
Sample records for physique du quark

  1. Niveaux d'étude du cerveau, et sagesse physique (United States)

    Toulouse, Gérard


    The brain is a complex spatio-temporal affair. Several brain theories propose the definition of three superposed levels of study. But physics, though the experience of condensed matter physics, suggests that it is unwise to enforce onto brain theories a unified hierarchical scheme, the inspiration for which seems to come from the realm of sub-molecular physics. Le cerveau est une affaire spatio-temporelle complexe. Plusieurs théories du cerveau proposent de définir trois niveaux d'études superposés. Mais la physique, à travers l'expérience de la physique de la matière condensée, suggère qu'il n'est pas sage d'imposer sur les théories du cerveau un schéma hiérarchique unifié, dont l'inspiration semble provenir du domaine de la physique sub-moléculaire.

  2. Evaluation du niveau d'activité physique dans un service Marocain d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Plusieurs études ont montré l'intérêt du maintien ou de la reprise d'une activité physique sur l'état de santé des patients. Le but de notre travail est d'analyser le niveau d'activité physique chez nos patients hémodialysé chronique. Méthodes: Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale au centre d'hémodialyse de l'hôpital Al ...

  3. Intégration d'un bouchon du trajectographe au silicium de l'expérience CMS au LHC et étude du potentiel de découverte de résonances se désintégrant en paires de quarks top

    CERN Document Server

    Chabert, Eric


    La première partie de cette thèse porte sur l'intégration d'un bouchon du trajectographe au silicium de l'expérience CMS. Les procédures mises en œuvre et les tests qui ont permis d'aboutir à la qualification du système de détection sont présentés dans ce document. La deuxième partie est dédiée à la recherche de nouvelle physique dans le secteur du quark top. Une des voies les plus prometteuses consiste à rechercher une résonance dans la distribution en masse invariante des paires de quarks top. Une analyse réalisée en simulation complète dans le canal lepton+jets montre qu'à l'échelle du TeV, des processus de quelques centaines de fb à 1 pb pourraient être observés lors des premières années de prises de données.

  4. Introduction à la physique quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Basdevant, Jean-Louis


    Toute la physique actuelle, du transistor à l’astrophysique, de l’énergie photovoltaïque à la physique des particules et aux interactions fondamentales contient une part prédominante de physique quantique. Une large fraction de la technologie moderne provient de processus et phénomènes quantiques. Le but de cet ouvrage est de donner les bases de cette théorie, tout en s’appuyant à chaque étape, sur des phénomènes caractéristiques de la physique moderne à l’aide d’un ensemble d’exercices, certains très simples, d’autre plus approfondis. Ces exemples proviennent de toutes les branches de la physique, de l’optique quantique à la physique du solide et aux particules élémentaires. Cette seconde édition, outre l’ajout de quelques exercices et problèmes complémentaires, intègre maintenant une section consacrée à la distribution de Dirac et une autre aux développements de l’information quantique.

  5. Les jardins de la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Allemand, Luc


    À l'écart du monde, loin des laboratoires, en contact avec la nature, des savants réputés du monde entier viennent enseigner les grands sujets de la physique et partager les dernières avancées avec de nombreux élèves. À l'écart du monde, loin des laboratoires, en contact avec la nature, des savants réputés du monde entier viennent enseigner les grands sujets de la physique et partager les dernières avancées avec de nombreux élèves. Ces hauts-lieux sont propices à la méditation et procurent autant d'opportunités de rencontres et d'échanges. La liberté de pensée qui y règne permet d'explorer de nouvelles pistes pour la physique de demain. Car les grandes découvertes surviennent rarement comme des illuminations : elles résultent plutôt de lentes maturations, accompagnées de travail acharné et de discussions suivies. De tels lieux existent depuis les années 1950 en France : l'Institut d'Études scientifiques de Cargèse, en Corse, et l'École de Physique des Houches, dans les Alpes, ...

  6. La renaissance du temps pour en finir avec la crise de la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Smolin, Lee


    La question du Temps est au coeur de toutes les problématiques scientifiques, de la cosmologie à la mécanique quantique. L’un des plus grands physiciens d’aujourd’hui, Lee Smolin, expose sa conception du Temps et ses implications sur la perception de notre environnement. Le Temps est-il une illusion qui cache une vérité éternelle, ou une réalité physique de notre Univers ? Lee Smolin opte pour la réalité du Temps, s’opposant en cela à la majorité des penseurs, physiciens ou philosophes, inspirés pour les uns par la théorie de la Relativité d’Einstein et pour les autres par les idées platoniciennes.

  7. David Bohm la physique de l'infini

    CERN Document Server

    Teodorani, Massimo


    Les idées de David Bohm, indépendamment du scepticisme de ses collègues les plus traditionalistes, ont profondément influencé la physique du siècle dernier et ouvert une porte à la physique du nouveau millénaire. Grâce aussi aux contacts qu'il sut nouer avec des chercheurs d'autres branches du savoir, ses idées ont été accueillies avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme par les neuroscientifiques, les philosophes, les théologiens, les psychologues, les sociologues, les poètes, les artistes et les éducateurs. David Bohm avait peut-être pressenti qu'il existe une "physique de l'âme" et avec elle il voulait tracer un nouveau chemin pour une humanité à la dérive.

  8. Physique des particules introduction aux concepts et au formalisme du modèle standard

    CERN Document Server

    Clément, Benoit


    Cet ouvrage propose une introduction à la physique des particules pour tout étudiant de niveau M1, qu'il se destine à la physique théorique ou non. Il présente la physique des particules de manière abordable sans occulter les concepts formels sur lesquels elle repose. Les rappels de mécanique relativiste et du formalisme de Lagrange permettent de comprendre la nature et le comportement des particules à très haute énergie. Enfin, les règles de Feynman offrent une description simple de leurs interactions. Chaque chapitre est complété par des exercices corrigés. Dans cette seconde édition, actualisée, le chapitre sur les champs classiques et quantiques libres a été entièrement refondu pour aborder les problématiques liées à la mécanique relativiste, et de nouveaux exercices ont été ajoutés.

  9. L'aventure du grand collisionneur LHC du big bang au boson de Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Denegri, Daniel; Hoecker, Andreas; Roos, Lydia; Rubbia, Carlo


    Qu'est-ce que la physique des particules élémentaires, le LHC, et le boson de Higgs ? Ce livre présente de manière simple le monde des quarks, des leptons et de leurs interactions, gouvernées par des symétries fondamentales de la nature, ainsi que le lien entre ce monde de l'infiniment petit et celui de l'infiniment grand. Cette conjonction entre la physique des particules élémentaires et l'évolution de la matière dans les premiers instants de l Univers qui ont suivi le Big-Bang est un des plus beaux acquis de la science de ces cinquante dernières années. Après une description du cadre théorique, le modèle standard, et de son élaboration durant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, l'accent est mis sur ses grands succès expérimentaux, mais aussi sur ses faiblesses ou insuffisances telles que nous les percevons aujourd'hui. La passionnante histoire du grand collisionneur de hadrons du CERN, le LHC, le plus grand projet purement scientifique jamais réalisé, est présentée à la fois sous ses...

  10. Sept brèves leçons de physique

    CERN Document Server

    Rovelli, Carlo


    Avec les mots de l écrivain, le talent du poète, Carlo Rovelli nous fait apercevoir le mystère du monde, la beauté du monde, une beauté à couper le souffle. Ces « sept leçons » donnent un aperçu rapide des aspects les plus importants et fascinants de la grande révolution qui a bouleversé la physique au xxe siècle, et surtout des questions et des mystères que cette révolution a soulevés. Elles nous emmènent dans le monde enchanté des grandes idées de la physique actuelle : de la relativité générale d Einstein à la physique quantique, des particules élémentaires à l architecture de l Univers, de la gravité quantique à la nature du temps et de la conscience. Un éblouissement ! Traduit en vingt-quatre langues, les Sept brèves leçons de physique sont un best-seller mondial.

  11. Une histoire de la physique moderne

    CERN Document Server

    Guillaud, Jean-Paul


    Vous étiez noyé dans les théorèmes et perdu dans vos cours de physique ? Et pourtant les informations sur les grands laboratoires de recherche explorant la matière vous intéressent et vous souhaiteriez en comprendre les enjeux ? Alors cet ouvrage de vulgarisation scientifique est pour vous. Ce livre dresse le plus simplement possible un panorama de la physique moderne en abordant : la relativité restreinte, la relativité générale, la physique quantique. Vous verrez : cette science n'est pas si hermétique et la profession de physicien est passionnante. La physique est au cœur de l'actualité avec la mise en service du nouvel accélérateur du CERN, le LHC, qui a fait la une de tous les médias. Ce livre prépare le lecteur à apprécier comme il se doit les découvertes à venir.

  12. Le détecteur VZERO, la physique muons présente et la préparation de son futur dans l'expérience ALICE au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Tieulent, Raphaël

    La physique des ions lourds a pour objectif ultime d'étendre le domaine d'application du Modèle Standard de la physique des particules à des systèmes de taille finie, complexes et dynamiques. En particulier, elle vise à comprendre comment apparaissent, à partir des lois microscopiques de la physique des particules élémentaires, des phénomènes collectifs et des propriétés macroscopiques mettant en jeu un grand nombre de degrés de liberté. La réalisation de ce programme scientifique passe par une caractérisation du plasma de quarks et de gluons (QGP), l'état déconfiné de la matière nucléaire qui peut être formé à l'aide de collisions d'ions lourds accélérés à des énergies ultra relativistes. L'expérience ALICE exploite les collisions Pb-Pb, proton-Pb et proton-proton du LHC pour mesurer les propriétés fondamentales du QGP comme, par exemple, la température critique du déconfinement ou les coefficients de transport de la matière déconfinée. L'état QGP de la matière aurait �...

  13. Physique du deuil. Note sur la dernière vie de Roland Barthes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maïté Snauwaert


    Full Text Available Les remarques sur la tenue de la maison et du corps dans le quotidien domestique, conçue comme une éthique de la fidélité à la mère récemment disparue, apparaissent dans l’écrit privé du Journal de deuil de Roland Barthes comme un écho des observations faites dans le cours sur La préparation du roman. Participant d’une physique du vivre et de l’habiter qui met l’accent sur l’entretien quotidien du lieu, le silence et la difficulté de tout voyage, les « notations » du journal rendent compte de la condensation dans le corps de l’épreuve du deuil, et de la prise de conscience d’un dernier âge de la vie.In the personal writings of Journal de deuil, Roland Barthes’ remarks regarding the maintenance of the home and body are conceived of as an ethic of faithfulness to his recently deceased mother. They are considered in this article as an echo to the observations he makes during his lectures in the course La préparation du roman. Both emphasize the physicality of everyday life and the role played by one’s relationship to the home. By stressing the necessity of silence and the difficulties of leaving “the apartment”, the brief “notations” in the diary translate the physical concentration of the mourning experience, as well as the emergent understanding of a final stage of life.

  14. Toute la physique (ou presque...) en 15 équations

    CERN Document Server

    Mansoulié, Bruno


    La mécanique quantique, la cosmologie et la physique des particules fascinent, mais comment ne pas se sentir écrasé sous les montagnes de signes cabalistiques qu'elles manipulent ? Tout simplement en y regardant d'un peu plus près ! répond l'auteur, l'un des artisans du LHC, le gigantesque accélérateur du Cern : les équations de la physique sont autant de portes d'entrée pour percer les secrets de l'Univers... Mieux : leur langage universel révèle l'incomparable beauté du monde qui nous entoure.

  15. Noyaux et radioactivité une introduction à la physique des particules et à la physique nucléaire

    CERN Document Server

    Debu, Pascal


    Nées au début du XXe siècle, la physique nucléaire et la physique des particules ont bouleversé notre vision du monde et révolutionné la société par leurs innombrables applications : l'énergie nucléaire et l'utilisation des rayonnements pour la médecine et les sciences des matériaux en sont des exemples emblématiques. L'objectif de cet ouvrage est de permettre au lecteur d'appréhender les phénomènes nucléaires et la physique des hautes énergies, d'illustrer les retombées de la physique fondamentale dans la société, et d'éveiller ainsi la curiosité et l'intérêt pour ces disciplines. Le premier chapitre rappelle les notions indispensables de mécanique quantique et de relativité restreinte. Il se termine par une introduction sur l'antimatière et ses applications. Le deuxième chapitre aborde la physique des particules par la description des constituants de la matière et des lois qui gouvernent leurs interactions. L'interaction faible est l'occasion de développements sur les notions...

  16. Le cours de physique de Feynman

    CERN Document Server

    Feynman, Richard; Sands, Matthew

    L’ampleur du succès qu’a rencontré le « Cours de physique de Feynman » dès sa parution s’explique par son caractère fondamentalement novateur. Richard Feynman, qui fut professeur d’université dès l’âge de vingt-quatre ans, a exprimé dans ce cours, avant d’obtenir le prix Nobel de Physique, une vision expérimentale et extrêmement personnelle de l’enseignement de la physique. Cette vision a, depuis, remporté l’adhésion des physiciens du monde entier, faisant de cet ouvrage un grand classique. Ce cours en cinq volumes (Électromagnétisme 1 et 2, Mécanique 1 et 2, Mécanique quantique) s’adresse aux étudiants de tous niveaux qui y trouveront aussi bien les notions de base débarrassées de tout appareil mathématique inutile, que les avancées les plus modernes de cette science passionnante qu’est la physique. Cette nouvelle édition corrigée bénéficie d’une mise en page plus aérée pour un meilleur confort de lecture.

  17. Du sport aux activités physiques de loisir : des formes culturelles et sociales bigarrées

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Éric Dugas


    Full Text Available L'espace ludique des formes sociales des pratiques physiques accepte maintes variations. Du jeu informel et libre aux activités physiques institutionnelles (les sports, plusieurs catégories de situations motrices, distinctes des unes des autres, jalonnent l'espace des jeux sportifs. Après avoir défini et délimité, dans un premier temps, les contours et la richesse de l'univers des pratiques physiques ludiques, nous essayons, dans un second temps de mettre au jour le type de pratiques qui coïncident le mieux aux aspirations des pratiquants du xxie siècle. On s'aperçoit actuellement que malgré l'hégémonie du sport au sein de l'espace médiatique et économique, il se dessine néanmoins une tendance forte : la prédominance d’activités physiques ludiques de plus en plus autocontrôlées qui laissent l'initiative aux pratiquants et dans lesquelles les institutions sportives ne sont plus totalement ou pas du tout maître du jeu.From sport to leisure physical activities: mixed cultural and social formsThe game space of physical activities' social forms accepts many variations. From informal and free games to institutional physical activities (sports, several motor situation categories, distinct from each other, punctuate the space of physical games. After having specified and delimited the contours and richness of the world of playful physical activities, we will try to bring to light the kind of practices which coincide best with the 21st century's players or sports (women. Currently, we can see that in spite of sport's hegemony within the media and the economic spheres, a strong tendency is becoming apparent: the predominance of more and more self-controlled playful physical activities, which leave the initiative to players and in which governing bodies are not totally or not at all in command any more.Del deporte a las actividades de ocio: una mezcolanza en las formas culturales y socialesEl espacio lúdico de las formas sociales de

  18. 23 octobre 2012 - Le Président du Conseil général de la Haute-Savoie C. Monteil signe le livre d'or en présence du Directeur général R. Heuer, la chef des Relations Internationales F. Pauss, le chef du département Physique P. Bloch et le chef du département Technologie F. Bordry; visite du hall de test des aimants supraconducteurs du LHC avec F. Bordry.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    23 octobre 2012 - Le Président du Conseil général de la Haute-Savoie C. Monteil signe le livre d'or en présence du Directeur général R. Heuer, la chef des Relations Internationales F. Pauss, le chef du département Physique P. Bloch et le chef du département Technologie F. Bordry; visite du hall de test des aimants supraconducteurs du LHC avec F. Bordry.

  19. Mesure de la fraction d'evenements a quatre quarks dans les desintegrations multihadroniques du boson Z au LEP (United States)

    Lefebvre, Eric

    Cette thèse propose de tester la Chromodynamique Quantique (QCD) en effectuant une mesure précise d'une des trois constantes fondamentales du groupe de symétrie SU(3) utilisé pour décrire la physique des interactions fortes. Cette constante fondamentale, appelée TF, est reliée à certains états finaux spécifiques des désintégrations du Z0. Ces états apparaissent sous forme de perturbations du deuxième ordre en as et sont illustrés par des diagrammes de Feynman. À cet ordre, la chromodynamique prévoit deux types de diagrammes de Feynman distincts; le premier contient, un quark, un antiquark et deux gluons, et le second, deux quarks et deux antiquarks. La constante TF est directement proportionnelle à la fraction d'événements à deux quarks et deux antiquarks qui est l'objet de notre mesure. Notre mesure est fondée sur l'étude des événements à quatre partons dans l'état final. Ces quatre partons, en s'hadronisant, produisent quatre jets de particules qui peuvent être détectés expérimentalement et identifiés à l'aide d'algorithmes de reconstruction des jets. Des observables angulaires nous permettent de faire une discrimination parmi les états finaux de la désintégration du Z0, et ainsi déterminer la valeur de la fraction d'événements à deux quarks et deux antiquarks fq. Cette fraction peut s'exprimer par le rapport de la fraction observée expérimentalement fexq sur la fraction théorique fthq , R4q=fex qfthq. Afin d'améliorer la mesure de cette fraction et de diminuer le bruit causé par une contamination des événements d'ordres supérieurs, nous avons développe une méthode d'extrapolation. Cette méthode s'appuie sur la caractérisation de l'espace de phase des événements, exprimée par les paramètres yij. Les mesures de R4q que nous obtenons sont: R4q=2,27+0,29 -0,56 à l'aide d'une méthode conventionnelle avec la condition de sélection y34 > 0,020 > y45, et R4q=1,22+0,56 -0,71 à l'aide de notre méthode d

  20. Identification de l'Électron à D0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pluquet, Alain [Pierre and Marie Curie Univ., Paris (France)


    Cette théetudie les techniques d'identication de l'electron dans l'experience D0 au laboratoire Fermi pres de Chicago Le premier chapitre rappelle quelques unes des motivations physiques de l'experience physique des jets physique electrofaible physique du quark top Le detecteur D0 est decrit en details dans le second chapitre Le troisieme cha pitre etudie les algorithmes didentication de lelectron trigger reconstruction ltres et leurs performances Le quatrieme chapitre est consacre au detecteur a radiation de transition TRD construit par le Departement dAstrophysique Physique des Particules Physique Nucleaire et dInstrumentation Associee de Saclay il presente son principe sa calibration et ses performances Enn le dernier chapitre decrit la methode mise au point pour lanalyse des donnees avec le TRD et illustre son emploi sur quelques exemples jets simulant des electrons recherche du quark top

  1. La physique des infinis

    CERN Document Server

    Bernardeau, Francis; Laplace, Sandrine; Spiro, Michel


    Écrire l'histoire de l'Univers, tel est l'objectif commun des physiciens des particules et des astrophysiciens. Pour y parvenir, deux approches s'épaulent : la voie de l'infiniment petit, que l'on emprunte via de gigantesques accélérateurs de particules, et celle de l'infiniment grand, dont le laboratoire est l'Univers. Un Univers qui est bien loin d'avoir livré tous ses secrets. On connaît à peine 4,8 % de la matière qui le constitue, le reste étant composé de matière noire (25,8 %) et d'énergie noire (69,4 %), toutes deux de nature inconnue. Et si la récente découverte du boson de Higgs valide le Modèle standard de la physique des particules, celui-ci est toujours incomplet et doit être étendu à ou dépassé. Est-on arrivé au bout du jeu de poupées russes de la matière ? Quelles sont les particules manquantes ? Faut-il revoir les lois fondamentales ? Quels instruments faut-il mettre en œuvre pour accéder à cette « nouvelle physique » ? Comment parler de Super Big Science aux citoye...

  2. La Physique au LHC - Partie I

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Le LHC devrait permettre l'observation du boson de Higgs et pouvoir lever le voile sur l'un des scénarios de nouvelle physique présentés dans la cours précédent. Ce cours détaillera les perspectives de physique au LHC (découvertes possibles et mesures de précision) ainsi que les méthodes et difficultés expérimentales. L'accent sera mis sur les problèmes liés à la brisure de la symétrie electrofaible. Les possibilités de développement futur à plus haute luminosité et/ou énergie seront également discutées.

  3. Mesure de la Polarisation des Lambda Produits dans les Collisions Positron-Electron AU Lep a L'aide du Detecteur Opal (United States)

    Vandenplas, Denis

    Le Modele Standard est le cadre theorique general qui, jusqu'a present, a permis l'interpretation de tous les resultats experimentaux en physique des hautes energies. Cette theorie decrit, entre autres, la production d'une paire de particules elementaires, formee d'un quark et d'un antiquark, a partir de la desintegration de l'un des bosons mediateurs de l'interaction faible, le Z^0. Cependant, dans ce cas precis, la transformation subsequente des quarks primaires en particules reelles, un processus appele hadronisation, n'est decrite qu'a l'aide de modeles phenomenologiques. Afin de sonder les mecanismes de l'hadronisation, cette these presente la mesure du transfert du spin d'un quark etrange primaire a une particule appelee Lambda lors des desintegrations hadroniques du Z^0. L'etude a ete realisee dans le cadre de la collaboration OPAL, une des quatre experiences menees au collisionneur LEP, la ou des electrons et des positrons sont acceleres jusqu'a une energie commune, sqrt{s} = {rm E_ {cm}}, voisine de l'energie de production du rm Z^0, M_{Z ^0} egale a 91.3 GeV. La theorie electrofaible precise la direction du spin, c'est-a-dire la polarisation, d'un quark etrange primaire provenant de la desintegration d'un Z ^0. Quant a lui, le modele des quarks etablit que l'orientation du spin d'un Lambda est directement reliee a la polarisation du quark etrange dont il provient. La question est de determiner dans quelle mesure la polarisation du quark primaire est transmise au Lambda a la suite du processus de l'hadronisation, decrit dans le cadre de la ChromoDynamique Quantique. Une estimation, qui tient compte de tous ces differents aspects theoriques, evalue a 30% la polarisation des Lambda dont l'impulsion est superieure a 15 GeV/c. La mesure experimentale de la polarisation repose sur l'identification des Lambda a partir de la reconstitution de la desintegration Lambdato ppi^-. Ce processus, qui se deroule par le biais de l'interaction faible, viole la parite car

  4. Activités physiques libres ou encadrées et condition physique liée à la santé chez des adultes burundais: étude transversale (United States)

    Bizimana, Jean Berchmans; Lawani, Mansourou Mohamed; Akplogan, Barnabé; Gaturagi, Charles


    Introduction l’activité physique régulière a un impact positif sur la santé. Cette étude a pour objet de comparer la condition physique liée à la santé des adultes qui s’exercent librement avec celle des adultes bénéficiant d’un encadrement professionnel. Elle tente aussi d’établir une relation entre le niveau d’activité physique et les paramètres de la condition liée à la santé. Méthodes nous avons évalué le niveau d’activité physique et les paramètres de la condition physique liée à la santé. Par le test t pour échantillons indépendants, nous avons comparé les moyennes et avons par le calcul du coefficient de corrélation r de Pearson analysé la relation entre le niveau d’activité physique et les paramètres de la condition physique. Résultats des écarts significatifs (p Le niveau d’activité physique est positivement corrélé (p le cholestérol HDL. Conclusion les résultats de cette étude montrent que l’activité physique libre est aussi efficace que l’activité physique encadrée dans le maintien des profils lipidique et physiologique favorables à la santé chez l’adulte burundais. Cependant, l’activité physique encadrée apporte des bénéfices supplémentaires pour le V˙O2max, la fréquence cardiaque de repos, la souplesse antérieure et la détente verticale PMID:28203315

  5. De l'atome au noyau une approche historique de la physique atomique et de la physique nucléaire

    CERN Document Server

    Fernandez, Bernard


    Retracer l'histoire de la physique nucléaire. Sans jargon scientifique ni formules mathématiques, il s'adresse à la fois aux lecteurs spécialisés, et à l'honnête homme.Une idée-force du livre est que jamais la théorie ne doit s'affranchir de la réalité expérimentale.

  6. Schrödinger à la plage la physique quantique dans un transat

    CERN Document Server

    Antoine, Charles


    Née au début du XXème siècle, la physique quantique décrit un monde bizarre, celui de l'infiniment petit, et ses effets à notre échelle sont encore mal compris. Erwin Schrödinger en est une figure emblématique. Il a participé à presque toutes les étapes clé et son équation décrivant l'évolution dans le temps d'une particule, critiquée par Einstein qui pensait que Dieu ne joue pas aux dés, est devenue l'un des piliers de la mécanique quantique. Aujourd'hui, la physique quantique est partout dans notre quotidien, du smartphone au GPS, en passant par l'imagerie médicale. Elle nous offrira demain de nouvelles applications, tels l'ordinateur ou la téléportation quantiques. Installez-vous confortablement dans un transat, et laissez-vous conter par Charles Antoine l'étrangeté du monde quantique. Mais attention, si le voyage est fabuleux, vous n'en ressortirez pas indemne...

  7. Le modèle standard de la physique des particules de l'électron au boson de Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Samueli, Jean-Jacques


    Le modèle standard de la physique des particules est une théorie qui décrit les constituants élémentaires de la matière et les interactions qui existent entre eux. Le présent ouvrage est un exposé du développement historique de ce modèle qui suppose que toute la matière est composée de quarks et de leptons, particules ponctuelles de spin 1?2. On dénombre trois générations de quarks et autant de leptons. Les interactions faible, forte et électromagnétique sont, pour leur part, décrites par des théories de jauge dont la médiation est effectuée par des quanta de jauge de spin 1. Ces médiateurs sont les ? , W + , W ? , Z ainsi que huit gluons. La gravitation est par ailleurs analysée dans l'ouvrage dans sa formulation classique et relativiste. Enfin le mécanisme dit de Englert-Brout-Higgs prévoit des particules de spin zéro, correspondant à un champ scalaire qui est supposé donner une masse aux quarks, leptons et aux bosons vecteurs intermédiaires W + , W ? , Z . Nous décrivons ce m�...

  8. Les outils du CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    C'est le plus grand centre mondial de recherche en physique des particules. Les outils du Laboratoire, accélérateurs et détecteurs de particules, figurent parmi les instruments scientifiques les plus complexes au monde. Des prix Nobels ont d'ailleurs été attribués aux physiciens du CERN pour leurs développements.

  9. Les techniques de détection en physique de l'infiniment petit

    CERN Document Server

    Vannucci, François


    Panorama des différentes techniques développées au cours du dernier siècle pour découvrir une à une les particules dites élémentaires. Voyage à travers l'histoire de la physique des particules.

  10. Le mystère du monde quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Damour, Thibault


    Avec Bob et son chien, Rick, embarquez pour une joyeuse épopée dans les mystères du monde quantique ! La physique quantique est partout autour de nous, tant dans l'infiniment grand que dans l'infiniment petit. Mais ce qu'elle dit du monde qui nous entoure diffère de manière vertigineuse de ce qu'on observe et ressent au quotidien. Partez à la rencontre de ceux qui ont théorisé et créé la physique quantique : Planck, Einstein, le prince de Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Bohr, Born, Everett…

  11. Definition of the chief physical quantities in use in vacuum techniques, and their corresponding units; Definition des principales grandeurs physiques en usage dans la technique du vide et des unites correspondantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boulassier, J. C. [Commissariat a l' energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - Service de Physique Appliquee, CEA (France)


    It would seem desirable for vacuum technicians to adopt the coherent systems of units generally used in physics. This article presents an internal standardisation project in the CEA, and gives a brief review of the definitions of the physical quantities to which it applies. Reprint of a paper published in 'Le vide', n. 79, January-February 1959, p. 29-35 [French] Il serait souhaitable de voir les techniciens du vide adopter les systemes d'unites coherents usites generalement en physique. Cet article presente un projet de normalisation interne au C.E. A. et rappelle succinctement les definitions des grandeurs physiques auxquelles il se rapporte. Reproduction d'un article publie dans 'Le vide', n. 79, Janvier-Fevrier 1959, p. 29-35.

  12. La quête de l'unité l'aventure de la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Klein, Etienne


    L'idée que la diversité du réel puisse être expliquée par une unité sous-jacente est sans doute aussi ancienne que la pensée elle-même : les grandes mythologies le racontent, les premiers philosophes l'affirment, et la science moderne en a repris le programme en unifiant les conceptions du monde, de la matière et du mouvement. De ce pari métaphysique et quasiment religieux, la physique a aussi fait la vérité de sa démarche : identifier les objets les plus élémentaires possibles, violer les lois les plus fondamentales en cherchant à les raccorder jusqu'à pouvoir les unifier, fournir de l'ensemble la description la plus globale qui soit. Ce que l'on pourrait résumer par l'antique formule des néo-platoniciens : hen-ta-panta, c'est-à-dire l'" Un-toutes-les-choses ". Mais comment appréhender le statut exact de cette quête d'unité ? Remontant à ses origines, examinant ses succès comme ses échecs, analysant sa place dans la physique d'aujourd'hui, Etienne Klein et Marc Lachièze-Rey en cern...

  13. Traitements didactiques preventifs d'un type de conceptions erronees en sciences physiques chez des eleves du secondaire (United States)

    Blondin, Andre

    Dans un contexte constructiviste, les connaissances anterieures d'un individu sont essentielles a la construction de nouvelles connaissances. Quelle qu'en soit la source (certaines de ces connaissances ont ete elaborees en classe, d'autres ont ete elaborees par interaction personnelle de l'individu avec son environnement physique et social), ces connaissances, une fois acquises, constituent les matieres premieres de l'elaboration des nouvelles conceptions de cet individu. Generalement, cette influence est consideree comme positive. Cependant, dans un milieu scolaire ou l'apprentissage de certaines conceptions enchassees dans un programme d'etudes et enterinees par l'ensemble d'une communaute est obligatoire, certaines connaissances anterieures peuvent entraver la construction des conceptions exigees par la communaute. La litterature abonde de tels exemples. Cependant, certaines connaissances anterieures, en soi tout a fait conformes a l'Heritage, peuvent aussi, parce qu'utilisees de facon non pertinente, entraver la construction d'une conception exigee par la communaute. Ici, la litterature nous donne peu d'exemples de ce type, mais nous en fournirons quelques-uns dans le cadre theorique, et ce sera un d'entre eux qui servira de base a nos propos. En effet, une grande proportion d'eleves inscrits a un cours de sciences physiques de la quatrieme secondaire, en reponse a un probleme deja solutionne durant l'annee et redonne lors d'un examen sommatif, "Pourquoi la Lune nous montre-t-elle toujours la meme face?", attribue principalement la cause de ce phenomene a la rotation de la Terre sur son axe. En tant que responsable de l'enseignement de ce programme d'etudes, plusieurs questions nous sont venues a l'esprit, entre autres, comment, dans un contexte constructiviste, est-il possible de reduire chez un eleve, l'impact de cette connaissance anterieure dans l'elaboration de la solution et ainsi prevenir la construction d'une conception erronee? Nous avons teste nos

  14. La physique quantique (enfin) expliquée simplement

    CERN Document Server

    Rollet, Vincent


    La physique quantique est une discipline aussi obscure que passionnante. Elle fait polémique depuis sa naissance : certains en ont peur ou sont impressionnés, tandis que d'autres exploitent le filon quantique sans scrupule à la sauce métaphysique. D'où vient la physique quantique, pourquoi est-elle si complexe à envisager et comment fonctionne-t-elle ? Vincent Rollet répond à toutes vos questions et bien d'autres, dans ce livre illustré en couleur. Ses talents de pédagogue seront mis à l'honneur tout au long de l'ouvrage pour vous permettre de comprendre les concepts les plus fondamentaux des sciences quantiques. Ce livre s'adresse à toute personne possédant déjà un modeste bagage scientifique, ou tout du moins une grande curiosité à l'égard des sciences. Il sera parfois nécessaire de plonger dans une formule mathématique, de lire une courbe ou de comprendre une expérience qui sort de l'ordinaire.

  15. Trente années qui ébranlèrent la physique histoire de la théorie quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Gamow, George


    G. Gamow, dans cet ouvrage, déploie une fois encore ses qualités d'historien, de vulgarisateur et d'homme d'esprit. L'"histoire de la théorie quantique" raconte la naissance de la physique moderne au cours des trente premières années du siècle, en nous guidant ainsi à travers cette galerie de portraits où les grands noms de la physique sont présentés, par les textes, les photographies et les croquis, sous leur aspect le moins académique.

  16. Physical measurements in Marcoule reactors (1962); Mesures physiques sur les reacteurs de Marcoule (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teste du Bailler, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A brief description of the physical measurements in Marcoule reactors is given here. During commissioning and subsequent years of operation, various experiments ha been carried out to check design data, and improve the operating conditions and also test theoretical models for kinetic studies. (author) [French] On presente une rapide description des mesures physiques effectuees sur les reacteurs de Marcoule. Au cours du demarrage et pendant les premieres annees de fonctionnement de G-2 - G-3, de nombreuses experiences ont ete effectuees pour verifier les donnees du projet, ameliorer les conditions de fonctionnement et eprouver des modeles theoriques de calculs de cinetique. (auteur)

  17. Drive for muscularity and social physique anxiety mediate the perceived ideal physique muscle dysmorphia relationship. (United States)

    Thomas, Adam; Tod, David A; Edwards, Christian J; McGuigan, Michael R


    This study examined the mediating role of drive for muscularity and social physique anxiety (SPA) in the perceived muscular male ideal physique and muscle dysmorphia relationship in weight training men. Men (N = 146, mean ± SD; age, 22.8 ± 5.0 years; weight, 82.0 ± 11.1 kg; height, 1.80 ± 0.07 m; body mass index, 25.1 ± 3.0) who participated in weight training completed validated questionnaires measuring drive for muscularity, SPA, perceived muscular male ideal physique, global muscle dysmorphia, and several characteristics of muscle dysmorphia (exercise dependence, diet manipulation, concerns about size/symmetry, physique protection behavior, and supplementation). Perceived ideal physique was an independent predictor of muscle dysmorphia measures except physique protection (coefficients = 0.113-0.149, p ≤ 0.05). Perceived ideal physique also predicted muscle dysmorphia characteristics (except physique protection and diet) through the indirect drive for muscularity pathway (coefficients = 0.055-0.116, p ≤ 0.05). Perceived ideal physique also predicted size/symmetry concerns and physique protection through the indirect drive for muscularity and SPA pathway (coefficients = 0.080-0.025, p ≤ 0.05). These results extend current research by providing insights into the way correlates of muscle dysmorphia interact to predict the condition. The results also highlight signs (e.g., anxiety about muscularity) that strength and conditioning coaches can use to identify at-risk people who may benefit from being referred for psychological assistance.

  18. Regards croisés d'un physicien et d'un dessinateur sur Einstein et la physique the recipe of the Universe

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Rencontre donnée par John Ellis et Fiami. Partez à la découverte de la physique avec un auteur de bande dessinée qui vous fera découvrir six étapes cruciales de l’histoire de la connaissance, en compagnie de son héros Albert Einstein. Après ce voyage littéraire, un physicien du CERN vous expliquera les enjeux de la physique aujourd’hui, plus de 100 ans après Einstein.

  19. Aux origines du monde

    CERN Multimedia


    "C'est l'histoire d'une aventure humaine, scientifique, international qui a vu le jour il y a cinquante ans, aux confins de la Suisse et du département de l'Ain. Le plus grand laboratoire de physique des particules du monde, le Cern, a été fondé en 1954. Les festivités organisées à l occasion de cet anniversaire connaîtront leur point d'orgue le 16 octobre prochain, avec portes-ouvertes, accueil de personallités et inauguration d'un monumnet spécifique, le Globe de l'innovation" (2 pages)

  20. Les mathématiques de la physique quantique

    CERN Document Server

    Basdevant, Jean-Louis


    Ce manuel contient les techniques mathématiques indispensables au maniement de la mécanique quantique : son apprentissage aussi bien que sa pratique. Composé de cinq chapitres, il couvre le programme suivant : les probabilités, la théorie des distributions, l'analyse de Fourier, l'analyse hilbertienne et quelques exemples utiles de fonctions spéciales. Le niveau est celui de la licence et du mastère de physique, le langage, celui des étudiants de physique et chimie d'aujourd'hui. Le but de l'auteur est la clarté et l'efficacité. Il présente les concepts et les résultats dans une langue aussi simple et aussi juste que possible au plan mathématique tout en restant digeste pour les applications. A l'appui de cas concrets, il souligne les points de rigueur mathématique qui ne sont traités que dans les ouvrages spécialisés. Outre sa dimension modeste, ce petit livre présente plusieurs avantages car, récent, simple et concis, il contient aussi quelques exercices.

  1. Preparation of the ATLAS experiment in the LHC proton collider, performances of the electromagnetic calorimeter and its potentialities for the top quark; Preparation de l'experience ATLAS aupres du futur grand collisionneur de protons LHC: performances du calorimetre electromagnetique et potentiels pour la physique du quark top

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hubaut, F


    ATLAS is the biggest and the more complex detector ever built, it will operate on the LHC and is the outcome of a huge international collaboration of 2000 physicists. This document reviews the theoretical and experimental achievements of one of them, his collaboration spread over 7 years and has followed 2 axis. First, the design, construction and test of the electromagnetic calorimeter of ATLAS and secondly, the development of analysis strategies in the physics of the top quark. The expected important production of top quarks in LHC will allow an accurate measurement of the properties of this particle and in the same way will provide new testing areas for the standard model. The top quark, being extremely massive, might play a significant role in the mechanism of electro-weak symmetry breaking. This document is organized into 5 chapters: 1) ATLAS detector, performance and progress, 2) the optimization of the energy measurement with the electromagnetic calorimeter, 3) the performance of the electromagnetic calorimeter, 4) the physics of the top quark, and 5) the potentialities of ATLAS in the top quark sector. This document presented before an academic board will allow its author to manage research works and particularly to tutor thesis students. (A.C.)

  2. Wolfgang Pauli et l'arrière-plan de la physique

    CERN Multimedia

    Bringuier, Eric


    "Wolfgang Pauli est l'une des figures scientifiques majeures du XXe siècle. Ses contributions sur la structure de l'atome ont été déterminantes pour l'établissement de la théorie quantique. Mais une grande partie de son activité fut aussi consacrée à une réflexion plus large sur les processus cognitifs. L'une de ses obsessions: trouver un langage commun pour décrire le monde physique et le monde psychique" (3 pages)

  3. Introduction à la physique moderne physique quantique et relativité : cours et exercices

    CERN Document Server

    Fabre, Claude; Treps, Nicolas


    Cet ouvrage est conçu comme une première approche des deux grands « piliers » de la physique actuelle, dite « physique moderne », que sont la relativité et la physique quantique. Il présente, au niveau le plus élémentaire possible, les concepts de base de ces deux théories et est illustré par de nombreux exemples concrets de phénomènes physiques pour lesquels les aspects quantiques et/ou relativistes sont importants voire essentiels. Les concepts introduits sont illustrés par des exercices et des problèmes regroupés en fin d’ouvrage et dont les corrigés sont disponibles sur le site

  4. Demain, la physique

    CERN Document Server

    Aspect, Alain; Balibar, Sébastien; Brézin, Edouard; Cabane, Bernard; Fauve, Stephan; Kaplan, Daniel; Léna, Pierre; Poirier, Jean-Paul; Prost, Jacques


    Ce livre est le récit de quelques-unes des incertitudes de la physique d'aujourd'hui en devenir, avec l'ambition de montrer que les questions posées ne sont pas l'effet d'un quelconque arbitraire mais d'une logique interne qui nous a conduits immanquablement là où nous sommes. Certes la moindre question de physique d'aujourd'hui n'est compréhensible dans ses détails qu'au prix d'un investissement technique considérable. Il nous a semblé qu'il était néanmoins possible de raconter en mots, sans équations, ni long investissement préalable dans la lecture d'ouvrages difficiles, les interrogations auxquelles sont confrontés les physiciens de notre temps. ", Edouard Brézin. Pour l'année mondiale de la physique, et à l'initiative de l'Académie des sciences, dix grands savants français sont réunis ici pour nous faire partager les extraordinaires avancées de la physique moderne.

  5. La physique mot à mot

    CERN Document Server

    Diu, Bernard


    Comment comprendre la physique ? Comment savoir pourquoi il y a des particules et des antiparticules, ou dans quel état se trouve le chat de Schrödinger ? Comment découvrir ce qui se conserve dans la nature ? Comment s'initier aux théories à la pointe de notre connaissance de l'Univers ? Ce livre veut aider à parler la physique, à apprendre son vocabulaire. Chaque mot est défini dans son sens immédiat comme dans ses significations plus complexes. Et les renvois d'un mot à l'autre permettent de saisir la physique en bloc. Après Les atomes existent-ils vraiment ? et Traité de physique à l'usage des profanes, Bernard Diu fait partager, sous une nouvelle forme, sa passion pour la physique. A le lire, il ne fait aucun doute qu'Einstein avait raison : " Subtil est le Créateur. "

  6. Conception et réalisation de l'unité de décision du système de déclenchement de premier niveau du détecteur LHCb au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Laubser, Julien


    Le detecteur LHCb est l'une des quatre experiences de physique des particules installees sur la nouvelle chaine d'acceleration LHC (Large Hadron Collider) du CERN a Geneve. Afin de reduire la quantite de donnees destinees au stockage pour les analyses hors ligne, un dispositif de selection en ligne des collisions interessantes selon la physique a etudier est mis en place en parallele de la chaine d'acquisition des donnees. Ce dispositif est compose d'un premier niveau(niveau 0) realise par un systeme electronique complexe et d'un second niveau de selection realise par informatique HLT (High Level Trigger). L'unite de decision de niveau 0 (L0DU) est le systeme central du niveau 0 de declenchement. L0DU prend la decision d'accepter ou de rejeter la collision pour ce premier niveau a partir d'une fraction d'informations issues des sous-detecteurs les plus rapides (432 bits a 80 MHz). L'unite de decision est un circuit imprime 16 couches integrant des composants de haute technologie de type FPGA (Field Programmab...

  7. La Physique du Futur Collisionneur Linéaire e+e- Partie I

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Depuis la fin des années 80, une grande partie de notre communauté scientifique penche pour un collisionneur électron-positon avec une énergie dans le centre de masse pouvant aller jusqu'à 500 GeV et même 1 TeV. Les technologies possibles et le programme de Physique aux différentes énergies seront détaillés, avec un accent sur les points forts (mesures de précision, secteur de Higgs) et les faiblesses de cet outil.

  8. Faire face à la marée : comment protéger le littoral du delta du Nil ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    9 nov. 2011 ... En plus de faire la lumière sur les effets physiques probables, ils examinent les facteurs de vulnérabilité sociale et économique des populations locales ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients des différentes solutions d'adaptation. Leurs travaux ont été financés dans le cadre du programme ...

  9. Évaluation de la productivité du maïs ( Zea mays L.) sous ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion et principales applications de la recherche: L'application des biomasses T. diversifolia et E. abyssinica en combinaison organo-minérale sur une culture de maïs démontre jouer un rôle multiple sur la physique, la chimie et la biologie du sol avec comme conséquence une augmentation du rendement de l'ordre ...

  10. Etude expérimentale et analyse probabiliste du comportement à la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    en traction de composites verre-perlon-acrylique à usage orthopédique. Experimental ... du comportement à la rupture de ces stratifiés ainsi que l'aspect probabiliste de cette dernière sont décrits .... signification physique qui donne au volume.

  11. La microflore des sols du vignoble de Touraine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claude Cuinier


    Full Text Available L'étude microbiologique des sols du vignoble porte sur trois années. Les déterminations quantitatives des bactéries, champignons, actinomycètes et des groupes fonctionnels des cycles de l'azote, du carbone et du soufre sont effectuées au cours de trois périodes du cycle végétatif de la vigne. Des variations saisonnières et annuelles sont observées. La microflore des sols viticoles est comparée à celle d'autres sols. Elle est au moins aussi riche et se distingue par son caractère plus aérobie. De grands écarts dans la composition microbiologique sont apparus entre des sols viticoles différant par leurs caractéristiques physiques et chimiques.

  12. 18 octobre 2013 - Le Préfet de l’Ain L. Touvet signe le livre d'or avec le Directeur général du CERN R. Heuer et le Chef du Département Technologie F. Bordry. Photo de groupe, de gauche à droite: T. Kupisz, Secrétaire général de la sous préfecture de Gex; L. Miralles, Chef du Département Infrastructure et services généraux; F. Eder, Délégué aux Relations avec les Etats hôtes; S. Donnot, Sous-préfet de Gex; L. Touvet, Préfet de l'Ain; E. Sches, Sous-préfète de Nantua; E.Gröniger-Voss, Conseiller juridique du CERN; R. Heuer, Directeur général; F. Bordry, Chef du Département Technologie et P. Bloch, Chef du Département Physique.

    CERN Multimedia

    Anna Pantelia


    18 octobre 2013 - Le Préfet de l’Ain L. Touvet signe le livre d'or avec le Directeur général du CERN R. Heuer et le Chef du Département Technologie F. Bordry. Photo de groupe, de gauche à droite: T. Kupisz,\tSecrétaire général de la sous préfecture de Gex; L. Miralles, Chef du Département Infrastructure et services généraux; F. Eder, Délégué aux Relations avec les Etats hôtes; S. Donnot, Sous-préfet de Gex; L. Touvet, Préfet de l'Ain; E. Sches, Sous-préfète de Nantua; E.Gröniger-Voss, Conseiller juridique du CERN; R. Heuer, Directeur général; F. Bordry, Chef du Département Technologie et P. Bloch, Chef du Département Physique.

  13. Comparaison de 4 modalités d'installation d'un blé tendre sur les caractéristiques physiques et hydriques du sol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boutahar, K.


    Full Text Available Comparaison de 4 modalités d'installation d'un blé tendre sur les caractéristiques physiques et hydriques du sol. Three soil tillage practices - summer ploughing, autumn ploughing and chisel - have been evaluated through their effect on soil physical characteristics and on water content during three months after wheat seeding. A comparison was made with no-tillage. This experiment has been conducted on a shallow calcareous clay soil during the season 1995-96. Primary field preparation allows a porous layer up to 20 cm depth which reduces bulk density and penetration resistance. All the profiles generated by the tillage implements were uniformed by the rain effect. The water content and distribution in the profile was significantly affected by the tillage implements. No-tillage allows the best distribution of water in the profile which is the most suitable to seed germination and plant stand. The increasing porosity due to the autumn tillage action reduced the amount of water stored in the soil in comparison with the no-tillage case.

  14. Du vide et de l'éternité

    CERN Document Server

    Cassé, Michel


    Gravité quantique, supersymétrie, univers multiples : la cosmologie et la physique quantique nous donnent aujourd hui de l'univers une image stupéfiante, à même de défier l'imagination la plus délirante. Conjuguant la puissance de la science et le souffle de la poésie, Michel Cassé parvient à nous rendre intelligibles les concepts les plus abstraits et les théories les plus ardues. Quand le vide quantique, sous sa plume, fleurit en particules élémentaires puis, en un clin d oeil cosmique (l « inflation »), se déploie en stupéfiants « plurivers », la physique et la cosmologie s éclairent du bonheur de l écriture.

  15. APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES - Électronicien(ne) et laborantin(e) en physique - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    GESTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DU PERSONNEL HR/PMD L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité suisse (CFC). 6 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature: avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l'apprentissage, avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9e du Cycle d'orientation genevois (3e en France), être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, République tchèque, République slovaque , Suède, Suisse), pour les résidents en Suisse :...

  16. Les nourritures substantielles du corps et de l’Esprit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roselyne Roth-Haillote


    Full Text Available Cet article examine, dans un monastère de contemplatives1, de quelles façons s’alternent ou se superposent les nourritures du corps et de l’esprit, fournissant aux épouses du Seigneur une préservation physique et spirituelle pour mieux atteindre la finalité de leur vocation.Taking place in a monastery of contemplative nuns2, this article looks at the various ways of feeding the mind and the body, thus giving the Lord’s wives both a physical and spiritual strengh to reach the highlight of their vocation.

  17. The physics design of EBR-II; Physique du reacteur EBR-II; Fizicheskij raschet ehksperimental'nogo reaktora - razmnozhitelya EVR-II; Aspectos fisicos del reactor EBR-II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loewenstein, W. B. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    ) [French] L'auteur presente les calculs du comportement d'EBR-II statique, dynamique et sous evolution a long terme de la reactivite ainsi que les resultats et l'analyse des experiences critiques seches faites sur EBR-II et en simulation sur ZPR-III. Il insiste particulieremen t sur les problemes de physique des reacteurs qui, dans l'elaboration du projet, suivent le choix du modele theorique et precedent la construction ou la mise en exploitation. L'auteur presente des analyses de la securite des reacteurs ainsi que diverses considerations sur l'evaluation des risques sous l'angle de leur influence sur le projet de reacteur. Il decrit la simulation d'EBR-II, a partir des renseignements fournis par le ZPR-III ainsi que les mesures critiques seches sur EBR-II. Ces experiences, leur analyse et les previsions des calculs servent de bases pour predire le comportement physique du reacteur. L'auteur approfondit quelque peu la validite intrinseque de l'application des donnees experimentales au fonctionnement du reacteur de puissance. Ceci comprend les donnees precises des dimensions du coeur et/ou de l'enrichissement de l'alliagne combustible, le choix convenable des valeurs de la reactivite prevues en exploitation et pendant l'arret, la determination des coefficients de reactivite a la temperature et a la puissance de fonctionnement, et la distribution precise de la puissance et du flux en fonction de la position dans l'ensemble du reacteur. L'auteur decrit le probleme de l'application des renseignements obtenus a partir d'une geometrie simple, ideale, analytique ou experimentale, a la geometrie reelle hexagonale du reacteur. Il compare le rendement nucleaire, y compris la surgeneration, du reacteur reel par rapport a celui du modele theorique. Il decrit la reactivite a long terme et le comportement energetique de la couche fertile du reacteur dans le cadre de l'etude du cyclage propose du combustible et de l'alliage fertile. L'auteur etudie les questions de securite considerant

  18. Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 26 November

    CERN Multimedia


    Dans le cadre de la procédure de nomination d'un-e professeur-e associé-e ou assistant-e au DPNC,   le mardi 26 novembre 2013 Auditoire 1S081 - Sciences III - Boulevard d’Yvoy   8h – 9h  Colloque du Dr William Bell "Top-quark, Higgs boson and beyond the Standard Model" 9h – 10h  Colloque du Dr Anna Sfyrla "Seeking supersymmetry with jets at ATLAS" 10h – 11h Colloque du Dr Maria Chamizo "Le cœur de la matière" 11h – 12h Colloque du Dr Monica D’Onofrio "The Quest for Bottom and Top squarks: past, present and future at the ATLAS experiment"   Les résumés des différents colloques sont disponibles ici. Les membres du corps enseignant et les étudiants sont invités aux colloques et peuvent faire part de leurs commentaires au ...

  19. Rapport sur le déroulement de l'expérience sur le double échange de charge des mésons $\\pi^{+} \\pi^{-}$ de 70 MeV/c effectuée les 14-15 mai 1965 au CS du CERN par le Départment de Physique Corpusculaire CRN Strasbourg Utilisation d'un bobinage supra-conducteur niobium-zicornium (dans HE liquide) donnant 42 KG pour aider la détermination du signe des pions au sein des émulsions chargées en lithium isotopique

    CERN Document Server

    CERN. Geneva. Emulsion Experiments Committee


    Rapport sur le déroulement de l'expérience sur le double échange de charge des mésons $\\pi^{+} \\pi^{-}$ de 70 MeV/c effectuée les 14-15 mai 1965 au CS du CERN par le Départment de Physique Corpusculaire CRN Strasbourg

  20. Les estimations du capital humain au Canada : approche fondee sur le revenu de la vie entiere


    Gu, Wulong; Wong, Ambrose


    Dans le present document, nous produisons une estimation de l'investissement en capital humain fonde sur le marche et du stock de ce capital au Canada au cours de la periode s'etendant de 1970 a 2007 selon l'approche fondee sur le revenu de la vie entiere. Nous comparons cette estimation a celle de l'investissement en capital physique et naturel et du stock de ce capital. En suivant la methode elaboree par Jorgenson et Fraumeni, nous estimons le stock de capital humain sous forme du revenu de...

  1. Complications du traitement traditionnel des fractures : à propos de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : La médecine moderne, comme celle traditionnelle, concourt au rétablissement du bien être physique, mental et social. Au Sénégal comme ailleurs ces deux médecines se pratiquent à tous les niveaux. Faut-il établir un rapport de nécessité entre les deux ou mettre une nette séparation ; chacune évoluant pour ...

  2. Apprentissages techniques pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    HR/PMD APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES GESTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DU PERSONNEL L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN Pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le Canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité Suisse (CFC). 7 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l'apprentissage avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9e du Cycle d'orientation genevois (3e en France) être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Gr&am...

  3. External meeting: From charged-particle multiplicities to the top quark

    CERN Multimedia

    Université de Genève


    UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE Ecole de physique Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENEVE 4 Tél: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 9 March 2011 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17.00 hrs – Stückelberg Auditorium From charged-particle multiplicities to the top quark Par Dr. William Bell (DPNC), Université de Genève     A series of key experimental results from the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. These results include the first measurements of charged-particle multiplicities from inelastic proton-proton collisions, W boson production, and recent top cross-section results. The measurements were performed using part or most of the 2010 proton-proton data set, corresponding to a total luminosity of 45pb-1. The experimental methods involved in these measurements are discussed. Results are compared with recent theoretical predictions and possible 2011 measurements a...

  4. Physique ou leçons sur les principes généraux de la nature I

    CERN Document Server



    Extrait : ""Or il n'en est pas dans la nature de plus certain ni de plus évident que le mouvement sous toutes ses formes ; et voilà comment la Physique d'Aristote n'est au fond qu'une théorie du mouvement. C'est une étude sur le principe le plus général et le plus important de la nature ; car sans ce principe, ainsi qu'Aristote l'a dit bien des fois, la nature n'existe pas ; elle s'identifie en quelque sorte avec lui.""

  5. Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 27 November

    CERN Multimedia


    Dans le cadre de la procédure de nomination d'un-e professeur-e associé-e ou assistant-e au DPNC,     le mercredi 27 novembre 2013 Auditoire 1S059 - Sciences III - Boulevard d’Yvoy   9h – 10h  Colloque du Dr Tobias Golling "Life after Higgs" 10h – 11h  Colloque Lucia Masetti "Searches for New Physics with top Quarks: a two-way approach" 11h – 12h  Colloque du Dr Krisztian Peters "Higgs Physics at the Energy Frontier"   Les résumés des différents colloques sont disponibles ici. Les membres du corps enseignant et les étudiants sont invités aux colloques et peuvent faire part de leurs commentaires au Doyen de la Faculté.

  6. La bibliothèque du CERN | Pauline Gagnon présente : « Qu'est-ce que le boson de Higgs mange en hiver et autres détails essentiels » | 24 mars

    CERN Multimedia


    Mardi 24 mars 2015 à 16h00 à la bibliothèque du CERN (bât. 52-1-052) * Le café sera servi à partir de 15h30 *   Juillet 2012 : le CERN, le Laboratoire européen de la physique des particules, annonçait en grande pompe la découverte du boson de Higgs. La nouvelle a fait le tour du monde. Mais combien de gens comprennent vraiment ce que c'est et pourquoi cette découverte fut suivie du prix Nobel de physique en 2013 pour les théoriciens François Englert et Peter Higgs, qui en avaient prédit l'existence 48 ans auparavant ?  Le boson de Higgs était le chaînon manquant du modèle théorique actuel qui décrit ce qui compose toute la matière qu'on voit autour de nous. Ce livre explique comment tout cela fonctionne et le rôle du boson de Higgs. Et le livre va be...

  7. Le vide univers du tout et du rien

    CERN Document Server

    Diner, Simon


    Pourquoi l'Univers plutôt que le vide ? Le temps et l'espace existent-ils en l'absence de l'Univers ? Que reste-t-il quand tout est enlevé ? Pourquoi quelque chose plutôt que rien ? Depuis des siècles, ces interrogations mobilisent philosophes et physiciens. Mais aujourd'hui, le vide n'est pas le rien. Il serait même l'acteur central de l'histoire de la matière et de l'Univers, le partenaire privilégié de la physique. Vide et matière ne sont plus deux manifestations séparées de la nature, mais deux aspects d'une même réalité. Le vide est l'état de base dont la matière émerge, sans couper son cordon ombilical Le vide comme Univers du rien cède la place au vide comme Univers du tout. Que le vide puisse être conçu par les physiciens comme réservoir potentiel d'univers, voici qui ne devrait laisser personne indifférent. Ce livre ouvre un débat et nous convie à une réflexion surprenante.

  8. Le corps souffrant de Rifqâ, sainte maronite du xixe siècle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chantal Verdeil


    Full Text Available Canonisée en juillet 2001, la moniale maronite Rifqâ (1832-1914, aveugle et paralysée, a supporté avec patience d’atroces souffrances physiques. Elle est présentée aujourd’hui par l’Église maronite comme la “ patronne des souffrants ” et les récits de vie écrits pour promouvoir sa cause illustrent la conception qu’a l’Église de la souffrance, de la maladie, et par conséquent du corps. Si elle laisse aux médecins le soin du corps malade, elle s’efforce en revanche de donner un sens à la souffrance, une souffrance qui permet de libérer l’âme du corps et de participer à la Passion du Christ.

  9. Introduction \\`a la Physique Quantique


    Piron, Constantin


    En nous laissant guider par la notion de champ qui en fait domine toute la physique nous d\\'efinissons la nature physique d'un syst\\`eme, ses propri\\'et\\'es et ses \\'etats possibles. Nous proposons alors un cadre tr\\`es g\\'en\\'erale permettant la description de tels syst\\`emes et la construction de mod\\`eles consistants. Nous en donnons des exemples et pour illustrer les concepts de notre th\\'eorie nous d\\'ecrivons diff\\'erents types d'\\'evolutions. Pour terminer nous discutons en d\\'etails u...

  10. Volatilité des prix et régulation des marchés. Instruments de gestion du risque


    Cordier, Jean


    La présentation porte d'abord sur une présentation de la volatilité des prix, définition et estimation pour les principaux produits agricoles. La seconde partie développe le concept d'efficience des marchés, dans les trois dimensions du marché physique (espace, forme et temps). Le marché de gré à gré, dit OTC en anglais, est décrit dans sa dimension physique puis financière. Les nouveaux instruments d'investissement sur les produits agricoles sont alors introduits pour évoquer la volatilité e...

  11. La mécanique du piston. Perspectives théoriques en physique de l’ascension socio-professionnelle Piston mechanics: theoretical perspectives on the physics of socio-professional rising

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurent Matthey


    Full Text Available Cet article souhaite interroger la physique de l’ascension sociale. En prenant pour analogie la course d’un piston dans un moteur à explosion, il se donne pour ambition, en premier lieu, de questionner les modalités de production et de reproduction des classes sociales dans le domaine professionnel. Littéralement, le « piston » est bien une pièce métallique dont le parcours à l’intérieur d’un cylindre permet de produire du travail mécanique à partir d’énergie thermique. Mais il est aussi, au sens figuré attesté depuis 1857, l’instrument social qui autorise la course victorieuse des individus favorisés. Aussi, de l’admission à l’échappement, les quatre temps du mouvement du piston devraient permettre de vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle les candidats demeurent profondément inégaux du point de vue des chances de réussite. La seconde partie de l’article est consacrée à la discussion du modèle qui sert aujourd’hui à théoriser le monde professionnel, à savoir celui du réseau. Quels sont en effet les enjeux d’un tel glissement terminologique ? N’est-il pas en lien avec une propension à opacifier les régimes de reproduction sociale en recourant à un lexique démocratique qui postule que tout le monde bénéficie de chances égales ?The aim of this article is to question the physics of social rising. Building on the analogy of a piston’s movement in an internal-combustion engine, its main ambition it to question the modalities of production and of reproduction of social classes in the professional arena. Literally, a “piston” is a metallic piece whose movement within a cylinder transforms thermic energy into motive power. However, since 1857, the French language also employs it to designate a social tool that favors individuals over others during social competition. Therefore, from induction to exhaust, the four strokes of a piston’s movement provide an analogy that should help

  12. Restauration fonctionnelle du rachis : effet du niveau initial de douleur sur les performances des sujets lombalgiques chroniques (United States)

    Caby, Isabelle; Olivier, N; Mendelek, F; Kheir, R Bou; Vanvelcenaher, J; Pelayo, P


    HISTORIQUE : La lombalgie chronique est une douleur lombaire persistante d’origine multifactorielle. Le niveau de douleur initial reste faiblement utilisé pour analyser et comparer les réponses des patients lombalgiques au programme de reconditionnement. OBJECTIFS : Apprécier et évaluer les réponses des sujets lombalgiques chroniques très douloureux à une prise en charge dynamique et intensive. MÉTHODOLOGIE : 144 sujets atteints de lombalgie chronique ont été inclus dans un programme de restauration fonctionnelle du rachis de 5 semaines. Les sujets ont été classés en deux groupes de niveau de douleur: un groupe atteint de douleur sévère (n = 28) et un groupe atteint de douleur légère à modérée (n = 106). L’ensemble des sujets ont bénéficié d’une prise en charge identique comprenant principalement de la kinésithérapie, de l’ergothérapie, du reconditionnement musculaire et cardio-vasculaire ainsi qu’un suivi psychologique. Les paramètres physiques (flexibilité, force musculaire) et psychologiques (qualité de vie) ont été mesurés avant (T0) et après le programme (T5sem). RÉSULTATS : L’ensemble des performances physiques et fonctionnelles des sujets très douloureux sont moins bonnes et le retentissement de la lombalgie sur la qualité de vie, pour ces mêmes sujets, est majoré à T0. Toutes les différences significatives constatées à T0 entre les deux groupes s’effacent à T5sem. CONCLUSIONS : Les sujets lombalgiques chroniques très douloureux répondent favorablement au programme dynamique et intensif. L’intensité douloureuse de la lombalgie n’aurait pas d’effet sur les réponses au programme. La restauration fonctionnelle du rachis apporterait aux sujets la possibilité de mieux gérer leur douleur quel que soit son niveau. PMID:25299476

  13. The influence of exercise identity and social physique anxiety on exercise dependence. (United States)

    Cook, Brian; Karr, Trisha M; Zunker, Christie; Mitchell, James E; Thompson, Ron; Sherman, Roberta; Erickson, Ann; Cao, Li; Crosby, Ross D


    Previous research has identified exercise identity and social physique anxiety as two independent factors that are associated with exercise dependence. The purpose of our study was to investigate the unique and interactive effect of these two known correlates of exercise dependence in a sample of 1,766 female runners. Regression analyses tested the main effects of exercise identity and social physique anxiety on exercise dependence. An interaction term was calculated to examine the potential moderating effect of social physique anxiety on the exercise identity and exercise dependence relationship. Results indicate a main effect for exercise identity and social physique anxiety on exercise dependence; and the interaction of these factors explained exercise dependence scores beyond the independent effects. Thus, social physique anxiety acted as a moderator in the exercise identity and exercise dependence relationship. Our results indicate that individuals who strongly identify themselves as an exerciser and also endorse a high degree of social physique anxiety may be at risk for developing exercise dependence. Our study supports previous research which has examined factors that may contribute to the development of exercise dependence and also suggests a previously unknown moderating relationship for social physique anxiety on exercise dependence.

  14. Limits on quark-lepton compositeness and studies of W asymmetry at the Tevatron collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bodek, A.


    Drell-Yan dilepton production at high invariant mass place strong limits on quark substructure. Compositeness limits from CDF Run 1, and expected sensitivity in Run II and TEV33 are presented. The W asymmetry data constrains the slope of the d/u quark distributions and significantly reduces the systematic error on the extracted value of the W mass

  15. Des proprietes de l'etat normal du modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel (United States)

    Lemay, Francois

    Depuis leur decouverte, les etudes experimentales ont demontre que les supra-conducteurs a haute temperature ont une phase normale tres etrange. Les proprietes de ces materiaux ne sont pas bien decrites par la theorie du liquide de Fermi. Le modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel, bien qu'il ne soit pas encore resolu, est toujours considere comme un candidat pour expliquer la physique de ces composes. Dans cet ouvrage, nous mettons en evidence plusieurs proprietes electroniques du modele qui sont incompatibles avec l'existence de quasi-particules. Nous montrons notamment que la susceptibilite des electrons libres sur reseau contient des singularites logarithmiques qui influencent de facon determinante les proprietes de la self-energie a basse frequence. Ces singularites sont responsables de la destruction des quasi-particules. En l'absence de fluctuations antiferromagnetiques, elles sont aussi responsables de l'existence d'un petit pseudogap dans le poids spectral au niveau de Fermi. Les proprietes du modele sont egalement etudiees pour une surface de Fermi similaire a celle des supraconducteurs a haute temperature. Un parallele est etabli entre certaines caracteristiques du modele et celles de ces materiaux.

  16. Espaces et espaces-temps en physique. : Colloque "Géométrie au XXe siècle, 1930-2000"


    Lachieze-Rey , Marc; Flament , Dominique; de Pablo , Elisabeth; LEGRAND , Valérie


    Corpus "AHM"; On peut voir la relativité générale comme un aboutissement de la dynamique de géométrisation du monde portée par la physique. Après un bref rappel historique, partant d'Aristote et passant par Newton, Marc Lachièze-Rey se demande comment définir l'espace dans l'espace-temps de la relativité générale. Comment passer d'une définition locale, comme hypersurface orthogonale à la ligne de temps de l'observateur, à un système de référence global, valable pour une communauté d'observat...

