this type of treatment: rates of survival comparable to those obtained with mastectomy and the highest possible percentages of breast preservation with satisfactory cosmetic results. Studies of 200 patients who underwent conservative treatment for breast cancer at Clinica Puerta de Hierro in Madrid over the past five years.We assess the utility of the different imaging methods and their application in each specific case. An update of the literature is also carried out. Radiology plays a major role in the management of patients who undergo conservative treatment for breast cancer. We demonstrate the need to carry out, in the first place, preoperative radiological studies to aid in the proper selection of patients and, secondly, examination of the resected tissue and postoperative mammography to ensure that the surgical resection was performed correctly. Finally, follow-up studies be carried out to detect tumor recurrence as early as possible. (Author) 82 refs

  9. La huída en la obra de Mario Vargas Llosa

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    German Arce Ross

    Full Text Available Se trata de poner en perspectiva la mayor parte de novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa en función del tema de la huída, partiendo del hecho que é1 solicitó la nacionalidad Española inmediatamente después de haber perdido las elecciones para la Presidencia del Perú y de haber escrito El pez en el agua. Nuestro análisis intenta demostrar la importancia de la figura paterna – principalmente en el sentido de su ausencia y de sus bruscas reapariciones – en la cristalización sintomática del tema de la fuga. Es por eso que una analogía con la posición fóbica, en relación al padre o a sus substitutos, nos ha parecido pertinente. Teniendo como pivot el análisis de la forma, del contexto y del contenido de su libro de memorias, este trabajo definiría así las bases de una contribución literaria de la obra de Vargas Llosa a la clinica de la fobia.

  10. Minor Lagochilascaris Otomastoiditis in a Child: Case Report

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    Guimaraes, Valeriana de Castro


    Full Text Available Introduction: The lagochilascariosis is an emerging zoonosis determined by the presence of helminth Lagochilascaris minor in human tissues. Infection occurs through ingestion of larvae encysted in the subcutaneous tissue, muscles and viscera of wild animals consumed by man so raw or undercooked. The disease is rare, insidious, chronic condition, characterized by the appearance of lesions, especially in the neck, mastoid, ear, nose and oropharynx. A serious, sometimes fatal, depend on the location of the parasite. Objective: To describe a case of otomastoiditis by L. minor in child, attended at the Hospital das Clinicas, Federal University of Goias. Case Report: Patient 10 years old female, complaining of otalgia and purulent otorrhea right. Otoscopy left ear was normal, while the right ear had retroauricular edema, polyps in the external ear canal and fistula with drainage of pus. The tympanic membrane was intact.The stages of treatment were described since the initial consultation to the recovery of the patient. Final Comments: The clinician should be alert to the importance in considering the differential diagnosis of this disease on individuals residing in rural areas.

  11. The role of magnetic resonance cholangiography in the evaluation of biliary anatomy in living liver donors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arruda, Elaine Cristina de Moraes; Coelho, Julio Cezar Uili; Matias, Jorge Eduardo Fouto


    Objective: The present study was aimed at evaluating the accuracy of magnetic resonance cholangiography in the assessment of the biliary anatomy in living liver donors in correlation with surgical findings. Materials And Methods: Fifty living liver donors were retrospectively evaluated at Hospital de Clinicas da Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Cholangiographic images were analyzed and results were compared with intraoperative findings. Only anatomical alterations that affected the surgical strategy and had not been previously observed at magnetic resonance cholangiography were considered as being in disagreement. Results: Anatomical variations were found in 7 donors at magnetic resonance cholangiography, and in 14 during surgery. Agreement between imaging and surgical findings was observed in 41 of the 50 patients, and disagreement in 9. Magnetic resonance cholangiography sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy were respectively 43%, 97%, 86%, 81% and 81.6%. Conclusion: Magnetic resonance imaging is a safe and non invasive method for preoperative evaluation of the biliary tract in living liver donors. However some anatomical abnormalities are not detected by magnetic resonance cholangiography. (author)

  12. Disturbi dello spettro autistico tra filosofia della medicina e delle neuroscienze

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    Carlo Maria Cirino


    Full Text Available L’autismo è un disturbo pervasivo dello sviluppo neuropsicologico che interessa all’incirca un bambino su mille. Purtroppo, si tratta di un dato destinato ad aumentare, anche per via dell’interesse mediatico e scientifico che questa patologia è stata capace di richiamare intorno a sé. Da un lato, infatti, sono aumentate le richieste di screening presso i numerosi centri che monitorano questa complessa patologia neurologica e dall’altro sono migliorate le tecniche di diagnosi che sempre più spesso si avvalgono di esami genetici all’avanguardia in aggiunta alle ormai classiche interviste psicologiche. L’autismo pone, dunque, serie questioni all’attenzione della ricerca scientifica sia nel vasto campo delle neuroscienze che in quello della neuropsichiatria e della psicologia clinica. Ebbene: quel settore della filosofia che guarda alla scienza con interesse particolare, non può che seguire con partecipazione i progressi nella spiegazione di questa misteriosa patologia che, attualmente, resta un vero e proprio rompicapo per tutti coloro che hanno a che fare con la complessità dell’organizzazione cerebrale dell’essere umano.

  13. Vivencias emocionais de mulheres submetidas a cirurgia bariatrica no Hospital de Clinicas da Unicamp : um estudo clinico-qualitativo


    Ronis Magdaleno Junior


    Resumo: Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender as vivências emocionais de mulheres obesas mórbidas submetidas à cirurgia bariátrica. A obesidade tornou-se, globalmente, um grave problema de saúde pública e, em função disto, tem crescido de modo expressivo o número de cirurgias bariátricas como opção de tratamento para a obesidade mórbida. Contudo, é um procedimento que implica em importantes modificações físicas e psicossociais para o paciente. Metodologia: Aplicamos o Método Clínico Quali...

  14. [Instituto de Investigaciones Clinicas "Dr. Américo Negrette": 55 years of excellent research versus global economic recession]. (United States)

    Valero Cedeño, Nereida Josefina


    The Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas "Dr. Américo Negrette" belongs to the Faculty of Medicine at University of Zulia in Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela. It was created on December 4, 1959 by Dr. Américo Negrette. Today, with 55 years of existence, the Institute seeks to fulfill the mission that characterizes it, based on the values instilled by its founder and maintained by subsequent generations, whose research projects are implemented through seven research sections: Biochemistry, Hematologic Research, Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience, Immunology and Cell Biology, Clinical Neurochemistry, Parasitology and Virology. The research originated in these laboratories have become national and international points of reference, despite the current economic situation with budget deficits that put at risk the quality and originality of their projects with negative consequences on the productivity and applications for health population, reasons of biomedical research.

  15. Design and construction of ophthalmic simulators for clinical applications; Projeto e confeccao de simuladores oftalmicos para aplicacoes clinicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez, Andrea


    This work presents a calculational methodology for dose determination in human eye structures, such as: sclera, choroid, retina, lens, vitreous body, optic nerve and disc, and cornea, as well as tumor due to treatment to the eye plaques. A human eye model was constructed taking into consideration its main structural and dimension characteristics. Beyond that a mathematical model for the Co-60 and 1-125 plaques with all geometric details were built employing the MCNP-4C code. This model is able to calculate the axial and radial doses in any point of the eye and for each of its structures. An acrylic eye simulator was also built with the aim to obtain experimental results for the both model validations. This simulator is made of an acrylic sphere split into foils of 1 mm thickness which allow the introduction of a radiographic film to measure the axial and radial doses. The experimental data were used to validate the MCNP-4C results. The data from the mathematical model will serve as the basis to build a data bank for all the eye structures allowing different position and sizes of tumor as well as the replacement of all ophthalmic plaques used in the treatment. This data bank will be the principal part for the construction of a national software for the dose calculation and can be of great help for a reliable treatment system planning in radiotherapy/brachytherapy. (author)

  16. Recuperación Clinica Pero No Cognitiva En Esquizofrenia A Traves De La Experiencia Del Cine De Ficcion

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    J. Peña


    Discusión: Una intervención breve basada en actividades de la vida diaria puede ser transformada en herramienta eficaz de rehabilitación psiquiátrica. Sin embargo, con las características actuales y en la muestra de este estudio, la misma intervención no aportó beneficios en parámetros de cognición.

  17. Selection, processing and clinical application of muscle-skeletal tissue; Seleccion, Procesamiento y Aplicacion Clinica de Tejido Musculo-Esqueletico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luna Z, D.; Reyes F, M.L.; Lavalley E, C.; Castaneda J, G. [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)]. e-mail: dlz@nuclear.inin. mx


    Due to the increase in the average of the world population's life, people die each time to more age, this makes that the tissues of support of the human body, as those muscle-skeletal tissues, when increasing the individual's age go weakening, this in turn leads to the increment of the illnesses like the osteoporosis and the arthritis, that undoubtedly gives as a result more injure of the muscle-skeletal tissues joined a greater number of traffic accidents where particularly these tissues are affected, for that the demand of tissues muscle-skeletal for transplant every day will be bigger. The production of these tissues in the Bank of Radio sterilized Tissues, besides helping people to improve its quality of life saved foreign currencies because most of the muscle-skeletal tissues transplanted in Mexico are of import. The use of the irradiation to sterilize tissues for transplant has shown to be one of the best techniques with that purpose for what the International Atomic Energy Agency believes a Technical cooperation program to establish banks of tissues using the nuclear energy, helping mainly to countries in development. In this work the stages that follows the bank of radio sterilized tissues of the National Institute of Nuclear Research for the cadaverous donor's of muscle-skeletal tissue selection are described, as well as the processing and the clinical application of these tissues. (Author)


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    Sergio Alberto Rojas Quiñones


    Full Text Available La franquicia comercial en Colombia constituye hoy en día un excelente laboratorio de investigación para todos aquellos que desean contar con una caleidoscópica institución cuyo análisis sea factible no sólo desde una perspectiva teórica e iusprivatista, sino práctica, constitucionalista, administrativista y, en general, multifacética en sus diversas presentaciones en la praxis y la academia del derecho. El presente artículo procura contribuir en los avances metodológicos y dogmáticos en torno a esta materia, ocupándose de un asunto pasado por alto en la grandísima mayoría de las investigaciones propias de esta materia y cuya monta no es desdeñable a la luz de los efectos prácticos que puede acarrear: la responsabilidad del franquiciante por el hecho del franquiciado. Con miras a lograr una verdadera profundización de la materia, se procederá a desarrollar con minucia algunos asuntos que se han considerado como fundamentales en esta temática y que, entre otras, darán una visión integral de cómo puede el constituyente de la franquicia verse comprometido por los hechos de su co-contratante, a la luz de la legislación colombiana.

  19. metodológicas en los estudios de las familias y las movilidades

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    Germán Guerra


    Full Text Available El 11 de junio de 2010 en El Colegio de México se llevó a cabo el taller de reflexión Enfoques teóricos y perspectivas metodológicas en los estudios de las familias y las movilidades. Este taller, impulsado por el esfuerzo intelectual de varios investiga- dores e investigadoras adscritos a diversas instituciones académicas, tuvo como interés primordial la reflexión en torno a la migración –interna, internacional, urbana y rural–, la movilidad intraurbana y los arreglos familiares –composición, relaciones intergene- racionales, cambios de roles, redes de apoyo, arreglos para el cuidado de niños y ancianos, y relaciones de género. En este documento se sintetizan las ponencias de los estudiosos e investigadores que colaboraron en el taller, y se resumen las discusiones que suscitaron dichas presentaciones entre los participantes del encuentro. Además de concentrar estas reflexiones teóricas, críticas y metodológicas, y mostrarlas al público interesado, esta relatoría tiene la finali- dad de plantear la necesidad de constituir un grupo de reflexión teórico-metodológica que se encargue de profundizar en las relaciones entre familias y migración como campos de estudio interrelacionados.

  20. La pizarra digital: un recurso que puede contribuir a renovar la práctica educativa dentro de la institución escolar

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    David Lanza Escobedo


    Full Text Available La Pizarra digital es un recurso tecnológico que permite no sólo la incorporación de las TIC al aula, sino también un cambio de paradigma en la forma de entender los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Compuesta por un ordenador conectado a Internet y un videoproyector, este sistema permite visualizar en una pantalla –colocada en un lugar relevante del aula- toda la información contenida en el monitor del ordenador. De esta forma, docentes y discentes se encuentran en un entorno digital enriquecido que les ofrece infinidad de posibilidades: pueden compartir materiales; visitar sitios Web de interés didáctico para el desarrollo y/o ampliación de contenidos curriculares, sobre todo a través de la visualización de vídeos e imágenes y de la lectura de documentos de carácter científico; promover el trabajo activo y colaborativo de los estudiantes gracias a la realización de trabajos y presentaciones públicas; y apoyar las exposiciones del profesor. Se trata de una tecnología que facilita el paso de un enfoque tradicional, centrado en el docente y el libro de texto, a un modelo donde el alumno adquiere un papel activo como protagonista de su propio aprendizaje.

  1. Diagnostico y tratamiento de la myasthenia gravis estudio de una poblacion hospitalaria

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    Roberto D. Rey


    Full Text Available Durante la observacion de 50 pacientes con Myasthenia gravis entre los anos 1974 y 1987 se encontro un predominio del sexo femenino en la proporcion de 2,5 a 1 y mayor frecuencia de presentacion en Ias 3ª y 5ª décadas de la vida. Luego de la evaluacion clínica, el diagnóstico fué confirmado mediante: (1 prueba dei edrofonio, (2 estímulo nervioso repetitivo, (3 dosaje de anticuerpos antirreceptor colinérgico y (4 transferencia pasiva del suero al raton con ulterior niedicion de la amplitud de mepp's. La positividad diagnostica vario entre el 90 y el 100%, segun el tipo de prueba empleada. El estúdio radiológico del timo fué hecho con neumomediastinografía. obteniendose excelente correlación con la descripcion histológica de la glândula, y con tomografia computada, que demostro menor eficiência diagnostica. El tratamiento fué implementado en base a anticolinesterásicos, timectomía y corticoterapia inmunosupresora, evidenciandose con esta última mejores resultados. Nueve pacientes desarrollaron peoria transitória del cuadro muscular al iniciarse el tratamiento esteroideo, 6 de ellos exhibieron posteriormente evolucion desfavorable. Esta observacion aparenta tener valor pronóstico en la evolucion de la MG.

  2. Anomalía del retorno venoso sistémico Drenaje anómalo de la vena cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda: Revisión de la literatura y reporte de caso Anomalous systemic venous return. Anomalous drainage of the right superior vena cava into the left atrium: Review of literature and case report

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    Ríos Giovanny


    Full Text Available La anomalía total del retorno venoso sistémico tiene gran variedad de presentaciones; sin embargo, la patología de más baja frecuencia es el drenaje de vena cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda, hecho de peso para que en el mundo se reporten pocos casos. En la Fundación Clínica Abood Shaio se trató el caso de una paciente de seis años de edad con drenaje venoso total de cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda, mediante la técnica de movilización de cava superior y anastomosis cavo-atrial, y se obtuvieron buenos resultados. El caso es mención corresponde al número 21 en la literatura mundial.Total anomalous systemic venous return has a variety of presentations, being the drainage of right superior vena cava into the left atrium a low frequency condition. There are few reported cases in the world. In Shaio Clinic Foundation we have handled a case of total venous drainage of the right superior vena cava into the left atrium in a 6-year old girl, using the superior vena cava mobilization technique and cavo-atrial anastomosis, with good results. This case is reported as case number 21 in the world.

  3. Variability interexaminer of chronic apical periodontitis diagnostics in panoramic radiographs; Variabilidad interexaminador del diagnostico de periodontitis apical cronica en radiografias panoramicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Montero Aguilar, Mauricio; Zeledon Mayorga, Rodolfo; Ramirez Mora, Tatiana; Monestel Umana, Silvia [Univ. de Costa Rica, Facultad de Odontologia (Costa Rica)


    The accuracy of radiological diagnosis of Apical Periodontitis (AP) is reported between examiners with differents levels of clinical experience using panoramic radiographs. 1032 teeth in 41 panoramic radiographs have been diagnosed. The evaluation of the x-rays and radiological diagnosis is performed by three independent dentists for AP to each tooth. The teeth have presented without radiological signs of AP in 96.6%. The number of teeth classified with an uncertain diagnosis of AP at the has been inversely proportional to the number of years of experience of the examiner. The examiner A has been used as a reference and compared the diagnoses of other examiners.The percentage agreement for all teeth was 95% for examiner B and 94% for examiner C. Kappa for all has been of 0.44 for examiner B and 0.43 for examiner C. The different categories were analyzed separately, the inferior teeth and the anterior teeth have obtained the best results. The level of clinical experience of the examiner has been indifferent in the diagnosis of AP in panoramic radiographs; however, it is important experience in the number of radiographs extras that will be needed to give a radiological diagnosis definitive. The panoramic radiographs were reliable diagnostic tools for AP. (author) [Spanish] La precision del diagnostico radiologico de la Periodontitis Apical Cronica (PAC) es reportado entre examinadores con diferentes niveles de experiencia clinica al utilizar radiografias panoramicas. 1032 dientes en 41 radiografias panoramicas han sido diagnosticados. La evaluacion de las radiografias y el diagnostico radiologico es realizado por tres odontologos independientes para la PAC a cada diente. Los dientes tampoco han presentado signos radiologicos de PAC en 96.6%. El numero de dientes clasificados con un diagnostico incierto de PAC ha sido inversamente proporcional al numero de anos de experiencia del examinador. El examinador A ha sido utilizado como referencia y se han comparado los

  4. Cardiac hydatic cyst. Studied case by US, CT and MR. Quiste hidatidico cariaco. Presentacion de un caso estudiado por US, TC, y RM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Led, A.; Mazas-Artasona, L.; Cabello, A.; Arconada, J.A.; Balmaseda, C. (Complejo Hospitalario de la S.S. San Millan-San Pedro. Logrono (Spain))


    We present a cardiac hydatid cyst in a seventeen year-old male, who was operated on, five years ago, for hydatid disease in the lung and in the liver. In the follow-up a Computed Tomography was carried out in which an intracardiac rounded image was visible, showing to be non-enhancing after endovenous contrast injection. Due to this characteristic, the history of hydatid disease and the high incidence of this entity in our country, an intracardiac hydatid cyst was suspected. The diagnosis was reinforced by real-time echocardiography and Magnetic Nuclear Resonance, and confirmed in the surgical intervention. (Author)

  5. Abstracts of the 26. Annual meeting of the Brazilian Society on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Resumos da 26. reuniao anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This meeting was about biochemistry and molecular biology. It was discussed topics related to bio energetic, channels, transports, biotechnology, metabolism, cellular biology, immunology, toxicology, photobiology and pharmacology.

  6. Abstracts of the 27. Annual meeting of the Brazilian Society on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Resumos da 27. reuniao anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This meeting was about biochemistry and molecular biology. It was discussed topics related to bio energetic, channels, transports, biotechnology, metabolism, cellular biology, immunology, toxicology, photobiology and pharmacology.

  7. Biochemical and pharmacological characterization of irradiated crotamine by gamma rays of {sup 60}Co; Caracterizacao bioquimica e farmacologica da crotamina irradiada por raios gama de {sup 60}Co

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Karina Corleto


    The serum production in Brazil, the only effective treatment in cases of snakebites, uses horses that although large size, have reduced l lifespan compared with horses not immunized. Ionizing radiation has been shown as an excellent tool in reducing the toxicity of venoms and toxins isolated, and promote the achievement of better immunogens for serum production, and contributing to the welfare of serum-producing animals. It is known, however, that the effects of ionizing radiation on protein are characterized by various chemical modifications, such as fragmentation, cross-linking due to aggregation and oxidation products generated by water radiolysis. However, the action of gamma radiation on toxins is not yet fully understood structurally and pharmacologically, a fact that prevents the application of this methodology in the serum production process. So we proposed in this paper the characterization of crotamine, an important protein from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus species, irradiated with {sup 60}Co gamma rays. After isolating the toxin by chromatographic techniques and testing to prove the obtaining of pure crotamine, it was irradiated with gamma rays and subjected to structural analysis, Fluorescence and Circular Dichroism. Using high hydrostatic pressure tests were also conducted in order to verify that the conformational changes caused by radiation suffer modifications under high pressures. From the pharmacological point of view, muscle contraction tests were conducted with the objective of limiting the action of crotamine in smooth muscle as well as the change in the action of toxin caused structural changes to the front. Analysis of Circular Dichroism and Fluorescence showed changes in structural conformation of crotamine when subjected to gamma radiation and that such changes possibly occurring in the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein. The observed in pharmacological tests showed that the irradiated crotamine was less effective in lowering the vas deferens twitch in rats in comparison to native crotamine. In addition, the behavior of irradiated toxin in tonic contraction, modulated by noradrenaline, was different from that observed for the native toxin. (author)

  8. Electronic medical history designed by a multidisciplinary unit mastology; Historia clinica electronica disenada por una unidad de mastologia multidisciplinaria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camejo, N.; Castillo, C.; Vaca, N.; Camargo, B.; Artagaveytia, N.; Acuna, S.; Milans, S.; Lavina, G.; Carzoglio, J.; Jacobo, O.; Pressa, C.; Delgado, L. [Servicio de Oncologia, Hospital de Clinicas, Montevideo (Uruguay)


    Full text: Objective: To facilitate the collection, organization and analysis of data from patients Unit assisted in Mastology by producing an electronic health record. Materials and Methods: We evaluated forms provided by medical oncologists, radio therapists, radiologists, pathologists, and plastic surgeons mastologists collect data interrogation, physical examination, complementary examinations, diagnoses, anatomy pathological evolution and treatment instituted and generating the system was computerized {sup U}nit Mastology - Electronic Health Record ( UMAHCE){sup .} Results: The story was designed in modules that collect data on instances arising diagnostic, treatment and monitoring of patients. Each module is represented by an icon that changes color to enter data, allowing the objectify doctor if they are or not the data for that module. The system can attach images recorded by breast exam photos, photos of study, imaging (mammography, CT, MRI) in the same way that the surgeon to enter the protocol surgical or anatomical pathologist enter a pathological report of a study untimely or after definitive surgery. The system can generate an automatic report of the input data that can be printed and placed in the patient's medical history. It also can generate the e mail alerts doctors on pathological results were entered into regarding the diagnosis or treatment breast cancer (eg, mammography B I-Rads 4 or 5, report positive cytologic puncture malignancy, H R and Her status). Conclusions: We developed an electronic medical record that allows different doctors involved in the management of breast disease can be accessed through the web regardless of where they are ( pathology laboratory, room radiology reports, clinic, operation theater), both for information about a patient to enter data the same in relation to their specialty. Moreover, homogenize manages the type and quality of the data and therefore can improve the care and research activities as well as facilitate the audit of the activities of the Unit. Its main limitation is the internet browsing speed. During the presentation work will show some electronic forms, how history is used by different specialists and patients reporting examples.

