
Sample records for pilnveidoana latvijas anas

  1. Uzņēmuma "Starbucks" ieviešana un virzīšana Latvijas tirgū.


    Bloka, Līva


    Uzņēmums „Starbucks” ir viens no pasaulē populārākajiem savas nozares uzņēmumiem un pastāv jau vairāk nekā 40 gadus. Lai gan tas uzsācis darbību jau 22 Eiropas valstīs, Latvija joprojām nav starp tām. Darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorētiskajiem aspektiem par uzņēmuma ieviešanu un virzīšanu jaunā tirgū un potenciālās mērķauditorijas aptaujas rezultātiem, noteikt uzņēmuma „Starbucks” ieviešanas un virzīšanas iespējas Latvijas tirgū. Pētījuma periods mārketinga ārējās vides faktoriem...

  2. Frančaizinga izmantošana Latvijas Republikas mazajā un vidējā biznesā


    Žuks, Vadims


    Diplomdarba tēma ir frančaizinga veikšanas problēmas Latvijas mazajā un vidējā biznesā. Darbā tiek izskatīti frančaizinga veikšanas teorētiskie pamati, tiek analizēta Latvijas frančaizinga biznesa likumdošanas bāze un francāizinga modeļa ieviešanas īpatnības, ka arī konkrēta frančaizinga biznesa uzsākšanas un darbības uzlabošanas pasākumi. Diplomdarbs izpildīts uz 82 lappusēm. Darbs satur 8 attēlus, 12 tabulas un 3 pielikumus. Darba atslēgas vārdi ir: frančaizinga bizness, biznesa veikšanas p...

  3. Latvijas Komercbanku risku regulēšana un Bāzeles III ieviešanas ietekme uz Komercbanku darbību


    Kudrjavceva, Anastasija


    Maģistra darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz ekonomiskās literatūras un darba autores veikto Latvijas komercbanku risku pārvaldīšanas politiku analīzi, izstrādāt priekšlikumus par Bāzeles III ieviešanu Latvijā, ka arī novērtēt tās ietekmi uz komercbanku darbību. Darbā tiek veikta Latvijas komercbanku risku pārvaldīšanas politiku atbilstības LR likumdošanai un starptautiskiem regulējumiem analīze. Autore izpēta un novērtē komercbanku risku pārvaldīšanas metožu priekšrocības un trūkumus. Tiek i...

  4. "LinkedIn" loma Latvijas studentu sociālo mediju lietošanas paradumos


    Mickēvičs, Rihards


    Bakalaura darbā „"LinkedIn" loma Latvijas studentu sociālo mediju lietošanas paradumos” aplūkots mērķa grupas kopējās interneta un sociālo mediju patēriņa tendences, komunikācijas rīku lietojums, vietnes „LinkedIn” loma Latvijas studentu sociālo mediju lietošanas aspektā un sava personīgā sociālā zīmola apzināšanās. Darbs balstīts uz četrām galvenajām daļām – teorētisko, metodoloģisko, empīrisko un rezultātu. Pamatojoties uz pieejamo teorētisko bāzi saistībā ar attiecīgo tēmu, tika veikta fok...

  5. Pārdošanas veicināšana kā patērētāju uzvedības un lēmumu pieņemšanas ietekmētājs Latvijas pārtikas mazumtirdzniecības nozarē.


    Afoņičeva, Oksana


    Maģistra darba: “Pārdošanas veicināšana kā patērētāju uzvedības un lēmumu pieņemšanas ietekmētājs Latvijas pārtikas mazumtirdzniecības nozarē” mērķis ir, izvērtējot pārdošanas veicināšanas ietekmi uz patērētāju uzvedību, lēmuma pieņemšanas procesu un uz patērētāju lojalitātes veidošanu, rast priekšlikumus pārdošanas veicināšanas iespējām pārtikas produktu zīmoliem. Darbs sastāv no četrām nodaļām- divām teorētiskajām, analītiskās un empīriskās. Pirmā izvirzītā hipotēze tiek apstiprināta, pama...

  6. SIA „AUTO ATVARS” darbība Latvijas autotirgū.


    Spila, Andis


    Pēdējo gadu laikā auto tirdzniecība ir viena no progresējošākajām nozarēm Latvijas tautsaimniecībā. Attīstoties jaunu automašīnu tirdzniecībai Latvijā attīstās arī citas vispārējai Latvijas attīstībai svarīgas nozares, tādas kā apdrošināšana, kreditēšana, būvniecība u.c. Pašreiz Latvijā piedāvājumā pārstāvētas praktiski visas pasaulē populārākās automašīnu markas, atsevišķas markas tirgo pat divas un vairāk kompānijas. Iespējams, jau pēc dažiem gadiem būs vēl vairāk jaunu auto ti...

  7. Latvijas ozolu audžu augšņu raksturojums


    Stalīdzāns, Didzis


    Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidrot augsnes faktora lomu parastā ozola (Quercus robur L.) izplatībai Latvijas teritorijā sastopamajās mežaudzēs. Maģistra darbā ir apkopota informācija par parastā ozola izplatības areālu Latvijas teritorijā un citviet pasaulē. Sniegts - parastā ozola ekoloģiskais raksturojums, raksturīgākie augšanas apstākļi, audžu atjaunošanās un ar to saistīto problēmu izklāsts. Pētījumā izlases veidā tika atlasīti 24 ozolu audžu parauglaukumi, kuros veikta audzes augsne...

  8. ERP sistēmas ieviešana


    Proskurins, Aleksandrs


    Šajā darbā tika apskatīta informācijas sistēmu klasifikācija, uzņēmuma resursu plānošanas sistēmas (ERP) definīcija un tās vieta IS klasifikācijā. Tika apskatīti ERP sistēmu ieviešanas teorētiskie aspekti, izstrādes un pielāgošanas specifika, kā arī tika izanalizēti vairāki ERP sistēmas ieviešanas projekti Latvijas uzņēmumos.

  9. Stāstu stāstīšanas izmantošana lasīšanas veicināšanas pasākumos


    Mežjāne, Signe


    Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai stāstu stāstīšana ir efektīvs lasīšanas veicināšanas paņēmiens bērniem. Pētījuma problēma ir mūsdienu bērnu nevēlēšanās lasīt, lasīšanu varētu veicināt stāstu stāstīšana bibliotēkās. Darbā tiek analizēts stāstu stāstīšanas process atbilstoši bērnu vecumposmam, izmantojot dažādus runas stilus. Teorētiskā bāze ir balstīta uz Lasītāja reakcijas kritikas teoriju un Runas darbības teoriju. Galvenie pētījuma uzdevumi ir noskaidrot, vai Latvijas bibliotē...

  10. Mārketinga stratēģijas izstrāde AS "Aldaris" pārdošanas palielināšana


    Rabinoviča, Aļina


    Maģistra darbs ir uzrakstīts par tēmu „Mārketinga stratēģijas izstrāde AS pārdošanas palielināšanas nolūkā”. Tas ir veltīts Latvijas alus tirgus izpētei un AS „Aldaris” esošās mārketinga stratēģijas analīzei ieteikumu izstrādei tās pilnveidošanai. Maģistra darbā aplūkoti sekojoši jautājumi: •mūsdienu mārketinga instrumenti kā uzņēmuma tirdzniecības stratēģijas elements; •reklāmas īpatnības un tās veidi; •pieejas reklāmas budžeta noteikšanai; •Latvijas reklāmas tirgus; •Latv...

  11. Kukuļņemšanas un kukuļdošanas noziedzīgo nodarījumu krimināltiesiskais raksturojums


    Ozoliņš, Uldis


    . Kukuļņemšanas un kukuļdošanas noziedzīgo nodarījumu krimināltiesiskais raksturojums. Kukuļņemšana un kukuļdošana ir vieni no izplatītākajiem noziedzīgajiem nodarījumiem valsts institūciju dienestā. Diplomdarba aktualitāte ir saistīta ar to, ka jau vairākus gadus Latvijas sabiedrībā ir izvērsusies plaša diskusija par nepieciešamību efektīvi cīnīties ar kukuļošanas izskaušanu valsts amatpersonu darbībā. Šajā darbā tiek apskatīts kukuļņemšanas un kukuļdošanas starptautiskais r...

  12. E-pasta mārketings un tā izmantošanas efektivitātes analīze Latvijas uzņēmumos


    Ovčiņņikova, Anna


    Bakalaura darba tēma “E-pasta mārketings un tā izmantošanas efektivitātes analīze Latvijas uzņēmumos”. Mūsdienās viens no lielākajiem ienākuma avotiem uzņēmumiem ir spēja pārdod savus produktus, lai iegūtu vislielāko peļņu. Priekš tā tiek izmantoti dažādi mārketinga paņēmieni un mārketinga kanāli. Laba mārketinga stratēģija var panākt to ka produkts sevi pardod, bet papildus pirmreizējam pirkumam ir jāpanāk tas, lai tiktu veikts arī atkārtotais pirkums. Tā kā mūsdienās uzņēmumos ir ļoti sīva ...

  13. Uzņēmuma ienākuma nodokļa tiesiskas plānošanas iespējas


    Liscova, Nataļja


    Bakalaura darbā tiek analizētas uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokļa plānošanas iespējas, ko piedāvā Latvijas Republikas normatīvie akti. Problēmas būtība ir nošķirt divus jēdzienus: nodokļu plānošana un izvairīšanās no nodokļu maksāšanas. Pētījuma mērķis ir saprast kādas uzņēmuma ienākuma nodokļa plānošanas iespējas piedāvā Latvijas Republikas likums „Par uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokli” (turpmāk tekstā – likums), kādas ir nodokļu plānošanas iespējas starptautiskajā līmenī, kā arī apkopojot pētījuma ...

  14. Latvian Waste Management Modelling in View of Environmental Impact Reduction / Latvijas Atkritumu SAIMNIECĪBAS ATTĪSTĪBA un TĀS RADĪTĀS Ietekmes UZ Vidi SAMAZINĀŠANAS MODELĒŠANA (United States)

    Teibe, I.; Bendere, R.; Arina, D.


    In the work, the life-cycle assessment approach is applied to the planning of waste management development in a seaside region (Piejūra) using the Waste Management Planning System (WAMPS) program. In Latvia, the measures to be taken for the climate change mitigation are of utmost importance - especially as related to the WM performance, since a disposal of biodegradable waste presents the primary source of GHG emissions. To reduce the amount of such waste is therefore one of the most significant goals in the State WM plan for 2013-2020, whose adoption is the greatest challenge for municipalities. The authors analyse seven models which involve widely employed biomass processing methods, are based on experimental data and intended for minimising the direct disposal of organic mass at the solid waste landfills. The numerical results obtained evidence that the thermal or biotechnological treatment of organic waste substantially reduces the negative environmental impact of WM practices - by up to 6% as compared with the currently existing. Klimata pārmaiņu samazināšanas pasākumi Latvijā atkritumu saimniecības sektorā ir īpaši svarīgi. jo bioloģiski sadalāmo atkritumu apglabāšana ir viens no būtiskākajiem SEG emisiju avotiem valstī. Pētījumā modelēti virkne sadzīves atkritumu apsaimniekošanas modeļi. kas ietver plašāk izmantotās biomasas pārstrādes metodes un samazina tiešu organiskās masas apglabāšanu cieto sadzīves atkritumu poligonos. Atkritumu apsaimniekošanas modeļu radītās vides ietekmes novērtēšanai izmantota WAMPS (Waste Management Planning System) programma, kas balstīta uz atkritumu apsaimniekošanas procesu dzīves cikla novērtējumu vienā no desmit Latvijas atkritumu apsaimniekošanas reģioniem - Piejūra. Iegūtie kvantitatīvie rezultāti norāda. ka organiskās atkritumu masas pārstrāde un stabilizēšana, izmantojot biotehnoloģijas vai termisko pārstrādi, būtiski samazina atkritumu apsaimniekošanas rad

  15. Latvijas uzņēmumu mārketinga aktivitātes interneta vidē.


    Zujevs, Armands


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Latvijas uzņēmumu mārketinga aktivitātes interneta vidē.” Darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorijā sniegtajām atziņām par interneta mārketingu, kā arī uz interneta lietotāju aptaujas rezultātiem un ekspertu viedokli, novērtēt Latvijas uzņēmumu mārketinga aktivitātes interneta vidē un izstrādāt priekšlikumus to pilnveidošanai. Darba izstrādē ir veikta literatūras analīze, patērētāju anketēšana un nozares ekspertu intervijas. Lai izprastu interneta mārketinga darbība...

  16. Biedrības "Latvijas Universitātes Sports" zīmola izveide un attīstīšana integrēto mārketinga komunikāciju kontekstā


    Dārznieks, Kārlis


    Maģistra darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz zīmola un mārketinga komunikāciju teorijas analīzi, izpētīt biedrības ,,Latvijas Universitātes sports’’ zīmola veiksmīgas izstrādes un pozicionēšanas iespējas integrēto mārketinga komunikāciju kontekstā, nosakot visatbilstošāko zīmola pozicionēšanas stratēģiju, kā arī izstrādāt komunikāciju plānu zīmola attīstīšanai. Rezultātā tiek izanalizētas līdzšinēji realizētās integrētā mārketinga komunikācijas zīmola atpazīstamības veidošanai, kā arī izstrādāts...

  17. Latvijas Gaze buyback likely to flop

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Veerandi Läti gaasifirma Latvijas Gaze omanik Itera kavatseb lähiajal lõpule viia üheksa protsendi Läti firma aktsiate müügi ettevõttele Gazprom. Gazprom'i kontrolli all on praegu 25 protsenti, Ruhrgas'il 28,66 ning E.ON Energie AG-l 18,06 protsenti Latvijas Gaze aktsiatest

  18. Uzņēmuma McDonalds konkurētspējas novērtēšanas un tās uzlabošanas iespējas


    Artemjeva, Anžela


    Bakalaura darba tēma – „Uzņēmuma McDonalds konkurētspējas novērtēšana un tās uzlabošanas iespējas”. Bakalaura darba mērķis-pamatojoties uz teorētiskām atziņām par konkurenci un konkurētspēju, izpētīt SIA McDonalds konkurētspēju tirgū un tās pilnveidošanas iespējas balstoties uz Latvijas, Lietuvas un Igaunijas investīciju nozares analīzes datu rezultātiem, izdarīt secinājumus un sniegt priekšlikumus SIA McDonalds konkurētspējas uzlabošanai. Bakalaura darba izstrādes gaitā autore ir izstr...

  19. Kriminālprocesa izbeigšana kriminālvajāšanā


    Vāķis, Andris


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Kriminālprocesa izbeigšana kriminālvajāšanā”. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot un izpētīt pastāvošās problēmas kriminālprocesu izbeigšanas atbilstošo normu piemērošanu kriminālvajāšanā. Darba mērķa sasniegšanai ir izmantota vēsturisko un salīdzinošo metožu, normatīvo aktu un pirmstiesas procesa pabeigšanas veidu, jēdziena, vispārīgo un īpašo pamatu izpēte, statistikas dati. Bakalaura darba apjoms ir 50.lpp. un 2. pielikumi. Darbā izmantoti Latvijas Republikas un s...

  20. SIA "Baltegle" naudas plūsmas analīze un vadīšana


    Jegorova, Valērija


    Vairākiem Latvijas uzņēmumiem ir aktuālas stabilizēšanas problēmas, kuras ietekmēja naudas plūsmas neefektīva vadīšana. Diplomdarba mērķis ir novērtēt SIA „Baltegle” naudas plūsmu un izstrādāt priekšlikumus tās optimizācijai. Pirmajā diplomdarba nodaļā apskatīta naudas plūsmas būtība, otrajā nodaļā - naudas plūsmas pārskata sagatavošanas īpatnības, trešajā nodaļā - analīzes un vadīšanas aspekti. Ceturtajā nodaļā pētīta SIA „Baltegle” saimnieciskā darbība. Piektajā nodaļā veikta uzņēmuma...

  1. Latvijas gaze

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A collection of photocopies of materials (such as overheads etc.) used at a seminar (organized by the Board of Directors of the company designated ''Latvijas Gaze'' in connection with The National Oil and Gas Company of Denmark, DONG) comprising an analysis of training needs with regard to marketing of gas technology and consultancy to countries in Europe, especially with regard to Latvia. (AB)

  2. Programmatūras testētāju sertifikācija


    Ambrasa, Aija


    Darba merkis ir atvieglot programmaturas testetaju sertifikacijas ieviešanu Latvija. Darba ir izpetitas sertificešanas iespejas visa pasaule, salidzinatas 3 popularakas sertifikacijas shemas, iepazistinats ar Starptautisko Programmaturas Testešanas Padomes piedavato programmu, kurai ši gada aprili pievienojas Latvija. Lai atvieglotu sertificešanas uzsakšanu Latvija, tika izveidota hrestomatija, jautajumu kopa, testešanas pamata terminu vardnica un ieteikumi, kadi butu janem ver...

  3. Latvijas kā medicīnas tūrisma galamērķa konkurētspēju ietekmējošie faktori


    Sidorenko, Anna


    Bakalaura darba temats ir «Latvijas kā medicīnas tūrisma galamērķa konkurētspēju ietekmējošie faktori». Ņemot vērā starptautisko pieredzi, medicīnas pakalpojumu sniegšana ārvalstniekiem var nodrošināt papildus ienākumu avotu nacionālajai ekonomikai. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir identificēt un izpētīt faktorus, kas ietekmē Latvijas kā medicīnas tūrisma galamērķa konkurētspēju un izstrādāt priekšlikumus medicīnas pakalpojumu sniedzējiem un valsts pārvaldes institūcijām ar nolūku veicināt Latvij...

  4. BTA Insurance Company SE darbības pilnveidošana tirgus daļas palielināšanā Baltijā un Eiropā


    Radvila, Līga


    Maģistra darbā “Apdrošināšanas tirgus segmentēšana - ieiešana Polijā” ir izpētīta Polijas apdrošināšanas tirgus nozare, Latvijas apdrošināšanas vieta pasaules, Eiropas un Baltijas valstīs. “BTA Insurance Company” SE finanšu rādītāji un tirgus segmentācija. Par pētījuma objektu izvēlēta apdrošināšanas akciju sabiedrība “BTA Insurance Company” SE, kura darbojas Latvijā kopš 1993.gada 1.novembra, bet no 2011. gada marta ir reģistrēta Eiropas komercsabiedrības reģistrā. Maģistra darba izstr...

  5. Noliktavu vadības sistēmas (WMS) ieviešana un ieviešanas rezultātu analīze loģistikas uzņēmumā AS ,,Dominante Loģistikas Sistēma


    Morozovs, Gļebs


    Darbā „Noliktavu vadības sistēmas (WMS) ieviešana un ieviešanas rezultātu analīze loģistikas uzņēmumā AS „Dominante Loģistikas Sistēma„ tiek pētīta noliktavu vadības sistēmas ievešanas ietekme uz loģistikas uzņēmumu. Darbā izpētīts loģistikas saturs un funkcionālās sfēra, aplūkoti noliktavu un transporta loģistika pamatprincipi un mijiedarbība, analizētas loģistikas attīstības tendences un loma Latvijas tautsaimniecība. Izpētīti noliktavu un transporta loģistikas instrumenti, raksturota infor...

  6. Bērnu intelektuālās un emocionālās vajadzības un to apmierināšana Latvijas Televīzijas raidījumā “Kas te? Es te!"


    Dubra, Elīna


    Bakalaura darba “Bērnu intelektuālās un emocionālās vajadzības un to apmierināšana Latvijas Televīzijas raidījumā “Kas te? Es te!” sākumā ir izvirzītas divas hipotēzes, kas paredz, ka raidījuma “Kas te? Es te!” skatīšanās veicina bērnu intelektuālo un emocionālo attīstību. Darba teorētiskajā daļā aplūkoti cilvēka attīstības vecumposmi pēc Eriksona, intelektuālās un emocionālās attīstības aspekti un īpatnības, lietojuma-apmierinājuma teorija un Alberta Banduras izstrādātā soc...

  7. Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizāciju ietekmējošie faktori attīstības valstu banku sektoros un Latvijas komercbankās


    Golovina, Anna


    Maģistra darba nosaukums - Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizāciju ietekmējoši faktori attīstības valstu banku sektorā un Latvijas komercbankās. Maģistra darba mērķis - noskaidrot un izanalizēt faktorus, kuri ietekmē noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizāciju attīstības valstu banku sektorā un Latvijas komercbankās. Maģistra darba metodoloģija – kvalitatīvā metode, kuras gaitā tika izstrādāta aptaujas anketa; dokumentu analīze – zinātniskās literatūras apkopošana un analīze, lai izprastu...

  8. Koncerni un to finanšu pārskatu konsolidēšana


    Dreimane, Egija


    Maģistra darba „Koncerni un to finanšu pārskatu konsolidēšana” mērķis ir praktiski attēlot Latvija Republikas un Eiropas Savienības likumdošanas prasību pielietošanu praksē konsolidēto finanšu pārskatu sagatavošanā, izdarīt secinājumus par esošajām problēmām un nepilnībām un izstrādāt priekšlikumus kā uzlabot esošo situāciju. Pirmajā daļā raksturota uzņēmumu apvienošanās, tās tiesiskais regulējums un koncernu likuma ietekme. Otrajā - aplūkots konsolidēto pārskatu sagatavošanas tiesiskais regu...

  9. Papīra darbi ka domāšanas veicinātāji pirmsskolā


    Jevdokimova, Jūlija


    Jūlija J. (2017.) “Papīra darbi kā domāšanas veicinātāji pirmsskolā”. Kvalifikācijas darbs. Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāte, 90 lpp, 16 att., 4 tab., bibl. 18 nos., latviešu, angļu val. Darbs sastāv no ievada, 5 nodaļām, secinājumiem un 16 pielikumiem. Autors ir vairākus mēnešus izgājis praksi pirmsskolas pedagoga amatā. Darbā ir veikts pētījums par domāšanas attīstību rokdarbu nodarbībās, veicot papīra darbus Darba mērķis ir izzināt un atklāt bēr...

  10. Franšīzes izmantošana uzņēmumā McDonald’s.


    Žučkova, Alina


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Franšīzes izmantošanas uzņēmumā McDonald’s”. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no četrām nodaļām. Pirmās nodaļas saturs ir balstīts uz franšīzes teorētiskā raksturojuma analīzi. Tas sevī ietver gan franšīzes būtību un principus, gan franšīzes attīstību un tās veidus, gan franšīzes iedalījumu pēc formas, kā arī franšīzes devēja un franšīzes ņēmēja ieguvumu un zaudējumu apskatu. Otrajā nodaļā tiek apskatīta Latvijas likumdošanas bāze, kas ir saistīta ar franšīzi. Tre...

  11. Latvian government in double jeopardy with EU, Latvijas Gaze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti soovib saada Euroopa Komisjonilt ajapikendust gaasituru liberaliseerimiseks 2010. aastani ning lubab sel juhul sõlmida Latvijas Gaze'ga kokkuleppe, et viimane loobuks gaasitarnete ainuõigusest Lätis

  12. Datorprogrammas kā autortiesību aizsardzības objekti Latvijas Republikā


    Cers, Gatis


    Bakalaura darbā autors analizē datorprogrammu aizsardzību ar autortiesībām Latvijas Republikā. Tiek aplūkota datorprogrammas legālās definīcijas nepieciešamība, kā arī datorprogrammu autoru iespējas aizsargāt savas tiesības gan vēršoties tiesā, gan ārpus tās. Autors Latvijas Republikas tiesisko regulējumu salīdzina ar citās valstīs pastāvošajiem regulējumiem un sniedz priekšlikumus Latvijas Republikā spēkā esošo normatīvo aktu piemērošanā, kā arī piedāvā veikt labojumus atsevišķos normatīvajo...

  13. Franšīzes izmantošana Latvijas uzņēmējdarbības vidē


    Berdinska, Zane


    Franšīze, kā uzņēmējdarbības veids Latvijā nav padziļināti izpētīta, nav izdota pilnvērtīga literatūra, kas skaidrotu franšīzes būtību un likumdošanā ir robi, kas ietekmē franšīzes izplatību Latvijā. Darba mērķis - izpētīt un izanalizēt franšīzes būtību, noskaidrot uzņēmējdarbības veida priekšrocības un trūkumus, izplatību Latvijas uzņēmējdarbības vidē un sniegt priekšlikumus franšīzes attīstības veicināšanai. Bakalaura darba uzdevumi: izpētīt informāciju par franšīzes vēsturi, izanali...

  14. Studentu identitātes prezentēšana sociālajos tīklos: “” un “” gadījumu analīze


    Bajāre, Regija


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir studentu identitātes prezentēšana sociālajos tīklos: "" un "" gadījumu analīze. Šī bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot Latvijas studentu identitātes prezentēšanu sociālajos tīklos un Šī darba ietvaros ir izstrādāti trīs pētnieciskie jautājumi: kādu informāciju studenti prezentē savos profilos, kādi ir sevis prezentēšanas paradumi, vai studentu prezentētā identitāte atšķiras portālā no Teorij...

  15. Pieprasījuma veicināšanas iespējas „Coca – Cola HBC Latvia” uzņēmumā krīzes apstākļos


    Petjukeviča, Tatjana


    Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētot Latvijas bezalkoholisku dzērienu nozares attīstības tendences un vadošo uzņēmuma menedžmentu, atrast pieprasījuma veicināšanas iespējas „Coca-Cola HBC Latvia” uzņēmuma produkcijai krīzes apstākļos. Šis uzņēmums ir viens no Latvijas vadošajiem uzņēmumiem bezalkoholisko dzērienu tirdzniecībā, tomēr krīze negatīvi ietekmēja uz tā neto apgrozījuma izmaiņām, tāpēc ir nepieciešams izstrādāt vairākus pasākumus pieprasījuma veicināšanai šā uzņēmuma produkcijai. Darba...

  16. Portāla YouTube patēriņa paradumi un lietošanas motivācija vidusskolas vecuma jauniešu vidū


    Krastiņa, Lāsma


    Bakalaura darba „Portāla Youtube patēriņa paradumi un lietošanas motivācija vidusskolas vecuma jauniešu vidū” mērķis ir veicot padziļinātās intervijas un anketēšanu noskaidrot kādām darbībām portāls Youtube galvenokārt tiek izmantots un kādi ir tā izmantošanas paradumi un motivācija Latvijas vidusskolas vecuma jauniešu vidū. Darbs sastāv no 7 nodaļām. Teorētisko daļu sastāda nodaļas par Web 2.0, portālu Youtube, lietojuma un apmierinātības teoriju, bērnu un jauniešu interneta lietojumu. Metod...

  17. Fintech pakalpojumi Latvijas tirgū


    Kims, Aleksejs


    Maģistra darba tēma ir saistīta ar Latvijas fintech nozares izpēti. Autors uzskata, ka viņa izvēlētā maģistra darba tēma ir aktuāla mūsdienu, straujas ekonomikas un inovāciju kontekstā. Pieaugošā interese ne tikai par fintech pakalpojumu nozari, bet vispār par visu veidu tehnoloģiskām inovācijām, no valsts puses ir saistīta ar valdības tieksmi paaugstināt valsts izaugsmes tempus ar zināšanu ekonomikas palīdzību. Fintech industrija Latvijā ir pietiekami jauna nozare, kura sevī apvieno ne tik...

  18. Pusaudžu problemātiskas uzvedības saistības ar viņu piesaistes stilu un vecāku audzināšanas stilu ģimenē


    Zamberga, Zane


    Maģistra darba pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot pusaudžu uzvedības traucējumu, piesaistes stilu un vecāku audzināšanas stilu savstarpējo saistību pusaudžu pašnovērtējumā, un, kāda ir savstarpējā ietekme (multiplās regresijas analīzes rezultātā) piesaistes stilam un vecāku audzināšanas stilam, iepretim uzvedības pašnovērtējumam. Pētījuma izlasi veido 60 pusaudži vcecumā no 14 – 16 gadiem. Tika aptaujāti Latvijas vispārizglītojošo skolu 7. un 8. klases skolēni: 30 meitenes un 30 zēni. Pētījumā...

  19. AAS "BALTA" konkurētspēja juridisko personu īpašuma produkta apdrošināšanā Latvijā


    Jukštaka, Elīna


    Bakalaura darbā tiek pētīta AAS Balta juridisko personu īpašuma apdrošināšanas produkta konkurētspēja starp vadošajiem tirgus līderiem īpašuma apdrošināšanā Latvijas tirgū. Analizējot juridisko personu īpašuma apdrošināšanas noteikumus un finanšu rādītājus ir izteikti secinājumi un priekšlikumi AAS Balta juridisko personu īpašuma apdrošināšanas produkta konkurētspējas paaugstināšanai. Lai sasniegtu izvirzīto mērķi, autors izpētīja Latvijas nedzīvības apdrošināšanas tirgus attīstību un atse...

  20. Cēsu alus konkurētspēja un to ietekmējošie faktori Latvijas tirgū.


    Baltroka, Krista


    Bakalaura darba tēma „Cēsu alus konkurētspēja un to ietekmējošie faktori Latvijas tirgū”. Konkurence ir viens no svarīgākajiem nosacījumiem uzņēmuma pilnveidošanās procesā, stratēģijas izstrādē. Latvijas tirgū, dzērienu nozarē ir liela konkurence, piedāvāto produktu klāsts ir ļoti plašs. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt akciju sabiedrības „Cēsu alus” konkurētspēju ietekmējošos faktorus Latvijas tirgū, kā arī izstrādāt priekšlikumus konkurētspējas paaugstināšanai. Kvantitatīvās analīze...

  1. Vēja elektrostaciju ietekme uz putniem rudens migrācijas laikā Baltijas jūras piekrastē (Liepāja, Latvija): metodikas aprobācija un pirmie rezultāti


    Krotova, Ieva


    Vēja enerģijas izmantošana ir potenciāli izdevīgs ziemeļvalstu atjaunojamo energoresursu avots, kas nerada regulāru gaisa, ūdens un augsnes piesārņojumu. Latvijas rietumu un ziemeļu daļas ir piemērotas vēja enerģijas iegūšanai. Svarīgs aspekts vēja enerģētikas attīstībā ir tās ietekme uz vidi un dzīvajiem organismiem. Teorētiskajā daļā tika veikts vēja enerģētikas teorijas un citu valstu vēja elektrostacijas (VES) ietekmes pētījumu metodikas un iegūto rezultātu apskats šādās tēmās – vēja ...

  2. Uzņēmumu ekspansijas iespējas ārvalstu tirgos


    Lovnieks, Jānis


    Pasaules ekonomikai augot, palielinās arī multinacionālu uzņēmumu nozīme. Tomēr ieiešana ārvalstu tirgū ir sarežģīts un darbietilpīgs process. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt uzņēmumu ekspansijas iespējas darbībai citu valstu tirgos, noskaidrot priekšnoteikumus dažādu stratēģiju ieiešanai ārvalstu tirgos, un apkopot Latvijas uzņēmumu pieredzi šajā jomā Pēc Latvijas uzņēmumu pieredzes tika noskaidrots, ka veiksmīgākā paplašināšanās uzsākšanas iespēja ir eksportēšana, kas atļauj uzsākt starpt...

  3. Latvijas strādājošo jauniešu attieksme pret naudu


    Stigeviča, Inga


    Ar naudu šobrīd nākas saskarties ikvienam Latvijas iedzīvotājam, jo bez naudas cilvēks nav spējīgs pilnvērtīgi eksistēt. Tādā gadījumā arī katram indivīdam ir izveidojusies noteikta attieksme pret naudu, kas spējīga izpausties noteiktās darbībās un nozīmes. Autore savā bakalaura darbā vēlas saprast, kāda ir tieši Latvijas strādājošo jauniešu attieksme pret savu nopelnīto naudu un naudas fenomenu kopumā. Par pētījuma objektu tika izvēlēti strādājošie jaunieši Latvijā, jo publiski pieejamu pētī...

  4. L'OREAL PARIS zīmola veidošanas stratēģija


    Smirnova, Margarita


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „L’oreal Paris zīmola veidošanas stratēģija”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt L’oreal Paris, izvērtējot zīmola stiprās un vājās puses, pieeju attiecīgā zīmola pozicionēšanai pasaules mērogā un noskaidrot, kāda ir attiecīgā zīmola ietekme uz patērētājiem Latvijas tirgū, salīdzinājumā ar konkurentu pārstāvētajiem zīmoliem, kā arī izstrādāt priekšlikumus par to, ar kādām aktivitātēm varētu uzlabot zīmola L’oreal Paris tēlu, palielinot patērētāju apmierinātību par zīmola pārstā...

  5. Latvijas Komercbanku pasīvās operācijas, to nozīme stabilitātes nodrošināšanā


    Supe, Gita


    Darba mērķis ir izanalizēt banku pasīvo operāciju nozīmi Latvijas komercbanku stabilitātes nodrošināšanā, kā arī apskatīt, kādi ir banku pasīvo operāciju ietekmējošie faktori, un kā tie ietekmē Latvijas komercbanku darbību. Lai sasniegtu izvirzīto mērķi darba gaitā tika veikti šādi uzdevumi: •raksturotas banku pasīvās operācijas un loma stabilitātes nodrošināšanā; •izpētīti Latvijas komercbanku pasīvi laika periodā 2010. – 2013.g. •izanalizēta banku pasīvo operāciju faktoru ietekm...

  6. Latvijas importa analīze un prognoze


    Vasiļenko, Oļegs


    Viena no nozīmīgākām pazīmēm, kuras raksturo valsts ekonomikas stāvokli un attīstības līmeni, ir ārējās tirdzniecības bilance. Sakarā ar Latvijas ekonomikas situācijas pasliktināšanu, un, ar to saistītu, ārējās tirdzniecības negatīvās bilances strauju pieaugumu, importa analīzes un prognozes jautājuma nozīme vairāk kārt pieauga. Jau ilgāku laiku pieaug bezdarba līmenis Latvijā, līdz ar ko pasliktinās iedzīvotāju pirktspēja, kura, neapšaubāmi, ietekmē valsts ārējo tirdzniecību. ...

  7. Apgrozījuma prognozēšana ar mākslīgo neironu tīklu palīdzību


    Puškina, Tatjana


    Bakalaura darba pētījumu ietvaros tika analizēta mākslīgo neironu tīklu programmas izvēle Latvijas uzņēmuma „Pasaules Optika” apgrozījuma prognozēšanai, kā arī veikta tā praktiskā pielietošana. Darbs sastāv no trim nodaļām, kurās tiek izskatītas problēmas, kas ir iespējams risināt ar mākslīgo neironu tiklu palīdzību, izmantojot Neuro XL programmu. Salīdzinājumā ar citām mākslīgā intelekta risinošam datu apstrādes programmām tiek novērtēts Neuro XL programmas priekšrocības, tiek imitēti ikgadē...

  8. The universe of ANA testing: a case for point-of-care ANA testing. (United States)

    Konstantinov, Konstantin N; Rubin, Robert L


    Testing for total antinuclear antibodies (ANA) is a critical tool for diagnosis and management of autoimmune diseases at both the primary care and subspecialty settings. Repurposing of ANA from a test for lupus to a test for any autoimmune condition has driven the increase in ANA requests. Changes in ANA referral patterns include early or subclinical autoimmune disease detection in patients with low pre-test probability and use of negative ANA results to rule out underlying autoimmune disease. A positive result can lead to further diagnostic considerations. Currently, ANA tests are performed in centralized laboratories; an alternative would be ANA testing at the clinical point-of-care (POC). By virtue of its near real-time data collection capability, low cost, and ease of use, we believe the POC ANA has the potential to enable a new paradigm shift in autoimmune serology testing.

  9. Agresīvu datorspēļu spēlēšana saistībā ar pusaudžu un jauniešu agresiju


    Vītols, Krists


    Bakalaura darba mērķis bija noskaidrot, vai pastāv nozīmīgas saistības starp agresīvu datorspēļu spēlēšanu, datorspēļu spēlēšanas biežumu un agresijas izpausmju līmeni pusaudžu un jauniešu vidū. Pētījumā tika aptaujāti 50 Latvijas skolu skolēni, vecumā no 12-16 gadiem. Pētījuma izlases tika viedotas pēc brīvprātības principa, pētījuma aptaujas tika izdalītas skolēnu klasēs. Pētījuma metodē tika izmantotas divas aptaujas: 1. “Datorspēļu aptauja” (Video Game Questionnaire, Anderson & ...

  10. Dzimumu algu atšķirība Latvijas darba tirgū Eiropas Savienības kontekstā


    Kancāne, Madara


    Aizstāvēšanai piedāvāts maģistra darbs „Dzimumu algu atšķirība Latvijas darba tirgū Eiropas Savienības kontekstā”. Darbā tiek izpētīts dzimumu līdztiesības un diskriminācija jautājums Latvijas un ES darba tirgū. Galvenā uzmanība darbā tiek pievērsta atalgojuma līdzvērtības analīzei, aplūkojot jautājumu gan no tiesiskā, gan praktiskā viedokļa. Par pētījuma pamatu tika ņemti vairāku pētījumu rezultāti, kas veikti Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīs, kā arī autores veiktā aptauja. Darbā atspoguļo...

  11. Trīsgadīgu bērnu krāsu uztveres sekmēšana tēlotājdarbībā pirmsskolā


    Leja, Inga


    Inga Leja kvalifikācijas darbs “Trīsgadīgu bērnu krāsu uztveres sekmēšana tēlotājdarbībā pirmsskolā” izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātē. Pētījuma jautājums – kā tēlotājdarbībā pirmsskolā sekmējama trīsgadīgu bērnu krāsu uztvere? Darba mērķa sasniegšanai izvirzīti šādi uzdevumi: 1)Teorētiski analizēt literatūru par krāsu uztveri un to sekmēšanu 2)Teorētiski analizēt literatūru par tēlotājdarbību pirmsskolā 3)Prakstiski pārbaudīt teorētiskās atziņas...

  12. Determination of specificity and pattern of antinuclear antibodies (ana) in systemic rheumatic disease patients positive for ana testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nawaz, H.; Bashir, M.M.; Iqbal, W.


    To determine probability of finding antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti extractable nuclear antigens (ENA) positive samples and associating ANA patterns with anti-ENA reactivities among a consecutive cohort of samples of systemic rheumatic disease patients referred for ANA testing. Study Design:Prospective cohort study. Place and Duration of Study:Immunology Department, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, from January to June 2016. Methodology:All the samples referred for ANA testing with clinical suspicion of systemic rheumatic disease were included. After screening, ANA positive samples were subjected to anti-ENA antibodies testing (including anti-SSA, anti-SSB, anti-Sm, anti-RNP, anti-SCL-70 and anti-Jo-1 antibodies) and ANA pattern and titer determination. Results:Of 4,347 samples received, 397 were positive for ANA (9%). Of 397, 96 (24%) samples positive on ENA screen were tested for anti-ENA reactivity. Anti-SSA antibodies were found in 59 samples. Commonest ANA patterns were coarse and fine speckled (43 and 22 samples of 81 tested), while majority of samples carried ANA in titers of 1:40 and 1:80 (22 and 18 samples of 81 tested). No specific ANA pattern was associated with any particular anti-ENA reactivity. Conclusion:Among samples/patients referred for investigations of autoimmune disorders, probability of finding positive ANA is approximately 9%. Of these 9%, about 24% also show reactivity against ENA. Commonest ANA pattern is coarse speckled and majority of such patients carry ANA in titers ranging from 1:40 to 1:80. Commonest ENA reactivity was against SSA. (author)

  13. Mātes audzināšanas stila saistība ar emocionālā intelekta (EI) līmeni 8-12 gadu veciem bērniem


    Grjunberga, Inese


    Mūsdienās arvien biežāk var sastapties ar bērniem kuriem ir grūtības adaptēties, mācīties. Bērniem bieži neveidojas labas attiecības ar vienaudžiem, draudzība. Iepriekšējos pētījumos noskaidrots, ka bērna emocionālā attīstība ir saistīta arī ar vecāku audzināšanu.Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot vai mātes audzināšanas stils saistīts ar bērnu emocionālā intelekta līmeni. Pētījumā peidalījās bērni (N=100) no divām Latvijas skolām. Dalībnieki vecumā no 8 – 12 gadiem (M=11. 00, SD=1. 38). No kuri...

  14. Kukuļņemšanas un kukuļdošanas kvalifikācijas problēmas


    Brauere, Jolanta


    Bakalaura darba nosaukums ir „Kukuļņemšanas un kukuļdošanas kvalifikācijas problēmas”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt normatīvos aktus, speciālo juridisko literatūru un judikatūru, nolūkā konstatēt problēmas kukuļņemšanas un kukuļdošanas kvalifikācijā. Lai sasniegtu šo mērķi, darbā tika aplūkota kukuļņemšanas un kukuļdošanas vēsturiskā attīstība, tādējādi sniedzot nelielu ieskatu par kukuļņemšanas un kukuļdošanas juridiskā pamata vēsturiskās attīstības posmiem no 19.gadsimta līdz mūsdienām. Darb...

  15. Kukuļa izspiešanas nošķiršana no kukuļa pieprasīšanas


    Ivanovs, Igors


    Bakalaura darbs ir veltīts divu kukuļņemšanas kvalificējošo pazīmju – kukuļa pieprasīšanas un kukuļa izspiešanas – izpētei un analīzei. Darba gaitā autors secina, ka praksē kriminālprocesa ietvaros ne vienmēr tiek visaptveroši analizēts jautājums, vai darbība, par kuru dots kukulis, bija likumīga vai nelikumīga, un vai valsts amatpersona apdraudēja personas likumīgās intereses vai nē, kas var novest pie kļūdainas noziedzīga nodarījuma kvalifikācijas. Ievērojot teorētiskās atziņas un apkopoto ...

  16. Mākoņdatošanas izmantošana informātikas priekšmetā vidusskolā.


    Jēkabsone, Kristīne


    Izanalizējot informātikas standartu vidusskolā izpētīta mākoņdatošanas izmantošanas iespējas vidusskolā. Veikta aptauja vidusskolas klases skolēnu vidū. Aplūkots vidusskolas izglītojamo pieejamais tehnoloģiju klāsts. Meklēta atbilde uz pētniecisko jautājumu: kādas ir mākoņdatošanas izmantošanas iespējas informātikas priekšmeta apguvē vidusskolā? Sniegti ieteikumi skolotājiem strādājot ar mākoņdatošanu. Atslēgas vārdi: informātika, mākoņdatošana, Google Drive, Skydrive, Dropbox....

  17. Heavy metals in tissues of water fowl from the Chesapeake Bay, USA. [Clangula hyemalis; Melanitta deglandi; Anas platyrhynchos; Anas rubripes; Anas strepera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Di Giulio, R; Scanlon, P F


    Concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper and zinc were measured in 774 livers, 266 kidneys and 271 ulnar bones from 15 species of ducks obtained from the Chesapeake Bay region. A major purpose of this study was to elucidate relationships between food habits and tissue accumulations of heavy metals in Chesapeake Bay water fowl. Liver and kidney concentrations of cadmium were highest among two carnivorous seaduck species, Clangula hyemalis and Melanitta deglandi. In contrast, lead concentrations in tissues were generally highest in largely herbivorous species, such as Anas platyrhynchos, Anas rubripes and Anas strepera. Spent shot may be an important source for tissue burdens of lead in these ducks. No marked trends were observed between food habits and tissue concentrations of the nutrient elements, copper and zinc.

  18. MCDonalds mārketinga komunikācijas analīze : Latvija-Īrija


    Kazakova, Nataļja


    Diplomdarba tēma; pētāmās problēmas apraksts: McDonalds pielietoto mārketinga komunikāciju analīze Latvijā un Īrijā; pētījuma veikšanas laikā daudzus uzņēmumus šajās valstīs (un īpaši Latvijā) skar ekonomiskās krīzes sekas, tāpēc ir nepieciešami aplūkot tādu uzņēmumu pieredzi, kas veiksmīgi darbojas starptautiskajā tirgū ilglaicīgi. Atslēgas vārdi: McDonalds, mārketinga komunikācijas, reklāma, preces virzīšana tirgū, e-mārketings, sabiedriskās attiecības, tiešā pārdošana, personiskā apkalp...

  19. Latvijas sabiedrisko attiecību aģentūru prakse plānotas krīzes komunikācijas vadīšanā


    Štokmane, Linda


    Darba nosaukums ir „Latvijas sabiedrisko attiecību aģentūru prakse plānotas krīzes komunikācijas vadīšanā”. Pētījuma problēma - vai krīzes situācijām iespējams sagatavoties un kā iepriekš plānota un sagatavota komunikācija spēj palīdzēt efektīvāk vadīt krīzes situācijas? Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kāda ir Latvijas sab iedrisko attiecību aģentūru prakse un pieredze krīzes komunikācijas plānošanā un vadīšanā. Darba teorētiskā bāze, galvenokārt, balstīta uz situatīvo krīzes komunikāci...

  20. Metodiskā darba organizēšana un izvērtēšana skolā.


    Jakubovska, Solvita


    Maģistra darbā „Metodiskā darba organizēšana un izvērtēšana skolā” aplūkoti jautājumi par metodiskā darba organizēšanu valsts, pašvaldības un skolas līmenī, kā arī metodisko komisiju darbības izvērtēšanu, balstoties uz skolu darba kvalitātes izvērtēšanu akreditācijas procesā. Maģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt skolas metodiskā darba organizēšanas un izvērtēšanas iespējas, veidojot priekšlikumus darba uzlabošanai. Pētījuma ietveros tika izstrādāti skolas metodisko komisiju darbības izvērtēša...

  1. Rakstīšanas procesa izmantošana angļu valodas mācīšanā


    Zdanovska, Ināra


    Darbs veltīts rakstīšanas procesa izmantošanai angļu valodas mācīšanā pamatskolā. Izpētes mērķis ir izpētīt procesa rakstīšanas pieejas teorijas, procesa rakstīšanas modeļus, pielāgot piemērotāko modeli atbilstoši skolēnu vajadzībām un izmēģināt to angļu valodas stundās. Lai izpētītu adoptētā procesa rakstīšanas modeļa efektivitāti, tika pielietota atsevišķa gadījuma izpētes metode. Tā ietvēra adaptētā procesa rakstīšanas modeļa izmēģināšanu, skolēnu testēšanu, aptaujas, novērošanu, datu vākš...

  2. Pagaidu aizsardzība pret vardarbību civilprocesā.


    Krauze, Kintija


    anotācija Maģistra darbā „Pagaidu aizsardzības pret vardarbību Civilprocesā” autore izpēta pagaidu aizsardzības pret vardarbību regulējuma ieviešanas praksi Latvijas tiesību sistēmā, aplūkojot un salīdzinot to ar citu valstu pieredzi regulējuma ieviešanā. Tika aplūkots pastāvošais pagaidu aizsardzības pret vardarbību regulējuma nepilnības. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai Latvijas pagaidu aizsardzības pret vardarbību regulējums ir efektīvākais veids, kā aizsargāt personas no vardarbības. ...

  3. Valūtas tirgus. Eiro kā valsts valūta Latvijā


    Bondarevs, Maksims


    Maksima Bondareva diplomdarba “ Valūtas tirgus. Eiro kā valsts valūta Latvijā”. Diplomdarba mērķis ir: izpētīt tagadnes Latvijas ekonomisko situāciju un noteikt vai tā ir labvēlīga eiro ieviešanai. Lai sasniegtu darba mērķi, tika izvirzīti vairāki uzdevumi: 1.raksturot valūtas sistēmas attīstības posmi un tas pakāpeniskas izmaiņas; 2.raksturot Monetārās sistēmas attistību; 3.izpētīt eiro ieviešanas Latvijā riskus un iespējas; 4.izdarīt secinājumus par Latvijas gatavību ei...

  4. Dažādu metožu izmantošana lasīšanas veicināšanai sākumskolā.


    Lāce, Laimdota


    Darbā veikta lasīšanas veicināšanas metožu izpēte. Mērķis - noteikt šo metožu izmantošanas iespējas mācību procesā un noskaidrot skolēnu lasīšanas aktivitātes metožu mērķtiecīgas izmantošanas rezultātā pamatizglītības posmā no otrās līdz ceturtajai klasei. Tēmas aktualitāti pamato situācija, kāda izveidojusies, ja bērniem dažādu iemeslu dēļ zūd interese par grāmatu lasīšanu. Diplomdarba teorētiskajā daļā vispirms akcentēta lasīšanas nozīme bērna pasaules izziņas procesā, psihiskā lī...

  5. Latvijas sabiedrisko attiecību līderu novērtējums: mediju, SA aģentūru, klientu un topošo SA speciālistu viedokļi


    Freiberga, Anna


    Bakalaura darba ‘’Latvijas sabiedrisko attiecību līderu novērtējums: mediju, SA aģentūru, klientu un topošo SA speciālistu viedokļi’’ pētījuma problēma ir Latvijas sabiedrisko attiecību nozarē nav noteikti konkrēti līderi. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no teorētiskās, metodoloģiskās un empīriskās daļas. Teorētiskajā daļā ir aprakstīta Sabiedrisko attiecību teorija, sabiedrisko attiecību raksturojums un vēsture, sabiedrisko attiecību mērķi, iezīmju teoriju, uzvedības iezīmju teoriju, līdera teoriju,...

  6. Drosophila Ana1 is required for centrosome assembly and centriole elongation. (United States)

    Saurya, Saroj; Roque, Hélio; Novak, Zsofia A; Wainman, Alan; Aydogan, Mustafa G; Volanakis, Adam; Sieber, Boris; Pinto, David Miguel Susano; Raff, Jordan W


    Centrioles organise centrosomes and cilia, and these organelles have an important role in many cell processes. In flies, the centriole protein Ana1 is required for the assembly of functional centrosomes and cilia. It has recently been shown that Cep135 (also known as Bld10) initially recruits Ana1 to newly formed centrioles, and that Ana1 then recruits Asl (known as Cep152 in mammals) to promote the conversion of these centrioles into centrosomes. Here, we show that ana1 mutants lack detectable centrosomes in vivo, that Ana1 is irreversibly incorporated into centrioles during their assembly and appears to play a more important role in maintaining Asl at centrioles than in initially recruiting Asl to centrioles. Unexpectedly, we also find that Ana1 promotes centriole elongation in a dose-dependent manner: centrioles are shorter when Ana1 dosage is reduced and are longer when Ana1 is overexpressed. This latter function of Ana1 appears to be distinct from its role in centrosome and cilium function, as a GFP-Ana1 fusion lacking the N-terminal 639 amino acids of the protein can support centrosome assembly and cilium function but cannot promote centriole over-elongation when overexpressed. © 2016. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  7. BRS Ana: cultivar de batata de duplo propósito BRS ANA: A dual purpose potato cultivar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arione da S Pereira


    Full Text Available O genótipo BRS Ana é uma nova cultivar de batata adequada para fritura à francesa, com potencial de processamento na forma de palitos pré-fritos congelados e de flocos, liberada em 2007. Foi desenvolvida pelo Programa de Melhoramento de Batata da Embrapa (Clima Temperado, Pelotas-RS, Transferência de Tecnologia - Escritório de Canoinhas-SC e Hortaliças, Brasília-DF, com base na aparência e rendimento de tubérculos, peso específico e qualidade de fritura. Os tubérculos têm película vermelha, levemente áspera, polpa branca, formato oval e olhos rasos. O potencial produtivo é alto. No ecossistema subtropical, apresentou maior produtividade (31,2 t ha-1 que as cultivares mais plantadas no país, quando cultivada no outono, e não diferiu na primavera. Em ecossistema tropical, plantio da seca, a cultivar BRS Ana foi tão produtiva (33,8 t ha-1 quanto as demais cultivares avaliadas. Produziu maior percentagem de tubérculos graúdos (55,6% e peso médio dos tubérculos (108,4 g que as testemunhas no outono do ecossistema subtropical. Em ambos os ecossistemas, a cultivar BRS Ana apresentou elevados valores de peso específico (1,086 e conteúdo de matéria seca (19,7%. Nos testes sensoriais mostrou-se adequada à fritura na forma de palitos, tanto no preparo doméstico, quanto na industrialização. É moderadamente suscetível à requeima (Phytophthora infestans e tem boa resistência à pinta-preta (Alternaria solani. A reação à podridão-mole (Pectobacterium sp. é similar à das cultivares mais plantadas. Apresenta baixa degenerescência de sementes por viroses, conferida pela resistência moderadamente alta ao PVY e baixa incidência do PLRV. Suscetibilidade a distúrbios de origem fisiológica nos tubérculos não tem sido observada. No ecossistema subtropical a tuberização é mais tardia na primavera, devendo portanto ser plantada mais cedo.The genotype BRS Ana is a new potato cultivar adequate for French fries, with

  8. 15.SFPS "Ieņēmumi no līgumiem ar klientiem"un 16.SFPS "Noma" prasības un to salīdzinājums ar iepriekšējiem SFPS/SGS un LR likumdošanu


    Dābola, Iveta


    Maģistra darba temats 15. SFPS “Ieņēmumi no līgumiem ar klientiem” un 16. SFPS “Noma” prasības un to salīdzinājums ar iepriekšējiem SFPS/SGS un LR likumdošanu. Maģistra darba mērķis - balstoties uz 15. SFPS “Ieņēmumi no līgumiem ar klientiem” un 16. SFPS “Noma” standartu prasību izpēti un analīzi, novērtēt Latvijas likumdošanas atbilstību minēto standartu prasībām un sniegt priekšlikumus konkrētu jautājumu risināšanai Latvijas kontekstā. Maģistra darbā izpētīti LR normatīvie regulējumi un sta...

  9. Pārdošanas veicināšanas paņēmienu ietekme uz patērētājiem Latvijā un Beļģijā


    Limane, Marianna


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Pārdošanas veicināšanas paņēmienu ietekme uz patērētājiem Latvijā un Beļģijā”. Pārdošanas veicināšanas pasākumu izmantošana mērķtiecīgi palielinājusies kopš 1960tajiem gadiem un šobrīd tā ir kļuvusi par galveno mārketinga komunikāciju kompleksa sastāvdaļu. Izmantotās metodes kļūst arvien sarežģītākas un arvien vairāk uzņēmumu izprot labi izplānotu pārdošanas veicināšanas kampaņu nozīmību. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt kuras no pārdošanas veicināšanas metodēm u...

  10. Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) (United States)

    ... MACRA MACRAlerts MACRA FAQs MACRA Glossary MACRA Resources Position Statements Insurance Advocacy Current Issues Tools & Resources Practice Resources ... a medical or health condition. Resources Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) in Spanish (Español) Download Print-Friendly PDF ... Join Donate © 2018 American College ...

  11. Programmēšanas spēle "PyDrone"


    Siliņš, Viesturs


    Darbā “Programmēšanas spēle “PyDrone”” ir dokumentēta atvērtā koda programmas PyDrone izstrāde. PyDrone ir programmēšanas spēle, kas paredzēta izklaidei un izglītošanai, spēles veidā iepazīstinot cilvēkus ar programmēšanu. Programma izstrādāta, izmantojot Python programmēšanas valodu. Programma izstrādāta, izmantojot spējo metodiku programmizstrādes principus. Atslēgvārdi: Python, spējās metodikas, programmēšanas spēle.

  12. McDonald’s mārketinga komunikāciju analīze


    Grigore, Lolita


    Maģistra darba tēma ir „McDonald’s mārketinga komunikāciju analīze”. Mārketinga komunikācijas ir viens no mārketinga mix elementiem, un tam ir svarīga nozīme attiecību veidošanā ar patērētājiem, tāpēc to veidošanai un uzturēšanai ir jāpievērš pastiprināta uzmanība. Darba mērķis ir McDonald’s veikto mārketinga komunikāciju izpēte (analīze) pasaules un Latvijas mērogā un noteikt mārketinga komunikāciju lomu faktoru kopā, kas ietekmē Latvijas iedzīvotāju uzvedību, izvēloties ātrās ēdināšanas...