  17. Inactivité physique et nombre d'heures passées devant la télévision chez les adultes autochtones asthmatiques : analyse transversale de l'Enquête auprès des peuples autochtones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Doggett


    Full Text Available Contexte : Notre analyse visait à déterminer l'association entre l'asthme et le niveau d'activité physique ainsi qu'avec le nombre d'heures d'activités sédentaires chez les adultes autochtones et visait à comprendre l'influence de l'inactivité physique et du nombre d'heures d'activités sédentaires sur l'utilisation des soins de santé par les adultes autochtones asthmatiques. Méthodologie : Notre analyse a porté sur 20 953 répondants adultes de l'Enquête auprès des peuples autochtones de 2006. Nous avons considéré que les répondants étaient atteints d'asthme « actuel » s'ils avaient déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic d'asthme de la part d'un médecin et s'ils avaient une ordonnance valide pour des médicaments contre l'asthme. Notre définition d'une activité physique insuffisante correspondait au fait de pratiquer moins de 3 heures d'activité physique modérée à intense par semaine, et notre définition d'un nombre élevé d'heures passées devant la télévision correspondait au fait de regarder la télévision pendant plus de 10 heures par semaine. Nous avons évalué l'utilisation des soins de santé à l'aide du nombre de consultations de professionnels de la santé et du nombre d'hospitalisations d'au moins une nuit. Résultats : Les adultes autochtones asthmatiques étaient plus susceptibles de déclarer un nombre élevé d'heures passées devant la télévision (RC = 1,16; IC : 1,11 à 1,22 et une activité physique insuffisante (RC = 1,15; IC : 1,10 à 1,20 que les non-asthmatiques. Les asthmatiques ayant déclaré un nombre élevé d'heures passées devant la télévision ont signalé plus de consultations de professionnels de la santé au cours des 12 derniers mois (RC = 2,59; IC : 2,34 à 2,87, plus d'hospitalisations d'au moins une nuit au cours de la dernière année (RC = 1,95; IC : 1,82 à 2,08 et plus d'hospitalisations d'au moins une nuit au cours des 5 dernières années (RC = 1,13; IC : 1,07 à 1

  18. Guide du calcul avec les logiciels libres XCAS, Scilab, Bc, Gp, GnuPlot, Maxima, MuPAD

    CERN Document Server

    Connan, Guillaume


    Le Guide du Calcul avec les logiciels libres vous propose de maîtriser les bases de plusieurs logiciels gratuits de calcul formel et numérique, et de géométrie dynamique : XCAS, Scilab, Bc, Gp, GnuPlot, Maxima, Octave, Yacas, et également MuPAD (non libre). Ces logiciels sont multiplateformes (Windows, Mac, Linux) et s'installent rapidement. La grande originalité de cet ouvrage est de détailler pas à pas l'utilisation de plusieurs logiciels pour plusieurs types de calcul. Il propose ainsi des applications en mathématiques, en physique et en sciences de l'ingénieur (par exemple : équations différentielles utilisées en physique, traitement du son...). Il vous aidera à savoir utiliser le bon logiciel au bon moment pour résoudre le bon problème. Cet ouvrage s'adresse à toute personne voulant utiliser le calcul en mathématiques à l'aide de logiciels libres : étudiants en mathématiques ou en informatique, professeurs de lycée souhaitant utiliser ces outils dans le cadre de leur cours et jusqu'...

  19. Suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein (United States)

    Sisler, Jeffrey; Chaput, Geneviève; Sussman, Jonathan; Ozokwelu, Emmanuel


    Résumé Objectif Offrir aux médecins de famille un résumé des recommandations fondées sur les données probantes pour guider les soins aux survivantes traitées pour le cancer du sein. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans MEDLINE entre 2000 et 2016 à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, survivorship, follow-up care, aftercare, guidelines et survivorship care plans, en se concentrant sur la revue des lignes directrices publiées récemment par les organismes nationaux de cancérologie. Les données étaient de niveaux I à III. Message principal Les soins aux survivantes comportent 4 facettes : surveillance et dépistage, prise en charge des effets à long terme, promotion de la santé et coordination des soins. La surveillance des récidives ne se traduit que par une mammographie annuelle, et le dépistage d’autres cancers doit suivre les lignes directrices basées sur la population. La prise en charge des effets à long terme du cancer et de son traitement aborde des problèmes courants tels la douleur, la fatigue, le lymphœdème, la détresse et les effets indésirables des médicaments, de même que les préoccupations à long terme comme la santé du cœur et des os. La promotion de la santé met en relief les bienfaits de l’activité chez les survivantes du cancer, avec l’accent mis sur l’activité physique. Les soins aux survivantes sont de meilleure qualité lorsque divers services et professionnels de la santé participent aux soins, et le médecin de famille joue un rôle important dans la coordination des soins. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont de plus en plus souvent les principaux fournisseurs de soins de suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein. Le cancer du sein doit être considéré comme une affection médicale chronique, même chez les femmes en rémission, et les patientes profitent de la même approche que celle utilisée pour les autres affections chroniques en

  20. Studies on solid-state physics carried out with the Saclay reactor (1962); Etudes de physique du solide realisees a la pile de Saclay (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herpin, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This paper deals only with solid-state physics experiments carried out on outgoing beams: rather than giving a general review of the work performed, if refers to only a few of the most important studies or those nearest completion. These are being made with the experimental beams of the two Saclay reactors EL-2, with a central flux of 10{sup 13} n/cm{sup 2}, and - since 1958 - EL-3, whose central flux is equal ta 10{sup 14} n/cm{sup 2}. The experiments are being carried out by two separate groups of physicists, employing different techniques, namely neutron diffraction using a crystal spectrometer, and inelastic scattering using a time-of-flight spectrometer. (author) [French] Cet expose ne relate que des experiences de physique du solide faites sur des faisceaux sortis; plutot que de donner une revue de l'ensemble des travaux effectues, on ne cite que quelques etudes que l'on peut considerer comme plus essentielles ou mieux achevees. On utilise les faisceaux experimentaux des deux piles de Saclay, EL-2 dont le flux au centre est de 10{sup 13}n/cm{sup 2} et, depuis 1958, EL-3 pour laquelle il est egal a 10{sup 14} n/cm{sup 2}. Les experiences sont realisees par deux groupes de physiciens distincts, employant des techniques differentes, la diffraction des neutrons qui utilise un spectrometre a cristal, et la diffusion inelastique avec un spectrometre a temps de vol. (auteur)

  1. Conséquences de l'apport de verre pilé à la surface du champ et de son incorporation dans la couche travaillée


    de Louvigny, Nathalie


    Pour accroître le taux de recyclage du verre d'emballage, Eco-Emballage et BSN Glasspack ont recherché des débouchés alternatifs pour les 100 à 150.000 tonnes/an de calcin ? soit environ 5% du verre d'emballage - trop pollué pour être valorisé en verrerie. Pour estimer ce que seraient les conséquences de l'incorporation de verre au sol, les effets du verre sont mesurés dans les domaines chimiques biologiques et physiques au cours d'expérimentations au terrain et au laboratoire et les résultat...


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    Przednowek Karolina H.


    Full Text Available Introduction. Physique and body composition are often explored in sport-related research. This is due to the fact that morphological features can be useful for determining a person’s predispositions for practising a given type of physical activity. Dance, as any other sports discipline, has an impact on the physique and motor skills of those who practise it. Most research concerning the physique and body composition of dancers conducted so far has focused on persons practising ballet or competitive ballroom dancing. Investigating these issues in contemporary dancers is a new field of study. The aim of the current study was to examine the physique and body composition of girls aged 14-17 years practising contemporary dance. Material and methods. The study involved 23 girls who trained contemporary dance twice a week for 2 hours. The participants of the study had been training since the age of six. Basic anthropometric measurements were performed. Body composition was analysed based on parameters measured using a Tanita body composition analyser. Conclusions. The analysis found that girls training contemporary dance were characterised by a leptosomatic physique. BMI values in both younger and older contemporary dancers indicated that their weight was normal. Compared to girls who did not practise any particular type of sport, contemporary dancers had a lower weight, a lower body water percentage, and a lower body fat percentage. The dancers were also characterised by a greater circumference of the waist, hips, arm, and chest compared to untrained peers.

  3. Aux limites de la physique les paradoxes quantiques

    CERN Document Server

    Rothen, François


    Dans l’esprit des pères fondateurs de la science moderne, les phénomènes matériels se déroulent selon un schéma unique. La cause précède nécessairement l’effet, et la connaissance de l’effet permet de remonter à la cause. Sur la scène de la nature, le hasard n’occupe qu’une place congrue. On ne fait appel à lui que pour pallier notre ignorance. Dans les années 1920, la révolution quantique bouleverse ce cadre rigide. Elle accorde une place de choix au hasard, si malmené jusqu’alors, puis elle met en scène une constellation de phénomènes inexplicables aux yeux de la science dite classique. Après une courte introduction historique, l’auteur met ses lecteurs au contact de certains de ces phénomènes si contraires à l’intuition. Refusant l’aide du langage mathématique, il les convie à pénétrer dans un monde quantique qui déconcerte le novice avant de l’éblouir par sa nouveauté et sa cohérence. Un accent particulier est mis sur une application nouvelle de la physiqu...

  4. Physical analytical methods for uranium hexafluoride; Methodes physiques d'analyse de l'hexafluorure d'uranium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vandenbussche, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Various physical methods of analysis currently used or still under investigation such as: sound analysis, vapor pressure measurements, fractional distillation, cryogenics, micro-sublimation, ultra-violet, visible and infra-red absorption spectrophotometry, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry are reviewed. For each method, principle and applications are given, and results obtained concerning reproducibility, application limits and rapidity are discussed. (author) [French] On passe en revue les differentes methodes physiques d'analyse utilisees ou en cours d'etude actuellement: par mesure de la vitesse du son, de la pression de vapeur, par distillation fractionnee, cryometrie, microsublimation, spectrometrie d'absorption dans l'ultraviolet, le visible et l'infrarouge, par resonance magnetique nucleaire et par spectrometrie de masse. Pour chaque methode, on donne le principe et son application et on examine les resultats obtenus concernant la reproductibilite, le domaine d'application et la duree des mesures. (auteur)

  5. The Physique of Elite Female Artistic Gymnasts: A Systematic Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bacciotti Sarita


    Full Text Available It has been suggested that successful young gymnasts are a highly select group in terms of the physique. This review summarizes the available literature on elite female gymnasts’ anthropometric characteristics, somatotype, body composition and biological maturation. The main aims were to identify: (i a common physique and (ii the differences, if any, among competitive/performance levels. A systematic search was conducted online using five different databases. Of 407 putative papers, 17 fulfilled all criteria and were included in the review. Most studies identified similar physiques based on: physical traits (small size and low body mass, a body type (predominance of ecto-mesomorphy, body composition (low fat mass, and maturity status (late skeletal maturity as well as late age-at-menarche. However, there was no consensus as to whether these features predicted competitive performance, or even differentiated between gymnasts within distinctive competitive levels. In conclusion, gymnasts, as a group, have unique pronounced characteristics. These characteristics are likely due to selection for naturally-occurring inherited traits. However, data available for world class competitions were mostly outdated and sample sizes were small. Thus, it was difficult to make any conclusions about whether physiques differed between particular competitive levels.

  6. The Physique of Elite Female Artistic Gymnasts: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Bacciotti, Sarita; Baxter-Jones, Adam; Gaya, Adroaldo; Maia, José


    It has been suggested that successful young gymnasts are a highly select group in terms of the physique. This review summarizes the available literature on elite female gymnasts' anthropometric characteristics, somatotype, body composition and biological maturation. The main aims were to identify: (i) a common physique and (ii) the differences, if any, among competitive/performance levels. A systematic search was conducted online using five different databases. Of 407 putative papers, 17 fulfilled all criteria and were included in the review. Most studies identified similar physiques based on: physical traits (small size and low body mass), a body type (predominance of ecto-mesomorphy), body composition (low fat mass), and maturity status (late skeletal maturity as well as late age-at-menarche). However, there was no consensus as to whether these features predicted competitive performance, or even differentiated between gymnasts within distinctive competitive levels. In conclusion, gymnasts, as a group, have unique pronounced characteristics. These characteristics are likely due to selection for naturally-occurring inherited traits. However, data available for world class competitions were mostly outdated and sample sizes were small. Thus, it was difficult to make any conclusions about whether physiques differed between particular competitive levels.

  7. Rapport final de la Collaboration CERN-CNRS pour la construction du LHC Accord Technique d'Exécution No 2 Cryostats et assemblage des sections droites courtes (SSS) du LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Bergot, JB; Poncet, A; Rohmig, P; Roy, E; Vincent, D


    Depuis 1995 et suite à la signature du protocole de Collaboration, le CERN, le CEA et le CNRS ont étroitement collaboré dans le cadre de la contribution exceptionnelle de la France à la construction du LHC. Pour le CNRS, l'Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay a pris en charge deux Accords Techniques d'Exécution. Le premier concerne la conception et l'assemblage des Sections Droites Courtes de la machine, et le deuxième, l'étalonnage des thermomètres cryogéniques du LHC. Dans le cadre de l'Accord Technique d'Exécution N°2, le Bureau d'Etudes de la Division Accélérateur de l'IPNO et le groupe AT-CRI du CERN ont travaillé de concert pour mener à bien la conception des SSS (Short Straight Section) et de tous les équipements nécessaires à l'assemblage. Ce rapport a donc pour objectif de dresser, en termes d'historique, d'organisation, de résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs et de moyens mis en ?uvre, un tableau aussi complet que possible du déroulement de cette Collaboration entre le CERN e...

  8. La physique et l'énigme du réel les difficultés d'interprétation de la théorie quantique et de la relativité générale

    CERN Document Server

    Felden, Marceau


    "L'univers est-il accessible à la connaissance humaine ?" Malgré d'extraordinaires progrès, la science n'est pas parvenue, jusqu'ici, à apporter de réponse rationnelle à cette question - pire, elle a fini par obscurcir la notion de "réel" qui paraissait pourtant évidente, remettant très profondément en cause les conceptions de base de la physique classique. D'où la question que l'on ne peut plus éviter aujourd'hui : Quel est vraiment le contenu, c'est-à-dire la signification, d'une théorie physique fondamentale ? C'est tout le problème de l'interprétation qui est ici discuté par Marceau Felden, professeur de physique à l'Université de Paris XI-Orsay et à l'École supérieure d'Électricité. Une analyse critique rigoureuse de la physique actuelle mène l'auteur à mettre en évidence trois discontinuités qui conduisent irréductiblement à distinguer physiquement trois domaines complémentaires : Le "microcosme", le "mésocosme" et le "mégacosme". Il montre que l'analyse de leurs spécif...

  9. Geneva University - Les catégories pour la physique

    CERN Multimedia

    Université de Genève


    GENEVA UNIVERSITY Ecole de physique Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 Genève 4 Tél.: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92   Lundi 27 février 2012 17h00 - Auditoire Stueckelberg « Les catégories pour la physique » Marc Lachièze-Rey AstroParticule et Cosmologie Université Paris 7 Diderot, Paris La théorie des catégories est un vaste domaine des mathématiques, que l'on peut comparer à la théorie des ensembles avec une dimension de plus. De nombreuses théories et théorèmes sont (re-)formulés dans ce cadre et certains mathématiciens songent à l'utiliser ce pour refonder la totalité des mathématiques. Catégories et foncteurs (morphismes entr...

  10. Social Physique Anxiety, Obligation to Exercise, and Exercise Choices among College Students (United States)

    Chu, Hui-Wen; Bushman, Barbara A.; Woodard, Rebecca J.


    Objective: The authors examined relationships among social physique anxiety, obligation to exercise, and exercise choices. Participants and Methods: College students (N = 337; 200 women, 137 men) volunteered to complete 3 questionnaires: the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS), Obligatory Exercise Questionnaire (OEQ), and Physical Activity…

  11. Body self-discrepancies and women's social physique anxiety: the moderating role of the feared body. (United States)

    Woodman, Tim; Steer, Rebecca


    We explored ideal, ought, and feared body image self-discrepancies as predictors of social physique anxiety within Carver, Lawrence, and Scheier's and Woodman and Hemmings' interaction frameworks. One hundred women completed actual, ideal, ought, and feared body self-discrepancy visual analogue scales, the Social Physique Anxiety Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses indicated that the relationship between ought body fat discrepancies and social physique anxiety was moderated by proximity to the feared fat self. Specifically, the positive relationship between ought fat discrepancies and social physique anxiety was stronger when women were far from their feared body self. The results highlight the importance of considering the feared self in order to more fully understand the relationship between body image and social physique anxiety. ©2010 The British Psychological Society.

  12. Social physique anxiety, obligation to exercise, and exercise choices among college students. (United States)

    Chu, Hui-Wen; Bushman, Barbara A; Woodard, Rebecca J


    The authors examined relationships among social physique anxiety, obligation to exercise, and exercise choices. College students (N = 337; 200 women, 137 men) volunteered to complete 3 questionnaires: the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS), Obligatory Exercise Questionnaire (OEQ), and Physical Activity Specification Survey (PASS). On the SPAS, men (M score = 31.9 +/- 8.8) differed from women (M score = 37.3 +/- 8.3; p = .001). Men (M score = 43.0 +/- 9.9) and women (M score = 43.0 +/- 9.6) responded similarly (p = .94) on the OEQ. There was no interaction between sex and exercise level on the SPAS or OEQ. When separated by low, medium, and high SPAS scores, neither OEQ nor exercise scores differed. Obligation to exercise appears to be similar for both sexes. Women, however, appear to have higher levels of anxiety regarding how others evaluate their physique than do men. The combination of level of activity and sex do not appear to be associated with social physique anxiety or obligation to exercise.

  13. Graphite reactor physics; Physique des piles a graphite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bacher, P; Cogne, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Noc, B [Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France)


    physique des piles de puissance a graphite et uranium naturel se poursuit depuis parallelement au developpement de ce type de piles. L'etude systematique des proprietes des reseaux en fonction du pas, de la geometrie du combustible et du diametre des canaux de refroidissement a pu etre entreprise a partir de 1960 grace a l'empilement critique MARIUS. Cette etude a permis de couvrir un domaine tres etendu: pas variant de 19 a 38 cm, barreaux et tubes d'uranium dont les sections droites vont de 6 a 35 cm{sup 2}, canaux dont le diametre est compris entre 70 et 140 mm. On a pu ainsi verifier, et au besoin adapter, les methodes de calcul de reseaux. Le fonctionnement des piles de Marcoule, ainsi que les experiences effectuees sur ces piles au cours des dernieres annees, ont apporte des renseignements precieux sur l'evolution globale des proprietes neutroniques du combustible en fonction de l'irradiation. Des experiences plus precises ont egalement ete faites dans MARIUS avec des combustibles contenant du plutonium (combustibles irradiee ou reconstitues), et seront entreprises des le debut 1965 en temperature dans l'empilement critique CESAR, dont la construction s'acheve a Cadarache. Les analyses des combustibles irradies permettent de completer ces resultats et de faciliter leur interpretation. Il sera ainsi possible de verifier dans tout le domaine utile de temperature les theories de thermalisation et de spectres developpees en France. L'efficacite de barres de controle en fonction de leurs dimensions, des materiaux les constituant, et des reseaux les environnant a ete mesuree dans MARIUS, et les resultats ont ete confrontes d'une part avec le calcul, d'autre part avec les mesures effectuees dans EDF 1. Les etudes du controle proprement dit des piles a graphite ont porte essentiellement sur les risques d'instabilites spatiales, et sur les moyens de les deceler et de les combattre, ainsi que sur les deformations du flux provoquees par les barres de controle. (auteurs)

  14. LHC France 2013: French Meeting on High Energy Physics at the LHC

    CERN Document Server


    Cette 1ère édition des rencontres françaises sur la physique des hautes énergies au Large Hadron Collider réunira près de 300 physiciens membres des laboratoires IN2P3-CNRS et IRFU-CEA, participants aux collaborations Atlas, CMS, LHCb et Alice. La rencontre LHC France, aura lieu à une période particulièrement cruciale pour la discipline, les derniers résultats des expériences LHC, basés sur toutes les données collectées en 2011 et 2012 y seront présentés et discutés. Elle sera l'occasion de faire le point et le bilan des avancées des diverses thématiques de recherche: boson de Higgs, les interactions électrofaibles, le quark top, la Supersymétrie, les saveurs lourdes, la violation de CP et le Plasma de Quarks et de Gluons. Elle sera aussi l'occasion de discuter des plans d'amélioration des détecteurs en vue des futures phases de fonctionnement du LHC ainsi que les perspectives pour la physique. Cette rencontre se veut un moment d'échange privilégié pour la communauté française des ...

  15. Recherche de Nouvelle Physique dans les événements à quatre quarks top avec le détecteur ATLAS auprès du LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Simon, Dorian; Calvet, David

    Despite its numerous success, like the recent discovery of a boson compatible with the BEH boson, the Standard Model shows some deficiencies. Those lead to a search for New Physics, which may take, among others, the form of extra space dimensions. In this thesis, four-top-quarks events arising from a such model, the 2UED/RPP, are searched for. The 2UED/RPP has two universal extra space dimensions compactified under the Real Projective Plane geometry. This search uses a signature with at least two same-sign leptons (electrons and/or muons). Two successive analyses are presented. The first one uses the first 14.3 fb$^{-1}$ recorded during 2012 proton-proton collisions occurring with a collision center-of-mass referential energy of 8 TeV. In the case where both extra dimensions have the same compactification radius and where the branching ratio of $A^{(1\\,;\\,1)}$ in $t\\bar{t}$ is 100%, this analysis puts a lower observed (expected) limit on $m_\\mathrm{KK}$ (main model parameter) at 0.90 TeV (0.92 TeV) with a co...

  16. ParticipACTION, cinq ans après sa relance : enquête quantitative sur son rayonnement et sur le pouvoir d'action des organisations au Canada en matière d’initiatives consacrées à l’activité physique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guy Faulkner


    Full Text Available Introduction. ParticipACTION est un organisme canadien relancé en 2007 dédié à la communication et au marketing social en matière d’activité physique. Cette étude porte sur le pouvoir d'action des organismes canadiens dans l'adoption, la mise en oeuvre et la promotion des initiatives en ce domaine. Nos objectifs étaient de comparer les résultats de base (2008 avec les résultats de suivi (2013 en ce qui concerne (1 la connaissance de ParticipACTION, (2 la capacité d'un organisme à adopter, à mettre en oeuvre et à promouvoir des initiatives d’activité physique et (3 les différences potentielles en matière de pouvoir d'action d'une organisation en fonction de sa taille, de son secteur et de son mandat ainsi que (4 d’évaluer la perception de ParticipACTION cinq ans après sa relance. Méthodologie. Dans le cadre de cette étude transversale, des représentants d’organismes locaux, provinciaux, territoriaux et nationaux ont rempli un questionnaire en ligne visant à évaluer la capacité de leur organisme à adopter, à mettre en oeuvre et à promouvoir des initiatives d’activité physique. Nous avons utilisé des méthodes de statistique descriptive et des analyses de variance à un facteur pour répondre à nos objectifs. Résultats. Le taux de réponse correspondant aux personnes ayant ouvert le courriel d’invitation à répondre au sondage et ayant consenti à y participer était de 40,6 % (685/1 688. Au total, 540 questionnaires de sondage ont été remplis. Le taux de connaissance de ParticipACTION, qui se chiffrait à 54,6 % lors de l’étude initiale, avait atteint 93,9 % au moment du suivi (objectif 1. Tant les résultats initiaux que les résultats de suivi ont fait état d’un pouvoir d'action important des organismes dans l'adoption, la mise en oeuvre et la promotion d'initiatives d’activité physique (objectif 2, avec cependant de légères variations en fonction du secteur et du mandat de chaque

  17. La particule de Dieu à la découverte du boson de Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Baggott, Jim


    De quoi le monde est-il constitué? Des questions aussi simples que celle-ci ont taraudé l'esprit de l'Homme depuis les origines. Même si les raisonnements sont devenus de plus en plus complexes au fil du temps, au fond, cette question centrale reste très basique. Ce livre raconte la quête des scientifiques pour élaborer un modèle permettant d'expliquer la structure de la matière à son niveau le plus élémentaire, jusqu'à l'annonce de la découverte du fameux boson de Higgs, au LHC, le 4 juillet 2012. Qu'est-ce que le boson de Higgs et en quoi sa découverte est-elle si importante? La réponse à cette question réside dans l'histoire du modèle standard de la physique des particules. Ce modèle, élaboré découverte après découverte, depuis le début du XXe siècle, recense toutes les particules constitutives de l'univers. Il prédisait jusqu'ici l'existence d'un champs dit de Higgs indispensable pour donner leur masse aux autres particules du modèle. Sans le boson de Higgs, l'univers ne pouv...

  18. Alignement général du CLIC: stratégie et progrès

    CERN Document Server

    Mainaud-Durand, H


    La faisabilité concernant le pré-alignement actif du CLIC sera démontrée si l?on peut prouver qu?il existe une référence et ses capteurs associés permettant l?alignement des composants à mieux que 3 microns (1?). Pour répondre à ce challenge, une méthode de mesure d?écarts à un fil tendu est proposée, basée sur 40 ans de pratique de cette technique au CERN. Quelques problèmes demeurent concernant cette méthode : la connaissance de la forme du fil tendu utilisé comme référence droite, la détermination du géoïde à la précision souhaitée et le développement de capteurs bas coût permettant des mesures sub-micrométriques. Des études ont été entreprises afin de lever les derniers points en suspens, pendant que cette solution est intégrée dans une proposition concernant l?alignement général du CLIC. Cela implique un grand nombre d?interactions au niveau du projet, dans des domaines aussi différents que le génie civil, l?intégration, la physique du faisceau, la métrologie des �...

  19. Etude des désintégrations $\\boldsymbol{B^0_{(s)}\\to\\bar{D}^0 K^+ K^-}$ et des sous-modes $\\boldsymbol{B^0_{(s)}\\to \\bar{D}^{(*)0}\\phi}$ avec le détecteur LHCb

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00389141; T'Jampens, Stéphane

    L'expérience LHCb a été conçue pour étudier la physique des saveurs, dont entre autre la violation de CP, sur le collisioneur proton-proton LHC. La première phase de fonctionnement du LHC a durée de 2011 à 2012, ce qui a permis à LHCb de collecter $3.19~\\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ de données à une énergie dans le centre de masse des collisions de $\\sqrt{s} = 7~TeV$ et $\\sqrt{s} = 8~TeV$. L'analyse présentée dans cette thèse est basée sur l'ensemble des données collectées par LHCb lors de la première phase de fonctionnement (2011-2012). Le mécanisme de Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) est le mécanisme décrivant les transitions entre les différentes familles de quarks et la violation de CP dans le cadre du Modèle Standard. Les expériences de la décennie précédente dédiées à la physique des saveurs, BaBar et Belle, ont permis de démontrer le fonctionnement du mécanisme CKM et qu'il est majoritairement standard. A présent LHCb a pour objectif de mesurer avec précision les paramètres de ce...

  20. Quark-quark interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacob, M.


    This chapter discusses interactions only at the constituent level, as observed in hadron-hadron collisions. It defines quarks and gluons as constituents of the colliding hadrons, reviews some applications of perturbative OCD, discussing in turn lepton pair production, which in lowest order approximation corresponds to the Drell-Yan process. It investigates whether quark-quark interactions could not lead to some new color structure different from those prevalent for known baryons and mesons, which could be created in hadron interactions, and whether color objects (not specifically quarks or gluons) could not appear as free particles. Discussed is perturbative QCD in hadron collisions; the quark approach to soft processes; and new color structures. It points out that perturbative QCD has been at the origin of much progress in the understanding of hadron interactions at the constituent level

  1. Mesures de teneurs en eau volumique et massique sur du sable


    FAUCHARD, Cyrille; GUILBERT, Vincent; SAGNARD, Florence; FROUMENTIN, Michel


    Usuellement, la mesure par séchage en étuve et la mesure de la masse volumique humide par méthode nucléaire permettent de relier la teneur en eau massique à la teneur en eau volumique. La méthodologie étudiée ici propose d'associer à la mesure de la masse volumique humide une estimation de la teneur en eau volumique par des méthodes électromagnétiques via la mesure de la permittivité diélectrique apparente du sol. Ce paramètre physique peut être relié à la teneur en eau volumique par une loi ...

  2. Physique quantique


    Haroche, Serge


    De l’infiniment petit à l’infiniment grand, couvrant plus de soixante ordres de grandeur de dimension spatiale, la théorie quantique est invoquée, tant pour décrire les vibrations encore largement mystérieuses des cordes microscopiques qui pourraient être les constituants élémentaires de l’Univers, que pour rendre compte des fluctuations du rayonnement micro-onde qui nous parvient des confins du cosmos. Serge Haroche nous présente dans cette leçon la théorie scientifique qui a révolutionné no...

  3. Mesure asymétrie avant-arriere des quarks lourds a LEP1 avec le détecteur OPAL

    CERN Document Server

    Lafoux, H

    A partir de l'ensemble des données accumulées par OPAL au cours de la première phase de fonctionnement du LEP, nous avons mesuré l'asymétrie avant-arrière des quarks b et c au voisinage du pic du Zo. Utilisant une méthode traditionnelle, basée sur la détection des leptons produits dans les désintégrations semi-leptoniques des hadrons lourds, nous avons cherché à optimiser chaque étape de la mesure, en mettant en œuvre les algorithmes les plus appropriés. Le recours aux réseaux de neurones artificiels s'est en particulier avéré d'une grande utilité lorsque le problème à résoudre impliquait la prise en compte simultanée de multiples sources d'informations, d'origine et de nature très variées. Nos résultats sont en bon accord avec ceux des autres mesures effectuées à LEP et compatibles avec les prédictions du Modèle Standard pour un quark top de 174 ± 31 GeV/c2 et un boson de Higgs de masse comprise entre 60 et 1000 GeV/c2

  4. No 129-L'exercice physique pendant la grossesse et le postpartum. (United States)

    Davies, Gregory A L; Wolfe, Larry A; Mottola, Michelle F; MacKinnon, Catherine


    Énoncer une directive canadienne visant à informer les fournisseurs de soins obstétricaux des répercussions, pour la mère, le fœtus et le nouveau-né, des exercices de conditionnement aerobique et musculaire pendant la grossesse. RéSULTATS ATTENDUS: Effets sur la morbidité maternelle, fœtale et néonatale et mesures de la forme physique maternelle. Une recherche sur MEDLINE des articles, publiés en anglais de 1966 à 2002, appartenant aux catégories suivantes : études sur le conditionnement aérobique et musculaire chez des femmes ne faisant pas jusque-là d'exercice et chez des femmes actives avant leur grossesse, ainsi que des études sur les répercussions du conditionnement aérobique et musculaire sur les issues précoces et tardives de la grossesse ou sur les issues néonatales; rapports de synthèse et méta-analyses portant sur l'exercice pendant la grossesse. Les résultats recueillis ont été revus par la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (Comité de la pratique clinique - obstétrique), avec la participation de la Société canadienne de physiologie de l'exercice, et ils ont été classés suivant les critères d'évaluation des preuves établis par le Groupe de travail canadien sur l'examen de santé périodique. VALIDATION: Cette directive a été approuvée par le Comité de pratique clinique - obstétrique de la SOGC, par le Comité exécutif et par le Conseil de la SOGC, ainsi que par le Conseil d'administration de la Société canadienne de physiologie de l'exercice. PARRAINé PAR: la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada et par la Société canadienne de physiologie de l'exercice. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  5. Bases en technique du vide

    CERN Document Server

    Rommel, Guy


    Cette seconde édition, 20 ans après la première, devrait continuer à aider les techniciens pour la réalisation de leur système de vide. La technologie du vide est utilisée, à présent, dans de nombreux domaines très différents les uns des autres et avec des matériels très fiables. Or, elle est souvent bien peu étudiée, de plus, c'est une discipline où le savoir-faire prend tout son sens. Malheureusement la transmission par des ingénieurs et techniciens expérimentés ne se fait plus ou trop rapidement. La technologie du vide fait appel à la physique, à la chimie, à la mécanique, à la métallurgie, au dessin industriel, à l'électronique, à la thermique, etc. Cette discipline demande donc de maîtriser des techniques de domaines très divers, et ce n'est pas chose facile. Chaque installation est en soi un cas particulier avec ses besoins, sa façon de traiter les matériaux et celle d'utiliser les matériels. Les systèmes de vide sont parfois copiés d'un laboratoire à un autre et le...

  6. SU(6) symmetry and the quark forces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartnik, E.A.; Namyslowski, J.M.


    The short distance forces between 3 valence quarks in the proton are investigated in perturbative QCD formulated on the light cone. These forces are the driving terms in the Brodsky-Lepage type evolution equation for the partially decomposed distribution amplitudes. The one-gluon exchange force, which is the lowest order force in the running coupling constant αsub(s) retains the SU(6) symmetry, while the αsub(s) 2 -order force, corresponding to one Coulomb gluon and one transverse gluon, breaks the SU(6) symmetry. The latter force contributes to the deviation from 1/2 of the d/u ratio for the proton, observed experimentally. In the kinematical domain of one fast quark, the αsub(s) 2 -order force gives the leading (1-x) 3 behaviour of the deep inelastic structure function F 2 (x), in contrast to the αsub(s)-order force, which gives (1-x) 5 , for xapprox.=1. (orig.)

  7. Le traitement informatisé de ressources électroniques au Service de l'Information Scientifique du CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Pignard, Nathalie; Jerdelet, Jocelyne


    Nous présentons une méthode automatique d'importation de données mise en oeuvre au Service de l'Information Scientifique, SIS, du CERN. Ce programme informatique, baptisé Uploader, permet d'importer dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque du CERN des notices bibliographiques et le texte intégral de documents provenant de diverses sources sur Internet. Ces bases de données concernent la littérature grise en physique et dans les disciplines voisines (par exemple DOE, KEK, Math-Doc, TipTop, etc.). Cette politique d'acquisition, qui met en avant le traitement informatisé des ressources électroniques, soulève quelques réflexions sur l'augmentation du nombre de documents collectés et sur l'élargissement des domaines traités. Le souci constant d'enrichir ces données et d'en faciliter l'accès aux utilisateurs, sur un mode hypertextuel, conduit à une évolution des métiers de la gestion documentaire.

  8. Etudes physiques des mélanges eau-cryoprotecteurs (United States)

    Vassoille, R.; Perez, J.

    The aim of the following review is to present the most important studies concerning the physical properties of water-solutes mixtures used in cryobiology. Cryobiology is a branch of biology which deals with the very low temperature behaviour of cells. This technique is developed today in several directions. The creation of banks of cells and perhaps in a short time of small organs, is the purpose of much research in this domain. Before freezing, living cells are generally put in a solution containing one or more solutes. The role of these solutes is to protect the cells against damage due to crystallization of water (cryoprotectors). The mechanisms of cryoprotection are not well known ; nevertheless the vitreous state formation during cooling is often invoked. So, it is possible to avoid crystallization damage such as mechanical strain (due to an increase of volume of about 10 %) and salt effects (due to osmotic pressure). The conditions in which the vitreous state is obtained, maintained during cooling, storage at low temperature and rewarming can be defined by physical studies presented in the following review. Le présent travail est essentiellement une revue bibliographique des principales études physiques qui ont été réalisées avec des solutions de composés habituellement employés en cryobiologie. La cryobiologie est une branche de la biologie qui s'intéresse au comportement des cellules à basse température. Cette discipline est actuellement en plein développement dans des domaines très divers. Son principal but est la création de banques de cellules de plus en plus complexes avec comme perspective la conservation des organes. Les cellules vivantes sont généralement placées avant congélation dans une solution contenant divers composés dont le rôle est de protéger les cellules contre les effets de la cristallisation de l'eau. L'action protectrice de ces cryoprotecteurs est encore mal connue; cependant, la formation d'un état vitreux lors du

  9. Top quark studies with Atlas at the LHC. Electromagnetic calorimeter commissioning; Etude du quark top avec Atlas au LHC. Mise en route du calorimetre electromagnetique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Resende Vaz de Melo Xavier, B


    The first proton-proton collisions in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will take place on 2007. It aims at understanding the origins of mass. and it will also look for new physics. The ATLAS experiment will exploit all those physics potentialities. using a multilayer generalist detector. Quark top studies will be an important step in ATLAS physics program: its properties may reveal hints of new phenomena. One way to look for new physics is through quark top and W boson polarizations. which are studied here. This detailed simulation study has confirmed previous fast simulation results including extensive systematics estimation. ATLAS should thus yield a precision of a few percents with 10 fb{sup -1} of data. that is a year of LHC working. This precision is sufficient to select among several new physics models. Among ATLAS subsystems, the electromagnetic calorimeter plays a crucial role in the characterisation of electrons and photons. which are used in particular for the Higgs boson search. This document deals with the calorimeter commissioning as the time of the first collisions approaches. The detector itself and its electronics will be described, as well as its installation and calibration. Cosmic muons observation will then be presented. as the first overall test of the reading and reconstruction electronics chain in actual working conditions. (author)

  10. Two-Quark Condensate Changes with Quark Current Mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Changfang; Lue Xiaofu; Wu Xiaohua; Zhan Yongxin


    Using the Schwinger-Dyson equation and perturbation theory, we calculate the two-quark condensates for the light quarks u, d, strange quark s and a heavy quark c with their current masses respectively. The results show that the two-quark condensate will decrease when the quark mass increases, which hints the chiral symmetry may be restored for the heavy quarks.

  11. Autogestion des troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété par l'activité physique et l'exercice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louise Pelletier


    Full Text Available Introduction : L'activité physique et l'exercice constituent une stratégie d'autogestion importante pour les personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale. Cette étude visait à caractériser à la fois les personnes atteintes d'un trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété qui faisaient de l'exercice ou de l'activité physique pour aider à gérer leur trouble et celles qui n'en faisaient pas, ainsi qu'à identifier les facteurs facilitant l'activité physique et l'exercice et ceux constituant un obstacle. Méthodologie : L'Enquête sur les personnes ayant une maladie chronique au Canada - Composante des troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété de 2014 a été utilisée pour cette étude. Les répondants (n = 2 678 ont été classés en fonction de la fréquence à laquelle ils faisaient de l'exercice : (1 aucun exercice, (2 exercice une à trois fois par semaine et (3 exercice quatre fois ou plus par semaine. Nous avons procédé à des analyses descriptives et de régression logistique multinomiale. Nous avons pondéré toutes les estimations afin que les données soient représentatives de la population canadienne adulte vivant en logement privé dans l'une des 10 provinces et ayant déclaré avoir reçu un diagnostic de troubles de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété. Résultats : Sur l'ensemble des Canadiens affectés, 51,0 % ne faisaient aucun exercice pour aider à gérer leur trouble de l'humeur et/ou d'anxiété, 23,8 % en faisaient d'une à trois fois par semaine et 25,3 % en faisaient quatre fois ou plus par semaine. On a établi un lien entre, d'une part, un âge plus avancé, des niveaux de scolarité plus bas et une suffisance de revenu du ménage plus faible et, d'autre part, une fréquence plus importante de l'inactivité. Les individus vivant avec un trouble de l'humeur (avec ou sans anxiété et ceux avec des comorbidités physiques étaient moins susceptibles de faire régulièrement de l'exercice. Les recommandations d'un médecin ou d

  12. Geneva University

    CERN Multimedia


    Ecole de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENEVE 4 Tél: (022) 379 62 73 Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Wednesday 14th May 2008 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17.00 – Stückelberg Auditorium CREAM, une expérience d’étude du rayonnement cosmique nucléaire à haute énergie entre 1 et 1000TeV by Dr Michel Buénerd, Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Grenoble L’expérience CREAM (Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass) a volé sous un ballon au-dessus du continent Antarctique en décembre-janvier derniers. L’exposé comprendra une présentation des objectifs du programme scientifique, une description générale de l’instrumentation, plus détaillée pour l’imageur Cherenkov, et une narration illustrée de la préparation du vol de CREAM en Antarctique, du lancement du ballon, du déroulement du vol avec quelques résultats en ligne, ainsi qu’une évocation de la vie à McMurdo. Information: http://dp...

  13. Quarks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shekhter, V [AN SSSR, Leningrad. Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki


    The history is described of the concept of quarks, ie., hypothetical particles of which,hadrons (strongly interacting particles) are believed to consist. The quark properties differ from those of known elementary particles. The electric charge of quarks is 1/3 and 2/3 of the electron charge and they obviously only exist inside hadrons. Quark existence is generally recognized because it has been confirmed by experimental verification of predictions made using a quark model.

  14. Psychophysiological Tracking of a Female Physique Competitor through Competition Preparation. (United States)

    Rohrig, Brandon J; Pettitt, Robert W; Pettitt, Cherie D; Kanzenbach, Todd L


    Natural physique competitions are based on subjective judgments of how a competitor appears on show day. Prior to competition, there is a prolonged dieting phase referred to as contest preparation. The primary goal is to reduce body fat levels while maintaining skeletal muscle mass. The study tracked the physiological and psychological changes for a 24 year old female preparing for a physique competition. The study was conducted to describe the physiological and psychological changes of a female physique competitor who engages in long-term contest preparation. Diet, body composition, blood work, energy expenditure, mood, and performance were evaluated through contest preparation. The participant lost 10.1kg throughout contest preparation in a strong weekly linear pattern (R 2 =0.97). Body fat was reduced from 30.45% to 15.85% while fat free mass was maintained. Mood for the participant remained stable until month five, when an observed variation occurred, with performance maintaining. Contest preparation was successful in reducing the body fat in the participant while having a minimum effect on both performance and fat free mass. For athletes looking to lose large amounts of body fat with minimal performance decrements a prolonged diet period with moderate exercise and food restriction can be an effective solution.

  15. Social Physique Anxiety and Intention to Be Physically Active: A Self-Determination Theory Approach. (United States)

    Sicilia, Álvaro; Sáenz-Alvarez, Piedad; González-Cutre, David; Ferriz, Roberto


    Based on self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between social physique anxiety and intention to be physically active, while taking into account the mediating effects of the basic psychological needs and behavioral regulations in exercise. Having obtained parents' prior consent, 390 students in secondary school (218 boys, 172 girls; M age  = 15.10 years, SD = 1.94 years) completed a self-administered questionnaire during physical education class that assessed the target variables. Preliminary analyses included means, standard deviations, and bivariate correlations among the target variables. Next, a path analysis was performed using the maximum likelihood estimation method with the bootstrapping procedure in the statistical package AMOS 19. Analysis revealed that social physique anxiety negatively predicted intention to be physically active through mediation of the basic psychological needs and the 3 autonomous forms of motivation (i.e., intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, and identified regulation). The results suggest that social physique anxiety is an internal source of controlling influence that hinders basic psychological need satisfaction and autonomous motivation in exercise, and interventions aimed at reducing social physique anxiety could promote future exercise.

  16. Major Events Coordinated Security Solutions Technical Report Closeout (MECSS): The Application of Science and Technology to Reduce Risk for V2010 and G8/G20 Summits (United States)


    CBRNE), aux infrastructures essentielles, à la surveillance, à la sécurité physique, à la cybernétique et à la socio- psychologie . Le présent socio- psychologie . Dans le cadre du projet SCSGE, on a produit plus de 195 rapports scientifiques, fruit des efforts, du dévouement et du...aux infrastructures essentielles, à la surveillance, à la sécurité physique, à la cybernétique et à la socio- psychologie . Le présent rapport

  17. Space-Time Geometry of Quark and Strange Quark Matter

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    We study quark and strange quark matter in the context of general relativity. For this purpose, we solve Einstein's field equations for quark and strange quark matter in spherical symmetric space-times. We analyze strange quark matter for the different equations of state (EOS) in the spherical symmetric space-times, thus we are able to obtain the space-time geometries of quark and strange quark matter. Also, we discuss die features of the obtained solutions. The obtained solutions are consistent with the results of Brookhaven Laboratory, i.e. the quark-gluon plasma has a vanishing shear (i.e. quark-gluon plasma is perfect).


    CERN Document Server

    Chevallay, E


    A Isolde, les physiciens utilisent pour leurs expériences des isotopes rares produits par l'interaction d'un faisceau de protons provenant du synchrotron Booster et d'une cible métallique. Derrière cette cible, les isotopes qui sont produits et accélérés ne sont pas tous du même type et de la même masse. Des aimants de spectromètres (GPS ou HRS) sélectionnent les isotopes requis en fonction du rapport masse/charge. De plus, l'utilisation d'un laser de puissance pour ioniser les isotopes, le laser R.I.L.I.S. (Résonance Ionization Laser Ion Source), permet une bien meilleure sélectivité. Le système de lasers RILIS a été construit par la collaboration Isolde [1] en 1990. Son implication dans le programme de physique d'Isolde représente 50 % des expériences approuvées. Etant l'un des éléments clefs de la production d'isotopes rares à Isolde, il a bien entendu été intégré dans le programme de consolidation lancé en 2000 [2]. La consolidation du laser lui-même n'entre pas dans le cadre d...

  19. Prediction of new Quarks, Generations and Quark Masses (United States)

    Lach, Thedore


    The Standard model currently suggests no relationship between the quark and lepton masses. The CBM (model) of the nucleus has resulted in the prediction of two new quarks, an up quark mass of 237.31 MeV/c2 and a dn quark mass of 42.392 MeV/c2. These two new quarks help explain the numerical relationship between all the quark and lepton masses in a single function. The mass of each SNU-P (quark or lepton) is just the geometric mean of two related SNU-Ps, either in the same generation or in the same family. This numerology predicts the following masses for the electron family: 0.511000 (electron), 7.743828 (predicted), 117.3520, 1778.38, 26950.08 MeV. The resulting slope of these masses when plotted on semi log paper is "e" to 5 significant figures using the currently accepted mass for Tau. This theory suggests that all the "dn like" quarks have a mass of just 10X multiples of 4.24 MeV (the mass of the "d" quark). The first 3 "up like" quark masses are 38, 237 and 1500 MeV. This theory also predicts a new heavy generation with a lepton mass of 27 GeV, a "dn like" quark of 42.4 GeV, and an "up like" quark of 65 GeV. Significant evidence already exists for the existence of these quarks, and lepton.

  20. Arthrose médiale du genou : évaluations et recommandations cliniques pour les traitements par infiltration, orthèses plantaires et/ou orthèse du genou à l'aide d'analyses quantifiées de la marche


    Dessery, Yoann


    L’arthrose du genou (gonarthrose) est une des sources d’incapacité physique les plus fréquentes dans le monde. Plusieurs traitements sont disponibles pour réduire la douleur et ralentir l’évolution de la maladie. Cependant, certains de ces traitements manquent encore de documentation ou d’ajustement par rapport aux patients. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’évaluer l’impact de différents traitements de la gonarthrose médiale sur la vie quotidienne et le patron de marche afin d’aider le...

  1. Assessment of the full content of physique stereotypes with a free-response format. (United States)

    Butler, J C; Ryckman, R M; Thornton, B; Bouchard, R L


    A major limitation of physique stereotyping research is that American subjects have used a restricted set of traits provided by the experimenter to evaluate endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs. A free-response procedure was used in Study 1 to identify the full domain of traits associated with each physique. Although many of the traits identified were similar to those used in previous research, a number of new trait dimensions were uncovered. In Study 2, the large number of traits generated with the free-response format was reduced by combining synonyms. This new set of traits was placed in semantic differential format and given to a new sample of subjects to evaluate. The results paralleled those of the first study with the exception that ectomorphs were seen more favorably. This discrepancy, as well as the fact that raters listed trait antonyms within each of the three major physiques in Study 1, suggests the possibility of unique subtypes within the global stereotypes. Examples of these subtypes are proposed.

  2. The Effect of Muscle Dysmorphia and Social Physique Anxiety on the Use of Supplements and Drugs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yadollah Khorramabady


    Full Text Available Background The use of dietary supplements and drugs to improve performance and physical appearance has recently increased among professional and recreational ‎athletes. Literature shows that bodybuilders, more than other athletes use supplements and drugs. Objectives This study aims to predict the use of supplements and drugs by muscle dysmorphia and social physique anxiety variables among Hamedan bodybuilders. Methods This cross-sectional investigation was conducted with 438 bodybuilders in Hamedan province. For collecting data, we used a demographic questionnaire, muscle dysmorphia scale, and social ‎physique anxiety scale. Results The results showed that 79.2% of the subjects used supplements, and vitamins (22.1% and protein powders (21.9% had the highest rates of use among supplements. Moreover, 145 subjects (33.1% used drugs, and steroid derivatives (16.2% and peptide hormones and growth factors (12.6% had the highest rates of use among drugs. The results of t-test showed that muscle dysmorphia and social physique anxiety were significantly higher in the subjects who used supplements and drugs than those who did not. Additionally, the results of logistic regression indicated that muscle dysmorphia and social physique anxiety can predict the likelihood of drug abuse. Conclusions The present study provides novel findings of the effect of social physique anxiety and muscle ‎dysmorphia on nutritional supplement and drugs use among bodybuilders. ‎

  3. Electroweak production of the top quark in the Run 2 of the D0 experiment; Production electrofaible du quark top au Run 2 de l'experience D0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clement, B


    The work exposed in this thesis deals with the search for electroweak production of top quark (single top) in proton-antiproton collisions at {radical}s = 1.96 TeV. This production mode has not been observed yet. Analyzed data have been collected during the Run II of the D diameter experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. These data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 370 pb{sup -1}. In the Standard Model, the decay of a top quark always produce a high momentum bottom quark. Therefore bottom quark jets identification plays a major role in this analysis. The large lifetime of b hadrons and the subsequent large impact parameters relative to the interaction vertex of charged particle tracks are used to tag bottom quark jets. Impact parameters of tracks attached to a jet are converted into the probability for the jet to originate from the primary vertex. This algorithm has a 45% tagging efficiency for a 0.5% mistag rate. Two processes (s and t channels) dominate single top production with slightly different final states. The searched signature consists in 2 to 4 jets with at least one bottom quark jet, one charged lepton (electron or muon) and missing energy accounting for a neutrino. This final state is background dominated and multivariate techniques are needed to separate the signal from the two main backgrounds: associated production of a W boson and jets and top quarks pair production. The achieved sensitivity is not enough to reach observation and we computed upper limits at the 95% confidence level at 5 pb (s-channel) and 4.3 pb (t-channel) on single top production cross-sections. (author)

  4. Neutrino mass and physics beyond the Standard Model; Masse des Neutrinos et Physique au-dela du Modele Standard

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hosteins, P


    The purpose of this thesis is to study, in the neutrino sector, the flavour structures at high energy. The work is divided into two main parts. The first part is dedicated to the well known mechanism to produce small neutrino masses: the seesaw mechanism, which implies the existence of massive particles whose decays violate lepton number. Therefore this mechanism can also be used to generate a net baryon number in the early universe and explain the cosmological observation of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter. However, it is often non-trivial to fulfill the constraints coming at the same time from neutrino oscillations and cosmological experiments, at least in frameworks where the couplings can be somehow constrained, like some Grand Unification models. Therefore we devoted the first part to the study of a certain class of seesaw mechanism which can be found in the context of SO(10) theories for example. We introduce a method to extract the mass matrix of the heavy right-handed neutrinos and explore the phenomenological consequences of this quantity, mainly concerning the production of a sufficient baryon asymmetry. When trying to identify the underlying symmetry governing the mixings between the different generations, we see that there is a puzzling difference between the quark and the lepton sectors. However, the quark and lepton parameters have to be compared at the scale of the flavour symmetry breaking, therefore we have to make them run to the appropriate scale. Thus, it is worthwhile investigating models where quantum corrections allow an approximate unification of quark and lepton mixings. This is why the other part of the thesis investigates the running of the effective neutrino mass operator in models with an extra compact dimension, where quantum corrections to the neutrino masses and mixings can be potentially large due to the multiplicity of states.

  5. Prediction of new Quarks, Generations & low Mass Quarks (United States)

    Lach, Theodore


    The CBM (model) of the nucleus has resulted in the prediction of two new quarks, an "up" quark of mass 237.31 MeV/c2 and a "dn" quark of mass 42.392 MeV/c2. These two new predicted quarks helped to determine that the masses of the quarks and leptons are all related by a geometric progression relationship. The mass of each quark or lepton is just the "geometric mean" of two related elementary particles, either in the same generation or in the same family. This numerology predicts the following masses for the electron family: 0.511000 (electron), 7.74 (predicted), 117.3, 1778.4 (tau), 26950.1 MeV. The geometric ratio of this progression is 15.154 (e to the power e). The mass of the tau in this theory agrees very well with accepted values. This theory suggests that all the "dn like" quarks have a mass of just 10X multiples of 4.24 MeV (the mass of the "d" quark). The first 3 "up like" quark masses are 38, 237.31 and 1500 MeV. This theory also predicts a new heavy generation with a lepton mass of 27 GeV, a "dn like" quark of 42.4 GeV, and an "up like" quark of 65 GeV. Significant evidence already exists for the existence of these new quarks, and lepton. Ref. Masses of the Sub-Nuclear Particles, nucl-th/ 0008026, @ Infinite Energy, Vol 5, issue 30.

  6. L'éducation physique et sportive scolaire en Algérie


    Yahiaoui, Boubeker


    Le problème qui se pose à nous dans cet essai d'analyse est que l'Education Physique et Sportive (par abréviation EPS) reste toujours marginalisée à l'école algérienne. Alors que les activités physiques sont considérées dans le monde comme un moyen fondamental d'amélioration de la santé et de l'éducation, plus particulièrement des jeunes, en Algérie, l'EPS et le sport scolaire ont régressé : 2x45mn hebdomadaires d'enseignement très peu assurées à l'école primaire, 2h par semaine dans les ense...

  7. Périodiques scientifiques Les usagers du CERN entre passage au tout électronique et nouveau modèle de publication

    CERN Document Server

    Bessero, C


    Les usagers de la bibliothèque du CERN (Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire) représentent près de la moitié des physiciens des hautes énergies à travers le monde. Les spécificités de cette communauté expliquent sa rapide adoption du format électronique pour l'organisation de sa communication scientifique ; elles permettent également de comprendre l'émergence d'un nouveau modèle de publication en libre accès conçu à son intention. La bibliothèque se révèle être un partenaire indispensable à ces changements, notamment en raison de la constitution d'une collection complémentaire, adaptée à des besoins pointus et diversifiés dans les domaines connexes à la physique des hautes énergies.

  8. Chemical Potential Dependence of the Dressed-Quark Propagator from an Effective Quark-Quark Interaction

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    ZONG Hong-Shi; PING Jia-Lun; SUN Wei-Min; CHANG Chao-Hsi; WANG Fan


    We exhibit a method for obtaining the low chemical potential dependence of the dressed quark propagatorfrom an effective quark-quark interaction model. Within this approach we explore the chemical potential dependenceof the dressed-quark propagator, which provides a means of determining the behavior of the chiral and deconfinementorder parameters. A comparison with the results of previous researches is given.

  9. Development of a software for a multi-processor system aimed at the on-line control of nuclear physics experiments; Developpement de logiciel pour un systeme multiprocesseur destine au controle en ligne d'experiences de physique nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poggioli, Jean Renaud


    This research thesis reports the development of a software for an acquisition computer aimed at the on-line control of nuclear physics experiments. An original architecture, based on the assignment of a processor to each fundamental task, enables the implementation of a high performance system. In order to make the user free of programming constraints, the author developed a software for dynamic generation of acquisition and processing codes. These codes are created from a data base which is programmed by the user by using a language close to the physical reality. Procedures of interactive control of the experiment are thus simplified by displaying function menus on the operator terminal. The author evokes possible hardware improvements and possible extensions of the system [French] Cette these rend compte du developpement logiciel realise pour un calculateur d'acquisition destine au controle en ligne d'experiences de Physique Nucleaire. Une architecture originale, basee sur l'attribution d'un processeur a chacune des taches fondamentales permet de facon simple la mise en oeuvre d'un systeme a hautes performances. Le souci de liberer l'utilisateur des contraintes de programmation a conduit a l'elaboration d'un logiciel de generation dynamique des codes acquisition et traitement; ces derniers sont crees a partir d'une base de donnees que l'experimentateur programme a l'aide d'un langage approchant la realite physique. Les procedures de controle interactif de l'experience se trouvent simplifiees par l'affichage de menus de fonctions sur la console operateur. En conclusion sont evoquees les ameliorations materielles et les extensions possibles du systeme. (auteur)

  10. La ‘dimension du visuel’ chez Tacite: réflexion sur la ‘thématisation du regard’ dans la textualité des Annales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Mambwini-Kivuial-Kiaku


    Full Text Available E . Dans les écrits historiques de Tacite, il se dégage une notion importante que la critique a peu exploitée, à savoir la « thématisation du regard ». Il est clairement établi que, dans sa textualité, Tacite a souvent recours à des images à facture realiste pour obliger ses lecteurs à prendre conscience non seulement des préoccupations quotidiennes du peuple romain, mais aussi et surtout de tous les méfaits commis dans l’espace politique romain sous l’Empire. Pour y parvenir, l’historien insiste sur la technique du portrait, de la description physique ou psychologique, sur le panoramique. Loin de lui accorder l’attribut de cinéaste, il paraît évident que, si l’on relit les Histoires et les Annales avec un regard d’un lecteur du XXIe siècle, on y découvrirait des traces d’une écriture dite « cinématographique », laquelle a permis l’inscription des regards, des gestes, des paroles et surtout leur mise en filière dans les récits sans pour autant négliger le faisceau des relations qui définissent leur esthétique. En tout cas, l’univers littéraire et historique de Tacite se voulant en prise direct avec le vécu quotidien des romains se donne non seulement à voir mais aussi à entendre. Le recours à des procédés de polyfocalisation et à des techniques venant de plus champs artistiques (dont certaines ressemblent étonnement à celles exploitées dans le cinema d’aujourd’hui sollicite les lecteurs tacitéens à participer activement à la production de sens de ses récits. Le présent article doit être considéré comme une introduction à une étude beaucoup plus approfondie du regard dans l’œuvre de Tacite.

  11. Quark-diquark approximation of the three-quark structure of baryons in the quark confinement model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efimov, G.V.; Ivanov, M.A.; Lyubovitskij, V.E.


    Octet (1 + /2) and decuplet (3 + /2) of baryons as relativistic three-quark states are investigated in the quark confinement model (QCM), the relativistic quark model, based on some assumptions about hadronization and quark confinement. The quark-diquark approximation of the three-quark structure of baryons is proposed. In the framework of this approach the description of the main low-energy characteristics of baryons as magnetic moments, electromagnetic radii and form factors, ratio of axial and vector constants in semileptonic baryon octet decays, strong form factors and decay widths is given. The obtained results are in agreement with experimental data. 31 refs.; 4 figs.; 5 tabs

  12. Amélioration des propriétés physiques et chimiques du sol sous l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 févr. 2014 ... sol autour de Lubumbashi a profondément changé et la savane correspond à la dégradation de la forêt claire ... couverture, ont été apportés à des quantités différentes en fonction des traitements. Le coût d'acquisition ... sur les deux lignes du milieu et le rendement a été ajustés au taux d'humidité de 14%.

  13. Cryogénie hélium et efficacité énergétique: L'expérience du LHC au CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Claudet, S; Tavian, L


    Résumé La supraconductivité et la cryogénie hélium associée sont devenues des technologies clés des grands équipements de recherche en physique, et en particulier des accélérateurs de particules. Le coût thermodynamique du fonctionnement à basse température impose à leurs systèmes cryogéniques une haute efficacité énergétique dans la gestion des charges thermiques, la distribution des fluides et la production de froid, obtenue par une approche intégrée couvrant toutes les phases du projet, de la conception préliminaire jusqu'à l'exploitation. L'expérience du LHC au CERN vient illustrer le propos, tandis que quelques pistes de développements futurs sont évoquées. Abstract Superconductivity and associated helium cryogenics have become key technologies for large research infrastructures in physics, and particularly particle accelerators. The thermodynamic penalty for operating at low temperature requires their cryogenic systems to be highly energy efficient in managing heat loads, dis...

  14. An Examination of Women's Self-Presentation, Social Physique Anxiety, and Setting Preferences during Injury Rehabilitation (United States)

    Hall, Craig R.


    Objectives. This study investigated whether women experience self-presentational concerns related to rehabilitation settings and explored preferences for characteristics of the social and physical treatment environment in relation to women's Social Physique Anxiety (SPA). Methods. Two cross-sectional studies were conducted. In Study 1, female undergraduate students (n = 134) completed four questionnaires (Social Physique Anxiety Scale; three bespoke questionnaires assessing self-presentation in rehabilitation and social and physical environment preferences) with respect to hypothetical rehabilitation scenarios. Study 2 recruited injured women who were referred for physiotherapy (n = 62) to complete the same questionnaires regarding genuine rehabilitation scenarios. Results. Women with high SPA showed less preference for physique salient clothing than women with low SPA in both hypothetical (p = 0.001) and genuine settings (p = 0.01). In Study 2, women with high SPA also preferred that others in the clinic were female (p = 0.01) and reported significantly greater preference for private treatment spaces (p = 0.05). Conclusions. Self-presentational concerns exist in rehabilitation as in exercise settings. Results indicated inverse relationships between women's SPA and preference for the presence of men, physique-enhancing clothing, and open-concept treatment settings. Future studies to determine the effect of self-presentational concerns on treatment adherence are needed. PMID:28386484

  15. Original Paper Influence de l'itinéraire technique sur les propriétés ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    du sol sous culture du blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L.) dans une rotation de ... du sol sur le comportement physique et hydrique d'un sol destiné à la culture du blé tendre (Triticum aestivum. L.). ...... soil organic matter components and.

  16. Hydrodynamique physique

    CERN Document Server

    Guyon, Etienne; Petit, Luc


    Au cours des vingt dernières années, l'enseignement et la recherche en mécanique des fluides se sont ouverts aux communautés de physiciens et de physico-chimistes qui ont, à leur tour, développé de nouvelles approches d'enseignement. Celles-ci sont davantage orientées vers la compréhension des relations existant entre les comportements des fluides à diverses échelles, le développement d'outils expérimentaux variés et les descriptions en termes de mécanismes physiques élémentaires. Cet ouvrage est l'un des premiers à présenter cette approche originale de la mécanique des fluides. Après une présentation des bases microscopiques élémentaires de la théorie statistique des fluides, il aborde les notions classiques de déformation et de contrainte, puis leurs relations que les lois de conservation permettent d'envisager de façon globale. Le problème des écoulements à faible nombre de Reynolds, ainsi que ses applications aux suspensions et aux milieux poreux, sont ensuite traités en dé...

  17. Choix d'un modèle de pyrolyse ménagée du bois à l'échelle de la microparticule en vue de la modélisation macroscopique


    Rousset , Patrick; Turner , Ian; Donnot , Andre; Perre , Patrick


    Par définition la pyrolyse ménagée du bois est la décomposition physique et chimique de matières organiques sous l'action de la chaleur et en absence d'oxygène. Comprendre ce phénomène passe d'abord par l'identification des mécanismes réactionnels et la détermination des paramètres cinétiques mis en jeu lors de la dégradation thermique du bois et de ses constituants majeurs, c'est-à-dire cellulose, hémicelluloses et lignines. La richesse et la diversité des résultats issus de la littérature s...

  18. Hot nuclear matter in the modified quark-meson coupling model with quark-quark correlations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zakout, I.; Jaqaman, H.R.


    Short-range quark-quark correlations in hot nuclear matter are examined within the modified quark-meson coupling (MQMC) model by adding repulsive scalar and vector quark-quark interactions. Without these correlations, the bag radius increases with the baryon density. However, when the correlations are introduced the bag size shrinks as the bags overlap. Also as the strength of the scalar quark-quark correlation is increased, the decrease of the effective nucleon mass M* N with the baryonic density is slowed down and tends to saturate at high densities. Within this model we study the phase transition from the baryon-meson phase to the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase with the latter modelled as an ideal gas of quarks and gluons inside a bag. Two models for the QGP bag parameter are considered. In one case, the bag is taken to be medium-independent and the phase transition from the hadron phase to QGP is found to occur at five to eight times ordinary nuclear matter density for temperatures less than 60 MeV. For lower densities, the transition takes place at a higher temperature, reaching up to 130 MeV at zero density. In the second case, the QGP bag parameter is considered to be medium-dependent as in the MQMC model for the hadronic phase. In this case, it is found that the phase transition occurs at much lower densities. (author)

  19. The search for the top quark in the e+jets channel at D{Phi}; La recherche du quark top dans le canal e+jets a D{Phi}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lebrat, J.F.


    This thesis concerns the search for the top quark, in its disintegration modes, the e+jets channel, and uses the whole of particles identification and analysis tools that have been developed by the DO collaboration. The analysis which here presented is the first one to utilize the T.R.D. (Transition Radiation Detector which has been developed at the Cea Saclay) for a best electron identification. Firstly, the Top quark is presented, then the experimental device is described, that is to say, the accelerator helping to produce collisions, the detector used to identify the produced particles. Finally, data are analyzed; the comparison of events number passing by the cuts and the contribution which is expected from the background noise will allow to give an estimation of the cross sections to produce the Top quark. (N.C.). 82 refs., 81 figs., 28 tabs.

  20. A Model-Independent Discussion of Quark Number Density and Quark Condensate at Zero Temperature and Finite Quark Chemical Potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Shu-Sheng; Shi Chao; Cui Zhu-Fang; Zong Hong-Shi; Jiang Yu


    Generally speaking, the quark propagator is dependent on the quark chemical potential in the dense quantum chromodynamics (QCD). By means of the generating functional method, we prove that the quark propagator actually depends on p_4 + iμ from the first principle of QCD. The relation between quark number density and quark condensate is discussed by analyzing their singularities. It is concluded that the quark number density has some singularities at certain μ when T = 0, and the variations of the quark number density as well as the quark condensate are located at the same point. In other words, at a certain μ the quark number density turns to nonzero, while the quark condensate begins to decrease from its vacuum value. (paper)

  1. Confinement of quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nambu, J.


    Three quark models of hadron structure, which suggest an explanation of quarks confinement mechanism in hadrons are considered. Quark classifications, quark flawors and colours, symmetry model of hadron structure based on the colour theory of strong interaction are discussed. Diagrams of colour combinations of quarks and antiquarks, exchange of gluons, binding quarks in hadron. Quark confinement models based on the field theory, string model rotating and bag model are discussed. Diagrams of the colour charge distribution explaining the phenomena of infrared ''slavery'' and ultraviolet ''freedom'' are given. The models considered explain but some quark properties, creating prerequisites for the development of the consequent theory of hadron structure

  2. Phénomène de pincement de l'écoulement secondaire entre deux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Laboratoire de Physique Energétique, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Exactes, .... La condition initiale (au temps 0t. = ) ...... Dans ce qui suit, nous présentons une interprétation physique de l'apparition du phénomène de pincement. Dans notre étude, la fonction de courant est calculée avec la définition.

  3. Strange quark and the electromagnetic structure of the nucleon: the first results from the G{sup 0} experiment; Contribution du quark etrange a la structure electromagnetique du nucleon: les premiers resultats de l'experience G{sup 0}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guillon, B


    In the framework of the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the nucleon is described as being composed of three valence quarks surrounded by a sea of virtual quark-antiquark pairs and gluons. If the role of this virtual sea in the nucleon properties is inferred to be important, this contribution is still poorly understood. In this context, we study the role of the strange quarks in the nucleon since this is the lightest quark flavor of the sea with no valence contribution. We are determining its contribution to the charge and magnetization distributions in the nucleon via parity violation experiments. The measurement is performed by elastically scattering polarized electrons from nucleon target. A world wide program in which the G0 experiment takes place has been performing for a decade. The G0 experiment and the analysis of the results from its forward angles phase are the topics of this thesis. This document presents the physics case of the strangeness content of the nucleon (mass, spin, impulsion). It describes also the formalism related to the electroweak probe and the form factors, and then the principle of parity violating asymmetry measurement. The G0 experimental setup, which was built and installed in the Hall C of the Jefferson Laboratory (Usa), is detailed. This set-up was designed for the measurement of asymmetries of the order of 10{sup -6} with an overall relative uncertainty better than 10 %, over a momentum transfer range 0.1-1 (GeV/c){sup 2}. The various steps of the data analysis are exposed. They have allowed us to start from measured counting rates to reach parity violating physics asymmetries. This required a careful treatment of the various sources of systematical errors which is discussed extensively. Finally the results from the G0 forward angle measurement, its comparison with others experiments and with theoretical models, are presented. They support a non null strange quark contribution. (author)

  4. Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms in Military Health (Symptomes physiques medicalement inexpliques dans la sante militaire) (United States)


    REPORT TR-HFM-175 Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms in Military Health (Symptômes physiques médicalement inexpliqués dans la santé militaire...STO TECHNICAL REPORT TR-HFM-175 Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms in Military Health (Symptômes physiques médicalement inexpliqués dans...The General Internist 10-7 10.5.1 The Health Psychologist 10-8 10.5.2 Medical Specialists 10-8 10.5.3 The Physiatrist 10-9 10.5.4 The Physical

  5. Quark confinement in a constituent quark model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langfeld, K.; Rho, M.