  9. Clinical Training of Medical Physicists Specializing in Diagnostic Radiology (Spanish Edition); Capacitacion clinica de fisicos medicos especialistas en radiodiagnostico

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    The application of radiation in human health, for both diagnosis and treatment of disease, is an important component of the work of the IAEA. The responsibility for the increasing technical aspects of this work is undertaken by the medical physicist. To ensure good practice in this vital area, structured clinical training programmes are required to complement academic learning. This publication is intended to be a guide to the practical implementation of such a programme for diagnostic radiology. There is a general and growing awareness that radiation medicine is increasingly dependent on well trained medical physicists based in the clinical setting. However, an analysis of the availability of medical physicists indicates a large shortfall of qualified and capable professionals. This is particularly evident in developing countries. While strategies to increase academic educational opportunities are critical to such countries, the need for guidance on structured clinical training was recognized by the members of the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Sciences for Asia and the Pacific. Consequently, a technical cooperation regional project (RAS6038) under the RCA programme was formulated to address this need in the Asia-Pacific region by developing suitable material and establishing its viability. Development of a clinical training guide for medical physicists specializing in diagnostic radiology started in 2007 with the appointment of a core drafting committee of regional and international experts. The publication drew on the experiences of clinical training programmes in Australia and New Zealand, the UK and the USA, and was moderated by physicists working in the Asian region. This publication follows the approach of the IAEA publication Training Course Series No. 37, Clinical Training of Medical Physicists specializing in Radiation Oncology. This approach to clinical training has been successfully tested in Thailand, with two other Member States currently undergoing testing, and is believed to be applicable to the medical physics community in general.


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    Diego Rodrigues Pessoa


    Full Text Available A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM é a condição mais frequente de dor orofacial crônica. A DTM é caracterizada pela a presença de sinais e sintomas na região orofacial. A acupuntura e Terapia a laser de baixa intensidade (TLBI vêm sendo empregadas no tratamento da DTM. A acupuntura consiste na inserção de agulhas em acupontos específicos do corpo para promover efeitos terapêuticos. A TLBI é uma modalidade de tratamento não invasiva, que vem sendo utilizada com frequência na prática clínica para o tratamento das DTM. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar revisão de literatura, acerca da eficácia clinica do laser acupuntural em pacientes com a DTM. O emprego do laseracupuntural no tratamento das DTM favorece o controle antálgico, miorrelaxante e anti-inflamatório, no entanto, são necessárias novas pesquisas acerca do tema para determinar a eficácia do laser acupuntural em longo prazo para o tratamento de desordens temporomandibulares.


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    Bertha Maggi De Monserrate


    Full Text Available El Mobbing es una patalogía considerada por la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud y la Organizacion Panamericana como una entidad clinica muy violenta que en los ultimos dias ha tomado un auge considerable afectando el desarrollo de las naciones y constituyendo una amenaza para la salud publica a nivel mundial. Este término proviene del vocablo anglosajón que se traduce como acoso moral, psicoterror laboral, violencia psicológica, en resumen una medida de conducta agresiva hacia el trabajador victima, por parte de otro trabajador agresor. Los especialistas coinciden en que se trata de un problema de salud publica, alcanzando el grado de epidemia - pandemia. El objetivo de proyecto es determinar los factores de riesgo que inducen al Mobbing en los trabajadores de los Establecimientos Estatales de la Provincia de Santa Elena, en una muestra al azar de 400 trabajadores. El instrumento de Recoleccion de datos será el Inventario de Acoso Moral de Leyman. El resultado será diagnostico de Mobbing en los trabajadorobjeto de estudio para la intervención psicológica respectiva.

  12. Daily quality controls analysis of a CT scanner simulator; Analise dos testes diarios de controle de qualidade de um tomografo simulador

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasques, Maira Milanelo; Santos, Gabriela R.; Furnari, Laura, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina


    With the increasing technological developments, radiotherapy practices, which allow for better involvement of the tumor with the required therapeutic dose and minimize the complications of normal tissues, have become reality in several Radiotherapy services. The use of these resources in turn, was only possible due to the progress made in planning based on digital volumetric images of good quality, such as computed tomography (CT), which allow the correct delimitation of the tumor volume and critical structures. Specific tests for quality control in a CT scanner used in radiotherapy, named CT simulator, should be applied as part of the institutional Quality Assurance Program. This study presents the methodology used in the Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HCFMUSP) for daily testing of the CT scanner simulator and the results obtained throughout more than two years. The experience gained in the period conducted showed that the tests are easy to perform and can be done in a few minutes by a trained professional. Data analysis showed good reproducibility, which allowed the tests could be performed less frequently, after 16 months of data collection. (author)

  13. Daily quality controls analysis of a CT scanner simulator; Analise dos testes diarios de controle de qualidade de um tomografo simulador

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasques, Maira Milanelo, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Santos, Gabriela R.; Furnari, Laura [Universidade de Sao Paulo (HC/FM/USP), SP (Brazil). Instituto de Radiologia. Setor de Radioterapia


    With the increasing technological developments radiotherapy practices which minimize the complications of normal tissues and allow better involvement of the tumor with the therapeutic dose have become reality in several Radiotherapy services. The use of these resources in turn, was only possible due to the progress made in planning based on digital volumetric images of good quality, such as computed tomography (CT) which allow the correct delimitation of the tumor volume and critical structures. Specific tests for quality control in a CT scanner used in radiotherapy, named CT simulator should be applied as part of the institutional Quality Assurance Program. This study presents the methodology used in the Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HCFMUSP) for daily testing of the CT scanner simulator and the results obtained throughout more than two years. The experience gained in the period conducted showed that the tests are easy to perform and can be done in a few minutes by a trained professional. Data analysis showed good reproducibility, which allowed the tests could be performed less frequently, after 16 months of data collection. (author)

  14. Daily quality controls analysis of a CT scanner simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasques, Maira Milanelo; Santos, Gabriela R.; Furnari, Laura


    With the increasing technological developments, radiotherapy practices, which allow for better involvement of the tumor with the required therapeutic dose and minimize the complications of normal tissues, have become reality in several Radiotherapy services. The use of these resources in turn, was only possible due to the progress made in planning based on digital volumetric images of good quality, such as computed tomography (CT), which allow the correct delimitation of the tumor volume and critical structures. Specific tests for quality control in a CT scanner used in radiotherapy, named CT simulator, should be applied as part of the institutional Quality Assurance Program. This study presents the methodology used in the Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HCFMUSP) for daily testing of the CT scanner simulator and the results obtained throughout more than two years. The experience gained in the period conducted showed that the tests are easy to perform and can be done in a few minutes by a trained professional. Data analysis showed good reproducibility, which allowed the tests could be performed less frequently, after 16 months of data collection. (author)

  15. Meningite a Herpes zoster num adolescente – uma complicação rara da zona

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    Catarina S. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A zona resulta da reativação do vírus varicela-zoster, latente na raíz dorsal dos gânglios sensitivos e nos gânglios dos nervos cranianos, após a resolução da varicela. Existem poucos estudos sobre as complicações da zona na população pediátrica. Enquanto que nos adultos está preconizada terapêutica antivírica específica contra o herpes zoster, nas crianças imunocompetentes o tratamento antivírico é questionável.Os adolescentes encontram-se entre estes dois grupos. O aciclovir é o único antivírico aprovado pela FDA para o tratamento da zona em crianças com menos de dois anos de idade. O valaciclovir, que apresenta uma maior biodisponibilidade, encontra-se aprovado como terapêutica contra a zona nos doentes entre os dois e os 17 anos. Descreve-se o caso de um adolescente, com zona, sem antecedentes patológicos de relevo, que sob terapêutica com aciclovir desenvolveu meningite a herpes-zoster. Questiona-se a abordagem clinica mais correta nos adolescentes imunocompetentes com zona.

  16. Medical images of patients in voxel structures in high resolution for Monte Carlo simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boia, Leonardo S.; Menezes, Artur F.; Silva, Ademir X.


    This work aims to present a computational process of conversion of tomographic and MRI medical images from patients in voxel structures to an input file, which will be manipulated in Monte Carlo Simulation code for tumor's radiotherapic treatments. The problem's scenario inherent to the patient is simulated by such process, using the volume element (voxel) as a unit of computational tracing. The head's voxel structure geometry has voxels with volumetric dimensions around 1 mm 3 and a population of millions, which helps - in that way, for a realistic simulation and a decrease in image's digital process techniques for adjustments and equalizations. With such additional data from the code, a more critical analysis can be developed in order to determine the volume of the tumor, and the protection, beside the patients' medical images were borrowed by Clinicas Oncologicas Integradas (COI/RJ), joined to the previous performed planning. In order to execute this computational process, SAPDI computational system is used in a digital image process for optimization of data, conversion program Scan2MCNP, which manipulates, processes, and converts the medical images into voxel structures to input files and the graphic visualizer Moritz for the verification of image's geometry placing. (author)

  17. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositivity and hepatitis B surface antigenemia (HBSAG) among blood donors in Benin city, Edo state, Nigeria. (United States)

    Umolu, Patience Idia; Okoror, Lawrence Ehis; Orhue, Philip


    Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis B virus are blood borne pathogens that can be transmitted through blood transfusion and could pose a huge problem in areas where mechanisms of ensuring blood safety are suspect. This study became necessary in a population where most of the blood for transfusion is from commercial blood donors. A total of 130 donors comprising 120 commercial donors and 10 voluntary donors were tested for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B surface antigen in Benin city using Immunocomb HIV - 1 and 2 Biospot kit and Quimica Clinica Aplicada direct latex agglutination method respectively. Thirteen (10%) samples were HIV seropositive and 7(5.8%) were HBsAg positive. The age bracket 18 - 25years had the highest numbers of donors and also had the highest number of HBsAg positive cases (7.8%) while the age group 29 - 38years had highest number of HIV seropositive cases. High prevalence of HIV antibodies and Hepatitis B surface antigen was found among commercial blood donors. Appropriate and compulsory screening of blood donors using sensitive methods, must be ensured to prevent post transfusion hepatitis and HIV.

  18. “Old stains, new perspective; Psychobiological models of personality and Rorschach”.

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    Hugo Selma Sanchez


    Full Text Available El Rorschach sigue siendo uno de los test psicol6gicos dereferencia a nivel mundial a casi cien a6os de su creaci6n~Por otra parte, en los ulfimos ahos se estan produciendoprocesos de profunda transformaci6n en los mode|Os,teorias, criterios diagn6sticos y tipos de intervencionesen psicologia clinica y psiquiatria~ En dicho procesolas neurociencias ocupan un rol central~ Resulta por lotanto indispensable evaluar la pertinencia y vigencia delRorschach en ese nuevo panorama.Parte de estos nuevos paradigmas son las teoriasdimensionales psicobiol6gicas de la personalidad~ En elpresente articulo, trabajamos con dos de el|as, las teoriasde personalidad de Cloninger y Zuckerman.El presente trabajo expone las correlaciones entrevariables del Rorschach y de las escalas TCI-140 y ZKPQ-50-CC en Una muestra representative (N=80 uruguaya~Encontramos correlaciones significativas entre todaslas dimensiones del TCI-140 y el ZKPQ-50-CC con unminimo de 6 variables del Rorschach~ Concluimos Que elRorschach puede ser Una herramienta de investigaci6n yevaluaci6n relevante, pero es necesario mejorar algunosaspectos del mismo~

  19. Development and implementation of a quality assurance program of physical aspects of a hybrid tomograph PET/CT Discovery ST GE in a nuclear medicine service;Desarollo e implementacion de un programa de garantia de calidad de los aspectos fisicos de un tomografo hibrido PET/CT Discovery ST GE en un servicio de medicina nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seijas, Jugleys; Reggio, Franklyn; Campa, Raudel [Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of). Postgrado de Fisica Medica


    This research was carry out due to the low presence of PET/CT projects in Venezuela in this moment, which consisted of the implementation and evaluation of a protocol for the acceptance and implementation of a hybrid tomograph PET/CT Discovery ST located in the nuclear medicine service at the Hospital de Clinicas Caracas. For this work, two references were used to provide a basic set of tests established and accepted by almost all manufacturers, such references are: NEMA 1994 PET and Spanish Protocol for Quality Control for Radiology CT. In general, we found that the smallest lesion in a functional image that this tomograph can resolve is {approx} 6mm. The spatial resolution of an anatomical image was resolved through 8 pl/cm. Likewise, this tomograph is able to produce a uniform anatomical and functional image, with very little noise and radiation scattered once the correction was done, referring to the test of co-registration accuracy of PET and CT shows that there is an excellent correspondence between the image of PET (functional) and the image of CT (anatomic), a basic parameter in a study of PET/CT. (author)

  20. Clinical, radiological and imunogenectical study in patients with Reiter's Syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza Meirelles, E. de.


    This study puspose was to investigate the clinical, radiological and immunogenetical parameters from a brazilian Reiter's Syndrome population. Twenty Reiter's Syndrome patients from ''Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo'' were prospectivelly studied in their demographical (sex, race, age at study, age at disease onset and disease duration), epidemiological (family history), clinical (general, articular, mucocutaneous, genitourinary, ocular and intestinal manifestations besides functional capacity at study), radiological (sacro-iliitis, spondylitis and calcaneal spur) and immunogenetical (HLA loci A, B and DR typing). The technique employed in the 61 aloantigens from loci HLA A (17), B (34) and DR (10) typing was Terasaki microlymphocitotoxicity modified by Danilovs, had being performed in the ''Laboratorio de Imunogenetica da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo''. We concluded that the clinical, radiological and immunogenetical Reiter's Syndrome expression in the brazilian population is similar to the others north american or european already studied populations and that the probability of one brazilian HLA B27 positie individual to develop Reiter's Syndrome is 19 fold larger when compared to one brazilian HLA B27 negative individual. (author) [pt

  1. Scientific publications in laboratory medicine from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: A ten-year survey of the literature. (United States)

    Liu, Ding-Hua; Cui, Wei; Yao, Yun-Tai; Jiang, Qi-Qi


    We investigated scientific publications in laboratory medicine originating from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan over the past 10 years. The information about articles published in the included journals were determined by computer-searching on PubMed and data were extracted independently and analyzed in relation to the number of articles. From 2000 to 2009 there were 1166 articles published in laboratory medicine journals from the major Chinese regions (mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan). This exceeded Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and France from 2005 onwards. Also, the number of articles from mainland China exceeded those from Hong Kong and Taiwan from 2004 onwards. The average impact factor (IF) from Hong Kong ranked the first, followed by mainland China, and then Taiwan. Clinica Chimica Acta seems to be the most popular laboratory medicine journal among Chinese authors. Over the past 10 years, Chinese authors have been more and more active in the field of laboratory medicine. Mainland China seems to have caught up to Hong Kong and Taiwan regarding publication of papers in this field. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Effects of body weight-support treadmill training on postural sway and gait independence in patients with chronic spinal cord injury. (United States)

    Covarrubias-Escudero, Felipe; Rivera-Lillo, Gonzalo; Torres-Castro, Rodrigo; Varas-Díaz, Gonzalo


    To examine the effects of a six-week body weight-support treadmill training (BWSTT) program on center-of-mass control and gait independence in chronic, incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI) patients. Descriptive. Clinica Los Coihues. Neurorehabilitation center in Santiago, Chile. 17 chronic iSCI patients and 17 healthy subjects. An instrumented sway (ISway) test was performed before and after the implementation of a six-week BWSTT program. The standing balance of participants was measured by Normalized jerk (NJ) and root mean square (RMS). These values were used to assess the standing balance of participants, and were correlated with the scores obtained on the Walking Index Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI) II test. Significant differences were found in standing balance (i.e., through NJ) after the BWSTT program (P = 0.016), but no significant differences were found in RMS values for postural sway (P = 0.693). None of the patients obtained improved WISCI II scores pre- vs. post-intervention. While a BWSTT program can improve center-of-mass control in iSCI patients, no effects were recorded for gait independence. National Clinical Trials, registry number NCT02703883.

  3. Psicofarmacología de la Psicosis: Elección del Fármaco, Adherencia al Tratamiento y Nuevos Horizontes

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    Adela Pérez Escudero


    Full Text Available Los autores presentan una actualización del tratamiento antipsicótico de la psicosis, centrándose en tres aspectos: la elección del fármaco antipsicótico, el problema de la adherencia y los tratamientos aún en fase de investigación. El antipsicótico a elegir en el tratamiento debe tener en cuenta tanto características individuales de cada paciente, preferencias, como características clínicas de la enfermedad. Se revisan las principales guías de tratamiento para hacer una buena elección del fármaco atendiendo al mecanismo de acción y perfil de efectos secundarios, respuesta clínica, fase de la enfermedad, pacientes resistentes, etc. Uno de los grandes problemas del tratamiento farmacológico en la psicosis es conseguir una buena tasa de adherencia al mismo, para ello se revisan las estrategias psicofarmacológicas, psicoterapéuticas y psicosociales que puedan favorecerla. La investigación actual se centra en la búsqueda de nuevos fármacos con características de atipicidad similar a los ya existentes (bloqueo de múltiples receptores, agonismo parcial dopaminérgico, fármacos atípicos ya conocidos con nuevas presentaciones, principalmente de acción retardada que puede favorecer la adherencia y nuevas dianas, especialmente la acción sobre la vía glutamatérgica.

  4. Parálisis Parcial del Nervio Oculomotor Secundaria a Zoster Sine Herpete: Reporte de Un Caso

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    Oscar L. Rueda O.


    Full Text Available Introducción: Herpes Zoster es la reactivación del Virus Varicela Zóster en los ganglios sensoriales y/o autonómicos, típicamente caracterizado por dolor profundo de distribución dermatómica y erupciones vesiculares en piel. De manera infrecuente, puede presentarse el Zoster Sine Herpete, condición en la cual se presenta la distribución dermatómica del dolor en ausencia de lesiones dérmicas, convirtiendo el diagnóstico en un reto clínico. Caso clínico: Hombre de 69 años con dolor periorbitario, epifora, ptosis y pérdida de la aducción del ojo derecho. Los estudios imagenológicos y de laboratorio fueron normales, descartando así las principales causas de parálisis del nervio oculomotor. Se hizo diagnóstico presuntivo de Zoster Sine Herpete y se inició prueba terapéutica con valaciclovir, observándose resolución total de la sintomatología seis semanas después. Discusión: Este caso puede ser el primero en describir una parálisis parcial dolorosa del nervio oculomotor como única manifestación clínica de la reactivación del Virus Varicela Zóster y busca alertar al personal médico sobre una enfermedad latente que hace de sus reapariciones una gama de presentaciones no siempre fáciles de identificar.

  5. No entendía nada de política: La salida política de un dirigente barrial a partir de la urbanización de una villa en La Matanza

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    María Cecilia Ferraudi Curto


    Full Text Available A lo largo de esta última década, diferentes programas nacionales, provinciales y municipales se combinaron para la edificación de viviendas e infraestructura en Villa Torres, dando forma al “proceso de urbanización”. José, que “no entendía nada de polí-tica” cuando comenzó en 1999, se desempeña como funcionario responsable del Pro-grama de Urbanización de Villas y Asentamientos de La Matanza desde 2005. En este artículo me interesa analizar cómo José cuenta su salida política. Para ello, parto de una entrevista realizada por un grupo de cientistas sociales en 2007, en el marco de un diagnóstico del barrio en vistas de la elaboración de políticas de inclusión social. Durante la misma, José relata su salida política como una consecuencia no bus-cada de una serie de acciones felizmente encadenadas desde el reclamo de los “jóvenes del barrio” de una casa para su familia hasta el agradecimiento a Balestrini (entonces intendente, pasando por la urbanización de Villa Torres. El rastreo se orienta a com-prender algunos sentidos de la política desde la perspectiva de José, asumiendo sus pre-sentaciones como un elemento importante de su propia forma de hacer política.

