
Sample records for pluralismo legal como

  1. O reinocentrismo de jesus como chave para uma cristologia no pluralismo religioso = The Kingdom of God Jesus as key to a Christology in religious pluralism

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    Lima, Adriano Sousa


    Full Text Available Este artigo resume a dissertação de mestrado do autor, sobre o tema “O Reinocentrismo de Jesus como chave para uma cristologia no pluralismo religioso”. Buscamos averiguar em que medida o Reino de Deus pode ser uma chave hermenêutica em favor de uma cristologia no pluralismo religioso. Para fundamentar essa questão, percorremos, através de uma análise bibliográfica, o pensamento de alguns teólogos da área sistemática, bem como teólogos da área bíblica. Na primeira parte, apresentamos o conceito de cultura, desenvolvemos a ideia da diversidade cultural, inclusive no Brasil, e afirmamos o pluralismo como fator cultural. No segundo momento, a partir da reflexão sobre a virada hermenêutica e a apresentação de alguns paradigmas teológicos, fundamentamos o pluralismo religioso como paradigma da teologia, do qual a reflexão cristã não poderá escapar. Finalmente, na terceira e última parte, o enfoque da categoria Reino de Deus e sua centralidade na vida de Jesus de Nazaré foi fundamental para afirmar a possibilidade de uma cristologia no pluralismo religioso

  2. Pluralismo epistémico y pluralismo político: La gestión de la república

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    Ricardo Enrique Schmukler


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, la noción de gestión pública ha desplazado a la de administración pública en la ponderación colectiva de la eficacia y la eficiencia gubernamental y administrativa. El presente trabajo discute este concepto, entendiéndolo como unidad de la teoría y la práctica en el ejercicio de los poderes y derechos públicos. Se argumenta acerca de la congruencia entre las formas del pluralismo que proponen las teorías constructivas y discursivas, tanto en el orden del conocimiento como en el de la organización. Así, se sostiene que, trascendiendo los límites del entendimiento convencional, el pluralismo epistémico y  el pluralismo político resultan manifestaciones de un mismo operar, en distintos campos de la experiencia, como formas del pensamiento y la acción congruentes con los valores socialmente dispuestos para regir una sana administración de la república.

  3. A teologia católica face ao pluralismo religioso

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    Faustino Luiz Couto Teixeira


    Full Text Available O pluralismo religioso apresenta-se hoje com uma das questões decisivas para a teologia cristã, a ponto de delinear uma fisionomia nova para a reflexão em curso. Não há como fazer teologia no século XXI fora da interlocução criativa com os diversos caminhos religiosos que vão se apresentando no tempo atual. E a novidade está em reconhecer a dignidade da diferença, acolhendo esse pluralismo como um dado positivo no desígnio misterioso de Deus. O pluralismo deixa de ser visto como expressão negativa, como dado conjuntural ou expressão da cegueira dos humanos, para ser reconhecido como um fenômeno rico e fecundo. E a questão que se coloca para o cristianismo é o desafio de manter viva a sua identidade própria colocando-se à disposição para a escuta e o diálogo construtivo com as outras expressões religiosas. Partindo de considerações sobre os posicionamentos teológicos em torno do pluralismo religioso, o texto busca destacar os embaraços e desafios que se apresentam em particular para a cristologia e a eclesiologia.

  4. Pluralismo jurídico y derechos humanos en la experiencia indígena mexicana de los últimos años / Legal Pluralism and Humans Rights in Mexican indigenous experience in last two years

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    Jesús Antonio de la Torre Rangel


    Full Text Available Resumo: O tema é a relação entre o pluralismo jurídico e a eficácia dos direitos humanos que sustentam uma vida com dignidade. As experiências indígenas, no México, nas décadas de 1990 a 2000, são apresentadas como a concretização dos direitos humanos no seu exercício do pluralismo jurídico, com base em uma práxis de libertação. Na zona zapatista de Chiapas e na Costa-Montaña de Guerrero foi concretizado o direito que nasce do povo: o direito à autonomia ou livre determinação, o direito a se autogerir por seus próprios sistemas normativos, o direito a distribuir justiça de acordo com suas normas e sentido de equidade, entre outros.Palavras-chaves: Pluralismo jurídico; Direitos humanos; Direito que nasce do povo. Abstract: This article is about the relation between pluralism and effectiveness of Humans Rights that sustain a life with dignity. In Mexico, from 1990 to 2000, indigenous experiences are presented as a consolidation of Humans Rights in the exercise of legal pluralism based on a praxis of liberation. In Chiapas Zapatista’ zone and in Costa-Montaña de Guerrero a Right which rises from people was reinforced: the Right of Autonomy or Self-determination, the Right of self-manage properly legal systems, the Right to distribute justice according to own rules and the sense of equity.Keywords: Legal Pluralism, Human Rights, Right from people

  5. Justicia local mixta en Cajamarca (Perú: análisis etnológico de un pluralismo práctico

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    Emmanuele Piccoli


    Full Text Available El tema del pluralismo jurídico, del encuentro posible de varias maneras de “hacer justicia”, moviliza a numerosos antropólogos y juristas. Más allá de las discusiones acerca de los textos jurídicos, quisiéramos exponer una situación de pluralismo jurídico en el nivel local y describir la manera cómo diferentes formas de justicias pueden encontrarse. Se tratará entonces de abordar el pluralismo no como una noción, sino como una práctica. En esta contribución, nos aproximaremos más específicamente al caso de la provincia de Hualgayoc, en la región andina de Cajamarca, en Perú. Allá, las Rondas Campesinas, organizaciones de vigilancia, de justicia y de gestión del vivir juntos, reconocidas por el Estado, colaboran con la policía y un asesor legal para la resolución de problemas en la zona rural. Dejaremos aquí un espacio amplio para los datos de campo ya que nos parece que dan mucho que pensar acerca de la emergencia de una justicia mixta y pueden permitir el desarrollo de reflexiones de tipo comparativo.

  6. Pluralismo y bien común en el derecho constitucional

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    Pablo Nuevo


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo, el profesor Pablo Nuevo analiza las consecuencias que el abandono de la doctrina del bien común tiene en el derecho constitucional, a partir del estudio de la incoporación de valores al ordenamiento jurídico que realiza la Constitución Española de 1978. Esta incorporación parecería dotar de contenido material a la Constitución, que pasa a estar al servicio de la dignidad de la persona y de los valores de justicia, libertad, igualdad y pluralismo político. No obstante esta positivación de un orden axiológico, a juicio de Nuevo, el entendiminiento que el Tribunal Constitucional ha realizado del valor pluralismo contribuye a debilitar el propio Estado constitucional pues el Tribunal, de la mano del principio democrático y de la soberanía popular, ha interpretado el valor pluralismo como relativismo, negando a los valores un fundamento más allá del consenso. Entender el pluralismo como igual legitimidad de toda representación del hombre y del mundo, que funda un derecho a seguir dicha concepción en todos los aspectos de la vida social, favorece que los postulados de la Constitución sean entendidos como significantes sin significado, debiendo éste ser construido a partir del principio mayoritario, lo que conduce tanto al debilitamiento de los derechos fundamentales, como a la progresiva erosión de las condiciones sociales en que puede favorecer el Estado constitucional. Como subraya el autor, el Estado moderno vive de presupuestos que no puede crear, pero sí en todo caso destruir. De igual manera, para el profesor el constitucionalismo liberal, pluralista e individualista de nuestros tiempos, carece de herramientas conceptuales para solucionar las aporías que plantea las sociedades occidentales de nuestro tiempo, que se debaten entre el miedo al Leviatán y la inseguridad de un mundo anómico. El autor sostiene que solo con una vuelta a la ley natural es posible ordenar la vida política de manera que

  7. Pluralismo y paralelismo político en la información televisiva en España

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    ML Humanes


    Full Text Available Introducción: El artículo se articula en dos objetivos generales. En primer lugar se intenta verificar si la información televisiva de las cadenas generalistas se rige por el dominio del pluralismo externo como característica distintiva del sistema de medios pluralista-polarizado, tal como han expuesto Hallin y Mancini. El segundo propósito se centra más específicamente en abordar la relación entre pluralismo y paralelismo político. Metodología: Se ha realizado un análisis de contenido a una muestra de 3.134 noticias de los noticiarios prime time de seis cadenas de televisión de cobertura estatal: TVE1, Antena 3, Telecinco, La Sexta, Cuatro e Intereconomía. Resultados: Los resultados demuestran respecto al pluralismo que el modelo televisivo español es un modelo híbrido en el que coexisten diferentes gradaciones de pluralismo interno y externo en función del perfil de la cadena y de la estrategia de negocio del grupo de comunicación. Los informativos de la televisión pública reflejan los mayores niveles de pluralismo interno.

  8. Benjamin Constant. Libertad, democracia y pluralismo

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    Claudia Patricia Fonnegra Osorio


    Full Text Available A partir de un enfoque interpretativo, en este artículo se aborda por qué para Benjamin Constant la democracia solo puede darse en donde se presenta una relación necesaria entre la libertad entendida como defensa de los derechos individuales -libertad como independencia o negativa- y la libertad concebida como principio de la participación pública -libertad como autonomía o positiva-. Asimismo, se presenta la importancia que atribuye el autor a las tradiciones que dan vida a la configuración del universo cultural de un pueblo. Se concluye que en la obra de Constant se encuentra una clara defensa del Estado de derecho y del pluralismo, la cual puede iluminar la comprensión de los problemas políticos de la contemporaneidad.

  9. Las tensiones internas del pluralismo moral

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    Lariguet, Guillermo


    Full Text Available In this present work, I state, as a philosophical hypothesis of work, that moral pluralism could be a better option when it is confronted with monism (although it could be recognized that the arguments of both sides are not conclusive. From the point of view of this hypothesis, I attempt to characterize the main conceptual features of a «reasonable» pluralism In addition, I maintain that the possible implications of these features can imply some unacceptable consequences for the reasonable pluralist; in particular, some kind of moral particularism, some kind of moral relativism and some kind of fragmentation of values. In this last case the other consequence could be a so called «moral disintegration». My point is that these consequences depend on some sort of «conceptual pressure» exerted by different strategies designed by philosophers in their analysis of the concept of a reasonable pluralism.

    En este trabajo admito como hipótesis de trabajo filosófico que el pluralismo moral podría ser una mejor opción frente al monismo moral (aunque se pueda reconocer que, al final, los argumentos de uno y otro lado no puedan ser concluyentes. A partir de esta hipótesis de trabajo, caracterizo cuáles son las notas principales que definen un pluralismo —especialmente moral— de carácter «razonable». Sostengo que estas notas definitorias, que forman parte de las premisas de partida del pluralismo razonable, podrían comportar consecuencias que el propio pluralista no estaría fácilmente dispuesto a aceptar: en particular, un fuerte relativismo moral, un particularismo moral fuerte y una fragmentación de valores que podría derivar en desintegración moral. El seguimiento de estas posibles consecuencias, a su vez, depende de cuánta presión conceptual sobre las notas definitorias del pluralismo razonable ejerza el análisis conceptual preferido por el filósofo.


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    Full Text Available This paper aims to characterize the common or customary law of indigenous peoples in order to identify the legal pluralism existent in Brazil. Whereas each society presents its own social organization; positive law -- written, codified and founded on the state -- is not the only source of law, neither the safest or fairest manner to sort societies. The orality and the absence of the state in form of entity, which characterize customary law, give dynamism to indigenous societies and sort these communities based on the social body’s inherent rules.O presente artigo tem como objetivo caracterizar o direito consuetudinário ou costumeiro dos povos indígenas para reconhecer o pluralismo jurídico existente no país. Considerando que cada sociedade tem sua forma própria de organização social, o direito positivo, escrito, codificado e fundamentado na figura do Estado não se apresenta como única fonte de emanação do direito, nem tampouco como uma forma mais segura e justa de se ordenar as sociedades. A ausência da figura do Estado e a oralidade que caracterizam o direito costumeiro dinamizam as sociedades indígenas e ordenam suas comunidades com base em regras imersas no corpo social.

  11. Los sistemas normativos indígenas en el marco del pluralismo jurídico. Un análisis desde los derechos indígenas = The right to the indigenous legal systems under the legal pluralism. An analysis from a right perspective

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    Asier Martínez de Bringas


    Full Text Available Este artículo se estructura en cuatro grandes momentos. Un primer momento, en donde establecer las condiciones para fijar el fundamento de un posible derecho a los que hemos llamado Sistemas Normativos Indígenas (SIN como referente fundamental para definir el Pluralismo Jurídico. Un segundo momento, en el que situar el concepto de justicia indígena en el discurso de los derechos humanos, teniendo en cuenta tanto referencias constitucionales de América Latina (Bolivia, Ecuador, Bolivia como del Sistema Internacional de derechos humanos. Es aquí en donde pondremos los SNI en conexión con una serie de principios básicos como son: el derecho a la cultura propia; el derecho a la autonomía; la necesaria coordinación entre jurisdicción indígena y estatal; el necesario vínculo de la justicia indígena con los derechos humanos; y el vínculo esencial entre el derecho indígena y sus tierras, territorios y recursos naturales. Un tercer momento en el que se establecen especificaciones y complementos al intento de fundamentar el derecho a los SNI, pero desde los pronunciamientos, informes, sentencias, ajustes jurídicos para entender los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, realizados por otros operadores jurídicos en el marco del espacio regional de protección de los derechos humanos: la OEA, y especialmente, a partir de intervenciones de la Corte y la Comisión Interamericana de derechos humanos, así como de referencias constitucionales latinoamericanas. Estos pronunciamientos e intervenciones funcionan como resortes jurídicos que complementan la construcción de un discurso jurídico de derechos humanos en relación a los pueblos indígenas, y muy especialmente, refuerzan el derecho a los SNI. This article is divide into four great moments. Initially, in which to establish the conditions to set the foundations for a possible right to Indigenous Legal Systems (ILS as a fundamental reference for defining Legal Pluralism. A second time


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    Jackson da Silva Leal, UCPEL, Brasil


    Full Text Available Resumo: Trata-se de um estudo que busca identificar no contexto de pluralismo jurídico e no espaço geopolítico latino-americano manifestações de uma juridicidade emancipatória, produzida fora da concepção monista do direito tradicional, por sujeitos historicamente (sonegados em sua cultura popular. A análise ocorre a partir da investigação sobre a manifestação de justiça comunitária no contexto de países andinos e uma justiça alternativa na territorialidade brasileira, em suas diversas modalidades e mecanismos, diante da inserção de uma teoria da sociologia das ausências e uma sociologia das emergências como paradigma jurídico para o Sul global a partir das ideias de Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Tal tarefa cumpre afirmar outras formas de justiça, diferenciada da tradição jurídica liberal de produção do direito atomizado em indivíduos isolados, voltando os olhares para as realidades periféricas latino-americanas, em que há inserção de uma nova racionalidade jurídica germinada com ímpeto emancipatório de alteridade. Consta da metodologia a análise bibliográfica; pesquisa documental indireta e um método procedimental comparativo e sociológico das experiências manifestadas em diferentes realidades do continente latino-americano se utilizando como marco teórico o Pluralismo Jurídico de tipo comunitário e participativo proposto por Antonio Carlos Wolkmer. Busca-se demonstrar como os resultados de manifestações diferenciadas ou alternativas de justiça produzidas para integração, identidade e pertinência social dos sujeitos envolvidos, podem apresentar um viés de direito crítico à epistemologia jurídica europeizada, atomizada, excludente e hegemônica/colonizadora. Palavras-chave: Pluralismo Jurídico. Justiça Comunitária. América Latina. Sociologia do Direito. Emancipação Social.

  13. Pluralismo, pós-estruturalismo e "gerencialismo engajado": os limites do movimento critical management studies

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    Ana Paula Paes de Paula

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é questionar o pluralismo do movimento critical management studies (CMS, apontar os limites do pós-estruturalismo como epistemologia crítica, denunciar os riscos de uma crítica alinhada com o "gerencialismo engajado" e apontar caminhos para o debate sobre a teoria e a prática no movimento crítico. Para isso, definimos as principais características do pós-estruturalismo, questionando seu caráter crítico, e problematizamos a questão do pluralismo no movimento CMS. Em seguida, analisamos como alguns dos representantes deste movimento defendem o "gerencialismo engajado" através de uma performatividade crítica, fazendo um uso inadequado de algumas formulações pós-estruturalistas. Discutimos então os caminhos para a prática na crítica, resgatando o conceito de práxis e afirmando a importância da educação como forma de despertar consciências e reconstituir o ativismo social e político. Concluímos destacando que o pós-estruturalismo deveria ser resgatado com maior seriedade, de modo a se constituir um novo movimento teórico para abrigar suas contribuições, preservando o caráter crítico.

  14. EL IMAGINARIO DE UNA NACIÓN PLURALISTA: los intelectuales públicos y la jurisdicción especial indígena en Colombia

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    Full Text Available LA CONSTITUCIÓN DE 1991 LE DA DERECHO A LAS COMUNIDADES INDÍGENAS A TENER un sistema legal basado en sus propios "usos y costumbres". El artículo explora el papel de los intelectuales indígenas en la reconstrucción del derecho consuetudinario, indagando cómo han interpretado los activistas indígenas el pluralismo legal al analizar el significado de los neologismos creados al traducir la constitución al idioma nasa. Luego analiza un caso legal en el que los derechos constitucionales de ciertos individuos como ciudadanos colombianos entran en conflicto con los derechos de las comunidades indígenas -recientemente reconocidos- como actores legales colectivos, tratando de entender los múltiples niveles en los que debe negociarse el pluralismo legal.

  15. Pluralismo no cristianismo primitivo em Éfeso: tensões e estratificações

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    José Adriano Filho


    Full Text Available No cristianismo dos primeiros séculos encontramos uma pluralidade de escolas e correntes, com luzes e sombras e notáveis conflitos. Considerando isto, este artigo oferece algumas reflexões e análises sobre a existência de pluralismo religioso no cristianismo primitivo na cidade de Éfeso, a capital da província romana da Ásia Menor, sede guardiã do culto imperial. Ele destaca as formas de articulação cultural, sua relação com o poder religioso e político imperial e das regiões nos quais se desenvolveram. Focaliza as formas populares do cristianismo primitivo, entendido como representante do estrato intermediário, ou seja, letrado, mas não erudito, porém capaz de expressar práticas e representações de um conjunto maior de pessoas das camadas subalternas da sociedade. As narrativas analisadas nos oferecem um acesso privilegiado a memórias do pluralismo religioso na cidade de Éfeso nos dois primeiros séculos da era cristã.

  16. A Patchwork of Marriages: The Legal Relevance of Marriage in a Plural Legal System

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    Elsje Bonthuys


    Full Text Available Like many former colonies, South Africa has a plural system of family law which has historically recognized the polygynous marriages practiced by the indigenous African inhabitants of the country. However, recognition of these marriages by way of legal pluralism does not afford them equal status with the monogamous Judaeo-Christian marriage imported by European colonisers, nor does it ensure gender equality within families. Instead, the interaction between the colonial and apartheid socio-economic oppression of black people on the one hand, and legal pluralism on the other hand, produces a highly complex family law system, accurately described as ‘a patchwork of patriarchies.’ This paper argues that a far more radical transformation of family law, and one which is more likely to enhance gender equality, would be to move away from conjugality, or a sexual bond, as the basis of marriage and family law. The aim of this shift would be legal rules which recognize those relationships of kinship which have been central to African family practices and which have assisted many families to weather the multiple forms of colonial and white domination. A move away from conjugality as the primary basis of family law would also acknowledge the ever decreasing incidence of marriage and nuclear families, which characterizes contemporary South African society and would place the focus of legal regulation on the protection of socially valuable relationships, rather than the protection of marriage as an institution. Al igual que otras antiguas colonias, Sudáfrica tiene un sistema de derecho de familia plural, que ha reconocido históricamente los matrimonios en poliginia practicados por personas indígenas africanas. Sin embargo, el reconocimiento de estos matrimonios mediante pluralismo jurídico no les garantiza el mismo estatus que el matrimonio monogámico judeocristiano, ni garantiza la igualdad de género dentro de las familias. Al contrario, la


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    Gustavo Agüero


    Full Text Available É possível falar de objetividade no campo da moral? É possível sustentar uma forma de cognitivismo moral sem postular fatos ou propriedades morais? O conceito de objetividade, tradicionalmente pertencente aos jogos de linguagem das ciências naturais também está começando a ser proposto em linguagem moral com uma função igualmente importante: dar sentido ao discurso moral. Mas pode esta reivindicação se reconciliar como objetivo de defesa do pluralismo das sociedades democráticas contemporâneas? Estas questões norteadoras de nosso desenvolvimento são analisadas no contexto do debate entre Jürgen Habermas e Hilary Putnam.

  18. La autonomía de la voluntad y el pluralismo jurídico en nuestros días Autonomy of will and legal pluralism today

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    Jean-François Perrin


    Full Text Available La "autonomía de la voluntad", esa hermosa matriz del derecho privado liberal clásico ("quien dice contractual, dice justo", es actualmente un instrumento importante de regulación de las relaciones sociales. La observación del funcionamiento real - efectivo - de esta herramienta legal, revela de forma paradigmática la identidad del individuo social post-moderno, cuya libertad es a la vez inmensa e irrisoria, fuente de poder ilimitado y de sujeción servil a las directivas de organizaciones, públicas y privadas, que establecen lo que se debe querer para querer eficazmente. Ejercer esta prerrogativa significa adherir a normas que se imponen - de hecho - independientemente de su fuente, mas en una medida que puede ser determinada. Esta medida, sociológicamente interesante y políticamente útil, implica una definición amplia del "pluralismo", normativo y jurídico, como lo proponía Gurvitch. Esta definición, sin exclusiones y bastante imprecisa, tiene la ventaja (y también el inconveniente de acreditar a los hombres de derecho como los nuevos "profesionales" de ciertos dominios que les eran ajenos hasta hace muy poco. A quienes se preguntan por la oportunidad de estas intervenciones, se les podría responder que, en la práctica, las mismas constituyen con frecuencia garantías eficaces contra la arbitrariedad. El trabajo propone, así, ejemplos de esta evolución reciente en el campo del derecho deportivo y de la protección de la privacy (especialmente en Internet. De todas maneras, estos nuevos espacios ya han sido conquistados por los letrados y, consecuentemente, los sociólogos del derecho no tienen otra opción que interesarse por ellos si quieren ser profesionalmente fieles a los fenómenos de los de deben dar cuenta."Autonomy of will" - that beautiful matrix of classic liberal private law ("he who says contractual, says fair" is currently an important instrument for regulating social relations. Observation of real - effective

  19. Madhva (1198-1278 Pluralismo, Realismo y teísmo en la filosofía de la India

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    Fernando Tola


    Full Text Available Después de algunas consideraciones sobre la Escuela filosófica india Veda¯ nta en cuyo contexto se ubica Madhva, el artículo desarrolla el Pluralismo y Realismo ontológico característicos de este autor, pluralismo basado en las nociones de «diferencia» y «naturaleza propia», y que considera a Dios, las almas y la materia como entidades reales, eternas, y esencialmente diferentes entre sí. El artículo ofrece en sánscrito y en traducción española un pequeño tratado de Madhva que proporciona un esquema claro de su ontología. Tres temas se destacan en él: la unicidad de Dios (Vishn. u, el poder absoluto de Dios y la predestinación. El artículo presenta asimismo otros textos de Madhva que dan a conocer la naturaleza de Vishn.u y sus excelsos atributos. Se refiere después a la doctrina de la predestinación en Madhva; algunos de sus textos parecen sostener una concepción despótico-fatalista, pero otros, una concepción que modifica la exposición de los anteriores, inspirada en la idea de la justicia y bondad de Dios. Finalmente, aborda los temas: el conocimiento y la devoción en Madhva como medios de alcanzar a Dios.

  20. Pluralismo moral y bienestar subjetivo del consumidor

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    Abraham Aparicio-Cabrera


    Full Text Available Este artículo, elaborado desde una perspectiva teórica, sugiere que el acto de consumo en la sociedad contemporánea se realiza al amparo de un grupo de valores, difundidos de manera casi única (monismo moral, acordes con una ética que concibe la felicidad de forma hedonista. Este monismo moral podría explicar, en parte, la débil correlación entre el consumo y el bienestar subjetivo (felicidad y/o satisfacción con la vida; por lo tanto, este artículo aconseja que el consumidor conozca el papel que juega el consumo en la autorrealización personal según diversas ofertas de vida buena (pluralismo moral. El pluralismo moral aplicado al mundo del consumo permitiría obtener, mediante el diálogo, un conjunto de valores compartidos que definieran una identidad moral alternativa para el consumidor contemporáneo, desde la cual practique un tipo de consumo que repercuta de manera más significativa sobre su bienestar subjetivo.

  1. Contruições de Europa para el Control de Convencionalidad: Los Avances y Problemas en Pluralismo

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    Sérgio Tibiriçá Amaral


    Full Text Available El Sistema Interamericano de Protección de Derechos Humanos nació en Europa como el control de convencionalidad de la Corte y la Comisión, la mejora de los institutos. El pluralismo jurídico trae sin revisión judicial realizada por la Comisión y Brasil. Hay problemas relacionados con un retraso de hasta ocho años en el manejo de los casos. Corte Falla ha rechazado el 98 por ciento de las peticiones. La Opinión Consultiva está estableciendo nuevos modelos de control, pero la ausencia de algunos estados y la no realización de algunas frases en su caso Guerrilla Araguaia, podrían dañar el pluralismo

  2. Pluralismo para além do ceticismo: o problema da justificação moral [Moral pluralism beyond relativism: the moral justification issue

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    Flávia Carvalho Chagas


    Full Text Available Um dos maiores problemas na ética contemporânea consiste em se e como é possível justificar um princípio moral capaz de garantir o pluralismo das várias concepções de bem em uma sociedade democrática sem acabar por defender um relativismo moral, tendo em vista não só a necessidade de se disputar racionalmente sobre questões valorativas, mas também pelo fato das atrocidades e violências que a humanidade já experienciou historicamente. Assim, ao contrário do que alguns teóricos pensam, pretendemos mostrar que o pluralismo ético-social pode ser garantido por uma concepção monista em ética a partir da retomada e da articulação da perspectiva kantiana de racionalidade prática, a qual se baseia, por sua vez, nas figuras da autonomia, liberdade e do princípio da universalização.

  3. Introducción al depósito legal como herramienta para el patrimonio documental

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    Jhonny Antonio Pabón Cadavid


    Full Text Available El artículo es una introducción a los elementos básicos del depósito legal y la actual legislación sobre el tema en Colombia. El depósito legal se entiende como la obligación que tiene toda persona natural o jurídica que publique documentos de entregar a una institución nacional ejemplares con la finalidad de preservar el patrimonio documental. Se enmarca el depósito legal como una figura jurídica que es parte esencial de las políticas culturales del país. Se presenta la definición básica y un breve bosquejo cronológico de su desarrollo, con especial énfasis en su evolución en Colombia desde 1834. Se señala cómo el depósito legal se ha ido modificando de acuerdo a la evolución en las tecnologías de la información y a la evolución de sus funciones. Se analizan los diferentes elementos normativos que hacen parte del depósito legal, los objetivos de dicha legislación y sus cambios funcionales de acuerdo a diversos factores, así como la situación actual de la legislación de depósito legal en Colombia. Se concluye que en Colombia la legislación de depósito legal se encuentra dispersa, carece de unos objetivos claros, y su actual regulación es de mediados de los años noventa, lo cual requiere una actualización legislativa que dé cuenta de los avances tecnológicos, como en el caso de las publicaciones en internet.


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    Faustino Teixeira


    Full Text Available O artigo visa apresentar um breve panorama da reflexão teológica asiática em curso no continente sobre as religiões e o pluralismo religioso. Darse-á um destaque especial à incidência dessa reflexão nos diversos documentos da Federação das Conferências Episcopais da Ásia (FABC em seu papel singular e pioneiro na abordagem dessa questão. Parte-se de uma reflexão sobre a pluralidade religiosa na ˘sia e a busca teológica de uma sintonia com tal realidade, com ênfase na acolhida teológica de um pluralismo de princípio. Em seguida, abordam-se alguns traços específicos da reflexão teológica nos campos da cristologia, eclesiologia, missiologia e diálogo inter-religioso. ABSTRACT: The article aims to present a brief panorama of the current Asian theological reflection on the religions and religious pluralism on the continent. A special prominence is given to the incidence of this reflection in diverse documents of the Federation of the Episcopal Conferences of Asia (FABC in its singular and pioneering role of exploring this question. It begins with a reflection on the religious plurality in Asia and the theological search of a convergence with such reality, with emphasis on the theological reception of a pluralism of principle. After that, some specific traces of the theological reflection in the fields of the cristology, eclesiology, missiology and Inter-religious dialogue are approached.

  5. Pluralismo jurídico: derecho indígena y justicia nacional

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    Leonello Bertini Chiriboga


    Full Text Available A partir de bases doctrinarias y normativas se analizan los avances y retrocesos de la jurisprudencia chilena en relación al reconocimiento de la costumbreindígena, la justiciabilidad del derecho propio indígena y la aplicación de un enfoque de pluralismo jurídico. Existen algunos avances en la jurisprudencia –a partir de la vigencia del Convenio 169 de la OIT– en el reconocimiento del derecho de propiedad ancestral al agua; derechos de uso, aprovechamiento y protección de tierras, recursos naturales y ecosistemas que conforman el hábitat territorial indígena; y derecho a la consulta acorde a la especificidad étnica de los pueblos indígenas. Sin embargo, en general, la jurisprudencia chilena salvaguarda la hegemonía del derecho estatal y los principios que lo estructuran, tanto en materia penal, donde excepcionalmente se aplica la costumbre como eximente o atenuante de responsabilidad penal, como en materia civil, donde se recogen tímidamente las normas y principios contenidos en la Ley Indígena y el Convenio 169 respecto del derecho de propiedad y posesión de las tierras de los pueblos indígenas. Por último, son inexistentes los casos de reconocimiento cierto de la potestad jurisdiccional de las autoridades indígenas para resolver los conflictos propios de su comunidad.

  6. Construtivismo, pluralismo metodológico e formação de professores para o ensino de ciências naturais

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    Marcelo de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Com base em renomados autores da área de educação científica, este trabalho procura mostrar que o ideário construtivista não é uma unanimidade no ensino de Ciências Naturais, nos âmbitos epistemológico e ontológico. Assim sendo, definiu-se como problema a ser investigado a seguinte questão: as críticas feitas pelos autores de educação científica aos pressupostos epistemológicos e ontológicos construtivistas, e às suas conseqüências pedagógicas, seria um indicador de que o conhecimento para o ensino de ciências naturais está propenso a ser oriundo não apenas de estratégias centradas no aluno, mas, sim, de um pluralismo metodológico? No sentido de dar uma resposta ao problema, traçaram-se os seguintes objetivos: 1 levantar, analisar e complementar as objeções feitas por vários autores ao construtivismo em educação científica, no campo da epistemologia, ontologia e pedagogia e, 2 de posse dessas críticas, e como conseqüência delas, propor o “pluralismo metodológico” para o ensino das ciências, tomando por base aspectos do “anarquismo epistemológico” de Paul Feyerabend. O procedimento metodológico do trabalho consistiu em: realizar uma busca dos documentos disponíveis na literatura, principalmente livros e artigos científicos e de posse desses materiais, fazer uma reflexão teórica a fim de alcançar os objetivos propostos. Como resultado fica a recomendação de uma educação científica e, principalmente, dos métodos de ensino a ela associados, não-fixos a sistemas rígidos e limitados, mas que estejam abertos à crítica e a todas as novas descobertas e experiências inovadoras da área.

  7. Pluralismo religioso y educación

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    Jiménez de Madariaga, Celeste


    Full Text Available The Spanish Constitution (1978 and Law of Religious Freedom (1980 open the possibility of religious pluralism in Spain, a possibility that in principle will stagnate within the framework legislative without a projection in the social practice. The passage towards the exercise of the religious plurality, its institutionalization, is intensifying in the last years as result of the diversification of the religions and the increase foreign immigration. In this paper, the author dwells to analyze how religious pluralism in the Spanish educative scope is being fitted. She shows the problems that consider when the right to the education of the religion –of the religions– it is applied in the schools where, in addition, the historical presence of the catholic religion prevails.

    La Constitución Española (1978 y Ley de Libertad Religiosa (1980 abren la posibilidad del pluralismo religioso en España, una posibilidad que en principio se estancará en el marco legislativo sin una proyección en la práctica social. El paso hacia el ejercicio de la pluralidad religiosa, su institucionalización, se está intensificando en los últimos años a raíz de la diversificación de las religiones y el aumento de inmigración extranjera. En este artículo, la autora se detiene a analizar cómo se está encajando el pluralismo religioso en el ámbito educativo español. Muestra los problemas que se plantean cuando el derecho a la enseñanza de la religión –de las religiones– se aplica en las escuelas donde, además, prevalece la histórica presencia de la religión católica.

  8. Sobre pluralismo, verdade e tolerância: diálogos epistemológicos e éticos para uma educação intercultural

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    Marcelo Andrade


    Full Text Available Multiculturalismo e interculturalidade, ainda que guardem distinções, são conceitos que têm conquistado grande espaço no discurso educacional. Há uma série de pesquisas que os aproximam do campo do currículo, da prática pedagógica e da educação popular. Este trabalho, por sua vez, visa a contribuir com o debate no campo dos fundamentos da educação. Nesse sentido, o objetivo foi eleger duas abordagens teóricas e trazê-las para o diálogo sobre questões epistemológicas e éticas, a fim de ressignificar o debate sobre a perspectiva intercultural em educação, privilegiando os conceitos de verdade, pluralismo e tolerância. Assim, foi privilegiado o diálogo com Karl Popper e Noberto Bobbio. Com o primeiro, buscou-se entender como a concepção de verdade pode ajudar a entender uma proposta de educação intercultural. Com o segundo, buscou-se avançar das questões epistemológicas para os desafios éticos sobre o pluralismo e a tolerância na prática pedagógica.


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    Javier G. Rincón Salcedo


    Full Text Available El análisis presentado en este texto surge del desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación denominado "la globalización y las mutaciones del derecho" y se escribe, específicamente, dentro del marco de la reflexión sobre la existencia y necesidad de que los ordenamientos jurídicos pueden comunicarse con el fin de poder contribuir a la construcción de un derecho global. Se trata entonces de un texto de reflexión que brinda algunos elementos encaminados a avanzar en la construcción de un debate sobre ciertos principios que en nuestro concepto deben ser apropiados al interior de los ordenamientos jurídicos para que se den los presupuestos necesarios a la formación de un derecho global. Por tratarse de un texto de reflexión enmarcado en un proyecto en curso, en el presente escrito no se exponen resultados definitivos, ni respuestas elaboradas en los términos de profundidad propios a todo texto de carácter científico. En este orden, el presente texto se limita a proponer ciertas líneas de reflexión y ciertas posiciones académicas personales que buscan animar una discusión sobre la necesidad de aplicar un pluralismo jurídico tanto al interior como al exterior de las fronteras estatales entre las diferentes colectividades publicas Para poder dar respuestas a las exigencias del mundo global. Este pluralismo se fundamenta , entre otros, en la existencia para toda colectividad publica de una autonomía en la producción de normas relacionadas con sus actividades económicas y esta determinado por una lógica de relaciones horizontales la cual opera de manera diferente en las relaciones al interior y al exterior del territorio de cada estado.


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    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como desiderato debater o princípio da legalidade no âmbito do Direito Penal, postulado que se qualifica como direito humano fundamental. Isso porque a legalidade penal reveste-se de caráter garantidor do cidadão, possuindo caráter basilar em qualquer Estado que se pretenda Democrático de Direito, traduzindo ponto nevrálgico dos ordenamentos jurídicos que se fundem na justiça e na racionalidade. Como é indubitável que o princípio da legalidade afigura-se como garantia individual de cunho constitucional, sua análise é imprescindível para a compreensão do Direito Penal em uma visão principiológica. Para tanto, perquire-se sobre o caráter principiológico da legalidade, realiza-se reflexão sobre a íntima relação entre legalidade e Estado Democrático de Direito, perscruta-se acerca da origem histórica e do conteúdo da cláusula de legalidade, raciocina-se sobre os desdobramentos do referido postulado, são formuladas ideias sobre os mandados de criminalização, desenvolvem-se argumentos em torno de polêmicas questões que envolvem a legalidade penal e, finalmente, alguns arremates acerca do tema são realizados.Abstract: This work aims to discuss the principle of legality in criminal law, principle qualified as a fundamental human right. The criminal legality is a natural guarantee of citizens, having basic character in any state that pretends itself democratic, reflecting main feature of the legal systems based on justice and rationality. As it is clear that the principle of legality seems to be a constitutional guarantee of individual, its analysis is essential for understanding a principled view of the criminal law. To do so, it perquires about the character of legality, reflects on the intimate relationship between legality and democratic state, peers up about the historical origin and content of the clause of legality, reasons about the consequences of this postulate, formulates ideas

  11. Políticas indígenas en Chile (siglos XIX y XX. De la asimilación al pluralismo (el caso mapuche

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    Boccara, Guillaume


    Full Text Available Before the indigenous law of 1993 recognized the existence of cultural pluralism in the national territory and set up the basis for the participation of «the Chilean ethnic groups», the aboriginal peoples were merely considered as legal «objects». Indeed, the indigenous policy implemented by the Chilean state since independence was mainly characterized by the state's will to assimilate the indigenous people. This article deals with the nature of the relations that the Chilean nation (imagined as homogeneous and European and the state (centralized and looking for territorial unity established with the Mapuche, one of the biggest indigenous groups in Latin America.

    Antes de que la ley indígena de 1993 reconociera la existencia del pluralismo cultural en el territorio nacional y sentara las bases de la participación de las «etnias chilenas» en las políticas aplicadas por el Estado, los pueblos autóctonos eran meros objetos del derecho. En efecto, la política indígena implementada por el Estado chileno desde su independencia fue fundamentalmente caracterizada por la voluntad de asimilar a los autóctonos. En este artículo analizamos la naturaleza de las relaciones que la Nación chilena (imaginada como homogénea y europea y el Estado (centralista y en busca de unidad territorial establecieron con los mapuches, uno de los pueblos indígenas más numerosos de América Latina.

  12. Pluralismo jurídico: derecho indígena y justicia nacional


    Leonello Bertini Chiriboga; Nancy Yáñez Fuenzalida


    A partir de bases doctrinarias y normativas se analizan los avances y retrocesos de la jurisprudencia chilena en relación al reconocimiento de la costumbreindígena, la justiciabilidad del derecho propio indígena y la aplicación de un enfoque de pluralismo jurídico. Existen algunos avances en la jurisprudencia –a partir de la vigencia del Convenio 169 de la OIT– en el reconocimiento del derecho de propiedad ancestral al agua; derechos de uso, aprovechamiento y protección de tierras, recursos n...

  13. Luchas y defensas escondidas. Pluralismo legal y cultural como una práctica de resistencia creativa en la gestión local del agua en los Andes

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    Boelens, Rutgerd


    Full Text Available In the Andes, water rights are enforced in processes of social struggle. This paper explains how water struggles by Andean user collectives cannot be understood aside from their rootedness in dynamic ‘undertows’: the multi-layered, often concealed water-rights foundations. They entwine plural legal sources and livelihood strategies; there, water rights are shaped materially and discursively. Undertows also constitute the socio-territorial home bases for communities’ efforts to upscale their water rights battlegrounds into broader political-legal networks. In practice, this often happens in disguised political forms: through ‘mimicry’ shields and strategies, which also enable them to shop around in rulers’ power factory. Dynamic sub-surface creation and proliferation of water rights repertoires constitute a strong source of defense against encroachment and disciplinary policies.

    En los Andes, los derechos de agua se materializan en procesos de lucha social. El artículo examina cómo la lucha por el agua de los colectivos locales no puede comprenderse sin su enraizamiento en subcorrientes dinámicas: los cimientos multicapas, a menudo ocultos, de los derechos de agua. Aquí se entrelazan estrategias comunitarias y fuentes socio-legales plurales. Las subcorrientes alimentan los socio-territorios y las culturas hidráulicas, estableciendo las bases para la defensa de los derechos locales hacia redes político-legales multi-escala. En la práctica, los arreglos y derechos propios a menudo están disfrazados por medio de escudos y estrategias de mimetismo (o imitación, que también permiten hacer uso de los medios de poder dominantes. La creación y la proliferación subsuperficiales de los repertorios sociolegales locales constituyen una importante fuente de defensa contra la usurpación de los derechos de agua y las políticas disciplinarias.

  14. Pluralismo cultural e cidadania democrática Cultural pluralism and democratic citizenship

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    Ferran Requejo


    Full Text Available Com base no exame da questão do "multiculturalismo" da perspectiva do pluralismo em sociedades democráticas, discute-se, num registro normativo, a tensão intrínseca à combinação desses termos, para finalmente enfrentar a dimensão institucional do problema.On the basis of an examination of the question of "multiculturalism" from the perspective of pluralism in democratic societies the tension intrinsic to the combination of these terms is discussed in its normative dimension. Finally, the institutional dimension of the problem is addressed.


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    Miguel Anxo Santos Rego


    Full Text Available La diversidad cultural subsume también la diversidad religiosa de una sociedad y, por extensión, del mundo. Partiendo de esta premisa, lo que defendemos en el estudio es una pedagogía dialógica capaz de abrir vías de innovación educativa intercultural susceptibles de optimizar en los alumnos el conocimiento y la valoración del pluralismo religioso en la sociedad civil. En este trabajo pretendemos resaltar la posibilidad de desarrollar, también en esta dimensión, una acción educativa bien diseñada, abordando el aprecio por el pluralismo religioso en las aulas desde primaria hasta la universidad. Considerando distintas hipótesis acerca de la construcción dialógica del aprendizaje, realizamos una revisión de los componentes históricos que fluyen en el tratamiento del tema (diálogo y desarrollo ético; flujos migratorios y diversidad religiosa; educación intercultural y nueva ilustración; religión, ciudadanía y derechos humanos; o religión, diversidad cultural y pedagogía dialógica. Se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de que la educación intercultural aborde claramente la cuestión del pluralismo religioso, para lo cual se justifica, con criterio pedagógico-curricular, el aprendizaje cooperativo, con propuesta de nuevas técnicas de acción en el aula, concretamente, Jigsaw, estudio de casos y las narrativas autobiográficas. Cuidando de no mistificarlas, las técnicas de acción cooperativa en el aula pueden ayudar al progreso de una pedagogía dialógica que, en este caso, supondría que los alumnos aumenten su toma de conciencia acerca de las distintas visiones religiosas de la existencia. Y, por supuesto, tal pedagogía no repele el despliegue de controversias constructivas en torno a cuestiones cruciales de la vida.

  16. Pluralidad, pluralismo y la creación de un vocabulario de derechos

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    Daniel H. LEVINE


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Tres elementos combinan para darle forma y contenido a la relación entre religión y política hoy y en el futuro: el hecho de la pluralidad y el pluralismo religioso; el desarrollo de un pluralismo social y político en contexto de democracia y la creación y difusión de un vocabulario práctico de derechos, que incluye la defensa de los derechos humanos, pero va más allá para promover la creación de sujetos autónomos, capaces ellos mismos de reclamar voz y participación en la vida pública. La creación de un vocabulario de derechos, con base en ideas y prácticas sociales, religiosas y políticas, proporciona un puente teórico y empírico entre religión y política.ABSTRACT: Three elements combine to shape the relation of religion and politics now and in the future: the facts of religious plurality and pluralism; the emergence of real social and political pluralism in a context of democracy and the creation and difusion of a practical vocabulary of rights that includes the defense of human rights but goes further to promote the creation of autonomous subjects able to claim voice and participation in public life. The creation of a vocabulary of rights, with roots in social, religious and political norms and practices, provides a theoretical and empirical bridge between religion and politics.

  17. ¿Hacia un paradigma cosmopolita? : pluralismo juridico, ciudadanía y resolución de conflictos. [Reseña


    López-Bello, H. (Héctor)


    Reseña de: Nuria BELLOSO MARTÍN, Alfonso DE JULIOS-CAMPUZANO (coords,), ¿Hacia un paradigma cosmopolita? : pluralismo juridico, ciudadanía y resolución de conflictos. Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati, Dykinson, Madrid, 2008, 365 pp.

  18. Los riesgos psicosociales y su reconocimiento como enfermedad ocupacional: consecuencias legales y económicas

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    Pedro Álvarez Briceño


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo ofrece un análisis de los riesgos psicosociales desde una perspectiva legal y sus implicaciones para el empleador o patrono luego del reconocimiento como enfermedad ocupacional por parte del Inpsasel. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, clasificándose el estudio como una investigación documental, no experimental. El diseño de investigación fue documental explicativo.Las unidades de análisis para el desarrollo de los tópicos investigados fueron las leyes y normas que rigen la materia de salud y seguridad laboral en nuestro país:LOPCYMAT (2005; Reglamento de la LOPCYMAT (2007; la norma técnicas de INPSASEL NT- 02-2008; las Sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (2008, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2000; la Ley Orgánica del Trabajo (1997; el Código Civil (1982 y el Código Penal (2005 y los diferentes estudios e investigaciones desarrollados por instituciones e investigadores de prestigio internacional y nacional en materia de riesgos psicosociales. Se concluye, en primer lugar, que la responsabilidad legal de prevención de los riesgos psicosociales, recae sobre los mandos superiores: Gerentes, Ejecutivos, que actúan a nombre y por la empresa y finalmente se hace necesaria una adecuada comprensión de los riesgos psicosociales y sus factores para una prevención efectiva.

  19. Evolución del Derecho penal en el ámbito internacional. Pluralismo y garantismo jurídico-penal como criterios orientadores || Evolution Of The Supranational Criminal Law: Pluralism And Protection Of The Civil Liberties As Guiding Criteria

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    Jorge Correcher Mira


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La realidad social internacional presenta un nuevo paradigma que debe ser asumido por el Derecho penal. El contexto social internacional, marcado por la globalización a nivel mundial y el proceso de integración europea en el ámbito comunitario, supone una modificación de las líneas clásicas de recepción de las normas penales, demandando un tratamiento supraestatal del sistema penal. En este trabajo, se analiza desde una perspectiva crítica las propuestas de internacionalización del Derecho penal, en la medida que éstas no han seguido nociones como el pluralismo jurídico y el carácter garantista inherente al Derecho penal.   ABSTRACT The social international reality presents a new paradigm that must be taken up office for the Criminal law. The social international context, marked by the globalization worldwide and the process of European integration in the European area, supposes a modification of the classic lines of receipt of the Criminal law, demanding a supranational treatment of the Criminal System. In this work, the offers of internationalize the Criminal Law will be analyzed from a critical point of view, cause these have not followed notions as the juridical pluralism and the protection of civil liberties inherent in the Criminal Law.

  20. Evolución del Derecho penal en el ámbito internacional. Pluralismo y garantismo jurídico-penal como criterios orientadores || Evolution Of The Supranational Criminal Law: Pluralism And Protection Of The Civil Liberties As Guiding Criteria

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    Jorge Correcher Mira


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La realidad social internacional presenta un nuevo paradigma que debe ser asumido por el Derecho penal. El contexto social internacional, marcado por la globalización a nivel mundial y el proceso de integración europea en el ámbito comunitario, supone una modificación de las líneas clásicas de recepción de las normas penales, demandando un tratamiento supraestatal del sistema penal. En este trabajo, se analiza desde una perspectiva crítica las propuestas de internacionalización del Derecho penal, en la medida que éstas no han seguido nociones como el pluralismo jurídico y el carácter garantista inherente al Derecho penal.   ABSTRACT The social international reality presents a new paradigm that must be taken up office for the Criminal law. The social international context, marked by the globalization worldwide and the process of European integration in the European area, supposes a modification of the classic lines of receipt of the Criminal law, demanding a supranational treatment of the Criminal System. In this work, the offers of internationalize the Criminal Law will be analyzed from a critical point of view, cause these have not followed notions as the juridical pluralism and the protection of civil liberties inherent in the Criminal Law.  

  1. ¿América Latina ya no es católica? Pluralismo cultural y religioso creciente

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    Cristian PARKER


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Estamos en presencia del pluralismo en el campo religioso latinoamericano. América Latina ya no es católica en el sentido tradicional del término. Han crecido las otras religiones –entre ellas el protestantismo pentecostal– y también es notable la presencia de no creyentes y de «católicos a mi manera». Esta transformación tiene raíces en la expansión de la educación, en el acceso a los medios de comunicación (incluyendo Internet y en la creciente presencia de movimientos sociales e indígenas. En conjunto, representan un pluralismo social y cultural que puede servir de base para un avance democrático en la vida política del continente.ABSTRACT: There is now real religious pluralism in Latin America. Latin America can no longer be considered «Catholic» in the traditional sense of the term. Other religions –including pentecostal Protestantism– have grown and there is now a notable presence of non believers and of those who define themselves as «Catholics in my own way». This transformation has roots in the expansion of education, in the access to mass media and to Internet, and in the growing presence of new social movements, including indigenous movements. Together, they constitute a social and cultural pluralism that may provide the bases for greater democracy in political life.

  2. El pluralismo y la desigualdad educativa en México. La teoría de la justicia de Michael Walzer


    Aguilar-Sahagún, Luis A.


    El presente estudio intenta ofrecer elementos de una teoría sobre la justicia que ilumine los graves problemas de la desigualdad educativa en México. Se trata de la propuesta del filósofo estadunidense Michael Walzer, quien con su obra "Esferas de la justicia. Defensas del pluralismo y la igualdad" ha abierto un horizonte que ha fecundado la discusión sobre este concepto en el contexto del llamado debate liberalismo- comunitarismo.

  3. Pluralismo informativo y medios públicos. La involución de TVE en el contexto del cambio político (2012-2013

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    ML Humanes


    Full Text Available Introducción: Se describe y analizan las políticas adoptadas en España con respecto al modelo de gobierno de TVE tras ganar el Partido Popular las elecciones de 2011. Se abordan las reformas y sus implicaciones para los Servicios Informativos de Televisión Española, así como las consecuencias en la información y el nivel de pluralismo. Metodología: Se ha realizado un análisis de contenido sobre dos muestras de tres semanas del primer trimestre delos años 2012 y 2013 (1294 unidades de análisis. Resultados y conclusiones: La regubernamentalización de los órganos de gestión de RTVE ha incrementado la banalización de los contenidos de la televisión pública, en detrimento de los grandes temas de actualidad. Se advierte una reducción de los puntos de vista y del número de fuentes en la información laboral. Asimismo, esta regubernamentalización se acompaña de un predominio del periodismo interpretativo sobre el descriptivo, con un incremento del tono positivo en las informaciones de carácter económico.

  4. Encaje mínimo legal: Su efectividad como instrumento de control monetario en Costa Rica, 1988-1995

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    Ivannia Solano Chacón


    Full Text Available En los últimos años la política monetaria en Costa Rica ha descansado fundamentalmente en las Operaciones de Mercado Abierto (OMA y el Encaje Mínimo Legal (EML. Sin embargo, en razón de la naturaleza y magnitud de las pérdidas que enfrenta el BCCR, existe un alto grado de inflexibilidad en el uso de ambos instrumentos.A pesar de que en el plano internacional la tendencia es a reducir o eliminar del todo los requisitos de encaje, este instrumento sigue siendo ampliamente utilizado en Costa Rica. No obstante, con la nueva Ley Orgánica del BCCR (Ley 7558 vigente a partir del 27 de noviembre de 1995 se modifica la aplicación y cobertura del encaje mínimo legal. En efecto, se reducirán las tasas y modo de empleo de tal instrumento, contando el BCCR con 4 años a partir de la aprobación de su nueva Ley Orgánica para reducir el encaje mínimo legal hasta un 15%, porcentaje a ser aplicado a todos los tipos de depósitos. Por otra parte, la cobertura del encaje se extenderá no solo a todas las captaciones del público que impliquen intermediación financiera, tales como: los OPAB, fideicomisos, comisiones de confianza, sino a otros intermediarios que anteriormente no estaban regulados.