    On the level of an effective quark theory, we define confinement by the absence of quark anti-quark thresholds in correlation function. We then propose a confining Nambu-Jona-Lasinio-type model. The confinement is implemented in analogy to Anderson localization in condensed matter systems. We study the model's phase structure as well as its behavior under extreme conditions, i.e. high temperature and/or high density

  6. Exercise dependence, social physique anxiety, and social support in experienced and inexperienced bodybuilders and weightlifters (United States)

    Hurst, R.; Hale, B.; Smith, D.; Collins, D.


    Objectives—To investigate psychological correlates of exercise dependence in experienced and inexperienced bodybuilders and weightlifters. Secondary objectives included measuring social physique anxiety, bodybuilding identity, and social support among bodybuilders and weightlifters. Methods—Thirty five experienced bodybuilders, 31 inexperienced bodybuilders, and 23 weightlifters completed the bodybuilding dependence scale, a bodybuilding version of the athletic identity measurement scale, the social physique anxiety scale, and an adapted version of the social support survey-clinical form. Results—A between subjects multivariate analysis of variance was calculated on the scores of the three groups of lifters for the four questionnaires. Univariate F tests and follow up tests indicated that experienced bodybuilders scored significantly higher than inexperienced bodybuilders and weightlifters on bodybuilding dependence (pbodybuilding identity (pbodybuilders exhibit more exercise dependence, show greater social support behaviour, and experience less social physique anxiety than inexperienced bodybuilders and weightlifters. Key Words: bodybuilding; exercise dependence; social physical anxiety; social support; athletic identity PMID:11131230

  7. Search for the supersymmetric partner of bottom quark at DO at Tevatron. Studies on missing transverse energy; Recherche du partenaire supersymetrique du quark bottom au sein de l'experience DO aupres du TeVatron. Etudes sur l'energie transverse manquante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calvet, S


    Supersymmetry, the extension of the Standard Model of particle physics, is searched for, by trying to observe the supersymmetric partner of the bottom quark (b-bar). This search is performed by using events with a final state comprising 2 coplanar b-quark jets and missing transverse energy and coming from a sample of 992 pb{sup -1} of data collected by the D0 detector at the Tevatron, the Fermilab pp-bar collider. The absence of an excess of events in comparison to Standard Model expectations leads to exclude sb masses up to 201 GeV and neutralino masses up to 94 GeV. The missing transverse energy has been studied carefully under 2 points of view, because of its fundamental role in this search. First, at the level of the trigger system which allows the online selection candidate events, and then during the process Z {yields} {nu}{nu} + jets that is an important background noise and in which the transverse momentum of Z turns into missing energy because of the no-detection of the neutrinos. (author)

  8. Quark core stars, quark stars and strange stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grassi, F.


    A recent one flavor quark matter equation of state is generalized to several flavors. It is shown that quarks undergo a first order phase transition. In addition, this equation of state depends on just one parameter in the two flavor case, two parameters in the three flavor case, and these parameters are constrained by phenomenology. This equation of state is then applied to the hadron-quark transition in neutron stars and the determination of quark star stability, the investigation of strange matter stability and possible strange star existence. 43 refs., 6 figs

  9. Top quark pair production and top quark properties at CDF

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moon, Chang-Seong [INFN, Pisa


    We present the most recent measurements of top quark pairs production and top quark properties in proton-antiproton collisions with center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV using CDF II detector at the Tevatron. The combination of top pair production cross section measurements and the direct measurement of top quark width are reported. The test of Standard Model predictions for top quark decaying into $b$-quarks, performed by measuring the ratio $R$ between the top quark branching fraction to $b$-quark and the branching fraction to any type of down quark is shown. The extraction of the CKM matrix element $|V_{tb}|$ from the ratio $R$ is discussed. We also present the latest measurements on the forward-backward asymmetry ($A_{FB}$) in top anti-top quark production. With the full CDF Run II data set, the measurements are performed in top anti-top decaying to final states that contain one or two charged leptons (electrons or muons). In addition, we combine the results of the leptonic forward-backward asymmetry in $t\\bar t$ system between the two final states. All the results show deviations from the next-to-leading order (NLO) standard model (SM) calculation.

  10. The Relationship of Gender and Self-Efficacy on Social Physique Anxiety among College Students. (United States)

    Rothberger, Sara M; Harris, Brandonn S; Czech, Daniel R; Melton, Bridget

    The anxiety or fear associated with physique evaluation is defined as Social Physique Anxiety (SPA). Numerous studies have examined this construct, yet a gap exists exploring this phenomenon among current college students with SPA, self-efficacy, and gender concurrently. Therefore, the purposes of this study included quantitatively analyzing the association between SPA, gender, and self-efficacy. Participants included 237 students at a Southeastern university participating in jogging, body conditioning, or weight training courses. Analysis of Variance yielded a significant main effect for self-efficacy as well, as those with lower self-efficacy displayed higher levels of SPA ( p college student population.

  11. L'ordre du chaos

    CERN Document Server


    Le mouvement brownien ; la mémoire des atomes ; le chaos ; déterminisme et prédictabilité ; déterminisme et chaos ; les phénomènes de physique et les échelles de longueur ; un ordre caché dans la matière désordonnée ; les verres de spin et l'étude des milieux désordonnés ; la convection ; la croissance fractale ; la physique de la matière hétérogène ; la matière ultradivisée.

  12. An overview on the study of quark gluon plasma with Alice dimuon spectrometer; Apercu sur l'etude du plasma de Quarks et de gluons a l'aide du spectrometre dimuons d'Alice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Espagnon, B


    The Alice experiment is one of the four main LHC (Large Hadron Collider) experiments. It is dedicated to the study of a new state of matter: the quark gluon plasma, where quarks and gluons are no longer confined within hadrons. In this document, the physics issues that led to the construction of Alice dimuon spectrometer, are described. Then, the research and development on the dimuon spectrometer is presented. The different absorbers are described and experimental tests used to determine their dimensions are presented. The dimuon trigger built using the RPC (Resistive Plate Chamber) streamer mode is then described along with the associated beam and cosmic tests and results. Finally, the tracking system is described in detail and more particularly all its electronics and the first station. The physics constraints on the expected performances of all these systems are clearly defined. (author)

  13. Inclusive production of large-p/sub T/ protons and quark-quark elastic scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, C.K.


    A proton-formation process in combination with hard quark-quark scattering is capable of explaining the observed large-p/sub T/ single-proton inclusive production data. This model implies that the inclusive production of two large-p/sub T/ protons at opposite directions is dominated by large-angle elastic scattering of two up quarks, and becomes an ideal place to study elastic quark-quark scattering. This two-proton inclusive production process is also ideal for the study of the spin structure of quark-quark elastic scattering, so the assumptions of pure vector-type quark-quark interaction and of colored quarks can be checked empirically. The consistency of applying the quark-elastic-scattering idea to large-angle elastic proton-proton scattering and to the inclusive production of large-p/sub T/ protons is also demonstrated

  14. NUTRITION Les bases de la politique nutritionnelle de santé publique en France : le constat et les recommandations du HCSP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hercberg Serge


    Full Text Available La mise en place d’une politique nutritionnelle apparaît comme une grande priorité de santé publique en France, comme dans l’ensemble de l’Europe. Outre les immenses enjeux humains, sociaux et économiques, les relations entre l’alimentation et la santé ont comme particularité : de concerner l’ensemble de la population; de reposer sur des connaissances scientifiques bien documentées; de concerner des facteurs de risque (ou de protection bien identifiés sur lesquels il est possible d’intervenir; d’avoir un impact important sur l’incidence des grandes maladies chroniques; d’impliquer, autour du consommateur, de multiples acteurs du champ de la nutrition; et d’avoir des références en termes de faisabilité. Pour toutes ces raisons, il apparaît aujourd’hui indispensable de faire, en France, de la promotion de la nutrition et de l’activité physique, un grand « programme national nutrition-santé », impliquant l’ensemble des acteurs concernés et disposant des moyens à la hauteur de ses ambitions. C’est la conclusion du groupe de travail ayant rédigé le rapport « Pour une politique nutritionnelle de santé publique en France : enjeux et propositions », sous l’égide du HCSP.

  15. Le chaos et l'harmonie la fabrication du Réel

    CERN Document Server

    Xuan Thuan, Trinh


    Cette fin de siècle a vu un véritable bouleversement dans notre façon de concevoir le monde. Après avoir dominé la pensée occidentale pendant trois cents ans, la vision newtonienne d'un univers fragmenté, mécaniste et déterministe a fait place à celle d'un monde exubérant de créativité. Le Réel n'est plus déterminé seulement par des lois naturelles appliquées à des conditions initiales particulières, mais aussi moulé et façonné par une suite d'événements contingents et historiques qui peuvent bouleverser la réalité à son niveau le plus profond. Celui du bolide rocailleux venu percuter la Terre il y a quelque 65 millions d'années et responsable de la mort des dinosaures en est un exemple. Les lois physiques ont perdu leur rigidité. Avec l'avènement de la mécanique quantique, le hasard est entré en force dans le monde subatomique. Le monde macroscopique n'a pas été épargné. Avec la théorie du chaos, le hasard et le non-déterminisme ont envahi non seulement la vie de tous le...

  16. Quark chiral condensate from the overlap quark propagator (United States)

    Wang, Chao; Bi, Yujiang; Cai, Hao; Chen, Ying; Gong, Ming; Liu, Zhaofeng


    From the overlap lattice quark propagator calculated in the Landau gauge, we determine the quark chiral condensate by fitting operator product expansion formulas to the lattice data. The quark propagators are computed on domain wall fermion configurations generated by the RBC-UKQCD Collaborations with N f = 2+1 flavors. Three ensembles with different light sea quark masses are used at one lattice spacing 1/a = 1.75(4) GeV. We obtain in the SU(2) chiral limit. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11575197, 11575196, 11335001, 11405178), joint funds of NSFC (U1632104, U1232109), YC and ZL acknowledge the support of NSFC and DFG (CRC110)

  17. Heavy quark fragmentation functions in the heavy quark effective theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martynenko, A.P.; Saleev, V.A.


    The fragmentation of b-bar-antiquark into polarized B c * -mesons and b-quark into P-wave (c-bar b) states in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory. The heavy quark fragmentation functions in longitudinally and transversely polarized S-wave b-bar c-states and P-wave mesons containing b-, c-quarks also, with the exact account of corrections of first order in 1/m b . 20 refs., 2 figs

  18. Test of quark fragmentation in the quark-parton model framework

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Derrick, M.; Barish, S.J.; Barnes, V.E.


    The hadronic system produced in charged-current antineutrino interactions is used to study fragmentation of the d-quark. Some problems encountered in separating the current quark-fragments are discussed. The fragmentation function for the current quark is in good agreement with the expectations of the naive quark-parton model and, in particular, there is no evidence of either a Q 2 - or x/sub BJ/-dependence. 10 references

  19. Quark mass effects in quark number susceptibilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graf, Thorben; Petreczky, Peter


    The quark degrees of freedom of the QGP with special focus on mass effects are investigated. A next-to-leading-order perturbation theory approach with quark mass dependence is applied and compared to lattice QCD results. (paper)

  20. Perspectives de mesure de la masse du quark Top avec le détecteur ATLAS

    CERN Document Server



    This document presents the work done to instrument the "Super-Drawer", supports of the fronend electronics of the Tile Calorimeter, as well as the preparatory analysis of the Top quark mass measurement with ATLAS detector. Initially the instrumental part exposes the various stages having led to the instrumentation. This required upstream a phase caved integration, where methods were developed to cope with space and ergonomic constraints during the assembly of the Super-Drawers. The experience accumulated in this fast phase allowed the drafting of the protocol of assembly of the Super-Drawers and the installation of the two assembly lines. The first ten Super-Drawers were thus produced for the 2001 test- beam period, and the continuous production of the 260 remaining SuperDrawers must start in June 2002. In the analysis part, this thesis deals with the precise measurement of the Top quark mass in the lepton plus jets channel. It is initially shown that systematic uncertainties will dominate the precision on th...

  1. Search for the supersymmetric partner of bottom quark at DO at Tevatron. Studies on missing transverse energy; Recherche du partenaire supersymetrique du quark bottom au sein de l'experience DO aupres du TeVatron. Etudes sur l'energie transverse manquante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calvet, S


    Supersymmetry, the extension of the Standard Model of particle physics, is searched for, by trying to observe the supersymmetric partner of the bottom quark (b-bar). This search is performed by using events with a final state comprising 2 coplanar b-quark jets and missing transverse energy and coming from a sample of 992 pb{sup -1} of data collected by the D0 detector at the Tevatron, the Fermilab pp-bar collider. The absence of an excess of events in comparison to Standard Model expectations leads to exclude sb masses up to 201 GeV and neutralino masses up to 94 GeV. The missing transverse energy has been studied carefully under 2 points of view, because of its fundamental role in this search. First, at the level of the trigger system which allows the online selection candidate events, and then during the process Z {yields} {nu}{nu} + jets that is an important background noise and in which the transverse momentum of Z turns into missing energy because of the no-detection of the neutrinos. (author)

  2. Quark matter and quark stars at finite temperature in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chu, Peng-Cheng; Wang, Bin; Dong, Yu-Min; Jia, Yu-Yue; Wang, Shu-Mei; Ma, Hong-Yang [Qingdao Technological University, School of Science, Qingdao (China); Li, Xiao-Hua [University of South China, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Hengyang (China); University of South China, Cooperative Innovation Center for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technology and Equipment, Hengyang (China)


    We extend the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model to include two types of vector interaction. Using these two types of vector interaction in NJL model, we study the quark symmetry free energy in asymmetric quark matter, the constituent quark mass, the quark fraction, the equation of state (EOS) for β-equilibrium quark matter, the maximum mass of QSs at finite temperature, the maximum mass of proto-quark stars (PQSs) along the star evolution, and the effects of the vector interaction on the QCD phase diagram. We find that comparing zero temperature case, the values of quark matter symmetry free energy get larger with temperature increasing, which will reduce the difference between the fraction of u, d and s quarks and stiffen the EoS for β-equilibrium quark matter. In particular, our results indicate that the maximum masses of the quark stars increase with temperature because of the effects of the quark matter symmetry free energy, and we find that the heating(cooling) process for PQSs will increase (decrease) the maximum mass within NJL model. (orig.)

  3. Transversity quark distributions in a covariant quark-diquark model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cloet, I.C. [Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439-4843 (United States)], E-mail:; Bentz, W. [Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1292 (Japan)], E-mail:; Thomas, A.W. [Jefferson Lab, 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23606 (United States); College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187 (United States)], E-mail:


    Transversity quark light-cone momentum distributions are calculated for the nucleon. We utilize a modified Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in which confinement is simulated by eliminating unphysical thresholds for nucleon decay into quarks. The nucleon bound state is obtained by solving the relativistic Faddeev equation in the quark-diquark approximation, where both scalar and axial-vector diquark channels are included. Particular attention is paid to comparing our results with the recent experimental extraction of the transversity distributions by Anselmino et al. We also compare our transversity results with earlier spin-independent and helicity quark distributions calculated in the same approach.

  4. Diquark condensation and the quark-quark interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bloch, J. C. R.; Roberts, C. D.; Schmidt, S. M.


    We employ a bispinor gap equation to study superfluidity at nonzero chemical potential, μ≠0, in two- and three-color QCD, exploring the gap's sensitivity to the nature of the quark-quark interaction. The two-color theory, QC 2 D, is an excellent exemplar; the order of truncation of the quark-quark scattering kernel K has no qualitative impact, which allows a straightforward elucidation of the effects of μ when the coupling is strong. In the three-color theory the rainbow-ladder truncation admits diquark bound states, a defect that is eliminated by an improvement of K. The corrected gap equation describes a superfluid phase that is semiquantitatively similar to that obtained using the rainbow truncation. A model study suggests that the width of the superfluid gap and the transition point in QC 2 D provide reliable quantitative estimates of those quantities in QCD. (c) 1999 The American Physical Society

  5. Duality and quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volkov, D.V.; Zheltukhin, A.A.; Pashnev, A.I.


    As it has shown, the study of vacuum transitions in dual models makes it possible to establish certain relations between duality, on the one hand, and the quark structure of resonances and the internal symmetries, on the other. In the case of Veneziano model the corresponding quark structure of resonances is determined by the infinity number of quarks of increasing mass. The intercents of the main trajectory and all adopted trajectories are additive with respect to squares of mass-forming quarks. The latter circumstance results in a number of important consequences: the presence of quadratic mass formulas for resonance states; the exact SU(infinity)-symmetry for the three-resonance coupling constants; the validity of Adler's self-consistency principle for external particles composed of different quarks and anti-quarks, etc

  6. Les grandes révolutions scientifiques du XXe siècle

    CERN Document Server

    Parrochia, Daniel


    Le siècle qui s'achève aura été marqué par des révolutions scientifiques sans précédent dans la forme comme dans les contenus du savoir. Elles ont retenti sur l'image de la nature comme sur celle de l'homme, brisant les portraits désormais obsolètes qu'en avaient brossés la science et la philosophie classiques. Après Einstein, de Broglie ou Schrödinger, comme après Heisenberg, Dirac ou Feynman, on ne pense plus tout à fait comme avant. Et il en va de même après Poincaré, Hadamard ou Kolmogorov. Trois grandes révolutions physiques seront ici étudiées en détail : la théorie de la relativité (restreinte et générale) ; la mécanique quantique (et ses différentes interprétations) ; la théorie du chaos déterministe (sa préhistoire comme ses applications). Toutes trois contribuent en effet à modifier les réponses que l'on peut apporter aux grandes questions métaphysiques et à esquisser un paysage philosophique nouveau. Dans la tradition de l'épistémologie française, ce livre ent...

  7. Light-quark, heavy-quark systems: An update

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grinstein, B.


    The author reviews many of the recently developed applications of Heavy Quark Effective Theory techniques. After a brief update on Luke's theorm, he describes striking relations between heavy baryon form factors, and how to use them to estimate the accuracy of the extraction of |B cb |. He discusses factorization and compares with experiment. An elementary presentation, with sample applications, of reparametrization invariance comes next. The final and most extensive chapter in this review deals with phenomenological lagrangians that incorporate heavy-quark spin-flavor as well as light quark chiral symmetries. He compiles many interesting results and discuss the validity of the calculations

  8. What's in a Surname? Physique, Aptitude, and Sports Type Comparisons between Tailors and Smiths. (United States)

    Voracek, Martin; Rieder, Stephan; Stieger, Stefan; Swami, Viren


    Combined heredity of surnames and physique, coupled with past marriage patterns and trade-specific physical aptitude and selection factors, may have led to differential assortment of bodily characteristics among present-day men with specific trade-reflecting surnames (Tailor vs. Smith). Two studies reported here were partially consistent with this genetic-social hypothesis, first proposed by Bäumler (1980). Study 1 (N = 224) indicated significantly higher self-rated physical aptitude for prototypically strength-related activities (professions, sports, hobbies) in a random sample of Smiths. The counterpart effect (higher aptitude for dexterity-related activities among Tailors) was directionally correct, but not significant, and Tailor-Smith differences in basic physique variables were nil. Study 2 examined two large total-population-of-interest datasets (Austria/Germany combined, and UK: N = 7001 and 20,532) of men's national high-score lists for track-and-field events requiring different physiques. In both datasets, proportions of Smiths significantly increased from light-stature over medium-stature to heavy-stature sports categories. The predicted counterpart effect (decreasing prevalences of Tailors along these categories) was not supported. Related prior findings, the viability of possible alternative interpretations of the evidence (differential positive selection for trades and occupations, differential endogamy and assortative mating patterns, implicit egotism effects), and directions for further inquiry are discussed in conclusion.

  9. Quark fragmentation function and the nonlinear chiral quark model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, Z.K.


    The scaling law of the fragmentation function has been proved in this paper. With that, we show that low-P T quark fragmentation function can be studied as a low energy physocs in the light-cone coordinate frame. We therefore use the nonlinear chiral quark model which is able to study the low energy physics under scale Λ CSB to study such a function. Meanwhile the formalism for studying the quark fragmentation function has been established. The nonlinear chiral quark model is quantized on the light-front. We then use old-fashioned perturbation theory to study the quark fragmentation function. Our first order result for such a function shows in agreement with the phenomenological model study of e + e - jet. The probability for u,d pair formation in the e + e - jet from our calculation is also in agreement with the phenomenological model results

  10. Předsoutěžní příprava závodníka kategorie men's physique


    Vízek, Petr


    Title: Pre-competition preparation of athletes category of men's physique Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is the accumulation of available sources of information about problems in the field of bodybuilding and fitness. The data analysis, confirmation or disproval of hypotheses and preparation of detailed attitudes of experienced or future competitors in the category Men's physique. Methods: The research in this thesis was based on survey containing 10 questions intended for respondent...

  11. Quark self-energy in an ellipsoidally anisotropic quark-gluon plasma (United States)

    Kasmaei, Babak S.; Nopoush, Mohammad; Strickland, Michael


    We calculate the quark self-energy in a quark-gluon plasma that possesses an ellipsoidal momentum-space anisotropy in the local rest frame. By introducing additional transverse-momentum anisotropy parameters into the parton distribution functions, we generalize previous results which were obtained for the case of a spheroidal anisotropy. Our results demonstrate that the presence of anisotropies in the transverse directions affects the real and imaginary parts of quark self-energy and, consequently, the self-energy depends on both the polar and azimuthal angles in the local rest frame of the matter. Our results for the quark self-energy set the stage for the calculation of the effects of ellipsoidal momentum-space anisotropy on quark-gluon plasma photon spectra and collective flow.

  12. Quark-anti-quark potential in N=4 SYM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gromov, Nikolay [Mathematics Department, King’s College London,The Strand, London WC2R 2LS (United Kingdom); St. Petersburg INP,Gatchina, 188 300, St.Petersburg (Russian Federation); Levkovich-Maslyuk, Fedor [Mathematics Department, King’s College London,The Strand, London WC2R 2LS (United Kingdom); Nordita, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University, Roslagstullsbacken 23, SE-106 91 Stockholm (Sweden)


    We construct a closed system of equations describing the quark-anti-quark potential at any coupling in planar N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. It is based on the Quantum Spectral Curve method supplemented with a novel type of asymptotics. We present a high precision numerical solution reproducing the classical and one-loop string predictions very accurately. We also analytically compute the first 7 nontrivial orders of the weak coupling expansion. Moreover, we study analytically the generalized quark-anti-quark potential in the limit of large imaginary twist to all orders in perturbation theory. We demonstrate how the QSC reduces in this case to a one-dimensional Schrodinger equation. In the process we establish a link between the Q-functions and the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation.

  13. Results on top-quark physics and top-quark-like signatures by CMS (United States)

    Chabert, Eric; CMS Collaboration


    This report reviews the results obtained by the CMS Collaboration on top quark physics, focusing on the latest ones based on p-p collisions provided by the LHC at \\sqrt{s}=13{{TeV}} during Run II. It covers measurements of single-top, top quark pairs and associated productions as well as measurements of top quark properties. Finally several beyond the standard model searches involving top quark in the final states are presented, such as searches for supersymmetry in the third generation, heavy resonances decaying into a top quark pair, or dark matter produced in association to a single-top or a top quark pair.

  14. Top quark measurements at ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00041686; The ATLAS collaboration


    The top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle. As it is the only quark that decays before it hadronizes, it allows us to probe the properties of bare quarks at the Large Hadron Collider. Highlights of a few recent precision measurements by the ATLAS Collaboration of the top quark using 13 TeV and 8 TeV collision data will be presented: top-quark pair and single top production cross sections including differential distributions will be presented alongside measurements of top-quark properties, including results using boosted top quarks, probe our understanding of top-quark production in the TeV regime. Measurements of the top-quark mass and searches for rare top quark decays are also presented.

  15. Application of alkaline leaching to the extraction of uranium from shale of the Vosges; Application de la lixiviation alcaline a l'extraction de l'uranium du schiste des Vosges

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouret, P; Pottier, P; Le Bris, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Soudan, P [Centre d' Etude de Lalumine, Compagnie Pechiney (France)


    Description of chemical treatment of Vosges shales to obtain uranium by alkaline leaching. Mineralogy aspects of ore, physical and chemical conditions of leaching, solid/liquid separation, uranium recovery by either ion exchange process or electrolytic precipitation. (author)Fren. [French] Description du traitement chimique des schistes des Vosges pour extraire l'uranium en milieu alcalin. L'aspect mineralogique, les conditions physiques et chimiques de la lixiviation, la separation solide/liquide et la recuperation de l'uranium soit par echangeurs d'ions, soit par precipitation electrolytique y sont exposes. (auteur)

  16. Quark diquark symmetry breaking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, M.M. de


    Assuming the baryons are made of quark-diquark pairs, the wave functions for the 126 allowed ground states are written. The quark creation and annihilations operators are generalized to describe the quark-diquark structure in terms of a parameter σ. Assuming that all quark-quark interactions are mediated by gluons transforming like an octet of vector mesons, the effective Hamiltonian and the baryon masses as constraint equations for the elements of the mass matrix is written. The symmetry is the SU(6) sub(quark)x SU(21) sub(diquark) broken by quark-quark interactions respectively invariant under U(6), U(2) sub(spin), U(3) and also interactions transforming like the eighth and the third components of SU(3). In the limit of no quark-diquark structure (σ = 0), the ground state masses is titted to within 1% of the experimental data, except for the Δ(1232), where the error is almost 2%. Expanding the decuplet mass equations in terms of σ and keeping terms only up to the second order, this error is reduced to 67%. (Author) [pt

  17. Top quark measurements at ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Grancagnolo, Sergio; The ATLAS collaboration


    The top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle. As it is the only quark that decays before it hadronizes, this gives us the unique opportunity to probe the properties of bare quarks at the Large Hadron Collider. This talk will present highlights of a few recent precision measurements by the ATLAS Collaboration of the top quark using 13 TeV and 8 TeV collision data: top-quark pair and single top production cross sections including differential distributions will be presented alongside top quark properties measurements. These measurements, including results using boosted top quarks, probe our understanding of top quark production in the TeV regime. Measurements of the top quark mass and searches for rare top quark decays are also presented.

  18. Light-quark, heavy-quark systems: An update (United States)

    Grinstein, B.


    We review many of the recently developed applications of Heavy Quark Effective Theory techniques. After a brief update on Luke's theorem, we describe striking relations between heavy baryon form factors, and how to use them to estimate the accuracy of the extraction of (vert bar)V(sub cb)(vert bar). We discuss factorization and compare with experiment. An elementary presentation, with sample applications, of reparametrization invariance comes next. The final and most extensive chapter in this review deals with phenomenological lagrangians that incorporate heavy-quark spin-flavor as well as light quark chiral symmetries. We compile many interesting results and discuss the validity of the calculations.

  19. Constituent quarks as clusters in quark-gluon-parton model. [Total cross sections, probability distributions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kanki, T [Osaka Univ., Toyonaka (Japan). Coll. of General Education


    We present a quark-gluon-parton model in which quark-partons and gluons make clusters corresponding to two or three constituent quarks (or anti-quarks) in the meson or in the baryon, respectively. We explicitly construct the constituent quark state (cluster), by employing the Kuti-Weisskopf theory and by requiring the scaling. The quark additivity of the hadronic total cross sections and the quark counting rules on the threshold powers of various distributions are satisfied. For small x (Feynman fraction), it is shown that the constituent quarks and quark-partons have quite different probability distributions. We apply our model to hadron-hadron inclusive reactions, and clarify that the fragmentation and the diffractive processes relate to the constituent quark distributions, while the processes in or near the central region are controlled by the quark-partons. Our model gives the reasonable interpretation for the experimental data and much improves the usual ''constituent interchange model'' result near and in the central region (x asymptotically equals x sub(T) asymptotically equals 0).

  20. Scenarii pour (quasi-) fin du monde traiter les dangers au CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Houdart, Sophie


    Au large de Genève court le plus grand dispositif expérimental jamais construit, le LHC, conçu pour comprendre comment s’est aggloméré l’univers. Les physiciens des particules, à l’échelle internationale, y expérimentent les théories physiques les plus avancées sur l’origine et le devenir du monde. Lové 100 mètres sous terre, et donc invisible dans le paysage, cette machine extraordinaire est, en surface, le point de mire de multiples attentions et l’objet de mesures incessantes. Ce dont elle traite (le Big Bang, les trous noirs, l’antimatière…), son envergure, son empreinte territoriale sont propres à nourrir des scénarios catastrophe que le CERN doit scrupuleusement désamorcer à mesure qu’ils surgissent en usant de procédés hétérogènes : mesures techniques, normes juridiques, monitoring de l’environnement.

  1. Conceptions des élèves en physique: quels effets sur la pratique des enseignants vaudois ?


    Besson, Laurent; Borel, Jérémie; Lo Bello, Philippe


    Ce travail de mémoire se centre autour de l'idée que les conceptions, c'est-à-dire les connaissances des élèves à un moment donné, sont souvent un obstacle à l'enseignement. Au vu de l'importance accordée à cette notion dans nos cours de didactique de physique, nous avons voulu voir si cette notion de conception était prise en compte par des enseignants qui n'avaient pas suivi le cursus de formation de la HEP. Nous avons donc interrogé cinq professeur(e)s de physique de différents g...

  2. Heavy water reactors physics; Physique des reacteurs a eau lourde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Girard, Y; Lourme, P; Naudet, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    An important research programme on heavy water reactor physics has been carried out in France for quite a few years. The decision to build the EL 4 prototype and so to choose the heavy water gas cooled type has renewed the interest in this programme and at the same time given to it a more specific orientation A summary of the results gained in this field is presented in this paper. In the first part are described the experimental investigations, most of them were carried out in the criticality facility AQUILON II. The experiments are grouped in four parts - Systematic studies of lattices Buckling measurements. - Specific studies of gas-cooled lattices. - Fine structure, spectral indices measurements etc... - Measurements on lattices or samples containing Uranium of various enrichment or Plutonium. The second part is devoted to a summary of the theoretical studies. The whole results have allowed an improvement of the calculation methods, have led to a better understanding of the neutron balance in lattices, and have permitted the establishment of a set of formula to predict not only the clean fuel conditions but also the evolution of the nuclear properties with irradiation. Some specific studies on power reactor are quoted. (authors) [French] Un important programme d'etudes sur la physique des reacteurs a eau lourde est mene en France depuis assez longtemps. La decision de construire le prototype EL 4 et de s'engager ainsi dans la filiere des reacteurs a eau lourde refroidis par gaz a redonne un nouvel interet a ce programme et l'a en meme temps oriente dans une direction plus particuliere. La presente communication, rassemble les resultats des etudes faites dans ce domaine depuis la derniere conference de Geneve. Dans la premiere partie on decrit les etudes experimentales dont la plupart ont ete effectuees dans la pile d'experiences critiques Aquilon II. Les experiences sont groupees en quatre ensembles: etude systematique de reseaux (mesures de laplaciens) etudes

  3. A Polytomous Item Response Theory Analysis of Social Physique Anxiety Scale (United States)

    Fletcher, Richard B.; Crocker, Peter


    The present study investigated the social physique anxiety scale's factor structure and item properties using confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory. An additional aim was to identify differences in response patterns between groups (gender). A large sample of high school students aged 11-15 years (N = 1,529) consisting of n =…

  4. Chasseur de hadrons

    CERN Document Server

    Eytier, Jean-Louis


    Qu'aurait-il proposé comme solutions face aux déboires du LHC, le grand collisionneur du hadrons du CERN, arrêté peu après son démarrage à l'automne 2008? Lucien Edmond André Montanet était un des grands de la physique des particules. (2 pages)

  5. Critical parameters of Quark-Hadron phase transition with interacting and massive quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, C.P.; Patra, B.K.


    Current techniques to simulate the dynamical behaviour of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) reveal that the order of the phase transition as well as the values of the critical parameters depend on the number of quark flavours as well as on the quark-masses included in the simulation. We attempt to show here the effects of the number of quark flavours and quark-masses on critical parameters by using the perturbative, finite temperature field theory to g 3 s order in the strong coupling g s . We treat the hadrons as particles with finite size and its implications on the equation of state for hadron gas are studied. We find that the critical temperature T c is lowered by 9 MeV as we move from two to three quark flavours. The nature of the phase transition always remains as first order. However, the inclusion of quark-masses in our calculation does not affect the result much. (author). 14 refs, 3 figs

  6. Comparing a Yoga Class with a Resistance Exercise Class: Effects on Body Satisfaction and Social Physique Anxiety in University Women. (United States)

    Gammage, Kimberley L; Drouin, Breanne; Lamarche, Larkin


    The current study compared a single yoga group exercise class and a resistance group exercise class for their effects on state body satisfaction and social physique anxiety in women. A pretest-posttest design was used. Participants (N = 46) completed both a resistance exercise class and yoga class in a counterbalanced order. Measures of body satisfaction and social physique anxiety were completed immediately before and after each class. A 2 (time) × 2 (class type) repeatedmeasures multiple analysis of variance showed a significant overall Time × Class Type interaction (F 2,44 = 5.69, P class. After both classes, there was a significant decrease in social physique anxiety, but the magnitude of the change was larger after the yoga class than after the resistance class. Both types of exercise class were associated with improvements in body image, but there were greater improvements after the yoga class. This study provided evidence of the positive effects of yoga for reducing state social physique anxiety and increasing state body satisfaction, adding to correlational evidence suggesting that yoga is particularly beneficial for improving body image-related outcomes in women.

  7. Measurements of the Neutron Longitudinal Spin Asymmetry A1n and Flavor Decomposition in the Valence Quark Region

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flay, David J. [Temple University, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    The current data for the nucleon-virtual photon longitudinal spin asymmetry A1 on the proton and neutron have shown that the ratio of the polarized-to-unpolarized down-quarkparton distribution functions,Dd=d, tends towards -1/2 at large x, in disagreement with the perturbative QCD prediction that Dd/d approaches 1 but more in line with constituent quark models. As a part of experiment E06-014 in Hall A of Jefferson Lab, double-spin asymmetries were measured in the scattering of a longitudinally polarized electron beam of energies 4.74 and 5.89 GeV from a longitudinally and transversely polarized 3He target in the deep inelastic scattering and resonance region, allowing for the extraction of the neutron asymmetry An1 and the ratios Dd/d and Du/u. We will discuss our analysis of the data and present results for A1 and g1/F1 on both 3He and the neutron, and the resulting quark ratios for the up and down quarks in the kinematic range of 0.2

  8. Heavy-quark fragmentation functions in the effective theory of heavy quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martynenko, A.P.; Saleev, V.A.


    The effective theory of heavy quarks is used to study b-bar-antiquark fragmentation in polarized Bc* mesons and b-quark fragmentation into P-wave (c-barb) states. The functions of heavy-quark fragmentation into longitudinally and transversely polarized S-wave (b-barc) states and into P-wave mesons containing b and c quarks are calculated. First-order corrections in 1/mb are taken into account exactly in these calculations. The results are shown to be consistent with the corresponding QCD calculations

  9. Nucleon quark distributions in a covariant quark-diquark model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cloet, I.C. [Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter and Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics, University of Adelaide, SA 5005 (Australia) and Jefferson Lab, 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23606 (United States)]. E-mail:; Bentz, W. [Department of Physics, School of Science, Tokai University, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa 259-1292 (Japan)]. E-mail:; Thomas, A.W. [Jefferson Lab, 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23606 (United States)]. E-mail:


    Spin-dependent and spin-independent quark light-cone momentum distributions and structure functions are calculated for the nucleon. We utilize a modified Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in which confinement is simulated by eliminating unphysical thresholds for nucleon decay into quarks. The nucleon bound state is obtained by solving the Faddeev equation in the quark-diquark approximation, where both scalar and axial-vector diquark channels are included. We find excellent agreement between our model results and empirical data.

  10. Physical and Physiological Correlates of Social Physique Anxiety in College Students (United States)

    Yaman, Çetin


    The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship among social physique anxiety, physical measures such as body fat and physical self-concept. 367 (226 male and 141 female) college students ranging in age from 21 to 33 participated in the study. Participants were randomly chosen among the healthy students without any metabolic and…

  11. What's in a Surname? Physique, Aptitude, and Sports Type Comparisons between Tailors and Smiths.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Voracek

    Full Text Available Combined heredity of surnames and physique, coupled with past marriage patterns and trade-specific physical aptitude and selection factors, may have led to differential assortment of bodily characteristics among present-day men with specific trade-reflecting surnames (Tailor vs. Smith. Two studies reported here were partially consistent with this genetic-social hypothesis, first proposed by Bäumler (1980. Study 1 (N = 224 indicated significantly higher self-rated physical aptitude for prototypically strength-related activities (professions, sports, hobbies in a random sample of Smiths. The counterpart effect (higher aptitude for dexterity-related activities among Tailors was directionally correct, but not significant, and Tailor-Smith differences in basic physique variables were nil. Study 2 examined two large total-population-of-interest datasets (Austria/Germany combined, and UK: N = 7001 and 20,532 of men's national high-score lists for track-and-field events requiring different physiques. In both datasets, proportions of Smiths significantly increased from light-stature over medium-stature to heavy-stature sports categories. The predicted counterpart effect (decreasing prevalences of Tailors along these categories was not supported. Related prior findings, the viability of possible alternative interpretations of the evidence (differential positive selection for trades and occupations, differential endogamy and assortative mating patterns, implicit egotism effects, and directions for further inquiry are discussed in conclusion.

  12. Du type au stéréotype : analyse des modalités d’insertion des stéréotypes des physiologies dans Bouvard et Pécuchet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vincent Stohler


    Full Text Available Cette analyse a pour but d’exposer la manière dont Flaubert récupère les stéréotypes présents dans les physiologies, genre littéraire à la mode dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle, en définissant leurs différentes modalités d’insertion dans Bouvard et Pécuchet. Après s’être interrogée sur le statut particulier des physiologies, l’étude montre que les différents types qu’elles mettent en scène, et plus particulièrement celui du « bourgeois », fournissent à Flaubert un matériel discursif stéréotypé qui lui sert de base de composition à l’ensemble de son texte : composition des personnages (traits physiques, caractériels, axiologiques, etc., composition structurelle du roman, etc. La démonstration attire ainsi l’attention sur ce qui paraît être l’une des lignes de force de l’écriture flaubertienne : l’amenuisement au sein de l’espace romanesque du langage de l’auteur au profit d’un langage stéréotypé, venu d’ailleurs.

  13. Heavy quarks and leptons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azimov, Ya.I.; Khoze, V.A.


    Experimental results which proved the reality of quarks are reviewed along with further experiments broadening the representation of quarks and leptons and providing the basis to develop the theory of elementary particles. The discovery of the J/psi particle is noted to give rise to the discovery of c-quark, the existance of which is confirmed by the discovery of charmed hadrons. The main aspects of quantum chromodynamics explaining the mechanism of strong interaction of quarks are considered along with those of the Weinberg-Salam theory proposed to describe weak and electromagnetic interactions of quarks and leptons. Experimental data testifying to the existance of heavy tausup(+-) leptons are presented. The history of discovery of γ mesons and of a new heavier b-quark is described. Perspectives for studying elementary particles are discussed. Further studies of γ mesons, discovery and investigation of charmed particles are noted to be immediate tasks along with the search for manifestation of t-quark considered to be a partner of b-quark from the viewpoint of the Weinberg-Salam model

  14. Hadron spectra and quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gasiorowicz, S.; Rosner, J.L.


    The quark model began as little more than a quantum-number counting device. After a brief period during which quarks only played a symmetry role, serious interest in quark dynamics developed. The marriage of the principle of local gauge invariance and quarks has been astonishingly productive. Although many questions still need to be be answered, there is little doubt that the strong, weak and electroweak interactions of matter are described by gauge theories of interactions of the quarks. This review is focussed on the successes

  15. Auto adaptation incluant une double mobilité logicielle et physique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans ce papier, nous étudions les possibilités d'auto adaptation que pourrait offrir un calcul réparti incluant une double mobilité : d'une part une mobilité physique des sites supports d'exécution et, d'autre part, une mobilité des composants logiciels métiers ou clients. Cette mobilité de niveau logiciel est envisagée dans le ...

  16. The effect of dynamical quark mass on the calculation of a strange quark star's structure

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Gholam Hossein Bordbar; Babak Ziaei


    We discuss the dynamical behavior of strange quark matter components,in particular the effects of density dependent quark mass on the equation of state of strange quark matter.The dynamical masses of quarks are computed within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model,then we perform strange quark matter calculations employing the MIT bag model with these dynamical masses.For the sake of comparing dynamical mass interaction with QCD quark-quark interaction,we consider the one-gluon-exchange term as the effective interaction between quarks for the MIT bag model.Our dynamical approach illustrates an improvement in the obtained equation of state values.We also investigate the structure of the strange quark star using TolmanOppenheimer-Volkoff equations for all applied models.Our results show that dynamical mass interaction leads to lower values for gravitational mass.

  17. DECES - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Ses amis et collaborateurs déplorent le décès de Maurice SPIGHEL. Directeur de recherche au CNRS, il a commencé sa carrière auprès du professeur Joliot-Curie au laboratoire d'Ivry. Depuis 1963, il a poursuivi ses activités d'expérimentateur au CERN, d'abord comme chercheur détaché de l'Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay, ensuite comme membre du LAPP (Annecy). Ses programmes l'ont conduit successivement du SC au PS et au SPS. Il a fait partie de l'équipe qui a mené la première expérience de collaboration CERN-URSS à l'Institut de Physique des Hautes Energies à Serpukhov en 1968. Comme initiateur du programme qui aurait du conduire à la découverte du J/y, il a vivement ressenti la déception de voir celle-ci précédée par BNL, le laboratoire américai...

  18. Quark and Gluon Relaxation in Quark-Gluon Plasmas (United States)

    Heiselberg, H.; Pethick, C. J.


    The quasiparticle decay rates for quarks and gluons in quark-gluon plasmas are calculated by solving the kinetic equation. Introducing an infrared cutoff to allow for nonperturbative effects, we evaluate the quasiparticle lifetime at momenta greater than the inverse Debye screening length to leading order in the coupling constant.

  19. Search for top quark partner in the CMS experiment

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(CDS)2084753; Collard, Caroline

    La découverte en 2012 par les collaborations CMS et ATLAS d'un boson de Higgs avec une masse de $125~\\text{GeV}$ et ayant des propriétés compatibles avec celles prédites par le Modèle Standard renforce la nécessité de répondre au problème de hiérarchie. La supersymétrie propose une solution naturelle à ce problème, privilégiant un partenaire scalaire du quark top, le stop ($\\tilde{t}_1$), ayant une masse en dessous du TeV tandis que le plus léger des neutralinos ($\\tilde{\\chi}^0_1$), candidat pour la matière noire dans les modèles avec $R$-parité conservée, est attendu avec une masse de quelques centaines de GeV. Cette thèse se concentre sur la recherche de production directe de paires de stop se désintégrant suivant $\\tilde{t}_1 \\rightarrow t \\tilde{\\chi}^0_1$, ou $\\tilde{t}_1 \\rightarrow b \\tilde{\\chi}^\\pm_1$ avec $\\tilde{\\chi}^\\pm_1 \\rightarrow W^\\pm \\tilde{\\chi}^0_1$, en utilisant les données enregistrées par l'expérience CMS pendant...

  20. Gestion documentaire des dossiers mixtes : méthodes et outils dans une approche-métier


    Monfort, Alice


    Comment gérer de façon efficiente les dossiers mixtes où coexistent des documents physiques et des documents électroniques ? Après avoir exploré la notion de dossier dans les environnements physique et électronique, ce mémoire tente d'identifier des solutions de gestion documentaire permettant de répondre aux spécificités des dossiers dont les supports sont hétérogènes en s'appuyant sur une approche-métier à travers l'étude du dossier individuel de salarié et du dossier relatif à l'immeuble....

  1. Club of Rome

    CERN Multimedia



    Le Club de Rome s'est fait connaître du grand public par la publication du premier ouvrage "Halte à la croissance" qui a fait l'object d'un débat, il y a 2 ans. Le Prof. Tinbergen a commencé par s'adonner à la physique, il est docteur en physique et très tôt il s'est tourné vers les problèmes sociaux économiques. Il est expert auprès des nombreux gouvernements et organisations internationales et il a vu ses travaux couronnés par le prix Nobel en 1969.

  2. Hadronic physics of q anti q light quark mesons, quark molecules and glueballs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindenbaum, S.J.


    A brief introduction reviews the development of QCD and defines quark molecules and glueballs. This review is concerned primarily with u, d, and s quarks, which provide practically all of the cross section connected with hadronic interactions. The following topics form the bulk of the paper: status of quark model classification for conventional u, d, s quark meson states; status of multiquark or quark molecule state predictions and experiments; glueballs and how to find them; and the OZI rule in decay and production and how glueballs might affect it. 17 figures, 1 table

  3. Observability of quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bjorken, J.D.


    Even if stable hadrons with fractional charge do not exist, most of the criteria of observability used for ordinary elementary particles apply in principle to quarks as well. This is especially true in a simplified world containing only hadrons made of top quarks and gluons. In the real world containing light quarks, essential complications do occur, but most of the conclusions survive

  4. Hadron matrix elements of quark operators in the relativistic quark model, 2. Model calculation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arisue, H; Bando, M; Toya, M [Kyoto Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Physics; Sugimoto, H


    Phenomenological studies of the matrix elements of two- and four-quark operators are made on the basis of relativistic independent quark model for typical three cases of the potentials: rigid wall, linearly rising and Coulomb-like potentials. The values of the matrix elements of two-quark operators are relatively well reproduced in each case, but those of four-quark operators prove to be too small in the independent particle treatment. It is suggested that the short-range two-quark correlations must be taken into account in order to improve the values of the matrix elements of the four-quark operators.

  5. Influence du compartiment trophique dans les réponses des populations de poissons aux variations artificielles de débit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    ORTH D. J.


    Full Text Available Les réponses des populations de poissons aux altérations de débit sont assez peu souvent correctement prédites à partir des simulations physiques d'habitat. Actuellement, les évaluations de débit réservé sont basées sur des analyses de l'habitat physique, qui sont supposées avoir une influence sur ces populations. Cela conduit au dilemme en matière de détermination de ces débits : combien d'espèces et de stades faut-il analyser et comment pondérer leur importance respective ? Dans certains cours d'eau, les simulations d'habitat physique issues de PHABSIM (Physical Habitat Simulation pour les poissons les plus courants montrent une surface pondérée utile insensible ou maximum à faible débit. Or, les débits moyens à forts débits sont indubitablement importants pour différentes raisons, telles que le recrutement des espèces inféodées à la plaine alluviale, le nettoyage du fond du lit, les entrées de matière organique et la production des invertébrés benthiques. La densité, la diversité et la production des insectes aquatiques dans différents types de cours d'eau montrent des variations spatiales et interannuelles considérables, souvent directement reliables aux débits. De même, la croissance et le succès de prise de nourriture des poissons varient en fonction de l'abondance des proies. Un modèle de chaîne trophique a été développé pour étudier l'influence de la nourriture de base (insectes aquatiques, proies constituées par les poissons de petite taille et écrevisses sur la production des poissons prédateurs clé (Black bass à petite bouche, Micropterus dolomieu, Rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, et Poisson chat à tête plate, Pylodictis olivaris dans un grand cours d'eau à régime thermique chaud. L'analyse du modèle indique que la production des poissons est très dépendante de la disponibilité des proies, en particulier les insectes aquatiques et les écrevisses. A partir des analyses du mod

  6. Extraction and purification of plutonium by a tertiary amine; Extraction et purification du plutonium par une amine tertiaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trentinian, M de; Chesne, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay aux Roses, Section de Chimie des Actimides (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Trilaurylamine diluted with a paraffinic solvent (dodecane) was studied as part of the research dealing with the separation and purification of plutonium. The physical properties (solubility of nitrates in the amine as a function of temperature) and the resistance to radiations of this substance were examined. The extraction characteristics of nitric solutions of plutonium, uranium and certain fission products are given as a function of the following factors: concentration of the various ions in solution, valency states. A method of plutonium purification based on these results is presented. (author) [French] La trilaurylamine diluee par un solvant paraffinique (dodecane) a ete etudiee dans le cadre des recherches concernant la separation et la purification du plutonium. Une etude des caracteres physiques (solubilite des nitrates dans l'amine en fonction de la temperature) s'ajoute a celle de la tenue aux radiations de ce corps. Les caracteristiques d'extraction de solutions nitriques de plutonium, uranium, et certains produits de fission, sont donnes en fonction des facteurs suivants: concentration des differents ions en solution, etats de valence. On presente une methode de purification du plutonium basee sur ces resultats. (auteur)

  7. Nuclear matter from effective quark-quark interaction. (United States)

    Baldo, M; Fukukawa, K


    We study neutron matter and symmetric nuclear matter with the quark-meson model for the two-nucleon interaction. The Bethe-Bruckner-Goldstone many-body theory is used to describe the correlations up to the three hole-line approximation with no extra parameters. At variance with other nonrelativistic realistic interactions, the three hole-line contribution turns out to be non-negligible and to have a substantial saturation effect. The saturation point of nuclear matter, the compressibility, the symmetry energy, and its slope are within the phenomenological constraints. Since the interaction also reproduces fairly well the properties of the three-nucleon system, these results indicate that the explicit introduction of the quark degrees of freedom within the considered constituent quark model is expected to reduce the role of three-body forces.

  8. Calorimétrie à argon liquide et recherche de nouvelle physique via l'étude de paires de quarks top boostés dans l'expérience ATLAS au LHC

    CERN Document Server

    AUTHOR|(INSPIRE)INSPIRE-00438457; Trocmé, Benjamin; Delsart, Pierre Antoine

    The Standard Model of particle physics is a very predictive theory, but it still fails to explain some observations and so leads to the idea of the existence of new physics. To discover it experimentally, the ATLAS collaboration analyses the proton-proton collisions provided by the LHC. Analyses need data of good quality. Hence, the first part of this document describes a work to characterize the coherent noise bursts observed in the liquid argon calorimeters of the ATLAS experiment. Such noise has been studied and cured to ensure a high level of data quality. The second part of this thesis takes place in the context of a new physics search using top quark pairs. This study is focused on the case where boosted top quarks decay electronically. The reconstruction of top quarks in such cases was never optimized by the ATLAS collaboration. Therefore this study has lead to the definition and implementation of a new method called "electron-in-jet removal" improving significantly the top quark reconstruction in such...

  9. Heavy quark masses (United States)

    Testa, Massimo


    In the large quark mass limit, an argument which identifies the mass of the heavy-light pseudoscalar or scalar bound state with the renormalized mass of the heavy quark is given. The following equation is discussed: m(sub Q) = m(sub B), where m(sub Q) and m(sub B) are respectively the mass of the heavy quark and the mass of the pseudoscalar bound state.

  10. Quark effects in nuclear physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, G.A.


    A phenomenological approach which enables the size of quark effects in various nuclear processes is discussed. The principle of conservation of probability provides significant constraints on six quark wave functions. Using this approach, it is found that the low-energy proton-proton weak interaction can be explained in terms of W and Z boson exchanges between quarks. That the value of the asymptotic ratio of D to S state wave functions is influenced (at the 5% level) by quark effects, is another result of our approach. We have not discovered a nuclear effect that can be uniquely explained by quark-quark interactions. However it does seem that quark physics is very relevant for nuclear physics. 52 references

  11. Search for vector-like quarks and excited quarks at CMS

    CERN Document Server

    Rauco, Giorgia


    We present the results of the latest searches for new hypothetical heavy quarks using proton-proton collisions data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Vector-like quarks are postulated to solve the hierarchy problem and stabilize the Higgs mass and they are not constrained by the Higgs discovery and electroweak measurements, as for the case of a fourth generation of fermions. They can either be produced singly or pair-wise and their decays result in a variety of final states, containing massive standard model quarks and bosons (Z, W, H). Being these new particles expected to be appearing at the TeV scale, they give rise to boosted topologies, in which jet substructures techniques play a fundamental role. An alternative type of heavy quark resonance are the excited quarks, which are predicted by the compositeness model, being their evidence a clear signature of the composite structure of the ordinary matter. Their decay leads to the corresponding ordinary qua...

  12. Review of gyrotron development at the Centre de Recherche en Physique des Plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tran, M.Q.


    Gyrotron development activities at the Centre de Recherche en Physique des Plasmas in Lausanne are directed along two directions, quasi optical gyrotrons and, with less emphasis, cylindrical cavity gyrotrons. This paper will review the recent work performed in these two fields. (author) 9 refs., 5 figs

  13. Towards OPE based local quark-hadron duality: light-quark channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmann, Ralf


    Various light-quark channel current-current correlators are subjected to the concept of a non-perturbative component of coarse graining in operator product expansions introduced in a parallel work. This procedure allows for low-energy structure of the OPE-derived spectral function. With naive vacuum saturation for 4-quark operators and using lattice data for the gauge invariant scalar quark correlator the results are far off the experimentally measured behavior. However, using the correlation length of the gauge invariant vector quark correlator, which is about 10 times smaller than the scalar one, the qualitative results are rather realistic. Namely, the input of information on the mass of the lowest resonance in one channel yields the corresponding masses within acceptable errors in other channels. Still, the shapes of the calculated spectral functions are considerably deformed as compared to experiment. This may be a consequence of vacuum saturation and the truncation at a mass dimension which is below the critical dimension from which on the asymptotic expansion does not approximate anymore. To improve on this high-resolution lattice information on gauge invariant n>2 point correlators would be needed. Motivated by the small effective correlation length in the 4-quark contributions the relevance of the approach for heavy quark physics, in particular in the calculation of non-leptonic, inclusive ΔΓ, is discussed

  14. Heavy quark production form jet conversions in a quark-gluon plasma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu , W.; Fries, R.


    Recently, it has been demonstrated that the chemical composition of jets in heavy ion collisions is significantly altered compared to the jets in the vacuum. This signal can be used to probe the medium formed in nuclear collisions. In this study we investigate the possibility that fast light quarks and gluons can convert to heavy quarks when passing through a quark-gluon plasma. We study the rate of light to heavy jet conversions in a consistent Fokker-Planck framework and investigate their impact on the production of high-p{sub T} charm and bottom quarks at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider.

  15. What’s in a Surname? Physique, Aptitude, and Sports Type Comparisons between Tailors and Smiths (United States)

    Voracek, Martin; Rieder, Stephan; Stieger, Stefan; Swami, Viren


    Combined heredity of surnames and physique, coupled with past marriage patterns and trade-specific physical aptitude and selection factors, may have led to differential assortment of bodily characteristics among present-day men with specific trade-reflecting surnames (Tailor vs. Smith). Two studies reported here were partially consistent with this genetic-social hypothesis, first proposed by Bäumler (1980). Study 1 (N = 224) indicated significantly higher self-rated physical aptitude for prototypically strength-related activities (professions, sports, hobbies) in a random sample of Smiths. The counterpart effect (higher aptitude for dexterity-related activities among Tailors) was directionally correct, but not significant, and Tailor-Smith differences in basic physique variables were nil. Study 2 examined two large total-population-of-interest datasets (Austria/Germany combined, and UK: N = 7001 and 20532) of men’s national high-score lists for track-and-field events requiring different physiques. In both datasets, proportions of Smiths significantly increased from light-stature over medium-stature to heavy-stature sports categories. The predicted counterpart effect (decreasing prevalences of Tailors along these categories) was not supported. Related prior findings, the viability of possible alternative interpretations of the evidence (differential positive selection for trades and occupations, differential endogamy and assortative mating patterns, implicit egotism effects), and directions for further inquiry are discussed in conclusion. PMID:26161803

  16. Résultats de recherche | Page 60 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Effet des cordons pierreux sur l'humidité et les propriétés physiques d'un sol ferrugineux tropical lessive : cas du village de Sourgou dans la province du Boulkiemde (Burkina Faso). Date de publication. 1 janvier 2010. Documents. ADAPTATION BURKINA FASO ...

  17. 2221-IJBCS-Article-Ngodo Melingui Jean Baptiste

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    données du SIGIF II via Internet. Ce transfert ... Recherche et exploitation documentaire. Composée ... Internet. Phase de terrain: Collecte des données. Marquage physique. Selon le projet .... traçabilité du bois au sein de la STBK a eu des.

  18. Top quark discovered

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Nine months after a careful announcement of tentative evidence for the long-awaited sixth 'top' quark, physicists from the CDF and DO experiments at Fermilab's Tevatron proton-antiproton collider declared on 2 March that they had finally discovered the top quark. Last year (June 1994, page 1), the CDF experiment at the Tevatron reported a dozen candidate top events. These, said CDF, had all the characteristics expected of top, but the difficulties of extracting the tiny signal from a trillion proton-antiproton collisions made them shy of claiming a discovery. For its part, the companion DO Tevatron experiment reported a few similar events but were even more guarded about their interpretation as top quarks. Just after these hesitant announcements, performance at the Tevatron improved dramatically last summer. After the commissioning of a new linear accelerator and a magnet realignment, the machine reached a new world record proton-antiproton collision luminosity of 1.28 x 10 31 per sq cm per s, ten times that originally planned. Data began to pour in at an unprecedented rate and the data sample grew to six trillion collisions. Luminosity has subsequently climbed to 1.7 x 10 31 . The top quark is the final letter in the alphabet of Standard Model particles. According to this picture, all matter is composed of six stronglyinteracting subnuclear particles, the quarks, and six weakly interacting particles, the leptons. Both sextets are neatly arranged as three pairs in order of increasing mass. The fifth quark, the 'beauty' or 'b' quark, was also discovered at Fermilab, back in 1977. Since then physicists have been eagerly waiting for the top to turn up, but have been frustrated by its heaviness - the top is some 40 times the mass of its 'beautiful' partner. Not only is the top quark the heaviest by far, but it is the only quark which has been actively hunted. After the quarry was glimpsed last year, the net has now been

  19. Composite quarks and their magnetic moments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parthasarathy, R.


    A composite quark model based on the symmetry group SU(10)sub(flavour) x SU(10)sub(colour) with the assumption of mass non-degenerate sub-quarks is considered. Magnetic moments of quarks and sub-quarks are obtained from the observed nucleon magnetic moments. Using these quark and sub-quark magnetic moments, a satisfactory agreement for the radiative decays of vector mesons (rho,ω) is obtained. The ratio of the masses of the sub-quarks constituting the u,d,s quarks are found to be Msub(p)/Msub(n) = 0.3953 and Msub(p)/Msub(lambda) = 0.596, indicating a mass hierarchy Msub(p) < Msub(n) < Msub(lambda) for the sub-quarks. (author)

  20. Top quark production at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Gilles, Geoffrey; The ATLAS collaboration


    The top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle. As it is the only quark that decays before it hadronizes, it gives us the unique opportunity to probe the properties of bare quarks at the Large Hadron Collider. This talk will present highlights of a few recent precision measurements of the top quark using 13 TeV and 8 TeV collision data: top-quark pair and single top production cross sections, including differential distributions and production in association with bosons, will be presented alongside top quark properties measurements. These measurements, including results using boosted top quarks, probe our understanding of top quark production in the TeV regime. Measurements of the top quark mass are also presented.

  1. Large Psub(tr) and quark-quark cross section in the dynamical model of factorizing quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kapshay, V.N.; Sidorov, A.V.; Skachkov, N.B.


    Dynamical model of factorizing quarks containing the quark mass as free model parameter was described. Model calculations were compared with the experimental data on the cross section of the inclusive πsup(o) meson production in the proton-proton interaction. It is shown that the results of the paper are in good agreement with experiments

  2. Quark i mattoni del mondo

    CERN Document Server

    Fritzsch, Harald


    Quark rossi, verdi e blu ; quark dotati di stranezza e di incanto ; quark 'su' e 'giù' : sembra che i fisici delle particelle giochino a confondere la curiosità del profano, con queste denominazioni fantasiose. Che cosa significano ? e, soprattutto, i quark sono i costituenti davvero elementari della materia ?

  3. The quark revolution and the ZGS - new quarks physics since the ZGS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lipkin, H.J.


    Overwhelming experimental evidence for quarks as real physical constituents of hadrons along with the QCD analogs of the Balmer Formula, Bohr Atom and Schroedinger Equation already existed in 1966 but was dismissed as heresy. ZGS experiments played an important role in the quark revolution. This role is briefly reviewed and subsequent progress in quark physics is described

  4. Le CERN va devoir supprimer quelques 600 postes d'ici a 2007

    CERN Multimedia


    "Le Laboratoire europeen pour la physique des particules (CERN) qui procede actuellement a la construction du LHC (Large Hadron Collider) , le plus grand accelerateur de particules du monde, va devoir supprimer, comme cela avait ete evoque en juin, quelques 600 postes d'ici a 2007" (1 paragraph).

  5. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 mars 2015 ... Sportive, Université du Sud, France. &Corresponding author: Jean-Marie Falola, Laboratoire de Biomécanique et Performance (Labiop), Institut National de la Jeunesse, de l'Education. Physique et du Sport (INJEPS), Porto-Novo, Benin. Key words: Posture, chevilles, genoux, chaussures à talons.

  6. Pondering imponderables: occultism in the mirror of late classical physics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asprem, E.


    On a souvent caractérisé le fait d’ établir une ligne de partage entre la physique « classique » et la physique «moderne » comme une manière de rompre avec une conception mécaniste, matérialiste et réductionniste du monde, pour se tourner vers une autre, ouverte et fondamentalement incertaine. Selon

  7. Vector-like quarks at the origin of light quark masses and mixing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Botella, Francisco J. [Universitat de Valencia-CSIC, Departament de Fisica Teorica and IFIC, Burjassot (Spain); Branco, G.C.; Nebot, Miguel; Rebelo, M.N.; Silva-Marcos, J.I. [Universidade de Lisboa, Departamento de Fisica and Centro de Fisica Teorica de Particulas (CFTP), Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), Lisbon (Portugal)


    We show how a novel fine-tuning problem present in the Standard Model can be solved through the introduction of a Z{sub 6} flavour symmetry, together with three Q = -1/3 quarks, three Q = 2/3 quarks, as well as a complex singlet scalar. The Z{sub 6} symmetry is extended to the additional fields and it is an exact symmetry of the Lagrangian, only softly broken in the scalar potential, in order to avoid the domain-wall problem. Specific examples are given and a phenomenological analysis of the main features of the model is presented. It is shown that even for vector-like quarks with masses accessible at the LHC, one can have realistic quark masses and mixing, while respecting the strict constraints on processes arising from flavour changing neutral currents. The vector-like quark decay channels are also described. (orig.)

  8. Top quark studies at hadron colliders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sinervo, P.K. [Univ. of Toronto, Ontario (Canada)


    The techniques used to study top quarks at hadron colliders are presented. The analyses that discovered the top quark are described, with emphasis on the techniques used to tag b quark jets in candidate events. The most recent measurements of top quark properties by the CDF and DO Collaborations are reviewed, including the top quark cross section, mass, branching fractions, and production properties. Future top quark studies at hadron colliders are discussed, and predictions for event yields and uncertainties in the measurements of top quark properties are presented.

  9. Top quark studies at hadron colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinervo, P.K.


    The techniques used to study top quarks at hadron colliders are presented. The analyses that discovered the top quark are described, with emphasis on the techniques used to tag b quark jets in candidate events. The most recent measurements of top quark properties by the CDF and DO Collaborations are reviewed, including the top quark cross section, mass, branching fractions, and production properties. Future top quark studies at hadron colliders are discussed, and predictions for event yields and uncertainties in the measurements of top quark properties are presented

  10. Top quark studies at hadron colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinervo, P.K.


    The techniques used to study top quarks at hadron colliders are presented. The analyses that discovered the top quark are described, with emphasis on the techniques used to tag b quark jets in candidate events. The most recent measurements of top quark properties by the CDF and D null collaborations are reviewed, including the top quark cross section, mass, branching fractions and production properties. Future top quark studies at hadron colliders are discussed, and predictions for event yields and uncertainties in the measurements of top quark properties are presented

  11. The physics of Star Trek

    CERN Document Server

    Krauss, Lawrence M


    Demarrant en fleche, le professeur Lawrence Krauss vous propulsera a vitesse superluminique dans l'univers de STAR TREK, qui lui servira de base pour explorer le monde fascinant de la physique moderne. A l'aide de diapositives, de divers supports et de clips video, mais aussi avec son humour et son charme, l'auteur de The Physics of Star Trek vous guidera dans des domaines allant du voyage dans le temps aux distorsions spaciotemporelles, du Big Bang a la recherche d'une intelligence extraterrestre. La conference comportera egalement un extrait de son repertoire des dix plus grosses erreurs de physique de la serie televisee. Cette conference amusante est accessible a tous.

  12. Monsieur Tompkins s'explore lui-même aventures biologiques

    CERN Document Server

    Gamow, George


    L'éminent physicien George Gamow, aidé cette fois du biologiste Martynas Ycas, nous raconte, avec son talent et son humour bien connus, ce nouveau cycle des aventures de M. Tompkins. Après avoir suivi une série de conférences populaires, M. Tompkins fait la connaissance du conférencier, un professeur de physique de l'université, puis rencontre sa fille Maud et l'épouse. Il peut ainsi poursuivre en famille son initiation à la science. Guidé par son beau-père, il s'intéresse d'abord à la physique pure, puis à la biologie.

  13. CONFERENCE: Quark matter 88

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacob, Maurice


    The 'Quark Matter' Conference caters for physicists studying nuclear matter under extreme conditions. The hope is that relativistic (high energy) heavy ion collisions allow formation of the long-awaited quark-gluon plasma, where the inter-quark 'colour' force is no longer confined inside nucleon-like dimensions


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucian Negura


    Full Text Available Le cancer du sein, ainsi que celui ovarien, est une maladie fréquente chez les femmes, ayant un traitement assez difficile et, malheureusement, de sérieuses répercutions sur le physique ; c’est pourquoi il s’avère essentiel que la maladie soit dépistée dès les phases précoces. La prédisposition génétique est responsable de 5% des cancers et de 25% des cas apparus avant l’age de 30 ans [Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium, 1997]. Nous présentons ici l’implication des gènes suppresseurs des tumeurs BRCA1 et BRCA2 sur cette prédisposition.

  15. Hadron matrix elements of quark operators in the relativistic quark model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bando, Masako; Toya, Mihoko [Kyoto Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Physics; Sugimoto, Hiroshi


    General formulae for evaluating matrix elements of two- and four-quark operators sandwiched by one-hadron states are presented on the basis of the relativistic quark model. Observed hadronic quantities are expressed in terms of those matrix elements of two- and four-quark operators. One observes various type of relativistic expression for the matrix elements which in the non-relativistic case reduce to simple expression of the so-called ''the wave function at the origin /sup +/psi(0)/sup +/''.

  16. Top Quark Properties at Tevatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lysák, Roman [Prague, Inst. Phys.


    The latest CDF and D0 experiment measurements of the top quark properties except the top quark mass are presented. The final combination of the CDF and D0 forward-backward asymmetry measurements is shown together with the D0 measurements of the inclusive top quark pair cross-section as well as the top quark polarization.