  6. Vanguardia, contracultura y dictadura: préstamos y apropiaciones en las crónicas inglesas de Caetano Veloso

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    Mario Cámara


    Full Text Available Las crónicas que Caetano Veloso enviara desde Londres entre 1969 y 1970 para su publicación en el semanario satírico carioca O Pasquim, constituyen el conjunto de textos más experimentales de su profusa producción escrita, compuesta por memorias, críticas de cine, presentaciones de músicos y escritores, e intervenciones estéticas y políticas. Caracterizadas, al menos en un comienzo, por un uso intensivo de paronomasias, montajes y palabras valija -ipanemeia, primavoracidade, inf(verno, entre muchas- otras las crónicas podrían articularse, más que en relación a sus dos discos londinenses, grabados sin la decisiva participación del músico erudito Rogério Duprat ni la proximidad de los hermanos Campos, a su disco brasileño inmediatamente anterior, el disco blanco de 1969, y a Araça Azul, grabado después de haber regresado del exilio, y con el que, de acuerdo a Celso Favaretto, Caetano Veloso agota y culmina su fase experimental y tropicalista. Sin embargo, las crónicas londinenses son y no son crónicas tropicalistas. Presentan similitudes e importantes diferencias con la maquina de lectura que había sido el tropicalismo en manos de Caetano Veloso. El periplo londinense, desde el comienzo, un cambio material de relevancia. Caetano Veloso está allí en condición de exiliado.

  7. Existential Dimensions in the Socio-Legal Sphere: Introduction

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    Ronnie Lippens


    Full Text Available This introduction addresses the relevance of existentialist philosophy for understanding the indeterminacies and instabilities of late-modern society. Whilst existentialist thought is often misunderstood and subsequently unexplored, all the contributors to this special edition accept the basic premise that human existence is inescapably contingent and indeterminate. This introduction provides a short overview of the articles and reflects on themes such as destabilization and reintegration. All the articles are based on contributions to the workshop 'Law, Jurisprudence, Governance and Existential Indeterminacy', held at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain, 23-24 May 2013. Esta introducción aborda la relevancia de la filosofía existencialista para comprender las indeterminaciones e inestabilidades de la sociedad tardía. Aunque a menudo el pensamiento existencialista se ha malentendido y por consiguiente, no se ha explorado, todos los participantes de este número especial aceptan la premisa básica de que la existencia humana es ineludiblemente contingente e indeterminada. Esta introducción ofrece un breve resumen de los artículos y reflexiona sobre temas como la desestabilización y reintegración. Todos los artículos se basan en las presentaciones del workshop 'Law, Jurisprudence, Governance and Existential Indeterminacy', celebrado en el Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica, Onati, España, los días 23-24 de mayo de 2013. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  8. Imágenes cartográficas del mundo e imaginarios geográficos en la geografía escolar en Argentina/Cartographic images of the world and geographical imaginations in schooling geography in Argentina

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    Verónica Hollman


    Full Text Available Las imágenes cartográficas, como otros géneros de imágenes, nos ofrecen formas de mirar e imaginar el mundo de la manera en que éstas lo presentan. Sin dudas, éstas constituyen una de las imágenes más presentes en la cultura visual: informes y artículos de distintos géneros, publicidades y presentaciones apelan a ellos, con frecuencia, para mostrar y afirmar las peculiaridades que presentan determinados procesos y fenómenos. Proponemos discutir aquí la permanencia de una imagen cartográfica en la geografía escolar en Argentina así como algunas de sus implicancias. Finalmente, intentamos evidenciar las posibilidades que se abren en la enseñanza y en la conformación de imaginarios geográficos al introducir visiones cartográficas del mundo que discuten y confrontan con los discursos visuales hegemónicos. Cartographic images, as well as other sort of images, offer different ways of visualizing and imagining the world. This type of images have an important place in visual culture: articles, summaries, advertisements and public presentations use them in order to show different phenomena. We propose to discuss the presence of one kind of cartographic image in schooling geography in Argentina. Finally, we attempt to point out the possibilities that are opened up with the introduction of other world’s cartographic visions.

  9. Divulgação

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    Equipe REB Ensino de Bioquímica


    Full Text Available A partir do 2015 faremos a divulgação de portais e materiais de ensino na área de Bioquímica, Biologia Molecular, Ciências, Biologia, Química e áreas correlatas.O objetivo é ampliar a divulgação e o acesso aos interessados visando a melhoria e a potencialização dos processos de aprendizagem.Caso tenha interesse em fazer a divulgação de seu material ou portal, escreva para indicando o título, resumo, instituição, responsável. Tempo de Ciências - PodCiência: podcasts de divulgação científicaPortal de divulgação científica por meio de podcasts nas áreas de Biologia e Química, desenvolvido no Instituto de Bioquímica Média Leopoldo de Meiswebsite:!podcincia/c11nfFacebook: Energia e Matéria - da fundamentação conceitual às aplicações tecnológicasLivro abordando a energia, matéria e suas transformações, abordando a temática de modo multidisciplinar, congregando a Biologia, Física e Química em uma obra que busca a integração dos conhecimentos na busca de novos caminhos para o ensino integrado e contextualizado, saindo da escala micro para a nanoscópica.1a Edição – 2015 – ISBN 9788578613280Carlos Alberto dos Santos (org, professor na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul B iblioteca Digital de CiênciasPortal que disponibiliza materiais (vídeos, áudios, textos, softwares, roteiros de aulas práticas na área de Biologia/ Ciênciias, Bioquímica e correlatas, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Tecnologias Educacionais (LTE, Instituto de Biologia,

  10. The interpretation of forensic biochemical expert test made in human body fluids: scientific - legal analysis in the research on sexual offenses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaves Carballo, Diana


    The contributions of science and technology have covered the whole of human life, and relationships of coexistence are even found in the various disciplines of knowledge through legal forensics. Therefore, it is increasingly imperative that the law enforcement agents are interdisciplinary professionals, with knowledge beyond the legal knowledge to enable them make the most of the scientific knowledge in judicial proceedings. Among the natural sciences applied to right, forensic biochemistry has contributed an extremely relevant test for the investigation of various sexual offenses, much has been so, that the Organismo de Investigacion Judicial of Costa Rica has in its Departamento de Laboratorios de Ciencias Forenses with specialized sections in this discipline. A diversity of skills are performed of presumptive and confirmatory character for the presence of biological fluids, sexually transmitted diseases and identification of DNA by genetic markers. Updated information is given with respect to the correct interpretation of forensic biochemical expertises achievable for identification of semen, blood and human saliva in the investigation of sexual offenses. A scientific and legal language is used allowing the most of this information in the criminal process. The main objective has been to interpret, legal and scientifically, forensic biochemical expert evidence performed in human body fluids during the investigation of sexual offenses. A legal, doctrinal and scientific review is presented with compilation of related jurisprudence and criminology reports analysis of Seccion de Bioquimica of the Departamento de Laboratorios Forenses of the Organismo de Investigacion Juridica issued during the investigation of sexual offenses. Two types of attainable skills have existed for the identification of biological fluids, each with a different binding. In addition, it has been clear, due to the lexicon employed when making a forensic biochemist opinion, that to make a proper

  11. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in the oncologic clinical practice; Tomografia por Emision de Positrones (PET) en la practica clinica oncologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serna M, J A; Luviano, C; Martinez V, D [Hospital Angeles del Pedregal Mexico DF (Mexico); Maldonado S, A [Centro PET Complutense, Madrid (Spain)


    We intended to determine the frequency with that the computer axial tomography (TAC), it was able to visualize the lesions extra neoplasia detected by the PET tomography in patients with fully identified primary malignant neoplasia. (Author)

  12. Frecuencia de anticuerpos anti Trypanozoma cruzi en pacientes portadores de marcapasos de la Clinica San Pedro Claver de Bogotá

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    Guillermo Mora


    Conclusiones. La prevalencia de anticuerpos anti-T. cruzi en pacientes portadores de marcapaso es alta. La implantación de marcapasos se presentó más tempranamente en el grupo seropositivo. No hay adecuada sospecha clínica ni información al paciente sobre el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Chagas.

  13. Phyllodes tumor: clinical, radiological and pathological correlation in 50 cases; Tumor filodes: correlacion clinica, radiologica y anatomopatologica en 50 casos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Higueras, A.; Alvarez, M.; Jimenez, A.; Garcia Revillo, J.; Cano, A. [Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia. Cordoba (Spain)


    To review the radiological features of the phyllodes tumor, correlating them with the clinical presentation, histological type and response to treatment. Fifty phyllodes tumors in 29 patients aged 16 to 59 years (mean: 41 years) were analyzed retrospectively. The series included 12 cases of recurrence, 1 of bilateral tumor and 6 of multiple tumor. Forty-five lesions were studied by mammography and 36 by ultrasound. Clinically guided fine-needle aspiration cytology was performed in 8 cases. The pathological diagnosis was obtained by means of surgical biopsy in every case (31 benign and 19 malignant). Twenty-four patients underwent postoperative clinical and radiological follow-up for a mean period of 32 months. Mammography revealed the presence of a nodule or mass in 42 cases, asymmetrical density in two and a generalized increase in density in one: Multifocal lesions were detected in six cases. The size varied widely, with masses measuring >5 cm showing a greater probability of malignancy (p<0.01). Calcifications were observed in 13% of the cases. Ultrasound revealed the presence of heterogeneous, hypoechoic nodules, with cystic areas in five tumors, all of which were malignant (p<0.01). Local recurrence was detected in 31% of the cases and bone metastases in one. The phyllodes tumor is an uncommon fibroepithelial tumor that has a potential for recurrence and distant metastasis. Mammographic and ultrasound features are similar to those of the fibroadenoma, a lesion with which it is occasionally associated. Multiple lesions are not infrequent and it can present with calcifications. The presence of cystic areas and a tumor size of >5 cm are the only radiological findings that are statistically associated with malignancy. The recurrence rate is greater in malignant tumors than in benign lesions, especially in patients treated by tumor resection. (Author) 28 refs.

  14. Clinical Training of Medical Physicists Specializing in Nuclear Medicine (Spanish Edition); Capacitacion clinica de fisicos medicos especialistas en medicina nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The application of radiation in human health, for both diagnosis and treatment of disease, is an important component of the work of the IAEA. The responsibility for the increasingly technical aspects of this work is undertaken by the medical physicist. To ensure good practice in this vital area, structured clinical training programmes are required to complement academic learning. This publication is intended to be a guide to the practical implementation of such a programme for nuclear medicine. There is a general and growing awareness that radiation medicine is increasingly dependent on well trained medical physicists who are based in a clinical setting. However an analysis of the availability of medical physicists indicates a large shortfall of qualified and capable professionals. This is particularly evident in developing countries. While strategies to increase educational opportunities are critical to such countries, the need for guidance on structured clinical training was recognized by the members of the Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology (RCA) for the Asia-Pacific region. Consequently, a technical cooperation regional project (RAS6038) under the RCA programme was formulated to address this need in this region by developing suitable material and establishing its viability. Development of a clinical training guide for medical physicists specialising in nuclear medicine was started in 2009 with the appointment of a core drafting committee of regional and international experts. The publication drew on the experience of clinical training in Australia, Croatia and Sweden and was moderated by physicists working in the Asian region. The present publication follows the approach of earlier IAEA publications in the Training Course Series, specifically Nos 37 and 47, Clinical Training of Medical Physicists Specializing in Radiation Oncology and Clinical Training of Medical Physicists Specializing in Diagnostic Radiology, respectively. This approach to clinical training has been successfully tested in Thailand, with three other Member States currently undergoing testing, and is believed to be generally applicable to the medical physics community in general.

  15. Estudos sobre o xanthoma: biochimica e pathogenia Studies in xanthoma: biochemistry and pathogenesis

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    Gilberto G. Villela


    Full Text Available 1. No presente trabalho são descriptos dois casos de xanthelasmatose (xanthoma com perturbações accentuadas do metabolismo dos lipides e esteroes. 2. Um dos casos apresentou notavel cholesteroluria não mostrando o doente lesões renaes, ao passo que o outro caso sendo portador de pyelonephrite não eliminava cholesterol. 3. Foram feitas dosagens de cholesterol, acidos graxos totaes e lecithina, no sangue, urina e tumores, obtendo-se valores muito elevados. As demais provas (histo-chimicas, polarização microscopica confirmaram a presença de abundante infiltração de lipides e cholesterol nos tecidos. 4. A prova de carga de Bürger feita no caso I demonstrou diminuição da tolerancia para o cholesterol. 5. A therapeutica insulinica fez baixar o cholesterol e a glycose do sangue sem, comtudo, offerecer melhora clinica do paciente. No caso II houve baixa da cholesterolemia e da glycemia com desapparecimento dos tumores, evidenciando a diversidade das formas clinicas destes casos. 6. A intradermo-reacção feita com o cholesterol no caso I produziu reacção positiva, suggerindo um estado de hypensensibilidade para as substancias de infiltração no xanthelasma (xanthoma. 7. Os aspectos clinico-morphologicos dos casos estudados indicam tambem a ocorrencia de processos de sensibilisação cutanea. 8. As lipidoses são encaradas neste trabalho como toxicodermias hematogenicas, sendo proposto para seu estudo os mesmos methodos de exploração cutanea.1. In the present paper two cases of xanthelasmatosis (xanthoma with marked changes in lipid and sterol metabolism are studied. 2. One of the cases without injuries shows accentuated cholester-oluria, while the other with renal injuries presented pyelonephritis without cholesteroluria. 3. Cholesterol, total fatty acids and lecithine give high values in both cases. Histo-chemical and polariscopic researches confirmed a real infiltration of cholesterol and lipids in tissues. 4. Burger's test in case

  16. Work-related injuries among child street-laborers in Latin America: prevalence and predictors Lesiones laborales en niños que trabajan en la calle en América Latina: prevalencia y factores de predicción

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    Angela Maria Pinzon-Rondon


    incidencia y la gravedad de las lesiones con relación a las variables laborales y sociodemográficas. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 39,6% de los niños trabajadores de la calle encuestados informó haber sufrido lesiones mientras trabajaba: rasguños (19,5%, heridas/laceraciones (16,4%, quemaduras (8,6%, accidentes con automóviles (8,9%, esguinces (4,6% y amputaciones (0,3%. Los factores de predicción de mayor riesgo de lesiones fueron trabajar en la calle muchas horas diurnas y realizar presentaciones callejeras, incluso después de controlar por factores sociodemográficos; específicamente, la adición de una hora de trabajo diurno aumentó el riesgo de lesión en 1,4%. Los niños que realizaban presentaciones callejeras presentaron una tasa de lesiones tres veces mayor que los niños que se dedicaban fundamentalmente a la venta de productos. Los niños varones, los de mayor edad y los de Quito presentaron mayor probabilidad de sufrir lesiones de moderadas a severas que las niñas, los más jóvenes y los que vivían en las otras ciudades estudiadas. CONCLUSIONES: Se requieren intervenciones para reducir el considerable riesgo de lesiones a que están sometidos los niños que trabajan en las calles de las ciudades de América Latina.

  17. Thermochemical and biochemical routes to biofuels: state of the art, opportunities and challenges for Brazil; Rotas termoquimica e bioquimica para biocombustiveis: estado-da-arte, oportunidades e desafios para o Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lora, Electo Eduardo Silva; Coral, Doris del Socorro Obando; Rocha, Mateus Henrique [Universidade Federal de Itajuba (UNIFEI), MG (Brazil). Inst. de Engenharia Mecanica. Nucleo de Excelencia em Geracao Termeletrica e Distribuida


    In this work are defined the fundamentals of thermochemical and biochemical platforms for the production of biofuels and electricity. The environmental advantages and the land use for both technological options are discussed. For each case, the process scheme and relevant products are presented, as well as, the technological challenges. In addition, it will be presented the products yields according to the current state of the art for both platforms, as well as, a description of the principal demonstrative and commercial projects that are currently either in construction or in operation. Finally, it will be present the results of recent economical studies in order to summarize the production cost of the most promising biofuels. R and D opportunities for Brazil in both platforms are evaluated also. (author)

  18. Evaluation of the repeatability of dosimetric parameters of a linear accelerator beam; Avaliacao da repetibilidade de parametros dosimetricos do feixe de um acelerador linear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morelli, Humberto A.S.; Oliveira, Harley F. de; Silva, Maelson do N.; Pavoni, Juliana F., E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Servico de Radioterapia


    This study aims to evaluate the repeatability of symmetry and flatness of the photon beam of 6 MV linear accelerator Oncor Impression, Siemens, from the Radiotherapy Department of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - USP. In total they were collected 102 measures, weekly, through two-dimensional detector of ionization chambers, Matrixx Evolution, IBA Dosimetry, connected to a computer with software OmniProI'mrt. The isocenter of the linear accelerator was placed in the center of the sensitive volume of the detector with solid water plates above and below these. Data were collected with 100 UM, with field size 10 x 10 cm². The flatness and symmetry values were calculated by the software used. The first measurement of this work was used as reference, the others were compared with it, taking into account the values of permissible variation for these parameters. The minimum, maximum and average value were analyzed. The literature indicates that the flatness and symmetry values should not vary by more than 2 and 3%, respectively. The results of this work show that the values of these parameters for the linear accelerator study are within the permissible variations in protocols and are therefore able to appropriate clinical use. (author)

  19. [Clinical, biochemical and hepatic histological findings in overweight and obese Peruvian adults: first national prospective study]. (United States)

    Tagle A, Martín; Poggi M, Luis; Ferrari G, Natalia; Siu G, Hugo; Aguinaga, Melina; Luna C, Eduardo; Scavino L, Yolanda


    We conducted a prospective, descriptive study in the Clinica Anglo Americana, a prívate institution taking care of patients from a medium-high socioeconomic level in Lima. The goal of the study was to determine the frequency of histologic findings in liver biopsies performed by laparoscopy or percutaneously in patients with overweight (body mass index > 25 kg/m2) or obesity (body mass index > 30 kg/m2), and to evaluate the correlation with antropometric variables such as BMI, waist circumference, history of diabetes or hyperlypidemia, and biochemical variables like glycemia, lipid profile, aminotransferases and AST/ALT ratio. Between the years 2001 and 2006 50 patients were biopsied, 29 with overweight and 21 with obesity. Eighteen had simple steatosis and 22 had Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (44%), so 40 patients (80%) had some form of fatty liver. Five patients (10%) had cirrhosis confirmed by biopsy, and in all of them the finding of cirrhosis was completely incidental. Sixty four percent of patients with NASH were obese, like the 5 cirrhotics in our series. Herein we illustrate that in a relatively small sample of patients with obesity and overweight like ours, we found all the forms of the liver steatosis spectrum, from simple steatosis to cirrhosis, with a high frequency of NASH.

  20. Technology for communicational development and learning in psychomotor disability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trento, I; Santucci, M; Tula, S; Gonzalez, E


    The applied investigation and experimental development project described in this paper has been carried out by Grupo Ingenieria ClInica of the Universidad Tecnologica Nacional together with two Special Education Schools dependent on the Ministry of Education of Cordoba Province. Its aim is the development of computer access assistive tools for students with mobility limitations, and with or without intellectual problems that need adaptations to access to a computer in order to learn, communicate, work, etc. On the other hand, it demonstrates the benefits that the use of a computer gives to these students. The evaluation of their performance was made trough Dr. Marianne Frostig's Developmental Test of Visual Perception and reading and writing graphic tests, comparing the results of the tests made on paper with those made on computer. Thus, an interdisciplinary team was formed by Engineering, Psychology and Special Education professionals, and 40 students were evaluated. The design of the mouse and keyboard had some adaptations. At present, the rating test stage is being achieved, and the preliminary results allow us to anticipate that pupils with psychomotor disabilities may manifest their perceptual ripeness and reach education in a more efficient way through the use of informatics tools according to their needs and possibilities

  1. A ciência-ação: fundamentos filosóficos e relevância para a enfermagem

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    Bertha Cruz Enders


    Full Text Available La práctica de la enfermería involucra la enfermera en decisiones y acciones al enfrentar las situaciones cotidianas de la clinica. En esas ocasiones, la enfermera usa conocimiento cientifico, la experiencia anterior, conceptos y la intuición para percibir las situaciones y desempeñar las acciones. Esa acción constituye una fuente de conocimiento que puede ser obtenido por medio de metodologías que siguen el enfoque interpretativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar analíticamente la filosofía de la Ciencia-Acción en su relación con la construcción del conocimiento de la enfermería. La Ciencia-Acción es discutida como una metodología nueva en las ciencias sociales y su filosofía es tratada en relación a la epistemología de la enfermería. Este abordaje es recomendado para la enfermería porque focaliza la reflexión y destaca la práctica como fuente del conocimiento. Se concluye que la Ciencia-Acción tiene potencial para el avance de la teoría de la enfermería y del conocimiento de la práctica.