  13. Latvijas gaze. Inspection of pipeline. Interim report. Cathodic protection, phase 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Sloka pipeline branch was constructed in 1966-67. Between 1976 and 1985 a number of leaks were detected. The majority of leaks, from chainage appr. 22 km to appr. 29 km, were reported to be caused by stray current induced corrosion. Latvijas Gaze has expressed specific concern as to whether more corrosion defects, though not yet detected, may cause potential risks for future leaks. It was hence agreed at the project meeting in Riga on October 19, 1995, that Balslev should conduct an intensive potential and gradient survey covering appr. 10 km of pipeline up to the Sloka end. The branch is appr. 30,5 km long, and runs from a T-branch on the main pipeline Riga - Lipeija (chainage 0 km) to Sloka (chainage 30,5 km). The diameter of the pipeline is 273 mm and the thickness of the steel is 8 mm. The pipeline is running parallel to a DC-electrified railway over the last appr. 3 km. The stray current from the railway collected on the pipeline has been returned to the railway via two diode drain points. Today only one drain point is active. Stray current (or even reverse current) may be the reason for the serious corrosion defects, cf. Corrosion Report 1985 from `the Leningrade Institute`. (JT)

  14. Dzimtes diskurss sporta žurnālistikā: Eiropas čempionātu basketbolā reprezentāciju Latvijas interneta ziņu portālos "Delfi" un "Tvnet" analīze (2008–2013) 


    Ērmiņa, Evisa


    Maģistra darbā „Dzimtes diskurss sporta žurnālistikā: Eiropas čempionātu basketbolā reprezentāciju Latvijas interneta ziņu portālos "Delfi" un "Tvnet" analīze (2008-2013)” ir apskatītas Latvijas vīriešu un sieviešu basketbola izlases reprezentācijas Eiropas čempionātu laikā no 2008. līdz 2013. gadam (no maija līdz oktobrim) interneta ziņu portālos „Delfi” un „Tvnet”. Darba teorētiskā daļa satur atziņas par reprezentāciju, sociālās realitātes konstruēšanu, mediju ietekmi uz realitāti un ide...

  15. Uzņēmumu interneta mārketinga stratēģijas Latvijas tirgū


    Magons, Agris


    Maģistra darba tēma: „Uzņēmuma interneta mārketinga stratēģijas Latvijas tirgū”. Interneta mārketinga vide joprojām strauji attīstās, efektīva interneta mārketinga stratēģija kļūst par vienu no galvenajiem priekšnosacījumiem veiksmīgai uzņēmuma attīstībai. Interneta rīki spēj nodrošināt veiksmīgu komunikāciju un produktu vai pakalpojumu pārdošanu starp uzņēmumu un tā klientiem, kā rezultātā ar kvalitatīvi izstrādātu mārketinga stratēģiju, sīvas konkurences apstākļos, ir iespējams gūt ievē...

  16. ANA IIF Automation: Moving towards Harmonization? Results of a Multicenter Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefanie Van den Bremt


    Full Text Available Background. Our study aimed to investigate whether the introduction of automated anti-nuclear antibody (ANA indirect immunofluorescence (IIF analysis decreases the interlaboratory variability of ANA titer results. Method. Three serum samples were sent to 10 laboratories using the QUANTA-Lyser® in combination with the NOVA View®. Each laboratory performed the ANA IIF analysis 10x in 1 run and 1x in 10 different runs and determined the endpoint titer by dilution. One of the three samples had been sent in 2012, before the era of ANA IIF automation, by the Belgian National External Quality Assessment (EQA Scheme. Harmonization was evaluated in terms of variability in fluorescence intensity (LIU and ANA IIF titer. Results. The evaluation of the intra- and interrun LIU variability revealed a larger variability for 2 laboratories, due to preanalytical and analytical problems. Reanalysis of the EQA sample resulted in a lower titer variability. Diluted endpoint titers were similar to the estimated single well titer and the overall median titer as reported by the EQA in 2012. Conclusion. The introduction of automated microscopic analysis allows more harmonized ANA IIF reporting, provided that this totally automated process is controlled by a thorough quality assurance program, covering the total ANA IIF process.

  17. Legāti


    Segliņa, Aiga


    Autore teorētiski analizē legāta jēdzienu testamentārās mantošanas ietvaros un atspoguļo praktiska pētījuma rezultātus. Teorētiskā daļa apskata legāta nodibināšanas formu un spēkā esamību, tā iegūšanu un atraidīšanu, izpildi un zaudēšanu, novēlējuma robežas un aprobežojumus. Pētījums veikts aptaujas veidā ar mērķi noskaidrot, cik liela Latvijas iedzīvotāju daļa apzinās legāta nodrošinātās priekšrocības testamentārajā mantošanā. Apskatīts notāra neitralitātes jautājums attiecībā pret mantošana...

  18. Ana Mendieta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Íñigo Clavo


    Full Text Available El siguiente texto hace un recorrido sobre algunos asuntos tratados en la producción artística de Ana Mendieta a través de una única obra: La performance Body Prints. En contraposición con la limpieza minimalista y en contraposición también con la opaca y compleja retícula gestual de Pollock, Mendieta presenta su cuerpo desnudo impregnado de sangre. Tendida en el suelo es cubierta primero con una sábana blanca y luego con una negra hasta dejar su huella en ambas. Las dos sábanas manchadas de sangre nos remiten a la figura del sudario, elemento que Mendieta usó en varios trabajos durante los primeros setenta.The following text looks at some of Ana Mendietas' subject matters through her piece: The Body Prints. Mendieta presents her naked body ipregnated of blood in contrast to the minimal cleannes, and also in contrast to Pollocks opaque and complex gestures network. On the floor she is first covered with a white sheet and then with a black one until a trace of her figure is imprinted on the sheets. The two sheets remaind us the shrough figure, an element that Mendieta used in several pieces during the seventies. Analyzing this performance we recognize themes such as violence, birth and female identity claimed by the feminist theory of diference.

  19. GPS sekošanas sistēma


    Striževskis, Andrejs


    Šajā darbā ir izskatītas GPS sekošanas iespējas privātās lietošanas sfērā, aprakstītas kartogrāfijas un navigācijas teorētisko pamatu izvēlētās nodaļas un piedāvāts bezmaksas risinājums, kas dod iespēju izmantot sekošanai GPS ierīces ar datora palīdzību un interneta pieslēgumu bez papildus servisiem, kā arī veidot tam nolūkam navigācijas kartes, piesaistot rastra attēlus Zemes ģeogrāfisko koordinātu sistēmai ar polinomiālās transformācijas palīdzību. Atslēgvārdi: GPS sekošana, GIS, navigāc...

  20. Pilsoniskās žurnalistikas principi un realizācija: Latvijas interneta mediju prakses analīze


    Žernakovs, Nikolajs


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Pilsoniskās žurnālistikas principi un realizācija: Latvijas interneta mediju prakses analīze”. Attīstoties jaunajām tehnoloģijām paplašinās lietotāju iespējas iesaistīties žurnālistikā, protams neprofesionālā, tāda parādība tika nosaukta par pilsonisko žurnālistiku. Darba pētniecības problēma ir tāda, ka pilosniskās žurnālistikas principi mūsdienās ir vāji izpētīti, bet cilvēki kuri grib profesionāli nodarboties ar civilo žurnālistiku nezin, kurus principus viņiem ja...

  1. ANA (Antinuclear Antibody Test) (United States)

    ... as ratios. For example, the result 1:320 means that one part blood sample was mixed with 320 parts of a diluting ... name "antinuclear". My doctor told me my ANA test is ... normal concentration of these antibodies. This is one of the tools in diagnosing lupus as well ...

  2. Nodokļu apiešanas ierobežošanas ietekme uz mūsdienu globālo ekonomiku


    Goluboviča, Maija


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Nodokļu apiešanas ierobeţošanas ietekme uz mūsdienu globālo ekonomiku”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt valsts iejaukšanās ekonomikā ar nodokļu politiku ietekmi uz tautsaimniecību un izstrādāt potenciālo scenāriju kapitāla kustībai pēc automātiskās informācijas apmaiľas nodokļu jautājumos ieviešanas. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no trim daļām. Pirmajā daļā tiek pētīta publiskā sektora ekonomikas teorētiskai aspekti un teorijas attīstība, kā arī taksācijas, kā publ...

  3. Free inside: The Music Class at Santa Ana Jail (United States)

    Fierro, Joe


    This article examines the workings of the music class at the Santa Ana Jail in Santa Ana, California. It gives us insight into a jail system and a music class focused on helping inmates position themselves to become productive members of society. In this article I examine how the facility encourages inmates' good behaviour and why the music class…

  4. Dāvināšana kā patērēšanas kultūras iezīme. Parfimērijas iegādes ietekmējošie faktori


    Liepiņa, Krista


    Bakalaura darba “Dāvināšana kā patērēšanas kultūras iezīme. Parfimērijas iegādes ietekmējošie faktori” mērķis ir izpētīt, kas ir patērēšana un kas ietekmē patērētāju uzvedību ikdienā, kā arī svētku laikā, lēmuma pieņemšanas procesā, izvēloties preces dāvināšanas mērķim, nevis personīgai lietošanai. Darba teorētiskajā daļā apskatītas tādu jēdzienu teorētiskie aspekti kā patērēšana un patērniecība, patērēšanas kultūra, patērētāju uzvedība, patērētāju identitāte, kā arī tiek apskatīta dāvanu dāv...

  5. Izpildes pamatrādītāju modelēšana un implementēšanas iespējas


    Kalniņa, Anna


    Nozīmīga loma organizācijas darbības uzlabošanā un novērtēšanā ieņem izpildes pamatrādītāji. Tie palīdz novērtēt organizācijas darbību mērot nodefinētos mērķus tādā veidā nosakot vai nodefinētie mērķi tiek sasniegti. Lai novērtētu organizācijas darbību, nepieciešams izveidot indikatoru modeli. Maģistra darbā “Izpildes pamatrādītāju modelēšana un implementēšanas iespējas” apskatītas literatūrā pieejamās izpildes pamatrādītāju modeļa izveidošanas metodes un izveidots indikatoru modelis izmantoj...

  6. SIA "Statoil Fuel & Retail Latvia" komunikācijas sociālajos medijos; klientu uzrunāšana un uzklausīšana


    Černova, Egita


    Bakalaura darbā "SIA "Statoil Fuel & Retail Latvia" komunikācijas sociālajos medijos; klientu uzrunāšana un uzklausīšana" tika pētīta uzņēmuma komunikācija sociālajos tīklos - komunicēšanas veids, identificējot sociālo tīklu lietotāju viedokli par to. Darba mērķis izpētīt „Statoil” komunikāciju sociālajos medijos un secinājumus piedāvāt kā ierosinājumus uzņēmuma komunikācijas pilnveidošanai. Darba teorētisko daļu veido nodaļas par Gruniga sabiedrisko attiecību komunikācijas modeļiem, so...

  7. Veiksmīgas ārzemju un Latvijas franšīzes piemērs un analīze


    Kuzina, Jūlija


    Šī diplomdarba tēmas aktualitātes pamatojums ir tāds, ka pastāv vairāki faktori, kas kavē starptautiskā biznesa attīstību. Lai atrisinātu šo problēmu, ir vajadzīgi jauni ekonomiskie mehānismi, viens no kuriem ir franšīze, kas ļauj palielināt rentabilitāti. Diplomdarba mērķis ir noskaidrot franšīzes attīstības iespējas, apskatīt franšīzes ietekmējošus faktorus, kā arī analizēt franšīzes izdevigumu Latvijā uz veiksmīgas ārzemju un Latvijas franšīzes piemēra. Diplomdarbs sastāv no 3 daļām....

  8. Sediment Dynamics Affecting the Threatened Santa Ana Sucker in the Highly-modified Santa Ana River and Inset Channel, Southern California, USA (United States)

    Minear, J. T.; Wright, S. A.


    In this study, we investigate the sediment dynamics of the low-flow channel of the Santa Ana River that is formed by wastewater discharges and contains some of the last remaining habitat of the Santa Ana Sucker (Catostomus santaanae). The Santa Ana River is a highly-modified river draining the San Bernardino Mountains and Inland Empire metropolitan area east of Los Angeles. Home to over 4 million people, the watershed provides habitat for the federally-threatened Santa Ana Sucker, which presently reside within the mainstem Santa Ana River in a reach supported by year-round constant discharges from water treatment plants. The nearly constant low-flow wastewater discharges and infrequent runoff events create a small, approximately 8 m wide, inset channel within the approximately 300 m wide mainstem channel that is typically dry except for large flood flows. The sediment dynamics within the inset channel are characterized by constantly evolving bed substrate and sediment transport rates, and occasional channel avulsions. The sediment dynamics have large influence on the Sucker, which rely on coarse-substrate (gravel and cobble) for their food production. In WY 2013 through the present, we investigated the sediment dynamics of the inset channel using repeat bathymetric and substrate surveys, bedload sampling, and discharge measurements. We found two distinct phases of the inset channel behavior: 1. 'Reset' flows, where sediment-laden mainstem discharges from upstream runoff events result in sand deposition in the inset channel or avulse the inset channel onto previously dry riverbed; and 2. 'Winnowing' flows, whereby the sand within the inset channel is removed by clear-water low flows from the wastewater treatment plant discharges. Thus, in contrast to many regulated rivers where high flows are required to flush fine sediments from the bed (for example, downstream from dams), in the Santa Ana River the low flows from wastewater treatment plants serve as the flushing

  9. Recursos de agua de la Comarca de Doñana


    Custodio Gimena, Emilio; Dolz Ripolles, Josep; Manzano Arellano, María del Sol


    La designación de Doñana estuvo inicialmente limitada a las áreas de arenas que rodean por el Oeste y Noroeste a las Marismas del Guadalquivir. Siendo de difícil habilitabilidad y escasa productividad agrícola y pecuaria, fueron utilizadas como áreas de caza de las familias nobles y para apacentar ganado. Con la creación de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana y del Parque Nacional de Doñana el nombre fue difundiéndose y haciéndose cada vez más un genérico del área que rodea la Marisma, de la pr...

  10. Izmaksu un ieņēmumu klasifikācija un analīze mediju aģentūrā SIA "Carat"


    Ozoliņa, Evita


    Diplomdarba tēma ir „Izmaksu un ieņēmumu klasifikācija un analīze mediju aģentūrā SIA „Carat””. Katrai Latvijas sabiedrībai (uzņēmumam) ir svarīgi apzināties tās ražošanas izmaksas, veikt šo izmaksu uzskaiti, iegrāmatošanu un turpmāko plānošanu ilgtermiņā. Reklāma ir ietekmīgs sabiedrības preces, pakalpojuma un citu objektu popularizēšanas līdzeklis. Tā kā Latvijā ekonomiskās lejupslīdes gados strauji kritās reklāmas tirgus, darba autorei ir aktuāli raksturot, pētīt un analizēt SIA „Car...

  11. "Private Banking" un tā attīstības perspektīvas Latvijā


    Dolgileviča, Oļesja


    Bakalaura darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz Latvijas komercbanku darbības analīzi, identificēt „Private Banking” apkalpošanas sistēmas būtību, īpatnības un problēmas, kā arī izstrādāt priekšlikumus pilnveidošanai. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no trīs nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek veikta analīze „Private Banking” teorētiskajos aspektos. Apakšnodaļās tiek analizēta vēstures attīstība, jēdziena skaidrojums, biznesa modeļa būtība un „Private Banking” apkalpošanas īpatnības un pakalpojumi. Otrajā nodaļ...

  12. Developing and Validating a Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index (United States)

    Capps, S. B.; Rolinski, T.; DAgostino, B.; Vanderburg, S.; Fovell, R. G.; Cao, Y.


    Santa Ana winds, common to southern California during the fall through spring, are a type of katabatic wind that originates from a direction generally ranging from 360°/0° to 100° and is usually accompanied by very low humidity. Since fuel conditions tend to be driest from late September through the middle of November, Santa Ana winds occurring during this period have the greatest potential to produce large, devastating fires when an ignition occurs. Such catastrophic fires occurred in 1993, 2003, 2007, and 2008. Because of the destructive nature of these fires, there has been a growing desire to categorize Santa Ana wind events in much the same way that tropical cyclones have been categorized. The Santa Ana Wildfire Threat index (SAWT) is an attempt to categorize such events with respect to fire activity, based on surface wind velocity, dew point depression, and forecasted fuel conditions. The index, a USDA Forest Service product, was developed by the Forest Service in collaboration with San Diego Gas and Electric Utility (SDG&E), the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UCLA, The Desert Research Institute (DRI), and Vertum Partners. The methodology behind the SAWT index, along with the index itself will be presented in detail. Also, there will be a discussion on the construction of a 30-year climatology of the index, which includes various meteorological and fuel parameters. We will demonstrate the usefulness of the index as another decision support tool for fire agencies and first responders, and how it could assist the general public and private industry in the preparation of critical Santa Ana wind events.

  13. Klientu attiecību pārvaldes sistēmas ieviešana IT uzņēmumā un pielāgošana tā biznesa vajadzībām


    Šmitenbergs, Oskars


    Bakalaura darbs „Klientu attiecību pārvaldes sistēmas ieviešana IT uzņēmumā un pielāgošana tā biznesa vajadzībām” ir sistēmas Microsoft Dynamics™ CRM 3.0 ieviešanas procesa apraksts IT uzņēmumā SIA „UNITREE”. Darbs sniedz ieskatu sistēmas ieviešanas nepieciešamības cēloņos vidēja lieluma un lielos uzņēmumos. Kā viena no problēmu cēloņu novēršanas iespējām tiek piedāvāta Microsoft Dynamics™ CRM 3.0 ieviešana uzņēmumā, tāpēc darbā galvenokārt tiek apskatīta biznesa pārvaldības iespējas, izmanto...

  14. Central hydroelectric of Santa Ana

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pardo A, German


    The paper is related to the construction of an alternating tunnel of conduction to take advantage of the available hydraulic load among the Wiesner Plant and Santa Ana's tanks and of Suba, works required to build a hydroelectric power station with a generation capacity of approximately of 12 MW

  15. [Jānis Keruss, Ineta Lipša, Inese Runce, Kaspars Zellis. Latvijas Universitātes Vēstures un filozofijas fakultātes vēsture padomju laikā: personības, struktūras, idejas (1944-1991)] / Kristine Wohlfart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wohlfart, Kristine, 1968-


    Arvustus: Keruss, Jānis, Lipša, Ineta, Runce, Inese, Zellis, Kaspars. Latvijas Universitātes Vēstures un filozofijas fakultātes vēsture padomju laikā: personības, struktūras, idejas (1944-1991). (Riga. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2010)

  16. Zeolite-like metal-organic frameworks with ana topology

    KAUST Repository

    Eddaoudi, Mohamed


    Embodiments of the present disclosure describe a zeolite-like metal-organic framework composition comprising a metal-organic framework composition with ana topology characterized by the formula [MIII(4, 5-imidazole dicarboxylic acid)2X(solvent)a]n wherein MIII comprises a trivalent cation of a rare earth element, X comprises an alkali metal element or alkaline earth metal element, and solvent comprises a guest molecule occupying pores. Embodiments of the present disclosure describe a method of separating paraffins comprising contacting a zeolite-like metal-organic framework with ana topology with a flow of paraffins, and separating the paraffins by size.

  17. Virtuālo komandu darba analīze un uzlabošana uzturēšanas projektos


    Koncevičs, Rolands


    Arvien vairāk un vairāk uzņēmumiem saskaroties ar globāliem projektiem un ārpakalpojumu izmantošanu, tiek izmantotas virtuālās komandas, bet projektu vadīšana paliek lokālo projektu līmenī. Taču daudzi praktiķi uzskata, ka virtuāla produktu izstrāde ir ievērojami sarežģītāka, nekā vissarežģītākais projekts, kuru pārvalda organizācijas iekšienē. Šajā darbā autors pēta unikālas virtuālo projektu problēmas divos virtuālajos uzturēšanas projektos. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no piecām nodaļām. D...

  18. SIA "Valrito" apgrozījuma palielināšana


    Lazdiņš, Ivars


    Maģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt SIA „Valrito” attīstības iespējas, piedāvājot savam klientam iegādāties jaunu, līdz šim nepiedāvātu produktu līdz 2015. gadam, pielietojot projekta vadīšanas metodes.Darbs ietver uzņēmuma veikalu „Gustiņš” noieta tirgus, produktu un pakalpojumu piedāvājuma, un finanšu rādītāju izpēti, un analīzi. Risinājuma piedāvājumu, kura realizācijai par pamatu tiks ņemts jauna produkta ražošanas uzsākšana.Darba pētījuma ietvaros tiek definēta sekojoša problēma: Uzņēmums ...

  19. History of Academic Neurology in Latvia / Akadēmiskās Neiroloģijas Vēsture Latvijā

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    Balta Anita


    Full Text Available Raksts sniedz īsu ieskatu akadēmiskās neiroloģijas attīstībā Latvijā dažādos laika periodos, sākot no tās pirmsākumiem neilgi pēc Latvijas Republikas dibināšanas, līdz pat šim brīdim, kā arī par izcilākajām personībām neiroloģijā, kuru devums attiecīgajā zinātnes jomā ir bijis visievērojamākais.

  20. Tetovēšanas tradīcija Ķīnas vēsturē


    Zolotarjova, Anastasija


    Šī bakalaura darba nosaukums ir „Tetovēšanas tradīcija Ķīnas vēsturē”. Tetovēšanas tradīcijai ir sena vēsture. Ķīnas teritoriju apdzīvojošās tautas jau kopš senatnes izmantoja tetovēšanu dažādiem nolūkiem – kā aizsargu no ļaunajiem gariem, kā dekoru, kā soda veidu, kā atpazīšanas zīmi un zvēresta nodošanai. Izpētītas arī mūsdienu Ķīnas mazākumtautību tetovēšanas tradīcijas. Darba mērķis ir seno Ķīnas tautu un mūsdienu Ķīnas mazākumtautību tradīciju un tetovēšanas iemeslu izpēte, kā arī i...

  1. Ofšoru izveidošanas un piemērošanas aspekti starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā un nodokļu plānošanā


    Cifanskis, Artjoms


    Diplomdarba tēmas nosaukums ir „Ofšoru izveidošanas un piemērošanas aspekti starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā un nodokļu plānošanā”. Diplomdarba mērķis ir izpētīt ofšoru īpašības un beneficiārā īpašuma būtību, kā arī analizēt uz tiem vērstu pretdarbību efektivitāti. Darba pirmajā daļā tika apskatīta vēsturiskā izcelšanās, ofšoru definējums, nodokļu apiešana un izvairīšanās, starptautiskā nodokļu plānošana, beneficiārais īpašums, melnie saraksti un ofšoru klasifikācija, pielietojuma iespējas. Ot...

  2. Neoliberalism, Pro-ana/mia Websites, and Pathologizing Women: Using Performance Ethnography to Challenge Psychocentrism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicole D Schott


    Full Text Available Key terms such as “pro-ana,” “pro-anorexia,” and “pro-ED” are searched for on the Internet over 13 million times annually. These searches lead to web pages and social media sites where pro-anorexia and “pro-bulimia” (pro-ana/mia contributors share weight-loss and exercise tips, “thinspiration” slogans, images and videos, and speak openly about their problems with eating and body image. In this article, we outline our initial research on online responses to pro-ana/mia, and describe how we used the data and analyses from this research to create a piece of research-informed theatre, or performance ethnography. The initial research identified a range of responses to pro-ana/mia that were aligned with either dominant or critical discourses on the causes of, and solutions for, pro-ana/mia. Our findings and analyses challenge media portrayals and medical approaches to pro-ana/mia phenomena, and support an alternative, critical analysis of how psychocentrism and neoliberalism foster social injustices for women and girls. Our work nurtures collective efforts to displace dominant ideologies and practices that have serious implications for the socio-cultural, economic, physical and mental health of women and their communities.

  3. Vēstuļu rakstīšanas mācīšana pieaugušajiem caur spēlēm biznesa konsultāciju un mācību centrā “Latconsul”


    Šmite, Ivita


    Diplomdarbā tika pētīta spēļu pielietošana, lai attīstītu pieaugušo prasmi rakstīt vēstules angļu valodā. Diplomdarba mērķis bija uzzināt vai vēstuļu rakstīšanas mācīšana pieaugušajiem caur spēlēm veicina noteiktu faktu atcerēšanos un rada zināšanu līmeņa uzlabojumus studentu vēstuļu rakstīšanas prasmēs. Kā pētīšanas metode tika pielietota atsevišķa gadījuma pētīšana. Tā tika veikta ar vidējā angļu valodas līmeņa pieaugušo studentu grupu, biznesa konsultāciju un mācību centrā „LatConsul”. ...

  4. Stavovi hrvatskih građana prema kulturnim različitostima


    Mesić, Milan; Bagić, Dragan


    Članak se temelji na dijelu rezultata reprezentativnoga nacionalnog ispitivanja stavova hrvatskih građana o kulturnim različitostima u hrvatskome društvu. Terensko anketiranje provedeno je metodom osobnog intervjua u kućanstvu ispitanika, u okviru omnibus istraživanja. Pod kulturnim različitostima autori misle na nacionalne manjine i vjerske zajednice. U tom smislu Hrvatska je, poput većine zemalja suvremenoga svijeta, kulturno heterogena politička zajednica. Stoga će odnos njezinih građana p...


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    Hatice İÇEL


    Full Text Available Organization of the Ottoman States is subejct of the Devlet Ana novel. Organization within the scope of the novel, the Ottoman State, the period includes information about community social and cultural life. These data will be evaluated in terms of continuity of culture ın this article. Turks living in a cosmopolitan area, belonging to Islam despite the fact that many elements of shamanism, which is still reminiscent of the old belief systems. These elements are described in detail in the novel, the old Turkish culture. In this case, the understanding of the novel and the story of Kemal Tahir’s socialist approach to society as a social historian, is the main factor. Old traditions of Turkish life, customs, beliefs, practices and lifestyle in a contemporary poet Kemal Tahir in the context of the transfer function is installed. Devlet Ana, with all these features in the history of Turkish culture is a work that contains important data. Devlet Ana adlı roman Osmanlı Devleti’nin kuruluşunu konu almaktadır. Romanda Osmanlı Devleti’nin kuruluşu kapsamında, dönemin toplumunun sosyokültürel yaşantısı hakkında bilgiler de verilmektedir. Makale kapsamında bu veriler, kültürün devamlılığı açısından değerlendirilecektir. Kozmopolit bir bölgede yaşayan Türkler, İslamiyet’i kabul etmelerine rağmen eski inanış sistemlerinden gelen şamanizme ait birçok unsuru hâlâ yaşatmaktadır. Romanda eski Türk kültürüne ait olan bu unsurlar ayrıntısıyla işlenmiştir. Bu durumda Kemal Tahir’in toplumcu roman anlayışı ve hikâyesini anlattığı topluma bir sosyal tarihçi gibi yaklaşması başlıca etkendir. Eski Türk yaşantısına ait gelenekler, görenekler, inanışlar, pratikler ve yaşam tarzının aktarılması bağlamında Kemal Tahir, çağdaş bir ozan işlevini yüklenmiştir. Devlet Ana, tüm bu özellikleriyle Türk kültür tarihi açısından önemli verileri içeren bir eserdir.


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    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of a study made by the purpose of seeing in whatmanner the mellipherous trees belonging to Ana Lugojana Departments ensuremaintenance and production harvesting for bee families from this area. The study wasmade during the period of May 2006 and April 2007, on a 12301 hectares area, inwhich we recorded: forestry mellipherous trees identification, the surface occupied byeach specie and the blooming period, data that we used to calculate the amount ofhoney that can be obtained and the number of bee families that can be kept in thearea, respectively. Analyzing the data, we concluded that forestry mellipherous treesfrom Ana Lugojana Forestry Departments can ensure in normal conditions,maintenance and production harvesting for 3239 bee families.

  7. Cilvēka brīvība cilvēktiesībās un kristīgajā izpratnē: eitanāzijas problemātika


    Plokste, Edīte


    Šajā darbā, lai gūtu pilnīgāku priekšstatu par cilvēka izvēles tiesībām attiecībā uz savu nāvi, ir apskatīta cilvēktiesību terminoloģija un izcelsme, eitanāzijas problēmjautājumi un sabiedrības viedoklis par to, kā arī morālie, ētiskie un kristīgie argumenti. Darbā ietverta arī „gadījumu izpēte” un kvalitatīvās jeb padziļinātās intervijas ar mācītājiem un Latvijas mediķiem. Darba gaitā noskaidrojās, ka Cilvēktiesības tiešā veidā neietekmē eitanāzijas legalizēšanas vai aizliegšanas procesus...

  8. Testēšanas metožu un testēšanas automatizācijas rīku pielietojums tīmekļa bāzētas sistēmas testēšanā


    Jaunošāne, Kristīne


    Nav iespējams veikt pilnīgu sistēmas testēšanu, notestēt visas ievadvērtības un nosacījumus, tā vietā jāveic piemērotas testēšanas metodes izvēle, balstoties uz testējamā objekta īpašībām. Bakalaura darbā tiek apskatītas sešas testēšanas metodes, kuras ir aprakstītas ISTQB Foundation Level Syllabus un to praktiska pielietošana tīmekļa bāzētā vietnē, kura tika izstrādāta darba gaitā, vai uz atsevišķi izveidotiem piemēriem. Testēšanas automatizācija var paaugstināt testēšanas efektivitāti un op...

  9. Zeolite-like metal-organic frameworks with ana topology

    KAUST Repository

    Eddaoudi, Mohamed; Mohideen, Mohamed Infas Haja; Adil, Karim; Belmabkhout, Youssef; Bhatt, Prashant M.; Shekhah, Osama; Chernikova, Valeriya


    Embodiments of the present disclosure describe a zeolite-like metal-organic framework composition comprising a metal-organic framework composition with ana topology characterized by the formula [MIII(4, 5-imidazole dicarboxylic acid)2X

  10. Vadīšanas funkciju izpildes analīze Viļakas novada pašvaldībā.


    Cibule, Rūta


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Vadīšanas funkciju izpildes analīze Viļakas novada pašvaldībā”. Darbā ir apskatītas vadīšanas funkcijas – organizēšana, plānošana, motivēšana, koordinēšana un kontrole, fokusējoties uz pirmajām trim minētajām. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izanalizēt vadīšanas funkciju izpildi Viļakas novada domes administrācijā, pievēršot pastiprinātu uzmanību organizēšanai, motivēšanai un plānošanai. Lai šo mērķi izpildītu, pirmajā daļā autore izpētīja dažādus teorijas avotus, otrajā da...

  11. Telekomunikāciju operatora "Lattelecom" lietotnes "mansTV" programmatūras izstrāde Android operētājsistēmai


    Supe, Edgars


    Kvalifikācijas darbā ir aprakstīta mobilās operētājsistēmas Android lietotnes “mansTV” izstrāde. Programmatūras galvenās funkcijas ir sniegt piekļuvi televīzijai, televīzijas arhīvam un video nomas katalogam, izmantojot viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru ar Android operētājsistēmu Latvijas teritorijā. Programmatūra izstrādāta, izmantojot Java programmēšanas valodu un Android platformu. Projekts īstenots, izmantojot spējās izstrādes metodoloģiju.

  12. Ana3 is a conserved protein required for the structural integrity of centrioles and basal bodies. (United States)

    Stevens, Naomi R; Dobbelaere, Jeroen; Wainman, Alan; Gergely, Fanni; Raff, Jordan W


    Recent studies have identified a conserved "core" of proteins that are required for centriole duplication. A small number of additional proteins have recently been identified as potential duplication factors, but it is unclear whether any of these proteins are components of the core duplication machinery. In this study, we investigate the function of one of these proteins, Drosophila melanogaster Ana3. We show that Ana3 is present in centrioles and basal bodies, but its behavior is distinct from that of the core duplication proteins. Most importantly, we find that Ana3 is required for the structural integrity of both centrioles and basal bodies and for centriole cohesion, but it is not essential for centriole duplication. We show that Ana3 has a mammalian homologue, Rotatin, that also localizes to centrioles and basal bodies and appears to be essential for cilia function. Thus, Ana3 defines a conserved family of centriolar proteins and plays an important part in ensuring the structural integrity of centrioles and basal bodies.

  13. 2'β-Fluoro-Tricyclo Nucleic Acids (2'F-tc-ANA): Thermal Duplex Stability, Structural Studies, and RNase H Activation. (United States)

    Istrate, Alena; Katolik, Adam; Istrate, Andrei; Leumann, Christian J


    We describe the synthesis, thermal stability, structural and RNase H activation properties of 2'β-fluoro-tricyclo nucleic acids (2'F-tc-ANA). Three 2'F-tc-ANA nucleosides (T, 5Me C and A) were synthesized starting from a previously described fluorinated tricyclo sugar intermediate. NMR analysis and quantum mechanical calculations indicate that 2'F-tc-ANA nucleosides prefer sugar conformations in the East and South regions of the pseudorotational cycle. UV-melting experiments revealed that non-consecutive insertions of 2'F-tc-ANA units in DNA reduce the affinity to DNA and RNA complements. However, an oligonucleotide with five contiguous 2'F-tc-ANA-T insertions exhibits increased affinity to complementary RNA. Moreover, a fully modified 10-mer 2'F-tc-ANA oligonucleotide paired to both DNA (+1.6 °C/mod) and RNA (+2.5 °C/mod) with significantly higher affinity compared to corresponding unmodified DNA, and similar affinity compared to corresponding tc-DNA. In addition, CD spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations indicate that the conformation of the 2'F-tc-ANA/RNA duplex is similar to that of a DNA/RNA duplex. Moreover, in some sequence contexts, 2'F-tc-ANA promotes RNase H-mediated cleavage of a complementary RNA strand. Taken together, 2'F-tc-ANA represents a nucleic acid analogue that offers the advantage of high RNA affinity while maintaining the ability to activate RNase H, and can be considered a prospective candidate for gene silencing applications. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Uz grafiem balstītie darbu plānošanas algoritmi


    Magdaļenoka, Māra


    Bakalaura darbā aprakstīti divu veidu grafi (disjunktīvais grafs un divpusējais grafs), kurus izmanto general shop problēmu atrisināšanai. Darbā tika aplūkotas open shop un job shop problēmas, kuru atrisinājuma iegūšanai ar grafu palīdzību tika izmantotas loku krāsošanas, divpusējās saskaņošanas un bootleneck metodes.

  15. An "ethics of the self" in the novel-cronicle-journal-short story Ana de Amsterdam, by Ana Cássia Rebelo

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    Lilian Reichert Coelho


    Full Text Available We present a Reading of the relations between the plurality of Genres collected by Ana Cássia Rebelo, a writer with roots in Portugal, Goa and Moçambique at the same time, in the book Ana de Amsterdam, and the themes dealt. As theoretical bias, we approached to Agamben, Gumbrecht and Barthes. As method, we chose the inductive perspective. As main theoretical notions, we adopted “the ethics of the self”, the production of presence and biografeme. After the mentioned effort, we concluded that boredom insulated from anguish, produced in the core of the Contemporary world, affects the narrator in such a deep way that compels her to take a strong position and highlight her privacy in an obscene way. It allows her to frame her own “self” as a mosaic of Genres and Themes, arised from the relation between the body as materiality and the subjective experience of Reading and Writing.

  16. Pro-ana versus Pro-recovery: A Content Analytic Comparison of Social Media Users’ Communication about Eating Disorders on Twitter and Tumblr

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    Dawn B. Branley


    Full Text Available Objectives: To compare how people communicate about eating disorders on two popular social media platforms – Twitter and Tumblr.Materials and Methods: Thematic analysis was conducted to characterize the types of communications posted, and a content analysis was undertaken of between-platform differences.Results: Three types of content (pro-ana, anti-ana, and pro-recovery were posted on each platform. Overall, across both platforms, extreme pro-ana posts were in the minority compared to anti-ana and pro-recovery. Pro-ana posts (including ‘thinspiration’ were more common on Twitter than Tumblr, whereas anti-ana and pro-recovery posts were more common on Tumblr.Conclusion: The findings have implications for future research and health care relating to the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. Developers of future interventions targeting negative pro-ana content should remain aware of the need to avoid any detrimental impact on positive online support.

  17. Pro-ana versus Pro-recovery: A Content Analytic Comparison of Social Media Users' Communication about Eating Disorders on Twitter and Tumblr. (United States)

    Branley, Dawn B; Covey, Judith


    Objectives: To compare how people communicate about eating disorders on two popular social media platforms - Twitter and Tumblr. Materials and Methods: Thematic analysis was conducted to characterize the types of communications posted, and a content analysis was undertaken of between-platform differences. Results: Three types of content (pro-ana, anti-ana, and pro-recovery) were posted on each platform. Overall, across both platforms, extreme pro-ana posts were in the minority compared to anti-ana and pro-recovery. Pro-ana posts (including 'thinspiration') were more common on Twitter than Tumblr, whereas anti-ana and pro-recovery posts were more common on Tumblr. Conclusion: The findings have implications for future research and health care relating to the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. Developers of future interventions targeting negative pro-ana content should remain aware of the need to avoid any detrimental impact on positive online support.

  18. U Portugalii dusha poeta / Ana Paula Zacarias ; interv. Aleksandr Shegedin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zacarias, Ana Paula


    Äsja avatud Portugali saatkonda juhtiv suursaadik Ana Paula Baptista Grade Zacarias jagab Portugali kogemusi seoses liitumisega Euroopa Liiduga. Eesti-Portugali suhted, suursaadiku esmamuljed Eestist

  19. Veinte años de investigaciones alrededor de Doñana

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    Arambarri, Pablo


    Full Text Available Not available.La rotura de la balsa de decantado de lodos de la empresa Boliden-Apirsa en Aznalcóllar ha demostrado que el Parque Nacional de Doñana está indefenso ante accidentes de gran calibre, que deben prevenirse. Doñana no puede permanecer aislada ni ajena al territorio que la rodea, pero sí debe estar protegida por suficientes medios descontaminantes, sistemas de alarma en tiempo real, planes de emergencia operativos y estudios y proyectos I+D como sean necesarios para evitar percances como el ocurrido, que ponen en terrible peligro su propia existencia.

  20. Paula Stradiņa veselības un sociālās aprūpes koledžai pieejamie resursi un to izmantošana medicīnas speciālistu sagatavošanas procesā


    Oliņa, Agnese


    Veselības nozares nodrošināšana ar pietiekamiem cilvēkresursiem. Mērķis, izpētīt koledžas pieejamos resursus un to izmantošanu, atklāt pozitīvos momentus un trūkumus, kā arī izstrādāt priekšlikumus. Analīzes rezultāti, nepietiekams finanšu resurss telpu un iekārtu nodrošināsanai jaunajām studiju programmām, resursu vadīšanas procesam nepieciešami papildus darbinieki un zināšanas. Darbā analizēti vispārējie resursi un to atšķirības veselības izglītības jomā, vadīšanas process un kvalit...

  1. O outro de Ana Cristina Cesar: WW ou um qualquer

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    Ana Carolina Cernicchiaro


    Full Text Available Quem é Ana Cristina Cesar? A quem perguntar senão ao outro (como fazia Jacques Derrida ao gato1, a um outro, ao outro qualquer que somos nós seus leitores, estes que ela abraça e se joga aos pés; ao outro qualquer que são seus amigos: WW, KM, LM, Jack, Charles, Caio, Ângela, enfim, um índice onomástico inteiro. Aos outros seus conterrâneos, não só os do Rio de Janeiro, mas os da cidade dos poetas, Londres, Lisboa, Paris, Nova York, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, etc, etc, etc. Ao outro suas personagens, suas máscaras, Ana C, ACC, Ana Cristina Cesar, o gato, a toalha, aquela que ouve Roberto Carlos, que assiste Casablanca, que briga com Freud, que conversa com uma amiga, que bate à porta de um amigo, que pega um táxi, que fuma debaixo da janela, “meio-bruxa, meia-fera”, a que tem sobressaltos, que escreve no automóvel, entre tantas outras que não são

  2. Sejas ādas kopšanas līdzekļi pusaudžu vecumā


    Škute, Solvita


    Darbā tiek apskatīti pusaudži, kuri lieto sejas ādas kopšanas līdzekļus, lai novērstu sejas ādas problēmas. Tiek izklāstīts par sejas ādas slimībām, kā pareizi rīkoties un, kas jāievēro šādiem pacientiem. Uzmanība likta uz pacientiem, kuriem jau ir sejas ādas problēmas ilgāku laiku. Bakalaura darba tēma – "Sejas ādas kopšanas līdzekļi pusaudžu vecumā". Tēmas aktualitāti nosaka sejas ādas kopšanas līdzekļu efektivitāte. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot jauniešu sejas ādas kopšanas līdzekļu pie...

  3. Los rostros de Ana: Tres comentarios sobre Darío Morales

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    Paul Marcelo Velázquez Sabogal


    Full Text Available El presente escrito es una aproximación a la obra del artista colombiano Darío Morales desde la perspectiva dialéctica “vida-muerte”, alentada por el acontecimiento de lo ambiguo y sus implicaciones en la deconstrucción de una corporeidad estable regida por parámetros sociales, jurídicos y biológicos que desembocan en la caracterización de un “otro” en el cual se encuentran figuras como el anormal, el incorregible, el monstruo. Desde ellos pretendo trazar un punto de vista sobre aquellos Rostros de Ana donde se manifiestan figuras como el onanista y la vampira, para desembocar en un comentario que amplíe el espectro de sentido alrededor la obra del artista cartagenero. Palabras claves Cuerpo ambiguo, vida-muerte, sagrado-profano, onanismo. Ñawekuna kai warmi Ana Sutipa: Kimsa pariai ksi runa Dario Morales Sugllapi Kai kilkai kame ñalla regcha kai tacha runa colombiano Dario Morales Kilkakasina rimangapa “ kausai- wamui” aida chingapa kaikuna Mana allilla llugsichu tukuikunamanda icharichu llanga “sug manda” Kaipe turrerreme ¡ kauancheme man aillakaska, man allilla rurasla! Kirú. Kaipi pudenchi kauanga imasami kauacheca kai warme Ana paipa ñawekuna Kai ruraikuna sutikame onanista Chasallata vampira, Kaiwa munakume Allilla intendechengapa imasame parlaku sug iacha Cartagenero. Ima suti Rimai Simi: Cuerpo ambiguo, kaugsai, muerte, sagrado - profano, onanismo. The Faces of Ana: Three Comments on Dario Morales Abstract This paper is an approach to the work of Colombian artist Dario Morales from the perspective of the dialectic of “life and death”, encouraged by the occurrence of the ambiguous and its implications for the deconstruction of a stable corporeality governed by social, legal and biological parameters that lead to the characterization of an “other”, in which figures such as the abnormal, the incorrigible, the monster are to be found. From them, I intend to plot a point of view on those faces of Ana

  4. Kreativitāte un sajūtu meklēšana jauniešiem


    Tarhanova, Jekaterina


    Pētījuma mērķis bija izpētīt kreativitāti (radošumu) un sajūtu meklēšanu jauniešu populācijā. Sakarā ar to, ka pētījumu veica, lai iegūtu bakalaura grādu psiholoģijā, izlases apjoms bija tikai 75 cilvēki. Izlase tika veidota no studentiem vecumā no 18 līdz 23 gadiem. Cilvēki izpildīja Sajūtu Meklēšanas Skalas (Sensation Seeking Scale) MVU modificēto variantu un radošuma testu Zīmējumu pabeigšana (Complete Figures), kas ir Torensa Kreatīvās Domāšanas Testa (Torrance Test of Creative Thin...

  5. Once Upon A Time There Was Ana Mendieta / Bir Ana Mendieta Varmış, Bir Ana Mendieta Yokmuş

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    Nur BALKIR


    Full Text Available New York Police Department received an emergency call on the 8th of September in 1985. On the opposite end, it was the famous minimalist artist Carl Andre pleading help for his wife who had fallen from their 34th floor apartment in Soho. The ambulance arrived at the location only to find Ana Mendieta’s lifeless body. There were no eyewitnesses. The neighbours’ gave statements of loud arguments coming from their apartment a few days prior to the event. Investigators took Carl Andre into the custody suspecting second-degree murder due to the injuries on Mendieta’s body and the position of the window. After a three-year trial, Andre’s lawyers presented a defence claiming that Mendieta is likely to have had a suicidal personality due to her art and her life story. The court eventually decided that Mendieta had committed suicide after examining her art, and acquitted Carl Andre of the murder case. Mendieta had turned the ‘void’ into an entity through digging the earth, and the court closed the void filling it with a ‘suicidal body’. The death of the artist and her subsequent non-existence, gives a connotative link to her art; centered on crucial questions about time, space, body, and identity, seemed to be the final addition to her famous ‘Silueta’ series. Cuban American performance artist, sculptor, painter, film maker Ana Mendieta analyzes the relation between the earth and spirit, and confronts us with painful questions like love, death and rebirth. Since the majority of her work consists of bodily performances, Mendieta questions the concept of ephemerality over the body, spirit and existence. Although her initial innovative and provocative performances were later replaced by her symbolic and transient work, the matters of body, time, space, and nature and their connectedness continued to become the main ingredients of Mendieta’s art. This paper will conceptually analyze Mendieta’s methods of expression in her constant

  6. Darba organizācija A/S „Latvijas autoceļu uzturētājs”, Valmieras ceļu rajons, Cēsu nodaļā un tās pilnveidošanas virzieni


    Majore, Madara


    Bakalaura darba mērķis ir novērtēt darba organizācijas līmeni Cēsu nodaļā un izstrādāt priekšlikumus tās pilnveidošanai. Darba mērķu sasniegšanai autore ir izvirzījusi uzdevumus: analizēt Cēsu nodaļas darba saturu un darba īpatnības, noskaidrot darba organizācijas lomu mūsdienu uzņēmumā, novērtēt darba dalīšanu un darba apstākļus Cēsu nodaļā un analizēt profesionālās attīstības vadīšanu Cēsu nodaļā un izstrādāt tās pilnveidošanas virzienus. Darbā autore raksturo uzņēmuma darbības saturu...

  7. Franšīzes izmantošanas iespējas un efektivitātes novērtēšana Baltijā


    Li, Nadežda


    Bakalaura tēma ir “Franšīzes izmantošanas iespējas un efektivitātes novērtēšana Baltijā”. Perspektīva biznesa attīstībā ir viens galvenajiem dzinējspēkiem, kurš motivē uzņēmējus, uzsākot savu darbību. Viens no mūsdienās plaši izmantojamajiem biznesa modeļiem ir franšīzes sistēma. Pasaulē bizness uz franšīzes pamata skaitās kā drošs, jo uzņēmējam ir spēja veiksmīgi attīstīt savu komercdarbību bez iepriekšējām zināšanām un pieredzi, jo franšīze paredz ne tikai gatavo biznesa rokasgrāmatu, bet a...

  8. Comportamiento del asma bronquial en adolescentes tratados en el Policlínico Universitario "Ana Betancourt" Course of bronchial asthma in adolescents seen in "Ana Betancourt" University Polyclinic

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    Tatiana de la Vega Pazitková


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma infantil representa una entidad que aún no ha logrado ser bien definida y delimitada, lo que establece variadas interpretaciones de su epidemiología, diagnóstico y, consecuentemente de su tratamiento. Objetivos: estimar la prevalencia global de asma en adolescentes tratados en consultorios médicos de familia del Policlínico Universitario "Ana Betancourt". Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, que incluyó a 81 adolescentes de ambos sexos con edades entre 11 y 18 años, pertenecientes a dos consultorios médicos de familia del Grupo Básico de Trabajo No. 2, del Policlínico Universitario "Ana Betancourt", del municipio Playa, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2006 y enero de 2007. Como herramienta de trabajo se utilizó el cuestionario: The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, instrumento validado internacionalmente. Resultados: la cifra total de asmáticos ascendió a 52 adolescentes con un discreto predominio del sexo masculino y de los casos ligeros de la enfermedad, para una prevalencia global de 64,1 %. Se encontró un subregistro de 20,9 %. Conclusiones: en ambos consultorios se constata una elevada prevalencia de asma bronquial en la población de adolescentes con mayor afectación en los varones. Los pacientes exhiben mayoritariamente las formas ligeras de la enfermedad. Se encuentra un importante subregistro para el asma bronquial en los adolescentes tratados en el Policlínico Universitario "Ana Betancourt"Introduction: the bronchial asthma is a even defined entity establishing some interpretations of its epidemiology, diagnosis and consequently of its treatment. Objectives: to estimate the global prevalence of asthma in adolescents seen in family medical consulting rooms from "Ana Betancourt" University Polyclinic. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted including 81 adolescents of both sexes aged between 11 and 18 from family

  9. Furagīna polimorfo formu iegūšana un raksturošana


    Brovkina, Jūlija


    Bakalaura darba ietvaros iegūtas piecas farmaceitiski aktīvās vielas furazidīna polimorfās formas, kuras raksturotas ar pulvera rentgendifraktometrijas un termiskās analīzes metodēm. Darbā izmantotas vairākas polimorfo formu iegūšanas metodes: pārkristalizācija no dažādiem šķīdinātājiem, kristalizācija ar pH maiņu, solvātu desolvatācija un termiskā apstrāde. Pētīta iegūto polimorfo formu savstarpējā relatīvā stabilitāte, kā arī stabilitāte paaugstinātā temperatūrā un mitrumā....

  10. Projekts: SIA Ģimenes centrs" dibināšana


    Mensaha, Elizabete


    Maģistra darba tēma ir projekts SIA „Ģimenes centrs” dibināšana. Ikviena cilvēka dzīvē ģimene ir pati svarīgākā. Ģimenē veidojas galvenie uzskati par to, kas ir labi vai slikti, pareizi vai nepareizi, godīgi vai negodīgi. Bērni, kuri jau no bērnības dzīvo labvēlīgās ģimenēs, zina, kā veidot labas attiecības savā un savu bērnu ģimenē, zina, kā pārvarēt sadzīviskas vai ikdienišķas problēmas, kuras bieži kļūst par ģimenes šķiršanās iemesliem. Laulības šķiršana ir viena no aktuālākajām mūsdienas ...

  11. Intuitīvas ēšanas, ķermeņa masas indeksa un ēšanas pārliecību saistība gados jaunākām un vecākām sievietēm.


    Vilciņa, Sabīne


    Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot sakarības starp intuitīvu ēšanu, ĶMI un ēšanas pārliecībām sieviešu izlasē (N=514) un noskaidrot, vai pastāv atšķirības starp gados jaunākām (18-40) sievietēm (n=259) un gados vecākām (41-69) sievietēm (n=255). Pētījumā tika izmantotas intuitīvas ēšanas skala - 2 un ēšanas pārliecību aptauja. Rezultāti norāda, ka gados vecākas sievietes uzrāda statistiski nozīmīgi zemākus rezultātus intuitīvas ēšanas dimensijā „beznosacījumu atļaujā ēst “, statistiski nozīmīgi ...

  12. Sol Ana Koroner Arter Çıkış Anomalisi Olan Hasta

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    Mustafa Duran


    Full Text Available Koroner arter anomalilerinin anjiyografik insidansı %1,3’tür. Anjiyografik serilerde sol ana koroner arterin sağ sinüs Valsalva’dan orijin aldığı anomalilerin görülme sıklığı %0,019 kadar düşüktür. Bu hastalarda yine nadiren (%20 kadarında anjina pektoris, aritmi, senkop, kalp krizi ve ani ölüm gibi semptomlar görülür. Burada, sağ sinüs Valsalva’dan orijin alan sol ana koroner arter anomalisi gibi nadir bir vakayı sunmaktayız.

  13. Pielāgojama norēķinu sistēma mākoņskaitļošanas pakalpojumiem


    Surženko, Dmitrijs


    Šajā darbā apskatīts mākoņskaitļošanas jēdziens un mākoņskaitļošanas mākoņu veidi un to funkcionālā klasifikācija. Apskatīti norēķinu sistēmas pamati balstoties uz telekomunikāciju norēķinu sistēmas pamatiem. Aprakstīta uzņēmuma N mākoņa pārvaldības infrastruktūra. Definētas mākoņskaitļošanas brokera prasības uz uzņēmuma N piemēra. Veikts vairāku mākoņskaitļošanas pakalpojumu norēķinu sistēmas apskats un aprakstīta to atbilstība pielāgojamai norēķinu sistēmai un mākoņskaitļošanas brokera pras...

  14. Doñana y su entorno: Conservación y explotación

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    José Manuel Rubio Recio


    Full Text Available Tanto río de tinta sobre Doñana y tantas palabras, noticias, pareceres, opinio­nes y declaraciones de gentes de las más diversa condición, no están haciendo sino sembrar confusión . Y no digamos nada de la presencia de gobernantes y políticos, -alguna sospechosamente asidua- que se arroban y extasian en el secarral o humedal doñanero, sobre todo si está la televisión o la prensa delante. Doñana para esas personas es sólo fuente de imagen , porque Doñana , como muy acertadamente expresó Aquilino Duque al titular su libro sobre el Parque Nacio­nal que se asienta sobre dicho lugar, es un mito y como tal se explota. En el fondo, no se si será una manifestación de "si aquí se invitaba a los Reyes de España y a otras gentes de la nobleza, en otras épocas, -denostadas, eso sí-, ¿por qué no voy a venir yo?-".

  15. Rapid determination of {sup 90}Sr in urine samples using AnaLig Sr-01

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bilohuscin, J.; Dulanska, S.; Gardonova, V. [Univerzita Komenskeho, Prirodovedecka fakulta, Katedra jadrovej chemie, 84215 Bratislava (Slovakia)


    This work describes the use of IBC's AnaLig Sr-01 molecular recognition technology product to effectively and selectively pre-concentrate, separate and recover strontium from urine samples. This method uses two-stage columns separation consisting of two different commercial products Eichrom's Pre-filter Material and AnaLig Sr-01 column from IBC Advanced Technologies. This method does not involve co-precipitation of strontium as phosphates and oxalates from urine samples. The new rapid method separates strontium-90 with high chemical recovery (authors)

  16. Televīzijas loma neapmierinātībā ar politiku: LTV1, LNT, TV3 nedēļas analītisko raidījumu satura, to veidotāju un ekspertu vērtējumu analīze (2008.gada oktobris-2009.gada marts)


    Novodvorskis, Vladimirs


    Maģistra darbu „Televīzijas loma neapmierinātībā ar politiku: LTV1, LNT, TV3 nedēļas analītisko raidījumu satura, to veidotāju un ekspertu vērtējumu analīze (2008. gada oktobris – 2009. gada marts)” izstrādāja Latvijas Universitātes Komunikācijas studiju nodaļas students Vladimirs Novodvorskis. Darbs veltīts auditorijas negatīvas attieksmes veidošanas problēmas izpētei televīzijas informatīvi analītiskajos raidījumos Panorāma, De facto (LTV1), LNT Top 10 (LNT), Nekā personīga (TV3) pret pol...

  17. Reformatio in peius administratīvo pārkāpumu procesā


    Berķis, Kaspars


    Maģistra darbā ir pētīta reformatio in peius aizlieguma principa piemērošanas problemātika administratīvo pārkāpumu procesā. Darba gaitā ir analizētas Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodeksa, Administratīvā procesa likuma un kriminālprocesuālās tiesību normas, kas satur reformatio in peius aizlieguma principu. Darba ietvaros īpaša uzmanība pievērsta administratīvo tiesu prakses izpētei attiecībā uz reformatio in peius aizlieguma principa piemērošanu administratīvo pārkāpumu lietu izsk...

  18. Tiešsaistes GPS izsekošanas sistēma „GPS OrientTracker”


    Āboliņš, Valters


    Darba mērķis bija ieviest Latvijā GPS tiešsaistes izsekošanas sistēmu, kas orientēšanās sacensību laikā spētu uzrādīt, kur atrodas konkrēta persona uz doto brīdi. Tā kā Pasaulē šāda veida sistēmas jau tiek pielietotas, arī Latvijā, lai attīstītu un popularizētu orientēšanās sportu, ir nepieciešamas tiešsaistes izsekošanas sistēmas. Rezultātā tika salīdzinātas jau esošas sistēmas, to cenas, un izvēlēta piemērotākā uztvērējierīce, un beigās izstrādāta tiešsaistes izsekošanas sistēma....

  19. 241-AN-A valve pit manifold valves and position indication acceptance test procedure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document describes the method used to test design criteria for gear actuated ball valves installed in 241-AN-A Valve Pit located at 200E Tank Farms. The purpose of this procedure is to demonstrate the following: Equipment is properly installed, labeled, and documented on As-Built drawings; New Manifold Valves in the 241-AN-A Valve Pit are fully operable using the handwheel of the valve operators; New valve position indicators on the valve operators will show correct valve positions; New valve position switches will function properly; and New valve locking devices function properly.

