
Sample records for photons zweischleifenkorrekturen zur

  1. Characterization of Zur-dependent genes and direct Zur targets in Yersinia pestis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wang Xiaoyi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The zinc uptake regulator Zur is a Zn2+-sensing metalloregulatory protein involved in the maintenance of bacterial zinc homeostasis. Up to now, regulation of zinc homeostasis by Zur is poorly understood in Y. pestis. Results We constructed a zur null mutant of Y. pestis biovar microtus strain 201. Microarray expression analysis disclosed a set of 154 Zur-dependent genes of Y. pestis upon exposure to zinc rich condition. Real-time reverse transcription (RT-PCR was subsequently used to validate the microarray data. Based on the 154 Zur-dependent genes, predicted regulatory Zur motifs were used to screen for potential direct Zur targets including three putative operons znuA, znuCB and ykgM-RpmJ2. The LacZ reporter fusion analysis verified that Zur greatly repressed the promoter activity of the above three operons. The subsequent electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA demonstrated that a purified Zur protein was able to bind to the promoter regions of the above three operons. The DNase I footprinting was used to identify the Zur binding sites for the above three operons, verifying the Zur box sequence as predicted previously in γ-Proteobacteria. The primer extension assay was further used to determine the transcription start sites for the above three operons and to localize the -10 and -35 elements. Zur binding sites overlapped the -10 sequence of its target promoters, which was consistent with the previous observation that Zur binding would block the entry of the RNA polymerase to repress the transcription of its target genes. Conclusion Zur as a repressor directly controls the transcription of znuA, znuCB and ykgM-RpmJ2 in Y. pestis by employing a conserved mechanism of Zur-promoter DNA association as observed in γ-Proteobacteria. Zur contributes to zinc homeostasis in Y. pestis likely through transcriptional repression of the high-affinity zinc uptake system ZnuACB and two alternative ribosomal proteins YkgM and RpmJ2.

  2. Untersuchung der Produktion charmhaltiger Mesonen in der Photon-Photon-Streuung mit dem OPAL-Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Patt, Jochen


    Die Produktion von Charm-Quarks in der Photon-Photon-Streuung wird ueber den Nachweis charmhaltiger Mesonen untersucht. Die Arbeit basiert auf den Daten, die mit dem OPAL-Detektor am Elektron-Positron-Speicherring LEP am CERN in Genf in den Jahren von 1989 bis 1998 aufgenommen worden sind. Anhand des Charmonium-Zustandes Chi(c2) wird die Resonanzproduktion von Charm-Quarks untersucht und die Zwei-Photon-Breite des Chi(c2)-Mesons wird gemessen. Geladene D*-Mesonen werden zur Untersuchung der offenen Produktion von Charm-Quarks benutzt. Der Anteil des direkten und des einfach-aufgeloesten Produktionsmechanismus, differentielle D*-Wirkungsquerschnitte, der totale Charm-Wirkungsquerschnitt sowie die Charm-Strukturfunktion des Photons werden bestimmt.

  3. Von der lernenden Region zur "Smart Region“


    Poschwatta, Wolfgang


    Von der lernenden Region zur "Smart Region“ / M. Hilpert, W. Poschwatta. - In: Nabizadeh-Araghi, Nima : Auf dem Weg zur "Smart Region" : regionale Entwicklung am Beispiel der Pistazienproduktion im Iran. - Augsburg : Müllerdruck, 2004. - S. 5-9. - (Terra facta ; 2)

  4. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis aussereuropaeischer Trichopteren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ulmer, Georg


    In den folgenden Mitteilungen findet man alles veröffentlicht, was mir zur Zeit an neuem und wenig bekannten Materiale (mit Ausnahme amerikanischer Arten, für die mir keine Typen vorliegen) zur Verfügung steht. Herr Dr. H. W. van der Weele in Leiden war so freundlich, mir die aussereuropäischen

  5. Die Transition zur pflegenden Tochter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dagmar Dräger


    Full Text Available Das Buch aus der Reihe „Studien zur Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaft“ beschreibt den theoretischen Hintergrund, das methodische Vorgehen und die Ergebnisse einer biografischen Untersuchung, die sich dem Übergang von der Tochter zur pflegenden Tochter widmete. Grundlage der Publikation ist die Dissertation (2002 der Autorin. Mit der Berücksichtigung biographischer und familiärer Hintergründe wird eine neue Perspektive in der Forschung zu pflegenden Angehörigen eingenommen.

  6. Siebenjährige Follow-up-Studie zur Anwendung des spannungsfreien Vaginalbandes (TVT zur Behandlung der Stressharninkontinenz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilsson CG


    Full Text Available Studienzweck: Evaluierung der langfristigen Heilungs- und Spätkomplikationsraten bei Stressharninkontinenz der Frau bei Behandlung mit dem spannungsfreien Vaginalband (TVT, das anhand einer minimal-invasiven Operation eingesetzt wird. Methodik: In drei Studienzentren durchgeführte prospektive Beobachtungs- und Kohortenstudie mit ursprünglich 90 Frauen, deren primäre Stressharninkontinenz einen operativen Eingriff erforderlich machte. Zu den Bewertungsvariablen gehörten ein Vorlagentest (Pad-Test zur Messung des Uringewichts je 24 Stunden, ein Stresstest, eine visuelle Analogskala (VAS zur Beurteilung des Beschwerdegrads sowie ein Fragebogen zur Beurteilung der subjektiven Wahrnehmung des Kontinenzstatus durch die Frauen. Ergebnisse: Als Follow-up-Zeitraum wurde ein durchschnittlicher Zeitraum von 91 Monaten (78–100 Monate festgelegt. Sowohl die objektive als auch die subjektive Heilungsrate lag bei den an der Follow-up-Studie teilnehmenden 80 Frauen bei 81,3 %. Bei 7,8 % der Frauen wurde ein asymptomatischer Prolaps der Organe des kleinen Beckens, bei 6,3 % De-novo-Drangsymptome und bei 7,5 % eine rezidivierende Harnwegsinfektion festgestellt. Weitere unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen des Verfahrens wurden nicht festgestellt. Schlussfolgerung: Die Wirkung der TVT-Operation zur Behandlung der Stressharninkontinenz der Frau bleibt über einen Zeitraum von 7 Jahren erhalten.

  7. MRI methods for pulmonary ventilation and perfusion imaging; Methoden der MRT zur Ventilations- und Perfusionsbildgebung der Lunge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sommer, G. [Universitaetsspital Basel, Klinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Basel (Switzerland); Bauman, G. [Universitaetsspital Basel, Klinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin - Radiologische Physik, Basel (Switzerland)


    Detektion frueher pathologischer Veraenderungen. Standardverfahren der bildgebenden Lungendiagnostik sind die Computertomographie (CT) zur morphologischen Darstellung und die Perfusions-/Ventilationsszintigraphie bzw. ''single photon emission computed tomography'' (SPECT) zur funktionellen Diagnostik. Zur Darstellung der Lungenventilation stehen die MRT mit hyperpolarisierten Gasen, die O{sub 2}-verstaerkte MRT, die MRT mit fluorierten Gasen und die Fourier-Dekompositions-MRT (FD-MRT) zur Verfuegung. Zur Perfusionsbestimmung koennen die dynamische kontrastmittelverstaerkte MRT (DCE-MRT), das ''arterial spin labeling'' (ASL) und die FD-MRT verwendet werden. Bildgebende Verfahren erlauben einen genaueren Einblick in die Pathophysiologie der Lungenfunktion auf regionaler Ebene. Vorteile der MRT sind die fehlende Strahlenbelastung, welche die schonende Akquisition dynamischer Daten ermoeglicht sowie die Vielfalt der verfuegbaren Kontraste und damit zugaenglichen Parameter der Lungenfunktion. Ausreichende klinische Daten existieren nur fuer bestimmte Anwendungen der DCE-MRT. Fuer die uebrigen Verfahren gibt es lediglich Machbarkeitsstudien und Fallserien mit unterschiedlichem Umfang. Hyperpolarisierte Gase sind technisch bedingt nur eingeschraenkt in der Klinik anwendbar. Ein klinischer Einsatz der genannten Verfahren sollte mit Ausnahme der DCE-MRT nur innerhalb von Studien erfolgen. (orig.)

  8. Ein Beitrag zur Blutzellmorphologie ausgewählter karnivorer Zootierarten


    Güth, Henrike


    Henrike Güth Ein Beitrag zur Blutzellmorphologie ausgewählter karnivorer Zootierarten Zoo Leipzig Januar 2003 156 Seiten, 222 Abbildungen, 67 Tabellen, 1 Graphik, 151 Literaturangaben, Anhang mit 25 Abbildungen und 6 Tabellen Zur Beurteilung des Blutbildes ist es nötig, neben der quantitativen Betrachtung der Blutzellen auch ihre Morphologie in die Untersuchungen einzubeziehen. In der Praxis werden dazu häufig nach May-Grünwald-Giemsa-gefärbte Ausstriche verwendet. Referenzwerte zur physiolog...

  9. Alexandru Popa, Untersuchungen zu den römisch-barbarischen Kontakten Östlich der römischen Provinz Dacia Antiquitatis reihe 3 Abhnadlungen zur vor-und frühgeschichte, zur klassichen und provinzial-römischen archäologie und zur geschichte des altertum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vasile Iarmulschi


    Full Text Available Review on book - Alexandru Popa, Untersuchungen zu den römisch-barbarischen Kontakten Östlich der römischen Provinz Dacia Antiquitatis reihe 3 Abhnadlungen zur vor-und frühgeschichte, zur klassichen und provinzial-römischen archäologie und zur geschichte des altertum

  10. Vom Referat bis zur Examensarbeit: Naturwissenschaftliche Texte perfekt verfassen und gestalten (United States)

    Kremer, Bruno P.

    Welches Thema eignet sich für mein Referat oder meine Seminararbeit? Wie sammle ich Stoff? Wie gliedere ich den Text? Bruno P. Kremer beantwortet auf nur 200 Seiten alle wichtigen Fragen zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeit in den naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern. Dabei beschränkt er sich auf das für Studenten und Schüler wirklich notwendige Wissen und lässt jeglichen unnützen Ballast beiseite. Dieser praktische Ratgeber verhilft Ihnen zur erfolgreichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeit - vom Referat bis zur Examensarbeit.

  11. Double-mode Two-photon Absorption and Enhanced Photon Antibunching Due to Interference (United States)

    Bandilla, A.; Ritze, H.-H.

    Inspired by results of interfering signal and idler from a nondegenerate parametric amplifier we investigate the photon statistics of the resulting field after interference of two components subjected to double-mode two-photon absorption. This absorption process leads to a strong correlation of the participating modes, which can be used to generate fields with photon antibunching in interference experiments. In addition the photon number can be made small, which produces enhanced antibunching.Translated AbstractZwei-Photonen-Absorption aus zwei Moden und durch Interferenz verstärktes photon antibunchingDie quantenmechanische Betrachtung der Interferenz führt zu neuen Ergebnissen, wenn Felder ohne klassisches Analogon betrachtet werden. Insbesondere ergibt sich durch die Reduktion der Photonenzahl durch Interferenz eine effektive Verstärkung des Photon Antibunching, wie von den Verfassern in vorhergehenden Arbeiten gezeigt wurde. Die vorliegende Untersuchung betrachtet die Interferenz von zwei korrelierten Moden, wobei die Korrelation durch Zwei-Photonen-Absorption aus den beiden Moden zustande kommt. In jeder einzelnen Mode ergibt sich lediglich ein gewisses Bunching, wenn man mit kohärentem Licht in beiden Moden beginnt. Es wird die Interferenz der Feldstärke-Komponenten in bestimmten Polarisationsrichtungen untersucht. Zur Vereinfachung wird in den betrachteten Moden die gleiche Anfangsphotonenzahl vorausgesetzt und der Analysator auf minimale Transmittanz gebracht. Das eigentliche Signal entsteht dann durch Einführung einer endlichen Phasenverschiebung zwischen den beiden Moden. Dieses Signal zeigt Antibunching und kann in seiner Intensität beliebig variiert werden, was wegen des (1/n)-Charakters des Antibunching zu seiner Verstärkung führt. Ferner wird gezeigt, daß die zunächst für zwei linear polarisierte Moden durchgeführte Rechnung auf zwei zirkulare Moden sowie auf zwei gegenläufige Strahlen bei der dopplerfreien Zwei-Quanten-Absorption

  12. The components of the unique Zur regulon of Cupriavidus metallidurans mediate cytoplasmic zinc handling. (United States)

    Bütof, Lucy; Schmidt-Vogler, Christopher; Herzberg, Martin; Große, Cornelia; Nies, Dietrich H


    Zinc is an essential trace element and at the same time it is toxic at high concentrations. In the beta-proteobacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans the highly efficient removal of surplus zinc from the periplasm is responsible for its outstanding metal resistance. Rather than having a typical Zur-dependent, high-affinity ATP-binding cassette transporter of the ABC protein superfamily for zinc uptake at low concentrations, C. metallidurans instead has the secondary zinc importer ZupT of the ZRT/IRT (ZIP) family. It is important to understand, therefore, how this zinc-resistant bacterium copes when it is exposed to low zinc concentrations. Members of the Zur regulon in C. metallidurans were identified by comparing the transcriptomes of a Δ zur mutant and its parent strain. The consensus sequence of the Zur-binding box was derived for the zupTp promoter-regulatory region using a truncation assay. The motif was used to predict possible Zur-boxes upstream of Zur regulon members. Binding of Zur to these boxes was confirmed. Two Zur-boxes upstream of the cobW 1 gene, encoding a putative zinc chaperone, proved to be required for complete repression of cobW 1 and its downstream genes in cells cultivated in mineral salts medium. A Zur box upstream of each of zur-cobW 2 , cobW 3 and zupT permitted low-expression level of these genes plus their up-regulation under zinc starvation conditions. This demonstrates a compartmentalization of zinc homeostasis in C. metallidurans with the periplasm being responsible for removal of surplus zinc and cytoplasmic components for management of zinc as an essential co-factor, with both compartments connected by ZupT. Importance Elucidating zinc homeostasis is necessary to understand both host-pathogen interactions and performance of free-living bacteria in their natural environment. Escherichia coli acquires zinc under low zinc concentrations by the Zur-controlled ZnuABC importer of the ABC superfamily, and this was also the paradigm for other

  13. Untersuchungen zur Rauchgasentstickung mittels Schwefelwasserstoff in Tri-n-butylphosphat


    Homann, Jörg


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Reaktion von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) mit Schwefelwassersoff (H2S) in Tri-n-butylphosphat (TBP) im Hinblick auf ein alternatives Verfahren zur Entstickung von Rauchgasen untersucht. Mittels einer gasvolumetrischen Absorptionsapparatur wurden zuerst Daten zur physikalischen Löslichkeit in TBP ermittelt, die für den Erhalt kinetischer Daten der stofftransportüberlagerten Reaktionen in TBP relevant sind. Es sind dies die Henrykoeffizienten von NO, H2S und die d...

  14. Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Haftkraftmessung von Dentinadhäsiven


    Schwertner, Katharina


    Zur Bestimmung der Haftkraft von Adhäsiven stehen verschiedene Methoden zur Verfügung. Ziel dieser Studie war es, vier gebräuchliche in vitro Haftkraftmessmethoden (Tensile Bond Strength Test, Shear Bond Strength Test, Microtensile Bond Strength Test, Push-out Bond Strength Test) an drei unterschiedlichen Adhäsivsystemen (Syntac, Clearfil SE Bond, Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose) zu testen und die Ergebnisse zu vergleichen. Die Haftkräfte sind abhängig von der verwendeten Messmethode. Viele Pa...

  15. Two-photon contributions to the elastic electron-nucleon scattering in the Skyrme model; Zwei-Photon-Beitraege zur elastischen Elektron-Nukleon-Streuung im Skyrme-Modell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuhn, Markus


    The electromagnetic form factors are crucial for our understanding of the inner structure of the proton. Recently it has become feasible to measure them by the use of polarisation transfer techniques in addition to the traditional Rosenbluth separation method. Thereby emerged an incompatibility of the results obtained by these two different experimental methods. It is commonly assumed that the discrepance is induced by higher order corrections to the cross section, especially through two-photon exchange processes. Unfortunately these processes cannot be calculated in a model independent manner because off-shell photon nucleon vertices arise. Effective chiral lagrangians contain already local two-photon couplings and therefore seem exceptionally well suited to study the anomaly contribution to the two-photon exchange. These couplings give two-photon exchange contributions that can be understood as the coupling of the nucleon to pions, decaying into two virtual photons. A particular contribution emerges from the chiral anomaly of QCD, that describes the two-photon decay of the neutral pion. The most important goal of this work is the calculation of the contribution arising from the anomaly to the elastic electron-proton scattering. The results are expected to be widely model independent since the anomaly directly reflects a QCD property. Based on the Skyrme model the protons are realized as soliton solutions in effective chiral theories. The next to leading order contribution to the cross section is given by the interference between the one- and two-photon exchange. The latter contains an ultraviolet divergence, which is renormalized by a local effective counterterm. This counterterm contributes to the width of the neutral pion decay which determines the finite part of the counterterm coefficient. The affect of the anomaly to the Rosenbluth separation of the electromagnetic form factors as well as the discrepance regarding the polarization measurements is extensively

  16. Contributions to ecosystem research and environmental education III; Beitraege zur Oekosystemforschung und Umwelterziehung III

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erdmann, K H [ed.; Nauber, J [ed.


    The publication comprises the following chapters: Contributions to the implementation of findings in policy and administration; Contributions to biosphere reservations; Contributions to ecosystems research; Contributions to environmental education. The first chapter discusses environmental protection from the political point of view, while the second chapter describes biosphere reservations world-wide as well as their protection, conservation and development. (SR) [Deutsch] Die vorliegende Veroeffentlichung teilt sich in folgende Kapitel auf: Beitraege zur Umsetzung von Erkenntnissen in Politik und Verwaltung, Beitraege zu Biosphaerenreservaten, Beitraege zur Oekosystemforschung sowie Beitraege zur Umwelterziehung. Im ersten Kapitel wird der Umweltschutz von der politischen Seite aus beleuchtet. Das zweite Kapitel beschreibt verschiedene Biosphaerenreservate in der ganzen Welt und deren Schutz, Pflege und Entwicklung. Das dritte Kapitel beinhaltet Beitraege zur oekologischen Forschung. Abschliessend werden im letzten Kapitel psychologische Aspekte der Umwelterziehung dargestellt. (SR)

  17. Method for assessing modular concepts for reformate gas processing for PEM fuel cell systems for decentral power supply; Methodik zur Bewertung modularer Konzepte zur Reformatgasaufbereitung fuer PEM-Brennstoffzellenanlagen zur dezentralen Energieversorgung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerber, J.


    The dissertation presents the fundamentals of hydrogen gas processing and CO gas purification methods and, on this basis, develops a method for energetic modularisation of the gas treatment process. All process stages are modelled and analyzed on the basis of mass and energy balances. The theoretical discussion of solution methods for the balance equations of the various process stages is limited to the steam reforming and CO gas purification system. Parameters are defined for energetic assessment of the process variants. The method leads to the identification of energetically optimized process variants. Its main goal is the optimum utilisation of process-internal energy and mass flows. The graphic pinch method is a key component of the method presented; it is adapted to the exemplary process. [German] In der Dissertation wird, ausgehend von der Darstellung der Grundlagen der Wasserstoffgasaufbereitungs- und CO-Gasreinigungsverfahren, eine Methodik zur energetischen Modularisierung des Gasaufbereitungsprozesses entwickelt. Die Modellierung und Analyse der einzelnen Prozessstufen erfolgt auf der Basis von Masse- und Energiebilanzen. Die theoretische Darstellung der Loesungsmethoden fuer die Bilanzgleichungen der einzelnen Prozessstufen ist dabei auf das System Dampfreformierung und CO-Gasreinigung eingegrenzt. Parameter zur energetischen Bewertung der Prozessvarianten werden definiert. Die Methodik fuehrt zur Eingrenzung energetisch optimierter Prozessvarianten. Ihr Hauptziel liegt in der optimalen Nutzung prozessinterner Energie- und Stoffstroeme. Ein zentraler Bestandteil der Methodik ist die graphische Pinch-Methode. Sie wird dem vorliegenden Prozess angepasst.

  18. Digitale Transformation, aber wie? - Von der Spielwiese zur Umsetzungsplanung (United States)

    Kaiser, Thomas

    Es besteht wohl kaum Anlass zur Annahme, dass die seit Jahrzehnten etablierten Markt- und Technologiestrukturen der Energiewirtschaft sich nicht in einem radikalen Ablöseprozess mit Gewinnern und Verlierern befinden. Aber Vorsicht - vordergründig bereits verloren erscheinende Geschäftsmodelle erfahren im Zuge der Digitalisierung einerseits noch intensiveren Wettbewerbsdruck, können aber andererseits von diesem "technologischen Jungbrunnen" profitieren, um verlorenes Terrain zurückzugewinnen. Im folgenden Kapitel wird ein Managementzyklus aufgezeigt, der in Anlehnung an die bereits erfolgreiche Implementierung digitaler R/Evolutionen anderer Branchen aufzeigt, wie die Geschäftsleitung systematisch kostenbewusst und zielorientiert die Digitalisierung umsetzen kann.

  19. Recommended procedure for selection of detector systems for in vivo measurement of incorporated radioactivity; Empfehlungen zur Auswahl von Detektorsystemen zur Direktmessung der Koerperaktivitaet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sahre, P. [Verein fuer Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik (VKTA) Rossendorf e.V., Dresden (Germany); Wahl, W. [GSF Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Neuherberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz; Doerfel, H. [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany)


    The paper presents and discusses a variety of aspects and objectives to be considered and explains the selection criteria to be applied with reference to the available detector systems. All available detector systems are shown and explained in a table. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Zur Direktmessung der Koerperaktivitaet werden vorwiegend Halbleiter- und Szintillationsdetektoren verwendet. Bei Halbleiterdetektoren kommen der Regel HPGe-Detektoren und in Einzelfaellen auch Si(Li)-Detektoren zum Einsatz. Bei Szintillationsdetektoren werden hauptsaechlich NaI(TI)-Detektoren sowie NaI(TI)/CsI(TI)-Phoswich-Detektoren verwendet. Verschiedene Gesichtspunkte zur Auswahl von Detektorsystemen werden vorgestellt. (orig./SR)

  20. Wildnisbildung als Möglichkeit zur Professionalisierung zukünftiger Geographielehrer/innen – ein neuer Ansatz zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung?. GW-Unterricht|GW-Unterricht 142/143|


    Lindau, Anne-Kathrin; Hottenroth, Daniela; Lindner, Martin


    Der in den deutschen Nationalparken seit mehreren Jahren thematisierte und praktizierte Ansatz der Wildnisbildung stellt möglicherweise einen neuen Zugang zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) in der universitären Lehrer/innenbildung im Fach Geographie dar. Am Beispiel des DBU-geförderten Projektes „Wildnis macht stark“ wird eine Konzeption für die Umsetzung von Wildnisbildung im Rahmen des Geographie-Lehramtsstudiums vorgestellt und mit ersten Forschungsergebnissen zur Wirksamkeit in...

  1. Robuste Verzweigungserkennung von Gefäßen in CTA-Datensätzen zur modellbasierten Extraktion der Centerline (United States)

    Beck, Thomas; Fritz, Dominik; Biermann, Christina; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    Bei der Befundung und Visualisierung von Blutgefäßen ist deren Centerline von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Unterscheidung zwischen unverzweigten Abschnitten des Gefäßes und Verzweigungsbereichen ermöglicht den Einsatz spezialisierter und sehr effizienter Algorithmen zur modellbasierten Extraktion der Centerline. In diesem Artikel wird ein robustes Verfahren zur Verzweigungserkennung vorgestellt. Das Verfahren beruht auf einem Front-Propagation-Ansatz mit dynamisch angepassten Schwellwerten und einer anschließenden Clusteranalyse. Die vorgestellte Methode zur Verzweigungserkennung wurde als Komponente einer Architektur zur Extraktion der Centerline auf handannotierten Datensätzen getestet. Erste Ergebnisse sind sehr vielversprechend und ermöglichen auch bei pathologischen Gefäßen eine robuste Detektion von Gefäßverzweigungen.

  2. Der Weg von der Computerkompetenz zur Medienkompetenz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara Zuliani


    Full Text Available Weiterführende Gedanken zur „Schlüsselkompetenz Nr.4“ des Europäischen Rates im Bereich des lebenslangen Lernens: Computerkompetenz bzw. Medienkompetenz, sowie Anwendungsbeispiele aus dem Bereich der Volksschule: Klassenblog und verschiedener Apps via iPad - 2 Praxisberichte

  3. Criteria of validity in the measurement of shearing fracture toughness; Gueltigkeitskriterien zur Bestimmung von Scherbruchzaehigkeiten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hiese, W


    The investigations aimed at the development of criteria for measuring valid shearing fracture toughness data K{sub IIc} in analogy to the measurement of mode-I fracture toughness K{sub Ie}. Details are presented, and practical recommendations are given. [German] Die Brucheigenschaften von Werkstoffen werden ueblicherweise unter Zugbeanspruchungsbedingungen (Mode-I) bestimmt. Im Anwendungsbereich der linear-elastischen Bruchmechanik bzw. des Kleinbereichsfliessens geschieht dieses in Form der Bruchzaehigkeit K{sub Ic}. Es existieren entsprechende Richtlinien zur Durchfuehrung des Tests sowie zur Registrierung und Auswertung der Daten. Diese Kriterien sind in Standards festgelegt. Empfehlungen zur Bestimmung der Bruchzaehigkeit K{sub IIc} unter ebener Scherbelastung (Mode-II) fuer Werkstoffe mit im wesentlichen linear-elastischem Verhalten existieren nicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden durch den Vergleich der Groesse der plastischen Rissspitzenzonen im Verhaeltnis zu den Abmessungen von Probe bzw. Bauteil Kriterien zur Messung gueltiger Scherbruchzaehigkeiten K{sub IIc} analog zur Messung der Mode-I-Bruchzaehigkeit K{sub Ic} entwickelt. Der Groessenvergleich der plastischen Rissspitzenzonen fuer beide Beanspruchungsarten zeigt unter aequivalenten Beanspruchungen, d.h. K{sub II}=K{sub I}, dass bei Mode-II beanspruchten Rissen die plastischen Zonen groesser, aber die Differenzen in der Groesse der plastischen Zonen fuer die Zustaende ebener Spannung und ebener Dehnung kleiner sind als unter entsprechenden Mode-I-Beanspruchungen.

  4. Ilse von zur Mühlen. Glanz und Elend. Mythos und Wirklichkeit der Herrenhäuser im Baltikum. Begleitpublikation zur gleichnahmigen Ausstellung des Ostpreußischen Landesmuseums und der Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft e.V. / Anja Wilhelmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wilhelmi, Anja, 1966-


    Arvustus: Mühlen, Ilse von zur. Glanz und Elend. Mythos und Wirklichkeit der Herrenhäuser im Baltikum. Begleitpublikation zur gleichnahmigen Ausstellung des Ostpreußischen Landesmuseums und der Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft e.V. (1. Dezember 2012 bis 14. April 2013), Lindenberg i. Allgäu 2012

  5. Kurzskala zur Erfassung der Unternehmenskultur


    Jöns, Ingela; Hodapp, Markus; Weiss, Katharina


    Die Kulturskala zur Erfassung der Unternehmenskultur (KUK) fokussiert auf die Einstufung der Kultur des eigenen Unternehmens und eines anderen Unternehmens durch die Mitarbeiter, wie dies z.B. im Fall von Fusionen von Bedeutung ist. Ihre vier Dimensionen (Strategie, Struktur, Führung und Zusammenarbeit) werden anhand eines bündigen Inventars von 15 Merkmalen erfasst. In einer Untersuchung bei drei Unternehmen der Chemie- und Energiebranche mit einer Gesamtstichprobe von n = 724 konnte gezeigt...

  6. Competitive Intelligence : Aufbau einer Informationsbasis und Entscheidungssystematik zur Definition strategischer Zielmärkte


    Maffenbeier, Sina


    Im Rahmen der Globalisierung und des daraus resultierenden Wettbewerbs ist es für ein Unternehmen von zentraler Bedeutung, Wissen über die Wettbewerbssituation zu erhalten. Nicht nur zur Erschließung neuer Märkte, sondern auch zur Sicherung der Unternehmensexistenz ist eine Wettbewerbsanalyse unabdingbar. Konkurrenz- bzw. Wettbewerbsforschung wird überwiegend als „Competitive Intelligence“ bezeichnet. In diesem Sinne beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit mit einem Bereich von Compet...

  7. Anleitung zur Gründung und Pflege von Online-Netzwerken

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicola Döring


    Full Text Available Internet-Nutzung ist in der weiblichen Bevölkerung geringer verbreitet als in der männlichen (Internet Gender Gap. Hinzu kommen geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in Umfang und Art der Internet-Aneignung (Gendered Digital Inequalities. Eine Reihe von Initiativen bemüht sich darum, Mädchen und Frauen den Internet-Zugang zu erleichtern und ihre Internet-Kompetenz zu steigern (z. B. Der vorliegende Praxisleitfaden geht einen Schritt weiter und möchte nicht nur zur Internet-Nutzung, sondern zur aktiven Internet-Gestaltung anregen im Sinne der Gründung neuer virtueller Mädchen- und Frauennetzwerke. Technologische, ökonomische, soziale, psychologische und geschlechterpolitische Aspekte dieser Netzwerke werden behandelt und an Beispielen illustriert.

  8. Verbesserte Visualisierung der Koronararterien in MSCT-Daten mit direkter Vergleichbarkeit zur Angiographie (United States)

    Lacalli, Christina; Jähne, Marion; Wesarg, Stefan

    In diesem Beitrag stellen wir neue, automatisierte Verfahren zur Visualisierung der Koronararterien einerseits und für eine direkte Vergleichbarkeit mit konventionellen Angiogrammen andererseits vor. Unser Ansatz umfasst Methoden für die automatische Extraktion des Herzens aus kontrastverstärkten CT-Daten, sowie für die Maskierung grosser kontrastmittelgefüllter Kavitäten des Herzens, um die Sichtbarkeit der Koronararterien bei der Darstellung mittels Volumenrendering zu verbessern. Zum direkten Vergleich mit konventionellen Angiographien wurde ein Verfahren zur automatischen Generierung von Projektionsansichten aus den CT-Daten entwickelt.

  9. The photon tagging facility for the Crystal-Barrel/TAPS experiment at ELSA; Die Photonenmarkierungsanlage fuer das Crystal-Barrel/TAPS-Experiment an ELSA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fornet-Ponse, Kathrin


    eines so genannten Tagging-Systems. Als wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Arbeit wurde ein neues Tagging-System aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen, in das Instrumente zur Praeparation und zum Nachweis von linear und zirkular polarisierten Photonen integriert sind. Das Tagging-System besteht aus einem Hodoskop mit 96 Szintillatorstreifen sowie einem Detektor mit 480 szintillierenden Fasern. Mit dieser Detektorkombination wird der Nachweis der Sekundaerelektronen aus dem Bremsstrahlungsprozess in einem Energiebereich von 0,021 . E{sub 0} bis 0,871 . E{sub 0} mit einer Zeitaufloesung von {sigma} = 0,240 ns (Szintillatorhodoskop) bzw. {sigma} = 0,560 ns (Faserdetektor) und einer Energieaufloesung von 0,1 % . E{sub 0} bis 0,4 % . E{sub 0} ermoeglicht. Die erreichte Zeitaufloesung erlaubt es, das Tagging-System als Zeitreferenz fuer die uebrigen Experimentkomponenten zu verwenden. Die Energiekalibration der Photonenmarkierungsanlage erforderte umfangreiche, dedizierte Messungen, die Teil dieser Arbeit waren und durch ausfuehrliche Simulationsrechnungen ergaenzt wurden. Die Ergebnisse der Simulationsrechnungen wurden zur Extrapolation der gemessenen Daten in den Energiebereichen verwendet, die direkten Kalibrationsmessungen nicht zugaenglich waren. Darueber hinaus konnten die Simulationsergebnisse Aufschluss ueber den Einfluss der verschiedenen Strahllageparameter des primaeren Elektronenstrahls auf die zu erreichende Energieaufloesung geben. Zur Berechnung von Wirkungsquerschnitten mit dem CBELSA/TAPS-Experiment ist die Kenntnis des Photonenflusses am Experimenttarget noetig. Bei der Bestimmung des Photonenflusses spielt die Photondefinitionswahrscheinlichkeit P{sub {gamma}} eine zentrale Rolle, die angibt, mit welcher Wahrscheinlichkeit zu einem Signal aus dem Tagging-System das zugehoerige Photon im {gamma}-Strahl am Produktionstarget vorhanden ist. Hierzu wurden mittels Monte-Carlo-Simulationen detaillierte Untersuchungen angestellt, die Aufschluss ueber die zu beachtenden

  10. Wege zur Entdeckung von Communities in Folksonomies


    Jäschke, Robert; Hotho, Andreas; Schmitz, Christoph; Stumme, Gerd


    Ein wichtiger Baustein des neu entdeckten World Wide Web - des "Web 2.0" - stellen Folksonomies dar. In diesen Systemen können Benutzer gemeinsam Ressourcen verwalten und mit Schlagwörtern versehen. Die dadurch entstehenden begrifflichen Strukturen stellen ein interessantes Forschungsfeld dar. Dieser Artikel untersucht Ansätze und Wege zur Entdeckung und Strukturierung von Nutzergruppen ("Communities") in Folksonomies.

  11. Neuere Untersuchungen zur Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Niederhöfer


    Full Text Available Seit einigen Jahren ist die Analyse von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie Gegenstand zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten; Zielvorstellung ist dabei die Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Erkennung eines möglichen Voranfallszustandes. Im Vordergrund steht beispielsweise die Approximation einer so genannten effektiven Korrelationsdimension, die Bestimmung der maximalen Lyapunov-Exponenten, Detektionsverfahren für Muster bei Zellularen Nichtlinearen Netzwerken, die Bestimmung der mittleren Phasenkohärenz und Verfahren zur nichtlinearen Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen. Trotz umfangreicher Bemühungen kann bis heute eine Erkennung von Anfallsvorboten mit einer Sensitivität und Spezifität, die eine automatisierte Anfallsvorhersage ermöglichen würde, noch nicht durchgeführt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden neue Ergebnisse zur Prädiktion von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie vorgestellt. Dabei werden Signale, welche mittels intrakranieller electrocorticographischer (ECoG und stereoelectroencephalographischer (SEEG Ableitungen registriert wurden, segmentweise analysiert. Unter der Annahme, dass sich Änderungen des Systems ,,Gehirn" als Änderungen im Prädiktor, d.h. in seinen Systemparametern widerspiegeln, könnte eine nähere Betrachtung der Prädiktoreigenschaften zu einer Erkennung von Anfallsvorboten führen.

  12. The Density Matrix for Single-mode Light after k-Photon Absorption (United States)

    Voigt, H.; Bandilla, A.

    In order to continue and generalize the studies of the density matrix of a light field undergoing k-photon absorption, in this paper we put the emphasis on the off-diagonal elements. The solution obtained earlier for the diagonal elements describing the photon statistics can be found as a special case but will not be discussed again. The general solution calculated by recursion shows an asymptotic behaviour if the initial photon number is sufficiently high. Only the initial phase information survives. Illustrating the solution we start with coherent light and a generalized coherent state.Translated AbstractDie Dichtematrix eines Lichtstrahls nach k-Photonen-Absorption aus einer ModeWir führen die Betrachtungen über das Verhalten der Dichtematrix eines Lichtfeldes nach k-Photonen-Absorption aus einer Mode verallgemeinernd weiter und konzentrieren uns auf die Nichtdiagonalelemente. Die im folgenden angegebene allgemeine Lösung, die durch Rekursion gefunden wurde, enthält die schon früher erhaltene, jedoch hier nicht weiter diskutierte Lösung für die Diagonalelemente als Spezialfall. Sie zeigt ferner, daß es einen asymptotischen Zustand gibt, der eine von der Ausgangsintensität unabhängige Information über die Ausgangsphase enthält. Zur Diskussion der Lösung werden verschiedene Anfangsbedingungen betrachtet, so z. B. kohärentes Licht und kohärentes Licht, das ein Medium mit nichtlinearem Brechungsindex durchlaufen hat (Kerr-Effekt).

  13. Bacillus licheniformis Contains Two More PerR-Like Proteins in Addition to PerR, Fur, and Zur Orthologues.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jung-Hoon Kim

    Full Text Available The ferric uptake regulator (Fur family proteins include sensors of Fe (Fur, Zn (Zur, and peroxide (PerR. Among Fur family proteins, Fur and Zur are ubiquitous in most prokaryotic organisms, whereas PerR exists mainly in Gram positive bacteria as a functional homologue of OxyR. Gram positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus encode three Fur family proteins: Fur, Zur, and PerR. In this study, we identified five Fur family proteins from B. licheniformis: two novel PerR-like proteins (BL00690 and BL00950 in addition to Fur (BL05249, Zur (BL03703, and PerR (BL00075 homologues. Our data indicate that all of the five B. licheniformis Fur homologues contain a structural Zn2+ site composed of four cysteine residues like many other Fur family proteins. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the PerR-like proteins (BL00690 and BL00950 as well as PerRBL (BL00075, but not FurBL (BL05249 and ZurBL (BL03703, can sense H2O2 by histidine oxidation with different sensitivity. We also show that PerR2 (BL00690 has a PerR-like repressor activity for PerR-regulated genes in vivo. Taken together, our results suggest that B. licheniformis contains three PerR subfamily proteins which can sense H2O2 by histidine oxidation not by cysteine oxidation, in addition to Fur and Zur.

  14. Bacillus licheniformis Contains Two More PerR-Like Proteins in Addition to PerR, Fur, and Zur Orthologues (United States)

    Ju, Shin-Yeong; Yang, Yoon-Mo; Ryu, Su-Hyun; Kwon, Yumi; Won, Young-Bin; Lee, Yeh-Eun; Youn, Hwan; Lee, Jin-Won


    The ferric uptake regulator (Fur) family proteins include sensors of Fe (Fur), Zn (Zur), and peroxide (PerR). Among Fur family proteins, Fur and Zur are ubiquitous in most prokaryotic organisms, whereas PerR exists mainly in Gram positive bacteria as a functional homologue of OxyR. Gram positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus encode three Fur family proteins: Fur, Zur, and PerR. In this study, we identified five Fur family proteins from B. licheniformis: two novel PerR-like proteins (BL00690 and BL00950) in addition to Fur (BL05249), Zur (BL03703), and PerR (BL00075) homologues. Our data indicate that all of the five B. licheniformis Fur homologues contain a structural Zn2+ site composed of four cysteine residues like many other Fur family proteins. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the PerR-like proteins (BL00690 and BL00950) as well as PerRBL (BL00075), but not FurBL (BL05249) and ZurBL (BL03703), can sense H2O2 by histidine oxidation with different sensitivity. We also show that PerR2 (BL00690) has a PerR-like repressor activity for PerR-regulated genes in vivo. Taken together, our results suggest that B. licheniformis contains three PerR subfamily proteins which can sense H2O2 by histidine oxidation not by cysteine oxidation, in addition to Fur and Zur. PMID:27176811

  15. Von der Medienwirkungsbehauptung zur erziehungswissenschaftlichen Medienrezeptionsforschung. Vorschlag zur Analyse von Filmkommunikaten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara Drinck


    Full Text Available Im Hinblick auf die Erforschung spezifischer Zusammenhänge von Medienkonsum und der Herausbildung von Einstellungen und Handlungen wird eine konstruktivistische Theorieorientierung plausibilisiert, indem zunächst auf den Stand der Medienwirkungsforschung eingegangen und vor dem Hintergrund einer begründeten Kritik des Wirkungsverständnisses auf die Notwendigkeit einer medienrezeptionswissenschaftlichen Forschungsalternative hingewiesen wird. Weiterhin wird der Stand der (erziehungswissenschaftlichen Medienrezeptionsforschung erörtert. Sodann werden Elemente einer konstruktivistischen Methodologie von Medienrezeptionsforschung beschrieben, die am Beispiel der Rezeption von Filmen konkretisiert werden. Dabei wird das Konzept des Kommunikates (S.J. Schmidt als Ausgangspunkt genommen, ein Vorschlag für eine Beschreibungssprache für (Film- Kommunikate entwickelt und eine Adaption des Ansatzes filmischer Narration zur Sprache gebracht.

  16. Verfahren zur genbasierten Diagnose eines Legasthenierisikos


    Wilcke, Arndt; Ahnert, Peter; Kirsten, Holger; Ligges, Carolin; Boltze, Johannes


    Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Diagnose eines Legasthenierisikos, umfassend die Schritte: a) Bereitstellung einer Nukleinsäure beinhaltenden Probe von einem zu diagnostizierenden Menschen, b) Bestimmung des Genotyps der Nukleinsäure der Probe für mindestens eine chromosomale Region, ausgewählt aus der Gruppe bestehend aus der Region von Nukleotid 12091000 bis 12200000 des Chromosoms 1, der Region von Nukleotid 89066000 bis 89088000 des Chromosoms 15, der Region von Nukle...

  17. Review: Holger Stoecker: Afrikawissenschaften in Berlin von 1919 bis 1945. Zur Geschichte und Topographie eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes (2008 Buchbesprechung: Holger Stoecker: Afrikawissenschaften in Berlin von 1919 bis 1945. Zur Geschichte und Topographie eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katrin Bromber


    Full Text Available Review of the monograph: Holger Stoecker: Afrikawissenschaften in Berlin von 1919 bis 1945. Zur Geschichte und Topographie eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2008, ISBN 978-3-515-09161-9, 359 pages. Besprechung der Monographie: Holger Stoecker: Afrikawissenschaften in Berlin von 1919 bis 1945. Zur Geschichte und Topographie eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2008, ISBN 978-3-515-09161-9, 359 Seiten.

  18. Wässrige Nanosuspensionen zur pulmonalen Applikation


    Scherließ, Holger


    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Entwicklung einer Nanosuspensionsformulierung zur inhalativen Anwendung mit dem schwerlöslichen Antimykotikum Itraconazol untersucht. Viele der neu entwickelten pharmazeutischen Wirkstoffe sind nach der Arzneibuchdefinition als schwerlöslich, sehr schwer löslich oder gar praktisch unlöslich einzuteilen. Das bedingt in der Praxis häufig Probleme in der Bioverfügbarkeit und stellt eine große Herausforderung für die Galenik dar. Die Herstellung der Nan...

  19. Ein Beitrag zur Erweiterung von Beamforming-Methoden


    Kern, Marcus


    Im automobilen Entwicklungsprozess haben sich akustische Messsysteme etabliert, die mit einer Anordnung von Mikrofonen, einer optischen Kamera und einer nachgeschalteten Signalverarbeitung die Schalleinfallsrichtung detektieren und dadurch die Schalldruckverteilung auf Quellorte im Fernfeld zurückrechnen und visualisieren können. Die Signalverarbeitung beruht i. A. auf dem Delay&Sum-Beamforming, deren Umsetzung im Zeit- oder Frequenzbereich erfolgt. Die Schwächen dieser Messtechnik bezüglich ...

  20. Prüfungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr; Anleitung für die Aufstellung von Anforderungen und Prüfbestimmungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr von elektrotechnischen Erzeugnissen; 1-2: Anleitung für Bauelemente der Elektronik; Identisch mit IEC 60695-1-2, Ausgabe 1982

    CERN Document Server

    Deutsches Institut für Normung. Berlin


    Prüfungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr; Anleitung für die Aufstellung von Anforderungen und Prüfbestimmungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr von elektrotechnischen Erzeugnissen; 1-2: Anleitung für Bauelemente der Elektronik; Identisch mit IEC 60695-1-2, Ausgabe 1982

  1. Von neuen Geschäftsideen zur gelebten Digitalisierung in Utility 4.0 - das Integrierte Geschäftsmodell (United States)

    Doleski, Oliver D.

    Die Energiewirtschaft benötigt neue, digitale Geschäftsmodelle. Gegenwärtig folgt auf Liberalisierung und Energiewende die nächste Stufe einer weitreichenden Bereinigung des Versorgungsmarktes. Digitalisierung und Dezentralisierung sind heute in aller Munde und verlangen nach neuen Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Dabei wirken die immensen Herausforderungen einer digitalen Energiewelt wie Beschleuniger für die Transformation im Versorgungssektor und tragen damit zur breiten Etablierung von Utilities 4.0 bei. Dieser Entwicklungsprozess vollzieht sich mithilfe unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Realisierung neuer Geschäftsideen. Allerdings greifen die gängigen Konzepte zur Entwicklung von Geschäftsmodellen gerade im Hinblick auf die Berücksichtigung komplexer, unbeständiger Rahmenbedingungen und spezifischer Anforderungen der digitalen Energiewelt mitunter zu kurz. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das auf dem ganzheitlichen St. Galler Management-Konzept beruhende Integrierte Geschäftsmodell iOcTen als geeignetes Instrumentarium zur Geschäftsmodellentwicklung vorgestellt. Neben der Modellbeschreibung unterstützt ein intuitiv verständlicher Leitfaden den Praktiker bei der Transformation vom klassischen Versorgungsunternehmen zum digitalen Energiedienstleistungsunternehmen.

  2. Altautoverwertung zwischen Staat und Markt: Bedingungen und Potentiale zur Modernisierung von Lagerhaltung und Marketing gebrauchter Autoteile


    Lucas, Rainer


    Das Arbeitspapier diskutiert vor dem Hintergrund veränderter gesetzlicher Rahmen-und Wettbewerbsbedingungen in der Autoverwertung Ziele und Maßnahmen zurStärkung kleiner und mittelständischer Verwertungsbetriebe. Der Bereich GebrauchteAutoteile wird im Rahmen eines regionalen Fallbeispiels einer tiefergehenden Analyseunterzogen. Hieraus werden Vorschläge zur regionalen Netzwerkbildung innerhalb derBranche und neue Dienstleistungsperspektiven abgeleitet. Ein wesentliches Koope-rationsfeld ist ...

  3. Models for settlement prediction of structures in opencast dumps; Modelle zur Setzungsprognose von Bauwerken auf Tagebaukippen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birle, E.; Vogt, S. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Zentrum Geotechnik


    For construction projects at opencast dumps e.g. for planning of traffic routes or individual buildings a prognosis of dump subsicence after the establishment of the structures is required. It should be noted that on dump surfaces time-dependent subsidence are observed which can change by construction activities at the dump surface. As tools for describing the dump subsidence phenomenological models that have been developed based on the evaluation of dump characteristic subsidence and allow a one-dimensional analysis of creep deformation and visco-elastoplastic material models within the finite element method for analyzing complex geometric boundary conditions. [German] Fuer Baumassnahmen auf Tagebaukippen beispielsweise zur Planung von Verkehrswegen oder einzelnen Bauwerken ist eine Prognose der Kippensetzungen nach Errichtung der Bauwerke erforderlich. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass auf Kippenoberflaechen ausgepraegte zeitabhaengige Setzungen beobachtet werden, die sich durch Baumassnahmen an der Kippenoberflaeche aendern koennen. Als Werkzeuge zur Beschreibung der Kippensetzungen stehen prinzipiell phaenomenologische Modelle, die auf Basis der Auswertung von Kippeneigensetzungen entwickelt wurden und die eine ein-dimensionale Analyse der Kriechverformungen zulassen sowie visko-elastoplastische Stoffmodelle im Rahmen der FiniteElemente- Methode zur Analyse komplexer geometrischer Randbedingungen zur Verfuegung. In Abhaengigkeit vom Randwertproblem ist zu entscheiden, welches der Modelle zur Beschreibung der Kippensetzungen heranzuziehen ist. Mit phaenomenologischen Kriechmodellen und einer ein-dimensionalen Analyse der Verformungen koennen die sich nach Ende der Verkippung einstellenden Kippensetzungen in der Regel genuegend genau beschrieben werden, sofern an der Kippenoberflaeche keine signifikanten Spannungsaenderungen infolge von Baumassnahmen eingetragen werden. Kommt es dagegen zu Spannungsaenderungen, beispielsweise durch die Errichtung eines hohen

  4. Präanalytik zur HCMV-Diagnostik


    Travers-Podmaniczky, Gabrielle


    Die kongenitale HCMV-Infektion ist der wichtigste Auslöser geistiger Retardierung viraler Genese und ist für die meisten neurosensorischen Hörstörungen nicht genetischen Ursprunges verantwortlich. Die Entwicklung neuer Strategien zur Prävention der HCMV-Infektion bei Neugeborenen ist also von höchster Dringlichkeit. Die Einführung von universellen Screeningprogrammen bei Neugeborenen könnte die frühzeitige Erkennung einer Infektion und somit einen frühen therapeutischen Einsatz ermöglichen. U...

  5. Untersuchungen zur Genauigkeit digitaler intraoraler Scans


    Benedickt, Christopher Roland


    Ziel der hier vorliegenden In-vitro-Studie war es, zu untersuchen, ob es bei digitalen int-raoralen Scans zu Verzerrungen, Streckungen, Stauchungen, Verdrillungen oder Biegun-gen, kommt. Als Prüfmodell diente ein vollbezahntes Oberkiefermodell aus einer Chrom-Kobalt-Molybdän-Legierung. Auf diesem waren die Zähne 11, 15, 24 und 26 zur Auf-nahme eines Veneers, einer Vollkrone, eines Inlays präpariert, und auf inzisalen bezie-hungsweise okklusalen Mulden der Zähne 13, 23, 17 und 27 waren Metallk...

  6. Sie lebt! Zur Verbraucherforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oehler, Andreas; Reisch, Lucia


    jeweils eine existierende Aktivität; eine deutliche Lücke, die es zu schließen gilt (Wachstumsfelder der Verbraucherforschung). Zur Finanzierung der Verbraucherforschung ergibt sich der deutliche Befund, dass mit weitem Abstand die „Bordmittel“ der jeweiligen Professur bzw. des jeweiligen Lehrstuhls als...... oder des BMELV darauf hindeuten, dass die Verbraucherforschung zunehmend als wichtiges Element oder gar als Voraussetzung für eine fundierte moderne Verbraucherpolitik gesehen wird....

  7. Wohnquartiersbeschreibung: ein Instrument zur Regionalisierung von Nachbarschaften


    Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Jürgen H. P.


    'Ausgehend von der Annahme, daß soziale Differenzierung sich in räumlicher Differenzierung niederschlägt, bietet eine Beschreibung der Struktur des näheren Wohnumfeldes die Möglichkeit, das Wohnquartier als Handlungsraum und Sozialisationsinstanz zur Interpretation von Umfragedaten zu nutzen. Das vorliegende Instrumentarium erlaubt es, das Wohnquartier unabhängig von Zensusdaten über Merkmale, die in der eigenen Umfrage erhoben werden, zu charakterisieren.' (Autorenreferat) 'The general hy...

  8. Medienkompetenz und E-Portfolios für die Sekundarstufe I – ein Weg zur Medienbildung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernhard Ertl


    Full Text Available Medienkompetenz und digital literacy gehören inzwischen zu den Schlüsselkompetenzen und sind ein Teil der Medienbildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Medienbildung und/oder die dazu gehörigen Kompetenzen werden jedoch in Lehrplänen oft unterschiedlich verortet und definiert. Hierbei stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit kompetenzorientiertes Lernen den Ansprüchen an Medienbildung gerecht wird bzw. zur Medienbildung beitragen kann. Das Projekt EUfolio implementiert E-Portfolios in verschiedenen europäischen Klassen der Sekundarstufe I und realisiert dabei einen integrativen, fächerübergreifenden Ansatz. Dieser zielt primär auf den Erwerb von Schlüsselqualifikationen, kann jedoch implizit, etwa im Rahmen des reflektierenden Lernens mit E-Portfolios, zur Medienbildung beitragen. Der Artikel charakterisiert die Konzepte der Medienkompetenz und Medienbildung und diskutiert auf Basis des Projekts Eufolio, wie kompetenzorientiertes Lernen mit E-Portfolios einen Beitrag zur Medienbildung leisten kann.

  9. S2k-Leitlinie zum Gebrauch von Präparationen zur lokalen Anwendung auf der Haut (Topika). (United States)

    Wohlrab, Johannes; Staubach, Petra; Augustin, Matthias; Eisert, Lisa; Hünerbein, Andreas; Nast, Alexander; Reimann, Holger; Strömer, Klaus; Mahler, Vera


    Diese Leitlinie richtet sich an Assistenz- und Fachärzte der Dermatologie sowie an Kostenträger und politische Entscheidungsgremien. Die Leitlinie wurde im formellen Konsensusverfahren (S2k) von Dermatologen unter Einbindung von Apothekern erstellt. Die Leitlinie stellt allgemeine Aspekte der Pharmakokinetik sowie der regulatorischen Begrifflichkeiten dar. Es werden Empfehlungen zur Indikation von Magistralrezepturen sowie deren Qualitätssicherung gegeben. Die Bedeutung der galenischen Grundlagen und die Problematik bei einer Substitution gegeneinander verschiedener Grundlagen werden dargestellt. Die Leitlinie umfasst Kriterien zur Auswahl einer adäquaten Grundlage sowie spezifische Aspekte zur Therapieplanung. Die Leitlinie gibt Empfehlungen zum Management bei Unverträglichkeiten gegenüber Bestandteilen der Grundlagen oder Hilfsstoffe. © 2018 The Authors | Journal compilation © Blackwell Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

  10. Pflicht zur Prüfung der Existenz des Internen Kontrollsystems: Bestandesaufnahme zur Steuerung und Kontrolle mittelgrosser Unternehmen in der Schweiz


    Ruud, T F; Isufi, S; Friebe, P


    Die Pflicht zur Prüfung der Existenz des internen Kontrollsystems betrifft auch etliche mittelgrosse Unternehmen. Im Rahmen einer Umfrage haben das Institut für Rechnungswesen und Controlling der Universität Zürich und PricewaterhouseCoopers bei diesen Unternehmen eine Bestandesaufnahme zu Kontroll- und Prüfungsaktivitäten durchgeführt. Nachstehend werden die Ergebnisse der Umfrage zum internen Kontrollsystem präsentiert.

  11. Photon technology. Hard photon technology; Photon technology. Hard photon gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research results of hard photon technology have been summarized as a part of novel technology development highly utilizing the quantum nature of photon. Hard photon technology refers to photon beam technologies which use photon in the 0.1 to 200 nm wavelength region. Hard photon has not been used in industry due to the lack of suitable photon sources and optical devices. However, hard photon in this wavelength region is expected to bring about innovations in such areas as ultrafine processing and material synthesis due to its atom selective reaction, inner shell excitation reaction, and spatially high resolution. Then, technological themes and possibility have been surveyed. Although there are principle proposes and their verification of individual technologies for the technologies of hard photon generation, regulation and utilization, they are still far from the practical applications. For the photon source technology, the laser diode pumped driver laser technology, laser plasma photon source technology, synchrotron radiation photon source technology, and vacuum ultraviolet photon source technology are presented. For the optical device technology, the multi-layer film technology for beam mirrors and the non-spherical lens processing technology are introduced. Also are described the reduction lithography technology, hard photon excitation process, and methods of analysis and measurement. 430 refs., 165 figs., 23 tabs.

  12. Strategien zur HLA-Typisierung mit PyrosequencingTM


    Entz, Patricia


    Der Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplex ist durch seine biologische Funktion eine für die Diagnostik und Forschung äußerst wichtige Region im humanen Genom. Die Untersuchung von HLA-Genorten stellt ein wichtiges Instrument in der molekulargenetischen Praxis dar. Die Pyrosequencing-Technik ist gut geeignet, um kurze DNA-Abschnitte mit weitgehend bekannter Sequenz schnell und effizient zu untersuchen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Pyrosequencing-basierten Methoden zur HLA-Typisierung....

  13. Enantioselektivität und Isotopendiskriminierung - Zur Analytik von 1,2-Propandiol und 4-Hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanon (Furaneol)


    Hartlieb, Ariane


    Aussagekräftige Methoden zur Authentizitätsbewertung sind unerlässlich, um so-wohl einen fairen Handel als auch das Vertrauen der Verbraucher in die Qualität von Lebensmitteln zu gewährleisten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, anhand der Parameter 'Enantioselektivität' und 'Iso-topendiskriminierung' Methoden zur Authentizitätskontrolle von Schaumweinen und Erdbeeren, beides Produkte mit einem vergleichsweise hohen Handelswert, zur Verfügung zu stellen. Um unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit in der Praxi...

  14. Logfile-Analysen zur Evaluation der didaktischen Einbettung von CSCL-Systemen - am Beispiel der CommSy-Nutzung in offenen Seminaren

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Klein


    Full Text Available In unserem Beitrag evaluieren wir die didaktische Einbettung einer CSCL-Anwendung anhand von Logfile-Analysen. Dazu betrachten wir exemplarisch die Nutzung des webbasierten Systems CommSy in einer projektorientierten Lehrveranstaltung, die wir als offenes Seminar charakterisieren. Wir erzielen zwei Ergebnisse: (1 Wir geben Hinweise zur Gestaltung des Nutzungskontexts eines CSCL-Systems sowie zur Unterstützung seiner anfänglichen und kontinuierlichen Nutzung. (2 Wir beschreiben die Analyse von Nutzungsanlässen und -mustern sowie von NutzerInnentypen anhand von Logfiles. Dabei können Logfile-Analysen zur Validierung weiterer Evaluationsergebnisse dienen, sind selbst jedoch nur in Kombination mit zusätzlichen Informationen zum Nutzungskontext interpretierbar.

  15. Der gläserne Aschenbecher - oder - Zur Verallgemeinerung des Eulerschen Polyedersatzes


    Gallin, P


    Eine Diskussion unter Mathematikern im Lehrerzimmer einer Kantonsschule führt zusammen mit Beiträgen der Schülerinnen und Schüler unversehens zu topologischen Einsichten, die normalerweise im Gymnasium nicht zur Sprache kommen.

  16. Offenheit: Poster zur Nacht des Wissens Hamburg 2015


    Hapke, Thomas; Rajski, Beate; Bieler, Detlev


    Die Posterserie zum Thema Offenheit wurde von der Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Hamburg für die Nacht des Wissens am 7. November 2015 erstellt. Sie enthält die Poster Offenheit vonWissen Open Access Open Access Publizieren Offene Inhalte - Creative Commons Lizenzen TUBdok: Open Access Repository der TUHH Offene Bildung - Open Educational Resources Zur Geschichte der Offenheit des Wissens

  17. Zur Dialektik von Soft Skills und fachlicher Kompetenz


    Jendrowiak, Hans-Werner


    [Der Autor stellt folgende Thesen zur Dialektik von Soft Skills und fachlicher Bildung auf:] 1. Soft Skills sind normale Bildungskategorien und Teil einer Allgemeinen Bildung. […] 2. Soft Skills sind als personalgebundene Kriterien auch immer schon Gegenstand bildungstheoretischer Debatten. […] 3. Soft Skills ist eine trendorientierte Bezeichnung für Bildung. […] 4. Soft Skills sind Ausdruck von Vorstellungen, Ideen und Theorien (Schulkultur, Unternehmenskultur, Unternehmensphilosophie). 5. S...