  2. Neurocisticercosis en un hospital de la ciudad de Buenos Aires: estudio de once casos

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    A. M. Villa


    Full Text Available Fueron examinados 11 pacientes adultos con el diagnostico presuntivo de neuro-cisticercosis, 8 de ellos provenientes de Bolivia y los restantes del interior de la Argentina. Como manifestacion clinica inicial el 82% de ellos mostro convulsiones y el 73% cefaleas. Ambas alteraciones podían estar combinadas en el mismo paciente o presentarse en forma independiente. La tomografia computada de cerebro evidencio calcificaciones y quistes en 5 enfermos, solo calcificaciones en 3, hidrocefalia en 2 y un unico quiste en 1. En 7 casos se efectuo ELISA en el LCR, de ellos 6 resultaron positivos. El tratamiento medico se hizo en base a la administración de praziquantel o albendazol con buena evolución de los pacientes en todos los casos. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue indicado solo en el caso en que una lesion actuase como masa ocupante con aumento de la presión endocraneana (1 caso o produjera obstruccion de la circulacon del LCR llevando a una hidrocefalia (2 casos. El estudio presente pretende alertar sobre la posibilidad que nuevas regiones, como la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, puedan ingresar dentro del area endemica latinoamericana a consecuencia de los movimientos migratorios internos y externos y el asentamiento de portadores de la parasitosis en el perimetro urbano.

  3. Efecto de colutorio-gel de clorhexidina sobre el crecimiento de placa en 24 horas = Effect of chlorhexidine mouthrinses-gel on de novo plaque formation in 24 hours

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    Rivera, Tânia


    Full Text Available En un estudio cruzado, doble ciego y randomizado, 25 alumnos de Odontologia de buena salud oral, participaron de cuatro estudios donde ellos se abtuvieron de toda limpieza mecanica oral por 24 horas, los estudios estuvieron separados entre si por 4 semanas. Durante los estudios los alumnos en un randomizado orden, se enjuagaron por una vez con uno de los siguientes colutorios: CHX 0.12% + alcohol (Oralgene®, CHX 0.12% + alcohol (Perio.Aid®, CHX 0.1% + alcohol (Dentilim® y CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% (Colutoriogel®, nueva formula. Despues de un dia se midio formación de placa, se completo y registro el cuestionario de parametros clinicos. Las formulaciones de CHX 0.12% + alcohol y CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% se mostraron eficientes en retardar el crecimiento de placa dental de novo, esto obtenido de las observaciones clinicas, y siempre superior (p < 0.05 a la formulación del colutorio de CHX 0.1%+ alcohol (Dentilim®. Los resultados de este estudio demuestran el potencial clinico de este nuevo colutorio-gel sin alcohol de CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% (Colutoriogel® como un efectivo agente antiplaca y con reducidas efectos secundarios registrados

  4. Comparison of two doses of intravenous temsirolimus in patients with relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma. (United States)

    Jurczak, Wojciech; Ramanathan, Sundra; Giri, Pratyush; Romano, Alessandra; Mocikova, Heidi; Clancy, Jill; Lechuga, Mariajose; Casey, Michelle; Boni, Joseph; Giza, Agnieszka; Hess, Georg


    Temsirolimus 175 mg once-weekly for 3 weeks, followed by 75 mg once-weekly intravenously dosed (175/75 mg) is approved in the European Union for treatment of relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). A phase IV study explored whether similar efficacy, but improved safety could be achieved with 75 mg without 175 mg loading doses ( NCT01180049). Patients with relapsed/refractory MCL were randomized to once-weekly temsirolimus 175/75 mg (n = 47) or 75 mg (n = 42). Treatment continued until objective disease progression. Primary endpoint: progression-free survival (PFS). Secondary endpoints included overall survival (OS) and adverse events (AEs). Median PFS was 4.3 versus 4.5 months (hazard ratio [HR] 0.731; 80% confidence interval [CI], 0.520-1.027), and median OS 18.7 versus 11.0 months (HR 0.681; 80% CI, 0.472-0.982) with 175/75 mg versus 75 mg. There were fewer patients with serious AEs, dose reduction, or death with 175/75 mg (57.4%, 48.9%, and 48.9%) versus 75 mg (73.8%, 64.3%, and 65.1%). Temsirolimus 175/75 mg remains the preferred dosing regimen for relapsed/refractory MCL.

  5. Medical images of patients in voxel structures in high resolution for Monte Carlo simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boia, Leonardo S.; Menezes, Artur F.; Silva, Ademir X., E-mail: lboia@con.ufrj.b, E-mail: ademir@con.ufrj.b [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PEN/COPPE/UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-Graduacao de Engenharia. Programa de Engenharia Nuclear; Salmon Junior, Helio A. [Clinicas Oncologicas Integradas (COI), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This work aims to present a computational process of conversion of tomographic and MRI medical images from patients in voxel structures to an input file, which will be manipulated in Monte Carlo Simulation code for tumor's radiotherapic treatments. The problem's scenario inherent to the patient is simulated by such process, using the volume element (voxel) as a unit of computational tracing. The head's voxel structure geometry has voxels with volumetric dimensions around 1 mm{sup 3} and a population of millions, which helps - in that way, for a realistic simulation and a decrease in image's digital process techniques for adjustments and equalizations. With such additional data from the code, a more critical analysis can be developed in order to determine the volume of the tumor, and the protection, beside the patients' medical images were borrowed by Clinicas Oncologicas Integradas (COI/RJ), joined to the previous performed planning. In order to execute this computational process, SAPDI computational system is used in a digital image process for optimization of data, conversion program Scan2MCNP, which manipulates, processes, and converts the medical images into voxel structures to input files and the graphic visualizer Moritz for the verification of image's geometry placing. (author)

  6. (United States)

    Riva, Michele Augusto; Carnevale, Francesco


    The meaning of the term "medico competente" - usually adopted in Italy to indicate the occupational physician - is little known. To describe the origins of the word "medico competente" in Italy. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Italian legislation from the end of the nineteenth century to the present day. In the United Kingdom, occupational physicians were originally named as "certifying surgeon" (1833) and "appointed surgeon" (1860). In Italy, the term "medico delegato" was introduced to indicate the physician who visited child laborers (1886), while the word "medico competente" was first used in some propaganda leaflets of the Clinica del Lavoro of Milan in 1910. This term was officially used in Italian legislation in 1927 and was preferred to "medico di fabbrica" (factory physician) in the post-World War II period. Since 1982, the term "medico competente" has started to be considered as a synonym of occupational physician in Italian laws. The name "medico competente" appears to derive from a legislative imposition rather than from a voluntary choice developed in a medical and scientific context. Nowadays, Italian occupational physicians should be stimulated to find scientific, ethical, and professional meanings in this term, so helping to enhance their figure in modern society.

  7. Sogno, immagini e disagio psichico: una cura per l'anima

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    Ferdinando Testa


    Full Text Available Nella dimensione concettuale e terapeutica della psicologia analitica il lavoro con le immagini si pone come una sorte di spartiacque che caratterizza la specificità e l’identità della clinica junghiana, terreno di incontro col mondo delle psicosi, avvicinandosi al mondo dei deliri e delle allucinazioni come aspetti fenomenologici dove la dimensione personale si interseca con quella archetipica e il senso della propria esistenza ha potuto trovare un contenitore forse unicamente attraverso la voce dei deliri e delle immagini patologizzanti. In tal senso, le immagini accompagnano lungo il viaggio della vita, albergano nei ricordi delle storie prive di fiducia e di amore e possono condurre alla follia oppure rappresentare una ancora di salvezza in un mare tempestoso su una nave senza nocchiero. L'immaginazione è quindi da intendersi come attività creatrice, forza propulsiva che spinge e conduce l'individuo a mettersi in gioco e a valorizzare la dimensione interna non solo come portatrice di aspetti distruttivi e mostruosi, ma anche come possibilità di immaginare e non fantasticare la possibilità che ci possa essere uno spazio per la trasformazione del proprio passato in una storia riscritta in un altro modo, con un altro significato che sia quello dell'unione e non della frantumazione schizofrenica.

  8. Technology for communicational development and learning in psychomotor disability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trento, I [Grupo Ingenieria ClInica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Cordoba. Av. M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Santucci, M [Facultad de PsicologIa, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Tula, S [Escuela de Educacion Especial y Formacion Laboral Beatriz MartInez Allio. Av. M. Lopez N0 2620 Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Gonzalez, E [Grupo Ingenieria ClInica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Cordoba. Av. M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina)


    The applied investigation and experimental development project described in this paper has been carried out by Grupo Ingenieria ClInica of the Universidad Tecnologica Nacional together with two Special Education Schools dependent on the Ministry of Education of Cordoba Province. Its aim is the development of computer access assistive tools for students with mobility limitations, and with or without intellectual problems that need adaptations to access to a computer in order to learn, communicate, work, etc. On the other hand, it demonstrates the benefits that the use of a computer gives to these students. The evaluation of their performance was made trough Dr. Marianne Frostig's Developmental Test of Visual Perception and reading and writing graphic tests, comparing the results of the tests made on paper with those made on computer. Thus, an interdisciplinary team was formed by Engineering, Psychology and Special Education professionals, and 40 students were evaluated. The design of the mouse and keyboard had some adaptations. At present, the rating test stage is being achieved, and the preliminary results allow us to anticipate that pupils with psychomotor disabilities may manifest their perceptual ripeness and reach education in a more efficient way through the use of informatics tools according to their needs and possibilities.

  9. [Perceptions, knowledge and attitudes about liver disease in healthy adults attending health facilities in stratum A, B and C]. (United States)

    Osorio Calixtro, Liliana; Patiño Trinidad, Tania; Tagle Arróspide, Martín; Huayanay Falconi, Leandro


    To find and describe perceptions, beliefs, knowledge and attitudes adopted by healthy people regarding liver disease, who attend at three medical institutions. To estimate how the academic and socioeconomic level operate as determinant factors. Descriptive transversal study that includes a 31 question-questionnaire made in a group of 390 healthy people who were in the waiting rooms at Hospital Cayetano Heredia (HNCH), Policlinico Peruano Japones (PPJ) and Clinica Angloamericana (CAA), reflecting low, medium and medium-high socio economic status respectively. Data was processed with SPSS software. We found that 218/390 (56%) people had higher education level, and 64% were women. "Eating high-fat meals" had the highest percentage (91%) among perceptions of liver disease. "Bad breath" and "heartburn" were referred as symptoms of liver disease, among people with a higher education level. Less than 50% of people knew about routes of transmission of hepatitis B, associated with its prevention and treatment. Beliefs and wrong perceptions about liver disease are prevalent among people; dyspepsia was inaccurately associated. There is an inappropriate knowledge about routes of transmission, preventive measures and treatment, which was reflected in people with lower education level as well as in those with higher education and socioeconomic level.

  10. [Epidemiological study of acute poisoning cases treated at a Galician hospital between 2005 and 2008]. (United States)

    de Miguel-Bouzas, José Carlos; Castro-Tubío, Eva; Bermejo-Barrera, Ana María; Fernández-Gómez, Purificación; Estévez-Núñez, Juan Carlos; Tabernero-Duque, María Jesús


    A descriptive retrospective study of acute intoxication cases registered at the Complexo Hospitalario de Pontevedra (CHOP) between January 2005 and December 2008 was performed to find out the number and types of poisoning cases treated, their distribution according to patient's sex and age, chronology, type of toxic agents involved, intentionality, history, symptoms, clinical development, treatment and toxicological analysis used for diagnosis. Data were recorded using Clinica and IANUS software and consulting all paper records of patients with symptoms of poisoning. Data from a total of 1893 patients with a mean age of 35.6 ± 17.6 years (66% men) were included. Highest rates of poisoning were recorded on Saturdays and Sundays during the summer months (June, July and August). Drugs of abuse were the most common toxic agents (70.4%), ethyl alcohol accounting for 61% of these cases, which often involved males and with people with high degrees of dependency. In second place was poisoning resulting from the abuse of medical drugs, more commonly associated with females, and involving benzodiazepines in 73.2% of cases. The majority of these intoxications were intentional, and suicide attempts accounted for 18.8%. The problems most commonly resulting from the poisoning were neurological, and mortality rate was just 0.2%.

  11. Uso de medicamentos, glicemia capilar e índice de massa corpórea em pacientes com diabetes mellitus

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    Márcio Flávio Moura de Araújo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se relacionar o uso de medicamentos com a glicemia capilar e o índice de massa corpórea em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Estudo transversal realizado entre janeiro e julho de 2009, nos domicílios de 437 pacientes de doze centros de saúde de Fortaleza-CE. Utilizou-se um formulário para o registro das variáveis sociodemográficas e clinicas, glicemia capilar, índice de massa corpórea e uso de medicamentos. Dos pacientes com glicemia capilar normal, 93% não utilizavam antidepressivos / ansiolíticos (p = 0,02. Aproximadamente 99% dos que apresentavam a glicemia capilar elevada não utilizavam cálcio diariamente (p = 0,04. Entre aqueles com índice de massa corpórea normal, 45,5% tomavam diariamente anti-hipertensivos da classe inibidor da ECA (p = 0,03. O uso diário de drogas inibidoras da ECA, antidepressivos / ansiolíticos e cálcio apresentou associação com a glicemia capilar e o índice de massa corpórea, respectivamente. É importante que o enfermeiro avalie o peso corporal e a glicemia capilar dos pacientes com diabetes, em particular daqueles que fazem uso contínuo de medicamentos.

  12. Construction of a homogeneous phantom for radiographic image standardization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pina, Diana Rodrigues de


    The principle of radiodiagnosis consists in the fact the X-ray beam is attenuated at different degrees by distinct tissues. For this reason, the anatomical structures have distinct radiological opacities, that produce the radiographic image. The progresses in radiology are related to the development if new radiographic image formation systems that enable an amplification in the quality, with low dose and/or risk to the patient. The objective of this work is the sensitometric valuation of a screen-film combination, that is still the most used, for the standardization, of radiographic images. Thinking about this, were constructed homogeneous phantoms of the chest, skull and pelvis, for the calibration of X-ray beams, with the purpose of obtaining radiographic images of good quality, basing in the routine of a radiodiagnosis service and in the scientific knowledge. Questions were approached about the choice of the suitable equipment, that allow the obtention of k Vp and m As combinations, to produce radiographic images of good quality, and the reproduction of these combinations to any conventional equipment of diagnostic X-rays. Also presented are the comparison of the doses imparted by these combinations and those used in routine of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto's radiodiagnosis service. (author)

  13. Artrite séptica

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    Pedro Anderson Martinho Mocambique


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Pioartrite ou Artrite séptica é toda infecção por bactéria piogênica na cavidade articular. A artrite séptica pode ser classificada como gonocócica e não gonocócica.A artrite séptica é considerada uma emergência ortopédica.Na artrite séptica não gonocócica o micro-organismo atinge a articulação da seguinte forma; via hematogênica (maior numero de casos ou por contiguidade. A primeira por inoculação direta do agente e segunda por disseminação de infecção, como osteomielite, próxima a articulação.OBJETIVO: Discutir a importância do conhecimento acerca sintomatologia da artrite séptica com a finalidade de proporcionar ao paciente um atendimento mais rápido e eficaz. RELATO DE CASO: manejo de um paciente de 12 anos com queixa de dor em membro inferior direito de caráter limitante e febre. Há mais de sete dias. DISCUSSÂO: Em indivíduos de diferentes idadesa historia clinica de claudicação e quadro febril em geral merece uma investigação mais detalhada.

  14. Technology for communicational development and learning in psychomotor disability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trento, I [Grupo Ingenieria ClInica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Cordoba. Av. M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Santucci, M [Facultad de PsicologIa, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Tula, S [Escuela de Educacion Especial y Formacion Laboral Beatriz MartInez Allio. Av. M. Lopez N0 2620 Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Gonzalez, E [Grupo Ingenieria ClInica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Cordoba. Av. M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina)


    The applied investigation and experimental development project described in this paper has been carried out by Grupo Ingenieria ClInica of the Universidad Tecnologica Nacional together with two Special Education Schools dependent on the Ministry of Education of Cordoba Province. Its aim is the development of computer access assistive tools for students with mobility limitations, and with or without intellectual problems that need adaptations to access to a computer in order to learn, communicate, work, etc. On the other hand, it demonstrates the benefits that the use of a computer gives to these students. The evaluation of their performance was made trough Dr. Marianne Frostig's Developmental Test of Visual Perception and reading and writing graphic tests, comparing the results of the tests made on paper with those made on computer. Thus, an interdisciplinary team was formed by Engineering, Psychology and Special Education professionals, and 40 students were evaluated. The design of the mouse and keyboard had some adaptations. At present, the rating test stage is being achieved, and the preliminary results allow us to anticipate that pupils with psychomotor disabilities may manifest their perceptual ripeness and reach education in a more efficient way through the use of informatics tools according to their needs and possibilities.


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    Luan Barbosa Hubner


    Full Text Available O prontuário eletrônico é uma ferramenta de grande auxilio para gestão em unidade básica de saúde (UBS, hospitais e clinicas. Quando falamos de prontuário eletrônico percebemos que possui vários nomes, como: Prontuário do Paciente, Prontuário Familiar, Prontuário Médico, Prontuário Hospitalar, Registro do Paciente entre outros. Com a ideia de melhorar o atendimento dos pacientes, garantir segurança para os dados e manter um histórico do paciente da sua vida toda, se seu uso for bem trabalhado com cuidado e alimentado o sistema corretamente irá ser de grande aproveitamento e ajuda para a instituição. Diante disto o objetivo do presente estudo é uma revisão de literatura, para avaliar a eficácia da implantação de um prontuário eletrônico. Nenhum estudo mostrou que o prontuário teve efeito negativo em sua implantação, apenas apresenta algumas desvantagens, sendo a implantação do prontuário eletrônico de grande valia em UBS que ainda não os possuem.

  16. Diagnóstico y manejo del prolapso de órganos pélvicos, presente y futuro

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    Hans Peter Dietz, MD, PHD


    Full Text Available En los últimos 10 años se ha visto un importante progreso en el campo de la uroginecología. Esto resulta evidente al considerar los avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del prolapso genital. Lamentablemente, gran parte de los urólogos femeninos, ginecólogos y uroginecólogos podrian asociar este avance con la sucesiva implementación de nuevos procedimientos quirúrgicos que han sido introducidos con un interés comercial, sin contar con resultados de estudios clinicos que avalen su uso. Esto resulta peor aún si consideramos el limitado conocimiento que todavia se tiene de la etiología y fisiopatología del prolapso de los órganos pélvicos. Sin embargo, esta última década trajo consigo un progreso importante en el diagnóstico, junto a un incremento considerable en el estudio clínico de la etiología de las disfunciones del piso pélvico. En este artículo discutiremos los últimos adelantos, y su importancia, tanto en la práctica clinica como investigación de la obstetricia y ginecología, enfocándonos en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del prolapso genital.

  17. Noi e loro. L’integrazione psicologica nell’emigrazione

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    Alberto Ghilardi


    Full Text Available Gli studi in psicologia clinica e sociale evidenziano come l’incontro tra popolazioni provenienti da contesti etnici, sociali, culturali e psicologici molto diversi attivi una serie di meccanismi di tipo prevalentemente difensivo. E’ illusorio ritenere che l’incontro fra tali diversità, come nel caso dei fenomeni emigratori, si risolva attraverso processi d’integrazione che avvengano quasi “per natura”, al contrario vi sia sempre la necessità di una modifica di equilibri precedenti, analogamente a quanto avviene per consimili eventi sul piano biologico.L’articolo evidenzia come l’incontro con il fenomeno dell’emigrazione vada psicologicamente affrontato anche sul fronte della popolazione che riceve i nuovi individui, inclusi gli operatori e i clinici che si occupano in prima persona del fenomeno, aiutandoli ad adattare i propri confini geografici come modifica, sul piano psicologico, di confini interni, poiché questi ultimi sono i mezzi che identificano e riconoscono le differenze.Saranno utilizzate alcune esemplificazioni tratte da esperienze d’intervento psicologico clinico e sociale nei campi della consulenza educativa degli adulti, della medicina e della psicoterapia per mostrare a quali difficoltà interpretative siano sottoposti i propri abituali modelli culturali, clinici e operativi nell’incontro con realtà differenti e quali modalità possano facilitare osmosi e integrazione tra persone e culture.

  18. Repair by weld of steam and gas turbine rotors made of Cr-Mo-V steel; Reparacion por soldadura de rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros al Cr-Mo-V

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazur C, Zdzislaw; Hernandez R, Alejando [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Orozco S, Julian; Banuelos P, Jose E. [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    In this article an analysis is presented of the typical damages in steam and gas turbine rotors made of Cr-Mo-V low alloy steels. An analysis of the weldability of the Cr-Mo-V steel is carried out and a classification of the possible types of repairs of the turbine rotors is presented, starting off from the causes and ways of presentation of the faults/deterioration of the rotor materials during the operation of the turbine. With base on the damages detected in the rotor of a gas turbine of 20.65 MW, the development of the repairing technology carried out by weld in site is presented. After the repair process, the rotor was put again in operation. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta un analisis de los danos tipicos en rotores de turbinas de vapor y de gas fabricados con aceros de baja aleacion al Cr-Mo-V. Se lleva a cabo un analisis de la soldabilidad de los aceros al Cr-Mo-V y se presenta una clasificacion de los posibles tipos de reparaciones de los rotores de turbinas, partiendo de las causas y modos de presentacion de las fallas/deterioro del material de los rotores durante la operacion de la turbina. Con base en los danos detectados en el rotor de una turbina de gas de 20.65 MW, se presenta el desarrollo de la tecnologia de reparacion por soldadura llevada a cabo en sitio. Despues del proceso de reparacion, el rotor fue puesto nuevamente en servicio.