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    Wellington Bittencourt-dos-Santos

    Full Text Available Este artigo relata os resultados de uma análise de conteúdo comparativa de três livros didáticos de biologia evolutiva e três livros didáticos de zoologia de vertebrados, muito adotados nos cursos de formação superior de biologia de diversas universidades de países de línguas latinas e anglosaxônicas. Usando técnicas de análise de conteúdo, realizamos uma análise documental quali-quantitativa dos livros, com o objetivo de investigar a abordagem e recontextualização de conteúdos relativos à biologia evolutiva do desenvolvimento (evo-devo e ao pluralismo de processos. Os nossos achados indicam que, nos livros de ambas as disciplinas, a recontextualização dos conteúdos vinculados ao pluralismo de processos ainda está em fase inicial, ainda que num estágio mais avançado nos livros de biologia evolutiva. Quanto aos conteúdos de evo-devo, a recontextualização já teve lugar de modo mais extensivo, particularmente nos livros de zoologia de vertebrados. Estes resultados mostram diferenças na construção do discurso pedagógico relacionadas com a estrutura do conhecimento acadêmico e os alvos da pesquisa nestas duas disciplinas.

  6. El acoso escolar como forma de violencia en la enseñanza secundaria, una visión legal del problema

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    Antonio Carrillo Izquierdo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realiza un análisis psicosocial de las actitudes ante la violencia escolar conocido como (bullying, en un grupo de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria de acuerdo con un modelo tridimensional de evaluación actitudinal respecto a relaciones, creencias, expectativas, etc., además de afectivo respecto a sentimientos y valoraciones de las diferencias informadas en el ambiente relacional familiar y  académico. Para ello se cuenta con una muestra constituida por 493 niños y niñas de entre 11 y 18 años, que cursan las diversas etapas de la ESO en diferentes institutos de Educación Secundaria de Sevilla y provincia. También se efectúa un estudio sobre la diferente legislación aplicable a todos los niveles, desde internacional, nacional, local, administrativa, penal y civil, al objeto de obtener una visión general de la competencia legal para la puesta en marcha de los procedimientos en el tratamiento legal de la problemática del acoso entre iguales.

  7. Diversidad no es lo mismo que pluralismo: cambios en el campo religioso argentino (1985-2000 y lucha de los evangélicos por sus derechos religiosos Diversity is not the same as pluralism: changes in Argentina's religious field (1985-2000 and the evangelicals' fight for their religious rights

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    Alejandro Frigerio


    Full Text Available El trabajo argumentará que, para entender adecuadamente las modificaciones del campo religioso argentino, es necesario también incluir las resistencias sociales a esos cambios debido a las consecuencias que traen para la práctica y el desarrollo de las religiones minoritarias. A partir de aportes conceptuales de Beckford, el trabajo se propone distinguir diversidad de pluralismo religioso y, atentos a la perspectiva de las "economías religiosas" propuesta por Stark y Iannaccone, se considerará al grado de regulación del mercado religioso como una variable de principal importancia para entender los cambios, tomando en cuenta tanto la acción gubernamental como la regulación social. Estas ideas se ejemplificarán examinando el aumento del movimiento social evangélico - más allá de su prioridad meramente religiosa - que lucha por derechos religiosos igualitarios en una situación de supuesto pluralismo religioso en Argentina.The paper argues that in order to understand the current state of the Argentine religious field and the development of new religions it is necessary to include the social resistance they encounter into our analysis. It criticizes the widespread idea that after the erosion of Catholic monopoly a religious market is effortlessly formed and pluralism simply ensues. Drawing on recent work by James Beckford, it argues that religious diversity does not necessarily entail pluralism (its positive evaluation. Emphasizing the idea central to the religious economies paradigm (Stark, Iannaccone that the degree of regulation of a religious market is always a crucial variable to consider, it follows Grim and Finke's multidimensional approach to regulation, taking into account governmental as well as social regulation. It exemplifies these ideas by examining the rise of an evangelical social movement - out of a prior merely religious one - that strives for equal religious rights in a situation of supposed religious pluralism in


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    Full Text Available Resumo: A obra de Rawls é, certamente, um manancial de possibilidades e interpretações, no contexto da filosofia contemporânea. Dworkin, do mesmo modo, é um dos mais notáveis pensadores do direito. A propósito das críticas que sofreu Rawls de que teria dado pouco tratamento ao direito, Dworkin procura interpretar as principais contribuições do filósofo de Harvard à filosofia do direito. Nesse ínterim, confrontando o positivismo jurídico e o interpretativismo, sustenta que a teoria de Rawls estaria inclinada a recepcionar mais uma teoria do direito interpretativista do que uma positivista. Assim, o artigo apresenta a interpretação de Rawls como um filósofo jurídico levada a efeito por Dworkin avaliando se, realmente, a teoria de Rawls é mais compatível com o positivismo jurídico ou com o interpretativismo.Abstract: Rawls's work is certainly a walth of possibilities and interpretations in context of contemporary philosophy. Dworkin, likewise, is the most remarkable thinkers law. The purpose of the criticisms that Rawls suffered that would have given slightly treatment to law, Dworkin seeks to interpret the main contributioins of the Harvard philosopher to legal philosophy.Meanwhile, confronting legal positivism and interpretativism, argues that Rawls’s theory would be more inclined to greet an interpretive theory of Law than a positivist. Thus, this paper presents the interpretation of Rawls as a legal philosopher carried out by Dworkin assessing whether, indeed, Rawls’s theory is more compatible with legal positivism or with interpretativism.

  9. La educación en género, como formación de valores

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    Aida Gordillo Cervantes.


    Full Text Available La temática del presente ensayo tiene como premisa fundamental demostrar que la enseñanza de los estudios de género, incorporado al currículo de la universidad desde hace más de diez años, está vinculada con la formación de valores sociales, tales como: la justicia, la democracia, la solidaridad, el respeto del Otro, la igualdad, el pluralismo y Otras cualidades gregarias. Se parte de esta premisa considerando que toda formación en valores persigue más el desarrollo de modelos de comportamientos, actitudes y predisposiciones de orden ético-ideológico, que capacidades puramente cognitivas; situación educativa muy similar a los propósitos y objetivos perseguidos en todos los programas donde se imparte la educación de género, la cual pretende demostrar a través de sus planteamientos cómo la humanidad será incapaz de alcanzar el clima de paz social deseado para su pleno desarrollo, sin la promoción de las mujeres -en todas las dimensiones de la vida humana- y sin la eliminación de las barreras ideológicas y materiales que la obstaculizan

  10. A perícia médico-legal e o ensino: dissidências e discussões na Sociedade Brasileira de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e Medicina Legal

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    Ede Cerqueira


    Full Text Available Observando a influência da medicina legal na constituição do campo psiquiátrico, este texto analisa os debates ocorridos entre maio e julho de 1918 na Sociedade Brasileira de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e Medicina Legal sobre o uso das perícias médico-legais como material de estudo para o curso de Medicina Pública da Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro. A intenção é perceber como a controvérsia desenvolveu-se na referida sociedade, observando como essa instituição científica influenciou na constituição das formações teórica e prática do perito médico.

  11. YouTube and Muslim Women’s Legal Subjectivities

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    Suzanne Bouclin


    Full Text Available This paper is located within the discursive and spatio-temporal landscape of post 9/11 Canada in which national identity and beliefs about belonging are embedded in pervasive Islamophobia. Its starting point is that social media are key sites for expression of discrimination and intolerance vis-à-vis people of the Muslim faith, and especially the constitution of Muslim face and head scarves as a metonym for Islamic terrorism and a quintessential symbol of uniquely fundamentalist manifestation of patriarchy. I ask, however, whether new modes of visibility might be captured when we examine representational sites of Muslim femininity through the lens of ‘new’ or ‘critical’ legal pluralism. I highlight how women have used Social Networking Sites (SNSs to respond and reconfigure more entrenched discourses around Muslim femininity circulated elsewhere, such as in formal institutionalized state-based law, mainstream/Western feminist discourses, and in popular cultural productions. I have found that Muslim women deploy social media to constitute or express alternative subjectivities and to represent and evaluate their own understandings of feminism, normative femininity, religious practices, including the multiple meanings that attach to the donning of Islamic headscarves. Este documento se sitúa en el paisaje discursivo y espacio-temporal de la Canadá post 11-S, cuya identidad nacional y creencias sobre la pertenencia están incrustadas en la islamofobia dominante. Su punto de partida es que las redes sociales son sitios clave para la expresión de la discriminación y la intolerancia vis-à-vis de la fe musulmana, y en especial la constitución del rostro musulmán y del pañuelo en la cabeza como una metonimia de terrorismo islámico y el símbolo por excelencia de la única manifestación fundamentalista del patriarcado. La autora se pregunta, sin embargo, si las nuevas formas de visibilidad pueden ser capturadas cuando examinamos sitios

  12. Governance in Times of Globalisation: the Kaleidoscope of the Legal System

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    Francesca Scamardella


    Full Text Available In the last few decades, the West has been deeply transformed by globalisation; global markets have been replacing national economies and states have been losing their legislative and executive powers. The global economy is imposing its own standards, such as the so-called Brazilianisation of the West, consisting of labour changes inspired by typical Brazilian features (low wages, flexibility and insecurity. In such a context, a question arises: how is the legal system changing? Sociology of law has indicated legal transformations in terms of soft law, such as lex mercatoria, codes of conduct, etc. This informal system seems to constitute a legal kaleidoscope where global and local players are involved, rather than an effective legal system. From this perspective, globalisation can also be considered the legal premise of governance, based on the participation of social parties to policy and law-making processes. The aim of this article is to focus on legal transformations in times of globalisation, stressing the governance approach as a legal kaleidoscope capable of managing social inequalities, different distributions of power and knowledge and the other perverse effects determined by globalisation.En las últimas décadas, la globalización ha transformado profundamente Occidente; los mercados mundiales han ido sustituyendo a las economías nacionales y los Estados han ido perdiendo sus poderes legislativo y ejecutivo. La economía mundial está imponiendo sus propias normas, como la denominada brasileñización de Occidente, que consiste en implantar cambios laborales inspirados en las características típicas de Brasil (salarios bajos, flexibilidad e inseguridad. En este contexto, surge una pregunta: ¿cómo está cambiando el sistema legal? La sociología jurídica ha apuntado transformaciones legales en materia de leyes "blandas", como la lex mercatoria, códigos de conducta, etc. Este sistema informal parece constituir un caleidoscopio

  13. Como pieza de un rompecabezas: la construcción del paisaje como objeto jurídico

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    Norma Elizabeth Levrand


    Full Text Available La regulación jurídica del paisaje es relativamente nueva. Concebido a partir de la interrelación entre el hombre y la naturaleza, el derecho lo ha asimilado, en ciertos momentos, a un objeto estático, esencialmente natural. En otro periodo ha aprehendido su dinámica, regulándolo como un objeto híbrido. El paisaje está constituido por un conjunto de bienes y valores que trascienden lo puramente cultural o natural, y se conjugan en la confluencia de ambos elementos. Esta hibridez conlleva dificultades tanto en el punto previo a su regulación, es decir, en la concepción jurídica del paisaje, como al momento de su gobernanza. En este trabajo pretendemos desentrañar la construcción del paisaje como un particular objeto de regulación dentro del campo legal argentino. Para ello, realizaremos una sucinta historiografía de la regulación del paisaje para profundizar en las dos normas de mayor relevancia a nivel internacional (la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio Mundial, Cultural y Natural de Unesco y el Convenio Europeo del Paisaje aprobado por el Consejo de Europa, a fin de analizar la construcción de este particular objeto y los dispositivos jurídicos para su Gobierno. Culminaremos con una reflexión acerca del proceso de construcción de esta pieza del rompecabezas legal.

  14. Medicina Legal e Criminalística

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    Paulo Enio Garcia da Costa Filho


    Nessa obra, o leitor encontrará assuntos como Medicina Legal e direitos humanos, perícias e peritos, documentos médico-legais, Antropologia Forense, Traumatologia Forense, Toxicologia Forense, Tanatologia Forense, Psicopatologia Forense, Sexologia Forense, Genética Forense, local de crime, corpo de delito, além de vestígios, indícios e provas no processo penal.

  15. Sistema de tanatología forense para la división médico legal III de Arequipa


    Ochoa Maldonado, Gino


    El trabajo de investigación titulado "Sistema de Tanatología Forense para la División Médico Legal III de Arequipa". Se ha realizado en la ciudad de Arequipa con la finalidad de implementar un Sistema Automatizado, que facilite el trabajo diario que realiza la División Médico Legal III de Arequipa solucionando problemas referentes al manejo de información del área forense. Se ha considerado como población a los trabajadores de la División Médico Legal 111 de Arequipa, se utilizó como instrume...

  16. The use of medicinal plants as a therapeutical resource: from the influences of the professional formation to the ethical and legal implications of its applicability as an extension of nursing care practice El uso de plantas medicinales como recurso terapéutico: de las influencias de la formación profesional a las implicaciones éticas y legales de su aplicabilidad como extensión de la práctica de cuidar de la enfermera O uso de plantas medicinais como recurso terapêutico: das influências da formação profissional às implicações éticas e legais de sua aplicabilidade como extensão da prática de cuidar realizada pela enfermeira

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    Neide Aparecida Titonelli Alvim


    Full Text Available This qualitative research aimed to analyze the biomedical influence in the context of nurses' formation and professional activities; to reflect about ethical and legal implications of using medicinal plants in nursing care; to argue about the need to configure and delimit this resource as a legitimate instrument for expanding nursing care practice. We used the creative-sensible method and developed dynamics with a group of nurses to produce data, analyzed in the categories "the biomedical influence in the academic-professional orientation of nursing" and "ethical and legal implications in the applicability of medicinal plants in care". Results indicated the need to advance in studies on the nursing diagnosis that implies the prescription of medicinal plants, so that the client is well taken care of by nurses, thus legitimizing it as an extension of their professional practice. Not as an exclusive territory, but as shared and interdisciplinary health care action.Esta investigación cualitativa buscó analizar la influencia biomédica en el contexto de formación y actuación profesional de los enfermeros; reflejar sobre las implicaciones éticas y legales del uso de plantas medicinales en la enfermería; discutir la necesidad de configuración y delimitación de este recurso como instrumento legítimo de extensión de la práctica de enfermería. Fue utilizado el método creativo-sensible y el desarrollo de dinámicas junto con un grupo de enfermeras para producir los datos de la investigación, analizados en las categorías "la influencia biomédica en la orientación académico-profesional de enfermería" y "las implicaciones éticas y legales en la aplicabilidad de plantas medicinales en el cuidado". Los resultados señalaran la necesidad de avanzar en los estudios sobre la diagnosis de enfermería que implica en prescribir plantas medicinales para que el cliente sea bien cuidado por la enfermera y, así, se pueda legitimarla como extensi

  17. Legal Pluralism, Private Power, and the Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Global Political Economy

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    Edward S. Cohen


    Full Text Available Private corporate actors have played a central role in the construction of the legal rules of globalized capitalism over the past four decades. In no sector has this been more true than in global finance, where private agents have reshaped the norms and practices of credit creation and allocation. The global financial crisis, however, has led many states to challenge aspects of this power and raised broader questions about the legitimacy and future of private power in the global legal order(s. In this paper, I argue that –while state actors have clawed back significant power in global finance– the specific powers of credit creation and allocation combined with the structural pull of transnational legal pluralism will enable major private financial institutions to retain substantial power in the face of these challenges and questions. In the process, I present some broad suggestion about how we can think about private power in the making of global commercial law. Durante las últimas cuatro décadas, actores corporativos privados han desempeñado un papel decisivo en la construcción de las normas legales del capitalismo globalizado. En ningún sector ha sido esto más cierto que en las finanzas globales, donde los agentes privados han reformado las normas y prácticas de la creación de crédito y asignación. La crisis financiera global, sin embargo, ha llevado a muchos estados a cuestionar aspectos de este poder y planteado cuestiones más amplias acerca de la legitimidad y el futuro del poder privado en el/los ordenamiento/s jurídico/s global/es. En este trabajo se sostiene que –mientras que los actores estatales han recuperado un poder significativo en las finanzas globales– los poderes específicos de la creación de crédito y asignación combinados con la fuerza estructural del pluralismo jurídico transnacional permitirán a las principales instituciones financieras privadas retener poder sustancial ante estos retos y preguntas

  18. Law Schools and the Continuing Growth of the Legal Profesion

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    Herbert Kritzer


    Full Text Available In most countries for which data are available, the size of the legal profession has continued to grow over the last 40 plus years. This continued growth reflects the perceived attractiveness of a career as a legal professional (i.e., the demand and the incentives of the institutions that provide legal education, and hence serve as primary gatekeepers, to maintain or increase the number of students they enroll. In some countries, perhaps most prominently the United States, structural changes in the opportunities for careers in the legal profession are likely to put pressure on law schools that could result in changes in the supply of opportunities to obtain the legal education required to become a lawyer. En la mayoría de los países de los que se dispone de datos, el número de abogados no ha dejado de crecer desde hace más de 40 años. Este crecimiento constante, refleja el atractivo que se percibe en una profesión como la abogacía (esto es, la demanda, y los incentivos de las instituciones que imparten estos estudios, y constituyen la primera barrera para mantener o aumentar el número de estudiantes que aceptan. En algunos países, tal vez de forma más destacada en Estados Unidos, es probable que los cambios estructurales en las oportunidades de trabajar como abogado obliguen a las facultades de derecho a modificar la oferta para acceder a la carrera de derecho.

  19. Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas en América Latina: “Resistencias, rupturas y pluralismos en la educación superior”

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    Xinia Zúñiga Muñoz


    Full Text Available En el marco del XXX Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología (ALAS realizado en San José de Costa Rica, Centroamérica, entre el 30 de noviembre y el 4 de Diciembre del 2015, bajo el lema “pueblos en movimiento”, se llevó a cabo el Encuentro “Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas: Resistencias, rupturas y pluralismos en la educación superior” realizado durante los días 3 y 4 de Diciembre, en el Paraninfo “Daniel Oduber Quirós” de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED, sede de este evento, organizado con el apoyo de la Universidad Nacional y de la Universidad de Costa Rica.

  20. Para além da polarização racionalismo-reflexivismo nas relações internacionais: A tipologia metodológica de Patrick Jackson e o pluralismo metodológico em debate


    Oliveira, Gilberto Carvalho de


    Este artigo propõe uma revisão do debate sobre pluralismo metodológico nas relações internacionais, recentemente reacendido pelo importante trabalho de Patrick Jackson (The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations: Philosophy of Science and its Implications for the Study of World Politics). O objetivo principal do artigo é fazer uma recensão do livro, mas vai além, situando o argumento de Jackson no contexto das principais críticas que lhe foram dirigidas e no âmbito de uma discussão mai...


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    Sylvio Fausto GIL FILHO


    Full Text Available Nas transformações do catolicismo brasileiro, o foco regional se relaciona com a análise da escala local e global como dimensões extremamente articuladas. Esta articulação caracteriza a Igreja local de Curitiba (PR com uma territorialidade de duas instâncias, influenciadas por tensões escalares de caráter global próprias da hierarquia universal da Igreja e tensões regionais específicas da Igreja local. Afora estas forças de caráter endógeno da estrutura eclesiástica, verificam-se também tensões exógenas à própria Igreja, representadas por instituições não-católicas e mesmo instituições seculares. O último quarto do século XX demonstrou uma crise da representação dominante da Igreja Católica Romana no Brasil. A conjuntura secular das cidades e a retração no espírito missionário da Igreja motivaram o diagnóstico de uma certa estagnação do domínio simbólico da Igreja. Com efeito, o pluralismo religioso dos grandes centros urbanos cunhou uma nova realidade, baseada em um crescente questionamento do mito do Brasil católico. O crescimento de movimentos religiosos pentecostais e neopentecostais representou nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 um impacto considerável na forma de a religiosidade popular fazer uma segunda identidade religiosa. Roman Catholic Church in Curitiba (PR: structures of territoriality under the religious pluralism Abstract In the transformation process of Brazilian Catholicism, the regional focus links with the analysis of the local and global scale as extremely articulated dimensions. This articulation characterizes the local Church of Curitiba (PR with a territoriality of two instances, influenced by scale tensions of global character peculiar to the head of the universal hierarchy of the Church and regional tensions specific of the local Church. Beyond these forces of endogenous character of the ecclesiastical structure, we also verified exogenous tensions of the Church itself, represented by

  2. La convivencia intercultural y su aplicaci??n a la ense??anza de lenguas extranjeras


    N??kleva, Dimitrinka G.


    En este art??culo estudiamos algunos aspectos de la competencia afectiva en la convivencia cultural y su aplicaci??n a la ense??anza del espa??ol como lengua extranjera. Partimos de algunas precisiones terminol??gicas (interculturalidad, multiculturalidad, pluralismo cultural, etc.) y determinamos los componentes de la competencia afectiva. Un amplio apartado est?? dedicado a las aplicaciones de este tema a la ense??anza del espa??ol como lengua extranjera. Se abordan las etapas y los enfoque...

  3. Pluralismo giuridico e pratica giuridica indigena: il caso dei Guaranì del Chaco Boliviano

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    Francesca Scionti


    Full Text Available This article ethnographically explores the form and the content of juridical practices of Guarani people living in the Capitanías of Charagua Norte and Alto Isoso, Bolivia. Starting from the Bolivian legal pluralism main field and through the analysis of some juridical case study, I answer some questions about how the Guarani people act and interpret the legal field in a plural legal context. I argue that such guarani people practice is both rooted in an interlegal field of sense and meaning and product of a legal and political strategy useful to hide and protect the indigenous juridical habitus.

  4. Mixed Couples and Islamic Family Law in Egypt: Legal Consciousness in Transnational Social Space

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    Friso Kulk


    Full Text Available Studies on legal consciousness tend to focus on law at the local or national level. This raises the question how legal consciousness is shaped in a transnational context. This paper explores the concept of legal consciousness from the perspective of Dutch-Egyptian families and their everyday experiences with family law. Taking the work of Patricia Ewick and Susan Silbey on legal consciousness as a starting point, the main question that will be addressed is what the study of transnational migrants’ encounters with law can add to the theorising of legal consciousness. It will be argued that this can add to our understanding of legal consciousness in at least two ways. Firstly, transnational social space can offer a site for exploring the way personal experiences with law connect to larger patterns of meaning. Secondly, the shifts in societal and legal positions as a consequence of migration offer the opportunity to examine legal consciousness as a dynamic process. Los estudios sobre la conciencia jurídica tienden a centrarse en la ley a nivel local o nacional. Esto plantea la cuestión de cómo la conciencia jurídica se forma en un contexto transnacional. En este trabajo se explora el concepto de la conciencia jurídica desde la perspectiva de familias holandesas-marroquíes y holandesas-egipcias y sus experiencias cotidianas con el derecho de familia. Tomando como punto de partida el trabajo de Patricia Ewick y Susan Silbey en materia de conciencia jurídica, la pregunta principal que se aborda es lo que puede aportar a la teorización de la conciencia jurídica el estudio de los enfrentamientos de los emigrantes transnacionales con la ley. Se argumenta que esto puede contribuir a nuestra comprensión de la conciencia jurídica en al menos dos formas. En primer lugar, el espacio social transnacional puede ofrecer un lugar para explorar el modo de experiencias personales con la ley conectadas con patrones más grandes de significado. Y en

  5. El uso religioso de la política y/o el uso político de la religión: la ideología-sucedáneo versus la religión-sucedáneo

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    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan las relaciones de la religión y la política, especialmente en los regímenes totalitarios. Una de estas relaciones es el papel desempeñado por la "religión-sucedáneo" en las religiones políticas, que enlazan con procesos de secularización. Como contrapunto al papel intervencionista del Estado en la religión política se ofrece el modelo liberal de separación amistosa entre Iglesia y Estado o el modelo hostil de esta separación, cuando se rechaza el pluralismo cultural. Otro tipo de relación es el de la "ideología-sucedáneo" en la religión politizada, del que ofrece un buen ejemplo el nacional-catolicismo español. También se analiza el nacionalismo político y religioso, con referencia al caso vasco, entre otros. Se concluye hablando de las funciones expresas y latentes de la religión politizada y de sus diferencias con la religión política, así como de las implicaciones tanto para la religión como para la política. En un marco autoritario, como fue el caso español, la religión politizada puede ser un elemento latente de pluralismo político.

  6. Competitive Legal Professionals’ use of Technology in Legal Practice and Legal Research

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    T du Plessis


    Full Text Available Advances in the information and communication technologies have led to the availability of a range of primary and secondary legal research publications online via the Internet, rather than on other storing devices such as compact discs or publications in the print media. Not only has information and communication technology (ICT impacted on the availability of legal information resources, but its effects are also noticed in various law-related areas such as legal practice management, legal education, corporate governance and the law per se. The question addressed by this article is whether the application of ICTs has an effect on the practice of law, and specifically whether information and knowledge management affects the processes of legal research in modern legal practice. Various issues are considered in this regard, including what the concept of knowledge management (KM entails in a law firm and what the current KM trends in South African law firms are. The article investigates global trends in the application of ICTs for legal research purposes, what the specific applications of KM in support of legal research may be, how information technology applications and KM systems and strategies can support the legal research process, and what the benefits of KM are to legal research. It finally discusses the impact technology has had on the skills required of competitive legal professionals.

  7. Los mecanismos de control de los informativos en las televisiones públicas: el caso de Canal 9


    Sánchez Castillo, Sebastián


    Las instituciones y normas de control de los informativos se perciben como la última oportunidad de las televisiones públicas para lograr y mantener el pluralismo, que se revela casi como utópico. La situación en España, y también en otros países del entorno, es de emergencia en muchos casos. La crisis general, unida a la que sufre el sector audiovisual como consecuencia de la implantación de la TDT, ha puesto a las televisiones públicas españolas, carentes desde su fundación de un modelo de ...

  8. Fitossociological inventory in a multistrata agroforestry system as a tool for legal reserve execution Levantamento fitossociológico comparativo entre sistema agroflorestal multiestrato e capoeiras como ferramenta para a execução da reserva legal

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    Luís Cláudio Maranhão Froufe


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    The legal reserve (RL is by the Brazilian Forest Code a portion of the total area of a farm where the use of the natural resources is to be done on a sustainable basis aiming the ecological processes, and biodiversity conservation and the shelter and protection of native fauna and flora.  The existence of RL has been criticized since its creation, specially by the allegation that it interferes on productive processes and
    for regarding the difficulties of its implantation. The multistrata agroforestry systems (AFS are widely accepted as a conservative management practice, even in Brazilian legislation, and it is an alternative technique for the  implantation of the RL. This work, carried altogether in small farms containing multistrata AFS and natural forests regeneration tracts (some of them already registered as RL showed that this AFS, although productive systems, hold similar number and diversity of species to the renenerating forest , satisfying the legal minimum requisites expected in RL and thus suitable to be used as a technology for recovering and managing the RL. Moreover, as its management is agroecological, it was observed the recolonization of several
    native species, corroborating the potential use of these AFS in ecological restiration processes. Those agroforestry systems, however, need additional silvicultural practices
    to improve forestry production and sustainability.

    doi: 10.4336/2011.pfb.31.67.203

    A reserva legal (RL, normatizada pelo Novo Código Florestal,  Lei 4.771/65, vem sendo alvo de críticas, desde sua criação,  sobretudo sob a alegação de que interfere nos processos   produtivos da propriedade rural e apresenta dificuldade na sua  execução. Os sistemas agroflorestais (SAF multiestrato são práticas de manejo conservacionista do solo já aceitos pela legislação brasileira como uma alternativa técnica para a execução da RL. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a

  9. Aspectos éticos y legales en los pacientes con trauma ocular Technical and legal aspects of the ocular trauma patients

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    Eduardo Ariel Ramos Gómez


    Full Text Available El traumatismo ocular, independientemente de la lateralidad, es considerado una de las entidades nosológicas frecuentes que conllevan a una rehabilitación visual. Las causas que provocan un traumatismo ocular son variadas y dentro de estas, las agresiones con intención de provocar daños con secuelas son una de las más frecuentes. Este aspecto trae consigo todo un proceso médico-legal, donde los principios éticos por parte de los facultativos deben estar bien establecidos. Es objetivo de esta revisión incentivar el buen accionar ético de todos los oftalmólogos en cuanto a la atención de estos pacientes, así como enfatizar en el adecuado manejo medico-legal implícito en este tipo de afección.Ocular trauma, regardless of laterality, is considered one of the common diseases entities that implies visual rehabilitation. The causes of eye injuries are varied. Assaults with intent to cause damage are the most common. This issue involves a medical-legal process where the ethical principles of the physicians must be well established. The objective of our article was to encourage good ethical actions of all ophthalmologists and to emphasize the proper medical-legal management involved in this type of diseases.

  10. Discrimination of legal entities: Phenomenological characteristics and legal protection

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    Petrušić Nevena


    Full Text Available Their social nature encourages people to associate and jointly achieve the goals that they would not be able to achieve individually. Legal entities are created as one of the legal modalities of that association, as separate entities that have their own legal personality independent of the subjectivity of their members. Legal entities are holders of some human rights, depending on the nature of the right, including the right to non-discrimination. All mechanisms envisaged for legal protection against discrimination in the national legislation are available to legal persons. On the other hand, the situation is quite different in terms of access to international forums competent to deal with cases of discrimination. Legal entities do not have access to some international forums, while they may have access to others under the same conditions prescribed for natural persons. Legal entities may be exposed to various forms of direct and indirect discrimination both in the private and in the public sphere of social relations. Phenomenological characteristics of discrimination against legal persons are not substantially different from discrimination against individuals. There are no significant differences regarding the application of discrimination test in cases of discrimination of legal entities as compared to the use of this test in cases involving discrimination of natural persons or groups of persons. Legal entities may be discriminated against on the basis of characteristics of their legal personality, such as those which are objective elements of the legal entity and part of its legal identity. Discrimination of legal entities may be based on personal characteristics of its members (i.e. people who make a personal essence of a legal entity because their characteristics can be 'transferred' to the legal entity and become part of its identity. Legal entities should also be protected from this special form of transferred (associative discrimination.

  11. Aspectos didácticos en bioética intercultural

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    Miguel Kottow

    Full Text Available Los dilemas éticos suscitados por etnias practicantes del infanticidio cultural ejemplifican situaciones interculturales conflictivas que la enseñanza de una bioética pragmática basada en casuística no capacita para enfrentar. Para entablar una comunicación interétnica, se propone que el profesional sanitario debiera habilitarse en cinco ejes de deliberación, tres de ellos sustantivos y dos formales: a Rechazar prácticas globalmente inaceptables o, alternativamente, reconocerlas como válidas en una cultura local; b Reconocer valores universales o aceptar el relativismo ético cultural; c Defender una moral común vinculante dentro de un territorio nacional o aceptar la coexistencia de pluralismos discrepantes; d Deliberar el infanticidio como una práctica comparable al aborto procurado o entender que se basa en visiones de mundo no interpretables como análogas a argumentos de la bioética tradicional; e Esclarecer acaso las disidencias culturales son problemas a solucionar o prácticas foráneas a tolerar. Cada vez más los dilemas interculturales requieren una enseñanza de bioética ampliada para habilitar al educando a desarrollar competencias de reflexión, de acuerdo a estos ejes de deliberación, en fomento de la comunicación intercultural respetuosa y un pluralismo efectivo.

  12. Las organizaciones de enfermería como sistemas complejos

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    Caro Castillo Clara Virginia


    puntos de partida, el pensamiento del ser humano como dinamizador de los procesos y contra procesos complejos y simples, en la construcción de conocimiento sobre la realidad. Estudios investigativos como los de Erdmann, Meirelles e Pradebon, indican caminos para aprender de la realidad organizacional del trabajo de enfermería, el ejercicio del pensamiento complejo en la incertidumbre, en los límites tenues, en la heterogeneidad, la diversidad y el pluralismo de los fenómenos en su apariencia, en las interacciones y asociaciones. La intersubjetividad señala una nueva concepción de espacialidad y de temporalidad. La configuración de un sistema de cuidados de enfermería visualiza variadas dimensiones del cuidado: el cuidar de sí, el cuidar de sí junto con el otro, el ser cuidado por el otro, el sentir y el proceso del sistema personal de cuidado, el cuerpo por si mismo como núcleo del cuidado, el ser/estar en el sistema de relaciones múltiples de cuidado, y el cuidado con la naturaleza integrándose con los demás seres y sistemas sociales/naturales, fortaleciendo el sentimiento de pertenencia en busca de una mejor sobrevivencia, vitalidad, vida ... civilidad humana.

  13. Universidad. Formación en medicina legal y forense en valoración médico legal del daño: necesidades y futuro

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    M.ª Teresa Criado del Río

    Full Text Available La formación en medicina legal y forense, y de ella, en la valoración médico legal del daño a la persona, comúnmente denominada valoración del daño corporal, es compleja si la interrelacionamos con las diferentes formas de su ejercicio profesional en España, teniendo presente los requisitos legales del ejercicio de las profesiones sanitarias incardinados en la Ley 44/2003 de ordenación de profesiones sanitarias. En un intento de clarificar esta problemática nos referiremos en primer lugar a la obtención del título máster universitario en valoración médico legal de daños personales aportando una propuesta de programa docente, para proceder después a esbozar la problemática que plantea la creación y mantenimiento de dichos títulos, asociada a la problemática de su ejercicio profesional por la diversidad y dispersión de profesionales que tienen entre sus funciones la valoración de los daños personales, así como por los diversos requisitos legales para su ejercicio. La solución se encuentra en crear unos criterios comunes de formación y en la unión de los profesionales o diversos sectores encargados de su ejercicio profesional y de los que depende su docencia.

  14. La responsabilidad social corporativa como eje de desarrollo sostenible


    Bravo, Gissela; Plaza, Nila


    La responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC), también denominada por algunos autores como Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), es voluntaria y se sustenta en la ética. Considerar que debe ser así, para que las empresas realicen actividades limpias sin necesidad de implementar medidas desde la normativa legal. Las empresas tienen obligaciones morales con sus clientes internos, externos y la comunidad a la que se debe. Todos los propósitos de la empresa son logrados por estos grupos de inte...


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    Victor Imanuel W. Nalle


    Full Text Available Some law schools in Indonesia reject socio-legal studies with epistemological arguments that puts jurisprudence as sui generis. Rejection is based argument that jurisprudence is a normative science. In fact socio-legal studies in the development of jurisprudence outside Indonesia has long existed and contributed to the legal reform. Socio-legal studies also significant for legal reform. It is caused by the existence of non doctrinal aspect in law making and implementation of the law. Therefore the position and relevance of socio-legal research is not related to the benefits that provided for the development of national law or jurisprudence. Beberapa fakultas hukum di Indonesia menolak penelitian sosio-legal dengan argumentasi epistemologis yang menempatkan ilmu hukum sebagai sui generis. Penolakan tersebut didasarkan argumentasi bahwa ilmu hukum adalah ilmu yang bersifat normatif. Kenyataannya studi sosio-legal dalam perkembangan ilmu hukum di luar Indonesia telah lama eksis dan berperan dalam pembaharuan hukum. Selain itu, studi sosiolegal juga berperan dalam pembaharuan hukum. Hal ini disebabkan adanya aspek-aspek nondoktrinal yang berperan dalam pembentukan hukum dan implementasi hukum di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu kedudukan dan relevansi penelitian sosio-legal pada ada tidaknya manfaat yang diberikan bagi perkembangan hukum nasional ataupun ilmu hukum.


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    Victor Imanuel W. Nalle


    Full Text Available Some law schools in Indonesia reject socio-legal studies with epistemological arguments that puts jurisprudence as sui generis. Rejection is based argument that jurisprudence is a normative science. In fact socio-legal studies in the development of jurisprudence outside Indonesia has long existed and contributed to the legal reform. Socio-legal studies also significant for legal reform. It is caused by the existence of non doctrinal aspect in law making and implementation of the law. Therefore the position and relevance of socio-legal research is not related to the benefits that provided for the development of national law or jurisprudence.   Beberapa fakultas hukum di Indonesia menolak penelitian sosio-legal dengan argumentasi epistemologis yang menempatkan ilmu hukum sebagai sui generis. Penolakan tersebut didasarkan argumentasi bahwa ilmu hukum adalah ilmu yang bersifat normatif. Kenyataannya studi sosio-legal dalam perkembangan ilmu hukum di luar Indonesia telah lama eksis dan berperan dalam pembaharuan hukum. Selain itu, studi sosiolegal juga berperan dalam pembaharuan hukum. Hal ini disebabkan adanya aspek-aspek nondoktrinal yang berperan dalam pembentukan hukum dan implementasi hukum di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu kedudukan dan relevansi penelitian sosio-legal pada ada tidaknya manfaat yang diberikan bagi perkembangan hukum nasional ataupun ilmu hukum.

  17. Los jueces españoles como jueces de la Unión Europea

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    Mayoral, Juan A.; Ordóñez Solís, David; Berberoff, Dimitry


    sentido, el presente estudio trata de esclarecer si actualmente los jueces españoles se han adaptado a las exigencias creadas por el sistema legal de la Unión para la aplicación del derecho europeo. Para comprobar si los jueces españoles han asimilado su condición de jueces europeos, operando como...

  18. La production de l'impartialité: la construction du discours universel à partir de la perspective journalistique


    Miguel, Luis Felipe; Tokarski, Flávia Millena Biroli


    Neste trabalho, procuramos indicar abordagens teóricas e hipóteses alternativas para a crítica à noção de imparcialidade no jornalismo. A proposta consiste em uma abordagem crítica a posições teóricas que legitimam o jornalismo como fiador do pluralismo político. A partir das noções de perspectiva e conhecimento situado, trabalhadas por Iris Marion Young e Nancy Fraser, estabelecemos um deslocamento em relação à crítica liberal pluralista que mantém a imparcialidade como um valor-guia. Com ba...

  19. La capitalización encubierta en la Reforma Tributaria de 2012: ¿trasplante legal o engendro legal?

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    José Manuel Castro Arango


    Full Text Available Colombia ha incorporado en el Estatuto Tributario (ET reglas contra la capitalización encubierta que se enmarcan dentro de las tendencias internacionales. No obstante, al tratar de “trasplantarlas” el Congreso ha descuidado los detalles y ha evadido la necesidad de “aclimatación” al contexto colombiano. Como resultado, hoy en día las sociedades, al financiar un proyecto, deberán considerar la cláusula general antielusión, las normas de precios de transferencia y la de subcapitalización. Estas tres normas pueden superponerse ante un mismo supuesto de hecho, creando complejas situaciones que son las que pretendemos poner de presente en este trabajo. Producto del tal análisis se concluye que la norma de subcapitalización ha sido un engendro legal que requiere ser interpretado como una presunción iuris tantum para poder adecuarse al principio constitucional de justicia tributaria y al de independencia (arm’s lenght previsto en los convenios para evitar la doble imposición (CDI.

  20. Cuotas voluntarias y legales en España. La paridad a examen

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    Full Text Available El artículo examina los factores que sostienen el techo de cristal que padecen las mujeres en el nivel local y, por extensión, en la vida política, prestando una especial atención a los factores de demanda, en particular a la cultura organizativa predominante en los partidos.Tal examen se realiza a partir del análisis de la aplicación de la paridad legal en las elecciones municipales de 2007, la primera convocatoria tras la entrada en vigor de una cuota del 40% como mínimo y del 60% como máximo para cualquiera de los dos sexos. Dada la inabarcable cifra de listas proclamadas en el conjunto del Estado, el estudio se centra en el ámbito catalán y analiza los municipios con más de 5.000 habitantes, aquellos que estaban obligados a respetar la cuota. La concurrencia de partidos con cuotas voluntarias y de partidos que no las incorporan permite comprobar si la paridad legal diluye las diferencias entre ambos grupos en la representación de las mujeres.

  1. Defining Legal Moralism

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    Thaysen, Jens Damgaard


    This paper discusses how legal moralism should be defined. It is argued that legal moralism should be defined as the position that “For any X, it is always a pro tanto reason for justifiably imposing legal regulation on X that X is morally wrong (where “morally wrong” is not conceptually equivalent...... to “harmful”)”. Furthermore, a distinction between six types of legal moralism is made. The six types are grouped according to whether they are concerned with the enforcement of positive or critical morality, and whether they are concerned with criminalising, legally restricting, or refraining from legally...... protecting morally wrong behaviour. This is interesting because not all types of legal moralism are equally vulnerable to the different critiques of legal moralism that have been put forth. Indeed, I show that some interesting types of legal moralism have not been criticised at all....

  2. Pluralismo constitucional y espacios transnacionales: ¿el fin de la constitución nacional o su nuevo comienzo?

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    Cecilia Caballero Lois


    Full Text Available El modelo clásico de organización política atraviesa un proceso de crisis profunda. Inexorablemente, las “fronteras” políticas, económicas, jurídicas, sociales y culturales de los Estados se tornan cada vez más porosas (para no decir sin sentido. Esta situación hace que las diferenciaciones entre derecho y política modernamente operadas por la constitución se diluyan, hasta el punto de que los elementos conceptuales clásicamente formulados por la teoría constitucional se muestran ahora incapaces de resolver los problemas relativos a la normativa social y las pretensiones de ordenación social. Este artículo pretende discutir en qué medida es posible mantener las funciones tradicionales asignadas a la constitución en vista de la ampliación de las áreas de regulación transnacional. Trata, en otras palabras, de entender las consecuencias y las posibilidades de (reorganización del proceso de ordenación que afectan al diseño estructural de la soberanía constitucional en su forma más fundamental, es decir, en su capacidad soberana para decidir en un determinado territorio. Se hace énfasis en la dimensión institucional de estas transformaciones, con vistas a formular, al final de este artículo, las bases para la identificación de un modelo de pluralismo constitucional apoyado sobre las máximas de pluralidad, ordenación heterárquica y conflictividad.

  3. What is legal medicine--are legal and forensic medicine the same? (United States)

    Beran, Roy G


    Some consider the terms "forensic" and "legal" medicine to be synonymous but this is counter to the title of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine or the dual strands for progression to fellowship of the Australian College of Legal Medicine. The paper examines a very brief historical background to legal medicine and develops a definition of the strands thereof, namely legal and forensic medicine. It demonstrates that the two are different components of the application of medical knowledge upon the legal system. Legal medicine has greater relevance to civil and tort law, impacting upon patient care, whereas forensic medicine relates to criminal law and damage to, or by, patients.

  4. Aspectos legales, sociales y subjetivos del sistema de Probation: Análisis a través de un estudio cuali-cuantitativo de campo The legal, social and subjective aspects of the probation system: A quali-quantitative analysis

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    Irene Corach


    Full Text Available Entre las medidas alternativas a la privación de libertad, la probation ha surgido como la opción más significativa puesto que, por una parte, se contrapone a la reclusión carcelaria como el modelo más extendido y aceptado de sanción penal, y por otra, responde a variantes políticas, históricas y sociales vinculadas al paradigma de los Derechos Humanos. A partir de una investigación de campo, el presente estudio analiza los aspectos legales de la medida, las representaciones sociales en torno a ella y la función del psicólogo involucrado en la implementación de esta práctica jurídica.Among the alternative measures to imprisonment, probation has arisen like the most significant option since, on the one hand, it is opposed to the prison which is the most extended and accepted model of penal sanction, and on the other, it responds to political, historical and social variants tie to the paradigm of the Human Rights. Through a field research, the present study analyzes the legal aspects of the measure, the social representations around it, and the role of psychologists involved in the implementation of this legal practice.

  5. Do modelo racional-legal ao paradigma pós-burocrático: reflexões sobre a burocracia estatal


    Medeiros,Paulo Henrique Ramos


    O artigo discute a burocracia como mecanismo institucional de governança, em termos da administração do aparato do Estado, propondo-se a refletir sobre a trajetória do modelo burocrático. Parte-se da conceituação inicial do modelo, conforme proposto por Max Weber, como forma de dominação racional-legal e de combate ao patrimonialismo, passando por suas limitações e crises, até suas inovações mais recentes, como mecanismo de gestão do aparelho do Estado no contexto da Nova Administração Públic...

  6. Aspectos legales relacionados con las úlceras por presión Legal aspects related to pressure ulcers

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    J. Javier Soldevilla Agreda


    Full Text Available En los últimos años en España se está produciendo un significativo aumento en el cuestionamiento sobre muchos resultados de las actuaciones sanitarias. En ese largo proceso que busca desterrar las úlceras por presión (UPP, como proceso banal y especialmente inevitable, por inherente a la edad avanzada, situaciones de terminalidad o inmovilidad del paciente, comienza a divisarse el despertar de reacciones, reclamaciones y denuncias por parte de los usuarios y sus familiares ante la falta de prevención o un tratamiento inadecuado, como desde hace años viene sucediendo en otros países de nuestro entorno cultural y económico. La revisión del impacto y tratamiento legal del problema de las UPP en los países de nuestro entorno (Reino Unido, EE.UU., Alemania, etc., desde el derecho penal, el derecho civil o mediante procedimientos disciplinarios ha propiciado cambios muy notorios en el comportamiento de profesionales, instituciones y ciudadanía con respecto a este tema. Con un propósito enteramente didáctico, se dibuja la configuración legal de la actividad sanitaria en nuestro país y los tipos de responsabilidad y vías de reclamación judicial aplicables a los procesos que nos ocupan, incluyendo algunas consideraciones específicas tales como: las UPP como biomarcadores de maltrato o abuso en ancianos, los protocolos para la prevención y tratamiento de las UPP como responsabilidad del centro, la responsabilidad por falta de material adecuado para la prevención y el tratamiento de las UPP, el consentimiento informado antes de la aplicación de una técnica, la historia clínica y registros específicos para UPP incluido el fotográfico, las UPP como causa de ingreso hospitalario y altas hospitalarias a pacientes con UPP. Por su actualidad se analiza el tema de la prescripción enfermera en el ámbito del cuidado de las úlceras por presión y otras heridas crónicas como práctica "arraigada, consentida, aplaudida y practicada desde

  7. El debate corporativismo-neocorporatismo

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    Full Text Available Históricamente, el corporativismo es esencialmente un fenómeno europeo, cuyas manifestaciones contemporáneas se remontan a los régimenes autoritarios fascistas anteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En la postguerra, el corporativismo se ha restringido a la integración de los sindicatos en las estructuras políticas de los países capitalistas avanzados, y también en la de otros países de economías planificadas. Los estudiosos tratan el corporativismo de diferentes maneras : como un sistema económico, al igual que tratan el feudalismo o el capitalismo; como una forma política, al igual que el fascismo o la democracia ; o como un sistema que incluye toda una serie de intereses como el pluralismo o el movimiento obrero.

  8. Legal Hybrids

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    Herrmann, Janne Rothmar


    in which embryos and foetuses are placed are much more complex. These categories are identified using Danish legislation as an example and on that basis the article extracts and identifies the different parameters that play a part in the legal categorisation of the human conceptus.......The article discusses the inadequacy of traditional theory on legal personhood in relation to embryos and foetuses. To challenge the somewhat binary view of legal personhood according to which the ‘born alive' criterion is paramount the article demonstrates that the number of legal categories...

  9. Regional Legal Assistance

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    Abdul Fatah


    Full Text Available Legal aid policy in the area carried out on several considerations including: Implementation of the authority given to the legal aid act, granting the guarantee and protection of access to justice and equality before the law in the area, equitable distribution of justice and increase public awareness and understanding of the law, and legal implications that accompanied the emergence of the right to legal counsel without pay and the right to choose the legal settlement. How To Cite Fatah, A. (2015. Regional Legal Assistance. Rechtsidee, 2(1, 1-10. doi:


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    María Morella Colls Carrillo


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene como objetivo abordar los procesos de cambio que están ocurriendo en la educación superior, y el papel del profesor universitario como gestor del conocimiento en entorno del aprendizaje. En tal sentido, se analizan y discuten las percepciones de un grupo de profesores de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez en torno de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TICs y los cambios que genera su implementación en los procesos de enseñanza y del aprendizaje. El escenario es los cambios que se generan con la implementación de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje. El resultado de esta investigación se traducirá en las interpretaciones conceptuales y teóricas que darán soporte a la conceptualización conforme a la nueva visión expresada en el marco legal que la fundamenta y en su pertinencia social. Como aporte se espera generar constructos teóricos sobre la actuación del profesor como gestor universitario.PALABRAS CLAVE: conocimiento; educación; comunicación; TICsTHE TEACHER AS AGENT OF THE ACADEMIC PROCESS  ABSTRACTThe present study has as objective to approach the processes of change that are happening in the superior education, and the university professor's paper as agent of the knowledge in environment of the learning. In such a sense, they are analyzed and the perceptions of a group of professors of the National Experimental University name after Simón Rodríguez in lathe of the information and of the communication technologies (ICT and the changes that generates their implementation in the teaching and learning processes. The scenario is the changes that are generated with the implementation of the technologies of the information and of the communication in the processes of teaching learning. The result of this investigation will be translated in the conceptual and theoretical interpretations that will give

  11. Secreto empresarial, vigencia como mecanismo de protección en la propiedad intelectual

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    Carlos Felipe Payán Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La protección a la información confidencial de una compañía reviste hoy en día tanto en la perspectiva pública como privada, la más alta importancia. No es de extrañar que el nuevo estatuto de anticorrupción sancione con una pena privativa de la libertad (prisión la utilización indebida de información de los altos ejecutivos de las compañías. Adicionalmente, es importante entender cómo los instrumentos legales vigentes pueden ser complementados con insumos tecnológicos que tienen como objetivo controlar y limitar la filtración de la información.

  12. La enseñanza del Derecho como política pública

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    Gorki Gonzales Mantilla


    Full Text Available Se examina la relación entre el carácter de la formación legal y su incidencia en el sentido de la democracia constitucional.; el propósito es argumentar sobre la idea de la enseñanza del Derecho como una actividad de raigambre política. Se postula que esta noción debe ser parte de la responsabilidad institucional de las facultades de Derecho, más allá del objetivo formal que se predica con la idea de producir profesionales. Por lo tanto, se sostiene que el perfil como centro de gravedad de la educación legal no es solo un problema técnico que se agote en el plan de estudios. La concepción del Derecho —y su relación con la democracia— presente en la configuración del perfil profesional y en la práctica docente, está fuertemente vinculada a los objetivos que se espera lograr con este tipo de formación. Estos objetivos, no está demás decirlo, implican por lo general preferencias y valoraciones de orden ideológico que trascienden el plano de los enunciados formales que se describen en el propio perfilUna versión preliminar de este texto fue presentada como ponencia en el panel «¿Qué abogado debemos formar?» duranteel Seminario Internacional Sobre Enseñanza del Derecho, organizado por la Facultad de Derecho dela PUCP durante los días 9, 10 y 11 de agosto de 2010, en el auditorio Armando Zolezzi Möller

  13. Legal method in danish law

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blume, Peter Erik

    and furthermore a brief account of Danish legal history is provided. The following chapters concern: • Legal institutions, • Statute and Statutory Law • Legal Decisions • Legal Literature and Legal Knowledge • Other National Legal Sources • External Influences on Danish Law......This book describes how legal method is used within the Danish legal system. Its target group is foreign lawyers and law students who have an interest in knowing how Danish law commonly is determined and applied. In the first chapters legal method and legal sources in general are defined...