  18. Uses of continuous measuring techniques for optimizing the operation of municipal sewage treatment plants; Einsatzmoeglichkeiten kontinuierlicher Messtechnik zur Betriebsoptimierung kommunaler Klaeranlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wedi, D [Vermicon AG, Muenchen/Braunschweig (Germany)


    Three different optimization measures are briefly discussed, each of which was carried out with the support of continuous measurements: efforts to enhance the sedimentation performance of a final sedimentation tank, investigations to establish the nitrification performance of an existing plant, and measurements permitting optimized parametrization of the complex control of a new sewage treatement plant. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Es werden drei verschiedene Optimierungsmassnahmen kurz erlaeutert, die jeweils mit Unterstutzung kontinuierlicher Messungen erfolgten: Arbeiten zur Verbesserung der Sedimentationsleistung eines Nachklaerbeckens, Untersuchungen zur besseren Nachrechnung der Nitrifikationskapazitaet einer bestehenden Anlage und Messungen zur optimierten Parametrierung einer komplexeren Regelung einer neuen Klaeranlage. (orig./SR)

  19. Uses of continuous measuring techniques for optimizing the operation of municipal sewage treatment plants; Einsatzmoeglichkeiten kontinuierlicher Messtechnik zur Betriebsoptimierung kommunaler Klaeranlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wedi, D. [Vermicon AG, Muenchen/Braunschweig (Germany)


    Three different optimization measures are briefly discussed, each of which was carried out with the support of continuous measurements: efforts to enhance the sedimentation performance of a final sedimentation tank, investigations to establish the nitrification performance of an existing plant, and measurements permitting optimized parametrization of the complex control of a new sewage treatement plant. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Es werden drei verschiedene Optimierungsmassnahmen kurz erlaeutert, die jeweils mit Unterstutzung kontinuierlicher Messungen erfolgten: Arbeiten zur Verbesserung der Sedimentationsleistung eines Nachklaerbeckens, Untersuchungen zur besseren Nachrechnung der Nitrifikationskapazitaet einer bestehenden Anlage und Messungen zur optimierten Parametrierung einer komplexeren Regelung einer neuen Klaeranlage. (orig./SR)

  20. [Alfred Ritscher. Reval an der schwelle zur neuzeit. T. 2] / Paul Kaegbein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaegbein, Paul


    Arvustus: Ritscher, Alfred. Reval an der schwelle zur neuzeit. T. 2: Vom tode Wolters von Plettenberg bis zum Untergang des Deutschen Ordens in Livland (1535-1561). Bonn: Kulturstiftung der deutshen Vertriebenen 2001. (Historische Forschungen).

  1. Hints on cost- and energy saving during lime-sand brick production; Hinweise zur Kosten- und Energieeinsparung bei der Kalksandstein-Produktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eden, W.


    The publication contains hints for reduction of energy consumption and cost in lime-sand brick production. The information was compiled by Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie e.V. and was derived from technical discussions of the master seminars on production technology of the years 1995 - 2000, consultations form member organizations, or from other sources. [German] Diese Arbeit ist eine Zusammenstellung von Hinweisen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Kostensenkung bei der KS-Produktion und soll eine Hilfestellung bei entsprechenden Rationalisierungsmassnahmen in den Mitgliedsunternehmen sein. Die hier aufgefuehrten Hinweise und Anregungen entstammen den Fachdiskussionen der Meisterseminare zur Produktionstechnik aus den Jahren 1995 bis 2000, Beratungsgespraechen fuer Mitgliedsunternehmen oder wurden dem Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie eV freundlicherweise fuer die Gemeinschaftsarbeit zur Verfuegung gestellt. (orig.)

  2. Klinische Studie zur Messung der Dimensionsstabilität von digitalen Ganzkieferabformungen und die Entwicklung einer neuen Messmethode


    Kuhr, Fabian


    Digitale Abformungen mit intraoralen Scannern haben klinisch bereits bewiesen, dass sie einzelne Zähne detail- und dimensionsgenau aufnehmen und in dieser Hinsicht eine Alternative zur konventionellen zahnärztlichen Abformung bieten können. Ob dies klinisch auch mit dem Scannen gesamter Zahnreihen möglich ist, wurde bislang nicht untersucht. Sowohl für konventionelle wie auch für digitale Abformungen gibt es keine In-vivo-Studie, die eine Methode zur Überprüfung der dimensionsgetreuen Übertra...

  3. Magnetic resonance tomography-guided interventional procedure for diagnosis of prostate cancer; MRT-gezielte interventionelle Verfahren zur Abklaerung des Prostatakarzinoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schernthaner, M.; Helbich, T.H.; Fueger, B.J.; Memarsadeghi, M.; Stiglbauer, A.; Linhart, H.G.; Doan, A.; Pinker, K.; Brader, P. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Univ.-Klinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Division fuer Molekulare und Gender-Bildgebung, Wien (Austria); Margreiter, M. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Univ.-Klinik fuer Urologie, Wien (Austria)


    In recent years magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been increasingly established in the diagnosis of prostate cancer in addition to transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). The use of T2-weighted imaging allows an exact delineation of the zonal anatomy of the prostate and its surrounding structures. Other MR imaging tools, such as dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging or diffusion-weighted imaging allow an inference of the biochemical characteristics (multiparametric MRI). Prostate cancer, which could only be diagnosed using MR imaging or lesions suspected as being prostate cancer, which are localized in the anterior aspect of the prostate and were missed with repetitive TRUS biopsy, need to undergo MR guided biopsy. Recent studies have shown a good correlation between MR imaging and histopathology of specimens collected by MR-guided biopsy. Improved lesion targeting is therefore possible with MR-guided biopsy. So far data suggest that MR-guided biopsy of the prostate is a promising alternative diagnostic tool to TRUS-guided biopsy. (orig.) [German] Neben dem transrektalen Ultraschall (TRUS) hat sich in den letzten Jahren die MRT als nichtinvasive Methode zur Bildgebung von Prostatatumoren etabliert. Mittels T2-gewichteter Sequenzen ist eine exakte anatomische Darstellung der Prostata und ihrer umliegenden Strukturen moeglich. Andere MRT-Techniken ermoeglichen Rueckschluesse auf das biologische Verhalten des Tumors: dynamische kontrastmittelverstaerkte T1-gewichtete Sequenzen zur Darstellung der Angiogenese, diffusionsgewichtete Aufnahmen zur Beurteilung der Zelldichte und die Spektroskopie zur Bestimmung von Gewebemetaboliten wie Cholin und Kreatin (multiparametrische Bildgebung). Prostatatumoren, die nur mittels MRT nachweisbar sind oder verdaechtige Tumoren, die hauptsaechlich anterior in der Prostata lokalisiert sind und in wiederholten TRUS-gezielten Biopsien verfehlt wurden, benoetigen eine MRT-gezielte Biopsie zur Diagnosesicherung. Die bisherigen

  4. Prüfungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr; Beispiele für Verfahren zur Beurteilung einer Brandgefahr und für die Auslegung von Ergebnissen; 3.1: Kennwerte der Verbrennung und Übersicht über Prüfverfahren zu ihrer Ermittlung; Identisch mit IEC 60695-3-1, Ausgabe 1982

    CERN Document Server

    Deutsches Institut für Normung. Berlin


    Prüfungen zur Beurteilung der Brandgefahr; Beispiele für Verfahren zur Beurteilung einer Brandgefahr und für die Auslegung von Ergebnissen; 3.1: Kennwerte der Verbrennung und Übersicht über Prüfverfahren zu ihrer Ermittlung; Identisch mit IEC 60695-3-1, Ausgabe 1982

  5. Photon-photon colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sessler, A.M.


    Since the seminal work by Ginsburg, et at., the subject of giving the Next Linear Collider photon-photon capability, as well as electron-positron capability, has drawn much attention. A 1990 article by V.I. Teinov describes the situation at that time. In March 1994, the first workshop on this subject was held. This report briefly reviews the physics that can be achieved through the photon-photon channel and then focuses on the means of achieving such a collider. Also reviewed is the spectrum of backscattered Compton photons -- the best way of obtaining photons. We emphasize the spectrum actually obtained in a collider with both polarized electrons and photons (peaked at high energy and very different from a Compton spectrum). Luminosity is estimated for the presently considered colliders, and interaction and conversion-point geometries are described. Also specified are laser requirements (such as wavelength, peak power, and average power) and the lasers that might be employed. These include conventional and free-electron lasers. Finally, we describe the R ampersand D necessary to make either of these approaches viable and explore the use of the SLC as a test bed for a photon-photon collider of very high energy

  6. Migration und differenzierte Citizenship : Zur Post-Amerikanisierung Europas


    Cattacin, Sandro


    Während sich Frankreich in Kopftuchdebatten in den Schulen auf seine Wurzeln rückbesinnen möchte, Deutschland an der Operationalisierung der Leitkultur herumbastelt und sich Forscherscharen an der politisch gestellten Frage abmühen, was „Integration“ bedeute, schreitet die Pluralisierung unserer Gesellschaft unbekümmert weiter. Diese Pluralisierung, die nur bedingt auf Migration zurückzuführen ist, fordert die europäischen nationalen Gesellschaften dreifach heraus. Erstens durch die ständige ...

  7. Auswahl und Verarbeitung von Früchten zur Steigerung der Gehalte an phenolischen Antioxidantien in Fruchtsäften


    Thielen, Christine


    Da Polyphenole als gesund angesehen werden, ist es Ziel dieser Arbeit, ihre Gehalte in Fruchtsäften zu erhöhen. Dies beinhaltet zum einen das Auffinden polyphenolreicher Apfel- und Beerenobstsorten als geeignete Rohware. Gleichzeitig entsteht dabei ein Datensatz über sortenreine Apfel- und Beerenobstsäfte, der die RSK-Werte ergänzt. Zum anderen sind Wege zur Minimierung von Verarbeitungsverlusten durch gezielte Studien zur Qualitätssteigerung des Endproduktes Fruchtsaft wichtig. Die im Screen...

  8. Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer NMR-Methoden: Orientierungsmedien zur Strukturbestimmung mit anisotropen Parametern und Metabonomics


    Büchler, Silke


    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Orientierungsmedien zur Strukturbestimmung mit anisotropen Parametern, sowie die Etablierung von Metabonomics-Studien an Flüssigzellkulturen und Reispflanzen.

  9. Medien – Generationen – Wissen. Überlegungen zur medienpädagogischen Forschung – dargestellt am Beispiel der Frage nach dem Weltwissen globaler Mediengenerationen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theo Hug


    Full Text Available Mit den aktuellen gesellschaftlichen, technologischen und politischen Entwicklungen haben sich neue Fragen und Aufgabenbereiche für die Medienpädagogik ergeben. Diese werden im vorliegenden Beitrag skizziert, wobei in Abgrenzung von traditionellen Auffassungen für ein weiteres Verständnis von Medienpädagogik argumentiert wird. Die Erweiterung des thematischen Horizonts wird anhand einer Pilotstudie zur Frage des Weltwissens von Mediengenerationen exemplarisch verdeutlicht. Abschließend werden einige Überlegungen zur Medienkompetenz, der Problematik diesbezüglicher Verkürzungen und deren Stellenwert im Lichte des „medial turn“ zur Diskussion gestellt.

  10. Photon technology. Hard photon technology; Photon technology. Hard photon gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the application of photon to industrial technologies, in particular, a hard photon technology was surveyed which uses photon beams of 0.1-200nm in wavelength. Its features such as selective atom reaction, dense inner shell excitation and spacial high resolution by quantum energy are expected to provide innovative techniques for various field such as fine machining, material synthesis and advanced inspection technology. This wavelength region has been hardly utilized for industrial fields because of poor development of suitable photon sources and optical devices. The developmental meaning, usable time and issue of a hard photon reduction lithography were surveyed as lithography in ultra-fine region below 0.1{mu}m. On hard photon analysis/evaluation technology, the industrial use of analysis, measurement and evaluation technologies by micro-beam was viewed, and optimum photon sources and optical systems were surveyed. Prediction of surface and surface layer modification by inner shell excitation, the future trend of this process and development of a vacuum ultraviolet light source were also surveyed. 383 refs., 153 figs., 17 tabs.

  11. Untersuchungen zur Expansion, funktionellen Charakterisierung und kontinuierlichen Bereitstellung von Hepatocyten für die Anwendung in bioartifiziellen Leberunterstützungssystemen


    Iding, Kai


    Der vollständige Funktionsverlust der Leber kann in der modernen Medizin bisher nur durch den Austausch des funktionsuntüchtigen gegen ein gesundes Organ, d.h. durch eine Lebertransplantation behandelt werden. Da es jedoch weit mehr transplantationsbedürftige Patienten gibt als geeignete Spenderorgane zur Verfügung stehen, gibt es weltweite Anstrengungen zur Entwicklung alternativer Behandlungsmethoden. Nach bisherigem wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisstand ist die bioartifizielle Leberunterst...

  12. Semiokapitalismus und imperiale Kontrollgesellschaft Zur Digitalisierung der Produktion am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolfgang Neurath


    Full Text Available Wolfgang Neurath analysiert angesichts des kybernetischen Semiokapitalismus und des durch ihn entstandenen "Kognitariats" in welcher Art und Weise digitale Produktions- und Wertschöpfungsprozesse am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts zur Kontrolle eingesetzt werden ...

  13. Inclusive hard processes in photon-photon and photon-proton interactions


    Glasman, Claudia


    Measurements of jet, prompt photon, high-pT hadron and heavy quark production in photon-induced processes provide tests of QCD and are sensitive to the photon parton densities. A review of the latest experimental results in photon-photon and photon-proton interactions is presented. Next-to-leading-order QCD calculations for these measurements are discussed.

  14. Technische Feuchtgebiete zur Nachreinigung von Abwasser:Stickstoff, Abwasserdesinfektion, Spurenstoffe


    Rühmland, Sabine


    Stickstoff, Spurenstoffe und Krankheitserreger können auch in geringen Mengen Schäden in Gewässern bzw. beim Menschen verursachen. In dieser Arbeit soll geklärt werden, inwieweit das naturnahe Abwasserreinigungsverfahren der technischen Feuchtgebiete zur Nachreinigung von Abwasser geeignet ist. Dafür wurden in Berlin sieben bewachsene Bodenfilter und Abwasserteiche im techni-schen Maßstab einer Kläranlage mit Nährstoffelimination nachgeschaltet. Ein Sandfilter, ein Sandfilter mit Lehm und...

  15. Photon-photon interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilman, F.J.


    A brief summary of the present status of photon-photon interactions is presented. Stress is placed on the use of two-photon collisions to test present ideas on the quark constituents of hadrons and on the theory of strong interactions

  16. Konkurrenz oder Kooperation? Zur Entwicklung des Verhältnisses von Medienbildung und informatischer Bildung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerhard Tulodziecki


    Full Text Available Mit der gegenwärtigen Diskussion um Mediatisierung und Digitalisierung ist die Forderung verbunden, der Medienbildung und/oder der informatischen Bildung ein größeres Gewicht in der schulischen Bildung zu verschaffen. Dies legt die Frage nahe, wie ein produktives Verhältnis zwischen beiden gestaltet werden sollte und wie beide am besten zu einer zeitgemäßen Bildung beitragen können. Bei entsprechenden Überlegungen spielen unter anderem Entwicklungen eine Rolle, die sich seit frühen Forderungen nach einer Computerbildung im Verhältnis zur damaligen Medienerziehung herausgebildet haben. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden solche Entwicklungen skizziert und Schlussfolgerungen für die gegenwärtige Diskussion formuliert. Dabei kommen unterschiedliche Auffassungen zur bildungsbezogenen Auseinandersetzung mit Medien sowie mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in den Blick. Für das Verhältnis von Medienbildung und informatischer Bildung ergibt sich als zentrale Schlussfolgerung, dass sowohl eine Integration der informatischen Bildung in die Medienbildung als auch eine umgekehrte Lösung unangemessen erscheint, wiewohl beide Bereiche auf Anteile aus dem jeweils anderen Bereich angewiesen sind. Danach werden für eine Medienbildung mit informatischen Anteilen ein geeigneter Medienbegriff und eine tragfähige Bildungsauffassung sowie ein Ansatz zu einem inhaltlich-thematischen Kompetenzrahmen beschrieben. Überlegungen zur schulischen Umsetzung schließen den Beitrag ab.

  17. Studies on agglomeration of colloidal suspensions in an alternating electric field; Untersuchungen zur Agglomeration kolloidaler Suspensionen im elektrischen Wechselfeld

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, M. [Inst. fuer Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik, Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany); Loeffler, F. [Inst. fuer Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik, Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany)


    Colloidal solutions contain particles in the {mu}m range whose agglomeration and coagulation is of interest for certain applications. `Electrocoagulation` means that in an electric field droplets or particles in a disperse phase have higher kinetic energy so that the probability of overcoming repulsive forces and of forming bigger aggregates will increase. The electrocoagulation technique is applied for emulsion cracking of water-in-oil systems (desalination and dewatering of petroleum, petroleum cracking) and, in some cases, also for cracking oil-in-water systems. Removal of colloidal solids from aqueous solution during electrochemical waste water treatment is often carried out with the aid of dissolving aluminium or iron electrodes. The authors describe experiments in which the flow of an electric current, which would cause the electrodes to dissolve, was to be prevented. An alternating field was to induce oscillation of the particles, i.e. relative motion of the particles with respect to each other. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Kolloidale Loesungen enthalten Partikel im {mu}m-Bereich. In manchen Bereichen ist deren Agglomeration bzw. Koagulation von Interesse. Unter dem Begriff der Elektrokoagulation versteht man im allgemeinen das Phaenomen, dass in einem elektrischen Feld Tropfen oder Partikel in einer dispersen Phase eine hoehere kinetische Energie besitzen, und dadurch die Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Ueberwindung von Abstossungskraeften und zur Bildung groesserer Aggregate steigt. Das Verfahren der Elektrokoagulation wird bisher zur Emulsionsspaltung von Wasser/Oel-Systemen (Entsaltzung und Entwaesserung von Erdoel/Erdoelspaltung) und z.T. auch zur Spaltung von Oel/Wasser-Systemen eingesetzt. Zur Entfernung kolloidaler Feststoffe aus waessrigen Loesungen bei der elektrochemischen Aufarbeitung von Abwasser wird haeufig mit sich aufloesenden Aluminium- oder Eisenelektroden gearbeitet. In den im folgenden dargestellten Untersuchungen sollte ein Stromfluss durch die

  18. Folgebewertung im vorratsvermögen - Fallstudie zur Vorgehensweise nach IFSR und HGB

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Quick, Reiner; Warming-Rasmussen, Bent


    über die wichstigsten Normen zur Folgebeweriung nach IFSR und HGB sowie zu deren Auslegung. Es schliessen sich ein Fallbeispiel und ein Vorschlag zu dessen Lösung an, in dessen Mittelpunkt sinkende Zeitwerte, die Frage des für die Folgebewerunng relevanten Markts und das Zuschreibungsgebot stehen....

  19. Plan de empresa para la creación de un restaurante de comida casual argentina Punta Zur


    Arango B., Gustavo Adolfo; Isaacs, Laura


    RESUMEN: Punta Zur, será un restaurante de comida casual dentro de la categoría de comida rápida, ubicado en Granada, Cali, que iniciará operaciones en Mayo de 2012. Los productos ofrecidos serán platos típicos del sur del continente americano, entre ellos el choripán y las brochetas (res, cerdo y pollo). También se ofrecerán acompañantes tales como papas, yucas fritas, chips de plátano y bebidas como jugos naturales, gaseosas y cervezas. En Punta Zur los clientes encontrarán un sitio en el q...

  20. CONFERENCE: Photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Despite being difficult to observe, photon-photon collisions have opened up a range of physics difficult, or even impossible, to access by other methods. The progress which has been made in this field was evident at the fifth international workshop on photon-photon collisions, held in Aachen from 13-16 April and attended by some 120 physicists

  1. An algorithm for calculating unsteady flow with free surface; Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung instationaerer Stroemungen mit freier Oberflaeche

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Janetzky, B.


    A numerical model for the transient, free surface flow is implemented in a Finite-Element program for the unsteady calculation of incompressible flow with free surface. The program is used to calculate the flow in different components of a hydraulic turbine, the Pelton turbine. The movement of the fluid with free surface is described mathematically by introducing a partial differential equation for the volume fraction. This equation is simply a transport equation for f, i.e. the volume fraction is advected with the flow in time. The equations is solved numerically. (orig.) [German] Es wird ein Verfahren zur Modellierung von veraenderlichen, freien Oberflaechen vorgestellt und in einem Finite-Elemente-Programm zur numerischen Berechnung von instationaeren, inkompressiblen Stroemungen implementiert. Die veraenderliche, freie Oberflaeche wird mit einem Volume-Of-Fluid Ansatz erfasst. Zur Approximierung der freien Oberflaeche werden stueckweise konstante oder gestufte Verlaeufe im Element angesetzt. Es werden die Eigenschaften des Verfahrens an ausgewaehlten Beispielen mit freier Oberflaeche untersucht. Das erweiterte Programm wird auf instationaere Stroemungen mit freier Oberflaeche in einer hydraulischen Maschine, der Peltonturbine, angewandt. (orig.)

  2. Photon-Photon Collisions -- Past and Future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, Stanley J.


    I give a brief review of the history of photon-photon physics and a survey of its potential at future electron-positron colliders. Exclusive hadron production processes in photon-photon and electron-photon collisions provide important tests of QCD at the amplitude level, particularly as measures of hadron distribution amplitudes. There are also important high energy γγ and eγ tests of quantum chromodynamics, including the production of jets in photon-photon collisions, deeply virtual Compton scattering on a photon target, and leading-twist single-spin asymmetries for a photon polarized normal to a production plane. Since photons couple directly to all fundamental fields carrying the electromagnetic current including leptons, quarks, W's and supersymmetric particles, high energy γγ collisions will provide a comprehensive laboratory for Higgs production and exploring virtually every aspect of the Standard Model and its extensions. High energy back-scattered laser beams will thus greatly extend the range of physics of the International Linear Collider

  3. Vertebroplasty in the treatment of back pain; Vertebroplastie zur Therapie des Rueckenschmerzes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trumm, C.G.; Jakobs, T.F.; Zech, C.J.; Weber, C.; Reiser, M.F.; Hoffmann, R.T. [Klinikum Grosshadern der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany)


    Beitrag sollen Indikationsstellung, periinterventionelle Bildgebung, Technik und klinische Ergebnisse der PVP dargestellt werden. Gemaess dem ''Interdisziplinaeren Konsensuspapier zur Vertebro- und Kyphoplastie'' der deutschen Fachgesellschaften sowie den Leitlinien der CIRSE aus dem Jahr 2005 werden die aktuellen Richtlinien zur Durchfuehrung der PVP erlaeutert. Die Ergebnisse einer eigenen Studie werden Komplikationsraten und klinischen Ergebnissen in der Literatur gegenuebergestellt. Die Indikation zur PVP besteht bei schmerzhaften osteoporotischen WKF und Wirbelkoerperosteolysen durch Metastasen und das multiple Myelom. Absolute Kontraindikationen sind v. a. asymptomatische WKF, eine Beschwerdelinderung unter medikamentoeser Therapie, therapierefraktaere Koagulopathien, Allergien gegen Zementbestandteile und aktive Infektionen. Zur Abschaetzung des Frakturalters, Ausschluss anderer Schmerzursachen und Beurteilung der Wirbelkoerperhinterkante sind vor der PVP eine MRT bzw. CT indiziert. Eine qualitativ hochwertige mono- oder biplanare Fluoroskopie - moeglichst in Kombination mit der CT(-Fluoroskopie) - sind bei der PVP erforderlich, um das Risiko von Zementleckagen zu minimieren. Bei 86-92% der Patienten wird durch die PVP eine deutliche Schmerzreduktion (mittlere Abnahme von 6,1 Punkten [VAS]) erreicht. Eine eigene Studie mit 58 behandelten Patienten (mittlerer Beobachtungszeitraum 323+/-99 Tage) zeigte in 77% der Faelle eine deutliche Beschwerdelinderung (-5,7 Punkte [VAS]). Die PVP ermoeglicht bei akutem und chronischem Rueckenschmerz durch osteoporotische WKF und tumorbedingte Osteolysen eine sichere und effektive minimalinvasive Therapie zur Stabilisierung und Schmerzreduktion. (orig.)

  4. The federations' agreement II on network utilisation; Die Verbaendevereinbarung II zur Netznutzung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birkner, P. [Lech-Elektrizitaetswerke AG, Augsburg (Germany)


    Against the background of the experience of the regional supplier Lech Elektrizitaetswerke AG (LEW AG) and in the view of the operator of a regional distribution network the author deals with three complexes of themes: 1. Federations' Agreement II on network utilisation - Flexible instrument for competition or unsuited attempt? 2. What progress and obstacles are identifiable on route towards the implementation of the Federations' Agreement II on network utilisation? 3. What adjustment of existing sets of rules towards the requirements of competition is necessary? (orig.) [German] Vor dem Erfahrungshintergrund des Erfahrungsbereiches des Regionalversorgers Lech-Elektrizitaetswerke AG (LEW AG) und aus der Sicht des Betreibers eines regionalen Verteilungsnetzes behandelt der Verfasser die drei Themenkomplexe: 1. Verbaendevereinbarung II zur Netznutzung - Flexibles Instrument fuer den Wettbewerb oder ungeeigneter Versuch? 2. Welche Fortschritte und Hindernisse sind auf dem Wege der Umsetzung der Verbaendevereinbarung II zur Netznutzung erkennbar? 3. Welche Anpassung vorhandener Regelwerke an die Erfordernisse des Wettbewerbs sind notwendig? (orig.)

  5. Renewable energies in Germany. Data on the development in 2016; Erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland. Daten zur Entwicklung im Jahr 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat), which regularly evaluates the use of renewable energies on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, has made an initial assessment of the development of renewable energies in Germany on the basis of available, mostly provisional data of 2016. The present background paper describes the previous findings for the areas of electricity, heat and transport, supplemented by figures on economic significance as well as on emission reductions through renewable energies. [German] Die Arbeitsgruppe Erneuerbare Energien-Statistik (AGEE-Stat), die im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums fuer Wirtschaft und Energie regelmaessig die Nutzung der erneuerbaren Energien bilanziert, hat auf der Grundlage verfuegbarer, zumeist vorlaeufiger Daten eine erste Abschaetzung zur Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland im Jahr 2016 erstellt. Das vorliegende Hintergrundpapier beschreibt die bisherigen Erkenntnisse fuer die Bereiche Strom, Waerme und Verkehr, ergaenzt um Zahlen zur wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung sowie zur Emissionsvermeidung durch erneuerbare Energien.

  6. Entwicklung eines kontinuierlichen Verfahrens zur enzymkatalysierten Synthese eines strukturierten Triglycerides


    Stadler, Hans-Gerhard


    Ausgangspunkt für die in der vorliegenden Arbeit durchgeführten Entwicklung eines kontinuierlichen Verfahrens zur Synthese des strukturierten Triglycerides 1,3-Oleyl-2-palmitoylglycerin war die von Schmid [Schmid 1999] entwickelte lipase-katalysierte Zwei-Schritt-Synthese für strukturierte Triglyceride vom Typ ABA [European Patent Application; EP 0 882 797 A2]. In der ersten Reaktionsstufe dieser zweistufigen Umesterung wird in einer Folgereaktion das Substrat Tripalmitin mit Hilfe ein...

  7. Photon Collider Physics with Real Photon Beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gronberg, J; Asztalos, S


    Photon-photon interactions have been an important probe into fundamental particle physics. Until recently, the only way to produce photon-photon collisions was parasitically in the collision of charged particles. Recent advances in short-pulse laser technology have made it possible to consider producing high intensity, tightly focused beams of real photons through Compton scattering. A linear e + e - collider could thus be transformed into a photon-photon collider with the addition of high power lasers. In this paper they show that it is possible to make a competitive photon-photon collider experiment using the currently mothballed Stanford Linear Collider. This would produce photon-photon collisions in the GeV energy range which would allow the discovery and study of exotic heavy mesons with spin states of zero and two

  8. Hadron production in photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandita, P.N.; Singh, Y.


    We analyze deep-inelastic photon-photon collisions via the two-photon mechanism in electron-positron (-electron) colliding beams in a form especially suitable for experimental analysis. It is shown that by a helicity analysis similar to that used in electroproduction experiments, we can separate five of the eight structure functions describing the process γ* + γ* → hadrons. The helicity cross sections for this process and for the process with one real photon (inelastic electron-photon scattering) are related to structure functions, and are evaluated using quark light-cone algebra. There are anomalous contributions to the structure functions for the inelastic electron-photon scattering which arise both in parton as well as generalized vector-meson-dominance models. This suggests a connection between these two types of models for photon-photon scattering. Further, we use vector-meson dominance to construct a sum rule for sigma/sub gamma//sub gamma/ /sub arrow-right/ from which it is estimated that roughly 20% of the cross section should be built up from higher-mass vector states. Using a spectral representation for the total transverse cross section, and the ''aligned-jet'' vector-dominance model we achieve a connection, via a ''correspondence principle,'' with the parton model for the hadron multiplicities in photon-photon collisions. We also comment on inclusive pion multiplicities and the approach to scaling for photon-photon processes in the light-cone algebra

  9. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung zur Klangfarbenwahmehmung von Vorschulkindern mit einem Klangmemory


    Schellberg, Gabriele


    Im Unterschied zu anderen Bereichen der musikalischen Wahrnehmung gibt es zur Klangfarbenwahmehmung nur wenige Untersuchungen. Ein Grund dafür dürfte in den methodischen Schwierigkeiten liegen, die insbesondere bei der Untersuchung kleiner Kinder auftreten. Ein Klangfarbentest für Vorschulkinder existiert bislang nicht. Daher wurde nach mehreren Voruntersuchungen ein „Klangfarben-Memory“ als Methode entwickelt und bei Vorschulkindern eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse dieser empirischen Studie werden...

  10. Photons, photon jets and dark photons at 750 GeV and beyond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dasgupta, Basudeb; Kopp, Joachim


    In new physics searches involving photons at the LHC, one challenge is to distinguish scenarios with isolated photons from models leading to ''photon jets''. For instance, in the context of the 750 GeV diphoton excess, it was pointed out that a true diphoton resonance S → γγ can be mimicked by a process of the form pp → S → aa → 4γ, where S is a new scalar with a mass of 750 GeV and a is a light pseudoscalar decaying to two collinear photons. Photon jets can be distinguished from isolated photons by exploiting the fact that a large fraction of photons convert to an e + e - pair inside the inner detector. In this note, we quantify this discrimination power, and we study how the sensitivity of future searches differs for photon jets compared to isolated photons. We also investigate how our results depend on the lifetime of the particle(s) decaying to the photon jet. Finally, we discuss the extension to S → A'A' → e + e - e + e - , where there are no photons at all but the dark photon A' decays to e + e - pairs. Our results will be useful in future studies of the putative 750 GeV signal, but also more generally in any new physics search involving hard photons.

  11. Inverse photon-photon processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carimalo, C.; Crozon, M.; Kesler, P.; Parisi, J.


    We here consider inverse photon-photon processes, i.e. AB → γγX (where A, B are hadrons, in particular protons or antiprotons), at high energies. As regards the production of a γγ continuum, we show that, under specific conditions the study of such processes might provide some information on the subprocess gg γγ, involving a quark box. It is also suggested to use those processes in order to systematically look for heavy C = + structures (quarkonium states, gluonia, etc.) showing up in the γγ channel. Inverse photon-photon processes might thus become a new and fertile area of investigation in high-energy physics, provided the difficult problem of discriminating between direct photons and indirect ones can be handled in a satisfactory way

  12. Zur interaktionistischen Theorie der mediatisierten Kommunikation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulrich Holefleisch


    Full Text Available Nicht nur Fachleute beklagen die mangelnde Qualität der deutschen Filme und Werbespots. Eine Ursache für die mangelnden Erfolge solcher mediatisierten Kommunikation liegt in einer systematischen Interaktionsstörung zwischen der Medienpraxis und Medienforschung. Die aktuelle deutschsprachige Medienwirkungsforschung entzieht sich weitgehend der gebotenen und von Macher/innen erwarteten gesellschafts- und praxisdienenden Aufgabe. Der Hauptgrund hierfür liegt darin, dass die zumeist zugrunde gelegten Forschungsrahmen (conceptual frameworks praxisrelevante Kategorien wie die der Zuschauerperspektive weitgehend ignorieren. Das hier vorgestellte interaktionistische Modell der mediatisierten Kommunikation will deshalb als Forschungsrahmen den Blick auf Übersehenes richten. Darüber hinaus soll dieses Modell auch für Praktiker als Prüfschema zur Mediaplanung dienen, mediatisierte Kommunikation - gemessen am eigenen Anspruch - kalkulierbarer und damit auch erfolgreicher zu machen.

  13. Photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burke, D.L.


    Studies of photon-photon collisions are reviewed with particular emphasis on new results reported to this conference. These include results on light meson spectroscopy and deep inelastic e#betta# scattering. Considerable work has now been accumulated on resonance production by #betta##betta# collisions. Preliminary high statistics studies of the photon structure function F 2 /sup #betta#/(x,Q 2 ) are given and comments are made on the problems that remain to be solved

  14. Photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haissinski, J.


    The discussions presented in this paper deal with the following points: distinctive features of gamma-gamma collisions; related processes; photon-photon elastic scattering in the continuum and γγ →gg; total cross section; γγ → V 1 V 2 (V=vector meson); radiative width measurements and light meson spectroscopy; exclusive channels at large /t/; jets and inclusive particle distribution in γγ collisions; and, the photon structure function F γ 2

  15. Paediatric Virology as a new educational initiative: An interview with Nobelist Professor of Virology Harald zur Hausen. (United States)

    Mammas, Ioannis N; Spandidos, Demetrios A


    Born in Gelsenkirchen-Buer in Germany on March 11th, 1936, Professor Harald zur Hausen, Emeritus Professor of Virology at the University of Freiburg and 2008 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, believes that good knowledge of virological methods and diagnostic possibilities are an asset for all young paediatricians. Professor zur Hausen considers that the creation of an educational platform on Paediatric Virology is definitely very beneficial for young paediatricians, as this will greatly enhance their knowledge in the field of Virology. He very actively advocates the vaccination of boys for the eradication of HPV infection and emphasises that male HPV vaccination should be included into the current vaccination programmes. He would have certainly considered Dr George N. Papanicolaou (Kyme, Island of Euboea, Greece, 1883 - Miami, Florida, USA, 1962) as an excellent candidate for the Nobel Prize, stating that the contribution of Dr Papanicolaou did not find sufficient recognition in the past. In the context of the 3rd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, which will be held in Athens, Greece, on October 7th, 2017, Professor zur Hausen will give his plenary lecture on 'Paediatric Virology and Oncology: Virus persistence and the important first years of life'.

  16. Discussion of the applicability of overdammed fixed-bed reactors in nitrification processes; Beitrag zum Einsatz von ueberstauten Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guenter, H.O.


    The investigation aimed at developing a dimensioning method for overdammed fixed bed nitrification reactors with plug flow which takes account of the reactor height. Further, information was to be obtained for assessing sudden loads and for comparing energy consumption with the data of conventional activated sludge plants. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, fuer ueberstaute, pfropfendurchstroemte Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation einen Bemessungsansatz aufzustellen, welcher den Einfluss der Reaktorhoehe mit beruecksichtigt. Ferner sollten Erkenntnisse zur Beurteilung von Stossbelastungen sowie zum Energiebedarf im Vergleich zu herkoemmlichen Belebungsanlagen gewonnen werden. (orig./SR)

  17. Two-dimensional 'photon fluid': effective photon-photon interaction and physical realizations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiao, R Y; Hansson, T H; Leinaas, J M; Viefers, S


    We describe a recently developed effective theory for atom-mediated photon-photon interactions in a two-dimensional 'photon fluid' confined to a Fabry-Perot resonator. The photons in the lowest longitudinal cavity mode will appear as massive bosons interacting via a renormalized delta-function potential with a strength determined by physical parameters such as the density of atoms and the detuning of the photons relative to the resonance frequency of the atoms. We discuss novel quantum phenomena for photons, such as Bose-Einstein condensation and bound state formation, as well as possible experimental scenarios based on Rydberg atoms in a microwave cavity, or alkali atoms in an optical cavity

  18. Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren - ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung


    Machon, Uwe Rainer


    Ziel der Dissertation „Entwicklung von Cysteinproteaseinhibitoren – ein klassischer und ein kombinatorischer Ansatz zur Inhibitoroptimierung“ war die Optimierung von neuen Inhibitoren von Falcipain-2 und Rhodesain als neue potentielle Wirkstoffe gegen Malaria bzw. die Schlafkrankheit über zwei verschiedene Methoden. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen klassischen und einen kombinatorischen Ansatz. Der klassische Ansatz basiert auf einer Struktur, deren Aktivität per Zufall entdeckt wurde. In Scr...

  19. Status reports on the development and application of acoustic emission analysis. Proceedings; Statusberichte zur Entwicklung und Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse. Beitraege

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This proceedings-CD comprises 20 papers presented at the 17. Kolloquium Schallemission (Acoustic Emission Colloquium) at Bad Schandau. The following subjects were discussed: 1. Acoustic emission analysis of tensile tests on standard test specimens of different wood materials; 2. Application of pattern recognition methods for damage analyses of fibre-reinforced plastics; 3. Acoustic emission analysis for measuring crack growth in finned armor steel under dynamic load; 4. Acoustic emission analysis with zonal sound location: Test objects, test results and evaluation of acoustic emission signals; 5. Acoustic emission analysis in overall fatigue testing of a wind rotor blade; 6. Laboratory methods for assessing the sensitivity of acoustic emission sensors; 7. Acoustic emission analysis in burst tests of cast aluminium casings; 8. Visualization of acoustic emission localizations; 9. Threshold-independent and complete recording of characteristics and wave forms of transient and continuous acoustic emission; 10. Characterization of wide-band acoustic emission sensors; 11. Handling of large data volumes in acoustic emission analysis, a contribution to the development of algorithms; 12. Acoustic emission analysis and ultrasonic analysis for the characterization of crack networks in saline rock. One of the papers is available as a separate record in this database. [German] Diese Tagungs-CD enthaelt 20 Vortraege, die auf dem 17. Kolloquium Schallemission in Bad Schandau gehalten wurden. Die Themen waren: 1. Schallemissionsanalyse von Zugversuchen an Standardpruefkoerpern aus unterschiedlichen Holzwerkstoffen; 2. Anwendung von Mustererkennungsverfahren zur Schadensanalyse in faserverstaerkten Kunststoffen; 3. Anwendung der Schallemissionsanalyse zur Ermittlung des Risswachstums bei schwingender Beanspruchung von geripptem Bewehrungsstahl; 4. Schallemissionspruefung mit zonaler Ortung Pruefobjekte, Pruefergebnisse und Nachbewertung von Schallemissionssignalen; 5

  20. Jet and hadron production in photon-photon collisions


    Soldner-Rembold, Stefan


    Di-jet and inclusive charged hadron production cross-sections measured in photon-photon collisions by OPAL are compared to NLO pQCD calculations. Jet shapes measured in photon-photon scattering by OPAL, in deep-inelastic ep scattering by H1 and in photon-proton scattering by ZEUS are shown to be consistent in similar kinematic ranges. New results from TOPAZ on prompt photon production in photon-photon interactions are presented.

  1. Energy report for Bavaria, 1996/97. Data on the development of the Bavarian energy industry, with an energy balance; Energiebericht Bayern 1996/97. Daten zur Entwicklung der bayerischen Energiewirtschaft mit Energiebilanz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report presents the energy balance for Bavaria and provides information on: Bavarian energy industry; structure and development of primary and end-use energy consumption; situation and development of energy sources (electricity, gas, mineral oil, coal, district heating). (orig.) [Deutsch] Der Bericht enthaelt die Energiebilanz Bayern fuer das Berichtsjahr und bietet Informationen zur Energiewirtschaft in Bayern, zur Struktur und Entwicklung des Primaer- und Endenergieverbrauchs und zur Situation und Entwicklung bei den einzelnen Energietraegern (Elektrizitaet, Gas, Mineraloel, Kohle, Fernwaerme). (orig.)

  2. Studien zur Messung von Rekonstruktionseffizienz und Untergrund der $\\tau$-Lepton-Identifikation im Zerfall $Z\\to \\tau \\tau$ beim ATLAS-Experiment aus Daten

    CERN Document Server

    Johnert, Sebastian


    In dieser Diplomarbeit werden zwei Methoden vorgestellt, mit denen τ -Leptonen in den zuk ̈nf- u tigen Daten des ATLAS-Experiments untersucht werden sollen. Den ersten Teil bildet die Be- stimmung von Missidentifikationsraten von Jets aus QCD-2-Jet-Ereignissen als τ -Leptonen. Der zweite Teil ist die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung der τ -Rekonstruktions- und -Identifikationseffizienz relativ zur μ-Effizienz. In diesem Zusammenhang werden invariante Massen aus Z → ll-Ereignissen bestimmt, die Massen aus Z → τ τ -Ereignissen mit denen aus Z → ee und Z → μμ verglichen, τ -Effizienzen gemittelt uber alle Bereiche und in verschiedenen ̈ o η-Bereichen berechnet sowie eine M ̈glichkeit zur Bestimmung von τ -Effizienzen in unterschied- lichen Transversalimpulsbereichen vorgestellt. Des Weiteren wird eine verbesserte Absch ̈tzung a des QCD-Untergrunds vorgenommen und das Verhalten der τ -Effizienz unter Ber ̈cksichtigung u des Triggers untersucht.

  3. Photons, photon jets, and dark photons at 750 GeV and beyond. (United States)

    Dasgupta, Basudeb; Kopp, Joachim; Schwaller, Pedro


    In new physics searches involving photons at the LHC, one challenge is to distinguish scenarios with isolated photons from models leading to "photon jets". For instance, in the context of the 750 GeV diphoton excess, it was pointed out that a true diphoton resonance [Formula: see text] can be mimicked by a process of the form [Formula: see text], where S is a new scalar with a mass of 750 GeV and a is a light pseudoscalar decaying to two collinear photons. Photon jets can be distinguished from isolated photons by exploiting the fact that a large fraction of photons convert to an [Formula: see text] pair inside the inner detector. In this note, we quantify this discrimination power, and we study how the sensitivity of future searches differs for photon jets compared to isolated photons. We also investigate how our results depend on the lifetime of the particle(s) decaying to the photon jet. Finally, we discuss the extension to [Formula: see text], where there are no photons at all but the dark photon [Formula: see text] decays to [Formula: see text] pairs. Our results will be useful in future studies of the putative 750 GeV signal, but also more generally in any new physics search involving hard photons.

  4. Hadronic photon-photon interactions at high energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Engel, R.; Siegen Univ.; Ranft, J.


    Photon-photon collisions are investigated in the framework of the two-component Dual Parton Model. The model contains contributions from direct, resolved soft and resolved hard interactions. All free parameters of the model are determined in fits to hadron-hadron and photon-hadron cross section data. The model is shown to agree well to hadron production data from hadron-hadron and photon-hadron collisions. The multiparticle production in hadron-hadron, photon-hadron and photon-photon collisions as predicted by the model is compared. Strong differences are only found as function of the transverse momentum variable. (author)

  5. Zur Interaktion von Genotyp und Ernährung bei Darmkrebs


    Behrends, Thomas


    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, sowohl die Auswirkungen einer veränderten Selenversorgung über die Nahrung als auch die Rolle des zentralen Transport- und Speicherproteins für Selen (Selenoprotein P, SepP) auf die intestinale Tumorigenese tierexperimentell zu untersuchen. Eine gestörte SepP-Expression, führte zur Ausbildung größerer Tumore. Durch eine Steigerung der Selenversorgung über die Nahrung eine signifikante Reduktion von Tumoranzahl und Gesamttumorfläche erzielt werden. Hierzu wurde den ...

  6. Odontologie im numismatischen Spiegel : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde


    Heckert, Gerold Rüdiger


    Obgleich Medaillen mit zahnheilkundlichen Motiven schon sehr lange vertreten sind, hat dies in der Literatur bisher wenig Beachtung gefunden. Eine eigenständige Veröffentlichung erschien 1988 herausgegeben von Ladendorf und Salaschek (Proskauer 1940), die sich aber nur mit der Reklame von Zahnärzten und für Zahnärzte auf Medaillen befasst. Dieser Publikation liegt die Zusammenstellung von Storer und der Katalog zur Sammlung Brettauer zu Grunde. In den USA führte der Gynäkologe Horatio...

  7. Photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Field, J.H.


    The current status, both theoretical and experimental, of two photon collision physics is reviewed with special emphasis on recent experimental results from e + e - storage rings. After a complete presentation of the helicity amplitude formalism for the general process e + e - → Xe + e - , various approximations (transverse photon, Weisaecker Williams) are discussed. Beam polarisation effects and radiative corrections are also briefly considered. A number of specific processes, for which experimental results are now available, are then described. In each case existing theoretical prediction are confronted with experimental results. The processes described include single resonance production, lepton and hadron pair production, the structure functions of the photon, the production of high Psub(T) jets and the total photon photon cross section. In the last part of the review the current status of the subject is summarised and some comments are made on future prospects. These include both extrapolations of current research to higher energy machines (LEP, HERA) as well as a brief mention of both the technical realisation and the physics interest of the real γγ and eγ collisions which may be possible using linear electron colliders in the 1 TeV energy range

  8. Photon-photon collisions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    The study of photon-photon collisions has progressed enormously, stimulated by new data and new calculational tools for QCD. In the future we can expect precise determinations of ..cap alpha../sub s/ and ..lambda../sup ms/ from the ..gamma..*..gamma.. ..-->.. ..pi../sup 0/ form factor and the photon structure function, as well as detailed checks of QCD, determination of the shape of the hadron distribution amplitudes from ..gamma gamma.. ..-->.. H anti H, reconstruction of sigma/sub ..gamma gamma../ from exclusive channels at low W/sub ..gamma gamma../, definitive studies of high p/sub T/ hadron and jet production, and studies of threshold production of charmed systems. Photon-photon collisions, along with radiative decays of the psi and UPSILON, are ideal for the study of multiquark and gluonic resonances. We have emphasized the potential for resonance formation near threshold in virtually every hadronic exclusive channel, including heavy quark states c anti c c anti c, c anti c u anti u, etc. At higher energies SLC, LEP, ...) parity-violating electroweak effects and Higgs production due to equivalent Z/sup 0/ and W/sup + -/ beams from e ..-->.. eZ/sup 0/ and e ..-->.. nu W will become important. 44 references.

  9. Photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    The study of photon-photon collisions has progressed enormously, stimulated by new data and new calculational tools for QCD. In the future we can expect precise determinations of α/sub s/ and Λ/sup ms/ from the γ*γ → π 0 form factor and the photon structure function, as well as detailed checks of QCD, determination of the shape of the hadron distribution amplitudes from γγ → H anti H, reconstruction of sigma/sub γγ/ from exclusive channels at low W/sub γγ/, definitive studies of high p/sub T/ hadron and jet production, and studies of threshold production of charmed systems. Photon-photon collisions, along with radiative decays of the psi and UPSILON, are ideal for the study of multiquark and gluonic resonances. We have emphasized the potential for resonance formation near threshold in virtually every hadronic exclusive channel, including heavy quark states c anti c c anti c, c anti c u anti u, etc. At higher energies SLC, LEP, ...) parity-violating electroweak effects and Higgs production due to equivalent Z 0 and W +- beams from e → eZ 0 and e → nu W will become important. 44 references

  10. Photon correlation in single-photon frequency upconversion. (United States)

    Gu, Xiaorong; Huang, Kun; Pan, Haifeng; Wu, E; Zeng, Heping


    We experimentally investigated the intensity cross-correlation between the upconverted photons and the unconverted photons in the single-photon frequency upconversion process with multi-longitudinal mode pump and signal sources. In theoretical analysis, with this multi-longitudinal mode of both signal and pump sources system, the properties of the signal photons could also be maintained as in the single-mode frequency upconversion system. Experimentally, based on the conversion efficiency of 80.5%, the joint probability of simultaneously detecting at upconverted and unconverted photons showed an anti-correlation as a function of conversion efficiency which indicated the upconverted photons were one-to-one from the signal photons. While due to the coherent state of the signal photons, the intensity cross-correlation function g(2)(0) was shown to be equal to unity at any conversion efficiency, agreeing with the theoretical prediction. This study will benefit the high-speed wavelength-tunable quantum state translation or photonic quantum interface together with the mature frequency tuning or longitudinal mode selection techniques.

  11. Aufbau humaner 3D-in-vitro-Testsysteme zur Risikobewertung von Nanomaterialien


    Hampel, Martina


    Die Nanotechnologie stellt eine der Schlüsseltechnologien dieses Jahrhunderts dar Parallel zur Erschließung neuer Möglichkeiten, die die Nanotechnologie bietet, müssen jedoch auch mögliche Risiken untersucht werden. Die dabei zurzeit noch am häufigsten eingesetzte Untersuchungsmethode von Nanopartikeln ist die Verwendung zweidimensionaler in vitro Zellkulturen. Zum Einsatz kommen hier jedoch meist Zelllinien. Die Versuchsansätze entsprechen damit nicht den Bedingungen im menschlichen Körper. ...

  12. Isolation und Charakterisierung retroviraler Partikel und Proteine zur Untersuchung immunsuppressiver Effekte


    Pietsch, Heiko


    Obgleich auf dem Gebiet der Transplantationsmedizin in jüngster Zeit beachtliche Fortschritte erzielt worden sind, ist der Mangel an Organspendern ein fortbestehendes Problem. Im Rahmen der Xenotransplantation können Schweine als Spender zur Transplantation von Zellen oder Organen beim Menschen dienen. Um die Sicherheit der Xenotransplantation zu gewährleisten, ist sowohl die Entwicklung sensitiver Nachweismethoden als auch die Einschätzung des Gefahrenpotentials durch eine Infektion für den ...

  13. Erstellung einer Checkliste zur Beurteilung des Arbeitsplatzes eines Physiotherapeuten nach ergonomischen Gesichtspunkten


    Gauermann, Christoph


    Einleitung: Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen des Muskel-Skelett-Systems sind unter Physiotherapeuten sehr häufig. Die präventive Forschung hat diese Berufsgruppe bisher kaum untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang stellt die Veränderung des Arbeitsumfeldes einen vielversprechenden Ansatz für die Verhinderung arbeitsbedingter Erkrankungen dar. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erstellung einer Checkliste zur Bewertung des Arbeitsplatzes eines Physiotherapeuten zu erstellen. Material und Methoden: ...

  14. Balancing and dynamic behaviour of a biofilter plant for complete cleaning of municipal sewage; Bilanzierung und dynamisches Verhalten einer Biofilteranlage zur Vollreinigung von kommunalem Abwasser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dickgreber, M.; Luebbecke, S. [Preussag Wassertechnik GmbH, Bremen (Germany)


    Where municipal sewage treatment plants need to be extended or enlarged, biofilter systems represent an economical alternative. They can be used both for supplementary residual elimination purposes and to treat complete sewage streams. For a biofilter system for complete cleaning of sewage employing the DENIPOR trademark -NCS process which has been in operation since 1996 (2*500 population value), studies in process dynamics are carried out and a complete balance is set up. (orig.) [German] Biofilter stellen bei notwendigen Erweiterungen und Ausbaumassnahmen von kommunalen Klaeranlagen eine wirtschaftliche Alternative dar. Sie koennen fuer weitergehende Restreinigungsaufgaben und zur Vollstrombehandlung eingesetzt werden. An einer seit 1996 in Betrieb befindlichen Biofilteranlage zur Vollreinigung von kommunalem Abwasser nach dem DENIPOR {sup trademark} -NCS Verfahren (2*500EW) werden Untersuchungen zur Prozessdynamik sowie eine vollstaendige Bilanzierung durchgefuehrt. (orig.)

  15. Photon-photon and photon-hadron processes in relativistic heavy ion collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baron, N.C.


    Photon-photon and photon-hadron interactions in relativistic heavy ion collisions are studied in the framework of the impact parameter dependent equivalent photon approximation. Improvements of this method, like formfactor inclusion and geometrical modifications are developed. In disruptive relativistic heavy ion collisions where the heavy ions overlapp during the collision, electromagnetic processes are an important background to other mechanisms. In peripheral (non-disruptive) relativistic heavy ion collisions where the ions pass each other without strong interactions, the electromagnetic processes can be studied in their pure form. The lepton pair production is an important diagnostic tool in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The coherent γγ lepton pair production is therefore extensively studied in disruptive but also in non-disruptive collisions. The effects of strong interactions on the coherent γγ lepton pair production in disruptive collisions are discussed in terms of a simple stopping model. Coherent γγ dielectron production contributes to the dilepton production in high energy hadron-hadron collisions. As an example, the coherent dielectron production in π - p collisions is studied in terms of the equivalent photon approximation. Peripheral ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions open up new possibilities for γγ physics. Taking into account γA background reactions, typical γγ processes in the relevant invariant mass ranges are discussed. The extreme high energy part of the equivalent photon spectrum leads to hard photon-parton reactions. As a potential tool to investigate the gluon distribution function of nucleons, thee q anti q production via the γg fusion in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions is studied. It is the purpose of this work to investigate how photon-photon and photon-hadron reactions in relativistic heavy ion collisions may contribute to the understanding of QCD and the standard model. (orig.) [de

  16. Verfahren zur Hydroformylierung, Liganden mit von Bisphenol A abgeleiteter Struktur und Katalysator umfassend einen Komplex dieser Liganden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Hydroformylierung ethylenisch ungesättigter Verbindungen, wobei man als Hydroformylierungskatalysator wenigstens einen Komplex eines Metalss der VIII. Nebengruppe mit wenigstens einer phosphorhaltigen Verbindung als Liganden einsetzt, wobei diese

  17. Practical guide to more efficient use of energy in industry; Praxisleitfaden zur Foerderung der rationellen Energieverwendung in der Industrie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Starting with an easily digestible explanation of fundamental concepts and terms in the field of energy and its applications, as well as the related thermodynamic principles and processes, the second chapter explains the system of energy and exergy. Chapters 3 and 4 give a comprehensive picture of current technologies and processes in energy generation and engineering, from energy applications for process heat generation through to power plants and combined and heat and power systems, fuel cells and energy generation from renewable primary sources, discussing related aspects of interest such as energy and pollutant emissions, and economic aspects. Chapter 5 is devoted to counselling and guidance for corporate energy engineering analysis and enhancement. Chapters 6 and 7 round up the comprehensive information addressing the legal aspects of procedures for licensing of energy generation and conversion systems, and the various financing instruments and schemes available for projects intended to promote more efficient use of energy. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Ausgehend von einer anschaulichen Beschreibung grundlegender Energiebegriffe und thermodynamischer Zusammenhaenge wird im zweiten Kapitel in klarer Weise das Zusammenspiel zwischen Energie und Exergie dargestellt. Aufbauend auf diesen grundlegenden Hinweisen bieten die Kapitel 3 und 4 eine weitreichende Uebersicht der gegenwaertig zur Verfuegung stehenden Prozess- und Energietechniken. Ausgehend von Techniken zur Prozesswaermebereitstellung spannt sich der Bogen ueber Kraftanlagen und Kraft-Waerme-Kopplungssysteme bis hin zu Brennstoffzellen und regenerativen Energietechniken, wobei der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtungen auf Energie- und Emissionsaspekte sowie wirtschaftliche Randbedingungen gelegt wurde. Kapitel 5 gibt Hinweise zur Vorbereitung und Durchfuehrung energietechnischer Beratungen und Analysen auf betrieblicher Ebene. Im Anschluss an den technischen Teil dieses Leitfadens folgt in Kapitel 6 eine Erlaeuterung der

  18. The contribution of tyre and brake abrasion to soot levels in streets; Beitrag des Reifen- und Bremsenabriebs zur Russemission an Strassen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rauterberg-Wulff, A.


    After the coming into force of the new soot emission thresholds as of July 1998, excess values are measured along many city streets. The author investigated whether tyre and brake abrasion contributes to soot emissions in addition to diesel soot. For this purpose, characteristic material and physical parameters of particles of diesel soot, tyre and brake material were investigated by thermography, AAS, and SEM. With the aid of a receptor-oriented approach, the contribution of these particles to soot levels measured in a highway tunnel and a Berlin city street could be assessed. The contribution of local traffic was calculated from the difference between soot levels along the road and in a background station. The measurements inside the tunnel served to determine emissin factors for diesel soot and abrasion particles from tyres and brakes. (orig.) [Deutsch] Mit Inkrafttreten des endgueltigen Russ-Immissionswertes der 23. Verordnung zum Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz im Juli 1998 ist an zahlreichen innerstaedtischen Strassen mit einer Ueberschreitung dieser Werte zu rechnen. Zur Beantwortung der Frage, inwieweit neben Dieselruss auch Reifen- und Bremsenabrieb zur verkehrsbedingten Russimmission beitragen, wurden charakteristische stoffliche und physikalische Eigenschaften von Dieselruss, Reifenabrieb und Bremsenabrieb mit der Thermographie, der AAS und der Rasterelektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Mit Hilfe dieses rezeptororientierten Ansatzes konnte der Beitrag dieser Partikel zur Russimmission in einem Autobahntunnel und an einer Hauptverkehrsstrasse in Berlin bestimmt werden, wobei zuerst der Beitrag des lokalen Verkehrs zur Russimmission aus der Differenz zwischen der Russimmission an der Strassen- und einer Hintergrundstation berechnet wurde. Mit Hilfe der Messungen im Tunnel konnten Emissionsfaktoren fuer Dieselruss und fuer Reifen- und Bremsenabriebpartikel bestimmt werden. (orig.)