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    Ramón Zulueta-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se determinó el efecto de la inoculación de violeta africana ( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl. con hongos micorrícico-arbusculares (HMA en un vivero comercial bajo el sistema de cultivo del productor. Se probaron dos presentaciones del inóculo, raíces frescas (IT e inoculante encapsulado en perlas de alginato de calcio (IE. Los tratamientos establecidos fueron plantas inoculadas con cada uno de los inóculos (IT e IE, plantas fertilizadas sin inocular (F, plantas inoculadas + fertilizante (IT+F e IE+F y plantas testigo (T. Las variables evaluadas 90 y 180 días después de la inoculación (DDI fueron área foliar, número de hojas, de botones florales y de flores, así como la longitud de raíz colonizada, peso seco de pecíolos, hojas y raíces al final del experimento (180 DDI. El análisis estadístico indicó diferencias altamente significativas entre los tratamientos a los 90 DDI para área foliar, número de botones florales y de flores (ANOVA, P ≤ 0.01, respuesta que prevaleció hasta los 180 DDI con respecto a las plantas testigo (ANOVA, P ≤ 0.01. En general, la interacción de los HMA con el fertilizante promovió una floración prematura, lo cual indica que el uso de estos microorganismos puede considerarse una alterna - tiva biotecnológica factible de incorporar en estos sistemas de producción.

  20. Energy optimization in industrial drying systems; Optimizacion energetica en sistemas de secado industrial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alarcon, Daniel; Ambriz, Juan Jose; Romero Paredes, Hernando [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    The drying of products -meaning the extraction of water or excess humidity down to adequate levels for its conservation and final presentation- demands a large amount of energy, mainly from fuels of fossil origin. Nevertheless, from the standpoint of the energy efficiency, the burning of fuels at very high temperature for using them at a very low temperature, represents an astonishing energy waste, which can be clearly established by means of an energy and exergy balance of these drying installations. In this study the methodology for the energy analysis for industrial drying systems is presented and it is applied to different practical cases. The efficiency of the entire system is evaluated and the losses for each concept, in order to obtain the potential energy saving. [Espanol] El secado de productos, entendido como la extraccion de agua o humedad en exceso, hasta niveles adecuados para su conservacion o presentacion final, demanda una gran cantidad de energeticos, principalmente de origen fosil. No obstante, desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energetica, el quemar combustible a muy alta temperatura para emplearlos a una muy baja, representa un dispendio energetico impresionante, lo cual puede ser claramente establecido mediante el balance energetico y exergetico de dichas instalaciones de secado. En el presente estudio se presenta la metodologia de analisis energetico de sistemas industriales de secado y se aplica a distintos casos practicos. Se evalua la eficiencia total del sistema y las perdidas por cada concepto con la finalidad de obtener los potenciales de ahorro de energia.

  1. De las fosas comunes a los derechos humanos: El descubrimiento de las desapariciones forzadas en la España contemporánea1

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    Francisco FERRÁNDIZ


    Full Text Available Este texto se basa en una investigación de campo “multi–situada” de siete años sobre el impacto del ciclo más reciente de exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil española, llevada a cabo en diversos escenarios: exhumaciones, actos conmemorativos, conferencias académicas sobre la memoria, presentaciones de libros, conciertos musicales, encierros universitarios, asambleas, diversas ONG, grupos de trabajo con apoyo institucional, laboratorios forenses, exposiciones de arte, manifestaciones, etc. Explora la forma en la que los discursos y conceptos transnacionales de los derechos humanos se han ido convirtiendo paulatinamente en guías fundamentales de la acción de muchas de las asociaciones que promueven la conocida como “recuperación de la memoria histórica”, a medida que el debate ha ido creciendo, se ha sofisticado, institucionalizado y, finalmente, judicializado. En este sentido, la secuencia de informes de Amnistía Internacional sobre el proceso o el auto dictado por Baltasar Garzón el 16 de septiembre de 2008, la controversia generada por él hasta su inhibición el 18 de noviembre de 2008, y los sucesos derivados del proceso que se le ha abierto en el Tribunal Supremo han actuado como catalizadores de esta irrupción de los derechos humanos en los debates sobre la memoria, a través de figuras jurídicas como las de los “crímenes contra la humanidad”, las “desapariciones forzadas”, y otras.

  2. A growing demand in emerging countries. Millennium development goals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahm, Peter [PA Energy (Denmark)


    This presentation is basically about the Millennium Development goals and its relation to the Photovoltaic Power System Programme (PVPS) of the International Energy Agency (IEA). In the first part, there are mentioned the following aspects: objectives and mission of the PVPS, situation in the rural electrification, relation between the sustainability of the energy and the development of a country, targets of the Millennium Development Goals concerning the developing countries, among others. Then, there are shown some comparison charts having data related to this topic, among there are going to be found: percent of the population without electricity access, estimated off-grid installations, etc. Finally, there are mentioned the Publications of Photovoltaic Systems for Developing Countries (PVSDC) [Spanish] Basicamente en esta presentacion se habla acerca de los objetivos de Desarollo del Milenio y su relacion con el programa de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos (SFV) de la Agencia Internacional de la Energia (AIE). En la primera parte, son mencionados los siguientes aspectos: objetivos y mision del programa de SFV, situacion de la electrificacion de zonas rurales, relacion entre la sustentabilidad de la energia y el desarrollo de un pais, objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en relacion con los paises en vias de desarrollo, entre otros mas. Enseguida, se muestran algunos cuadros comparativos, los cuales contienen informacion relacion con este tema, entre los que se pueden encontrar: porcentaje de la poblacion que no cuenta con electricidad, estimado de numero de instalaciones aisladas de la red, etc. Finalmente, se mencionan las publicaciones de los sistemas fotovoltaicos para los paises en vias de desarrollo (PVSDC por sus siglas en ingles)

  3. Postes prefabricados de fibra: Consideraciones para su uso clínico

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    Hugo Calabria Díaz

    Full Text Available En la década de los 90 los Postes Prefabricados de Fibra (PPF se introdujeron al mercado como alternativa a los sistemas metálicos o cerámicos. Hasta la fecha se mantienen en uso, modificando de manera constante sus presentaciones comerciales y estrategias de fijación. Sus cualidades mecánicas como su bajo Módulo Elástico (ME similar al dentinario, introducen un nuevo paradigma en la rehabilitación del Diente Endodonticamente Tratado (DET: .ldquo;el poste debe acompañar en forma solidaria la flexión de los tejidos dentarios frente a las cargas.rdquo;. Sus actuales cualidades estéticas, la fácil remoción y la posibilidad de su cementado adhesivo, los han convertido en una alternativa válida a las soluciones convencionales. Sin embargo, algunos resultados contradictorios junto con la importante dificultad de lograr hibridación en la dentina radicular, mantienen interrogantes a resolver en el futuro. Se indican en casos en donde se prevea retratamiento, en pacientes jóvenes, de alta exigencia estética y toda vez que se quiera y pueda eludir los costos de aleaciones nobles. En el presente artículo se analizan los fundamentos clínicos y experimentales de distintos autores, extrapolándose consideraciones prácticas para su uso. Los mismos se ilustran en un caso clínico para un paciente joven, con antecedente de traumatismo y con altas expectativas estéticas

  4. Intelligent support system online for the operation of fossil fuel units; Sistema inteligente de ayuda en linea para la operacion de unidades termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quintero R, Agustin; Suarez C, Dionisio A; Sanchez L, Jose Alfredo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The purpose of this publication is to present a support system online for the operation (SAO) of fossil fuel units, having as objective to support the operator of fossil fuel units when handling guidelines and essential information to carry out the starting and shutdown in a safe and efficient way, reducing the consumption of the useful life of the steam generator and the turbine, as well as the operational cost. Here are presented the intelligent systems for the support of the operation and are described the main characteristics in the dominion of application for the support system, its architecture and functionality, as well as the results obtained in the system assessment performed with the aid of total reach simulator of a fossil fuel unit and a pilot unit. [Spanish] Es motivo de esta publicacion, la presentacion de un sistema de ayuda en linea para la operacion (SAO) de unidades termoelectricas que tiene como objetivo asistir al operador de una unidad termoelectrica con guias de manejo e informacion esencial para llevar a cabo el arranque o paro en forma segura y eficiente, reducir el consumo de vida util del generador de vapor y la turbina, asi como el costo de operacion. Aqui se presentan los sistemas inteligentes de ayuda a la operacion y se describen las caracteristicas principales del dominio de aplicacion para el sistema de ayuda, su arquitectura y funcionalidad, asi como los resultados obtenidos de la evaluacion del sistema realizada con la ayuda de un simulador de alcance total de una unidad termoelectrica y una unidad piloto.

  5. Vanguardia, contracultura y dictadura: préstamos y apropiaciones en las crónicas inglesas de Caetano Veloso

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    Mario Cámara


    Full Text Available Las crónicas que Caetano Veloso enviara desde Londres entre 1969 y 1970 para su publicación en el semanario satírico carioca O Pasquim, constituyen el conjunto de textos más experimentales de su profusa producción escrita, compuesta por memorias, críticas de cine, presentaciones de músicos y escritores, e intervenciones estéticas y políticas. Caracterizadas, al menos en un comienzo, por un uso intensivo de paronomasias, montajes y palabras valija -ipanemeia, primavoracidade, inf(verno, entre muchas- otras las crónicas podrían articularse, más que en relación a sus dos discos londinenses, grabados sin la decisiva participación del músico erudito Rogério Duprat ni la proximidad de los hermanos Campos, a su disco brasileño inmediatamente anterior, el disco blanco de 1969, y a Araça Azul, grabado después de haber regresado del exilio, y con el que, de acuerdo a Celso Favaretto, Caetano Veloso agota y culmina su fase experimental y tropicalista. Sin embargo, las crónicas londinenses son y no son crónicas tropicalistas. Presentan similitudes e importantes diferencias con la maquina de lectura que había sido el tropicalismo en manos de Caetano Veloso. El periplo londinense, desde el comienzo, un cambio material de relevancia. Caetano Veloso está allí en condición de exiliado.

  6. Creando desde Afrodita o Venus: Una representación femenina arquetípica del amor, la sexualidad, el cuerpo y la función alquímica de transformación

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    Gladys Janeyh Ríos Palacio


    Full Text Available La pregunta por la psique y su relación con lo femenino se encuentra soterrada en la actualidad por una sociedad que privilegia el logos y la tecnología como maneras de hacer lecturas efectivas del mundo y los sujetos. Venus o Afrodita, según su versión griega o romana, plantea en su mito una posibilidad de reflexión profunda acerca de lo femenino en íntima conexión con el psiquismo y el ejercicio de la psicoterapia. El privilegio de lo masculino y sus expresiones sociales en la forma de razón, competitividad, guerra y consumismo, han velado a lo femenino con representaciones que lo proscriben y desvalorizan mediante figuras como Eva o Pandora, en tanto sus presentaciones. La revisión de la “Gran Diosa” antigua y la exaltación de lo femenino como fuerza creadora y transformadora, permiten entenderlo como algo que está más allá de su reducción a la condición de objeto y restituyen al mito su capacidad de comprensión del ser humano a la luz de la psicoterapia como actividad de creación y transformación, en relación con los temas que encarna la Diosa como las emociones, la sexualidad y el cuerpo. Su análisis otorgará interrogantes que podrán contribuir en las construcciones acerca del psiquismo y de las fuerzas que intervienen en su dinámica.

  7. Valutazione analitica e applicazione clinica di un metodo Real Time PCR per il dosaggio della carica virale di Epstein-Barr virus

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    Maria Teresa Bortolin


    Full Text Available We assessed the performance of a Real Time PCR assay to be used for EBV viremia evaluation in clinical specimens. Sensitivity and intra-/interassay reproducibility were evaluated by using DNA serial dilutions from the Namalwa cell line. EBV DNA was analyzed in serum samples from 39 patients (pts with undifferentiated type nasopharyngeal carcinoma (UCNT, from 5 infectious mononucleosis (IM pts and from 18 healthy donors. Results obtained by Real Time PCR were compared with those obtained by quantitative competitive (QC-PCR assay.We thereafter measured the dynamics of EBV DNA load in 5 HIV-seropositive (HIV+ and 9 HIV-seronegative (HIV-, as controls pts with lymphoma, treated with high-dose chemotherapy (HCT followed by autologus stem-cell transplantation (ASCT. We found a sensitivity of 100% at 10 EBV copies. The Spearman correlation for both the intra- and the interassay reproducibility was statistically significant (r=0.99; p20 copies/reaction and >30% for EBV viral loads <20 copies/reaction. No EBV DNA was detected in healthy donors. Higher EBV DNA loads were found by Real Time PCR (range 1173-46328 copies/ml than by QC-PCR (range 450-5000 copies/ml (p<0.05. 54% of UCNT and 100% of IM pts were EBV DNA positive. Two HIV+(40% and 2 HIV-(22% pts with lymphoma had detectable EBV viremia during the follow-up. The Real Time PCR is a suitable technique for high-throughput screening and frequent monitoring of patients at risk for developing EBV-associated diseases.





    Criptococosis es una micosis sistémica oportunista causada por dos especies levaduriformes capsuladas, C. neoformans causan infecciones en individuos immunodeprimidos ptincipalmente y Criptococcus gattii lo hace tanto en immunocompetentes como en personas inmunodeprimidas. C. neoformans es comúnmente asociado a excretas de palomas mientras que la especie C. gattii es encontrado en especies arbóreas como eucaliptos, ficus y otras. C neoformcms se subdivide en dos variedades distintas neofor...

  9. Clinical manifestations in patients with computerized tomography diagnosis of neurocysticercosis; Manifestacoes clinicas de pacientes com diagnostico de neurocisticercose por tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfuetzenreiter, Marcia Regina [Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Dept. de Medicina Veterinaria Preventiva e Tecnologia]. E-mail:; Avila-Pires, Fernando Dias de [Santa Catarina Univ., Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Dept. de Saude Publica


    A survey was conducted in the urban area of Lages using patients who had been submitted to a computed tomography of the skull in the period of March-December, 1996, for different reasons. Forty-two patients with a provisional diagnosis of neurocysticercosis, and 57 negatives were personally interviewed by one of the authors (Pfuetzenreiter), using a semi-structured procedure. More individuals with a provisional diagnostic of neurocysticercosis reported clinical manifestations related to this infection than those found negative. this difference is more marked among women, except in relation to convulsions, more frequently reported by men (19.05%) than by women (7.14%). The greater percentage of inactive forms (83.33%0 and a longer history of perceived symptoms among those positives suggest that the condition is not new. (author)

  10. Management units radio physics hospital clinic: New management model; Unidades de gestion clinica de radiofisica hospitalaria, ¿nuevo modelo de gestion?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iborra Oquendo, M.; Angulo Pain, E.; Castro Ramirez, I.; Quinones Rodriguez, L. A.; Urena Llinares, A.; Richarter Reina, J. M.; Lupiani Castellanos, J.; Ramos Caballero, L. I.


    Clinical management in the Andalusian Health Service is a process of organizational design that allows professionals to incorporate the management of resources used in their own clinical practice. In the Clinical Management Units activity develops according to different objectives, among them: encourage the involvement of health professionals in managing the centers, enhance continuity of care between the two levels of care, improve work organization and raise patient satisfaction.

  11. [La Medicina del Lavoro: 100 volumes]. (United States)

    Zocchetti, C


    With these pages La Medicina del Lavoro starts its 100th volume, so we have yet another historical occasion to celebrate the oldest occupational health journal in the world that is still publishing. Over the last few years we have had many occasions to celebrate, for example several anniversaries of the Journal (the 80th volume in 1989, 90 years in 1992, 100 years in 2001); the centenary of the foundation of the Clinica del Lavoro "Luigi Devoto" of Milan in 2001; the celebration of the 300 years' anniversary of the publication of De Morbis Artificum Diatriba by Bernardino Ramazzini, and we obviously hope to continue for many years to come in this positive outlook. One hundred volumes makes for a very large collection, with the highs and lows ofthe Journal's history (here we mean the variations in number of pages and physical size of the Journal). It is thanks to the Editors-in-chief(there have been very few so we can cite them all: Luigi Devoto, 1901-1936; Luigi Preti, 1936-1941; Enrico Vigliani, 1943-1992; e Vito Foà, 1992 to the present); the contributors who in various ways and with varying degrees of commitment but always with an exceptional personal participation, that it has been possible to reach 100 volumes, starting with C. Moreschi who, along with Luigi Devoto, was the first and sole editor at the Journal's foundation; up to the present extended and impressive editorial board; the printers (from the first. Tipografia Cooperativa, Via dei Molini in Pavia, to the latest: Casa Editrice Mattioli in Fidenza); the sponsors, including the most evident who, via advertising (rather limited as a matter offact), directly gave information about themselves, but also those who have often been or are behind the scenes, ensuring fundamental support which is not visible; content. articles, news, events, reports, ideas, opinions, photographs, tables, numbers... etc, which are really impossible to sum up. But the true collection which, for obvious reasons, cannot be

  12. Presentation of the first career in Mexico of Technical Professional in Radiological Protection; Presentacion de la primera carrera en Mexico de Profesional-Tecnico en Proteccion Radiologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vizuet G, J.; Suarez, G.; Corona Montes de Oca, J.; Arias C, M. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The present educational project has the purpose to show the realized work for introducing the first career of Radiological Protection technician in Mexico. There for the developed activities concerning to the integration of the syllabus is described as well as those realized concerning to the participant teaching personnel training in summarized form. The syllabus has been developed with the purpose to fulfil with the training programs established by the Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias, as well as those required by the Secretaria de Salud with respect to the fulfilment of the Normas Oficiales Mexicanas set, international recommendations and that suggested by the training guides emitted by the Direccion General de Capacitacion y Produccion of the Secretaria de Trabajo y Prevision Social. (Author)

  13. Dentro il casinò: quando il gioco si fa “malato” / Dans le casino : quand le jeu devient pathologie / Inside the casino: when the game becomes “pathological”

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    Molin Valentina


    Full Text Available The purpose of this contribution is to highlight similarities between the pure clinical conception of excessive gamblingand the “practical” side of it – though free from any specific theoretical knowledge – as witnessed by employees in thegambling field, specifically employees of one Italian casino. The aim of the analysis is to highlight how workers in thegambling field can be considered as bearers of a particular knowledge in the clinical diagnosis of PG (PathologicalGambling “experts of the industry” in the same way as doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists. The analysis also aimsat revealing how this “experience” in identifying patients with problems related to excessive or unbalanced gambling isnot, in any way, used for identifying and possibly expelling these subjects from the Gambling House because it wouldbe in contrast with the economic interests of the company and of individual workers.Con questo contributo si intende porre in luce l'affinità fra la concezione tipicamente clinica del gioco d'azzardoeccessivo e quella “pratica” – seppur scevra da ogni conoscenza teorica specifica – di alcuni lavoratori di gioco,specificamente alcuni impiegati di un Casinò italiano. L'obiettivo dell'analisi è dunque quello di porre in luce comealcuni lavoratori che operano nell'ambiente del gioco d'azzardo possano essere considerati portatori di una particolareconoscenza nell'ambito della diagnostica clinica del PG (Pathological Gambling, “esperti del settore” alla stregua dimedici, psicologi e psichiatri. L'analisi condotta mira inoltre a rilevare come tale “esperienza” nell'individuazione disoggetti con problematiche connesse ad una pratica di gioco eccessiva o non equilibrata non venga utilizzata, poichél'individuazione e l'eventuale allontanamento dalla Casa da Gioco di tali soggetti si pone in contrasto con gli interessieconomici dell'azienda e dei singoli lavoratori.Le but de cet article est de mettre en lumi

  14. Program and abstracts of the 25. Annual meeting of the Brazilian Society on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Programa e resumos da 25. Reuniao anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The meeting was about biochemistry and molecular biology.In this meeting it was also discussed the following subjects: biotechnology, metabolism, enzymes, proteins, immunology, drugs and others related topics.