  17. La prodigieuse odyssée des particules élémentaires du bigbang jusqu'aux être pensants, et ensuite ? : essai

    CERN Document Server

    Bourdinaud, Michel


    Notre univers est un fragment échappé du chaos fondamental au travers du Big Bang et cristallisé sous une forme stable d’un point de vue cosmique. Bien des questions restent sans réponse. • Pourquoi y a-t-il quelque chose plutôt que rien ? • Ce quelque chose est-il le fruit d’un dessein ? • D’où proviennent les lois physiques qui gouvernent l’univers ? • Comment expliquer l’insolite et incessante organisation de la matière depuis le Big Bang ? • L’eau est une des clés de la vie, pourquoi une telle quantité sur la Terre ? • Par quel prodige les particules élémentaires sont-elles parvenues à constituer des êtres pensants ? Dans une expansion vertigineuse aux allures de fuite en avant, l’humanité aborde une crise majeure, car son économie est dévastatrice et ses comportements irrationnels la mènent au bord de l’autodestruction. Parvenir au contrôle des moyens d’anéantissement qu’elle a elle-même enfantés, ainsi que rapidement mettre un terme au pillag...

  18. Quark virtuality and QCD vacuum condensates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Lijuan; Ma Weixing


    Based on the Dyson-Schwinger equations (DSEs) in the 'rainbow' approximation, the authors investigate the quark virtuality in the vacuum state and quantum-chromodynamics (QCD) vacuum condensates. In particular, authors calculate the local quark vacuum condensate and quark-gluon mixed condensates, and then the virtuality of quark. The calculated quark virtualities are λ u,d 2 =0.7 GeV 2 for u, d quarks, and λ s 2 =1.6 GeV 2 for s quark. The theoretical predictions are consistent with empirical values used in QCD sum rules, and also fit to lattice QCD predictions

  19. Examining Combinations of Social Physique Anxiety and Motivation Regulations Using Latent Profile Analysis (United States)

    Ullrich-French, Sarah; Cox, Anne E.; Cooper, Brittany Rhoades


    Previous research has used cluster analysis to examine how social physique anxiety (SPA) combines with motivation in physical education. This study utilized a more advanced analytic approach, latent profile analysis (LPA), to identify profiles of SPA and motivation regulations. Students in grades 9-12 (N = 298) completed questionnaires at two time…

  20. Small quarks make big nuggets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deligeorges, S.


    After a brief recall on the classification of subatomic particles, this paper deals with quark nuggets, particle with more than three quarks, a big bag, which is called ''nuclearite''. Neutron stars, in fact, are big sacks of quarks, gigantic nuggets. Now, physicists try to calculate which type of nuggets of strange quark matter is stable, what has been the influence of quark nuggets on the primordial nucleosynthesis. At the present time, one says that if these ''nuggets'' exist, and in a large proportion, they may be candidates for the missing mass [fr

  1. Big Bang pour le grand public - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Pour commémorer les 50 ans du CERN et l'année de la physique en 2005, la section de physique de l'Université de Genève ouvre une fois de plus ses portes aux non initiés et organise une série de conférences de vulgarisation scientifique. La première conférence, le 7 décembre prochain aura pour thème le Big-Bang et les observations qui corroborent cette théorie. Le Professeur Georges Meylan, Directeur du Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'EPFL, donnera cette conférence destinée à tous les publics. Chacune des conférences débutera par une démonstration de détection de rayons cosmiques dans l'auditoire et l'utilisation de ces signaux venus du fond de l'univers pour créer une ?musique cosmique', en collaboration avec le Professeur Ellberger et Nikolai Mihailov du conservatoire de musique de Genève. Ces processus cosmiques étant aléatoires, chacun de ces concerts sera unique. Les preuves observationnelles du Big Bang par le Professeur Georges Meylan Directeur du Laboratoire d'Astrophysique ...

  2. The discovery of the top quark

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sinervo, P.K.


    The top quark and the Higgs boson are the heaviest elementary particles predicted by the standard model. The four lightest quark flavours, the up, down, strange and charm quarks, were well-established by the mid-1970's. The discovery in 1977 of the Τ resonances, a new family of massive hadrons, required the introduction of the fifth quark flavour. Experimental and theoretical studies have indicated that this quark also has a heavier partner, the top quark

  3. The Discovery of the Top Quark (United States)

    Sinervo, P.K.


    The top quark and the Higgs boson are the heaviest elementary particles predicted by the standard model. The four lightest quark flavours, the up, down, strange and charm quarks, were well-established by the mid-1970's. The discovery in 1977 of the {Tau} resonances, a new family of massive hadrons, required the introduction of the fifth quark flavour. Experimental and theoretical studies have indicated that this quark also has a heavier partner, the top quark.

  4. Flavour symmetry breaking and tuning the strange quark mass for 2+1 quark flavours

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bietenholz, W. [Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico). Inst. de Ciencias Nucleares; Bornyakov, V. [Institute for High Energy Physics, Protovino (Russian Federation); Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (Russian Federation); Goeckeler, M. [Regensburg Univ. (DE). Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik] (and others)


    QCD lattice simulations with 2+1 flavours typically start at rather large up-down and strange quark masses and extrapolate first the strange quark mass to its physical value and then the updown quark mass. An alternative method of tuning the quark masses is discussed here in which the singlet quark mass is kept fixed, which ensures that the kaon always has mass less than the physical kaon mass. Using group theory the possible quark mass polynomials for a Taylor expansion about the flavour symmetric line are found, which enables highly constrained fits to be used in the extrapolation of hadrons to the physical pion mass. Numerical results confirm the usefulness of this expansion and an extrapolation to the physical pion mass gives hadron mass values to within a few percent of their experimental values. (orig.)

  5. 94 Mise en place d'une base de données pour une modélisation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'objectif de cette étude est de fournir les paramètres physiques du bassin versant ... certains procèdent par une approche globale et considère le bassin comme ... du Bandama, à l'instar de la plupart des bassins sub-sahéliens, ne dispose.

  6. Projet financé par le CRDI influençant les politiques ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    31 mars 2017 ... ... ce qui signifie qu'ils paient trois à quatre fois plus pour des services ... partie des lacunes qui existent dans les lois et les politiques, ou du fait que ces ... le développement physique, social et économique intégré du secteur.

  7. Models of quark bags and their consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bogolubov, P.N.


    The development of the first Dubna Quark Bag and the results obtained in this way are considered. The idea of the first Dubna Quark Bag is as follows: baryons are constructed of three quarks measons are constructed of two quarks, and each quark is interpreted as the Dirac particle which moves in a scalar square well. The so-called quasiindependent quark model is considered too. It is a simple quark model based on an analogy with the shell model for nuclei. The quarks are considered as moving in an arbitrary radially-symmetric field, and their one-particle wave function satisfies the usual Dirac equation. Such quark model can give at least the same results as the relativistic bag model. A possibility exists to improve the results of the relativistic quark model with the oscillator interaction between quarks. The results of the MIT-Bag model and the quasiindependent quark model coincide

  8. Heavy quark free energies for three quark systems at finite temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huebner, Kay; Karsch, Frithjof; Kaczmarek, Olaf; Vogt, Oliver


    We study the free energy of static three quark systems in singlet, octet, decuplet, and average color channels in the quenched approximation and in 2-flavor QCD at finite temperature. We show that in the high temperature phase singlet and decuplet free energies of three quark systems are well described by the sum of the free energies of three diquark systems plus self-energy contributions of the three quarks. In the confining low temperature phase we find evidence for a Y-shaped flux tube in SU(3) pure gauge theory, which is less evident in 2-flavor QCD due to the onset of string breaking. We also compare the short distance behavior of octet and decuplet free energies to the free energies of single static quarks in the corresponding color representations.

  9. The processing and management of wastes from atomic reactors; Nouvelles installations industrielles du C.E.A. pour le traitement des dechets radioactifs liquides et solides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerre, P; Mestre, E; Bourdrez, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The policy concerning radioactive wastes studied by all Atomic Centres has led to various procedures which, while apparently numerous, come under a few standard headings. Whether the wastes are in the liquid or solid state their management depends on their physical and chemical nature. The procedure adopted is governed by three general principles: - determination of the most economical means possible of storage and processing by volume reduction; - conversion to a solid compact form; - complete acceptance of the accepted standards at all places and all times. In this communication all the standard solutions adopted and used by the various Centres of the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique will be examined bearing in mind the preceding remarks. Particular mention will be made of the following: - For liquids, physical, chemical and physico-chemical processing - For solids, decontamination, volume reduction and long-term conditioning techniques. The different procedures for collecting and storing solid wastes before and after processing are also discussed. The paper ends with a brief review of the studies, both technical and economic, being pursued on this subject. (authors) [French] La gestion des dechets etudies par tous les Centres Atomiques a donne lieu a des solutions qui - bien que nombreuses en apparence - se ramenent a quelques solutions types, peu nombreuses. Qu'il s'agisse de dechets solides ou liquides, la nature physique et chimique des dechets conditionne leur mode de gestion. Celle-ci procede de trois principes generaux: - recherche du mode de stockage et de traitement aussi economique que possible par reduction de volume; - mise sous forme compacte solide; - garantie du respect des normes en tous lieux et en tous temps. Dans cette communication, nous examinons toutes les solutions types, compte tenu des remarques precedentes, qui ont ete adoptees et sont utilisees par les differents Centres du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. Nous rappelons en

  10. Measurements and searches with top quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peters, Reinhild Yvonne


    In 1995 the last missing member of the known families of quarks, the top quark, was discovered by the CDF and D0 experiments at the Tevatron, a proton-antiproton collider at Fermilab near Chicago. Until today, the Tevatron is the only place where top quarks can be produced. The determination of top quark production and properties is crucial to understand the Standard Model of particle physics and beyond. The most striking property of the top quark is its mass--of the order of the mass of a gold atom and close to the electroweak scale--making the top quark not only interesting in itself but also as a window to new physics. Due to the high mass, much higher than of any other known fermion, it is expected that the top quark plays an important role in electroweak symmetry breaking, which is the most prominent candidate to explain the mass of particles. In the Standard Model, electroweak symmetry breaking is induced by one Higgs field, producing one additional physical particle, the Higgs boson. Although various searches have been performed, for example at the Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP), no evidence for the Higgs boson could yet be found in any experiment. At the Tevatron, multiple searches for the last missing particle of the Standard Model are ongoing with ever higher statistics and improved analysis techniques. The exclusion or verification of the Higgs boson can only be achieved by combining many techniques and many final states and production mechanisms. As part of this thesis, the search for Higgs bosons produced in association with a top quark pair (t(bar t)H) has been performed. This channel is especially interesting for the understanding of the coupling between Higgs and the top quark. Even though the Standard Model Higgs boson is an attractive candidate, there is no reason to believe that the electroweak symmetry breaking is induced by only one Higgs field. In many models more than one Higgs boson are expected to exist, opening even more channels

  11. Clustering in a quark gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welke, G.M.; Heiss, W.D.


    In an infinite one-dimensional quark gas it is shown that a static color force, which increases at large distance, leads to a density fluctuation in the ground state. A self-consistent mean field can only be found for an effectively attractive quark-quark interaction that increases less than linearly at large distances. For a fixed coupling constant, the clustering disappears at high quark density

  12. Effects of Density-Dependent Quark Mass on Phase Diagram of Color-Flavor-Locked Quark Matter

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Considering the density dependence of quark mass, we investigate the phase transition between the (unpaired) strange quark matter and the color-flavor-locked matter, which are supposed to be two candidates for the ground state of strongly interacting matter. We find that if the current mass of strange quark ms is small, the strange quark matter remains stable unless the baryon density is very high. If ms is large, the phase transition from the strange quark matter to the color-flavor-locked matter in particular to its gapless phase is found to be different from the results predicted by previous works. A complicated phase diagram of three-flavor quark matter is presented, in which the color-flavor-locked phase region is suppressed for moderate densities.

  13. Comment on ``Brown dwarfs, quark stars, and quark-hadron phase transition``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubis, S.; Kutschera, M. [Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow (Poland)


    It is shown that the cosmological quark-hadron phase transition within the Lee-Wick model with a high degree of supercooling cannot be completed. No quark stars could be produced in this scenario. (author). 2 refs.

  14. Comment on ''Brown dwarfs, quark stars, and quark-hadron phase transition''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubis, S.; Kutschera, M.


    It is shown that the cosmological quark-hadron phase transition within the Lee-Wick model with a high degree of supercooling cannot be completed. No quark stars could be produced in this scenario. (author). 2 refs

  15. Untitled

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2- Département de Chimie Physique, Académie du Pétrole et du Gaz, -20, av. Lenine, 370601 Bakou, Azerbaïdjan. RÉSUMÉ ... tion d'eau et séchage à 125 °C, le premier produit obtenu est calciné suivant deux méthodes ... infrarouge du catalyseur, la frange d'absorption 860 cm* conditionnée par la vibration des liaisons ...

  16. The Quark - A Decade Later (United States)

    Dakin, James T.


    Reviews theoretical principles underlying the quark model. Indicates that the agreement with experimental results and the understanding of the quark-quark force are two hurdles for the model to survive in the future. (CC)

  17. L’évaluation du risque cardiaque avant l’utilisation de stimulants chez les enfants et les adolescents (United States)

    Bélanger, SA; Warren, AE; Hamilton, RM; Gray, C; Gow, RM; Sanatani, S; Côté, J-M; Lougheed, J; LeBlanc, J; Martin, S; Miles, B; Mitchell, C; Gorman, DA; Weiss, M; Schachar, R


    Les décisions en matière de réglementation et les documents scientifiques au sujet de la prise en charge du trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) soulèvent des questions quant à l’innocuité des médicaments et à l’évaluation convenable à effectuer avant le traitement afin de déterminer la pertinence d’une pharmacothérapie. Ce constat est particulièrement vrai en présence de cardiopathies structurelles ou fonctionnelles. Le présent article contient l’analyse des données disponibles, y compris les publications révisées par des pairs, des données tirées du site Web de la Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis au sujet des réactions indésirables déclarées chez des enfants qui prennent des stimulants, ainsi que des données de Santé Canada sur le même problème. Des lignes directrices consensuelles sur l’évaluation pertinente sont proposées d’après l’apport des membres de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie, de la Société canadienne de cardiologie et de l’Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, qui possèdent notamment des compétences et des connaissances précises tant dans le secteur du TDAH que de la cardiologie pédiatrique. Le présent document de principes prône une anamnèse et un examen physique détaillés avant la prescription de stimulants et s’attarde sur le dépistage des facteurs de risque de mort subite, mais il ne contient pas de recommandations systématiques de dépistage électrocardiographique ou de consultations avec un spécialiste en cardiologie, à moins que les antécédents ou que l’examen physique ne le justifient. Le document contient un questionnaire pour repérer les enfants potentiellement vulnérables à une mort subite (quel que soit le type de TDAH ou les médicaments utilisés pour le traiter). Même si les recommandations dépendent des meilleures données probantes disponibles, le comité s’entend pour affirmer que

  18. Quark Physics without Quarks: A Review of Recent Developments in S-Matrix Theory. (United States)

    Capra, Fritjof


    Reviews the developments in S-matrix theory over the past five years which have made it possible to derive results characteristic of quark models without any need to postulate the existence of physical quarks. In the new approach, the quark patterns emerge as a consequence of combining the general S-matrix principles with the concept of order.…

  19. Gradients socioéconomiques du risque cardiovasculaire chez les enfants et les adolescents canadiens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Y. Shi


    Full Text Available Introduction : Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV et leurs facteurs de risque présentent des gradients socioéconomiques clairs chez les adultes canadiens, mais présentent des ambiguïtés chez les enfants. L'objectif de cette étude est de vérifier l'existence ou non de gradients socioéconomiques dans les marqueurs physiologiques du risque de MCV chez les enfants et les adolescents canadiens. Méthodologie : À partir des données transversales combinées de l'Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé 2007-2011, nous avons étudié, chez 2 149 enfants (6 à 11 ans et 2 073 adolescents (12 à 17 ans et selon le sexe, les marqueurs de risque cardiovasculaire suivants : excès de poids (y compris l'obésité, score de capacité aérobique (SCA, pression artérielle (PA, lipides sanguins (totaux, cholestérol LDL et HDL, triglycérides, métabolisme du glucose et protéine C réactive (CRP. Des analyses de régression logistique et de régression linéaire multidimensionnelles ont permis de dégager les tendances relatives au risque cardiovasculaire en fonction de la suffisance du revenu du ménage et du niveau de scolarité des parents, après ajustement en fonction de l'âge et de l'origine ethnique, et après stratification par groupe d'âge et par sexe. Résultats : La prévalence de l'obésité était sensiblement plus élevée chez les jeunes garçons que chez les jeunes filles (prévalence de 18,5 %, intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 % : 15,6 à 21,5 contre 7,7 %, IC à 95 % : 5,2 à 10,3. Toutefois, des gradients socioéconomiques négatifs ont été observés en ce qui concerne le risque d'adiposité chez les jeunes filles et les adolescentes, et non chez les garçons. Parmi les enfants et les adolescents, les garçons étaient en meilleure condition physique que les filles (SCA moyen de 541, IC à 95 % : 534 à 546 contre 501, IC à 95 % : 498 à 505 chez les enfants; 522, IC à 95 % : 514 à 529 contre 460, IC à 95 % : 454

  20. Vector Susceptibility of QCD Vacuum from an Effective Quark-Quark Interaction

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    ZONG Hong-Shi; QI Shi; CHEN Wei; WU Xiao-Hua


    .A new approach for calculating vacuum susceptibilities from an effective quark-quark interaction model is derived. As a special case, the vector vacuum susceptibility is calculated. A comparison with the results of the previous approaches is given.

  1. Static quark-antiquark potential

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deo, B.B.; Barik, B.K.


    A heavy-quark--antiquark potential is suggested which connects asymptotic freedom and quark confinement in a unified manner by formal methods of field theory using some plausible assumptions. The potential has only one additional adjustable parameter B which is proportional to (M/sub q//m/sub q/), where M/sub q/ and m/sub q/ are the constituent and current quark masses, respectively

  2. Compréhension de la violence à l'encontre des enfants au Rwanda ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Toutes les formes de violence (physique, émotionnelle et sexuelle) à l'encontre des enfants constituent une grave violation des droits de la personne et entraînent de profondes séquelles sur le plan mental et physique à court et à long terme (Étude du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies sur la violence contre les enfants).

  3. Strange Quark Matter Status and Prospects (United States)

    Sandweiss, J.


    The existence of quark states with more than three quarks is allowed in QCD. The stability of such quark matter states has been studied with lattice QCD and phenomenological bag models, but is not well constrained by theory. The addition of strange quarks to the system allows the quarks to be in lower energy states despite the additional mass penalty. There is additional stability from reduced Coulomb repulsion. SQM is expected to have a low Z/A. Stable or metastable massive multiquark states contain u, d, and s quarks.

  4. Quark confinement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joos, H.


    The main topics of these lectures are: phenomenological approach to quark confinement, standard Lagrangian of hadrondynamics, Lagrangian field theory and quark confinement, classical soliton solutions in a simple model, quantization of extended systems, colour charge screening and quantization on a lattice and remarks on applications. A survey of the scientific publications listed according to the topics until 26 March 1976 is supplemented. (BJ) [de

  5. Four-quark bound states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zouzou, S.


    In the framework of simple non-relativistic potential models, we examine the system consisting of two quarks and two antiquarks with equal or unequal masses. We search for possible bound states below the threshold for the spontaneous dissociation into two mesons. We solve the four body problem by empirical or systematic variational methods and we include the virtual meson-meson components of the wave function. With standard two-body potentials, there is no proliferation of multiquarks. With unequal quark masses, we obtain however exotic (anti Qanti Qqq) bound states with a baryonic antidiquark-quark-quark structure very analogous to the heavy flavoured (Q'qq) baryons. (orig.)

  6. Search for the Higgs Boson and for Anomalous Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings in the WW Channel with Dielectron Events with the D0 Experiment at the Tevatron; Recherche du boson de Higgs et de couplages de jauge quartiques anormaux dans le canal WW en électrons dans l'expérience D0 au Tevatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chapon, Emilien [Pierre and Marie Curie Univ., Paris (France)


    Le paysage de la physique des particules a subi des changements majeurs entre le début de cette thèse, en septembre 2010, et sa n en juin 2013. On peut notamment qualier l'année 2012 de date-clé dans l'histoire de la physique des particules. En 2012, une nouvelle particule a été découverte au LHC [1, 2], dont la majeure partie de la communauté s'accorde aujourd'hui à dire qu'il s'agit très probablement du boson de Higgs. Cet événement est intervenu peu après une sorte de passage de relais entre le Tevatron, arrêté le 30 septembre 2011, et le LHC, dont les toutes premières collisions sont intervenues le 23 novembre 2009.

  7. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3 sept. 2013 ... puissance maximale du laser KTP a été augmentée au fil du temps pour minimiser le risque opératoire ... définition du risque élevé était un score de la société américaine d´anesthésiologie (ASA) supérieur ... médicaux, un examen physique avec les données du toucher rectal, une échographie rénale et ...

  8. Quarks for hadrons and leptons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopes, J.L.


    The simplest, naive, model for a unified description of leptons and hadrons consists in postulating, besides the usual quarks p, n, lambda a fourth quark, with very heavy mass and very high binding to pairs like anti p n and anti p lambda. In a SU(4) scheme the fourth quark has a quantum number charm which may be taken as proportional to the lepton number. Muons would be distinguished from electrons by the occurence of a lambda-quark instead of a n-quark in their structure. The forces among these quarks would have to be such as to give leptons an almost point-like structure at the experimentally known energies as well as absence of strong interactions at these energies. However, one would expect the display of strong interactions by leptons at extremely high energies [pt

  9. Heavy quark hadron mass scale

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, J.T.


    Without the spin interactions the hardron masses within a multiplet are degenerate. The light quark hadron degenerate mulitplet mass spectrum is extended from the 3 quark ground state multiplets at J P =0 - , 1/2 + , 1 - to include the excited states which follow the spinorial decomposition of SU(2)xSU(2). The mass scales for the 4, 5, 6, .. quark hadrons are obtained from the degenerate multiplet mass m 0 /M=n 2 /α with n=4, 5, 6, .. The 4, 5, 6, .. quark hadron degenerate multiplet masses follow by splitting of the heavy quark mass scales according to the spinorial decomposition of SU(2)xSU(2). (orig.)

  10. Social Physique Anxiety and Intention to Be Physically Active: A Self-Determination Theory Approach (United States)

    Sicilia, Álvaro; Sáenz-Alvarez, Piedad; González-Cutre, David; Ferriz, Roberto


    Purpose: Based on self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between social physique anxiety and intention to be physically active, while taking into account the mediating effects of the basic psychological needs and behavioral regulations in exercise. Method: Having obtained parents' prior consent, 390…

  11. Identification des risques professionnels dans l'industrie textile en République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Kitronza, Panda Lukongo


    Introduction Le but de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les facteurs de risques professionnels liés aux conditions de travail. Méthodes Cette étude qualitative basée sur les entretiens de groupe a été réalisée par une équipe pluridisciplinaire dans l'industrie textile de la région du Est de la RDC; comprenant un médecin de travail, un médecin de santé publique, un toxicologue, deux infirmiers du centre hospitalier de l'usine, un représentant du comité d'hygiène et un technicien de prévention. La démarche méthodologique a consisté en des entretiens en groupe, des observations et visites guidées de lieux de travail de l'entreprise. Résultats Dans la culture du coton, les effets d'une forte exposition aux pesticides peuvent entraîner des intoxications aiguës, chroniques et voire le décès. Les autres risques sont les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles, les troubles psychologiques. Dans l'industrie, les travailleurs sont exposés aux risques liés à l'empoussiérage des fibres de coton, aux facteurs des risques traumatiques, physiques (bruits, vibration) et chimiques (acides forts, bases fortes, solvants et colorants minéraux), ainsi qu'aux risques psychosociaux. La pollution de l'environnement et l’écotoxicité inhérente à ces activités restent l'effet de l'usage des grandes quantités d'intrants agricoles, engrais et produits phytosanitaires. Conclusion Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les différents facteurs de risques auxquelles sont soumis les travailleurs textiles; ainsi que les risques environnementaux liés à cette activité. Cela est de nature à permettre la mise sur pied d'une stratégie efficace de prévention et de protection des travailleurs. PMID:25977736

  12. How the physicists nailed the quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The paper reviews quarks, from its prediction in 1962, to the experiments confirming its existence in the 1970's and 1980's. The elementary particles of matter; building particles from quarks; why quarks can never be isolated; and the six quarks; are all discussed. (U.K.)

  13. In search of the quark-gluon plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schutz, Y.; Delagrange, H.


    This article describes in a very pedagogical manner the ultimate state of matter when quarks are no longer confined in hadrons. This state is called quark and gluon plasma, its existence is suspected through 4 facts: 1) a quark and gluon plasma that has just been created from a high energy ion-collision is mainly made up of light quarks (up and down), then this plasma should evolve towards other quarks (particularly strange quarks) because of the Pauli exclusion principle. This fact has been experimentally confirmed: at the CERN accelerator physicists have detected a higher production of strange hadrons when the energy of the collision increases; 2) some particles like ρ 0 mesons, that are made up of 2 quarks, are massively produced in ion collisions, their mass has been measured at the moment of the collision and later in the quark and gluon plasma, 2 different values have been found so it confirms the theory that predicts that free quarks have a mass that decreases as energy increases; 3) J/Ψ mesons are made up of a charmed quark combined with its anti-quark, physicists have noticed that less J/Ψ mesons are detected when the energy of the collision rises, this result agrees with the fact that in quark gluon plasma where quarks are free and of different colours and flavors, it is highly unlikely that a charmed quark combines with its anti-quark to form a J/Ψ meson; and 4) the theory of the formation of quark gluon plasma predicts that its electromagnetic radiation has a thermal radiation specificity, physicists have studied the radiation spectra emitted in the core of a ion collision, they have shown that it is a thermal radiation and that the temperature of the emitter corresponds to the temperature of a quark gluon plasma. (A.C.)

  14. Voyage dans le noir. Trous noirs, matière noire, énergie noire et antimatière

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva; Alvarez-Gaume, Luis; Grojean, Christophe


    Et si nous faisions avec les physiciens un voyage dans le noir ? De l'astrophysique à la physique des particules les trois noirs, la matière noire, l'énergie noire ou l’antimatière intriguent et fascinent. Que sont ces objets qui bousculent nos idées et qui véhiculent parfois des craintes irraisonnées? Luis Alvarez-Gaume, Michael Doser et Christophe Grojean, physiciens du CERN vous invitent à mettre en lumière (!) les constituants de base de la matière et à explorer les mystères de la physique contemporaine. Une soirée lumineuse pour éclairer des concepts et ne plus avoir peur du noir.

  15. L'ordre dans le chaos vers une approche déterministe de la turbulence

    CERN Document Server

    Bergé, Pierre; Vidal, Christian


    Depuis une trentaine d'années, l'irruption du non-linéaire conduit à une transformation en profondeur de l'ensemble de la physique, d'importance comparable aux deux révolutions, quantique et relativiste, qui ont marqué celle-ci à l'aube du vingtième siècle.

  16. Heavy quarks and CP: Moriond 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bjorken, J.D.


    The presentations at the Fifth Moriond Workshop on Heavy Quarks, Flavor Mixing, and CP Violation (La Plagne, France, January 13-19, 1985) are summarized. The following topics are reviewed. What's New (beyond the top, top quarks, bottom quarks, charm quarks, strange quarks, and others); why is all this being done (strong interactions and hadron structure, and electroweak properties); and what next (facilities and can one see CP violation in the B-anti B system). 64 refs., 10 figs

  17. Important configurations in six-quark N-N states. II. Current quark model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stancu, F.; Wilets, L.


    Quark basis states constructed from molecular-type orbitals were shown previously to be more convenient to use than cluster model states for N-N processes. The usual cluster model representation omits configurations which emerge naturally in a molecular basis which contains the same number of spatial functions. The importance of the omitted states was demonstrated for a constituent quark model. The present work extends the study to the prototypical current quark model, namely the MIT bag. In order to test the expansion for short-range N-N interactions, the eigenstates and eigenenergies of six quarks in a spherical bag, including one-gluon exchange, are calculated. The lowest eigenenergies are lowered significantly with respect to the usual cluster model. This reaffirms the importance of dynamics for obtaining the needed short-range repulsion

  18. État et perspectives de lutte contre Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1789 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Plusieurs chercheurs se sont intéressés, dans le cadre des luttes physiques, aux irradiations ionisantes provenant de source de rayons gamma du cobalt 60 et des variétés de céréales résistantes dans le cas du riz, du blé ou de maïs. Aussi, des parasites, pathogènes ou prédateurs (Trichogramma spp, Blattisocius tarsalis, ...

  19. Top quark theory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laenen, E.


    The theoretical aspects of a number of top quark properties such as its mass and its couplings are reviewed. Essential aspects in the theoretical description of top quark production, singly, in pairs and in association, as well as its decay related to spin and angular correlations are discussed.

  20. Properties of the Top Quark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wicke, Daniel; /Wuppertal U., Dept. Math.


    The aim of particle physics is the understanding of elementary particles and their interactions. The current theory of elementary particle physics, the Standard Model, contains twelve different types of fermions which (neglecting gravity) interact through the gauge bosons of three forces. In addition a scalar particle, the Higgs boson, is needed for theoretical consistency. These few building blocks explain all experimental results found in the context of particle physics, so far. Nevertheless, it is believed that the Standard Model is only an approximation to a more complete theory. First of all the fourth known force, gravity, has withstood all attempts to be included until now. Furthermore, the Standard Model describes several features of the elementary particles like the existence of three families of fermions or the quantisation of charges, but does not explain these properties from underlying principles. Finally, the lightness of the Higgs boson needed to explain the symmetry breaking is difficult to maintain in the presence of expected corrections from gravity at high scales. This is the so called hierarchy problem. In addition astrophysical results indicate that the universe consists only to a very small fraction of matter described by the Standard Model. Large fractions of dark energy and dark matter are needed to describe the observations. Both do not have any correspondence in the Standard Model. Also the very small asymmetry between matter and anti-matter that results in the observed universe built of matter (and not of anti-matter) cannot be explained until now. It is thus an important task of experimental particle physics to test the predictions of the Standard Model to the best possible accuracy and to search for deviations pointing to necessary extensions or modifications of our current theoretical understanding. The top quark was predicted to exist by the Standard Model as the partner of the bottom quark. It was first observed in 1995 by the

  1. Properties of the Top Quark

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wicke, Daniel


    The aim of particle physics is the understanding of elementary particles and their interactions. The current theory of elementary particle physics, the Standard Model, contains twelve different types of fermions which (neglecting gravity) interact through the gauge bosons of three forces. In addition a scalar particle, the Higgs boson, is needed for theoretical consistency. These few building blocks explain all experimental results found in the context of particle physics, so far. Nevertheless, it is believed that the Standard Model is only an approximation to a more complete theory. First of all the fourth known force, gravity, has withstood all attempts to be included until now. Furthermore, the Standard Model describes several features of the elementary particles like the existence of three families of fermions or the quantisation of charges, but does not explain these properties from underlying principles. Finally, the lightness of the Higgs boson needed to explain the symmetry breaking is difficult to maintain in the presence of expected corrections from gravity at high scales. This is the so called hierarchy problem. In addition astrophysical results indicate that the universe consists only to a very small fraction of matter described by the Standard Model. Large fractions of dark energy and dark matter are needed to describe the observations. Both do not have any correspondence in the Standard Model. Also the very small asymmetry between matter and anti-matter that results in the observed universe built of matter (and not of anti-matter) cannot be explained until now. It is thus an important task of experimental particle physics to test the predictions of the Standard Model to the best possible accuracy and to search for deviations pointing to necessary extensions or modifications of our current theoretical understanding. The top quark was predicted to exist by the Standard Model as the partner of the bottom quark. It was first observed in 1995 by the

  2. Latest Results on Top Quark Properties: \\\\ Deciphering the DNA of the heaviest quark

    CERN Document Server

    Gallinaro, Michele


    The top quark, the heaviest known elementary particle discovered at the Fermilab Tevatron more than twenty years ago, has taken a central role in the study of fundamental interactions. Due to its large mass, the top quark provides a unique environment for tests of the standard model. With a cumulative luminosity of more than 100~fb$^{-1}$ collected at $\\sqrt{s}=7,8,13$~TeV by each of the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in the first ten years of operation, top quark physics is probing uncharted territories in precision and rare measurements with sensitivity to New Physics processes. This document summarizes the latest experimental measurements and studies of top quark properties.

  3. Dihadron fragmentation functions in the quark-jet model: Transversely polarized quarks (United States)

    Matevosyan, Hrayr H.; Kotzinian, Aram; Thomas, Anthony W.


    Within the most recent extension of the quark-jet hadronization framework, we explore the transverse-polarization-dependent dihadron fragmentation functions (DiFFs) H1∢ and H1⊥ of a quark into π+π- pairs. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are employed to model polarized quark hadronization and calculate the corresponding number densities. These, in turn, are used to extract the Fourier cosine moments of the DiFFs H1∢ and H1⊥. A notable finding is that there are previously unnoticed apparent discrepancies between the definitions of the so-called interference DiFF (IFF) H1∢ , entering the cross sections for two-hadron semi-inclusive electroproduction, and those involved in the production of two pairs of hadrons from back-to-back jets in electron-positron annihilation. This manuscript completes the studies of all four leading-twist DiFFs for unpolarized hadron pairs within the quark-jet framework, following our previous work on the helicity-dependent DiFF G1⊥.

  4. Some Recent Progress on Quark Pairings in Dense Quark and Nuclear Matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pang Jinyi; Wang Jincheng; Wang Qun


    In this review article we give a brief overview on some recent progress in quark pairings in dense quark/nuclear matter mostly developed in the past five years. We focus on following aspects in particular: the BCS-BEC crossover in the CSC phase, the baryon formation and dissociation in dense quark/nuclear matter, the Ginzburg-Landau theory for three-flavor dense matter with U A (1) anomaly, and the collective and Nambu-Goldstone modes for the spin-one CSC. (physics of elementary particles and fields)

  5. Heavy-Quark Production

    CERN Document Server

    Frixione, Stefano; Nason, Paolo; Ridolfi, Giovanni


    We review the present theoretical and experimental status of heavy quark production in high-energy collisions. In particular, we cover hadro- and photoproduction at fixed target experiments, at HERA and at the hadron colliders, as well as aspects of heavy quark production in e+e- collisions at the Z0 peak.

  6. Quark models in hadron physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phatak, Shashikant C.


    In this talk, we review the role played by the quark models in the study of interaction of strong, weak and electromagnetic probes with hadrons at intermediate and high momentum transfers. By hadrons, we mean individual nucleons as well as nuclei. We argue that at these momentum transfers, the structure of hadrons plays an important role. The hadron structure of the hadrons is because of the underlying quark structure of hadrons and therefore the quark models play an important role in determining the hadron structure. Further, the properties of hadrons are likely to change when these are placed in nuclear medium and this change should arise from the underlying quark structure. We shall consider some quark models to look into these aspects. (author)

  7. L'impact de la « démocratie sportive » sur le « Service public du sport en Afrique et par ricochet au Cameroun »

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dikoume François Claude


    Full Text Available Cet article s'attache à démontrer que la posture d'étatisation du sport en Afrique ayant cour depuis les années d'indépendance a subi des mutations considérables grâce à l'évolution de l'histoire du monde. Par ailleurs, aucun des acteurs du mouvement sportif ne peut se targuer de pouvoir gérer l'entièreté de son domaine tout seul. Les rôles des uns et des autres sont désormais bien définis au Cameroun en particulier, grâce à la loi n∘ 2011/018 du 15 juillet 2011 relative à l'organisation et à la promotion des activités physiques et sportives et les textes subséquents pris au fur à mesure à divers niveaux de responsabilité. Ainsi par exemple : la gestion des équipes nationales relèvent désormais presque exclusivement des fédérations sportives nationales ; une fédération sportive nationale ne peut plus être juge et partie en ce qui concerne les litiges d'ordre sportif (y compris le contentieux électoral en son sein. Il est question de faire une analyse succincte des orientations, transformations et évolutions de cette étatisation et des méthodes antidémocratiques du sport en Afrique, afin d'en tirer les nouvelles tendances que les Etats africains mettent en place.

  8. Top quark physics at the LHC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeong Kim Tae


    Full Text Available In 2011, an integrated luminosity of more than 5 fb−1 at 7 TeV has been delivered by the LHC. The measurement of the cross section in top quark pair production and in single top quark production, top quark mass, top quark properties and new physics searches in top quark decays have been performed at the CMS experiment with various integrated luminosities. An overview of the latest results of these measurements and searches by the time of ICFP 2012 conference will be presented.

  9. Color quarks and octonions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guersey, F.


    A mathematical framework based on octonions is developed for the description of the color quark scheme in which quarks are unobservable, the color SU(3) is exact, and only color singlets correspond to observable hadrons. The fictitious Hilbert space in which quarks operate is taken to be a space of vectors with octonion components. This space admits as a gauge group an exact SU(3) identified with the color SU/sub C/(3). Because of the nonassociativity of the underlying algebra, nonsinglet representations of SU/sub C/(3) are unobservable, while the subspace of color singlets satisfies associativity along with conditions for observability. Octonion quark fields satisfy the commutation relations of parafermions of order 3, leading to the correct SU(6) multiplets for hadrons. (U.S.)

  10. The quark matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rho, Mannque.


    The present status of our understanding of the physics of hadronic (nuclear or neutron) matter under extreme conditions, in particular at high densities is discussed. This is a problem which challenges three disciplines of physics: nuclear physics, astrophysics and particle physics. It is generally believed that we now have a correct and perhaps ultimate theory of the strong interactions, namely quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The constituents of this theory are quarks and gluons, so highly dense matters should be describable in terms of these constituents alone. This is a question that addresses directly to the phenomenon of quark confinement, one of the least understood aspects in particle physics. For nuclear physics, the possibility of a phase change between nuclear matter and quark matter introduces entirely new degrees of freedom in the description of nuclei and will bring perhaps a deeper understanding of nuclear dynamics. In astrophysics, the properties of neutron stars will be properly understood only when the equation of state of 'neutron' matter at densities exceeding that of nuclear matter can be realiably calculated. Most fascinating is the possibility of quark stars existing in nature, not entirely an absurd idea. Finally the quark matter - nuclear matter phase transition must have occured in the early stage of universe when matter expanded from high temperature and density; this could be an essential ingredient in the big-bang cosmology

  11. Baryons in the unquenched quark model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bijker, R.; Díaz-Gómez, S. [Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, AP 70-543, 04510 Mexico DF (Mexico); Lopez-Ruiz, M. A. [Physics Department and Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408 (United States); Santopinto, E. [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Genova, via Dodecaneso 33, I-16146 Italy (Italy)


    In this contribution, we present the unquenched quark model as an extension of the constituent quark model that includes the effects of sea quarks via a {sup 3}P{sub 0} quark-antiquark pair-creation mechanism. Particular attention is paid to the spin and flavor content of the proton, magnetic moments and β decays of octet baryons.

  12. Report of visiting Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas, Universite Paris-Sud

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.L.


    The activities carried out by identification mission to the Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas (LPGP) of Paris-Sud University are related. The mission is part of the project of Study on Plasma wave and Plasma turbulence which is part of international agreement between CAPES and COFECUB in France. (M.C.K.)

  13. Ratio of a strange quark mass ms to up or down quark mass mu,d predicted by a quark propagator in the framework of the chiral perturbation theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Jinsong; Meng Chengju; Pan Jihuan; Yuan Tongquan; Zhou Lijuan; Ma Weixing


    Based on the fully dressed quark propagator and chiral perturbation theory, we study the ratio of the strange quark mass m s to up or down quark mass m u,d . The ratio is related to the determination of quark masses which are fundamental input parameters of QCD Lagrangian in the Standard Model of particle physics and can not be directly measured since the quark is confined within a hadron. An accurate determination of these QCD free parameters is extremely important for both phenomenological and theoretical applications. We begin with a brief introduction to the non-perturbation QCD theory, and then study the mass ratio in the framework of the chiral perturbation theory (χPT) with a parameterized fully dressed quark propagator which describes confining fully dressed quark propagation and is analytic everywhere in the finite complex p 2 -plane and has no Lehmann representation so there are no quark production thresholds in any theoretical calculations of observable data. Our prediction for the ratio m s /m u,d is consistent with other model predictions such as Lattice QCD, instanton model, QCD sum rules and the empirical values used widely in the literature. As a by-product of this study, our theoretical results, together with other predictions of physical quantities that used this quark propagator in our previous publications, clearly show that the parameterized form of the fully dressed quark propagator is an applicable and reliable approximation to the solution of the Dyson-Schwinger Equation of quark propagator in the QCD. (authors)

  14. Measurement of top quark polarisation in t-channel single top quark production


    CMS Collaboration


    Journal of High Energy Physics 2016.4 (2016): 073 reproduced by permission of Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, sólo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiera, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAM A first measurement of the top quark spin asymmetry, sensitive to the top quark polarisation, in t-channel single top quark production is presented. It is based o...

  15. Heurs et malheurs de la physique quantique des vérités incroyables

    CERN Document Server

    Pharabod, Jean-Pierre


    La mécanique quantique est l’un des domaines de la physique les plus surprenants et controversés. Depuis le début, elle a suscité les plus vifs débats quant à sa signification et à son lien avec le réel. L’atomisme, la lumière ou les théories relativistes ont aussi défrayé la chronique, mais rien ne semble devoir arrêter les polémiques qui entourent l’interprétation des phénomènes quantiques. De Heisenberg à Schrödinger en passant par la fameuse controverse entre Einstein et Niels Bohr, Jean-Pierre Pharabod et Gérard Klein n’omettent aucune péripétie de cette saga de la physique quantique qui mène aujourd’hui à l’affirmation pour le moins surprenante de la « non-localité » de la nature. C’est un nouveau défi à nos modes de pensée ordinaires.

  16. Spin effects in high energy quark-quark scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goloskokov, S.V.; Selyugin, O.V.


    The spin amplitudes in high-energy quark-quark scattering at /t/>1 GeV 2 are analyzed. It is shown that the gluon contributions in the QCDα s 3 order lead to the spin-flip amplitude growing as s. This means the existence of the spin-flip part in pomeron exchange. The resulting T f is about few per cent of the spin-non-flip contribution. The factorization of the large-distance and high-energy effects in the spin-flip amplitude is obtained. 13 refs.; 2 figs.; 1 tab

  17. Le temps mesurable, réversible, insaisissable ?

    CERN Document Server

    Fink, Martin; Leduc , Michèle


    Depuis l'Antiquité, la nature du temps a fasciné nombre de grands penseurs. Cet ouvrage expose ce que la physique est capable de dire aujourd'hui sur le sujet. La mesure du temps, ou plus exactement celle d'une durée, se fait grâce à des horloges atomiques dont l'exactitude peut atteindre une seconde sur plusieurs milliards d'années. Nous décrivons la façon dont s'effectue le transfert du temps qui permet la synchronisation d'horloges en différents points de la Terre ou de l'espace au milliardième de seconde près, ou même mieux. Les relativités, restreinte et générale, ont bouleversé notre conception du temps et ont un impact considérable sur certains problèmes de la vie quotidienne comme l'utilisation du GPS. On abandonne l'idée d'un temps absolu, le temps devient multiple et insaisissable, et peut-être même une illusion. Enfin la flèche du temps, ou l'irréversibilité, implique que les phénomènes physiques se déroulent toujours dans un sens déterminé, en relation avec la croissan...

  18. Heavy hybrid stars from multi-quark interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benic, Sanjin


    We explore the possibility of obtaining heavy hybrid stars within the framework of the two flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model that includes 8-quark interactions in the scalar and in the vector channel. The main impact of the 8-quark scalar channel is to reduce the onset of quark matter, while the 8-quark vector channel acts to stiffen the equation of state at high densities. Within the parameter space where the 4-quark vector channel is small, and the 8-quark vector channel sizeable, stable stars with masses of 2 M ⊙ and above are found to hold quark matter in their cores. (orig.)

  19. Quest for quark soup

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldhaber, J.


    The paper concerns the experimental search for quark-gluon plasma. The theory of a quark-gluon plasma is first given. Then the method which researchers hope will create the quark-gluon plasma is described; the idea is to use heavy ion beams in, the CERN SPS. The CERN 'heavy-ion programme' involves research groups mainly from CERN, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Gellsellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung. The experiments in the research programme are outlined, together with the detector equipment employed in the experiments.

  20. A matter of quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Quarks are understood to interact through the 'colour' force, carried by gluons. Under normal conditions these quarks are confined - frozen together in 'colourless' states such as protons, neutrons and other strongly interacting particles. However if the quarks are compressed tightly together and/or are 'heated' by increasing their energy, they should eventually break loose from their colour bonds to form a new kind of matter – the so-called quark-gluon plasma. Although QGP has not yet been synthesized in the Laboratory, it was most likely the stuff of the Universe 10 -5 second after the Big Bang. Thus the search for this 'new' matter is attracting a growing number of physicists, theorists and experimenters from both the particle physics and nuclear physics fields

  1. The quark bag model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasenfratz, P.; Kuti, J.


    The quark bag model is reviewed here with particular emphasis on spectroscopic applications and the discussion of exotic objects as baryonium, gluonium, and the quark phase of matter. The physical vacuum is pictured in the model as a two-phase medium. In normal phase of the vacuum, outside hadrons, the propagation of quark and gluon fields is forbidden. When small bubbles in a second phase are created in the medium of the normal phase with a characteristic size of one fermi, the hadron constituent fields may propagate inside the bubbles in normal manner. The bubble (bag) is stabilized against the pressure of the confined hadron constituent fields by vacuum pressure and surface tension. Inside the bag the colored quarks and gluons are governed by the equations of quantum chromodynamics. (Auth.)

  2. Search for time-dependent fluctuations in cosmic ray flux with the AMS-01 detector and construction of the AMS-02 detector

    CERN Document Server

    Paniccia, Mercedes

    La découverte au début du vingtième siècle de l’existence d’un flux de particules énergétiques provenant de l’espace a engendré un vif intérêt auprès de la communauté scientifique de l’époque, donnant naissance à de nouvelles branches d’étude, dont la physique des particules est l’exemple le plus éclatant. La formulation d’un modèle pouvant expliquer l’origine et le spectre du rayonnement cosmique et aussi décrire les mécanismes de propagation et d’accélération dans l’espace interstellaire et interplanétaire, a nécessité l’effort conjoint de différents domaines: la physique des particules, la physique des plasmas, l’astrophysique, la physique solaire et la géophysique. L’analyse de l’enorme quantité de données collectées au sujet de rayons cosmiques au moyen de détecteurs au sol, en ballon et dans l’espace, combinée avec les observations des événements astrophysiques, solaires et géophysiques, a permis d’expliquer la plupart des propriétés des...

  3. A second order QCD effect. quark-quark bremsstrahlung contribution to transverse momentum of lepton pairs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaichian, M.; Hayashi, M.; Honkaranta, T.


    We consider in QCD the second order, in gluon-quark coupling constant, contribution of the quark-quark scatte-ring (bremsstrahlung) to the transverse momentum distribution of muon pairs produced in proton-proton collisions. In certain kinematical regions accesible to experimental tests, this contribution is quite large in comparison with the first order calculations. This happens for a specific choice of scale violating structure functions which fit the deep inelastic data. Thus the first order QCD calcula-tion alone is not conclusive in trying to fit the data -one must necessarily check the effect of the second order quark-quark scattering as compared with the first order quark-gluon and the quark-antiquark scattering. This remark concerns also the case when in the first order diagrams the effect of primordial transverse momentum of partons is included as well as the case when the first order is replaced by DDT type of formulae. Mass regularization and different prescriptions for the constant term in q → g + q vertex are considered. Results are presented for the energies √s=6.5, 27, 63, 800 GeV and are compared with experiment. Implications of these results for the detection of W +- -mesons via psub(T) distribution of their decay products μ +- in proton-proton collisions are mentioned. (author)

  4. The quark model and asymptotic freedom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The authors stress that it is not their task to provide a detailed account of the quark model (this is given in many monographs and reviews). This chapter is merely a prolog to the complex contemporary problems of high-energy physics which form the main subject of the present monograph. The quark model is based on the idea that there exist hypothetical fundamental particles - quarks, which they shall denote by q-bar/sub i/ (the index i characterizes the type of quark). From these particles and their antiparticles one constructs bound states, which are identified with the known hadrons. It turns out that all the observed mesons can be constructed from a quark q/sub i/ and an antiquark q-bar/sub i/, while the baryons (antibaryons) can be constructed from three quarks (antiquarks). To make it possible to build up all the observed hadrons and their characteristics, the authors must postulate that the quarks (antiquarks) possess the following properties: 1) spin 1/2; 2) isospin. It is necessary to introduce isospin 1/2 for the construction of the nonstrange hadrons. It has been proposed to denote the quark with isospin projection tau/sub 3/ = 1/2 by the symbol u (from the English ''up'') and the quark with isospin projection tau/sub 3/ = -1/2 by the symbol d (from the English ''down'')

  5. Quark cluster model in the three-nucleon system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osman, A.


    The quark cluster model is used to investigate the structure of the three-nucleon systems. The nucleon-nucleon interaction is proposed considering the colour-nucleon clusters and incorporating the quark degrees of freedom. The quark-quark potential in the quark compound bag model agrees with the central force potentials. The confinement potential reduces the short-range repulsion. The colour van der Waals force is determined. Then, the probability of quark clusters in the three-nucleon bound state systems are numerically calculated using realistic nuclear wave functions. The results of the present calculations show that quarks cluster themselves in three-quark systems building the quark cluster model for the trinucleon system. (author)

  6. L'accès aux collections physiques de la Bpi


    Etesse, Cécile


    L'objectif de l’étude est d'analyser l’accès des usagers aux collections physiques de la Bpi. La méthodologierepose sur des entretiens semi-directifs - une quarantaine réalisés auprès d’usagers en situation de recherche dans la bibliothèque, dans les rayons ou aux bureaux d’information et sur un benchmarking auprès d’une dizaine de bibliothèques - portant sur leurs pratiques en matière de supports d’information, signalétique, mise en espace des collections et choix de classification.Les princ...

  7. Physics of flavor beyond the standard model and extra-dimensions; Physique de la saveur au-dela du modele standard et dimensions supplementaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Welzel, J


    Even if the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics meets an extraordinary experimental success, some fundamental questions remain unanswered (origin of hierarchies, observed mixing pattern in neutrino and quark sectors...). We need to go beyond the SM and to find new principles/symmetries. The aim of this thesis is to study the phenomenology of supersymmetric and/or extra-dimensional models and to look at deviations from the SM, in the flavour sector. First, we addressed the question of baryon- and lepton-number conservation through R-parity in low-energy supersymmetric models. Precisely, we studied its violation using experimental data and the rare kaon decay K {yields} {pi}{nu}{nu}-bar to derive upper limits on R-parity violating couplings involved in it. In this context we have pointed out the importance of R-parity conserving contributions and their interferences with R-parity violating ones. In the second part, we studied effects of an extra dimension (space-like and compactified) on several examples: quantum electrodynamics and gauge invariance, strong and electroweak unification, neutrino masses and mixing angles. Typically, adding an extra dimension reduces the predictive power. However, we are still able to know generic behaviours (order of magnitude predictions). In particular, we pointed out the possibility of a weak neutrino mixing pattern (CKM-like) at high energy for a relevant and reasonable parameter space. This opens up new perspectives in the study of flavour symmetries and bonds between quark and leptons. (author)

  8. Renormalisation constants of quark bilinears in lattice QCD with four dynamical Wilson quarks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blossier, Benoit [CNRS et Paris-Sud 11 Univ., Orsay (France). Lab. de Physique Theorique; Brinet, Mariane [CNRS/IN2P3/UJF, Grenoble (France). Lab. de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie; Carrasco, Nuria [Valencia Univ., Burjassot (ES). Dept. de Fisica Teorica and IFC] (and others)


    We present preliminary results of the non-perturbative computation of the RI-MOM renormalization constants in a mass-independent scheme for the action with Iwasaki glue and four dynamical Wilson quarks employed by ETMC. Our project requires dedicated gauge ensembles with four degenerate sea quark flavours at three lattice spacings and at several values of the standard and twisted quark mass parameters. The RI-MOM renormalization constants are obtained from appropriate O(a) improved estimators extrapolated to the chiral limit. (orig.)

  9. Renormalisation constants of quark bilinears in lattice QCD with four dynamical Wilson quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blossier, Benoit; Brinet, Mariane; Carrasco, Nuria


    We present preliminary results of the non-perturbative computation of the RI-MOM renormalization constants in a mass-independent scheme for the action with Iwasaki glue and four dynamical Wilson quarks employed by ETMC. Our project requires dedicated gauge ensembles with four degenerate sea quark flavours at three lattice spacings and at several values of the standard and twisted quark mass parameters. The RI-MOM renormalization constants are obtained from appropriate O(a) improved estimators extrapolated to the chiral limit. (orig.)

  10. Heavy quark energy loss in nuclear medium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Benr-Wei; Wang, Enke; Wang, Xin-Nian


    Multiple scattering, modified fragmentation functions and radiative energy loss of a heavy quark propagating in a nuclear medium are investigated in perturbative QCD. Because of the quark mass dependence of the gluon formation time, the medium size dependence of heavy quark energy loss is found to change from a linear to a quadratic form when the initial energy and momentum scale are increased relative to the quark mass. The radiative energy loss is also significantly suppressed relative to a light quark due to the suppression of collinear gluon emission by a heavy quark

  11. Searches for new heavy quarks in ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Nikiforou, Nikiforos; The ATLAS collaboration


    A search for new heavy quarks focusing on recent vector-like quark searches with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider is presented. Two recent searches targeting the pair production of type vector-like quarks are described. The first search is sensitive to vector-like up-type quark (T ) decays to a t quark and either a Standard Model Higgs boson or a Z boson. The second search is primarily sensitive to T decays to W boson and a b quark. Additionally, the results can be interpreted for alternative VLQ decays.

  12. Quark and pion effective couplings from polarization effects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braghin, Fabio L. [Federal University of Goias, Instituto de Fisica, Goiania, GO (Brazil)


    A flavor SU(2) effective model for pions and quarks is derived by considering polarization effects departing from the usual quark-quark effective interaction induced by dressed gluon exchange, i.e. a global color model for QCD. For that, the quark field is decomposed into a component that yields light mesons and the quark-antiquark condensate, being integrated out by means of the auxiliary field method, and another component which yields constituent quarks, which is basically a background quark field. Within a long-wavelength and weak quark field expansion (or large quark effective mass expansion) of a quark determinant, the leading terms are found up to the second order in a zero-order derivative expansion, by neglecting vector mesons that are considerably heavier than the pion. Pions are considered in the structureless limit and, besides the chiral invariant terms that reproduce previously derived expressions, symmetry breaking terms are also presented. The leading chiral quark-quark effective couplings are also found corresponding to a NJL and a vector-NJL couplings. All the resulting effective coupling constants and parameters are expressed in terms of the current and constituent quark masses and of the coupling g. (orig.)

  13. External meeting - Geneva University: Precision measurements in spin physics

    CERN Multimedia


    GENEVA UNIVERSITY ECOLE DE PHYSIQUE Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENEVE 4 - Tél: 022 379 62 73 - Fax: 022 379 69 92 Wednesday 28 March 2007 PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR at 17:00 - Stückelberg Auditorium Precision measurements in spin physics by Dr. Steven Bass / CERN - Innsbruck The proton spin problem has been challenging experimentalists and theorists alike for the last 20 years. Polarized deep inelastic scattering experiments at CERN, DESY and SLAC have told us that quark partons contribute only about 30% of the proton's spin whereas relativistic quark models predict 60%. Where is the missing spin and why is the quark spin contribution so small? In this talk I will give an overview of the proton spin problem and what it may be telling us about QCD, the vacuum and dynamical symmetry breaking. A precise measurement of neutrino-proton elastic scattering would make a vital contribution to resolving many of the outstanding issues. Information: http://dpnc...

  14. Methodes non perturbatives en mecanique quantique et en theorie des champs quantiques (United States)

    Jirari, Hamza


    Nous construisons un hamiltonien effectif à partir de l'intégrale de chemin via la méthode Monte-Carlo. Cet hamiltonien décrit les phénomènes physiques dans le domaine de basse énergie. Nous déterminons le spectre d'énergie et les fonctions d'ondes de plusieurs systèmes quantiques. Les résultats obtenus montrent que cette nouvelle approche Monte-Carlo hamiltonienne fonctionne. En mécanique quantique, nous suggérons une expression analytique de l'intégrale de chemin en introduisant une action quantique avec des paramètres renormalisés. Nous présentons des résultats numériques pour quelques potentiels locaux. Cette action quantique offre la possibilité de comparer l'évolution classique et quantique et permet de quantifier les instantons classiques et éventuellement le chaos classique. Nous investiguons la QCD sur un réseau bidimensionnel en utilisant une version améliorée des fermions de Wilson. Nous montrons que la théorie améliorée conduit à une réduction significative des erreurs dues à la valeur finie du pas du réseau. Nous calculons le condensat chiral et la masse de l'état lié quark-antiquark. Nous aboutissons à une bonne concordance entre nos résultats numériques et les résultats analytiques du modèle dans le continu.

  15. Technique, travail et industrialisation de la noix de cajou au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    gestion du temps, le contrôle et la vigilance. .... Le système technique leur impose une augmentation très nette de la durée du travail, marquée par la violence des rythmes de production et la fatigue physique sévère, accompagnée de lésions.

  16. Towards the dynamical study of heavy-flavor quarks in the Quark-Gluon-Plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berrehrah, H; Bratkovskaya, E; Cassing, W; Gossiaux, P B; Aichelin, J


    Within the aim of a dynamical study of on- and off-shell heavy quarks Q in the quark gluon plasma (QGP) – as produced in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions – we study the heavy quark collisional scattering on partons of the QGP. The elastic cross sections σ q,g−Q are evaluated for perturbative partons (massless on-shell particles) and for dynamical quasi-particles (massive off-shell particles as described by the dynamical quasi-particles model D QPM ) using the leading order Born diagrams. We demonstrate that the finite width of the quasi-particles in the DQPM has little influence on the cross sections σ q,g−Q except close to thresholds. We, furthermore, calculate the heavy quark relaxation time as a function of temperature T within the different approaches using these cross sections

  17. Actes des 5èmes Journées Scientifiques du GDR3544 Sciences du Bois. Journées Annuelles du GDR 3544 Sciences du Bois


    CHAPLAIN, Myriam; CARE, Sabine; GRIL, Joseph


    Le Groupement de Recherche en Sciences du bois (GDR3544 Sciences du Bois) a été créé en 2012 par le CNRS et renouvelé en 2016 pour 5 ans. La mission de ce groupement est : (1) de structurer la recherche sur le bois en France pour lui donner une visibilité nationale, (2) de contribuer au développement de la formation en sciences du bois et (3) de servir de relai aux réseaux internationaux de sciences du bois. Les 5èmes journées annuelles du GDR Bois ont été organisées à Bordeaux, au domaine du...

  18. Top quark production at the Tevatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varnes, Erich W.; /Arizona U.


    The Fermilab Tevatron has, until recently, been the only accelerator with sufficient energy to produce top quarks. The CDF and D0 experiments have collected large samples of top quarks. We report on recent top quark production measurements of the single top and t{bar t} production cross sections, as well as studies of the t{bar t} invariant mass distribution and a search for highly boosted top quarks.

  19. Triplicity of hadrons, quarks and subquarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terazawa, Hidezumi.


    Triplicity of hadrons, quarks and subquarks asserting that a certain physical quantity such as the weak current is taken equally well as either one of a composite operator of hadrons, that of quarks and that of subquarks is proposed. Among other things, the weak mixing angle, the quark mixing matrix and the mass sum rules for quarks and leptons are revisited, reinterpreted and discussed in detail in triplicity. (author)

  20. Possibility of stable quark stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowers, R.L.; Gleeson, A.M.; Pedigo, R.D.


    A recent zero temperature equation of state which contains quark-partons separated from conventional baryons by a phase transition is used to investigate the stability of quark stars. The sensitivity to the input physics is also considered. The conclusions, which are found to be relatively model independent, indicate that a separately identifiable class of stable objects called quark stars does not exist

  1. Emotional Intelligence Construct; a Missing Link in Explanation of Social Physique Anxiety


    Mohammad Abbaszadeh; Marzieh Mokhtari


    Introduction In contemporary society, the mass media emphasizes the importance of physical appearance and provides unattainable standards of beauty which may lead to mental health and social problems for people, especially young women. Social physique anxiety is one of these mental disorders which can occur as the result of these social pressures. This anxiety arises when a person thinks that his or her body is evaluated negatively. Various issues may happen because of anxiety, so trying t...

  2. ''Follow that quark!'' (and other exclusive stories)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carroll, A.S.


    Quarks are considered to be the basic constituents of matter. In a series of recent experiments, Carroll studied exclusive reactions as a means of determining the interactions between quarks. Quantum Chromo-dynamics (QCD) is the modern theory of the interaction of quarks. This theory explains how quarks are held together via the strong interaction in particles known as hadrons. Hadrons consisting of three quarks are called baryons. Hadrons made up of a quark and an antiquark are called mesons. In his lecture, Carroll describes what happens when two hadrons collide and scatter to large angles. The violence of the collision causes the gluons that bind the quarks in a particular hadron to temporarily lose their grip on particular quarks. Quarks scramble toward renewed unity with other quarks, and they undergo rearrangement, which generally results in additional new particles. A two-body exclusive reaction has occurred when the same number of particles exist before and after the collisions. At large angles these exclusive reactions are very rare. The labels on the quarks known as flavor enable the experimenter to follow the history of individual quarks in detail during these exclusive reactions. Carroll describes the equipment used in the experiment to measure short distance, hard collisions at large angles. The collisions he discusses occur when a known beam of mesons or protons collide with a stationary proton target. Finally, Carroll summarizes what the experiments have shown from the study of exclusive reactions and what light some of their results shed on the theory of QCD

  3. Quark model and QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anisovich, V.V.


    Using the language of the quarks and gluons for description of the soft hadron physics it is necessary to take into account two characteristic phenomena which prevent one from usage of QCD Lagrangian in the straightforward way, chiral symmetry breaking, and confinement of colour particles. The topics discussed in this context are: QCD in the domain of soft processes, phenomenological Lagrangian for soft processes and exotic mesons, spectroscopy of low-lying hadrons (mesons, baryons and mesons with heavy quarks - c,b -), confinement forces, spectral integration over quark masses. (author) 3 refs.; 19 figs.; 3 tabs

  4. Top Quark Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larios, F.


    We give an overview of the physics of the Top quark, from the experimental discovery to the studies of its properties. We review some of the work done on the Electroweak and Flavor Changing couplings associated with the Top quark in the Standard Model and beyond. We will focus on the specific contribution of phycisits working in Mexico and Mexican physicists working abroad

  5. Cold quark matter in compact stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franzon, B.; Fogaca, D. A.; Navarra, F. S. [Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo Rua do Matao, Travessa R, 187, 05508-090 Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Horvath, J. E. [Instituto de Astronomia, Geofisica e Ciencias Atmosfericas, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Rua do Matao, 1226, 05508-090, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    We used an equation of state for the cold quark matter to the study of properties of quark stars. We also discuss the absolute stability of quark matter and compute the mass-radius relation for self-bound stars.

  6. Search for vector like quarks and heavy resonances decaying to top quarks

    CERN Document Server

    Camincher, Clement; The ATLAS collaboration


    Vector like quarks appear in many theories beyond the Standard Model as a way to cancel the mass divergence for the Higgs boson. The current status of the ATLAS searches for the production of vector like quarks will be reviewed for proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV. This presentation will address the analysis techniques, in particular the selection criteria, the background modeling and the related experimental uncertainties. The phenomenological implications of the obtained results will also be discussed. Searches for new resonances that decay either to pairs of top quarks or a top and a b-quark will be presented. The searches are performed with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC using proton-proton collision data collected in 2015 and 2016 with a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The invariant mass spectrum of hypothetical resonances are examined for local excesses or deficits that are inconsistent with the Standard Model prediction.

  7. Vector-like quarks: t’ and partners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Vector-like quarks are predicted in various scenarios of new physics, and their peculiar signatures from both pair and single production have been already investigated in detail. However no signals of vector-like quarks have been detected so far, pushing limits on their masses above 600–700GeV, depending on assumptions on their couplings. Experimental searches consider specific final states to pose bounds on the mass of a vector-like quark, usually assuming it is the only particle that contributes to the signal of new physics in that specific final state. However, realistic scenarios predict the existence of multiple vector-like quarks, possibly with similar masses. The reinterpretation of mass bounds from experimental searches is therefore not always straightforward. In this analysis I briefly summarise the constraints on vector-like quarks and their possible signatures at the LHC, focusing in particular on a model-independent description of single production processes for vector-like quark that mix with all generations and on the development of a framework to study scenarios with multiple vector-like quarks.

  8. Effets de la microdose sur la production du niébé, du mil et du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effets de la microdose sur la production du niébé, du mil et du sorgho en fonction la toposéquence. Fatimata Saba, Sibiri Jean Baptiste Taonda, Idriss Serme, Alimata A. Bandaogo, Augustin P. Sourwema, Adama Kabre ...

  9. Etude de la structure interne du nucleon en diffusion profondement inelastique de muons sur cibles fixes.

    CERN Document Server

    Granier, Thierry

    Dans ce mémoire est présentée l'analyse, dans le but de l'extraction des fonctions de structure, d'une partie des données de diffusion profondément inélastique de muons sur cibles fixes d'hydrogène et de detérium obtenues dans l'expérience NMC (New Muon Collaboration) du CERN. Les fonctions de structure, à partir desquelles s'exprime la probabilité de diffusion à un certain angle et une certaine énergie, contiennent de l'information sur la structure interne du nucléon, plus précisément sur la distribution en énergie des quarks à l'intérieur de celui-ci. L'étude de la variation des fonctions de structure avec le degré d'inélasticité de la diffusion permet de tester la validité de la chromodynamique quantique, la théorie de jauge des interactions fortes

  10. Invigoration of the work of the Medical Physique in Latin America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez, G.F.


    Before the difficulties for the development of the Medical Physics, in developing countries, where the social, economic problems and politicians contribute with their most disastrous components in its against and whose social cost in the quality of life of the population it is enormous, the project ARCAL LXXXIII seeks to evaluate the necessity of the professional acting of the Medical Physique and to promote the increase of its status in the Labor and Social environment. With the consequent benefit in the quality of treatment and diagnose with sources of ionizing radiation [es

  11. Top-quark mass and top-quark pole mass measurements with the ATLAS detector

    CERN Document Server

    Barillari, Teresa; The ATLAS collaboration


    Results of top-quark mass measurements in the di-lepton and in the all-jets top-antitop decay channels with the ATLAS detector are presented. The measurements are obtained using proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy \\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The data set used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb-1. The top-quark mass in the di-lepton channel is measured to be 172.99 +/-0.41 (stat.) +/- 0.74 (syst.) GeV. In the all-jets analysis the top-quark mass is measured to be 173.72 +/- 0.55 (stat.)+/- 1.01 (syst.) GeV. In addition, the top-quark pole mass is determined from inclusive cross-section measurements in the top-antitop di-lepton decay channel with the ATLAS detector. The measurements are obtained using data at \\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV and \\sqrt{s} =8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb-1 and 20.2 fb-1 respectively. The top-quark pole mass is measured to be 172.9^{+2.5}_{-2.6} GeV.