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    Rodica Diana APAN


    Full Text Available The legal evaluation of the penalty interest, meaning the ex lege determination of its level is applicable only in the case of non-fulfillment of a monetary payment obligation. The applicability of the system of legal evaluation of the interest is generally determined by the absence of a document that ascertains the agreement of the parties, such as a contract, through which the parties, following this agreement, evaluate the prejudice caused by the non-fulfillment of a monetary payment obligation, before the prejudice has occurred. The legal evaluation of the penalty interest, as a component of the regulation in the field of legal interest has the purpose to ensure creditor’s protection. Regardless of the prejudice caused to the creditor, the legal penalty interest shall be determined by relating it to a variable benchmark that is the level of the reference interest rate of the National Bank of Romania, which is the monetary policy interest rate of the National Bank of Romania.

  15. The Legal Case

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sartor, Giovanni; Contissa, Giuseppe; Schebesta, H.; Laukyte, Migle; Lanzi, Paola; Marti, Patrizia; Paola, Tomasello


    This paper presents the first release of the Legal Case, recently developed by the ALIAS Project and still under refinement. The Legal Case is a methodological tool intended to address liability issues of automated ATM systems: it provides for a legal risk management process that can be applied

  16. Sevicia y pleito legal como elementos de dominación y prácticas de resistencia entre amos y esclavos negros en el santiago tardo colonial. El caso de la esclava Thadea Aranguez, 1775-1776.

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    Natalia Duarte Sepúlveda


    Full Text Available El presente artículo nos invita a acercarnos al tema al estudio de la sevicia –uso de la violencia excesiva por parte de los amos- como elemento de dominación colonial, ejercida sobre los esclavos negros en la ciudad de Santiago en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Junto con ello, la reacción de los sujetos dominados muchas veces dista de una actitud pasiva y sumisa. Éstos manifiestan un rechazo a la dominación impuesta mediante distintas maneras, constituyéndose lo que se denomina resistencia. El esclavo, al tomar conocimiento de su condición jurídica, utiliza el pleito legal como un modo específico de resistencia frente a la dominación. La práctica jurídica es un recurso que utilizan los sujetos subalternos durante la época colonial estudiada, con el objetivo de reinvindicar prerrogativas esenciales y hacer frente a la estigmatización y prejuicios con los que cargaban dichos sujetos en un escenario de profundas diferenciaciones sociales.

  17. La huelga de hambre en el ámbito penitenciario: aspectos éticos, deontológicos y legales Hunger striking in prisons: ethics and the ethical and legal aspects

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    J. García-Guerrero


    Full Text Available La huelga de hambre es una forma de reivindicación frecuente en prisiones y puede llegar a ocasionar multitud de problemas de todo tipo, tanto a la Administración penitenciaria como a los médicos encargados de la asistencia a los presos que la hacen. Asuntos como el conflicto de derechos y obligaciones en juego, así como la forma de tratarla en personas que están sujetas a la Administración, que en este caso adopta una posición de garante, han generado no poca polémica doctrinal. La objeción de conciencia y el conflicto de doble fidelidad de los médicos que trabajan en las prisiones son también asuntos muy ligados a una huelga de hambre penitenciaria. En este trabajo se revisará la solución que se da al problema del tratamiento de la huelga de hambre penitenciaria desde tres perspectivas: ética, deontológica y legal.Hunger strike is a common form of protest in prisons and is a potential cause of many types of problems, both for the prison administration and the doctors who care for prisoners who participate in one. Issues of conflict of rights and obligations involved, and how to treat people who are subject to the Administration, which in this case takes the position of guarantor, have created major controversies over doctrine. Conscientious objection and the conflict of dual loyalty of doctors working in prisons are also issues closely linked to a prison hunger strike. In this paper we review the solution given to the problem of treatment of a prison hunger strike from three perspectives: ethics, ethical and legal.

  18. Dementia and legal competency. (United States)

    Filaković, Pavo; Erić, Anamarija Petek; Mihanović, Mate; Glavina, Trpimir; Molnar, Sven


    The legal competency or capability to exercise rights is level of judgment and decision-making ability needed to manage one's own affairs and to sign official documents. With some exceptions, the person entitles this right in age of majority. It is acquired without legal procedures, however the annulment of legal capacity requires a juristic process. This resolution may not be final and could be revoked thorough the procedure of reverting legal capacity - fully or partially. Given the increasing number of persons with dementia, they are often subjects of legal expertise concerning their legal capacity. On the other part, emphasis on the civil rights of mentally ill also demands their maximal protection. Therefore such distinctive issue is approached with particular attention. The approach in determination of legal competency is more focused on gradation of it's particular aspects instead of existing dual concept: legally capable - legally incapable. The main assumption represents how person with dementia is legally capable and should enjoy all the rights, privileges and obligations as other citizens do. The aspects of legal competency for which person with dementia is going to be deprived, due to protection of one's rights and interests, are determined in legal procedure and then passed over to the guardian decided by court. Partial annulment of legal competency is measure applied when there is even one existing aspect of preserved legal capability (pension disposition, salary or pension disposition, ability of concluding contract, making testament, concluding marriage, divorce, choosing whereabouts, independent living, right to vote, right to decide course of treatment ect.). This measure is most often in favour of the patient and rarely for protection of other persons and their interests. Physicians are expected to precisely describe early dementia symptoms which may influence assessment of specific aspects involved in legal capacity (memory loss, impaired task

  19. Legal Philosophy - Five Questions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This collection gathers together a host of the most eminent contemporary legal philosophers, who writes about their take on legal philosophy, its fundamental questions and potential.......This collection gathers together a host of the most eminent contemporary legal philosophers, who writes about their take on legal philosophy, its fundamental questions and potential....

  20. Interrelation of the concepts «legal influence» and «administrative-legal influence»


    Голуб, Віктор Олександрович


    The author analyzes the concept of «legal influence» and «administrative-legal influence» and examines their interrelation. Also the scientific positions related to understanding the essence of these concepts are analyzed. The author gives characteristic of the features, structural elements and forms of the administrative-legal influence. English abstract V. Golub Interrelation of the concepts «legal influence» and «administrative-legal influence» The author analyzes the concept of «legal inf...

  1. Business structures and sustainable regional legal practice: the use of incorporated legal practices by regional, rural and remote legal practitioners


    Caroline Lydia Hart


    Since 2007 the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld) has offered legal practitioners a wider choice of business structure other than sole practitioner or partnership, to include incorporated legal practice ('ILP') or multidisciplinary partnership. In particular the use of ILPs offers legal practitioners a range of benefits in terms of operating a law firm consistent with business management practices. The status of ILP however comes at a cost of putting in place 'appropriate management systems'. ...

  2. A sense of self-suspicion: global legal pluralism and the claim to legal authority

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    Mariano Croce


    Full Text Available Legal pluralism has become common currency in many contemporary debates on law and globalization. Its main claim is that a form of global legal pluralism represents both the most accurate description of law in times of globalization and the best normative option. On the descriptive level, global legal pluralism is considered more reliable than state-based accounts. On the normative level, global legal pluralism is understood as a possibility to open up the legal realm to previously unheard voices. This article assesses these claims against the background of classic legal-pluralist scholarship. After reconstructing the emergence of global legal pluralism and then examining its epistemic and normative versions, the last two sections identify the shortcoming of this approach by underlining the absence of what the authors call ‘a sense of self-suspicion’ in drawing the map of legalities in the global sphere. The main argument put forward is that global legal pluralism is oblivious of a few key insights offered by the founding fathers of classic legal pluralism.

  3. Gerenciamento de riscos na prática ortodôntica: como se proteger de eventuais problemas legais Risk management in orthodontic practice: how to avoid legal problems

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    Ricardo Machado Cruz


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A relação profissional-paciente na área de Ortodontia e Ortopedia facial é bastante desgastante face à longa duração dos tratamentos e, por causa disso, muitas vezes essa relação pode se deteriorar trazendo prejuízos a ambas as partes. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho visa informar o leitor, em linguagem acessível, sobre os principais problemas jurídicos que podem envolver o ortodontista em sua prática profissional, nas esferas cíveis, criminais e trabalhistas, bem como dos Conselhos Regionais de Odontologia. METODOLOGIA: Traça um perfil da atividade profissional em Ortodontia, analisa deveres e direitos do profissional e do paciente e estabelece alguns conceitos de gerenciamento de riscos a serem incorporados à clínica diária. RESULTADO E CONCLUSÃO: Além de trabalhar bem tecnicamente e com bom embasamento científico, o ortodontista atual deve saber como se prevenir de eventuais problemas legais. Este trabalho poderá servir como ferramenta de consulta para o estabelecimento de uma nova rotina clínica, administrativa e de relacionamento que seja mais segura do ponto de vista jurídico.INTRODUCTION: The professional relationship between the orthodontist and his patient is very consuming due to the long duration of clinical treatments. Frequently this relationship can be deteriorated causing damages to both sides. AIM: This paper aims to inform the reader, in an accessible language, about the main juridical problems that can involve the orthodontist in his practice, in the field of civil, criminal and labor law. METHODOLOGY: This paper draws the outline of professional activity in orthodontics, analyses obligations and rights of both orthodontists and patients and establishes some concepts of risk management that should be incorporated to the clinical practice. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Besides technically good and scientifically based work, orthodontists should know how to avoid legal problems. This paper can be an

  4. Analysis - what is legal medicine? (United States)

    Beran, Roy G


    Legal medicine addresses the interface between medicine and law in health care. The Australian College of Legal Medicine (ACLM) established itself as the peak body in legal and forensic medicine in Australia. It helped establish the Expert Witness Institute of Australia (EWIA), the legal medicine programme at Griffith University and contributes to government enquiries. Public health, disability assessment, competing priorities of privacy verses notification and determination of fitness for a host of pursuits are aspects of legal medicine. Complementing the EWIA, the ACLM runs training programmes emphasising legal medicine skills additional to clinical practice, advocating clinical relevance. Assessment of athletes' fitness and ensuring that prohibited substances are not inadvertently prescribed represent a growing area of legal medicine. Ethical consideration of health care should respect legal medicine principles rather than armchair commentary. International conventions must be respected by legal medicine and dictate physicians' obligations. The NSW courts imposed a duty to provide emergency medical care. Migration and communicable diseases are aspects of legal medicine. Police surgeons provide a face to legal medicine (which incorporates forensic medicine) underpinning its public perception of specialty recognition. Legal medicine deserves its place as a medical specialty in its own right.

  5. Disappointed "Heirs" as a Socio-Legal Phenomenon

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    Daphna Hacker


    testamento como factor de riesgo que permite a los “herederos” decepcionados a acudir a la justicia, mientras que las disputas legales en los casos de intestados son más escasas si cabe. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, el artículo también ofrece una tipología de la relación triangular que se establece entre el fallecido, los supuestos herederos, y los “herederos” decepcionados - que caracterizan la mayoría de los casos estudiados. Esta tipología está correlacionada con el hallazgo de que la mayoría de los conflictos de sucesión no se dan entre los miembros de la familia nuclear, sino entre las partes que son parientes distantes o sin relación familiar. Por último, el estudio documenta dos resultados dominantes en las disputas de sucesión: acuerdos alcanzados fuera del juzgado, que no respetan la presunción de última voluntad del fallecido; y la destrucción irreversible de las relaciones entre hermanos. El artículo finaliza con un debate sobre la cuestión sociológica que atañe al posible aumento o disminución del fenómeno de los “herederos” decepcionados, así como de las implicaciones legales de los resultados del estudio.

  6. Derechos e integración: el acomodo razonable como instrumento para la igualdad material

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    Lola Borges Blázquez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El interés de este texto radica en explorar el nacimiento, la evolución y las características de un concepto que se desprende directamente del principio de igualdad y de no discriminación. De este modo, los jueces en un sistema de common law, y sin base legal explícita, han creado un mecanismo reparador de las lesiones a derechos fundamentales provocadas por un tratamiento homogéneo de las diferencias individuales. Es así como el acomodo razonable se convierte en garantía última del principio de igualdad. De origen estadounidense, ha sido la jurisprudencia canadiense la que ha contribuido principalmente al desarrollo de esta figura, de modo que una cultura de acomodos está ya plenamente arraigada en la sociedad canadiense, y funciona tanto a nivel institucional como a nivel privado. ABSTRACT The interest of this paper lies in exploring the birth, evolution and characteristics of a concept directly derived from the principle of equality and non-discrimination. That is how judges, in a common law system and without an explicit legal basis, have created a mechanism to restore fundamental rights damages caused by an homogeneous treatment of individual differences. Therefore, reasonable accommodation becomes the last guarantee of the principle of equality. Despite being originally American, Canadian jurisprudence has contributed the most to the development of this legal instrument. Therefore an accommodation culture is deeply rooted in Canadian society, and it works both in the institutional and in the private sphere. 

  7. Derechos e integración: el acomodo razonable como instrumento para la igualdad material

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    Lola Borges Blázquez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El interés de este texto radica en explorar el nacimiento, la evolución y las características de un concepto que se desprende directamente del principio de igualdad y de no discriminación. De este modo, los jueces en un sistema de common law, y sin base legal explícita, han creado un mecanismo reparador de las lesiones a derechos fundamentales provocadas por un tratamiento homogéneo de las diferencias individuales. Es así como el acomodo razonable se convierte en garantía última del principio de igualdad. De origen estadounidense, ha sido la jurisprudencia canadiense la que ha contribuido principalmente al desarrollo de esta figura, de modo que una cultura de acomodos está ya plenamente arraigada en la sociedad canadiense, y funciona tanto a nivel institucional como a nivel privado.   ABSTRACT The interest of this paper lies in exploring the birth, evolution and characteristics of a concept directly derived from the principle of equality and non-discrimination. That is how judges, in a common law system and without an explicit legal basis, have created a mechanism to restore fundamental rights damages caused by an homogeneous treatment of individual differences. Therefore, reasonable accommodation becomes the last guarantee of the principle of equality. Despite being originally American, Canadian jurisprudence has contributed the most to the development of this legal instrument. Therefore an accommodation culture is deeply rooted in Canadian society, and it works both in the institutional and in the private sphere.

  8. Educación legal clínica y litigio estratégico en Iberoamérica.


    Londoño-Toro, Beatriz


    Esta obra es resultado de investigación sobre dos conceptos de enorme importancia para la educación jurídica en Iberoamérica: la educación legal clínica como modelo pedagógico en construcción y el litigio estratégico como herramienta de incidencia social y política. Se considera que el proceso de construcción de las clínicas en la región es un hito en la educación jurídica iberoamericana y existen evidencias que permiten afirmarlo, ya que se trata de historias paralelas que se fortalecieron p...

  9. Del manual de urbanidad al manual de la medicina legal: el pederasta, una manifestación del hombre degenerado.


    Bustamante Tejada, Walter Alonso


    Este artículo utiliza como pretexto el pederasta, un objeto construido por el saber médico legal, para presentar uno de los puntos de articulación de dos saberes: el pedagógico y el médico, partes del dispositivo de verdad sobre la homosexualidad que se presentó a finales del siglo XIX en Antioquia. Dicho dispositivo sienta parte de sus bases y modelos en los manuales de urbanidad, que son evaluados posteriormente por el saber médico legal cuando el sujeto llega hasta él, una vez se convie...

  10. Minorías religiosas y construcción democrática en España (Del monopolio de la Iglesia a la gestión del pluralismo

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    Full Text Available La suerte de las minorías religiosas en España refleja el cambio societal de las últimas décadas. de la instauración del régimen franquista instituyendo el nacional-catolicismo en programa de gobierno a la construcción democrática, esas minorías han sido sucesivamente excluidas, toleradas y, por fín, reconocidas de pleno derecho. El retorno al pluralismo religioso se analiza aquí a partir de un triple enfoque: --la evolución de las relaciones de la iglesia católica con el poder politico y con la sociedad civil: de la identificación al poder autocrático a la opción liberal ; de la hegemonía a la aceptación de la no confesionalidad del estado. --el proceso de secularización de la propia sociedad española. --el nuevo modo de regulación de las relaciones entre el estado y las religiones: laicización de las instituciones, estatuto de la iglesia católica y de las confesiones minoritarias.

  11. El anisakis y sus enfermedades como enfermedad profesional

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    José Manuel Vicente Pardo

    , elaboración o preparación del pescado contaminado. Describimos en este artículo las enfermedades por anisakis, los trabajos de riesgo, las características que debieran reunir para ser enfermedad profesional y dos casos ilustrativos cuya consideración lo fue como esta contingencia laboral. Conclusión: Las enfermedades por anisakis y su consideración como enfermedad profesional, viene sujeta a la propia definición de lo que se considera así en nuestra norma legal, es decir que sea una enfermedad contraída como consecuencia del trabajo, en las actividades que se describen en el cuadro de enfermedades profesionales y por la acción del agente o sus sustancias que se recogen en el anexo I del actual cuadro. Además para que se admita como enfermedad profesional debemos de tener un diagnóstico firme (encuadrado en el cuadro de enfermedad profesional, un agente causal (recogido en el listado y una exposición al anisakis desarrollada en el ejercicio del trabajo (actividades recogidas en el listado. El listado o cuadro de enfermedad profesional es un sistema cerrado para agentes causales y enfermedades causadas, y la adscripción no es fácil. La parasitación tendría cabida en el grupo de enfermedades por agentes biológicos, la alergia podría discutirse su adscripción pero suele recogerse también en este grupo, el asma lo recogeríamos en el grupo de enfermedades respiratorias (causadas por inhalación dice el texto legal y las manifestaciones dérmicas en el grupo de las enfermedades profesionales de la piel. La exposición laboral al anisakis, es necesaria e imprescindible para que el proceso sea calificado de enfermedad profesional, pero esta exposición no siempre estará bien delimitada, y sin embargo debe estar probada. Puede haber existido una sensibilización fuera del trabajo y una aparición o desarrollo de la enfermedad por reiterada exposición o contacto con el anisakis en el trabajo lo que dificultará su calificación ocupacional.

  12. Medico legal issues. (United States)

    Mackenzie, Geraldine; Carter, Hugh


    This chapter gives an educational overview of: * An awareness of the legal issues involved in health informatics * The need for the privacy and security of the patient record * The legal consequences of a breach of the security of the patient record * The concept of privacy law and what precautions ought to be taken to minimize legal liability for a breach of privacy and/or confidentiality.

  13. ¿Derecho fundamental a la libertad de conciencia sin objeción? Algunos apuntes para su reconocimiento como garantía fundamental

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    Sergio Estrada-Vélez


    Full Text Available La discusión acerca de la objeción de conciencia, entendida como la posibilidad de apartarse del mandato legal en razón de convicciones íntimas fundamentadas en aspectos éticos o religiosos, presenta una fricción entre una idea de Estado preocupado por la promoción de las garantías individuales o por la protección del interés general y una idea de derecho dirigida a la protección del orden, en contra de la idea de derecho como medio de reivindicación de condiciones mínimas de protección del individuo. En medio de esa confrontación se desarrolla la posibilidad de hacer de la objeción de conciencia una garantía del derecho fundamental a la libertad de conciencia, o como una facultad legal conferida por el legislador a los administrados. Se propone, con este escrito, una reflexión en torno a ambas posiciones, al determinar algunos aspectos que permitan asumir la posición que resulte más coherente con el contexto del Estado social y constitucional de derecho.

  14. Pluralismo de bienestar y estructuración política de la demanda social

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    Alejandro H. Del Valle


    Full Text Available La participación ciudadana y el desarrollo local se presentan en la actualidad como claves para el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de políticas de bienestar, ya que se asume como positivo el rol que podrían cumplir en la profundización de procesos democráticos y, al mismo tiempo, son vistos como alternativas para la incorporación de grupos marginales que se ubican en áreas a las que el estado no podría alcanzar. El presente artículo plantea que, por las características del sistema político éstas propuestas acaban cumpliendo una función política muy distinta a la que defienden sus precursores.

  15. Fundamentals of legal argumentation : A survey of theories on the justification of legal decisions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feteris, E.T.


    This book is an updated and revised edition of Fundamentals of Legal Argumentation published in 1999. It discusses new developments that have taken place in the past 15 years in research of legal argumentation, legal justification and legal interpretation, as well as the implications of these new

  16. Legal socialization of personality as a phenomenon of legal psychology

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    Borisova S.E.


    Full Text Available The relevance of the topic to the continuing importance of legal regulation of human behavior, the necessity of foreseeing the adverse consequences of social disorders and urgency of the prevention of deconditioning and deviant behavioral manifestations. In this regard, it is important to examine the phenomenon of legal socialization, causing interest among the representatives of the human Sciences and specialists in different branches of psychological knowledge. Taking into account the multidimensional nature of this phenomenon, it is an essential consideration of the trajectories of its occurrence in correlation with different interacting with other determinants. Such determinants include age psychological characteristics, experience crises of mental development, socially conditioned factors, and the influence of the professional environment. In article are characterized by individual patterns of legal socialization of a personality, revealing its essence, on the basis of summarizing opinions of scientists based on their own point of view. On the basis of the theoretical analysis made assumptions about the peculiarities of legal socialization of the individual occurring in different age periods of life; formulated likely areas for further study the phenomenon under research legal psychology.

  17. Dementia and Legal Competency


    Filaković, Pavo; Petek Erić, Anamarija; Mihanović, Mate; Glavina, Trpimir; Molnar, Sven


    The legal competency or capability to exercise rights is level of judgment and decision-making ability needed to manage one's own affairs and to sign official documents. With some exceptions, the person entitles this right in age of majority. It is acquired without legal procedures, however the annulment of legal capacity requires a juristic process. This resolution may not be final and could be revoked thorough the procedure of reverting legal capacity – fully or partially. Given ...

  18. Methodology in Legal Research

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    Tom R. Tyler


    Full Text Available Recent legal scholarship demonstrates increased attention to empirical research in the design and evaluation of law and the policies and practices of legal authorities. The growth of evidence informed law is an exciting development and one that promises to improve the legal system. In this paper I argue for the particular value of drawing not just upon empirical research methods when evaluating existing policies and practices but upon social science theories. Theory based research provides a basis for imagining and testing different models about how the legal system might operate. I support this argument by presenting research on social science frameworks for legal authority which are alternatives to the currently prevalent instrumental model.

  19. Laws of Language and Legal Language: A Study of Legal Language in Some Indonesian Regulations

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    Shidarta Shidarta


    Full Text Available Legal language must follow the laws of language (grammar that widely known and commonly used by the public, including groups of the scientist. Legal language on the other hand also recognizes specific terminologies. These terminologies were introduced by jurists or by legislative power holders. Accordingly, legal language became the product of legal doctrines or political decisions. The problems arose when a number of compositions and legal terms turned out to be elusive, convoluted, and ambiguous due to the pattern of writing that was once done and because of certain considerations. This article proposed reviewing the factors that result in problems. The author presented a solution to observe using hermeneutic methods of law and legal reasoning. The author argued that the text of the law was not neutral since it was trapped not only by the laws of language but also by the perspective of the interpreters as they believed such a perspective was based on the guidance of legal science. By using legal hermeneutics can be checked the depth of the meaning of the law; while over the legal reasoning can be seen its rationale according to legal science.

  20. El canal de denuncias Internas en la actividad empresarial como Instrumento del compliance


    Espín, Rosa


    Por medio del presente estudio se ha querido analizar el fenómeno de los canales internos de denuncias de las empresas o sistemas o procedimientos de whistleblowing, como aquellos cauces dentro de las empresas por los que resulte posible denunciar internamente las irregularidades e infracciones legales que se cometan en el seno de la misma. Para entender este fenómeno es fundamental partir de su origen e historia. Por ello, se comienza con un estudio general de las primeras regulaciones en Es...

  1. On Plagiarism and Power Relations in Legal Academia and Legal Education

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    Tilen Štajnpihler


    Full Text Available The article challenges the misconception that legal academia is a harmonious community without internal discrepancies, characterised by common interests, a coherent set of values and standards of behaviour that are unilaterally transposed into the legal profession through the process of legal education. The paper focuses on a case study of a public dispute between two law professors initiated by an article published in one of the main national law magazines wherein one accused the other of plagiarism. Even though the dispute did not come to an unequivocal conclusion, it deserves a closer examination as it clearly exposed two important issues. Firstly, it revealed certain unresolved issues concerning legal writing and legal ethics that are essential elements of the legal profession, as they have a profound impact on legal education and legal practice, and, secondly, it showed that these divergences are at least to some extent related to the latent network of power relations and struggles that dominate the legal (academic field. Este artículo cuestiona la creencia de que el mundo jurídico-académico es una comunidad armoniosa sin discrepancias internas, caracterizada por intereses comunes, valores coherentes y parámetros de comportamiento que se transponen de forma unilateral al ejercicio de la profesión jurídica a través de la educación en Derecho. El artículo se centra en el estudio de una disputa entre dos profesores de Derecho, en la cual uno acusaba al otro de plagio. A pesar de que la disputa no se resolvió de forma clara, merece un análisis más cuidadoso, ya que puso de manifiesto dos temas importantes: en primer lugar, algunos conflictos sin resolver sobre la escritura y la ética del derecho que son elementos esenciales de la profesión jurídica, pues tienen un profundo impacto sobre la educación y la práctica del Derecho; y, en segundo lugar, que estos desacuerdos están relacionados con las redes latentes de poder que

  2. La aplicación jurídica ante algunos dilemas semánticos de Luigi Ferrajoli || The Legal Adjudication Faced With Some Semantic Dilemmas of Luigi Ferrajoli

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    Roberto Marino Jiménez Cano


    Full Text Available Resumen: A juicio de Luigi Ferrajoli los textos constitucionales incorporan condiciones sustanciales de validez, que se refieren a valores como como la libertad, la igualdad o las garantías de los derechos de los ciudadanos. Por otra parte, el significado del lenguaje jurídico, el de los juristas y el de los jueces, se expresa a través de definiciones lexicográficas  que toman como base observacional los usos del legislador. Este trabajo plantea las diferentes alternativas y dilemas ante los que se presenta Ferrajoli a la hora de explicar la posibilidad de que los jueces realicen enunciados operativos cuando el lenguaje legal o constitucional es vago o contiene condiciones sustanciales de validez.   Abstract: According to Luigi Ferrajoli constitutional texts incorporate substantial conditions of validity, which refer to values ??such as freedom, equality and guarantees of rights. On the other hand, the meaning of legal language, the language of lawyers and judges, is expressed through lexical definitions based on the observational uses of the Legislature. This paper discusses the various alternatives and dilemmas for Ferrajoli to explaining the possibility that judges make operatives statements when the legal or constitutional language is vague or when it contains substantial conditions of validity.

  3. La aplicación jurídica ante algunos dilemas semánticos de Luigi Ferrajoli || The Legal Adjudication Faced With Some Semantic Dilemmas of Luigi Ferrajoli

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    Roberto Marino Jiménez Cano


    Full Text Available Resumen:A juicio de Luigi Ferrajoli los textos constitucionales incorporan condiciones sustanciales de validez, que se refieren a valores como como la libertad, la igualdad o las garantías de los derechos de los ciudadanos. Por otra parte, el significado del lenguaje jurídico, el de los juristas y el de los jueces, se expresa a través de definiciones lexicográficas  que toman como base observacional los usos del legislador. Este trabajo plantea las diferentes alternativas y dilemas ante los que se presenta Ferrajoli a la hora de explicar la posibilidad de que los jueces realicen enunciados operativos cuando el lenguaje legal o constitucional es vago o contiene condiciones sustanciales de validez. Abstract: According to Luigi Ferrajoli constitutional texts incorporate substantial conditions of validity, which refer to values ??such as freedom, equality and guarantees of rights. On the other hand, the meaning of legal language, the language of lawyers and judges, is expressed through lexical definitions based on the observational uses of the Legislature. This paper discusses the various alternatives and dilemmas for Ferrajoli to explaining the possibility that judges make operatives statements when the legal or constitutional language is vague or when it contains substantial conditions of validity. 

  4. Aspectos legales al utilizar las principales redes sociales en Colombia

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    Manuel Adolfo Alvarado Carmona


    Full Text Available Se analizaron los aspectos legales al utilizar las dos principales redes sociales en Colombia como los son facebook y twitter. Cuando un usuario se conecta a cualquiera de las redes sociales debe hacerlo de forma responsable porque de lo contrario puede incurrir en la violación de la normatividad Colombiana en la cual se encuentran los delitos informáticos, la protección de la información y los datos, injuria y calumnia, ciberacoso y derechos de autor. Se determinaron los problemas que conllevan cuando no se utiliza bien la información en las redes sociales en el ámbito jurídico.

  5. Cuestiones de método en los estudios sobre tradición clásica: problemas actuales, entre la violencia y la “neutralidad” liberal


    Sverdloff, Mariano


    Frente a la crisis actual de las humanidades, los especialistas en literaturas clásicas, a la hora justificar su disciplina, suelen adoptar una retórica liberal y humanista. Desde esta perspectiva, se supone que las clásicas son el medio de transmisión privilegiado de valores tales como la democracia, el pluralismo o el respeto por la diferencia. La presente ponencia discute contra estos postulados, y para ello analiza las relecturas de los clásicos por parte de las derechas francesas de la p...

  6. A convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o direito do mar e a obrigação de cooperação


    Henrique Santos Costa de Souza


    O presente artigo visa analisar a cooperação no sentido axiológico e a cooperação jurídica internacional vertical, tendo-se por embasamento normativo a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar, estabelecendo-se uma relação entre o Tribunal Internacional do Direito do Mar e Tribunais nacionais, em um contexto no qual a comunidade internacional enfrenta diversos desafios transfronteiriços e universais, de interesse da humanidade como um todo, com base no pluralismo temático normativo ...

  7. Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Argentina


    Gómez Germano, Gustavo


    Análisis del anteproyecto de Ley de Servicios Comunicación Audiovisual desde el derecho comparado interamericano. La radiodifusión desde una perspectiva que garantice los derechos humanos. Los objetivos principales y los principios establecidos en el proyecto respecto a los derechos a la información y la libertad de expresión, la promoción de la diversidad y el pluralismo, la desconcentración y fomento de la competencia, así como la caracterización de los servicios de comunicación a...

  8. Innovadores, adaptaciones creativas y proyectos "nacionales". La circulación de ideas en las ciencias sociales argentinas (1950-1976)


    Gil, Gastón Julián


    Entre las décadas de 1950 y 1970 las ciencias sociales argentinas experimentaron un pluralismo teórico que combinó diversos procesos de espacialización de teorías provenientes de los centros metropolitanos de producción de conocimiento. Esas adaptaciones, más o menos creativas, convivieron con propuestas de formular teorías endógenas guiadas por un compromiso militante y el afán de transformación social. En el marco de su definitiva institucionalización, disciplinas como antropología y sociol...

  9. Entre o terreiro e a escola: Lei 10.639/2003 e intolerância religiosa sob o olhar antropológico


    Araújo, Patrício Carneiro


    Resultado de uma pesquisa de doutorado, este trabalho trata sobre a Lei 10.639/2003, pluralismo religioso, diversidade, intolerância religiosa e racismo. Partindo da hipótese de que a intolerância religiosa contra pessoas ligadas às religiões afrobrasileiras constitui uma forma de racismo, este trabalho demonstra como o racismo tem assumido diferentes formas no Brasil e se manifestado através da negação da herança cultural africana representada por essas religiões. A pesquisa consistiu em uma...

  10. ¿Qué minería aurífera, por quiénes y con fines de qué desarrollo? Una mirada a la minería aurífera en la Zona Minera Indígena Remanso Chorrobocón

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    Aída Sofía Rivera Sotelo


    Full Text Available Este artículo cuestiona el discurso de desarrollo extractivista facilitado por marcos jurídicos de ilegalidad, discurso que colisiona con visiones y prácticas de desarrollo local en la Zona Minera Indígena Remanso Chorrobocón. El marco conceptual intersecta estudios críticos del desarrollo, ecología política y pluralismo legal, y la metodología complementa la revisión de cubrimiento de medios, marcos normativos, literatura primaria y secundaria, observación participante, y una visita de campo a Inírida y a la Zona Minera Indígena.

  11. El desplazamiento forzado como contexto de una ciudadanía excepcional

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    Freddy Alfonso Guerrero Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La Constitución Política de 1991 surge con la esperanza de transformación de algunos desajustes estructurales enquistados en la política, la economía y la sociedad colombiana. Sin embargo, luego de veinte años de Constitución, la fallida implementación de este y otros principios se evidencia en el fenómeno del desplazamiento forzado como condición que no solo es signo de la no resolución del conflicto armado colombiano, sino el resultado de la no resolución de problemas generados por los intereses económicos legales e ilegales que se suman al conflicto y que producen lo que la Corte Constitucional colombiana declaró como un “estado de cosas inconstitucional”, el cual para la población desplazada es una ciudadanía de la excepcionalidad. Asociar esta dinámica nacional con la perspectiva de autores como Will Kymlicka y Giorgio Agamben respecto de la ciudadanía posibilita encuadrar la perspectiva aquí desarrollada sobre la ciudadanía excepcional, permitiendo su descripción en el ámbito de la experiencia concreta para el caso el desplazamiento forzado.


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    Z. Gonul BALKIR


    Full Text Available The necessity of examination of every case within its peculiar conditions in social sciences requires different approaches complying with the spirit and nature of social sciences. Multiple realities require different and various perceptual interpretations. In modern world and social sciences, interpretation of perception of valued and multi-valued have been started to be understood by the principles of fuzziness and fuzzy logic. Having the verbally expressible degrees of truthness such as true, very true, rather true, etc. fuzzy logic provides the opportunity for the interpretation of especially complex and rather vague set of information by flexibility or equivalence of the variables’ of fuzzy limitations. The methods and principles of fuzzy logic can be benefited in examination of the methodological problems of law, especially in the applications of filling the legal loopholes arising from the ambiguities and interpretation problems in order to understand the legal rules in a more comprehensible and applicable way and the efficiency of legal implications. On the other hand, fuzzy logic can be used as a technical legal method in legal education and especially in legal case studies and legal practice applications in order to provide the perception of law as a value and the more comprehensive and more quality perception and interpretation of value of justice, which is the core value of law. In the perception of what happened as it has happened in legal relationships and formations, the understanding of social reality and sociological legal rules with multi valued sense perspective and the their applications in accordance with the fuzzy logic’s methods could create more equivalent and just results. It can be useful for the young lawyers and law students as a facilitating legal method especially in the materialization of the perception and interpretation of multi valued and variables. Using methods and principles of fuzzy logic in legal

  13. La responsabilidad social corporativa como eje de desarrollo sostenible

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    Gissela Bravo


    Full Text Available La responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC, también denominada por algunos autores como Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE, es voluntaria y se sustenta en la ética. Considerar que debe ser así, para que las empresas realicen actividades limpias sin necesidad de implementar medidas desde la normativa legal. Las empresas tienen obligaciones morales con sus clientes internos, externos y la comunidad a la que se debe. Todos los propósitos de la empresa son logrados por estos grupos de interés, razón por la cual, el compromiso de la misma debe mantener un equilibrio entre la riqueza y moralidad. Para el desarrollo de ésta investigación se tomó como referencia un estudio sobre Responsabilidad Social Empresarial del Ecuador en el año 2012, realizado por el IDE Business School, Partiendo de éste estudio, se aplicó una encuesta considerando las opiniones de los representantes de Responsabilidad Social de empresas públicas, privadas y Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil del cantón Portoviejo. PALABRAS CLAVES: Compromiso Social, Ética, Responsabilidad Humana, Valores Sociales.


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    Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer


    Full Text Available O presente texto procura pensar o estatuto da teologia cristã no atual contexto de modernidade, secularização e pluralismo religioso. Após fazer uma breve análise do percurso do pluralismo religioso na história do cristianismo, desde suas origens, o texto propõe a centralidade da experiência religiosa e da espiritualidade como caminho fecundo para que a teologia possa reelaborar-se a si mesma em atitude de abertura e diálogo com as outras formas de crer e as outras tradições que formam o tecido religioso do mundo contemporâneo. ABSTRACT: The present text seeks to reflect upon the statute of Christian theology in the following actual contexts: modernity, secularization, and religious pluralism. After briefly analyzing the itinerary of religious pluralism in the history of Christianity since its origins, the text proposes the centrality of the religious experience and spirituality as the fertile path by which theology may re-elaborate itself with an attitude of openness and dialogue with other forms of believing and other traditions that are woven into the religious fabric of the contemporary world.


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    Oleksii Drozd


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to study the theoretical, methodological, and legal possibilities of application of certain types of legal responsibility to the relations, which are connected with cryptocurrency (bitcoin. Some types of liability in the field of cryptocurrency relations make the subject of the study. Methodology. The research is based on a comparison of legal regulation of the sphere of cryptocurrency in Ukraine and in foreign countries. Advantages and disadvantages of different modes of cryptocurrency turnover are determined: from direct prohibition to granting the status of the official payment system. It is made on the basis of the analysis of peculiarities of the circulation of virtual money in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Indonesia, China, the Russian Federation, Bolivia, Ecuador, Thailand, Vietnam, the USA, Japan, Spain, and some other countries. On the basis of the comparative legal study of certain provisions of the civil, administrative, tort, and criminal legislation of Ukraine, the possibilities and limits of the application of certain types of legal responsibility to violations in the field of cryptocurrency are determined. The results of the comparative legal study have shown that, unlike most foreign countries, in Ukraine, there is no legislative consolidation of the legal status of the virtual currency. In this regard, today in the national legislation, there are no direct rules that would predict the occurrence of administrative, criminal or civil liability for the offenses in the field of cryptocurrency relations. Practical impact. Since guarantees of compulsory restoration or protection of violated law play an important role in the legal regulation of any social relations, the proper legislative regulation of public relations in the sphere of crypto currency circulation is an urgent problem today, including with the help of establishing liability for the offenses in this field

  16. Legal Aspects of Radioactive Waste Management: Relevant International Legal Instruments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wetherall, Anthony; Robin, Isabelle


    The responsible use of nuclear technology requires the safe and environmentally sound management of radioactive waste, for which countries need to have stringent technical, administrative and legal measures in place. The legal aspects of radioactive waste management can be found in a wide variety of legally binding and non-binding international instruments. This overview focuses on the most relevant ones, in particular those on nuclear safety, security, safeguards and civil liability for nuclear damage. It also identifies relevant regional instruments concerning environmental matters, in particular, with regard to strategic environmental assessments (SEAs), environmental impact assessments (EIAs), public access to information and participation in decision-making, as well as access to justice

  17. Legality Principle of Crimes and Punishments in Iranian Legal System (United States)

    Habibzadeh, Mohammad Ja'far


    The Principle of legality of crimes and punishments (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege) refers to the fact that an act is not considered a crime and deserves no punishment, unless the Legislator determines and announces the criminal title and its penalty before. The legality principle protects individual security by ensuring basic individual…

  18. Prerequisites for Correctness in Legal Argumentation


    Mackuvienė, Eglė


    A phenomenon called legal argumentation is analyzed in the dissertation. The aim of the thesis is to identify the prerequisites that allow to consider the legal argumentation to be correct, also to evaluate those prerequisites logically. Legal argumentation is analyzed as a phenomenon per se, without relating it to any particular arguing subject. Other dimensions of the process of making a legal decision, such as legal reasoning, legal discourse, interpretation of law and others are discu...

  19. Legal technique: approaches to section on types

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    І. Д. Шутак


    Full Text Available Legal technique is a branch of knowledge about the rules of doing legal work and creating in the process a variety of legal documents, which had previously been part of the theory of law. In modern conditions of the legal technique are isolated in a separate branch of legal science, focused on solving practical problems. The purpose of this article is to analyze the types of legal techniques, in particular, on the basis of theoretical propositions about legal technique to allocate substantial characteristics and types of legal technique. O. Malko and M. Matuzov consider legal technique as a set of rules, techniques, methods of preparation, creation, registration of legal documents, their classification and accounting for their excellence, efficient use. A similar meaning is investing in this concept Alekseev, determining that the legal technique is a set of tools and techniques used in accordance with accepted rules in the formulation and systematization of legal acts to ensure their perfection. So, legal technique – theoretical and applied legal science, which studies the regularities of rational legal practice in the creation, interpretation and implementation of law. In relation to the type of legal techniques in the literature proposed different classifications. For example, G. Muromtsev technique, which is used only in the field of law, divide on the technique of law-making (legislative technique, technique of law enforcement, interpretation, technique of judicial speech, interrogation, notarial activities. V. Kartashov shared legal technique on law making and enforcement (prorealtime, interpretive yourself and prevacidrebatezw, judicial or investigative, prosecutorial, and the like. Some authors clearly indicate that the criterion by which to distinguish types of legal techniques. So, S. Alekseev notes that legal technique is classified from the point of view of the legal nature of the act made on: a techniques of legal acts; b the

  20. Legality in multiple legal orders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Besselink, L.F.M.; Pennings, F.J.L.; Prechal, A.


    This is the Introductory chapter to The Eclipse of the Legality Principle in the European Union, Edited by Leonard Besselink, Frans Pennings, Sacha Prechal [European Monographs, vol. 75], Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2011 [2010], xxv + 303 pp.

  1. The Development of Legal Policy and Legal Needs of Indonesian Immigration Law: Answered Partially, Forget the Rest

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    Bilal Dewansyah


    Full Text Available The replacement of the immigration law, from Law No. 9 of 1992 to Law No. 6 of 2011 reflected the development of immigration legal policy. As a branch of administrative law that has dynamic character, the reform immigration laws should address the immigration legal needs in practice. This paper discusses the development of Indonesian immigration legal policy and to what extent these developments address the immigration legal needs. Based on the author analyses, it can be concluded, firstly, the development of immigration legal policy, in legal direction context, emphasized to face the impact of globalization both positive and negative effects, and other developments in the future. In legal substances aspect, the current immigration legal policy change various principles immigration laws, such as the principle of selective policies are balanced with the principle of respect for human rights, although in certain settings are not in line with human rights (as in the case of the period of temporary prohibition to leave Indonesia, that can be extended continuously. In legal form and scope context, Indonesian immigration legal policy today, is more concerned with the rules of immigration law in detail than ever before. Secondly, the development of immigration legal policy answered the immigration legal needs particularly, such as in the case of human smuggling, but forget the rest of the immigration legal needs, in terms of the handling of illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

  2. Constitutional Legal Regulation And The Reasons For The Legal Nihilism Existence In Modern Russian Society

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    Dmitriy E. Nekrasov


    Full Text Available In the present article questions of constitutional and legal regulation and reason for the legal nihilism existence, methods and forms of fight against legal nihilism are considered. Reasons of low legal culture in modern Russian society and ways of the population's legal literacy increase in general are allocated. These problems are extremely topical today as at the 1990th when there was a reorientation of values, ideals and the principles and legislative base was significantly changed, people were simply lost, and it was extremely difficult for them to realize and accept new, absolutely other reality. Today peculiar spiritual and valuable "reconstruct" did not pass completely and the state is obliged to help citizens to carry out it most without serious consequences and successfully. In the conclusion authors draw a conclusion that: first, the problem of legal nihilism more than ever now is particularly acute for modern Russian society. The policy of the state has to be directed by the consciousness of citizens, who understand that law is the integral and obligatory part of the order in the country and that it is one of the basic for any person. Secondly, one of the ways to overcome the legal nihilism consists in the increase of the legal culture level along with the development of effective legal policy. Thirdly, legal idealism, reevaluation of opportunities in law gains especially wide circulation in the years of changes in response to social expectations an insufficiently skilled legislator forms a belief that it is enough to adopt good laws, and all problems would be solved.

  3. Two conceptions of legal principles

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    Spaić Bojan


    Full Text Available The paper discusses the classical understanding of legal principles as the most general norms of a legal order, confronting it with Dworkin's and Alexy's understanding of legal principles as prima facie, unconditional commands. The analysis shows that the common, classical conception brings into question the status of legal principles as norms, by disreguarding their usefulness in judicial reasoning, while, conversely, the latterhas significant import forlegal practice and consequently for legal dogmatics. It is argued that the heuristic fruitfulness of understanding principles as optimization commands thusbecomesapparent. When we understand the relation of priciples to the idea of proportionality, as thespecific mode of their application, which is different from the supsumtive mode of applying rules, the theory of legal principles advanced by Dworkin and Alexy appears therefore to be descriptively better than others, but not without its flaws.

  4. Legal nature of affatomia

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    Stanković Miloš


    Full Text Available In Salian and Ripuarian Code affatomia represented a bilateral legal transaction that was aimed at changing of the scoped of heirs determined by the customs, at least insofar being applied in the absence of biological descendants only. However, almost all further similarities in the field cease at this point. The form for using affatomia with Ripuarian Franks was much simpler than the one with the Salian Franks. Unlike the Salian Franks, affatomia could by all odds be used by Ripuarian Franks spouses in determining each other for a heir. Legal nature of the Salian Franks affatomia is most similar to the mancipatio familiae type of will in the Roman law (which does not mean it emerged from this law, while its form in the Ripuarian Code is much closer to testamentary adoption. As with Ripuarian Franks, affatomia seems to have definitely produced legal effects only after the death of the disposant, while its legal effects with the Salian Code performed inter vivos. Contemporary authors are trying to designate the legal nature of legal affairs from the early development of human and legal civilization through modern institutes that represent the completion of their evolutionary path. Taking the inheritance contract of the German or Swiss law, or the future assets donation of the French law, for example, and then comparing them to affatomia and thinx is an anachronism. This is evident by the fact that the legal nature of these ancient Germanic institutes can not be viewed unilaterally, but always through a combination of those institutes which we know today as adoption, gift or mixed donation with retention of different modalities for the transferor or the testator (usually usufruct. In this sense, if we are looking for a inheritance agreement in the Middle Ages, the contract in which a person determines other person for his/her universal or singular successor in the modern sense, we will certainly not find one. However, if within this institute we

  5. Legal Institutions and Economic Development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beck, T.H.L.


    Legal institutions are critical for the development of market-based economies. This paper defines legal institutions and discusses different indicators to measure their quality and efficiency. It surveys a large historical and empirical literature showing the importance of legal institutions in

  6. Pluralismo Jurídico y Derechos Humanos

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    Alexei Julio-Estrada


    1. Modelos de Estados. Los diversos modelos de Estado no sólo tienen fundamentos distintos, sino que también consecuencias diferentes respecto de su estructura institucional y cultural, ¿cuál es, a su juicio, el modelo de Estado (liberal-social-multicultural plurinacional que permite resguardar u otorgar un mejor reconocimiento a los derechos indígenas? Y ¿cuáles son las consecuencias de tratar el multiculturalismo bajo este modelo estatal?2. Modelo institucional. La construcción institucional de un Estado (poderes, funciones, relación entre los poderes, relación con la sociedad civil, entre otros aspectos es fundamental para llevar a cabo las ideas fundantes de un determinado modelo estatal. En este sentido, se ha discutido sobrela necesidad de replantear la institucionalidad una vez reconocida la multiculturalidad (nuevos poderes, nuevas relaciones entre poderes, redefinición de funciones, nuevas formas de participación. A su juicio, ¿es necesario efectuar ajustes en el modelo institucional o cabe rediseñarlo para dar reconocimiento y garantía a los derechos indígenas?3. Aporte del DIDH. El DIDH ha aportado en el reconocimiento y garantía de los derechos indígenas y de aquellos de los pueblos indígenas. A su juicio, ¿de qué forma el DIDH ha sido significativo para el avance en materia de reconocimiento de una perspectiva amplia del contenido y alcance de los derechos humanos de titulares indígenas? ¿Qué rol juega en dicho proceso el reconocimiento de los derechos colectivos?4. Límites a las prácticas culturales indígenas. Desde una perspectiva de respeto a la dignidad y los derechos humanos consagrados en las constituciones nacionales y los tratados internacionales: ¿es posible y/o justificable imponer límites a las prácticas culturales indígenas o sistemas legales indígenas?

  7. Defining Legal Writing: An Empirical Analysis of the Legal Memorandum. LSAC Research Report Series. (United States)

    Breland, Hunter M.; Hart, Frederick M.

    This study examined legal writing as it was represented in legal memoranda prepared by first-semester law students at 12 different law schools. The study was based on the cumulative judgments of the instructors and professors of law in those institutions, humanities specialists at the Educational Testing Service, and two legal consultants. A…

  8. Aspectos ético legales del trasplante de corazón Ethical and legal aspects of heart transplant

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    Fernán del C Mendoza


    Full Text Available El trasplante cardiaco constituye el tratamiento de elección para los pacientes en falla cardiaca refractaria. Desde el punto de vista médico, existen claras indicaciones para realizar el trasplante, pero a nivel local y mundial hay problemas por el escaso número de donantes. Para que se realice un trasplante de corazón, el donante debe reunir criterios de muerte encefálica, la cual se diagnostica por ausencia irreversible de las funciones del tallo encefálico, determinadas por un examen clínico. A pesar de las controversias que existen acerca de cuándo muere una persona, cada vez hay más claridad en este hecho. Existen otros problemas bioéticos que se relacionan con el trasplante como la donación (algunas personas en vida manifiestan su voluntad y autonomía de servir como donantes y otras no, la distribución de órganos y el comercio de órganos y tejidos. Desde el punto de vista legal y ético, se prohíbe la gratificación o pago al donante vivo, a la familia del donante fallecido, al banco de tejidos o de médula ósea, a las clínicas y hospitales, y a las aseguradoras por la donación o suministro de órganos o tejidos humanos. La promoción de la donación y la obtención de componentes anatómicos deberán efectuarse denotando su carácter voluntario, altruista y desinteresado. Debe primar el principio de justicia y excluirse cualquier consideración no equitativa de índole geográfica, racial, sexual, religiosa, etc. Los órganos deben distribuirse con base en criterios médicos; así mismo debe buscarse la más idónea utilización del órgano donado, teniendo como fundamento el manejo equitativo y como principio el respeto por la vida y la dignidad humana.Cardiac transplant is the treatment of choice for patients with refractory cardiac failure. There are clear indications from the medical point of view to perform the transplant, but locally and world - wide there are problems due to the scarce number of donors. In order

  9. Did Legalized Abortion Lower Crime? (United States)

    Joyce, Ted


    Changes in homicide and arrest rates were compared among cohorts born before and after legalization of abortion and those who were unexposed to legalized abortion. It was found that legalized abortion improved the lives of many women as they could avoid unwanted births.

  10. Datafication of Automated (Legal) Decisions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Sten

    Even though I maintain that it is a misconception to state that states are “no longer” the only actors, since they never were, indeed it makes sense to “shed light on the impact of (…) new tendencies on legal regulatory mechanisms (…)” One regulatory tendency is obviously the automation of (legal......) decisions which has implications for legal orders, legal actors and legal research, not to mention legal legitimacy as well as personal autonomy and democracy. On the one hand automation may facilitate better, faster, more predictable and more coherent decisions and leave cumbersome and time consuming...... a substantial part of the components of the decisions are prefabricated. With a risk of misplacing the responsibility, this may be called the “google syndrome”. The hidden algorithms may also constitute the basis for decisions concerning individuals (the passive aspect), the “profiling syndrome”. Based on big...

  11. The legal reasoning skills. Theoretical considerations

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    Lisett D. Páez Cuba


    Full Text Available This research analyzes the legal reasoning as essential skills to the teaching - learning process of law. This approach is based on a theoretical systematization of the Theory of Legal Argumentation (TLA that allows the conception of law as an argumentative act itself. It also determines, as a new element, the inclusion of legal argumentation as the final phase of the law cycle, which has particular impact on the teaching of this science. In this regard, the proposal of three skills of legal reasoning is made: interpreting the law, enforce the rule of law and legally argue the legal decision.