  20. composition and size class structure of tree species in ihang'ana

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Previous plant biodiversity studies in this ecosystem concentrated on large-sized Forest ... assess tree species composition, structure and diversity in Ihang'ana FR (2982 ha), one of the ..... Dombeya rotundifolia. (Hochst) ... Ficus lutea. Vahl.

  1. Diffuse Carbon Dioxide Degassing Monitoring at Santa Ana-Izalco-Coatepeque Volcanic System, El Salvador, Central America (United States)

    Olmos, R.; Barahona, F.; Cartagena, R.; Soriano, T.; Salazar, J.; Hernandez, P.; Perez, N.; Notsu, K.; Lopez, D.


    Santa Ana volcanic complex (0.22 Ma), located 40 Km west of San Salvador, comprises Santa Ana, Izalco, and Cerro Verde stratovolcanoes, the Coatepeque collapse caldera, as well as several cinder cones and explosion craters. Most recent activity has occurred at Izalco (1966) and Santa Ana which shows a permanent acidic crater lake with an intense fumarolic activity. In addition, Santa Ana exhibits a SO2-rich rising plume though no local seismicity has been reported. Weak fumarolic activity is also present at two locations within the Santa Ana volcanic complex: the summit crater of Izalco and Cerro Pacho at Coatepeque caldera. Other important structural features of this volcanic complex are two fault/fissure systems running NNW-SSE that can be identified by the alignment of the stratovolcanoes and numerous cinder cones and explosion craters. In January 2001, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake occurred about 150 Km SE of Santa Ana volcano. A soil gas and CO2 efflux survey was performed to evaluate the impact of this seismic event upon the diffuse degassing rates in Santa Ana volcanic complex in March 2001. A total of 450 soil gas and diffuse CO2 efflux measurements were carried out covering an area of 209.5 Km2. CO2 efflux ranged from non-detectable values to 293 gm-2d-1, with a median of 8.9 gm-2d-1 and an upper quartile of 5.2 gm-2d-1. The CO2 efflux spatial distribution reveals the existence of areas with CO2 efflux higher than 60 gm-2d-1 associated to the fault/fissure systems of NNW-SSE orientation. One of these areas, Cerro Pacho, was selected for the continuous monitoring of diffuse CO2 efflux in late May 2001. Secular variations of diffuse CO2 efflux ranged from 27.4 to 329 gm-2d-1 with a median of 130 gm-2d-1 and a quartile range of 59.3 gm-2d-1. An increasing trend of 43 gm-2d-1 was observed between May and August 2001 overlapped to high-frequency minor fluctuations related to meteorological variables' changes. However, a larger observation time-span is needed to

  2. Digitālo un klasisko izplatīšanas kanālu apvienošanas nozīme mazumtirdzniecības uzņēmuma konkurētspējas stiprināšanā iekšējā un ārējā tirgū


    Kovjazins, Grigorijs


    Maģistra darba tēma ir „Digitālo un klasisko izplatīšanas kanalu saistītas izmantošanas nozīme mazumtirdzniecības uzņēmuma konkurētspējas stiprināšanā iekšējā un ārējā tirgū”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt digitālo un klasisko izplatīšanas kanālu saistītas izmantošanas lomu mazumtirdzniecības uzņēmuma konkurētspejas palielināšanā. Mūsdienu komercdarbībass formas un izplatīšanas kanāli attīstās, balstoties uz digitālajam tehnoloģijam, kas mudina uzņēmumus arvien straujāk ieviest jauninājum...

  3. Entrevista a Ana González, la @DoctoraJomeini.

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    Carrión Jiménez, Andoni


    Full Text Available En este número de la Revista ENE, me han encargado hacer una entrevista a la Ana González Duque, una anestesista canaria (ella a veces se denomina Anestesioblasta a la que muchos de los lectores de esta revista y usuarios habituales de la web social sanitaria no reconocerán por ese nombre

  4. The high temperature synthesis of CsAlSiO 4-ANA, a new polymorph in the system Cs 2OAl 2O 3SiO 2. I. The end member of ANA type of zeolite framework (United States)

    Dimitrijevic, R.; Dondur, V.; Petranovic, N.


    High temperature phase transformations of Cs + exchanged zeolites were investigated. Above 1000°C, CsX, CsY (FAU), and Cs, ZK-4 (LTA) frameworks recrystallized in a pollucite phase. A Cs + loaded mordenite recrystallized at 1300°C in the orthorhombic CsAlSi 5O 12 phase. A Cs + exchanged zeolite A at 960°C recrystallized in a mixture of two polymorphic CsAlSiO 4 phases having different (Al,Si)O 4 frameworks. The unstable orthorhombic CsAlSiO 4ABW phase has a topotactic transition at 1150°C into an ordered low CsAlSiO 4-ANA framework. Further calcination produces, at 1200°C, transformation of the low CsAlSiO 4-ANA phase to the more stable high CsAlSiO 4-ANA polymorph having cubic ( a 0 = 13.6595 (5) Å) symmetry and an ordered SiAl distribution. The crystal structure of high CsAlSiO 4ANA, a new polymorph in the system Cs 2OAl 2O 3SiO 2, was determined using X-ray Rietveld analyses and 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy.

  5. Videospēļu spēlēšanas ilguma saistība ar akadēmiskajiem sasniegumiem.


    Karņickis, Edgars


    Bakalaura darba ”Videospēļu spēlēšanas ilguma saistība ar akadēmiskajiem sasniegumiem un agresiju” mērķis ir noskaidrot videospēļu spēlēšanas paradumu korelāciju ar skolēnu mācību sasniegumiem. Galvenie darbā izvirzītie pētījuma jautājumi: Vai ir novērojama statistiski nozīmīga saistība starp video spēļu spēlēšanas biežumu un agresijas izpausmēm? Vai ir novērojama statistiski nozīmīga saistība starp video spēļu spēlēšanas ilgumu un akadēmiskiem sasniegumiem (vidējo atzīmi dažādos māc...

  6. Ground-water geology of the coastal zone, Long Beach-Santa Ana area, California (United States)

    Poland, J.F.; Piper, A.M.


    This paper is the first chapter of a comprehensive report on the ground-water features in the southern part of the coastal plain in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, Calif., with special reference to the effectiveness of the so-called coastal barrier--the Newport-Inglewood structural zone--in restraining landwar,-1 movement of saline water. The coastal plain in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, which covers some 775 square miles, sustains a large urban and rural population, diverse industries, and intensive agricultural developments. The aggregate ground-water withdrawal in 1945 was about 400,000 acre-feet a year, an average of about 360 million gallons a day. The dominant land-form elements are a central lowland plain with tongues extending to the coast, bordering highlands and foothills, and a succession of low hills and mesas aligned northwestward along the coastal edge of the central low- land plain. These low hills and mesas are the land-surface expression of geologic structure in the Newport-Inglewood zone. The highland areas that border the inland edge of the coastal plain are of moderate altitude and relief; most of the ridge crests range from 1,400 to 2,500 feet in altitude, but Santiago Peak in the Santa Ana Mountains attains a height of 5,680 feet above sea level. From these highlands the land surface descends across foothills and aggraded alluvial aprons to the central lowland, Downey Plain, here defined as the surface formed by alluvial aggradation during the post-Pleistocene time of rising base level. The Newport-Inglewood belt of hills and plains (mesas) has a maximum relief of some 500 feet but is widely underlain at a depth of about 30 feet by a surface of marine plantation. As initially formed in late Pleistocene time that surface was largely a featureless plain. Thus the present land-surface forms within the Newport-Inglewood belt measure the earth deformation that has occurred there since late Pleistocene time and so are pertinent with respect to

  7. Fish composition and assemblage in the anthropogenic-modified tidally-restricted Doñana (Spain) marshlands (United States)

    Moreno-Valcárcel, Raquel; Oliva-Paterna, Francisco J.; Arribas, Carmen; Fernández-Delgado, Carlos


    The Guadalquivir estuary is the largest estuarine area on the southern Atlantic coast of Europe; its anthropogenic tidally-restricted marshes are partly within the boundary of the Doñana National Park, southern Spain. Our two-year study describes the spatial and temporal patterns of the fish assemblages in the Doñana marshlands in terms of species richness, abundance and biomass. The main families were Mugilidae and Cyprinidae, which accounted for 40.9% of the total species richness. Unlike the fish assemblages found in other European estuaries, Doñana was dominated in both biomass and abundance by freshwater species, mainly invasive exotic species. The spatial analysis of the assemblage showed four significant fish groups corresponding to different habitats established a priori and related to the salinity gradient. Assemblages did not show a seasonal pattern and the temporal fish groups observed were mainly related to the hydrological cycle and the extreme drought that occurred during the study period.

  8. NLP pielietošana angļu valodas mācīšanā


    Gorohova, Diāna


    Neirolingvistiskās programmēšana (NLP) praktiķu aprindās tiek uzskatīta par ļoti efektīvu instrumentu visdažādākajās dzīves sfēras. Šī pieeja ļauj cilvēkiem ticēt saviem spēkiem padarīt viņu dzīves labākas. Tieši tāpēc NLP piekritēji uzskata, ka, NLP pieeju izmantošana angļu valodas mācīšanā, var uzlabot skolēnu angļu valodas zināšanas, kā arī paaugstināt viņu pašapziņu. Šī bakalaura darba autore piedāvā ieskatu NLP vēsturiskajā attīstībā un apskata tās pamatprincipus. Autore analizē NLP t...

  9. Objektrelāciju kartēšanas izveide Zephir valodā


    Zālītis, Ričards


    Darbā tiek apskatīta Zephir programmēšanas valoda un iespējas, ko tā paver, objektrelācijas kartēšana - kas tā tāda ir un kāpēc tā ir vajadzīga - izstrādātā vienuma funkciju apskats, nepieciešamības pamatojums un to salīdzinājums ar esošajiem risinājumiem. Risinājums ir izgatavots ar mērķi to izmantot turpmāk praksē, lai atvieglotu un uzlabotu darbu ar datubāzēm, protams, to papildinot ar praksē gūtām zināšanām. Tas ir paredzēts darbā ar MySQL datubāzes vadības sistēmu un izmantot kopā ar ...

  10. New dinosaur fossils from ANA locality, Arcillas de Morella Formation (Aptian, Lower Cretaceous, Cinctorres, Spain) (United States)

    Santos-Cubedo, A.; de Santisteban, C.; Suñer, M.; Galobart, A.


    Ana is one of the several dinosaur bone sites located in the Arcillas de Morella Formation (Aptian, Lower Cretaceous; eastern Iberian Chain, Spain). This site was discovered in 1998, but it remained unexcavated until 2002, when a palaeontologist team formed by members of the Institut Paleontología Miquel Crusafont from Sabadell and the Grup Guix from Vila-real unearthed the first fossil from the locality. Nowadays there are five hundred fossils collected, including vertebrate and invertebrate species. Dinosaur bones (Theropoda and Ornithopoda) are abundant in this assemblage and in the last field season bones determined as Sauropoda were found. Taxonomically, Ana is dominated by disarticulated remains of Ornithopoda, which are usually fragmentary and abraded. Many of the elements may have been reworked (spatial averaging and/or time averaging), and the fossil concentration constitutes an autochthonous to parautochthonous association, in a spatial sense. The remains found in the Ana fossils site are placed in sandstones and limes containing marine autochthonous fauna. These deposits were formed during the transgressive infilling of an incised valley. Sedimentological features indicate that fossils were finally deposited in starved shallow estuarine environment. Mineralogically, the sediment including the fossils contains grains of quartz, illite/mica, kaolinite/clorite, K-feldspar and plagioclase, distributed in two mainly grain populations, a silty-clay and a coarse sand size grain, indicating that the sediments were bedded in a low-medium energy depositional environment. Nowadays we identified in Ana, teeth of Theropoda indet. and Baryonychinae indet., and bones of Iguanodon sp. Herein, we report new fossil findings from Ana site. These materials have been determined as Iguanodontia, Titanosauriformes and Theropoda. These new findings will help to understand the dinosaur fauna present in the Lower Cretaceous of Els Ports (Castellón, Spain). Acknowledgments This

  11. Project W-314 specific test and evaluation plan for 241-AN-A valve pit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hays, W.H.


    The purpose of this Specific Test and Evaluation Plan (STEP) is to provide a detailed written plan for the systematic testing of modifications made to the 241-AN-A Valve Pit by the W-314 Project. The STEP develops the outline for test procedures that verify the system's performance to the established Project design criteria. The STEP is a ''lower tier'' document based on the W-314 Test and Evaluation Plan (TEP) This STEP encompasses all testing activities required to demonstrate compliance to the project design criteria as it relates to the modifications of the AN-A valve pit. The Project Design Specifications (PDS) identify the specific testing activities required for the Project. Testing includes Validations and Verifications (e.g., Commercial Grade Item Dedication activities), Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs), installation tests and inspections, Construction Acceptance Tests (CATs), Acceptance Test Procedures (ATPs), Pre-Operational Test Procedures (POTPs), and Operational Test Procedures (OTPs). It should be noted that POTPs are not required for testing of the modifications to the 241-AN-A Valve Pit. The STEP will be utilized in conjunction with the TEP for verification and validation

  12. Concentrações de ANA e BAP na micropropagação de abacaxizeiro L. Merrill (Ananas comosus e no cultivo hidropônico das plântulas obtidas in vitro The effect of ANA and BAP concentrations on the micropropagation and hydroponic cultures of pineapple

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    Cristiane Elizabeth Costa de Macêdo


    Full Text Available O efeito de diferentes concentrações de ANA e BAP na micropropagação do abacaxizeiro, bem como no cultivo em hidroponia das plântulas obtidas in vitro, foram estudados em brotos de abacaxizeiro da variedade Pérola, inoculados em meio de cultura básico MS, suplementado com os fitorreguladores BAP e ANA em diferentes concentrações. Caracteres morfológicos quantitativos relacionados ao crescimento dos brotos e das plântulas de abacaxizeiro foram avaliados respectivamente durante os cultivos in vitro e em hidroponia e mostraram que, o tratamento T1 (BAP = 1,0 mg L-1e ANA = 0,5 mg L-1 proporcionou a maior taxa média de regeneração de brotos e conseqüentemente uma maior produção de matéria fresca. Entretanto, a altura dos brotos e a formação de suas raízes foram maiores nos tratamentos T2 (BAP = 0,5 mg L-1 e ANA = 0,25 mg L-1 e T3 (BAP = 0,25 mg L-1 e ANA = 0,12 mg L-1 . Após sessenta dias de cultivo em hidroponia, todas as plântulas oriundas do tratamento T1 apresentaram um bom desenvolvimento, expresso pela maioria dos caracteres morfológicos avaliados. O sistema de micropropagação utilizado neste trabalho possibilitou a obtenção de brotos de abacaxizeiro Pérola, em quantidade suficiente e ao mesmo tempo de fácil individualização, seguida da regeneração de plântulas que foram cultivadas em hidroponia.The effect of different ANA and BAP concentrations on in vitro and hydroponic cultures were studied. Pineapple shoots derived from Pérola explants variety were inoculated in MS media containing BAP and ANA in different concentrations. Growth parameters of shoots and plantlets were measured for in vitro and hydroponic cultures. Showed a highest multiplication rates of shoots and consequently highest fresh matter production were obtained with BAP and ANA at the concentrations of 1,0 and 0,5 mg L-1 respectively. However, the shoot length as well as the root number formed were higher in the T2 (0,5 de BAP + 0,25 de ANA

  13. Project W-314 241-AN-A valve pit upgrade acceptance for beneficial use

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report identifies the responsibilities and requirements, applicable to the 241-AN-A Valve Pit Upgrades portion of Project W-314, for Acceptance for Beneficial Use in accordance with HNF-IP-0842, Vol IV, Sec 3.12. At project turnover, the end user accepts the affected Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) for beneficial use. This checklist is used to help the end user ensure that all documentation, training, and testing requirements are met prior to turnover. This checklist specifically identifies those items related to the upgrading of the 241-AN-A valve pit. The upgrades include: the installation of jumper/valve manifolds with position sensors, replacement pit leak detection systems, construction of replacement cover blocks, and electrical upgrades to support the instrumentation upgrades.

  14. Project W-314 241-AN-A valve pit upgrade acceptance for beneficial use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This report identifies the responsibilities and requirements, applicable to the 241-AN-A Valve Pit Upgrades portion of Project W-314, for Acceptance for Beneficial Use in accordance with HNF-IP-0842, Vol IV, Sec 3.12. At project turnover, the end user accepts the affected Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) for beneficial use. This checklist is used to help the end user ensure that all documentation, training, and testing requirements are met prior to turnover. This checklist specifically identifies those items related to the upgrading of the 241-AN-A valve pit. The upgrades include: the installation of jumper/valve manifolds with position sensors, replacement pit leak detection systems, construction of replacement cover blocks, and electrical upgrades to support the instrumentation upgrades

  15. Ana Maria Lorandi and the Ethnohistory's train

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    Alejandra Ramos


    Full Text Available In 2016 it was celebrated eighty years of the Dra. Ana María Lorandi, who dedicated over fifty years to academic research. This finds as active as ever, working on new projects and following the new generations of anthropologists interested in Ethnohistory. In writing this article, we think of honoring it by examining its contribution through three forms of action that she developed prominently: management, research and insertion into transnational networks. Throughout the text we proposed to recover his voice, trying to incorporate his vision of the history of scientific development in which played a key role.

  16. Objektorientēta pirmkoda vienībtestēšana ar MS Team Test ietvaru MS Visual Studio 2005 vidē


    Sondore, Justīne


    Šī darba mērķis ir iepazīties ar vienībtestēšanu, tās vietu programatūras izstrādē un biežāk pielietotajām tehnikām, kā arī iepazīt un novērtēt Microsoft Team Test ietvara piedāvātās vienībtestēšanas iespējas Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 vidē. Tiek apskatītas objektorientēta pirmkoda vienībtestēšanas problēmas — vides sagatavošana testu darbināšanai, aizbāžņu pielietošana un to praktiska realizācija ar NMock ietvaru. Praktiski ir daļēji realizēti vienībtesti eksistējošā sistēmā TPAIS kā arī a...

  17. Saskarsmes prasmju veicināšana ar mūzikas palīdzību pirmsskolā


    Gūtšmite, Sana


    Bakalaura darba autore ir Sana Gūtšmite. Bakalaura darba nosaukums: „Saskarsmes prasmju veicināšana ar mūzikas palīdzību pirmsskolā”. Darba mērķis: – teorētiski un empīriski pētīt bērnu saskarsmes prasmju veicināšanas iespējas muzikālās rotaļās un muzikāli ritmiskās kustībās. Darbā izvirzīta sekojoša hipotēze: – pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu saskarsmes prasmes veicināšana būs sekmīgāka, ja pedagoģiskajā procesā skolotājs •izmantos muzikālas rotaļas un muzikāli ritmiskās kustības; •veidos labvēlīg...

  18. Informācijas Tehnoloģiju iespēju izmantošana būvniecības projektu tāmēšanas pārvaldībā


    Broders, Kārlis


    Būvniecības tāmju izstrādē visplašāk izmantotā lietojumprogramma ir MS Excel lietotne, kas nodrošina tāmēšanai nepieciešamo izklājlapu tabulāro formu un aprēķinu formulu veidošanu, kā arī datu kopēšanas un citu tekstuālu un skaitlisku datu apstrādes funkcionalitāti. Lai arī MS Excel programmatūra ir vispār atzīta tāmētāja darba vietas platforma, izklājlapu programmatūra ir limitēta un nesniedz visu tāmēšanas darbu pārvaldībai nepieciešamo atbalstu, ko ir iespējams nodrošināt ar informācijas t...

  19. Principes et application de la digestion anaérobie pour la production d'énergie


    Bernet, Nicolas


    La digestion anaérobie est un processus naturel par lequel la matière organique est transformée en un biogaz qui contient environ 2/3 de méthane et 1/3 de dioxyde de carbone. Elle résulte de l’activité d’un écosystème microbien anaérobie complexe. Le biogaz est une source d’énergie qui peut être utilisée directement en remplacement du gaz naturel, pour produire de la chaleur et de l’électricité par cogénération ou encore comme carburant pour véhicules. Ainsi, la domestication par l’homme de c...

  20. Medicīniskās terminoloģijas mācīšana augstskolas līmenī


    Ulmane, Alise


    Šī maģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt veiksmīgākos medicīniskās terminoloģijas pasniegšanas metodes augstskolas līmeņa studentiem. Izmantojot triangulācijas metodi, autore analizēja augstskolas pasniedzēju, praktizējošo fizioterapeitu un studentu viedokļus par fizioterapijas specialitātes medicīniskās terminoloģijas atlasi un mācīšanas veidiem. Teorētiskajā daļā autore apskata dažādas terminoloģijas mācīšanas klasifikācijas un medicīniskā diskursa īpatnības. Apkopojot praktiskās daļas rezultātu...

  1. Secular Variations of Soil CO2 Efflux at Santa Ana-Izalco-Coatepeque Volcanic Complex, El Salvador, Central America (United States)

    Olmos, R.; Barahona, F.; Cartagena, R.; Soriano, T.; Salazar, J.; Hernandez, P.; Perez, N.; Lopez, D.


    The Santa Ana-Izalco-Coatepeque volcanic complex (2,365 m elevation), located 40 Km west of San Salvador, consists of the Coatepeque collapse caldera (a 6.5 x 10.5 Km elliptical depression), the Santa Ana and Izalco stratovolcanoes, as well as numerous cinder cones and explosion craters. The summit of the Santa Ana volcano contains an acid lake where hot springs, gas bubbling and intense fumarolic emissions occur. A volcanic plume, usually driven by the NE trades, may be seen rising up to 500 m from the summit crater of the Santa Ana volcano. The goal of this study is to provide a multidisciplinary approach for the volcanic surveillance by means of performing geochemical continuous monitoring of diffuse CO2 emission rate in addition to seismic monitoring. Temporal variations of soil CO2 efflux measured at Cerro Pacho dome, Coatepeque caldera, by means of the accumulation chamber method and using a CO2 efflux continuous monitoring station developed by WEST Systems (Italy). From May 2001 till May 2002, CO2 efflux ranged from 4.3 to 327 gm-2d-1, with a median value of 98 and a quartile range of 26 gm-2d-1. Two distinct diffuse CO2 degassing periods have been observed: (1) an increasing trend from May to July 2001, and (2) a stationary period from November 2001 to May 2002. The increasing-trend period may be due to the anomalous plume degassing at the Santa Ana volcano during 2001 and soon after the January and February 2001 earthquakes. Temporal variations of CO2 efllux during the second period seem to be coupled with those of barometric pressure and wind speed at different time scales, though most of the variance is contained at diurnal and semi-diurnal frequencies. These observations can help to explain the existence of a persistent behavior (Hurst exponent, H=0.934 +/- 0.0039) within the diffuse CO2 degassing phenomena. However, further observations are in progress to understand the long-term memory of diffuse CO2 degassing at the Santa Ana volcanic complex.

  2. Mācību līdzeklis skaitļu teorijā pamatskolas skolēniem


    Sirica, Dmitrijs


    Maģistra darbā ir izstrādāts mācību līdzeklis skaitļu teorijā pamatskolas skolēniem. Darbā apkopoti pēdējo gadu dažādu līmeņu Latvijas matemātikas olimpiāžu uzdevumi skaitļu teorijā un doti izvērsti to atrisinājumi. Darbs paredzēts galvenokārt šādiem mērķiem: - palīgmateriāls matemātikas skolotājiem, gatavojot skolēnus matemātikas olimpiādēm ; - palīgmateriāls skolēniem, lai apgūtu nestandarta uzdevumu risināšana metodes skaitļu teorijā. Darbs satur arī mate...

  3. Conceptual Model of the Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research Platform of Engure Ecoregion, Latvia

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    Melecis Viesturs


    Full Text Available Rakstā apskatīti nacionālā pētījumu projekta rezultāti, kuru mērķis - izstrādāt Latvijas LT(SER (Ilgtermiņa socioekoloģisko pētījumu platformas - Engures ekoreģiona integrēto konceptuālo modeli. Engures ekoreģionu veido piekrastes ezera sateces baseins (644 km2 ar Rīgas līča krasta un jūras piekrastes zonu. Ekoreģiona centrālo daļu veido Engures ezera dabas parks (EEDP - Ramsāres vieta. Konceptuālā modeļa pamatā ir DPSIR (virzošie spēki-slodzes-stāvokļi-ietekmes-rīcības koncepcija. Socioekoloģiskā sistēma tika telpiski strukturēta un virzošie spēki iedalīti divās grupās - ārējos un lokālos. Engures ekoreģions sadalīts septiņās zonās vai apakšreģionos ar izteiktām ģeoloģiskām un ģeogrāfiskām robežām. Katrai zonai raksturīgi specifiski virzošie spēki un slodzes kā arī specifiska ekosistēmu struktūra un biodaudzveidības elementi. Analizēti katra apakšreģiona galvenie virzošie spēki un slodzes trijos laika periodos: 19. gs. - 20 gs. sākums, padomju okupācijas periods (1940.-1991. g., periods pēc Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanas. Sniegti ekosistēmu stāvokļa un biodaudzveidības raksturojumi. Socioekonomiskās sistēmas aktīvā komponenta - cilvēka rīcības veido galvenokārt ekoreģionam ārējie faktori, tai skaitā vides likumdošana un finansu plūsmas zinātniskajiem pētījumiem un ekosistēmu apsaimniekošanai. Apskatīti divi alternatīvi Engures ekoreģiona attīstības scenāriji: 1 iedzīvotāju skaita samazināšanās un lauksaimniecības zemju aizaugšana; 2 lauksaimniecības, vietējās ražošanas uzņēmumu un būvniecības intensifikācija. Abos gadījumos ekosistēmu pašreizējais stāvoklis un sugu daudzveidības struktūra tiktu būtiski izmainīti. Reģiona ilgtspējīgu attīstību, saglabājot cilvēkam vēlamo ekosistēmu struktūru, iespējams nodrošināt, vienīgi ieviešot ekosistēmu apsaimniekošanas pasākumus, kas bāzēti uz

  4. Personāla atlases un apmācības sistēmas pilnveidošana uzņēmumā "X"


    Strode, Gunta


    Bakalaura darbā „Personāla atlases un apmācības sistēmas pilnveidošana uzņēmumā „X” ” tiek izskatīti un analizēti jautājumi par personāla atlases un apmācības procesu. Darbs sastāv no trim daļām. Pirmajā daļā tiek raksturoti personāla atlases mērķi un atlases organizēšanas kārtība. Otrajā daļā tiek raksturota personāla apmācības nozīme un organizēšanas nosacījumi. Trešajā daļā tiek pētīta personāla atlases un apmācības sistēmas pilnveidošana uzņēmumā „X”. Pamatojoties uz veiktajiem ...

  5. Bērnu mārketinga attīstība Latvijas lielāko pārtikas produktu ražotāju tirgus darbībās


    Lūse, Ieva


    Uzņēmumi visā pasaulē arvien vairāk sāka apzināties bērnu potenciālu tirgū un aktivizē savu komunikāciju ar bērnu auditoriju. Bērni vienlaicīgi tirgū pilda vairākas lomas kā patērētāji, iniciatori, ietekmētāji un lēmēji par pirkumu un pircēji šodien un nākotnē, kļūstot par daudzu uzņēmumu produkcijas pamata patērētājiem. Ņemot vērā tēmas aktualitāti autore par maģistra darba mērķi izvirza apzināt un analizēt lielāko Latvijas pārtikas produktu ražotāju aktivitāti bērnu mārketing...

  6. STAT4 gene polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility and ANA status in primary biliary cirrhosis. (United States)

    Joshita, Satoru; Umemura, Takeji; Nakamura, Minoru; Katsuyama, Yoshihiko; Shibata, Soichiro; Kimura, Takefumi; Morita, Susumu; Komatsu, Michiharu; Matsumoto, Akihiro; Yoshizawa, Kaname; Ishibashi, Hiromi; Tanaka, Eiji; Ota, Masao


    Recent genome-wide association studies suggest that genetic factors contribute to primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) susceptibility. Although several reports have demonstrated that the interleukin (IL) 12 signaling pathway is involved in PBC pathogenesis, its precise genetic factors have not been fully clarified. Here, we performed an association analysis between IL12A, IL12RB, and signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) genetic variations and susceptibility to PBC. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 395 PBC patients and 458 healthy subjects of Japanese ethnicity and evaluated for associations with PBC susceptibility, anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) status, and anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) status. We detected significant associations with PBC susceptibility for several STAT4 SNPs (rs10168266; P = 9.4 × 10(-3), rs11889341; P = 1.2 × 10(-3), rs7574865; P = 4.0 × 10(-4), rs8179673; P = 2.0 × 10(-4), and rs10181656; P = 4.2 × 10(-5)). Three risk alleles (rs7574865; P = 0.040, rs8179673; P = 0.032, and rs10181656; P = 0.031) were associated with ANA status, but not with AMA positivity. Our findings confirm that STAT4 is involved in PBC susceptibility and may play a role in ANA status in the Japanese population.

  7. STAT4 Gene Polymorphisms Are Associated with Susceptibility and ANA Status in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

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    Satoru Joshita


    Full Text Available Recent genome-wide association studies suggest that genetic factors contribute to primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC susceptibility. Although several reports have demonstrated that the interleukin (IL 12 signaling pathway is involved in PBC pathogenesis, its precise genetic factors have not been fully clarified. Here, we performed an association analysis between IL12A, IL12RB, and signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4 genetic variations and susceptibility to PBC. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs were genotyped in 395 PBC patients and 458 healthy subjects of Japanese ethnicity and evaluated for associations with PBC susceptibility, anti-nuclear antibody (ANA status, and anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA status. We detected significant associations with PBC susceptibility for several STAT4 SNPs (rs10168266; P=9.4×10-3, rs11889341; P=1.2×10-3, rs7574865; P=4.0×10-4, rs8179673; P=2.0×10-4, and rs10181656; P=4.2×10-5. Three risk alleles (rs7574865; P=0.040, rs8179673; P=0.032, and rs10181656; P=0.031 were associated with ANA status, but not with AMA positivity. Our findings confirm that STAT4 is involved in PBC susceptibility and may play a role in ANA status in the Japanese population.

  8. Nolaupīšanas kvalifikācija atkarībā no mantas vērtības


    Kasjanovs, Georgijs


    Maģistra darba tēma ir "Nolaupīšanas kvalifikācija atkarībā no mantas apmēra". Tiesu praksē un tiesību teorijā ir sastopami strīdīgi jautājumi, kas saistīti ar nolaupīšanas kvalifikāciju atkarībā no mantas apmēra, kuru rezultātā rodas problēmas sakarā ar tiesību normu piemērošanu, atšķirīga tiesu prakse līdzīgās situācijās, ka arī dažreiz tiek kavēts izmeklēšanas iestāžu darbs ar šāda rakstura lietām. Darba mērķis ir izskatīt praktiskus un teorētiskus problēmjautājumus un atrast visefek...

  9. Intellectual Property as a Drive for Sustainable Medical Tourism – The Ana Aslan case

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    Bolos Mihaela Daciana


    Full Text Available The present paper studies the way intellectual property rights may encourage sustainable medical tourism, meaning the advantages that a patent, traditional knowledge, a trademark, or other IP right may offer to a hospital in order to attract foreign patients. The analysis is done trough the Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics “Ana Aslan” case study, seen not from a medical point of view but from the perspective of the intellectual property importance for the development of medical tourism. The Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics “Ana Aslan” was founded in 1952 and become an international renowned center in the study and the diminishing of old age effects. Many celebrities (artist and state presidents came to receive treatment here, even though Romania had, at that time, a communist regime.

  10. About identities and struggles: interview with ana maría spadafora


    Bossi, Jesica


    Anthropologist Ana María Spadafora describes the current situation of indigenous communities in Argentina. She explains the meaning of “being Indian” and how processes of ethnic re-emergence have taken place in Argentina and elsewhere in the continent. The articulation between Positive Law and indigenous world view, and the effects of globalization on ethnic minorities are some of the issues covered.

  11. Uzņēmējdarbības principu ieviešana publiskajā pārvaldē


    Keiriša, Jolanta


    Maģistra darbs uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 79 lapām, satur 14 tabulas, 30 attēlus un 57 atsauces uz literatūras un informācijas avotiem. Maģistra darbs veltīts publiskās pārvaldes darbības efektivitātes uzlabošanai izmantojot uzņēmējdarbības principus. Šajā aspektā tika pētīts pašvaldību vadītāju pašnovērtējums par pārvaldes darbu. Pētījuma mērķis ir novērtēt situāciju Latvijas publiskajā pārvaldē, apskatīt kādi modernizācijas principi tajā darbojas, kādus vajadzētu vēl ieviest. Lai sasnieg...

  12. Portugali saadik : Venemaaga räägime kõigest / Ana Paula Zacarias ; interv. Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zacarias, Ana Paula


    Euroopa Liidu uue eesistujamaa Portugali suursaadik Eestis Ana Paula Zacarias Euroopa Liidu välispoliitika kujundamise põhimõtetest, suhetest Venemaaga, tööst EL-i põhiseaduslepingut asendava reformilepinguga

  13. Missugused on teie kogemused väikeklassidega? / Villu Mengel, Ana Kontor, Katrin Betlem, Riina Kink

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastasid Sikupilli keskkooli direktor Villu Mengel, Tartu hariduse tugiteenuste keskuse eripedagoog Ana Kontor, Tabasalu ühisgümnaasiumi õppejuht-sotsiaalpedagoog Katrin Betlem, Keila kooli põhikooli õppejuht Riina Kink

  14. Ana Cristina Cesar e Manoel de Barros - Confluências possíveis

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    Fernando Floriani Petry


    Full Text Available Os motivos do que aqui se ensaia são margeados pela vontade de correspondência, de confluências, de ferramentas de (releitura. Em outras palavras, suspeita-se que seja possível ler Manoel de Barros lendo Ana C. por detrás adiante e vice-versa. Não seria louco o suficiente para afirmar que há aproximações semânticas, semióticas ou o que quer que se queira. Não é esse o campo de batalha. As confluências se dão mais nos repertórios de leitura e nos procedimentos poéticos de ambos. Ou seja, as confluências residem na figura do leitor, em possíveis ferra-mentas de leitura que podemos armar a partir da poética dos dois. Não somente como contraponto – dizer que Manoel de Barros pensa o conceito de silêncio de uma maneira e Ana C. de outra – mas como suporte de leitura, como possibilidade de a-bertura de um projeto poético em ambos os poetas.

  15. ANA Testing: What should we know about the methods, indication and interpretation?

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    Au Elaine Yuen Ling


    Full Text Available Though ANA is a common test requested in several settings, one may not be aware of the potential traps for interpretation. Nowadays, there is a trend for autoantibodies diagnostics to move from traditional time honored manual methods to high throughput automated platforms. Nevertheless, the clinical significance and assay performance characteristics may be different from those “historical” methods. Though indirect immunofluorescence is the gold standard method for ANA tests, different laboratories vary in the slides (from different cell lines and commercial source, e.g., Hep 2, Hep 2000, etc., screening dilutions, terminology, reporting format and expertise. Hence, discrepancy in results among different laboratories is not uncommon and could be confusing. Knowing the assay characteristic and limitations helps proper results interpretation and facilitate patient’s management. Indeed, the titer and pattern by indirect immunofluorescence do provide valuable information in screening patients. In particular, DFS pattern with the associated anti-DFS70 antibodies has been shown to have a role to risk stratify cases referred for suspected autoimmune rheumatic disease.

  16. About Identities and Struggles: Interview with Ana María Spadafora

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    Jesica Bossi


    Full Text Available Anthropologist Ana María Spadafora describes the current situation of indigenous communities in Argentina. She explains the meaning of “being Indian” and how processes of ethnic re-emergence have taken place in Argentina and elsewhere in the continent. The articulation between Positive Law and indigenous world view, and the effects of globalization on ethnic minorities are some of the issues covered.

  17. Viaje al palenque Caribe de Ana Mercedes Hoyos

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    Maria Cristina Laverde Toscano


    Full Text Available Transitar por el camino de un artista consagrado despierta en el espectador diversos y entrañables sentimientos. Recorrer la obra de Ana Mercedes Hoyos nos enfrenta al proceso coherente y mesurado de una creadora que se apropió de la luz majestuosa para dar vida a objetos del entorno cotidiano. Objetos que danzan, dueños del movimiento y la sensualidad que los convierte en sagrados. El encuentro con un cuadro de esta artista se transforma así en un acto sublime de contemplación. Esta Maestra vive hoy en función de su trabajo las veinticuatro horas de cada día: sus viajes continuos tienen que ver siempre con sus labores artísticas en Nueva York, con sus exposiciones en los más disímiles puntos del planeta, con su anhelo ferviente de conocer lo que grandes maestros de la plástica universal muestran en famosos museos y galerías del mundo. Así preserva la riqueza de esa relación constante en su obra entre temáticas locales y estilos y lenguajes contemporáneos e internacionales. En Bogotá, la vida de Ana Mercedes Hoyos transcurre alderredor de su taller donde infatigablemente lleva al lienzo sólo algunos de los múltiples proyectos que invaden su creativa imaginación. Los pocos compromisos que acepta giran también en torno al trabajo, al igual que sus amigos con quienes comparte actividades y labores de su quehacer artístico. Al final, como ella afirma ... “todo se me vuelve el mismo cuento”.

  18. Evaluation of the RapID-ANA system for identification of anaerobic bacteria of veterinary origin. (United States)

    Adney, W S; Jones, R L


    This study evaluated the ability of the RapID-ANA system (Innovative Diagnostic Systems, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.) to accurately identify a spectrum of freshly isolated veterinary anaerobes. A total of 183 isolates were tested and included 7 Actinomyces spp., 53 Bacteroides spp., 32 Clostridium spp., 2 Eubacterium spp., 65 Fusobacterium spp., 1 Peptococcus spp., 22 Peptostreptococcus spp., and 1 Propionibacterium spp. All isolates were initially identified by conventional biochemical testing and gas-liquid chromatography of short-chain fatty acid metabolites. Additional tests were performed as required by the RapID-ANA system. Of these isolates, 81.4% were correctly identified to the genus level, including 59.6% to the species level, 14.2% were incorrectly identified at the genus level, and 4.4% were not identified. Initially, 20.2% of the strains were not identified because the microcodes were not in the code book. The majority of the incorrect identifications were caused by the misidentification of Fusobacterium spp. as Bacteroides spp. Errors also occurred when veterinary anaerobes not included in the data base were assigned an identification from the existing data base. The RapID-ANA system appears to be a promising new method for rapid identification of veterinary anaerobes; however, further evaluation with an extended data base is needed before the system can accurately identify all clinically significant anaerobes.

  19. Gênese do serviço de enfermagem do Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso: contribuição da escola Ana Néri Génesis del servicio de enfermería en el Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso: contribución de la Escuela Ana Neri Genesis of nursing service in Hospital Federal Bonsucesso: contribution of Ana Neri School

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    Camila Pureza Guimarães Silva


    Full Text Available O objeto deste estudo é a implantação do Serviço de Enfermagem no Hospital do Instituto de Aposentadoria e Pensões dos Empregados em Transportes e Cargas, atual Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso, no período 1946-1948. Seu objetivo é discutir a participação da Escola Ana Néri nesse processo. Fontes primárias: documentos escritos e depoimentos orais. Fontes secundárias: bibliografias acerca da temática. A abordagem teórico-metodológica apoiou-se em conceitos dos sociólogos Pierre Bourdieu e Maria Cecília Minayo. Evidenciou-se que a contribuição da Escola Ana Néri além de ter sido decisiva para o sucesso da implantação do Serviço de Enfermagem no Hospital do Instituto de Aposentadoria e Pensões dos Empregados em Transportes e Cargas também contribuiu para reforçar sua posição no espaço hospitalar da capital federal no governo Dutra.El objeto de este estudio es la implementación del Servicio de Enfermería en el Hospital del Instituto de Aposentadoria e Pensões dos Empregados em Transportes e Cargas, actual Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso, en el periodo 1946-1948. Su objetivo es discutir la participación de la Escuela Ana Neri en ese proceso. Fuentes primarias: documentos escritos y testimonios orales. Las fuentes secundarias: bibliografías sobre el tema. Los enfoques teóricos y metodológicos se basaron en los conceptos de los sociólogos Pierre Bourdieu y María Cecilia Minayo. Era evidente que la contribución de la Escuela Ana Neri, además de decisiva para la exitosa implementación del Servicio de Enfermería en el Hospital del Instituto de Aposentadoria e Pensões dos Empregados em Transportes e Cargas también contribuyó para fortalecer su posición en el espacio hospitalario de la Capital Federal en el Gobierno Dutra.The object of this study is the implementation of the Nursing Service at the Hospital of the Institute of Retirement and Pension Employee Transport and Cargo current Federal Bonsucesso Hospital

  20. Snježana Malić-Limari, MSc in Natural Sciences

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    Sven Jelaska


    Full Text Available Snježana Malić-Limari successfully defended her Master’s thesis Evaluation of Medvednica Nature Park with Respect to Land Cover, Landform and Visitor System at the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb on November 23, 2009. The Master’s thesis was evaluated by the following Committee: Prof. Dr. Božena Mitić, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sven Jelaska (mentor and Prof. Dr. Sanja Tišma, Institute for International Relations.

  1. WebQuest mācību modeļa izmantošana ķīmijas mācību stundās


    Silauniece, Līga


    Darbā veikta literatūras izpēte par WebQuest kā interneta izmantošanas modeli ķīmijas mācību procesā. Analizēta WebQuest projekta sagatavošana un realizēšana, organizatoriskie un didaktiskie aspekti. Izveidots WebQuest darba apraksta piemērs ķīmijā 9. klasei. Izstrādātas vietnes par WebQuest mācību modeļa realizāciju. Izstrādāta pedagogu profesionālās pilnveides kursu programma un metodiskie ieteikumi skolotājiem.

  2. “Tuvu attiecību” definēšanas principi geju un lesbiešu skatījumā


    Rudzīte, Katrīna


    Bakalaura darbā “”Tuvu attiecību” definēšanas principi geju un lesbiešu skatījumā” pētītas radniecīgu vai radniecībai ļoti līdzīgu attiecību definēšanas un veidošanas prakses geju un lesbiešu vidū, pievēršot uzmanību tam, kādas nozīmes tuvībai un tuvām attiecībām tiek piešķirtas. Tuvība un tuvas attiecības, kas sadzīves realitātē bieži tiek skatītas kā pašsaprotamas parādības, kas pastāv personas privātajā telpā un neprasa plašāku refleksiju kultūrsociālā kontekstā, pētījumā tiek aplūkotas kā...

  3. O jogo do mestre e da discípula segundo Ana Hatherly

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    Claudio Alexandre Barros Teixeira


    Full Text Available O Mestre, de Ana Hatherly (1963, é um romance construído numa estrutura similar à dos jogos, com uma ordem, objetivos e regras específicas. Este artigo faz uma análise do caráter lúdico daobra a partir das formulações teóricas de Johan Huizinga.

  4. Jonometrijas un jonu hromatogrāfijas izmantošana jonu šķidrumu analīzē


    Liberts, Andrejs


    Darbā ir apkopota literatūra par jonu šķidrumiem, jonometriju un jonu hromatogrāfiju. Noteikti tetrafluorborātjona jonselektīvā elektroda raksturlielumi, pārbaudītas tā praktiskās izmantošanas iespējas jonu šķidrumu analīzē, eksperimentāli atrasti potenciometriskie selektivitātes koeficienti. Veikta tetrafluorborātjonu saturošu jonu šķidrumu jonometriska noteikšana ar standartpiedevu metodi. Iegūtie rezultāti statistiski izvērtēti. Veikta arī hlorīdjonu un bromīdjonu saturošu jonu š...

  5. Stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģiju saistība ar pašcieņu


    Ošuroka, Anete


    Šī pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīga saistība starp pašcieņu un stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģiju izvēli. Pētījumā kopumā piedalījās 62 respondenti, vecumā no 19 – 45 gadiem (M = 24,29; SD = 5,22). Pašcieņa, tika mērīta izmantojot Rozenberga pašcieņas skalu (Rosenberg self-esteem scale, Rosenberg, 1965), Latvijā adaptējusi Anika Miltuze, 1996. gadā. Savukārt stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģijas, tika mērītas ar Stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģiju aptauju (The Coping Orientati...

  6. Contract Audit Followup: Defense Contract Management Agency Santa Ana Office's Actions on Incurred Cost Audits

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    This report addresses the DCMA Santa Ana District Office. DoD Directive 7640.2, "Policy for Follow-up on Contract Audit Reports," February 12, 1988, as amended August 16, 1995, implements OMB Circular A-50...

  7. Īstermiņa hidroloģisko prognožu salīdzinošā analīze 2013. un 2014.gadu hidroloģiskajās fāzēs: Irbes, Abavas, Bērzes, Gaujas, Ogres un Dubnas upju basenu piemēros


    Zubaničs, Andrejs


    Maģistra darba tēma ir „Īstermiņa hidroloģisko prognožu salīdzinošā analīze 2013. un 2014. gadu hidroloģiskajās fāzēs: Irbes, Abavas, Bērzes, Gaujas, Ogres un Dubnas upju baseinu piemēros”. Darba mērķis ir novērtēt, kura skaitliskā meteoroloģiskā modeļa HIRLAM vai ECMWF laika apstākļu prognozes ļauj modelēt precīzākās īstermiņa hidroloģiskās prognozes sešiem pētītajiem Latvijas upju baseiniem. Literatūras analīzē aplūkota hidroloģiskā modelēšana, modeļu veidi un to pielietojums hidroloģisk...

  8. Elektroniskās un mobilās komercijas attīstības tendences un to ietekme uzņēmuma darbībā


    Krūze, Antra


    Šī maģistra darba mērķis - izpētīt esošo situāciju un izvērtēt potenciālu elektroniskajā un mobilajā komercijā, sniegt priekšlikumus nozares speciālistiem mārketinga aktivitāšu plānošanā. Temata izvēles pamatā ir pieņēmums, ka Latvijas uzņēmēju un nozares speciālistu zināšanas par e-komercijas un m-komercijas iespējām un potenciālu ir nepietiekamas, kas radies analizējot masu mediju, reklāmas un mārketinga ekspertu viedokļus dažādās intervijās vai aģentūru publikācijās. Maģistra darbā ir ...

  9. Maznodrošinātu ģimeņu internātskolas skolēnu intelektuālās spējas un uzvedības traucējumi.


    Poča, Kristīne


    Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai pastāv atšķirības intelektuālajās spējās un uzvedības traucējumos starp maznodrošinātu ģimeņu internātskolas skolēniem un normatīvo pielīdzināto grupu, kā arī kāda ir saistība starp uzvedības traucējumiem un intelektuālajām spējām internātskolu skolēniem. Pētījuma tika izmantots Vekslera intelektuālās novērtēšanas tests (Wechsler intelligence scales for children-fourth edition, Wechsler, 2003; adaptēts un standartizēts Latvijas apstākļiem Raščevska & Sebre, ...

  10. Rapid determination of 239Pu in urine samples using molecular recognition technology product AnaLigRPu-02 gel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silvia Dulanska; Boris Remenec; Jan Bilohuscin; Miroslav Labaska; Bianka Horvathova; Andrej Matel


    This paper describes the use of IBC's AnaLig R Pu-02 molecular recognition technology product to effectively and selectively pre-concentrate, separate and recover plutonium from urine samples. This method uses two-stage column separations consisting of two different commercial products, Eichrom's Pre-filter Material and AnaLig R Pu-02 resin from IBC Advanced Technologies. By eliminating the co-precipitation techniques and the ashing steps to remove residual organics, the analysis time was reduced significantly. The method was successfully tested by adding known activities of reference solutions of 242 Pu and 239 Pu to urine samples. (author)

  11. Sociālo tīklu izmantošana pusaudžu vecumā un to vadīšanas iespējas interešu izglītībā


    Biezais, Artūrs


    Pētījuma nosaukums ir „Sociālo tīklu izmantošana pusaudžu vecumā un to vadīšanas iespējas interešu izglītībā”. Dažādos pētījumos ir pierādīts, ka tieši pusaudžu vecumposms ir tas, kurā bērni visvairāk laika pavada sociālajos tīklos. Viņi tiem piekļūst ar datoru, ar viedtālruņu un planšetdatoru palīdzību. Neskatoties uz to, ka bērni sociālos tīklus ļoti aktīvi izmanto ārpus skolas, viņi tos izmanto arī skolā un pat mācību stundās. Tā ir mūsdienu realitāte, kas visnotaļ, atkarībā no sociālo med...

  12. Jauna tehniskā lignīna degradācijas produktu pētīšana


    Ponomarenko, Jevgenija


    Darbā ir veikta parastās egles (Picea abies) koksnes lignīnu analīze, kas ir iegūti Zviedrijas Lundas Universitātes bioetanola ražošanas pilotiekārtā kā cieti atlikumi dažādās procesa stadijās. Salīdzināšanai ir izmantots egles koksnes Bjorkmana lignīns. Lignīnu pētīšanai ir izmantotas oksidatīvas degradācijas un analītiskās pirolīzes metodes. Produktu sadalīšanai un identifikācijai ir izmantotas gāzes hromatogrāfijas un masspektrometrijas metodes. Nitrobenzola oksidēšanas rezultātā kā galven...

  13. Ana Cristina Cesar e Manoel de Barros - Confluências possíveis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Floriani Petry


    Full Text Available Os motivos do que aqui se ensaia são margeados pela vontade de correspondência, de confluências, de ferramentas de (releitura. Em outras palavras, suspeita-se que seja possível ler Manoel de Barros lendo Ana C. por detrás adiante e vice-versa. Não seria louco o suficiente para afirmar que há aproximações semânticas, semióticas ou o que quer que se queira. Não é esse o campo de batalha. As confluências se dão mais nos repertórios de leitura e nos procedimentos poéticos de ambos. Ou seja, as confluências residem na figura do leitor, em possíveis ferra-mentas de leitura que podemos armar a partir da poética dos dois. Não somente como contraponto – dizer que Manoel de Barros pensa o conceito de silêncio de uma maneira e Ana C. de outra – mas como suporte de leitura, como possibilidade de a-bertura de um projeto poético em ambos os poetas.

  14. ANA position statement on privatization and for-profit conversion. American Nurses Association. (United States)


    The American Nurses Association (ANA) believes that the health of communities benefits from a mix of health care facilities, including both public and nonprofit private facilities where feasible. ANA is concerned by the rate of conversion of nonprofit facilities and plans to for-profit status. Privatization of public facilities and the conversion of nonprofit facilities and health plans to for-profit status requires careful public oversight to ensure continued access to affordable, quality services, including a maintenance of uncompensated care; a fair accounting of the assets of the entity being privatized or converted; and an assurance that converted assets are used to maintain and improve access to affordable, safe and quality health care services. The rights and benefits of employees must be carefully safe-guarded in any privatization or conversion move. All hospitals, regardless of ownership or tax status, should be held accountable for the delivery of safe, quality services, and should be required to disclose data regarding staffing, patient outcomes, cost and delivery of uncompensated care. Continued data collection will be necessary to guide further development of public policy to address privatization and for-profit conversion.

  15. Audiomagnetotelluric exploration across the Waíanae Range, Óahu, Hawaíi (United States)

    Sigurdardottir, T. D.; Thomas, D. M.; Wallin, E.; Winchester, C.; Sinton, J. M.


    The audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) method is capable of providing direct evidence of a geothermal resource within the extinct Waíanae volcano, Óahu, Hawaíi. Geothermal systems are becoming an increasingly important energy source worldwide. With electric energy costs in Hawaíi the most expensive in the US (30.54 cents/kWh), it is important to investigate the potential of local geothermal resources. Slightly elevated temperature and chloride concentrations, measured in the 1970's at wells in the upper Lualualei Valley indicate the possibility of a geothermal resource. Previous geophysical investigations: self-potential, rotating quadripole resistivity, and shallow soil temperature surveys in the caldera measured low resistivity values. Resistivity is related to rock characteristics (e.g., porosity, saturation, salinity, temperature, chemistry, and the presence of weathered minerals). We are investigating the area further using the AMT method. We have collected profiles of AMT measurements across the Lualualei Valley and the Waíanae caldera boundary. Anthropogenic noise and access in this area is problematic. Electrical noise, originating from power lines along roads and very low frequency radio towers in the vicinity, add noise to the data. Limited access to sites on military lands inhibit data collection. However, preliminary results show that we have successfully imaged the expected higher resistivity values as our profiles cross the mountains bounding the caldera. As data continue to be collected across the Waíanae Caldera and Range and we begin modeling our data in two dimensions, we expect to be able to identify water table elevations, detect lateral variability between salt and fresh water saturation, estimate thickness of the freshwater lens and depth to the transition zone, image fault structures at the caldera boundary, and with enough sensitivity to conductivity, we can identify regions of elevated temperature.

  16. Forecast skill of synoptic conditions associated with Santa Ana winds in Southern California (United States)

    Charles Jones; Francis Fujioka; Leila M.V. Carvalho


    Santa Ana winds (SAW) are synoptically driven mesoscale winds observed in Southern California usually during late fall and winter. Because of the complex topography of the region, SAW episodes can sometimes be extremely intense and pose significant environmental hazards, especially during wildfire incidents. A simple set of criteria was used to identify synoptic-scale...


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    Mehmet Emin AYDIN


    Full Text Available Konya ana tahliye kanalı Konya ovasının drenaj sularını toplayarak tuz gölüne boşaltmaktadır. Konya ovasında Konya şehri atık sularının tabi bir drenaj noktası bulunmaması sebebiyle kent atıksuları da bu kanala deşarj edilmektedir. Kanal güzergahı boyunca bu drenaj suları ve atık sular sulama suyu olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bazı klorlu organik bileşikler toksik ve kanserojen oldukları bilinen bileşiklerdir. Bu çalışmada Konya atıksularının deşarj edildiği ana tahliye kanalından alınan saatlik, günlük ve aylık numuneler gaz kromotoğraf (GC ile analiz edilerek klorlu organik bileşik içerikleri araştırılmıştır.

  18. Gazovaja kladovaja Jevropõ / Natalja Vostruhhova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vostruhhova, Natalja


    Incukalnsi maa-aluse gaasihoidla võimalustest, struktuurist ja tehnoloogiast. Kaart: Baltimaade gaasijuhtmete skeem. Diagrammid: Gaasi hulk hoidlas; Maagaasi võimalik pakkumine; Latvijas Gaze investeeringud gaasihoidlasse; Latvijas Gaze investeeringud

  19. La contaminación por eutrofización en arroyos que vierten a la Marisma de Doñana


    Serrano Martín, Laura; Bravo, Miguel Ángel; Jiménez, Antonia; Prenda Marín, José; Martín, María Isabel; Pidre, Juan Ramón; Salas Rodríguez, Juan José


    La zona norte de la marisma del Parque Nacional de Doñana es un ejemplo de contaminación por eutrofización antrópica. El presente trabajo muestra la variación en las concentraciones de nutrientes en el mismo tramo de dos arroyos que vierten a la marisma de Doñana (El Partido y La Rocina) durante los períodos 1982-84, 1991-92 y 2004-05 mediante la recopilación de publicaciones y la realización de prospecciones recientes. Las concentraciones de nutrientes en el arroyo de El Partido siguen siend...

  20. The spectacle of conservation. Doñana National Park in Man and the Earth (1979

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    Mònica Alcalá-Lorente


    Full Text Available By the end of the 1970s, four documentaries about Doñana National Park were broadcast within the National Spanish Television series Man and the Earth, directed by Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente. Through the account of the Park’s life cycle –each chapter matched each one of the year’s seasons–, these chapters were a celebration of the struggle to conserve the natural heritage, whose meaning was established in relation to a beautifully-produced representation of both nature and the natural sciences. This paper analyzes how, in a quite complex historical and political context, and through the spectacle of the success and fragility of Doñana National Park, Rodríguez de la Fuente represented sensitivity towards nature and the natural heritage, acquired through the study of the natural sciences, as a key element of modernization.