  19. Photonic Crystals Towards Nanoscale Photonic Devices

    CERN Document Server

    Lourtioz, Jean-Michel; Berger, Vincent; Gérard, Jean-Michel; Maystre, Daniel; Tchelnokov, Alexei; Pagnoux, Dominique


    Just like the periodical crystalline potential in solid state crystals determines their properties for the conduction of electrons, the periodical structuring of photonic crystals leads to envisioning the possibility of achieving a control of the photon flux in dielectric and metallic materials. The use of photonic crystals as cages for storing, filtering or guiding light at the wavelength scale paves the way to the realization of optical and optoelectronic devices with ultimate properties and dimensions. This will contribute towards meeting the demands for greater miniaturization imposed by the processing of an ever increasing number of data. Photonic Crystals will provide students and researchers from different fields with the theoretical background required for modelling photonic crystals and their optical properties, while at the same time presenting the large variety of devices, ranging from optics to microwaves, where photonic crystals have found application. As such, it aims at building bridges between...

  20. Photonic Crystals Towards Nanoscale Photonic Devices

    CERN Document Server

    Lourtioz, Jean-Michel; Berger, Vincent; Gérard, Jean-Michel; Maystre, Daniel; Tchelnokov, Alexis


    Just like the periodical crystalline potential in solid-state crystals determines their properties for the conduction of electrons, the periodical structuring of photonic crystals leads to envisioning the possibility of achieving a control of the photon flux in dielectric and metallic materials. The use of photonic crystals as a cage for storing, filtering or guiding light at the wavelength scale thus paves the way to the realisation of optical and optoelectronic devices with ultimate properties and dimensions. This should contribute toward meeting the demands for a greater miniaturisation that the processing of an ever increasing number of data requires. Photonic Crystals intends at providing students and researchers from different fields with the theoretical background needed for modelling photonic crystals and their optical properties, while at the same time presenting the large variety of devices, from optics to microwaves, where photonic crystals have found applications. As such, it aims at building brid...

  1. Indications for surgical resection of benign pancreatic tumors; Indikationen zur chirurgischen Therapie benigner Pankreastumoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Isenmann, R.; Henne-Bruns, D. [Chirurgische Universitaetsklinik, Klinik fuer Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Ulm (Germany)


    Benign pancreatic tumors should undergo surgical resection when they are symptomatic or - in the case of incidental discovery - bear malignant potential. This is the case for the majority of benign pancreatic tumors, especially for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms or mucinous cystic adenomas. In addition, resection is indicated for all tumors where preoperative diagnostic fails to provide an exact classification. Several different operative techniques are available. The treatment of choice depends on the localization of the tumor, its size and on whether there is evidence of malignant transformation. Partial duodenopancreatectomy is the oncological treatment of choice for tumors of the pancreatic head whereas for tumors of the pancreatic tail a left-sided pancreatectomy is appropriate. Middle pancreatectomy or duodenum-preserving resection of the pancreatic head is not a radical oncologic procedure. They should only be performed in cases of tumors without malignant potential. (orig.) [German] Die Indikationsstellung zur Resektion benigner Pankreastumoren ist gegeben, wenn es sich um einen symptomatischen Tumor handelt oder - bei einem Zufallsbefund - um einen Tumor mit Potenzial zur malignen Entartung. Dies besteht bei der Mehrzahl der benignen Pankreastumoren, insbesondere bei der intraduktalen papillaeren muzinoesen Neoplasie (IPMN) oder muzinoesen Zystadenomen. Operativer Abklaerung beduerfen auch Tumoren, die unter Ausschoepfung aller diagnostischer Moeglichkeiten nicht eindeutig klassifizierbar sind. An chirurgischen Therapieverfahren stehen verschiedene Techniken zur Verfuegung. Die Wahl des Verfahren haengt von der Groesse und Lokalisation des Tumors ab und von der Frage, ob eine maligne Entartung bereits stattgefunden hat. Das onkologisch korrekte Standardresektionsverfahren bei Tumoren des Pankreaskopfes ist die partielle Duodenopankreatektomie, bei Tumoren des Pankreasschwanzes die Pankreaslinksresektion. Eine segmentale Resektion des

  2. The potentials of spiral CT for detection of focal liver lesions; Moeglichkeiten der Spiral-CT zur Diagnostik fokaler Leberlaesionen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helmberger, H. [Technische Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Iser, Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik (Germany); Kersting-Sommerhoff, B. [Technische Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Iser, Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik (Germany); Lenz, M. [Technische Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Iser, Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik (Germany); Kirsten, R. [Technische Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Iser, Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik (Germany); Bautz, W. [Technische Univ. Muenchen, Klinikum rechts der Iser, Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik (Germany)


    Spiral CT currently is the modality of choice for all aspects of diagnostic evaluation of the liver. Optimal selection of treatment should be based inter alia on the findings obtained by spiral CT with arterial application of contrast medium, as for example S-CTA (primary liver tumors), or S-CTAP (secondary liver tumors). Ultrasonography is the major supplementing modality. In the near future, MR imaging applying liver-specific contrast-enhancing agents is expected to become an important competing technique, and further developments of interest in diagnostic imaging of the liver are in the offing: it is not yet known which technique will be the modality of choice at the onset of the 21st century. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Spiral-CT ist zur Zeit das empfehlenswerte Verfahren fuer alle Fragen der Leberdiagnostik. Zur optimalen praetherapeutischen Beurteilung der Leber sollte die Spiral-CT mit arterieller Kontrastmittelapplikation als S-CTA (primaere Lebertumoren) bzw. S-CTAP (sekundaere Lebertumoren) durchgefuehrt werden. Der US kommt ein Stellenwert als ergaenzende Methode zu. In Zukunft wird die MRT mit leberspezifischen Kontrastmitteln ein konkurrierendes Verfahren zur Spiral-CT darstellen, wobei eine weitere interessante Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der hepatischen Bildgebung zu erwarten ist: Das diagnostische Verfahren der Wahl fuer die Leber zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts ist noch nicht definiert. (orig.)

  3. Zur linguistischen Beschreibung kommunikativer Einheiten in gesprochener Sprache (On the Linguistic Description of Communicative Units in Oral Language) (United States)

    Rath, Rainer


    Slightly revised version of a lecture ( Zur grammatischen Beschreibung kommunikativer Elemente in Sprechakten'' Y On Grammatical Description of Communicative Elements in Speech''I) presented in Saarbrucken, West Germany, November 10, 1972. (DD)

  4. ''Improving the EEG''. PHOTON discussion with experts of German political parties on the future of reimbursement for alternative energy; ''Das EEG weiter entwickeln''. PHOTON-Streitgesprach mit Energie-Experten der Bundestagsfraktionen ueber die kuenftige Solarstromfoerderung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In a PHOTON discussion with Rainer Brinkmann (SPD), Franz Obermeier (CSU), Hans-Josef Fell (Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen), Walter Hirche (FDP) and Eva Bullinger-Schrter (PDS), it became clear that the FDP is not the only political party in Germany to oppose the EEG (Renewable Energy Act). The CSU is thinking about replacing reimbursement for alternative energy sources by a tendering procedure. [German] Weil Wahlprogramme sich meist in Allgemeinplaetzen verlieren, baten wir Energie-Experten aus den fuenf Bundestagsfraktionen in einem Streitgespraech um Klartext: Wie sehen die Plaene zur Solarstromfoerderung aus? Bei der lebhaften Diskussion zwischen Rainer Brinkmann (SPD), Franz Obermeier (CSU), Hans-Josef Fell (Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen), Walter Hirche (FDP) und Eva Bulling-Schroeter (PDS) wurde deutlich: Nicht nur die FDP ist gegen das Erneuerbaree-Energien-Gesetz (EEG). Auch in der Union gibt es Ueberlegungen, die Einspeiseverguetung fuer Solarstrom durch einen Ausschreibungswettbewerb abzuloesen. (orig.)

  5. Einfalt der Vielfalt. Zur Heterogenität als neuer Norm der (Sexual-)Pädagogik


    Dammer, Karl-Heinz


    Der Autor befasst sich mit der aktuellen Diskussion zur Schulentwicklung in Baden-Württemberg. Diese dreht sich um den Versuch, in den schulischen Lehrplan die sexuelle Vielfalt zum Thema zu machen. Dem Autor geht es dabei um die sexualpädagogischen Konsequenzen des Diversitätsdiskurses im Hinblick auf Heterogenität und ideologischen Implikationen von Normierung. (DIPF/JS)

  6. Ein praxisorientierter empirischer Ansatz zur Bestimmung des Ausfallverhaltens konventioneller Bremssysteme in Personenkraftwagen


    Althaus, Dirk


    Der Funktionsumfang im Kraftfahrzeug nimmt bekanntlich stetig zu. Neben vollständig neu entwickelten Systemen werden aber auch bestehende durch zusätzliche Funktionen erweitert. Besonders für Sicherheitssysteme kann dies weitreichende Folgen haben, da solche Mehrbelastungen nicht nur zur Minderung der Zuverlässigkeit beitragen können, sondern evtl. auch die Sicherheit herabsetzen. Durch die steigende Vernetzung der Systeme und Komponenten untereinander ist es darüber hinaus nicht mehr aus...

  7. Photonics

    CERN Document Server

    Andrews, David L


    Discusses the basic physical principles underlying Biomedical Photonics, spectroscopy and microscopy This volume discusses biomedical photonics, spectroscopy and microscopy, the basic physical principles underlying the technology and its applications. The topics discussed in this volume are: Biophotonics; Fluorescence and Phosphorescence; Medical Photonics; Microscopy; Nonlinear Optics; Ophthalmic Technology; Optical Tomography; Optofluidics; Photodynamic Therapy; Image Processing; Imaging Systems; Sensors; Single Molecule Detection; Futurology in Photonics. Comprehensive and accessible cov

  8. Tomography of photon-added and photon-subtracted states

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bazrafkan, MR; Man'ko, [No Value

    The purpose of this paper is to introduce symplectic and optical tomograms of photon-added and photon-subtracted quantum states. Explicit relations for the tomograms of photon-added and photon-subtracted squeezed coherent states and squeezed number states are obtained. Generating functions for the

  9. Photonics

    CERN Document Server

    Andrews, David L


    Discusses the basic physical principles underlying the technology instrumentation of photonics This volume discusses photonics technology and instrumentation. The topics discussed in this volume are: Communication Networks; Data Buffers; Defense and Security Applications; Detectors; Fiber Optics and Amplifiers; Green Photonics; Instrumentation and Metrology; Interferometers; Light-Harvesting Materials; Logic Devices; Optical Communications; Remote Sensing; Solar Energy; Solid-State Lighting; Wavelength Conversion Comprehensive and accessible coverage of the whole of modern photonics Emphas

  10. Photonics

    CERN Document Server

    Andrews, David L


    Discusses the basic physical principles underlying thescience and technology of nanophotonics, its materials andstructures This volume presents nanophotonic structures and Materials.Nanophotonics is photonic science and technology that utilizeslight/matter interactions on the nanoscale where researchers arediscovering new phenomena and developing techniques that go wellbeyond what is possible with conventional photonics andelectronics.The topics discussed in this volume are: CavityPhotonics; Cold Atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensates; Displays;E-paper; Graphene; Integrated Photonics; Liquid Cry

  11. [Rolf Hammel-Kiesow. Der Lübecker Katasterplan des 19. Jahrhunderts als historische Quelle. Überlegungen zur Stadtentwicklung Lübecks aus archäologischer, historischer und bauhistorischen Zicht] / Dennis Hormuth

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hormuth, Dennis


    Arvustus : Rolf Hammel-Kiesow. Der LÜbecker Katasterplan des 19. Jahrhunderts als historische Quelle. Überlegungen zur Stadtentwicklung Lübecks aus archäologischer, historischer und bauhistorischen Sicht. In: Stadtgründung und Stadterweiterung. Beiträge von Archäologie und Stadtgeschichtsforschung (=Beiträge zur Geschichte der Städte Mitteleuropas XXII). Linz, 2011. S. 75-104

  12. Heavy quark pair production in polarized photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jikia, G.; Tkabladze, A.


    We present the cross sections of the heavy quark-antiquark pair production in polarized photon photon collision for the general case of photon polarizations. The numerical results for top-antitop production cross sections together with production asymmetries are obtained for linearly polarized photon-photon collisions, including QCD radiative corrections. (orig.)

  13. Photon-photon collisions and photon structure functions at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Patt, J


    The present knowledge of the structure of the photon based on measurements of photon structure functions is discussed. This review covers recent results on QED structure functions and on the hadronic structure function F/sub 2//sup gamma /. (13 refs).

  14. CMOS-compatible photonic devices for single-photon generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiong Chunle


    Full Text Available Sources of single photons are one of the key building blocks for quantum photonic technologies such as quantum secure communication and powerful quantum computing. To bring the proof-of-principle demonstration of these technologies from the laboratory to the real world, complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS-compatible photonic chips are highly desirable for photon generation, manipulation, processing and even detection because of their compactness, scalability, robustness, and the potential for integration with electronics. In this paper, we review the development of photonic devices made from materials (e.g., silicon and processes that are compatible with CMOS fabrication facilities for the generation of single photons.

  15. Photonics

    CERN Document Server

    Andrews, David L


    This book covers modern photonics accessibly and discusses the basic physical principles underlying all the applications and technology of photonicsThis volume covers the basic physical principles underlying the technology and all applications of photonics from statistical optics to quantum optics. The topics discussed in this volume are: Photons in perspective; Coherence and Statistical Optics; Complex Light and Singular Optics; Electrodynamics of Dielectric Media; Fast and slow Light; Holography; Multiphoton Processes; Optical Angular Momentum; Optical Forces, Trapping and Manipulation; Pol

  16. [Heinz von zur Mühlen. Auf den Spuren einiger revlaer Firmen und Familien] / Paul Kaegbein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaegbein, Paul


    Arvustus: Heinz von zur Mühlen. Auf den Spuren einiger revlaer Firmen und Familien. In : Buch und Bildung im Baltikum. Münster : LIT, 2005, lk. 527-541. Pika tänava majade omanikest alates 17. sajandist - perekonnad Koch, Meyer, Kluge, Ströhm, Wassermann, Glehn, Eggers, Koppelson, Weiss. Nii loob autor pildi Tallinna "firmade ajaloost"

  17. Multi-photon absorption limits to heralded single photon sources (United States)

    Husko, Chad A.; Clark, Alex S.; Collins, Matthew J.; De Rossi, Alfredo; Combrié, Sylvain; Lehoucq, Gaëlle; Rey, Isabella H.; Krauss, Thomas F.; Xiong, Chunle; Eggleton, Benjamin J.


    Single photons are of paramount importance to future quantum technologies, including quantum communication and computation. Nonlinear photonic devices using parametric processes offer a straightforward route to generating photons, however additional nonlinear processes may come into play and interfere with these sources. Here we analyse spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM) sources in the presence of multi-photon processes. We conduct experiments in silicon and gallium indium phosphide photonic crystal waveguides which display inherently different nonlinear absorption processes, namely two-photon (TPA) and three-photon absorption (ThPA), respectively. We develop a novel model capturing these diverse effects which is in excellent quantitative agreement with measurements of brightness, coincidence-to-accidental ratio (CAR) and second-order correlation function g(2)(0), showing that TPA imposes an intrinsic limit on heralded single photon sources. We build on these observations to devise a new metric, the quantum utility (QMU), enabling further optimisation of single photon sources. PMID:24186400

  18. Non-Poissonian photon statistics from macroscopic photon cutting materials. (United States)

    de Jong, Mathijs; Meijerink, Andries; Rabouw, Freddy T


    In optical materials energy is usually extracted only from the lowest excited state, resulting in fundamental energy-efficiency limits such as the Shockley-Queisser limit for single-junction solar cells. Photon-cutting materials provide a way around such limits by absorbing high-energy photons and 'cutting' them into multiple low-energy excitations that can subsequently be extracted. The occurrence of photon cutting or quantum cutting has been demonstrated in a variety of materials, including semiconductor quantum dots, lanthanides and organic dyes. Here we show that photon cutting results in bunched photon emission on the timescale of the excited-state lifetime, even when observing a macroscopic number of optical centres. Our theoretical derivation matches well with experimental data on NaLaF 4 :Pr 3+ , a material that can cut deep-ultraviolet photons into two visible photons. This signature of photon cutting can be used to identify and characterize new photon-cutting materials unambiguously.

  19. Deterministically swapping frequency-bin entanglement from photon-photon to atom-photon hybrid systems (United States)

    Ou, Bao-Quan; Liu, Chang; Sun, Yuan; Chen, Ping-Xing


    Inspired by the recent developments of the research on the atom-photon quantum interface and energy-time entanglement between single-photon pulses, we are motivated to study the deterministic protocol for the frequency-bin entanglement of the atom-photon hybrid system, which is analogous to the frequency-bin entanglement between single-photon pulses. We show that such entanglement arises naturally in considering the interaction between a frequency-bin entangled single-photon pulse pair and a single atom coupled to an optical cavity, via straightforward atom-photon phase gate operations. Its anticipated properties and preliminary examples of its potential application in quantum networking are also demonstrated. Moreover, we construct a specific quantum entanglement witness tool to detect such extended frequency-bin entanglement from a reasonably general set of separable states, and prove its capability theoretically. We focus on the energy-time considerations throughout the analysis.

  20. Neuromorphic photonic networks using silicon photonic weight banks. (United States)

    Tait, Alexander N; de Lima, Thomas Ferreira; Zhou, Ellen; Wu, Allie X; Nahmias, Mitchell A; Shastri, Bhavin J; Prucnal, Paul R


    Photonic systems for high-performance information processing have attracted renewed interest. Neuromorphic silicon photonics has the potential to integrate processing functions that vastly exceed the capabilities of electronics. We report first observations of a recurrent silicon photonic neural network, in which connections are configured by microring weight banks. A mathematical isomorphism between the silicon photonic circuit and a continuous neural network model is demonstrated through dynamical bifurcation analysis. Exploiting this isomorphism, a simulated 24-node silicon photonic neural network is programmed using "neural compiler" to solve a differential system emulation task. A 294-fold acceleration against a conventional benchmark is predicted. We also propose and derive power consumption analysis for modulator-class neurons that, as opposed to laser-class neurons, are compatible with silicon photonic platforms. At increased scale, Neuromorphic silicon photonics could access new regimes of ultrafast information processing for radio, control, and scientific computing.

  1. Microwave background constraints on mixing of photons with hidden photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirizzi, Alessandro; Redondo, Javier; Sigl, Guenter


    Various extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of hidden photons kinetically mixing with the ordinary photon. This mixing leads to oscillations between photons and hidden photons, analogous to the observed oscillations between different neutrino flavors. In this context, we derive new bounds on the photon-hidden photon mixing parameters using the high precision cosmic microwave background spectral data collected by the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer instrument on board of the Cosmic Background Explorer. Requiring the distortions of the CMB induced by the photon-hidden photon mixing to be smaller than experimental upper limits, this leads to a bound on the mixing angle χ 0 -7 - 10 -5 for hidden photon masses between 10 -14 eV and 10 -7 eV. This low-mass and low-mixing region of the hidden photon parameter space was previously unconstrained. (orig.)

  2. Photon-photon inclusive scattering and perturbative QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maor, U.


    Perturbative QCD expectations and problems associated with the study of the photon structure function data are reviewed. An assessment is given for the viability and sensitivity of photon-photon scattering as a decisive tool for the determination of the QCD scale. Particular attention is given to the theoretical problems of singularity cancellations at x = 0 and threshold-associated difficulties at x = 1 and their implications on the actual data analysis. It is concluded that the experimental results, while not providing a decisive verification of QCD at small distances, do add to other independent experiments which are all consistent with the theory and suggest a reasonably well defined QCD scale parameter. The importance of the small Q 2 limit to photon-photon analysis is discussed and the data are examined in an attempt to identify and isolate the contributions of the hadronic and point-like sectors of the target photon. 21 refs., 7 figs. (author)

  3. Identifikationsverfahren zur Analyse von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie mit Reaktions-Diffusions Netzwerken (United States)

    Gollas, F.; Tetzlaff, R.


    Partielle Differentialgleichungen des Reaktions-Diffusions-Typs beschreiben Phänomene wie Musterbildung, nichtlineare Wellenausbreitung und deterministisches Chaos und werden oft zur Untersuchung komplexer Vorgänge auf den Gebieten der Biologie, Chemie und Physik herangezogen. Zellulare Nichtlineare Netzwerke (CNN) sind eine räumliche Anordnung vergleichsweise einfacher dynamischer Systeme, die eine lokale Kopplung untereinander aufweisen. Durch eine Diskretisierung der Ortsvariablen können Reaktions-Diffusions-Gleichungen häufig auf CNN mit nichtlinearen Gewichtsfunktionen abgebildet werden. Die resultierenden Reaktions-Diffusions-CNN (RD-CNN) weisen dann in ihrer Dynamik näherungsweise gleiches Verhalten wie die zugrunde gelegten Reaktions-Diffusions-Systeme auf. Werden RD-CNN zur Identifikation neuronaler Strukturen anhand von EEG-Signalen herangezogen, so besteht die Möglichkeit festzustellen, ob das gefundene Netzwerk lokale Aktivität aufweist. Die von Chua eingeführte Theorie der lokalen Aktivität Chua (1998); Dogaru und Chua (1998) liefert eine notwendige Bedingung für das Auftreten von emergentem Verhalten in zellularen Netzwerken. Änderungen in den Parametern bestimmter RD-CNN könnten auf bevorstehende epileptische Anfälle hinweisen. In diesem Beitrag steht die Identifikation neuronaler Strukturen anhand von EEG-Signalen durch Reaktions-Diffusions-Netzwerke im Vordergrund der dargestellten Untersuchungen. In der Ergebnisdiskussion wird insbesondere auch die Frage nach einer geeigneten Netzwerkstruktur mit minimaler Komplexität behandelt.

  4. Technical, economic and environmental aspects of regional waste management networks - the example of thermal disposal of sewage sludge; Zur technisch-wirtschaftlichen und umweltgerechten Ausgestaltung von standort- und betriebsuebergreifenden Entsorgungsnetzwerken - Konkretisiert am Beispiel der thermischen Klaerschlammentsorgung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sasse, H.


    The author attempted to develop a tool for economic and ecological design of regional waste management networks. His investigation was based on the current attempts at developing regional solutions at minimal cost, which are modified to meet the desired goal and will include a method for regional environmental assessment. [German] Neben der Wirtschaftlichkeit ist entsprechend der im Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz verankerten Regelungen auch die Umweltvertraeglichkeit von Verwertung, Abfallbeseitigung und Abfallvermeidung gefordert. Zur Entscheidungsunterstuetzung bei der strategischen Planung zukuenftiger Entsorgungskonzepte sind somit Instrumente erforderlich, die es ermoeglichen, auf regionaler Ebene firmenuebergreifende Entsorgungsstrukturen zu entwickeln sowie diese oekonomisch und oekologisch im Sinne des KrW/-AbfG zu optimieren und zu bewerten. Derartige umfassende Planungsinstrumente zum Stoffstrommanagement stehen derzeit nicht oder nur in Ansaetzen zur Verfuegung. Fuer die vorliegende Arbeit wurde die Entsorgung von kommunalem Klaerschlamm in Baden-Wuerttemberg als Untersuchungsgegenstand ausgewaehlt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, ein Planungsinstrument zur oekonomischen und oekologischen Ausgestaltung standortuebergreifender Entsorgungsnetzwerke zu entwickeln. Ausgangspunkt dafuer sind bisherige Ansaetze zur Entwicklung kostenminimaler regionaler Gesamtloesungen, die an die geschilderte Problematik angepasst und die in geeigneter Weise um eine Methodik zur umweltbezogenen Bewertung erweitert werden sollen. (orig.)

  5. Microwave background constraints on mixing of photons with hidden photons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mirizzi, Alessandro [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Muenchen (Germany); Redondo, Javier [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Sigl, Guenter [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). 2. Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik


    Various extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of hidden photons kinetically mixing with the ordinary photon. This mixing leads to oscillations between photons and hidden photons, analogous to the observed oscillations between different neutrino flavors. In this context, we derive new bounds on the photon-hidden photon mixing parameters using the high precision cosmic microwave background spectral data collected by the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer instrument on board of the Cosmic Background Explorer. Requiring the distortions of the CMB induced by the photon-hidden photon mixing to be smaller than experimental upper limits, this leads to a bound on the mixing angle {chi}{sub 0}

  6. Beiträge zur indogermanischen wortforschung IV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bojan Čop


    Full Text Available »Hoffnung«, pahl. umēt bzw. ōmēt soll nach Horn, Grdr. d. npers. Etym. 26 aus ava (Präp. und dem Yerbum may- »einsenken« zusammengesetzt sein, was leider aus bedeutungsgeschichtlichen Gründen unannehmbar ist. Hübschmann, Pers. St. 17 f. erklärt das Wort für vollkommen dunkel. Die uriran. Form *ava-maiti- (Hübschmann kann nicht auf eine Zusammensetzung mit *mn-ti- »Denken, Gedanke« = ai. mati-š, aw. -maitiš zurückgehen, da eine i-Epenthese hier völlig unmöglich wäre. Man muß *-mai-ti- analysieren, es ergibt sich also eine Wurzel *mai-, idg. entweder mei dann Vollstufe in dem /i-Abstraktum wie in ai. man-ti- »Denken«, got. ana-minds »Verdacht« — oder eventuell *mēi-.

  7. Implementierung, Evaluation und vergleichende Untersuchungen des Powerplex 16 Systems zur quantitativen Chimärismusanalyse


    Joachim, Stefanie


    Die allogene Stammzelltransplantation ist ein Verfahren zur Therapie verschiedener maligner und nicht-maligner hämatologischer Erkrankungen. Da es sich um eine sehr aufwendige Therapie handelt, sind Methoden, die den Behandlungsverlauf dokumentieren, wie minimale Resterkrankung und Chimärismusanalyse, essentiell. Eine nach Stammzelltransplantation vollständig vom Spender abgeleitete Hämatopoese ist Voraussetzung für das Engraftment und die Prophylaxe eines Rezidivs der zugrundeliegenden Er...

  8. Beiträge zur Beugungstheorie elektromagnetischer Wellen an Kanten vollkommen leitender Flächen


    Zinal, Sherko


    Den Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden die Untersuchung sowie die Formulierung von Lösungsansätzen für ein elementares, elektromagnetisches Beugungsproblem; einer undendlich langen Schlitzleitung mit einseitig begrenzter etallisierungsplatte (Abschnitt 1.2). Motiviert wird dieses Beugungsproblem im Hinblick auf die Beugungsproblematik planarer Strahler (Antennen) mit endlich ausgedehnter Grundmetallisierung (Abschnitt 1.1). In Kapitel 2 wird ein Stromlinien-Modell zur Formulierung des Beugun...

  9. Vom Fachwissen zur Handlungskompetenz - die Berufsschule vor den Herausforderungen des sozioökonomischen Strukturwandels


    Kouli, Ekaterina


    Der sozioökonomische Wandel und die damit einhergehenden Veränderungen der Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsstrukturen stellen das Bildungssystem in Deutschland vor neuartige Herausforderungen. Wesentliche Momente dieses Wandels sind die technologische Entwicklung, die Globalisierung der Wirtschaft, der Übergang von der Industrie- zur Wissensgesellschaft sowie Veränderungen in den gesellschaftlichen Wertvorstellungen. Diese Entwicklungen verändern die Arbeitsprozesse in den Unternehmen und dami...

  10. Bildgebendes Multispektralsystem zur Serienfarbmessung an goniochromatischen Oberflächenbeschichtungen in der Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie


    Jäger, Stefan


    In dieser Arbeit wird ein multispektrales bildgebendes System zur Farbmessung von Metall- und Perleffektlacken in einem industriellen Umfeld vorgestellt. Der Zweck des vorgeschlagenen Systems ist die Serienüberwachung und daraus folgend, die Steuerung von Lackierprozessen in der Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie, um das Qualitätsniveau anzuheben und Kosten zu reduzieren. Ausgehend von der Analyse der messtechnischen Anforderungen und den durch die Prozesstechnik gegebenen Randbedingungen wurde...

  11. Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden zur Bestimmung von Selen-Spezies in human-biologischem Material


    Jäger, Thomas


    Selen ist essentieller Bestandteil von mehr als 25 physiologisch wichtigen menschlichen Enzymen. Der tägliche Bedarf wird überwiegend in Form von organischen Selenverbindungen wie Selenmethionin oder Selenocystein aus der Nahrung aufgenommen. Weitere Expositionswege sind die Einnahme von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zur Selensupplementation sowie die inhalative oder dermale Aufnahme von in erster Linie anorganischen Selenverbindungen oder elementarem Selen an Arbeitsplätzen der Selen-verarbeiten...

  12. Ausbau der ganztägigen Kindertagesbetreuung kann zur Zufriedenheit von Müttern beitragen


    Stahl, Juliane F.; Schober, Pia S.


    Eltern mit Kindern, die noch nicht zur Schule gehen, stehen bei der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Um diese Eltern besser zu unterstützen, hat die Politik sowohl den Ausbau von Plätzen in der öffentlichen Kindertagesbetreuung (Kita) forciert als auch ein bedarfsorientiertes Angebot an Ganztagsplätzen gesetzlich verankert. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht auf Basis von Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) und der Stichprobe 'Familien in Deutschla...

  13. [Philipp Herzog: Sozialistische Völkerfreundschaft nationaler Widerstand oder harmloser Zeitvertieb? Zur politischen Funktion der Volkskunst im sowjetischen Estland] / Karsten Brüggemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brüggemann, Karsten, 1965-


    Arvustus: Herzog, Philipp. Sozialistische Völkerfreundschaft, nationaler Widerstand oder harmloser Zeitvertreib? : zur politischen Funktion der Volkskunst im sowjetischen Estland. Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verlag, 2012

  14. Delivery of parameterization schemes for the determination of the regional evapotranspiration of different land surfaces. Final report; Bereitstellung von Parameterisierungsverfahren zur Bestimmung der regionalen Verdunstung verschiedener Landoberflaechen. Abschlussbericht 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haenel, H.D.; Loepmeier, F.J.


    The task was the delivery of parameterization schemes for the calculation of the regional evapotranspiration of different land surfaces. The main weight was on the discussion of existing approaches and on the development of new ones for the calculation of evapotranspiration. After consideration of different concepts the well-known Penman-Monteith equation proved to the optimal basis of calculation. The surface resistance, respectively the related bulk-stomata resistance, is an important part of the resistance pattern (analogous to Ohm`s law) on which the Penman-Monteith equation is based. Under consideration of the dependence of these resistances of the spatial scale (leaf, canopy) as well as of the time scale (hour, day) possibilities for their estimation were discussed. An important step to determine the surface resistances from literature data of vegetation evapotranspiration was the development of a converting scheme of Haude`s factors to surface resistances. For bare soil an approach was developed which allows approximately to give a new interpretation to surface resistances from evapotranspiration courses, described in literature as proportional to the square root of time. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Aufgabenstellung bestand in der Bereitstellung von Parametrisierungsverfahren zur Bestimmung der regionalen Verdunstung verschiedener Landoberflaechen. Dabei lag das Schwergewicht auf der Diskussion bereits bestehender und der Entwicklung neuer Ansaetze zur Berechnung der Verdunstung. Nach der Betrachtung unterschiedlicher Konzepte erwies sich die bekannte Penman-Monteith-Gleichung als optimale Berechnungsgrundlage. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des der Penman-Monteith-Gleichung zugrundeliegenden Widerstandsschemas (Analogie zum Ohmschen Gesetz) ist der Oberflaechenwiderstand bzw. der damit verwandte Bulk-Stomatawiderstand. Unter Beruecksichtigung der Abhaengigkeit dieser Widerstaende sowohl von der raeumlichen Skala (Blatt/Bestand) als auch von der zeitlichen Skala

  15. [Heinz von zur Mühlen. Paul Johansen und die Sogenannten Undeutschen in Reval/Tallinn] / Paul Kaegbein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaegbein, Paul


    Arvustus: Heinz von zur Mühlen. Paul Johansen und die Sogenannten Undeutschen in Reval/Tallinn. - Nordosteuropa als Geschichtsregion. Helsinki : Aue-Stiftung :; Lübeck : Schmidt-Römhild, 2006. lk. 103-111. Paul Johanseni lähim töökaaslane kirjeldab teose "Deutsch und Undeutsch im mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Reval" valmimist

  16. On the validity of the equivalent-photon approximation for virtual photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carimalo, C.; Kessler, P.; Parisi, J.


    For virtual photon-photon collisions in electron storage rings, one derive the equivalent-photon approximation from a helicity treatment, and present it in two forms, involving respectively (i) polarized transverse photons ('transverse-photon approximation') and (ii) unpolarized ones ('Williams-Weizsaecker approximation'). One first postulates the conditions of validity of the approximation on the basis of analytic considerations, and then check them numerically in the case of the process e e → e e μ + μ - . For this check, we consider the completely differentiated cross section as far as approximation (i) is concerned; and in the case of approximation (ii), the cross section differentiated with respect to all variables except the azimuthal angles. The results are given in the form of Tables showing the lower and higher limit of the error involved in the approximation for a large variety of kinematic configurations (i. e., energy losses and scattering angles of both electrons). Those Tables are discussed in detail, and conclusions are drawn as to the applicability of the equivalent-photon approximation to future experiments to be performed with high-energy electron storage rings


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Million, Chase [Million Concepts LLC, P.O. Box 119, 141 Mary Street, Lemont, PA 16851 (United States); Fleming, Scott W.; Shiao, Bernie; Smith, Myron; Thompson, Randy; White, Richard L. [Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Seibert, Mark [The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, CA 91101 (United States); Loyd, Parke [Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder, Colorado, 80309 (United States); Tucker, Michael [Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608 (United States)


    gPhoton is a new database product and software package that enables analysis of GALEX ultraviolet data at the photon level. The project’s stand-alone, pure-Python calibration pipeline reproduces the functionality of the original mission pipeline to reduce raw spacecraft data to lists of time-tagged, sky-projected photons, which are then hosted in a publicly available database by the Mikulski Archive at Space Telescope. This database contains approximately 130 terabytes of data describing approximately 1.1 trillion sky-projected events with a timestamp resolution of five milliseconds. A handful of Python and command-line modules serve as a front end to interact with the database and to generate calibrated light curves and images from the photon-level data at user-defined temporal and spatial scales. The gPhoton software and source code are in active development and publicly available under a permissive license. We describe the motivation, design, and implementation of the calibration pipeline, database, and tools, with emphasis on divergence from prior work, as well as challenges created by the large data volume. We summarize the astrometric and photometric performance of gPhoton relative to the original mission pipeline. For a brief example of short time-domain science capabilities enabled by gPhoton, we show new flares from the known M-dwarf flare star CR Draconis. The gPhoton software has permanent object identifiers with the ASCL (ascl:1603.004) and DOI (doi:10.17909/T9CC7G). This paper describes the software as of version v1.27.2.

  18. Photon-Photon Luminosities in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at LHC Energies


    Hencken, Kai; Trautmann, Dirk; Baur, Gerhard


    Effective photon-photon luminosities are calculated for various realistic hadron collider scenarios. The main characteristics of photon-photon processes at relativistic heavy-ion colliders are established and compared to the corresponding photon-photon luminosities at electron-positron and future Photon Linear Colliders (PLC). Higher order corrections as well as inelastic processes are discussed. It is concluded that feasible high luminosity Ca-Ca collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)...

  19. Photon technology. Laser process technology; Photon technology. Laser process gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For developing laser process technology by interaction between substance and photon, the present state, system, R and D issues and proposal of such technology were summarized. Development of the photon technology aims at the modification of bonding conditions of substances by quantum energy of photon, and the new process technology for generating ultra- high temperature and pressure fields by concentrating photon on a minute region. Photon technology contributes to not only the conventional mechanical and thermal forming and removal machining but also function added machining (photon machining) in quantum level and new machining technology ranging from macro- to micro-machining, creating a new industrial field. This technology extends various fields from the basis of physics and chemistry to new bonding technology. Development of a compact high-quality high-power high-efficiency photon source, and advanced photon transmission technology are necessary. The basic explication of an unsolved physicochemical phenomenon related to photon and substance, and development of related application technologies are essential. 328 refs., 147 figs., 13 tabs.

  20. On-chip steering of entangled photons in nonlinear photonic crystals. (United States)

    Leng, H Y; Yu, X Q; Gong, Y X; Xu, P; Xie, Z D; Jin, H; Zhang, C; Zhu, S N


    One promising technique for working toward practical photonic quantum technologies is to implement multiple operations on a monolithic chip, thereby improving stability, scalability and miniaturization. The on-chip spatial control of entangled photons will certainly benefit numerous applications, including quantum imaging, quantum lithography, quantum metrology and quantum computation. However, external optical elements are usually required to spatially control the entangled photons. Here we present the first experimental demonstration of on-chip spatial control of entangled photons, based on a domain-engineered nonlinear photonic crystal. We manipulate the entangled photons using the inherent properties of the crystal during the parametric downconversion, demonstrating two-photon focusing and beam-splitting from a periodically poled lithium tantalate crystal with a parabolic phase profile. These experimental results indicate that versatile and precise spatial control of entangled photons is achievable. Because they may be operated independent of any bulk optical elements, domain-engineered nonlinear photonic crystals may prove to be a valuable ingredient in on-chip integrated quantum optics.

  1. Two-photon interference of polarization-entangled photons in a Franson interferometer. (United States)

    Kim, Heonoh; Lee, Sang Min; Kwon, Osung; Moon, Han Seb


    We present two-photon interference experiments with polarization-entangled photon pairs in a polarization-based Franson-type interferometer. Although the two photons do not meet at a common beamsplitter, a phase-insensitive Hong-Ou-Mandel type two-photon interference peak and dip fringes are observed, resulting from the two-photon interference effect between two indistinguishable two-photon probability amplitudes leading to a coincidence detection. A spatial quantum beating fringe is also measured for nondegenerate photon pairs in the same interferometer, although the two-photon states have no frequency entanglement. When unentangled polarization-correlated photons are used as an input state, the polarization entanglement is successfully recovered through the interferometer via delayed compensation.

  2. QCD measurements in photon-photon collisions at LEP


    Csilling, Akos


    An overview of the latest results of the LEP collaborations on QCD measurements in photon-photon collisions is presented, including measurements of the total hadronic cross-section, the production of heavy quarks and dijets and the structure functions of real and virtual photons.

  3. [Heinz von zur Mühlen. Das Bürgertum Fordert Blut. Ein Bolschewistiches Flugblatt von 1918] / Paul Kaegbein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaegbein, Paul


    Arvustus: Heinz von zur Mühlen. Das Bürgertum Fordert Blut. Ein Bolschewistiches Flugblatt von 1918. In : Ostseeprovinzen, baltische Staaten und das Nationale. Münster : LIT, 2005, lk. 403-414. 1918. aastast pärit lendlehest, mille käekirja järgi otsustades on kirjutanud Viktor Kingissepp

  4. Photonic time crystals. (United States)

    Zeng, Lunwu; Xu, Jin; Wang, Chengen; Zhang, Jianhua; Zhao, Yuting; Zeng, Jing; Song, Runxia


    When space (time) translation symmetry is spontaneously broken, the space crystal (time crystal) forms; when permittivity and permeability periodically vary with space (time), the photonic crystal (photonic time crystal) forms. We proposed the concept of photonic time crystal and rewritten the Maxwell's equations. Utilizing Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, we simulated electromagnetic wave propagation in photonic time crystal and photonic space-time crystal, the simulation results show that more intensive scatter fields can obtained in photonic time crystal and photonic space-time crystal.

  5. Single-photon detector operating under extremely high background photon flux conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prochazka, Ivan; Sopko, Bruno; Blazej, Josef


    We are reporting our results in research and development in the field of avalanche semiconductor single-photon detectors and their application. Our goal was a development of a solid-state photon-counting detector capable of high-precision photon arrival time tagging in extremely harsh operating conditions. The background photon flux exceeding 10 9 photons per second hitting the detector active area should not avoid the useful signal detection and recognition on the signal level of units of photons per second. This is background photon flux about two orders of magnitude higher than what the conventional solid-state photon counters accept. The detection timing resolution should be better than 100 ps and the delay stability should be on picosecond level. We have developed and tested the active quenched and gated avalanche structure on silicon providing the required features in connection with the K14 detection chips. The detector is capable of gated operation under the conditions of background photon flux of 5x10 9 photons per second. The operational detector tolerates long term exposures to the input photon flux exceeding 10 15 photons (>1 mW) per second without damage.

  6. Photon statistical properties of photon-added two-mode squeezed coherent states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Xue-Fen; Wang Shuai; Tang Bin


    We investigate photon statistical properties of the multiple-photon-added two-mode squeezed coherent states (PA-TMSCS). We find that the photon statistical properties are sensitive to the compound phase involved in the TMSCS. Our numerical analyses show that the photon addition can enhance the cross-correlation and anti-bunching effects of the PA-TMSCS. Compared with that of the TMSCS, the photon number distribution of the PA-TMSCS is modulated by a factor that is a monotonically increasing function of the numbers of adding photons to each mode; further, that the photon addition essentially shifts the photon number distribution. (electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, classical mechanics, and fluid dynamics)

  7. Resonance formation in photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gidal, G.


    Recent experimental progress on resonance formation in photon-photon collisions is reviewed with particular emphasis on the pseudoscalar and tensor nonents and on the γγ* production of spin-one resonances. 37 refs., 17 figs., 5 tabs

  8. On the clinical impact of cerebral dopamine D{sub 2} receptor scintigraphy; Zur klinischen Wertigkeit der zerebralen Dopamin-D{sub 2}-Rezeptorszintigraphie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larisch, R. [Duesseldorf Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Klimke, A. [Duesseldorf Univ. (Germany). Psychiatrische Klinik


    The present review describes findings and clinical indications for the dopamine D{sub 2} receptor scintigraphy. Methods for the examination of D{sub 2} receptors are positron emission tomography (PET) using {sup 11}C- or {sup 18}F-labelled butyrophenones or benzamides or single photon emission tomography (SPECT) using {sup 123}I-iodobenzamide (IBZM) respectively. The most important indication in neurology is the differential diagnosis of Parkinsonism: Patients with early Parkinson`s disease show an increased D{sub 2} receptor binding (D{sub 2}-RB) compared to control subjects. However, patients suffering from Steele-Richardson-Olszewski-Syndrome or Multiple System Atrophy show a decreased D{sub 2}-RB and are generally non-responsive to treatment. Postsynaptic blockade of D{sub 2} receptors results in a drug induced Parkinsonian syndrome, which can be diagnosed by D{sub 2} scintigraphy. Further possible indications occur in psychiatry: The assessment of receptor occupancy is useful in schizophrenic patients treated with neuroleptics. Additionally, D{sub 2} receptor scintigraphy might help to clarify the differential diagnosis between neuroleptic malignant syndrome and lethal catatonia. The method might be useful for supervising neurobiochemical changes in drug dependency and during withdrawal. Assessment of dopamine D{sub 2} receptor binding can simplify the choice of therapy in depressive disorder: Patients showing a low D{sub 2} binding are likely to improve following an antidepressive drug treatment whereas sleep deprivation is promising in patients with high D{sub 2} binding. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt eine Uebersicht ueber Befunde und klinische Indikationen zur Dopamin-D{sub 2}-Rezeptorszintigraphie. Methoden zur Untersuchung der D{sub 2}-Rezeptoren sind die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) mit {sup 11}C- oder {sup 18}F-markierten Butyrophenonen oder Benzamiden oder die Einzelphotonen-Emissions-Tomographie (SPECT) mit {sup 123}I

  9. Photon-hadron and photon-photon collisions in CMS (including data from p-p, p-A and A-A collisions)

    CERN Document Server

    Rebello Teles, Patricia


    Photon-nucleus and photon-photon collisions are abundantly produced at the LHC. The LHC provides a unique opportunity to study high-energy photon-photon interactions, thanks to its high energy and large integrated luminosity. In this talk two CMS analyses concerning photon-hadron and photon-photon collisions are going to be presented. The first deals with the measurement of the coherent $J/\\Psi$ photoproduction cross section in ultra-peripheral PbPb collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV in conjunction with forward neutrons. The second one shows the evidence of the exclusive $\\gamma \\gamma \\to W^{+}W^{-}$ production and improvement on constraints for the anomalous gauge quartic coupling $\\gamma \\gamma WW$ parameters.

  10. Study of prompt photon and neutral pion production in photon-photon scattering with the OPAL experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Lillich, Joachim


    For the first time at LEP the production of prompt photons is studied in the collisions of quasi-real photons using the OPAL data taken at e+e- centre-of mass energies between 183 GeV and 209 GeV. The total inclusive production cross-section for isolated prompt photons in the kinematic range of transverse momentum > 3.0 GeV and the absolut value of pseudorapidity <1 is determined to be (0.32 +- 0.04 (stat) +- 0.04 (sys)) pb. Differential cross-sections are compared to the predictions of a next-to-leading-order (NLO) calculation. In the second part of this thesis inclusive differential neutral pion cross-sections in photon photon collisons are measured. This measurement is an important test of QCD. In addition this process is the main background for prompt photons.

  11. Vorschrift oder Thunfisch? – Zur Langzeitverfügbarkeit von Forschungsdaten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tim Hasler


    Full Text Available Ich mache ihm ein Angebot, das er nicht ablehnen kann.” Diese Aussage aus einem gänzlich anderen Kontext lässt sich recht treffend übertragen als Wunsch von Dienstleistern und Zweck von Dienstleistungen für Datenproduzenten im Forschungsdatenmanagement. Zwar wirkt Druck zur Datenübergabe nicht förderlich, die Eröffnung einer Option aber sehr wohl. Im vorliegenden Artikel geht es um das Verständnis der Nachhaltigkeit von Forschung und ihren Daten anhand der Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus der ersten Phase des DFG-Projekts EWIG. [Fn 01] Eine Auswahl von Fallstricken beim Forschungsdatenmanagement wird anhand der Erkenntnisse aus Expertengesprächen und eigenen Erfahrungen beim Aufbau von LZA-Workflows vorgestellt. Erste Konzepte in EWIG zur Datenübertragung aus unterschiedlich strukturierten Datenquellen in die „Langfristige Domäne” werden beschrieben. "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse". This quote from a completely different context can be aptly rendered as a statement of service providers as well as the purpose of services for data producers in the field of research data management. Although pressure is not the leverage of choice if you want researchers to deposit their research data in some kind of repository, offering an option does the trick quite well. In this article we present some of the concepts for sustainability of research and its data from the first phase the of the project EWIG, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. A selection of pitfalls in research data management is presented based on the findings from expert interviews and our own experiences in the construction of LTP workflows. First concepts in EWIG to transfer data from differently structured data sources into the "Permanent Domain" are described.

  12. PHOTON09. Proceedings of the international conference on the structure and interactions of the photon including the 18th international workshop on photon-photon collisions and the international workshop on high energy photon linear colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Behnke, Olaf; Diehl, Markus; Schoerner-Sadenius, Thomas; Steinbrueck, Georg


    The following topics were dealt with: Electroweak and new physics, photon-collider technology, low-energy photon experiments, prompt photons, photon structure, jets and heavy flavours, vacuum polarization and light-by-light scattering, small-x processes, diffraction, total cross sections, exclusive channels and resonances, photons in astroparticle physics. (HSI)

  13. PHOTON09. Proceedings of the international conference on the structure and interactions of the photon including the 18th international workshop on photon-photon collisions and the international workshop on high energy photon linear colliders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behnke, Olaf; Diehl, Markus; Schoerner-Sadenius, Thomas; Steinbrueck, Georg [eds.


    The following topics were dealt with: Electroweak and new physics, photon-collider technology, low-energy photon experiments, prompt photons, photon structure, jets and heavy flavours, vacuum polarization and light-by-light scattering, small-x processes, diffraction, total cross sections, exclusive channels and resonances, photons in astroparticle physics. (HSI)

  14. Anwendung stabiler Isotope zur Beschreibung des mikrobiellen Abbaus organischer Schadstoffe in kontaminierten Aquiferen


    Vieth, Andrea


    Der mikrobielle in-situ Abbau organischer Schadstoffe ist mit einer Änderung der Isotopenverhältnisse (12C/13C; H/D) verbunden. Das Ausmaß der Isotopenfraktionierung ist abhängig von der initialen biochemischen Reaktion und variiert mit der Größe des Substratmoleküls bzw. der Anzahl der Kohlenstoff- bzw. Wasserstoffatome. Für die Anwendung dieses Isotopenkonzepts zur Beschreibung des mikrobiellen Abbaus von Schadstoffen im Grundwasser muss ausgeschlossen werden können, dass andere Prozesse ei...

  15. Die muslimische Gemeinschaft Rumäniens: der Weg einer Elite zur marginalisierten Minderheit


    Kahl, Thede


    Die Siedlungsgeschichte der Muslime auf dem Territorium des heutigen Rumäniens geht in das 13. Jahrhundert zurück. Durch verstärkte Einwanderung von Turkmenen und Tataren konnten sich im Laufe der folgenden Jahrhunderte Regionen mit muslimischer kultureller Dominanz ausbilden. Aufgrund der Kolonisierungspolitik der osmanischen Sultane im Laufe des 14.-16. Jahrhunderts erhöhte sich Zahl der Muslime ständig, da sie sowohl aus dem Norden des Schwarzen Meeres als auch aus dem Süden (Kleinasien) Z...

  16. Sprechkompetenz im DaF-Unterricht an Slowenischen Gymnasien: von der Theorie zur Praxis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreja Retelj


    Full Text Available Es liegt auf der Hand, dass Fremdsprachenkenntnisse aufgrund der wachsenden Globalisierung stets an Bedeutung gewinnen. Über eine hochentwickelte Fremdsprachenkompetenz zu verfügen, ist in der heutigen Gesellschaft fast zur Selbstverständlichkeit geworden. Durch die wachsenden wirtschaftlichen Kontakte gewinnt vor allem die mündliche Kommunikation immer mehr an Bedeutung und die Erwartungen an Fremdsprachenlernende, in verschiedenen Sprachsituationen mündlich schnell und angemessen kommunizieren zu können, nehmen aus diesem Grund ständig zu.

  17. Materials model for describing the austenite-martensite phase transformation considering transformation-induced plasticity; Ein Materialmodell zur Beschreibung der Austenit-Martensit Phasentransformation unter Beruecksichtigung der transformationsinduzierten Plastizitaet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oberste-Brandenburg, C.


    In this thesis, a model to describe the austenite martensite transformation was developed. The transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) was taken into consideration. The model can be used to design complex structures. A local examination of the energy and entropy balance at the phase boundary serves as the starting point for the identification of the thermodynamical driving force and the thermodynamic flow. For both, a tensorial description is necessary for a general nonhydrostatically stressed solid. In the second part, a material law for the description of TRIP-Steels was developed based on the values derived in the first part. The different mechanical behavior of the phases, especially the differing yield stresses, was taken into account. The model developed was implemented into the finite element program MARC. Simulations of the material and the structural behavior were performed. The experimentally observed strong dependence of the transformation kinetics on the yield stress of the austenite and the dependence of the orientation of the martensite inclusion on the stress state could be verified. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Materialmodell zur Beschreibung der Austenit-Martensit Phasenumwandlung unter Beruecksichtigung der transformationsinduzierten Plastizitaet (TRIP) entwickelt. Das Modell ist zur Berechnung ausgedehnter Strukturen einsetzbar. Eine lokale Betrachtung der Energie- und Entropiebilanz an der Phasengrenze bildet den Ausgangspunkt zur Identifikation der thermodynamischen Kraft und des thermodynamischen Flusses bei Beschreibung der Transformationskinetik. Fuer beide Groessen muss fuer den allgemein nichthydrostatischen Spannungszustand eine tensorielle Beschreibung verwendet werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit bilden diese Groessen die Basis zur Entwicklung eines Stoffgesetzes zur Beschreibung des TRIP-Phaenomens. Es wird das unterschiedliche mechanische Verhalten der Phasen, insbesondere die stark unterschiedlichen

  18. Zur Ätiologie und Bekämpfung der Lumpy Jaw Disease bei Kängurus


    Asperger, Michael


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten die in der veterinärmedizinischen Literatur bisher diskutierten Ursachen für LJD bei Makropoden hinsichtlich ihrer tatsächlichen Bedeutung abgeklärt und die Eignung einer formalininaktivierten, bestandsspezifischen Adsorbatvakzine zur Prophylaxe von LJD getestet werden. Da LJD eine parodontale Erkrankung darstellt, wurden auch die für Entstehung einer humanen Parodontitis prädisponierenden Faktoren mit in die Untersuchung einbezogen. Es wurden Tupferproben z...

  19. Sprache als Schlüssel zur Welt: Bibliotheken und Sprach-Kitas in guter Partnerschaft


    Susanne Brandt


    Von 2016 bis voraussichtlich 2020 wird durch das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend das Bundesprogramm „Sprach-Kitas. Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist“ gefördert. Es richtet sich an Kindertageseinrichtungen, die von einem überdurchschnittlich hohen Anteil von Kindern mit besonderem Bedarf an sprachlicher Bildung und Förderung besucht werden. Dabei stehen besonders die folgenden drei Zielbereiche im Fokus: alltagsintegrierte sprachliche Bildung, inklusive Bildung...

  20. Resonant Photonic States in Coupled Heterostructure Photonic Crystal Waveguides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabarinathan J


    Full Text Available Abstract In this paper, we study the photonic resonance states and transmission spectra of coupled waveguides made from heterostructure photonic crystals. We consider photonic crystal waveguides made from three photonic crystals A, B and C, where the waveguide heterostructure is denoted as B/A/C/A/B. Due to the band structure engineering, light is confined within crystal A, which thus act as waveguides. Here, photonic crystal C is taken as a nonlinear photonic crystal, which has a band gap that may be modified by applying a pump laser. We have found that the number of bound states within the waveguides depends on the width and well depth of photonic crystal A. It has also been found that when both waveguides are far away from each other, the energies of bound photons in each of the waveguides are degenerate. However, when they are brought close to each other, the degeneracy of the bound states is removed due to the coupling between them, which causes these states to split into pairs. We have also investigated the effect of the pump field on photonic crystal C. We have shown that by applying a pump field, the system may be switched between a double waveguide to a single waveguide, which effectively turns on or off the coupling between degenerate states. This reveals interesting results that can be applied to develop new types of nanophotonic devices such as nano-switches and nano-transistors.

  1. Egypt`s potential for geothermal energy use and underground storage of thermal energy; Moeglichkeiten zur Nutzung geothermischer Energie und zur unterirdischen thermischen Energiespeicherung in Aegypten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abbas, A M; Sanner, B; Knoblich, K [Giessen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Angewandte Geowissenschaften


    Egypt belongs to the arid to extremely arid zone. Hot springs or wells are chiefly distributed over the areas of the Golf of Suez shoreline, along the Red Sea coast and in the Bahariya, Dakhla and Kharga oasis in the Western Desert. The Red Sea with it`s branches into the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba/Jordan valley is the northern end of the East African Rift, which is tectonically active and yields further south known geothermal resources (e.g. in Kenya). Thus, a relatively high het flow zone exists on the eastern border of the Gulf of Suez, on Sinai peninsula. The hot springs of Ayun Musa, Hammam Faraon and El Sokhna are located there. Hammam Faroun is the hottest spring in Egypt with water temperature of approx. 70 C. This paper compiles previous studies from Egypt to elucidate the geothermal potential of Egypt and opportunities to make use of it. (orig.) [Deutsch] Aegypten gehoert zur ariden bis extrem ariden Zone. Heisse Quellen oder erbohrte heisse Waesser finden sich hauptsaechlich entlang der Kueste des Golfs von Suez und des Roten Meeres, sowie in den Oasen Bahariya, Dakhla und Kharga in der westlichen Wueste. Das Rote Meer mit seinen Verzweigungen in den Golf von Suez und in den Golf von Akaba/Jordangraben bildet den noerdlichen Abschluss des Ostafrikanischen Grabensystems, das tektonisch sehr aktiv ist und weiter suedlich (z.B. in Kenia) bekannte geothermische Ressourcen bietet. Eine Zone mit hohem geothermischen Waermefluss befindet sich dementsprechend auch am oestlichen Rand des Golfs von Suez, der zur Halbinsel Sinai gehoehrt. Hier werden die heissen Quellen von Ayun Musa, Hammam Faraon und El Sokhna angetroffen. Hammam Faraon ist die heisseste Quelle Aegyptens mit Wassertemperaturen von etwa 70 C. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht, einige fruehere Studien aus Aegypten zusammenzufassen und das geothermische Potential Aegyptens mit den Moeglichkeiten seiner Nutzung aufzuzeigen. (orig.)

  2. Polychromatic photons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keller, Ole


    train quantum electrodynamics. A brief description of particle (photon) position operators is given, and it is shown that photons usually are only algebraically confined in an emission process. Finally, it is demonstrated that the profile of the birth domain of a radio-frequency photon emitted...

  3. Microwave photonics

    CERN Document Server

    Lee, Chi H


    Wireless, optical, and electronic networks continue to converge, prompting heavy research into the interface between microwave electronics, ultrafast optics, and photonic technologies. New developments arrive nearly as fast as the photons under investigation, and their commercial impact depends on the ability to stay abreast of new findings, techniques, and technologies. Presenting a broad yet in-depth survey, Microwave Photonics examines the major advances that are affecting new applications in this rapidly expanding field.This book reviews important achievements made in microwave photonics o

  4. Robust Adaptive Photon Tracing using Photon Path Visibility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hachisuka, Toshiya; Jensen, Henrik Wann


    We present a new adaptive photon tracing algorithm which can handle illumination settings that are considered difficult for photon tracing approaches such as outdoor scenes, close-ups of a small part of an illuminated region, and illumination coming through a small gap. The key contribution in our...... algorithm is the use of visibility of photon path as the importance function which ensures that our sampling algorithm focuses on paths that are visible from the given viewpoint. Our sampling algorithm builds on two recent developments in Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: adaptive Markov chain sampling...... and replica exchange. Using these techniques, each photon path is adaptively mutated and it explores the sampling space efficiently without being stuck at a local peak of the importance function. We have implemented this sampling approach in the progressive photon mapping algorithm which provides visibility...