  12. Mourning and Affirmation: Recuperating Religious Pluralism through “Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero”

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    Christine Muller


    Full Text Available Televisado un año después de los ataques del 11 de Septiembre, el documental  del Servicio Público de Transmisión Frontline, “Certezas e incertidumbres en la Zona Cero”, se centró especialmente en como ese día ha afectado las actitudes de cada religión. Formalizado como una narración dramática, enmarca su contenido en luchas individuales con la fe, ofreciendo realmente una dramática crítica retórica. La serie, dentro de escenas con un ostensible foco neutral, pero con un posicionamiento contextualizado, publica los affaires del suceso. El acto del documental pende sobre las agencias y sus premisas, tonos y ediciones para facilitar la participación de los agentes –los televidentes- en la mediación de los entrevistados, una invitación basada en una inclusión a todo el mundo. En esta línea, los televidentes, reorganizados como testigos del 11 de Septiembre, juegan más directamente afectados por el día en confrontación con lo que pudieron haber perdido y considerando que pueden recuperar en términos de responsabilidad hacía los Estados Unidos. Por último, esta película propone un pluralismo religioso como fuerza curativa y una afirmación de la identidad americana en respuesta al absolutismo religioso creado por las investigaciones de los ataques del 11 de septiembre y que promueven crisis desesperantes en la confianza.Palabras clave: 11/S, Crisis de confianza, pluralismo religioso, identidad americana___________________________ABSTRACT:Televised one year after the September 11 attacks, the Public Broadcasting Service’s Frontline documentary “Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero” focuses specifically on how that day has affected attitudes toward religion.  With its form as a dramatic narrative framing its content of individuals’ struggles with faith, the documentary lends itself readily to a dramatistic rhetorical critique.  Set within the scene of an ostensibly neutral, but contextually positioned, public affairs

  13. Legal capacity of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia: The need to reform existing legal frameworks. (United States)

    Marishet, Mohammed Hamza

    The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) prohibited deprivation legal capacity of persons with disability based on assessment of mental capacity. The assertion is that, persons with disabilities shall exercise their legal capacity in all aspects of life without any restrictions that are based on mental incapacity (such as, unsoundness of mind, deficit in mental capacity, dotage, etc. This approach signifies a shift from substituted decision making, where another person act on behalf of persons with mental disabilities, to supported decision making where the person with mental disability is assisted in decision making. The rationale for the move lies on the recognition that the right to legal capacity embodies the inherent meaning of what it meant to be human. Without legal capacity a person cannot exercise all other rights and entitlements. Accordingly, States parties to CRPD are required to reform domestic legislations that are based on substituted decision making model and recognize full legal capacity of persons with disabilities in line with supported decision making model. As a Sate party to CRPD, Ethiopia assumed the same obligation. Nonetheless, in its initial report to the Committee on CRPD, the country denies existence of legislation that restricts legal capacity on the grounds of mental incapacity. This research found out that there are restrictions imposed on legal capacity of persons with disabilities on the basis of mental incapacity/disability. The research analyzed the approach employed to restrict legal capacity under the existing legal frameworks of Ethiopia vis-à-vis supported decision-making regime under CRPD. The research is doctrinal and, as such, limited to content analysis of general and specific legal capacity laws of the country (such as, marriage, divorce, will, work and employment, political participation, access to justice and others). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Legal capacity and biomedicine: Biomedical discrimination

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    Cvetić Radenka


    Full Text Available The article begins with the overview of the legal capacity as a general legal qualification recognized by the legal order guaranteeing the right to be a holder of rights and obligations. The article is then focused on the scope of the absolute Constitutional guarantee of the right to legal personality as well as on the Constitutional prohibition of discrimination which gives rise to the general equality before the Constitution and the law. The focus of this article is the moment when the legal capacity, or legal personality, is considered to be acquired. It then moves to the issue whether limiting the access to techniques of assisted reproduction (biomedical conception is contrary to the general rules on legal capacity, and whether this is a genuine form of biomedical discrimination.

  15. Anatomía de la monstruosidad: la figura del monstruo como objeto de la mirada médico-anatómica moderna

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    Fortanet, Joaquin


    Full Text Available This paper presents an analysis of the monster category on medical research in the modernity. This analysis is based on the development of human anatomy in the sixteenth century and in the study of the physiological relationship between body and organs in the XIX. The Cartesian anatomical research and the naturalization of monster category will open the way to the physiological view of life as a prelude to legal and social medicine.Este texto plantea un análisis de la sustitución de la categoría médica de monstruo por la de hermafrodita. Para ello, se basa en el desarrollo de la anatomía humana en el siglo XVI y en el estudio de la relación fisiológica de los órganos del cuerpo a partir del XIX. Se supondrá como necesaria la investigación anatómica cartesiana y su reflexión sobre el cuerpo para poder abrir el camino a la mirada fisiológica sobre la vida como preludio de la medicina legal y social.



    Oleksii Drozd; Yaroslav Lazur; Ruslan Serbin


    The aim of this article is to study the theoretical, methodological, and legal possibilities of application of certain types of legal responsibility to the relations, which are connected with cryptocurrency (bitcoin). Some types of liability in the field of cryptocurrency relations make the subject of the study. Methodology. The research is based on a comparison of legal regulation of the sphere of cryptocurrency in Ukraine and in foreign countries. Advantages and disadvantages of different m...

  17. Luchas y defensas escondidas. Pluralismo legal y cultural como una práctica de resistencia creativa en la gestión local del agua en los Andes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boelens, R.A.


    En los Andes, los derechos de agua se materializan en procesos de lucha social. El artículo examina cómo la lucha por el agua de los colectivos locales no puede comprenderse sin su enraizamiento en subcorrientes dinámicas: los cimientos multicapas, a menudo ocultos, de los derechos de agua. Aquí se


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    Dario Đerđa


    Full Text Available This paper highlights the importance of legal drafting and its essential elements, which has not drawn a lot of attention in the Republic of Croatia so far. The paper emphasises the importance of proportionality in the simplicity and legal distinctness of a legal text in the process of drafting for the purpose of its clarity. The paper also presents objective requirements necessary for quality legal drafting, as well as subjective qualities of the drafters. With the purpose of drawing attention to imperfections in the legal drafting in Croatia, some defi ciencies are presented in the process of drafting and amending of the Utility Services Act. The process of drafting and amending of this Act is a good example of the way how legal drafting should not be done. It contains a lot of defi ciencies and failures that are the result of legal drafting mistakes. At the end, authors expect that the adoption of the Uniform methodology and nomotechnical rules for the drafting of acts enacted by Parliament should contribute to the higher quality of legal texts and to their full adjustment to the general requirements of legal certainty and rule of law.

  19. medico-legal an overview of some of the key legal developments in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    equipped to admit a child with HIV as none of its teachers ... Head, Legal Unit, AIDS Law Project, and Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg ... once they have certified that the test or treatment is in the.

  20. Medico-legal autopsies in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Sara Tangmose; Lynnerup, Niels


    At 2.7% in 1970, the Danish medico-legal autopsy frequency was lower than recent frequencies observed in the Nordic countries (4-24%). The aim of this study was to analyse trends in the number and frequency of Danish medico-legal autopsies.......At 2.7% in 1970, the Danish medico-legal autopsy frequency was lower than recent frequencies observed in the Nordic countries (4-24%). The aim of this study was to analyse trends in the number and frequency of Danish medico-legal autopsies....

  1. Legal reality of Russia: constants and variables

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    Andrey Valeryevich Skorobogatov


    Full Text Available Objective to develop the sciencebased knowledge about essential and substantial aspects of the current legal reality of Russia in the context of postclassical paradigm. Methods the methodological basis of this research is the synthesis of classical and postclassical paradigms that determine the choice of specific methods of research formallegal comparative legal modeling method hermeneutic discursive methods. Results basing on the postclassical methodology it is proved that the legal reality of Russia consists of three levels legislation law enforcement and legal behavior. The determinant level of legal reality is legal behavior that is aimed at observing the unwritten rules. The legal reality of Russia is characterized by a transgressive state of the modern Russian society expressed in broad application of nonlegislative nonlegal practices low level of legal culture legal nihilism and legal infantilism. Scientific novelty the article for the first time analyzes the ontological and phenomenological essence of the legal reality in Russia and determines its transgressive nature at the present stage of development. Practical value the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and pedagogical activity when considering questions about the nature and content of legal development. nbsp

  2. LEGAL PROTECTION VERSUS LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS (The changing Perspective in Law and Society Research

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    Muhammad Helmy Hakim


    Full Text Available Considering the important role of historical, cultural, social, and attitudinal aspects in the study of law, there has been a shift from instrumental law to constitutive law. While instrumental law considers law beyond the social and cultural spheres, constitutive law integrally embraces law, politics, ideology, and action. Legal consciousness is an important asset for marginalised people who are at high risk of discriminative treatments in occupational and social life. Not only will they are legally aware of their rights and obligations at works, they will have adequate knowledge of where and how to name, blame, and claim in case mistreatment do occur. Legally proficient will allow them build legal protection which is not adequately provided by the authorized bodies.

  3. A garantia da ordem pública como fundamento para a prisão preventiva e o desenvolvimento de seu conceito no Supremo Tribunal Federal


    Soares, Antonio Marcos


    Resumo: Esta monografia tem como objetivo tratar de forma pormenorizada a garantia da ordem pública, circunstância legal autorizadora da decretação da prisão preventiva do imputado trazida pelo artigo 312, do Código de Processo Penal. Trata-se de instituto dotado de um conceito vago que enseja custódia provisória, a qual deveria apresentar natureza cautelar, porém, assume contornos diversos da instrumentalidade lhe exigida. No mais das vezes é adotada como medida de defesa social, assumindo a...

  4. Adjustment of legally binding local plans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvingel, Line Træholt; Aunsborg, Christian; Christensen, Finn Kjær


    Traditionally, and by law, new urban areas in Denmark are regulated and planned through legally binding local plans. Recently a tendency has occurred: The municipalities make the legally binding local plans quite open for future adjustment, and they are using a substantial amount of ‘empowerment ...... the considerations of legal rights, the extend of the legal use of empowerment provisions and the combination of the use of legal binding local plans and other legal instruments such as easements and sales agreements.......Traditionally, and by law, new urban areas in Denmark are regulated and planned through legally binding local plans. Recently a tendency has occurred: The municipalities make the legally binding local plans quite open for future adjustment, and they are using a substantial amount of ‘empowerment...... provisions’ which empower the municipalities to later ruling. This way of making plans postpones the actual regulation of an area (i.e. the planning permission) making it an individual ruling for instance at the application of building permits. Case studies show examples of this way of regulating an area...

  5. Marketing legal services on the Internet

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    Alicja Mikołajczyk


    Full Text Available This article describes accessible means of marketing legal services under restrictive regulations in the Polish market. As attorneys-at-law and legal advisers face significant legal and ethical limitations in their market communication, they are forced to seek alternative tools of promoting their services and reaching potential clients. Electronic media turned out to be an effective and convenient channel in marketing legal services, often prevailing offline marketing communication. The article presents legal restrictions in the market, with emphasis to fundamental barriers that prevent implementation of traditional marketing tools and techniques broadly available in market communication. The second part presents selected tools of online marketing applicable in promotion of legal services, examplified with their use in practice.

  6. The changing purpose of mental health law: From medicalism to legalism to new legalism. (United States)

    Brown, Jennifer


    The role of law in regulating mental health detention has come to engender great contention in the legal and sociological disciplines alike. This conflict is multifaceted but is centred upon the extent to which law should control the psychiatric power of detention. In this manner the evolution of law regulating mental health detention has been seen in terms of a pendulous movement between two extremes of medicalism and legalism. Drawing on socio-legal literature, legislation, international treaties and case law this article examines the changing purpose of mental health law from an English and Council of Europe perspective by utilizing the concepts of medicalism, legalism and new legalism as descriptive devices before arguing that the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities goes further than all of these concepts and has the potential to influence mental health laws internationally. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Belief and legal philosophy: a conceptual framework for Christian scholarship in undergraduate legal education

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    S. de Freitas


    Full Text Available Legal education in South Africa has arrived at a discursive juncture that demands clarity on what the “purpose” of legal education should be. Debate on the purpose of legal education, more specifically for the Christian law student, becomes especially important in a society dominated by positivism, mate-rialism and pragmatism. With specific reference to the under-graduate Christian law student, this article firstly explains that the purpose of legal education should include the nurturing of the student’s belief – a belief encompassing his/her foun-dational perspective(s on reality. Secondly, in order to achieve the proper nurturing and development of the Christian law student’s belief, the importance of the teaching of legal philo-sophy is explained. In this regard, proposals are postulated pertaining to specific means by which such nurturing and development of the undergraduate Christian law student’s foundational belief can be attained.

  8. Biblioteca e centro de documentação da Comissão Nacional da Unesco, passado, presente e futuro


    Pequeno, Patrícia Dias de Melo Nunes


    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Documentação e da Informação (Biblioteconomia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014 A UNESCO e Comissão Nacional da UNESCO (CNU) Portuguesa, instituída no nosso país em 1981 no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros através do Decreto-Lei nº218/79, têm como objectivos principais: contribuir para a paz de uma forma activa; para o desenvolvimento humano e segurança no mundo; para a promoção do pluralismo, para o reconhecimento e promo...

  9. Las transformaciones de la democracia contemporánea y el pensamiento de Manuel García-Pelayo

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    Josu de Miguel Bárcena


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analiza el concepto de democracia constitucional en el pensamiento de Manuel García – Pelayo. Para ello, se aborda el contenido y la actualidad de una de sus obras más importantes, Las transformaciones del Estado contemporáneo. Para García – Pelayo, las características dominantes de la democracia fundada por el Estado del bienestar, son el peso de los intereses y el pluralismo constitucional, elementos que como intentaremos demostrar en nuestro estudio, permanecen inalterables en las propuestas participativas realizadas por la teoría liberal de la gobernanza

  10. Teatro para bebês : processos criativos, dramaturgia e escuta


    Cabral, Fernanda Alvarenga


    A presente pesquisa investiga o chamado ‘teatro para bebês’ a partir da análise e elaboração de seus processos criativos com o objetivo de identificar as principais características que conformam essa poética. Pretende-se argumentar sobre a arte feita para a primeira infância como uma atividade de pesquisa do ator-diretor-autor-compositor que se dá por meio da observação dos bebês no ambiente das creches. Dotado de um pluralismo metodológico, esse estudo se desenvolve a partir da análise das o...

  11. Trabalho imaterial, produção cultural colaborativa e economia da dádiva.


    Lima, Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de; Pizarro, Daniella; Faustino, Elisangela; Dittrich, Maireli


    Neste artigo discutem-se as relações entre trabalho imaterial, produção cultural colaborativa e economia da dádiva na sociedade atual. O intelecto geral é relacionado com a inteligência coletiva das redes digitais. A produção colaborativa emerge como forma privilegiada do fazer artístico e cultural. Esta produção pode contribuir para promoção e preservação da diversidade cultural. A produção cultural colaborativa evidencia pluralismo econômico. A generalização do trabalho imate...

  12. Artificial intelligence approach to legal reasoning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gardner, A.V.D.L.


    For artificial intelligence, understanding the forms of human reasoning is a central goal. Legal reasoning is a form that makes a new set of demands on artificial intelligence methods. Most importantly, a computer program that reasons about legal problems must be able to distinguish between questions it is competent to answer and questions that human lawyers could seriously argue either way. In addition, a program for analyzing legal problems should be able to use both general legal rules and decisions in past cases; and it should be able to work with technical concepts that are only partly defined and subject to shifts of meaning. Each of these requirements has wider applications in artificial intelligence, beyond the legal domain. This dissertation presents a computational framework for legal reasoning, within which such requirements can be accommodated. The development of the framework draws significantly on the philosophy of law, in which the elucidation of legal reasoning is an important topic. A key element of the framework is the legal distinction between hard cases and clear cases. In legal writing, this distinction has been taken for granted more often than it has been explored. Here, some initial heuristics are proposed by which a program might make the distinction

  13. La legionelosis como enfermedad profesional: metodología de valoración

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    Marta Dorronsoro Dorronsoro


    Full Text Available La Legionella es una enfermedad bacteriana producida por la Legionella Pneumofila, patógeno oportunista que para causar una enfermedad debe estar presente en el lugar (reservorio, debe alcanzar un número suficiente para causar la infección (amplificación y debe pasar al ambiente en estado infectivo (diseminación los focos de contaminación que con mayor frecuencia han sido relacionados con los brotes epidémicos son instalaciones de suministro de agua y de acondicionamiento del aire de los edificios como: circuitos de distribución de agua caliente sanitaria, sistemas de climatización, aguas termales de centros de rehabilitación y recreo, equipos de aerosolterapia. El desarrollo de la enfermedad depende de la exposición al microorganismo patógeno, de la virulencia y de la inmunidad del huésped. La enfermedad puede ser asumida como enfermedad profesional cuando su aparición va ligada a la exposición al agente patógeno, demostrada su presencia en el medio de trabajo y realizando tareas en las que es posible su infección. En este artículo a propósito de un caso se establecen los pasos para la determinación de la contingencia profesional de una enfermedad causada por exposición a agentes biológicos Material y método: Se han revisado hasta mayo de 2013 las siguientes bases de datos bibliográficas: SciELO, y PUBMED. Así como la Bibliografía y documentos de consulta citados en la misma Conclusiones: la neumonía por legionella puede contraerse tanto con carácter ocupacional ligado al trabajo como ambiental. Como toda enfermedad profesional, la diferencia no está en los signos o síntomas de la enfermedad, que no difieren en la neumonía por legionella ni en la clínica ni en la analítica, ni en las pruebas de imagen en cuanto al origen causal, sea este ambiental o de ocio o en la práctica laboral, sino que su adscripción diferencial causal ligada al trabajo viene definida por cumplir con los requisitos legales que dotan a


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    A. Tyrtyshny


    Full Text Available This article provides an overview of certain ideologemes of Western (European and Russian legal consciousness – prominent works of Ivan Ilyin and Duncan Kennedy are taken as examples. The article analyzes the tabula rasa principle and its place in legal consciousness. We use legal scholarship, judicial practice and opinion polls to examine the relationship between legal consciousness and the lack of trust in Russian courts, as well as their inefficiency from the point of view of public opinion. There are a number of shocking cases of torture of innocent people by the Russian police. Why is this so? The answer lies in the legal consciousness of police officers and of judges. This is something that has been inherited from the Soviet period. It is completely different from the Western legal consciousness, one of the key features of which is denial of authority. The critical legal studies branch of American legal realism almost denies the very existence of law, and, perhaps for this reason, American culture is less open to abuses like torture. At the same time, there is no possibility to shift legal consciousness immediately, the tabula rasa principle does not work. The final objective of the article is to provide a perspective on the reform of higher legal education and its relation to legal consciousness and legal anthropology. We propose that a greater part of the university curriculum is devoted to legal anthropology.

  15. Violência como fenômeno intrínseco à cultura política brasileira

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    Antonio M. Soares


    Full Text Available Este artigo problematiza o conceito de violência e suas mutações através dos tempos. Como fenômeno cultural, a violência é construída na sociedade e se processa de forma a romper com os próprios códigos de ordens produzidos por ela. No caso do Brasil a violência se mostra intrínseca ao processo de formação da sociedade brasileira, estando presente nas lógicas autoritárias e na imposição cultural desde os tempos da colonização. A violência emerge como uma agressão ao indivíduo e ao coletivo, ela aniquila o sentido da política e desabilita o mundo comum. As interpretações presentes neste trabalho buscam aprofundar as análises sobre a violência enquanto fenômeno social e cultural, redimensionando os efeitos que ela produz para a condição humana e suas associações com as dimensões da civilidade, incivilidade e descivilidade. Neste contexto, destacaremos como o fenômeno da violência se afirmou como uma dimensão estrutural e cultural da formação da sociedade brasileira, como ele se revela na contemporaneidade, nos jogos de poder, nas relações de força e no movimento de fronteiras tênues entre o legal e o ilegal.


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    Thiago Rodrigues de Pontes Bomfim


    Full Text Available O presente estudo busca, inicialmente, demonstrar o caráter normativo dos princípios constitucionais, bem como seu papel no que acaba por se transformar em uma nova ordem processual, para, por fim, uma vez reconhecido o caráter de princípio jurídico à boa-fé objetiva, situar seu fundamento constitucional em um novo conceito de devido processo legal.

  17. One World? One Law? One Global Legal System? Modern Law and Socio-Legal Communities


    Werner Krawietz


    In the present article the author considers the issues connected with globalization and structural changes in the contemporary societies. In author’s opinion, development of legal regulation encompasses not only the practical and theoretical argumentation in the law. It also includes the informative and communicative perspectives of our analytical and conceptual legal thinking and of our legal world-outlook which is formed accordingly to the social world of law. The author stresses that there...

  18. Situação das áreas de reserva legal e proteção dos recursos naturais em assentamentos rurais da Mata Meridional pernambucana


    Guedes, Marilourdes Vieira; Silva, Marlene Maria da


    A implantação de assentamentos rurais impacta o entorno socioeconômico e ecológico onde se localizam, bem como o manejo dos recursos naturais locais, como expressão de uma das múltiplas funções que a agricultura familiar pode desempenhar. As atividades desenvolvidas por essas famílias podem estar limitadas ou não por áreas de cobertura florestal, a exemplo da área de Reserva Legal (RL), prevista no Código Florestal Brasileiro e que desempenha importante papel na preservação de ...

  19. Marketing legal services on the Internet


    Alicja Mikołajczyk


    This article describes accessible means of marketing legal services under restrictive regulations in the Polish market. As attorneys-at-law and legal advisers face significant legal and ethical limitations in their market communication, they are forced to seek alternative tools of promoting their services and reaching potential clients. Electronic media turned out to be an effective and convenient channel in marketing legal services, often prevailing offline marketing communication. The artic...

  20. Wealth, Families and Death: Socio-Legal Perspectives on Wills and Inheritance: Introduction

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    Daniel Monk


    Full Text Available Inheritance as both a concept and a practice is of deep significance within all societies and jurisdictions. Located at the intersection between economics, family relations and the end of life, it offers a unique perspective on a variety of contemporary socio-legal debates. Yet the socio-legal phenomenon of inheritance has attracted relatively little scholastic attention. This special issue, which brings together eight papers coming from six different countries (and eight different jurisdictions: Belgium, England and Wales, Israel, Spain (Catalonia and the Basque Country, Switzerland and the USA, demonstrates the breadth of inheritance as a field of study in a number of ways and at the same time opens up important new lines of enquiry. This international breadth serves to foreground the significance of both national and regional political culture on inheritance law. Most significant in this respect is the fact that the authors are evenly split between those commentating on civil legal systems and those on common-law systems; for traditionally the two systems have adopted highly distinct responses to the principles of testamentary freedom and forced heirship. All the articles in this collection provide insight into this fundamental distinction but at the same time demonstrate its limits in practice. La herencia, tanto como concepto o como práctica, es muy significante en todas las sociedades y jurisdicciones. Situada en la intersección entre economía, relaciones familiares y el final de la vida, ofrece una perspectiva única sobre una variedad de debates sociojurídicos contemporáneos. Sin embargo, el fenómeno de la herencia ha atraído relativamente poca atención entre la comunidad académica sociojurídica. Este número especial, que reúne ocho documentos procedentes de seis países y ocho jurisdicciones diferentes: Bélgica, Inglaterra y Gales, Israel, España (Cataluña y País Vasco, Suiza y Estados Unidos, demuestra la amplitud de la

  1. Abortion legalized: challenges ahead. (United States)

    Singh, M; Jha, R


    To see whether advocacy for abortion law and comprehensive abortion care (CAC) sites after legalization of abortion in Nepal is adequate among educated people (above school leaving certificate). 150 participants were assigned randomly who agreed to be in the survey and were given structured questionnaires to find out their perception of abortion and CAC sites. Majority know abortion is legalized and majority have positive attitude about legalization of abortion, however majority are not aware of abortion service in CAC sites and none knew the cost of abortion service. Proper and adequate advocacy of the new abortion law and CAC service is essential.

  2. UN legal advisers meet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Legal Advisers from twelve international organizations belonging to the United Nations Organization's family met at the Agency's Headquarters in Vienna on 19 and 20 May to discuss legal problems of common administrative interest. The meeting was held on the initiative of the Agency while the UN Conference on the Law of Treaties was taking place in Vienna during April and May. With Mr. Constantin A. Stavropoulos, Under-Secretary, Legal Counsel of the United Nations, as chairman, this was the second meeting of Legal Advisers since 1954. The following organizations were represented: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Labour Organisation, Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, International Monetary Fund, International Telecommunication Union, United Nations, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, World Health Organization. Topics discussed included the recruitment of legal staff and possible exchange of staff between organizations; competence and procedure of internal appeals committees, experience with cases before the Administrative Tribunals and evaluation of their judgments; experience with Staff Credit Unions; privileges and immunities of international organizations; headquarters and host government agreements; and patent policies of international organizations. Consultations will continue through correspondence and further meetings. (author)

  3. Abortion Legalization and Adolescent Substance Use


    Charles, Kerwin Kofi; Stephens, Melvin, Jr


    We assess whether in utero exposure to legalized abortion in the early 1970's affected individuals' propensities to use controlled substances as adolescents. We exploit the fact that some states legalized abortion before national legalization in 1973 to compare differences in substance use for adolescents across birth cohorts in different states. We find that persons exposed to early legalization were, on average, much less likely to use controlled substances. We also assess how substance use...

  4. El CO2 como disolvente y como reactivo


    La Franca Pitarresi, Vincenzo Rosario


    Existen numerosas ventajas asociada con el uso de CO2 , tanto como disolvente que como reactivo, y todas se pueden resumir en cuatro categorías generales: beneficios ambiental, beneficios de salud y seguridad, beneficios en el procedimiento y beneficios químicos. Los procesos que implican el CO2 como disolvente no aumentaría las emisiones de CO2, más bien proporcionaría una oportunidad para el reciclaje de CO2 residual. Además, los esfuerzos para secuestrar el CO2 producido de los gases de co...


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    Claudiu Ramon D. BUTCULESCU


    Full Text Available Mediation, as an alternative dispute resolution method, is closely connected with the system of legal cultures. Mediation is an important link between legal culture and the judicial system. Mediation also acts as an interface between internal legal culture and external legal culture. This paper addresses the issues regarding the links and interactions between mediation and legal cultures, as well as the effects that arise from these interactions.

  6. Commission on Legal Matters

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    What is a commission within the Staff Association (SA)? A commission is a working group of the CERN Staff Council, led by a staff representative. The commission is composed mainly of staff representatives, but interested members of the SA can apply to participate in the work of a commission. What is the commission on legal matters? The commission on legal matters works on texts governing the employment conditions of staff (Employed Members of Personnel and Associated Members of Personnel). This covers legal documents such as the Staff Rules and Regulations, administrative and operational circulars, as well as any other document relating to employment conditions. How is the work organised in this commission? The revision process of the text is generally done along following lines: The HR department, and its legal experts, proposes new texts or modifications to existing texts. A schedule for the study of these texts is established each year and this calendar by the commission to plan its work. The new or modi...

  7. The Multiplication Effect of Legal Insurance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.P.B. De Mot (Jef); B. Depoorter (Ben); M.G. Faure (Michael)


    textabstractBecause legal insurance policies cover the expenses of plaintiffs in bringing legal claims, such policies increase the risk of negligent or careless acts by tortfeasors. For this reason, potential tortfeasors would prefer to avoid injuring holders of legal insurance policies. Since

  8. Can legal research benefit from evaluation studies?

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    Frans L. Leeuw


    Full Text Available The article describes what evaluation studies have to offer to legal research. Several cases and types of evaluations are presented, in relation to legal or semi-legal questions. Also, a short overview of the contemporary history of evaluation studies is presented. Finally, it will address the question of how to ensure that in legal research and in legal training attention is paid to theories, designs and methods of evaluation studies.

  9. La integración de los inmigrantes de “segunda generación” en Almería. Un caso de pluralismo fragmentado

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    Checa, Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available The objective of this article is to know the integration process of “second-generation” inmigrant integration in the countryside of Almería (Spain. We analyze the adaptation that the youths are experiencing in the following dimensions: socioeconomic, mixed relationships, relating cultural, norms and transnationalism. The data are obtained with the administration of a questionnaire in different educational centres and in the residential environment; the final sample is formed by a total of 390 surveys. The results show that not all the second- generation immigrants have the same adaptation; we can observe, on the contrary, unequal situations, what draws a scenario of fragmented pluralism. The origin, the years of stay, the level of studies, the profession and the habitat are the key variables that predict this process.

    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer el proceso de integración de los inmigrantes de “segunda generación” en la provincia de Almería (España. Para ello vamos a analizar la adaptación que están experimentando los jóvenes en las siguientes dimensiones: socioeconómica, relaciones mixtas, referentes culturales, normas y transnacionalidad. Los datos se obtienen a partir de la administración de un cuestionario en diferentes centros educativos y en el ámbito residencial; la muestra final está formada por un total de 390 encuestas. Los resultados muestran que no todos los inmigrantes de segunda generación tienen la misma adaptación; se plantean, por el contrario, situaciones dispares, lo que dibuja un escenario de pluralismo fragmentado. El origen, los años de estancia, el nivel de estudios, la profesión y el hábitat son las variables que predicen fundamentalmente este proceso.

  10. Legal Pluralism as the “Common Sense” of Transnational Capitalism

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    Claire Cutler


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the relationships between law, power, and contestation in the global political economy. Drawing upon critical theories of political economy, the analysis advances a radical critique of dominant understandings of the distinction between international and transnational law. It argues that transnational law operates dialectically as the “common sense” of contemporary global capitalism to subordinate national politico-legal orders and societies to the discipline of hard, enforceable corporate trade and investor rights, whilst limiting corporate social responsibilities to soft, voluntary and unenforceable standards. However, the study also suggests that these dialectical tensions are not hegemonic in nature or operation, but in fact give rise to openings for contestation and re-imagining capitalist legality as “good sense” through a praxis conception of transnational law. En este artículo se analiza la relación entre el derecho, el poder y la impugnación de la economía política global. Basándose en las teorías críticas de la economía política, el análisis avanza una crítica radical de la comprensión dominante de la distinción entre el derecho internacional y transnacional. En este trabajo se sostiene que el derecho transnacional opera dialécticamente como el "sentido común" del capitalismo global contemporáneo para subordinar las órdenes y sociedades político-jurídicos nacionales a la disciplina de los derechos del duro, exigible comercio libre y corporativo y a los derechos de los inversores, a la vez que limita la responsabilidad social corporativa a suaves, voluntarias e inaplicables normas. Sin embargo, el estudio también sugiere que estas tensiones dialécticas no son hegemónicas en la naturaleza o el funcionamiento, sino que de hecho dan lugar a impugnar y re-imaginar la legalidad capitalista como "sentido común" a través de una concepción de la praxis del derecho transnacional.

  11. 45 CFR 400.115 - Establishing legal responsibility. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Establishing legal responsibility. 400.115 Section... Child Welfare Services § 400.115 Establishing legal responsibility. (a) A State must ensure that legal responsibility is established, including legal custody and/or guardianship, as appropriate, in accordance with...


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    Claudiu Ramon D. Butculescu


    Full Text Available This article addresses some aspects of legal communication or legal effects of communication. As such, legal communication can have positive and negative effects. Both effects are briefly analyzed, and for the negative effects of legal communication we have also presented proposals to reduce the negative effects of law communication. Thus, the article presents the positive effects of right communication in various branches of law such as civil, constitutional law or tax law. On the other hand, the negative effects of communication leading to the deterioration of the legal message, so that much of the legal message becomes legal noise. Another negative effect of miscommunication of law is the phenomenon of legislative inflation, which has a profound impact on the way in which legal rules are understood and respected by community members. All these negative effects produce serious consequencesin civil law, company law, tax law, and in many other areas of law.

  13. Towards enhanced public access to legal information : A proposal for official networked one-stop legal information websites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mitee, Leesi Ebenezer


    Abstract: This article identifies the publishing of fragments of legal information on multiple, isolated official legal information websites (OLIWs) as the major factor underlying the existing problems in locating the available official online legal information of all levels of government (national,

  14. Carolee Schneemann. El cine como autobiografía, la artista como actriz, el cuerpo como pincel

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    María Barbaño González-Moreno


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la relación de cine y mujer a partir de la obra fílmica de Carolee Schneemann, principalmente de su obra autobiográfica Fuses (1964-1966. Desde ella, se plantea el papel de la artista como productora, directora y protagonista principal de todas sus obras. Reflexionamos así sobre el rol del creador-director como actor que derivaría en la consecución de una obra cinematográfica de tintes necesariamente autobiográficos. Asumiendo la visión vanguardista del cine como diario personal/Entendido el cine como diario personal, Schneemann va a explorar en su obra diferentes aspectos de la identidad y la sexualidad de la mujer en un cine artístico, alternativo y de tendencia política feminista. Entendido/Asumido su cine como elemento plástico, la artista explorará de forma paralela la experimentación matérica y física a través de los cuerpos filmados así como de la propia materialidad de la película, excluyendo toda posibilidad narrativa, dramática e ilusoria de proyección del espectador en el espacio cinematográfico y el espacio privado del creador.

  15. Should Drugs Be Legalized? (United States)

    Chambliss, William; Scorza, Thomas


    Presents two opposing viewpoints concerning the legalization of drugs. States that control efforts are not cost effective and suggests that legalization with efforts at education is a better course of action (W. Chambliss). The opposing argument contends that the cost in human suffering negates any savings in dollars gained through legalization…

  16. Legal Coordinator | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Develops systems and procedures for administering and tracking legal undertakings, coordinates and consolidates the legal information in order to meet deadlines. • Collaborates with the Secretary and General Counsel to ensure that all legal issues are handled efficiently, while respecting the highly confidential nature of ...

  17. Legal clinic gender sensitive method for law students

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    Petrušić Nevena


    Full Text Available In this paper, the authors discuss models of integrating gender issues, gender perspective and some gender aspects into the university education. In that context, the authors particularly focus on the concept of clinical legal education in legal clinics offering a specific practical model of teaching gender studies. Legal clinics provide for an innovative approach to gender education of prospective legal professional. The teaching method used in these legal clinics is aimed at raising students' awareness of gender issues and common gender-related biases. In the recent period, the Legal Clinic at the Law Faculty in Niš has achieved excellent results in the Clinical legal education program on the women's rights protection, which clearly proves that legal clinics have good prospects in general legal education.

  18. The Legal Ethical Backbone of Conscientious Refusal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munthe, Christian; Nielsen, Morten Ebbe Juul


    This article analyzes the idea of a legal right to conscientious refusal for healthcare professionals from a basic legal ethical standpoint, using refusal to perform tasks related to legal abortion (in cases of voluntary employment) as a case in point. The idea of a legal right to conscientious...... refusal is distinguished from ideas regarding moral rights or reasons related to conscientious refusal, and none of the latter are found to support the notion of a legal right. Reasons for allowing some sort of room for conscientious refusal for healthcare professionals based on the importance of cultural...... identity and the fostering of a critical atmosphere might provide some support, if no countervailing factors apply. One such factor is that a legal right to healthcare professionals’ conscientious refusal must comply with basic legal ethical tenets regarding the rule of law and equal treatment...


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    Leandro Jesus Costa


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como o objetivo destacar a importância da divulgação da possibilidade de parcelamento do ITCMD (Imposto Causa Mortis e Doações no Inventário Extrajudicial, no Estado de São Paulo, para garantir a equidade e a celeridade, ampliando a eficácia da Lei Federal 11.441/2007, do Decreto Estadual nº 56.588/2010, e do Artigo 610 do Novo Código de Processo Civil. Defende que tal parcelamento atua desburocratizando o Poder Judiciário, incentivando as partes envolvidas a procurar cada vez menos o Judiciário. Com isso, espera-se uma maior procura para a regularização junto aos Tabelionatos de Notas, dando mais rapidez ao Inventario Extrajudicial.

  20. Legal capital: an outdated concept


    John Armour


    This paper reviews the case for and against mandatory legal capital rules. It is argued that legal capital is no longer an appropriate means of safeguarding creditors' interests. This is most clearly the case as regards mandatory rules. Moreover, it is suggested that even an 'opt in' (or default) legal capital regime is unlikely to be a useful mechanism. However, the advent of regulatory arbitrage in European corporate law will provide a way of gathering information regarding investors' prefe...

  1. Forma legal, innovación y productividad de las fi rmas en la industria manufacturera colombiana

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    Hernández Iván


    Full Text Available Este escrito examina la evolución de la forma legal de las firmas y sus efectos sobre la innovación y la productividad de las empresas de la industria manufacturera colombiana. El ascenso de la estructura de sociedad limitada se evidencia en la estrategia de los conglomerados grandes y poderosos de aumentar su tamaño y su poder mediante la absorción de empresas una forma legal de sociedad anónima. Se argumenta que esta innovación institucional es subóptima porque adopta un esquema de responsabilidad limitada que excluye a las fuerzas intraempresariales del acceso a la propiedad. Este fue el mundo del que se ocupó la economía política clásica, y algunos estudiosos como Schumpeter: un mundo en el que el cambio institucional favorecía el divorcio entre la propiedad y la actividad empresarial.

  2. Las páginas culturales de los diarios como puente de comunicación con el lector

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    Dra. Margarita Pérez de Eulate Vargas


    Full Text Available Es evidente que la prensa juega un papel importante en el engranaje cultural de nuestro mundo, ya que además de contribuir a la formación de la opinión pública, vierte sobre los lectores noticias de toda índole que pueden influir en sus decisiones y negocios personales. La información cultural inserta en los periódicos contribuye de modo destacado a una mayor socialización del público lector y a una elevación del nivel de alfabetización. De las páginas culturales nacen el diálogo y la controversia ideológica que posibilitan el pluralismo y el encuentro con la verdad. Desde ellas también se puede luchar contra la pasividad y convertir la cultura amenazada en algo vivo y eficaz.

  3. Legal Regimes of Official Information in Ukraine

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    Serhii Yesimov


    Full Text Available In the article on the basis of the methodology of system analysis the legal nature and sources of legal regulation of the legal regime of official information in Ukraine in the conditions of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of the European Union are considered. A comparative legal analysis of official information in the public-law and private-law spheres in the context of legal regimes of restricted information, confidential information and information classified as state secrets has been conducted.

  4. Economic and legal consequences of concluded apparent legal on national interests in Montenegro

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    Vuksanović Draginja


    Full Text Available Concluding contracts on long-term leases of state-owned properties, beaches and bathing grounds should bring about positive economic effects through the payment of lease fees and the construction of tourist complexes, which in turn should be reflected on the development of tourism, and therefore on a better quality of life of citizens. In order to have legal effect, a contract as a legal transaction must be concluded in accordance with positive legal regulations. The respect for the institution of public order is the only condition limiting the fundamental principle of the law of obligations - the freedom of contract (autonomy of will. Through a detailed legal analysis, we want to draw attention to the examples of contracts on long-term leases that are unlawful. It is a particular type of apparent legal transactions (simulated contracts, because in concluding contracts on long-term leases of state-owned property, leases are simulated in public, while the contracts actually contain elements of sales. It is particularly interesting that the lessor in the concluded contracts is a relevant state authority (a ministry, on whose behalf the contract is signed by an authorized representative who had also led the negotiations with foreign investors. The consequences of such contracts negatively influence the economic development, tourism industry, and therefore also the standard of living of citizens.

  5. The Legal Ethical Backbone of Conscientious Refusal. (United States)

    Munthe, Christian; Nielsen, Morten Ebbe Juul


    This article analyzes the idea of a legal right to conscientious refusal for healthcare professionals from a basic legal ethical standpoint, using refusal to perform tasks related to legal abortion (in cases of voluntary employment) as a case in point. The idea of a legal right to conscientious refusal is distinguished from ideas regarding moral rights or reasons related to conscientious refusal, and none of the latter are found to support the notion of a legal right. Reasons for allowing some sort of room for conscientious refusal for healthcare professionals based on the importance of cultural identity and the fostering of a critical atmosphere might provide some support, if no countervailing factors apply. One such factor is that a legal right to healthcare professionals' conscientious refusal must comply with basic legal ethical tenets regarding the rule of law and equal treatment, and this requirement is found to create serious problems for those wishing to defend the idea under consideration. We conclude that the notion of a legal right to conscientious refusal for any profession is either fundamentally incompatible with elementary legal ethical requirements, or implausible because it undermines the functioning of a related professional sector (healthcare) or even of society as a whole.

  6. Civil legal responsibility for environmental pollution

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    Pajtić Bojan L.


    Full Text Available Serbia's EU accession process has actualised the need to harmonise our legislation with the common legal regulations of the European community of nations. The accelerated economic growth produces environmental challenges associated with harmful emissions. This paper gives an account of international declarations, conventions, directives and other state and civil society instruments of legal protection against the environmental damage. A special focus is placed on our positive legislation and enforcement of legal regulations in ensuring the civil legal responsibility, i.e. prevention of the occurrence of damage and indemnification for the damage caused.


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    Amelia-Raluca ONIŞOR


    Full Text Available The research analyses the legal effects of mergers and acquisitions from the Romanian Company Law perspective, underlining certain general principles, the procedure of annulment of such a legal transformation of companies and the protection of the employees of companies participating in the merger according to the Law no. 67/2006. These consequences of mergers and acquisions are to be seen in the broader light of the most important purpose of this legal instrument, maximizing financial and organizational efficiencies, thus legal certainty is a desirable goal to be assumed by any merger regulation.


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    Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira Santos


    Full Text Available El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los dispositivos legales de la profesión, relacionados conel tema de desbridamiento quirúrgico. Esta es una investigación documental con un análisis categórico de datos. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de la web del Consejo Regional de Enfermería. El material fue sometido a la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados revelaron tres categorías: El tema del documento y la temática del texto, Definición y clasificación de desbridamiento, una amplia gama de conceptos y Conclusión de documentos a la competencia legal de los enfermeros para llevar a cabo el desbridamiento quirúrgico. Los resultados de la análisis categórico mostró la necesidad de una política única de la agencia federal que regule la práctica del desbridamiento quirúrgico conservador para los enfermeros teniendo en cuenta: la normalización de los términos, para evitar diferentes interpretaciones, actitudes y límites de ejecución, teniendo en cuenta las indicaciones y contraindicaciones de este método más allá de los requisitos para la formación necesaria.

  9. Implicaciones criminológicas de los casos legales recibidos en una unidad de Psiquiatría: Resultados preliminares/ Legal cases received in a Psychiatric unit and it’s criminological implications: Preliminary results

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    Odalis Tibisay Parra Izarra (Venezuela


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio descriptivo de tipo cuantitativo y de carácter retrospectivo, de la frecuencia con la que las instituciones de control social formal refieren “casos legales” a la Unidad de Psiquiatría del Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes (IAHULA, en Mérida, Venezuela, desde 1996 hasta el 2009, encontrando un aumento exponencial de estas demandas en el transcurso de los catorce años estudiados, con un total de 2216 referencias, correspondiendo el mayor número al Consejo de Protección del Niño, Niña y Adolescente (CPNNA (55%, como también a quien la Consulta Externa de Psiquiatría le envió el mayor número de respuestas (42%, de igual manera el CPNNA fue la institución con más solicitudes de evaluación psicológica (50,6%. El delito no fue mencionado en la gran mayoría (88,1% de referencias legales de las instituciones de control social formal. Concluyendo que hay pertinencia criminológica en los “casos legales” referidos a la Unidad de Psiquiatría del IAHULA y, se sugiere, que un profesional como el criminólogo clínico, de ser considerado en ambas instancias, pudiera fungir de puente entre la Unidad de Psiquiatría y las instituciones de control social formal. There is realized a descriptive study of quantitative type and of retrospective character, of the frequency with which the institutions of social formal control recount “legal cases” to the Psychiatry Unit of the IAHULA, in Merida, Venezuela, from 1996 until 2009, finding an exponential increase of these demands in the course of fourteen studied years, with a total of 2216 references, corresponding the major number to the Protection Advice of the Child, Girl and Teenager (PACGT (55%, since also to whom the External Consultation of Psychiatry sent the major number of answers (42%, of equal way PACGT it was the Institution with more requests of psychological evaluation (50,6%. The crime was not mentioned in the great majority (88

  10. Weberian versus Pluralistic Legal Forces in the Global Political Economy

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    Volkmar Gessner


    Full Text Available This picture supports a view that modernization processes lead naturally to legal structures similar to what can be observed in Western societies and that also global structures will emerge on the same model. Together with modernization theory another prominent theory often alluded to as justification for legalization is Institutional Economics where rules and institutions are considered mechanisms for effective transaction costs avoidance. My earlier publications compare these and other approaches for explaining the role of law in the economy. A third theory is Max Weber’s legal rationalization, an evolutionary process running from traditional irrational forms to formal, bureaucratic forms of legal domination. Weber’s view that legal rationalization is our “fate” and informal rules and institutions are necessarily outdated will be reconsidered from a historical perspective and confronted with empirical data gathered in the area of the governance of global business transactions. This article will attempt to show that although Weber’s influential approach still helps to explain much of what occurs in domestic models of capitalism it doesn’t seem to grasp the growing complexities of globalized capitalism. Este análisis apoya la opinión de que los procesos de modernización conducen naturalmente a las estructuras jurídicas similares a lo que se observa en las sociedades occidentales y que también las estructuras globales surgirán en el mismo modelo. Junto con la teoría de la modernización, otra teoría prominente a menudo aludida como justificación para la legalización es la Economía Institucional, donde las reglas y las instituciones se consideran mecanismos para evitar los costos de transacción de efectivo. Las publicaciones anteriores del autor comparan estos y otros enfoques para explicar el papel de la ley en la economía. Una tercera teoría es la racionalización jurídica de Max Weber, un proceso evolutivo que va

  11. Legal mentality: the interpretation of the scientific discourse

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    Ігор Олексійович Поліщук


    Full Text Available The article deals with the specifics of the interpretation of «legal mentality ‘category in different scientific concepts. The most authoritative study of the mentality directions: social psychology, which is based on the sociological theory of E. Durkheim; general psychology, theory of archetypes as the basis of the «collective unconscious,» K. Jung, the concept of «social character», V. Rayh. Legal mentality – a deep, well-established system of views and opinions of a particular social group, class, stratum, people, nation or community to another institute of law, peculiarities of its application and role in society. The specifics of the legal mentality lies in its visual Depending on historical traditions and culture of a particular nation. This necessitates mandatory accounting features of the legal mentality of the people in the legislative process. Formation of legal culture of the people is impossible without its primer on its historical traditions, culture and language. Revival Ukrainian legal culture consistent with modern legal policy polyarchy. Despite the trend of integration of their own political, economic and legal systems in the European community of the European Union member states to carefully refer to the national legal traditions. National mentality and its features are reflected in the legal submissions which are contained in proverbs, sayings, myths, thoughts, tales, is the oral form of manifestation of the people's legal culture, as well as reflected in the customs, traditions, ways of working, which were made in the legal daily on throughout the history of the people. In addition, the features appear in the national legal notions and reactions in relation to such objects of political and legal reality as a state, local government, law, crime, punishment, the court, the trial, the political leaders, customs reform, civil servants, family, inheritance, labor, property, and so on. It is noted that in legal science

  12. Action-Based Jurisprudence: Praxeological Legal Theory in Relation to Economic Theory, Ethics, and Legal Practice

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    Konrad Graf


    Full Text Available Action-based legal theory is a discrete branch of praxeology and the basis of an emerging school of jurisprudence related to, but distinct from, natural law. Legal theory and economic theory share content that is part of praxeology itself: the action axiom, the a priori of argumentation, universalizable property theory, and counterfactual-deductive methodology. Praxeological property-norm justification is separate from the strictly ethical “ought” question of selecting ends in an action context. Examples of action-based jurisprudence are found in existing “Austro-libertarian” literature. Legal theory and legal practice must remain distinct and work closely together if justice is to be found in real cases. Legal theorizing was shaped in religious ethical contexts, which contributed to confused field boundaries between law and ethics. The carrot and stick influence of rulers on theorists has distorted conventional economics and jurisprudence in particular directions over the course of centuries. An action-based approach is relatively immune to such sources of distortion in its methods and conclusions, but has tended historically to be marginalized from conventional institutions for this same reason.

  13. Organizational Factors Affecting Legalization in Education. (United States)

    Meyer, John W.

    Legalization here refers to the introduction into the educational system of new legal rules, emanating from outside the routine channels of educational management. It includes general legal rules from legislation, from the courts, or from higher administrative levels. The key to the definition is lack of integration of the new rules with the main…

  14. Ibn Ḥazm on Homosexuality. A case-study of Ẓāhirī legal Methodology

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    Adang, Camilla


    Full Text Available This article discusses the views of the teologian and legal scholar Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba (d. 456/1064 on homosexuality. Although reference is made to his literary work Ṭawq al-ḥamāma, which is rich in anecdotes on homoerotic attraction, the article focuses on Ibn Ḥazm's multivolume legal tract Kitāb al-Muḥallā, a work written from a Ẓāhirī, or literalist perspective. A step-by-step analysis of Ibn Hazm's legal reasoning on homosexuality, both male (liwāṭ and female (siḥāq is provided, and comparisons with the views of other jurist, especially Mālikis, are made. Unlike his Mālikī contemporaries, Ibn Ḥazm holds that homosexuality is not to be equated with fomication (zinā, which incurs the death penalty. Instead, he advocates a relatively mild punishment of up to ten lashes for homosexual practices, based upon his idiosyncratic interpretation of the revealed sources which is illustrated here. Although Ibn Ḥazm is believed by some modem authors to have had homosexual leanings himself, he categorically condemns sexual contacts between members of the same sex as immoral and sinful, and believes that homosexuals should be reformed.

    Este artículo discute las opiniones de Ibn Ḥazm de Córdoba (m. 456/1064 jurista y teólogo, acerca de la homosexualidad. Aunque se hace referencia a su obra literaria Ṭawq al-ḥamāma, rica en anécdotas sobre atracción homoerótica, el artículo se centra en su voluminosa obra legal zahirí Kitāb al-Muḥallā y analiza el razonamiento legal de Ibn Ḥazm sobre la homosexualidad tanto masculina (liwāf como femenina (siḥāq comparándola con la de otros juristas, en particular, malikíes. A diferencia de sus contemporáneos malikíes, Ibn Hazm mantiene que la homosexualidad no debe equipararse a la fornicación (zinā que incurre en la pena de muerte. Por el contrario, aboga por el relativamente suave

  15. La Medicina Legal en Antioquia: primera parte Legal medicine in Antioquia: first part

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    Carlos Enrique Escobar Gónima


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe aspectos históricos de la Medicina legal en Antioquia, con énfasis en las personas que fueron importantes para su desarrollo inicial. THIS WORK DESCRIBES HISTORICAL aspects of legal medicine in Antioquia, Colombia. Emphasis is done on people who were important in its initial development.

  16. Morocco : Legal and Judicial Sector Assessment


    World Bank


    The overall legal framework in Morocco is not a priority area for reform. The law-making process, however, is weak, resulting in poorly drafted laws, and legal dissemination is inadequate. Legal education relies upon outdated curricula and is offered in competing languages, French and Arabic, the selection of which largely determines students' choices for future employment. The training of...

  17. The Theory of the Legal State

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    L. J. Du Plessis


    Full Text Available In this article, which has not been published before, the late Prof. du Plessis lays bare the philosophical roots of the liberal-democratic state, or the legal state, as he preferred to call it. After a recapitulative version of the theory of the legal state, het indicates the origin of this form in Greek philosophy and in Medieval thought. The stress, however, is on the Modem Era, in which he distinuishes two main periods in the development of the theory of the legal state:the jusnaturalistic period and thepositivistic or formal period.He argues that positivism has destroyed the original ideal o f individual freedom in facts by regarding justice as a purely formal matter susceptible to any content. All guarantees for individual freedom which rested on a universal normative system fe ll away. The state defines its own competence and limits itself to legal forms in all its activities. The legal state thus merely becomes the state, any state as determined by fixed rules o f its own making to which it binds itselfin all its functioning. Law sinks to a mere form in which the juristic personality of the state manifests its supremacy, and from this there is only one step to the concept that the state is identical with law, so that any state necessarily is a legal state, and any state action which is formally correct, is legal. The article concludes with a brief representation o f the author’s own political and legal vision.