  1. The aquatic systems of Doñana (SW Spain): watersheds and frontiers


    Serrano Martín, Laura; Reina Vázquez, Marta María; Martín Farfán, Gonzalo; Reyes Bárbara, Isabel; Arechederra, Arantza; León, D.; Toja Santillana, Julia


    Doñana includes an extraordinary variety of aquatic systems. They are broadly classified according to their location (on either aeolian sands or marshland) as their hydrology largely depends on the geomorphology of their basins. Their chemical composition is mainly influenced by rainfall, evaporative concentration, groundwater discharge, biogeochemical interactions at the sediment-water interface, and the quality composition of their watersheds. The influence of the watershed can be studie...

  2. Vidējā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu iztēles attīstības sekmēšana zīmēšanā


    Stricka, Ilona


    Darba nosaukums: Vidējā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu iztēles attīstības sekmēšana zīmēšanā. Darba autore: Ilona Stricka. Darba zinātniskā vadītāja: dr. paed., lekt. Antra Randoha. Darbs sastāv no ievada, 2 daļām, literatūras un avotu saraksta, pielikuma. Darba pirmajā daļā autore iepazīstina ar iztēles jēdziena skaidrojumu dažādu pedagogu un psihologu teorētiskajām atziņām. Zīmēšanas būtību, veidiem un iztēles sekmēšanas pedagoģiski psiholoģiskiem nosacījumiem zīmēšanas procesā. Otrajā daļā au...

  3. Žurnāla SHAPE pārpozicionēšanas stratēģijas problēmas un risinājumi.


    Nikodemusa, Zane


    Maģistra darba tēma ir „Žurnāla SHAPE pārpozicionēšanas stratēģijas problēmas un risinājumi”. Maģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt žurnāla SHAPE pārpozicionēšanas stratēģiju, tās ieguvumus un zaudējumus no uzņēmuma skatu punkta, kā arī ietekmējošos faktorus un risinājumus turpmākai tirgus pozīcijas stiprināšanai. Darba gaitā autore izmanto dažādas informācijas apkopošanas un analīzes metodes. Teorētiskās daļas veidošanai darba autore izmantoja literatūras referatīvās analīzes metodi. Informāci...

  4. Vasks: Cantabile per archi, Paul Mägi / Bernhard Uske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uske, Bernhard


    Uuest heliplaadist "Vasks: Cantabile per archi; Botschaft: Musica Dolorosa, Sinfonie für Streicher (Stimmen). Latvijas Nicionalais Simfoniskais Orkestris, Latvijas Filharmonijas Kamerorkestris. Pauls Megi [Paul Mägi]", Tovijs Lifsics. Wergo CD 6220-2

  5. Gaisma un krāsa sabiedriskās ēdināšanas telpās


    Cvetkova, Diāna


    Diplomdarbā „Gaisma un krāsa sabiedriskās ēdināšanas telpās” autore analizē informāciju par apgaismojuma un krāsas lomām sabiedriskās ēdināšanas telpās. Labākam priekšstatam autore detāli apraksta to, kā apgaismojums un krāsa var izmainīt telpu un ietekmēt cilvēka psiholoģisko stāvokli un noskaņojumu, kā arī, kā noteiktas krasas apgaismojums var izmainīt ēdiena krāsu, tādējādi ietekmējot mūsu ēstgribu. Empiriskā daļā autore analizē interjerus kafejnīcās unrestorānos, kas atrodas Rīgas pi...

  6. Alkohola reklāma sociālajos tīklos: gadījums


    Moroza, Eila


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Alkohola reklāma sociālajos tī gadījums.” Pētījumā aplūkotā problēma ir par alkohola reklāmu sociālajos tīklos un par tās regulācijas iespējām atbilstoši Latvijas likumdošanas un ētikas kodeksa normatīviem, kas attur patērētājus iegādāties un pārmērīgi lietot alkoholu. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt alkohola reklāmas saturu un tā regulāciju sociālajos tīklos. Darba teorijas daļā sniegts ieskats par sociālo tīklu būtību, alkohola industriju un reklām...

  7. "Amoralle" zīmola attīstības stratēģija starptautiskajā tirgū


    Dubovska, Viktorija


    Maģistra darba „Amoralle zīmola attīstības stratēģija starptautiskajā tirgū” mērķis ir pētot starptautiskā mārketinga un preču virzīšanas tirgū metodes, kā arī luksusa zīmola nozīmes uzņēmumā teorētisko pamatojumu, izanalizēt „Amoralle” darbību Latvijā un izstrādāt uzņēmuma attīstības plānu starptautiskajā tirgū. Darbā tika apskatīts zīmola jēdziens, patērētāju uzvedība luksusa zīmola izvēlē, luksusa zīmols, starptautiskais zīmols un sadarbības zīmols. Autore apkopoja Latvijas uzņēmēju int...

  8. Pierādījumu vērtēšana kriminālprocesā


    Griķe, Madara


    Pierādījumu vērtēšana ir viena no būtiskākajām valsts atzīto un aizsargāto cilvēka pamattiesību garantijām kriminālprocesā, tā nosaka tiesas nolēmuma tiesiskumu un pamatotību. Attiecībā uz pierādījumu vērtēšanu likumā nav konkrēta panta, ir reglamentēti pierādīšanas teorijas centrālie jēdzieni, principi un prasības, pēc kurām jāatbilst pierādījumiem un pēc kurām tie jāvērtē. Autore darbā pievēršas sastopamām problēmām praksē, kas saistītas ar pierādījumu vērtēšanu. Autore aktualizē jautājumu...

  9. Franšīzes izmantošana auto nomas uzņēmumos Latvijā


    Burtniece, Ramona


    Bakalaura darbs „Franšīzes izmantošana auto nomas uzņēmumos Latvijā”. Darba mērķis: izpētīt preču zīmes nozīmi starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā un franšīzē, analizējot uz franšīzes pamata darbojošos auto nomas uzņēmumu darbību Latvijā, to iespējamās priekšrocības vai zaudējumus salīdzinājumā ar vietējiem uzņēmumiem. Darba ietvaros izpētīts preču zīmes jēdziens, franšīzes būtība, likumdošana, kas to regulē, analizēta un salīdzināta 2 uz franšīzes pamata darbojošos auto nomu darbība un, veicot ...

  10. Ana Carolina Escosteguy: Cenários dos estudos culturais

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    Thaisa Cristina Bueno


    Full Text Available Autora do livro “Cartografia dos Estudos Culturais”, “Comunicação e recepção” (em coautoria com Nilda Jacks, “Leituras em comunicação, cultura e tecnologia”, além de coautora e organizadora em outras obras de referência sobre o tema cultura e comunicação no Brasil, Ana Carolina Escosteguy é hoje um dos nomes mais importantes quando se pensa em Estudos Culturais no país. Doutora em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade de São Paulo (2000, com pós-doutorado no CAMRI (Communication and Media Research Institute, associado ao Department of Journalism and Mass Communication da School of Media, Art and Design da University of Westminster (UK, Ana Carolina Escosteguy é professora titular da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS e bolsista produtividade em pesquisa do CNPq, desde março 2001. Nesta entrevista ela discute pontos sensíveis da área, entre eles o pouco destaque das pesquisas desse campo têm tido no Jornalismo, o fato de a base teórica ser bem mais ampla que os tradicionais estudos de recepção a que são comumente aproximados, não se nega a tratar das confusões com a folkcomunicação, bem como as próprios limites e intersecções desse campo de estudos. Durante esta conversa, aproveita para apontar as obras que considera essenciais para adentrar na área e mostra coragem e segurança para se colocar como uma pesquisadora que busca entender o tempo atual, as tecnologias e as rupturas a partir da perspectiva do usuário. Confiram:

  11. Review of "Crítica e Tradução" by Ana Cristina Cesar

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    Beatriz Regina Guimarães Barboza


    Full Text Available The text presents a review on the book of essays "Crítica e Tradução" by Ana Cristina Cesar. Counting her publications in magazines and her academic productions, besides her works in translation, the volume brings has a interesting perspective on culture, cinema, literature and translation according to the researches of the author.

  12. MediANA - interaktiivne tööriist kommunikatsioonijuhtidele / Akvilė Katilienė ; intervjueerinud Kaidi Balder, Vahur Orrin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Katilienė, Akvilė


    BNS-i grupi peaanalüütik Balti riikides Akvilė Katilienė selgitab intervjuus, kuidas aitab ETA Monitooringu interaktiivne kommunikatsioonijuhtimise ja analüüsi keskkond mediANA tõhustada kommunikatsioonijuhi tööd

  13. Multielemental analysis by neutron activation of sediments in the Ana Maria Gulf, Cuba

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz Rizo, O.; Gandarias, D.; Calzavilla, R.; Garcia, G.


    In this paper general samples of marine sediments taken from six control stations of the Ana Maria Gulf (Cuba) were analyzed. For this purpose the thermal neutron activation analysis method was used. 18 elements were determinated. They are: Al, Ce, Co, Cs, Cr, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Lu, Mo, Mn, Rb, Sc, Ta, Th, Yb and Zn. The accuracy varied between 5 and 30% for all elements. 10 refs

  14. Publiskās runas izmantošana mutvārdu iemaņu pilnveidošanā


    Zorģe, Inta


    Diplomdarbs risina publiskās runas izmantošanas problēmas, lai attīstītu mutvārdu iemaņas. Diplomdarbs sastāv no ievada, četrām nodaļām, literatūras saraksta un pielikumiem. Diplomdarbs ietver sevī atbilstošas teorētiskās literatūras apskatu un analīzi, kā arī atspoguļo iegūto teorētisko zināšanu pielietojumu publiskās runas iemaņu attīstīšanai praksē. Pētījumā analizētas publiskās runas iezīmes, veidi, kā arī attiecīgo iemaņu realizēšana praksē. Darbā uzsvērta skolotāja loma runa...

  15. Sabiedrisko attiecību loma uzņēmuma mērķu sasniegšanā: Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūras gadījuma analīze


    Adamane, Alise


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Sabiedrisko attiecību loma uzņēmuma mērķu sasniegšanā: LIAA gadījuma analīze”. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, kāda ir sabiedrisko attiecību loma Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūras mērķu sasniegšanā. Darba teorētiskā bāze sastāv no nodaļas par sabiedrisko attiecību raksturojumu, kas sevī ietver sabiedrisko attiecību skaidrojumu, mērķus, funkcijas, sabiedrisko attiecību modeļus, iekšējo un ārējo komunikāciju un nodaļas par sabiedrisko attiecību sk...

  16. Repercusión de la demencia en los cuidadores primordiales del policlínico "Ana Betancourt" Repercussion of dementia in the fundamental carers of "Ana Betancourt" Polyclinic

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    Víctor T. Pérez Martínez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la demencia senil es reconocida actualmente como una entidad mayor en el orden socioeconómico, geriátrico, psiquiátrico y epidemiológico. Su atención representa un elevado costo emocional y económico para el paciente, la familia y el cuidador primordial. Objetivos: describir la repercusión psicosocial del síndrome demencial en los cuidadores primordiales del policlínico "Ana Betancourt". Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, durante el primer cuatrimestre del año 2009, en el policlínico "Ana Betancourt" del municipio Playa. Incluyó a 36 cuidadores de igual número de pacientes diagnosticados con demencia y enfermedad de Alzheimer, escogidos mediante muestreo por criterios. Resultados: los cuidadores primordiales eran en su mayoría féminas, hijas del paciente, en la quinta década de la vida, amas de casa, divorciadas y con un nivel de escolaridad de preuniversitario. El principal motivo de consulta de los cuidadores fue solicitar ayuda profesional para controlar los síntomas no cognitivos de la enfermedad. El cuidador dedica alrededor de 13 h diarias al cuidado del paciente que sufre de demencia, la mayor parte en la supervisión y vigilancia. Se encontró marcada afectación psicológica en el 64 % de los cuidadores. El nivel de sobrecarga o estrés en la población de cuidadores estudiada resultó elevado. Conclusiones: el cuidado del paciente que sufre de demencia se asocia a una sobrecarga y estrés relevantes que se expresa en la elevada morbilidad psicológica constatada en los cuidadores primordiales. Se recomienda diseñar un plan de intervención educativa dirigido a estos cuidadores para reducir la sobrecarga o estrés crónico que sufren.Introduction: senile dementia is nowadays recognized as a major entity in socioeconomic, geriatric, psychiatric and epidemiologic order. Its care represents a high emotional and economic cost for patient, family and fundamental carer

  17. Lung fibrosis quantified by HRCT in scleroderma patients with different disease forms and ANA specificities

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    S. Mancin


    Full Text Available Objective: to define the prevalence of interstitial lung fibrosis in systemic sclerosis (SSc and its relationship with the different clinical forms of disease and ANA specificities. Methods: fifty patients with SSc were submitted to pulmonary high resolution computed tomography (HRCT. Lung abnormalities were evaluated according to Warrick’s score that considers both the severity and the extent of fibrotic lesions. Results: pulmonary HRCT abnormalities were observed in 84% of SSc patients. Ground glass aspects (60%, irregular pleural margins (56% and septal/subpleural lines (68% were the most common lesions. The distribution of these abnormalities favoured the posterior basilar segments of both lungs. HRCT findings were significantly more frequent in males and in patients with the cutaneous diffuse form of SSc and with the specific antibody anti-Scl70. Conclusions: HRCT is a very useful method for the diagnosis of interstitial lung fibrosis in SSc. Warrick’s score permits to quantify the HRCT findings and to evaluate their relationship with the disease clinical forms and ANA specificities.

  18. Banat-Crişana as Micro-destination – Elements of Tourism Image and Tourism Identity

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    Marilena STOIAN


    Full Text Available Geographical regions, according to some authors, are defined and delimited by criteria that vary from one geographical school to another. These criteria may be: scenic, functional, political-administrative, mental etc. (processed after Cocean cited in Neguţ, 2011, p. 157. They also can be combined according to the objectives/strategies that are elaborated for each branch of the economy: industry, agriculture, tourism, etc. In this regard, from tourism point of view, the region of Banat-Crişana was taken into consideration, that includes the following counties: Caraş-Severin, Timiş, Arad and Bihor. Due to the many land and air border points, it represents the first contact with the tourists coming from the West, with other words “its visiting card… crucial in formulating the first impressions regarding Romania” (Cocean, 2010, p. 201. The presented research aims to highlight the role of the image of the region of Banat-Crişana in building its own brand, by identifying its main tourist attractions and forms of tourism.

  19. The Chicana Subject in Ana Castillo's Fiction and the Discursive Zone of Chicana/o Theory (United States)

    Carson, Benjamin D.


    In the world of Chicana fiction, Ana Castillo has achieved the kind of status Maxine Hong Kingston has attained within Asian American discourse. Castillo's work is popular not only with the general reading public but in many academic circles as well. What sets Castillo apart from so many other Chicana fiction writers is that she is also a…

  20. Application of multi-criteria decision analysis in prediction of groundwater resources potential: A case of Oke-Ana, Ilesa Area Southwestern, Nigeria

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    A.A. Akinlalu


    Full Text Available Groundwater Potential of Oke-Ana area southwestern Nigeria have been evaluated using the integration of electrical resistivity method, remote sensing and geographic information systems. The effect of five hydrogeological indices, namely lineament density, drainage density, lithology, overburden thickness and aquifer layer resistivity on groundwater occurrence was established. Multi-criteria decision analysis technique was employed to assign weight to each of the index using the concept of analytical hierarchy process. The assigned weight was normalized and consistency ratio was established. In order to evaluate the groundwater potential of Oke-Ana, sixty-seven (67 vertical electrical sounding points were occupied. Ten curve types were delineated in the study area. The curve types vary from simple three layer A and H-type curves to the more complex four, five and six layer AA, HA, KH, QH, AKH, HKH, KHA and KHKH curves. Four subsurface geo-electric sequences of top soil, weathered layer, partially weathered/fractured basement and the fresh basement were delineated in the area. The analytical process assisted in classifying Oke-Ana into, low, medium and high groundwater potential zones. Validation of the model from well information and two aborted boreholes suggest 70% agreement.

  1. Lack of Clinical Relevance of ANA and ASMA Positivity in Patients with Liver Transplantation without a History of Autoimmune Diseases. (United States)

    Pellegrini, Lucienne; Parrilli, Gianpaolo; Santonicola, Antonella; Cinquanta, Luigi; Caputo, Cesare; Ciacci, Carolina; Zingone, Fabiana


    The relevance of isolated autoimmunity elevation in orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) patients is unknown. Our aim was to analyse how serum autoantibodies change in time and to evaluate their clinical relevance in OLT patients. Patients were invited to provide samples to evaluate ANA, AMA, ASMA, and LKM at the time of enrolment ( T 0), after 6 months ( T 6), and after 12 months ( T 12). We included 114 patients in the study (76% males, median age 62.5 years), finding isolated elevation of at least one serum antibody in up to 80% of them. We described fluctuating positive autoantibodies in the one year of observation, with only 45.6% of patients positive for ANA and less than 2% positive for ASMA, at all three times. Isolated elevation of tissue antibodies was not related to gender, age, HCC at transplant, early rejection, cause of transplantation, immunotherapy taken, and age at the time of the study. We did not detect a higher prevalence of positive autoimmunity in patients with signs of liver injury. ANA and ASMA evaluation in patients with liver transplantation and no history of autoimmune disease has no clinical relevance, since it varies in time and is not related to any risk factors or liver injury. Routine autoimmunity evaluation should be avoided.

  2. 75 FR 74056 - Request for Public Comment on the Proposed Adoption of Administration for Native Americans (ANA... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Administration for Children and Families Request for Public Comment on the Proposed Adoption of Administration for Native Americans (ANA) Program Policies and...) 690-7441. Comments will be available for inspection by members of the public at the Administration for...

  3. Fizisko personu piekrišana datu apstrādei mazumtirdzniecības un pakalpojumu sfērā


    Divenkova, Ilona


    Mūsdienu 21. gadsimtāpersonas dati mazumtirdzniecības un pakalpojumu sfērā ir kļuvuši par peļņas gūšanas objektu.Tehnoloģijas sniedz plašas iespējas personas datu iegūšanā.Bez visiem pazīstamajām lojalitātes programmām, mazumtirdzniecības un pakalpojumu sfērā nu jau aktuālas kļūst klientiem mazāk pazīstamas mobilo ierīču izsekošanas tehnoloģijas. Eiropas Savienībasregulējums paredz indivīdu privātās dzīves un personu datu aizsardzību. Viens no likumīgas datu apstrādes kritērijiem ir datu s...

  4. 75 FR 38441 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revised Critical Habitat for Santa Ana Sucker (United States)


    ...) point sources of pollution including the Santa Ana Regional Interceptor line; (5) recreational... source pollution and off-highway vehicle recreation comprise the remaining approximate 10 percent of post... (98 ha) 0 ac (0 ha) 947 ac (383 ha) 1,189 ac (481 ha) Creeks Subunit 3B: Gold, Delta, and Stone Los...

  5. Water and heat balances in Doñana wetlands

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    A. Ramos-Fuertes


    Full Text Available This paper presents the main results of the study of water balance and surface heat balance in the Doñana marshlands. The study was based on a broad base of hydrometeorological data taken at 10 minute intervals from 2006 to 2011 by a network of six measuring stations located in areas of vegetation-free marsh. This information is used to characterize, at different time scales, the thermal behavior of the marsh by analyzing its hydrometeorology centering on the surface heat fluxes. Thus, we have modeled and analyzed the heat flux between the water and flooded soil and the processes of heat transfer between the water surface and the atmosphere. Special attention has been paid to evaporation, on which the marsh draining process depends.

  6. NoSQL datu bāžu izmantošanas iespējas uzņēmumos


    Plankais, Edgars


    Mūsdienās arvien lielāku popularitāti iegūst NoSQL datu bāzu sistēmas, jo tās spēj saglabāt liela apjoma datus un ir piemērotas specifisku problēmu risināšanai. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt NoSQL izmantošanas iespējas uzņēmumiem, un saprast, kā tās var palīdzēt risināt uzņēmējdarbības problēmas. Darba pirmajā daļā tiek apskatītas relāciju datu bāzes un to izmantošanas nepilnības, kas bija iemesls NoSQL attīstībai. Otrajā darba daļā tiek aplūkoti NoSQL datu bāzu arhitektūras modeļi un to izmanto...

  7. Un puente entre España y Portugal: Carmen de Burgos y su amistad con Ana de Castro Osório

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    Núñez Rey, Concepción


    Full Text Available Spain and Portugal experienced a time of intense cultural exchange from 1915 onwards through two major female figures in the two countries who were bound by strong intellectual and personal links. Ana de Castro was a writer prominent in politics, journalism and Portuguese literature from the late 19th century, and Carmen de Burgos was the first professional Spanish woman journalist and one of the most important writers of the first third of the 20th century. They shared the ideals of equality for women and social justice for all, in conjunction with their incessant work in the press and in literary creation: Ana de Castro, more as a political figure, Carmen de Burgos, more as writer. We remember here the intense activity that they shared and the wide echo that it found in the press of both countries.España y Portugal vivieron un tiempo de intenso intercambio cultural a partir de 1915 a través de dos grandes figuras femeninas de ambos países, unidas por fuertes vínculos intelectuales y personales. Ana de Castro fue una escritora muy destacada en la política, en el periodismo y en la literatura lusas desde finales del siglo XIX, y Carmen de Burgos fue la primera periodista profesional española y una de las escritoras más importantes del primer tercio del siglo XX. Ambas compartieron grandes ideales de igualdad para la mujer y de justicia social para todos, unidos a una incesante labor periodística y literaria: Ana de Castro, más como política, Carmen de Burgos, más como escritora. Recordamos aquí la intensa actividad compartida y el amplio eco que encontró en la prensa de los dos países.


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    Safrida Safrida


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis study was designed to determine the effect aqueous extract of Lannea coromandelica leaf at concentrations of erythrocytes and leukocytes in peking duck (Anas platyrhynchos. Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD consisted of 3 experimental treatments, each consisted of 8 ducks i.e., P0 (control, P1 (given aqueous extract of Lannea coromandelica leaf as much as 780 mg / mL / day / kg body weight, P2 (given aqueous extract of Lannea coromandelica leaf as much as 1560 mg / mL / day / kg body weight. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA. The results showed that the aqueous extract of Lannea coromandelica significant effect (p <0.01 in concentrations of erythrocytes peking duck, but had no effect (P>  0.01 in concentrations of the leukocytes. Average erythrocytes in all treatments, 2081667-2300000 per mm 3. The average number of leukocytes in all treatments, 23175-23500 per mm3. It was concluded that the aqueous extract of Lannea coromandelica leaf have effect on the increase concentrations of erythrocytes peking duck (Anas platyrhynchos.

  9. Estrella de la mañana de Jacobo Fijman: poesía y apocalipsis

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    Naomi Lindstrom


    Full Text Available Este estudio se propone una lectura de la poesía ostensiblemente católica del poeta judeoargentino Jacobo Fijman (1898-1970 en su Estrella de la mañana (1931 como un ejemplo modernizado, ecléctico e idiosincrásico del género apocalíptico. A pesar de la fuerte intertextualidad con el Libro de Revelación, la característica que más diferencia los poemas de Estrella del discurso apocalíptico tradicional, y en efecto de la expresión visionaria o mística en general, es la autocaracterización del sujeto hablante como una entidad dotada de atributos divinos. This study proposes a reading of the ostensibly Catholic poetry of the Jewish Argentine poet Jacobo Fijman (1898-1970 in his Estrella de la mañana (1931 as a modernized, eclectic, and idiosyncratic example of the apocalyptic genre. Despite the strong intertextuality with the book of Revelation, the feature that mostly sets the poems of Estrella apart from traditional apocalyptic discourse, and indeed from visionary or mystical expression in general, is the self-characterization of the speaking subject as an entity endowed with divine attributes.

  10. La digestion anaérobie des boues de stations d'épuration urbaines :état des lieux - état de l'art


    Reverdy, A.L; Baudez, J.C.; Dieudé-Fauvel, E.


    / Avec le protocole de Kyoto et le Grenelle de l'environnement, les politiques actuelles prônent le développement des énergies renouvelables. La digestion anaérobie des boues de stations d'épuration urbaines est un procédé permettant de répondre à cette exigence. L'étude présentée dans ce rapport offre dans un premier temps un descriptif du procédé de méthanisation. Dans une deuxième partie, un état des lieux de la digestion anaérobie des boues d'épuration urbaines est réalisé en France...

  11. ANA Negative Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Leading to CTEPH, TTP-Like Thrombocytopenia, and Skin Ulcers


    Changal, Khalid Hamid; Sofi, Fayaz; Altaf, Sheikh Shoaib; Raina, Adnan; Raina, Ab. Hameed


    SLE affects almost every organ system, with differing degrees of severity. During its clinical course periods of flares may alternate with periods of remission culminating in disease and therapy related damage. We describe a case of ANA negative SLE with severe thrombocytopenia, cutaneous vasculitis, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and pulmonary artery hypertension. As there is no definitive cure for SLE the treatment lies in caring for the individual organ systems involved and simultaneo...

  12. Project W-314 specific test and evaluation plan for 241-AN-A valve pit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hays, W.H.


    The purpose of this Specific Test and Evaluation Plan (STEP) is to provide a detailed written plan for the systematic testing of modifications made to the 241-AN-A Valve Pit by the W-314 Project. The STEP develops the outline for test procedures that verify the system's performance to the established Project design criteria. The STEP is a lower tier document based on the W-314 Test and Evaluation Plan (TEP)

  13. Review of "Crítica e Tradução" by Ana Cristina Cesar

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    Beatriz Regina Guimarães Barboza


    Full Text Available The text presents a review on the book of essays "Crítica e Tradução" by Ana Cristina Cesar. Counting her publications in magazines and her academic productions, besides her works in translation, the volume brings has a interesting perspective on culture, cinema, literature and translation according to the researches of the author.

  14. Piedošanas, subjektīvās labklājības un uztvertās attiecību kvalitātes saistība


    Plauča, Ilze


    Darbā tiek apskatīti piedošanas, uztvertās attiecību kvalitātes un subjektīvās labklājības saistība. Piedošana tiek aplūkota M.Makkuloka (McCullough) izstrādātā modeļa ietvaros, ka piedošana ir atriebības, izvairīšanās un labvēlības motivācijas izmaiņu komplekss. Uztvertās attiecību kvalitātes komponentes ir apmierinātība ar attiecībām , nodošanās, intimitāte jeb tuvība, uzticēšanās, kaislība un mīlestība (Fletcher et al). Subjektīvās labklājības modelis tiek aplūkots Dīnera (Diener) teor...

  15. Arsenic species in atmospheric particulate matter as tracer of the air quality of Doñana Natural Park (SW Spain). (United States)

    González-Castanedo, Y; Sanchez-Rodas, D; Sánchez de la Campa, A M; Pandolfi, M; Alastuey, A; Cachorro, V E; Querol, X; de la Rosa, J D


    Sampling and chemical analyses, including major compounds and trace elements, of atmospheric particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) have been performed during 2006-2007 in a regional background monitoring station located within the Doñana Natural Park (SW of Spain). This region is strategic for air quality and climate change studies, representing a meeting place of the European and African continents, and the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The present study based on meteorological parameters demonstrated long-range transport and impact of industrial plumes on the Doñana Natural. Inorganic arsenic species (arsenate and arsenite) have been analyzed in particulate matter (PM) to characterize the impact of near Cu-smelter plumes and demonstrated the long-range transport of industrial pollutants. As(V) is the main specie of As and varies between 95% and 98% of total As in PM10 and 96-97% in PM2.5. The As(V)/As(III) ratio measured in emission plumes of a Cu-smelter are similar to the ratio found in the Doñana Natural Park. The application of Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) to atmospheric particulate matter estimated the contributions and chemical profiles of natural and anthropogenic sources impacting the Natural Park, demonstrating the industrial origin of the As and other toxic elements in the air. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Conscientizacion of the Oppressed Language and the Politics of Humor in Ana Castillo's "So Far from God" (United States)

    Thananopavarn, Susan


    This essay explores the relationship between Ana Castillo's novel "So Far from God" (1993) and her development of an activist poetics inspired by Paulo Freire's influential 1970 treatise "Pedagogy of the Oppressed." "So Far from God" may be understood as the practical application of Castillo's theory of "conscienticized poetics"; that is, the…

  17. The ethical and poetic reason in the poems of Ana Martins Marques


    Pietrani, Anélia Montechiari


    Na obra da jovem poeta mineira Ana Martins Marques, autora de A vida submarina e Da arte das armadilhas, a sensibilidade feminina e a disciplina estética são marcas significativas. Ler seus poemas, especialmente seus metapoemas, e a arquitetura de seus textos faz-nos situar a novíssima poesia brasileira na atualidade do século XXI, de modo a refletir sobre o papel, o valor e o lugar da poesia na contemporaneidade, como potência e busca de significados em que confluem a razão ética e a poética...


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    Alexandru ILIEȘ


    Full Text Available In Romania in general and in particular Crişana and Maramureș wooden churches are identifies of local identity. Using specific tools and methods used in geographical but complementary fields, in conjunction with an interdisciplinary architectural heritage element are analyzed wooden churches as tourist planning perspective. Each „land" and ethnographic area of the Tisa and Mureș north to south has a specific fingerprint identifiable architectural style of these „pearls" of Romanian folk architecture. This diversity is an element of favorable effects on tourism diversification and increasing the attractiveness of a region or locality.

  19. Five Years of Designing Wireless Sensor Networks in the Doñana Biological Reserve (Spain): An Applications Approach (United States)

    Larios, Diego F.; Barbancho, Julio; Sevillano, José L.; Rodríguez, Gustavo; Molina, Francisco J.; Gasull, Virginia G.; Mora-Merchan, Javier M.; León, Carlos


    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a technology that is becoming very popular for many applications, and environmental monitoring is one of its most important application areas. This technology solves the lack of flexibility of wired sensor installations and, at the same time, reduces the deployment costs. To demonstrate the advantages of WSN technology, for the last five years we have been deploying some prototypes in the Doñana Biological Reserve, which is an important protected area in Southern Spain. These prototypes not only evaluate the technology, but also solve some of the monitoring problems that have been raised by biologists working in Doñana. This paper presents a review of the work that has been developed during these five years. Here, we demonstrate the enormous potential of using machine learning in wireless sensor networks for environmental and animal monitoring because this approach increases the amount of useful information and reduces the effort that is required by biologists in an environmental monitoring task. PMID:24025554

  20. Five years of designing wireless sensor networks in the Doñana Biological Reserve (Spain): an applications approach. (United States)

    Larios, Diego F; Barbancho, Julio; Sevillano, José L; Rodríguez, Gustavo; Molina, Francisco J; Gasull, Virginia G; Mora-Merchan, Javier M; León, Carlos


    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a technology that is becoming very popular for many applications, and environmental monitoring is one of its most important application areas. This technology solves the lack of flexibility of wired sensor installations and, at the same time, reduces the deployment costs. To demonstrate the advantages of WSN technology, for the last five years we have been deploying some prototypes in the Doñana Biological Reserve, which is an important protected area in Southern Spain. These prototypes not only evaluate the technology, but also solve some of the monitoring problems that have been raised by biologists working in Doñana. This paper presents a review of the work that has been developed during these five years. Here, we demonstrate the enormous potential of using machine learning in wireless sensor networks for environmental and animal monitoring because this approach increases the amount of useful information and reduces the effort that is required by biologists in an environmental monitoring task.

  1. Augsnes un zemes kvalitātes novērtējuma karšu digitizēšana


    Stalīdzāns, Didzis


    Maģistra darba mērķis ir nodrošināt augšņu agroķīmiskās izpētes izstrādes procesa kartogrāfiskā materiāla lietošanas efektivitātes pieaugumu. Maģistra darbā tiek aprakstīts līdzšinējais augšņu agroķīmiskās izstrādes process Valsts augu aizsardzības dienestā un digitālo augšņu karšu izmantošanas iespējas. Pamatojoties uz darbā veiktās izpētes rezultātiem ir definēta problēma: augšņu agroķīmiskās kartes nav pieejamas telpisko datu formātā. Problēmas risinājumam tiek piedāvātas projekta alternat...


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    Goran Lovrić


    Full Text Available This paper elaborates a theme at the interface between linguistics and literature on the case example of a novel which belongs to the immigrant literature as part of the contemporary Austrian literature. The Croatian author Ana Bilic describes in her first novel written in German language Das kleine Stück vom großen Himmel (The small part of the big sky published in 2002 the love relationship between a Croatian unnamed female student and the Austrian student Ernst which takes place in Vienna. The unusual thing in this novel is the fact that in numerous sentences and passages the author uses a strange German language which is characterized by interference mistakes, or to be precise a Croatian-German language variation which more or less differs grammatically and lexically from standard German language. In the paper this consciously alienated language is being investigated concerning the influence of the Croatian mother tongue of the author, but also concerning common mistakes while learning German language. The paper also analyses the motivation of Ana Bilic for such in the context of immigrant literature unusual language use, which is also connected with the plot of the novel. Thus qualitative as well as quantitative methods of analysis are being used, whereby the former ones refer to the content and the latter ones to the frequency of interference mistakes in the book. The interference mistakes belong on one side to the fictional (text-internal world and on the other side to the factual (text-external level, because they reflect the plot of the book and establish on the level of content and language a connection between the first-person narrator and the author, who also had to learn German after her arrival to Vienna. As a result of this most interference mistakes appear in the first chapters of the novel, which reflects the first phase in German language learning of the female narrator. Further on in the novel the quantity of the mistakes

  3. Zīmola nozīme patērētāju lēmuma pieņemšanā mēbeļu mazumtirdzniecībā.


    Pētersons, Miks


    Maģistra darba temats ir „Zīmola nozīme patērētāju lēmuma pieņemšanā mēbeļu mazumtirdzniecībā”. Darba mērķis ir teorētiski analizēt un praktiski noskaidrot zīmola nozīmi patērētāja lēmuma pieņemšanā par mēbeļu iegādi. Temats ir aktuāls un darbā apkopotie rezultāti var būt saistoši Latvijas mēbeļu nozares dalībniekiem. 1. nodaļā autors izvērtē patērētāju uzvedību noteicošos faktorus, kā arī zīmola nozīme lēmuma pieņemšanā. 2. nodaļā analizēta mēbeļu ražošanas nozare Latvijā, veikta uzņēm...

  4. Franšīzes uzņēmuma dibināšanas iespējas starptautiskā tirgū.


    Maklere, Madara


    Bakalaura darba autore: Madara Makere. Bakalaura darba tēma: „Franšīzes uzņēmuma dibināšanas iespējas starptautiskā tirgū”. Darbs sastāv no trim nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek aprakstīta teorija par franšīzi un tās veidiem. Otrajā daļā tiek apskatīta informācija par franšīzi vairāk no praktiskā viedokļa, precīzāk, Latvijā esošā franšīzes uzņēmuma apskate un piesaistes uzņēmuma informācija. Trešajā daļā tiek apskatīts franšīzes dibināšanas pamats un ar to saistošā informācija. Bakalaura...

  5. Os blogs pró-Ana e a experiência da anorexia no sexo masculino

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    Thamires Citadini de Almeida


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa os blogs pró-anorexia, ou blogs pró-ana, produzidos por indivíduos do sexo masculino, para entender o comportamento anoréxico masculino e o espaço que os blogs ocupam na vida desses sujeitos. Nosso objetivo foi explorar elementos relacionados com a cultura de magreza disponível nos blogs, tendo em vista analisar a questão da anorexia em homens, bem como compreender como os mesmos vivenciam essa experiência. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada em blogs brasileiros e estrangeiros cujos autores das páginas eram homens. Os resultados sugerem que essa população faz da internet uma rede de apoio, com características de ajuda mútua e de produção de autonomia. Por meio dos blogs, os homens discutem alternativas para ludibriar a família e socializam estratégias entre os pares para atingir o objetivo da manutenção do baixo peso. Percebemos que os profissionais da saúde devem prestar atenção para esta "rede informal" de apoio mútuo, uma vez que os blogs pró-ana têm contribuído para a promoção do comportamento anoréxico no sexo masculino.

  6. A Cinema’s Female Worker in a Musical Key: Ana Satrova

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    Virginia Sánchez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Despite the remote origin of women in music, today the presence of names of women dedicated to musical composition remains limited in historiography. Also references to fi lm music composers are even more unusual, although cinema is probably the most important art in the 20th Century. According to these circumstances, in this paper we propose an approach to Ana Satrova, a composer of original soundtracks who worked in the Spanish film area between 1969 and 1985. In this occasion, we offer a stylistic and visual studio about his first work in the Spanish cinema of Franco’s regime: Homicidios en Chicago (1969, José María Zabalza

  7. Características físico-químicas e sensoriais de batata frita da cultivar BRS Ana branqueada e revestida com metilcelulose

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    Márcia de Mello LUVIELMO


    Full Text Available Resumo O estudo propôs avaliar o efeito do branqueamento combinado ao uso de sais e de revestimentos à base de metilcelulose (MC na absorção de gordura e nas características físico-químicas e sensoriais de batatas da cultivar BRS Ana, submetidas à fritura na forma de batata chips. O experimento foi realizado com a cultivar BRS Ana e a cultivar Asterix, sendo a batata Asterix adequada para produtos fritos. Para o estudo foram definidos controles para as batatas das cultivares BRS Ana (T0’ e Asterix (T0”, batatas que não foram submetidas ao branqueamento nem a qualquer tipo de revestimento. Foram testados três tratamentos para cada cultivar; para a cultivar BRS Ana: T1: com branqueamento e sem revestimento; T2: com branqueamento e com revestimento de 1% de MC; T3: com branqueamento e com revestimento de 2% de MC; para a cultivar Asterix: T4: com branqueamento e sem revestimento; T5: com branqueamento e com revestimento de 1% de MC; T6 com branqueamento e com revestimento de 2% de MC. Para os tratamentos que receberam o branqueamento (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 e T6, foi realizada uma imersão das fatias de batata em água a 85 ºC por 3 minutos, com adição de 0,5% de CaCl2 e 2,5% de NaCl, seguida de resfriamento e centrifugação. As batatas dos tratamentos T2, T3, T5 e T6 que receberam revestimento de MC foram imersas em solução de MC 1 ou 2% (p/v, por 1 min e, em seguida, drenadas. As batatas foram submetidas à fritura em gordura vegetal a 180 ºC. A maior redução de absorção de gordura (13% durante a fritura foi para batata da cultivar BRS Ana submetida ao branqueamento e revestimento com 1% MC, obtendo-se no produto final 29,37% de gordura. Além disso, o revestimento com 1% MC não modificou significativamente a cor e a textura das batatas chips; nos resultados sensoriais esse tratamento não influenciou na preferência para os atributos testados (aparência, cor, sabor e textura e o índice de aceitação sensorial desse

  8. BYOD politikas izmantošana uzņēmumos


    Plisko, Artūrs


    Modernie informācijas tehnoloģiju sasniegumi pēdējo gadu laikā stipri izmainīja priekšstatus par infrastruktūras veidošanas iespējām. Pieaugot mobilo ierīču skaitam, parādījās tendence izmantot tās darba vajadzībām kas tika nosaukta par BYOD, jeb „Paņem Līdzi Savu Ierīci”. Minētā tendence rada problēmu – pieaugot lietotāju skaitam ar personīgām ierīcēm, palielinās riski attiecībā uz informācijas sistēmu drošību. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izvērtēt riskus, ar kuriem var sastapties uzņēmumi i...

  9. Programmēšanas valodas Java 8 iespējas


    Vaivars, Arnis


    Java ir viena no pasaulē populārākajām objektorientētajām programmēšanas valodām. Šī platforma ir nepārtraukti attīstīta un pilnveidota, ar katru versiju sniedzot programmatūras izstrādātājiem jaunas iespējas. 2014.gada martā tika izplatīta uz darba izstrādes brīdi jaunākā platformas versija – Java 8. Pateicoties lambda izteiksmēm, Nashorn Javascript dzinējam, jaunajām datuma, laika un straumju lietojumprogrammu saskarnēm un citām iespējām, šis laidiens iespējams ir pati gaidītākā Java versij...

  10. Gale Digital Collections: Ray Abruzzi Interviewed by Luisa Calè and Ana Parejo Vadillo

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    Ray Abruzzi


    Full Text Available This interview addresses the commercial dimensions of the nineteenth-century digital archive. Luisa Calè and Ana Parejo Vadillo ask Ray Abruzzi, Vice President and Publisher for 'Gale Digital Collections' at Gale, about the company’s origins, its commercial approach to digital collections, and the challenges of digitization. In the context of the open access movement, the architecture of participation, and crowdsourcing, Abruzzi discusses how the company works with academic partners and interfaces with other digital libraries and platforms.

  11. ANA Negative Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Leading to CTEPH, TTP-Like Thrombocytopenia, and Skin Ulcers

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    Khalid Hamid Changal


    Full Text Available SLE affects almost every organ system, with differing degrees of severity. During its clinical course periods of flares may alternate with periods of remission culminating in disease and therapy related damage. We describe a case of ANA negative SLE with severe thrombocytopenia, cutaneous vasculitis, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and pulmonary artery hypertension. As there is no definitive cure for SLE the treatment lies in caring for the individual organ systems involved and simultaneously taking care of the patient as a whole.

  12. Potential impacts of climate change on groundwater supplies to the Doñana wetland, Spain


    Jackson, Christopher R.; Guardiola-Albert, Carolina


    Climate change impacts on natural recharge and groundwater-wetland dynamics were investigated for the Almonte-Marismas aquifer, Spain, which supports the internationally important Doñana wetland. Simulations were carried out using outputs from 13 global climate models to assess the impacts of climate change. Reductions in flow from the aquifer to streams and springs flooding the wetland, induced by changes in recharge according to different climate projections, were modelled. The results proj...

  13. La Calle y Mañana: Las trayectorias divergentes de dos revistas políticas ecuatorianas

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    Hernán Ibarra


    Full Text Available English abstract: La Calle and Mañana: The divergent trajectories of two Ecuadorian political magazinesThe defunct magazines La Calle y Mañana played a major role in defining the political space from the mid-fifties to the early seventies of the twentieth century in Ecuador. The position taken and their integration into the political arena was such that these magazines had a clear identification within the limits of what wa considered left and right; and furthermore they had an impact on defining these political orientations. This article discusses the political contexts in which these publications came and went, their orientations and conflicts. Attention is given to the role played by Alejandro Carrión and Pedro Jorge Vera, intellectuals who promoted these magazines. The trajectories of the two publicaions demonstrate the conditions that they imposed on the cycles of Ecuadorian politics.Resumen:Las desaparecidas revistas La Calle y Mañana cumplieron un papel destacado en la definición del espacio político entre mediados de la década del cincuenta y comienzos de la década del setenta del siglo XX en el Ecuador. La toma de posición y su inserción en el espacio político, hacía que estas revistas tuvieran una clara identificación en los límites de lo que era considerado izquierda y derecha; y, además incidieron en definir esas orientaciones políticas. En este artículo se analizan los contextos políticos en los que estas publicaciones surgieron y desaparecieron, sus orientaciones y conflictos. Se presta atención a la función desempeñada por Ale-jandro Carrión y Pedro Jorge Vera, los intelectuales que animaron estas revistas. Las trayectorias de las dos publicaciones evidencian los condicionamientos que impusieron los ciclos de la política ecuatoriana.

  14. Vecāku audzināšanas stila saistība ar pusaudžu vientulības izjūtu


    Vlasova, Iveta


    Pētījuma jautājums: Vai starp mātes audzināšanas stilu un vientulības līmeni pusaudžiem pastāv saistība? Pētījuma dalībnieki. Viena izlase, pēc pieejamības principa. Dalībnieku vecums: 12-16 gadi, 31 meitene, 23 zēni. Dzīvojoši pilnās ģimenēs. Pētījuma metode. 1.Lieto, lai noteiktu kopējo vientulības izjūtas līmeni, tika izmantota Vientulības skala (UCLA Loneliness Scale/UCLA LS/, VERSION 3; Russel, D.W. 1996).– visu jautājumu summa. 2.Vecāku audzināšanas stila aptauja (Parental...

  15. 8 – 11 gadus vecu bērnu pašcieņas saistība ar vecāku audzināšanas stilu un tehnoferenci


    Ērmane, Linda


    Ir izvirzīts pētījuma mērķis teorētiski un praktiski izpētīt 8 – 11 gadus vecu bērnu pašcieņas saistību ar vecāku audzināšanas stilu un tehnoferenci. Pētījumā ir viena hipotēze par to, ka pastāv saistība starp vecāku audzināšanas stilu, bērnu pašcieņu un tehoferenci. Pētījuma izlasi veido 15 bērni (M = 9,6 gadi; SD = 1,12; 8 meitenes un 7 zēni) un 30 vecāki (M = 36,8 gadi; SD = 5,74; 15 vīrieši un 15 sievietes). Ir izmantoti 3 instrumenti: Audzināšanas pieeju aptauja, Tehnoloģijas ierīču ieja...

  16. Estudio cefalométrico en una población adulta colombiana contemporánea usando el análisis de Legan y Burstone*

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    Timizay Fanory Mahecha Ruiz


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Establecer valores promedio en tejidos duros del análisis cefalométrico de Legan y Burstone, en una base de datos radiográ ca de una población ósea adulta colombiana contemporánea y comparar las medidas antropométricas cráneo faciales obtenidas en la población. Material y Método: Es un estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado sobre una base de datos de 600 cuerpos esqueléticos totalmente identicados de una colección ósea colombiana contemporánea, que se encuentra en el Laboratorio de Antropología Física del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses, a los que se les tomó radiografías cefalométricas laterales. De éstas sirvieron 200, según los criterios de inclusión, y clasi caron 58, que equivale a 45 hombres y 13 mujeres entre los 18 y 81 años de edad, fueron evaluadas mediante el análisis de Legan y Burstone tejidos duros, el cual consta de 19 medidas, 16 lineales y 3 angulares. Resultados: El análisis, con respecto a la cefalometría de Legan y Burstone, mostró que existen diferencias estadísticamente signi cativas entre la muestra de estudio y la muestra original, en 12 variables de las 19 del análisis para la muestra masculina y en tres variables de las 19 para la muestra femenina. Conclusiones: El estudio reveló que algunos de los parámetros en la población Colombiana son signi cativamente diferentes a la población caucásica del estudio de Legan y Burstone, especialmente en los hombres.

  17. Trends in nutrient concentrations, loads, and yields in streams in the Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Santa Ana Basins, California, 1975-2004 (United States)

    Kratzer, Charles R.; Kent, Robert; Seleh, Dina K.; Knifong, Donna L.; Dileanis, Peter D.; Orlando, James L.


    A comprehensive database was assembled for the Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Santa Ana Basins in California on nutrient concentrations, flows, and point and nonpoint sources of nutrients for 1975-2004. Most of the data on nutrient concentrations (nitrate, ammonia, total nitrogen, orthophosphate, and total phosphorus) were from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Information System database (35.2 percent), the California Department of Water Resources (21.9 percent), the University of California at Davis (21.6 percent), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's STOrage and RETrieval database (20.0 percent). Point-source discharges accounted for less than 1 percent of river flows in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, but accounted for close to 80 percent of the nonstorm flow in the Santa Ana River. Point sources accounted for 4 and 7 percent of the total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads, respectively, in the Sacramento River at Freeport for 1985-2004. Point sources accounted for 8 and 17 percent of the total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads, respectively, in the San Joaquin River near Vernalis for 1985-2004. The volume of wastewater discharged into the Santa Ana River increased almost three-fold over the study period. However, due to improvements in wastewater treatment, the total nitrogen load to the Santa Ana River from point sources in 2004 was approximately the same as in 1975 and the total phosphorus load in 2004 was less than in 1975. Nonpoint sources of nutrients estimated in this study included atmospheric deposition, fertilizer application, manure production, and tile drainage. The estimated dry deposition of nitrogen exceeded wet deposition in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys and in the basin area of the Santa Ana Basin, with ratios of dry to wet deposition of 1.7, 2.8, and 9.8, respectively. Fertilizer application increased appreciably from 1987 to 2004 in all three California basins, although manure production increased in the

  18. Produkta izvietošana kinofilmās kā reklāmas veids un tā efektivitāte; 2009. gada 10 skatītāko kinofilmu Latvijā analīze


    Goģe, Sandra


    Bakalaura darbs „PRODUKTA IZVIETOŠANA KINOFILMĀS KĀ REKLĀMAS VEIDS UN TĀ EFEKTIVITĀTE; 2009. GADA 10 SKATĪTĀKO KINOFILMU LATVIJĀ ANALĪZE” ir izstrādāts ar mērķi aplūkot produkta izvietošanu kinofilmās kā reklāmas veidu. Darba teorētiskajā daļā tiek apskatīta produkta izvietošanas teorija, kino un izklaides industrija, produkta izvietošanas process un atribūcijas teorijas. Darba pētnieciskajā daļā tiek veikta 2009. gada 10 skatītāko kinofilmu Latvijā kontentanalīze, ar eksperimenta palīdzību t...

  19. Ana Enriqueta Terán o el corazón del águila

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    José Carlos De Nóbrega


    Full Text Available Apuntes y congojas de una decadencia novelada en tres muertes (2014 de Doña Ana Enriqueta Terán, primera incursión novelística publicada por la Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana, nos obsequió una experiencia inigualable y harto placentera: El discurso narrativo excede la historia del clan familiar e incluso la reivindicación de la voz femenina; su tersa y franca urdimbre está enclavada en la celebración conmovedora del habla de la infancia y el lenguaje poético que construye túneles de amor y memoria

  20. Personības iezīmju atšķirības cilvēkiem ar atšķirīgu dzimšanas pozīciju


    Aļeksejevs, Dzintis


    Bakalaura darba mērķis ir apkopot literatūru un galvenās atziņas par dzimšanas secību un tās pozīcijām, personības iezīmēm, izpētīt katrai dzimšanas secības pozīcijai raksturīgās personības iezīmes, kā arī veikt pētījumu, lai noskaidrotu – vai starp cilvēkiem ar atšķirīgu dzimšanas pozīciju pastāv personības iezīmju atšķirības? Pētījumā piedalījās 186 cilvēki vecumā no 18 – 74 gadiem. Lai noskaidrotu atbildi uz pētījuma jautājumu, tika izmantota sekojoša metode: Lielā Piecinieka apta...

  1. Banku loma noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas un terorisma finansēšanas novēršanā


    Beirote, Laura


    Bankas līdz pat šim brīdim ir bijušas lielākā privātā sektora pārstāves, kas ir veicinājušas naudas atmazgāšanas un terorisma finansēšanas atklāšanu, tādēļ autors ar šī darba palīdzību vēlas norādīt tieši uz banku nozīmīgo lomu noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas un terorisma finansēšanas novēršanā. Valsts institūcijas nevar bez finanšu iestāžu starpniecības šādus nelikumīgus darījumus izsekot, un saukt pie kriminālās atbildības vainīgās personas. Darbā ir analizēts noziedzīgi iegūtu lī...

  2. The rules of urban planning and administrative responsibilities in protecting to the vulnerability and risk of Cerro Tapezco in Santa Ana

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castro Leiton, Karina


    An analysis of regulation is made of land use and administrative management of the Cerro Tapezco to show that as the years have passed it has been verified that the Costa Rican law on town planning has been inadequate for current problems due to lack of updating of various scientific and technical sources also dispersion and proliferation of competences of administrative authorities. The physical setting and planning rules is identified for CerroTapezco and surrounding towns. Local actions are explored in the elaboration of improvement and reform of the regulatory plan of Santa Ana. The administrative entities and institutions with competence in the development and implementation of plans have been identified, assessing deficiencies, inconsistencies and administrative omissions in urban planning of the city of Santa Ana and recommending changes necessary for the proper application of the Costa Rican law [es

  3. Mitochondrial D-loop analysis for uncovering the population structure and genetic diversity among the indigenous duck (Anas platyrhynchos) populations of India. (United States)

    Gaur, Uma; Tantia, Madhu Sudan; Mishra, Bina; Bharani Kumar, Settypalli Tirumala; Vijh, Ramesh Kumar; Chaudhury, Ashok


    The indigenous domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos domestica) which is domesticated from Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) contributes significantly to poor farming community in coastal and North Eastern regions of India. For conservation and maintenance of indigenous duck populations it is very important to know the existing genetic diversity and population structure. To unravel the population structure and genetic diversity among the five indigenous duck populations of India, the mitochondrial D-loop sequences of 120 ducks were analyzed. The sequence analysis by comparison of mtDNA D-loop region (470 bp) of five Indian duck populations revealed 25 mitochondrial haplotypes. Pairwise F ST value among populations was 0.4243 (p land birds revealed introgression of the out group breed Khaki Campbell, which is used for breed improvement programs in India. The observations revealed very less selection and a single matrilineal lineage of indigenous domestic ducks.

  4. Web Quest mācību modeļa izmantošana ķīmijas mācību priekšmeta apguvē


    Blumberga, Arta


    Diplomdarbā apkopota un analizēta informācija par WebQuest mācību modeli, kas ir uz izziņu balstīts, projekt- un problēmorientēts mācību modelis, kurā skolēni izmanto galvenokārt interneta informāciju. Balstoties uz apkopoto informāciju, tika izveidots WebQuest darba apraksts ķīmijā, kas aprobēts Rīgas 46. vidusskolā. Izmantojot anketēšanas metodi, veikta izveidotā projekta darba novērtēšana.

  5. Lead level in mallard (Anas platyrhynchos

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    Ioan Macinic


    Full Text Available The study was carried out on a hunting ground belonging to AJVPS Arad, county Arad. Lead (Pb was determined in Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos tissues (muscles and organs (liver, kidneys to see the contamination level of this tissues and organs and also the impact on humans health because in our days more and more wild game meat take a increasing percentage in humans food ratio. The Mallard is one of the most widespread duck species. Mallard has 50-62 cm length, 800-1400 g weight and lives about 11 years. It prefers rivers and shallow pounds with a lot of reed. It is a migratory species that is flying long distances to find food and unfrozen water, so it is a exposed to lead contamination that is under dust form in atmosphere. But another reason why lead level in Mallard can be higher that in other flying specie (pheasant, woodcock, quail, and pigeons are the lead shot shells that are used for duck hunting. It is known that the ducks can ingest these lead shot shells and so they are often exposed to lead intoxications. This is why in our days more ammunition for waterfowl are steel made or different type of alloys. Lead is known to be one of the most common pollutants with a large range of effects on human health: lead affects nervous system, digestive tract, kidneys, bones, enzymes. Lead has also mutagenic effect, carcinogenic effect, teratogenic effect.

  6. Emocionālo elementu un instrumentu pielietošanas prakse CSDD sociālajā mārketinga (2001 - 2010)


    Meldere, Jūlija


    Bakalaura darba tēma: „Emocionālo elementu un instrumentu pielietošanas prakse CSDD sociālajā mārketingā (2001-2010)” tika izvēlēta, lai tās robežās analizēt dažādu emociju pielietošanu CSDD sociālā mārketingā – sociālās reklāmas kampaņās. Bakalaura darbā tika apskatīts kā dažādu emocionālo paņēmienu maiņa CSDD sociālā mārketingā palīdz veiksmīgāk uzrunāt auditoriju un sekmēt auditorijas rekomendējamas uzvedības pieņemšanas procesu. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir saprast, kāpēc CSDD izmanto dažād...

  7. "Nadie dijo que fuera fácil ser una princesa": Una etnografía virtual de las web "Pro-ana"

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    Federica Deiana


    Full Text Available En este artículo presentaremos el análisis de una producción virtual de contenido controvertido, conocida con el nombre de “Pro-ana”, es decir a favor de la anorexia. Este material electrónico se caracteriza por compartir una visión de los Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria como posibles “estilos de vida”, en clara oposición a su entendimiento como conductas patológicas y perjudiciales para los sujetos que los padecen. En este trabajo proponemos investigar las dinámicas de funcionamiento, simbolización e incorporación de la propuesta Pro-ana; analizaremos las estrategias y los recursos simbólicos utilizados para dotar esta producción de un sentido propio, centrándonos en los dispositivos que permiten al paradigma Pro-ana de establecerse como un modelo explicativo alternativo al alcance de las usuarias de estas webs.