  15. [Congenital toxoplasmosis: clinical manifestation, treatment and follow-up] [Article in Italian] • Il neonato con toxoplasmosi congenita: clinica, terapia e follow-up

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    Lina Bollani


    Full Text Available Toxoplamosis is a parasitic zoonosis which occurs worldwide, but is prevalent in Europe, South America and Africa. When infection occurs for the first time during pregnancy, mother to child transmission of the parasite can cause congenital toxoplasmosis. Rate of congenital infection ranges from less than 0.1 to approximately 1 per 1,000 live births. The risk of transmission depends on the gestational age at the time of maternal infection. A diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis is usually considered in infants who present: hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis, and intracranial calcifications, but this triade is very rare. Approximately 85% of the infants with congenital toxoplasmosis are clinically normal at birth; however, sequelae of infection may become apparent only months or even years later. Chorioretinitis is the main complication of congenital toxoplasmosis, late onset retinal lesions and relapse can appear many years after birth, but the overall ocular prognosis is satisfactory when infection is identified and treated accordingly. Fortunately, serious neonatal forms and severe neurological impairment have become rare, but prompt treatment of children with convulsions, abnormal muscle tone, hydrocephalus, may improve the prognosis and result in almost normal outcome. For infants who have congenital toxoplasmosis, treatment soon after birth for 1 year with pyrimetamine, sulfadiazine and leukoverin led to remarkable resolution of serious, active disease. A long follow-up is necessary to assess the long-term outcome of children and young adults with congenital toxoplasmosis, that is favourable for the majority of cases. Epidemiological surveillance needs to be improved in order to determine the effectiveness of prevention programs.Articoli Selezionati del “3° Convegno Pediatrico del Medio Campidano” · Guspini · 25 Maggio 2013Guest Editor: Roberto Antonucci

  16. Laser diagnostic and therapy of dental caries: the clinic point of view; Laser diagnostico e tratamento da carie dental: uma visao clinica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paiva, Priscila Faria


    Dental caries's diagnosis is a major dentistry problem from the clinic point of view. The laser beam on the region of 655 nm induces the fluorescence of the compounds present in the hard tissue, quantifying differences between sound and carious enamel and dentine. Diagnodent (Kavo, Germany), showed to be effective regarding dental caries's diagnosis in the present research sampling. The Er:YAG laser (Kavo Key Laser 2, Germany) performed efficient cavity preparations in caries lesions of I and V class type, using up energies that ranged from 300 mJ to 350 mJ with 4 Hz repetition rate for the enamel; and from 250 mJ to 300 mJ with 4 Hz repetition rate for the dentine, and with 80 mJ with 6 Hz of repetition rate for laser conditioning. In the Er:YAG laser preparations no patient was anesthetized even when there were deeper cavities, and the maximum degree of pain ( which ranged from 0 to 10) was 4. In the control group with conventional high-speed drill two patients were anesthetized and the maximum degree of pain was 7. Restorations performed by conventional method of composite were equally satisfying both in caries groups of I and V class type and in the control group. The laser application in the operative dentistry office as a new method of diagnosis and dental preparations should be a good alternative to the use of the conventional dental drill. Nevertheless, dentistry practice has a lot to improve from technology progress, as well as new researches on laser dentistry are necessary in a long term. New types of lasers will come about and will increasingly improve the dental practice assistance and procedures quality. (author)

  17. Laser diagnostic and therapy of dental caries: the clinic point of view; Laser diagnostico e tratamento da carie dental: uma visao clinica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paiva, Priscila Faria


    Dental caries's diagnosis is a major dentistry problem from the clinic point of view. The laser beam on the region of 655 nm induces the fluorescence of the compounds present in the hard tissue, quantifying differences between sound and carious enamel and dentine. Diagnodent (Kavo, Germany), showed to be effective regarding dental caries's diagnosis in the present research sampling. The Er:YAG laser (Kavo Key Laser 2, Germany) performed efficient cavity preparations in caries lesions of I and V class type, using up energies that ranged from 300 mJ to 350 mJ with 4 Hz repetition rate for the enamel; and from 250 mJ to 300 mJ with 4 Hz repetition rate for the dentine, and with 80 mJ with 6 Hz of repetition rate for laser conditioning. In the Er:YAG laser preparations no patient was anesthetized even when there were deeper cavities, and the maximum degree of pain ( which ranged from 0 to 10) was 4. In the control group with conventional high-speed drill two patients were anesthetized and the maximum degree of pain was 7. Restorations performed by conventional method of composite were equally satisfying both in caries groups of I and V class type and in the control group. The laser application in the operative dentistry office as a new method of diagnosis and dental preparations should be a good alternative to the use of the conventional dental drill. Nevertheless, dentistry practice has a lot to improve from technology progress, as well as new researches on laser dentistry are necessary in a long term. New types of lasers will come about and will increasingly improve the dental practice assistance and procedures quality. (author)

  18. Oncogenes, radiation and cancer; Oncogenes, radiacion y cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michelin, S C


    The discovery of the oncogenic virus and the analysis of its nucleic acid, together with the development of new biochemical technology have permitted the partial knowledge of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the cellular neoplastic transformation. This work, besides describing the discovery of the first oncogenic virus and the experiments to demonstrate the existence of the oncogenes, summarizes its activation mechanisms and its intervention in cellular metabolisms. Ionizing radiation is among the external agents that induce the neoplastic process. Its participation in the genesis of this process and the contribution of oncogenes to the cellular radioresistance are among the topics, which are referred to another topic that makes reference. At the same time as the advancement of theoretical knowledge, lines of investigation for the application of the new concepts in diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutical treatment, were developed. An example of this, is the study of the participation of the oncogen c-erbB-2 in human breast cancer and its implications on the anti tumoral therapy. (author) 87 refs., 7 figs., 3 tabs. [Espanol] El descubrimiento de los virus oncogenicos y el analisis de su acido nucleico, junto con el desarrollo de nuevas tecnicas bioquimicas, ha permitido conocer parcialmente los mecanismos moleculares responsables de la transformacion de una celula normal en neoplasica. En este trabajo, ademas de describir el descubrimiento de los primeros virus oncogenicos y las experiencias para demostrar la existencia de los oncogenes, se resumen sus mecanismos de activacion y su intervencion en el metabolismo celular. Entre los agentes expernos que inducen un proceso oncogenico, se encuentran las radiaciones ionizantes. Su participacion en la genesis de este proceso y la contribucion de los oncogenes a la radioresistencia de las celulas tumorales, es otro de los temas a que se hace referencia. Paralelamente al avance del conocimiento teorico, se

  19. Takotsubo, discinesia apical transitoria: Presentacion de 4 casos y revisión de la literatura Takotsubo, reversible apical ballooning of the left ventricle: Report of 4 cases

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    Bárbara C. Finn


    Full Text Available En 1990 se describió un síndrome caracterizado por discinesia apical transitoria, cambios en el electrocardiograma (ECG, mínima elevación de enzimas cardíacas y arterias coronarias normales. Se presenta con mayor frecuencia en mujeres añosas y es precedido por un evento de estrés, ya sea físico o psíquico. La fisiopatología aún no está aclarada y se proponen diversas teorías. La de mayor peso es la que postula una afección secundaria a la descarga de catecolaminas desencadenada por el estrés, sobre un corazón incapaz de mantener una respuesta inotrópica adecuada. Se presentan cuatro casos de pacientes atendidos en nuestro hospital que se manifestaron con síntomas sugerentes de infarto agudo de miocardio asociados a insuficiencia cardiaca, en el contexto de un episodio estresante. Los síntomas preponderantes fueron dolor precordial opresivo y disnea. En el ECG se evidenciaron tanto supradesnivel del segmento ST, como inversión de la onda T. Todos los pacientes presentaron la imagen ecocardiográfica típica de discinesia apical, y todos tuvieron en la cinecoronariografía coronarias normales. Cabe destacar que tanto el ECG, como el ecocardiograma volvieron a la normalidad a partir de las dos semanas.A syndrome of apical ballooning, with ECG mimicking acute myocardial infarctation, mild or no enzymatic changes, and normal coronary angiogram was described in 1990. It presents mainly in middle aged and elderly women and it is preceded by stress triggering circumstances. Several mechanisms have been proposed although the precise cause remains unclear. The most accepted theory proposes the interaction of catecholamines and an inadequate inotropic response. We report four cases that presented with chest pain and sudden onset of heart failure, all patients had physical or emotional stress as a triggering factor. On ECG, ST segment elevation and inverted T waves were observed in the acute phase. All patients had typical echocardiogram image and normal coronary angiogram. Both ECG and echocardiogram returned to normal within two weeks.

  20. Presentation of Apocrine Breast Carcinoma in a Woman with Bilateral Silicone Prosthesis; Presentacion de un carcinoma apocrino de mama en una mujer con protesis bilateral de silicona

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alonso, J. A.; Salvador, R.; Salvador, M.; Barranco, C.


    We present a case of apocrine breast carcinoma in a 45 year-old woman with bilateral silicone breast prosthesis whose clinical manifestations and mammography were that of a palpable nodule-high glandular density, rounded and with imprecise borders devoid of any visible microcalcifications. A bibliographical revision confirmed the infrequent association of this type of tumor with the presence of silicone breast implants, precisely in which we consider its radiological interest to lie. (Author) 11 refs.

  1. Fostering renewable energy markets in North America

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, Jeremy [North American Comission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), (United States)


    This presentation describes projects, programs and other issues addressed in order to promote renewable energy markets in North America. These are carried out by the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). In the first part of this presentation, there are going to be found some of the rules imposed by the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). Then, it is shown the structure of the CEC as well as its programs, besides, there are presented the environment projects and the objectives along with their respective trades. There are described both benefits environmental and non-environmental. Also, there are shown the issues which the CEC is working in. And finally, it is shown a list mentioning the aspects that would change if: the expansion of the Mexico's Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE), happens, the grid-interconnected and the self supply of Renewable Electricity increase. [Spanish] En esta presentacion se describen los proyectos, los programas y otras cuestiones, cuyo objetivo es impulsar los mercados de energia renovable en America del Norte, realizadas por la North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation. En la primera parte, se encuentran algunas de las reglas impuestas por el Acuerdo de Cooperacion Ambiental de America del Norte (ACAAN). Enseguida, se muestra la estructura y los programas de la Comision para la Cooperacion Ambiental (CCA). Asimismo, se describen los proyectos ambientales, los objetivos junto con sus correspondientes tratados. Mas adelante, se explican tanto los beneficios ambientales como aquellos que no lo son. Igualmente, explican las cuestiones que podrian cambiar de: suceder la expansion de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), incrementarse el auto- suministro de la energia renovable y los sistemas interconectados.

  2. Actions done by SAGARPA to foster renewable energies; Acciones realizadas por la SAGARPA para el fomento de las energias renovables

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diez de Sollano Elcoro, Rodrigo [Fideicomiso de riesgo compartido, Mexico (Mexico)


    This presentation is mainly focused on all the projects carried out in order to boost renewable energies. Such projects have not only good results for the environmental sphere but also for the economic one. In the first part, there are found the general targets, which are going to foster the use of these sort of energies. Then, there are shown different kinds of photovoltaic systems. The implementation of these systems have a double target: to improve both activities: stock breeding and agriculture, and to foster the use of renewable energy. Next, there are mentioned the project investors. Similarly, there are described some of the components that are part of such projects along with their corresponding results. Finally, it is given a succinctly explanation about the conclusions as well as the future plans. [Spanish] Esta presentacion principalmente se enfoca en todos los proyectos que se han realizado para el fomento de las energias renovables, teniendo un impacto no solo ambiental sino tambien economico. En la primera parte, se encuentran los objetivos generales que se tienen para fomentar el uso de este tipo de energia. Enseguida, se muestran los diferentes sistemas basados en el uso de energia renovable. La implementacion de estos sistemas tiene un doble objetivo: mejorar de alguna manera la actividad de la ganaderia o de la agricultura, y fomentar el uso de energias renovables. Enseguida, se mencionan los inversionistas que participaron en la realizacion de los proyectos; asimismo, se describen algunos de los elementos, que forman parte de los proyectos, acompanados de sus respectivos resultados obtenidos. Finalmente, se da una breve explicacion de las conclusiones a las que se llegaron, asi como de los planes a futuro.

  3. Utility of 12-lead electrocardiogram for differentiating paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias in dogs. (United States)

    Santilli, R A; Perego, M; Crosara, S; Gardini, F; Bellino, C; Moretti, P; Spadacini, G


    The 12-lead surface ECG is validated for differentiating supraventricular tachycardias (SVT) in humans. Despite the description of SVT in veterinary medicine, no studies have analyzed the electrocardiographic features of this type of arrhythmias in dogs. To describe the specific electrocardiographic criteria used to differentiate the most common SVT in dogs. Twenty-three dogs examined at Clinica Veterinaria Malpensa for SVT with the mechanism documented by electrophysiologic studies (EPS). Twelve-lead electrocardiographic variables obtained from 14 dogs with orthodromic atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia (OAVRT) and 9 dogs with focal atrial tachycardia (FAT) were compared. Dogs with FAT had faster heart rates (278 +/- 62 versus 229 +/- 42 bpm; P= .049) and less QRS alternans (33 versus 86%; P= .022). P waves appeared during tachycardia in 22 dogs, with a superior axis in 100% of OAVRT and 22% of FAT (P < .001). OAVRT was characterized by a shorter RP interval (85.0 +/- 16.8 versus 157.1 +/- 37.3 ms; P < .001) and smaller RP/PR ratio (0.60 +/- 0.18 versus 1.45 +/- 0.52; P < .001). Repolarization anomalies were present in 64% of OAVRT and no FAT (P < .001). Multivariate analysis identified QRS alternans and a positive P wave in aVR during tachycardia as independent predictors of arrhythmia type. Electrocardiographic criteria used in people for differentiating SVT can also be applied in dogs.

  4. Doença de Hodgkin

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    Marina Pereira


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autores descrevem um caso de doença de Hodgkin, do subtipo esclerose nodular, numa mulher de 24 anos de idade. A forma de apresentação clínica, pouco habitual, é constituída por uma massa na regão esternal e parede anterior do hemitórax esquerdo, a qual adquire grande volume ao fim de 2 anos e meio de evolução natural da doença. Esta é tratada com quimioterapia (MOPP e radioterapia adjuvante, sofrendo uma reeressão total das suas manifestações clínicas.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (3: 349-355 ABSTRACT: A case of a 24 years old woman with Hodgkin’s disease, nodular sclerosis subtype, is reported. The disease present with an anterior chest wall mass, an unusual clinical presentation form. The patient receive MOPP chemotherapy and adjuvant radio-therapy with complete resolution of her clinical manifestations.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (3: 349-355 Palavras-chave: Doença de Hodgkin, Massa da parede torácica anterior, Forma de apresentação clinica, Key-words: Hodgkin’s disease, Anterior chest wall mass, Clinical presentation form

  5. Construction of a homogeneous phantom for radiographic image standardization; Construcao de um fantoma homogeneo para padronizacao de imagens radiograficas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pina, Diana Rodrigues de


    The principle of radiodiagnosis consists in the fact the X-ray beam is attenuated at different degrees by distinct tissues. For this reason, the anatomical structures have distinct radiological opacities, that produce the radiographic image. The progresses in radiology are related to the development if new radiographic image formation systems that enable an amplification in the quality, with low dose and/or risk to the patient. The objective of this work is the sensitometric valuation of a screen-film combination, that is still the most used, for the standardization, of radiographic images. Thinking about this, were constructed homogeneous phantoms of the chest, skull and pelvis, for the calibration of X-ray beams, with the purpose of obtaining radiographic images of good quality, basing in the routine of a radiodiagnosis service and in the scientific knowledge. Questions were approached about the choice of the suitable equipment, that allow the obtention of k Vp and m As combinations, to produce radiographic images of good quality, and the reproduction of these combinations to any conventional equipment of diagnostic X-rays. Also presented are the comparison of the doses imparted by these combinations and those used in routine of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto`s radiodiagnosis service. (author) 24 refs., 27 figs., 12 tabs.

  6. The basis for a radiological protection program to the health area of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coelho, Rosangela Franco.


    There are some sectors in the Health Area of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) that present great potential risks from the viewpoint of radiation protection. The aim of this work is to establish the basis a radiological protection program applicable to these sectors. The Diagnostic Radiology Services and the Laboratory of Cardiac Catheterization of the Hospital de Clinicas have been analyzed, as well as the Radiotherapy Services of the Center for Integral Assistance to the Women Health (CAISM). This work was mainly supported by national and international regulations related to the operative and employment aspects of the equipment and radiation sources used in the health area. Regulations related to area and individual monitoring of workers were also used. Results show that the interior of the rooms where the equipment and radiation sources are located is classified as controlled area, whereas the neighborhoods of the rooms are mostly free areas. In order to improve the radiological protection conditions, only some of the operative and employment aspects need to be modified regarding equipment and radiation sources. In this way, routine personal monitoring would not be further required. Since all the workers have their annual mean equivalent doses below 3/10 of the primary limits of the applicable equivalent dose, routine individual monitoring could be exempted. (author). 23 refs., 51 figs., 83 tabs

  7. Project reconversion Service Hospital Radiation Oncology Clinics-Medical School

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quarneti, A.; Levaggi, G.


    Introduction: The Health Sector operates within the framework of Social Policy and it is therefore one of the ways of distribution of public benefit, like Housing, Education and Social Security. While public spending on health has grown in recent years, its distribution has been uneven and the sector faces funding and management problems. The Service Hospital Radiation Oncology has reduced its health care liavility , lack technological development and unsufficient human resources and training. Aim: developing an inclusive reform bill Service Hospital Radiation Oncology .Material and Methods: This project tends to form a network institutional, introducing concepts of evidence-based medicine, risk models, cost analysis, coding systems, system implementation of quality management (ISO-9000 Standards). Proposes redefining radiotherapy centers and their potential participation in training resource development goals humanos.Promueve scientific research of national interest. Separate strictly administrative function, management and teaching. The project takes into account the characteristics of demand, the need to order it and organize around her, institutional network system and within the Hospital das Clinicas own related services related to Service Hospital Radiation Oncology , Encourages freedom of choice, and confers greater equity in care. The project would managed by the Hospital Clínicas. Conclusions: We believe this proposal identifies problems and opportunities, Service Hospital Radiation Oncology proposes the development of institutional network under one management model

  8. Avaliação neuropsicológica das funções executivas: considerações metodológicas Neuropsychological assessment of executive functions: methodological questions

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    Amer Cavalheiro Hamdan


    Full Text Available O interesse pelo estudo das funções executivas tem crescido nos últimos anos. O objetivo deste artigo é revisar algumas questões metodológicas e conceituais relacionadas à avaliação neuropsicológica das funções executivas. As principais limitações e dicotomias relacionadas às funções executivas são apresentadas e a importância de um modelo teórico que fundamente os instrumentos de avaliação e suas interpretações clinicas analisada. Conclui-se que as evidências provenientes da investigação das funções executivas ainda não permitem a compreensão satisfatória desses processos. Sugere-se, a adoção de um modelo específico para o estudo das funções executivas.The article aims to review methodological and conceptual issues related to neuropsychological assessment of executive functions. The main limitations and dichotomies of current studies related to executive functions are presented and the importance of theoretical support to validate the instruments and their clinical interpretation are discussed. There is still the need of additional evidences on executive functions that allow a complete understanding of all the processes involved. Finally, it is suggested the adoption of a specific model that may guide the study of the executive functions.

  9. Alanine/RPE dosimetry in the process of blood irradiation; Dosimetria alanina/RPE en el proceso de irradiacion de sangre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, F.; Covas, D.T.; Baffa, O. [Departamento de Fisica e Matematica, FFCLRP, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 14040-901 Ribeirao Preto-SP (Brazil)


    A set of eighty dosemeters approximately of Dl- alanine was proportioned to the Hemo center of Hospital das Clinicas of Medicine Faculty at Ribeirao Preto (HC-FRMP) in the Sao Paulo University, with the purpose to realize a quality control of the radiation dose supplied to blood bags. These dosemeters were divided in eight groups and irradiated for a two months period.The dosemeters were adhered to the bags and arranged inside of an acrylic box filled water with dimensions: (40x40x20) cm{sup 3}. The box irradiation was made using two fields parallel-opposed of (40x40) cm{sup 2} at 80 cm distance source-surface, in the Radiotherapy Service of HC-FMRP, with a {sup 60} Co teletherapy unit. The irradiation time was sufficient to supply a dose of 20 Gy approximately in the box center. The RPE measures were realized in a Varian E-4 spectrometer operating in X-band. For the total of dosemeters and for the irradiation volume, the minimum and maximum doses were of 14 Gy and 23 Gy respectively. The mean dose was (18{+-}2) Gy (1 {sigma}), and the variability coefficient 11 %. Around 5 % of the bags received a dose under of the recommended limit by the Brazilian legislation and as consequence, the exposure time was increased. (Author)

  10. The expression of CD56 antigen is associated with poor prognosis in patients with acute myeloid leukemia

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    Ana Paula Alegretti


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The expression of CD56 is considered a bad prognostic factor for overall survival, lower rates or short complete remission and extramedullary invasion but the results are controversial. The importance of validating new prognostic parameters in acute leukemias was the reason to investigate the CD56 expression in blast cells of patients with acute myeloid leukemia. METHODS: A cohort of 48 patients treated at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre and diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia as classified by the French-American-British group (FAB criteria using cell morphology, cytochemistry and flow cytometry were evaluated. RESULTS: Eight cases (16.7% were CD56 positive without correlation to age or gender. The highest incidence of CD56 positivity was in FAB subtypes M4 and M5. The death rate during induction was not significantly different between patients with and without CD56 expression (62.5% vs. 27.5%; p-value = 0.097. However, patients that expressed CD56 had significantly lower overall survival than those who did not (mean 4.0 months vs. 14.5 months; p-value = 0.03. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that expression of CD56 in acute myeloid leukemia may be indicative of poor prognosis because it is associated with a shorter overall survival. The death rate during induction was not significantly different despite an apparent difference in proportions between groups.