  18. The Legalization of Higher Education (United States)

    Badke, Lara K.


    A complete discussion of intellectual property (IP), faculty rights, and the public good requires a thorough framing of higher education's legal context, from which the rise of legalistic criteria (or legalization) and current IP regime have grown.

  19. A convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o direito do mar e a obrigação de cooperação

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    Henrique Santos Costa de Souza


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa analisar a cooperação no sentido axiológico e a cooperação jurídica internacional vertical, tendo-se por embasamento normativo a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar, estabelecendo-se uma relação entre o Tribunal Internacional do Direito do Mar e Tribunais nacionais, em um contexto no qual a comunidade internacional enfrenta diversos desafios transfronteiriços e universais, de interesse da humanidade como um todo, com base no pluralismo temático normativo do Direito Internacional, especificamente tratando-se do Direito do Mar.

  20. The Legal Regulation of Cybersecurity

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    Darius Štitilis


    Full Text Available Cybercrime has become a global phenomenon, which is causing more harm to individual citizens, organizations, society and the state. Most countries in the world compare cybercrime with offences such as terrorism and drug trafficking due to its risks and profitability. Cybersecurity is the central category to fight cybercrime in cyberspace. Therefore, the strategic legal regulation of cybersecurity is one of the most relevant problems in EU, including Lithuania. So far cybersecurity legal regulation analysis in scientific literature has been rather limited. The European Commission, together with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has published a cybersecurity strategy alongside a Commission proposed directive on network and information security (NIS. The cybersecurity strategy – “An Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace” - represents the EU’s comprehensive vision on how best to prevent and respond to cyber disruptions and attacks. The purpose of its is to further European values of freedom and democracy and ensure the digital economy can safely grow. Specific actions are aimed at enhancing cyber resilience of information systems, reducing cybercrime and strengthening EU international cyber-security policy and cyber defence. The main goal of the paper is to analyze and compare the EU cybersecurity strategy and experience of several foreign countries with the strategic legal regulation of cybersecurity in Lithuania. The article consists of four parts. The first part dealt with the EU cybersecurity strategy. The second part of the article examines the comparative aspect of foreign cybersecurity strategic legal regulation. The third part deals with attempts in Lithuania to draft cybersecurity law and the holistic approach of cybersecurity legal regulation. The fourth part examines Lithuanian cybersecurity strategy and comments on the main probleas related with the strategy. Several different approaches

  1. Calibrating Legal Judgments

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    Frederick Schauer


    Full Text Available Objective to study the notion and essence of legal judgments calibration the possibilities of using it in the lawenforcement activity to explore the expenses and advantages of using it. Methods dialectic approach to the cognition of social phenomena which enables to analyze them in historical development and functioning in the context of the integrity of objective and subjective factors it determined the choice of the following research methods formallegal comparative legal sociological methods of cognitive psychology and philosophy. Results In ordinary life people who assess other peoplersaquos judgments typically take into account the other judgments of those they are assessing in order to calibrate the judgment presently being assessed. The restaurant and hotel rating website TripAdvisor is exemplary because it facilitates calibration by providing access to a raterrsaquos previous ratings. Such information allows a user to see whether a particular rating comes from a rater who is enthusiastic about every place she patronizes or instead from someone who is incessantly hard to please. And even when less systematized as in assessing a letter of recommendation or college transcript calibration by recourse to the decisional history of those whose judgments are being assessed is ubiquitous. Yet despite the ubiquity and utility of such calibration the legal system seems perversely to reject it. Appellate courts do not openly adjust their standard of review based on the previous judgments of the judge whose decision they are reviewing nor do judges in reviewing legislative or administrative decisions magistrates in evaluating search warrant representations or jurors in assessing witness perception. In most legal domains calibration by reference to the prior decisions of the reviewee is invisible either because it does not exist or because reviewing bodies are unwilling to admit using what they in fact know and employ. Scientific novelty for the first

  2. The users of legal information

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    Fabio Assis Pinho


    Full Text Available The decision making needs must be based on current and reliable information, especially in legal environments. In Brazil, the changes in legislation are constants because of the enactments of the provisional measures. In this sense, it is necessary to know the sources and changes to satisfy the needs of users of legal area. Therefore, through an exploratory research, it aimed to do a user study, experts on legal aspects in the law library of the Regional Procurator of the Republic of the 5th Region (Brazil, which is a unit belonging to Brazil's Federal Public Ministry, with the use of a questionnaire as data collection tool. The results shows that users of legal information is more demanding and expert in their search and uses various sources, because their information needs has a high degree of difficulty.

  3. Legal Marketing and Lawyer's Communication

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    Sara Casolaro


    Full Text Available The application of marketing strategies to the law firm represents a breakthrough in Italy which has struggled to establish itself as a result of a culture based on a strict code of ethics. However, in recent years there has been a turnaround and the benefits arising from the application to legal profession of the typical principles of enterprises are increasingly evident.   Il marketing legale e la comunicazione dell’avvocato L’applicazione delle strategie di marketing allo studio legale rappresenta un’innovazione che in Italia ha stentato a imporsi a causa di una cultura basata su una rigida deontologia. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni vi è stata un’inversione di tendenza e i benefici derivanti dall’applicazione alla professione forense dei princìpi tipici delle imprese sono sempre più evidenti. Parole chiave: marketing, studio legale, comunicazione

  4. Legal Translation Dictionaries for Learners

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sandro


    in conditional clauses. When translating into languages not allowing such structures, for instance, English and French, learners need their legal translation dictionaries to help them with both the legal terms and the syntactic structures. The uses of textual conventions that characterise the legal genre vary....... Lexicographers should therefore design their dictionaries so that they contain intra-lingual or contrastive descriptions of the relevant genre conventions. As illustrated in Nielsen (2000) whether the best solution is to retain the genre conventions found in the SL text or to adopt the conventions used in TL...

  5. Las clínicas jurídicas y la identidad del jurista: reflexiones filosófico-jurídicas a partir del debate italiano | Legal Clinics And The Identity Of The Jurist: A Legal-Philosophical Perspective From The Italian Landscape

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    Maria Giulia Bernardini


    Full Text Available Resumen: Si bien en Italia el debate sobre las clínicas jurídicas está en una fase inicial, cada vez hay un mayor número de universidades que están poniendo en marcha iniciativas vinculadas a tal fenómeno emergente. Ello permite plantearse nuevas cuestiones, en especial aquellas relacionadas con las clínicas, pero también es posible reconfigurar algunos de los temas “clásicos” y fundamentales de la filosofía del derecho. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo apuntar algunos de tales aspectos. Así tras una reconstrucción del marco general del debate, me detendré sobre los temas principales de la experiencia clínica, esto es la formación del jurista y la tensión por alcanzar la justicia social. Abstract: Although the Italian debate concerning legal clinics is at the beginning, a growing number of Law Schools is starting to explore this approach to legal education. As a consequence, new topics specifically concerning legal clinics arise, while others – more “traditional” for legal-philosophical experts – need to be reconfigured and re-articulated. This essay aims at addressing some of the latter aspects: once the terms of the debate have been reconstructed, I will consider two of the main topics of the clinical experience, namely the jurist’s formation and the tension towards social justice outcomes.

  6. Os desafios da educação quilombola no Brasil: o território como contexto e texto


    Lourdes de Fátima Bezerra Carril


    El reconocimiento legal de los quilombos en Brasil representa un hito en la visibilidad de las diferencias étnicas y culturales de la sociedad. El mito de la democracia racial borran el dolor de la esclavitud, haciendo lesiones de identidades en los descendentes africanos. Tomando en cuenta la lucha por el reconocimiento, buscase la ampliación de sus derechos, como la educación quilombola. Hay grandes retos, incluso el de cambiar la cultura de la escuela que no atenta para la diversidad étnic...

  7. Minimally legally invasive dentistry. (United States)

    Lam, R


    One disadvantage of the rapid advances in modern dentistry is that treatment options have never been more varied or confusing. Compounded by a more educated population greatly assisted by online information in an increasingly litigious society, a major concern in recent times is increased litigation against health practitioners. The manner in which courts handle disputes is ambiguous and what is considered fair or just may not be reflected in the judicial process. Although legal decisions in Australia follow a doctrine of precedent, the law is not static and is often reflected by community sentiment. In medical litigation, this has seen the rejection of the Bolam principle with a preference towards greater patient rights. Recent court decisions may change the practice of dentistry and it is important that the clinician is not caught unaware. The aim of this article is to discuss legal issues that are pertinent to the practice of modern dentistry through an analysis of legal cases that have shaped health law. Through these discussions, the importance of continuing professional development, professional association and informed consent will be realized as a means to limit the legal complications of dental practice. © 2014 Australian Dental Association.


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    Gustavo Javier Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se concibe en el marco de un estudio de la etnomedicina de los pueblos tobas (qom del Chaco Central, Argentina, y  pretende mostrar - a partir de la caracterización de la misma y del estado actual de los procesos de salud/enfermedad- algunos de los desafíos que supone una gestión intercultural en materia de salud en la región conocida como Impenetrable chaqueño. Para ello nos detendremos en la consideración de tres aspectos: Las prácticas médicas tradicionales en el sistema sanitario local, la salud materno- infantil, y las problemáticas de salud vinculadas al ambiente. Desde el punto de vista metodológico discutiremos algunos marcos teóricos y el estado actual en torno a estas temáticas, a la luz de información de campo obtenida de la conjunción de técnicas cualitativas, cuantitativas y participativas. Analizaremos para ello la complejidad del sistema etnomédico vigente en la región; los conflictos y articulación entre los diferentes escenarios y actores locales; las representaciones, pensamientos y praxis de las mujeres tobas vinculadas al ciclo vital; y por último, los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los nativos en relación con los cambios ambientales y con las enfermedades a ellos asociadas. Como síntesis y corolario de cada una de estas temáticas, exponemos posibles lineamientos y sugerencias en orden a la gestión intercultural de la salud, considerando el contexto de pluralismo médico vigente, así como el aporte de diversos enfoques interdisciplinares de investigación y acción, tales como las perspectivas etnoecológicas y los estudios de epidemiología crítica y comunitaria.   Palabras claves: tobas; Chaco Central; Impenetrable; salud; interculturalidad; etnomedicina.   Abstract The following article is conceived as part of a study of ethnomedicine of the people Toba (Qom of the Central Chaco, Argentina, and aims to show - by characterizing of it and of  the current state of



    Claudiu Ramon D. Butculescu


    This article addresses some aspects of legal communication or legal effects of communication. As such, legal communication can have positive and negative effects. Both effects are briefly analyzed, and for the negative effects of legal communication we have also presented proposals to reduce the negative effects of law communication. Thus, the article presents the positive effects of right communication in various branches of law such as civil, constitutional law or tax law. On th...

  10. Studying Legal Cultures and Encounters?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Hanne


    This article discusses the cultural and other turns in relation to legal culture and situates Western legal culture in context. It deals with concepts and their relations to trends and fashions and introduces methodological reflections such as use of interdisciplinary methods, personal experience...

  11. Legal Principles and Legislative Instrumentalism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gribnau, J.L.M.; Soeteman, A.


    Instrumentalist legislation usually underestimates the importance of legal principles in modern law. Legal principles are the normative core of a value oriented conception of law. They function as essential criteria of evaluation for lawmaking by the legislator and the executive. In fact,

  12. €œLegal Boundaries of Online Advertising"


    Gürkaynak, Gönenç; Yılmaz, İlay; Yeşilaltay, Burak


    This contribution discusses the legal framework of online advertising and common legal issues pertaining thereto. This paper also addresses the implementation of general legal provisions to online advertising issues in different jurisdictions and the diversity of approaches. It provides the legal boundaries that are specifically applicable to online advertising. The paper then provides a legal analysis on online advertising with a focus on Turkish laws and practice. In the conclusion, there a...

  13. Legal Knowledge and Agility in Public Administration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, A.; van Engers, T.


    To address agility in public administration, we have developed a knowledge acquisition infrastructure for legal knowledge, based on an implementation-oriented conceptualization of the legal system. Our objective is to reframe legal knowledge as a knowledge source in a design-oriented task ontology,

  14. Legal Quality, Inequality, and Tolerance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørnskov, Christian

    Previous findings suggest that income inequality leads to lower legal quality. This paper argues that voters' tolerance of inequality exerts an additional influence. Empirical findings suggest that inequality leads to lower legal quality due to its effect on trust while the tolerance of inequality...

  15. Legal Quality, Inequality, and Tolerance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørnskov, Christian


    Previous findings suggest that income inequality leads to lower legal quality. This paper argues that voters' tolerance of inequality exerts an additional influence. Empirical findings suggest that inequality leads to lower legal quality due to its effect on trust while the tolerance of inequality...

  16. Legal highs on the Internet. (United States)

    Hillebrand, Jennifer; Olszewski, Deborah; Sedefov, Roumen


    This article describes the findings of a descriptive analysis of 27 online drug retailers selling legal alternatives to illegal drugs, commonly referred to as "herbal highs" and "legal highs" in 2008 . The study attempted to quantify the online availability of drug retailers, to describe common products and characteristics in EU-based retail sales. The findings highlight the concern about the lack of objective information about products offered, including potential risks to health. Systems should be developed to assess the contents of products and the accuracy of information provided on the Internet, alongside continued monitoring of this market for "legal high" substances.


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    Full Text Available The interest – which is an institution typical to private law, has been taken over by the fiscal field and adapted to the specific features of fiscal obligation – being defined by its imperative legal regime, which has at the least the following characteristic elements: unitary character, imposed legal percentage, compulsory demand of interest, automatic application. In order to render responsible fiscal debtors, the lawmaker has reintroduced, as an accessory of fiscal obligation, delayed payment penalties, which have a distinct nature and legal regime, but without the principle non bis in idem being transgressed. Our study aims to establish the legal regime ofaccessories typical to fiscal obligation, from the perspective of special normative acts, but also of the common law within the field – Civil Code and Government Ordinance No. 13/2011 – by pointing out at the same time both the particular circumstances and procedural ones regulated by the Fiscal Procedure Code, shedding light upon the controversial legal nature of accessories.

  18. Collaborative Legal Pluralism

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    Wim Decock


    Full Text Available Legal pluralism calls into question the monopoly of the modern state when it comes to the production and the enforcement of norms. It rests on the assumption that juridical normativity and state organization can be dissociated. From an early modern historian’s perspective, such an assumption makes perfect sense, the plural nature of the legal order being the natural state of affairs in imperial spaces across the globe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This article will provide a case study of the collaborative nature of the interaction between spiritual and temporal legal orders in Spain and its overseas territories as conceived by Tomás de Mercado (ca. 1520–1575, a major theologian from the School of Salamanca. His treatise on trade and contracts (1571 contained an extended discussion of the government’s attempt to regulate the grain market by imposing a maximum price. It will be argued that Mercado’s view on the bindingness of economic regulations in conscience allowed for the internalization of the regulatory power of the nascent state. He called upon confessors to be strict enforcers of state law, considering them as fathers of the republic as much as fathers of faith. This is illustrative of the »collaborative form of legal pluralism« typical of the osmotic relationship between Church and State in the early modern Spanish empire. It contributed to the moral justification of state jurisdictions, while at the same time, guaranteeing a privileged role for theologians and religious leaders in running the affairs of the state.

  19. Em busca do ethos comunitário: universidades catarinenses mantidas por fundações públicas de direito privado, um olhar a partir do pluralismo jurídico

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    Carlos Magno Spricigo Venerio


    Full Text Available O presente estudo pretende analisar a partir do pluralismo jurídico comunitário-participativo e dentro do atual panorama da gestão universitária catarinense a situação em que se encontram as universidades catarinenses mantidas por fundações públicas de direito privado. Confrontadas na virada do século com um cenário inédito de fim do virtual monopólio do ensino superior pago em suas regiões de abrangência, decorrente da expansão do ensino superior privado e do recente incremento do investimento público estatal em educação superior, estas instituições têm buscado de forma articulada o fortalecimento de sua identidade organizacional comunitária, com ênfase na afirmação da prática da gestão democrática. A partir de dados de matrículas em graduação na última década; atendimento de requisitos para credenciamento na forma de organização universitária; e análise dos diversos sistemas de eleições para reitor, o estudo busca apontar as tendências para o ensino superior pago inserido no sistema da Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais – ACAFE -em processo de migração para o sistema federal de ensino.

  20. Health Law as a Legal Discipline

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Helle Bødker


    The issue of how to dispose of aborted foetuses is a sensitive ethical and legal issue which relates directly to the legal status of the foetus. An illustrative example of this issue’s practical legal relevance is the Danish Council of Ethics’ recommendation of March 3, 2011, in reply...... to the Municipality of Odense regarding the establishment of a separate anonymous lawn for aborted foetuses at the town’s principal cemetery in order to provide parents with a free and optional alternative to the current procedure.The aim of this article is to analyse death before life in Danish law and to offer some...... general reflections on the legal status of cadaveric foetuses....


    Sigler-Harcavi, Alona; Cohen Ashkenazi, Limor


    Working with medical and paramedical teams has taught us that the medical staff does not fully utilize the potential of judicial decisions and precedents as a source for learning, drawing conclusions and motivating progress. Judicial ruling is an essential part of the toolbox used by medical administrators in general, and healthcare risk managers in particular. Knowing the relevant legal rulings, before you embark on any given path, is the equivalent of looking before you leap. This is not necessarily an issue of "holy scripture", but should mainly be considered as a source for expanding your perspective. Knowledge of the relevant rulings has many advantages that stem from the unique characteristics of the legal system. While the medical world has a clear and unequivocal advantage regarding knowledge and experience with respect to medicine, the legal world has various other advantages: a different and wider perspective with respect to economic and/or political considerations; universal fundamental principles, such as autonomy, equality, distributive justice, human dignity, the state's obligations to its citizens; complex systems of checks and balances, such as: desirable vs. available, the benefit of few vs. the good of the many, etc. These tools, typical of the legal world, are especially relevant to medicolegal issues, usually associated with medical administration, such as: the obligation of consultation, obligation of follow-up, treatment continuity, priorities, resource distribution, patient rights, etc. The contribution of the legal world to these issues is both unique and essential. Those who question the ability of judges to understand the medical world and to materially contribute to medical thinking and practice, claiming that they lack medical training and experience, should recognize the diverse contribution of the legal world to the medical world.

  2. Legal risk management in shipping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Siig, Kristina

    The book discusses the most typical legal challenges met in the chartering, broker, agent or port management part of the shipping industry. It discusses these issues in both English and Scandinavian law and gives indications on how to best ensure your legal risk management in these parts...

  3. 5 CFR 582.202 - Service of legal process. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Service of legal process. 582.202 Section... GARNISHMENT OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' PAY Service of Legal Process § 582.202 Service of legal process. (a) A... agency as a garnishee. (b) Service of legal process may be accomplished by certified or registered mail...

  4. Personal Dignity in the European Legal Culture

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    Lyudmila V. Butko


    Full Text Available The article presents the genesis of the origins of forming the legal mechanisms to protect the personal dignity in the European legal culture. It is noted that the legal content of dignity is predetermined by the moral aspect of consideration. In addition, the definition of "dignity" was transformed under the influence of the development of legal norms, doctrine and practice of protecting a person's rights and freedoms, the foundations of civil society and legal awareness. The chronological period of research was limited to the XIII-XIX centuries, within which the authors, using a comparative legal method, defined the directions of conceptualization and formalization of the personal dignity by scientists and legislation in the European countries. As a conclusion, it is shown that the observance of the right to personal dignity by the state will not only promote the exaltation of human dignity, but also simultaneously initiate the expansion of public law compensated by increasing the subjective rights.

  5. [Communication in health care - legal aspects]. (United States)

    Mina, András


    This paper is focusing on the legal aspects of communication in health care, especially on doctor-patient relationship, responsibility for information, communication of adverse events, and legal declarations.

  6. Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?


    Seo-Young Cho; Axel Dreher; Eric Neumayer


    This paper investigates the impact of legalized prostitution on human trafficking inflows. According to economic theory, there are two opposing effects of unknown magnitude. The scale effect of legalized prostitution leads to an expansion of the prostitution market, increasing human trafficking, while the substitution effect reduces demand for trafficked women as legal prostitutes are favored over trafficked ones. Our empirical analysis for a cross-section of up to 150 countries shows that th...

  7. Legal Aspects of the Web. (United States)

    Borrull, Alexandre Lopez; Oppenheim, Charles


    Presents a literature review that covers the following topics related to legal aspects of the Web: copyright; domain names and trademarks; linking, framing, caching, and spamdexing; patents; pornography and censorship on the Internet; defamation; liability; conflict of laws and jurisdiction; legal deposit; and spam, i.e., unsolicited mails.…

  8. 42 CFR 57.1511 - Opinion of legal counsel. (United States)


    ... indebtedness to the lender, stating that the credit and security instruments executed by the applicant are duly... memorandum or opinion of legal counsel with respect to the legality of any proposed note issue, the legal authority of the applicant to issue the note and secure it by the proposed collateral, and the legality of...

  9. 28 CFR 543.15 - Legal aid program. (United States)


    ... necessary to maintain security or good order in the institution, the Warden may prohibit a student or legal... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Legal aid program. 543.15 Section 543.15 Judicial Administration BUREAU OF PRISONS, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT LEGAL MATTERS...


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    Pedro Fernando CATANEO


    , mas sim, a toda a sociedade na qual o homem está incluído. A questão que se apresenta não é apenas de ordem jurídica, que encontra respaldo no direito positivo, mas sim, uma questão de sobrevivência, do homem, que hoje domina a Terra, assim como de todas as outras formas de vida, das quais ele é diretamente dependente. O Código Florestal brasileiro estabelece Reserva Legal como a área localizada no interior de uma propriedade rural, excetuada a de Preservação Permanente, necessária ao uso sustentável dos recursos naturais, à conservação e reabilitação dos processos ecológicos, à conservação da biodiversidade e ao abrigo e proteção de fauna e flora nativas. A Reserva Legal, nas proporções estabelecidas em Lei, tem importante função nesse processo climático. Atualmente áreas destinadas e averbadas como Reserva Legal são ínfimas, mas, apesar dos altos custos decorrentes, poderiam ser maiores, caso os proprietários rurais fossem sensibilizados quanto aos benefícios coletivos de sua implantação. Propõe-se neste trabalho a implantação de áreas de Reserva Legal, com financiamentos e incentivos, através de instrumentos jurídicos e políticos do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo, de forma a promover o desenvolvimento sustentável da propriedade, a geração e/ou manutenção da renda dos produtores, tanto pelo comércio de Carbono quanto pela produção de madeira, principalmente para fins energéticos, de modo que a função social da propriedade, como prevista em lei, seja alcançada.

  11. Platform economy in legal profession : An empirical study on online legal service providers in China

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Li, Jing


    Platform economy breaks into the legal profession by pooling lawyers with different specializations into a simple user-friendly platform, consolidating the lower-tier supply side of the legal market and generating economy of scale. This paper is the very first empirical piece looking into China’s

  12. O pluralismo da tese dos três mundos de Popper e a crí­tica de Habermas

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    João Batista C. Sieczkowski


    Full Text Available Este estudo abordará a tese dos três mundos, TTM, de Karl Popper. A TTM como pluralista e interacionista opõe-se ao monismo e a algumas concepções dualistas. Em uma segunda parte, pretendemos enfocar a crítica de Jürgen Habermas quando tenta aplicar a TTM e o M3 (mundo três na obtençáo de uma justificaçáo da teoria da açáo para a sociologia. Nesta crítica Habermas acaba negligenciando muitos objetivos claros da TTM e do M3 descritos por Popper, principalmente quando náo considera a TTM como uma tese metafísica e como resposta ao problema corpo-mente.

  13. Legal regulation of home births

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    Baturan Luka O.


    Full Text Available In this paper, authors tried to find efficient legal frame for home births. The main problem is the risk of life and health of a mother and a baby. If a mother wants a home labor, there are no legal obstacles ^for her to take the risk of her own life, after consultation with health-care professionals. However, society is obligated to protect unborn child from irrational behavior of the mother, if she acts against child's best interests. Legal rules were analyzed by methods of neo-institutional economic theory, while the risks of life and health of a mother and a baby were analyzed by medical science methods.

  14. Vocación docente versus profesión docente en las organizaciones educativas

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    Full Text Available El trabajo que presentamos, circunscrito a la formación de los futuros maestros, indaga el sentido de la vocación y profesión docentes en el seno de las organizaciones educativas, en el contexto de la sociedad del conocimiento y en plena convergencia europea. Partimos del análisis de los elementos que han influido y están influyendo en la situación profesional del profesorado: la tradición, las transformaciones sociales, los avances de la investigación y las necesidades de los maestros. A continuación se estudia la evolución de la actividad docente como vocación y se examinan las notas propias de la actividad docente como profesión. Concluimos afirmando que la enseñanza es una profesión con vocación en un ambiente de pluralismo ético y moral.

  15. Legal Inheritance in the Republic of Kosovo

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    Dr.Sc. Hamdi Podvorica


    Full Text Available Legal inheritance is one of the most important institutions of inheritance law which regulates the process of legal transition of property of the decedent to one or several heirs. The establish-ment of the legal framework has brought about new reforms to the Inheritance Law. This has enabled the enrichment and functio-ning of the law. A particularly important step was taken towards regulation of legal procedures regarding to how courts, other or-gans and other persons should act regarding inheritance issues. Concretization of the legal authorizations of bodies authorized to enforce the procedure of processing hereditary property has estab-lished the legal basis for realization of the iso jure principle, accor-ding to which, at the moment of death of the person, the heirs gain the right of inheritance and the hereditary property is never left without a titleholder. This is a great advantage that we have noted in undertaking this analysis of the norms in this work, because leaving hereditary property for a longer period of time without a titleholder would render the property vulnerable to des-truction, theft and extermination. The goal of this paper is to avoid focusing only on finding the positive sides of the normative regulation of the legal inheritance process, but also in finding practical deficiencies that are weighing down at the moment on this important process in Kosovo, and in proposing measures for overcoming them. The dark side of the legal inheritance process is linked to the inefficiency of courts and the still fragile legal system in Kosovo. By implementing empirical methods, we have come to the con-clusion that the low number of judges in proportion with the huge number of cases has become a key liability for practical implemen-tation of the principle of initiating the legal procedure ex officio. The failure in enforcing this principle and initiating the procedu-res for processing of hereditary property by courts, even though they

  16. Legal protection in French environmental law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fromont, M.


    The author presents a comparison of the French and the Federal German legal provisions providing for preliminary legal protection in connection with proceedings where protection of the environment is involved. The author also discusses proceedings in contentious administrative matters in connection with the licensing of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants, as well as the protection of the laws in subject matters concerning airborne pollution control and environmental protection in general. One of the most outstanding different features is the fact that in legal proceedings on administrative matters in France, protection of the existing legal system is the main issue rather than the protection of individual rights, as is the case in the Fed. Republic of Germany. (HP) [de

  17. The legal mentality and the succession of the law.

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    Vladimir Rybakov


    Full Text Available УДК 340Subject. The peculiarities of the legal mentality and succession of law, their correlation and communication.The purpose of the article is to identify the relationship of the legal mentality and development of the law.Methodology. The research is based on the method of legal analysis, formal-legal method.Results, scope of application. The legal mentality and continuity in the law are linked and have common features. They are based on national law, are a reflection of him.Continuity in the law is objectively existing relationship between the various stages of its development, aimed at ensuring the continuity of national rights, preserving the past in the present.The basis of the legal mentality and continuity in the development of the law are objective factors. These phenomena are associated with the past, with the history of their own, caused by it. The development of law and legal awareness is provided not only in the change process, but in the process of preservation. The legal mentality and continuity in the development of the law are genetic in nature. Communication legal mentality with continuity in the development of the law can clearly be seen in its functions: maintain the continuity of the existence of a particular community (homeostasis function, communication, preservation (protection, stabilization and preservation of justice, regulatory.Conclusions. There is an interaction between the legal mentality and continuity in the development of the law. Mentality as a historically formed and stable matrix typification of behavior and thinking through the lawmaking process predetermines the preservation and use of the original legal material is proven to be effective. The stability of the legal positions, legal thinking, passed down from generation to generation are the basis of the continuity law. Stability of legal views, legal thinking, transferred from generation to generation are the basis succession of law. 


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    Paulí Davila


    Full Text Available En América Latina la ratificación de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN a partir de 1989, supuso cambios en los sistemas legales internos, adecuándolos a dicho tratado internacional. El logro mayor fue la aprobación, entre 1990 y 2009, de los Códigos de la Niñez, que son un modelo de norma legal, pues combina la mayoría de los derechos reconocidos a la infancia. El objetivo de esta colaboración es analizar la estructura y el contenido de dichos códigos, utilizando metodológicamente los ejes clave de la CDN, que ofrece un acertado modelo de análisis. Entre los contenidos de dichos códigos nos centramos en los aspectos educativos presentes en muchos artículos tanto de la CDN como de los códigos. La conclusión principal de este artículo es que los países del área han mostrado una preocupación por resaltar los aspectos educativos en su normativa legal.

  19. Legal Research in a Changing Information Environment

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    opportunities for research into constitutional issues, constitutional development and the relationship ... Legal research is a fundamental skill in the legal profession.9 Although all areas of law do not require ..... 1999 Legal RSQ 78. 56 In the print information environment lawyers use standard citation formats, e.g. X v Z 1999.

  20. Passato e futuro della minoranza musulmana in Italia, tra islamofobia e pluralismo pragmatico-giuridico

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    Giancarlo Anello


    ABSTRACT: This article addresses the legal condition of the Muslim minority in Italy, considering the progressive development of the sociological situation of various Muslim communities, approaching to Italy from different Islamic countries (from Morocco to Somalia, from Tunisia to Egypt in the last 20 years. More in detail, the paper analyzes the current limits in the application of the constitutional norms concerning the agreements of cooperation (called “intese” and Islam, and proposes an alternative and diffuse system of local agreements more fitting with the Islamic political tradition as well as with the fundamental rights of the faithfuls, in an even more parochial and multifaceted society.

  1. 30 CFR 41.20 - Legal identity report. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Legal identity report. 41.20 Section 41.20... ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS NOTIFICATION OF LEGAL IDENTITY Operator's Report to the Mine Safety and Health Administration § 41.20 Legal identity report. Each operator of a coal or other mine shall file notification of...

  2. The interface of legal and esthetic considerations (United States)

    Richard C. Smardon


    This paper is an overview of development of legal/policy factors affecting visual resource management. Review of major legal issues, court cases, laws and administrative decisionmaking reveals that the "action" regarding legal and aesthetic issues is currently in the public arena as managed by administrative agencies. Analysis of key court cases reveals that...

  3. Terrorism as a Social and Legal Phenomenon (United States)

    Serebrennikova, Anna; Mashkova, Yekaterina


    This article examines the concept of terrorism as a social and legal phenomenon, its international legal and criminal-legal characteristics. Highlighted are the main aspects of cooperation of the states and the international community to counter terrorist activities. Terrorism as a social phenomenon is determined by paragraph 1 of article 3 of the…

  4. El modelo de gobierno corporativo de una sociedad depende de su estructura legal -Diferencias entre sociedades anónimas y/o limitadas-

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    Elizabeth Prada


    Full Text Available El presente documento tiene como finalidad comprobar que a pesar de existir unos temas comunes a analizar en el gobierno corporativo de cualquier compañía, el mismo dependerá de su estructura legal societaria, entendiendo por esta las diferentes clases de sociedades que existen en Colombia. De acuerdo con los resultados financieros obtenidos y la identificación de las dos sociedades predominantes en la mayoría de los niveles financieros a los que hace referencia el documento, se hacen unas recomendaciones sobre los principios y medidas que pueden ser tomados como referencia al momento de crear un modelo de gobierno corporativo acorde con la realidad y necesidades de las sociedades anónimas y las limitadas.

  5. Legal terminology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engberg, Jan


    texts disseminating legal concepts in different situations (Wikipedia article for general public, article from ministry aimed at children and adolescents) and especially investigate, to what extent the paraphrase concept is applicable also for describing dissemination strategies in such situations...

  6. The International Legal Personality of the Individual

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjeldgaard-Pedersen, Astrid

    This book scrutinizes the relationship between the concept of international legal personality as a theoretical construct and the position of the individual as a matter of positive international law. By testing four main theoretical conceptions of international legal personality against historical...... to transform during the second half of the twentieth century so as to include individuals as its subjects. Rather, the answer to the question of individual rights and obligations under international law is—and always was—solely contingent upon the interpretation of international legal norms. It follows......, of course, that the entities governed by a particular norm tell us nothing about the legal system to which that norm belongs. Instead, the distinction between international and national legal norms turns exclusively on the nature of their respective sources. Against the background of these insights...


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    Full Text Available El presente ensayo tiene como objetivo examinar, desde una perspectiva feminista, las conductas antisociales de los hombres con Trastorno Antisocial de la Personalidad (TAP como actos de violencia feminicida. Desde esta perspectiva, el psicópata, criminal o no, constituye la expresión máxima de la violencia feminicida: es el extremo negativo de la dimensión de la masculinidad hegemónica. Para Russell (2006, estar mentalmente enfermo no libera a los hombres de su misoginia o su racismo; hay una falta de consideración de los factores socioculturales que contribuyen a las causas de los actos criminales. Los actos y las conductas violentas contra las mujeres, entonces, se deben visibilizar como una expresión misógina que atenta contra los derechos humanos de las mujeres (Lagarde, 2008. No es viable la solución del problema del trastorno antisocial sólo por la perspectiva de la psiquiatría, pero sí lo es que el problema de violencia feminicida misógina pueda y deba ser erradicado a través de modificaciones en las estructuras legales y sociales, propuestas por los movimientos feministas.

  8. Telemedicine: licensing and other legal issues. (United States)

    Siegal, Gil


    The growth of information technology and telecommunications has created promising opportunities for better, faster, more accessible, barrier-free health care; telemedicine (TM). The feasibility of many TM projects depends on resolving legal issues. Mastering technical issues or providing training remain important benchmarks for implementation of TM, but legal issues constrain progress. This article identifies the key legal issues, maps current legislation, and offers a forecast of necessary steps to expedite the dissemination of TM. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Identificações Coletivas e Gestão da Diversidade Étnico-Cultural: Dinâmicas Sociais Contrastantes entre Portugal e o Brasil

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    Nuno Oliveira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo são utilizados os conceitos de identidade narrativa e configuração relacional para compreender as diferentes formas como os Estados organizam os reconhecimentos coletivos e as suas gramáticas institucionais. Usando a narrativa como ferramenta analítica procuramos mostrar como as identidades coletivas são construídas historicamente salientando simultaneamente a imbricação de narrativas de diversos níveis institucionais para legitimar as concepções coletivas de fronteiras identitárias. Metodologicamente, o texto se baseia em uma abordagem historicizante que se vale de fontes secundárias e de pesquisa de um corpus selecionado de documentos oficiais resultante de trabalho de campo em Portugal e no Brasil. Sugerimos que a comparação entre estes contextos permite perceber movimentos divergentes em matéria de concepção das adesões coletivas e dos seus significados em face do pluralismo cívico e étnico-cultural do Estado-nação contemporâneo.

  10. Educação, Cidadania e Trabalho: o Novo Plano Nacional de Educação e os desafios educacionais com vistas ao Desenvolvimento Humano.

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    Afonso Soares Oliveira Sobrinho


    Full Text Available Geração após geração, ouvimos um discurso de educação de qualidade conforme previsão legal. No entanto, há impasses do processo ensino-aprendizagem, a começar pelo distanciamento do discurso à realidade escolar onde temos o professor e o gestor que, em regra, vivenciam práticas culturais escolares baseadas na perspectiva analógica do século XX. Por sua vez, a estrutura escolar advém de uma lógica de vigilância e disciplina do século XIX. Pari passo as dimensões culturais intergeracionais e seus conflitos identifica-se um aluno da era digital focado na ética e estética do consumo. Assim, advém a necessidade de rupturas quanto ao olhar etnocêntrico dos diversos sujeitos sociais pelo aprendizado compartilhado (professores, alunos, gestores, comunidade. Há, portanto, a necessidade da escola se abrir ao diálogo respeitoso e sem preconceitos, com vistas ao desenvolvimento humano. A educação no século XXI orienta-se na concepção inclusiva, da diversidade e pluralismo cultural. A escola democrática se faz pela práxis que vislumbre uma aprendizagem significativa e permita o desenvolvimento humano. Nesse diapasão, encontramos inserido o Novo Plano Nacional de Educação como instrumento discursivo que vislumbra uma educação de qualidade.

  11. 18 CFR 3b.5 - Legal guardians. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Legal guardians. 3b.5... INFORMATION General § 3b.5 Legal guardians. For the purposes of this part, the parent of any minor, or the legal guardian of any individual who has been declared to be incompetent due to physical or mental...

  12. Competitive Legal Professionals' use of Technology in Legal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Advances in the information and communication technologies have led to the availability of a range of primary and secondary legal research publications online via the Internet, rather than on other storing devices such as compact discs or publications in the print media. Not only has information and communication ...

  13. Should Pediatric Euthanasia be Legalized? (United States)

    Brouwer, Marije; Kaczor, Christopher; Battin, Margaret P; Maeckelberghe, Els; Lantos, John D; Verhagen, Eduard


    Voluntary active euthanasia for adults at their explicit request has been legal in Belgium and the Netherlands since 2002. In those countries, acceptance of the practice for adults has been followed by acceptance of the practice for children. Opponents of euthanasia see this as a dangerous slippery slope. Proponents argue that euthanasia is sometimes ethically appropriate for minors and that, with proper safeguards, it should be legally available in appropriate circumstances for patients at any age. In this Ethics Rounds, we asked philosophers from the United States and the Netherlands, and a Dutch pediatrician, to discuss the ethics of legalizing euthanasia for children. Copyright © 2018 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  14. Legal Duties and Legal Liabilities of Coaches toward Athletes

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    Mirsafian Hamidreza


    Full Text Available Background. It is undeniable that coaches play a major role in the development of athletes. Coaches and athletes have a close relationship and share various experiences that lead to a strong bond between them, and this is of great responsibility for the coach. Therefore, the coach should maintain this bond with mutual respect and trust. Various responsibilities are progressively placed on coaches by law to prevent or minimize injuries to athletes. In other words, since a coach is placed in a position of power and trust, the duty of care will always be placed on him. If certain requirements are not met, the coach may be held financially, or even criminally, liable. In this study, the author explains and discusses coaches’ legal duties, legal liabilities, and the elements required for liability of coaches toward athletes.

  15. Putting the "social" back in legal socialization: procedural justice, legitimacy, and cynicism in legal and nonlegal authorities. (United States)

    Trinkner, Rick; Cohn, Ellen S


    Traditionally, legal socialization theory and research has been dominated by a cognitive developmental approach. However, more recent work (e.g., Fagan & Tyler, 2005) has used procedural justice to explain the legal socialization process. This article presents 2 studies that expand this approach by testing a procedural justice model of legal socialization in terms of legal and nonlegal authority. In Study 1, participants completed surveys assessing the degree to which they perceived 3 authorities (police officers, parents, and teachers) as procedurally fair, the degree to which they perceived the authorities as legitimate, how cynical they were about laws, and the extent of their rule violation during the past 6 months. Across all 3 authorities, legitimacy and legal cynicism mediated the relation between procedural justice and rule violation. Study 2 examined the model with the same 3 authority types using experimental methods. Participants read 3 scenarios describing an interaction between an adolescent and an authority figure where a rule is enforced. Within each scenario, we manipulated whether the adolescent had a voice and whether the authority enforced the rule impartially. After reading each scenario, participants rated the authority's legitimacy, their cynicism toward the authority's rule, and the likelihood they would violate the rule. Again, legitimacy and rule cynicism mediated the relation between impartiality, voice, and rule violation. In addition, impartiality had a stronger effect in the parent and teacher scenarios, whereas voice had a stronger effect in the police scenario. Results are discussed in terms of expanding legal socialization to nonlegal contexts and applying legal socialization research to prevention and intervention strategies. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  16. The latitude of logic in legal hermeneutics

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    Medar Suzana


    Full Text Available Legal hermeneutics (the interpretation of law] has always taken a highly significant place in general hermeneutics. The interpretation of laws involves an intricate task of determining the real meaning or rationale of legal norms. Considering the complexity of this goal, the most frequent classification of legal hermeneutics is based on the interpretation instruments. In traditional theory, the most widely recognized instruments for the interpretation of legal norms are language, logic, legal system, history and purpose of a legal norm. Under the influence of general analytic philosophy, the particular interest in language as the basic instrument for the interpretation of law may be found in mid-20th century. The interest in the language of law is closely related to the study of legal logic and legal argumentation. In theory, there is no dispute about the logical interpretation in a narrow sense which is based on drawing true conclusions by applying the basic rule of formal reasoning. Yet, it has given a head start to argumentation as 'a problem-based reasoning skill' which provides answers to the questions raised in contentious cases. Argumentation is closely associated with the dialectic method of reasoning (which has been widely recognized since the Ancient Greece], where conclusions are based on probable premises. One of the most significant goals of the argumentation theory is to locate the sources or common grounds for developing arguments; these basic argumentative patterns are generally known as 'topoi' or 'loci, sedes argumentorum'. On the other hand, 'topica' is part of rhetoric art dealing with the theoretical explanation of the basic argumentative patterns (topoi] and how they are structured, including the location of new topoi and arguments. The most significant proponents of the topical reasoning are Chaïm Perelman and Theodor Viehweg. Perelman relates topical reasoning to judicial reasoning and considers that specific legal topoi

  17. Decisiones de financiamiento en pymes: ¿existen diferencias en función del tamaño y la forma legal?

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    Anahí Briozzo


    Full Text Available Se analiza si existen características diferenciales en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en función de su tamaño y de su forma legal. Se estudian en especial las decisiones de financiamiento, tomando como marco el enfoque de jerarquía financiera, trade-off y ciclo de vida. Empleando una muestra de empresas radicadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina, se realizan test no paramétricos y test de independencia sobre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor tamaño se endeudan en mayor medida, mientras que las empresas que adoptan formas legales con responsabilidad limitada se diferencian en un mayor uso de créditos con garantías reales. Estos resultados señalan la necesidad de diseñar políticas de apoyo focalizadas hacia los distintos segmentos de empresas

  18. Decisiones de financiamiento en pymes: ¿existen diferencias en función del tamaño y la forma legal?

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    Anahí Briozzo


    Full Text Available Se analiza si existen características diferenciales en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en función de su tamaño y de su forma legal. Se estudian en especial las decisiones de financiamiento, tomando como marco el enfoque de jerarquía financiera, trade-off y ciclo de vida. Empleando una muestra de empresas radicadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina, se realizan test no paramétricos y test de independencia sobre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor tamaño se endeudan en mayor medida, mientras que las empresas que adoptan formas legales con responsabilidad limitada se diferencian en un mayor uso de créditos con garantías reales. Estos resultados señalan la necesidad de diseñar políticas de apoyo focalizadas hacia los distintos segmentos de empresas.

  19. Labour Market Interactions Between Legal and Illegal Immigrants


    Epstein, Gil S


    This paper looks at the situation of legal immigrants who employ illegal immigrants to provide them with various services. This enables the legal immigrants to allocate more time to other work, thereby increasing their earnings. Illegal immigrants employed by legal immigrants may specialize in certain professions and may themselves employ other illegal immigrants. An economy is evolving whose sole purpose is the provision of services by illegal immigrants for legal immigrants.

  20. Labor Market Interactions Between Legal and Illegal Immigrants


    Epstein, Gil S.


    This paper looks at the situation of legal immigrants who employ illegal immigrants to provide them with various services. This enables the legal immigrants to allocate more time to other work, thereby increasing their earnings. Illegal immigrants employed by legal immigrants may specialize in certain professions and may themselves employ other illegal immigrants. An economy is evolving whose sole purpose is the provision of services by illegal immigrants for legal immigrants.

  1. The law isn't everything: The impact of legal and non-legal sanctions on motorists' drink driving behaviors. (United States)

    Freeman, James; Szogi, Elizabeth; Truelove, Verity; Vingilis, Evelyn


    The effectiveness of drink driving countermeasures (such as sanctions) to deter motorists from driving over the legal limit is extremely important when considering the impact the offending behavior has on the community. However, questions remain regarding the extent that both legal and non-legal factors influence drink driving behaviors. This is of particular concern given that both factors are widely used as either sanctioning outcomes or in media campaigns designed to deter drivers (e.g., highlighting the physical risk of crashing). This paper reports on an examination of 1,253 Queensland motorists' perceptions of legal and non-legal drink driving sanctions and the corresponding deterrent impact of such perceptions on self-reported offending behavior. Participants volunteered to complete either an online or paper version of the questionnaire. Encouragingly, quantitative analysis of the data revealed that participants' perceptions of both legal sanctions (e.g., certainty, severity and swiftness) as well as non-legal sanctions (e.g., fear of social, internal or physical harm) were relatively high, with perceptual certainty being the highest. Despite this, a key theme to emerge from the study was that approximately 25% of the sample admitted to drink driving at some point in time. Multivariate analyses revealed six significant predictors of drink driving, being: males, younger drivers, lower perceptions of the severity of sanctions, and less concern about the social, internal, and physical harms associated with the offense. However, a closer examination of the data revealed that the combined deterrence model was not very accurate at predicting drink driving behaviors (e.g., 21% of variance). A range of non-legal deterrent factors have the potential to reduce the prevalence of drink driving although further research is required to determine how much exposure is required to produce a strong effect. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and National Safety Council. All rights

  2. Legal consequences of kleptomania. (United States)

    Grant, Jon E; Odlaug, Brian L; Davis, Andrew A; Kim, Suck Won


    Although studies have examined clinical characteristics of kleptomania, no previous studies have examined the legal consequences of kleptomania. From 2001 to 2007, 101 adult subjects (n = 27 [26.7%] males) with DSM-IV kleptomania were assessed on sociodemographics and clinical characteristics including symptom severity, comorbidity, and legal repercussions. Of 101 subjects with kleptomania, 73.3% were female. Mean age of shoplifting onset was 19.4 +/- 12.0 years, and subjects shoplifted a mean of 8.2 +/- 11.0 years prior to meeting full criteria for kleptomania. Co-occurring depressive, substance use, and impulse control disorders were common. Sixty-nine subjects with kleptomania (68.3%) had been arrested, 36.6% had been arrested but not convicted, 20.8% had been convicted and incarcerated after conviction, while only 10.9% had been convicted and not incarcerated after conviction. Kleptomania is associated with significant legal repercussions. The findings emphasize the need for rigorous treatment approaches to target kleptomania symptoms and prevent re-offending.

  3. Ethical issues in medico-legal exposures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Reilly, G.; Malone, J. F.


    The Medical Exposure Directive (MED) 97/43/Euratom defines medico-legal procedures as 'procedures performed for insurance or legal purposes without a medical indication'. The term 'medico-legal exposures' covers a wide range of possible types of exposures, very different in nature, for which the only feature in common is the fact that the main reason for performing them does not relate directly to the health of the individual being exposed to ionising radiation. The key issue in medico-legal exposures is justification. Balancing the advantages and disadvantages of such exposures is complex because not only can these be difficult to quantify and hence compare, but often the advantage may be to society whereas the disadvantage is usually to an individual. This adds an additional layer of ethical complexity to the problem and one, which requires input from a number of sources beyond the established radiation protection community. Because medico-legal exposures are considered to be medical exposures, they are not subject to dose limits. In medico-legal exposures where the benefit is not necessarily to the individual undergoing the exposure, the question must be asked as to whether or not this is an appropriate framework within which to conduct such exposures. This paper looks at the current situation in Europe, highlighting some of the particular problems that have arisen, and tries to identify the areas, which require further clarification and guidance. (authors)

  4. Política criminal e Lei Maria da Penha: o deferimento do comparecimento do agressor a programas de recuperação e reeducação como a principal medida protetiva de urgência


    da Silva e Silva, Artenira; Sousa da Silva Barbosa, Gabriella


    A Lei Maria da Penha possui natureza marcadamente penal. Ocorre que a punição penal estatal, entendida apenas como a determinação de prisão do agressor, nos casos de violência doméstica não encontra efetiva resposta social quanto à diminuição dos casos albergados pela lei. Busca-se a utilização da previsão legal de comparecimento do agressor a programas de recuperação e reeducação como a principal medida de urgência a ser deferida como mecanismo efetivamente capaz de diminuir a reincidência d...

  5. Modern Questions Of The Legal Philosophy

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    Gennadiy A. Torgashev


    Full Text Available In the present article author considers fundamental problems of law connected with equality, justice and freedom. Author proves that philosophy and law as forms of public consciousness carry out the important closely interconnected among themselves functions of the social life judgment. In the article author noted that among other forms of public consciousness law is one of difficult objects of knowledge, because law is connected with such forms of consciousness as philosophy, morals, religion, policy. The legal philosophy is the philosophical discipline having the subject the general regularities of law functioning, taken in their historical and sociocultural development, definition and the sense of legal judgment and its fundamental concepts. Law represents a set of obligatory rules of conduct (norms established by the authorized or the state. Diverse spiritual life of the society assumes a variety in the nature of law. The typology of philosophical concepts of the law and how the legal philosophy interprets legal reality is researched, various philosophical and legal concepts which are caused by two main types of rights – natural and positive are allocated. Author gives opinions of scientists, and explains own views of the author.

  6. LKIF Core: principled ontology development for the legal domain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoekstra, R.; Breuker, J.; Di Bello, M.; Boer, A.; Breuker, J.; Casanovas, P.; Klein, M.C.A.; Francesconi, E.


    In this paper we describe a legal core ontology that is part of the Legal Knowledge Interchange Format: a knowledge representation formalism that enables the translation of legal knowledge bases written in different representation formats and formalisms. A legal (core) ontology can play an important

  7. The Uneven Legal Push for Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind, Marlene; Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg; Rotger, Gabriel Pons


    National courts have been key players in the legal push for Europe, though notably to varying degrees. This paper examines the persisting variations in the referral rates of national courts and the underlying causal factors, aiming to better understand why some member states' courts have been more...... reluctant to join in the legal push for Europe. By using econometric methods, it challenges the modified neofunctionalist argument that the extent of intra-EC trade explains the referral practice of the individual member states. Majoritarian democracy is hypothesized as a causal factor in the low referral...... of majoritarian democracy on the number of referrals. The paper concludes that, owing to the uneven legal push for Europe, some member states and their citizens remain at arms' length from the legal integration process - and, in consequence, from the full impact of European integration....

  8. Public perceptions of arguments supporting and opposing recreational marijuana legalization. (United States)

    McGinty, Emma E; Niederdeppe, Jeff; Heley, Kathryn; Barry, Colleen L


    In debates about recreational marijuana legalization, pro-legalization arguments highlighting economic and other potential policy benefits compete with anti-legalization arguments emphasizing public health risks. In 2016, we conducted a national survey using an online panel (N=979) designed to answer two main research questions: (1) How do Americans perceive the relative strength of competing arguments about recreational marijuana legalization? (2) How are perceptions of argument strength associated with public support for recreational marijuana legalization? We examined differences in attitudes among individuals living in states that have/have not legalized recreational marijuana and among Democrats/Independents/Republicans. Ordered logit regression assessed the relationship between perceived argument strength and public support for recreational marijuana legalization. Respondents rated pro-legalization arguments highlighting beneficial economic and criminal justice consequences as more persuasive than anti-legalization arguments emphasizing adverse public health effects. Respondents were more likely to agree with arguments highlighting legalization's potential to increase tax revenue (63.9%) and reduce prison overcrowding (62.8%) than arguments emphasizing negative consequences on motor vehicle crashes (51.8%) and youth health (49.6%). The highest rated anti-legalization arguments highlighted the conflict between state and federal marijuana laws (63.0%) and asserted that legalization will fail to eliminate the black market (57.2%). Respondents who endorsed pro-legalization economic and criminal justice arguments were more likely than other respondents to support legalization. Our findings indicate that, on both side of the recreational marijuana legalization debate, there are arguments that resonate with the American public. However, public health risk messages were viewed as less compelling than pro-legalization economic and criminal justice-oriented arguments

  9. Human right to sanitation in the legal and non-legal literature : The need for greater synergy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Obani, P.; Gupta, J.