  8. Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizēšanas aktuālās problēmas saistībā ar ārzonu kompānijām


    Lapiņš, Roberts


    Maģistra darba temats ir „Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizēšana jeb „netīrā nauda”. Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizēšana ir noziedzīgs nodarījums pret tautsaimniecību. Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizēšana ir noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu pārvēršana citās vērtībās, ja šīs darbības tiek veiktas nolūkā slēpt vai maskēt to noziedzīgo izcelsmi. Autors darbā veica noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu jeb tā sauktās „netīrās naudas” izpēti: lai sasniegtu izvirzīto mērķi, autors raksturoja noziedzīgi iegū...

  9. Tendências da narrativa juvenil contemporânea: o caso de Ana Saldanha


    Reis da Silva, Sara


    Sem deixar de dar conta, ainda que sucintamente, de algumas particularidades inerentes à produção literária de destinatário explícito infantil –como os títulos da série “Vamos Viajar” (1995-1997), Ninguém dá prendas ao Pai Natal (1996) e O Pai Natal Preguiçoso e a Rena Rodolfa (2004)–, bem como das obras reunidas na colecção “Era uma Vez… Outra Vez”, na nossa análise em torno da escrita de Ana Saldanha colocaremos especial ênfase nas narrativas juvenis Uma Questão de Cor ...


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    Full Text Available The Lower Permian Hueco Group of the Doña Ana Mountains (south-central New Mexico, USA is studied in three sections (A, B, C located east of Leasburg, Doña Ana County. Regionally, the Hueco Group has been subdivided into four formations termed Shalem Colony, Community Pit, Robledo Mountains and Apache Dam formations; the lower three are exposed in the Doña Ana Mountains. The succession shows a shallowing upward trend from dominantly shallow, open marine conditions (Shalem Colony Fm to increasingly restricted marine environments (Community Pit Fm and siliciclastic influx (Robledo Mountains Formation. Sedimentation, particularly siliciclastic influx, was mainly controlled by reactivation of basement uplifts during the last pulses of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains deformation. The microfossils and microfacies of the two first formations are studied in detail here. The Shalem Colony Formation can be divided into a lower biozone with Triticites pinguis, which is Newwellian (latest Pennsylvanian, early Wolfcampian in age, and an upper division characterized by the first occurrence of Geinitzina, and lower-middle Asselian (late early Wolfcampian in age. By comparison with the subdivisions of the Carnic Alps (Austria, the Community Pit Formation is characterized as Sakmarian (middle Wolfcampian in age due to the first occurrence of the genus Pseudovermiporella, and its probable complete phylogeny from Hedraites. The late Asselian is restricted to the uppermost part of the Shalem Colony and lowermost part of the Community Pit Formation. Due to the occurrence of Pseudoreichelina the Robledo Mountains Formation is dated as Artinskian (late Wolfcampian. Some bioconstructions of Archaeolithophyllum are emphasized, as well as some species of foraminifers-globivalvulinids, Miliolata and Nodosariata. 

  11. Identity of Innovative Multifunctional Material Manufacturing Business in Latvia / Inovatīvu Daudzfunkcionālo Materiālu Ražotāju Identitāte Latvijā (United States)

    Geipele, I.; Staube, T.; Ciemleja, G.; Zeltins, N.; Ekmanis, Yu.


    The publication comprises the results from the practical scientific investigation to define the profile and distinctions of the Latvian innovative multifunctional material manufacturing industry. The research is carried out by a holistic approach, including expert interviews, qualitative analysis of the official register data, practical survey, and financial data analysis. The paper seeks to give the detailed data on a technological profile of the mentioned representative companies, if there is a synergy or tough competition in the Latvian market. The current research is topical, because it is unique and does not have analogues in Latvia, and the research is timely due to correspondence with recently stated Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Latvia. The main findings are associated with recognition of the factors that make impact on commercialisation of the finished goods, obtained financial results and planned directions of development of the respondent companies. Publikācija sniedz veiktā zinātniski praktiskā pētījuma rezultātus, kura ietvaros tika noteikts Latvijas inovatīvu daudzfunkcionālo materiālu ražotāju darbības profils un identitāte. Pētījumā tika izmantota kompleksās analīzes metode, kas ietvēra ekspertu intervijas, uzņēmumu oficiāli reģistrēto datu kvalitatīvo analīzi, zinātniski praktisko aptauju, kā arī pētāmo uzņēmumu finanšu darbības rezultātu analīzi. Zinātniskais darbs sniedz izsmeļošu informāciju par mērķa uzņēmumu tehnoloģisko profilu un pēta, vai Latvijas mērķa ražošanas nozarē ir sinerģijas vai sīvās konkurences pazīmes. Šim zinātniskajam pētījumam ir noteikta aktualitāte saskaņā ar tā unikalitāti Latvijas valsts mērogā un atbilstība Viedās specializācijas stratēģijai. Pētījuma galvenie secinājumi ir saistīti ar uzņēmumu produkcijas komercializācijas ietekmējošo faktoru apzināšanu, sasniegtajiem finansiālajiem rezultātiem un pl

  12. La necesidad de sistemas de información abiertos no excluyentes: Entrevista a Ana María Cetto Kramis

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    Julio Santillán-Aldana


    Full Text Available Entrevista a Ana María Cetto Kramis, investigadora del Instituto de Física de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM y Presidenta del Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Latindex.

  13. 78 FR 53780 - Notice of Realty Action: Direct Sale of Public Land in Doña Ana County, NM (United States)


    ... Do[ntilde]a Ana County, New Mexico. The public land would be sold to the Union Pacific Railroad for $11,000 which is more than the appraised fair market value. DATES: Written comments regarding the... as follows: New Mexico Principal Meridian, New Mexico T. 28 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 11, lot 2; Sec. 14, lot...

  14. Eripedagoogid ootavad poliitilisi otsuseid / Plado, Kaja; Karlep, Karl; Ostrat, Ain; Maila, Meelika; Binsol, Hene; Kontor, Ana; küsitlenud Martin Krõlov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eripedagoogide vestlusringis osalevad: Tartu Ülikooli eripedagoogika osakonna juhataja Kaja Plado, emeriitdotsent pedagoogikadoktor Karl Karlep, Tartu Kroonuaia Kooli direktor Ain Ostrat ja õppealajuhataja Meelike Maila, Tartu Hiie Kooli õppealajuhataja Hene Binsol ning Tartu Nõustamis- ja õpiabi keskuse juhataja Ana Kontor

  15. La triada infancia-orfandad-guerra en Los Mercaderes, de Ana María Matute


    Aparicio Rodríguez, Ana María


    Los Mercaderes, de Ana María Matute, se abre con "Primera memoria" y, a lo largo de la década de los sesenta, sigue con "Los soldados lloran de noche" y, finalmente, "La trampa". Sin embargo, la interrupción en trama y estructura que supone la segunda entrega hizo que buena parte de la crítica pusiese en duda la condición de trilogía de Los mercaderes. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto tomar como referencia tres temas fundamentales en estas novelas y en la narrativa matuteana —la infancia,...

  16. El ayer, el hoy y el mañana

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    Corredor Pardo Katya Anyud


    Full Text Available

    Culturalmente, el anciano de hoy en nuestra sociedad, o en las grandes urbes, es considerado algunas veces por los jóvenes como un ser extraño y desagradable, como punto de partida de los  valores transmitidos en la familia los cuales deben ser revaluados y nosotros, los ancianos del mañana con los ancianos de hoy, cambiar de adentro hacia fuera. A su vez, evitar la transmisión generacional de estos valores a nuestros hijos realizando un análisis retrospectivo de la vida; cuando bebes, se tiene conciencia del uno al otro, y los niños en edad preescolar empiezan a conseguir compañeros, pero el grupo de amigos se fortalece a partir de los cinco o siete años, con frecuencia se escucha hablar con nostalgia de la vida en el colegio. Este lugar común es grato y feliz, adornado con carcajadas y anécdotas que despiertan e incentivan la imaginación y la realidad creada a partir del propio yo social, individual y cultural.

  17. SQL injekciju uzbrukumu analīze un novēršana


    Kudiņa, Monta


    Šī darba mērķis ir iepazīties ar populārākajiem SQL injekciju uzbrukumu veidiem, apzināties kā uzbrukumi tiek realizēti, un noskaidrot preventīvos pasākumus uzbrukumu novēršanai. Bakalaura darbā “SQL injekciju uzbrukumu analīze un novēršana” tiek apskatīti SQL injekciju uzbrukumu veidi un metodes, uzbrukumu realizācijas dažādās datubāzes platformās, SQL injekciju uzbrukumu atklāšana un pasākumi uzbrukumu novēšanai. Darba gaitā tika gan teorētiski, gan praktiski iepazīti SQL uzbrukumi, un apsk...

  18. Pārskatu ģenerēšanas bibliotēka Python valodai


    Paltovs, Deniss


    Kvalifikācijas darba pamatā ir pārskatu ģenerēšanas bibliotēka Python valodai - PythonReports, kura ļauj Python izstrādātajiem no datiem un šablona izveidot izdruku uz ekrāna vai printera. Gala produkts ir vizuālais redaktors, kurš ļauj ērti un uzskatāmi veidot un rediģēt PythonReports šablonus, izmantojot mūsdienu lietotāju saskarnes tehnoloģijas operētājsistēmās ar grafisku lietotāja saskarni. Kvalifikācijas darbs balstās uz iepriekšējo pieredzi, iegūto izmantojot līdzīgus rīkus citās sist...

  19. Disease dynamics and bird migration-linking mallards Anas platyrhynchos and subtype diversity of the influenza a virus in time and space

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    G. Gunnarsson (Gunnar); N. Latorre-Margalef (Neus); K.A. Hobson (Keith); S.L. van Wilgenburg (Steven); J. Elmberg (Johan); B. Olsen (Björn); R.A.M. Fouchier (Ron); J. Waldenström (Jonas)


    textabstractThe mallard Anas platyrhynchos is a reservoir species for influenza A virus in the northern hemisphere, with particularly high prevalence rates prior to as well as during its prolonged autumn migration. It has been proposed that the virus is brought from the breeding grounds and

  20. Gadījuma izpēte par biznesa vēstuļu rakstīšanas apguvi pieaugušajiem


    Saļikova, Jeļizaveta


    Profesionālās lietišķās sarakstes iemaņas ir svarīgas mūsdienu pasaulē, jo tās ietekmē biznesa attiecību un pārrunu efektivitāti. Maģistra darba mērķis bija izpetīt rakstīšanas mācīšanas metodes, lai pilnveidotu pieauguša valodas apguvēja prasmes rakstīt biznesa vēstules. Pētījumā tika izmantotas tādas metodes kā literatūras apskats un, gadījuma izpēte, kas ietvēra valodas vajadzību izpēti, zināšanu pārbaudes testu pirms un pēc dalības mācību kursā, kā arī mācību materiālu izstrādi un pedago...

  1. Evolución paleoambiental del sector meridional del Parque Nacional de Doñana desde el Plioceno Inferior a la actualidad

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    Ruiz, F.


    Full Text Available The analysis of the geological units and the ostracod assemblages of a long core collected in the southern Doñana National Park (SW Spain permits to deduce an evolution from shallow marine palaeoenvironments (Lower Pliocene to a brackish lagoon (Upper Pleistocene-Holocene and the deposit of aeolian sediments (El estudio de los materiales geológicos y las asociaciones de ostrácodos presentes en un testigo largo obtenido en el sur del Parque Nacional de Doñana (SO de España permite inferir una evolución paleoambiental desde medios marinos someros (Plioceno Inferior hasta un lagoon salobre (Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno y la implantación de sistemas eólicos (<1.900 años BP, con un estadio intermedio aluvial durante la mayor parte del Pleistoceno. En el Holoceno Superior, se detecta un evento tsunamigénico caracterizado por la erosión de sedimentos eólicos y su depósito sobre medios submareales.

  2. Sublethal effects of cadmium ingestion on mallard ducks. [Anas platyrhynchos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Di Giulio, R T; Scanlon, P F


    Juvenile mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) drakes were fed diets containing 0, 50, 150, or 450 ppM cadmium for 42 +/- 1 days in order to assess the impacts of cadmium ingestion on energy metabolism and tissue metal concentrations in this species. Most significant effects on energy metabolism were observed only in the 450 ppM group which displayed reduced body and liver weights, increased kidney weights, reduced liver aldolase activity, increased plasma concentrations of uric acid, decreased plasma triiodothyronine concentrations, and elevated adrenal weights and adrenal corticosterone concentrations. Ducks in the 150 ppM group displayed increased adrenal and kidney weights and elevated plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations. Among all treatments, increased cadmium and zinc concentrations in both livers and kidneys were dose-related; a similar trend was observed for copper concentrations in kidneys but not livers. Cadmium interference with carbohydrate metabolism in similar studies with mammals was more severe than that observed in mallards in the present study. 52 references, 6 tables.

  3. OpenLayers izmantošana Android ĢIS lietotnē


    Krūmiņš, Kristaps


    “OpenLayers izmantošana Android ĢIS lietotnē” ir kvalifikācijas darbs, kurā tika izstrādāta hibrīd Android lietotne. Lietotne domāta cilvēkiem, kas vēlas iemūžināt bildes un vēlāk tās apskatīt kartē, lai redzētu kurā vietā bildes tika uzņemtas, kā arī redzēt pārējās bildes, kas tika uzņemtas šajā vietā vai tās tuvumā. Papildus tam, lietotni var izmantot, lai orientētos apkārtnē un, lai apskatītu savu veikto ceļu. Projekts realizēts pēc spējās izstrādes metodoloģijas. Izstrādes procesā tika iz...

  4. Naudas atmazgāšana būtība, mehānismi un ietekme uz komercattiecību vidi Eiropā


    Tilcēns, Mārtiņš


    Mūsdienās ikvienas valsts izaicinājums ir cīņa ar tādu ēnu ekonomikas parādību kā naudas atmazgāšana. Aizvien pieaugot vispārējai globalizācijas tendencei, mainoties gan starptautiskajiem, gan valstu iekšējiem likumiskajiem regulējumiem, attīstoties tehnoloģiskajām iespējām un noziegumu īstenotāju izdomai, šī cīņa kļūst aizvien sarežģītāka. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir parādīt noziedzīgi iegūto līdzekļu atmazgāšanas nozīmi un ietekmi uz ekonomiskajām sistēmām. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no trim da...

  5. Identitātes stila, pašefektivitātes un audzināšanas stilu saistība jauniešu vecumā.


    Stepiņa, Agita


    Pētījuma „Identitātes stila, pašefektivitātes un audzināšanas stilu saistība jauniešu vecumā” mērķis bija noskaidrot kā atšķirīgi identitātes stili saistīti ar pašefektivitāti un mātes audzināšanas stilu. Pētījumā arī tika iekļauti demogrāfiskie un papildus jautājumi, lai noskaidrotu noteiktu informāciju par jauniešiem. Pētījuma izlasi veidoja 60 jaunieši ( 34 sievietes un 26 vīrieši), kuri bija 18-19 gadus veci. Vidējais vecums (M = 18,35) Pētījumā, tika izmantotas trīs metodes: Identi...

  6. Bērnu iztēles sekmēšana zīmēšanā vidējā pirmsskolas vecumā


    Pavlovska, Santa


    Darba autors: Santa Pavlovska Darba temats: Bērnu iztēles sekmēšana zīmēšanā vidējā pirmsskolas vecumā. Darba veids: Kvalifikācijas darbs Studiju programma: Pirmā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības studiju programma Darba zinātniskais vadītājs: Dr. paed. Antra Randoha Darba struktūra: ievads, divas nodaļas, tabulas (3), attēli (8), secinājumi, literatūras un avotu saraksts (26). Darba apjoms 35 lpp. Atslēgas vārdi: iztēle, pirmsskolas vecums, 5-6 gadīgi bērni, zīmēšana. Pētījuma mērķis...

  7. A razão ética e poética nos poemas de Ana Martins Marques


    Pietrani,Anélia Montechiari


    Na obra da jovem poeta mineira Ana Martins Marques, autora de A vida submarina e Da arte das armadilhas, a sensibilidade feminina e a disciplina estética são marcas significativas. Ler seus poemas, especialmente seus metapoemas, e a arquitetura de seus textos faz-nos situar a novíssima poesia brasileira na atualidade do século XXI, de modo a refletir sobre o papel, o valor e o lugar da poesia na contemporaneidade, como potência e busca de significados em que confluem ...


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    Marta Yumi Ando


    Full Text Available No presente artigo, analisamos a obra infanto-juvenil brasileira Fazendo Ana Paz (1991 de Lygia Bojunga, no intuito de verificar os modos como são exploradas as potencialidades lúdicas da linguagem, de maneira a instigar o leitor, em especial o leitor jovem, altamente receptivo ao elemento lúdico. Tendo isso em vista, constatamos uma diversidade de jogos linguísticos, entre os quais se destacam a ambiguidade, a construção inovadora de figuras de linguagem e, sobretudo, a bricolage.

  9. The Experience of Bulimic College Students Who Use "Pro-Ana/Pro-Mia" Web Sites: A Two-Phase Mixed-Method Study (United States)

    Davis, Blair J.


    Eating disorders (EDs) are a serious problem in the U.S. due to their rise in prevalence during the 20th century and high morbidity and mortality rates. A relatively new, controversial phenomenon, "pro-Ana" (pro-anorexia) and "pro-Mia" (pro-bulimia) Web sites, came to the public's attention around 2000. These sites are created by and for people…

  10. Novel duck parvovirus identified in Cherry Valley ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus), China. (United States)

    Li, Chuanfeng; Li, Qi; Chen, Zongyan; Liu, Guangqing


    An unknown infectious disease in Cherry Valley ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) characterized by short beak and strong growth retardation occurred in China during 2015. The causative agent of this disease, tentatively named duck short beak and dwarfism syndrome (DSBDS), as well as the evolutionary relationships between this causative agent and all currently known avian-origin parvoviruses were clarified by virus isolation, transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation, analysis of nuclear acid type, (RT-)PCR identification, whole genome sequencing, and NS1 protein sequences-based phylogenetic analyses. The results indicated that the causative agent of DSBDS is closely related with the goose parvovirus-like virus, which is divergent from all currently known avian-origin parvoviruses and should be a novel duck parvovirus (NDPV). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Santos, Ana Cristina, A Lei do Desejo. Direitos Humanos e Minorias Sexuais em Portugal

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    Madalena Duarte


    Full Text Available A Lei do Desejo, de autoria de Ana Cristina Santos, é um texto sobre os impactos da utilização do regime europeu de direitos humanos por parte do movimento lésbico, gay, bissexual e transgénero (LGBT português. Surge com base na tese apresentada pela autora no âmbito do Mestrado em Sociologia pela Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, em 2003. O título, além de ser uma sugestiva alusão à obra de Almodôvar, é já bem indiciador da proposta desta obra. Basta que, para tal, entendamo...

  12. The prevalence of ANA antibodies, anticentromere antibodies, and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome compared to patients with dryness symptoms without primary Sjögren’s syndrome confirmation

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    Maria Maślińska


    Full Text Available Objectives : Our study analyses the prevalence of ANA, anti-SS-A, anti-SS-B, and ACA and ACPA antibodies in patients with pSS and with dryness symptoms without pSS confirmation, and the association of ACPA and ACA antibodies with specific clinical symptoms. Materials and methods : 113 patients were divided into two groups: I – with diagnosed pSS (N = 75; and II – with dryness without pSS evidence (N = 38. Diagnostics: indirect immunofluorescence (IF; Hep-2 cell line of antinuclear antibodies (ANA, anti-SS-A anti-SS-B antibodies determined with semi-quantitative method, autoantibody profile (14 antigens, ANA Profil 3 EUROLINE; basic laboratory, ophthalmic examination tests, minor salivary gland biopsy with focus score (FS, joint and lung evaluation, and ESSDAI questionnaire (pSS activity. Results : 88% of group I had ANA antibodies (1 : 320 titre, 5.3% at 1 : 160. Anti-SS-A antibodies were present in 88% of group I, including all ANA 1 : 160. Anti-SS-A antibodies positively correlated with greater and moderate activity of ESSDAI 5 (p = 0.046 and FS. The presence of SS-B antibodies significantly affected disease activity. ACPA present: group I – 13% (associated with higher arthritis incidence; p = 0.003; group II – 8%. ACA antibodies present in 4% of group I, but not in group II. No ACA association with interstitial lung changes (small ACA + group excludes full conclusions. Conclusions : ANA antibodies should also be considered in a titre of less than 1 : 320, but the presence of anti-SS-A antibodies is still the most important immunological marker for pSS. Anti-SS-A antibodies correlate with higher disease activity (ESSDAI ≥ 5 and higher FS. The presence of the anti-SS-B antibody was significantly affected by higher activity of the disease. The incidence of arthritis was higher in patients with ACPA+ pSS compared to ACPA– (p = 0.003. There was no relationship between ACPA and arthritis in patients with dry-type syndrome without

  13. 3-4 gadīgu bērnu runas prasmju attīstīšana didaktiskajās spēlēs


    Zavicka, Vita


    . Darba tēma – 3-4 gadīgu bērnu runas prasmju attīstīšana didaktiskajās spēlēs Kvalifikācijas darba autore – Vita Zavicka. Zinātniskā darba vadītāja – Aija Kalve. Teorijas darba daļā raksturota bērnu valodas prasmju attīstība pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas skatījumā, bērna runas attīstības pēctecības nodrošināšana. Raksturotas pirmskolas bērnu vārdu krājuma likumsakarības, vadoties pēc MK noteikumiem Nr. 533 par valsts pirmsskolas izglītības vadlīnijām, ka galvenais bērna darbības vei...

  14. Mātes depresijas simptomu un dusmu saistība ar mātes audzināšanas stiliem un bērna uzvedību


    Krūmiņa, Evija


    Šī bakalaura darba mērķis bija noskaidrot saistības starp mātes depresijas simptomu un dusmu rādītājiem ar mātes audzināšanas stiliem un bērna uzvedības izpausmēm respondentu grupā, kuru bērni ir vecumā no 4-6 gadiem. Pētījuma izlasi veidoja 63 mātes vecumā no 21 līdz 42 gadiem (vidējais vecums bija 29 gadi). Pētījumā mātes dusmu un depresijas rādītāju noteikšanai tika izmantota Traumu simptomu aptauja (Trauma Symptom Inventory, Briere, 1995), Vecāku audzināšanas stila aptauja (Parental Autho...

  15. Updating movement estimates for American black ducks (Anas rubripes

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    Orin J. Robinson


    Full Text Available Understanding migratory connectivity for species of concern is of great importance if we are to implement management aimed at conserving them. New methods are improving our understanding of migration; however, banding (ringing data is by far the most widely available and accessible movement data for researchers. Here, we use band recovery data for American black ducks (Anas rubripes from 1951–2011 and analyze their movement among seven management regions using a hierarchical Bayesian framework. We showed that black ducks generally exhibit flyway fidelity, and that many black ducks, regardless of breeding region, stopover or overwinter on the Atlantic coast of the United States. We also show that a non-trivial portion of the continental black duck population either does not move at all or moves to the north during the fall migration (they typically move to the south. The results of this analysis will be used in a projection modeling context to evaluate how habitat or harvest management actions in one region would propagate throughout the continental population of black ducks. This analysis may provide a guide for future research and help inform management efforts for black ducks as well as other migratory species.

  16. A Paixão dos Amantes: Separação e Superação em "Os Sapatinhos Vermelhos" e "Sem Ana, Blues", de Caio Fernando Abreu

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    Thais Torres de Souza


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to analyze two novels presented in the book entitled Os dragões não conhecem o Paraíso, written by Caio Fernando Abreu. These novels – “Os Sapatinhos Vermelhos” and "Sem Ana, Blues" – address the separation of the lovers. Once abandoned, the characters long to overcome their apartness condition and, then, reconstitute themselves as subjects. Aparently, the revenge taken by the character from “Os Sapatinhos Vermelhos” and the way the narrator of “Sem Ana, Blues” forgets who has abandoned him are different. However, based on Freud's article “Mourning and Melancholia” and Caruso's book “Love and Separation”, it’s possible to identify, also through the attitude of extreme devotion of the character from “Sem Ana, Blues”, an attempt to take revenge and then overcome the abandonment. These two novels prove that the concept of erotism presented by Abreu in this book is founded, above all, on the fact that sexuality sustains itself on conflict, what causes the infinite lovers dissatisfaction. This comprehension of the concept of erotism echoes Bataille’s thought, according to which sexuality can only be effective through the rupture between the lovers in their quest for the realization of their desire. 

  17. La escritora Ana de Zayas y el obispo poblano Manuel Fernández de Santa Cruz

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    Zayas, Concepción


    Full Text Available Estudio de caso sobre la relación entre el obispo de la diócesis angelopolitana, don Manuel Fernández de Santa Cruz, y doña Ana de Zayas, escritora que la Inquisición novohispana procesó por alumbrada de 1694 a 1700. Este trabajo analiza principalmente la intervención del prelado a favor de esta mujer, lo cual impidió que ella fuera condenada por el Santo Oficio de México. El artículo se basa en fuentes mexicanas y españolas.

  18. Normal xeroradiographic and radiographic anatomy of the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) with reference to other anserine species

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, B. J. [North Carolina State University, Raleigh (United States); Smith, S. A.


    he purpose of this study was to provide a reference for xeroradiographic and conventional radiographic anatomy of the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) as a representative of the avian Order Anseriformes. The head, body, wing, and pelvic limb of three adult birds were radiographed using xeroradiographic and conventional radiographic techniques. Nine xeroradiographs and their corresponding conventional radiographs were selected, and the xeroradiographs labeled to illustrate normal anatomy. Selected views of other anseriform species were included to illustrate certain anatomical features unique to those species.

  19. Normal xeroradiographic and radiographic anatomy of the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) with reference to other anserine species

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, B.J.; Smith, S.A.


    he purpose of this study was to provide a reference for xeroradiographic and conventional radiographic anatomy of the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) as a representative of the avian Order Anseriformes. The head, body, wing, and pelvic limb of three adult birds were radiographed using xeroradiographic and conventional radiographic techniques. Nine xeroradiographs and their corresponding conventional radiographs were selected, and the xeroradiographs labeled to illustrate normal anatomy. Selected views of other anseriform species were included to illustrate certain anatomical features unique to those species

  20. [Ose, Ieva. Livonijas pilu attēli no marķīza Pauluči albuma - Abbildungen der livländischen Burgen im Album des Marquis Paulucci] / Ivar Leimus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leimus, Ivar, 1953-


    Arvustus: Livonijas pilu attēli no marķīza Pauluči albuma = Abbildungen der livländischen Burgen im Album des Marquis Paulucci. LU Latvijas vēstures institūts; Latvijas Akadēmiska biblioteka. (Rīga, 2008.) Kuramaa, Liivimaa ja Eestimaa pildialbumitest, mis tõenäoliselt on valminud aastatel 1827-1830, mis on nüüd välja antud ühiste kaante vahel. Tekst tõlgitud saksa keelde

  1. [Detection and the production mechanism of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti-liver/kidney microsomal tpe 1 antibodies (anti-LKM1) in patients with chronic hepatitis C]. (United States)

    Bai, Li; Lu, Hai-Ying; Feng, Zhen-Ru; Yu, Min; Li, Wen-Gang; Gong, Wei-Bo; Zhao, Nu-en-ji-ya; Xu, Xiao-Yuan


    To investigate the prevalence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti-liver/ kidney microsomal type 1 antibodies (anti-LKM1) in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC)and to explore the mechanism of production of these autoantibodies. Serum samples were collected from 360 patients with CHC (case group), 69 patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and 69 patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) (control group). Serum ANA and anti-LKM1 were detected by indirect immunofluorescence (HF) technique and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), respectively. Multi-factor analysis was performed to explore the correlations of the production of autoantibodies with some factors such as age, sex, viral loads, HCV genotype, biochemical parameters and clinical characteristics. Fifty-four (15%) of 360 patients infected with HCV were positive in autoantibodies. The prevalence of ANA and anti-LKM1 were 12.5% (45/360) and 2.5% (9/ 360), respectively. The positive rate of autoantibodies in patients with CHC was significantly higher than that in patients with CHB (15% vs 2.9%, P = 0.006), but significantly lower than that in patients with AIH (15% vs 47.9%, P 0.05). Autoantibodies related to AIH can be detected in CHC patients; interferon may not induce the production of autoantibodies; it is very likely that HCV infection induces the autoimmune reaction and the production of autoantibodies.

  2. Estudio de la relación entre acuífero y humedales en el área Mimbrales La Vera del Manto Eólico Litoral de Doñana, Huelva


    Higueras García, Horacio Luis


    [ESP] El presente estudio ha sido realizado en una zona del sistema acuífero de Doñana, en el SO de España, conocido como Manto Eólico Litoral de Doñana (MELD). Se trata de un área de unos 400 km2 de superficie formados por arenas eólicas de mediana permeabilidad en su parte más somera. El estudio ha sido llevado a cabo a dos escalas espaciales: 1) escala regional, que ha consistido en estudiar todo el MELD como base para el estudio de detalle, y en el cual los objetivos han sido el estudio d...

  3. Naudas plūsmas pārskata izmantošana uzņēmumu finansiālā stāvokļa novērtēšanā


    Šteinberga, Džeina


    Katra uzņēmuma veiksmīgas darbības pamatā ir rūpīga tā uzraudzība, kas balstās uz precīzas informācijas bāzes. Lai pierādītu naudas plūsmas nozīmību uzņēmumu finansiālā stāvokļa novērtēšanā, tika nosprausts mērķis: izmantojot piecpadsmit Latvijas Republikā likvidētu un stabilu uzņēmumu finanšu pārskatu datus, izvērtēt naudas plūsmas pārskata nozīmīgumu un izstrādāt priekšlikumus uzņēmumu darbības efektivitātes paaugstināšanai, izmantojot naudas plūsmas pārskata sniegto informāciju. Darba gait...

  4. Analysis of the effects of combustion emissions and Santa Ana winds on ambient ozone during the October 2007 southern California wildfires (United States)

    A. Bytnerowicz; D. Cayan; P. Riggan; S. Schilling; P. Dawson; M. Tyree; L. Wolden; R. Tissell; H. Preisler


    Combustion emissions and strong Santa Ana winds had pronounced effects on patterns and levels of ambient ozone (O3) in southern California during the extensive wildland fires of October 2007. These changes are described in detail for a rural receptor site, the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve, located among large fires in San Diego and Orange counties. In addition,...

  5. Complete Genome Sequence of a Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus Strain Isolated from a Clinically Healthy Duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) in Pakistan (United States)

    Wajid, Abdul; Rehmani, Shafqat F.; Wasim, Muhammad; Basharat, Asma; Bibi, Tasra; Arif, Saima; Dimitrov, Kiril M.


    Here, we report the complete genome sequence of a virulent Newcastle disease virus (vNDV) strain, duck/Pakistan/Lahore/AW-123/2015, isolated from apparently healthy laying ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) from the province of Punjab, Pakistan. The virus has a genome length of 15,192 nucleotides and is classified as member of subgenotype VIIi, class II. PMID:27469959

  6. Complete Genome Sequence of a Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus Strain Isolated from a Clinically Healthy Duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) in Pakistan


    Wajid, Abdul; Rehmani, Shafqat F.; Wasim, Muhammad; Basharat, Asma; Bibi, Tasra; Arif, Saima; Dimitrov, Kiril M.; Afonso, Claudio L.


    Here, we report the complete genome sequence of a virulent Newcastle disease virus (vNDV) strain, duck/Pakistan/Lahore/AW-123/2015, isolated from apparently healthy laying ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) from the province of Punjab, Pakistan. The virus has a genome length of 15,192 nucleotides and is classified as member of subgenotype VIIi, class II.

  7. Notes on a Queer (Mexican Literature: The Case of Ana Clavel

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    Vinodh Venkatesh


    Full Text Available The present essay examines the place of Ana Clavel in critical studies on contemporary Mexican fiction. Instead of situating her production vis-à-vis female contemporaries in what has been labeled the Boom Femenino, I argue that Clavel’s novels embody the ethos of a queer literature. A queer literature unpacks, decenters, and disobeys norms of gender, sex, and sexuality, and favors the posing of questions versus the providing of neatly packaged answers. Moving away from the subject, it mobilizes these same actions towards the communal and the national. Queer literature moves against the conventions of narrative; it breaks through the limits of the textual to render insufficient the power of the word. By reading the author’s meditation on sex, gender, and sexuality (especially as they relate to the urban space in Cuerpo náufrago, the essay furthers that Clavel’s fiction may best be understood within a genealogy of queer Mexican texts.

  8. The improvement of eggs quality of Mojosari duck (Anas javanica with soybean husk fermentation using cellulolytic bacteria of Spodoptera litura

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    Sri Hidanah


    Full Text Available Aim: This study was aimed to improve the quality of the eggs of Mojosari duck (Anas javanica through complete feeding containing soybean husk was fermented using cellulolytic bacteria of Spodoptera litura. Materials and Methods: This study consisted of three stages: The first stages, isolation and identification of cellulolytic bacteria from S. litura; the second stage, the fermentation of soybean husk through the application of bacterial cellulolytic isolate from the first stage; and the third stage, the application of the best complete feed formulation from the second stage to Mojosari duck. Results: There are four dominant bacteria: Bacillus sp., Cellulomonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Cytophaga sp. Furthermore, the best reduction of the crude fiber of soybean husks is the use of Cellulomonas sp. bacteria. The final of the study, the quality of the eggs of Anas javanica, was improved, as indicated by cholesterol decrease from the yolk without the decrease of egg weight and eggshell thickness, although the decrease in egg yolk color was inevitable. Conclusion: Soy husk fermentation using cellulolytic bacteria of S. litura was added to complete feeding can be performed to improve the quality of the eggs of Mojosari duck.

  9. Vecāku audzināšanas stila saistība ar romantiskajām attiecībām jauniešiem


    Meijere, Rivita


    Bakalaura darbā tika izvirzīti šādi pētījuma jautājumi : 1) Kāda ir saistība starp mātes audzināšanas stilu ģimenē un romantiskajām attiecībām jauniešiem? 2) Kāda ir saistība starp tēva audzināšanas stilu ģimenē un romantiskajām attiecībām jauniešiem? Lai atbildētu uz pētījumā izvirzītajiem jautājumiem, tika veikts korelatīvs pētījums-60 respondenti (30 sievietes un 30 vīrieši), vecumā no 18- 25 gadiem. Viņi ir iesaistīti romantiskās attiecībās, kuru ilgums ir vismaz seši mēneši un nāk no pil...

  10. Zīmola "Lāči" atpazīstamība tirgū un pozīcijas nostiprināšanas iespējas.


    Biezā, Sabīne


    Bakalaura darba ‘’Zīmola ‘’Lāči’’ atpazīstamība tirgū un pozīcijas nostiprināšanas iespējas’’ mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorijas atziņām par zīmolu un mārketinga komunikācijām zīmola pozīcijas nostiprināšanas kontekstā, kā arī uz patērētāju aptaujas datu rezultātiem, novērtēt zīmola ‘’Lāči’’ atpazīstamību un izstrādāt priekšlikumus zīmola pozīcijas pilnveidošanai. Darba teorētiskais pamatojums balstīts uz literatūru par zīmolvedību, vērtībām, zīmola kapitālu un mārketinga komunikācijām. ...


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    Zekerya BATUR


    Full Text Available Mother tongue teaching is multiple acculturation period. During the period, Turkish lesson is one of the important factors of mother tongue teaching. For this reason, it is thought that lesson should be out of simplicity, it should be taught in detail. The study is descriptive and it was carried out by document review method. In the study domains of mother tongue, benefits of using semiotics in teaching of mother tongue and its level according to child were discussed theoretically, as to application of the study, verbal and visual texts in lesson boks of the mother tongue/Turkish were viewed and their entireties were discussed in the context of semiotics. Ana dili öğretimi, çok yönlü bir kültürlenme sürecidir. Bu süreçte Türkçe dersi, ana dili öğretiminin önemli saç ayaklarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Bu ders sayesinde çocuklar bir yandan dillerini, bir yandan da kültürel ve sosyal yapıya ait normları öğrenmektedirler. Bu nedenle dersin sıradanlıktan çıkarılıp seviyeye ve konuya uygun görsellerle daha eğlenceli bir hale getirilmesi sağlanmalıdır. Bu çalışma betimsel olup doküman incelemesi yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Çalışmada ana dili öğretiminin etkinlik alanları, gösterge biliminin ana dili öğretiminde kullanımının yararları ve çocuğa göreliği kuramsal olarak tartışılmıştır. Çalışmanın uygulama kısmında ise ana dili/Türkçe, ders kitaplarında yer alan sözel ve görsel metinlerin incelemesi yapılmış ve bunların bütünselliği, gösterge bilim bağlamında ele alınmıştır.

  12. Moderno datu apstrādes metožu pielietošana metomidīna un medetomidīna kristālisko formu pētījumos


    Veldre, Kaspars


    Moderno datu apstrādes metožu pielietošana detomidīna un medetomidīna kristālisko formu pētījumos. Veldre K., darba vadītājs Dr.chem., asoc. prof. Actiņš A.. Maģistra darbs. 66 lappuses, 41 attēls, 8 tabulas, 60 literatūras avoti, 6 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. Darba teorētiskajā daļā aplūkota informācija par polimorfajām formām, to pētīšanas metodēm, rentgendifraktometriju un tās izmantošanu organisko savienojumu struktūras noteikšanai. Praktiski noteikta struktūra detomidīna un medeto...

  13. Uz nestriktas loģikas balstīta lēmumu pieņemšanas sistēma biznesa spēlēs


    Vitkovska, Diāna


    Darbs ir veltīts uz nestriktās loģikas balstītas lēmumu pieľemšanas sistēmas pielietojumam stratēģiju izvēlei biznesa spēlēs. Darbā tika aplūkotas divu personu spēles kā matemātiskais modelis divu uzľēmumu konkurences analīzei. Tika aprakstīta stratēģiju izvēles metode, kas balstās uz nestriktās secinājumu sistēmas, izmanto sistēmas nestrikto ieejas un izejas mainīgo lingvistiskās vērtības un lēmumu pieľemšanas kārtulas un tiek īstenota programmatūras Matlab vidē. Šādas metodes efektivitāte i...

  14. Pusaudžu trauksmes, pašcieņas un viņu māšu audzināšanas stilu saistība.


    Valere, Linda


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Pusaudžu trauksmes, pašcieņas un viņu māšu audzināšanas stilu saistība”. Pusaudžu trauksme ir ļoti aktuāla problēma. Trauksmes traucējumu izplatība pusaudžiem svārstās no 12% līdz 17,3 % (Vasey & Ollendick, 2000 kā minēts Fraire, 2006), un tie rada lielu risku atkārtotiem trauksmes traucējumiem jau pieaugušā vecumā (Pine, Cohen, Gurley, Brook & Ma, 1998). Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai pastāv saistība starp pusaudžu trauksmi, pašcieņu un viņu māšu audzināšanas sti...

  15. Dažu smago metālisko elementu noteikšana ķiplokos (Allium sativum)


    Bleidele, Zaiga


    Dažu smago metālisko elementu noteikšana ķiplokos (Allium sativum). Bleidele Z., zinātniskais vadītājs Dr. ķīm., prof. Vīksna A. Bakalaura darbs, 48 lappuses, 21 attēli, 19 tabulas, 45 literatūras avoti, 5 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. Darbā tika analizēti Latvijā un Ķīnā audzēti ķiploki un lielveikalos nopirktās ķiploku garšvielas. Eksperimentāli tika noteikts cinka un vara masas koncentrācijas izmantojot liesmas atomabsorbcijas spektrometriju, bet svina un kadmija masas koncentrācijas noteikš...

  16. Pouvoir et sexe : La favorita del Señor, roman de Ana Teresa Torres


    Delprat, François


    La favorita del Señor (2001), roman de Ana Teresa Torres, se caractérise à la fois comme roman érotique et comme roman historique : la belle mauresque Aisa doit à une initiation précoce à l’art du sexe, dans son île natale méditerranéenne, d’accéder, devenue captive, à une exceptionnelle destinée en terre chrétienne. Éduquée par une esclave dans l’exultation des corps (danse érotique), elle est tour à tour bonne élève, adolescente passionnée, victime soumise et conquérante. La contradictoire ...

  17. AnaLitex: una herramienta gráfica para el análisis literario

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    Alcides Velásquez


    Full Text Available Este artículo explora los fundamentos y los primeros desarrollos del prototipo de una herramienta digital, diseñada específicamente para apoyar el análisis de textos literarios. El interés que guía esta investigación es el de plantear la pregunta sobre cómo el uso de una herramienta de este tipo puede llegar a transformar la actual práctica del análisis literario. Al aplicar los principios del diseño interactivo y de información, así como características del medio digital, el desarrollo de AnaLitex invita a reflexionar acercar de la relación entre las artes, las humanidades y las prácticas culturales contemporáneas con el medio digital.


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    La Choviya Hawa


    Full Text Available Apple juice, extracted from apple of ana cultivar , was pasteurized using a pulsed electric field (PEF method. The aimof this research was to analyze the changes on nutritional, physical and chemical properties and total microbes from apple juice after pasteurization. The research was conducted from July until Oktober 2009 located in Malang. The PEF treatment was carried out using treatment time variation for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 seconds. Several parameters of vitamin A and C, water content, density, pH, total soluable solid and total microbes were observed. The results showed that PEF treatment did not significantly change nutritional, physical and chemical properties and total microbes after pasteurization with PEF in compared with no treatment pasteurization. The highest degradation was found in treatment time for 60 seconds, i.e. 93.53 %. ABSTRAK Sari buah apel, yang diekstrak dari apel varietas ana, dipasteurisasi dengan metode pulsed electric field (PEF. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan karakteristik nilai gizi, sifat fisik, kimiawi dan total mikrobia sari buah apel sesudah dipasteurisasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Juli sampai dengan Oktober 2009 di Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan variasi waktu pengolahan 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 dan 60 detik. Parameter pengamatan yaitu vitamin A dan C, kadar air, berat jenis, pH, total padatan terlarut dan total mikrobia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai gizi, sifat fisik dan kimiawi dari sari apel  tidak mengalami perubahan signifikan dibandingkan sari apel tanpa perlakuan PEF. Penurunan total mikrobia terbesar pada waktu perlakuan 60 detik dengan efektivitas pembunuhan sebesar 93,53%.

  19. Wander Lust: Genre, Sexuality and Identity in Ana Kokkinos’s Head On

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    Joe Hardwick


    Full Text Available While the road movie has long held a privileged place in Australian cinema, less prevalent, though increasingly present, has been the street movie, which—like its road movie cousin—poses important questions about identity in tracing the trajectory of its wanderer protagonists. The most remarkable recent example of an Australian street movie is Ana Kokkinos’s 1997 feature Head On. The film recounts a day in the life of a late adolescent Greek-Australian male who wanders the streets participating in sexual encounters with mainly, though not exclusively, other men. Whereas reviews and articles have generally read the film as a coming out narrative, this article—with reference to Ross Chambers’ theories on digressive narratives in his book Loiterature—will argue that Head On rejects the simplistic teleology of the coming out story in favour of a much more complex understanding of adolescent male sexuality.

  20. Informe Ana Libertad Baratti de la Cuadra : Informe de Radio Universidad Nacional de La Plata sobre la recuperación de la nieta número 115, por Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo


    Pigeau, Nora; Barnes de Carlotto, Estela; Lovazzano, Eduardo; Velazco, Luis; Cuadra, Estela de la; Cardoso, Miriam


    Informe de Radio Universidad Nacional de La Plata sobre el hallazgo de la nieta número 115, recuperada por Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo: Ana Libertad Baratti de la Cuadra. El 22 de agosto de 2014 la ciudad de La Plata y el país entero celebró el encuentro de la nieta de la co-fundadora y primera presidenta de la Asociación Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, Alicia “Licha” Zubasnabar de De la Cuadra: apareció Ana Libertad Baratti de la Cuadra. Héctor Carlos Baratti y de Elena de la Cuadra fueron se...


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    Rhea Sílvia Willmer


    Full Text Available A escrita de Ana Luísa Amaral – apesar de não ter sido escrita “em estados de censura, de proibição do livre trânsito da palavra, onde a poesia aprende a dizer” (utilizo aqui palavras do professor Jorge Fernandes da Silveira – “escreve o sentido de falar de liberdade em tempos de opressão”, pois às mulheres ainda é dificultado o acesso ao poder e ao cânone: “o sexo das mulheres não lhes permitiu (e continua a dificultar o acesso a certas estruturas de poder, a ‘condição’ de ser mulher, a transparecer no texto, não pode constituir-se como um mero reflexo ou imagem inversa do que se passa no caso masculino”, a poesia de Ana Luísa Amaral está tomada por profunda reflexão acerca do feminino.

  2. Smēķēšanas dūmu ķīmiskā sastāva un izplatības mainības novērtējums iekštelpu vidē


    Vesere, Sandra


    Maģistra darbā „Smēķēšanas dūmu ķīmiskā sastāva un izplatības mainības novērtējums iekštelpu vidē” raksturota iekštelpu gaisa kvalitāte, “slimās ēkas sindroms”, to veicinošie faktori, smēķēšanas process un tā ietekme uz veselību. Smēķēšanas laikā radušos dūmu sastāvā ir vairāk nekā 5000 ķīmisku vielu, kuras izplatās telpā un rada piesārņojumu, kas kaitīgs ir ne tikai aktīvajam, bet arī pasīvajām smēķētājam. Pētījums veikts, lai novērtētu šo dūmu ķīmisko sastāvu un vielu noturību iekštelpu vid...

  3. Structural phase transition and elastic properties of AnAs (An= Th, U, Np, Pu) compounds at high pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aynyas, Mahendra; Arya, B.S.; Srivastava, Vipul; Sanyal, Sankar P.


    The high pressure behavior and pressure induced structural phase transition of mono arsenides (AnAs; An = Th, U, Np, Pu) have been investigated by using a three body interaction potential (TBI). This method has been found quite satisfactory in the case of other Rare-Earth compounds. The calculated compression curves of mono-arsenides obtained so have been compared with high pressure X-ray diffraction work. The theoretically predicted phase transition pressure and other structural properties for these compounds agree reasonably well with the measured values. (author)

  4. A tangled tale of two teal: Population history of the grey Anas gracilis and chestnut teal a. castanea of Australia (United States)

    Joseph, L.; Adcock, G.J.; Linde, C.; Omland, K.E.; Heinsohn, R.; Terry, Chesser R.; Roshier, D.


    Two Australian species of teal (Anseriformes: Anatidae: Anas), the grey teal Anas gracilis and the chestnut teal A. castanea, are remarkable for the zero or near-zero divergence recorded between them in earlier surveys of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity. We confirmed this result through wider geographical and population sampling as well as nucleotide sampling in the more rapidly evolving mtDNA control region. Any data set where two species share polymorphism as is the case here can be explained by a model of gene flow through hybridization on one hand or by incomplete lineage sorting on the other hand. Ideally, analysis of such shared polymorphism would simultaneously estimate the likelihood of both phenomena. To do this, we used the underlying principle of the IMa package to explore ramifications to understanding population histories of A. gracilis and A. castanea. We cannot reject that hybridization occurs between the two species but an equally or more plausible finding for their nearly zero divergence is incomplete sorting following very recent divergence between the two, probably in the mid-late Pleistocene. Our data add to studies that explore intermediate stages in the evolution of reciprocal monophyly and paraphyletic or polyphyletic relationships in mtDNA diversity among widespread Australian birds. ?? 2009 J. Avian Biol.

  5. Estimation des paramètres de modèles pour la digestion anaérobie


    Martinez , Ricardo


    La finalité de ce travail a été d'estimer de la meilleure manière possible des paramètres de différents modèles sur la respiration anaérobie. Dans un premier temps nous présentons les bases qu'on utilise pour construire les modèles du procédé biochimique. Puis nous faisons une analyse qualitative des modèles les plus connus sur le sujet. Dans un deuxième temps nous avons suggéré différents modèles, afin de mieux estimer les paramètres du modèle initial. Nous avons mis au point un programme d'...

  6. Nature does not exist: conservationisms and international relations in Doñana

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    Lino Camprubí


    Full Text Available The paper starts by discarding the methodological approach to the history of Natural Parks that sees them as steps towards the “conservation of Nature” - with a capital N. Rather, it situates the history of Doñana within its political, personal and scientific contexts. These contexts bring us to an international scale marked by the decolonization of the British Empire and the transformation of ornithology and ecology as disciplines. Bird migratory routes contributed to the Park’s international dimension, in which context the agreement between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC took place. Creation of the Park opened the door to new conflicts among diverging ways of understanding conservation and different scientific categorizations of Doñana’s territory. The resolution of these conflicts depended on strengths and alliances, which allows us to conclude by refining our methodological starting point.

  7. Mobilo ierīču skriešanas aplikāciju izmantošanas iespējas interešu izglītībā sākumskolas vecumposmā


    Pluģis, Mārtiņš


    21. gadsimta tehnoloģiju pasaulē gandrīz katram cilvēkam ir viedtālrunis, kurā ir daudz daţādas aplikācijas. Mobilo ierīču lietotāju vidū, kuri īsteno veselīgu dzīvesveidu, populāras ir fizisko aktivitāšu aplikācijas. Mūsdienās arvien jaunākiem bērniem ir pašiem savi viedtālruņi vai pieeja tiem. Diplomdarba tēma - Mobilo ierīču skriešanu aplikāciju izmantošanas iespējas interešu izglītībā sākumskolas vecumposmā. Darbs sastāv no ievada, teorētiskās un praktiskās daļas, nobeiguma secinājumiem u...

  8. Akadēmiskās pašregulācijas saistība ar pusaudžu personības iezīmēm un vecāku audzināšanas stiliem


    Iliško, Judīte


    Maģistra darba pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot, kāda saistība pastāv starp pusaudžu pašnovērtēto akadēmisko pašregulāciju, vecāku audzināšanas stiliem un pusaudžu personības iezīmēm, kā arī, vai pastāv dzimuma atšķirības starp pusaudžu pašnovērtēto akadēmisko pašregulāciju, vecāku audzināšanas stiliem un personības iezīmēm, un, cik lielā mērā pusaudžu personības iezīmes un vecāku audzināšanas stili prognozē pusaudžu akadēmisko pašregulāciju. Pētījumā piedalījās 225 7.-8.klašu skolēni no vien...

  9. Las yeguas marismeñas de Doñana: naturaleza, tradición e identidades sociales en un espacio protegido

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    Murphy, Michael D.


    Full Text Available The breeding of Andalusia's feral marsh horses stands out among other examples of Doñana National Park's extraordinary legacy of social and cultural traditions. This is so not only because of its importance as a venerable livestock management system, unique and vibrant still despite being surprisingly little known and scarecly studied, but also because it constitutes a notable example of the contributions that Andalusian culture has made to the rest of the world. Marsh animal husbandry is, without a doubt, the cultural matrix out of which developed the livestock traditions of the Americas. By situating this cultural complex within an International comparative framework, we argue that the human involvement with Doñana's feral horses may be distinguished from other similar cases in the world because their care and maintenance has been converted, to an extraordinary degree, into a central element of the local culture. Highly emotional social processes are involved in the construction and maintenance of a collective social identity that expresses itself in perennial conflicts with the authorities of the Park over its feral horses.

    Entre el extraordinario legado de tradiciones sociales y culturales del Parque Nacional de Doñana (Suroeste de Andalucía sobresale la cría de caballos marismeños asilvestrados, no sólo por su importancia como práctica ganadera ancestral, viva e insólita, sorprendentemente poco conocida y apenas estudiada, sino también porque constituye un ejemplo eminente de las contribuciones de la cultura andaluza al resto del mundo. La ganadería marismeña es, sin duda, la matriz cultural de las tradiciones ganaderas de América. En este artículo se aborda su análisis dentro de un marco comparativo internacional del que se deduce que lo que verdaderamente distingue la cría de los caballos marismeños de otros casos paralelos en el mundo es haberse convertido en un elemento central de la cultura local, mediante

  10. Llamas y rescoldos nacionales: Con la vida hicieron fuego, novela de Jesús Evaristo Casariego (1953 y película de Ana Mariscal (1957

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    Alfonso García, M.ª del Carmen


    Full Text Available This paper examines a novel by Jesús Evaristo Casariego entitled Con la vida hicieron fuego, published in 1953, and its adaptation to the cinema by Ana Mariscal in 1957. Starting out from a comparative analysis of the novel and the film highlighting the similarities and the differences between them, this paper explores the meaning of both artistic proposals. As a theoretical framework, it will rely on theories that explore the construction of national identity and its connections with gender issues.Este artículo estudia la novela de Jesús Evaristo Casariego titulada Con la vida hicieron fuego, publicada en 1953, y la adaptación cinematográfica de la obra que Ana Mariscal realizó en 1957. A partir de las similitudes y diferencias que revela el análisis comparativo del texto y el filme, el trabajo busca establecer el sentido de ambas propuestas artísticas desde la perspectiva que proporciona el marco teórico relativo a la construcción de la identidad nacional y sus relaciones con la de género.

  11. City, marginalization, and violence in José B. Adolph's Mañana, las ratas. Between realism and science-fiction

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    Rodja Bernardoni


    Full Text Available This paper aims to investigate the novel Mañana, las ratas by the peruvian-german author  José Bernardo Adolph. Our intention is to analyze the book to point out how through cience-fiction, a literary genre usually considered as marginal, Adolph succeed in creating a text that, by representig the exclusionist dynamics and the conflicts between center and margin of peruvian urban society  of the 70’s, unmask the true nature of Power and of its stategies.

  12. A representação feminina em D. Narcisa de Villar, de Ana Luísa de Azevedo Castro

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    Bárbara Loureiro Andreta


    Full Text Available D. Narcisa de Villar is the only novel written by Ana Luísa de Azevedo Castro, published in 1859. In this novel, the women and the native people represent the resistance to the patriarchal, colonialist and enslaver society. As in other nineteenth century female authorship’s novels, D. Narcisa de Villar denounces the institutional and symbolical violence, which interlines the construction of the Brazilian nation, disestablishing, in this way, the configuration of the national identity, since she gave voice to the subaltern voices.

  13. Sail-Type Wind Turbine for Autonomous Power Supplay: Possible Use in Latvia (United States)

    Sakipova, S.; Jakovics, A.


    Under the conditions of continuous increase in the energy consumption, sharply rising prices of basic energy products (gas, oil, coal), deterioration of environment, etc., it is of vital importance to develop methods and techniques for heat and power generation from renewables. The paper considers the possibility to use a sail-type wind turbine for autonomous power supply in Latvia, taking into account its climatic conditions. The authors discuss the problems of developing a turbine of the type that would operate efficiently at low winds, being primarily designed to supply power to small buildings and farms distant from centralized electricity networks. The authors consider aerodynamic characteristics of such a turbine and the dependence of the thrust moment of its pilot model on the airflow rate at different angles of attack. The pilot model with a changeable blade shape has been tested and shows a good performance. Darbs veltīts vienam no atjaunojamo enerģiju veidiem - vēja enerģijai, analizētas tās izmantošanas iespējas. Vispirms īsi raksturota vēja enerģijas izmantošana pasaulē, kā arī vērtētas izmantošanas perspektīvas no inženiertehniskā un klimatisko apstākļu viedokļa. Turpinājumā raksturota situācija Latvijā, t. sk., arī vēja potenciāla pieejamība dažādos reģionos, kā arī vēja enerģijas izmantošanas efektivitāti raksturojošie lielumi. Konstatējot problēmu, rast vēja turbīnu risinājumus Latvijas apstākļiem ar maziem vidējiem vēja ātrumiem, izveidots buras tipa turbīnas modelis. Šī modeļa raksturlielumu izpēte veikta vēja tunelī Karagandas universitātē, konstatējot relatīvi labus efektivitātes rādītājus tiešai un pretējai vēja plūsmai. Izmantojot mērījumu rezultātus, ierosināti sistēmas uzlabojumi, kurus plānots pētīt turpmāk. Šādas sistēmas potenciāli var rast lietojumu tur, kur nepieciešami autonomi enerģijas avoti.