  5. Recent developments in the theory of photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    Over the past few years the field of photon-photon collisions has emerged as one of the best testing grounds for QCD, particularly in the area of exclusive and inclusive hard scattering processes, exotic resonance production, and detailed tests of the coupling of real and virtual photons to the quark current. In this summary of contributed papers, I will briefly review recent theoretical progress in the analysis of two-photon reactions and possible directions for future work. 29 references

  6. Manipulation of photons at the surface of three-dimensional photonic crystals. (United States)

    Ishizaki, Kenji; Noda, Susumu


    In three-dimensional (3D) photonic crystals, refractive-index variations with a periodicity comparable to the wavelength of the light passing through the crystal give rise to so-called photonic bandgaps, which are analogous to electronic bandgaps for electrons moving in the periodic electrostatic potential of a material's crystal structure. Such 3D photonic bandgap crystals are envisioned to become fundamental building blocks for the control and manipulation of photons in optical circuits. So far, such schemes have been pursued by embedding artificial defects and light emitters inside the crystals, making use of 3D bandgap directional effects. Here we show experimentally that photons can be controlled and manipulated even at the 'surface' of 3D photonic crystals, where 3D periodicity is terminated, establishing a new and versatile route for photon manipulation. By making use of an evanescent-mode coupling technique, we demonstrate that 3D photonic crystals possess two-dimensional surface states, and we map their band structure. We show that photons can be confined and propagate through these two-dimensional surface states, and we realize their localization at arbitrary surface points by designing artificial surface-defect structures through the formation of a surface-mode gap. Surprisingly, the quality factors of the surface-defect mode are the largest reported for 3D photonic crystal nanocavities (Q up to approximately 9,000). In addition to providing a new approach for photon manipulation by photonic crystals, our findings are relevant for the generation and control of plasmon-polaritons in metals and the related surface photon physics. The absorption-free nature of the 3D photonic crystal surface may enable new sensing applications and provide routes for the realization of efficient light-matter interactions.

  7. Coupling the photon kinetics of soft photons with high energy photons (United States)

    Silva, L. O.; Bingham, R.


    The description of electromagnetic fields based on the generalized photon kinetic theory, which takes advantage of the Wigner-Moyal description for the corresponding classical field theory, is capable of capturing collective plasma dynamics in the relativistic regime driven by broadband incoherent or partially coherent sources. We explore the possibility to extend this description to include the dynamics of hard photons in the plasma, whose interaction is dominated by single scattering processes. Examples of the modification of classical plasma instabilities due to the presence of hard photons is discussed. Work supported by the European Research Council (ERC-AdG-2015 InPairs Grant No. 695088).

  8. Selective two-photon excitation of a vibronic state by correlated photons. (United States)

    Oka, Hisaki


    We theoretically investigate the two-photon excitation of a molecular vibronic state by correlated photons with energy anticorrelation. A Morse oscillator having three sets of vibronic states is used, as an example, to evaluate the selectivity and efficiency of two-photon excitation. We show that a vibrational mode can be selectively excited with high efficiency by the correlated photons, without phase manipulation or pulse-shaping techniques. This can be achieved by controlling the quantum correlation so that the photon pair concurrently has two pulse widths, namely, a temporally narrow width and a spectrally narrow width. Though this concurrence is seemingly contradictory, we can create such a photon pair by tailoring the quantum correlation between two photons.

  9. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic techniques to evaluate stress states of components; Elektromagnetische und Ultraschallverfahren zur Spannungsanalyse an Bauteilen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schneider, E.; Kern, R.; Theiner, W.A. [Fraunhofer Inst. fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefverfahren, IZFP, Saarbruecken (Germany)


    The electromagnetic and ultrasonic techniques are comparably recent NDT methods for determination of stress states of components. They are simple in application, but require pre-measurement preparation: Electromagnetic techniques need calibration, and quantitative stress analysis by ultrasonic techniques needs reference values, i.e. verified materials-specific quantities to be obtained with representative specimens. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic techniques have been developed for specific tests at defined components, and the corresponding instruments and sensors have been used in practice for several years now. The paper summarizes fundamental aspects and explains the state of the art by means of several examples. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Elektromagnetische und Ultraschallverfahren sind vergleichsweise neue zerstoerungsfreie Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Eigenspannungen in Bauteilen. Ihre Anwendung ist einfach, setzt aber Vorarbeiten voraus: Elektromagnetische Verfahren muessen kalibriert und zur quantitativen Spannungsanalyse mittels Ultraschallverfahren muessen materialspezifische Kenngroessen an repraesentativen Materialproben ermittelt werden. Elektromagnetische und Ultraschallverfahren sind fuer konkrete Anwendungen an Bauteilen entwickelt, angepasste Geraete und Sensoren seit Jahren in der Nutzung. Der Beitrag fasst die Grundlagen zusammen und stellt den Stand der Technik anhand ausgewaehlter Anwendungen dar. (orig.)

  10. Photonic and Plasmonic Guided Modes in Graphene-Silicon Photonic Crystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gu, Tingyi; Andryieuski, Andrei; Hao, Yufeng


    We report the results of systematic studies of plasmonic and photonic guided modes in large-area single-layer graphene integrated into a nanostructured silicon substrate. The interaction of light with graphene and substrate photonic crystals can be classified in distinct regimes depending......, filters, sensors, and photodetectors utilizing silicon photonic platforms....... on the relation of the photonic crystal lattice constant and the relevant modal wavelengths, that is, plasmonic, photonic, and free-space. By optimizing the design of the substrate, these resonant modes can increase the absorption of graphene in the infrared, facilitating enhanced performance of modulators...

  11. Nonlinear silicon photonics (United States)

    Borghi, M.; Castellan, C.; Signorini, S.; Trenti, A.; Pavesi, L.


    Silicon photonics is a technology based on fabricating integrated optical circuits by using the same paradigms as the dominant electronics industry. After twenty years of fervid development, silicon photonics is entering the market with low cost, high performance and mass-manufacturable optical devices. Until now, most silicon photonic devices have been based on linear optical effects, despite the many phenomenologies associated with nonlinear optics in both bulk materials and integrated waveguides. Silicon and silicon-based materials have strong optical nonlinearities which are enhanced in integrated devices by the small cross-section of the high-index contrast silicon waveguides or photonic crystals. Here the photons are made to strongly interact with the medium where they propagate. This is the central argument of nonlinear silicon photonics. It is the aim of this review to describe the state-of-the-art in the field. Starting from the basic nonlinearities in a silicon waveguide or in optical resonator geometries, many phenomena and applications are described—including frequency generation, frequency conversion, frequency-comb generation, supercontinuum generation, soliton formation, temporal imaging and time lensing, Raman lasing, and comb spectroscopy. Emerging quantum photonics applications, such as entangled photon sources, heralded single-photon sources and integrated quantum photonic circuits are also addressed at the end of this review.

  12. Photon and photon reactions: elementary theoretical introduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diu, B.

    The electromagnetic field and associated quanta, the photons, are simply and briefly studied. The conventional electromagnetism laws are recalled. Fundamental concepts such as gauge invariance, the electromagnetic current conservation, and photon behavior against the internal symmetries of strong interactions are simply introduced. Results and notations are applied to analysis of reactions where photons intervene in initial or final states (photoproduction) within the limits of amplitude properties in the conventional space-time. The helicity and invariant amplitude formalisms are compared [fr

  13. Nonlocal hyperconcentration on entangled photons using photonic module system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cao, Cong; Wang, Tie-Jun; Mi, Si-Chen [School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876 (China); State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876 (China); Zhang, Ru [School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876 (China); State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876 (China); School of Ethnic Minority Education, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876 (China); Wang, Chuan, E-mail: [School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876 (China); State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876 (China)


    Entanglement distribution will inevitably be affected by the channel and environment noise. Thus distillation of maximal entanglement nonlocally becomes a crucial goal in quantum information. Here we illustrate that maximal hyperentanglement on nonlocal photons could be distilled using the photonic module and cavity quantum electrodynamics, where the photons are simultaneously entangled in polarization and spatial-mode degrees of freedom. The construction of the photonic module in a photonic band-gap structure is presented, and the operation of the module is utilized to implement the photonic nondestructive parity checks on the two degrees of freedom. We first propose a hyperconcentration protocol using two identical partially hyperentangled initial states with unknown coefficients to distill a maximally hyperentangled state probabilistically, and further propose a protocol by the assistance of an ancillary single photon prepared according to the known coefficients of the initial state. In the two protocols, the total success probability can be improved greatly by introducing the iteration mechanism, and only one of the remote parties is required to perform the parity checks in each round of iteration. Estimates on the system requirements and recent experimental results indicate that our proposal is realizable with existing or near-further technologies.

  14. Nonlocal hyperconcentration on entangled photons using photonic module system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, Cong; Wang, Tie-Jun; Mi, Si-Chen; Zhang, Ru; Wang, Chuan


    Entanglement distribution will inevitably be affected by the channel and environment noise. Thus distillation of maximal entanglement nonlocally becomes a crucial goal in quantum information. Here we illustrate that maximal hyperentanglement on nonlocal photons could be distilled using the photonic module and cavity quantum electrodynamics, where the photons are simultaneously entangled in polarization and spatial-mode degrees of freedom. The construction of the photonic module in a photonic band-gap structure is presented, and the operation of the module is utilized to implement the photonic nondestructive parity checks on the two degrees of freedom. We first propose a hyperconcentration protocol using two identical partially hyperentangled initial states with unknown coefficients to distill a maximally hyperentangled state probabilistically, and further propose a protocol by the assistance of an ancillary single photon prepared according to the known coefficients of the initial state. In the two protocols, the total success probability can be improved greatly by introducing the iteration mechanism, and only one of the remote parties is required to perform the parity checks in each round of iteration. Estimates on the system requirements and recent experimental results indicate that our proposal is realizable with existing or near-further technologies.

  15. Single-photon sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lounis, Brahim; Orrit, Michel


    The concept of the photon, central to Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect, is exactly 100 years old. Yet, while photons have been detected individually for more than 50 years, devices producing individual photons on demand have only appeared in the last few years. New concepts for single-photon sources, or 'photon guns', have originated from recent progress in the optical detection, characterization and manipulation of single quantum objects. Single emitters usually deliver photons one at a time. This so-called antibunching of emitted photons can arise from various mechanisms, but ensures that the probability of obtaining two or more photons at the same time remains negligible. We briefly recall basic concepts in quantum optics and discuss potential applications of single-photon states to optical processing of quantum information: cryptography, computing and communication. A photon gun's properties are significantly improved by coupling it to a resonant cavity mode, either in the Purcell or strong-coupling regimes. We briefly recall early production of single photons with atomic beams, and the operation principles of macroscopic parametric sources, which are used in an overwhelming majority of quantum-optical experiments. We then review the photophysical and spectroscopic properties and compare the advantages and weaknesses of various single nanometre-scale objects used as single-photon sources: atoms or ions in the gas phase and, in condensed matter, organic molecules, defect centres, semiconductor nanocrystals and heterostructures. As new generations of sources are developed, coupling to cavities and nano-fabrication techniques lead to improved characteristics, delivery rates and spectral ranges. Judging from the brisk pace of recent progress, we expect single photons to soon proceed from demonstrations to applications and to bring with them the first practical uses of quantum information

  16. Models for Photon-photon Total Cross-sections


    Godbole, RM; Grau, A; Pancheri, G


    We present here a brief overview of recent models describing the photon-photon cross-section into hadrons. We shall show in detail results from the eikonal minijet model, with and without soft gluon summation.

  17. Zur Aktualität der identitären Ideologie : die Vordenker einer neuen rechten Internationale


    Brumlik, Micha


    Rechtspopulistische Bewegungen machen sich zur Zeit in vielen westlichen Staaten zum Sprachrohr angeblich bisher unterdrückter Bevölkerungsgruppen und Meinungen. Die identitäre Bewegung entwickelt diesen Ansatz weiter zu einem Projekt der autoritären Staatlichkeit gegen Multikulturalismus, Islam und Einwanderung. Dabei verbindet sie ihre Kampagne für einen ethnisch geschlossen Nationalstaat mit der Kritik an der kapitalistischen Globalisierung. Mit einem Sprachduktus, der Politik emotionalisi...

  18. Role of imaging procedures in clarification of complications of pneumonia; Rolle der bildgebenden Verfahren zur Abklaerung von Pneumoniekomplikationen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lampichler, K. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Wien (Austria)


    Despite a considerable number of antimicrobial agents and interdisciplinary treatment options, lower respiratory tract infections are still associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Infections of the respiratory tract can lead to severe complications, such as empyema, lung abscesses and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Besides intrapulmonary complications pneumonia can also impair other organs due to a systemic inflammatory response. Underlying cardiovascular diseases, such as chronic heart failure, arteriosclerosis and dysrhythmia can either deteriorate due to infections or be newly manifested as a result of pneumonia. Early diagnosis and therapy of these sometimes life-threatening complications are crucial and can have a severe impact on disease outcome. The most important imaging techniques include chest X-ray and computed tomography (CT) of the chest. Although a definite diagnosis is sometimes difficult or even impossible to establish using chest X-ray or CT, there are several findings indicative of intrapulmonary or extrapulmonary complications of pneumonia. Another useful and portable tool is thoracic ultrasound directly on the patient, which can be used to further define the underlying disease or as guidance during procedures. The chest X-ray is useful in initial diagnosis and follow-up. If complications or disease progression are suspected or the clinical course differs from the X-ray interpretation, a subsequent CT of the chest should be performed. (orig.) [German] Pneumonien sind trotz antimikrobieller Therapien und multidisziplinaerer Behandlungsstrategien unveraendert mit einer hohen Morbiditaets- und Mortalitaetsrate verbunden. Eine Infektion des Respirationstrakts kann zu Komplikationen wie Lungenempyem, -abszess und akutem Lungenversagen fuehren. Zusaetzlich kommt es neben den intrapulmonalen Komplikationen haeufig auch zur Beeintraechtigung anderer Organe. Kardiovaskulaere Grunderkrankungen wie Herzinsuffizienz, Arteriosklerose

  19. High brightness single photon sources based on photonic wires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Claudon, J.; Bleuse, J.; Bazin, M.


    We present a novel single-photon-source based on the emission of a semiconductor quantum dot embedded in a single-mode photonic wire. This geometry ensures a very large coupling (> 95%) of the spontaneous emission to the guided mode. Numerical simulations show that a photon collection efficiency...

  20. Assessment of endocrine disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis by nuclear medicine techniques; Nuklearmedizinische Verfahren zur Abklaerung endokrinologischer Erkrankungen der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Achse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, M.; Theissen, P.; Dietlein, M.; Schicha, H. [Koeln Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Jackenhoevel, F.; Krone, W. [Koeln Univ. (Germany). Klinik II fuer Innere Medizin


    The following article reviews nuclear medicine techniques which can be used for assessment of endocrine disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. For planar and SPECT imaging somatostatin-receptor- and dopamine-D2-receptor-scintigraphy are the most widely distributed techniques. These nuclear medicine techniques may be indicated in selected cases to answer differential diagnostic problems. They can be helpful to search for presence and localization of receptor positive tissue. Furthermore they can detect metastasis in the rare cases of a pituitary carcinoma. Scintigraphy with Gallium-67 is suitable for further diagnostic evaluation in suspected hypophysitis. Other SPECT radiopharmaca do not have relevant clinical significance. F-18-FDG as PET radiopharmacon is not ideal because obvious pituitary adenomas could not be visualized. Other PET radiopharmaca including C-11-methionine, C-11-tyrosine, F-18-fluoroethylspiperone, C-11-methylspiperone, and C-11-raclopride are available in specialized centers only. Overall indications for nuclear medicine in studies for the assessment of endocrine disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary-axis are rare. Original studies often report only about a small number of patients. According to the authors' opinion the relevance of nuclear medicine in studies of clinically important endocrinologic fields, e. g. localization of small ACTH-producing pituitary adenomas, tumor localization in ectopic ACTH syndrome, localization of recurrent pituitary tissue, assessment of small incidentalomas, can not be definitely given yet. (orig.) [German] Diese Uebersichtsarbeit fasst die nuklearmedizinischen Untersuchungsverfahren zur Abklaerung endokrinologischer Erkrankungen der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Achse zusammen. Bei den planaren und SPECT-Unter suchungen sind Somatostatin-Rezeptor- und Dopamin-D2-Rezeptor-Szintigraphie die verbreitetsten Untersuchungstechniken. Im Einzelfall sind sie zur Differenzialdiagnostik, zum Nachweis und zur

  1. Photonics4All - Conduct photonics for investment in France and Slovakia


    Gerente, Fiona; Chorvat, Dusan


    This project deliverable describes the organisation of different Photonics for Investment Events. “Photonics for investments” focuses on the support and investment in innovative ideas and photonics applications. The objective of this project task is to provide the opportunity for Photonics SMEs to present their products or services during pitch presentations to new customers and investors. The Photonics for Investment events have three main objectives. The first objective is to connect en...

  2. Final-photon polarization in the scattering of photons by high-energy electrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, J.; Choi, S.Y.; Ie, S.H.; Song, H.S.; Good, R.H. Jr.


    A general method for calculating the polarization of the outgoing photon beam in any reaction is presented. As an example the method is applied to the high-energy photon beam produced in Compton scattering of a laser beam by a high-energy electron beam. The Stokes parameters of the outgoing photon beam, relative to a unit vector normal to the photon momentum and including their dependence on the polarization of incident photon and electron beams, are obtained explicitly. It is expected that this method will be useful, both in photon production reactions and in the subsequent high-energy photon reactions

  3. Ein kombinierter Operationsansatz zur Therapie der rektovaginalen Endometriose auf der Basis histologischer Befunde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Köhler C


    Full Text Available Einleitung: Eine Endometriose des Septum rectovaginale kann oberflächlich dem Darm aufliegen oder die Darmwand infiltrieren. Durch bildgebende Verfahren kann jedoch präoperativ eine Infiltration des Darms weder hinreichend bestätigt noch ausgeschlossen werden, was zu einem therapeutischen Dilemma führt, da nur die Darmwand eindeutig infiltrierende Endometrioseprozesse durch eine Darmresektion behandelt werden sollten. Wir möchten ein neues Operationsverfahren vorstellen, das eine intraoperative Differenzierung zwischen einer oberflächlichen und einer infiltrativen Darmendometriose erlaubt. Patienten und Methodik: 70 Patientinnen mit rektovaginaler Endometriose wurden nach einem neu entwickelten kombinierten vaginal-laparoskopisch-abdominalen Verfahren operiert. Diese Operationsmethode wird Schritt für Schritt vorgestellt. Die Entscheidung zur Darmresektion wurde dabei allein aufgrund der intraoperativen Befunde und nicht aufgrund der präoperativen bildgebenden Diagnostik getroffen. Alle Resektate wurden standardisiert histologisch aufgearbeitet. Ergebnisse: Ob eine Darmresektion notwendig war, ließ sich intraoperativ anhand der Präparation des rektovaginalen Septums entscheiden. Daher wurden nur bei Patientinnen mit gesichertem infiltrativem Darmbefall Darmresektionen unter Erhalt des Mesointestinums durchgeführt. Weder intraoperative noch postoperative Komplikationen wie Anastomoseninsuffizienzen oder Restharnmengen traten auf. Diskussion: Die vorgestellte Operationsmethode zur Therapie der rektovaginalen Endometriose erlaubt eine exakte Diagnosestellung und präzise Therapieentscheidung bei minimaler Morbidität. Die Resektion des Darmschlauches ohne Mesoresektion ist ausreichend, da sich die Endometrioseknoten – wie histologisch bewiesen wurde – nur im ventralen Darmbereich befinden. Durch die Mesoerhaltung werden die vegetativen Funktionen des kleinen Beckens nicht beeinträchtigt.

  4. Heat recovery in sewage sludge gasification systems; Waermerueckgewinnung bei Anlagen zur Klaerschlammvergasung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamp, P; Reichel, A; Ziegler, F [Bayerisches Zentrum fuer Angewandte Energieforschung e.V. (ZAE Bayern), Abt. Energieumwandlung und -speicherung, Garching (Germany)


    Using the example of a pilot plant for sewage sludge gasification by the Noell conversion process, the potential for energy optimisation is described. The goals of development are twofold: First, the process stages must be optimized so as to minimize energy consumption and secondly, all options for energy use and energy must be utilized. (orig) [Deutsch] Anhand einer Pilotanlage zur Klaerschlammvergasung nach dem NOELL-Konversionsverfahren sollen Moeglichkeiten der energetischen Optimierung beispielhaft aufgezeigt werden. Ziel muss es sein, zum einen die Verfahrensschritte auf einen moeglichst geringen Energiebedarf hin zu optimieren und zum anderen Moeglichkeiten der Waermeverschiebung und -rueckgewinnung soweit wie moeglich auszunutzen. (orig)

  5. Heat recovery in sewage sludge gasification systems; Waermerueckgewinnung bei Anlagen zur Klaerschlammvergasung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamp, P.; Reichel, A.; Ziegler, F. [Bayerisches Zentrum fuer Angewandte Energieforschung e.V. (ZAE Bayern), Abt. Energieumwandlung und -speicherung, Garching (Germany)


    Using the example of a pilot plant for sewage sludge gasification by the Noell conversion process, the potential for energy optimisation is described. The goals of development are twofold: First, the process stages must be optimized so as to minimize energy consumption and secondly, all options for energy use and energy must be utilized. (orig) [Deutsch] Anhand einer Pilotanlage zur Klaerschlammvergasung nach dem NOELL-Konversionsverfahren sollen Moeglichkeiten der energetischen Optimierung beispielhaft aufgezeigt werden. Ziel muss es sein, zum einen die Verfahrensschritte auf einen moeglichst geringen Energiebedarf hin zu optimieren und zum anderen Moeglichkeiten der Waermeverschiebung und -rueckgewinnung soweit wie moeglich auszunutzen. (orig)

  6. Development of an exhaust sensor for control of internal combustion engines and exhaust treatment systems - CatSens. Final report; Entwicklung eines Abgassensors zur Regelung von Verbrennungsmotoren und Abgasnachbehandlungssystemen - CatSens. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lepperhoff, G.; Milanovic, I.


    A sensor system for controlling combustion processes in small-scale furnaces and internal combustion engines and for on-board diagnosis of exhaust treatment systems, e.g. NO{sub x} adsorber catalytic converters in motor cars, was developed. [German] Im Rahmen des Verbundprojektes soll ein Sensorsystem zur Regelung der Verbrennungsprozesse in Kleinfeuerungsanlagen und Verbrennungsmotoren sowie zur Regelung und Ueberwachung (On-Board Diagnose) von Abgasnachbehandlungseinrichtungen wie z.B. NO{sub x}-Adsorberkatalysatoren in Kraftfahrzeugen, entwickelt werden. (orig.)

  7. Physics at high energy photon photon colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanowitz, M.S.


    I review the physic prospects for high energy photon photon colliders, emphasizing results presented at the LBL Gamma Gamma Collider Workshop. Advantages and difficulties are reported for studies of QCD, the electroweak gauge sector, supersymmetry, and electroweak symmetry breaking

  8. Tailoring single-photon and multiphoton probabilities of a single-photon on-demand source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Migdall, A.L.; Branning, D.; Castelletto, S.


    As typically implemented, single-photon sources cannot be made to produce single photons with high probability, while simultaneously suppressing the probability of yielding two or more photons. Because of this, single-photon sources cannot really produce single photons on demand. We describe a multiplexed system that allows the probabilities of producing one and more photons to be adjusted independently, enabling a much better approximation of a source of single photons on demand

  9. Engineering Photon-Photon Interactions within Rubidium-Filled Waveguides (United States)

    Perrella, C.; Light, P. S.; Vahid, S. Afshar; Benabid, F.; Luiten, A. N.


    Strong photon-photon interactions are a required ingredient for deterministic two-photon optical quantum logic gates. Multiphoton transitions in dense atomic vapors have been shown to be a promising avenue for producing such interactions. The strength of a multiphoton interaction can be enhanced by conducting the interaction in highly confined geometries such as small-cross-section optical waveguides. We demonstrate, both experimentally and theoretically, that the strength of such interactions scale only with the optical mode diameter, d , not d2 as might be initially expected. This weakening of the interaction arises from atomic motion inside the waveguides. We create an interaction between two optical signals, at 780 and 776 nm, using the 5 S1 /2→5 D5 /2 two-photon transition in rubidium vapor within a range of hollow-core fibers with different core sizes. The interaction strength is characterized by observing the absorption and phase shift induced on the 780-nm beam, which is in close agreement with theoretical modeling that accounts for the atomic motion inside the fibers. These observations demonstrate that transit-time effects upon multiphoton transitions are of key importance when engineering photon-photon interactions within small-cross-section waveguides that might otherwise be thought to lead to enhanced optical nonlinearity through increased intensities.

  10. Photon technology. Laser processing technology; Photon technology. Laser process gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Survey has been conducted to develop laser processing technology utilizing the interaction between substance and photon. This is a part of the leading research on photon technology development. The photon technology development is aimed at novel technology development highly utilizing the quantum nature of photons. In the field of laser processing, high quality photons are used as tools, special functions of atoms and molecules will be discovered, and processing for functional fabrication (photon machining) will be established. A role of laser processing in industries has become significant, which is currently spreading not only into cutting and welding of materials and scalpels but also into such a special field as ultrafine processing of materials. The spreading is sometimes obstructed due to the difficulty of procurement of suitable machines and materials, and the increase of cost. The purpose of this study is to develop the optimal laser technology, to elucidate the interaction between substance and photon, and to develop the laser system and the transmission and regulation systems which realize the optimal conditions. 387 refs., 115 figs., 25 tabs.

  11. Photon-phonon interaction in photonic crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueta, T


    Photon-phonon interaction on the analogy of electron-phonon interaction is considered in one-dimensional photonic crystal. When lattice vibration is artificially introduced to the photonic crystal, a governing equation of electromagnetic field is derived. A simple model is numerically analysed and the following novel phenomena are found out. The lattice vibration generates the light of frequency which added the integral multiple of the vibration frequency to that of the incident wave and also amplifies the incident wave resonantly. On a resonance, the amplification factor increases very rapidly with the number of layers increases. Resonance frequencies change with the phases of lattice vibration. The amplification phenomenon is analytically discussed for low frequency of the lattice vibration.

  12. Photon structure and the production of jets, hadrons, and prompt photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klasen, M.


    We give a pedagogical introduction to hard photoproduction processes at HERA, including the production of jets, hadrons, and prompt photons. Recent theoretical developments in the three areas are reviewed. In summary, hard photoproduction processes can provide very useful information on the hadronic structure of the photon, in particular on the gluon density, which is complimentary to the information coming from deep inelastic photon-photon scattering at electron-positron colliders. Among the different hadronic final states, jets are most easily accessible experimentally and phenomenologically. On the other hand, inclusive hadron production offers the possibility to test the universality of hadron fragmentation functions and measure the photon structure down to very low values of p T and x γ . Prompt photon production suffers from a reduced cross section and limited data, but allows for the additional testing of photon fragmentation functions

  13. New facade concepts ranging from statics to dynamics; Neue Fassadenkonzepte. Von der Statik zur Dynamik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kranz, H.R. [Siemens AG, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    In chapter 9 of the anthology about building control new facade concepts are presented, including new facade technologies, conductivity of new facade concepts and combination of new technologies. The whole complex ranging from statics to dynamics is explained. (BWI) [Deutsch] Kapitel 9 des Sammelbandes ueber Building Control stellt neue Fassadenkonzepte vor: Neue Fassadentechnologien, Leitfunktionen neuer Fassadenkonzepte, Kombination neuer Technologien. In diesem Zusammenhang wird der gesamte Komplex von der Statik bis zur Dynamik behandelt. (BWI)

  14. Joint implementation as an instrument for the market introduction of solar thermal power plants; Joint Implementation als Instrument zur Markteinfuehrung Solarthermischer Kraftwerke

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trieb, F.; Nitsch, J.; Fischedick, M.; Luhmann, H.J.


    The term ``Joint implementation`` (JI) describes an international manageable tool to reduce the global emission of greenhouse gases, especially carbondioxide (CO{sub 2}). The principle idea of JI is based on the insight that it is of no importance where on earth CO{sub 2} is emitted or conserved. Hence it is only recommendable from the economic point of view to make investments at those locations where the highest conservation can be achieved by an equal use of capital. JI would help industrial countries to fulfil cost-effectively part of their obligation to reduce CO{sub 2} by higher investments in other countries (e.g. for the improvement of energy efficiency). Solar power plants meet all criteria of a successful JI-project approach and show several positive ecological and socio-economic side effects, which can lead in the medium term to environmentally friendly and economic electricity supply. One precondition is that the phase of market introduction will be soon followed by a phase of mass production which fully uses the present potential of this technology to reduce costs by approx. 50 %. The project THESUS on Crete is an important step towards market introduction and shows the importance of solar thermal power plants for climate protection. Above all it is an important European step towards a long-term energy supply. (orig./AKF) [Deutsch] Der Begriff `Joint Implementation` (JI) beinhaltet ein international handhabbares Instrumentarium zur Minderung des globalen Ausstosses von Treibhausgasen, insbesondere des Kohlendioxids (CO{sub 2}). Die Grundidee von JI beruht auf der Erkenntnis, dass es ohne Belang ist, an welcher Stelle der Erdoberflaeche CO{sub 2} emitiert oder eingespart wird. Aus oekonomischer Sichtweise liegt es daher nahe, Investitionen dort vorzunehmen, wo bei gleichem Kapitaleinsatz die groessten Einsparungen erzielt werden koennen. Mit JI koennten die Industrielaender einen Teil ihrer Verpflichtungen zur CO{sub 2}-Minderung durch verstaerkte

  15. Measurement of Isolated Prompt Photon Production in Photon-Photon Collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{ee}}$=183-209 GeV

    CERN Document Server

    Abbiendi, G.; Akesson, P.F.; Alexander, G.; Allison, John; Amaral, P.; Anagnostou, G.; Anderson, K.J.; Arcelli, S.; Asai, S.; Axen, D.; Azuelos, G.; Bailey, I.; Barberio, E.; Barlow, R.J.; Batley, R.J.; Bechtle, P.; Behnke, T.; Bell, Kenneth Watson; Bell, P.J.; Bella, G.; Bellerive, A.; Benelli, G.; Bethke, S.; Biebel, O.; Boeriu, O.; Bock, P.; Boutemeur, M.; Braibant, S.; Brigliadori, L.; Brown, Robert M.; Buesser, K.; Burckhart, H.J.; Campana, S.; Carnegie, R.K.; Caron, B.; Carter, A.A.; Carter, J.R.; Chang, C.Y.; Charlton, David G.; Csilling, A.; Cuffiani, M.; Dado, S.; De Roeck, A.; De Wolf, E.A.; Desch, K.; Dienes, B.; Donkers, M.; Dubbert, J.; Duchovni, E.; Duckeck, G.; Duerdoth, I.P.; Etzion, E.; Fabbri, F.; Feld, L.; Ferrari, P.; Fiedler, F.; Fleck, I.; Ford, M.; Frey, A.; Furtjes, A.; Gagnon, P.; Gary, John William; Gaycken, G.; Geich-Gimbel, C.; Giacomelli, G.; Giacomelli, P.; Giunta, Marina; Goldberg, J.; Gross, E.; Grunhaus, J.; Gruwe, M.; Gunther, P.O.; Gupta, A.; Hajdu, C.; Hamann, M.; Hanson, G.G.; Harder, K.; Harel, A.; Harin-Dirac, M.; Hauschild, M.; Hawkes, C.M.; Hawkings, R.; Hemingway, R.J.; Hensel, C.; Herten, G.; Heuer, R.D.; Hill, J.C.; Hoffman, Kara Dion; Horvath, D.; Igo-Kemenes, P.; Ishii, K.; Jeremie, H.; Jovanovic, P.; Junk, T.R.; Kanaya, N.; Kanzaki, J.; Karapetian, G.; Karlen, D.; Kawagoe, K.; Kawamoto, T.; Keeler, R.K.; Kellogg, R.G.; Kennedy, B.W.; Kim, D.H.; Klein, K.; Klier, A.; Kluth, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Kobel, M.; Komamiya, S.; Kormos, Laura L.; Kramer, T.; Krieger, P.; von Krogh, J.; Kruger, K.; Kuhl, T.; Kupper, M.; Lafferty, G.D.; Landsman, H.; Lanske, D.; Layter, J.G.; Leins, A.; Lellouch, D.; Lettso, J.; Levinson, L.; Lillich, J.; Lloyd, S.L.; Loebinger, F.K.; Lu, J.; Ludwig, J.; Macpherson, A.; Mader, W.; Marcellini, S.; Martin, A.J.; Masetti, G.; Mashimo, T.; Mattig, Peter; McDonald, W.J.; McKenna, J.; McMahon, T.J.; McPherson, R.A.; Meijers, F.; Menges, W.; Merritt, F.S.; Mes, H.; Michelini, A.; Mihara, S.; Mikenberg, G.; Miller, D.J.; Moed, S.; Mohr, W.; Mori, T.; Mutter, A.; Nagai, K.; Nakamura, I.; Nanjo, H.; Neal, H.A.; Nisius, R.; O'Neale, S.W.; Oh, A.; Okpara, A.; Oreglia, M.J.; Orito, S.; Pahl, C.; Pasztor, G.; Pater, J.R.; Patrick, G.N.; Pilcher, J.E.; Pinfold, J.; Plane, David E.; Poli, B.; Polok, J.; Pooth, O.; Przybycien, M.; Quadt, A.; Rabbertz, K.; Rembser, C.; Renkel, P.; Roney, J.M.; Rosati, S.; Rozen, Y.; Runge, K.; Sachs, K.; Saeki, T.; Sarkisyan, E.K.G.; Schaile, A.D.; Schaile, O.; Scharff-Hansen, P.; Schieck, J.; Schoerner-Sadenius, Thomas; Schroder, Matthias; Schumacher, M.; Schwick, C.; Scott, W.G.; Seuster, R.; Shears, T.G.; Shen, B.C.; Sherwood, P.; Siroli, G.; Skuja, A.; Smith, A.M.; Sobie, R.; Soldner-Rembold, S.; Spano, F.; Stahl, A.; Stephens, K.; Strom, David M.; Strohmer, R.; Tarem, S.; Tasevsky, M.; Taylor, R.J.; Teuscher, R.; Thomson, M.A.; Torrence, E.; Toya, D.; Tran, P.; Trigger, I.; Trocsanyi, Z.; Tsur, E.; Turner-Watson, M.F.; Ueda, I.; Ujvari, B.; Vollmer, C.F.; Vannerem, P.; Vertesi, R.; Verzocchi, M.; Voss, H.; Vossebeld, J.; Waller, D.; Ward, C.P.; Ward, D.R.; Watkins, P.M.; Watson, A.T.; Watson, N.K.; Wells, P.S.; Wengler, T.; Wermes, N.; Wetterling, D.; Wilson, G.W.; Wilson, J.A.; Wolf, G.; Wyatt, T.R.; Yamashita, S.; Zer-Zion, D.; Zivkovic, Lidija


    For the first time at LEP the production of prompt photons is studied in the collisions of quasi-real photons using the OPAL data taken at e+e- centre-of-mass energies between 183 GeV and 209 GeV. The total inclusive production cross-section for isolated prompt photons in the kinematic range of photon transverse momentum larger than 3.0 GeV and absolute photon pseudorapidity less than 1 is determined to be 0.32 +- 0.04 (stat) +- 0.04 (sys) pb. Differential cross-sections are compared to the predictions of a next-to-leading-order (NLO) calculation.

  16. Quantum entanglement and phase transition in a two-dimensional photon-photon pair model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Jianjun; Yuan Jianhui; Zhang Junpei; Cheng Ze


    We propose a two-dimensional model consisting of photons and photon pairs. In the model, the mixed gas of photons and photon pairs is formally equivalent to a two-dimensional system of massive bosons with non-vanishing chemical potential, which implies the existence of two possible condensate phases. Using the variational method, we discuss the quantum phase transition of the mixed gas and obtain the critical coupling line analytically. Moreover, we also find that the phase transition of the photon gas can be interpreted as enhanced second harmonic generation. We then discuss the entanglement between photons and photon pairs. Additionally, we also illustrate how the entanglement between photons and photon pairs can be associated with the phase transition of the system.

  17. Quantum Optics with Photonic Nanowires and Photonic Trumpets: Basics and Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerard, J.; Claudon, J.; Munsch, M.

    , the node of future quantum networks. Besides optical microcavities [1], photonic wires have recently demonstrated in this context an appealing potential [2, 3]. For instance, single photon sources (SPS) based on a single quantum dot in a vertical photonic wire with integrated bottom mirror and tapered tip...... have enabled for the ¯rst time to achieve simultaneously a very high e±ciency (0.72 photon per pulse) and a very pure single photon emission (g(2)(0) control of the spontaneous emission of embedded emitters [4...

  18. Photon energy tunability of advanced photon source undulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viccaro, P.J.; Shenoy, G.K.


    At a fixed storage ring energy, the energy of the harmonics of an undulator can be shifted or ''tuned'' by changing the magnet gap of the device. The possible photon energy interval spanned in this way depends on the undulator period, minimum closed gap, minimum acceptable photon intensity and storage ring energy. The minimum magnet gap depends directly on the stay clear particle beam aperture required for storage ring operation. The tunability of undulators planned for the Advanced Photon Source with first harmonic photon energies in the range of 5 to 20 keV are discussed. The results of an analysis used to optimize the APS ring energy is presented and tunability contours and intensity parameters are presented for two typical classes of devices

  19. PV-CAD: an integrated tool for designing PV facades; PV-CAD - Ein integriertes Werkzeug zur Auslegung von PV-Fassaden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giese, H.; Viotto, M. [Inst. fuer Solare Energieversorgungstechnik (ISET) e.V., Kassel (Germany); Esser, M.; Pukrop, D. [Univ. Oldenburg (Germany). Abt. Energie- und Halbleiterforschung; Stellbogen, D. [Zentrum fuer Sonnenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung, Stuttgart (Germany)


    PV-CAD provides PV system planners with a practice-oriented tool for an efficient design of PV facades. Being compatible with the standard programmes of the architects` and electrical engineering sectors it can be used on already existing systems and allows the user to draw on previously acquired knowedge. Its open interfaces permit the integration of further design tools. PV CAD works under Microsoft Windows for which it has the necessary graphic user interface. Its compliance to PC standards opens up a wide range of applications and permits its use also on inexpensive computers. Thanks to its promotion by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research, and Technology under the research project ``Computer programmes for the design of photovoltaic facades`` PV-CAD is available at a moderate price. PV-CAD permits an efficient planning of solar facades and therefore has the potential to stimulate the use of PV on buildings. (orig.) [Deutsch] Mit PV-CAD steht dem Anlagenplaner ein anwendungsorientiertes Werkzeug zur Verfuegung, das eine rationelle Auslegung von PV-Fassaden ermoeglicht. Die Kompatibilitaet zu Standardprogrammen aus dem Architektur- und Elektrosektor erlaubt die Nutzung bereits vorhandener Systeme und damit erworbener Kenntnisse. Offene Schnittstellen gestatten die Einbindung weiterer Entwurfswerkzeuge. PV-CAD arbeitet unter Microsoft-Windows und verfuegt ueber die entsprechende grafische Benutzerschnittstelle. Die Kompatibilitaet zum PC-Standard eroeffnet eine sehr breite Anwenderbasis und ermoeglicht den Einsatz des Programms auch auf preiswerten Rechnern. Aufgrund der Foerderung durch das Bundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts `Rechnerprogramm zur Auslegung von Photovoltaik-Fassaden` steht PV-CAD preiswert zur Verfuegung. PV-CAD ermoeglicht eine effiziente Planung von Solarfassaden und kann daher dem PV-Einsatz in Gebaeuden weitere Impulse geben. (orig.)

  20. Photonic integration and photonics-electronics convergence on silicon platform

    CERN Document Server

    Liu, Jifeng; Baba, Toshihiko; Vivien, Laurent; Xu, Dan-Xia


    Silicon photonics technology, which has the DNA of silicon electronics technology, promises to provide a compact photonic integration platform with high integration density, mass-producibility, and excellent cost performance. This technology has been used to develop and to integrate various photonic functions on silicon substrate. Moreover, photonics-electronics convergence based on silicon substrate is now being pursued. Thanks to these features, silicon photonics will have the potential to be a superior technology used in the construction of energy-efficient cost-effective apparatuses for various applications, such as communications, information processing, and sensing. Considering the material characteristics of silicon and difficulties in microfabrication technology, however, silicon by itself is not necessarily an ideal material. For example, silicon is not suitable for light emitting devices because it is an indirect transition material. The resolution and dynamic range of silicon-based interference de...

  1. Single-Photon Technologies Based on Quantum-Dots in Photonic Crystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lehmann, Tau Bernstorff

    -photon purity under quasi-resonantexcitation. Furthermore the waveguide based platform demonstrates indistinguishable single-photonsat timescales up to 13 ns.A setup for active demultiplexing of single-photons to a three-fold single-photon state is proposed.Using a fast electro-optical modulator, single...

  2. Photonic Hypercrystals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Evgenii E. Narimanov


    Full Text Available We introduce a new “universality class” of artificial optical media—photonic hypercrystals. These hyperbolic metamaterials, with periodic spatial variation of dielectric permittivity on subwavelength scale, combine the features of optical metamaterials and photonic crystals. In particular, surface waves supported by a hypercrystal possess the properties of both the optical Tamm states in photonic crystals and surface-plasmon polaritons at the metal-dielectric interface.

  3. Tests of perturbative quantum chromodynamics in photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    The production of hadrons in the collision of two photons via the process e + e - → e + e - X can provide an ideal laboratory for testing many of the features of the photon's hadronic interactions, especially its short-distance aspects. That part of two-photon physics which is particularly relevant to tests of perturbative QCD is reviewed here. 6 figures

  4. Photonic crystals: towards nanoscale photonic devices

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lourtioz, J.-M


    .... From this point of view, the emergence of photonic bandgap materials and photonic crystals at the end of the 1980s can be seen as a revenge to the benefit this time of optics and electromagnetism. In the same way as the periodicity of solid state crystals determines the energy bands and the conduction properties of electrons, the periodical structur...

  5. Photonic and plasmonic guided modes in graphene-silicon photonic crystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gu, Tingyi; Andryieuski, Andrei; Hao, Yufeng


    We report the results of systematic studies of plasmonic and photonic guided modes in large-area single-layer graphene integrated into a nanostructured silicon substrate. The interaction of light with graphene and substrate photonic crystals can be classified in distinct regimes of plasmonic...... and photonic modes....

  6. Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in a 'white-wall' photon box

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klaers, Jan; Schmitt, Julian; Vewinger, Frank; Weitz, Martin


    Bose-Einstein condensation, the macroscopic ground state occupation of a system of bosonic particles below a critical temperature, has been observed in cold atomic gases and solid-state physics quasiparticles. In contrast, photons do not show this phase transition usually, because in Planck's blackbody radiation the particle number is not conserved and at low temperature the photons disappear in the walls of the system. Here we report on the realization of a photon Bose-Einstein condensate in a dye-filled optical microcavity, which acts as a 'white-wall' photon box. The cavity mirrors provide a trapping potential and a non-vanishing effective photon mass, making the system formally equivalent to a two-dimensional gas of trapped massive bosons. Thermalization of the photon gas is reached in a number conserving way by multiple scattering off the dye molecules. Signatures for a BEC upon increased photon density are: a spectral distribution that shows Bose-Einstein distributed photon energies with a macroscopically populated peak on top of a broad thermal wing, the observed threshold of the phase transition showing the predicted absolute value and scaling with resonator geometry, and condensation appearing at the trap centre even for a spatially displaced pump spot.

  7. Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in a 'white-wall' photon box (United States)

    Klärs, Jan; Schmitt, Julian; Vewinger, Frank; Weitz, Martin


    Bose-Einstein condensation, the macroscopic ground state occupation of a system of bosonic particles below a critical temperature, has been observed in cold atomic gases and solid-state physics quasiparticles. In contrast, photons do not show this phase transition usually, because in Planck's blackbody radiation the particle number is not conserved and at low temperature the photons disappear in the walls of the system. Here we report on the realization of a photon Bose-Einstein condensate in a dye-filled optical microcavity, which acts as a "white-wall" photon box. The cavity mirrors provide a trapping potential and a non-vanishing effective photon mass, making the system formally equivalent to a two-dimensional gas of trapped massive bosons. Thermalization of the photon gas is reached in a number conserving way by multiple scattering off the dye molecules. Signatures for a BEC upon increased photon density are: a spectral distribution that shows Bose-Einstein distributed photon energies with a macroscopically populated peak on top of a broad thermal wing, the observed threshold of the phase transition showing the predicted absolute value and scaling with resonator geometry, and condensation appearing at the trap centre even for a spatially displaced pump spot.

  8. Zusammenarbeit, Sichtbarkeit, Einbindung und Effizienz : Fallstudie zur Verwendung interaktiver Whiteboards an einem Gymnasium in Deutschland


    Passey, Donald


    Dieser Bericht bietet einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse einer einjährigen Studie, die an einer deutschen Schule (Gymnasium) in einer Stadt in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) durchgeführt wurde. Während ein Forschungsschwerpunkt auf dem Thema „Zusammenarbeit“ lag, erforderte auch die Planung und Durchführung der Studie gemeinsame Anstrengungen: Die Schule hatte ihren Anteil an der Implementation interaktiver Whiteboards; SMART Technologies stellte Ausrüstung und technische Unterstützung zur Verfüg...

  9. Testgütekriterien des Fragebogens AnMS-Sport zur Erfassung des Anschlussmotivs im Sportkontext

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elbe, Anne-Marie; Krippl, Martin; Melzer, Marcus


    , the questionnaire shows satisfactory Cronbach’s alpha. Construct validity is shown through correlations with two general questionnaires to measure the affiliation motive (Krippl, Itemanalytische Untersuchungen zur Selbstbeschreibung von Emotion und Motivation, 1999; Teubel, Eine deutsche Übersetzung der Mehrabian......In this paper the test control criteria of the sport-specific Affiliation Motives Scale-Sport are reported. Theoretical background for the development of the scale is the affiliation motive, which is composed of the two factors “hope for affiliation”and “fear of rejection” (Mehrabian and Ksionzkys...

  10. Innovations for vehicle weight savings; Innovationen zur Gewichtseinsparung bei Kraftfahrzeugen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Phillips, W.C. [Budd Technical Center, Auburn Hills, MI (United States)


    The American auto market provides an example of the conflict between government legislation calling for fuel economy and lower emissions, which can be achieved among other things by reducing vehicle weight, and other legislative initiatives on the safety front as well as the growing demands of consumers for comfort, which add weight to the vehicle. Automakers are responding by making increasing use of lightweight materials and weight-optimized vehicle concepts. Backed by years of experience with a variety of materials, The Budd Company - an American subsidiary of the Thyssen-Krupp Group - is in an excellent position to offer customized lightweight systems solutions. From conventional steel to high-strength steels, aluminum castings, sheet and extrusions through to high-quality plastics such as SMC and SRIM, lightweight solutions for auto bodies and chassis are developed and offered to the automotive industry. The lightweighting potential of these various materials is being further exploited through the use of advanced manufacturing processes, such as the hydroforming of steel and aluminum, tailored blanks made of steel, and bonding techniques for aluminum. (orig.) [German] Das Beispiel des amerikanischen Automobilmarktes zeigt die entgegengesetzten Forderungen des Gesetzgebers zur Kraftstoff- und Emissionsreduzierung, was u.a. durch eine Verringerung des Fahrzeuggewichtes zu erreichen ist, und Gesetzesinitiativen im Bereich der Fahrzeugsicherheit sowie wachsende Komfort-Ansprueche der Kunden, die zur Gewichtserhoehung fuehren, auf. Die Fahrzeughersteller reagieren hierauf mit zunehmendem Einsatz leichter Werkstoffe und gewichtsoptimierter Leichtbau-Konzepte. Im Verbund des ThyssenKrupp Konzerns ist das amerikanische Tochterunternehmen The Budd Company aufgrund ihrer jahrelangen Erfahrungen mit einer Vielzahl von Werkstoffen in der herausragenden Position, individuelle und den jeweiligen Anforderungen entsprechende Leichtbau-Systemloesungen anbieten zu koennen. Vom

  11. Silicon Microspheres Photonics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serpenguzel, A.


    Electrophotonic integrated circuits (EPICs), or alternatively, optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEICs) are the natural evolution of the microelectronic integrated circuit (IC) with the addition of photonic capabilities. Traditionally, the IC industry has been based on group IV silicon, whereas the photonics industry on group III-V semiconductors. However, silicon based photonic microdevices have been making strands in siliconizing photonics. Silicon microspheres with their high quality factor whispering gallery modes (WGMs), are ideal candidates for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) applications in the standard near-infrared communication bands. In this work, we will discuss the possibility of using silicon microspheres for photonics applications in the near-infrared

  12. Photon correlation holography. (United States)

    Naik, Dinesh N; Singh, Rakesh Kumar; Ezawa, Takahiro; Miyamoto, Yoko; Takeda, Mitsuo


    Unconventional holography called photon correlation holography is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Using photon correlation, i.e. intensity correlation or fourth order correlation of optical field, a 3-D image of the object recorded in a hologram is reconstructed stochastically with illumination through a random phase screen. Two different schemes for realizing photon correlation holography are examined by numerical simulations, and the experiment was performed for one of the reconstruction schemes suitable for the experimental proof of the principle. The technique of photon correlation holography provides a new insight into how the information is embedded in the spatial as well as temporal correlation of photons in the stochastic pseudo thermal light.

  13. Quantum dot single-photon switches of resonant tunneling current for discriminating-photon-number detection. (United States)

    Weng, Qianchun; An, Zhenghua; Zhang, Bo; Chen, Pingping; Chen, Xiaoshuang; Zhu, Ziqiang; Lu, Wei


    Low-noise single-photon detectors that can resolve photon numbers are used to monitor the operation of quantum gates in linear-optical quantum computation. Exactly 0, 1 or 2 photons registered in a detector should be distinguished especially in long-distance quantum communication and quantum computation. Here we demonstrate a photon-number-resolving detector based on quantum dot coupled resonant tunneling diodes (QD-cRTD). Individual quantum-dots (QDs) coupled closely with adjacent quantum well (QW) of resonant tunneling diode operate as photon-gated switches- which turn on (off) the RTD tunneling current when they trap photon-generated holes (recombine with injected electrons). Proposed electron-injecting operation fills electrons into coupled QDs which turn "photon-switches" to "OFF" state and make the detector ready for multiple-photons detection. With proper decision regions defined, 1-photon and 2-photon states are resolved in 4.2 K with excellent propabilities of accuracy of 90% and 98% respectively. Further, by identifying step-like photon responses, the photon-number-resolving capability is sustained to 77 K, making the detector a promising candidate for advanced quantum information applications where photon-number-states should be accurately distinguished.

  14. Active Photonic Crystal Waveguides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ek, Sara

    This thesis deals with the fabrication and characterization of active photonic crystal waveguides, realized in III-V semiconductor material with embedded active layers. The platform offering active photonic crystal waveguides has many potential applications. One of these is a compact photonic...... due to photonic crystal dispersion. The observations are explained by the enhancement of net gain by light slow down. Another application based on active photonic crystal waveguides is micro lasers. Measurements on quantum dot micro laser cavities with different mirror configurations and photonic...

  15. Silicon light-emitting diodes and lasers photon breeding devices using dressed photons

    CERN Document Server

    Ohtsu, Motoichi


    This book focuses on a novel phenomenon named photon breeding. It is applied to realizing light-emitting diodes and lasers made of indirect-transition-type silicon bulk crystals in which the light-emission principle is based on dressed photons. After presenting physical pictures of dressed photons and dressed-photon phonons, the principle of light emission by using dressed-photon phonons is reviewed. A novel phenomenon named photon breeding is also reviewed. Next, the fabrication and operation of light emitting diodes and lasers are described The role of coherent phonons in these devices is discussed. Finally, light-emitting diodes using other relevant crystals are described and other relevant devices are also reviewed.

  16. Contribution to a probabilistic safety analysis for the dismantling of slender reinforced-concrete structures; Ein Beitrag zur probabilistischen Sicherheitsanalyse von Abbruchvorgaengen turmartiger Bauwerke aus Stahlbeton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lehnen, D J


    In the present work a concept of probabilistic safety-analysis for the dismantling of slender concrete-structures by tilting is developed. Based on requirements, that define a regular dismantling process, models describing characteristic limit-states of the building are derived. The connection of these limit-states allows rating the whole process. Uncertainties in the model-input are caught by using stochastic variables. Uncertainties in the model itself are caught by using inferior and superior modelling. With the help of two concluding examples it is shown, how the obtained probability of failure can be used to enhance objectiveness of safety-considerations. The numeric simulation is based on a Monte-Carlo method. (orig.) [Deutsch] In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Konzept zur probabilistischen Sicherheitsanalyse des Fallrichtungsabbruchs turmartiger Bauwerke aus Stahlbeton entwickelt. Ausgehend von einem definierten Anforderungsprofil an den ordnungsgemaessen Ablauf eines Fallrichtungsabbruchs werden Modellvorstellungen herausgearbeitet, die einzelne Bauwerksgrenzzustaende abbilden, welche sich zur Beurteilung des Gesamtvorgangs eignen. Unsicherheiten in den Eingangsgroessen werden durch deren Auffassung als Wahrschlichkeitsdichten erfasst. Unsicherheiten in den Modellbildungen werden durch den jeweiligen Einsatz unterschaetzender und ueberschaetzender Betrachtungen, sogenannter Minoranten und Majoranten, beruecksichtigt. Anhand zweier Beispiele wird abschliessend demonstriert, wie die erhaltene operative Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit zur Objektivierung von Sicherheitsbetrachtungen herangezogen werden kann. Dabei beruht die numerische Umsetzung auf einer Monte-Carlo Simulation. (orig.)

  17. Contribution to a probabilistic safety analysis for the dismantling of slender reinforced-concrete structures; Ein Beitrag zur probabilistischen Sicherheitsanalyse von Abbruchvorgaengen turmartiger Bauwerke aus Stahlbeton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lehnen, D.J.


    In the present work a concept of probabilistic safety-analysis for the dismantling of slender concrete-structures by tilting is developed. Based on requirements, that define a regular dismantling process, models describing characteristic limit-states of the building are derived. The connection of these limit-states allows rating the whole process. Uncertainties in the model-input are caught by using stochastic variables. Uncertainties in the model itself are caught by using inferior and superior modelling. With the help of two concluding examples it is shown, how the obtained probability of failure can be used to enhance objectiveness of safety-considerations. The numeric simulation is based on a Monte-Carlo method. (orig.) [Deutsch] In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Konzept zur probabilistischen Sicherheitsanalyse des Fallrichtungsabbruchs turmartiger Bauwerke aus Stahlbeton entwickelt. Ausgehend von einem definierten Anforderungsprofil an den ordnungsgemaessen Ablauf eines Fallrichtungsabbruchs werden Modellvorstellungen herausgearbeitet, die einzelne Bauwerksgrenzzustaende abbilden, welche sich zur Beurteilung des Gesamtvorgangs eignen. Unsicherheiten in den Eingangsgroessen werden durch deren Auffassung als Wahrschlichkeitsdichten erfasst. Unsicherheiten in den Modellbildungen werden durch den jeweiligen Einsatz unterschaetzender und ueberschaetzender Betrachtungen, sogenannter Minoranten und Majoranten, beruecksichtigt. Anhand zweier Beispiele wird abschliessend demonstriert, wie die erhaltene operative Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit zur Objektivierung von Sicherheitsbetrachtungen herangezogen werden kann. Dabei beruht die numerische Umsetzung auf einer Monte-Carlo Simulation. (orig.)

  18. Development of probabilistic methods for safety assessment of nuclear power plants; Weiterentwicklung probabilistischer Methoden zur Sicherheitsbeurteilung von Kernkraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Balfanz, H.P. [Technischer Ueberwachungs-Verein Norddeutschland e.V., Hamburg (Germany); Boehme, E. [Technischer Ueberwachungs-Verein Norddeutschland e.V., Hamburg (Germany); Fuhrmann, C. [Technischer Ueberwachungs-Verein Norddeutschland e.V., Hamburg (Germany); Musekamp, W. [Technischer Ueberwachungs-Verein Norddeutschland e.V., Hamburg (Germany); Neumann, L. [Technischer Ueberwachungs-Verein Norddeutschland e.V., Hamburg (Germany); Rumpf, J. [Technischer Ueberwachungs-Verein Norddeutschland e.V., Hamburg (Germany)


    We have worked out a comprehensive analytical concept for CCF event evaluation which is based on the international experience on the analysis of dependent failures and our own experiences from evaluating plant operation. The concept was discussed with utilities in Germany and from abroad. The CCF approach differs from other methods because it is strictly structured according to the CCF events and independent from any CCF model which is used in a PSA. Because of this attribute the concept is due to be used in the operational reviewing process by plant staff. We have an ongoing discussion with utilities on how to integrate this concept in practical plant site use. In addition we have recommended to adapt the main features of this concept in the PSA guideline. Plant management factors: Evaluations in different industries reveal a strong impact of organisational and management factors on the course of severe accidents. Because these factors cannot explicitly be measured they are not treated in a PSA today. Comprehensive development work is under way to gain an improved insight into the influence of these risk relevant factors. These activities are specifically aimed at root cause analyses of accidents, e.g. to uncover hidden organisational and management factors. NPP staff should be integrated in this analysis process. Living PSA application can play an important role in this development process. (orig./DG) [Deutsch] Auf der Grundlage des internationalen Erfahrungsstandes zur Analyse von abhaengigen Komponentenausfaellen und aufgrund unserer Erfahrungen aus der laufenden Auswertung des Kraftwerksbetriebes haben wir ein umfassendes Analysekonzept zur GVA-Datenerfassung erstellt und mit Kraftwerksbetreibern im In- und Ausland diskutiert. Dieses Konzept zeichnet sich im Unterschied zu anderen Ansaetzen durch die vom GVA-Modell unabhaengige ereignisbezogene GVA-Bewertung aus. Es ist daher von Kraftwerksbetreibern vorgesehen, dieses Konzept im Kraftwerksbetrieb bei der

  19. Photonic crystal light source (United States)

    Fleming, James G [Albuquerque, NM; Lin, Shawn-Yu [Albuquerque, NM; Bur, James A [Corrales, NM


    A light source is provided by a photonic crystal having an enhanced photonic density-of-states over a band of frequencies and wherein at least one of the dielectric materials of the photonic crystal has a complex dielectric constant, thereby producing enhanced light emission at the band of frequencies when the photonic crystal is heated. The dielectric material can be a metal, such as tungsten. The spectral properties of the light source can be easily tuned by modification of the photonic crystal structure and materials. The photonic crystal light source can be heated electrically or other heating means. The light source can further include additional photonic crystals that exhibit enhanced light emission at a different band of frequencies to provide for color mixing. The photonic crystal light source may have applications in optical telecommunications, information displays, energy conversion, sensors, and other optical applications.