    This review paper analyzes the legal and non-legal literature on the human right to sanitation (HRS). It shows that despite applying different paradigms in framing the HRS, both literature support the following three main conclusions: (a) state and non-state actors, particularly NGOs and private

  10. Legal aspects of intergenerational equity issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, H.P.


    This paper examines the extent to which American law and legal institutions have addressed problems of intergenerational equities. Beginning with a definition of the issue, the paper goes on to address conservation law, public debt ceilings, property law, and eugenic laws. The research supports the conclusion that neither statutory law, the formal expression of public policy articulated by the legislature, nor common law, the case-by-case definition of private legal rights by the courts has developed a coherent set of legal principles for dealing with the difficult problems of intergenerational equity. 15 references

  11. Religious legal systems: challenges of the modernity

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    Д. В. Лук’янов


    Full Text Available The influence of world globalization processes on the development of the religious legal systems has been analyzed in the paper. Globalization processes in the XXI century are regarding individuals, nations, and civilizations. Global transformations lead to qualitative changes in the socio-cultural relations and actualize a wide range of issues which are related to the formation of a new world culture. Modern globalization takes diverse range of public relations in its own orbit. The relationship between the legal systems in the twentieth century is some of the most important aspects of this process. However, the interaction of legal systems has significant differences from the interaction of economies of different countries. There are actual economic relations domination of Western financial and economic institutions and standardization of relevant rules. But the attempts to apply this approach to law lead to resistance to Western standards and the spread of major civilizational conflicts in different parts of the world. Globalization should be based on respect for cultural, religious and legal diversity. It has to ensure preservation of forced “Westernisation”. Significant differences in the impact of globalization on the convergence of legal systems of Western law (Romano-Germanic and Anglo-American and their impact on religious legal systems of Muslim, Hindu and Jewish law must be emphasized. The religious legal systems are not exposed to other systems and the related changes. This is due to such features as the divine nature, increased stability, specific sources of law etc. An important issue that requires further study is the reverse influence which religious law exercises to secularized modern legal system.

  12. [Medical data security in medico-legal opinioning]. (United States)

    Susło, Robert; Swiatek, Barbara


    Medical data security can be approached in medico-legal opinioning in three main situations: security of medical data, on which the opinion should be based, opinioning itself and whether the medical data security was properly ensured and ensuring medical data security during medico-legal opinion giving. The importance of medical data security, during collecting, processing and storing, as well in medical as in legal institutions, is of major importance for the possibility of providing a proper medico-legal opinion. Theoretically speeking, it is possible to give a proper medico-legal opinion using incorrect data, but the possibility is low. When the expert is given improper, unreadable, incomplete or even bogus in part or in the whole medical data it is extremely possible, that he fails in giving his opinion. The term "medical data" was defined and subsequently there was a brief review of medical data storing methods made and specific threats bound with them, based on modern literature. The authors also pointed out possible methods of preventing the threats. They listed Polish as well as international regulations and laws concerning the problem, accenting the importance of preserving medical data for the purposes of medico-legal opinioning.

  13. Legal Education: Critical of Contemporaneity

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    Patrícia Verônica Nunes Carvalho Sobral


    Full Text Available This study reflects on the Legal Education, considering the criticism of contemporaneity. To reach the goal, the text is divided into: Critical, idealization and reality of legal education; Professor  of  law  schools;  The  educational  legislation  Questions  of  legal  education methodology; Pedagogy and the law. The reading of the sources referred the thought inferences  about  the  teaching  of  law,  the  methodological  approach  and  the  didactic- pedagogic preparation, according to Associação Latino Americana de Metodologia do Ensino do Direito. Contributes to the continuity of academic debate in progress, it is a problem that concerns the professional higher education.

  14. Estructura del sistema legal del turismo en Venezuela | Structure of the legal system of tourism in Venezuela

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    Melania Navas Graterol


    Full Text Available It is a fact that the social dynamic of human life, in its constant evolution promotes special and particular circumstances that the law must regulate, such as tourism. The latter, as multifaceted activity, develops into different scopes of human activities: economic, social, cultural, environmental, political and obviously, in the judicial, and requires to be regulated, supervised, encouraged and coordinated by the law. This compendium of rules integrates what is known as the Legal System Structure of the Tourism in Venezuela and they are organized in a hierarchical way, into a legal level that gives a determinate rank, which can be the same or different, and could be seen in the pyramidal model created by Hans Kelsen. The understanding of this legal system that regulates tourism through the compressive hermeneutics of its rules, allowed to find out that the legal structure is well defined within the Venezuelan touristic context. The analysis of results allowed to conclude that the norm that regulates the tourism activity in Venezuela responds to the Kelsen pyramidal model and there is a diverse number of legal instruments which contain rules that regulates it in direct way and others indirectly.

  15. Legal Reform, De-colonization and State-building in Palestine ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Legal Reform, De-colonization and State-building in Palestine. Demands for legal reform have come from both inside and outside Palestine. Inside Palestine, legal reform is seen as a prerequisite for democracy and good governance. Outside, legal reform is perceived as integral to the continued peace process with Israel.


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    Eugene Stepanovich Shevlakov


    Full Text Available The article deals with topical issues of formation of legal consciousness of future lawyers in high school. Obtained kinds of legal consciousness of future lawyers, determined its structure. Dedicated components of justice are mutually reinforcing, and provide an opportunity for further development of the personality of the future specialist, their personal growth.The purpose: to carry out theoretical analysis of the problem of formation of legal consciousness of future lawyers.The novelty is based. On the analysis of theoretical appro-aches of pedagogy, psychology, law, the notion of «lawfulness of the future of the law student», which is regarded as a form of social consciousness, which is a set of legal views and feelings, expressing the attitude to the law and legal phenomena that have regulatory in character and which includes know-ledge of legal phenomena and their evaluation from the point of view of fairness and justice, formed in the process of studying in the University.Results: this article analyzes different approaches to understanding the content and essence of the concept of legal consciousness of the legal profession. Define the types and structure of legal consciousness of future lawyers.

  17. The problem of the legal nature of Green Certificates in the Italian legal system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colcelli, Valentina


    Green Certificates are usually described as negotiable instruments or commercial papers. The Italian legal system identifies Green Certificates as rights but, due to the ambiguity of the definition, their juridical nature remains uncertain. This reverberates on the functioning of the Green Certificates market and on the enforcement of the relevant norms. This paper discusses the actual legal nature of Green Certificates in Italy and concludes that they should be regarded as goods. This means that private law instruments apply in their market transactions, with consequent implications on the policy side. - Highlights: ► A definition of Green Certificates in the Italian legal system is provided. ► Green Certificates are not Credit Instruments. ► However, they may be negotiated separately from the energy they represent. ► Green Certificates are goods, which relate to new properties.

  18. Em busca do ethos comunitário: universidades catarinenses mantidas por fundações públicas de direito privado, um olhar a partir do pluralismo jurídico

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    Carlos Magno Spricigo Venerio


    Full Text Available   O presente estudo pretende analisar a partir do pluralismo jurídico comunitário-participativo e dentro do atual panorama da gestão universitária catarinense a situação em que se encontram as universidades catarinenses mantidas por fundações públicas de direito privado. Confrontadas na virada do século com um cenário inédito de fim do virtual monopólio do ensino superior pago em suas regiões de abrangência, decorrente da expansão do ensino superior privado e do recente incremento do investimento público estatal em educação superior, estas instituições têm buscado de forma articulada o fortalecimento de sua identidade organizacional comunitária, com ênfase na afirmação da prática da gestão democrática. A partir de dados de matrículas em graduação na última década; atendimento de requisitos para credenciamento na forma de organização universitária; e análise dos diversos sistemas de eleições para reitor, o estudo busca apontar as tendências para o ensino superior pago inserido no sistema da Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais – ACAFE - em processo de migração para o sistema federal de ensino.

  19. El principio de proporcionalidad como criterio hermenéutico en la justicia constitucional

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    Rogelio López Sánchez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN. La presente contribución realiza un análisis crítico sobre la aplicación judicial del principio de proporcionalidad para la concretización del contenido material de los derechos fundamentales, en contraposición a las posturas divergentes, que señalan que este instrumento ha traído inseguridad al plano de la interpretación constitucional, dada la visión de los derechos fundamentales como principios y de establecer una jerarquía axiológica movediza, además de inestabilidad e imprevisibilidad a la solución del mismo conflicto en casos futuros. La visión que ofrecemos sitúa al principio de proporcionalidad como un instrumento de la hermenéutica constitucional, capaz de brindar una fundamentación humanística al conocimiento jurídico y de tomar en cuenta los factores y circunstancias propias del comprender no solo lingüístico, sino de las barreras culturales y la distancia entre el texto y la época actual de necesidades y realidades de la sociedad contemporánea.   ABSTRACT. This paper´s intention is to analyze the reasonableness test as a hermeneutic criterion of constitutional justice when resolving hard cases of human rights. Therefore we study the critics against the reasonableness test as an instrument that create conditions a lack of legal certainty to the level of constitutional interpretation, because the vision of human rights as a principles turning this in a shifting axiological hierarchy, and no resolving the principal conflicts and being unpredictable the solutions of the same conflict in future cases. So, our point of view is to placed the reasonableness test model inside the neoconstitucionalism, able of providing an humanistic reasoning and legal knowledge to take into account the factors and circumstances of understand not only linguistic but cultural barriers and the distance between the text and the present day needs and realities of contemporary society.

  20. Supporting the legal Practitioner LKBS or the Web?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leenes, R.E.; Svensson, Jorgen S.


    The legal practitioner is a knowledge worker. Two distinct technologies may be of assistance to this type of professional: legal knowledge‐based system technology and Internet World Wide Web technology. In this paper we investigate the relation between legal knowledge‐based systems and the Internet.


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    Aline Angeli


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa buscou analisar nos sete motéis da cidade de Campo Mourão-PR, as condições para hospedagem de turistas e os espaços para a realização de eventos. Para isso foram avaliados os serviços ofertados, a infraestrutura disponível, o interesse do cliente e a viabilidade do uso dos motéis para a realização de eventos e hospedagem. Como metodologia de pesquisa, foram utilizados: o levantamento histórico e legal dos motéis; a observação como cliente oculto; pesquisa através de rede social e e-mail; e, por m, a entrevista e observação orientada. Veri cou-se que, de forma geral, os serviços prestados estão dentro de um padrão aceitável pelos clientes, porém há falta de espaço apropriado para a realização de um evento nesse ambiente. Palavras-chave: Motel. Eventos em Motel. Hospedagem alternativa.

  2. Realistic rhetoric and legal decision

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    João Maurício Adeodato


    Full Text Available The text aims to lay the foundations of a realistic rhetoric, from the descriptive perspective of how the legal decision actually takes place, without normative considerations. Aristotle's rhetorical idealism and its later prestige reduced rhetoric to the art of persuasion, eliminating important elements of sophistry, especially with regard to legal decision. It concludes with a rhetorical perspective of judicial activism in complex societies.

  3. The Legality and Validity of Administrative Enforcement

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    Sergei V. Iarkovoi


    Full Text Available The article discusses the concept and content of the validity of adopted by the executive authorities and other bodies of public administration legal acts and committed by them legal actions as an important characteristic of law enforcement by these bodies. The Author concludes that the validity of the administrative law enforcement is not an independent requirement for it, and acts as an integral part of its legal requirements.

  4. Marijuana Legalization: Impact on Physicians and Public Health. (United States)

    Wilkinson, Samuel T; Yarnell, Stephanie; Radhakrishnan, Rajiv; Ball, Samuel A; D'Souza, Deepak Cyril


    Marijuana is becoming legal in an increasing number of states for both medical and recreational use. Considerable controversy exists regarding the public health impact of these changes. The evidence for the legitimate medical use of marijuana or cannabinoids is limited to a few indications, notably HIV/AIDS cachexia, nausea/vomiting related to chemotherapy, neuropathic pain, and spasticity in multiple sclerosis. Although cannabinoids show therapeutic promise in other areas, robust clinical evidence is still lacking. The relationship between legalization and prevalence is still unknown. Although states where marijuana use is legal have higher rates of use than nonlegal states, these higher rates were generally found even prior to legalization. As states continue to proceed with legalization for both medical and recreational use, certain public health issues have become increasingly relevant, including the effects of acute marijuana intoxication on driving abilities, unintentional ingestion of marijuana products by children, the relationship between marijuana and opioid use, and whether there will be an increase in health problems related to marijuana use, such as dependence/addiction, psychosis, and pulmonary disorders. In light of this rapidly shifting legal landscape, more research is urgently needed to better understand the impact of legalization on public health.

  5. Legal Frame of Non-Social Robots

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fosch Villaronga, Eduard; Husty, M.; Hofbaur, M.; Can Dede, M.I.


    This paper describes some relevant legal aspects concerning non-social robots. Special attention is drawn to Person Carrier Robots (PCaR) and Physical Assistant Robots (PAR). Although concrete legal binding regulations concerning these two sub-types of Personal Care Robots (PCR) are missing, the

  6. Formation of ideal of legal personality

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    Віта Олександрівна Сліпенчук


    Full Text Available Problem setting. In the process of transformation of Ukrainian society towards the assimilation and implementation of basic European values such as human rights, democracy and the rule of law the role of personality that respects the dignity of others and their right to free expression in its multifaceted manifestations becomes more important. Such definitions of it assume the character of the ideal to be pursued, but that has not received adequate expression in people's minds and in practice yet. Since this ideal inextricably links right and personality, enabling the operation of law due to the special qualities of the individual, it can be defined as the ideal of legal personality. It is the formation and realization of such ideal that becomes urgent practical task of our society, which in turn requires a comprehensive theoretical understanding. Recent research and publications analysis. It should be noted that some philosophical aspects of the meaning of legal personality and its formation are revealed in the works of Ukrainian researcher in the field of philosophy of law S.I. Maksimov. However, all actual researches are based on a certain cultural and ideological tradition. The research of  a Polish-American scholar in the history of philosophical and legal thought Andrzej Walicki pays attention to the ideological and methodological potential liberal legal philosophy of the late 19th - early 20th century in the Russian Empire, realization of which, unfortunately, failed because of the violent interruption of this tradition by Bolsheviks. Researches of philosophers of law of that period are of particular significance in this issue: Ukrainian by origin and outlook Bohdan Kistyakivskiy and one of the authors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948 Serhiy Gessen. It is reconstruction of the concept of "legal personality" in the views of philosophers of law of that period, which is really made for the first time, which will give, as

  7. Support for Marijuana Legalization and Predictors of Intentions to Use Marijuana More Often in Response to Legalization Among U.S. Young Adults. (United States)

    Cohn, Amy M; Johnson, Amanda L; Rose, Shyanika W; Rath, Jessica M; Villanti, Andrea C


    As of 2015, more than half of U.S. states have legalized, medicalized, or decriminalized marijuana. This study examined the prevalence and correlates of support for marijuana legalization in a national sample of young adults and the intention to use marijuana more frequently if it were legalized. Data were from Wave 7 (weighted N = 3532) of the Truth Initiative Young Adult Cohort, a national sample of men and women aged 18-34. We assessed demographics, past 30-day substance (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, other drug use), depression and anxiety, social smoking, marijuana harm perceptions (relative to cigarettes), and state-level marijuana policies as correlates of support for marijuana legalization and intentions to use marijuana more often if it were legalized. Multivariable models of correlates of support for legalization and intentions to use marijuana were conducted separately for the full sample and for nonmarijuana users. Weighted estimates showed that 39% of the full sample and 9% of nonmarijuana users supported marijuana legalization. Multivariable models showed that lower marijuana harm perceptions and lifetime and past 30-day tobacco use were common predictors of support for marijuana legalization and intentions to use marijuana among non-users of marijuana. Conclusions/Importance: Over a third of the sample supported marijuana legalization. Tobacco use and perceptions that marijuana is less harmful than cigarettes were robust risk correlates of support for marijuana legalization and intentions to use more frequently among nonusers. Public health campaigns should target these factors to deter marijuana-related harm in susceptible young adults.

  8. Legal briefing: home birth and midwifery. (United States)

    Pope, Thaddeus Mason; Fisch, Deborah


    This issue's "Legal Briefing" column covers recent legal developments involving home birth and midwifery in the United States. Specifically, we focus on new legislative, regulatory, and judicial acts that impact women's' access to direct entry (non-nurse) midwives. We categorize these legal developments into the following 12 categories. 1. Background and History 2. Certified Nurse-Midwives 3. Direct Entry Midwives 4. Prohibition of Direct Entry Midwives 5. Enforcement of Prohibition 6. Challenges to Prohibition 7. Forbearance without License 8. Voluntary Licensure 9. Unclear and Uncertain Status 10. Growth of DEM Licensure 11. Licensure Restrictions 12. Medicaid Coverage

  9. Medical legal aspects of radiation oncology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wall, Terry J.


    The theoretical basis of, and practical experience in, legal liability in the clinical practice of radiation oncology is reviewed, with a view to developing suggestions to help practitioners limit their exposure to liability. New information regarding the number, size, and legal theories of litigation against radiation oncologists is presented. The most common legal bases of liability are then explored in greater detail, including 'malpractice', and informed consent, with suggestions of improving the specialty's record of documenting informed consent. Collateral consequences of suffering a malpractice claim (i.e., the National Practitioner Data Bank) will also be briefly discussed

  10. Migrant Workers, Legal Tactics, and Fragile Family Formation in Hong Kong

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    Nicole Constable


    Full Text Available Immigration and labor laws and policies, including employment contracts for temporary workers, are largely intended to protect the rights and privileges of citizens and to limit those of migrant workers. In Hong Kong, “foreign domestic helpers” are prohibited from bringing family members with them and despite legal maternity protections they face many deterrents to being or becoming pregnant. Yet some migrant women nonetheless become mothers in Hong Kong, and learn from friends, partners, nongovernmental organizations and human rights lawyers, to utilize laws and policies – such as the UN Convention Against Torture, labor law and family law – as tactics to establish and maintain a “family” of sorts in the region, at least temporarily. This essay presents ethnographic examples of the tactical use of law by migrant mothers in their efforts to remain in Hong Kong with their children, despite hegemonic pressures against doing so. Las leyes y políticas laborales y de inmigración, incluyendo los contratos de trabajo de los trabajadores temporales, están destinadas principalmente a proteger los derechos y privilegios de los ciudadanos y limitar los de los trabajadores emigrantes. En Hong Kong, "las trabajadoras domésticas extranjeras" tienen prohibido traer miembros de la familia con ellos, y a pesar de las protecciones legales de maternidad se enfrentan a muchos impedimentos si están o se quedan embarazadas. Sin embargo, algunas mujeres emigrantes se convierten en madres en Hong Kong, y aprenden de los amigos, socios, organizaciones no gubernamentales y abogados de derechos humanos a utilizar las leyes y políticas - como la Convención de la ONU contra la Tortura, el derecho laboral y el derecho de familia - como tácticas para establecer y mantener una "familia" tipo en la región, al menos temporalmente. Este ensayo presenta ejemplos etnográficos de la utilización táctica de la ley por las madres emigrantes en sus esfuerzos por

  11. Society as a crime victim of legal entities

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    Tanjević Nataša


    Full Text Available Tortious acts of legal entities have unforeseen harmful consequences in all areas. In the greedy desire to gain profit, certain legal entities do not have any regard for the most important resources of individuals and society. Damage resulting from the commission of criminal acts is very high for the whole society, especially when it comes to crimes against the environment. In order to prevent and combat corporate crime in criminal law, an increasingly wider acceptance of criminal liability of legal entities was adopted. This paper discusses the basic characteristics of corporate crime, as well as the reasons for the introduction of the criminal responsibility of legal entities. In this regard, we analyzed the law provisions regarding the liability of legal entities for criminal offenses, and concluded that despite the criminal-political need to react with more serious sanctions to the offenses of legal entities, there are certain obstacles and problems that stand in the way of introducing this responsibility.

  12. Legal aspects of nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kraut, A.


    The legal basis for the use of nuclear energy is generally given by an Atomic Energy Act. Additionally, however, a system of regulations and standards has to be set up to lay down more detailed requirements. The fundamental philosophy and strategy has to be specified by governmental organizations. For the specification and implementation of the requirements some minimum organizational arrangements are necessary, which are not only restricted to governmental organizations. Furthermore procedural regulations have to be laid down before the implementation phase. This includes aspects like public participation in the licensing procedure. In practice, however, the implementation of the legal requirements always shows some weakness of the basic legal requirements. To learn from this experience some examples are presented, which gave rise to difficulties in the implementation procedure. (orig./RW)

  13. Responsive Legal Approach to Law of Human Trafficking in Indonesia (United States)



    Formation and legal changes influenced by the social and political dynamics. Law understood as the rules are rigid and too much emphasis on the legal aspects of the legal system or emphasize aspects of the legitimacy of the rules themselves, without associated with social problems. A Responsive legal approach is an approach the legal establishment…


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    José María Peláez Mejía


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar las diversas soluciones propuestas por la doctrina para los problemas jurídicos derivados de la pregunta atinente a cuál es la estructura de aplicación del principio de confianza en el ordenamiento jurídico-penal colombiano desde la óptica de la teoría del delito, para luego poner en evidencia la línea jurisprudencial que la Sala de Casación Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia ha manejado al respecto, proponiendo entonces una solución desde el marco de la imputación objetiva que pueda ser plenamente satisfactoria y coherente con los engranajes constitucionales y legales que rigen para el derecho penal y procesal penal colombiano.

  15. Creating a Danish legal language: legal terminology in the medieval Law of Scania

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tamm, Ditlev; Vogt, Helle


    In the decades after 1200 the kingdom of Denmark developed a corpus of provincial laws written in Danish for the three major legal provinces. With the legislation for the eastern province of Scania as a starting point, this article shows how the writing down of the law led not only to the creatio...... of a legal language but to a written vernacular language in general. It was not until the fifteenth century that written Danish was found outside of texts; charters and narrative until that point had been written in Latin....

  16. Curbing Abuses of Legal Power in the Society


    Tajudeen Ojo Ibraheem


    In a world characterized by greed and the lust for power and its attendant trappings, abuse of legal power is nothing new to most of us. Legal abuses of power abound in all fields of human endeavour. Accounts of such abuses dominate the mass media and for the average individual, no single day goes by without his getting to hear about at least one such occurrence. This paper briefly looks at the meaning of legal power, what legal abuse is all about, its causes, and some of...

  17. Legal Information Sources: An Annotated Bibliography. (United States)

    Conner, Ronald C.

    This 25-page annotated bibliography describes the legal reference materials in the special collection of a medium-sized public library. Sources are listed in 12 categories: cases, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, forms, references for the lay person, general, indexes, laws and legislation, legal research aids, periodicals, and specialized…

  18. Rule of law and legal epistemology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tjong Tjin Tai, Eric; Feteris, Eveline; Kloosterhuis, Harm; Plug, José; Smith, Carel


    In the positivistic conception of law, sources of law (statute, precedent) are strictly distinguished from other legal materials such as doctrine. Courts as well as academia are, however, beginning to recognise the legal relevance of doctrine and case law of lower courts. This acceptance of such

  19. Legal culture as a factor of social stability

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    M M Akulich


    Full Text Available The article examines legal culture as a factor of stability in developing societies referring to the concepts of culture proposed by P.A. Sorokin, L.N. Kogan, M.T. Iovchuk and other famous sociologists. The authors state that in the modern sociological literature legal culture is studied mainly from the theoretical rather than empirical standpoint: the sociology has accumulated a lot of data on the legal culture, although its study in the context of agreements and conflicts, stability and destructiveness is not enough. Legal culture should be regarded as a regulator and stabilizer of social interactions and relationships in both specific countries and the global space. Thus, identifying regional and global aspects of legal culture has become an important theoretical problem of the sociological studies nowadays as well as considering legal culture in relation to moral, economic and political values and priorities. The authors argue that it is not possible to build a state of law and civil society without raising the level of legal culture, and present the results of the sociological study of the legal culture in the south of the Tyumen region conducted in 2013. This survey revealed an average level of following the law in 55% of the local population, although 90% consider themselves law-abiding citizens. At the same time, 46% believe in the possibility to manipulate the law, and 60% approve the principle of equity of the law. The authors conclude that the identified average level of legal culture among the local population is an indicator of a quite stable and successful development of the region under study.

  20. The Politics of Legal Arrangements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leander, Anna


    This article explores the place of formal legal arrangements in the politics surrounding the hybrid, enmeshed public-in-the-private forms of authority this special issue focuses on. It does so by analyzing the significance of one specific legal arrangement, the Duty of Care, for the politics...... and divisions currently organizing debates about the regulation of commercial security as well as about managerialism in international law more generally....

  1. [Biopiracy: about its legal meanings]. (United States)

    Ramírez García, Hugo Saúl


    This article explores the legal meanings of biopiracy concept, linked to subjects such as intellectual property rights on genetic resources, bioprospecting contracts, right to food, and food security. It overcomes the critical function of biopiracy concept related to world-wide extended tendencies: privatization and technification. Likewise, protectionism shows the opportunity that biopiracy concept represents for the enrichment of the legal interpretation related to the bioethical statue of biotech developments.

  2. German Legal History: National Traditions and Transnational Perspectives

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    Thomas Duve


    Full Text Available In this article, I review select institutional and analytical traditions of Legal History in 20th century Germany, in order to put forth some recommendations for the future development of our discipline. A careful examination of the evolution of Legal History in Germany in the last twenty-five years, in particular, reveals radical transformations in the research framework: Within the study of law, there has been a shift in the internal reference points for Legal History. While the discipline is opening up to new understandings of law and to its neighboring disciplines, its institutional position at the law departments has become precarious. Research funding is being allocated in new ways and the German academic system is witnessing ever more internal differentiation. Internationally, German contributions and analytic traditions are receiving less attention and are being marginalized as new regions enter into a global dialogue on law and its history. The German tradition of research in Legal History had for long been setting benchmarks internationally; now it has to reflect upon and react to new global knowledge systems that have emerged in light of the digital revolution and the transnationalization of legal and academic systems. If legal historians in Germany accept the challenge these changing conditions pose, thrilling new intellectual and also institutional opportunities emerge. Especially the transnationalization of law and the need for a transnational legal scholarship offers fascinating perspectives for Legal History.

  3. La construcción simbólica de un mercado de trabajo feminizado en la ciudad de Tánger: Una aproximación

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    Marlene Solís Pérez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la construcción simbólica de los mercados de trabajo de las empresas de la confección en Tánger, Marruecos. El punto de partida es la idea de que frente al vacío que propician procesos como la individualización, el pluralismo y la fragmentación de los mundos de vida, se requiere de instituciones intermedias que orienten las acciones de los individuos. Las asociaciones civiles se conciben como instituciones intermedias que disputan la orientación de la acción de las mujeres que se incorporan a los mercados de trabajo de las empresas relocalizadas en esta ciudad fronteriza. A través de sus prácticas y discursos, estas instituciones contribuyen a la construcción de los mercados de trabajo, ya sea desde la resistencia, desde la integración o desde la exclusión.

  4. Piercing and Tattoos in Adolescents: Legal and Medico-legal Implications. (United States)

    Conti, Adelaide; Bin, Paola; Casella, Claudia; Capasso, Emanuele; Fedeli, Piergiorgio; Salzano, Francesco Antonio; Terracciano, Lucia; Piras, Mauro


    Non-therapeutic body modification interventions are permitted within the limits of the use of one's own body that can be specified in the legal system. The authors take into consideration Italian regulation on tattooing and piercing, in particular in relation to adolescents. In Italy, several regions have therefore issued acts aimed at regulating the activities of tattoo and piercing also in reference to minors. Discussion. With regard to minors, the rules taken into account set precise limits in relation to the age criterion and subordinate the implementation of such practices to the provision of consent by legal representatives. If such practices are of an aesthetic nature, we cannot avoid considering the implications they have on health protection, and then adopt appropriate measures to protect the person who intends to undergo them, particularly in the case of minors.

  5. Piercing and Tattoos in Adolescents: Legal and Medico-legal Implications (United States)

    Conti, Adelaide; Bin, Paola; Casella, Claudia; Capasso, Emanuele; Fedeli, Piergiorgio; Salzano, Francesco Antonio; Terracciano, Lucia; Piras, Mauro


    Abstract Non-therapeutic body modification interventions are permitted within the limits of the use of one’s own body that can be specified in the legal system. The authors take into consideration Italian regulation on tattooing and piercing, in particular in relation to adolescents. Results In Italy, several regions have therefore issued acts aimed at regulating the activities of tattoo and piercing also in reference to minors. Discussion. With regard to minors, the rules taken into account set precise limits in relation to the age criterion and subordinate the implementation of such practices to the provision of consent by legal representatives. Conclusion If such practices are of an aesthetic nature, we cannot avoid considering the implications they have on health protection, and then adopt appropriate measures to protect the person who intends to undergo them, particularly in the case of minors. PMID:29675481

  6. Choice: Ethical and Legal Rehabilitation Challenges. (United States)

    Patterson, Jeanne Boland; Patrick, Adele; Parker, Randall M.


    The concept of choice has evolved into legal mandates and ethical challenges for rehabilitation professionals during the latter part of the 20th century. This article identifies the ethical and legal issues related to choice, summarizes a pilot project on rehabilitation counselors' perceptions of choice, and provides recommendations for…

  7. Decisiones de financiamiento en pymes: ¿existen diferencias en función del tamaño y la forma legal?


    Briozo, Anahí; Vigier, Hernán; Castillo, Natalia; Pesce, Gabriela; Speroni, Carolina


    Se analiza si existen características diferenciales en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en función de su tamaño y de su forma legal. Se estudian en especial las decisiones de financiamiento, tomando como marco el enfoque de jerarquía financiera, trade-off y ciclo de vida. Empleando una muestra de empresas radicadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina), se realizan test no paramétricos y test de independencia sobre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor tamaño se ...

  8. Decisiones de financiamiento en pymes: ¿existen diferencias en función del tamaño y la forma legal?


    Anahí Briozzo; Hernán Vigier; Natalia Castillo; Gabriela Pesce; M. Carolina Speroni


    Se analiza si existen características diferenciales en las pequenas ˜ y medianas empresas en función de su tamano ˜ y de su forma legal. Se estudian en especial las decisiones de financiamiento, tomando como marco el enfoque de jerarquía financiera, trade-off y ciclo de vida. Empleando una muestra de empresas radicadas en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca (Argentina), se realizan test no paramétricos y test de independencia sobre las variables. Los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor tamano...


    Mendoza-Ticona, Alberto


    Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis en el lugar de trabajo, se revisan las evidencias para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores de salud y se presenta la legislación peruana vigente al respecto. PMID:22858771

  10. Marijuana Legalization: Impact on Physicians and Public Health (United States)

    Wilkinson, Samuel T.; Yarnell, Stephanie; Radhakrishnan, Rajiv; Ball, Samuel A.; D'Souza, Deepak Cyril


    Marijuana is becoming legal in an increasing number of states for both medical and recreational use. Considerable controversy exists regarding the public health impact of these changes. The evidence for the legitimate medical use of marijuana or cannabinoids is limited to a few indications, notably HIV/AIDS cachexia, nausea/vomiting related to chemotherapy, neuropathic pain, and spasticity in multiple sclerosis. Although cannabinoids show therapeutic promise in other areas, robust clinical evidence is still lacking. The relationship between legalization and prevalence is still unknown. Although states where marijuana use is legal have higher rates of use than nonlegal states, these higher rates were generally found even prior to legalization. As states continue to proceed with legalization for both medical and recreational use, certain public health issues have become increasingly relevant, including the effects of acute marijuana intoxication on driving abilities, unintentional ingestion of marijuana products by children, the relationship between marijuana and opioid use, and whether there will be an increase in health problems related to marijuana use, such as dependence/addiction, psychosis, and pulmonary disorders. In light of this rapidly shifting legal landscape, more research is urgently needed to better understand the impact of legalization on public health. PMID:26515984

  11. Visions of the Future of (Legal) Education


    Madison, Michael


    One law professor takes a stab at imagining an ideal law school of the future and describing how to get there. The Essay spells out a specific possible vision, taking into account changes to the demand for legal services and changes to the economics and composition of the legal profession. That thought experiment leads to a series of observations about values and vision in legal education in general and about what it might take to move any vision forward.

  12. Legal regulation of treatment of wild animals


    Kolečkářová, Eliška


    The diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of the treatment with wild animals. It compares different terms used in legal regulation of protection of animals. It specified differences between concept of an animal in private law and public law. The diploma thesis is focused on possibilities of gaining ownership to the wild animals, proving origin of animals bred in human care. It concerns with legal regulation of treatment with handicap animals. The diploma thesis analyzes preparation a...

  13. Crime and the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana


    Dragone, Davide; Prarolo, Giovanni; Vanin, Paolo; Zanella, Giulio


    We provide first-pass evidence that the legalization of the cannabis market across US states may be inducing a crime drop. Exploiting the recent staggered legalization enacted by the adjacent states of Washington (end of 2012) and Oregon (end of 2014) we find, combining county-level difference-in-differences and spatial regression discontinuity designs, that the legalization of recreational marijuana caused a significant reduction of rapes and thefts on the Washington side of the border in 20...

  14. A computerized legal information management system | Ohiagu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A computerized legal information management system. ... process through the filling system using the survey research methodology. ... A framework for the design and implementation of a legal information management system was presented.

  15. Clarity Versus Accuracy and Objectivity in Written Legal English

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    Violeta Janulevičienė


    Full Text Available This paper is an attempt to analyse the most important grammatical and, specifically, syntactic features and to point out some prominent lexical ones, which aim at accuracy and objectivity of a written legal document, and to discuss how these features influence clarity and transparency of the legal documents. The study covers the analysis of some EU, UK, US legislative acts alongside with some extracts from contract samples. The analysis reveals that written legal English is distinguished by long compound sentences, often with inverted word order and numerous embeddings, passive constructions and nominalisations, specific use of personal pronouns and collocations of synonyms (doublets and triplets, etc. These means allow to achieve the most possible accuracy and objectivity in legal texts but make them complicated and difficult to comprehend at once. Formality, achieved by the mentioned means, makes legal English distant from everyday language and often becomes a reason for criticism. Plain English supporters encourage simplifying legal language; however, long traditions of legal English make changes slow and difficult. Therefore, comprehension and usage of legal English still requires special knowledge of its lexical and grammatical features.

  16. " Canvas " and the Legal Business Model

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    Frederico de Andrade Gabrich


    Full Text Available There is no idea, business or company, private or public control, which does not require an appropriate legal strategy to be implemented as efficiently as possible. Therefore, there is no way actually know the areas of law that are directly related to the business organization, without analysis of the planning logic and implementation of ideas generally used by companies. More than that, the combination of modeling and business planning is essential, with appropriate legal and related strategic planning of business objectives. So it’s the need and the importance of developing a Legal Business Model that can be used in combination with Canvas.

  17. El pluralismo ideológico en las propuestas de política deportiva en los inicios de la democracia española = The ideological pluralism in the proposals of sports policy at the beginning of spanish democracy

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    Aleix Augé Bailac


    Full Text Available Subtítulo: Estudio del caso de Cataluña (1977-1988En este artículo se pretende determinar el grado de pluralismo ideológico que existió en la oferta de propuestas de política deportiva en Cataluña entre 1977 y 1988. Con este propósito se ha diseñado un instrumento de análisis fundamentado, teóricamente, en una serie de referentes que han abordado previamente esta temática, principalmente del Reino Unido, donde se ha estudiado en profundidad la relación entre ideología y proyectos de política deportiva. A partir de la consideración de una serie de variables, se comparan, desde una óptica ideológica, los planteamientos respecto del deporte del Partit dels Socialistes de Cataluña (PSC-PSOE, de la coalición electoral de CiU (Convergència Democràtica de Cataluña y Unió Democràtica de Cataluña y del Partit Socialista Unificat de Cataluña (PSUC, reconvertido en 1987 en IC (Iniciativa per Cataluña. Los resultados obtenidos con el instrumento apuntan a que, dentro de un contexto de consenso, hubo ciertas diferencias en los planteamientos de los distintos partidos y por tanto se puede afirmar que, efectivamente, existió cierto de grado de pluralismo ideológico en la oferta política deportiva presentada durante ese periodo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subtitle: The case study of Catalonia (1977-1988This article aims at determining the degree of ideological pluralism of sports policy proposals in Catalonia between 1977 and 1988. To this end a tool of analysis has been designed theoretically based on several referents that have previously approached the subject, mainly from the United Kingdom, where the relationship between ideology and sports policy has been studied in depth. Considering a series of variables, the approaches to sport of the Partit dels Socialistes de Cataluña (PSC-PSOE, the electoral coalition of CiU (Convergència Democràtica de Cataluña y Unió Democr

  18. Política criminal e Lei Maria da Penha: o deferimento do comparecimento do agressor a programas de recuperação e reeducação como a principal medida protetiva de urgência

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    Artenira da Silva e Silva


    Full Text Available A Lei Maria da Penha possui natureza marcadamente penal. Ocorre que a punição penal estatal, entendida apenas como a determinação de prisão do agressor, nos casos de violência doméstica não encontra efetiva resposta social quanto à diminuição dos casos albergados pela lei. Busca-se a utilização da previsão legal de comparecimento do agressor a programas de recuperação e reeducação como a principal medida de urgência a ser deferida como mecanismo efetivamente capaz de diminuir a reincidência de agressores de violência de gênero.

  19. 4 CFR 83.18 - Rights of legal guardians. (United States)


    ... 4 Accounts 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Rights of legal guardians. 83.18 Section 83.18 Accounts GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE RECORDS PRIVACY PROCEDURES FOR PERSONNEL RECORDS § 83.18 Rights of legal guardians. For the purposes of this part, the parent of any minor, or the legal guardian of any individual...

  20. The Legal Regulation of Cybersecurity


    Darius Štitilis


    Cybercrime has become a global phenomenon, which is causing more harm to individual citizens, organizations, society and the state. Most countries in the world compare cybercrime with offences such as terrorism and drug trafficking due to its risks and profitability. Cybersecurity is the central category to fight cybercrime in cyberspace. Therefore, the strategic legal regulation of cybersecurity is one of the most relevant problems in EU, including Lithuania. So far cybersecurity legal regul...

  1. The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime


    John Donohue; Steven Levitt


    We offer evidence that legalized abortion has contributed significantly to recent crime reductions. Crime began to fall roughly 18 years after abortion legalization. The 5 states that allowed abortion in 1970 experienced declines earlier than the rest of the nation, which legalized in 1973 with Roe v. Wade. States with high abortion rates in the 1970s and 1980s experienced greater crime reductions in the 1990s. In high abortion states, only arrests of those born after abortion legaliz...

  2. 31 CFR 3.3 - Legal review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Legal review. 3.3 Section 3.3 Money and Finance: Treasury Office of the Secretary of the Treasury CLAIMS REGULATIONS AND INDEMNIFICATION OF DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY EMPLOYEES Claims Under the Federal Tort Claims Act § 3.3 Legal review. Any...

  3. 31 CFR 3.22 - Legal review. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Legal review. 3.22 Section 3.22 Money and Finance: Treasury Office of the Secretary of the Treasury CLAIMS REGULATIONS AND INDEMNIFICATION OF DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY EMPLOYEES Claims Under the Small Claims Act § 3.22 Legal review. Claims...

  4. Traditional Festivals to Become Legal Holidays

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    @@ As nearly everyone knows already,the state is going to rearrange the schedule of legal holidays. The four traditional Chinese festivals, inluding Mid-Autumn Day, Dragon Boat Festival,Tomb-Sweeping Day and Spring Festival Eve, will be made into legal holidays. As for the Golden Week system, should it be continued or canceled?

  5. 16 CFR 698.2 - Legal effect. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Legal effect. 698.2 Section 698.2 Commercial Practices FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT MODEL FORMS AND DISCLOSURES § 698.2 Legal effect. These model forms and disclosures prescribed by the FTC do not constitute a trade regulation rule...

  6. Representation and Non-representation of Knowledge Mediation in Legal Contracts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Aase Voldgaard

    takes place in different ways. A survey among lawyers (Larsen 2009) showed that, concerning legal contracts, mediation of knowledge is largely performed by legal experts, i.e. lawyers, to their clients during personal consultations before the contract is signed. Many lawyers prefer to explain difficult......In this paper, focus is on mediation of legal knowledge between expert and layman in connection with German legal contracts. Focus is not, however, on the role of a classical mediator (e.g. a translator), but on knowledge mediation performed by the expert himself. This mediation of legal knowledge...... for the layman. Some legal experts, however, take these problems into account and mediate the legal knowledge that the layman is expected to be lacking in the wording of the legal contract. Using methods of text analysis, this paper explores the ways in which this is done. On the one hand, it is seen...

  7. Incapacidad jurídica, patria potestad y derechos humanos: El desafío político de los derechos igualitarios y el derecho a la diferencia Legal disability, parental rights and human rights: The political challenge of iqual rights and the right to the difference

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    Romina Solitario


    Full Text Available Este trabajo, que es un recorte de la tesis doctoral de la autora, aborda los derechos de las personas con problemáticas en salud mental, analizando un aspecto particular que consiste en las transformaciones que operan en los vínculos con los hijos a partir de la declaración de incapacidad jurídica por motivos de enfermedad mental. Estas transformaciones, que encuentran su punto de apoyo en categorías del derecho, se manifiestan a nivel de las prácticas adquiriendo diversas expresiones. El objetivo es analizar críticamente el marco jurídico vigente en salud mental considerando la esfera de lo jurídico como un aspecto de la realidad social, como un aspecto cultural entre otros (Krotz, 2002. No se busca construir modelos de aplicación general, abstraídos de los contextos sociales, como una visión meramente jurídica pudiera pretender, sino que, por el contrario, la intención es dar cuenta de la manera en que los sistemas jurídicos se encuentran inmersos y a la vez moldean las prácticas sociales.This work, that is part of the author´s PhD thesis, deals with the rights of people with mental health problems, analysing a particular aspect that consists of the transformations on the relationship with their children after the declaration of legal incapacity by mental illness. These changes that ind their support point in law categories, are implemented in practices acquiring various expressions. The aim is to critically analyze the current legal framework in mental health considering legal sphere as an aspect of social reality, as a cultural aspect among others (Krotz, 2002. The intention is not to construct models with general application, abstracted from social contexts, as a legal perspective could claim, but on the contrary, the intention is to explain how legal systems are not only involved but also shape social practices.


    Buletsa, S; Drozd, O; Yunin, O; Mohilevskyi, L


    The scientific article is focused on the research of the notion of medical error, medical and legal aspects of this notion have been considered. The necessity of the legislative consolidation of the notion of «medical error» and criteria of its legal estimation have been grounded. In the process of writing a scientific article, we used the empirical method, general scientific and comparative legal methods. A comparison of the concept of medical error in civil and legal aspects was made from the point of view of Ukrainian, European and American scientists. It has been marked that the problem of medical errors is known since ancient times and in the whole world, in fact without regard to the level of development of medicine, there is no country, where doctors never make errors. According to the statistics, medical errors in the world are included in the first five reasons of death rate. At the same time the grant of medical services practically concerns all people. As a man and his life, health in Ukraine are acknowledged by a higher social value, medical services must be of high-quality and effective. The grant of not quality medical services causes harm to the health, and sometimes the lives of people; it may result in injury or even death. The right to the health protection is one of the fundamental human rights assured by the Constitution of Ukraine; therefore the issue of medical errors and liability for them is extremely relevant. The authors make conclusions, that the definition of the notion of «medical error» must get the legal consolidation. Besides, the legal estimation of medical errors must be based on the single principles enshrined in the legislation and confirmed by judicial practice.

  9. How reliable are forensic evaluations of legal sanity? (United States)

    Gowensmith, W Neil; Murrie, Daniel C; Boccaccini, Marcus T


    When different clinicians evaluate the same criminal defendant's legal sanity, do they reach the same conclusion? Because Hawaii law requires multiple, independent evaluations when questions about legal sanity arise, Hawaii allows for the first contemporary study of the reliability of legal sanity opinions in routine practice in the United States. We examined 483 evaluation reports, addressing 165 criminal defendants, in which up to three forensic psychiatrists or psychologists offered independent opinions on a defendant's legal sanity. Evaluators reached unanimous agreement regarding legal sanity in only 55.1% of cases. Evaluators tended to disagree more often when a defendant was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the offense. But evaluators tended to agree more often when they agreed about diagnosing a psychotic disorder, or when the defendant had been psychiatrically hospitalized shortly before the offense. In court, judges followed the majority opinion among evaluators in 91% of cases. But when judges disagreed with the majority opinion, they usually did so to find defendants legally sane, rather than insane. Overall, this study indicates that reliability among practicing forensic evaluators addressing legal sanity may be poorer than the field has tended to assume. Although agreement appears more likely in some cases than others, the frequent disagreements suggest a need for improved training and practice.

  10. Abortion Legalization and Life-Cycle Fertility (United States)

    Ananat, Elizabeth Oltmans; Gruber, Jonathan; Levine, Phillip


    The early-1970s abortion legalization led to a significant drop in fertility. We investigate whether this decline represented a delay in births or a permanent reduction in fertility. We combine Census and Vital Statistics data to compare the lifetime fertility of women born in early-legalizing states, whose peak childbearing years occurred in the…

  11. Prohibition as ontological basis of the Russian legal reality

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    Andrey V. Skorobogatov


    Full Text Available Objective to identify characteristics of the nature content and functioning of prohibition in the legal reality of Russia. nbsp Methods the methodological basis of research is the dialectical approach to cognition of social phenomena allowing to analyze them in historical development and functioning in the context of the totality of objective and subjective factors as well as a postmodern paradigm giving the opportunity to explore the legal reality at different levels. Dialectical approach and postmodern paradigm determined the choice of specific research methods comparative hermeneutic discursive. Results the paper proposes a definition of prohibition as a state socio volitional constraining limiting means that under the threat of legal liability is intended to prevent the wrongful act of the subject physical or legal entity and ensure the maintenance of law and order. Prohibition is a necessary means of ensuring the discipline of public relations and the consolidation of legal values designed to assure the effectiveness of legal regulation. Scientific novelty for the first time the article shows that prohibition as a legal category is the ontological basis of legal reality and acts as a determining factor in the content and focus not only of lawmaking and law enforcement but legal behavior as well. Practical significance the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in research and teaching when considering questions about the nature content and functioning of prohibitions.

  12. Attitudes Toward Medical Cannabis Legalization Among Serbian Medical Students. (United States)

    Vujcic, Isidora; Pavlovic, Aleksandar; Dubljanin, Eleonora; Maksimovic, Jadranka; Nikolic, Aleksandra; Sipetic-Grujicic, Sandra


    Currently, medical cannabis polices are experiencing rapid changes, and an increasing number of nations around the world legalize medical cannabis for certain groups of patients, including those in Serbia. To determine medical students' attitudes toward medical cannabis legalization and to examine the factors influencing their attitudes. Fourth-year medical students at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, had participated in a cross-sectional study. Data were collected by an anonymous questionnaire. Overall, 63.4% students supported medical cannabis legalization, and only 20.8% supported its legalization for recreational use. Students who previously used marijuana (p medical cannabis legalization compared with students who never used them. Support for marijuana recreational use was also related to prior marijuana (p cancer (90.4%) and chronic pain (74.2%) were correctly reported approved medical indications by more than half the students. Students who supported medical cannabis legalization showed better knowledge about indications, in contrast to opponents for legalization who showed better knowledge about side effects. Beliefs that using medical cannabis is safe and has health benefits were correlated with support for legalization, and previous marijuana and alcohol use, while beliefs that medical cannabis poses health risks correlated most strongly with previous marijuana use. Conclusions/Importance: The medical students' attitudes toward medical cannabis legalization were significantly correlated with previous use of marijuana and alcohol, knowledge about medical indications and side effects, and their beliefs regarding medical cannabis health benefits and risks.

  13. A informalidade como forma: os acordos no fazer judicial do Tribunal do Júri.

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    Izabel Saenger Nuñez


    Full Text Available Resumo:  O presente paper trata dos acordos informais, entre defesa e acusação, que acontecem nos processos em trâmite no Tribunal do Júri. A análise desses mecanismos informais mostra como os processos são administrados e fala sobre a “sensibilidade jurídica” inquisitorial presente no “fazer judicial” brasileiro. Analisar os “acordos” informais e a maneira como eles se estabelecem mostra como as decisões formais no processo judicial são, muitas vezes, informadas por “valores morais” e “moralidades situacionais” em contexto e determinam a ação dos agentes no campo. Para sustentar meu argumento, portanto, parto da descrição de três “acordos” presenciados em audiências de instrução e julgamento e um caso de estupro, no qual não houve acordo, embora houvesse “convergência moral” quanto ao seu desfecho. Palavras-chave: Tribunal do Júri; Moralidades; Valores Morais; Interação  *** Resumen: Este artículo trata sobre los "acuerdos" informales entre defensa y acusación que ocurren en los casos en trámite en el Tribunal do Juri. El análisis de estos mecanismos informales da cuenta, en primer lugar, de la administración judcial de los casos y, en segundo lugar, de la presencia de la "sensiblidad jurídica" inquisitorial en el "hacer judicial" brasileño. Analizar los "acuerdos" informales y la forma como ellos se establecen muestra cómo las decisiones formales en el proceso judicial son, frecuentemente, informadas por "valores morales" y "moralidades situacionales" construídas en un contexto particular, las cuales determinan la acción de los agentes en el campo. Para dar cuenta de ello, describo tres "acuerdos" observados en audiencias de "instrucción" y "juicio" en un caso de violación, en el cual no hubo acuerdo consenso a pesar de existir "convergencia moral" en relación a su desenlace. Palabras clave: Tribunal do Juri, Moralidades situacionales, Valores morales, Interacción  *** Abstract

  14. Infidelity and the Possibility of a Liberal Legal Moralism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thaysen, Jens Damgaard


    This paper argues that according to the influential version of legal moralism presented by Moore infidelity should all-things-considered be criminalized. This is interesting because criminalizing infidelity is bound to be highly controversial and because Moore’s legal moralism is a prime example...... of a self-consciously liberal legal moralism, which aims to yield legislative implications that are quite similar to liberalism, while maintaining that morality as such should be legally enforced. Moore tries to make his theory yield such implications, first by claiming that the scope of our moral...... obligations is much more limited than legal moralists have traditionally claimed, and second by allowing for the possibility that the goodness of legally enforcing morality is often outweighed by the badness of limiting citizens’ morally valuable autonomy and spending scarce resources on enforcement. If Moore...

  15. Legal Change and Stigma in Surrogacy and Abortion. (United States)

    Robertson, John A


    Stigma marks both surrogacy and abortion. Legal change lessens stigma but may not remove it altogether. Post-legalization regulation may reinstall stigma by surrounding a legalized practice with barriers that make exercise of that right more difficult. As a result, law may reenact stigma even as it purports to take it away. © 2015 American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Inc.

  16. 21 CFR 21.75 - Rights of legal guardians. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Rights of legal guardians. 21.75 Section 21.75... Individual § 21.75 Rights of legal guardians. For the purposes of this part, the parent of any individual who is a minor or the legal guardian of any individual who has been declared to be incompetent due to...