  11. Incidence of uterine post abortion infection at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Is prophylactic antibiotic necessary?

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    Carine Luíze Panke

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To identify the incidence of pelvic infection after miscarriage undergoing uterine evacuation in a tertiary hospital in southern Brazil and to compare with the international literature.METHODS: we reviewed electronic medical records of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre of all patients who underwent uterine evacuation for miscarriage between August 2008 and January 2012 were reviewed. We included all patients submitted to uterine curettage due to abortion and who had outpatient visits for review after the procedure. We calculated emographic and laboratory data of the study population, number needed for treatment (NNT and number needed to harm (NNH.RESULTS: of the 857 revised electronic medical records, 377 patients were subjected to uterine evacuation for miscarriage; 55 cases were lost to follow-up, leaving 322 cases that were classified as not infected abortion on admission. The majority of the population was white (79%; HIV prevalence and positive VDRL was 0.3% and 2%, respectively. By following these 322 cases for a minimum of seven days, it was found that the incidence of post-procedure infection was 1.8% (95% CI 0.8 to 4. The NNT and NNH calculated for 42 months were 63 and 39, respectively.CONCLUSION: The incidence of post-abortion infection between August 2008 to January 2012 was 1.8% (0.8 to 4.

  12. Combined fixation, intern and external, in proximal complex fractures of the tibia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quintero Laverde, Jaime; Lozano Ortiz, Victor Hugo; Rojas Duque, Guillermo


    Between August of 1997 and December of 2001, they were treated in the orthopedics department and traumatology of the Hospital Clinica San Rafael, 16 patients with proximal complex fractures of the tibia, using internal fixation with plate in the lateral column and an unilateral external fixer, for the medial column. It carries out a clinical and radiological pursuit with average of 27 months (minimum 4.5, maximum 40 months). In 15 patients (93,7%) it was obtained a primary consolidation and 1 case (6,2%) it presented retard in the consolidation being necessary the placement of bony implants. in 2 cases (12,5%) there was superficial infection, one in the itinerary of the nails and another in area of superficial necrosis in soft fabrics in a closed fracture. single 1 case (6,2) it presented deep infection, which, it improve with bony curettage and antibiotics. In the final radiographic evaluation, 2 cases (12,5%) they presented depression of the lateral plate; according to the functional scale of Rasmussen excellent results were obtained (27 to 30 points) in 11 cases (68,7%) and good (20 to 26 points) in 5 cases (31,2%). The radiographic results and functional global they suggest that the combination of a technique less invasive in this area criticizes, it represents a good alternative for the treatment of the proximal complex fractures of the tibia

  13. Pain in Breast Cancer Treatment: Aggravating Factors and Coping Mechanisms

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    Maria de Fatima Guerreiro Godoy


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate pain in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema and the characteristics of aggravating factors and coping mechanisms. The study was conducted in the Clinica Godoy, São Jose do Rio Preto, with a group of 46 women who had undergone surgery for the treatment of breast cancer. The following variables were evaluated: type and length of surgery; number of radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions; continued feeling of the removed breast (phantom limb, infection, intensity of pain, and factors that improve and worsen the pain. The percentage of events was used for statistical analysis. About half the participants (52.1% performed modified radical surgery, with 91.3% removing only one breast; 82.6% of the participants did not perform breast reconstruction surgery. Insignificant pain was reported by 32.60% of the women and 67.3% said they suffered pain; it was mild in 28.8% of the cases (scale 1–5, moderate in 34.8% (scale 6–9, and severe in 4.3%. The main mechanisms used to cope with pain were painkillers in 41.30% of participants, rest in 21.73%, religious ceremonies in 17.39%, and chatting with friends in 8.69%. In conclusion, many mastectomized patients with lymphedema complain of pain, but pain is often underrecognized and undertreated.

  14. Hemangioma congénito rapidamente involutivo – um diagnóstico infrequente

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    Andreia Alves Martins


    Full Text Available Os hemangiomas congénitos rapidamente involutivos (RICH são tumores vasculares raros, que se caraterizam por um desenvolvimento completo ao nascimento e por uma regressão, habitualmente total e espontânea, entre seis a dezoito meses. O diagnóstico é clínico, por vezes auxiliado por exames de imagem e biópsia. Descreve-se o caso de um recém-nascido de termo, fruto de uma gestação vigiada com ecografias obstétricas sem alterações, que apresentava ao nascimento, na face anterior da coxa esquerda, uma massa de 5x4,5cm, mole, depressível, acinzentada, com algumas telangiectasias periféricas e halo periférico esbranquiçado, sem frémito palpável ou ulceração. Hemodinamicamente estável, sem trombocitopenia. A ecografia e a ressonância magnética apoiaram a suspeita clinica de RICH, que foi corroborada imunohistologicamente. Após 15 meses verificou- -se regressão espontânea e completa do tumor. O conhecimento da clínica, evolução e prognóstico deste raro hemangioma é fundamental para o diagnóstico e seguimento adequados, evitando intervenções desnecessárias, assim como para tranquilização dos cuidadores.


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    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to identify coping strategies undertaken by patients with kidney failure on current dialysis. The approach chosen for this research was quantitative, since the empirical analytical paradigm, with a rate of descriptive design. The sample comprised 10 patients aged between 20 and 60 years, on current hemodialysis in Clinica de la Costa Renal Unit, Patients were intentionally selected besides their voluntary participation. Standardized questionnaire was used in Colombia to the stress of coping Sandin & Chorot. According to the results, the coping style they use, is focused on the problem with its three dimensions: focus on the problem, with a score of 80% of the population, also in the positive reappraisal with 80% of the population studied, and seeking support with 60% of the population, indicating that this group of patients take an active role, are still concrete steps, what they do to appropriately respond to changes and demands, and treatment imposed by the disease. It is then the religion as a coping style with a 60% higher in the standings. Religion belongs to the dimension of avoidance and escape, indicates that this sample perceived as a significant interference of their health condition on their physical function and consequently feel less vital, turns to their religious beliefs as a way of relief that the situation will improve.

  16. Correlation between C-Reactive Protein in Peripheral Vein and Coronary Sinus in Stable and Unstable Angina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leite, Weverton Ferreira, E-mail: [Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ramires, José Antonio Franchini; Moreira, Luiz Felipe Pinho; Strunz, Célia Maria Cassaro [Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Mangione, José Armando [Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is commonly used in clinical practice to assess cardiovascular risk. However, a correlation has not yet been established between the absolute levels of peripheral and central hs-CRP. To assess the correlation between serum hs-CRP levels (mg/L) in a peripheral vein in the left forearm (LFPV) with those in the coronary sinus (CS) of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and a diagnosis of stable angina (SA) or unstable angina (UA). This observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was conducted at the Instituto do Coração, Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, and at the Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de Sao Paulo, where CAD patients referred to the hospital for coronary angiography were evaluated. Forty patients with CAD (20 with SA and 20 with UA) were included in the study. Blood samples from LFPV and CS were collected before coronary angiography. Furthermore, analysis of the correlation between serum levels of hs-CRP in LFPV versus CS showed a strong linear correlation for both SA (r = 0.993, p < 0.001) and UA (r = 0.976, p < 0.001) and for the entire sample (r = 0.985, p < 0.001). Our data suggest a strong linear correlation between hs-CRP levels in LFPV versus CS in patients with SA and UA.

  17. [Gender differences in workplace bullying]. (United States)

    Campanini, P; Punzi, Silvia; Carissimi, Emanuela; Gilioli, R


    Despite the attention that international Agencies give to the gender issue in situations of workplace bullying, few investigations have been performed on this topic. The aim of the study is describe the gender differences in victims of workplace bullying observed in an Italian survey. A total of 243 subjects (124 males and 119 females) were examined at the Centre for Occupational Stress and Harassment of the "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" (University of Milan and IRCCS Foundation); they were selected among patients who met the criteria for being considered victims of negative actions at work leading to workplace bullying. Data regarding the person, workplace and the workplace bullying situation were collected by means of an ad hoc questionnaire. Analysis of the data, compared with those of IS-TAT 2002, showed a higher prevalence of females subjected to negative actions at work. In women, the risk of being subjected to negative actions leading to workplace bullying was shown to increase in the 34-44 age range and to decrease in higher age ranges; in men the risk remained elevated also after 55 years of age. In general, women were victims of negative actions regarding personal values related to emotional-relational factors, while men were attacked on their work performance. Sexual harassment, may mark the onset of other types of psychological harassment or can be one of its components.

  18. Disegno dello studio genomico, ambientale, microbiomico e metabolomico sulla celiachia: un approccio al futuro della prevenzione personalizzata della celiachia (United States)



    Riassunto Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito a un fiorire di novità cliniche e scientifiche sulla celiachia (CE), ma forse la novità più importante che influenzerà il futuro della ricerca e della clinica in questo campo riguarda la storia naturale della malattia. Per molti anni si è creduto che la predisposizione genetica e l’esposizione al glutine fossero necessarie e sufficienti allo sviluppo della CE. Studi recenti, però suggeriscono che la perdita di tolleranza al glutine possa apparire in qualsiasi momento della vita a seguito di altri elementi. Inoltre, diversi fattori ambientali conosciuti per il loro ruolo nell’influenzare la composizione della microflora intestinale sono anche stati considerati legati allo sviluppo della CE. Tra questi fattori sono inclusi la modalità di parto, la dieta dell’infante e l’uso di antibiotici. A tutt’oggi, nessuno studio longitudinale di ampia scala ha determinato se e come la composizione del microbioma e il suo profilo metabolomico possano influenzare la perdita di tolleranza al glutine e il successivo sviluppo della CE in soggetti geneticamente predisposti. In questo articolo descriviamo uno studio prospettico, multicentrico e longitudinale su infanti a rischio per la CE che utilizzerà diverse tecniche per approfondire il ruolo che il microbioma intestinale ha durante i primi passaggi dello sviluppo della malattia autoimmune. PMID:27362724

  19. Alanine/RPE dosimetry in the process of blood irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, F.; Covas, D.T.; Baffa, O.


    A set of eighty dosemeters approximately of Dl- alanine was proportioned to the Hemo center of Hospital das Clinicas of Medicine Faculty at Ribeirao Preto (HC-FRMP) in the Sao Paulo University, with the purpose to realize a quality control of the radiation dose supplied to blood bags. These dosemeters were divided in eight groups and irradiated for a two months period.The dosemeters were adhered to the bags and arranged inside of an acrylic box filled water with dimensions: (40x40x20) cm 3 . The box irradiation was made using two fields parallel-opposed of (40x40) cm 2 at 80 cm distance source-surface, in the Radiotherapy Service of HC-FMRP, with a 60 Co teletherapy unit. The irradiation time was sufficient to supply a dose of 20 Gy approximately in the box center. The RPE measures were realized in a Varian E-4 spectrometer operating in X-band. For the total of dosemeters and for the irradiation volume, the minimum and maximum doses were of 14 Gy and 23 Gy respectively. The mean dose was (18±2) Gy (1 σ), and the variability coefficient 11 %. Around 5 % of the bags received a dose under of the recommended limit by the Brazilian legislation and as consequence, the exposure time was increased. (Author)

  20. Laparoscopic nephrectomy: analysis of 34 patients

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    Domingos André Luís Alonso


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical experience of laparoscopic nephrectomy for benign and malignant diseases at a university hospital. METHODS: From February 2000 to March 2003, 34 patients (14 men and 20 women underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic total nephrectomy at the Hospital das Clinicas - FMRP-USP: 28 (82.3% patients had benign diseases and 6 (17.7% malignant neoplasias. Benign diseases were represented by: urinary stones (N-9, 32.1%, chronic pyelonephritis (N-8, 28.6%, vesicoureteral reflux (N-4, 14.3%, ureteropelvic obstruction (N-3, 10.7%, multicystic kidney (N-2, 7.1% and pyonephrosis (N-2, 7.1%. Patients age range was 2-79 years (mean - 35,1 years. RESULTS: In 32/34 patients the procedures were accomplished successfully. In 2 (5.8% cases of pyonephrosis, open conversion was necessary due to perinephric abscess and difficulties in dissection of renal hilum. Two patients had intraoperative complications (1 duodenum serous laceration an 1 vascular lesion of renal hilum, but both were managed laparoscopically. Two (5.8% post operative complications (1 delayed bleeding and 1 pancreatic fistula required open surgical exploration. The mean time of hospital stay was 58h (18 to 240h. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic nephrectomy proved to be a method safe and associated with a low rate of morbidity, shorter hospital stay and no casualties.

  1. Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus in Women from Mexico City

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    María Guadalupe López Rivera


    Full Text Available Introduction. Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among Mexican women. The goal of the present study was to determine the prevalence and distribution of HPV types in women from Mexico City. Methods. Our study was conducted in the Clinica de Especialidades de la Mujer de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, Mexico. Random samples were taken from 929 healthy women requesting a cervical Papanicolaou examination. Detection and genotyping of HPV were performed by multiplex PCR, with the HPV4A ACE Screening kit (Seegene. Results. 85 of nine hundred twenty-nine women (9.1% were infected with HPV. Of HPV-positive women, 99% and 1% had high- and low-risk HPV genotypes, respectively. The prevalence of the 16 high-risk (HR HPV types that were screened was 43% : 42% (18 were HPV positive and 14% (16 were HPV positive, which includes coinfection. Multiple infections with different viral genotypes were detected in 10% of the positive cases. Abnormal cervical cytological results were found in only 15.3% of HPV-positive women, while 84.7% had normal cytological results. Conclusions. We found a similar prevalence of HPV to previous studies in Mexico. The heterogeneity of the HPV genotype distribution in Mexico is evident in this study, which found a high frequency of HPV HR genotypes, the majority of which were HPV 18.

  2. Reconstruction of segmented human voxel phantoms for skin dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antunes, Paula C.G.; Siqueira, Paulo de Tarso D.; Yoriyaz, Helio; Fonseca, Gabriel P.; Reis, Gabriela; Furnari, Laura


    High-resolution medical images along with methods that simulate the interaction of radiation with matter, as the Monte Carlo radiation transport codes, have been widely used in medical physics procedures. These images provide the construction of realistic anatomical models, which after being coupled to these codes, may drive to better assessments of dose distributions on the patient. These anatomical models constructed from medical images are known as voxel phantoms (voxel - volume element of an image). Present day regular images are unsuitable to correctly perform skin dose distribution evaluations. This inability is due to improper skin discrimination in most of the current medical images, once its thickness stands below the resolution of the pixels that form the image. This paper proposes the voxel phantom reconstruction by subdividing and segmenting the elements that form the phantom. It is done in order to better discriminate the skin by assigning it more adequate thickness and actual location, allowing a better dosimetric evaluation of the skin. This task is an important issue in many radiotherapy procedures. Particular interest lays in Total Skin Irradiation (TSI) with electron beams, where skin dose evaluation stands as the treatment key point of the whole body irradiation. This radiotherapy procedure is under implementation at the Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HC-USP). (author)

  3. O teatro como estratégia para a construção da paz El teatro como estrategia para la construcción de la paz The theater as a strategy for peace building

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    Maria de Jesus Castro Sousa Harada


    Full Text Available Descrever a experiência na elaboração de um espetáculo teatral com participação de adolescentes para estimular a reflexão sobre a realidade e contribuir para a redução da violência. Foram selecionados 10 adolescentes, alunos de escolas públicas que participaram de processo de formação teatral e produção de um espetáculo com temas oriundos de suas vivências no meio social e familiar. Ao longo do ano de 2006, a peça foi exibida em 20 apresentações, inclusive como parte de eventos organizados pela Prefeitura do Município de Embú - SP, como a Conferência Municipal de Saúde e o calendário de apresentações que acompanhou as festas de fim de ano. No total, cerca de 3.000 pessoas assistiram ao espetáculo. Na opinião das autoras, esta é uma estratégia válida, como ferramenta de mobilização e empoderamento dos atores, professores e comunidade local, para a promoção da saúde, enfrentamento e redução da violência. Considera-se que para esta estratégia ser efetiva em situações semelhantes, deve ser construída coletivamente, respeitando a cultura, a história e o contexto social do público alvo.Describir la experiencia en la elaboración de un espectáculo teatral con participación de adolescentes para estimular la reflexión sobre la realidad y contribuir para la reducción de la violencia. Fueron seleccionados 10 adolescentes, alumnos de escuelas públicas que participaron del proceso de formación teatral y producción de un espectáculo con temas oriundos de sus vivencias en el medio social y familiar. A lo largo del año de 2006, la pieza fue exhibida en 20 presentaciones, inclusive como parte de eventos organizados por la Municipalidad de Embú, en el estado de Sao Paulo, como la Conferencia Municipal de Salud y el calendario de presentaciones que acompañó las fiestas de fin de año. En total, cerca de 3.000 personas asistieron al espectáculo. En la opinión de las autoras, esta es una estrategia v

  4. Treatment of cutaneous tumors with topical 5% imiquimod cream

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    Sabrina Sisto Alessi


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: There are various approaches to the treatment of cutaneous tumors; one of them is treatment with imiquimod, a synthetic toll-like receptor agonist with a low molecular weight that offers a topical, noninvasive, and non-surgical therapeutic option. The main objective of our study was to provide data on 89 patients who used a 5% imiquimod cream for the treatment of cutaneous tumors at the Cutaneous Oncology Group of the Dermatology Department of Hospital das Clinicas from 2003 to 2008. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Here, we present our experience in the treatment of 123 cutaneous tumors of various types, including basal cell carcinoma (BCC, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC, Bowen's disease, erythroplasia of Queyrat, Paget's disease, and trichoepithelioma, with 5% imiquimod cream from 2003 to 2008 in the Cutaneous Oncology Group of the Dermatology Department of Hospital das Clinicas. Patients were divided into two separate groups according to their diagnosis and comorbidities; these comorbidities included epidermodysplasia verruciformis, xeroderma pigmentosum, albinism, basal cell nevus syndrome, Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, HIV, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, and kidney transplantation. Treatment duration, response to imiquimod, follow-up, recurrence, and local and systemic reactions associated with use of the drug were analyzed. Epidemiological data were obtained and cure rates were calculated. RESULTS: The ratio of women to men was 1.28:1, and the mean age was 63.1 years. Tumors were located mainly on the face, back, trunk, and legs. For patients with comorbidities, the overall cure rate was 38%. These specific patients demonstrated cure rates of 83.5% for superficial BCC and 50% for Bowen's disease. Aggressive BCC and superficial and nodular BCC did not present a good response to treatment. Trichoepitheliomas and nodular BCC showed a partial response, and erythroplasia of Queyrat showed a complete response. For patients without

  5. Endoscopic, epidemiologic and clinic characterization of the colorectal cancer in geriatric patients;Caracterizacion clinica, epidemiologica y endoscopica del cancer colorrectal en pacientes geriatricos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Umpierrez Garcia, Ibis [Hospital Militar Docente ' Dr Mario Munnoz Monroy' , Matanzas (Cuba); Norma, Herrera Hernandez [Hospital Universitario Clinico-Quirurgico ' Cmdte Faustino Perez Hernandez' Matanzas (Cuba); Hernandez Ortega, Ania [Hospital Territorial Docente ' Mario Munnoz Monroy' , Municipio de Colon, Matanzas (Cuba)


    The colorectal cancer is a serious health problem because of its high incidence. In Cuba, this disease is the fourth neoplasm in order of frequency with a rate of 17.1 per 100 000 inhabitants. With the objective of determining the precocious diagnosis of this complaint we carried out a prospective, longitudinal and descriptive study among geriatric patients with colorectal disease assisting to consultation at the policlinic 'Carlos Verdugo' of Matanzas in the period from January 2006 to December 2007. The studied parameters were age, genre, risk facts, presentation forms, localization, and endoscopic diagnosis of the disease. The results showed predominance of female sex (52,1 %), in ages from 60 to 69 years old (59.3 %), predominating risk facts like familiar antecedents (13,5 %), idiopathic ulcerative colitis (8.1 %), and an inadequate diet (35.1 %). The most used diagnostic method was colonoscopy (18 patients), with predominance of the rectosigmoidal cancer (15 cases), being the polypoid one the most common endoscopic kind (13 %). We concluded that generally there is not a precocious diagnosis of the colorectal cancer among geriatric patients, leading to a decrease of the healing possibilities and surviving of these patients

  6. Small vessel vasculitis History, classification, etiology, histopathology, clinic, diagnosis and treatment; Vasculitis de pequenos vasos. Historia, clasificacion, etiologia, histopatologia, clinica, diagnostico y tratamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iglesias Gamarra, Antonio; Matteson, Eric L; Restrepo, Jose Felix


    Small-vessel vasculitis is a convenient descriptor for a wide range of diseases characterized by vascular inflammation of the venules, capillaries, and/or arterioles with pleomorphic clinical manifestations. The classical clinical phenotype is leucocytoclastic vasculitis with palpable purpura, but manifestations vary widely depending upon the organs involved. Histopathologic examination in leucocytoclastic vasculitis reveals angiocentric segmental inflammation, fibrinoid necrosis, and a neutrophilic infiltrate around the blood vessel walls with erythrocyte extravasation. The etiology of small-vessel vasculitis is unknown in many cases, but in others, drugs, post viral syndromes, malignancy, primary vasculitis such as microscopic polyarteritis, and connective tissue disorders are associated, The diagnosis of small- vessel vasculitis relies on a thorough history and physical examination, as well as relevant antibody testing including antinuclear antibody and anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, hepatitis B and C serologies, assessment of complement, immunoglobulins, blood count, serum creatinine liver function tests, urinalysis, radiographic imaging and biopsy. The treatment is based primarily on corticosteroid and immunosuppressive agents.