  12. The Top Quark, QCD, And New Physics. (United States)

    Dawson, S.


    The role of the top quark in completing the Standard Model quark sector is reviewed, along with a discussion of production, decay, and theoretical restrictions on the top quark properties. Particular attention is paid to the top quark as a laboratory for perturbative QCD. As examples of the relevance of QCD corrections in the top quark sector, the calculation of e{sup+}e{sup -}+ t{bar t} at next-to-leading-order QCD using the phase space slicing algorithm and the implications of a precision measurement of the top quark mass are discussed in detail. The associated production of a t{bar t} pair and a Higgs boson in either e{sup+}e{sup -} or hadronic collisions is presented at next-to-leading-order QCD and its importance for a measurement of the top quark Yulrawa coupling emphasized. Implications of the heavy top quark mass for model builders are briefly examined, with the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model and topcolor discussed as specific examples.

  13. Kaon quark distribution functions in the chiral constituent quark model (United States)

    Watanabe, Akira; Sawada, Takahiro; Kao, Chung Wen


    We investigate the valence u and s ¯ quark distribution functions of the K+ meson, vK (u )(x ,Q2) and vK (s ¯)(x ,Q2), in the framework of the chiral constituent quark model. We judiciously choose the bare distributions at the initial scale to generate the dressed distributions at the higher scale, considering the meson cloud effects and the QCD evolution, which agree with the phenomenologically satisfactory valence quark distribution of the pion and the experimental data of the ratio vK (u )(x ,Q2)/vπ (u )(x ,Q2) . We show how the meson cloud effects affect the bare distribution functions in detail. We find that a smaller S U (3 ) flavor symmetry breaking effect is observed, compared with results of the preceding studies based on other approaches.

  14. Determination of the top-quark mass from hadro-production of single top-quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alekhin, S.; Moch, S.; Thier, S.


    We present a new determination of the top-quark mass m_t based on the experimental data from the Tevatron and the LHC for single-top hadro-production. We use the inclusive cross sections of s- and t-channel top-quark production to extract m_t and to minimize the dependence on the strong coupling constant and the gluon distribution in the proton compared to the hadro-production of top-quark pairs. As part of our analysis we compute the next-to-next-to-leading order approximation for the s-channel cross section in perturbative QCD based on the known soft-gluon corrections and implement it in the program HatHor for the numerical evaluation of the hadronic cross section. Results for the top-quark mass are reported in the MS and in the on-shell renormalization scheme.

  15. Exotic Signals of Vectorlike Quarks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dobrescu, Bogdan A. [Fermilab; Yu, Felix [U. Mainz, PRISMA


    Vectorlike fermions are an important target for hadron collider searches. We show that the vectorlike quarks may predominantly decay via higher-dimensional operators into a quark plus a couple of other Standard Model fermions. Pair production of vectorlike quarks of charge 2/3 at the LHC would then lead to a variety of possible final states, including $t\\bar t + 4\\tau$, $t\\bar b\

  16. Infrared slavery and quark confinement

    CERN Document Server

    Alabiso, C


    The question is considered of whether the so-called infrared slavery mechanism as, e.g., being manifest in non-Abelian gauge theories, necessarily confines quarks. Making a specific ansatz for the long- range forces, the Schwinger-Dyson equation is solved for the quark Green function. Besides having a confining solution, it appears that quarks may by-pass the long-range forces and be produced. (20 refs).

  17. Infrared slavery and quark confinement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alabiso, C.; Schierholz, G.


    The question of whether the so-called infrared slavery mechanism as, e.g., being manifest in non-Abelian gauge theories, necessarily confines quarks is posed. Making a specific ansatz for the long-range forces, the Schwinger-Dyson equation is solved for the quark Green function. Besides having a confining solution, it appears that quarks may by-pass the long-range forces and be produced. (Auth.)

  18. Heavy quark spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosner, J.L.


    New experimental and theoretical developments in heavy quark spectroscopy are reviewed. From studies of J/psi decays, the eta' is found to have some ''glue'' or other inert component, while the iota (a glueball candidate) probably contains some quarks as well. The xi(2.2) persists in new Mark III data, but is not seen by the DM2 collaboration. The production of charmonium states by anti pp reactions is reviewed. First evidence for a P- wave charmed meson, D(2420), has been presented by the ARGUS group. Radiative UPSILON decay studies fail to confirm the zeta(8.3) and begin to place useful limits on Higgs bosons. First results from an experiment at Fermilab on low-background hadronic production of UPSILON states are shown. Accurate measurements of chi/sub b/(1P) masses by the ARGUS collaboration are noted, and interpreted as favoring scalar quark confinement. Studies of t and other heavy quarks will probe the q anti q interaction below 0.05 fm, are likely to be strongly affected by t anti t-Z interference, and can provide varied information on Higgs bosons. 144 refs., 21 figs

  19. Les tactiques de Chronos

    CERN Document Server

    Klein, Etienne


    Nous ne doutons pas de l'existence du temps, qui demeure pourtant un objet introuvable. Nous voyons, entendons, goûtons, touchons dans le temps, mais non le temps lui-même. Il concerne toute chose, contraint tout, mais de quelle façon ? Est-il apparu en même temps que l'univers ou l'a t-il précédé ? Est-il dans le monde ou le contient-il ? S'écoule-t-il en sens unique ? Serait-ce la mort qui nous obligerait à penser le temps ? Au XXe siècle, la physique a bouleversé notre conception du temps et en vient à effleurer des questions jusque la façon dont l'homme choisit de vivre et de se vivre. Quelles sont les convergences et les différence entre le temps physique et le temps sensible, existentiel ? Pour éclairer les paradoxes, répondre aux questions, Etienne Klein puise, en contrepoint de la physique, dans la philosophie, la psychologie, la littérature, ma poésie... et le sport.

  20. Discovery of single top quark production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gillberg, Dag [Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC (Canada)


    The top quark is by far the heaviest known fundamental particle with a mass nearing that of a gold atom. Because of this strikingly high mass, the top quark has several unique properties and might play an important role in electroweak symmetry breaking - the mechanism that gives all elementary particles mass. Creating top quarks requires access to very high energy collisions, and at present only the Tevatron collider at Fermilab is capable of reaching these energies. Until now, top quarks have only been observed produced in pairs via the strong interaction. At hadron colliders, it should also be possible to produce single top quarks via the electroweak interaction. Studies of single top quark production provide opportunities to measure the top quark spin, how top quarks mix with other quarks, and to look for new physics beyond the standard model. Because of these interesting properties, scientists have been looking for single top quarks for more than 15 years. This thesis presents the first discovery of single top quark production. An analysis is performed using 2.3 fb-1 of data recorded by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider at centre-of-mass energy √s = 1.96 TeV. Boosted decision trees are used to isolate the single top signal from background, and the single top cross section is measured to be σ(p$\\bar{p}$ → tb + X, tqb + X) = 3.74-0.74+0.95 pb. Using the same analysis, a measurement of the amplitude of the CKM matrix element Vtb, governing how top and b quarks mix, is also performed. The measurement yields: |V{sub tb}|f1L| = 1.05 -0.12+0.13, where f1L is the left-handed Wtb coupling. The separation of signal from background is improved by combining the boosted decision trees with two other multivariate techniques. A new cross section measurement is performed, and the significance for the excess over the predicted background exceeds 5

  1. L'administration du travail et la production du droit du travail (1906-1960). : Note de synthèse du rapport de recherche


    Le Crom , Jean-Pierre


    Synthèse d'un rapport de recherche dont l'objectif est d'appréhender le rôle de l'administration centrale du travail dans la production du droit du travail. Deux dimensions sont explorées : le profil des rédacteurs et l'organisation des structures.

  2. Free-quark phases in dense stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keister, B D; Kisslinger, L S [Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA). Dept. of Physics


    The possibility is examined that superdense matter can undergo a transition to a phase of free quarks within models which assume that the quark confinement potential is screened at high densities. The results imply that a phase of pure quarks of this type is unlikely to be found in stable stellar systems although they do not preclude the possible existence of a transition region which contains quarks and neutrons in equilibrium at the center of neutron stars.

  3. Physical properties of beryllium oxide - Irradiation effects; Proprietes physiques et caracteristiques mecaniques de l'oxyde de beryllium fritte - Effet de l'irradiation et guerison

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elston, J; Caillat, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This work has been carried out in view of determining several physical properties of hot-pressed beryllium oxide under various conditions and the change of these properties after irradiation. Special attention has been paid on to the measurement of the thermal conductivity coefficient and thermal diffusivity coefficient. Several designs for the measurement of the thermal conductivity coefficient have been achieved. They permit its determination between 50 and 300 deg. C, between 400 and 800 deg. C. Some measurements have been made above 1000 deg. C. In order to measure the thermal diffusivity coefficient, we heat a perfectly flat surface of a sample in such a way that the heat flux is modulated (amplitude and frequency being adjustable). The thermal diffusivity coefficient is deduced from the variations of temperature observed on several spots. Tensile strength; compressive strength; expansion coefficient; sound velocity and crystal parameters have been also measured. Some of the measurements have been carried out after neutron irradiation. Some data have been obtained on the change of the properties of beryllium oxide depending on the integrated neutron flux. (author)Fren. [French] L'objet de cette etude est la determination de plusieurs proprietes physiques de l'oxyde de beryllium fritte sous charge dans differentes conditions et l'evolution de ces proprietes apres irradiation. Une attention particuliere a ete portee sur la mesure de la conductibilite et de la diffusivite thermiques. Differents montages ont ete realises pour mesurer la conductibilite thermique. Ils permettent la determination entre 50 et 300 deg. C, entre 400 et 800 deg. C; quelques mesures ont ete faites au-dessus de 1000 deg. C. Pour la mesure du coefficient de diffusivite thermique, on realise une attaque thermique, de frequence et d'amplitude reglables d'une face parfaitement plane d'un echantillon d'oxyde de beryllium. Les variations de temperature sont ovees en plusieurs points, on en

  4. Highlights of top quark properties measurements at ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Barranco Navarro, Laura; The ATLAS collaboration


    The top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle. As it is the only quark that decays before it hadronizes, this gives the unique opportunity to probe the properties of bare quarks. This talk focuses on a few recent precision measurements of top quark properties in production and decay by the ATLAS Collaboration. Measurements of the top quark mass and searches for rare top quark decays are also presented.

  5. Highlights of top quark properties measurements at ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Barranco Navarro, Laura; The ATLAS collaboration


    The top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle. As it is the only quark that decays before it hadronizes, this gives the unique opportunity to probe the properties of bare quarks. This talk will focus on a few recent precision measurements of top quark properties in production and decay by the ATLAS Collaboration. Measurements of the top quark mass and searches for rare top quark decays are also presented.

  6. Top quark mass measurement in the dilepton channel during the D0 experiment at the Tevatron. Mesure de la masse du quark top dans les canaux di-leptoniques auprès de l’expérience D0 au Tevatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Croc, Aurelien [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette (France). IRFU


    The top quark is the heaviest standard model quark. Discovered in 1995 by the two Tevatron experiments it has atypical properties. In particular its time life is so short that it decays before hadronizing, so the top quark mass could be measured with a high precision. Data collected by the DØ experiment between 2002 and 2009, which represent an integrated luminosity of 5.4 fb⁻¹, are used to measure the top quark mass by using the matrix element method in the three dilepton channels: dielectron, electron--muon and dimuon. The measured mass, 174.0 ± 1.8 (stat.) ± 2.4 (syst.) GeV, is in a good agreement with other measurements and limited by the systematic uncertainties for the first time in these channels. In this thesis different approaches have been studied to improve the accuracy of this measurement: the use of b-quark jet identification in order to optimize the selection of top--anti-top events and a better determination of the main systematic uncertainties. A special attention has been paid to the Monte-Carlo simulation of muons in D0: the improved smearing procedure for the simulated muons, discussed in this thesis, will be used to increase the accuracy of the top properties measurements as well as the precision of many other D0 measurements.

  7. Les Cahiers du CREAD

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    élimination. ... Les propriétés physiques et thermiques des différents types de déchets solides, tels ... des politiques en matière de gestion des déchets en Europe depuis les ..... soit un volume de stockage des déchets de plus de 1 520 440 m3.

  8. Acteurs, gouvernance et dynamiques de projet dans la concurrence des territoires en tourisme


    Suchet, André


    Cette thèse propose une géographie des dynamiques du sport et du tourisme en Pyrénées, au regard de la situation dans les Alpes. À la suite notamment du volume fondateur de Chadefaud (1988), il s’agit de traiter comment les dynamiques du tourisme en Pyrénées imitent, concurrencent, ou se détachent du modèle alpin. Une fois débarrassé de toute idée de déterminisme physique au profit d’un postulat constructiviste, il devient possible d’interroger la fabrication d’un rapport de domination entre ...

  9. Searches for exotic heavy quarks decaying into a W-Boson and a b-Quark with the ATLAS experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Nektarijevic, Snezana

    In this thesis, searches for two hypothetical heavy quarks are presented: the fourth Standard Model generation up-type quark t’, and the vector-like quark T, predicted by the new physics models involving extra dimensions or a composite Higgs boson. Both searches assume pair production of the heavy quarks decaying to a W-boson and a b-quark, and are performed in final states with one electron or muon, at least three jets, and significant missing transverse energy. The first search employs the kinematic fitting of the reconstructed quark mass, while the second relies on the artificial neural network method. In both searches no excess of data over the Standard Model expectation is observed, resulting in observed lower bounds on the quark masses of mt’>404 GeV and mT>618 GeV. Both searches are based on proton-proton collision data at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy collected by the ATLAS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in 2011.

  10. Effet du Pediococcus acidilactici sur le bilan lipidique sanguin du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les résultats relatifs aux performances zootechniques ont montré que l'addition du probiotique a amélioré significativement le gain de poids pendant la phase de croissance se traduisant par un indice de consommation meilleur. Les dosages du cholestérol total, des triglycérides, du HDL et du LDL ont été déterminés à la ...

  11. Effects of dynamical quarks in UKQCD simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allton, Chris


    Recent results from the UKQCD Collaboration's dynamical simulations are presented. The main feature of these ensembles is that they have a fixed lattice spacing and volume, but varying sea quark mass from infinite (corresponding to the quenched simulation) down to roughly that of the strange quark mass. The main aim of this work is to uncover dynamical quark effects from these 'matched' ensembles. We obtain some evidence of dynamical quark effects in the static quark potential with less effects in the hadronic spectrum

  12. Search for single production of a vector-like T quark decaying into a top quark and a Higgs boson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez, Daniel; Marchesini, Ivan; Nowatschin, Dominik; Schmidt, Alexander; Schumann, Svenja; Tholen, Heiner; Usai, Emanuele [Universitaet Hamburg (Germany). Institut fuer Experimentalphysik


    We search for singly produced vector-like top quark partners (T) in pp-collisions at √(s)=13 TeV with the CMS experiment. Several BSM models, such as composite Higgs and extra dimensions, predict vector-like quarks to be accessible at the LHC. At 13 TeV, single production of vector-like quarks might be enhanced over pair production, depending on the coupling parameters for the individual interactions. In this analysis, we target the decay of the vector-like heavy T quark into a Higgs boson and a top quark, where the top quark decay includes a lepton. Higgs-boson candidates are reconstructed using new methods to resolve the substructure of boosted jets and top-quark candidates are formed by combining leptons, missing transverse energy and jets. With the top-quark and Higgs-boson candidates, we aim for the complete reconstruction of the four-vector of the new particle in question. The largest fraction of the background is contributed through the top-quark pair production process. First results on the search for single vector-like top partners at 13 TeV are presented.

  13. Measurement of the top quark mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blusk, Steven R.


    The first evidence and subsequent discovery of the top quark was reported nearly 4 years ago. Since then, CDF and D0 have analyzed their full Run 1 data samples, and analysis techniques have been refined to make optimal use of the information. In this paper, we report on the most recent measurements of the top quark mass, performed by the CDF and D0 collaborations at the Fermilab Tevatron. The CDF collaboration has performed measurements of the top quark mass in three decay channels from which the top quark mass is measured to be 175.5 ± 6.9 GeV=c 2 . The D0 collaboration combines measurements from two decay channels to obtain a top quark mass of 172.1 ± 7.1 GeV/c 2 . Combining the measurements from the two experiments, assuming a 2 GeV GeV/c 2 correlated systematic uncertainty, the measurement of the top quark mass at the Tevatron is 173.9 ± 5.2 GeV/c 2 . This report presents the measurements of the top quark mass from each of the decay channels which contribute to this measurement

  14. Top Quark Physics with CMS

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Higgs mechanism. There are various hints at deviations from the Standard Model expectation which have been observed recently by Tevatron experiments in top final states. Several signatures of new physics accessible at the LHC either suffer from top-quark production as a significant background or contain top quarks themselves. In this talk, we present results on top quark physics obtained from the first LHC data collected by the CMS experiment.They include measurements of the top pair production cross section in various channels and their combination, measurements of the top quark mass, the single top cross section, a search for new particles decaying into top pairs, and a first look at the charge asymmetry.

  15. Monsieur Philippe Galli Préfet de l’Ain France

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Photo 35: Le chef du département Physique P. Bloch, le porte-parole de la Collaboration CMS G. Tonelli,le Sous-Préfet de Gex O. Laurens-Bernard, le chef du département Technologie F. Bordry, le Péfet de l'Ain P. Galli et le Directeur-général R. Heuer. Photo 62: signature du livre d'or avec le Directeur de la recherche et de l'informatique S. Bertolucci.

  16. Probing Flavor Asymmetry of Anti-quarks in the Proton by Drell-Yan Experiment SeaQuest

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miyasaka, Shou [Tokyo Inst. Tech.


    in 2013. The SeaQuest spectrometer is designed to detect dimuon from the Drell-Yan process. It consists of targets, two di-pole magnets, and four tracking detector groups. The third tracking detector group has two drift chambers. One was newly fabricated in Japan by the Japanese group in SeaQuest collaboration and was shipped to Fermilab. The other one was constructed by SeaQuest collaborator in Fermilab under the initiative of the Japanese group. I worked on the construction and installation of the detectors, data taking and data analysis in SeaQuest. I extracted the avor asymmetry as a function of Bjorken x using the SeaQuest data for the rst time. This thesis shows the results using a part of data taken in 2014 and 2015. The asymmetry was extracted for much wider Bjorken x region than the previous experiment. The measured Bjorken x range covers up to 0.58. The result shows that the ratio of d=u is always higher than 1 at 0:1 < x < 0:45, in contrast to the E866 result. For 0:45 < x < 0:58, the result shows that the ratio is close to unity. Predictions made by current PDF parameterizations are in agreement with the present result. Also, a prediction obtained by one of the non-perturbative models, pion-cloud model, is closer to the SeaQuest result than the E866 result. This result of d=u asymmetry at the wide Bjorken x region, 0:1 < x < 0:58, is very important information to understand the inner structure of the proton and the origin of the sea quarks in the proton.

  17. Quark radiation from LEP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cartwright, Susan


    Like any other electrically charged particles, quarks should give out electromagnetic radiation (photons) when they vibrate. One of the physics results from CERN's LEP collider is the first clear observation of this quark radiation from electron-positron collisions. At lower energies this radiation could only be inferred.

  18. Alimentation du nouveau-ne et du nourrisson dans la region ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Alimentation du nouveau-ne et du nourrisson dans la region centrale du togo : pratiques familiales et communautaires avant la mise en oeuvre de la strategie « prise en charge integree des maladies de l'enfant »

  19. Renormalisation constants of quark bilinears in lattice QCD with four dynamical Wilson quarks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blossier, B.; Brinet, M.; Carrasco, N.; Dimopoulos, P.; Du, X.; Frezzotti, R.; Gimenez, V.; Herdoiza, G.; Jansen, K.; Lubicz, V.; Palao, D.; Pallante, E.; Pene, O.; Petrov, K.; Reker, S.; Rossi, G. C.; Sanfilippo, F.; Scorzato, L.; Simula, S.; Urbach, C.


    We present preliminary results of the non-perturbative computation of the RI-MOM renormalisation constants in a mass-independent scheme for the action with Iwasaki glue and four dynamical Wilson quarks employed by ETMC. Our project requires dedicated gauge ensembles with four degenerate sea quark

  20. Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying to a b quark and a Higgs boson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sirunyan, Albert M; et al.


    A search is presented for single production of heavy vector-like quarks (B) that decay to a Higgs boson and a b quark, with the Higgs boson decaying to a highly boosted $\\mathrm{b\\overline{b}}$ pair reconstructed as a single collimated jet. The analysis is based on data collected by the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at $\\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$. The data are consistent with background expectations, and upper limits at 95% confidence level on the product of the B quark cross section and the branching fraction are obtained in the range 1.28-0.07 pb, for a narrow B quark with a mass between 700 and 1800 GeV. The production of B quarks with widths of 10, 20 and 30% of the resonance mass is also considered, and the sensitivities obtained are similar to those achieved in the narrow width case. This is the first search at the CERN LHC for the single production of a B quark through its fully hadronic decay channel, and the first study considering finite resonance widths of the B quark.

  1. Heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebert, D.; Faustov, R.N.; Galkin, V.O.; Martynenko, A.P.; Saleev, V.A.


    In the framework of the relativistic quasipotential quark model the mass spectrum of baryons with two heavy quarks is calculated. The quasipotentials for interactions of two quarks and of a quark with a scalar and axial vector diquark are evaluated. The bound state masses of baryons with J P =1/2 + , 3/2 + are computed. (orig.)

  2. Long-distance behavior of the quark-antiquark static potential. Application to light-quark mesons and heavy quarkonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, P.


    Screening effects from sea pairs on the quark-antiquark static potential are analyzed phenomenologically from the light-quark to the heavy-quark meson spectra. From the high excited light-quark meson spectrum, a universal form for the screened static potential is proposed. This potential is then successfully applied to heavy quarkonia. Our results suggest the assignment of X(4260) to the 4s state of charmonium and the possible existence of a 5s bottomonium resonance around 10748 MeV.

  3. Phenomenology of heavy quark systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilman, F.J.


    The spectroscopy of heavy quark systems is examined with regards to spin independent and spin dependent potentials. It is shown that a qualitative picture exists of the spin-independent forces, and that a semi-quantitative understanding exists for the spin-dependent effects. A brief review is then given of the subject of the decays of hadrons containing heavy quarks, including weak decays at the quark level, and describing corrections to the spectator model

  4. Evolution of climate

    CERN Multimedia



    Le Dr.Lorius est née en 1932, il est docteur en Physique et travaille au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; il a participé à 11 missions polaires en Antarctique et du Groenland. Il parlera de l'évolution du climat, de la pollution de notre atmosphère qui sont parmi les grands soucis de notre époque.

  5. Heavy quark production in quantum chromodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    For very heavy quark masses, the inclusive hadronic production of hadron pairs containing heavy quarks is predicted to be governed by QCD fusion subprocesses. For intermediate mass scales other QCD mechanisms can be important including higher-twist intrinsic contributions and low relative velocity enchancements, possibly accounting for the anomalies observed in charm hadroproduction, such as the nuclear number dependence, the longitudinal momentum distributions, and beam flavor dependence. We also discuss scaling laws for exclusive processes involving heavy quarks and diffractive excitation into heavy quark systems

  6. Top quark production at the LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Ferreira da Silva, Pedro


    Twenty years past its discovery, the top quark continues attracting great interest as experiments keep unveiling its properties. An overview of the latest measurements in the domain of top quark production, performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the CERN LHC, is given. The latest measurements of top quark production rates via strong and electroweak processes are reported and compared to different perturbative QCD predictions. Fundamental properties, such as the mass or the couplings of the top quark, as well as re-interpretations seeking for beyond the standard model contributions in the top quark sector, are extracted from these measurements. In each case an attempt to highlight the first results and main prospects for the on-going Run 2 of the LHC is made.

  7. Heavy-quark physics in quantum chromodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    Heavy quarks can expose new symmetries and novel phenomena in QCD not apparent in ordinary hadronic systems. In these lectures I discuss the use of effective-Lagrangian and light-cone Fock methods to analyze exclusive heavy hadron decays such as Υ → p bar p and B → ππ, and also to derive effective Schroedinger and Dirac equations for heavy quark systems. Two contributions to the heavy quark structure functions of the proton and other light hadrons are identified: an ''extrinsic'' contribution associated with leading twist QCD evolution of the gluon distribution, and a higher twist ''intrinsic'' contribution due to the hardness of high-mass fluctuations of multi-gluon correlations in hadronic wavefunctions. A non-perturbative calculation of the heavy quark distribution of a meson in QCD in one space and one time is presented. The intrinsic higher twist contributions to the pion and proton structure functions can dominate the hadronic production of heavy quark systems at large longitudinal momentum fraction x F and give anomalous contributions to the quark structure functions of ordinary hadrons at large x bj . I also discuss a number of ways in which heavy quark production in nuclear targets can test fundamental QCD phenomena and provide constraints on hadronic wavefunctions. The topics include color transparency, finite formation time, and predictions for charm production at threshold, including nuclear-bound quarkonium. I also discuss a number of QCD mechanisms for the suppression of J/ψ and Υ production in nuclear collisions, including gluon shadowing, the peripheral excitation of intrinsic heavy quark components at large x F , and the coalescence of heavy quarks with co-moving spectators at low x F

  8. Quark masses: An environmental impact statement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaffe, Robert L.; Jenkins, Alejandro; Kimchi, Itamar


    We investigate worlds that lie on a slice through the parameter space of the standard model over which quark masses vary. We allow as many as three quarks to participate in nuclei, while fixing the mass of the electron and the average mass of the lightest baryon flavor multiplet. We classify as congenial worlds that satisfy the environmental constraint that the quark masses allow for stable nuclei with charge one, six, and eight, making organic chemistry possible. Whether a congenial world actually produces observers capable of measuring those quark masses depends on a multitude of historical contingencies, beginning with primordial nucleosynthesis and including other astrophysical processes, which we do not explore. Such constraints may be independently superimposed on our results. Environmental constraints such as the ones we study may be combined with information about the a priori distribution of quark masses over the landscape of possible universes to determine whether the measured values of the quark masses are determined environmentally, but our analysis is independent of such an anthropic approach. We estimate baryon masses as functions of quark masses via first-order perturbation theory in flavor SU(3) breaking. We estimate nuclear masses as functions of the baryon masses using two separate tools: for a nucleus made of two baryon species, when possible we consider its analog in our world, a nucleus with a similar binding energy, up to Coulomb contributions. For heavy nuclei or nuclei made of more than two baryons, we develop a generalized Weizsaecker semiempirical mass formula, in which strong kinematic flavor symmetry violation is modeled by a degenerate Fermi gas . We check for the stability of nuclei against fission, strong particle emission (analogous to α decay), and weak nucleon emission. For two light quarks with charges 2/3 and -1/3 , we find a band of congeniality roughly 29 MeV wide in their mass difference, with our own world lying comfortably

  9. Quark radiation from LEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cartwright, Susan


    Like any other electrically charged particles, quarks should give out electromagnetic radiation (photons) when they vibrate. One of the physics results from CERN's LEP collider is the first clear observation of this quark radiation from electron-positron collisions. At lower energies this radiation could only be inferred

  10. Variational approach to chiral quark models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Futami, Yasuhiko; Odajima, Yasuhiko; Suzuki, Akira


    A variational approach is applied to a chiral quark model to test the validity of the perturbative treatment of the pion-quark interaction based on the chiral symmetry principle. It is indispensably related to the chiral symmetry breaking radius if the pion-quark interaction can be regarded as a perturbation.

  11. Strange sea quark effects for low lying baryons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Upadhyay, A.; Batra, Meenakshi


    Assuming hadrons as an ensemble of quark-gluon Fock states, contributions from sea quarks and gluons can be studied in detail for ground state baryons. Spin crisis of nucleons say that only a small fraction of proton spin is carried by valence quarks. Rest part is distributed among gluons and sea which includes both strange and non-strange quark-anti-quark pairs. This necessitates the study of strange sea quark contribution for other baryons too due to higher mass and presence of strange quark in valence part. Recent studies have also studied strange sea contribution for baryons using different models. We implement the statistical modeling techniques to compute strange sea quark content for baryon octet. Statistical model has already been applied to study sea quark content for nucleons in the form of scalar, vector and tensor sea. In our present work the same idea has been extended for strange sea to probe the structure in more detail. (author)

  12. Portage vaginal du streptocoque du groupe B chez la femme ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction: le streptocoque du groupe B est le principal agent impliqué dans les infections materno-fœtales, les septicémies et les méningites du nouveau-né à terme. L'objectif est de déterminer le taux de portage maternel du streptocoque du groupe B (SGB) à terme. Méthodes: un prélèvement vaginal a été réalisé de ...

  13. Quarks in hadrons and nuclei and electromagnetic probes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faessler, Amand


    Deuteron properties and nuclear magnetic moments are studied in the non-relativistic quark cluster model. The quark cluster model is modified to include chiral symmetry. This reduces the number of parameters. The σ meson is exchanged between quarks and not as in earlier versions between nucleons. The charge monopole, quadrupole and magnetic-dipole form factors and the tensor polarization of the deuteron in this microscopic meson-quark cluster model are calculated. The deuteron wave function is derived from a microscopic 6-quark Hamiltonian which, in addition to a quadratic confinement potential, includes the one-pion and the one-gluon exchange potentials between quarks. The electromagnetic current operators are constructed on the quark level, i.e., the photon is coupled directly to the quarks. Aside from the one-body impulse current, pionic and gluonic exchange current corrections are included. Due to the Pauli principle on the quark level, new quark interchange terms arise in the one-body and two-body current matrix elements, that are not present on the nucleon level. While these additional quark exchange currents are small for low momentum transfers, we find that they appreciably influence the electromagnetic structure of the deuteron beyond a momentum transfer of q = 5fm -1 . (author)

  14. Quark matter in a chiral chromodielectric model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broniowski, W.; Kutschera, M.; Cibej, M.; Rosina, M.


    Zero and finite temperature quark matter is studied in a chiral chromodielectric model with quark, meson and chromodielectric degrees of freedom. Mean field approximation is used. Two cases are considered: two-flavor and three-flavor quark matter. It is found that at sufficiently low densities and temperatures the system is in a chirally broken phase, with quarks acquiring effective masses of the order of 100 MeV. At higher densities and temperatures a chiral phase transition occurs and the quarks become massless. A comparison to traditional nuclear physics suggests that the chirally broken phase with massive quark gas may be the ground state of matter at densities of the order of a few nuclear saturation densities. 24 refs., 5 figs. (author)

  15. Clermont-Ferrand U. Validation de l'architecture de lecture des canaux du détecteur de pied de gerbe de l'expérience LHCb

    CERN Document Server

    Conte, E


    Cette thèse explore la physique des baryons beaux dans le cadre de l'expérience LHCb. L'axe de recherche considéré porte sur les désintégrations Lambda0_b ?> Lambda0 V avec V un méson vecteur tel que J/Psi(mu+mu-), phi(K+K-), omega(pi+pi-pi0) ou encore le mélange rho0-omega0(pi+pi-). Ces processus offrent la possibilité de tester la symétrie CP, dans un secteur (celui des baryons) où aucune violation n'a été observée, et la symétrie T, dont les preuves de sa violation sont limitées. Parmi les autres perspectives envisageables, une mesure précise du temps de vie du Lambda0_b pourrait contribuer à la résolution du puzzle théorico-expérimental aujourd'hui observé. Un modèle phénoménologique des désintégrations Lambda0_b ?> Lambda0 V a été développé, à partir duquel les rapports d'embranchement et les distributions angulaires ont été estimés. Une étude approfondie de la reconstruction et de la sélection de ces réactions par le détecteur LHCb montre que le canal Lambda0_b ?> ...

  16. Instanton vacuum at finite density of quark matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molodtsov, S.V.; Zinovjev, G.M.


    We study light quark interactions in the instanton liquid at finite quark/baryon number density analyzing chiral and diquark condensates and investigate the behaviors of quark dynamical mass and both condensates together with instanton liquid density as a function of quark chemical potential. We conclude the quark impact (estimated in the tadpole approximation) on the instanton liquid could shift color superconducting phase transition to higher values of the chemical potential bringing critical quark matter density to the values essentially higher than conventional nuclear one

  17. Quark matter or new particles? (United States)

    Michel, F. Curtis


    It has been argued that compression of nuclear matter to somewhat higher densities may lead to the formation of stable quark matter. A plausible alternative, which leads to radically new astrophysical scenarios, is that the stability of quark matter simply represents the stability of new particles compounded of quarks. A specific example is the SU(3)-symmetric version of the alpha particle, composed of spin-zero pairs of each of the baryon octet (an 'octet' particle).

  18. Do Quarks Propagate?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Paul Haase; Taylor, John C.


    Processes with coloured particles in the initial state are generally infrared divergent. We investigate the effect of this on processes with colourless particles in the initial state, when the amplitude is near an intermediate quark pole. The result is a characteristic logarithmic depedence...... on the 'binding energy'(even though spectator interactions are taken into account), and the result is gauge-invariant. Summed to all orders the logarithms could perhaps suppress the quark pole....

  19. Sea quark contribution to the dynamical mass and light quark content of a nucleon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, J.P.


    We calculate the flavor mixing in the wave function of a light valence quark. For this, we use the idea of dynamical symmetry breaking. A sea quark of a different flavor may appear through the vacuum polarization of a gluon propagator which appears in the gap equation for the dynamical mass. We have also used the fact that any one of these quark lines may undergo condensation. The dependence of the dynamical mass, generated in this way, on the sea quark mass up to quadratic terms has been retained. The momentum dependence is like 1/p 4 , in contrast with the 1/p 2 kind of dependence which occurs for the leading term of the dynamical mass in the subasymptotic region. The extension of the result to the ''mass shell'' yields σ πN =53--54 MeV for the pion-nucleon σ term and m s left-angle p|bar ss|p right-angle=122--264 meV for the strange quark contribution to the proton mass, for different values of parameters. These are in reasonable agreement with current phenomenological estimates of these quantities

  20. Qu'est-ce que le boson de Higgs mange en hiver et autres détails essentiels

    CERN Document Server

    Gagnon, Pauline


    Juillet 2012 : le CERN, le Laboratoire européen de la physique des particules, annonçait en grande pompe la découverte du boson de Higgs. La nouvelle a fait le tour du monde. Mais combien de gens comprennent vraiment ce que c'est et pourquoi cette découverte fut suivie du prix Nobel de physique en 2013 pour les théoriciens François Englert et Peter Higgs qui en avaient prédit l'existence 48 ans auparavant ? Le boson de Higgs était le chaînon manquant du modèle théorique actuel qui décrit ce qui compose toute la matière qu'on voit autour de nous. Ce livre explique comment tout cela fonctionne et le rôle du boson de Higgs. Et le livre va beaucoup plus loin car cette théorie ne s'applique qu'à la matière visible, celle qu'on trouve sur Terre, dans les étoiles et les galaxies, mais qui ne compte que pour 5 % du contenu de l'Univers. Le reste, soit 95 % de l'Univers, consiste en « matière sombre » et en « énergie sombre », deux entités complètement inconnues. Quelle est donc cette mystér...

  1. Bootstrapping quarks and gluons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chew, G.F.


    Dual topological unitarization (DTU) - the approach to S-matrix causality and unitarity through combinatorial topology - is reviewed. Amplitudes associated with triangulated spheres are shown to constitute the core of particle physics. Each sphere is covered by triangulated disc faces corresponding to hadrons. The leading current candidate for the hadron-face triangulation pattern employs 3-triangle basic subdiscs whose orientations correspond to baryon number and topological color. Additional peripheral triangles lie along the hadron-face perimeter. Certain combinations of peripheral triangles with a basic-disc triangle can be identified as quarks, the flavor of a quark corresponding to the orientation of its edges that lie on the hadron-face perimeter. Both baryon number and flavor are additively conserved. Quark helicity, which can be associated with triangle-interior orientation, is not uniformly conserved and interacts with particle momentum, whereas flavor does not. Three different colors attach to the 3 quarks associated with a single basic subdisc, but there is no additive physical conservation law associated with color. There is interplay between color and quark helicity. In hadron faces with more than one basic subdisc, there may occur pairs of adjacent flavorless but colored triangles with net helicity +-1 that are identifiable as gluons. Broken symmetry is an automatic feature of the bootstrap. T, C and P symmetries, as well as up-down flavor symmetry, persist on all orientable surfaces.

  2. Bootstrapping quarks and gluons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chew, G.F.


    Dual topological unitarization (DTU) - the approach to S-matrix causality and unitarity through combinatorial topology - is reviewed. Amplitudes associated with triangulated spheres are shown to constitute the core of particle physics. Each sphere is covered by triangulated disc faces corresponding to hadrons. The leading current candidate for the hadron-face triangulation pattern employs 3-triangle basic subdiscs whose orientations correspond to baryon number and topological color. Additional peripheral triangles lie along the hadron-face perimeter. Certain combinations of peripheral triangles with a basic-disc triangle can be identified as quarks, the flavor of a quark corresponding to the orientation of its edges that lie on the hadron-face perimeter. Both baryon number and flavor are additively conserved. Quark helicity, which can be associated with triangle-interior orientation, is not uniformly conserved and interacts with particle momentum, whereas flavor does not. Three different colors attach to the 3 quarks associated with a single basic subdisc, but there is no additive physical conservation law associated with color. There is interplay between color and quark helicity. In hadron faces with more than one basic subdisc, there may occur pairs of adjacent flavorless but colored triangles with net helicity +-1 that are identifiable as gluons. Broken symmetry is an automatic feature of the bootstrap. T, C and P symmetries, as well as up-down flavor symmetry, persist on all orientable surfaces

  3. Physique, chimie 1re S

    CERN Document Server


    • Des activités conçues pour correspondre aux pratiques des enseignants ou au temps d’enseignement attribué à une notion. Avec des « Découverte » courtes basées sur les savoirs que possède l’élève en début de chapitre et des « Documentaires » pour construire le cours avec leur « aide aux activités ». Ainsi que des TP pour pratiquer expérimentalement ou exploiter des données. • Un Cours structuré renvoyant aux activités, illustré, enrichi d’applications du cours avec renvois vers les exercices. Il se termine par l’essentiel. • De nombreux Exercices résolus avec des corrections détaillées et après le test de compétences, des exercices classés en entraînement et approfondissement et un exercice en langue anglaise. • Pour satisfaire la curiosité des élèves : Des pages « Culture et Sciences » en fin de cours. Et au long du manuel : L’histoire des sciences et L’histoire des arts. Un site pour les élèves • Simulateurs en ...

  4. Bounds on the mixing of the down-type quarks with vector-like singlet quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavoura, L.; Silva, J.P.


    We derive bounds on the mixing of the standard charge -1/3 quarks with vector-like isosinglet quarks, as they exist in some extensions of the standard model. We make no assumptions about the unitarity or any other features of the mixing matrix. We find that the mixing is quite constrained: we are able to set bounds on all the extra parameters which arise in the mixing matrix (CKM matrix), except on two phases. The assumption that there exists only one exotic quark leads to some extra relationships among the parameters of the mixing matrix

  5. The weak conversion rate in quark matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heiselberg, H.


    The weak conversion rate of strange to down quarks, s + u ↔ u + d, is calculated analytically for degenerate u, d and s quark matter to leading orders in temperature and deviations from chemical equilibrium. The rate is applied to burning of neutron matter into quark matter, to evaporation from quark nuggets in the early universe, for estimating the lifetime of strangelets, and to pulsar glitches

  6. La chimie du XVIIe siècle : une question de principes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rémi Franckowiak


    Full Text Available Le tournant du XVIIe au XVIIIe siècle est une période décisive pour l’histoire de la chimie qui passe de la reconnaissance institutionnelle à la contestation de son fondement théorique, pour apparaître au final comme la seule partie de la Physique à pouvoir prétendre atteindre la « vérité certaine ». Ce qui se joue alors n’est rien de moins que la redéfinition de ses principes, à savoir son socle de vérités sur lequel s’appuie la science chimique. Cette période est en fait la dernière étape de l’évolution du rapport entre les deux dimensions – théorique et pratique – dans lesquelles se déploie la chimie, qui a vu, par le développement de l’usage des principes dits seconds, l’ensemble des principes chimiques entrainé vers un réalisme empirique, ayant pour effet d’ôter de la chimie toute cohérence théorique. Aussi l’apparition du mécanisme – pas plus celui de Boyle – n’est-il en réalité responsable du bouleversement que connaît la chimie ; elle n’est pas davantage responsable de sa régénération au tout début du XVIIIe siècle. La conscience de la faiblesse théorique de la chimie va devenir pour elle promesse de vigueur théorique sur la base de ce qui représente sa force : l’expérience. À la suite de la perte de ce qui fut certitude, le chimiste devient un être à ré-instruire. Un chimiste tel que Samuel Cottereau Du Clos illustre parfaitement le passage d’une science chimique comme connaissance des principes à une chimie comme science cette fois du vraisemblable.The last decades of 17th century represent a decisive period for the history of Chemistry which switched from institutional recognition to dispute of its theoretical basis, to seem finally, during the very first years of the next century, the only part of Physics being able to claim reaching the “unquestionable truth”. What did happen then is nothing less than the redefinition of principles of Chemistry

  7. The use and evolution of the CEA research reactors; Utilisation et evolution des reacteurs de recherche du C.E.A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rossillon, F; Chauvez, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    reacteurs en montrant ce qu'a ete jusqu'a present leur utilisation, et comment certaines modifications ont permis de les adapter a l'evolution des programmes. Ils precisent egalement les raisons qui ont conduit a l'elaboration du projet de la nouvelle pile OSIRIS, La pile ZOE, la plus ancienne du CEA, est en service au Centre de Fontenay-aux-Roses depuis 1948. Elle est principalement utilisee pour les mesures de section efficace d'absorption du graphite, et pour diverses irradiations de courte duree ne necessitant que des flux peu eleves. La Pile EL2, en service depuis 1952, a permis les premieres etudes liees au refroidissement par gaz. Elle a ete tres utilisee pour la production des radioisotopes et pour de nombreuses experiences de physique, de metallurgie et de physico-chimie - le vieillissement de certaines parties du reacteur a conduit a decider l'arret prochain de cette installation. La Pile EL. 3 a ete tres utilisee pour les experiences de physique et pour l'etude des combustibles. L'adoption d'une nouvelle structure pour le coeur (solution 'Cristal de neige') va permettre d'accroitre considerablement les possibilites de la pile pour les irradiations en neutrons rapides. La pile TRITON-I, piscine de 2 MW, est surtout utilisee pour les irradiations en neutrons rapides et en gamma. Certaines modifications, actuellement en cours, permettront d'accroitre la puissance du reacteur jusqu'a 4 ou 5 MW. Dans un compartiment voisin de TRITON-I est implantee la Pile TRITON-II, de meme structure generale, mais dont la puissance maximum est de 100 kW. TRITON-II est utilisee exclusivement pour les etudes de protections. MELUSINE, pile piscine de 2 MW est en fonctionnement au Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble depuis 1959. Elle a permis l'execution d'un programme important concernant surtout la physique du solide, l'etude fondamentale de combustibles refractaires et de graphites speciaux, et l'etude du comportement des liquides organiques sous radiations. Les installations de

  8. Colourless confinement for quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The enigma of quarks is that they are there, hidden deep inside nucleons and other strongly interacting particles, but refuse to come out. The tighter the quark bonds are stretched, the more difficult they are to break. This dogma has been accepted for some thirty years but has never been mathematically proved

  9. The significance of the heavy top quark

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, Elizabeth H.


    Experiment shows that the top quark is far heavier than the other elementary fermions. This finding has stimulated research on theories of electroweak and flavor symmetry breaking that include physics beyond the standard model. Efforts to accommodate a heavy top quark within existing frameworks have revealed constraints on model-building. Other investigations have started from the premise that a large top quark mass could signal a qualitative difference between the top quark and other fermions, perhaps in the form of new interactions peculiar to the top quark. Such new dynamics may also help answer existing questions about electroweak and flavor physics. This talk explores the implications of the heavy top quark in the context of weakly-coupled (e.g., SUSY) and strongly-coupled (e.g., technicolor) theories of electroweak symmetry breaking

  10. Measurement of the top quark mass using single top quark events in proton-proton collisions at $\\sqrt{s}= $ 8 TeV

    CERN Document Server

    Sirunyan, Albert M; Adam, Wolfgang; Aşılar, Ece; Bergauer, Thomas; Brandstetter, Johannes; Brondolin, Erica; Dragicevic, Marko; Erö, Janos; Flechl, Martin; Friedl, Markus; Fruehwirth, Rudolf; Ghete, Vasile Mihai; Hartl, Christian; Hörmann, Natascha; Hrubec, Josef; Jeitler, Manfred; König, Axel; Krätschmer, Ilse; Liko, Dietrich; Matsushita, Takashi; Mikulec, Ivan; Rabady, Dinyar; Rad, Navid; Rahbaran, Babak; Rohringer, Herbert; Schieck, Jochen; Strauss, Josef; Waltenberger, Wolfgang; Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth; Dvornikov, Oleg; Makarenko, Vladimir; Mossolov, Vladimir; Suarez Gonzalez, Juan; Zykunov, Vladimir; Shumeiko, Nikolai; Alderweireldt, Sara; De Wolf, Eddi A; Janssen, Xavier; Lauwers, Jasper; Van De Klundert, Merijn; Van Haevermaet, Hans; Van Mechelen, Pierre; Van Remortel, Nick; Van Spilbeeck, Alex; Abu Zeid, Shimaa; Blekman, Freya; D'Hondt, Jorgen; Daci, Nadir; De Bruyn, Isabelle; Deroover, Kevin; Lowette, Steven; Moortgat, Seth; Moreels, Lieselotte; Olbrechts, Annik; Python, Quentin; 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Magnani, Alice; Montagna, Paolo; Ratti, Sergio P; Re, Valerio; Riccardi, Cristina; Salvini, Paola; Vai, Ilaria; Vitulo, Paolo; Alunni Solestizi, Luisa; Bilei, Gian Mario; Ciangottini, Diego; Fanò, Livio; Lariccia, Paolo; Leonardi, Roberto; Mantovani, Giancarlo; Menichelli, Mauro; Saha, Anirban; Santocchia, Attilio; Androsov, Konstantin; Azzurri, Paolo; Bagliesi, Giuseppe; Bernardini, Jacopo; Boccali, Tommaso; Castaldi, Rino; Ciocci, Maria Agnese; Dell'Orso, Roberto; Donato, Silvio; Fedi, Giacomo; Giassi, Alessandro; Grippo, Maria Teresa; Ligabue, Franco; Lomtadze, Teimuraz; Martini, Luca; Messineo, Alberto; Palla, Fabrizio; Rizzi, Andrea; Savoy-Navarro, Aurore; Spagnolo, Paolo; Tenchini, Roberto; Tonelli, Guido; Venturi, Andrea; Verdini, Piero Giorgio; Barone, Luciano; Cavallari, Francesca; Cipriani, Marco; Del Re, Daniele; Diemoz, Marcella; Gelli, Simone; Longo, Egidio; Margaroli, Fabrizio; Marzocchi, Badder; Meridiani, Paolo; Organtini, Giovanni; Paramatti, Riccardo; Preiato, Federico; Rahatlou, Shahram; Rovelli, Chiara; Santanastasio, Francesco; Amapane, Nicola; Arcidiacono, Roberta; Argiro, Stefano; Arneodo, Michele; Bartosik, Nazar; Bellan, Riccardo; Biino, Cristina; Cartiglia, Nicolo; Cenna, Francesca; Costa, Marco; Covarelli, Roberto; Degano, Alessandro; Demaria, Natale; Finco, Linda; Kiani, Bilal; Mariotti, Chiara; Maselli, Silvia; Migliore, Ernesto; Monaco, Vincenzo; Monteil, Ennio; Monteno, Marco; Obertino, Maria Margherita; Pacher, Luca; Pastrone, Nadia; Pelliccioni, Mario; Pinna Angioni, Gian Luca; Ravera, Fabio; Romero, Alessandra; Ruspa, Marta; Sacchi, Roberto; Shchelina, Ksenia; Sola, Valentina; Solano, Ada; Staiano, Amedeo; Traczyk, Piotr; Belforte, Stefano; Casarsa, Massimo; Cossutti, Fabio; Della Ricca, Giuseppe; Zanetti, Anna; Kim, Dong Hee; Kim, Gui Nyun; Kim, Min Suk; Lee, Sangeun; Lee, Seh Wook; Oh, Young Do; Sekmen, Sezen; Son, Dong-Chul; Yang, Yu Chul; Lee, Ari; Kim, Hyunchul; Brochero Cifuentes, Javier Andres; Kim, Tae Jeong; Cho, Sungwoong; Choi, Suyong; Go, Yeonju; Gyun, Dooyeon; Ha, Seungkyu; Hong, Byung-Sik; Jo, Youngkwon; Kim, Yongsun; Lee, Kisoo; Lee, Kyong Sei; Lee, Songkyo; Lim, Jaehoon; Park, Sung Keun; Roh, Youn; Almond, John; Kim, Junho; Lee, Haneol; Oh, Sung Bin; Radburn-Smith, Benjamin Charles; Seo, Seon-hee; Yang, Unki; Yoo, Hwi Dong; Yu, Geum Bong; Choi, Minkyoo; Kim, Hyunyong; Kim, Ji Hyun; Lee, Jason Sang Hun; Park, Inkyu; Ryu, Geonmo; Ryu, Min Sang; Choi, Young-Il; Goh, Junghwan; Hwang, Chanwook; Lee, Jongseok; Yu, Intae; Dudenas, Vytautas; Juodagalvis, Andrius; Vaitkus, Juozas; Ahmed, Ijaz; Ibrahim, Zainol Abidin; Md Ali, Mohd Adli Bin; Mohamad Idris, Faridah; Wan Abdullah, Wan Ahmad Tajuddin; Yusli, Mohd Nizam; Zolkapli, Zukhaimira; Castilla-Valdez, Heriberto; De La Cruz-Burelo, Eduard; Heredia-De La Cruz, Ivan; Hernandez-Almada, Alberto; Lopez-Fernandez, Ricardo; Magaña Villalba, Ricardo; Mejia Guisao, Jhovanny; Sánchez Hernández, Alberto; Carrillo Moreno, Salvador; Oropeza Barrera, Cristina; Vazquez Valencia, Fabiola; Carpinteyro, Severiano; Pedraza, Isabel; Salazar Ibarguen, Humberto Antonio; Uribe Estrada, Cecilia; Morelos Pineda, Antonio; Krofcheck, David; Butler, Philip H; Ahmad, Ashfaq; Ahmad, Muhammad; Hassan, Qamar; Hoorani, Hafeez R; Khan, Wajid Ali; Saddique, Asif; Shah, Mehar Ali; Shoaib, Muhammad; Waqas, Muhammad; Bialkowska, Helena; Bluj, Michal; Boimska, Bożena; Frueboes, Tomasz; Górski, Maciej; Kazana, Malgorzata; Nawrocki, Krzysztof; Romanowska-Rybinska, Katarzyna; Szleper, Michal; Zalewski, Piotr; Bunkowski, Karol; Byszuk, Adrian; Doroba, Krzysztof; Kalinowski, Artur; Konecki, Marcin; Krolikowski, Jan; Misiura, Maciej; Olszewski, Michal; Walczak, Marek; Bargassa, Pedrame; Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, Cristóvão; Calpas, Betty; Di Francesco, Agostino; Faccioli, Pietro; Ferreira Parracho, Pedro Guilherme; Gallinaro, Michele; Hollar, Jonathan; Leonardo, Nuno; Lloret Iglesias, Lara; Nemallapudi, Mythra Varun; Rodrigues Antunes, Joao; Seixas, Joao; Toldaiev, Oleksii; Vadruccio, Daniele; Varela, Joao; Afanasiev, Serguei; Bunin, Pavel; Gavrilenko, Mikhail; Golutvin, Igor; Gorbunov, Ilya; Kamenev, Alexey; Karjavin, Vladimir; Lanev, Alexander; Malakhov, Alexander; Matveev, Viktor; Palichik, Vladimir; Perelygin, Victor; Shmatov, Sergey; Shulha, Siarhei; Skatchkov, Nikolai; Smirnov, Vitaly; Voytishin, Nikolay; Zarubin, Anatoli; Chtchipounov, Leonid; Golovtsov, Victor; Ivanov, Yury; Kim, Victor; Kuznetsova, Ekaterina; Murzin, Victor; Oreshkin, Vadim; Sulimov, Valentin; Vorobyev, Alexey; Andreev, Yuri; Dermenev, Alexander; Gninenko, Sergei; Golubev, Nikolai; Karneyeu, Anton; Kirsanov, Mikhail; Krasnikov, Nikolai; Pashenkov, Anatoli; Tlisov, Danila; Toropin, Alexander; Epshteyn, Vladimir; Gavrilov, Vladimir; Lychkovskaya, Natalia; Popov, Vladimir; Pozdnyakov, Ivan; Safronov, Grigory; Spiridonov, Alexander; Toms, Maria; Vlasov, Evgueni; Zhokin, Alexander; Aushev, Tagir; Bylinkin, Alexander; Danilov, Mikhail; Popova, Elena; Rusinov, Vladimir; Andreev, Vladimir; Azarkin, Maksim; Dremin, Igor; Kirakosyan, Martin; Leonidov, Andrey; Terkulov, Adel; Baskakov, Alexey; Belyaev, Andrey; Boos, Edouard; Bunichev, Viacheslav; Dubinin, Mikhail; Dudko, Lev; Klyukhin, Vyacheslav; Kodolova, Olga; Korneeva, Natalia; Lokhtin, Igor; Miagkov, Igor; Obraztsov, Stepan; Perfilov, Maxim; Savrin, Viktor; Volkov, Petr; Blinov, Vladimir; Skovpen, Yuri; Shtol, Dmitry; Azhgirey, Igor; Bayshev, Igor; Bitioukov, Sergei; Elumakhov, Dmitry; Kachanov, Vassili; Kalinin, Alexey; Konstantinov, Dmitri; Krychkine, Victor; Petrov, Vladimir; Ryutin, Roman; Sobol, Andrei; Troshin, Sergey; Tyurin, Nikolay; Uzunian, Andrey; Volkov, Alexey; Adzic, Petar; Cirkovic, Predrag; Devetak, Damir; Dordevic, Milos; Milosevic, Jovan; Rekovic, Vladimir; Alcaraz Maestre, Juan; Barrio Luna, Mar; Calvo, Enrique; Cerrada, Marcos; Chamizo Llatas, Maria; Colino, Nicanor; De La Cruz, Begona; Delgado Peris, Antonio; Escalante Del Valle, Alberto; Fernandez Bedoya, Cristina; Fernández Ramos, Juan Pablo; Flix, Jose; Fouz, Maria Cruz; Garcia-Abia, Pablo; Gonzalez Lopez, Oscar; Goy Lopez, Silvia; Hernandez, Jose M; Josa, Maria Isabel; Navarro De Martino, Eduardo; Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, Antonio María; Puerta Pelayo, Jesus; Quintario Olmeda, Adrián; Redondo, Ignacio; Romero, Luciano; Senghi Soares, Mara; de Trocóniz, Jorge F; Missiroli, Marino; Moran, Dermot; Cuevas, Javier; Fernandez Menendez, Javier; Gonzalez Caballero, Isidro; González Fernández, Juan Rodrigo; Palencia Cortezon, Enrique; Sanchez Cruz, Sergio; Suárez Andrés, Ignacio; Vischia, Pietro; Vizan Garcia, Jesus Manuel; Cabrillo, Iban Jose; Calderon, Alicia; Curras, Esteban; Fernandez, Marcos; Garcia-Ferrero, Juan; Gomez, Gervasio; Lopez Virto, Amparo; Marco, Jesus; Martinez Rivero, Celso; Matorras, Francisco; Piedra Gomez, Jonatan; Rodrigo, Teresa; Ruiz-Jimeno, Alberto; Scodellaro, Luca; Trevisani, Nicolò; Vila, Ivan; Vilar Cortabitarte, Rocio; Abbaneo, Duccio; Auffray, Etiennette; Auzinger, Georg; Baillon, Paul; Ball, Austin; Barney, David; Bloch, Philippe; Bocci, Andrea; Botta, Cristina; Camporesi, Tiziano; Castello, Roberto; Cepeda, Maria; Cerminara, Gianluca; Chen, Yi; D'Enterria, David; Dabrowski, Anne; Daponte, Vincenzo; David Tinoco Mendes, Andre; De Gruttola, Michele; De Roeck, Albert; Di Marco, Emanuele; Dobson, Marc; Dorney, Brian; Du Pree, Tristan; Duggan, Daniel; Dünser, Marc; Dupont, Niels; Elliott-Peisert, Anna; Everaerts, Pieter; Fartoukh, Stephane; Franzoni, Giovanni; Fulcher, Jonathan; Funk, Wolfgang; Gigi, Dominique; Gill, Karl; Girone, Maria; Glege, Frank; Gulhan, Doga; Gundacker, Stefan; Guthoff, Moritz; Harris, Philip; Hegeman, Jeroen; Innocente, Vincenzo; Janot, Patrick; Kieseler, Jan; Kirschenmann, Henning; Knünz, Valentin; Kornmayer, Andreas; Kortelainen, Matti J; Kousouris, Konstantinos; Krammer, Manfred; Lange, Clemens; Lecoq, Paul; Lourenco, Carlos; Lucchini, Marco Toliman; Malgeri, Luca; Mannelli, Marcello; Martelli, Arabella; Meijers, Frans; Merlin, Jeremie Alexandre; Mersi, Stefano; Meschi, Emilio; Milenovic, Predrag; Moortgat, Filip; Morovic, Srecko; Mulders, Martijn; Neugebauer, Hannes; Orfanelli, Styliani; Orsini, Luciano; Pape, Luc; Perez, Emmanuel; Peruzzi, Marco; Petrilli, Achille; Petrucciani, Giovanni; Pfeiffer, Andreas; Pierini, Maurizio; Racz, Attila; Reis, Thomas; Rolandi, Gigi; Rovere, Marco; Sakulin, Hannes; Sauvan, Jean-Baptiste; Schäfer, Christoph; Schwick, Christoph; Seidel, Markus; Sharma, Archana; Silva, Pedro; Sphicas, Paraskevas; Steggemann, Jan; Stoye, Markus; Takahashi, Yuta; Tosi, Mia; Treille, Daniel; Triossi, Andrea; Tsirou, Andromachi; Veckalns, Viesturs; Veres, Gabor Istvan; Verweij, Marta; Wardle, Nicholas; Wöhri, Hermine Katharina; Zagoździńska, Agnieszka; Zeuner, Wolfram Dietrich; Bertl, Willi; Deiters, Konrad; Erdmann, Wolfram; Horisberger, Roland; Ingram, Quentin; Kaestli, Hans-Christian; Kotlinski, Danek; Langenegger, Urs; Rohe, Tilman; Wiederkehr, Stephan Albert; Bachmair, Felix; Bäni, Lukas; Bianchini, Lorenzo; Casal, Bruno; Dissertori, Günther; Dittmar, Michael; Donegà, Mauro; Grab, Christoph; Heidegger, Constantin; Hits, Dmitry; Hoss, Jan; Kasieczka, Gregor; Lustermann, Werner; Mangano, Boris; Marionneau, Matthieu; Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, Pablo; Masciovecchio, Mario; Meinhard, Maren Tabea; Meister, Daniel; Micheli, Francesco; Musella, Pasquale; Nessi-Tedaldi, Francesca; Pandolfi, Francesco; Pata, Joosep; Pauss, Felicitas; Perrin, Gaël; Perrozzi, Luca; Quittnat, Milena; Rossini, Marco; Schönenberger, Myriam; Starodumov, Andrei; Tavolaro, Vittorio Raoul; Theofilatos, Konstantinos; Wallny, Rainer; Aarrestad, Thea Klaeboe; Amsler, Claude; Caminada, Lea; Canelli, Maria Florencia; De Cosa, Annapaola; Galloni, Camilla; Hinzmann, Andreas; Hreus, Tomas; Kilminster, Benjamin; Ngadiuba, Jennifer; Pinna, Deborah; Rauco, Giorgia; Robmann, Peter; Salerno, Daniel; Seitz, Claudia; Yang, Yong; Zucchetta, Alberto; Candelise, Vieri; Doan, Thi Hien; Jain, Shilpi; Khurana, Raman; Konyushikhin, Maxim; Kuo, Chia-Ming; Lin, Willis; Pozdnyakov, Andrey; Yu, Shin-Shan; Kumar, Arun; Chang, Paoti; Chang, You-Hao; Chao, Yuan; Chen, Kai-Feng; Chen, Po-Hsun; Fiori, Francesco; Hou, George Wei-Shu; Hsiung, Yee; Liu, Yueh-Feng; Lu, Rong-Shyang; Miñano Moya, Mercedes; Paganis, Efstathios; Psallidas, Andreas; Tsai, Jui-fa; Asavapibhop, Burin; Singh, Gurpreet; Srimanobhas, Norraphat; Suwonjandee, Narumon; Adiguzel, Aytul; Damarseckin, Serdal; Demiroglu, Zuhal Seyma; Dozen, Candan; Eskut, Eda; Girgis, Semiray; Gokbulut, Gul; Guler, Yalcin; Hos, Ilknur; Kangal, Evrim Ersin; Kara, Ozgun; Kayis Topaksu, Aysel; Kiminsu, Ugur; Oglakci, Mehmet; Onengut, Gulsen; Ozdemir, Kadri; Ozturk, Sertac; Polatoz, Ayse; Tali, Bayram; Turkcapar, Semra; Zorbakir, Ibrahim Soner; Zorbilmez, Caglar; Bilin, Bugra; Bilmis, Selcuk; Isildak, Bora; Karapinar, Guler; Yalvac, Metin; Zeyrek, Mehmet; Gülmez, Erhan; Kaya, Mithat; Kaya, Ozlem; Yetkin, Elif Asli; Yetkin, Taylan; Cakir, Altan; Cankocak, Kerem; Sen, Sercan; Grynyov, Boris; Levchuk, Leonid; Sorokin, Pavel; Aggleton, Robin; Ball, Fionn; Beck, Lana; Brooke, James John; Burns, Douglas; Clement, Emyr; Cussans, David; Flacher, Henning; Goldstein, Joel; Grimes, Mark; Heath, Greg P; Heath, Helen F; Jacob, Jeson; Kreczko, Lukasz; Lucas, Chris; Newbold, Dave M; Paramesvaran, Sudarshan; Poll, Anthony; Sakuma, Tai; Seif El Nasr-storey, Sarah; Smith, Dominic; Smith, Vincent J; Bell, Ken W; Belyaev, Alexander; Brew, Christopher; Brown, Robert M; Calligaris, Luigi; Cieri, Davide; Cockerill, David JA; Coughlan, John A; Harder, Kristian; Harper, Sam; Olaiya, Emmanuel; Petyt, David; Shepherd-Themistocleous, Claire; Thea, Alessandro; Tomalin, Ian R; Williams, Thomas; Baber, Mark; Bainbridge, Robert; Buchmuller, Oliver; Bundock, Aaron; Burton, Darren; Casasso, Stefano; Citron, Matthew; Colling, David; Corpe, Louie; Dauncey, Paul; Davies, Gavin; De Wit, Adinda; Della Negra, Michel; Di Maria, Riccardo; Dunne, Patrick; Elwood, Adam; Futyan, David; Haddad, Yacine; Hall, Geoffrey; Iles, Gregory; James, Thomas; Lane, Rebecca; Laner, Christian; Lucas, Robyn; Lyons, Louis; Magnan, Anne-Marie; Malik, Sarah; Mastrolorenzo, Luca; Nash, Jordan; Nikitenko, Alexander; Pela, Joao; Penning, Bjoern; Pesaresi, Mark; Raymond, David Mark; Richards, Alexander; Rose, Andrew; Scott, Edward; Seez, Christopher; Summers, Sioni; Tapper, Alexander; Uchida, Kirika; Vazquez Acosta, Monica; Virdee, Tejinder; Wright, Jack; Zenz, Seth Conrad; Cole, Joanne; Hobson, Peter R; Khan, Akram; Kyberd, Paul; Reid, Ivan; Symonds, Philip; Teodorescu, Liliana; Turner, Mark; Borzou, Ahmad; Call, Kenneth; Dittmann, Jay; Hatakeyama, Kenichi; Liu, Hongxuan; Pastika, Nathaniel; Bartek, Rachel; Dominguez, Aaron; Buccilli, Andrew; Cooper, Seth; Henderson, Conor; Rumerio, Paolo; West, Christopher; Arcaro, Daniel; Avetisyan, Aram; Bose, Tulika; Gastler, Daniel; Rankin, Dylan; Richardson, Clint; Rohlf, James; Sulak, Lawrence; Zou, David; Benelli, Gabriele; Cutts, David; Garabedian, Alex; Hakala, John; Heintz, Ulrich; Hogan, Julie Managan; Jesus, Orduna; Kwok, Ka Hei Martin; Laird, Edward; Landsberg, Greg; Mao, Zaixing; Narain, Meenakshi; Piperov, Stefan; Sagir, Sinan; Spencer, Eric; Syarif, Rizki; Breedon, Richard; Burns, Dustin; Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Manuel; Chauhan, Sushil; Chertok, Maxwell; Conway, John; Conway, Rylan; Cox, Peter Timothy; Erbacher, Robin; Flores, Chad; Funk, Garrett; Gardner, Michael; Ko, Winston; Lander, Richard; Mclean, Christine; Mulhearn, Michael; Pellett, Dave; Pilot, Justin; Shalhout, Shalhout; Shi, Mengyao; Smith, John; Squires, Michael; Stolp, Dustin; Tos, Kyle; Tripathi, Mani; Bachtis, Michail; Bravo, Cameron; Cousins, Robert; Dasgupta, Abhigyan; Florent, Alice; Hauser, Jay; Ignatenko, Mikhail; Mccoll, Nickolas; Saltzberg, David; Schnaible, Christian; Valuev, Vyacheslav; Weber, Matthias; Bouvier, Elvire; Burt, Kira; Clare, Robert; Ellison, John Anthony; Gary, J William; Ghiasi Shirazi, Seyyed Mohammad Amin; Hanson, Gail; Heilman, Jesse; Jandir, Pawandeep; Kennedy, Elizabeth; Lacroix, Florent; Long, Owen Rosser; Olmedo Negrete, Manuel; Paneva, Mirena Ivova; Shrinivas, Amithabh; Si, Weinan; Wei, Hua; Wimpenny, Stephen; Yates, Brent; Branson, James G; Cerati, Giuseppe Benedetto; Cittolin, Sergio; Derdzinski, Mark; Gerosa, Raffaele; Holzner, André; Klein, Daniel; Krutelyov, Vyacheslav; Letts, James; Macneill, Ian; Olivito, Dominick; Padhi, Sanjay; Pieri, Marco; Sani, Matteo; Sharma, Vivek; Simon, Sean; Tadel, Matevz; Vartak, Adish; Wasserbaech, Steven; Welke, Charles; Wood, John; Würthwein, Frank; Yagil, Avraham; Zevi Della Porta, Giovanni; Amin, Nick; Bhandari, Rohan; Bradmiller-Feld, John; Campagnari, Claudio; Dishaw, Adam; Dutta, Valentina; Franco Sevilla, Manuel; George, Christopher; Golf, Frank; Gouskos, Loukas; Gran, Jason; Heller, Ryan; Incandela, Joe; Mullin, Sam Daniel; Ovcharova, Ana; Qu, Huilin; Richman, Jeffrey; Stuart, David; Suarez, Indara; Yoo, Jaehyeok; Anderson, Dustin; Bendavid, Joshua; Bornheim, Adolf; Bunn, Julian; Duarte, Javier; Lawhorn, Jay Mathew; Mott, Alexander; Newman, Harvey B; Pena, Cristian; Spiropulu, Maria; Vlimant, Jean-Roch; Xie, Si; Zhu, Ren-Yuan; Andrews, Michael Benjamin; Ferguson, Thomas; Paulini, Manfred; Russ, James; Sun, Menglei; Vogel, Helmut; Vorobiev, Igor; Weinberg, Marc; Cumalat, John Perry; Ford, William T; Jensen, Frank; Johnson, Andrew; Krohn, Michael; Leontsinis, Stefanos; Mulholland, Troy; Stenson, Kevin; Wagner, Stephen Robert; Alexander, James; Chaves, Jorge; Chu, Jennifer; Dittmer, Susan; Mcdermott, Kevin; Mirman, Nathan; Nicolas Kaufman, Gala; Patterson, Juliet Ritchie; Rinkevicius, Aurelijus; Ryd, Anders; Skinnari, Louise; Soffi, Livia; Tan, Shao Min; Tao, Zhengcheng; Thom, Julia; Tucker, Jordan; Wittich, Peter; Zientek, Margaret; Winn, Dave; Abdullin, Salavat; Albrow, Michael; Apollinari, Giorgio; Apresyan, Artur; Banerjee, Sunanda; Bauerdick, Lothar AT; Beretvas, Andrew; Berryhill, Jeffrey; Bhat, Pushpalatha C; Bolla, Gino; Burkett, Kevin; Butler, Joel Nathan; Cheung, Harry; Chlebana, Frank; Cihangir, Selcuk; Cremonesi, Matteo; Elvira, Victor Daniel; Fisk, Ian; Freeman, Jim; Gottschalk, Erik; Gray, Lindsey; Green, Dan; Grünendahl, Stefan; Gutsche, Oliver; Hare, Daryl; Harris, Robert M; Hasegawa, Satoshi; Hirschauer, James; Hu, Zhen; Jayatilaka, Bodhitha; Jindariani, Sergo; Johnson, Marvin; Joshi, Umesh; Klima, Boaz; Kreis, Benjamin; Lammel, Stephan; Linacre, Jacob; Lincoln, Don; Lipton, Ron; Liu, Miaoyuan; Liu, Tiehui; Lopes De Sá, Rafael; Lykken, Joseph; Maeshima, Kaori; Magini, Nicolo; Marraffino, John Michael; Maruyama, Sho; Mason, David; McBride, Patricia; Merkel, Petra; Mrenna, Stephen; Nahn, Steve; O'Dell, Vivian; Pedro, Kevin; Prokofyev, Oleg; Rakness, Gregory; Ristori, Luciano; Sexton-Kennedy, Elizabeth; Soha, Aron; Spalding, William J; Spiegel, Leonard; Stoynev, Stoyan; Strait, James; Strobbe, Nadja; Taylor, Lucas; Tkaczyk, Slawek; Tran, Nhan Viet; Uplegger, Lorenzo; Vaandering, Eric Wayne; Vernieri, Caterina; Verzocchi, Marco; Vidal, Richard; Wang, Michael; Weber, Hannsjoerg Artur; Whitbeck, Andrew; Wu, Yujun; Acosta, Darin; Avery, Paul; Bortignon, Pierluigi; Bourilkov, Dimitri; Brinkerhoff, Andrew; Carnes, Andrew; Carver, Matthew; Curry, David; Das, Souvik; Field, Richard D; Furic, Ivan-Kresimir; Konigsberg, Jacobo; Korytov, Andrey; Low, Jia Fu; Ma, Peisen; Matchev, Konstantin; Mei, Hualin; Mitselmakher, Guenakh; Rank, Douglas; Shchutska, Lesya; Sperka, David; Thomas, Laurent; Wang, Jian; Wang, Sean-Jiun; Yelton, John; Linn, Stephan; Markowitz, Pete; Martinez, German; Rodriguez, Jorge Luis; Ackert, Andrew; Adams, Todd; Askew, Andrew; Bein, Samuel; Hagopian, Sharon; Hagopian, Vasken; Johnson, Kurtis F; Kolberg, Ted; Prosper, Harrison; Santra, Arka; Yohay, Rachel; Baarmand, Marc M; Bhopatkar, Vallary; Colafranceschi, Stefano; Hohlmann, Marcus; Noonan, Daniel; Roy, Titas; Yumiceva, Francisco; Adams, Mark Raymond; Apanasevich, Leonard; Berry, Douglas; Betts, Russell Richard; Bucinskaite, Inga; Cavanaugh, Richard; Evdokimov, Olga; Gauthier, Lucie; Gerber, Cecilia Elena; Hofman, David Jonathan; Jung, Kurt; Sandoval Gonzalez, Irving Daniel; Varelas, Nikos; Wang, Hui; Wu, Zhenbin; Zakaria, Mohammed; Zhang, Jingyu; Bilki, Burak; Clarida, Warren; Dilsiz, Kamuran; Durgut, Süleyman; Gandrajula, Reddy Pratap; Haytmyradov, Maksat; Khristenko, Viktor; Merlo, Jean-Pierre; Mermerkaya, Hamit; Mestvirishvili, Alexi; Moeller, Anthony; Nachtman, Jane; Ogul, Hasan; Onel, Yasar; Ozok, Ferhat; Penzo, Aldo; Snyder, Christina; Tiras, Emrah; Wetzel, James; Yi, Kai; Blumenfeld, Barry; Cocoros, Alice; Eminizer, Nicholas; Fehling, David; Feng, Lei; Gritsan, Andrei; Maksimovic, Petar; Roskes, Jeffrey; Sarica, Ulascan; Swartz, Morris; Xiao, Meng; You, Can; Al-bataineh, Ayman; Baringer, Philip; Bean, Alice; Boren, Samuel; Bowen, James; Castle, James; Forthomme, Laurent; Kenny III, Raymond Patrick; Khalil, Sadia; Kropivnitskaya, Anna; Majumder, Devdatta; Mcbrayer, William; Murray, Michael; Sanders, Stephen; Stringer, Robert; Tapia Takaki, Daniel; Wang, Quan; Ivanov, Andrew; Kaadze, Ketino; Maravin, Yurii; Mohammadi, Abdollah; Saini, Lovedeep Kaur; Skhirtladze, Nikoloz; Toda, Sachiko; Rebassoo, Finn; Wright, Douglas; Anelli, Christopher; Baden, Drew; Baron, Owen; Belloni, Alberto; Calvert, Brian; Eno, Sarah Catherine; Ferraioli, Charles; Gomez, Jaime; Hadley, Nicholas John; Jabeen, Shabnam; Jeng, Geng-Yuan; Kellogg, Richard G; Kunkle, Joshua; Mignerey, Alice; Ricci-Tam, Francesca; Shin, Young Ho; Skuja, Andris; Tonjes, Marguerite; Tonwar, Suresh C; Abercrombie, Daniel; Allen, Brandon; Apyan, Aram; Azzolini, Virginia; Barbieri, Richard; Baty, Austin; Bi, Ran; Bierwagen, Katharina; Brandt, Stephanie; Busza, Wit; Cali, Ivan Amos; D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria; Demiragli, Zeynep; Gomez Ceballos, Guillelmo; Goncharov, Maxim; Hsu, Dylan; Iiyama, Yutaro; Innocenti, Gian Michele; Klute, Markus; Kovalskyi, Dmytro; Krajczar, Krisztian; Lai, Yue Shi; Lee, Yen-Jie; Levin, Andrew; Luckey, Paul David; Maier, Benedikt; Marini, Andrea Carlo; Mcginn, Christopher; Mironov, Camelia; Narayanan, Siddharth; Niu, Xinmei; Paus, Christoph; Roland, Christof; Roland, Gunther; Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob; Stephans, George; Tatar, Kaya; Velicanu, Dragos; Wang, Jing; Wang, Ta-Wei; Wyslouch, Bolek; Benvenuti, Alberto; Chatterjee, Rajdeep Mohan; Evans, Andrew; Hansen, Peter; Kalafut, Sean; Kao, Shih-Chuan; Kubota, Yuichi; Lesko, Zachary; Mans, Jeremy; Nourbakhsh, Shervin; Ruckstuhl, Nicole; Rusack, Roger; Tambe, Norbert; Turkewitz, Jared; Acosta, John Gabriel; Oliveros, Sandra; Avdeeva, Ekaterina; Bloom, Kenneth; Claes, Daniel R; Fangmeier, Caleb; Gonzalez Suarez, Rebeca; Kamalieddin, Rami; Kravchenko, Ilya; Malta Rodrigues, Alan; Monroy, Jose; Siado, Joaquin Emilo; Snow, Gregory R; Stieger, Benjamin; Alyari, Maral; Dolen, James; Godshalk, Andrew; Harrington, Charles; Iashvili, Ia; Kaisen, Josh; Nguyen, Duong; Parker, Ashley; Rappoccio, Salvatore; Roozbahani, Bahareh; Alverson, George; Barberis, Emanuela; Hortiangtham, Apichart; Massironi, Andrea; Morse, David Michael; Nash, David; Orimoto, Toyoko; Teixeira De Lima, Rafael; Trocino, Daniele; Wang, Ren-Jie; Wood, Darien; Bhattacharya, Saptaparna; Charaf, Otman; Hahn, Kristan Allan; Kumar, Ajay; Mucia, Nicholas; Odell, Nathaniel; Pollack, Brian; Schmitt, Michael Henry; Sung, Kevin; Trovato, Marco; Velasco, Mayda; Dev, Nabarun; Hildreth, Michael; Hurtado Anampa, Kenyi; Jessop, Colin; Karmgard, Daniel John; Kellams, Nathan; Lannon, Kevin; Marinelli, Nancy; Meng, Fanbo; Mueller, Charles; Musienko, Yuri; Planer, Michael; Reinsvold, Allison; Ruchti, Randy; Rupprecht, Nathaniel; Smith, Geoffrey; Taroni, Silvia; Wayne, Mitchell; Wolf, Matthias; Woodard, Anna; Alimena, Juliette; Antonelli, Louis; Bylsma, Ben; Durkin, Lloyd Stanley; Flowers, Sean; Francis, Brian; Hart, Andrew; Hill, Christopher; Hughes, Richard; Ji, Weifeng; Liu, Bingxuan; Luo, Wuming; Puigh, Darren; Winer, Brian L; Wulsin, Howard Wells; Cooperstein, Stephane; Driga, Olga; Elmer, Peter; Hardenbrook, Joshua; Hebda, Philip; Lange, David; Luo, Jingyu; Marlow, Daniel; Medvedeva, Tatiana; Mei, Kelvin; Ojalvo, Isabel; Olsen, James; Palmer, Christopher; Piroué, Pierre; Stickland, David; Svyatkovskiy, Alexey; Tully, Christopher; Malik, Sudhir; Barker, Anthony; Barnes, Virgil E; Folgueras, Santiago; Gutay, Laszlo; Jha, Manoj; Jones, Matthew; Jung, Andreas Werner; Khatiwada, Ajeeta; Miller, David Harry; Neumeister, Norbert; Schulte, Jan-Frederik; Shi, Xin; Sun, Jian; Wang, Fuqiang; Xie, Wei; Parashar, Neeti; Stupak, John; Adair, Antony; Akgun, Bora; Chen, Zhenyu; Ecklund, Karl Matthew; Geurts, Frank JM; Guilbaud, Maxime; Li, Wei; Michlin, Benjamin; Northup, Michael; Padley, Brian Paul; Roberts, Jay; Rorie, Jamal; Tu, Zhoudunming; Zabel, James; Betchart, Burton; Bodek, Arie; de Barbaro, Pawel; Demina, Regina; Duh, Yi-ting; Ferbel, Thomas; Galanti, Mario; Garcia-Bellido, Aran; Han, Jiyeon; Hindrichs, Otto; Khukhunaishvili, Aleko; Lo, Kin Ho; Tan, Ping; Verzetti, Mauro; Agapitos, Antonis; Chou, John Paul; Gershtein, Yuri; Gómez Espinosa, Tirso Alejandro; Halkiadakis, Eva; Heindl, Maximilian; Hughes, Elliot; Kaplan, Steven; Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Raghav; Kyriacou, Savvas; Lath, Amitabh; Nash, Kevin; Osherson, Marc; Saka, Halil; Salur, Sevil; Schnetzer, Steve; Sheffield, David; Somalwar, Sunil; Stone, Robert; Thomas, Scott; Thomassen, Peter; Walker, Matthew; Delannoy, Andrés G; Foerster, Mark; Heideman, Joseph; Riley, Grant; Rose, Keith; Spanier, Stefan; Thapa, Krishna; Bouhali, Othmane; Celik, Ali; Dalchenko, Mykhailo; De Mattia, Marco; Delgado, Andrea; Dildick, Sven; Eusebi, Ricardo; Gilmore, Jason; Huang, Tao; Juska, Evaldas; Kamon, Teruki; Mueller, Ryan; Pakhotin, Yuriy; Patel, Rishi; Perloff, Alexx; Perniè, Luca; Rathjens, Denis; Safonov, Alexei; Tatarinov, Aysen; Ulmer, Keith; Akchurin, Nural; Cowden, Christopher; Damgov, Jordan; De Guio, Federico; Dragoiu, Cosmin; Dudero, Phillip Russell; Faulkner, James; Gurpinar, Emine; Kunori, Shuichi; Lamichhane, Kamal; Lee, Sung Won; Libeiro, Terence; Peltola, Timo; Undleeb, Sonaina; Volobouev, Igor; Wang, Zhixing; Greene, Senta; Gurrola, Alfredo; Janjam, Ravi; Johns, Willard; Maguire, Charles; Melo, Andrew; Ni, Hong; Sheldon, Paul; Tuo, Shengquan; Velkovska, Julia; Xu, Qiao; Arenton, Michael Wayne; Barria, Patrizia; Cox, Bradley; Goodell, Joseph; Hirosky, Robert; Ledovskoy, Alexander; Li, Hengne; Neu, Christopher; Sinthuprasith, Tutanon; Sun, Xin; Wang, Yanchu; Wolfe, Evan; Xia, Fan; Clarke, Christopher; Harr, Robert; Karchin, Paul Edmund; Sturdy, Jared; Belknap, Donald; Buchanan, James; Caillol, Cécile; Dasu, Sridhara; Dodd, Laura; Duric, Senka; Gomber, Bhawna; Grothe, Monika; Herndon, Matthew; Hervé, Alain; Klabbers, Pamela; Lanaro, Armando; Levine, Aaron; Long, Kenneth; Loveless, Richard; Perry, Thomas; Pierro, Giuseppe Antonio; Polese, Giovanni; Ruggles, Tyler; Savin, Alexander; Smith, Nicholas; Smith, Wesley H; Taylor, Devin; Woods, Nathaniel