  14. “Experiencia de la escuela normal superior santa Ana de Baranoa en el diseño e implementacion de un sistema de Gestión Ambiental”

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    Ibón Silvera Rada (Página 37-54


    Full Text Available El  proyecto de investigación “Diseño e implementación de un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental en la Escuela Normal Superior Santa Ana y el barrio Santa Ana del municipio de Baranoa, que fomente la participación de la comunidad educativa en el manejo adecuado de los residuos sólidos” ; se viene realizando desde el año 2006 y actualmente se encuentra vigente.A través de éste proyecto se buscó diseñar e implementar un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental en la Escuela y el barrio, que fomentara la participación de la comunidad educativa y de los habitantes del barrio, con el propósito de plantear alternativas de solución  en torno a la problemática en común de las dos zonas de estudio residuos sólidos

  15. Envisat/ASAR Images for the Calibration of Wind Drag Action in the Doñana Wetlands 2D Hydrodynamic Model

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    Anaïs Ramos-Fuertes


    Full Text Available Doñana National Park wetlands are located in southwest Spain, on the right bank of the Guadalquivir River, near the Atlantic Ocean coast. The wetlands dry out completely every summer and progressively flood again throughout the fall and winter seasons. Given the flatness of Doñana’s topography, the wind drag action can induce the flooding or emergence of extensive areas, detectable in remote sensing images. Envisat/ASAR scenes acquired before and during strong and persistent wind episodes enabled the spatial delineation of the wind-induced water displacement. A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of Doñana wetlands was built in 2006 with the aim to predict the effect of proposed hydrologic restoration actions within Doñana’s basin. In this work, on-site wind records and concurrent ASAR scenes are used for the calibration of the wind-drag modeling by assessing different formulations. Results show a good adjustment between the modeled and observed wind drag effect. Displacements of up to 2 km in the wind direction are satisfactorily reproduced by the hydrodynamic model, while including an atmospheric stability parameter led to no significant improvement of the results. Such evidence will contribute to a more accurate simulation of hypothetic or design scenarios, when no information is available for the atmospheric stability assessment.

  16. Migration strategy affects avian influenza dynamics in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). (United States)

    Takekawa, John Y.; Hill, Nichola J.; Ackerman, Joshua T.; Herring, Garth; Hobson, Keith; Cardona, Carol J.; Runstadler, Jonathan; Boyce, Walter M.


    Studies of pathogen transmission typically overlook that wildlife hosts can include both migrant and resident populations when attempting to model circulation. Through the application of stable isotopes in flight feathers, we estimated the migration strategy of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) occurring on California wintering grounds. Our study demonstrates that mallards- a principal host of avian influenza virus (AIV) in nature, contribute differently to virus gene flow depending on migration strategy. No difference in AIV prevalence was detected between resident (9.6%), intermediate-distance (9.6%) and long-distance migrants (7.4%). Viral diversity among the three groups was also comparable, possibly owing to viral pool mixing when birds converge at wetlands during winter. However, migrants and residents contributed differently to the virus gene pool at wintering wetlands. Migrants introduced virus from northern breeding grounds (Alaska and the NW Pacific Rim) into the wintering population, facilitating gene flow at continental scales, but circulation of imported virus appeared to be limited. In contrast, resident mallards acted as AIV reservoirs facilitating year-round circulation of limited subtypes (i.e. H5N2) at lower latitudes. This study supports a model of virus exchange in temperate regions driven by the convergence of wild birds with separate geographic origins and exposure histories.

  17. Predictive models of turbidity and water depth in the Doñana marshes using Landsat TM and ETM+ images. (United States)

    Bustamante, Javier; Pacios, Fernando; Díaz-Delgado, Ricardo; Aragonés, David


    We have used Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ images together with simultaneous ground-truth data at sample points in the Doñana marshes to predict water turbidity and depth from band reflectance using Generalized Additive Models. We have point samples for 12 different dates simultaneous with 7 Landsat-5 and 5 Landsat-7 overpasses. The best model for water turbidity in the marsh explained 38% of variance in ground-truth data and included as predictors band 3 (630-690 nm), band 5 (1550-1750 nm) and the ratio between bands 1 (450-520 nm) and 4 (760-900 nm). Water turbidity is easier to predict for water bodies like the Guadalquivir River and artificial ponds that are deep and not affected by bottom soil reflectance and aquatic vegetation. For the latter, a simple model using band 3 reflectance explains 78.6% of the variance. Water depth is easier to predict than turbidity. The best model for water depth in the marsh explains 78% of the variance and includes as predictors band 1, band 5, the ratio between band 2 (520-600 nm) and band 4, and bottom soil reflectance in band 4 in September, when the marsh is dry. The water turbidity and water depth models have been developed in order to reconstruct historical changes in Doñana wetlands during the last 30 years using the Landsat satellite images time series.

  18. Envisat/ASAR images for the calibration of wind drag action in the Doñana wetlands 2D hydrodynamic model


    Ramos Fuertes, Anaïs; Martí Cardona, Belén; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Dolz Ripollès, Josep


    Doñana National Park wetlands are located in southwest Spain, on the right bank of the Guadalquivir River, near the Atlantic Ocean coast. The wetlands dry out completely every summer and progressively flood again throughout the fall and winter seasons. Given the flatness of Doñana’s topography, the wind drag action can induce the flooding or emergence of extensive areas, detectable in remote sensing images. Envisat/ASAR scenes acquired before and during strong and persistent wind episodes ena...

  19. J. Swift, H. Melville y un cuento de Ana Lidia Vega: prostitución y metáforas de la migración.

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    Mercedes Rico García.


    Full Text Available En diálogo con Gulliver’s Travels de Jonathan Swift y Moby Dick de Herman Melville, y teniendo en mente la imagen degradada de la Estatua de la Libertad, a la que se compara con una ramera, Ana Lydia Vega en “Encancaranublado,” nos ofrece una personal perspectiva sobre las migraciones económicas que se desplazan de Latinoamérica a Estados Unidos. La autora construye su cuento sobre dos niveles: el real y el alegórico. Ambos planos ilustran la manera en que los ricos prostituyen a los pobres y en la que, en ocasiones, los pobres se prostituyen en términos metafóricos, para alcanzar el “Pursuit of Happiness.”Reading Ana Lydia Vega´s “Encancaranublado” in the light of Jonathan Swift´s Gulliver´s Travels and Herman Melville´s Moby Dick and taking into account the degraded image of the Statue of Liberty showed in Vega´s tale, the reader will have the opportunity to reflect from a controverted personal perspective upon the migrations going from Latin-America to the United States to pursue happiness.

  20. Germination of hyphal bodies of Pythium spiculum isolated from declining cork oaks at Doñana National Park (Spain

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    Full Text Available Pythium spiculum, a recently described new taxon, has been isolated from declining cork oaks (Quercus suber L. at Doñana National Park (south-western Spain. The microorganism can infect and cause root disease in Quercus, but currently it is unknown whether its hyphal bodies can germinate and infect host trees. These hyphal bodies, regardless of shape, have been shown to be able to germinate, producing long germ tubes, sometimes ramified. Zoospore production was not recorded, but hyphal bodies are potential host infective structures in dry soil conditions.

  1. Development of water facilities in the Santa Ana River Basin, California, 1810-1968: a compilation of historical notes derived from many sources describing ditch and canal companies, diversions, and water rights (United States)

    Scott, M.B.


    This report traces by text, maps, and photographs, the development of the water supply in the Santa Ana River basin from its beginning in 1810 or 1811 to 1968. The value of the report lies in the fact that interpretation of the hydrologic systems in the basin requires knowledge of the concurrent state of development of the water supply, because that development has progressively altered the local regimen of both surface water and ground water. Most of the information for the earlier years was extracted and condensed from an investigation made by W. H. Hall, California State Engineer during the years 1878-87. Hall's study described irrigation development in southern California from its beginning through 1888. Information for the years following 1888 was obtained from the archives of the numerous water companies and water agencies in the Santa Ana River basin and from the various depositories of courthouse, county, and municipal records. The history of water-resources development in the Santa Ana River basin begins with the introduction of irrigation in the area by the Spanish, who settled in southern California in the latter part, of the 18th century. The first irrigation diversion from the Santa Ana River was made in 1810 or 1811 by Jose Antonio Yorba and Juan Pablo Peralta. Irrigation remained a localized practice during the Mexican-Californian, or rancho, period following the separation of Mexico from Spain in 1821. Rancho grantees principally raised cattle, horses, and sheep and irrigated only small· plots of feed grain for their livestock and fruit crops for household use. The breakup of the ranchos through sales to Americans, who were migrating to California in ever-increasing numbers following the acquisition of California by the United States in 1848, marked the beginning of a rapid increase in water use and the beginning of widespread irrigation. Many water companies and water agencies were organized to divert the surface flow of the Santa Ana River and

  2. Ecological similarities between two Mediterranean wetlands: Sidi Boughaba (North-West Morocco and the Doñana National Park (South-West Spain

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    Najat Elkhiati


    Full Text Available Addressing the underlying common processes within aquatic systems located in the same geographical region has long been used as a tool for the advancement of limnology. A limnological study of the Merja Sidi Boughaba in 2009 has shown that there are many common features between the physico-chemical and biological conditions of this site and previous data reported from some of the wetlands of the Doñana National Park (South-West Spain. Both are Ramsar sites located on extensive dune systems of the Atlantic coast with a Mediterranean climate. They have a common palaeoenvironmental history that is largely responsible for their similar hydrology and water composition. Oceanic influence has probably produced a slight disproportion of Mg2+ over Ca2+ through airborne sea salt deposition and the surface evaporation of groundwater feeding these wetlands during annual flood and drought cycles. The wide spectrum of environmental conditions encountered in the Doñana wetlands is epitomised by the Merja Sidi Boughaba, where water and sediment gradually change in the same water body from north to south: from humic-coloured waters and a sandy substrate to a calcium-rich substrate with turbid and silted waters which eventually dry out. As a consequence, the community of submersed macrophytes is very rich and dominated by dense charophyte beds. The high primary production coupled with high biodiversity found in the Merja Sidi Boughaba is also shared by the Doñana wetlands. The high conservation status of both sites enables a useful comparison to be made of the water quality of shallow aquatic systems at a regional scale which, contrary to the trophic classifications developed for deep stratified lakes in temperate regions, is not based on regressions between the concentrations of chlorophyll and total phosphorus (Tot-P but on the proportions of dissolved and particulate P pools. In these Mediterranean sites, nutrients are more efficiently recycled through the

  3. Experimental reintroduction reveals novel life-history variation in Laysan Ducks (Anas laysanensis) (United States)

    Walters, Jeffrey R.; Reynolds, Michelle H.


    Subfossil remains indicate that the Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis) formerly occurred throughout the Hawaiian archipelago, but for more than 150 years it has been confined to a single, small atoll in the northwestern chain, Laysan Island. In 2004–2005, 42 ducks were reintroduced from Laysan to Midway Atoll, where they exhibited variation in life history never observed on Laysan. On Laysan, females have never been observed to breed successfully at age 1 year and few attempt it, whereas on Midway, females routinely raised young at study; n = 21 and 19, respectively) and triple brooding has never been observed. Other novel life history on Midway included early cessation of parental care to renest. Altered life history on Midway is likely related to better feeding conditions and low population density compared with Laysan. An especially intriguing possibility is that the phenotypic plasticity observed represents exposure of hidden reaction norms evolved when the species inhabited a range of environments, but several alternative explanations exist. Future reintroductions of this species may provide opportunities to test hypotheses about mechanisms underlying phenotypic plasticity.

  4. Entrevista a Ana Casaravilla Gil, Adjunta de Innovación Educativa y Profesora de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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    Equipo Editorial


    Full Text Available Ana Casaravilla Gil es profesora en la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Adjunta de Innovación Educativa. Es una persona comprometida con la docencia como puede comprobarse por los numerosos proyectos y trabajos que en esta línea ha venido desarrollando a lo largo de los años. Hemos charlado con ella sobre la Innovación Educativa en la Universidad.

  5. "Minulost je bitevním polem současníků". Konference k osmdesátinám Viléma Prečana

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hoppe, Jiří


    Roč. 20, 1/2 (2013), s. 236-241 ISSN 1210-7050. ["Minulost je bitevním polem současníků". Konference k osmdesátinám Viléma Prečana. Praha, 24.01.2013-25.01.2013] Institutional support: RVO:68378114 Keywords : Vilém Prečan Subject RIV: AB - History

  6. Memoria, infancia y guerra civil: El mundo narrativo de Ana María Matute

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    Nestor Horacio Bórquez


    Full Text Available Ana María Matute has created a tightly closed narrative world where fiction and reality are mixed through a particular style, thoroughly lyric but full of cruelty. This world is largely shaped by the coexistence of the children's innocent gaze with the disenchanted look of the adults. Paraíso inhabitado (2008, her latest novel, meets most of the topics that make up Matute's own style: Against the historical background of the Spanish Civil War, the central matter is once again related to the clash of the already mentioned conflicting realities. This paper attempts to analyze the intersection between both features: the distantiated look of the children -who shall live in a world of fantasy until his final defeat and subsequent entry in the world of adults, like every children in Matute's work- displaying a 'translucent' view of the Civil War, an appeal to the memory of a grown-up narrator who introduces her childhood?s remembrances almost without any interventionAna María Matute ha creado un cerrado mundo narrativo que mezcla ficción y realidad con un estilo particular, pleno de poesía pero cargado de crueldad. Parte de este mundo se forja por la convivencia de la mirada inocente de los niños con la desencantada de los adultos. Paraíso inhabitado (2008, última novela de Matute, cumple con la mayoría de los 'tópicos' que conforman el particular estilo de la autora: prevalece este choque de realidades enfrentadas que además tiene a la Guerra Civil como trasfondo histórico. El trabajo analizará el cruce de estas dos características: la mirada 'extrañada' de los niños protagonistas de la obra -que como todo niño 'matuteano' vivirá en un mundo de fantasía efímero antes de ingresar ya 'derrotado' al mundo adulto- que presenta una visión ?traslúcida? de la guerra civil, una apelación a la memoria de la narradora ya adulta que presenta casi sin intervenciones sus recuerdos de niña

  7. City, marginalization, and violence in José B. Adolph's Mañana, las ratas. Between realism and science-fiction


    Rodja Bernardoni


    This paper aims to investigate the novel Mañana, las ratas by the peruvian-german author  José Bernardo Adolph. Our intention is to analyze the book to point out how through cience-fiction, a literary genre usually considered as marginal, Adolph succeed in creating a text that, by representig the exclusionist dynamics and the conflicts between center and margin of peruvian urban society  of the 70’s, unmask the true nature of Power and of its stategies.

  8. ROCHA, Ana Luiza Carvalho; ECKERT, Cornelia. Antropologia da e na cidade: interpretações sobre as formas da vida urbana


    Dauster, Tania


    Antropologia da e na cidade: interpretações sobre as formas da vida urbana, das autoras Ana Luiza Rocha e Cornelia Eckert, expressa um percurso de investigação e uma linhagem que tem como fonte a antropologia urbana em inter-relações com a antropologia da imagem. O livro é um feixe de oito artigos anteriormente publicados em periódicos científicos, oriundos de estudos antropológicos e práticas etnográficas em cidades brasileiras, com foco privilegiado em Porto Alegre. Trata-se de uma obra ded...

  9. Sociālo tīklu un platformas "Facebook" ietekme uz patērētāja pirkuma lēmuma pieņemšanas procesu.


    Ķiksis, Kristiāns


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Sociālo tīklu un platformas “Facebook” ietekme uz patērētāja pirkuma lēmuma pieņemšanas procesu”. Veiktā darba mērķis ir izskaidrot, kāpēc, kad un kā sociālie mediji ir ietekmējuši patērētāju lēmumu pieņemšanas procesu. Teorētiskā daļa sastāv no 4 sadaļām- patērētāju uzvedība, sociālie mediji, sociālo mediju ietekme uz patērētājiem, kā arī platformas “Facebook” iespējas. Darbs ietver 4 nodaļas. Bakalaura darba teorētiskajā daļā apkopoti materiāli par patērētāju uzvedī...

  10. Karakavakta anaçlık yöntemiyle sırık çeliği üretim tekniğinin belirlenmesi

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    Dr. Selda AKGÜL


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, kavak dikim materyali üretiminde, en pratik ve ekonomik metot olarak tespit edilen, anaçlık usulü ile “KOCABEY”, “GAZİ” ve “GEYVE” karakavak klonlarında, ağaçlandırmalarda kullanılmak üzere, bir ve iki yaşlı sırık çeliği standart üretim metodu tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bir ve iki yaşlı sırık çeliği üretiminde, aralık-mesafenin ve anaçtaki sürgün sayısının etkili olup olmadığını belirlemek amacıyla, rastlantı bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme deseni kullanılarak Ankara-Behiçbey Orman Fidanlığında denemeler tesis edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, bir yaşlı sırık çeliği üretiminde, denenen geniş aralık-mesafe grubu (1,6x0,4 m, üretilen miktar açısından daha iyi sonuç vermiştir. Anaçta bırakılacak sürgün adedi sayısının ise önemli olmadığı görülmüştür. İki yaşlı sırık çeliği üretiminde ise; her üç klonda da, denenen işlemlerin etkisinin çok fazla olmadığı kanaatine ulaşılmıştır.

  11. The acid-tolerant L-arabinose isomerase from the mesophilic Shewanella sp. ANA-3 is highly active at low temperatures (United States)


    Background L-arabinose isomerases catalyse the isomerization of L-arabinose into L-ribulose at insight biological systems. At industrial scale of this enzyme is used for the bioconversion of D-galactose into D-tagatose which has many applications in pharmaceutical and agro-food industries. The isomerization reaction is thermodynamically equilibrated, and therefore the bioconversion rates is shifted towards tagatose when the temperature is increased. Moreover, to prevent secondary reactions it will be of interest to operate at low pH. The profitability of this D-tagatose production process is mainly related to the use of lactose as cheaper raw material. In many dairy products it will be interesting to produce D-tagatose during storage. This requires an efficient L-arabinose isomerase acting at low temperature and pH values. Results The gene encoding the L-arabinose isomerase from Shewanella sp. ANA-3 was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The purified protein has a tetrameric arrangement composed by four identical 55 kDa subunits. The biochemical characterization of this enzyme showed that it was distinguishable by its maximal activity at low temperatures comprised between 15-35°C. Interestingly, this biocatalyst preserves more than 85% of its activity in a broad range of temperatures from 4.0 to 45°C. Shewanella sp. ANA-3 L-arabinose isomerase was also optimally active at pH 5.5-6.5 and maintained over 80% of its activity at large pH values from 4.0 to 8.5. Furthermore, this enzyme exhibited a weak requirement for metallic ions for its activity evaluated at 0.6 mM Mn2+. Stability studies showed that this protein is highly stable mainly at low temperature and pH values. Remarkably, T268K mutation clearly enhances the enzyme stability at low pH values. Use of this L-arabinose isomerase for D-tagatose production allows the achievement of attractive bioconversion rates of 16% at 4°C and 34% at 35°C. Conclusions Here we reported the purification and the

  12. The acid-tolerant L-arabinose isomerase from the mesophilic Shewanella sp. ANA-3 is highly active at low temperatures

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    Rhimi Moez


    Full Text Available Abstract Background L-arabinose isomerases catalyse the isomerization of L-arabinose into L-ribulose at insight biological systems. At industrial scale of this enzyme is used for the bioconversion of D-galactose into D-tagatose which has many applications in pharmaceutical and agro-food industries. The isomerization reaction is thermodynamically equilibrated, and therefore the bioconversion rates is shifted towards tagatose when the temperature is increased. Moreover, to prevent secondary reactions it will be of interest to operate at low pH. The profitability of this D-tagatose production process is mainly related to the use of lactose as cheaper raw material. In many dairy products it will be interesting to produce D-tagatose during storage. This requires an efficient L-arabinose isomerase acting at low temperature and pH values. Results The gene encoding the L-arabinose isomerase from Shewanella sp. ANA-3 was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The purified protein has a tetrameric arrangement composed by four identical 55 kDa subunits. The biochemical characterization of this enzyme showed that it was distinguishable by its maximal activity at low temperatures comprised between 15-35°C. Interestingly, this biocatalyst preserves more than 85% of its activity in a broad range of temperatures from 4.0 to 45°C. Shewanella sp. ANA-3 L-arabinose isomerase was also optimally active at pH 5.5-6.5 and maintained over 80% of its activity at large pH values from 4.0 to 8.5. Furthermore, this enzyme exhibited a weak requirement for metallic ions for its activity evaluated at 0.6 mM Mn2+. Stability studies showed that this protein is highly stable mainly at low temperature and pH values. Remarkably, T268K mutation clearly enhances the enzyme stability at low pH values. Use of this L-arabinose isomerase for D-tagatose production allows the achievement of attractive bioconversion rates of 16% at 4°C and 34% at 35°C. Conclusions Here we

  13. Inspection of the Sloka Branch pipeline. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    By agreement between Latvijas gaze and DONG (the Danish State Gas Company) the Sloka branch on the main gas pipeline Riga-Liepaja was selected for inspection. This pipeline is 30.5 km long and was constructed in 1966/67. The objective of the project has been, based on detailed inspection of relative short lengths of pipe, to determine the integrity of the pipeline and to give advice concerning the continued use as a high pressure transmission pipeline. A further objective has been to provide Latvijas gaze with a package of modern cathodic protection measuring instruments and the necessary know-how for using the instruments. The objectives have been met as follows: Based on a document review together with measurements and observations in the field and in the laboratory, the condition of approximately 10 km of pipeline has been evaluated; Recommendations are given in this report with the aim of extending the life of the pipeline; A cathodic protection instrument package was delivered and a two week training course was arranged in Latvia for Latvijas gaze`s staff covering the use of the instruments. (EG)

  14. Representações da violência em A guerra dos bastardos, de Ana Paula Maia

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    Elena Losada Soler


    Full Text Available La novela A Guerra dos Bastardos, de Ana Paula Maia presenta un denso cuadro de violencias ficcionales. El hecho de su autoría femenina es relevante para nuestro análisis. Encontramos en este texto todas las formas de violencia contenidas en el triángulo de Johan Galtung: violencias visibles o directas, invisibles o estructurales, y violencias culturales, así como diversas manifestaciones de la violencia simbólica como la analizó Pierre Bourdieu. Estas violencias son representadas con técnicas diversas: brutalismo, ironía, “gore”, distanciamiento etc. Nuestro trabajo tiene como eje el análisis de estas formas de representación, y en especial el tratamiento literario dado a la descripción de la violencia contra la mujer y de la violencia ejercida por la mujer.

  15. Emocionālā intelekta attīstība 16 -18 gadus veciem pusaudžiem un tā saistība ar vecāku audzināšanas stilu.


    Poļakova, Anželika


    Šī pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai vecāku izvēlētais audzināšanas stils ir saistīts ar emocionālā intelekta attīstību. Pētījumā piedalījās 64 respondenti: 32 sievietes no 16 līdz 18 gadiem un 32 vīrieši no 16 līdz 18 gadiem. Respondenti pārstāv dažādas sociāli ekonomiskas grupas. Tika izmantotas šādas metodes: Bar-Ona emocionālā intelekta aptauja (Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), Bar-On, 1999) un Buri Vecāku audzināšanas stila aptauju (Buri Parental Authority Questionnaire- PAQ...

  16. kā korporatīvo sabiedrisko attiecību instruments Latvijā: satura analīze


    Lulle, Katrīna


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „ kā korporatīvo sabiedrisko attiecību instruments Latvijā: satura analīze”. Darba ietvaros analizēti 10 Latvijas uzľēmumu profilu ieraksti laika periodā no 2009. gada decembra līdz 2010. gada februārim, kopumā 2780 ieraksti. Darba mērķis ir veikt Latvijas uzľēmumu profilu satura analīzi, lai noteiktu, kā tiek izmantots kā korporatīvo sabiedrisko attiecību instruments. Darbā ir divas teorētiskās nodaļas par sabied...

  17. Project W-314 acceptance test report HNF-4643 for HNF-4642 241-AN-A valve pit manifold valves and position indication for project W-314

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The purpose of the test was to verify that the AN Tank Farm Manifold Valves can be manually manipulated to the required operating position and that the electrical and visual indications accurately reflect that position. Physical locking devices were also verified to function. The Acceptance Test Procedure HNF-4642, 241-AN-A Valve Pit Manifold Valves and Position Indication was conducted between 23 June and 10 August 1999 at the 200E AN Tank Farm. The test has no open test exceptions. The test was conducted prior to final engineering ''as built'' activities being completed, this had an impact on the procedure and test results, ECN 653752 was written to correct the mismatch between the procedure and actual field conditions. P and ID H-14-100941 was changed via ECN-W-314-4C-120. All components, identified in the procedure, were not found to be labeled and identified as written in the procedure, temporary tags were used for operational identification. A retest of valve ANA-WT-V 318 was required because it was removed from its installed position and modified after testing was completed

  18. Biomimicry of multifunctional nanostructures in the neck feathers of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos L.) drakes (United States)

    Khudiyev, Tural; Dogan, Tamer; Bayindir, Mehmet


    Biological systems serve as fundamental sources of inspiration for the development of artificially colored devices, and their investigation provides a great number of photonic design opportunities. While several successful biomimetic designs have been detailed in the literature, conventional fabrication techniques nonetheless remain inferior to their natural counterparts in complexity, ease of production and material economy. Here, we investigate the iridescent neck feathers of Anas platyrhynchos drakes, show that they feature an unusual arrangement of two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals and further exhibit a superhydrophobic surface, and mimic this multifunctional structure using a nanostructure composite fabricated by a recently developed top-down iterative size reduction method, which avoids the above-mentioned fabrication challenges, provides macroscale control and enhances hydrophobicity through the surface structure. Our 2D solid core photonic crystal fibres strongly resemble drake neck plumage in structure and fully polymeric material composition, and can be produced in wide array of colors by minor alterations during the size reduction process.

  19. IT projekta pārcelšana uz Microsoft Azure mākoņa platformu


    Dzenis, Gvido


    Pēdējo gadu laikā, strauji pieaugot interneta ātrumam un izplatībai, palielinās uzņēmumu interese par projektu izstrādi un uzturēšanu mākonī. Microsoft piedāvā produktu Azure, kas nodrošina ērtu un elastīgu risinājumu projektu uzturēšanai un izstrādei apvienojumā ar iespējām mainīt nepieciešamos datu apstrādes un skaitļošanas resursus, saglabājot salīdzinoši mazas izmaksas. Microsoft Azure piemērots visa izmēra projektiem. Darbā aplūkotas galvenās lietas, par ko jāpadomā pirms sākt projekt...

  20. Atlantic Women in Motion: Ana Miranda’s and José Eduardo Agualusa’s Postcolonial Historical Novel

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    Edvaldo A. Bergamo


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a comparative study of Desmundo (1997 by the Brazilian Ana Miranda and Nação crioula (1997 by the Angolan José Eduardo Agualusa. The analysis focusses on the configuration of the protagonists of both novels. These protagonists transit the Atlantic Ocean which is characterized by symbolic exchanges and intense cultural contact: respectively a marriageable maiden who is compelled to immigrate to Brazil in order to strengthen the Lusitanian presence in the tropics, confirming the body of the white woman also as an instrument of European merchant machine, and a former slave and rich owner who becomes the embodiment of anti-abolitionist struggle in a mixed race Angola, confirming once again the body of the black woman as a slave trade merchandise.

  1. Seeking explanations for recent changes in abundance of wintering Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) in northwest Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fox, Anthony David; Dalby, Lars; Christensen, Thomas Kjær


    the range. However, because over 75% of the population of over 1 million individuals winters in Belgium, the Netherlands, UK and France, there was no evidence for a major movement in the centre of gravity of the wintering distribution. Between-winter changes in overall flyway abundance were highly......We analysed annual changes in abundance of Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) derived from mid-winter International Waterbird Census data throughout its northwest European flyway since 1988 using log-linear Poisson regression modelling. Increases in abundance in the north and east of the wintering...... range (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland), stable numbers in the central range (Belgium,Netherlands,UKand France) and declining abundance in the west and south of the wintering range (Spain and Ireland) suggest a shift in wintering distribution consistent with milder winters throughout...

  2. Genome sequence of a novel H14N7 subtype influenza A virus isolated from a blue-winged teal (Anas discors) harvested in Texas, USA (United States)

    Ramey, Andy M.; Reeves, Andrew; Poulson, Rebecca L.; Carter, Deborah L.; Davis-Fields, Nicholas; Stallknecht, David E.


    We report here the complete genome sequence of a novel H14N7 subtype influenza A virus (IAV) isolated from a blue-winged teal (Anas discors) harvested in Texas, USA. The genomic characteristics of this IAV strain with a previously undetected subtype combination suggest recent viral evolution within the New World wild-bird IAV reservoir.                   

  3. Characterization and origin of EC and OC particulate matter near the Doñana National Park (SW Spain). (United States)

    de la Campa, A M Sánchez; Pio, C; de la Rosa, J D; Querol, X; Alastuey, A; González-Castanedo, Y


    In the South of Spain, major industrial estates (e.g. Huelva) exist alongside ecologically interesting zones (e.g. Doñana National Park). Between June 2005 and June 2006, PM10 and PM2.5 were measured, for total mass, organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) chemical composition, at a station in an ecologically interesting area located near Doñana National Park and an urban background area with industrial influence. The mean OC concentration is higher in the urban background (3.5 microg m(-3)) than in the rural monitoring station (2.8 microg m(-3)) as a consequence of local emissions (e.g. traffic). A total of 82% of TC is OC in the rural station, while the urban background station reveals 70% and 73% of TC in the PM10 and PM2.5 mass, respectively. The study of air-mass origin and characterization of carbonaceous species in the course of simultaneous sampling in rural and urban background monitoring stations differentiated three long-range air-mass transports: a North-African dust outbreak, Atlantic Advection and Continental (N-NW) episodes, the origins of the first and last of which are more heavily influenced by the anthropogenic emissions from industrial estates located around the city of Huelva (Punta del Sebo and Nuevo Puerto). Higher values were measured for OC and EC in the study area during the North-African dust outbreak, similar to those obtained during the Continental episode (N-NW), which was clearly influenced by industrial emissions, followed by the Atlantic Advection episodes. The comparison of carbon species with air-mass origin can help to discriminate the origin and source of particulate matter, as well as to determine the urban impact on rural areas.

  4. RASCAL [Radiological Assessment System for Consequence AnaLysis]: A screening model for estimating doses from radiological accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sjoreen, A.L.; Athey, G.F.; Sakenas, C.A.; McKenna, T.J.


    The Radiological Assessment System for Consequence AnaLysis (RASCAL) is a new MS-DOS-based dose assessment model which has been written for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission for use during response to radiological emergencies. RASCAL is designed to provide crude estimates of the effects of an accident while the accident is in progress and only limited information is available. It has been designed to be very simple to use and to run quickly. RASCAL is unique in that it estimates the source term based on fundamental plant conditions and does not rely solely on release rate estimation (e.g., Ci/sec of I-131). Therefore, it can estimate consequences of accidents involving unmonitored pathways or projected failures. RASCAL will replace the older model, IRDAM. 6 refs

  5. Seasonal variation in Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope sex and age ratios from hunter-based surveys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Kevin Kuhlmann; Dalby, Lars; Sunde, Peter


    dominated by adult males, and juvenile proportions were highest in November and significantly lower before and after this peak. Nationwide field assessments undertaken in January 2012 showed no significant differences from sex and age ratios in the wing survey data from that particular hunting season (2011...... schemes. This study found consistent seasonal variation in Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope sex and age ratios among Danish hunter-based wing surveys, and describes how accounting for this variation might explain reported discrepancies between this and other monitoring methods. Early season flocks were....../2012), indicating that this survey is a good predictor of Wigeon demography. These results highlight the need to account for consistent temporal variation in such demographic time series when using the results to model population parameters....

  6. Por un sistema de interpretación de los procesos de regionalización e integración andina desde el análisis de políticas públicas

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    Catalina Toro Pérez


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende abordar la historia reciente de los estudios sobre integración y regionalización andina, desde el campo de análisis de las políticas públicas. Frente a una tradición analítica amparada por el debate entre inter- gubernamentalistas y neo-funcionalistas, los estudios de la “regionalización” coinciden con la consolidación del campo de las políticas públicas y su expansión hacia otras sub-disciplinas de la ciencia política con útiles metodológicos, como el análisis multinivel de la nueva gobernanza, los análisis cognitivos y la acción colectiva, así como los estudios sobre la inserción de redes epistémicas en los procesos de toma de decisión global. Frente esta enorme influencia en el ámbito académico centroeuropeo y anglosajón, América Latina posee una rica e importante tradición analítica a partir de los análisis sobre las transformaciones del rol del Estado y de sus estructuras de poder. A partir de la economía política crítica aporta no solamente una dimensión histórica a los estudios de los procesos de integración actual, sino también una dimensión socio-económica y geopolítica de su contexto en el cambiante sistema capitalista mundial. Desde esta perspectiva, las instituciones regionales andinas, como la CAN, no estarían ausentes de una visión de orden mundial hegemónica, que se expresaría en formas históricas y simbólicas de dominación. Frente a las tendencias de regionalismo abierto y libre comercio y con ellas la emergencia de nuevas coaliciones de actores, asociados a los Estados capitalistas centrales se plantea entonces una perspectiva crítica que permita una construcción alternativa a las propuestas de integración subordinadas a los sistemas de representaciones del “orden mundial”.

  7. Neironu tīklu pielietošana valūtas cenu prognozēšanai


    Slavs, Vladimirs


    Šajā bakalaura darbā ir aprakstīta dažāda veida neironu tīklu un apmācības metožu pielietojums un to lietderība valūtas cenu prognozēšanai „forex” tirgos. Darbs mēģina analizēt mākslīga intelekta spējas valūtu tirgošanas sistēmā, kurā tieši nav atrastas simtprocentīgi darbojošās veiksmes formulas, tomēr eksistē likumsakarības. Mākslīgais neironu tīkls vairākslāņu perceptrona veidā ir uzprogrammēts C++ valodā un analizēja Eiro/ASV dolāra valūtu pāri. Atslēgvārdi: neironu tīkli, forex, valūt...

  8. A high-resolution Early Holocene-late MIS 3 environmental rock- and palaeomagnetic record from Lake Sf. Ana, Carpathian Mts, Romania

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel VERES


    Full Text Available Lacustrine sediments are excellent sources of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic information because they usually provide continuous and high-resolution records. In centraleastern Europe however lacustrine records that extend beyond the Holocene are rather sparse.Palaeomagnetic records from this region are also insufficiently explored, and usually associated with terrestrial deposits such as loess. In this context, the lacustrine record of Lake Sf. Ana, a volcanic crater lake in the East Carpathians, Romania, provides an important archive for reconstructing past paleomagnetic secular variation in the region from early Holocene to late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS 3.

  9. TeliaSonera offers to buy out Lattelekom / Aaron Eglitis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eglitis, Aaron


    Skandinaavia telekommunikatsioonigigant TeliaSonera tahab osta kohtuvälise lahendi raames kokkuleppel Läti riigiga kuni 100 protsenti riigi juhtiva mobiilsidefirma Latvijas Mobilais Telefonsi aktsiatest.

  10. Small Hydropower in Latvia and Intellectualization of its Operating Systems / Par Mazo HIDROENERĢĒTIKU LATVIJĀ un TĀS Staciju VADĪBAS SISTĒMAS INTELEKTUALIZĀCIJU (United States)

    Mahnitko, A.; Gerhards, J.; Linkevics, O.; Varfolomejeva, R.; Umbrasko, I.


    The authors estimate the potential for power generation from water resources of small and medium-sized rivers, which are abundant in Latvia. They propose the algorithm for optimal operation of a small-scale hydropower plant (SHPP) at the chosen optimality criterion in view of the plant's participation in the market. The choice of SHPP optimization algorithm is made based on two mathematical programming methods - dynamic and generalized reduced gradient ones. Approbation of the algorithm is illustrated by an example of optimized SHPP operation. Darbā analizētas tradicionālo un pieejamo vietējo atjaunojamo energoresursu - mazo un vidējo upju hidroresursa izmantošanas iespējas Latvijas enerģētikā. Tiek sniegts faktiskais materiāls šajā jautājumā, kas iegūts, balstoties uz oficiālos avotos publicētiem citu autoru iepriekš veiktajiem pētījumiem. Tiek atzīmēts, ka teritoriju, kas atrodas mazo upju tuvumā un nav ietvertas centralizētās elektroapgādes sistēmā, saimnieciskā apgūšana rada apstākļus patērētāju stimulēšanai izmantot autonomus vietējos energoresursus, ieskaitot hidroenerģiju, izmantojošas mazas jaudas energoiekārtas. Atjaunojamās enerģijas tehnoloģiju un iekārtu pastāvīga attīstība un pilnveidošanās veicinās mazo upju plūsmas izmantošanas elektroenerģijas ražošanas efektivitātes paaugstināšanos. Mūsdienu enerģētikas attīstības koncepcija, kas balstīta uz viedo tīklu (smart grids) izveidi, ļauj paaugstināt mazās hidroenerģētikas darbības efektivitāti, integrējot to elektroenerģētiskajā sistēmā. Mazo hidroelektrostaciju (MHES) darbības vadības sistēmas intelektualizācijas pamatā jābūt kompleksam algoritmam un programmām, kas ļauj tiešsaistes (online) režīmā nodrošināt izdevīgu MHES darbības grafiku (režīmu) maksimālā ienākuma gūšanai, balstoties uz zināmu elektroenerģijas cenas prognozi attiecīgajam laika periodam (diennaktij). MHES darbības optimiz

  11. Intrinsic vulnerability assessment of the aquifer in the Rižana spring chatcment by method SINTACS

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    Full Text Available In this paper is presented intrinsic vulnerability assessment of the aquifer in the Rižana spring chatcment by the method SINTACS. It is parametric method that takes into consideration seven parameters (depth to ground water, effective infiltration action, unsaturatedzone attenuation capacity, soil/overburden attenuation capacity, hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer, hydraulic conductivity range of aquifer, hydrologic role of the topographic slope. Parameters are presented in grid information layers that wereelaborated on the basis of interpretation and GIS processing of geological, hydrogeological,speleological, topographical, meteorological and pedological data. According to the parametersimportance for vulnerability assessment, a multiplier (importance weight was assigned to each parameter. Final map of vulnerability is a result of overlaying (summing of weighted information layers (parameters and shows the catchment area of the Rižanaspring subdivided into six vulnerability classes.

  12. Pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu vecāku emocionālais intelekts un stresa līmenis saistībā ar vecāku audzināšanas pieejām


    Pastare, Ilze


    Rezumējums Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu vecāku emocionālā intelekta un stresa līmeņa rādītāju saistību ar audzināšanas pieejām. Kopā pētījumā piedalījās 41 māte. Vidējais vecums mātēm – 33 gadi, bērnu vidējais vecums – 5 gadi. Pētījumā tika izmantotas šādas metodes: “ Bar-On Emocionālā intelekta aptauja”, “Vecāku stresa indekss”, “ Alabamas audzināšanas aptaujas pirmsskolas versija”. Pētījumā tika noskaidrots, ka pastāv statistiski nozīmīga po...

  13. Unearthing The Eruptive Personality Of El Salvador's Santa Ana (Ilamatepec) Volcano Though In-depth Stratigraphic Analysis Of Pre-1904 Deposits (United States)

    Gallant, E.; Martinez-Hackert, B.


    The Santa Ana (Ilamatepec) volcano (2384 m) in densely populated El Salvador Central America presents serious volcanic hazard potential. The volcano is a prevalent part of every day life in El Salvador; the sugarcane and coffee belt of the country are to its Southern and Western flanks, recreational areas lies to its East, and second and third largest cities of El Salvador exist within its 25 km radius. Understanding the eruptive characteristics and history is imperative due to the volcano's relative size (the highest in the country) and it's explosive, composite nature. Historical records indicate at least 9 potential VEI 3 eruptions since 1521 AD. The volcano's relative inaccessibility and potential hazards do not promote a vast reservoir of research activity, as can be seen in the scarcity of published papers on topics prior to the 1904 eruption. This research represents the first steps towards creating a comprehensive stratigraphic record of the crater and characterizing its eruptive history, with an eventual goal of recreating the volcanic structure prior to its collapse. Samples of pre-1904 eruptive material were taken from the southern wall of an E-W oriented fluvial gully located within the SSW of the tertiary crater. These were analyzed using thin sections and optical microscopy, grain size distribution techniques, and scanning electron microscopy. The 15-layer sequence indicates an explosive history characterized by intense phreatomagmatic phases, plinian, sub-plinian and basaltic/andesitic composition strombolian activity. Another poster within the session will discuss an older sequence within the walls of the secondary crater. Further detailed studies will be required to gain a better understanding of the characteristics of Santa Ana Volcano.

  14. Northern Pintail (Anas acuta survival, recovery, and harvest rates derived from 55 years of banding in Prairie Canada, 1960-2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blake A. Bartzen


    Full Text Available Northern Pintail (Anas acuta; hereafter pintail experienced a significant population decline in North America in the 1980s but did not rebound to the previous population level the way that other prairie dabbling duck species (Anas spp. did once habitat conditions improved. Although the population decline occurred throughout the breeding range of pintails, the decline was most pronounced and sustained in Prairie Canada, i.e., southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. Thus, we estimated and examined annual survival, recovery, and harvest rates of pintails banded in Prairie Canada from 1960-2014. Annual survival rates varied by sex but were relatively high compared to those of other dabbling duck species and increased slightly over the study period to end at 0.64 ± 0.13 (SE and 0.74 ± 0.10 for females and males, respectively. Recovery and harvest rates varied over time but generally declined in the 1980s and increased from the early 1990s until the end of the study period. There was no clear evidence that hunting bag limit restrictions affected annual survival, recovery, or harvest rates. In addition, we could find no compelling evidence that harvest mortality was substantially additive to nonharvest mortality for pintails. However, we could not definitively ascertain the effects of the restrictions, and we suggest that a trial basis of liberalized hunting bag limits would do much to improve the understanding of harvest and population dynamics of pintails and pose little risk to the population. Based on our results, we believe that measures other than harvest restrictions will likely have to be taken to elevate the pintail population to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan objective.

  15. De la insurrección del cuerpo a un nuevo entendimiento: La estación de fiebre de Ana Istarú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Chen Sham


    Full Text Available In La estación de fiebre (1983, the poet Ana Istarú rises against chauvinism, which turns the female body into the place of woman submission. In order to counterattack it, she uses two tools, marriage and virginity, so that they are invigorated by the idea of the political manifest and the possible revolution. This political function of the body enrolls the woman in an enterprise of liberation that needs to break its imprisonment in a phallocentric tradition, by exploring her own body and sexuality, for reaching a new understanding.

  16. Cyanobacteria, algae and microfungi present in biofilm from Božana Cave (Serbia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Slađana Popović


    Full Text Available Phototrophic microorganisms (cyanobacteria and algae and microfungi, were identified from biofilm on the walls of the entrance of BožanaCavein west Serbia. Temperature, relative humidity and light intensity were measured, and chlorophyll a content determined. Light intensity differed from the entrance inwards. However, Chl a content was not proportional to light intensity, instead it was positively correlated to biofilm weight. Biofilm samples from two sites were also observed using a scanning electron microscope. Coccoid forms of cyanobacteria were abundant at the sampling site with the lowest light intensity, while members of the order Nostocales were predominant at the sampling site with the highest light intensity measured. Cyanobacteria were the dominant group of phototrophs colonizing cave walls (29 taxa, with the order Chroococcales prevailing (21 taxa. The most frequently documented cyanobacteria were species from genera Gloeocapsa, Scytonema, Aphanocapsa and Chroococcus. Desmococcus olivaceus and Trentepohlia aurea were the only green algae documented on cave walls. Ascomycetes were common (e.g. Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Penicillum and Trichoderma, while zygomycetes and oomycetes were less frequent. The different color of each biofilm sample was ascribed to the presence of various different species of cyanobacteria and algae.

  17. Cuerpo náufrago de Ana Clavel: en busca de una nueva masculinidad

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    Carmen Patricia Tovar


    Full Text Available Ana Clavel’s second novel, Shipwrecked Body (2005, focuses on the identity crisis experienced by Antonia, who awakens one morning in a man’s body and asks herself if she continues to be the same or if her new body has made her into a different person. In contrast to novels that chart identity through the exploration of the past, Antonia’s search for selfhood gravitates around her current physical, social and cultural circumstances. The present study analyzes the stages of Antonia’s masculine socialization as she attempts to resolve the discord between her female identity and her new biological sex. During the process of masculinization that she endures, Antonia imitates masculine normative behaviors and suppresses the characteristics that feminize her, which positions her new identity as a performative act. The objective of the present study, therefore, is to discuss the ways in which Clavel situates masculinity as a social construct through an examination of the protagonist’s conditioning and her active and voluntary cultivation of manhood for the sake of enjoying the privileges afforded to men in a patriarchal society.

  18. Modélisation informatique de la production d’énergie renouvelable à partir de biogaz par transformation anaérobique dumélange de résidus d’agrumes et defumier de bovins

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    Edwin Dario Cendales L.


    Full Text Available Dans cet article nous avons simulé par ordinateur le processus de digestion anaérobique d’un mélange homogénéisé de fumier bétail et de résidus d’agrumes afin d’évaluer la viabilité des énergies renouvelables à partir de la transformation des déchets. Sur la base des résultats obtenus et grâce au développement de la phase expérimentale lors de laquelle étaient mesurées de façon périodiques les variables de contrôle du processus de biodégradation anaérobique tels que le pH, l’alcalinité, la demande chimique en oxygène (total et soluble, nous avons établi les performances des paramètres du processus et déterminé des valeurs pour la comparaison entre résultats expérimentaux et résultats informatiques. Nous avons en outre réalisé une simulation du processus de digestion anaérobique dans des conditions similaires à celles précédemment établis par d’autres essais expérimentaux à travers la mise en oeuvre du modèle ADM-1. Grâce aux résultats obtenus par le biais de simulations et mesures expérimentales, nous avons évalué la précision du modèle concernant les valeurs des mesures expérimentales. Un modèle simplifié pour l’évaluation de l’énergie produite par une installation à échelle réduite qui effectue le traitement anaérobique des résidus organiques a finalement été mis en place. Le modèle a montré qu’il existe au départ un déficit énergétique pour que le processus se réalise, mais une fois la production de biogaz enclenchée, le processus devient autonome et le système fournit une quantité croissante d’énergie disponible.

  19. Minister's shaky hands cause uproar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Läti Sõltumatu Televisioon ja ajakiri Latvijas Avize on arvustanud Läti kaitseministri Atis Slakterise kohmakust ja närvilisust Iraagist naasnud sõdurite autasustamisel, kahtlustades ministril alkohoolset joovet

  20. Zīmēšana kā sešgadīga bērna iztēles veicinātāja pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē


    Nazarova, Anželika


    Darba nosaukums: Zīmēšana kā sešgadīga bērna iztēles veicinātāja pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē Darba autore: Anželika Nazarova Zin. vadītāja: mag.paed.,Mg.phil. lekt. Ērika Lanka Darba apjoms: 67 lpp.,12 attēli, 3 shēmas, 4 tabulas, pielikumi, izmantoti 36 literatūras avoti Darba pētāmā problēma: Darbs veltīts problēmai, kā ar zīmēšanas palīdzību var veicināt iztēles attīstību. Pētījuma teorētiskā daļa balstās uz V.Hibneres, D.Lieģinieces., G.Svences, A.Ozoliņa Nucho, A.Vor...

  1. Ergenlerde Ana-Babaya Bağlanma Örüntüsünün Benlik Saygısı ve Yalnızlık ile İlişkisi


    Kaya, Şule


    Bu çalışmada ergenlerin ana babalarına bağlanma biçimlerinin benlik saygısı ve yalnızlık üzerinde etkisi olup olmadığının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya Özel Sultan Fatih Lisesi 9, 10, ve 11. sınıflarında öğrenim görmekte olan 50 kız, 50 erkek öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırmada Ana Babaya Bağlanma Ölçeği (Parental Bonding Instrument, PBI), CSEI (Coopersmith Seif Esteem lnventory) Coopersmith Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği’ nin 25 maddelik kısa formu, UCLA Yalnızlık Ölçeği (UCLA Loneliness Scale) k...

  2. The role of banking sector, Mortgage and Land Bank in further economic development in Latvia / Brigita Baltaca, Tatjana Volkova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Baltaca, Brigita


    Läti pangandussektori kujunemisest. Riikliku hüpoteekpanga (Latvija Hipoteku un zemes banka) osast riigi majanduslikus arengus: väikeettevõtetele, naisettevõtjatele, elamuehitusele, põllumajandusele suunatud laenuprogrammid. Tabelid. Diagrammid

  3. Tulkošanas problēmas Antuāna de Sent-Ekziperī pasakā "Mazais princis"


    Skromule, Ilze


    Tulkošana ir process, kurā darbojas divas valodas un kultūras, turklāt līdzās avota teksta autoram tajā iesaistīts vēl viens cilvēks – tulkotājs - ar savu valodas, kultūras un personisko pieredzi. Līdz ar to rodas šaubas par to, vai ir iespējams sniegt mērķa valodas lasītājiem nemainītu avota teksta informāciju. Lai izprastu iemeslus, kas šo procesu kavē, un meklētu iespējas šķēršļus mazināt, par pētījuma mērķi tiek izvirzīts veikt divu Antuāna de Sent-Ekziperī pasakas „Mazais princis” tulkoj...

  4. Embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of petroleum hydrocarbons in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) (United States)

    Hoffman, D.J.


    Egg surface applications of microliter quantities of crude and refined oils of high aromatic content are embryotoxic to mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and other avian species; applications of aliphatic hydrocarbons have virtually no effect. Mallard eggs at 72 h of development were exposed to a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons or to aromatic compounds representative to those present in crude oil to assess their toxicity. The class composition of the mixture was similar to that of South Louisiana crude oil, an American Petroleum Institute reference oil. Application of 20 microliter of the mixture reduced embryonic survival by nearly 70%. The temporal pattern of embryonic death was similar to that after exposure to South Louisiana crude oil. Embryonic growth was stunted, as reflected by weight, crown-rump length, and bill length, and there was a significant increase in the incidence of abnormal survivors. When individual classes of aromatic hydrocarbons were tested, tetracyclics caused some embryonic death at the concentrations in the mixture. When classes were tested in all possible combinations of two, no combination appeared to be as toxic as the entire mixture. Addition of the tetracyclic compound chrysene to the aromatic mixture considerably enhanced embryotoxicity, but could not completely account for the toxicity of the crude oil. The presence of additional unidentified polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as well as methylated derivatives of polycyclic aromatic compounds such as chrysene may further account for the embryotoxicity of the crude oil.

  5. Health worker exposure risk during inhalation sedation with sevoflurane using the (AnaConDa®) anaesthetic conserving device. (United States)

    González-Rodríguez, R; Muñoz Martínez, A; Galan Serrano, J; Moral García, M V


    Occupational exposure to sevoflurane should not exceed 2 ppm. During inhalation sedation with sevoflurane using the anaesthetic conserving device (AnaConDa(®)) in the post-anaesthesia care unit, waste gases can be reduced by gas extraction systems or scavenging devices such as CONTRAfluran™. However, the efficacy of these methods has not been clearly established. To determine the safest scenario for healthcare workers during inhalation sedation with sevoflurane in the post-surgical intensive care unit. An experimental study on occupational exposure was conducted in a post-cardiothoracic care unit during March-August 2009. The measurements were performed in four post-cardiac surgery sedated adults in post-surgical intensive care unit and four nurses at the bedside, and at four points: scenario A, inhalation sedation without gas extraction system or contrafluran as a reference scenario; scenario B, applying a gas extraction system to the ventilator; scenario C, using contrafluran; and scenario 0, performing intravenous isolation sedation. Sevoflurane concentrations were measured in the nurses' breathing area during patient care, and at 1.5 and 8 m from the ventilator using diffusive passive monitor badges. All badges corresponding to the nurses' breathing area were below 2 ppm. Levels of sevoflurane detected using prevention systems were lower than that in the control situation. Only one determination over 2 ppm was found, corresponding to the monitor placed nearest the gas outlet of the ventilator in scenario A. Trace concentrations of sevoflurane were found in scenario 0 during intravenous sedation. Administration of sevoflurane through the AnaConDa(®) system during inhalation sedation in post-surgical intensive care units is safe for healthcare workers, but gas extraction systems or scavenging systems, such as CONTRAfluran™ should be used to reduce occupational exposure as much as possible. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimaci

  6. Vēstuļu rakstīšanas rituāli raidījumam "Juniors TV"


    Kroiča, Marita


    Maģistra darba tēma: „Vēstuļu rakstīšanas rituālu jauniešu raidījums „Juniors TV””, aktualizē ikdienā sastopamu lietu nozīmīgumu – televīzijas pārraižu skatīšanos, vēstuļu rakstīšanu, piedalīšanos rituālos. Darbā tiek apskatīti gan rituāli un to nozīme cilvēka ikdienas dzīvē, gan televīzijas vietu indivīda dienaskārtībā, gan arī pusaudži kā jauni uz izvēlīgi patērētāji, jaunā TV auditorija, kas raksta vēstules televīzijas raidījumam Juniors TV, lai spētu saprast, cik n...

  7. Profesionālā sociālā tīkla LinkedIn izmantojums Latvijā: darba devēju un darba ņēmēju lietošanas motivācijas analīze


    Jaunzeme, Maija


    Bakalaura tēma ir „Profesionālā sociālā tīkla LinkedIn izmantojums Latvijā: darba devēju un darba ņēmēju lietošanas motivācijas analīze”. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot darba ņēmēja un darba devēja motīvus sociālā tīkla LinkedIn izmantošanai. Problēmjautājums bija noskaidrot, kā tīkls maina lietošanas paradumus lietotājam, meklējot darba vietu vai darbinieku? Teorētiskajā daļā tika analizēta lietojuma un apmierinājuma teorija sociālajiem tīkliem un LinkedIn auditorijai. Ar aptaujas palīdzību t...

  8. Reālijas un valodas īpatnību attēlošana literārā tekstu tulkojumā (pamatojoties uz Aleksandra Puškina romāna „Kapteiņa meita”)


    Širado, Nataļja


    Šīs darbs Reālijas un valodas īpatnību attēlošana literāra tekstu tulkojumā (pamatojoties uz Aleksandra Puškina romana „Kapteiņa meita”) ir veltīts reālijas tulkošanas problēmai literārajos tekstos. Šī darba mērķis bija analizēt dažādus A.S. Puškina romāna „Kapteiņa meita” tulkojumus lai izpētīt metodes, kuras tulkotāji lietoja, lai attēlotu reālijas un valodas īpatnības kuriem piemīt vēsturiskais un kulturālais kolorīts, kā arī tiem, kuriem nav ekvivalenta Angļu valodā. Kā arī izpētīt tu...

  9. Ab Initio periodic Hartree-Fock study of group IA cations in ANA-type zeolites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anchell, J.L.; White, J.C.; Thompson, M.R.; Hess, A.C.


    This study investigates the electronic structure of Group IA cations intercalated into zeolites with the analcime (ANA) framework using ab initio periodic Hartree-Fock theory. The purpose of the study is to gain a better understanding of the role played by electron-donating species in zeolites in general, with specific applications to materials that have been suggested as storage matrices for radioactive materials. The effect of the intercalated species (Na, K, Rb, and Cs) on the electronic structure of the zeolite is presented on the basis of an analysis of the total and projected density of states, Mulliken charges, and charge density differences. The results of those analyses indicate that, relative to a charge neutral atomic state, the Group IA species donate an electron to the zeolite lattice and interact most strongly with the s and p atomic states of oxygen as the species are moved through the lattice. In addition, estimates of the self-diffusion constants of Na, K, Rb, and Cs based upon a one-dimensional diffusion model parameterized from the ab initio total energy data will be presented. 24 refs., 8 figs., 4 tabs

  10. Profit goal set for airBaltic

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Latvijas Krajbanka president arvab, et airBalticu olukorra stabiliseerimiseks läheb vähemalt aasta. AirBalticu senine juht Bertolt Flick võib hakata uue Vilniuse lennukompanii investoriks. AirBalticu uuest juhatusest

  11. Medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdu struktūra noteikšana


    Smuļko, Irina


    Medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdu struktūras noteikšana. Smuļko I., zinātniskais vadītājs Dr. ķīm., asoc. prof. Actiņš A. Maģistra darbs, 52 lappuses, 37 attēli, 6 tabulas, 29 literatūras avoti. Latviešu valodā. Maģistra darbā pētītas farmaceitiski aktīvās vielas – medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdi. Veikti mēģinājumi detomidīna bezūdens formas un monohidrāta struktūras noteikšanai, kā arī medetomidīna bezūdens formu A un B struktūras noteikšanai. Struktūras noteikšanai iz...