  7. Existe diferença no estadiamento entre doentes operados de câncer colorretal no sistema previdenciário e na clinica privada?

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    Rodrigo Cuiabano Paes Leme

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar se existe diferença no estadiamento de doentes submetidos à ressecção intestinal por câncer colorretal no sistema previdenciário e na clínica privada. MÉTODO: Foram estudados de forma retrospectiva 41 doentes (16 homens e 25 mulheres com idade média de 59,4 anos operados no sistema previdenciário (SP e 33 doentes (18 homens e 15 mulheres com idade média de 60,8 anos operados na clínica privada (CP. Foram avaliados o estadiamento TNM, a frequência de operações de urgência, de operações paliativas e do uso de colostomia. RESULTADOS: Não se observou diferença entre o estadiamento dos dois grupos. A frequência de operações de urgência foi 26,8% no SP e 12,1% na CP (p=0,100. As operações paliativas ( 19,5% SP x 6,1% CP e o uso de colostomia ( 26,8 SP X 15,2 CP foram maiores no sistema previdenciário porém os valores não foram estatisticamente significantes, valores de p=0,087 e p=0,352 respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Não há diferença significante entre o estadiamento TNM de doentes operados no sistema previdenciário e privado.

  8. Presentation of an uncommon form of aortic dissection and rupture in Marifoan syndrome; Presentacion de una forma infecuente de diseccion y rotura aortica en el sindrome de Marfan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delgado, I; Ruiz, R; Villanueva, J M; Fernandez Cueto, J L [Servicio de Radiodiagnostico, Complejo Hospitalario, Ciudad Real (Spain)


    In Marfan syndrome, aneurysmatic enlargement of ascending aorta and dissection starting at the root are the most common cardiovascular complications. We present an infrequent case of a 15-year-old patient with a typical case of Marfan syndrome. CT disclosed an aorta and aortic arch of normal size with dissection originating distally with respect to the point where left subclavian artery arises. The disecction extended to descending aorta and to iliac and femoral arteries. Aortic rupture occurred in the arch, with massive hemothorax. The CT findings were confirmed at necropsy. 9 refs.

  9. Towards the carbon fibers in the building industry

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    Miravete, A.


    Full Text Available There are two mainstreams in the building industry in the area of carbon fibers: rehabilitation and use as building material. The using of carbon fiber as a building material is taking place slower than as rehab system due to the very low cost of traditional building materials, the limitations of composite structure manufacturing processes and the conservative building regulations concerning materials in all the industrialized countries. However, these three issues are being solved in a very efficient way, as we will see along the coming paragraphs of this paper. This paper is split in two parts, first the carbon fiber as a material system, its typologies, manufacturing processes and industrial presentations will be described. Second, rehab and building applications will be analyzed.

    En el área de fibra de carbono en la construcción hay actualmente dos líneas de trabajo: reparaciones e implantación en obra: La implantación en la obra civil está avanzando más despacio que la utilización en reparaciones debido al bajo coste de los materiales tradicionales, a la limitación de procesos de fabricación de estructuras de materiales compuestos y al conservadurismo de las normativas de edificación y obra civil en todos los países industrializados. Sin embargo, los tres asuntos mencionados están siendo abordados con eficiencia, como se explicará más adelante. En el presente artículo, se va a describir, el primer lugar, la fibra de carbono, sus tipos, procesos de fabricación y presentaciones industriales. En segundo lugar se tratarán las aplicaciones en la construcción, haciendo énfasis en las reparaciones y en la implantación en obra civil.

  10. Del escritorio a la tarima: una experiencia de formación en competencias transversales dentro de la licenciatura en biología From the desk to the stand: a training experience in generic competences within the biology degree

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    L. Rosich


    Full Text Available Introducción. Se diseñó una asignatura de pregrado con el fin de desarrollar competencias transversales en redacción científica y presentación oral. Materiales y métodos. Consistió en una asignatura de cuatro créditos en formato intensivo durante 2 semanas y al final se realizó una encuesta de evaluación de satisfacción, con una escala numérica (de 0 a 5, máxima satisfacción. Resultados. Los 20 alumnos dieron una puntuación de 4,4 a la asignatura en general, 4,5 a los contenidos teóricos y 4,8 a los prácticos sobre presentaciones orales. Consideraron que sus conocimientos y habilidades habían mejorado después de la asignatura. Conclusiones. El diseño de actividades dirigidas a la mejora de determinadas competencias transversales puede ser útil y es percibida satisfactoriamente por los estudiantes.Introduction. A new subject for undergraduates was designed in order to develop generic competences on scientific writing and oral communication. Materials and methods. It was organized as a 4 credit course in intensive format for 2 weeks. At the end of the course, an evaluation of the students' satisfaction was carried out by means of a numerical scale (from 0 = worst to 5 very good. Results. All twenty students scored the course in general as 4.4, 4.5 for lectures and 4.8 for the practical activities on oral presentations. Students felt that their abilities in scientific writing and oral communication have improved. Conclusions. The design of an education activity devoted to improve these cross-sectional competences could be useful and it is perceived positively by the students.

  11. Valoración de las nuevas vías de administración de anticonceptivos hormonales por sus usuarias

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    Alén de la Torre MT


    Full Text Available En los últimos años la disponibilidad de presentaciones de anticonceptivos hormonales se ha incrementado notablemente ya que la prevención de embarazos no deseados se valora como una de las principales medidas preventivas dentro de un sistema sanitario desarrollado. La eficacia de los anticonceptivos orales, usados adecuadamente, supera el 99%. En el uso habitual la efectividad se sitúa en torno al 92%, lo que parece indicar que el cumplimiento en muchas mujeres no es perfecto1. Nuevas vías de administración pretenden obtener, ante las formas orales tradicionales, mejoras farmacotécnicas y farmacodinámicas con el fin de facilitar la integración de su uso en el estilo de vida de la mujer y reducir la incidencia de efectos adversos. Entre estas nuevas vías de administración de anticonceptivos combinados destacan los parches transdérmicos con norelgestromina y etinilestradiol que, al evitar el efecto de primer paso consiguen una mayor biodisponibilidad lo que permite dosis menores y menos efectos secundarios2. Otra vía novedosa es el anillo vaginal con etinilestradiol y etonogestrel, con alta eficacia anticonceptiva y buen control del ciclo3. Ambas nuevas vías de administración de los anticonceptivos hormonales ofrecen alternativas que pueden resultar interesantes para las usuarias, basadas en una mayor facilidad de uso que mejoraría el cumplimiento. En la elección del método son tan importantes los criterios médicos como las preferencias de la mujer, por lo que se ha considerado interesante conocer las ventajas e inconvenientes que las usuarias encuentran en su uso frente a los anticonceptivos hormonales tradicionales por vía oral.

  12. La Web 2.0: una aplicación didáctica para las ciencias sociales / The Web 2.0: a didactic application for the social sciences

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    José Antonio Palomo Molano


    Full Text Available Resumen: El blog es una de las herramientas de la denominada Web 2.0, una nueva perspectiva de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC. Estos innovadores recursos, que implican también nuevas dinámicas de trabajo, han de ser incorporados al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los blogs de Geografía e Historia que se presentan aquí están destinados a los alumnos de entre 12 y 18 años de edad (Enseñanza Secundaria. Albergan principalmente recursos multimedia (presentaciones de diapositivas y vídeos, así como otros que tratan de complementar los contenidos convencionales. Alumnos y profesor interaccionan a través de esta herramienta que permite, además, abrir la escuela y ponerla a disposición del alumno cuando lo necesite y allí donde se encuentre.Las direcciones de ambos blogs son: y http://hojasdehistoria.blogspot.comSummary: The blog is one of the tools of the so-called Web 2.0, a new perspective on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT. These innovative resources, which also imply new ways of working, should be incorporated in the teaching-learning process. The Geography and History blogs presented here are aimed at students of 12 to 18 years old (secondary education. They contain mainly multimedia material (presentations and videos, as well as other supplements to conventional content. Students and teacher interact by means of this tool, while at the same time it makes the school open and accessible to the students whenever they need it, and wherever they are.The addresses of the blogs are: and

  13. Surcando caminos de interculturalidad sustentados en la Etnomatemática

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    Oswaldo Jesús Martínez Padrón


    Full Text Available Narramos hechos y consecuencias de un curso centrado en la Interculturalidad y la Etnomatemática, desarrollado en una Universidad Pedagógica venezolana. Se centró la reflexión sobre la Etnomatemática y la elaboración de “Microproyectos curriculares etnomatemáticos”. La forma de trabajo grupal fue cooperativa, cada equipo eligió una cultura y un signo cultural relevante en ella, que permitiera la reconstrucción de esa práctica cultural en el aula. Se materializó el debate respecto a multiculturalidad, interculturalidad y sentido de la Matemática en diferentes culturas, mediante un foro y se complementó con visitas a escuelas ubicadas en poblaciones indígenas, donde se ha venido desarrollando el Programa de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (PEIB de esa Universidad. En el curso, mediante presentaciones, talleres, grupos de trabajo y debates, se desarrollaron varios aspectos ligados con el sentido de la Matemática en diferentes culturas. Lo cual permitió iniciar investigaciones sobre la Formación de Profesores, y Etnomatemáticas, destacando la identificación, la valorización y la descripción de las prácticas matemáticas que se realizan fuera de la escuela (matemáticas implícitas en el diseño y la construcción de: cerbatanas, cestas indígenas, un instrumento musical, una casa. A plazo medio (5 años los productos que están emergiendo por el impulso del curso son: cursos de capacitación en Etnomatemáticas, trabajos de postgrado a nivel de Maestría y Doctorado, proyectos de investigación y numerosas publicaciones en congresos y revistas científicas.

  14. Rotación de residentes de medicina familiar en Unidad de Investigación Epidemiológica y en Servicios de Salud (experiencia de cinco años

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    E. Villarreal-Ríos

    Full Text Available Introducción. Se presenta la experiencia de cinco años del Programa de Rotación del Residente de Medicina Familiar en la Unidad de Investigación. Materiales y métodos. El programa fue diseñado por los investigadores de la Unidad de Investigación Epidemiológica y en Servicios de Salud Querétaro, México, y los profesores de la Residencia de Medicina Familiar de la Unidad de Medicina Familiar n.º 16. Durante el segundo año de residencia, se estableció la rotación por la unidad de investigación con una duración de dos meses, en la que se incluyó el desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación operativa. El programa de trabajo incluyó los contenidos teóricos de metodología de investigación cursados durante el primer año de residencia. La difusión se realizó al personal directivo en forma oral y por escrito, con la elaboración de la síntesis ejecutiva y del artículo científico. Resultados. Después de cinco años y cuatro meses, han asistido 40 médicos residentes. Se han desarrollado 39 protocolos de investigación, 23 seminarios, 39 síntesis ejecutivas, dos artículos publicados, un libro con 16 capítulos y otro en prensa. Las presentaciones en congresos incluyeron 34 delegacionales, 16 regionales y 7 nacionales. Conclusión. A cinco años de implementado el Programa de Rotación de Residente de Medicina Familiar en Unidad de Investigación, se puede afirmar que es productivo. Los resultados a corto y medio plazo así lo demuestran.

  15. Medicamentos utilizados para trastornos cognitivos: Análisis de un millón y medio de prescripciones en la Argentina

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    Galeno Rojas


    Full Text Available Los costos originados por trastornos cognitivos y demencias son significativos para los sistemas de salud. Según guías nacionales e internacionales, los fármacos recomendados para su tratamiento son inhibidores de colinesterasa (donepecilo, galantamina y rivastigmina y memantina. En la Argentina también son utilizados otros nootrópicos, galantamina, rivastigmina, vasodilatadores, vitaminas y antioxidantes. El objetivo del presente estudio es describir y comparar el patrón de prescripción de drogas para el tratamiento de trastornos cognitivos y demencias en las distintas regiones del país. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo a partir de las prescripciones (1 814 108 envases realizadas en la práctica clínica habitual durante el segundo semestre del 2008 y el primer y segundo semestre del 2009. El trabajo fue realizado sobre la población total del Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para Jubilados y Pensionados. Se analizaron variables demográficas, cantidad y tasa de prescripciones, presentaciones y dosis utilizadas por regiones. Considerando todo el país, memantina fue la droga más prescripta en esos períodos, con un total de 570 893 envases. Memantina, donepecilo, rivastigmina e idebenona presentaron un incremento en las tasas de prescripción 2008-2009. Analizando los cambios regionales en tasas de prescripción, la memantina aumentó en el Noroeste y Noreste argentino, la idebenona en el Noroeste y la Patagonia y el donepecilo en el Noreste. Grupos de fármacos no recomendados fueron altamente prescriptos en todas las regiones del país. Algunos fueron indicados en adultos jóvenes o de mediana edad.

  16. Aplicaciones actuales de la hipnosis clínica en Latinoamérica: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Estefania Castañeda


    Full Text Available La hipnosis es un tema controversial y estigmatizado. Las múltiples investigaciones de las últimas décadas han permitido tanto derrumbar mitos, como evidenciar sus mecanismos y aplicaciones, y cómo estos contribuyen al bienestar de las personas. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir las aplicaciones actuales de la hipnosis clínica en el contexto latinoamericano. Con este fin se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos Lilacs y SciELo, empleando los términos “hipnosis”, “hipnosis clínica” y “Latinoamé- rica”. Se incluyeron revisiones de la literatura, artículos originales que tuvieran poblaciones latinoamericanas y presentaciones de caso, publicados entre 1990 y el 2016, escritos en español. La búsqueda inicial arrojó 202 artículos; después de eliminar replicaciones y los que no cumplían criterios de inclusión, 20 artículos fueron incluidos en la revisión. Las aplicaciones de la hipnosis descritas incluyen manejo del dolor, preparación a la cirugía, tabaquismo, problemas gastrointestinales y otras condiciones médicas, aplicaciones en niños y adolescentes, etcétera. Desafortunadamente, los estudios revisados tienen importantes falencias metodológicas, lo que dificulta extraer conclusiones sólidas. A pesar de que la hipnosis es eficaz, práctica, costo-efectiva y aplicada en una gran variedad de problemas clínicos, la evidencia que avala su uso en el contexto latinoamericano es muy limitada. Se requieren investigaciones con una metodología más rigurosa que permitan evidenciar su eficacia en este contexto.

  17. La didáctica a escena. Escenarios y sentidos formativos: una trama presentada por estudiantes ingresantes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osvaldo Ariel Chauqui


    Full Text Available Calendario tras calendario en la Universidad suelen darse a cita: un nuevo año académico, una nueva cohorte de estudiantes, un nuevo inicio; y ¿las mismas (viejas prácticas en formación superior? ¿Acaso la Educación y la Pedagogía universitarias; se permiten en sus dispositivos de formación allanar intersticios para asegurar el derecho a la educación universitaria pública, no sólo en el acceso sino también en una estadía significativa para sus estudiantes ingresantes? Más aún ¿nos permitimos que estos sujetos en formación interpelen la dialógica formas-contenidos que pretendemos desandar de acuerdo a lo planificado? Desde la experiencia que viene desarrollando la Cátedra Pedagogía y Didáctica correspondiente al 1º año del Profesorado y la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Salta, con la puesta en escena de actividades culturales en clave formativa por parte de los propios estudiantes ingresantes, se intenta dialogar con éstas y otras tantas preguntas emergentes donde el proceso de formación se visualiza y se postula como un transcurrir que es ya presente, desde la habilitación de sus cuerpos y voces; y en compañía de los posicionamientos teóricos – reflexivos que plasman en sus presentaciones. El presente artículo pretende, entonces, interpelar tal experiencia; que viene a recordarnos que el dispositivo al igual que la estrategia asumida, también en el ámbito de la Universidad, son inacabados, siempre abiertos y leja nos de las ideas de claustro y cerrazón.

  18. Miocarditis en Pediatría

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John H. Camacho


    Full Text Available La miocarditis es una enfermedad inflamatoria del músculo cardiaco no asociada a anormalidades valvulares y en ausencia de enfermedad isquémica. Su prevalencia e incidencia se desconocen, ya que se presenta de manera subaguda o con síntomas iniciales inespecíficos. Su fisiopatología consta de tres fases: aguda ( 15 días–aclaramiento viral insuficiente y perpetuación del proceso inflamatorio, que conduce a remodelamiento cardiaco y falla cardiaca. Como agente etiológico más frecuente se describe el Parvovirus B19 y el herpes virus humano 6. Entre las manifestaciones clínicas: dolor torácico, arritmias, en lactantes (letargo, taquipnea, dificultad respiratoria leve, etc., puede iniciar con pródromo viral, disfunción ventricular o muerte súbita. Tiene cuatro posibles presentaciones clínicas: asintomático, miocarditis aguda, fulminante o miocardiopatía crónica dilatada. El electrocardiograma detecta anormalidades entre el 93 al 100%; la resonancia magnética nuclear cardiovascular con gadolinio es de mayor uso, principalmente en la biopsia endomiocárdica. El tratamiento se basa en la monitorización hemodinámica del paciente, la evaluación de la necesidad de diuréticos, inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina, betabloqueadores no selectivos, soporte inotrópico, antiarrítmicos o, en casos severos, el requerimiento de soporte mecánico cardiovascular. Se evalúa el uso de inmunoglobulina y, de manera controversial, el de inmunosupresor y antiviral. El pronóstico es variable y depende de factores inherentes al ambiente y al huésped. Se realizó una revisión actualizada de la literatura.

  19. Radiographic changes of the pelvis in Labrador and Golden Retrievers after juvenile pubic symphysiodesis: objective and subjective evaluation. (United States)

    Boiocchi, S; Vezzoni, L; Vezzoni, A; Bronzo, V; Rossi, F


    The hypothesis of this study was that juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS) results in pelvic changes that can be identified radiographically in adult dogs. The medical records at the Clinica Veterinaria Vezzoni were searched for standard ventro-dorsal views of the pelvis of adult Labrador and Golden Retrievers that had undergone JPS or had not undergone surgery. The objective assessment of radiographs included the analysis of various pelvic measurements. Subjective evaluation of radiographs was undertaken by 18 specialists and 21 general practitioners and was based on five criteria relating to 1) the acetabular fossae, 2) the pubic symphysis, 3) the margin of the cranial pubic area, 4) the pubic rami, and 5) the obturator foramen. The radiographs of 42 Labrador Retrievers and 16 Golden Retrievers were evaluated. The most useful criteria were the radiographic measurement of the shape of the obturator foramen and two different ratios of length to width of the pubic rami; these values were significantly smaller in dogs after JPS. The pelvic canal width was the same in both groups. All objective measurements were repeatable within and between evaluators. The most reliable subjective criterion was number 4, followed by number 5 in Golden Retrievers and by 2 in Labrador Retrievers. Our objective and subjective evaluations were simple and yielded useful and repeatable results. There was no significant difference between general practitioners and specialists with regard to subjective evaluation, which indicates that these evaluation criteria can be used by small animal clinicians after minimal training.

  20. Study of the correlation of brainstem auditory evoked potentials and magnetic resonance imaging in children with spastic cerebral palsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fobe, Lisete Pessoa de Oliveira


    Central auditory evaluation in 21 children with cerebral palsy was done with brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) and correlated with brain magnetic resonance imaging findings (MRI); 12 boys and 9 girls between 5 and 12 years old were studied. All children had follow-up at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. The control group was done with 17 children, 10 boys and 7 girls (mean age 8.06 years, SD 2.27 years). The BAEP abnormalities were: decrease of latency of wave V; decrease of latency III-V and I-IV intervals at the right side. All patients has MRI supratentorial abnormalities and 11 had brainstem atrophy. The MRI pathologic findings were: ventricular enlargement (n=17 or 80.95%), cortical/subcortical atrophy (n=15 or 71.42%), left brainstem atrophy (n=11 or 52.38%), periventricular leukomalacia (n=10 or 47.61%), infarction in the left middle cerebral artery territory (n=6 or 28.57%), and malformations such as schizencephaly and colpocephaly (n=5 or 23.80%). The findings of the decrease latencies in children with cerebral palsy suggest the contribution of decussating auditory fibers at the lower and upper pons and midbrain, the lack of homogeneity of the surrounding volume of the conductor fibres and the presence of several concurrently active potential generators sources, should be facilitating mechanisms for the nervous input to brainstem. (author)