  17. Projeção de um cenário econômico e de desmatamento para a Amazônia Legal brasileira entre 2006 e 2030

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    Terciane Sabadini Carvalho


    Full Text Available A Amazônia Legal foi alvo de políticas desenvolvimentistas no século XX. Com características estruturais diferentes dasdo restante do Brasil e abrigando a maior floresta tropical do mundo, o resultado foi crescimento econômico e desmatamento. Alguns fatores são apontados como determinantes desse desmatamento, como as políticas de incentivo ao desenvolvimento das décadas de 1970 e 1980, os investimentos em infraestrutura, a pecuária e a agricultura. Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia de projeção para o desmatamento nas mesorregiões da Amazônia Legal, decorrente de fatores econômicos e de condicionantes estruturais da região. Para isso, foi usado um modelo de Equilíbrio Geral Computável (EGC dinâmico inter-regional com uma especificação para a ocupação do solo nas regiões, isto é,uma inovação para a literatura.Os resultados para o período estudado(2006-2030 apontaram que as regiões com maior crescimento e desmatamento seriam aquelas situadas no arco do desmatamento(Mato Grosso, Pará e Rondônia, principalmente regiões produtoras de soja e bovinos.

  18. Ontologias como ferramenta de organização e representação do conhecimento: um olhar sobre os laudos médico-legais

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    Karla Meneses Farias


    Full Text Available A organização e representação do conhecimento é uma atividade nuclear da área de Ciência da Informação, visto a função de mediação entre o processo de produção, organização até o acesso à informação. Nesse sentido, destaca-se a ontologia, que traz em sua semântica o estudo das coisas, objetos e seres do mundo. Aborda-se o domínio da Medicina Legal, especificamente o laudo médicolegal, que é um relato técnico-científico acerca de um fato litigioso, duvidoso, efetuado por especialistas. Destacam-se os laudos cadavéricos, sexológicos, traumatológicos e odonto-legais. Objetiva-se apresentar a ontologia como uma ferramenta capaz de contribuir para atender às necessidades informacionais dos usuários da Coordenadoria de Medicina Legal, tendo em vista a organização, o acesso e a recuperação das informações. Utilizou-se a methontology para a modelagem da ontologia no software Protégé, e aplicaram-se questionário e análise documental. Constatou-se que existe uma percepção por parte dos usuários da pertinência do tratamento informacional, já que a prática viabilizaria os fluxos e processos, proporcionando maior agilidade na entrega das respostas, bem como a ontomédico legal possibilita a descrição formal e explícita do domínio e da documentação produzida por essa área, viabilizando os fluxos e processos.

  19. Conceptual Analysis of Causation in Legal Discourse

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Doležal, Adam; Doležal, Tomáš


    Roč. 10, č. 7 (2014), s. 53-70 ISSN 1857-7881 Institutional support: RVO:68378122 Keywords : causation * tort law * legal liability Subject RIV: AG - Legal Sciences

  20. Senior Legal Counsel | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Advises on a range of current legal and business issues impacting IDRC by ... legal and risk management practices, and recommending courses of action to ... in conducting its overseas operations;; advising on new legislation, such as the ...

  1. Legal pluralism and social justice in economic and political development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benda-Beckmann, von F.


    Legal pluralism is an approach which accepts the possibility that within any given polity, there can be more than one 'legal order' and that the state is not the exclusive source of legal regulation. Nevertheless, defining whether a particular claim or social relation is legally sanctioned is a

  2. Heidegger E A Técnica Moderna Como Perigo E Como Salvação

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    Robson Costa Cordeiro


    Full Text Available O mundo contemporâneo é marcado por uma compreensão de técnica que se ergue como tal a partir de um sentido próprio e autônomo. Este sentido pode ser caracterizado como um logos que se constitui a partir de sua própria natureza e se manifesta como tecnologia no decorrer da história. Compreender esse sentido e assumi-lo como condição de nossa existência no mundo é comprender a técnica como nossa herança e nosso envio. Nesse sentido, compreender a essência da técnica é fundamental para o mundo contemporâneo, assumindo que, nesse processo, consiste o perigo e a salvação da espécie.

  3. 16 CFR 600.2 - Legal effect. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Legal effect. 600.2 Section 600.2 Commercial... INTERPRETATIONS § 600.2 Legal effect. (a) The interpretations in the Commentary are not trade regulation rules or regulations, and, as provided in § 1.73 of the Commission's rules, they do not have the force or effect of...

  4. Semantiz Structure of the Legal Term

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    Екатерина Владимировна Кулевская


    Full Text Available The article examines the semantic structure of the legal term. Nowadays, with the rapid development of cross-cultural communication, people, while pursuing their professional career, learn specific languages, including the language of law, with terms being its important component. Terms can often impede the process of successful cross-cultural communication so teaching cross-cultural communication, according to many researchers, including P. Cranmer and K. Koskinen, is immensely important. The article aims to demonstrate that a legal term, a word or phrase used in legislation, is a generalized name for a legal concept that may lack a precise meaning in practice as it is polysemous. To proof this statement, the semantic structure of the legal term is studied from the cognitive point of view. The key terms (term, frame, lexico-semantic variant of a word, microframe (reference category are defined at the beginning of the article. The article also describes the classification of various semantic structures of terms developed by Prof. Belyayevskaya, based on an analysis of the cognitive foundations of the typology of semantic structures as well as on the classification of meanings. They are homogeneous semantic structures, with different lexico-semantic variants of a polysemous word representing different aspects of one microframe; these structures include monosemous terms, polysemous terms with a homogeneous semantic structure, and terms with the intermediate type of lexemes. Heterogeneous semantic structures are semantic structures, with a lexico-semantic variant of a word representing two or more reference categories rather than one category; these structures are considered to be “classical” polysemy. Two types of such structures are introduced in the article, with examples of the actualization of their lexical meaning in speech being analysed (there were used examples from the British and Russian National corpora; official legal documents and

  5. Legal Knowledge as a Tool for Social Change (United States)

    González Vélez, Ana Cristina; Jaramillo, Isabel Cristina


    Abstract In May 2006, Colombia’s Constitutional Court liberalized abortion, introducing three circumstances under which the procedure would not be considered a crime: (1) rape or incest; (2) a risk to the woman’s health or life; and (3) fetal malformations incompatible with life. Immediately following the court’s ruling, known as Sentence C-355, members of La Mesa por la Vida y Salud de las Mujeres (hereinafter La Mesa) began to mobilize to ensure the decision’s implementation, bearing in mind the limited impact that the legal framework endorsed by the court has had in other countries in the region. We argue that La Mesa’s strategy is an innovative one in the field of legal mobilization insofar as it presumes that law can be shaped not just by public officials and universities but also by social actors engaged in the creation and diffusion of legal knowledge. In this regard, La Mesa has become a legal expert on abortion by accumulating knowledge about the multiple legal rules affecting the practice of abortion and about the situations in which these rules are to be applied. In addition, by becoming a legal expert, La Mesa has been able to persuade health providers that they will not risk criminal prosecution or being fired if they perform abortions. We call this effect of legal mobilization a “pedagogical effect” insofar as it involves the production of expertise and appropriation of knowledge by health professionals. We conclude by discussing La Mesa’s choice to become a legal expert on abortion as opposed to recruiting academics to do this work or encouraging women to produce and disseminate this knowledge. PMID:28630545

  6. Indonesian legal framework to support innovation sustainability (United States)

    Pratama, Bambang


    The successful economy in a country can be measured by the number of commercializing intellectual property rights (IPR). To pursue IPR growth, triple helix component becomes a backbone to weave academia, business and government to collaborate with each other. Generally, collaborations move from their common interest, but within triple helix the collaboration can be run structurally and sustain. Depart from the arguments; the question arises: How is the condition of Indonesia Innovation System? Through legal approach, this paper will explain current legal condition and legal structure of the Indonesian innovation system. The reason to review the law is to relate with the government’s target to create 1000 digital start-ups alike as in Silicon Valley level size. Therefore, legal framework review becomes useful to explain the condition of the law as a supporting system. In this sense, the legal prescription can be generated to confirm Indonesian laws, whether supported the national innovation system or conversely. Within law perspective, Indonesian government categorizes the innovative industry as a creative industry. However, there is still no resolute concept to follow. Therefore, some of law adjustment is needed to support the government’s plan to pursue commercialized innovation.

  7. Parents Representations of the Legal Socialization of Children

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    Kalashnikova A.S.,


    Full Text Available Insufficient knowledge about the impact of parental education on the development strategies of justice of children and adolescents in destabilizing the social conditions of modern society determines the relevance of the author's work. The study involved 64 subjects (39 women and 25 men aged 24 to 48 years, with minor children, including 30 subjects with a harmonious style of parenting and 34 - with disharmonious style. We used a questionnaire "Analysis of family relationships" (E.G. Eidemiller, V.V. Yustitskis, a technique of studying legal awareness of J. Tapp and F. Levine, as well as specially designed questionnaires, aimed at studying the cognitive (knowledge of parents about legal socialization and behavioral (conversations on topics of law, reinforcement and punishment of right and wrong actions, monitoring of performance, personal example components of legal socialization. We obtained new empirical evidence on the relation between the features of legal socialization of children and parent-child relationship, clarified the role of the individual types of parental attitudes in the formation of the legal socialization of children, revealed the factors of parental attitudes that hinder and facilitate the process of legal socialization of children

  8. 22 CFR 92.85 - Service of legal process usually prohibited. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Service of legal process usually prohibited. 92... RELATED SERVICES Quasi-Legal Services § 92.85 Service of legal process usually prohibited. The service of process and legal papers is not normally a Foreign Service function. Except when directed by the...

  9. Building the South African Nation through Legal Deposit: The Impact ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The legal deposit of and preservation of digital materials depends on the proper legislative framework and implementation of the Legal Deposit Act. This article examines the challenges related to legal instruments affecting the legal deposit of digital materials in South Africa. Two main objectives of the study upon which this ...

  10. Expectancy and Professional Norms in Legal Translation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faber, Dorrit; Hjort-Pedersen, Mette


    . These parameters focus on the degree to which the use of explicitation and implicitation is considered to influence meaning transfer, authentic English legal language and style, and the informative function of the translation in a defined translational situation. Based on Chesterman’s categorization of norms...... perceived norms influence the use of explicitation and implicitation. The findings are based on experiments involving Danish translators and legal experts who were asked to evaluate three different translations into English of the same Danish legal source text on a set of defined parameters...


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    Camelia IGNĂTESCU


    Full Text Available The legal norm represents an intellectual creation of the legislator. It is expressed in legal language, according to certain rules of preparation, respecting the grammar rules specific to the language in which it is drawn up, as well as the legislative technique. The final result, thought out and wanted by the author, must be understood in direct relation to his intention. Interpretation of the law concerns the particular significance of the general form and the cognitive value of the information, of grammatical construction that expresses the legal norm.

  12. Legal highs - legal aspects and legislative solutions. (United States)

    Kapka-Skrzypczak, Lucyna; Kulpa, Piotr; Sawicki, Krzysztof; Cyranka, Małgorzata; Wojtyła, Andrzej; Kruszewski, Marcin


    In recent years the attention of society, the media and politicians has focused on the negative phenomenon of the occurrence of an enormous amount of new psychoactive substances flooding the European market. In Poland and in Europe they are known under the name 'legal highs' or 'smart drugs'. In many countries these compounds present a serious social and health problem. The core of the problem is the fact that in the light of the law these substances are legal, while actually they imitate the eff ect of illegal narcotics. Smart drugs are sold allegedly as 'products not intended for human consumption', under the cover of 'collector's commodities', 'incense sticks' or 'bath salts'. Efforts undertaken by many countries, including Poland, are biased towards gaining control over this pathological phenomenon by placing the subsequent substances on the list of prohibited agents. However, the resilient chemical and pharmaceutical industry still remains one step ahead by introducing new derivatives of already banned products, practically identical in action. The presented article is an attempt to bring closer the problem of smart drugs in Poland, from the occurrence of this alarming phenomenon, through the spread of sales in shops all over Poland, to a series of changes in the Polish anti-narcotic law, drastic actions of closing the shops throughout the entire country, and transferring the sale of smart drugs to the internet.

  13. Enhancing public access to legal information : A proposal for a new official legal information generic top-level domain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mitee, Leesi Ebenezer


    Abstract: This article examines the use of a new legal information generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) as a viable tool for easy identification of official legal information websites (OLIWs) and enhancing global public access to their resources. This intervention is necessary because of the existence of

  14. 22 CFR 92.89 - Fees for service of legal process. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Fees for service of legal process. 92.89 Section 92.89 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE LEGAL AND RELATED SERVICES NOTARIAL AND RELATED SERVICES Quasi-Legal Services § 92.89 Fees for service of legal process. No charge should be made for...

  15. Legal aspects of workers' health protection against asbestos in Poland in the light of the EU legal framework

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    Beata Świątkowska


    Full Text Available Legal protection of human life and health against asbestos dust-related hazards is carried out in various dimensions of the European Union law mainly focused on health protection of employees and responsibilities of employers, as well as on environmental protection. The aim of this paper is to present the Community legal issues emphasizing the protection of workers against asbestos and discuss the current state of Polish law in this regard. An analysis of recent legal solutions provides a comprehensive look at the extensive steps currently taken to reduce the risk of exposure to asbestos dust. The legislation in the European Union, including Poland indicates sound foundations for assuring health and safety of workers still exposed to asbestos and those formerly employed in asbestos processing plants. It is only postulated to unify high standards of healthcare to provide all workers employed in asbestos exposure with equal and particular legal protection. Med Pr 2013;64(5:689–697

  16. The impact of cuts in legal aid funding on charities. (United States)

    Morris, Debra; Barr, Warren


    This article focusses on the specific impact of the cuts in legal aid funding on the charitable sector. The sector plays a significant role in advice giving. Some charities have the provision of legal advice as their sole purpose, whilst the work of other charities includes the giving of legal advice. Funding comes via a number of sources including legal aid, local authorities and charitable trusts. Whilst this volume highlights the legal aid reforms that will lead to significant cuts in funding, this article notes that charitable providers of legal advice have also suffered major cuts from their other traditional funding sources. Against this background, the article considers the serious and often unforeseen consequences for charities of the legal aid reforms, which go far beyond the impact on the high street law firm and access to justice for claimants.

  17. Piercing and tattoos in adolescents: legal and medico-legal implications

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    Conti Adelaide


    Full Text Available Non-therapeutic body modification interventions are permitted within the limits of the use of one’s own body that can be specified in the legal system. The authors take into consideration Italian regulation on tattooing and piercing, in particular in relation to adolescents.

  18. The penal aspect of the essence of the legal institute

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    Олег Миколайович Кревсун


    Full Text Available Law, like any social phenomenon, can be the object of cognition only if legal norms that is its components, will come into connection with other legal norms, not only to form separate elements of the law. Without a comprehensive study of the interaction between legal norms, their role in the regulation of social relations will be impossible to develop effective legal measures of influence on various spheres of public life. Unfortunately, proper attention to this issue in Ukraine is not given. Examined, in fact, a certain set of interconnected rules of law, but each of them, representing this population, is investigated separately, without necessary connection with other laws. However, as presented in the legal literature, the research results confirmed the existence in law of such legal norms, which are involved in the regulation of certain social relations, being in its totality as an integrated whole. Such laws called legal institutions. Legal institutions, subinstitutes and interdisciplinary subinstitutes of penal law, both from the point of view of legal terminology and from the point of view of defining the content, in domestic science remains thoroughly unexplored and only mentioned in some scientific works of foreign authors. The term “legal institution” is used by scholars more as a term authoritative sound. In this article, we first provide a definition of the legal Institute, subinstitute and cross-subinstitute of penal law, interpret the normative contents of the allocated inherent characteristics, focusing on the absence in domestic science studies on this issue.

  19. Institutional Aspects of Sustainability for Irrigated Agriculture in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Aspectos Institucionales para la Sustentabilidad de la Agricultura de Riego en Regiones Áridas y Semi-Áridas

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    Iván del Callejo


    ón del agua como un recurso básico. Más allá de consideraciones técnicas sobre el riego, tal como son abordadas por literatura científica especializada, se han identificado diferentes enfoques relacionados a la sostenibilidad de la agricultura bajo riego. Estos enfoques se concentran principalmente en aspectos institucionales y socioeconómicos de la gestión del riego. En este capítulo se discuten cuatro enfoques: El “nuevo institucionalismo”, que enfatiza temas económicos y financieros como la recuperación de costos o el rol del mercado en la reasignación de derechos de agua. Un segundo enfoque es el denominado “Gestión de recursos comunes”, que resalta el rol de organizaciones e instituciones locales en la gestión colectiva y en las posibilidades de diseñar instituciones “robustas” si se considera el involucramiento de diferentes grupos de interés y no únicamente autoridades (estatales. Un tercer enfoque se identifica como “Enfoque de empoderamiento”. Otros tópicos como relaciones de poder, autonomía, relaciones de género, acceso y derechos al agua, son considerados como elementos clave en la configuración de las prácticas de gestión del agua en sistemas de riego. Finalmente, un cuarto enfoque es llamado “Enfoque pos-institucional”. Dentro de éste, conceptos como “bricolaje institucional”, incertidumbre, pluralismo legal, son usados como elementos analíticos para entender la dinámica y complejidades en que se desarrolla el riego. Como conclusión, se discuten los diferentes niveles en que la sostenibilidad puede ser analizada desde una perspectiva institucional, identificando vacíos de conocimiento y la necesidad de integrar algunos de los elementos encontrados en los diferentes enfoques descritos.

  20. 32 CFR 727.6 - Functions of legal assistance officers. (United States)


    ... another party or his lawyer, and prepare all types of legal documents, including pleadings, as are... Act of 1964 and pertinent Navy instructions. (b) Nature of assistance. Legal assistance officers and... problems, business ventures, or matters that are not of a personal nature. Legal assistance duties are...

  1. 77 FR 12754 - Contractor Legal Management Requirements; Acquisition Regulations (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 10 CFR Part 719 48 Parts 931, 952 and 970 RIN 1990-AA37 Contractor Legal... rulemaking (NOPR) to revise existing regulations covering contractor legal management requirements and make... relating to the DOE notice of proposed rulemaking to revise existing regulations covering contractor legal...

  2. UBERTRUST: How Uber Represents Itself to Its Customers Through its Legal and Non-Legal Documents


    Noto La Diega, Guido; Jacovella, Luce


    This paper examines some of the key factors that contribute to build or erode users’ trust in a platform-based service such as the one provided by Uber Technologies Inc. As clarified by the European Commission, the future Internet cannot succeed without trust of online platforms’ users. The paper explores Uber’s web of relationships with different categories of users, i.e., ‘driver-partners’, ‘riders’, ‘developers’ and ‘business users’ through Uber’s legal and non-legal representations. By an...

  3. European New Legal Realism and International Law:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holtermann, Jakob v. H.; Madsen, Mikael Rask


    complex analysis which takes legal validity seriously but as a genuinely empirical object of study. This article constructs this position by identifying a distinctively European realist path which takes as its primary inspirations Weberian sociology of law and Alf Ross’ Scandinavian Legal Realism...

  4. The Reach and Limits of Legal Education. (United States)

    Schwartz, Murray L.


    Recent studies of the state of legal education and the practice of law are criticized, and legal education is found to be healthy. Practical and professional responsibility training is recommended for post-law school training rather than in the classical curriculum. (MSE)

  5. Legal institutions, strategic default, and stock returns

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Favara, G.; Schroth, E.; Valta, P.


    This paper studies the impact of legal institutions on stock returns. More specifically, we examine how differences in debt enforcement and creditor protection around the world affect stock returns of individual firms. We hypothesize that if legal institutions prevent shareholders from engaging in

  6. Teaching the Legal Aspects of Business Communication. (United States)

    Harcourt, Jules


    Maintains that the basic business communication course is the ideal course in which to discuss the legal aspects of business communication. Reviews some of the most important legal considerations: contract communications, credit and collections communication, employment communication, and other interpersonal communication. (SR)

  7. Implications of Marijuana Legalization for Adolescent Substance Use


    Hopfer, Christian


    Marijuana that is legally available for adults has multiple implications for adolescent substance use. One potential effect that legalization may have is an increase in adolescent use to due increased availability, greater social acceptance, and possibly lower prices. Legalization may also facilitate the introduction of new formulations of marijuana (edible, vaporized) and with potentially higher potencies. It is unknown what adolescent consumption patterns will be if marijuana is widely avai...

  8. La piratería como conflicto. Discursos sobre la propiedad intelectual en México

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    José Carlos G. Aguiar


    Full Text Available Este artículo da cuenta de la evolución de la protección de los derechos de autor (IPR, por sus siglas en inglés con relación a las acciones antipiratería realizadas por el gobierno mexicano. La ‘guerra contra la piratería’ está fundada en la estructura legal del comercio mundial. El argumento central del autor es que la criminalización de la piratería no resulta de un proceso de interés nacional que tenga como objetivo promover e intensificar la propiedad intelectual o el estado de derecho, sino que surge de una perspectiva punitiva emanada de las redes de intereses internacionales y actores transnacionales propios del neoliberalismo global.AbstractThis article examines the evolution of intellectual property rights (IPR protection in relation to anti-piracy actions undertaken by the Mexican government. The ‘war against piracy’ is based on the world trade legal structure. The author’s central argument is that the criminalization of piracy is not the result of a process of national interest which has as its objective the promotion and intensification of intellectual property rights or the rule of law but, rather, emerges from a punitive perspective emanating from networks of international interests and transnational actors characteristic of global neoliberalism.

  9. El sistema de partidos vascos: distancia ideológica y legitimación política

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    Full Text Available El partido político vasco HB muestra un caso clásico de "pluralismo polarizado".Combinado con la violencia organizada, HB juega el papel opositor de partido antisistema. Hay, incluso, partidos más pequeños de oposición que se neutralizan mutuamente en sus objetivos y son incapaces, aparentemente, de formar coaliciones duraderas. Las dos dimensiones principales que marcan la división vasca son : izquierda/derecha y el conflicto étnico/lingüístico. En algunos casos funcionan como un modo de neutralizar tensiones, pero en otros las incrementan y conducen al conflicto. A corto plazo, un gobierno alternativo de coalición no parece posible en el contexto político vasco.

  10. Bioética y farmacia comunitaria

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    Sánchez Caro J.


    Full Text Available Todos los seres humanos formulamos, en alguna ocasión, juicios morales. Por ejemplo, decimos que algo está bien o está mal, o que algo es correcto o incorrecto. Otras veces consideramos que algo es justo o injusto, y es corriente emplear las palabras buenas o malas como juicio de valor. La respuesta de lo que se quiere decir la encontramos a lo largo de la Historia en las diferentes teorías y explicaciones que se han formulado a propósito de esta importante cuestión. Ahora bien, es un hecho que existen diferentes maneras de justificar nuestras actuaciones morales, es decir, lo que nos muestra la realidad en la que vivimos es la existencia de un pluralismo moral.

  11. 76 FR 81408 - Contractor Legal Management Requirements; Acquisition Regulations (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 10 CFR Part 719 48 CFR Parts 931, 952 and 970 RIN 1990-AA37 Contractor Legal... Energy (DOE or Department) is proposing to revise existing regulations covering contractor legal... costs by certain contractors whose contracts exceed $100,000,000 as well as legal counsel retained...

  12. Cannabis use and support for cannabis legalization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Palali, Ali; van Ours, Jan


    We investigate the determinants of the support for cannabis legalization finding a causal effect of personal experience with cannabis use. Current and past cannabis users are more in favor of legalization. We relate this finding to self-interest and inside information about potential dangers of


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    Yuniarti Yuniarti


    Full Text Available Following the terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11th, 2001, it was discovered that money laundering was a significant source of finance for terrorists. Although, the amount of money that involve is not as involve as in drug and gun trafficking, terrorist financing had been the most important substance to be monitor. Further, various legal measures have been taken internationally in order to combat terrorist financing. This research analyses the legal measures that have been taken internationally and at EU level to combat terrorist financing. Key words: Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, International Legal measures, EU.

  14. Review of: Legal practice and cultural diversity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinding, Niels Valdemar


    This anthology comprises contributions from a conference on legal practice and cultural diversity held in London in July 2007, but the editors take their cue from the speech made in February 2008 by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams. The questions central to the book are the same...... that arose after the speech by the Archbishop: whether or to what extent cultural difference should be recognized by legal systems. Legal practice and cultural diversity, edited by Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, Andre´ J. Hoekema, Marcel Maussen, and Prakash Shah, Farnham, UK, Ashgate, 2009...

  15. Legal protection of land from pollution

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    Petrović Zdravko


    Full Text Available Situated in the study conducted in this paper, using the method of analysis of contents, induction and deduction, historical and legal dogmatic indicated that ecology as their object of legal protection has three global natural values: air, water, land, and atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere as constituent elements of the biosphere. Land as a special natural product comprises a solid layer of the Earth that is specific to the biosphere. The importance of land from the perspective of sustainable development is multifaceted, especially when seen through its environmental, industrial, manufacturing, socio-economic, educational, scientific, cultural, historical and any other useful functions. Its most important function is to fertility and the ability to flora supplying water, oxygen and mineral substances. Natural processes that led to the creation of land argue the view that it belongs to the so-called renewable resources, but only if it's a man rational use and encourages their natural reproduction. In accordance with current legislation and categorization of land, this survey includes agricultural land. In this paper, we have opted for ecological and legal land protection as one of the most important natural resources whose quality and extent of a very significant impact on the environment as a whole. The introductory part of the paper included a terminological demarcation and specificity of the case study of environmental law, as well as the possible forms of soil pollution. Methodological framework of research, using the method of content analysis of existing domestic and international legal legislation, method comparison and synthesis were studied legal documents that protect the land from pollution.


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    Camelia, CHIRILA


    Full Text Available Nowadays the accurate translation of legal texts has become highly important as the mistranslation of a passage in a contract, for example, could lead to lawsuits and loss of money. Consequently, the translation of legal texts to other languages faces many difficulties and only professional translators specialised in legal translation should deal with the translation of legal documents and scholarly writings. The purpose of this paper is to analyze translation from three perspectives: translation quality, errors and difficulties encountered in translating legal texts and consequences of such errors in professional translation. First of all, the paper points out the importance of performing a good and correct translation, which is one of the most important elements to be considered when discussing translation. Furthermore, the paper presents an overview of the errors and difficulties in translating texts and of the consequences of errors in professional translation, with applications to the field of law. The paper is also an approach to the differences between languages (English and Romanian that can hinder comprehension for those who have embarked upon the difficult task of translation. The research method that I have used to achieve the objectives of the paper was the content analysis of various Romanian and foreign authors' works.

  17. Physician-assisted suicide: the legal slippery slope. (United States)

    Walker, R M


    In Oregon, physicians can prescribe lethal amounts of medication only if requested by competent, terminally ill patients. However, the possibility of extending the practice to patients who lack decisional capacity exists. This paper examines why the legal extension of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) to incapacitated patients is possible, and perhaps likely. The author reviews several pivotal court cases that have served to define the distinctions and legalities among "right-to-die" cases and the various forms of euthanasia and PAS. Significant public support exists for legalizing PAS and voluntary euthanasia in the United States. The only defenses against sliding from PAS to voluntary euthanasia are adhering to traditional physician morality that stands against it and keeping the issue of voluntary euthanasia legally framed as homicide. However, if voluntary euthanasia evolves euphemistically as a medical choice issue, then the possibility of its legalization exists. If courts allow PAS to be framed as a basic personal right akin to the right to refuse treatment, and if they rely on right-to-die case precedents, then they will likely extend PAS to voluntary euthanasia and nonvoluntary euthanasia. This would be done by extending the right to PAS to incapacitated patients, who may or may not have expressed a choice for PAS prior to incapacity.

  18. Economic and Legal Aspects of Electronic Money

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    Otakar Schlossberger


    Full Text Available The term “electronic money” first appeared in Czech legislation in 2002 as the result of the transposition of legislation into the Czech Republic’s legal system in anticipation of the country’s accession to the European Union. This term subsequently reappeared in 2009 during the recodification of the legal regulation of payment services, payment systems and electronic money. At this time, the definition was subjected to certain changes which continue to exert a significant influence on current practice with respect to the issuance and subsequent use of electronic money. This paper addresses the term “virtual money” and considers the mutual relationships between “electronic money”, “cashless money” and “virtual money” from the point of view of selected legal and economic approaches. The aim of the paper is to employ the analytical method in order to investigate selected legal and economic aspects of the various interpretations of the categories “electronic money”, “cashless money” and “virtual money”. A comparative analysis approach will be applied so as to ascertain both the legal and economic differences between these categories and general conclusions will be suggested employing the deduction method. The article is further concerned with the influence of these categories on the monetary base and money supply indicators.

  19. Legal regime of human activities in outer space law (United States)

    Golda, Carlo


    Current developments in space activities increasingly involve the presence of humans on board spacecraft and, in the near future, on the Moon, on Mars, on board Space Stations, etc. With respect to these challenges, the political and legal issues connected to the status of astronauts are largely unclear and require a new doctrinal attention. In the same way, many legal and political questions remain open in the structure of future space crews: the need for international standards in the definition and training of astronauts, etc.; but, first of all, an international uniform legal definition of astronauts. Moreover, the legal structure for human life and operations in outer space can be a new and relevant paradigm for the definition of similar rules in all the situations and environments in which humans are involved in extreme frontiers. The present article starts from an overview on the existing legal and political definitions of 'astronauts', moving to the search of a more useful definition. This is followed by an analysis of the concrete problems created by human space activities, and the legal and political responses to them (the need for a code of conduct; the structure of the crew and the existing rules in the US and ex-USSR; the new legal theories on the argument; the definition and structure of a code of conduct; the next legal problems in fields such as privacy law, communications law, business law, criminal law, etc.).

  20. Legal liability and claims for the hotel industry


    Dimcho Todorov


    The paper presents a review of various aspects of legal liability and claims to hotel management arising in the hotel industry in the context of the legal framework and possible legal consequences for hotels and other types of commercial accommodation establishments. The main reasons for accidents' occurrence in the hotel industry are chronologically traced. Possible claims to the hotel management are also presented in detail. The problem with workplace discrimination, which is considered as ...

  1. Legal regulation of protection of animals against cruelty


    Spurná, Jana


    Diploma thesis: Legal regulation of protection of animals against cruelty This diploma thesis deals with national and transnational legal regulation of the protection of animals against cruelty. It comprises of four chapters. First chapter concerns ethical grounds of given issue and it provides analysis of term "animal welfare". Second chapter contains the most significant transnational legal rules of the protection of animals against cruelty adopted within the Council of Europe or the Europe...

  2. A reformed global legal architecture for corporate responsibility


    Turner, Stephen J.


    This paper considers key features within the legal architecture of all jurisdictions that utilise the ‘corporation’ as a primary medium for business enterprise. Therefore it highlights the legal frameworks under which ‘corporations’ operate and the pressure that this places upon corporate directors to achieve specific financial outcomes. It then illustrates how this legal architecture can have certain negative effects for other stakeholders such as the environment and communities. The pape...

  3. Processo de participação coletiva na internet: uma ética para o ciberespaço = The process of collective participation on the internet: ethics to the cyberspace

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    Parode, Fábio Pezzi


    Full Text Available Este ensaio tem como objetivo problematizar o papel da internet como agente de difusão de informação, ferramenta produtora de conhecimento e cultura. Os processos participativos em rede, as comunidades virtuais, colocam em evidência as tensões entre um antigo modelo calcado em estruturas de poderes centralizados, e a emergência de uma ordem dispersiva e fragmentária na dinâmica social. É nesse contexto que surgem as polêmicas em torno do Marco Civil da Internet, nosso objeto de estudo. A instauração do Marco Civil, deu lugar à concepção e busca de regulação da internet como patrimônio coletivo. Nosso objetivo é analisar o Marco Civil, no quadro das politicas de promoção do acesso à internet, através de um diálogo entre comunicação, ética e filosofia, questionando seus princípios fundamentais quanto ao pluralismo e a diversidade cultural, a fim de produzir uma reflexão fundamentada sobre os eixos reguladores deste projeto de Lei

  4. The legacy of legal culture and Serbia's European integration

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    Kovačević Slaviša


    Full Text Available In the context of the EU integration, it is certainly insufficient to harmonize only the positive law and the institutional regulatory framework. In order to provide for the implementation and application of the positive law, the political and legal culture must be congruent with the legal tradition of the European Union. The 'implantation' of legal institutes is a fashionable trend common to all transition countries, which fail to recognize a significant and inevitable fact that law is created and applied in the country-specific traditional, cultural and social context. Legal norms achieve their intended purpose only when they are reinforced by a number of other traditional, cultural, political, economic, and social circumstances. Hence, there is a specific functional and structural relation between law and social culture: on the one hand, law is the product of society; on the other hand, law is also the creator of social norms. Consequently, instead of 'copying' the legal norms of the European Union, it is necessary to create a social framework for the implementation of applicable, effective and equitable EU law. In addition to nomotechnics, scientific research on the 'harmonization of Serbian law with the EU law shall include the analysis of other factors, which are only apparently outside the legal framework but which are important for the general outcome of this process. Our legal culture is largely authoritarian, which is evident in the prevalence of power in the process of making and applying the law and in the dependence of the judicial system from the executive branch of government. Law is an instrument of political power of the legally unaccountable executive branch of government. The authoritarian legal rules are not an expression of reason, prudence, wisdom and general public interest but a temporary constellation of interests of power-holders while the normative activity is a short-term tactics for accomplishing these interests. As

  5. O preâmbulo e a prescritividade constitutiva dos textos jurídicos Preamble and constituent's prescriptivity of legal texts

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    Paulo de Barros Carvalho


    Full Text Available Com o propósito de conhecer o direito em sua ampla dimensão e dar mais consistência ao saber jurídico, o trabalho abaixo pretende analisar a figura do preâmbulo no universo normativo, empregando técnicas de aproximação que assumem tons de "filosofia no direito" e não de "filosofia do direito". Sabe-se bem que, dentre os muitos traços que lhe são peculiares, o direito oferece o dado da linguagem como seu integrante constitutivo. A linguagem não só fala do objeto (ciência do direito como participa de sua constituição (direito positivo. Forte nesses pressupostos não hesito em proclamar que o estudo das fontes do direito está voltado, primordialmente, para o exame dos fatos enquanto enunciações que fazem nascer regras jurídicas introdutoras de normas no sistema. Por isso, o preâmbulo, como enunciado normativo, não pode ser desconsiderado na feição de sua juridicidade. Na mesma linha, estão também as ementas e as exposições de motivos. Na condição de feixe de marcas deixadas no curso do processo enunciativo do direito, assumem indiscutível relevância, auxiliando e orientando a atividade do intérprete.With the purpose to know the law in its large size and provide more consistency to the legal knowledge, to examine the work below the figure of the preamble in the normative universe, employing techniques of approximation which are shades of "philosophy in the law" and not "philosophy of law. " It's known very well that, among the many features that are unique, the law provides the data of language as its integral constituent. The language speaks not only of the object (science of law but also as part of their formation (positive law. These strong assumptions not hesitate to proclaim that the study of the sources of law is aimed, primarily, for the examination of facts that are born as legal rules feeders of standards in the system. therefore, the preamble, as set out standards, can not be disregarded in the garb of

  6. Characteristics of illegal and legal cigarette packs sold in Guatemala. (United States)

    Arevalo, Rodrigo; Corral, Juan E; Monzon, Diego; Yoon, Mira; Barnoya, Joaquin


    Guatemala, as a party to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), is required to regulate cigarette packaging and labeling and eliminate illicit tobacco trade. Current packaging and labeling characteristics (of legal and illegal cigarettes) and their compliance with the FCTC is unknown. We sought to analyze package and label characteristics of illegal and legal cigarettes sold in Guatemala. We visited the 22 largest traditional markets in the country to purchase illegal cigarettes. All brands registered on tobacco industry websites were purchased as legal cigarettes. Analysis compared labeling characteristics of illegal and legal packs. Most (95%) markets and street vendors sold illegal cigarettes; 104 packs were purchased (79 illegal and 25 legal). Ten percent of illegal and none of the legal packs had misleading terms. Half of the illegal packs had a warning label covering 26 to 50% of the pack surface. All legal packs had a label covering 25% of the surface. Illegal packs were more likely to have information on constituents and emissions (85% vs. 45%, p Guatemala, neither illegal nor legal cigarette packs comply with FCTC labeling mandates. Urgent implementation and enforcement of the FCTC is necessary to halt the tobacco epidemic.

  7. Legal framework for a radiation safety infrastructure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bilbao, A.A.


    In this lecture the legal framework for a radiation safety infrastructure are presented. The objective of this lecture are: Legal framework; Regulatory programme; Role of Regulatory Authority in emergency situations; Assessment of the effectiveness of the regulatory programme; Cost effectiveness of the regulatory framework; and Priority actions

  8. Medical-legal partnerships: the role of mental health providers and legal authorities in the development of a coordinated approach to supporting mental health clients' legal needs in regional and rural settings. (United States)

    Speldewinde, Christopher A; Parsons, Ian


    Medical-legal partnerships (MLP) are a model in which medical and legal practitioners are co-located and work together to support the health and wellbeing of individuals by identifying and resolving legal issues that impact patients' health and wellbeing. The aim of this article is to analyse the benefits of this model, which has proliferated in the USA, and its applicability in the context of rural and remote Australia. This review was undertaken with three research questions in mind: What is an MLP? Is service provision for individuals with mental health concerns being adequately addressed by current service models particularly in the rural context? Are MLPs a service delivery channel that would benefit individuals experiencing mental health issues? The combined searches from all EBSCO Host databases resulted in 462 citations. This search aggregated academic journals, newspapers, book reviews, magazines and trade publications. After several reviews 38 papers were selected for the final review based on their relevance to this review question: How do MLPs support mental health providers and legal service providers in the development of a coordinated approach to supporting mental health clients' legal needs in regional and rural Australia? There is considerable merit in pursuing the development of MLPs in rural and remote Australia particularly as individuals living in rural and remote areas have far fewer opportunities to access support services than those people living in regional and metropolitan locations. MLPS are important channels of service delivery to assist in early invention of legal problems that can exacerbate mental health problems.

  9. Anything goes: An apology for parallel distributed legal science

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hage, Jacob


    Doctrinal legal science seems to lack a proper method and purpose. This interpretation clarifies its value. The backbone of the argu- ment consists of two theses. The first is that coherence—in a sense unusu- al in law—plays a crucial role in legal science. The second is that doctrinal legal science

  10. 44 CFR 6.8 - Subpoena and other legal demands. (United States)


    ... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Subpoena and other legal..., DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 General § 6.8 Subpoena and other legal demands. Access to records in systems of records by subpoena or other legal process shall be...

  11. [Acute scrotal pain in childhood: legal pitfalls]. (United States)

    Bader, Pia; Hugemann, Christoph; Frohneberg, Detlef


    Acute scrotal pain in childhood is an emergency.Sudden scrotal pain may be caused by a variety of diseases. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the specific medical history and possible differential diagnoses in each case for fast and decisive action (e. g. in case of testicular torsion). As minors lack the capacity for consent, it is absolutely necessary to obtain consent from their legal guardian. However, obtaining consent in the available time frame can cause organisational challenges in an acute emergency, which may lead to situations in the daily routine where a therapeutic decision needs to be taken (including surgery) without legal security based on consent by the guardian. In some cases, the child's consent also needs to be taken into account, depending on its age and development.For the physician and surgeon in charge, the legal evaluation of the case at hand and therewith the obtainment of legal security are of great significance. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  12. [Medical-legal issues of physical and pharmacological restraint]. (United States)

    Gómez-Durán, Esperanza L; Guija, Julio A; Ortega-Monasterio, Leopoldo


    The use of physical and pharmacological restraint is controversial but is currently accepted as inevitable. It is indicated for controlling behavioral disorders and psychomotor agitation that put patients and third parties at risk. Its indication should be medical, and we should opt for the least restrictive measure. Restraints represent a possible infringement of patients' fundamental rights and require understanding and strict respect for the medical-legal precepts by physicians and other practitioners involved in its application. This article reviews the current legal framework, as well as the medical-legal premises and aspects of applying restraints, with the objective of ensuring maximum respect for patients' rights and the appropriate legal safety in the activity of practitioners. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  13. Legal culture: characteristics and specifics (on the example of contemporary Kazakhstan

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    G R Absattarov


    Full Text Available The article considers the legal culture as an ‘ideal phenomenon’ providing value meanings for the outlook of the Kazakhs and the basis for the development of the population legal consciousness. The author focuses on the national significance of the legal, civil society and the development of new legal social ideals, norms and rules, examines key problems and contradictions in the legal culture of today’s Kazakhstan.

  14. Legal Regulation of Franchise in Latvia and Abroad


    Viktorija Jarkina


    Abstract This doctoral thesis is a scientific study “Legal Regulation of Franchise in Latvia and Abroad” which analyses in detailed and systematic manner peculiarities and trends of development of legal franchise regulation in the countries of the world, as well as issues of legal qualification and content of the franchise agreement in the context of Romanic-Germanic system of law. The theoretical basis of the study is scientific works of renowned experts of law, articles...

  15. Powering Nigeria through renewable electricity investments: legal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Renewable energy has a prominent role in promoting energy access and addressing environmental concerns with energy use in Nigeria. However, there are legal barriers that have not allowed renewable energy to be used in the Nigerian electricity sector. The absence of an effective legal framework to encourage and ...


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    Andrei-Alexandru STOICA


    Full Text Available Unmanned vehicles are becoming a common sighting in our day-to-day life and are soon going to become an important economic drive in creating workspaces and help achieve new milestones in human activities. As such, the technology revolving around the unmanned vehicles will push itself as much as it’s needed but with each achievement in the field of robotics a legal issue arises around how to use the newly acquired piece of technology in a public or private space and whether or not should such a technology be placed under a strict governmental control. As the saying by Prof. Henry W. Haynes (1879 goes “The possession of great powers and capacity for good implies equally great responsibilities in their employment. Where so much has been given much is required.” so does an unmanned vehicle and its operator must follow a degree of legal guidelines on how to properly use the gadget and to also to understand the legal limitations when interacting with other entities. This paper will focus on identifying and answering some legal issues regarding what is required for a drone to fly over an identifiable space, but also if the operator must have a document that was conferred by a state to acknowledge the skills of the pilot or should a software limitation be in place for national security safeguards. The paper will also tackle the issue of identifying legal documents from different states that can be applied to drone flight operations and also if different states have adopted sanctions to persons who did not abide to said legal norms.

  17. Accounting Standards and Legal Capital in EU Law

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    Loukas Panetsos


    Full Text Available This paper examines the interaction between accounting standards and legal capital in the European Union legal framework. More in particular, it attempts to compare on a parallel basis the distributional and behavioural function of both concepts and to address whether the current legal status quo in the European Union fulfils these functions. First, this paper makes a short reference to the various accounting families which are encountered today, with a strong emphasis on the distinction between Anglo-American and Continental systems. Then, it describes the EU accounting regulation and the introduction of IFRS in domestic legislation. Further, it discusses the concept of legal capital as it has been established in European jurisdictions and it points to the relevance of the Continental accounting standards. It is argued that both are characterized by paternalism, contrasting with Anglo-American standards and American distributional methods, which are outlined by contractariansm. The final argument is that the combination of legal capital rules and Anglo-American standards, like the IFRS, neither achieves the protective role prescribed to the former, nor guarantees the aims of the latter.


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    R. R. Kalinina


    Full Text Available Goal: to study peculiarities of legal consciousness among youth in conditions of vocational education in legal and non-legal fields.Methods and practices: empirical (Assessing moral development: dilemmas by L. Kohlberg, Practice of self-analysis diagnostics by A.V. Karpov, Test on legal and civic consciousness by L.A. Yasyukova, “Level of Subjective Control” methodology by E.F. Bazhin et al. and mathematical and statistical methods (descriptive, comparative, and cluster analyses.Result: Peculiarities of contents in legal consciousness and its regulatory function in students of legal and non-legal programs were identified. Three types of students were determined: those with non-formed legal consciousness, with formed legal consciousness and with formal legal consciousness; main directions for psychological and pedagogical work in the university to develop adequate legal consciousness in students of various fields were set.Applicability of results: results of the research can be applied when developing elective courses, extracurricular activities, strategy for character-building work of the university, both in training lawyers and other professionals.

  19. Are AustLII and Google Enough for Legal Research? (United States)

    Fong, Colin


    For the past ten years law students, academics and legal practitioners have relied on AustLII and various internet search engines to conduct legal research. The purpose of this article is to examine what these can offer and to note the importance of other websites when conducting legal research. This article is based on an address given to the…

  20. Death with Dignity: A Tripartite Legal Response (United States)

    Leblang, Theodore Raymond


    This article provides a descriptive overview of the legal problems that attend medical treatment of the terminally ill patient as well as a careful analysis of the legal vehicles that have been offered in response to these problems--the living will, the antidysthanasia contract, and right to die legislation. (Author)

  1. 17 CFR 1.60 - Pending legal proceedings. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Pending legal proceedings. 1... REGULATIONS UNDER THE COMMODITY EXCHANGE ACT Miscellaneous § 1.60 Pending legal proceedings. (a) Every... section to be submitted to the Commission as to matters pending on the effective date of the section (May...

  2. Southern African Development Community (SADC) trade legal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) lays down the legal principles with which regional trade agreements have to conform. Based on these principles, WTO members have the mandate to determine the legality of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) under the GATT. Article XXIV permits both ...

  3. Photovoltaic facilities, legal guidebook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maincent, G.


    Important debates about the photovoltaic industry took place in 2009 and 2010 which have led to some evolutions of the French law having an economical impact on the arrangement of photovoltaic projects. The aim of this supplement to 'Droit de l'Environnement' journal is to answer some important questions at a time when the electricity market is not fully structured: the setting up of solar cell panels, town planing and property constraints; connection to the grid; project financing: power generation tariffs, partnership contract; the new legal framework set up in 2011: moratorium and new legal scheme; is 'green fiscality' still green and attractive? Settlement of disputes with the French government; actors reactions: authorities and professionals, opinion of an expert. (J.S.)

  4. Concept Of The Legal System Analysis

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    Petr E. Zhigockiy


    Full Text Available In the present article an attempt to provide a theoretical analysis of the legal system, and to consider the law as one of the most complicated social phenomena was made. Author notes, that the contradictions prevailing in public practice are unpredictable. Doctrines of law are varied in their approaches, scores and results, but based on a common foundation: the law for people always acted as a certain order in a society, where the differences begin. Author draws attention to the fact, that the state and the law ensure the order in society by removing contradictions and achieving social compromises. The legal reality is divided into certain groups of legal systems, there is a classification. If we are relying on the identification of groups of the same order, there is the theoretical generality as the level of the theory of law on the legal systems basis. Analysis of the political and legal systems will draw attention to the democratic and totalitarian regimes. Totalitarian regimes are characterized by law as means of violence, the means of coercion and suppression. The majority of democratic regimes are characterized by the use of law as a means of social harmony and social compromise. In conclusion, author underlines, that the theory of law can be made not only at the level of each country. This level is a necessary basis for the theory, but not its completion. Based on the individual characteristics of each country's law, that is descended from the general and particular to an individual, the theory can and should continue to make the way back from the individual to the particular and the general.

  5. El régimen de Internet como medio audiovisual: 
su incidencia en la evolución del régimen de los medios audiovisuales

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    Mabel López García


    Full Text Available En este trabajo nos acercamos a la evolución del sector audiovisual en España, tomando como línea de desarrollo la regulación jurídica de Internet. Se analiza en qué supuestos Internet actúa como medio de comunicación audiovisual atendiendo a los diferentes ámbitos que intervienen: telecomunicaciones, servicios de la sociedad de la información y comunicación audiovisual. Para posteriormente atender al régimen jurídico que lo ha presidido hasta la aprobación de la reciente LGCA. Terminamos el trabajo atendiendo a las consecuencias que la LGCA ha tenido y a como el estatuto de Internet ha sido anticipo y esquema del régimen general resultante. This work explains the evolution of the audiovisual sector in Spain and how Internet has influenced in it. Specifically this work analyse if Internet is broadcast media, which is its legal system and how has been included in the Audiovisual Communication General Law.

  6. Abortion Rights Legal Mobilization in the Peruvian Media, 1990-2015. (United States)

    Gianella, Camila


    State and non-state actors engaged in disputes to expand and limit abortion rights have engaged in legal mobilization-in other words, strategies using rights and law as a central tool for advancing contested political goals. Peru, like other Latin American countries, has experienced an increase in abortion rights legal mobilization in recent years, including litigation before national and international courts. This paper centers on societal legal mobilization, or the legal mobilization that occurs outside the legislative and judicial branches and that includes strategies promoted by the executive branch, political actors, and non-partisan organizations and individuals. It presents an analysis of op-ed articles published in two national newspapers, El Comercio and La República , between 1990 and 2015. The paper argues that the media is also an arena where legal mobilization takes place and is not just a space influenced by legal mobilization. Rather, the media's agenda operates independently of legal mobilization in the legislature and the courts, and it determines whether certain issues receive coverage and the way these issues are framed.

  7. Constitutional and legal protection for life support limitation in India

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    R K Mani


    Full Text Available Appropriate treatment limitations towards the end of life to reduce unwanted burdens require ethical clarity that is supported by appropriate legislation. The lack of knowledge of enabling legal provisions, physicians feel vulnerable to legal misinterpretation of treatment limiting decisions. In India the lack of societal awareness, inadequate exploration of the gray areas of bio-ethics and unambiguous legal position relating to terminal illness have resulted in poor quality end of life care. Much of the perceived vulnerability by the physician is attributable to insufficient knowledge and understanding of existing constitutional and legal position in India. While we await informed legal and legislative opinion, this paper highlights possible legal liabilities arising from treatment limitation decisions with available defense. It is hoped that such clarity would lead to more confident ethical decisions and improved end of life care for patients.

  8. El reconocimiento jurisprudencial de la tortura y de la desaparición forzada de personas como normas imperativas de derecho internacional público

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    Gonzalo Aguilar Cavallo


    Full Text Available Una de las características más sobresalientes de la realidad jurídica del mundo moderno consiste en la presencia creciente del Derecho Internacional contemporáneo al momento de adoptar decisiones legislativas o jurisprudenciales en el ámbito de la jurisdicción interna de los Estados. Una de las principales normas que aparecen como cruciales en este aspecto son aquellas llamadas normas de ius cogens. Tanto tribunales internacionales como regionales y nacionales están reconociendo y recurriendo cada vez más a estas normas imperativas e inderogables. Debido a los acontecimientos ocurridos en el mundo, especialmente en el último tiempo, ciertas normas imperativas, como la prohibición de la tortura, adquieren para los órganos legislativos, ejecutivos y judiciales de los Estados una función inspiradora y orientadora fundamental. La actividad jurisprudencial desarrollada por los órganos jurisdiccionales tanto internacionales como extranjeros, constituye una demostración de que, debido a la interacción e interdependencia creciente entre el derecho interno y el Derecho Internacional, sin lugar a dudas, estas normas jugarán un rol mayor en el ámbito interno de los EstadosOne of the most outstanding features of the modern world legal current issues consists in increasing presence of the contemporary international law at the moment of adopting law making or judicial decisions within states domestic jurisdiction. One of the main provisions that appear to be crucial in this aspect is those called imperative or ius cogens. International, regional and national tribunals are increasingly recognizing and applying these imperative and non derogable norms. Due to the world events especially in recent times, some peremptory norms like the prohibition of torture provide legislative, executive and judicial state's bodies with a major inspiring and guiding role. As a result of the hierarchy of these norms and the increasing interaction and


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    Edina Šehrić


    Full Text Available The institute of administrative contract was mentioned for the first time in the legislation of our country in the Preliminary Draft to the Law on Amandments of the Law on Administrative Procedure of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2012. Although insufficiently, the first step is made towards fullfillment of the reform requirements in the area of admisitrative procedure on the way to the European integration and in accordance with the changed role of administration and the need for improvement of cooperation between the administration and citizens, or legal entities. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there is still no general legal regulation of administrative contracts, but administrative contracts are subjects to specific laws and as such already exist in the legal system. After some introductory remarks, the paper deals with the concept and characteristics of administrative contracts, and also presents legal regulation of administrative contracts highlighting their specificities and differences in relation to private law contracts. The importance of general legal norm governing administrative contracts is especially emphasized, as well as their importance for reform processes in our country. Accordingly, the importance of introducing a complaint as a legal remedy that a client can use if the public authority fails to meet contractual obligations is pointed out, but also the possibility of judicial protection in case of legal dispute.