    A measurement of the top quark mass is reported in events containing a single top quark produced via the electroweak $t$ channel. The analysis is performed using data from proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb$^{-1}$. The top quark is reconstructed from its decay to a W boson and a b quark, with the W boson decaying leptonically to a muon and a neutrino. The specific topology and kinematic properties of single top quark events in the $t$ channel are used to enhance the purity of the sample, suppressing the contribution from top quark pair production. A fit to the invariant mass distribution of reconstructed top quark candidates yields a value of the top quark mass of 172.95 $\\pm$ 0.77 (stat) $^{+0.97}_{-0.93}$ (syst) GeV. This result is in agreement with the current world average, and represents the first measurement of the top quark mass in event topologies not dominated by top quark pair p...

  11. Charm-quarks and new elementary particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petersen, J.L.


    This is the first part of an extensive paper which discusses: the Nobel prize in physics 1976; discovery of the J/psi-particle; elementary particles and elementary building blocks; the four reciprocal effects; gauge theories; quark-antiquark reciprocal effects; the high-energy approximation; a simple quark-antiquark potential; and quark diagrams and the Zweig rule. (Auth.)

  12. Quark interchange model of baryon interactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maslow, J.N.


    The strong interactions at low energy are traditionally described by meson field theories treating hadrons as point-like particles. Here a mesonic quark interchange model (QIM) is presented which takes into account the finite size of the baryons and the internal quark structure of hadrons. The model incorporates the basic quark-gluon coupling of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the MIT bag model for color confinement. Because the quark-gluon coupling constant is large and it is assumed that confinement excludes overlap of hadronic quark bags except at high momenta, a non-perturbative method of nuclear interactions is presented. The QIM allows for exchange of quark quantum numbers at the bag boundary between colliding hadrons mediated at short distances by a gluon exchange between two quarks within the hadronic interior. This generates, via a Fierz transformation, an effective space-like t channel exchange of color singlet (q anti-q) states that can be identified with the low lying meson multiplets. Thus, a one boson exchange (OBE) model is obtained that allows for comparison with traditional phenomenological models of nuclear scattering. Inclusion of strange quarks enables calculation of YN scattering. The NN and YN coupling constants and the nucleon form factors show good agreement with experimental values as do the deuteron low energy data and the NN low energy phase shifts. Thus, the QIM provides a simple model of strong interactions that is chirally invariant, includes confinement and allows for an OBE form of hadronic interaction at low energies and momentum transfers.

  13. Quark interchange model of baryon interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maslow, J.N.


    The strong interactions at low energy are traditionally described by meson field theories treating hadrons as point-like particles. Here a mesonic quark interchange model (QIM) is presented which takes into account the finite size of the baryons and the internal quark structure of hadrons. The model incorporates the basic quark-gluon coupling of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the MIT bag model for color confinement. Because the quark-gluon coupling constant is large and it is assumed that confinement excludes overlap of hadronic quark bags except at high momenta, a non-perturbative method of nuclear interactions is presented. The QIM allows for exchange of quark quantum numbers at the bag boundary between colliding hadrons mediated at short distances by a gluon exchange between two quarks within the hadronic interior. This generates, via a Fierz transformation, an effective space-like t channel exchange of color singlet (q anti-q) states that can be identified with the low lying meson multiplets. Thus, a one boson exchange (OBE) model is obtained that allows for comparison with traditional phenomenological models of nuclear scattering. Inclusion of strange quarks enables calculation of YN scattering. The NN and YN coupling constants and the nucleon form factors show good agreement with experimental values as do the deuteron low energy data and the NN low energy phase shifts. Thus, the QIM provides a simple model of strong interactions that is chirally invariant, includes confinement and allows for an OBE form of hadronic interaction at low energies and momentum transfers

  14. Plutarque contre Colotès contre Empédocle Plutarch against Colotes against Empedocles Plutarco contro Colote contro Empedocle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain Gigandet


    Full Text Available In the section of Against Colotes dedicated to the polemic that the Epicurean, in his writing, developed against Empedocles, Plutarch uses what he considers a bad procedure to traverse the area of dialectic and to arrive at that of the principles of Atomist physics, whose incoherence he feigns to demonstrate.Dans la partie du Contre Colotès consacrée à la polémique que l’épicurien, dans son écrit, développait contre Empédocle, Plutarque utilise ce qu’il considère comme un mauvais procès pour passer du terrain dialectique à celui des principes de la physique atomiste, dont il prétend montrer l’incohérence.Dans la partie du Contre Colotès consacrée à la polémique que l’épicurien, dans son écrit, développait contre Empédocle, Plutarque utilise ce qu’il considère comme un mauvais procès pour passer du terrain dialectique à celui des principes de la physique atomiste, dont il prétend montrer l’incohérence.

  15. Standardissimo. Les limitations théoriques du Modèle Standard. Quelles réponses y apporter? (United States)

    Renard, F. M.

    Nous présentons I 'état du Modèle Standard des interactions fortes, faibles et électromagnétiques. Après une description rapide de ses 3 secteurs, secteur de jauge (radiation), secteur fermionique (matière) et secteur scalaire (génération des masses), nous insistons sur le grand nombre de paramètres libres et sur les choix arbitraires qu'il a fallu faire dans l'élaboration du modèle. Nous faisons ressortir les problèmes techniques non résolus et nous dressons la liste des questions fondamentales restées sans réponses. Nous passons ensuite en revue les idées et méthodes proposées pour répondre à ces questions. Elles utilisent essentiellement 3 voies différentes. La première consiste à requérir plus de symétrie (extension du modèle, symétrie Gauche-Droite, Grandes Unifications, Supersymétrie,...). La seconde contient les diverses alternatives au Modèle Standard impliquant des modifications dans certains secteurs (par exemple le secteur scalaire avec le modèle de la Technicouleur) ou de façon plus violente l'hypothèse d'une sous-structure des leptons, des quarks et des bosons W et Z eux-mêmes. Une dernière voie cherche à justifier les particularités du Modèle Standard et relier ses paramètres libres en se basant sur des principes de cohérence interne du modèle. Les conséquences observables de ces diverses approches sont dans chaque cas mentionnées.

  16. Le ministre du Commerce international du Canada rencontre des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 juil. 2017 ... La promotion de l'entrepreneuriat, la façon dont le commerce peut profiter aux femmes et à leur famille, et la création d'emplois pour les plus vulnérables étaient au coeur de la discussion en table ronde du ministre du Commerce international du Canada, l'honorable François-Philippe Champagne, et des ...

  17. Single top quark production with CMS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Piccolo Davide


    Full Text Available Measurements of single top quark production performed using the CMS experiment [1] data collected in 2011 at centre-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and in 2012 at 8 TeV, are presented. The cross sections for the electroweak production of single top quarks in the t-channel and in association with W-bosons is measured and the results are used to place constraints on the CKM matrix element Vtb. Measurements of top quark properties in single top quark production are also presented. The results include the measurement of the charge ratio in the single top t-channel.

  18. Hadron production at RHIC: recombination of quarks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fries, Rainer J [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (United States)


    We discuss quark recombination applied to the hadronization of a quark gluon plasma. It has been shown that the quark recombination model can explain essential features of hadron production measured in high energy heavy ion collisions.

  19. Detecting heavy quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benenson, G.; Chau, L.L.; Ludlam, T.; Paige, F.E.; Platner, E.D.; Protopopescu, S.D.; Rehak, P.


    In this exercise we examine the performance of a detector specifically configured to tag heavy quark (HQ) jets through direct observations of D-meson decays with a high resolution vertex detector. To optimize the performance of such a detector, we assume the small diamond beam crossing configuration as described in the 1978 ISABELLE proposal, giving a luminosity of 10 32 cm -2 sec -1 . Because of the very large backgrounds from light quark (LQ) jets, most triggering schemes at this luminosity require high P/sub perpendicular to/ leptons and inevitably give missing neutrinos. If alternative triggering schemes could be found, then one can hope to find and calculate the mass of objects decaying to heavy quarks. A scheme using the high resolution detector will also be discussed in detail. The study was carried out with events generated by the ISAJET Monte Carlo and a computer simulation of the described detector system

  20. Quark degrees of freedom in compact stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marranghello, G.F.; Vasconcellos, C.A.Z. [Rio Grande do Sul Univ., Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica. Dept. de Fisica; Hadjimichef, D. [Pelotas Univ., RS (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica e Matematica. Dept. de Fisica


    Nuclear matter may show a phase transition at high densities, where quarks and gluons are set free, forming a so called quark-gluon plasma. At the same range of densities, neutron stars are formed. In this work we have grouped both ideas in the study of the quark-gluon plasma formation inside compact stars, here treated as pure neutron star, hybrid star and pure quark matter star. (author)

  1. Quark degrees of freedom in compact stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marranghello, G.F.; Vasconcellos, C.A.Z.; Hadjimichef, D.


    Nuclear matter may show a phase transition at high densities, where quarks and gluons are set free, forming a so called quark-gluon plasma. At the same range of densities, neutron stars are formed. In this work we have grouped both ideas in the study of the quark-gluon plasma formation inside compact stars, here treated as pure neutron star, hybrid star and pure quark matter star. (author)

  2. An alternative approach to heavy quark bags

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baacke, J.; Kasperidus, G.


    We discuss a formulation of quark bags where the quark wave function depends only on the relative coordinate and the bag boundary is fixed with respect to the center of mass of the quark system. For technical reasons we have to restrict ourselves to a heavy quark-antiquark system in an s-wave with spherical boundary. A phenomenological application to quarkonium states encourages further investigation of the approach. (orig.)

  3. Heavy quarks - experimental

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hollebeek, R.


    The purpose of these lectures, given at the 1989 SLAC Summer School, was to discuss the experimental aspects of heavy quark production. A companion set of lectures on the theoretical point of view were to be given by Keith Ellis. An experimentalist should gather together the measurements which have been made by various groups, compare, contrast and tabulate them, and if possible point out the ways in which these measurements confirm or contradict current theories. Here the authors has tried to do this, although the reader who expects to find here the latest of all experimental measurements should probably be forewarned that the field is moving extremely rapidly. In some cases, he has added and updated materials where crucial new information became available after or during the summer of 1989, but not in all cases. He has concentrated on trying to select those measurements which are at the moment most crucial in refining our understanding of heavy quarks as opposed to those which merely measure things which are perhaps too complicated to be enlightening at the moment. While theorists worry primarily about production mechanisms, cross sections, QCD corrections, and to some extent about signatures, the experimentalist must determine which measurements he is interested in making, and which signatures for heavy quark production are realistic and likely to produce results which will shed some new light on the underlying production model without undo theoretical complications. Experimentalists also need to evaluate the available experimental equipment, both machines and detectors to find the best way to investigate the properties of heavy quarks. In many cases, the things which we would like to measure are severely restricted by what we can measure. Nevertheless, many properties of heavy quark production and decay can be measured, and the results have already taught us much about the weak interactions and QCD

  4. Heavy quarks at hadron colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paige, F.E.


    This paper discusses a conference at which the standard model requiring the existence of a top quark + to form a weak isospin doublet with the b quark is explored. Collaboration suggestions are offered. Results are explored

  5. Exploration de l’impact du « nouveau » ParticipACTION : aperçu et présentation du numéro spécial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guy Faulkner


    Full Text Available ParticipACTION est un organisme de communications et de marketing social voué à la promotion de l’activité physique au Canada, qui a été fondé à l’automne 1971, a cessé ses activités en 2001 et a été relancé en 2007. Conçues comme une expérience naturelle en santé publique, les données probantes ont été tirées à la fois d’une enquête fondée sur la population et portant sur les connaissances, la sensibilisation, la compréhension de l’activité physique et les niveaux d’activité physique des Canadiens (à l’échelle de l’individu et de sondages et d’entrevues auprès d’informateurs clés visant à examiner le pouvoir d’action, l’état de préparation et le soutien des organisations en matière de promotion de l’activité physique (à l’échelle de l’organisation. Cet article vise en premier lieu à donner un aperçu de certaines des principales initiatives entreprises par la « nouvelle version » de ParticipACTION susceptibles d’avoir contribué à des changements sur le plan individuel ou organisationnel. En second lieu, il prépare le terrain pour les trois études empiriques de cette série d’articles consacrée aux résultats de suivi.

  6. How many quarks are there

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harari, H


    The experimental information which was accumulated in the last 18 months in e/sup +/e/sup -/ collisions and scattering indicates that more than four kinds of quarks are already present. Six different pieces of evidence for the existence of six quarks: the triangle anomalies, the value of R, psi-spectroscopy, neutrino processes, CP-violation and the possible existence of V+A currents are discussed. It is concluded that there is strong (but not yet conclusive) evidence for the existence of six quarks and six leptons.

  7. How many quarks are there

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harari, Haim

    The experimental information which was accumulated in the last 18 months in e + e - collisions and neutrino+N scattering indicates that more than four kinds of quarks are already present. Six different pieces of evidence for the existence of six quarks are discussed: the triangle anomalies, the value of R, psi-spectroscopy, neutrino processes, CP-violation and the possible existence of V+A currents. It is concluded that there is strong (but not yet conclusive) evidence for the existence of six quarks and six leptons

  8. Latest ATLAS measurements on top quark properties

    CERN Document Server

    Derue, Frederic; The ATLAS collaboration


    The top quark is unique among the known quarks in that it decays before it has an opportunity to form hadronic bound states. This makes measurements of its properties particularly interesting as one can access directly the properties of a bare quark. The latest measurements of these properties with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented using 8 TeV and 13 TeV data, excluding results from single top production. Measurements of top quark spin observables in top-antitop events, each sensitive to a different coefficient of the spin density matrix, are presented and compared to the Standard Model predictions. The helicity of the W boson from the top decays and the production angles of the top quark are further discussed. New results on the measurment of color flow effects in $t{\\bar t}$ events are presented. Limits on the rate of flavour changing neutral currents in the production or decay of the top quark are reported. The cross-section measurement of photons produced in association with top-quark pairs is a...

  9. Bulk viscosity in 2SC quark matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alford, Mark G; Schmitt, Andreas


    The bulk viscosity of three-flavour colour-superconducting quark matter originating from the nonleptonic process u + s ↔ u + d is computed. It is assumed that up and down quarks form Cooper pairs while the strange quark remains unpaired (2SC phase). A general derivation of the rate of strangeness production is presented, involving contributions from a multitude of different subprocesses, including subprocesses that involve different numbers of gapped quarks as well as creation and annihilation of particles in the condensate. The rate is then used to compute the bulk viscosity as a function of the temperature, for an external oscillation frequency typical of a compact star r-mode. We find that, for temperatures far below the critical temperature T c for 2SC pairing, the bulk viscosity of colour-superconducting quark matter is suppressed relative to that of unpaired quark matter, but for T ∼> T c /30 the colour-superconducting quark matter has a higher bulk viscosity. This is potentially relevant for the suppression of r-mode instabilities early in the life of a compact star

  10. Exercise Motivation and Social Physique Anxiety In Adolescents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro Sicilia


    Full Text Available Based on self-determination theory (SDT, the goal of this study was to analyze the relation between satisfaction of basic psychological needs, types of motivation to exercise, and social physique anxiety (SPA. Participants in the study were 398 secondary education students, aged between 12 and 19 years, who completed questionnaires that measured the variables of interest. The results of multiple mediation analysis revealed that satisfaction of the need for competence negatively predicted SPA, both directly and indirectly through the mediation of integrated, identified, and external regulations. Introjected regulation also positively predicted SPA. Gender and body mass index (BMI affected the relationships analyzed and were also shown to predict SPA. The results of this study further our understanding of the motivational process that explains SPA in adolescents within an exercise context, showing the positive influence of perceived competence and types of self-determined motivation to reduce SPA.

  11. Top quark physics in ATLAS (CORFU 2014)

    CERN Document Server

    Moreno Llácer, M; The ATLAS collaboration


    The top quark is the heaviest elementary particle observed to date. Being heavier than a W boson, it is the only quark that decays weakly, i.e. into a real W boson and a b quark, before hadronization can occur. In addition, it is the only quark whose Yukawa coupling to the Higgs boson is order of unity. For these reasons the top quark plays a special role in the Standard Model of Particle Physics and in many of its extensions. An accurate knowledge of its properties (mass, couplings, production cross section, decay branching ratios, etc.) can bring key information on fundamental interactions at the electroweak breaking scale and beyond. In this talk the latest measurements of the characteristics of the top quark carried out in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider are presented.

  12. Quark fragmentation in e+e- collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oddone, P.


    This brief review of new results in quark and gluon fragmentation observed in e + e - collisions concentrates mostly on PEP results and, within PEP, mostly on TPC results. The new PETRA results have been reported at this conference by M. Davier. It is restricted to results on light quark fragmentation since the results on heavy quark fragmentation have been reported by J. Chapman

  13. Systematics of quark mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frampton, P.H.; Jarlskog, C.


    It is shown that the quark mass matrices in the Standard Electroweak Model satisfy the empirical relation M = M 1 + Ψ(Λ 2 ), where M(M sp (')) refers to the mass matrix of the charge 2/3(-1/3) quarks normalized to the largest eigenvalue, m sub (t)(m sub (b)), and Λ = V sub (us) = 0.22

  14. About the damping of quark-hadron form factors in relative quark momentum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewin, K.; Kallies, W.


    A problem of sufficient damping of hadron bound states at nonasymptotic relative quark momenta is discussed. This phenomenon is considered in the connection with the power scaling beginning at momentum transfer | t | >= 2-3 GeV 2 . Damping of hadron bound states is obtained on the basis of a behaviour of four-quark Green's functions in the momentum transfer which is required by diffraction scattering

  15. The Quark's Model and Confinement (United States)

    Novozhilov, Yuri V.


    Quarks are elementary particles considered to be components of the proton, the neutron, and others. This article presents the quark model as a mathematical concept. Also discussed are gluons and bag models. A bibliography is included. (MA)

  16. Chemical Evolution of Strongly Interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan, Ying-Hua; Zhang, Wei-Ning


    At very initial stage of relativistic heavy ion collisions a wave of quark-gluon matter is produced from the break-up of the strong color electric field and then thermalizes at a short time scale (~1 fm/c). However, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) system is far out of chemical equilibrium, especially for the heavy quarks which are supposed to reach chemical equilibrium much late. In this paper a continuing quark production picture for strongly interacting QGP system is derived, using the quark number susceptibilities and the equation of state; both of them are from the results calculated by the Wuppertal-Budapest lattice QCD collaboration. We find that the densities of light quarks increase by 75% from the temperature T=400 MeV to T=150 MeV, while the density of strange quark annihilates by 18% in the temperature region. We also offer a discussion on how this late production of quarks affects the final charge-charge correlations

  17. Quark-diquark approximation of the three-quark structure of a nucleon and the NN phase shifts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efimov, G.V.; Ivanov, M.A.


    The quark-diquark approximations of the three-quark structure of a nucleon are considered in the framework of the quark confinement model (QCM) based on definite concepts of the hadronization and quark confinement. The static nucleon characteristics (magnetic moments, ratio G A /G V and strong meson-nucleon coupling constants) are calculated. The behaviour of the electromagnetic and strong nucleon form factors is obtained at the low energy (0≤0 2 =-q 2 2 , where q is a transfer momentum). The one-boson exchange potential is constructed and the NN-phase-shifts are computed. Our results are compared with experiment and the Bonn potential model. 45 refs.; 7 figs.; 3 tabs

  18. Comparaison du filtre adaptatif RIF et du filtre a base de reseau de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Comparaison du filtre adaptatif RIF et du filtre a base de reseau de neurones pour le filtrage du courant de reference pour la commande du filtre actif parallele. C Benachaiba, A Bassou, B Mazari ...

  19. Review of recent top-quark LHC combinations

    CERN Document Server

    Cortiana, Giorgio


    A review of recent combinations of top-quark measurements performed at the LHC, by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, is provided. The typical uncertainty categorisations, and their assumed correlation patterns are presented, together with the results of the combinations of the top-quark pair and single top-quark production cross sections, the top-quark mass, as well as of the $W$ boson polarisation and the charge asymmetry in $t\\bar t$ events.

  20. Soft Gluon Radiation off Heavy Quarks beyond Eikonal Approximation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazumder, Surasree; Bhattacharyya, Trambak; Abir, Raktim


    We calculate the soft gluon radiation spectrum off heavy quarks (HQs) interacting with light quarks (LQs) beyond small angle scattering (eikonality) approximation and thus generalize the dead-cone formula of heavy quarks extensively used in the literatures of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) phenomenology to the large scattering angle regime which may be important in the energy loss of energetic heavy quarks in the deconfined Quark-Gluon Plasma medium. In the proper limits, we reproduce all the relevant existing formulae for the gluon radiation distribution off energetic quarks, heavy or light, used in the QGP phenomenology.

  1. Transverse spin of the quarks inside the baryon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Artru, X.; Mekhfi, M.


    We give a brief apercu of transverse polarisation of quarks at short distance. We first show on a simple model that the quark a priori remembers transverse polarisation of its parent hadron. Then we show how to measure the transversely polarized quark density at leading order in 1/Q 2 and α s . Using a t-channel approach, we are led to the following subprocesses: qantiq annihilation, qq scattering of identical quarks (with polarized beam and target) and lepton-quark scattering (with polarized target and analysis of the final quark polarisation by its fragmentation into a Λ). We list some feasible experiments. The transversely polarized quark distibution Δ 1q (x, Q 2 ) evolves according to a Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi equation, with no coupling to the gluonic distributions; all its moments are decreasing

  2. Polarization in heavy quark decays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alimujiang, K.


    In this thesis I concentrate on the angular correlations in top quark decays and their order (NLO) QCD corrections. I also discuss the leading.order (LO) angular correlations in unpolarized and polarized hyperon decays. In the first part of the thesis I calculate the angular correlation between the top quark spin and the momentum of decay products in the rest frame decay of a polarized top quark into a charged Higgs boson and a bottom quark in Two-Higgs-Doublet-Models: t({up_arrow}) {yields} b + H{sup +}. I provide closed form formulae for the O({alpha}{sub s}) radiative corrections to the unpolarized and the polar correlation functions for m{sub b}{ne}0 and m{sub b}=0. In the second part I concentrate on the semileptonic rest frame decay of a polarized top quark into a bottom quark and a lepton pair: t({up_arrow}){yields}X{sub b}+l{sup +}+{nu}{sub l}. I present closed form expressions for the O({alpha}{sub s}) radiative corrections to the unpolarized part and the polar and azimuthal correlations for m{sub b}{ne}0 and m{sub b}=0. In the last part I turn to the angular distribution in semileptonic hyperon decays. Using the helicity method I derive complete formulas for the leading order joint angular decay distributions occurring in semileptonic hyperon decays including lepton mass and polarization effects. (orig.)

  3. 205 Le Role de la Litterature dans le Developpement de la Nation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ike Odimegwu

    du plaisir en même temps qu'il le moralise. Elle fait naître dans ses lecteurs ou dans son audience des .... développement de l'esprit>>(319)Par cette définition nous comprenons que le développement signale qu'il du progrès ... qu'elle est une œuvre de l'imagination qui aide l'homme à transcender le monde physique.

  4. 12 Conception et réalisation des capteurs hybrides photovoltaïque ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    hybrides photovoltaïque-thermiques à air intégrables en toitures des bâtiments. Pour ces .... de la position du moyen de stockage sur les performances du système. ... propriétés thermo-physiques des matériaux sont supposées constantes et .... L'évolution des températures de tous les éléments des capteurs atteignent le.

  5. Study of the asymptotic expansion of multiple integrals in mathematical physics; Etudes sur les developpements asymptotiques des integrales multiples de la physique mathematique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chako, N [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    , provided one interprets in a proper manner the results derived from the two methods, especially the expression of the geometrical wave. (author) [French] Nous avons applique la methode de la phase stationnaire pour evaluer les integrales doubles et multiples du type: (A) U(k) = g(x)e{sup ik{phi}}{sup (x)} d(x), (x)=(x{sub 1},..., x{sub n}) pour les grandes valeurs du parametre k. Dans la premiere partie nous avons etendu d'une maniere rigoureuse la methode de la phase stationnaire aux integrales doubles et multiples de type (A). De plus, nous avons obtenu un developpement asymptotique de (A), lorsque l'amplitude et la phase peuvent se developper sous forme canonique au voisinage de points critiques ou stationnaires de l'integrale (A). Ce developpement contient comme cas particuliers tous les cas importants dans les applications physiques et particulierement en diffraction et diffusion d'ondes electromagnetiques et corpusculaires par des systemes optiques, corps diffractants et potentiels de diffusions. Dans la seconde partie nous avons considere le probleme de la convergence du developpement de la contribution principale a l'integrale, au sens asymptotique de Poincare. La preuve est basee sur la methode des majorantes, utilisee en analyse mathematique. La troisieme partie contient la derivation des series asymptotiques diverses, due aux types varies de points critiques ou stationnaires lies aux fonctions d'amplitude et de phase. Dans la quatrieme partie nous avons generalise la methode aux integrales multiples et au cas ou le parametre k entre implicitement dans la fonction de phase. Ce dernier type d'integrales permet l'extension du premier type a de nombreux problemes physiques, par exemple a la propagation d'ondes en milieux dispersifs et absorbants. Au dernier chapitre, nous faisons l'etude des integrales doubles de diffractions (theorie de Kirchhoff) et nous comparons les resultats par l'application de la methode de la phase stationnaire et de la methode Young

  6. Etat Du Magnesium Dans Quelques Sols Sales Du Sud Et Du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    étude a été réalisée sur 86 échantillons de sols provenant du Centre et du Sud de l´Irak. L\\'expérimentation a consisté, d´une part, à calculer les différents sels dominants dans les sols salés par la méthode de combinaison hypothétique et, ...

  7. Top quark properties at ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Dilip, Jana


    The ATLAS potential for the study of the top quark properties and physics beyond the Standard Model in the top quark sector, is described. The measurements of the top quark charge, the spin and spin correlations, the Standard Model decay (t-> bW), rare top quark decays associated to flavour changing neutral currents (t-> qX with X = gluon, Z, photon) and ttbar resonances are discussed. The sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment is estimated for an expected luminosity of 1fb-1 at the LHC. The full simulation of the ATLAS detector is used. For the Standard Model measurements the expected precision is presented. For the tests of physics beyond the Standard Model, the 5 sigma discovery potential (in the presence of a signal) and the 95% Confidence Level (CL) limit (in the absence of a signal) are given.

  8. Quark effects in nuclear physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scholten, O.


    The magnitude of the quark effect for low-energy nuclear physics is investigated. Coulomb energy is studied in the A=3 system in order to determine the effect of the composite structure of the nucleon. In the actual calculations a non-relativistic quark-cluster model description has been used. A nucleon size b=0.617 fm, the width of the relative wave function Φ of the quarks in the nucleon, has been assumed. It is concluded that the contribution to Coulomb energies due to quark effects are significant compared to the observed Nolen-Schiffer anomaly. However these do not provide the long searched for 'smoking gun'. When the free parameters that appear in the calculation are adjusted to reproduce the same charge form factor, the calculated anomalies are not significantly different. 2 figs., 2 tabs., 8 refs.2

  9. Colour screening and quark confinement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mack, G.


    It is proposed that in quantum chromodynamics the colour charge of gluons and of anything with zero triality is screened by a dynamic Higgs mechanism with Higgs scalars made out of gluons, but the center Z 3 of the gauge group SU(3) is left unbroken, and single quarks, which have nonzero triality, are not screened. Long range forces between them persist therefore. Given that the Higgs mechanism produces a mass gap, the most favourable configuration of field lines between e.g., quark and antiquark will be in strings analogous to magnetic field lines in a superconductor. The string confine the quarks. The screening mechanism, on the other hand, produces not only the mass gap (which leads to string formation) but is also responsible for saturation of forces, i.e. absence of bound states of six quarks, etc. (Auth.)

  10. Colour screening and quark confinement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mack, G.


    It is proposed that in Quantum Chromodynamics the colour charge of gluons and of anything with zero triality is screened by a dynamical Higgs mechanism with Higgs scalars made out of gluons. The center Z 3 of the gauge group SU(3) is left unbroken in this way, and single quarks, which have nonzero triality, cannot be screened. Long range forces between them persist therefore. Given that the Higgs mechanism produces a mass gap, the most favorable configuration of field lines between e.g. quark and antiquark will be in strings analogous to magnetic field lines in a superconductor. The strings confine the quarks. The screening mechanism, on the other hand, produces not only the mass gap (which leads to string formation) but is also responsible for saturation of forces, i.e. absence of bound states of six quarks etc. (orig.) [de

  11. Nouvelles approches en theorie du champ moyen dynamique: le cas du pouvoir thermoelectrique et celui de l'effet orbital d'un champ magnetique (United States)

    Arsenault, Louis-Francois

    , cette approche donne une bonne representation de S lorsque le systeme devient coherent. Les calculs montrent aussi que la formule Kelvin est precise lorsque la fonction spectrale des electrons devient incoherente, soit a plus haute temperature. Dans la limite Kelvin, S est essentiellement l'entropie par particule, tel que propose il y a longtemps. Nos resultats demontrent ainsi que la vision purement entropique de S est la bonne dans le regime incoherent, alors que dans le regime coherent, l'approche a frequence infinie est meilleure. Nous avons utilise une methode a la fine pointe, soit le Monte-Carlo quantique en temps continu pour resoudre la DMFT. Pour permettre une exploration rapide du diagramme de phase, nous avons du developper une nouvelle version de la methode des perturbations iterees pour qu'elle soit applicable aussi a forte interaction au-dela de la valeur critique de la transition de Mott. Un autre sujet a aussi ete aborde. L'effet orbital du champ magnetique dans les systemes electroniques fortement correles est une question tres importante et peu developpee. Cela est d'autant plus essentiel depuis la decouverte des oscillations quantiques dans les supraconducteurs a haute temperature (haut- Tc). Par desir de developper une methode la moins biaisee possible, nous avons derive la DMFT lorsqu'un champ se couplant a l'operateur energie cinetique par la substitution de Peierls est present. Ce type d'approche est necessaire pour comprendre entre autres l'effet de la physique de Mott sur des phenomenes tels que les oscillations quantiques. Nous avons obtenu un resultat tres important en demontrant rigoureusement que la relation d'auto-coherence de la DMFT et le systeme intermediaire d'impurete quantique restent les memes. L'effet du champ peut etre contenu dans la fonction de Green locale, ce qui constitue la grande difference avec le cas habituel. Ceci permet de continuer a utiliser les solutionneurs d'impuretes standards, qui sont de plus en plus puissants

  12. Gapless Color-Flavor-Locked Quark Matter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alford, Mark; Kouvaris, Christoforos; Rajagopal, Krishna


    In neutral cold quark matter that is sufficiently dense that the strange quark mass M_s is unimportant, all nine quarks (three colors; three flavors) pair in a color-flavor locked (CFL) pattern, and all fermionic quasiparticles have a gap. We argue that as a function of decreasing quark chemical...... potential mu or increasing M_s, there is a quantum phase transition from the CFL phase to a new ``gapless CFL phase'' in which only seven quasiparticles have a gap. The transition occurs where M_s^2/mu is approximately equal to 2*Delta, with Delta the gap parameter. Gapless CFL, like CFL, leaves unbroken...... a linear combination Qtilde of electric and color charges, but it is a Qtilde-conductor with a nonzero electron density. These electrons and the gapless quark quasiparticles make the low energy effective theory of the gapless CFL phase and, consequently, its astrophysical properties are qualitatively...

  13. Quark Matter May Not Be Strange. (United States)

    Holdom, Bob; Ren, Jing; Zhang, Chen


    If quark matter is energetically favored over nuclear matter at zero temperature and pressure, then it has long been expected to take the form of strange quark matter (SQM), with comparable amounts of u, d, and s quarks. The possibility of quark matter with only u and d quarks (udQM) is usually dismissed because of the observed stability of ordinary nuclei. However, we find that udQM generally has lower bulk energy per baryon than normal nuclei and SQM. This emerges in a phenomenological model that describes the spectra of the lightest pseudoscalar and scalar meson nonets. Taking into account the finite size effects, udQM can be the ground state of baryonic matter only for baryon number A>A_{min} with A_{min}≳300. This ensures the stability of ordinary nuclei and points to a new form of stable matter just beyond the periodic table.

  14. Holographic lessons for quark dynamics (United States)

    Chernicoff, Mariano; García, J. Antonio; Güijosa, Alberto; Pedraza, Juan F.


    We give a brief overview of recent results obtained through the gauge/gravity correspondence, concerning the propagation of a heavy quark in strongly coupled conformal field theories (such as {N}=4 super-Yang-Mills), both at zero and finite temperature. In the vacuum, we discuss energy loss, radiation damping, signal propagation and radiation-induced fluctuations. In the presence of a thermal plasma, our emphasis is on early-time energy loss, screening and quark-antiquark evolution after pair creation. Throughout, quark dynamics is seen to be efficiently encapsulated in the usual string worldsheet dynamics.

  15. Quarks as quasiparticles of bound states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tyapkin, A.A.


    Interpretation of quarks as strongly bound subsystems of the baryon structure, being in various states with integer the quantum numbers Q and B, is considered. Three original quark states, distinguished by Q, B, and J, are unambiguously determined from the condition that the quarks have the corresponding fractional quantum numbers while the integer quantum numbers for the whole system are known. With this in view the new quantum number ''colour'' is interpreted as a quantity, specifying the appearance of the subsystems in various eigen-states. Basing on the generalized Sakata model, the self-consistency of change of the colour states in the three-quark system is explained

  16. Inverted radiative hierarchy of quark masses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berezhiani, Z.G.; Rattazzi, R.


    Inverted radiative hierarchy of quark masses is investigated. The authors suggest that the mass hierarchy is first generated in a sector of heavy isosinglet fermions due to radiative effects and then projected in the inverted way to the usual quarks by means of a universal seesaw. The simple left-right symmetric gauge model is presented with the P- and CP-parities and the exact isotopical symmetry which are softly (or spontaneously) broken in the Higgs potential. This approach naturally explains the observed pattern of quark masses and mixing, providing the quantitatively correct formula for the Cabibbo angle. Top quark is predicted to be in the 90-150 GeV range

  17. The Quark Puzzle: A Novel Approach to Visualizing the Color Symmetries of Quarks (United States)

    Gettrust, Eric


    This paper describes a simple hands-on and visual-method designed to introduce physics students of many age groups to the topic of quarks and their role in forming composite particles (baryons and mesons). A set of puzzle pieces representing individual quarks that fit together in ways consistent with known restrictions of flavor, color, and charge…

  18. Quark gluon plasma

    CERN Document Server

    Nayak, Tapan; Sarkar, Sourav


    At extremely high temperatures and densities, protons and neutrons may dissolve into a "soup" of quarks and gluons, called the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). For a few microseconds, shortly after the Big Bang, the Universe was filled with the QGP matter. The search and study of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is one of the most fundamental research topics of our times. The QGP matter has been probed by colliding heavy ions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York and the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva. By colliding heavy-ions at a speed close to that of light, scientists aim to obtain - albeit over a tiny volume of the size of a nucleus and for an infinitesimally short instant - a QGP state. This QGP state can be observed by dedicated experiments, as it reverts to hadronic matter through expansion and cooling. This volume presents some of the current theoretical and experimental understandings in the field of QGP.

  19. Top Quark Mass

    CERN Document Server

    Mulders, Martijn


    Ever since the discovery of the top quark at the Tevatron collider in 1995 the measurement of its mass has been a high priority. As one of the fundamental parameters of the Standard Theory of particle physics, the precise value of the top quark mass together with other inputs provides a test for the self-consistency of the theory, and has consequences for the stability of the Higgs field that permeates the Universe. In this review I will briefly summarize the experimental techniques used at the Tevatron and the LHC experiments throughout the years to measure the top quark mass with ever improving accuracy, and highlight the recent progress in combining all measurements in a single world average combination. As experimental measurements became more precise, the question of their theoretical interpretation has become important. The difficulty of relating the measured quantity to the fundamental top mass parameter has inspired alternative measurement methods that extract the top mass in complementary ways. I wil...

  20. Toponium Tests Of Top-Quark Higgs Bags


    Macpherson, Alick L.; Campbell, Bruce A.


    Recently it has been suggested that top quarks, or very massive fourth generation quarks, might surround themselves with a Higgs "bag" of deformation of the Higgs expectation value from its vacuum magnitude. In this paper we address the question of whether such nonlinear Higgs-top interaction effects are subject to experimental test. We first note that if top quarks were necessarily accompanied by Higgs "bags", then top quark weak decay would involve the sudden disruption of the Higgs "bag", ...

  1. Heavy quarks and their experimental consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Appelquist, T.


    Recent theoretical work on heavy quark dynamics is reviewed. In the context of a color gauge theory of strong interactions, the structure of heavy quark-antiquark bound states and their decay properties is discussed. The emphasis is on the dynamical differences between heavy and light quark bound states. It is suggested that the former will more directly reflect the structure of the underlying field theory

  2. Top Quark Production at Hadron Colliders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Phaf, Lukas Kaj [Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    This thesis describes both theoretical and experimental research into top quark production. The theoretical part contains a calculation of the single-top quark production cross section at hadron colliders, at Next to Leading Order (NLO) accuracy. The experimental part describes a measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in proton-antiproton collisions, at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV.

  3. Bottom-hadron production through top quark decay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moosavi Nejad, Seyed Mohammad


    In this thesis we apply perturbative QCD to make precise predictions for some observables in high-energy processes involving bottom-quark. Our first application is a prediction for the energy spectrum of b-flavored hadrons in top quark decay. For that purpose we calculate at NLO the OCD corrections for bottom fragmentation in top decay. The b-quark in the top quark decay is considered once as a massless and once as a massive particle in our calculations. The difference between the differential width calculated in both cases can give us the perturbative fragmentation function of the b-quark. After that using the obtained differential widths and applying ZM-VFNS and GM-VFNS, we make some predictions for the spectrum of B-hadrons produced in top quark decay. The comparison of both approaches shows that the mass effect of the b-quark in the top quark decay is negligible. We also investigate the mass effect of B-hadron in the energy distribution obtained in the previous calculations and we show that this increases the value of the differential width when the energy taken away by the produced parton in top decay is small. Our second application is to obtain the helicity contributions of the W{sup +}-boson in the energy distribution of b-flavored hadrons in top quark decay. For this reason we study the angular decay distribution for the cascade decay of the top-quark (t{yields} b+W{sup +}({yields}e{sup +}+{nu}{sub e})). Using ZM-VFNS we make predictions for the NLO contributions of the longitudinal, the transverse-minus and the transverse-plus helicity of the W{sup +}-boson in the energy distribution of B-hadron. (orig.)

  4. La mesure de pluie par radar : du calibrage par des pluviomètres vers l'interprétation physique des images




    Cet article retrace l'évolution des méthodes de traitement des images radar pour la mesure des précipitations. Les études ont tout donné la priorité au calibrage des images radar par des données pluviométriques de façon à bénéficier des avantages supposés de chaque capteur : représentativité ponctuelle du pluviomètre, continuité spatiale de l'image radar. Bien que positifs, les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence la nécessité d'une détection et d'une correction des principales sources d'err...

  5. Measurement of the top quark mass using single top quark events in proton-proton collisions at √(s) = 8 TeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sirunyan, A.M.; Tumasyan, A. [Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan (Armenia); Adam, W. [Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik, Vienna (Austria); Collaboration: CMS Collaboration; and others


    A measurement of the top quark mass is reported in events containing a single top quark produced via the electroweak t channel. The analysis is performed using data from proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb{sup -1}. Top quark candidates are reconstructed from their decay to a W boson decaying leptonically to a muon and a neutrino. The final state signature and kinematic properties of single top quark events in the t channel are used to enhance the purity of the sample, suppressing the contribution from top quark pair production. A fit to the invariant mass distribution of reconstructed top quark candidates yields a value of the top quark mass of 172.95 ± 0.77(stat){sup +0.97}{sub -0.93}(syst) GeV. This result is in agreement with the current world average, and represents the first measurement of the top quark mass in event topologies not dominated by top quark pair production, therefore contributing to future averages with partially uncorrelated systematic uncertainties and a largely uncorrelated statistical uncertainty. (orig.)

  6. The Wilson coefficient functions of the four-quark operators and the four-quark process in deep inelastic scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luttrell, S.P.; Wada, S.; Webber, B.R.


    We calculate the leading order Wilson coefficient functions of the four-quark operators in the current product expansion. The process dependence of the contributions of the four-quark operators is given, and it is argued that they are likely to be negative. It is also argued that the spin (n) dependence of the ratio of the four-quark term to the twist-two terms is linear in n (or at most proportional n log n), though the number of independent four-quark operators grows like n 2 . (orig.)

  7. Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying to a b quark and a Higgs boson

    CERN Document Server

    Rauco, Giorgia


    A search is presented for single production of heavy vector-like quarks (B) that decay to a Higgs boson and a b quark, with the Higgs boson decaying to a highly boosted bb pair reconstructed as a single collimated jet. The analysis is based on data collected by the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$. The data is consistent with background expectations, and upper limits are set at 95\\% confidence level on the product of the B quark cross section and the branching fraction are obtained in the range 1.28--0.07 pb, for a narrow B quark with masses between 700 and 1800 GeV. The production of B quarks with widths of 10, 20 and 30\\% of the resonance mass has also been considered for the first time, and the sensitivities obtained are similar to those obtained in the narrow width case. This is the first search for the single production of a B quark through its fully hadronic decay channel at the CERN LHC and the first study considering fini...

  8. Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying to a b quark and a Higgs boson