  12. Pusaudžu agresivitātes saistība ar vecāku audzināšanas stilu.


    Dambe, Agnese


    Šajā darbā tiek apskatīta viena no mūsdienu būtiskākajām problēmām- pusaudžu agresivitāte. Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot, vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas saistības starp vecāku audzināšanas stilu un pusaudžu agresivitāti. Pētījuma izlasi veido 60 pusaudži (30 jaunietes un 30 jaunieši) no pilnām ģimenēm, vecumposmā no 15-17 gadiem. Pētījumā tika izmantotas divas pētījuma metodes- A.H. Bassa (A.H. Buss)- A. Darki (A. Durkee) aptaujas anketa agresīvu reakciju noteikšanai un ...

  13. Riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes de un consultorio médico del policlínico "Ana Betancourt" Cardiovascular risk found in patients from a doctor's office in "Ana Betancourt" polyclinics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Manuel Hernández Vázquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la capacidad predictiva del riesgo coronario es superior a la que se establece por la consideración aislada de los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares. Objetivo: determinar la magnitud del riesgo coronario y las prioridades de prevención cardiovascular en pacientes pertenecientes al consultorio médico de la familia No.5, del policlínico "Ana Betancourt", en el municipio Playa. Métodos: investigación descriptiva, de corte transversal realizada entre 2009-2010. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por las 856 personas mayores de 20 años perteneciente a dicho consultorio. Después de aplicados los criterios de selección, la muestra quedó conformada por 242 pacientes. Se utilizaron los criterios de las Tablas de Predicción del Riesgo Coronario de Framingham, que permiten estimar dicho riesgo a diez años, en las personas con factores de riesgo cardiovascular que aún no han tenido enfermedad coronaria establecida y que requieren intervenciones de cambio de su estilo de vida. Resultados: predominaron los pacientes en la categoría de riesgo coronario moderado, 97 (40,1 %, seguido por los de alto riesgo, 82 (33, 8 % y finalmente, los de bajo riesgo, 63 (26 %. Ninguno de los pacientes estudiados estaba exento de riesgo coronario. Conclusiones: es muy probable, que más de la mitad de la muestra sufra un episodio coronario, mortal o no, durante los próximos diez años. Es urgente aplicar una estrategia de intervención comunitaria, basada en la modificación de los factores de riesgo asociados al estilo de vida, que permita disminuir la actual expresión del riesgo coronario en la población estudiada.Introduction: the predictive capacity of the coronary risk is greater than the prediction set by the individual consideration of the cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: to determine the coronary risk and the cardiovascular prevention priorities in patients from the family doctor's office no.5 in "Ana Betancourt

  14. Variabilidad temporal de la fauna acompañante del camarón Farfantepenaeus notialis en el Golfo de Ana María, Cuba


    Valdés, E.; Villafuerte, V.; Domínguez, H.; Pérez, A.


    Se analizó la diversidad de la fauna acompañante del camarón en la pesquería del Golfo de Ana María (plataforma suroriental cubana), en términos de la variabilidad temporal de los grupos taxonómicos que la integran y la abundancia relativa de las especies presentes, en particular de la ictiofauna. En el período 2002-2009, los peces fueron el principal integrante de la fauna acompañante del camarón en 82 %, seguido en orden por los crustáceos, moluscos, poríferos y equinodermos con...

  15. Em busca dos rastros perdidos da memória ancestral: um estudo de Um defeito de cor, de Ana Maria Gonçalves

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    Zilá Bernd


    Full Text Available The article provides a theoretical reflection upon the concept of traces, evoking the main authors who have defined it, such as P. Ricoeur, C. Ginzburg, J.-M. Gagnebin, E. Glissant and S. J. Pesavento, among others, and introducing termi- nological variants such as vestiges, ruins, residues, marks etc. We consider the importance of this concept in order to rethink the memory work in contemporary literary texts, especially in Ana Maria Gonçalves' novel Um defeito de cor (Record, 2010, which is an outstanding example of the recovery of African-Brazilian col- lective memory from traces.

  16. Country Level Factors that Affect the Achievements of Primary School Students in Science in International Comparative Studies from Education Management Perspective


    Rita Geske


    Sākumskolas skolēnu dabaszinātņu sasniegumus ietekmējošie valsts līmeņa faktori starptautiskajos salīdzinošajos pētījumos izglītības vadības skatījumā Promocijas darba mērķis ir, veicot vairāku valstu datu salīdzinošo analīzi, atrast valsts līmeņa faktorus, kuri ietekmē Latvijas ceturto klašu skolēnu vidējos sasniegumus dabaszinātnēs. Darbā analizēti TIMSS dalībvalstu sociāli ekonomiskie, demogrāfiskie un politiskie faktori, kuri ietekmē skolēnu vidējos sasniegumus. Konstatēts, ka Latvijas...

  17. Reliģijas makdonaldizācija


    Siliņš, Toms


    Bakalaura darbā apskatītas makdonaldizācijas procesa izpausmes Latvijas reliģisko organizāciju darbībā. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot makdonaldizācijas izpausmes Latvijas reliģiskajās organizācijās, tādēļ izvirzīti pētījuma jautājumi – kādas ir liecības par makdonaldizācijas procesa ietekmi uz reliģiskajām organizācijām Latvijā un kā vērtējama makdonaldizācijas procesa ietekme uz reliģiskajām organizācijām Latvijā. Pētījuma ietvaros veiktas divas ekspertu intervijas, kuru analīzes rezultātā i...

  18. Pärnus neetakse Faust ära / Urmas Hännile

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hännile, Urmas


    1. oktoobril Pärnu kontserdimajas mängitavast Hector Berliozi "Fausti needmine" kontsertversioonist, esitajateks Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester ja segakoor Latvija Olari Eltsi juhatusel ja solistid. Rahvusvahelise muusikapäeva tähistamisest 1. oktoobril

  19. Psychiatric nursing teaching at the Ana Nery School in the first half of the 20th century

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    Monique da Silva Carvalho


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to describe the teaching of psychiatric nursing at Ana Néri Nursing School (EAN, between 1925 and 1954. Methodology: Socio-historical research whose sources were written documents and the oral statement of an ex-professor. The documentary analysis technique was used for data treatment. Results: For 27 years, the EAN did not introduce students into the psychiatric field due to the mental illness stigma, offering only theoretical disciplines, which were taught by physicians. Later there were theoretical disciplines with practical training in the classroom, and then theoretical disciplines with practice in psychiatric hospitals, taught by nurses. In conclusion, the law 775/49 lead the EAN to qualify a professor and initiate the reformulation of the nursing care provided at the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Brazil, so as to adjust it to serve as a practical field and a model for teaching psychiatric nursing in Brazil.

  20. Desórdenes gastronómicos: Metáfora literaria compleja en la narrativa de Ana María del Río y Andrea Maturana




    Este artículo examina las complejas causas, síntomas y consecuencias de la anorexia nervosa y la bulimia y su representación en la narrativa de dos escritoras chilenas contemporáneas: Ana María del Río y Andrea Maturana. Propongo que las manifestaciones físicas y psicológicas de estos trastornos gastronómicos están íntimamente relacionadas con complejos problemas multifactoriales que muestran los diversos modos en que las protagonistas se relacionan con su medio social. La novela Oxido de Car...

  1. A criação coreográfica na Escola de Dança Ana Mangericão, com alunos do 3º Ciclo


    Cayatte, Patrícia Maria Camões Godinho


    Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Metodologias do Ensino da Dança. Elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Metodologias do Ensino da Dança, este relatório, referente ao Estágio na Escola de Dança Ana Mangericão, teve como principais objectivos organizar, fundamentar e sistematizar a metodologia desenvolvida, no âmbito da disciplina de Criação Coreográfica. Partimos assim, de uma recolha de elementos relati...

  2. Andalucía, el travestismo y la mujer fálica: Plumas de España, de Ana Rossetti

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    Jill Robbins


    Full Text Available Plumas de España de Ana Rossetti denuncia la ausencia tanto de la mujer como de Andalucía en el espacio público durante la dictadura y la transición, así como su fetichización. Frente a personajes femeninos estereotipados, como el de la “señorita cursi” sobre la cual se focaliza la narración, Rosseti contrapone las figuras de sus personajes travestidos y transexuales, como modelos para el surgimiento de nuevas identidades a través de la explotación de lo kitsch y lo folclórico, y proponiendo una feminidad hiperbólica que excluye a las mujeres al fetichizarlas, por medio de un relato que saca a la luz los mecanismos por los cuales las mujeres, sobre todo andaluzas, han sido tradicionalmente controladas, devaluadas e incluso castradas.

  3. Alcohol producers battle illegal market and shadow economy / Alina Lisina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lisina, Alina


    Läti alkoholimüük on vähenenud ja selle põhjuseks võib olla salaalkoholi tarbimine. Läti valitsus alandab aktisiimaksu, et vähendada salaalkoholi tarbimist ja saada riigieelarvesse lisaraha. Alkoholitootja Latvijas Balzams majandustulemustest

  4. Läti kultuurileht ilmub siiski!

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Pärast veebruari alguses Läti Kultuuriministeeriumi ja Kultuurkapitali Fondi tehtud otsust, mitte rahastada kultuurilehte Literatura un Maksla Latvija, puhkes väljaande ilmumist pooldav toetuste laine. 14. veebruari leht tänab toetuse eest ja teatab edasiilmumisest.

  5. Viesnīcnieka glabājuma tiesiskais statuss Latvijā


    Šteinberga, Zane


    Darba mērķis ir izpētīt esošo viesnīcnieka glabājuma tiesisko statusu Latvijas Republikā, tā atbilstību mūsdienu sabiedrības un uzņēmējdarbības vides prasībām. Darbā tiek analizēti Latvijas Republikas Civillikumā ietvertie termini un definīcijas attiecībā uz viesnīcnieka glabājumu, pētīti ārvalstu un starptautiskie tiesību akti un to projekti attiecībā uz viesnīcnieka glabājumu, kā arī uz viesnīcnieka atbildības jautājumiem kopumā. Darba noslēgumā tika apskatīti iespējamie varianti viesnīcnie...

  6. Mito-nuclear discord in six congeneric lineages of Holarctic ducks (genus Anas). (United States)

    Peters, Jeffrey L; Winker, Kevin; Millam, Kendra C; Lavretsky, Philip; Kulikova, Irina; Wilson, Robert E; Zhuravlev, Yuri N; McCracken, Kevin G


    Many species have Holarctic distributions that extend across Europe, Asia and North America. Most genetics research on these species has examined only mitochondrial (mt) DNA, which has revealed wide variance in divergence between Old World (OW) and New World (NW) populations, ranging from shallow, unstructured genealogies to deeply divergent lineages. In this study, we sequenced 20 nuclear introns to test for concordant patterns of OW-NW differentiation between mtDNA and nuclear (nu) DNA for six lineages of Holarctic ducks (genus Anas). Genetic differentiation for both marker types varied widely among these lineages (idiosyncratic population histories), but mtDNA and nuDNA divergence within lineages was not significantly correlated. Moreover, compared with the association between mtDNA and nuDNA divergence observed among different species, OW-NW nuDNA differentiation was generally lower than mtDNA divergence, at least for lineages with deeply divergent mtDNA. Furthermore, coalescent estimates indicated significantly higher rates of gene flow for nuDNA than mtDNA for four of the six lineages. Thus, Holarctic ducks show prominent mito-nuclear discord between OW and NW populations, and we reject differences in sorting rates as the sole cause of the within-species discord. Male-mediated intercontinental gene flow is likely a leading contributor to this discord, although selection could also cause increased mtDNA divergence relative to weak nuDNA differentiation. The population genetics of these ducks contribute to growing evidence that mtDNA can be an unreliable indicator of stage of speciation and that more holistic approaches are needed for species delimitation. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Krajbanka in whirlwind of conspiracy theories

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riia linnavolikogu ütles, et Krajbanka hoiustajad ja kreeditorid ei ole huvitatud Läti valitsuse otsusest üle võtta 47,2% airBalticu aktsiatest, mida hoiti tagatisena Latvijas Krajbanka pangas. Riia linnavalitsus plaanib panga administraatori poole pöörduda

  8. Tähelepanu, lätlased tulevad...! / Peeter Järvelaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Järvelaid, Peeter, 1957-


    Arvustus: Tartu Ülikooli õigusteaduskonna lõpetanute ja õigusteadust õpetanute nimekiri 1919-1989. Tartu, 1989 ; Latvijas Universitātes Tiesību Zinātnu Nodalas absolventu saraksts 1920-1940. Hamburg, 1990. - Sisaldab andmeid ka prof. Dietrich André Loeberi kohta

  9. Arvo Pärt Iirimaal, ka lätlased juubeldavad / Immo Mihkelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mihkelson, Immo, 1959-


    13. veebruaril Iirimaal toimuvast Arvo Pärdi uue teose "The Deer's Cry" esiettekandest, osaleb segakoor Latvija, üritust toetab rahaliselt Läti riik. 14. veebruaril Dublinis algavast kolmepäevasest Arvo Pärdile pühendatud festivalist RTE Living Music Festival

  10. Project W-314 acceptance test report HNF-4651 for HNF-4650 SN-268 encasement leak detection ANA-WT-LDSTA-335 for project W-314

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The purpose of the test was to verify that the AN Tank Farm Encasement Leak Detector components are functionally integrated and operate in accordance with engineering design specifications The Acceptance Test Procedure HNF-4650, SN-268 Encasement Leak Detection ANA-W-LDSTA-335, was conducted between 22 June and 01 July 1999 at the 200E AN Tank Farm. The test has been completed with no open test exceptions The test was conducted prior to final engineering ''as built'' activities being completed this had no impact on the procedure or test results. All components, identified in the procedure, were found to be labeled and identified as written in the procedure

  11. Mājdzīvnieku (mājas – istabas dzīvnieku) pozicionēšana vegānismā


    Dziedātāja, Elīna


    Bakalaura darbā “Mājdzīvnieku pozicionēšana vegānismā” tiek noskaidrots kā sadzīvo divas, savā starpā šķietami pretrunīgas prakses – vegānisms, kas ir kustība, kuras dalībnieki uzskata par morālu pienākumu respektēt dzīvnieku intereses, ar mājdzīvnieku jeb istabas – mājas dzīvnieku turēšanu. Vegānisms tiek skatīts kā viena no veģetārisma apakšgrupām, tomēr netiek saistīts tikai un vienīgi ar uzturu, bet lielākoties balstās uz ētisku izturēšanos pret dzīvniekiem. P...

  12. Sabiedriskās ēdināšanas uzņēmuma konkurētspējas analīze


    Beinaroviča, Kristīne


    Bakalaura darbs „Sabiedriskās ēdināšanas uzņēmuma konkurētspējas analīze”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt SIA „G & K” restorāna „Zilā govs” konkurētspēju un izstrādāt priekšlikumus tās uzlabošanai. Bakalaura darba pirmajā nodaļā pētīti konkurences un konkurētspējas teorētiskie aspekti, otrajā nodaļā raksturota nozare, kurā uzņēmums darbojas, valsts ekonomiskās lejupslīdes kontekstā, veikta nozares vides analīze, izmantojot M.E.Portera 5 spēku modeli. Trešajā nodaļā raksturota uzņēmuma vēsturiskā ...

  13. Bioloģijas terminu vārdnīcas veidošana bioloģijas jēdzienu apguvē


    Fenhane, Inguna


    Bioloģijas terminu vārdnīcas veidošana bioloģijas jēdzienu apguvē. Fenhane I., zinātniskā vadītāja M. biol. Kusiņa M. Diplomdarbs, 27 lappuses, 7 attēli, 1 tabula, izmantoti 14 literatūras avoti, 8 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. Bioloģijas mācību pamatskolas kursā ir dauzd jēdzienu, kurus skolēniem ir grūtības izprast un līdz ar to atcerēties. Tādēļ praksē tika izmēģināta metode (pēc klasifikācijas ietilpst pierakstu metodē), ar kuras palīdzību skolēni var apgūt un izprast jēdzienus labāk. P...

  14. Antibodies to H5 subtype avian influenza virus and Japanese encephalitis virus in northern pintails (Anas acuta) sampled in Japan (United States)

    Ramey, Andy M.; Spackman, Erica; Yeh, Jung-Yong; Fujita, Go; Konishi, Kan; Reed, John A.; Wilcox, Benjamin R.; Brown, Justin D.; Stallknecht, David E.


    Blood samples from 105 northern pintails (Anas acuta) captured on Hokkaido, Japan were tested for antibodies to avian influenza virus (AIV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), and West Nile virus (WNV) to assess possible involvement of this species in the spread of economically important and potentially zoonotic pathogens. Antibodies to AIV were detected in 64 of 105 samples (61%). Of the 64 positives, 95% and 81% inhibited agglutination of two different H5 AIV antigens (H5N1 and H5N9), respectively. Antibodies to JEV and WNV were detected in five (5%) and none of the samples, respectively. Results provide evidence for prior exposure of migrating northern pintails to H5 AIV which couldhave implications for viral shedding and disease occurrence. Results also provide evidence for limited involvement of this species in the transmission and spread of flaviviruses during spring migration.

  15. Vecāku audzināšanas stilu saistība ar pašcieņu pusaudžu vecumā


    Miķelsone-Ježaka, Dace


    Darba mērķis ir izpētīt pašcieņas saistību ar mātes un tēvu audzināšanas stilu bērnībā. Pētījumā piedalījās 105 pusaudži no dažādām skolām vecumā no 16 līdz 18 gadiem, kas dzīvo pilnās ģimenēs. Tika izmantotas 2 aptaujas: 1. Vecāku autoritātes novērtējuma aptauja (The Parental Authority Questionnaire, Buri, 1991; Griškina, 2002). 2. Rozenberga pašcieņas aptauja (The Rosenberg Self – esteem Scale, Rosenberg, 1965).

  16. Pusaudžu - hokeja spēlētāju sasniegumu stratēģijas un apmierinātības izjūta, spēlējot hokeju, saistībā ar vecāku audzināšanas stiliem.


    Stālmane, Liene


    Maģistra darba mērķis bija izpētīt saistības starp pusaudžu, kuri trenējas hokejā jau no agrīna vecuma, sasniegumu stratēģijām, apmierinātības izjūtu, spēlējot hokeju, un viņu vecāku audzināšanas stilus. Pētījumā tika iekļauti 53 respondenti latviešu tautības zēni, vecumā no 9 – 14 gadiem, kuri trenējas hokejā. Par pētījuma instrumentāriju izmantotas: 1)Vecāku audzināšanas stila aptauja. (Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), Buri, 1991); 2) Sasniegumu stratēģiju aptauja....

  17. Eesti Gaas tahab Eesti ja Soome vahele gaasitoru ehitada / Mikk Salu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Mikk, 1975-


    Eesti Gaasi juhi Aarne Saare sõnul võiks Eesti-Soome gaasijuhe valmida aastail 2010-2012, praegu uuritakse projekti teostatavust. Läti suurendab Incukalnsi gaasihoidla mahtu, Latvijas Gaze esindaja Vincents Makarise sõnul võiks Lätist saada üks EL-i gaasihoidlatest

  18. [Andris Caune. Pētījumi Rīgas arheologijā. Rakstu izlase] / Erki Russow

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Russow, Erki, 1974-


    Arvustus: Caune, Andris. Pētījumi Rīgas arheologijā : rakstu izlase. Rīga : Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds, 2007. Läti silmapaistva arheoloogi, linnaarheoloogia pioneeri Andris Caune eri aegdel avaldatud tööde kogumikust

  19. [Zeme, vara un reliģija viduslaikos un jaunajas laikos Baltijas jūras reģionā] / Marija Golubeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Golubeva, Marija, 1973-


    Arvustus: Zeme, vara un reliģija viduslaikos un jaunajas laikos Baltijas jūras reģionā / Hrsg. von Andris Šnē. Acta Universitatis Latviensis ; 725. (Riga: Verlag Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2009)

  20. Análisis de la comunicación grupal: un año de experiencia con un grupo terapéutico de ayuda interactiva

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    Marina Roustan


    Full Text Available La ayuda interactiva grupal basada en la comunicación y sustentada en la combinación de los ejes de trabajo analítico, formativo y de ayuda social, está entendida como la voluntad y el interés en querer ayudar y ser ayudado, con el objetivo de ex- plotar la capacidad propia para desplegar perspectivas de futuro resilientes acordes a los deseos propios. Este artículo presenta un modelo de implicación práctica que deriva de una investigación empírica realizada con la metodología observacional, que describe y analiza la evolución de un grupo de tarea y relación como caso único, a lo largo de un año de tratamiento. Palabras clave: Análisis de la comunicación, Ayuda interactiva, Grupo de comunicación, Psicología psico-educativa. Abstract e group interactive help based on communication and supported by the combination of analytical, educational and welfare-work axes, is understood as the willingness and interest in wanting to help and be helped, with the aim of exploiting one’s ability to deploy prospects commensurate with one’s own desires resilient future. is article presents a model of practical implication that derives from an empirical research with observational methodology, describes and analyzes the evolution of task and relationship group as a unique case, over one year of treatment. Key words: Communication analysis, Interactive support, Group communication, Psycho-educational psychology. Resumo A ajuda interativa em grupo fundamentada na comunicação e apoiado pela combinação dos eixos de trabalho analí- tico, formativo e apoio social, é entendida como a vontade e interesse em querer ajudar e ser ajudado, a m de explorar a capacidade de implantar perspectivas proporcionais próprios desejos de um futuro resistente. Este artigo apresenta um modelo de implicação prática derivada da pesquisa empírica com a metodologia de observação que descreve e analisa a evolução de um

  1. Interneta sociālie tīkli, mammam/ un kā reklāmas nesēji Latvijā (2009.gads)


    Vismane, Inese


    Maģistra darba tēma ir „Interneta sociālie tīkli, mammam/ un kā reklāmas nesēji Latvijā (2009.gads)”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt Latvijas interneta sociālo tīklu vidi kā potenciāli augošu un reklāmai piemērotu, kā arī izpētīt pamanāmākos reklāmas gadījumus šajos portālos. Teorijas daļā tiek apskatīta Web 2.0 ēra, interneta reklāmas un sociālo mediju mārketinga īpatnības, sociālo tīklu fenomens un teorijas, Latvijas reklāmas tirgus un auditorija, kā arī sociāl...

  2. Insulīna rezistence PCOS pacientēm un tās saistība ar citiem riska faktoriem (kardiovaskulāro slimību, cukura diabēts)


    Gutņikovs, Oļegs


    Darba pamatojums: PCOS ir viena no biežākajām endokrinopātijām sievietēm reproduktīvajā vecumā. Pēc literatūras datiem, pacientēm ar PCOS pieaug KVS un cukura diabēta attīstības risks. Tāpēc šajā pētījumā tiek analizēts, vai šie dati attiecināmi arī uz Latvijas populāciju. Pētījuma mērķis: salīdzināt KVS attīstības risku PCOS pacientēm ar vispārējo populāciju Latvijas teritorijā. Materiāli un metodes: Retrospektīva pētījuma ietvaros tika analizētas slimības vēstures PCOS pacientēm (E28...

  3. Avaliação clínico-laboratorial de pacientes com síndrome antifosfolípide primária segundo a frequência de anticorpos antinucleares (FAN Hep-2 Clinical and laboratory evaluation of patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome according to the frequency of antinuclear antibodies (ANA Hep-2

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    Jozélio Freire de Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a frequência de manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais em pacientes com síndrome antifosfolípide primária (SAFP com anticorpos antinucleares positivos (FAN Hep-2+, comparados àqueles com esses anticorpos negativos (FAN Hep-2 -. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em 58 pacientes (82,8% mulheres com SAFP. Foram avaliados os dados demográficos, clínicos, comorbidades, medicações e anticorpos antifosfolípides. RESULTADOS: Dos 58 pacientes incluídos no estudo, vinte (34,5% apresentaram presença de FAN Hep-2. Comparando-se o grupo de pacientes FAN Hep-2+ com aqueles FAN Hep-2 -, verificou-se que ambos os grupos de pacientes com SAFP não diferiram estatisticamente em relação aos dados demográficos, bem como em relação ao tempo de doença. Em relação às manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais, o grupo com FAN Hep-2 + apresentou maior frequência de trombose venosa profunda (85 versus 52,6%, P = 0,04, uma frequência estatística e significativamente maior de anticardiolipina IgG (85 versus 52,6%, P = 0,02 e uma tendência para anticardiolipina IgM (80% versus 52,6%, P = 0,05, bem como maiores medianas desses anticorpos [33 (0-128 versus 20 (0-120 GPL, P = 0,008] e [33 (0-120 versus 18,5 (0-120 MPL, P = 0,009]. Tal diferença não foi observada no que se refere a outras manifestações da SAF, presença de comorbidades, estilo de vida e uso de medicações. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com SAFP que apresentam FAN Hep-2+ têm maior frequência de trombose venosa profunda e anticardiolipinas IgG e IgM.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of clinical and laboratory manifestations in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS with positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA Hep-2+ compared to those in whom this antibody is negative (ANA Hep-2-. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a transversal study with 58 patients (82.8% females with PAPS. Demographic and clinical data, comorbidities, medications, and

  4. A Baltic presence at the League of Nations / Zigurds L. Zile

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zile, Zigurds L.


    Läti astumine Rahvasteliitu ja osalemine töös. - Sama läti keeles: "Baltijas valstis liktengriežos : politiskas, ekonomiskas un tiesiskas starptautiskas sadarbidas problemas uz XXI gadu simtena slieksna : rakstu krajums / redakcija Talava Jundza. Riga: Latvijas Zinatnu akademija, 1998, lk. 379-393

  5. La conjura de la invisibilidad: el sujeto infantil en algunos cuentos de Ana María Matute y Silvina Ocampo

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    Núria Calafell Sala


    Full Text Available Lectora de las historias de Andersen, Perrault y los hermanos Grimm, la literatura de Ana María Matute está protagonizada por niños que rompen con la imagen tradicional e impuesta desde el mundo adulto. Un buen ejemplo son los protagonistas de Los niños tontos, marcados por la marginación y la exclusión del adjetivo, pero portadores de un espíritu luchador que da lugar a una mirada que se bifurca y se amplía constantemente, ya sea para enfrentarse a un exterior que les es hostil, ya para buscar nuevas líneas de fuga por las que escapar. A su vez, la argentina Silvina Ocampo lleva a cabo una exploración del yo infantil que acaba descubriendo las distintas fisuras por las que la denominada realidad se rescribe.

  6. 3-4 gadus vecu bērnu sociālo prasmju sekmēšana lomu rotaļās


    Cine, Annija Kristiāna


    Kvalifikācijas darba temats: 3-4 gadus vecu bērnu sociālo prasmju sekmēšana lomu rotaļās. Darba izvirzītais mērķis ir noskaidrot lomu rotaļu ietekmi uz bērnu sociālo prasmju attīstību. Mērķa sasniegšanai tika izvirzīti šādi uzdevumi: •analizēt pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas literatūras autoru atziņas par sociālo prasmju sekmēšanu 3-4 gadus veciem bērniem; •izzināt pedagoģisko un psiholoģisko literatūru par rotaļu nozīmi bērnu sociālo prasmju sekmēšanā; •noskaidrot galvenos sociālo prasmju sekmē...

  7. Barreto, António; Benavente, Ana; Figueiredo, Eurico; Ferreira, J. M. e Alexandre, Valentim, Pátria utópica: o Grupo de Genebra revisitado

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    Pilar Damião de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Em Pátria utópica, António Barreto, Ana Benavente, Eurico Figueiredo, José Medeiros Ferreira e Valentim Alexandre revisitam em conjunto a decisão do exílio, o seu engajamento político em clima universitário, a estadia em Genebra como espaço marginal de resistência, de formação pessoal e académica e, por fim, o seu regresso à Pátria. A referência às aspirações e lutas políticas, à prisão, e tortura nalguns casos, às discussões nos Cafés Landolt e du Commerce em Genebra, aos debates nos comício...

  8. Klientu lojalitātes veicināšanas kritēriji: fitnesa klubu "Atletika", "MyFitness", "Veselības Fabrika" piemērs


    Rožkalna, Kristīne


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Klientu lojalitātes veicināšanas kritēriji: fitnesa klubu “Atletika”, “MyFitness”, “Veselības Fabrika” piemērs”. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir fitnesa klubu “Atletika”, “MyFitness”, “Veselības Fabrika” izpēte, identificējot kritērijus klientu lojalitātes veicināšanā. Darbu veido ievads, teorētiskā, metodoloģijas, empīriskā daļa, secinājumi, ieteikumi, pielikums. Teorētisko daļu veido nodaļas par uzņēmējdarbību, zīmolu, klientu lojalitāti, mārketingu, komunikāciju...

  9. Concentrations and activity ratios of uranium isotopes in groundwater from Doñana National Park, South of Spain (United States)

    Bolívar, J. P.; Olías, M.; González-García, F.; García-Tenorio, R.


    The levels and distribution of natural radionuclides in groundwaters from the unconfined Almonte-Marismas aquifer, upon which Doñana National Park is located, have been analysed. Most sampled points were multiple piezometers trying to study the vertical distribution of the hydrogeochemical characteristics in the aquifer. Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and redox potential were determined in the field. A large number of parameters, physico-chemical properties, major and minor ions, trace elements and natural radionuclides (U-isotopes, Th-isotopes, Ra-isotopes and 210Po), were also analysed. In the southern zone, where aeolian sands crop out, water composition is of the sodium chloride type, and the lower U-isotopes concentrations have been obtained. As water circulates through the aquifer, bicarbonate and calcium concentrations increase slightly, and higher radionuclides concentrations were measured. Finally, we have demonstrated that 234U/238U activity ratios can be used as markers of the type of groundwater and bedrock, as it has been the case for old waters with marine origin confined by a marsh in the south-east part of aquifer.

  10. Genomic and biological characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from migratory mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). (United States)

    Habib, Momena; Yaqub, Tahir; Nazir, Jawad; Shehzad, Wasim; Aziz-Ul-Rahman; Sohail, Tayyebah; Mukhtar, Nadia; Mehboob, Arsalan; Munir, Muhammad; Shabbir, Muhammad Zubair


    Given the global evolutionary dynamics of Newcastle disease viruses (NDVs), it is imperative to continue extensive surveillance, routine monitoring and characterization of isolates originating from natural reservoirs (waterfowls). In this report, we isolated and characterized two virulent NDV strains from clinically healthy mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Both isolates had a genome of 15,192 nucleotides encoding six genes in an order of 3´-NP-P-M-F-HN-L-5´. The biological characteristics (mean death time: 49.5-50 hr, EID 50 10 8.5  ml -1 ) and presence of a typical cleavage site in the fusion (F) protein (112R-R-Q-K-R↓F117) confirmed the velogenic nature of these isolates. Phylogenetic analysis classified both isolates as members of genotype VII within class-II. Furthermore, based upon the hypervariable region of the F gene (375 nt), isolates showed clustering within sub-genotype VIIi. Similarity index and parallel comparison revealed a higher nucleotide divergence from commonly used vaccine strains; LaSota (21%) and Mukteswar (17%). A comparative residues analysis with representative strains of different genotypes, including vaccine strains, revealed a number of substitutions at important structural and functional domains within the F and hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) proteins. Together, the results highlight consistent evolution among circulating NDVs supporting extensive surveillance of the virus in waterfowl to better elucidate epidemiology, evolutionary relationships and their impacts on commercial and backyard poultry.

  11. The ecology of avian influenza viruses in wild dabbling ducks (Anas spp. in Canada.

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    Zsuzsanna Papp

    Full Text Available Avian influenza virus (AIV occurrence and transmission remain important wildlife and human health issues in much of the world, including in North America. Through Canada's Inter-Agency Wild Bird Influenza Survey, close to 20,000 apparently healthy, wild dabbling ducks (of seven species were tested for AIV between 2005 and 2011. We used these data to identify and evaluate ecological and demographic correlates of infection with low pathogenic AIVs in wild dabbling ducks (Anas spp. across Canada. Generalized linear mixed effects model analyses revealed that risk of AIV infection was higher in hatch-year birds compared to adults, and was positively associated with a high proportion of hatch-year birds in the population. Males were more likely to be infected than females in British Columbia and in Eastern Provinces of Canada, but more complex relationships among age and sex cohorts were found in the Prairie Provinces. A species effect was apparent in Eastern Canada and British Columbia, where teal (A. discors and/or A. carolinensis were less likely to be infected than mallards (A. platyrhynchos. Risk of AIV infection increased with the density of the breeding population, in both Eastern Canada and the Prairie Provinces, and lower temperatures preceding sampling were associated with a higher probability of AIV infection in Eastern Canada. Our results provide new insights into the ecological and demographic factors associated with AIV infection in waterfowl.

  12. Dzimumnoziegumi pret nepilngadīgajām personām


    Strikas, Kristīna


    Darbā ietvarоs tika aрlūkоtas 1903. un 1933.gada Sоdu likuma, 1926.gada KРFSR kriminālkоdekss un 1961.gada LРSR kriminālkоdeksa рanti, kas regulēja cilvēka tiesības uz dzimumneaizskaramību un dzimumbrīvību, kuri darbоjās Latvijas teritоrijā kamēr tika рieņemts 1998.gada Krimināllikums. Kā arī ieskatīts ANО kоnvencijā рar bērna tiesībām, kurai Latvija рievienоjas 1991.gadā, tieši runājоt рar 34.рantu un LR Bērnu tiesības aizsardzības likumā 9., 15. un 51. рantu. Bakalaura darbu veidо trīs n...

  13. Fruit Set of Several Sour Cherry Cultivars in Latvia Influenced by Weather Conditions Before and During Flowering

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    Feldmane Daina


    Full Text Available Fruit set is a crucial stage in the process of yield formation, which is influenced by environmental factors, growing technologies and peculiarities of genotype. The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of pollen (viability and germination capacity and the effect of weather before and during flowering on fruit set in sour cherry cultivars ‘Latvijas Zemais’, ‘Zentenes’, ‘Bulatnikovskaya’, and ‘Orlica’. The research was carried out in Institute of Horticulture (Latvia University of Agriculture in 2009-2016. Good pollen viability and germination was found for cultivars ‘Latvijas Zemais’ and ‘Bulatnikovskaya’. Negative effects of increasing air temperature (in the range of 7.7 to 17.5 °C and relative humidity (in the range of 51.4 to 88.5% was observed for all cultivars during flowering. The effects of diurnal temperature fluctuations, wind and the amount of days with precipitation differed depending on sour cherry cultivar.

  14. Analytical Treatment of Forecasts of Electric Energy Consumption in Latvia

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    Balodis M.


    Full Text Available Rakstā apskatītas elektroenerģijas patēriņa izmaiņas, kas saistītas ar Latvijas postsociālisma perioda ekonomikas strukturālām izmaiņām. Rakstā dota Latvijas galveno elektroenerģijas patēriņa indikatoru analīze, lietojot īpašu pieeju - Rietumeiropas, Centrāleiropas un Austrumeiropas valstu indikatoru salīdzinājumu. Analizēts periods no 1990. gada līdz 2010. gadam. Salīdzināti Eiropas valstu grupu īpatnējie elektroenerģijas patēriņa indikatori un noskaidrotas to atšķirības un izmaiņu tendences. Noteiktas elektroenerģijas patēriņa izmaiņu tendences Latvijā. Dotas rekomendācijas par šo indikatoru izmantošanu elektroenerģijas patēriņa prognozēšanā. 07.05.2014.

  15. Eficiência das auxinas (AIB e ANA no enraizamento de miniestacas de clones de Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell Auxin (IBA and NAA effects on minicuttings rooting of Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. clones

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    Fernanda Daniele de Almeida


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência das auxinas AIB (ácido indolbutírico e ANA (ácido naftalenoacético no enraizamento adventício de miniestacas de clones de Eucalyptus cloeziana. Foram utilizadas miniestacas provenientes de sete clones de Eucalyptus cloeziana, estabelecidos em minijardim clonal, sendo avaliados os efeitos de AIB (0, 1.500, 3.000 e 6.000 mg L-1 na forma líquida e em pó e ANA (0, 3.000 e 6.000 mg L-1 na forma líquida. Os resultados apontaram ser a miniestaquia técnica viável na propagação vegetativa dos clones de Eucalyptus cloeziana estudados, apresentando, de modo geral, alto índice de enraizamento das miniestacas. Os clones com maior potencial de enraizamento adventício responderam mais positivamente às menores dosagens de AIB, enquanto nos clones com capacidade de enraizamento reduzida houve tendência de as maiores dosagens de AIB serem mais eficientes no enraizamento, independentemente da forma de aplicação do fitorregulador (líquido ou pó. O ANA, de modo geral, não influenciou significativamente o enraizamento das miniestacas da maioria dos clones estudados.The present work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the auxins IBA (indolbutyric acid and NAA (naphtaleneacetic acid on the adventitious rooting of Eucalyptus cloeziana clones. Minicuttings originated from seven Eucalyptus cloeziana clones established in mini-clonal hedge, were evaluated for the effects of IBA (0, 1500, 3000 and 6000 mg L-1 in the liquid and powder forms and NAA (0, 3000 and 6000 mg L-1 in the liquid form. The results showed that minicutting is a viable technique for vegetative propagation of the studied Eucalyptus cloeziana clones, with overall high rooting rates. Clones with higher adventitious rooting potential gave better response to lower IBA doses, while clones with reduced rooting potential were more efficient with higher doses, independently of the form of the applied phytoregulator (powder or liquid. NAA


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    Denise Pereira


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa as mudanças socioculturais da Festa de Sant’Ana, na cidade de Ponta Grossa – PR, esta que permeava toda a sociedade local e era comemorada desde a primeira metade do século XIX. Trabalhamos com o período 1930-1965, este foi marcado por algumas formas de mudanças no chamado catolicismo tradicional, de herança portuguesa, que aos poucos foi substituído pelo catolicismo romanizado. Analisamos como a Igreja, através de seu prelado, reagiu à festa popular e, simultaneamente compreendemos a representação simbólica dessa prática cultural no campo religioso. Deste modo, procuramos através dos artigos do Diário dos Campos, jornal local, de um lado demonstrar algumas formas de continuidades e mudanças do catolicismo popular, por outro lado, buscamos mostrar as estratégias de controle e tolerância exercidas pela Igreja.

  17. Focus – La co-digestion anaérobie des boues d’épuration et de déchets organiques d’origine périurbaine

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    BÉLINE, Fabrice


    Full Text Available En France, et ce principalement pour des raisons économiques, la méthanisation des boues d’épuration est encore peu appliquée dans les stations de petite et moyenne capacité. Pour améliorer le bilan économique de la digestion anaérobie des boues d’épuration dans ce type de station, il est possible de compléter les alimentations du digesteur par d’autres substrats organiques à plus fort potentiel énergétique et déjà présents sur le territoire. Quels sont les impacts de tels procédés et comment optimiser leur intégration dans la filière de traitement des eaux ?

  18. Mobilā mārketinga izmantošana un tā attīstības perspektīvas Latvijā


    Treija, Solveiga


    Solveiga Treija. Maģistra darbs „Mobilā mārketinga izmantošana un tā attīstības perspektīvas Latvijā.” Maģistra darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorijas atziņām par mobilo mārketingu, mobilo ierīču lietotāju aptaujas rezultātiem un padziļināto interviju ar nozares speciālistiem rezultātiem, novērtēt mobilā mārketinga izmantošanu Latvijā, kā arī izstrādāt priekšlikumus mobilā mārketinga attīstībai uzņēmējdarbībā Latvijā. Pirmajā nodaļā pētīta mobilā mārketinga būtība, galvenie rīki un ...

  19. Os valores e as motivações no processo de tomada de decisão dos produtores rurais no município de Sant’Ana do Livramento/RS


    Jeanice Jung de Andrade


    A presente tese tem como objetivo identificar e entender o processo de tomada de decisão dos produtores rurais de Sant’Ana do Livramento considerando os seus fatores motivacionais e critérios de escolhas. Para tanto, foi estudado a gênese histórico-social de ocupação da região pesquisada, a evolução das teorias de gestão organizacional, bem como o processo de tomada de decisão como elemento fundamental da gestão organizacional. Baseado nos fundamentos e princípios da Teoria da Decisão, na abo...

  20. [Raamat] / Raimo Pullat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullat, Raimo, 1935-


    Rets. rmt.: Johans Kristofs Broce. Z̋ṁjumi un apraksti 4. Sejums. Latvijas Mazś pilsṫas un lauki. Manuskriptu publiç̇anai sagatavojis Dr. hist. Muntis Auns. R̋ga, 2007. Johann Christoph Brotze unikaalset kollektsiooni käsitleva entsüklopeedilise suurteose neljandast (viimasest) osast

  1. Bank crisis ousts airBaltic minority owners

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Latvijas Krajbanka pakkus riigile osta airBalticu aktsiaid, mida airBalticu osanik Baltijas Aviacijas Sistemas (BAS) on laenude tagatiseks pantinud, tuues põhjuseks selle, et BASi suhtes on algatatud võlgade sissenõudmise protsess. Valitsus ostiski aktsiad ära, kuna nende hind oli soodne. Uue emissiooni võimalusest

  2. Biznesa efektivitātes uzlabošanas iespējas uzņēmumā SIA "3K MANAGEMENT"


    Penēze, Aija


    Aizvien lielāka nozīmē mūsdienās tiek pievērsta atšķirībai starp uzņēmumu vadīšanu un efektīvu uzņēmumu vadīšanu. Uzņēmēji organizācijas vadīšanā savu uzmanību koncentrē uz to, kā uzņēmums preces un pakalpojumus piedāvā, kāds ir tā tēls, kā tiek organizēta uzņēmuma darbība un kultūra. Uzņēmumi arvien vairāk vērš uzmanību uz uzņēmumu vadīšanu ar pievienoto vērtību, tas ir, efektivitātes uzlabošanu. Aijas Penēzes maģistra darba tēma ir „Biznesa efektivitātes uzlabošanas iespējas uzņēmumā SI...

  3. Hacia una literatura de disidencia sexual en México con dos Bildungsromane bisexuales: Púrpura, de Ana García Bergua, y Fruta verde, de Enrique Serna

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    Brandon Patrick Bisbey


    Full Text Available En este artículo propongo una lectura de las novelas mexicanas Púrpura, de Ana García Bergua, y Fruta verde, de Enrique Serna, como representaciones de la bisexualidad que se insertan en, y a la vez rompen con, una tradición literaria que retrata la homosexualidad masculina. Leo el empleo de la ironía y el performance de género en los textos como señalamiento de las contradicciones y dificultades sociales que conllevan la orientación bisexual. El diálogo de las obras con la tradición de la novela de formación problematiza la expresión de sexualidades no normativas y plantea una crítica de las identidades sexuales basadas en el binarismo hetero / homosexual. Sostengo que estas obras deben ser incluidas en y analizadas dentro de la tradición literaria mexicana que retrata sexualidades disidentes, entre las cuales la bisexualidad ha sido una identidad marginada. In this article I propose a reading of the Mexican novels Púrpura by Ana García Bergua and Fruta verde by Enrique Serna as portrayals of bisexuality that both form a part of and break with a literary tradition that portrays male homosexuality. I read the use of irony and gender performance in these texts as a signaling of the social contradictions and problems that come with the bisexual orientation. The dialogue of these works with the tradition of the novel of formation problematizes the expression of non-normative sexualities and critiques sexual identities based on the heter/homo binary. I argue that these works should be included in a Mexican literary tradition that represents dissident sexualities, among which bisexuality has been marginalized and underrepresented.

  4. Arqueología de un espacio habitado, trabajado y defendido. El sistema fortificado de Salinas de Añana (Álava

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    Plata Montero, Alberto


    Full Text Available The stratigraphic analysis of the wall of the village of Salinas de Añana (Álava together with the excavations within its fortified area have offered a lot of information about the evolution of its built environment from the Early Medieval period until now. This research paper consists of two parts. Main recorded phases obtained thanks to the archaeological work are firstly described. Comprehension of spatial order resulted after the foundation of a village at the beginnings of the 12th century and the gathering of several hamlets that since the Late Antiquity populated, worked and defended the Valle Salado, is exposed in the second part. In order to understand this process, space syntax analysis, methodology developed within English scientific context, has been applied, showing an special attention to those instruments which enable to determine a global pattern of settlements (Alpha analysis, because this pattern links the social logic of space with the spatial logic of the society that created it.La lectura estratigráfica de la muralla de la villa alavesa de Salinas de Añana, así como la ejecución de excavaciones en su recinto fortificado, nos han proporcionado abundante información sobre la evolución de su paisaje construido desde la Alta Edad Media hasta la actualidad. La investigación que presentamos se divide en dos partes. En la primera, describimos las principales fases documentadas durante la intervención arqueológica. En la segunda, nos hemos centrado en comprender el ordenamiento espacial resultante tras el proceso de fundación de una villa creada a principios del siglo XII en la que, además, se agruparon las distintas comunidades aldeanas que desde la Tardoantigüedad habitaban, trabajaban y defendían el Valle Salado. Para ello, hemos empleado la metodología del «Análisis Sintáctico del Espacio» desarrollada en el mundo anglosajón, prestando una especial atención a las herramientas dirigidas a determinar el patr

  5. [A "people dump": marks of suffering and transformations at the former Hospital Colônia Sant'Ana and in psychiatric care in Santa Catarina, 1970-1996]. (United States)

    Borges, Viviane Trindade


    The article explores transformations to psychiatric care in Santa Catarina starting in the 1970s, when the state's longtime asylum, Hospital Colônia Sant'Ana, reached the height of overcrowding. To this end, along with other sources, it analyzes interviews that had been conducted with professionals who worked at the hospital in that era, sourced from the facility's Center for Documentation and Research. The goal was to problematize these testimonies, examining the texture of the accounts and approaching them as memories that weave a history of the hospital through recollections marked by suffering. Within this proposed framework, suffering is understood as a historical event that can give rise to new social arrangements.

  6. Crónica festiva de Ana María González y Zúñiga a la virgen de Guadalupe: Florido ramo (1747

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    Estela Castillo Hernández


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio de la obra poética religiosa de Ana María González y Zúñiga. Se analiza el poema cronístico Florido ramo, que compuso para describir las festividades con las que el pueblo novohispano en 1747 celebró la jura de la Virgen de Guadalupe como patrona de Nueva España. La crónica festiva de González destaca por dos razones: la primera, porque hasta ese momento la mayoría de las composiciones elaboradas en torno a la Guadalupana eran escritas por hombres(su crónica es una excepción a esta costumbre; el segundo motivo es por el buen manejo que hace la autora de varias fuentes, temas, tópicos y motivos literarios barrocos, así como de diversos lugares comunes de la literatura guadalupana, para relatar y presentarla procesión, los peregrinos, las manifestaciones devotas, los espacios, el decorado y la imagen Guadalupana. This is a study of Ana María González y Zúñiga’s religious poetry. I analyze her poem Florido ramo, a chronicle of the 1747 festivities with which New Spain celebrated the naming of the Virgin of Guadalupe as patroness of New Spain. González y Zúñiga’s festive chronicle is important for two reasons: first, because until it was written, most compositions on the theme of the Guadalupana had been written by men(therefore, her chronicle is an exception to this custom; the second reason is González y Zúñiga’s impressive implementation of various sources, topics and baroque literary motifs, as well as common places of Guadalupe literature, with the intention of reporting and portraying the procession, the pilgrims, the religious demonstrations, the spaces, the decoration and the miraculous image of Guadalupe.

  7. Informācijpratības un sadarbības prasmes attīstīšana ar WebQuest mācību modeli


    Gulbis, Mārtiņš


    Informācijpratības un sadarbības prasmes attīstīšana ar WebQuest mācību modeli. Gulbis M., zinātniskais vadītājs Dr.chem.,. docents Logins J., kvalifikācijas darbs, 41 lappuses, 6 attēli, 7 tabulas, 2 pielikumi, 25 literatūras avoti. Latviešu valodā. WEBQUEST, PROJEKTA APRAKSTS, DARBA UZDEVUMI, SPIRTI, FENOLI, INFORMĀCIJPRATĪBA, SADARBĪBAS PRASMES. Darbā veikta literatūras izpēte par WebQuest mācību modeļa izmantošanu ķīmijas mācību procesā, lai attīstītu skolēnu informācijpratību un sa...

  8. Pasaku elementu izmantošana angļu valodas kā svešvalodas mācīšanā


    Sprukta, Kristīne


    Bakalaura tēma aplūko dažādus pasaku elementus un to pielietojumu angļu valodas kā svešvalodas mācīšanā. Pētījuma mērķis ir iedrošināt septīto klašu skolniekus radoši izpausties,rakstot pasakas angļu valodā. Bakalaura mērķis ir izpētīt, vai skolēni, rakstot savas pasakas, iespaidojas no esošajām vai arī rada jaunas idejas, lai izpaustu sevi. Darba metodes ir attiecīgās literatūras pētīšana un eksperimentālas mācību stundas kā gadījumpētījuma analīze Aizupes pamatskolā. Tika pierādīts, ka bērn...

  9. Levels of metals in blood samples from Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) from urban areas in Poland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Binkowski, Łukasz J.; Meissner, Włodzimierz


    In this paper we present the studies conducted on blood samples taken from Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Birds were captured for ringing purposes (n = 43) in two small and two big towns (including highly urbanized areas). For comparison samples of blood from birds shot on fish ponds were used (n = 26). Based on the body mass all sampled individuals can be assessed as being in good condition. Levels of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in blood samples were measured with AAS. Concentrations of metals did not differ statistically between sexes and made up a following order: Fe > Zn > Cu > Cr ≈ Ni > Pb > Cd. Mallards from towns revealed lower concentrations of Zn and Cu but higher concentration of Fe. There was no difference in exposition to Pb between birds from towns and fish ponds. -- Highlights: •Concentrations of seven metals were measured in blood of Mallards. •Birds represent different kind of areas: urban (towns) and non-urban ones (fish ponds). •Concentrations of studied metals made up a following order: Fe > Zn > Cu > Cr ≈ Ni > Pb > Cd. •Birds from towns revealed higher amount of Fe and lower concentrations of Zn and Cu. •There was no difference in exposition to Pb between birds from towns and fish ponds. -- Exposition to iron is higher on industrialized areas in towns, but exposition to zinc and copper on such areas is lower in comparison to country fish ponds

  10. Hydrodynamic characteristics of the western Doñana Region (area of El Abalario), Huelva, Spain (United States)

    Trick, Thomas; Custodio, Emilio

    The Doñana region, in southwestern Spain, comprises a large and important nature reserve, the wetlands of which are affected by human activity. Planting of an extensive eucalyptus forest in the 1950s and, more recently, the use of aquifers for irrigation and water supply for some coastal tourist resorts, have altered the natural groundwater-flow system. The area of the study is the western sector of the region, called El Abalario, which is a gentle topographic elevation between the Atlantic coast and La Rocina Creek (Arroyo de la Rocina). Underneath a variable layer of eolian sands with high dunes near the coast, thick Plio-Quaternary detritic strata, mostly fine silica sands, overlie marls. Near the base there is a variable, deltaic-origin layer of coarse sands and gravels. The dome-shaped water table, inside the sands, is close to the surface everywhere except beneath the dune belt, and small, temporary, shallow lagoons are numerous. The coarse sand and gravel layer conditions groundwater flow and behaves as a semiconfined layer between sands. A cross section through the area was simulated with a model to check the validity of the conceptual groundwater-flow pattern and its sensitivity to the hydraulic parameters. The model was calibrated using parameter values obtained by pumping tests and multilevel piezometric data, and checked against the estimated groundwater discharge into La Rocina Creek. Groundwater flows peripherally to the sea coast, to La Rocina Creek, or directly east and southeastward into the Doñana marshlands, in the Guadalquivir River delta. The average net aquifer recharge rate was calculated to be between 100 and 200 mm year-1 for the area covered by brush, but is remarkably lower in the areas of eucalyptus trees. The transient-state model shows that recharge varies spatially and is not clearly proportional to annual precipitation. Phreatic evapotranspiration plays an important role in decreasing the net value of aquifer recharge to

  11. Spain, Reincarnated: Julio Medem’s Caótica Ana and New Spanish Media(tion in the World

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susan Martin-Márquez


    Full Text Available Spanish director Julio Medem’s visually stunning yet controversial 2007 film Chaotic Ana was panned for its ostensibly Manichaean treatment of gender relations and its crudely scatological ending, both of which have distracted attention from the work’s fascinating incursions into global politics. While the film’s complex layering of hawk and dove imagery figures centuries of male violence against women, it is also imbricated with an extended meditation on the divergent roles of the United States and Spain on the contemporary world stage. Through the male protagonist Said, a Saharawi painter, the film artfully shifts postcolonial guilt for the fate of the Western Sahara from the former colonizer Spain to the United States. Even as the film obfuscates Spain’s multifaceted imperial past, it engages in a withering indictment of U.S. foreign policy in the post-9/11 era, indicating through a web of symbolic references to the Statue of Liberty that Americans have turned away from their once-vaunted mission. That mission, the film (problematically suggests, must now be taken up by Spain, which, together with other enlightened European nations, serves as a beacon for global justice, drawing upon the Spanish National Court’s declaration of universal jurisdiction to prosecute the U.S. government’s neocolonial crimes against humanity.

  12. Low temperature storage of NAA, GA3 and 2,4-D treated citrus budsticks Armazenamento em baixa temperatura de hastes porta-borbulhas de citros tratadas com ANA, GA3 e 2,4-D

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Carlos Chamhum Salomão


    Full Text Available Cold storage allows citrus budstick conservation for several months, although gradual bud viability loss and abscission of leaf petioles is observed. This study aimed to maintain bud viability reducing leaf petiole abscission in budsticks of 'Baianinha' and 'Valencia' sweet oranges (C. sinensis Osbeck, 'Tahiti' lime (C. latifolia Tanaka, and 'Murcott' tangor (C. sinensis × C. reticulata, using NAA, GA3, 2,4-D, and low temperature storage. After a 15-minutes-immersion in distilled water and NAA and GA3 solutions at concentrations of 10, 100, 500 and 1000 µmol L-1, and 2,4-D solutions at concentrations of 1, 10, 50 and 100 µmol L-1, the shoots were stored in polyethylene bags at 5 ± 1ºC for 74 days. Percentage of leaf petiole abscission, fresh and dry matter losses, bud viability, and growth flush were evaluated. NAA and 2,4-D had the highest efficiency for petiole abscission inhibition, reaching almost 99% of success. The packaging system and shoot storage under low temperature efficiently reduced fresh and dry matter losses. Bud viability of 'Baianinha', 'Valencia' and 'Murcott' shoots was not reduced by storage, maintaining above 95% of grafting success. NAA, GA3 and 2,4-D treatments had no influence on sprout growth.O armazenamento refrigerado possibilita a conservação de hastes porta-borbulhas de citros por vários meses, embora ocorra perda gradual da viabilidade das borbulhas e abscisão dos pecíolos foliares. Este estudo objetivou manter a viabilidade das borbulhas e reduzir a abscisão dos pecíolos foliares das hastes porta-borbulhas das laranjeiras 'Baianinha' e 'Valência'(C. sinensis Osbeck, da lima ácida 'Tahiti'(C. latifolia Tanaka e da tangoreira 'Murcote' (C. sinensis × C. reticulata por meio do tratamento com ANA, GA3, 2,4-D e armazenamento refrigerado. As hastes foram imersas por 15 minutos em água destilada e em soluções com os reguladores de crescimento ANA e GA3 nas concentrações 10, 100, 500 e 1000 µmol L-1 e

  13. Evaluation of the effects of active fractions of chinese medicine formulas on IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α release from ANA-1 murine macrophages. (United States)

    Ni, Li-Jun; Wang, Nan-Nan; Zhang, Li-Guo; Guo, Yan-Zi; Shi, Wan-Zhong


    Yaotongning (YTN) is a traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that contains ten component medicinal materials (CMMs) and uses Chinese rice wine as a vehicle to enhance its efficacy. YTN has been used for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment in China for decades and has been reported to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, as well as to strengthen the immune system. The present work quantitatively evaluated the in vitro effects of active fractions from the ten CMMs that make up YTN and eight additional herbs commonly used in TCM formulas for RA treatment, as well as different combinations of these active fractions, on cellular immune response; the findings were used to determine which active fractions are responsible for promoting an immune response, and to assess whether YTN is superior to other similar formulas and whether YTN can be improved by simplifying its formula from the point of its cellular immunomodulatory activity. Using the YTN formulation principles and some concepts in combinatorial chemistry, 27 TCM samples were designed by combining some or all of the active fractions of YTN and other eight herbs used for RA treatment. Release of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) from ANA-1 murine macrophages was measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The immunoregulatory effects of the TCM samples were evaluated by comparing their half-effective concentrations (EC50) for stimulating the release of these cytokines. Among the investigated active fractions, the flavonoids from Carthamus tinctorius (Fct), Davallia mariesii (Fdm), and Cinnamomum cassia Twig volatile oils (Vca) from the eight selected herbs effectively promoted IL-1β and IL-6 release from ANA-1 cells. Saponins from the YTN CMM Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Sgu) were the most potent promoters of IL-1β and TNF-α release. The aqueous extract of YTN CMM Eupolyphaga sinensis (Ves) strongly enhanced the release of IL-1β, IL-6, and

  14. Bezūdens kalcija hidrogēnfosfāta izmantošana zopiklona tablešu ražošanā


    Kūms, Uģis


    Bezūdens kalcija hidrogēnfosfāts ir plaši izmantota palīgviela, ko izmanto farmācijā, medicīnā un pārtikas ražošanā. Bezūdens kalcija hidrogēnfosfāts nodrošina zopiklona tablešu presēšanās spēju, bet tā fizikāli-tehnoloģiskās īpašības var ietekmēt tabletes mehānisko izturību un pašu tabletes ražošanas procesu. Šajā darbā tika pētīta bezūdens kalcija hidrogēnfosfāta ietekme uz izplatītu nebenzodiazepīna klases miega līdzekli zopiklonu tablešu kvalitatīvajiem rādītājiem. Bezūdens kalcija hid...