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    María Dolores Pérez Jaraba


    Full Text Available RESUMEN. La teoría de los derechos fundamentales de Robert Alexy se fundamenta en un concepto material de norma jurídica que es de carácter doble. Por un lado, se define por los rasgos propios de los principios, en consonancia con la idea de argumentación correcta. Pero, por otro lado, sigue teniendo peso la validez jurídica de las normas que contienen derechos fundamentales, consideradas como reglas constitucionales. Tal y como se argumenta en el trabajo, esta ambigüedad de la teoría de la norma de Alexy permite distintos acercamientos, positivistas y no positivistas, que es signo de su riqueza teórica. ABSTRACT. The theory of the civil rights of Robert Alexy is based on a material concept of rule of law. It is two-fold. On the one hand, is defined by the traits of the principles, consistent with the idea of ??correct argument. But on the other hand, weight is still the legal validity of the rules contained civil rights, constitutional rules considered. As argued in the work, this ambiguity of the norm theory allows for different approaches Alexy, positivist and positivist, which is a sign of its theoretical richness

  11. Constitutionalising the Right Legal Representation at CCMA ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Recently, the issue of legal representation at internal disciplinary hearings and CCMA arbitrations has been a fervent topic of labour law discourse in South Africa. While the courts have consistently accepted the common law principle that there is no absolute right to legal representation at tribunals other than courts of law, ...

  12. Reproduction, women, and the workplace: legal issues. (United States)

    Bertin, J E


    Legal conflict has marked the effort to protect workers against reproductive injury, and legal activity in the management of occupational risks reflects a much broader range of important social issues, such as sexual discrimination in the workplace. This article describes the evolving law related to reproductive hazards that concern men, women and children.

  13. Medico-legal documentation South African Police Services forms

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    information to the court and to be an educator. S Afr Fam ... Keywords: forensic medicine, medico-legal, legal documentation, assault, sexual assault, under the influence. Abstract .... Documentation in the absence of a South African Police.

  14. The admission and enrolment of foreign legal practitioners in South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Globalisation requires ever closer co-operation between legal professionals hailing from different national jurisdictions. This interactive global environment has fostered growing international training and mobility among legal practitioners and the internationalisation of legal education. Increasing numbers of law students get ...

  15. The Attorney-Client Relationship as a Business Law-Legal Environment Topic (United States)

    Levin, Murray S.


    Business school law courses should promote understanding of legal processes affecting business, help students learn to recognize legal issues and manage legal risks, increase ethical sensitivity, and help students to develop critical thinking skills. To this end, business law and legal environment textbooks tend to focus on ethical and legal…

  16. The role of law as an instrument of communication within legal positivism

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    Claudiu Ramon D. Butculescu


    Full Text Available This article tackles some aspects concerning the role of law as an instrument of communication from the perspective of legal positivism. The paper presents considerations regarding law communication in relation to legal positivism and scientific positivism. At the same time, the article examines the correlations between the legal communication models and the various inclinations developed under legal positivism. Both within legal positivism and the scientific positivism, the role of law as a communication tool is essential. The concept of legal communication should be considered as the idea of understanding the legal norm by the recipients of law, namely by persons and also acceptance of these rules in order to respect them. Also, clarity and transparency in law communication are very important elements that contribute to the way in which legal standards are received. The analysis of legal communication from the perspective of legal positivism presents a special scientific interest, given the very essence of positivism, namely that the laws are commands of the human being. Thus, it is important to analyze communication patterns that can be applied in the positivist orientation to consistently appreciate the ways in which legal communication can be improved.

  17. Legal Language: What Is It and What Can We Do about It? (United States)

    Charrow, Veda R.; Crandall, JoAnn

    Legal language is discussed in the context of concern about the comprehensibility of consumer documents and the trend toward simplification of the language used in these documents. Specific features of legal language and its functions within the legal community and society are identified. As a primary tool of the legal profession, legal language…

  18. Effects of Abortion Legalization in Nepal, 2001-2010


    Harper, Cynthia; Darney, Philip; Henderson, JT; Puri, M; Blum, M; Harper, CC; Rana, A; Gurung, G; Pradhan, N; Regmi, K; Malla, K; Sharma, S


    Background: Abortion was legalized in Nepal in 2002, following advocacy efforts highlighting high maternal mortality from unsafe abortion. We sought to assess whether legalization led to reductions in the most serious maternal health consequences of unsafe

  19. An Interdisciplinary Seminar on Legal Issues in Medicine. (United States)

    Moore, Dale L.


    A seminar on legal issues in medicine brings together medical (obstetrics/gynecology) and law students to promote mutual understanding of the legal and medical realms, their effects on each other, and the potential for cooperation. (MSE)

  20. La protección al débil jurídico como criterio interpretativo de los contratos por adhesión en Cuba

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    Arsul José Vázquez Pérez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende evaluar los aspectos positivos y negativos de la protección a los sujetos adherentes, frente a cláusulas dudosas o leoninas en el derecho positivo cubano, a partir de las expresiones del favor debilis como principio interpretativo en la contratación masiva. Para alcanzar dicho propósito se estudian someramente las figuras del favor debitoris y del favor debilis en la doctrina, así como algunos textos legales de otros países. Además, se analizan los criterios interpretativos más importantes que, guiados por el principio del favor debilis, deben aplicarse a los supuestos de cláusulas abusivas y cláusulas ambiguas. Finalmente, se realiza una crítica a las virtudes y deficiencias que el autor considera oportunas de acuerdo con las normas vigentes en el ordenamiento jurídico cubano.

  1. Legal Protection Against The Dance Creator In Indonesia


    Juwita; Juajir Sumardi; Oky Deviany Burhamzah; Hasbir Paserangi


    This research aimed to find out and to analyze the ideal legal protection so it can encourage the creator of dance in developing a creation in the field of dance and to find out and to analyze and to get the concept of legal protection of copyright in the field of dance after the enactment of Act No. 28 of 2014 concerns Copyright. This research is empirical juridical. The technique of collecting legal material is conducted through interviews questionnaires to respondents and literature study ...

  2. Collective legal protection: The European approach

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    Petrušić Nevena


    Full Text Available One of the basic goals of the EU justice policy is to ensure an efficient and effective legal protection, particularly in cross-border disputes and cases concerning the violation of rights guaranteed under the EU legislation. In order to accomplish this goal, the EU embarked on a horizontal harmonization of civil procedure in some sectors and reinforced the institutional cooperation of Member States in the field of civil justice. Concurrently, there were some legal interventions in the field of civil procedure, which contributed to establishing a number of European procedural mechanisms, such as: the European Small Claims Procedure (2007, the European Payment Order Procedure (2006, etc. Many studies and analyses show that procedural mechanisms of collective legal protection are essential for ensuring an efficient and effective legal protection of rights guaranteed by the EU law. The idea of introducing the collective legal protection instruments into the EU law has been present for more than two decades. It has been endorsed by the European Economic and Social Committee, which has played the key role in its promotion. In June 2013, after extensive consultations, the European Commission adopted the Recommendation on common principles for injunctive and compensatory collective redress mechanisms in the Members States concerning violations of rights guaranteed under the EU law. This document has provided a coherent horizontal framework for the collective legal protection at the EU level by establishing the common European principles for collective redress mechanisms which the Member States should incorporate into their national systems. Analysis of the common principles governing the collective legal protection shows that the European approach to shaping the collective redress claims is significantly different from the American class action model, which is considered to be incompatible with the European legal tradition and deemed to provide a wide

  3. El proyecto kantiano en la teoría legal internacional moderna

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    Patrick Capps


    Full Text Available Los desarrollos en los últimos cincuenta años sobre la naturaleza del derecho internacional y la situación política que éste regula han llevado a un resurgimiento de la posición kantiana con respecto a la teoría legal internacional. Los argumentos de Kant requieren, primero, que se haga una distinción entre Estados injustos y justos, para regular el derecho internacional, y segundo, que el derecho internacional deba estar institucionalizado para que las disputas se resuelvan pacíficamente. La filosofía del derecho internacional de Fernando Tesón -la cual es objeto de esta reseña­ representa una defensa total de la teoría kantiana del derecho internacional. Se argumenta en este escrito que el trabajo de Tesón contiene dos problemas: primero, Tesón no defiende las bases metodológicas y justificatorias de la teoría kantiana, la cual, en la mayoría de los casos, es el imperativo categórico en sí mismo. Adicionalmente, su alusión a una metodología empírica es problemática. Segundo, Tesón no desarrolla suficientemente la segunda de las 'más importantes tesis de Kant, esto es, el mantenimiento de la paz mediante instituciones internacionales legales. De hecho, el argumento de Tesón puede ser mejor entendido como un relato sobre la aproximación kantiana a una política exterior de carácter moral, en vez de una concepción kantiana del derecho internacional.

  4. OGIEN, Albert. La démocratie comme revendication et comme forme de vie. Tradução para língua portuguesa de

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    Agripa Faria Alexandre


    Full Text Available OGIEN, Albert. La démocratie comme revendication et comme forme de vie, publicado em Raisons Politiques, n. 57, 2015/1, pp. 31-47. Uma forma original de ação política surgiu nos regimes democráticos. Ela manifesta-se pelo lado de fora dos canais oficiais estabelecidos do sistema representativo, cobrando a expansão do significado da democracia. Este artigo propõe descrever este fenômeno, mostrando como a democracia pode ser concebida como forma de vida – em referência à definição de Wittgenstein. Ele mostra então a proximidade desta noção com a de ‘situação’, de Goffman. Finalmente, com base nas teses de Dewey sobre investigação, o artigo descreve o conteúdo da prática da democracia como modo de vida – no que concerne à promoção da autonomia dos cidadãos e à garantia do pluralismo como forma de vida e de pensamento. A análise lembra que, em toda sociedade de Estado, a realização da democracia depende de um processo incessante que liga dois modos de intercâmbio constante de conceituar a democracia: como sistema de representação e como forma de vida.

  5. Advice for the New Legal Studies Professor (United States)

    Bird, Robert C.


    The transition into academia from law school or legal practice is a significant and exciting shift in one's legal career. This transition, however, can also be one that presents numerous challenges. Preparing a syllabus and drafting lecture material can seem like a daunting task. Writing an academic article for the first time involves learning a…

  6. Energy strategy in Europe: The legal framework

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daintith, T.; Hancher, L.


    This book is a product of collaboration on the theme of legal implementation of economic policy in Europe. The general concern of the project with the way in which economic policies are translated into law, and with the dual role of law as both instrument of, and constraint upon, policy is here focussed on the field of energy policy in the Community and, in particular, on the new energy strategy of the Commission and the legal context in which it must operate. The book has the following chapters: Legal perspective on energy policy; The Community's record in the energy sector; National energy objectives; Legal structuring of national energy, industries and markets; National energy policies; The operation of basic Common Market principles in the energy sector; The Community energy strategy - an evaluation. Four appendices show: The development of an energy strategy for the Community; Community communications, proposals and measures 1979-1983; National plans and policy statements; Colloquium on implementation of energy policy in the EEC, held in Florence 1982. (orig./HSCH)

  7. Review. Teaching Legal and Administrative Science Nadia-Cerasela Anitei and Roxana Alina Petraru


    Doina Mihaela POPA


    The work Didactica predarii stiintelor juridice si administrative (Teaching Legal and Administrative Science) authors Nadia- Cerasela Anitei and Roxana Alina Petraru is structured around the following 10 lessons: 1. General notions about teaching legal science, 2. Teaching legal science, 3. Learning with application in legal science, 4. Legal science teaching aims, 5. Education curriculum for teaching legal science, 6. Learning Methods 7. Educational assessment with applications for legal sci...

  8. Atypical real estate objects: legal regime and control system

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    Voskresenskaya Elena


    Full Text Available The legal concept of immovable things raises controversy in legal practice. Determining and understanding the definition of real estate, the complexity and diversity of these objects, a growing appearance of so-called atypical properties (such as sport stadiums, roads, boreholes, analyzing legislation and judicial practice of this field – all these issues call for a deep study of this topic. There is a conflicting arbitration practice, the subject of which is the learning of the legal nature of atypical real estate (for instance, asphalt playgrounds, car parks, fences, wells. The object of the research is the learning of the legal status of atypical real estate.


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    Emilian CIONGARU


    Full Text Available Knowing that in more and more cases, the only defence of the party whose law or interest has been injured is to invoke the abuse of law, the express interdiction of the abuse of law becomes a need as an answer to the social demand for legality and equality in all legal relationships. The issues of current legislation related to the abuse of law may be analysed in the light of the social role law has, especially from the viewpoint of its function of harmonization of the individual interests with the general ones. The concrete way to express the abuse of law is represented by the exercise of the subjective law beyond its legal limits as well as the pursuit of a goal in bad faith, but other goal than the one for which the law was consecrated. The role of legal liability for the abuse of law is represented by the legal relationship of constraint whose content consists in a plurality of rights and obligations of substantive or procedural law appearing as a result of commitment of some deeds non-compliant with the model prefigured by the legal norm by which the state is entitled to hold liable the one who exercised a subjective law in bad faith cumulated with the violation of the goal for which such law was consecrated and the guilty party is going to answer for their deed and to obey the sanctions provided under the law. This paper focuses on the conditions that must be met cumulatively, in the current legislation, so that the holder of a subjective law exercised abusively may become the subject of civil, contraventional, criminal, and administrative legal liability, etc.

  10. Legal protection of pet animals in domestic legislation

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    Vidić-Trninić Jelena


    Full Text Available The subject of the author's analysis is the issue of legal protection of pet animals. Through analysis of applicable provisions contained in the Act on Animal Welfare of Serbia, on one hand, and the fundamental principles and provisions set out in the European Convention for the Protection of Pet animals, on the other hand, this paper attempts to point out the degree of legal protection that pet animals are awarded under domestic legal regulations, as well as to answer the question of compatibility of the national legislation with the international standards set out in the mentioned European Convention regarding the above mentioned question. In addition, since the legal protection of pet animals is also regulated by relevant by-laws in our law, the analysis of certain aspects of protection provided to pet animals, specifically the Decision of the city of Novi Sad on keeping of domesticated animals, the paper attempts to draw attention to compliance of the solutions adopted in this legal act, with the fundamental principles of protection, provided to pets by laws or the Act on Animal Welfare of Serbia. Finally, in order to provide a more comprehensive insight in terms of achievement of the legal protection of pets in Serbian law, the paper analyzes the types of unlawful conduct of the owner or the holder of the animals, as well as their respective sanctioning prescribed in specific laws or bylaws.

  11. Value-orientation of the law vs. legal positivism

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    Trajković Marko


    Full Text Available The law cannot squeeze out values. Thus, it comes as an imperative of our reality to set the place for the law in the world of values. The world of values is not apart from our reality. In our reality the world of values is the purpose of everything that exists. Actually, it is about the demand to bring values into our reality. The meaning of values is absolute. The eternity of values immediately points to the absolute order of values, which as such has its 'homeland' in Creator. The issue of finding the place of the law in the world of values is a 'pre-legal' issue. Thereby the world of values is becoming the assumption of the existence and development of the law. Legal norm then becomes the formulation of values. Legal norm is not precious in itself, but only if it expresses fundamental values. Legal norm has to be the logical formulation, that is to say, it has to deliver the contents of value correctly and appropriately. As an expression of the value dimension legal norm obtains the binding power. Keeping in mind the legal norm defined in such a way, nobody can deny its necessity in reality. The law then expresses the contents of value and proposes the model of the ideal behavior. The fact that values have 'creating power' is thus proved to be true.

  12. 76 FR 30040 - Proposed Airworthiness Directives Legal Interpretation (United States)


    .... SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration published a proposed airworthiness directives legal... Administration (FAA) published a proposed airworthiness directives legal interpretation in the Federal Register... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2010...

  13. Disciplinary and Legal Actions Against Dermatologists in Canada. (United States)

    Nasseri, Eiman


    Dermatologists face a litany of professional and legal risks in practice. To review cases of disciplinary and legal action against dermatologists in Canada. The Canadian Medical Protective Association, all 10 provincial medical colleges, and the Canadian Legal Information Institute were contacted to obtain data on legal or disciplinary action taken against dermatologists in their records. A literature review was performed regarding litigation against dermatologists in other countries. Six dermatologists in Canada faced disciplinary action in the last 5 to 30 years. Seven dermatologists and 5 other specialists in Canada faced lawsuits relating to dermatology in the last 1 to 144 years. Procedures and therapy are the most frequently sources of lawsuits against dermatologists both at home and abroad. Dermatologists need to remain vigilant to avoid disciplinary action and lawsuits from their increasing and varied interactions with patients. © The Author(s) 2015.

  14. Bank guarantee in Serbian and European legal systems

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    Pajtić Bojan L.


    Full Text Available The paper analyses a bank guarantee as an institute derived from a surety contract. By issuing a bank guarantee the bank commits to the creditor that it will fulfill valid and due liabilities of a debtor, in the event of default by the debtor. This collateral demonstrates significant advantages as compared to other personal assets, particularly with regards to a higher level of protection to creditors in contractual relations. Due to the aforementioned benefit the institute has been increasingly applied in legal dealings, both in our and other legal systems. In the paper, I will point out normative solutions in terms of regulation of a bank guarantee as a specific legal activity in which there is no accessoriness, which is not the case with security. This research particularly focuses on the comparative legal analysis of this collateral.

  15. A Goddess for semiotics of law and legal discourse

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    Jan M. Broekman


    Full Text Available The work of the great American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914 becomes more and more appreciated beyond the boundaries of his pragmatism, a philosophical mainstream he founded in the early 20th century. This essay is inspired by five points of interest, all of which focus on law and legal discourse. Firstly, one should acknowledge that his proposal pertaining to a general theory of signs, which he called ‘semeiotics’ around 1860, leads to an untraditional and in-depth understanding of legal discourse: in essence, of law as a system of specific meanings and signs. Semiotics in general became a substantial part of his ‘evolutionary cosmology,’ an all-embracing approach to tackle classical and modern philosophical issues. Secondly, his anthropological intuition based on semiotics, (concentrated in the formula ‘man is a sign’ became important for our understanding of a human subject’s position in law, as author of a legal discourse as well as an individual subjected to law. Thirdly, the tensions between chance and continuity in legal discourse are of focal interest for the creation of legal meaning in law’s practices. Novelty, Peirce suggested in this context, occurs by the grace of chance rather than of continuity and fixed traditions. Fourthly, Roberta Kevelson (1931-1998 explored and expanded the field of legal semiotics on the basis of the works of Peirce. In doing so, she established an American tradition of legal semiotics distinct from a European tradition, which related more to linguists, psychologists and philosophers embracing structuralism. Fifthly, Tyche, the Ancient Goddess of fate and fortune, is because of Peirce’s references more at home in the US legal semiotic tradition. Her fame and influence reaches beyond law and became supported by recent archaeological discoveries, publications and exhibitions, which not only provide information about her background, but also underline her possible influence on

  16. " Canvas " and the Legal Business Model


    Frederico de Andrade Gabrich


    There is no idea, business or company, private or public control, which does not require an appropriate legal strategy to be implemented as efficiently as possible. Therefore, there is no way actually know the areas of law that are directly related to the business organization, without analysis of the planning logic and implementation of ideas generally used by companies. More than that, the combination of modeling and business planning is essential, with appropriate legal and related strateg...

  17. Depósito legal nas bibliotecas portuguesas


    Fiolhais, Carlos


    O modelo de depósito legal nas bibliotecas portuguesas é questionado face às dificuldades financeiras e de vária ordem com que as mesmas se deparam, defende-se uma racionalização do depósito legal e uma tomada de posição pela Biblioteca Nacional entidade gestora do sistema.

  18. #MeToo? Legal Discourse and Everyday Responses to Sexual Violence

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    Alison Gash


    Full Text Available Legal consciousness scholars identify the ways in which law is referenced to authorize, define and evaluate behaviors and choices that occur far outside any formal legal framework. They define legality as the “meanings, sources of authority, and cultural practices that are commonly recognized as legal, regardless of who employs them or for what ends.” We use the idea of legality to argue that, in matters of sexual assault and rape, the limits of the law extend beyond the courtroom. Rather than simply influencing or guiding only those who are willing to consult the law in their efforts to seek justice, laws and legal discourse have the potential to frame and constrain any attempt to discuss experiences of sexual violence. #MeToo and other forms of “consciousness-raising” for sexual violence highlight the limiting effects of law and legal discourse on public discussion of sexual violence. We find that, paradoxically, in the case of sexual violence law has the capacity to undermine the goals and benefits of consciousness-raising approaches, privatizing the experience of sexual assault and silencing its victims.

  19. Legal argumentation and judicial decision making: Empirical evidence from Ecuador

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    José Luis Castro-Montero


    Full Text Available Legal scholars often analyze argumentation from a formal perspective, mostly applied to judicial decision making. This article presents an alternative approach, as it empirically evaluates the quality of petitioners’ legal argumentation within the context of abstract constitutional review proceedings. The quality of legal argumentation is herein defined as the ability of the petitioner to (i identify the challenged norm and the potentially infringed constitutional norm, (ii present clear and coherent arguments, and (iii justify its arguments upon legal sources, such as jurisprudential precedents or legal doctrine. Original data on forty lawsuits presented before the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court between 2008 and 2016 is used to test whether legal argumentation determines the outcome of a decision. A novel measure of the overall quality of argumentation and strength of cases brought before the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court by both public and private parties is also developed in the form of an expert survey. The main findings suggest that plaintiffs’ legal argumentation quality does not determine the outcome of the final decision of the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court, but rather the type of plaintiff (public or private does.

  20. Rhetoric by Avistotel: a Legal View

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    Karina Kh. Rekosh


    Full Text Available Analysis of any phenomenon, which is far from the researcher for thousands years, in the light of this or that department of knowledge, highlights one and obscures another, prefers one over another. It happened to the rhetoric which was snatched by philology and neglected by lawyers. Although nowadays it is natural that the same phenomena are studied by different Sciences, the ancient rhetoric is looked at by most researchers as the art of philology. But the approach by Aristotle, in his Rhetoric, was legal rather than linguistic. Among the Aristotle's 4 requirements concerning good style (correctness, clarity, relevance and eloquence eloquence is only % and the % are closer to the law. Rhetoric has incorporated all the features of linguistic mechanisms and gave them to the law. The law perceived moral and ethical ideas: the good justice, virtue, ritual, law and techniques of philology and persuasion, among which the main one is syllogism already used in the dialectic, the main logic principle of legal reasoning. Towards the past, rhetoric is parallel to dialectic, but dialectic is focused on one person or on the speaker, and rhetoric aims at the audience, the first one tries to convince himself and the second tries to convince the audience and in this role rhetoric is linked with the law. As far as the evolution of law is concerned, instead of legal technique there was rhetoric (especially in its methodological form, defined by Aristotle, which can be considered as a step towards creating the law as a design in ancient Greece. It is proved by a comparison of the ancient institution of judicial process and judicial speeches with modern legal technicalities, which shows that the legal machinery embraced the principles of "rhetorical" technique. The methodological nature of the rhetoric by Aristotle is usually overlooked by linguists and lawyers.

  1. Legal provisions governing the acknowledgment of test results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strecker, A.


    The legal provisions governing the acknowledgment of test results are most frequently applied by administrative orders (design and qualification approvals or specimen testing and approval) and are thus claimable and voidable in accordance with general administrative law. The acknowledgment of test certificates requires a legal basis. Test results, however, can be acknowledged also by administrative bodies. Recently, the Federal Government began to delegate more of its legal authority in this field to private institutions, allowing test results to be acknowledged and test certificates to be issued by government controlled private institutions. (orig.) [de

  2. Legal Education, Liberal Education, and the Trivial "Artes." (United States)

    Kimball, Bruce A.


    Reviews the influence of liberal education upon legal education, studying the historical process according to which changes of emphasis within liberal education (from rhetoric to dialectic or the reverse) have been reflected in related changes in legal education. (AYC)

  3. When certainty and legality collide: the efficacy of interdictory relief ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effective legal redress against unlawful building works or construction activities can be an elusive target. Given the desirability of legal certainty attached to administrative decisions in terms of which building plans are approved, should the practical implications of this principle trump the equally important principle of legality?

  4. Research with Pregnant Women: New Insights on Legal Decision-Making. (United States)

    Mastroianni, Anna C; Henry, Leslie Meltzer; Robinson, David; Bailey, Theodore; Faden, Ruth R; Little, Margaret O; Lyerly, Anne Drapkin


    U.S. researchers and scholars often point to two legal factors as significant obstacles to the inclusion of pregnant women in clinical research: the Department of Health and Human Services' regulatory limitations specific to pregnant women's research participation and the fear of liability for potential harm to children born following a pregnant woman's research participation. This article offers a more nuanced view of the potential legal complexities that can impede research with pregnant women than has previously been reflected in the literature. It reveals new insights into the role of legal professionals throughout the research pathway, from product conception to market, and it highlights a variety of legal factors influencing decision-making that may slow or halt research involving pregnant women. Our conclusion is that closing the evidence gap created by the underrepresentation and exclusion of pregnant women in research will require targeted attention to the role of legal professionals and the legal factors that influence their decisions. © 2017 The Hastings Center.

  5. How does Investors' Legal Protection affect Productivity and Growth?


    Binyamin Berdugo; Sharon Hadad


    This paper analyzes the implications of investors' legal protection on aggregate productivity and growth. We have two main results. First, that better investors' legal protection can mitigate agency problems between investors and innovators and therefore expand the range of high-tech projects that can be financed by non-bank investors. Second, investors' legal protection shifts investment resources from less productive (medium-tech) to highly productive (high-tech) projects and therefore enha...

  6. Criminal sanctions for legal enties: An instrument of crime control

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    Jovašević Dragan


    Full Text Available Although contemporary criminal law accepts the system of subjective criminal liability for a committed crime, numerous European legal documents as well as criminal laws, especially those that have been adopted lately, envisage exceptions from this system. Thus, a new form of criminal liability is being introduced: objective liability based on the causation. One of the forms of objective liability is the criminal liability of legal entities, which has been considered disputable for a long time. Obviously, legal entities cannot be held accountable for all types of criminal offences. They cannot be held liable on the grounds of legal provisions regarding mental competence and culpability (as the elements of subjective criminal liability, nor can they be imposed all types of criminal sanctions recognized in criminal legislation in general. In their new or revised criminal legislation, many countries have recognized and inagurated the objective criminal liability of legal persons for committed criminal offences alongside with the predominant system of subjective liability (based on the perpetrator's mental competence and culpability. It is indisputable that some legal entities (such as state authorities cannot be prosecuted and held liable in criminal proceedings; consequently, there are some exemptions from criminal liability (particularly when it comes to the state and state bodies, but it does not exclude criminal liability of responsible officials (natural persons for causing the consequences of a criminal offence. Due to the specific character of legal and contractual capacity of legal entities, law in general and criminal legislations in particular prescribe special legal grounds for establishing criminal liability of legal entities, which differ from the subjective liability of a natural person (perceived as a conscious and reasonable human being acting on his/her own free will where the consequence of a criminal offence is a result of one

  7. A condicionalidade como zona conceitual

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    Taísa Peres de OLIVEIRA

    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste trabalho avaliam-se diferentes padrões de construções condicionais no português a partir dos parâmetros de condicionalidade. O objetivo principal é mostrar como a categoria está internamente organizada não apenas em termos de um núcleo prototípico, mas mostrando como os exemplares mais periféricos se relacionam a ele. As bases teóricas deste trabalho assentam-se sobre concepções funcional-cognitivistas, nos termos de Bybee (2010 e Dancygier (1998, especialmente considerando a relativa instabilidade da gramática e a fluidez da categoria. As reflexões principais apontam a condicionalidade como uma categoria bastante complexa que serve de/como abrigo de múltiplas construções.

  8. Attraction of business and restriction in legal practice in Nigeria and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    PROMOTING ACCESS TO AFRICAN RESEARCH ... The legal practice is perceived by many to be a noble profession where high professional standards and ... Keywords: Attraction, Legal Practice, Globalization, Legal Education, Entreprelaw ...

  9. A legal version of the nanoworld (United States)

    Lacour, Stéphanie


    Nanosciences and nanotechnologies come into a pre-existing legal system. Their arrival, and how they are received are worthy of analysis. Such an effort shall at first include simply lexical considerations, in order to penetrate, via their origins, the traces of these specific objects into the territory of law. The goal of this article is to explore the effects of "nanos" in various legal fields, including their relevance to the principle of precaution, patent law, and the applicable laws for chemical substances.

  10. International legal positivism in a post-modern world

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kammerhofer, J.; d' Aspremont, J.


    International Legal Positivism in a Post-Modern World provides fresh perspectives on one of the most important and most controversial families of theoretical approaches to the study and practice of international law. The contributors include leading experts on international legal theory who analyse

  11. Legal aspects of thermal discharges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, A.J.


    An overview of those legal areas which directly affect technical and planning decisions is presented in the form of 2 legal approaches which constrain the indiscriminate release of thermal discharges to receiving waters. One takes the form of private remedies which have traditionally been available to aggrieved parties who are in some way damaged by the harmful discharge. The 2nd approach utilizes the various statutory constraints leading to direct governmental action. It appears that statutory law is playing the prominent role in restricting the temperature to which receiving waters may be raised as a result of such discharges by using effluent limitations and water quality standards. (Water Resour. Abstr.)

  12. Introducing legal method when teaching stakeholder theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buhmann, Karin


    : the Business & Human Rights regime from a UN Global Compact perspective; and mandatory CSR reporting. Supplying integrated teaching notes and generalising on the examples, we explain how legal method may help students of business ethics, organisation and management – future managers – in their analysis...... to the business ethics literature by explaining how legal method complements stakeholder theory for organisational practice....

  13. Suretyship in Serbian and comparative legal systems

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    Pajtić Bojan


    Full Text Available The author has compared the institute of suretyship in Serbian law and other comparative legal systems, both continental and common-law. With the development of economy, these instruments of creditor's protection in the contractual relationship have gained full promotion. The analysis of the similarities and differences in the treatment of suretyship implies a relationship between the European legal systems.

  14. Colligations of Prepositions: Essential Properties of Legal Phraseology

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    Kamariah Yunus


    Full Text Available Specialised discourses manifest the organising thoughts of the discourse community that speaks the language.  They are formed by a series of interrelated linguistic properties that are joined in sentences by small but very important lexico-grammatical properties - colligations of prepositions. This paper reviewed the linguistic properties that constitute these linguistic patterns (colligations of prepositions as well as their semantic and pragmatic functions in legal discourse. The literature reveals that prepositions have both the lexical and grammatical statuses. They are prevalent in legal texts, and they play very important role in conveying the thoughts of the discourse community of the law. Proficient linguistic users are marked by having competence of these patterns. Due to the importance of colligations of prepositions in legal discourse, it is recommended that law students and legal scholars be taught colligations of prepositions explicitly rather than learning them implicitly.

  15. Money Laundering. Aspects of Legal and Criminal Issues

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    Full Text Available This study aims at analyzing objectively various techniques and methods of money laundering, both in classical and modern ways, by presenting case studies from the legal practice in Romania, in an attempt to clarify a number of issues related to the complexity of this crime, current and future tendencies of financial criminals for laundering proceeds of crime. Also, according to the analysis of comparative law performed in the last chapter, we highlighted a number of similarities and differences between the Romanian legislation and the legislative laws of other states, surprising the forms and effects of money laundering on the studied national systems as well as highlighting the measures for preventing and fighting against these crimes adopted by the analyzed legal systems. The comparative approach of the criminal and legal framework of preventing and combating money laundering is essential for the Romanian legal system efficiency in this matter.

  16. Whither the legal control of nuclear energy?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riley, Peter


    International nuclear trade is governed by the regime of legal control of nuclear energy, nuclear materials, knowledge of nuclear processes and weapons. Nuclear trade is under pinned by international agreements concerning physical protection and safeguards, the control of nuclear weapons, the protection of nuclear materials from terrorist action and third part liability. The political and geographical boundary changes of the past two years have significantly altered the background against which this regime has developed. Such changes have affected nuclear trade. The paper summarised the legal control of nuclear energy between States, identifies the areas of change which may affect this regime and the consequences for international trade. Conclusions are drawn as to the development of the international legal control of nuclear energy. (author). 21 refs

  17. 22 CFR 72.9 - Responsibility if legal representative is present. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Responsibility if legal representative is... Nationals § 72.9 Responsibility if legal representative is present. (a) A consular officer should not act as provisional conservator if the consular officer knows that a legal representative is present in the foreign...

  18. Navigating the Legal Horizon: Lawyering the MH17 Disaster

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    Marieke de Hoon


    Full Text Available On 17 July 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Eastern Ukraine, leaving no survivors. Since, victims’ relatives, States, and the wider public are trying to understand what happened, how it could happen, who is responsible, and how to address these responsibilities. The efforts to find justice have faced many complications and legal complexities. This article aims to provide insight into these legal and political complexities. In particular, it discusses the core legal questions of the criminal accountability of the perpetrators and the State responsibility of those States involved —Ukraine and Russia— through the legal doctrines of public international law and the European Convention on Human Rights. It further offers some core considerations relating to civil liability of States and airline carriers. In addition to providing insight into why the road to justice is long and arduous, the legal options available, and the specific challenges of each, the article also emphasises that having a legal option does not necessarily mean that it is also the best choice to use it. That choice is up to victims’ relatives and the States concerned. The article takes no position in this regard. Instead, it seeks to provide an analysis that may contribute to making such decisions in an informed manner.

  19. Harry Potter contra el legalismo, o la magia republicana del pluralismo jurídico

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    Luis Gómez Romero


    Full Text Available Este ensayo acomete una crítica radical de las ideologías legalistas mediante una revisión de las fuentes del derecho en clave pluralista. Los textos literarios –concretamente, las novelas de Harry Potter– son catalogados como fuentes del derecho. A estos efectos, se considera que el derecho inscrito en los mundos narrativos ficticios concierne al derecho en el mundo y las vidas de los públicos que los leen. El derecho es literatura, y la literatura es derecho. Sobre esta base, el artículo analiza la fabulación sobre el imperio de la ley en las novelas potterianas desde una perspectiva republicana.

  20. Alcances del derecho a la salud en colombia: una revisión constitucional, legal y jurisprudencial

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    Elena Cárdenas Ramírez


    Full Text Available El derecho a la salud fue consagrado en la Constitución Política de 1991 como un derecho económico, social y cultural, es decir, un derecho de segunda generación, que posteriormente ha sido reconocido por la Corte Constitucional como un derecho fundamental a través de la acción de tutela por tres vías: la primera, estableciendo su relación de conexidad con el derecho a la vida, el derecho a la integridad personal y el derecho a la dignidad humana; la segunda, reconociendo su naturaleza fundamental en contextos donde el tutelante es un sujeto de especial protección (niños y niñas, adulto mayor, sujetos en condición de discapacidad, etc.; y la tercera es la afirmación en general de la fundamentalidad del derecho a la salud en lo que respecta a un ámbito básico, esto es, conforme a los servicios consagrados por la Constitución, el bloque de constitucionalidad, la ley y los planes obligatorios de salud, con las ampliaciones necesarias para proteger una vida digna. Durante estos últimos veinte años, el derecho a la salud ha tenido una regulación legal y reglamentaria abundante y dispersa atendiendo a los cambios de modelo económico. Sin embargo, para su protección se ha hecho necesario la utilización de la acción de tutela, que durante estos últimos veinte años ha ido aumentando hasta llegar a más de tres millones de tutelas ante las constantes negaciones de los servicios de salud, ya sea que estén contemplados o no dentro del plan obligatorio de salud. Este trabajo pretende revisar la evolución del derecho a la salud desde tres puntos de vista: constitucional, legal y jurisprudencial, durante estos últimos 20 años.

  1. Legalization of drugs of abuse and the pediatrician. (United States)

    Schwartz, R H


    Growing numbers of individuals are proposing that drugs be legalized in the United States, with claims that federal, state, and local efforts to prohibit the use of illicit drugs are irrational and unenforceable. "Drug reform" advocates include persons of all political persuasions. Ironically, the call for drug reform comes at a time when trends in drug abuse, as reflected in national and state surveys, show a promising decline. It also is contradictory to at least one recent public opinion poll, in which respondents opposed the legalization of marijuana by a five-to-one margin. While their position is by no means unanimous, proponents of drug reform generally base their arguments on several key premises, such as elimination of or reductions in drug trafficking, enforcement, and interdiction expenditures; increased tax revenues from the legal sale of drugs; and reductions in health-care expenses associated with drug treatment. Reform advocates further claim that legalization would not be followed by an increase in drug use. The validity of each of these arguments is highly questionable. Legalization is a simplistic, short-sighted solution to a complex issue with public health, economic, criminal justice, and societal ramifications. Legalization would, moreover, abrogate the position taken in 1961 by the United States and 114 other nations in ratifying the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The impact of drug reform merits an unbiased study by an independent agency. Until that time, pediatricians should inform themselves of the arguments for and against drug reform and be prepared to educate patients and their families about the issue.

  2. What are the next steps? Legal perspectives on Mexico's general climate change law; Cuales son los siguientes pasos? Perspectivas juridicas sobre la ley general de cambio climatico de Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This publication is part of a project to strengthen legal capacities in Mexico, to analyze and propose alternatives that facilitate climate change mitigation and the transition to a low carbon economy. It started as an initiative of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat). This project focuses on the creation of legal capacities for climate mitigation because, while Mexico has accomplished remarkable achievements in the development of climate policies, this progress has not been matched in the development of legal capacities regarding climate change. In regard to progress on climate policy, Mexico has developed the long-term National Climate Change Strategy (2007) and Special Climate Change Program (2009-2012), completed economic projections of climate change costs - such as the inaction costs estimated in the study Economy of Climate Change in Mexico, and generated and disseminated climate information - for example, 1. Mexico has already submitted four National Communications on Climate Change and is preparing a Fifth to submit to the UNFCCC. 2 However, until the recent promulgation of the General Law on Climate Change on June, 2012, developments in the legal field to complement the efforts to address and cope with climate change in Mexico were far behind developments in other areas at the national level. [Spanish] Esta publicacion forma parte de un proyecto para el fortalecimiento de capacidades nacionales en el area juridica, para analizar y proponer alternativas que faciliten la mitigacion del cambio climatico y la transicion de Mexico a una economia baja en carbono y surgio a iniciativa de la Subsecretaria de Planeacion y Politica Ambiental de la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Semarnat). Nos enfocamos en la creacion de capacidades juridicas porque mientras que en Mexico habiamos visto logros muy importantes en areas como la definicion de politicas publicas de accion climatica; la cuantificacion de los costos del

  3. The Adequacy of Doctor Patient the Relationship to the Requirements of Validity of the legal Transaction: the Doctor Patient Relationship as legal Phenomenon

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    Silvio Romero Beltrão


    Full Text Available This work is interdisciplinary and aims to examine the adequacy of the patient-physician relationship to the requirements of validity of legal business. The doctor-patient relationship needs a complete overview on the elements and requirements that constitute its validity in law. As a starting point analyzes the doctor-patient relationship as a legal fact, to then verify the validity requirements of the patient medical legal business, capable agent, object and lawful manner prescribed by law. Investigating the manifestation of the will as the main element of the legal transaction to define the end of the study the importance of the doctor-patient relationship by law, based on the General Theory of Civil Law.

  4. The legal regulation of career course in Latvian Police


    Kitija Bite


    ANNOTATION The research „The legal regulation of career course in Latvian Police” describes the existing legal regulation of all Service elements. In order to unveil the intended purpose several aspects were analyzed – selection and professional training for the Service, organization of the career and termination of legal relationships. The structure of the research is constituted by the given elements, where a chapter is dedicated to each of them. With regard to foreign exp...

  5. The Economic Effects of Providing Legal Status to DREAMers


    Ortega, Francesc; Edwards, Ryan; Hsin, Amy


    This study quantifies the economic effects of two major immigration reforms aimed at legalizing undocumented individuals that entered the United States as children and completed high school: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the DREAM Act. The former offers only temporary legal status to eligible individuals; the latter provides a track to legal permanent residence. Our analysis is based on a general-equilibrium model that allows for shifts in participation between work, colle...

  6. Affirmative Action in Medical Education: A Legal Perspective. (United States)

    Helms, Lelia B.; Helms, Charles M.


    Describes history of legal theory behind affirmative action, with examples from case law and Department of Education regulations, identifying legal pitfalls in admissions and financial aid, including categorization of students by race, racially disproportionate financial aid awards after accounting for need, racially disproportionate scholarship…

  7. 38 CFR 13.102 - Accountability of legal custodians. (United States)


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Accountability of legal custodians. 13.102 Section 13.102 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION, FIDUCIARY ACTIVITIES § 13.102 Accountability of legal custodians. (a...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    various aspects of legal practice and engage in community service learning ... components, namely clinical duty, classroom teaching and clinician/student tutorial ..... Vawda YA "Learning from Experience: The Art and Science of Clinical Law" ... Lennertz M Date Unknown Developing Legal Clinics in Brazil: Remarks on the.

  9. Coase, externalities, property rights and the legal system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geerdink, G.C. (Carlie); Stauvermann, P.J.


    In this paper we investigate the possible consequences of different institutional settings (in casu the legal system) on externalities and their effect on the efficient allocation of externalities. We investigate whether the restriction of marginally low transaction costs can be relaxed if the legal

  10. El trabajo de campo como proceso. La "etnografía colaborativa" como perspectiva analítica

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    Leticia Katzer


    Full Text Available El presente artículo contiene una serie de reflexiones elaboradas al poner en diálogo experiencias de campo en el marco de investigaciones individuales; una, con indígenas adscriptos como Huarpes, en el noreste de la provincia de Mendoza; la otra, con indígenas adscriptos como Qom. Éstas reflexiones intentan contribuir a desnaturalizar y visibilizar la complejidad de los contextos de interacción, considerando que abarcan distintas dimensiones y aspectos —tales como posición de los interlocutores en la estructura social, expectativas individuales, experiencias y relaciones previas de los sujetos, y recursos materiales y simbólicos en intermediación—, enfatizando así el carácter situacional y dinámico de esas relaciones de interlocución.A la luz de los actuales debates de la crítica cultural y en un intento por contribuir a los estudios de la Etnografía Colaborativa, el objetivo de este artículo es exponer y describir comparativamente lo que entendemos como performances de campo, situando como objeto de análisis la experiencia etnográfica en sí misma. Entendiendo el trabajo etnográfico como proceso y texto, identificamos tres grandes nudos críticos, reunidos en tres escenas etnográficas, que analizamos como una red multisituada de mediaciones e interrelaciones.

  11. Discourse Markers s Sentence Openers in Legal English

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    Onorina Botezat


    Full Text Available Discourse markers can be defined as linguistic expressions of different length which carry pragmatic and propositional meaning, they are used to combine clauses or to connect sentence elements andthey appear in both speech and writing, and facilitate the discourse. Each discourse marker indicates a particular meaning relationship between two or more clauses. English is predominantly the language ofinternational legal practice and its importance to lawyers cannot be over-emphasized. The way in which one uses legal English can therefore be crucial to professional success. This paper stresses the importance of good usage of discourse markers in legal English.

  12. Solar energy legal bibliography. Final report. [160 references

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seeley, D.; Euser, B.; Joyce, C.; Morgan, G. H.; Laitos, J. G.; Adams, A.


    The Solar Energy Legal Bibliography is a compilation of approximately 160 solar publications abstracted for their legal and policy content (through October 1978). Emphasis is on legal barriers and incentives to solar energy development. Abstracts are arranged under the following categories: Antitrust, Biomass, Building Codes, Consumer Protection, Environmental Aspects, Federal Legislation and Programs, Financing/Insurance, International Law, Labor, Land Use (Covenants, Easements, Nuisance, Zoning), Local Legislation and Programs, Ocean Energy, Patents and Licenses, Photovoltaics, Solar Access Rights, Solar Heating and Cooling, Solar Thermal Power Systems, Standards, State Legislation and Programs, Tax Law, Tort Liability, Utilities, Warranties, Wind Resources, and General Solar Law.


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    Elena IFTIME


    Full Text Available In this paper, we intend to discuss a topic of particular importance, given that it addresses the imperatives of international political and legal order, as they appear in the light of current international law. It is an issue of great complexity, of very wide current interest because the international law that establishes and maintains an international legal order is a real energetic factor of organization of international community life. So viewed, the rules of international nature respond to the current acute need of founding the relations in this field and of meeting the common needs of the members of international society. We considered that by comparison with the internal legal order reflecting the health inscribed in this order, the international legal order is influenced by the structuring and training of the mondial community. Therefore we shall insist on the principal model of organizing international life – the state – to be viewed and analyzed in a double perspective: as an internal sovereign authority and as an actor on the scene of international life. In both instances, the state provides the foundation of legal order (domestic or international for that law has always been the expression of the state wish.

  14. Legal and Institutional Foundations of Adaptive Environmental ... (United States)

    Legal and institutional structures fundamentally shape opportunities for adaptive governance of environmental resources at multiple ecological and societal scales. Properties of adaptive governance are widely studied. However, these studies have not resulted in consolidated frameworks for legal and institutional design, limiting our ability to promote adaptation and social-ecological resilience. We develop an overarching framework that describes the current and potential role of law in enabling adaptation. We apply this framework to different social-ecological settings, centers of activity, and scales, illustrating the multidimensional and polycentric nature of water governance. Adaptation typically emerges organically among multiple centers of agency and authority in society as a relatively self-organized or autonomous process marked by innovation, social learning, and political deliberation. This self-directed and emergent process is difficult to create in an exogenous, top-down fashion. However, traditional centers of authority may establish enabling conditions for adaptation using a suite of legal, economic, and democratic tools to legitimize and facilitate self-organization, coordination, and collaboration across scales. The principles outlined here provide preliminary legal and institutional foundations for adaptive environmental governance, which may inform institutional design and guide future scholarship. Adaptation typically emerges organically among m

  15. Legal Elements For Nuclear Security: Egyptian Nuclear Law As A Case Study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, A.M.


    This paper deals with the legal bases for nuclear security. First, It analysis the international legal framework for nuclear security. Second, it analysis the legal bases for the import-export control. The legal aspects related with illicit trafficking (IT) were also reviewed. Third, It deals with the Egyptian nuclear law no. 7 and its executive regulation. The Egyptian legal regime for nuclear security and the role of State System for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (SSAC) in realizing the nuclear security were also discussed. The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the Egyptian legal framework for nuclear security.

  16. Aspectos legales y éticos vinculados con el establecimiento y uso de los reservorios y bancos de ADN humano

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    Bianchi, Néstor Oscar


    Full Text Available La utilidad de los depósitos de material genético humano para la investigación médica, antropológica y básica es indiscutible. Los repositorios y bancos permiten compartir las muestras entre distintos laboratorios de investigación, efectuar nuevos ensayos moleculares en muestras representativas de distintos grupos étnicos o de diversas enfermedades genéticas o hereditarias, acelerar y abaratar la obtención de resultados evitando la implementación de colectas de material biológico cada vez que se inicia un nuevo proyecto científico. Sin embargo, la organización de un repositorio o banco de material genético es compleja, involucra a varias partes (donantes, representantes legales del repositorio o banco, usuarios del material depositado y a distintas entidades y organismos públicos y privados con y sin fines de lucro, tales como organismos que proveen los fondos para financiar los bancos y repositorios, entidades sede de los bancos y repositorios, comités de ética encargados de autorizar y monitorear los depósitos de material genético, empresas farmacéuticas que realizan investigaciones con fines de lucro, organizaciones no gubernamentales sin fines de lucro que colectan fondos para el establecimiento de reservorios de material genético destinados a mejorar la asistencia médica de determinadas afecciones. Esta multiplicidad de actores con intereses diversos genera también diversas interpretaciones de las cuestiones éticas y legales relacionadas con los depósitos de material genético, las cuales se hacen evidentes al analizar las recomendaciones sobre el tema que hacen distintas organizaciones internacionales tales como UNESCO, HUGO, OMS, Comités de Ética de la Comunidad Europea y de Australia, “American Society of Human Genetics”, “American College of Medical Genetics”.

  17. La autonomía de la voluntad y el pluralismo jurídico en nuestros días




    La "autonomía de la voluntad", esa hermosa matriz del derecho privado liberal clásico ("quien dice contractual, dice justo"), es actualmente un instrumento importante de regulación de las relaciones sociales. La observación del funcionamiento real - efectivo - de esta herramienta legal, revela de forma paradigmática la identidad del individuo social post-moderno, cuya libertad es a la vez inmensa e irrisoria, fuente de poder ilimitado y de sujeción servil a las directivas de organizaciones, p...

  18. La convivencia intercultural y su aplicación a la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras

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    Dimitrinka G. Níkleva


    Full Text Available This article aims at investigating some aspects of the emotional competence in the cultural coexistence and its application in the field of TSFL (Teaching Spanish as a foreign language. We will start clarifying some basic terms (interculturality, multiculturalism, pluriculturalism, etc. and determining the components of affective competence. We will continue with the application of these concepts into TSFL area. Therefore we will study the methodological approaches methods, stereotypes and contents of the cultural competence. En este artículo estudiamos algunos aspectos de la competencia afectiva en la convivencia cultural y su aplicación a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Partimos de algunas precisiones terminológicas (interculturalidad, multiculturalidad, pluralismo cultural, etc. y determinamos los componentes de la competencia afectiva. Un amplio apartado está dedicado a las aplicaciones de este tema a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Se abordan las etapas y los enfoques metodológicos, algunos estereotipos y los contenidos de la competencia cultural.

  19. Conflictividad y modernidad: una ética de mínimos para la resolución de conflictos

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    Arturo Vallejos Romero

    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es confrontar algunas ideas que puedan ayudarnos a salvar los desacuerdos en sociedades pluralistas, conflictivas y complejas como América Latina. En específico, las ideas que serán vertidas y confrontadas en el texto iniciarán con una breve introducción, para luego exponer el pluralismo en nuestras sociedades actuales y cómo éste nos impele a buscar salidas viables para salvar nuestras diferencias. Posteriormente trataremos el tipo de consenso al que deberíamos adscribir y la opción del diálogo o pacto comunicativo para lograrlo. Tomaremos, para el apartado anterior, algunos conceptos de la Acción Comunicativa y una Ética discursiva, para luego abordar el andamiaje donde se deberían sustentar ciertos mínimos deseables para dar cuenta del disenso y/o el conflicto y la propuesta de algunos mínimos. Consecuentemente, expondremos el rol del Estado como garante del bien común, para finalmente esbozar algunas conclusiones.

  20. Consideraciones Legales Relativas a la Privacidad en Proyectos de Cloud Computing en el Exterior de Argentina

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    Juan Cruz González Allonca


    Full Text Available El modelo de prestación de servicios de cómputo en la nube (cloud computing ofrece múltiples ventajas tanto técnicas como económicas para las empresas y organismos que deciden implementarla. Este modelo, sin embargo, requiere tener consideraciones de carácter legal y de cumplimiento normativo desde el inicio del proyecto. Este estudio se propone recorrer la normativa argentina relativa a la protección de datos personales bajo esta plataforma, brindándole al lector un panorama sobre el cuerpo normativo vigente que debe ser aplicado a servicios de cloud computing en el exterior del país. A su vez identifica los riesgos asociados a estos servicios que deben ser contemplados con el fin de evitar responsabilidades.