    CERN Document Server

    Sirunyan, Albert M; CMS Collaboration; Adam, Wolfgang; Ambrogi, Federico; Asilar, Ece; Bergauer, Thomas; Brandstetter, Johannes; Brondolin, Erica; Dragicevic, Marko; Erö, Janos; Escalante Del Valle, Alberto; Flechl, Martin; Friedl, Markus; Fruehwirth, Rudolf; Ghete, Vasile Mihai; Grossmann, Johannes; Hrubec, Josef; Jeitler, Manfred; König, Axel; Krammer, Natascha; Krätschmer, Ilse; Liko, Dietrich; Madlener, Thomas; Mikulec, Ivan; Pree, Elias; Rad, Navid; Rohringer, Herbert; Schieck, Jochen; Schöfbeck, Robert; Spanring, Markus; Spitzbart, Daniel; Taurok, Anton; Waltenberger, Wolfgang; Wittmann, Johannes; Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth; Zarucki, Mateusz; Chekhovsky, Vladimir; Mossolov, Vladimir; Suarez Gonzalez, Juan; De Wolf, Eddi A; Di Croce, Davide; Janssen, Xavier; Lauwers, Jasper; Van De Klundert, Merijn; Van Haevermaet, Hans; Van Mechelen, Pierre; Van Remortel, Nick; Abu Zeid, Shimaa; Blekman, Freya; D'Hondt, Jorgen; De Bruyn, Isabelle; De Clercq, Jarne; Deroover, Kevin; Flouris, Giannis; Lontkovskyi, Denys; Lowette, Steven; Marchesini, Ivan; Moortgat, Seth; Moreels, Lieselotte; Python, Quentin; Skovpen, Kirill; Tavernier, Stefaan; Van Doninck, Walter; Van Mulders, Petra; Van Parijs, Isis; Beghin, Diego; Bilin, Bugra; Brun, Hugues; Clerbaux, Barbara; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Delannoy, Hugo; Dorney, Brian; Fasanella, Giuseppe; Favart, Laurent; Goldouzian, Reza; Grebenyuk, Anastasia; Kalsi, Amandeep Kaur; Lenzi, Thomas; Luetic, Jelena; Maerschalk, Thierry; Marinov, Andrey; Seva, Tomislav; Starling, Elizabeth; Vander Velde, Catherine; Vanlaer, Pascal; Vannerom, David; Yonamine, Ryo; Zenoni, Florian; Cornelis, Tom; Dobur, Didar; Fagot, Alexis; Gul, Muhammad; Khvastunov, Illia; Poyraz, Deniz; Roskas, Christos; Salva Diblen, Sinem; Trocino, Daniele; Tytgat, Michael; Verbeke, Willem; Vit, Martina; Zaganidis, Nicolas; Bakhshiansohi, Hamed; Bondu, Olivier; Brochet, Sébastien; Bruno, Giacomo; Caputo, Claudio; Caudron, Adrien; David, Pieter; De Visscher, Simon; Delaere, Christophe; Delcourt, Martin; Francois, Brieuc; Giammanco, Andrea; Komm, Matthias; Krintiras, Georgios; Lemaitre, Vincent; Magitteri, Alessio; Mertens, Alexandre; Musich, Marco; Piotrzkowski, Krzysztof; Quertenmont, Loic; Saggio, Alessia; Vidal Marono, Miguel; Wertz, Sébastien; Zobec, Joze; Aldá Júnior, Walter Luiz; Alves, Fábio Lúcio; Alves, Gilvan; Brito, Lucas; Correia Silva, Gilson; Hensel, Carsten; Moraes, Arthur; Pol, Maria Elena; Rebello Teles, Patricia; Belchior Batista Das Chagas, Ewerton; Carvalho, Wagner; Chinellato, Jose; Coelho, Eduardo; Melo Da Costa, Eliza; Da Silveira, Gustavo Gil; De Jesus Damiao, Dilson; Fonseca De Souza, Sandro; Huertas Guativa, Lina Milena; Malbouisson, Helena; Melo De Almeida, Miqueias; Mora Herrera, Clemencia; Mundim, Luiz; Nogima, Helio; Sanchez Rosas, Luis Junior; Santoro, Alberto; Sznajder, Andre; Thiel, Mauricio; Tonelli Manganote, Edmilson José; Torres Da Silva De Araujo, Felipe; Vilela Pereira, Antonio; Ahuja, Sudha; Bernardes, Cesar Augusto; Tomei, Thiago; De Moraes Gregores, Eduardo; Mercadante, Pedro G; Novaes, Sergio F; Padula, Sandra; Romero Abad, David; Ruiz Vargas, José Cupertino; Aleksandrov, Aleksandar; Hadjiiska, Roumyana; Iaydjiev, Plamen; Misheva, Milena; Rodozov, Mircho; Shopova, Mariana; Sultanov, Georgi; Dimitrov, Anton; Litov, Leander; Pavlov, Borislav; Petkov, Peicho; Fang, Wenxing; Gao, Xuyang; Yuan, Li; Ahmad, Muhammad; Bian, Jian-Guo; Chen, Guo-Ming; Chen, He-Sheng; Chen, Mingshui; Chen, Ye; Jiang, Chun-Hua; Leggat, Duncan; Liao, Hongbo; Liu, Zhenan; Romeo, Francesco; Shaheen, Sarmad Masood; Spiezia, Aniello; Tao, Junquan; Wang, Chunjie; Wang, Zheng; Yazgan, Efe; Zhang, Huaqiao; Zhao, Jingzhou; Ban, Yong; Chen, Geng; Li, Jing; Li, Qiang; Liu, Shuai; Mao, Yajun; Qian, Si-Jin; Wang, Dayong; Xu, Zijun; Zhang, Fengwangdong; Wang, Yi; Avila, Carlos; Cabrera, Andrés; Carrillo Montoya, Camilo Andres; Chaparro Sierra, Luisa Fernanda; Florez, Carlos; González Hernández, Carlos Felipe; Ruiz Alvarez, José David; Segura Delgado, Manuel Alejandro; Courbon, Benoit; Godinovic, Nikola; Lelas, Damir; Puljak, Ivica; Ribeiro Cipriano, Pedro M; Sculac, Toni; Antunovic, Zeljko; Kovac, Marko; Brigljevic, Vuko; Ferencek, Dinko; Kadija, Kreso; Mesic, Benjamin; Starodumov, Andrei; Susa, Tatjana; Ather, Mohsan Waseem; Attikis, Alexandros; Mavromanolakis, Georgios; Mousa, Jehad; Nicolaou, Charalambos; Ptochos, Fotios; Razis, Panos A; Rykaczewski, Hans; Finger, Miroslav; Finger Jr, Michael; Carrera Jarrin, Edgar; Abdalla, Hassan; Assran, Yasser; El-khateeb, Esraa; Bhowmik, Sandeep; Dewanjee, Ram Krishna; Kadastik, Mario; Perrini, Lucia; Raidal, Martti; Veelken, Christian; Eerola, Paula; Kirschenmann, Henning; Pekkanen, Juska; Voutilainen, Mikko; Havukainen, Joona; Heikkilä, Jaana Kristiina; Jarvinen, Terhi; Karimäki, Veikko; Kinnunen, Ritva; Lampén, Tapio; Lassila-Perini, Kati; Laurila, Santeri; Lehti, Sami; Lindén, Tomas; Luukka, Panja-Riina; Mäenpää, Teppo; Siikonen, Hannu; Tuominen, Eija; Tuominiemi, Jorma; Tuuva, Tuure; Besancon, Marc; Couderc, Fabrice; Dejardin, Marc; Denegri, Daniel; Faure, Jean-Louis; Ferri, Federico; Ganjour, Serguei; Ghosh, Saranya; Givernaud, Alain; Gras, Philippe; Hamel de Monchenault, Gautier; Jarry, Patrick; Leloup, Clément; Locci, Elizabeth; Machet, Martina; Malcles, Julie; Negro, Giulia; Rander, John; Rosowsky, André; Sahin, Mehmet Özgür; Titov, Maksym; Abdulsalam, Abdulla; Amendola, Chiara; Antropov, Iurii; Baffioni, Stephanie; Beaudette, Florian; Busson, Philippe; Cadamuro, Luca; Charlot, Claude; Granier de Cassagnac, Raphael; Jo, Mihee; Kucher, Inna; Lisniak, Stanislav; Lobanov, Artur; Martin Blanco, Javier; Nguyen, Matthew; Ochando, Christophe; Ortona, Giacomo; Paganini, Pascal; Pigard, Philipp; Salerno, Roberto; Sauvan, Jean-Baptiste; Sirois, Yves; Stahl Leiton, Andre Govinda; Strebler, Thomas; Yilmaz, Yetkin; Zabi, Alexandre; Zghiche, Amina; Agram, Jean-Laurent; Andrea, Jeremy; Bloch, Daniel; Brom, Jean-Marie; Buttignol, Michael; Chabert, Eric Christian; Collard, Caroline; Conte, Eric; Coubez, Xavier; Drouhin, Frédéric; Fontaine, Jean-Charles; Gelé, Denis; Goerlach, Ulrich; Jansová, Markéta; Juillot, Pierre; Le Bihan, Anne-Catherine; Tonon, Nicolas; Van Hove, Pierre; Gadrat, Sébastien; Beauceron, Stephanie; Bernet, Colin; Boudoul, Gaelle; Chanon, Nicolas; Chierici, Roberto; Contardo, Didier; Depasse, Pierre; El Mamouni, Houmani; Fay, Jean; Finco, Linda; Gascon, Susan; Gouzevitch, Maxime; Grenier, Gérald; Ille, Bernard; Lagarde, Francois; Laktineh, Imad Baptiste; Lethuillier, Morgan; Mirabito, Laurent; Pequegnot, Anne-Laure; Perries, Stephane; Popov, Andrey; Sordini, Viola; Vander Donckt, Muriel; Viret, Sébastien; Zhang, Sijing; Toriashvili, Tengizi; Tsamalaidze, Zviad; Autermann, Christian; Feld, Lutz; Kiesel, Maximilian Knut; Klein, Katja; Lipinski, Martin; Preuten, Marius; Schomakers, Christian; Schulz, Johannes; Teroerde, Marius; Wittmer, Bruno; Zhukov, Valery; Albert, Andreas; Duchardt, Deborah; Endres, Matthias; Erdmann, Martin; Erdweg, Sören; Esch, Thomas; Fischer, Robert; Güth, Andreas; Hebbeker, Thomas; Heidemann, Carsten; Hoepfner, Kerstin; Knutzen, Simon; Merschmeyer, Markus; Meyer, Arnd; Millet, Philipp; Mukherjee, Swagata; Pook, Tobias; Radziej, Markus; Reithler, Hans; Rieger, Marcel; Scheuch, Florian; Teyssier, Daniel; Thüer, Sebastian; Flügge, Günter; Kargoll, Bastian; Kress, Thomas; Künsken, Andreas; Müller, Thomas; Nehrkorn, Alexander; Nowack, Andreas; Pistone, Claudia; Pooth, Oliver; Stahl, Achim; Aldaya Martin, Maria; Arndt, Till; Asawatangtrakuldee, Chayanit; Beernaert, Kelly; Behnke, Olaf; Behrens, Ulf; Bermúdez Martínez, Armando; Bin Anuar, Afiq Aizuddin; Borras, Kerstin; Botta, Valeria; Campbell, Alan; Connor, Patrick; Contreras-Campana, Christian; Costanza, Francesco; Diez Pardos, Carmen; Eckerlin, Guenter; Eckstein, Doris; Eichhorn, Thomas; Eren, Engin; Gallo, Elisabetta; Garay Garcia, Jasone; Geiser, Achim; Grados Luyando, Juan Manuel; Grohsjean, Alexander; Gunnellini, Paolo; Guthoff, Moritz; Harb, Ali; Hauk, Johannes; Hempel, Maria; Jung, Hannes; Kasemann, Matthias; Keaveney, James; Kleinwort, Claus; Korol, Ievgen; Krücker, Dirk; Lange, Wolfgang; Lelek, Aleksandra; Lenz, Teresa; Lipka, Katerina; Lohmann, Wolfgang; Mankel, Rainer; Melzer-Pellmann, Isabell-Alissandra; Meyer, Andreas Bernhard; Missiroli, Marino; Mittag, Gregor; Mnich, Joachim; Mussgiller, Andreas; Ntomari, Eleni; Pitzl, Daniel; Raspereza, Alexei; Savitskyi, Mykola; Saxena, Pooja; Shevchenko, Rostyslav; Stefaniuk, Nazar; Van Onsem, Gerrit Patrick; Walsh, Roberval; Wen, Yiwen; Wichmann, Katarzyna; Wissing, Christoph; Zenaiev, Oleksandr; Aggleton, Robin; Bein, Samuel; Blobel, Volker; Centis Vignali, Matteo; Dreyer, Torben; Garutti, Erika; Gonzalez, Daniel; Haller, Johannes; Hinzmann, Andreas; Hoffmann, Malte; Karavdina, Anastasia; Klanner, Robert; Kogler, Roman; Kovalchuk, Nataliia; Kurz, Simon; Marconi, Daniele; Meyer, Mareike; Niedziela, Marek; Nowatschin, Dominik; Pantaleo, Felice; Peiffer, Thomas; Perieanu, Adrian; Scharf, Christian; Schleper, Peter; Schmidt, Alexander; Schumann, Svenja; Schwandt, Joern; Sonneveld, Jory; Stadie, Hartmut; Steinbrück, Georg; Stober, Fred-Markus Helmut; Stöver, Marc; Tholen, Heiner; Troendle, Daniel; Usai, Emanuele; Vanhoefer, Annika; Vormwald, Benedikt; Akbiyik, Melike; Barth, Christian; Baselga, Marta; Baur, Sebastian; Butz, Erik; Caspart, René; Chwalek, Thorsten; Colombo, Fabio; De Boer, Wim; Dierlamm, Alexander; Faltermann, Nils; Freund, Benedikt; Friese, Raphael; Giffels, Manuel; Harrendorf, Marco Alexander; Hartmann, Frank; Heindl, Stefan Michael; Husemann, Ulrich; Kassel, Florian; Kudella, Simon; Mildner, Hannes; Mozer, Matthias Ulrich; Müller, Thomas; Plagge, Michael; Quast, Gunter; Rabbertz, Klaus; Schröder, Matthias; Shvetsov, Ivan; Sieber, Georg; Simonis, Hans-Jürgen; Ulrich, Ralf; Wayand, Stefan; Weber, Marc; Weiler, Thomas; Williamson, Shawn; Wöhrmann, Clemens; Wolf, Roger; Anagnostou, Georgios; Daskalakis, Georgios; Geralis, Theodoros; Kyriakis, Aristotelis; Loukas, Demetrios; Topsis-Giotis, Iasonas; Karathanasis, George; Kesisoglou, Stilianos; Panagiotou, Apostolos; Saoulidou, Niki; Tziaferi, Eirini; Kousouris, Konstantinos; Evangelou, Ioannis; Foudas, Costas; Gianneios, Paraskevas; Katsoulis, Panagiotis; Kokkas, Panagiotis; Mallios, Stavros; Manthos, Nikolaos; Papadopoulos, Ioannis; Paradas, Evangelos; Strologas, John; Triantis, Frixos A; Tsitsonis, Dimitrios; Csanad, Mate; Filipovic, Nicolas; Pasztor, Gabriella; Surányi, Olivér; Veres, Gabor Istvan; Bencze, Gyorgy; Hajdu, Csaba; Horvath, Dezso; Hunyadi, Ádám; Sikler, Ferenc; Veszpremi, Viktor; Vesztergombi, Gyorgy; Beni, Noemi; Czellar, Sandor; Karancsi, János; Makovec, Alajos; Molnar, Jozsef; Szillasi, Zoltan; Bartók, Márton; Raics, Peter; Trocsanyi, Zoltan Laszlo; Ujvari, Balazs; Choudhury, Somnath; Komaragiri, Jyothsna Rani; Bahinipati, Seema; Mal, Prolay; Mandal, Koushik; Nayak, Aruna; Sahoo, Deepak Kumar; Sahoo, Niladribihari; Swain, Sanjay Kumar; Bansal, Sunil; Beri, Suman Bala; Bhatnagar, Vipin; Chawla, Ridhi; Dhingra, Nitish; Kaur, Anterpreet; Kaur, Manjit; Kaur, Sandeep; Kumar, Ramandeep; Kumari, Priyanka; Mehta, Ankita; Singh, Jasbir; Walia, Genius; Kumar, Ashok; Shah, Aashaq; Bhardwaj, Ashutosh; Chauhan, Sushil; Choudhary, Brajesh C; Garg, Rocky Bala; Keshri, Sumit; Kumar, Ajay; Malhotra, Shivali; Naimuddin, Md; Ranjan, Kirti; Sharma, Ramkrishna; Bhardwaj, Rishika; Bhattacharya, Rajarshi; Bhattacharya, Satyaki; Bhawandeep, Bhawandeep; Bhowmik, Debabrata; Dey, Sourav; Dutt, Suneel; Dutta, Suchandra; Ghosh, Shamik; Majumdar, Nayana; Modak, Atanu; Mondal, Kuntal; Mukhopadhyay, Supratik; Nandan, Saswati; Purohit, Arnab; Rout, Prasant Kumar; Roy, Ashim; Roy Chowdhury, Suvankar; Sarkar, Subir; Sharan, Manoj; Singh, Bipen; Thakur, Shalini; Behera, Prafulla Kumar; Chudasama, Ruchi; Dutta, Dipanwita; Jha, Vishwajeet; Kumar, Vineet; Mohanty, Ajit Kumar; Netrakanti, Pawan Kumar; Pant, Lalit Mohan; Shukla, Prashant; Topkar, Anita; Aziz, Tariq; Dugad, Shashikant; Mahakud, Bibhuprasad; Mitra, Soureek; Mohanty, Gagan Bihari; Sur, Nairit; Sutar, Bajrang; Banerjee, Sudeshna; Bhattacharya, Soham; Chatterjee, Suman; Das, Pallabi; Guchait, Monoranjan; Jain, Sandhya; Kumar, Sanjeev; Maity, Manas; Majumder, Gobinda; Mazumdar, Kajari; Sarkar, Tanmay; Wickramage, Nadeesha; Chauhan, Shubhanshu; Dube, Sourabh; Hegde, Vinay; Kapoor, Anshul; Kothekar, Kunal; Pandey, Shubham; Rane, Aditee; Sharma, Seema; Chenarani, Shirin; Eskandari Tadavani, Esmaeel; Etesami, Seyed Mohsen; Khakzad, Mohsen; Mohammadi Najafabadi, Mojtaba; Naseri, Mohsen; Paktinat Mehdiabadi, Saeid; Rezaei Hosseinabadi, Ferdos; Safarzadeh, Batool; Zeinali, Maryam; Felcini, Marta; Grunewald, Martin; Abbrescia, Marcello; Calabria, Cesare; Colaleo, Anna; Creanza, Donato; Cristella, Leonardo; De Filippis, Nicola; De Palma, Mauro; Errico, Filippo; Fiore, Luigi; Iaselli, Giuseppe; Lezki, Samet; Maggi, Giorgio; Maggi, Marcello; Miniello, Giorgia; My, Salvatore; Nuzzo, Salvatore; Pompili, Alexis; Pugliese, Gabriella; Radogna, Raffaella; Ranieri, Antonio; Selvaggi, Giovanna; Sharma, Archana; Silvestris, Lucia; Venditti, Rosamaria; Verwilligen, Piet; Abbiendi, Giovanni; Battilana, Carlo; Bonacorsi, Daniele; Borgonovi, Lisa; Braibant-Giacomelli, Sylvie; Campanini, Renato; Capiluppi, Paolo; Castro, Andrea; Cavallo, Francesca Romana; Chhibra, Simranjit Singh; Codispoti, Giuseppe; Cuffiani, Marco; Dallavalle, Gaetano-Marco; Fabbri, Fabrizio; Fanfani, Alessandra; Fasanella, Daniele; Giacomelli, Paolo; Grandi, Claudio; Guiducci, Luigi; Iemmi, Fabio; Marcellini, Stefano; Masetti, Gianni; Montanari, Alessandro; Navarria, Francesco; Perrotta, Andrea; Rossi, Antonio; Rovelli, Tiziano; Siroli, Gian Piero; Tosi, Nicolò; Albergo, Sebastiano; Costa, Salvatore; Di Mattia, Alessandro; Giordano, Ferdinando; Potenza, Renato; Tricomi, Alessia; Tuve, Cristina; Barbagli, Giuseppe; Chatterjee, Kalyanmoy; Ciulli, Vitaliano; Civinini, Carlo; D'Alessandro, Raffaello; Focardi, Ettore; Lenzi, Piergiulio; Meschini, Marco; Paoletti, Simone; Russo, Lorenzo; Sguazzoni, Giacomo; Strom, Derek; Viliani, Lorenzo; Benussi, Luigi; Bianco, Stefano; Fabbri, Franco; Piccolo, Davide; Primavera, Federica; Calvelli, Valerio; Ferro, Fabrizio; Panizzi, Luca; Ravera, Fabio; Robutti, Enrico; Tosi, Silvano; Benaglia, Andrea; Beschi, Andrea; Brianza, Luca; Brivio, Francesco; Ciriolo, Vincenzo; Dinardo, Mauro Emanuele; Fiorendi, Sara; Gennai, Simone; Ghezzi, Alessio; Govoni, Pietro; Malberti, Martina; Malvezzi, Sandra; Manzoni, Riccardo Andrea; Menasce, Dario; Moroni, Luigi; Paganoni, Marco; Pauwels, Kristof; Pedrini, Daniele; Pigazzini, Simone; Ragazzi, Stefano; Tabarelli de Fatis, Tommaso; Buontempo, Salvatore; Cavallo, Nicola; Di Guida, Salvatore; Fabozzi, Francesco; Fienga, Francesco; Iorio, Alberto Orso Maria; Khan, Wajid Ali; Lista, Luca; Meola, Sabino; Paolucci, Pierluigi; Sciacca, Crisostomo; Thyssen, Filip; Azzi, Patrizia; Bacchetta, Nicola; Benato, Lisa; Boletti, Alessio; Carlin, Roberto; Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, Alexandra; Checchia, Paolo; Dall'Osso, Martino; De Castro Manzano, Pablo; Dorigo, Tommaso; Dosselli, Umberto; Gasparini, Fabrizio; Gasparini, Ugo; Gozzelino, Andrea; Lacaprara, Stefano; Lujan, Paul; Margoni, Martino; Meneguzzo, Anna Teresa; Pozzobon, Nicola; Ronchese, Paolo; Rossin, Roberto; Simonetto, Franco; Tiko, Andres; Torassa, Ezio; Zanetti, Marco; Zotto, Pierluigi; Zumerle, Gianni; Braghieri, Alessandro; Magnani, Alice; Montagna, Paolo; Ratti, Sergio P; Re, Valerio; Ressegotti, Martina; Riccardi, Cristina; Salvini, Paola; Vai, Ilaria; Vitulo, Paolo; Alunni Solestizi, Luisa; Biasini, Maurizio; Bilei, Gian Mario; Cecchi, Claudia; Ciangottini, Diego; Fanò, Livio; Lariccia, Paolo; Leonardi, Roberto; Manoni, Elisa; Mantovani, Giancarlo; Mariani, Valentina; Menichelli, Mauro; Rossi, Alessandro; Santocchia, Attilio; Spiga, Daniele; Androsov, Konstantin; Azzurri, Paolo; Bagliesi, Giuseppe; Bianchini, Lorenzo; Boccali, Tommaso; Borrello, Laura; Castaldi, Rino; Ciocci, Maria Agnese; Dell'Orso, Roberto; Fedi, Giacomo; Giannini, Leonardo; Giassi, Alessandro; Grippo, Maria Teresa; Ligabue, Franco; Lomtadze, Teimuraz; Manca, Elisabetta; Mandorli, Giulio; Messineo, Alberto; Palla, Fabrizio; Rizzi, Andrea; Spagnolo, Paolo; Tenchini, Roberto; Tonelli, Guido; Venturi, Andrea; Verdini, Piero Giorgio; Barone, Luciano; Cavallari, Francesca; Cipriani, Marco; Daci, Nadir; Del Re, Daniele; Di Marco, Emanuele; Diemoz, Marcella; Gelli, Simone; Longo, Egidio; Margaroli, Fabrizio; Marzocchi, Badder; Meridiani, Paolo; Organtini, Giovanni; Paramatti, Riccardo; Preiato, Federico; Rahatlou, Shahram; Rovelli, Chiara; Santanastasio, Francesco; Amapane, Nicola; Arcidiacono, Roberta; Argiro, Stefano; Arneodo, Michele; Bartosik, Nazar; Bellan, Riccardo; Biino, Cristina; Cartiglia, Nicolo; Cenna, Francesca; Costa, Marco; Covarelli, Roberto; Degano, Alessandro; Demaria, Natale; Kiani, Bilal; Mariotti, Chiara; Maselli, Silvia; Migliore, Ernesto; Monaco, Vincenzo; Monteil, Ennio; Monteno, Marco; Obertino, Maria Margherita; Pacher, Luca; Pastrone, Nadia; Pelliccioni, Mario; Pinna Angioni, Gian Luca; Romero, Alessandra; Ruspa, Marta; Sacchi, Roberto; Shchelina, Ksenia; Sola, Valentina; Solano, Ada; Staiano, Amedeo; Traczyk, Piotr; Belforte, Stefano; Casarsa, Massimo; Cossutti, Fabio; Della Ricca, Giuseppe; Zanetti, Anna; Kim, Dong Hee; Kim, Gui Nyun; Kim, Min Suk; Lee, Jeongeun; Lee, Sangeun; Lee, Seh Wook; Moon, Chang-Seong; Oh, Young Do; Sekmen, Sezen; Son, Dong-Chul; Yang, Yu Chul; Kim, Hyunchul; Moon, Dong Ho; Oh, Geonhee; Brochero Cifuentes, Javier Andres; Goh, Junghwan; Kim, Tae Jeong; Cho, Sungwoong; Choi, Suyong; Go, Yeonju; Gyun, Dooyeon; Ha, Seungkyu; Hong, Byung-Sik; Jo, Youngkwon; Kim, Yongsun; Lee, Kisoo; Lee, Kyong Sei; Lee, Songkyo; Lim, Jaehoon; Park, Sung Keun; Roh, Youn; Almond, John; Kim, Junho; Kim, Jae Sung; Lee, Haneol; Lee, Kyeongpil; Nam, Kyungwook; Oh, Sung Bin; Radburn-Smith, Benjamin Charles; Seo, Seon-hee; Yang, Unki; Yoo, Hwi Dong; Yu, Geum Bong; Kim, Hyunyong; Kim, Ji Hyun; Lee, Jason Sang Hun; Park, Inkyu; Choi, Young-Il; Hwang, Chanwook; Lee, Jongseok; Yu, Intae; Dudenas, Vytautas; Juodagalvis, Andrius; Vaitkus, Juozas; Ahmed, Ijaz; Ibrahim, Zainol Abidin; Md Ali, Mohd Adli Bin; Mohamad Idris, Faridah; Wan Abdullah, Wan Ahmad Tajuddin; Yusli, Mohd Nizam; Zolkapli, Zukhaimira; Reyes-Almanza, Rogelio; Ramirez-Sanchez, Gabriel; Duran-Osuna, Cecilia; Castilla-Valdez, Heriberto; De La Cruz-Burelo, Eduard; Heredia-De La Cruz, Ivan; Rabadán-Trejo, Raúl Iraq; Lopez-Fernandez, Ricardo; Mejia Guisao, Jhovanny; Sánchez Hernández, Alberto; Carrillo Moreno, Salvador; Oropeza Barrera, Cristina; Vazquez Valencia, Fabiola; Eysermans, Jan; Pedraza, Isabel; Salazar Ibarguen, Humberto Antonio; Uribe Estrada, Cecilia; Morelos Pineda, Antonio; Krofcheck, David; Butler, Philip H; Ahmad, Ashfaq; Ahmad, Muhammad; Hassan, Qamar; Hoorani, Hafeez R; Saddique, Asif; Shah, Mehar Ali; Shoaib, Muhammad; Waqas, Muhammad; Bialkowska, Helena; Bluj, Michal; Boimska, Bozena; Frueboes, Tomasz; Górski, Maciej; Kazana, Malgorzata; Nawrocki, Krzysztof; Szleper, Michal; Zalewski, Piotr; Bunkowski, Karol; Byszuk, Adrian; Doroba, Krzysztof; Kalinowski, Artur; Konecki, Marcin; Krolikowski, Jan; Misiura, Maciej; Olszewski, Michal; Pyskir, Andrzej; Walczak, Marek; Bargassa, Pedrame; Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, Cristóvão; Di Francesco, Agostino; Faccioli, Pietro; Galinhas, Bruno; Gallinaro, Michele; Hollar, Jonathan; Leonardo, Nuno; Lloret Iglesias, Lara; Nemallapudi, Mythra Varun; Seixas, Joao; Strong, Giles; Toldaiev, Oleksii; Vadruccio, Daniele; Varela, Joao; Afanasiev, Serguei; Alexakhin, Vadim; Golunov, Alexander; Golutvin, Igor; Gorbounov, Nikolai; Gorbunov, Ilya; Kamenev, Alexey; Karjavin, Vladimir; Lanev, Alexander; Malakhov, Alexander; Matveev, Viktor; Moisenz, Petr; Palichik, Vladimir; Perelygin, Victor; Shmatov, Sergey; Shulha, Siarhei; Skatchkov, Nikolai; Smirnov, Vitaly; Zarubin, Anatoli; Ivanov, Yury; Kim, Victor; Kuznetsova, Ekaterina; Levchenko, Petr; Murzin, Victor; Oreshkin, Vadim; Smirnov, Igor; Sosnov, Dmitry; Sulimov, Valentin; Uvarov, Lev; Vavilov, Sergey; Vorobyev, Alexey; Andreev, Yuri; Dermenev, Alexander; Gninenko, Sergei; Golubev, Nikolai; Karneyeu, Anton; Kirsanov, Mikhail; Krasnikov, Nikolai; Pashenkov, Anatoli; Tlisov, Danila; Toropin, Alexander; Epshteyn, Vladimir; Gavrilov, Vladimir; Lychkovskaya, Natalia; Popov, Vladimir; Pozdnyakov, Ivan; Safronov, Grigory; Spiridonov, Alexander; Stepennov, Anton; Stolin, Viatcheslav; Toms, Maria; Vlasov, Evgueni; Zhokin, Alexander; Aushev, Tagir; Bylinkin, Alexander; Chistov, Ruslan; Danilov, Mikhail; Parygin, Pavel; Philippov, Dmitry; Polikarpov, Sergey; Tarkovskii, Evgenii; Andreev, Vladimir; Azarkin, Maksim; Dremin, Igor; Kirakosyan, Martin; Rusakov, Sergey V; Terkulov, Adel; Baskakov, Alexey; Belyaev, Andrey; Boos, Edouard; Bunichev, Viacheslav; Dubinin, Mikhail; Dudko, Lev; Ershov, Alexander; Klyukhin, Vyacheslav; Kodolova, Olga; Lokhtin, Igor; Miagkov, Igor; Obraztsov, Stepan; Perfilov, Maxim; Petrushanko, Sergey; Savrin, Viktor; Blinov, Vladimir; Shtol, Dmitry; Skovpen, Yuri; Azhgirey, Igor; Bayshev, Igor; Bitioukov, Sergei; Elumakhov, Dmitry; Godizov, Anton; Kachanov, Vassili; Kalinin, Alexey; Konstantinov, Dmitri; Mandrik, Petr; Petrov, Vladimir; Ryutin, Roman; Sobol, Andrei; Troshin, Sergey; Tyurin, Nikolay; Uzunian, Andrey; Volkov, Alexey; Babaev, Anton; Adzic, Petar; Cirkovic, Predrag; Devetak, Damir; Dordevic, Milos; Milosevic, Jovan; Alcaraz Maestre, Juan; Bachiller, Irene; Barrio Luna, Mar; Cerrada, Marcos; Colino, Nicanor; De La Cruz, Begona; Delgado Peris, Antonio; Fernandez Bedoya, Cristina; Fernández Ramos, Juan Pablo; Flix, Jose; Fouz, Maria Cruz; Gonzalez Lopez, Oscar; Goy Lopez, Silvia; Hernandez, Jose M; Josa, Maria Isabel; Moran, Dermot; Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, Antonio María; Puerta Pelayo, Jesus; Redondo, Ignacio; Romero, Luciano; Senghi Soares, Mara; Triossi, Andrea; Álvarez Fernández, Adrian; Albajar, Carmen; de Trocóniz, Jorge F; Cuevas, Javier; Erice, Carlos; Fernandez Menendez, Javier; Gonzalez Caballero, Isidro; González Fernández, Juan Rodrigo; Palencia Cortezon, Enrique; Sanchez Cruz, Sergio; Vischia, Pietro; Vizan Garcia, Jesus Manuel; Cabrillo, Iban Jose; Calderon, Alicia; Chazin Quero, Barbara; Duarte Campderros, Jordi; Fernandez, Marcos; Fernández Manteca, Pedro José; Garcia-Ferrero, Juan; García Alonso, Andrea; Gomez, Gervasio; Lopez Virto, Amparo; Marco, Jesus; Martinez Rivero, Celso; Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, Pablo; Matorras, Francisco; Piedra Gomez, Jonatan; Prieels, Cédric; Rodrigo, Teresa; Ruiz-Jimeno, Alberto; Scodellaro, Luca; Trevisani, Nicolò; Vila, Ivan; Vilar Cortabitarte, Rocio; Abbaneo, Duccio; Akgun, Bora; Auffray, Etiennette; Baillon, Paul; Ball, Austin; Barney, David; Bendavid, Joshua; Bianco, Michele; Bocci, Andrea; Botta, Cristina; Camporesi, Tiziano; Castello, Roberto; Cepeda, Maria; Cerminara, Gianluca; Chapon, Emilien; Chen, Yi; D'Enterria, David; Dabrowski, Anne; Daponte, Vincenzo; David Tinoco Mendes, Andre; De Gruttola, Michele; De Roeck, Albert; Deelen, Nikkie; Dobson, Marc; Du Pree, Tristan; Dünser, Marc; Dupont, Niels; Elliott-Peisert, Anna; Everaerts, Pieter; Fallavollita, Francesco; Franzoni, Giovanni; Fulcher, Jonathan; Funk, Wolfgang; Gigi, Dominique; Gilbert, Andrew; Gill, Karl; Glege, Frank; Gulhan, Doga; Hegeman, Jeroen; Innocente, Vincenzo; Jafari, Abideh; Janot, Patrick; Karacheban, Olena; Kieseler, Jan; Knünz, Valentin; Kornmayer, Andreas; Kortelainen, Matti J; Krammer, Manfred; Lange, Clemens; Lecoq, Paul; Lourenco, Carlos; Lucchini, Marco Toliman; Malgeri, Luca; Mannelli, Marcello; Martelli, Arabella; Meijers, Frans; Merlin, Jeremie Alexandre; Mersi, Stefano; Meschi, Emilio; Milenovic, Predrag; Moortgat, Filip; Mulders, Martijn; Neugebauer, Hannes; Ngadiuba, Jennifer; Orfanelli, Styliani; Orsini, Luciano; Pape, Luc; Perez, Emmanuel; Peruzzi, Marco; Petrilli, Achille; Petrucciani, Giovanni; Pfeiffer, Andreas; Pierini, Maurizio; Pitters, Florian Michael; Rabady, Dinyar; Racz, Attila; Reis, Thomas; Rolandi, Gigi; Rovere, Marco; Sakulin, Hannes; Schäfer, Christoph; Schwick, Christoph; Seidel, Markus; Selvaggi, Michele; Sharma, Archana; Silva, Pedro; Sphicas, Paraskevas; Stakia, Anna; Steggemann, Jan; Stoye, Markus; Tosi, Mia; Treille, Daniel; Tsirou, Andromachi; Veckalns, Viesturs; Verweij, Marta; Zeuner, Wolfram Dietrich; Bertl, Willi; Caminada, Lea; Deiters, Konrad; Erdmann, Wolfram; Horisberger, Roland; Ingram, Quentin; Kaestli, Hans-Christian; Kotlinski, Danek; Langenegger, Urs; Rohe, Tilman; Wiederkehr, Stephan Albert; Backhaus, Malte; Bäni, Lukas; Berger, Pirmin; Casal, Bruno; Dissertori, Günther; Dittmar, Michael; Donegà, Mauro; Dorfer, Christian; Grab, Christoph; Heidegger, Constantin; Hits, Dmitry; Hoss, Jan; Kasieczka, Gregor; Klijnsma, Thomas; Lustermann, Werner; Mangano, Boris; Marionneau, Matthieu; Meinhard, Maren Tabea; Meister, Daniel; Micheli, Francesco; Musella, Pasquale; Nessi-Tedaldi, Francesca; Pandolfi, Francesco; Pata, Joosep; Pauss, Felicitas; Perrin, Gaël; Perrozzi, Luca; Quittnat, Milena; Reichmann, Michael; Sanz Becerra, Diego Alejandro; Schönenberger, Myriam; Shchutska, Lesya; Tavolaro, Vittorio Raoul; Theofilatos, Konstantinos; Vesterbacka Olsson, Minna Leonora; Wallny, Rainer; Zhu, De Hua; Aarrestad, Thea Klaeboe; Amsler, Claude; Canelli, Maria Florencia; De Cosa, Annapaola; Del Burgo, Riccardo; Donato, Silvio; Galloni, Camilla; Hreus, Tomas; Kilminster, Benjamin; Pinna, Deborah; Rauco, Giorgia; Robmann, Peter; Salerno, Daniel; Schweiger, Korbinian; Seitz, Claudia; Takahashi, Yuta; Zucchetta, Alberto; Candelise, Vieri; Chang, Yu-Hsiang; Cheng, Kai-yu; Doan, Thi Hien; Jain, Shilpi; Khurana, Raman; Kuo, Chia-Ming; Lin, Willis; Pozdnyakov, Andrey; Yu, Shin-Shan; Kumar, Arun; Chang, Paoti; Chao, Yuan; Chen, Kai-Feng; Chen, Po-Hsun; Fiori, Francesco; Hou, George Wei-Shu; Hsiung, Yee; Liu, Yueh-Feng; Lu, Rong-Shyang; Paganis, Efstathios; Psallidas, Andreas; Steen, Arnaud; Tsai, Jui-fa; Asavapibhop, Burin; Kovitanggoon, Kittikul; Singh, Gurpreet; Srimanobhas, Norraphat; Bat, Ayse; Boran, Fatma; Cerci, Salim; Damarseckin, Serdal; Demiroglu, Zuhal Seyma; Dozen, Candan; Dumanoglu, Isa; Girgis, Semiray; Gokbulut, Gul; Guler, Yalcin; Hos, Ilknur; Kangal, Evrim Ersin; Kara, Ozgun; Kayis Topaksu, Aysel; Kiminsu, Ugur; Oglakci, Mehmet; Onengut, Gulsen; Ozdemir, Kadri; Sunar Cerci, Deniz; Tok, Ufuk Guney; Topakli, Huseyin; Turkcapar, Semra; Zorbakir, Ibrahim Soner; Zorbilmez, Caglar; Karapinar, Guler; Ocalan, Kadir; Yalvac, Metin; Zeyrek, Mehmet; Gülmez, Erhan; Kaya, Mithat; Kaya, Ozlem; Tekten, Sevgi; Yetkin, Elif Asli; Agaras, Merve Nazlim; Atay, Serhat; Cakir, Altan; Cankocak, Kerem; Komurcu, Yildiray; Grynyov, Boris; Levchuk, Leonid; Ball, Fionn; Beck, Lana; Brooke, James John; Burns, Douglas; Clement, Emyr; Cussans, David; Davignon, Olivier; Flacher, Henning; Goldstein, Joel; Heath, Greg P; Heath, Helen F; Kreczko, Lukasz; Newbold, Dave M; Paramesvaran, Sudarshan; Sakuma, Tai; Seif El Nasr-storey, Sarah; Smith, Dominic; Smith, Vincent J; Bell, Ken W; Belyaev, Alexander; Brew, Christopher; Brown, Robert M; Calligaris, Luigi; Cieri, Davide; Cockerill, David JA; Coughlan, John A; Harder, Kristian; Harper, Sam; Linacre, Jacob; Olaiya, Emmanuel; Petyt, David; Shepherd-Themistocleous, Claire; Thea, Alessandro; Tomalin, Ian R; Williams, Thomas; Womersley, William John; Auzinger, Georg; Bainbridge, Robert; Bloch, Philippe; Borg, Johan; Breeze, Shane; Buchmuller, Oliver; Bundock, Aaron; Casasso, Stefano; Citron, Matthew; Colling, David; Corpe, Louie; Dauncey, Paul; Davies, Gavin; Della Negra, Michel; Di Maria, Riccardo; Haddad, Yacine; Hall, Geoffrey; Iles, Gregory; James, Thomas; Lane, Rebecca; Laner, Christian; Lyons, Louis; Magnan, Anne-Marie; Malik, Sarah; Mastrolorenzo, Luca; Matsushita, Takashi; Nash, Jordan; Nikitenko, Alexander; Palladino, Vito; Pesaresi, Mark; Raymond, David Mark; Richards, Alexander; Rose, Andrew; Scott, Edward; Seez, Christopher; Shtipliyski, Antoni; Summers, Sioni; Tapper, Alexander; Uchida, Kirika; Vazquez Acosta, Monica; Virdee, Tejinder; Wardle, Nicholas; Winterbottom, Daniel; Wright, Jack; Zenz, Seth Conrad; Cole, Joanne; Hobson, Peter R; Khan, Akram; Kyberd, Paul; Morton, Alexander; Reid, Ivan; Teodorescu, Liliana; Zahid, Sema; Borzou, Ahmad; Call, Kenneth; Dittmann, Jay; Hatakeyama, Kenichi; Liu, Hongxuan; Pastika, Nathaniel; Smith, Caleb; Bartek, Rachel; Dominguez, Aaron; Buccilli, Andrew; Cooper, Seth; Henderson, Conor; Rumerio, Paolo; West, Christopher; Arcaro, Daniel; Avetisyan, Aram; Bose, Tulika; Gastler, Daniel; Rankin, Dylan; Richardson, Clint; Rohlf, James; Sulak, Lawrence; Zou, David; Benelli, Gabriele; Cutts, David; Hadley, Mary; Hakala, John; Heintz, Ulrich; Hogan, Julie Managan; Kwok, Ka Hei Martin; Laird, Edward; Landsberg, Greg; Lee, Jangbae; Mao, Zaixing; Narain, Meenakshi; Pazzini, Jacopo; Piperov, Stefan; Sagir, Sinan; Syarif, Rizki; Yu, David; Band, Reyer; Brainerd, Christopher; Breedon, Richard; Burns, Dustin; Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Manuel; Chertok, Maxwell; Conway, John; Conway, Rylan; Cox, Peter Timothy; Erbacher, Robin; Flores, Chad; Funk, Garrett; Ko, Winston; Lander, Richard; Mclean, Christine; Mulhearn, Michael; Pellett, Dave; Pilot, Justin; Shalhout, Shalhout; Shi, Mengyao; Smith, John; Stolp, Dustin; Taylor, Devin; Tos, Kyle; Tripathi, Mani; Wang, Zhangqier; Bachtis, Michail; Bravo, Cameron; Cousins, Robert; Dasgupta, Abhigyan; Florent, Alice; Hauser, Jay; Ignatenko, Mikhail; Mccoll, Nickolas; Regnard, Simon; Saltzberg, David; Schnaible, Christian; Valuev, Vyacheslav; Bouvier, Elvire; Burt, Kira; Clare, Robert; Ellison, John Anthony; Gary, J William; Ghiasi Shirazi, Seyyed Mohammad Amin; Hanson, Gail; Karapostoli, Georgia; Kennedy, Elizabeth; Lacroix, Florent; Long, Owen Rosser; Olmedo Negrete, Manuel; Paneva, Mirena Ivova; Si, Weinan; Wang, Long; Wei, Hua; Wimpenny, Stephen; Yates, Brent; Branson, James G; Cittolin, Sergio; Derdzinski, Mark; Gerosa, Raffaele; Gilbert, Dylan; Hashemi, Bobak; Holzner, André; Klein, Daniel; Kole, Gouranga; Krutelyov, Vyacheslav; Letts, James; Masciovecchio, Mario; Olivito, Dominick; Padhi, Sanjay; Pieri, Marco; Sani, Matteo; Sharma, Vivek; Simon, Sean; Tadel, Matevz; Vartak, Adish; Wasserbaech, Steven; Wood, John; Würthwein, Frank; Yagil, Avraham; Zevi Della Porta, Giovanni; Amin, Nick; Bhandari, Rohan; Bradmiller-Feld, John; Campagnari, Claudio; Dishaw, Adam; Dutta, Valentina; Franco Sevilla, Manuel; Gouskos, Loukas; Heller, Ryan; Incandela, Joe; Ovcharova, Ana; Qu, Huilin; Richman, Jeffrey; Stuart, David; Suarez, Indara; Yoo, Jaehyeok; Anderson, Dustin; Bornheim, Adolf; Bunn, Julian; Dutta, Irene; Lawhorn, Jay Mathew; Newman, Harvey B; Nguyen, Thong; Pena, Cristian; Spiropulu, Maria; Vlimant, Jean-Roch; Wilkinson, Richard; Xie, Si; Zhang, Zhicai; Zhu, Ren-Yuan; Andrews, Michael Benjamin; Ferguson, Thomas; Mudholkar, Tanmay; Paulini, Manfred; Russ, James; Sun, Menglei; Vogel, Helmut; Vorobiev, Igor; Weinberg, Marc; Cumalat, John Perry; Ford, William T; Jensen, Frank; Johnson, Andrew; Krohn, Michael; Leontsinis, Stefanos; MacDonald, Emily; Mulholland, Troy; Stenson, Kevin; Wagner, Stephen Robert; Alexander, James; Chaves, Jorge; Cheng, Yangyang; Chu, Jennifer; Dittmer, Susan; Mcdermott, Kevin; Mirman, Nathan; Patterson, Juliet Ritchie; Quach, Dan; Rinkevicius, Aurelijus; Ryd, Anders; Skinnari, Louise; Soffi, Livia; Tan, Shao Min; Tao, Zhengcheng; Thom, Julia; Tucker, Jordan; Wittich, Peter; Zientek, Margaret; Abdullin, Salavat; Albrow, Michael; Alyari, Maral; Apollinari, Giorgio; Apresyan, Artur; Apyan, Aram; Banerjee, Sunanda; Bauerdick, Lothar AT; Beretvas, Andrew; Berryhill, Jeffrey; Bhat, Pushpalatha C; Bolla, Gino; Burkett, Kevin; Butler, Joel Nathan; Canepa, Anadi; Cerati, Giuseppe Benedetto; Cheung, Harry; Chlebana, Frank; Cremonesi, Matteo; Duarte, Javier; Elvira, Victor Daniel; Freeman, Jim; Gecse, Zoltan; Gottschalk, Erik; Gray, Lindsey; Green, Dan; Grünendahl, Stefan; Gutsche, Oliver; Hanlon, Jim; Harris, Robert M; Hasegawa, Satoshi; Hirschauer, James; Hu, Zhen; Jayatilaka, Bodhitha; Jindariani, Sergo; Johnson, Marvin; Joshi, Umesh; Klima, Boaz; Kreis, Benjamin; Lammel, Stephan; Lincoln, Don; Lipton, Ron; Liu, Miaoyuan; Liu, Tiehui; Lopes De Sá, Rafael; Lykken, Joseph; Maeshima, Kaori; Magini, Nicolo; Marraffino, John Michael; Mason, David; McBride, Patricia; Merkel, Petra; Mrenna, Stephen; Nahn, Steve; O'Dell, Vivian; Pedro, Kevin; Prokofyev, Oleg; Rakness, Gregory; Ristori, Luciano; Savoy-Navarro, Aurore; Schneider, Basil; Sexton-Kennedy, Elizabeth; Soha, Aron; Spalding, William J; Spiegel, Leonard; Stoynev, Stoyan; Strait, James; Strobbe, Nadja; Taylor, Lucas; Tkaczyk, Slawek; Tran, Nhan Viet; Uplegger, Lorenzo; Vaandering, Eric Wayne; Vernieri, Caterina; Verzocchi, Marco; Vidal, Richard; Wang, Michael; Weber, Hannsjoerg Artur; Whitbeck, Andrew; Wu, Weimin; Acosta, Darin; Avery, Paul; Bortignon, Pierluigi; Bourilkov, Dimitri; Brinkerhoff, Andrew; Carnes, Andrew; Carver, Matthew; Curry, David; Field, Richard D; Furic, Ivan-Kresimir; Gleyzer, Sergei V; Joshi, Bhargav Madhusudan; Konigsberg, Jacobo; Korytov, Andrey; Kotov, Khristian; Ma, Peisen; Matchev, Konstantin; Mei, Hualin; Mitselmakher, Guenakh; Shi, Kun; Sperka, David; Terentyev, Nikolay; Thomas, Laurent; Wang, Jian; Wang, Sean-Jiun; Yelton, John; Joshi, Yagya Raj; Linn, Stephan; Markowitz, Pete; Rodriguez, Jorge Luis; Ackert, Andrew; Adams, Todd; Askew, Andrew; Hagopian, Sharon; Hagopian, Vasken; Johnson, Kurtis F; Kolberg, Ted; Martinez, German; Perry, Thomas; Prosper, Harrison; Saha, Anirban; Santra, Arka; Sharma, Varun; Yohay, Rachel; Baarmand, Marc M; Bhopatkar, Vallary; Colafranceschi, Stefano; Hohlmann, Marcus; Noonan, Daniel; Roy, Titas; Yumiceva, Francisco; Adams, Mark Raymond; Apanasevich, Leonard; Berry, Douglas; Betts, Russell Richard; Cavanaugh, Richard; Chen, Xuan; Evdokimov, Olga; Gerber, Cecilia Elena; Hangal, Dhanush Anil; Hofman, David Jonathan; Jung, Kurt; Kamin, Jason; Sandoval Gonzalez, Irving Daniel; Tonjes, Marguerite; Trauger, Hallie; Varelas, Nikos; Wang, Hui; Wu, Zhenbin; Zhang, Jingyu; Bilki, Burak; Clarida, Warren; Dilsiz, Kamuran; Durgut, Süleyman; Gandrajula, Reddy Pratap; Haytmyradov, Maksat; Khristenko, Viktor; Merlo, Jean-Pierre; Mermerkaya, Hamit; Mestvirishvili, Alexi; Moeller, Anthony; Nachtman, Jane; Ogul, Hasan; Onel, Yasar; Ozok, Ferhat; Penzo, Aldo; Snyder, Christina; Tiras, Emrah; Wetzel, James; Yi, Kai; Blumenfeld, Barry; Cocoros, Alice; Eminizer, Nicholas; Fehling, David; Feng, Lei; Gritsan, Andrei; Maksimovic, Petar; Roskes, Jeffrey; Sarica, Ulascan; Swartz, Morris; Xiao, Meng; You, Can; Al-bataineh, Ayman; Baringer, Philip; Bean, Alice; Boren, Samuel; Bowen, James; Castle, James; Khalil, Sadia; Kropivnitskaya, Anna; Majumder, Devdatta; Mcbrayer, William; Murray, Michael; Rogan, Christopher; Royon, Christophe; Sanders, Stephen; Schmitz, Erich; Tapia Takaki, Daniel; Wang, Quan; Ivanov, Andrew; Kaadze, Ketino; Maravin, Yurii; Mohammadi, Abdollah; Saini, Lovedeep Kaur; Skhirtladze, Nikoloz; Rebassoo, Finn; Wright, Douglas; Baden, Drew; Baron, Owen; Belloni, Alberto; Eno, Sarah Catherine; Feng, Yongbin; Ferraioli, Charles; Hadley, Nicholas John; Jabeen, Shabnam; Jeng, Geng-Yuan; Kellogg, Richard G; Kunkle, Joshua; Mignerey, Alice; Ricci-Tam, Francesca; Shin, Young Ho; Skuja, Andris; Tonwar, Suresh C; Abercrombie, Daniel; Allen, Brandon; Azzolini, Virginia; Barbieri, Richard; Baty, Austin; Bauer, Gerry; Bi, Ran; Brandt, Stephanie; Busza, Wit; Cali, Ivan Amos; D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria; Demiragli, Zeynep; Gomez Ceballos, Guillelmo; Goncharov, Maxim; Harris, Philip; Hsu, Dylan; Hu, Miao; Iiyama, Yutaro; Innocenti, Gian Michele; Klute, Markus; Kovalskyi, Dmytro; Lee, Yen-Jie; Levin, Andrew; Luckey, Paul David; Maier, Benedikt; Marini, Andrea Carlo; Mcginn, Christopher; Mironov, Camelia; Narayanan, Siddharth; Niu, Xinmei; Paus, Christoph; Roland, Christof; Roland, Gunther; Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob; Stephans, George; Sumorok, Konstanty; Tatar, Kaya; Velicanu, Dragos; Wang, Jing; Wang, Ta-Wei; Wyslouch, Bolek; Benvenuti, Alberto; Chatterjee, Rajdeep Mohan; Evans, Andrew; Hansen, Peter; Hiltbrand, Joshua; Kalafut, Sean; Kubota, Yuichi; Lesko, Zachary; Mans, Jeremy; Nourbakhsh, Shervin; Ruckstuhl, Nicole; Rusack, Roger; Turkewitz, Jared; Wadud, Mohammad Abrar; Acosta, John Gabriel; Oliveros, Sandra; Avdeeva, Ekaterina; Bloom, Kenneth; Claes, Daniel R; Fangmeier, Caleb; Golf, Frank; Gonzalez Suarez, Rebeca; Kamalieddin, Rami; Kravchenko, Ilya; Monroy, Jose; Siado, Joaquin Emilo; Snow, Gregory R; Stieger, Benjamin; Dolen, James; Godshalk, Andrew; Harrington, Charles; Iashvili, Ia; Nguyen, Duong; Parker, Ashley; Rappoccio, Salvatore; Roozbahani, Bahareh; Alverson, George; Barberis, Emanuela; Freer, Chad; Hortiangtham, Apichart; Massironi, Andrea; Morse, David Michael; Orimoto, Toyoko; Teixeira De Lima, Rafael; Wamorkar, Tanvi; Wang, Bingran; Wisecarver, Andrew; Wood, Darien; Bhattacharya, Saptaparna; Charaf, Otman; Hahn, Kristan Allan; Mucia, Nicholas; Odell, Nathaniel; Schmitt, Michael Henry; Sung, Kevin; Trovato, Marco; Velasco, Mayda; Bucci, Rachael; Dev, Nabarun; Hildreth, Michael; Hurtado Anampa, Kenyi; Jessop, Colin; Karmgard, Daniel John; Kellams, Nathan; Lannon, Kevin; Li, Wenzhao; Loukas, Nikitas; Marinelli, Nancy; Meng, Fanbo; Mueller, Charles; Musienko, Yuri; Planer, Michael; Reinsvold, Allison; Ruchti, Randy; Siddireddy, Prasanna; Smith, Geoffrey; Taroni, Silvia; Wayne, Mitchell; Wightman, Andrew; Wolf, Matthias; Woodard, Anna; Alimena, Juliette; Antonelli, Louis; Bylsma, Ben; Durkin, Lloyd Stanley; Flowers, Sean; Francis, Brian; Hart, Andrew; Hill, Christopher; Ji, Weifeng; Ling, Ta-Yung; Liu, Bingxuan; Luo, Wuming; Winer, Brian L; Wulsin, Howard Wells; Cooperstein, Stephane; Driga, Olga; Elmer, Peter; Hardenbrook, Joshua; Hebda, Philip; Higginbotham, Samuel; Kalogeropoulos, Alexis; Lange, David; Luo, Jingyu; Marlow, Daniel; Mei, Kelvin; Ojalvo, Isabel; Olsen, James; Palmer, Christopher; Piroué, Pierre; Stickland, David; Tully, Christopher; Malik, Sudhir; Norberg, Scarlet; Barker, Anthony; Barnes, Virgil E; Das, Souvik; Folgueras, Santiago; Gutay, Laszlo; Jones, Matthew; Jung, Andreas Werner; Khatiwada, Ajeeta; Miller, David Harry; Neumeister, Norbert; Peng, Cheng-Chieh; Qiu, Hao; Schulte, Jan-Frederik; Sun, Jian; Wang, Fuqiang; Xiao, Rui; Xie, Wei; Cheng, Tongguang; Parashar, Neeti; Stupak, John; Chen, Zhenyu; Ecklund, Karl Matthew; Freed, Sarah; Geurts, Frank JM; Guilbaud, Maxime; Kilpatrick, Matthew; Li, Wei; Michlin, Benjamin; Padley, Brian Paul; Roberts, Jay; Rorie, Jamal; Shi, Wei; Tu, Zhoudunming; Zabel, James; Zhang, Aobo; Bodek, Arie; de Barbaro, Pawel; Demina, Regina; Duh, Yi-ting; Ferbel, Thomas; Galanti, Mario; Garcia-Bellido, Aran; Han, Jiyeon; Hindrichs, Otto; Khukhunaishvili, Aleko; Lo, Kin Ho; Tan, Ping; Verzetti, Mauro; Ciesielski, Robert; Goulianos, Konstantin; Mesropian, Christina; Agapitos, Antonis; Chou, John Paul; Gershtein, Yuri; Gómez Espinosa, Tirso Alejandro; Halkiadakis, Eva; Heindl, Maximilian; Hughes, Elliot; Kaplan, Steven; Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Raghav; Kyriacou, Savvas; Lath, Amitabh; Montalvo, Roy; Nash, Kevin; Osherson, Marc; Saka, Halil; Salur, Sevil; Schnetzer, Steve; Sheffield, David; Somalwar, Sunil; Stone, Robert; Thomas, Scott; Thomassen, Peter; Walker, Matthew; Delannoy, Andrés G; Heideman, Joseph; Riley, Grant; Rose, Keith; Spanier, Stefan; Thapa, Krishna; Bouhali, Othmane; Castaneda Hernandez, Alfredo; Celik, Ali; Dalchenko, Mykhailo; De Mattia, Marco; Delgado, Andrea; Dildick, Sven; Eusebi, Ricardo; Gilmore, Jason; Huang, Tao; Kamon, Teruki; Mueller, Ryan; Pakhotin, Yuriy; Patel, Rishi; Perloff, Alexx; Perniè, Luca; Rathjens, Denis; Safonov, Alexei; Tatarinov, Aysen; Ulmer, Keith; Akchurin, Nural; Damgov, Jordan; De Guio, Federico; Dudero, Phillip Russell; Faulkner, James; Gurpinar, Emine; Kunori, Shuichi; Lamichhane, Kamal; Lee, Sung Won; Mengke, Tielige; Muthumuni, Samila; Peltola, Timo; Undleeb, Sonaina; Volobouev, Igor; Wang, Zhixing; Greene, Senta; Gurrola, Alfredo; Janjam, Ravi; Johns, Willard; Maguire, Charles; Melo, Andrew; Ni, Hong; Padeken, Klaas; Sheldon, Paul; Tuo, Shengquan; Velkovska, Julia; Xu, Qiao; Arenton, Michael Wayne; Barria, Patrizia; Cox, Bradley; Hirosky, Robert; Joyce, Matthew; Ledovskoy, Alexander; Li, Hengne; Neu, Christopher; Sinthuprasith, Tutanon; Wang, Yanchu; Wolfe, Evan; Xia, Fan; Harr, Robert; Karchin, Paul Edmund; Poudyal, Nabin; Sturdy, Jared; Thapa, Prakash; Zaleski, Shawn; Brodski, Michael; Buchanan, James; Caillol, Cécile; Carlsmith, Duncan; Dasu, Sridhara; Dodd, Laura; Duric, Senka; Gomber, Bhawna; Grothe, Monika; Herndon, Matthew; Hervé, Alain; Hussain, Usama; Klabbers, Pamela; Lanaro, Armando; Levine, Aaron; Long, Kenneth; Loveless, Richard; Rekovic, Vladimir; Ruggles, Tyler; Savin, Alexander; Smith, Nicholas; Smith, Wesley H; Woods, Nathaniel


    A search is presented for single production of heavy vector-like quarks (B) that decay to a Higgs boson and a b quark, with the Higgs boson decaying to a highly boosted $ \\mathrm{b\\bar{b}} $ pair reconstructed as a single collimated jet. The analysis is based on data collected by the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at $\\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$. The data are consistent with background expectations, and upper limits at 95% confidence level on the product of the B quark cross section and the branching fraction are obtained in the range 1.28-0.07 pb, for a narrow B quark with a mass between 700 and 1800 GeV. The production of B quarks with widths of 10, 20 and 30% of the resonance mass is also considered, and the sensitivities obtained are similar to those achieved in the narrow width case. This is the first search at the CERN LHC for the single production of a B quark through its fully hadronic decay channel, and the first study considering finit...

  9. Kaon-Nucleon scattering in a constituent quark model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemaire, S.


    We have investigated Kaon-Nucleon (KN) interaction in a constituent quark model in the momentum range for the Kaon between 0 and 1 GeV/c in the laboratory frame. This study has been motivated by the fact that in an approach relying on a boson exchange mechanism the Bonn group was forced, in order to obtain good agreement with I = 0 s-wave phase shifts, to add the exchange of a short range fictitious repulsive scalar meson. This need for repulsion, whose range (∼ 0.2 fm) is smaller than the nucleon radius, clearly shows that the quark substructure of the nucleons and K + mesons cannot be neglected. The Kaon-Nucleon phase shifts are calculated in a quark potential model using the resonating group method (RGM). We have to cope with a five body problem with antisymmetrization with respect to the four ordinary quarks of the Kaon-Nucleon system. One requirement of our approach is that the quark-quark interaction must give a quite good description of the hadron spectra. One goal of the present work aims at determining the influence of a relativistic kinematics, in this constituent quark model, for the calculation of KN phase shifts. We have also investigated s, p, d, f, g waves KN elastic phase shifts and we have included a spin-orbit term in the quark-quark interaction. Then we have studied the influence of medium and long range exchange mechanism in the quark quark interaction on KN phase shifts. (author)

  10. Measurement of the top quark mass using single top quark events in proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV. (United States)