  20. Freilanduntersuchungen zur Ökologie und zum Verhalten von Trachypithecus auratus kohlbruggei (Haubenlanguren) im West-Bali-Nationalpark, Indonesien


    Vogt, Martina


    Languren gehören zu den asiatischen Schlankaffen, die zusammen mit den afrikanischen Stummelaffen die Unterfamilie Colobinae, neben den Cercopithecinae die zweite rezente Gruppe der Cercopithecoidea, bilden. Während heute über viele Vertreter der Cercopithecinae zahlreiche Langzeitstudien zu verschiedenen Jahreszeiten und in unterschiedlichen Habitaten vorliegen, ist über die Biologie der Colobinae noch vergleichsweise wenig bekannt. Die Kenntnisse zur Lebensweise vieler Schlank- und Stummela...

  1. Positronium-photon and photon-positronium quantum transitions in strong magnetic fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leinson, L.B.; Oraevskii, V.N.; Radio-Wave Propagation, Academy of Sciences of the USSR)


    The wave functions and energy levels of bound electron-positron pairs in a strong magnetic field H>>α 2 H 0 , where H 0 = m 2 0 c 3 /eh = 4.4 x 10 13 G and α = e 2 /hc, are found in the nonrelativistic approximation. The probabilities of one-photon annihilation of positronium and of the inverse transition from a resonance photon to a positronium atom are calculated. It is shown that in a sufficiently strong magnetic field H∼H 0 , when the probability of one-photon annihilation is considerably greater than the probability of two-photon annihilation of positronium, the lifetime of the decay photon with respect to the inverse transformation to a positronium atom is so small that the decay photon cannot propagate freely in the magnetic field. Therefore, the lifetime of the positronium atom in the case H∼H 0 is determined by the two-photon decay. The possibility of the decay γ→γ 1 +γ 2 via intermediate positronium states in a magnetic field with curved field lines is discussed

  2. Photon wave function


    Bialynicki-Birula, Iwo


    Photon wave function is a controversial concept. Controversies stem from the fact that photon wave functions can not have all the properties of the Schroedinger wave functions of nonrelativistic wave mechanics. Insistence on those properties that, owing to peculiarities of photon dynamics, cannot be rendered, led some physicists to the extreme opinion that the photon wave function does not exist. I reject such a fundamentalist point of view in favor of a more pragmatic approach. In my view, t...

  3. Single-photon imaging

    CERN Document Server

    Seitz, Peter


    The acquisition and interpretation of images is a central capability in almost all scientific and technological domains. In particular, the acquisition of electromagnetic radiation, in the form of visible light, UV, infrared, X-ray, etc. is of enormous practical importance. The ultimate sensitivity in electronic imaging is the detection of individual photons. With this book, the first comprehensive review of all aspects of single-photon electronic imaging has been created. Topics include theoretical basics, semiconductor fabrication, single-photon detection principles, imager design and applications of different spectral domains. Today, the solid-state fabrication capabilities for several types of image sensors has advanced to a point, where uncoooled single-photon electronic imaging will soon become a consumer product. This book is giving a specialist´s view from different domains to the forthcoming “single-photon imaging” revolution. The various aspects of single-photon imaging are treated by internati...

  4. Plasmonic and Photonic Modes Excitation in Graphene on Silicon Photonic Crystal Membrane

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andryieuski, Andrei; Gu, Tingyi; Hao, Yufeng

    . Being deposited on a silicon photonic crystal membrane graphene serves as a highly promising system for modern optoelectronics with rich variety of possible regimes. Depending on the relation between the photonic crystal lattice constant and wavelengths (plasmonic, photonic and free-space) we identify...... characterization. Measured data are well correlated with the numerical analysis. Combined graphene – silicon photonic crystal membranes can find applications for infrared absorbers, modulators, filters, sensors and photodetectors....... four different interaction schemes. We refer to them as metamaterial, plasmonic, photonic and diffraction grating regimes based on the principle character of light interactions with the graphene deposited on the Si photonic crystal membrane. The optimal configurations for resonant excitation of modes...

  5. Spin-photon interface and spin-controlled photon switching in a nanobeam waveguide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Javadi, Alisa; Ding, Dapeng; Appel, Martin Hayhurst


    Access to the electron spin is at the heart of many protocols for integrated and distributed quantum-information processing [1-4]. For instance, interfacing the spin-state of an electron and a photon can be utilized to perform quantum gates between photons [2,5] or to entangle remote spin states [6......-9]. Ultimately, a quantum network of entangled spins constitutes a new paradigm in quantum optics [1]. Towards this goal, an integrated spin-photon interface would be a major leap forward. Here we demonstrate an efficient and optically programmable interface between the spin of an electron in a quantum dot...... and photons in a nanophotonic waveguide. The spin can be deterministically prepared with a fidelity of 96\\%. Subsequently the system is used to implement a "single-spin photonic switch", where the spin state of the electron directs the flow of photons through the waveguide. The spin-photon interface may...

  6. Graphene-based photonic crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berman, Oleg L.; Boyko, Vladimir S.; Kezerashvili, Roman Ya.; Kolesnikov, Anton A.; Lozovik, Yurii E.


    A novel type of photonic crystal formed by embedding a periodic array of constituent stacks of alternating graphene and dielectric discs into a background dielectric medium is proposed. The photonic band structure and transmittance of such photonic crystal are calculated. The graphene-based photonic crystals can be used effectively as the frequency filters and waveguides for the far infrared region of electromagnetic spectrum. Due to substantial suppression of absorption of low-frequency radiation in doped graphene the damping and skin effect in the photonic crystal are also suppressed. The advantages of the graphene-based photonic crystal are discussed.

  7. Robust photonic differentiator employing slow light effect in photonic crystal waveguide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yan, Siqi; Cheng, Ziwei; Frandsen, Lars Hagedorn


    A robust photonic DIFF exploiting the slow light effect in a photonic crystal waveguide is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Input Gaussian pulses with full-width halfmaximums ranging from 2.7 ps to 81.4 ps can be accurately differentiated.......A robust photonic DIFF exploiting the slow light effect in a photonic crystal waveguide is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Input Gaussian pulses with full-width halfmaximums ranging from 2.7 ps to 81.4 ps can be accurately differentiated....

  8. Optimization of a photon rejecter to separate electronic noise in a photon-counting detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Hyo-Min; Choi, Yu-Na; Lee, Seung-Wan; Lee, Young-Jin; Ryu, Hyun-Ju; Kim, Hee-Joung


    Photon-counting-based X-ray imaging technology provides the capability to count individual photons and to characterize photon energies. The cadmium telluride (CdTe)-based photon-counting detector is limited in capability, however, under a high X-ray flux. A photon rejecter composed of aluminum, for example, can reduce this limitation by modulating the incident number of photons. In addition to this function, the optimal photon rejecter can separate electronic noise, which degrades image quality. The aim of this work was to optimize a photon rejecter for high-quality image acquisition by removing electronic noise from the actual pulse signal. The images and spectra were acquired using a micro-focus X-ray source with a CdTe-based photon-counting detector. We acquired data with various types of photon-rejecter materials composed of aluminum (Al) and iodine at three different tube voltages (50, 70, and 90 kVp). A phantom composed of high-atomic-number materials was imaged to evaluate the efficiency of the photon rejecter. Photon rejecters composed of 1-mm Al, 10-mm Al, and a combination of 10-mm Al and iodine provided optimum capability at 50, 70, and 90 kVp, respectively. Each optimal combination of photon-rejecter material and voltage effectively separated electronic noise from the actual pulse signal and gave the highest contrast-to-noise ratio for materials on the image. These optimized types of photon rejecters can effectively discriminate electronic noise and improve image quality at different tube voltages.

  9. Exclusive Channels in Photon-Photon Collisions at LEP


    Braccini, Saverio


    The study of exclusive channels in photon-photon collisions at e+e- colliders allows to investigate the structure and the properties of hadrons in a very clean experimental environment. A concise review of the most recent results obtained at LEP is presented.

  10. Single-photon imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seitz, Peter; Theuwissen, Albert J.P.


    The acquisition and interpretation of images is a central capability in almost all scientific and technological domains. In particular, the acquisition of electromagnetic radiation, in the form of visible light, UV, infrared, X-ray, etc. is of enormous practical importance. The ultimate sensitivity in electronic imaging is the detection of individual photons. With this book, the first comprehensive review of all aspects of single-photon electronic imaging has been created. Topics include theoretical basics, semiconductor fabrication, single-photon detection principles, imager design and applications of different spectral domains. Today, the solid-state fabrication capabilities for several types of image sensors has advanced to a point, where uncooled single-photon electronic imaging will soon become a consumer product. This book is giving a specialist's view from different domains to the forthcoming ''single-photon imaging'' revolution. The various aspects of single-photon imaging are treated by internationally renowned, leading scientists and technologists who have all pioneered their respective fields. (orig.)

  11. Modification of equivalent photon approximation (EPA) for resolved photon processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drees, M.; Godbole, R.M.


    The authors propose a modification of the equivalent photon approximation (EPA) for processes which involve the parton content of the photon, to take into account the suppression of the photonic parton fluxes due to the virtuality of the photon. They present simple, physically motivated ansaetze to model this suppression and show that even though the parton content of the electron no longer factorizes into an electron flux function and photon structure function, it is still possible to express it as a single integral. They also show that for the TRISTAN (transposable ring intersecting storage accelerators in Nippon) experiments its effects can be numerically of the same size as that of the NLO corrections. Further, it is discussed a possible measurements at HERA (hadron electron ring an large), which can be provide an experimental handle on the effect the authors model through their ansaetze

  12. Amplified Photon Upconversion by Photonic Shell of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals. (United States)

    Kang, Ji-Hwan; Kim, Shin-Hyun; Fernandez-Nieves, Alberto; Reichmanis, Elsa


    As an effective platform to exploit triplet-triplet-annihilation-based photon upconversion (TTA-UC), microcapsules composed of a fluidic UC core and photonic shell are microfluidically prepared using a triple emulsion as the template. The photonic shell consists of cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs) with a periodic helical structure, exhibiting a photonic band gap. Combined with planar anchoring at the boundaries, the shell serves as a resonance cavity for TTA-UC emission and enables spectral tuning of the UC under low-power-density excitation. The CLC shell can be stabilized by introducing a polymerizable mesogen in the LC host. Because of the microcapsule spherical symmetry, spontaneous emission of the delayed fluorescence is omnidirectionally amplified at the edge of the stop band. These results demonstrate the range of opportunities provided by TTA-UC systems for the future design of low-threshold photonic devices.

  13. Biodegradable plastics. A contribution to promoting composting in Germany; Bioabbaubare Kunststoffe. Ein Beitrag zur Foerderung der Kompostierung in Deutschland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hamprecht, Jens [BASF SE, Ludwigshafen (Germany)


    Up to 80% of all Germans use newspapers for collecting biomass waste, even if it is unhygienic and the paper will soak. This is just one of the many examples of the Germans' readiness to separate waste fractions and save resources. Separation of biomass waste and composting is another field where Germany is ahead of other countries, but the potential is still not fully utilized by far. More hygienic collecting of biomass waste would be possible if biodegradable plastic containers were used. (orig.) [German] Bis zu 80% der Buerger in Deutschland verwenden bisher Zeitung zum Sammeln von Bioabfaellen, selbst wenn es unhygienisch ist und die Zeitung leicht durchweicht. Und das ist nur einer von vielen Beweisen fuer die hohe Bereitschaft der Deutschen zur Abfalltrennung und damit zur Ressourcenschonung. Kein Wunder also, dass in Deutschland auch die Bioabfalltrennung und Kompostierung im Vergleich zu anderen Laendern sehr weit entwickelt ist. Trotzdem ist das Potential noch bei weitem nicht ausgeschoepft. Mit Hilfe von bioabbaubaren Kunststoffen kann den Buergern eine hygienischere Sammlung von Bioabfall ermoeglicht werden. (orig.)

  14. The step from the project control to long-distance control; Von der Projekt- zur Fernkontrolle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaelin, W. [Ingenieurbuero Werner Kaelin, Schwyz (Switzerland)


    In chapter 8 of the anthology about building control the extension from project control to long-distance control is described. The following aspects are discussed: guidelines (operating concept, task anthology), project (implementation, control, documentation), realisation (initiation, example), operation (regional co-operation, characteristic numbers). (BWI) [Deutsch] Kapitel 8 des Sammelbandes ueber Building Control ist dem Ausbau von der Projekt- zur Fernkontrolle gewidmet. In diesem Zusammenhang werden folgende Themen angesprochen: Vorgaben (Betriebskonzept, Pflichtenheft), Projekt (Umsetzung, Kontrolle, Dokumentation), Ausfuehrung (Inbetriebsetzung, Beispiel); Betrieb (regionaler Zusammenschluss, Kennzahlen). (BWI)

  15. ``Power pricing`` in a competitive environment - from a cost-plus calculation to market oriented pricing; Strom-Pricing im Wettbewerb - Von der Kosten-Plus- zur marktfaehigen Preispolitik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laker, M.; Herr, S. [Unternehmensberatung Simon Kucher und Partners, Bonn (Germany)]|[Strategy and Marketing Consultants GmbH, Cambridge, MA (United States)


    The days when electricity contracts were standardized with few modifications catered to customer needs are over. In liberalized electricity markets, pricing has become significantly more important. Survival in this competitive environment hinges not only on the absolute price level, but in particular on opportunities for price differentiation. The following article focuses on measures to create flexible pricing and contractual schemes. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Zeiten einheitlicher Stromvertraege mit geringen Modifikationen sind vorbei. Durch die Liberalisierung des Strommarktes ist die Bedeutung des Preises drastisch gestiegen. Um im Wettbewerb ueberleben zu koennen, spielen nicht nur die absolute Preishoehe, sondern vor allem die Moeglichkeiten zur Preisdifferenzierung eine entscheidende Rolle. Erfolgversprechende Massnahmen zur flexiblen Preis- und Vertragsgestaltung stehen im Mittelpunkt dieses Aufsatzes. (orig.)

  16. Quantum photonics with quantum dots in photonic wires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munsch, Mathieu; Kuhlmann, Andreas; Cadeddu, Davide


    We present results from the spectroscopy of a single quantum dot in a photonic wire. The device presents a high photon extraction efficiency, and strong hybrid coupling to mechanical modes. We use resonance fluorescence to probe the emitter’s properties with the highest sensitivity. Weperform...

  17. Formation of η' mesons in photon-photon collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uitert, B.K. van.


    This thesis describes an experiment performed at the positron electron storage ring PEP at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center on the formation of the η' resonance which is observed in its decay mode ρ 0 γ, where the ρ decays into a π + π - pair. Some general features of the relatively new subject of photon-photon physics are introduced. The η' and the coupling of photons to the η' are discussed in the context of the quark model. It is shown how the mixing angle in the nonet of pseudoscalar mesons can be derived from ratios of γγ widths. The kinematics of the two-photon exchange process, the formation of the η' resonance by the two virtual photons and its subsequent electromagnetic decay into ρ 0 γ are discussed. The selected sample of events is used to determine the γγ width of the η' under the conventional assignment J P = 0 - for the η' and J P = 1 - for the ρ. The result is combined with measurements by other experiments to a world average, which is used to determine the mixing angle for the pseudoscalar nonet under various assumptions. The decay angular and energy distributions are investigated in detail. (Auth.)

  18. Photonic Integrated Circuits (United States)

    Krainak, Michael; Merritt, Scott


    Integrated photonics generally is the integration of multiple lithographically defined photonic and electronic components and devices (e.g. lasers, detectors, waveguides passive structures, modulators, electronic control and optical interconnects) on a single platform with nanometer-scale feature sizes. The development of photonic integrated circuits permits size, weight, power and cost reductions for spacecraft microprocessors, optical communication, processor buses, advanced data processing, and integrated optic science instrument optical systems, subsystems and components. This is particularly critical for small spacecraft platforms. We will give an overview of some NASA applications for integrated photonics.

  19. Biomedical photonics handbook

    CERN Document Server

    Vo-Dinh, Tuan


    1.Biomedical Photonics: A Revolution at the Interface of Science and Technology, T. Vo-DinhPHOTONICS AND TISSUE OPTICS2.Optical Properties of Tissues, J. Mobley and T. Vo-Dinh3.Light-Tissue Interactions, V.V. Tuchin 4.Theoretical Models and Algorithms in Optical Diffusion Tomography, S.J. Norton and T. Vo-DinhPHOTONIC DEVICES5.Laser Light in Biomedicine and the Life Sciences: From the Present to the Future, V.S. Letokhov6.Basic Instrumentation in Photonics, T. Vo-Dinh7.Optical Fibers and Waveguides for Medical Applications, I. Gannot and

  20. Programmable Quantum Photonic Processor Using Silicon Photonics (United States)


    8 Figure 6: (a) Proposed on-demand single photon source based on dynamic cavity storage . (b) Example of a gate implementation...electronic architectures tuned to implement artificial neural networks that improve upon both computational speed and energy efficiency. 3.6 All...states are in the dual- rail logic representation. Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. 6 Figure 3: Schematic of two-photon

  1. Photonic band gap engineering in 2D photonic crystals

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Department of Applied Physics, Delhi College of Engineering, Faculty of Technology. (University of ... Photonic crystal; photonic band gap; plane-wave expansion method. PACS Nos 71.20 .... Numerical analysis and results. To obtain the ...

  2. Few-photon optical diode


    Roy, Dibyendu


    We propose a novel scheme of realizing an optical diode at the few-photon level. The system consists of a one-dimensional waveguide coupled asymmetrically to a two-level system. The two or multi-photon transport in this system is strongly correlated. We derive exactly the single and two-photon current and show that the two-photon current is asymmetric for the asymmetric coupling. Thus the system serves as an optical diode which allows transmission of photons in one direction much more efficie...

  3. Thrust distribution of two-jet like events at a photon-photon collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanakubo, Fumiko


    One of the advantages of using a photon-photon collision with the same helicity is that the continuum qq-bar production is suppressed at the lowest order (α s 0 ). However, the helicity suppression does not take place for the gluon radiation process, and qq-barg can be two-jet like. We evaluate the cross sections of the two-jet like events in a photon-photon collision, and present the thrust distributions. We take into account the QCD effect to all orders in α s in the leading-double-log approximation, and show the suppression due to this effect. The evaluation with the energy and the polarization distributions of the photon suggests that the contaminating photons with the opposite helicity contribute dominantly to the two-jet like process. (author)

  4. Emulation of two-dimensional photonic crystal defect modes in a photonic crystal with a three-dimensional photonic band gap

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Povinelli, M. L.; Johnson, Steven G.; Fan, Shanhui; Joannopoulos, J. D.


    Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the construction of two-dimensional- (2D-) like defect modes in a recently proposed 3D photonic crystal structure. These modes, which are confined in all three dimensions by a complete photonic band gap, bear a striking similarity to those in 2D photonic crystals in terms of polarization, field profile, and projected band structures. It is expected that these results will greatly facilitate the observation of widely studied 2D photonic-crystal phenomena in a realistic, 3D physical system.

  5. Emulation of two-dimensional photonic crystal defect modes in a photonic crystal with a three-dimensional photonic band gap

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Povinelli, M. L.; Johnson, Steven G.; Fan, Shanhui; Joannopoulos, J. D.


    Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the construction of two-dimensional- (2D-) like defect modes in a recently proposed 3D photonic crystal structure. These modes, which are confined in all three dimensions by a complete photonic band gap, bear a striking similarity to those in 2D photonic crystals in terms of polarization, field profile, and projected band structures. It is expected that these results will greatly facilitate the observation of widely studied 2D photonic-crystal phenomena in a realistic, 3D physical system

  6. Re-Imagining "Bildung Zur Humanität": How I Developed the Dialogos Approach to Practical Philosophy through Action Inquiry Research (United States)

    Helskog, Guro Hansen


    This paper presents an account of how I developed the Dialogos approach to practical philosophy through action inquiry research. The process of development is understood as a contribution to the reconstruction of the notion "Bildung zur Humanität" as an ideal in education. Core perspectives, traditions and purposes involved in the action…

  7. The effective W boson approximation and heavy Higgs production at a photon-photon collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, J.P.


    The inclusive production of single Higgs boson at a photon-phonon collider is studied under the effective W boson approximation. The W boson distribution in a photon is determined. The cross section is much larger than this from the photon-photon fusion and this means that a good opportunity of studying heavy Higgs boson can be provided at NLC, where photon beams may be obtained via Compton-backscattering of laser photons off the initial e + e - beams. 8 refs., 1 fig

  8. Photon beam position monitor (United States)

    Kuzay, Tuncer M.; Shu, Deming


    A photon beam position monitor for use in the front end of a beamline of a high heat flux and high energy photon source such as a synchrotron radiation storage ring detects and measures the position and, when a pair of such monitors are used in tandem, the slope of a photon beam emanating from an insertion device such as a wiggler or an undulator inserted in the straight sections of the ring. The photon beam position monitor includes a plurality of spaced blades for precisely locating the photon beam, with each blade comprised of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond with an outer metal coating of a photon sensitive metal such as tungsten, molybdenum, etc., which combination emits electrons when a high energy photon beam is incident upon the blade. Two such monitors are contemplated for use in the front end of the beamline, with the two monitors having vertically and horizontally offset detector blades to avoid blade "shadowing". Provision is made for aligning the detector blades with the photon beam and limiting detector blade temperature during operation.

  9. Neue Elektrolyte zur Steigerung der Energiedichte einer nicht-wässrigen Vanadium-Acetylacetonat-Redox-Flow-Batterie


    Herr, Tatjana


    Die Redox-Flow-Batterie ist eine vielversprechende Speicherungsmöglichkeit für stationäre Anwendungen. Bei dieser Batterie wird die Energie in einem flüssigen Elektrolyt gespeichert, wobei die Energiedichte von der Konzentration und dem Potentialfenster der gelösten redoxaktiven Substanz abhängt. Zur Steigerung der Energiedichte einer nicht-wässrigen Vanadium-Acetylacetonat-Redox-Flow-Batterie wurden organische Lösungsmittel, welche ein Potentialfenster bis zu 5 V aufweisen, und Lösungsmittel...

  10. Can Two-Photon Interference be Considered the Interference of Two Photons?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pittman, T.B.; Strekalov, D.V.; Migdall, A.; Rubin, M.H.; Sergienko, A.V.; Shih, Y.H.


    We report on a open-quote open-quote postponed compensation close-quote close-quote experiment in which the observed two-photon entangled state interference cannot be pictured in terms of the overlap of the two individual photon wave packets of a parametric down-conversion pair on a beam splitter. In the sense of a quantum eraser, the distinguishability of the different two-photon Feynman amplitudes leading to a coincidence detection is removed by delaying the compensation until after the output of an unbalanced two-photon interferometer. copyright 1996 The American Physical Society

  11. Possibility of producing the event-ready two-photon polarization entangled state with normal photon detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiangbin


    We propose a scheme to produce the maximally two-photon polarization entangled state with single-photon sources and the passive linear optics devices. In particular, our scheme only requires the normal photon detectors which distinguish the vacuum and non-vacuum Fock number states. A sophisticated photon detector distinguishing between one-photon state and two-photon state is unnecessary in the scheme

  12. Experimental investigation of a non-equilibrium expansion flow after hydrogen/air combustion in hypersonic ramjet engines; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Nichtgleichgewichtsexpansionsstroemung nach Wasserstoff/Luft-Verbrennung in Hyperschall-Staustrahltriebwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weisgerber, H.


    The exhaust gas flow in the model thrust nozzle under investigation is characterized by chemical and thermal (vibrational) non-equilibrium which is experimentally detected by differing rotational and vibrational temperatures in the supersonic region of the nozzle. An analytical method to determine the vibrational relaxation time from expansion experiments is presented and validated using literature data. The nitrogen vibrational temperature at the nozzle exit strongly depends on the relaxation time of collisions with water molecules; for this process a correlation from the literature is selected. The measurements are completed by an experimental and numerical analysis of velocimetry tracer particle motion in flows with strong velocity gradients and an experimental investigation of the causes and effects of laser beam distortions occurring in high enthalpy flows. So a reliable database is presented for a reacting flow in a model nozzle of rectangular cross-section which was already used to validate a CFD code including the model of thermal non-equilibrium effects. (orig.) [German] Die Stroemung eines Abgases in der untersuchten Modellschubduese ist charakterisiert durch chemisches und thermisches (vibratorisches) Nichtgleichgewicht, das durch die Abweichung der Vibrations- von der Rotationstemperatur des Stickstoffmolekuels im Ueberschallteil der Duese experimentell belegt wird. Eine Methode zur analytischen Ermittlung der Vibrationsrelaxationszeit aus Expansionsexperimenten wird vorgestellt und anhand von Literaturdaten validiert. Die entscheidende Groesse fuer die Vibrationstemperatur des Stickstoffs am Duesenaustritt ist die Relaxationszeit beim Stoss mit einem Wassermolekuel; aus den fuer diesen Vorgang vorliegenden Literaturangaben wird eine Korrelation ausgewaehlt. Zur Absicherung der Messungen wird zum einen das Folgeverhalten von zur Geschwindigkeitsmessung zugefuegten Partikeln in Stroemungen mit starken Geschwindigkeitsgradienten experimentell und

  13. Photonic crystal fibers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lægsgaard, Jesper; Hansen, K P; Nielsen, M D


    Photonic crystal fibers having a complex microstructure in the transverse plane constitute a new and promising class of optical fibers. Such fibers can either guide light through total internal reflection or the photonic bandgap effect, In this paper, we review the different types and applications...... of photonic crystal fibers with particular emphasis on recent advances in the field....

  14. Ein Beitrag zur aquatischen Käferfauna von Walcheren, Niederlande (Insecta, Coleoptera) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Halophilen und Halobionten Arten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burmeister, E.-G.


    EINLEITUNG In den Jahren 1975, 1977 und 1978 konnten in den Sommermonaten zahlreiche Gewässer der Halbinsel Walcheren auf ihre aquatische Käferfauna hin untersucht werden. Walcheren, ehemals eine Insel in der Scheidemündung, gehört zur Provinz Zeeland und ist heute durch die Polderlandschaft

  15. Photonic-powered cable assembly (United States)

    Sanderson, Stephen N.; Appel, Titus James; Wrye, IV, Walter C.


    A photonic-cable assembly includes a power source cable connector ("PSCC") coupled to a power receive cable connector ("PRCC") via a fiber cable. The PSCC electrically connects to a first electronic device and houses a photonic power source and an optical data transmitter. The fiber cable includes an optical transmit data path coupled to the optical data transmitter, an optical power path coupled to the photonic power source, and an optical feedback path coupled to provide feedback control to the photonic power source. The PRCC electrically connects to a second electronic device and houses an optical data receiver coupled to the optical transmit data path, a feedback controller coupled to the optical feedback path to control the photonic power source, and a photonic power converter coupled to the optical power path to convert photonic energy received over the optical power path to electrical energy to power components of the PRCC.

  16. Investigations of pollutant migration using lysimeters; Untersuchungen zur Schadstoff-Migration in Lysimetern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klotz, D. (ed.)


    The third GSF Lysimeter Workshop focused on pollutant migration in underground strata, i.e. the dispersion of water constituents as referred to water transport on the basis of ideal tracer investigations. [German] Der am 29./30.04.2002 stattgefundene Workshop 'Untersuchungen zur Schadstoffmigration in Lysimetern' war der dritte GSF-Lysimeterworkshop nach denen in den Jahren 1998 und 2000 veranstalteten. Nachdem in den Jahren 1998 und 2000 der Wassertransport und die Bestimmung der Sickerwassergeschwindigkeit in Lysimetern im Mittelpunkt standen, war 2002 die Schadstoffmigration im Untergrund der Schwerpunkt der Vortraege und Poster. Unter Migration wird das Ausbreitungsverhalten von Wasserinhalts-(Fremd-, Schad-)Stoffen bezogen auf den Wassertransport, bestimmt mit idealen Tracern, verstanden. (orig.)

  17. Computational Modeling of Photonic Crystal Microcavity Single-Photon Emitters (United States)

    Saulnier, Nicole A.

    Conventional cryptography is based on algorithms that are mathematically complex and difficult to solve, such as factoring large numbers. The advent of a quantum computer would render these schemes useless. As scientists work to develop a quantum computer, cryptographers are developing new schemes for unconditionally secure cryptography. Quantum key distribution has emerged as one of the potential replacements of classical cryptography. It relics on the fact that measurement of a quantum bit changes the state of the bit and undetected eavesdropping is impossible. Single polarized photons can be used as the quantum bits, such that a quantum system would in some ways mirror the classical communication scheme. The quantum key distribution system would include components that create, transmit and detect single polarized photons. The focus of this work is on the development of an efficient single-photon source. This source is comprised of a single quantum dot inside of a photonic crystal microcavity. To better understand the physics behind the device, a computational model is developed. The model uses Finite-Difference Time-Domain methods to analyze the electromagnetic field distribution in photonic crystal microcavities. It uses an 8-band k · p perturbation theory to compute the energy band structure of the epitaxially grown quantum dots. We discuss a method that combines the results of these two calculations for determining the spontaneous emission lifetime of a quantum dot in bulk material or in a microcavity. The computational models developed in this thesis are used to identify and characterize microcavities for potential use in a single-photon source. The computational tools developed are also used to investigate novel photonic crystal microcavities that incorporate 1D distributed Bragg reflectors for vertical confinement. It is found that the spontaneous emission enhancement in the quasi-3D cavities can be significantly greater than in traditional suspended slab

  18. Entangled, guided photon generation in (1+1)-dimensional photonic crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sciscione, L.; Centini, M.; Sibilia, C.; Bertolotti, M.; Scalora, M.


    A scheme based on photonic crystal technology is proposed as an ultrabright source of entangled photons on a miniaturized scale. The geometry consists of a multilayer microcavity, excited by a resonant pump frequency, such that the emitted photons are guided transversally to the direction of the incident pump. The entanglement occurs in direction, frequency, and polarization, and the bandwidth of the emitted photons is of the order of 1 nm. We propose a feasible design based on Al 0.3 Ga 0.7 As/Al 2 O 3 structures and predict an emission rate 10 5 pairs per second with 100 mW pump power. These results are promising for realization of chip and future quantum computer applications

  19. Quasiperiodic one-dimensional photonic crystals with adjustable multiple photonic bandgaps. (United States)

    Vyunishev, Andrey M; Pankin, Pavel S; Svyakhovskiy, Sergey E; Timofeev, Ivan V; Vetrov, Stepan Ya


    We propose an elegant approach to produce photonic bandgap (PBG) structures with multiple photonic bandgaps by constructing quasiperiodic photonic crystals (QPPCs) composed of a superposition of photonic lattices with different periods. Generally, QPPC structures exhibit both aperiodicity and multiple PBGs due to their long-range order. They are described by a simple analytical expression, instead of quasiperiodic tiling approaches based on substitution rules. Here we describe the optical properties of QPPCs exhibiting two PBGs that can be tuned independently. PBG interband spacing and its depth can be varied by choosing appropriate reciprocal lattice vectors and their amplitudes. These effects are confirmed by the proof-of-concept measurements made for the porous silicon-based QPPC of the appropriate design.

  20. Setting Single Photon Detectors for Use with an Entangled Photon Distribution System (United States)


    EPA software). 5) If a TPI measurement is to be performed, the polarization of the PAs must first be adjusted to account for the birefringence of the... measurement of the entangled photon pairs generated by an entangled photon pair source require at least 2 SPDs operating at their highest possible...v 1. Introduction 1 2. Generation, Detection, and Measurement of Entangled Photon Pairs 1 2.1 Generation of Entangled Photon Pairs 2 2.2

  1. Five-photon ionization of atomic hydrogen at wavelengths around the threshold for four-photon ionization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gontier, Y.; Trahin, M.; Wolff-Rottke, B.; Rottke, H.; Welge, K.H.; Feldmann, D.


    Theoretical and experimental studies show the strong influence of the three-photon nearly resonant 2p state on four- and five-photon ionization of atomic hydrogen near the threshold for four-photon ionization. Changes in five-photon ionization occur when the four-photon ionization channel opens. The angular distributions of photoelectrons from five-photon ionization of H are studied at five wavelengths which cover the range from four-photon resonance with high-lying Rydberg states (n≥10) to direct four-photon ionization into the continuum. The role of resonances in this ionization process is discussed. A fair agreement is found in comparing experimental and theoretical results

  2. Guideline for in vivo- and in vitro procedures for thyroid diseases. Version 2; Leitlinie zur Schilddruesendiagnostik. Version 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietlein, M.; Dressler, J.; Gruenwald, F.; Joseph, K.; Leisner, B.; Moser, E.; Reiners, C.; Rendl, J.; Schicha, H.; Schneider, P.; Schober, O. [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nuklearmedizin (DGN) (Germany)


    The version 2 of the guideline for diagnostic standards of thyroid disorders is an update of the guideline published in 1999 and describes standards of in vitro and in vivo procedures. The following statements are modified: In vitro procedures: When measurement of the TSH-receptor antibodies is indicated, the guideline recommends the use of a second generation assay (recombinant human TSH-receptor as antigen). The functional assay sensitivity for the measurement of thyroglobulin should reach a value {<=}1 ng/ml. Moleculargenetic tests (RET proto-oncogen) are indicated in patients with a newly diagnosed medullary thyroid cancer and in the relatives of patients with hereditary medullary thyroid cancer. In vivo procedures: The sonographic examination should use a probe with a frequency of at least 7.5 MHz. Indications for the thyroid scintigraphy: nodule size {>=}1 cm in diameter, autonomous goitre/nodule with clinical or subclinical hyperthyroidism, necessity of a differentiation between Graves' disease and chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, therapy control after a definitive treatment and - in individual cases - the follow-up of untreated autonomous nodules. (orig.) [German] Mit der Version 2 der Leitlinie zur Schilddruesendiagnostik wird die 1999 publizierte Leitlinie aktualisiert. Die Leitlinie behandelt sowohl In-vitro- als auch In-vivo-Diagnostik. Die Aenderungen umfassen folgende Aspekte: In-vitro-Diagnostik: Zur Messung der Antikoerper gegen den TSH-Rezeptor werden Assaysysteme der zweiten Generation empfohlen, bei denen der rekombinante humane TSH-Rezeptor als Antigen eingesetzt wird. Die funktionelle Assaysensitivitaet der Thyreoglobulinbestimmung sollte {<=}1 ng/ml betragen. Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen (RET Protoonkogen) haben ihren Platz bei der Erstmanifestation eines medullaeren Schilddruesenkarzinoms und im Familienscreening, falls eine hereditaere Form des medullaeren Schilddruesenkarzinoms vorliegt. In-vivo-Diagnostik: Die sonographische

  3. Electron and Photon ID

    CERN Document Server

    Hryn'ova, Tetiana; The ATLAS collaboration


    The identification of prompt photons and the rejection of background coming mostly from photons from hadron decays relies on the high granularity of the ATLAS calorimeter. The electron identification used in ATLAS for run 2 is based on a likelihood discrimination to separate isolated electron candidates from candidates originating from photon conversions, hadron misidentification and heavy flavor decays. In addition, isolation variables are used as further handles to separate signal and background. Several methods are used to measure with data the efficiency of the photon identification requirements, to cover a broad energy spectrum. At low energy, photons from radiative Z decays are used. In the medium energy range, similarities between electrons and photon showers are exploited using Z->ee decays. At high energy, inclusive photon samples are used. The measurement of the efficiencies of the electron identification and isolation cuts are performed with the data using tag and probe techniques with large statis...

  4. Photonic band gap engineering in 2D photonic crystals

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    -dimensional photonic crystals with square lattices composed of air holes in dielectric and vice versa i.e., dielectric rods in air, using the plane-wave expansion method are investigated. We then study, how the photonic band gap size is ...

  5. Modification of the method of Figgie for determination of joint line shifting in total knee arthroplasty; Modifizierung der Messmethode nach Figgie zur Bestimmung der Gelenklinienverschiebung in der Knieendoprothetik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Classen, T.; Wegner, A.; Knoch, M. von [Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Klinik fuer Orthopaedie, Essen (Germany)


    An important factor for a good result after total knee arthroplasty is the position of the patella in relation to the tibiofemoral joint line. The position of the patella itself is not influenced by arthroplasty, therefore any changes in the position of the tibiofemoral joint line are of special interest. The Figgie method to describe patella height delivers only absolute measurements, which makes it difficult to compare different radiographs. For this reason we developed a new JL/P quotient (JL: distance from the tibial plateau to the tibial tubercle, P: distance from the inferior pole of the patella to the tibial plateau) to enable better comparison. Furthermore, we modified the JL/P quotient and instead of taking the tibial plateau as the reference line, we constructed a tangent on the femoral condyle. With this modification, problems such as tibial inlays of different heights which have to be taken into account in the measurements, the slope of the tibial component or difficult assessment of the tibial joint surface in osteoarthritic knees do not arise. The JL/P quotient shows massive shift to cranialisation of the tibiofemoral joint line which does not correspond to reality. The modified method also shows cranialisation of the tibiofemoral joint line, but in a realistic way. Both methods show a minimal interobserver variability. The modified JL/P quotient seems to be a good method for determining the shift in the tibiofemoral joint line after total knee arthroplasty. (orig.) [German] Ein bedeutender Faktor fuer ein gutes postoperatives Ergebnis nach einer Knieendoprothesenimplantation ist die Stellung der Patella in Relation zur tibiofemoralen Gelenklinie. Da die Stellung der Patella durch den operativen Eingriff primaer nicht beeinflusst wird, liegt besonderes Augenmerk auf den Veraenderungen der Gelenklinie des Tibiofemoralgelenks. Die Messmethode zur Bestimmung der Patellahoehe nach Figgie liefert dafuer nur absolute Werte, was eine Vergleichbarkeit von

  6. Lehrerkooperation: theoretische reflexion über voraussetzungen zur erweiterung von kooperativität bei lehrern

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rainer Lengert


    Full Text Available Viele Bildungseinrichtungen verfolgen den Ausbau der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Lehrern, mit der Absicht, das Arbeitsklima zu pflegen und vor allem zur Verbesserung der Qualität ihres Bildungsangebotes. Allerdings bereiten die kooperativen Initiativen oft Unannehmlichkeiten, es sei denn, die Beteiligten kennen die umfangreichen Hintergründe, die höhere oder mindere Ebenen von Kooperation erleichtern oder behindern können. Diese Lücke wird im vorliegenden Artikel abgehandelt, indem neun Prämissen als Voraussetzung zur Erweiterung der Kooperation zwischen Lehrern dargestellt werden. Im Bewusstsein dieser Prämissen, ist es möglich, empirische Erforschungen künftig zu instrumentalisieren, wie auch Wege zu schaffen, Anforderungen an Lehrer und Schulen gewisser zu verwalten.Abstract Muitas instituições escolares têm aderido à busca de ampliar a cooperação entre seus professores, com a intenção de cuidar do ambiente de trabalho, mas, principalmente, de melhorar a qualidade de ensino oferecida. Porém, as iniciativas cooperativas costumam enfrentar dificuldades, sem que os envolvidos tenham conhecimento das causas amplas que impedem ou facilitam maiores ou menores níveis de cooperação. É dessa lacuna que trata o presente artigo, discutindo nove premissas que subjazem à possibilidade de ampliar a cooperação entre professores. Tendo consciência das premissas, é possível instrumentalizar futuras pesquisas empíricas, como também criar meios de gerir os requisitos que são de responsabilidade dos professores e das instituições escolares.

  7. Massive photon properties in 3D photonic crystals, filled by dielectrics or metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorelik, V S


    The optical properties of 3D photonic crystals-artificial opals, consisting of monosized silica globules-have been investigated. The volume between globules was filled by various dielectrics or metals. The dispersion law of electromagnetic waves of this type of crystal has been obtained. It was shown that the sign of photonic mass in globular photonic crystals may be positive or negative for different points on dispersion curves. The value of the effective mass of photons depends on the refractive index of the substance infiltrated into the globular photonic crystal.

  8. Dual vehicle - Development, construction and testing of a dual vehicle for passenger transport on roads and railways. Final report; Zweiwegefahrzeug - Entwicklung, Bau und Erprobung eines Zweiwegefahrzeuges zur Personenbefoerderung Strasse/Schiene. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This feasibility study investigated a prototype dual vehicle for railways and roads. Technical problems, acceptance specifications, legal and economic aspects were gone into. [German] Zielstellung fuer das Vorhaben war die Untersuchung ausgewaehlter technischer Fragestellungen hinsichtlich der Machbarkeit der Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Prototypes fuer ein Zweiwegefahrzeug fuer den Personenverkehr, das fuer den Einsatz auf der Schiene und der Strasse vorgesehen und dafuer entsprechend technisch ausgestattet ist. Damit erbringt das Vorhaben technisch-konstruktive Loesungsansaetze fuer ein vollstaendig neues Fahrzeuggrundkonzept und traegt hinsichtlich eines solchen zukuenftigen Fahrzeugtyps - zur Klaerung technischer Fragen (statische Zusammenbauuntersuchungen, geometrische und massliche Bedingungen sowie Konzipierung, Leistungsanforderungen der Komponenten, Konzept fuer Ein- und Ausspuren sowie fuer Ein- und Ausstieg), - zur Pruefung der technischen Zulassungsfaehigkeit des Fahrzeuges, - zur Klaerung von Rechtsfragen fuer die Sicherung des Betriebes des Fahrzeuges - sowie zum Nachweis des wirtschaftlicheren Betriebes des Fahrzeuges bei. Das Vorhaben unterbreitet unter Beruecksichtigung sicherheitstechnischer, gesetzlicher und wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen Loesungsvorschlaege fuer die konstruktive Konzipierung des Fahrgestells und ein technisches Konzept fuer das Ein- und Ausspuren fuer einen neuen Fahrzeugtyp, der sowohl fuer die Strassenbenutzung als auch fuer den Schienenverkehr zugelassen ist. (orig.)

  9. Highly efficient photonic nanowire single-photon sources for quantum information applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Niels; Claudon, J.; Munsch, M.


    to a collection efficiency of only 1-2 %, and efficient light extraction thus poses a major challenge in SPS engineering. Initial efforts to improve the efficiency have exploited cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED) to efficiently couple the emitted photons to the optical cavity mode. An alternative approach......Within the emerging field of optical quantum information processing, the current challenge is to construct the basic building blocks for the quantum computing and communication systems. A key component is the singlephoton source (SPS) capable of emitting single photons on demand. Ideally, the SPS...... must feature near-unity efficiency, where the efficiency is defined as the number of detected photons per trigger, the probability g(2)(τ=0) of multi-photon emission events should be 0 and the emitted photons are required to be indistinguishable. An optically or electrically triggered quantum light...

  10. Almost real photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujii, H.


    High energy photon-proton scattering is expected to bring an important information on strong and electromagnetic interaction, and is discussed in this paper. When the ''mass'' of the photon is less than that of the lightest hadron, it is said ''the photon is almost real''. The photon energy is sufficiently high to check the energy dependence of the gamma-proton total cross section, even in the first stage of TRISTAN. The tagging system consists of four multi-wire proportional chambers (MWPC) and a lead glass Cerenkov counter. The energy of scattered electrons is determined with the Cerenkov counter. The equivalent-photon approximation is a useful method to obtain the counting rates. The estimation of the counting rate was made under the expected value of the total cross section. The estimated counting rate is strong enough for the experiment of the gamma-proton total cross section measurement. (Kato, T.)

  11. Photonic compressive sensing with a micro-ring-resonator-based microwave photonic filter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Ying; Ding, Yunhong; Zhu, Zhijing


    A novel approach to realize photonic compressive sensing (CS) with a multi-tap microwave photonic filter is proposed and demonstrated. The system takes both advantages of CS and photonics to capture wideband sparse signals with sub-Nyquist sampling rate. The low-pass filtering function required...

  12. Sidewall roughness measurement of photonic wires and photonic crystals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svalgaard, Mikael; Frandsen, Lars Hagedorn; Garnæs, Jørgen


    The performance of nanophotonic building blocks such as photonic wires and photonic crystals are rapidly improving, with very low propagation loss and very high cavity Q-factors being reported. In order to facilitate further improvements in performance the ability to quantitatively measure...

  13. Photon echo with a few photons in two-level atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonarota, M; Dajczgewand, J; Louchet-Chauvet, A; Le Gouët, J-L; Chanelière, T


    To store and retrieve signals at the single photon level, various photon echo schemes have resorted to complex preparation steps involving ancillary shelving states in multi-level atoms. For the first time, we experimentally demonstrate photon echo operation at such a low signal intensity without any preparation step, which allows us to work with mere two-level atoms. This simplified approach relies on the so-coined ‘revival of silenced echo’ (ROSE) scheme. Low noise conditions are obtained by returning the atoms to the ground state before the echo emission. In the present paper we manage ROSE in photon counting conditions, showing that very strong control fields can be compatible with extremely weak signals, making ROSE consistent with quantum memory requirements. (paper)

  14. Studies on the hazard potential of noble metal emissions from catalytic converters; Untersuchungen zur Frage des Gefaehrdungspotentials von katalysatorbuertigen Edelmetallemissionen (VPT 05)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artelt, S [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Toxikologie und Aerosolforschung, Hannover (Germany)


    Plants were exposed to engine exhaust fumes from engine test stands in order to estimate the probable level of platinum deposition near roads. [Deutsch] Zur Abschaetzung der zu erwarteten Platindeposition in der Naehe von Strassen wurden Pflanzen mit Motorabgasen, die aus Motorstandexperimenten gewonnen wurden, beaufschlagt. (orig.)

  15. Studies on the hazard potential of noble metal emissions from catalytic converters; Untersuchungen zur Frage des Gefaehrdungspotentials von katalysatorbuertigen Edelmetallemissionen (VPT 05)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Artelt, S. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Toxikologie und Aerosolforschung, Hannover (Germany)


    Plants were exposed to engine exhaust fumes from engine test stands in order to estimate the probable level of platinum deposition near roads. [Deutsch] Zur Abschaetzung der zu erwarteten Platindeposition in der Naehe von Strassen wurden Pflanzen mit Motorabgasen, die aus Motorstandexperimenten gewonnen wurden, beaufschlagt. (orig.)

  16. Two-photon physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bardeen, W.A.


    A new experimental frontier has recently been opened to the study of two photon processes. The first results of many aspects of these reactions are being presented at this conference. In contrast, the theoretical development of research ito two photon processes has a much longer history. This talk reviews the many different theoretical ideas which provide a detailed framework for our understanding of two photon processes

  17. Ultrafast photon number resolving detector with a temperature stabilized si multi pixel photon counter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Minsoo; Hong, Eugene; Won, Eunil; Yoon, Tai Hyun


    Quantum information science has been rapidly progressed and matured and matured thanks to the recent developments of the single photon detection technologies. Single photon detectors such as a Si avalanche photo diode(APD)in the infrared, an InGaAs/InP APD in the telecommunication band, and a super conducting transient edge sensor(TES)in the broad region of the spectrum have been widely used. Single photon detectors, however, operating at the ultraviolet to visible (370nm∼800nm)regions has not been actively investigated partly due to the lack of single photon and/or entangled photon sources and the lack of solid state single photon detectors. In this paper, we investigate the single photon detection characteristics of a Si multi pixel photon counter(MPPC), which has a high spectral responsivity between 300nm to 800nm, as a photon number resolving solid state detector. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the single photon detection set up at 399nm by using a temperature stabilized Si MPPC. The output beam of the laser being properly attenuated is directed to the MPPC module, at which fixed number of photo electrons corresponding to incident individual photon are generated at Geiger mode of the Si APD pixels. The detected photo current is converted into a digital signal by using a fast analog to digital converter and a digital oscilloscope stores the time sequence of the photo currents. Figure 2 shows the accumulated charges collected by MPPC at∼10.deg.C showing a clear single photon and two photons peaks, respectively, separated by ∼5 sigma of the coincidence counts at the two output ports of a Mach Zender interferometer as a function of optical path length difference. The research was supported by Seoul R and BD program(NT070127)and by the KRISS

  18. Ultrafast photon number resolving detector with a temperature stabilized si multi pixel photon counter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Minsoo; Hong, Eugene; Won, Eunil; Yoon, Tai Hyun [Korea Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Quantum information science has been rapidly progressed and matured and matured thanks to the recent developments of the single photon detection technologies. Single photon detectors such as a Si avalanche photo diode(APD)in the infrared, an InGaAs/InP APD in the telecommunication band, and a super conducting transient edge sensor(TES)in the broad region of the spectrum have been widely used. Single photon detectors, however, operating at the ultraviolet to visible (370nm∼800nm)regions has not been actively investigated partly due to the lack of single photon and/or entangled photon sources and the lack of solid state single photon detectors. In this paper, we investigate the single photon detection characteristics of a Si multi pixel photon counter(MPPC), which has a high spectral responsivity between 300nm to 800nm, as a photon number resolving solid state detector. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the single photon detection set up at 399nm by using a temperature stabilized Si MPPC. The output beam of the laser being properly attenuated is directed to the MPPC module, at which fixed number of photo electrons corresponding to incident individual photon are generated at Geiger mode of the Si APD pixels. The detected photo current is converted into a digital signal by using a fast analog to digital converter and a digital oscilloscope stores the time sequence of the photo currents. Figure 2 shows the accumulated charges collected by MPPC at∼10.deg.C showing a clear single photon and two photons peaks, respectively, separated by ∼5 sigma of the coincidence counts at the two output ports of a Mach Zender interferometer as a function of optical path length difference. The research was supported by Seoul R and BD program(NT070127)and by the KRISS.

  19. Digital announcements from data carrier exchange to telecommunication; Digitale Ausschreibungen; vom Datentraegeraustausch zur Telekommunikation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markert, H. [MW Software GmbH, Koeln (Germany)


    In chapter 7 of the anthology about building control digital announcements are described ranging from data carrier exchange to telecommunication. The following aspects are discussed: Exchange of texts and prices as well of service lists and offers, telecommunication software, costs of communication, comparison of paper, disk and telecommunication. (BWI) [Deutsch] Kapitel 7 des Sammelbandes ueber Building Control ist dem Thema der digitalen Ausschreibung gewidmet, reichend vom Datentraegeraustausch zur Telekommunikation. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auf folgende Themen eingegangen: Austausch von Texten und Preisen sowie von Leistungsverzeichnissen und Angeboten; Telekommunikations-Software; Kosten der Kommunikation sowie Vergleich Papier - Diskette - Telekommunikation. (BWI)

  20. Mathematic modelling of a fixed-bed gasifier as component of a plant for decentral biomass utilisation; Mathematische Modellierung eines Festbettvergasers als Bestandteil einer Anlage zur dezentralen Nutzung von Biomasse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Funk, G.; Krumm, W. [Siegen Univ. (Gesamthochschule) (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Energie- und Umweltverfahrenstechnik


    This paper presents a two-dimensional nonstationary model that describes processes taking place during gasification in a fixed bed. For didactic purposes the process is split up into and described in terms of the partial models ''chemical reaction'', ''drying'', ''heat transfer'' and ''mass flow''. [German] Es wird ein zweidimensionales, instationaeres Modell zur Beschreibung der Vorgaenge bei der Vergasung im Festbett vorgestellt. Dabei werden zylinderfoermige Reaktoren betrachtet. Zur Beschreibung wird der Gesamtvorgang in die Teilmodelle 'chemische Reaktion', 'Trocknung', 'Waermeuebertragung' und 'Massefluss' unterteilt. Die einzelnen Teilmodelle werden vorgestellt. (orig.)

  1. The application of Max-Plus/Min-Plus algebra for an automated analysis; Einsatz der Max-Plus/Min-Plus Algebra zur automatisierten Sicherheitsanalyse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laengst, W.; Lapp, A.; Stuebbe, K.; Schirmer, J.; Kraft, D. [Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart (Germany). Zentralbereich Forschung und Vorausentwicklung


    The methodology introduced in this article is capable of describing a binary behavior of distributed discrete event systems. This is the basis for a safety analysis in early phases of system development and for an automated determination of failure dependencies. For this purpose a system equation similar to the state-space representation in system theory is used. The equation is evaluated applying the Max-Plus/Min-Plus algebra. The procedure is exemplified by a simplified braking system. (orig.) [German] In dem vorliegenden Artikel wird ein Verfahren zur binaeren Beschreibung von verteilten ereignisdiskreten Systemen vorgestellt. Dieses wird als Grundlage fuer eine Sicherheitsanalyse in einer fruehen Phase der Systementwicklung und zur automatisierten Ermittlung von Fehlerabhaengigkeiten eingesetzt. Hierzu wird eine Systemgleichung verwendet, die aehnlich zu der Zustandsraumdarstellung der konventionellen Systemtheorie ist. Dabei erfolgt die Auswertung der Systemgleichung durch Anwendung der Max-Plus/Min-Plus Algebra. Die Vorgehensweise wird anhand des Beispiels eines vereinfachten Bremssystems erlaeutert. (orig.)

  2. Electro-optic routing of photons from a single quantum dot in photonic integrated circuits (United States)

    Midolo, Leonardo; Hansen, Sofie L.; Zhang, Weili; Papon, Camille; Schott, Rüdiger; Ludwig, Arne; Wieck, Andreas D.; Lodahl, Peter; Stobbe, Søren


    Recent breakthroughs in solid-state photonic quantum technologies enable generating and detecting single photons with near-unity efficiency as required for a range of photonic quantum technologies. The lack of methods to simultaneously generate and control photons within the same chip, however, has formed a main obstacle to achieving efficient multi-qubit gates and to harness the advantages of chip-scale quantum photonics. Here we propose and demonstrate an integrated voltage-controlled phase shifter based on the electro-optic effect in suspended photonic waveguides with embedded quantum emitters. The phase control allows building a compact Mach-Zehnder interferometer with two orthogonal arms, taking advantage of the anisotropic electro-optic response in gallium arsenide. Photons emitted by single self-assembled quantum dots can be actively routed into the two outputs of the interferometer. These results, together with the observed sub-microsecond response time, constitute a significant step towards chip-scale single-photon-source de-multiplexing, fiber-loop boson sampling, and linear optical quantum computing.

  3. Optics of globular photonic crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorelik, V S


    The results of experimental and theoretical studies of the optical properties of globular photonic crystals - new physical objects having a crystal structure with the lattice period exceeding considerably the atomic size, are presented. As globular photonic crystals, artificial opal matrices consisting of close-packed silica globules of diameter ∼200 nm were used. The reflection spectra of these objects characterising the parameters of photonic bands existing in these crystals in the visible spectral region are presented. The idealised models of the energy band structure of photonic crystals investigated in the review give analytic dispersion dependences for the group velocity and the effective photon mass in a globular photonic crystal. The characteristics of secondary emission excited in globular photonic crystals by monochromatic and broadband radiation are presented. The results of investigations of single-photon-excited delayed scattering of light observed in globular photonic crystals exposed to cw UV radiation and radiation from a repetitively pulsed copper vapour laser are presented. The possibilities of using globular photonic crystals as active media for lasing in different spectral regions are considered. It is proposed to use globular photonic crystals as sensitive sensors in optoelectronic devices for molecular analysis of organic and inorganic materials by the modern methods of laser spectroscopy. The results of experimental studies of spontaneous and stimulated globular scattering of light are discussed. The conditions for observing resonance and two-photon-excited delayed scattering of light are found. The possibility of accumulation and localisation of the laser radiation energy inside a globular photonic crystal is reported. (review)

  4. Non-Poissonian photon statistics from macroscopic photon cutting materials

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Jong, Mathijs; Meijerink, A; Rabouw, Freddy T.


    In optical materials energy is usually extracted only from the lowest excited state, resulting in fundamental energy-efficiency limits such as the Shockley-Queisser limit for single-junction solar cells. Photon-cutting materials provide a way around such limits by absorbing high-energy photons and

  5. Waveguide superconducting single-photon autocorrelators for quantum photonic applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sahin, D.; Gaggero, A.; Frucci, G.; Jahanmirinejad, S.; Sprengers, J.P.; Mattioli, F.; Leoni, R.; Beetz, J.; Lermer, M.; Kamp, M.; Höfling, S.; Fiore, A.; Hasan, Z.U.; Hemmer, P.R.; Lee, H.; Santori, C.M.


    We report a novel component for integrated quantum photonic applications, a waveguide single-photon autocorrelator. It is based on two superconducting nanowire detectors patterned onto the same GaAs ridge waveguide. Combining the electrical output of the two detectors in a correlation card enables

  6. Energy and the future: Sustainable methods of energy use from passive architecture to fusion. Lectures; Energie und Zukunft: Zukunftsweisende Methoden der Energienutzung vom Passivhaus bis zur Fusion. Vortraege

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nahm, W.; Schultze, K. [eds.