  15. Vitek 2 ANC card versus BBL Crystal Anaerobe and RapID ANA II for identification of clinical anaerobic bacteria. (United States)

    Blairon, Laurent; Maza, Mengi L; Wybo, Ingrid; Piérard, Denis; Dediste, Anne; Vandenberg, Olivier


    The Vitek 2 Anaerobe and Corynebacterium Identification Card (ANC) was recently evaluated in a multicentre study. In the present work, this system was compared with the BBL Crystal Anaerobe and RapID ANA II panels. These kits were tested using 196 strains of anaerobes that had been previously identified by gas-liquid chromatography. Identification to the species or to the genus level was 75.0%, 81.1% and 70.9% for Crystal, RapID and Vitek, respectively. Vitek ANC failed to provide any identification in 20.4% of the strains, but it had fewer misidentifications than RapID. The confidence factors provided on the results report of each kit were not always correlated with a lower risk of major errors, with the exception of Vitek 2 in which a confidence factor higher than 0.86 excluded the risk of misidentification in more than 87% of isolates. The lower rate of identification by the Vitek and Crystal panels is mostly due the lower ability of these systems to identify the Clostridia. Overall, the three panels are comparable but need improvement to a better accuracy. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Population estimates and monitoring guidelines for endangered Laysan Teal, Anas Laysanensis, at Midway Atoll: Pilot study results 2008-2010. (United States)

    Reynolds, Michelle H.; Brinck, Kevin W.; Laniawe, Leona


    Accurate estimates of population size are often crucial to determining status and planning recovery of endangered species. The ability to detect trends in survival and population size over time enables conservation managers to make effective decisions for species and refuge management. During 2004–2007, the translocated population of endangered Laysan Teal (Anas laysanensis; also Laysan Duck) was fitted with radio transmitters providing known (―gold standard‖) measures of survival and reproduction. However, as the population grew, statistically rigorous monitoring protocols were needed that were less labor intensive than radio telemetry. A population die-off and alarmingly high number of carcasses (181) were recorded during a botulism epizootic in August–October 2008, which further reinforced the need for effective monitoring protocols since this endangered species is vulnerable to catastrophic population declines. In fall 2008, we initiated a pilot study using standardized surveys with uniquely marked birds to monitor abundance and estimate the population growth rate of the reintroduced Laysan Teal. Since few birds carried marks (leg bands) after the 2008 botulism die-off (only about 15% of the population), and standardized surveys were not yet implemented, the magnitude of the die-off on the population size was unknown.

  17. Cuantificación de los aportes hídricos subterráneos a la laguna de Santa Olalla a partir de balances hídricos diarios (Parque Nacional de Doñana, Huelva)


    Rodríguez Rodríguez, Miguel; Fernández Ayuso, Ana; Moral Martos, Francisco


    En este estudio se ha realizado un balance hídrico a escala diaria en la laguna de Santa Olalla, una de las pocas lagunas de hidroperiodo permanente del Parque Nacional de Doñana. El balance volumétrico se ha realizado determinando las salidas y entradas a partir de los datos meteorológicos de estaciones cercanas y de los registros trihorarios del nivel del agua de la laguna. Los resultados indican unos aportes por escorrentía, mayoritariamente subterránea, a la laguna de 0,39 hm3 desde en...

  18. [Pēdējais karš. Atmiņa un traumas kominikācija] / Eva-Clarita Pettai

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pettai, Eva-Clarita, 1971-


    Arvustus: Pēdējais karš. Atmiņa un traumas kominikācija. Hrsg. von Mārtiņš Kaprāns, Vita Zelče. Latvijas Universitāte - Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte - Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts (Riga 2010)

  19. Sequential determination of {sup 239,240}Pu, {sup 238} Pu, {sup 241} Am and {sup 90}Sr in radioactive wastes using SPE sorbents Analig Pu02, AnaLig Sr01 and TRU Resin; Sekvencne stanovenie {sup 239,240}Pu, {sup 238} Pu, {sup 241} Am a {sup 90}Sr v radioaktivnych odpadoch pouzitim SPE sorbentov Analig Pu02, AnaLig Sr01 a TRU Resin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Durkot, E; Dulanska, S [Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Prirodovedecka fakulta, Katedra jadrovej chemie, 84215 Bratislava (Slovakia)


    A simple and rapid method of the sequential determination of radionuclides {sup 239,240}Pu, {sup 238} Pu, {sup 241} Am and {sup 90}Sr in radioactive sludge from the NPP Bohunice A1 with high radiochemical yields and efficient removal of interfering components from a matrix was developed. Separation method combines SPE sorbents Analig Pu02, AnaLig Sr01 made by IBC Advanced Technologies and TRU Resin (Eichrom Technologies) placed in tandem. Advantage of a single-stage column located on the vacuum box with a rapid flow is an effective pre-concentration and separation of radionuclides and minimization of sample separation time. (authors)

  20. A multiproxy study of Holocene water-depth and environmental changes in Lake St Ana, Eastern Carpathian Mountains, Romania (United States)

    Magyari, E. K.; Buczkó, K.; Braun, M.; Jakab, G.


    This study presents the results of a multi-disciplinary investigation carried out on the sediment of a crater lake (Lake Saint Ana, 950 m a.s.l.) from the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. The lake is set in a base-poor volcanic environment with oligotrophic and slightly acidic water. Loss-on-ignition, major and trace element, pollen, plant macrofossil and siliceous algae analyses were used to reconstruct Holocene environmental and water-depth changes. Diatom-based transfer functions were applied to estimate the lake's trophic status and pH, while reconstruction of the water-depth changes was based on the plant macrofossil and diatom records. The lowest Holocene water-depths were found between 9,000 and 7,400 calibrated BP years, when the crater was occupied by Sphagnum-bog and bog-pools. The major trend from 7,400 years BP was a gradual increase, but the basin was still dominated by poor-fen and poor fen-pools. Significant increases in water-depth, and meso/oligotrophic lake conditions were found from 5,350(1), 3,300(2) and 2,700 years BP. Of these, the first two coincided with major terrestrial vegetation changes, namely the establishment of Carpinus betulus on the crater slope (1), and the replacement of the lakeshore Picea abies forest by Fagus sylvatica (2). The chemical record clearly indicated significant soil changes along with the canopy changes (from coniferous to deciduous), that in turn led to increased in-lake productivity and pH. A further increase in water-depth around 2,700 years BP resulted in stable thermal stratification and hypolimnetic anoxia that via P-release further increased in-lake productivity and eventually led to phytoplankton blooms with large populations of Scenedesmus cf. S. brasiliensis. High productivity was depressed by anthropogenic lakeshore forest clearances commencing from ca. 1,000 years BP that led to the re-establishment of Picea abies on the lakeshore and consequent acidification of the lake-water. On the whole, these data

  1. An island in a small black doll. The path of the signifier Gorogó in Ana María Matute’s Primera memoria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilio Ceruti


    Full Text Available When we project an emotional charge onto an object, this turns into a thing that refers to ourselves, and allows the subject to know himself/herself better. In this study, the relationship between a black doll called Gorogó and the characters of Ana María Matute’s Primera Memoria will be analyzed in order to glimpse the signified that the signifier Gorogó acquires through its displacements. Following Lacan’s postulates, it is possible to determine three positions of the doll. When it remains hidden, it confers a certain protection to the protagonist. When it is revealed and enters in a relationship with the other characters, it causes an odd sensation (unheimlich, for being a thing that had to be kept unseen and that has been revealed. At the end, Gorogó stands out for his absence and reveals the temporal dimension of things, namely, the protagonist’s growth and the internal conflict that this entails.

  2. Traditional ecological knowledge trends in the transition to a market economy: empirical study in the Doñana natural areas. (United States)

    Gómez-Baggethun, Erik; Mingorría, Sara; Reyes-García, Victoria; Calvet, Laura; Montes, Carlos


    Researchers and conservation managers largely agree on the relevance of traditional ecological knowledge for natural resource management in indigenous communities, but its prevalence and role as societies modernize are contested. We analyzed the transmission of traditional knowledge among rural local people in communities linked to protected areas in Doñana, southwestern Spain. We studied changes in knowledge related to local practices in agriculture and livestock farming among 198 informants from three generations that cover the period in which the area transited from an economy strongly dependent on local ecosystem services to a market economy with intensified production systems. Our results suggest an abrupt loss of traditional agricultural knowledge related to rapid transformations and intensification of agricultural systems, but maintenance of knowledge of traditional livestock farming, an activity allowed in the protected areas that maintains strong links with local cultural identity. Our results demonstrate the potential of protected areas in protecting remaining bodies of traditional ecological knowledge in developed country settings. Nevertheless, we note that strict protection in cultural-landscape-dominated areas can disrupt transmission of traditional knowledge if local resource users and related practices are excluded from ecosystem management.

  3. iTRAQ analysis of hepatic proteins in free-living Mus spretus mice to assess the contamination status of areas surrounding Doñana National Park (SW Spain)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abril, Nieves; Chicano-Gálvez, Eduardo; Michán, Carmen; Pueyo, Carmen; López-Barea, Juan, E-mail:


    This work aims to develop and integrate new -omics tools that would be applicable to different ecosystem types for a technological updating of environmental evaluations. We used a 2nd-generation (iTRAQ-8plex) proteomic approach to identify/quantify proteins differentially expressed in the liver of free-living Mus spretus mice from Doñana National Park or its proximities. Mass spectrometry was performed in an LTQ Orbitrap system for iTRAQ reporter ion quantitation and protein identification using a Mus musculus database as reference. A prior IEF step improved the separation of the complex peptide mixture. Over 2000 identified proteins were altered, of which 118 changed by ≥ 2.5-fold in mice from at least two problem sites. Part of the results obtained with the iTRAQ analysis was confirmed by Western blot. Over 75% of the 118 proteins were upregulated in animals captured at polluted sites and only 16 proteins were downregulated. Upregulated proteins were involved in stress response; cell proliferation and apoptosis; signal transduction; metastasis or tumour suppression; xenobiotic export or vesicular trafficking; and metabolism. The downregulated proteins, all potentially harmful, were classified as oncoproteins and proteins favouring genome instability. The iTRAQ results presented here demonstrated that the survival of hepatic cells is compromised in animals living at polluted sites, which showed deep alterations in metabolism and the signalling pathways. The identified proteins may be useful as biomarkers of environmental pollution and provide insight about the metabolic pathways and/or physiological processes affected by pollutants in DNP and its surrounding areas. - Highlights: • iTRAQ quantitation was used for the first time to monitor a wildlife reserve • Over 2,000 proteins with altered expression were identified in problem Doñana sites • Of them, 118 changed over 2.5-fold in, at least, two problem sites • Upregulation of protective proteins

  4. Los púlpitos de San Miguel en Jerez de la Frontera. Reconstrucción y análisis dentro del programa apocalíptico del templo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Aguayo Cobo


    Full Text Available En el Museo Arqueológico Municipal de Jerez se conservan los restos de los dos púlpitos que, construidos en el siglo XVI por el maestro Pedro Fernández de la Zarza para el templo de San Miguel, fueron retirados en el siglo XVIII. Se hace un análisis iconográ co, diferenciando los restos pertenecientes a cada uno de los púlpitos, e intentando una posible reconstrucción de ambas piezas por medio de hipótesis de las imágenes perdidas. Una vez reconstruidos, se contextualizan los púl- pitos dentro del programa icónico del templo, cuyo hilo conductor es el texto apocalíptico, en el cual San Miguel desempeña un papel protagonista.

  5. Understanding the role of multiheme cytochromes in iron(III) reduction and arsenic mobilization by Shewanella sp. ANA-3 (United States)

    Reyes, C.; Duenas, R.; Saltikov, C.


    The reduction of Fe (III) to Fe (II) and of arsenate (As (V)) to arsenite (As (III)) by Fe (III) reducing and As (V) respiring prokaryotes such as the bacterium Shewanella sp. ANA-3 may contribute to arsenic mobilization in aquifers contaminated with arsenic, specifically in places such as Bangladesh. Under oxic conditions As (V) predominates and is often adsorbed onto mineral surfaces such as amorphous ferrihydrite. However, under anoxic conditions As (III) predominates, sorbs to fewer minerals, and has a greater hydrologic mobility compared to As (V). The genetic mechanism underlying arsenic release from subsurface material most likely involves a combination of respiratory gene clusters (e.g. mtr/omc and arr). In this study, we are investigating the genetic pathways underlying arsenic mobilization. We have generated various mutations in the mtr/omc gene cluster, which encodes several outermembrane decaheme c-type cytochromes. Deletions in one mtr/omc gene did not eliminate iron reduction. However, strains carrying multiple gene deletions were greatly impaired in iron reduction abilities. Work is currently underway to generate combinations of iron reduction and arsenate reduction single and double mutants that will be used to investigate microbial mobilization of arsenic in flow-through columns containing As (V)-HFO coated sand. This work will address the importance of arsenate reduction and iron reduction in the mobilization of arsenic.

  6. Santa Ana Winds of Southern California: Their Climatology and Variability Spanning 6.5 Decades from Regional Dynamical Modelling (United States)

    Guzman-Morales, J.; Gershunov, A.


    Santa Ana Winds (SAWs) are an integral feature of the regional climate of Southern California/Northern Baja California region. In spite of their tremendous episodic impacts on the health, economy and mood of the region, climate-scale behavior of SAW is poorly understood. In the present work, we identify SAWs in mesoscale dynamical downscaling of a global reanalysis product and construct an hourly SAW catalogue spanning 65 years. We describe the long-term SAW climatology at relevant time-space resolutions, i.e, we developed local and regional SAW indices and analyse their variability on hourly, daily, annual, and multi-decadal timescales. Local and regional SAW indices are validated with available anemometer observations. Characteristic behaviors are revealed, e.g. the SAW intensity-duration relationship. At interdecadal time scales, we find that seasonal SAW activity is sensitive to prominent large-scale low-frequency modes of climate variability rooted in the tropical and north Pacific ocean-atmosphere system that are also known to affect the hydroclimate of this region. Lastly, we do not find any long-term trend in SAW frequency and intensity as previously reported. Instead, we identify a significant long-term trend in SAW behavior whereby contribution of extreme SAW events to total seasonal SAW activity has been increasing at the expense of moderate events. These findings motivate further investigation on SAW evolution in future climate and its impact on wildfires.

  7. Pyrethroid insecticides in wild bird eggs from a World Heritage Listed Park: A case study in Doñana National Park (Spain). (United States)

    Corcellas, Cayo; Andreu, Ana; Máñez, Manuel; Sergio, Fabrizio; Hiraldo, Fernando; Eljarrat, Ethel; Barceló, Damià


    Recent studies demonstrated that the common pyrethroid insecticides are present in aquatic biota tissues. In this study, 123 samples of unhatched eggs of 16 wild bird species collected from 2010 to 2012 in Doñana National and Natural Park were analysed to determine 13 pyrethroids. This study represents the first time that pyrethroids are detected in tissues of terrestrial biota, 93% of these samples being positive to those pollutants. Levels of total pyrethroids ranged from not detected to 324 ng g -1 lw. The samples were characterized by stable isotope analysis. Species with diets based on anthropogenic food showed higher levels of pyrethroids and lower values of δ 15 N. Finally, we characterized the isomers of pyrethroids and discerned some isomeric- and enantiomeric-specific accumulations. In particular, tetramethrin and cyhalothrin showed an enantiomeric-selective accumulation of one enantiomer, highlighting the need to assess toxicological effects of each enantiomer separately to be able to make a correct risk assessment of pyrethroids in birds. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Antinuclear autoantibodies and pregnancy outcome in women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage. (United States)

    Ticconi, Carlo; Pietropolli, Adalgisa; Borelli, Barbara; Bruno, Valentina; Piccione, Emilio; Bernardini, Sergio; Di Simone, Nicoletta


    To investigate whether antinuclear autoantibodies (ANA) could be related to the outcome of the successive pregnancy in women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage (uRM). Circulating ANA were measured by indirect immunofluorescence in 86 women with uRM before pregnancy, repeated in the first trimester of the successive gestation and correlated with pregnancy outcome. Forty-one women were ANA- and 45 were ANA+ before pregnancy. No relation was found between pre-pregnancy ANA status and the outcome of the successive pregnancy. However, when these women were monitored at 7th week during their pregnancy for ANA, of the 22 ANA+ women who remained ANA+ seven miscarriages (31.8%) were observed, whereas all of the 23 ANA+ women who became ANA- had pregnancies ongoing beyond the 20th week without miscarriage. ANA status could have a role in uRM. Disappearance of ANA in early pregnancy could have a favorable prognostic value in the successive pregnancy. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Veikala „Dīvāni un Dīvāni” reklāmas analīze un pilnveidošanas iespējas.


    Alsiņa, Madara


    Bakalaura darba tēma „Veikala „Dīvāni un Dīvāni” reklāmas analīze un pilnveidošanas iespējas”. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorijā gūtajām atziņām par reklāmu, izanalizēt veikala „Dīvāni un Dīvāni” reklāmas pasākumus, to stiprās un vājās puses, novērtēt reklāmas komunikatīvo efektivitāti, kā arī izstrādāt priekšlikumus veikala „Dīvāni un Dīvāni” reklāmas pilnveidošanai. Pirmajā darba daļā tiek apskatīti reklāmas kā mārketinga komunikāciju elementa teorētiskie aspekti – ...

  10. A study of contaminated soils near Crucea-Botus, ana uranium mine (East Carpathians, Romania): metal distribution and partitioning of natural actinides with implications for vegetation uptake (United States)

    Petrescu, L.; Bilal, E.


    Between 1962 and 2009, National Company of Uranium - CNU, the former Romanian Rare Metals Mining Company, mined over 1,200,000 tones of pitchblende ore in the East Carpathians (Crucea-Botušana area, Bistrita Mountains). The exploration and mining facilities include 32 adits, situated between 780 and 1040 m above sea level. Radioactive waste resulted from mining are disposed next to the mining facilities. Mine dumps (32) cover an area of 364,000 square meters and consist of waste rock (rocks with sub-economic mineralization) and gangue minerals. Older dumps (18) have been already naturally reclaimed by forest vegetation, which played an important role in stabilizing the waste dump cover and in slowing down the uranium migration processes. The soils samples have been collected from different mine dumps in the Crucea-Botušana uranium deposit, mainly from 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 1/30 and 950 mine waste galleries. Soil samples were collected from the upper part and slope at each mine dump, from the vegetation root zones. Total uranium concentration in soils collected from Crucea-Botušana site ranged from 6.10 to 680.70 ppm, with a mean of 52.48 ppm (dry wt.). Total thorium varies between 7.70 and 115.30 ppm (dry wt.). This indicates that the adsorption of the radioactive elements by the soils is high and variable, influenced by the ore dump - sample relationship. The sequential extraction has emphasized the fact that the uranium is associated with all the mineral fractions present in the soil samples. A great percentage of U can be found in the carbonate (21.77%), organic (15.04%) and oxides fractions (15.88%) - in accordance with the high absorbed/adsorbed properties of this element. The percentage of uranium detected in the exchangeable fraction is rather small - 2.16%. It is also to be expected that the uranium should be irreversible adsorbed by the organic matter and by the clay minerals due to its ionic radius and to its positive charge. The fact that 21.77% of the

  11. Análisis del confort y el comportamiento higrotérmico de sistemas constructivos tradicionales y actuales en viviendas de Santa Ana-Ciudad Colón (Costa Rica

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    Rodrigo, B. G.


    Full Text Available This research was carried out in Santa Ana- Ciudad Colón (Costa Rica. The aim of this study is to compare comfort between traditional (adobe houses with ceramic tile roofs and modern (block or precast concrete houses with galvanized sheet roofs building systems. To analyze comfort it was designed an experiment measuring real climatic parameters in a set of houses of different building systems. Data was analysed using ISO 7730 and ASHRAE Standard 55 rules, considering variables such as the predicted mean vote (PMV, predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD and the thermal sensation of the body for different scenarios of humidity, temperature, wind, user activity and shelter. Results show that comfort increases when the house has thick exterior walls under studied climate conditions that ensure thermal inertia and insulated roof covers to avoid over-abstraction of heat. Traditional homes present comfortable conditions in at least 97% of the recorded time while current houses present comfortable conditions

    El objetivo de la investigación es comparar el confort de viviendas tradicionales de Santa Ana-Ciudad Colón (Costa Rica, construidas en adobe con cubierta cerámica, frente a los sistemas constructivos actualmente empleados. Para analizar el confort se diseñó un experimento de medición real de parámetros climáticos en una muestra de viviendas de distintos sistemas constructivos. Los datos se interpretaron según la norma ISO 7730 y la norma 55 de ASHRAE considerando las variables de Voto Medio Estimado (PMV, Porcentaje de Personas Insatisfechas (PPD y la sensación térmica del cuerpo para distintos escenarios de humedad, temperatura, movimiento del aire, actividad física y abrigo del usuario. Los resultados muestran que, en este clima, el confort térmico aumenta en viviendas con muros exteriores pesados y cubiertas aisladas que eviten la captación excesiva de calor. Las viviendas tradicionales presentan más del 97% de los datos

  12. Digital Base Band Converter As Radar Vlbi Backend / Dbbc Kā Ciparošanas Sistēma Radara Vlbi Novērojumiem (United States)

    Tuccari, G.; Bezrukovs, Vl.; Nechaeva, M.


    can then allow exploring easily the desired range of search for unknown or not fully determined orbit objects. These features make Radar VLBI personality most useful in the space debris measurements. DBBC sistēma izstrādāta Noto Radioastronomijas institūtā. Sistēmas galvenaisuzdevums - palielināt visa Eiropas VLBI tīkla jutību - realizēts, palielinotvisas novērojamās joslas platumu un pielietojot ciparu signālu apstrādes metodes.Izejas datu plūsma palielināta no 1 līdz 4 Gbps katram radioteleskopam un visasoperācijas, kas saistītas ar signālu apstrādi (frekvences pārveidošana, pastiprinājums,iekšējie ģeneratori, utt.), realizētas digitālā formā, kas ļauj iegūt nozīmīgusuzlabojumus atkārtojamībā, precizitātē, vienkāršībā, nemaz neminot vispārzināmāspriekšrocības, ko nodrošina digitālo tehnoloģiju izmantošana. Maksimālā ieejassignāla frekvenču josla ir 3.5 GHz, un momentānais joslas platums ir līdz 1 GHz uzkatru no astoņiem iespējamajiem RF/IF kanāliem. Šī datu reģistrācijas sistēma irļoti veiktspējīga platforma ne tikai EVN, bet arī citiem radioastronomijas pielietojumiem,un papildus tiek izstrādāta vesela virkne programmatūras pakotņu, kasvēl vairāk paplašina sistēmas funkcionalitāti. Tas ietver PFB (Polifāzes FiltruBanka) uztvērējus "Spectra”, kas piemēroti augstas izšķirtspējas spektroskopijasvajadzībām. Papildus realizēts jaunas programmatūras risinājums, ar mērķiizmantot DBBC sistēmu kā daudzfunkcionālu datu ciparošanas iekārtu, kasizmantojama bistatiskiem radara novērojumiem, tai skaitā arī radara VLBInovērojumiem. Šāda veida novērojumos tiek pētīta kosmisko atlūzu populācija,nodrošinot iespēju detektēt pat centimetra izmēru objektus. Debess apgabalaapstarošanai tiek izmantots jaudīgs raidītājs, un tiek analizēts atbalss signāls, kasatstarojas no zināmiem vai nezināmiem objektiem un tiek uztverts ar vienu vaivairākiem teleskopiem uz Zemes

  13. Acoustic Neuroma Educational Video

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Learn more about ANA About ANA Mission, Vision & Values Shop ANA Leadership & Staff Annual Reports Acoustic Neuroma ... 8211 About ANA Mission, Vision & Values Leadership & Staff Annual Reports Shop ANA Home Learn ...

  14. Acoustic Neuroma Educational Video

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... ANA About ANA Mission, Vision & Values Shop ANA Leadership & Staff Annual Reports Acoustic Neuroma Association 600 Peachtree ... About ANA Mission, Vision & Values Leadership & Staff Annual Reports Shop ANA Home Learn Educational ...

  15. Acoustic Neuroma Educational Video

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Back Learn more about ANA About ANA Mission, Vision & Values Shop ANA Leadership & Staff Annual Reports Acoustic ... 205-8211 About ANA Mission, Vision & Values Leadership & Staff Annual Reports Shop ANA Home ...

  16. [Terra Mariana 1186-1888 : albums un komentāri] / Kristīne Ante, Reinis Norkārkls

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ante, Kristīne, 1977-


    Arvustus: Terra Mariana 1186-1888 : albums un komentāri = Album und Kommentare = album and comments = album i komentarze = album ja kommentaarid. 2 Bde.Hrsg. von Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka in Verbindung mit der Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Wiss. Redaktion von Andris Lewans in Zusammenarbeit mit Henrichs Soms, Andris Vilks u.a. (Codices e Vaticanis selecti. Series minor, 16.) Modena 2013

  17. PepsiCo un to piedāvāto produktu virzišanai izmantoto mārketinga komunikāciju pilnveidošanas iespējas.


    Bičihina, Justīne


    Bakalaura darba „PepsiCo un to piedāvāto produktu virzīšanai izmantoto mārketinga komunikāciju pilnveidošanas iespējas” mērķis ir - pamatojoties uz teorētiskām atziņām un autores veiktā pētījuma rezultātiem, izpētīt uzņēmuma darbību un tā izmantotos mārketinga komunikāciju veidus, ņemot vēra PepsiCo plašo zīmolu produktu skaitu, ko piedāvā uzņēmums, kā arī atklāt nepilnības un sniegt priekšlikumus to novēršanai. Darbs sastāv no teorētiskās daļas, kas ietver mārketinga komunikāciju uzskaiti un...

  18. Diseño de un modelo de Administración de Riesgo Operativo aplicado al proceso de crédito en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito "Santa Ana de Nayón"


    Sandoval Zambrano, Emma Patricia


    Este trabajo pretende aportar con un modelo de Riesgo Operativo en el Proceso de Crédito, a la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Santa Ana de Nayón, con el objetivo de disponer de una herramienta que permita mitigar posibles riesgos operativos a los que está expuesta. Intenta también motivar y concientizar a los directivos y a la gerencia de la importancia de la implementación de la Administración Integral de Riesgos, como estrategia institucional y de forma especial la gestión de riesgo operat...


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    Muhammad Riza Firdaus


    Full Text Available Given Alabio ducks ( Anas platyrinchos Borneo is a commodity that can be developed on wetlands , the study aims to illustrate the potential and development of duck farms that can be relied upon by the provincial government in making policies for the advancement of this duck commodities , especially in the aspect of  markets  ,  human  resources  ,  and  fi nancial  aspects  .  These  three  aspects have been given the results of several previous studies that the three aspects mentioned  this  is  still  an  issue  in  the  development  of  duck  and  production results  .  Hulu  Sungai  Utara  as  duck  production  centers  serve  as  a  test  site  . Qualitative  analysis  of  the  domain  and  toksonomi  method  used  as  a  tool  in analyzing the data of this study . The results show : First , aspects of fi nancing shows that the business is viable and profi table , especially on a large scale . Second , the market requires a lot of innovation in creating related products. Third , explain aspects of human resource regeneration is still a problem and also the managerial constraints such as planning , standardization and quality in all phases . Keywords: Ducks  Alabio,  Financial  Aspects,  Aspects  of  Market  and  Marketing,  Human Resource Aspects

  20. The impact of using lead pellets on lead contamination of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos in the Czech Republic

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    Zdeňka Hutařová


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to assess the degree of lead contamination in mallards in the Czech Republic as a result of using lead shots for wildfowling. Two sites used for mallard hunting were chosen, namely a flood-control reservoir in Moravia and a small fishpond in Bohemia. Lead concentrations were determined in the tissues of 20 mallards (Anas platyrhynchos raised at those standing open water sites (n = 10 at each site and killed there during the autumn hunting season with a steel shot. Control groups were made up of 20 mallards from the same breeding facility as experimental groups but raised in an enclosure without access to water (n = 10 at each site. Lead concentrations were determined in selected tissues (breast muscle, heart, liver, gizzard, kidney, feathers - quill base, lung, brain and humerus by high resolution continuum source atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed elevated lead concentrations in all tissues of mallards compared with control in the reservoir in Southern Moravia. The highest lead concentrations (mg/kg were found in the humerus (14.254 ± 4.525 and 5.083 ± 0.748 for experimental and control mallards, respectively. In contrast, lead concentrations in mallards from small fishpond in Southern Bohemia were lower compared to control. Similarly, the highest lead concentrations were found in the humerus (2.219 ± 0.349 and 8.930 ± 1.012 for experimental and control mallards, respectively. This study extends very limited information about lead contamination of wild ducks in the Czech Republic in connection with hunting activities.

  1. Impact of mercury mine and smelter St. Ana – Podljubelj on spatial distribution of chemical elements in soil

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    Tamara Teršič


    Full Text Available The objective of the research project was to establish the extension of Hg pollution as a consequence of mining and smelting activities in a narrow Alpine valley. The St. Ana mine was first exploited as early as in 1557 and was finally abandoned in 1902. The entire operating period yielded about 110.000 tons of ore, from which 360 tons of Hg was produced. By soil sampling it was established that on about 9 ha the Hg contents in soil exceed the Slovenian critical values for soil (10 mg/kg. The estimated mercury mean for the studied area is 1.3 mg/kg (0.17 – 718 mg/kg. The highest contents of mercury in soilswere found in the area of the mercury smelter.That is a consequence of former atmospheric emissions and technological losses. High values of Hg were found also in soil on the mine and smelter waste dump. The highest determined contents of Hg (108 mg/kg in this area are almost 7-times lower than thecontents of Hg in the area of the smelter. Mercury in soils generally decrease with depth and distance from the mine and smelter. Apart from the area around the former mine and smelter, mercury appear in higher concentrations also along the road that runs along thevalley, which is due to the use of Hg bearing mine tailings in road construction.

  2. Humid microclimates within the plumage of mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) can potentially facilitate long distance dispersal of propagules (United States)

    Coughlan, Neil E.; Kelly, Tom C.; Davenport, John; Jansen, Marcel A. K.


    Birds as carriers of propagules are major agents in the dispersal of plants, animals, fungi and microbes. However, there is a lack of empirical data in relation to bird-mediated, epizoochorous dispersal. The microclimate found within the plumage likely plays a pivotal role in survival during flight conditions. To investigate the potential of epizoochory, we have analysed the microclimatic conditions within the plumage of mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Under similar ambient conditions of humidity and temperature, a sample of mallards showed a consistent microclimatic regime with variation across the body surface. The highest (mean) temperature and specific humidity occurred between feathers of the postpatagium. The lowest humidity was found between feathers of the centre back and the lowest temperature in the crissum. Observed differences in plumage depth and density, and distance from the skin, are all likely to be determining factors of microclimate condition. Specific humidity found within the plumage was on average 1.8-3.5 times greater than ambient specific humidity. Thus, the plumage can supply a microclimate buffered from that of the exterior environment. Extrapolating survival data for Lemna minor desiccation at various temperature and humidity levels to the measured plumage microclimatic conditions of living birds, survival for up to 6 h can be anticipated, especially in crissum, crural and breast plumage. The results are discussed in the context of potential long distance epizoochorous dispersal by A. platyrhynchos and similar species.

  3. Por un sistema de interpretación de los procesos de regionalización e integración andina desde el análisis de políticas publicas

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    Catalina Toro Pérez


    Full Text Available En Colombia son mas bien recientes, los estudios de investigación sobre el proceso de integración andina y latinoamericana, en tiempos donde, sus relaciones internacionales, oscilan entre una inserción subordinada a los Estados Unidos y su aislamiento frente a los países vecinos, en una solitaria cruzada de por el restablecimiento del mito de la seguridad nacional, la autoridad y el orden en una sociedad que parece, al mismo tiempo, desintegrarse y fragmentarse cada día mas. Sin embargo, mientras el proceso de integración de la Comunidad Andina languidece, un nuevo tipo de regionalización política suramericana, se abre paso, impulsado por movimientos sociales y gobiernos alternativos de Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, y Brasil quienes en medio de grandes contradicciones, comienzan a constituir un frente común, contra las políticas de regionalización impuestas por los Estados Unidos, en materia de seguridad, defensa y comercio en el área andina. En un contexto de desintegración andina y de fractura social interna, como abordar la historia de los procesos de integración andina, sus conflictos y sus alternativas de construcción de practicas políticas comunes? Con el fin de aportar a la construcción de un marco de interpretación de los Procesos de Regionalización e Integración Andina, recogemos la contribución reciente de investigadores europeos que desde el campo de la sociología de la acción pública, abordan el análisis de la experiencia comunitaria europea. Luego a partir de diversas aproximaciones a los procesos de Integración andina en particular y latinoamericana en general, arrojamos una primera propuesta de interpretación desde el campo del análisis de las Políticas Publicas.

  4. Konfrontācija kriminālprocesā


    Roderte, Nora


    Pētījuma problēmas būtība ir tā , ka konfrontēšana ir izmeklēšanas darbība, kura tiek reti pielietota pirmstiesas izmeklēšanā. Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt konfrontēšanas un pratināšanas kā konfrontēšanas satura procesuālos aspektus,analizēt esošo likumdošanu,kā arī ārvalstu likumdošanu, nepilnības,pretrunas un problēmas,kuras rodas konfrontācijas un pratināšanas laikā. Galvenie uzdevumi bija apskatīt konfrontēšanas un pratināšanas jēdzienus, pratināšanas veidus,pareizu procesuālu nostip...

  5. Integration of Long term experiments on terrestrial ecosystem in AnaEE-France Research Infrastructure : concept and adding value (United States)

    Chanzy, André; Chabbi, Abad; Houot, Sabine; Lafolie, François; Pichot, Christian; Raynal, Hélène; Saint-André, Laurent; Clobert, Jean; Greiveldinger, Lucile


    Continental ecosystems represent a critical zone that provide key ecological services to human populations like biomass production, that participate to the regulation of the global biogeochemical cycles and contribute and contribute to the maintenance of air and water quality. Global changes effects on continental ecosystems are likely to impact the fate of humanity, which is thus facing numerous challenges, such as an increasing demand for food and energy, competition for land and water use, or rapid climate warming. Hence, scientific progress in our understanding of the continental critical zone will come from studies that address how biotic and abiotic processes react to global changes. Long term experiments are required to take into account ecosystem inertia and feedback loops and to characterize trends and threshold in ecosystem dynamics. In France, 20 long-term experiments on terrestrial ecosystems are gathered within a single Research Infrastructure: ANAEE-France (, which is a part of AnaEE-Europe ( Each experiment consist in applying differentiated pressures on different plot over a long period (>20 years) representative of a range of management options. The originality of such infrastructure is a combination of experimental set up and long-term monitoring of simultaneous measurements of key ecosystem variables and parameters through a multi-disciplinary approach and replications of each treatment that improve the statistical strength of the results. The sites encompass gradients of climate conditions, ecosystem complexity and/or management, and can be used for calibration/validation of ecosystem functioning models as well as for the design of ecosystem management strategies. Gathering those experiments in a single research infrastructure is an important issue to enhance their visibility and increase the number of hosting scientific team by offering a range of services. These are: • Access to the ongoing long

  6. Personāla vadīšana Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta Rīgas muitas reģionālajā iestādē


    Beinerte, Inga


    Lai veiksmīgi uzsāktu uzņēmuma vadīšanu ir nepieciešami noteikti resursi, uz ko balstīt uzņēmumu. Visneprognozējamākie un grūtāk vadāmie no šiem resursiem ir cilvēkresursi. Bez cilvēkresursiem nav iedomājama uzņēmējdarbība, jo tie izgudro un ražo preces, sniedz pakalpojumus, vada un kontrolē procesu darbību, kā arī kontrolē to kvalitāti. Maģistra darba „Personāla vadīšana Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta Rīgas muitas reģionālajā iestādē” mērķis ir izpētīt personāla vadību, tās būtību un izanalizē...

  7. Nerve stepping stone has minimal impact in aiding regeneration across long acellular nerve allografts. (United States)

    Yan, Ying; Hunter, Daniel A; Schellhardt, Lauren; Ee, Xueping; Snyder-Warwick, Alison K; Moore, Amy M; Mackinnon, Susan E; Wood, Matthew D


    Acellular nerve allografts (ANAs) yield less consistent favorable outcomes compared with autografts for long gap reconstructions. We evaluated whether a hybrid ANA can improve 6-cm gap reconstruction. Rat sciatic nerve was transected and repaired with either 6-cm hybrid or control ANAs. Hybrid ANAs were generated using a 1-cm cellular isograft between 2.5-cm ANAs, whereas control ANAs had no isograft. Outcomes were assessed by graft gene and marker expression (n = 4; at 4 weeks) and motor recovery and nerve histology (n = 10; at 20 weeks). Hybrid ANAs modified graft gene and marker expression and promoted modest axon regeneration across the 6-cm defect compared with control ANA (P nerve gaps with autografts. Muscle Nerve 57: 260-267, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Annual cycle of plasma luteinizing hormone and sex hormones in male and female mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) (United States)

    Donham, R.S.


    Comparisons between 'wild'and 'game farm' mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) were made to assess the differences in the temporal changes of plasma hormones. Seasonal variation in the levels of immunoreactive luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, 5 -dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estrone, estradiol-17i?? and progesterone were measured in male and female mallards. In all birds there was a vernal increase in the concentrations of LH and testosterone in plasma which were correlated with the development of the testes and ovaries prior to and during the nesting season. The concentrations of estrogens in the plasma of the females were, in general, slightly higher during the nesting season but were much lower than the levels of testosterone. The highest levels of LH and testosterone in the females coincided precisely with the period of egg laying which occurred approximately one month earlier in game farm females than in wild females. The concentrations of LH and testosterone in the plasma of females decreased rapidly during incubation. In wild males, the decline in levels of these hormones temporally coincided with that of females. In contrast, plasma levels of LH and testosterone of males of the game farm stock remained elevated after the beginning of incubation in females to which they were paired. On the basis of these results and an examination of the literature, it appears that domestication results in: 1) increased reproductive potential through earlier initiation of nesting and by delay of the termination of reproduction until later in the summer; and 2) a decrease in the synchronization of the hormonal events supporting reproduction between the male and female of a pair. Testicular weights and plasma levels of testosterone become higher in game farm and domestic males than in the wild stock but levels of LH are similar.

  9. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Brachyspira spp. isolated from commercial laying hens and free-living wild mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). (United States)

    Jansson, Désirée S; Pringle, Märit


    In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility to tylosin, valnemulin, tiamulin, doxycycline, lincomycin and ampicillin was investigated by broth dilution in 48 Brachyspira spp. isolates from commercial laying hens (n=30) and free-living wild mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) (n=18). Presumed pathogens (Brachyspira alvinipulli, Brachyspira intermedia, Brachyspira pilosicoli), commensals (Brachyspira murdochii, Brachyspira innocens, "Brachyspira pulli"), and isolates of undetermined species affiliation were included. The laying hens had not been exposed to therapeutic levels of antimicrobials for at least 50 weeks before sampling, and low levels of environmental antimicrobial exposure were presumed in mallards. No isolates with decreased susceptibility to tylosin, valnemulin, tiamulin or doxycycline were found. Decreased susceptibility to lincomycin (minimum inhibitory concentration 16 µg/ml) was detected in two isolates (Brachyspira sp.) from laying hens. Five isolates showed decreased susceptibility to ampicillin (minimum inhibitory concentration 16 to >32 µg/ml), including two "B. pulli" and one B. alvinipulli from laying hens, and isolates of B. pilosicoli and "B. pulli" from mallards. Decreased susceptibility to ampicillin was associated with β-lactamase activity in four isolates. A new variant of a class D β-lactamase gene designated bla (oxa-192) was identified in a B. pilosicoli isolate of mallard origin. This is the first time the genetic basis for antimicrobial resistance is described in Brachyspira spp. from a free-living wild bird. Isolates displaying decreased susceptibility to ampicillin were accompanied by fully susceptible isolates of the same species or other genotypes within three laying hen flocks. This underlines the need for performing antimicrobial susceptibility tests on single clones/genotypes, and to analyse multiple isolates from the same flock.

  10. Early to mid-Holocene spatiotemporal vegetation changes and tsunami impact in a paradigmatic coastal transitional system (Doñana National Park, southwestern Europe) (United States)

    Manzano, Saúl; Carrión, José S.; López-Merino, Lourdes; Ochando, Juan; Munuera, Manuel; Fernández, Santiago; González-Sampériz, Penélope


    The southern European Doñana wetlands host a highly biodiverse landscape mosaic of complex transitional ecosystems. It is one of the largest protected natural sites in Europe, nowadays endangered by intensive agricultural practices, and more recently tourism and human-induced fires. Its present-day spatial heterogeneity has been deeply investigated for the last three decades. However, a long-term perspective has not been applied systematically to this unique landscape. In this new study, a palaeoecological approach was selected in order to unravel patterns of landscape dynamism comparing dry upland and aquatic ecosystems. A 709 cm-long sediment core was retrieved and a multi-proxy approach applied (palynological, microcharcoal, grain size, magnetic susceptibility, loss-on-ignition and multivariate statistical analyses). Pollen signatures show how sensitive aquatic wetland vegetation was to environmental changes while terrestrial vegetation was stable at millennial scale. The impact of several high energy events punctuates the Early and Middle Holocene sequence, two of which relate to the local tsunami record ( 6.6 and 9.1 cal. kyr BP). Contrasting impacts of these two events in the aquatic and upland ecosystems show the importance of landscape configuration and the contingent history as key elements for coastal protection.

  11. Toxicity and hazard of vanadium to mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) and Canada geese (Branta canadensis) (United States)

    Rattner, Barnett A.; McKernan, Moira A.; Eisenreich, Karen M.; Link, William A.; Olsen, Glenn H.; Hoffman, David J.; Knowles, K.A.; McGowan, Peter C.


    A recent Canada goose (Branta canadensis) die-off at a petroleum refinery fly ash pond in Delaware was attributed to vanadium (V) toxicity. Because of the paucity of V toxicity data for wild birds, a series of studies was undertaken using the forms of V believed to have resulted in this incident. In 7-d single oral dose trials with mallard drakes (Anas platyrhynchos), the estimated median lethal dose (LD50) for vanadium pentoxide was 113 mg/kg body weight, while the LD50 for sodium metavanadate was 75.5 mg/kg. Sodium metavanadate was found to be even more potent (LD50 = 37.2 mg/kg) in male Canada geese. The most distinctive histopathological lesion of both forms of V was lympho-granulocytic enteritis with hemorrhage into the intestinal lumen. Vanadium accumulation in liver and kidney was proportional to the administered dose, and predictive analyses based on these data suggest that V concentrations of 10 μg/g dry weight (dw) in liver and 25 μg/g dw in kidney are associated with mortality (>90% confidence that exposure is >LD50) in mallards acutely exposed to sodium metavanadate. Chronic exposure to increasing dietary concentrations of sodium metavanadate (38.5 to 2651 ppm) over 67 d resulted in V accumulation in liver and kidney (25.2 and 13.6 μg/g dw, respectively), mild intestinal hemorrhage, blood chemistry changes, and evidence of hepatic oxidative stress in mallards, although some of these responses may have been confounded by food avoidance and weight loss. Dietary exposure of mallards to 250 ppm sodium metavanadate for 4 wk resulted in modest accumulation of V in liver and kidney (<5 μg/g dw) and mild intestinal hemorrhage. Based on these data and other observations, it is unlikely that chronic low-level dietary exposure to V poses a direct lethal hazard to wildlife. However, point sources, such as the V-laden fly ash pond encountered by geese at the petroleum refinery in Delaware, may pose a significant hazard to water birds.

  12. YouTube izmantošana vācu valodas kā svešvalodas stundās rakstītprasmes attīstīšanai pamatskolā


    Krūma, Līga


    Diplomdarba tēma ir „YouTube izmantošana vācu valodas kā svešvalodas stundās rakstītprasmes attīstīšanai pamatskolā. Diplomdarba tēmas izvēli noteica fakts, ka Latvijā nav daudz pētījumu par YouTube, un ka šī video interneta mājaslapa, var piedāvāt jauninājumus vācu valodas kā svešvalodas stundās rakstītprasmes attīstīšanai. Darba teorētiskā daļa veido pedagoģiskās un metodiskās literatūras analīze. Teorētiskās pētniecības darba gaitā tika izstrādāti un izmēģināti rakstītprasmes attīsto...

  13. Acoustic Neuroma Educational Video

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... About ANA Mission, Vision & Values Shop ANA Leadership & Staff Annual Reports Acoustic Neuroma Association 600 Peachtree Parkway ... About ANA Mission, Vision & Values Leadership & Staff Annual Reports Shop ANA Home Learn Educational Video ...

  14. Histomorphological study of the parathyroid gland in female Kuttanad ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus

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    Firdous Ahmad Dar


    Full Text Available Aim: The present work was targeted to form the baseline data of normal morphological and histological picture of parathyroid gland in female Kuttanad ducks.Materials and Methods: A Histomorphological study of the parathyroid gland was carried out in twelve adult female Kuttanad ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus of 20 weeks of age. Birds reared semintensively were procured from Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Poultry and Duck Farm and sacrificed humanely. Glands were collected and gross parameters were recorded. The glands were fixed in 10 percent neutral buffered formalin. The small sized glands were processed as such by routine histological methods, paraffin blocks were prepared and sectioned to a thickness of 5µ. The tissues were stained by Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E for routine histological studies and Gomori's rapid one step trichrome method for connective tissue fibres. Micrometric parameters were recorded using ocular micrometer. Results: Parathyroid glands in Kuttanad ducks lay just caudal to the division of the innominate artery into the subclavian and common carotid arteries. Parathyroids were oval to spherical in shape, yellow in colour and smaller than thyroid gland of the representative sides. The arterial blood supply was from common carotid artery and blood from gland was drained directly into jugular vein. Although it lied close to the thyroid, thymus and ultimobranchial gland, parathyroid tissue did not merge to any of the above mentioned three glands. Parenchyma was composed irregular anatomizing cords of cells supplied by connective tissue stroma penetrated by blood capillaries. Parenchyma was predominantly made of lightly stained cell, the chief cell. The nuclei were round and contain one or two nucleoli. Oxyphil cells present in parathyroid glands of other mammals were not seen in the present study. Conclusion: Histomorphological features or characteristics of Parathyroid gland in Kuttanad duck were

  15. Latvija i Shvetsija platjat posobije roditelju-odinotshke / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    Elatisrahast ning üksikvanemate riikliku toetamise süsteemist Lätis ja Rootsis. Lisatud küsimus: kas riigi roll üksikvanemate toetamisel on Eestis piisav? Vastavad justiitsminister Rein Lang ja rahvastikuminister Urve Palo

  16. Ana María Lorandi. Poder central, poder local. Funcionarios borbónicos en el Tucumán colonial: un estudio de antropología política

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    Julian Andrei Velasco Pedraza


    Full Text Available Entre la historia y antropología se desenvuelve la obra objeto de esta reseña. Aunque tiende a ser, a nuestro parecer, un estudio histórico, es imposible desconocer su gran componente proveniente de la disciplina antropológica. En efecto, el trabajo hecho por la reconocida investigadora argentina Ana María Lorandi explora los territorios de una historia política en la época del dominio español en América, con un claro y concienzudo análisis desde la antropología política. Las fronteras geográficas: la Provincia del Tucumán, que perteneció al Virreinato del Perú hasta 1776 y luego al del Río de la Plata. El periodo de estudio: la coyuntura vivida durante la expulsión de los jesuitas, y los años anteriores a ésta, del susodicho territorio.

  17. Characterisation of macrophyte phenology in the Doñana marshland using MODIS NDVI time series from 2000 to 2015 (United States)

    Fernandez-Carrillo, A.; Rodriguez-Galiano, V. F.; Sanchez-Rodriguez, E.


    The study of the interaction between vegetation development and climate factors is paramount for the management of protected natural areas. Data provided by remote-sensing satellites and derivative products, such as vegetation indices, permit the extraction of basic information regarding the functioning of vegetation masses and their interaction with certain environmental factors. This paper carries out an approach regarding the behaviour of radiation intercepted by aquatic macrophytes present in the Doñana National Park marshland, represented by the plant association Bolboschoenetum maritimi. Based on MODIS NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) data, the temporal dynamics of these vegetation masses were studied over a 16-year period (2000-2015), as was their typical annual behaviour, thereby deriving different indicators for seasonal dynamics (NDVI-I, RREL, MAX, MIN, MMAX and MMIN), which help to understand the basic functional characteristics for this type of vegetation. Afterwards, different regression analyses were performed between precipitation and the indicators derived from the NDVI time series. The obtained results indicated that the examined association has a strong dependence on the marshland's flooding processes, requiring a minimum annual precipitation volume (350 mm/year) for proper flooding and vegetation growth development. Furthermore, a strong correlation (r2 =0.70; <0.05) was found between seasonal nature of the vegetation masses, measured via RREL, and precipitation, as well as slightly weaker relationships between precipitation and other indicators, such as the maximum and minimum annual NDVI (r2 =0.43 and r2 =0.61; p<0.05 and p<0.05, respectively).

  18. Population Genomics of Infectious and Integrated Wolbachia pipientis Genomes in Drosophila ananassae (United States)

    Choi, Jae Young; Bubnell, Jaclyn E.; Aquadro, Charles F.


    Coevolution between Drosophila and its endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis has many intriguing aspects. For example, Drosophila ananassae hosts two forms of W. pipientis genomes: One being the infectious bacterial genome and the other integrated into the host nuclear genome. Here, we characterize the infectious and integrated genomes of W. pipientis infecting D. ananassae (wAna), by genome sequencing 15 strains of D. ananassae that have either the infectious or integrated wAna genomes. Results indicate evolutionarily stable maternal transmission for the infectious wAna genome suggesting a relatively long-term coevolution with its host. In contrast, the integrated wAna genome showed pseudogene-like characteristics accumulating many variants that are predicted to have deleterious effects if present in an infectious bacterial genome. Phylogenomic analysis of sequence variation together with genotyping by polymerase chain reaction of large structural variations indicated several wAna variants among the eight infectious wAna genomes. In contrast, only a single wAna variant was found among the seven integrated wAna genomes examined in lines from Africa, south Asia, and south Pacific islands suggesting that the integration occurred once from a single infectious wAna genome and then spread geographically. Further analysis revealed that for all D. ananassae we examined with the integrated wAna genomes, the majority of the integrated wAna genomic regions is represented in at least two copies suggesting a double integration or single integration followed by an integrated genome duplication. The possible evolutionary mechanism underlying the widespread geographical presence of the duplicate integration of the wAna genome is an intriguing question remaining to be answered. PMID:26254486

  19. Antinuclear antibodies in patients with polymorphic light eruption: a long-term follow-up study. (United States)

    Tzaneva, S; Volc-Platzer, B; Kittler, H; Hönigsmann, H; Tanew, A


    Previous studies have shown elevated titres of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in 2.9-19% of patients with polymorphic light eruption (PLE). A diagnosis of lupus erythematosus (LE) was finally established in some of these ANA-positive patients. To investigate whether the presence of ANA in patients with PLE merely represents an epiphenomenon or is associated with an increased risk of eventual progression to LE. We identified 472 patients with PLE who had received prophylactic photo(chemo)therapy between 1986 and 2003 and were routinely tested for the presence of ANA. All ANA-positive (ANA titre of>or=1:80) patients were asked to attend for a follow-up examination comprising a medical history, complete skin inspection and a detailed laboratory analysis including ANA and antibodies against extractable nuclear antigens. Of all the patients, 55 (11.7%) were found to be ANA positive on one or several occasions, and three (0.6%) also had antibodies to SS-A/Ro. Thirty-nine (71%) of all ANA-positive patients including all Ro+ subjects were available for follow-up after a median follow-up period of 8 years (interquartile range 5-11.5). Twenty-five patients showed persistence of ANA positivity with a median titre of 1:160 (range 1:80-1:640), whereas in 14 patients ANA titres had returned to normal levels. None of the patients revealed additional clinical, histopathological or laboratory abnormalities suggestive of LE. After a median follow-up period of 8 years none of the ANA-positive patients developed LE. Our findings indicate that PLE is a benign disease without tendency to progress to LE.

  20. Medicīnas vēsturei veltītajam krējumam Из истории медицины apritēja pusgadsimts

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    Rita Grāvere


    Full Text Available 1957. gadā Latvijas PSR Zinātņu Akadēmijas izdevniecība laida klajā rakstu krājuma "Из истории медицины" ("Ieskats medicīnas vēsturē" pirmo sējumu krievu valodā. Tā iznākšanu kopīgiem spēkiem veicināja Latvijas PSR Veselības aizsardzības ministrija, Eksperimentālās medicīnas institūts un Latvijas PSR Zinātņu akadēmija. Redkolēģijā bija akadēmiķis P. Stradiņš, A. Šmits un medicīnas zinātņu kandidāts K. G. Vasiļjevs. Krājums tika komplektēts no 1953. līdz 1956. gadam, pirmajā, kā vēlāk rakstīs, "neizdevušās perestroikas" mēģinājuma laikā. Tas bija pirmais Latvijā iznākušais rakstu krājums par medicīnas vēsturi. Lai gan medicīnas vēstures studijas un pētniecība Latvijā aizsākās vēl 20. gs. sākumā un uzplauka 30. gados, tomēr tieši šis diezgan sarežģītā laikā tapušais rakstu krājums, kurš 1992. gadā pārtapa principiāli jaunā izdevumā Acta Medico-Historica Rigensia,lielā mērā veidoja to medicīnas vēstures pamatu, no kura var atskatīties uz šīsmedicīnas nozares attīstību un panākumiem. Turklāt daļa krājumā ievietoto pētījumu rada praktisko piepildījumu Paula Stradiņa Medicīnas vēstures muzejaekspozīcijās un izstādēs.