    Sirunyan, A M; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; Bergauer, T; Brandstetter, J; Brondolin, E; Dragicevic, M; Erö, J; Flechl, M; Friedl, M; Frühwirth, R; Ghete, V M; Hartl, C; Hörmann, N; Hrubec, J; Jeitler, M; König, A; Krätschmer, I; Liko, D; Matsushita, T; Mikulec, I; Rabady, D; Rad, N; Rahbaran, B; Rohringer, H; Schieck, J; Strauss, J; Waltenberger, W; Wulz, C-E; Dvornikov, O; Makarenko, V; Mossolov, V; Gonzalez, J Suarez; Zykunov, V; Shumeiko, N; Alderweireldt, S; De Wolf, E A; Janssen, X; Lauwers, J; Van De Klundert, M; Van Haevermaet, H; Van Mechelen, P; Van Remortel, N; Van Spilbeeck, A; Abu Zeid, S; Blekman, F; D'Hondt, J; Daci, N; De Bruyn, I; Deroover, K; Lowette, S; Moortgat, S; Moreels, L; Olbrechts, A; Python, Q; Skovpen, K; Tavernier, S; Van Doninck, W; Van Mulders, P; Van Parijs, I; Brun, H; Clerbaux, B; De Lentdecker, G; Delannoy, H; Fasanella, G; Favart, L; Goldouzian, R; Grebenyuk, A; Karapostoli, G; Lenzi, T; Léonard, A; Luetic, J; Maerschalk, T; Marinov, A; Randle-Conde, A; Seva, T; Vander Velde, C; Vanlaer, P; Vannerom, D; Yonamine, R; Zenoni, F; Zhang, F; Cimmino, A; Cornelis, T; Dobur, D; Fagot, A; Gul, M; Khvastunov, I; Poyraz, D; Salva, S; Schöfbeck, R; Tytgat, M; Van Driessche, W; Yazgan, E; Zaganidis, N; Bakhshiansohi, H; Beluffi, C; Bondu, O; Brochet, S; Bruno, G; Caudron, A; De Visscher, S; Delaere, C; Delcourt, M; Francois, B; Giammanco, A; Jafari, A; Komm, M; Krintiras, G; Lemaitre, V; Magitteri, A; Mertens, A; Musich, M; Piotrzkowski, K; Quertenmont, L; Selvaggi, M; Marono, M Vidal; Wertz, S; Beliy, N; Aldá Júnior, W L; Alves, F L; Alves, G A; Brito, L; Hensel, C; Moraes, A; Pol, M E; Rebello Teles, P; Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E; Carvalho, W; Chinellato, J; Custódio, A; Da Costa, E M; Da Silveira, G G; De Jesus Damiao, D; De Oliveira Martins, C; Fonseca De Souza, S; Huertas Guativa, L M; Malbouisson, H; Matos Figueiredo, D; Mora Herrera, C; Mundim, L; Nogima, H; Prado Da Silva, W L; Santoro, A; Sznajder, A; Tonelli Manganote, E J; Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F; Vilela Pereira, A; Ahuja, S; Bernardes, C A; Dogra, S; Fernandez Perez Tomei, T R; Gregores, E M; Mercadante, P G; Moon, C S; Novaes, S F; Padula, Sandra S; Romero Abad, D; Ruiz Vargas, J C; Aleksandrov, A; Hadjiiska, R; Iaydjiev, P; Rodozov, M; Stoykova, S; Sultanov, G; Vutova, M; Dimitrov, A; Glushkov, I; Litov, L; Pavlov, B; Petkov, P; Fang, W; Ahmad, M; Bian, J G; Chen, G M; Chen, H S; Chen, M; Chen, Y; Cheng, T; Jiang, C H; Leggat, D; Liu, Z; Romeo, F; Ruan, M; Shaheen, S M; Spiezia, A; Tao, J; Wang, C; Wang, Z; Zhang, H; Zhao, J; Ban, Y; Chen, G; Li, Q; Liu, S; Mao, Y; Qian, S J; Wang, D; Xu, Z; Avila, C; Cabrera, A; Chaparro Sierra, L F; Florez, C; Gomez, J P; González Hernández, C F; Ruiz Alvarez, J D; Sanabria, J C; Godinovic, N; Lelas, D; Puljak, I; Ribeiro Cipriano, P M; Sculac, T; Antunovic, Z; Kovac, M; Brigljevic, V; Ferencek, D; Kadija, K; Mesic, B; Susa, T; Attikis, A; Mavromanolakis, G; Mousa, J; Nicolaou, C; Ptochos, F; Razis, P A; Rykaczewski, H; Tsiakkouri, D; Finger, M; Finger, M; Carrera Jarrin, E; El-Khateeb, E; Elgammal, S; Mohamed, A; Kadastik, M; Perrini, L; Raidal, M; Tiko, A; Veelken, C; Eerola, P; Pekkanen, J; Voutilainen, M; Härkönen, J; Järvinen, T; Karimäki, V; Kinnunen, R; Lampén, T; Lassila-Perini, K; Lehti, S; Lindén, T; Luukka, P; Tuominiemi, J; Tuovinen, E; Wendland, L; Talvitie, J; Tuuva, T; Besancon, M; Couderc, F; Dejardin, M; Denegri, D; Fabbro, B; Faure, J L; Favaro, C; Ferri, F; Ganjour, S; Ghosh, S; Givernaud, A; Gras, P; Hamel de Monchenault, G; Jarry, P; Kucher, I; Locci, E; Machet, M; Malcles, J; Rander, J; Rosowsky, A; Titov, M; Abdulsalam, A; Antropov, I; Baffioni, S; Beaudette, F; Busson, P; Cadamuro, L; Chapon, E; Charlot, C; Davignon, O; Granier de Cassagnac, R; Jo, M; Lisniak, S; Miné, P; Nguyen, M; Ochando, C; Ortona, G; Paganini, P; Pigard, P; Regnard, S; Salerno, R; Sirois, Y; Stahl Leiton, A G; Strebler, T; Yilmaz, Y; Zabi, A; Zghiche, A; Agram, J-L; Andrea, J; Aubin, A; Bloch, D; Brom, J-M; Buttignol, M; Chabert, E C; Chanon, N; Collard, C; Conte, E; Coubez, X; Fontaine, J-C; Gelé, D; Goerlach, U; Le Bihan, A-C; Van Hove, P; Gadrat, S; Beauceron, S; Bernet, C; Boudoul, G; Carrillo Montoya, C A; Chierici, R; Contardo, D; Courbon, B; Depasse, P; Mamouni, H El; Fay, J; Gascon, S; Gouzevitch, M; Grenier, G; Ille, B; Lagarde, F; Laktineh, I B; Lethuillier, M; Mirabito, L; Pequegnot, A L; Perries, S; Popov, A; Sabes, D; Sordini, V; Vander Donckt, M; Verdier, P; Viret, S; Khvedelidze, A; Tsamalaidze, Z; Autermann, C; Beranek, S; Feld, L; Kiesel, M K; Klein, K; Lipinski, M; Preuten, M; Schomakers, C; Schulz, J; Verlage, T; Albert, A; Brodski, M; Dietz-Laursonn, E; Duchardt, D; Endres, M; Erdmann, M; Erdweg, S; Esch, T; Fischer, R; Güth, A; Hamer, M; Hebbeker, T; Heidemann, C; Hoepfner, K; Knutzen, S; Merschmeyer, M; Meyer, A; Millet, P; Mukherjee, S; Olschewski, M; Padeken, K; Pook, T; Radziej, M; Reithler, H; Rieger, M; Scheuch, F; Sonnenschein, L; Teyssier, D; Thüer, S; Cherepanov, V; Flügge, G; Kargoll, B; Kress, T; Künsken, A; Lingemann, J; Müller, T; Nehrkorn, A; Nowack, A; Pistone, C; Pooth, O; Stahl, A; Aldaya Martin, M; Arndt, T; Asawatangtrakuldee, C; Beernaert, K; Behnke, O; Behrens, U; Bin Anuar, A A; Borras, K; Campbell, A; Connor, P; Contreras-Campana, C; Costanza, F; Diez Pardos, C; Dolinska, G; Eckerlin, G; Eckstein, D; Eichhorn, T; Eren, E; Gallo, E; Garay Garcia, J; Geiser, A; Gizhko, A; Grados Luyando, J M; Grohsjean, A; Gunnellini, P; Harb, A; Hauk, J; Hempel, M; Jung, H; Kalogeropoulos, A; Karacheban, O; Kasemann, M; Keaveney, J; Kleinwort, C; Korol, I; Krücker, D; Lange, W; Lelek, A; Lenz, T; Leonard, J; Lipka, K; Lobanov, A; Lohmann, W; Mankel, R; Melzer-Pellmann, I-A; Meyer, A B; Mittag, G; Mnich, J; Mussgiller, A; Pitzl, D; Placakyte, R; Raspereza, A; Roland, B; Sahin, M Ö; Saxena, P; Schoerner-Sadenius, T; Spannagel, S; Stefaniuk, N; Van Onsem, G P; Walsh, R; Wissing, C; Blobel, V; Centis Vignali, M; Draeger, A R; Dreyer, T; Garutti, E; Gonzalez, D; Haller, J; Hoffmann, M; Junkes, A; Klanner, R; Kogler, R; Kovalchuk, N; Lapsien, T; Marchesini, I; Marconi, D; Meyer, M; Niedziela, M; Nowatschin, D; Pantaleo, F; Peiffer, T; Perieanu, A; Scharf, C; Schleper, P; Schmidt, A; Schumann, S; Schwandt, J; Stadie, H; Steinbrück, G; Stober, F M; Stöver, M; Tholen, H; Troendle, D; Usai, E; Vanelderen, L; Vanhoefer, A; Vormwald, B; Akbiyik, M; Barth, C; Baur, S; Baus, C; Berger, J; Butz, E; Caspart, R; Chwalek, T; Colombo, F; De Boer, W; Dierlamm, A; Fink, S; Freund, B; Friese, R; Giffels, M; Gilbert, A; Goldenzweig, P; Haitz, D; Hartmann, F; Heindl, S M; Husemann, U; Katkov, I; Kudella, S; Mildner, H; Mozer, M U; Müller, Th; Plagge, M; Quast, G; Rabbertz, K; Röcker, S; Roscher, F; Schröder, M; Shvetsov, I; Sieber, G; Simonis, H J; Ulrich, R; Wayand, S; Weber, M; Weiler, T; Williamson, S; Wöhrmann, C; Wolf, R; Anagnostou, G; Daskalakis, G; Geralis, T; Giakoumopoulou, V A; Kyriakis, A; Loukas, D; Topsis-Giotis, I; Kesisoglou, S; Panagiotou, A; Saoulidou, N; Tziaferi, E; Evangelou, I; Flouris, G; Foudas, C; Kokkas, P; Loukas, N; Manthos, N; Papadopoulos, I; Paradas, E; Filipovic, N; Pasztor, G; Bencze, G; Hajdu, C; Horvath, D; Sikler, F; Veszpremi, V; Vesztergombi, G; Zsigmond, A J; Beni, N; Czellar, S; Karancsi, J; Makovec, A; Molnar, J; Szillasi, Z; Bartók, M; Raics, P; Trocsanyi, Z L; Ujvari, B; Komaragiri, J R; Bahinipati, S; Bhowmik, S; Choudhury, S; Mal, P; Mandal, K; Nayak, A; Sahoo, D K; Sahoo, N; Swain, S K; Bansal, S; Beri, S B; Bhatnagar, V; Chawla, R; Bhawandeep, U; Kalsi, A K; Kaur, A; Kaur, M; Kumar, R; Kumari, P; Mehta, A; Mittal, M; Singh, J B; Walia, G; Ashok Kumar; Bhardwaj, A; Choudhary, B C; Garg, R B; Keshri, S; Malhotra, S; Naimuddin, M; Ranjan, K; Sharma, R; Sharma, V; Bhattacharya, R; Bhattacharya, S; Chatterjee, K; Dey, S; Dutt, S; Dutta, S; Ghosh, S; Majumdar, N; Modak, A; Mondal, K; Mukhopadhyay, S; Nandan, S; Purohit, A; Roy, A; Roy, D; Roy Chowdhury, S; Sarkar, S; Sharan, M; Thakur, S; Behera, P K; Chudasama, R; Dutta, D; Jha, V; Kumar, V; Mohanty, A K; Netrakanti, P K; Pant, L M; Shukla, P; Topkar, A; Aziz, T; Dugad, S; Kole, G; Mahakud, B; Mitra, S; Mohanty, G B; Parida, B; Sur, N; Sutar, B; Banerjee, S; Dewanjee, R K; Ganguly, S; Guchait, M; Jain, Sa; Kumar, S; Maity, M; Majumder, G; Mazumdar, K; Sarkar, T; Wickramage, N; Chauhan, S; Dube, S; Hegde, V; Kapoor, A; Kothekar, K; Pandey, S; Rane, A; Sharma, S; Chenarani, S; Eskandari Tadavani, E; Etesami, S M; Khakzad, M; Mohammadi Najafabadi, M; Naseri, M; Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S; Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F; Safarzadeh, B; Zeinali, M; Felcini, M; Grunewald, M; Abbrescia, M; Calabria, C; Caputo, C; Colaleo, A; Creanza, D; Cristella, L; De Filippis, N; De Palma, M; Fiore, L; Iaselli, G; Maggi, G; Maggi, M; Miniello, G; My, S; Nuzzo, S; Pompili, A; Pugliese, G; Radogna, R; Ranieri, A; Selvaggi, G; Sharma, A; Silvestris, L; Venditti, R; Verwilligen, P; Abbiendi, G; Battilana, C; Bonacorsi, D; Braibant-Giacomelli, S; Brigliadori, L; Campanini, R; Capiluppi, P; Castro, A; Cavallo, F R; Chhibra, S S; Codispoti, G; Cuffiani, M; Dallavalle, G M; Fabbri, F; Fanfani, A; Fasanella, D; Giacomelli, P; Grandi, C; Guiducci, L; Marcellini, S; Masetti, G; Montanari, A; Navarria, F L; Perrotta, A; Rossi, A M; Rovelli, T; Siroli, G P; Tosi, N; Albergo, S; Costa, S; Di Mattia, A; Giordano, F; Potenza, R; Tricomi, A; Tuve, C; Barbagli, G; Ciulli, V; Civinini, C; D'Alessandro, R; Focardi, E; Lenzi, P; Meschini, M; Paoletti, S; Russo, L; Sguazzoni, G; Strom, D; Viliani, L; Benussi, L; Bianco, S; Fabbri, F; Piccolo, D; Primavera, F; Calvelli, V; Ferro, F; Monge, M R; Robutti, E; Tosi, S; Brianza, L; Brivio, F; Ciriolo, V; Dinardo, M E; Fiorendi, S; Gennai, S; Ghezzi, A; Govoni, P; Malberti, M; Malvezzi, S; Manzoni, R A; Menasce, D; Moroni, L; Paganoni, M; Pedrini, D; Pigazzini, S; Ragazzi, S; Tabarelli de Fatis, T; Buontempo, S; Cavallo, N; De Nardo, G; Di Guida, S; Esposito, M; Fabozzi, F; Fienga, F; Iorio, A O M; Lanza, G; Lista, L; Meola, S; Paolucci, P; Sciacca, C; Thyssen, F; Azzi, P; Bacchetta, N; Benato, L; Bisello, D; Boletti, A; Carlin, R; Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A; Checchia, P; Dall'Osso, M; De Castro Manzano, P; Dorigo, T; Dosselli, U; Gasparini, F; Gasparini, U; Gozzelino, A; Lacaprara, S; Margoni, M; Meneguzzo, A T; Pazzini, J; Pozzobon, N; Ronchese, P; Simonetto, F; Torassa, E; Zanetti, M; Zotto, P; Zumerle, G; Braghieri, A; Fallavollita, F; Magnani, A; Montagna, P; Ratti, S P; Re, V; Riccardi, C; Salvini, P; Vai, I; Vitulo, P; Alunni Solestizi, L; Bilei, G M; Ciangottini, D; Fanò, L; Lariccia, P; Leonardi, R; Mantovani, G; Menichelli, M; Saha, A; Santocchia, A; Androsov, K; Azzurri, P; Bagliesi, G; Bernardini, J; Boccali, T; Castaldi, R; Ciocci, M A; Dell'Orso, R; Donato, S; Fedi, G; Giassi, A; Grippo, M T; Ligabue, F; Lomtadze, T; Martini, L; Messineo, A; Palla, F; Rizzi, A; Savoy-Navarro, A; Spagnolo, P; Tenchini, R; Tonelli, G; Venturi, A; Verdini, P G; Barone, L; Cavallari, F; Cipriani, M; Del Re, D; Diemoz, M; Gelli, S; Longo, E; Margaroli, F; Marzocchi, B; Meridiani, P; Organtini, G; Paramatti, R; Preiato, F; Rahatlou, S; Rovelli, C; Santanastasio, F; Amapane, N; Arcidiacono, R; Argiro, S; Arneodo, M; Bartosik, N; Bellan, R; Biino, C; Cartiglia, N; Cenna, F; Costa, M; Covarelli, R; Degano, A; Demaria, N; Finco, L; Kiani, B; Mariotti, C; Maselli, S; Migliore, E; Monaco, V; Monteil, E; Monteno, M; Obertino, M M; Pacher, L; Pastrone, N; Pelliccioni, M; Pinna Angioni, G L; Ravera, F; Romero, A; Ruspa, M; Sacchi, R; Shchelina, K; Sola, V; Solano, A; Staiano, A; Traczyk, P; Belforte, S; Casarsa, M; Cossutti, F; Della Ricca, G; Zanetti, A; Kim, D H; Kim, G N; Kim, M S; Lee, S; Lee, S W; Oh, Y D; Sekmen, S; Son, D C; Yang, Y C; Lee, A; Kim, H; Brochero Cifuentes, J A; Kim, T J; Cho, S; Choi, S; Go, Y; Gyun, D; Ha, S; Hong, B; Jo, Y; Kim, Y; Lee, K; Lee, K S; Lee, S; Lim, J; Park, S K; Roh, Y; Almond, J; Kim, J; Lee, H; Oh, S B; Radburn-Smith, B C; Seo, S H; Yang, U K; Yoo, H D; Yu, G B; Choi, M; Kim, H; Kim, J H; Lee, J S H; Park, I C; Ryu, G; Ryu, M S; Choi, Y; Goh, J; Hwang, C; Lee, J; Yu, I; Dudenas, V; Juodagalvis, A; Vaitkus, J; Ahmed, I; Ibrahim, Z A; Md Ali, M A B; Mohamad Idris, F; Wan Abdullah, W A T; Yusli, M N; Zolkapli, Z; Castilla-Valdez, H; De La Cruz-Burelo, E; Heredia-De La Cruz, I; Hernandez-Almada, A; Lopez-Fernandez, R; Magaña Villalba, R; Mejia Guisao, J; Sanchez-Hernandez, A; Carrillo Moreno, S; Oropeza Barrera, C; Vazquez Valencia, F; Carpinteyro, S; Pedraza, I; Salazar Ibarguen, H A; Uribe Estrada, C; Morelos Pineda, A; Krofcheck, D; Butler, P H; Ahmad, A; Ahmad, M; Hassan, Q; Hoorani, H R; Khan, W A; Saddique, A; Shah, M A; Shoaib, M; Waqas, M; Bialkowska, H; Bluj, M; Boimska, B; Frueboes, T; Górski, M; Kazana, M; Nawrocki, K; Romanowska-Rybinska, K; Szleper, M; Zalewski, P; Bunkowski, K; Byszuk, A; Doroba, K; Kalinowski, A; Konecki, M; Krolikowski, J; Misiura, M; Olszewski, M; Walczak, M; Bargassa, P; Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C; Calpas, B; Di Francesco, A; Faccioli, P; Ferreira Parracho, P G; Gallinaro, M; Hollar, J; Leonardo, N; Lloret Iglesias, L; Nemallapudi, M V; Rodrigues Antunes, J; Seixas, J; Toldaiev, O; Vadruccio, D; Varela, J; Afanasiev, S; Bunin, P; Gavrilenko, M; Golutvin, I; Gorbunov, I; Kamenev, A; Karjavin, V; Lanev, A; Malakhov, A; Matveev, V; Palichik, V; Perelygin, V; Shmatov, S; Shulha, S; Skatchkov, N; Smirnov, V; Voytishin, N; Zarubin, A; Chtchipounov, L; Golovtsov, V; Ivanov, Y; Kim, V; Kuznetsova, E; Murzin, V; Oreshkin, V; Sulimov, V; Vorobyev, A; Andreev, Yu; Dermenev, A; Gninenko, S; Golubev, N; Karneyeu, A; Kirsanov, M; Krasnikov, N; Pashenkov, A; Tlisov, D; Toropin, A; Epshteyn, V; Gavrilov, V; Lychkovskaya, N; Popov, V; Pozdnyakov, I; Safronov, G; Spiridonov, A; Toms, M; Vlasov, E; Zhokin, A; Aushev, T; Bylinkin, A; Danilov, M; Popova, E; Rusinov, V; Andreev, V; Azarkin, M; Dremin, I; Kirakosyan, M; Leonidov, A; Terkulov, A; Baskakov, A; Belyaev, A; Boos, E; Bunichev, V; Dubinin, M; Dudko, L; Klyukhin, V; Kodolova, O; Korneeva, N; Lokhtin, I; Miagkov, I; Obraztsov, S; Perfilov, M; Savrin, V; Volkov, P; Blinov, V; Skovpen, Y; Shtol, D; Azhgirey, I; Bayshev, I; Bitioukov, S; Elumakhov, D; Kachanov, V; Kalinin, A; Konstantinov, D; Krychkine, V; Petrov, V; Ryutin, R; Sobol, A; Troshin, S; Tyurin, N; Uzunian, A; Volkov, A; Adzic, P; Cirkovic, P; Devetak, D; Dordevic, M; Milosevic, J; Rekovic, V; Alcaraz Maestre, J; Barrio Luna, M; Calvo, E; Cerrada, M; Chamizo Llatas, M; Colino, N; De La Cruz, B; Delgado Peris, A; Escalante Del Valle, A; Fernandez Bedoya, C; Fernández Ramos, J P; Flix, J; Fouz, M C; Garcia-Abia, P; Gonzalez Lopez, O; Goy Lopez, S; Hernandez, J M; Josa, M I; Navarro De Martino, E; Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A; Puerta Pelayo, J; Quintario Olmeda, A; Redondo, I; Romero, L; Soares, M S; de Trocóniz, J F; Missiroli, M; Moran, D; Cuevas, J; Fernandez Menendez, J; Gonzalez Caballero, I; González Fernández, J R; Palencia Cortezon, E; Sanchez Cruz, S; Suárez Andrés, I; Vischia, P; Vizan Garcia, J M; Cabrillo, I J; Calderon, A; Curras, E; Fernandez, M; Garcia-Ferrero, J; Gomez, G; Lopez Virto, A; Marco, J; Martinez Rivero, C; Matorras, F; Piedra Gomez, J; Rodrigo, T; Ruiz-Jimeno, A; Scodellaro, L; Trevisani, N; Vila, I; Vilar Cortabitarte, R; Abbaneo, D; Auffray, E; Auzinger, G; Baillon, P; Ball, A H; Barney, D; Bloch, P; Bocci, A; Botta, C; Camporesi, T; Castello, R; Cepeda, M; Cerminara, G; Chen, Y; d'Enterria, D; Dabrowski, A; Daponte, V; David, A; De Gruttola, M; De Roeck, A; Di Marco, E; Dobson, M; Dorney, B; du Pree, T; Duggan, D; Dünser, M; Dupont, N; Elliott-Peisert, A; Everaerts, P; Fartoukh, S; Franzoni, G; Fulcher, J; Funk, W; Gigi, D; Gill, K; Girone, M; Glege, F; Gulhan, D; Gundacker, S; Guthoff, M; Harris, P; Hegeman, J; Innocente, V; Janot, P; Kieseler, J; Kirschenmann, H; Knünz, V; Kornmayer, A; Kortelainen, M J; Kousouris, K; Krammer, M; Lange, C; Lecoq, P; Lourenço, C; Lucchini, M T; Malgeri, L; Mannelli, M; Martelli, A; Meijers, F; Merlin, J A; Mersi, S; Meschi, E; Milenovic, P; Moortgat, F; Morovic, S; Mulders, M; Neugebauer, H; Orfanelli, S; Orsini, L; Pape, L; Perez, E; Peruzzi, M; Petrilli, A; Petrucciani, G; Pfeiffer, A; Pierini, M; Racz, A; Reis, T; Rolandi, G; Rovere, M; Sakulin, H; Sauvan, J B; Schäfer, C; Schwick, C; Seidel, M; Sharma, A; Silva, P; Sphicas, P; Steggemann, J; Stoye, M; Takahashi, Y; Tosi, M; Treille, D; Triossi, A; Tsirou, A; Veckalns, V; Veres, G I; Verweij, M; Wardle, N; Wöhri, H K; Zagozdzinska, A; Zeuner, W D; Bertl, W; Deiters, K; Erdmann, W; Horisberger, R; Ingram, Q; Kaestli, H C; Kotlinski, D; Langenegger, U; Rohe, T; Wiederkehr, S A; Bachmair, F; Bäni, L; Bianchini, L; Casal, B; Dissertori, G; Dittmar, M; Donegà, M; Grab, C; Heidegger, C; Hits, D; Hoss, J; Kasieczka, G; Lustermann, W; Mangano, B; Marionneau, M; Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol, P; Masciovecchio, M; Meinhard, M T; Meister, D; Micheli, F; Musella, P; Nessi-Tedaldi, F; Pandolfi, F; Pata, J; Pauss, F; Perrin, G; Perrozzi, L; Quittnat, M; Rossini, M; Schönenberger, M; Starodumov, A; Tavolaro, V R; Theofilatos, K; Wallny, R; Aarrestad, T K; Amsler, C; Caminada, L; Canelli, M F; De Cosa, A; Galloni, C; Hinzmann, A; Hreus, T; Kilminster, B; Ngadiuba, J; Pinna, D; Rauco, G; Robmann, P; Salerno, D; Seitz, C; Yang, Y; Zucchetta, A; Candelise, V; Doan, T H; Jain, Sh; Khurana, R; Konyushikhin, M; Kuo, C M; Lin, W; Pozdnyakov, A; Yu, S S; Kumar, Arun; Chang, P; Chang, Y H; Chao, Y; Chen, K F; Chen, P H; Fiori, F; Hou, W-S; Hsiung, Y; Liu, Y F; Lu, R-S; Miñano Moya, M; Paganis, E; Psallidas, A; Tsai, J F; Asavapibhop, B; Singh, G; Srimanobhas, N; Suwonjandee, N; Adiguzel, A; Damarseckin, S; Demiroglu, Z S; Dozen, C; Eskut, E; Girgis, S; Gokbulut, G; Guler, Y; Hos, I; Kangal, E E; Kara, O; Kayis Topaksu, A; Kiminsu, U; Oglakci, M; Onengut, G; Ozdemir, K; Ozturk, S; Polatoz, A; Tali, B; Turkcapar, S; Zorbakir, I S; Zorbilmez, C; Bilin, B; Bilmis, S; Isildak, B; Karapinar, G; Yalvac, M; Zeyrek, M; Gülmez, E; Kaya, M; Kaya, O; Yetkin, E A; Yetkin, T; Cakir, A; Cankocak, K; Sen, S; Grynyov, B; Levchuk, L; Sorokin, P; Aggleton, R; Ball, F; Beck, L; Brooke, J J; Burns, D; Clement, E; Cussans, D; Flacher, H; Goldstein, J; Grimes, M; Heath, G P; Heath, H F; Jacob, J; Kreczko, L; Lucas, C; Newbold, D M; Paramesvaran, S; Poll, A; Sakuma, T; Seif El Nasr-Storey, S; Smith, D; Smith, V J; Bell, K W; Belyaev, A; Brew, C; Brown, R M; Calligaris, L; Cieri, D; Cockerill, D J A; Coughlan, J A; Harder, K; Harper, S; Olaiya, E; Petyt, D; Shepherd-Themistocleous, C H; Thea, A; Tomalin, I R; Williams, T; Baber, M; Bainbridge, R; Buchmuller, O; Bundock, A; Burton, D; Casasso, S; Citron, M; Colling, D; Corpe, L; Dauncey, P; Davies, G; De Wit, A; Della Negra, M; Di Maria, R; Dunne, P; Elwood, A; Futyan, D; Haddad, Y; Hall, G; Iles, G; James, T; Lane, R; Laner, C; Lucas, R; Lyons, L; Magnan, A-M; Malik, S; Mastrolorenzo, L; Nash, J; Nikitenko, A; Pela, J; Penning, B; Pesaresi, M; Raymond, D M; Richards, A; Rose, A; Scott, E; Seez, C; Summers, S; Tapper, A; Uchida, K; Vazquez Acosta, M; Virdee, T; Wright, J; Zenz, S C; Cole, J E; Hobson, P R; Khan, A; Kyberd, P; Reid, I D; Symonds, P; Teodorescu, L; Turner, M; Borzou, A; Call, K; Dittmann, J; Hatakeyama, K; Liu, H; Pastika, N; Bartek, R; Dominguez, A; Buccilli, A; Cooper, S I; Henderson, C; Rumerio, P; West, C; Arcaro, D; Avetisyan, A; Bose, T; Gastler, D; Rankin, D; Richardson, C; Rohlf, J; Sulak, L; Zou, D; Benelli, G; Cutts, D; Garabedian, A; Hakala, J; Heintz, U; Hogan, J M; Jesus, O; Kwok, K H M; Laird, E; Landsberg, G; Mao, Z; Narain, M; Piperov, S; Sagir, S; Spencer, E; Syarif, R; Breedon, R; Burns, D; Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M; Chauhan, S; Chertok, M; Conway, J; Conway, R; Cox, P T; Erbacher, R; Flores, C; Funk, G; Gardner, M; Ko, W; Lander, R; Mclean, C; Mulhearn, M; Pellett, D; Pilot, J; Shalhout, S; Shi, M; Smith, J; Squires, M; Stolp, D; Tos, K; Tripathi, M; Bachtis, M; Bravo, C; Cousins, R; Dasgupta, A; Florent, A; Hauser, J; Ignatenko, M; Mccoll, N; Saltzberg, D; Schnaible, C; Valuev, V; Weber, M; Bouvier, E; Burt, K; Clare, R; Ellison, J; Gary, J W; Ghiasi Shirazi, S M A; Hanson, G; Heilman, J; Jandir, P; Kennedy, E; Lacroix, F; Long, O R; Olmedo Negrete, M; Paneva, M I; Shrinivas, A; Si, W; Wei, H; Wimpenny, S; Yates, B R; Branson, J G; Cerati, G B; Cittolin, S; Derdzinski, M; Gerosa, R; Holzner, A; Klein, D; Krutelyov, V; Letts, J; Macneill, I; Olivito, D; Padhi, S; Pieri, M; Sani, M; Sharma, V; Simon, S; Tadel, M; Vartak, A; Wasserbaech, S; Welke, C; Wood, J; Würthwein, F; Yagil, A; Zevi Della Porta, G; Amin, N; Bhandari, R; Bradmiller-Feld, J; Campagnari, C; Dishaw, A; Dutta, V; Franco Sevilla, M; George, C; Golf, F; Gouskos, L; Gran, J; Heller, R; Incandela, J; Mullin, S D; Ovcharova, A; Qu, H; Richman, J; Stuart, D; Suarez, I; Yoo, J; Anderson, D; Bendavid, J; Bornheim, A; Bunn, J; Duarte, J; Lawhorn, J M; Mott, A; Newman, H B; Pena, C; Spiropulu, M; Vlimant, J R; Xie, S; Zhu, R Y; Andrews, M B; Ferguson, T; Paulini, M; Russ, J; Sun, M; Vogel, H; Vorobiev, I; Weinberg, M; Cumalat, J P; Ford, W T; Jensen, F; Johnson, A; Krohn, M; Leontsinis, S; Mulholland, T; Stenson, K; Wagner, S R; Alexander, J; Chaves, J; Chu, J; Dittmer, S; Mcdermott, K; Mirman, N; Nicolas Kaufman, G; Patterson, J R; Rinkevicius, A; Ryd, A; Skinnari, L; Soffi, L; Tan, S M; Tao, Z; Thom, J; Tucker, J; Wittich, P; Zientek, M; Winn, D; Abdullin, S; Albrow, M; Apollinari, G; Apresyan, A; Banerjee, S; Bauerdick, L A T; Beretvas, A; Berryhill, J; Bhat, P C; Bolla, G; Burkett, K; Butler, J N; Cheung, H W K; Chlebana, F; Cihangir, S; Cremonesi, M; Elvira, V D; Fisk, I; Freeman, J; Gottschalk, E; Gray, L; Green, D; Grünendahl, S; Gutsche, O; Hare, D; Harris, R M; Hasegawa, S; Hirschauer, J; Hu, Z; Jayatilaka, B; Jindariani, S; Johnson, M; Joshi, U; Klima, B; Kreis, B; Lammel, S; Linacre, J; Lincoln, D; Lipton, R; Liu, M; Liu, T; Lopes De Sá, R; Lykken, J; Maeshima, K; Magini, N; Marraffino, J M; Maruyama, S; Mason, D; McBride, P; Merkel, P; Mrenna, S; Nahn, S; O'Dell, V; Pedro, K; Prokofyev, O; Rakness, G; Ristori, L; Sexton-Kennedy, E; Soha, A; Spalding, W J; Spiegel, L; Stoynev, S; Strait, J; Strobbe, N; Taylor, L; Tkaczyk, S; Tran, N V; Uplegger, L; Vaandering, E W; Vernieri, C; Verzocchi, M; Vidal, R; Wang, M; Weber, H A; Whitbeck, A; Wu, Y; Acosta, D; Avery, P; Bortignon, P; Bourilkov, D; Brinkerhoff, A; Carnes, A; Carver, M; Curry, D; Das, S; Field, R D; Furic, I K; Konigsberg, J; Korytov, A; Low, J F; Ma, P; Matchev, K; Mei, H; Mitselmakher, G; Rank, D; Shchutska, L; Sperka, D; Thomas, L; Wang, J; Wang, S; Yelton, J; Linn, S; Markowitz, P; Martinez, G; Rodriguez, J L; Ackert, A; Adams, T; Askew, A; Bein, S; Hagopian, S; Hagopian, V; Johnson, K F; Kolberg, T; Prosper, H; Santra, A; Yohay, R; Baarmand, M M; Bhopatkar, V; Colafranceschi, S; Hohlmann, M; Noonan, D; Roy, T; Yumiceva, F; Adams, M R; Apanasevich, L; Berry, D; Betts, R R; Bucinskaite, I; Cavanaugh, R; Evdokimov, O; Gauthier, L; Gerber, C E; Hofman, D J; Jung, K; Sandoval Gonzalez, I D; Varelas, N; Wang, H; Wu, Z; Zakaria, M; Zhang, J; Bilki, B; Clarida, W; Dilsiz, K; Durgut, S; Gandrajula, R P; Haytmyradov, M; Khristenko, V; Merlo, J-P; Mermerkaya, H; Mestvirishvili, A; Moeller, A; Nachtman, J; Ogul, H; Onel, Y; Ozok, F; Penzo, A; Snyder, C; Tiras, E; Wetzel, J; Yi, K; Blumenfeld, B; Cocoros, A; Eminizer, N; Fehling, D; Feng, L; Gritsan, A V; Maksimovic, P; Roskes, J; Sarica, U; Swartz, M; Xiao, M; You, C; Al-Bataineh, A; Baringer, P; Bean, A; Boren, S; Bowen, J; Castle, J; Forthomme, L; Kenny, R P; Khalil, S; Kropivnitskaya, A; Majumder, D; Mcbrayer, W; Murray, M; Sanders, S; Stringer, R; Tapia Takaki, J D; Wang, Q; Ivanov, A; Kaadze, K; Maravin, Y; Mohammadi, A; Saini, L K; Skhirtladze, N; Toda, S; Rebassoo, F; Wright, D; Anelli, C; Baden, A; Baron, O; Belloni, A; Calvert, B; Eno, S C; Ferraioli, C; Gomez, J A; Hadley, N J; Jabeen, S; Jeng, G Y; Kellogg, R G; Kunkle, J; Mignerey, A C; Ricci-Tam, F; Shin, Y H; Skuja, A; Tonjes, M B; Tonwar, S C; Abercrombie, D; Allen, B; Apyan, A; Azzolini, V; Barbieri, R; Baty, A; Bi, R; Bierwagen, K; Brandt, S; Busza, W; Cali, I A; D'Alfonso, M; Demiragli, Z; Gomez Ceballos, G; Goncharov, M; Hsu, D; Iiyama, Y; Innocenti, G M; Klute, M; Kovalskyi, D; Krajczar, K; Lai, Y S; Lee, Y-J; Levin, A; Luckey, P D; Maier, B; Marini, A C; Mcginn, C; Mironov, C; Narayanan, S; Niu, X; Paus, C; Roland, C; Roland, G; Salfeld-Nebgen, J; Stephans, G S F; Tatar, K; Velicanu, D; Wang, J; Wang, T W; Wyslouch, B; Benvenuti, A C; Chatterjee, R M; Evans, A; Hansen, P; Kalafut, S; Kao, S C; Kubota, Y; Lesko, Z; Mans, J; Nourbakhsh, S; Ruckstuhl, N; Rusack, R; Tambe, N; Turkewitz, J; Acosta, J G; Oliveros, S; Avdeeva, E; Bloom, K; Claes, D R; Fangmeier, C; Gonzalez Suarez, R; Kamalieddin, R; Kravchenko, I; Malta Rodrigues, A; Monroy, J; Siado, J E; Snow, G R; Stieger, B; Alyari, M; Dolen, J; Godshalk, A; Harrington, C; Iashvili, I; Kaisen, J; Nguyen, D; Parker, A; Rappoccio, S; Roozbahani, B; Alverson, G; Barberis, E; Hortiangtham, A; Massironi, A; Morse, D M; Nash, D; Orimoto, T; Teixeira De Lima, R; Trocino, D; Wang, R-J; Wood, D; Bhattacharya, S; Charaf, O; Hahn, K A; Kumar, A; Mucia, N; Odell, N; Pollack, B; Schmitt, M H; Sung, K; Trovato, M; Velasco, M; Dev, N; Hildreth, M; Hurtado Anampa, K; Jessop, C; Karmgard, D J; Kellams, N; Lannon, K; Marinelli, N; Meng, F; Mueller, C; Musienko, Y; Planer, M; Reinsvold, A; Ruchti, R; Rupprecht, N; Smith, G; Taroni, S; Wayne, M; Wolf, M; Woodard, A; Alimena, J; Antonelli, L; Bylsma, B; Durkin, L S; Flowers, S; Francis, B; Hart, A; Hill, C; Hughes, R; Ji, W; Liu, B; Luo, W; Puigh, D; Winer, B L; Wulsin, H W; Cooperstein, S; Driga, O; Elmer, P; Hardenbrook, J; Hebda, P; Lange, D; Luo, J; Marlow, D; Medvedeva, T; Mei, K; Ojalvo, I; Olsen, J; Palmer, C; Piroué, P; Stickland, D; Svyatkovskiy, A; Tully, C; Malik, S; Barker, A; Barnes, V E; Folgueras, S; Gutay, L; Jha, M K; Jones, M; Jung, A W; Khatiwada, A; Miller, D H; Neumeister, N; Schulte, J F; Shi, X; Sun, J; Wang, F; Xie, W; Parashar, N; Stupak, J; Adair, A; Akgun, B; Chen, Z; Ecklund, K M; Geurts, F J M; Guilbaud, M; Li, W; Michlin, B; Northup, M; Padley, B P; Roberts, J; Rorie, J; Tu, Z; Zabel, J; Betchart, B; Bodek, A; de Barbaro, P; Demina, R; Duh, Y T; Ferbel, T; Galanti, M; Garcia-Bellido, A; Han, J; Hindrichs, O; Khukhunaishvili, A; Lo, K H; Tan, P; Verzetti, M; Agapitos, A; Chou, J P; Gershtein, Y; Gómez Espinosa, T A; Halkiadakis, E; Heindl, M; Hughes, E; Kaplan, S; Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R; Kyriacou, S; Lath, A; Nash, K; Osherson, M; Saka, H; Salur, S; Schnetzer, S; Sheffield, D; Somalwar, S; Stone, R; Thomas, S; Thomassen, P; Walker, M; Delannoy, A G; Foerster, M; Heideman, J; Riley, G; Rose, K; Spanier, S; Thapa, K; Bouhali, O; Celik, A; Dalchenko, M; De Mattia, M; Delgado, A; Dildick, S; Eusebi, R; Gilmore, J; Huang, T; Juska, E; Kamon, T; Mueller, R; Pakhotin, Y; Patel, R; Perloff, A; Perniè, L; Rathjens, D; Safonov, A; Tatarinov, A; Ulmer, K A; Akchurin, N; Cowden, C; Damgov, J; De Guio, F; Dragoiu, C; Dudero, P R; Faulkner, J; Gurpinar, E; Kunori, S; Lamichhane, K; Lee, S W; Libeiro, T; Peltola, T; Undleeb, S; Volobouev, I; Wang, Z; Greene, S; Gurrola, A; Janjam, R; Johns, W; Maguire, C; Melo, A; Ni, H; Sheldon, P; Tuo, S; Velkovska, J; Xu, Q; Arenton, M W; Barria, P; Cox, B; Goodell, J; Hirosky, R; Ledovskoy, A; Li, H; Neu, C; Sinthuprasith, T; Sun, X; Wang, Y; Wolfe, E; Xia, F; Clarke, C; Harr, R; Karchin, P E; Sturdy, J; Belknap, D A; Buchanan, J; Caillol, C; Dasu, S; Dodd, L; Duric, S; Gomber, B; Grothe, M; Herndon, M; Hervé, A; Klabbers, P; Lanaro, A; Levine, A; Long, K; Loveless, R; Perry, T; Pierro, G A; Polese, G; Ruggles, T; Savin, A; Smith, N; Smith, W H; Taylor, D; Woods, N


    A measurement of the top quark mass is reported in events containing a single top quark produced via the electroweak t channel. The analysis is performed using data from proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb[Formula: see text]. Top quark candidates are reconstructed from their decay to a [Formula: see text] boson and a b quark, with the [Formula: see text] boson decaying leptonically to a muon and a neutrino. The final state signature and kinematic properties of single top quark events in the t channel are used to enhance the purity of the sample, suppressing the contribution from top quark pair production. A fit to the invariant mass distribution of reconstructed top quark candidates yields a value of the top quark mass of [Formula: see text]. This result is in agreement with the current world average, and represents the first measurement of the top quark mass in event topologies not dominated by top quark pair production, therefore contributing to future averages with partially uncorrelated systematic uncertainties and a largely uncorrelated statistical uncertainty.

  11. Chiral symmetry-breaking and the quark mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gautam, V.P.; Kar, S.C.


    The generation of mass for light and heavy-quark sectors in the case of chiral symmetry-breaking is studied and an attempt is made to find the origin of quark mass and renormalization point corresponding to current-quark mass. (M.G.B.). 12 refs

  12. Nucleon-nucleon interaction and the quark model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faessler, A.


    The NN phase shifts are calculated using the quark model with a QCD inspired quark-quark force. The short range part of the NN force is given by quark and gluon exchange. The long range part is described by π and σ-meson exchange. The data fitted in the model are five values connected with three quarks only: the nucleon mass, the Δ mass, the root mean square radius of the charge distribution of the proton including the pion cloud, the π-N and the σ-N coupling constant at zero momentum transfer. The 1 S and 3 S phase shifts are nicely reproduced. The short range repulsion is decisively influenced by the node in the [42] r relative wave function. Very important is the colour magnetic quark-quark force which enlarges the [42] r admixture. In the OBEP's the short range repulsion is connected with the exchange of the ω-meson. But to reproduce the short range repulsion one had to blow up the ω-N coupling constant by a factor 2 to 3 compared to flavour SU 3 . With quark and gluon exchange the best fit to the ω-N coupling constant lies close to the SU 3 flavour value. This fact strongly supports the notion that the real nature of the short range repulsion of the NN interaction have been found

  13. Symmetries and aggregates of quarks as constituents of hadrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kibler, M.


    The interest of the Lie algebra of the group SU(n) for the classification of hadrons and the description of some of their static properties is emphasized for n=3, 4, 6, 8. The cases n=3 and 4 allow to introduce the quark flavors (u,d,s,) and (u,d,c,s), respectively, and the consideration of the spin of hadrons leads to the chain SU(2m) contains SU(m) x SU(2). The hadrons are described as bound states or aggregates of quarks of type quark-quark-quark for baryons and quark-antiquark for mesons. The Pauli exclusion principle applied to the three-quark baryons requires the introduction of a new quantum number, the color: each flavor of quark then comes in three colors

  14. The role of soil physics in fighting soil degradation. A case study in the Valencia Region, Spain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingelmo-Sánchez, Florencio


    Full Text Available Taking into consideration the peculiar characteristics of climate, topography, geology, soils and managing systems in the Valencia region, some proven general facts in soil Physics are presented, emphasizing some points needing further investigation which, as a whole, fall within the framework of actions in controlling soil degradation processes. The text is divided into two sections: the first, and longer, deals with the study of hydrological and erosion processes. Involving Soil Physics In the explanation of some behaviours and mechanisms; in the second, the various mechanisms of physical degradation leading to soil compaction are shown, and the main causes and Impacts are also determined.

    [es] Teniendo en cuenta las características peculiares del clima, topografía, geología, suelos y sistemas de manejo en la Región Valenciana, se exponen algunos hechos probados como suficientemente generales en la Física de suelos y algunos de los avances más significativos de dicha disciplina, enmarcando al mismo tiempo aspectos que necesitan ser Investigados, como base para la aplicación de un modelo conceptual de actuación para el control de los procesos de degradación del suelo. La exposición queda dividida, por consideraciones didácticas, en dos apartados. El primero, más extenso, se dedica al estudio de los procesos hidrológicos y erosivos, implicando a la Física del Suelo en la explicación de algunos comportamientos y mecanismos. En el segundo, se exponen los diferentes mecanismos de degradación física que conducen a la compactación del suelo, identificándose las principales causas y las repercusiones.
    [fr] Compte tenu des particulières caractéristiques du climat, topographie, géologie, sols et systèmes d'aménagement des sols dans la Région de Valence, on expose Ici quelques sujets bien connus, sur la Physique du Sol, et on signale certains rapports qui doivent être recherchés pour l'application d'un mod

  15. Properties of bound states containing fourth family quarks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bashiry, V; Azizi, K; Sultansoy, S


    The heavy fourth generation of quarks that have sufficiently small mixing with the three known SM families form hadrons. In the present work, we calculate the masses and decay constants of mesons containing either both quarks from the fourth generation or one from fourth family and the other from observed SM quarks, namely charm or bottom quark, in the framework of the QCD sum rules. In the calculations, the two gluon condensate diagrams as nonperturbative contributions are taken into account. The obtained numerical results are reduced to the known masses and decay constants of the b-bar b and c-bar c quarkonia, when the fourth family quark is replaced by the bottom or charm quark.

  16. Spontaneous magnetization in high-density quark matter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tsue, Yasuhiko; da Providência, João; Providência, Constanca


    It is shown that spontaneous magnetization occurs due to the anomalous magnetic moments of quarks in high-density quark matter under the tensor-type four-point interaction. The spin polarized condensate for each flavor of quark appears at high baryon density, which leads to the spontaneous magnet...

  17. A Study of charm quark production in beauty quark decays with the OPAL detector at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Waller, David


    The production of charm quarks in beauty quark decays has been studied with the OPAL detector at the Large Electron Positron collider near Geneva, Switzerland. The branching ratio Br(b -1 DDX) has been measured using hadronic zo decays collected between 1993 and 1995. Here b refers to the admixture of weakly decaying hadrons containing ab quark that are produced in electron-positron annihilations at a centre of mass energy equal to the mass of the zo boson. The impact parameter significance of tracks in tagged b-jets is used to differentiate b -1 DDX decays from other decays. The result is Br(b -1 DDX) = (10.0 ± 3.2(stat.)~~:~(syst. det.)~~~04 (syst. phys.))%. where syst. det. is the systematic uncertainty due to the modelling of the detector, and syst. phys. is the systematic uncertainty due to the modelling of the underlying particle physics. Using this result, the average number of charm and anti-charm quarks produced in a beauty quark decay, nc, is found to be l.12~8:i6- Ill

  18. Do bound color octet states of liberated quarks exist

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lipkin, H.J.


    In models where quarks are liberated and color can be excited, the three-quark color-octet state is shown to be unbound and unstable against breakup into free quarks and diquarks. The signature for color excitation in deep inelastic processes will not be a bound three-quark state which decays electromagnetically but a final state containing free quarks. (author)

  19. Quark-antiquark condensates in the hadronic phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tawfik, A.; Toublan, D.


    We use a hadron resonance gas model to calculate the quark-antiquark condensates for light (up and down) and strange quark flavors at finite temperatures and chemical potentials. At zero chemical potentials, we find that at the temperature where the light quark-antiquark condensates entirely vanish the strange quark-antiquark condensate still keeps a relatively large fraction of its value in the vacuum. This is in agreement with results obtained in lattice simulations and in chiral perturbation theory at finite temperature and zero chemical potentials. Furthermore, we find that this effect slowly disappears at larger baryon chemical potential. These results might have significant consequences for our understanding of QCD at finite temperatures and chemical potentials. Concretely, our results imply that there might be a domain of temperatures where chiral symmetry is restored for light quarks, but still broken for strange quark that persists at small chemical potentials. This might have practical consequences for heavy ion collision experiments

  20. Top quark mass measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maki, Tuula; Helsinki Inst. of Phys.; Helsinki U. of Tech.


    The top quark is the heaviest elementary particle. Its mass is one of the fundamental parameters of the standard model of particle physics, and an important input to precision electroweak tests. This thesis describes three measurements of the top-quark mass in the dilepton decay channel. The dilepton events have two neutrinos in the final state; neutrinos are weakly interacting particles that cannot be detected with a multipurpose experiment. Therefore, the signal of dilepton events consists of a large amount of missing energy and momentum carried off by the neutrinos. The top-quark mass is reconstructed for each event by assuming an additional constraint from a top mass independent distribution. Template distributions are constructed from simulated samples of signal and background events, and parameterized to form continuous probability density functions. The final top-quark mass is derived using a likelihood fit to compare the reconstructed top mass distribution from data to the parameterized templates. One of the analyses uses a novel technique to add top mass information from the observed number of events by including a cross-section-constraint in the likelihood function. All measurements use data samples collected by the CDF II detector

  1. Top quark mass measurements with CMS

    CERN Document Server

    Kovalchuk, Nataliia


    Measurements of the top quark mass are presented, obtained from CMS data collected in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at centre-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV. The mass of the top quark is measured using several methods and channels, including the reconstructed invariant mass distribution of the top quark, an analysis of endpoint spectra as well as measurements from shapes of top quark decay distributions. The dependence of the mass measurement on the kinematic phase space is investigated. The results of the various channels are combined and compared to the world average. The top mass and also $\\alpha_{\\textnormal S}$ are extracted from the top pair cross section measured at CMS.

  2. Rotating Quark Stars in General Relativity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enping Zhou


    Full Text Available We have built quasi-equilibrium models for uniformly rotating quark stars in general relativity. The conformal flatness approximation is employed and the Compact Object CALculator (cocal code is extended to treat rotating stars with surface density discontinuity. In addition to the widely used MIT bag model, we have considered a strangeon star equation of state (EoS, suggested by Lai and Xu, that is based on quark clustering and results in a stiff EoS. We have investigated the maximum mass of uniformly rotating axisymmetric quark stars. We have also built triaxially deformed solutions for extremely fast rotating quark stars and studied the possible gravitational wave emission from such configurations.

  3. Study of some properties of zirconium phosphate; Etude de quelques proprietes du phosphate de zirconium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prospert, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Zirconium phosphate has been studied with a view to using it as an ion exchanger: the first objective was to develop a method of preparation easy to apply and also reproducible. To this end, several tests were carried out varying the molar ratios of phosphorus and of zirconium. Some physical properties such as the diffraction of X-rays were examined. The work then involved certain chemical properties, particularly the percentages of free water and structural water given by the loss on calcination, the Karl-Fisher method and the weight losses by thermogravimetry. Finally an attempts was made to apply the exchanger to the separation of alkaline ions. The static tests showed that the order of fixation of these ions was Cs{sup +} > Rb{sup +} >> K{sup +} > Na{sup +}. Tests with columns showed that Na{sup +} and K{sup +} were easily separable, as was the Rb{sup +}-Cs{sup +} mixture, this last pair being fairly difficult to dissociate. (author) [French] Le phosphate de zirconium a ete etudie en vue de son utilisation comme echangeur d'ions: le premier but a atteindre a ete de mettre au point une preparation pouvant se reveler facilement utilisable ainsi qu'aisement reproductible. A cet effet, plusieurs essais ont ete effectues en faisant varier les rapports molaires du phosphore et du zirconium. Quelques proprietes physiques, telle la diffraction des rayons X, ont ete abordees. Ensuite, l'etude a porte sur certaines proprietes chimiques, particulierement les pourcentages d'eau libre et d'eau de structure par des pertes au feu, utilisation de la methode de Karl-Fisher, ainsi que des pertes de poids a la thenmobalance. Enfin, on a tente d'utiliser l'echangeur a la separation des ions alcalins. Les etudes statiques ont permis de constater que l'ordre de fixation de ces ions etait Cs{sup +} > Rb{sup +} >> K{sup +} > Na{sup +}. Les essais effectues en colonne ont montre que Na{sup +} et K{sup +} etaient aisement separables entre eux, ainsi que du couple Rb{sup +}-Cs{sup +}, ce

  4. CP Violation in Single Top Quark Production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Geng, Weigang [Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI (United States)


    We present a search for CP violation in single top quark production with the DØ experiment at the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider. CP violation in the top electroweak interaction results in different single top quark production cross sections for top and antitop quarks. We perform the search in the single top quark final state using 5.4 fb-1 of data, in the s-channel, t-channel, and for both combined. At this time, we do not see an observable CP asymmetry.

  5. Spinodal instability of baryon-rich quark matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Feng; Ko, Che Ming


    The spinodal instabilities of both confined and expanding baryon-rich quark matters are studied in a transport model derived from the Nambu-Jona-Lasino model. Appreciable higher-order density moments are seen as a result of the first-order phase transition in both cases. The skewness of the quark number event-by-event distribution in a small subvolume of the system becomes appreciable for the confined quark matter. For the expanding quark matter, the density fluctuations lead to enhanced anisotropic flows and dilepton yield. (paper)

  6. Physical activity and body composition, body physique, and quality of life in premenopausal breast cancer patients during endocrine therapy--a feasibility study. (United States)

    Hojan, Katarzyna; Molińska-Glura, Marta; Milecki, Piotr


    Endocrine therapy (ET) is a common method of treatment in breast cancer patients; however, its negative impact on body composition, body physique (physical body shape/measurements), and quality of life (QoL) remains controversial. Previous studies have shown physical exercise can have a positive effect on QoL in breast cancer patients, especially premenopausal subjects. In this feasibility study, we sought to assess the impact that physical exercise had on body composition and QoL in premenopausal breast cancer patients undergoing ET, and to determine the appropriateness of further testing of this intervention in this patient group. This study involved 41 premenopausal female breast cancer patients before and after six, 12, and 18 months of ET. Aerobic training began in the 6th month and resistance training was added in the 12th month. Body composition was evaluated using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans, body physique was evaluated using anthropometric measurement techniques, and QoL was evaluated using questionnaires from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. The initial period of ET with no exercise resulted in a reduction in fat-free body mass (FFBM), an increase in fat body mass (FBM), and a decline in QoL scores. Adding aerobic training resulted in a reduction of FBM and percentage of android fat, and improved QoL scores. The introduction of resistance training further reduced percentage of android and gynoid fat, increased FFBM, and further improved QoL scores. ET negatively impacts body composition, body physique, and QoL of premenopausal breast cancer patients. This feasibility study shows that physical activity may improve QoL and reduce adverse effects of ET on body composition and body physique, indicating appropriateness for further investigation on the use of exercise programs in premenopausal breast cancer patients to improve the outcomes of therapy.

  7. Quarks and gluons in hadrons and nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Close, F.E.


    These lectures discuss the particle-nuclear interface -- a general introduction to the ideas and application of colored quarks in nuclear physics, color, the Pauli principle, and spin flavor correlations -- this lecture shows how the magnetic moments of hadrons relate to the underlying color degree of freedom, and the proton's spin -- a quark model perspective. This lecture reviews recent excitement which has led some to claim that in deep inelastic polarized lepton scattering very little of the spin of a polarized proton is due to its quarks. This lecture discusses the distribution functions of quarks and gluons in nucleons and nuclei, and how knowledge of these is necessary before some quark-gluon plasma searches can be analyzed. 56 refs., 2 figs

  8. Studies of top quark production at D0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerber, Cecilia E.; /Illinois U., Chicago


    I present recent results on top quark production in pp collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The studies were performed by the D0 collaboration using approximately 5 fb{sup -1} of data taken during Run II at the Fermilab Tevatron accelerator. The top quark is the heaviest known elementary particle and completes the quark sector of the three-generation structure of the standard model (SM). It differs from the other quarks not only by its much larger mass, but also by its lifetime which is too short to build hadronic bound states. The SM predicts that top quarks are created via two independent production mechanisms at hadron colliders. The primary mode, in which a t{bar t} pair is produced from a gtt vertex via the strong interaction, was used by the D0 and CDF collaborations to establish the existence of the top quark in 1995. The second production mode of top quarks at hadron colliders is the electroweak production of a single top quark from a Wtb vertex. The predicted cross section for single top quark production is about half that of t{bar t} pairs but the signal-to-background ratio is much worse; observation of single top quark production has therefore until recently been impeded by its low rate and difficult background environment compared to the top pair production. In the following sections I will present results for the measurement of the t{bar t} pair and the single top quark production cross section using respectively 5.3 fb{sup -1} and 5.4 fb{sup -1} of data taken by the D0 experiment.

  9. Decays of the b quark

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thorndike, E.H.; Poling, R.A.


    Recent experimental results on the decay of b-flavored hadrons are reviewed. Substantial progress has been made in the study of exclusive and inclusive B-meson decays, as well as in the theoretical understanding of these processes. The two most prominent developments are the continuing failure to observe evidence of decays of the b quark to a u quark rather than a c quark, and the surprisingly high level of B 0 -anti B 0 mixing which has recently been reported by the ARGUS collaboration. Notwithstanding these results, we conclude that the health of the Standard Model is excellent. (orig.)

  10. Social Physique Anxiety and Pressure to Be Thin in Adolescent Ballet Dancers, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Swimming Athletes (United States)

    Kosmidou, Evdoxia; Giannitsopoulou, Evgenia; Moysidou, Dimitra


    Participation in sports may influence negative body image and Social Physique Anxiety (SPA) as there is pressure by significant others to have a certain body image. The aim of the present study was to examine possible differences in SPA and perceived pressure to be thin between female preadolescent and adolescent ballet dancers, rhythmic…

  11. New theoretical results in heavy quark hadroproduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nason, P.


    We describe the status of the heavy quark hadroproduction theory. In particular, we discuss recent developments on production of heavy quarks in the high energy limit, and the results of a new calculation to next-to-leading accuracy of the fully exclusive parton cross section for heavy quark production. (orig.)

  12. A variational approach to chiral quark models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Futami, Yasuhiko; Odajima, Yasuhiko; Suzuki, Akira.


    A variational approach is applied to a chiral quark model to test the validity of the perturbative treatment of the pion-quark interaction based on the chiral symmetry principle. It is indispensably related to the chiral symmetry breaking radius if the pion-quark interaction can be regarded as a perturbation. (author)

  13. Pole masses of quarks in dimensional reduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avdeev, L.V.; Kalmykov, M.Yu.


    Pole masses of quarks in quantum chromodynamics are calculated to the two-loop order in the framework of the regularization by dimensional reduction. For the diagram with a light quark loop, the non-Euclidean asymptotic expansion is constructed with the external momentum on the mass shell of a heavy quark

  14. The Contribution of Personality to the Ability to Board a Life Raft (United States)


    d’urgence plus réalistes dont l’issue dépend moins des caractéristiques physiques que dans le cas présent (p. ex. sortie d’un immeuble en feu ou...du moins dans les situations dont l’issue est moins influencée par les caractéristiques physiques. DRDC Toronto TR 2005-265 vii Bien que la plupart...were recruited via posters placed around DRDC Toronto and initially completed a medical screening to ensure that they were healthy and fit prior to

  15. Hadron interactions in quark models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narodetskij, I.M.


    Some recent developments on the study of quark degrees of freedom in hadron scattering at intermediate energy are reviewed. Physical foundations of the P-matrix approach and the Quark Compound Bag method are discussed including applications to pion-pion, pion-nucleon, nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon systems

  16. Quark motional effects on the interquark potential in baryons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Arata; Suganuma, Hideo


    We study the heavy-heavy-light quark (QQq) system in a nonrelativistic potential model, and investigate the quark motional effect on the inter-two-quark potential in baryons. We adopt the Hamiltonian with the static three-quark potential which is obtained by the first-principle calculation of lattice QCD, rather than the two-body force in ordinary quark models. Using the renormalization-group inspired variational method in discretized space, we calculate the ground-state energy of QQq systems and the light-quark spatial distribution. We find that the effective string tension between the two heavy quarks is reduced compared to the static three-quark case. This reduction of the effective string tension originates from the geometrical difference between the interquark distance and the flux-tube length, and is conjectured to be a general property for baryons

  17. Top quark soliton and its anomalous chromomagnetic moment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berger, J.; Blotz, A.; Kim, H.; Goeke, K.


    We show that under the assumption of dynamical symmetry breaking of electroweak interactions by a top quark condensate, motivated by the top mode standard model, the top quark in this effective theory can be considered then as a chiral color soliton. This is realized in an effective four-fermion interaction with chiral SU(3) c as well as SU(2) L circle-times U Y (1) symmetry. In the pure top quark sector the soliton consists of a top valence quark and a Dirac sea of top quarks and top antiquarks coupled to a color octet of Goldstone pions. The mass spectra, isoscalar quadratic radii, and the anomalous chromomagnetic moment because of a nontrivial color form factor are calculated with zero and finite current top quark masses and effects at the hadron colliders are discussed. The anomalous chromomagnetic moment turns out to have a value consistent with the top quark production rates of the D0 and CDF measurements. copyright 1996 The American Physical Society

  18. Réflexion sur l’origine du processus de segmentation du marche du travail

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Attia Nicole


    Full Text Available (francuski Ce travail propose une réflexion sur l'origine du processus de segmentation du marché du travail par rapport à l'entreprise. Se situe-t-elle au sein même de l'entreprise ou en amont, c'est à dire entre les entreprises? Cela revient à se demander si on peut avoir une approche microéconomique ou macroéconomique de la segmentation et, à s'interroger sur le rôle réel tenu par les firmes dans le processus. Déterminant pour la théorie, ce rôle est à repenser selon la réponse apportée à notre question.

  19. Multi-Quarks and Two-Baryon Interaction in Lattice QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okiharu, F.; Suganuma, H.; Takahashi, T. T.; Doi, T.


    We study multi-quark (3Q,4Q,5Q) systems in lattice QCD. We perform the detailed studies of multi-quark potentials in lattice QCD to clarify the inter-quark interaction in multi-quark systems. We find that all the multi-quark potentials are well described by the OGE Coulomb plus multi-Y-type linear potential, i.e., the multi-Y Ansatz. For multi-quark systems, we observe lattice QCD evidences of 'flip-flop', i.e., flux-tube recombination. These lattice QCD studies give an important bridge between elementary particle physics and nuclear physics

  20. Precision determination of the top-quark mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moch, Sven-Olaf


    Precision determinations of the top-quark mass require theory predictions with a well-defined mass parameter in a given renormalization scheme. The top-quark's running mass in the MS scheme can be extracted with good precision from the total cross section at next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD. The Monte Carlo top-quark mass parameter measured from comparison to events with top-quark decay products is not identical with the pole mass. Its translation to the pole mass scheme introduces an additional uncertainty of the order of 1 GeV.

  1. Observation of the Top Quark (United States)

    Kim, S. B.


    Top quark production is observed in{bar p}p collisions at{radical}s= 1.8 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron. The Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) and D{O} observe signals consistent with t{bar t} to WWb{bar b}, but inconsistent with the background prediction by 4.8{sigma} (CDF), 4.6a (D{O}). Additional evidence for the top quark Is provided by a peak in the reconstructed mass distribution. The kinematic properties of the excess events are consistent with the top quark decay. They measure the top quark mass to be 176{plus_minus}8(stat.){plus_minus}10(sys.) GeV/c{sup 2} (CDF), 199{sub -21}{sup+19}(stat.){plus_minus}22(sys.) GeV/c{sup 2} (D{O}), and the t{bar t} production cross section to be 6.8{sub -2.4}{sup+3.6}pb (CDF), 6.4{plus_minus}2.2 pb (D{O}).

  2. Évaluation de la restauration des rivières chenalisées pour le flottage du bois : étude du cas de la rivière Kutinjoki, Finlande du Nord

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Au cours de la dernière décennie, plusieurs projets de restauration de rivières à grande échelle ont été initiés en Finlande, afin de réhabiliter la structure originale de l'habitat dans des rivières chenalisées pour le flottage du bois dans les années 1950-1960. L'objectif principal de la restauration est d'augmenter la diversité des berges et d'améliorer l'habitat des poissons en réarrangeant le substrat sur le fond de la rivière. Les digues de blocs utilisées sur la rivière Kutinjoki ont augmenté la diversité et la variabilité des profondeurs, des vitesses et des classes de substrats dominants disponibles, et ont augmenté la complexité spatiale des rapides. Sur les sites étudiés, les successions radiers-mouilles étaient clairement visibles après restauration et contrastaient avec les écoulements plus ou moins homogènes d'avant restauration. L'opération de restauration semble favoriser les truites de un an (1+ et plus. Si l'on souhaite planifier et évaluer ce type d'amélioration de l'habitat piscicole, il est fortement conseillé d'utiliser une modélisation des conditions physiques et hydrologiques à une échelle pertinente pour les poissons et d'y inclure une analyse des préférences d'habitat des poissons.

  3. Au-delà de l’espace et du temps

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Dans quel monde vivons-nous ? Pourquoi est-il tel qu'il est ? L'espace est-il fini ou infini ? La matière est-elle réellement faite de particules ? Y a-t-il une physique capable de décrire ce monde ? Toutes ces interrogations se mêlent et se rejoignent. Comment s’opposent les concepts de l’infiniment grand et de l’infiniment petit : physique quantique et relativité se révèlent incompatibles ? Faut-il inventer de nouvelles géométries, extraordinaires, pour tenter de décrire ce qui, dans l’Univers, nous échappe encore : vivons-nous dans un monde à 10 dimensions ?

  4. Integrability in heavy quark effective theory (United States)

    Braun, Vladimir M.; Ji, Yao; Manashov, Alexander N.


    It was found that renormalization group equations in the heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) for the operators involving one effective heavy quark and light degrees of freedom are completely integrable in some cases and are related to spin chain models with the Hamiltonian commuting with the nondiagonal entry C( u) of the monodromy matrix. In this work we provide a more complete mathematical treatment of such spin chains in the QISM framework. We also discuss the relation of integrable models that appear in the HQET context with the large-spin limit of integrable models in QCD with light quarks. We find that the conserved charges and the "ground state" wave functions in HQET models can be obtained from the light-quark counterparts in a certain scaling limit.

  5. 2234-IJBCS-Article-Vinsoun Millogo

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 janv. 2011 ... Diagnostic des causes de complication du diabète et des méthodes de prévention à ... RESUME. Au Burkina Faso, on assiste à une progression du diabète due, en grande partie, à l'ignorance, aux ... ans doivent se soumettre à une activité physique régulière et à une alimentation équilibrée qu'elles soient.

  6. Education et Cohésion Sociale en Tunisie

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Deux textes de référence ont entériné les engagements des pouvoirs publics quant aux ... et physique ; affiner ses dons et ses facultés et lui garantir le droit à la ... troisième année traite du thème du « citoyen et (de la) communauté internationale ».11 ... L'historicité des peuples conditionne grandement leur définition ...

  7. LHC : sur la piste des mysteres de l`Univers par Michael Doser

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Le CERN, le plus grand centre en physique des particules au monde, va mettre en service le Grand collisionneur de hadrons (Large Hadron Collider), le LHC. Cette machine, le plus grand rouage du complexe d’accélérateurs du CERN, doit répondre aux énigmes qui subsistent sur les briques élémentaires de la matière et l’histoire de l’Univers.

  8. What?s in a Surname? Physique, Aptitude, and Sports Type Comparisons between Tailors and Smiths


    Voracek, Martin; Rieder, Stephan; Stieger, Stefan; Swami, Viren


    Combined heredity of surnames and physique, coupled with past marriage patterns and trade-specific physical aptitude and selection factors, may have led to differential assortment of bodily characteristics among present-day men with specific trade-reflecting surnames (Tailor vs. Smith). Two studies reported here were partially consistent with this genetic-social hypothesis, first proposed by Bäumler (1980). Study 1 (N = 224) indicated significantly higher self-rated physical aptitude for prot...

  9. The Skyrmions and quarks in nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rho, M.


    It is proposed that the quark-bag description and the Skyrmion description of baryons are related to each other by quantized parameters. Topology (through a chiral anomaly) plays an important role in bridging the fundamental theory of the strong interactions (QCD) to effective theories. Some consequences on the efforts to see quark degrees of freedom in nuclear matter are discussed. It is suggested that at low energies there will be no ''smoking gun'' evidences for quark presence in nuclei

  10. A single quark effective potential model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bodmann, B.E.J.; Vasconcellos, C.A.Z.


    In the present work we construct a radial spherical symmetric single quark potential model for the nucleon, consistent with asymptotic freedom and confinement. The quark mass enters as potential parameter and that way induces indirectly an isospin dependence in the interaction. As a consequence, a contribution to the negative charge square radius of the neutron arises an an effect of the quark core, which simulates an isospin symmetry breaking effect in the nucleon due to strong interaction. (author)

  11. Medium effects in strange quark matter and strange stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schertler, K.; Greiner, C.; Thoma, M.H.


    We investigate the properties of strange quark matter at zero temperature including medium effects. The quarks are considered as quasiparticles which acquire an effective mass generated by the interaction with the other quarks of the dense system. The effective quark masses are derived from the zero momentum limit of the dispersion relations following from an effective quark propagator obtained from resumming one-loop self-energy diagrams in the hard dense loop approximation. This leads to a thermodynamic self-consistent description of strange quark matter as an ideal Fermi gas of quasiparticles. Within this approach we find that medium effects reduce the overall binding energy with respect to 56 Fe of strange quark matter. For typical values of the strong coupling constant (α s >or∼1) strange quark matter is not absolutely stable. The application to pure strange quark matter stars shows that medium effects have, nevertheless, no impact on the mass-radius relation of the stars. However, a phase transition to hadronic matter at the surface of the stars becomes more likely. (orig.)

  12. Soap opera: the sad tale of the quark

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lipkin, H.


    The history of quark physics is briefly reviewed, followed by an introduction to quantum chromodynamics, leading terms, and the OZI rule. The basic physics of hadron structure as revealed by experiment is then discussed, followed by the models used to treat it. The two complementary models are the quasinuclear colored quark model and the quark-parton model. Another model for orthogonal physical properties is the bag model. Several applications of the constituent quark model are considered, including hadron masses, spin physics, and multiquark physics. The theoretical basis and phenomenology of the OZI rule forbids processes described by disconnected quark line diagrams

  13. Hyperon-nucleon interaction in the quark cluster model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Straub, U.; Zhang Zongye; Braeuer, K.; Faessler, A.; Khadkikar, S.B.; Luebeck, G.


    The lambda-nucleon and sigma-nucleon interaction is described in the nonrelativistic quark cluster model. The SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking due to the different quark masses is taken into account, i.e. different wavefunctions for the light (up, down) and heavy (strange) quarks are used in flavor and orbital space. The six-quark wavefunction is fully antisymmetrized. The model hamiltonian contains gluon exchange, pseudoscalar meson exchange and a phenomenological σ-meson exchange. The six-quark scattering problem is solved within the resonating group method. The experimental lambda-nucleon and sigma-nucleon cross sections are well reproduced. (orig.)

  14. Original Paper Performances comparées du HDL-cholestérol et du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    CT/HDL-C) et du HDL-Cholestérol est le meilleur prédicteur du SMet chez les adultes béninois. .... (Canada) et du. Ministère de la Santé du Bénin. Le consentement éclairé écrit a été obtenu de chaque participant avant leur recrutement dans.

  15. Top-quark mass measurements: Alternative techniques (LHC + Tevatron)

    CERN Document Server

    Adomeit, Stefanie; The ATLAS collaboration


    Measurements of the top-quark mass employing alternative techniques are presented, performed by the D0 and CDF collaborations at the Tevatron as well as the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC. The alternative methods presented include measurements using the lifetime of $B$-hadrons, the transverse momentum of charged leptons and the endpoints of kinematic distributions in top quark anti-quark pair ($t\\bar{t}$) final states. The extraction of the top-quark pole mass from the $t\\bar{t}$ production cross-section and the normalized differential $t\\bar{t}$ + 1-jet cross-section are discussed as well as the top-quark mass extraction using fixed-order QCD predictions at detector level. Finally, a measurement of the top-quark mass using events enhanced in single top t-channel production is presented.

  16. Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Abbiendi, G.; Akesson, P.F.; Alexander, G.; Allison, John; Amaral, P.; Anagnostou, G.; Anderson, K.J.; Arcelli, S.; Asai, S.; Axen, D.; Azuelos, G.; Bailey, I.; Barberio, E.; Barlow, R.J.; Batley, R.J.; Bechtle, P.; Behnke, T.; Bell, Kenneth Watson; Bell, P.J.; Bella, G.; Bellerive, A.; Benelli, G.; Bethke, S.; Biebel, O.; Bloodworth, I.J.; Boeriu, O.; Bock, P.; Bonacorsi, D.; Boutemeur, M.; Braibant, S.; Brigliadori, L.; Brown, Robert M.; Buesser, K.; Burckhart, H.J.; Campana, S.; Carnegie, R.K.; Caron, B.; Carter, A.A.; Carter, J.R.; Chang, C.Y.; Charlton, David G.; Csilling, A.; Cuffiani, M.; Dado, S.; Dallavalle, G.Marco; Dallison, S.; De Roeck, A.; De Wolf, E.A.; Desch, K.; Dienes, B.; Donkers, M.; Dubbert, J.; Duchovni, E.; Duckeck, G.; Duerdoth, I.P.; Elfgren, E.; Etzion, E.; Fabbri, F.; Feld, L.; Ferrari, P.; Fiedler, F.; Fleck, I.; Ford, M.; Frey, A.; Furtjes, A.; Gagnon, P.; Gary, John William; Gaycken, G.; Geich-Gimbel, C.; Giacomelli, G.; Giacomelli, P.; Giunta, Marina; Goldberg, J.; Gross, E.; Grunhaus, J.; Gruwe, M.; Gunther, P.O.; Gupta, A.; Hajdu, C.; Hamann, M.; Hanson, G.G.; Harder, K.; Harel, A.; Harin-Dirac, M.; Hauschild, M.; Hauschildt, J.; Hawkes, C.M.; Hawkings, R.; Hemingway, R.J.; Hensel, C.; Herten, G.; Heuer, R.D.; Hill, J.C.; Hoffman, Kara Dion; Homer, R.J.; Horvath, D.; Howard, R.; Huntemeyer, P.; Igo-Kemenes, P.; Ishii, K.; Jeremie, H.; Jovanovic, P.; Junk, T.R.; Kanaya, N.; Kanzaki, J.; Karapetian, G.; Karlen, D.; Kartvelishvili, V.; Kawagoe, K.; Kawamoto, T.; Keeler, R.K.; Kellogg, R.G.; Kennedy, B.W.; Kim, D.H.; Klein, K.; Klier, A.; Kluth, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Kobel, M.; Komamiya, S.; Kormos, Laura L.; Kowalewski, Robert V.; Kramer, T.; Kress, T.; Krieger, P.; von Krogh, J.; Krop, D.; Kruger, K.; Kupper, M.; Lafferty, G.D.; Landsman, H.; Lanske, D.; Layter, J.G.; Leins, A.; Lellouch, D.; Letts, J.; Levinson, L.; Lillich, J.; Lloyd, S.L.; Loebinger, F.K.; Lu, J.; Ludwig, J.; Macpherson, A.; Mader, W.; Marcellini, S.; Marchant, T.E.; Martin, A.J.; Martin, J.P.; Masetti, G.; Mashimo, T.; Mattig, Peter; McDonald, W.J.; McKenna, J.; McMahon, T.J.; McPherson, R.A.; Meijers, F.; Mendez-Lorenzo, P.; Menges, W.; Merritt, F.S.; Mes, H.; Michelini, A.; Mihara, S.; Mikenberg, G.; Miller, D.J.; Moed, S.; Mohr, W.; Mori, T.; Mutter, A.; Nagai, K.; Nakamura, I.; Neal, H.A.; Nisius, R.; O'Neale, S.W.; Oh, A.; Okpara, A.; Oreglia, M.J.; Orito, S.; Pahl, C.; Pasztor, G.; Pater, J.R.; Patrick, G.N.; Pilcher, J.E.; Pinfold, J.; Plane, David E.; Poli, B.; Polok, J.; Pooth, O.; Przybycien, M.; Quadt, A.; Rabbertz, K.; Rembser, C.; Renkel, P.; Rick, H.; Roney, J.M.; Rosati, S.; Rozen, Y.; Runge, K.; Sachs, K.; Saeki, T.; Sahr, O.; Sarkisyan, E.K.G.; Schaile, A.D.; Schaile, O.; Scharff-Hansen, P.; Schieck, J.; Schoerner-Sadenius, Thomas; Schroder, Matthias; Schumacher, M.; Schwick, C.; Scott, W.G.; Seuster, R.; Shears, T.G.; Shen, B.C.; Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H.; Sherwood, P.; Siroli, G.; Skuja, A.; Smith, A.M.; Sobie, R.; Soldner-Rembold, S.; Spagnolo, S.; Spano, F.; Stahl, A.; Stephens, K.; Strom, David M.; Strohmer, R.; Tarem, S.; Tasevsky, M.; Taylor, R.J.; Teuscher, R.; Thomson, M.A.; Torrence, E.; Toya, D.; Tran, P.; Trefzger, T.; Tricoli, A.; Trocsanyi, Z.; Tsur, E.; Turner-Watson, M.F.; Ueda, I.; Ujvari, B.; Vachon, B.; Vollmer, C.F.; Vannerem, P.; Verzocchi, M.; Voss, H.; Vossebeld, J.; Waller, D.; Ward, C.P.; Ward, D.R.; Watkins, P.M.; Watson, A.T.; Watson, N.K.; Wells, P.S.; Wengler, T.; Wermes, N.; Wetterling, D.; Wilson, G.W.; Wilson, J.A.; Wolf, G.; Wyatt, T.R.; Yamashita, S.; Zer-Zion, D.; Zivkovic, Lidija


    Searches for a scalar top quark and a scalar bottom quark have been performed using a data sample of 438 pb-1 at centre-of-mass energies of sqrt(s) = 192 - 209 GeV collected with the OPAL detector at LEP. No evidence for a signal was found. The 95% confidence level lower limit on the scalar top quark mass is 97.6 GeV if the mixing angle between the supersymmetric partners of the left- and right-handed states of the top quark is zero. When the scalar top quark decouples from the Z0 boson, the lower limit is 95.7 GeV. These limits were obtained assuming that the scalar top quark decays into a charm quark and the lightest neutralino, and that the mass difference between the scalar top quark and the lightest neutralino is larger than 10 GeV. The complementary decay mode of the scalar top quark decaying into a bottom quark, a charged lepton and a scalar neutrino has also been studied. The lower limit on the scalar top quark mass is 93.0 GeV for this decay mode, if the mass difference between the scalar top quark a...

  17. Régionalisation du recrutement du personnel de santé au Burkina ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Régionalisation du recrutement du personnel de santé au Burkina Faso ... le ministère a adopté une politique de recrutement régionalisé de certaines catégories du ... de comprendre le contexte dans lequel une telle stratégie a été formulée, ...

  18. Top Quark Mass Measurement in Dilepton Channel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lysak, Roman [Inst. of Experimental Physics, Kosice (Slovak Republic)


    We present a measurement of the top quark mass from events produced in p$\\bar{p}$ collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV, using the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We identify t$\\bar{t}$ candidates where both W bosons from the top quarks decay into leptons (eν, µν, τν) from a data sample of 340 pb-1. The top quark mass is reconstructed in each event separately by the method which draw upon simulated distribution of t$\\bar{t}$ longitudinal momentum in order to extract probability distribution for the top quark mass. Representative distributions, or templates, are constructed from simulated samples of signal and background events, and parametrized to form continuous probability density functions. A likelihood fit incorporating these parametrized templates is then performed on the data sample masses in order to derive a final top quark mass. Measured top quark mass is Mtop = 169.5$+7.7\\atop{-7.2}$(stat.) ± 4.0(syst.) GeV/c2.

  19. Experimental constraint on quark electric dipole moments (United States)

    Liu, Tianbo; Zhao, Zhiwen; Gao, Haiyan


    The electric dipole moments (EDMs) of nucleons are sensitive probes of additional C P violation sources beyond the standard model to account for the baryon number asymmetry of the universe. As a fundamental quantity of the nucleon structure, tensor charge is also a bridge that relates nucleon EDMs to quark EDMs. With a combination of nucleon EDM measurements and tensor charge extractions, we investigate the experimental constraint on quark EDMs, and its sensitivity to C P violation sources from new physics beyond the electroweak scale. We obtain the current limits on quark EDMs as 1.27 ×10-24 e .cm for the up quark and 1.17 ×10-24 e .cm for the down quark at the scale of 4 GeV2 . We also study the impact of future nucleon EDM and tensor charge measurements, and show that upcoming new experiments will improve the constraint on quark EDMs by about 3 orders of magnitude leading to a much more sensitive probe of new physics models.

  20. Quark and gluon condensate in vacuum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vajnshtejn, A.I.; Zakharov, V.I.; Shifman, M.A.


    The mechanism of quark confinement has been reviewed. The fact that coloured particles in a free state cannot be observed is connected with specific properties of vacuum in quantum chromodynamics. The basic hypothesis consists in the existence of vacuum fields, quark and gluon condensates, which affect the coloured objects. The vacuum transparent relative to noncharged ''white'' states serves as a source of the force acting upon the coloured particles. It has been a sucess to examine strictly the action of the vacuum fields on quarks when the distance between them is relatively small and the force of the vacuum fields on quarks is relatively small too. It is shown that the interaction with the vacuum fields manifests itself earlier than the forces connected with the gluon exchange do. It is assumed that the vacuum condensate of quarks and gluons and its relation to properties of resonances and to the bag model exist in reality. The dispersion sum rules are used for calculating masses and lepton widths of resonances