    In the run-up to the Kyoto conference, there is far-reaching agreement that the world energy industry needs to be reconstructed by the middle of the next century if a climate catastrophe is to be avoided. But how this goal can be reached is controversial. The risks involved are described in contributions concerned with German energy policy, the insurance sector, and scenarios for mitigating carbon dioxides on the basis of the Ikarus model. But the focus of this annual report of DPG`s task force Energy is on reports on longer-term technologies and methods. Two papers describe the state of the art of fusion research. In the conventional energy sector, high-efficiency absorption-type refrigerators and thermal engines, and fuel conservation through low-cost passive architecture are dealt with inter alia. Other lectures report on the state of solar energy utilization and process chains in the hydrogen-based economy. Five papers are individually listed in the Energy database. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Vorfeld der Konferenz von Kyoto besteht weitgehende Einigkeit, dass die Weltenergiewirtschaft bis zur Mitte des naechsten Jahrhunderts umgestaltet werden muss, um eine Klimakatastrophe zu verhindern. Der Weg dahin ist umstritten. Seine Risiken kommen in Beitraegen zur deutschen Energiepolitik, zur Versicherungswirtschaft und zu Szenarien der Minderung der CO{sub 2}-Emissionen auf der Basis des Ikarus-Modells zum Ausdruck. Im Mittelpunkt des Jahresbandes des Arbeitskreises Energie der DPG stehen diesmal jedoch Berichte ueber laengerfristig angelegte Technologien und Methoden. Zwei Beitraege berichten ueber den Stand der Fusionsforschung. Im konventionellen Bereich geht es u.a. um hocheffiziente Absorptionsmaschinen zur Versorgung mit Kaelte und Waerme und um die Brennstoffeinsparung durch kostenguenstige Passivhaeuser. Andere Vortraege berichten ueber den Stand der Nutzung der Sonnenenergie und Prozessketten in der Wasserstoffwirtschaft. Fuer die Datenbank Energy wurden fuenf

  7. Generation of photon number states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waks, Edo; Diamanti, Eleni; Yamamoto, Yoshihisa


    The visible light photon counter (VLPC) has the capability to discriminate photon number states, in contrast to conventional photon counters which can only detect the presence or absence of photons. We use this capability, along with the process of parametric down-conversion, to generate photon number states. We experimentally demonstrate generation of states containing 1, 2, 3 and 4 photons with high fidelity. We then explore the effect the detection efficiency of the VLPC has on the generation rate and fidelity of the created states

  8. Simulator to evaluate and optimise driver assistance systems; Ein Simulator zur Bewertung und Optimierung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Locher, J. [Hella KG Hueck and Co., Paderborn (Germany); Kleinkes, M. [Hella KG Hueck and Co., Lippstadt (Germany)


    For a short time now, the L-LAB (Light-LABoratory), a joint research facility of Hella KG and the University of Paderborn, has had a simulator available which allows the evaluation of driver assistance systems and the optimisation of man-machine interfaces. It is an interactive night driver simulator, which can be used to visualise any type of headlamp beam pattern true to the original. A Smart is used as the input medium; image projection is via a 3-channel high-performance beamer projection system onto large screens. Alongside synthetic roads, there is also a digitalised course available, approx. 10 km long, the original of which is actually used by Hella as a proving ground. Road safety indicators can be recorded directly and indirectly. For example, obstacles which suddenly appear force drivers to apply the brakes. The stopping distance required can be interpreted as a direct indicator for safety. In addition, an eye tracking system is used to record the eye movements of the test subjects, which allows additional road safety indicators to be derived. Comparative investigations between the digitalised proving ground and reality allow validation of the simulator. This year, a comprehensive study will be made to optimise the man-machine interface in connection with infrared vision systems in vehicles. The advantages of simulation are not only in the economical implementation possibilities and control of the variables, but also the fact that properties of driver assistance systems can be evaluated which are not even technically possible yet in reality. The use of the simulator developed here is not limited to tests connected with the visibility of obstacles, however. Rather, it allows the investigation and evaluation of a large range of potential driver assistance systems. (orig.) [German] Dem L-LAB (Light-LABoratory), einer gemeinsamen Forschungseinrichtung der Universitaet Paderborn und der Firma Hella KG in Lippstadt, steht seit kurzer Zeit ein Simulator zur

  9. Optical characterisation of photonic wire and photonic crystal waveguides fabricated using nanoimprint lithography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borel, Peter Ingo; Frandsen, Lars Hagedorn; Lavrinenko, Andrei


    We have characterised photonic-crystal and photonic-wire waveguides fabricated by thermal nanoimprint lithography. The structures, with feature sizes down below 20 nm, are benchmarked against similar structures defined by direct electron beam lithography.......We have characterised photonic-crystal and photonic-wire waveguides fabricated by thermal nanoimprint lithography. The structures, with feature sizes down below 20 nm, are benchmarked against similar structures defined by direct electron beam lithography....

  10. Temperature-modified photonic bandgap in colloidal photonic crystals fabricated by vinyl functionalized silica spheres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng Tiansong; Zhang Junyan; Zhu Kongtao; Zhang Qifeng; Wu Jinlei


    Graphical abstract: A thermal annealing procedure was described for fine modifying the photonic bandgap properties of colloidal photonic crystals, which were self-assembled from vinyl-functionalized silica spheres by a gravity sedimentation process. Highlights: → We described a thermal annealing procedure for fine modifying the photonic bandgap properties of colloidal photonic crystals. → The position of its stop band had more than 25% blue shift by annealing the sample from 60 to 600 deg. C. → The annealing temperature and the Bragg peak values have a linear relationship in the 120-440 deg. C range. → The effects provide a simple and controllable method for modifying the photonic bandgap properties of colloidal photonic crystals. - Abstract: A thermal annealing procedure for fine modifying the photonic bandgap properties of colloidal photonic crystals was described. The colloidal photonic crystals were assembled from monodisperse vinyl functionalized silica spheres by a gravity sedimentation process. The samples diffract light following Bragg's law combined with Snell's law. By annealing the sample at temperatures in the range of 60-600 deg. C, the position of its stop band shifted from 943 to 706 nm. It had more than 25% blue shift. In addition, the annealing temperature and the Bragg peak values have a linear relationship in the 120-440 deg. C range. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra and thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) curves of vinyl functionalized silica spheres confirmed the above results. The effects provide a simple and controllable method for modifying the photonic bandgap properties of colloidal photonic crystals.

  11. Thermalization of a two-dimensional photonic gas in a `white wall' photon box (United States)

    Klaers, Jan; Vewinger, Frank; Weitz, Martin


    Bose-Einstein condensation, the macroscopic accumulation of bosonic particles in the energetic ground state below a critical temperature, has been demonstrated in several physical systems. The perhaps best known example of a bosonic gas, blackbody radiation, however exhibits no Bose-Einstein condensation at low temperatures. Instead of collectively occupying the lowest energy mode, the photons disappear in the cavity walls when the temperature is lowered-corresponding to a vanishing chemical potential. Here we report on evidence for a thermalized two-dimensional photon gas with a freely adjustable chemical potential. Our experiment is based on a dye-filled optical microresonator, acting as a `white wall' box for photons. Thermalization is achieved in a photon-number-conserving way by photon scattering off the dye molecules, and the cavity mirrors provide both an effective photon mass and a confining potential-key prerequisites for the Bose-Einstein condensation of photons. As a striking example of the unusual system properties, we demonstrate a yet unobserved light concentration effect into the centre of the confining potential, an effect with prospects for increasing the efficiency of diffuse solar light collection.

  12. Vector-vector production in photon-photon interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ronan, M.T.


    Measurements of exclusive untagged /rho/ 0 /rho/ 0 , /rho//phi/, K/sup *//bar K//sup */, and /rho/ω production and tagged /rho/ 0 /rho/ 0 production in photon-photon interactions by the TPC/Two-Gamma experiment are reviewed. Comparisons to the results of other experiments and to models of vector-vector production are made. Fits to the data following a four quark model prescription for vector meson pair production are also presented. 10 refs., 9 figs

  13. Recyclable amplification for single-photon entanglement from photon loss and decoherence (United States)

    Zhou, Lan; Chen, Ling-Quan; Zhong, Wei; Sheng, Yu-Bo


    We put forward a highly efficient recyclable single-photon assisted amplification protocol, which can protect single-photon entanglement (SPE) from photon loss and decoherence. Making use of quantum nondemolition detection gates constructed with the help of cross-Kerr nonlinearity, our protocol has some attractive advantages. First, the parties can recover less-entangled SPE to be maximally entangled SPE, and reduce photon loss simultaneously. Second, if the protocol fails, the parties can repeat the protocol to reuse some discarded items, which can increase the success probability. Third, when the protocol is successful, they can similarly repeat the protocol to further increase the fidelity of the SPE. Thereby, our protocol provides a possible way to obtain high entanglement, high fidelity and high success probability simultaneously. In particular, our protocol shows higher success probability in the practical high photon loss channel. Based on the above features, our amplification protocol has potential for future application in long-distance quantum communication.

  14. The study of nonlinear two-photon phenomenon in photonic crystals doped with nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Mahi R [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London, N6A 3K7 (Canada)


    A theory of the nonlinear two-photon absorption has been developed in a photonic crystal doped with an ensemble of four-level nanoparticles. We have considered that the nanoparticles are interacting with the photonic crystal. An expression of two-photon absorption has been obtained by using the density matrix method. The effect of the dipole-dipole interaction has also been included in the formulation. Interesting new phenomena have been predicted. For example, it is found that the inhibition of two-photon absorption can be turned on and off when the decay resonance energies of the four-level nanoparticles are moved within the energy band.

  15. Integrated Microwave Photonics


    Marpaung, David; Roeloffzen, Chris; Heideman, René; Leinse, Arne; Sales Maicas, Salvador; Capmany Francoy, José


    Microwave photonics (MWP) is an emerging field in which radio frequency (RF) signals are generated, distributed, processed and analyzed using the strength of photonic techniques. It is a technology that enables various functionalities which are not feasible to achieve only in the microwave domain. A particular aspect that recently gains significant interests is the use of photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology in the MWP field for enhanced functionalities and robustness as well as the r...

  16. EDITORIAL: TaCoNa-Photonics 2008 TaCoNa-Photonics 2008 (United States)

    Chigrin, Dmitry N.; Busch, Kurt; Lavrinenko, Andrei V.


    This special section on theoretical and computational nano-photonics features papers presented at the first International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Nano-Photonics (TaCoNa-Photonics 2008) held in Bad Honnef, Germany, 3-5 December 2008. The workshop covered a broad range of topics related to current developments and achievements in this interdisciplinary area of research. Since the late 1960s, the word `photonics' has been understood as the science of generating, controlling, and detecting light. Nowadays, a routine fabrication of complex structures with micro- and nano-scale dimensions opens up many new and exciting possibilities in photonics. The science of generating, routing and detecting light in micro- and nano-structured matter, `nano-photonics', is becoming more important both in research and technology and offers many promising applications. The inherently sub-wavelength character of the structures that nano-photonics deals with challenges modern theoretical and computational physics and engineering with many nontrivial questions: Up to what length-scale can one use a macroscopic phenomenological description of matter? Where is the interface between the classical and quantum description of light in nano-scale structures? How can one combine different physical systems, different time- and length-scales in a single computational model? How can one engineer nano-structured materials in order to achieve the desired optical properties for particular applications? Any attempt at answering these kinds of questions is impossible without the joint efforts of physicists, engineers, applied mathematicians and programmers. This is the reason why the major goal of the TaCoNa-Photonics workshops is to provide a forum where theoreticians and specialists in numerical methods from all branches of physics, engineering sciences and mathematics can compare their results, report on novel results and breakthroughs, and discuss new challenges ahead. In order to

  17. Untersuchungen zur Involution der Vagina and Zervix beim Rind post partum unter Berücksichtigung der Zervix als Geburtshindernis


    Wehrend, Axel


    Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es die physiologische Involution der Zervix im Vergleich zur Vagina beim Rind während der ersten zehn Tage post partum zu charakterisieren. Weiterhin sollte durch klinische Untersuchungen an Kühen nach Dystokie und einer retrospektiven Datenauswertung von Schwergeburten unterschiedlicher Tierarten der Anteil zervikal bedingter Geburtsstockungen im Interspeziesvergleich analysiert und Einflussfaktoren auf das Auftreten dieser Dystokieform sowie Störungen in der...

  18. Nonlinear Photonics 2014: introduction. (United States)

    Akhmediev, N; Kartashov, Yaroslav


    International Conference "Nonlinear Photonics-2014" took place in Barcelona, Spain on July 27-31, 2014. It was a part of the "Advanced Photonics Congress" which is becoming a traditional notable event in the world of photonics. The current focus issue of Optics Express contains contributions from the participants of the Conference and the Congress. The articles in this focus issue by no means represent the total number of the congress contributions (around 400). However, it demonstrates wide range of topics covered at the event. The next conference of this series is to be held in 2016 in Australia, which is the home of many researchers working in the field of photonics in general and nonlinear photonics in particular.

  19. Measures to enhance rational energy use in electric drives. Final report; Massnahmen zur Foerderung der rationellen Energienutzung bei elektrischen Antrieben. Endbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reichert, J.; Schleich, J.; Herzer, G.; Toensing, E. [Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (ISI), Karlsruhe (Germany); Rath, U.; Hellmann, R. [Ingenieurbuero fuer Energieberatung, Haustechnik und Oekologische Konzepte GbR (eboek), Tuebingen (Germany)


    Electric drives account for nearly 60 % of the total power consumption in Germany (70 % in the industrial sector and about 44 % in the small consumer sector). There is a high potential for savings (Landwehr et al. 1996, ISR et al. 1996, Nadel et al. 1992) but it is little used so far. The study attempts to identify and systematize the limits set by the market to the application of energy conservation measures in electric motors. This is followed by an outline of strategies to overcome these obstacles. Experience from other countries are integrated where efforts were made to put the potential savings into practice. [German] Der Kraftstrombedarf fuer elektrische Antriebe betraegt in Deutschland knapp 60% des gesamten Stromeinsatzes (ca. 70% des Industriestrombedarfs und ca. 44% des Strombedarfs im Sektor Kleinverbrauch). Trotz dieser hohen Anteile ist bisher bei keinem der Marktteilnehmer (Motoren- und Anlagenhersteller, Haendler und Endanwender) grosses Interesse an Stromsparmassnahmen im Bereich Elektromotoren zu erkennen. Zudem zeigen erste grobe Schaetzungen (Landwehr et al. 1996, ISR et al. 1996, Nadel et al. 1992), dass im Bereich Elektromotoren erhebliche wirtschaftliche Einsparpotentiale bestehen. Durch eine Erhoehung des Wirkungsgrades allein lassen sich ca. 3% einsparen. Groessere Potentiale koennen durch Drehzahlregelung - ca. 10% - und vor allem bei Optimierung des gesamten Systems (Stromuebertragung - Motor - Regelung - Kraftuebertragung - Arbeitsmaschine) - ueber 20% - erschlossen werden. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, zunaechst die Marktbeschraenkungen bei der Umsetzung von Massnahmen zur rationellen Energienutzung bei Elektromotoren zu identifizieren und zu systematisieren. Im Anschluss daran werden moegliche Strategien zur Ueberwindung dieser Marktbeschraenkungen aufgezeigt, systematisiert und analysiert. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch Erfahrungen aus anderen Laendern, in denen von politischer und wirtschaftlicher Seite zum Teil betraechtliche

  20. Dimensioning of activation systems using submerged membranes at municipal sewage treatment plants; Bemessung von Membranbelebungsanlagen beim Einsatz zur Reinigung kommunaler Abwaesser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohle, P.; Dorgeloh, E. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (DE). Inst. fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (ISA)


    Dimensioning of conventional activation systems in Germany as a rule relies on instruction sheet A131 of the Abwassertechnische Vereinigung or follows the Hochschulgruppen approach (HSG). They contain recommendations as to the size of the nitrification and denitrification zones, the amount of oxygen supplied and sludge production, and the size of the final sedimentation tank. For the use of sludge activation techniques by means of submerged membranes at municipal sewage treatment plant there so far do not exist any clues to dimensioning that make allowance for the modified boundary conditions. The present paper analyses instruction sheet A131 for its suitability as a basis in the dimensioning of sludge activation systems with submerged membranes at municipal sewage treatment plant. Then the dimensioning instructions are modified to suit the changed boundary conditions, and recommendations for the dimensioning of activation systems with submerged membranes on the basis of extensive studies carried out at the Institut fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft ISA of Aachen Technical University RWTH are given. (orig.) [German] Die Bemessung konventioneller Belebungsverfahren erfolgt in Deutschland i.d.R. auf der Grundlage des Arbeitsblatts A 131 der Abwassertechnischen Vereinigung bzw. nach dem Hochschulgruppenansatz (HSG). Sie enthalten Empfehlungen bezueglich der Dimensionierung von Nitrifikations- und Denitrifikationszone, Sauerstoffversorgung, Schlammproduktion und Nachklaerbecken. Fuer den Einsatz von Membranbelebungsanlagen in kommunalen Klaeranlagen existieren bislang keine Bemessungshinweise, die den veraenderten Randbedingungen Rechnung tragen. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert das Arbeitsblatt A 131 in Hinsicht auf die Moeglichkeit zur Anwendung fuer die Bemessung von Membranbelebungsanlagen beim Einsatz zur kommunalen Abwasserreinigung. Im Weiteren erfolgt die Modifikation der Bemessungshinweise hinsichtlich der geaenderten Randbedingungen und die Angabe von

  1. Photonic Paint Developed with Metallic Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals (United States)

    Sun, Po; Williams, John D.


    This work details the design and simulation of an inconspicuous photonic paint that can be applied onto an object for anticounterfeit and tag, track, and locate (TTL) applications. The paint consists of three-dimensional metallic tilted woodpile photonic crystals embedded into a visible and infrared transparent polymer film, which can be applied to almost any surface. The tilted woodpile photonic crystals are designed with a specific pass band detectable at nearly all incident angles of light. When painted onto a surface, these crystals provide a unique reflective infra-red optical signature that can be easily observed and recorded to verify the location or contents of a package.

  2. Self-assembled tunable photonic hyper-crystals. (United States)

    Smolyaninova, Vera N; Yost, Bradley; Lahneman, David; Narimanov, Evgenii E; Smolyaninov, Igor I


    We demonstrate a novel artificial optical material, the "photonic hyper-crystal", which combines the most interesting features of hyperbolic metamaterials and photonic crystals. Similar to hyperbolic metamaterials, photonic hyper-crystals exhibit broadband divergence in their photonic density of states due to the lack of usual diffraction limit on the photon wave vector. On the other hand, similar to photonic crystals, hyperbolic dispersion law of extraordinary photons is modulated by forbidden gaps near the boundaries of photonic Brillouin zones. Three dimensional self-assembly of photonic hyper-crystals has been achieved by application of external magnetic field to a cobalt nanoparticle-based ferrofluid. Unique spectral properties of photonic hyper-crystals lead to extreme sensitivity of the material to monolayer coatings of cobalt nanoparticles, which should find numerous applications in biological and chemical sensing.

  3. A bright single-photon source based on a photonic trumpet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munsch, Mathieu; Malik, Nitin S.; Bleuse, Joël

    Fiber-like photonic nanowires, which are optical waveguides made of a high refractive index material n, have recently emerged as non-resonant systems providing an efficient spontaneous emission (SE) control. When they embed a quantum emitter like a quantum dot (QD), they find application to the r......Fiber-like photonic nanowires, which are optical waveguides made of a high refractive index material n, have recently emerged as non-resonant systems providing an efficient spontaneous emission (SE) control. When they embed a quantum emitter like a quantum dot (QD), they find application...... to the realization of bright sources of quantum light and, reversibly, provide an efficient interface between propagating photons and the QD. For a wire diameter ∼ λ/n (λ is the operation wavelength), the fraction of QD SE coupled to the fundamental guided mode exceeds 90%. The collection of the photons can...... be brought close to unity with a proper engineering of the wire ends. In particular, a tapering of the top wire end is necessary to achieve a directive far-field emission pattern [1]. Recently, we have realized a single-photon source featuring a needle-like taper. The source efficiency, though record...

  4. Anforderungen an ein System zur Dokumentanalyse im Unternehmenskontext : Integration von Datenbeständen, Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation


    Baumann, Stephan; Hadj Ali, Majdi Ben; Lichter, Jürgen; Malburg, Michael; Meyer auf'm Hofe, Harald; Wenzel, Claudia


    Workflowmanagementsysteme werden im Bürobereich verstärkt zur effizienten Geschäftsprozeßabwicklung eingesetzt. Das bereits Mitte der 70er Jahre propagierte papierlose Büro bleibt jedoch gegenwärtig immer noch Utopie, da auch durch den allgegenwärtigen Einsatz von Computern im Bürobereich der Durchsatz an Schriftstücken nicht gesenkt wird. Insbesondere die Handhabung von papierintensiven Vorgängen ist in hohem Maße abhängig von einer Identifikation und Aufbereitung der in den Dokumenten e...

  5. Invasive procedure for clarification of pulmonary nodules; Invasive Verfahren zur Abklaerung pulmonaler Rundherde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahnken, A.H. [Universitaetsklinikum, Philipps-Universitaet Marburg, Klinik fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Marburg (Germany)


    The management of solitary lung nodules poses a common clinical problem and biopsy is often required. Several guidelines provide slightly different recommendations and there are no uniform recommendations regarding the ideal technique of puncture guidance (e.g. percutaneous versus bronchoscopic or thoracoscopic). Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) and core biopsy are well established techniques. Both can be performed under CT and to some extent ultrasound guidance. Diagnostic accuracies of FNA and core biopsy for malignant lesions are around 95 %. Core biopsy is superior to FNA for establishing a specific diagnosis with a diagnostic yield of 81-88 % versus 17-21 %. In clinical routine practice core biopsy is the superior tool when compared to FNA. Central lesions in close proximity to bronchi may be biopsied with endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS)-guided bronchoscopy. In all other lesions percutaneous, ideally CT-guided biopsy should be the method of first choice. (orig.) [German] Solitaere Lungenrundherde stellen ein haeufiges differenzialdiagnostisches Problem dar, das oftmals mit der Bildgebung alleine nicht endgueltig zu loesen ist und eine Biopsie erfordert. Die Indikation zur Biopsie variiert zwischen den Leitlinien, und die beste Technik der Biopsie (perkutan vs. bronchoskopisch vs. thorakoskopisch) ist oftmals nicht eindeutig. Feinnadelaspirations- (FNA) und Stanzbiopsie stehen als lange etablierte Standardtechniken zur Verfuegung. Beide koennen CT- und bedingt ultraschallgesteuert durchgefuehrt werden. Die diagnostische Aussagekraft fuer die Diagnose maligner Tumoren liegt fuer beide Techniken bei 95 %. Die Stanzbiopsie ist jedoch der FNA fuer die spezifische Diagnose benigner Prozesse mit einer Genauigkeit von 82-88 vs. 17-21 % ueberlegen. Die Stanzbiopsie ist gegenueber der FNA das in der klinischen Routine ueberlegene Werkzeug. Bei sehr zentralen Herden in Nachbarschaft zu einem Bronchus kann primaer eine bronchoskopische EBUS-gesteuerte (endobronchialer

  6. Results of VGB research work with respect to operation of BWR pipes made of austenitic SS; Ergebnisse des VGB-Forschungsvorhabens zur Absicherung des Betriebsverhaltens austenitischer Staehle in SWR-Rohrleitungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kilian, R [Siemens AG Energieerzeugung KWU, Erlangen (Germany); Bruemmer, G [Hamburgische Electricitaets-Werke AG, Hamburg (Germany)


    The VGB research project was to examine and characterize various, operation-induced impacts on the crack formation in stabilized austenitic steels, caused by intercrystalline stress corrosion cracking as a result of sensitization after chromium depletion at the grain boundaries. The results of this project as well as available operating experience show that the measures taken so far for the future operation of the German BWR plants, for avoiding in these plants intercrystalline stress corrosion cracking, correspond to the state of the art and achieve the wanted purpose. These measures are: use of optimized material W-No. 1.4550 with reduced carbon contents; use of optimized welding techniques for reducing the heat input and the welding shrinkage (cold deformation.); optimized preparation of welding work in order to avoid shape defects during welding (eg. edge misalignment, defective mash welds); reduction of tensile stresses occurring during welding; compliance with the recent VGB water chemistry code. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Das VGB-Forschungsvorhaben sollte verschieden gelagerte Einfluesse auf die Rissbildung im Betrieb von stabilisierten austenitischen Staehlen, verursacht durch interkristalline Spannungsrisskorrosion infolge Sensbilisierung durch Chromverarmung an den Korngrenzen, systematisch erfassen. Aus den Forschungsergebnissen dieses VGB-Programms sowie den bisher vorliegenden Betriebserfahrungen ist festzuhalten, dass die bisher durchgefuehrten Massnahmen fuer den zukuenftigen Betrieb der deutschen SWR-Anlagen zur Vermeidung von interkristalliner Spannungsrisskorrosion zielgerichtet waren und dem heutigen Wissensstand entsprechen. Diese Massnahmen sind: 1. Einsatz von optimiertem Werkstoff W.-Nr. 1.4550 mit abgesenktem Kohlenstoffgehalt; 2. Einsatz von optimierten Schweissverfahren zur Verminderung der Waermeeinbringung und zur Verringerung des Schweissschrumpfes (Kaltverformung.); 3. Durchfuehrung einer optimierten Schweissnahtvorbereitung zur Vermeidung

  7. All-photonic quantum repeaters (United States)

    Azuma, Koji; Tamaki, Kiyoshi; Lo, Hoi-Kwong


    Quantum communication holds promise for unconditionally secure transmission of secret messages and faithful transfer of unknown quantum states. Photons appear to be the medium of choice for quantum communication. Owing to photon losses, robust quantum communication over long lossy channels requires quantum repeaters. It is widely believed that a necessary and highly demanding requirement for quantum repeaters is the existence of matter quantum memories. Here we show that such a requirement is, in fact, unnecessary by introducing the concept of all-photonic quantum repeaters based on flying qubits. In particular, we present a protocol based on photonic cluster-state machine guns and a loss-tolerant measurement equipped with local high-speed active feedforwards. We show that, with such all-photonic quantum repeaters, the communication efficiency scales polynomially with the channel distance. Our result paves a new route towards quantum repeaters with efficient single-photon sources rather than matter quantum memories. PMID:25873153

  8. Photon-splitting cross sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johannessen, A.M.; Mork, K.J.; Overbo, I.


    The differential cross section for photon splitting (scattering of one photon into two photons) in a Coulomb field, obtained earlier by Shima, has been integrated numerically to yield various differential cross sections. Energy spectra differential with respect to the energy of one of the outgoing photons are presented for several values of the primary photon energy. Selected examples of recoil momentum distributions and some interesting doubly or multiply differential cross sections are also given. Values for the total cross section are obtained essentially for all energies. The screening effect caused by atomic electrons is also taken into account, and is found to be important for high energies, as in e + e - pair production. Comparisons with various approximate results obtained by previous authors mostly show fair agreement. We also discuss the possibilities for experimental detection and find the most promising candidate to be a measurement of both photons, and their energies, at a moderately high energy

  9. Photonic crystals, amorphous materials, and quasicrystals. (United States)

    Edagawa, Keiichi


    Photonic crystals consist of artificial periodic structures of dielectrics, which have attracted much attention because of their wide range of potential applications in the field of optics. We may also fabricate artificial amorphous or quasicrystalline structures of dielectrics, i.e. photonic amorphous materials or photonic quasicrystals. So far, both theoretical and experimental studies have been conducted to reveal the characteristic features of their optical properties, as compared with those of conventional photonic crystals. In this article, we review these studies and discuss various aspects of photonic amorphous materials and photonic quasicrystals, including photonic band gap formation, light propagation properties, and characteristic photonic states.

  10. Electron and photon emissions from gold nanoparticles irradiated by X-ray photons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casta, R., E-mail:, E-mail:; Champeaux, J.-P.; Moretto-Capelle, P.; Sence, M.; Cafarelli, P. [Université de Toulouse, UPS, Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, IRSAMC, CNRS, UMR 5589 (France)


    In this paper, we develop a totally new probabilistic model for the electron and photon emission of gold nanoparticles irradiated by X-ray photons. This model allows direct applications to recent researches about the radiotherapy enhancement by gold nanoparticles in the context of cancer treatment. Our model uses, in a complete original way, simulated Auger cascade and stopping power to compute electron emission spectra, photon emission spectra and released energy inside the material of gold nanoparticles. It allows us to present new results about the electron and photon emission of gold nanoparticle irradiated by hard X-rays.

  11. The photon collider at TESLA

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Badelek, B.; Bloechinger, C.; Blümlein, J.; Boos, E.; Brinkman, R.; Burkhardt, H.; Bussey, P.; Carimalo, C.; Chýla, Jiří; Ciftci, A.K.


    Roč. 19, č. 30 (2004), s. 5097-5186 ISSN 0217-751X Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010920 Keywords : photon collider * linear collider * gamma-gamma * photon-photon * photon electron * Compton scattering Subject RIV: BF - Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Impact factor: 1.054, year: 2004

  12. Photonic crystal pioneer (United States)

    Anscombe, Nadya


    Over the past ten years, Crystal Fiber, now part of NKT Photonics, has been busy commercializing photonic crystal fibre. Nadya Anscombe finds out about the evolution of the technology and its applications.

  13. A high-efficiency electrically-pumped single-photon source based on a photonics nanowire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Niels; Nielsen, Torben Roland; Mørk, Jesper

    An electrically-pumped single-photon source design with a predicted efficiency of 89% is proposed. The design is based on a quantum dot embedded in a photonic nanowire with tailored ends and optimized contact electrodes. Unlike cavity-based approaches, the photonic nanowire features broadband...

  14. Neue numerische Methoden zur Bearbeitung und 3D-Interpretation von Geodaten und -modellen in interdisziplinärer Forschung


    Menzel, Peter


    In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie Ansätze und Verfahren aus der Geoinformatik die Prozessierung und Interpretation von Daten in der Geophysik, speziell der Potentialverfahren unterstützen. Im Rahmen des BMBF-Verbundprojekts AIDA wurde für ein Untersuchungsgebiet in Norddeutschland ein 3D Untergrundmodell entwickelt. Hier wird gezeigt, wie die Modellgeometrie für die Schweremodellierung aufbereitet wurde. Anschließend wird ein hier entwickeltes Verfahren zur statistischen Abschätzung un...

  15. Photon virtual bound state

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, J.; Ohtaka, K.


    We study virtual bound states in photonics, which are a vectorial extension of electron virtual bound states. The condition for these states is derived. It is found that the Mie resonant state which satisfies the condition that the size parameter is less than the angular momentum should be interpreted as a photon virtual bound state. In order to confirm the validity of the concept, we compare the photonic density of states, the width of which represents the lifetime of the photon virtual bound states, with numerical results

  16. Two-dimensional topological photonics (United States)

    Khanikaev, Alexander B.; Shvets, Gennady


    Originating from the studies of two-dimensional condensed-matter states, the concept of topological order has recently been expanded to other fields of physics and engineering, particularly optics and photonics. Topological photonic structures have already overturned some of the traditional views on wave propagation and manipulation. The application of topological concepts to guided wave propagation has enabled novel photonic devices, such as reflection-free sharply bent waveguides, robust delay lines, spin-polarized switches and non-reciprocal devices. Discrete degrees of freedom, widely used in condensed-matter physics, such as spin and valley, are now entering the realm of photonics. In this Review, we summarize the latest advances in this highly dynamic field, with special emphasis on the experimental work on two-dimensional photonic topological structures.

  17. Possible nonvanishing mass of photon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakazato, Hiromichi; Namiki, Mikio; Yamanaka, Yoshiya; Yokoyama, Kan-ichi.


    From phenomenological and field-theoretical considerations on photon mass, we first show that photon is not limitted to being massless at the present stage. Next we illustrate a possibility of formulating a local field theory for massive photons coupled with nonconserved currents, while we cannot do for massless photons. (author)

  18. Untersuchungen zur Herstellung dünner strukturierter Späne aus Holz durch Fräsen mit kleinen Einstellwinkeln. Teil 2


    Heisel, Uwe; Tröger, Johannes


    Gegenwärtig ist auf vielen Wissensgebieten eine intensive Forschungstätigkeit mit den Zielen der Schaffung umweltfreundlicher Produktionstechnologien und Herstellung entsprechender Erzeugnisse im Gang wie beispielsweise zur Einsparung von Primärenergie im Produktionsprozeß, Verminderung der CO2-Ernission, Herstellung umweltgerechter Baustoffe, verstärkten Verwendung unbedenklicher natürlicher Isolationswerkstoffe, Herstellung umweltfreundlich entsorgbarer bzw. kompostierbarer Verpackungswerks...

  19. Untersuchungen zur Herstellung dünner strukturierter Späne aus Holz durch Fräsen mit kleinen Einstellwinkeln. Teil 1


    Heisel, Uwe; Tröger, Johannes


    Gegenwärtig ist auf vielen Wissensgebieten eine intensive Forschungstätigkeit mit den Zielen der Schaffung umweltfreundlicher Produktionstechnologien und Herstellung entsprechender Erzeugnisse im Gang, wie beispielsweise zur Einsparung von Primärenergie im Produktionsprozeß, Verminderung der CO2-Emission, Herstellung umweltgerechter Baustoffe, verstärkten Verwendung unbedenklicher natürlicher Isolationswerkstoffe, Herstellung umweltfreundlich entsorgbarer bzw. kompostierbarer Verpackungswerks...

  20. Principles of photonics

    CERN Document Server

    Liu, Jia-Ming


    With this self-contained and comprehensive text, students will gain a detailed understanding of the fundamental concepts and major principles of photonics. Assuming only a basic background in optics, readers are guided through key topics such as the nature of optical fields, the properties of optical materials, and the principles of major photonic functions regarding the generation, propagation, coupling, interference, amplification, modulation, and detection of optical waves or signals. Numerous examples and problems are provided throughout to enhance understanding, and a solutions manual containing detailed solutions and explanations is available online for instructors. This is the ideal resource for electrical engineering and physics undergraduates taking introductory, single-semester or single-quarter courses in photonics, providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to progress to more advanced courses on photonic devices, systems and applications.

  1. [Manfred Schneider. Lübeck im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. Archäologische Befunde zur entstehung einer mittelalterlichen Grossstadt. In : Expansion - integration? Danish-Baltic Contacts 1147-1410] / Dennis Hortmuth

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hortmuth, Dennis


    Arvustus:Manfred Schneider. Lübeck im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. Archäologische Befunde zur entstehung einer mittelalterlichen Grossstadt. In : Expansion - integration? Danish-Baltic Contacts 1147-1410 AD. (Vordingborg, 2009).

  2. Tale of two photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A very profitable spinoff from electron- positron collisions is two-photon physics. Rather than the electron and positron interacting directly via an exchanged photon, two virtual (transient) photons, one from each particle, get tangled up. With new electron-positron colliders appearing on the scene, a topical meeting on two-photon physics - 'From DAPHNE to LEP 200 and beyond' - held from 2-4 February in Paris, in the premises of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, was particularly timely. Some 60 physicists, both experimentalists and theorists, participated, with some thirty speakers

  3. Review on Dark Photon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Curciarello Francesca


    Full Text Available e+e− collider experiments at the intensity frontier are naturally suited to probe the existence of a force beyond the Standard Model between WIMPs, the most viable dark matter candidates. The mediator of this new force, known as dark photon, should be a new vector gauge boson very weakly coupled to the Standard Model photon. No significant signal has been observed so far. I will report on current limits set on the coupling factor ε2 between the photon and the dark photon by e+e− collider experiments.

  4. Single photon emission tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buvat, Irene


    The objective of this lecture is to present the single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging technique. Content: 1 - Introduction: anatomic, functional and molecular imaging; Principle and role of functional or molecular imaging; 2 - Radiotracers: chemical and physical constraints, main emitters, radioisotopes production, emitters type and imaging techniques; 3 - Single photon emission computed tomography: gamma cameras and their components, gamma camera specifications, planar single photon imaging characteristics, gamma camera and tomography; 4 - Quantification in single photon emission tomography: attenuation, scattering, un-stationary spatial resolution, partial volume effect, movements, others; 5 - Synthesis and conclusion

  5. School Shootings in Deutschland: Aktuelle Trends zur Prävention von schwerer, zielgerichteter Gewalt an deutschen Schulen


    Bondü, Rebecca; Scheithauer, Herbert


    Die School Shootings in Winnenden und Ansbach im März und September 2009 haben die Notwendigkeit präventiver Ansätze zur Vermeidung weiterer Taten in Deutschland erneut verdeutlicht. Aufgrund der geringen Häuigkeit des Phänomens und der geringen Speziität der bekannten Risikofaktoren ist eine gezielte Vorhersage und Prävention jedoch schwierig. Dennoch werden zurzeit verschiedene Präventionsansätze diskutiert. Der vorliegende Artikel stellt diese vor und beleuchtet ihre Vor- und Nachteile. Da...

  6. Einsatzmöglichkeiten eines saponinreichen Extrakts aus Quillaja saponaria Molina zur Formulierung und Stabilisierung von funktionellen Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen


    Tippel, Janine


    Emulgatoren werden in der Lebensmittelindustrie häufig zur Herstellung disperser Trägersysteme verwendet, welche eine Solubilisierung und Erhöhung der Stabilität von lipophilen Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen ermöglichen. Für flüssige Lebensmittelsysteme können mizellare Systeme und Emulsionen eingesetzt werden. Eine Sprühtrocknung ermöglicht hier die Umwandlung flüssiger Formulierungen in feste Pulver, welche den Transport und die Einbringung in das Endprodukt vereinfachen. Zudem können durch Ver...

  7. Progress in neuromorphic photonics (United States)

    Ferreira de Lima, Thomas; Shastri, Bhavin J.; Tait, Alexander N.; Nahmias, Mitchell A.; Prucnal, Paul R.


    As society's appetite for information continues to grow, so does our need to process this information with increasing speed and versatility. Many believe that the one-size-fits-all solution of digital electronics is becoming a limiting factor in certain areas such as data links, cognitive radio, and ultrafast control. Analog photonic devices have found relatively simple signal processing niches where electronics can no longer provide sufficient speed and reconfigurability. Recently, the landscape for commercially manufacturable photonic chips has been changing rapidly and now promises to achieve economies of scale previously enjoyed solely by microelectronics. By bridging the mathematical prowess of artificial neural networks to the underlying physics of optoelectronic devices, neuromorphic photonics could breach new domains of information processing demanding significant complexity, low cost, and unmatched speed. In this article, we review the progress in neuromorphic photonics, focusing on photonic integrated devices. The challenges and design rules for optoelectronic instantiation of artificial neurons are presented. The proposed photonic architecture revolves around the processing network node composed of two parts: a nonlinear element and a network interface. We then survey excitable lasers in the recent literature as candidates for the nonlinear node and microring-resonator weight banks as the network interface. Finally, we compare metrics between neuromorphic electronics and neuromorphic photonics and discuss potential applications.

  8. Very energetic photons at HERA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bawa, A.C.; Krawczyk, M.


    We show that every energetic photons in the backward direction can be produced in deep inelastic Compton scattering at HERA. Assuming a fixed energy of 9 GeV for the initial photons and 820 GeV for the protons a high rate is found for the production of final photons with a transverse momentum equal to 5 GeV/c and energy between 40 GeV and 300 GeV. These energetic photons arise mainly from the scattering of the soft gluonic constituents of the initial photon with quarks from the proton. They are produced in the backward direction in coincidence with a photon beam jet of energy ∝ 9 GeV in the forward direction. (orig.)

  9. Analysis of photonic band gap in novel piezoelectric photonic crystal (United States)

    Malar Kodi, A.; Doni Pon, V.; Joseph Wilson, K. S.


    The transmission properties of one-dimensional novel photonic crystal having silver-doped novel piezoelectric superlattice and air as the two constituent layers have been investigated by means of transfer matrix method. By changing the appropriate thickness of the layers and filling factor of nanocomposite system, the variation in the photonic band gap can be studied. It is found that the photonic band gap increases with the filling factor of the metal nanocomposite and with the thickness of the layer. These structures possess unique characteristics enabling one to operate as optical waveguides, selective filters, optical switches, integrated piezoelectric microactuators, etc.

  10. Photonics in wireless transceivers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bogani, A.; Ghelfi, P.


    During the last few years, the cross-fertilization between photonics and radio systems has been helping to overcome some major limitations of the classical radio technologies, setting new paradigms, and promising improved performance and new applications with strong benefits for public communications and safety. In particular, photonics-based wireless systems, albeit still at research level, are moving toward a new generation of multifunctional systems able to manage the wireless communication with several different frequencies and protocols, even simultaneously while also realizing surveillance operations. Photonics matches the new requirements of flexibility for software-defined architectures, thanks to its ultra-wide bandwidths and ease of tunability, and guarantees low footprint and weight, thanks to integrated photonic technologies. Moreover, photonics also allows increased resolution and sensitivity by means of the inherent low phase noise of lasers. (author)

  11. Fundamentals of photonics

    CERN Document Server

    Saleh, Bahaa E A


    Now in a new full-color edition, Fundamentals of Photonics, Second Edition is a self-contained and up-to-date introductory-level textbook that thoroughly surveys this rapidly expanding area of engineering and applied physics. Featuring a logical blend of theory and applications, coverage includes detailed accounts of the primary theories of light, including ray optics, wave optics, electromagnetic optics, and photon optics, as well as the interaction of photons and atoms, and semiconductor optics. Presented at increasing levels of complexity, preliminary sections build toward more advan

  12. Photon collisions as a glueball source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, H.C.


    Photon-photon and photon-nucleon collisions are suggested as a glueball source at small x in the collision center-of-mass frame. The glueball-production cross section is estimated through the two-gluon-fusion mechanism in perturbative quantum chromodynamics. The pointlike component of the photon structure function has a distinctive feature in that it consists almost purely of gluons at small x, which turns out to be very effective in producing glueballs. A much larger signal-to-noise ratio is expected in the glueball search in high-energy photon-photon and photon-nucleon collisions compared with hadron-hadron collisions. It is argued that the background due to soft collisions of the photons can be effectively reduced

  13. Controlling light emission from single-photon sources using photonic nanowires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Niels; Chen, Yuntian; Mørk, Jesper


    The photonic nanowire has recently emerged as an promising alternative to microcavity-based single-photon source designs. In this simple structure, a geometrical effect ensures a strong coupling between an embedded emitter and the optical mode of interest and a combination of tapers and mirrors a...

  14. Physics with Photons in ATLAS

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The fine granularity ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter provides a precise measurement of the photon energy and direction, as well as efficient rejection of background from fake photons, while the high precision inner detector allows also the reconstruction of photons that convert into electron-positron pairs.Isolated photons are measured using well-defined infrared-safe isolation criteria corrected for underlying event and the effects of additional proton-proton collisions. Differential cross sections for inclusive photons and diphotons are presented, and the spectrum of diphoton production is used to search for the Higgs boson in this decay channel.

  15. Photon + jets at D0

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sonnenschein, Lars; /RWTH Aachen U.


    Photon plus jet production has been studied by the D0 experiment in Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider at a centre of mass energy of {radical}s = 1.96 TeV. Measurements of the inclusive photon, inclusive photon plus jet, photon plus heavy flavour jet cross sections and double parton interactions in photon plus three jet events are presented. They are based on integrated luminosities between 0.4 fb{sup -1} and 1.0 fb{sup -1}. The results are compared to perturbative QCD calculations in various approximations.

  16. Theory of two-photon interactions with broadband down-converted light and entangled photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dayan, Barak


    When two-photon interactions are induced by down-converted light with a bandwidth that exceeds the pump bandwidth, they can obtain a behavior that is pulselike temporally, yet spectrally narrow. At low photon fluxes this behavior reflects the time and energy entanglement between the down-converted photons. However, two-photon interactions such as two-photon absorption (TPA) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) can exhibit such a behavior even at high power levels, as long as the final state (i.e., the atomic level in TPA, or the generated light in SFG) is narrow-band enough. This behavior does not depend on the squeezing properties of the light, is insensitive to linear losses, and has potential applications. In this paper we describe analytically this behavior for traveling-wave down conversion with continuous or pulsed pumping, both for high- and low-power regimes. For this we derive a quantum-mechanical expression for the down-converted amplitude generated by an arbitrary pump, and formulate operators that represent various two-photon interactions induced by broadband light. This model is in excellent agreement with experimental results of TPA and SFG with high-power down-converted light and with entangled photons [Dayan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 023005 (2004); 94, 043602 (2005); Pe'er et al., ibid. 94, 073601 (2005)

  17. Radiation exposure to the patient caused by single-photon transmission measurement for 3D whole-body PET; Die Strahlenexposition des Patienten durch die Einzelphotonen-Transmissionsmessung bei der PET

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaefer, A.; Donsch, P.; Kirsch, C.M. [Universitaet des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Seifert, H. [Universitaet des Saarlandes, Homburg/Saar (Germany). Abt. Strahlentherapie der Radiologischen Klinik


    Aim: The aim of the study was the determination of the radiation exposure to the patient caused by single-photon transmission measurement for 3D whole-body PET. Material and method: Single-photon-transmission measurement is performed using two Cs-137 pointsources (E{gamma}=662 keV, A=2*614 MBq) on a 3D PET scanner (ECAT ART). During a simulation of a whole body transmission scan (axial length: 75 cm, 6 contigous bed positions) dose measurements with thermoluminescent dosimeters were carried out using a thorax and an abdomen phantom. Following the guidelines of the ICRU report No. 60 an estimation of the effective dose caused by a single-photon transmission measurement was calculated. Results: For a total acquisition time of 360 min (6 beds with an acquisition time of 60 min per bed) the absorbed doses amounted to: Surface (xyphoid) 189 {mu}Gy, heart 196 {mu}Gy, lungs 234 {mu}Gy, vertebra 240 {mu}Gy, liver 204 {mu}Gy, gonads 205 {mu}Gy, thyroid 249 {mu}Gy and bladder 185 {mu}Gy resulting in a conversion factor of 1.7*10{sup -4} mSv/(h*MBq). The estimation of the effective dose for a patient's transmission (acquisition time of 3.2 min per bed) yields a value of 11 {mu}Sv. An estimation of the ratio of the conversion factors for transmission measurements in single-photon- and in coincidence mode (two Ge-68/Ga-68 rod sources of 40 MBq each), respectively, resulted in a value of 0.18. The comparison of the effective doses caused by single-photon transmission and by emission measurement (injection of 250 MBq of FDG) yields a ratio of 2.3*10{sup -3}. Conclusion: The radiation exposure of the patient caused by the transmission measurement for 3D whole-body-PET can be neglected. In comparison with the coincidence-transmission using uncollimated line sources of low activity the radiation exposure is still reduced using single photon transmission with collimated point sources of high activity. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Ziel war die Bestimmung der Strahlenexposition des

  18. Nonlinear silicon photonics (United States)

    Tsia, Kevin K.; Jalali, Bahram


    An intriguing optical property of silicon is that it exhibits a large third-order optical nonlinearity, with orders-ofmagnitude larger than that of silica glass in the telecommunication band. This allows efficient nonlinear optical interaction at relatively low power levels in a small footprint. Indeed, we have witnessed a stunning progress in harnessing the Raman and Kerr effects in silicon as the mechanisms for enabling chip-scale optical amplification, lasing, and wavelength conversion - functions that until recently were perceived to be beyond the reach of silicon. With all the continuous efforts developing novel techniques, nonlinear silicon photonics is expected to be able to reach even beyond the prior achievements. Instead of providing a comprehensive overview of this field, this manuscript highlights a number of new branches of nonlinear silicon photonics, which have not been fully recognized in the past. In particular, they are two-photon photovoltaic effect, mid-wave infrared (MWIR) silicon photonics, broadband Raman effects, inverse Raman scattering, and periodically-poled silicon (PePSi). These novel effects and techniques could create a new paradigm for silicon photonics and extend its utility beyond the traditionally anticipated applications.

  19. Multiple photon resonances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elliott, C.J.; Feldman, B.J.


    A detailed theoretical analysis is presented of the interaction of intense near-resonant monochromatic radiation with an N-level anharmonic oscillator. In particular, the phenomenon of multiple photon resonance, the process by which an N-level system resonantly absorbs two or more photons simultaneously, is investigated. Starting from the Schroedinger equation, diagrammatic techniques are developed that allow the resonant process to be analyzed quantitatively, in analogy with well-known two-level coherent phenomena. In addition, multiple photon Stark shifts of the resonances, shifts absent in two-level theory, are obtained from the diagrams. Insights into the nature of multiple photon resonances are gained by comparing the quantum mechanical system with classical coupled pendulums whose equations of motion possess identical eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In certain limiting cases, including that of the resonantly excited N-level harmonic oscillator and that of the equally spaced N-level system with equal matrix elements, analytic results are derived. The influence of population relaxation and phase-disrupting collisions on the multiple photon process are also analyzed, the latter by extension of the diagrammatic technique to the density matrix equations of motion. 11 figures

  20. Diffusion Based Photon Mapping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjøth, Lars; Fogh Olsen, Ole; Sporring, Jon


    . To address this problem we introduce a novel photon mapping algorithm based on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion. Our algorithm adapts according to the structure of the photon map such that smoothing occurs along edges and structures and not across. In this way we preserve the important illumination features......, while eliminating noise. We call our method diffusion based photon mapping....

  1. Diffusion Based Photon Mapping

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjøth, Lars; Olsen, Ole Fogh; Sporring, Jon


    . To address this problem we introduce a novel photon mapping algorithm based on nonlinear anisotropic diffusion. Our algorithm adapts according to the structure of the photon map such that smoothing occurs along edges and structures and not across. In this way we preserve the important illumination features......, while eliminating noise. We call our method diffusion based photon mapping....

  2. The dynamics of a photonic band gap in 2D Si-based photonic crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glushko, O.Je.; Karachevtseva, L.A.


    The theoretical investigations of the photonic band structure of two-dimensional photonic crystals for the off-plane propagation of electromagnetic waves and the influence of a surface layer on the position and width of photonic band gaps are carried out. The experimentally measured width of a photonic band gap and the dispersion for two-dimensional silicon structures at the off-plane propagation of an electromagnetic wave correlate with the theoretical band gap position and width

  3. Single photon ECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, Toshio; Matsuda, Hiroshi; Tada, Akira; Bunko, Hisashi; Koizumi, Kiyoshi


    The detectability of lesions located deep in a body or overlapped with a physiologically increased activity improve with the help of single photon ECT. In some cases, the ECT is superior to the conventional gamma camera images and X-ray CT scans in the evaluation of the location and size of lesion. The single photon ECT of the brain compares favorably with the contrast enhansed X-ray CT scans. The most important adaptation of the single photon ECT are the detection of recurrent brain tumors after craniotomy and the evaluation of ischemic heart diseases. (author)

  4. Strained Silicon Photonics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ralf B. Wehrspohn


    Full Text Available A review of recent progress in the field of strained silicon photonics is presented. The application of strain to waveguide and photonic crystal structures can be used to alter the linear and nonlinear optical properties of these devices. Here, methods for the fabrication of strained devices are summarized and recent examples of linear and nonlinear optical devices are discussed. Furthermore, the relation between strain and the enhancement of the second order nonlinear susceptibility is investigated, which may enable the construction of optically active photonic devices made of silicon.

  5. Sprache als Schlüssel zur Welt: Bibliotheken und Sprach-Kitas in guter Partnerschaft

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susanne Brandt


    Full Text Available Von 2016 bis voraussichtlich 2020 wird durch das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend das Bundesprogramm „Sprach-Kitas. Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist“ gefördert. Es richtet sich an Kindertageseinrichtungen, die von einem überdurchschnittlich hohen Anteil von Kindern mit besonderem Bedarf an sprachlicher Bildung und Förderung besucht werden. Dabei stehen besonders die folgenden drei Zielbereiche im Fokus: alltagsintegrierte sprachliche Bildung, inklusive Bildung und Zusammenarbeit mit den Familien. An den Standorten dieser mehr als 3000 Sprach-Kitas in Deutschland gibt es nahezu überall öffentliche Bibliotheken, die als nachbarschaftliche Partnerinnen den Sprach-Kitas bei der Sprachförderung mit vielfältigen Medien und Kooperationsangeboten zur Seite stehen. Auch als Schnittstelle zwischen Kita und Familie können die Büchereien wichtige Aufgaben im Rahmen des Programms übernehmen. Die Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein hat daher mit Fördermitteln des Landes und in guter Abstimmung mit den Sprachkoordinatorinnen der Kitas das Projekt „Mit Worten wachsen“ entwickelt. Der Beitrag beschreibt, welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sich durch eine solche Zusammenarbeit mit Sprach-Kitas für Bibliotheken ergeben und wie sich daraus eine lebendige interdisziplinäre Partnerschaft im Sinne der genannten Zielbereiche entwickeln lässt. Since 2016, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has sponsored the programme “Language day-care centres. Because language is the key to the world” (Sprach-Kitas. Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist; this is expected to last until 2020. The programme addresses day-care facilities which are attended by an above-average number of children with special needs in their language development. The following three aims are at the centre of the programme: language education which is integrated in everyday life; education based on

  6. Single photons on demand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grangier, P.; Abram, I.


    Quantum cryptography and information processing are set to benefit from developments in novel light sources that can emit photons one by one. Quantum mechanics has gained a reputation for making counter-intuitive predictions. But we rarely get the chance to witness these effects directly because, being humans, we are simply too big. Take light, for example. The light sources that are familiar to us, such as those used in lighting and imaging or in CD and DVD players, are so huge that they emit billions and billions of photons. But what if there was a light source that emitted just one photon at a time? Over the past few years, new types of light source that are able to emit photons one by one have been emerging from laboratories around the world. Pulses of light composed of a single photon correspond to power flows in the femtowatt range - a million billion times less than that of a table lamp. The driving force behind the development of these single-photon sources is a range of novel applications that take advantage of the quantum nature of light. Quantum states of superposed and entangled photons could lead the way to guaranteed-secure communication, to information processing with unprecedented speed and efficiency, and to new schemes for quantum teleportation. (U.K.)

  7. Physics with Photons at the ATLAS experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez-Reale, V.


    The identification of photons in the ATLAS experiment is crucial for the study of a number of physics channels, including the search for a Higgs boson decaying to photon pairs, and measurements of direct production of single photons and photon pairs. The photon-photon and photon-jet channels are interesting in their own right, allowing the study of QCD at the new energy range of the LHC. The photon-identification strategy in ATLAS will be presented along with photon-jet cross section measurements and the potential ATLAS constrains on the gluon structure function

  8. First Swiss bachelor in Photonics (United States)

    Leutenegger, Tobias; Studer, Bruno


    Swissmem, the Swiss association of mechanical and electrical engineering industries, founded a new photonics group in 2013. This reflects the importance of this key technology for Switzerland. Swissmem requested from the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences to introduce a new bachelor program to fulfill the increasing demand of the Swiss industry of young academics in the field of photonics. Optech Consulting is investigating the Swiss photonics market since many years on behalf of Swissphotonics, the Swiss national thematic network for photonics. The study concluded that the total production volume of the Swiss photonics industry in the year 2013 was 3 billion Swiss francs and a slight growth is expected for 2014. The University of Applied Science HTW Chur is located in the Eastern part of Switzerland. This area of the Rhine valley is a technology cluster of innovative companies in the field of optics and electronics. The industry is growing and the R&D departments of the worldwide active companies are lacking well-educated photonics engineers. The HTW Chur is dedicated to establish the first Swiss bachelor in Photonics. Supported by strong industrial players and an excellent network, the HTW Chur developed different job descriptions and a complete curriculum, which reflect the needs of the Swiss photonics industry. Almost 60% of the ECTS of this national degree program are assigned to photonics specific courses and the practical projects are organized in close collaboration with the photonics industry. Curriculum, job descriptions and the industrial needs will be discussed in detail in this paper.

  9. Photonic quantum information: science and technology. (United States)

    Takeuchi, Shigeki


    Recent technological progress in the generation, manipulation and detection of individual single photons has opened a new scientific field of photonic quantum information. This progress includes the realization of single photon switches, photonic quantum circuits with specific functions, and the application of novel photonic states to novel optical metrology beyond the limits of standard optics. In this review article, the recent developments and current status of photonic quantum information technology are overviewed based on the author's past and recent works.

  10. The three-photon vertex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delbourgo, R.


    Owing to weak interactions, the three-photon vertex is non-zero. From gauge invariance and symmetry requirements, it is proved that the C = -1P = - 1 vertex amplitudes are at least of order q 7 in the limit of soft photon momentum q and that if any two photons are placed on mass shell the form factors vanish identically. (author)

  11. Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen. Zum vergessenen Beitrag der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung zur Wohn- und Siedlungsreform im frühen 20. Jahrhundert

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Wucherpfennig


    Full Text Available Der Wohnungs- und Städtebau der Moderne gilt weitgehend als eine „Männerdomäne”. In ihrer Schrift Die Wohnungsfrage ist Frauensache! zeigen Ulla Terlinden und Susanna von Oertzen demgegenüber die vielfältigen und einflussreichen Beiträge der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung zur Wohnungsreform des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts und zum Neuen Bauen auf.

  12. REVIEW: Optics of globular photonic crystals (United States)

    Gorelik, V. S.


    The results of experimental and theoretical studies of the optical properties of globular photonic crystals - new physical objects having a crystal structure with the lattice period exceeding considerably the atomic size, are presented. As globular photonic crystals, artificial opal matrices consisting of close-packed silica globules of diameter ~200 nm were used. The reflection spectra of these objects characterising the parameters of photonic bands existing in these crystals in the visible spectral region are presented. The idealised models of the energy band structure of photonic crystals investigated in the review give analytic dispersion dependences for the group velocity and the effective photon mass in a globular photonic crystal. The characteristics of secondary emission excited in globular photonic crystals by monochromatic and broadband radiation are presented. The results of investigations of single-photon-excited delayed scattering of light observed in globular photonic crystals exposed to cw UV radiation and radiation from a repetitively pulsed copper vapour laser are presented. The possibilities of using globular photonic crystals as active media for lasing in different spectral regions are considered. It is proposed to use globular photonic crystals as sensitive sensors in optoelectronic devices for molecular analysis of organic and inorganic materials by the modern methods of laser spectroscopy. The results of experimental studies of spontaneous and stimulated globular scattering of light are discussed. The conditions for observing resonance and two-photon-excited delayed scattering of light are found. The possibility of accumulation and localisation of the laser radiation energy inside a globular photonic crystal is reported.

  13. Squeezing, photon bunching, photon antibunching and nonclassical photon statistics in degenerate hyper Raman processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sen, Biswajit; Mandal, Swapan


    An initially prepared coherent state coupled to a second-order nonlinear medium is responsible for stimulated and spontaneous hyper Raman processes. By using an intuitive approach based on perturbation theory, the Hamiltonian corresponding to the hyper Raman processes is analytically solved to obtain the temporal development of the field operators. It is true that these analytical solutions are valid for small coupling constants. However, the interesting part is that these solutions are valid for reasonably large time. Hence, the present analytical solutions are quite general and are fresh compared to those solutions under short-time approximations. By exploiting the analytical solutions of field operators for various modes, we investigate the squeezing, photon antibunching and nonclassical photon statistics for pure modes of the input coherent light responsible for hyper Raman processes. At least in one instance (stimulated hyper Raman processes for vibration phonon mode), we report the simultaneous appearance of classical (photon bunching) and nonclassical (squeezing) effects of the radiation field responsible for hyper Raman processes

  14. Photon Differentials in Space and Time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjøth, Lars; Frisvad, Jeppe Revall; Erleben, Kenny


    We present a novel photon mapping algorithm for animations. We extend our previous work on photon differentials [12] with time differentials. The result is a first order model of photon cones in space an time that effectively reduces the number of required photons per frame as well as efficiently...... reduces temporal aliasing without any need for in-between-frame photon maps....

  15. Die „Leipziger schule”. Zur geschichte der kirchenmusik Im 20. jahrhundert

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loos Helmut


    Full Text Available Auf die Initiative Karls Straubes ging die Gründung des Instituts für Kirchenmusik am Leipziger Konservatorium im Jahre 1921 zurück. Zusammen mit seinem Meisterschüler Günther Ramin gestaltete er über lange Jahre hinweg die Kirchenmusik in St. Thomas. Nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs gewann die Bach-Bewegung für den Protestantismus eine zentrale Bedeutung, zumal sich Leipzig als richtungsweisendes Zentrum profilierte und mit der „Ära Straube-Ramin” eine „Leipziger Schule” ausbildete. Obwohl Straube und Ramin nicht selbst komponierten, war insbesondere ihr Wirken am Konservatorium der Musik zu Leipzig wesentlich für die Bildung der „Leipziger Schule” als Erneuerungsbewegung evangelischer Kirchenmusik. In dem Artikel wird das Schicksal dieser Bestrebungen und ihrer Protagonisten während der katastrophalen ökonomischen Umstände und des anwachsenden Nationalisozialismus analysiert.

  16. Furane, Furanone und Pyranone – ihr Beitrag zur Farbe und den antioxidativen Eigenschaften in der Maillard-Reaktion der Maltose


    Kanzler, Clemens


    Die Maillard-Reaktion ist dafür bekannt, bei der thermischen Behandlung von Lebensmitteln neben deren organoleptischen Eigenschaften, wie Geschmack, Geruch, Textur und Farbe, auch die oxidative Stabilität zu beeinflussen. Letzteres ist auf die Bildung von komplexierenden und reduzierenden Verbindungen zurückzuführen, die antioxidativ und prooxidativ wirken können. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die antioxidativen Kapazitäten von dreizehn Maillard-Reaktionsintermediaten mit Furan-...

  17. Entwicklung von Stallgebäuden zur Milchviehhaltung unter Berücksichtigung der klimatischen Bedingungen in ariden und semiariden Gebieten


    Georges, Marwan


    Globale Statistiken (FAO) deuten für aride und semiaride Länder auf einen Mangel bei der Milchproduktion hin. Die Unterversorgung ist nicht nur auf die geringe Milchleistung der ein-heimischen Rassen, sondern auch auf schlechte, vorhandene Stallbausysteme zurückzufüh-ren. Die Mehrzahl der Milchviehhaltungsgebäude entspricht dort nicht dem geforderten Stan-dard, vor allem im Hinblick auf ein tierangepasstes Umgebungsklima. Viele neue Material- und Konstruktionsentwicklungen zielen auf die ...

  18. Zur Rekonstruktion einer Typologie jugendlichen Medienhandelns gemäß dem Leitbild der Triangulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klaus Peter Treumann


    Full Text Available Die im Folgenden dargestellten Ergebnisse sind im Rahmen des von der DFG geförderten Forschungsprojekts „Eine Untersuchung zum Mediennutzungsverhalten 12- bis 20-Jähriger und zur Entwicklung von Medienkompetenz im Jugendalter“ entstanden, das gemeinsam von Klaus Peter Treumann, Uwe Sander und Dorothee Meister geleitet wird. Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht das Medienhandeln Jugendlicher sowohl hinsichtlich Neuer als auch alter Medien. Zum einen fragen wir dabei nach den Ausprägungen von Medienkompetenz in verschiedenen Dimensionen und zum anderen konzentrieren wir uns auf die Entwicklung einer empirisch fundierten Typologie jugendlichen Medienhandelns. Methodologisch ist die Untersuchung an dem Leitbild der Triangulation orientiert und kombiniert qualitative und quantitative Zugänge zum Forschungsfeld in Form von Gruppendiskussionen, leitfadengestützten Einzelinterviews und einer Repräsentativerhebung.

  19. Characterizing multi-photon quantum interference with practical light sources and threshold single-photon detectors (United States)

    Navarrete, Álvaro; Wang, Wenyuan; Xu, Feihu; Curty, Marcos


    The experimental characterization of multi-photon quantum interference effects in optical networks is essential in many applications of photonic quantum technologies, which include quantum computing and quantum communication as two prominent examples. However, such characterization often requires technologies which are beyond our current experimental capabilities, and today's methods suffer from errors due to the use of imperfect sources and photodetectors. In this paper, we introduce a simple experimental technique to characterize multi-photon quantum interference by means of practical laser sources and threshold single-photon detectors. Our technique is based on well-known methods in quantum cryptography which use decoy settings to tightly estimate the statistics provided by perfect devices. As an illustration of its practicality, we use this technique to obtain a tight estimation of both the generalized Hong‑Ou‑Mandel dip in a beamsplitter with six input photons and the three-photon coincidence probability at the output of a tritter.

  20. Anleitung zur Gründung und Pflege von Online-Netzwerken Instruction for Creation and Upkeep of Online-Networks

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    Nicola Döring


    Full Text Available Internet-Nutzung ist in der weiblichen Bevölkerung geringer verbreitet als in der männlichen (Internet Gender Gap. Hinzu kommen geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in Umfang und Art der Internet-Aneignung (Gendered Digital Inequalities. Eine Reihe von Initiativen bemüht sich darum, Mädchen und Frauen den Internet-Zugang zu erleichtern und ihre Internet-Kompetenz zu steigern (z. B. Der vorliegende Praxisleitfaden geht einen Schritt weiter und möchte nicht nur zur Internet-Nutzung, sondern zur aktiven Internet-Gestaltung anregen im Sinne der Gründung neuer virtueller Mädchen- und Frauennetzwerke. Technologische, ökonomische, soziale, psychologische und geschlechterpolitische Aspekte dieser Netzwerke werden behandelt und an Beispielen illustriert.Internet usage is not as widely distributed among females as among males (Internet Gender Gap. Additionally, there are gender-specific differences in the breadth and type of Internet appropriation (Gendered Digital Inequalities. Therefore, a series of initiatives attempt to ease Internet access for girls and women and to increase their Internet competence (for example The practical handbook takes this one step further and does not only wish to incite Internet usage but also active Internet design in terms of creating new virtual networks of girls and women. The book approaches the technological, economic, social, psychological, and gender-political aspects of these networks illustrated by examples.

  1. Theory of the cancellation of 4-photon resonances by an off-resonance 3-photon cancellation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elk, M.; Lambropoulos, P.; Tang, X.


    We present a complete account of our recent work [Phys. Rev. A 44, 31 (1991)] in which we investigate the theory of cancellation by interference between the absorption of three fundamental laser photons and one third-harmonic photon. The theory is formulated in terms of the density matrix so...... as to take detunings, dephasing, and laser bandwidth into account. The result is a theory of cancellation for finite detuning that explains how four-photon resonances can be canceled by a three-photon mechanism if there is an atomic level at near-three-photon resonance. The treatment is extended to focused...

  2. Integrated microwave photonics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marpaung, D.A.I.; Roeloffzen, C.G.H.; Heideman, Rene; Leinse, Arne; Sales, S.; Capmany, J.


    Microwave photonics (MWP) is an emerging field in which radio frequency (RF) signals are generated, distributed, processed and analyzed using the strength of photonic techniques. It is a technology that enables various functionalities which are not feasible to achieve only in the microwave domain. A

  3. Total photon absorption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlos, P.


    The present discussion is limited to a presentation of the most recent total photonuclear absorption experiments performed with real photons at intermediate energy, and more precisely in the region of nucleon resonances. The main sources of real photons are briefly reviewed and the experimental procedures used for total photonuclear absorption cross section measurements. The main results obtained below 140 MeV photon energy as well as above 2 GeV are recalled. The experimental study of total photonuclear absorption in the nuclear resonance region (140 MeV< E<2 GeV) is still at its beginning and some results are presented

  4. Photonic Crystal Fibres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjarklev, Anders Overgaard; Broeng, Jes; Sanchez Bjarklev, Araceli

    Photonic crystal fibres represent one of the most active research areas today in the field of optics. The diversity of applications that may be addressed by these fibres and their fundamental appeal, by opening up the possibility of guiding light in a radically new way compared to conventional...... optical fibres, have spun an interest from almost all areas of optics and photonics. The aim of this book is to provide an understanding of the different types of photonic crystal fibres and to outline some of the many new and exciting applications that these fibres offer. The book is intended for both...

  5. Chemical and biological sensing applications of integrated photonics with an introduction to the American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics) (United States)

    Bickford, Justin; Guicheteau, Jason


    Integrated photonics affords an opportunity to explore novel sensing and lab-on-a-chip concepts. It offers a route to high sensitivity, high selectivity, and low SWaP-C test systems that can be operated autonomously or by minimallytrained field personnel. We'll introduce the topic, discuss possible sensing modalities, and highlight the advantages and limitations of this technology. We'll also introduce the recent American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics), give an overview of its vision and capabilities, how to utilize its Electronic-Photonic Design Automation (EPDA) tools and its Multi-Project Wafer and Assembly (MPWA) services, how to engage in its road mapping efforts, and how to become a contributing member.

  6. Hard processes in photon-photon interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duchovni, E.


    In this thesis, the existence of hard component in two-photon collisions is investigated. Due to the relative simplicity of the photon, such processes can be exactly calculated in QCD. Untagged (low Q 2 ) two-photon events are used. This leads to relatively high statistics, but to severe background problem due mainly to e + e - annihilation. The background contamination is reduced to a tolerable level using a special set of cuts. Moreover, the remaining contamination is shown to be calculable with a small systematic error. A large number of events of the hard ''γγ'' type is found. An attempt to explain these events using the simplest QCD diagram (the Born term) is done. This process is found to be capable of explaining only a 1/4 of the data. Other options like the constituent intercharge model, integer charged quarks, and higher order diagrams are therefore also discussed. The large cross-section for the production of ρ 0 ρ 0 pairs in ''γγ'' collisions has not been understood yet. Inorder to look at closely related processes, a search for φρ 0 and φφ was initiated. The cross-section for θπ + π - was found to be sizeable. Only upper limits for the production of φρ 0 and φφ are obtained

  7. Hybrid colloidal plasmonic-photonic crystals. (United States)

    Romanov, Sergei G; Korovin, Alexander V; Regensburger, Alois; Peschel, Ulf


    We review the recently emerged class of hybrid metal-dielectric colloidal photonic crystals. The hybrid approach is understood as the combination of a dielectric photonic crystal with a continuous metal film. It allows to achieve a strong modification of the optical properties of photonic crystals by involving the light scattering at electronic excitations in the metal component into moulding of the light flow in series to the diffraction resonances occurring in the body of the photonic crystal. We consider different realizations of hybrid plasmonic-photonic crystals based on two- and three-dimensional colloidal photonic crystals in association with flat and corrugated metal films. In agreement with model calculations, different resonance phenomena determine the optical response of hybrid crystals leading to a broadly tuneable functionality of these crystals. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Silicon Photonics Cloud (SiCloud)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    DeVore, P. T. S.; Jiang, Y.; Lynch, M.


    Silicon Photonics Cloud ( is the first silicon photonics interactive web tool. Here we report new features of this tool including mode propagation parameters and mode distribution galleries for user specified waveguide dimensions and wavelengths.......Silicon Photonics Cloud ( is the first silicon photonics interactive web tool. Here we report new features of this tool including mode propagation parameters and mode distribution galleries for user specified waveguide dimensions and wavelengths....

  9. The role of virtual photons in nanoscale photonics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andrews, David L.; Bradshaw, David S. [School of Chemistry, University of East Anglia, Norwich (United Kingdom)


    The fundamental theory of processes and properties associated with nanoscale photonics should properly account for the quantum nature of both the matter and the radiation field. A familiar example is the Casimir force, whose significant role in nanoelectromechanical systems is widely recognised; the correct representation invokes the creation of short-lived virtual photons from the vacuum. In fact, there is an extensive range of nanophotonic interactions in which virtual photon exchange plays a vital role, mediating the coupling between particles. This review surveys recent theory and applications, also exhibiting novel insights into key electrodynamic mechanisms. Examples are numerous and include: laser-induced inter-particle forces known as optical binding; non-parametric frequency-conversion processes especially in rare-earth doped materials; light-harvesting polymer materials that involve electronic energy transfer between their constituent chromophores. An assessment of these and the latest prospective applications concludes with a view on future directions of research. (copyright 2014 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  10. Agile Photonic Crystals (United States)


    75, pp. 3253-3256, Oct. 1995. [24] F. Benabid, J. C. Knight, and P. S. J. Russell, “Particle levitation and guidance in hollow-core photonic crystal...B. Mizaikoff, “Midinfrared sensors meet nanotechnology: Trace gas sensing with quantum cascade lasers inside photonic band-gap hollow waveguides

  11. Bose-Einstein condensation of photons from the thermodynamic limit to small photon numbers (United States)

    Nyman, Robert A.; Walker, Benjamin T.


    Photons can come to thermal equilibrium at room temperature by scattering multiple times from a fluorescent dye. By confining the light and dye in a microcavity, a minimum energy is set and the photons can then show Bose-Einstein condensation. We present here the physical principles underlying photon thermalization and condensation, and review the literature on the subject. We then explore the 'small' regime where very few photons are needed for condensation. We compare thermal equilibrium results to a rate-equation model of microlasers, which includes spontaneous emission into the cavity, and we note that small systems result in ambiguity in the definition of threshold.

  12. The photonic nanowire: A highly efficient single-photon source

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Niels


    The photonic nanowire represents an attractive platform for a quantum light emitter. However, careful optical engineering using the modal method, which elegantly allows access to all relevant physical parameters, is crucial to ensure high efficiency.......The photonic nanowire represents an attractive platform for a quantum light emitter. However, careful optical engineering using the modal method, which elegantly allows access to all relevant physical parameters, is crucial to ensure high efficiency....

  13. Moore’s law in photonics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smit, M.K.; Tol, van der J.J.G.M.; Hill, M.T.


    A review of the complexity development of InP-based Photonic ICs is given. Similarities and differences between photonic and microelectronic integration technology are discussed and a vision of the development of photonic integration in the coming decade is given.

  14. Photon Differential Splatting for Rendering Caustics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frisvad, Jeppe Revall; Schjøth, Lars; Erleben, Kenny


    We present a photon splatting technique which reduces noise and blur in the rendering of caustics. Blurring of illumination edges is an inherent problem in photon splatting, as each photon is unaware of its neighbours when being splatted. This means that the splat size is usually based...... on heuristics rather than knowledge of the local flux density. We use photon differentials to determine the size and shape of the splats such that we achieve adaptive anisotropic flux density estimation in photon splatting. As compared to previous work that uses photon differentials, we present the first method...... where no photons or beams or differentials need to be stored in a map. We also present improvements in the theory of photon differentials, which give more accurate results and a faster implementation. Our technique has good potential for GPU acceleration, and we limit the number of parameters requiring...

  15. Neutron-induced photon production in MCNP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Little, R.C.; Seamon, R.E.


    An improved method of neutron-induced photon production has been incorporated into the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP. The new method makes use of all partial photon-production reaction data provided by ENDF/B evaluators including photon-production cross sections as well as energy and angular distributions of secondary photons. This faithful utilization of sophisticated ENDF/B evaluations allows more precise MCNP calculations for several classes of coupled neutron-photon problems

  16. Evaluation der Kurse 'Deutsch als Fremdsprache' im Akademischen Auslandsamt Siegen : ein Beitrag zur Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung


    Moll, Katharina


    Der Begriff "Qualität" im Kontext von Lehre und Unterricht ist schon seit Jahren in aller Munde. Nicht erst, aber insbesondere seit der Veröffentlichung der ersten PISA-Studie fordern Politiker umfassende Managementsysteme zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Bildungseinrichtungen in Deutschland. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in den letzten Jahren viele Ideen entwickelt, die helfen sollen, die Qualität der Bildung zu verbessern. Vor allem für den schulischen Bereich, der besonders unter Druck ge...

  17. Photonics in South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Bollig, C


    Full Text Available : photonics, ultrafast and ultra- intense laser science (Heinrich Schwoerer, University of Stellenbosch); quantum information processing and communication (Francesco Petruccione, University of KwaZulu-Natal); medicinal chemistry and nanotechnology... of experience in diamond research, where scientists are now turning their attention to diamond for photonic devices. �ere is an active community in South Africa studying the potential of diamond as a single-photon source for applications in quantum...

  18. Konsensus zur Anwendung der "Tension-free Vaginal Tape" (TVT Operation bei der weiblichen Belastungsinkontinenz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanzal E


    Full Text Available Unter der Patronanz der Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Inkontinenzhilfe Österreich wurde im Juni 2002 in Wien die 2. Auflage eines Österreichischen Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT Konsensus-Meetings abgehalten. TVT ist eine neue Operationstechnik zur Behandlung der weiblichen Stressharninkontinenz, die seit 1998 in Österreich eingesetzt wird. Im Rahmen des Treffens, an dem Experten aus den Fachbereichen Urologie und Gynäkologie teilnahmen, wurde die vorhandene Fachliteratur analysiert und ein Konsensus für die präoperative Abklärung, Durchführung und postoperative Verlaufskontrolle als Basis für eine laufende Qualitätsverbesserung des Verfahrens erarbeitet, dessen Ergebnis in dem vorliegenden Papier als Leitlinie zusammengefaßt ist.

  19. Omnidirectional reflection in one-dimensional ternary photonic crystals and photonic heterostructures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Shiqi [MOE Key Laboratory of Laser Life Science and Institute of Laser Life Science, College of Biophotonics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631 (China); Yang, Xiangbo, E-mail: [MOE Key Laboratory of Laser Life Science and Institute of Laser Life Science, College of Biophotonics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631 (China); School of Physical Education and Sports Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006 (China); Liu, Chengyi Timon [School of Physical Education and Sports Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006 (China)


    Designing dielectric systems to create omnidirectional band gaps (OBGs) is an attractive topic in the field of photonic band gap (PBG) structures. In this Letter, we propose a new approach to create OBGs by ternary photonic heterostructures (TPHs) composed of three kinds of materials with different refractive indices and obtain the formulae of the structures of TPHs, i.e., those of the thicknesses of materials and the number of sub-ternary photonic crystals. It may provide a powerful technique for designing the structures being able to produce OBGs by use of usual materials, lowcost materials, and materials with low refractive indices, etc.

  20. Omnidirectional reflection in one-dimensional ternary photonic crystals and photonic heterostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Shiqi; Yang, Xiangbo; Liu, Chengyi Timon


    Designing dielectric systems to create omnidirectional band gaps (OBGs) is an attractive topic in the field of photonic band gap (PBG) structures. In this Letter, we propose a new approach to create OBGs by ternary photonic heterostructures (TPHs) composed of three kinds of materials with different refractive indices and obtain the formulae of the structures of TPHs, i.e., those of the thicknesses of materials and the number of sub-ternary photonic crystals. It may provide a powerful technique for designing the structures being able to produce OBGs by use of usual materials, lowcost materials, and materials with low refractive indices, etc.

  1. Photon-number discrimination without a photon counter and its application to reconstructing non-Gaussian states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chrzanowski, H. M.; Bernu, J.; Sparkes, B. M.; Hage, B.; Lam, P. K.; Symul, T.; Lund, A. P.; Ralph, T. C.


    The nonlinearity of a conditional photon-counting measurement can be used to ''de-Gaussify'' a Gaussian state of light. Here we present and experimentally demonstrate a technique for photon-number resolution using only homodyne detection. We then apply this technique to inform a conditional measurement, unambiguously reconstructing the statistics of the non-Gaussian one- and two-photon-subtracted squeezed vacuum states. Although our photon-number measurement relies on ensemble averages and cannot be used to prepare non-Gaussian states of light, its high efficiency, photon-number-resolving capabilities, and compatibility with the telecommunications band make it suitable for quantum-information tasks relying on the outcomes of mean values.

  2. Femtosecond Photon-Counting Receiver (United States)

    Krainak, Michael A.; Rambo, Timothy M.; Yang, Guangning; Lu, Wei; Numata, Kenji


    An optical correlation receiver is described that provides ultra-precise distance and/or time/pulse-width measurements even for weak (single photons) and short (femtosecond) optical signals. A new type of optical correlation receiver uses a fourth-order (intensity) interferometer to provide micron distance measurements even for weak (single photons) and short (femtosecond) optical signals. The optical correlator uses a low-noise-integrating detector that can resolve photon number. The correlation (range as a function of path delay) is calculated from the variance of the photon number of the difference of the optical signals on the two detectors. Our preliminary proof-of principle data (using a short-pulse diode laser transmitter) demonstrates tens of microns precision.

  3. Limits on the photon mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasseur, G.


    Is the photon mass strictly null as it is told in quantum electrodynamics. In fact, a coherent theory can be build with a massive photon. Experiences have been regularly led to try to make obvious an eventual non null photon mass. Superior limits more and more strict have been found. Here is given a general survey of the consequences of a non null photon mass, different methods to measure it and the achieved limits. (author). 30 refs., 1 fig

  4. High-fidelity frequency down-conversion of visible entangled photon pairs with superconducting single-photon detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikuta, Rikizo; Kato, Hiroshi; Kusaka, Yoshiaki; Yamamoto, Takashi; Imoto, Nobuyuki; Miki, Shigehito; Yamashita, Taro; Terai, Hirotaka; Wang, Zhen; Fujiwara, Mikio; Sasaki, Masahide; Koashi, Masato


    We experimentally demonstrate a high-fidelity visible-to-telecommunicationwavelength conversion of a photon by using a solid-state-based difference frequency generation. In the experiment, one half of a pico-second visible entangled photon pair at 780 nm is converted to a 1522-nm photon. Using superconducting single-photon detectors with low dark count rates and small timing jitters, we observed a fidelity of 0.93±0.04 after the wavelength conversion

  5. Ultra-broadband photonic internet (United States)

    Romaniuk, Ryszard S.


    In this paper, there is presented a review of our today's understanding of the ultimately broadband photonic Internet. A simple calculation is presented showing the estimate of the throughput of the core photonic network branches. Optoelectronic components, circuits, systems and signals, together with analogous electronic entities and common software layers, are building blocks of the contemporary Internet. Participation of photonics in development of the physical layer in the future Internet will probably increase. The photonics leads now to a better usage of the available bandwidth (increase of the spectral efficiency measured in Bit/s/Hz), increase in the transmission rate (from Gbps, via Tbps up to probably Pbps), increase in the transmission distance without signal regeneration (in distortion compensated active optical cables), increase in energy/power efficiency measured in W/Gbps, etc. Photonics may lead, in the future, to fully transparent optical networks and, thus, to essential increase in bandwidth and network reliability. It is expected that photonics (with biochemistry, electronics and mechatronics) may build psychological and physiological interface for humans to the future global network. The following optical signal multiplexing methods were considered, which are possible without O/E/O conversion: TDM-OTDM, FDM-CO-OFDM, OCDM-OCDMA, WDM-DWDM.

  6. Investigations of coal ignition in a short-range flame burner using optical measuring systems; Untersuchungen zur Kohlezuendung am Flachflammenbrenner unter Verwendung optischer Messtechnik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hackert, G.; Kremer, H.; Wirtz, S. [Bochum Univ. (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Energieanlagentechnik


    The short-range flame burner and the KOALA reactor of DMT are experimental facilities for realistic simulation of coal conversion processes at high temperatures and pressures in atmospheric conditions. The TOSCA system enable measurements of temperatures, sizes, shapes and velocities of the fuel particles, which serve as a basis for a three-dimensional simulation model of coal combustion. In the future, further parameter studies will deepen the present knowledge of coal dust combustion under pressure and enable optimisation of the numerical models for simulation of industrial-scale systems for coal dust combustion under pressure. [Deutsch] Mit dem Flachflammenbrenner und dem KOALA-Reaktor der DMT stehen Versuchsapparaturen zur Verfuegung, mit deren Hilfe die Kohleumwandlungsprozesse bei hohen Temperaturen unter Druck und unter atmosphaerischen Bedingungen realistisch wiedergegeben werden. Das TOSCA-System erlaubt dabei die Bestimmung von Temperaturen, Groessen, Formen und Geschwindigkeiten der Brennstoffpartikel. Diese Daten liefern die Grundlage fuer die Erstellung eines dreidimensionalen Simulationsmodells zur Modellierung der Kohleverbrennung. In Zukunft werden weitere Parameterstudien das Verstaendnis der Kohlenstaubdruckverbrennung vertiefen und ein Optimierung der numerischen Modelle ermoeglichen, so dass die Simulation grosstechnischer Kohlenstaubdruckverbrennungsanlagen realisiert werden kann. (orig.)

  7. Properties of entangled photon pairs generated in one-dimensional nonlinear photonic-band-gap structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perina, Jan Jr.; Centini, Marco; Sibilia, Concita; Bertolotti, Mario; Scalora, Michael


    We have developed a rigorous quantum model of spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a nonlinear 1D photonic-band-gap structure based upon expansion of the field into monochromatic plane waves. The model provides a two-photon amplitude of a created photon pair. The spectra of the signal and idler fields, their intensity profiles in the time domain, as well as the coincidence-count interference pattern in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer are determined both for cw and pulsed pumping regimes in terms of the two-photon amplitude. A broad range of parameters characterizing the emitted down-converted fields can be used. As an example, a structure composed of 49 layers of GaN/AlN is analyzed as a suitable source of photon pairs having high efficiency

  8. Gewinnt der Mensch nur da, wo er spielt? Ein Essay über Gamification zur Bewältigung von Anforderungen der Arbeitswelt


    Grünberger, Nina


    Unternehmen sind erfinderisch geworden. In unserer an Output-Steigerung orientierten Marktgesellschaft werden unter dem Schlagwort „Gamification“ bewusst spielerische Elemente in gewöhnliche Arbeitsprozesse implementiert. Dies erfolgt u.a., um die Arbeitsleistung der Mitarbeitenden zu steigern. Kreativ und frei arbeiten, ja, aber nur innerhalb der Vorgaben und analog zur Unternehmensphilosophie? Ergebnisorientierung und Effizienz, ja, und zugleich eine ausgewogene Work-Life-Balance? Der vorli...

  9. Single-photon switch: Controllable scattering of photons inside a one-dimensional resonator waveguide (United States)

    Zhou, L.; Gong, Z. R.; Liu, Y. X.; Sun, C. P.; Nori, F.


    We analyze the coherent transport of a single photon, which propagates in a one-dimensional coupled-resonator waveguide and is scattered by a controllable two-level system located inside one of the resonators of this waveguide. Our approach, which uses discrete coordinates, unifies low and high energy effective theories for single-photon scattering. We show that the controllable two-level system can behave as a quantum switch for the coherent transport of a single photon. This study may inspire new electro-optical single-photon quantum devices. We also suggest an experimental setup based on superconducting transmission line resonators and qubits. References: L. Zhou, Z.R. Gong, Y.X. Liu, C.P. Sun, F. Nori, Controllable scattering of photons inside a one-dimensional resonator waveguide, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 100501 (2008). L. Zhou, H. Dong, Y.X. Liu, C.P. Sun, F. Nori, Quantum super-cavity with atomic mirrors, Phys. Rev. A 78, 063827 (2008).

  10. Absolute photonic band gap in 2D honeycomb annular photonic crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Dan; Gao, Yihua; Tong, Aihong; Hu, Sen


    Highlights: • A two-dimensional honeycomb annular photonic crystal (PC) is proposed. • The absolute photonic band gap (PBG) is studied. • Annular PCs show larger PBGs than usual air-hole PCs for high refractive index. • Annular PCs with anisotropic rods show large PBGs for low refractive index. • There exist optimal parameters to open largest band gaps. - Abstract: Using the plane wave expansion method, we investigate the effects of structural parameters on absolute photonic band gap (PBG) in two-dimensional honeycomb annular photonic crystals (PCs). The results reveal that the annular PCs possess absolute PBGs that are larger than those of the conventional air-hole PCs only when the refractive index of the material from which the PC is made is equal to 4.5 or larger. If the refractive index is smaller than 4.5, utilization of anisotropic inner rods in honeycomb annular PCs can lead to the formation of larger PBGs. The optimal structural parameters that yield the largest absolute PBGs are obtained

  11. Searching for Heavy Photons with Detached Verices in the Heavy Photon Search Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szumila-Vance, Holly [Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA (United States); Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), Newport News, VA (United States)


    The Jefferson Lab Heavy Photon Search (HPS) experiment is searching for a hypothetical massive particle called the heavy photon which could mediate a dark electromagnetic-type force. If heavy photons kinetically mix with Standard Model photons, they may be radiated by electrons scattering from a heavy nucleus and then decay to e+e- pairs. HPS uniquely searches for heavy photons that either decay at the target or a measurable distance after. The experiment utilizes a silicon vertex tracker (SVT) for momentum and vertex reconstruction, together with an electromagnetic calorimeter for measuring particle energies and triggering events. The HPS experiment took its first data during the spring 2015 engineering run using a 1 GeV electron beam incident on a tungsten target and its second data in the spring of 2016 at a beam energy of 2.3 GeV. The 2015 run obtained two days of production data that was used for the first physics results. The analysis of the data was conducted as a blinded analysis by tuning cuts on 10% of the data. This dissertation discusses the displaced vertex search for heavy photons in the 2015 engineering run. It describes the theoretical motivation for looking for heavy photons and provides an overview of the HPS experimental design and performance. The performance details of the experiment are primarily derived from the 2015 engineering run with some discussion from the higher energy running in 2016. This dissertation further discusses the cuts used to optimize the displaced vertex search and the results of the search. The displaced vertex search did not set a limit on the heavy photon but did validate the methodology for conducting the search. Finally, we used the full data set to make projections and guide future analyses.

  12. Helioscope bounds on hidden sector photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redondo, J.


    The flux of hypothetical ''hidden photons'' from the Sun is computed under the assumption that they interact with normal matter only through kinetic mixing with the ordinary standard model photon. Requiring that the exotic luminosity is smaller than the standard photon luminosity provides limits for the mixing parameter down to χ -14 , depending on the hidden photon mass. Furthermore, it is pointed point out that helioscopes looking for solar axions are also sensitive to hidden photons. The recent results of the CAST collaboration are used to further constrain the mixing parameter χ at low masses (m γ' <1 eV) where the luminosity bound is weaker. In this regime the solar hidden photon ux has a sizable contribution of longitudinally polarized hidden photons of low energy which are invisible for current helioscopes. (orig.)

  13. National Photonics Skills Standard for Technicians. (United States)

    Center for Occupational Research and Development, Inc., Waco, TX.

    This document defines "photonics" as the generation, manipulation, transport, detection, and use of light information and energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The range of applications of photonics extends from energy generation to detection to communication and information processing. Photonics is at the heart of today's…

  14. Biomedical photonics handbook biomedical diagnostics

    CERN Document Server

    Vo-Dinh, Tuan


    Shaped by Quantum Theory, Technology, and the Genomics RevolutionThe integration of photonics, electronics, biomaterials, and nanotechnology holds great promise for the future of medicine. This topic has recently experienced an explosive growth due to the noninvasive or minimally invasive nature and the cost-effectiveness of photonic modalities in medical diagnostics and therapy. The second edition of the Biomedical Photonics Handbook presents fundamental developments as well as important applications of biomedical photonics of interest to scientists, engineers, manufacturers, teachers, studen

  15. Efficient fiber-coupled single-photon source based on quantum dots in a photonic-crystal waveguide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daveau, Raphaël S.; Balram, Krishna C.; Pregnolato, Tommaso


    Many photonic quantum information processing applications would benefit from a high brightness, fiber-coupled source of triggered single photons. Here, we present a fiber-coupled photonic-crystal waveguide (PCWG) singlephoton source relying on evanescent coupling of the light field from a tapered...

  16. Efficient generation of single and entangled photons on a silicon photonic integrated chip

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mower, Jacob; Englund, Dirk


    We present a protocol for generating on-demand, indistinguishable single photons on a silicon photonic integrated chip. The source is a time-multiplexed spontaneous parametric down-conversion element that allows optimization of single-photon versus multiphoton emission while realizing high output rate and indistinguishability. We minimize both the scaling of active elements and the scaling of active element loss with multiplexing. We then discuss detection strategies and data processing to further optimize the procedure. We simulate an improvement in single-photon-generation efficiency over previous time-multiplexing protocols, assuming existing fabrication capabilities. We then apply this system to generate heralded Bell states. The generation efficiency of both nonclassical states could be increased substantially with improved fabrication procedures.

  17. The irreducible photon (United States)

    Andrews, David L.


    In recent years it has become evident that the primary concept of the photon has multiple interpretations, with widely differing secondary connotations. Despite the all-pervasive nature of this concept in science, some of the ancillary properties with which the photon is attributed in certain areas of application sit uneasily alongside those invoked in other areas. Certainly the range of applications extends far beyond what was envisaged in the original conception, now entering subjects extending from elementary particle physics and cosmology through to spectroscopy, statistical mechanics and photochemistry. Addressing this diverse context invites the question: What is there, that it is possible to assert as incontrovertibly true about the photon? Which properties are non-controversial, if others are the subject of debate? This paper describes an attempt to answer these questions, establishing as far as possible an irreducible core of what can rightly be asserted about the photon, and setting aside some of what often is, but should never be so asserted. Some of the more bewildering difficulties and differences of interpretation owe their origin to careless descriptions, highlighting a need to guard semantic precision; although simplifications are frequently and naturally expedient for didactic purposes, they carry the risk of becoming indelible. Focusing on such issues, the aim is to identify how much or how little about the photon can be regarded as truly non-controversial.

  18. Photon-pair generation in nonlinear metal-dielectric one-dimensional photonic structures

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Javůrek, D.; Svozilík, J.; Peřina ml., Jan


    Roč. 90, č. 5 (2014), "053813-1"-"053813-14" ISSN 1050-2947 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP205/12/0382 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : photon pairs * nonlinear metal-dielectric * one-dimensional photonic structures Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers Impact factor: 2.808, year: 2014

  19. Photon statistics characterization of a single-photon source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alleaume, R; Treussart, F; Courty, J-M; Roch, J-F


    In a recent experiment, we reported the time-domain intensity noise measurement of a single-photon source relying on single-molecule fluorescence control. In this paper, we present data processing starting from photocount timestamps. The theoretical analytical expression of the time-dependent Mandel parameter Q(T) of an intermittent single-photon source is derived from ON↔OFF dynamics. Finally, source intensity noise analysis, using the Mandel parameter, is quantitatively compared with the usual approach relying on the time autocorrelation function, both methods yielding the same molecular dynamical parameters

  20. Photon and photon+jet production measurements with the ATLAS detector

    CERN Document Server

    Bessner, Martin Florian; The ATLAS collaboration


    Isolated prompt photons provide a direct probe of short-distance physics, complementary to that provided by measurements of jets or vector-bosons and are sensitive to the gluon density of the proton. The inclusive prompt photon cross sections have been measured by the ATLAS collaboration at 7 and 8 TeV pp collision centre-of-mass energies, over a wide range of transverse momenta. The diphoton and photon+jet system cross sections have also been measured as a function of several kinematic variables. These experimental results are reported in different fiducial regions covering a wide acceptance and are compared to next-to-leading order QCD calculations with different models of the parton content of the proton. First LHC Run-2 results are included.

  1. Two-photon interference at telecom wavelengths for time-bin-encoded single photons from quantum-dot spin qubits. (United States)

    Yu, Leo; Natarajan, Chandra M; Horikiri, Tomoyuki; Langrock, Carsten; Pelc, Jason S; Tanner, Michael G; Abe, Eisuke; Maier, Sebastian; Schneider, Christian; Höfling, Sven; Kamp, Martin; Hadfield, Robert H; Fejer, Martin M; Yamamoto, Yoshihisa


    Practical quantum communication between remote quantum memories rely on single photons at telecom wavelengths. Although spin-photon entanglement has been demonstrated in atomic and solid-state qubit systems, the produced single photons at short wavelengths and with polarization encoding are not suitable for long-distance communication, because they suffer from high propagation loss and depolarization in optical fibres. Establishing entanglement between remote quantum nodes would further require the photons generated from separate nodes to be indistinguishable. Here, we report the observation of correlations between a quantum-dot spin and a telecom single photon across a 2-km fibre channel based on time-bin encoding and background-free frequency downconversion. The downconverted photon at telecom wavelengths exhibits two-photon interference with another photon from an independent source, achieving a mean wavepacket overlap of greater than 0.89 despite their original wavelength mismatch (900 and 911 nm). The quantum-networking operations that we demonstrate will enable practical communication between solid-state spin qubits across long distances.

  2. Photon-number discrimination without a photon counter and its application to reconstructing non-Gaussian states

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chrzanowski, H. M.; Bernu, J.; Sparkes, B. M.; Hage, B.; Lam, P. K.; Symul, T. [Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, Quantum Optics group, Department of Quantum Science, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 (Australia); Lund, A. P. [Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University, Nathan QLD 4111 (Australia); Ralph, T. C. [Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, Department of Physics, University of Queensland, St. Lucia QLD 4072 (Australia)


    The nonlinearity of a conditional photon-counting measurement can be used to ''de-Gaussify'' a Gaussian state of light. Here we present and experimentally demonstrate a technique for photon-number resolution using only homodyne detection. We then apply this technique to inform a conditional measurement, unambiguously reconstructing the statistics of the non-Gaussian one- and two-photon-subtracted squeezed vacuum states. Although our photon-number measurement relies on ensemble averages and cannot be used to prepare non-Gaussian states of light, its high efficiency, photon-number-resolving capabilities, and compatibility with the telecommunications band make it suitable for quantum-information tasks relying on the outcomes of mean values.

  3. 14th colloquium and training course on sewage management: Treatment, discharge, monitoring. Proceedings; 14. Kolloquium und Fortbildungskurs zur Abwasserwirtschaft: Abwasserbehandlung, Abwasserableitung, Ueberwachung. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gulyas, H.; Otterpohl, R. (eds.)


    Subjects of the conference were waste water treatment, handling of waste water constituents like sulphur, AOX, TBT, denitrification processes, waste water analysis and toxicity tests, sewage sludge composting. [German] Im Tagungsband sind die Beitraege zur Fortbildungstagung zusammengestellt. Die Themen waren Aspekte der Abwasserbehandlung, Handhabung spezieller Abwasserinhaltsstoffe wie Schwefel, AOX, TBT, Denitrifikationsverfahren, Abwasseranalytik und Toxizitaetstests, Klaerschlammvererdung. (uke)

  4. Investigations on passive containment cooling; Untersuchungen zur passiven Containmentkuehlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knebel, J.U.; Cheng, X.; Neitzel, H.J.; Erbacher, F.J. [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Technik und Umwelt (Germany). Inst. fuer Angewandte Thermo- und Fluiddynamik; Hofmann, F. [Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Technik und Umwelt (Germany). Projekt Nukleare Sicherheitsforschung


    The composite containment design for advanced LWRs that has been examined under the PASCO project is a promising design concept for purely passive decay heat removal after a severe accident. The passive cooling processes applied are natural convection and radiative heat transfer. Heat transfer through the latter process removes at an emission coefficient of 0.9 about 50% of the total heat removed via the steel containment, and thus is an essential factor. The heat transferring surfaces must have a high emission coefficient. The sump cooling concept examined under the SUCO project achieves a steady, natural convection-driven flow from the heat source to the heat sink. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Das im PASCO Programm untersuchte Verbundcontainment fuer zukuenftige Leichtwasserreaktoren ist ein erfolgversprechendes rein passives System zur Nachwaermeabfuhr nach einem schweren Stoerfall. Die passiven Mechanismen der Waermeuebertragung sind Naturkonvektion und Waermestrahlung. Die durch Waermestrahlung uebertragene Waerme betraegt fuer einen Emissionskoeffizienten von 0.9 etwa 50% der insgesamt ueber das Stahl-Containment abgefuehrten Waerme und ist somit von entscheidender Bedeutung fuer die Nachwaermeabfuhr. Fuer die waermeuebertragenden Oberflaechen ist ein hoher Emissionkoeffizient erforderlich. Das im SUCO Programm untersuchte Sumpfkuehlkonzept realisiert eine stabile Naturkonvektionsstroemung zwischen Waermequelle und Waermesenke. (orig./DG)

  5. Thermoelectric single-photon detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuzanyan, A A; Petrosyan, V A; Kuzanyan, A S


    The ability to detect a single photon is the ultimate level of sensitivity in the measurement of optical radiation. Sensors capable of detecting single photons and determining their energy have many scientific and technological applications. Kondo-enhanced Seebeck effect cryogenic detectors are based on thermoelectric heat-to-voltage conversion and voltage readout. We evaluate the prospects of CeB 6 and (La,Ce)B 6 hexaboride crystals for their application as a sensitive element in this type of detectors. We conclude that such detectors can register a single UV photon, have a fast count rate (up to 45 MHz) and a high spectral resolution of 0.1 eV. We calculate the electric potential generated along the thermoelectric sensor upon registering a UV single photon.

  6. Dirac tensor with heavy photon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bytev, V.V.; Kuraev, E.A. [Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow (Russian Federation). Bogoliubov Lab. of Theoretical Physics; Scherbakova, E.S. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). 1. Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik


    For the large-angles hard photon emission by initial leptons in process of high energy annihilation of e{sup +}e{sup -} {yields} to hadrons the Dirac tensor is obtained, taking into account the lowest order radiative corrections. The case of large-angles emission of two hard photons by initial leptons is considered. This result is being completed by the kinematics case of collinear hard photons emission as well as soft virtual and real photons and can be used for construction of Monte-Carlo generators. (orig.)

  7. Photon-counting image sensors

    CERN Document Server

    Teranishi, Nobukazu; Theuwissen, Albert; Stoppa, David; Charbon, Edoardo


    The field of photon-counting image sensors is advancing rapidly with the development of various solid-state image sensor technologies including single photon avalanche detectors (SPADs) and deep-sub-electron read noise CMOS image sensor pixels. This foundational platform technology will enable opportunities for new imaging modalities and instrumentation for science and industry, as well as new consumer applications. Papers discussing various photon-counting image sensor technologies and selected new applications are presented in this all-invited Special Issue.

  8. Silicon photonics fundamentals and devices

    CERN Document Server

    Deen, M Jamal


    The creation of affordable high speed optical communications using standard semiconductor manufacturing technology is a principal aim of silicon photonics research. This would involve replacing copper connections with optical fibres or waveguides, and electrons with photons. With applications such as telecommunications and information processing, light detection, spectroscopy, holography and robotics, silicon photonics has the potential to revolutionise electronic-only systems. Providing an overview of the physics, technology and device operation of photonic devices using exclusively silicon and related alloys, the book includes: * Basic Properties of Silicon * Quantum Wells, Wires, Dots and Superlattices * Absorption Processes in Semiconductors * Light Emitters in Silicon * Photodetectors , Photodiodes and Phototransistors * Raman Lasers including Raman Scattering * Guided Lightwaves * Planar Waveguide Devices * Fabrication Techniques and Material Systems Silicon Photonics: Fundamentals and Devices outlines ...

  9. Direct photons in heavy-ion collisions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baeuchle, Bjoern


    Direct photon emission from heavy-ion collisions has been calculated and compared to available experimental data. Three different models have been combined to extract direct photons from different environments in a heavy-ion collision: Thermal photons from partonic and hadronic matter have been extracted from relativistic, non-viscous 3+1-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations. Thermal and non-thermal photons from hadronic interactions have been calculated from relativistic transport theory. The impact of different physics assumptions about the thermalized matter has been studied. The models used for the determination of photons from both hydrodynamic and transport calculations have been elucidated and their numerical properties tested. The origin of direct photons, itemised by emission stage, emission time, channel and baryon number density, has been investigated for various systems, as have the transverse momentum spectra and elliptic flow patterns of direct photons. Taking into account the full (vacuum) spectral function of the rho-meson decreases the direct photon emission by approximately 10% at low photon transverse momentum. In all systems that have been considered -- heavy-ion collisions at E{sub lab}=35 AGeV and 158 AGeV, (s{sub NN}){sup 1/2}=62.4 GeV, 130 GeV and 200 GeV -- thermal emission from a system with partonic degrees of freedom is greatly enhanced over that from hadronic systems, while the difference between the direct photon yields from a viscous and a non-viscous hadronic system (transport vs. hydrodynamics) is found to be very small. Predictions for direct photon emission in central U+U-collisions at 35 AGeV have been made. (orig.)

  10. Direct photons in heavy-ion collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baeuchle, Bjoern


    Direct photon emission from heavy-ion collisions has been calculated and compared to available experimental data. Three different models have been combined to extract direct photons from different environments in a heavy-ion collision: Thermal photons from partonic and hadronic matter have been extracted from relativistic, non-viscous 3+1-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations. Thermal and non-thermal photons from hadronic interactions have been calculated from relativistic transport theory. The impact of different physics assumptions about the thermalized matter has been studied. The models used for the determination of photons from both hydrodynamic and transport calculations have been elucidated and their numerical properties tested. The origin of direct photons, itemised by emission stage, emission time, channel and baryon number density, has been investigated for various systems, as have the transverse momentum spectra and elliptic flow patterns of direct photons. Taking into account the full (vacuum) spectral function of the rho-meson decreases the direct photon emission by approximately 10% at low photon transverse momentum. In all systems that have been considered -- heavy-ion collisions at E lab =35 AGeV and 158 AGeV, (s NN ) 1/2 =62.4 GeV, 130 GeV and 200 GeV -- thermal emission from a system with partonic degrees of freedom is greatly enhanced over that from hadronic systems, while the difference between the direct photon yields from a viscous and a non-viscous hadronic system (transport vs. hydrodynamics) is found to be very small. Predictions for direct photon emission in central U+U-collisions at 35 AGeV have been made. (orig.)

  11. Quantum mechanics of a photon (United States)

    Babaei, Hassan; Mostafazadeh, Ali


    A first-quantized free photon is a complex massless vector field A =(Aμ ) whose field strength satisfies Maxwell's equations in vacuum. We construct the Hilbert space H of the photon by endowing the vector space of the fields A in the temporal-Coulomb gauge with a positive-definite and relativistically invariant inner product. We give an explicit expression for this inner product, identify the Hamiltonian for the photon with the generator of time translations in H , determine the operators representing the momentum and the helicity of the photon, and introduce a chirality operator whose eigenfunctions correspond to fields having a definite sign of energy. We also construct a position operator for the photon whose components commute with each other and with the chirality and helicity operators. This allows for the construction of the localized states of the photon with a definite sign of energy and helicity. We derive an explicit formula for the latter and compute the corresponding electric and magnetic fields. These turn out to diverge not just at the point where the photon is localized but on a plane containing this point. We identify the axis normal to this plane with an associated symmetry axis and show that each choice of this axis specifies a particular position operator, a corresponding position basis, and a position representation of the quantum mechanics of a photon. In particular, we examine the position wave functions determined by such a position basis, elucidate their relationship with the Riemann-Silberstein and Landau-Peierls wave functions, and give an explicit formula for the probability density of the spatial localization of the photon.

  12. Quantum imaging with undetected photons. (United States)

    Lemos, Gabriela Barreto; Borish, Victoria; Cole, Garrett D; Ramelow, Sven; Lapkiewicz, Radek; Zeilinger, Anton


    Information is central to quantum mechanics. In particular, quantum interference occurs only if there exists no information to distinguish between the superposed states. The mere possibility of obtaining information that could distinguish between overlapping states inhibits quantum interference. Here we introduce and experimentally demonstrate a quantum imaging concept based on induced coherence without induced emission. Our experiment uses two separate down-conversion nonlinear crystals (numbered NL1 and NL2), each illuminated by the same pump laser, creating one pair of photons (denoted idler and signal). If the photon pair is created in NL1, one photon (the idler) passes through the object to be imaged and is overlapped with the idler amplitude created in NL2, its source thus being undefined. Interference of the signal amplitudes coming from the two crystals then reveals the image of the object. The photons that pass through the imaged object (idler photons from NL1) are never detected, while we obtain images exclusively with the signal photons (from NL1 and NL2), which do not interact with the object. Our experiment is fundamentally different from previous quantum imaging techniques, such as interaction-free imaging or ghost imaging, because now the photons used to illuminate the object do not have to be detected at all and no coincidence detection is necessary. This enables the probe wavelength to be chosen in a range for which suitable detectors are not available. To illustrate this, we show images of objects that are either opaque or invisible to the detected photons. Our experiment is a prototype in quantum information--knowledge can be extracted by, and about, a photon that is never detected.

  13. Generalized quantum interference of correlated photon pairs (United States)

    Kim, Heonoh; Lee, Sang Min; Moon, Han Seb


    Superposition and indistinguishablility between probability amplitudes have played an essential role in observing quantum interference effects of correlated photons. The Hong-Ou-Mandel interference and interferences of the path-entangled photon number state are of special interest in the field of quantum information technologies. However, a fully generalized two-photon quantum interferometric scheme accounting for the Hong-Ou-Mandel scheme and path-entangled photon number states has not yet been proposed. Here we report the experimental demonstrations of the generalized two-photon interferometry with both the interferometric properties of the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect and the fully unfolded version of the path-entangled photon number state using photon-pair sources, which are independently generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion. Our experimental scheme explains two-photon interference fringes revealing single- and two-photon coherence properties in a single interferometer setup. Using the proposed interferometric measurement, it is possible to directly estimate the joint spectral intensity of a photon pair source. PMID:25951143

  14. One-bit photon polarization in two-photon experiments. An information mechanics perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kantor, F.W.


    In this paper is presented a detailed treatment of amount and representation of photon polarization information in the two-photon experiments of Aspect, Grangier, and Roger, seeking to test Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen's thought experiment. Newton's mechanics, Einstein's relativistic mechanics, and quantum mechanics do not treat as fundamental the amount and representation of information in physical systems. The line of reasoning presented here was reached via Kantor's information mechanics. The information bookkeeping presented here appears to offer a simple, physical insight into what the apparatus and the photons are doing together

  15. Spatial photon correlations in multiple scattering media

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smolka, Stephan; Muskens, O.; Lagendijk, A.


    We present the first angle-resolved measurements of spatial photon correlations that are induced by multiple scattering of light. The correlation relates multiple scattered photons at different spatial positions and depends on incident photon fluctuations.......We present the first angle-resolved measurements of spatial photon correlations that are induced by multiple scattering of light. The correlation relates multiple scattered photons at different spatial positions and depends on incident photon fluctuations....

  16. Experimental search for solar hidden photons in the eV energy range using kinetic mixing with photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizumoto, T.; Ohta, R.; Horie, T.; Suzuki, J.; Minowa, M.; Inoue, Y.


    We have searched for solar hidden photons in the eV energy range using a dedicated hidden photon detector. The detector consisted of a parabolic mirror with a diameter of 500 mm and a focal length of 1007 mm installed in a vacuum chamber, and a photomultiplier tube at its focal point. The detector was attached to the Tokyo axion helioscope, Sumico which has a mechanism to track the sun. From the result of the measurement, we found no evidence for the existence of hidden photons and set a limit on the photon-hidden photon mixing parameter χ depending on the hidden photon mass m γ'

  17. Exemption procedure for large-scale site rehabilitation projects as laid down in the administrative agreement on the financing of site rehabilitation in the New Laender; Altlastengrossprojekte im Freistellungsverfahren nach dem Verwaltungsabkommen zur Finanzierung der Altlastensanierung in den neuen Bundeslaendern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hohenlohe, A zu; Kosinowski, M; Radtke, H


    The present article describes the legal groundwork of the Administrative Agreement on the Financing of Site Rehabilitation in the new Laender. It then lists 19 large-scale projects and depicts the organisational structure adopted for their implementation. Finally it presents various site rehabilitation concepts and financial schemes. (SR) [Deutsch] Der Artikel beschreibt die gesetzlichen Grundlagen des Verwaltungsabkommens zur Finanzierung der Altlastensanierung in den neuen Bundeslaendern. Anschliessend werden 19 Grossprojekte aufgelistet und die Organisationsstruktur zur Umsetzung der Sanierungsarbeiten dargestellt. Abschliessend werden Altlatensanierungskonzepte und Finanzrahmen dargestellt. (SR)

  18. Architektur für ein System zur Dokumentanalyse im Unternehmenskontext - Integration von Datenbeständen, Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation


    Baumann, Stephan; Lichter, Jürgen; Malburg, Michael; Maus, Heiko; Meyer auf´m Hofe, Harald; Wenzel, Claudia


    Workflowmanagementsysteme werden im Bürobereich verstärkt zur effizienten Geschäftsprozeßabwicklung eingesetzt. Das bereits Mitte der 70er Jahre propagierte papierlose Büro bleibt jedoch gegenwärtig immer noch Utopie. Dieser Widerspruch liegt darin begründet, daß die Handhabung von papierintensiven Vorgängen in hohem Maße abhängig ist von einer Identifkation und Aufbereitung der in den Dokumenten enthaltenen Informationen. Allerdings müssen solche Daten z.B. bei eingehender Post immer noch v...

  19. Photon generator (United States)

    Srinivasan-Rao, Triveni


    A photon generator includes an electron gun for emitting an electron beam, a laser for emitting a laser beam, and an interaction ring wherein the laser beam repetitively collides with the electron beam for emitting a high energy photon beam therefrom in the exemplary form of x-rays. The interaction ring is a closed loop, sized and configured for circulating the electron beam with a period substantially equal to the period of the laser beam pulses for effecting repetitive collisions.

  20. Optimizing the photon selection of the CMS Single-Photon search for Supersymmetry using multivariate analyses

    CERN Document Server

    Lange, Johannes


    The purpose of this thesis is to improve the photon selection of the CMS SinglePhoton search for Supersymmetry by using multivariate analyses.The Single-Photon search aims to find Supersymmetry (SUSY) in data taken by theCompact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the Large Hadron Collider located atthe research center CERN. SUSY is an extension of the standard model of particlephysics. The search is designed for a general gauge mediation scenario, which describes the gauge mediated SUSY breaking. The analysis uses final states with jets,at least one photon and missing transverse energy. A data-driven prediction of themultijet background is performed for the analysis. For this purpose, photon candidates have to be classified into two selections.In this thesis the usage of multivariate analyses for the photon candidate classification is studied. The methods used are Fisher Discriminant, Boosted Decision Treesand Artificial Neural Networks. Their performance is evaluated with respect to different aspects impor...

  1. Multi-photon creation and single-photon annihilation of electron-positron pairs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, Huayu


    In this thesis we study multi-photon e{sup +}e{sup -} pair production in a trident process, and singlephoton e{sup +}e{sup -} pair annihilation in a triple interaction. The pair production is considered in the collision of a relativistic electron with a strong laser beam, and calculated within the theory of laser-dressed quantum electrodynamics. A regularization method is developed systematically for the resonance problem arising in the multi-photon process. Total production rates, positron spectra, and relative contributions of different reaction channels are obtained in various interaction regimes. Our calculation shows good agreement with existing experimental data from SLAC, and adds further insights into the experimental findings. Besides, we study the process in a manifestly nonperturbative domain, whose accessibility to future all-optical experiments based on laser acceleration is shown. In the single-photon e{sup +}e{sup -} pair annihilation, the recoil momentum is absorbed by a spectator particle. Various kinematic configurations of the three incoming particles are examined. Under certain conditions, the emitted photon exhibits distinct angular and polarization distributions which could facilitate the detection of the process. Considering an equilibrium relativistic e{sup +}e{sup -} plasma, it is found that the single-photon process becomes the dominant annihilation channel for plasma temperatures above 3 MeV. Multi-particle correlation effects are therefore essential for the e{sup +}e{sup -} dynamics at very high density. (orig.)

  2. Multi-photon creation and single-photon annihilation of electron-positron pairs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Huayu


    In this thesis we study multi-photon e + e - pair production in a trident process, and singlephoton e + e - pair annihilation in a triple interaction. The pair production is considered in the collision of a relativistic electron with a strong laser beam, and calculated within the theory of laser-dressed quantum electrodynamics. A regularization method is developed systematically for the resonance problem arising in the multi-photon process. Total production rates, positron spectra, and relative contributions of different reaction channels are obtained in various interaction regimes. Our calculation shows good agreement with existing experimental data from SLAC, and adds further insights into the experimental findings. Besides, we study the process in a manifestly nonperturbative domain, whose accessibility to future all-optical experiments based on laser acceleration is shown. In the single-photon e + e - pair annihilation, the recoil momentum is absorbed by a spectator particle. Various kinematic configurations of the three incoming particles are examined. Under certain conditions, the emitted photon exhibits distinct angular and polarization distributions which could facilitate the detection of the process. Considering an equilibrium relativistic e + e - plasma, it is found that the single-photon process becomes the dominant annihilation channel for plasma temperatures above 3 MeV. Multi-particle correlation effects are therefore essential for the e + e - dynamics at very high density. (orig.)

  3. Untersuchungen zur Radiotoxizität von Tc-99m-markierten Radiotracern in vitro an FRTL-5- und A431-Zellen


    Maucksch, Ute


    Einleitung/ Zielstellung Zusätzlich zur Gammastrahlung emittiert 99mTc ca. 5 niederenergetische Auger-Elektronen mit Reichweiten von wenigen Nanometern im Gewebe. Diese haben für die nuklear-medizinische Diagnostik keine Bedeutung. Es wird jedoch über eine therapeutische Nutzung diskutiert, wofür eine Anreicherung der Auger-Elektronen-Emitter in einem strahlensensitiven Zellkompartiment erforderlich ist. Ziel der Arbeit war es, verschiedene [99mTc]Tc-Radiopharmaka hinsichtlich ihres U...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    R. Graham; W. Chow


    Development of multi-photon phosphor materials for discharge lamps represents a goal that would achieve up to a doubling of discharge (fluorescent) lamp efficacy. This report reviews the existing literature on multi-photon phosphors, identifies obstacles in developing such phosphors, and recommends directions for future research to address these obstacles. To critically examine issues involved in developing a multi-photon phosphor, the project brought together a team of experts from universities, national laboratories, and an industrial lamp manufacturer. Results and findings are organized into three categories: (1) Multi-Photon Systems and Processes, (2) Chemistry and Materials Issues, and (3) Concepts and Models. Multi-Photon Systems and Processes: This category focuses on how to use our current understanding of multi-photon phosphor systems to design new phosphor systems for application in fluorescent lamps. The quickest way to develop multi-photon lamp phosphors lies in finding sensitizer ions for Gd{sup 3+} and identifying activator ions to red shift the blue emission from Pr{sup 3+} due to the {sup 1}S{sub 0} {yields} {sup 1}I{sub 6} transition associated with the first cascading step. Success in either of these developments would lead to more efficient fluorescent lamps. Chemistry and Materials Issues: The most promising multi-photon phosphors are found in fluoride hosts. However, stability of fluorides in environments typically found in fluorescent lamps needs to be greatly improved. Experimental investigation of fluorides in actual lamp environments needs to be undertaken while working on oxide and oxyfluoride alternative systems for backup. Concepts and Models: Successful design of a multi-photon phosphor system based on cascading transitions of Gd{sup 3+} and Pr{sup 3+} depends critically on how the former can be sensitized and the latter can sensitize an activator ion. Methods to predict energy level diagrams and Judd-Ofelt parameters of multi-photon

  5. Photon-photon scattering at the high-intensity frontier (United States)

    Gies, Holger; Karbstein, Felix; Kohlfürst, Christian; Seegert, Nico


    The tremendous progress in high-intensity laser technology and the establishment of dedicated high-field laboratories in recent years have paved the way towards a first observation of quantum vacuum nonlinearities at the high-intensity frontier. We advocate a particularly prospective scenario, where three synchronized high-intensity laser pulses are brought into collision, giving rise to signal photons, whose frequency and propagation direction differ from the driving laser pulses, thus providing various means to achieve an excellent signal to background separation. Based on the theoretical concept of vacuum emission, we employ an efficient numerical algorithm which allows us to model the collision of focused high-intensity laser pulses in unprecedented detail. We provide accurate predictions for the numbers of signal photons accessible in experiment. Our study is the first to predict the precise angular spread of the signal photons, and paves the way for a first verification of quantum vacuum nonlinearity in a well-controlled laboratory experiment at one of the many high-intensity laser facilities currently coming online.

  6. Photon final states at the Tevatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campanelli, Mario; /University Coll. London


    The authors present here several recent measurements involving associate production of photons and jets at the Tevatron. In particular, inclusive photon + met from D0, and photon + b-jets and photon + b-jet + leptons + MET from CDF are described in some detail. These measurements offer a good test of QCD predictions in rather complex final states.

  7. [Nordosteuropa als Geschichtsregion. Beiträge des III. Internationalen Symposiums zur deutschen Kultur und Geschichte im europäischen Nordosten vom 20.-22. September 2001 in Tallinn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lawaty, Andreas


    Arvustus : Nordosteuropa als Geschichtsregion. Beiträge des III. Internationalen Symposiums zur deutschen Kultur und Geschichte im europäischen Nordosten vom 20.-22. September 2001 in Tallinn. Lübeck : Verlag Schmidt-Römhild 2006. (Veröffentlihungen der Aue-Stiftung. 17)

  8. Einige Überlegungen zur Bestimmung des Äquivalenzgrades am Beispiel des lexikalischen Feldes „Erhebung im Gelände“

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daumantas Katinas


    Full Text Available Eine der wichtigsten Fragen in der kontrastiven Lexikologie, zweisprachigen Lexikografie und der Übersetzungswissenschaft ist die Bestimmung des Äquivalenzgrades zwischen den Lexemen der Vergleichssprachen. Die meisten Lexikologen, die sich mit kontrastiven Untersuchungen beschäftigen, sprechen von der Voll-, Teil- und Nulläquivalenz. In der Praxis existiert allerdings nur die so genannte Teiläquivalenz. Wenn man aber in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion nur diesen Begriff verwenden würde, entstünden somit noch größere Schwierigkeiten bei der Bestimmung des Äquivalenzgrades, weil sich das Spektrum der Teiläquivalenz von 1 bis 99 Prozent erstrecken würde. Daher wird im vorliegenden Beitrag eine Formel zur Berechnung des Äquivalenzgrades zwischen zwei Vergleichslexemen vorgeschlagen. In erster Linie wird die semantische Analyse des lexikalischen Feldes „Erhebung im Gelände“ im Litauischen und im Deutschen, das die Grundlage der Formel bildet, kurz präsentiert. Dazu wird der von Helmut Henne und Herbert Ernst Wiegand (Henne 1972, Wiegand 1970, Kühn 1979 vorgeschlagene Entwurf, die lexikalische Bedeutung mit Hilfe von onomasiologischen, komplementär-semasiologischen und autonom-semasiologischen Operationsschritten zu beschreiben, herangezogen. Dieser Entwurf wird durch kontrastive, prototypensemantische und korpusgestützte Aspekte ergänzt. Im zweiten Teil wird die mathematische Formel zur Berechnung des Äquivalenzgrades zwischen zwei Vergleichslexemen angegeben und durch das Beispiel des Lexempaars kalva–Hügel veranschaulicht.

  9. Quantum photonics

    CERN Document Server

    Pearsall, Thomas P


    This textbook employs a pedagogical approach that facilitates access to the fundamentals of Quantum Photonics. It contains an introductory description of the quantum properties of photons through the second quantization of the electromagnetic field, introducing stimulated and spontaneous emission of photons at the quantum level. Schrödinger’s equation is used to describe the behavior of electrons in a one-dimensional potential. Tunneling through a barrier is used to introduce the concept of non­locality of an electron at the quantum level, which is closely-related to quantum confinement tunneling, resonant tunneling, and the origin of energy bands in both periodic (crystalline) and aperiodic (non-crystalline) materials. Introducing the concepts of reciprocal space, Brillouin zones, and Bloch’s theorem, the determination of electronic band structure using the pseudopotential method is presented, allowing direct computation of the band structures of most group IV, group III-V, and group II-VI semiconducto...

  10. Experimental Study of Electronic Quantum Interference, Photonic Crystal Cavity, Photonic Band Edge Effects for Optical Amplification (United States)


    AFRL-RV-PS- AFRL-RV-PS- TR-2016-0003 TR-2016-0003 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ELECTRONIC QUANTUM INTERFERENCE , PHOTONIC CRYSTAL CAVITY, PHOTONIC BAND...EDGE EFFECTS FOR OPTICAL AMPLIFICATION Shawn-Yu Lin Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy, New York 12180 26 Jan 2016 Final Report...2014 – 11 Jan 2016 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Experimental Study of Electronic Quantum Interference , Photonic Crystal Cavity, Photonic Band Edge Effects

  11. FDTD simulation for plasma photonic crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Shaobin; Zhu Chuanxi; Yuan Naichang


    Plasma photonic crystals are artificially periodic structures, which are composed of plasmas and dielectric structures (or vacuum). In this paper, the piecewise linear current density recursive convolution (PLCDRC) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is applied to study the plasma photonic crystals and those containing defects. In time-domain, the electromagnetic (EM) propagation process and reflection/transmission electric field of Gauss pulses passing through the plasma photonic crystals are investigated. In frequency-domain, the reflection and transmission coefficients of the pulses through the two kinds of crystals are computed. The results illustrate that the plasma photonic crystals mostly reflect for the EM wave of frequencies less than the plasma frequency, and mostly transmit for EM wave of frequencies higher than the plasma frequency. In high frequency domain, the plasma photonic crystals have photonic band gaps, which is analogous to the conventional photonic crystals. (authors)

  12. Photonic Design for Photovoltaics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kosten, E.; Callahan, D.; Horowitz, K.; Pala, R.; Atwater, H.


    We describe photonic design approaches for silicon photovoltaics including i) trapezoidal broadband light trapping structures ii) broadband light trapping with photonic crystal superlattices iii) III-V/Si nanowire arrays designed for broadband light trapping.

  13. Two-photon interference : spatial aspects of two-photon entanglement, diffraction, and scattering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peeters, Wouter Herman


    This dissertation contains scientific research within the realm of quantum optics, which is a branch of physics. An experimental and theoretical study is made of two-photon interference phenomena in various optical systems. Spatially entangled photon pairs are produced via the nonlinear optical

  14. Total Hadronic Cross-Section of Photon-Photon Interactions at LEP

    CERN Document Server

    Abbiendi, G.; Alexander, G.; Allison, John; Altekamp, N.; Anderson, K.J.; Anderson, S.; Arcelli, S.; Asai, S.; Ashby, S.F.; Axen, D.; Azuelos, G.; Ball, A.H.; Barberio, E.; Barillari, T.; Barlow, Roger J.; Batley, J.R.; Baumann, S.; Bechtluft, J.; Behnke, T.; Bell, Kenneth Watson; Bella, G.; Bellerive, A.; Bentvelsen, S.; Bethke, S.; Betts, S.; Biebel, O.; Biguzzi, A.; Bloodworth, I.J.; Bock, P.; Bohme, J.; Bonacorsi, D.; Boutemeur, M.; Braibant, S.; Bright-Thomas, P.; Brigliadori, L.; Brown, Robert M.; Burckhart, H.J.; Capiluppi, P.; Carnegie, R.K.; Carter, A.A.; Carter, J.R.; Chang, C.Y.; Charlton, David G.; Chrisman, D.; Ciocca, C.; Clarke, P.E.L.; Clay, E.; Cohen, I.; Conboy, J.E.; Cooke, O.C.; Couchman, J.; Couyoumtzelis, C.; Coxe, R.L.; Cuffiani, M.; Dado, S.; Dallavalle, G.Marco; Davis, R.; De Jong, S.; de Roeck, A.; Dervan, P.; Desch, K.; Dienes, B.; Dixit, M.S.; Dubbert, J.; Duchovni, E.; Duckeck, G.; Duerdoth, I.P.; Estabrooks, P.G.; Etzion, E.; Fabbri, F.; Fanfani, A.; Fanti, M.; Faust, A.A.; Feld, L.; Fiedler, F.; Fierro, M.; Fleck, I.; Frey, A.; Furtjes, A.; Futyan, D.I.; Gagnon, P.; Gary, J.W.; Gaycken, G.; Geich-Gimbel, C.; Giacomelli, G.; Giacomelli, P.; Gibson, V.; Gibson, W.R.; Gingrich, D.M.; Glenzinski, D.; Goldberg, J.; Gorn, W.; Grandi, C.; Graham, K.; Gross, E.; Grunhaus, J.; Gruwe, M.; Hajdu, C.; Hanson, G.G.; Hansroul, M.; Hapke, M.; Harder, K.; Harel, A.; Hargrove, C.K.; Harin-Dirac, M.; Hauschild, M.; Hawkes, C.M.; Hawkings, R.; Hemingway, R.J.; Herten, G.; Heuer, R.D.; Hildreth, M.D.; Hill, J.C.; Hobson, P.R.; Hocker, James Andrew; Hoffman, Kara Dion; Homer, R.J.; Honma, A.K.; Horvath, D.; Hossain, K.R.; Howard, R.; Huntemeyer, P.; Igo-Kemenes, P.; Imrie, D.C.; Ishii, K.; Jacob, F.R.; Jawahery, A.; Jeremie, H.; Jimack, M.; Jones, C.R.; Jovanovic, P.; Junk, T.R.; Kanaya, N.; Kanzaki, J.; Karlen, D.; Kartvelishvili, V.; Kawagoe, K.; Kawamoto, T.; Kayal, P.I.; Keeler, R.K.; Kellogg, R.G.; Kennedy, B.W.; Kim, D.H.; Klier, A.; Kobayashi, T.; Kobel, M.; Kokott, T.P.; Kolrep, M.; Komamiya, S.; Kowalewski, Robert V.; Kress, T.; Krieger, P.; von Krogh, J.; Kuhl, T.; Kyberd, P.; Lafferty, G.D.; Landsman, H.; Lanske, D.; Lauber, J.; Lawson, I.; Layter, J.G.; Lellouch, D.; Letts, J.; Levinson, L.; Liebisch, R.; List, B.; Littlewood, C.; Lloyd, A.W.; Lloyd, S.L.; Loebinger, F.K.; Long, G.D.; Losty, M.J.; Lu, J.; Ludwig, J.; Lui, D.; Macchiolo, A.; Macpherson, A.; Mader, W.; Mannelli, M.; Marcellini, S.; Martin, A.J.; Martin, J.P.; Martinez, G.; Mashimo, T.; Mattig, Peter; McDonald, W.John; McKenna, J.; Mckigney, E.A.; McMahon, T.J.; McPherson, R.A.; Meijers, F.; Mendez-Lorenzo, P.; Merritt, F.S.; Mes, H.; Michelini, A.; Mihara, S.; Mikenberg, G.; Miller, D.J.; Mohr, W.; Montanari, A.; Mori, T.; Nagai, K.; Nakamura, I.; Neal, H.A.; Nisius, R.; O'Neale, S.W.; Oakham, F.G.; Odorici, F.; Ogren, H.O.; Okpara, A.; Oreglia, M.J.; Orito, S.; Pasztor, G.; Pater, J.R.; Patrick, G.N.; Patt, J.; Perez-Ochoa, R.; Petzold, S.; Pfeifenschneider, P.; Pilcher, J.E.; Pinfold, J.; Plane, David E.; Poffenberger, P.; Poli, B.; Polok, J.; Przybycien, M.; Quadt, A.; Rembser, C.; Rick, H.; Robertson, S.; Robins, S.A.; Rodning, N.; Roney, J.M.; Rosati, S.; Roscoe, K.; Rossi, A.M.; Rozen, Y.; Runge, K.; Runolfsson, O.; Rust, D.R.; Sachs, K.; Saeki, T.; Sahr, O.; Sang, W.M.; Sarkisian, E.K.G.; Sbarra, C.; Schaile, A.D.; Schaile, O.; Scharff-Hansen, P.; Schieck, J.; Schmitt, S.; Schoning, A.; Schroder, Matthias; Schumacher, M.; Schwick, C.; Scott, W.G.; Seuster, R.; Shears, T.G.; Shen, B.C.; Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H.; Sherwood, P.; Siroli, G.P.; Sittler, A.; Skuja, A.; Smith, A.M.; Snow, G.A.; Sobie, R.; Soldner-Rembold, S.; Spagnolo, S.; Sproston, M.; Stahl, A.; Stephens, K.; Steuerer, J.; Stoll, K.; Strom, David M.; Strohmer, R.; Surrow, B.; Talbot, S.D.; Taras, P.; Tarem, S.; Teuscher, R.; Thiergen, M.; Thomas, J.; Thomson, M.A.; Torrence, E.; Towers, S.; Trigger, I.; Trocsanyi, Z.; Tsur, E.; Turner-Watson, M.F.; Ueda, I.; Van Kooten, Rick J.; Vannerem, P.; Verzocchi, M.; Voss, H.; Wackerle, F.; Wagner, A.; Ward, C.P.; Ward, D.R.; Watkins, P.M.; Watson, A.T.; Watson, N.K.; Wells, P.S.; Wermes, N.; Wetterling, D.; White, J.S.; Wilson, G.W.; Wilson, J.A.; Wyatt, T.R.; Yamashita, S.; Zacek, V.; Zer-Zion, D.


    The total hadronic cross-section sigma_gg(W) for the interaction of real photons, gg->hadrons, is measured for gg centre-of-mass energies 10 e+e-g*g* -> e+e- hardrons, using a luminosity function for the photon flux together with form factors for extrapolating to real photons (Q^2=0 GeV^2). The data were taken with the OPAL detector at LEP at e+e- centre-of-mass energies 161, 172 and 183 GeV. The cross-section sigma_gg(W) is compared with Regge factorisation and with the energy dependence observed in gp and pp interactions. The data are also compared to models which predict a faster rise of sigma_gg(W) compared to gp and pp interactions due to additional hard gg interactions not present in hadronic collisions.

  15. Photon Entanglement Through Brain Tissue. (United States)

    Shi, Lingyan; Galvez, Enrique J; Alfano, Robert R


    Photon entanglement, the cornerstone of quantum correlations, provides a level of coherence that is not present in classical correlations. Harnessing it by study of its passage through organic matter may offer new possibilities for medical diagnosis technique. In this work, we study the preservation of photon entanglement in polarization, created by spontaneous parametric down-conversion, after one entangled photon propagates through multiphoton-scattering brain tissue slices with different thickness. The Tangle-Entropy (TS) plots show the strong preservation of entanglement of photons propagating in brain tissue. By spatially filtering the ballistic scattering of an entangled photon, we find that its polarization entanglement is preserved and non-locally correlated with its twin in the TS plots. The degree of entanglement correlates better with structure and water content than with sample thickness.

  16. MaxControl : ein objektorientiertes Werkzeug zur automatischen Erstellung von 3D-Computeranimationsfilmen und dessen Integration in eine professionelle 3D-Animationssoftware


    Paul, Jan


    Durch die wachsende Computerleistung können 3D-Computeranimationen sehr komplexe Szenen mit ebenso komplexen zeitlichen Abläufen animiert darstellen. Jedoch ist neben der Erstellung einer komplexen Szene auch deren Animation entsprechend aufwendig, wenn keine Automatisierungen genutzt werden können. Das in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Werkzeug MaxControl ist ein System zur automatischen Animation von nicht-interaktiven 3D-Animationsfilmen. Dies wird durch die Simulation von Verhaltensweisen erre...

  17. Optimization of photonic crystal cavities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Fengwen; Sigmund, Ole


    We present optimization of photonic crystal cavities. The optimization problem is formulated to maximize the Purcell factor of a photonic crystal cavity. Both topology optimization and air-hole-based shape optimization are utilized for the design process. Numerical results demonstrate...... that the Purcell factor of the photonic crystal cavity can be significantly improved through optimization....

  18. Photonics for life. (United States)

    Cubeddu, Rinaldo; Bassi, Andrea; Comelli, Daniela; Cova, Sergio; Farina, Andrea; Ghioni, Massimo; Rech, Ivan; Pifferi, Antonio; Spinelli, Lorenzo; Taroni, Paola; Torricelli, Alessandro; Tosi, Alberto; Valentini, Gianluca; Zappa, Franco


    Light is strictly connected with life, and its presence is fundamental for any living environment. Thus, many biological mechanisms are related to light interaction or can be evaluated through processes involving energy exchange with photons. Optics has always been a precious tool to evaluate molecular and cellular mechanisms, but the discovery of lasers opened new pathways of interactions of light with biological matter, pushing an impressive development for both therapeutic and diagnostic applications in biomedicine. The use of light in different fields has become so widespread that the word photonics has been utilized to identify all the applications related to processes where the light is involved. The photonics area covers a wide range of wavelengths spanning from soft X-rays to mid-infrared and includes all devices related to photons as light sources, optical fibers and light guides, detectors, and all the related electronic equipment. The recent use of photons in the field of telecommunications has pushed the technology toward low-cost, compact, and efficient devices, making them available for many other applications, including those related to biology and medicine where these requirements are of particular relevance. Moreover, basic sciences such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and electronics have recognized the interdisciplinary need of biomedical science and are translating the most advanced researches into these fields. The Politecnico school has pioneered many of them,and this article reviews the state of the art of biomedical research at the Politecnico in the field internationally known as biophotonics.

  19. Subwavelength silicon photonics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheben, P.; Bock, P.J.; Schmid, J.H.; Lapointe, J.; Janz, S.; Xu, D.-X.; Densmore, A.; Delage, A.; Lamontagne, B.; Florjanczyk, M.; Ma, R.


    With the goal of developing photonic components that are compatible with silicon microelectronic integrated circuits, silicon photonics has been the subject of intense research activity. Silicon is an excellent material for confining and manipulating light at the submicrometer scale. Silicon optoelectronic integrated devices have the potential to be miniaturized and mass-produced at affordable cost for many applications, including telecommunications, optical interconnects, medical screening, and biological and chemical sensing. We review recent advances in silicon photonics research at the National Research Council Canada. A new type of optical waveguide is presented, exploiting subwavelength grating (SWG) effect. We demonstrate subwavelength grating waveguides made of silicon, including practical components operating at telecom wavelengths: input couplers, waveguide crossings and spectrometer chips. SWG technique avoids loss and wavelength resonances due to diffraction effects and allows for single-mode operation with direct control of the mode confinement by changing the refractive index of a waveguide core over a range as broad as 1.6 - 3.5 simply by lithographic patterning. The light can be launched to these waveguides with a coupling loss as small as 0.5 dB and with minimal wavelength dependence, using coupling structures similar to that shown in Fig. 1. The subwavelength grating waveguides can cross each other with minimal loss and negligible crosstalk which allows massive photonic circuit connectivity to overcome the limits of electrical interconnects. These results suggest that the SWG waveguides could become key elements for future integrated photonic circuits. (authors)

  20. Photonic band gap properties of one-dimensional Thue-Morse all-dielectric photonic quasicrystal (United States)

    Yue, Chenxi; Tan, Wei; Liu, Jianjun


    In this paper, the photonic band gap (PBG) properties of one-dimensional (1D) Thue-Morse photonic quasicrystal (PQC) S4 structure are theoretically investigated by using transfer matrix method in Bragg condition. The effects of the center wavelength, relative permittivity and incident angle on PBG properties are elaborately analyzed. Numerical results reveal that, in the case of normal incidence, the symmetry and periodicity properties of the photonic band structure are presented. As the center wavelength increases, the PBG center frequency and PBG width decrease while the photonic band structure is always symmetrical about the central frequency and the photonic band structure repeats periodically in the expanding observation frequency range. With the decrease of relative permittivity contrast, the PBG width and the relative PBG width gradually decreases until PBG disappears while the symmetry of the photonic band structure always exists. In the case of oblique incidence, as the incident angle increases, multiple narrow PBGs gradually merge into a wide PBG for the TE mode while for the TM mode, the number of PBG continuously decreases and eventually disappears, i.e., multiple narrow PBGs become a wide passband for the TM mode. The research results will provide a reference for the choice of the material, the incident angle for the PBG properties and its applications of 1D Thue-Morse PQC.

  1. Quantum optics. All-optical routing of single photons by a one-atom switch controlled by a single photon. (United States)

    Shomroni, Itay; Rosenblum, Serge; Lovsky, Yulia; Bechler, Orel; Guendelman, Gabriel; Dayan, Barak


    The prospect of quantum networks, in which quantum information is carried by single photons in photonic circuits, has long been the driving force behind the effort to achieve all-optical routing of single photons. We realized a single-photon-activated switch capable of routing a photon from any of its two inputs to any of its two outputs. Our device is based on a single atom coupled to a fiber-coupled, chip-based microresonator. A single reflected control photon toggles the switch from high reflection (R ~ 65%) to high transmission (T ~ 90%), with an average of ~1.5 control photons per switching event (~3, including linear losses). No additional control fields are required. The control and target photons are both in-fiber and practically identical, making this scheme compatible with scalable architectures for quantum information processing. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  2. Photonic crystal ring resonator based optical filters for photonic integrated circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, S.


    In this paper, a two Dimensional (2D) Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator (PCRR) based optical Filters namely Add Drop Filter, Bandpass Filter, and Bandstop Filter are designed for Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs). The normalized output response of the filters is obtained using 2D Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method and the band diagram of periodic and non-periodic structure is attained by Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) method. The size of the device is minimized from a scale of few tens of millimeters to the order of micrometers. The overall size of the filters is around 11.4 μm × 11.4 μm which is highly suitable of photonic integrated circuits

  3. Zur Entwicklung eines interaktiven Verfahrens der Sprachstandsermittlung bei mehrsprachig aufwachsenden Kindern – von der Idee zu ersten Umsetzungsschritten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jörg Roche et al.


    Full Text Available Dieser Beitrag skizziert ein Konzept zur Sprachstandsermittlung, das aufbauend auf Ergebnissen der gebrauchsbasierten Spracherwerbsforschung die sprachlichen Fähigkeiten von Vorschulkindern in quasi-natürlichen Gesprächssituationen misst. Den Maßstab bilden dabei die altersgemäßen Deutschkompetenzen monolingualer und bilingualer Kinder im Vorschulalter. Mit dem neuen Verfahren soll eine akkurate Bewertung der kommunikativen Kompetenzen der Kinder am Übergang zur Schule erfolgen, die eine systematische Benachteiligung mehrsprachig aufwachsender Kinder aufgrund von Vergleichen mit zielsprachlichen Erwachsenennormen vermeidet. Das neuartige Erhebungsverfahren wird dabei in Form einer digitalen Spielumgebung (App entwickelt, die eine Umsetzung der Prinzipien des handlungsorientierten Sprachenlernens erlaubt. This paper presents the implementation of a new concept of first and second language assessment for pre-school children between four and six years. The concept is theoretically grounded in usage-based linguistics. It assesses language in authentic communicative settings in a game based app. The settings provide the children with incentives to engage in communication. As a result, the assessment tool does not evaluate formal aspects of language. Instead it relies on functional categories for evaluation. Norms for evaluations are derived from longitudinal corpus studies of authentic child language production. The goal of the new approach is to generate an accurate and fair assessments of the children’s communicative capacities. Pilot studies indicate that children with L2 German appear to be more advanced than shown by traditional form-based assessment methods.

  4. Photon structure function - theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bardeen, W.A.


    The theoretical status of the photon structure function is reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the hadronic mixing problem and the ability of perturbative QCD to make definitive predictions for the photon structure function. 11 references

  5. Breakdown of Bose-Einstein distribution in photonic crystals. (United States)

    Lo, Ping-Yuan; Xiong, Heng-Na; Zhang, Wei-Min


    In the last two decades, considerable advances have been made in the investigation of nano-photonics in photonic crystals. Previous theoretical investigations of photon dynamics were carried out at zero temperature. Here, we investigate micro/nano cavity photonics in photonic crystals at finite temperature. Due to photonic-band-gap-induced localized long-lived photon dynamics, we discover that cavity photons in photonic crystals do not obey Bose-Einstein statistical distribution. Within the photonic band gap and in the vicinity of the band edge, cavity photons combine the long-lived non-Markovain dynamics with thermal fluctuations together to form photon states that memorize the initial cavity state information. As a result, Bose-Einstein distribution is completely broken down in these regimes, even if the thermal energy is larger or much larger than the cavity detuning energy. In this investigation, a crossover phenomenon from equilibrium to nonequilibrium steady states is also revealed.

  6. Light and gas confinement in hollow-core photonic crystal fibre based photonic microcells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benabid, F.; Roberts, John; Couny, F.


    guides via a photonic bandgap and the other guides by virtue of an inhibited coupling between core and cladding mode constituents. For the former fibre type, we explore how the bandgap is formed using a photonic analogue of the tight-binding model and how it is related to the anti-resonant reflection...... on electromagnetically induced transparency in a rubidium filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibre, the CW-pumped hydrogen Raman laser and the generation of multi-octave spanning stimulated Raman scattering spectral combs....

  7. Physics of photonic devices

    CERN Document Server

    Chuang, Shun Lien


    The most up-to-date book available on the physics of photonic devices This new edition of Physics of Photonic Devices incorporates significant advancements in the field of photonics that have occurred since publication of the first edition (Physics of Optoelectronic Devices). New topics covered include a brief history of the invention of semiconductor lasers, the Lorentz dipole method and metal plasmas, matrix optics, surface plasma waveguides, optical ring resonators, integrated electroabsorption modulator-lasers, and solar cells. It also introduces exciting new fields of research such as:

  8. Zur Politik der Intertextualität in Roberto Bolaños ‚Estrella Distante‘

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samir Sellami


    Full Text Available Am Beispiel von Bolaños 1996 erschienenem Kurzroman Estrella Distante untersucht der Beitrag die spezifische Logik der Intertextualität in Bolaños Poetik. Seine implizite Logik der Intertextualität entwickelt sich dabei nicht im luftleeren Raum, sondern im Kontrastverhältnis zu der erzählten Poetik des Protagonisten Carlos Wieder. Dessen formal progressive, aber politisch reaktionär motivierte Poetik deckt die fundamentale Ambivalenz avantgardistischer Poetiken auf und führt zur gegensätzlichen Affirmation einer metabolischen Intertextualität, die den körperlichen und gelebten Kontakt mit dem Literarischen in den Vordergrund stellt. In dieser Konstellation wird Estrella Distante lesbar als poetischer Widerstand und literarische Vergeltung an der historischen Wirklichkeit.

  9. Experiments on quantum frequency conversion of photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramelow, S.


    Coherently converting photons between different states offers intriguing new possibilities and applications in quantum optical experiments. In this thesis three experiments on this theme are presented. The first experiment demonstrates the quantum frequency conversion of polarization entangled photons. Coherent frequency conversion of single photons offers an elegant solution for the often difficult trade-off of choosing the optimal photon wavelength, e.g. regarding optimal transmission and storage of photons in quantum memory based quantum networks. In our experiments, we verify the successful entanglement conversion by violating a Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) Bell inequality and fully characterised our close to unity fidelity entanglement transfer using quantum state- and process tomography. Our implementation is robust and flexible, making it a practical building block for future quantum technologies.The second part of the thesis introduces a deterministic scheme for photonic quantum information processing. While single photons offer many advantages for quantum information technologies, key unresolved challenges are scalable on-demand single photon sources; deterministic two-photon interactions; and near 100%-efficient detection. All these can be solved with a single versatile process - a novel four-wave mixing process that we introduce here as a special case of the more general scheme of coherent photon conversion (CPC). It can provide valuable photonic quantum processing tools, from scalably creating single- and multi-photon states to implementing deterministic entangling gates and high-efficiency detection. Notably, this would enable scalable photonic quantum computing. Using photonic crystal fibres, we experimentally demonstrate a nonlinear process suited for coherent photon conversion. We observe correlated photon-pair production at the predicted wavelengths and experimentally characterise the enhancement of the interaction strength by varying the pump

  10. Time correlation in two-photon decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hrasko, P.


    The relative time distribution of the photons emitted in a second order non-cascade process b→a+2γ is investigated under the assumption that only those photon pairs are detected which were emitted a sufficiently long time after the preparation of the decaying state. An anticorrelation between the photons is found and attributed to the propagation of one of the photons backward in time. (author)

  11. Von der »Entstehung des öffentlichen Strafrechts« zur »Fabrikation des Verbrechens«

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karl Härter


    Full Text Available "Auss liebe der gerechtigkeit vnd umb gemeines nutz". Historische Beiträge zur Strafverfolgung, (Rothenburger Gespräche zur Strafrechtsgeschichte 1, hg. von GÜNTER JEROUSCHEK und HINRICH RÜPING, Tübingen: Edition Diskord 2000, 253 S., ISBN 3-89295-685-5. JOHN MAURICE BEATTIE, Policing and punishment in London, 1660-1750. Urban crime and the limits of terror, Oxford u. a.: Oxford University Press 2001, XIX, 491 p., ISBN 0-19-820867-7. ANDREAS BLAUERT, Das Urfehdewesen im deutschen Südwesten im Spätmittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit, (Frühneuzeit-Forschungen 7, Tübingen: Bibliotheca-Academica-Verlag 2000, 199 S., ISBN 3-928471-25-2. ANDREAS BLAUERT, EVA WIEBEL, Gauner- und Diebslisten: Registrieren, Identifizieren und Fahnden im 18. Jahrhundert. Mit einem Repertorium gedruckter südwestdeutscher, schweizerischer und österreichischer Listen sowie einem Faksimile der Schäffer& Benedict Carpzov. Neue Perspektiven zu einem umstrittenen sächsischen Juristen, hg. von GÜNTER JEROUSCHEK, WOLFGANG SCHILD und WALTER GROPP, Tübingen: Ed. Diskord 2000, 320 S., ISBN 3-89295-695-2. The Civilization of Crime. Violence in Town and Country since the Middle Ages, ed. ERIC A. JOHNSON and ERIC H. MONKKONEN, Urbana/Chicago: University of Illinois Press 1996, 290 p., ISBN 0-252-02242-4. Criminalità e giustizia in Germania e in Italia. Pratiche giudiziarie e linguaggi giuridici tra tardo Medioevo ed età moderna / Kriminalität und Justiz in Deutschland und Italien. Rechtspraktiken und gerichtliche Diskurse in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, hg. von MARCO BELLABARBA, GERD SCHWERHOFF und ANDREA ZORZI, (Annali dell& Denunziation und Justiz. Historische Dimensionen eines sozialen Phänomens, hg. von FRISO ROSS und ACHIM LANDWEHR, Tübingen: Ed. Diskord 2000, 283 S., ISBN 3-89295-689-8. Denunziation. Historische, juristische und psychologische Aspekte, hg. von GÜNTER JEROUSCHEK, INGE MARSSOLEK und HEDWIG RÖCKELEIN, (Forum Psychohistorie 7, T

  12. Dressed photons from the viewpoint of photon localization: the entrance to the off-shell science (United States)

    Saigo, Hayato; Ojima, Izumi; Ohtsu, Motoichi


    In the present paper, a new aspect of the interplay is examined between mathematical-physical arguments and light-matter fusion technologies in terms of the concept of "effective mass", starting from a question: Who has seen a free photon? Owing to the general results due to Newton-Wigner and to Wightman, a position operator is absent for massless free particles with non-zero finite spins, and hence, we cannot observe free photons in any local space regions. To solve this paradox of "photon localization", the effective mass of a photon needs to be generated through the couplings of photons with matter. Here "polaritons" picture as a basic notion in optical and solid physics is shown to verify this viewpoint, which is seen to apply also to more general settings . Focusing on the role played by nanoparticles, we reach a new look at the notion of "dressed photons" as off-shell particles. The perspective above shows that essential mathematical structure of quantum field theory for the so-called elementary particles in subatomic scale can also be applied to certain phenomena in the nano-scale.

  13. Generation of a multi-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state with linear optical elements and photon detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zou, X B; Pahlke, K; Mathis, W


    We present a scheme to generate a multi-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state by using single-photon sources, linear optical elements and photon detectors. Such a maximum entanglement has wide applications in the demonstration of quantum nonlocality and quantum information processing

  14. Two-Dimentional Photonic Crystal Waveguides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Thomas; Dridi, Kim


    possible a novel class of optical microcavities, whereas line defects make possible a novel class of waveguides. In this paper we will analyze two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides based on photonic crystals with rods arranged on a triangular and a square lattice using a plane-wave expansion method......In the recent years a new class of periodic high-index contrast dielectric structures, known as photonic bandgap structures, has been discovered. In these structures frequency intervals, known as photonic bandgaps, where propagation of electromagnetic waves is not allowed, exist due to the periodic...... dielectric function. This is analogous to semiconductors, where electronic bandgaps exist due to the periodic arrangement of atoms. As is also the case for semiconductor structures, photonic bandgap structures may become of even greater value when defects are introduced. In particular, point defects make...

  15. The radiobiology of boron neutron capture therapy: Are ''photon-equivalent'' doses really photon-equivalent?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coderre, J.A.; Diaz, A.Z.; Ma, R.


    Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) produces a mixture of radiation dose components. The high-linear energy transfer (LET) particles are more damaging in tissue than equal doses of low-LET radiation. Each of the high-LET components can multiplied by an experimentally determined factor to adjust for the increased biological effectiveness and the resulting sum expressed in photon-equivalent units (Gy-Eq). BNCT doses in photon-equivalent units are based on a number of assumptions. It may be possible to test the validity of these assumptions and the accuracy of the calculated BNCT doses by 1) comparing the effects of BNCT in other animal or biological models where the effects of photon radiation are known, or 2) if there are endpoints reached in the BNCT dose escalation clinical trials that can be related to the known response to photons of the tissue in question. The calculated Gy-Eq BNCT doses delivered to dogs and to humans with BPA and the epithermal neutron beam of the Brookhaven Medical Research Reactor were compared to expected responses to photon irradiation. The data indicate that Gy-Eq doses in brain may be underestimated. Doses to skin are consistent with the expected response to photons. Gy-Eq doses to tumor are significantly overestimated. A model system of cells in culture irradiated at various depths in a lucite phantom using the epithermal beam is under development. Preliminary data indicate that this approach can be used to detect differences in the relative biological effectiveness of the beam. The rat 9L gliosarcoma cell survival data was converted to photon-equivalent doses using the same factors assumed in the clinical studies. The results superimposed on the survival curve derived from irradiation with Cs-137 photons indicating the potential utility of this model system. (author)

  16. Antigravity Acts on Photons (United States)

    Brynjolfsson, Ari


    Einstein's general theory of relativity assumes that photons don't change frequency as they move from Sun to Earth. This assumption is correct in classical physics. All experiments proving the general relativity are in the domain of classical physics. This include the tests by Pound et al. of the gravitational redshift of 14.4 keV photons; the rocket experiments by Vessot et al.; the Galileo solar redshift experiments by Krisher et al.; the gravitational deflection of light experiments by Riveros and Vucetich; and delay of echoes of radar signals passing close to Sun as observed by Shapiro et al. Bohr's correspondence principle assures that quantum mechanical theory of general relativity agrees with Einstein's classical theory when frequency and gravitational field gradient approach zero, or when photons cannot interact with the gravitational field. When we treat photons as quantum mechanical particles; we find that gravitational force on photons is reversed (antigravity). This modified theory contradicts the equivalence principle, but is consistent with all experiments. Solar lines and distant stars are redshifted in accordance with author's plasma redshift theory. These changes result in a beautiful consistent cosmology.

  17. Universal dependence of the total number albedo of photons on the mean number of photon scatterings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ljubenov Vladan L.


    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of research on photon reflection from plane targets based on Monte Carlo simulations performed by the MCNP code. Five materials (water, concrete, aluminum, iron, and copper are examined in the area of initial photon energies of up to 200 keV. The values of the total number albedo for photons dependent on the initial photon energy or the mean number of photon scatterings are calculated and graphically presented. We have shown that the values of the total number albedo for different target materials, expressed as a function of the mean number of photon scatterings, are in good agreement with each other and can be approximated by simple, universal analytic functions obtained by the least squares method. The accuracy of these analytic appoximations is confirmed by their comparison with the results of PENELOPE and FOTELP Monte Carlo codes.

  18. Parity-Time Symmetric Photonics

    KAUST Repository

    Zhao, Han


    The establishment of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics (such as parity-time (PT) symmetry) stimulates a paradigmatic shift for studying symmetries of complex potentials. Owing to the convenient manipulation of optical gain and loss in analogy to the complex quantum potentials, photonics provides an ideal platform for visualization of many conceptually striking predictions from the non-Hermitian quantum theory. A rapidly developing field has emerged, namely, PT symmetric photonics, demonstrating intriguing optical phenomena including eigenstate coalescence and spontaneous PT symmetry breaking. The advance of quantum physics, as the feedback, provides photonics with brand-new paradigms to explore the entire complex permittivity plane for novel optical functionalities. Here, we review recent exciting breakthroughs in PT symmetric photonics while systematically presenting their underlying principles guided by non-Hermitian symmetries. The potential device applications for optical communication and computing, bio-chemical sensing, and healthcare are also discussed.

  19. Two photon versus one photon fluorescence excitation in whispering gallery mode microresonators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pastells, Carme; Marco, M.-Pilar; Merino, David; Loza-Alvarez, Pablo; Pasquardini, Laura; Lunelli, Lorenzo; Pederzolli, Cecilia; Daldosso, Nicola; Farnesi, Daniele; Berneschi, Simone; Righini, Giancarlo C.; Quercioli, Franco; Nunzi Conti, Gualtiero; Soria, Silvia


    We investigate the feasibility of both one photon and two photon fluorescence excitation using whispering gallery mode microresonators. We report the linear and non linear fluorescence real-time detection of labeled IgG covalently bonded to the surface of a silica whispering gallery mode resonator (WGMR). The immunoreagents have been immobilized onto the surface of the WGMR sensor after being activated with an epoxy silane and an orienting layer. The developed immunosensor presents great potential as a robust sensing device for fast and early detection of immunoreactions. We also investigate the potential of microbubbles as nonlinear enhancement platform. The dyes used in these studies are dylight800, tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate, rhodamine 6G and fluorescein. All measurements were performed in a modified confocal microscope. - Highlights: • One photon fluorescence overlaps with the semiconductor pump laser gain bandwidth. • We report on the feasibility to excite two photon fluorescence in microbubble resonators. • Our functionalization process maintains a good quality factor of the microresonator.

  20. Two photon versus one photon fluorescence excitation in whispering gallery mode microresonators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pastells, Carme; Marco, M.-Pilar [Nanobiotechnology for Diagnostics Group (Nb4Dg), IQAC-CSIC, 08034 Barcelona (Spain); CIBER de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina, 08034 Barcelona (Spain); Merino, David; Loza-Alvarez, Pablo [ICFO-Institut de Ciències Fotòniques, Castelldefels, 08860 Barcelona (Spain); Pasquardini, Laura [Fondazione Bruno Kessler, 38123 Povo, TN (Italy); Lunelli, Lorenzo [Fondazione Bruno Kessler, 38123 Povo, TN (Italy); IBF-CNR, 38123 Povo, TN (Italy); Pederzolli, Cecilia [Fondazione Bruno Kessler, 38123 Povo, TN (Italy); Daldosso, Nicola [Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Strada le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy); Farnesi, Daniele [CNR-IFAC “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI (Italy); Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “E. Fermi”, 00184 Roma (Italy); Berneschi, Simone [CNR-IFAC “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI (Italy); Righini, Giancarlo C. [CNR-IFAC “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI (Italy); Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “E. Fermi”, 00184 Roma (Italy); Quercioli, Franco [CNR-INO National Institute of Optics, Sesto Fiorentino, FI (Italy); Nunzi Conti, Gualtiero [CNR-IFAC “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI (Italy); Soria, Silvia, E-mail: [CNR-IFAC “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI (Italy)


    We investigate the feasibility of both one photon and two photon fluorescence excitation using whispering gallery mode microresonators. We report the linear and non linear fluorescence real-time detection of labeled IgG covalently bonded to the surface of a silica whispering gallery mode resonator (WGMR). The immunoreagents have been immobilized onto the surface of the WGMR sensor after being activated with an epoxy silane and an orienting layer. The developed immunosensor presents great potential as a robust sensing device for fast and early detection of immunoreactions. We also investigate the potential of microbubbles as nonlinear enhancement platform. The dyes used in these studies are dylight800, tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate, rhodamine 6G and fluorescein. All measurements were performed in a modified confocal microscope. - Highlights: • One photon fluorescence overlaps with the semiconductor pump laser gain bandwidth. • We report on the feasibility to excite two photon fluorescence in microbubble resonators. • Our functionalization process maintains a good quality factor of the microresonator.

  1. Green photonics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quan, Frederic


    Photonics, the broad merger of electronics with the optical sciences, encompasses such a wide swath of technology that its impact is almost universal in our everyday lives. This is a broad overview of some aspects of the industry and their contribution to the ‘green’ or environmental movement. The rationale for energy conservation is briefly discussed and the impact of photonics on our everyday lives and certain industries is described. Some opinions from industry are presented along with market estimates. References are provided to some of the most recent research in these areas. (review article)

  2. J/Ψ-production of photon-photon colliders as a probe of the color octet mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, J.P.; McKellar, B.H.J.; Paranavitane, C.B


    We study J/Ψ production at photon-photon colliders, which can be realised with Compton scattering of laser photons at e + e - colliders. We find that the production rate through the color-octet channel is comparable to that through the color-singlet channel. Experimentally the two mechanisms can be studied separately because the processes have different signals. (authors)

  3. Anomalous transparency in photonic crystals and its application to point-by-point grating inscription in photonic crystal fibers. (United States)

    Baghdasaryan, Tigran; Geernaert, Thomas; Chah, Karima; Caucheteur, Christophe; Schuster, Kay; Kobelke, Jens; Thienpont, Hugo; Berghmans, Francis


    It is common belief that photonic crystals behave similarly to isotropic and transparent media only when their feature sizes are much smaller than the wavelength of light. Here, we counter that belief and we report on photonic crystals that are transparent for anomalously high normalized frequencies up to 0.9, where the crystal's feature sizes are comparable with the free space wavelength. Using traditional photonic band theory, we demonstrate that the isofrequency curves can be circular in the region above the first stop band for triangular lattice photonic crystals. In addition, by simulating how efficiently a tightly focused Gaussian beam propagates through the photonic crystal slab, we judge on the photonic crystal's transparency rather than on isotropy only. Using this approach, we identified a wide range of photonic crystal parameters that provide anomalous transparency. Our findings indicate the possibility to scale up the features of photonic crystals and to extend their operational wavelength range for applications including optical cloaking and graded index guiding. We applied our result in the domain of femtosecond laser micromachining, by demonstrating what we believe to be the first point-by-point grating inscribed in a multi-ring photonic crystal fiber.

  4. Photon-induced cell migration and integrin expression promoted by DNA integration of HPV16 genome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rieken, Stefan; Simon, Florian; Habermehl, Daniel; Dittmar, Jan Oliver; Combs, Stephanie E.; Weber, Klaus; Debus, Juergen; Lindel, Katja [University Hospital of Heidelberg, Department of Radiation Therapy and Radiation Oncology, Heidelberg (Germany)


    Persistent human papilloma virus 16 (HPV16) infections are a major cause of cervical cancer. The integration of the viral DNA into the host genome causes E2 gene disruption which prevents apoptosis and increases host cell motility. In cervical cancer patients, survival is limited by local infiltration and systemic dissemination. Surgical control rates are poor in cases of parametrial infiltration. In these patients, radiotherapy (RT) is administered to enhance local control. However, photon irradiation itself has been reported to increase cell motility. In cases of E2-disrupted cervical cancers, this phenomenon would impose an additional risk of enhanced tumor cell motility. Here, we analyze mechanisms underlying photon-increased migration in keratinocytes with differential E2 gene status. Isogenic W12 (intact E2 gene status) and S12 (disrupted E2 gene status) keratinocytes were analyzed in fibronectin-based and serum-stimulated migration experiments following single photon doses of 0, 2, and 10 Gy. Quantitative FACS analyses of integrin expression were performed. Migration and adhesion are increased in E2 gene-disrupted keratinocytes. E2 gene disruption promotes attractability by serum components, therefore, effectuating the risk of local infiltration and systemic dissemination. In S12 cells, migration is further increased by photon RT which leads to enhanced expression of fibronectin receptor integrins. HPV16-associated E2 gene disruption is a main predictor of treatment-refractory cancer virulence. E2 gene disruption promotes cell motility. Following photon RT, E2-disrupted tumors bear the risk of integrin-related infiltration and dissemination. (orig.) [German] Persistierende Infektionen mit humanen Papillomaviren 16 (HPV16) sind ein Hauptausloeser des Zervixkarzinoms. Die Integration der viralen DNS in das Wirtszellgenom fuehrt zum Integritaetsverlust des E2-Gens, wodurch in der Wirtszelle Apoptose verhindert und Motilitaet gesteigert werden. In

  5. Superconducting Single Photon Detectors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dorenbos, S.N.


    This thesis is about the development of a detector for single photons, particles of light. New techniques are being developed that require high performance single photon detection, such as quantum cryptography, single molecule detection, optical radar, ballistic imaging, circuit testing and

  6. The photonic nanowire: an emerging platform for highly efficient single-photon sources for quantum information applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Niels; Munsch, Mathieu; Malik, Nitin S.


    Efficient coupling between a localized quantum emitter and a well defined optical channel represents a powerful route to realize single-photon sources and spin-photon interfaces. The tailored fiber-like photonic nanowire embedding a single quantum dot has recently demonstrated an appealing...... potential. However, the device requires a delicate, sharp needle-like taper with performance sensitive to minute geometrical details. To overcome this limitation we demonstrate the photonic trumpet, exploiting an opposite tapering strategy. The trumpet features a strongly Gaussian far-field emission...

  7. Preparing technicians for photonics industries and organizations (United States)

    Souders, John; Hull, Dan


    U.S. photonics organizations need about 800 new photonics technicians each year. Thirty-one community and technical colleges have approximately 700 students enrolled in photonics related programs; about 275 of them complete their coursework and enter the workforce each year. A disparity exists between the demand and supply of qualified photonics technicians in the U.S. OP-TEC, the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education is a consortium of seven colleges, under the leadership of the University of Central Florida, and sponsored by NSF. OP-TEC's mission is to increase the quantity and quality of photonics technicians prepared at two-year colleges. OP-TEC maintains the National Photonics Skill Standards for Technicians, provides curriculum models, teaching materials, faculty training/professional development and planning services to strengthen existing college photonics programs and to attract and support new ones. OP-TEC is converting its text materials to E-Books to support students in technical programs. Through OP-TEC's recruitment efforts 84 additional colleges are interested in initiating new photonics programs. The OP-TEC Photonics College Network (OPCN) consists of 28 colleges that are currently providing photonics education. This fall OPCN will lead an additional national effort to further educate employed photonics technicians through on-line courses, complemented by lab experiences at nearby colleges. OP-TEC is expanding its outreach to photonics employers and colleges by regionalizing its approach to offering its services. OP-TEC is also planning to develop new curricula and instructional materials for AAS programs to prepare Precision Optics Technicians. This paper will detail OP-TEC's work with particular emphases on its materials and services.

  8. Multi-photon entanglements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daniell, M.L.


    The motivation of this thesis was to create higher-order entanglements. The first experimental observation of a four-photon entanglement was presented in the experiment of this thesis. And the visibility of this entanglement was 0.79+-0.06, which is sufficient to make claims of the nonlocality of quantum mechanics. This therefore lays a foundation for experiments showing the nonlocality of teleportation, and the purification of entanglement. The work of this thesis brings together a lot of earlier work done by the Zeilinger Group, and lays a foundation for future experiments. Earlier experiments such as teleportation together with entanglement swapping, which are 'complete teleportation' in as much as the state teleported is entirely undefined, can be combined and re-done with this four-photon entanglement. This result would be the first demonstration of complete, nonlocal teleportation. Also this experiment can be slightly modified and used to perform the first experimental quantum purification of entanglement, which is of vital importance to the fields of quantum information, and also is interesting for fundamental experiments on entanglement. Another direct application of this experiment is to perform the first 'event-ready' testing of Bell's Inequality. Here the four-photon entanglement can be used as a source of entangled photons, whereby the photons have no common source. This would enable an even more stringent testing of Bells theorem. Finally this experiment can be used for the demonstration and investigation of many practical, directly applicable quantum information schemes. For instance quantum cryptography, error correction, and computing. (author)

  9. Spatial filtering with photonic crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maigyte, Lina [Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Rambla Sant Nebridi 22, Terrassa 08222 (Spain); Staliunas, Kestutis [Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Rambla Sant Nebridi 22, Terrassa 08222 (Spain); Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Pg. Lluís Companys 23, Barcelona 08010 (Spain)


    Photonic crystals are well known for their celebrated photonic band-gaps—the forbidden frequency ranges, for which the light waves cannot propagate through the structure. The frequency (or chromatic) band-gaps of photonic crystals can be utilized for frequency filtering. In analogy to the chromatic band-gaps and the frequency filtering, the angular band-gaps and the angular (spatial) filtering are also possible in photonic crystals. In this article, we review the recent advances of the spatial filtering using the photonic crystals in different propagation regimes and for different geometries. We review the most evident configuration of filtering in Bragg regime (with the back-reflection—i.e., in the configuration with band-gaps) as well as in Laue regime (with forward deflection—i.e., in the configuration without band-gaps). We explore the spatial filtering in crystals with different symmetries, including axisymmetric crystals; we discuss the role of chirping, i.e., the dependence of the longitudinal period along the structure. We also review the experimental techniques to fabricate the photonic crystals and numerical techniques to explore the spatial filtering. Finally, we discuss several implementations of such filters for intracavity spatial filtering.

  10. Holographic Two-Photon Induced Photopolymerization (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Holographic two-photon-induced photopolymerization (HTPIP) offers distinct advantages over conventional one-photon-induced photopolymerization and current techniques...

  11. Range detection using entangled optical photons (United States)

    Brandsema, Matthew J.; Narayanan, Ram M.; Lanzagorta, Marco


    Quantum radar is an emerging field that shows a lot of promise in providing significantly improved resolution compared to its classical radar counterpart. The key to this kind of resolution lies in the correlations created from the entanglement of the photons being used. Currently, the technology available only supports quantum radar implementation and validation in the optical regime, as opposed to the microwave regime, because microwave photons have very low energy compared to optical photons. Furthermore, there currently do not exist practical single photon detectors and generators in the microwave spectrum. Viable applications in the optical regime include deep sea target detection and high resolution detection in space. In this paper, we propose a conceptual architecture of a quantum radar which uses entangled optical photons based on Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion (SPDC) methods. After the entangled photons are created and emerge from the crystal, the idler photon is detected very shortly thereafter. At the same time, the signal photon is sent out towards the target and upon its reflection will impinge on the detector of the radar. From these two measurements, correlation data processing is done to obtain the distance of the target away from the radar. Various simulations are then shown to display the resolution that is possible.

  12. Physics with photons at the ATLAS experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Pérez-Réale, V


    ATLAS is a general-purpose detector due to start operation next year at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC will collide pairs of protons at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV, with a bunch-crossing frequency of 40 MHz, and luminosities up to L = 10^34 cm^-2s^-1. The identification of photons is crucial for the study of a number of physics channels, including the search for a Higgs boson decaying to photon pairs, and measurements of direct production of single photons and photon pairs. Events containing true high-p_T photons must be selected with high efficiency, while rejecting the bulk of high-p_T jet events produced with enormously larger rate through QCD processes. The photon--photon and photon--jet channels are interesting in their own right, allowing the study of QCD at high energy. It is also essential to understand these proceses as the dominant background in the search for certain new physics processes, notably the production and decay of Higgs bosons to photon pairs. There are large uncertaintin...

  13. Changing optical band structure with single photons (United States)

    Albrecht, Andreas; Caneva, Tommaso; Chang, Darrick E.


    Achieving strong interactions between individual photons enables a wide variety of exciting possibilities in quantum information science and many-body physics. Cold atoms interfaced with nanophotonic structures have emerged as a platform to realize novel forms of nonlinear interactions. In particular, when atoms are coupled to a photonic crystal waveguide, long-range atomic interactions can arise that are mediated by localized atom-photon bound states. We theoretically show that in such a system, the absorption of a single photon can change the band structure for a subsequent photon. This occurs because the first photon affects the atoms in the chain in an alternating fashion, thus leading to an effective period doubling of the system and a new optical band structure for the composite atom-nanophotonic system. We demonstrate how this mechanism can be engineered to realize a single-photon switch, where the first incoming photon switches the system from being highly transmissive to highly reflective, and analyze how signatures can be observed via non-classical correlations of the outgoing photon field.

  14. Recent photon results from ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Glasman, Claudia; The ATLAS collaboration


    The production of prompt isolated photons at hadron colliders provides a stringent test of perturbative QCD and can be used to probe the gluon density function of the proton. The ATLAS collaboration has performed precise measurements of the inclusive production o f isolated prompt photons at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, differential in both rap idity and the photon transverse momentum. In addition, the integrated and differential c ross sections for isolated photon pair production 8 TeV have been measured. The results are compared with state-of-the-art theory predictions at NLO in QCD and with predictions of several MC generators.

  15. Single-photon manipulation in Nanophotonic Circuits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Sofie Lindskov

    Quantum dots in photonic nanostructures has long been known to be a very powerful and versatile solid-state platform for conducting quantum optics experiments. The present PhD thesis describes experimental demonstrations of single-photon generation and subsequent manipulation all realized...... on a gallium arsenide platform. This platform offers near-unity coupling between embedded single-photon emitters and a photonic mode, as well as the ability to suppress decoherence mechanisms, making it highly suited for quantum information applications. In this thesis we show how a single-photon router can...... be realized on a chip with embedded quantum dots. This allows for on-chip generation and manipulation of single photons. The router consists of an on-chip interferometer where the phase difference between the arms of the interferometer is controlled electrically. The response time of the device...

  16. DRUCKFLAMM - Investigation on combustion and hot gas cleanup in pulverized coal combustion systems. Final report; DRUCKFLAMM - Untersuchungen zur Verbrennung und Heissgasreinigung bei der Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hein, K.R.G.; Benoehr, A.; Schuermann, H.; Stroehle, J.; Klaiber, C.; Kuhn, R.; Maier, J.; Schnell, U.; Unterberger, S.


    facility of the Technical University of Aachen. (orig.) [German] Die Bestrebungen einer effizienten und schadstoffarmen Energieversorgung fuehrten bei der Kohleverbrennung zur Entwicklung von kohlebasierten Kombikraftwerken, die im Vergleich zum konventionellen Kondensationskraftwerk eine deutliche Anhebung des Nettowirkungsgrades erlauben. Eines der Kombikraftwerkskonzepte auf Kohlebasis stellt die Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung dar, die gegenueber den anderen Konzepten das hoechste Wirkungsgradpotential aufweist. Das Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens war die Gewinnung gesicherter Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich des Feuerungsverhaltens von Kohle in einer Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung. Es wurden an einem Druckflugstromreaktor detaillierte Untersuchungen zur Brennstoffumsetzung und zum Partikelverhalten, zur Schadstoffbildung und zum Werkstoffverhalten unter Bedingungen der Druckkohlenstaubfeuerung durchgefuehrt. Im Laufe des Forschungsvorhabens wurden einige neue Messtechniken eingesetzt und teilweise auch angeschafft, wie zum Beispiel ein Zwei- Farb-Pyrometer zur simultanen Erfassung von Partikeloberflaechentemperatur und Partikeldurchmesser von brennenden Brennstoffpartikeln. Parallel zu den experimentellen Untersuchungen wurde an der Erarbeitung neuer Berechnungsmodelle gearbeitet, um eine spaetere Feuerraumsimulation fuer ein verbessertes Scale-Up zu ermoeglichen. Die am Druckflugstromreaktor gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der erhoehte Systemdruck sich auf sehr viele Verbrennungsmechanismen stark auswirkt, so konnte eine schnellere Brennstoffumsetzung und gleichzeitig verminderte Stickoxid- und Alkaligasemission nachgewiesen werden. Die Werkstoffuntersuchungen zeigten, dass die aufgrund der sehr hohen Verbrennungstemperaturen benoetigten Keramikwerkstoffe sehr empfindlich gegenueber Verschlackung und schnellen Temperaturwechseln sind, weshalb hinsichtlich der benoetigten Standzeiten in einer zu realisierenden Druckbrennkammer noch erheblicher Entwicklungsbedarf besteht. Hinsichtlich

  17. Large-bandwidth planar photonic crystal waveguides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Thomas; Lavrinenko, Andrei


    A general design principle is presented for making finite-height photonic crystal waveguides that support leakage-free guidance of light over large frequency intervals. The large bandwidth waveguides are designed by introducing line defects in photonic crystal slabs, where the material in the line...... defect has appropriate dispersion properties relative to the photonic crystal slab material surrounding the line defect. A three-dimensional theoretical analysis is given for large-bandwidth waveguide designs based on a silicon-air photonic crystal slab suspended in air. In one example, the leakage......-free single-mode guidance is found for a large frequency interval covering 60% of the photonic band-gap....

  18. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Widerstandsfähigkeit von \\(\\textit {Apis mellifera}\\) gegenüber \\(\\textit {Varroa destructor}\\) in Deutschland und Südafrika


    Bosch, Christoph (M. Sc.)


    Die Milbe \\(\\textit {Varroa destructor}\\) ist einer der bedeutendsten Parasiten der Westlichen Honigbiene \\(\\textit {Apis mellifera}\\). Mit der Ausbreitung entwickelten sich \\(\\it Varroa\\)-resistenzen bei Unterarten von \\(\\textit {A. mellifera}\\). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden ausgewählte Faktoren, die zur Widerstandsfähigkeit beitragen können, bei der anfälligen \\(\\textit {A. m. carnica}\\) in Deutschland und der resistenten \\(\\textit {A. m. scutellata}\\) in Südafrika untersucht. Dabei wu...

  19. Silicon photonic integration in telecommunications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christopher Richard Doerr


    Full Text Available Silicon photonics is the guiding of light in a planar arrangement of silicon-based materials to perform various functions. We focus here on the use of silicon photonics to create transmitters and receivers for fiber-optic telecommunications. As the need to squeeze more transmission into a given bandwidth, a given footprint, and a given cost increases, silicon photonics makes more and more economic sense.

  20. CERN manufactured hybrid photon detectors

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    These hybrid photon detectors (HPDs) produce an electric signal from a single photon. An electron is liberated from a photocathode and accelerated to a silicon pixel array allowing the location of the photon on the cathode to be recorded. The electronics and optics for these devices have been developed in close collaboration with industry. HPDs have potential for further use in astrophysics and medical imaging.